UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES GIFT OF :iirm\ithis Brookman Directory of Graduates Directory of Graduates of the University of California 1864-1916 Published by the California Alumni Association Berkeley University of California 1916 Copyright, 1916 by the California Ahinini Association Printed by N. C. Pcterton and l.ouij Ro«3cb Company San Francisco "151 Contents Prefatory Xote vii Historical Xote ix Abbreviations xiv Graduates in course arranged by classes — 1. In the Berkeley departments — Academic Colleges — Bachelors 1 Masters 238 Doctors of Philosophy 264 Graduates in Public Health 268 School of Jurisprudence — Juris Doctors 269 School of Architecture — Graduates in Architecture 272 2. In the San Francisco and Los Angeles departments — Medical School 277 California College of Pharmacy 285 Hastings College of the Law 295 College of Dentistry 304 Los Angeles Medical Department 313 California Veterinary College 313 Honorary Graduates 272 Localitj' Index 315 ^ Alphal^etical Index 421 Graduates without addresses 535 Statistics 549 Addenda 559 ;j'7Ji7()8 Prefatory Note The first address catalogue of the graduates of the University of California was published by the University in September, 1899. The list, covering the period 1864-1899, included the names and addresses of the graduates from the regular four-year courses in the Berkeley departments. The graduates from the San Fran- cisco departments and the holders of graduate degrees were omitted. Six years later, in November. 1905, a more comprehensive list, bound in cloth and containing 250 pages, was printed. This edition included the names and addresses of the graduates of the Berkeley departments and the lists of degree holders from the San Francisco departments, as well. Only graduates possessing the master and doctor degree were omitted. The third edition of the directory, paper bound and containing 270 pages, was published in May, 1911. The period covered was from 1864 to 1910. The names, with addresses, totaled about 6000 and included the holders of the regular degrees from the Berkeley colleges, from the graduate school, and from the San Francisco and Los Angeles departments. The present Directory is the fourth edition and covers the period from 1864 to 1916. The first section of the book contains 13.950 names, with academic titles, occupations and addresses for all the holders of degrees from the University and the outlying departments thereof. In separated sections the bachelors, the masters, the doctors of philosophy, the juris doctors, and the others, are listed according to the year in which the degree was conferred. In addition, the graduates of the Medical School and the graduates of the outlying departments, viz., the California College of Pharmacy, the Hastings College of the Law, the College of Dentistry, the Los Angeles Aledical Department, the California \'eterinary College, are listed in class groups under the particular department. In the second section of the book all the graduates, for whom addresses are recorded in the Directory, are classified according to the town in which they reside. The third section of the book is an alphabetical index to all names appearing in the preceding sections. The reference is by means of page numbers. The statistical summaries, which appear in the section following the alphabetical index, show the distribution of the alumni by occupation, by locality (cit)-, state and country), by class, and by department in the Lliiversity. The summaries are the first of the kind compiled in connection with graduates of the University of California. The Addenda, in the final section, contains information received subsequent to the printing of the main section of the book. Tlie work of compiling the information in the present edition has been carried on since November, 1915. The data has been collected through a system of post- paid record blanks. Of the 13,165 blanks sent to the graduates of the University, 10.587 returns were received. For the unreported remainder, the class lists, address lists of graduate schools, city directories, professional directories, and telephone lists supplied the sources of information. The name of any person whose address could not be verified on direct authority is preceded by a (f ) dagger. The addresses which are known to be erroneous have been omitted from the record. The Directory shows all degrees conferred by the University in accordance with the records of the Board of Regents and the Faculties. In the arransrement l>v classes, tlic nik- of the I'aciiltics. "that all graduates of one calendar year, lainiary 1 to Deceniher 31. shall be ranked as belonging to the so-called class of that year." lias been followed. The Central Council of the California Alumni Association has supervised the editorial management, which has been a part of the work of the Secretary's ofifice. The action of the Hoard of Regents of the University, in contributing generously to the publication fund, is responsil)le for the edition in its present shape. H.XKVEY ROXEY. Secretary. Offici: of the Secretary, Californ-ia Alumni Association, University of California, October, 1916. Historical Note Presidents of the University Henry Duraiit ------- 1868-1872 Daniel C. Gihnan ------ 1872-1875 John LeConte ------- 1875-1881 William T. Reid ------ 1881-1885 Edivard S. Holden ------ 1885-1888 Horace Davis ------- 1888-1890 Martin Kellogg - - 1893-1899 Benjamin Ide Wheeler - - - - 1899- In 1853, the Reverend Henry Durant, a native of Massachusetts and a graduate of Vale College of 1827, landed in San Francisco. He came inspired with the mission of founding a university. In the year of his arrival, Mr. Durant, under the auspices of the Presbytery of San Francisco and of the Congregational Asso- ciation of California, opened the "Contra Costa Academy" in Oakland. The name was shortly afterwards changed to "College School," in order to signify that the undertaking was only preparatory to the projected college, which was, in fact, incorporated in 1855 under the title of "College of California." A suitable site of four blocks extending northward from Twelfth street had been secured in Oakland. Rev. Samuel H. Willey, a graduate of Dartmouth College of 1845, who had come to California in 1849, and had constantly agitated the subject of founding a college, was appointed its business manager under the title of vice-president; no one was ever officially designated as president. Tn 1859 three professors — Henry Durant, Martin Kellogg, and I. H. Brayton — together with three instructors, were chosen as the initial faculty of the college. The instruction was formally begun in 1860, with a freshman class of eight students. Classes were graduated from 1864 to 1869. inclusive. In 1856 a tract of one hundred and sixty acres, subsequently largely augmented by gift and purchase, five miles north of Oakland, was selected as the permanent home of the college; in 1860 this site was formally dedicated to the purposes of education; and in 1866. on the suggestion of Frederick Billings, one of the trustees of the college, the name of "Berkeley" was given to the prospective townsite. From 1849 to 1868. the matter of establishing a University of California in one form or another was constantly agitated. The Constitutional Convention of 1849 inserted in the fundamental law explicit provisions looking to the eventual creation of a university "for the promotion of literature, the arts and sciences." In 1853 Congress gave the State forty-six thousand and eighty acres of land for a "seminarv of learning." In 1862 the Morrill Act granted to the several States a quantitv of public land, the interest on the proceeds of which should be "inviolably appropriated, by each State which may take and claim the benefit of this act, to the endowment, support and maintenance of at least one college where the leading object shall be, without excluding other scientific and classical studies, and includ- ing militarv tactics, to teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts, in such manner as the legislatures of the several states may respectivelv prescribe, in order to promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes in the several pursuits and professions of life." The appor- tionment of this grant for California was one hundred and fifty thousand acres. In order to secure the endowment, an act was passed by the state legislature in 1866 to establish an .Agricultural, IMining and ^Mechanical Arts College, and to nrovidc a Ijo.'ird of dirortors llR-rcfor. The- diic-clors provisionally selected a site of one hundred and sixty acres a little to the nf)rtli of tlie Berkeley grounds of the < "oliegc of California. Dnrinj; the year 1867 a group of men, dee])Iy interested in the intellectual advancement of California, including Rev. Dr. Horatio Stebbins, Professor Durant. (Jovernor V. V. Low, John W. Dwindle, and John B. Felton, sought to secure the cstablisliment of an institution of broader scope than the projected State College of .Agriculture, Mining and Mechanical Arts. The result of their efYorts was the generous offer of the College of California to surrender to the State all its prop- erty in Oakland and its grounds in Berkeley on condition that the State should "forthwith organize and put into operation upon the site at Berkeley a University of California." This offer having been accepted, the Legislature passed an act organizing the University of California, which was signed by Governor II.' n. Ilaight on March 23, 1868. The ( )rganic Act, or Charter, declared that the University was "created pursuant to the requirements of the Constitution, and in order to devote to the largest purpose of education the benefaction" of the congressional land grant of 1862. It "shall be called the University of California and shall be located on the grounds donated to the State by the College of California." It "shall have for its design to provide instruction and complete education in all the departments of science, literature, art, industrial and professional pursuits, and general education, and also special courses of instruction for the professions of agriculture, the mechanic arts, mining, military science, civil engineering, law, medicine, and comiuerce." The University of California formally took over the work of instruction on September 23, 1869. During the construction of buildings at Berkeley, the Xorth Hall and South Hall, the University occupied the college halls in Oakland. On July 16, 1873, w-hen the first full four-year class was graduated, the commencement exercises were held at Berkeley and the University took formal possession of its new home. The first appointees to the faculty included Professors Alartin Kellogg, John Le Conte, and Joseph Le Conte. The first appointee to the presidency was Pro- fessor Durant. When in 1872 he resigned, owing to failing health, he was suc- ceeded by President Daniel Coit Oilman. President Oilman resigned in 1875 to accept the presidency of the new Johns Hopkins Luiiversity in Baltimore. He was followed by John Le Conte, who served until 1881. William T. Reid was then elected to the position and served until 1885. Edward S. Holden was then elected, with the understanding that he was to fill the presidency only until the completion of the Lick Observatory, when he was to assume the position of its director. Accordingly he retired in 1888 and was succeeded by Horace Davis, who served for two years. Thereafter Martin Kellogg was acting president until, in 1893, he was formally appointed to the office. Upon his resignation in 1899 he was succeeded by President Benjamin Ide Wheeler. The Legislature in 1887 directed that no admission or tuition fees should be charged, and in 1870 that the University should be opened to women on terms of equality with men. This latter legislative provision was reinforced in 1879 by the express constitutional declaration that "no person shall be debarred admission to any of the collegiate departments of the University on account of sex." Until 1887. the University depended for its revenue upon the income from its invested funds and upon biennial appropriations by the Legislature. Its invested capital consisted of money derived from the sale of seventv-two sections of land for a seminary of learning and ten sections for public buildings, both granted by Con- gress in 1853; from the sale of one hundred and fifty thousand acres granted under the IMorrill Act of 1862; from the sale of salt and marsh lands granted by the Legislature; and from the sale of the College of California property in Oakland. In 1887 the State Legislature rendered the income of the University more secure and permanent by providing for the annual levy of an ad valorem tax of one cent on each hundred dollars of taxable property in California. In 1897 the resources were further enlarged by a second act of the Legislature providing for the levy of an additional one cent on each one hundred dollars, and in 1909 a "three-cent tax" was established by the Legislature. In 1911, as an incident of an amendment to the Constitution which reorganized the tax system of the State, the Legislature substituted for the "three-cent tax" a bill appropriating for University support the sum of $760,770 for the year ending June 30, 1912, with provision for a regular increase of seven per cent per annum in this appropriation for three years thereafter, or until June 30, 1915. In the early years of its history many attempts were made to segregate the departments of the University, especially to set the College of Agriculture off by itself, and many efforts were made to change the character of the governing body. In 1879 this agitation was put to rest by the constitutional convention, which inserted in the fundamental law of the State the declaration that "the University of California shall constitute a public trust, and its organization and government shall be perpetually continued in the form and character prescribed in the organic act creating the same, passed March 23, 1868, and the several acts amendatory thereof, subject only to such legislative control as may be necessary to insure com- pliance with the terms of its endowments and the proper investment of its funds." Beginning in 1891, the University has, constantly aimed to extend the benefits of its instruction in agriculture farther and farther beyond its own confines. In the year named the custom of holding Farmers' Institutes throughout the State was begun. So important had this work become that, in 1897, a new department was created, a Department of University Extension in Agriculture. Through these institutes, through bulletins, and through professional visits to farm, garden, orchard, and vineyard, the University constantly stands ready to render aid. "advice, and instruction to relieve agricultural emergencies and solve agricultural problems in the State. The acquisition of the farm of seven hundred and seventy- nine acres at Davis, Yolo County, has greatly enlarged the scope of the Univer- sity's work in agriculture. In 1915 a site was acquired for a Graduate School of Tropical Agriculture at Riverside. The development of medical education has been greatly advanced by the eift of Mrs. Sophronia T. Hooper, in 1913. of property worth between one and two million dollars to endow the George Williams Hooper Foundation for Medical Research, and the giving by other friends of six hundred and fifteen thousand dollars to build a Teaching Hospital in San Francisco for the Medical School. The Summer Session, attended by some five thousand students, has become an important feature of the University policy. The University Extension division, likewise, has grown to large proportions. Nearly 6000 persons registered for class work and correspondence instruction during 1914-15; in addition. 19.000 have enrolled for correspondence instruction in agriculture. With these totals, the University will be found to give direct instruction to not less than 70,000 people. In 1896, a proposition looking to a general building scheme was made by Mr. Bernard Mavbeck, instructor in architectural drawing, and was introduced in the INi.inl (if Ktt,'iiits ,111(1 fostered there hy Regent J. B. Rcinstcin. The Ijoard voted to liave prepared a proKraninic "for a permanent and comprehensive plan to he open t(» j^'eneral com])etition for a system of huildings to be erected on the j^'rounds of the University of California at Herk-eley." Before this resolve had heen put into effective operation it came to the notice of Mrs. Phoebe A. Hearst, who was then considerinjj the erection of a building at the University in memory of her husband, the late Senator George Hearst. Accordingly, Mrs. Hearst at once wrote to the hoard expressing her desire to promote the proposed competition and to defray all the expenses thereof. This offer was gratefully accepted. Two comi)etitions were held, a prrliniinary one at Antwerp, and a final one at San I'Vancisco. The preliminary competition opened January 15 and closed July 1. 1898. Of one hundred and five plans presented eleven were selected by the jury for the final contest. The second contest, in San Francisco, resulted in the award of first prize to Monsieur Emile Pjenard of Paris; second prize, Messrs. Howells. Stokes and Hornbostel of New York; third prize, Messrs. D. Despradelle and Stephen Codman of Boston ; fourth prize, Messrs. Howard and Cauldwell of Xew York ; fifth prize, Messrs. Lord, Hewlett, and Hull of New York. To adapt and carry out the Benard plan the Board of Regents appointed Mr. John Galen Howard supervising architect of the University. The first struc- ture completed in execution of this plan was the Greek Theatre, the gift of \\'illiam RandoI])h Hearst. The Greek Theatre is an open-air auditorium of unique beauty, lying in the hollow of the hills and surrounded with trees. It is used for great university occasions and for musical and dramatic representations. The second building to be completed in accordance with the Hearst Plan was California Hall, a solid granite structure, erected through appropriations made by the State Legislature. The third building in this scheme is the Hearst Memorial Mining building, the cornerstone of which was laid on November 19, 1902. and the formal opening celebrated on August 25, 1907. A fourth building, the University Library, provision for which was made in the will of the late Charles Franklin Doe of San Francisco, was first occupied in June, 1911. The Boalt Memorial Hall of Law, the fifth building of the series, was formally opened on April 28, 1911. This building is the gift of Mrs. Elizabeth Boalt, who gave $100,000 in memory of her husband, the late John H. Boalt of San Francisco, and of the lawyers of California,' who gave an additional $50,000. Agriculture Hall, the sixth building of the series, was dedicated in November, 1912. The Sather Gate and bridge at the Telegraph avenue entrance to the campus, provided by the generosity of Mrs. Jane K. Sather, as a memorial to her husband. Peder Sather, was completed in 1910. As a memorial to ]\Irs. Sather herself, the Jane K. Sather Campanile, a bell-tower of white granite and marble, 302 feet in height, has been erected. The cost. $200,000, together with $25,000 for the "Sather Bells." was provided for by Mrs. Sather! .\ President's House and central heating station have likewise been erected. The further development of the Phoebe A. Hearst Architectural Plan has been greatly advanced by the State bond issue of $1,800,000, secured to the University through the efforts of the alumni. Out of this fund have been erected Benjamin Ide Wheeler Hall, a general classroom building, and Hilgard Hall, a second unit in the agricultural group. This fund also supplies the means for the erection of a new chemistry building and for the completion of the L'niversity Library. William Carey Joxes, Berkeley, California, Class of 1875. OrxoiiFR. 1916. Degrees Conferred by the University of California 1864-1916 Degrees in Course: In the Berkeley departments — Bachelors 8,890 Masters 1,076 Doctors of Philosophy 148 Graduates in Public Health 5 Juris Doctors 124 Graduates in Architecture 6 Total 10.249 In the San Francisco and Los Angeles departments — Medical School 830 California College of Pharmacy 954 Hastings College of the Law 941 College of Dentistry 860 Los Angeles Medical Department 48 College of Veterinary Science 10 Total 3,643 Total numl^er of degrees in course conferred 13,892 Honorary Degrees 58 Total number of degrees conferred 13,950 Total number of degrees conferred to previous holders of University of California degrees, deduct 1,244 Total number of individuals holding one or more University of California degrees 12,706 Abbreviations 'llu' asterisk (*) preceding a name denotes that the individual is deceased; tlic dawKer (t) denotes that the address is unverified. All addresses known to be erroneous are omitted from tlie record. It has been the aim in compiling the Directory to curtail the number of abbreviations for the reason that a wide use of symbols is an inconvenience to the reader. The following abbreviations have l)een employed: VI., married rf., died same, repetition of a name Degrees .\.B Bachelor of Arts B.L Bachelor of Letters B.S Bachelor of Science C.E Civil Engineer D.D Doctor of Divinity D.D.S Doctor of Dental Surgery D.V.S Doctor of Veterinary Science Or. Arch Graduate in Architecture Gr. P.H Graduate in Public Health LL.B Bachelor of Laws LL.D Doctor of Laws M.A Master of Arts M.D Doctor of Medicine M.L Master of Laws M.S Master of Science f'h.B Bachelor of Philosophy fh.C Pharmaceutical Chemist PIiD Doctor of Philosophy Pli-G Graduate in Pharmacy Pilar. B Bachelor of Pharmacy Pharm. D Doctor of Pharmacy ^'^•D Doctor of Science In the Berkeley Departments Academic Colleges of the University of California Bachelors x\cademic Colleges 1864 Daly, James Alexander A.B.64 ; clergyman, retired. Residence, 212 Culver rd., Rochester, N. Y. *Emerson, David L. A.B.64; M.A.70; d. July 10, 1889 *Lyle, Albert Franklin A.B.64; M.A.72; LL.D.IO ; d. Novem- ber 8, 1910 *Tracy, Charles Turner A.B.64; LL.D. (Harvard) 72; d. Sep- tember 24, 1903 1865 *Glascock, John Raglan A.B.65; B.L. (Virginia) 68; M.A.71; LL.D.IO; d. November, 1913 Janes, Elijah A.B.65 ; M.A.72 ; farmer. Residence, Campbell, Cal. *Slierman, George E. A.B.65; M.A.71; d. September 20, 1881 Williams, Gardner Frederick A.sB.65 ; M.A.69 ; LL.D.IO; mining en- gineer, retired. Residence, Pacific Union Club, S. F. 1866 *Garter. Charles Ashlev A.B.66; LL.B. (Alban'y^ 67; M.A.71; d. October 28, 1911 Hardy, Lowell James A.B.66 ; LL.B. (Harvard) 68 ; retired. Residence, 321 E. 12th St., Oakland, Cal. *Harwoo(l. William D. A.B.66; M.A.71; d. April 13, 1883 Townsend, Clarence F. .A..R.66 1867 *Gibbons, William A.B.67; M.A.71 ; d. February 12, 1903 *Wiggin. iMarcus Phillips A.B.67; M.A.71: d. October 18, 1900 1868 *Beard. John Lvman A.B.68": M.A.75; d. November 19. 1903 *Day, Clinton A.B.68: M.A.74; LL.D.IO: d. January 11. 1916 *Dudley, Charles Holbrook A.B.68; d. December 11, 1873 *Poston, Richard E. A.B.68; d. April, 1869 Wetmore, Charles A. A.B.68 ; M.A.72 ; viticulturist. Occiden- tal, Cal. Residence, Livermore, Cal. 1869 Arnot, Nathaniel Dubois A.B.69 ; M.A.72 ; judge, superior court, El Dorado county. Residence, Placer- ville. Cal. Fowler, Douglas T. A.B.69 ; M.A.72 ; justice of the peace. Residence, Wasco, Cal. *Rcddick, John Burke A.B.69 : d. September 16, 1895 *Redington, Samuel M. A.B.69; d. Noveml)er 18, 1886 1870 Anthony, Charles William A.B.7'0; B.D. (Pres. Theol. Sem. S. F.) 7i McKee. Robert Linington A.B.70; lawyer, 707 Broadway. Resi- dence, 709 Franklin St., Oakland, Cal. *Te\vksbury, Lucio Marinatus A.B.70; d. October 26. 1885 1871 *Blaney, Edward Wellington A.B.71 ; deceased *Cobb, George Downes A.B.71 ; deceased Learned, Charles Burke A.B.71 *Pomrov, Everett Benedict A.B.71; M.A.74; d. December, 1895 Whitworth. Frederick Harrison A.B.71 : M.A.73 : consulting eneineer. New York bldg. Residence, 321 Maiden av., Seattle, Wash. 1872 Reed. George William A.B.72: M.A.75: lawyer, 428 13th st. Residence, 2950 Telegraph av., Oak- land. Cal. *Rodgers. Arthur A. P.. 72: Ph.R.73: d. June 24, 1902 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1872-1875 ♦Wliitworlli. John M . ,\.l;.7J; M.A. 75: .1. April 15, 1901 1873 ♦Ainsvvorth, George Jennings lMi.B.73 : d. October. 1895 ♦Dollon. lolin M. rh.H.73; d. October. 1890 ♦Biukl, lames Herbert I'h.n.7.?; d. July 30, 1908 Edwards. George Cunningham l'h.B.73: professor (mathematics). Uni- versity of California. Residence, 2546 Dana st., Berkeley, Cal. ♦Hawkins. Lester Leandcr rh.H.73: C.E.79; d. March 11. 1906 Xewmark. Nathan A.B.73: M.A.77 ; LL.B. (Harvard) 75; lawyer. S. F. Law Library. Residence, St. James Hotel. S. F. Otis,- Frank A.B.73 ; M.A. 76 ; lawyer. 465 Califor- nia St.. S. F. Residence, 1609 Santa Clara av., Alameda. Cal. *Rcinstein. Tacob Bert A.B.7.3; M.A. 76; d. April. 1911 Rhoda. FrankHn rh.B.73 ; pastor. Fruitvale Presbyterian Church. Residence, 3711 Lincoln av., Oakland, Cal. *Rodgers. Arthur Ph':B.73; A.B.72; d. June 24. 1902 Scott. Ebenezer A.B. and B.S. 73 ; M.A. 76 ; corporation secretary, 870 Market st. Residence, 1160 Taylor .St., S. F. Wetmore, Clarence Jesse A.B.73 ; M.A.77 ; vineyardist. 166 Eddy St., S. F. Residence, 86 Monte Vista av.. Oakland. Cal. Woodward, Thomas Patterson Ph.B.73. Residence, 2825 Broadway, S. F. 1874 *Barrv.- Thomas Francis A.B".74; d. December 26. 1911 *Budd. John Eliot .•\.B.74 ; deceased Carncal. Thomas Davis Ph.B.74 ; farmer. Residence. Liver- more. Cal. *Christv. Samuel Benedict Ph.R;74 :Sc.D. (Columbia) 02; d. No- vember 30. 1914 Collins. David Edward A.B. 74 ; M..-\.77 : fiscal asient. Kohl bldg. S. F. Residence. 1804 Harrison St.. Oakland, Cal. *Davis. William Rude A.B.74: ^LA.78; d. March 17. 1915 J'arrell, John Randolph Ph.B.74 ; mining engineer. Residence, 473 Vernon st., Oakland, Cal. *Freud, Isaac Ph.B.74 ; d. January 9, 1889 Goss, John A.B.74; M.A. 78 ; president. Kent Law School. Residence, 190 Divisadero St.. S. F. Griffiths. David Daniel Ph.B.74. Residence, 2821 Foothill blvd., Oakland, Cal. Hook, James Simeon Ph.B.74 : rancher. Residence, Walnut Creek, Cal. Jackson. Abraham Wendell Ph.B.74 ; engineer. Royal Automobile Club, Pall Mall, London, Eng. Resi- dence, 9 Woodcrest av., White Plains, N. Y. *Linforth, Frank Orson Ph.B.74; d. January 14. 1889 Lynch. Leonard J. Ph.B.74 : farmer. Residence. San Ra- mon, Cal. *Parker, Edward Allen Ph.B.74; d. September 21, 1913 Perkins. James Cofifin A.B.74"; B.L. (Columbia) 76; B.D. (Princeton) 85; pastor, Congregational and Union Churches. Residence, Schroon Lake, N. Y. Price, John Randolph Ph.B.74 ; civil engineer, with City Street Improvement Co.. 166 Geary st., S. F. Residence. 546 Mira Vista av., Oakland, Cal. Rowell. Joseph Cummings A.B.74 ; ^LA.03 ; librarian. L'niversity of California. Residence, 3415 West St., Oakland. Cal. Scheeline, Simon Cleophis A.B.74; LL.B. (Columbia) 76: lawyer, retired. Care of Anglo & London Paris National Bank, S. F. *Scrivner, Rosa Letitia Ph.B.74; m. John T. Robinson; de- ceased Stillman. John Maxson Ph.B.74: Ph.D.85: LL.D.16 ; vice-presi- dent and professor ( chemistry ». Stan- ford L'niversity. Residence. 2 Alvarado row, Stanford University. Cal. Stuart, Charles Duff Ph.B.74 : public accountant, 760 Mar- ket St., S. F. Residence. Los Gatos. Cal. *Van Arsdale. William Wilson Ph.B.74; d. March 29. 1909 1875 ♦Alexander. John Frv Ph.B.75 ; d." Mav 19.' 1891 1875-1876] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges *Bice, John William Ph.B.75 ; d. June 8, 1883 Boardman, Charles Towne A.B.75 : with Ames. Harris, Xeville Co. Residence, 1024 Savier St.. Portland, Ore. *Bonestell. Chcsley Knight A.B.75; M.A.81 ; deceased *Brown. Joseph Cans A.B.75; d. September, 1911 *Burchard, Leonidas Soule Ph.B.75; M.D.82; d. April 23. 1905 *Dam, Harrv Jackson Wells Ph.B.75 ; d'. April 26, 1906 D'Ancona, Alexander Dawson A.B.75: M..A..81 ; LL.B.81 : referee. In- dustrial Accident Commission, 525 Mar- ket St. Residence, 2151 Divisadero St., S. F. Deering, Frank Prentiss A.B.75 : M.A.81 ; LL.B.81 ; lawyer, with Myrick & Deering, 14 Montgomery st. Residence, 2709 Larkin St., S. F. *Gummer, William Parker Ph.B.75 ; d. September, 1909 *Hinton. Isaac Taylor Ph.B.75 ; A.B.76 ; deceased Holman. Frederick Van \'oorhies Ph.B.75 : lawyer. Chamber of Commerce bldg. Residence, 500 Taylor st.. Port- land, Ore. Huntley. Dwight Brunei Ph.B.75 : mining engineer. Residence, 1031 Bella Vista av.. Oakland, Cal. Jones, \\'illiam Carey A.B.75 ; M.A.79 ; professor (law), L^ni- versity of California. Residence, 2625 Bcnvenue av., Berkeley, Cal. Lang, Herbert Oliver Ph.B.75 : mining engineer. Residence. 1565 38th St.. Oakland, Cal. Low, Arthur Freeman A.B.75 ; M.A.81 ; lawyer. Residence. 559 Cedar av., S. F. Pierce. George Washington Ph.B.75 ; capitalist. Residence. Box 104, Davis, Cal. *Rhodes. Samuel Riley A.B.75 ; deceased *Robertson. Robert Hcnrv Ph.B.75; d. March. 1913' Rovce. Tosiah A.B.75; Ph.B. (Johns Hopkins) 78; LL.D. (Aberdeen) 99. (Vale) 11: Litt.D. (Harvard) 11: D.Sc. (Oxford) 13; professor (philosophy), Harvard University. Residence, 103 Irving St., Cambridge. Mass. *Sutton. Frank Sherwood Ph.B.75: d. 1.891 *Turkington. William A.B.75 ; deceased Webb, Harry Howard Ph.B.75 ; consulting mining engineer. 233 Broadway. Residence, 21 E. 82d St., N. Y. City fWindsor, William Russell Ph.B.75. Residence, Spokane Falls. Wash. Wyatt. John O'Brien Ph.B.75; lawyer. Residence. Martinez. Cal. 1876 Bragg. Elizabeth Ph.B.76 ; m. George M. Cumming '81. Residence, 3653 16th St., S. F. *Brown. \Vindsor Linn A.B.76; d. 1894 *Buchanan. Augustus Xeander A.B.76 ; deceased Button, Fred Lawrence B.S.76 : lawyer. Bacon bldg. Residence. 590 34th St., Oakland, Cal. Chamberlain, William Henrv Ph.B.76 Conroy, Edmund Charles Ph.B.76: with. Panama Pacific Expo- sition. Residence. 1274 California St.. S. F. *Cumming. David Ph.B.76: d. December 21, 1912 *Fitzpatrick. T. J. Ph.B.76 : deceased *Freud. Jacob Richard A.B.76': d. January 13, 1902 Hardv, William Frank Ph;B.76 *Harmon, Roberdcau Ph.B.76: M.D.79: d. May 20, 1904 *Hinton. Isaac Taylor A.B.76; Ph.B.75: deceased Hodgdon. Hattie Josephine A.B.76: M.A.03i m. Daniel S. Shute ; principal. Esparto L'nion High School. Residence, Esparto Hotel, Esparto, Cal. Hook. Vincent Ph.B.76 : farmer. Residence, Concord, Cal. Jacobs. Mver Ph.B.76: M.A.79: LL.B. (Columbia) 79 : lawyer, 821 Market st., S. F. Resi- dence. \Iill \'alley. Cal. Morford. Xathan Albert Ph.B.76; investment and insurance broker. 15 E. .A.dams st. Residence. 136 N. 3d St.. Phoenix, .^riz. Palmer. Warren Sherman Ph.B.76 : president and general man- ager. Northwestern Pacific Railroad Co.. 760 Market St.. S. F. Residence. 1524 Jackson St.. Oakland, Cal. n.lCfllU.ORS: Academic Colleges [1876-1877 I'carcc, Weill) Xicholsoii A.H.76; sfcrctary-trcasurcT, Oakland I'.n.|uirer r'iil)lisliinK Co., 424 lOtli st. I'tcsiilciicc, 52M Hroa.84 : lawyer. 14 Montgomery st. Residence, 3700 Washington St., S. F. 1885 Barber, Joseph Edwin A.B.85 ; jvidge, superior court. Shasta county. Residence, 501 West St., Red- ding, Cal. Brewer. William Augustus A.B.85 ; B.C. (Gen. Theol. Sem., N. Y.) 88 ; rector, St. Paul's Church. Resi- dence. 728 Fairfield rd., Burlingame, Cal. Brown, Paul Francis B.L.85 ; real estate broker. Residence, Hollister, Cal. *Brvant. Herman Bradford B.L.85; d. 1887 Campbell, Mary Marston B.L.85 ; principal, Campbell School. Residence, 540 28th St., Oakland, Cal. Chenev, William Fitch B.L'85 ; M.D. (Cooper) 89 ; physician, 210 Post St. Residence, 33 Spruce st. S. F. Congdon, Merton Joseph b'S.SS ; D.D.S. (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 01 ; dentist. First National Bank bldg. T'tesidence, 2527 Piedmont av.. Berke- ley, Cal. Crittenden, Mary Alice B.L.85: R. F. D. 13, box 26. Cupertino, Cal. Residence, 2526 Ocean blvd., S. F. Dibble, Wenona Laura B.S.85 ; m. Edward Ackley. Residence. 481 University av., Palo Alto, Cal. *Dikeman, Henry Edward B.S.85 ; deceased Dunn, Francis A.B.85 ; lawyer. 220 Montgomery st. Residence, 1200 California St., S. F. Feusier. Henry Edward Clermont A.B.85; city engineer, San .•Knselmo : office. 68 Post St., S. F. Residence. San Anselmo. Cal. *Fulton. Adelaide Marguerite Ph.B.85; d. May 11, 1904 Gibbons. Alice B.L.85 ; m. Francis Graves. Residence, 1611 San Antonio av., Alameda, Cal. Happersberger, Albert Karl A.B.85; M.D. 88; physician. Residence. 1300 Golden Gate av., S. F. Havnc, Stephen Duncan A.B.85 ; LL.B. 88 : lawyer, 58 Sutter st.. S. F. Residence, San Mateo. Cal. Heller. Emanuel Siegfried B.S.85: LL.B.89: lawyer. 14 Montgom- ery St. Residence, 2020 Tackson st., S.'F. Heyman. Joseph Arnold .'\.B.85 : musician. Colonial Theatre. Residence. La Verta apts.. Stock-ton, Cal. McLean. Fannie W'illiams Pi. L. 85 ; vice-principal, high scliool. Res- idence. 1829 Bancroft way, Berkeley, Cal. *Mccks. William \'incent A.B. 85 : (1. April IS, 1886 12 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1885-1887 Miller, Harry East B.S.85; Ph.D. (StrasslnirR) 88; con- sulting chemist, retired. Residence, 305 I'ahii av., Oakland, Cal. Mvrick. Cliarles Mar.sdcn "B.S.8.S. Residence, 2709 Pine st.. S. F. Piitnani, Edward Williston A.R.83 ; Ph.D. (ChicaKu) 01; real es- tate hroUtr, 519 California st. Resi- dence, 3191 Pacific av., S. F. Riley, George Edward Ph.R.85 ; teacher, Humboldt Evening School. Residence, 711 Golden Gate av., S. F. Rothganger, George A.B.85 : M.D. (Cooper) 88; surgeon. U. S. Navy, retired. Residence, 4501 San Pablo av., Oakland, Cal. Russell. Thomas Bartlett B.S.85 ; civil engineer. Residence, 432 First St., Hayward, Cal. Shearer, Helen Lawrence B.L.85 : m. Maxwell Craig ; preceptres, Kern County Union High School. Resi- dence, 2427 19th St., Bakersfield, Cal. Stone. Andrew L. B.L.85 ; vice-president, E. B. & A. L. Stone Co., Rialto bldg., S. F. Resi- dence, Hillsborough, Cal. Sutton, John Grant B.S.85 ; vice-president, Ocean Shore Railroad Co., 52 11th st. Residence, 2201 Baker St., S. F. Treat, Sarah Bachelder B.L.85 : m. George R. Child. Resi- dence, 1906 Webster St., S. F. Wakefield. Claude Buchanan A.B.85 ; accountant, with Jacox Bros., furniture dealers, 727 J st. Residence, 2118 K St., Sacramento, Cal. Warren, Edwin Stafford B.S.85 : superintendent. Hayward Water Co. Residence, 924 Warren St., Hay- ward, Cal. 1886 Austin. Stafford Wallace Ph.B.86 : lawyer, with American Trona Corp., Pacific Electric bldg., Los An- geles, Cal. Residence, Trona, Cal. Barnett, Abraham Thomas A.B.86 : LL.B.89 : justice of the peace. Residence, 58 Palm av.. S. F. Biedenbach, Charles Louis A.B.S6 ; M..4.94 : principal, high school. Residence, 2526 College av., Berkeley, Cal. Braverman, Alfred B.S.86 : realty and insurance broker. Residence, 252 N. Anaus St., Fresno, Cal. Chapman, Alice B.L.86 Clark, George Thomas B.S.86 ; lil)rarian, Stanford University. Residence, Stanford University, Cal. Crocker, Golielma Ruth A.B.86; M.S.Ol ; teacher, high school, Winters, Cal. Residence, Centerville, Cal. Easton, Kimball Gushee A.B.86 ; secretary, Summit Construc- tion Co., 612 Market St., S. F. Resi- dence, 2801 College av., Berkeley, Cal. *Eells, Alexander Grimes Ph.B.86; LL.B.88; d. October 19, 1911 Fischer, Frank A.B.86; M.D. (Cooper) 91; physician. Residence, 1329 Jackson St., S. F. Greene, Charles Samuel A.B.86 ; librarian, Oakland Free Li- brary. Residence, 135 Kempton av., Oakland. Cal. Howard, Edward Averett Ph.B.86; lumber dealer, with E. A. Howard & Co., S. F. Residence, 107 Kempton av., Oakland, Cal. *Jordan, Leslie Alexander B.L86; d. July 30, 1909 Lew. Harriet Lane Ph.B.86 *Miller, Ida Chadeayne Ph.B.86; d. January 30, 1894 Moffitt. James Kennedy - B.S.86 ; vice-president and cashier First National Bank, S. F. Residence, 86 .Sea View av.. Piedmont, Cal. Sprague. Frances Roval B.L.86: M.D. (Wom'en's Med. Coll. of Pa.) 91; physician. 1930 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Pa. Residence. Pembroke rd.. Bryn Mawr, Pa. Turner. Robert Chester B.S.86 ; vice-president and manager, Brunswick Consolidated Gold Mining Co.. Grass Valley, Cal. Residence, 2517 Benvenue av., Berkeley, Cal. *Waterman, Waldo Sprague B.S.86: d. February. 1903 1887 Ashley. Arthur Henry Ph.B.87 ; lawyer, Stockton Savings and Loan Society bldg. Residence, 1246 N. Sutter St., Stockton, Cal. Bartnett, Walter John A.B.87; LL.B.90": lawyer. 55 Liberty St., N. Y. City. Residence. 54 Sunrise terrace. Stapleton. Staten Island. N. Y. Blanchard, AL'lton Eugene B.L.87: A.B.98; A.M. (Harvard") 00; Ph.D. ibid 01 : teacher. Mission High School. Residence, 845 Ashbury St., S. F. Bovd. George 'Ph.B.87: LL.B.90: secretarv.' Alex Boyd Estate, 356 Market st.. S. F. 1887] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 13 Bush. Robert Edwin B.S.87 ; teacher. Residence, 1928 Fran cisco St., Berkeley, Cal. Cooper, Fanny A.B.87 ; m. James C. Heron. Residence, R. F. D. 1, box 22, Napa, Cal. Cross, Arthur Dudley B.S.87 ; civil engineer, with State Har- bor Commission, Union Ferry bldg.. S. F. Residence, 1485 Alice st., Oakland, Cal. *Dikenian, Simon George B.S.87 ; deceased *Dudlev, George Dickson B.L.87 ; LL.B.91 ; d. October 24. 1904 Elsasser, Meyer B.S.87 ; office, Security bldg. Resi- dence, 2104 Hobart blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. fGamble, Thomas Adam A.B.87; LL.B. (Harvard) 90. Resi- dence, 1419 Caroline St., Alameda, Cal. fGear, Albert Van Clief A.B.87. Residence, Honolulu, T. H. Gray, John Hatfield B.S.87 ; testing engineer and chemist, street department. Residence, 2942 Madeline st., Oakland, Cal. Gregory, Warren C. A.B.87; LL.B. 90; lawyer, 465 Califor- nia St.. S. F. Residence, La Loma park, Berkeley, Cal. Grover, Alice B.L.87 ; m. James L. Whitbeck '91. Res- idence, Martinez, Cal. Hostetter, Etta Nevena Ph.B.87; m. Thomas E. Haven '90. Residence, 2400 Vallejo st., S. F. Jump, Robert L. Ph.B.87; M.D. CCooper) 90; physician. Residence, 3340 Fruitvale av., Oakland, Cal. Knapp, ]\I. Arthur B.S.87 ; mining and mechanical engi- neer. 625 Market St.. S. F. Residence, 1732 Webster st., Oakland, Cal. Mather. Stephen Tyng B.L.87 : assistant secretary of the De- partment of the Interior. Residence, Hotel Powhatan, \\'ashington, D. C. McCann, Ferdinand B.S.87. Residence, Stockton, Cal. McNeelev. Ella Caroline Ph.B.87 Miller, .A.dolph Caspar A.B.87; M.A. (Harvard) 88; member, Federal Reserve Board. Residence, 2320 S St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Murphev. John Douglass Ph.B.87 ; lawyer. First National Bank bldg. Residence, 1911 Parker St.. Ber- keley, Cal. *Oury. Francis William B.S.87; d. September 19, l^- Peyton, William Charles B.S.87; engineer, 55 Libt;,, idence, 44 W. 77th St., N. V. L ;■ Prag, Florence Ph.B.87; ni. Julius Kahn. Residence 2712 Webster st.. S. F. Randall. Henry Irwin B.S.87 ; engineer, with Souther- Co.. 870 Market St.. S. F. I<. 2705 Benvenue av.. Berkeley. ■ Rathbone. Henry Bowcn Ph.H.87; California manascr. Burd High Compression Ring Co.. 760 Mar- ket St. Residence. 2215 California tu. S. F. Raymond, William James B.S.87 ; associate professor (phyiict). University of California. Residence, 2622 Piedmont av., Berkeley. Cal. *Rickar(l, Thomas B.S.87; d. March 20. 1911 Rixford, Fmmct B.S.87; M.I). (Cooper) 91; surgeon. Residence, 1795 California St.. S. F. fRogers. Laussat Richter A.B.87. Residence, New Castle. Del. Samuels. Jacob A.B.87^ LL.B.99; lawyer. 220 Mont- gomery St. Residence. 172 Jordan av.. S. F. Sanderson. William Wil.soii Ph.B.87; I.L,H,90: lawyer. 2. gomery st. Residence, 2504 I.c4^c)i worth St., S. F. Sloss, Joseph B.S.87; president. Biiilrr vV Briiiain wholesale har White. Mary ; m. C C d Hinton ; teacher. Rcsidci,>c. i>..»inr; Cal. Wilkinson. John Franci« B.S,S7, kr»i.lcnce. 1016 \Veb«ler •!.. Oakland. Cal. Wilson. Catherine Emma A.B.87: m. Patrick M R>i.ll-cV. Re«<- dence. 1150 Vallejo v 14 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1888 1888 AUnrdt. Charles [''crdinand B.S.88; mechanical engineer, 18th st. and Treat av., S. F. Residence, 1221 Linden st., Oakland, Cal. Allardt, Frederick Adolph Ph.]'.. 88; assistant cashier, Oakland Bank of Savings. Residence, 1041 Ard- niore av., Oakland, Cal. Bachman, Arthur Ph.B.88; with, S. Bachman & Co., cig- ars, 331 Front st. Residence, Hotel Fairmont, S. F. Beard, Tames Edgar Ph.B.88; manager, Winship Beard Co., department store, 76 Brown st. Resi- dence, 20 Seminary st., Napa, Cal. Bloom, Solomon A.B.88; LL.B.91: lawyer. 68 Post st. Residence, 654 3d av., S. F. Booth, Franklin B.S.88 : president, Hotpoint Electric Heating Co., Equitable Bank bldg. Res- idence, 519 Occidental blvd., Los An- geles, Cal. Booth. James Philip '\.B.88; newspaperman. Residence, 698 33d av., S. F. Bosqui, Francis Lawrence Ph.B.88 : metallurgical engineer, with Central Mining & Finance Corp., Ltd., 1 London Wall bldg., London, E. C. Brown, Isidor Irving A.B.88; lawyer, 14 Montgomery St., S. F. Residence, 446 Turner terrace, San Mateo, Cal. Cook. Finlav Ph.B.88; "lawyer. 105 Montgomery st. Residence, 45 Poplar av., W., San Ma- teo, Cal. Downs. Walter Ephraim B.S.88 ; civil engineer. Residence, Sut- ter Creek, Cal. Drew. Elmer Reginald B.S.88; Ph.D. (Cornell) 03; assistant professor (physics), Stanford Univer- sity. Residence, 1321 Waverly st., Palo Alto, Cal. Ellis. Adrian Collier. Jr. A.B.88: LL.B.91: lawyer, Kearns bldg. Residence, 607 2d av., Salt Lake City, Utah Ellsworth, Oliver A.B.88; LL.B.91; lawyer, 220 Mont- gomery St., S. F. Residence. 145 Hill- side av., Piedmont. Cal. Hefty, Emma B.L.SS ; m. Andrew L. Gibson. Resi- dence, Ukiah, Cal. Hillegass. George Washington B.L.88 : M.D. (LTniversity of Paris); phvsician. Bacon-bldg. Residence. 1411 E."38th St., Oakland, Cal. Ilolbrook. Henry Morgan l'h.B.88; treasurer, Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson. Residence, 2520 Pacific av., S. F. Johnson, Letitia Eleanor B.L.88 ; teacher, high school. Resi- dence, 937 Bay View av., E. Oakland, Cai. *Kip. William Ingraham. Jr. A.B.88; S.T.B. (Gen. Theol. Sem., N. Y.) 92; d. October 2, 1902 Knight, Robert Stuart Ph.B.88 ; farmer. Residence, R. F. D. 14, Los Gatos, Cal. *Koshland, Montefiore B.S.88; d. September, 1889 Layman, Jo.seph Dieffenbach B.L.SS ; librarian. University of Ne- vada. Residence, 255 University ter- race. Reno, Nev. Merrill, George Arthur B.S.88 ; director, Cal. School of Me- chanical Arts, S. F. Residence, Welles- ley Crescent, Redwood City, Cal. Monroe. Henry E. B.L.SS; lawyer. 105 Montgomery st. Residence. 2623 Divisadero St., S. F. Murphv. IMavella G. Ph.B'.SS; M.D. Palmer, Theodore Sherman A.B.8S ; M.D. (Georgetown University) 95 ; assistant, U. S. Department of Ag- riculture. Residence, 1939 Biltmore St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Rieber, Charles Henry A.B.88; A.M. (Harvard) 99: Ph.D. ibid 00; professor (philosophy), Uni- versity of California. Residence, 15 Canyon rd., Berkeley. Cal. Ritter, William Emerson B.S.88: M.A. (Harvard) 91: Ph.D. ibid 93 : director, Scripps Institution for Biological Research. Residence, La Jolla, Cab .Stonev. Gaillard A.B.8S; LL.B.91; lawyer, 240 Mont- gomery St. Residence, 3294 Jackson St., S. F. Stratton, George Malcolm A.B.S8: M.A. (Yale) 90: M.A. (Leip- zig) 96 ; Ph.D. ibid 96 : professor (psy- chology). University of California. Res- idence, 55 Canyon rd., Berkeley, Cal. .Sutton. James Ph.B.88 : recorder of the faculties. Uni- versity of California. Residence. 2301 Prospect St.. Berkeley. Cal. Turner, Charles Edward A.B.88: M.D. (Cooper) 94; physician. Residence. East Line. Bishop. Cal. Variel. William Tames B.S.8S : lawyer, with Call. \'ariel & Call. Merchants Trust bldg. Residence. 1236 Arapahoe st., Los Angeles. Cal. 1888-1889] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 15 *\Vent\vorth, William Hannaford A.B.88 ; M.D. (Cooper) 95 ; d. Sep- tember 11, 1901 Woodhams, Maurice Sullivan A.B.88 ; LL.B.91 ; architect and l)uilder. Residence, R. F. D. 1, San Mateo. Cal. 1889 Bakewell, Charles Montao^ue A.B.89: M.A.91 ; M.A. (Harvard) 92; Ph.D. ibid 94; professor (philosophy), Yale University. Residence. 437 Hum- phrey St., New Haven, Conn. Bonner, Charles Gore B.S.89 : raisin grower, Forsyth bl. Inner sity of California. Uisidcnce, 2224 Piedmont av.. Berkeley. Cal. *Xourse, Beverly Stephen .'\.B.8<>; M.D. (Cooper) o'^ ■ '' '"'^ 1915 ♦Proctor. Wilfred Everett B.S.89: d. October 10. 1915 Rowlands. William E«l\vard n.S.89 ; clerk. I'. S. Custom*. S. F. Residence, 2073 Rosedale av.. <.)akland. Cal. Sands. John .Monzi^ Ph.B!89; lawyer. 1206 Broadw.iy. OaV, lanernian an«l •? Residence. 16 (irainercy park. N. Y tity Stone. Luella B.S.S": M.D. (Cil. Mr I ■ Arthur B. Swaugcr : St. Residence. 58' Oakland, Cal. 16 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1889-1890 Sturtevant, George Abram Ph.B.89 ; judge, siiiicrior court of S. F. Residence, ,31 Belmont av., S. F. Sullivan, Thomas I'crry Ph.B.89; lawyer, with State Banking Department, S. F. Residence, Flori- bunda, Burlingame, Cal. Thornton, Philip Burt A.B.89 ; lawyer, Cory bldg. Residence, University Club, Fresno, Cal. von Adelung, Edward B.S.89: M.D.92; M.S.12; physician, 1206 Broadway. Residence, 407 29th St.. Oakland, Cal. Widbcr. Augustus Charles B.S.S9 ; with Pacific Mill & Mine Sup- ply Co., 616 Mission St., S. F. 1890 Bailev. Henry French Ph'.B.90 ; optometrist, 930 10th st. Res- idence, 1325 11th St., Modesto, Cal. Carv, lames Hickcox Ph.B.90 ; LL.B.93 ; lawyer. Electric bldg., Portland, Ore. Residence, box 232, West Linn, Ore. Chapman. Josephine Ph.B.90 ; m. Edward V. Lawten ; dep- uty, Bureau of Public Works, S. F. Residence, 2225 Pacific St., Alameda, Cal. Chesnut, Victor King B.S.90 ; chemist, Department of Agri- culture, Washington, D. C. Residence, Hyattsville, Md. Davis. William Henry B.L.90 ; lawyer, with Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. Residence, 25 Ber- keley square, Los Angeles, Cal. *Dean, Richard Frank A.B.90; LL.B.93; d. April 20, 1902 Demarest, David Clarence B.S.90 ; president, D. D. Demarest Co., machinery. Angels Camp, Cal. Resi- dence, 1710 Walnut St., Berkeley, Cal. Dobbins, Rosemarv Ph.B.90: m. Lewis M. Lloyd. Resi- dence, Santa Paula, Cal. *Dver. Hubert Paul B.S.90: d. 1915 Halladay, Daniel Sawyer B.S.96 : civil engineer. Central bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Residence, 922 Bush- nell av., Alhambra. Cal. *Harker, Charles Groff A.B.90 ; deceased Henderson. Andrew Mitchell .■\.B.90: M.D. (Cooper) 93 : .physician. 1005 K St. Residence, 1600 M st.. Sac- ramento, Cal. Henderson, Ernest Norton Ph.H.90; A.B.93; M.A.94 ; Ph.D. (Co- lumliia) 03; professor (philosophy), Adelphi College. Residence, 391 Lafay- ette av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Henderson, Fannv Matilda B.L.90; m. Wifliam E. Beck. Resi- dence, 434 Perkins St., Oakland, Cal. Hewitt. Leslie Randall B.L.90 : judge, superior court, Los An- geles county. Residence, 1212 S. Alva- rado St., Los Angeles, Cal. Hill, Edward Coke B.L.90 ; lawyer. Residence, Ruby, Alaska Hobson. Ruth Wales .>\.B.90 : m. W. S. T. Smith '90. Resi- dence. R. F. D. 1, box 128, Lodi, Cal. Howell. Hugh B.S.90 : president, Hugh Howell Engi- neering Co., Ltd., Wailuku, Miui, T. H. Residence, Kuiaha Pineapple Farm, Ha- iku, Maui, T. H. Incell, Arthur B.S.90 : M.S. 02 ; engineer. Residence, 2325 Carlton st., Berkeley, Cal. Jenkins. Jabez Arthur B.S.90" Lakenan, Cornelius B. B.S.90 ; manager. Nevada Consolidated Copper Co. Residence. McGill, Xev. Lang, Norman Russell Ph.B.90 : managing director. Powell River Co., Ltd.. paper mfrs.. Standard Bank bldg. Residence. 1474 Angus av., Shaughnessy Heights, V^ancouver. B. C. Mack. Arthur Fisher B.S.90 McKisick. Lewis Ph.B.90 : assistant to president. West- ern LTnion Telegraph Co.. 195 Broad- wav. Residence. 146 Central park. W., N.'Y. City McAIurrav, Orrin Kip Ph.B.90': LL.B.93: professor (law), L^niversity of California. Residence, 2327 LeConte av.. Berkeley, Cal. McNear. Frederick William B.L.90; A.B. (Harvard) 91 : LL.B. ibid 94; lawyer. Kohl bldg., S. F. Resi- dence, ^lenlo Park, Cal. McNeill. Anna Ph.B.90: secretary. 2133 Center st. Residence, 1239 Henry st., Berkeley, Cal. ^lerrill. Ruth B.L.90 : m. Herbert E. Cox. Residence, 236 Bonita av.. Piedmont. Cal. *Morton. Marv E. G. A.B.90: d. May 2. 1916 *Parker. Henrv Gridlev B.S.90; d. August 6. 1909 1890-1891] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges Peck, Samuel Stadole B.S.90; Ph.G.92; chemist, with Alex- ander & Baldwin, Ltd. Residence, 1335 Wilder av., Honolulu, T. H. Pierce, Archie Burton B.S.90; A.M. (Harvard) 92; Ph.D. (Zu- rich) 03 ; teacher, Polytechnic High School. Residence, 1964 N. Bronson av., Los Angeles, Cal. Ramsdall, Ada Hope Ph.B.90 Rich, Frank Elmer Ph.B.90; with. Rich Hardware Co., 435 S. 3d av. Residence, 222 Columbus av.. Phoenix, Ariz. *Rideout, John Dunning A.B.90; d. August 29, 1892 fRodgers, William Lafayette Ph.B.90; LL.B.93. Residence, 131 Sze- chuan rd., Shanghai, China Samuels, Leon Ph.B.90 ; LL.B.93 ; lawyer, "60 Market St. Residence, 1896 Geary St., S. F. Smith, WilHam Sidney Tangier B.L.90 ; Ph.D.96; geologist. Residence, R. F. D. 1, box 128, Lodi, Cal. Stearns, Edward Heald A.B.90 ; lawyer. Railway Exchange. Residence, 1360 Kenilworth av., Chi- cago, 111. Stokes, Guy Heancastle Ph.B.90 ; proprietor, S. F. University School. Residence, 2701 Benvenue av., Berkeley, Cal. Stoney, Donzel Ph.B.90 ; manager. Title Insurance & Guaranty Co., 250 Montgomery st. Res- idence, 3581 Clay st., S. F. Street, Arthur Irwin ,\.B.90; publisher, 2117 Addison st. Res- idence, Bancroft Hotel, Berkeley, Cal. Terry, Wallace Irving B.S.90; M.D.92; surgeon, 240 Stockton St. Residence, 2712 Broadway, S. F. Townsend, Charles Edward Ph.B.90; LL.B.03; lawyer, with Dewey. Strong & Townsend, 612 Market st., S. F. Residence, 156 Dracena av.. Pied- mont, Cal. Wharff, Frederick Leslie Ph.B.90; teacher. Residence, Grass Valley, Cal. *Wilson, Henry Lord Ph.B.90 ; d. July 9, 1897 Wright, Frederick W. B.S.90 ; teacher. Residence, Hunts Grove, St. Helena, Cal. 1891 Ainsworth, Henry Babbitt B.S.91 : retired. Residence, 2190 W. Adams St., Los Angeles, Cal. Amsworth, John Churchill B.S.91; president. U. S. N..;. ;.„ of Portland. Residence. 584 Liizal>etb St., Portland. Ore. Allen, Arthur Fuller B.S.91 ; engineer and contractor. Re«i- dence, Manila, P. I. Allen, Walter Cummings B.S.91; electrical engineer i.-r itrici of Columbia. Residence, 3.107 .N'cwark St., Washington, 1). C. Baldwin, Henry Clark B.S.91 ; mining engineer. 1st Cinco dc Mayo 1. Residence, 7th Liverpool 119. Mexico City, Mex. Beard. Derrel Leonard Ph.B.91 ; lawyer, with l-Rcn & Beard. Residence, Pueblo av., Napa, Cal. Bentley. Charles Harvey A.B'91 :M..\.14 ; sales' manager. Cal. Fruit Canners .Assn., 120 Market St. Residence, 3198 Pacific av., S. F. Blake, Anson Stiles A.B.91 ; president. Blake Hr. contractors and \ St., S. F. Residence. J-'.U I'l..!' Berkeley, Cal. Brewer, John Ankenev Ph.B.9i : LL.B.94 ; i)ookkecpcr. Security National Hank. Residence. 1205 K. 2l8t St., Los .Angeles, Cal. Brown. William Herbert B.S.91 ; engineer, with Mccsc. Gottfried Co.. 660 Mission st., S. I". Residence. 1531 Morton St., .Mameda. Cal. Bunnell. Edwin A.B.91; M.D.94 : physician. Residence. 1898 Geary St., S. F. Carssow, Felix Hugo B.S.91 ; draftsman. U. S. Navy Yard. Mare Island. Cal. Residence. 503 Vir- ginia St., N'allejo, Cal. Chestnut, John .\ugiistus B.S.t'l ; general manager, San Vicente Mining Co., 612 Market St.. S. F. Resi- dence, Key Route Inn, Oakland. Cal. Coleman, George I^lward B.S.91 ; retired. Residence, K ! Santa Barbara, Cal. de Frcmery. Grace HortniM' B.L.'Jl ; teacher, high nchool. \ allejo, Cal. Residence. 77 Fairmount av.. Oak- land, Cal. Ehrnian. An>crt Leopold Ph.n.91 ; broker. H«» Montk-'mery »t. Residence, 2880 Broadway. S. F. *Eichl)aum. Thomas Ea.MlanLiry Alice Ph.B. 91 ; teacher. Residence, 70 Font av., Ashbury park, S. F. fLeavy, Rosetta Lulah Ph.B. 91 : m. Frederick E. Baume. Resi- dence. "Berkeley." Symonds St., Auck- land, New Zealand Le Conte. Joseph Xisbet B.S.91: M.M.E. (Cornell) 92: profes- sor (engineeriuR), University of Cali- fornia. Residence. 19 Hillside court, Berkeley, Cal. McFarlin. Herbert Sampson B.L.91 : assistant secretary, Oakland .\ssociation. Residence, 2654 X'aldez st.. Oakland. CaL * Meeker. James Denman A.B.Ql : deceased Merrill, Charles Washington B.S.'^l : president. Merrill Metallurgical Co.. 121 2d St.. S. F. Residence. 2311 Warring st.. Berkeley. Cal. Michener. Charles Gerald .\.B.oi Miller. William Penn. Tr. B.S.91 Montague, Henry Bradford B.L.91; LL.B. (Harvard) 94. Resi- dence, 135 Park rd., Hanover Gate, Re- gents park, London, N. W. Morgan, Ross B.S.91 ; consulting civil engineer, 519 California St., S. F. Residence, 2401 Hilgard av., Berkeley, Cal. Morrow, William Grant Ph.B.91 ; president. Sierra Nevada Min- ing Co., Kohl bldg., S. F. Residence, 77 Sunshine av., Sausalito, Cal. Olney, Warren, Jr. A.B.91; A.B. (Harvard) 92; LL.B.94; lawyer, 465 California St., S. F. Resi- dence, 2702 Dwight way, Berkeley, Cal. Palache, Charles B.S.91: Ph.D.94 ; professor (mineral- ogy), Harvard University. Residence, 106 Appleton st., Cambridge, Mass. Parcells, Frank Mershon Ph.B.91 : LL.B. (Harvard) 95; lawyer, 593 Market St., S. F. Residence, 318 Lee St., Oakland, Cal. Ransom, Tom Wells B.S.91 ; engineer, 465 California st. Residence, 16 Belmont av., S. F. Seymour, Arthur McArthur Ph.B.91 : lawyer, Nicolaus bldg. Resi- dence, 1605 H St., Sacramento, Cal. Shaw, Addison Eugene A.B.91 ; lawyer, 1 Montgomery St., S. F. Residence, 2929 Benvenue av., Berkeley, Cal. *Tay, Charles Fox Ph.B.91 ; d. February 8, 1901 Thompson, Tames Goodwin Ph.B.91 ; M.D.94: physician, 1704 Tele- graph av. Residence, Hotel Oakland, Oakland, Cal. Waste, William Harrison Ph.B.91; LL.B.94: judge, superior court. Alameda county, Oakland, Cal. Residence, 2222 Durant av., Berkeley, Cal. Weaver. Philip Lawrence, Jr. Ph.B.91 : lawyer. 37 Merchant st. Res- idence, 2539 Liliha St.. Honolulu. T. H. *Whitbeck. James Logan A.B.91: d.' September 15. 1909 White. John Henry B.L.91 : principal. White's Berkeley Preparatory School. Residence, 2240 Piedmont av., Berkeley, Cal. Williams. Cora Lenore Ph.B. 91 : M.S.98: principal, A-to-Zed School. Residence. 2507 (Thanning way, Berkeley. Cal. Wright. William Abourn B.S.91 : poultry raiser. Residence, R. F. D. 1, St. Helena, Cal. *Zeile. Eugene J. A.B.91 : d. November 22. 1907 1892] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 19 1892 Agnew, Elizabeth Olive Ph.B.92 Aiken, Albert C. Ph.B.92 ; lawyer, 544 Market st. Resi- dence, 2595 Union St., S. F. Allen, Harris Stearns Ph.B.92 ; president, S. F. News Bureau ; proprietor, Allen's Press Clipping Bu- reau, 88 1st St. Residence, 955 Clayton St., S. F. Baldwin, Caroline Willard B.S.92; D.Sc. (Cornell) 95; m. Charles T. Morrison. Residence, 951 Hamilton av., Palo Alto, Cal. Beaver, Florence Emily B.L.92 ; m. W. Nicholson ; author. Resi- dence, R. F. D. B, box 282, Richmond, Ind. Blasdale, Walter Charles B.S.92; M.S.96; Ph.D.OO ; associate professor (chemistry), University of California. Residence, 2514 College av., Berkeley, Cal. Blood, George Deroy B.S.92 ; consulting mining engineer, Kearns bldg. Residence, 215 3d av., Salt Lake City, Utah Bridges, Edith B.L.92 ; associate principal. Miss Ran- some's School. Residence, Hazel Lane, Piedmont, Cal. *Brier, Martha Annette B.L.92; d. July 29, 1903 Browne, Frederick Dorwin B.S.92 ; assistant engineer, with South- ern Pacific Co., 870 Market st., S. F. fByler, Emmet Addison B.S.92 ; mining engineer. Residence, Goldfield, Nev. *Chapman, William Dudley B.S.92 ; deceased Clark, Warren Vester, Jr. B.S.92 ; civil engineer. Residence, 2638 Fuiton St., Berkeley, Cal. Clayes, Mary Bird A.B.92; M.A.94; teacher, high school. Residence, 2420 Dwight way, Berkeley, Cal. Cohn, Robert David B.L.92; M.D. (Heidelberg) 96; oculist, 126 Stockton St. Residence, 421 Powell St., S. F. Craft, Mabel Clare Ph.B.92; m. Frank P. Deering 75. Residence, 2709 Larkin st., S. F. Crary, Agnes A.B.92; m. P. L. Weaver '91. Resi- dence, 2539 Liliha St., Honolulu. T. H. Cushing, Caroline Morland Ph.B.92; m. C. A. Duniway. Residence, 715 Thornburg St., Laramie, Wyo. *Davis, Edward Walker B.L.92; d. February 7, 1903 Fogg, William Willis B.S.92 ; principal. Polytechnic College of Engineering, 1310 Madison st. Resi- dence, 759 Santa Ray St., Oakland, Cal. Gallowav, Ida Gray Ph.B.92; A.M. (Columbia) 07; teacher, Washington Irving High School. Resi- dence. 609 W. 127th St., N. Y. City *Garber, Joseph Baldwin Ph.B.92'; d. 1910 Gentry. William Henrv Harrison Ph.'B.92; LL.B. (Harvard) 95; lawyer. 812 Broadway, Oakland, Cal. Residence, Hayward, Cal. *Goodvear, Everett Farnum A.B'92; d. December 13, 1902 Gray, James Himtington B.S.92 ; metallurgical engineer, with U. S. Steel Corp., 71 Broadway, N. Y. City Greene, Carlton Webster Ph.B.92 : lawyer. Post Office l)ldg. Res- idence, Paso Robles, Cal. Greene, Francis Melbourne B.L.92; Ph.D. (Berlin) 08; lecturer (art), Simmons College, Boston. Mass. Residence, 24 Avon St., Cambridge, Mass. Grover, Harriet Margaret A.B.92 ; teacher. Residence. 2680 Par- ker St., Berkeley, Cal. Haas, Edward Francis B.S.92 ; C.E. (Columbia) 94 ; civil en- gineer, 465 California st. Residence. 2698 Vallejo St., S. F. Harris, Isadore Ph.B.92 ; LL.B.95 ; lawyer, with Harris & Hess, Hearst bldg. Residence. 1576 McAllister st.. S. F. Heacock, Lulu B.L.92. Residence. 842 Pine av.. Pa- cific Grove, Cal. Hellman, Isaias William. Jr. Ph.B.92 ; president. Union Trust Co. ; vice-president. Wells Fargo Nevada Na- tional Bank. Residence. 2906 Broadway, S. F. Hodgkins, Georgiana Ph.B.92 ; teacher, Washington Irving High Schol. Residence, Hillpark av., Great Neck station, N. Y. City Humphreys, William Penn. Tr. Ph.B.92; A.B. (Harvanh 0.' ; LL.B. ibid 96; lawyer, with Green. Humphreys & Green 58 Sutter st. Residence. 29 W. Clay park, S. F. *Llovd, Lee White B.'S.92; d. September 4. 1903 Mattcson, David Mavdole Ph.B.92; A.M. (Harvard) 96; historian. 20 BACIIIiLORS: Academic Colleges [1892-1893 kfsidcncc, 17J7 C;iiiil)riilK'c st., Cam- briilKC, Mass. McKisick, Robertson Topp I'li.H.')2; deputy attorney -^jcticral of California, Capitol i)ldK. Residence, 2022 VV St., Sacramento, Cal. McLean. Francis Herbert A.H.')2: secretary, American Associated Societies for Ori^janizing Charity. Resi- dence. 130 E. 22d St., N. Y. City Mollov, Thomas Stephen A.n.92: LL.B.96; lawyer, 625 Market St.. S. F. Norris. Robert Stewart P..S.92; Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins) 97; sugar technologist, with Hawaiian Sugar Planters Assn. Residence, Honolulu, T. H. *0'Brien. Victor Lathrop Ph.B.92 ; LL.B.95 ; deceased Pait, Albert Clinton A.B.92 Palmer. John Brooks Ph.B.92 ; LL.B.95 : lawyer, 68 Post st. Residence, 2446 Jackson st., S. F. Partridge. John Slater .\.B.92: M.A.94 ; lawyer, with Mastick & Partridge, 68 Post St., S. F. Resi- dence, 2804 Hillegass av., Berkeley, Cal. Pringle. Edward J.. Jr. Ph.B.92: lawyer, 110 Sutter St., S. F. Residence, Menio Park, Cal. fRich, Francis Arthur B.S.92; consulting and contracting en- gineer. Residence, Remuera rd., Re- niuera, Auckland, New Zealand Robinson, George Prentiss B.S.92 : civil engineer , Central bldg. Residence. 849 N. Mariposa av., Los Angeles, Cal. Rvan. Rosa Emily ' Ph.B.92 : m. Charles Derham. Resi- dence. Talle Singalong. Manila, P. L Sanborn. Marv S. Ph.B.92: m. Arthur P. Noyes '94. Resi- dence, 55 Buena Vista terrace, S. F. Sharpc. Selina B.S.02: M.S.96: teacher, box 434, So- nora. Cal. Residence. 2243 12th av., Oakland. Cal. *Somers. Rurbank Gtistave A.B.02: LL.B.95: d. July 14, 1904 Stone. George Frederick B.S.02 Tompkins. Perrv Thomas B.L.02: A.B. (Harvard) 02: A.M. ihid '^3 : vice-president. ^L-lson-McDuffie Co.. real estate, 2045 Shattuck av. Resi- dence. 2526 Durant av.. Berkeley, Cal. Turner. Charles Louis A.B.02: artist. 49 S. Raymond av. Resi- dence. 250 Cypress av.. Pasadena. Cal. VV^atson, Jessie Eleanor Ph.B.92; LL.B.98. Residence, 2967 College av., Berkeley, Cal. Webster, Albert Bradford A.B.92; LL.B.94; lawyer, 681 Market St., S. F. Residence, 174 Perry St., Oakland, Cal. Wheeler, Roscoe B.S.92 ; mill superintendent, Hedley Gold Mining Co. Residence, Hedley. B. C. Winter, De B.L.92; A.M. (Harvard) 94; Ph.D. (Yale) 04 ; teacher, high school. Resi- dence, 2339 College av., Berkeley, Cal. Young, Clement Calhoun B.L.92 ; vice-president, Mason-McDuf- fie Co., real estate. 276 Post st., S. F. Residence, 2729 Derby st., Berkeley, Cal. 1893 Allen, Lewis Whitaker B.S.93 ; M.D. (Cooper) 96; surgeon. Residence. 475 Geary st., S. F. Bakewell. John, ]r. A.B.93 : Gr. Arch. (Beaux Arts, Paris) 02 ; architect, with Bakewell & Brown. 251 Kearny st. Residence. Picadilly Hotel. S. F. Barker. Eugene Henry B.L.93 ; teacher. Polytechnic High School. Residence, 1965 Bonsallo av., Los Angeles, Cal. Bartlett. Louis Ph.B.93 ; LL.B.96 : lawyer, 703 Market St.. S. F. Residence, 2434 Warring St., Berkeley, Cal. Bonner. Ernest Chappell Ph.B.93 ; LL.B.96 ; lawyer. Residence. Alturas, Cal. Bradshaw, Ethel Rebekah Ph.B.93 ; m. Mr. McCann Brann. Walter Scott Ph.B.93: LL.B.96: lawyer. 681 Market St.. S. F. Residence. 120 Dracena av., Piedmont, Cal. Bunnell, Adeline A.B.93 : m. A. H. Elliot '91. Residence, 2901 Telegraph av.. Oakland. Cal. Carpenter. William Morris B.S.93 : physician. 616 Madison av. Res- idence. Holland House, N. Y. City *Comstock. Sophie Pleasants B.L.93: d. July 31. 1915 Croudace. Elinor Maud Ph.B.93: editor. Golden Gate Valley Kcics. Residence. 1863 Vallejo st", S. F. Deacon. Frank Clark B.S.93 Dolman. Annie Lucv B.L.93: M.L.96: Ph.D. (Chicago) 98; 1893] BACHELORS: Academic Collc<:cs 21 m. Lorenzo D. Inskeep. Residence, 2050 E. 30th St., Oakland, Cal. Drew, John Sheehan Ph.B.93 ; teacher. Residence, 67 Pierce St., S. F. Ellsworth, Jennie Ph.B.93 : m. Robert M. Price '93. Resi- dence, 435 Court st., Reno, Nev. *Foulks, George Herbert B.L.93; d. June, 1910 Gates, Egbert James B.S.93 : real estate broker, Van Nuys bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Residence, 1120 Buena Vista St., South Pasadena, Cal. *Gates, Howard Baker Ph.B.93: M.D. (N. Y. Horn. Med. Coll.) ; deceased Gooding, Louis Ebenezer B.S.93 ; assayer, with Simonds & La- tham. Residence, Melones, Cal. *Graser, Anna Glave Ph.B.93 ; d. March 11, 1901 Greene, Mabel Ellsworth Ph.B.93 : m. John B. R. Cooper. Resi- dence, 2412 Channing way, Berkeley, Cal. Hall, Bertha B.L.93 ; teacher, Los Angeles High School. Residence, 1110 \V. Washing- ton St., Los Angeles, Cal. Hall. Mabel Ph.B.93: M.L.Ol; m. L. H. Jacobs '91. Residence, 1616 LeRoy av., Berkeley, Cal. Hardy, Sarah McLean Ph.B.93 ; m. Warren C. Gregory '87. Residence, La Loma park, Berkeley, Cal. Haskins, Samuel Moody A.B.93 : lawyer. Merchants National Bank bldg. Residence. 2624 Orchard ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Hathorn. Ralph La Forest Ph.B.93; LL.B. (Harvard) 97; lawyer, 68 Post St. Residence, 2797 Clay st., S. F. Henderson, Ernest Norton A.B.93: Ph.B.90; M.A.94 ; Ph.D. (Co- lumbia) 03; professor (philosophy), Adelphi College. Residence, 391 Lafay- ette av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Hennings, John Christian B.S.93; teacher, S. F. Residence, 1727 Minturn st., Alameda, Cal. Henrv. Walter Hughes Ph'.B.93 ; LL.B.96 ; manager. Oakland Branch, Pinal Dome Refining Co. Resi- dence, 630 Vernon St., Oakland, Cal. Hinckley, Nathaniel Barns Ph.B.93 ; orange grower. Residence, Bryn Mawr, Cal. Holmes, Samuel Jackson B.S.93; M.S.94; Ph.D. (Chicago) 97; associate professor (zoology). Univer- sity of California. Residence, R. F. D. 2, Sonoma, Cal. Houghton, Edward Tompkins A.B.93; A.B. (Harvard) 94; lawyer, with Houghton & Houghton, 465 Cali- fornia St., S. F. Residence, 2633 Ben- venue av., Berkeley, Cal. Howell. Kate Ruth B.S.93 ; m. L. T. Haskell. Residence, 2947 Elmwood court, Berkeley, Cal. *Hunt, Loren Edward B.S.93 ; d. January 9, 1916 Knight, Carl Laughlin B.S.93 ; deputy engineer. City Hall. Residence, 1710 G st., Sacramento, Cal. Koshland, Jesse A.B.93 : merchant, with J. Koshland & Co., 501 Summer st. Residence, 479 Commonwealth av., Boston, Mass. Lachman, Arthur B.S.93; Ph.D. (Munich); wine dealer, with A. Lachman & Co., 16 California St. Residence, 1926 Lake st., S. F. Lang, Albert G. Ph.B.93 ; commission merchant, with Lang & Stroh Co., 219 Drumm st. Res- idence, Hotel St. Francis, S. F. *Latham. Milton Slocumb Ph.B.93; d. December 4, 1911 Leach. Clarence Woodbury Ph.B.93; M.A. (Harvard)' 97 ; farmer. Residence, Nordhoff, Cal. Low, David Ph.B.93 ; manufacturer, with Pratt-Low Preserving Co. Residence, Santa Clara, Cal. Marsh. John Alfred A.B.93 ; lawyer, 68 Post st. Residence, 12 Jordan av., S. F. Mays. Edwin Ph.B.93; B.L. (Oregon) 96; farmer. Residence, Maupin, Ore. McClaughrv. Hull A.B.93; LL.B. (Harvard) 96; presi- dent. Bank of Gait. Gait. Cal. Resi- dence, 17 Plaza drive, Berkeley, Cal. McCracken, Augusta Miranda Ph.B.93; teacher. Residence, 1547 20th av., Oakland, Cal. Morrow. Robert Head Ph.B.93; LL.B.96: lawyer. 220 Mont- gomery St. Residence, 749 Taylor St.. S. F. *Peart. Llovd Nelson B.S.93; d'. May. 1014 Pheby. Frederick StantcMi B.S.93 ; mining engineer, 220 Mont- gomery St., S. F. Residence, Peralta apts., Oakland. Cal. Posada, Juan de la Cruz B.S.93 ; mining engineer. Residence, Parque de, Medcllin. Colombia. South .America 22 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1893-1894 I'ncf. Rolicrt Martin l'li.U.<).<; \A..\\M\ lawyer, with Clicncy, ni.wiur. I'ricf «t Hawkins, \.V) N. Vir- ^iiiia St. Ke.sidcnce, 435 Court .st., I\i-ii(). Ncv. RaiisoiiK', I'Vcdi-rick Leslie I!.S.9.? : rh.I).96; gcoloKist, with U. S. (ifolonical Survey. Residence, 1455 Ittlinonl St., Washington, D. C. Rccd. (ic'orjjia Ella H.L.03; M.I,.98; m. Joseph Fife '94. Residence, ,1870 Jackson St., S. F. Rcos, William Mcnry U.S. 9.1 ; superintendent. El Dorado Oil Works. Residence, 1705 La Loma av., Berkeley, Cal. Rctlicrs. Harry Fredcrick A.B.9.1 ; captain, U. S. Army. Resi- dence, West Point, N. Y. Robin.son, Inez Love B.L.9,1; M.L.03: m. Walter S. Brown. Residence, Covelo, Cal. *Savre, Tcsse Payne Ph.B.9"3; d. March 22, 1897 *Sclilienian, Harry Frederick B.S.93; d. June 8, 1910 Sedgwick, Charles Elbert B.S.93 ; district manager. Pacific Gas & Electric Co., 369 A st. Residence, 279 Fitch St., Dixon, Cal. Sinionds, Ernest Henry B.S.93; consulting metallurgist, 612 Market St., S. F. Residence, 5874 Birch court. Oakland, Cal. "Solomons. Leon Mendez B.S.93: M.S.94: Ph.D. (Harvard) 98; d. February 2, 1900 Spooner, Mary Ella B.L.93 Stetson, John Walter Ph.B.93; lawyer, 1206 Broadway. Resi- dence, 305 Lenox av., Oakland, Cal. Stuart, Henrv Waldgrave Ph.B.93: Ph.D. (Chicago) 00; profes- sor (philosophy). Stanford University. Residence, 8 Alvarado row, Stanford University, Cal. \'an Dyke, Edwin Cooper B.S.93: M.D. (Cooper) 95; assistant professor (entomology). University of California. Residence, 1545 LeRoy av., Berkeley. Cal. \'an Dvke, Henrv Seward A.B.93 ; lawyer.' H. W. Hcllman bldg., Los Angeles. Cal. Residence, 1501 S. Marengo av., Pasadena. Cal. *\'an Winkle. Lawrence Everett Ph.B.03 ; d. January 4, 1906 Wehh, Susan Holmes B.L.03 ; m. W. P. Inglish. Residence, 2131 Bancroft way, Berkeley. Cal. \\ hite. Jennie Rosamond Ph.B.*'3 : m. John Hunter. Residence, 13214 Forest Hill av., Cleveland, Ohio Willis, Henry Montague Ph.B.93; lawyer, Katz blk., San Ber- nar4 ; sculptor. Residence. Chateau Castcllnon. Thuir, Pyrenees Orientalcs. France Knight. Cora A. B.L.94 ; teacher. Residence. Estero. Florida 24 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1894 Lane, Sophia Day Ph.R.94 ; teacher. Residence, 68 Di- visadero St., S. I'". I.cszynsky, I lattic L. I'l'i,Il.')» : ^^.I..(ll ; teacher. Residence, Hotel Norniandie, S. F. I.i'vciitritt, IClace. San Ra- fael, Cal. Aniser. Emilic Ph.B.97; teacher. Residence. 631 Main St., Xapa, Cal. Ashley. Bertha B.L.*'7 : teacher. Residence, 2735 Bush St.. S. F. Augustine. W'inifrcde Miller 'Ph.B.97; m. E. O. .Mien '97. Residence. 224 Laurel place. San Rafael, Cal. ■ Baldwin, John Finlcy Ph.B.P7 ; rancher. Residence. Danville. Cal. 32 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1897 1S07 Continued Ualtlw ill, JJoyd A.n.V7 ; LL.B.05 ; lawyer. 220 Montgom- ery St. Residence, 2214 Steincr St.. S. F. Barrc. Herbert Aubcry R.S.97 : electrical enRineer, with Pacific IJght & Power Co. Residence, 5.137 6th av., Los Angeles, Cal. Bartlctt, Francis Henry .\.r..')7; M.A.98 : lawyer, 1440 Broad- way. Oakland, Cal. Residence, 1323 Bur- hank St., Alameda. Cal. Bauer, George William B.S.'l" ; vice-president. Bauer Schweit- zer Hop & Malt Co.. 660 Sacramento st. Residence, 1023 Leavenworth St., S. F. Baun, Loui.s Daniel A.B.97; fruit grower. Residence, R. F. D. 1, Yuba City, Cal. Blanclianl, Marion Sargeant Ph.B.97: LL.B.OO: lawyer, 68 Post st. Residence, 731 4Uh av., S. F. + Brackcnburv, Cyril B.S.97 ; E.M. (Minnesota) 98 ; mining engineer. Residence, 6 Park rd., Red- ruth, Cornwall, England Brown, Annie Florence B.L.97. Residence, 600 29th St., Oak- land, Cal. Brownstone, Louis Horace Ph.R.97: LL.B.OO; lawyer, 785 Market St. Residence, 27 Commonwealth av., S. F. Bush, Philip Lee B.S.97 : chief engineer, Cal. Fruit Can- ners Assn.. 120 Market st. Residence, 2321 Van Ness av., S. F. Butler. Alice Louise B.L.97 ; m. Jesse E. Pope. Residence, 3214 Newark St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Callender. Caroline Margaret Ph.B.97 ; m. Ira J. Condit. Residence, 908 Indian Rock av.. Berkeley, Cal. Cartwright, San ford Warren B.S.97 : Ph.G.OO ; M.D.08 ; physician. Residence, Ceres, Cal. Carver, Charles Elliot Ph.B.97 : special agent. Travelers Insur- ance Co.. Merchants National Bank bldg.. Los Angeles. Cal. Residence. 1818 Bushnell av.. South Pasadena, Cal. fCase, Owen Sumner B.L.97. Residence, Walden, North park, Colo. Cassidy, Arthur B.S.97 : engineer, with Pacific Coast Steel Co., Rialto bldg., S. F. Residence, Burlingame, Cal. Cerf. Marcel E. Ph.B.97 ; LL.B.OO : lawyer. 220 Mont- gomery St. Residence, 2821 Steiner st., S. F. Clough, Cora Ina A.B.97; teacher. Residence, 1445 23d av., Oakland, Cal. Cole, William Enoch B.S.97 ; farmer. Residence, Rutherford, Cal. Colman, May Ph.B.97; m. Henry U. Brandenstein '94. Residence, 2030 Gough St., S. F. Cope, Grace Pond B.S.97 ; m. John M. Lalor. Residence, 51 Neville Park blvd., Toronto. Crabbe, Grace Harbison B.L.97 ; m. H. B. Torrey '95. Resi- dence, 1325 E. 31st St., S., Portland, Ore. Craig, Charles Francis B.L.97 ; LL.B.OO ; lawyer, 785 Market St., S. F. Residence, 5830 Hearn St., Oakland, Cal. Crawford, Russell Tracy B.S.97 ; Ph.D. 01 ; associate professor (astronomy). University of California. Residence, 2740 Hillegass av., Berkeley, Cal. Cronise, Cecelia Brownlee B.L.97 ; teacher, Lowell High School. Residence, 2868 Vallejo St., S. F. Culver, Susie Bell B.L.97 ; teacher, high school. Residence, 2908 Channing way, Berkeley, Cal. Davis, Norris King B.S.97 ; S.M. (Harvard) 01 ; machinery, 7th and Harrison sts., S. F. Residence, 140 Medway rd., Hillsborough, Cal. Dean, Charles Dudley Ph.B.97 ; farmer. Residence, Tudor, Cal. Dewell, Jessie Walrath B.L.97 ; teacher. Residence, 1627 Cha- pala St., Santa Barbara, Cal. Dobbins, Katherine Eloise A.B.97 ; m. T. C. McCleave. Residence, 2844 Garber st., Berkeley, Cal. *Duffy. Edith Jourdan Ph.B.97; m. "F. G. Montealegre : de- ceased Elliot. Abby B.L.97 ; m. G. E. Murdock. Residence, 763 Humboldt st., Santa Rosa. Cal. *Elston, Charles Allen Ph.B.97; d. April 29, 1912 Elston. J. Arthur Ph.B.97 : lawyer. First National Bank bldg., Berkeley, Cal. : congressional rep lesentative. 6th district of Cal. Resi- dence, Wyoming apts., Washington, D. C. English, Norris B.S.97 ; mining engineer, 220 Montgom- ery St. Residence. 27 Monroe St.. S. F. Everett, Wallace Washburn Ph.B.97 : stock raiser. Residence. River Bend Farm, St. Helena. Cal. 1897] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 33 Fernald. Elizabeth Mary Ph.B.97. Residence, Winterport, Maine Finnegan. George Bernard A.B.97 ; lawyer. Residence, Nevada City, Cal. Fitzpatrick, Laura A.B.97 ; m. M. F. Hrubanick. Residence, 2100 Santa Clara av., Alameda, Cal. Gage, Edward Currier B.S.97 ; farmer. Residence, 424 28th St., Oakland, Cal. Goldberg, David Ph.B.97; LL.B. (Los Angeles Coll. Law ) ; lawyer, American Bank bldg. Residence, 2002 W. 6th st., Los Angeles, Cal. Gould, Ralph Amos B.S.97 ; with, Gould & Ash, engineers, 216 Pine st. Residence, 1438 Union St., S. F. Gregory, Eva Lenore B.L.9'7 : m. Frank B. Wootten. Resi- dence, 1509 Le Roy av., Berkeley, Cal. Gross. Emma Virginie Ph.B.97 ; teacher, Lafayette Sch.ool. Residence, 262 Grand av., Oakland, Cal. Groves, Hamilton Shotwell Ph.B.97 ; auditing clerk, Wells Fargo Co., 817 S. 5th av. Residence, 1016 E. 62d St., Chicago, 111. Hadden. David B.S.97 ; M.D. (Cooper) 99 ; physician, 1206 Broadway. Residence, 6150 Men- docino av., Oakland, Cal. Hamilton, Milton Scott Ph.B.97; lawyer, 506 15th st. Resi- dence, 1120 Grand av., Oakland, Cal. Harris. Xealy B.S.97 ; manager, Lewis Packing Co., 950 Columbus av. Residence, 2111 Jack- son St., S. F. Harwood, Helen Louise B.L.97 Hatch, John Davis B.L.97 : architect, 785 Market st. Resi- dence, 977 Pine St., S. F. f Haven, Lawrence Ph.B.97. Residence, 61 Stockton av., San Jose, Cal. Helm, Agnes Inez B.L.97 ; m. Montgomery Thomas '96. Residence, 1642 L St., Fresno, Cal. Henderson, Frederick William B.L.97 : LL.B.98 : lawyer. Pedreira bldg. Residence, 259 21st St., Merced, Cal. Hilborn, Lewis A. Ph.B.97; LL.B.02; lawyer, 612 Market St., S. F. Residence, 11 Monticello av., Piedmont, Cal. Hirschfelder, Arthur Douglass B.S.97: M.D. (Johns Hopkins) 03; pro- fessor (pharmacy). University of Min- nesota. Residence, 2113 Oliver av., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Hoag, Edward Hammond B.S.97 ; mining engineer. Care of \V. W . Felton, Mazatlan, Mex. Hockabout, Erie Gosling Ph.B.97 Hosmer, Phoebe Lee B.L.97 ; teacher. Thayer Academy, South Braintree, Mass. Residence, 264 W. Main St., Orange, Mass. Hull, Marv A.B.97; M.A.99; m. Benjamin F. Lynip. Residence, ."Mturas, Cal. Hupp, William Irving Ph.B.97 fHus, Henri Theodore Antoine B.S.97; M.S.99: Ph.D. (Washington U. ) 08: instructor (botany). University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Johnson. Grace Agnes .A..B.97 : A.B. (X'ermont) 95; teacher. Residence, 135 School st., Belmont, Mass. Jones, Cecil Knight B.L.97 ; assistant. Library of Congress. Residence, 1205 N St., N. W., Washing- ton, D. C. Jurgens, William Charles Ph.B.97 ; vice-president, Oakland Hotel Co. ; secretary, Charles Jurgens Co.. and of Winedale Co., 373 13th st. Resi- dence, 848 Adeline St., Oakland, Cal. Kelly, May Ellida B.L.97 ; m. R. McDonald. Ir. Residence, 1925 Maple av., Bakersfield. Cal. Kemble, Alys Louisa B.S.97; B.L. (Ohio Wesleyan U.) 94; teacher. Residence, 2239 Central av., Alameda, Cal. Kennedy, Eugene Patrick B.S.97 ; mining engineer. 62 Post St. Residence, 63 7th av., S. F. Kinzie, Robert Allen B.S.97 : mining engineer. 1 Montgomery St. Residence, 90 25th av.. S. F. Knall, Ida Amalia Ph.B.97 ; m. Robert .\shton Knox, Bertha Ph.B.97: farmer. Island Mountain, Cal. Residence, 958 Nth St., Oakland, Cal. Kuno, Yoshisaburo B.S.97: M.S.OO ; instructor (Japanese). University of California. Residence. 1184 Arch St., Berkeley. Cal. Lawson, Anstruthcr .Abcrcrnmbie B.S.97 ; M.S.98 : Ph.D. (Chicago) 01; D.Sc. (Glasgow) : professor (botany). University of Sydney. Residence, 171 Macquarie St., Sydney, Australia Love, Grace Abrahams Ph.B.97. Residence. 2908 Channing way. Berkeley, Cal. Lynch. Katharine B.I-.97 ; m. Archie C. Smith. Residence. Lynch. Pleyto P. O.. Cal. 34 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1897 1897 Continued I, villi, William Au{(ustus U.S. 97 ; i-xpiTt electrical aid, U. S. Navy V.-irtl. Marc Island, Cal. Resi- dence, 419 Virginia St., Vallejo, Cal. Magcc, Frederic I'll. I?. 97; vice-president, Thomas Magee & Sons, .S MontKoniery St., S. F. Resi- dence, 17 Vernon St., Oakland, Cal. Marchebout, Alice F. .\.n.97; m. James W. Dickson; with American Relief Committee, care of .American Express Co. Residence, S Haymarket, London Maxwell. Mary Grace n.L.97 ; m. Milton Newmark '99. Resi- dence, 1.^8 The Uplands, Claremont park, Berkeley, Cal. *McCleave. Mary Crooke B.L.97; m. R. T. Crawford; d. April 21, 1903 McCoy. Florence B.S.97 ; M.D.Ol ; m. Reuben C. Hill '98 ; physician, 23.3 Post st. Residence, 418 39th av., S. F. McCue. Etta .'\.B.97 ; teacher, Polytechnic High School, S. F. Residence, 315 Alcatraz av., Oakland, Cal. McNiitt. William Fletcher, Jr. B.S.97; M.D. (Harvard) 00; M.R.C.S. (England) ; surgeon, 135 Stockton st. Residence, 2316 Clay St., S. F. *McWade, David Franklyn Ph.B.97 ; LL.B.OO ; d. December 28, 1906 Mee. John Hubert Ph.B.97: LL.B. (Harvard) 00; lawyer, 465 California st. Residence, 2174 Green St., S. F. Metcalf. John Brockway B.S.97. "Residence, 2225 Hearst av., Ber- keley, Cal. Miller. Bernard Pacheco Ph.B.97 ; investment broker, 1 Mont- gomery St., S. F. Residence, 4 Warren rd., San Mateo, Cal. Moore, Mary E. Ph.B.97 ; teacher, high school. Resi- dence, 1748 Oxford st., Berkeley, Cal. Morgan, Emma B.L.97: LL.B.02: m. H. H. North '93. Residence, 2414 Prospect St., Berkeley, Cal. Morse. Charles Woodman B.S.97 ; concentrating engineer, with Anaconda Copper Mining Co. Resi- dence, 321 W. 5th St., .Anaconda, Mont. Moyse, George Ulysses A.B.97 : principal, high school. Resi- dence. 900 5th St., Glendale, Cal. Murdock. Glenn Elbert Ph.B.97; president, Santa Rosa Bank. Residence, 763 Humboldt St., Santa Rosa, Cal. Newman, Richard ; manufacturer's agent, 49 Geary St. Residence, 2781 Clay St., S. F. Olney, Ethel B.L.97 ; m. R. E. Easton '96. Residence, S. Broadway, Santa Maria, Cal. Olney, Thomas More Ph.B.97 ; contractor. Residence, 358 Vernon St., Oakland, Cal. Owen, Earnest Almond B.S.97; B.S. (Pomona) 94; M.S.98 ; teacher, high school. Residence, 1100 Garfield av., Pasadena, Cal. Owens, James Michael B.S.97 ; assistant engineer, city engi- neer's office, New City Hall. Residence, 1750 Sacramento st., S. F. Parker, Florence Butler A.B.97: A.B. (Carleton) 89; m. Elmei W. Williams. Residence, Fairmead, Cal. Patton, Charles L. Ph.B.97 ; lawyer, 57 Post St., S. F. Peck, Myron Hall B.S.97 ; engineer, 57 Post St., S. F. Res- idence, 1121 Colusa av., Berkeley, Cal. Penwell, Mary Lounsbury B.L.97 : m. R. M. Rosebrugh. Residence, 2425 S. State st., Syracuse, N. Y. Phelps, Roger Sherman Ph.B.97; M.A. (Harvard) 00; principal, Mount Diablo Union High School. Res- idence, box 206, Concord, Cal. Price, Stella Ph.B.97 : m. Robert B. Vaile. Resi- dence. 744 Broadway, El Centro, Cal. Putnam. Thomas Milton B.S.97; M.S.99; Ph.D. (Chicago) 01; associate professor (mathematics). Uni- versity of California. Residence. 2740 Elmwood av., Berkeley, Cal. Ran some, Arthur Wilfrid Ph.B.97 ; president, Ransome Mixer Co., 35 W. 39th St., N. Y. Citv. Residence, 923 Woodland av., Plainfi'eld. X. J. Redington. Lena Martha B.L.97 ; m. Philip S. Carlton. Residence, 2206 Hyde St., S. F. *Reinhardt, George Frederick B.S.97: M.D.OO; d. June 7, 1914 *Revnolds. Louis Embree B.S.97; d. June 3, 1916 Ritchie. Bell Thompson Ph.B.97 ; singer and teacher of voice. Residence, 1047 T St., Fresno, Cal. Robbins. John Llovd McCullough Ph.B.97": lawyer. '612 Market st. Resi- dence. 2203 Sacramento St., S. F. *Robinson. Paul Stephen B.S.97 ; deceased Rodgers. Samuel Russell Ph.B.97 ; LL.B.OO 1897] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 35 Roeding, Henry Ulrich B.S.97 : engineer, with H. U. Roeding & Co., 68 Post St. Residence, 1601 Tay- lor St., S. F. Rogers, Roy Ravons B.S.97 ; manufacturing chemist, 527 Commercial st. Residence, 193 Hartford St., S. F. Rosenstirn, Emily Olga Ph.B.97 ; m. Sydney Joseph. Residence, San Mateo, Cal. Rowell, Elmer Ingalls B.L.97 ; with, Mason-McDuffie Co., real estate, 276 Post St., S. F. Residence, 1533 Edith St., Berkeley, Cal. Rush, Lora Gertrude B.L.97 : teacher. Residence, 1607 Wal- nut St., Berkeley, Cal. *Sadler, Erwin Lawrence B.L.97 ; deceased Sanderson, Elizabeth B.L.97 : m. C. E. Fryer '99. Residence, 1728 Prospect av., Santa Barbara, Cal. Saph, Louis Victor B.L.97 ; M.D.OO; physician. Letitia hldg. Residence, 64 S. 19th St., San Jose, Cal. Schneider, Emma Venetia B.L.97 ; M.L.99 ; teacher, high school Residence, 2934 West St., Oakland, Cal. Schwartzchild, Adele B.L.97 ; m. Joseph Friedlander. Resi- dence, 2040 Gough St., S. F. *Sherman. Vida Louise B.L.97; M.L.98; d. June 27, 1911 Silverberg, Alelville A.B.97; M.D. (Johns Hopkins) 02; physician, 209 Post st. Residence, 3817 Jackson St., S. F. Smith, Ida Mae Ph.B.97 ; m. h. H. Middleton : teacher. Residence, 3061 23d av., Oakland, Cal. Smith, Philip Benjamin Ph.B.97 : principal, high school. Resi- dence, R. F. D. 3, box 511, Elk Grove, Cal. Son, Charles Adolph A.B.97; A.M. (Columbia) 00; LL.D. ibid 00 ; with. Son Bros. & Co., 849 Mis- sion St. Residence, 2124 Broadway, S. F. Starr, Walter Augustus Ph.B.97 : farmer and grain merchant, 465 California St., S. F. Residence, 216 Union av.. Piedmont, Cal. Stull, Grace Theodora B.L.97 : m. Charles M. Elliot. Residence, 3377 Pacific av., S. F. Tade, Frank A.B.97 : lawyer. Farmers Bank hldg. ; principal. Evening High School. Resi- dence, 920 H St., Sacramento, Cal. Taylor. Eva Martha B.L.97 ; teacher, Oakland. Residence, 2313 Warring St., Berkeley, Cal. Taylor, Frank Perley B.S.97 ; principal, Girls High School. Residence, 1426 12th st., Riverside, Cal. Temple, Fred August B.S.97 ; supervising engineer, city of S. F. Residence. 1500 Sutter St., S. F. Turner, Jessie Gertrude A.B.97 ; m. Frederick O. Hurt. Resi- dence, 2917 Regent St., Berkeley, Cal. Tuttle, Orrie Leontina Ph.B.97: m. James J. ^L Murphy. Resi- dence, 1932 7th av., E. Oakland, Cal. Van Fleet, Ransom Carey A.B.97 ; LL.B.OO ; lawyer. Residence, Elko, Nev. Van Gorder, Arthur Grant B.S.97 ; teacher. Mission High School, S. F. Residence, 3025 Colby St., Berke- ley, Cal. Waters, Sylvia B.L.97. Residence, 901 D St.. San Ber- nardino, Cal. Webster, Grace B.S.97: B.S. (Pomona) 95: m. Joseph M. Williams. Residence, 455a Linda Vista rd., Pasadena, Cal. Weil, Adolph Leopold Ph.B.97 : LL.B.99: lawyer. 310 Sansome St. Residence, 2800 Jackson St., S. F. Whipple, George Harding Ph.B.97; LL.B. (Harvard) 00; lawyer, with Chickering & Gregory, 465 Califor- nia St. Residence, Stanford Court apts., S. F. White, Howard James B.S.97 : manager. Keeler, White & Co.. electriqal supplies, 221 2d St.. S. F. Res- idence. 12 Plaza drive. Berkeley. Cal. Whitehead, Rachelle Douglass Ph.B.97 : supervisor of dramatics. S. F. State Normal School. Residence. 601 33d St.. Oakland, Cal. Whitley, Annie Ph.B.97. Residence. 1369 Hyde St.. S. F. Williams, Clara Louise B.S.97; M.S.98: M.D. (Johns Hopkins) 02 ; physician, Berkeley Bank bldg. Res- idence. 806 Santa Barbara rd.. Berkeley, Cal. ♦Williams, Lucv Ware Ph.B.97 : m. Harley M. I.eete '01 ; d. October 22. 1914 Willis, Percival Ward Ph.B.97 ; manufacturer of colonial rugs. Trenton av. and Adams St.. Philadel- phia, Pa. Residence. Riverside, N. J. Wilson, Louise Suzanne Ph.B.97: M.A. (Stanford) 00: teacher, high school, San Diego. Cal. Residence. 716 8th St.. Coronado. Cal. Wood, Martha Ph.B.97 : m. J. H. Caughlan ex'90. Resi- dence. 3339 king St.. Berkeley. Cal. 36 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1897-1898 Wood. Samuel Austin, Jr. Ph.B.97 ; realty broker. 242 California St. Resilience, 32.?J Pacific av.. S. F. Wrifjht, Hen V. rii.l?.''"; real estate broker. 181 Castro St., Mountain View, Cal. Residence, Los Altos, Cal. Wvtlic, Kate Grace rh.H.97 ; teacher. Residence, Aoyama jo ("lakiini, Tokyo. Japan Young. Stella Evalyn Ph.H.97; m. Horace N. Henderson '01. Residence. 2940 Avalon av., Claremont Court, Berkeley, Cal. 1898 Allen. Albert Henry A.B.98; A.M. (Harvard) 00; manager, University of California Press. Resi- dence, 2317 Prospect st.. Berkeley, Cal. Allen. Irving Cowan B.S.98 : M.S. 00 : chemist. Residence, 1906 Milvia St., Berkeley, Cal. Anderson, Archibald Barron B.L.98 ; registrar, S. F. Normal School. Residence, Parkside, San Rafael, Cal. .\ rents. Curt Albert B.S.98 : with Arents Real Estate Co., Keystone bldg. Residence, 1323 Alton St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Arkley, William W^allace B.S.98 : engineer, with Union Oil Co. of Cal.. 220 Montgomery St., S. F. Resi- dence. 1415 Grant St.. Berkeley, Cal. .•\rmer, Evelyn Dorothea B.S.98 : teacher. Residence, 3222 Wash- ington St., S. F. *.\rthur. Ethel May B.L.98 : deceased fAtterbury, Ruth B.L.98 -.'m. Alfred G. Bailey. Residence, 2625 Ridge rd., Berkeley, Cal. Avy. Emilie A.B.98 ; m. Francis A. Chapuis. Resi- dence, 2697 Union St.. S. F. Baer. Adolph B.L. and B.S.98; D.D.S.Ol : M.D.03 ; physician. 177 Post st. Residence, 3757 Clay St., S. F. Baird, Dudley B.S.98 ; secretary. Pacific Foundry Co.. Harrison and 18th sts.. S. F. Residence, 2434 Prospect st.. Berkeley, Cal. Bakewell. Beniamin B.S.98; M.D;02; physician. 1205 State St. Residence, 1416 Bath St.. Santa Barbara. Cal. Barden. Estelle J. B.S.98 : m. F. R. Watson '99. Residence, 906! i California av.. L'rbana. 111. Barron. Emma Geraldine B.L.98 Barto. Ccntennia A.B.98; m. L. C. Mott ex'98. Residence, 6665 Franklin av., Hollywood, Cal. Bell. Mary Elizabeth Ph.B.98; m. Lt. Col. James Morwood. Residence. Reedley, Cal. ♦Bias, Herbert James Ph.B.98; d. January 28, 1902 Bixby, Fred Hathaway Ph.B.98; farmer. Residence, R.F.D. 1, box 110, Long Beach, Cal. Blanchard, Augusta Hunt B.L.98; A.B. (Wellesley) 96: teacher, Horton School. Residence, 246 Perry St., Oakland, Cal. Blanchard, Milton Eugene A.B.98; B.L.87; A.M. (Harvard) 00; Ph.D. ibid 01 ; teacher. Mission High School. Residence, 845 Ashbury st., S. F. Blum, Edna B.L.98 ; m. L. S. Schwabacher. Resi- dence, 902 17th St., N.. Seattle. Wash. Blumberg, Lulu Jule B.L.98 ; social service worker. Resi- dence, 3131 Jackson st.. S. F. Bordwell, Walter Percy B.L.98; professor (law). State Univer- sity of Iowa. Residence, 602 N. Du- buque St., Iowa City, Iowa. Bovard, Helen Chaffee A.B.98; publisher. 150 5th av. Resi- dence, 620 W. 122d St., N. Y. City. Bovard, Leila Glenn A.B.98 ; m. Ernest C. Merryfield. Resi- dence. 907 8th St., Colton, Cal. Brown. Everett John Ph.B.98 ; LL.B.Ol ; judge, superior court, Alameda county. Residence, Gil- bert and John sts., Oakland, Cal. Brown, Louis Frederick A.B.98; accountant. Residence, 1046 Lake st., S. F. Budd, Henry Berkeley B.S.98 ; engineer. Belding bldg. Resi- dence. 219 N. Sutter St., Stockton. Cal. Bufford. Charles Marcellus A.B.98; M.A.99; LL.B.Ol; lawyer, 703 Market st. Residence, 1834 Sutter St., S. F. *Bush. Camillus B.S.98; M.D. (Johns Hopkins i 02: d. May 28. 1910 Cahill. Jennie Margaret B.L.98 ; m. Henry F. Collier, dence. 680 6th av., S. F. Castelhun, Ella Ph.B.98; teacher. Girls' High Residence. 109 Frederick St.. S. Chamberlain. Selah A.B.98 : realty broker. 220 Montgomery St., S. F. Residence. Redwood City. Cal. Chickering. Allen Lawrence A.B.98; LL.B.Ol; lawyer, with Chick- Resi- SchooL F. 1898] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 37 ering & Gregory, 465 California St., S. F. Residence, 11 Sierra av.. Piedmont, Cal. Clark, George B.L.98; lawyer, 948 Market St.. S. F. Residence, 2500 Durant av., Berkeley, Cal. Clark, Susan Gardner A.B.98 : teacher, Oahu College. Resi- dence, Honolulu, T. H. Clausen, Jacob Centennial B.S.98 ; construction engineer, city en- gineer's office. Residence, 2063 W. 28th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Cohen, Mae Marian B.L.98 ; m. Edwin S. Scheeline. Resi- dence, 2203 Buchanan St., S. F. Craig, Volney Howard B.L.98 ; farmer. Residence, San Fer- nando, Cal. Creed, Wigginton Ellis A.B.98 : lawyer, with Titus, Creed, Jones & Dall, 593 Market St., S. F. Residence, 128 Carrington av.. Pied- mont, Cal. Cross, George Lyon Ph.B.98 Curtis. Harriet Mildred B.L.98. Residence, 706 E St., San Ber- nardino, Cal. Daniel, Emma Fielding B.S.98; teacher, 711 D St., Petaluma, Cal. Residence, 101 Ross av., San An- selmo, Cal. Dannenbaum, Arthur Joseph Ph.B.98; lawyer, 821 Market st. Resi- dence, 3990 Washington St., S. F. *Dart, Edith Putnam B.L.98; d. February 20, 1903 Deaderick, Bertha Viola Ph.B.98 ; evangelist. Residence, El Paso, Texas Dibble, Grace Esther A.B.98; teacher. Residence, 43 S. 14th St., San Jose, Cal. *Dickerson, Clarence Merritt B.S.98; d. May 7, 1903 Dickie, Alexander Jack B.S.98 ; manager country department, Christmas & Orvis Co., real estate, 17 N. 1st St. Residence, 755 S. 8th St., San Jose, Cal. Dickie, Walter Murray Ph.B.98 ; M.D.Ol ; physician, O. T. John- son bldg. Residence, 1030 Magnolia av., Los Angeles, Cal. Doane, Clarence Willard B.S.98 ; manager, Geo. H. Creley Co., poultry, 631 Brannan St., S. F. Resi- dence, 6454 Colby St., Oakland, Cal. Donnell, Birney Hogin Ph.B.98 ; lawyer. Title Insurance bldg. Residence, 1410 Sherman drive, Los Angeles, Cal. Dufificy, Veronica Anita A.B.98 : teacher. Residence. 500 4th St., San Rafael, Cal. •f-Durand. Maude Ph.B.98 ; m. Robert Edgren. Residence, Sea Gate, N. Y. City. Eastman, Thomas Freeman B.S.98 ; civil engineer. Residence, 551 Chetwood St., Oakland, Cal. Euphrat, Maurice Louis B.L.98 ; vice-president. Wendling-N'athan Co., lumber, 110 Market st. Residence, 156 Central av., S. F. Fairchild, Fred Ross Ph.B.98; surgeon. Forum bldg., Sacra mento. Cal. Residence, 754 College St., Woodland, Cal. *Farish, Linn Markley Ph.B.98 ; d. May 6, 1899 Fink, Elizabeth Caroline A.B.98; m. Timothy J. Barry. Resi- dence. Kneeland, Cal. Finley, Lulu Belle B.L.98 ; principal. Intermediate School. Orange, Cal. Residence, 634 French st., Santa Ana, Cal. Force, John Nivison B.S.98: M.D.Ol: M.S. 10: Gr.P.H.15; assistant professor (epidemiology). Uni- versity of California. Residence, 2631 Derby st., Berkeley, Cal. Foster, Robert Arnold B.S.98 ; president, Lewiston-Clarkston Improvement Co., Lewiston, Idaho. Res- idence, Clarkston, Wash. Frank, Laura Josephine A.B.98 ; teacher, high school. Resi- dence, 2400 Durant av., Berkeley. Cal. French, Helen Grace A.B.98 ; m. L. N. Wheeler. Residence, 408 S. Myrtle av., Monrovia. Cai. •f-Frey, Frank Edward B.S.98 ; engineer and contractor. Resi- dence, 820 Georgia st., Vallejo, Cai. Friedlander, Howard Joseph B.S.98; with Hclbing Hat Co.. 4.^1 Mis- sion St. Residence, 2335 Pacific av.. S. F. Fryer. Roy B.S.98 ; rancher. Residence. Spadra. Cal. f Funk, Laura May H.S.<>8 ; m. J. H. Byerley. Residence. 2913 Dalton av., Los .\ngcles, Cal. Gable, Hayes Harvey B.L.98 ; manager. Diamond "G" ranch. Residence. Esparto, Cal. Gammill. John .Anderson rh.n.98"; orchardist. Residence. R.F.I). 1, Med ford. Ore. *Garlick. Etha Rebecca B.L.98 : m. Perley G. Garlick : d. .August 2, 1913 38 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1898 1S'>X Cdiilliiiird Gcis. Silas Wright B.L.98; rh.D. (Yale) 01 (icorf^o, Anson N'ortlirup U.S.<'8 ; purcliasiiik' ak'cnt, Henry Cow- cll Lime & Cement Co., 2 Market st. Residence. 925 Dolores St., S. F. Gibbs. Harriet Eliza lMi.H.98. Residence, 1415 West St., Oak- land. Cal. ♦Gibhs. Ralph Erwin H.S.98: M.S.OO; d. April 1, 190.1 Goodcell. Roscoe Adams Ph.B.98; Ph.M. (Syracuse) 07; lawyer, Katz hldg. Residence, 363 17th St., San Rernarilino, Cal. Grace. Helen Mary Ph.B.98; teacher. Residence. 6504 Ray- mond St., Oakland, Cal. Graham, Alexander Edward rii.B.98 : laboratory inspector, U. S. Bureau of Animal Industry, Appraisers bldg.. S. F. Residence, 875 Indian Rock av., Berkeley, Cal. Green, Florence Elizabeth B.L.98; m. F. H. Bixby '98. Residence, R.F.D. 1, box 110, Long Beach, Cal. Griswold, Elizabeth Mabel Ph.B.98: m. C. H. Rowe. Residence, 421 P'airmount av., Oakland. Cal. Guppv, Ella Aileen B.L.98 : m. Edward B. Gould '03. Resi- dence, R.F.D. 1. Lindsay, Cal. Haber, Joseph. Jr. Ph.R.QS: LL.B. (Columbia) 01; lawyer, 870 Market st. Residence, Palace Hotel, S. F. Haehnlen, Lena Rosina Ph.B.98 : m. W. B. Reynolds eJc'OO. Resi- dence, 714 W. Galer st., Seattle, Wash. Hall, William A.B.98 Hanna, Florence May A.B.98 : teacher, high school. Residence, 2613 Durant av., Berkeley, Cal. Harris, Harvey Edgar Ph.B.98 : architect, 681 Market st. Resi- dence. 815 Balboa st, S. F. Harris, Helen B.L.98: A.B. (Occidental) 97; teacher, Nicholas Sann High School. Chicago, 111. Residence. KeniKvorth, III. ♦Haskell. Robert Kelsev B.S.98: d. ^L-^rch 15. 1904 Hassard, Elizabeth Ph.B.98 : m. A. S. Boulware. Residence, 2133 Essex st., Berkeley, Cal. Hathaway. Chat Louise R.L.98 ; m. F. M. Schaupp. Residence, Chitina. .Maska Hathawav. Rowe Montrose B.S.98:' M.S.OO: farmer. Residence, 79 S. Branciforte av., S-inta Cruz. Cal. Hayakawa, Ritihei B.S.98. Residence, 67 Nakajima, Mut- sumi-Mura Hekkai-Gori, Aithi-Ken, Japan Heise, Carl Edward B.S.98 ; district manager, Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., 165 2d st. Resi- dence, 507 9th av., S. F. Hellmuth, Lou Ph.B.98; M.L.99 ; teacher and lecturer. Residence, 39 E. 27th St., N. Y. City. Henley. Grace Lewis Ph.B.98 : principal. Polytechnic Elemen- tary School. Residence, 1090 Old Mill rd., Pasadena, Cal. Henrici. Edith Valerie Ph.B.98 ; m. Col. Wm. Stephenson. Res- idence, 1217 Astor St., Chicago, 111. Henry. Aurelia Lsabel B.L.98; Ph.D. (Yale) 05; m. George F. Reinhardt '97 ; president, Mills College. Residence, Mills College, Cal. Hiraiwa, Tamekichi B.S.98 ; engineer, with General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Hoag", William Burnham B.L.98 ; construction engineer, 742 Mar- ket St. Residence, 927 Lake St., S. F. Hochheimer, Ira Ph.B.98 ; manager. Hochheimer Co., merchandise. Residence, Bakersfield, Cal. Hohfeld, Edward, Jr. A.B.98: LL.B. (Harvard) 00; lawyer, with Morrison, Dunn & Brobeck, 612 Market st. Residence, 2500 Broadway. S. F. Hopper, Tames Ph.B.98 ; author. Care of Paul R. Reyn- olds, 7 5th av., N. Y. City Howson. James Winfield A.B.9S ; M.A.99 ; teacher, California School for Deaf and Blind. Residence, 2915 Regent St.. Berkeley, Cal. Hufif. William McMurrav B.S.98 ; assayer. Bunker Hill & Sullivan Co. Residence, Kellogg, Idaho Hyman, Solomon ' B.S.98: M.B. (Johns Hopkins) 02; sur- geon. 135 Stockton st. Residence. 3421 Jackson st., S. F. Hynes, Wildric Freeman B.S.98 ; local department manager. Gen eral Electric Co. Residence, 424 E. 45th St., N.. Portland. Ore. *Jarvis. Joseph Russell B.S.98': d. June 29. 1906 Jeffreys. Katharine Mary .^..1^.98 : teacher, high school ; New Pal- ace Hotel. San Diego. Cal. Residence, 1651 Larkin st., S. F. Jeffreys. Winifred Margaret A.B.98; nurse. Residence. 1651 Larkin St., S. F. 1898] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 39 Johnson, Frederic Perley A.B.98; A.B. (Amherst) 87; A.M. ibid 98 ; principal, Hayward Union High School. Residence, 1232 A St., Hay- ward, Cal. Jone-S, Edna B.L.98 ; m. John Hall. Residence, Paia, Maui, T. H. Jones, Florence May Ph.B.98 ; m. G. C. De Garmo '9/'. Resi- dence, 823 Catalina St., Los Angeles, Cal. Kelley, Margaret Zilpha B.L.98 ; teacher, Sacramento, Cal. Resi- dene, Courtland, Cal. Kilkenny. Lucas Edward Ph.B.98 ; county superintendent of schools. Residence, 317 Capitol St., Salinas, Cal. King, Frank Brown Ph.B.98 ; cashier. Wells Fargo Nevada National Bank. Residence, 12 Presidio terrace, S. F. Klenck. Virginia Nason Ph.B.98 ; B.L.OO Landstrom, Anna Maria B.S.98 ; m. W. J. V. Osterhout '99. Resi- dence, 60 Buckingham St., Cambridge, Mass. Leggett, Joseph William A.B.98 ; customs broker, with Mattoon & Co., 516 Battery St., S. F. Residence. Atherton, Menlo Park, Cal. Leslie, George Darhy Ph.B.98 ; statistician. State Board of Health, Capitol, Sacramento, Cal. Levy. Camille B.L.98; m. Henry Levy. Residence, 155 G St., Oxnard, Cal. Loy, Mary Eugenia A.B.98;' m. W. E. Chamberlain. Resi- dence, 2431 Ellsworth st., Berkeley, Cal. Marmon. Howard Carpenter B.S.98; secretary, Nordyke & Marmon Co., automobiles, Indianapolis, Ind. Mason, Florence Elizaheth Ph.B.98 ; m. Fred'k Palmer. Residence, Morden Hill, Blackheath, London, S. E. Mayer, Mathias Joseph B.S.98 ; civil engineer, with Southern Pacific Co., 870 Market st. Residence, 934 Oak St., S. F. McArthur, Viva Barbara Ph.B.98; M.L.OO; m. W. .T. Drew '96. Residence, 67 Buena Vista terrace, S. F. McGuire, James Edward B.S.98 ; manager, Witwatersrand Deep Gold Mine. Residence. Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa McKenney, Floyd Lafayette Ph.B.98; newspaperman, with Chronicle. Residence, 46 Lake St., S. F. McKinley, Marie Josephine B.L.98"; teacher, " Girls' High School. Residence, 1657 Washington St., S. F. McKinne, Cornelia B.L.98 ; ni. E. B. Stanwood '99. Resi- dence, 625 H St., Marysville, Cal. McVenn, Gertrude Elizabeth A.B.98 ; assistant, academic division. Bureau of Education. Residence, 132 Padre Faura, Manila, P. L McVey, John Lionel Ph.B.98; lawyer. Bacon bldg., Oakland, Cal. Residence, 3279 Liberty av., Ala- meda, Cal. Mead, Lewis Durant B.S.98; A.M. (Columbia) 02; M.D. ibid 02; physician, 135 Stockton St., S. F. Meads. Harold Wilder B.S.98 ; engineer, with Chas. C. Moore & Co.. 461 Market St., S. F. Residence, 3126 West St., Oakland, Cal. Mehlmann, Else Ph.B.98 ; teacher, high school. Resi- dence, 109 Montecito av.. Oakland. Cal. *Merrill, John Sroufe Ph.B.98"; d. March 2, 1909 Millar, John Walter B.S.98; M.S. 99; chemist. Residence, 1310 10th St., Oakland, Cal. Miller, Love Holmes B.S.98 ; 'M.S.04 ; Ph.D.12 ; instructor (science), Los Angeles State Normal School. Residence, 6066 Hayes av., Los Angeles, Cal. *Miller, Paul Lucien B.L.98; d. August 10, 1908 Moore, Carmen Ph.B.98 ; m. W. A. Starr '97. Residence. 216 LTnion av., Piedmont, Cal. Morgan, Avery B.S.98; draftsman. Residence. 754 14th St., Oakland. Cal. Morley. Walter Spangenberg B.S.98; assistant professor (metallurgy), University of California. Residence, 2611 Piedmont av.. Berkeley. Cal. Muller. Marie Irene B.S.98 ; teacher. Residence. 826 Colum- bus av.. Glendale, Cal. Munro, Charles Harper B.S.98 ; mining engineer, with Guggen- heim Co. of N. v.. Hobart bldg.. S. F. Needham. Irving A.B.98; lawyer, with White. Miller. Needham & Harper. Peoples Bank l)ldR. Residence. 2425 2d av., Sacramento. Cal. Xewhall, Percy Melrose B.S.98 ; assistant consulting engineer, S. Neumann & Co.. Cullinan bldg. Resi- dence, box 485, Johannesburg. Trans- vaal. South Africa Xewlands. John Cassell B.L.98; secretary. Sharon Estate Co., 55 New Montgomery St.. S. F. Newton. Jacqueline Montague Ph.B.98; m. Van Ness de Lamater 40 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1898 Noonan. Rmnia Laura Ph.n.<)S; teacher, (lirls' HIkIi School. Residence. 1.107 li.iyes St.. S. !•". Oliiey, .\ll)crt Clyde |{.S.'>8 ; city superintendent of schools. Residence. I'atern.i rd., The Riviera, Santa Harhara, Cal. *Osl)ornc. Charles Kimball A.B.08: d. Octolier 17. 1898 Palmer. I larold K'wv^ B.S.98; Ph.D.O.? Palmer. Mabel Cluness A.B.98; ni. Edward K. Dupont. Resi- dence. 1.^7 W. North St., StocUton, Cal. Parker, Homer Charles B.S.98 : farmer, R.F.D.. box 62, Yount- ville. Cal. Residence. 1601 Taylor St., S. F. Parker. Lilian Maria B.L.98 ; m. A. H. Allen '98. Residence, 2.? 17 Prospect St., Berkeley, Cal. * Patch, Mary Lydia A.B.98 ; m. Chalmers Gunn ; deceased Peart, Hartley Fiske B.L.98: LL.B.Ol ; lawyer. 785 Market St. Residence, 3228 Washington St., S.F. Powers. George Herman, Jr. A.B.98 ; M.D.02 ; physician, 298 Marl- boro St. Residence, 371 Beacon St., Boston. Mass. Proctor, John William Ph.B.98 : president. Proctor Realty Co.. 320 Market st. Residence. 123 26th av., S. F. Pudan, Herbert Whatmough B.S.98 Rector, Gilbert James B.L.98 ; president. Nevada County Bank. Residence, Nevada City. Cal. *Rising. Ruth Lawrence B.L.98 ; m. Corrado Menicante ; d. De- cember 7, 1911 Robb, Flora Mav Ph.B.08: m. R. J. Younp '03. Resi- dence. 2612 Benvenue av., Berkeley, Cal. Robertson. .Alice B.S.98 : M.S.99 : Ph.D.02 : professor (zoolopy), Wellesley College. Residence, Wellesley, Mass. Robinson. Beatrice Winifred Ph.B.98; m. 1904. J. W. Farnsworth : m. 1914. C. J. Snow. Residence, 250 Edgewood rd., Wellesley park, Red- wood City, Cal. Robinson, Mary Edna Ph.B.98 : m. Ernest W. Cleary "09. Resi- dence. Sugar Pine. Cal. Robinson, Sara Maude B.L.98: m. Ernest J. Mott '03. Resi- dence. 2808 Vallejo St.. S. F. Roller. Josephine Ph.B.08 ; m. Edgar L. Hoag. Residence. Hillsborough, Cal. Roos, Leon Lazare Ph.B.98; vice-president, Roos Bros., Inc. Residence, 3500 Jackson St., S. F. Ross, Minnie Elizabeth Ph.B.98; B.S. ( Penn Coll.) 87; teacher, Huntington Beach Union High School. Residence, 160 E. av. 57, Los Angeles, Cal. Russell, William Carroll B.L.98; general manager, Caribou Mines and Mills, Cardinal, Colo. Residence, 925 E. 17th av., Denver, Colo. Sanders, Nathaniel A.B.98; teacher, high school. Residence, 525 Main st., Watsonville, Cal. Sanderson, Charlotte B.L.98 ; m. J. E. Gardner '98. Resi- dence, 407 E. 3d St., Watsonville, Cal. Sargentich, Spiro Ph.B.98; surgeon, 223 Lyon bldg. Resi- dence, Seattle Hotel, Seattle, Wash. Schmit, James John Ph.B.98 ; teacher, Lowell High School, S. F. Residence, 2323 Rose terrace, Berkeley, Cal. fScott, Gertrude May Ph.B.98 ; m. Richard Ivers. Residence, Manoa rd., Honolulu, T. H. Sherer, Rex William Ph.B.98 ; president, Hitchcock Military Academy. Residence, San Rafael, Cal. Slawson, George Harrison B.L.98 ; farmer. Residence, R.F.D. 3, box 494, Sacramento, Cal. Sleeper, Anita May B.L.98; m. Charles C. Cohn '98. Resi- dence, box 760, Manila, P. L Smith, Clara Hettie Ph.B.98; instructor (history). San Jose State Normal School. Residence, 248 S. 9th St., San Jose, Cal. Smith. Clarence Arthur Ph.B.98 : teacher. Residence, 78 N. Branciforte av., Santa Cruz, Cal. Smith. Julia Ph.B."98; m. Hamilton B. Leigh; teach- er. Residence, 486 27th st., Oakland, Cal. Spencer. John Foster B.S.98: B.S. (U. of So. Cal.") 97: M.D. ibid 04 ; physician. Residence. 749 W. 165th St., Gardena, Cal. Stadtmuller, Edwin William B.L.98 ; vice-president. Wellman. Peck & Co., 311 Embarcadero. Residence. 3235 Pacific av., S. F. Stark. Clara Marion A.B.98 ; teacher. Girls' High School. Residence. 122 Palm av.. S. F. Stern, Carrie B.L.98; m. C. N. Stern. Residence. 2005 Buchanan st.. S. F. 1898-1899] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 41 *Stetson, Emily Merriani Ph.B.98; m. 'De Forest Reichart ; d. November 12, 1908 Stewart, Roderic Sanderson B.S.98 Stutt. John Henry B.S.98; civil engineer, with Northern Cal. Power Co. Residence, 2510 War- ring St., Berkeley, Cal. Sweet, Adolph David Ph.B.98 ; merchant. Residence, 733 N. Floral St., Visalia, Cal. *Swett, Lucy Field B.L.98 ; m. William R. Bacon '99 ; d. September 20, 1905 Thayer, Philip Rawthmall B.S.98 ; marine survevor, with I. E. Thayer & Co.. 110 Market st., S. F. Residence, 221 Mountain av.. Piedmont, Cal. Thomas. Frank Peard Ph.B.98 ; representative, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., May bldg., Pitts- burgh, Pa. Residence, 143 W. 7th St., Erie, Pa. Towle, Clifford Holton B.S.98 ; secretary, Stewart-Towle Title Co. Residence, Reservoir rd., San Ra- fael, Cal. Trowbridge, Jessie June B.S.98; m. 1898, Robert K. Haskell '98; m. 1907. George O. Cobb. Residence, 144 N. N St., Tulare, Cal. YsiW Ness, Thomas Casey, Jr. Ph.B.98; lawyer. Kohl bldg. Residence, 1920 Clay St., S. F. \^an Schaick, Guy B.L.98 ; lawyer, 29 S. La Salle st. Resi- dence, 5811 Maryland av., Chicago, 111. Wagner, George Julius B.S.98 ; civil engineer, with Matson, Lord & Belser Co. Residence, 240 Bonita av., Oakland, Cal. Wagner. Lawrence Talcott A.B.98; LL.B.Ol ; with Willys Overland Co., automobiles, 995 Market st. Resi- dence, 1932 Hyde St., S. F. Waste, Harry Lotis Ph.B.98 ; mining engineer. Residence, R.F.D. 1. Chico, Cal. *Watson, Lucretia Estelle A.B.98; m. B. Grant Taylor; d. Febru- ary 23, 1913 Waymire, Edna B.L.98 ; M.L.OO ; m. F. E. Tuck. Resi- dence, Nevada City, Cal. Wedemeyer, Otto Theodore Ph.B.98 ; farmer. Residence, Hood River, Ore. Wellman, Ernest Pratt B.L.98; A.B. (Kansas) 92; LL.B. ibid 94 ; lawyer. Wilcox bldg. Residence, 1315 W. 36th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Wellman, Mary Harriet Ph.B.98; A.B. (Kansas) 92; M.A. ibid 94 West. Sidney Vattell B.S.98 ; M!D.03 Weymouth, Clarence Raymond B.S.98 ; chief engineer, Chas. C. Moore & Co., 461 Market st., S. F. Residence, 2733 Ashby av., Berkeley, Cal. Whipple. Marion Crins B.L.98 ; m. E. A. Garrettson ex'05. Resi- dence, 2343 Front st.. San Diego, Cal. Whitcomb. Ralston Ph.B.98 ; inspector. Fidelity & Deposit Co.. S. F. Residence, 1009 Shattuck av.. Berkeley, Cal. Wickson, Ednah Harmon B.L.98 : M.L.99 ; m. Willis F. Kelly. Care of The Riviera Co., Santa Bar- bara, Cal. Wigmore, Cyril B.S.98 ; mining and hydraulic engineer. Pacific Electric bldg. Residence, 2332 Thompson st., Los .\ngeles, Cal. Wilder, Francis Alfred Ph.B.98 ; sales manager, Pratt-Low Pre- serving Co. Residence, Santa Clara, Cal. Williams, Alpheus Fuller B.S.98 ; general manager, De Beers Con- solidated Mines, Ltd. Residence, 1 Park rd., Kimberley, Cape Colony, South Africa Wilson, Charles Jasper B.S.98 ; engineer, with Pacific Gas & Electric Co., 445 Sutter st., S. F. Resi- dence, 43 Park way. Piedmont. Cal. fYanagisawa, L^na Yone B.L.98; M.D.Ol ; m. Mr. Ova. Resi- dence, Tokyo, Japan Zeile, John B.L.98; furniture manufacturer. 1717 California st. Residence, 1819 Califor- nia St., S. F. Zellerbach, Rose B.S.98 ; m. A. Rosenthal ; private coach. Residence, 429 Arguello blvd.. S. F. 1899 Abraham, Ira A.B. 99 ; secretary and manager. Oak- land Title Insurance & Guaranty Co.. 1422 Broadway. Oakland. Cal. Resi- dence. Cherryland, Hayward. Cal. Abraham. Josephine B.L.99. Residence, 68 Jordan av.. S. F. ♦Aiken. Arthur Gates Ph.B.99 ; deceased Aplin. Donald Graham B.S.99; B.S. (Pomona) 08: farmer. Residence. Creston way. Highland. Cal. Armstrong. Frederic Julian A.B. 99 ; teacher, high school. Resi- dence. 1654 West blvd.. Los .\ngelcs. Cal. 42 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1899 ISW Continued y\rii()I(l, Philip I'.rcnt l'li.H.'<); sccretary-trc.-isurcr, Sheehan- Hnckley Co., building materials, 1901 Texas st. Residence, Nagley apts.. El Taso. Texas Ilalin, Joan Mclnotte H.L.')'^; manager, Fisk Teachers' Agency. 2161 Shattuck av. Residence, 2219 .\therton St., Berkeley, Cal. llainlin. Amv .\.H.9'): m. Robert Kelly: actress. Resi- dence, 245 45th St., N. Y. City. Hanscom. Sarah de Forrest B.S.99 : m. G. S. Embury. Residence, 1525 Walnut st., Berkeley, Cal. Harlan. George Hillary B.1..99; LL.B.02; lawyer, 606 4th St., San Rafael, Cal. Residence, 374 San Carlos av., Sausalito, Cal. Harris. Elma M. A.B.99 Haworth, May Voorhees Ph.B.99 ; vice-principal, Alameda High School. Residence, 35 Clark drive, San Mateo, Cal. Helms. Walter Theodore Ph.B.99; superintendent of schools. Residence, 235 6th St., Richmond, Cal. Henderson, Victor Hendricks B.L.99 ; secretary of the Regents and land agent. University of California. Residence, 2816 Derby st., Berkeley, Cal. Herriott. Clarence Dillaway .\.B.99: B.D. (S. F. Theol. Sem.) 02; Presbyterian minister. Residence, 1919 High St., Oakland, Cal. Hess. Sigmond B.S.99 ; assistant secretary, Phoenix Packing Co., 16 California st. Resi- dence, 2914 Clay st., S. F. Hess. Teresa B.L.99 ; teacher. High School of Com- merce. Residence, 2914 Clay st., S. F. Herman, Olga Ph.B.99 fHiserman. Elbert B.L.99. Residence, 50 Abbott St., Sa- linas, Cal. Hobe. Adelaide Mary B.S.99 ; assistant. Lick Observatory. Residence, Mt. Hamilton, Cal. Hobson. Jeannette Frances B.S.99 : m. Meredith Spencer. Resi- dence, 2225 Chapel St., Berkeley, Cal. Hoffmann, Charlotte Ph.B.09: m. V. L. Kellogg; with Ameri- can Commission for Relief in Belgium, 98 Haringvliet, Rotterdam. Residence, Stanford L'niversity, Cal. Hoffmann. Karl Frederick B.S.99 ; mining engineer. Residence, 228 Perry St.. Oakland. Cal. Hohfcld, Lily A.B.99; A.M. (Stanford) 00; m. Walter R. Hughes '97. Residence, 1425 Paru St., Alameda, Cal. Hohfeld, Rose A.B.99; A.M. (Stanford) 07; m. Sidney Haslett. Residence, 1409 Morton St., Alameda, Cal. Holling, Louise Julia Ph.B.99 ; m. Alfred C. Bach. Residence, San Rafael, Cal. Hooper, Burt Everett B.S.99 Houston, Charles James B.L.99 ; LL.B. (Georgetown U.) 05 ; lawyer, 550 Montgomery st. Residence, 1363 3d av., S. F. Houston, William Hart A.B.99 ; vice-president and treasurer. Commercial News Publishing Co., 330 Sansome st., S. F. Residence, 1651 Waverly St., Palo Alto, Cal. Huffman. Fred Hannon Ph.B.99 ; with, Potter-Huffman Land & Cattle Co. Residence, Alturas, Cal. Hyman, Maude B.S.99 ; m. J. L. Goodday. Residence, 64 5th av.. S. F. f Jewett, Agnes Roxbury A.B.99; teacher. Residence, 1700 Uni- versity av., Berkeley, Cal. *Johnson, Louise Hamlin B.S.99 ; d. October 19, 1908 *Julien. George W^ashington B.S.99; d. August 23, 1901 f Julien. Lillian May B.L.99. Residence, Montague, Cal. Kaarsberg, Lawrence B.S.99 ; electrical draftsman, U. S. Navy Yard, Mare Island, Cal. Residence, 844 Capitol St., Vallejo, Cal. Kelly, Augusta Glynn B.S.99 ; teacher. Mission High School. Residence, 4115 20th st, S. F. Kent. Manie Maccubbin B.L.99 ; m. Capt. J. M. Graham. Resi- dence, 1708 Green st., Columbia, S. C. Keves. Clarissa Marv B.S.99: B.S. (Kansas Agr. Coll.) 97; m. Charles M. B. Graham ; instructor, Philippine Normal School. Residence, 817 Taft av., Manila, P. L Kidd. Alexander Marsden A.B.99 : LL.B. (Harvard) 03 : lawyer, 593 Market st. Residence, 349 Cherry St., S. F. King. Arthur Scott B.S.99 : M.S.Ol ; Ph.D.03 ; superintend- ent, physical laboratory. Mt. Wilson Solar Observatory. Residence, 784 Lo- cust St., Pasadena, Cal. Kingsbury, William Fay B.L.99 ;' farmer ; 1303 Presidio st. Resi- 1899] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 45 dence, 2815 Hemphill st., Fort Worth, Texas Knight. Bertha Louise Ph.B.99: nurse. Residence, 2221 Dana St., Berkeley, Cal. Krafft. Elsie Ph.B.99 ; secretary, Social Service School. Residence, 2829 Divisadero St., S. F. Kurtz. Texaina Tvler A.B.99 La Motte, Gertrude Dorothy A.B.99 ; Christian Science practitioner. Bank of San Jose bldg. Residence, 46 S. 12th St., San Jose, Cal. Linscott, Harry Arlyn Ph.B.99 ; agent, Ginn & Co., publishers, 252 S. Spring st. Residence, 2209 W. 2Sth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Logan, Roscoe Lee B.S.99 : physician, 133 Geary st. Resi- dence. 1114 Green St., S. F. ♦Mackenzie, John Alexander Ph.B.99; d."March 27, 1914 Madden. Maud B.L.99 : teacher. Residence, 4609 16th St., Oakland, Cal. Mannon. Tames Milton, Jr. A.B.99 :" LL.B. 02 : lawyer, with Mc- Cutchen. Olney & Willard, 465 Califor- nia St. Residence, Bellevue Hotel, S. F. Margeson, Eva Evelyn b'.L.99 : m. John A. Mackenzie '99 ; teacher. Residence, 1742 11th av., Oak- land. Cal. Martenstein. Clarence Edward B.S.99: insurance broker. First Na- tional Bank bldg.. Oakland, Cal. Resi- dence. Xiles, Cal. Martin. Marv Nina A.B.99: A.B. (U. of So. Cal.) 97; m. Edward H. Tatum. Residence, 1825 Maltman av., Los Angeles, Cal. Marvin. Harvey Le Fevre Ph.B.99 : vice-president. Marvin Shoe Co., 216 Market st. Residence, 1230 Geary St., S. F. f Matthew, Margaret Lilian A.B.99 : secretary. Y. W. C. A. Resi- dence. Kojimachi, Tokyo, Japan *McClnud. Wavne Ph.B.99 : d. August 25, 1903 McClvmonds, Ethelynd Harriet Ph.R.99 : m. Dudley Kinsell. Residence, Claremont Manor, Oakland. Cal. McDill. George Wilhert A.B.QQ : lawyer, Wilcox bldg. Resi- dence. 2110 W. 31st St., Los Angeles, Cal. McDonald, Lena Florence B.L.99 : m. Frank T. Wilkinson. Resi- dence. 1838 5th av.. Oakland. Cal. McDuffie, Duncan B.L.99 : president. Mason-McDuffie Co.. real estate. 2045 Shattuck av. Resi- dence, 156 Tunnel rd., Berkeley, Cal. *McPherson, Thomas William Ph.B.99 ; d. July 29, 1903 Mitchell, Flora Ernestine B.L.99 ; teacher. Residence, 1923 Ham- son St., Oakland, Cal. Mogeau, Isabella Ph.B.99; m. Hugh H. Herdman. Jr. Moonev, William Thomas Ph.B.99; LL.B. (Harvard) 06; lawyer. Residence, Petalunia, Cal. Myers, Mittie Ursula B.L.99 ; m. Frank X. Chaplin. Resi- dence, Dutton's Landing, Cal. Nash, Lavonia Ray Ph.B.99 fNewman, Maurice Alfred B.S.99 : mining engineer. Residence. San Jose de Gracia, Sinaloa, Mex. ♦Newman, Walter Ph.B.99; d. January, 1900 Newmark. Milton Ph.B.99 ; M.L.02 ; lawyer, 220 Mont- gomery St.. S. F. Residence, 138 The Uplands, Claremont Park, Berkeley, Cal. f Nve, Roy Victor B.L.99 : M.A. (Cornell) 00 : lawyer. Residence, Monrovia, Cal. Overstreet, Harrv Allen A.B.99 : B.Sc. (Oxford) 01 ; professor (philosophy). College of the City of New York. Residence, 15 Concord av.. White Plains, N. Y. Pache, Francis Charlier Ph.B.99: M.D. (Cooper); surgeon. Southern Pacific Co. Residence. Mina. Nev. Parker, Ada Howe B.L.99; m. Lewis S. Gear '02. Resi dence. 215 Santa Clara av., Oakland. Cal. Pidge, William Caius B.S.99 : engineer, city engineer's office. Residence. 750 7th av., S. F. Plaw. Marie \'ictoria Ph.B.99. Residence. Ygnacio Valley. Concord, Cal. Porter, Alice Turner Ph.B.99: m. Sedicy L. Ware. Resi- dence, Sewanee, Tenn. Powers. Jennie Louisa B.S.99. Residence. Carmcl. Cal. Premo, Walter Emile Ph.B.f'Q: real estate broker. Residence, Porterville. Cal. fQuavle. Rert Lcroy B.S.99: LL.B. 02 : "lawyer, with Chan- dler & Quayle. Residence, E. Ely. Nev. 46 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1899 RawlinRS. Stuart Lamar n S.')9 : niininR engineer, 354 Pine St., S. F. Residence. 169 Santa Rosa av., Oakland, Cal. Ktnnic. F.thcl Evalyn I'll. r.. "9 Risiu},'. Alice Stuart B.L.99. Care of Berkeley Bank of Sav- ings & Trust Co., Berkeley, Cal. Rosener, Leland Sylvan B.S.99 ; engineer, 465 California st. Residence, 1935 Clay St., S. F. Ross. Mary BS99- B.S. (Penn Coll.) 85; teacher. Residence, 2217 Dwight way, Berkeley, Cal. Roth, Nathalie E. Ph.B.99 ; teacher. Girls' High School. Residence, 2825 Sacramento St., S. F. Rotherniel. Elizabeth A.B.99; instructor (home economics), University of Washington. Residence, 4709 16th St.. N. E., Seattle, Wash. •j-Rouleau, Blanche Madeleine Ph B.99. Residence, 1410 Sacramento St., S. F. Riibottom. Holland Ph.B.99 ; captain 9th Cavalry, U. S. A., Camp Stotsenburg, P. I. Sammett, Matthew Alexander B.S.99 : consulting electrical engineer, McGill bldg. Residence, 757 Bloom- field av., Montreal, Quebec Scott. Llovd Nudd B.S.99 ; 'lawyer. 63 Wall St., N. Y. City. Residence. Ardsley Club, Ardsley on Hudson, N. Y. *Scott. Weslev Bartlett B.S.99; d. 1909 Sevier. Charles, Jr. 'B.L.99 ; insurance broker. I. W. Hell- man bldg. Residence, California Club, Los Angeles, Cal. Simpson. Francis Marion B.S.99 ; mining engineer. Residence, Vantrent, Cal. fSimpson, Lola Jean Ph.B.99; teacher, high school. Resi- dence, 720 College st.. Woodland, Cal. Skilling, William Thompson B.S.99; M.S.Ol ; teacher. Normal School. Residence, 3140 6th st., San Diego, Cal. Skimmings, Mrs. Nannie Fessenden A.B.99 ; m. Robert H. Skimmings. Resi- dence. 1085 12th St., Oakland, Cal. Smith. Thomas Allen B.S.99 : teacher, Lowell High School. S. F. Residence, 1531 Edith St., Berke- ley. Cal. Smoot. Sarah Elizabeth Marquand .'\.B.99 ; teacher, San Carlo School of Opera, 39 Huntington av., Boston, Mass. Residence, VVindsor, Vt. *Sorbier, Josephine Marie Ph.B.99 ; deceased Spaulding, William Holmes A.B.99; lawyer, 14 Sansome St., S. F. Residence, 625 El Dorado av., Oakland, Cal. Sprague, Roger B.S.99; assistant (chemistry;. Univer- sity of California. Residence. 2112 Durant av., Berkeley, Cal. Stack, Katherine A.B.99 ; teacher. Residence, 442 Ash- bury St., S. F. Stebbins, Horatio Ward A.R.99 : B.S. (Mass. Inst, of Tech.) 02; instructor (engineering). Stanford Uni- versity. Residence, 281 Addison St., Palo Alto, Cal. Steinhart, Amy D. A.B.99 • children's agent. State Board of Control, Sacramento, Cal. Residence, 2521 Scott St., S. F. Stone, Earle Almeron B.L.99; M.D.03; physician. 1400 W. 16th St. Residence, 1618 7th av., Los Angeles, Cal. Stone, Mrs. Eva Maud B.L.99 : m. Martin B. Stone : teacher, high school. Residence, 2929 Hillegass av., Berkeley, Cal. Stone, Fannv Gushing B.L.99 ; m. Walter V. Jahant. Resi- dence, Acampo, Cal. Stone, Florence Wilcox B.L.99 ; m. David A. Innes. Residence, Banning, Cal. Stubenrauch, Arnold Valentine B.S.99: M.S.A. (Cornell) 01; professor (pomology). L^niversity of California. Residence, 2747 Woolsey st., Berkeley, Cal. Sturges, Lorena Alice Ph.B.99; m. Fred'k S. Markey. Resi- dence, 5845 Birch court. Oakland, Cal. Sullivan, Katherine Editha ! B.L.99 ; teacher, high school. Resi- 1 dence, Seabright, Santa Cruz, Cal. I *Svvan. Earle Cook B.S.99 ; d. July 9, 1902 Sweet, Mabel B.L.99; m. Julius Baer '01. Residence, 125 Euclid av., S. F. *Symmes, Harold Shakspear A.B.99; Ph.D. (Paris) 03: d. February 7, 1910 Talcott. Seth Roswell B.S. 99 ; treasurer. Bowman Drug Co., 1301 Broadway. Residence, 4420 Foot- hill blvd., Oakland. Cal. Thane, Bartlett Lee B.S.99 : manager, Alaska Gold Mine Co. and Kensington Mining Co. Resi- dence. Tuneau. Alaska 1899-1900] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 47 Thomas, Charles Edward B.L.99 Thompson, Xelson Wamsley B.S.99 ; engineer, with Simplex Refin- ing Co.. 343 Sansome St., S. F. Resi- dence, 6019 Hillegass av., Oakland, Cal. Trefethen, Eugene Edgar Ph.B.99 ; lawyer, with Chapman & Trefethen, 1206 Broadway. Residence, 291 Jayne av., Oakland, Cal. Vance, XelHe B.L.99 Venable, Alice McDowell B.L.99 ; m. R. S. Eastman. Residence, 2847 Fulton St., Berkeley, Cal. \\'arner, Carl Melvin Ph.B.99; D.D. (Coll. of Pac.) 14; clergyman, Methodist Episcopal Church. Residence, East .Auburn, Cal. Wartenweiler, Elise Ph.B.99 : teacher, high school. Resi- dence, 2400 Durant av., Berkeley, Cal. Watson, Flovd Ro'we B.S.99: Ph.D. (Cornell) 02; associate professor (physics). University of Illi- nois. Residence, 906^ California av., Urbana, 111. Webb, Margaret B.L.99 ; teacher, high school. Residence, 2131 Bancroft way, Berkeley, Cal. Wickson, Katherine Ray A.B.99. Residence, 2723 Bancroft way, Berkeley, Cal. Wolfenden, Katherine B.L.99 ; vice-principal, high school. Res- idence. 604 Webster St., Redwood City, Cal. Wood, Elizabeth Ph.B.99 : teacher, high school. Resi- dence. 2039 Pinehurst rd., Hollywood, Cal. Youmans. Helen Emilie Ph.B.99 ; teacher. Residence. 2500 Du- rant av., Berkeley, Cal. Yotmg, Edward Livingstone B.S.99 Young, George Joseph B.S.99 : professor (mining). University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. Resi- dence. 827 Guerrero St., S. F. 1900 Aitken. Frank William A.B.OO : lawyer, with Aitken & Aitken, 681 Market st. Residence, 828 Camino del Mar, S. F. Allen, Edith Mary B.L.OO : m. C. H. Milner. Residence, 2862 Telegraph av., Oakland. Cal. Allen, Gertrude Eudora B.S.OO. Residence, 4433 Hermosa way, San Diego, Cal. Anderson, Albert James B.S.OO ; manager. Moose Mountain, Ltd. Residence, Sellwood, Ontario, Can. Arents, Helen Louise Emilie B.S.OO; m. R. G. C. Harms '96. Resi- dence, 561 Lincoln av., Alameda, Cal. Armstrong, Ruth Hebron B.S.OO ; m. H. L. Taylor '03. Residence, 6139 Hollywood blvd., Hollywood, Cal. fArnold, Ernest White A.B.OO; A.B. (Harvard) 02. Care of Parr's Bank, Ltd., Bartholomew Lane, London, E. C. Arnstein, Lawrence B.L.OO ; secretary, Arnstein, Simon & Co., 86 3d St. Residence, 249 Cherry St., S. F. Aronson, Evelyn Kate B.L.OO ; m. Max L. Margolis. Resi- dence, Wayne av. and Lincoln drive, Germantown, Pa. Athearn, Fred Goodrich A.B.OO; lawyer, 593 Market St., S. F. Residence, 2805 Regent St., Berkeley, Cal. Babson. Arthur Clarence B.S.OO ; manager, Wisconsin Gas & Electric Co., 205 Main st. Residence, 412 2d St., Watertown, Wis. Bailey, Herbert Wilmarth B.L.OO ; LL.B.02 ; department manager, Associated Underwriters, 374 Pine st. Residence, 1000 Union St., S. F. Baird, Benjamin Allen B.S.OO ; draftsman, city engineer's of- fice. Residence, 135 14th av., S. F. Barnes, John William B.L.OO ; with Frank X. Goble, contract- ors and engineers, 1 E. 42d St., N. Y. City. Residence, 49 Macopin av., Upper Montclair, N. J. *Belcher, Robert B.L.OO; d. July 24, 1916 Bentz, Otto B.S.OO ; buyer for Nathan Bentz, Santa Barbara, Cal. Residence, Grand Hotel des Wagon-lits, Peking, China Bishop. Roy Knight B.S.OO ; horticultural commissioner. Orange county, Santa .Ana, Cal. Resi- dence. R.F.D. 1, Orange, Cal. Bottomes. Purle Evelvn A.B.OO; m. F. G. Athearn '00. Resi- dence, 2805 Regent St., Berkeley. Cal. Boucher, Minnie Elizabeth B.L.OO Bowron, William Lee B.S.OO; rancher. Residence. R.F.D. . box 52, Modesto, Cal. Bradlcv, Harold Cornelius A.B.OO; Ph.D. (Yale) 05; associate pro- fessor (chemistry). University of Wis- consin. Residence, College Hills, Madi- son, Wis. 4S BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1900 1900 Continued ♦l^raiid, Joseph Everett IMi.M.ob; il. April 12, 1903 Breed, Herbert Lincoln B.L.OO; LL.B. 02; lawyer. 1206 Broad- way. Residence, 865 Walker av., Oak- land, Cal. Rrehm. (ieorge Otto H.1..00; dealer in dairy produce. 1325 Western av. Residence, 221 36th av., N.. Seattle, Wash. ]?rizar(l. Henry Francis H.S.OO ; secretary-manager, Brizard Co., merchants. Residence, Areata, Cal. Brewer. Ross J. B.S.OO ; instructor (drawing), Univer- versity of California. Residence, 2414 Parker St., Berkeley, Cal. Brown. Joseph Rodney B.S.OO Browne, Ralph Stuart B.S.OO ; metallurgical engineer. Resi- dence, 2004 Pacific av., Alameda, Cal. Burckhalter, Francis Lucien B.S.OO : superintendent, Portland divis- ion. Southern Pacific Co. Residence, 728 Irving St., Portland, Ore. Castelhun, Paul B.S.OO ; M.D.04 ; surgeon, 209 Post st. Residence, 1042 Valencia st., S. F. Cerf. Adrienne B.L.OO ; teacher. Mission High School. Residence, 3794 Sacramento St., S. F. Cheminant, Lester Byrd B.S.OO ; assistant city engineer. Resi- dence, 609 Frederick St., S. F. fChristensen, Edward Esbern B.L.OO. Residence, 912 Kingston av., Oakland, Cal. •f-Christensen, Joseph Corbett B.S.OO. Residence, 912 Kingston av., Oakland, Cal. Clausen. Ernest Augustine B.L.OO; LL.B.02: lawyer. 465 California St. Residence, 1139 Divisadero St., S. F. Cloud. Archibald Jeter B.L.OO ; deputy superintendent of schools, City Hall. Residence, 1360 Hyde St.. S. F. Cogswell, Horatio A.B.OO : M.A.04 ; instructor (vocal mu- sic), University of Southern California. Residence, 1244 Van Ness av., Los An- geles, Cal. Collins. Robert Milliard B.S.OO; capitalist, 417 Market St., S. F. Residence. San Leandro, Cal. *Conrad. Ada Emma B.L.OO : m. D. S. Swett ; d. Novemher 8. 1904 Coulter, Annie Deborah B.L.OO; M.L.02; m. Allan P. Brown; m. Guy L. Palmer. Residence, 541 Buena Vista av., S. F. Covert, Morris Hoyt B.S.OO; civil engineer. Residence, 2317b Carlton st., Berkeley, Cal. Crocker, Arthur James P..S.00 ; contractor, with W^estern Motor Draying Co., 351 Noe st. Residence, 40 Mercedes way, Ingleside terrace, S.F. Croyland, Adeline Belle B.L.OO ; M.L.Ol ; teacher. Girls' High School. Residence, 655 Stockton st., S. F. Daniel, Hosapher Newell Ewer B.S.OO. Residence, 101 Ross av., San Anselmo, Cal. De Bell, William Henry B.L.OO; B.S. (Roanoke); deputy super- intendent of schools. Residence, 1266 3d av., S. F. Decoto, Ezra William B.L.OO; LL.B. 02; lawyer, 1106 Broad- way. Residence, 392 Bellevue av., Oak- land, Cal. De Laveaga, Joseph Vincent B.L.OO ; LL.B.02 ; lawyer, 220 Montgom- ery St., S. F. Residence, Deepclifife, Cupertino, Cal. De Lisle, Godfray B.S.OO Dibert, Jesse Leroy B.L.OO; LL.B. 02; lawyer. Bacon bldg. Residence, 1629 4th av., Oakland, Cal. Dickerson, Roy Ernest B.S.OO; M.S.IO; Ph.D.12; teacher. Mis- sion High School. Residence, 114 Bur- nett av., S. F. *Dinkelspiel. Major Walter B.S.OO; LL.B.02; d. February 2, 1906 Dolman, Percival B.S.OO; M.D. (Cooper) 05: oculist, 135 Stockton St. Residence, 26 Common- wealth av., S. F. Donnelly, Laura Lorine B.S.OO ; instructor, University of Texas, Austin. Texas. Residence. 2120 McGee av., Berkeley, Cal. Doretv. Frederic Gerber B.L.OO; LL.B. (Harvard) 03; lawyer, with Great Northern Railwav. Resi- dence, 202 36th av.. N.. Seattle, Wash. Downing, Joseph Oscar A.B.OO ; lawyer. Title Insurance bldg. Residence. 727 S. Rampart st.. Los An- geles, Cal. Driver. Benjamin Franklin B.L.OO ; lawyer. Residence, Sacramento, Cal. Duffy. Alice Eugenia B.L.OO. Residence. 2807 Washington St.. S. F. Edson, Grace Belle B.S.OO ; m. G. R. Freeman ; teacher. 1900] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 49 Residence, 2884 Chapman St., Oakland, Cal. Eloesser, Leo B.S.OO; M.D. (Heidelberg) 07; sur- geon, 135 Stockton st. Residence, 3201 Pacific av., S. F. Epsteen, Saul B.S.OO; Ph.D. (Zurich) 02; cashier, First State Bank. Residence, Wiggins, Colo. Falch. Otto Emil. Jr. B.S.OO ; consulting electrical and me- chanical engineer, Hearst bldg., S. F. Residence, Mill Valley, Cal. Flores, Manuel Egnatius B.S.OO ; machinist. Residence, 802 Ken- nedy St., Oakland, Cal. *Freese, Alice Linscott A.B.OO; d. February 9, 1906 fPrench, Bessie Lea B.L.OO. Residence, Santa Rosa, Cal. fFrench, Emma Francis B.S.OO. Residence, Santa Rosa, Cal. Garrison, Noel Hunt A.B.OO ; principal, high school. Resi- dence, 405 W. Willow St., Stockton, Cal. Gearhart, Frances Hammel Ph.B.OO ; teacher, Los Angeles High School. Residence, 18 W. California St., Pasadena, Cal. Gilmour, Rachel Scott Ph.B.OO ; m. Thomas Cloney. Residence, 1405 B St., Eureka, Cal. Goodale, David B.S.OO ; mining engineer, with Atkins, Holl & Co., 311 California St., S. F. Residence, 2301 Stuart St., Berkeley, Cal. Grant. James Percy B.S.OO; M.A. (Colorado) 08; teacher, Higher Commercial School, Yamaguchi, Japan Green, Bertha A.B.OO: A.B. (U. of So. Cal.) 99; teach- er, Hollywood High School. Residence, 5715 Virginia av., Los Angeles, Cal. Green, May Everett B.L.OO : m. W. E. Burns '06. Residence, 1255 E. 21st St., Portland, Ore. Hammack, Eleanor Stewart A.B.OO; m. Robert C. Northcross. Resi- dence, R. F. D. 2, Orange, Cal. Hampton, Gertrude Helen B.S.OO; m. N. E. Smith '00. Residence, 429 E. Orange av., Monrovia, Cal. Hansen, Carl Sophus Ph.B.OO Harris. Marv Victoria Ernst A.B.OO; m.' Charles B. Smith Hart, j^ugustus Loring. Jr. A.B.OO ; LL.B.02 ; lawyer, with Peoples Savings Bank. Residence, 708 H St., Sacramento, Cal. Haseltine, Richard Snell B.S.OO ; manager, British Consolidated Oil Corp., Ltd. Residence, Coalinga, Cal. Haswcll, William Clark B.S.OO Hav. John James Ale.xander B.S'.OO *Henley, Charlotte Anna B.L.OO ; m. Lawrence S. .Ain'sworth ; d. June 21, 1905 Henrich. Karl B.L.OO ; insurance broker. Residence, 2227 Union St., Berkeley, Cal. Herreshoff, James Brown, Jr. B.S.OO ; president. Domestic Chemical Corp. Residence, 524 Beech St., Rich- mond Hill, N. Y. fHewlett, Eugene Elhert B.L.OO; LL.B. (Harvard) 03: lawyer. Residence, 2520 Octavia st., S. F. Hicks. Percy Edgar B.S.OO ; superintendent. Highway Com- mission, San Bernardino. Cal. Resi- dence, 411 Linda place, Redlands, Cal. Hill, Herbert Wynford B.L.OO: Ph. M. (Chicago) 04; professor (English), University of Nevada. Resi- dence, 103 Mill St., Reno, Xev. *Hilton, William Halsted B.S.OO; d. May 27, 1901 Hinckley, Daisy Gilene B.L.OO; m. Paul S. Austin. Residence, 840 52d St., Oakland. Cal. fHoak, Charlotte Milliken Ph.B.OO ; teacher. Residence, Selma. Cal. Hodgkin, Wilfred Reginald Haughton B.L.OO ; clergyman, AW Souls' Chapel (Episcopal). Residence, 1431 Spruce St., Berkeley, Cal. Howell, Ray B. Ph.B.OO ; representative in the Orient for Yale & Towne. Care of Mustard & Co., Hongkong, China *Hiunphreys, Alice B.L.OO; d. October, 1905 *Hutchinson. Reno A.B.OO ; deceased Hutton. Alegra A.B.OO; M.A. 10: teacher. Residence. 398 Lake Shore blvd.. Oakland. Cal. •f-Hyde. Richard Ernest B.L.OO. Residences Visalia, Cal. fjackson, Mary Noble B.L.OO. Residence, 2711 Clarcniont blvd., Berkeley, Cal. Janes. Byron Everett B.S.OO ; farmer. Residence, Nevada City. Cal. lewctt. Gertrude Maxwell B.L.OO: m. W. B. Greeley "01. Resi- dence, Elm St.. Chevy Chase. Md. 50 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1900 1900 Continued Joseph, Mvrtlc Ic-aiiiu'llc A. I!. 0(1 ; 'a.m. (Coluinliiri) 11; teacher, Bryant HIkIi School. l.oiiK Island City. N. Y. Residence, 514 W. 12Jd St., N. Y. City Kcl.sev, Cicrtrude Olive B.L.OO ; ni. C. W. Yerxa. Residence, 6.?5 S. Wesflake av., Los Angeles, Cal. Kelsev. Mal)cl Earle A.B.OO; m. C. M. Rugg ; teacher of piano. Residence, R. F. D. 2, Ventura, Cal. Kciinedv. Joseph Lorenzo B.L.OO :" LL.B. 02 ; lawyer. Residence, 523 I St., Eureka, Cal. fKcrlinger, William Murray B.S.OO. Residence, Stratford, Cal. Kinihall, Alice H.S.OO ; city bacteriologist. Residence, 543 E. 19th St., Long Beach, Cal. Kleiick. \'irginia Nason B.L.OO; Ph.B.98 Kline, James Joseph B.S.OO ; division manager, General Elec- tric Co. Residence, 521 W. Wayne St., Fort Wayne, Ind. Kuster, Edward Gerhard B.L.OO : lawyer. Van Nuys bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Residence, San Gabriel, Cal. Lacoste, Eugenie B.L.OO ; teacher, Mission High School. Residence, 3233 Jackson St., S. F. Lamont. Ellen Cameron B.L.OO Lavallee, Eleanor Irene A.B.OO ; m. John Holcombe. Residence, 355 N. 8th St, Laramie, Wyo. Lawhead, Mrs. Lydia D. B.L.OO : m. H. D. Lawhead ; vice-prin- cipal, hiiih school. Residence, Woodland, Cal. Lehner, Edward Walter A.B.OO : official reporter, U. S. courts. Federal bldg. Residence. 1285 5th av., S. F. Linforth, Ivan Mortimer A.B.OO: M.A.Ol ; Ph.D.05 ; assistant professor (Greek), University of Cali- fornia. Residence, 2700 Piedmont av., Berkeley. Cal. Linscott, Louise Ach-a B.L.OO ; M.D.04 : m. R. Hector '04. Resi- dence. 2011 Yolo av.. Berkeley, Cal. Livingston. Florence Bingham B.L.OO. Residence, 52 Hamilton place, Oakland. Cal. Loewv, Walter B.L.OO: LL.B. (Pennsylvania) 03: law- yer. 201 Sansome st. Residence. 2505 Pacific av., S. F. Longmore, Gertrude B.S.OO ; m. C. H. Butner Loring, Conrad B.S. (mech.) 00; B.S. (civ. eng.) 04; assistant sui)erintendent of construc- tion, Kern Trading & Oil Co., 870 Mar- ket St. Residence, 2401 Jackson St., S. F. Lundy, Estelle Jane B.L.OO : m. Edward C. Price. Residence, 610 Virgil av., Los Angeles, Cal. Macaulay, Lena May A.B.OO ; m. Forrest C. Hill. Residence, 2601 J St., Sacramento, Cal. Machado, Dolores Eleuteria B.L.OO ; m. John V. Barrow Mallon, Aloysius Paul B.S.OO ; inspector. Board of Public Works. Residence, 352 18th av., S. F. Mansfield, Thomas Drummond A.B.OO; M.D.08; medical missionary. Residence, Gensan, Chosen Marsh, Eccleston Bowers B.L.OO; LL.B. (U. of Wash.) OS; sales- man, dairy produce, 1209 Western av. Residence, Arctic Club, Seattle, Wash. fMarshall, Pearl A.B.OO ; teacher. Residence, Santa Ma- ria, Cal. Martin, Dora Louise A.B.OO; teacher. Residence, 1050 Keith av., Berkeley, Cal. Martin. Willsie Manning A.B.OO ; minister. First Methodist Epis- copal Church. Residence, 1020 State St., Boise, Idaho *Masters, George Herbert B.S.OO; d. 1913 Maybach, Samuel P. B.S.OO ; assistant cashier, U. S. Custom House. Residence. 2434 25th av.. S. F. McCabe. Mary Elizabeth B. 1^.00 ; m. W. S. Edwards. Residence, 229 W. Sola st., Santa Barbara, Cal. McCollough, Maxwell Latham A.B.OO : special agent, Aetna Accident & Liability Co.. 228 Pine st. Residence, 440 Eddy st., S. F. McCowan, Margaret A.B.OO; A.B. (Grinnell) 90; teacher. Residence, 3427 Kromer av.. Everett. Wash. McCrearv. Howard Daniel B.S.OO: LL.B.02: clerk, public works de- partment. Navy Yard. Mare Island. Cal. Residence. 715 Kentuckv st., \'allejo, Cal. *McCulloch. Matilda Liesette B.L.OO: d. March 7. 1902 McGlashan. June Laura B.L.OO: LL.B. 04: m. George F. Kelley ; lawyer, with Kelley & Kelley. Residence, Truckee, Cal. 1900] BACHELORS : Academic Colleges 51 McLeod, Margaret B.L.OO. Residence, 727 Duboce av., S. F. McMillan, Elizabeth Davidson B.L.OO : teacher, Fremont High School. Residence, 614 25th St., Oakland, Cal. Mein, William Wallace B.S.OO : consulting engineer, with Inter- national Nickel Co., 43 Exchange place. Residence, 45 E. 82d st., N. Y. City Meininger, Dorothy B.L.OO ; social service worker, Mt. Zion Hospital. Residence, 325 Maple St., S. F. Melone, Henry Clinton B.L.OO ; realty broker, 34 Montgomery St., S. F. Residence, Oak Knoll, Cal. Michener, Marian B.S.OO ; m. Antonio M. dal Piaz '06. Residence, R. F. D. 3, Stockton, Cal. Miller, Clinton Ellis B.L.OO ; real estate broker, Grosse bldg. Residence, 2252 W. Washington St., Los Angeles, Cal. Moller, Lillian Evelyn B.L.OO : M.L.02 ; m. Frank B. Gilbreth ; industrial psychologist. Residence, 77 Brown St., Providence, R. I. Monroe, George Walter B.S.OO ; principal, high school. Resi- dence, Owensmouth, Cal. Morris, Fred Ludwig B.S.OO : mining engineer, 681 Market St., S.F. Residence, 2497 Prince St., Berkeley, Cal. Morrison, Francis Robert A.B.OO: M.A.Ol ; teacher. Residence, 5246 Miles av., Oakland, Cal. Mortimer, James Daniel B.S.OO : president. The North American Co., public utilities, 30 Broad St., N. Y. City Moulthrop, John Robert B.L.OO ; LL.B. (Columbia) 03 ; lawyer. 681 Market St., S. F. Residence, 2611 Etna St., Berkeley, Cal. *Munson, Howard Frederick B.S.OO; d. September, 1911 Nathan, Lillian B.S.OO : ni. Maurice Eallin. Residence, 2946 Magnolia St., Berkeley, Cal. Nathan, Milchel William B.L.OO ; merchant, with Charles P. Na- than Co., Sacramento, Cal. Neale, Anna Josephine B.L.OO; m. John R. McDill. Residence, 628 Astor st., Milwaukee, Wis. Neiman, William Franklin B.S.OO : manager, commercial depart- ment. Universal Electric & Gas Co., 703 Market St., S. F. Residence, 1231 Ox- ford St., Berkeley, Cal. Newman, Jeannette B.L.OO : social service worker, Mt. Zion Hospital. Residence, 3447 Clay St., S. F. Newmark, Amelia Helen B.L.OO ; teacher, high school. Residence, 2162 Vine st., Berkeley, Cal. Nicholls, John Carroll B.S.OO; mining engineer. Residence, Copper Cliff, Ontario, Can. Nutting. Franklin Porter Ph.B.00: lawyer, 58 Sutter st., S. F. Residence, 2499 Avalon av., Berkeley, Cal. O'Connell, Ella Jane B.S.OO; teacher. Fremont High School. Residence, 687 25th St., Oakland. Cal. Oliver. Edwin Letts B.S.OO ; proprietor, Oliver Continuous Filter Co.. 503 Market St.. S. F. Resi- dence, 252 Vernon St., Oakland, Cai. Oliver, Ernest Warner B.L.OO ; vice-principal. Los .\ngeles High School. Residence. 238 S. .'\rd- more av.. Loi .Angeles. Cal. Oliver, Roland Letts B.S.OO ; manager, California Cap Co., explosives. Bacon bldg. Residence. 311 Ramona av.. Oakland, Cal. Osmont, Vance Craigmiles B.S.OO; mining engineer. Residence. 34 Manor drive, Oakland. Cal. *Parker, Adel Arta B.S.OO ; m. James Gibson : d. Septeml)er 28. 1908 Paroni. Clelia Augusta B.L.OO: teacher. 1632 Orange St.. Los Angeles, Cal. Residence. 2647 Stuart St., Berkeley, Cal. *Parsons, Willard Giles A.B.OO; d. March 4. 1910 fPatterson, Henry Hawlcy B.S.OO. Residence, Newark. Cal. Paulsen. Amandus John Richard A.B.OO; lawyer. 625 Market st. Resi- dence. 3937 Army St.. S. F. fPaxton. Euphcmia Sinclair B.S.OO. Residence, Orange. Cal. Peck. Clarence Warren B.L.OO ; teacher, high school. Residence. 245 Alvarado rd.. Berkeley. Cal. fPhelps. Frank Warner B.S.OO ; secretary, Phelps-Shannon In- vestment Co.. Eagle Rock av. and Glenandale place. Residence. i\. F. H. 1. box 226, Los Angeles. Cal. Poheim. Hugo Gustave B.S.OO : merchant tailor. 806 Market St. Residence. 800 Bush st.. S. F. *Rcid. Tohn .Mien B.S.OO; d. July 4. l^oo Reith. Charles Edwin B.L.OO ; LL.B.02 ; lawyer, 58 Sutter st. Residence. IL?*' Divisadero St., S. F. Rcmmcl, .Mva Jacob B.S.OO; M.I). (Cooper) 05: physician. 52 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1900 948 Market st. Residence. 1405 7th av., S. F. Richard. Mathilde S. n.L.Od: 111. H.-irry I". Drydcn. Resi- dence. 16J4 Milvia St., Herkeley. Cal. Robinson. Harrison Sidney U.L.OO ; l.'iwyer. with Robinson, Robin- son it Price. First National Bank bldg. Residence. .168 Staten av., Oakland, Cal. Robinson, [ohn Rose R.L.OO: LI..B. (Harvard) 04; lawyer, Waterland bldg. Residence, 812 5th St., Chico. Cal. Rockhold. Frederick Willson B.S.OO : teacher. Lowell High School, 1.16J 7th av.. S. F. Residence, Parkdale, Ore. Rooney. Alice Jane B.L.OO : ni. Louis Titus. Residence, Stony Ford. N. Y. Ruch. Mabel Frances B.L.OO : m. H. S. RoRinson '00. Resi- dence. 368 Staten av., Oakland, Cal. Sanborn. Bertha A.B.OO: A.B. (Pomona) 95; teacher, Polytechnic High School. Residence, 4536 W. 18th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Schluss. Kurt C. B.S.OO ; superintendent. power and equipment. Tacoma Railway & Power Co. and Puget Sound Electric Railway, L319 A St. Residence, 318 N. J St., Ta- coma, Wash. Sellander, Mav Louise B.L.OO; teacher. Residence, 918 E. 20th St.. Oakland, Cal. *Shibata. Yoneshiro B.S.OO ; d. December 16, 1902 Simonds, Ray Whitman B.S.OO ; manager. Simonds Machinery Co., 117 New Montgomery St., S. F. Residence. 1330 Spruce st., Berkeley, Cal. Skaife. Alfred Charles A.B.OO ; M.A.02 ; lawyer, with Fidelity & Deposit Co. of Maryland, 433 Califor- nia St. Residence, 1116 Castro st., S. F. Smith. Alfred John B.S.OO; farmeV. Residence, R. F. D. 2, box 92, Fowler. Cal. Smith. Dwight Timothy B.S.OO ; director, Virginia City School of Mines, box 531, Virginia City. Nev. Residence, 2435 Virginia St., Berkeley, Cal. Smith. Xorman Eugene B.S.OO ; mining engineer. Marsh Strong bldg.. Los Anceles. Cal. Residence, 429 Orange av.. Monrovia. Cal. Sollman. Florence Helen B.L.OO ; m. .\. T. Percival. Residence, 423 Highland av.. San Mateo, Cal. Spencer, MacDonald B.S.OO; manufacturers' agent. 103 W. Park St. Residence, 351 Cornell rd., Portland, Ore. Spencer, William Clay B.L.OO. Residence, Calle Minezas, Min- danao, P. I. Sperry, James Clarence B.S.OO ■ oil operator and rancher. Resi- dence, 2425 Hearst av., Berkeley, Cal. *Steedman, Agnes B.L.OO; m. Alexander W. McDonald; d. February 19, 1908 Stockwell, Alma Emma B.S.OO ; m. William G. Needham. Resi- dence, 1214 Walnut St., Berkeley, Cal. SuUiger, Herman Nevvcomb B.S.OO ; engineer and water investigator. Residence. San Jose, Costa Rica Sullivan, Grace Adelaide A.B.OO ; teacher. Residence, 2460 20th av., S. F. Sweeney, May Elizabeth B.L.OO ; m. John G. Davisson '99. Resi- dence, Suisun, Cal. Talbott, Edward James B.S.OO; LL.B.02"; lawyer. 704 Market St., S. F. Residence, San Mateo, Cal. Tasheira, Arthur Gould A.B.OO; LL.B. (Harvard) 03; lawyer, 1206 Broadway. Residence. 635 Wals- worth av., Oakland. Cal. *Taylor. Olive Lord B.L.OO ; deceased Tracv. Edwin Henrv B.S.OO fTracy, Leland Howard B.L.OO. Care of Presbyterian Board, Aguadilla, Porto Rico Tyrrell, Fannie Earl B.L.OO ; m. W. J. Martinez. Residence, 2814 College av., Berkeley, Cal. Tvrrell, Grace Abbie ' B.L.OO. Residence. 2324 Stuart St.. Ber- keley. Cal. Voorsanger, Mamie Cooper B.L.OO ; m. Lewis L Waxelbaum. Resi- dence. 708 Oak St., Macon, Ga. Wachs. Gertrude Hazel B.S.OO ; m. William M. Hyman '96. Res- idence. 639 1st St., Woodland. Cal. Wagner, Ethel IMary A.B.OO. Residence, 1272 18th av., S. F. Weslar. Willard Howard B.S.OO ; superintendent, public schools. Residence. Goldfield Hotel, Goldfield, Nev. West, Fern Eva A.B.OO ; m. Hartley Shaw '97. Resi- dence, 144 W. Park av.. Tropico, Cal. Westcott. Clvde Merrill B.S.OO White. Mark Henry B.S.OO ; architectural engineer. 35 Mont- 1900-1901] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 53 gomery St., S. F. Residence, La Loma and Buena Vista avs., Berkeley, Cal. White, William Kennedy B.L.OO; LL.B.02; lawyer, with White & Prost, 612 Market st. Residence, Olympic Club, S. F. Wilder. Anna Ruth B.L.OO ; vice-principal. Technical High School, Oakland. Cal. Residence, 2448 Prospect St., Berkeley, Cal. Williams, Cyril, Jr. B.S.OO: A.B. (St. Ignatius); civil and hydraulic engineer, 1095 Market st. Res- idence, 1015 Scott St., S. F. Wilson, Flora A.B. 00 Wilson, Minnie Ray A.B. 00 ; m. William Olney. Residence, 2608 Warring st., Berkeley, Cal. Wiltshire. Mary Grace B.L.OO : principal, Marlborough School for Girls. Residence, 5029 W. 3d St., Los Angeles, Cal. Wise, Alexander B.S.OO ; mining engineer. Residence, 1160 Turk St., S. F. Wolf, Oscar B.L.OO ; coast manager, Phoenix Knit- ting Co. of Milwaukee, 142 Sansome st. Residence, 1155 Pine St., S. F. Young, Cora B. B.L.OO ; B.L. (Ohio Wesleyan) ; teacher, Polytechnic High School. Residence, 401 S. Grand av., Los Angeles, Cal. 1901 Abraham. Hilda A.B.Ol ; teacher. Residence, 1722 Wal- nut St., Berkeley, Cal. Alexander, Edgar William B.S.Ol ; M.D.05 ; oculist, 135 Stockton St., S. F. Residence, Culloden Park, San Rafael, Cal. Alexander. Jewell B.L.Ol ; LL.B. (Harvard) 04; lawyer, 220 Montgomery st. Residence, 151 16th av., S. F. Allen, Annie Harriet A.B.Ol ; M.A.q3 ; instructor (public speaking). University of California. Residence, 2237 Ellsworth st., Berkeley, Cal. Allen, Glenn I^oring B.S.Ol ; principal, high school. Resi- dence, 31 W. 9th St., Reno, Nev. Arlett, Elizabeth B.L.Ol ; principal. Laurel School. Resi- dence. 24 Linda av., Oakland, Cal. Bailey, Lucile H. A.B.Ol : m. G. M. Waller. Residence, 806 Arlington av., Oakland, Cal. Bakewell. Walter Burling A.B.Ol : with. Savings i'nicm Bank & Trust Co., S. F. Residence, 2831 Tele- graph av., Oakland, Cal. Bangle, Harry Winter B.S.Ol : metallurgist, 821 Market St., S. F. Residence, 1804 6th av., Oakland, Cal. Bannon. Minnie Beatrice B.S.Ol ; m. H. B. Bradford '99. Resi- dence, 1530 Sierra av., Sacramento, Cal. Barnard, Florence Eunice B.L.Ol ; teacher. Residence, Christal terrace. Santa Cruz, Cal. Bartlett, George R. B.L.Ol; LL.B. (Harvard) 09; lawyer. First National Bank Bldg. Residence, 1469 Harrison St.. Oakland, Cal. Baruch. Edgar B.S.Ol ; M.S. 02 ; consulting engineer, Wright & Callender bldg. Residence. 1222 S. Van Ness av., Los .Angeles, Cal. Bayer. Theobald Percy B.L.Ol ; author. Residence, 5 W. 65th St., N. Y. City Beck, Edwin Lawrence B.S.Ol ; mill superintendent. Residence, Sodaville, Nev. Bentlcv, Marv Ingle B.L.Ol ; secretary, Y. W. C. A., S. F. Residence, 2401 Le Conte av., Berkeley, Cal. Bigelow, Coniah Leigh B.S.Ol ; M.D.05 : physician, 760 Market St. Residence. 892 Union St., S. F. Blair, James Clark A.B.Ol: M.D.05; physician. First Na- tional Bank bldg. Residence. 7 Martin av., San Jose, Cal. Body, Ida B.L.Ol ; associate principal, Merriman School. Residence. 620 Mariposa av., Oakland, Cal. Bohall, Jessie B.L.Ol ; m. Ray Ferguson. Residence, Patagonia, Ariz. fBowcher, May Alice B.S.Ol. Res'idence, 1323 Regent St., Alameda, Cal. Bradley. Walter Wadsworth B.S.Ol ; mining statistician. State Min- ing Bureau. Union Ferry bldg., S. F. Residence, 1537 Honita av., Berkeley, Cal. Bright. J. Shirley B.S.Ol ; chief engineer. San Bernanlino County Highway Commission. Resi- dence. 1025 K St.. San Bernardino, Cal. Britt. Harlcv Sargent B.S.Ol Browncll, Brownie B.L.Ol ; m. William L. Cooper. Resi- dence. 1199 K. Hoyt St.. Portland. Ore. Brownscoiube. Thomas Faircliild B.L.Ol: B.S. (Pomona) 98; M.A. (U. of Wash.) 99; city superintendent of 54 B.ICJIP.LORS: Academic Colleges [1901 1901 Continued schools. Residence, 739 5th St., Santa Uosa, I'ryan, \ iviaii I'.fatricc A.B.Ol ; m. Chas. R. Nelson. Residence, 5500 ColIcKC av., Oakland, Cal. Hughcc. I'Vanklin Underwood A. [{.01 ; rector, St. Matthias Episcopal C'lnirch. Residence, 124 S. Washington St., Whitticr, Cal. Bunkt-r, I'Vank I'^orest I'll. 15. 01 : manager, Keystone Oil Co. Residence, 982 Louisiana av., Shreve- port, La. Bunnell, Ella Mav B.L.Ol. Residence, 72 Garfield St., Ash- land, Ore. Burnett, Jessie Ellsworth A.B.Ol i A.B. (Mills Coll.) 00; m. Al- bert L. Thurston. Residence, 40 Dan- forth av., Jersey City, N. J. Butler, John Winchel Spencer B.L.oi ; M.L.02; lawyer, with Butler & Swisler, Capital National Bank bldg. Residence, 1100 Cutter av., Sacramento, Cal. Campbell, Cora Belle B.L.Ol ; m. C. F. McCall : missionary, Akita, Japan. Residence, Fulton, Mo. Carlson. Carl Laurence B.L.Ol Carpenter; Lewis Eugene B.S.Ol Catton, Ethel Beaver B.L.Ol ; m. Harry B. P. Carden. Resi- dence, 927 F St., Marysville, Cal. Chace, Lillian Gertrude B.L.Ol ; teacher. Residence, 2624 Pied- mont av., Berkeley, Cal. Chevret, Antoinette Clemence B.L.Ol: M.L.ll; teacher, 830 4th St., San Rafael, Cal. Residence, Areata, Cal. Childs. Ernest Roy B.S.Ol ; assistant citv engineer. Resi- dence. 400 19th St., San Diego, Cal. Christy. Madeline Veronica B.L.Ol ; teacher, high school. Residence, 1737 Euclid av., Berkeley, Cal. Clapp. Helen Elizabeth B.L.Ol : B.L. (Pomona) 99; m. Clarence A. Jenks. Residence, 1725 S. Kingsley dr., Los Angeles. Cal. Clark, Blanche Maple A.B.Ol ; m. G. F. Chamberlain. Resi- dence, 1732 Central av., Alameda, Cal. Clay, Philip Tuggle B.L.Ol ; vice-president. Sherman Clay & Co., Kearny and Sutter sts., S. F. Resi- dence, 1550 28th av., Oakland, Cal. Coeke, Amelia Ynez B.L.Ol : M.L.02 : teacher. Residence, 1159 Fremont St.. Santa Clara. Cal. Coleman, Charles Matthew B.L.Ol ; city editor, with Examiner. Residence, 2644 Green St., S. F. Colton, Charles Maxwell B.L.Ol ; accountant. Bureau of Supply. Residence, 410 Calle Lamayan, Santa Ana, Manila, P. L ♦Conlin, Walter Everett A.B.Ol; LL.B. (Harvard) 04: d. Jan- uary 5, 1909 *Cooper, Mary Sara B.L.Ol ; deceased Cornish, Harry Louis B.S.Ol : mining engineer. Residence, 2005 Vine St., Berkeley, Cal. Cornwall, Ada Maud B.L.Ol. Residence, 2230 Chapel St., Berkeley, Cal. Cox, Edith Pearl B.L.Ol ; clerk, postoffice. Residence, 404 Larkin St., Monterey, Cal. Cullen, Rene A.B.Ol ; teacher. Residence, \^ictoria Hotel, S. F. Curtiss, Ralph Hamilton B.S.Ol; Ph.D.04; associate professor (astronomy), University of Michigan; office. Observatory, Ann Arbor, Mich. Dall, Cornelius George A.B.Ol; LL.B. (Harvard) 04: lawyer, with Titus, Creed, Jones & Dall, 731 Market st. Residence, 142 Cole st., S. F. De Lashmutt, Ivan B.S.Ol Devine, Josephine B.L.Ol. Residence, Hotel St. Mark, Oakland, Cal. De Yo. Lou Irene B.L.Ol : M.L.02 ; m. Louis A. Pringle. Residence, Quincy, Cal. Dickson. Edward Augustus B.L.Ol ; editor, with Express-Tribune, 719 Hill St. Residence, 1631 Cimarron St., Los Angeles, Cal. Didion, George Nelson A.B.Ol ; LL.B.03 ; lawyer. Capital Na- tional Bank bldg. Residence. 1101 23d St., Sacramento, Cal. Doherty, Margaret Elizabeth B.L.Ol : m. F.W.Kerns '01. Residence. 2219 Blake St., Berkeley, Cal. Dreher. Fred Louis B.L.Ol: LL.B.04: lawyer. 550 Mont- gomery St. Residence. 170 11th av.. S. F. Dunlap, Boutwell B.L.Ol : LL.B. (Catholic U. of Am.) 05; LL.>L ibid: lawyer and Argentine Con- sul. 1 Montgomery St.. S. F. Durkee. Lillian Mav B.L.Ol : teacher, Alameda, dal. Resi- dence. 577 Jean st.. Oakland. Cal. 1901] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 55 Eastman, Muriel B.L.Ol : m. W. M. Martin '00. Resi- dence, 1020 State St., Boise, Idaho Eby, Elizabeth B.L.Ol ; m. David E. Brown. Residence, 259 Perry st., Oakland. Cal. Eddy, Guy Walton B.L.Ol ; lawyer. Merchants Trust bldg. Residence, 131 W. av. 53, Los Angeles, Cal. Edwards, Clarence William B.L.Ol : principal, Lowell School. Resi- dence, 1837 J St., Fresno, Cal. Ellison. Jeannette A.B.Ol"; A.B. (Mills Coll.) 00; teacher, high school. Residence, 1627 Chapala St., Santa Barbara, Cal. Emerson. Thomas Henry B.L.Ol Ensign. Claribel B.L.Ol : m. W. T. Sadler. Residence. 2800 Woolsey st., Berkeley, Cal. Fee. Margaret Maria B.S.Ol ; teacher. Residence, 3001 Col- lege av., Berkeley, Cal. Fish, Grace Emily A.B.Ol. Residence, 2910 Ashby av., Berkeley, Cal. Fisher, Ralph Talcott A.B.Ol ; M.A.03 ; cashier, Associated Oil Co., 55 New Montgomery St., S. F. Residence, 111 Kempton av.. Oakland, Cal. Ford. Edward Thomas B.L.Ol ; sub-manager, W. R. Grace & Co.. 332 Pine St., S. F. Residence. 5861 Ocean View drive, Oakland, Cal. Forderer, Lilia Gertrude B.L.Ol. Care of 1212 Regent st., Ala- meda, Cal. Fortier. Margaret B.S.Ol ; teacher. Residence, 1456 Jones St., S. F. Eraser, Maud Malcolm B.L.Ol ; m. Charles C. Champlin '02. Residence, Pittsburg, Cal. Frickstad. ^^'alter Nettleton B.S.Ol : assistant superintendent, street department. Residence. 1815 10th av., Oakland. Cal. Frisius. Agnes B.L.Ol ; teacher, high school. Residence, 1814J,4 Toberman St., Los Angeles, Cal. Gable, Myrtle B.L.Ol.' Residence. 659 1st St.. Wood- land, Cal. Gaddis. Edith Edna B.L.Ol ; m. T. M. Brewer '02. Residence, 37 Concord av.. Cambridge, Mass. Gale. Leland Isaac B.L.Ol: LL.B.03 : civil engineer. Resi- dence. 6053 Chabot rd.. Oakland. Cal. Gallagher, Mary Theresa A.B.Ol ; m. E. F. Carey '05. Residence, 140 Burlington av., Missoula, Mont. Gautier, Leonora B.L.Ol. Residence. 1021 Morgan st.. Santa Rosa, Cal. Gearhart, Edna A.B.Ol ; teacher. Los Angeles High School. Residence. 18 W. California St., Pasadena, Cal. Gilson, Mabel Emma B.L.Ol : m. Francis M. Cale. Residence. 431 Athol av.. Oakland. Cal. Glazier, Marcclla Catherine B.L.Ol: teacher. Residence, 3367 17th St., S. F. Godin, Isabel Blanchard B.L.Ol : m. Leroy Anderson. Residence, R.F.D. d. box 91, San Jose, Cal. Goldsmith, Joseph Le Conte B.S.Ol : investment broker. 703 Market St. Residence, 2467 Pacific av., S. F. Goodenow, Frank George A.B.Ol : teacher, Manual Arts High School. Residence, 1510 Gramercy place, Los Angeles, Cal. Goodfellow, Arthur William A.B.Ol : LL.B.03 : investment l)roker. Land Company bldg. Residence. \'en- tura av. and 2d St., Fresno, Cal. Gordenker, Demetrius .Ale.xander B.L.Ol ; planter. Residence, Naga, .\m- bos Camarines. P. I. Goyne. Elizabeth B.L.Ol : m. L. Kaarsberg '99. Residence, 844 Capital St.. Vallejo. Cal. Gracier. Ruby Estelle B.L.Ol : general secretary. V. W. C. A. Residence. 1306 K st.. Fresno. Cal. Graff, Ulrich B.L.Ol : M.L.03 ; topographic drafts- man, U. S. Forest Service. Residence, 627 18th av., S. F. Graham. May Bess B.L.Ol ; m. George O. Brehm '00. Resi- dence. 221 36th av.. X.. Seattle. Wash. Granice. Cecelia Celeste B.L.Ol : ni. Walter L. .Murphy. Resi- dence. Sonoma. Cal. Gray. Mav Ellenor A. B.L.Ol. 'Residence. 2711 I'nion st.. S. F. Grcelcv. William Buckhout B.L.Ol: M.F. (Yale) 04: assistant for- ester. U. S. Forest Service. ''30 F St.. Washington. D. C. Residence. Kim St., Chevy Chase. Md. *Green. Ilcphzibah Elizabeth B.S.Ol: m. Robert B. Hoag ex '02: d. January 2. 1<'15 Greene. Lawrence Lincoln B.L.Ol : assistant superintendent. EI \.n- cimiento Rancho Co. Residence. San Miguel. Cal. 56 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1901 IWl Continued Griffin, Carlos I'arkcr I{.S.()1 ; I.I..I5. (National U.) 05; law- yer, 821 Market st.. S. F. Residence, Corte Madera, Cal. Griffiths, Mclvin Scribiicr B.S.Ol ; niininK en^'incer. Island Moun- tain. Cal. Residence, 2821 Foothill hlvd.. Oakland. Cal. Grosjean. Mrs. Eily Mahoney A.H.Ol : M.A.15; m. C. E. Grosjean. Residence, 300 Baker St., S. F. Gunning, Marcella B.L.Ol. Residence, 5511 University av., Chicago, 111. *Gustafson. John Emanuel A.B.Ol ; d."july 18, 1903 Hall, Harvev Monroe B.S.Ol ; M!S.02; Ph.D.06 ; assistant pro- fessor (botany). University of Califor- nia. Residence, 1615 La Loma av., Ber- keley, Cal. Hall. Mary Sophie B.L.Ol. Residence, 1431 Hearst av., Berkeley, Cal. *Hannnond, Benton Alvin B.S.Ol ; d. October 3, 1907 Harris, Elmer Blainey B.S.Ol ; playwright, care of Oliver Mo- rosco, 748 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. Hart. Frederick Beckman A.B.Ol; LL.B.03 ; lawyer. 1206 Broad- way. Residence, 530 Chetwood st., Oak- land, Cal. Harvey. Richard Warren B.S.Ol; M.S.IO; M.D.13; instructor (neurology). University of California. Residence. 211 Edgewood av., S. F. Hawkins. Georgiana Gladys B.L.Ol ; teacher. High School of Com- merce. Residence, 1915 Oak St., S. F. Hecht. Elias Marcus B.S.Ol ; secretary, Hecht Investment Co.. Kohl bldg. Residence, 2518 Fill- more St., S. F. Hill. Margaret Frances B.L.Ol Hirstel, Catharine A.B.Ol ; m. Julian L. Hammerschlag. Residence. 253 16th av., S. F. Hobe. Sophia Adelaide B.L.Ol ; teacher. Girls High School. Residence. 604 Capp st., S. F. Hoffmann. John Dietrich B.S.Ol ; mining engineer. Residence, 228 Perry St.. Oakland, Cal. Hohfeld, Weslev Newcomb A.B.Ol; LL.B. (Harvard) 04; M.A. (Yale) 14; professor. Yale University. Residence, 249 Park st.. New Haven. Conn. Holmes, Anne Lucia B.L.Ol ; m. L. H. Miller '98. Residence, 6066 Hayes av., Los Angeles, Cal. Hoose, Helen Lemoyne B.L.Ol ; Ph.B. (U. of So. Cal.) 00; M.A. ibid 03 ; m. J. B. Lillard. Residence, 1036 Palm av., Gardena, Cal. Hoppin, Harriet B.L.Ol ; m. August J. Kergel. Residence, Woodland, Cal. Howard, Frank Evans B.L.Ol ; principal, high school. Resi- dence, 414 4th St., Antioch, Cal. Howard. Mrs. Louise Narjot Ph.B.Ol ; m. Charles H. Howard '95; teacher, high school. Residence, 1117 Scenic av., Berkeley. Cal. Hoyt. Florence Edna A.B.Ol ; m. Lloyd P. Larue '97. Resi- dence, Grass Valley, Cal. Hubbard, Anita Giles A.B.Ol ; m. C. H. Boardman. Residence, 478 Jean st., Oakland, Cal. Hunt. Alice Orne B.L.Ol ; teacher, Mastick School. Resi- dence, 2166 Clinton av., Alameda, Cal. *Hutton, Corinne A.B.Ol; M.A.02; d. October 21, 1904 Ijams, Martha Adelaide A.B.Ol. Residence, 1406 Arch st., Ber- keley, Cal. Jacobs. Hattie Handal B.L.Ol. Residence, 312 3d St., Santa Rosa, Cal. fjohnson. May Belle B.L.Ol. Residence, Madison, Cal. Johnston, Katherine Courtenay A.B.Ol Jones, Clare Hilyard B.L.Ol ; m. James Cone. Residence, 201 Pope St., N.. Palo Alto, Cal. Judell. Adolph B.S.Ol ; commissioner. Board of Public Works. Residence, 1836 Lake St., S. F. Keep. Winthrop Leicester A.B.Ol; M.A.02; A.M. (Harvard) 04; Ph.D.lO; teacher. Residence. 2331 19th av., Oakland. Cal. Kellogg. Louise A.B.Ol ; Stock raiser. Residence. Suisun, Cal. Kelshaw, Almira Jane B.L.Ol ; m. C. L. Bonham : assistant (Spanish), University of Washington. Residence, 1833 Ravenna blvd.. Seattle, Wash. Kendall, Edith Mabel B.L.Ol ; m. J. L. Dinwiddie '95. Resi- dence. Cotati. R. F. D. 7, box 230, Santa Rosa, Cal. Kerfoot. Lee Sylvester B.S.Ol : superintendent of city parks. Residence. 129 Moss av., Oakland, Cal. 1901] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 57 Kern, Oscar Frederick B.S.Ol : superintendent of operation, Mt. Whitney Power & Electric Co. Res- idence, Hammond, Cal. Kerns, Frank Walter B.S.Ol ; civil engineer, 22 Battery St., S. F. Residence, 2219 Blake St., Ber- keley, Cal. Keys, Katharine Frances B.L.Ol ; m. William T. Hess '95. Resi- dence, 2275 California St., S. F. Keyser, Elizabeth A.B.Ol ; teacher, Tamalpais Union High School. Residence, Sausalito, Cal. Klink, Jane Seymour B.L.Ol; Ph.M. (Chicago) 02; welfare manager. Pilgrim Steam Laundry, 633 17th St. Residence, 407 Ocean av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Kurlandzik, Rachel B.S.Ol : teacher. Residence, 798 Post St., S. F. Kurtz, Benjamin Putnam A.B.Ol ; Ph.D. 06 ; assistant professor (English), University of California. Residence, 59 Santa Clara av., Oakland, Cal. Kurtz, Edith Rosine B.L.Ol ; student, Simmons College, Bos- ton, Mass. Residence, 802 Washington St., Los Angeles, Cal. Lacey, Benjamin Overfield B.S.Ol ; teacher, high school. Residence, 3915 University blvd., San Diego, Cal. Laist, Frederick B.S.Ol ; metallurgical manager. Ana- conda Copper Mining Co. Residence, 622 Main St., Anaconda, Mont. Lamberson, Frank A.B.Ol ; LL.B. (Harvard) 05 ; district attorney, Tulare county. Residence, Giddings av., Visalia, Cal. Layne, Katharine Maloy B.L.Ol : m. C. W. Mitchell '02. Resi- dence, 2747 McGee av., Berkeley, Cal. Leach, Edwin Ralph B.S.Ol ; manager. Island Copper Co., 1106 Broadway, Oakland, Cal. Resi- dence, 217 Hillside av.. Piedmont, Cal. Lebenbaum, Paul B.S.Ol : electrical engineer, with South- ern Pacific Co. Residence, American apts., Portland, Ore. Leds^ett, Elizabeth Eloise B.L.Ol : m. J. M. Eshleman '02. Resi- dence, 2206 Cambridge st., Los Angeles, Cal. Leete, Harley Marion B.L.Ol ; newspaperman, with Bulletin. S. F. Residence, R.F.D. 1, Sausalito, Cal. Lehman, George Robert B.S.Ol : engineer, Insjtiration Consoli- dated Copper Co. Residence, Miami, Ariz. Lehr, Elizabeth Henrietta B.S.Ol : teacher. Residence, 2303 Hearst av.. Berkeley, Cal. Locklin, Curtis Brockway B.S.Ol ; lawyer, H. W. Hellman bldg. Residence. 1984 Park Grove, Los An- geles, Cal. Love, Hugh McCaskey B.L.Ol Lowell, Lillian Mabel B.L.Ol ; m. Frederic C. Paine '02. Resi- dence, R. F. D. 2, Okanogan, Wash. Magee, Harry Ellis B.L.Ol ; chief reporter, R. G. Dun & Co., mercantile agency. 433 California st. Residence, 316 Myrtle av., S. F. Manchester. Mrs. (Jenevieve Savage B.S.Ol ; M.S.04 ; m. G. P. Manchester '01. Residence, 55 Shasta st., Berkeley. Cal. Manchester, George Peabody B.L.Ol ; manager, Allen's Press Bureau, 88 1st St., S. F. Residence, 55 Shasta St., Berkeley, Cal. Markley, John, Jr. B.S.Ol ; farmer. Residence, Colfax, Cal. Marshall, Francis Freeman B.L.Ol ; M.L.03; LL.B.03; lawyer, Post- office bldg. Residence, 392 E. A st.. Dixon, Cal. Marston, Ethel Genevieve B.L.Ol ; m. Charles C. Lacy. Residence. 478 Hardy St., Oakland, Cal. Martin, Helen Louise A.B.Ol ; teacher. Residence. 1511 Scenic av., Berkeley, Cal. Masters, Stuart Galbraith .\.B.01 ; newspaper man, with Bulletin. Residence, 929 Bush St., S. F. McDill, Martha Jane B.L.Ol. Residence, 2110 W. 31st St., Los Angeles, Cal. McKee, Edna Mav B.L.Ol : m. Clifford Todd '96. Resi- dence, 1711 P St., Sacramento, Cal. McKinley, Lucius Dean B.L.Ol : principal, high school. Resi- dence, Dos Palos, Cal. Meek, Nettie B.L.Ol : secretary, civil engincerinR de- partment, University of California. Res- idence. 2128 Hearst av.. Berkeley. Cal. Milledgc, \'^inccnza Catherine B.L.Ol : teacher, Durant School, Oak- land. Cal. Residence. 1144 Clay St.. S. F. Miller, Florence A.B.Ol. Residence, 324 F. \'illa St.. Pasadena, Cal. Miller. Marv Grace B.L.Ol : M.L.03 ; m. Joseph A. Rowell 58 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1901 I'MIl Conlinticd '03 ; teacher, HIkIi school. Residence, 2721 Parker st., Herkelcy, Montf,'()mcrv, Florence Ktta U.L.Ol ; m. L. J. Barker ex '03. Resi- dence. 2614 Hcnvcnue av., Berkeley, Cal. fMoodt-y, Ida Cornelia B.L.Ol. Residence, Santa Rosa, Cal. Moore, llerliert Turbitt A.B.Ol ; D.D.S.04 ; dentist, 391 Sutter St., S. F. Residence, San Mateo, Cal. Moore, Stanley B.L.Ol : lawyer, with Goodfellow, Eells, Moore iN; Orrick. 433 California St., S. F. Residence. 606 E. 20th St., Oakland, Cal. Moran, Nathan Montgomery A.B.Ol; LL.B.04 ; lawyer, with Charles S. Wheeler, 14 Montgomery st. Resi- dence. 2921 California St., S. F. Morgan, Anna B.S.Ol ; teacher. Residence, 5848 Birch court, Oakland, Cal. Morse, Henry Daggett B.S.Ol ; chief engineer, Butte & Supe- rior Copper Co. Residence, Atherton place, Butte, Mont. Morse, Ruby Rose B.L.Ol ; m. Charles W. Brock. Resi- dence, The Alameda, Thousand Oaks, Berkeley, Cal. Moulthrop, Horace Lankton B.S.Ol; civil engineer. Residence, 1112 Pacific av., Alameda, Cal. Murdock, Edna B.L.Ol ; teacher. Residence, 502 Beaver St., Santa Rosa, Cal. Nahl. Arthur Charles B.S.Ol ; mining engineer, 681 Market St., S. F. *Neale. Charlotte Elizabeth B.L.Ol; M.A.15; d. March 17, 1916 fXegoro, Motovuki BX.Ol ; LL.B'.03 ; J.D.08. Residence, 1910 Henry St., Berkeley, Cal. Nelson, Minna Helen A.B.Ol ; m. Percy M. Newhall '98. Resi- dence, box 485, Johannesburg, Trans- vaal, South Africa Newham, Frances B.L.Ol Nicely. Oney McCutchan B.L.Ol ; assistant cashier. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., 600 Stockton St., S. F. Residence, 1826 Ward St., Berkeley, Cal. Orrick. William Horslev B.L.Ol ; LL.B.03 ; lawyer, 433 Califor- nia St., S. F. Residence. College and Forest avs., Berkeley, Cal. Osborn. James Orland B.L.Ol : principal, high school. Resi- dence. Redding. Cal. Owen, Edna Tulloch B.L.Ol ; m. James S. Henton. Residence, 2202 B St., Bakersfield, Cal. Palmer, Albert Wentworth B.L.Ol; B.D. (Yale) 04; minister, Ply- mouth Congregational Church. Resi- dence, 644 Fairmount av., Oakland, Cal. Parker, Emma Estella A.B.Ol; A.B. (Pomona) 99. Residence, 476 S. Los Robles av., Pasadena, Cal. Parsons, Gay Willis B.L.Ol ; assistant superintendent, At- lantic Gulf & Pacific Co., contractors. Residence, Manila, P. L Patek, Robert B.S.Ol ; physician, 177 Post st. Resi- dence, 3363 Washington St., S. F. Pearce, Jackson Andrew B.S.Ol; M.S.06 Pearce, Julia Roselle B.S.Ol": B.S. (Kansas) 90: scientist, with Bureau of Plant Industry. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Washing- ton, D. C. Peters, Louise Marie A.B.Ol Piper, Clara Christine A.B.Ol ; m. G. Parker Dillon. Residence, 2630 P St., Sacramento, Cal. Place, Claude Wilson B.S.Ol : engineer. General Electric Co., Pierce bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Residence, R. F. D. 2, box 222a, Clayton, Mo. Powell, Eva B.L.Ol. Residence, 2703 Dwight way, Berkeley, Cal. Powell, Maude Harriet B.L.Ol : teacher. Oakland High SchooL Residence, 1521 Broadway, Alameda, Cal. Powers, Allan Raymond B.S.Ol; M.F. (Yale) 04: M.D. (Coop- er") 12 : physician. Linden av. Resi- dence, Grand av.. South San Francisco Powers, Edward Augustus B.L.Ol ; instructor, Chico State Normal School. Residence, R. F. D. 1, box 139, Chico, Cal. Preble, Florence Mabel A.B.Ol : m. William S. Baker. Resi- dence, Winters, Cal. •f-Pulcifer, Caroline May B.L.Ol : m. Richard Timm. Residence, Colonial Heights. Sacramento, Cal. *RatclifY, Evelvn Marianne B.S.Ol: m. W. F. Bade; d. September 15, 1907 Rathke, Otto Paul B.S.Ol : teacher. Residence. 40 Calis- toga av., Napa, Cal. Rea, E. Kate B.L.Ol ; M.L.05 : vice-principal, high school. Santa .\na, Cal. Residence. 226 E. Broadway, .\naheim, Cal. 1901] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 59 Reid, Gertrude Viola A.B.Ol ; rancher. Residence, Alta Loma, Cal. Richardson, Warren Vincent B.S.Ol : mining engineer. Residence, 6451 Hillegass av., Oakland, Cal. Roblin, Estelle Grace B.L.Ol ; m. William E. Morris. Resi- dence, 1 E. Acacia st., Stockton, Cal. Roland, Eugene Wellington B.L.Ol: lawyer, 428 13th st. Residence, 1549 Harrison St., Oakland, Cal. Rued, Lulu B.S.Ol ; m. Hugh M. Webster. Resi- dence, 670 Vernon St., Oakland, Cal. Russell. Eleanor Marv B.L.Ol ; m. William O. Hughes Sale, Evangeline B.L.Ol ; m. Chas. S. Ayres '01. Resi- dence, 1118 Union St., Alameda, Cal. Sanborn, Fannie May A.B.Ol ; m. John C. Newton '95. Resi- dence, 1832 Page St., S. F. Scliaw, William Beaumont B.S.Ol ; with, Sacramento Pipe Works, 722 R St. Residence, 1418 H St., Sacra- mento, Cal. Schilling, Carl B.S.Ol : western representative, Royal Cocoa Co., 681 Market St., S. F. Schmitt, Lionel Samuel B.S.Ol : M.D.Ol ; physician, 135 Stock- ton St. Residence, 2513 Broadway, S. F. Schwartz, Milton Harry B.L.Ol : LL.B.04 ; lawyer, 1440 Broad- way. Residence, 4205 Terrace St., Oak- land, Cal. Scott, Florence Margaret B.S.Ol : m. Le Grand M. Turner. Resi- dence, box 504, Hayward, Cal. Scupham, Elizabeth Mitchell B.L.Ol ; m. Benjamin J. Smith. Resi- dence, 671 Vernon St., Oakland, Cal. Selby, Paul B.S.Ol ; mine manager, Ferreira Deep, Ltd. Residence, box 1021, Johannes- burg, Transvaal, South Africa Sessions, Charles Robert B.S.Ol ; engineer, 22 Battery st. Resi- dence, 2120 Lyon St., S. F. Sessions. Walter Samuel B.S.Ol : superintendent. Edison Co., San Fernando bldg. Residence, 4070 Lee- ward av., Los Angeles, Cal. fShaw. William James B.L.Ol : with. .Atlantic Gulf and Pacific Co., Manila, P. L Sheldon. Hi ram Franklin B.S.Ol : teacher. High School of Com- tiiercc. S. F. Residence. R.F.D. 2, \'en- tura, Cal. Shreve, Mary Southern A.B.Ol; m. Frank M. Parcells '91. Resi- dence, 318 Lee St., Oakland, Cal. Shuey, William Albert B.L.Ol ; manager, Shuey Poultry Co., 2136 University av. Residence, 251.i Russell St., Berkeley, Cal. fSimson, Leslie B.S.Ol ; with. Consolidated Goldfields of South Africa, Ltd. Residence, box 1167, Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa Sinsheimer, Paul Ainsley B.L.Ol ; bond expert. Railroad Commis- sion of California, 833 Market st. Res- idence, 3904 Clay St., S. F. Skinner, Elizabeth Jackson A.B.Ol ; m. George \'. Hicks. Residence, Los Altos, Cal. Smith, Howard Dunbar B.S.Ol ; mining engineer. Kohl bldg. Residence, Pacific Union Club, S. F. Soares, John Stanislaus B.S.Ol Southard, James Bennett B.L.Ol : actor, with Charles Frohnian Corp. Residence, 130 W. 44th St.. N. Y. City Southwick, Grace Ruth A.B.Ol ; acting superintendent, recrea- tion center. Residence, 1221 Bath st., Santa Barbara, Cal. Specht. Richard Charles B.S.Ol fStanley, Mrs. Marion Cummings B.L.Ol; M.L.IO; m. B. M. Stanley; in- structor (philosophy), L'niversity of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. Stebbins, Elwyn Wilfred B.S.Ol ; mining engineer. 220 Montgom- ery St.. S. F. Residence, 6537 Chabot rd.. Oakland, Cal. Steinhart, Tesse Henrv B.L.Ol; LL.B.03 ; lawyer. 14 Montgom- ery St. Residence, 2527 Fillmore St., S. F. Stoer, Theresa Viola B.L.Ol ; m. A. E. Schwartz. Residence, 3669 Adeline St., Oakland. Cal. Strong, Fanny May B.L.Ol ; m. Louis W. Rogers. Residence. Krotona, Hollywood, Cal. Tabrett, Amy B.L.Ol ; teacher. Polytechnic Hii:h School. Residence. 3847 21st St.. S. F. Tanabe. Taichi B.S.Ol Tavlor, Irene A.B.Ol: M.A.02; m. A. S. Residence. 1838 N. Kenmorc av., Los .•\ngelcs. Cal. Thatcher. Editii Grace A.B.Ol : m. R. W. Fiill. Residence. 4031 Wilshire blvd.. Los .Angeles, Cal. 60 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1901-1902 Thomas. Helena IVarl H.L.Ol ; 111. Claudo W. Dcvore. Resi- (Uiuc, I'.stacada, Ore. Thomas, Mahcl Winifred : chiif, city liranch dept., Oak- land I'"rcc Residence, 2002 7th av., Oakland, Cal. Thornton. Margarctta Louise Ph.H.Ol Thunen. Edward George H.S.Ol ; electrician, Yuba Consolidated Gold Fields. Residence, Hanimonton, Cal. Titlow. Edward Ingram B.S.Ol ; engineer, city engineer's office. Residence, 746 42d av., S. F. Troih, Margaret B.L.Ol ; m. George B. Campbell Tully. Richard Walton B!L.01 ; dramatist and theatrical mana- ger. Residence, 136 W. 44th St., N. Y. City. Tyrrell. Mary Winifred " B.S.Ol ; teacher. Technical High School. Residence, 921 Kirkham St., Oakland, Cal. Van Deerlin, Amy Gertrude B.L.Ol : m. Edwin A. Irish. Residence, 1130 VV. 53d St., Los Angeles, Cal. Vavgouny, Mooshegh B.S.Ol ; M.S.03 ; Ph.D.05 ; chemist. Res- idence, 2727 Hilgard av., Berkeley, Cal. Versalovich, Lilian Claire A.B.Ol ; m. J. T. Ralph ; stenographer, with American Trading Co., 244 Cali- fornia St. Residence, 136 Grand View av., S. F. Wagor, Elry Jay B.S.Ol ; superintendent of melting ana refining, U. S. Mint, S. F. Residence, 3023 Logan st., Fruitvale, Cal. Walker, Shirley Cyrus B.L.Ol : advertising manager, Sherman Clay & Co.. Kearny and Sutter sts. Resi- dence, 108 Cherry St., S. F. Walsh. Albert Marion B.S.Ol : mining engineer. Residence, 1123 Steiner St., S. F. White. Anna Frances B.L.Ol; M.L.04; m. Philip C. Dibert W'hite. Howard Collins B.L.Ol : social service secretary, Grace Methodist Episcopal Church. Residence, 3168 21st St., S. F. White, \'era B.S.Ol ; m. C. L Henning ex '02. Resi- dence, 2006 Woodlawn av., Wilming- ton, Del. Whitehead. Louise Hinckley .\.B.01 ; m. .-Krlhur E. Colby. Residence, OPO X'ermnnt St., Oakland." Cal. Wilkinson, Ellen B.L.Ol : m. Otto Janssen. Residence, 765 Pyrites St.. Los Angeles, Cal. Wilkinson, Elsie Mabel B.L.Ol; M.L.06; m. F. Woodbury. Resi- R. F. D. 2, box 23, Sebastopol, Cal. Williams, Mabel Lucinda B.L.Ol. Residence, 1324 Arch St., Berke- ley, Cal. Wolfenden. Andrew McLellan B.L.Ol ; M.A.16; teacher, Burbank Low- er High School. Residence, 1711 Sono- ma av., Berkeley, Cal. Wollner. Miriam May A.B.Ol ; m. Myrtile Cerf ex '95. Resi- dence, 29 Palm av., S. F. Wright, Alice Bowman A.B.Ol ; teacher, Winfield Scott School. Residence, 1221 Lombard St., S. F. Zinns. Otto Charles B.S.Ol ; wholesale spice merchant. Resi- dence, 2521 Van Ness av., S. F. Zook. Edgar Thomson A.B.Ol ; LL.B.04 ; judge, superior court, Marin county. Residence, 245 Laurel place, San Rafael, Cal. 1902 ♦Adler, Alexander B.S.02; M.D.06; d. August 31, 1907 Albertson, William Burt B.S.02 Alexander, Archie Addison A.B.02 ; M.D.07; physician. 1307 Broad- way. Residence, 1917 Chestnut st., Oak- land, Cal. Allen. Frederick Madison A.B.02 ; M.D.07 ; physician, Rockefeller Hospital. 66th st. and av. A, N. Y. City Ames, Fletcher B.L.02 ; bag manufacturer. Residence, 2214 Los Angeles av., Berkeley, Cal. Arnold. Julean Herbert B.S.02 ; American commercial attache for China and Japan, American Lega- tion. Peking. China Arnold. Robert Paramore A.B.02 : contracting freight agent. Erie Railroad. 760 Market St.. S. F. Resi- dence. 2410 Grant St.. Berkeley, Cal. Aspland. Christopher Hatton B.S.02. Residence, Johannesburg, Trans- vaal. South Africa Avery. Fannie Haretina B.S.02 ; m. F. E. Nelson. Residence, 3090 King st., Berkeley, Cal. *Bacigalupi. Flora A. D. A.B.02; d. January 13, 1905 Bacigalupi. Tadini Joseph A.B.02; LL.B. (Harvard) 05; lawyer. 550 Montgomery st. Residence. 179 22d av., S. F. Baird, Frank B.S.02 : metallurgist, with Pacific Foun- dry Co.. 18th and Harrison sts., S. F. 1902] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 61 Residence, 2624 Bancroft way, Berke- ley, Cal. Balaam, Rufus Clifford B.S.02 ; membership secretary, Y. M. C. A., 918 Fannin st. Residence, 3506 Jackson St., Houston, Texas Barham, Courtney L. B.L.02 ; with F'irst National Bank of Emeryville. Residence, 3669 Adeline St., Emeryville, Cal. fBarton, Ellen Vail B.L.02 ; m. Frank A. Tufts. Residence, Soquel, Cal. Baruch, Clarence B.S.02: office. 421 E. 2d st. Residence, 2058 Harvard blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. Beatty, Margaret Montgomery B.L.02 ; m. E. B. Clark. Residence, Damon and McKinley sts., Honolulu, T. H. *Bergson, Edith Florence A.B.02 ; deceased Bertels, Chancellor Nelson A.B.02 Bidwell, Claude H. S. B.L.02; M.L.05; lawyer, Bryte bldg. Residence, 3010 Lower Stockton av., .Sacramento, Cal. Bishop, Francis Edward B.L.02 ; rancher, 166 Geary st. Resi- dence, 1354 Broadway, S. F. Bishop. Edward Francis B.L.02 Boggs, Grace Josephine B.L.02: m. R. R. Service '02. Resi- dence, Chengtu. Szechuen, China. Amer- ican address, 124 E. 28th st., N. Y. City Bonifield, Herbert Samuel B.L.02 ; real estate and insurance brok- er, 163 Sutter st. Residence, 1435 Steiner st., S. F. Bowman, Bonfield B.S.02 Bowron. Bernard Roy B.S.02: chemist, with California Ink Co. Residence, 2620 Hilgard av., Berke- ley, Cal. Boyen, Dorothy B.L.02 ; m. A. Roy Thompson Brainard. Linus Brooks A.B.02. Residence, 1205 E. Central av., Albuquerque, N. M. Brainerd, Frances \"iola B.S.02; A.B. (Middlebury Coll.) 98: m. Dudley Baird '98. Residence, 2434 Prospect St., Berkeley, Cal. Braly. Harold Hyde B.S.02; farmer. Conejo Ranch. Resi- dence, Newbury Park, Cal. ■ Bramlet, Eva Laura B.L.02 : m. Charles M. Mannon '00. Residence, 404 S. Dora St., Ukiah, Cal. •j-Brenizer, Pearl Lillian A.B.02 ; teacher. Residence. 2548 VV. 18th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Breslauer, Augusta Ruth B.L.02; m. Joseph K. Newfield '02. Residence, 23 Rose St., Lodi, Cal. Brewer. John Marks B.S.02: instructor (education) Harvard University. Residence, 37 Concord av., Cambridge, Mass. Brown, Agnes Eliza B.L.02 ; teacher. Miss Hamlin's School. Residence, 2230 Pacific av., S. F. Burnett, Mary Louise A.B.02; A.B. (Mills Coll.) 99; m. Ar- thur S. King '99. Residence, 784 Lo- cust St., Pasadena, Cal. Burns, Herbert Alexander B.S.02 Busch, Eva Eleanor B.L.02; teacher. Polytechnic High School. Residence, 231 Frederick st., S. F. Byrnes, Grace Adeline B.L.02 ; teacher, high school. Residence, Mendocino, Cal. Caldwell, Forest Beamer B.S.02 ; mining engineer, with the San Dimas Co., 612 Market St., S. F. Carter, Frances \'ic B.S.02 ; m. Alexander C. Charters. Resi- dence, Samoa, Cal. Carter. Raymond A.B.02 ; teacher. High School of Com- merce. Residence, 600 W. 114th St., N. Y. City. Cerf. Barrv H. A.B.02: M.A.03 ; Ph.D. (Harvard^ 08; associate professor (Romance languages), University of Wisconsin, Madison. Wis. Residence, 2821 Steiner St.. S. F. Cerf. Rebecca A.B.02 : playground supervisor. Resi- dence. 2821 Steiner st.. S. F. Champlin, Charles Chaffee B.L.02: B.D. ( Pac. Theol. Sem.) 09; minister. Congregational Church. Resi- dence. Pittsburg, Cal. Chandler. Harley Pierce B.S.02 : teacher, high school. Residence. Redlands, Cal. Childs. Harold Melville B.S.03 Clayton. Albert Benjamin A.B.02; vice-principal, Mniuial .\rts High School. Residence, 1622 W. 39th St., Los Angeles. Cal. Clewe. Johann Friedrich F.rdmann B.L.02 : teacher, Los Angeles. Cal. Resi- dence. PIO S. Madison av., Pasadena Cal. Coffin. Alice Worcester A.B.02; teacher, GallagherMarsh Busi- 62 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1902 1902 Continued ness CollcKC. Kesidcnce, 255 Perry St.. OaUland, Cal. Coglilan. John Joseph H.L.OJ ;" assistant district attorney, Ma- dera county. Residence, Madera, Cal. Colbath. James Sollitt B.S.02 : mining engineer. Residence, 526 S. Granicrcy st., Los Angeles, Cal. Colton. Albert Sanl)orn B.S.02; principal, Lakeview School. Residence, 178 Kempton av., Oakland, Cal. Cooper. Helen Elizabeth A.B.02 : m. William W. Douglas. Resi- dence, 1436 Crenshaw blvd., Los An- geles, Cal. Cooper, William Hubbard B.S.02 : rancher, Rancho La Vina. Resi- dence. R. F. D., Lompoc, Cal. Corbett. Laurence Jay B.S.02; professor (engineering). Uni- versity of Idaho. Residence, 621 E. A St., Moscow, Idaho Crawford, William Kay B.L.02; LL.B. (Columbia) 05; lawyer, Ferguson bldg. Residence, 309^ S. Bunker Hill av., Los Angeles, CaL Cummings, Harold Oscar B.S.02"; bookkeeper, Otis Elevator Co., 2300 Stockton st., S. F. Residence, 2408 McGee av., Berkeley, Cal. Dakin. Frederick Holroyd, Jr. B.S.02; mining engineer, 110 Sutter St., S. F. Residence, 2321 Vine St., Berke- ley, Cal. ♦Davidson. Charles Sprecher B.S.02; d. June, 1910 Davies, Oma Almona B.L.02; m. R. R. Eltse. Residence, 1915 Escondido av., Berkeley, Cal. Decker, Ellen Isabel B.L.02; B.L. (Pomona) 01; m. Lyman F. Norton. Residence, Blythe, Cal. Decoto. Louis Albert B.S.02; mining engineer, 1106 Broad- way. Residence, 392 Bellevue av., Oak- land, Cal. De Lancey. Clinton Charles B.S.02 ; engineer, Lincoln, Cal. Resi- dence, 1300 10th St., Sacramento, Cal. Demaree, Mabel Pearl B.L.02 ; m. Leroy G. Smith '02. Resi- dence, 623 K St., Dinuba, Cal. Deutsch, !Monroe Emanuel A.B.02; M.A.03; Ph.D.ll; assistant professor (Latin), University of Cali- fornia. Residence, 1630 Le Roy av., Berkeley, Cal. Dexter. Sallie Ag^es B.L.02; m. Robert L. May. Residence, 1331 Bonita av., Berkeley. Cal. Dorn, Winfield B.L.02 ; lawyer, 625 Market st. Resi- dence, University Club, S. F. Dozier, Charles Thomasson B.S.02 ; engineer, with Dozier Co. Resi- dence, box 462, Redding, Cal. Dozier, Lvdia Lee B.L.02 ;' m. H. M. Payne ex '99. Resi- dence, 5303 Telegraph av., Oakland, Cal. Drake, Bryant Stillman B.S.02 ; chemical engineer. Union Iron Works, 20th and Michigan sts., S. F. Residence, 5830 Colby St., Oakland, Cal. •j-Drucker, Arthur Eilert B.S.02 ; metallurgical engineer. Resi- dence, Taracol, Unsan, Chosen *Duncan, Robert Andrew B.S.02; d. June 17, 1910 Durbin, William Reese B.L.02 ; real estate broker. Citizens Savings Bank bldg. Residence, 1677 E. Mountain St., Pasadena, Cal. Earle, John Jewett B.L.02 ; M".L.04 ; LL.B.04 ; lawyer, 428 13th St. Residence, 291 Fairmount av., Oakland, Cal. Elder, Jefferson Derwood A.B.b2 : A.B. (Cumberland) 85 ; LL.B. ibid 87 ; letter carrier. Residence, 820 S. Stanislaus St., Stockton, Cal. Eppinger, Jacob John B.L.02 ; secretary and manager. Golden Pheasant Co., 32 Geary st. Residence, 22 7th av., S. F. *Eshleman, John Morton A.B.02; M.A.03; d. February 28, 1916 Esterly, Calvin Olin A.B.02 ; M.A.04 ; Ph.D. (Harvard) 07 ; professor (biology). Occidental College, Los Angeles, Cal. Residence, 309 E. Ridgeway av.. Eagle Rock City, Cal. Etcheverry, Bernard Alfred B.S.02; associate professor (irrigation). University of California. Residence, 2598 Buena Vista way, Berkeley, Cal. Everett, Ernest Ellsworth B.S.02; civil engineer. Residence, 1512 Santa Clara St., Ventura, Cal. Falck, Lily A.B.02 ; m. Edwin H. Andrews Faneuf. Samuel Centennial B.S.02 ; superintendent, Tajo Mine. Residence, Rosario, Sinaloa, Mex. Farno, Alice Josephine B.L.02 : teacher, Lakeview School. Res- idence, 420 Oakland av., Oakland. Cal. Farwell. Nina Melissa A.B.02 ; teacher. McKinley School. Res- idence. 2230 9th St., Berkeley, Cal. Faull, Ashley Richard B.L.02 ; salesman, with Standard Oil Co. Residence. 1140 Palm st.. San Luis Obispo. Cal. 1902] BACHELORS : Academic Colleges 63 Feibiish, Nathan Julius B.S.02 ; assayer and chemist. Residence, 2260 Quincy av., Ogden, Utah Finley. Dozier B.S.02; chemist, Paraffine Paint Co., 3d and Powell sts.. Emeryville, Cal. Resi- dence, 2725 Ashby av., Berkeley, Cal. Fitts, Margaret Louise A.B.02 ; m. H. M. Lowe Flaa. Ingwald Edward B.S.02 ; engineer, with Spring Valley Water Co., 375 Sutter St., S. F. Resi- dence, 2437 Hilgard av., Berkeley, Cal. Flood, Ethel Hume A.B.02 ; teacher, Glendale Union High School. Residence, 843 Mallard st., Los Angeles, Cal. Folsom, Alice Evelyn B.L.02 ; m. Farley M. Auble. Residence, R. F. D. A, box 222, Lemoore, Cal. •j-Foster, Frederick Montague A.B.02; M.A.03 : professor (Latin), Fairmount College. Residence, Wichita, Kan. Foster, Kate Brown B.L.02 ; teacher, Oakland, Cal. Resi- dence, 2717 Hillegass av., Berkeley, Cal. Fowler. Hardiman B.S.02 Franks, Henry Ernest B.S.02 ; civil engineer. Residence, 2709 McGee av., Berkeley, Cal. Gardiner, Ernest Percy B.L.02 ; lawyer, Stokes bldg. Residence, Bells Court, Everett, Wash. *Garland, Louise Marguerite A.B.02; d. April 18, 1902 Gear, Lewis Sage A.B.02 ; manager, leasing department, R. N. Burgess Co. Residence, 215 Santa Clara av., Oakland, Cal. Gillis, Mabel Ray B.L.02 ; with. State Library. Residence, 2121 21st St., Sacramento, Cal. Glessner, Harry Harbaugh B.L.02 ; principal, Edison Lower High School. Residence, 2327 Cragmont av., Berkeley, Cal. Goodsell, Fred Field A.B.02; B.D. (Hartford Theol. Sem.) 05 ; educational missionary, Maragh. Turkey-in-Asia. American address, 2614 Dana St., Berkeley, Cal. Gorrill, Charles Hatherley B.S.02 ; contractor, with C. H. and A. W. Gorrill. 74 New Montgomery St., S. F. Residence, 3615 Piedmont av., Oakland, Cal. Grinnell, Edna Merrihew B.L.02 ; teacher, Cogswell Polytechnical College. Residence, 223 Parnassus av., S. F. Grinnell. Emory Evans B.S.02; B.S. (Indiana) 73; teacher, high school. Residence, 510 3d St., Por- terville, Cal. Gunn, Elsie Harriet B.L.02 ; teacher. Fremont High School. Residence, 916 E. 21st St., Oakland, Cal. Haas, Claire Madeleine B.L.02; m. Edward T. Maples. Resi- dence, 1145 Green st., S. F. Hadley. Edith Mav B.S!02: B.L. ( P'omona » 00; teacher. Residence, 4583 Georgia St., San Diego, Cal. Haginaver, Beatrice Urania B.L.O'2: m. 1905, W. S. Moore; m. 1912, C. C. Seydel. Residence, Lincoln. Cal. Haines, Charles Conklin A.B.02; LL.B.04; lawyer. Timken bldg. Residence, 2470 E st., San Diego, Cal. Hammerschlag, Ruth A.B.02; clerk. City Hall. Residence, 3591 Jackson st., S. F. Hansen. John Owen B.S.02; farmer. Residence. R. F. D. 4, box 23, San Jose, Cal. Hart, Mrs. Agnes Needham B.L.02 Hathaway, Alice Florence B.L.02 ; m. Calvin E. Reische. Resi- dence, Meridian, Cal. Hecht, Grace Aguilar B.L.02. Residence, 817 Beacon st.. Los Angeles, Cal. Heger. A. Jacob B.S.02; manager. Coeur d'.Mene Hard- ware Ik Foundry Co. Residence, Wal- lace, Idaho Henderson. Robert Huston B.S.02 ; manager, Randolph Marketinc Co., Lordsburg, Cal. Residence. 123" N. Raymond St., Pasadena. Cal. Hendricks. Bertha B.L.02 ; m. Raleigh B. Runyon Hensel, Ellen McKay A.B.02; m. Ira I. Hauder. Residence, 804 Camelia St., Berkeley. Cal. Herrmann, Elizabeth .\delaidc '\.B.02 : M..\.10; instructor (Germanl. Mills College. Cal. Hilpisch, Carl B.S.02 ; surveyor. Residence. 2433 Irv- ing St.. S. F. Hinckley. Mcda B.L.02. Residence, 6 S. University St., Redlands. Cal. Hirshfcld. Clarence Flovd R.S.02: M.M.E. (Corncfl U.) 0?; chief, research denartment, Detroit Edison Co.. David Whitney bldg.. Detroit. Mich. Holley, Robert .Aubrey B.S.02 ; mineral inspector. General Land 64 li.lCIIBLORS: Academic Colleges [1902 1002 Continued Ollico, I-\(l( l)klK.. Salt Lake City, Utah. Residence, 1121 i:. State St., Hoise. Idaho. IIollzcT, Harry Aaron H.1..0J; L1..M.0J; lawyer, H. W. Hell- man bid),'. Residence. 2322 Juliet St., Los Anneies, Cal. Holmes. Alfred Stearns It.L.d-': second vice-president. Baker & [[ainiiton, hardware, 451 Brannan st. Residence, Bellevue Hotel, S. F. Horovitz, James Samuel B.L.02 ; buyer. State Barrel Co. Resi- dence, 2502 E. 33d st., Cleveland, Ohio Howard, Florence Gertrude B.L.02: ni. H. E. Holmquist. Residence, 1224 N. Broadway, Aberdeen, Wash. Hudson, Florence Trevitt A.B.02 : ni. Chester W. Hatch. Resi- dence, Juneau, Alaska Hunt. Reuben Gay B.L.02; LL.B. (Michigan) 06; lawyer, 544 Market st. Residence, 362 15th av., S. F. Hutton, Bertha B.L.02 Jackson, Ardella Frances B.L.02 ; m. F. E. Brown ; postmistress. Residence. Walnut Grove, Cal. Jacobs, Millicent B.L.02; buyer, H. S. Crocker Co., 565 Market st. Residence. 977 Pine St., S. F. f Jameson, Emma B.S.02 ; teacher. Residence. 836 S. Bon- nie Brae st.. Los Angeles, Cal. Janes. Lillie Evelina B.L.02 ; secretary. Field Committee, Y. W. C. A., S. F. Residence, 1137 For- mosa av.. Los Angeles, Cal. Jarvis, Mabel Irene B.L.02; M.L.04; m. G. E. Rawlins. Residence. Orland, Cal. f Jeffreys, Mary Judah B.L.02 ; m. Grover B. Baker. Residence, Grimes, Cal. Jennings. Annie Marie B.S.02 ; m. H. A. Kluegel ex '02. Resi- dence, 1215 Montgomery st., Oroville, Cal. Jevvett. Mary Fairbanks B.L.02; m. Wilfred Withington. Resi- dence. State Reformatory. Monroe, Wash. Karmel. Isaac B.L.02; lawyer. 105 Montgomery st. Residence. 1239 Vallejo St., S. F. Kavanagh, Florence Teresa B.S.02 ; teacher, Lowell High School, S. F. Residence, 1245 Louisiana St., \'allejo, Cal. Kempkey. Augustus B.S.02 : consulting hydraulic engineer. Hobart bidg.. S. F. Residence, 42 Craig av.. Piedmont, Cal. Keyes, Edwin Everett B.L.02; LL.B. 04; lawyer. Federal Real- ty bldg., Oakland, Cal. Residence, 2932 Ellsworth St., Berkeley, Cal. Kierulff, Benjamin I*"ranklin A.B.02; president, Kierulff & Co., Inc., electrical and industrial jobbers, 757 S. Los Angeles st. Residence, 857 S. St. Andrews place, Los Angeles, Cal. Kimball, Florence Mabel A.B.02 ; teacher. Polytechnic High School. Residence, 543 E. 19th St., Long Beach, Cal. Knapp, Rolland Edwin B.S.02 Knowles, Lilian Louise B.L.02 ; m. Earnest Dozier. Residence, 1610 Oxford St., Berkeley, Cal. Korbel, Elma Anton B.L.02 ; m. Thomas C. Mellersh. Resi- dence, 539 Belle av., San Rafael, Cal. Landis, Charles William B.S.02; manager, 821 Market st., S. F. Residence, 116 Lake St., Oakland, Cal. Lanktree, Maud Houston A.B.02 Lashlee. Claude Harmon A.B.02; M.D. (Hahneman Med. Coll. of Pac.) ; physician. Chamber of Commerce bldg. Residence. 1544 E St.. San Ber- nardino, Cal. Lathrop, Howard Beecher B.S.02 ; teacher. Residence, 280 Wal- nut St., Santa Cruz, Cal. Lemberger, Arleigh Francesse A.B.02; LL.B. (Harvard) 08; lawyer. 68 Post St.. S. F. Residence. 1045 Mari- posa av.. Berkeley, Cal. Lemon, May Wellington B.S.02 ; m. Karl V. Denny. Residence, Etna Mills. Cal. Lewis, Adele Gerard B.S.02 ; m. George F. Grant. Residence, Columbia, Cal. Lewis, Alice Maude A.B.02 ; teacher. Residence. 4026 Den- ker av.. Los Angeles, Cal. Long. Emma Marion A.B.02; m. E. W. Stebbins '01. Resi- dence. 6537 Chabot rd., Oakland. Cal. Lorenz. George Benjamin B.S.02 ; assistant cashier. Peoples Sav- ings Bank. Residence, 1822 G st., Sac- ramento, Cal. Lunny. Sara Louise B.L.02 ; m. Charles F. Lohse, Jr. Resi- dence, Concord. Cal. MacDonald. Margaret B.L.02. Residence, 76 Culloden Park, San Rafael, Cal. 1902] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges Mackie, Mrs. Julia A. Manchester A.B.02 ; m. W. W. Mackie '03. Resi- dence, 2525 Durant av., Berkeley, Cal. Maddux, Parker Simmons B.I..02; LL.B. (Harvard) OS; lawyer, with Savings Union Bank & Trust Co., S. F. Residence, 1146 VVaverly St., Palo Alto, Cal. Mansfield, George Campbell B.L.02 ; editor, Oroville Daily Register. Residence, 1617 Robinson St., Oroville, Cal. Martin, Leon Elmer B.L.02 ; M.L.04 ; lawyer. Residence, 1050 Keith av., Berkeley, Cal. Mayhew, Florence Marie A.B.02 : m. Joseph C. Shinn. Residence, Niles, Cal. McAllister, Alice M. B.S.02. Residence, 542 Mason st., S. F. McClelland, Anne B.L.02 ; m. H. W. Isham. Residence, 1026 S. Madison av., Pasadena, Cal. McGrath, Susan Martha A.B.02 ; m. James T. Ludlow. Residence, 1326 3d ave., S. F. McKinne, Eliza B.L.02. Residence, 517 Hill st., S. F. fMcPeak. Frank V. B.S.02. Residence, San Jose, Cal. Mery. Mabel Leonore B.L.02; m. W. A. Luey Meux, John William B.L.d2: real estate broker, with Ewing, McDaniel & Meux, 1038 J st. Resi- dence, 1045 U St., Fresno, Cal. Meyer, Camilla Virginia B.L.02 ; m. Maurice Herman. Residence, Paris, France Mitchell, Claude Walter B.S.02 ; electrical engineer, with Board of Fire Underwriters, 465 California St., S. F. Residence, 2747 McGee av., Berkeley, Cal. Moffat, Emma Elisabeth B.L.02; m. Alfred McLaughlin '96. Resi- dence, 133 Commonwealth av., S. F. Morgan, Sylvia Mallery B.S.02; m. Ira C. White. Residence, 5848 Birch court, Oakland, Cal. Morrin, Mary Irene A.B.02; teacher, Lowell High School. Residence. 2928 Pacific av.. S. F. Morrow, Archibald Howard A.B.02; A.B. (Monmouth) 97; senior clerk. Interstate Commerce Commis- sion. Residence, 1345 Otis St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Mouser, Eugenia Tryon B.L.02 ; m. E. J. Woodburn. Residence, 1012 19th St., Sacramento. Cal. Murakami, Tokichi B.S.02; chemist. Residence, 104 Kaji- machi, Kokura, Japan Murray, Samuel B.S.02 ; engineer, Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. Residence, 184 Samelhurst av., Portland, Ore. Nakano. Chickara B.L.02 fNakanouchi, Mitsunori B.L.02; teacher, Osaka High School. Osaka, Japan Newfield, Joseph B.S.02 ; merchant. Residence, 23 Rose St., Lodi, Cal. Newlin, Gurney Elwood B.L.02; LL.B. (Harvard) 05; lawyer. Title Insurance bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Newmark, Marco Ross A.B.02; with, M. A. Newmark & Co., wholesale grocers. Residence, 977 Ara- pahoe St., Los Angeles, Cal. Newmark, Robert B.L.02 ; buyer, with M. A. Newmark & Co., wholesale grocers. Residence, 880 W. Adams st., Los .Angeles, Cal. fNewport, Ada Lora B.L.02 ; m. Edgar B. King. Residence. 2801 Ashby av., Berkeley, Cal. Nis, Edward Alexander B.S.02. Residence, Johannesburg, Trans- vaal. South Africa Noble, Grover Chester B.S.02 ; purchasing engineer, with Shell Co. of Cal.. 343 Sansome St., S. F. Resi dence, 6 Alvarado rd., Berkeley. Cal. Nutting, Elsie A.B.02: A.M. (RadclitTe) 08: teacher. Los Angeles High School. Residence. 2607 Wilshire blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. Orcutt, Mary Eva A.B.02; A.M. (Stanford) 05; farmer. Residence, Santa F'aula, Cal. Orrick. Murray Scott B.S.02: vice-president, California Paint Co., Residence, 517 Glenview av., Oak- land, Cal. fOwen, Philip Wagv B.L.02. Residence.' Blanchanl, Cal Pack, Grace Louise B.S.02 : m. A. M. Blackball. Residence. 1525 Spruce st., Berkeley, Cal. Paine, Frederic Clinton B.S.02 ; orchanlist. Residence. R. F. D. 2, Okanogan, Wash. Parker, Challon Rogers B.L.02 ; cashier, .\nglo & London Paris National Bank, S. F. Residence. 419 Park way. Piedmont, Cal. Perkins. George Russell. Jr. A.B.02: LL.B. 04; lawyer. 74 New Montgomery st. Residence. 426 32d av.. S. F. 66 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1902 1902 Continued Perry. Artlnir Wayne : lawyer, Hearst IiUIk- F^esidciice, I' 11 ion LeaKUC Club, S. F. Pickett. Roy Diistiii M.S. 02 ; V. S. miiu-ral surveyor for Al.'iska, Nevada and California. Resi- dence, Juneau, Alaska Pinkliam, James Roy H.L.dJ; fruit grower and sliipper, I. W. Ilellnian hldg. Residence, 4665 Pasa- dena av., Los Angeles, Cal. *Poagc, Mary Lcona H.L.02 : deceased Popert, William IIoi)f B.S.02 : engineer, with U. S. Steel Prod- ucts Co., Rialto bklg., S. F. Residence, 2970 Piedmont av,. Berkeley, Cal. Powell, Helen H.L.02. Residence, 270.3 Dwight way, Berkeley, Cal. Powell, William Arthur A.R.02: LL.B.06; lawyer. 1440 Broad- way. Oakland. Cal. Residence, 28.36 Derby St., Berkeley, Cal. Pratt, Elizabeth R.S.02: m. James B. Whitehill. Resi- dence. 967 1st av.. Salt Lake City, Utah Pratt. Orville Charles. Jr. A.B.02; B.C.L. (Oxford) 04: lawyer, 870 Market st. Residence, 1818 Cali- fornia St.. S. F. Prutzman, Helen Clare A.B.02 ; teacher, 320 6th St., Petaluma, Cal. Residence, 18,35 Fulton St., Berke- ley, Cal. *Rea. Jessie Martha B.S.02; d. October 1. 1912 fRcdcwill. Francis ^Hamilton B.S.02 ; physician. Residence, 120 N. 1st av.. Phoenix, Ariz. Reed. Benjamin Wei.ser B.L.02 : manager, Santa Fe Lumber Co., 17th and De Haro sts.. S. F. Residence, 5.35 Oakland av., Oakland. Cal. Reed, Lewis Irvin B.S.02; assistant cashier. First National Bank. Residence. Willows, Cal. Reichman, Otto Herman B.S.02 : flour and grain dealer. Resi- dence, Montague, Cal. Rennie. Edith Helena B.L.02 Rhodes. Claude Irvin B.S.02 ; civil engineer, with Hunter & Hudson. Rialto hldg.. S. F. Residence 15.36 Walnut St.. Berkeley. Cal. Rhodes. Ivan B. B.S.02 ; state secretary. Y. M. C. A. for Oregon and Idaho. 195 6th st. Resi- dence. 676 E. 58th St.. N.. Portland. Ore. Rhodes, Mabel May B.L.02; teacher. Residence, 128 Water St., Santa Cruz, Cal. Rice, Mary Eliza B.S.02 ; Christian Science practitioner. Haas bidg. Residence, 102.3 W. 25th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Richmond, Charles Pierce B.S.02; B.S. (Arizona) 00; engineer, with Comacaron fJold Mining Co. Resi- dence. Hormiguero, Salvador, C. A. Ritchie, Robert Welles B.L.02 ; author. Residence, Mountain Lakes, N. J. Roberts, William Richard A.B.02; with First National Bank. Resi- dence, 4034 California St., S. F. Roesner, Oscar Henry B.L.02 ; author. Residence, West Butte, Cal. Rogers, Alice Mabel B.L.02. Residence, 2177 Allston way, Berkeley, Cal. Root, William Darwin A.B.02; A.M. (Columbia) 06; teacher, Glendale L'nion High School. Resi- dence. 735 Verdugo rd., Glendale, Cal. Ross, John Stewart B.L.02; LL.B. (Harvard) 05: lawyer. Residence, El Centro, Cal. Rothchild, Herbert Lionel B.L.G2 ; lawyer, 220 Montgomery st. Residence, Hotel St. Francis. S. F. Rowell, Clarence Fellow-s B.S.02 ; proprietor. The Book Den. 464 Sth St. Residence, 686 Poirier St., Oak- land. Cal. Rowlands, Christopher Henry B.S.02 Ryder, Edda W'arner Allen B.S.02 ; m. Hubert L. Dungan. Resi- dence. 2036 Durant av., Berkeley, Cal. Sanborn. Flora Anna .\.B.02; A.B. (Pomona) 01: m. Russell K. Pitzer '03. Residence, 715 X. Garey av.. Pomona. Cal. Sawyer, John Birge B.S.02 ; vice-consul. Residence. Ameri- can Consulate, Hongkong, China Schaeffer, Lucy Regal B.L.02; m. W. H. ^Kimball. Residence, 120 Middlefield rd.. Burlingame. Cal. Schroeder. Annie Katherine B.L.02 : teacher. Crockett, Cal. Resi- dence. 522 11th av., S. F. Selby. Edith B.L.02. Residence. Los Gatos, Cal. Senger. George Henry B.S.02 ; engineer, with Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co.. 461 Market St., S. F. Residence. 1321 Bay View place, Berke- lev. Cal. 1902] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 67 Service, Robert Roy B.S.02 ; secretary, Y. M. C. A. Resi- dence, Chengtu, Szechuen, China. American address, 124 E. 28th St., N. Y. City. Shaffer, Harold Stanley A.B.02; LL.B. (Harvard) 05; lawyer. Shatter blk. Residence, 905 O St., Mer- ced, Cal. Sharp, Mabel Evelyn B.I-.02 : teacher. Residence, 92 Rigg St., Santa Cruz, Cal. Shippee, Inez B.L.02; m. Francis H. Dam '96. Resi- dence, 2432 Cedar St., Berkeley, Cal. Smith, Gertrude Almira B.L.02; B.L. (Pomona) 01; m. A. J. Stewart Smith, Harriette Wiggins B.S.02 ; m. H. C. McCutchan. Resi- dence, 3439 Lanfranco st., Los Angeles, Cal. Smith, LeRoy Grannis B.L.02 ; lawyer, with Edwards & Smith, Central blk. Residence, 623 K St., Dinuba, Cal. Solomon, Alfred A.B.02; M.A.03; A.B. (Occidental) GO; instructor (French), University of Cali- fornia. Residence, 2001 Allston way, Berkeley, Cal. Spencer, Mae Alyssa A.B.02 ; m. George D. Smith. Resi- dence, 315 W. Race St., Visalia, Cal. Stansbury, Middleton Pemberton B.S.02; ^LD.07; physician. Residence, 609 5th St., Chico, Cal. Stephenson. Robert Pettinger A.B.02; LL.B. (Harvard) 05; assistant U. S. attorney, 359 Postoffice bldg., N.Y. City. Residence, Grymes Hill, Staple- ton, N. Y. Stevens, Harry Thomas A.B.02; special agent, Aetna Life In- surance Co., 228 Pine st., S. F. Resi- dence. 1534 Pearl St., Alameda, Cal. Stewart. Mary B.L.02; M.L.03; Ph.B. (U. of Pac.) 98; teacher, Miss Burke's School, S. F. Residence, 2502 Bancroft way, Berke- ley, Cal. Stoer, Emma B.L.02: m. C. L. Barham '02. Resi- dence, 3669 Adeline st., Emeryville, Cal. Stone, Edna Lewis B.L.02 ; m. Arthur L. Price '04. Resi- dence, 374 15th av., S. F. Stout. Harriet Monroe B.L.02: teacher. Residence, 2218 Du- rant av., Berkeley, Cal. Strachan, James Forrest B.S.02 ; electrical engineer. Residence, 740 54th St., Oakland. Cal. Swett, Ruth Isal)el A.B.02; teacher. Technical High School, Oakland, Cal. Residence, 2409 Oregon St.. Berkeley, Cal. Sykes, Abbie Marshall B.L.02 ; teacher. Residence, Campbell, Cal. Tamura, Seiichi Masataka B.S.02 *Terpenning, Zana Evalinc A.B.02; A.B. (U. of So. Cal. t 01; m. F. G. H. Stevens; d. February 10, 1906 Thorpe. Marv Lillian B.L.02 ; m. 'Melvin L. Winkelman. Resi- dence, 2504 N St., Sacramento, Cal. Tolman, Ruel Pardee B.L.02 ; assistant instructor, Corcoran School of .\n. Residence, 2020 G St.. N. W., Washington, D. C. Turner, Laura Lucilc B.L.02 ; teacher, 307 W. Broadway. Anaheim, Cal. Residence, Carmel, Cal. Vinacke, Albert Thomas B.L.02; M.L.03; A.B. (Drake) 92; principal, high school. Residence, Nor- walk, Cal. Ward, Sharlie Jeannette A.B.02; m. R. R. Webb. Residence. 1323 N. Coronado st., Los Angeles, Cal. Warner, Moulton B.S.02 ; rancher. Residence, Cool, Cal. Warner, Ruby Irene A.B.02; .\.B. (Pomona) 01; m. Frank- lin T. Lyman. Residence, 357 Arrow- head av., San Bernardino, Cal. Watson, Helen Sarah B.S.02 ; vice-principal, Hollywood High School. Residence, 1135 E. \ernon st.. Los Angeles, Cal. fWeber. Frank Ferguson B.S.02. Residence, New .•Mmaden, Cal. Wedd, Ruby Annette B.S.02. Residence, Mortimer, N. Y. Weight, Erie Martin B.L.02; newspaperman, with Examiner. Los Angeles, Cal. Residence, 316 Cen- ter St., Pasadena, Cal. Wenzelburger, Annabel Elise B.L.02 ; m. Adolphus E. Graupner *97. Residence, 2009 Jackson St.. S. F. West. Herbert Augustus A.B.02: cashier. First National Bank. Residence, .^ntioch, Cal. Weymouth, Chester A. G. B.S.02. Residence. 1244 W. 40th place, Los .'\ngcles, Cal. Wildes, Maude Frances B.L.02; teacher. Residence, 4002 ,\rorn, Al)l)y Dclina li. !,.{).!; m. James T. Lea. Residence, 2964 TcleKrai)h av., Oakland, Cal. ♦S I".. Walnut St., Pasadena. Cal. Crocker, Fred Wilbur B.S.04 ; engineer, with Pacific Bridge Co., Dayton. Ohio. Residence. 'ISS Front St., Portland, Ore. Cromwell, Myrtle Cicnovieve B.L.04; teacher. Residence, 1117 E. 28th St., Oakland, Cal. Cross, Helen Lee A.B.04: m. Cecil E. Houdyshcl. Resi- dence, I.ordsburg, Cal. Curtis. Gertrude Pearl B.L.04; m. Carlcton E. Durrcll. Rcsi dence. R. F. D. 1, Napa. Cal. 80 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1904 l')()4 Coiiliinird Danii'l, Susie iMcIrosc M.S. 04; 111. k.iliili S. Roy '04. Resi- lience, San Cieroninio, Cal. ♦Daiiscr, Jolin Sebastian I?.I,.04 ;'n.S.10; d. December 28, 1914 Oavidson. Evelyn (icrtriule A. 15. 04. Residence. Koine, Italy: or, care of Parr's Rank Ltd., ICarl's Court Hranch, London Davi.s. Clare Gertrude R.L.04 ; m. Julean H. Arnold '02. Resi- dence, American Legation, Peking, China Day, Caroline A.B.04. Residence. 2747 Bancroft way, Berkeley, Cal. Dewing, Ethel Ruby B.L.04. Residence, 5201 Shattuck av., Oakland, Cal. Dewing, Pearl Martha B.L.b4. Residence, 5201 Shattuck av., Oakland, Cal. Dick, Fred Austin B.S.04 ; farmer. Residence, Woodland, Cal. Dittenhoefer. Marion Burgess A.R.04 : M.A.14 ; teacher. Residence, 3326 Washington St., S. F. Dow, Mabel Lilian B.L.04 : m. Tames W. Davidson. Resi- dence, 801 20"th av., W., Calgary, Alberta Dowling, Margaret Caroline B.L.04 : teacher. Mission High School. Residence, 280 Dolores St., S. F. fDuncan, Mabel Adeline B.L.04 ; m. A. H. Bartlett. Residence, 758 Stowell St., Milwaukee, Wis. Dye, Amy Georgeanna B.L.04 ; m. J. F. Keeran '04. Residence, 2328 Bowditch st., Berkeley, Cal. Earle, Ava Elizabeth B.L.04; m. Oscar T. Barber '99. Resi- dence, 2915 College av., Berkeley, Cal. Ehrlich, Arnold Morris A.B. and M.A.04 ; B.L. (Paris) 00; lawyer, 54 W. Randolph st. Residence, 2924 Logan blvd., Chicago, III. Ehrmann, Louise Caroline B.L.04 ; teacher, high school. Residence, 2235 W. 31st St., Los Angeles, Cal. Eidcnniuller, William Cooper, Jr. B.S.04 ; M.D.06 : physician, 948* Market St. Residence, 641 Post St., S. F. Eloesser. Herbert B.S.04 ; vice-president. Eloesser-Heyne- mann Co., manufacturers, 77 Battery st. Residence, 3201 Pacific av., S. F. Etchison, Mrs. Gertrude B.S.04 *Evans, Ann B.S.04 ; m. George Blunier : d. August 26, 1907 Evans, Edith Rutherford A.B.04; m. Herman B. Waters Evans, Herbert McLean BS.04; M.D. CJohns Hopkins) 08; pro- fessor (anatomy). University of Cali- fornia. Residence, 2621 Le Conte av., Berkeley, Cal. Evans, Isabel B.L.04 ; teacher. Residence, 234 26th av., S. F. Faber, Lottie Engelsen B.L.04 ; m. Anasa M. Tower. Residence, 300 W. Pine St., Lodi. Cal. fFarnham, Eugene Metcalf B.S.04 ; clerk. Residence, 758 Kingston av., Oakland, Cal. Field, Mary A.B.04 ; m. George E. Whipple. Resi- dence, R. F. D. 4, Vancouver, Wash. Fisher. Paula B.L.04 ; m. James D. Donlon. Residence, Antioch, Cal. Fleisher, Lillian Gertrude B.L.04: A.M. (Stanford) 07; teacher, high school, St. Helena, Cal. Residence, 1865 Clay St., S. F. Flynn, Helen Axie B.L.04; teacher. Girls' High School, S. F. Residence, 1546 Shattuck av., Berkeley, Cal. Forse, Bessie Imogen B.L.04; m. K. C. Gillis ex '06. Resi- dence, 2953 Regent St., Berkeley, Cal. ♦Foster, Arthur William, [r. B.L.04; d. May 25, 1915 " Foster, Mil f red Fuller B.L.04. Residence, R. F. D. 21, box 43, San Jose, Cal. Foulds. Grace Pauline B.L.04 ; m. Florance Armbruster. Resi- dence, 120 G St., San Rafael. Cal. Freese. Elizabeth B.L.04 : A.B. 05 ; teacher, high schooL Residence, 3561 6th St., San Diego, Cal. French. Mary Frances B.L.04; m. F. G. Dorety '00. Residence, 202 36th St., N., Seattle, Wash. Fudita, Sadazi A.B.04 fFukuda. Rokusaburo B.S.04. Residence, 2308 \'irginia St., Berkeley. Cal. Furlong, Mary Irene B.L.04 : teacher. High School of Com- merce. S. F. Residence. 6502 Dana St., Oakland. Cal. Gaines. Mabel B.L.04 : m. E. E. Keves '02. Residence, 2932 Ellsworth St.. Berkelev. Cal. 1904] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 81 Gale, Emma Jane B.L.04; m. Fredk. R. Hazard. Resi- dence, 703 30th av., Seattle, Wash. Gans, Faye Lucile A.B.04 ; m. Phil B. Harris. Residence, Los Angeles, Cal. Gardett, Helmuth Clifton B.S.04 ; electrical engineer, with Bureau of Power and Light. Residence, 1427 Berkshire av.. Los Angeles, Cal. Garwood, Isabel A.B.04: teacher. Residence, 1269 2d av., S. F. Gassaway, Stephen Griffith B.S.04 ; commercial engineer, with Gen- eral Electric Co., Rialto bldg., S. F. Residence, Belvedere, Cal. Gates, Lelia Edith B.L.04 ; m. L. B. Smith '04. Residence, 544 Dowling blvd., San Leandro, Cal. Geiselhart, Josephine B.S.04 ; teacher, Le Grand. Cal.. Resi- dence, 2037 Durant av., Berkeley, Cal. Gilmore. Evelyn Ph.B.04 ; m. John L. Ramsay. Residence, Freewater, Ore. Girard. Francis John B.S.04 : with Nevada Packard Mines Co., Rochester, Nev. Residence, R. F. D. 4, box 472, Los Angeles, Cal. Goetz, Anna Margaret P..L.04 : second vice-principal. Fremont High School. Residence, 687 25th St., Oakland, Cal. Goldberg, Reulien Lucius B.S.04 : cartoonist. New York Evening Mail. 203 Broadway. Residence, 575 W. End av., N. Y. City Gray, Evangeline A.B.04 ; m. Chester \V. Jud.son. Resi- dence, 1111 Pine St., S. F. *Greensfelder, Hart B.S.04; d. February 27, 1905 Gregory, Norman Claude A.B.04 Griswold. May Evangeline B.L.04 ; teacher. Residence, Covina, Cal. Grozelicr, Berthe Silvaine Cecile B.S.04: teacher. Residence, 1766 Bush St., S. F. Gundry. Mary Olive B.L.04 : m. Clarence H. Poindexter. Residence, 3 McGrew Grove, Kansas City, Kan. Haas, Svlvan Lewis B.S.04; M.D. CJohns Hopkins) 08; physician, 210 Post st. Resilience. 2299 Sacramento St., S. F. Ilalloran, Arthur Hobart B.S.04 : managing editor. Journal of Elrciririly, Poucr and Gas. 618 Mission St.. S. F. Residence, 2721 Forest av., Berkeley, Cal. Hamilton, Fletcher McXutt B.S.04 ; state mineralogist, L'nion Ferry bldg., S. F. Residence, 1111 Fresno a\., Berkeley, Cal. Hampel, Cora Elizabeth A.B.04 ; teacher. Technical High School. Residence, 523 25th St., Oakland, Cal. *Hathawav. Beverley Fobes A.B.04 ;'d. 1913 Hawkinson, Elna A.B.04 ; m. F. J. Carman. Residence. 903 Grattan St., Los Angeles. Cal. Henderson, Isabelle B.L.04: m. Benjamin F. Stewart. Jr. Residence, Sierra City, Cal. Henderson, Raymond William B.L.04 Hendricks. Scott B.L.04 ; lawyer, 220 Montgomery st. Residence, 3650 Washington St.. S. F. Herkner, Anna B.L.04. Residence, 649 Bird av., San Jose, Cal. Hewlett, Xettie Aurilla B.L.04 ; m. Percy M. Levi. Residence. 32 Wildwood av.. Piedmont. Cal. Hill, Walter Bradley B.S.04: M.D. (U. of So. Cal.) 09; physician. Residence, 420 Cedar av.. Long Beach, Cal. Hoey. Eugenia May B'L.04. Residence. 1315 Divis.uloro st.. S. F. fHoffman, Hazel Maude A.B.04 ; m. William H. Munter. Care of Treasury Department. U. S. Revenue Cutter Service. Washington. D. C. Howe, Helen Eliza B.L.04; B.L. (Occidental) 03; R.S. ibid '03 Howell. Edgar Henry B.S.04: M.D. (FLihnemann) 07; physi- cian, 209 Post St. Residence. 2934 Jackson St., S. F. Hunter. Ainy Estella B.L.04. Residence. 1207 F st.. ICurck-i. Cal. Hursh. Loren Leigh B.S.04 : assistant superintendent of con- struction. Bakewcll & Brown. 120 Post St. Residence. 251 Kearny St.. S. F. .Mice B.L.04 ; m. Robert F. Crawford. Resi- dence, Antioch. Cal. Hust, MabcIIe B.L.04 : vice-principal, high school, .\n- tioch. Cal. Residence. 1812 Delaware St.. Berkeley, Cal. Hutton. Mrs. Christine Emilie .\.B.04; M.A.06; m. Capf. J. A. Hutton; teacher. Ryde. Cal. Residence. 947 Bush St.. S. F. 82 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1904 1904 Coiiliiiiird lacohs, Saimtcl Nicholas I^S.04 : M.I). 08: physician. 20') Post st. Residence, Hotel Richelieu. S. F. JclTcrds. Amos Osgood n.S.04 : foreman, office e(iuipnient, Paci- fic Telephone & Telesraph Co. Resi- dence, ''25 J5th av.. Seattle, Wash. Jess. Reubena Tcressa B.L.04 ; ni. George J. Helms. Residence, ,151 Maud av., San Leandro, Cal. Joiinson. George Stafford B.S.04 : engineer, with Universal Elec- tric & Gas Co.. 70.3 Market St.. S. F. Residence, 2208 Roosevelt av., RerUeley, Cal. Johnston. Eva E. A. P.. 04 : teacher. Residence, 521 E. Walnut St., Santa Ana. Cal. Johnston. Fred Lyle B.S.04 ; consulting engineer, 1018 State St. Residence, 426 Montgomery av., Santa Barbara, Cal. Jones. Hihna Hildegarde B.S.04: m. 1905, Harry H. Johnson; m. 1912, Cecil I. McReynolds. Resi- dence, 2613 Virginia St., Berkeley, Cal. Jones. Samuel Hart B.L.04 : lawyer, 429 J st. Residence, 1419 O St., Sacramento. Cal. Jordan. Susie Emma B.L.04 : m. C. H. Smith : assistant, Tamalpais Union High School. Resi- dence. .35 San Anselmo av., San An- selmo. Cal. *Juillerat, Ida Helen B.L.04 ; deceased Kautenberg, Theresa B.S.04: m. Charles F. Sechrist Keeran, John Farmer B.S.04": with. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Residence, 2328 Bovvditch st., Berkeley, Cal. fKennedy, Leo King B.S.04 : with. Jualin Mine. Residence. Jualin, Alaska Kilgore. Eugene Sterling B.S.04: M.D. (Harvard) 09: physician. University of California Hospital. Resi- dence. 1431 Willard st, S. F. Kinkead. James B.S.04 ; auditor, Seattle Construction & Dry Dock Co. Residence. Assembly Hotel. Seattle. Wash. Knopf, Adolph B.S.04 : M.S.05 : Ph.D.09 ; geologist, with L^. S. Geological Survey. Resi- dence. 3138 Highland av., Washington, D. C. La Rue, Eugene Clyde P..S.04 : engineer, with U. S. Geological Survey. Federal bldg. Residence. 2545 Beverly St.. Salt Lake City. Utah Lascll. Cora Abbie A.B.04 ; m. Ray C. B. Brown. Residence, 1947 Dwight way, Berkeley, Cal. Leale. Marion Whitfield B.L.04. Residence, 2475 Pacific av., S.F. Le Conte, Tallulah A.B.04: m. J. Arthur Elston '97. Resi- dence, Wyoming apts., Washington, D.C. f Leete, Carolyn B.L.04 ; m. J. E. Bilderbach. Residence, 259 Stout St., Portland, Ore. *Lehman, Clinton Forest B.S.04; d. December 15, 1914 Lennon. Marie Burscough B.L.04. Residence, 946 Eddy St.. S. V. Levy. Jack Morris A.B.04: M.A.ll : pul)licity promoter, with Foster & Kleiser, advertisers, 273 Valencia st. Residence, 1350 Sutter st., S. F. Ligda, Paul B.S.04 : mechanical engineer. Residence, 2717 Russell St., Berkeley, Cal. Ligda, Vladimir Victor B.S.04 : teacher, high school. Residence, 1347 S. Hill St., Los Angeles, Cal. Loken. Hjalmar Jorgensen A.B.04 : B.D. (Harvard) 07 : pastor. First Christian Church. Residence. 2324 Dwight way, Berkeley, Cal. Lombardi. Maurice Ennis B.S.G4; A.B. (Yale) 00: petroleum en- gineer, 870 Market st., S. F. Residence. 2331 Le Conte av.. Berkeley, Cal. Loring. Conrad B.S. (civ. eng.) 04; B.S. (mech.) 00; assistant superintendent of construction, Kern Trading & Oil Co., 870 Market st. Residence, 2401 Jackson st., S. F. Lowry, Morris Yale B.S.04 : assayer, with Comstock Assay Office, 29 S. C St., Virginia City, Xev. Residence, Gold Hill, Nev. *Ludlo\v. Theodore Johnston B.S.04: B.S. (U. "of Wash.) 97: d. May 7, 1912 Luther, Otto Lawrence A.B.04: A.B. (Illinois) 02: principal. Queen Anne High School. Residence. 411 Wheeler st.. Seattle. Wash. MacGavin. John Drummond B.S.04 ; mining engineer, with Mining Corp. of Canada, Ltd., Traders Bank Bldg., Toronto, Ontario *Mackie, Herbert Parnall A.B.04: d. July 27, 1909 fMagnes. Eva B.L.04 : m. Chester J. Teller. Residence. Grant wood. N. J. Magneson. Katherine B.S.04. Residence. 1736 Ward St.. Berkeley. Cal. 1904] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 83 Radius. F. Resi- Residence, Mandel, Frank Armond B.L.04; playwright, 139 \V. 47th st. Residence, 63 W. 56th st., N. Y. City Manning, Constance Fry B.L.04 ; m. Duncan I. Moir ; teacher, Manual Arts High School, Los .\ngeles, Cal. Residence, La Crescenta, Cal. Martenstein, Mary Philbrook B.L.04. Residence, 215 Castro St., S. F. Mason, Winfield Scott B.L.04 Maurer, Jacobine Ida B.L.04; m. Walter A. dence, 3980 Clay St., S Maxwell, Evelvn B.L.04 ; m. Harold H. Kelley '07. Resi- dence, Ketchikan, Alaska McCarthy, Paul Alovsius A.B.04; LL.B.06; lawyer, 703 Market St. Residence, 85 Buena Vista terrace, S. F. f McCollough, James Henry B.S.04 ; investment broker. 51 Clay St., San Jose, Cal. McCulloch, John Richard B.S.04 ; chief assayer, Goldfield Con- solidated Mining Co., box 792. Resi- dence, 604 E. Crook St., Goldfield, Nev. McGuire. Thomas Henry B.S.04 ; mining engineer. Grass Valley, Cal. McKay, Jeanette Evelvn B.L.04: m. William" E. Residence, 1539 Henry st Cal. *McKeany, Margaret B.L.04 Td. August, 1907 McLean, Sarah Florence A.B.04 ; m. J. S. Mullen '05 ; teacher, Lincoln High School, Los Angeles, Cal. Residence, 1015 W. 5th st., Glendale, Cal. McPherron, Grace Adams A.B.04; A.B. (Pomona) 98; teacher, Los Angeles High School. Residence, 1016 Orange St., Los Angeles, Cal. McQuiddv, Inez B.L.04 :' m. Capt. H. G. Davis, dence, San Fernando, Pampanga American address, 114 E. 8th st. ford, Cal. McWilliams, Robert LaFayette B.L.04: J.D.06: lawyer, with Morrison, Dunn & Brobeck, 612 Market st.. S. F. Residence, Burlinganie, Cal. Meacham, Myrtle B.S.04 ; m. Robert H. Mann. Residence, 129 E. I St., Benicia, Cal. Merriam, Wallace Webster B.S.04 ; superintendent. Parsons Mining Co. Residence, Parsons, N. M. Merrill. Edgar Piruce B.L.04 ; lawyer. Residence, Bridger. Mont. Residence, Skimmings. , Berkeley, Resi- P. L Han- Merrill, Mary A.B.04: A.B. (Pomona) 02: m. Herbert B. King Merrill. Ralph Howard B.S.04 : surveyor, with Board of Fire Underwriters, Boston bldg. Residence, 530 E. 2d South st.. Salt Lake City, Utah Metzler, Irving Schlesinger B.L.04 ; assistant cashier. Bank of Italy. Residence, 2433 S. Flower St., Los .An- geles, Cal. Millard. Susan Ruth A.B.04: m. W. L. Borthwick '06. Resi- dence, 142 E. 61st St., Portland, Ore. ^Miller, Crosby B.S.04 ; bridge engineer, with Chesa- peake & Ohio Railway. Residence, box 1059, Richmond, Va. Miller, Flora Tosephine B.S.04 ; m. "Wesley H. Beach. Resi- dence, 1954 Taft av., Hollywood. Cal. Miller. Irving B.S.04 ; geologist. Residence. 294:^ Claremont blvd., Berkeley, Cal. Miller. Norman Boone B.S.04 ; mechanical engineer, Rialto bldg.. S. F. Residence, 3139 Lewiston av., Berkeley, Cal. Milton. Maxwell Claypoole B.S.04 ; mining engineer, Schrader bldg. Residence, box 447, Tucson. .\riz. fMinor, Henry Samuel B.S.04 ; assistant secretary, Paraftine Oil Co.. box 566. Residence, 2106 B St., Bakersfield, Cal. fMinor. Herbert Hibbird B.S.04. Residence, Winkleman, .Ariz. Mitchell. Richard Ray B.S.04 ; surveyor. Bureau of Lands. Manila, P. L Residence. 1406 W. 7th St., Riverside, Cal. f Moore, Anna Cora B.L.04. Residence, 629 Linden av., Long Beach, Cal. More. Margaret Elna B.L.04: M.L.07 : m. William H. Oliver ex '05 : teacher. Residence. R. F. D. 2. box 560, Santa Cruz, Cal. Morris. Bert Tasper .\.B.04 : Ped".B. ( Wcsleyan ) 99; A.B. ihid 03: B.D. (Pac. Theol. Sem.) 06 ; A.M. ( Harvard) 07 : Ph.D. ( Boston) 08 : dean of CoIIckc of Pacific. Resi- dence, 849 University av., San Jose, Cal. fMorrison. Esther B.L.04: m. Frank B. Davisson. Jr. Residence. Winters. Cal. Morri.son. Harold .\rlow B.S.04 Mosher, Gertrude Lucile R.L.04 : teacher. Residence, 4064 Agua \'ista st,. Oakland. Cal. 84 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1904 1904 Continued Moslicr. Laura Grace H.L.04; B.L. (Occidental) 02; m. Silas V. Johnson ; missionary. Residence, Metet, South Africa *Mosko\vitz, Minnie B.L.04 ; deceased Moskowitz, Rose A.B.04; ni. Gerald (). Hillier. Residence, 2900 Grove St., Berkeley, Cal. Mott, William Warner B.S.04; M.S.05 Mowbray, Albert Henry A.H.04; secretary and actuary, Massa- chusetts limployers Insurance Assn., 185 Devonshire St., Boston. Residence, 125 Marlboro St., Wollaston, Mass. Mullcr, Henry B.S.04 ; automobile dealer. Residence, 1456 Webster St., Oakland, Cal. Mulligan, Theresa Irene B.L.04 ; teacher, high school, Hayward, Cal. Residence, Selma, Cal. Murdoch, Everett Carlos B.S.04; inventor. Residence, 2120 Emerson St., Berkeley, Cal. Neighbor, Jacob Lyman B.S.04 ; principal, high school. Resi- dence, 415 Del Norte st.. Eureka, Cal. Nelson. ]\Iabel Lorena B.S.04 ; M.S.05 ; teacher, Hollister, Cal. Residence, 2024 Prince St., Berkeley, Cal. Newman, Olivia Ethel B.L.04 : m. Paul M. Paine. Residence, Taft, Cal. Nicholls. Arthur Wallace B.S.04 : piano dealer, 77 O'Farrell st., S. F. Residence, 1430 Hawthorne ter- race, Berkeley, Cal. Nicholson. Edith B.L.04: m. Walter H. Duncan. Resi- dence, Loyalton, Cal. Nickelsburg. Melvil Siegfried B.S.04 ; manager, Cahn, Nickelsburg & Co., wholesale shoes, 557 Mission st. Residence, 1911 Sacramento st., S. F. O'Connor, Richard B.L.04; LL.B.06: lawyer, with Wise & O'Connor, 85 2d st. Residence, 1034 Anza St., S. F. Otto. Theresa Margaret B.L.04 : dean. Lux School. Residence, Hotel Leo, S. F. fPackard. Sineretta B.S.04 ; vice-principal, grammar school. Residence, Mendocino, Cal. Paddock. Bernard Horace A.B.04 : teacher. Residence, Yenping, via Foochow, China Page. Marv B.L.04 : 'Y. W. C. A. worker. Resi- dence, Y. W. C. A., Tokyo, Japan Parker, Carleton Hubbell B.S.04; Ph.D. (Heidelberg) 12; assist- ant professor (economics). University of California. Residence, 38 Mosswood rd., Berkeley, Cal. Parker, Edith Barrett A.B.04; A.B. (Pomona) 03; m. G. S. Hinckley. Residence, 247 Grant St., Redlands, Cal. Parker, Grace Miles B.L.04; Ph.B. (U. of So. Cal.) 02; m. William T. Olney. Residence, 610 Oak- land av., Pasadena, Cal. Parks, Jessie Marvin B.L.04 ; m. Harry G. Richard. Resi- dence, 3336 Clay St., S. F. f Paterson, Emma Jane B.L.04 ; teacher. Residence, 343 N. Fair Oaks av., Pasadena, Cal. Patten. Eva Ruth B.L.04 ; vice-principal, high school, Oro- ville, Cal. Residence, 2121 Hearst av., Berkeley, CaL fPerrier, Charles Reginald B.S.04 ; lawyer. Residence, Santa Rosa, Cal. Peterson, Otto Wallace B.S.04 ; engineer, with Modesto Irriga- tion Co., Modesto, Cal. Residence, 2106 San Pablo av., Berkeley, Cal. Pettis, Alma Fancher B.L.04 ; m. Herman M. Heim. Resi- dence, 570 25th av., S. F. Pfeiffer, Mary Louise B.S.04 ; teacher, Hancock School. Resi- dence, 136 Fair Oaks st., S. F. Pickett, Jesse Cameron B.S.04 ; M.D. (Cooper) 07 ; physician, 291 Geary st. Residence, 622 8th av., S. F. Pitcher. Pearl Florence B.L.04 ; teacher, high school. Residence, 136 S. 16th St., San Jose, Cal. Plagemann, Dora Elsa B.L.04: teacher. Residence, 1233 Ma- sonic av., S. F. Powell, Ruby B.L.04 : teacher, high school. Residence, 425 7th St., Marysville, Cal. Price. Arthur Lorenzo B.L.04: newspaperman, with Examiner Residence. 374 15th av., S. F. Prince, Elede B.L.04 ; m. Leon E. Morris '05. Resi- dence. Granada Hotel. S. F. Radclif¥. Ruth Doel B.L.04. Residence, 103 E. 3d st, Wat- sonville, Cal. Rattan. Georgia Kinkade B.S.04 : M.S.05. Residence, 2508 Ridge rd.. Berkeley. Cal. 1904] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 85 Ray, Frederick Sylvan us B.S.04; M.D. (Johns Hopkins) 08; surgeon, Brockman bldg. Residence, 121 N. Union av., Los Angeles, Cal. Reeves, Anna Belle B.L.04 : teacher, box 65. Poulsho, Wash. Residence, 554 5th St., Bremerton, Wash. Relifisch, Adele B.L.04 ; m. Charles Raas. Residence, 3929 Clay St., S. F. Reichenbach, Eda Rosalind A.B.04 ; m. Francis V. Bloch. Residence, 148 8th av., S. F. Reiner, Ralph Oliver A.B.04 ; president, Pyeng Yang Union Christian College. Residence, Pyeng Yang, Chosen Reitzell. Alice May B.S.04; teacher. Residence, 139 State St., Freeport, 111. Rhine, Morris B.S.04 ; special solicitor, with General Electric Co., Rialto bldg. Residence, 143 10th av., S. F. Rice, Martha Bowen B.L.04 : m. H. W. Furlong ex '03. Resi- dence, 2305 Regal rd., Berkeley, Cal. fRivard, Mrs. Elizabeth Elkins B.L.04. Residence, Fillmore, Cal. *Roadhouse. Tames Edwin B.S.04 ; d. November 28, 1907 Robinson, Mrs. Louise McKee B.L.04 : m. Paul S. Robinson '97 ; teacher, Richmond High School. Resi- dence, 2522 Hillegass av., Berkeley, Cal. Robinson, Lucy Margaret A.B.04 : teacher. Residence, 2809 Rus- sell St.. Berkeley, Cal. Rohrer, Cleland Waterman B.S.04 ; special agent, London Assurance Corp., L'nion Oil bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Residence, 1539 Diamond av., South Pasadena, Cal. Roop, Ethel Dickinson B.L.04: D.O. (Am. School of Osteo- pathy): osteopathic physician. Resi- dence, 2310 Bowditch St., Berkeley, Cal. Rods, Robert Achille B.S.04 : secretary, Roos Bros., Inc. Residence, 2000 Jackson St., S. F. Root. Mary Eva B.L.04 : m. Samuel W. R. Langdon 'GO. Residence, Winton, Cal. Rosenshine, Albert Adolph B.L.04 ; LL.B.06 ; lawyer, 220 Montgom- ery St. Residence, 2825 Sacramento St., S. F. Roy, Ralph Somers B.S.04 : rancher. Residence, San Ger- onimo, Cal. Safford, Edwy Knight B.L.04 : teacher, high school. Residence, 422 62d St., Oakland, Cal. Sakai, Yasudiro B.S.04 Sanada, Sei Kitch B.S.04 ; engineer, with Osaka Zinc Smelting Co., Osaka, Japan. Residence. Koheya, Motomachi 2-chome, Kobe, Japan Sawyer, Edmund Houghton B.S.04; M.D. (Harvard) 08; physician. Residence, Navarro, Cal. Schaeffer, Maud Estelle B.L.04 : dean of women, Fresno State Normal School. Residence, 375 San Pablo av., Fresno, Cal. Schroder, Dorothy Sophia B.S.04 ; clerk. Board of Public Works. City Hall. Residence, 1446 Guerrero St., S. F. Schroeder, Sophie B.L.04 : teacher. Residence, 23 Palm av., S. F. Scofield, Mabel Salome B.S.04; m. Benjamin Thomas '01. Resi- dence, 903 Bryant St., Palo Alto, Cal. Seavey, Josephine B.L.04; teacher. Residence, 170 Lib- erty St., S. F. Shafor, Mrs. Esther B.S.04 ; m. C. M. Shafor: teacher. Poly- technic High School. Residence, 434 W. 20th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Sheffield, Eugene Sherwood, Jr. B.S.04 ; department manager. Standard Oil Co. Residence, Peking, China fSheldon, Albert Nelson B.S.04. Residence. R. F. D. 2, Ventura, Cal. fShepard, Cara Belle B.L.04. Residence, 260 S. 1st St., San Jose, Cal. Shepard, Edgar Ravmond B.S.04: B.S. (Ore.'Agr. Coll.) 01 : asso- ciate electrical engineer, U. S. Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. Shoup, Faith B.L.04; m. Albert S. Robinson. Resi- dence, Los Altos, Cal. Shreve. Ada Ruth B.L.04: m. William W. Belshaw. Resi- dence, Antioch, Cal. Shuey, George Russell B.S.04 ; assistant engineer, city of Los Angeles. Residence, Independence, Cal. Sinsheimer, Stanley Henry B.S.04 : with J. Koshland' & Co.. wool merchants, 501 Summer st., Boston, Mass. Residence, 1688 Beacon St.. Brookline, Mass. Smith, .Mox Grogan A.n.04: M..A.06". Residence. 1762 Bush- nell place, Berkeley. Cal. Smith, Gertrude W'ilholminc B.L.04 ; m. Henry R. Brinck ex '03. Resilience. Winters. Cal. 86 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1904 l')04 Ciiiiliitncd Siiiitli, KallKTiiic I'orniaii H.L.04 : 111. L. M. Turner '03. Residence, 2707 Virsinia St., Berkeley, Cal. Smith. Leonard Hoc H.S.04 ; assistant departincnt manager, I'acific & RIectric Co. Residence, .S44 Dowling l)Ivd., San Leandro, Cal. Sniitli. Nelson Guy B.S.04 ; farmer. Residence. Ducor, Cal. Smitli, William Clyde H.L.04 ; director of social service, Chi- cago Presbytery, 509 S. Wabash av., Chicago, 111. Residence, Downers Grove, 111. Snow, Beatrice Marv B.L.04 : m. E. H. McCollister '0.1. Resi- dence. .17 Center st., Santa Cruz. Cal. Solomon, Edward A.B.04; A.B. (Occidental) 0.1; teacher, Hollywood High School. Residence, 4825" S. 1st av., Los Angeles, Cal. Somers, Roy James B.S.04 : vice-president, Somers & Co., grain merchants. 240 California st. Resi- dence, ,1536 Jackson st., S. F. Soule. Edward Lee B.S.04 : manager. Edward L. Soule Co., jobbers, Rialto bldg., S. F. Residence, 2409 Hilgard av.. Berkeley, Cal. Spencer, Dahlia True A.B.04 ; teacher, high school, Center- ville, Cal. Residence, 1737 Channing way, Berkeley, Cal. Stalder. Walter B.S.04 ; M.S. 07 : oil geologist and petrol- eum engineer. 612 Market St., S. F. Residence. 1822 12th av., Oakland, Cal. Stanton, Thomas El wood B.S.04 ; assistant division engineer. Highway Commission, Forum bldg. Residence, 2019 Dallas av., Sacramento, Cal. Staples, Helen Azalia .\.B.04 : m. Fred J. McNulty. Residence, Yreka, Cal. fSt. John, Fannie Olivia B.L.04 ; teacher. Residence, R. F. D. 2, Fresno, Cal. Stocker, Leslie Wris^htson B.S.04 ; assistant citv engineer. Resi- dence, 1280 Page St.. S. F. Stockino;, Maud L. B.L.04 : m. Robert J. '-lall. Residence, Republic, Wash. Sturtevant. Saidee Martha A.B.04 : teacher, Fremont High School. Residence, 648 E. 17th st., Oakland, Cal. *Symmes, Stanley Richardson B.S.04 : deceased Tallmon. Hester Ann B.L.04. Residence, box 121, Morgan Hill. Cal. Tallmon, Marion Clover H.S.04 ; m. L. Dee Smith. Residence, ^^^ Vicente rd., Berkeley, Cal. Tan. Tien-chih B.S.04: M.S. (Cornell J ; A.M. (China); with Chinese Forest Service, Board of Agriculture and Commerce. Residence, 2 Yang Ro Hutung, Peking, China Thelen, Max B.L.04: A.M. (Harvard) 06: president, California Railroad Commission, 833 Market St.. S. F. Residence. 136 Alva- rado rd., Berkeley, Cal. Thelen, Paul B.S.04 : assistant engineer, with Cali- fornia Railroad Commission. 833 Market St., S. F. Residence, 1936 Berryman st., Berkeley, Cal. Thelen, Rolf B.S.04 : mechanical engineer, with U. S. Forest Service, Forest Products Labor- atory. Residence, 1806 Chadbourne av., Madison, Wis. Thomson, Herbert Sedgefield B.S.04: M.D. (Johns Hopkins) 09: in- structor (surgery). University of Cali- fornia. Residence, 2539 College av., Berkeley, Cal. Tibbetts, Frederick Horace B.S.04: B.S. (U. of Pac. ) 03: M.S. ibid 05 ; engineer, with Haviland & Tibbetts, 310 Sansome St., S. F. Residence, 1035 .Shattuck av., Berkeley. Cal. Tibbetts, Sydney Arnold B.S.04 : testing engineer. Alameda coun- ty : engineer, with Haviland & Tibbetts, 310 Sansome St.. S. F. Residence. 1613 Josephine St., Berkeley, Cal. Tobriner, Essie A.B.04: m. P. Lebenbaum '01. Resi- dence, American apts., Portland. Ore. Todd, Arthur James B.L.04: Ph.D. (Yale) II: professor (sociology). University of Minnesota. Residence. 713 8th av.. S. E.. Minne- apolis, Minn. Traphagen, Arthur Romeyne B.S.04 : salesman. Cluett, Peabody & Co., 820 Howard st.. S. F. Residence. 117 Parkside drive, Berkeley, Cal. Tnlloch, Anabel B.L.04 : m. H. M. Evans '04. Residence, 2621 Le Conte av.. Berkeley. Cal. Tuohy. Harry B.S.04 : civil engineer. Residence. 797 Ashbury St., S. F. Van \\"ormer, Maurice Richards B.L.04 : lawyer, with Unangst & Van Wormer. 997 Monterey st. Residence, 514 Higuera St.. San Luis Obispo. Cal. Varnev, Madeleine B.S.'04. Residence. 1935 Webster st.. S.F. Vensano. Xina Carolita B.L.04 : teacher. Residence. r09a Clay- ton St.. S. F. 1904] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 87 Wall. Leah Mitchell B.L.04 : 111. E. E. Adams '04. Residence, Westgate blvd., Plandome, Long Island, N. Y. Walton. Stanley Victor B.S.04 ; department manager, Pacific Gas & Electric Co., 445 Sutter st.. S. F. Residence. 2937 Magnolia St.. Berkeley, Cal. *Warcl. ^lillicent Archer B.L.04 : ni. J. A. Skinner e.\ '04 ; d. April .^0. 1915 Warren. Chester Howard B.S.04 : foreman, Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Residence, Sutter Creek, Cal. Waterman. Abby Louisa B.L.04 ; rancher. Residence. Waterman Ranch. Barstow, Cal. Watkins, Alice Elizabeth B.S.04 : m. Alvin A. Horwege. Resi- dence. 922 B St., Petaluma, Cal. Watkins. Jettora Elizabeth A.B.04 : m. John V. Bare. Residence, 41.1 W. Walnut st., Lodi. Cal. Watson. George Gaylord B.S.04 : manager, San Joaquin & East- ern Railroad. Forsyth bldg. Residence. 1508 Central av.. Fresno, Cal. Wayne. Howard Thompson P..S.04 : with Benkley & Wayne, tire distributers. iiZ W. Pico St.. Los An- geles. Cal. Residence. 1811 X. Gower St.. Hollywood. Cal. Weaver. Charles Edwin B.S.04: Ph.D. 07; professor (geology). University of Washington. Residence, box 91, L'niversity station. Seattle. Wash. Weaver. Charlotte Reed B.L.04. Residence. 380 60th st., Oak- land, Cal. Weber, Fred Dale B.L.04 : electrical engineer, with L'nder- writers' Equitable Rating Bureau, Lum- bermans bldg. Residence, 1068 E. Flan- ders St.. Portland, Ore. Wedd. Sara Antoinette B.S.04: m. Albert W. Palmer '01. Resi- dence. 644 Fairmount av., Oakland, Cal. Weill. Blanche California A.B.04 : Montessori teacher. 555 Chest- nut St.. S. F. Residence. 1627 17th St., Bakersfield. Cal. Wellborn. Olin, Jr. B.L.04 ; lawyer. Security bldg. Resi- dence. 1300 \V. Adams st.. Los Angeles. Cal. Wendt. ALirion B.L.04 : m. John L. Olney. Residence, 1943 Dwight way. Berkeley. Cal. Wetmore. Elizabeth Smith B.S.04 : teacher. Residence. l)ox 176. Livermore. Cal. White. Carlos Grecnlcaf B.L.04: J.D.06: lawyer, with Dunn. Residence. Choiame. with Alaska Residence, White & Aiken, 1440 Broadway. Resi- dence, 469 65th St.. Oakland, Cal. White. Jerome Baker A.B.04: LL.B.06: lawyer, 14 Montgom- ery St. Residence, 517 Central av.. S. F. fWhite. Margaret A.B.04; M.D.09. Cal. Whitehead. \'irginia B.S.04 : teacher. Residence. 601 33d St.. Oakland. Cal. Whitnev, Charlotte Mavborn B.L.04; m. 1905, J. E.' Roadhouse ; m. 1909, D. R. Wedgwood Wickson, Ida Robinson A.B.04 : ni. John H. Thomas. Residence. 953 Indian Rock av., Berkeley. Cal. Wieland. Stella Marie A.B.04: teacher. Residence. 519 Pacific av.. Alameda. Cal. Wight, Wilder B.L.04: LL.B. (Harvard) 07; oil pro- ducer, 5221 Broadway. Oakland. Cal. *Wilcox. Edson Dwinell B.S.04; d. April 21, 1907 Wilcox. John Alfred B.S.04 ; assistant engineer. Gastineau Mining Co. Juneau. Alaska Wilde. Edna B.L.04 ; m. E. H. Brooks '03. Residence. 6517 Crescent St.. Los Angeles, Cal. Williams. Evan B.L.04: LL.B. (Harvard) 08; lawyer. 465 California st. Residence. 2 Spruce St., S. F. Williamson, Thomas B.S.04 : farmer. Residence, Fallon, Nov. Wilson. Emily May B.S.04. Residence. 1918 Canyon drive. Los Angeles, Cal. Winchester. Helen A. B.L.04 : teacher. Residence. 568 War- wick av.. Broadmoor, San Leandro, Cal. Wolcott, Sarah .Agnes B.S.04: B.S. (Pomona) Residence, 1448 Elm av., Cal. Wollenberg, Xatalio B.S.04: m. Arthur W. dence. 233 Maple st.. S. Woodburn, Bernicc Emily B.L.04: m. Raymond H. Jones; Chris- tian Science practitioner. Residence. 511 D St.. Maryl/illc, Cal. Woodford. Kathcrine Lina B.L.04; teacher. Residence. ISIJ Ana puni St.. Honolulu. T. H. Wulzen. Rosalind B.S.04: M.S. 10; Ph.D.N; inslniclor (physiology). L'nivcrsity of California. Residence, 2447 Carlton st., Berkeley. Cal. 03 ; teacher. Long Beach, Baum. F. Resi- 88 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1904-1905 Wybro, Jt'ssic Maiulc A.B.04; author. Residence, 2400 Durant av., Herkfley, Cal. Wynne, Edith Ware 'H.L.04: teacher. Residence, 800 W. (lalcna st., Butte. Mont. Yoconi, William luigcne B.S.04 ; with county surveyor, Alameda county. Residence, 649 Valle Vista av., Oakland, Cal. Yoiinfj, (icorge Samuel B.S.04 ; engineer, with U. S. Mineral Survey, First National Bank hidg.. Bend, Ore. Young. Samuel Sung A.B.04; A.M. (Columbia) 08; D.L. (China) 07 ; chief of department. Na- tional Oil Administration. Residence, 65a Canton rd., Tientsin, China Young.s, Oliver, ]r. B.L.04 ; J.D.07 ;" lawyer. City Hall. Resi- dence, 2830 Benvenue av., Berkeley, Cal. Zartman. Zoe Lois B.L.04; m. Frank Lamberson '01. Resi- dence, Visalia, Cal. 1905 Adams, Douglas Stewart B.S.05; real estate broker. Investment bldg. Residence, 4166 Brighton av., Los Angeles, Cal. Adams. Julian B.S.05 : assistant superintendent, Pa- cific Electric Railway Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Residence, 1711 Fletcher av ' South Pasadena, Cal. Adams, Owen Stanley B L.05 ; real estate broker. Investment bldg. Residence, 4166 Brighton av., Los Angeles, Cal. Ambrose, Thomas Edward B.S.05 ; engineer, Oschner bldg. Resi- dence, 2301 1st av., Sacramento. Cal. Ansley. Florence Rcmsen B S 05 ; m. B. P< Kurtz '01. Residence, 59 Santa Clara av., Oakland, Cal. Atkinson. Florence Edith B.L05: M.L.06; teacher. Residence, 2/35 Durant av., Berkeley, Cal. Babcock, Ernest Brown BS.05; M.S.12; professor (genetics), University of California. Residence, o40 La Loma av., Berkeley, Cal. Bailey, Edna Greenwood B.S05: B.S. (Mass. Inst. Tech.) 04; m. L K. Burdette. Residence, 3512 Gran- ada St., San Diego. Cal. Baker, Edward Carleton B S.05 : American Consul. Residence, Nagasaki, Japan Ballasayus, Franz Albert B.L.dS; B.S. (South Dakota) 97; teacher, high school. Residence. 1324 N. Lincoln St.. Stockton, Cal. liannistcr, Edward Arthur B.S.05 ; fruit grower and engineer. Res- idence, R.F.D. 4, North Yakima, Wash. Barlow. Mary (jrace B.L.05 ; m. Ross J. Brower '00. Resi- dence, 2414 Parker St., Berkeley, Cal. Barnes, Welden Fairbanks B.S.05 ; salesman, with Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., 1012 Baltimore av. Residence, 3236 Bellefontaine av., Kan- sas City, Mo. Barnett, Alma B.L.05 ; m. Edmund H. Sawyer '04. Residence, Navarro, Cal. Barrett, Samuel Alfred B.S.05 ; M.S. 06 ; Ph.D. 08 : curator of anthropology. Public Museum. Resi- dence, 702 Marshall St., Milwaukee, Wis. Barrows, Edith Ainslie B.L.05 ; m. H. W. Dietz '03. Residence, 1073 2d av., Salt Lake City, Utah Barrows, Rav Kip B.L.05 : LL.B.07 ; lawyer. 433 Califor- nia St. Residence, 2757 Union St.. S. F. Bernstein, Esther Delcia B.L.05 ; M.L.06 ; m. O. F. Snedigar '06. Residence, 5531 Kales av., Oakland, Cal. Bevan, Lynne John B.S.05: B.S." (Chicago) 03: hydraulic engineer, with Viele, Blackwell & Buck, 49 Wall St., N. Y. City. Residence, 9 Bradford place, Montclair, N. J. Bishop, Leo Delvin B.L.05 Bitting, .Susan B.L.05 : m. Wm. W. Hicks. Residence, 614 McCullough av., San Antonio, Texas Bixby, Frederick Louis B.S.05 : agricultural engineer. N. M. Agricultural Experiment Station. Resi- dence, box 105, State College. N. M. Bonestell, Nannie Margaret Gaynor A.B.05 : m. Will J. Lewis. Residence, 1030 Main st., Ventura, Cal. Bonnemort, Edgar B.S.05 : draftsman, with P. A. Haviland Co.. surveyors. Court House. Residence, 3580 Dimond av.. Oakland. Cal. Bowen. Emma Jane B.L.05 ; m. Henry R. Timm. Residence. Dixon. Cal. Bovnton. Leila Bell 'B.L.05 : m. Robt. G. Stapleton. Resi- dence, 903 Bird st.. Oroville. Cal. Bradford, Alma Beatrice B.L.05 : m. James B. Ward Brandt. Arthur Hook B.L.05 ; J.D.09 : lawyer. 220 Montgom- ery St., S. F. Residence, 918 Mono st.,, Berkeley, Cal. Bromley. Hattie Loomis B.L.05 : teacher, high school : New Pal- ace Hotel, San Diego. Cal. Residence. 1938 Delaware st., Berkeley. Cal. 1905i BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 89 ■f-Buckner. Delwin Rces B.L.05 ; teacher, high school. Residence, Apartado 3, Ambato, Ecuador, South America Burgess. Ezra Ottley B.S.05 : engineer, Hearst bldg., S. F. Residence. 1171 Colusa av., Berkeley, Cal. Burnett, Edith Anway B.L.05 : ni. Chas. O. Premo '06. Resi- dence. 613 Harrison St., Porterville, Cal. Burns, Mary Jane Theresa Zita A.B.05 : M'.A.06; m. James J. O'Connor. Residence, 3370 16th st., S. F. Butler, Ormond B.S.05 : M.S. 06. Residence, New Hamp- shire College, Durham, N. H. fButler. Robert B.S.05 : salesman, with C. F. Weber & Co., 365 Market St., S. F. Cahill, John Richard B.S.05 ; engineer, 460 Montgomery st., • S.F. Residence, 6448 Hillegass av., Oak- land, Cal. Cahill, Wendel Eldredge B.S.05 Caig, Susan Elizabeth B.L.05 ; teacher. Residence, 505 Santa Ray av., Oakland, Cal. fCalhoun, William Harold B.S.05. Residence, R.F.D. 1, Healds- burg, Cal. Campbell, Daisymay B.L.05 ; m. Walter L. Huber '05. Resi- dence, 1407 Euclid av., Berkeley, Cal. *Campbell, Mary Helen B.S.05; d. October 31, 1905 Cannell, Thomas Vernon B.S.05 ; engineer. Residence, 940 Do- lores St., S. F. Carey. Eugene Francis Aloysius B.S.05: ALS.14: assistant professor (mathematics), Lhiiversity of Montana. Residence, 140 Burlington av., Missoula, Mont. Carpenter, Charles Edward B.L.05; M.L.08. Residence, 719 N. 5th St., Arkansas City, Kan. fCasterlin. Madge Augusta B.L.05 ; ^LL.06. Residence, Richmond, Cal. Cerf. Lorraine A.B.05. Residence, 2821 Steiner st., S.F. Chapin, Ethel B.S.05 : m. Joseph H. Herron. Resi- dence, 200 Grant st., Healdsburg, Cal. Chapman, .Mice Mabvn A.B.05: M.A.15: 'teacher, Williams, Ariz. Residence, 4327 20th st., S. F. Chappell, Katherine Mildred B.L.05 ; m. C. W. Reid. Residence, 1925 Delaware St., Berkeley, Cal. Cheney, Charles Henry A.B'.05 ; architect, 612' Market St., S. F. Residence, 1424 Scenic av., Berkeley Cal. •f-Clark, John Edward B.S.05; M.S. 06. Residence, 2193 Vic- toria av.. Riverside, Cal. Clark, Maud B.L.05 ; m. F. H. Gleason '03. Resi- dence, 440 S. 16th St., San Jose, Cal. Cleary, Agnes Cecilia B.L.05. Residence, 2839 Webster St., S. F. Clifford, Reginald George B.S.05 ; engineer, with Reclamation Dis- trict Xo. 1000. Forum bldg. Residence, 2005 P St., Sacramento, Cal. Clogston, Olive Margaret B.L.05; B.L. (Pomona) 04; m. Ray- mond B. Scofield. Residence, 16 Law- rence St., Yonkers, N. Y. Conlin, Alice Edith B.L.05. Residence, 1494 McAllister St., S. F. Cook, Celia Blanche A.B.05 ; instructor, Los Angeles Nor- mal School, 952 S. Lake St., Los .An- geles, Cal. Residence, R.F.D. 2. \'en- tura, Cal. Crowder, Clifford Lee B.L.05; J.D. (Stanford) 09; dealer in harness and vehicles. 421 3d st. Resi- dence, 46 4th St., Chico. Cal. Cruden, Davena Ruth B.L.05. Residence. 2579 Howard st. S. F. Cumberson. Grace Irene B.L.05 ; m. E. J. Grindley ex '05. Resi- dence, 593 Jean st., Oakland, Cal. Daly, John Alovsius B.S.05 : principal, EI Dorado County High School. Residence, Hollister, Cal. Daniels, Mark Roy B.S.05: landscape engineer, with Dan- iels & Wilhclm, 6S1 Market St.. S. F. Residence. Hotel Del Monte. Del Monte. Cal. Daniels, Raymond Safford B.S.05 ; engineer, with Washington Water Power Co. Residence, 616 Euclid av., Spokane, Wash. Darrow. Gertrude Charlotte A.B.05; m. P. H. Chubb '07. Residence, 2428 Milvia St., Berkeley. Cal. Davidson, Winn William A.B.05 Davis, Lewis lenness B.S.05 Davis, Marv I'rances B.L.05; B.S. (tirinnell Coll.) 04; m. Ernest W. Hall. Residence. Rigby. Idaho 90 BACHELORS: Academic Collci^cs [1905 1905 Continued Day, C"larciu-c ICdwanl H.S.05 ; assistant, oll'ice of chief engi- neer, Soutiicrn Pacific Co., 870 Market St., S. F. Hcsidcncc, 18.11 Francisco St., Berkeley, Cal. Day. Marv Cvnthia B.L.05 Day, William Peyton B.S.05 ; with, Leonard & Day, consult- ing ennineers. Rialto bldg. Residence, 565 Page St., S. F. Dehm, William Harry B.L.05 ; lawyer, California bldg. Resi- dence, 630 S. Alvarado St., Los Angeles, Cal. De Lancie, Harry Sherwood B.S.05 ; salesman, with Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., 165 2d St., S. F. Residence, .3034 Fulton St., Berkeley, Cal. Dickerman, XeLson B.S.05 ; mining engineer. 433 California St., S. F. Residence, 146 Dwight av.. Ocean Park, Cal. Dickson, Mrs. Mary B.S.05 : m. W. 6. Dickson : teacher. Residence, 2161 San Jose av.. .Alameda, Cal. Dobbins. John Leslie A.B.05 : B.S.07 ; professor (engineer- ing), Peiyang University. Residence, Tientsin, China Dodge, Edgar Varick B.S.05 ; mining engineer. Residence, 221 South St., Tonopah. Nev. Dodge. Florence Isabelle B.L.05 ; teacher. Manual Arts High School. Residence. 686 S. Burlington av., Los Angeles, Cal. Dollenmayer. Mary Y. B.L.05 ; m. Raymond Tyler e.x '05 ; prin- cipal. Nortlifork Union School, North- fork, Cal. Residence, 717 Rodriguez St., Watsonville, Cal. Downs. Mabel B.L.05 : teacher. Lincoln High School. Residence, 297 Fargo St.. Portland, Ore. Drury, Leslie Morgan B.S.05 : manager, Heilig Customs Mill. Residence, Meehan, Alaska Dtiffy. Elsie Edith B.L.05 : teacher. Residence, 279 5th St., San Pedro, Cal. Dvke. Louis Henrv ■ B.S.05: M.D. (Oakland Coll. Med.); physician. Residence. 6400 Harwood av., Oakland, Cal. Ebi, Alice May B.L.05 : teacher. Raymond. Cal. Resi- dence. 460 \. 21st St.. San Jose, Cal. Ebright. Harold Raymond B.S.05; civil engineer. Residence. 1910 Washington st., S. F. Ecker, Edna Louise A.B.05; M.A.06: m. Albert H. Taylor Residence, 225 26th av., S. F. Eddy. Nathaniel Nelson B.S.05 ; building inspector, assessor's office. Court House. Residence, 2062 Rosedale av., Oakland, Cal. f Eggleston, Ethel Earle A.B.05 ; m. William Chamberlain. Resi- dence, Cedar Rapids, Iowa *Ellis, Alfred Thomas, Jr. B.L.05 ; deceased Euler, William Gilman Badger B.S.05 : superintendent of operation, Great Western Power Co., 14 Sansome St. Residence, Hotel Worth, S. F. Evans, De Witt Morris B.L.05 ; police judge, city of Tacoma. Residence, 3222 N. 20th St., Tacoma, Wash. Everson, Elsie Jeannette B.S.05. Residence, 1533 Filbert st., Oak- land. Cal. Finigan. May Genevieve B.S.05: teacher. Residence. 1732 Page .St., S. F. Fisk, James Kennett B.S.05 ; assistant to the recorder. Uni- versity of California. Residence. Hotel Shattuck, Berkeley. Cal. fFleisher, Ruth Mary B.L.05 : teacher, high school. Residence, Santa Paula, Cal. Fogg. Donald Eastman B.S.05 : with. Peyton-Hunt Co.. Inc., consulting engineers. 55 Libertv st. Res- idence. 630 W. 135th St., X. Y.' City Fortson, Florence Holman B.S.05 ; teacher. Technical High School, Oakland. Cal. Residence, 2956 Pine St., Berkeley, Cal. Foulk, Nina A.B.05 : teacher, Co.gswell Polytechnical College. S. F. Residence, 2432 Milvia St., Berkeley. Cal. Frank, Irma Genevieve B.L.05. Residence. 2051 San Jose av.. Alameda. Cal. Frazer. Elizabeth B.L.05 Freese, Elizabeth .A..B.05 : B.L.04 ; teacher, high school. Residence, 3561 6th St.. San Diego. Cal. Frickstad. Flora Ornis B.L.05 ; m. B. S. Drake '02. Residence. 5830 Colby St., Oakland. Cal. Gale. Francis Clair B.L.05 : missionary. ^L E. Mission. Res- idence. Xanchang. Kiangsi, China Gassaway. Mary Eleanor B.L.05 : teacher. Residence. Colonial Hotel. Cairo, 111. 1905] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 91 Gastrich, Joseph William B.S.05 : supervising principal of schools. Residence, Fillmore, Cal. Giamboni, Louis Alonzo B.S.05 : editor, Bureau of News, South- ern Pacific Co., 870 Market St., S. F. Residence, 1726 10th St., Oakland, Cal. Gibbs. Elbert Allan B.S.05 ; manager of erection, McClintic- Marshall Co., Oliver bidg. Residence, 5742 Holden St., Pittsburg, Pa. Gillelen. Frank R.S.05 : with, Olmsted & Gillelen, civil engineers, Hollingsworth bldg. Resi- dence. 1112 Gramercy place, Los An- geles, Cal. Gillson. George Blaine B.L.05 Gilogly, Eleanor Dorothy B.L.05 ; teacher, high school. Residence, 114 Grand av., San Rafael. Cal. Goble. Fred Johii B.L.05: LL.B.07; lawyer, 321 Bush St.. S. F. Residence. 1604 Josephine St., Berkeley. Cal. Graham. Alice Edith B.L.05 : teacher. Intermediate High School. Residence, 542 Jones St., Oak- land, Cal. Graham. Pearl May A.B.05 : teacher, Sanger, Cal. Residence, Covina. Cal. Grainger, Adelaide Orpha B.L.05 Grant. Alary Blair B.S.05 : teacher. Residence. 317 Locust St., Turlock, Cal. Graves, Leila Marion B.L.05 ; m. E. L McCormac. Residence, 1404 Hawthorne terrace. Berkeley, Cal. Gray, Stedman Flaile A.B.05: M..'\.08: reporter, Allen's Press Bureau, 88 1st St., S. F. Residence. 2214 47th av.. Oakland, Cal. Green, Jeannette B.S.0'5 : teacher, high school, 401 S. 5th St.. .Alhamhra, Cal. Residence. 2014 5th av.. Los Angeles. Cal. fGrcgory, Kenneth B.S.05 : chemical engineer. Residence. Santa Cruz, Cal. Gross. Mary Lucretia A.B.05 : m. James A. Brown '95. Resi- dence, 439 17th av., S. F. Grunsky, Carl Ewald, Jr. B.S.05: E.M. (Columbia) 07: mining engineer, with .American Engineering Corp.. 57 I'ost St.. S. F. Residence, 277 Park \'iew terrace. Oakland, Cal. Gutzwiller, Anna Maria B.S.05 : M.D.07 : m. \V. H. McBean : phvsician. Residence. 2057 Divisadero St.. S. F. Gutzwiller, Henry Rudolf B.S.05; teacher.' Residence. R.F.U. 1. box 75, Selma, Cal. Hale, William Thomas B.L.05 : with, Schroder-Hale Co., sport- ing goods, 939 6th st. Residence, 3227 30th St., San Diego, Cal. Hall, Anna Matilda B.S.05: teacher of piano, 1311 E. 4th South St. Residence, 78 E. 1st North St., Salt Lake City, Utah Hall, Jesse Rexford B.S.05 ; M.F. ( Vale) 08 ; forest super- visor, Santa Barbara National Forest, Federal bldg. Residence. 524 E. \'ale rio St., Santa Barbara. Cal. *Hallett, Eugene Russell B.S.05 : d. October 27, 1912 Hardy, Ethel Charlotte B.L.05 : m. Harold J. Crase. Residence, Crows Landing, Cal. Harris, Flora B.L.05 ; m. Felix Scheyer. Residence. 1152 Jackson St., S. F. Hawkins, Emma Frances B.S.05 : teacher. Residence, 416 S. M.iin St., Salinas, Cal. Hawley. Stuart S. B.S.05: investment broker, 1440 Broad- way. Residence, 244 29th St., Oakland. Cal. Hawlev, \\'illiam Everett B.S.bS Hayden, Willetta Calvert B.L.05. Residence, box 21, Yolo, Cal. *Heger, Esther Lea B.S.05; d. November 19, 1905 Hershey. Katharine B. B.L.05 : orchardist. Residence, 2213 Ful ton St.. Berkeley, Cal. Hiester, Cyrus B.S.05 : electrical engineer, with Pacific Gas & Electric Co.. 518 13th St., Oak- land, Cal. Residence, 1729 Channing way, Berkeley, Cal. Hill. Chelton B.S.05 : real estate broker, with L. li. Sieber, 473 14th st. Residence, 577 31st St., Oakland, Cal. fHill, Walter Xickerson B.S.05: .\.B. (Wesleyan) 01. Residence. 420 Cedar av.. Long Beach, Cal. Hoedel. Robert Oscar B.S.05 : chief traveling au2ii Jackson St., S. F. Landsborough. Tom Rutter B.S.05 : engineer, with Tonopah Exten- sion Mining Co. Residence. Tonopah, Nev. Langworthy. Ralph Lewis B.L.05 ; real estate and insurance bro- ker. 2131 L'niversity av. Residence, 2534 College av., Berkeley, Cal. *Lee, Anna Catherine B.L.05 ; d. August. 1906 Lee, Charles Hamilton B.S.05 ; civil and hydraulic engineer, Central bldg.. Los .\ngeles. Cal. Resi- dence. 1321 Marengo av.. South Pasa- dena, Cal. 1905] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 93 Lemos, Anna Alice B.L.05 ; m. Houston M. Robinson. Resi- dence, Puente, Cal. Lenfest. Lela Angier B.S.05 ; teacher. Residence, 1540 Grant St., Berkeley, Cal. fLester, Edward Brainerd B.S.05; B.L. (Pomona) 01. Residence, Lemon Grove, Cal. Levasier, Lulu B.L.05 Loeb, Joseph Philip A.B.05 ; lawyer, Haas bldg. Residence, 735 Harvard blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. *Lord, Frank Dan forth B.S.05; d. October 18, 1907 Lyman, Theodore Benedict B.S.05 ; civil engineer. Residence, St. Helena, Cal. Lyon, Harvey B. B.S.05 ; manager, Lyon Fireproof Ware- house Co., 1437 Broadway, Oakland, Cal. Residence, 1653 Grand av., Pied- mont, Cal. MacDonald, Evelyn Luella A.B.05 ; teacher. Residence, St. Fran- cis apts., Sacramento, Cal. Magnes, Irving B.L.05; LL.B.07; lawyer, 428 13th st., Oakland, Cal. Residence, 104 Pala av.. Piedmont, Cal. fMarshall, Howard B.S.05 ; engineer, care of McClintic- Marshall Co., Oliver bldg., Pittsliurg, Pa. f Martin, Edward Johnson B.L.05 ; lawyer, 14 Montgomery St., S.F. Residence. 2129 Kittridge St., Berkeley, Cal. Marty, Eva Alia B.L.05 ; social service worker. Resi- dence, 601 W. 127th St., N. Y. City McCarthy, Nellie Harriet B.L.05 : m. T. S. Elston '99. Residence, 2500 Durant av., Berkeley, Cal. McComas, Maud Pearl A.B.05. Residence, 219 W. Holt av., Pomona, Cal. McCraney. Orlando B.S.05. Residence, 219 Page St., S. F. McCray, Irwin Daniel B.S.05 McGraw. Hazel B.S.05 ; m. Harry Nasburg. Residence, Marshfield, Ore. McGuire, Cora Helen A.B.05: M.A.14: teacher. Campbell High School, 152 N. 3d st.. San Jose, Cal. Residence, 1608 La Loma av., Ber- keley, Cal. Mclnnes. Alice Marion B.L.05; teacher. Residence, 1427 N. Madison St., Stockton, Cal. McNeil, Warren M. B.S.05 ; miller. Residence, Santa Maria, Cal. McPhetres, Daniel Morten B.S.05 McVey, Charles Leland B.S.05; M.D.09; physician. 1706 Broad- way. Residence, 3912 Telegraph av., Oakland, Cal. Meals, William Eden B.S.05 ; superintendent of construction, Washoe Reduction Works. Residence, Anaconda, Mont. Meany, Anthony Warfield B.L.05 ; principal, high school. Resi- dence, Merced. Cal. fMerwin, Roy Clark B.S.05 : engineer. Residence, Amador City, Cal. Miller, Hugo Hermann B.S.05 ; chief, industrial division. Bu- reau of Education. Residence, ill Calle San Gregorio, Manila. P. L Mishler, Anna Minerva B.L.05 ; m. X. A. Phillips. Residence. Crescent City, Cal. Mishler, Ralph Thomas B.S.05 : assistant manager, Fl Tigre Mine, El Tigre, Esqueda, Sonora. Me.x. Residence. 2445 Webster st.. South Ber- keley, Cal. Morin, James Wheeler B.L.05; J.D.07; lawyer, Dodworth l)ldg. Residence, 622 Oakland av., Pasadena. Cal. Morrin. Katherine Hortense B.L.05; m. John T. Kergan. Residence, 5451 Kales av., Oakland. Cal. Morris, Leon Ephraim A.B.05 ; LL.B.07 ; lawyer. 1 Montgom- ery St. Residence, Granada Hotel, S. F. Morrow, Varina Pearl A.B.05 ; m. Ralph P. Mcrritt '07. Resi- dence, 1712 Arch sf., Berkeley. Cal. Mullen, James Seely B.S.05". Residence, 1015 W. 5th St., Glendale, Cal. Mundy, Clara Azuhah B.L.05 ; teacher. Los .Angeles. Cal. Res- idence. 820 Mesa av.. El Paso. Texas Mundv. Laura Elizabeth B.L.05 ; m. Charles A. Kinkel. Care of First National Bank bldg., Fl Paso, Te.xas Miuiro. Jessie Mav A.B.05"; ni. Ralpli O. Reiner MJ R. -i dence, Pyeng Vang. Chosen Musgrove, William Tanics A.B.05; A.M. (Harvard* 06: Ph.D. ibid 11; accountant, with J. T. Musgrove. Long Beach Bank bldg. Residence, 826 Cerritos av., Long Beach, Cal. 94 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1905 V)()S Continued Nathan. Minilc Cliaik-s |{.I,.li5 ; iiicrchaiit, witli Chas. P. Nathan Co., 6th and J sts., Sacranit-nto, Cal. Nel.son. Mary Elizabeth A.P..O.=i; ni. Lesley A. LodRC. Residence, 1710 Bancroft way, Berkeley, Cal. Nciil)iirjjcr. Marie B.L.05: ni. Henry Levy. Residence, 1711 L.a^jnna st., Santa Barbara, Cal. Newhall, Charles Abbot B.S.05 : engineer, with Chas. A. New- hall Co., 1810 Westlake av. Residence, 6.103 21st av., N. E., Seattle, Wash. Nicholls. Sychiey Wahon B.L.05 ; secretary, with John Nicholls. Residence. Dutch Flat, Cal. Nichols. Edith Elizabeth B.L.05 : physio-therapeutist. Residence, 4657 Park blvd., Oakland, Cal. Nightin,s:ale, John Mercer B.S.05 : engineer, 1004 J st. Residence, 130 Elmwood, Modesto, Cal. Noble. Ralph Claire A.B.05 ; B.L. (Pomona) 04; teacher, Los Angeles High School. Residence, 1817 Arlington st., Los Angeles, Cal. Noon. Viola Ellen B.L.05 ; m. Mr. Currier O'Connell, Alice B.L.05 : teacher, 1108 Marsh st.. San Luis Obispo. Cal. Residence. 730 Syca- more St.. Oakland, Cal. Orgren. Eleanor Vic B.L.05; m. George M. Chapman '11. Residence. 1002 2d St., Napa. Cal. Orrick. Oliver Summerfield, Jr. B.S.05 ; president, California Paint Co. Residence, 357 Vernon st., Oakland. Cal. Parker. Florence Ann B.L.05 : ni. F. C. Favier. Residence, 608 E. Crook St., Goldfield, Nev. Parrish, Sue A.B.05 : m. Otto Tinnemann '05. Resi- idence. 6431 Benvenue av., Oakland, Cal. Peterson, Agnes Emclie A.B.05 : teacher. Lincoln High School ; 208 W. 23d St., Los Angeles, Cal. Resi- dence, box 523, Kingsburg, Cal. Peterson, Edward August B.S.05 : M.D.07 ; physician. Residence. 321 Georgia st., Vallejo, Cal. Petterson, Harold B.S.05 : professor (engineering), Pei- yang University. Residence. Tientsin, China Piatt. Joseph Harold B.S.05 : civil engineer. Residence. 2033 Hearst av., Berkeley. Cal. Powell. Richard Cheadle B.S.05 : electrical engineer, with Pa- cific Gas & Electric Co., 445 Sutter St., S. F. Residence, 5812 Ocean View drive, Oakland, Cal. Reed, Mary Elizabeth B.S.05; m. H. J. Quayle '11. Residence. 144 N. Walnut st., Riverside, Cal. Reid, Frank Gore B.S.05 ; B.S. (Pomona) 04 ; principal. Polytechnic High School. Residence, 2035 Atlantic av., Long Beach, Cal. Rice, Candyce Ella B.L.05 ; m. Harry W. Albee Richardson, Abbie May B.L.05: B.L. (U. of Pacific) 03. Resi- dence, box 111, Watsonville, Cal. Richardson, Ethel Bancroft B.L.05. Residence, Stonehenge, Hackle- barney, Chester, N. J. Rigden. Effie Josephine B.S.05 ; M.S'.OS ; m. H. Michener '08. Residence, 2719 6th St., Ocean Park. Cal. *Rigney, Mary Cecilia B.L.05 ; d. March 27, 1909 Ringolsky, Gus Charles B.L.05 ; LL.B.07 ; lawyer. 703 Market St. Residence, 1763 Page st., S. F. Ristenpart, Myrtle B.L.05 ; kindergartner. Residence. 2247 Atherton st., Berkeley, Cal. Robinson, Walter Hall B.L.05 ; stock raiser. Residence. Mer- ced, Cal. Rose, John Leonard A.B'.05 ; J.D.07; lawyer. 506 15th St., Oakland, Cal. Residence, Newark. Cal. Ross, Herbert William B.S.05 ; assistant manager. Backus & Johnston Co., mining. Residence. Casa- palca. Peru, South America Schage. Florentine Juliet B.L.05 : teacher. Broadway High School: 602 17th av., N.. Seattle. Wash. Residence, R.F.D., Concord. Cal. Schmierer, Amelia Amanda A.B.05 : student. 224 E. Figueroa St., Santa Barbara. Cal. Residence. 159 N. Primrose av., Monrovia. Cal. Schmierer, Mary Carolina A.B.05 ; m. James Mcintosh. Residence, The Underwood. Monterey, Cal. Schroeder, Caroline Anna B.L.05. Residence. 23 Palm av.. S. F. Sec. Fong Foo B.L.05 ; A.M. (Columbia) 06 ; editor. Commercial Press. N. Honan rd. Resi- dence, 8 Helen terrace, Shanghai. China Selig. Amv A.B.05 Sellander, Atnelia Wilhelmine B.L.05 ; teacher. Residence, 918 E. 20th St., East Oakland. Cal. 1905] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 95 Sevmour, Charles Francis 'A.B.05; A.B. (U. of So. Calj 04; M.A. 06: B.D. (Drew) 08; vice-principal, high school. Residence, National City. Cal. Shuey, Clarence Arthur B.L.05 ; lawyer, 465 California St., S. F. Residence, 176 Alvarado rd., Berkeley, Cal. Sims, Myrtle Laura A.B.05 : m. K. C. Hamilton. Residence, 2415 Warring St., Berkeley, Cal. Sinsheinier, Helen Margery A.B.05: m. W. B. Lowenthal. Resi- dence, 18 7th av., S. F. Skinner, Cecilia Warfield A.B.05 : m. Samuel J. Holmes '93. Resi- dence, R.F.D. 2, Sonoma, Cal. Skinner, Matilda Shreve A.B.05: teacher. Residence. 220] Har- rison St., Oakland. Cal. Smallwood, Claude B.S.05 Smith, Adeline Grace B.L.05 : m. John C. Stanley '05. Resi- dence, 421 Lane St., Yreka, Cal. Smith, Clara Agnes B.L.05. Residence, Marengo, Altadena, Cal. Smith, James Garfield B.S.05 Smith, Margaret B.L.05; teacher. Residence, 1068 Madi- son St., Santa Clara, Cal. Smith, Oda May B.L.05 ; teacher. Residence, 526 1st St., Woodland, Cal. Solomon, Anna Henrietta B.L.05 ; m. Charles A. Garrett. Resi- dence. Williams. Cal. Solomon, Laurence B.S.05 Somerville, Mary Luclla B.L.05 : m. William C. Davis e.x '07. Residence, 2440 Washington St., S. F. Spalding, Raymond B.S.05 Spencer, Mary B.L.05 ; m. Harold G. Sharp '06. Resi- dence, 6011 Auburn av., Oakland, Cal. Spinks, Mrs. Virginia May Nelson B.L.05 ; m. C. H. Spinks ex '0.^. Resi- dence. 2912 Benvenue av., Berkeley, Cal. Stanley, Ernest John B.S.05 : mining engineer, 914 K av. Res- idence. 915 5th St., Douglas. Ariz. Stanley, John Carter A.B.05: M.A.06 : vice-principal. Siski- you Lfnion High School. Residence. 421 Lane St.. Yreka. Cal. Stanton, Eleanor Louise B.L.05. Residence, 3786 3d St., San Diego, Cal. fSteele, William Irving B.S.05 : engineer, with Federal Lead Co. Residence, Flat River, Mo. Steinfeld, Lester Albert B.S.05 : insurance broker, 250 Sansonie St. Residence, 1371 15th av., S. F. •j-Stines, Norman Caswell B.S.05 : mining engineer. Residence, Ekaterinberg, Russia Stoddard, Thomas Albion B.S.05; M.D.07: surgeon, 291 Geary st. Residence, University Club, S. F. Stone, Marian B.L.05; teacher. Residence. 1520 Haw- thorne terrace, Berkeley, Cal. Stone, Rachel Catharine B.L.05 ; teacher. Residence. Lodi, Cal. Stout, Herbert Arthur B.L.05 : lawver, First National Bank bldg. Residence. 4321 Park blvd., Oak- land, Cal. Stout, Minnie Lee B.S.05 Stover. Mattie Evangeline B.S.05; B.S. (Utah Agr. Coll.) 01; M.S. 13; instructor (nutrition). Univer- sity of California. Residence. 2918 Ben- venue av', Berkeley, Cal. Struckmeyer, Phebe B.L.05 ; teacher. St. Helena, Cal. Resi- dence, Arbuckle, Cal. Stuart, Anna B.L.05 : m. Olin H. Bas(iuin. Residence, 724 Foster St., Evanston, 111. Stucker, ^XLiud May B.L.05 : m. Samuel F. Montgomery '07. Residence, Reno, Nev. Stumpf. Victor Conrad B.S.05 ; investment broker. Residence. 2429 E. 3d St., Los Angeles. Cal. Sweed, Mabel Constance B.L.05 ; m. ^foses Liebert. Residence. 32 6th St.. Pctahima, Cal. Thacher. Anne I'2vcleth A.B.05 : m. R. K. Morley. Residence. 7 Belvidere av.. Worcester. ^L^ss. Thomas. Olive Queen B.S.05 : m. L. A. Bachclcler. Residence. 143 20th St.. Merced. Cal. Thompson. Alice Ranney B.S.05 : assistant chemist. Bureau of Chemistry. Department of .\griculture. Residence. 1212 K st.. Washington, D.C. Tinnemann. Otto B.S. 05 : inspector, with lnhnson v^- Hig- gins. 433 California St.. S. F. Residence, 6431 Benvenue av.. Oakland. Cal. Todd. Beatrice RIossom R.L.05 : m. Hubert C. Sharp. Residence. Santa Paula. Cal. 96 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1905 Tower, Alphonso VVelkcr B.S.05: B.S. (De Pauw) 0.3; teacher. Polytechnic High School. Los Angeles, Cal. Residence, 743 S. Adams St., Glen- dale, Cal. Truel)loo(l. Ellen Esther 13.L.05 ; teacher. Residence, 707 Bryant St., Palo Alto, Cal. Turner. \Vallace Eoote B.S.O.S : dean, junior college. Residence, J 124 HoUister av., Santa Barbara, Cal. Tuttle. Raglan B.L.05 ; LL.B.07 ; lawyer. Residence. Auburn, Cal. Underbill, Mary Rebecca B.L.05 : teacher, high school, Merced, Cal. Residence, 1350 Tamalpais St., Berkeley, Cal. van Eoben Sels, James Florent B.S.05 ; manager, Stanford ranch. Resi- dence, Durham. Cal. A'ickery. Frederick Paul B.S.05 : chemical engineer, with Peyton- Hunt Co., 55 Liberty st. Residence, 415 W. 117th St., N. Y. City Walker, Ben Randal B.L.05 ; telegraph operator, with Fresno Kcl'ublicaii. Residence, Fresno. Cal. Wang. Cbien-tsu B.S.05; professor (law). • Government University. Residence, Peking, China Ward. Sbirley B.L.05; B.Pd. (Mich. St. Norm.) 08; teacher. Residence, 523 Bush St., Moun- tain View, Cal. Warner. Beulah A.B.05: A.B. (Pacific U.) 99; teacher, 901 N. Eldorado St., Stockton, Cal. Res- idence. 519 S. Oakdale av., Medford, Ore. *Warren, Julia B.L.05; M.L.06; d. October 26, 1910 Watkins. Etbelinda Slee B.L.05 : teacher. Residence, 2102 E. 17th St., Oakland, Cal. \\'^ehb, Emma Grace B.L.05 ; m. B. C. Whiteley ex '04. Resi- dence, 1310 Georgia St., Vallejo, Cal. Weiss. Artbur A.B.05 ; Ph.D.09 ; teacher of music. Residence, Hart and Keith sts.. Berke- ley. Cal. Wepfer. Alfred \'incent B.S.05 : teacher. Glenn County Union High School. Residence. Willows, Cal. Wetzel. Benton Gaillard B.S.05 : proprietor, Wetzel Bros. Print- ing Co.. 2110 Addison st. Residence, 1633 Josephine St.. Berkeley, Cal. Wbarton. ^linnie B.L.05: B.L. (Pomona) 02; teacher, high school. Residence, 717 N. Gibbs St.. Pomona. Cal. Whealton, Hallie May B.S.05; A.B. (Western Mo. Coll.) 98; m. James D. Smith. Residence, 207 S. 10th St., Philadelphia. Pa. White, Dagmar B.L.05 ; m. C. A. Gaines '03. Residence, 1831 Berryman St., Berkeley, Cal. White, Earl David B.L.05; J.D.08; lawyer, 1106 Broad- way. Residence, 59 Monte Vista av., Oakland, Cal. White, J. Gustav B.L.05 ; war relief work, Austria prison camps ; educational secretary, Y.M.C.A., S. F. Whitton, William Wakefield B.S.05; stenographer, 430 13th st. Resi- dence, 383 Hawthorne St., Oakland, Cal. Wickson, Gladys Clare A.B.05. Residence, 2723 Bancroft way. Berkeley, Cal. Wiester, Aber Stovv^e B.S.05 Wigholm, Carl August B.S.05 ; civil engineer, with Spring Val- ley Water Co., 375 Sutter St., S. F. Res- idence, 632 60th St., Oakland, Cal. Wilcox, Edith Mary B.L.05; Ed.B. (Chicago) 06 Wilcox, Sidney \\'arren B.L.05; B.D. (Pac. Theol. Sem.) 10; minister. Congregational Church. Resi- dence, 621 Mill St., Porterville, Cal. Williams, Lillian P. A.B.05 ; teacher. Residence, box 583, Lompoc, Cal. fWilson, ]\Iary Estelle B.S.05 ; teacher. Residence. Los Gatos, Cal. *\\'iIson. Washington B.L.05 ; d. November, 1911 Wolfsohn. Julian Mast B.S.05 ; M.S.07 ; M.D. (Johns Hopkins) 11 ; physician. Residence. 2502 Fill- more St., S. F. Wollenberg. Lillian Sophia B.L.05 ; m. Alfred H. Jacobs. Resi- dence, 80 21st av., S. F. Wood. Elizabeth Axtell A.B.05; A.B. (Pomona) 00; M.A.06 ; teacher, high school. Pomona. Cal. Res- idence. 130 W. 7th St.. Claremont, Cal. Woodburn. Robert Chaney B.L.05 ; teacher. Fremont High School. Oakland, Cal. Residence, 155 Parkside drive, Berkeley, Cal. Woodruf¥. Hazel Marjorie B.L.05 ; teacher, high school. Residence, 2027 Market St., San Diego, Cal. Yates, Jennie Otteline B.L. 05 : m. B. S. Sanders. Residence, 2827 Piedmont av.. Berkeley, Cal. 1906] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 97 1906 Adams, Charles Francis B.L.06 : lawyer, 760 Market st. Resi- dence, 4253 18th St., S. F, Adams, Frances Ellis B.L.06; teacher. Residence, 201 \V. White Oak av., Monrovia, Cal. Adams, William Sewall B.S.06 Agar. Winifred Garfield B.L.06: B.D. (Pac. Theol. Sem.) 09. Residence, 1512 Encinal av., Alameda, Cal. Allen. Eric Reece B.L.06 f Allen, Grace Elizabeth A.B.06. Residence, 941 Grattan st., Los Angeles, Cal. Allen, John Hovey B.S.06 : teacher. White's School. Resi- dence, 2340 Grant St., Berkeley, Cal. Allen, Alarion B.S.06; m. Edw. O. Heinrich "OS. Resi- dence, 3214 N. 30th St., Tacoma, Wash. Anderson, Gwynn Page B.S.06; teacher. Girls High School; The Warrington, Riverside, Cal. Resi- dence, 1609 Spruce St., Berkeley, Cal. Andrews. William Samuel A.B.06: J.D.08; lawyer, 1 Montgomery St., S. F. Residence, 2537 Fulton St., Berkeley, Cal. f Andrews. Winnifred Parnellv B.L.06. Residence, 123 Pall Mall, Lon- don Angwin. Ethel B.L.06; m. A. W. V. Johnson. Resi- dence. 6138 Ocean \'iew drive, Oak- land, Cal. Ansley. Marion B.L.06 : teacher. Residence, 291 Sea- bright av., Santa Cruz, Cal. Arlett, Robert Gibson B.L.06 ; manager, Coast Pulilishers Sup- ply Co.. ?!?! Clementina st., S. F. Resi- dence. 2499 94th av.. Oakland. Cal. Armstrong, Tames William B.S.06 Arnold, Charles Everard Le Xcve B.S.06 Ashbv, Ina Alma B.l',.06; m. F. J. Bourn. Residence, 1231 Glen av.. Berkeley, Cal. Bacigalupi, Beatrice B.L.06: teacher. Residence, 2129 Green St., S. F. Backus, George Stitzel B.S.06 ; mining engineer. Residence, 318 W. 7th St., Lcadville. Colo. Badger. Richard Saltonstall B^s.oe Badt, !Milton Benjamin A.B.06; LL.B.09; lawyer. Pioneer bldg.. Elko, Nev., and Chronicle bldg., S. F. Residence, 432 Court st., Elko, Nev.. and 3038 Jackson St., S. F. Bailey, Lewis Xewton B.S.06. Residence, 4229 St. James place, San Diego, Cal. Baker. Frederick Xeill B.S.06 ; clerk, Xational Bank of \'en- tura. Residence, 1439 Poli St.. \'entura, Cal. Baker. Kathryn B.L.06 ; m. Marion ^L Conrad. Resi- dence, Le Grande, Cal. Bammann, Emma Louise A.B.06; M.A.15; teacher, box 141, An- derson, Cal. Residence, 2000 45th av., Oakland, Cal. Banks, Kathrina Olga A.B.06 ; teacher, Miss Talbert's School, 1809 Hearst av., Berkeley, Cal. Resi- dence, Williams, Cal. Barker, Edgar Earl B.S.06 ; mining engineer, with Chile Exploration Co. Residence, Chuquica- mata, Chile, South .America Barklev, Alice Garwood A.B.CI6; M..\.07. Residence. 2144 Green St., S. F. Barnes, John Waddington Harry B.S.06 : civil engineer, with Madera Canal & Irrigation Co. Residence, bo.\ 111, Madera, Cal. Barrett. Katherine Clare A.B.06 ; teacher. Oriental Pui)lic School. Residence. 135 Cole st.. S. F. Bartlett. Arthur Wavland B.S.06 Basham. William Ivlmund B.S.06 Batdorf. Charles William B.S.06; M.S. 10; orchardist. Residence. Junghsien, Szechuen, China Beach, Samuel Hovey B.L.06 ; M.L.07 ; cle'rk. Bureau of the Census. Residence, 3310 Ross place, Cleveland Park, Washington, D. C. *Beckingsale, Winnifred Mav B.L.06; d. 1914 Beebe, Xina .\gatha B.L.06 ; teacher, high school. Berkeley. Cal. Residence, 2129 California St., S. F. Beecher. Henry Ward B.S.06 ; district manager, witli C. C. Moore & Co., engineers. Mutual Life bldg. Re.sidcnce, 1616 V . li-w.-ll crintendcnt. Cal. Inspection Rating lUire.iu. 433 t'alifor- nia St. Residence, K>3it i )i\ i>i.idiri) st.. S. F. Hudson. Ress Dale A.B.06 ; ni. Walter A. Newman 'M>. Res- idence, 390 62d St.. Oakland. Cal. 102 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1906 1906 Coiitiiiiii-tl Hunter, George Graliani H.S.06: M.U.06; physician. Brockman hIdK. Residence, 356 S. Occidental hivd., Los Angeles, Cal. Hunter, Maude Beatrice B.L.06. Residence, 1207 F St., Eureka, Cal. Hyde. Arthur Edward A.H.06 : special agent, Federal Trade Commission. 19th st. and Pennsylvania av. Residence, 138 B St., N. E., Wash- ington. D. C. Ingliain. Mary Evelyn B.L.06: m. John N. Hendrickson. Resi- dence. San Fernando, Cal. Irvin, Donald Forsha B.S.06 : engineer and metallurgist. Resi- dence. 719 Summit av., Pasadena, Cal. Jacobs, Edith B.L.06 ; teacher. Adams Cosmopolitan School. Residence, 798 Post st, S. F. Jantzen, George Henry .•\.B.06: supervising principal of schools. Residence. 322 C St., Colton, Cal. Jewett, Hugh Saxe B.S.06 : rancher. Residence. Bakersfield Club. Bakersfield, Cal. Johnson, Ivy Jo B.L.06; m. W. A. Newlin '11. Resi- dence, 37 N. Bonnie av., Pasadena, Cal. Johnson. Lillian Frances B.S.06 ; m. Edward Poulson. Residence, 2611 Logan st.. Selma, Cal. Johnston, Alice Waddell A.B.06. Residence. 164 N. Hudson av., Pasadena. Cal. f Jones, Anna Franklyn B.L.06; teacher. Residence, 1809 Eu- clid av.. Berkeley, Cal. Jones, Bavard Hale A.B.06 :" M.A.07 : M.L.12 ; B.D. (Gen. Theol. Sem.) 14 ; Episcopal clergyman. Residence, 1737 Virginia St., Berkeley, Cal. Jones. George Foster B.L.06 : LL.B. (Yale) OS : lawver. Tones bldg. Residence, 1308 Bird St., Oro- ville, Cal. Jones. Marv Ethel B.S.06: M.S. 12: teacher, high school. Residence. 100 N. 5th St., Alhambra, Cal. Jones. \'^era Copeland B.L.06 ; teacher. Highland School. Resi- dence. 464 34th St.. Oakland, Cal. Jordan. Ada Gertrude B.L.06 : m. Lee W. Walker Jordan. Constance Matilda B.L.06 : m. A. S. Henlev. Residence. 1546 Shattuck av.. Berkelev. Cal. Jordan, James Joshua B.S.06 : assistant mill superintendent, Dome Mines Co., Ltd. Residence, South Porcupine, Ontario, Can. Jouhert, Frederick Joseph H.S.06 : superintendent. Depot Hill and Horse Valley Mines. Residence, Camp- tonville, Cal. Kahn. Amy Cordelia B.L.06; m. J. P. Loeb '05. Residence, 735 Harvard blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. fKawasaki. Kango B.L.06 ; real estate broker and inter- preter. Residence, 1414a 14th st., Sac- ramento, Cal. Kellogg, Francis Comings B.L.06; A.B. (Oberlin) 04: J.D.IO; teacher. Residence, 2426 Virginia St., Berkeley. Cal. Kelly, William Harris B.S.06; surveyor, with Board of Fire Underwriters, 465 California St., S. F. Residence, 2632 Hilgard av.. Berkeley. Cal. Kelso, Olive White B.S.06; B.S. CPomona) 05: teacher. Residence, 201 N. Euclid av., Pasadena, Cal. Kennedv. Laurence Joseph A.B. 06 ; M.-A-OS : lawyer. Masonic Tem- ple bldg. Residence. 721 Market St.. Redding, Cal. Kennedy, Mary Agnes B.L.06 ; m. Francis Carr. Residence, 1000 Court St., Redding, Cal. Kern, Julia Margaret A.B.06 ; m. John W. Morgan. Residence, 1326 G St., Marysville, Cal. Kerr, Sally Patterson B.L.06 ; "m. F. D. Street : pianist. Resi- dence. 2806 College av., IBerkeley, Cal. Kessing, Lawrence Raymond B.S.06 ; assistant engineer, with Cali- fornia Railroad Commission. 833 Mar- ket St., S. F. Residence, 1430 Santa Clara av., Alameda, Cal. Kessler. Isaac B.S.06: engineer. Residence. 1137 Lin- den av., Oakland. Cal. Kilkenny, Tobias Dillon B.S.06 : city engineer. City Hall. Resi- dence. 900 Virginia St.. \'allejo. Cal. King, George Ernest B.S.06 ; inspector, with Henry S. How- ard, contracting engineer. Residence. 737 Grand av.. Oakland. Cal. Kittrelle, Reginald Wayne B.S.06: realty broker.' 1529 Broadway. Residence. 578 Wallavista av.. Oakland. Cal. Knight, Mae Isabelle B.L.06 : teacher. Residence. ^^^ Cedar av.. Long Beach. Cal. 1906] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 103 Koford. Joseph Sidney B.L.06 ; lawyer, with Stetson & Ko- ford, 1206 Broadway. Residence, 608 Jean St., Oakland. Cal. Kohnke, Frederick Charles A.B.06 ; accountant, with Southern Pa- cific Co., 870 Market St., S. F. Resi- dence, 2314 Haste St., Berkeley, Cal. Kromer, Clarence Herbert B.S.06 ; engineer, with State Depart- ment of Engineering, Forum bidg. Res- idence, 1807 F St., Sacramento, Cal. Kronquist. Alena Wilhelmina B.L.06 : m. A.xel A. Newman. Resi- dence, 670 60th St., Oakland, Cal. Kubo. Hiroshi B.S.06 La Grange. William Fillmore B.S.06 ; ranch superintendent, with O. G. Shafer Estate. Residence, Inverness, Cal. Larkin, Lucy B.L.06 ; m. Elmer G. Neilson. Resi- dence, 2411 Grove St., Berkeley, Cal. Larsen, Esper Signius, Jr. B.S.06 : geologist, with U. S. Geological Survey. Residence, 1836 Ontario place, Washington, D. C. Lawton, Winifred Marion B.L.06 ; m. C. Birney Seymour. Resi- dence, Carneyville, Wyo. Le Conte, Mary Roberdcau .■\.B.06 ; m. John D. Hoffmann. Resi- dence, 228 Perry St., Oakland, Cal. Lee, Aura B.L.06 ; m. Howard ^L Johnson ex '08. Residence, 2528 Chilton way, Berkeley, Cal. Levy, Elma Claire H.L.06 ; m. Michel A. Levy. Residence, 1622 Canal st., Santa Barbara, Cal. Lewitt, Frederick Clinton B.S.06; M.D.08; physician, 291 Geary St. Residence, 2700 Pierce St., S. F. Lindsay, Lionel B.S.06; captain, 16th King's Royal Rifles. Residence, 1 Holland park, Lon- don Linforth, Frank .\rthur B.S.06 ; geologist, with Anaconda Cop- per Mining Co.. Hennessy l)ldg. Resi- dence, 831 Waukesha St., Butte, Mont. Linsley, Edna Eunice Keyes B.L.06 ; m. J. Fullerton Gressitt. Resi- dence, Duncan Academy, 29 Sanai Cho, Ushigome, Tokyo, Japan *Livesey, John Jay \'iets B.S.06; d. February 2. 1912 Lochridge, Grace C. B.L.06 : m. B. P. Jaggard '0.'>. Residence. 2843 Prince St., Berkeley, Cal. *Loobliner. Edwin B.S.06 ; deceased Loomis, Eninia Christine ' B.L.06 ; m. Carl A. Rose. Residence, Irwin, Cal. Lowe, Chee Soo B.S.06; chief engineer, Liang Kwang Mines Co., Ltd. Residence, 2 East Bund, Canton, China fLuce, William Monmonier B.S.06. Residence, E. Davis st., Port- land, Ore. Luke, Florence Elizabeth B.L.06; teacher. Residence, 206 El Cerrito av.. Piedmont, Cal. Lynam, William Edward B.S.06 ; auditor. Wells Fargo Nevada National Bank. S. F. Residence. 5868 Ocean View drive, Oakland, Cal. Lynch, Matthew Christopher B.L.06; J.D.08; associate professor (law). University of California. Resi- dence, 2710 Durant a v., Berkeley. Cal. Mace. Clement Harold B.S.06 ; general superintendent. N'ulcan Mines & Smelter, lola, Colo. Residence, 1153 York St., Denver, Colo. Maddox, Morley Moyers .'\.B.06 ; editor, Dail\ Times. Residence, 737 N. Willis st., Visalia, Cal. ]\Iarkley, William Henry B.S.06 ; farmer. Residence. Manteca, Cal. Martens. Elise Henrietta .v. B. 06 ; teacher. Technical High School, Oakland. Cal. Residence, 2720 .Mcatraz av., Berkeley, Cal. Mathews. Harold Pierce B.L.06 Matthieson, Henry Hans B.S.06 ; safety engineer. Guardian Cas- ualty & Guaranty Co.. 310 Sansonie St.. S. F. Residence. 1750 Tamarind av.. Los Angeles, Cal. ^Layer, Hilda Elizabeth B.L.06; m. J. I. Beattie. Residence. 1075 Benton st., Santa Clara. Cal. McClure. Ethel Frances .•\.B.06 : teacher. Residence. 1500 Al- catraz av.. Berkeley. Cal. McDuffie, Charles Burnap B.S.06 ; merchant. Residence. Los .Mtos. Cal. fMcI-'arland. Warren Higgins S. B.S.06; mining engineer, with .Maska Yukon Gold Mining Co. Residence. Dawson. Yukon Ty.. Can. McKesson, Eldrod Cclian B.L.06 *McXair. ,\nna \ictoria B.S.06; B.S. (Pomona) 05; m. Roscoe L. Ashley; d. March 9. 1909 Mcader, Clara I'lorcncc A.B.06; \M. (Occidental) 05; B.L. ihid 05 104 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1906 1906 ContluHcil Meads, Albert Mansoii I5.S.U6 ; M.IJ.O«: physician, Berkeley Hank l)ldK. Residence, 2510 College av., lierkcley, Cal. Merrill. Bessie Pratt B.L.06: m. E. A. Frenzel. Residence, 1135 Shattuck av., Berkeley, Cal. Merrill. l-Vank Daniel B.S.06 : chemist, with U. S. Department of Agriculture, Appraisers bldg., S. F. Residence. 1740 Grant st., Berkeley, Cal. Meyer, Charles Clarence B.L.06; A.M. (Columbia) 07 Mcver. Gladys Frinda A.B.06 : ni. Eugene R. Hallett '05 ; teacher, high school. Residence, .3005 Santa Clara av., Alameda, Cal. Middlchoff, Elsie Lorraine B.S.06. Residence. 7i Parkside drive, Berkeley, Cal. fMiller. Ella Wood A.B.06; R.N. (Johns Hopkins) 09; trained nurse. Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md. Residence, box 244, Ford City, Pa. Miller, Jessie Wight B.L.06: teacher. Residence, 1417 16th St., Oakland, Cal. Miller, Kenneth Charles B.S.06; B.S. (Oregon) 03; farmer. Res- idence, Sheridan, Ore. Miller, Mina Jeannette B.L.06 ; teacher. Residence, 636 Scenic av.. Piedmont, Cal. Minard. Jeannette Frances B.L.06; teacher. Residence, 311 Abby St., Fresno, Cal. Mock, Viola A.B.06; A.B. (Pomona) 05; m. J. W. Joos. Residence, 362 Jefferson av., Po- mona, Cal. Moody, Alexander Skene B.S.06 ; assistant local manager. Gen- eral Electric Co. Residence, 1051 E. Davis St., Portland, Ore. Morgan, Florence Mav BX.06 ; ALL.08 ; teacher. State School for Deaf and Blind. Residence. 2627 Dwight way, Berkeley, Cal. Morgan. James Alfred B.L.06 ;■ jeweler, Phelan bldg.. S. F. Residence. 2627 Dwight way, Berkeley, Cal. Morrow. Irving Foster .A..B.06: architect, with Morrow & Gar- ren. Chronicle bldg.. S. F. Residence, 301 Leno.\ av., Oakland. Cal. Morrow, Marion Kirktnan B.L.06. Residence. 435 \V. 119th St., N. Y. City f Motter. Elaine B.L.06; m. Roy A. Sulliger 'OS. Resi- dence, San Jose fie Gracia, Sinaloa, Mex. Mower, Geneva Walker A.B.06; M.A.07; m. IL L. Hagan '06. Residence, 1346 VA Centro av., Oakland. Cal. Moyer, Reul)en Oliver B.L.06 ; M.L.07 ; vice-principal, high school. Residence, Centerville, Cal. Nealond, Lena B.L.06; teacher, high school. Residence, 735 E. Ankeny St., Portland, Ore. Needham, Beatrice B.L.06 ; m. George N. Edwards. Resi- dence, Suisun, Cal. Neibel. Etta Velida B.L.06; m. William E. Phillips. Resi- dence, Wilmington, Cal. fNeighbor, Gilbert Franklin B.S.06. Residence, Pacific Grove, Cal. *Nelson, Anna A.B.06 ; deceased Newcomb, Ralph Pitcher Odiorne B.S.06; engineer, 200 Davis St., S. F. Residence, 1052 E. 11th St., Oakland, Cal. Newell, Bertha Ph.B.06. Residence, 2726 Haste St., Berkeley, Cal. Newman, Anna Mary B.L.06 ; m. Roy H. Jenkins. Residence, Areata, Cal. Newman, Walter Allen B.S.06 ; insurance surveyor, 465 Califor- nia St., S. F. Residence, 390 62d St., Oakland, Cal. Nishkian. Leon Hagop B.S.06 ; assistant engineer. Residence, 511 5th av., S. F. Norton. Brayton Saltonstall B.S.06 ; secretary, Jackson Norton & Co. Residence, box 107, Balboa, Cal. O'Learv, Gertrude Genevieve B.L.66 O'Leary, Vera Estelle B.L.06 ; m. Victor A. Caglieri. Resi- dence, 47 6th av., S. F. Oliver. Thomas Clifford B.S.06; B.S. (North Carolina) 02; gen- eral manager. Chemical Construction Co., 217 Latta .Arcade. Residence, Blandwood apts.. Charlotte. N. Car. O'Neill, Kate Navin A.B.06; teacher, Girls High School. Residence. The Warrington. Riverside, Cal. Osgood. Charles Gardner B.S.06 ; mill superintendent. Common- wealth Mining & Milling Co. Residence. Pearce. Ariz. O'Toole. Lawrence Stephen A.B.06 : LL.B.05 : lawyer. 948 Market St.. S. F. Residence. 2550 Buena Vista way. Berkelev. Cal. 1906] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 105 fOverholtzer, Lavisa B.L.06 ; m. E. Moreland. Residence, 1797 Newman St., Portland, Ore. Painter, Bruce Hinckley B.S.06 : principal, high school. Resi- dence, Livermore, Cal. fPatterson, Ruth B.L.06; m. E. R. Bricknell. Residence. 2005 4th av., W., Vancouver, B. C. Fatten, Bessie Jane B.L.06 ; teacher, Albany, Cal. Residence, 2516 Ashby av., Berkeley, Cal. Paul, Mabel Keturah B.L.06 ; m. John S. Schroeder. Resi- dence, Peabody, Kan. Peck. Willys Ruggles A.B.06 ; American Consul. Residence, American Consulate. Tsingtau, China Percival, Vera Margaret A.B.06 ; secretary, high school. Resi- dence, 2610 Derby St., Berkeley, Cal. Perrine, Mrs. Bell Smith B.L.06 ; m. Charles D. Perrine. Care of Argentine National Observatory, Cor- doba, Argentine Republic Peterson, Ruth Achastie A.B.06: teacher. Residence, 2106 San Pablo av., Berkeley, Cal. Pond, Harry Searls B.S.06 ; surveyor, U. S. Engineering De- partment, Custom House, S. F. Resi- dence, 1714 Wood St., Alameda, Cal. Posey, George Addison B.S.06 : civil engineer, with Haviland & Tibbetts, 310 Sansome St.. S. F. Res- idence, 66 Manor drive, Piedmont, Cal. Postel. Emma Gertrude B.L.06 ; m. James H. Hjul ex '07. Resi- dence, 701 Grand St., Alameda, Cal. Premo, Charles Oliver B.L.06 ; real estate and insurance bro- ker. First National Bank bldg. Resi- dence, 613 Harrison St., Porterville, Cal. Prindle, Frances Elizabeth B.L.06: teacher. Residence, 2710 Haste St., Berkeley, Cal. Prost, Hubert G. B.S.06 : patent solicitor, with White & Prost, 612 Market st., S. F. Residence, 44 Oakvale av., Berkeley, Cal. Putnam, Ola Mae R.L.06 : teacher, 401 Porter St.. Eureka, Cal. Residence, Areata. Cal. Ranev, Sumner B.S.06 : farmer, 306 6th St.. Marysville, Cal. tRatcliff, Elhcl Bridget B.S.06: m. Martin H. RatclifT. Resi- dence, Birmingham, Eng. Rau, Jessie Eucile B.L.06; teacher, 1545 Linden av.. Long Beach, Cal. Residence, 291 N. El Mo- lino av., Pasadena, Cal. Ran, Lura Church B.L.06; teacher. 236 Palm av., Mon- rovia, Cal. Residence, 291 N. El Mo- lino av., Pasadena, Cal. Read, Emerson Worrell B.L.06; LL.B.08; lawyer, California Fruit bldg. Residence, 1307 P St., Sac- ramento, Cal. fReece. Frederick Bennett B.S.06 ; mining engineer. Residence, Pachuca, Hidalgo, Mex. Reed, Frances Mabel B.L.06; teacher, 316 W. Elm st.. Lodi. Cal. Residence, 2015 Bancroft way, Berkeley, Cal. Reed, Xorman Win field B.S.06 ; poultry raiser. Residence, Peta- luma, Cal. Reef, Henry Jacob B.S.06 ; real estate and investment bro- ker. First National Bank bldg. Resi- dence, 51 Sequoia av., Oakland. Cal. Reid, Louise Sophronia B.S.06; m. William H. Hopkins '06. Residence, 2826 K st., Sacramento, Cal. fRhodcs, Frederick Norman B.S.06 ; engineer. Residence. Ronaki, Remuera, .Auckland, New Zealand Robertson, Florence B.S.06 : m. .\rthur E. Connick. Resi- dence, 217 Porter St., Eureka, Cal. Robertson, William Lewis B.S.06. Residence, 290 40th St., Oak- land, Cal. Romaine, Marv Alice B.L.06; billing clerk, De Laval Dairy Supply Co., 101 Drumm st. Residence. 2919 CaHfornia St., S. F. Ross, Bertha Mav A.B.06 Ross. Sarah \'ida A.B.06; M.A.08; teacher. 118 Orange av.. Modesto, Cal. Residence. 160 E. av. 57, Los Angeles, Cal. Ross, Sue Adele B.S.06 : teacher. 636 W. .\danis St.. Los Angeles. Cal. Residence. ^2^ College av., Santa Rosa, Cal. Routt. Forrest \'irgil R.L.06 : princii>al. high school. Resi- dence, 311 S. 2d St., .Xihambra, Cal. Rowcll, Pcrcv Elliott R.S.06; M.S.12; teacher. A-Zcd School. Residence, 2237 Durant av., Berkeley. Cal. Ryst. Ina A.B.06: teacl;cr. high school. Fowler. Cal. Residence. 2905 Washington St.. S. F. 106 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1906 1<)()6 Contiuui-d Saffoltl, IClizabctli A.M. 06: M.A.O" ; iii. \i. C. I'owcll '05. kcsidcncc, 58 IJ Ocean \'icw ilrivc, OaU- laml. Cal. Salz, Howard Hart U.S. 06 : treasurer, Kullnian. Salz & Co., tanners, 85 2d st. Residence, 2705 Cal- ifornia St., S. F. Salz. Milton Herman M.S. 06 ; vice-president. Edward Salz, Inc.. hay and Krain, 465 California st. Residence, 1916 Jackson St., S. F. Sani.son. Mabel Marion B.L.06 : secretary, M. M. Samson Meat Co. Residence, 2195 Shattuck av., Ber- keley, Cal. Sanborn, Edgar Madison B.S.06 : florist, with H. M. Sanborn Co., 1325 Broadway. Residence, 2968 Tele- graph av., Oakland, Cal. Sayre, Edith Athalia B.L.06 : m. John M. Sandoe. Residence, 1427 Mound st., Alameda, Cal. Schenk. Eugenie B.L.06 : assistant director. Widows Pen- sion Bureau. City Hall. Residence, 1505 Laguna st., S. F. Schmidt, Walter August B.S.06 ; general manager. Western Pre- cipitation Co., chemical engineers, 1016 W. 9th St. Residence, 736 Burlington av., Los Angeles, Cal. Scott, Harry Atwood B.S.06; repairman. Residence, 2111 Channing way, Berkeley, Cal. Scott. Louisiana Foster B.L.06: M.L.08. Residence. 2723 Ben- venue av.. Berkeley, Cal. Seaman. Roberta A.B.06; m. Louis F. Becker Sellards. Mvrtle B.L.06: A!b. (Kansas) 05: teacher. 233 W. Adams st., Los Angeles, Cal. Resi- dence. Colton. Cal. Sharp. Harold Gibbons B.S.06: civil engineer. Residence, 6011 Aulnirn St.. Oakland. Cal. *Shay, Frank Willis B.L.06: d. December. 1911 Shepardson. Lucia B.L.06: author. Residence. 210 Cedar St., Pacific Grove, Cal. Shuman. John Franklin B.L.06:" LL.B. (Harvard) 09: lawyer, with Morrison. Dunne & Brobeck, 612 Market st.. S. F. Residence. 580 Ver- non St.. Oakland, Cal. Silberberg. Bernhard B.S.06: engineer. Residence. 1070 Post St., S. F. *Simon. Paul Leo B.S.06: d. November 19. 1912 Skinner, Hazel Anna B.L.06 ; m. Carl K. Schnabel. Residence. Newcastle, Cal. Skinner, Mona Mae B.S.06 ; teacher, high school. Residence, 2332a Haste st., Berkeley, Cal. Smith, Jean Etta B.L.06; teacher, 2636 Alcatraz av., Ber- keley, Cal. Residence, Cloverdale, Cal. Smith, Susie Catherine A.B.06 ; teacher, high school. Residence, 1925 Parker St.. Berkeley, Cal. +Smittle, Laura Elizabeth B.L.06. Residence, 1182 E. 14th St., Oakland, Cal. Smyth. Harriet Skidmore B.L.06 ; m. Walter C. Alvarez. Resi- dence, 142 Arguello blvd., S. F. Smyth, Hilda B.L.06 ; m. Rudolph Jordan, Jr. Resi- dence, 507 7th av., S. F. Snedigar, Olie Fielding B.L.06 ; probation officer, Alameda county, 419 19th st. Residence, 5531 Kales av., Oakland, Cal. Snow. Edith Fern B.L.06 ; m. R. P. Newcomb '06. Resi- dence, 1052 E. 11th St., Oakland, Cal. fSquire. Harry Edwin B.S.06 ; civil engineer. Residence, 223 8th av., S. F. Staver. John Frederick B.S.06; A.B. (Oregon) 04: real estate broker. Northwest bldg. Residence. 1184 E. Couch St., Portland, Ore. Stearns, Isabel Antoinette de Capree B.S.06 ; m. Paul S. Gavin. Residence, 1827 Elm St., Alameda, Cal. Steinbach, Hermann Reinhard B.L.06 ; M.L.07 ; teacher, high school. Residence, 2721 E st., Sacramento. Cal. Stewart, Guy Robertson B.S.06: assistant professor (chemistry), University of California. Residence, 2247 College av., Berkeley, Cal. Stewart, Janet Ann B.L.06 ; teacher, 709a Clayton st., S. F. Residence. Benicia, Cal. Stillwell. Elijah Burton B.S.06 : farmer. Residence. Corning, Cal. Stiner, Ina Hannah B.L.06 ; teacher, high school, 702 3d St., Porterville, Cal. Residence, Eagleville, Cal. St. John. Paul B.S.06 ; agent. Arizona Fire Insurance Co. Residence. 165 Buena \'ista av.. S. F. Stoddard, Harrv LeRov B.S.06; with. T. Cowle'y Pool. Inc.. en- gineer. Bothin bldg. Residence. 832 Jen- nings av., Santa Barbara. Cal. 1906] BACHELORS : Academic Colleges 107 Stringfield. Vivian Felicia B.L.06 ; teacher. Residence, 229 S. Nor- inandie av., Los Angeles, Cal. Strite, Bertha Perle B.L.06 ; m. R. L. Rowley '07. Residence, 398 60th St., Oakland, Cal. Strohl. Elizabeth Bella B.L.06; m. F. M. Silva '03. Residence, 208 Seminary st., Napa, Cal. Strong. Edward Kellogg, Jr. B.S.06; M.S.09: Ph.D. (Columbia) 11; professor (psychology), George Pea- body College for Teachers. Residence, 2125 Carlton av., Nashville, Tenn. Strowger, Florence Rena A.B.06 : m. C. H. Hjul. Residence, 2332 Carlton St., Berkeley, Cal. Struve. Esther Marie B.L.06 ; m. Clyde Wayland. Residence, Watsonville, Cal. f Stuart, Charles Edward B.S.06. Care of American Smelting Co., Angangueo, Mex. fSulliger, Roy Arthur Ph.B.06; mining engineer. Residence, San Jose de Gracia, Sinaloa, Mex. Sutherland, Robert Thomas B.S.06; M.D.08: physician, 1215 E. 14th St. Residence, 4650 Park blvd., Oak- land, Cal. f Swanson, Lurline Estelle B.L.06. Residence, 1372 Masonic av., S. F. Taizon, Antonio Manuel B.S.06 fTaylor. Henry William B.S.06 ; sanitary engineer, state archi- tect's ofifice. Residence, 100 State St., Albany, N. Y. Taylor. Margaret Wyman A.B.06 ; teacher. Residence, 90 Sea \'iew av.. Piedmont, Cal. Thomas. Mary Eola A.B.06; A.B. (Butler Coll.) 93 Thonii)son, Francis Mervyn H.L.06 ; principal, high school. Resi- dence, box 75, Oleander, Cal. Treadwell, Sophie B.L.06: m. William O. McGcehan : re- porter, with New York .liiicricai), N. Y. City Tull. Henrietta Marilla B.L.06 ; m. W. P. Austin '00. Residence, 222 Lincoln av.. Salinas, Cal. Twinting. Katharine Bird A.B.06; A.B. (Pomona) 04: m. G. E. Hume. Residence, 228 D st., Oxnard, Cal. "\''an Bokkelen. William l\c(|ua B.S.06 : assistant general manager. Coast Counties Gas & b'lectric Co., 454 California st., S. F. Residence, 6031 Chabot rd., Oakland, Cal. Van Orden, Mary B.L.06: M.L. 14; teacher of music. Resi- dence, 1125 Faru St., Alameda, Cal. Vaughan, Ray Cass A.B.06 : with. Royal Insurance Co.. 201 Sansome St.. S. F. Residence. 1514 Mc- Gee av., Berkeley, Cal. Vollmer. Ernest B.S.06 : realty broker, with A. Mc.-Mis- ter & Co., 748 Higuera st. Residence, 1116 Pismo St., San Luis Obispo, Cal. Wagner. Albert Patrick B.S.06 ; solicitor, with \'eribest Laun- dry, Oakland, Cal. Residence, 2986 Johnson av., Alameda, Cal. fWaite. Marion Edward B.S.06. Residence. San Fernando, Cal. fWalker, Clifford Black B.S.06. Residence, 1421 Mission st.. South Pasadena, Cal. Ward. Isabel B.L.06; teacher. 105 6th St., Silver City, N.M. Residence, Montalvo, Cal. fWarren, Alfred James B.S.06 ; owner. F.lectric Light Plant. Residence, Jimency, Chihuahua, Mex. Watson, Edna Earl B.S.06; M.S.07; Ph.D.lO: m. S. Ells- worth Bailey "09 ; teacher. University High School. Residence, 1016 Spruce St.. Berkeley, Cal. Weeks, Helen Foss B.S.06 ; teacher, high school. Residence, 207 N. Almansor St., Alhambra, Cal. Weltv. T«inies William B.S.06 : clerk. U. S. Customs. Resi- dence. 1291 Pine st., S. F. Wendell. Matilda Kinloch A.B.06; teacher, high school, 1016 Oak St.. Napa, Cal. Residence. X'acaville. Cal. Weymouth. Alice Nevada B.L.06: m. L D. Wheeler '06. Resi- dence. 1240 W. 40th place, Los .\ngeles, Cal. Wheeler. Ira Danford B.S.06 : manager. John B. Newman Co.. Santa Monica, Cal. Residence, 1240 W. 40th place, Los Angeles, Cal. White. Louise Frances B.L.06 : proofreader. Residence. 2907 Brookdale av., Oakland. Cal. fWhitman. Howard Claud B.S.06. Residence, Florin. Cal. Wilkins. Ruth Elinor B.L.06 *Willard. Dora Sherwood B.L.06: m. Oliver Youngs, fr. "04; d. 1913 fWillson. Isabellc B.S.06. Residence. 3o=;(ii . I , ^,llr av.. Los Angeles, Cal. 108 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1906-1907 Wilson, M. Genevieve A.K.()r>; tfaduT, I'Vcmon^ Hinh School, Il.n Oak St., Oakland, Cal. Residence, Ik)x SM, Siiisun, Cal. VVoIIenhcrg, Herlinc H.L.06: ni. John A. Wilcox '04. Resi- dence, .'t Son. hardware. Residence, 212 N. Oak st., Ukiah, Cal. Barney. Anna Louise B.L'.07 : M.L.08. Residence. Hanford, Cal. Barry. May Dolores A.B.07 : 'teacher. Lowell High School. Residence, 1177 Green st., S. F. Bartlett. Lawrence B.S.07 Belknap, John B.S.07 Bell, Golden W. B.L.07; lawyer. Kohl bldg., S. F. Resi- dence, 1546 Euclid av., Berkeley, Cal. Benson, John Paty B.S.07 ; mill superintendent, San Luis Mining Co. Residence, Mazatlan, Mex. Benton, Ralph B.L.07; B.S. CMont. Agr. Coll.) 06; M.S.09; M.A. (U. of So. Cal.) 14; with, U.S. Biological Survey. Residence, 2074 W. 27th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Berry, Alice Rosecrans B.L.07 ; m. Wm. L. Robertson '06. Res- idence, 290 40th St., Oakland, Cal. fBettison, Ethel Vivian B.L.07; A.B. (Martin Coll.) 93; M.A. ibid 94 ; teacher. Miss Head's School. Residence, 2538 Channing way, Berke- ley, Cal. Bishop. Hiram Nelson B.S.07 Bittner, Adolf Frederick B.S.07 ; teacher, high school. Residence, 622 E. 19th St., N.. Portland, Ore. Blanckenburg, Gustav Berthold B.L.07 ; J.D.09 ; lawyer, 785 Market St., S. F. Residence, 2968 Linden av., Ber- keley, Cal. Blatchley, William Henry B.S.07 ; president and manager, Blatch- ley Milling & Mining Co. Residence, 627 Jackson av., Joplin, Mo. Bloch, Walter Jacob B.S.07 ; superintendent, White Oaks Mines Consolidated. Residence, White Oaks, N. M. Bransford, Laura Lee A.B.07 ; m. A. L. Clark ex '07. Resi- dence, 955 Shattuck av., Berkeley, Cal. Briggs, Leslie Burdette B.L.07; B.L. (U. of Pac.) 05; M.L.08: minister, Congregational Church. Resi- dence, 36 Lincoln St., Santa Cruz, Cal. *Brown, Caroline Spence B.S.07: d. May 10, 1915 Brown, Everett Somerville B.L.07: M.L.08; assistant (history). University of California. Residence, 5633 Ocean View drive, Oakland, Cal. Bryan, Everett N. B.L.07 ; civil engineer, with T. K. Beard, contractor, 914 11th st. Resi- dence, 507 Sycamore St.. Modesto, Cal. Buckingham, Kate Hamilton B.L.07 ; m. Joseph S. Koford '06. Resi- dence. 608 Jean st., Oakland, Cal. Buckingham, Thomas Hugh, Jr. B.L.07 : newspaperman. Residence, \'a- caville, Cal. Burdorf. Dorothy Rebecca B.L.07 ; M.L.08 : m. W. H. Pinkham '08. Residence. 1710 3d av., Los Angeles, Cal. 1907] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 109 Burnham, Victor Sylvester B.S.07 : trainmaster, Stockton Division, Southern Pacific Co. Residence, 1235 N. Sutter St., Stockton, Cal. Burr, Addie B.L.07 : m. Henry P. Reirl ; missionary. Residence, Cheingmai, Siam Burroughs. Helen Rendall B.L.07 : nurse. Residence, 648 57th St., Oakland, Cal. Burton. Henry Halleck, Jr. B.S.07 ; assistant engineer, with Pacific Electric Railway. Residence, 1617 Cher- ry St., Los Angeles, Cal. Bush, Franklin William B.S.07 ; farmer. Residence, Napa, Cal. Busser, Edith Matilda B.L.07 : m. H. W. Whitworth. Resi- dence. 1601 Wellington a v., Oakland, Cal. Butler, Nora Psyche .\.B.07: m. A. V. Wepfer '05. Resi- dence, 334 S. Shasta St., Willows, Cal. Button. Ralph Laselle B.S.07 ; mechanical engineer. Residence, 436 60th St., Oakland, Cal. Cameron, Blanche Maud B.L.07 ; m. H. W. Beecher '06. Resi- dence, 1616 E. Howell st., Seattle, Wash. Campbell, Bert B.S.07 ; lawyer. Title Insurance bldg. Residence, 1931 Hobart blvd., Los An- geles, Cal. Casady. Philip Murray B.S.07 ; clerk. Home Savings Bank. Residence, 608 N. Oxford St., Los An- geles, Cal. Cella. Emma Louise B.L.07 : teacher, S. F. Evening School. Residence, 1221 Arguello blvd., S. F. Chan. Chun Seen B.S.07 : director. Agricultural Experi- ment Station, Mukden, China ; advisor to the President. Residence, Peking, China Chang, Tsung Yuen B.S.07 ; chairman. Monetary Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance, Pe- king. China. Residence, 24 Davenport rd., Tientsin, China Chapman. Paul Edwin B.S.07 ; engineer, with Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Residence, 228 Clayton St., S. F. Chidester. Maude Neosho B.L.07 : m. Dudley Moulton. Residence, 3721 25th St., S. F. Chubb, IMabel Marion B.L.07 : m. Capt. Myron T. Bailey. Resi- dence, Acampo, Cal. Chubb, Phillip Henry B.S.07 : weigher. S. F. Mint. Residence, 2428 Milvia St., Berkeley, Cal. Clapp, Louise Sewall B.L.07; teacher. Residence. 1812 Clin- ton av., Alameda, Cal. Clarke, Harold Asa A.B.07 : teacher. DeWitt Clinton High School, X. Y. City. Residence, 606 N. Bonnie Brae St., Los .Angeles, Cal. Cohen, Lelia B.L.07 : m. Julius Mendelson. Residence, 1622 McAllister St., S. F. fCole. Arthur George B.S.07 : engineer, with Pellsl)urg Silver Peak Mine. Residence, Blair, Xev. Collins, Charles Henry B.S.07 ; manager. Shore Acres Dairy & Land Co. Residence, San Leandro, Cal. Corbett, James Crichton B.S.07 ; teacher, high school. Residence, 136 E. 3d St., Watsonville, Cal. Cotter, Mary Elsie B.L.07 ; teacher. Residence, 290 Park View terrace, Oakland, Cal. Craig, Charles Volney B.S.07 : mining engineer, Title Insur- ance bldg. Residence, 2239 W. 24th st.. Los Angeles, Cal. fCraig, Marian Frances .'\.B.07. Residence, box 1037, Pasadena, Cal. Crane, Mabel Antoinette B.S.07 : teacher, high school, 448 B st., Santa Rosa, Cal. Residence, Colusa. Cal. Crothers, Margaret \'irginia B.L.07 ; m. Frank T. Dusterberry. Res- idence, Centerville, Cal. Crowell, Mary B.L.07 ; M.'L.08 : m. E. L. Burch ; teacher, high school. Residence, Ma- dera, Cal. Cunningham, Madge B.L.07 ; m. Clarence E. Todd. Resi- dence, 3439 Anza St., S. F. Curtis, Lewis Edward B.L.07 ; newspaperman, with Tacoina Daily Ncu-s. Resilience, 420 N. Yakima St., Tacoma, Wash. Curts, T«^hn Goodon B.L.67 : lawyer, (lalino bldg. Residence. Sutter Creek, Cal. fDanforth, Sherman Edward B.L.07 : J.D.09. Residence, City, Cal. Darbv, Rose Eleanor B.S.07; m. I. H. Townscnd. Residence. 710 \. Roiiinson st.. Oklahoma Cilv. Okla. Darling, Harry Wright B.S.07 ; mining engineer, with Porcu- pine Crown Mines, Ltd. Residence, Timmins, (Ontario. Can. 110 BACHELORS: Academic Collcg,cs [1907 1907 Continued I );ivikT. I*'rlc Victor i'..S.ii7 : suinTintcndcnt of mines, Alaska Cold Mines Co. Residence, box P, Tlianc, Alaska Davis, ("ceil Marie I'..L.O". Residence, 76 Porter st., Soiiiiel, Cak fDavis. KUis Arthur B.L.O" ; McDonough liklK-. Oakland, Cal. Dcanier, Armor Jean li.L.07 : ni. Francis L. Carson. Resi- dence, 1121 Everett av., Oakland, Cal. Denny, Ethel Adele R.L.07 ; M.L.08; teacher, Cal. School of Mechanical Arts, 818 Noe St., S. F. Residence, Etna Mills, Cal. De Renier, Jay Grant B.S.07 : consulting engineer, 100 Broad- way. Residence, 105 E. 53d St., N. Y. City fDickson, David Thomas B.S.07 : electrical engineer, 731 Com- merce St., Tacoma, Wash. Dimmler, Charles Louis B.S.07 ; engineer, with Interstate Com- merce Commission, 85 2d St., S. F. Res- idence, 1330 Josephine St., Berkeley, Cal. Dobhins, John Leslie B.S.07 ; A.B.05 ; professor (engineer- ing), Peiyang University. Residence, Tientsin, China fDomonoske, Arthur Boquer B.S.07; M.S.09; Engineering Hall, Uni- versity of Illinois, Urbana, 111. Dore. Walter Harrington B.S.07 : assistant. University of Califor- nia. Residence, 1811 Stuart St., Berke- ley, Cal. Dntton, Pluma Ruby .'\.B.07 : m. Emerson B. Harley '03. Res- idence, R.F.D. 2. Woodland, Cal. Dwelle, Harold Edward B.L.07: LL.B. (U. of So. Cal.) 12; dep- uty district attorney, Fresno county. Residence, 3705 Iowa av., Fresno, Cal. Edwards, Gurden B.L.07 ; newspaperman, with New York Tribune. Residence, 655 W. 160th St., N. Y. City Edwards, INIabel Lincoln B.L.07 ; teacher, high school. Grass Val- ley, Cal. Residence. 2529 Hillegass av., Berkeley, Cal. Edwards, Miriam Barstow B.L.07; teacher. Residence, 115 E. Is- lay St., Santa Barbara, Cal. Eisner. Norman Abraham B.L.07 ; LL.B.09 : lawyer, 220 Mont- gomery St., S. F. Residence. Ross. Cal. Encell. Harry Albert B.L.07 ; lawyer. 833 Market st.. S. F. Residence, 825 E. 24th st., Oakland, Cal. Estep, Ray King B.S.07 ; assistant manager, Oroville Water, Light & Power Co., Oroville, Cal. Residence, 845 Scott St.. S. F. Evans. Llewellyn B.S.07 ; electrical engineer, 725 Com- merce St. Residence, 3612 N. 33d St., Tacoma, Wash. Finger. Clyde Pinckney B.S.07 ; teacher, Oakland High School. Residence, 550 25th St., Oakland, Cal. Fischer, Amy Rozina B.L.07 ; m. Leslie A. Stern '07. Resi- dence, St. Helena, Cal. Fisher, Alfred Philip B.S.07; consulting engineer, 14 Mont- gomery St. Residence, 1803 Broadway, S. F. Fisher, Eugene Irving B.L.07 ; newspaperman, with Long Beach Press. Residence, 951 Locust av.. Long Beach, Cal. Fletcher, Alfred Charles Benson B.S.07 ; with, Commission for Relief in Belgium, 98 Haringvliet. Rotterdam, Holland Fletcher. John Dundas B.L.07 ; M.L.09 ; with, Luckenbach Steamship Co., 465 California st., S. F. Residence, 2435 Le Conte av.. Berkeley, Cal. Foster. Herbert Bismarck B.S.07 ; engineer, comptroller's office. University of California. Residence, 1930 El Dorado av., Berkeley, Cal. Francis, Joseph Breton B.S.07 ; farmer. Residence. East Au- burn, Cal. Eraser. Guv Owen B.S.07 ; with. Haviland & Tibbetts. civil engineers, Grafton, Cal. Residence. 4431 Cleveland av., San Diego, Cal. Frei, Louis Adolph B.S.07 ; orchardist. Residence, R.F.D. 2, Santa Rosa, Cal. Friedlander. Otto Albert B.S.07 Friendly. Oscar Xathan B.S.07 ; superintendent. Judge Mining & Smelting Co. Residence, Park City, ITtah Fry, Carl Herbert B.S.07 ; superintendent. Yellow Aster Mining Co. Residence, Randsburg. Cal. Gabbert. John Raymond B.S.07 ; editor. Riverside Enterprise, 580 Main st. Residence. 263 Brockton av.. Riverside. Cal. Gallaway. Alfred Russell, Jr. B.S.07 ; sales manager, ^^'right & Kim- brough. builders. 817 T st. Residence, 1015 Yardlev av.. Sacramento. Cal. 1907] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 111 Gerken, George Theodore B.S.07 : engineer, with Pacific Tank & Pipe Co.. 5th and Bryant sts., S. F. Res- idence, 829 Santa Clara av., Alameda, Cal. Gibbs, Charles John B.S.07 ; bookkeeper, Whiting-Mead Commercial Co. Residence, 1943 Titus St.. San Diego, Cal. Gillespie. Chester Gordon B.S.07 : director, sanitary engineering, State Board of Health. Residence, 1930 El Dorado av., Berkeley, Cal. Goddard, Mabel Adele B.L.07 : m. Sydney L. Shonts. Resi- dence. Wallace, Idaho Gooch. Jennie Lewis A.B.07 : m. John R. Teall. Residence, 148 S. Hoopes av., Auburn, N. Y. Gordon, Clair B.S.07 : mining engineer, with General Land Office, Department of the Inte- rior. Federal bldg., Denver, Colo. Resi- dence, 1726 Buchanan St., S. F. Graham. Douglas James B.S.07. Residence", 1190 St. Charles St., Alameda. Cal. Graves. Harry Thomas B.S.07 : electrician, with Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Residence, 29 N. Main st., Napa, Cal. Grav, Harold I'^arnsworth B.S.07: M.S. 11 : Gr.P.H.lS : health offi- cer, Ramona bldg. Residence, 1327 By- ron St., Palo Alto, Cal. Green, Julian R. B.S.07 : merchandist broker, Maynard bldg.. Seattle, Wash. Greenfield, Juliet Ida A.B.07 : m. Roy K. Voorhies ex '07. Residence, 1705 S. Kingsley drive, Los Angeles, Cal. Greenwood, Harold Nichols B.L.07 ; teacher, high school. Residence, 788 Kensington rd., Los Angeles, Cal. f Gross. Joseph Watson B.S.07 ; assistant city engineer. Resi- dence. Sacramento, Cal. Haight, Samuel Chase A.B.07 : real estate broker. Residence, 2433 Haste St., Berkeley, Cal. Haines. Ralph Edward B.S.07 : first lieutenant, Coast Artillery Corps. U. S. A. Residence, Fort Mon- roe. \'a. Hale. Winficld B.S.07: B.S. (Cornell) 07; teacher. high school, Fillmore, Cal. Residence, 517 Commonwealth av., Los .•\ngeles, Cal. Haley. Charles Scott B.S.07: engineer, 52! .st., S. F. Hall, Arthur Xelson B.S.07 : engineer. Residence. 1229 Jo- sephine St., Berkeley, Cal. Hall, Harold Morris B.S.07 ; realty agent. Central bldg. Res- idence, 1420 S. Flower st., Los Angeles Cal. Hankins, Homer Jackson B.L.07: LL.B.09: lawyer, with Hankins & Hankins, 821 Market st., S. F. Resi- dence, 735 El Camino Real, Burlingame, Cal. Hanlon, Marie Rose B.L.07. Residence, 946 Ashbury St., S. F. Hargrave, Charles I>eroy B.S.07 Harper, Sinclair Ollason B.S.07 ; engineer, with U. S. Reclama- tion Service. Residence, 535 Teller av.. Grand Junction, Colo. Harris. Edna Emily B.L.07 : m. C. H. Jameson. Residence, 2701 Hillegass av., Berkeley, Cat. Harris. Mabel liessic B.L.Q7 : m. Oliver S. Xewman '09. Resi- dence, Woodbridge, Cal. Hart, Henry Hersch A.B.07 : J.D.09 : assistant city attorney. Residence, 2996 Jackson St., S. F. Hartley, Joseph Alexander B.S.07 : secretary, Braun Corporation, scientific laboratory supplies, ,^63 New High St. Residence. 215 N. Rampart blvd., Los .'\ngeles, Cal. Hawley. Kent Allen B.S.'07 : engineer, with (iibbs & Hill, Pennsylvania station, N. Y. City. Resi- dence, 22 West End av.. Englcwood, N. J. Ilawn, I*".lizal)ctli IIltcHiki B.L.07 : teacher. Residence, 337 X. Mil- ton av., Whittier, Cal. T^errick, Henry Nathan B.S.07 : engineer, with Standard Oil Co., 200 Bush St., S. F. Residence, 154t Grant St., Berkeley, Cal. Heslop, Ernestine Marie B.L.07 : librarian. North Portlaml Branch Library, 190 E. Killingsworth av., Portland, Ore. llicker, Harry Dc \'cro B.L.07 : lawyer, LTnion bldg. Residence, 4 San Miguel av., San Diego. Cal. *Hickev, Louis Thomas F. B.S. 07; d. May 18. 1015 Tlizar, Rose Lippincott B.S.07 ; m. William G. Duggin '00. Res idence, R.F.D. 1, New Castle, Del. Hogan, TTazcll May B.r-.07: m. Bertram K. Young. Resi- dence, El Portal, Cal. Ifolm. Hans Christian B.S.07 112 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1907 VH)7 Coiiliinicd Hoover, I'Vancis Oswald I!. I, .07 : lawyer, with Cross & Hoover, C!()urt House. Residence, 115 Poplar av., Modesto, Cal. IIowc, Alfred Thomas H.S.O/ ; civil engineer. Residence, Clip- per Ciap, Cal. llul)l)ard, Henry Van Schaack B.S.07 ; engineer. Residence, 2655 Irv- ing av., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Hughes. Evan J. H.I, .07 : lawyer, Forum bldg. Residence, 8_'0 15th St., Sacramento, Cal. Hughes. John Edward B.S.07" fHunt, Paul Henry B.S.07 ; mining engineer. Residence, Pachuca, Hidalgo, Mex. Irwin. Henry Wilbur B.S.07 : M.D.09 ; medical missionary. Residence, Chengtu, Szechuen, China lee. Shin Yien Luther McLean B.S.07; Ph.G.03; A.M. (Harvard) 09; junior secretary. Ministry of Finance, Peking. China. Residence, 42a rue de Paris. Tientsin, China Johnson, Ada Lucile B.L.07 ; m. George L. Unnewehr. Resi- dence. Dixon, Cal. Jordan, Charles Henry A.B.07 ; M.A.08 ; teacher, high school. Residence, 2836 Summit St., Oakland Cal. Joy. Alice B.S.07 : draftsman, with Julia Morgan, architect, 465 California st. Residence, 1265 Lombard St., S. F. Kelley. Harold Hitchcock A.B.07; clergyman. Episcopal Church. Residence. St. John's Rectory, Ketchi- kan, Alaska Keyes, Charles Edwin, Jr. B.S.07 ; street inspector. Residence, 468 Oakland av.. Oakland, Cal. Keyes. Edna Louise B.L.07 ; teacher. Residence, 2425 Chan- ning way, Berkeley, Cal. Killian, Jonas Edwin B.S.07 ; orchardist. Residence. El Monte Cal. King, Anna \'enn B.L.07 : teacher. Emerson School. Oak- land. Cal. Residence, 2304 Telegraph av., Berkeley, Cal. Kirwin. Clarice Alice B.L.07 : teacher. Residence. 524 10th av.. S. F. Kitchen, Henry Burton B.S.07 ; city engineer. Residence. Wat- sonville. Cal. Klein. Julius B.L.07; M.L.08; A.M. (Harvard) 13; Ph.D. ibid 15; instructor (history, eco- nomics). Harvard University. Resi- dence, 35 Lee st., Cambridge. Mass. Knopf, Herbert B.S.07 ; assistant superintendent. Pa- cific Gas & Electric Co. Residence, 320 Highland av., San Mateo, Cal. Krafft, Grace Fredrica B.S.07 ; teacher, high school. Residence, Madera, Cal. Lamoureux, Eva Reine B.L.07. Residence, 640 33d st.. Oak- land, Cal. f Lasater, Fred B.S.07; B.S. (Whitman Coll.) 03; far- mer, box 16, Huntsville, Wash. Resi- dence, 703 Whitman st., Walla Walla, Wash. Lawson, Ethel Browning B.L.07 ; M.L.09 ; vice-principal. San Be- nito County High School. Residence, 575 5th St., Hollister, Cal. Leach, Harry Earl B.L.07 ; LL.B. (Geo. Washington U.) 09; lawyer, 1106 Broadway. Oakland, Cal. Residence, 616 Park way. Pied- mont, Cal. LeFevre, Susie Row-ena B.L.07; teacher. Residence. 1404 O'Far- rell St., S. F. Levy, David Livingston B.L.07; LL.B.ll; lawyer. 220 Mont- gomery St., S. F. Residence, 2229 Marin av., Berkeley, Cal. Levy, Jidiette B.L.07 ; teacher, high school. Residence, 743 Beacon st., Los Angeles, Cal. Levy, Morris Hoffman B.S.07 ; engineer, with Board of Pub- lic Works. Residence, 1205? 2 Divisa- dero St., S. F. Levy, Sol De Haari B.S.07 ; furniture dealer, 145 Montgom- ery St. Residence, 3053 Clay st.. S. F. Lewis, Mary Pearle B.L.07 ; ni". Julius E. Hood ex '08. Resi- dence, 1200 98th av., Oakland. Cal. Linscott, Hubert Clyde B.L.07 ; singer. Residence, 23S W. 56th St., N. Y. City Lisser, Hans A.B.07 : M.D. (Johns Hopkins 1 : physi- cian. 516 Sutter st. Residence. 3899 Washington St., S. F. Locher, Edward William B.L.07 ; M.L.08 : principal. Maxwell High School. Residence. Maxwell. Cal. Logan, \\'illiam Wells B.S.07 ; mining engineer, with U. S. Tungsten Corp. Mines. Residence. Ely, Xev. 1907] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 113 Auhurn, Lord. Edward Locke B.S.07 ; superintendent, Exide Battery Depots, S. F. Residence, 2901 Hillegass av., Berkeley, Cal. Louden, Mary Ethel B.L.07 ; m. Claude E. Gillis. Residence, Yreka, Cal. Lowell. Orrin James B.L.07 ; lawyer. Residence, Cal. Lucas, Louise Oreon B.L.07 ; m. G. B. Blanckenburg '07. Res- idence, 2968 Linden av., Berkeley, Cal. Liindy, Wilson Thomas B.S.07 ; superintendent. Zinc Co., Ltd., Montauban. Residence, County Port Neuf, Quebec Lyman, William Whittingham, Jr. A.B.07: M.A.08 ; instructor "(Celtic, English). University of California. Res- idence, 2353 Prospect St., Berkeley, Cal. Lynch, Margery B.L.07 ; housekeeper, Miss Head's School, Berkeley, Cal. Residence, 1236 Sherman St., Alameda, Cal. fLyons, Hazel 'A.B.07 ; m. Ralph McMurray. Resi- dence, Chico, Cal. Macdonald, Margaret Gregory B.L.07 : teacher. Residence, 684 35th St., Oakland. Cal. MacXair, Rebecca Sharon A.B.07 : assistant librarian, Kern County Free Library. Residence, 2714 Chester av., Bakersfield, Cal. Manasse. Ruby Paula B.L.07 ; m. Tadini J. Bacigalupi '02. Residence, 179 22d av., S. F. *Mangels. Helen George B.L.07; M.L.08; m. B. G. Stevens; d. 1916 ^Mansfield. Daisy Tulia B.L.07 : m. N. W. Shaw ex '08. Resi- dence, 3073 Bateman St., Berkeley. Cal. Markle, Bess B.L.07 ; m. W. V. Richardson '01. Resi- dence, 6451 Hillegass av., Oakland, Cal. Marshall, John Albert B.S.07; M.S. 14; D.D.S.16 ; dentist, Acheson bldg. Residence, 2519^2 Du- rant av., Berkeley, Cal. Marshall, Luverne Leathe A.B.07 ; m. Merton F. Hughes, dence, 828 20th St., Merced, Cal. Martin. Edith B.L.07. Residence, 1312 Park av., Cal. Martin, Harriet Frances B.L.07 ; m. T. K. Sweesy '08 ; manager, Ginn & Co., 20 2d St., Residence, 2618 College av., Berkeley, Cal. Mason, Edith Lillian B.L.07 ; teacher, high school. Residence, 2420 B St., San Diego, Cal. Resi- Chico, office S. F. Massie, James Victor B.S.07 ; rancher, 74 New Montgomery St., S. F. Residence, 2732 Claremont blvd., Berkeley, Cal. fMathis, Earle Howard B.S.07 ; mining engineer. Title Insur- ance bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Matignon, Elaine Aimce Berthe B.L.07; M.A.16: m. R. H. Hunt. Resi- dence, Bartlett Springs, Cal. *Matthews, Annie Maude A.B.07 ; m. R. L Dunn '06 : d. March, 1912 McCoy. Florence Lucy B.L.07 ; teacher, Albany. Cal. Residence. 2128 Ward st., Berkeley, Cal. McFie. Maynard A.B.07 : manager, \V. T. McFie Supply Co., wholesale hardware. 213 W. Los Angeles st. Residence, 1222 W. 29th St., Los Angeles, Cal. I^IcNeal, Bernice B.L.07; m. O. W. Bryant '06. Resi- dence, 801 Wildrose av.. Monrovia. Cal. McReynolds. Isabel B.L.07 ; m. James H. Gray. Residence, 490 Solano av., Los Angeles. Cal. Menzin. Abraham Louis B.S.07 ; mechanical engineer. Residence, The Tracy, Philadelphia, Pa. Meredith. Ethel Annette B.S.07 Merrill. Agnes Adams .\.B.07: m. Maurice H. Rowell. Resi- dence. Sonoma. Cal. Merritt. Ralph Palmer B.S.07 ; comptroller, L'niversity of Cal- ifornia. Residence, 1712 Arch st., Ber- keley, Cal. Miller, Ethel Edna B.S.07; m. H. F. Grebe. Residence, 172 Estudillo av., San Leandro, Cal. Miller, Jennie Ellen B.S.07 : m. Clyde P. Finger '07. Resi- dence, 550 25th St.. Oakland. Cal. Millerick, Helen Elizabeth B.L.07; m. C. H. Jensen ex "08. Resi- dence. 2812 Piedmont av.. Berkeley. Cal. fMilliken. Lcland Eugene B.L.07; stock raiser. Residence. Fort Bragg. Cal. Milne. Frank Lawson B.S.07 ; assistant engineer, with South- ern Pacific Co. Residence. 1630 23d St.. Sacramento. Cal. Montgomery. Samuel Edgar B.S.07 ; surveyor. Residence, Reno, N'cv. Moore. Chester Biven B.S.07; M.D.09; physician, 291 Geary St. Residence, 72 6th av., S. F. 114 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1907 1907 Cotitiuurd Moore, Irene Josephine 15. !,.()"; 111. J. H. Brady. Residence, Hcauvoir. Woodley rd., Washington, D. C. Morse, Doujijiass Howell n.s.o" Naffzifjer, Howard Christian H.S.O" : M.l).09: M.S.09 ; surKeon, 291 Geary st. Residence, 110 Frederick St., S. F. Neely. (icrtrnde Estelle B.S.07 ; ni. George Schweikart Nelson, Nels Christian B.L.07 : M.L.08 ; with, American Mu- seum of Natural History, N. Y. City Newfield, Melville B.S.O" ; with, M. Newfield & Sons. Res- idence, 411 W. Oak St., Lodi, Cal. Newhall, Luther B.L.07 : manufacturers agent. Residence, 2811 Cherry st., Berkeley, Cal. Nidiffer, Myrtle Irene B.L.07 : m. Alexander C. Hutton. Resi- dence, Lemoore, Cal. Nordwell, Alfred Worcester B.S.07 : chief designing engineer. Board of State Harbor Commissioners, Union Ferry bldg.. S. F. Residence, 18 Lake av.. Piedmont, Cal. Nuttinj^. Tanies Alexander B.L.07:" LL.B. (Harvard) 10; lawyer. Residence, Quincy, Cal. fO'Brien, Marie Helen A.B.07 : M.A.08 : m. Henrich von Sa- hern. Residence, Benton Harbor, Mich. O'Connor, James Grover B.L.07 : lawyer, with O'Connor & Schwartz, Kohl bldg. Residence, 19.17 Page St., S. F. Ogilbe. Belle Louise B.L.07 : m. Carl van F. Taylor. Resi- dence, R.F.D. 1, Oswego, Ore. Ogilbe. Katherine Holman B.L.07. Residence. R.F.D. 1, Oswego, Ore. Olsen, John Jacobsen. Jr. B.S.07 ; proprietor. New Orleans Coffee Parlors, 446 Market st. Residence. 379 Capp St., S. F. Owens, Robert Manfred B.S.07 Paden, Agnes May B.S.07: M.S.08; teacher. 801 S. Birch St., Santa Ana, Cal. Residence, 1450 Fernside blvd., Alameda, Cal. fParker, John Allen B.S.O" : mining engineer. Residence, La Babvlonia. Chontales, Nicaragua, C. A. Parker, Kingsbury Eastman B.S.07 : manager and treasurer, Clinton Construction Co., 140 Townsend st. Residence, .3132 Clay st., S. F. fParker, Spencer May B.S.07 : assayer, Zedella Gold Mining Co., Black Bear, Cal. Residence, box 43, Clovis, Cal. Parry, David Henry B.S.07 : agent, with London & Lanca- shire Fire Insurance Co., Ltd., Hoge bldg. Residence, Assembly Hotel, Seat- tle. Wash. Pascoe, Susie B.L.07 ; m. Edwin J. Cornish. Resi- dence, Dunsmuir, Cal. Paterson, Lois Marjorie B.L.07 : m. Ira W. Hoover. Residence, 7510 Greenview av., Chicago, 111. Perry, Warren Charles B.S.07 : instructor (architecture). Uni- versity of California. Residence, 2636^2 Dwight way, Berkeley, Cal. Pierce, Hazel Eliza B.L.07 ; m. Percy T. Hincks. Residence, 1000 Chestnut St., S. F. Pike, Robert Dickson B.S.07 : chemical engineer and inventor, 22 Battery St., S. F. Residence, Hotel Shattuck, Berkeley, Cal. Plummer, George Tennent B.S.07 ; foreman. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Residence, Newman, Cal. Plummer, Harold Pierson B.S.07 ; agent. Union Lumber Co., Mer- chants National Bank bldg. Residence, 2046 W. 28th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Polland, Alice Minnie A.B.07 : teacher. Fremont High School. Residence, 648 E. 17th St., Oakland, Cal. Pu, Teng Ching B.S.07 ; engineer, Shanghai-Hangchow- Ningpo Railway. Residence, Ningpo, China Pullen, John Francis B.L.07 ; J.D.09 ; lawyer, with Downey & Pullen, Farmers & Mechanics Bank bldg. Residence, 2508 2d av.. Sacra- mento, Cal. Queen, Helen Duncan AB.07 : M.A.09 : m. G. R. Stewart '06. Residence, 2247 College av., Berkeley, Cal. Rahlmann, Herman Erdwig B.S.07 : inspector. Board of Public Works. Residence, 1648 Oakdale av.. S. F. Rankin, Robert Ream B.L.07 : assistant \]. S. attorney, district of Oregon, Postoffice bldg. Residence. 735 Talbot rd., Portland, Ore. Reed. Ivan Grover B.S.07 : chief draftsman. Associated Oil Co., 55 New Montgomery st. Resi dence. 573 Hill st.. S. F. Reeve, Eva May B.S.07 : teacher, high school. Residence 2230 Woolsey St.. Berkeley, Cal. 1907] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 115 Reeve, Zelma Cora B.L.07 ; M.L.08 ; teacher, Richmond Union High School. Residence, 2230 Woolsey St., Berkeley, Cal. Reyman, Harold Cleveland B.L.07 : M.L.09 ; lawyer, 460 Montgom- ery St. Residence, 2897 Jackson St., S. F. Ricciardi, Nicholas Amerigo B.L.07 ; M.L.08 ; principal. Piedmont School. Residence, 2054 38th av., Oak- land, Cal. Rickley, Edith May B.L.07 ; m. Herbert L. Breed '00. Resi- dence, 865 Walker St., Oakland, Cal. Rigby, Bertram B.S.07 ; sales engineer, with York Cali- fornia Construction Co., 832 Folsom St., S. F. Residence, 319 Santa Clara av., Alameda, Cal. Riley, Carmel A.B.07. Residence, 2320 Warring St., Berkeley. Cal. Riley, Zoe A.B.07 ; m. Ephraim Dyer ex '07, Resi- dence, Port Seward, Cal, Roberts. Harry B,L.07 ; real estate broker. Residence, 2715 Regent st,, Berkeley, Cal, Robinson, Frank Sidney B.S.07 ; civil engineer, Richvale, Cal. Residence, 842 2d st., Chico, Cal. Rogers, Bessie B.L.O^; m. L. W. Bartlett '10. Resi- dence, 955 N. Palomares st,, Pomona, Cal. Rogers, Gladys B.L.07 ; m. Hugh L, Buruni. Residence, 5615 Kales av., Oakland, Cal. Romaine, Bertha B.L.07 ; teacher, Concord, Cal. Resi- dence, 2919 California St., S. F. Rosenlund, Edward Theodore B.S.07 ; sales engineer, with Westing- house Electric & Manufacturing Co., 165 2d St. Residence, 2113 Geary St., S. F. Rowley, Ridgway Lloyd B.S.07 : engineer, with Board of Fire Underwriters, 465 California st., S. F. Residence, 398 60th st.. Oakland, Cal. Rued, John Conrad B.S.b7 ; assistant auditor. First National Bank, S. F. Residence, 670 Vernon St., Oakland, Cal. Russell, Alexander Allen AlcVicar B.S.07 ; testing engineer, with Board of State Harbor Commissioners, Union F"erry bldg., S, F. Residence, 2712 Stuart St., Berkeley, Cal. Salinger, Ruth Cleve B.L,07 ; m. Charles de Y. Elkus. Resi- dence, 71 6th av., S. F, fSalisbury, .Alfred B.S.07. Residence, 2630 Menlo av,, Los Angeles, Cal, Samuels, Mervvn Joseph B.L.07 ; LL.Bt 07 ; lawyer. 62 W. 45th St. Residence 75 Fort Washington av., N. Y. City. Sanchez, Louis Adolfo B.S.07 ; engineer, with Board of Public Works. Residence, 1028 Cole st,. S. F. Sandholdt, Elsie Marie A.B.07 ; teacher. Residence, Center\ ille. Cal. fScheyer, Emanuel B.S.07. Residence, 1885 Madison av., N. Y. City. Schluckebier, Elsa B.L.07; M.L.08; teacher. Residence. 245 Howard st., Petaluma. Cal. Schultz, Arthur Edward B.L.07: S.T.B. (Boston): pastor, Meth- odist Episcopal Church. Residence, Cal- exico, Cal. Schweitzer. Jeffrey B.S.07 ; mining engineer, 220 Montgom- ery St. Residence, 3600 Clay St., S. F. Searls, Robert McMurray B.S.07 ; lawyer, city attorney's office. Residence, 64 6th av,, S. F, Sherman, Andrew Fairchild B.S.07 : traffic chief. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co., Berkeley, Cal, Resi- dence, 6461 Regent St., Oakland. Cal. Sherman, Henry Edwin, Jr. B.S,07 ; sales engineer, with H, B. Squires Co.. San Fernando bldg. Resi- dence, 608 y. Serrano av,, Los .\ngeles, Cal. Sherry. Ethel Beatrice B.L.07 : m. \ictor G, Lucv. Residence. 3335 Clay st., S. F. Shira, Clara Iva B.S.07 ; teacher. Residence. Sugar Pine, Cal. Shultz, Ethyl Mac A.B.07 : m. William B. Hnr.lon. Resi- dence, Maxwell. Cal. Sievers, Francis Otto B.S.07; salesman, with General I'.Icctric Co., Rialto bldg. Residence. 686 19th av., S. F. Slicer. Sue Stone B.L.07 ; M.L.08 : m. NL W. Wilscy ex '08. Residence. 222S 8th av.. ( )aklanc '05. Res- idence, 916 Mono St., Berkeley, Cal. Hawkes, Marion Sarah B.L.08 : m. Belknap C. Goldsmith '06. Residence, Sisson, Cal. Hawley. Otto Jay B.S.'08 : clerk, with Great Western Power Co., 511 Sutter st., S. F. Resi- dence. 1712 Channing way, Berkeley, Cal. Ilayne, Marsfaret Perkins A.B.08: ^L.•\.09 : lawyer. 916 Kearny St., S. F. Residence, 2421 Piedmont av., Berkeley, Cal. Head. Lilian Mary B.L.08 ; m. -Aylmer W. Keith '08 Heinrich. Edward Oscar B.S.08; chemist. Fidelity bidg. Resi- dence. 3214 X. 30th St.. Tacoma. Wash. fHersam, Norman Paul B.S.08. Residence. 20 Hersam st.. Stoneham, Mass. Hetschel, Mary Amelia B.L.08: teacher, Downey, Cal. Resi- dence. R.F.D. 1. box 154a. Rivera. Cal. Hewes, Charles Edward B.S.08 Hickok. Clifton Ewing B.S.08: civil-hydraulic engineer. Resi- dence. 344 E. 54th st., Portland. Ore. Hillebrand, Roy Gardner B.S.08 : lawyer, with Southern Pacific Co., 870 Market st. Residence, 4046 Cal- ifornia St.. S. F. Hollister, William Mossman B.S.08 : chief deputy assessor. San Luis Obispo county. Residence. San Luis Obispo. Cal. Holter, Milton Ellis B.S.08 : soil examiner. 58 Sutter St., S. F. Residence, 1741 Virginia St., Ber- keley, Cal. Horton. John William B.S.08; assistant city engineer. Resi- dence. 2614 California av.. Sacramento. Cal. Hough, Bernadena Elizabeth B.L.08 ; teacher. Residence. 5008 Web- ster St.. Oakland. Cal. Hughes, Frances Augusta B.L.08: teacher. Residence. 541 32d st., Oakland, Cal. Hughes, Gladys Myfanwy B.L.08 : m. Wirt F. Beem. Rcsidciico. 541 32d St.. Oakland. Cal. *Hunter, Walter Gladden B.S.08; d. June 12. 1915 Ingram. Stuart Hord B.S.08: engineer, 2678 Lacy st. Resi- dence, 451 W. av. 37, Los ,\ngelcs, Cal. Isaacs, Henry Mackic B.L.08 ; lawyer, with Oregon, Washing- ton Railroad & Navigation Co., Wells Fargo bldg., Portland. Ore. Tacnsch. Cora Helen B.L.08 James. Dora Harriet B.S.08. Residence. 120.? Spni.-.- st I!, r keley. Cal. Jenkins. Joel Harry B.L.08 ; salesman, with Republic Rul)- ber Co.. 2^1 ("lolden Gate av., S. F. Res- idence. Elks Clul). Berkeley. Cal. lohnson. Charles Edmund I " B.S.08 122 BACHELORS: Academic CoUcfics [1908 1908 Continued lolinson, ICthc'l Alberta H.L.08 ; m. K. li. Brinckerhoff. Resi- dence, 640 E. 14th St., Oakland, Cal. ♦Johnson, Frank lulward ' H.L.08; B.S.09; M.S. 10; d. January 12, 191 J Johnson, Julian iMnitaine B.S.OB; lawyer, with Johnson & Lem- mon, Capitol National Bank bld^. Resi- dence, 2412 L St., Sacramento, Cal. Johnson, Myrtle Elizabeth ' B.S.08; M.S.09 ; Ph. I). 12; teacher, 201 N. FAiclid av., Pa.sadena, Cal. Residence, National City, Cal. Jones, Barton Mills B.S.08 ; assistant engineer, Miami Con- servancy District, Conservancy bldg., Dayton, Ohio. Residence, 1142 Hum- boldt St., Denver, Colo. Jones, Flora Josephine A.B.08; A.M. (Boston) 13; m. Floyd J. Seaman. Residence, Fillmore, Cal. *Jones, Grace Mildred B.L.OB; M.L.09; d. September 2, 1915 Jones, Hugh Shepard B.S.OB ; salesman, with Robbins & My- ers Co., Rialto bldg., S. F. Residence, 1632 Sonoma av., Berkeley, Cal. Jones, Oliver Worth B.S.08 ; draftsman, Board of Harbor Commissioners, Union Ferry bldg., S. F. Residence, 2115 Rosedale av., Oakland, Cal. Keating, Kathleen Mary A.B.08; librarian. Residence, 1938 Hearst av., Berkeley, Cal. Kcdrolivansky, Elizabeth H.L.08; M.L.IO; teacher, high school. Re-sidence, 130 E. 14th St., Oakland, Cal. *Keeler. Clara Louise B.L.08; d. March 18, 1912 Keith. Aylmer Wylie B.S.08 Kellv, Frank Lewis B'S.08; M.D.12; M.S. 14; Gr.P.H.15; bacteriologist. State Board of Health. Residence, 2241 Parker St., Berkeley, Cal. Kimliall. Mabel Edna B.L.08: teacher. Residence. 96 S. lOth St., San Jose, Cal. King, Sarah Edith B.S.OB ; teacher. Girls High School, S. F. Residence, 1358 E. 25th st., Oak- land, Cal. Kinnear. M. Elizabeth B.S.08; teacher. Residence, 638 18th St., Richmond, Cal. Kirchoff, Frederick George B.S.08 ; engineer, with Honolulu Water & Sewer Works, Kapiolaui bldg. Resi- dence, 2005 Kalia rd., Honolulu, T. H. Klaus, Harry Clyde B.S.08 ; mining engineer. Residence, 2414 Dana St., Berkeley, Cal. KIccberger, J'^rank Louis B.S.08; M.A.15; associate professor (physical education). University of Cal- ifornia. Residence, 1505 Euclid av., Berkeley, Cal. Knight, Emma B.L.08; principal, Mctcalf School. Resi- dence, 1712 Walnut St., San Bernardino, Cal. Knopf, Norman B.S.08. Residence, Mesa and Pala avs.. Piedmont, Cal. Koepke, Alma Helen B.L.OB ; teacher, high school. Residence, 448 B St., Santa Rosa, Cal. *Krenz, Walter Carl B.S.OB; d. February 10, 1910 Lane, Leone Louise B.L.08 ; m. W. H. Kelly '06. Residence, 2632 Hilgard av., Berkeley, Cal. Lasell, Loron Wight B.S.08 ; manager, Alhamhra Water De- pot, 4th and Fallon sts., Oakland, Cal. Residence, 2501 Woolsey St., Berkeley, Cal. Levy, Mervyn Jesse B.S.OB ; chemist. Residence, 721 Ash- bury St., S. F. Lewis, Miles Karl B.S.08 Little, Ernest Hugh B.S.08; manager, E. H. Little Electric Co., 725 Commerce st.. Residence. 4427 N. 7th St., Tacoma, Wash. Long, Seely Frederick, Jr. B.S.08; M.D.IO; physician. Producers Bank bldg. Residence, 2123 C St., Ba- kersfield, Cal. Lucy, Ethel Maude B.L.08 ; m. Milton R. Clark. Residence, 24 6th av., S. F. Macdonald, Laura Alice B.L.08 ; m. E. C. Hemmings. Residence, 821 Helvetia av., Sacramento, Cal. ]\Iacneil, Savre A.B.08; LL.B. (Harvard) 11; lawyer. Title Insurance bldg. Residence. 354 S. Ardmore av.. Los Angeles. Cal. MacNichol. Alexander William B.S.08 ; foreman. Rainbow Mine, with Commercial Mining Co., Rye \'alley. Ore. Residence, 1456 Fulton St., S. F. Macomber, Clara B.S.08; teacher, high school, Santa Monica, Cal. Residence, Tustin. Cal. Macomber, Mrs. Gertrude Louise B.L.08 ; m. W. W. Macomber : teacher. Residence, 2103 Santa Clara av., Ala- meda, Cal. 1908] BACHELORS : Academic Colleges 123 Marshall, Hugh ]\Iartin B.S.08 : irrigation engineer. Residence, 1421 Parker St., Berkeley, Cal. Marshall. Lilla Ames B.L.08: m. William S. Wells, Jr. '10. Residence, 3508 Richmond av.. Oak- land, Cal. Martens. Katherine ^largaretha B.L.08 : m. Milton D. Merwin : teacher. Page Military Academy, Residence, 1030 H S, Flower St., Los Angeles, Cal. Martin, Ann Louise B.S.08 Martinelli, Genevieve Caroline B.L.08 ; lawyer. Residence, 616 Mission av., San Rafael, Cal. Mattoon, ]Mabel Gertrude B.S.08; teacher. Residence, 127 N. Mal- abar St., Huntington Park, Cal. Maxim, Harry Ivan See Finkelstein, Bachelors '08 Mayer, Herbert Hart B.S.08 McArthur, Lewis Ankeny B.S,08 ; assistant general manager. Pa- cific Power & Light Co., Spalding bldg. Residence. 407 Clay St., Portland, Ore. McCall, Inez Sarah B.L.08 ; M.L.09 : m. K. M. Russell '07. Residence, 2712 Stuart st., Berkeley, Cal. McCharles. Carl Howard B.S.08; M.S. 11 ; chemist, with Southern California Supply Co., 814 E. 3d St., Los Angeles, Cal, Residence, 1405 Monterey rd., South Pasadena, Cal. McConnell, .\delaide Cro.shy B.L.08: teacher. Residence,'2719 Wool- sey St., Berkeley, Cal. McCormack, Jessie Sevier B.L.08 ; m. Chester J. Hunn. Residence, 918 N. Aurora st., Ithaca, N. Y. McCoy. Ida May A.B.08 ; m. Walter E. Stern ex '09. Res- idence, 2031 H St., Eureka, Cal. McDowell. William Carson B.S.08; draftsman, with Southern Pa- cific Co., 870 Market st,, S. F. Resi- dence, 2842 Grove St., Oakland, Cal. Mcintosh, Raymond Pierce B.S.08 : hydraulic engineer, city of S. F. Residence, 700 O'Farrell St., S. F. McLoughlin, Rali)h Hilhorn B.S.08 McNeely, John Knox B.S.08 : "teacher, high school. Residence, 7522 Hami)ton av., Hollywood, Cal, McQuiddy, Edna Randol])h B.S.08 : ni. Madison .\nderson. Resi- dence, Golconda, N'ev. Mehlmann, Emma B.L.08 ; medical student. Relief Home, S. F. Residence, 109 Montecito av.. Oakland, Cal. Mel, Washington Bartlett B.S.08 ; engineer, with Pacific Gas & Electric Co., 445 Sutter st. Residence, 1907 Leavenworth St., S. F. Mellersh, Thomas Claude B.S.08 ; civil engineer, with Xorthwest- ern Pacific Railroad Co., 870 Market St.. S. F. Residence, 539 Belle av., San Ra- fael. Cal. Michener, Harold B.S.08 : assistant engineer, with Pacific Light & Power Corp., Pacific Electric bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Residence. 2719 6th St., Ocean Park, Cal. Miller, Albert William B.S.08; M.A.16; principal, high school. Residence, box 444, Benicia, Cal. Miller, Laurence Lee B.S.08 ; mechanical engineer. Residence, 735 N. Baker st., Stockton, Cal. Mitzmain, Maurice Bruin B.S.08; M.S.IO *Montgomerv. John Minges B.S.08; d. December. 1908 Montgomery. Olive Philopene B.L.08. Residence, Lockeford, Cal. fMooney, Maude B.L.08. Residence, Carlton Hotel. Bcr keley, Cal. Moore, Alfred Finley B.S.08 ; director, astrophysical observa- tory, Smithsonian Institution, La Qui- aca, Argentine Republic. Residence. 753 Carondelet St.. Los Angeles, Cal. ♦Morgan, Charles Guv B.L.08; d. May 7, 1910 f Morgan, Sarah de Camp A.B.08; M..\.09; m. H. H. Patterson. Residence, Decoto, Cal. Muratt, Maud Imogen A.B.08; A.B. (Occidental) 07; m. A. O'Dair ; teacher, high school. Residence. 141 N. Stafford av., Huntington Park. Cal. Newbery, Carlos Alfredo B.S.08 ; agricultural specialist. Resi- dence, Granya La California. San Nico- las. F. C. \., .Argentine Republic Newman, lohn George B.S.08 ; "farmer. Residence, Potter \'al ley, Cal. Niedernudlcr, bVida B.L.08 ; m. H. F. Sexauer. Residence, 1120 Milpas St., Santa Barbara, Cal. Nissen, May Gertrude B.L.08 ; teacher. Residence, !-ivermorc. Cal. Norton, Clare .\bbic B.L.08; primary supervisor. .Xnglo-Chi nese School for Boys. Resilience. Old- ham Hall. Singapore, Straits Settle ments. via Hong Kong. China 124 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1908 O'Coniicll. Jolin Jeremiah li.S.OH ; hydr.iulic cntiinecr, with Elec- tric liond & Sli.irc Co., 71 Broadway, N. Y. City. Residence, 142 Columbia HeiKht.s, Brooklyn, N. V. Ohni, Anna B.S.08 ; M.I. .()<); m. < )rta V.. Kiilin. Kes- idi'iur. 22\\ California St., S. P. ( Jroliard, Mary Elizal)cth B.L.08; teacher, high school, 118 Bush St., Hanford, Cal. Residence, Dudley, Cal. Osborn. ICdna Mac A.B.dS: teacher, hi^h school, 646 N. I'.lcanor St., Pomona, Cal. Residence, _H)0 Maple av., Watsonville, Cal. Oser, Harry Jonas B.S.08; engineer, with Oser Bros.. 165 Post St. Residence, 177 11th av., S. F. Ostrandcr, Edith Gertrude B.L.08: m. R. Clyde Cameron ex '08. Residence, Melones, Cal. f O.strander, Jasper Ellery B.S.08. Residence, Merced, Cal. Otis, Stephen Erank B.L.08; J.D.IO; deputy district attor- ney, Sacramento county, Sacramento Bank bldg. Residence, 1917 16th St., Sacramento, Cal. Pack, Rol:)crt Wallace B.S.08 ; geologist, with U. S. Geological Survey. Residence, 1819 M St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Palmer, Mabel Ethleen B.L.08; M.L.12; teacher, high school. Residence, 1024 Mariposa av., Berkeley, Cal.. Parker. Ethel B.L.08: m. Oliver H. Spradling. Resi- dc-nce, 130 W. 9th St., Glendale, Cal. Parker. Virginia B.L.08 : m. George H. Sisson '08. Resi- dence, 2218 9th av., Oakland, Cal. Parma, Rosamond B.L.08 ; librarian and clerk, school of jurisprudence, University of California. Residence, 2812 Piedmont av., Berkeley, Cal. Parsons, Carrie A.B.08; m. William A. Forbes. Resi- dence, 1233 7th av., S. F. Patterson. Aimee Elberta B.L.08 Peake. Albert Samuel B.L.08 : with V. S. Army border ser- vice. Care of Adjutant General, U.S.A., Washington. D. C. Pcixotto, Eustace Aladuro B.L.08 ; supervisor of athletics, S. F. Board of Education. Residence, 1257 Dolores st.. S. F. *Pell. George Erederick B.S.08 ; d. January. 1909 Perry. Georgia Sidney B.S.08; m. David H. McCullogh. Resi- dence, 412 N. B St., Madera, Cal. Phinney, Alexander Van Wjorhies B.S.OH. Residence, 2600 L St., Sacra- mento, Cal. I'inkham, Walter Hampden B.S.08 ; assistant engineer, city engi- neer's office. Residence, 1710 3d av., Los Angeles, Cal. fPirk, Mrs. Adele B.L.08. Residence, W. 15, Uhlan strasse 171, Berlin, Germany Porterfield, Alice Wilda B.L.08. Residence, 2326 NN'arring St., Berkeley, Cal. Pracy, Edna Louise B.S.08 ; m. Vance P. Edwardes '11. Res- idence, 1069 Church St., S. F. Pracy, George Wesley B.S.08 ; assistant superintendent. Spring Valley Water Co., 375 Sutter st. Resi- dence, 2477 21st av., S. F. Prei.sker, Nora B.L.08 ; teacher, high school. Brawley, Cal. Residence, Santa Maria, Cal. Randall, Mrs. Lottie Aurelia B.L.08 ; teacher of art. Residence, 740 Pacific St., San Luis Obispo, Cal. fReeves, Thomas Villiers B.S.08. Residence, 2618 Haste St., Ber- keley, Cal. Reynolds. Lena Emoline B.S.OS : principal, Randsburg School, Randsburg, Cal. Residence, R.F.D. 1, box 40, Huntington Beach, Cal. Rice, John Roscoe B.S.OS Robertson, Ralph Denny B.S.OS ; irrigation engineer, with U. S. Department of Agriculture, Federal bldg., Berkeley, Cal. Robertson, Thomas Edgar B.S.OS ; manager, Robertson Estate Co., Inc. Residence. R.F.D. , Fillmore, Cal. Robinson. Helen Erances A.B.08: m. H. Beckwith '08. Residence, Grinnell, Iowa Robinson, Jesse B.L.08: LL.B. (Harvard) 11: lawyer, First National Bank bldg. Residence, 1526 Oak St.. Oakland, Cal. Rogers. James Edward B.L.08": M.L.09: field secretary. Play- ground and Recreation Association of America. 1 Madison av., X. Y. City. Residence. 327 Cornwall St., S. F. Sale, Wilhelmina Truman B.L.OS ; m. Louis J. Gilbert. Residence. San Rafael. Cal. Salver. Eileen A.B.08; m. E. E. Hitchcock. Resi- dence, 1900 W. 23d St., Los Angeles Cal. 1908] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 125 Sanchez-Elia, Horacio B.S.08 ; rancher. Residence, av. Alocar 1345, Buenos Aires, Argentine Republic Schafer, Kathryn Bernardine B.L.08 ; m. Carl H. Fry '07. Residence, Randsburg, Cal. Schcel, Harry Aaron B.S.08 ; statistician, with Bureau of Labor Statistics, 948 Market st. Resi- dence, 657 Ashbury St., S. F. Schmidt, Carl Louis August B.S.08; M.S.IO; Ph.D.16; research as- sistant (pathology). University of Cali- fornia. Residence, 2338 Roosevelt av., Berkeley, Cal. Schreiber, Harry William B.S.08; with, San Francisco-Oakland Terminal Railways. Residence, 611 61st St., Oakland, Cal. Scott, James Robert A.B.08; M.D. (Cooper) 12; microscop- ist, U. S. Army Medical Museum. Resi- dence, 1223 L St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Scott, Lewis Ensign B.L.08 ; minister. Christian Church. Residence, 634 Monterey St., Hollister, Cal. *Scott, Perry Madison B.S.08 ; deceased Shearer, Elsie B.L.08 ; m. Earl W. Miller. Residence, Riverbank, Cal. Sheppard, Carrie B.L.08 : teacher, high school, Coachella, Cal. Residence, ii7 E. Chapman av., Fullerton, Cal. Shults, Mabelle Harriet A.B.08; m. C. L. Hill. Residence, 4416 Pleasant Valley court, Oakland, Cal. Shuman, Nena Belle B.L.08 ; m. D. Hadsell '06. Residence, 3130 Lewiston av., Berkeley, Cal. Simpson, Vera Nanette A.B.08 Sisson, George Henry B.S.08 ; draftsman, harbor department, city of Oakland. Residence, 2218 9th av., Oakland, Cal. Small, George Leland B.S.08 ; assistant treasurer, Idora Park Co. Residence, 2808 Grove St., Berkeley, Cal. Smith, Carrie Forrest B.L.08; m. E. L. Adams '08. Residence. 3712 Santa Fe av., Los Angeles, Cal. Smith, Donald Joseph B.S.08; druggist, Daly and X. Main sts. Residence. 1538 Glenandale place, Los Angeles, Cal. Smith, Felix Teisseire A.B.08; LL.B. (Harvard") 11; lawyer. 200 Bush St. Residence, 2027 California St., S. F. Smith, Irving Howard B.S.08 ; engineer, with Haviland & Tib- betts, 310 Sansome St., S. F. Residence, 2410 Edwards St., Berkeley, Cal. fSnell. Richard Atherton B.S.08 ; suiierintendent, cyanide plant, with Butters Divisadero Mines. Resi- dence, Jocoro, Salvador, C. A. Spaulding, Ralph Aloysius B.L.08 ; dealer in automobile supplies, 2215 Telegraph av. Residence, 924 Tu- lare St., Berkeley, Cal. fSpcncer, Otto B.S.08. Residence, 627 55th St.. Oak- land, Cal. Stephens, Russell Day, Jr. B.S.08 ; assistant manager, R. D. Steph- ens Co. Residence, 1210 N st., Sacra- mento, Cal. Stipp. Ethel B.L.08 ; m. H. C. MacDougall. Resi- dence, 2325 Hilgard av., Berkeley, Cal. Strout, Archibald Lindsay B.S.08; engineer, with Central Califor- nia Traction Co. Residence, ZM E. Oak St., Stockton, Cal. Stuart, Helen Marie A.B.08 ; M.A.09 ; teacher, high school. 501 E. Penn St., Whittier, Cal. Resi- dence, La Jolla, Cal. .Stuart. Laura Belle A.B.08 ; M.A.09 Sudden, Robert Eilert B.S.08 ; vice-president. Bank of Lonipoc. Residence, Lompoc, Cal. Sultan, Walter David B.S.08 ; valuation engineer, with Pacific Gas & Electric Co., 445 Sutter st. Resi- dence, 3471 Jackson st.. S. F. Sunderland, Laura Grace B.L.08; m. Howard H. Bliss '09. Resi- dence, 3010 Colby St., Berkeley, Cal. Swass, Mary B.S.08 ; teacher, liigh school, Santa .Xna, Cal. Residence, Watsonville. Cal. *Sweesy, Thomas King B.S.08; d. September 2. 1911 Swerdfeger, Sarah Lsabel B.S.08; teacher, high school. 3200 S. Hoover St.. Los Angeles, Cal. Resi- dence. Glendora, Cal. Tcichert, Adol|)h. Jr. B.S.08 : manager, A. Tcichert & Son. contractors, Oschner bidg. Residence. 2014 25th St., Sacramento. Cal. Thacher, Philip Storcr A.B.08 : lawyer and rancher. Residence. EI Cajon. Cal. Thcllcr, Tosci)h Hutton B.S.OS": chemist, with Pinal Dome Oil Co.. Betteravia. Cal. Residence. 2595 L'nion St.. S. F. 126 H.IC/f/iLORS: Academic Colleges [1908 Thomas, I'Vcdcrick I'ols^cr. Jr. A.l{.()8: J.D.I 1; lawyer, 465 California .St., .S. F. Residence, Si)ruce st. and Ke- ^;.il r; w"ith, A. I. Root Co., 245 Mis- sion St., S. F. l'>skinc, Herbert Wilson B.L.09 ; lawyer, 785 Market St., S. F. Residence, 3201 Telegraph av., Oakland, Cal. Everett, Elizabeth Abbey B.L.09 : author. Residence, 2632 Regent St., Berkeley, Cal. l-'armer, Milton Thomas B.L.09: J.l). 11 ; judge, superior court, Kern county. Residence, 1028 Q St., Bakersfield, Cal. I'clt, Katherine Glenn B.L.09 ; m. Clarence H. Newman '09. Residence, Dyerville, Cal. fFies, Clifford Diebold B.S.09. Residence, 175 E. 31st St., Portland, Ore. Fischer, Harmon Francis B.S.09 ; electrical engineer, with Re- search Corporation. 63 Wall st. Resi- dence, 608 W. 139th St., N. Y. City Fischer, Hermann B.S.09 ; cyanide operator, Plymouth Con- solidated Gold Mines, Ltd. Residence, Plymouth, Cal. Fisher, Laura Marilou B.L.09: M.L.IO: teacher, Colusa, Cal. Residence, 2214 Carlton st., Berkeley, Cal. Fitzell, Bertha M. B.L.09; teacher. Residence, 1331 M st.. Eureka, Cal. Flannerv, Robert Lerov A.B.09; J.D.ll; clerk,' recorder's office. University of California. Residence, 1622 Grove St., Berkeley. Cal. Forsyth, Ruth Agnes B.S.09; M.A.16; teacher. Residence, Gilroy, Cal. Eraser, Chryssa Hemsworth B.L.09 ; m. Arthur F. Moulton '09. Resi- dence. Navarro, Cal. Gaines, Howard Rixon B.S.09 ; principal, Anderson Union High School. Residence. Anderson, Cal. Gester. George Clark B.S.09; geological and mining engineer, 1 Montgomery st.. S. F. Residence. 118 The Uplands. Berkeley, Cal. +Gill. Laura Frances B.L.09. Residence. 64 N. 20th st., Port- land. Ore. Glackin, Henry Stephen B.S.09; civil engineer. Residence, 1501 20th St., S. F. Glazier, 'i'hcodorc Edward B. 1^.09 ; musician, Franklin Theater. Residence, 1526 5th av., Oakland, Cal. Goldman, Richard S. B.L.09; lawyer, 85 2d st. Residence, 798 Post St., S. F. Gordon, Hazel Florence B.L.09; teacher. Residence, 1726 Bu- chanan St., S. F. fGorowala, Sant Lai B.S.09 ; farmer. Residence, Pachhar (Tumaine), via Bina-Goona-Baron Ry., Gwalior station, India Gould, Carrie May B-L.09 ; teacher, Watsonville, Cal. Resi- dence, 306 California av., Santa Cruz, Cal. Gould, Marietta S. A.B.09 ; m. Floyd D. Rittenour. Resi- dence, 201 7th St., Calexico, Cal. Graff, Ida B.L.09; M.L.IO: m. D. C. Smith. Resi- dence, 5858 Birch court, Oakland, Cal. Griffith, Margaret B.L.09: M.L.IO; teacher. Residence, 713 9th St., Sacramento, Cal. Griffith, Mary Justine A.B.09: M.A.IO; teacher, Sanger, Cal. Residence, 713 9th st., Sacramento. Cal. Grubb, Olive Muriel B.L.09 ; teacher, Healdsburg, Cal. Resi- dence, 2214 Ashby av., Berkeley, Cal. Gundelfinger, Herbert B.S.09 ; advertising manager. W'ormser Furniture Co., 1022 J st. Residence, 2201 Calaveras St., Fresno, Cal. Guyles, George B. B.L.09 ; insurance broker, with J. C. Guyles Co.. Tacoma bldg. Residence, 1110 N. 8th St., Tacoma, Wash. Harmon, Myrtle Irene B.L.09 ; teacher. Residence, Lakeport, Cal. Hartung, Tillie Walter A.B.09 ; m. E. F. Glassbrook. Residence, 647 Fairview St., Oakland, Cal. Haves, William Joseph B.L.09; J.D.lT; lawyer, 428 13th st. Residence, 1066 Glendora av., Oakland, Cal. fHeadman, Sasha B.S.09 : with Power Equipment Co. Residence. 1336 \"allejo St., S. F. Healy, Claire Adelaide B.S.09 ; m. C. C. Hartley : teacher. Resi- dence. 370 S. Cottage st.. Huntington Park. Cal. Heinz. Kathrvn B.L.09; M.L.IO; teacher, high school. 1909] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 131 Residence. 2724 Alcatraz av., Berkeley, Cal. Hibbard, Lester Hudson B.S.09; M.S.IO; Gr.Arch.l5 ; architect, with Hibbard & Cody, Marsh Strong bldg. Residence, 217 S. Vendome St., Los Angeles. Cal. Hillyard. Warren Kenyon B.S.09 ; mining engineer. Residence, 315 E. Washington av., Santa Ana, Cal. fHing, Thomas Guy B.S.09. Residence, 818 Washington St., S. F. fHirsch. George Herman B.S.09 ; chemist, with Milago Copper Co. Residence, Concepcion del Oro, Mex. Hoag, Carl Leslie B.S.09; M.S.IO: M.D.12; physician, 126 Stockton St. Residence, 1420 5th av., S. F. Hodes. Samuel B.S.09 ; engineer. Board of Public W'orks. Residence, 536 Shrader st., S.F. Hofers. Flora Mary B.L.09 : teacher. Residence, 2509 Post St.. S. F. Hoffman, Edna Juanita B.L.09. Residence, Sheridan, Cal. Hoover. Hubert Don B.L.09; J.D.ll ; lawyer, with Manning, Thompson & Hoover. Merchants Trust bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Residence, 852 Campbell St., Glendale, Cal. Hough. Almeda May B.L.09 ; teacher. Residence. 2237 Derby St., Berkeley, Cal. Howell, Catherine Byrd B.L.09 : m. Solomon J. Vogel. Residence, 1245 Washington st., S. F. Howson. George William B.S.09 : civil and hydraulic engineer, with Sierra & San Francisco Power Co., 58 Sutter st., S. F. Residence, 1801 Fairview St., Berkeley, Cal. Hu, Chwang Yu B.S.09 ; chemist, Hupeh Mint. Wuchang, China. Residence, Wusih, China Hudson, Clare Mitchell B.L. 09 : m. John W. Barnicott. Resi- dence, Newcastle, Cal. Huebner, I,ouise Lydia A.B.09; m. W. J.'O'Leary. Residence, 1506 Marin av., Berkeley. Cal. Huguenin, Emile B.S.09 ; mining engineer, with State Mining Bureau, Union Ferry bldg.. S.F. Residence, 444 62d st., Oakl.-ind. Cal. Hull, Mabel Xorris B.L.09 Hund. Walter Jacob B.S.09: chemical engineer, with Hund Bros. Residence. Ross, Cal. Hunt, Alice Lorena A.B.09; ^L.\.10; m. William H. Young- man '14. Residence, 2539 California St., Berkeley, Cal. Hussey, Henry Albert B.S'09 ; salesman, with Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., 165 2d st.. S. F. Residence. 1733 Milvia St., Berkeley. Cal. Ickes, Eugene Law B.S.09 Jacobs, Gaskell Samuel B.S.09 ; mechanical engineer. Residence, 2203 Cedar st., Berkeley, Cal. Jahn. John Royal B.S.09: M.S.IO; accountant, with Cal. Fruit Growers Exchange. Residence, Riverside, Cal. Jensen, Jane Catherine B.L.09 ; m. Carlos L. de Clairmont. Residence, 487 7th av., S. F. f Johns. Walter Roy B.S.09 : civil engineer. Residence, 2423 Dana st.. Berkeley, Cal. Johnson, Almira Catherine B.L.09 ; graduate student, Columbia University, 537 W. 121st st.. N. Y. City. Residence, 414 Belleview place. Milwau- kee, Wis. Johnson, Bertha Irene B.L.09; m. F. L Doane '11. Residence, 460 Forest St., Oakland, Cal. *Johnson. Frank Edward B.S.09; B.L.08; M.S.IO; d. January 12. 1912 Johnson, Xellie Bishop B.L.09 ; m. C. P. Morgan. Residence, 1662 Echo Park av., Los Angeles, Cal. lohnson, Otis Russell B.S.09 ; office. 612 Market st. Residence, 3563 Jackson St., S. F. Johnson, Willard Callen B.S.09: engineer, with Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., 165 2d st. Resi- dence, 242 Rivoli St., S. F. Jones. Alice Edna A.B.09 : teacher, Santa Residence, 2816 Fulton Cal. Jones, Annie Sclina A.B.09; teacher. Cedarvillc, Cal. Resi- dence, 2816 Fulton St., Berkeley. Cal. Jordan, Harold Scott B.S.09; mining engineer, with Penn Mining Co. Residence, Campo Scco, Cal. Tov. Edith Williams 'B.L.09; m. Alfred R. Morgan '09; teacher. Custer High School. Residence. 3456 \'enice av.. I.os .Vngcles. Cal. Kahl, George Garry B.L.09; graduate student. Residence. 2239 Parker St., Berkeley. Cal. Kanzaki. Kiichi B.L.09 ; secretary. Japanese Association Monica. Cal. St., Berkeley. 132 BACHELORS : Academic Colleges [1909 1909 Continued of America, 444 Bush st., S. F. Resi- dence, 1404 Spruce St., Berkeley, Cal. Kecler, Marguerite Nixon A.B.()9; teacher. Residence, 3131 Grove St., Oakland, Cal. Kelly, Theodore Bannvel! B.S.09; M.S. 10; teacher. Residence, 1102 N. French st., Santa Ana, Cal. Kcrsell, Isabel Murray B.L.09 ; m. Charles H. Cooper. Resi- dence, Elk Grove, Cal. Kessing. Albert Ferdinand B.S.09: compiler of records, Holt Manu- facturing Co. Residence, 1007 W. Rose St., Stockton, Cal. Kilgore. Alson Raphael B.S.09; M.D. (Harvard) 14; physician. Harvard Medical School. Residence, Shanghai, China Killian, Ernest VV^aldo A.B.09 ; orange grower. Residence, Exeter, Cal. Knupp, Reginald B.S.09 ; engineer, with Bell Telephone & Telegraph Co., 78 S. Pryor st. Resi- dence, 35 (jarfield place, Atlanta, Ga. Krysto, Christina B.L.09. Residence, box 1, Alta Loma, Cal. fKumagai, Tomoichi B.L.09. Residence, Osaka, Japan fLambrow, Isaac John B.S.09. Residence, Gorod, Genischesk, Russia Lamont. Donald Yount B.L.09 ; lawyer, with Chickering & Gregory, 465 California St., S. F. Resi- dence, 474 Lake park, Oakland, Cal. Landis. Mila Leonard B.L.09 : teacher, Big Pine, Cal. Resi- dence, 622 4th St., Petaluma. Cal. Lane, Howard Sumner B.S.09 ; assistant superintendent, with Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Residence, 1833 Bancroft way, Berkeley, Cal. Laney, Lynn Meade B.L.09; J.D. (Stanford) 11; lawyer, with Hayes & Laney, National Bank of Arizona bldg. Residence, 911 Central av.. Phoenix, Ariz. Lang, Roscoe Konklin B.S.09 ; draftsman. American Bridge Co. Residence, Ambridge, Pa. Lawrence, Lelia M. B.S.09 ; m. Forsythe Bradley. Residence. 403 N. Locust St., Visalia, Cal. Lee. Esther Sophia B.L.09 ; teacher. Residence. Alamo, Cal. Lew, Mrs. Sadie Ethel B'.L.09; M.L.IO; m. M. Levy: teacher, Fremont High School, Oakland, Cal. Residence, 2329 Channing way, Berke- ley, Cal. Lewis. Elizabeth Grace B.S.09; M.D.14; medical missionary, Ludhiana, Punjab, India. American ad- dress, box 276, Los Gatos, Cal. Littlefield, Anna B.S.09 ; m. J. S. Randall. Residence, Chrisman, 111. Locke, Pearl B.L.09 ; teacher, Middletown, Cal. Resi- dence, 2116 Buena Vista av., Alameda, Cal. Lucas, Ethel Eudora A.B.09; M.A.IO; piano teacher. Resi- dence, 1032 Spruce st., Berkeley, Cal. *Macfarlane, Arthur Keddie B.S.09; d. November 1, 1910 Macfarlane, Donald Burt B.S.09 ; teacher, high school. Residence, 2436 Harvey av., Fresno, Cal. Maddocks, Frederick Thornton B.S.09 ; testing engineer, with California Highway Commission, Forum bldg. Res- idence, 2110 11th St., Sacramento, Cal. Magerstadt, Paul Erwin B.S.09 ; engineer, with Modesto Irriga- tion District, Modesto, Cal. Residence, 1355 10th St., Oakland, Cal. Markley, Lulu B.L.09 ; m. Lee O. Murphy '09. Resi- dence, 473 E. 6th St., Reno, Nev. Martin, Melrowe Merrimus B.L.09 ; with, city water department. Residence, 929 W. 1st st., Los Angeles, Cal. McCall, Emma Jane B.L.09 ; teacher. University High School, Oakland, Cal. Residence, 2419 Parker St., Berkeley, Cal. McCandlish, Anna Elizabeth B.L.09 ; teacher. Residence, 543 28th St., Oakland, Cal. McClure, Mary Elizabeth B.L.09 ; m. George A. Robinson '09. Residence, Merced. Cal. McDonald, George Roy B.S.09 ; mechanical engineer. Residence, 2443 Oregon st., Berkeley, Cal. McDonald. William Clyde B.S.09 ; field expert, with Warren Bros. Co., paving contractors. 142 Berkeley St., Boston, Mass. Residence, 40 E. 40th St., N. Y. City McFeelv, Hazel Aden B.L.09: m. P. R. Bullock 'OP. Resi- dence. 942 Bay View av., Oakland. Cal. McGraw, Edith Anna B.L.09 ; m. G. E. Bigelow. Residence, 920 Chestnut St., Oakland. Cal. McKibben, J. Warren B.L.09 ; salesman, with Cal. Fruit Can- ners Assn.. 120 Market St.. S. F. Resi- dence, 2522 Piedmont av.. Berkelev, Cal. 1909] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 133 McLenegan, Cutler Sturgis B.L.09 ; contractor, with S. B. McLene- gan & Son, 219 10th St., S. F. Resi- dence, 2813 Parker St., Berkeley, Cal. Menihan, Margaret Cecelia B.L.09; m. E. D. Woodward ex '12. Residence, 5597 Taft av., Oakland, Cal. Merrill. Harriet May A.B.09; m. \V. H. Pillsbury '09. Resi- dence, 222 Pala av., Piedmont, Cal. Metz. Minnie Elizabeth A.B.09 ; teacher, Berkeley High School. Residence, 732 E. 20th St., Oakland, Cal. Miller, Rudolph, Jr. B.S.09 ; accountant, with Standard Oil Co., 200 Bush St., S. F. Residence, 4256 Gilbert st., Oakland, Cal. Mitchell, Lucius Sherman B.S.09. Residence, 2725 Hillegass av., Berkeley, Cal. Mixer, Florence Sargeant B.L.09 ; m. M. F. Garrigue : with, Daniel Low & Co. Residence, Salem, Mass. Moller, Ernestine Emily B.L.09. Residence, 426 29th St., Oak- land, Cal. Monges, Henry Babad. ]r. B.S.09; M.S.'lO; architect, 582 Market St., S. F. Moodey, Joe Galgier B.S.09 ; farmer. Residence, Sanger, Cal. Moore, Ella Elizabeth B.L.09 ; m. V. A. Stout '09. Residence, 915 Tulare St., Berkeley, Cal. Moore, Eulalie Ashby B.L.09; M.L.14: teacher, high school. Residence, 620 N. Hunter St., Stockton, Cal. *Morgan, Alfred Raymond A.B.09; d. August, 1914 Morgan, David Naffziger B.S.09 ; assistant professor (agriculture), University of California. Residence, 1016 Spruce St., Berkeley, Cal. Morrill, Evelyn Margaret B.L.09; M.L.ll; teacher. Residence, College City, Cal. Moses. Ben Dunkin B.S.09 ; superintendent, service depart- ment. Yuba Construction Co. Residence, 608 D St., Marysville, Cal. Moulton, Arthur Ferris B.S.09 ; vice-president and manager, Stearns Lumber Co. Residence, Navarro, Cal. Murphy, Harriet B.L.09; teacher. Residence, 119 Central av., Sausalito, Cal. Murphy. Eec Orlo R.S.09 ; hydraulic engineer, with .Reno Power, Light & Water Co. Residence. 473 E. 6th St., Reno, Nev. Myers, Paul Adrian B.S.09; lawyer, 681 Market st. Resi- dence, 2460 Washington St., S. F. fXag, Jogendra Chandra B.S.09; farmer. Residence, 18 Beadon St., Calcutta, India Neill. Millie Ida B.S.09 ; m. Harold S. Fisher ex '02. Residence, Kernville, Cal. Nelson, Edna Bell B.L.09 ; m. Benjamin R. Burroughs. Residence, Knightsen, Cal. Xelson. Oscar B.S.09 Newman, Clarence Humboldt B.S.09 ; farmer. Residence. Dyerville, Cal. Newman, Oliver Simon B.S.09 ; superintendent, Woodbridge Vineyard Assn., Inc. Residence, Wood- bridge, Cal. Newton. Fred B.S.09 ; farmer. Residence, Stratford, Cal. Nicholls. Jean Estrella B.L.09. " Residence, 2720 Elmwood av.. Berkeley, Cal. Okitsu, Takeshi B.L.09: M.L.IO Orr. Harold Francis B.L.09 ; lawyer. Residence, X'entura, Cal. Oser, William Lincoln B.S.09 ; with. Oser Bros., architects and engineers. 165 Post St. Residence, 1717 Bush St., S. F. Ostrom. Carmel Mercedes B.S.09 ; m. AL .'\nderson Thomas. Resi- dence, 43 Parker av., S. F. Otero. Anita A.B.09; teacher. Residence. 2661 Valdez St., Oakland, Cal. O'Toole, IMichael Charles A.B.09; architect. Residence. 25 50 Buena Vista way, Berkeley. Cal. O'Toole, Rose M. B.L.09 ; librarian, Berkeley Pui)lic Li- brary. Residence. 2550 Buena Vista way, Berkeley, Cal. Ottoman, Violet Frances A.B.09; M..A.10. Residence. 2691 Cedar St., Berkeley, Cal. Outcalt. John Maurice B.L.09 : lawyer. Shaffer hldg. Residence, 519 18th St.. Merced. Cal. Parker. Robert Allcrton B.L.09 ; associate editor. Current Opin- ion. Residence. 134 W. 28th St.. \. V. City Pcekema. George Thomas B.S.O" : engineer, with Sutter Butte Canal Co.. Gridley. Cal. Residence, 414 16»h St.. Sacramento, Cal. 134 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1909 1 <)()() CoutiuHcd I'tMidlctoii. Anna B.I..09; 111. Walter Clayton. Residence, 21.19 Stuart St., Herkeley, Cal. Penniiuan, Russell Sylvanus, Jr. B.S.09 : vice-president. West Coast Kal- saniine Co. Residence, 826 Oxford St., Berkeley, Cal. Petrovsky, Vyacheslav B.S.09; M.S.I 1; Grad. (St. Petersburg Mil. Enfj. Acad.) ; turbine engineer, with General lilectric Co. Residence, 40 Park St., West Lynn, Mass. Phillips. Esther Bernardine A.B.09. Residence, 6459 Benvenue av., Oakland, Cal. Phillips. Mary Louise A.B.09; M.A.IO; m. C. C. Conrad '10. Residence, 1640 Oxford St., Berkeley, Cal. Phleger. Irma Emma B.L.09 ; m. G. G. Pollock. Residence, 2826 W St., Sacramento, Cal. Piatt. Frederick Charles B.S.09 ; engineer, with Pacific Gas & Electric Co., 445 Sutter St., S. F. Resi- dence, 1132 Amador av., Berkeley, Cal. Pilkington. Gladys B.L.09: teacher. Residence, 106 7th St., Petaluma, Cal. Pillsburv, Warren Hobart B.L.09: J.D.12; referee. Industrial Ac- cident Commission, 525 Market St., S. F. Residence, 222 Pala av., Piedmont, Cal. Pinger, Roland Wilbur B.S.09; 1st lieutenant. Ordnance De- partment, U. S. A. Residence, Sandy Hook Proving Ground, N. J. Pinkham, Helen Gertrude A.B.09 ; teacher. Polytechnic High School. Residence, 326 W. 30th St.. Los Angeles, Cal. Powell. Dewey Robert B.S.09: M.D.12; physician. Residence, 1617 N. Hunter st., Stockton, Cal. f Prost. Edward B.S.09. Residence, 350 3d St., S. F. fRamasastrulu, Kunapureddy B.S.09. Residence, Nadiguden, Xristma St., Nudras, India Ramsden, Charles Harold R.S.09 ; engineer, with W^estern Pipe & Steel Co.. 444 Market st., S. F. Resi- dence. 6409 Hillegass av.. Oakland, Cal. Reillv. Lesley B.L.09. Re'sidence, 3016 Clay st., S. F. Reimers. Alida Katharine B.L.09 ; m. Bowyer B. Browne. Resi- dence. 1720 Pacific av.. S. F. Rhodes. Glenn \''ernon B.S.09 : assistant engineer, with Board of Pulilic S. F. Works. Residence, 502 8th Richardson, Milton Russell H.S.09 ; manager of properties for J. M. Henflerson, Jr.. Sacramento Bank. Resi- dence, Y. M. C. A., Sacramento, Cal. fRippc, Minnie Marie B.L.09. Residence, 2829 24th St., S. F. Robinson, Florence Ilorton A.B.09; M.A.14; teacher, 175 Clark St., Fresno, Cal. Residence, 2809 Russell St., Berkeley, Cal. Robinson, George Albert B.L.09 ; stock raiser. Residence, Merced, Cal. Robson. Frederick Thurston B.S.09 ; manager, Hotel Shattuck ; Com- missioner of Public Works, city of Berkeley. Residence, Hotel Shattuck, Berkeley, Cal. Robson, Robert Gordon B.L.09 fRodgers, Vivian Logan B.L.09. Residence, 921 S. San Joaquin St., Stockton, Cal. Rosenthal, Hyman B.S.09 ; assistant engineer. Bureau of Engineering, City Hall. Residence, 1823 Hayes st., S. F. Rossi, Edmund Arthur B.S.09; A.B. (St. Ignatius) 08; district manager, Cal. Wine Assn., 216 Pine st. Residence, 2775 Fillmore st., S. F. Rossi. Robert Domenic B.S.09; A.B. (St. Ignatius) 08; district manager, Cal. Wine Assn., 216 Pine st. Residence, 2775 Fillmore st., S. F. Roth, Frederique B.L.09 ; m. K. A. Vogeler. Residence, Grovedale pi., Hyde Park, Cincinnati, Ohio Russell. Merrill Leo B.S.09 : rancher. Residence. Seal Beach, Cal. Sandy. Isabel Marguerite B.L.09. Residence, 360 Coleridge St., S.F. Schaerer, Louise B.L.09; B.L. (Mills Coll.) 08: teacher. Residence, Golden City, Mo. Schaufele, Herbert James B.S.09; civil engineer, with Board of Public Works, City Hall. Residence. 27 Alma st., S. F. Schmidt. Rose Ev^erallvn B.L.09: M.L.IO: m. G.L. Bell '09. Resi- dence, 2118 Marin av.. Berkeley. Cal. Schoenitzer, Mildred Edna B.L.09; m. Frederick W. Bickel. Resi- dence, 1144 55th St., Oakland, Cal. Schraidt. Ferdinand A.B.09; M.A.IO; teacher. Residence. 2820 Summit st.. Oakland. Cal. *Schultz. Florence Elizabeth B.L.09 ; m. Melrowe M. Martin '09 ; d. November. 1910 1909] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 135 Searls, Fred, Jr. B.S.09 ; mining geologist, 220 Montgom- ery St., S. F. Seelig, Milton Harold B.L.09 ; with, Union Trust Co., Los An- geles, Cal. fSeidler, Ida Mary B.L.09 ; teacher. Residence. Rockwell City, Iowa Shannon, Emma Catherine B.L.09 ; m. W. L. Ballenger. Residence, 434 9th St., Richmond, Cal. Shartle, Velma Augusta B.L.09 ; m. H. L. Powell, Jr. ex '08. Residence, 2618 W. av. .30, Los Angeles, Cal. Sheridan, Robert Montgomery B.L.09 ; lawyer and assistant district attorney, Ventura county. Residence, Ventura, Cal. Sherman, Lillie Margaret B.L.09; secretary, Y. W. C. A. Resi- dence, 2328 Warring St., Berkeley, Cal. Shoda, Isaburo B.L.09 ; assistant treasurer, Osaka Sho- shen Kaisha. Residence, Tomijima, Osaka, Japan Shuey, Herbert Stanley B.S.09 ; secretary, Merrill Metallurgical Co., 121 2d St., S. F. Residence, 221 Carmel av.. Piedmont, Cal. Sluiey. Robert Alton B.S.09 ; president, Shuey Creamery Co., 2410 Stuart st. Residence, 2451 Ashby av., Berkeley, Cal. Shuman, Lena Dell B.L.09. Residence, 2801 Benvenue av., Berkeley, Cal. Silberstein, Edith B.S.09 ; chemist, with Barbour Chemical Works, 766 50th av., Oakland, Cal. Residence, 2108 Grant St., Berkeley, Cal. Simp.son, Alice Elizabeth B.L.09 : m. J. R. Scott '08. Residence, 721 13th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Sinsheimer, Edgar B.L.09 : lawyer, 870 Market St., S. F. Residence, 15 Poplar av., San Mateo, Cal. Smith, Eugene Ferrv B.S.09; 'lawyer, Southern Title hldg. Residence, 2222 4th st., San Diego, Cal. Smith, Eva Audrey B.L.09 : m. K. S. Larsen '06. Residence. 1836 Ontario place, Washington, D. C. Somers. Howard B.S.09; M.D. (Cooper) 04; physician. 135 Stockton st. Residence, 615 Post St., S. F. Sooy. Francis .Adrian B.S.09 : department superintendent. Standard Oil Co. Residence, liox 99, Guadalupe, Cal. Sorensen, Robert Severin B.S.09 ; insurance broker, with Soren- sen & Conklin, 1247 I st. Residence, 303 Abby st., Fresno, Cal. Southworth, Alice A.B.09 : m. Joe G. Moodey '09. Resi- dence, Sanger, Cal. Stafford. Adelaide Ely B.L.09 ; m. Charles F. Fisk ex '09. Residence, Corcoran, Cal. Stanley, Frederick William B.S.09 ; irrigation engineer, with U. S. Department of Agriculture. Residence, 602 Magnolia St., Orlando, Fla. Steele. Isaac Cleveland B.S.09 ; assistant civil engineer, with Pacific Gas & Electric Co., 445 Sutter St., S. F. Residence, 3012 Santa Clara av., Alameda, Cal. Stephens, Franklin Monroe B.S.09 ; plant engineer, with Southwest- ern Telephone & Telegraph Co., 300 Broadway. Residence, 5911 Kingsbury blk.. St. Louis. Mo. Stephenson, Homer Bruce B.L.09 ; 1st lieutenant, Philippine Con- stabulary, Manila, P. I. Residence, Bongao, Sulu, P. 1. Stern, Max William B.L.09; newspaperman, with The Bulle- tin, 1150 Broadway, Oakland. Cal. Resi- dence. 22>22 Cedar St., Berkeley, Cal. Stewart. Kathryn Ferguson B.L.09 ; teacher. Residence, Kolhapur, India Stout. Verne Ancil B.S.09 ; western agent, Hardinge Conical Mill Co., 593 Market st., S. F. Resi- dence, 915 Tulare st., Berkeley, Cal. Strachan, Emma Louise B.L.09: teacher. Residence, 2711 Santa Clara av., Alameda, Cal. Swift, Godwin Bourne B.L.09; J.D.ll: lawyer, 58 Sutter st., S. F. Residence. 2425 Ellsworth St.. Berkeley, Cal. Svnnnes, Edwin Iosei)h B.S.09; architect. 821 Market st.. S. F. Residence, 914 Taylor av., Alameda, Cal. Svmmonds. Rowcna Evclvn R.S.09; m. W. T. Steill)erg '10. Resi- dence. 2819 Garber st., Berkeley. Cal. Tadlock, Orval Chirk B.L.09 Talbot, Parker B.S.09; with, Shuey Crcnmery (".. 'HO Stuart St., Berkeley, Cal. Tavlor, losoph Leon n.L.OO; A.B. Zi Grant av., S. F. Residence, 1411 Grove St., Berkeley, Cal. West, Rachel Emma A.B.IO; teacher. Calexico, Cal. Resi- dence, 2200 9th St., Sacramento, Cal. Weymouth, Grace Cooper B.L.IO. Residence, 2733 N. Elmwood av., Berkeley, Cal. White, Erwin Oscar B.S.IO; electrical and mechanical engi- neer, with Slocan Star Mines, Ltd. Res- idence, Sandon, B. C. White, (jcorge Casey B.S.IO; engineer, with C. B. Sloan & Co., insurance, 612 Market st. Resi- dence, 44 Lyon St., S. F. fWhite, Grace Pauline B.I>.10. Residence, 1006 24th St., Oak- land, Cal. Whitton, Charles Abel B.S.IO; assistant manager, Sound Con- struction and Engineering Co., Hearst bldg., S. F. Residence, 383 Hawthorne St., Oakland, Cal. Wick son. Guest A.B.IO; artist. Residence, 2723 Ban- croft way, Berkeley, Cal. Wigmore, Leslie Warren B.L.IO ; editor, Orland Register. Resi- dence, Orland, Cal. *Wilcy, Bessie B.L'.IO; d. January 27, 1911 Williams, Elsie Grace B.L.IO; m. William A. Sears Jr. Ml. Residence, Martinez, Cal. Wilson. Bryant Asahcl B.L.IO; M.A. (Yale); B.D. i7)/r/ ,■ pas- tor, Tmmanuel Baptist Church. Resi- dence, 258 Coronado av., Long Beach. Cal. Wilson, Geortje Rinj^o B.S.IO; horticultural inspector. Resi- dence, box 344, Corona, ("al. Wilson. Laurence Lee B.L.IO; minister. Presbyterian Church. Residence, R. F. D.. White Salmon, Wash. ♦Wisecarver, Thurnian Curtis B.L.IO; d. August, 1914 Wolcott. Lester Oren B.S.IO; assistant civil engineer,_ city engineer's office. Residence, 1715 Pa- cific av., S. F. Wolfsohn, Fred B.S.IO; dental student. Residence. 2502 Fillmore St., S. F. Woodman. Madge B.L.IO; teacher, 711 D St., Petaluma, Cal. Residence, 2376 Woolsey st., Ber- keley, Cal. Worlev, Elizabeth A.B'IO; M.A.ll; teacher. Residence, 462 36th St., Oakland, Cal. Wuerth, Harry Charles B.L.IO; lawyer, Rowell bid;-. Residence. 940 Central av., Fresno, Cal. Wvthe. Margaret Wilhelmina B.L.IO; assistant (museum). University of California. Residence, 4247 Terrace St., Oakland, Cal. Young, Elizabeth Florence A.B.IO; teacher, Watsonville. Cal. Res- idence, 1377 Broadway, Alameda, Cal. Zaniboni, Amelia Agnes B.L.IO; teacher. Residence. 1126 Santa Clara St., Ventura. Cal. 1911 Acheson. .Mbcrt .Xtwood B.L.I 1: lawyer. Residence. 2225 Cedar St., Berkeley, Cal. Ahlers, Blanche Evelyn B.L.ll. Residence. 2300 Divisadero st., S. F. Ahrens, Elsie B.L.ll ; m. Stanley D. Cowden '12. Res idence, San Luis Obispo. Cal. Alderman, Ernest Samuel B.S.ll; highway engineer. U. S. De- partment of Agriculture. Residence, West Palm Beach. Fla. Allen, Inez Adele B.L.ll; teacher. Residence. Hayward, Cal. Amos, Lilian Edna B.L.ll; teacher. Lincoln High School. Residence, 853 Hawthorne av.. Port land. Ore. Angovc. Julia B.L.ll;" ni. Raymond Parson^. Resi- dence. Grass N'alley. Cal. Angwin. Henry Raymond B.S.ll; assistant engineer, with North- western Pacific Railwav. 760 Market st.. S. F. Residence. I'll? NLirk<-t st ( ).ik- land. Cal. 148 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 1911 1011 Continued Anicill, jolin Matlici- H.S.ll ; fanner. Residence, Cainarillo, Cal. AsIkt. Katlicrine Lucile A. I!. 11 ; teacher, Areata, Cal. Residence, i:i Monte, Cal. Aspinwall. Judson R.S.ll: engineer, with Pacific Gas & HIectric Co., S. F. Residence, 2001 Alls- ton way, Berkeley, Cal. Aiigur, Irving Van Aken B.S.ll ; oil engineer. Residence, Mari- copa, Cal. Babcock. David Thornton B.S.ll : salesman, with Blyth, Witter & Co., bonds. 465 California St., S. F. Res- idence, 905 Contra Costa av., Berkeley, Cal. Baglev. Earle Alelver B.S.ll Bagot, Vera Isadora B.L.ll ; teacher. Residence, 1205 Ox- ford St., Berkeley. Cal. Baily, Hilda Margaret B'.L.H: teacher. Residence, 1686 Fell St., S. F. Baird, Arthur Richardson B.S.ll: A.B. (Pomona) 08; rancher. Residence, Bishop, Cal. Baker, Harold William Braddy B.L.ll ; vice-principal, high school. Res- idence, 655 N. 4th St., Colton, Cal. Baldwin, Dorothy Mitchell B.L.ll: M.L.12: m. W. H. Nixon '12. Residence, 828 N. Madison St., Stock- ton, Cal. Baldwin, Eleanor Josephine B.L.ll : m. J. S. Lamson '03. Residence, 2970 Magnolia St., Berkeley. Cal. Ball. Everett Loron B.L.ll : lawyer. Citizens National Bank bldg. Residence, 126 N. Vendome st., Los Angeles, Cal. Barron. Marv Louise B.S.ll: M.S.l.^. Residence. 1122 S. 52d St., Philadelphia, Pa. Barth. Florence Edith B.L.ll: ^LL.14: teacher, high school, Richmond. Cal. Residence, 2325 Chan- ning way. Berkeley, Cal. Bartlett. Gladys Edith A.B. 11 : teacher. Residence, Orosi. Cal. Bartlett. Harold Wilmot B.S.ll: electrical engineer, Preston School of Industry. Residence, box 41, Waterman, Cal. Basler. Martin Albert B.S.ll: dealer in wood. Residence. R.F.D. .^. box 4. Sacramento. Cal. Bayly, Delia B.L.ll; teacher. Residence, Orland, Cal. fBell, Bertram Louis Carrick B.S.ll. Residence, San Martin, Cal. Bettoli, Rudolph William B.S.ll; superintendent, Petaluma Win- ery, California Wine Assn. Residence, 415 Keokuk St., Petaluma, Cal. Bickford, Helen Easter A.B. 11. Residence, 2064 San Antonio av., Alameda, Cal. Bigelow, Kate B.L.ll; M.L.12; teacher, high school, Antioch, Cal. Residence, Bishop, Cal. Blake, Berkeley Barrington B.L.ll; J.D.13; lawyer, 703 Market St., S. F. Residence, 1429 Hawthorne ter- race, Berkeley, Cal. Bliss. Edith Ashmore B.L.ll ; teacher, high school, Richmond, Cal. Residence, 3010 Colby st., Berkeley, Cal. Bolton, Arthur Wilcox B.L.ll. Residence, 2215 Blake St., Ber- keley, Cal. Borella. Louise B.L.ll. Residence, 1018 Oak St., Ala- meda, Cal. Brayton, Harold B.S.ll ; with. Braddock-Brayton Co., in- vestments. Kohl bldg., S. F. Residence, 1919 Oregon St., Berkeley, Cal. Breslauer, Annette B.L.ll. Residence, 1716 Webster St., S. F. Brown, Mrs. Dorothy Moore B.L.ll ; m. Frank .\. Brown. Residence, 954 Keeler av., Berkeley, Cal. fBrown. Ethel Irene B.S.ll. Residence. 742 Ashbury St., S. F. Browning, Anna Melrose B.S.ll; m. F. W. Payne. Residence, Myrtle Arms apts., Marshfield, Ore. Brownlee, Carl G. B.S.ll; engineer, with Union Oil Co., Oleum, Cal. Residence, Selby, Cal. Bruce, Amy Evangeline B.S.ll : m. F. M. Bumstead. Residence, 2529 Hilgard av., Berkeley. Cal. Bull. Edward Cline B.S.ll; M.D.14 : physician. Residence, 1716 LeRoy av., Berkeley. Cal. Burke, Ethel Mary A.B. 11; M.A.12; m. G. J. Wheat '12. Residence. 3328 Elm St.. Oakland, Cal. Burnham, George Bootes B.S.ll. Residence. 2829 Piedmont av., Berkeley, Cal. Butler. Charles LeRoy B.S.ll: automobile dealer. 2352 Shat 1911] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 149 tuck av. Residence, 974 Keeler av., Berkeley, Cal. Byrnes. William Paul A.B.ll. Residence. 768 5th av., San Ra- fael. Cal. Calkins. Allard Anthony B.L.ll ; lawyer. Residence, Hotel Del Norte, Crescent City, Cal. Calkins, John Uberto, Jr. B.L.lT; J.D.13; lawyer, 1106 Broadway, Oakland. Cal. Cameron, Kenneth B.S.ll ; civil engineer, 465 California St., S. F. Residence, 1015 Sierra St., Berkeley, Cal. Carden, William Thomas B.L.ll : second deputy city and county attorney. Residence, 1520 Fort St., Hon- olulu, T. H. Carrick, Walter Henry B.S.ll: chief engineer, Ruth Mine, Nevada Consolidated Copper Co. Resi- dence. Ruth, Nev. Casal. Francis Marion B.S.ll : electric substation attendant, with Pacific Gas & Electric Co., 1200 Broderick St., S. F. Residence, 1372 Burhank St., Alameda, Cal. Cassidv, Florence Gavin B.S.'ll ; m. William T. Carden 'II. Res- idence, 1520 Fort St., Honolulu, T. H. Castello, Walter Owen B.S.ll ; draftsman, city engineering de- partment. Residence, 1730 T St., Sacra- mento, Cal. Catton. Joseph Henry B.S.ll: M.D.13; physician. 209 Post st. Residence, 3007 Jackson St., S. F. Chalmers. Cora Clarke B.L.ll ; teacher. Woodland Primary School. Residence, 540 College st., Woodland, Cal. Chambers. Sarah Edith B.L.ll : teacher, Tracy, Cal. Residence, 2612 Hillegass av., Berkeley, Cal. Chapman, Ernest Newell A.B.ll. Residence, 2407 S. Atherton St., Berkeley, Cal. Chapman, George Maxley B.S.ll; clerk, with Great Western Power Co. Residence, 1002 2d St.. Napa. Cal. Chase, Helen Warren A.B.ll: M.A.12: teacher. 104 Orchard St., Cranford, N. J. Residence, 136 Herkimer St.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Chen. Hung-Tsu R.S.ll : engineer in chief, Yunnan Tin Trading Co. Residence, Kotchin-Chang, Yunnan, China f Chen, Lucy Hung Yi B.S.ll. Residence, Changsha, China •f-Ching, Gee San B.S.ll. Residence, Canton, China Ching, Hong- Yen B.S. and \LS.11; member. Ministry of Communications. Residence, Y.^LC..\., Peking, China Christiansen. .Andrew Hansen B.S.ll; farm advisor. Humboldt coun- ty. Residence, 1210 Myrtle av., Eureka, Cal. *Chubb. Grace Mary B.L.ll; m. Walter G. Frederickson ; d. December, 1914 Chubb, Olive Myrtle B.S.ll; teacher. Residence, 2241 Sun- set av., Bakersfield, Cal. Clarke, Frank Cuthbert B.S.ll; M.S. 12; manager. Clarke's stock ranch. Residence, Laytonville. Cal. Cleland. Mrs. Gladvs Moore B.S.ll; m. G. Cleland '09. Residence, 2207 Atherton st., Berkeley, Cal. Clewe, Ernest George B.S.ll; J.D.14; lawyer, with McCutch- en, Olney & Willard, 465 California st. Residence, 1131 Jackson St., S. F. Cliberon, Lily B.L.ll; teacher. Residence, 1437 E. Oak St., Stockton, Cal. Clinch, Emily Mabel B.L.ll ; m. Roy E. Tremoureux. Resi- dence, 403 Neal st.. Grass Valley. Cal. Clinch. Watt Willis B.L.ll; lawyer. Residence, Grass Val- ley, Cal. Coffin. Walter Pregel B.S.ll ; with. California Pattern Works, 181 Beale st., S. F. Residence, 1821 Hearst av., Berkeley, Cal. Collins. George Miles B.S.ll; city and county engineer, Mc- Intyre bldg. Residence, Hotel Court- land, Honolulu. T. H. Coman. Carol B.L.ll ; nurse. Pasadena Hospital. Res- idence, 87 Congress st., Pasadena, Cal. Condon. \'esta Edith B.L.ll; teacher. Residence. Elk Oove. Cal. Cooke, .-Vlma Locke B.S.ll: medical student. Residence. 3510 Magnolia St.. Oakland. Cal. Cooke, Robert Locke B.S.ll; teacher. Residence, 3510 Mag- nolia St.. Oakland, Cal. Cooper. Wallace McKay B.S.ll; engineer, with McBryde Sugar Co. Residence, l-^leelc. Kauai, T. H. Corev. Dunnlcigh B.S.ll; M.DM6: interne. St. Luke's Hospital, S. F. ISO n.lCHIiLORS: Academic Colleges 1911 1011 Coulinucd LurncU, Marl I lainilton li.S.ll; M.D.I.?; physician. Residence, 1051 Bella Vista av., Oakland, Cal. Cotterill, George William B.S.ll; civil enKinccr Cowcn, Sigmuiul Schloss B.S.ll; assistant secretary, Cowen- Heineberg Co., 24 California st. Resi- dence, 194 Jordan av., S. F. Cropper, Francis Malcolm B.S.ll Cross, Robert William B.L.I 1 ; bond expert, with Cal. Railroad Commission, 833 Market St., S. F. Resi- dence, 13 Salvatierra St., Stanford Uni- versity, Cal. *Crowe, Grace B.L.l 1 ; deceased Cruess, William Vere B.S.ll; assistant professor (zymology), University of California. Residence, 1614 Bonita av., Berkeley, Cal. Cutter, Olive Eastman B.L.ll; teacher of drawing. Residence, 3514 Grove St., Oakland, Cal. Cykler, Emil Frank B.S.ll ; engineer. Lord Young Engineer- ing Co., Pantheon bldg. Residence, Courtland Hotel, Honolulu, T. H. Darch, William Ford B.S.ll; shift foreman, with Arizona Copper Co. Residence, Clifton, Ariz. Darst. Margaret Senders B.L.ll; m. Daniel L. Corbett. Resi- dence, Guerneville, Cal. Davidson, Harold Edwin B.S.ll; realty broker, Hollingsworth bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Residence, 100 W. Grand av., Alhambra, Cal. Davidson, Mildred Elizabeth B.L.ll. Residence, 220 N. Winona av., Hollywood, Cal. Davies, Robert Geiser B.S.ll ; A.B. (Iowa) 05 Davis, Elizabeth Adelaide B.S.ll ; office assistant, Walter Baldwin, M.D.. 135 Stockton st. Residence, 1411 Sacramento St., S. F. De Berry. W^illiam Earl B.S.ll: superintendent, Vulture Mines Co. Residence, Wickenburg, Ariz. De Camp, Ray B.S.ll; resident engineer, road depart- ment, Los Angeles county. Residence, 4351 Russell av., Los Angeles, Cal. De Fremery. Leon Florent B.L.ll; lawyer. Residence, 2704 Derby St., Berkeley, Cal. Derge. Elizabeth Marie B.L.ll. Residence, 2514 Etna St., Ber- keley. Cal. d'l'>lach. Robert Charles B.S.ll ; chemist, with Hercules Powder Co., Hercules, Cal. Residence, 1298 Fil- bert St., S. F. fDcvine, Kathleen B.L.ll. Residence, 2901 Regent st, Berkeley, Cal. Doane, Frank Isaac B.S.ll ; assistant engineer, with Sierra & San Francisco Power Co., 58 Sutter St., S. F. Residence, 460 Forest St., Oak- land, Cal. Donald, William Goodrike B.S.ll; organizer, Aetna Life Insur- ance Co., 681 Market st., S. F. Resi- dence, 1325 Oxford st., Berkeley, Cal. Dowd, Mervyn Raphael A.B.I 1 ; lawyer, with Dowd & Dowd, 703 Market st. Residence. 1141 Post St., S. F. Drury, Emily B.L.ll; teacher. Residence, Fowler, Cal. Dwiggins, Jay. Jr. B.S.ll; foreman, Eola Ranch. Resi- dence, Independence, Ore. Eaton. Nelda Gertrude B.L.ll; m. W. H. Archer '12. Resi- dence, 1173 Colusa av., Berkeley, Cal. Ebner, Anita Geraldine B.L.ll; m. H. Huntsberger. Residence, 432 Lucerne blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. Edwardes, Vance Phillips B.S.ll; chemical engineer. Residence, 1069 Church St., S. F. Eggert, Elda ]\Iarie Madeline B.L.ll; teacher, 2401 Durant av., Ber- keley, Cal. Residence, Dixon, Cal. Ehlers, Henry B.S.ll; M.D.14 : physician. Residence, Fowler, Cal. Ehrenberg. Henry B.S.ll. Residence, 2528 Milvia st., Ber- keley, Cal. Ehrlich, Philip B.L.ll; J.D.13 ; lawyer, 1 Montgomery St., S. F. Residence, 966 10th St.. Oak- land, Cal. Engle, Margaret Estell B.S.ll; m. Henry V. Welch "11 Enos. Fern lone B.L.ll ; m. E. G. Gavlord '11. Residence, 3020 Regent st., Berkeley. Cal. Epstein, Harry B.S.ll ; special agent. Bureau of Labor, Union League bldg. Residence. 540 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Cal. Estee, Lulu Mav B.S.ll; M.S.U; m. John J. Vandiver. Residence. 1006 Pleasant av.. North Yakima, Wash. Evans, Seth Everett B.S.ll : civil engineer. Residence, 2811 Piedmont av., Berkeley. Cal. 1911] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 151 Evers, Albert John B.L.ll : architect, with Bliss & Faville, 593 Market St., S. F. Residence, 60 Monte Vista av., Oakland, Cal. Field, Bessie Louise B.L.ll: B.L. (Occidental) 07; teacher. Residence, 239 S. Kenwood St., Glen- dale, Cal. Fiock, Laurence Roy B.S.ll: engineer, U. S. Reclamation Service. Residence, El Paso, Texas Fish. Vivian Lauretta B.L.ll: m. Alfred S. Kay. Residence, 619 Silica st., Nelson, B. C. Fleisher, Elsie Fern B.L.ll: teacher. Residence, 1865 Clay St., S. F. Flood, Hazel Violet B.L.ll; teacher. Residence, Orland, Cal. Fox, Carl Henry B.S.ll: draftsman, with Bradley, BrufT & Laharthe, engineers, 582 Market St., S. F. Residence, 326 63d St., Oakland, Cal. Fox, Charles Adin B.S.ll Fuller, Ruth B.L.ll: 111. H. C. Stevens; commercial artist and illustrator. Residence, 5718 Kenwood av., Chicago, 111. Gamble, Charles Kretsing^er A.B.II : salesman, with H. J. Heinz Co., 524 1st av.. Seattle, Wash. Residence, University Club, Spokane, Wash. Gardner, Rose A.B.ll; M.A.12: m. R. Marx. Resi- dence, 1130 Shattuck av., Berkeley, Cal. Gassaway, Leslie Davis B.S.ll: mining engineer. Residence, 2641 Stuart st., Berkeley, Cal. Gaylord. Earl Graham B.S.ll : geologist, with Kern Trading & Oil Co., 870 Market St., S. F. Resi- dence, 3020 Regent St., Berkeley, Cal. Gehrinser, Linda Genevieve H.L. 11 : 111. Francis L. Dodd. Residence, 3021 Richmond av., Oakland, Cal. Getchell, Florence Irene B.L.ll; m. Emile Gastonguay. Resi- dence. Thane, Alaska Ghormlev, Kenneth Irwin B.L.ll'; A.B. (Whitworth Coll.)^ 09; lawyer, Hyde bldg. Residence, Y. M. C. A., Spokane, Wash. Gibbons, Eva Marion B.L.ll ; m. H. G. Thiele '11. Residence, 2414 Channing way, Berkeley, Cal. Giffen, Paul B.L.ll : superintendent of schools. Resi- dence. Truckee. Cal. Gillespv, Frances Lvtle A.B.'ll: M.A.12; 'Ph.D.14 ; m. C. E. Miles. Residence, The Grove. Gustine, Cal. Glavinovich, Luke \'ictor B.S.ll; operator, Coleman Hydro-Elec- tric Plant, Northern California Power Co. Residence, Bails Ferry, Cal. Goodrich. Washington Stirling B.L.ll; manager, Oakland Municipal Woodyard. 282 8th st. Residence, 4151 35th av.. Oakland, Cal. Goodwin, Guy Leonard B.S.ll ; superintendent. Pinal Dome Re- fining Co. Residence. 515 S. Broad- way, Santa Maria, Cal. Gordon, Carrie Isabel B.S.ll ; teacher. Cement, Cal. Residence, 2213 Ward st., Berkeley, Cal. Gordon, Wallace B.S.ll Gottheim, Irving B.S.ll : structural contractor, with Cali- fornia Construction Co.. 74 New Mont- gomery St. Residence, 95 6th av., S. F. Graham. Julia May B.L.ll; teacher, Dunsmuir, Cal. Resi- dence, 5929 Keith av., Oakland, Cal. Grant, Garnet Berke B.S.ll ; medical student. Residence, 238 N. Gramercy place. Los .-\ngeles, Cal. Griffith. Margaret B.L.ll : teacher, Sutter. Cal. Residence, 2461 Buchanan St., S. F. Grubb. George Cambridge B.S.ll : assistant superintendent. Shand Plant, Canadian Explosives. Ltd. Resi- dence, James Island, B. C. fGuha, Surendra Xarayan B.S.ll. Residence, Calcutta, India Hager, Clarence \\'illiam B.L.ll: business, Liniiton. Ore. Resi- dence, 385 3d St.. Portland. Ore. *Haines, George .\lfred B.L.ll ; d. March 7, 1915 Hamilton, Noble B.L.ll ; publicity manager. United Rail- roads of S. F.. 58 Sutter St.. S. F. Resi- dence. Corte Madera. Cal. Hansen. Louise Johanna Helen .\.B.1I ; M.A.12; teacher. Oakdalc. Cal. Residence. Centerville, Cal. Harber. Lillian Isidora A.B.ll: M.A.I-': m. Ch.irlcs H. Nelson '13. Residence. I'nrluna. Cal. Harbison, Harriet Josephine B.L.ll. Residence, N'acavillc, Cal. Harding. Wylie B.S.ll ; nurseryman. Residence. 3308 C St.. Sacramento, Cal. 152 BACniiLORS: Academic Colleges [1911 ion Continued llarlovvc, ( loor},^' (iross H.S.II; innincer, with Sanderson & I'ortcT, 14 Montgomery St., S. F. Resi- (U'lu-c, 1004 Union st., Al.Tmeda, Cal. fl l;ir|)h;mi, niil)ert Jlcnry H.S.I 1; inininjj; cnKinecr. Care of American Consul, Manzanillo, Mex. flart, Sannu'l AlrxamU'r B.S.I 1 ITartman, (iciu'vicvc I'lorence H.L.ll; teacher. Residence, 1908 E. .?8th St., Oakland, Cal. Hatcher, Mabel Adrienne R.S.ll; teacher, Santa Monica, Cal. Residence, San Jacinto, Cal. Hays. Ray Wilson R.S.ll; J.D.13: lawyer, Rowell bldg. Residence, 109 Clark St., Fresno, Cal. Heath, Pearl Elizabeth A.B.ll; teacher, Wells, Nev. Residence, Donner, Cal. Hechtman, Walter Ivan B.S.I 1 : manager, Wm. A. Curtis Es- tate, 117 J St. Residence, 1321 Sierra av., Sacramento, Cal. Heindl. Alexander Jaroslav B.S.ll Hennessy, Aileen Mary B.S.ll; teacher, high school, Gridley, Cal. Residence, 1515 Clay st., S. F. Henry, Mary Elise B.L.ll ; m. G. H. Hutton. Residence, 1809 Euclid av., Berkeley, Cal. Heron, Charles Morton B.S.ll; engineer. Lucky Tiger Com- bination Gold Mining Co., 1012 Balti- more av., Kansas City, Mo. Residence, 345 S. Serrano av.. Los Angeles, Cal. Higgins, Edna Dee B.L.ll; m. James F. Strachan '02. Residence, Folsom, Cal. Hitchcock. Marion Elizabeth B.S.ll; teacher, Lemoore, Cal. Resi- dence, R.F.D., Hanford, Cal. Hofer. Fred Miller B.S.ll; B.S. (Ore. Agr. Coll.) 07; chemist, with Bunker Hill & Sullivan Mining Co. Residence, Kellogg, Idaho Hogan. Mary Carniodv B.L.ll: te'acher, Colusa, Cal. Resi- dence, 564 D St., San Rafael, Cal. Holbrook, George Thomas B.S.ll Holmes, Laura Eugenie B.S.ll ; instructor (Spanish), University of Arizona. Residence, 532 E. 9th st., Tucson, Ariz. Holton. Grace B.S.ll; teacher, Oakdale, Cal. Resi- d«>nce. 1917 Parker St., Berkeley. Cal. Holzbcrg, Henry Leopold B.S.ll; M.S.13; M.D.15; physician. Residence, 1631 Geary St., S. F. Hook, V^incent Royall B.S.ll; farmer. Residence. Walnut Creek, Cal. Hotchkiss, Hazel Virginia B.L.ll ; m. George W. Wightman. Resi- dence, 3 Charles St., Hrookline. Mass. Howard, Edith B.S.ll. Residence, Etna Mills, Cal. Howard, Louise B.S.ll; teacher, high school. 1041 Col- lege av., Santa Rosa, Cal. Residence, Etna Mills, Cal. Huber, Edward Albert B.S.ll; M.S. 12; architect. Residence, 982 Green st., S. F. Humphrey, Marguerite B.S.ll. Residence, 1561 M st.. Fresno, Cal. Hunt, Anne Pauline B.L.ll; teacher, Lowell High School. Residence, 1400 Washington st., S. F. Hunt. George Alvin B.S.ll ; engineer, with Sierra & San Francisco Power Co., 58 Sutter st.. S.F. Residence, 492 44th St., Oakland, Cal. •f-Hunt, George McMonies B.S.ll. Re.sidence, 2323 College av., Berkeley, Cal. Hunt, W^inifred Louise B.L.ll; teacher, 633 Putnam av.. Por- terville, Cal. Residence. Xiles, Cal. flmai, Seizo B.S.ll; M.S.12. Residence, 858 Frank- lin St., Oakland, Cal. Ingels, Clarence Webster B.S.ll. Residence, 2544 Washington St., Fresno, Cal. firwin, Stewart V. B.S.ll. Care of American Embassy, Berlin, Germany f Jackson, Robert Proude B.S.ll ; engineer, with Oceanic Mer- cury Mine. Residence, Cambria. Cal. Jacobs, Monroe Barnard B.S.ll; printer, 530 Pine St.. S. F. Residence. 3116 Harper St.. Berkeley, Cal. James, Ethelinda Margaret B.L.ll : teacher. Residence. Oleander, Cal. Jensen. George Charles B.S.ll; M.S.12; principal. Elko Coun- ty High School. Residence. Elko, Nev. Johnson, Harry \"incent B.S.ll; teacher. Residence. R.F.D. 1, Escondido. Cal. Johnstone. George Ira B.S.ll; ^LS.13: principal. Orange Union High School. Residence. 244 N. Olive St., Orange, Cal. 1911] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 153 Jones, Benjamin Charles B.S.ll; lawyer. Residence, Lakeport, Cal. Jones, Carr C. B.S.ll; architect. Residence, 800 San- ta Barbara rd., Berkeley, Cal. Tones. Carrie Mildred B.L.ll ; m. R. W. Phelps '09. Residence, 185 S. Ardmore av., Los Angeles, Cal. Jones, Morris Shelley B.S.ll: assistant engineer, water de- partment, city of Pasadena. Residence, 747 Lake av., Pasadena, Cal. Jordan, Hazel Berry B.L.ll ; teacher, high school. Resi- dence, 1532 Santa Clara st., Ventura, Cal. Jory, Arthur Veryan B.S.ll; M.S.14; Gr. Arch. 14; building inspector, University of California. Residence. 1420 Scenic av., Berkeley, Cal. JoLibert, Louis Jules B.S.ll; engineer, with Pato Mines, Ltd., Barranquilla, Colombia, South America. Residence, Camptonville, Cal. Juiigermann, Reinhold John B.S.ll; M.S. 13; teacher, high school. Residence, 301 Kipling St., Palo Alto, Cal. Kales, Spencer Martin B.L.ll. Residence, 176 Lake St., Oak- land, Cal. Kasch, Charles B.L.ll; lawyer. Residence, Oak Park, Ukiah. Cal. Keating, Stella B.L.n. Residence, 1747 Bush St.. S. F. Kelly, Laura Raymond A.B.ll ; teacher, high school, 227 Math- eson St., Healdsburg, Cal. Residence, 638 28th St., Oakland, Cal. fKeough, Lee Andrew B.S.ll. Residence, Merced, Cal. Kirk, Edna A.B.ll; teacher, high school. Resi- dence, Hutsonville, 111. Kohlberg, .Alice Rose' B.L.ll. Residence, 2459 Jackson St., S.F. Kohlberg, Ottilia R.L.n : M.L.12; teacher. Residence. 2867 Sacramento St., S. F. Kong, Lily Fook Jin B.S.ll; m. Hung-Tsu Chen Ml. Resi- dence. Kotchin-Chang, Yunnan, China Kretsinger, George .\rnekc H.S.ri : M.D.15; physician. S. F. City Hospital. Residence. 2220 Dwijiht way, Berkeley, Cal. 4th av., Oak- (history). Residence, Kriegel, Ida May B.L.ll. Residence, 315 \V. Main St., Santa Maria, Cal. Krueger, Howard Hamel A.B.ll ; newspaperman, with The Bulle- tin, S. F. Residence, 3377 Adeline St., Berkeley, Cal. Lathrap, Lloyd Judkins B.S.ll; mining engineer. Residence, 2174 39th av., Oakland, Cal. Layton, Leonard B.L.ll ; principal of schools. Residence, Roseville, Cal. Lazarus, Marie Kaplan B.L.ll; m. Eric G. Scudder '12. Resi- dence, 4000 Broadway, Oakland, Cal. fLee, Otis Shue Orn B.S.ll. Residence. lO; land, Cal. Leebrick, Karl Clayton B.S.ll; M.S.13; assistant University of California. 2325 Howe st., Berkeley, Cal. Leebrick, Robert John B.L.ll; salesman, with National Bis- cuit Co., 1225 E. 6th st., Los Angeles, Cal. Residence. 1120 Bush st., San Diego, Cal. Le Fevre. Mav Dolores B.L.ll; m. 'Ray De Camp '11. Resi- dence, 4351 Russell av., Los Angeles, Cal. Leonard, Alexander Thomas, Jr. B.S.ll; A.B. (Santa Clara Coll.) 10. Residence, 1124 Fulton St.. S. F. Levy, Cecil Viola B.L.ll Liebenthal, Anna Babette B.L.ll; m. Milton J. Levi. Residence, Hotel Fairmont, S. F. Lindsay, Katherine B.L.ll; M.A.14; teacher, high school. Petalunia. Cal. Residence. Milfurd. Cal. Little. Louena Mae B.L.ll; primary teacher. Residence. Corning, Cal. Little, Walter Colton, Jr. B.S.ll; engineer, with Cal. Highway Commission. Residence, San Luis Obis- po. Cal. Locke. Edna B.S.ll; M.S. 12: ^L^.14; m. Thomas R. Barney ; assistant surgeon, U. C. Medical School, S. F. Residence, 2711 Dana st.. Berkeley. Cal. Lopez, Maria de Ciiia6 38th st.. Portland, Ore. Avakian, Garapet B.S.12; teacher and merchant. Resi- dence, 1851 Elevado St., Los Angeles, Cal. Babcock, David Le Roy B.S.12; engineer, with San Francisco- Oakland Terminal Ry. Residence, 3522 Brookdale av., Oakland, Cal. Baer, Markell Craig B.L.12; 1.D.14; lawyer, with Dunn, White & Aiken, Oakland, Cal. Resi- dence, 1643 Walnut St., Berkeley, Cal. Baker, Clara Alice B.L.12; m. J. E. Gore. Residence, Etna Mills, Cal. Baker. Gladys Page A.B.12; m. Robert T. Aitken '13. Resi- dence, 231 S. 40th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Barnes, Calvin Rankin A.B.12: clergyman. Residence. 408 Nut- meg St., San Diego. Cal. Barnett. Earl Desmond B.S.12 Barnett, John Wheelwright B.S.12: 1st Lieutenant, D Battery. 48th Brigade, British Expeditionary Force. Care of General Post Office, London Barr, Mary Robinson B.L.12; teacher. Residence. 128 S. De Witt St., Sanger, Cal. Bartlett. Bertha Elsie B.L.12 Basham, John Moody B.S.12; resident engineer. Mountain Copper Co., Ltd. Residence, Keswick, Cal. Bass, Annie Laurie B.L.12; teacher. Residence, Baird, Cal. Bathgate, \'iolet May B.S.12; M.S.13 ; bacteriologist. State Hygienic Laboratory. Residence, 2428 Channing way, Berkeley, Cal. Bayley, Williamita Bee B.L.12; teacher, John Swett Union High School, Crockett, Cal. Residence, 1528 McGee av., Berkeley, Cal. Beal, Eunice Newell B.S.12; m. Walter S. Van Winkle '12. Residence, 1441 Henry St., Berkeley, Cal. Beckwith, Helen Lowell B.L.12; M.S.14; Gr. P.H.15; m. Del- ger Trowbridge '11. Residence, 331 Clifton St., Oakland, Cal. Bell, George Henry B.S.12: M.S.13; teacher, high school. Residence, 171 N. Encinitas av., Mon- rovia, Cal. Belloni, Gilda B.L.12; teacher, Covelo, Cal. Residence, Fortuna, Cal. Berrv, Irwin Campbell B.S.12; with, R. A. Berry & Co., real estate, 2011 Shattuck av. Residence, 2700 Benvenue av., Berkeley, Cal. Binsacca, William Anthony B.S.12: with. Timber Butte Milling Co. Residence, Leonard Hotel, Butte, Alont. Black, James Byers B.S.12; engineer, with Great Western Power Co., 347 Grant av.. S. F. Resi- dence, 60 Monte Vista av., Oakland, Cal. Blunck. Irma B.S.12; teacher. Residence, 207 S. Soto St., Los Angeles, Cal. Boggs, Wallace Bradford B.S.12; engineer, 1440 Broadway. Resi- dence, 1461 Alice St., Oakland, Cal. Boone. Edna .\manda B.L.12. Residence, 2817 Regent St., Ber- keley, Cal. Bowen. Winifred B.L.12; m. G. F. Michclbacher '12. Res- idence, 222 Hale av.. White Plains, N.Y. Bower. Ernest Clare B.S.12; with, U. S. Nautical .Mmanac Office, Washington, D. C. i^radley. Dolores Elizabeth B.S.12; assistant (bacteriology), L^ni- versity of California. Residence, 1606 Morton St.. Alametia. Cal. Brandt. Robert Pcrcv B.S.12; M.S.14: 'Ph.D.16; assistant (botany), University of California; 160 BACnill-ORS: Academic Colleges [1912 1912 Continued 2632 Diirant av.. Mcrlvclcy, Cal. Resi- dence, (iiialala, Cal. Bridge, Arthur Franklin B.S.12: M.S. 13; engineer, Cal. Rail- road Commission, 8.33 MarUet St., S. F. Residence. 2563 Buena Vista way, Ber- keley, Cal. Brown. Arnold Hiornton B.S.12: assistant cn^'ineer, Anderson- Cottonwood Irrigation District. Resi- dence, Anderson, Cal. Brown, Mrs. Genevieve Ilmiter B.L.12; m. S. L. Brown; teacher. Resi- dence, 3702 J St., Sacramento, Cal. Brown, Grace Ida B.L.12: teacher. Residence, 709 Court St., Redding, Cal. Brown, Jonathan Burdette B.S.12": hydrographic engineer. State Reclamation Board, Forum bldg. Resi- dence, 1709 T St., Sacramento, Cal. Brown. Marianne Glasgow B.S.12: m. Charles W. Payne ex '12. Residence, 145 Palm av., S. F. Bruckman, Helen B.S.12: technician. University of Cali- fornia Hospital. Residence, 1242 1st av., S. F. Bryson. Roy Hays B.L.12; vice-principal, high school. Res- idence, Z2?, High St., Modesto, Cal. Buddie. Geoffrey Armstrong B.S.12: captain of artillery, British Ex- peditionary Force. Residence, 1 Old Broad St., London, E. C. Bunce, Jennie Olivette B.S.12; m. Alexander C. McMillan. Res- idence. Platteville, Wis. Burnham. Muriel Estelle B.L.12: M.L.13; teacher, high school, Lindsay, Cal. Residence, 2201 Califor- nia St., S. F. Burroughs, Ethel B.L.12 : teacher. Residence, 604 Main St., Chico, Cal. Butler, Aubrey Cleo B.L.12: teacher. Residence, Healdsburg, Cal. Butzbach. Raymond Henry B.S.12: M.S. 13; teacher. Residence, 630 3d St.. Woodland, Cal. Buwalda. John Peter B.S.12: "Ph.D.15: instructor. University of California. Residence, 2409 Bow- ditch St.. Berkeley, Cal. Cadwell. Floralyn B.L.12: student of dramatic art. 35 E. 62d St.. N. Y. City. Residence, Carpin- teria, Cal. Cairns. Laura B.1..12: M.L.I 3; assistant. University of California. Residence, 2729 Elmwood av., Berkeley, Cal. Garden, John Joseph B.S.12; student, Johns Hopkins Medical School. Residence, 420 N. Broadway. Baltimore, Md. Carpenter, Clarence B.L.12; M.A.16. Residence, lone, Cal. Carpenter, Sinclair Ernest B.S.12; civil engineer, with Pacific Gas & Electric Co., 445 Sutter St., S. F. Residence, 529 E. 19th St., Oakland, Cal. Carter, Carlos Newton B.S.12; teacher, high school, Pasadena, Cal. Residence, Duarte, Cal. Cartwright. Morse Adams B.S.12; city editor, Riverside Enter- prise. Residence, 171 Linwood place. Riverside, Cal. Chalmers, Mrs. Alice Mockett B.S.12; m. C. H. Chalmers. Residence, 1540 Arch St., Berkeley, Cal. Chandler, Elbert Milam B.S.12; vice-president and manager, Burbank Co. Residence, Burbank, Wash. Chandler. Winifred Goodrich B.L.12 Chang, Tsoo-Zung B.S.12 Chase, Harold Stuart B.S.12; realty dealer. Residence, 2012 Anacapa St., Santa Barbara, Cal. Chase. Mary Bensel B.S.12. Residence, 2800 Kelsey St., Ber- keley, Cal. fChiang, Mon-Ling B.L.12. Residence, Shanghai, China Christen, David Gustav William B.L.12; field agent, Southern Pacific Co. Residence, Winnemucca, Nev. Christman, Paul William B.S.12 Clapp, Edith Dwight A.B.12; m. John C. Snook. Residence; Casper, Wyo. Clausen, Roy El wood B.S.12 ; Ph.D. 14 : instructor, University of California. Residence, 2248 Tele- graph av., Berkeley, Cal. Clement, David Locke B.S.12 ; superintendent. Exide Battery Depots. Inc., 1536 Bush st. Residence, 1292 29th av., S. F. Clendenin. Beverly Stuart B.L.12; teacher. Residence, 1115 Mag- nolia av., Los Angeles, Cal. Coleman, Byron B.L.12; J.D.14; lawyer, 1 Montgomery St. Residence, 536 13th av., S. F. Collins. Merton Clyde B.S.12 : civil engineer. Bureau of Pub- lic Works. Residence. Manila, P. I. 1912] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 161 Conlin, William Harold B.S.12; M.L.14; lawyer, 625 Market st. Residence, 1494 McAllister st., S. F. Connelly, Mary Florence B.L.12; teacher. Residence, 2003 Rose St., Berkeley, Cal. Cooley, Russell Henry B.S.12; contractor and engineer, 1540 San Pablo av. Residence, 2.?42 Valdez St., Oakland, Cal. Corlett. Benjamin Callister B.S.12; teller. First National Bank. Res- idence, 113 Division St., Napa, Cal. Cornell, Everett Parsons B.S.12; teacher. Residence, 1418 19th St., Sacramento, Cal. Countryman, Ralph B.S.12 : with. Associated Supply Co., 55 New Montgomery st., S. F. Residence, 653 Chetwood St., Oakland, Cal. Cowden, Stanley Demalayne B.S.12; resident engineer, Cal. High- way Commission, San Luis Obispo, Cal. Residence, 846 Clayton St., S. F. Crabbe, Alice A.B.12; m. Sydney E. Boyd. Residence, 158 W. 2d St., Pomona, Cal. Craig, Mary B.S.12; M.D.16. Residence, Upland, Cal. Craven. Anne Elizabeth B.L.12; teacher. Residence, R.F.D. 2, box 128, Selma, Cal. Creighton, Isabelle Marguerite B.L.12: m. B. D. Conrad '10. Resi- dence, 319 El Cerrito av.. Piedmont, Cal. Crooks, Alice B.S.12; teacher. Residence, Martinez, Cal. Custer, William Paul B.S.12; clerk, with Smith-Booth-Usher Co., 228 Central av., Los Angeles, Cal. Residence. Covina, Cal. Czarnecki, Frank Charles B.S.12. Residence, 4070 Opal St., Oak- land. Cal. Davis, Sherwin Bennett B.S.12; engineer, with Marsh Mining Co. Residence, box 401, Wallace, Idaho Dawson, Dio Louis B.S.12 de Jarnette, Lillian Italia Janita B.L.12; J.D.14; lawyer. Residence, 2319 Howe St., Berkeley, Cal. de Laguna, Augusta Laura A.B.12; M.A.13; teacher. Randolph School, Berkeley, Cal. Residence, 518 24th St., Oakland, Cal. De Large, Blanche Camille B.S.12: teacher. Cement, Cal. Resi- dence. 2153 Oregon St.. Berkeley. Cal. de Xormandie, Harold B.S.12 de Wit, Ruth Martha B.L.12; teacher, box 362, Merced, Cal. Residence, 220 Orchard St., San Jose, Cal. De Wolf, Charles Capp B.S.12; engineer, with Valley Pipe Line Co., 343 Sansome st. Residence, 135 6th av.. S. F. Dias, Joseph Aloysius B.S.12; assistant engineer, Cal. High- way Commission. Residence, 1944 E. 15th St., Oakland, Cal. Dinkelspiel, Monroe L. B.S.12; with, Zellerbach Paper Co., 534 Battery st., S. F. Residence, 624 Wals- worth av., Oakland, Cal. Dodge, John Franklin B.S.12; teacher. Residence, 5712 Monte Vista St., Los Angeles, Cal. Douglas, Howard Thomas B.S.12; real estate and insurance bro- ker. Residence, 437 E. Badillo St., Co- vina, Cal. Doyle, Florence Edith B.S.12; teacher. Head's School. Resi-. dence, 1623 Scenic av., Berkeley, Cal. Dozier, George Pressley B.S.12; farmer. Residence, Rio \'ista, Cal. Drury, Xewton Bishop B.L.12; instructor (public speaking). University of California. Residence, 1520 Euclid av., Berkeley, Cal. Durley, Earle Preston B.S.12 ; engineer, with The Rieber Lab- oratories. Inc., 121 2d St.. S. F. Resi- dence, 1623 Le Roy av., Berkeley, Cal. Durst, David M. B.S.12; ^L.'\.15; principal, Lassen County High School. Residence, Susan- ville, Cal. Eagleson, Jessie Lucinda B.S.12; "teacher, 830 Milwaukee av.. Deer Lodge, Mont. Residence, Dayton, Wash. Earl, Alice B.L.12; m. B. B. Wilder ex '12. Resi- dence, 676 Fairmount av., Oakland, Cal. Earl, Martha Ford A.B.12; m. Donald H. Graham "12. Res- idence, Paloma del Campo Rancho, Lan- caster, Cal. Ehrenberg, Harriet Martha B.L.12; teacher. Residence. 1<'45 rison blvd.. Oakland, Cal. Einstein, Edwin Mnritz B.S.12; secretary. Central Cal. Land & Improvement Co., Trust Company hldg. Residence, 501 Franklin av., Fresno. Cal. \U2 BACHELORS: Academic Cnllcucs [1912 l'M2 Continued Ellit)ll, Amos William B.S.I2; teacher. Residence, 807 N. El- dorado St., Stockton, Cal. Iwans. Clinton William B.S.12; physical director, city schools. Residence, .155 Bradford St., Pomona, Cal. Evclcth. r>arton Harvey B.S.12; engineer. Residence, 653 E. 3d South St., Salt Lake City, Utah Fairchild, Mary Elizabeth B.S.12; m. Walter P. Taylor '11. Resi- dence, 1428 Perry place, N. W., Wash- ington, D. C. I'arrington, Mabel Winifred B.L.12; teacher. Residence, El Monte, Cal. Faulkner, Jessie Katherine B.L.12; "teacher, Fullerton, Cal. Resi- dence, 218 W. 56th av., Los Angeles, Cal. Fay, Jewel B.L.12; medical student. University of California Hospital, S. F. Residence, Porterville, Cal. Feldenheimer, Bernard Roy B.S.12 ; treasurer, Feldenheimer Dry Goods Co. Residence, Moberly, Mo. Fenwick, Georgina B.L.12; A.B. (Wells Coll.) 02; teacher. Residence, Eureka, Cal. Ferrier. William Warren, Jr. A.B. 12; J.D.14; lawyer, with McCutch- en, Olney & Willard, 465 California St., S. F. Residence, 2845 Regent St., Ber- keley, Cal. Fish, Dorothy Campbell B.S.12; M.S.13; teacher, Glendale Union High School, Glendale, Cal. Resi- dence, 1910 W. 6th St., Los Angeles, Cal. F'isher, Edwin Alfred B.S.12; orange grower. Residence, R.F.D. 4, box 64a. Porterville, Cal. Fitzhenry, Richard B.L.12 ; teacher. Residence, Los Gatos, Cal. Flanagan, Irene B.S.12; m. WilHam W. Gay ex '13. Res- idence, 175 Soto St., Hayward, Cal. Fletcher, Harold Augustus B.S.12; M.D. (Stanford) 15; physician, Lane Hospital. Residence, 2211 Califor- nia St., S. F. fFord, Anna B.L.12; Ph.B. (Chicago) 07. Residence, Pasadena. Cal. Ford, Bvington A.B.12; A.B. (Santa Clara Coll.) 10; M.A.I 3 ; with. Animated Cartoon Film Corp.. 995 Market st. Residence, 3800 Clay St., S. F. Fountain, Rose Grover B.L.12; teacher, Riverdale, Cal. Resi- dence, 350 W. 52d av., Los Angeles, Cal. F^owlcr, Isabel Emma B.S.12; M.S.13. Residence, 1260 Ma- sonic av., S. F. Fox, Christopher Bernhardt B.L.12; lawyer. 1106 Broadway. Resi- dence, 6405 Regent St., Oakland, Cal. Frary, Edwina B.L.12; M.A.14; teacher. Residence, 5262 Cole st., Oakland. Cal. Fredericks, Harrv Laurence B.L.12 Frederickson. Walter George A.B.12; teacher, box 945. Arroyo Grande, Cal. Residence. 2226 Haste st., Berkeley, Cal. Frees, Benjamin Marsh B.S.12: M.D. 14; physician, Brockman bldg. Residence, 660 W. Jef?erson st., Los Angeles, Cal. Fuller. Justin Keyser B.S.12 ; M.S.13 ; physician. Lane Hos- pital. Residence, 779 1st av., S. F. Furlong, Irving B.S.12; chemist, U. S. Reclamation Ser- vice, Appraisers bldg., S. F. Residence, 110 G St., San Rafael, Cal. Gabbert, Harry G. B.S.12; farmer. Residence, Gaviota, Cal. Garner, Edith Juanita B.S.12; teacher, Taft, Cal. Residence, 223 W. Pine st., Lodi, Cal. Gay, Marion B.L.12; m. Deming G. Maclise '14. Res- idence, Red Bluff, Cal. Gelston, Clain Fanning B.S.12; M.S.13; M.D.15 ; physician. University of California Hospital. S. F. Gerner, Anson John B.S.12: engineer, with U. S. Reclama- tion Service. Residence, Payson, Utah Gesner, Margaret Van B.L.12; M.L.14 : teacher. Residence, 419 N. 21st St., Portland, Ore. Gidney, Ray Millard B.S.12; secretary, with Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D. C. Goss. Clifford Melvin B.S.12: foreman. Garcia & Maggini, fruit packers, S. F. Residence, 2040 24th av., Oakland, Cal. Graham, Donald Houston B.S.12: manager, Guy C. Earl ranches. Residence, Lancaster, Cal. Graham. Russell Goodman B.S.12: farmer. Walnut Grove. Cal. Residence. Grand Island, Cal. Graham, William Joseph B.S.12: M.S.13:" teacher. Residence 5929 Keith av.. Oakland, Cal. Gray. Emily Pinkney B.L.12; teacher, high school, Ripon. 1912] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 163 Cal. Residence, 923 Linden St., Oak- land, Cal. Gray, Ralph Moses B.S.12; contractor, with O. A. Peter, 404 Montgomery st. Residence, box 153, Oroville, Cal. Gray, Tone Randolph B.S.12; assistant engineer, Cal. Rail- road Commission, 833 Market st. Resi- dence, 2711 Union St., S. F. Griffiths, Grace Florence B.L.12; instructor (bacteriology), Uni- versity of California. Residence, 1902 Myrtle st., Oakland, Cal. Grigsby, Leslie William B.L.12 ; teacher. Residence, Nipoma. Cal. Grimm, Freda Charlotte B.L.12; teacher. Residence, 963 14th st., S. F. Grover. Mrs. Elsie Jeanette B.L.12; M.L.13; teacher, Polytechnic High School. Residence, 121 Belvedere St., S. F. Gruer, Elmer Walker B.S.12; instructor, Heald's Engineering School, S. F. Residence, 734 E. 20th St., Oakland, Cal. Guillou, Alfred Victor B.S.12; sales engineer. Pacific Light & Power Co., Pacific Electric bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Hackett, Camilltis Nelson A.B.12; lawyer, with (iarret \V. Mc- Enerney, 582 Market st., S. F. Resi- dence, 1109 Grand av., Oakland, Cal. Haentjens, Charles B.S.12; M.S. 14; teacher. Residence, 1231 L St., Sacramento, Cal. Halbert, John Sanford B.S.12; civil engineer, with State Engi- neering Department, Forum bldg., Sac- ramento, Cal. Residence, 80 Fairmount av., Oakland, Cal. Hamilton, Mary Grace A.B.12; M.A.13 ; teacher. Residence, 1708 M St., Sacramento, Cal. Hammill. Harold Bernard B.S.12 : engineer, with Electric Bond & Share Co., 71 Broadway. Residence, 534 W. 114th St., N. Y. City Hansen, George Dinsmore B.S.12; farmer. Residence, Princeton, Cal. Hardy, David Phillip B.S.12; teacher, Polytechnic High School, S. F. Harrison. Ormeida Curtis B.L.12; secretary, .'V-Zefl .School. Resi- dence, 51 Oakvale av., Berkeley, Cal. Harrison, Teresa Ramona A.B.12; m. A. W. Lawson '12. Resi- dence. 1515 La Lonia av.. Berkeley, Cal. Haun, George Cleveland B.S.12; engineer, with .American Bridge Co., 208 S. LaSalie st. Residence, 4748 Kenmore av., Chicago, 111. Haven, Harold Eastman B.L.12; lawyer, 593 Market St., S. F. Residence, 2532 Etna St., Berkeley, Cal. Haynes, Florence de Brenta B.L.12; playground director. Residence, 1274 8th av., S. F. Heger, William Simcoe, Jr. B.S.12; engineer, with Diesel Engine Co., Rialto bldg.. S. F. Residence, 2610 Parker St., Berkeley, Cal. Hendee, Myrtle Agnes B.S.12; m. George C. Jensen '11. Res- idence, Elko, Nev. fHennebach, Emil Reinhard Leo B.S.12. Residence, Plauen, Germany Hickox, Maude Eva B.L.12; B.L. (Mills Coll.) 10 Hiestand, Alice May B.S.12; teacher, Hayward, Cal. Resi- dence. 2640 Dwight way, Berkeley, Cal. High, Ralph Brooks B.S.12; engineer, with Shell Company of Cal.. Llewellyn Iron Works. Los .\n- geles. Cal. Residence, 521 X. \'ermont av., Los Angeles, Cal. Hinze, Clara B.L.12; teacher. Normal School, San Jose, Cal. Residence, box 226, Los Gatos, Cal. Hoag. Edith Lillian B.L.12; teacher, high .school. Residence. 777 \V. Perkins St., Ukiah, Cal. Hoisholt, .\rne Knud Bours B.L.12; LL.B. (Harvard) 15; lawyer, with Dewey. Strong &• Townsend. 612 Market st., S. F. Residence. 2728 Ben- venue av., Berkeley, Cal. House. Harry Heywood B.S.12; chemist, with Riverside Port- land Cement Co. Residence, 1053 Chest- nut St., Riverside, Cal. Housh. William Harvey, Jr. B.L.12; principal, high school. Resi- dence, 211 E. av. 52. Los Angeles, Cal. Hubbard, Donna Hawthorne A.B.12; teacher. \'an Xuys, Cal. Resi- dence, 1559 Fairmount way, Los An- geles, Cal. Huber, Albert. Jr. B.S.12; engineer, with Clinton Con- struction Co., 140 Townsend st. Resi- dence, 1825 Leavenworth st.. S. F. Hudson. Frank Samuel B.S.12: geologist, China. Residence. 2735 Derby st.. Berkeley. Cal. Hulbcrt. Goldic California B.L.12; teacher. Lodi, Cal. Residence. Del Rey. Cal. 164 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1912 Iluncl, Mazcl Helena A. 15. 12; M.A.13; teacher, 1617 S. Flower St., Los Angeles, Cal. Residence, 826 Poll St., Ventura, Cal. Hunt. Tulitli Lewis U.S. 12; teacher. Residence. 2166 Clin- ton av., Alameda, Cal. Hurley, Margaret Mae B.L. 12; teacher. Residence, box 462, Phoenix, Ariz. Hutt, Norman Clay B.L. 12 ; rancher. Residence, Hooker, Cal. Hyde, Leland Leroy B.S.12; farmer. Residence, Dixon, Cal. Ingham, Edwin Ambler B.S.12; assistant superintendent of con- struction. Phoenix Construction Co. Residence. Phoenix, Idaho Ingram, Raymond Clifford B.S.12; farmer. Residence, Gaviota, Cal. Ireland, Eugene B.S.12; mining engineer. Residence, Gold Road, Ariz. Isaacs, Annie Ethel B.L.12; m. C. J. Barry. Residence, Bon- ley Camp, Sawyer's Bar, 'Cal. f Jackson, Henry Eugene B.S.12. Resid'ence. 820 Kirkham St.. Oakland, Cal. Jackson, Louis McCrory B.S.12 ; rancher. Residence, Hemet, Cal. Jacobs, Frederick William B.S.12; assistant superintendent, Cal. Canneries Co., 600 Minnesota st. Res- idence, 3755 Clay St., S. F. Jacobs, Leslie Louis B.L.12; J.D.14; with, Pearlstein & Ja- cobs, clothiers, 156 Powell st. Residence, 28 7th av., S. F. Jarvis, Hazel Claire B.S.12; teacher. Residence, Fortuna, Cal. Johnson, Elliott B.S.12; lawyer, 593 Market st., S. F. Residence, 1225 4th av., Oakland, Cal. Johnston, Carl Rudy B.S.12; farmer. Residence, Marysville, Cal. Jones, Edna Mav B.S.12; teacher, Los Banos, Cal. Resi- dence, 563 Mira Vista av., Oakland, Cal. Jones, Paul Sidney B.S.12; irrigation engineer. Residence. Hermiston, Ore. Jordan, Mildred \\'ashburn B.S.12; m. L. T. Sharp '11. Residence, 2406 Webster st.. Berkeley, Cal. Jorv, Stafford Lelean B.S.12; M.S.14; Gr.Arch.l4 ; draftsman, with John Galen Howard, architect, 604 Mission St., S. F. Residence, 1420 Scentc av., Berkeley, Cal. Kelsey, Harrison C. B.L.12; J.D.14; lawyer, with Associated Oil Co., 1 Montgomery St., S. F. Resi- dence, 2213 Vine st., Berkeley, Cal. Kennedy, Gerald Driscoll B.S.12; farmer. Residefice, 426 E. Vine St., Stockton, Cal. Kent, Hilda B.L.12 ; m. R. A. Martinelli. Residence, R.F.D. 7, box 276b, Santa Rosa, Cal. Kenyon, Pearl Margaret B.S.12 ; m. John Patterson. Residence, Cedarville, Cal. Kerr, William Francis John B.S.12; M.D. (Harvard; 15; physician, Mass. General Hospital, Boston, Mass. Care of L. M. Woodward, Covina, CaL Kerrigan, Nellie B.S.12; teacher. Residence. 2250 Ful- ton St., Berkeley, Cal. Ketchum, Edna Waldren B.L.12; B.Pd. (Montana State Norm.) ; teacher. Residence, Dillon, Mont. Kett, Charlotte Frances B.L.12; M.L.13; teacher. Residence, 46 El Camino Real, Berkeley, Cal. Kew, William Stephen Webster B.S.12; M.S.14. Residence, 3224 Park av., San Diego, Cal. Kidder, Anna Rodman B.S.12; M.S.13 ; m. S. Einarsson '13. Residence, 1109 Laurel St., Berkeley, Cal. Kinell, Helen B.L.12; teacher. Residence, 2211 Stuart St., Berkeley, Cal. Kistler, Lucile Ella B.L.12; m. Earl W. Wagy '09. Resi- dence, McKittrick, Cal. Kittredge, Tracy Barrett A.B.12; M.A.16; with. Commission for Relief in Belgium. Care of Exeter Col- lege, Oxford, Eng. Knowles, Harrold Brook B.L.12; office. 311 California st., S. F. Residence. 1001 San Antonio av., .Ala- meda, Cal. Koeb, Otto B.S.12; M.A. (Stanford); teacher and author. Residence. Glenmary. Oswego, N. Y. Krigbaum. Lowell Gaynor B.S.12 : junior engineer, U. S. engineer's office. Custom House. Residence. Hotel Garland, S. F. La Clair, Olive Rebekah B.S.12. Residence. 310 E. D st.. On- tario. Cal. Lamp, Charles Joachim B.S.12: teacher. Residence. 751 Page St.. S. F. 1912] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 165 Lang, Hazel B.L.12: M.A.15. Residence, 1321 Lin- den St., Oakland, Cal. Larkin, Jennie B.L.12; teacher, Visalia, Cal. Residence, 2411 Grove St., Berkeley, Cal. Lawson, Andrew Werner B.S.12; geologist, with Southern Pacific Co., 870 Market St., S. F. Residence, 1515 La Loma av., Berkeley, Cal. Lawton, Harry Rogers B.S.12; salesman, with Union Oil Co. Residence, 833 Berendo St., Los An- geles, Cal. Leale, Lilian Bertelsen B.L.12; m. W. H. Hall ex '14. Resi- dence, 2915 Hillegass av., Berkeley, Cal. Le Conte, Josephine A.B.12; fashion designer. Residence, 2501 Piedmont av., Berkeley. Cal. Ledwich, Thomas Joseph B.L.12; J.D.14; lawyer, 1106 Broadway. Residence, 581 27th St., Oakland, Cal. Lent. Henry Proctor Courtney B.S.12; teacher. Residence. 899 E. 50th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Levy, Paul Jack B.L.12; clerk, Levy Bros. Department Store, San Mateo, Cal. Residence, 316 El Camino Real, Burlingame, Cal. Lewis, Gladys Marie B.L.12; teacher, Ely, Nev. Residence, 1724 Sonoma av., Berkeley, Cal. Lewis, Velma Etta B.S.12; m. D. C. Ingraham. Residence, 588 42d St.. Oakland. Cal. Lockhart, Ethel Beatrice B.S.12; teacher. Mill Valley, Cal. Resi- dence, Santa Rosa, Cal. Lockhart, Mabel Margaret B.L.12: M.S. 15; teacher, high school, Hilo, T. H. Residence, R.F.D. 4, box 372, Santa Rosa, Cal. Long, Melville Hammond B.S.12; M.D. (Jefferson Med. Coll.) 14; physician. Residence, 21 Buena Vista av., S. F. Loubet, .Albert Jose B.S.12 ; M.S. 13 ; Gr.Arch.l5 ; draftsman, with John Galen Howard, architect. Residence, 675 Dolores St., S. F. Lowry, Elizabeth B.L.12; librarian. Residence, 288 Maple St., Idaho Falls, Idaho Lund, N. John B.S.12. Residence. 3016 Hillegass av., Berkeley, Cal. Lutzi. Pearl Antoinette B.S.12; teacher. Calistoga, Cal. Resi- dence. 2306 Virginia St., Berkeley, Cal. Mace, Delos Albert B.L.12; J.D.14; lawyer, Carson bldg. Residence. 1772 I st.. Eureka, Cal. Mackay, Elvira Jennie Minnette B.S.12; M.S. 13; teacher. Residence, 754 Slater St., Santa Rosa, Cal. Malatesta, Stephen B.S.12 ; inspector, Cal. Inspection Rat- ing Bureau, 433 California st. Residence, 1924 Taylor St., S. F. Malloch, Christine Agnes B.S.12; art student. Residence. 1628 Grove st., Berkeley, Cal. •{•Marks, Percy B.L.12; student. Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. Residence, Ukiah, Cal. Martin, Eugene K. B.S.12; architect, 2192 Shattuck av. Residence, Hotel Shattuck, Berkeley, Cal. Martin, Maude Ethel B.L.12; A.B. (St. Lawrence U.) 11 ; ni. Lt. Robert (]. Calder. Residence, Fort Shafter, Honolulu, T. H. Martine, Ella Mary A.B.12 Masten, Charles Franklin B.S.12; M.S.13 ; architect's inspector. Residence, 2600 Durant av., Berkeley, Cal. Masten, John Wesley B.S.12; teacher, Reedley. Cal. Resi- dence, 2600 Durant av., Berkeley, Cal. Maxwell, Alice Freeland B.S.12; M.D. 15; assistant. University of California Hospital. Residence. 1241 3d av., S. F. Maxwell, Myrtle Duncan B.S.12; m.'Barton H. Eveleth '12. Resi- dence, 653 E. 3d South st.. Salt Lake City, Utah Mayhew, Thomas Clay B.S.12 : farm advisor, Madera county. Residence, Madera, Cal. Mavnard, Roy B.S.12; orchardist. Residence. R.F.D. 9, Campbell, Cal. McConnell, Ethel Rushton B.S.12. Residence. 27 1^ Woolsey si., Berkeley, Cal. McCoy, Joseph Muth B.S'.12"; engineer, with Healy-Tibbetts Construction Co. Residence. 1155 Co- lusa av., Berkeley. Cal. McGee. Ralph Campbell B.L.12: LL.B. (Harvard) 15; lawyer. 220 Montgomery st. Residence. 2682 Filbert st., S. F. Mclntire, Emilv Kitchcl A.B.12; teacher. Residence. 1530 O st.. Sacramento, Cal. McKce, Kathryn May B.S.12; teacher. Residence. 2522 Hille- gass av.. Berkeley. Cal. 166 HACIIELORS: Academic Colleges [1912 1012 Coiitiiiiicd McN'car, ICzckicl Dciuiiaii U.S.I2; with, G. I'. McNear Co.. grain and feed. Residence, T'etaluma, Cal. McPeak, Daniel B.S.12; special anent, 1 l.iitlDrd Acci- dent & Indemnity Co., Wright and Cal- lender l)IdK. Residence, 1119 Arapahoe St., Los Angeles, Cal. Mehl, Bernhard Martin B.S.12; draftsman, with Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Residence, 1310 I St., Sac- ramento, Cal. Menzel. Eda B.S.12 Michelbacher. Gustav Frederick B.S.12: M.S. 13; statistician, with Work- men's Compensation Bureau, 18 E. 41st St., N. Y. City. Resilience, 222 Hale av., White Plains, N. Y. Mickel, Nelson Scott B.S.12; foreman, Limoneira Co., R.F.D. 1, Santa Paula, Cal. Residence, Ma- dera, Cal. Miller, Bessie Maude B.L.12; teacher, high school. Residence, 402 7th av., Belton, Texas Miller, Laurel Revel B.S.12; farmer. Residence, Orosi, Cal. Miller, Meredith Raines B.S.12; chemist. Residence, 944 E. 14th St., Oakland, Cal. Miller, Rachel Katharine B.L.12; student nurse, Merritt Hospital, Oakland, Cal. Milliken, Sadie Vesta B.S.12; m. R. H. Blosser ex '11. Resi- dence, 1002 Humboldt St., Santa Rosa, Cal. Miner, Leon Walter B.S.12; superintendent of schools. Res- idence, La Mourr, N. Dak. Mitchell. Marie Kathryn Dorothy B.L.12; teacher, Lompoc, Cal. Resi- dence, 66 Washington St., Santa Cruz, Cal. Mohrhardt. Kenneth Crocker B.S.12; assistant cashier. South Berke- ley Bank. Residence, 2326 Durant av., Berkeley, Cal. Monroe. Robert Ansley B.S.12; civil engineer, with Pacific Gas & Electric Co., 445 Sutler st. Residence, 1016 Eddy St., S. F. Moody. Graham Blair B.S.12; physical director. Hollywood High School. Residence, 6721 De Long- pre av., Los Angeles, Cal. Moore. Edward Le Roy B.S.12; teacher. Residence, 1039 I st.. Eureka. Cal. Moore, Grace B.L.12; m. R. S. Twogood '10. Resi- dence, 1022 Peralta av., Berkeley, Cal. Morse, Alice Fremont H.S.12; M.S.14; with, U. S. Coast & Geodetic Survey. Residence, Manila, P.L Muir, Ora Emily B.L.12; m. Max Thelen '04. Residence. 136 Alvarado rd., Berkeley, Cal. Mullcr, Robert Wallace B.S.12; engineer, with Pacific Gas & Electric Co., Electra, Cal. Residence, Tehama, Cal. Murdoch, Penelope Lacy B.L.12; teacher. Residence, 2375 Scarff St., Los Angeles, Cal. Murphy, Elmo Neil B.S.12; with. Independent Oil Pro- ducers Co., S. F. Residence, 2331 Dwight way, Berkeley, Cal. Nachtrieb, Barbara A.B.12; J.D.15; secretary. State Social Insurance Commission, State Capitol, Sacramento, Cal. Residence, 1407 Le Roy av., Berkeley, Cal. fNaka. Kaizo B.S.12; M.S. 13. Residence, 2601 College av., Berkeley, Cal. fNakatsu, Hikoichi B.S.12. Residence. 1312 4th St., Sac- ramento, Cal. Nelson. Owen Benjamin B.S.12; chemist, with Union Oil Co. Residence, 400 I St., Bakersfield, Cal. Newman, Herbert Stanley B.S.12; accountant, with Pacific Lumber Co. Residence, Scotia, Cal. Nickerson, Alice A.B.12; teacher. Residence, 610 Alva- rado terrace, Redlands, Cal. Nielsen, Ada Margaret B.L.12 ; m. Herbert S. Farris. Resi- dence, 2326 Roosevelt av., Berkeley, Cal. Nielsen, Aron Christian B.S.12; engineer, with Great Western Power Co.. 14 Sansome St., S. F. Resi- dence, 2326 Roosevelt av.. Berkeley, Cal. Nigg. Rose Annetta B.S.12; teacher. Residence, 166 E. Cen ter St.. Covina, Cal. Nixon, Walter Hall B.S.12; plant pathologist, with Penn Mining Co., Campo Seco. Cal. Resi- dence, 828 N. Madison st., Stockton. Cal. Noble. Grace Marian B.L.12; m. H. M. Albright '12. Resi- dence, 2138 California St., Washington. D. C. Noddin. Ralph Ernest B.S.12 Nolan. Walter diaries B.S.12; principal. S. F. L^'niversity School. Residence, 2129 California st S. F. 1912] BACHELORS : Academic Colleges 167 Norcross, Mildred Elvira B.L.12; M.J..13; teacher, Morgan Hill, Cal. Residence, Manteca, Cal. Nordwell, Eva Wilhelmina B.L.12; secretary. Ransom's School. Residence, end of Hazel lane, Piedmont, Cal. Noyes, George Edward B.S.12 ; laboratory assistant, with South- ern Pacific Co. Residence, 1330 F st., Sacramento, Cal. Oatman, Franklyn William B.S.12; civil engineer, 1 Montgomery St., S. F. Orr, Thomas Fitch B.S.12; bookkeeper. Otis-McAllister & Co., shippers, 310 California st., S. F. Residence, 5129 Ygnacio av., Oakland, Cal. Osborn, Chesley Ellis B.S.12; electrical contractor. Residence, Turlock, Cal. Ostrander, Annis Myrtle B.L.12 ; teacher, Irwin, Cal. Residence, 2499 94th av., Oakland, Cal. Ostrom, Charles Douglas Yelverton B.S.12; inspector, Board of State Har- bor Commissioners, L'nion Ferry bldg. Residence, 2949 Steiner St.. S. F. fOverholtzer, Edwin Clarence A.B.12. Residence, Glendora, Cal. Palmer, Ralph Warren B.S.12; lawyer, 433 California St.. S. F. Residence, 1524 Jackson St., Oakland, Cal. Parker, John Joseph B.S.12; with. Western Mortgage & Guaranty Co., 742 Market st., S. F. Res- idence, 2627 Etna st., Berkeley, Cal. Parkinson, John Bonte B.S.12; farmer. Residence, 1601 I St., Sacramento, Cal. Pence, Edith Ella B.L.12; teacher. Lowell High School. Residence, 144 Cole st., S. F. Perkins, Louise Kemper B.S.12. Residence, Nocagdoches, Texas Petersen, Anna Marie B.L.12; teacher, box 103, Salinas, Cal. Residence, Selma, Cal. Peterson, Amanda Edith B.L.12 Peterson, Ferd Somers B.S.12; with F. Somers Peterson Co., 60 Pine st., S. F. Residence, Belvedere, Cal. Phclan, Helen IMarie B.L.12: teacher. Residence. 402 R. Lake av., VVatsonville. Cal. Philleo, Katherine B.S.12; teacher, 115 Worcester av., Pasadena, Cal. Residence, Covina, Cal Phillips. Laurence Miller B.L.12: lawyer, with Cohen & Phillips. 433 California St., S. F. Residence, 6459 Benvenue av., Oakland, Cal. Phleger. Herman Horatio B.S.12: lawyer, with Morrison. Dunn & Brobeck, 612 Market st. Residence, 21 Macondray St.. S. F. Pietrzycki, Siegmund A.B.12. Residence, 1253 Washington St.. S. F. Pitman, Ruth Elce B.L.12; m. William M. Coman. Resi- dence, 436 F St., Oxnard, Cal. Pollard, James Frederick B.S.12: engineer, with Cal. Railroad Commission, 833 Market St., S. F. Resi- dence, 1808 Cedar St., Berkeley, Cal. Popert, George Louis B.S.12: lawyer, Nicolaus bldg. Resi- dence. 2030 H St., Sacramento, Cal. Popkens, James H. B.S.12; photographer, 833 Market st. Residence, 118 Fillmore St., S. F. Porter, Mildred Etta B.L.12; m. Albert H. Rowe '11. Resi- dence, 1056 Grand av., Oakland. Cal. Potter. Leta Pearl B.S.12; teacher. Residence. Sanger, Cal. Price, Maude Elizabeth B.S.12; teacher. Sanger, Cal. Residence, 1354 P St., Fresno, Cal. Quay. Edna Margaret A.B.12 : teacher. Wells. Nev. Residence, Lankershim. Cal. Quinn, John Robertson B.S.12: cattleman. Residence, Rich grove, Cal. Quirk. Anna Mav B.L.12; teacher. 2512 Polk st., S. F. Residence. 8 Court St., Natick. Mass. Rae. Colin Campbell B.S.12 Rankin, John Walker B.S.12: lawyer, with Pendleton & Ran- kin, Merritt bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Rathbone. Albert John B.S.12: dairyman. 638 5th St., Santa Rosa, Cal. Residence, Kenwood, Cal. Read. T- ALarion B.S."l2; M.S.13: M.D. (Stanf.ird) 15; physician, St. Luke's Hospital. Rcsi dence. 1571 Fulton St., S. F. Ready. Lester Seward B.S.12; engineer, with Cal. Railroad Commission. 833 Market St., S. F. Res- idence. 2214 Bancroft wav. !?crkclcv, Cal. Rcardcn. .\nna A.B.12: .\LA.13. Residence, Belvedere. Cal. Reid, Robert B.S.12: enj^ineer. Residence. 1510 .'\shbv av., Berkelev. Cal. 168 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1912 Rcmscn, Hazel Qithcrinc A.i$.12; M.A.13: teacher, l)ox 292, Yreka. Cal. Residence, 415 N. Hill St., Los Angeles, Cal. Rhodes. George Kremer B.S.12; M.I). (Johns Hopkins) 15; phy- sician, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Balti- more, Md. Rice, Gertrude Ann B.L.12: teacher. Residence, 401 Cyp- ress St., Santa Maria, Cal. Richardson. Violet B.S.12: physical director, public schools. Residence, 2014 Virginia St., Berkeley, Cal. Robbins. Milo Rees B.L.12; lawyer, 220 Montgomery st. Residence, 1721 Pacific av., S. F. Robinson. Ethel A.B.I 2. Residence, 836 36th st., Oak- land, Cal. Roeth. Guglielnia Louise B.L.12. Residence, 450 Mountain av., Piedmont, Cal. Rogers, Harry Newton B.S.12; realty broker, with Rogers De- velopment Co., Exchange bidg. Resi- dence, 216 W. Adams st., Los Angeles, Cal. Roller. Frank Albert B.S.12 Ross. Margaret Barbara B.L.12. Residence, 3024 Clay St., S. F. Roth, Cecilia Blumensohn B.L.12; M.L.13. Residence, 2615 La- guna St., S. F. Rubke. Lulu Dorothea B.L.12; teacher. Residence, Los Banos, Cal. Runyon. Jessie Helen A.B.12: m. A. W. Elliott '12. Residence, 807 N. Eldorado St., Stockton. Cal. Rushforth. Archibald William B.S.12; M.S.13 ; mill office manager, with Gantner & Mattern Co., 1453 Mis- sion St.. S. F. Residence, Hillegass Court apts., Berkeley, Cal. Ryder, Robert Weir B.S.12. Residence, 2035 Durant av., Berkeley, Cal. Salisbury, Charles Raymond B.L.12': J.D.15; lawyer, 1206 Broadway, Oakland, Cal. Residence, 1412 Joseph- ine St.. Berkeley. Cal. Sandoyal. Horace Earl B.S.12; salesman, with Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Residence, 5257 College av., Oakland. Cal. Saunders, Joseph Tomlinson B.S.12 ; teacher, high school. Residence. 410 X. State St.. Ukiah. Cal. Scatena, Fred Nicholas B.S.12; M.D.14; physician, 21 Colum- bus av. Residence, 888 Union St., S. F. Schilling, Elsa Marguerite B.L.12; teacher, San Rafael. Residence, 2316 Le Conte av., Berkeley, Cal. Schnoor, Shirley B.L.12; teacher, high school. Sutter Creek, Cal. Residence, Fortuna, Cal. Scholl, Agnes Julia A.B.12. Residence, 1336 S. Main st.,* Los Angeles, Cal. Schorer, Edna Josephine B.L.12; m. C. W. Vilas ex '11. Resi- dence, Holit apts., Oxnard, Cal. Schroeder, Edna Anna B.L.12; teacher. Biggs, Cal. Residence, Deer Lodge, Mont. Schroeder, Walter Hugo B.S.12 Schweissinger, Charles Albert, Jr. B.S.12; manager, Mexican Hardwood Lumber Co., Union Oil bldg. Residence, 754 E. 14th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Schweitzer, Helen Maxine B.L.12; m. Leo Marcum. Residence, Hollister, Cal. Scott, Elma Adella B.L.12; m. Joseph D. Neuls. Residence, Downey, Cal. Scott, Raymond Marchant B.S.12; instructor (physical education), University of California. Residence, 3030 Adeline st., Berkeley, Cal. Searls, Niles Pond B.S.12; farm advisor, Yolo county. Res- idence, Woodland, Cal. Sharp, Agnes Isabelle B.L.12; m. Stephen C. Thomas. Resi- dence, Carmel, Cal. Sharpe. Otis Allen Ozro B.S.12; M.S.13; M.D. (Stanford) 16; physician, S. F. Hospital, S. F. Shaw, Hollace Joy B.L.12; teacher. Residence, 1404 Elm av., Long Beach, Cal. Sherman, Robert Stanton B.S.12; M.S. 14; M.D.16 f Shields, James Ralph B.S.12. Residence, Twin Falls, Idaho Shinji, George Orihay B.S.12; M.S.13. Residence. 2235 Dana St., Berkeley, Cal. Shipper. Frederick Milton B.L.12 ; LL.B.14 ; lawyer, 948 Market st. Residence, 984 Ashbury St.. S. F. Shurtleff. Roy Lothrop B.S.12; sale'sman. with Blyth. Witter & Co.. bonds. 465 California St., S. F. Res- idence. 1129 Shattuck av., Berkeley, Cal. fSilyer, Albert B.S.12. Residence, box 893, Tonopah. Xev. 1912] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 169 Pengpu, 17th St., Alameda, Oakland, Saticoy, Simonson, George Metcalf B.S.12; assistant electrical engineer, state department of engineering. Resi- dence, 1431 15th St., Sacramento, Cal. fSlater, Earl Alfred B.S.12; mechanical engineer. Residence, 819 Mason st., S. F. Smith, Charles Albert B.S.12; with, Standard Oil Co China. Residence, 3326 N. Philadelphia, Pa. Smith, Charles Morgan B.S.12 Smith, Clarence Xevil B.L.12 ; teacher, high school. Cal. Residence, Y. M. C. A., Cal. Smith, Laura B.S.12; teacher. Residence, Cal. Smith, Laurence Hammond B.S.12; LL.B. (Harvard) 16; lawyer. 220 Montgomery St., S. F. Residence, 2222 4th St., San Diego, Cal. Smyth, William Harris B.S.12 ; structural engineer, with C. H. Snyder, 251 Kearny st., S. F. Resi- dence, 2509 Hearst av., Berkeley, Cal. Snook, Harrv James B.S.12; M.S. 13; teacher. Residence, 153 S. Chester av., Pasadena, Cal. Snyder, Charles Carroll B.S.12: chief electrician, Chanslor-Can- field Midway Oil Co. Residence, Fel- lows, Cal. Spear. William Howard B.S.12 ; civil engineer. Pacific Electric l)ldg. Residence, 447 \V. 41st place, Los -Angeles, Cal. Spencer, Doris Churchill B.S.12; M.S. 14; teacher, Turlock, Cal. Residence, 1737 Channing way, Berke- ley, Cal. Spero, Mrs. Anna Kalfus B.L.12; m. Schuyler C. Spero. Resi- dence, 2319 Howe st., Berkeley, Cal. fSpicker, Mabel B.S.12; teacher. Residence, 3713 Trin- ity St., Los Angeles, Cal. Staley, Chester Joseph B.L.12; teacher. Residence, 1927 Uni- versity av., Berkeley, Cal. Stanton. Wolcott Pratt B.S.12; engineer. Residence. Olympic Club, S. F. Starkweather, Esther \'iolct P..S.12; M.S.13. Residence, 2426 Bow- ditch St., Berkeley, Cal. Steindorff. Ellen I*lrna B.L.12: m. Mark W. Miller. Residence, 316 E. 10th St.. Hanford. Cal. Sterne, Stanley Roman A.B.12; J.D.'l4; lawver. with Richard- son & Crosby, 1540 San Pablo av., Oak- land, Cal. Stewart, Jeanette B.L.12: teacher. Residence, 1308 Mon- terey St., San Luis Obispo, Cal. Stocker. Harry Ellis B.L.12: clerk. Southern Pacific Co., 870 Market st. Residence, 901 Bush St., S. F. Stoddard, Elsie Marion B.L.12 ; m. Ernest Richards. Residence, 3315 Claremont av., Berkeley, Cal. Stoner, Reginald Carlyle B.S.12 : geologist, with Standard Oil Co., 200 Bush St., S. F. Residence, 1324 Chester av., Bakersfield, Cal. Storer, Tracy Irwin B.S.12: M.S.13; assistant curator of birds, Cal. Museum of Vertebrate Zool- ogy. Residence, 2611 Durant av., Ber- keley. Cal. Sturges. \'era La Rue B.S.12; teacher, 126 \V. Lime av.. Mon- rovia, Cal. Residence, 3838 .\lbatross St., San Diego, Cal. Suman, John Robert B.S.12. Residence, 1010 Courtlandt St., Houston, Te.xas Suplee. Miriam B.L.12: teacher, S. F. Residence. 2413 Bancroft way, Berkeley, Cal. Sweet, Toe Goodrich B.S.r2; lawyer, 433 California St.. S. F. Residence, 29\0y2 Benvenue av.. Ber- keley. Cal. Taney, Mary Emily B.S.12: teacher. Residence. 1437 Car- roll av., Los Angeles, Cal. Tavenner. Ralph W. B.S.12; principal. Coos River School. Residence, Marshfield, Ore. Taylor, Arthur Winfield B.L.12: rancher. Residence. Fillmore, Cal. Taylor. Ellis Wing B.S.12: structural engineer, with Taylor & Taylor, Haas bldg. Residence. 243 W. Adams st., Los Angeles. Cal. Taylor, Mabel Bessie B.L.12; teacher, 709 Court st.. Redding, Cal. Residence, 2032 X. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. Teichert, Caroline Kathcrinc B.S.12. Residence. 2401 J st.. Sacra- mento, Cal. Tennis, Estclle Marguerite B.L.12: M.L.14. Residence. 256 S. Ma- rengo av., Pasadena, Cal. Thaxtcr. Lilian Gladys .'\.B.12: m. E. L. Lord "07. Residence. 2901 Hillegass av.. Berkeley. Cal. Thompson. Charles Henrv. ]r. B.L.12: J.D.14; lawyer,' with 1. W. Givilt, 1106 Broadway, Oakland. Cal. 170 H.lCllliLORS: Academic Colleges [1912 Residence, 2830 Hillegass av., Hcrkelcy, Cal. Thompson, I'crcy William B.S.12 Tliomson. J.inK's Harrison U.S. 12; (Ir.iftsDian, witli (Jreat Western I'ovvcr Co., 14 Sansomc St., S. F. Resi- dence, 2607 Hearst av., Berkeley, Cal. Tickell, Frederick George n.S.12; teacher, Ileald's College. Resi- dence, 1408 California St., S. F. Tillotson, Helen Vaux B.L.12; teacher. Bishop, Cal. Resi- dence,' box 123 Seabright station, Santa Cruz, Cal. Timerman, Mrs. Emily Hilton B.L.12; M.L.14: m. E. C. Timerman. Residence, 2930 Webster St., Oakland, Cal. Tinning, Archibald Bruce H.S.12; lawyer. Residence, Martinez, Cal. Touhey, Charlotte Genevieve B.L.12; clerk, Industrial Accident Com- mission. Residence, 1228 Octavia St., S. F. Tresler, Katherine B.L.12; m. John R. Tuttle. Residence, 752 Park place, Elmira, N. Y. Tuft, Harriett Williamson B.L.12; teacher, R.F.D. 2, box 22, Fresno, Cal. Residence, Mendota, Cal. Tufts, Warren Porter B.S.12; M.S. (Ore. Agric. Coll.) 14; in- structor. University Farm School. Res- idence, Davis, Cal. Tupman. Alice Kate A.B.12; M.A.13; teacher. Residence, 406 F.. 47th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Tuttle, Pearl Jeanette B.S.12; m. Norman C. Hutt. Residence, Hooker, Cal. Vail, Elbert Merritt B.S.12; superintendent of recreation. Fort Worth, Texas. Residence, 2242 7th av., Oakland, Cal. Van Deventer. Cyrus Eugene B.L.12; M.A.15; principal, high school. Residence, Sebastopol, Cal. \^an Dyke, Lilian B.L.i2. Residence. 222 W. Adams St., Los Angeles, Cal. \^an Maren. May B.S.12. Residence, Fairoaks, Cal. Van Winkle, Walter Samuel B.S.12; assistant manager, Oakland dis- trict. Great Western Power Co.. 1444 San Pablo av., Oakland, Cal. Residence, 1441 Henry st., Berkeley, Cal. Vaughan, Francis Edward B.S.12; M.S. 16; teaching fellow (min- eralogy). University of California. Res- idence, 2400 Haste St., Berkeley, Cal. *Vcitch, Thomas William B.S.12; d. 1913 Venable, Reid McDowell B.L.12; stenograi)her, University Ex- tension Division, University of Califor- nia. Residence, 2533 Hillegass av., Ber- keley, Cal. fViau, Benjamin Harri.son B.S.12. Residence, Sanger, Cal. Vitousek. Royal Arnold B.S.12; lawyer. Residence, Ilealdsburg, Cal. von W^intzingerode, Elsa Constance B.L.12; teacher. Residence, 573 5th St., Portland, Ore. Waddell, Ralph Chetlain A.B.12; B.D. (Pac. Theol. Sem.) ; cler- gyman, Taylor Congregational Church. Residence, 161 Ivy St., New Haven, Conn. Waddell, Thomas Brainard B.S.12; assistant to flood control engi- neer, Forum bldg. Residence, 1619^ 17th St., Sacramento, Cal. Walker. Catherine Lois A.B.12; m. Arthur Prendergast '11. Residence, Oakdale, Cal. Walker, Edwin Scott B.S.12 Wallace, James Edwin B.S.12; teacher. Residence, Norwalk, Cal. W^alton, Charles Leroy B.S.12; teacher. Sanger Union High School. Residence, box 264, Sanger, Cal. Warren, Earl B.L.12; J.D.14 ; lawyer, with Robinson & Robinson & Price. First National Bank bldg. Residence, 581 27th St., Oak- land, Cal. *W^arwick, Ina Poison A.B.12; d. September 5, 1912 fWason, Maud B.S.12. Residence, Santa Paula, Cal. Watts, Edward Louis B.S.12 ; engineer, with Carl Doell & C. R. Watts, 467 21st st., Oakland, Cal. Residence, 1513 Scenic av.. Berkeley, Cal. W^eber, Alice Babette B.S.12: m. Harry S. Yates '12. Resi- dence, Manila, P. I. Weeks, De Witt Clinton B.S.12; chemist, with Manati Sugar Co. Residence, Manati, Oriente. Cuba Wrecks, Grace Yale B.L.12; M.L.13. Residence, 2225 23d av., Oakland. Cal. Welch. Eugene Roy B.L.12; superintendent claims depart- ment. State Compensation Insurance 1912-1913] BACHELORS : Academic Colleges 171 Fund, 525 Market st. Washington st., S. F. Residence, 1245 Welin. Albert Fabian B.S.12; M.D. (Stanford) 15: physician. Residence, 991 14th st.. S. F. Welsh, Agnes Ballard B.L.12; m. Maurice E. Harrison '08. Residence, 2742 Derby st., Berkeley, Cal. Welts, Caroline Virginia B.L.12 Weston, Albert Marine B.S.12; chemist, 318 Hill st. Residence, 184 N. Ivy av., Monrovia, Cal. Weston, Helen Gould B.L.12. Residence, Weston Ranch, Santa Clara, Cal. Wethern. Lydia Flint B.L.12 : teacher. Residence, 907 Clay St., Oakland, Cal. Wheat, George Jenner B.S.12: electrical engineer, with Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Residence, 3328 Elm St., Oakland, Cal. Wheeler. Charles Stetson, Jr. A.B.12; lawyer. 14 Montgomery st. Res- idence, 3938 Washington St., S. F. White. Emily Vincent B.S.12: M'.L.14. Residence, 218 Hel- berta av., Redondo, Cal. fWhite, Mabel Jeannetta B.S.12. Residence, Compton, Cal. Wight. Clayton James B.S.12; instructor, University Farm School. Residence, Davis, Cal. Wight, Glen Downs B.S.12: teacher. Residence, 1448 Orange Grove av., Riverside. Cal. Wight, Samuel Gerrit B.S.12 Wight, Veva Corinthia B.L.12; teacher. Residence, 1448 Orange Grove av.. Riverside, Cal. ♦Willett. Harry Sherrill B.L.12; M.L.13; deceased Williamson. Marshall Gould B.S.12: M.D.16: physician, S. F. Hos- pital. Residence, 1631 Oak St., S. F. Willoughby. Gilbert B.S.12; rancher. Residence, Calexico, Cal. Wilson, Frank Henry B.S.12: rjincher. Residence, R.F.D. 3, box 116, Turlock. Cal. Wilson, Frank Lake B.S.12; engineer, with .\tkins, Kroll & Co.. 311 California st.. S. F. Residence. 4.^7 63d St.. Oakland, Cal. \\'ini|). George Dillard B.L.12; rancher. Residence. Glendora. Cal. Wisecarver. Robert Percy B.L.12: lawyer. 332 Pine St., S. F. Res- idence, 1512 La Loma av., Berkeley, Cal. Woerner, Carmelita Bernell B.L.12; m. Arthur L. Piper. Residence, 2800 Piedmont av., Berkeley, Cal. Wolfe. William David B.S.12; dealer in automobile supplies. Residence. Vallejo, Cal. Wolff. Henry Norbert B.S.12; manager, California Ripe Olive Co. Residence. Oroville, Cal. Woolsev. Tolin Homer B.S.r2: " M.S.13 ; M.D.15; physician. University of California Hospital, S. F. Wyrick, Harrison Leroy B.S.12; assistant superintendent, Siski- you Mines Co. Residence, Seiad Valley, Cal. Yates, Edna Louise B.L.12. Residence, 1023 Magnolia St.. Oakland, Cal. Yates. Harry Stanley B.S.12: M.S.13: Ph.D.15; mycologist, Philippine Service. Bureau of Science. Residence. Manila. P. L Zeitfuch.s. Edward Hans B.S.12: chemist, with U. S. Bureau of Mines. Residence, 2301 Bowditch St., Berkeley, Cal. *Zipf. John Philip B.S.i2: d. May 24. 1915 1913 Adams. Elsie Loraine A.B.13; teacher. Brawley. Cal. Resi- dence. 1622 Curson av.. Hollywood. Cal. Aden, Doris Marie B.L.13: m. G. Gautier '14. Residence, 203 S. Curtis av., .Mhambra, Cal. Ainslie. Charles Albert B.S.13 ; medical student. Residence, 2102 Bush St., S. F. Aitken, Robert Thomas B.L.13; instructor (anthropology). Uni- versity of Pennsylvania. Residence, 231 S. 40th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Albee, Frances Cooledge B.L.13; teacher. Corning. Cal. Resi- dence. 2419 Ward St., Berkeley. Cal. Allen. Chester Arthur B.S.13; with. Stone & Webster Co., builders. 147 Milk St.. Boston. Mas,"?. Residence. 3 Morse St., Dorchester, Mass. Allen, Fred Harold B.S.13; M.A.16. Residence. 2122 Hearst av.. Berkeley. Cal. .\llcn. Lcroy Walton H.S.13: student. Institute of Musical .Art. X. ^'. City. Residence, box 127. Chelmsford. Mass. 172 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [191? 1<)1.^ Coiiliinird AUiii, Kay Ia'sIct I^S.13: civil c-nf^'inccr, with Allin Bros., Kendall \>U\ii. Residence, 357 Waldo av., Pasadena, Cal. Allyii, Arthur B.L.13: J.D.15; lawyer. First National Bank bldg. Residence, 1006 N St., Fresno, Cal. Altman. John Cecil B.L.13; J.D.15; assistant inheritance tax attorney for California, 85 2d St., S. F. Anderson, Ewahl B.S.13; physical chemist, with Western Precipitation Co. Residence, 1016 W. 9th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Anderson, Victor Bernhard B.S.13 ; supervisor, Preston School. Res- idence, lone, Cal. Andreason. Mary Amy B.L.13. Residence, 2835 Benvenue av., Berkeley, Cal. Anthony, Elizabeth Price B.L.13; M.L.14; student, Columbia Uni- versity, 415 W. 118th St., N. Y. City. Residence, 2627 Hearst av., Berkeley, Cal. Arnot, Agnes Jean A.B.13; M.A.I 5: teacher, Sutter, Cal. Residence, 536 23d av., E., Vancouver, B. C. Arrington. Mabel Florence B.S.13: M.D.16; physician, Children's Hospital. 3700 California St., S. F. Aschenbrenner, Walter John B.S.13; T.D.15; lawyer, with W. E. Colby, 220 Montgomery St., S. F. Resi- dence, 6424 Hillegass av., Oakland, Cal. Austin, Walter Erskine B.S.13; secretary - treasurer, Nox-AU Mtg. Co., 2503 Pasadena av. Residence, 856 Kensington rd.. Los Angeles, Cal. Ayer, Helen De Ette B.L.13 ; m. Forrest A. Plant ex '13. Res- idence, Davis, Cal. Baden, Merle Lester B.S.13 ; engineer, with Southern Sierras Power Co., El Centro. Cal. Residence, 1468 Grove St., Riverside, Cal. Bailey. Floyd Philip B.S.13 ; electrical engineer. Residence, Geyserville, Cal. Bailie, Elizabeth Worley B.S.13; ■\LD.16. Residence, 2459 Ashby av., Berkeley, Cal. Baker, Donald McCord B.S.13; engineer, U. S. Indian Irriga- tion Service. Residence, Kayenta, Ariz. Ball, James Farrand B.S.13 : assistant master mechanic. Oleum Refinery, L^nion Oil Co. Resi- dence. Oleum. Cal. Rarnhill, William James H.S.13; chemist anfl superintendent of orange ranch. Residence, Barnhill Ranch, Colton, Cal. Bates, Ecslie Rixon B.S.13. Residence, 727 Paru St., Ala- meda, Cal. Baugh, Arline B.L.13 ; in charge of information bu- reau, office of superintendent of schools. Residence, 1711 32d av., S., Seattle, Wash. Baugh, Harold George B.S.13 ; superintendent, with Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Residence, 656 8th av., S. F. Bauml, Cora Alice B.L.13. Residence, 2011 University av., Berkeley, Cal. Beard, Ethel B.S.13 ; teacher, Lux School, S. F. Res- idence, 2708 Haste st., Berkeley, Cal. Beatty, Willard Walcott B.S.13 ; instructor, S. F. Normal School. Residence, 716 Page St., S. F. Beck, John James B.S.13 ; sales manager, Kohn Beck Co., 600 Aliso St. Residence, 2116 Western av., Los Angeles, Cal. Beckett, Archie James B.S.13 ; rancher. Residence, Paso Robles, Cal. Behrens, Lottie Vera B.S.13 ; teacher. Residence, 742 West- lake av., Los Angeles, Cal. Bendel, Roland B.S.13 ; engineer, with Cal. Brick Co., Niles, Cal. Residence, 300 Alice St., Oakland, Cal. Bennett, Donald Comfort B.S.13; with, W. P. Fuller & Co. Resi- dence, 1207 Bush St.. S. F. Benson, Rowena B.S.13; m. Arthur B. Downing. Resi- dence, Stratford, Cal. Bergh, Herman Ritchie A.B.13 ; manager. Grapefruit Advertis- ing Campaign, Consolidated Realty bidg., Los Angeles, Cal. Residence, 1908 Hill- crest rd., Hollywood, Cal. Bernard. Ida B.L.13. Residence, 2605 Etna St., Ber- keley, Cal. Belts, Irvin H. B.S.13; M.D.15; physician. LTniversity of California Hospital, S. F. Biedenbach, Elise Hersev B.L.13; m. Willard W. Beatty '13. Res- idence, 716 Page st., S. F. Bither, Tom Allen B.S.13; assistant superintendent of streets. City Hall. Residence, 1810 Rose St.. Berkeley, Cal. 1913] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 173 Black, Emma Frances B.L.13. Residence, 2913 Fillmore St., S. F. Black, Frederick Conrad B.S.13; refineryman, with Churchill Milling Co. Residence, Wonder, Nev. Black, Lyston SoRelle B.L.13; realty and mining broker. Res- idence, box 370, Oatman, Ariz. Bliss, Ruth Rochester B.S.13 : teacher, Kerman, Cal. Resi- dence, 3010 Colby St., Berkeley, Cal. Blood, Charles Reader B.S.13. Residence, 1516 LeRoy av., Ber- keley, Cal. Bogue, Mary Austin B.S.13 ; teacher, Lincoln County High School, Capitan, N. M. Residence, 6029 Kimbark av., Chicago. Til. Bolin, Harry William B.S.13 ; with. Interstate Commerce Com- mission, 85 2d St., S. F. Residence, Tucson, .^riz. Booth, Frank Martin B.S.13 ; optometrist, with Sorenson Co., 715 Market St., S. F. Residence, 2417 Bancroft way. Berkeley, Cal. Booth, William Forrester, Jr. B.L.13 ; patent solicitor, 68 Post St., S.F. Residence, 2302 Dana st., Berkeley, Cal. Boyer, John Tallmadge B.S.13 ; physician. Residence, 120 Hoff- man av., S. F. Boyle, William Archdall B.S.13; physician, S. F. Hospital. Resi- dence, 132 Laurel place, San Rafael, Cal. Bradford. Rohert Leland B.L.13; salesman, with N. W. Halsey & Co.. bonds, 424 California St., S. F. Residence, 736 15th st., Oakland, Cal. Bradley, Albert Raymond B.L.13; J.D.15; lawyer. Residence, Etna Mills, Cal. Brandt, Cora Rose B.L.13 ; assistant. University of Califor- nia Library. Residence, 2316 Hilgard av., Berkeley, Cal. Brant. David Otto B.S.13; rancher. Residence, Owens- mouth, Cal. Branthaver, Vera Genevieve B.S.13. Residence, 2618 Grove St., Ber- keley, Cal. Brenner, Mervyn Leopold B.S.13; with, American-Asiatic Trading Co., 444 Market st. Residence, 1899 California St., S. F. Bridgett, Eveline Louise B.S.13 ; M.L.I 4 ; teacher. Residence, 544 Clayton St., S. F. Briggs, Rowland Sill B.S.13; M.S.14; medical student. Johns Hopkins University, 716 N. Broadway. Baltimore, Md. Residence, 2211 G St.. Sacramento, Cal. Brinck, Elsiedora B.L.13; m. B. Ford e.x '13. Residence, 136 W. I St., Coalinga. Cal. fBromley, Lucetta Morton B.L.13. Residence, 2520 Virginia St., Berkeley, Cal. Brooks, Llovd Cleveland B.S.13; clerk, with Union Oil Co., 220 Montgomery St., S. F. Brooks, Rena Burt B.L.13; m. J. J. Miller '13. Residence. 1531a Arch st., Berkeley, Cal. Brown, Charles Ayers B.S.13; teacher. Residence. 3671 16th St., S. F. Brown, Gertrude Lucile B.S.13 ; playground director. Residence, 1429 Benton st., Alameda, Cal. Brunk, Nan B.L.13 : m. Harry A. Trimble. Resi- dence, Redmond, Wash. Buck, Leonard W'illiani B.S.13; M.S.14; medical student. Resi- dence, 1431 5th av., S. F. Buckham, Margaret A.B.I 3. Residence, 36 Panoramic way, Berkeley, Cal. Bundy, Glenn Jones B.S.13 : chief engineer, Detroit Battery Co., 104 High St., E. Residence, 100 Charlotte av., Detroit, Mich. Byrne, Eva Elizabeth B.L.13 ; principal, Fruitvale School. Res- idence, 2408 B St.. Selma. Cal. Campbell. Roy Elliott B.S.13 ; assistant. Bureau of Entomol- ogy, Department of .Xgriculture. Resi- dence, 160 Soto St., Hay ward, Cal. Cantley. Bessie Minerva B.L.13; m. Charles W. Shcppard. Resi- dence, Bangor apts., S. F. Carlton, Henry Theobald B.S.13 ; engineer, with The Rieber Lab- oratories, 121 2d St., S. F. Residence, 2730 Derby st.. Berkeley, Cal. Carlton, Katharine .\nnie B.S.13; assistant to dean of women. L^niversity of California. Residence. 2730 Derby st., Berkeley, Cal. Carlton, Sidney Gaskill B.S.13; with, Ransomc Crummey Co., contractors. 1540 San Pablo av. Resi- dence. 306 Lenox av., Oakland, Cal. Carpenter, Kenneth Llovd B.S.13; with. Alaska trc.idwcll Gold Mining Co. Residence. TreadwcII. .Maska Carrel 1, Leland Joy B.S.13: engineer and chemist, with Owen & Owen. Inc.. Santa Rita. N. M. Residence. Gardena. Cal. 174 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1913 1*^3 Continued flarroll. ICthcl Adclc A.H.I.?; M.A.14 ; teacher. Residence, 75 Vernon st., Oakland, Cal. Carter, Isis Caroline R.L.1.1; teacher, Norvvalk, Cal. Resi- dence. Duarte, Cal. (."lianihcrlain, William lulwarc! H.S.I,?: M.D.16; physician. Residence, 29.18 Webster St., Oakland, Cal. Cliaj)lin, Ella Augustine H.L.l.?: ni. L. I.. Horner. Residence, I.?2,? Versailles av., Alameda, Cal. Che.s.sall. William Amos B.L. 1,3 ; teacher, Mendocino, Cal. Resi- dence, Ukiah, Cal. fChingf, Tin Koo B.S.I,?; M.L.14. Residence, Canton, China fChiu. Van Tsz B.S.I 3. Residence, 2504 Regent St., Ber- keley, Cal. Christal, Mav B.S.1,3; M.S.14; teacher, 330 W. Vic- toria St., Santa Barbara, Cal. Residence, 1271 Pine St., S. F. Church, James Blair B.S.13; experimenter and refiner, Mex- ican Gold & Silver Mining Co. Resi- dence, Virginia City, Nev. Church. Max Albert B.L.13; lawyer. Residence, Atolia, Cal. Churchill. Emily Russell B.S.13; m. A. 'Eaton "13. Care of 1641 Euclid av., Berkeley, Cal. Clark, Arthur Lyndon B.S.13: engineer, with Anaconda Cop- per Mining Co., 834 W. Granite St., Butte. Mont. Residence, 3020 Washing- ton St., S. F. Clark, Doris Keziah B.L.13 Clark. Harry Stanley B.S.13; with. Western Metal Supply Co., 245 7th St., San Diego, Cal. Resi- dence, 870 D av., Coronado, Cal. Clark, John Gee B.S.13; assistant probation officer, Los Angeles county. Residence, 1437 Win- field St., Los Angeles, Cal. Clausen. Ervin Henry B.S.13; assistant general manager, Col- orado Mining Co., Manila, P. L Resi- dence. Aroroy, P. L Cleveland, Louise Dexter B.L.13: J.D.15; lawyer. Care of Uni- versity Extension dept.. Berkeley, Cal. Cleveland, Xeal B.S.13: chief inspector. Roval Indem- nity Co.. 201 Sansome St.. S. F. Resi- dence, 1200 E. 28th St.. Oakland. Cal. Clifford. Raymond Ellis B.S.13; farmer. Residence, Strathmore, Cal. Cline, Ada B.L.13; m. Frederick E. Palmer. Resi- dence, 204 Hugo St., S. F. Coane, Ralph Waldo B.S.13; manager, Santa Barbara office, Auto Club of So. Cal. Residence, 1209 de la Vina st., Santa Barbara, Cal. Coates, Marie Marcella B.L.13: m. A. Van Ingen. Residence, 2109 17th .St.. Bakersfield, Cal. Cogswell, Harold Goldsmith B.L.13 ; walnut grower. Residence, El Monte, Cal. Cohn, Irving Agen B.S.13. Residence, 2630 Piedmont av., Berkeley, Cal. Cohn, Julian Daniel B.L.13; lawyer, 760 Market st. Resi- dence, 1467 O'Farrell St., S. F. Colburn, Zella B.L.13 ; teacher, high school. Gait, Cal. Residence, 1540 Arch St., Berkeley, Cal. Coles, Harrison Leeds B.S.13 ; engineer, with Pacific Tele- phone & Telegraph Co., 835 Howard st. Residence, 257 Castro St., S. F. Collins. Victor Ford B.L.13: lawyer, with Mott & Dillon, Merchants National Bank bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Residence, 1505 Oak St., South Pasadena. Cal. Colvin, Eda Lorena B.L.13; m. Floyd C. White. Residence, 998 Divisadero St., S. F. Comfort, Gertrude Elizabeth B.S.13; M.S.14: draftsman, with H. H. Gutterson, architect, 278 Post st. Resi- dence, 2101 California St., S. F. Conard, Ashlev Hearn B.L.13: J.D.15: lawyer. Residence. 916 Main st.. Red Bluff, Cal. Cone, Donald Isaac B.S.13 ; engineer, with Pacific Tele- phone & Telegraph Co.. 461 Market St., S. F. Residence, 1730 California St., Berkeley. Cal. Connick, Alice Henrietta B.S.13; m. Hugh K. Mcjunkin. Resi- dence, 2031 F St., Eureka. Cal. Connolly, Thomas Ernest B.S.13 ; engineer, with Hetch Hetchy project. Jacksonville, Cal. Residence, Ukiah. Cal. Cook. Enos Paul B.S.13: M.D.16; physician. St. Luke's Hospital, S. F. Residence. 468 Fair- mount av., Oakland, Cal. Cook. Florence Marie B.L.13 ; m. E. L. Christopher ex '12 Residence. 1723 W. 9th St.. Los An- geles, Cal. Copeland, Thomas Brantley B.S.13 : electrician. Oroville Electric 1913] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 175 Corp. Residence, R.F.D. 1, Oroville, Cal. fCortelyou. Arthur Peter B.S.13 ; engineer, with San Luis Mining Co. Residence, Mazatlan, Mex. Coryell, Clvdc Wilford B.S.13 Cranston, Bessie May B.S.13 ; teacher. Residence, Brooks, Cal. Crellin. Anita Margaret B.L.13; M.A.15. Residence, 1561 Jack- son St., Oakland, Cal. Crites, Roy B.S.13; teacher, 2001 Allston way, Ber- keley, Cal. Residence, 210 Sudden St., Watsonville, Cal. Culp, William A.B.13; M.A.14: fruit grower. Resi- dence, Escondido, Cal. Cunningham, Jean Maria B.L.13: ni. M. C. Lynch '06. Residence, 2710 Durant av., Berkeley, Cal. Currey, Robert Spencer B.S.13 ; farmer. Residence, Dixon, Cal. Daney, Eugene, Jr. B.L.13; lawyer, with Eugene Daney, First National Bank bldg. Residence, 1052 23d St., San Diego, Cal. Daugherty, Hazel Rosanna B.L.13. Residence, 2793 Benvenue av., Berkeley, Cal. Davidson, Jennie Isabel B.S.13 ; teacher, Middletown Union High School. Residence, 927 E. 51st place, Los Angeles, Cal. Davies, Florence Thelma B.S.13; m. Paul A. Starke. Residence, 2243 College av., Berkeley, Cal. Davis, Brython Parry B.S.13: M.D.16; physician. St. Luke's Hospital, S. F. Residence, Weaverville, Cal. Davis, Marv Jean A.B.13; M.A.14; teacher, Lakeport, Cal. Residence, 2227 Parker St., Berkeley, Cal. Davis, Percy Lionel, Jr. B.S.13; engineer. Workmen's Compen- sation Bureau, 18 E. 41st st. Residence, 128 W. 82d St., N. Y. City Davis, Rollo Josiah B.S.13 ; sampler, Democrata Mining Co., box 55, Cananea, Sonora, Mex. Resi- dence. R.F.D. 2, box 239, Selma, Cal. Davis, William Newton B.S.13; chemist, with Standard Oil Co., 200 Bush .St., S. F. Residence, 5821 Colby St., Oakland, Cal. De Lano, Frank B. B.S.13. Residence, 25 Buena \'ista ter- race, S. F. De Luce, Mrs. Dona Dea B.S.13; teacher. Residence. 2632 Ben- venue av., Berkeley. Cal. de Witt. Mary Montanya B.L.13; M.L.14. Residence, 1221 Paru St., Alameda, Cal. Dickel, Arnold Clemens B.S.13 ; assistant metallurgist, Goldfield Consolidated Mining Co. Residence, box B, Goldfield, Xev. Dickey, Laurence Winant B.S.13 ; chemist, with Standard Oil Co., Point Richmond, Cal. Residence. 1610 Encinal av., Alameda, Cal. Dickover, Erie Roy B.S.13 ; vice-consul, American Embassy, Tokyo, Japan. American address, Santa Barbara, Cal. Dickson, Howard Knox B.S.13: teacher. Residence, R.F.D. 2. Kerman, Cal. Dolson, Camille Cans A.B.13 Dorey, Grace Lealc B.L.13. Residence, 2411 Dwight way, Berkeley, Cal. fDotta, Mary Margaret B.L.13. Care of University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain Douglas. James Roy B.L.13: M.L.14 ; 'assistant (history). University of California. Residence. 1040 Keith av., Berkeley, Cal. Doyle, Leo Walter B.S.13. Residence, Chico, Cal. Dresel, Rudolph Ludwig B.S.13; student. Harvard Medical School, Cambridge. Mass. Residence, 2898 Vallejo st., S. F. Duncan. James Prentiss A.B.13: agent, with Chicago Telephone Co., 212 \V. Washington st. Residence. 868 E. 39th st., Chicago. 111. . Dunn, Thomas Balfour B.S.13: M.D.16; physician. Residence, Ventura, Cal. Dutton. Edgar Wallace B.S.13; farmer. Residence. 504 Scott St., Ukiah. Cal. Dyer. Bryan Raymond B.S.13: rancher. Residence, 1423 Spruce St., Berkeley, Cal. Eastman, Ermon Dwight B.S.13; M.S.14 : assistant (chemistry). University of California. Berkeley. Cal. Eaton. Arthur B.S.13; geologist. Care of 1641 Euclid av., Berkeley, Cal. Edgerlv. Pearl Irene B.S.i3; m. A. L Smith '00. Residence. R.F.D. 2. box 92. Fowler. Cal. Ehrman. Joseph. Jr. B.S.13; salesman, with Heller. Klein & Co.. 41 Sansomc st. Residence. Hotel St. Francis. S. F. 176 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1913 1913 Continued I'.pimnl, .\Ial)C'lIc Blanche B.L.I.?: M.L. 14; teacher. Residence, 2.125 ChanninR way, Hcrkeley, Cal. I'arrcll. Rose Rosalee 1M..13; m. H. R. Vail ex '15. Resi- dence, 725 E. 23d st., Oakland, Cal. Fcrrier, Frances Alice H.S.l.l; m. O. R. Goss '13. Residence, 2M1 Fulton St., Berkeley, Cal. I'icwcgcr, Naomi Louise B.S.13. Residence, 704 E. 17th St., Oak- land. Cal. I'^isclier. Rudolph B.S.13; M.S.14 ; teacher, high school. Residence, 410 E. 4th St., Lordsburg, Cal. Fisher, Philip Melanchthon. Jr. B.L.13 : teacher. Residence, 431 Orange St., Oakland, Cal. Fleming, Paul A.B.13 ; principal, Jefferson School. Res- idence, 1253 Robinson av., San Diego, Cal. Fletcher. Godfrey Bockius B.L.13 ; artist. Residence, 322 Union St., Watsonville, Cal. Foster, Jonathan Douglass B.S.13; secretary, University Y.M.C.A. Residence, Eugene, Ore. Foveaux, Irma B.L.13 ; m. W. B. Sawyer, Jr., '10. Care of 2803 Forest av., Berkeley, Cal. Fowler. Mrs. Matilda Newsom B.S.13. Residence, 3114 Eton St., Ber- keley, Cal. Frater. Percy Joseph B.S.13 ;, bookkeeper. State Controller's office ; 505 J st.. Sacramento. Cal. Resi- dence, 2634 Fulton st., Berkeley. Cal. French, Eleanor Caroline B.L.13; teacher. Residence, 2360 Van Ness av., S. F. Frisbie, Edwina Fav R.S.13; m. J. E. Johnston '16. Resi- dence, 2902 Channing way, Berkeley, Cal. Froberg, Alben B.S.13 ; architect. Residence, 2320a Ban- croft way, Berkeley, Cal. Frost. Kendal Phelps B.L.13; ALS.14; physician. Presbyterian Hospital, Chicago. 111. Fryer. Blanchette Charlotte B.L.13; teacher. Residence, 3112 14th av., Oakland, Cal. Gaines, ^'ictor Chauncey B.S.13; farmer. Residence. R.F.D 1, box 96. Fresno, Cal. Gallagher. George Augustus B.S.13; superintendent. Pacific Tank & Pipe Co. Residence, 1331 4th st., San Diego, Cal. Gardner, Jennie lu'dyn B.S.13; teacher. Residence. 2525 Du- rant av., Berkeley, Cal. Gardner, John Endicott, Jr. B.S.13; cashier and accountant. Pacific Mail Steamshi[) Co. Care of 21 Yama- shita-cho, Yokohama, Japan Gardner, Maida B.L.13 ; teacher, Lemoore, Cal. Resi- dence, 1333 Bay View place, Berkeley, Cal. Gautier, Francis Luke B.S.13 ; secretary, Consumers Rock & Gravel Co., 1731 E. 25th st., Los An- geles, Cal. Residence, 215 S. Curtis st., Alhambra, Cal. Gerend, Matthias Stephen B.S.13; engineer. Residence, Grafton, Cal. Gester, Stephen Howell B.S.13 ; geologist and consulting engi- neer, 251 Kearny St., S. F. Residence, 2800 Derby st., Berkeley, Cal. Gibson. Eleanor Grace B.S.13; m. D. P. Edwards. Residence. Crescent City, Cal. Gilbert. Ramon Augustus B.S.13 Gillette, Hazel B.S.13. Residence, Le Grande, Cal. Glass, Margery Ethel B.L.13 ; M.L.14 ; teacher. Orosi, CaL Residence, 2333 Ward st., Berkeley, Cal. Glidden. Lois Viola B.L.13. Residence, 119 X. Olive st.. Los Angeles, Cal. Gnarini, Frederick Harrold B.S.13; salesman, with American Ra- diator Co. Residence, 1518 27th av., Oakland, Cal. Goldaracena, Olympia Anita B.L.13; M.L.14; teacher. Residence, 2449 Jackson st., S. F. fGoldman. Fred B.S.13. Residence, 1425 Milvia st.. Ber- keley, Cal. fGoldman. Oscar B.S.13 ; engineer. Residence, 1425 Mil- via St., Berkeley, Cal. Goodall, Samuel Erie B.S.13; farmer. Residence. Owens- mouth, Cal. Goodman, Louis Earl A.B.13; lawver, 785 Market st. Resi- dence. 166 10th av., S. F. Goss. Orville R. B.S.13; ^LD.16; phvsician. Residence, 2322 Fulton St.. Berkeley. Cal. Greig. William Robert B.S.13; salesman, with Paraffine Paint 1913] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges \77 Co., 34 1st St., S. F. Residence, 1745 Bancroft way, Berkeley, Cal. Griffin, Ronald Clarence B.S.13; electrical engineer, with Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Residence, 943 Cyp- ress St., Oakland, Cal. Grim. Mary Agnes B.L.13 : teacher. Residence, 504 E. Cen- ter St.. Anaheim, Cal. Grimes. Lyman A.B.13: J.D.15; lawyer, with United Railroads of S. F., 58 Sutter st. Resi- dence, 1131 Jackson st., S. F. Grinnell, Alarjorie B.L.13; teacher, 118 S. Brand St., Glen- dale, Cal. Resid-ence, 22i Parnassus av., S. F. Grunsky. Charles B.S.13 ; assistant engineer, Cal. Rail- road Commission, 833 Market St., S. F. Residence, 116 Lake St., Oakland, Cal. Haack. Minnie Barbara Elizabeth B.L.13; teacher, Orland, Cal. Residence, 195 Holladay St., S. F. Hagar, George Hanna B.S.13 ; engineer, with Pacific Gas & Electric Co., 445 Sutter st., S. F. Resi- dence, 2631 College av., Berkeley, Cal. Haggard, Robert Edwin B.S.13 : clerk and investigator, Indus- trial Accident Commission. 525 Market St., S. F. Residence, 2521 Channing way, Berkeley, Cal. Hale, Ida May B.L.13 ; m. E. C. Livingston '13. Resi- dence, 2306 Rose terrace, Berkeley, Cal. Halloran. Ruth Agnes B.S.13 : teacher, Susanville, Cal. Resi- dence. 2736 Bancroft way, Berkeley, Cal. Hamilton, Elizabeth B.L.13; teacher. Residence, 128 4th av., E., Twin Falls, Idaho Hammond, Theodore Eaton B.S.13; Grad. (U. S. Xaval Acad.) 11. Residence, Hotel Virginia, Long Beach. Cal. Hampton, Charles Leon B.S.13; teacher. Residence, The Brown, Napa, Cal. Hanna. Alfreda Lilias B.L.13; teacher, 254 Prospect St., Hay- ward, Cal. Residence, 700 The Ala- meda, Berkeley, Cal. Hanna. Evelyn Wood B.L.13; m.' James F. Ball '13. Resi- dence, Oleum. Cal. Hare. Hcrold Pittman B.S.13; M.D.16; physician, University of California Hospital. S. F. Residence, 815 McKinley av., Fresno, Cal. Harmon. Mignon Elizabetli B.L.13; teacher. Residence, liox 185, Boulder Creek, Cal. Harrington, Theresa Frances B.L.13; teacher, R.F.D. 1, Martinez, Cal. Residence, 922 Adeline St.. Oak- land. Cal. Harthan, Hans B.S.13 Hartman, Jacob William B.S.13; mining engineer. Residence. Angels Camp. Cal. Harvev. Margaretta Barrett B.S.'l3; m. Herbert S. Blakemore '15. Residence, Reedley, Cal. Hawley. Raymond William B.S.13; mine foreman. Porterville Mag- nesite Co., box 327, Porterville, Cal. Residence, Delano, Cal. Heger, Sydney Ralph B.L.13; with, D. C. Heger, shirt manu- facturer, 243 Kearny st. Residence. 589 10th av., S. F. Heller, Walter Stern B.S.13; M.A.15; office. 220 Montgom- ery St., S. F. Henrich. Antonea Zella B.L.13; teacher. Residence, 2227 Union St., Berkeley, Cal. Henry, Eleanor Mary B.L.13; teacher, high school, 1305 Will- iams St., Eureka, Cal. Residence, 498 S. 13th St., San Jose, Cal. Henslev, Columbus Burrell A.B.13; A.B. ( Ruskin Coll.) 10; statis- tician. Industrial Accident Commission, 525 Market St.. S. F. Residence, 357 Al- catraz av., Oakland, Cal. Herdeg. Helen Lush B.S.13: teacher. Dunsmuir, Cal. Resi- dence, 872 W. 10th St., Riverside, Cal. Hessel, Esther Victoria B.L.13; missionary, American Presby- terian Mission, Etah, India. American address, Santa Rosa, Cal. Heward, Harlan Lester A.B.13; lawyer. Residence, Wallace, Idaho Hewitt, Inez Mabel B.L.13 ; teacher. Residence. Yuba City. Cal. Hill. Erie Gladstone B.S.13; engineer, with San Luis Mining Co. Residence, Durango, Mcx. Hill. Raymond Moffct B.S.13'; farmer. Residence. 758 D St.. Petaluma, Cal. Hiller, Hazel Heloise B.L.13 Himes, Mattie Wilson B.L.13; teacher. Residence, 1310 Mar- ket St., Riverside, Cal. Hodgen, Margaret Trabuc B.L.13. Residence, 3838 Clay St., S. F. 178 BACIllLLORS: Academic Colleges [1913 I'M 3 Co II tinned Ilolliger, Cliarlcs Daniel H.S.13; M.S.14: M.I).I6: physician, DaiiuTon M()S])itaI. Residence, 830 N. Van lUiren St., Stockton, Cal. I lolliiiij^sworlh. F.dna Lucilc A.n!l.i; M.A.14; teacher, Wheatland, Cal. Residence, 1614 Grant St., Berke- ley, Cal. Ilonnegcr, Alma Anna B.L.l.l: m. Ross L. Guy ex '13. Resi- dence. Montague. Cal. lioohler. Hal Rexford R.S.13 fHood. Esther May A.B.13. Residence, Gold Run, Cal. Horner, Warren Douglas B.S.13 ; M.D.16; physician, University of California Hospital, 1251 2d av., S. F. Residence, 142 8th St., Chico, Cal. *Houda. Eva Marie B.L.13 ; d. December 27, 1915 Houston, Mary Ruth B.S.13 ; teacher. Residence, Calistoga, Cal. Howden, George B.L.13; M.A.15; teacher, Alturas, Cal. Residence, Dinuba, Cal. fHowell, George Arthur B.S.13. Residence, Stockton, Cal. Hoyt, Isabelle Amanda A.B.13; teacher. Residence, Willits, Cal. Hubbard, Ocheltree Sewell B.L.13 : vice-principal, Lincoln Gram- mar School, Alameda. Cal. Residence, Y. M. C. A., Oakland, Cal. Hughes, Edgar Ludwig B.S.13 Hull, Osman Ransom B.S.13: M.S.14: teacher. Residence, Crescent City, Cal. Humphreys, Charles William B.L.13: lawyer, with Johnston & Hum- phreys, 625 Market St., S. F. Residence, 1665 Shattuck av., Berkeley, Cal. Hunter. Mildred Lee B.L.13 ; m. Leslie W. Stahl. Residence, 535 E. Bailey St., Whittier, Cal. Hurni, Felix Henry B.S.13 : assistant (anatomy"). University of California. Residence, 2021^ Chan- ning wav. Berkeley, Cal. Huson. Willis Edward B.S.13: architect, with L. C. Mullgardt, Chronicle bldg.. S. F. Residence, 143 Ethel av.. Mill Valley. Cal. Ingels. Ray Russel B.S.13. Residence, 2544 Washington av., Fresno. Cal. Isaacs. Aaron B.S.13 : chemist, with Bureau of Stand- ards. Residence, 1120 Girard St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Jackson, Louelle B.S.13. Re.sidence, 300 Haight St., S. F. Jacobus, Jesse Jay B..S.13: accountant, with Xakat Inlet Cannery, Ketchikan, Alaska. Residence. 107 E. 35th St., Tacoma, Wash. Jaenicke, William Hugo B.S.13: civil engineer, with .Alaskan Engineering Co.. Anchorage. Alaska. Residence, 1121 Cole St., S. F. James, Marion Phoebe B.L.13; B.S. (Simmons) 15: teacher, Fallon, Nev. Residence, 1203 Spruce St., Berkeley, Cal. Jeans, Raymond William B.S.13: architect, with William C. Hays, 1 Montgomery St., S. F. Residence, 546 24th St., Oakland, Cal. Jeffry, Renaldo Joseph B.L.13: J.D.15 :'lawyer. Residence, 307 W. Poplar St., Stockton, Cal. Jewett, Josephine Antonia B.S.13; osteopathic physician. .Acheson bldg. Residence, 1700 University av., Berkeley, Cal. Johns, Watson Lee B.S.13 ; A.B. (Coll. of Pac. ) 12 : teacher, Lancaster, Cal. Residence. Sonora, Cal. Johnson. Helen Clover B.L.13. Residence. 823 Beaver St.. Santa Rosa, Cal. Jones. ]\Iabel Fern B.S.13: teacher, 317 \V. Elm st.. Lodi, Cal. Residence, 65 Asbury st.. San lose, Cal. Jones. Richard Dyer B.S.13 ; farmer. Residence, box 426. Woodland, Cal. Joses. Louis Elwood B.S.13 ; civil engineer, Preston School of Industry. Residence, lone, Cal. Joses, Maurice B.S.13 ; M.D.16 ; physician. University of California Hospital, S. F. Kaiser, Katherine B.L.13 ; teacher. Boulder Creek. Cal. Residence, 63 Pine st., Santa Cruz. Cal. fKato, Iwakichi B.S.13: M.L.14. Residence, Yomagata, Oyama, Japan Kavanagh. Edward Thomas B.S.13 : electrical machinist. Mare Isl- and, Cal. Residence, 733 Capitol St., Vallejo, Cal. Keith. Lucy Isabel B.S.13 : teacher. Burbank, Cal. Resi- dence, 634 E. 7th St.. Riverside. Cal. Kelly. Herbert Charles B.S.13 : lawver. Union bldg. Residence. 2848 A St.. San Dieso. Cab 1913] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 179 Kelly, Katherine Lawton A.B.I 3 : teacher. Residence, San Lo- renzo, Cal. fKendrick, Irma Roberta B.S.13 ; teacher, Dixon, Cal. Residence, 2311 Bancroft way, Berkeley, Cal. Kennv, -Margaret Mae B.L.13: m. B. D. Dexter ex '12. Res- idence. 2519 Ashby av., Berkeley, Cal. Ivephart. Calvin Ira B.S.13: electrical engineer, with Inter- state Commerce Commission. 85 2d st. Residence, 119 Steiner st., S. F. Kerns, Martha Beulah B.L.13. Residence, 75 Church st., Sant^ Cruz, Cal. fKerr, Kathleen Minerva B.L.13 ; M.L.14. Residence, Manila, P. L Kerr, Leonora Hamilton B.S.13: B.S. (Ore. Agr. Coll.) 12; teacher. Residence, 206 Jackson St., Corvallis, Ore. Keyes, Mary Curtis B.S.13 : teacher. Residence. 468 Oak- land av., Oakland, Cal. Keyston, George Noel B.S.13; with, Byrne & McDonnell, in- vestment securities, 242 Montgomery st. Residence, ?i2 Parnassus av., S. F. Kline, Bertram Ford B.S.13 : draftsman, with Southern Pa- cific Co. Residence, 810 11th st., Sac- ramento, Cal. Knowles. James Warren B.S.13; "teacher. Residence, 119 W. Walnut St., Lodi, Cal. Koshland, Daniel Edward B..S.13 : with. Equitable Trust Co., Z7 Wall St. Residence, Hotel Essex, Madi- son av. and 56th st., N. Y. City Kreyenhagen. Edna Alpha B.L.13; M.A.15; teacher, Santa Ynez, Cal. Residence, 110 Jackson st., Coal- inga, Cal. fKruse, Fred Herman B.S.13 : M.D.15 ; physician. Residence, 1431 Spruce St., Berkeley, Cal. Lais, Bertha Agnes A.B.13: m. Charles C. Perkins. Resi- dence, Perkins, Cal. Lamoureux, Laura Josephine B.L.13 ; assistant secretary, Cal. Social Insurance Commission, 525 Market St., S. F. Residence, 640 33d St., Oakland. Cal. Landrum. John Sydney B.L.13; teacher. Residence, 425 E. Ha- zelton av., Stockton, Cal. Lanzendorf. Oscar B.S.13: civil engineer, with California Highway Commission. Rialto I)l(lg. Res- idence. 1534 Vallejo st., S. F. Larson, Walter Alexander B.S.13 ; with, Schweitzer & Hutton. law- yers, Citizens National Bank bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Residence, box 52, Her- mosa Beach, Cal. Leach. Roy B.S.13 ; assayer, Techatticup Mining Co., Nelson, Nev. Residence, Hayfork. Cal. Le Baron. Clyde Leslie B.S.13: manager. Cremo Milk Co. Resi- dence, Valley Ford, Cal. Lee, David B.S.13; pastor, Korean M. E. Church. Residence, 1053 Oak St., S. F. Lee, Richard Arthur B.S.13 ; teacher. Residence, Lincoln. Cal. Lenzen, Victor Fritz B.S.13; Ph.D. (Harvard) 16: traveling fellow. Harvard University. Residence. 1635 Irving St., S. F. Leroux. Jeanne Emily B.L.13: m. Harry B. .\uld. Residence. 663 Van Buren st., Corvallis. Ore. Levy, Lawrence Livingston B.L.13; LL.B.15; lawyer. 14 Montgom- ery St. Residence, 3005 Jackson st., S. F. Lewek, Lucile Aline B.L.13. Residence, 2133 Webster st.. Oakland, Cal. f Lewis, Elizabeth Singleton B.L.13: teacher, high school, Porter- ville. Cal. Residence. Redwood City. Cal. Linde. Frederick George B.S.13: M.D.16: physician. University of (Talifornia Hospital. S. F. Residence, Auburn, Cal. Linden, Charlotte Smith B.S.13; m. William G. Marvin '14. Resi- dence. 1100 Dolores St., S. F. Lippincott, Donald Knudson B.S.13 ; factory suiierintendent. The Rieber Laboratories, 121 2d st. Resi- dence, 1750 Mission st., S. F. Lippman, Marion Hvman B.S.13: M.S. 14; director of laboratory. Lippman & Sugerman. chemists and bacteriologists. 135 Stockton st. Resi- dence. 795 Sutter St., S. F. Livingston, Edward Conant B.S.13; salesman, with National Cash Register Co. Residence, 2306 Rose ter- race, Berkeley, Cal. Locan. Margaret Bixby B.L.13. Residence. 1528 Scenic av., Berkeley, Cal. Lockridgc. Mope B.S.13; teacher. Residence. Delano, Cal. Loewcnthal. Paul A.B.13: J.D. (U. of So. Cal.): lawyer. Title Insurance bldg. Residence, 1833 S. Flower st., Los Angeles, Cal. 180 BACHELORS : Academic Colleges [1913 1*^13 Continued LovcU, W illi.iHi Watson. Jr. B.S.l.^; .I.U.15; lawyer. Van Nuys bldg. Resitlcnce. 421 VV. yXdanis St., Los An- Kelcs, Cal. Lower, Ivy l-'valiiu' H.S.1.1; tcaclicr. Sonoma, Cal. Kesi- tlence, 2511 Recent St., Berkeley, Cal. Lucas. Kniia Blanche A.R.l.^; ni. Kay L. Allin '1.3. Residence, 357 Waldo av., Pasadena, Cal. Lucas, Florence B.S.l.l; teacher. Residence, 1144 24th St., Ogden, Utah Luxton, Wilher I'Vcdcrick R.S.1.1 : horticulturist, Los Angeles county, box 561, station B. Residence, 59 S. Wilson av., Pasadena, Cal. Lyons, Frank Farrington B.S.13; farm advisor, San Joaquin county. Residence, Home apts., Stock- ton, Cal. ]\Lnck, Roland Robert B.S.13 : field superintendent. Spreckels Sugar Co., 115 N. 1st st. Residence, St. James Hotel, San Jose, Cal. Maclean, Donald Marcus B.L.13 ; lawyer. First National Bank bldg. Residence, 427 Sycamore av., Mo- desto, Cal. Macpherson, Harry Henderson B.S.13 ; civil engineer, with Cal. High- way Commission, Rialto bldg. Resi- dence, 236 Chattanooga St., S. F. Maguire, Phyllis Elizabeth B.L.13; m.'E. R. Welch '12. Residence, 1245 Washington st., S. F. fMalcolni, Hazel Estelle A.B.I 3. Residence. Great Falls, Mont. fMardis, Elizabeth Collins A.B.13. Residence, McMinnville, Ore. fMarsh, Roy Elmer Atwood B.L.13 ; teacher. Residence, Los Banos, Cal. Martin, Leland Stanford B.S.13: teacher, box 353, Oil Center, Cal. Residence, Porterville, Cal. Marvin. Florence Elizabeth A.B.13: teacher. Residence, 1928 Home St., Berkeley, Cal. I\Lischio, Pearl Gertrude B.L.13: M.L.14; teacher. Residence, 464 Alvarado St.. S. F. Mattern, Mabel Katharine B.S.13: m. A. W\ Rushforth '12. Resi- dence, Hillegass Court apts., Berkeley, Cal. ]\Litthe\vs, Phoebe Jane R.L.13: M.L.14: teacher. Residence, 12 Monte \'ista st.. Oakland, Cal. t^L^tthe\vs. William Roberts B.S.13. Residence. Fort Bragg. Cal. Mattison, Vclcda Delila B.L.13: teacher. Residence, R.F.D. 2, box 611, Santa Cruz, Cal. Mayo, Agnes Louise B.L.13. Residence, 2328 Channing way, Berkeley, Cal. Mayo, Frank Veach B.S.13: M.S.14 : architect. Commercial & Savings Bank bldg. Residence, 1023 N. Sutter st., Stockton, Cal. McAfee, Anna Ruth A.B.13 ; teacher. Residence, 2732 Hille- gass av., Berkeley, Cal. McCabe. Kathryn Delia B.L.13: physical director, Y. W. C. A.; 1306 K St., Fresno, Cal. Residence, 109 Morton St., Porterville, Cal. McCarthy, Madge B.L.13, Residence, 408 Estudillo av., San Leandro, Cal. McClelland, Harry Charles B.L.13; lawyer. Residence, Woodbridge, Cal. McCollum, M. Edna Lee B.L.13 ; teacher. Residence. Newman, Cal, McCormack, James Harry B.S.13 : secretary. McCormack Bros. Residence, 603 N. M st., Tacoma, Wash. IMcCoy, Florence Rose B.S.13; m. A. H. Sheffield. Residence, 1155 Colusa av., Berkeley, Cal. McCurdy, Ralph Gordon B,S.13: electrical engineer, with Joint Commission on Inductive Interference, 461 Market st., S. F. Residence, 2720a Hillegass av., Berkeley, Cal. fMcDonald, Jennie Dallas B.L.13. Residence, 4518 18th St., S. F. McFadden, Stanley Henry B.S.13 ; with. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Residence, Santa Maria, Cal. McHenry, Reynolds B.S.13 ; engineer, 465 California st. Res- idence, 2210 Ellsworth St., Berkeley, Cal. McKay. Robert James B.S.'l3 ; A.B. (Butler Coll.) 12 McKinley, James Wilfred, Jr. A.B.13 ; lawyer. Security bldg. Resi- dence, 508 W. Adams st., Los Angeles, Cal. McSweeny, ]\Iargaret Mary B.L.13 : teacher, Santa Ynez. Cal. Resi- dence, El Monte, Cal. fMealley, Richard Michael A.B.13. Residence, 1745 Francisco St., Berkeley, Cal. IMee, Whitney Player B.S.13 : chemist and assayer. with Chino Copper Co. Residence. Santa Rita, N.M. Mel, Marian Louise B.L.13; social service worker, with 1913] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 181 Baby Hospital of Alameda county. Res- idence, 1429 Spruce St., Berkeley, Cal. Mende, Herman Louis B.S.13; with, Western Union Telegraph Co. Residence, 2001 Allston way, Ber- keley, Cal. Mercer, George Edwin B.S.13; A.B. OVashburn Coll.) 93; teacher, high school. Residence, 427 Webster St., Palo Alto, Cal. Merrill, Edwin Ellison B.S.13: B.S. (Mass. Inst. Tech.) 15; draftsman, with Lawrence & Holford, architects, Chamber of Commerce bldg. Residence, 1073 Division St., Portland, Ore. *Metcalf, Florence B.L.13; d. 1914 Miller, Earl Lester B.L.13 ; secretary's assistant, 343 San- some St., S. F. Residence, 2241 College av., Berkeley, Cal. Miller, John Janney B.L.13 ; lawyer, 332 Pine St., S. F. Resi- dence, 1431a Arch St., Berkeley, Cal. Miller, Norman James B.S.13: lawyer" 821 Market st. Resi- dence, 1091 Bush St.. S. F. Mills, Henry Edmund, Jr. B.S.13: clerk, with W. R. Grace & Co., shippers. S. F. Residence, 2400 Durant av., Berkeley, Cal. Mini, Martin Andrew B.S.13 ; farmer. Residence, bo.x 122, \"alIejo. Cal. Alitsuda, Sakujiro B.S.13. Residence, 40 Furukaji St., To- yama, Japan fMivajima, Kenjiro B'.S.13: M.S.14; with. Skinkiu Gumi, exporters. Residence, Kobe. Japan Monroe, Daisy Lee B.L.13 ; teacher, Fallbrook, Cal. Resi- dence, 257 N. Magnolia av., Monrovia, Cal. Montandon, Otoe Francis B.L.13: J.D.15; lawyer, with Bauer & Greene, Henry bldg. Residence, 313 Glenn av., Portland, Ore. Moody, Thomas Leroy B.S.13; teacher. Residence, Laton. Cal. Moore, Florence Payne B.L.13: m. Paul H' McOsker. Care of Mrs. W. P. Moore, Hotel Carlton, Ber- keley, Cal. Moore, Helen Annie B.L.13 : assistant, recorder's ofiice. Uni- versity of California. Residence, 2.S21 Dwight way, Berkeley, Cal. Moore, Marcella Spring B.S.13: M.S.14: teacher. Residence, 1275 The Alameda, San Jose, Cal. Madrid, St., Oak- Residence, 15 : travel- Moorshead, X'icenta Patricia B.L.13; student, Fortuny IS Spain. Residence. 1514 .\lice land, Cal. fMorris, !Mvrl B.S.13: M.D.16; physician. 2229 Vine St., Berkeley, Ca! Morrison, Benjamin Yoe B.S.13: M.L.A. (Harvard) ing fellow. Harvard University. Resi- dence, 116 Chestnut av., Takoma park, Washington, D. C. Morse. Roy Robert B.S.13 ; geologist. China. Residence, 2732 Seminary av., Oakland, Cal. Morton, John William B.S.13; engineering estimator. 518 13th St. Residence, 5834 Birch court, Oak- land, Cal. Moulton, Francis B.L.13 ; salesman, with R. H. Moulton & Co., bonds. Title Insurance l)ldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Mouser. Luray Jameson B.L.13 ; J.D.16 ; lawyer. Residence. 2915a Regent st., Berkeley, Cal. Mowbray, Melton \'incent, Jr. B.S.13 : teacher. Residence. 4236 Foot- hill blvd., Oakland. Cal. Mulvanv, Mary Gertrude B.L.13. Residence, 1521 Hopkins St., Berkeley, Cal. Murray. Jennie Elizabeth B.L.'l3: M.L.14; copyholder, with Ex- aminer. Residence, 2704 Dana St., Ber- keley, Cal. fMuscio. Lillian Eugenia B.L.13. Residence, Santa Maria. Cal. Musser, Hazel B.L.13 ; law stenographer. Residence, 460 Leon av.. Delta. Colo. Myers, Lloyd Arthur B.L.13; lawyer, 465 California st. Res- idence, 2460 Washington St.. S. F. Neilson. Gladys B.S.13: M.S'.14. Residence. 254S Haste St., Berkeley, Cal. Xelson. Charles Henry B.L.13; principal, high school. Resi- dence, Fortuna, Cal. f Xelson, Elizabeth Florence B.L.13. Residence, 2327" Dnnn -t.. Ber- keley, Cal. Nelson. Frank Caleb B.S.13; accountant, with Lester, Her- rick & Herrick. 465 California st.. S. F. Residence, 2001 .\llston wav. Berkelev. Cal. Nelson, Vargen B.S.13: shipping clerk, with California & Hawaiian Sugar Refining Co. Resi- dence. Crockett. Cal. 182 n.lCllULORS: Academic Colleges [1913 1913 Coiitiiiiii-(l *Xc\vl)aiR'r, William A.H.I 3 : (1. October 8, 191.1 Ncwhy. Daisy Manic B.L.I.?: tcaciicr, Dcnair. Cal. Residence, .^27 S. I'ickcriiiK av., Whittier, Cal. fNewlan, X'ictor R..S.l,v Residence, R.F.D. 2, Norwalk, Cal. Nichols. Carl B.S.l.l: M.S. 14; teacher. Residence, 1,^,?6 Pacific St., San Luis Obispo, Cal. Nickels. Leslie lohn B.S.I 3 Nickerson, Edward Douglas B.S.l.l; civil engineer, with State De- partment of lingineering. Residence, 1220 18th St., Sacramento, Cal. Nielsen, Fred Austin B.S.13 Novak. James B.S.13; Grad. (U. of Halle) 06; ALS.14 •j-Nowell. Florence Everett B.S.13. Residence. Juneau, Alaska Nutting. Willard Holnies B.S.13: chemist, with Paraffine Paint Co., Emeryville, Cal. Residence, 464 Forest St., Oakland, Cal. Nye, Harris Tracy B.S.13; inspector. State Dairy Bureau, box 525. El Centro, Cal. Residence, box 55, Paso Robles, Cal. Nyswander, James Andrew B.S.13; instructor. University of Ne- vada. Residence, 307 W. 4th St.. Reno, Nev. Oberg. David Ludwig A.B.13: teacher. Residence, 902 St. Louis av.. Long Beach, Cal. Oliver, James Boyd B.L.13: student, 2511 Durant av.. Ber- keley, Cal. Residence. Hemet, Cal. O'Neill. Jesse Weldon A.B.l.i"; lawyer, 428 13th st.. Oakland, Cal. Residence, 3104 Wheeler St., Ber- keley. Cal. Owen, Joseph Allen B.S.13 : physician. S. F. Hospital. S. F. Residence, Red Bluff, Cal. Pavliger. Joseph B.S.13 : roentgenologist, Merritt Hos- pital. Residence, 1650 6th av., Oakland, Cal. Peart, Sterling Benjamin B.S.13: rancher. Residence, 1097 Green St.. S. F. f Peltier. A'ictor Michel B.S.13. Residence. 617 Steiner St.. S. F. Perrin, Emma Carrie B.L.13 ; m. Leslie A. Moxon. Residence, Areata. Cal. Peterson, Ina Dorothy B.S.13: m. R. S. Iniller ex '14. Resi- dence, 1820 \V. 41st drive, Los Angeles, Cal. Pfoutz, Charles Yale B.S.13: A.B. (Utah) 11; M.S. ibid; with, Utah Copper Co., Garfield, Utah. Residence, 1136 K. 1st South St., Salt Lake City, Utah Pierson, Pauline Mayes B.L.13. Residence, 1727 Vallejo St., S. F. I'inklcy, Hope Eugenia B.S.13 ; m. Robert G. Sharp '11 : teacher, East Auburn, Cal. Residence, Kings- burg, Cal. Porter, Harriet Christena B.S.13; m. Clemant W. James. Resi- dence, 2001 Parker st., Berkeley, Cal. fPowcll, Louise Cutts B.S.13. Residence, Berkeley, Cal. Preble, Jessie Lunt A.B. 13. Residence, 1710 Arch St.. Ber- keley, Cal. Price, Jay Hamilton B.S.13 : logging engineer. Residence, Chico, Cal. Pring. Thomas Ernest B.S.13: M.S.14: Gr.Arch.15; architec- tural designer. Residence, 2736 Forest av., Berkeley, Cal. Purrington, Elwin Erwin B.S.13 ; accountant, with State Indus- trial Accident Com., 525 Market st. Res- idence, 466 Frederick St., S. F. Rabinowitz, Leo Joseph A.B.13; LL.B.15; lawyer. 1 Montgom- ery St. Residence. 1714 Steiner st. S.F. Ramelli, Eda B.L.13: teacher, 329 \V. Michetorena, Santa Barbara, Cal. Residence, 620 Crimea St., Ventura, Cal. Randall. Richard Ray B.L.13 ; newspaperman, with New York World. Residence, 549 Riverside drive, N. Y. City Raphael, Henry B.S.13 ; teacher. Residence. 675 Dolores St., S. F. Raven. Ralph Styles B.S.13 ; secretary. Raven Trust Co., Ltd., 38 Kiangse rd. Residence. 75 Route Val- lon. Shanghai, China Reed. Rhoda Ramona B.S.13. Residence. 135 Brizzolara St., San Luis Obispo. Cal. Reed. Thomas Black B.S.13: J.D.15; lawyer. Trust & Sav- ings bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Residence, box 14. Covina, Cal. Revnolds. Ralph \Yhitney 'B.S.13. Residence, 270 S. Harvard blvd.. Los .Angeles. Cal. 1913] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 183 Rhodes, Eric Houghton B-.S.13 : civil engineer. Residence, Ro- naki, Remuera, Auckland, New Zealand Richardson, Harry Leonard B.L.13 ; lawyer, 381 Bush st., S. F. Res- idence, 2718 Grove St., Oakland, Cal. Ricks, Hiram Lambert. Jr. B.S.13; J.D.15 ; lawyer, with Sevier, Coonan & Ricks. Residence, 1005 G St., Eureka, Cal. Robarts, Kenneth William B.S.13 ; division superintendent, with Great Western Power Co. Residence, Keddie, Cal. Rodgers, George Leigh B.S.13 ; foreman, Finn Metal Works, 384 2d St. Residence, 1082 Union St., S. F. Rosenthal, Rose Marguerite B.S.13. Residence, 2307 Hearst av., Berkeley, Cal. Rosen wald, Jesse B.S.13 ; engineer, with M. C. Couchot, 110 Sutter St. Residence, 3434 Clay St., S. F. Ruddock, John Carroll, Jr. B.S.13: " M.S. 14: M.D.16; physician, University of California Hospital, S. F. Residence, Ukiah, Cal. Ryan, Marion Eveline B.L.13 ; m. Cecil B. Clancy. Residence, R.F.D. 1, Lodi, Cal. Ryle, Florence Elizabeth A.B.13; M.A.14; teacher. Residence, 3574 University av., Los Angeles, Cal. Sala, Peter Louis B.S.13 : architect. Commercial & Savings Bank bldg. Residence, 204 E. Cleve- land St.. Stockton, Cal. Salomon, Edward B.S.13: M.D. (Stanford): interne, Ger- man Hosi)ital. Residence. 1634 Fell St., S. F. Sams. Hal J. B.S.13: engineer, with Cal. Highway Commission. Rialto bldg., S. F. Resi- dence, 2250 Eunice St., Berkeley, Cal. Sandholdt, Lillian Christine G. B.L.13 ; teacher. Residence, Centerville, Cal. Schleef, Caroline A.B.13: housing inspector, with Com- mission of Immigration and Housing, 525 Market st. Residence, Oliver Hotel, S. F. Schroeder. Helen Theresa B.S.13 A.B. (Olivet Coll.): m. I. M. Reed. Residence, Nome, .A.laska Schulze, Margaret B.S.13: M.S. 14; M.D.16: physician. Residence, 1731 Carlton St., Berkeley, Cal. Searls. Henry Hunt B.S.13: M.D.16: physician. University of California Hospital, S. F. Residence, Nevada City, Cal. Seiffert, Marguerite B.L.13; teacher. Residence, 1427 Mar- ket St., Oakland, Cal. Shafer, Jeanette Frances B.S.13 ; assistant, with Charity Organ- ization Society, Berkeley, Cal. Resi- dence, 3249 Encinal av., Alameda. Cal. Shannon, Elnora B.L.13. Residence, 7524 Hollywood blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. Shaw, Mrs. Ellen Lenore A.B.13; m. Tutor E. Shaw; teacher. Miss Head's School, Berkeley, Cal. Shell, Joe Lieb B.S.13; in charge, Swinomish Indian Reservation. Residence, La Conner, Wash. Sherwood, Clara Anne B.S.13 Shields, Robert Patterson, Jr. B.S.13 ; vice-president. Mission Sand & Rock Co., American National Bank bldg., San Diego, Cal. Residence, 625 B av., Coronado, Cal. Shoecraft, Marguerite Dorsey B.L.13. Residence, 3040 College av., Berkeley, Cal. Short, James Vernon B.S.13 ; superintendent, stock farm. Res- idence, box 421, Palo Alto, Cal. Sifford. Pearl Grace B.L.13 ; teacher, Westwood, Cal. Resi- dence, Susanville, Cal. fSifredi, Aristobulo \'irgilo B.S.13; M.S. 14. Residence, Buenos Aires, Argentine Republic Silverman, Arthur Litten A.B.13; teacher. Residence, 121 E. Birch St., Walla Walla, Wash. Simon. Morris B.S.13; chemist, with .American Oil- fields Co. Residence. Fellows, Cal. Simpson, John Lowrey B.L.13; with. Commission for Relief in Belgium, 98 Haringvliet. Rotterdam, Holland. Residence, Woodland, Cal. Sinclair, Earl Tonics A.B.13: J.D.iS: lawyer, with B. D. M. Greene, Berkeley Bank bldg. Residence, 2028 Delaware St., Berkeley, Cal. Sisson, Ralph Calvin B.S.13; M.A.16: te.ichcr. Technical High School. Residence, 868 44th st., Oakland, Cal. Smallwood, Walter Charles H.S.13: M.n. (Stanford) 16; physician. Lane Hospital. Residence, "20 Xevin av., S. F. Smith, Orniond Ralston B.S.13 ; underwriter, with Georgia Cas- ualty Co.. 310 California st.. S. F. Resi- dence. 2628 Etna st., Berkelev. Cal. 184 II.ICIIELORS: Academic Colleges [1913 l'M3 Colli iiiiiecl SiK'll. l-'-arlc Kay U.l..l.<: secretary, Cal. Animated Film Corp. Residence, San Rafael, Cal. Siiook. Charles Wade H.L.l.l; l.n.15; lawyer, with Snook & Cinirch, 1106 Broadway. Residence, 354 .Uth St., Oakland, Cal. Soulas, Louise B.S.l.^; teacher. Residence, 2,^23 Col- lege av.. Berkeley, Cal. Spellniever, Stanley Adrian B.S.13; mining engineer, with San Luis Mining Co. Residence, Mazatlan, Mex. Spencer, Forrest Eugene A.B.13: B.L.ll ; M.A.14 ; assistant (Ro- manic languages), University of Cali- fornia. Residence, 610 Page St., S. F. SpofYord. lames Wallace B.L.13 ;"M.A.15. Residence. 2115 Du- rant av.. Berkeley, Cal. Sproul. Robert Gordon B.S.13: assistant to the comptroller, University of California. Residence. 1403 Grant St.. Berkeley, Cal. Stairs, Walter Lee B.L.13: with, U. S. Mint, S. F. Resi- dence, 2001 Allston way, Berkeley, Cal. Stark, Ruth Augusta B.L.13; M.A. (Columbia) 14: teacher. Residence, 3038 Telegraph av., Oakland, Cal. Steel. Evelyn Agnes A.B.13: M.A.14: librarian, Technical High Sii'o)i, Sacramento, Cal. Craig, Eric Kenneth B.S.14; mining engineer. Residence, iZ Craig av., Oakland, Cal. f Crane, Ada Ethel B.S.14. Residence, San Rafael, Cal. Cridcr, Willis Clyde B.L.14; minister. Community Church. Residence, Scotia, Cal. Crosby, Katherine Elizabeth A.B.14 ; social service worker. Resi- dence, Ridge rd. and Highland place, Berkeley, Cal. Crow, Elena LeGrande B.L.14 ; teacher. Residence. Oakdale, Cal. Cullity, Edwin B.S.14; draftsman, with East Butte Copper Mining Co. Residence, 1036 W. Granite St., Butte, Mont. Culver, Isabel Emma B.S.14; assistant, registrar's office. Northwestern University. Residence, 1907 Sherman av., Evanston, 111. Cumming, Robert Bragg B.S.14 ; draftsman, with Southern Pa- cific Co., 870 Market st. Residence, 3653 16th St., S. F. Cunningham, Frank Joseph B.L.14; with. Commission of Immigra- tion and Housing. Residence. Sacra- mento, Cal. Dartt, Rena INIay B.L.14 fDavis. James B.L.14. Residence, Crescent City. Cal. fDavis. Susana Kirk B.S.14. Residence. 2627 Hearst av., Berkeley, Cal. Davis, William Eilert B.S.14 ; civil engineer. Residence. 659 2d av., S. F. Dawson, Ellen Margaret Kathleen A.B.14; M.A.15: teacher. Geyserville, Cal. Residence. 2630 M St., Sacramen- to. Cal. Day, Eleanor Edith B.L.14. Residence, 281 S. Madison av.. Pasadena. Cal. Dean. William Edward. Jr. B.S.14 : engineer, with W'estinghouse Air Brake Co. Residence. 353 Marguer- ite av., Wilmerding. Pa. Dearborn. Ruth A.B.14: m. Charles A. Pimentel. Resi- dence. 2134 42d av., Oakland. Cal. de Laguna. Bertha Elizabeth B.L.14; teacher. Residence. 616 S. Al- varado st., Los Angeles, Cal. Delerav, Bert Roland B.S.14. Residence. 1231 5th av.. S. F. Dennett. Edith Evans B.L.14. Residence. 1326 Spruce St., Berkeley, Cal. 1914] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 191 Den- !115 way, Denny. Levi Porter B.S.I 4 : assistant engineer, with O. ny. 58 Sutter St., S. F. Residence, Cedar St., Berkeley, Cal. Devin. ^lartha Dene B.L.14. Residence, 2315 Dwigh\ Berkeley. Cal. Dichman. Ernest Wykeman Grattan B.S.14 : electrical engineer, with Gen- eral Electric Co. Residence, 907 State St.. Schenectady, N. Y. Dickinson, Abless Bray B.S.14. Residence, Tomales, Cal. Dickinson. Edward Fletcher • B.L.14: with, Associated Pipe Line Co., Kingsburg. Cal. Residence. 234 Perry St., Oakland, Cal. Dobrzenskv. Milton Willis B.L.14 : 'j.D.16; lawyer, with Fitzger- ald. Abbot & Beardsley, 1206 Broadway, Oakland, Cal. Residence, 2519 Durant av.. Berkeley, Cal. Dodge. Charles Seffens B.S.14; vice-president, E. J. Dodge Co., lumber manufacturers, 16 California St., S. F. Residence, 2428 Hillside av., Ber- keley, Cal. Dodge. Mildred Leonore B.L.14. Residence, 2428 Hillside av., Berkeley. Cal. Donian, Joseph B.S.14 : civil engineer. Residence, 2117 Center st., Berkeley, Cal. Dougherty. Paul Ignatius B.S.14 : assistant farm advisor. Univer- sity of California. Residence, El Cen- tre, Cal. Dowell. Lorena Louisa B.L.14 ; m. E. F. Rushforth. Residence, 2211 Haste st.. Berkeley, Cal. Dozier, Wade Hainpton B.S.14 ; farmer. Residence, Cal. Drew. \\'illiam Frank B.S.14: M..A..15: teacher. 422 Main st., Hayward. Cal. Drury, Aubrey B.L.14 : writer, with advertising bureau. Southern Pacific Co.. 870 Market St., S. F. Residence, 1520 Euclid av., Ber- keley, Cal. Dumke, Herman Silas B.S.14 : rancher. Residence, Laws, Cal. Dunn, William Hiram B.S.14: salesman, with Pacific Fuel & Building Material Co. Residence, 793 52d St., Oakland, Cal. fDunne. Helen Margaret B.L.14. Residence, 1335 X. Hunter St., Stockton, Cal. Dunshee. P)ertram Kellogg B.S.14: civil engineer, with High- way Commission. Xaples. Cal. Resi- dence, box 704. San Luis Obispo, Cal. Rio Vista, Residence, Duque, Gabriel Carlos B.L.14; lawyer. Title Insurance bldg. Residence, 701 S. New Hampshire av., Los Angeles, Cal. Durney, Xatalia Nevada B.S.'l4: teacher. McCloud. Cal. Resi- dence, Sisson, Cal. fDurrell. Laura Leona B.S.14; teacher, high school. Fillmore, Cal. Residence, 568 E. Center st., Azusa, Cal. Dyer, Deborah Hathaway B.L.14. Residence, 2607'Etna St.. Ber- keley, Cal. Eaines, Elizabeth Alward B.L.14. Residence, Wahiawa. Oahu, T. H. Eaton, Ralph Monroe B.L.14; AM. (Harvard) 15; assistant (philosophy). Harvard University, 40 Conant Hall, Cambridge. Mass. Resi- dence, ?,22 E. Flora St., Stockton, Cal. Eddy, Zella Vivian B.L.14: teacher, high school. Resi- dence. Anderson, Cal. Edgerly. Emily Eleanor A.B.14; teacher. Truckee. Cal. Resi- dence. Xapa Junction, Cal. fEdgington. Jennie Ruth B.L.14. Residence, 2639 College av.. Berkeley, Cal. Eichbaum, Charles Williamson, Jr. B.S.14; engineer. Residence, 3651 16th St., S. F. Eichner, Earle Roess B.S.14; rancher. Residence, box 237. Fallon. Nev. Eisenhauer, Randolph Churchill B.S.14; assistant engineer, with Courey Placer Mining Co. Residence. Ruby. Mont. Elder, Ruth A.B.14: secretary, Dumbarton Land & Improvement Co.. S. F. Residence. 2420 Ashby av., Berkeley, Cal. Eller, Willard Henry B.S.14. Residence, 2438 Haste st.. Ber- keley, Cal. Ellis, Chester Bradford B.S.14; clerk, with Capital Fire Insur- ance Co. of Cal., 118 Sansome st. Resi- dence, 130 Locust St.. S. F. Ellis, Ralph Clifford B.L.14: insurance broker, with Ellis & Barker. 822 Main st. Residence. 17 Highland place. Riverside, Cal. fElsasser. Muriel Whitman B.L.14. Residence. 222 Coast st.. Frcs no, Cal. Esser. .Adeline Cordelia A.B.14 ; teacher. Corrcction\ illc. Iowa. Residence. Manning. Iowa 192 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1914 1914 Continued •|-l''.viM-tll, l.ouisc J^clicf U.S. 14; in. Loren B. Taber ex '12. Residence, 22.^7 Dwight way, Berkeley, Cal. Ewy, liilni Aiiluir A.H.14; teacher, high school. Resi- dence. 112 W. Elm St., Hanford, Cal. Fee, Daniel Jerome B.S.14: ciiKineer, with Northwestern Pacific Railroad Co., Sausalito, Cal. Residence, 2616 Buchanan st., S. F. Feelcv, John Cornelius, Jr. B.S.14; engineer, Carson, Nev. Resi- dence, East Auburn, Cal. Felt, Meryl B.S.14; teacjier. Residence, 1447 Sum- mer St., Eureka, Cal. Ferrier, Elizabeth Erskine B.S.14; m. Donald Ross. Residence, 319 El Cerrito av.. Piedmont, Cal. Field, Ephraim B.S.14: M.A.15; Gr. Arch. 16; with, John Galen Howard, architect, 604 Mis- sion St., S. F. Residence, 590 63d St., Oakland, Cal. Figg, Harriet Roberta A.B.14. Residence, Walnut Grove, Cal. Fike, LeRoy Wilbur B.L.14; M.A.15. Residence, 1619 La Loma av., Berkeley, Cal." Fisher, John Thomas B.L.14. Residence, 1936 Berkeley way, Berkeley, Cal. Fisher. Rachel Katherine B.L.14 ; teacher, Fairfield, Cal. Resi- dence, 1936 Berkeley way. Berkeley. Cal. f Fitzgerald, Edgar Cecil B.S.14. Residence. 2267 Howard St., S.F. Fitzgerald. Marguerite Mary B.L.14. Residence, 2704 Derby St., Ber- keley, Cal. Fleming, Howard Webster B.S.14; medical student. University of California. Residence, 471 E. Santa Clara St., San Jose, Cal. Foerster. Roland Constantine B.L.14; J.D.16; lawyer, with Morrison, Dunne & Brobeck, 612 Market st. Res- idence, 2217 California St., S. F. Fong, Kim-Poon B.S.14 Frank, Frances Pearl B.S.14. Residence, 1958 New Jersey St., Los Angeles. Cal. Eraser, Clara Lyon B.L.14 : teacher, 2525 College av., Ber- keley. Cal. Residence, Lakeport, Cal. Frasier. Harold Tipton Lindsey B.L.14 ; with. Title Insurance & Trust Co. Residence, 912 Catalina St., Los Angeles, Cal. f I'Vcdericks, George S. B.S.14. Residence, Winters, Cal. J'Visbie, Edith B.L.14; i)layground sui)ervisor. Resi- dence, 2747 Stuart st., Berkeley, Cal. I^'ulmor, James Norman B.S.14; dairyman. Residence, Ferndale, Cal. Gaddis, Fanny Woodhull B.L.14; teacher, San Lucas, Cal. Resi- dence, 815 Hellam St., Monterey. Cal. Gale. Thornbrough Patterson B.L.14 : lawyer, with D. R. & T. P. Gale, « Santa Rosa Hank bldg. Residence, 1072 3d St., Santa Rosa, Cal. Gallagher, Grace Katherine B.L.14; teacher, box 242, Merced, Cal. Residence. 578 38th St., Oakland, Cal. Gallagher, Minnie Edna B.S.14; m. Robert S. Allen. Residence, 709 S. 2d St., Globe, Ariz. Garcelon, Pearl B.S.14; m. A. M. Brown '13. Residence. 2284 E. 14th St., Oakland. Cal. Garcia, Edward Cyril A.B.14; M.A.16; teacher, high scliool, Tonopah, Nev. Residence, E. 7th and Yamhill sts.. Portland. Ore. Gard. Clennie Xeal B.L.14 ; teacher. Residence, 518 S. Pickering av., Whittier, Cal. Gardner. Elmina Dundon B.S.14; teacher, Sebastopol, Cal. Resi- dence, 1532 Walnut St., Berkeley, Cal. Gates, Arthur Irving B.L.14; M.A.15; assistant (psychology), LTniversity of California. Residence, 2614 Dwight way, Berkeley, Cal. Gautier, George B.L.14. Residence, 203 S. Curtis av., Alhambra, Cal. Georgeson, Lloyd Wallace B.L.14; broker, Mazatlan, Mex. Resi- dence, 907 6th St., Eureka, Cal. Gibson. Myra Elizabeth B.L.14; teacher. Residence, 355 Fair Oaks St.. S. F. Giffen. Camille M. B.L.14 ; teacher. Residence. 1625 To- berman St.. Los Angeles. Cal. Gilkev, Lillian B.S.14; m. Harry G. Hansell '14. Resi- dence, 590 8th av.. S. F. Gillis. Edward B.L.14 : teacher. Presbyterian School. Residence, Santiago. Chile, South America Gobar. George Hutchinson B.L.14; A.'b. (Occidental) 11: J.D.15 : lawyer. Residence. 361 W. Common- wealth av., Fullerton, Cal. 1914] BACHELORS: Academic Collciics 193 Goethals, Marie Nathalie B.L.14; teacher. Residence, 970 Mag- nolia av., Riverside, Cal. Goin, Mabel B.L.14; teacher. Residence, 2400 L St., Sacramento, Cal. fGordon, Milton Cutler B.S.14. Residence, Jackson, Cal. Gould, Gladys Virginia B.L.14; teacher. Residence, 1435 Hyde St., S. F. Graham, J. Fenton B.S.14; teacher. Residence, Lenioore, Cal. Gray, Harold Edwin B.S.14 ; engineer, with Pennsylvania Steel Co., Chronicle bldg., S. F. Resi- dence, 116 Lake St., Oakland, Cal. Gray, Ralph Herbert B.S.14: with, National Orange Co., Co- rona, Cal. Residence, 1537 ^\^ 46th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Gregory, Saleal B.L.14; teacher. Residence, 1227 Eu- clid av., Berkeley, Cal. Grice, Clayton Robert B.S.14 ; rancher. Residence, Del Mar, Cal. Griffith, Emily Ruth B.L.14; teacher of dancing. Residence, 3140 Lewiston av., Berkeley, Cal. Griffiths, Mansel Penry B.L.14; J.D.16; lawyer. Residence, 1902 Myrtle St., Oakland, Cal. Grotophorst, Waldo Edward B.S.14; manager, A. J. Ochsner's farms. Residence, Spring Grove, Va. Grunsky, Clotilde B.L.14. Residence, 2574 Union st.. S. F. Gunn, Ann Innes B.L.14; teacher. Residence. 916 E. 21st St., E. Oakland, Cal. Gunn, Ray Edgar B.S.14 ; manager, Napa County Abstract Co. Residence, 215 Wilson St., Napa, Cal. Gunn, Robert Leland B.S.14 ; assayer and chemist, with Yel- low Aster Mining & Milling Co. Resi- dence, Randshurg. Cal. (jwynn, William Martin B.L.14; with. Commission for Relief in Belgium, 98 Haringvliet, Rotterdam. Holland. Residence, 2509 Parker st., I'erkeley, Cal. TIaball, Anna B.L.14; M.A.16: teacher. Residence, 1300 Grove St., Berkeley, Cal. fHahn. Glen Gardner B.S.14; M.S. 16. Residence, 1424 Bay St., Alameda. Cal. Haines, Oliver Lincoln B.L.14 ; with, Pacific Telephone & Tele- graph Co. Residence, 2421 \irginia St., Berkeley, Cal. Hale, William Morrel B.S.14; clerk, with Federal Reserve Bank, 25 New Montgomery st., S. F. Residence, 1345 Arch st., Berkeley, Cal. Hall, Florence Isabel A.B.14. Residence, 614 Broderick st., S. F. Hall, Helen Ranke B.S.14 ; teacher. Residence, l)o.x 58, Na- tional City, Cal. Hall, Lloyd George B.L.14; subscription solicitor, with Cur- tis Puljlishing Co. Residence. 2543 Chil- ton way, Berkeley, Cal. Ham, Roswell Gray B.L.14: instructor (English), Univer- sity of California. Residence. Faculty Club. Berkeley, Cal. Hamlin, Oliver Deveta B.L.14; deputy district attorney, .\la- nieda county. Residence, 282 Ridgeway av., Oakland, Cal. Hancock, Charles Aldrich B.S.14 ; engineer, with Cal. Highway Commission. Residence. Diamond Springs, Cal. Hanke. Laura Marguerite B.S.14. Residence, 2402 Dupont av.. S. Minneapolis, Minn. Hannas. Ruth A.B.14: teacher of music. Residence, 2820 Derby st.. Berkeley, Cal. Hansen, Harry Guthrie B.L.14: teacher, W'ilmerding School. Residence, 590 8th av., S. F. f Hanson, Elzaida B.S.14: teacher. 2702 H St., Eureka, Cal. Residence, Fortuna, Cal. Hanson. Martha Margaret B.L.14; teacher, 718 !•'. Ramsey st., Goldfield, Nev. Residence. Santa Maria, Cal. Hanson. Ray B.S.14 ; mechanic, with Southern cific Co., 703 12th St., Sacramento, Residence, Colfax, Cal. I Lirdin. Mabel .\nna ]'>.!.. 14; teacher. Artlmr. Nev. Resi- lience, 1827 Encinal av.. .Mamcda. Cal. Harris, Jessie Winifred R.S.I 4"; m. C. \V. Stewart 2715 Bush St., S. F. Harris. Mira .\nita A.B.14. Residence. S. F. I larris, Zoe Benton B.L.14: teacher. Residence. '"'" < "■ St.. Rcflding, Cal. Harshman. Clarence Cory B.S.14 ; assistant engineer, with C. and H. T. Cory, 14 Montgomery st. Res- idence. 141'' California st.. S. F. Pa Cal. '14. Care of 1547 Oclavia st. L 194 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1914 1914 Continued ilarwcll, Charles Albert B.S.14; vice-principal, grammar school. Residence, 345 Oaks hivd., San Leandro, Cal. 1 laseltiiie, Marj^aret B.S. 14; proprietor, I'eKgy Stewart Tea Room, 17 W. Saratojja st. Residence, 1014 Madison av., Baltimore, Md. Hassheicler, John Harry B.S.14; apiarist. Residence, 1250 VV. 49th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Havens, Royal Frederick B.S.14; teacher. Residence, Centerville, Cal. Mazeltine, Karl Snyder B.S.14; orchardist. Residence, box 88, Sunnyvale, Cal. fHazzard, Arthur Gardner B.L.14. Residence, Wasco, Cai. Hegeman, Alanson Kerr B.S.14; mining engineer. Residence, Ruth, Xev. Henderson, Herman Bryant B.S.14; engineer. City Hall, S. F. Res- idence, 2805 Kelsey St., Berkeley, Cal. Hendricks, John Abram B.S.14: with, Empire Mine, Grass Val- ley, Cal. Residence, 126 S. Fremont St., Los Angeles,- Cal. Henze, Hermine B.L.14 ; librarian. Residence. 269 Field av., Detroit, Mich. Herbert, Frank Barnes B.S.14; ranger, with forest insect in- vestigations, U. S. Department of Agri- culture. Residence, box 458, Placerville, Cal. Herbst, Marguerite Claire B.L.14 : teacher. Residence, 1650 Clay St.. S. F. Herrmann, Hertha Albertine B.L.14 : m. E. C. Brown '14. Residence, 4988 Coronado av., Oakland, Cal. Hirschfeld, Mervyn Heller B.S.14; medical student. Residence, 731 Duboce av., S. F. Hitchings, Ruth B.L.14; teacher, 814 Eklund av.. Ho- quiam. Wash. Residence, 3202 Irving St.. Seattle, Wash. Hodgson, Helen Dale B.L.14 ; teacher, Cordelia, Cal. Resi- dence, 1329 Sacramento St., S. F. fHohweisner, Carl William B.S.14. Residence, 118 Locust av., San Rafael, Cal. Holeman, Roy Reuben B.S.14; bookkeeper, with Monte Vista Citrus Assn. Residence. 637 Lime St., Riverside, Cal. Holland, Vera Frances P).L.14; teacher, high school. Residence, X'acaville, Cal. Holland, Walter Hawkins B.S.14; testing engineer, with General Electric Co., 702 Campbell av., Schenec- tady, N. Y. Residence, 2540 Buena Vista way, Berkeley, Cal. Hollingsworth, Merrill Windsor B.S.14; medical student. Residence, 56 Delmar St., S. F. Holm. Signa Marie B.S.14; teacher, Woodlake, Cal. Resi- dence, 930 Georgia St., Vallejo, Cal. Holmes, Frederick Veeder B.S.14 ; wholesale lumber salesman, 681 Market St., S. F. Residence, 3030 Col- lege av., Berkeley, Cal. Hood, Archie B.S.14; teacher. Residence, 446 66th St., Oakland, Cal. Hopkins, Anna Lee .B.S.14 ; m. Gilbert H. Sweet ex '14. Res- idence, Soulsbyville, Cal. Homage, Evalyn Bonsall B.L.14. Residence, 1028 X. Sutter St., Stockton, Cal. Howard, Katherine B.L.14; social secretary. Residence, 615 Greenleaf av., Glencoe, 111. Huntting, Mary Ruth B.L.14; teacher. Residence, Concord, Cal. Hurd, Charlotte Xevil B.S.14 ; M.S. 15 ; instructor (physiology), Oregon Agricultural College, 2070 Mon- roe St., Corvallis, Ore. Residence. 534 Sycamore St., Oakland, Cal. Huston, Evelyn ]\Iav B.S.14; m. Osman" R. Hull '13. Resi- dence, Crescent City, Cal. Huston. Jay Calvin B.L.14 ; student interpreter, American Legation, Peking, China Hyde, Alice Evelyn B.S.14; teacher. Sweetwater. Xev. Res- idence, Seabright station, Santa Cruz, Cal. Ingraham. Ida Clinton B.L.14; m. F. M. Casal '11. Residence, 1372 Burbank St.. Alameda. Cal. Isaacs, Irwin Mavo B.S.14 fto, Bunshiro B.S.14; architect. Care of Dr. I. Xaka- hara, Kudanshita, Tokyo, Japan Ito, Sangoro B.L.14; M.A.15: teacher of music. Res- idence. 2514 Shattuck av.. Berkeley, Cal. Jackling, Frances B.S.14; M..\.15 ; teacher. Residence, 1625 Toberman St., Los Angeles, Cal. 1914] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 195 Jackson. Eleanor May A.B.14; M.A.15; teacher. Residence, 5615 Malabar St., Los Angeles, Cal. Jacobs. Newton Francis B.S.14 ; bookkeeper, with Southern Si- erra Power Co., First National Bank bldg. Residence, 1010 West 7th St., Riverside, Cal. fjames, Irene Florence B.S.14. Residence, Wilcox av., Oroville, Cal. f Johns, Arthur Wesley B.L.14. Residence, 1296 Haight St., S. F. Johnson. Florence Gula B.L.14; teacher. Residence, 1905 Chest- nut St., Alameda, Cal. Jungermann, Albert Augustus B.S.14; M.S. 15; teacher. Residence, box 391, Paso Robles. Cal. Kable, George Wallace B.S.14 Kalousdian. John \'ahan B.S.14 : student, Harvard Law School ; 539 Mt. Auburn St., Watertown, Mass. Residence, Yettani, Cal. Keen, Frederick Paul B.S.14 ; ranger, forest insect investiga- tions, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 478 Boulevard, Ashland, Ore. Resi- dence, 3681 5th St., San Diego, Cal. Kelly, Angelia B.L.14 : teacher. Residence, 1452 Wil- lard St., S. F. Kendall, John Norman B.S.14; M.S.15; assistant (botany). University of California. Residence, 2406 Bancroft way, Berkeley, Cal. fKennedy, Henry Edward B.S.14 ; electrical engineer. Residence, 2630 Dana St., Berkeley, Cal. Kerr, Jay Russell B.S.14 ; ranch foreman. Crags Country Club. Residence. Calabasas, Cal. Kerr. Mark Brickell, Jr. B.S.14 ; engineer, with Western Electric Co., 463 West st. Residence. 161 W. 13th St., N. Y. City Kingsbury, Walter B.S.14; assistant (education). Univer- sity of California. Residence, 2530 Ells- worth St., Berkeley, Cal. Knoop, Henry Louis B.L.14; J.D.16; lawyer. Residence, 2546 Haste St., Berkeley, Cal. Knudsen. Dagmar B.L.14. Residence. 4122 Gilbert St., Oakland, Cal. Koester, Frederick Adam B.S.14: with. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Residence. 425 Elmwood av., Oakland, Cal. Koshland, Robert Joseph B.S.14 : buyer and salesman, with J. Koshland & Co., 501 Summer St., Bos- ton, Mass. Kwauk. Zang Yien B.S.14. Residence, 1515 W. Monroe St.. Chicago, 111. Kyburz, Juanita Alice B.L.14; m. Stanley L. Arnot '14. Resi- dence, Plymouth, Cal. Kyte. Pearl Mervin B.S.14 ; instrumentman, with Interstate Commerce Commission, 85 2d St., S. F. Residence, Jasmine, Cal. Lacy, Myrth A.B.14'; M.A.16. Residence, 2219 Stuart St., Berkeley, Cal. Laird, Fannie Francisco B.L.14. Residence. 2516 Etna st.. Ber- keley, Cal. Laird, Kenneth \'ernon B.S.14; M.A.15; engineer, with Ana- conda Copper Mining Co. Residence, 717 Chestnut st.. Anaconda. Mont. Lane, Frances Mary B.L.14; teacher, Gustine. Cal. Resi- dence, box 234, Reedley, Cal. Latimer, Edith B.L.14; teacher. Residence, 2265 Ala- meda av., Alameda, Cal. Lazier, Mrs. Mable Gould B.L.14; m. D. C. Lazier; teacher. Resi- dence. 2521 Piedmont av., Berkeley, Cal. Lee, Harrv Harrison B.S.14 Lee, Marcus Arthur Wolff B.S.14; rancher. Residence. Inverness. Cal. Leete, Mary B.L.14; employment bureau secretary, Y. W. C. A. Residence, 725 J st.. Sac- ramento, Cal. Leffler. Claude William Skilling B.S.14; mechanical engineer, with Great Western Power Co., 14 Sansome st. Residence, Hotel Court, S. F. Lenz, Frank Bernard B.L.14 ; immigration secretary, Y.M.C..\., S. F. Residence, 2456 Webster St., Ber- keley, Cal. Levy. Ethel B.L.14; teacher, Brentwood. Cal. Resi- dence, 1738 Alametla av.. Alameda, Cal. Lieb, Lloyd Linwood B.S.14; M.S.15; chemist, with Hercules Powder Co., Hercules, Cal. Residence. 2872 Folsom st.. S. F. Lincoln. Mildred A.B.14. Residence, 3015 Hillegass .iv.. Berkeley. Cal. Lipman. Edward Crosslcy B.S.14 ; assistant superintendent. The Emporium. S. F. Residence. 2467 War- ring St., Berkeley, Cal. 106 n.lCllULURS : Academic Colleges [1914 1014 Coiiliiiiicd Lishiin, Julius i'".14; M.A.I 5; teaching fellow (po- litical science). University of Califor- nia. Residence, 2521 Channing way, Berkeley, Cal. Martin. Ernest Franklin 1'..S.14; farmer. Residence, Santa Maria, Cal. Martinclti, Albino B.S.14 Marvin. William (ilcnn B.L.)4; assistant professor CEnglish). Washington State College, Pullman, Wash. Residence, 1100 Dolores St., S. F. Mason. Bruce Waldo B.L.14; law student. Residence. 611 E. 3d St., Long Beach, Cal. Ma.son. Dorothy Perley B.L.14; teacher, high school. Residence, Tulare, Cal. Masser, Harry Lascelles B.S.14 ; engineer, with Southern Cal. Gas Co., Garland bldg. Residence, 1742 Crenshaw blvd., Los .\ngeles, Cal. Mastick, Spencer B.S.14. Residence, 930 Pacific av., Ala- meda, Cal. Matsumoto, Manroku B.S.14 ; secretary, Japanese Agricul- tural Assn., 444 Bush st. Residence, 1881 Pine St., S. F. Mattson, Lillian B.L.14; m. Fred C. Kelly. Residence. 324 Barrett av., Richmond. Cal. Maxwell, Georges Bernard B.S.14 ; farmer, Irvine. Cal. Residence. 312 Oak St., S. F. McCoy, Alice B.L.14. Residence, 1111 Washington St., Red Bluff. Cal. fMcDonough. Melville Chris B.L.14. Residence, 2527 Ridge rd., Ber- keley, Cal. McGinnis, Genevieve Imelda B.S.14 ; teacher, Fairfield. Cal. Resi- dence. 1114 Sacramento St.. Vallejo. Cal. Mclntyre. Washington Franklin A. B.S.14; rancher. Residence. Thermal, Cal. McLaren. Xorman Loyall A.B.14 ; assistant sales manager. E. H. Rollins & Sons. First National Bank bldg. Residence. 2630 College av.. Ber- keley, Cal. McLaughlin. Donald Hamilton B.S.14; assistant (geology). Harvard University. Residence, Conant Hall. Cambridge. Mass. McLean. Jay B.S.14 ; medical student. Johns Hopkins L'niversity. Residence, 518 N. Broad- wav. Baltimore. Md. 1914] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 197 McMillan, William Douglass B.S.14; mining engineer, with Kasai Diamond Fields. Residence, Tchikapa, Belgian Congo, West Africa McXab, Edith Frances B.S.14; M.A.15; teacher, 1068 Madi- son St., Santa Clara, Cal. Residence, 854 Clayton St., S. F. McPherson, William B.L.14: principal, high school. Resi- dence, R.F.D. 3, Orange, Cal. McPike. George \'ardeman A.B.14 Mead, Thomas Chase B.S.14 : engineer, with U. S. Reclama- tion Service. Residence, Horte, Mont. Meighan, Carrie Bernice B.L.14. Residence, 564 Merrimac St., Oakland, Cal. Merrick, Cecil Bedford B.S.14 ; engineer, with Pacific Gas & Electric Co., 5th and Tehama sts. Resi- dence, 1207 Bush St., S. F. Merritt, Eleanor Olivia B.L.14; teacher. Residence, 2211 22d St., Bakersfield, Cal. Mesmer, Beatrice Evelyn B.L.14; m. A. M. Standish. Residence, Standish Ranch, Milpitas, Cal. Meyer, Leo William B.S.14: student, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Residence, 1190 Eddy St., S. F. Miller, Ottille Lillian B.S.14: M.A.16. Residence, 732 Treat av., S. F. Millham, Wilmot McKinley B.L.14: salesman, with Bonestell & Co., paper, 118 1st St., S. F. Residence, 2001 .-\lIston way, Berkeley, Cal. fMills, Ethel Frances B.L.14. Residence, 2962 Russell St., Berkeley, Cal. Mills, Frederick Cecil B.L.14: M..A.16; student, Columbia Uni- versity, 311 Furnald Hall, N. Y. City. Residence, 2334 E. 22d St., Oakland. Cal. Minville, Walter John R.L.14 ; law student. Residence, 2500 Durant av., Berkeley, Cal. Mitra, Swarna Kumer B.S.14; M.S. 15: student. Residence, 2026 Center st., Berkeley, Cal. Mixer, \'aleria Elizabeth B.L.14 : teacher, Trinity County High School, W'eaverville. Cal, Residence, 3109 Orange av,. Oak Park, Cal. Mize. Mildred Frances B.L.14: teacher, Lordslmrg, Cal. Resi- dence. Goshen. Wash. fMizushi, Frank Massano B.S.14. Residence, 250 Jackson St., San Jose, Cal. Monson. Martha Mary Aloysia B.L.14 ; teacher, Oakley, Cal. Residence, 1916 E. 38th St., Oakland, Cal. Moodey, Helen Marcia B.L.14 ; teacher, 236 S. Madison av., Pasadena, Cal. Residence, St. Helena, Cal. Moore. James Samuel. Jr. B.L.14: J.D.16; lawyer. Residence, 1846b University av., Berkeley. Cal. Moore, Lillian Mary B.S.14: M.S. 15; assistant (physiology), University of California. Residence, 2736 Haste St., Berkeley, Cal. Moore. Ralph Thompson B.S.14 ; with, George W. Moore Lumber Co. Residence, Bandon, Ore. Morrison, Elizabeth Herriott B.L.14: m. Russell G. Wagenet '14. Res- idence, 61 Uivisadero St., S. F. Morrison, May 26 B.S.14; teacher, box 88, Sebastopol, Cal. Residence, 2532 Benvenue av., Ber- keley, Cal. Morrow, Allen B.S.14 : engineer, with Great Western Power Co., 14 Sansome St.. S. F. Resi- dence, 2634 Dana St., Berkeley, Cal. fMoullet, Louis Ferdinand B.S.14. Residence, 936 State St.. Santa Barbara, Cal. Muenter, August Frederick B.L.14. Residence, 2424 Channing way. Berkeley. Cal. Murphey. Mary Batterton B.L.14; teacher. Residence, 2323 Col- lege av., Berkeley. Cal. Murray. Ethel Frances B.L.14: teacher. Residence, bo.x 181, Nanaimo. B. C. Myer. Helen Tonner B.L.14; M,.\.15; teacher. Residence. 2506 College av.. Berkeley. Cal. Myers. Amy Henrietta B.L.14: teacher. Residence, 109 Hill- crest rd., Berkeley, Cal. Myers. Lorene I-lmcline B.L.14: m, .Arthur C. Ellis. Residence. 645 D St.. Petaluma. Cal. Mvers. Rov Sulsbcrg 'B.L.14: j.D.16: lawyer, with Walter D. Mansfield. 465 California st. Residence, 3367 St.. S. F. Xachtriel). Harold Pasmoro B.S.14: western representative. Radium Therapy Corp.. 576 Mission st., S. F. Residence, 1407 l.c Roy av., Berkeley. Cal. Xass. Fred Conncrtz B.L.14: student. Residence. 3375 Sut- ter St.. S. F. Xebclung. Raymond F.arl B.S.14 : salesman, with .Axwcld .\cc\y- 198 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1914 1914 Continued lene Co. Residence. 806 E. Sycamore St., Anaheim, Cal. Needliam. Mayhcllc B.L.14; m. J. N. Stallciip. Residence, Gazelle, Cal. Ncilson, Nelsine Marion B.L.14: M.A.15; technician (bacteriol- ogy), University of California. Resi- dence, 2548 Haste St., Berkeley, Cal. Nelgner, (Gladys Faunita B.L.14; M.A.16; teacher. Residence, 1433 Bronson av., Hollywood, Cal. Nelson, Harry B.S.14 : orchardist. Residence, box 495, Vacaville, Cal. Newfield, Louis Kalischer B.L.14: newspaperman, with Monterey Daily Cypress. Residence, 335 Van Bu- ren st., Monterey, Cal. Newman, Simon Walter B.S.14 ; surveyor, with Vulcan Fire In- surance Co., 229 Sansome st. Residence, 3527 Clay St., S. F. Nichols, Henry Allen B.L.14; agent, Houghton, Mifflin Co., 623 S. Wabash av., Chicago, III. •f-Nichols, Margaret Cable B.L.14. Residence, 1322J^ Hawthorne St., Glendale, Cal. Nilon, Frank Morgan B.L.14: law clerk, with E. T. Nilon. Residence, 503 Nevada St., Nevada City, Cal. Nolting, Ernest Ford B.L.14 ; casliier, Brazil Railway Co. Residence. Rua da Saude No. 1, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America Norton, Norvel Irvine B.S.14; teacher. Residence, 2215 Grant av., Berkeley, Cal. Ogden, Laura Rosalie B.S.14: m. Russell H. Cooley '12. Res- idence, 2342 Valdez St., Oakland, Cal. Ogden, Robert Clarence B.S.14: law student, 681 Market St.. S. F. Residence, 2336 Valdez St., Oak- land, Cal. Orr, Hazel Alma B.S.14: m. L. P. Hunt ex '15. Resi- dence, 6395 Hillegass av., Oakland, Cal. Orton, Collins Knapp, Jr. A.B.14: LL.B.16: lawyer, 785 Market St. Residence, 115 17th st, S. F. Orynski. John Bowen B.S.14 : engineer. La Paz, Mex. Resi- dence, 2222 Atherton St., Berkeley. Cal. Orynski, Leonard ^^'oiomir B.S.14: superintendent. Skidoo Mines Co.. Skidoo. Cal. Residence, 2222 Ath- erton St., Berkeley, Cal. Osborn, Alice Minerva B.S.14: m. W. G. Donald '11. Residence, 1325 Oxford St., Berkeley, Cal. Ottofy, Frederic Freeman B.L.14; student. University of Califor- nia. Residence, 175 Vernon terrace, Oakland, Cal. fPapen. Helen B.L.14. Residence, East Las Vegas, N.M. Parrish, Ruby Ellen B.L.14: teacher. Residence, 826 20th st,. Oakland, Cal. Partridge, Francis Harrington B.L.14; with. Fidelity Trust Co., 11th and Broadway, Tacoma, Wash. Pasmore, Harriet Horn A.B.14; teacher of music, Pomona Col- lege, Claremont, Cal. Residence, 1470 Washington St., S. F. fPaterson, Ogden Kent B.L.14 ; J. D.16: lawyer. Residence, 2707 Hillegass av., Berkeley, Cal. Paulding, Ruth A.B.14; teacher. Residence, Arroyo Grande, Cal. Peaslee, John Herbert B.S.14; assistant engineer, with U. S. Reclamation Service. Residence. Ve- rona, Cal. Pechin, Laurence Helen B.L.14; teacher. Residence, 1802 Union St., S. F. Pendleton. Robert Larimore B.S.14. Residence, 2342 Eunice St., Ber- keley, Cal. Penniman, John Griscom B.S.14; superintendent. West Coast Kal- somine Co. Residence, 826 Oxford St., Berkeley, Cal. *Penniman, Walter Whitelock B.S.14; d. December 7. 1915 Pennington, Alma Stevens B.S.14; medical student. University of California. Residence, 2828 Folsom St.. S. F. Perkins, Kenneth B.L.14; M.A.15: author. Residence. 2431 College av., Berkeley. Cal. fPeters, William Alison, Jr. B.S.14: A.B. (Yale) 12. Residence. Se- attle, Wash. Pierce, Tracy Augustus B.S.14: Ph. D.16: instructor (mathemat- ics). Harvard L'niversity. Cambridge, Mass. Residence, Paso Robles. Cal. Pin ska. Frank Harold B.S.14 : accountant, with C. W. Rogers, 519 California st., S. F. Residence, Y. M. C. A.. Berkeley, Cal. Pleasants, Samuel Augustus B.L.14: lawyer. Residence, 2115 28th av., Oakland. Cal. 1914] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 199 Plummer, Alice Gertrude B.L.14 ; M.A.16; assistant (domestic art). University of California. Resi- dence. 2636 Etna St., Berkeley, Cal. Pohlman, Harrj' Porter B.L.14: cashier and bookkeeper. Resi- dence, Porterville, Cal. Pomeroy, George Augustus B.S.14: engineer, with Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., E. Pittsburgh, Pa. Residence, 500 Todd St., Wilkinsburg, Pa. Pomeroy, William Cyrus B.S.14; superintendent. University Ap- paratus Co., 2229 McGee av. Residence, 23.^3 Channing way, Berkeley, Cal. fPorter, Howard Willard B.S.14. Residence, 1355 Orange St., Los Angeles, Cal. fPostlethwaite. Frank Hylton B.L.14. Residence, 5850 California St., S. F. Potter. Margaret Louise B.S.14: library student. Residence, 415 Bellevue av., Oakland. Cal. Pratt, Benjamin Harrison B.S.14 : M.S. 15 ; teacher. Residence, To- males, Cal. Pratt. Haraden B.S.14 : radio engineer, Mare Island, Cal. Residence, 1510 Lombard St., S. F. Pray, Lucy Miriam B.L.14: teacher. Residence, 1325 Spruce St., Berkeley, Cal. Price, Clarence Merle B.S.14 : teacher. Residence, 7th and A sts., San Diego. Cal. Pronati, Joseph John B.L.14: linguist, with Getz Bros. & Co.. 530 Davis st. Residence, 1920 Mason St., S. F. Puckett, Lucille Elfrida B.L.14. Residence, 2738 Forest av., Ber- keley. Cal. Purcell. Mrs. Hazel Cotey B.S.14: m. M. E. Purcell. Residence. 748 Adeline St., Oakland, Cal. Purviance, Charles Emmet B.L.14 : teacher, 3590 S. State st.. Salt Lake City. L'tah. Residence, 742 S. Kingsley drive, Los Angeles, Cal. Quire. Joseph Hayford B.L.14 : legislative reference librarian. Cal. State Library. Residence, 1615 18th St., Sacramento. Cal. Quiroga. Jose Eduardo B.S.14 : horticultural commissioner. 9 de Julio 451, Rioja, Argentine Republic Quisno, Jessie Eugenie .A.R.14: M.A.15: teacher, high school, 116 Geneva av.. Medford. Ore. Resi- dence, 111 Cross St., Peoria, 111. Rau, Mildred Carrie B.L.14; teacher, Pleasanton, Cal. Res- idence, 291 N. EI Molino av., Pasadena, Cal. Ray, Henry Hiram B.S.14 : mining engineer, with Yukon Gold Co. Residence, Dawson City, Yu- kon Ty., Can. Ravnolds, Evelyn Board 'B.L.14; M.A.15. Residence, 679 S. Pasadena av., Pasadena, Cal. Reed, Chauncey Lester B.S.14; teacher. Residence, 6266 Sun- set blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. fReid, William King B.S.14. Residence, Xewport, Wash. Reis, Gustav Crittenden B.S.14. Care of Reis Estate Co., 465 California St., S. F. Resseguie, Jennie Mae B.L.14; m. T. B. Waddell '12. Resi- dence, 1619J/. 17th St., Sacramento, Cal. Reston, Mabel Claire B.S.14; M..A.15; teacher, Murison's School. Residence, 1917 Green st., S. F. Reynolds, Alice St. Helena B.L.14: m. James C. Merritt. Residence, box 473. Maricopa. Cal. Reynolds, Kenyon Llewellyn B.S.14 : foreman. Compressor Gasoline Plant. Residence, box 298, Taft, Cal. Rhein, Lillian B.L.14; teacher. Residence. 261 Laurel St., Santa Cruz, Cal. Rhein, Louise Marie B.L.14; teacher of music. The Park- side, San Rafael, Cal. Residence, 5184 Miles av., Oakland, Cal. Riedy, Richard Meldon B.S.14 ; chemist, with Sperry Flour Co. Residence. 137 X. San Joaquin st.. Stockton. Cal. Righetti, Ethel B.S.14 ; medical student. Residence. 305 Walnut St., S. F. Rinehart, Tay Don B.L.14; J.D.16; lawyer. Residence, 1311 La Pintoresca drive, Pasadena, Cal. Robbins, Harrv William B.S.14. Resid'ence, 1601 11th av., Grce ley, Colo. Robinson, Chester Samuel B.S.14; with. Holt Mfg. Co. Residence. 114 X. Stanislaus St., Stockton. Cal. Rodgers, Carrol James B.S.14 ; orchardist. Residence. Lake av.. Watsonville. Cal. Rogers, Charlie .\lbert B.L.14; agent. Xew York Life Insur- ance Co.. 14 Montgomery St.. S. F. Res- idence. 2101 Allston way. Berkeley. Cal. Ronev. Xcllc B.l'..14: teacher. 669 11th St.. O.ikland. Cal. Residence. Illini Ranch. El Cajon. Cal. ^00 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1914 1^14 Continued l\(ist-ii, (ail (Icnrfjc Arthur H.S.14; mt-clianical engineer, with Dow I'limp i"t Uicscl I'-nKinc Co. Residence, 1127 l-:iiii St.. S. F. Uosenbauiu, Milton Albert B.L.14 ; salesman, with Garcia & Mag- gini Co.. commission merchants. Resi- dence, 2614 Jackson st., S. F. Ross, James Albert B.S.14: engineer. City Hall. Residence, 429 Valeria St., Fresno, Cal. Rowley, Earl Browning B.S.14 ; rancher. Residence, Halleck, Cal. Rubke, Francis William B.S.14. Residence, 2251 Telegraph av., Berkeley, Cal. Ruddock. Ruth Dorothy B.S.14 ; stenographer. Residence, 2541 Regent st., Berkeley, Cal. Rudolph, Bert Alexander B.S.14: M.S. 15; scientific assistant, with Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Residence, 1324 L St.. N. W., Washington, D. C. Said, Mark Ernest B.S.14 ; teacher. Residence, Rolling Bay, Wash. Salsig, Myrtle Lenore B.L.14; m. M. A. Cartwright '12. Resi- dence, 171 Linwood place. Riverside, Cal. f Sammy, George, Jr. B.S.14; civil engineer, 301 W. 77th St., N. Y. City. Residence, 1250 Park av., Alameda, Cal. Sapiro. Milton Disraeli B.L.14; J.D.16; lawyer. Residence, 380 Grand av., Oakland, Cal. Sarter, Lee Andrew B.S.14; civil engineer, with Nolan & Sarter. Residence. Yreka, Cal. Schiller, Juanita Lorraine B.L.14; teacher, Ukiah, Cal. Residence, 2434 College av., Berkeley, Cal. Schindel, Elizabeth Ruth B.L.14; teacher. Lake City. Iowa. Resi- dence, 1619 Douglas st., Sioux City, Iowa Schion. Eleanor B.S.14 Schoenfcld, Harold Jonas B.S.14; secretary, 516 Washington st. Residence. 2238 Pacific av., S. F. Schoolcraft, John Lawrence A.B.14; student. Yale University, 1220 Yale Station. New Haven, Conn. Resi- dence, 204 Steward av., Jackson. Mich. Schorer, Clara Lorene B.L.14; m. J. W. O'Neill '13. Resi- dence, 3104 Wheeler st.. Berkeley. Cal. Schuize, Elizabeth B.S.14 ; medical student. University of California. Residence, 1731 Carlton st . Berkeley, Cal. Schussler, Hermann, Jr. B.S.14 ; medical student. Harvard Uni- versity, 46 Balicock st., Brookline, Mass. Residence, 1905 Van Ness av., S. F. Scotford, Gracella B.L.14 ; teacher, Analy Union High School, Sebastopol, Cal. Residence, 2235 Blake st., Berkeley, Cal. Scott, Bessie Frances B.L.14 ; teacher. Residence, Fulton, Cal. Scott, Ella Elizabeth B.L.14 Seccombe, Frank Richard B.S.14; assistant manager. Pacific Loan Co., Title Insurance lildg. Residence, 644 W. 42d St., Los Angeles, Cal. Shaeffer, Frederick Augustus B.L.14; M.A.15; lawyer. Residence, 359 Washington St., Calistoga, Cal. Shaw. Clarissa Chamberlain B.S.14; teacher. Half Moon Bay, CaL Residence, 2800 Hillegass av.. Berkeley, Cal. Shepherd, Harry Whitcombe B.S.14; teacher. Manual Arts High School, Los Angeles, Cal. Residence, 118 N. Magnolia av., Monrovia, Cal. Sherwood, Mary Ruth B.L.14; teacher. Residence, box 113, Sanger, Cal. Shirrel, Elmer Lacy B.L.14 ; teacher, high school and junior college, Bakersfield, Cal. Residence, 2200 Piedmont av.. Berkeley, Cal. f Sidmore, Roxy Anna B.L.14. Residence, 1935 Delaware St., Berkeley, Cal. Siefkes, Ruth B.L.14 ; m. Andrew C. Jensen. Resi- dence, Waterman, Cal. Simms, Tallies Clvde B.S.14 Simonson, Caro Halstead B.L.14. Residence, 1524 Alameda av., Alameda. Cal. Sipes, Gail Johnston B.L.14; teacher, high school. Sacra- mento. Cal. Residence. 1001 Pine St., S. F. Slater. Marguerite B.S.14 ; m. .Albert Messenger. Resi- dence. R.F.D. 1, Brawley, Cal. Small, Edith B.L.14. Residence. 619 3d av.. New \\'estminster, B. C. Smith, Dorothy Louise B.S.14 ; Student. Nurses Training School, Johns Hopkins Hospital. Baltimore, Md. Residence, El Verde. Pomona, Cal. 1914] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 201 Smith. Frank Morse B.S.14 Smith, jVIildred Kinney B.L. 14. Residence, 714 Irving St., As- toria, Ore. Smith, Minnie Matilda B.L. 14 ; teacher. Residence. Forks of Salmon, Cal. Smith, Owen Benton B.S.14 Smith. Robert Laurence B.S.14; engineer, Yeon hldg. Residence, 999 E. 10th St., N., Portland, Ore. Smith, Sydney Robert B.L. 14 ; salesman, with A. Smith, hard- ware. Residence, box 218, Gridley, Cal. Smith, Zula Allene B.L.14 ; teacher. Residence, box 133, Caruthers, Cal. Snowden, Frances Victoria B.L.14. Residence, box 68, Aul)urn, Cal. Sommer, Isadore B.S.14: engineer, with E. L. Soule, Ri- alto bidg. Residence, 3669 19th St., S. F. fSoo-Hoo, Clara B.L.14; M.A.15. Residence, Canton, China Sorrick, Warde W'ood B.L.14: assistant teller. First National Bank. Residence, 2230 Durant av., Ber- keley, Cal. Souza, Manuel Enos B.S.14 ; student engineer, with General Electric Co. Residence, 23 X. Ferry St., Schenectady, N. Y. Spencer, Eloise Dayton B.S.14: m. A. R. Nowels. Residence, 528 Macon av.. Canyon City, Colo. Spencer, Virginia Bronsted B.L.14: M.A.15; assistant. Public Li- brary. Residence, 1326 8th av., S. F. Spiers, Katherine B.L.14 ; teacher, 596 X. Xew Hamp- shire St., Los Angeles, Cal. Residence, 904 W. 11th St.. Riverside, Cal. Stack, Frank Lawrence B.S.14 Stafford, Grace Greenwood B.S.14; teacher. Residence, Marysvllie Cal. Steele, Ruby Wynnolen B.L.14; ni. Arthur F. \'an Deventer ex '14. Residence, Berkeley, Cal. fSteinberg. Moses Elias B.S.14. Residence, Akkerman, Bessara- bia, Russia Steindorff, Kurt B.S.14: engineer, with General Electric Co., 702 Campbell av., Schenectady, N. Y. Residence, 5302 Broadway, Oak- land, Cal. Stewart, Charles William B.S.14: clerk, with Standard Oil Co., 200 Bush St. Residence, 2715 Bush st. S. F. Stock, Chester B.S.14; student, University of Califor- nia. Residence, 492 7th St., S. F. Stone. Eva Lurita B.L.14. Residence, 2929 Hillegass av.. Berkeley. Cal. Strobach, William Carl B.S.14: chemist, with Ray Consolidated Copper Co.. box 624. Hayden. \t\z. Res- idence, 6230 San Pablo av.. Oakland. Cal. Strong. Ronald Thomas B.S.14: transportation engineer, with Portland Railway. Light & Power Co. Residence. 209 S. 16th St.. Portland, Ore. Sugarman. Edward Isadore B.S.14; business manager. Lippman & Sugarman. 135 Stockton st. Residence. 3639 17th St.. S. F. Sutherland. Ida B.L.14; teacher. R.F.D. 10. box 67. Fresno, Cal. Residence, 423 Broadway, Santa Cruz. Cal. Sutherland. Marjorie Mcintosh B.L.14: teacher. Fowler, Cal. Residence, 4618 18th St., S. F. Sutliff. George Harrison B.L.14; farmer. Residence. Sunnyside. Cal. Suzuki. Hanza B.L.14 Taylor, Charles \'erne B.L.14; student. University of Califor nia. 2219 Ellsworth St.. Berkeley. Cal. Residence, 620 H st., Sacramento, Cal. Thomas, Frances Marguerite B.L.14; teacher. Residence. 302 Henry St., Ukiah. Cal. Thomas, Ira Gregg B.S.14: draftsman, with Los .\ngeles county road department. Hall of Rec- ords. Los Angeles. Cal. Residence. 1014 Brent av., S. Pasadena, Cal. Thomas. Laurence Elsmcre B.S.14. Residence, ("irass \'allcy, Cal. Thomas. Robert Rugh B.L.14; student. L'niversity of Califor- nia. Residence. 272'' Muena \'ista way. Berkeley. Cal. Thomas. William Wilberforcc R.S.14; NLS.Ui: plant pathologist, with Pennsylvania Mining C'o. Residence. Campo Seco. Cal. fThompson. Thomas Warren B.S.14. Residence. South Boston. \'a. Thomson, Marion Wing B.S.14 ; teacher. Francis. Wash. Resi- dence. 2827 Broadway, N.. Seattle, Wash. 202 BACHELORS : Academic Colleges [1914 Thornljurg, Bessie Mae U.I,. 1 4 ; teacher. Residence, 620 Alva- rado St., S. F. Thrall, Marion Jiulson B.L.14; teacher. Residence, Brea, Cal. Thuncn, George William B.S.14. Residence, 2524 Dwight way, Berkeley, Cal. Tietzen, Hazel Pauline B.L.14. Residence, 2840 Claremont blvd., Berkeley, Cal. Todd. Harry Willard B.L.14; teacher. Residence, Oceanside, Cal. Tracic. Maurice Hardin B.L.14 ; teacher, Sonoma, Cal. Resi- dence, 600 Willis St., Redding, Cal. Trueblood. Mr.s. Jessie N. B.S.14; m. George Q. Trueblood. Resi- dence, ,3114 Eton St., Berkeley, Cal. Truman, Anita Mercedes B.L.14. Residence, 2828 Regent St., Ber- keley, Cal. Turner. Geneva Irene B.L.14; m. F. R. Stowe. Residence, 2241 Colby St., Berkeley, Cal. fTyler. Alice B.S.14; M.A.15. Residence, 1177 Park av., Chico, Cal. Utsunomiya, Massichi B.S.14; student, Columbia University; 102 W. 12,ld St., N. Y. City. Residence, 2,308 Virginia St., Berkeley, Cal. Vaissade, Zelia Caroline B.L.14; student, 2400 Haste St.. Berke- ley, Cal. Residence, Areata, Cal. Valentine, Louis Chapin A.B.14; principal. Franklin School. Res- idence, 112.3 Chapala St., Santa Barbara, CaJ. \'ance. Lulu Emily B.S.14; teacher. Residence, box 1233, Boise, Idaho V^an Why, Newton B.L.14; clerk. Residence, 1542 Vine St.. Glendale, Cal. \'an Zandt. John Parker B.S.14; assistant (physics). University of California. Residence, 2617 Le Conte av., Berkeley, Cal. fVieira, Louise Margaret B.L.14. Residence. Carson, Nev. \"on Allmen. Ernest B.L.14; agent, with State Board of Charities and Corrections, 74 New Montgomery st., S. F. Residence, 2316 Bowditch St., Berkeley, Cal. \os\vinkel, Lois B.L.14. Residence, Berkeley Inn, Ber- keley. Cal. Wadsworth, Ralph Gilbert B.S.14; resident engineer, with Havi- land & Tibbetts. Grimes, Cal. Residence, 5669 Ocean \'iew drive. Oakland. Cal. Wagenet, Russell Gordon B.L.14; with. Commission of Immigra- tion and Housing, 525 Market st. Resi- dence, 61 Divisadero st., S. F. Wahrhaftig, Matt B.L.14 ; student. University of Califor- nia ; 2318 Telegraph av., Berkeley, Cal. Residence, R.F.D. 1, Folsom, Cal. Wales, Harold Edward B.S.14; chemist, with General Chemical Co., Bay Point, Cal. Residence, Nichols, Cal. Walker, Emmelina de Thierry A.B.14; private secretary. Residence, 441 Fair Oaks St., S. F. Walker, Lydia Ellene A.B.14; teacher. Residence, 441 Fair Oaks St., S. F. Wall, Ella Lillian A.B.14; M..A.15; teacher, 118 S. Brand blvd., Glendale, Cal. Residence, 1738 Alcatraz av., Berkeley, Cal. Walti, Fred William B.S.14 ; ranch manager, with Califor- nia-Texas Land & Stock Co. Residence, Spofford, Texas Walton, Minnie Catherine B.S.14; m. Rudolph J. Brown "14. Resi- dence, Wildomar, Cal. Walton, Strother Perry B.L.14. Residence, Sanger, Cal. Wapple. Albert Russell B.S.14; M.A.15. Residence. 1650 Fulton St., S. F. Ward, Ella May B.L.14 ; teacher, Brentwood, Cal. Resi- dence, 2508 Dana St.. Berkeley, Cal. Waterman, Helen Gardner B.L.14; teacher. Residence. 237 W. Hawthorne st., San Diego, Cal. Webster. Frederick Arthur B.S.14 ; engineer, with Standard Oil Co., Richmond. Cal. Residence. .985 Bay \'iew av., Oakland, Cal. \\'eiant, Andrew Stultz B.S.14 ; with. Bureau of Animal Indus- try. Department of Agriculture. Wash- ington. D. C. Residence, Carpinteria, Cal. \\'einburg, I\Irs. Frances Toor B.L.14 Welch, Ellmore Jackson B.S.14; teacher. Residence. Cedarville, Cal. \\'estbrook, \'irgil Darst B.S.14 ; architectural draftsman, with C. H. Bebb & C. F. Gould. Denny bldg. Residence, 203 14th av., Seattle. Wash. Whipple. Stephen Carson B.S.14 White, \'esta Irene B.L.14. Residence. 352 South st., Hol- lister, Cal. 1914-1915] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 203 Whitman, Fannie Marie B.S.14: teacher. Residence, 23 Everett St., Cambridge, Mass. Wieland, William Augustine B.L.14: teacher. Residence, 519 Pacific av., Alameda, Cal. Wieslandcr. Albert Everett B.S.14: M.S.F. (Michigan) 16. Resi- dence, 4102 Gilbert St., Oakland, Cal. Wight. Earl Hervie B.L.14. Residence, 1212 Arden av., Casa Verdugo, Cal. Williams, Frank Marion B.S.14 ; teacher, Wilmerding School. Residence, 2417 18th St., S. F. Williams, John Chilton B.S.14 ; medical student. University of California. Residence, 1980 University av., Berkeley, Cal. Williamson, James Gordon B.S.14; rancher. Residence, Van Nuys, Cal. Wills, Elizabeth Myrtle B.L.14: teacher, Centerville, Cal. Resi- dence. 25.S8 Hurant av., Berkeley, Cal. Wilson, William Jesse B.L.14: agent, with S. F.-Oakland Ter- minal Railways. Residence. 1527 So- noma av., Berkeley, Cal. Wilton. Louis Phelps B.S.14 Winham. Xellie Blanche B.L.14. Residence, Salinas, Cal. Wisecarver, Norma Eugena A.B.14; m. P. Fleming '1.?. Residence, 1253 Robinson av., San Diego, Cal. Witherow, Herbert Carlisle B.S.14 : superintendent, Iowa Meadows Farms, Rivera, Cal. Witt, Freeman Charles B.S.14: surveyor. Residence, Escondido, Cal. Wood, Emily Relief B.L.14; m. E. H. Wight '14. Residence, 1212 Arden av., Casa Verdugo, Cal. Wood, Harry Homer B.S.14: fruit grower. Residence, 218 S. Greenleaf av., Whittier, Cal. Woodcock, Edgar B.S.14: mineralogist, with State Mining Bureau. Residence, 1420 Church St., S.F. Woodin, Clarence Freeman B.S.14 ; engineer, with Edw. L. Soule Co.. Rialto bidg., S. F. Residence, 1430 Morton St., Alameda, Cal. Wright. Ernest Marion B.S.14: engineer, with Pacific Gas & Electric Co., 445 Sutter St.. S. F. Resi- dence, 2603 Orange av., Oakland, Cal. Wright, Gladys Elvira B.L.14: teacher, high school. Residence, Dodge Inn, Crescent City, Cal. Wurts, Aldis Hartman B.S.14; A.B. (Western Reserve) 13: student. Harvard Law School ; Sumner rd., Cambridge, Mass. Residence, 1495 Wayne av., Lakewood, Ohio Wyckoff, Stephen Nicholas, Jr. B.S.14. Residence. 2532 Bancroft way. Berkeley, Cal. Yerxa, Max Nesmith B.S.14: rancher. Residence, Princeton, Cal. Yost, Charles Zartman B.S.14 : electrical engineer, with Pacific Gas & Electric Co., 445 Sutter st. Res- idence, 1207 Bush St., S. F. Yoimgman, William Henry A.B.14: minister. Bethany Congrega- tional Church. Residence, 2539 Cali- fornia St., Berkeley, Cal. Yousabu. Ogawa B.S.14: draftsman, 1211 Connecticut av., N. W. Residence, 28 LaFayette square. N. W.. Washington, D. C. Zacher. Friedarika B.L.14: m. J. M. Barkley '14. Resi- dence, 110 W. J St., Benicia, Cal. Zeile. John Edward B.S.14. Residence, 1527 Hopkins St., Berkeley, Cal. Zinn, Cleo Jack B.S.14 Zion, James Ralph B.S.14 ; chemist, with American Malt Extract Co.. 1423 Sansome st. Resi- dence, 115 Fell St., S. F. 1915 f Abbott, Boyd Rieman B.S.15. Re'.sidence, 1119 X. Colorado St., Lancaster, Ohio Abrams, William Harrison A.B.15: teacher. Filacer Union High School, Auburn, Cal. Residence, 2333 College av., Berkeley, Cal. Adamsen, Edith Vera A.B.15. Residence, 2910 Hillegass av., Berkeley, Cal. Aden, Sophia Elizabeth A.B.15: m. Harold L. Eraser. Resi- dence, 61 Divisadcro St.. S. F. Ainley. Ralph Gray B.S.15; Student. Moody Institute. 153 Institute place. Chicago. 111. Residence, 172 N. Primrose av., Monrovia. Cal. Aird. John Allan B.S.15; engineer, with State Rivers and Water Sui)i>ly Commission. Residence. Stratford. X'ictoria. .\ustralia Albrecht. Edward Joseph A.B.15. Residence. Fort Bragg. Cal. Alexander. Theodore .\. B.S.15; civil engineer. Residence. 1455 1st av.. Oakland, Cal. 204 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [loi: 1915 Coiiliiiiird Alhiii, I'crcv Euj^c'iic B.S.IS. Residence, 566 l.Uli si., San Pedro, Cal. Allanl, Jessie A.B.TS. Residence, 505 Sonoma St., Eu- reka, Cal. Allatt. Walt(.T I'.dwles B.S.15 ; witli. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Residence, 2400 Durant av., Berkeley, Cal. Allen, Ray Marston B.S.IS; agriculturist, with Hawaiian Sugar Planters Assn. Residence, 2391 Koa av., Honolulu, T. H. Altona. Lucie Dorothy A.B.15 ; teacher. Potter School for Boys, S. F. Residence, 1.348 Weber st., Ala- meda, Cal. Alvarado, Grace Merrill A.B.15. Residence, 672 34th st., Oak- land, Cal. Amiot, Alice A.B.15; teacher. Residence, 1900 Cali- fornia St., Berkeley, Cal. Anderson, Charlotte A.B.15. Residence, Turlock, Cal. Anderson, Peter Arnold B.S.15; engineer, with Great Western Power Co., 1024 K st. Residence, 910 H St., Sacramento, Cal. Andrews. Raymond Daniel B.S.15: rancher. Residence, 692 W. Central av.. Sierra Madre, Cal. Arendt, Marion Lucile A.B.15. Residence, 2633 Regent st., Berkeley, Cal. Armstrong, Mary Isabelle A.B.15; medical student. Residence, 112 Bonita av., Piedmont, Cal. Arndt, Stanley Morris B.S.15. Residence, 1581 N. S?:; Joaquin St., Stockton, Cal. Arnot, Eugene Nathaniel B.S.15; electrician, with Electric Stor- age Battery Co., 9 Minna st. Residence, 4442 Mission st., S. F. Atkins, Gladys A.B.15. Residence, Gardena, Cal. \tkinson, Lucy Margaret B.S.15 ; teacher. Residence, box 504, Hayward, Cal. Austin. Julia Heaton A.B.15; secretary, Ohio Woman's Suf- frage Assn. Residence, 11 Monroe St., Warren, Ohio Axley, Seth B.L.15; M.A.16. Residence, 1096 N. 17th St., Salem. Ore. Bach, Anne Marie B.T..15. Residence, 1133 N. San Joa- quin St.. Stockton, Cal. I'acr, Lucy Schall A. I'.. 15. Residence, 1643 Walnut St.. Berkeley, Cal. Haldwin, John Vimont B.S.IS; clerk. Wells Fargo Nevada Na- tional Bank, .S. F. Residence, 2616 Vir ginia st., Berkeley, Cal. :iall, Charles Field B.S.IS; mechanical draftsman, witli Holt Mfg. Co. Residence, Hotel Arling- ton. Stockton, Cal. Ballascyus, Virginia Emma A.B.15 ; teacher. Residence, 1324 N. Lincoln st., Stockton, Cal. Bankus, John B.S.IS; electrician, with Crown Willam- ette Paper Co. Residence, Oregon City. Ore. Barnewolt, Alfred Justus B.S.IS ; chemist, with Partridge & John- son, Spenceville, Cal. Residence, 200 N. Vernon av., Pasadena, Cal. Barnier, Louis A.B.IS; B. es L. (Paris) 86; teacher. University School. Residence. 2578 Cal- ifornia St., S. F. Batdorf, Lucile A.B.IS; teacher. Residence, 1308 Ox- ford St.. Berkeley, Cal. Batdorf, Samuel Francis A.B.IS ; educational secretary, Y.M.C.A., S. F. Residence, 1731 University av., Berkeley, Cal. fBattles, Myron Horace A.B.IS. Residence, 2841 Regent St., Ber- keley, Cal. Beattie, Margaret Isabel A.B.IS. Residence, 460 N. 1st St., San Jose, Cal. Becklev, Winnie A.B.'lS. Residence, R.F.D. 10, box 93, Fresno, Cal. Beckwith, Ruth Eloise A.B.IS. Residence, 438 65th St.. Oak- land, Cal. Bell, Edith IMerryl A.B.IS; teacher, Cleveland. Idaho. Res- idence, 4240 Gilbert St., Oakland, Cal. Bell. Hazel Ada A.B.IS. Residence, 2117 M st., Sacra- mento. Cal. Bell. Thomas Floyd A.B.IS. Residence, 1379 5th av., S. F. Bennett. Hazel Isabelle B.S.IS. Residence. 2320 Hilgard av., Berkeley, Cal. Bergman, Donald Joseph B.S.IS: instructor (engineering). Santa Clara University. Residence, 660 La- fayette St., Santa Clara, Cal. Bertholas. Christine A.B.15: teacher, high school. San Ma- teo, Cal. Residence, Redding, Cal. 1915] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 205 Beust, Max Charles A.B.15; contractor. Residence, 2614 Dwight waj', Berkeley, Cal. Biaggi. Claire A.B.15. Residence, Inglenook, Cal. Bickford, Mrs. Belle Elliott A.B.15: m. F. D. Bickford : teacher. Technical High School, Oakland, Cal. Residence, 2500 Durant av., Berkeley, Cal. Binkley, Robert Wilson A.B.'lS; medical student, 1251 2d av., S. F. Residence, Santa Ana, Cal. Birmingham, Earl Barton B.S.I 5 ; civil engineer. Residence. Chico, Cal. Bisson, Charles Stewart B.S.15; M.S.16. Residence. 17,34 Chan- ning way, Berkeley, Cal. Blacow, Helen Elizabeth A.B.15 ; teacher. Residence, Ccnterville, Cal. Blakemore, Herbert Spencer A.B.15; mining engineer. Residence, Lewiston, Cal. Blaney. Harry Erench B.S.15: engineer, with Southern Cal. Gas Co., Garland bidg. Residence, 3947 S. Olive St., Los Angeles, Cal. Boehncke, Charlotte A.B.15; m. Hughes Madeley '14. Resi- dence, Newcastle, Cal. fBoekenoogen, Frederick E. B.S.15. Residence, 1014 Magnolia St., South Pasadena, Cal. Bogardus, Darrell Joseph A.B.15: salesman, with Blyth, Witter & Co., bonds, 465 California St., S. F. Residence, box 55, Berkeley, Cal. Bomhoff, Grace Evelyn A.B.15. Residence. 4926 Xorniandie av., Los Angeles, Cal. Bonnheim, Edith A.B.15. Residence. 2105 Divisadero St.. S. F. Bontz. Mabel E. A.B.15: teacher. Residence, 17,11 I St., Sacramento, Cal. Bowman, Joseph Vcrnol B.S.15; chemist, with Anaconda Copper Mining Co. Residence, 409 Locust St., Anaconda, Mont. Boynton. Elizabeth Anne A.B.15 ; teacher. Residence. Ferndale. Cal. Bradner, lov Hee A.B.15. "Residence, 565 6.1d st., Oakland, Cal. Bradway, Omar b'rcd .\.B.15. Residence, 6120 Edmund St.. Hollywood, Cal. Braese, Ebba Olga Hilda A.B.15; M.A.16. Residence, 2622 Fol- som St., S. F. Bretherton, Sidney Eliott B.S.15; assayer, with Penn Mining Co. Residence. Campo Seco. Cal. Briggs, Ellen Green A.B.15. Residence, 16.16 Walnut St.. Berkeley, Cal. Brock. Erie Arlington B.S.15. Residence, R.F.D. 2. box 1950, Sacramento, Cal. Brooks. Lois Janet A.B.15; m. Elmer Bonstin. Residence. 547 41st St.. Oakland. Cal. Browder, Aline A.B.15; instructor (chemistry), Wash- ington State College. Residence. 608 California St., Pullman. Wash. Brown. Allen Button A.B.15. Residence, 2433 Warring St.. Berkeley, Cal. Brown. Isabelle Cary A.B.15; m. Whitney P. Mee '13. Resi- dence. Santa Rita. N. M. Brown, Ruth Margaret A.B.15; teacher. Long Beach. Cal. Res- idence, 1027 S. Gramercy place, Los Angeles, Cal. Browning, Lurline A.B.15 ; teacher, Paso Robles, Cal. Res- idence, Woodland. Cal. Brueck. Herman Schuler B.S.15; salesman, with Tidewater- Southern Railway Co.. 101 E. Weber av. Residence, 228 S. Pilgrim st., Stock- ton, Cal. Buckley. Ruth Maria A.B.15. Residence. 455 ^L^rket St.. Portland. Ore. Burland, Elmer Granville A.B.15. Residence. Visalia, Cal. Burr, Ruth A.B.15. Residence, 2720 Dwight way. Berkeley, Cal. Burton. Robert E. See Cuendett. Bachelors '15 Butterfield. Jamie Marguerite A.B.15. Residence. R.F.D. 1. .\LTrtine7., Cal. Buttner. Harold Hendry B.S.15; draftsman, with G. W. McNear, Inc. Residence, Martinez, Cal. Cadman, Florence Harriett A.B.15; m. John W. Rahill. Residence. Cleveland, Ohio Cadman. Paul b'letchcr A.B.15 : with. Standard Oil Co. Care of box 251. Scabright, X. .1. Calef. Mrs. Florence D. A.B.15; teacher, 510 Walnut St.. Wood- land, Cal. Residence. Morrill apts.. Ber- keley, Cal. 206 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1915 1915 Com i lined Camp, Charles Lewis A.B.I 5. Residence, Sierra Madrc, Cal. Cainphcll, Ravnioiul Charles H.S.I S: accountant, with l'",! Paso & Southwestern System. Residence, 1212 N. Kansas St., El Paso, Texas Camper, Elta Louise A.H.15. Residence, 1516 Le Rov av., Berkeley, Cal. Canfiekl, Clifford Grant B.S.15: rancher. Residence, R.F.D. 3, bo.x 82, Chico, Cal. Carey, Kenneth Anton A.B.IS; with, Fairbanks & Macfarland, lawyers, Los Angeles Trust & Savings bldg. Residence, 2116 Thompson st. Los Angeles, Cal. Carlson, Thomas Mervyn A.B.IS: assistant district attorney. Con- tra Costa county, Martinez, Cal. Resi- dence, Elks Club, Richmond, Cal. Caswell, George Bradford B.S.15 ; farmer. Residence, Moorpark, Cal. Catching, Walter Randall B.S.15 : with. Cole & Catching, electrical contractors, Bacon bldg. Residence, 5274 Manila av., Oakland, Cal. fCattell. Gilbert Woodhull B.S.15, with, General Electric Co., 1007 Nott St.. Schenectady. N. Y. Residence, 509 Hale st., Palo Alto, Cal. Cavins, Lorin Paul B.S.15; clerk, San Joaquin Light & Power Corp. Residence. 1659 D st., Bakersfield, Cal. Gavins, Omar Allen B.S.15: operative, with Broadwater Mills Co., Park City. Utah. Residence, 1659 D St., Bakersfield, Cal. . Cearley, Mila Mangrum A.B.IS. Residence, 1456 L st., Fresno, Cal. Cebrian. Harry de Laveaga B.S.15 ; Student, 176 Huntington av., Boston, Mass. Residence, 1809 Octavia St., S. F. Chaffin, Adelbert Lawyer B.S.15; olive grower. Residence, Oro- ville, Cal. Chamberlain, Richard Henry, Jr. A.B.IS. Residence, 133 Ramona av.. Piedmont, Cal. Chamberlain, Thomas Gassner A.B.IS: student, 2522 Ridge rd.. Ber- keley, Cal. Residence, Auburn, Cal. Chilcote, Laurence Reed B.S.15. Residence, 2619 .\shby av., Ber- keley, Cal. fChiu. Chung- Yen A.B.IS. Residence. Chekiang. China Christcnscn, Gladys Marie H.S.IS. Residence, 2322 Divisadero St., S. F. Christiansen, Georgine Elisabeth B. A.B.IS. Residence, 2059 Bush st., S. F. Christie, Arthur William B.S.15; M.S. 16. Residence, 2029 Ber- keley way, Berkeley, Cal. Christy, Robert Edward B.S.15. Residence, 1829 Clinton av., Alameda, Cal. Clark, Ethel A.B.IS; teacher. Residence. 79 N. Mer- edith av., Pasadena, Cal. Clark, Sarah Alleen A.B.IS; M.A.16. Residence, 2418 Col- lege av., Berkeley, Cal. Clark, Walter Enoch A.B.IS Cleeves, Montague A.B.IS Clemens, Mildred Leo A.B.IS ; lecturer. Residence, 2639 Col- lege av., Berkeley, Cal. Clifford, Kenneth Ross B.S.15; farmer. Residence, Strathmore, Cal. Cloys, Willa Clair A.B.IS. Residence, 2444 Piedmont av., Berkeley, Cal. Cobb, Forrest Arthur A.B.IS. Residence, 2973 Folsom St., S.F. Cockroft, Thoda Stancliffe A.B.IS ; actress, 17 Battery place, N. Y. Citv. Residence, 385 Fairmount av., Oakland, Cal. Collins, George Lukens A.B.IS ; student, Rochester Theological Seminary, K. Y. City. Collins, Henrv Homer B.S.IS; A.B.' (Rochester Norm. U.) 06; M.A.16 ; fellow, L^niversity of Califor- nia, 2120 '/2 Sacramento st., Berkeley, Cal. Residence, Alsea, Ore. Collopy, Lucy Marin A.B.IS. Residence, Colma, Cal. Colt. Sarah Viola A.B.IS : teacher. Residence, Inola, Okla. Compton, Ruth Browning A.B.IS; assistant, L'niversity of Cali- fornia Library. 2736 Haste St., Berkeley, Cal. Residence. R.F.D. 2, Santa Bar- bara, Cal. Conkle, Etta May A.B.IS. Residence, 508 Bristol St.. Santa Ana, Cal. fConnolly, Toseph Patrick A.B.I S' Residence, 7901 Budlong av., Los Angeles, Cal. Conrey, David Wells A.B.IS. Residence, 1633 Rockwood St.. Los Angeles. Cal. 1915] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 207 Cooke, Hester Locke B.S.15. Residence, 3510 Magnolia St., Oakland, Cal. Coolidge, Homer Hurlbutt B.S.15 ; tool dresser, with Standard Ex- ploration Co. Residence, Casper, Wyo. Coombs, Dorothy May A.B.15: teacher, Pope Valley, Cal. Res- idence, Napa, Cal. Coombs, Evangeline A.B.15; assistant, Oakland Free Li- brary. Residence, 2521 Dana st., Ber- keley, Cal. Coon, Ralph Hinsdale A.B.15. Residence, 2156 Park av.. Riv- erside, Cal. f Coon rod. .A.lmon B.S.15. Residence, Roselawn, Cal. fCooper, Clara Sonoma A.B.15. Residence, 1121 Johnson St., Red Bluff, Cal. Cordes. Friedrich Carl A.B.15; medical student, 3750 20th St., S. F. Residence, 1150 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Cal. Costello. Marie Helen A.B.15. Residence, 2213 Dwight way, Berkeley, Cal. Cotton, Horace Gerald B.S.15 ; landscape architect. Residence, 2524 Dwight way, Berkeley, Cal. Cozens, Frederick Warren A.B.15; teaching fellow. University of California, 2634 Bancroft way, Berke- ley, Cal. Residence, 29 E. 14th st., Portland, Ore. Craig, Helen Truesdale A.B.15 ; clerk, comptroller's office. Uni- versity of California. Residence, 1514 LeRoy av., Berkeley, Cal. Crane, Edna A.B.15. Residence, Santa Rosa, Cal. Crellin, Katherine A.B.15. Residence, 1561 Jackson St.. Oakland, Cal. fCromer. Ruth Wallace .•\.B.15. Residence, 3 Forest av., Ver- million, S. Dak. Cron, Minnie Marguerite A.B.15; teacher. Residence, 2608 Dana St., Berkeley, Cal. Cuendett, Robert Eniil B.S.15; name changed to Robert E. Burton ; teacher. Residence. 3424 Laurel St., Santa Cruz, Cal. Culvyhouse. Bertha Marie A.B.15. Residence, 803 S st.. Fresno, Cal. Cummins, Helen Folwell A.B.15. Residence, 1909 Vine St.. Ber- keley, Cal. Cunningham. Arthur Lee B.S.15 ; clerk, with Martin Commission Co., produce, 93 Drumm St.. S. F. Resi- dence. 745 Wesley av.. Oakland. Cal. Curley. Eugene \^incent B.S.15. Residence. 1825 .'\deline st.. Oakland, Cal. Damianakes, Alexandra Helen A.B.15 ; teacher. Residence. 327 Lenox av., Oakland, Cal. Darnell. Fred W. R.S.15; with, Hammond Lumber Co. Residence, Camp 20, Samoa, Cal. Davidson, Pirie A.B.15. Residence, box 151, San Rafael, Cal. Davis, Esther J. B.S.15; dietitian. State Hospital, Stock- ton, Cal. Residence, 1410 Washington St., Boise, Idaho fDavis, Grace Elena A.B.15. Residence, 2644 Dwight way, Berkeley. Cal. Davis. Irving Franklin B.S.15; farmer. Residence. R.F.D. 2, box 131, San Bernardino, Cal. Davis, Louis Spencer A.B.15; clerk, with Southern Pacific Co., S. F. Residence, 2530 Piedmont av., Berkeley, Cal. Dawson, George Isaac A.B.15. Residence, 2630 M st.. Sacra- mento, Cal. Day. Ada Lee B.S.15. Residence, 2712 Benvenue av., Berkeley, Cal. Dean. Walter Carleton B.S.15. Residence. 2436 9th av.. Oak- land, Cal. Dc Chenne. Ernest Raymond A.B.15. Residence, Sprague. Wash. de Fremery, Adolph Edward B.S.15 ; rancher. Residence. \'on!en. Cal. De Golyer. George Chambers .^.B.iS ; su|icrintcndent. Chambers & Healey. contractors. Racon bidg. Resi- dence, 155 Monte Cresta av.. Oakland. Cal. dc Mover. Isabclle F.lizabeth A.R!15. Residence. 12S0 11th av.. S. F. Doming, (iladvs Louise A.R.I 5. Residence. 302 E. Court St., l^riiana, Ohio De Motlc. Catharine .A.R.IS. Residence. Corning. Cal. Dcnio. Luzina Baldwin A.R.I 5. Resi.S.15; sales agent, with Pacific Jew- elry Co., 1020 Market st. Residence, 52c Page St., S. F. Mayo. Herbert Joseph B.S.15; assistant, electrical engineer's office, Southern Pacific Co.. 870 Market St., S. F. Residence, 2328 Channing way, Berkeley, Cal. McCahe, Eugenia Mary A.B.15. Residence, 2424 Russell st., Ber- keley, Cal. McCann. Paul Harrington A.B.15. Residence, 2525 Piedmont av., Berkeley, Cal. McClcan, Cyril Wesley A.B.15; teacher. Residence. Corning, Cal. McClymonds, Vance Ambrose A.B.15; lawyer, 1206 Broadway. Resi- dence, 424 Sunnyslope av.. Oakland, Cal. McClymont. Mabel Minota A.B.15. Residence, 301 N. H st., Aber- deen, Wash. McCollister, Grace B.S.15: teacher, 508 5th st., Lewiston, Idaho. Residence, 2i7 Center St., Santa Cruz, Cal. McConnell, Douglas Drew B.S.15 ; hydrographer, with Imperial Ir- rigation Dist. Residence, Calexico, Cal. McCreery, Katharine Racliel A.B.15; assistant (German). I'niversity of California. Residence, 2184 L^niver- sity av., Berkeley, Cal. McDonald, John Alexander B.S.15; mining engineer, with Cananea Cons. Copper Co., Cananea. Mex. Resi- dence, 2433 Oregon St., Berkeley, Cal. McEntyre, Sophia Veritas A.B.IS; teacher. Residence. 2515 Col- lege av., Berkeley, Cal. McGlynn, Florence A.B.15. Residence, 2411 Washington St., S. F. McGrath, Fllert Lewis B.S.15 ; engineer, with U. S. Reclama- tion Service. Provo, Utah. Residence, Sierra City. Cal. McKinlay. Gerald B.S.15 ; civil engineer, with River Gar- den Farms Co. Residence. 2125 Hearst av., Berkeley, Cal. McLane, PVances IMarguerite A.B.15. Residence. 1827 J St.. Fresno, Cal. McLean. Howard Livingstone B.S.15; assistant engineer, with Good Housekeeping Cooker Co.. 142 9th av., S. F. Residence. 1^32 Center St.. Ber- kelev. Cal. fMcMillan. Hugh Dix B.S.15. Residence. Orin. Wash. McMullen. James Donald A.B.IS; draftsman, with C. M. Wins- 1915] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 215 low, architect, Owl bldg., San Diego, Cal. Residence, 382 Glorietta blvd., Coronada, Cal. McNamara. Joseph B.L.15; lawyer, 1438 Broadway, Oak- land. Cal. Residence, 2214 Union st., Berkeley, Cal. McQuaid. Lois Laughlin A.B.15: teacher, Harrisburg, Ore. Resi- dence, 784 E. 30th St., S., Portland, Ore. McRae. Rhoda Catherine A.B.15. Residence, 2243 Virginia St., Berkeley. Ca'. Measor. Mary Catherine A.B.l.S : teacher. Residence, R.F.D. 4, Santa Ana, Cal. Meddaugh. Edwin Stuart B.S.15 : engineer, with Yolo Water & Power Co., Woodland, Cal. Residence, Hakeport, Cal. Meeker. Roy Thurman A.B.15 : student. Residence. Montgom- ery Hall. San Anselnio, Cal. Meikle, Theresa Alberta A.B.15. Residence, 2526 Ilillegass av., Berkeley, Cal. fMellen, George Zachcria B.S.15; mining engineer. Residence, box 263, Oatman, Ariz. fMeriwether, Lulu Mae A.B.15. Residence, 607 34th St.. Oak- land, Cal. Merriam, Ralph Truman A.B.15. Residence, 65 iV. Madison av., Pasadena, Cal. Meyer, Carl Bernhard B.S.15 : with. Interstate Connnerce Com- mission, 85 2d St., S. F. Residence, 950 4th St.. San Rafael, Cal. Mevcrovitz. Max B.S.15 Millar. Xilcs Olscn B.S.15; accoimtant, with Associated Oil Co., 55 New Montgomery St., .S. F. Res- idence, 650 53d St., Oakland, Cal. Miller. Harold Davi.son B.S.I 5: with, Westinghonse Electric & Mfg. Co. Re.sidence, 500 Todd st.. Wil- kinsburg. Pa. Miller. Lcland Adrian B.S.15; teacher. Residence. Los Gatos. Cal. Miller, Orville Rae A.B.15; clerk. Controller's office. Resi- dence. 505 J St.. Sacramento, Cal. Miller. William Vinton B.S.15; assistant cashier. Paisley Na- tional Bank. Residence, Paisley, Ore. Mills. Bruce Harris B.S.15; metallurgist, with Partridge &• Johnson. Residence. Spenceville, Cal. fMills. Margaret Hazel B.S.15: M..\.16. Residence, 2962 Rus- sell St., Berkeley, Cal. Mills. Robert Eunson A.B.15; with, Hume-Bennett Lumber Co. Residence, box 551, Sanger. Cal. Mills. Virginia A.B.15 ; teacher. Residence, 220 Meri- dian rd., San Jose, Cal. Mitchum, Colis A.B.15 ; salesman, with N. W. Halsey & Co., bonds, 424 California st. Resi- dence, University Club, S. F. Moftett, Anita A.B.15; artist. Residence, 1825 High- land place, Berkeley, Cal. Moffett. Clemens A.B.15; M.A.16. Residence, 1825 High- land place, Berkeley, Cal. Moller. Gustav Albert A.B.15; with. Western Electric Co., 680 Folsom St., S. F. Residence, 2927 Otis St., Berkeley, Cal. Montandon, Ronald Wesley B.S.15; special agent. Atlas Assurance Corp. of London. Residence, 62 Beech- wood av., Watertown, Mass. Moody. Daphne Irene A.B.15; teacher. Residence, box 896, F"airbanks, Alaska IMoore, Luther Bunyon A.B.15 ; teacher, high school. Residence, Winslow, Ariz. Moorhead, Archibald Cedric B.S.15; engineer, Randsburg. Cal. Resi- dence, 1611 Orange drive, Hollywood, Cal. Morehead, Ernest Raymond A.B.15; teacher. Residence, 1029 Pacific av., Alameda, Cal. Morehouse, Hazel A.B.15; nurse. University of California Hospital. Residence, 1336 Willard st., S. F. Morgan, Genevieve A.B.15. Residence. 2627 D wight way, Berkeley, Cal. Morkcn, Alice Belinda B.S.15; stenographer. Residence, 5432 California st., S. F. Morris. Gladstone V. A.B.15 ; clerk. W. R. Grace & Co.. ship- |)ers. S. F. Residence. 2229 Vine St.. Berkeley, Cal. Morrison. James Maxwell A.B.15 ; tanner. Residence. R.F.D. 1. \'entura. Cal. Mortcnson. Clara Estclle B.S.15; ^LS.I6; assistant (economics). University of California; 2313 Russell St.. Berkeley. Cal. Residence. R.F.D. 4, box 117, Santa Rosa. Cal. 216 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1915 1915 Continued Morton, Harold Woodsworth A.H.15; draftsman, with Gutlehen Bros., contractors, 74 New Montgomery St., S. V. Residence, 570 Oakland av., Oak- land, Cal. fMurphcy, Walter Edgar, Jr. A.R.I 5. Residence, box 445, Tucson, Ariz. fMuzzall, Alexander Harrison B.S.15; M.S.16. Residence, 208 W. Arrellaja st., Santa Barbara, Cal. MycTS, Earle Hatley A.B.15. Residence, 2344 Telegraph av., Berkeley, Cal. Nadler. Florence A.B.15; assistant secretary, California Alumni Association, University of Cal- ifornia. Residence, 2329 Channing way, Berkeley, Cal. Nakano. Yosuke \\^atanabe A.B.15; student. University of Penn- sylvania, Houston Club, Philadelphia, Pa. Residence, 232 Lake Shore blvd., Oakland, Cal. Nathan, Melville Clarence B.S.15; clerk, with Sudden & Christen- son, lumber dealers, 110 Market st. Res- idence, 156 Central av., S. F. fNavon, Sidney B.S.15. Residence, 2415 Durant av., Berkeley, Cal. Needham, Mary Letha A.B.15. Residence, 2416 Channing way, Berkeley, Cal. Nelson, Nels Morris B.S.15 ; horticulturist. Residence, E. Kingsley av., Pomona, C41. Nelson, Precious Mabel B.S.15 : M.A.16. Residence, 1145 Orange St., Riverside, Cal. Nemes, Boldizsar B.S.15 Newell, Paul Caleb B.S.15; M.S.16. Residence, Stockton, Cal. Nisbet, James Chester A.B.15. Residence, 5670 Ocean View drive, Oakland, Cal. Novak. Loraine A.B.15. Residence, 226 Pena av., West- gate, Cal. Nowell, Alexander Rafael B.S.15; with, Standard Oil Co. Resi- dence, Pengpu, Anhwei Province, China Nowell. Marian A.B.15. Residence, 2814 Derby st., Ber- keley, Cal. Noyes, Emily Lucelia A.B.15. R'esidence, 3023 Summit st., Oakland, Cal. Oak, Alfred Henry B.S.15 ; superintendent of construction, Chattanooga Chemical Co., James bldg. Residence, 4103 Tennessee av., Chatta- nooga, Tenn. Oak, Lyndon H. B.S.15 ; chemist, with Aetna Explosives Co., Aetna, Ind. Residence, 528 Adams St., Gary, Ind. fOikawa, Tsuye B.S.15. Residence, 2308 Virginia St., Berkeley, Cal. Olsen, Sidney A.B.15; medical student, 1420 5th av., S. F. Residence, R.F.D. 1, Riverside, Cal. Ong, Eileen Anna A.B.15 ; physical director, Orton's Clas- sical School for Girls. Residence, 125 Worcester av., Pasadena, Cal. O'Sullivan. Curtis Dion A.B.15; M.A.16. Residence, 2717 Hearst av., Berkeley, Cal. fOyamo, Iwajiro A.B.15. Residence, 118 Bonita av.. Pied- mont. Cal. Page, Elizabeth A.B.15; m. R. C. Gorrill '08. Care of 2642 College av., Berkeley, Cal. Paine, Albert Win slow B.S.15. Residence, 1390 Allison av., Los Angeles, Cal. Palmer, Charlotte Matilda A.B.15. Residence, 2218 Dana st., Ber- keley, Cal. Parker, Stanley Stevens B.S.15 ; with. Clinton Construction Co. Residence, 3132 Clay St., S. F. Parkinson, Oscar Charles A.B.15. Residence, 320 E. Poplar St., Stockton, Cal. Parmelee, Archibald Luther B.S.15; assistant publicity manager, Panama-California Exposition Co. Res- idence, 202 W. Ivy St., San Diego. Cal. Parnay. Mardig Yedicardashian B.S.15 ; oriental rug dealer. 2441 Ban- croft way. Residence. 2401 Ellsworth St.. Berkeley. Cal. Parrish, Earl Thomas A.B.15 ; examiner, with Niagara Insur- ance Co., 334 Pine St., S. F. Residence, 2830 Regent St., Berkeley. Cal. Partridge. Grace Elvira A.B.15. Residence. 2413 Milvia St.. Ber- keley, Cal. Patton, Frances Jane A.B.15. Residence. Arbuckle. Cal. Paulding. Litti Christina A.B.15; teacher. Residence. 117 W. Cook St.. Santa Maria. Cal. Paulin. George William B.S.15 ; manager. Paulin ranch. Resi- dence. Imperial. Cal. 1915] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 217 Peabody, Paul Everton A.B.15 ; salesman, with Cluett, Peabody & Co., 526 S. Los Angeles st. Residence, 344 S. Harvard blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. fPearce, Winifred Agnes A.B.15. Residence, 1477 74th av., Oak- land. Cal. Percival, Dorothy Gertrude A.B.15. Residence, 2610 Derby st., Ber- keley, Cal. Perry, James Margrave A.B.l"5: A.B. (Greenville Coll.) 13; clerk. Residence. 2818 Benvenue av.. Berkeley, Cal. Peters, Donovan Otto A.B.15. Residence, 18 Hillside court, Berkeley, Cal. Peyton, Lucille A.B.15. Residence, 814 Irolo st., Los Angeles, Cal. Pfitzer, Hazel Alice A.B.15; m. Kenyon L. Reynolds '14. Residence, box 298, Taft, Cal. Phelan, Gladys Aileen A.B.15; secretary, Uni\ersity High School, Oakland, Cal. Residence, 2i7 Grattan st., S. F. Phillips. Clark A.B.15; draftsman, with Edwin Berg- strum, architect. Citizens National Bank bldg. Residence, 1848 Morgan place, Los Angeles, Cal. Phillips. Edith Henrietta B.S.15. Residence, 1311 Grove st., Ber- keley, Cal. Phleger. Marie Randolph A.B.15. Residence, 2201 H St., Sacra- mento, Cal. Pierce, George Gardner A.B.15; farmer. Residence, Davis, Cal. Pillsbury, Dorothy A.B.15. Residence, 1547 Spruce st., Ber- keley, Cal. Polhemus, Josiah Arhen, Jr. B.S.15 ; electrical engineer, with Trinity Gold Mining & Retluction Co. Resi- dence, Carrville, Cal. Poppe. Emilie Roberta A.B.15. Residence, Sonoma, Cal. Potter, Zclma Marie A.B.15; teacher, Indio. Cal. Residence, 1417 3d av., Los Angeles, Cal. Potts, William Lambert A.B.15 Powell. Alma Blaine A.B.15. Residence, 2153 Central av., Alameda, Cal. Powell, Stanlev A.B.15; with, S. L. Jones &■ Co., im- porters, 209 California st. Residence, 2459 Larkin St., S. F. Power, Edward James B.S.15. Residence, East Auburn, Cal. Power, Philip A.B.15; principal, grammar school. Res- idence, 476 7th St., Hollister, Cal. Prendergast, Joseph Samuel A.B.15. Residence, 651 Walnut av.. Red- lands, Cal. Price, Maude A.B.15; teacher, Osceola, Nev. Resi- dence, 142 Elm St., Reno, Nev. Priest, Charles A.B.15; B.S. (Vanderbilt) 10; princi- pal, high school. Residence, Eureka, Nev. Probasco, Mrs. Clara Tuttle A.B.15; m. \V. R. Probasco. Residence, 2520 Ridge rd., Berkeley, Cal. Provines, Leota Adelaide A.B.15 : teacher. Residence, 403 Hen- derson St., Grass Valley, Cal. Purvine, Arthur Byron B.S.15; rancher. Residence, R.F.D. 4, box 195, Petaluma, Cal. Queen, Ellen A.B.15; teacher, box 516, Calexico, Cal. Residence, 340 W. 61st St., Los Angeles, Cal. Queen, Harold Ellis B.S.15; testing engineer, with Interna- tional Smelting Co. Residence, box 154, Tooele, Utah Quimby, Shirley Leon A.B.15. Residence, 1812 Virginia St., Berkeley, Cal. Rabinowitz, Ralph A.B.15; lawyer, 1 Montgomery st. Resi- dence, 1714 Steiner St., S. F. Ralston, William Robertson B.S.15 ; assistant (agricultural exten- sion). University of California. Resi- dence, 1814 S. Van Ness av., Los An- geles, Cal. Rankin, Charles Allen A.B.15; bookkeeper. Bank of Martinez, Martinez, Cal. Residence, 2525 Regent St., Berkeley, Cal. Rankin, Estabrook A.B.15; teacher. Michigan State Nor- mal College. Residence, 606 Pearl st., Ypsilanti, Mich. Rankin, Lester Lyle A.B.15; clerk, recorder's office. I'nivcr- sity of California. Residence. 2525 Re- gent St., Berkeley, Cal. Rapp, Stanley B.S.15; with. Pacific Telephone & Tele- graph Co., 835 Howard st.. S. F. Resi- dence, 2iM Carlton St., Berkeley. Cal. Rathbonc. Leland Sereno .A.B. 15 : superintendent. Wildwood Dairy Co.. R.F.D. 29. Glen Ellen, Cal. Resi- dence. 113'> Oxford St.. Berkeley. Cal. 218 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1915 1915 Coiiliniicd Rail, I'.Ila Louise A.H.15; M.A.16. Residence. 29] N. F.l Molino av., Pasadena, Cal. Rector, William Gerry A.B.15; student, LIniversity of Califor- nia. Residence, 3021 Telegraph av., Berkeley, Cal. Reese, Mary Elizabeth A.B.15. Residence, 347 W. 52d St., Los Angeles, Cal. Rchfisch, Caroline A.B.15. Residence, 852 Arlington rd., Berkeley, Cal. Relim, Raymond Rollin B.S.15; secretary. Atlas Educational Film Co., 821 Market st. Residence, yVlvarado Hotel, S. F. •f-Rcichert, liarold de Kruse B.S.15. Residence, 511 S. Sichel St., Los Angeles, Cal. Rcische, Alverda Elva A.B.15 ; medical student. University of California, 2420 College av., Berkeley, Cal. Residence, Meridian, Cal. Resleurc, Jacques Francois A.B.15; student. University of Califor- nia. Residence, 2218 Union St., Berke- ley, Cal. Rhoadcs, Roy Stites A.B.15; oil geologist. Residence, Cas- per, Wyo. Ricketts, Laura Gertrude A.B.15. Residence. 9249 Holly St., Oak- land, Cal. Riddick, Marshall Stephen A.B.15. Residence, Hotel Oakland, Oak- land, Cal. Richer, Dorothy A.B.15. Residence, 15 Canyon rd., Ber- keley, Cal. Richer, Frank A.B.15 ; chief engineer, with The Rieber Laljoratories. Inc., 121 2d St., S. F. Res- idence, 15 Canyon rd., Berkeley, Cal. Righetti, Flomer A.B.15; M.A.16; medical student. Res- idence, 305 Walnut st., S. F. Riley, Irma Tyrrell .\.B.15. Residence, 2320 Warring St., Berkeley, Cal. Rinchart, Martha Evelvn Dott A.B.15 Rinn. Alhert Gustave B.S.15 ; teacher, high school, Oakdale. Cal. Residence, Lodi, Cal. Robinson, Alice Luella B.S.15; teacher. Residence. 904 Central av., S. F. Robinson, ^^innie A.B.15. Residence, 2525 Durant av., Berkelev. Cal. Rocca, Bernard Thompson B.S.15; engineer, with Consolidated Arizona Smelter Co. Residence, Mayer. Ariz. Rochford, Ruth A.B.15; ni. (i. Schmitz. Residence, 411 Lake blvd., Albert Lea, Minn. Rockingham, William Ilcnry B.S.15; electrical draftsman, Forum bldg., Sacramento, Cal. Residence, 2306 San Jose av., Alameda, Cal. Roeber, Martha Marie A.B.15. Residence, Delevan, Cal. Roeth, George, Jr. B.S.15; superintendent. Great Eastern Quicksilver Mining Co.. (juerneville, Cal. Residence, 450 Mountain av.. Pied- mont, Cal. Rogers, Catharine A.B.15 ; teacher, high school, Benicia, Cal. Residence, R.F.D. 15, Los Gates, Cal. Rogers, Dorothy Sherman A.B.15. Residence, San Rafael. Cal. Rogers, Katharine Badeau A.B.15. Residence, San Rafael, Cal. fRogers, Ruth Thyrza A.B.15. Residence, 3245 Prentiss st. Oakland. Cal. Rogers, Viola Grace A.B.15. Residence, 2540 Wakefield av. Oakland, Cal. fRolph, Helen Margaret A.B.15. Residence, 540 Lucema blvd.. Los Angeles, Cal. Roney. Harvey A.B.15 ; secretary, California Alumni Association. University of California Residence, 2407 Dwight wav. Berlceley, Cal. Rosenberg. James A.B.15: clerk. Haas Bros., grocers. 200 Davis St. Residence, 2442 Clay st.. S. F. Rourke, Ruth Elma A.B.15; teacher. Residence, box 86, Hanford, Cal. Rowe, Bess A.B.15 : teacher. Residence. R.F.D. 3. Santa Barbara, Cal. Rushforth. Robert Noel B.S.15: teacher. Residence, 2321 Blake St., Berkeley, Cal. fRushton, Leon Edison B.S.15. Residence, 2028 Sunset blvd. Los Angeles. Cal. Russell, Maud Muriel A.B.15; office assistant. Y. W. C. A.. 235 Montgomery St.. S. F. Residence, 432 Boulevard, Hayward. Cal. Saito, Saburo A.B.15; director. Japanese School of Berkeley. Residence, 2308 \'irginia St., Berk-elev. Cal. 1915] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 219 Sanclner, Adolph B.S.15. Residence, 1638 Josephine St., Berkeley, Cal. Sanford, Warren Francis A.B.15 ; inspector, with B. F. Goodrich Rubber Co.. 401 Mission St., S. F. Resi- dence, 1417 San Antonio av., Alameda, Cal. Sartain, Geraldine * A.B.15 ; teacher, 700 2d av., S. F. Resi- dence. 363 Magnolia av., Sacramento, Cal. Scalione, Charles Caesar B.S.15: M.S.16. Residence, 4021 24th St., S. F. Scammell, Joseph Marius A.B.15. Residence, 525 Oakland av., Oakland, Cal. Schaeffer, Ruth Laughlin A.B.15. Residence, 1646 Walnut St., Berkeley. Cal. SchilHng. Elizabeth A.B.15; teacher. Residence, 2316 Le Conte av., Berkeley, Cal. Schmutzler, Frederick A.B.15: teacher. Fellows. Cal. Resi- dence, 500 E. 35th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Schnebly, Mary Ardis A.B.15: teacher. Residence, 926 Den- ver St., Pasadena, Cal. Schoening, Herman August A.B.15 : draftsman, with C. J. Rousseau, architect, 46 Kearny St., S. F. Resi- dence, 3008 Harper st., Berkeley, Cal. fSchroeder. Leone Keyes A.B.15. Residence, Loyalton. Cal. Schulze. Laclair Davidson A.B.15. Residence, Oceanside, Cal. Schumacher, Irwin Clement A.B.15 ; medical student, Johns Hopkins University, 518 N. Broadway, Balti- more, Md. Residence, Yuba City, Cal. Schwab, Jennie A.B.15. Residence, 1555 Masonic av., S. F. Scott, Robert Harrison A.B.15; lawyer, Haas bldg. Residence, 1353 Westlake av., Los Angeles, Cal. Scott. Rosabelle Gibson A.B.15; M.A.16. Residence, 1434 Arch St., Berkeley, Cal. Searls, Carroll A.B.15 ; lawyer. Residence. Nevada City, - Cal. Searls, May Lavinia A.B.15. Residence. 2317 Durant av., Berkeley, Cal. Seat, Gladys A.B.15. Residence, .Xrvin, Cal. Sessions, Romaine B.S.15; teacher. Residence, 2604 Col- lier av.. San Diego, Cal. Shaeffer. Mrs. Mary Weldon A.B.15; m. Fred A. Shaeffer '14. Resi- dence, Calistoga. Cal. Shafer, Frederick Paxton A.B.15. Care of U. S. S. Albatross, Pa- cific station, via San Diego, Cal. Shafer, James Fulton A.B.15; with. Standard Oil Co., Tien- tsin, China Shallenberger, Frank Charles -A.B.IS; teacher. Residence, bo.x 175. Dinuba, Cal. Shane, Charles Donald A.B.15. Residence, 5719 College av.. Oakland, Cal. Shapiro, Aaron David B.S.15. Residence, 2524 Virginia St., Berkeley, Cal. Shattuck, Karl Wilde B.S.15 ; farmer. Residence, Tranquillity, Cal. fShaw, Richard Caleb, Jr. B.S.15. Residence, 406 Maple st., San Diego, Cal. Shea, Marie Gertrude A.B.15; teacher. Residence, 2217 Ful- ton St., Berkeley, Cal. Sheehan, Anne Pauline A.B.15. Residence, Kenwood, Cal. Sheffield, Nita Clara A.B.15; physical director, Y. W. C. A., S. F. Residence, 1433 Grove st., Ber- keley, Cal. Sheppach, Hazel Marguerite A.B.15. Residence, Willows, Cal. Showalter, Arthur Dean B.S.15 ; mining engineer. Residence. 1249 Columbine St., Denver, Colo. Simpson, Beatrice A.B.15; teacher. 1624 Grant av., Den- ver, Colo. Residence, Loma Portal. San Diego, Cal. Simpson, Miriam Elizabeth A.B.15. Residence. Sebastopol. Cal. +Sink. William Dan A.B.15. Residence. 829 F. l^th st.. Oak- land, Cal. Sitton, William Ashley A.B.15. Residence. i26 Q st.. Sacra- mento, Cal. Skilling, Harold Clayton B.S.15; bookkeeper. First National Bank, Yenicc, Cal. Residence. Soldiers Home. Cal. fSloane. Gertrude Mae A.B.15. Residence. 2t^lh He.irst av.. Berkeley. Cal. Smith. Clarence Harold B.S.15; mill foreman, with Nevada Douglas Consolidated Copper Co. Resi- dence. Ludwig, Nev. 220 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1915 1915 Continued Sniilli, Lucilc A.B.15; teacher, Goldfield, Nev. Resi- dence, 712 S. Ivy av., Monrovia, Cal. Smith, Rod Dim A. P.. 15: teacher. Residence, Hotel Markhain, Ripen, Cal. Smith. Vern B.S.15; tutor. Residence, Tulare, Cal. Snorin, Minnie Rosella A.B.15. Residence, Kingsburg, Cal. SoUars, Harold Preston A.B.15; salesman, with Frontier Press Co. Residence, 587 15th St., Oakland, Cal. f Solomon, William Otto A.B.15. Residence, 1511 Walnut st., Ber- keley, Cal. Speir. Oswald, Jr. B.S.15; engineer, with Pacific Gas & Electric Co., East Auburn, Cal. Resi- dence, 1832 Monterey rd.. South Pasa- dena, Cal. Spencer. Elva Britomarte A.B.15. Residence, 1537 W. Broadway, Glendale, Cal. Spring, Gardiner Whittier A.B.15; teacher. Residence, National City, Cal. Stambach, Henry Laing, Jr. B.S.15; prune grower. Residence, Rancho Sespe, Sespe, Cal. Stangland, Edna May B.S.15; teacher, Dos Palos, Cal. Resi- dence, Great Falls, Mont. Stanley. Lois Catherine A.B.15. Residence, Crows Landing, Cal. Stanton, Edwin Locksley A.B.15; realty broker, Grant bldg. Res- idence, 448 Andrews blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. Stanton. Joseph Eugene B.S.15 ; draftsman, with Cal. Highway Commission, Dunsmuir, Cal. Residence, 2627 Holldale st., Los Angeles, Cal. Steele. Eunice Dean A.B.15 : student, Cal. Library School. Residence, 1226 P st., Sacramento, Cal. Stephenson, Alice A.B.15 Sterling, Helen Howard A.B.15. Residence, Bishop, Cal. Stevens. Ida May A.B.15; M.A.16; assistant (hygiene). University of California. Residence, 2638 Parker st.. Berkeley, Cal. Stewart. Alpheus Lloyd A.B.15 ; salesman, with J. A. Stewart & Co., school furniture. Residence, 1421 N. El Dorado St., Stockton, Cal. Stewart, Emily A.B.15. Residence, 209 E. Center St., Visalia, Cal. Stewart, Margaret A.B.15. Residence, Newman, Cal. Stickel, Jessie Ernestine A.B.15; M.A.16. Residence, 1234 2d av., S. F. Stirling, June Bei'nice A.B.15. Residence, 2429 Martinez av., Berkeley, Cal. Stone, Margaret Grimes A.B.15; m. A. J. Eddy '10. Residence, 1 Mosswood rd., Berkeley, Cal. Stone, Ruth Lovilla A.B.15; M.A.16; research assistant (pathology). University of California. Residence, 1074 Dolores St., S. F. Story, Louise • A'B.IS ; teacher, 439 E. 8th st.. National City, Cal. Residence, San Luis Obispo, Cal. f Stover. Harvey B.S.15. Residence, Santa Barbara, Cal. Stowitts, Hubert Julian B.S.15; artist, with Pavlowa Ballet Russe, 1425 Broadway, N. Y. City. Res- idence, 1103 W. 53d St., Los Angeles, Cal. Streichan, Paul Herman A.B.15 ; student, 660 Waverly st., Palo Alto, Cal. Residence, Vallejo. Cal. Strobridge, Vivian Stuart A.B.15 ; teacher. Residence. San Lo- renzo, Cal. Strong, Hawley Ellason A.B.15; student. University of Califor- nia. Residence, 9 Canyon rd.. Berkeley, Cal. Struckmeyer, Alta Marie A.B.15. Residence, Arbuckle. Cal. Sturgis, Eugene King A.B.15: cierk. with Piatt & Piatt, law- yers. Residence, 580 Salmon St., Port- land, Ore. Sturtevant. Ruth A.B.15 ; teacher. Residence. R.F.D. 1, box 31, Sanger, Cal. .Sutherland. Harold MacKenzie B.S.15: testing engineer, with General Electric Co. Residence. 131 Park av., Schenectady. N. Y. Swafford. Paul Albon B.S.15 : engineer, with Byron-Bethany Irrigation Co.. Byron, Cal. Residence, 2000 Santa Clara av.. Alameda. Cal. Sykes. Herbert Samuel B.S.15 : rancher. Santa Paula. Cal. Res- idence. 380 S. Summit St.. Pasadena, Cal. f Sznvter. Marv Helen A.B.15 : M.A.'ie. Residence, 2411 4th st, Berkelev. Cal. 1915] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 221 Tachibana, Kvojun A.B.15; Gra'd. (Nagoya Tech. Coll.) 09; M.A.I 6. Residence, Osaka, Japan Tarke, Frieda Elizabeth A.B.15; teacher. Residence, West Butte, Cal. Taussig, Laurence Rudolph A.B.15; M.A.16; medical student. Res- idence, 2450 Fulton st., S. F. Taylor, Fletcher Brandon A.B.15; M.A.16; medical student, 1420 5th av., S. F. Residence, R.F.D. 1, box 44, Pasadena Cal. Taylor, Milton Everett B.S.15 ; clerk, with Wells Fargo Nevada National Bank, S. F. Residence, 2608 Grant st., Berkeley, Cal. Tays, Eugene B.S.15 ; with, Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Residence, box 458, Benicia, Cal. Teel, Frances A.B.15 ; postal clerk. Residence. Bishop, Cal. Teeter, Desmond Monroe B.S.15; reporter, with Bradstreet Co., First National Bank bldg. Residence, 339 Lenox av., Oakland, Cal. Thacher, Olive Day A.B.15. Residence, Topa Topa Ranch, Xordhoff, Cal. Thoenges, Ernest Frederick B.S.15 ; operating chemist, with Her- cules Powder Co. Residence, Hercules, Cal. Thomas, Edwin Stevenson A.B.15 : salesman, motor cars. Resi- dence, 2337 Eunice St., Berkeley, Cal. Thomas. Millard Price A.B.15. Residence, 2261 Shattuck av. Berkeley, Cal. Thompson, Andrew Reese B.S.15. Residence, 2003 Essex st., Ber- keley, Cal. Tillson. Olive A.B.15. Residence, 2200 Bancroft way, Berkeley, Cal. Tillson, Warren Sylvester A.B.15; farmer. Ceres. Cal. Residence, 1421 J St., Modesto, Cal. Tindell, Hazel .'\.B.15: teacher. Loyalton, Cal. Resi- dence, Lodi, Cal. Todd. I-Iertha A.B.15. Residence, 914 21st av., N., Se- attle, Wash. Todman. Jessie Josephine A.B.15. Residence, 1436 N. Commerce St., Stockton, Cal. Tornoe. Ethel Anne A.B.15: m. James D. McDonald '14. Care of J. D. McDonald, high school, Pasadena. Cal. Torrey, Frances Ansley A.B.15. Residence, Orange, Cal. Towle, Herbert V. A.B.15 ; with, Pacific-Portland Cement Co., 821 Market st. Residence, 1674 Broadway, S. F. Towt, Charles Warren B.S.15; superintendent of irrigation, with Teague-McKevitt Lemon Co. Resi- dence. Santa Paula, Cal. Trailer, Edith May A.B.15; teacher. Residence, Mist. Cal. Tsoo, Chan Chan A.B.15 : student. Harvard University, 53 Oxford St., Cambridge. Mass. Resi- dence, Wenchow, Chekiang. China Tully. Jasper William B.S.i5; salesman, with Blyth. Witter & Co., bonds. 465 California St.. S. F. Res- idence, 389 63d St., Oakland. Cal. Turton, Franklin Earle A.B.15; mining engineer, with Braden Copper Co. Residence, Rancaqua, Chile. South America Tweedie, Herbert William B.S.15; student, S. F. Theological Sem- inary. Residence, San Anselmo. Cal. Underbill, Robert Mackenzie B.S.15; statistician, with Bass-Heuter Paint Co.. 816 Mission st. Residence, 2309 Divisadero st., S. F. Underwood. Raymond Liftchild B.S.15. Residence, 2041 Francisco st., Berkeley, Cal. Vail, Katharine Ransome A.B.15. Residence, 2242 7th av., Oak- land, Cal. Vander-Leck. Lawrence A.B.15; geologist, with Standard Oil Co., S. F. Residence, San Juan Capis- trano, Cal. Van Gulpen. Mildred A.B.15; teacher. Residence, 2003 Princ- st., Berkeley, Cal. Vann, Frank Louis B.S.15; bookkeeper. Faculty Club. Ber- keley, Cal. Residence, Upper Lake. Cal. Varrelman, Ferdinand Anuin A.B.15: teacher, high school. Residence. 1900 Broadway, Bellingham, Wash. Vedder. Dwight Gregory B.S.15: mining' engineer, with Ruby Gold Gravel Mining Co., Downieville, Cal. Residence. 1612 Cherry St., Los Angeles. Cal. Venkayiah. Pulumamidy Jambayiah B.S.15; student. University of Califor- nia. 2026 Center St.. Berkeley. Cal. Res- idence. Hyderabad. Dcccan, India Wagener. Evalyn \'an Hciiscn .\.B.15. Residence, 407 Hillside court. Piedmont. Cal. 222 BACHILLORS: Academic Colleges 1915 Waite, Lyman Alonzo Cobb ]?.S.15 • clerk. First National Bank. Res- idence, 557 Alexander St., San Fer- nando, Cal. Waite, Rayniund .Monzo B.S.15: with, Otis Elevator Co., 223 Warlmrton av., Yonkers, N. Y. Resi- dence, 512 W. 10th St., Santa Ana, Cal. W'aldiier, Clarence Edwin de la Garde B.S.15 ; foreman, Selby Smelter. Resi- dence, Selby, Cal. fW'alkup, Elsie Alan A.B.I 5. Residence, 403 E. Jefferson St., Crawfortlsville, Ind. Wallace, Thomas Damourjian A.B.15. Residence, 2121 Kittredge st, Berkeley, Cal. Walters, Helen A.R.15; teacher. Residence, Colfax, Wash. Wampfler, Cora A.B.15; teacher, Plumas, Cal. Resi- dence, 1522 Grove st., Berkeley, Cal. \Yard, Chandler Paul A.B.15; lawyer. Residence, 2130 W. 21st St., Los Angeles, Cal. Ward, Eileen Elizabeth A.B.15; teacher. Residence, Orcutt, Cal. Ward, Engelena Susan A.B.15. Residence, 2601 Piedmont av., Berkeley, Cal. Ward, Lawrence Arthur B.S.15; rancher. Residence, Chalfant, Cal. Washburn, Henry Lord B.S.15 : farmer, Atascadero. Cal. Resi- dence, R.F.D. 2, San Jose. Cal. Webb, Hilda Fay A.B.15. Residence, 582 37th st, Oak- lantl, Cal. Weeks, Margaret Genevieve A.B.15. Residence, 2911 Regent St., Berkeley, Cal. Weissman, Henry A.B.15. Residence, 2203 Atherton St., Berkeley, Cal. Welch, Richard Joseph. Tr. .•\.B.15. Residence, 1286 Orange St., Riverside, Cal. Wendell, Mary Ellen A.B.15; tutor. Residence, 3388 Atlantic av.. Atlantic City, N. J. Werlev, Ralph Emerson B.S.'l5 Wheeler, Benjamin ^^'ebb .•\.B.15: student. Harvard University, 7 Winthrop Hall, Cambridge, Mass. Res- idence, President's House, University of California, Berkeley, Cal. Whelan, Rena A.B.15. Residence, 801 Guerrero St.. S. F. Whilbeck, Josephine Logan A.B.15; student, Cal. Library School, 1426 7th St., Sacramento, Cal. Resi- dence, 239 15th St., Richmond, Cal. Whitcher, Jean Rosella A.B.15; m. A. W. Christie '15. Resi- dence, 2029 Berkeley way, Berkeley, Cal. White, Harold Alfred B.S.15; test engineer, with General Electric Co. Residence, 811 Chrisler av., Schenectady, N. Y. White. Marshall Kent B.S.15: assistant city engineer. Resi- dence, Jackson, Tenn. Whvte, Florence A.B.15 Wiggin, Marjorie Lettice A.B.15 ; teacher, Kerby, Ore. Residence. 2828 Hillegass av., Berkeley, Cal. Wilcox, Floyd E. B.S.15; rancher. Residence, Farnam. Neb. Wilcox, ]\Iarion Eva A.B.15 ; teacher, Cloverdale, Cal. Res- idence, 1904 Clinton av., Alameda. Cal. Wilde, Leslie A.B.15 ; with. Emporium Co., S. F. Res- idence, 337 Chestnut St., Ventura, Cal. Wiley, Esmond Fenton A.B.15 ; secretary, J. A. Marshall, con- tractor. Residence, Los Gatos, Cal. Williams, Carl Julius B.S.15 ; farm advisor, Kern county. Court House, Bakersfield, Cal. Resi dence, Gustine, Cal. Williams, Junia A.B.15; private secretary. Residence, 908 Monroe av., La Porte, Ind. Wilson, Frances Hamrick A.B.15. Residence, 2743 Derby st., Ber- keley, Cal. Wilson, George Harold B.S.15 : foreman. Paulin ranch. Resi- dence, Imperial. Cal. Wilson, Harold Richards ,\.B.15 : instructor (physical educations. L^niversity of California. Residence 2600 Dur'ant av., Berkeley, Cal. Winegarden, Verne Edna A.B.15 ; artist, Miss Clayes' studio. 177 Post St.. S. F. Residence, 2124 Kittredge St.. Berkeley, Cal. f\\'interer, Horace Kenneth B.S.15 ; with. General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Residence, 1728 Moreinga av., Hollywood. Cal. Witt, Mark Logan B.S.15 : machinist, with Aurora Con solidated Mines Co.. .Aurora. Nev. Res idence. Escondido. Cal. 1915-1916] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 223 Wolf. Rose Eleanor A.B.15; teacher. Residence, 140 Argu- ello blvd., S. F. Woll, Margaret Louise B.S.15; teacher. Residence, 1534 Sutter St., S. F. Woo. Moi Lee B.S.15 : chemist, with Spreckels Sugar Co., Spreckels, Cal. Residence, 842 Grant av., S. F. Wood, Verna Aimee A.B.15; teacher. Residence, 1119 Bath St., Santa Barbara, Cal. Woodbur}', Anna A.B.15. Residence, 419 Glendale av., Glendale, Cal. Woods, Lois May A.B.15. Residence, 1334 Spruce St., Berkeley, Cal. *Wood\vorth, Wendell Albert, Jr. B.S.15 ; d. May 7, 1916 Wright, Ella Elizabeth A.B.15. Residence, 2530 Etna St., Ber- keley, Cal. Wyllie, Oliver Creighton B.S.15. Residence, Y. M. C. A., Berke- ley, Cal. Yelland, Robert B.S.15; farmer. Residence, Anderson, Cal. Yost, Harold Hewett B.S.15 : director, agricultural depart- ment, Mills School. Residence, Hono- lulu, T. H. Young, Leon a Esther B.S.15; M.S.16. Residence, 2510 Etna St., Berkeley, Cal. Young, Percival A.B.15 Zoller, Martin Leopold B.S.15. Residence, 2319 P St., Sacra- mento, Cal. 1916 Adams. Ernest PL A.B.16; smelter investigator, with St. Louis Smelting & l^efining Co. Resi- dence, 215 Church St., Collinsville, III. Adams, John Newton B.S.16. Residence, Flagstaff, Ariz. Akers. Mabel Allen A.B.16. Residence, 2432 \'irginia St., Berkeley, Cal. Arcndt, Bertram B.S.16. Residence. 1691 2d av.. S. F. Arendt, William Melville A.B.16. Residence. Jamestown, Cal. Armour. Marjorie-John .'\.B.16; assistant (pliysical educTtion). University of California. Residence. 1712 Euclid av., Berkeley, Cal. Armstrong. Jesse Evan A.B.16; instructor (commercial). Uni- versity of California. Residence, 646C Regent st., Oakland, Cal. Arnot, Philip Howard A.B.16. Residence, Placerville, Cal. Atkinson, Dorothv Wells A.B.16. Residence, 2802 X. Junett St., Tacoma, Wash. Atkinson, Herbert Percy B.S.16. Residence, 2522 Ridge rd., Ber- keley, Cal. Atsatt, Marjory A.B.16. Residence, 345 S. Serrano av., Los Angeles, Cal. Augur, Wayland Bixby B.S.16. Residence, 24 Xavy st., X'enice, Cal. Austin. Dorothy Kathleen A.B.16. Residence, 85 S. Madison av., Pasadena, Cal. Ayer, Constance A.B.16. Residence, Chatham, Mass. Babcock, Arthur Lee Roy B.S.16. Residence, 122 Rubidoux av.. Riverside, Cal. Badgley. lima Lottie A.B.16. Residence, Sonera, Cal. Baird. William Perry B.S.16. Residence. Hayward. Cal. Ball. Dexter Rankin A.B.16. Residence, 1203 X. Main St.. Santa Ana, Cal. Bangs, Jane Birdsall A.B.16. Residence, 2300 Warring St., Berkeley. Cal. Barker. Philip Stevens B.S.16. Residence. School, Colo. Barkley, Joseph Walter A.B.16. Residence, box 128, Brentwood. Cal. Barlow. Anna Maude A.B.16. Residence, Sebastopol. Cal. Barstow. James Townsend A.B.16. Residence, 1904 J st.. Fresno. Cal. Barton, Chandler Parks .^.B.16. Residence, 715 .Xrdmorc av., Los Angeles. Cal. Baughman. Tulia I. .A.B.16. Residence. 500 X. O.ik st.. Jef- ferson. Iowa Beach. Egbert Williams B.S.16. Residence. 110 Sunnysidc av.. Piedmont, Cal. Beals. Carl Blick A.B.16. Residence, 1531 Scenic av.. Berkeley, Cal. Beik. Freida Margaret A.B.16. Residence. 121S Bird St.. Oro- ville. Cal. 224 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1916 1916 Continued Belt, Arlluir Elmer A. 15. 16. Residoiicc. 536 S. Rita av., HuntiiiKton Park, Cal. Benedict, Ruth Lathrop A.l!.16. Residence, 2600 Hilgard av.. Berkeley, Cal. Benjamin, Marie A.B.16. Residence, 2023 Channing way, Berkeley, Cal. Benjamin, Maurice Blaine A.B.16. Residence. 1036 Lake St., Los Angeles, Cal. Bequette. James Clarke A.B.16. " Residence, 317 S. Locust St., Visalia, Cal. Berg, Augusta Elizabeth A.B.16. Residence, 247 Date St., San Diego, Cal. Biggs. Harold B.S.16. Residence, 220 Colfax av., Grass Valley, Cal. Bingham, Marv Janet A.B.16. Residence, box 26, Shale, Cal. Blakey. Elizabeth Hall A.B.16. Residence, Los Gatos. Cal. Blanchard, Vincent Frank B.S.16. Residence, Santa Paula, Cal. Bonnickson, Frank Rattan B.S.16. Residence, 2400 McKinley av., Berkeley. Cal. Boone. Mary Muriel A.B.16. Residence. 331 19th St., San Bernardino, Cal. Boothe, Geraldine A.B.16. Residence. 1637 Oxford St., Berkeley, Cal. Borum. Jean Frances A.B.16. Residence. Selma. Cal. Bowman, Henry Clare B.S.16. Residence, Albion, Cal. Boyle. Catherine Josephine .■\.B.16. Residence, 155 Lowell St., S. F. Bradley. Lucile A.B.16. Residence, 406 Beveridge St., Carbondale, 111. Bransford. Alice Susanna A.B.16. Residence. 432 Crittenden St., Red BlutT, Cal. Brelin. Ebbe Adolf B.S.16. Residence. 1290 University av.. San Diego. Cal. Briggs. Wallace Rideout A.B.16. Residence. 2209 M St., Sac- ramento. Cal. Brown, John Stewart, Jr. A.B.16. Residence, 2500 College av., Berkeley, Cal. Brown. Marion Agnes A.B.16. Residence. 1608 Chestnut St.. Alameda. Cal. Brown, Vaughan A.B.16. Residence, R.F.D. 2, Eveson, Wash. Brown, William Byron A.B.16. Residence. 479 34th st.. Oak- land, Cal. Browning, John Lendell A.B.16. Residence, Grand Island, Cal. Bruck, Edwin Louis A.B.16. Residence, St. Helena, Cal. Bruckman, Bettina A.B.16. Care of John Bruckman, 311 California St., S. F. Brunei, Louis Julien Auguste B.S.16. Residence, 1032 62d St., Oak- land, Cal. Bulson, Dorothy Ede A.B.16. Residence. 1307 W. 5th St., Riverside, Cal. Burgess, George Frost B.S.16. Residence, Arlington, Cal. Burket, Harold Escher A.B.16. Residence, 2704 Virginia st., Berkeley, Cal. Burns, Robert Wayne A.B.16. Residence, 1436 W. 4th St., Riverside, Cal. Burum, Rayford Young A.B.16. Residence, Klink, Cal. Calden, Ruth Ransom A.B.16. Residence, 4127 Gilbert St., Oak- land, Cal. Calder, John Roland B.S.16. Residence, 261 32d av., S. F. Caldwell, Augusta Ovida A.B.16. Residence, Alturas. Cal. Camp. Carter Corson A.B.16. Residence, Napa, Cal. Campbell, Donald Lorenzo B.S.16. Residence, Modesto, Cal. Carle. Paul B.S.16. Residence, 1730 La Loma av. Berkeley, Cal. Carlisle. Donald Thompson A.B.16. Residence, 1806 Argyle av., Hollywood, Cal. Carmichael, Howard Ellsworth B.S.16. Residence, Livingston, Cal. Carpenter, Mary Amelia A.B.16. Residence. 1505 Echo Park av., Los Angeles. Cal. Casev. John Tames B.S.16; A.B. (St. Ignatius) 11; in- spector. Board of Public Works. City Hall. Residence. 1777 15th st., S. F. Casselberrv. William Sturgeon A.B.16. Residence, 1242 E. 1st St., Long Beach. Cal. Cassels, Ruth Louise A.B.16. Residence. Graton, S. Dak. 1916] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 225 Castle. Clarence Vernon B.S.16. Residence, Port Costa, Cal. Caulkins. Asa Leonard A.B.16. Residence, Ceres, Cal. Chaney. Gladys Minerva A.B.16. Residence, 328 Cayuga st., Sa- linas, Cal. Charles. Edith Louise A.B.16. Residence, 2421 Ward St., Ber- keley, Cal. Cheatham, Lutie A.B.16. Residence, 626 19th av., N., Seattle, Wash. Cheim, Ruth A.B.16. Residence, Marysville, Cal. Cheney. William Fitch, Jr. A.B.16. Residence, iZ Spruce St., S. F. Childs, Enid Maude A.B.16. Residence, 2123 Bancroft way, Berkeley, Cal. Chubb, Evelyn Anne A.B.16. Residence, 1932 Linden St., Oakland, Cal. Clark. Marion A.B.16. Residence, 11 El Camino Real, Berkeley, Cal. Clark, Robert Hazeltine A.B.16. Residence, 11 El Camino Real, Berkeley, Cal. Clarke. Allen Louis B.S.16. Residence, 2317 LeConte av., Berkeley, Cal. Clarke. Teresa Dolores A.B.16. Residence, 2623 Mission St., S. F. Clements, Edgar Joseph B.S.16. Residence, Shellville. Cal. Clow, Mariza Ellen A.B.16. Residence, Philo, Cal. Clune, James William A.B.i6. Residence, 401 S. Harvard blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. Cole, Theodore Scott B.S.16. Residence, East Auburn, Cal. Collins, Hazel Minnie A.B.16. Residence, 509 N. Court st., Visalia, Cal. Conklin. Joel Shepard B.S.16. Residence, 2519 Ridge rd., Ber- keley, Cal. Conley, Philip A.B.16. Residence, Madera, Cal. Connitt. Elsie Beatrice A.B.16. Residence, 2551 Harrington av., Oakland, Cal. Cook. Frank Bigelow, Jr. B.S.16. Residence, 1831 10th av., E. Oakland, Cal. Cordell. Marguerite A.B.16. Care of National Bank of the Republic. Salt Lake City, Utah Corlett, Frances Ensor A.B.16. Residence, 113 Division St., Napa, Cal. Costello, John Cornelius B.S.16. Residence, 2213 Dwight way, Berkeley, Cal. Crafton, Paul Stout A.B.16. Residence, station T, Los An- geles, Cal. Crane, Clarkson A.B.16. Residence, Cecil Hotel. S. F. Cron, Charles Louis B.S.16. Residence, 2608 Dana St., Ber- keley, Cal. Cronise, Roseanne Corinne A.B.16. Residence, 2868 Vallejo St.. S. F. Crosslev, Katherine A.B.16. Residence, 2514 Haste St., Ber- keley, Cal. Crow, DeWitt Smith A.B.16. Residence, Chatham. 111. Crow, Harold Ira B.S.16. Residence, Berkeley, Cal. Crystal. Susie Blake A.B.16. Residence. V'acaville, Cal. Curtis, Merritt Barton A.B.16. Residence, 578 7th st., San Bernardino, Cal. Custer, Mark Bernard A.B.16. Residence, Covina, Cal. Daly, Arthur Burton B.S.16. Residence, Colusa, Cal. Daniels, Dorothy A.B.16. Residence, 1518 Fremont av., South Pasadena, Cdl. Daniels. Sarah Paine A.B.16. Residence. 1518 Fremont av.. South Pasadena, Cal. Darling. Harold Preston A.B.16. Residence, 1512 Linden St., Oakland, Cal. Dash. Loveretta E. A.B.16. Residence, Corning, Cal. Daugherty. Lester Amiel A.B.16. Residence, 2345 College av., Berkeley, Cal. Davis. Elbert Willard A.B.16. Residence, 2644 Dwight way, Berkeley, Cal. Davis. Stella Evelvn A.B.16; B.S. (Missouri) 12 deKav, Helen Margaret A.B.16. Residence, 2027 Delaware St., Berkeley, Cal. de la Cuesta, Dulce A.B.16. Residence. Solvang, Cal. de Laguna, Mariquita A.B.16. Residence, 518 24th St., Oak- land, Cal. 226 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1916 1916 Continued L)cl-;incc-v, C"l:irciicc Aldon A.M. 16." Residence, 625 Sycamore St., Oakland. Cal. Dement. |(ihn Carey A.n.l6." Residence. 1610 Plumosa way, San DicKO. Cal. Deniing, Edna Constance A.B.16. Residence, 2956 Linden av.. Berkeley. Cal. Dcnhani. Lillian Frances A.B.16. Residence, 2419 Prince St., Berkeley. Cal. Den i son. Belva Ruth A.B.16. Residence, 444 S. Chautauqua av., Norman. Oula. Dennison. Marj^aret A.B.16. Residence. 2150 Santa Clara av.. Alameda, Cal. deWitt. Clinton B.S.16. Residence, 1221 Paru St., Ala- meda. Cal. Dieck-mann. Paul Henry A.B.16. Residence, 801 S. 3d St., Al- bu(iueniue, N. M. Dierssen, Evelyn A.B.16. Residence, 920 H st., Sacra- mento, Cal. Dinsmore, Lura Dell A.B.16. Residence, box 98. Inglewood, Cal. Dinsmore, Thomas Snell B.S.16. Residence, 27 Highland av., Piedmont, Cal. Dormody, Helen Dorothy A.B.16. Residence, Placerville, Cal. Dougherty, Ellsworth Young A.B.16.' Residence, 20 5th av., San Ra- fael, Cal. Dougherty. Grace A.B.16.' Residence, 552 B St., Santa Rosa, Cal. Dovle, Alfred M. A.B.16 Doyle. Victor Hugo B.S.16. Residence. 1623 Scenic av., Ber- keley. Cal. Drever, Walter B'.S.16. Residence, 3806 22d St.. S. F. Dubois. William Randolph A.B.16. Residence. 2251b Market St.. S. F. Duddleson, William Jefferson B.S.16. Residence. East Ely, Nev. Duel], Prentice \'an Walbeck A.B.16. Residence, 502 N. 1st St., Phoe- nix. Ariz. Duliring. Frederick Stearns A.B.16. Residence. Sonoma, Cal. Dukes, Neville Regina A.B.16. Residence, 450 65th St., Oak- land, Cal. Dunn. Helen Haslett A.B.16. Residence, Sunnyside, Wash. Dunn, Henry Waddington A.B.16. Residence, 1235 Elm av.. Long Beach. Cal. Dunne. Josephine Masten A.B.16. Residence. 1472 The .-Mameda, San Jose, Cal. Durbrow, Margery A.B.16. Residence, 62 5th av., S. F. Durkin. Emmet James A.B.16. Residence. 930 S. Lincoln St., Spokane, Wash. Dyer, James Callan B.S.16. Residence, box 734, Cheyenne, Wyo. Earl, Guy Chaffee. Ti". A.B.16. Residence. 2914 McClure St.. Oakland, Cal. Easton. Elizabeth Janet A.B.16. Residence, Gilroy, Cal. Edinger. Ruth Mary Residence'. 2058 Central av., Alameda. Cal. Edinger. William Johnston B.S.16. Residence. Hood. Cal. Edmunds. Constance Gray A.B.16. Residence. Veterans' Home, Cal. Edwards, Archibald Munroe B.S.16. Residence. 115 E. Islay st., Santa Barbara. Cal. Ehrman. Bernard Charles A.B.16. Residence. 2240 Pacific av.. S. F. Eichler. Edward B.S.16. Residence. 3419 Andover St.. Oakland, Cal. Elder. William Fitch B.S.16. Residence, 2420 Ashby av.. Ber- keley, Cal. Ellis, Alice Clvde A.B.16. Residence, 2236 Grove St.. Ber- keley. Cal. Ellis, ^^'ilson Davis .^.B.16. Residence. 2236 Grove St.. Ber- keley, Cal. Elmendorf. William McXair A.B.16. Residence. 933 X. Ardmore av., Los Angeles. Cal. Elmore, Ruth Eunice A.B.16. Residence. 862 3d st.. Santa Rosa. Cal. Ench. Pauline Anna A.B.16. Residence. 2525 10th av.. Oak- land. Cal. Erskine. Morse A.B.16. Residence, 2675 California St., S. F. 1916] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 227 Estergren, Gustav Emanuel A.B.16. Residence, Templeton, Cal. Evans, Springer Fulton B.S.16. Residence, Pomona, Cal. Fairchilds. Sarah Evelvn A.B.16. Residence, R.'F.D. 3, bo.x 18, Lodi, Cal. Farlinger, Isabella Agnes A.BJ6. Residence, 227 2d St., Rich- mond, Cal. Farnlacher. Walter George B.S.16. Residence, 1664 Fulton St.. S. F. Feeman, Ray Elizabeth A.B.16. Residence, 6817 Leland way. Hollywood, Cal. Fell, Melvin Deems B.S.16. Residence, .-Mexandra court, Portland. Ore. Ferris, Laurence Warren B.S.16. Residence, 1922 Home st, Ber- keley, Cal. Fertig, Kathryn Mae A.B.16. Residence, 1149 Chestnut St., Riverside, Cal. Field, Anna A.B.16. Residence, 590 6.M st., Oak- land. Cal. Findlay, Grace j\Iary B.S.16. Residence, 2430 Jefferson st., Berkeley, Cal. Fiske. Norman Edgar B.S.16; manager. Faculty Club, Berke- ley, Cal. Flannerv, Monica A.B.16. Residence, 1518 Euclid av., Ber- keley, Cal. Fletcher. Howard French B.S.16. Residence. 2529 Hearst av., Ber- keley, Cal. Foot, Russell Davis B.S.16. Residence, 2515 LeConte av., Berkeley, Cal. Foulds, Charles Von Hoffman B.S.16. Residence, 2331 Bancroft way, Berkeley, Cal. Fowler, Charles Beebe A.B.16. Residence, 1230 Leavenworth St., S. F. Fo.x, Herman Kittredge B.S.16. Residence, 6405 Regent st., Oak- land, Cal. Frandy. Mervyn Francis A.B.16. Residence, Nevada City, Cal. Frick, Charles Wilson B.S.16. Residence, 2431 Dwight way, Berkeley, Cal. FriediTian. Lucile Selma A.B.16. Residence, box 185. Hailey, Idaho Friedman, Monroe Mark A.B.16. Residence, 1919 Grove st., Ber- keley. Cal. Frisbie, J. Bernard B.S.16: with. National City Bank. N. Y. City. Residence, 169 Clinton St., Brook- lyn, N. Y. Fronmuller. Theodor Carlton B.S.16. Residence, Broadway terrace and Union st., Oakland, Cal. Fuld, Edwin Bernard A.B.16. Residence, 3570 Clay St., S. F. Fussell, Paul Longstreth A.B.16. Residence, 834 E. Walnut St.. Pasadena, Cal. Gabel, Jarvis Lewis A.B.16. Residence, 957 Valencia st., Los Angeles, Cal. Gardner. Rose Verl A.B.16. Residence, 865 Vermont St.. Oakland, Cal. Gatch, Sarah Etta A.B.16. Residence, 140 E. av. 59, Los Angeles, Cal. Gaw, Elizabeth A.B.16. Residence, 2713 Ellsworth St.. Berkeley, Cal. Gawne, Dulcie Modestus Xaomi A.B.16. Residence, R.F.D. 4, box 96. Stockton, Cal. Gay, Thomas Edwards A.B.16. Residence, 450 Freeport rd. Sacramento, Cal. Gaynor, Catherine Gwendolen A.B.16. Residence, Areata, Cal. Gazarian, Leon Gasbar B.S.16. Residence, R.F.D. 1, box 9, Fowler, Cal. Gehrkens, Rose Elsie .'\.B.16. Residence, 6060 Franklin av., Hollywood, Cal. Georgeson, Alice Vira A.B.16. Residence, 907 6th St., Eureka. Cal. Giacomini. James Arthur B.S.16. Residence, 376 61st St., Oak- land, Cal. Gibson, Abby Bolles A.B.16. Residence, 1534 .Arch st.. Ber- keley, Cal. Gidney, Harry Dean B.S.16. Residence, 10 E. Carrillo St.. Santa Barbara, Cal. Gilkey, Howard Ellsworth B.S.16. Residence, 1009 Morgan st., Santa Rosa. Cal. Gill, Harley Hayes A.B.16. Residence. 1842 Parker st., Ber- keley, Cal. Glashoff. Clarence Henry A.B.16. Residence. Cordelia, Cal. Gleason. William Charles .\.B.16. Residence, box 49, Cotton Val- ley. La. 228 BACHELORS : Academic Colleges [1916 1916 Continued (iliK-kin.-ii), Sadie Alice A.B.16. Kesidencc, 1711 VirRinia St., Berkeley, Cal. Gocthals, Celina Regina A.B.I6. Residence, K.F.D. 4, Riverside, Cal. Goodall, Helen Marian A.B.16. Residence, 150 Lake St., Oak- land, Cal. Goodykoontz, Myrtle Laura A.B.16. Residence, 2539 Durant av., Berkeley, Cal. Gordon. Simeon Moore A.B.16. Residence, Tung-Chou, Chihli, North China, via Peking Gorham, Mildred Ide A.B.16. Residence, 2422 S. Atherton St., Berkeley, Cal. Goss. Roger Fulton A.B.16. Residence, Marshfield, Ore. Gowen. Lancelot Edward A.B.16. Residence, 5005 22d av., N. E., Seattle. Wash. Grant. Esther Melvina A.B.16. Residence, 1032 Irving St., S. F. Gravem. Orrin Loyola A.B.16; with, Gravem Bros., bakers. Residence, Stockton, Cal. Gripper, Paul Conover B.S.16. Residence, 2521 Channing way, Berkeley, Cal. Grover, Sarah Elizabeth A.B.16. Residence, Yelm, Wash. Haker, William Ludwig B.S.16. Residence, 240 Santa Rosa av., Sausalito, Cal. Halev. Theodore Edward Thomas A.'B.16; with. Blyth, Witter & Co., bonds, 465 California St., S. F. Resi- dence. 6656 Dana st., Oakland, Cal. Hall, Charles Clarke A.B.16. Residence, 365 Williams av., Portland, Ore. Hall. EHse .•\.B.16. Residence, 653 Melville av., Palo Alto. CaL Hall, Herbert Edwin A.B.16. Residence. 67 King av.. Pied- mont. Cal. Hall. Lillian Mary A.B.16. Residence. 1721 Grove St., Ber- keley, Cal. Halsey. Grace Darling A.B.16. Residence. 1225 S. Normandie av., Los Angeles. Cal. Hamilton. Lloyd Nelson A.B.16. Residence. 3825 Howe St.. Oak- land. Cal. Hancock. Chester Arthur B.S.16. Residence, Diamond Springs, Cal. Hannah, Margaret Evelyn A.B.16. Residence, 513 K. Encina av., Visalia, Cal. Harber, Jeannette Waundre A.B.16. Residence, 2225 San Jose av., Alameda, Cal. Hardy, Herbert A.B.16. Residence, 2218 Union st., Ber- keley, Cal. Harnett. Kathleen A.B.16. Residence, box 36. Burnett, Cal. Harrod, Ramona Weldon A.B.16. Residence, 5346 Franklin av., Hollywood, Cal. Hartman, Leonard Andrew A.B.16. Residence, 1129 W. 8th St., Riverside, Cal. Harvey, Maria Louise B.S.16. Residence, 1003 M St., Grants Pass, Ore. Hathaway, Helen A.B.16. Residence, 445 Orchard st., Oakland. Cal. Havermale, Homer Lewis B.S.16 ; with. Chronicle, S. F. Hawkins, Blanche Alice A.B.16. Residence. 1818 Carlton St., Berkeley. Cal. Hawkins. Eugene Alston. Jr. A.B.16. Residence. 601 Kingsley drive, Los Angeles. Cal. Hayes, Leslie Louise A.B.16. Residence, 5925 Shafter av., Oakland, Cal. Hazelrigg, Edmund Earl A.B.16. Residence, 2670 2d St.. San Diego, Cal. Hazeltine, Matthew Emerv B.S.16; with. E. H. Rollins & Sons, bonds. 1 Montgomery St.. S. F. Resi- dence. 596 S. 10th St.. San Jose, Cal. Hazer, Freda Mae A.B.16. Residence, North Bend, Ore. Hazzard, Rov Thorpe B.S.16. Residence, Whittier, Cal. Heffner, Roy Jackson B.S.16; with. Western Electric Co., Hawthorne sta.. Chicago. 111. Residence, 811 Grevilla av., Inglewood. Cal. Heilfronn, Milton Mendel A.B.16. Residence, 583 Fell st.. S. F. Heinrich, Marguerite Evangel A.B.16. Residence. Porterville. Cal. Helm. Carl Hampton B.S.16. Residence, La Jolla. Cal. Henderson. Wendell B.S.16. Residence, Kelseyville. Cal. Heney, Paul Walter B.S.16. Residence, box 152. Loleta. Cal. Henry. Helen Lucile A.B.16. Residence. Porterville. Cal. 1916] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 229 Hercent, Marie Louise A.B.16. Residence, 2815 Claremont blvd., Berkeley, Cal. Hentile, Nellie Adele A.B.16. Residence, 3128 Telegraph av., Oakland, Cal. Hervey. Harcourt A.B.16. Residence, 601 Shatto place, Los Angeles, Cal. Hill, Dolph Brice A.B.16. Residence, 758 D st., Petaluma, Cal. Himmelmann, William Edward A.B.16. Resilience, 853 Ashbury St., S. F. Hobart. Kenneth Gray A.B.16. Residence, 2112 1st av., Sacra- mento, Cal. Robert, Helen Adele A.B.16. Residence, 5562 Taft av., Oak- land, Cal. Hobson. Grace A.B.16. Residence, Nordhoff, Cal. Hodge, Frank Shy B.S.16. Residence, 1119 W. 41st place, Los Angeles, Cal. Hodgkin, George Barclay A.B.16. Residence. Fresno, Cal. Hodgson, Robert Willard B.S.16. Residence, Oroville, Cal. Hoenigmann, Frank Joseph B.S.16. Residence, box 781, McGill. x\ev. Holmes. Adah Roberta A.B.16. Residence, 209 Castro St., S. F. Holmes, William Ray B.S.16. Residence, Berryessa, Cal. Holter, William Latimer A.B.16; B.S. (Pennsylvania St. Coll.); with, American Beet Sugar Co. Resi- dence, Chino, Cal. Hook. Frances Marion A.B.16. Residence, 610 Vernon St., Oak- land, Cal. Hooker, William Homer B.S.16. Residence, Dos Palos, Cal. Hookway, Margaret Sweet A.B.16. Residence, 201 S. Los Robles av., Pasadena, Cal. Hopkins. Helen A.B.16. Residence, 1219 17th st., Sac- ramento, Cal. Hosmer, Marion Buffington A.B.16. Residence. 103 N. Wellington St., Los Angeles, Cal. Hotchkis. James Samuel Preston A.B.16. Residence, 2334 Thompson St., Los Angeles. Cal. Hough, Genevieve A.B.16. Residence, 2802 11th av., Oak- land, Cal. House, Frank Marion B.S.16. Residence, 5360 Boyd av., Oak- land, Cal. Howard. Henry Temple A.B.16. Residence, 1401 LeRoy av., Ber- keley, Cal. Howard. John Gary A.B.16. Residence, 232 29th st., Oak- land, Cal. Hu. Hsen-Hsti A.B.16. Residence, Nanchang, Kiangsi, China Hull. Annie Vories A.B.16. Care of Mrs. C. A. Estey, Ocean Beach, Cal. Hulting. Frederick Burt A.B.16. Residence, 2733 Derby St., Ber- keley, Cal. Hummel. Heinz George August A.B.16. Residence. 2235 Durant av., Berkeley, Cal. ; or, Pirmasens, Bavaria Hutchinson, Mary Helen A.B.16. Residence, Concord, Cal. Hyland, Marjorie A.B.16. Residence, 2141 Los .A.ngeles av., Berkeley, Cal. Igleheart, William Taylor A.B.16. Residence, 71 Babcock St., Brookline, Mass. Jacobs. Oscar Elford B.S.16. Residence, Zamora, Cal. Jacobsen, William Cornelius A.B.16. Residence, 2221 McKinley av., Berkeley, Cal. James. John Nelson A.B.16. Residence, 2237 San Joaquin St., Fresno, Cal. Jamison. Edwin Campbell B.S.16; LL.B. (U. of Philippines) 15. Residence, 2238 Roosevelt av., Berkeley, Cal. Jessup. Carl Justice A.B.16. Residence, 2246 Fulton st., Ber- keley, Cal. Johnson, James Victor B.S.16." Residence, 2024 E. 29th St.. Oakland, Cal. Johnston, Joseph Eggleston A.B.16. Residence, 2902 Channing way, Berkeley, Cal. Jones, Aura Lea A.B.16. Residence, Angels Camp. Cal. Jones. Wendell Mansur B.S.16. Residence, 1405 Chapala St.. Santa Barbara, Cal. Jordan, Florence Elizabeth A.B.16. Residence. 950 E. 14th St.. Oak- land. Cal. Judkins. Myrtle Louise .•\.B.16. Residence, 32 Coe av., San Jose, Cal. 2M) BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1916 1916 Continued luilv. I li>\vai. Resilience, .Xiilidcli, Cal. Kahlcr. (k-orjjc William U.S. 16. Resilience, 628 Jackson st., Oak- land, Cal. Katzi)r()\vskv, Sam H.S.I 6. Resilience, 22?0 I-'ulton St., Ber- keley, Cal. Kaufman. Kimball Charles B.S.16. Oflice. Northwestern Bank hldg., Portlanil, Ore. Kecrs. Grace Maude Sigman A.B.16. Care of Mrs. F. Herdman, 741 llalsey St., Portland, Ore. Kcilli, Charles Frank A.U.16. Residence, 19.^2 Haste St., Ber- keley, Cal. Kelly, Genevieve A.B.16. Residence, 2448 A St., San Diego, Cal. Kelly, Harold Rannclis B.S.16. Residence, The Riviera, Santa Barbara, Cal. Kemppe. Archie Isaac B.S.16. Residence, Fort Bragg, Cal. Kimbcr, Job \'ernon B.S.16. Residence, box 376, Santa Bar- bara. Cal. King. Susie W'illmena A.B.16. Residence, 1.36 N. Pleasant St., Prescott. .Ariz. Kingston. George Donald Leslie A.B.16. Residence, 2667 Magnolia av., Los .Angeles. Cal. Kirbv, Nettie Eda A."B.16. Residence, 2210 Atherton st.. Berkeley. Cal. Kirwan. Thomas Daniel B.S.16. Residence, Kau Kauna, Wis. Kitasawa. Sukeo A.B.16. Residence. 2308 Virginia St.. Berkeley. Cal. Knack. Clara A.B.16. Residence, 620 2d st.. Hoquiam, Wash. Knott. Charles Elgin B.S.16. Residence, 1901 Milvia St.. Ber- keley. Cal. Koenig. Martha Emma A.B.16. Residence. 1629 Waller st.. S.F. Krueger. Judson Erwin B.S.16. Residence. 2610 Bancroft way. Berkeley. Cal. Kuntz. Olive A.B.16. Residence. 668 W. Holt av.. Pomona. Cal. Laflin. Charlotte Rogers A.B.16. Residence. 8^28 Ashbury st.. S.F. Lafrenz, William Chris Fred B.S.16. Residence, 1721 Broderick St., S. F. Lagan, Alice Marie A.n.l6. Residence. 140 Haight St., S. F. Lambert. Calvin Hood A.B.16. Residence, 1327 Rural St., Em- poria, Kan. Lang, Anna Alma A.B.16. Residence. Remsen, Iowa Langer, Ludwig Ernest Frank B.S.16. Residence, 216 N. Catalina av., Redondo Beach, Cal. Langford, Sylvia Mae A.B.16. Residence, 647 Surprise av., Reno, Nev. Lantz, Lyman Southard B.S.16. Residence. 378 S. 2d st., San Jose, Cal. Laskev, Nellie Miller A.B.16. Residence, 2261 Shattuck av., Berkeley, Cal. Lawson, Bertha Alejandra A.B.16. Residence, 2228^ McKinley av.. Berkeley, Cal. Lawton, Helen A.B.16. Residence, 2211 Durant av., Berkeley, Cal. Lebovitz, Alfred Hiram A.B.16. Residence, 422^ N. Grand av., Los Angeles, Cai. Lee, Elsie A.B.16. Residence, 600 Maple st., Port- land, Ore. Lehe, Warren Eugene B.S.16. Residence, Dixon. Cal. Lehman. Lois Partridge A.B.16. Residence, 405 W. Highland av., Redlands, Cal. Lehmann, Alice A.B.16. Residence, Burbank, Cal. Letvinoff, Annie Paulena A.B.16. Residence. 342 Hastings St., E., Vancouver, B. C. Levy, Mildred A.B.16. Residence, 1738 Alameda av.. Alaineda. Cal. Light. Robert Mack A.B.16. Residence. 1012 Euclid av., Ber- keley. Cal. Lilienthal, John Leo B.S.16; with. Lilienthal Co.. 310 San- some St., S. F. Lindquist, Philip Nathaniel A.B.16. Residence, 1522 Grove st., Ber- keley. Cal. Linforth. Reginald Heber A.B.16. Residence. 2740 Derby St.. Ber- keley, Cal. Lipman. Robert Lockwood .\.B.16. Residence, 2467 Warring st., Berkeley. Cal. 1916] BACHELORS: Academic Colleges 231 Lockard, Earl Keith A.B.16. Residence, 1822 de la Vina St., Santa Barbara, Cal. Locke, Charles Edward, Jr. A.B.16. Residence, 728 Berendo st., Los Angeles, Cal. Lockhart, Robert Ritchie B.S.16. Residence, R.F.D. 4, Santa Rosa, Cal. Logan, Ruth Ethel A.B.16; m. A. L. Cunningham '15. Resi- dence, 745 Wesley av., Oakland, Cal. Long. Mary Lo'.nsa A.B.16. Residence, Zamora, Cal. Longley, Mabel Harrison A.B.16. Residence, 2622 Benvenue av., Berkeley, Cal. Lowe. Yarlock A.B.16. Residence, 6433 Benvenue av., Oakland, Cal. Lowrv. Wilber Dean B.S.16. Residence, 320 Marshall St., Gary, Ind. « Lucksinger, Oscar Frederick B.S.16. Residence, EI Cajon, Cal. Ludeke. Fanny Meng A.B.16. Residence, Shandon, Cal. MacFadycn, Robert Byron A.B.16. Residence, box Z7 , Santa Cruz, Cal. MacKay, Seth Archibald Allan A.B.16. Residence, 2420 Channing way, Berkeley, Cal. Maddox, Dickson Farnsworth A.B.16. Residence, 601 Encina av., Vi- salia, Cal. Mains, Margaret Kathleen A.B.16. Residence, Turlock, Cal. Maker, Frank Lawrence A.B.16. Residence, 1321 Chestnut St., Oakland, Cal. Malloch, Ruth A.B.16. Residence, 1628 Grove St., Ber- keley, Cal. Manheim, Henry, Jr. B.S.16. Residence, 69 Monte Vista av., Oakland, Cal. Manske, Helen A.B.16. Residence, 1140 W. 18th st.. Los Angeles. Cal. Marsh, Harold Eugene A.B.16. Residence, 123 E. College st., Whittier, Cal. Marston. Otis Reed B.S.16. Residence, 1500 .'\rch st., Ber- keley, Cal. ^L^rtin, Donald Evcrsole B.S.16. Residence, 662 Prospect square, Pasadena, Cal. Martin. Robert Carson A.B.16. Residence, 454 E. 12th St.. N., Portland, Ore. Marvin, William Cornelius A.B.16. Residence, Zumbrota. Minn. Matthews. Ethel May A.B.16. Residence, 1106 Colusa av., Ber- keley, Cal. McCann. Clyde Francisco B.S.16. Residence, 227 Edgewood av. S. F. McComas. Earl W. B.S.16. Residence, 533 E. Main St., Stockton, Cal. McCord. Olin Harris A.B.16. Residence, 610 Orange av., Santa Ana, Cal. McCullough, Narrola Ruth A.B.16. Residence, 2618 Durant av., Berkeley, Cal. McFarland, Thomas Clair B.S.16. Residence, Porterville, Cal. McFie, William Thomas A.B.16. Residence, 1222 W. 29th st.. Los Angeles, Cal. McGlashan. Bliss Isabelle A.B.16. Residence, Truckee. Cal. McGovern, \'iola Isabel A.B.16. Residence, San Luis Obispo, Cal. AIcGrath. Evelyn Margaret A.B.16. Residence, Sierra City, Cal. Mcintosh, William Carroll A.B.16. Residence, 115 S. Davis st., Santa Rosa, Cal. Mclntyre. Richard Southgate B.S.16; mining engineer, with Burma Mines. Ltd. Residence. 2829 Benvenue av., Berkeley, Cal. McKenzie, Anna B.S.16. Residence. 3418 Boston av.. Oakland, Cal. McKenzie. Barbara A.B.16. Residence, 3418 Boston av.. Oakland, Cal. McKie, \\'illiam John B.S.16. Residence. lone. Wash. McLaughlin, Armour Residence, 1178 Fulton St.. S. F. McLaughlin, Mary Ruth .\.V>.\6. Residence, box 153, La Manda Park, Cal. McXair, James Birtley A.B.16. Residence, 436 S. ^L^dison av., Pasadena, Cal. McXair. William Ray A.B.16. Residence. Hurleton. Cal. McRoberts. Louise Eberlein .\.B.16. Residence, 2118 \' st., Sacra- mento. Cal. Mccham, John Lloyd A.B.16. "Residence. 425 H st., San Ber- nardino, Cal. 232 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1916 l')16 Continued Mftldaugh. 11a Jean A.B.16. Residence, Lakcport, Cal. Mcllin. Gilbert Francis B.S.16. Residence, 231 Tennessee St., Vallcjo, Cal. Mcntz, Vera Louise A.B.16. Residence, 2576 Martinez av., Berkeley, Cal. Merrinian, William Hiram A.B.16.: teacher. School of Commerce. Manila. P. I. Mctcalf. Alice Helen A.B.16. Residence, 243 N. Hope St., Los Angeles, Cal. Meyer. Freda Rose A.B.16. Residence. San Rafael, Cal. Millar, Norman Ellvvood B.S.16. Residence. 650 63d St., Oak- land, Cal. Miller, Beulah Eudora A.B.16. Residence, 1026 P St.. Fresno. Cal. Miller. Josephine A. 6.16. Residence. Bancroft apts.. Ber- keley, Cal. Miller. Merrill Angus B.S.16. Residence, 372 S. Rita av., Huntington Park. Cal. Miller. William Bennett B.S.16. Care of 505 Lankershim bldg.. Los Angeles. Cal. Mills. Percy Albert A.B.16. Residence. Penngrove. Cal. Minor, Richard Peter A.B.16. Residence. 1720 Euclid av., Ber- keley. Cal. Mohs. Oscar Kempfer A.B.16. Residence. 647 Lewis av.. San Leandro, Cal. Moll. Mary Danielia .\.B.16. Residence. 7002 Hollywood blvd.. Los Angeles. Cal. Moller, Mabel Johanna A.B.16. Residence, 426 29th st., Oak- land. Cal. Mollerup. Tulla A.B.16. Residence, 661 Elizabeth St., Salt Lake City, Utah Montgomery, Victor B.S.16 Moody, Clarence Lemuel A.B.16. Residence. Van Nuys, Cal. Moore. Laura Lybrook A.B.16. Residence. 220 S. Union av.. Los Angeles. Cal. Morrison, Richard Howard A.B.16. Residence, 2001 Durant av.. Berkeley, Cal. Morse, Isita Girdler A.B.16; with. U. S. Coast & Geodetic Survey. Residence, 1691 Bush St., S. F. Morse, Marion A.B.16. Residence. 928 D St., Moscow, Idaho Mosher, Samuel Barlow B.S.16. Residence, 4993 Pasadena av., Los Angeles, Cal. Muir, James Black, Jr. A.B.16. Residence, 539 38th St., Oak- land, Cal. Munro, Ruth Amy A.B.16. Residence, 1410 Bonita av., Ber- keley, Cal. Murashige, Osamu B.S.16. Residence, 2308 Virginia St., Berkeley. Cal. Murdock, Osgood A.B.16. Residence. 2826 Sacramento St.. S. F. Murray, Joseph Howajd, Jr. B.S.16. Residence, box 222, Nampa, Idaho Murray, Lewis Alonzo B.S.16 : engineer. Residence, East Au- burn, Cal. Neff, Anna Aletha Witte A.B.16. Residence, 2234 Haste St., Ber- keley, Cal. Nelson, Leola Alice A.B.16. Residence, Knightsen, Cal. Nelson, Thomas Lothian B.S.16. Residence, Brush, Colo. Neuhaus, John August B.S.16. Residence, 3023 Pine St., S. F. Nevin. Lowrie Baird B.S.16 Nicholas. Ruth Adele A.B.16. Residence, 606 30th St., Oak- land, Cal. Nichols. James Clifford A.B.16. Residence. 114 N. High St.. Al- buquerque. N. M. Nourse. Hope Elizabeth A.B.16. Residence, 2201 Jefferson St.. Berkeley, Cal. O'Connor, Olga A.B.16. Residence. 2416 Durant av., Berkeley. Cal. O'Hara. Charles Emmet B.S.16. Residence, Oakley, Cal. Okada. Kokichi B.S.16. Residence. 289 6th St., Oakland. Cal. Olsen. Sarah Elizabeth A.B.16. Residence, Concord. Cal. Ordwav. William Floyd A.B.16 1916] BACHELORS : Academic Colleges 233 Osborne. George Edward A.B.16. Residence, 24 Vine St., Mel- rose, Mass. Ossman, Gustav William A.B.16. Residence, 2i7 Oak St., West- field, N. Y. Otis, Dorothy Elizabeth A.B.16. Residence, 1605 High st., Ala- meda, Cal. Outhwaite, Leonard A.B.16. Residence, 1618 La Loma av., Berkeley. Cal. Ozaki, Satoaki B.S.16. Residence, 2308 Virginia St.. Berkeley, Cal. Palache, John Garber A.B.16. Residence, Farmington. Conn. Palmer, Mantie J. A.B.16. Residence, 2635 College av., Berkeley, Cal. Parker, Grace-Maie A.B.16. Residence, 2126 10th av., Oak- land, Cal. Partsch, Herman Dixon B.S.16. Residence, 2001 Lincoln St., Ber- keley, Cal. Patten, Harold Eugene A.B.16. Residence, 2110 Kittredge St., Berkeley, Cal. Pearson, Agnes Sophia A.B.16. Residence. 2403 Grant St.. Ber- keley. Cal. Pemberton, Pearl A.B.16. Residence, Ukiah, Cal. Pendleton, Lois A.B.16. Residence, 2342 Eunice st., Ber- keley, Cal. Peterson, Ames A.B.16. Residence, R.F.D. 4, Santa Rosa, Cal. Peterson, Frances A.B.16. Residence, 1 Mosswood rd., Berkeley, Cal. Peterson, George Baltzer Wetherbee A.B.16. Residence, Belvedere, Cal. Pirk, Adelbert Richard Edmond B.S.16. Residence, 2535a Channing way, Berkeley, Cal. Piske, Anna A.B.16. Residence, 1363 8th av., S. F. Pope, Florence Winstanley A.B.16. Residence, 1959 Napa av., Ber- keley, Cal. Porter, Dorothy Nell A.B.16. Residence, 1408 Arch St., Ber- keley, Cal. Porter, John Easton B.S.16. Residence, Watsonville, Cal. Potter. Julius Arthur B.S.16. Residence, 833 E. Kensington rd., Los Angeles, Cal. Poundstone. George A.B.16. Residence. Grimes, Cal. Powell, Ruth Jeannette A.B.16. Residence, 1413 Girard St., Los Angeles, Cal. Powell, Zelda Onita A.B.16. Residence, 1627 Linden St., Oakland, Cal. Poytress, William Henry A.B.16. Residence, R.F.D. 4, box 53, Fresno, Cal. Pratt, Howard Newcomb B.S.16. Residence, 3051 Benvenue av., Berkeley, Cal. Pratt, Virinda-Lynn A.B.16. Residence, Carlton Hotel, Ber keley, Cal. Preble, Theodore Lunt A.B.16. Residence, 1710 Arch St., Ber- keley, Cal. Preston, Ruth Irene A.B.16. Residence, 2401 Durant av., Berkeley, Cal. Preuss, May Sarah A.B.16; assistant to the dean of women, University of California. Residence, Marshfield, Ore. Price, Rose Marie A.B.16. Residence, 335 Lawton St., S. F. Price. Russell Archie B.S.16. Residence, Davis, Cal. Purvine, Lois A.B.16. Residence, Petaluma, Cal. Quick, Ray Stuart ~ B.S.16. Residence, 2335 Haste St., Ber- keley, Cal. Quinn, Gertrude Helen A.B.16; m. Joseph E. Stanton '15. Resi- dence, Dunsmuir, Cal. Radcliff, Belle Tuttle A.B.16. Residence, 103 E. 3d St., Wat- sonville, Cal. Raeder, Elmer Warren B.S.16. Residence, 2955 Linden av., Berkeley, Cal. Raeder, Marguerite Elva A.B.16. Residence, 2955 Linden av., Berkeley, Cal. Rainev, William Sears A.B.16. Residence, 3009 Clay st., S. F. Rakestraw, Bovd Bremer B.S.16. Residence, 2240 Dwight way, Berkeley. Cal. Rav. ALirk Hawley 'B.S.16. Residence, 272 23d st., Oak- land. Cal. Reed. Evalvn Naomi A.B.16. Residence, 1232 ^th av., Oak- land, Cal. Reed, Helen Louise A.B.16. Residence. 302 Leno.x av.. Oak- land. Cal. 234 BACHELORS: Academic Colleges [1916 1016 ConlhiHCil Recti, lav I-oyd n.S.!6. Kcsidcnce, Lindsay, Cal. Kcichcl, Dan H.S.16. Kcsidcnce, Grand Rapids, Wis. Rcid, Thoinas Andrew Patterson I5.S.16. Kcsidcnce, 25.^0 IlilRard av., Hcric\\ M.L.ll; A.B. (Stanford) 05; teacher. Residence, Klamath Falls, Ore. Athcrton, Edith May M.S. 11 ; B.S.IO; see Bachelors '10 Bardslcv. George Henry M.S.l'l ; B.S. (Grinnell) 10; teacher, hi>;li school. Residence, 1108 O St., Fresno, Cal. Birckncr, \'ictor M.S.I 1 ; Ph.D.12 Blee, Mary Edna M.A.ll ; A.B. (Occidental) 10; m. M. R. Moody '11. Residence, Beaverton, Ore. Braiier. Oscar Leo M.S.ll; B.S.IO; Ph.D.15; see Bach- elors '10 Brown, Bliss S. M.S.ll: B.S. (Michigan) 05 Brown. Mabel Elizabeth M.S.ll ; B.S. (Pomona) 10 Bruce, Harold Lawton M.L.ll ; B.L.08 ; see Bachelors '08 Bryant, Virgil Clay M.S.ll ; B.S. (Kan. Agr. Coll.) 10 ; farm loan examiner, Savings Union Bank and Trust Co., S. F. Residence, 2235 Du- rant av., Berkeley, Cal. Chevret, Antoinette Clenience M.L.ll ; B.L.Ol ; see Bachelors '01 Ching, Hong- Yen M.S. and B.S.I 1 ; see Bachelors '11 Conrad, Clinton C. M.A.ll; A.B. and B.S.IO; see Bach elors '10 Curtis. Rena Elizabeth M.A.ll; A.B. (Pomona) 10: teacher, high school. Residence, 2224 .A.dams av., San Diego, Cal. Darst, Mrs. Minnie Sonders M.A.ll: A.B. (Cooper Coll.) 84; Ph.B. (Chicago) ; teacher. Residence, 26.^8 Dwight way, Berkeley, Cal. Davidson, Thomas Andrew M.S.ll ; B.S.IO; see Bachelors '10 Dietrich. Elsa Bertha M.L.ll ; B.S.IO; see Bachelors '10 Donoho. Hazel Elliott M.L.ll ; B.L.IO; see Bachelors '10 Drver, Mabel Elizabeth M.S.ll ; B.S. (Chicago) 10 Gatch, Louise M.A.ll: A.B. (Wellesley) 06: teacher. Residence. 700 Valley View rd.. South Pasadena. Cal. Gray, George Putnam M.S.ll; B.S. (I'omonaj 10; instructor (chemistry). University of California. Residence, 2612 Fulton st., Berkeley, Cal. Gray, Harold Farnsworth M.S.ll ; B.S.07; see Bachelors '07 Guillou. Alfred M.A.ll; A.B. (Princeton) 80; LL.B. (Pennsylvania) 85; retired rancher. Residence, Windsor, Cal. Hall. Ivan Clifford M.S.ll: A.B. (Colorado) 08: assistant professor (bacteriology). University of California. Residence, 16,34 Blalce St., Berkeley, Cal. Harris. Emily M.L.ll; B.'S. (Northwestern I 06; m. Ralph E. Noble. Residence, 4009 Vin- cennes av., Chicago, 111. Hart, Dorothy M.A.ll ; A.B. 10 ; see Bachelors '10 Heald. Elizabeth M.S.ll; A.B. (Pomona) 10; m. Cleve A. Purington ; assistant (zoology). Uni- versity of California. Residence, 2223 J4 Chapel St., Berkeley, Cal. Johnson, Margaret Olive M.L.ll; B.L.IO; see Bachelors '10 Johnson, Marjorie May M.S.ll; B.S.IO: see Bachelors '10 Jones, Alice Martin M.A.ll ; A.B. (Smith) 04 Keep, Rosalind Amelia M.A.ll; A.B. (Mills) 03; teacher. Hor- ton School. Residence, 2331 19th av., Oakland, Cal. Kerr, Paul McDowell M.A.ll ; A.B. (Toronto) 03 Lauxen, Barbara Letitia M.L.ll : B.L.IO; see Bachelors '10 Lew. Tack Morris M.A'.ll : A.B. 04 ; see Bachelors "04 Libbv, Bertha M'.A.ll : A.B. 10; see Bachelors '10 Lowden, Bertha Eleanor M.L.ll; Ph.B. (Grinnell) 03; teacher, I>os Angeles High School. Los .\nge!es, Cal. MacFarland, Grace Mead M..'\.ll : A.B.IO: see Bachelors '10 Macpherson. Dorothv Blair M.L.ll; B.L.IO: see' Bachelors '10 Martin. Mildred Purnell M..\.ll : A.B.IO: see Bachelors "10 McCharles. Carl Howard M.S.ll : B.S.08: see Bachelors '08 McKeen, Jesse Alfred I\LS.n;'B.S. (Iowa St. Coll.) 09: auto- mobile dealer. Residence. Tama. Iowa Morrill. Evelvn Margaret M.L.ll : B.L.09: see^Bachelors '09 1911-1912] MASTERS: Academic Colleges 251 teacher, Bonnie '09 Murphv, Mary Agnes M.L.'ll; B.L. (Mills) 09: teacher, high school, Goldfield, Nev. Residence, Ja- macha. Cal. Newby, Lee Clinton M.S.ll; B.S.IO; see Bachelors '10 Newlin, Wallace Alfred M.S.ll : B.S. (Earlham) 05 high school. Residence, 37 N. av., Pasadena, Cal. Okitsu, Takeshi M.L.I 1 : B.L.09; see Bachelors Owyang. Kee M.L.ll : LL.B. (New York U.) 04; B.L. 10; see Bachelors '10 Barker, William Bell M.S.ll; B.S.IO; see Bachelors '10 Pence, Mary Ada M.A.ll ; A.B.IO; see Bachelors '10 Petrovskv. Vyacheslav M.S.ll"; B.S. 09; see Bachelors '09 Prince, Lionel David M.S.ll: B.S.IO; M.D.12; s^ee Bach- elors '10 Quavle. Henry Josef M.S.ll: A.B. (Illinois) 03; professor (entomology), Citrus Experiment Sta- tion, Riverside, Cal. Rasor, Alpha Permelia M.S.ll : B.S. (Nashville) 01 Robertson, Oswald Hope M.S.ll : B.S.IO; see Bachelors '10 Smith, Adelaide M.S.ll: B.S. (Wellesley) 93; A.B. (U. Cape of Good Hope) 05 ; principal, Wel- lesley School. Residence, 2237 Pied- mont av.. Berkeley, Cal. Smith, Tames Simeon M.S.ll: B.S. (Pomona) 08; teacher, high school. Residence, 429 S. Bright St., Whittier, Cal. Spragiie, Edith M.L.ll : B.L.IO; see Bachelors '10 Snvehiro, Asajiro M.L.ll : B.D. (Pac. Theol. Sem.) 10 Thomas. Gilbert Maxcv M.S.ll: E.E. (Texas) 10: engineer, with Pacific Gas & Electric Co.. 445 Sutter St., S. F. Residence. 2214 Union St., Berkeley, Cal. Tracy, Henry Chester M.A.ll : A.B. (Oberlin) 02 Tuttle, lean M.S.ll: B.S. (Nebraska) 98; teacher, high school. Residence, Inglewood. Cal. Van Gulpen. May Helen M.L.ll: B.L.IO; see Bachelors '10 Von Bichowsky, Foord M.S.ll: .A.B' (Pomona) 10; teacher, high school. Residence, Gait. Cal. Wade. Edith Wallace M.L.ll: A.B. (Western Coll.) 05: m. Frederick J. Hart. Residence, Globe, Ariz. Walters, Edward Haslam M.S.ll; B.S. (Utah) 09; chemist. Bu- reau of Plant Industry, Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Welch, Harriet Ann M.L.ll; B.L.IO; see Bachelors '10 Welch, Harrv \^alentine M.S.ll ; A.B. (Colorado) 06 Wilcox, Glenn Averv M.S.ll: B.S. (Cornell) 93; teacher, high school. Residence, "10 Court st., Martinez, Cal. Williamson. Talcott M.L.ll; B.L.08; see Bachelors '08 Worley. Elizabeth Jeanette M.A.ll ; A.B.IO; see Bachelors '10 Wright, Cary Thomas M.S.ll; Ph.B. (Drake) 98; teacher, Pasadena High School. Residence, 1543 N. av. 46, Los Angeles, Cal. Wright, Harry Noble M.S.ll; B.S. (Earlham) 04; Ph.D.13 ; instructor (mathematics). University of California. Residence, 2409 Dwight way, Berkeley, Cal. 1912 Abbott. Raymond Barrington M.S.12; B.S.08; see Bachelors '08 Atsatt. Sarah Rogers M.S.12; A.B. (Pomona) 10: instructor. Normal School. Residence, 345 S. Ser- rano av., Los Angeles. Cal. Babcock, Ernest Brown M.S.12: B.S.05 ; see Bachelors '05 Baldwin. Dorothy Mitchell M.L.12; B.L.n"; see Bachelors '11 Barrows. Albert Lloyd M.S.12; B.S. (Pomona) 06; instructor (zoology). University of California. Residence, 1430 Arch st., Berkeley, Cal. Bigelow, Kate M.L.12; B.L.n : see Bachelors '11 Boehncke, Paid M.L.12; A.B. (Stanford) 05; teacher, high school. Residence. 2158 .\shl)y av., Berkeley, Cal. Bose, Surendra Mohan M.S.12: A.B. (Stanford) 10 Brissenden, Paul Frederick M.L.12: A.B. (Denver) 08; special agent. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Wash- ington. D. C. Bristol. Alice Josephine M.L.12: A.B' (Stanford) 90 Brooke. Vera Howard M.A.12: A.B. (Occidental) 07 Burke. Ethel Mary M..-\.12; .\.B.ll:'see Bachelors "11 252 MASTERS: Academic Colleges [1912 Carroll. Agnes Gertrude M.L.12; IS.L.ld; see Jiachelors '10 Chandler. i\sa Crawford M.S.12; A.B. (Cornell) 11; I'h.D.H; instructor, Oregon Agricultural College. Kesidcnce, 420 N. 14tli St.. Corvallis, Ore. Chase, Helen \\;irren M.A.12; A.H.I 1 : sec Bachelors '11 Christian, Anna Brockenbraugh M.A.12; A.B. (Occidental) 10; teacher, high school. Residence, 1916 3d St., San Diego, Cal. Clark, Hazel Kalherine M.A.12; A.B. 10: see Bachelors '10 Clarke, Frank Cuthbert M.S. 12; B.S.ll; see Bachelors '11 fCrown, Frank Anton Christopher M.A.12; A.B. (Lawrence) 05; M.D. (Marquette) 06. Residence, 2228 Dana St., Berkeley, Cal. Cunningham, Ruby Lacy M.S.i2: B.S.03; M.D. 14 ; see Bach- elors '03 Davis, Elmer Fred M.S.12; B.S.IO; see Bachelors '10 Durfee, Ulvsses Grant M.L.12; A.B. (Stanford) 99; principal, city schools. Residence, 563 E. Bailey St., Whittier, Cal. English, Walter Atheling M.S.12; B.S.IO; see Bachelors '10 Estee, Lulu May M.S.12; B.S.ll; see Bachelors '11 Fisher, Fannv Orythia M.A.12; Ph.B. (Grinnell) 94; teacher, Jewell, Iowa. Residence, 1126 Main St., Grinnell, Iowa Fox, Feramorz Young M.L.12; A.B. (Utah) 06; principal, Lat- ter Day Saints Business College. Resi- dence. 124 N. State St., Salt Lake City, Utah Gardner. Rose M.-^.H; A.B.ll ; see Bachelors '11 Gillespv. Frances Lvtle M.A.12; A.B.ll; Ph.D.14 ; see Bach- elors '11 Godfrey, Mary Morris M.A.'l2; A.B. (Michigan) 01; teacher, Compton. Cal. Residence, 619 Chestnut av., Long Beach, Cal. Hansen, Louise Johanna Helen M.A.12: A.B.ll"; see Bachelors '11 Harber, Lillian Isidora M.A.12: A.B.ll ; see Bachelors '11 Harris, Margaret Eleanor M.L.12; B.L.IO; see Bachelors '10 Harvett, Clara Xelle ^i..\.12; A.B.IO; see Bachelors '10 Henry. Elya Alberta M.S.12; B.S. (Pomona) 11; m. Lloyd 1>. I.orheer. Residence, Pasunialai, Ma- dura District, South India Hershiser, Beulah M.L.12; A.B. (Nevada) 06; M.A. ibid 1 1 ; m. Charles E. Heymer. Residence. Battle Mountain, Nev. Hoag, Hazel Mary M.L.12; A.B. (Michigan) 06 Ruber, Edward Albert M.S.12; B.S.ll; see Bachelors '11 Hughes, Anne Eugenia M.L.12; A.B. (Texas) 10 Hummel, William Grandyille M.S.12; B.S. (Illinois) 07; associate professor (agricultural education). Uni- versity of California. Residence, 2618 Cedar St., Berkeley, Cal. Hustyedt, Sigurd Bernhard M.A.12; A.B. (Luther Coll.) 02 Iniai. Seizo M.S.12; B.S.ll; see Bachelors "11 Jackson," Emily M.S.12: A.B. (Vassar) 07; teacher, Huntington Park, Cal. Residence, Still- well Hotel, Los Angeles. Cal. Jensen, George Charles M.S.12; B.S.ll; see Bachelors '11 Jones, Bayard Hale M.L.12: A.B.06; M.A.07 ; B.D. (Gen. Theol. Sem.) 14; see Bachelors '06 Jones. Mary Ethel M.S.12; B.S.06; see Bachelors '06 Kennedy, Clyde Charles M.S.12; B'S. (Earlham) 04; engineer. Residence, 2151 Stuart St.. Berkeley, Cal. Kohlberg, Ottilia Regina M.L.12; B.L.ll; see Bachelors '11 Lane, Earl Carlton M.S.12; A.B. (Bates Coll.) 04. Resi- dence. 2223 Atherton St., Berkeley, Cal. fLiu. Chienan Arthur M.L.12; A.B. (Oberlin) 10. Residence, Foochow City, China Locke, Edna M.S.12; B.S.ll; M.D.14 ; see Bachelors '11 McCoy, Georgie Dell M.L.12: B.L.ll; see Bachelors "11 McGraw. Kate Willard M.S.12; A.B. (Michigan) 04. Residence, Pacific Grove, Cal. McKinnie, Eya ]\Iae M.L.12; A.B. (Illinois) 07; teacher. Residence. 1204 E. Grove St.. Bloom- ington. 111. McLaurin, Clara Anne M.A.12; A.B.ll; see Bachelors '11 Minthom. Maud Aileen M.S.12; B.S.ll; see Bachelors '11 1912-1913] MASTERS: Academic Colleges 253 Murthin, Minnie Elin M.A.12; A.B.ll; see Bachelors '11 Newman. Joseph Barrett M.L.12;"B.L.11 ; see Bachelors '11 Noteware, Norma M.A.12; A.B.ll; see Bachelors '11 Palmer, Mabel Ethleen M.L.12; B.L.08; see Bachelors '08 Pernot, Frederick Eugene M.S.12; B.S. (Ore. Agr. Coll.) 10; Ph.D.15 ; assistant professor (engineer- ing), University of California. Resi- dence, Faculty Club, Berkeley, Cal. Robinson, Reginald Heber M.S.12; A.B. (Pacific U.) 09 Rowe, Albert Holmes M.S.12; B.S. 11 ; iM.D.14 : see Bach- elors '11 Rowell, Percy Elliott M.S.12; B.S.06; see Bachelors '06 Roy, Upendra Nath M.S.12; E.M. (Pittsburgh) 11; mining engineer. Residence, Umaria, C. I., India Rucker, William Colby M.S.12; M.D. (Rush Med.) 97; Gr.P.H. 15 Saxer, Arthur Herbert M.S.12; B.S. (Utah Agr. Coll.) 10; Ph.D. 15 ; professor (mathematics), Utah Agricultural College, Logan, Utah Schneider, Franz M.A.12; A.B.IO; see Bachelors '10 Schurz, William Lvtle M.L.12; B.L.ll ; 'Ph.D.15; see Bach- elors '11 Seitz, May Louise M.L.12; A.B.ll; see Bachelors '11 Smith, Helen Winnifred M.A.12; A.B.ll ; see Bachelors '11 Soderberg, Signe Esther M.A.12; A.B.ll; see Bachelors '11 Stebbins. Cyril Adelbert M.S.12; B.S.IO; see Bachelors '10 Sweet, Clifford Daniel M.S.12; B.S.IO; M.D.12; see Bach- elors '10 Thompson. Stith M.A.12; A.B. (Wisconsin) 09 von Adelung. Edward M.S.12; B.S.89 ; M.D.92 ; see Bachelors '89 Webber, Alarjorie M.L.12: B.L.ll; see Bachelors '11 Weisinger. Nina Lee M..\.'l2: A.B. (Texas) 09; instructor (Spanish), University of Texas, Austin, Texas Wharton, Rebecca Gaskin M.L.12: A.B. (Illinois) 96. Residence, 981 W. 8th St., Riverside, Cal Whitmoyer, Clinton Benjamin M.S.12; Ph.B. (Chicago) 03; teacher. Residence, 935 4th St., Chico, Cal. Williams. Pearle Rosekrantz M.A.12; A.B. (OHvet) 08 Voshisawa, Kojiro M.S.12; B.S.I 1 ; see Bachelors '11 Zeidler, Richard M.L.12; Ph.B. (Wisconsin) 06. Resi- dence, Niles, Cal. 1913 Alexander, Irene Elizabeth M.L.13; B.L.12; see Bachelors '12 Barron, Mary Louise M.S.13; B.S.ll; see Bachelors '11 Bathgate, X'iolet May M.S.13; B.S. 12; see Bachelors "12 Beaser, Martha Stillmannette M.S.13; B.S.IO; see Bachelors "10 Bell. Alice Estelle M.L.13; B.L.09; see Bachelors '09 Bell, George Henrv M.S.13; B.S.12: see Bachelors '12 Bliss, Howard Hamilton M.S.13; B.S.09; see Bachelors '09 Bolster, Fred Harvev M.S.13; A.B. (Ohio Wesleyan ) 03; manager, California Mountain Fruit Co., Grass Valley, Cal. Bridge, Arthur Franklin M.S.13; B.S.12; see Bachelors "12 Brown. Margaret Jane Eiffel M.A.13; A.B. (U. of So. Cal.) 11; teacher, Fillmore, Cal. Residence. Car- uthers, Cal. f Brundin. Thorborg Marie M.S.13; A.B. (Columbia) 08. Resi- dence, Corona, N. Y. Burnham, Muriel Estelle M.L.13: B.L.12; see Bachelors '12 Butzbach, Raymond Henrv M.S.13: B.S.12: see Bachelors '12 Cairns, Laura M.L.13: B.L.12: see Bachelors '12 Clark. Emma Alberta M.A.13; A.B. (Illinois) 02 de Laguna. Augusta Laura M.A.13; A.B.12: see Bachelors '12 Du Four. Clarence John M.L.13; B.L. (Wisconsin) 02: superin- tendent of schools. Residence, 1310 Bay St.. Alameda. Cal. Ellison. William Henrv M.A.13: A.B. (Randolph M.icon Coll.); teacher, junior college. Santa Barbara, Cal. Fender. Charles William M.S.13; A.B. (Illinois) 11: teacher. Residence, 2A2.^ Durant av.. Berkeley, Cal. 254 MASTERS: Academic Colleges [1913 I'lsh, Dorothy Campbell M.S.l.?; H.S.12; sec Bachelors '12 Fitz-(icral(l. May M.L.l.^: B.L.IO; sec I?acliclors '10 Ford, Hviiigton M.A.U; A.B. (Santa Clara) 10; A.B. IJ; see Bachelors '12 I-'owler, Isahcll iMiima M.S.l.^: B.S.12; see Bachelors '12 Fuller, Justin Kevscr M.S.l"3: B.S.12;' see Bachelors '12 Gelston. Clain Fanning M.S.13: B.S.12; M.D.15; see Bach- elors '12 Graham, William Joseph M.S.l.^: B.S.12: see Bachelors '12 Grinnell. Hilda Wood M.S.1.3: B.S. (Throop) 06. Residence, 2811 College av., Berkeley, Cal. Grover. Mrs. Elsie Jeanette M.L.13: B.L.12; see Bachelors '12 Guernsey, John Edwards M.S.13; A.B. (Pomona) 12; assistant (soil technology), University of Califor- nia. Residence, 748 S. Flower St., Los Angeles, Cal. Hamilton, Mary Grace M.A.13; A.B.12; see Bachelors '12 Haun. Grace M.A.13: A.B.' fMi.ssouri) 10; B.S. ibid 10; teacher. Residence, 1033 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Cal. Heinz, Flora Hermine M.A.13; A.B. (Wellesley) 04; assistant (German), University of California, 2624 Virginia St., Berkeley, Cal. Resi- dence, Davenport, Iowa Hennessey. Denis Lawrence M.L.13: Ph.B. (Wisconsin) 03; vice- principal, high school. Residence. Elks Clul), Berkeley, Cal. Holzberg, Henry Leopold M.S.13: B.S.ll; see Bachelors '11 Hund, Hazel Helena M.A.13 ; A.B.12; see Bachelors '12 Johnstone, George Ira M.S.13: B.S.ll; see Bachelors '11 Tones, Wyatt Wagner M.S.13 i B.S.oT: M.S. (Mont. Agr. Coll.) 02; B.S. (Harvard) 03; see Bach- elors '01 Jungermann. Reinhold John M.S.13 : B.S.ll ; see Bachelors '11 Kell. Tames Alva M.S.13; A.B. (Kan. State Normal) 10; teacher. Residence, 3319 West St., Oak- land, Cal. Kett. Charlotte Frances M.L.13: B.L.12: see Bachelors '12 Kidder, Anna Rodman M.S.13; B.S.12: see Bachelors '12 Kingsbury, I^aura Mabel M.L.13; B.S. and A.B. (Missouri) 08; teacher, Placer Union High School. Res- idence, Last Auljurn, Cal. Lacey, William Xoble M.S.13; A.B. (Stanford) 12; Ph.D.15; instructor (chemistry), Throop College, Pasaclena. Cal. Residence, 921 A av., Coronado Beach, Cal. Lagerstedt, Albert M.A.13; A.B. (Minnesota) 07; teacher. Residence, Stiles Hall, Berkeley, Cal. Leebrick, Karl Clayton M.S.13; B.S.ll; see Bachelors '11 Little, Etta Viola M.S.13; B.S. (Drury Coll.) 06; teacher, Whittier, Cal. Residence, 229 S. Los Angeles st., Los Angeles, Cal. Little, IMargaret M.A.13; A.B. (Wellesley) 06; m. Thomas L. Waller. Residence, 832 Shat- tuck av., Berkeley, Cal. Loubet, Albert Jose M.S.13 ; B.S.12 ; Or. Arch. 15 ; see Bach- elors '12 Lyans, Roscoe Cyrus M.S.13; B.S. (Oregon) 10 MacKay, Elvira Tennie Minnette M.S.13; B.S.12^ see Bachelors '12 Martell, George Arthur M.A.13; A.B. (Harvard) 98; B.D. (Newton Theol. Inst.) 04; student, M.D. Hall, Chicago. III. Martin, Bruce M.S.13: B.S.ll: see Bachelors "11 Massey. Herbert Xelson M.S.13: A.B. (Ohio) 06: teacher. Res- idence. 1634 Milvia St., Berkeley, Cal. Masten, Charles Franklin M.S.13; B.S.12; see Bachelors '12 fMasters, Ethel M.A.13; A.B. (Nebraska) 02. Residence, Hastings, Neb. McGlothlin. Mary Edith M.S.13; A.B. aiid B. S. (Missouri) 05; teacher. Residence, box 593, Mill Val- ley, Cal. Michelbacher, Gustav Frederick M.S.13; B.S.12; see Bachelors '12 Moseley, James Henry M.S.13; E.E. (Texas) 12; advertising nai'.ager. Texas Power & Light Co. Res- idence. Y. M. C. A., Dallas. Texas Xaka, Kaizo M.S.13; B.S.12- see Bachelors '12 Narr, Mrs. Alice Middlckaufif M.L.13; Ph.B. (Oberlin) 94: m. Edwin R. Narr. Residence, 525 State St., Mad- ison. Wis. Nash, Erastus Granville M.l 13 ; B.S. 03 : LL.B.06 : see Bachelors '03 1913-1914] MASTERS : Academic Colleges 255 Xorcross, Mildred Elvira M.L.13; B.L.12; see Bachelors '12 Ochsner, Albert Henry M.S.13; A.B. (Wisconsin) 11 Pence, Edith Ella M.L.13; B.L.12; see Bachelors '12 Perkins. Brigg Andrew M.A.13; A^B. (Stanford) 06 Pickett. Alma Bernice M.A.13; A.B. (Colorado) 10; ni. Roy E. Weaver. Residence, 825 W. Main st., Turlock, Cal. Poblador, Honorio Gonzago M.L.13; A.B. (Coll. of Pacific) 02 Quayle, Maude Cannell M.A.13; A.B. (Missouri) 06; teacher, high school. Residence, 2516 Haste st., Berkeley, Cal. Rankin, Edward Percy M.S.13; B.S.IO; see Bachelors '10 Read. Jay Marion M.S.13; B.S.12; see Bachelors '12 Rearden, Anna M.A.13 ; A.B.12; see Bachelors '12 Reinhaus. Stanle)' Marx M.L.13; B.L.ll ; see Bachelors '11 Remsen. Hazel Catherine M.A.13; A.B.12; see Bachelors '12 Roth, Cecilia Blumensohn M.L.13: B.L.12; see Bachelors '12 Riishforth. Archibald William M.S.13; B.S.12; see Bachelors '12 Sarma, Bhagayatula Somayaji M.S.13; A.B. (Madras U.) 10; LL.B. ibid 12; lawyer. Residence. Guntur, South India Sebastian, Reuben Louis M.S.13; A.B. (Utah) 11 ; Ph.D.16. Res- idence, 1934 Berkeley way, Berkeley, Cal. Sharp, Robert G. M.S.13; B.S.I 1 ; Ph.D.14; see Bachelors '11 Sharpe, Ottis Allen O. M.S.13; B.S.12; see Bachelors '12 Shinji, George Orihay M.S.13; B.S.12; see Bachelors '12 Smith. Una Denning M.S.13; B.S.I 1; see Bachelors '11 Snook, Harry James M.S.13; B.S.12; see Bachelors '12 Speer, Dicie Annabel M.A.13: A.B. (Kan. St. Normal) 11 Starkweather. Esther Violet M.S.13; B.S.12; see Bachelors '12 Storer, Tracy Irwin M.S.13: B.S.12: see Bachelors '12 Stoyer, Mattie Eyangeline M.S.13: B.S.05; see Bachelors '05 Studley, Clarence Knight M.S.13: A.B. (Stanford) 05; instructor. State Normal School. Residence. 1114 1st St., Chico, Cal. Thomas. Harry Bryson M.-A.n; A.B' (Occidental) 09 fThurlow, Etta May ^L.\.13: .\.B. (Michigan) 08. Residence, Battle Creek. Mich. Tupman. Alice Kate M..'\.13; A.B.12; see Bachelors '12 \\'ada. Totaro M.S.13 : A.B. f Stanford) 12 Wake, William Sayles M.S.13: B.S. (Knox Coll.) 11: teacher. Residence, 1480c Blackstone, St. Louis, Mo. Watkins. Lucy Rebecca M.L.13: Ph!B. (Chicago) 03: teacher, high school. Residence, 917 West 53d St., Los Angeles, Cal. Weeks, Grace Yale M.L.13: B.L.12; see Bachelors '12 Wells. Clarence Edgar M.S.13: B.S.ll; see Bachelors '11 Whitman, .Alfred Russell M.S.13; B.S.ll : see Bachelors '11 Willett, Harry Sherrill M.L.13; B.L.12; see Bachelors '12 Woolsey. John Homer M.S.i3 ;" B.S.12; M.D.15; see Bachelors '12 Yates, Harry Stanley M.S.13; B.'S.12; Ph.'D.15; see Bachelors '12 1914 Anthony, Elizabeth Price M.L.14; B.L.13; see Bachelors '13 Ayakian. Garapet Matcyosian M.S.14; B.S.12; see Bachelors "12 Bannister, William Daniel M..'\.14; A.B. (Missouri) 02; principal, high school. Residence, 201 C St., Ox- nard, Cal. Barth. Florence Edith ALL.14; B.L.ll; see Bachelors 11 Beckwith, Helen Lowell M.S.14: B.L.12: Gr.P.H.15: >.cc i;,icn- elors '12 Bentley, Charles Haryey M.A'.14; A.B.91 ; see Bachelors '91 Bichow.skv, Francis Russell yon M.S.14 :' .\.B. (Pomona) 12; Ph.D.16. Residence. 2418 Durant av., Berkeley, Cal. fBingham, Millisent Bond M.L.14: .A.B. (Denver) 06; teacher. Residence, 975 Michigan av.. Portland. Ore. 256 MASTERS: Academic Colleges [1914 1014 Cotitinncd Blatliur. I k-lcii I l.irland M.A.14; A.r.. (Nortliwestern) 12; sta- tistician, with Chicago Telephone Co., 212 W. Washington st., Chicago, 111. Kesidence, 1833 Oak St.. South Pasa- dena, Cal. Brandt, Robert Percy M.S.14; B.S.I 2; Ph.D.16; see Bachelors •12 Bridget!, ICvcline Louise M.L.14; B.S.13; see Bachelors '13 Bridgnian, Olga Louise M.A.14: A.B. (Michigan) 08; M.D. ibid 10: Ph.D.15 ; instructor (pediatrics), University of California. Residence, 465 Dolores St.. S. F. Briggs, Rowland Sill M.S.14: B.S.13; see Bachelors '13 Buck, Leonard William M.S.14; B.S.13; see Bachelors '13 Byrd, Mrs. Jane Carroll M.A.14: A.B. (Stanford) 04; vice-prin- cipal, high school. Residence, 1806 La- guna St., Santa Barbara, Cal. Carev, Eugene Francis A. M'S.14: B.S.05 ; see Bachelors '05 Carroll, Ethel Adele M.A.14; A.B.13; see Bachelors '13 Carroll. Hubert Cowley M..\.14; B.D. (N. Y. Theol. Sem.) 06; rector, St. Stephen's Church. Residence, 112 S. Clinton St., Olean, N. Y. Charles, Neva Irene M.L.14: A.B. (Colorado) 12. Residence, 2421 Ward St., Berkeley. Cal. Ching. Tin Koo M.L.14: B.S.13; see Bachelors '13 Christal, May M.S.14; B.S.13; see Bachelors '13 Coan, Charles Florus M.L.14: A.B. (U. of Wash.) 08; teacher. Residence, 1714 E. 62d st., Se- attle. Wash. Comfort. Gertrude Elizabeth M.S.14; B.S.13; see Bachelors '13 Conlin, William Harold M.L.14; B.S.12; see Bachelors '12 Culp. William Maurice M..\.14: A.B.13; see Bachelors '13 Dan forth. Charles Clarence M.S.14: B.S. (Chicago) 09 Davis, Marv lean M.A.14: A.B.13; see Bachelors' 13 deWitt. Mary Montanva M.L.14: B.L.13; see Bachelors '13 Dice, Lee Raymond M.S.14: A.B. (Stanford) 11; Ph.D.15: instructor (zoology), Kansas State Agri- cultural College, Manhattan, Kan. Dittenhoefer, Marion Burgess M.A.14; A.B.04; see Bachelors '04 Dodge, Jane Gay M.A.14: A.B. (Radcliffe) 04; instructor (English), Vassar College. Poughkeep- sie. N. Y. Douglas, James Roy M.L.14; B.L.13; see Bachelors '13 Downing, Estelle M.A.14: A.B. (Michigan) 03; associate professor (English), Michigan State Normal College. Residence, 16 N. Sum- mit St., Ypsilanti, Michigan Eastman, Ermon Dwight M.S.14; B.S.13; see Bachelors '13 Elliott, Mauriene Elder M.L.14: A.B. (Pomona) 13; teacher. Residence. 501 E. Penn St., Whittier, Cal. Eppard, Mabelle Blanche M.L.14; B.L.13; see Bachelors '13 Essenberg, Mrs. Christine M.S.14: B.S. (Valparaiso) 11. Resi- dence, 1415 Grove st., Berkeley, Cal. Evans, Ethel M.L.14; A.B. (Oregon) 12; teacher, high school. Residence, Mariposa, Cal. Fischer, Rudolph M.S.14; B.S.13; see Bachelors '13 Flockart, Alan Pearce M.S.14 Frary. Edwina M'A.14; B.L.12; see Bachelors '12 Frost, Kendal Phelps M.S.14; B.L.13; see Bachelors '13 Gesner, Margaret Van M.L.14; B.L.12; see Bachelors '12 Glass, Margery Ethel M.L.14; B.L.13; see Bachelors '13 Goldaracena, Olympia Anita M.L.14; B.L.13; see Bachelors '13 Goldsmith, Gertrude Brown M.A.14: A.B. (Smith) 99: instructor (psychology). State Normal School, Sa- lem, Mass. Residence, 12 Lincoln St., Manchester, Mass. Goodykoontz, Colin Bruimnitt M.L.14: A.B. (Colorado) 12; student. Harvard University. Residence, 79 Ox- ford St.. Cambridge. Mass. Hackett, Charles Wilson M.A.14: A.B. (Texas) 09: assistant (history). University of California. Res- idence, 2423 Hilgard av., Berkeley. Cal. Haentjens, Charles Henry M.S.14; B.S.12; see Bachelors '12 Henslev, George Lerov M.L.'l4: A.B. (Kan. 'St. Normal") 12; playground supervisor. Residence, Y. M. C. A., Oakland, Cal. 1914] MASTERS: Academic Colleges 257 Holliger, Charles Daniel M.S.14; B.S.13; see Bachelors '13 HolHngsworth. Edna Lucile M.A.14; A.B.13; see Bachelors '13 Hood, Robert Allison M.I..14; B.L.05; see Bachelors '05 Hull, Osmon Ransome M.S.14; B.S.13; see Bachelors '13 Iliff. John Gilroy M.L.14; A.B. (Ewing Coll.) 03; M.A. ibid 04. Israelsen, Orson Winson M.S.14; B.S. (Utah Agr. Coll.) 12; in- structor (irrigation), University Farm School, Davis, Cal. Jorv, Arthur Vervan M.S.14: B.S.ll;'Gr.Arch.l4; see Bach- elors '1 1 Jorv, Stafford Lelean M.S.14; B.S.12; Gr.Arch.14; see Bach- elors '12 Kato, Iwakichi M.L.14 ; R.S.13 ; see Bachelors '13 Kellv, Frank Lewis M.S.14; B.S.08; M.D.12; Gr.P.H.15 ; see Bachelors '08 Kerr. Edith M.A.14: A.B. (Cornell) 06; m. Francis J. Lawrence. Residence, 306 S. Fir St., Inglewood, Cal. Kerr, Kathleen Minerva M.L.14; B.L.13; see Bachelors '13 Kew. William Stephen Webster M.S.14; B.S.12; see Bachelors '12 Kuno, Emma Ellen M.L.14; A.B. (Stanford) 11; M.A. ibid 13 Lahiri. Jitendra Xath M.S.14; B.S. (Calcutta) 11 Leftwich, Elizabeth M.L.14; A.B. (Texas) 13 Lemon, Dora Sibvl M.S.14; B.S. (Mills) 13; instructor, Normal School, Fresno, Cal. Residence, R.F.D. 5, box 49, Watsonville, Cal. Lillibridge, Blanche M.S.14; B.S. (Lake Erie Coll.) 08 Lindsay, Katherine M.A.14; B.L.ll; see Bachelors '11 Lippman. Marion Hyman M.S.14; B.S.13; see Bachelors '13 Lobner, Jovce Eliza M.L.14 :'B.L. (Mills) 13; teacher. Au- burn, Cal. Residence, Colfax, Cal. Love, Clara Maud M.A.14; A.B. (Indiana) 11; teacher. Residence, 2112 Virginia St., Berkeley, Cal. Marshall, John Albert M.S.14 ;"B.S.07; see Bachelors '07 •f-Martin, Thomas Powderlv M.A.14; A.B. (Stanford) 13. Residence, Stanford University, Cal. Maschio, Pearl Gertrude M.L.14; B.L.13; see Bachelors '13 Matthews, Phoebe Jane M.L.14; B.L.13; see Bachelors '13 Mayo, Frank \^each M.S.14; B.S.13; see Bachelors '13 McConnell, Edith Elvira M.S.14; A.B.13; teacher. Residence, 130 E. 7th St., Claremont, Cal. McDonald, James Daley M.S.14; A.B. (Oberlin) 13; teacher, high school, Pasadena, Cal. McGuire, Llelen M.A.14; A.B.05; see Bachelors '05 McKibben, Leila Justine M.L.14; B.L.IO; see Bachelors '10 Melden, Dorothea Melinda M.A.14; A.B. (Nebraska) 12 Mivajima, Kenjiro M.S.14; B.S.13; see Bachelors '13 Moore, Eulalia Ashbv M.L.14; B.L.09; see" Bachelors '09 Moore, Marcella Spring M.S.14; B.S.13; see Bachelors '13 Morse, Alice Fremont M.S.14; B.S.12; see Bachelors '12 Murray, Jennie Elizabeth M.L.14"; B.L.13; see Bachelors '13 Neilson, Gladys M.S.14; B.S"l3; see Bachelors '13 Kewbv, Daisy Manie M.L.14; B.L.13; see Bachelors '13 Nichols, Carl M.S.14; B.S.13; see Bachelors '13 Nomland, Torgen O. M.S.14: "B.S. (North Dakota) 10: Ph.D. 16. Residence, Cle Elum, Wash. Novak, Tames M.S.14; B.S.13; Grad. (Halle) 06; see Bachelors '13 Paisley, Minnie McDonald M.A.14; A.B. (Chicago) 99 Pavne, Arthur Raymond 'M.S.14: B.S. (Pomona) 13. Residence, 2212 Bancroft way, Berkeley, Cal. Pring, Thomas Ernest M.S.14; B.S.13; Gr.Arch.l5: see Bach- elors '13 Robinson, Florence Horton M.A.14; A.B. 09; see Bachelors '09 Ruckman, John Hamilton M.S.14; B.S. (Mass. Inst. Tech.) 10 Ruddock, Tohn Carroll. Tr. M.S.14 ;"B.S. 13 ; M.D.16"; see Bachelors '13 258 MASTERS: Academic Colleges [1914-1915 Kvlc. Florence IClizahith " M.A.14; A.B.13; see Bachelors M.l Sanders. Cieor^e M.A.14; A.H. (Carson-Newman Coll.) 00 .'^^cliulzc, Marfjarct M.S. 14; B.S.I.?; M.D.16; see Bachelors '1,1 .Scnll, ( artilv 11 licatricc M..\.14; A.B. (Stanford) 11. Residence, Santa Barbara, Cal. Severance, Havward Merriani M.S. 14; B.S.iO; see Bachelors MO Sliernian, Robert Stanton M.S.14; B.S.12; M.D.16; see Bachelors '12 Shives, Edward lames M.A.14: A.B. (Wooster) 82; M.A. ibid 85 Sifredi, Aristobulo Virgilio M.S.14; B.S.13; see Bachelors '13 Sintjleton, Caroline Bates M.A.14; A.B. (Wellesley) 06; instruc- tor (French), University of California. Residence, 2500 Bancroft way, Berkeley, Cal. Smith. Mrs. Irene A. Patchett M.S.14; B.S.ll ; see Patchett. Bach- elors '11 Spencer. Doris Churchill M.S.14; B.S.12; see Bachelors '12 Spencer, Forrest Eugene M.A.14; B.L.ll; A.B.13; see Bachelors '11 Stanovevich. Milivov Stovan M.L.14; Grad. (Belgrade' U.) 07 Stanton. Florence Belle M.L.14; B.L. (Wisconsin) 00 Sfeel, Evelyn Agnes M.A.14; A.B.13; see Bachelors '13 Steinbrunn, Wilhelm M.A.14; A.B.13; see Bachelors '13 .Stephenson. William Penn M.S.14; B.S.13; see Bachelors '13 Stewart. Thomas Dale M.S.14; B.S.13; Ph.D.16: see Bachelors '13 Swezv. Olive M.S.14; B.S.13; Ph.D.15 : see Bachelors '13 Tavlor. Ralph DeLamatvr 'M.S.H; B.S.13: see Bachelors '13 Tennis. Estelle Marguerite M.L.14; B.L.12; see Bachelors '12 fThompson, William Ben M.S.14 ; A.B. (U. of So. Cal.) 12; M.D. 16. Residence. 1422 Lyndon St.. South Pasadena, Cal. Timerman. Mrs. Emilv Hilton M.L.14; B.L.12; see Bachelors '12 Turner. Anna M.S.14; A.B. (Pomona) 13; teacher, La Jolla, Cal. Residence, Compton, Cal. Valentine, Percy Friars M.L.14; A.B. (Stanford; 09 Van Orden. Mary M.L.14: B.L.06; see Bachelors '06 Waite. Amv Matilda M.L.14; B.S.13; see Bachelors '13 Weber. Hilmar Hermann M.L.14; A.B. (Harvard) 10; M.A. ibid 11 Weber. Shirley Howard M.A.14; A.b"07; see Bachelors '07 Weldt, Amy Marie M.S.14; B.S.13; see Bachelors '13 Wendels, Maria Anna M.A.14; .A.B. (Wisconsin) 12: teacher, 311 W. Olive av., Redlands, Cal. Resi- dence, 327 5th av., Baraboo, Wis. Whaley, Guy Vernellen M.A.14: A.B. (Stanford) 12; city super- intendent of schools. Residence, 1129 Sutter St., Vallejo, Cal. Wheeler, Edna Hancock M.A.14; A.B.13; see Bachelors "13 White. Emilv Vincent M.L.14; B.S.12; see Bachelors '12 White, Mrs. Lassira Williamson M.L.14; B.L.13; see Bachelors '13 White, Marv Helen M.S.14; B'.S.13; see Bachelors '13 Widmer. Margaret Marv M.A.14; B.S. (Columbia) 10 Wood, Grace Aletha M.A.14; A.B.13; see Bachelors '13 Zavalla, Justo Pastor M.S.14"; B.S.13; see Bachelors '13 1915 Ackerman. Phvllis M.A.15; B.L.'l4; see Bachelors "14 Adams. Ingeborg M.A.15; B.L.14; see Bachelors '14 Agar, Lucy Marsden M.A.15; B.L.IO; see Bachelors "10 Akers. Ruth Faith M.A.15; A.B. ( U. of So. Cal.) 13. Res- idence, 905 Magnolia av.. Lonsr Beach, Cal. Arnot. Agnes Jean M.A.15 ; A.B.13 ; see Bachelors '13 Aver. May Carr 'M.S.15; B.S.14; see Bachelors "14 Baker. Dwight Condo M.A.15; B.L.14; see Bachelors "14 Bammann, Emma Louise M.A.15 ; A.B.06 : see Bachelors "06 Bangs. Edward Geoffrev \^an Dvke ALA.15; B.S.14: see Bachelors '14 1915] MASTERS : Academic Colleges 259 Bannan, Helen Gertrude M.A.15; B.L.14; see Bachelors '14 Blanpied, Charles Weslev M.A.15: A.B. (Southwestern Coll.) 10; M.A. (U. of Puget Sound) 11 Bolin, [ohn Siegfried M.AJ5; A.B. (Stanford) 12; instruc- tor (education), University of Califor- nia. Residence, 2805 Fulton St., Berke- ley, Cal. Boudinot, ]\Iay Fidelia M..A.15: R.L. (Pomona) 07; teacher. Residence, Ar'"ata, Cal. Bovd. Rivera M.A. 15; B.L.14; see Bachelors '14 Bryson. Cora Lucinda M.A.15: A.B. (Grinnell) 07; teacher, high school, 703 Broadway, Santa Ma- ria, Cal. Residence, Traer, Iowa Buck, Lorena Viola M.A.15; B.S.14; see Bachelors '14 Bundv, Edward Orrill M.A.15: LL.B. (Oregon) 13; teacher. Residence, North Yakima, Wash. Cain. Gertrude Belle M..A..15; B.L.14; see Bachelors '14 Campbell, Lucia Eugenia M.A.15; A.B. (Oregon) 12; teacher. Residence, 1170 E. 13lh st., Eugene, Ore. Carrillo, Espcranza M..A.15; B.L.08 ; see Bachelors '08 Chandler, Wallace Larkin M.S.15; B.S.14; see Bachelors '14 Chapman, Alice Mabyn M.A.15 ; A.B. 05 ; see' Bachelors '05 Chase. Margaret Hawthorne M.A.15; A.B. (Dalhousie) 99; teacher, Cal. Polytechnic School. Residence, 138 Villa St., San Luis Obispo, Cal. Chatom, Paul, Jr. M.S.15; B.S.14; see Bachelors '14 Cochran. Harrington Willson M.A.15; B.L.14; see Bachelors '14 Cooper, Harry Naftel M.S.15; B.S.99; see Bachelors '99 Cornish, Mrs. Beatrice Quiiada M.A.15: B.L.14; see Bachelors '14 Cozens, Harold Hammond M.A.15; B.S.14; see Bachelors "14 Crellin, Anita Margaret M.A.15; B.L.13; see Bachelors '13 Dawson. Ellen Margaret Kathleen M..-\.15; A.B. 14; sec Bachelors '14 Drew. William Frank M.A.15; B.S.14; see Bachelors '14 Durst. David M. M.A.15; B.S.I 2; see Bachelors '12 Durst, Fred M. M.A.15: B.S.03 ; see Bachelors '03 Edwards, Frederick Xewton M.A.15; A.B. (Pomona) 14; instructor (forensics), Pomona College. Residence, box 531, Claremont, Cal. Elders, Joseph Henrv M.S.lo; B.S. (Trinity Coll.) 14. Resi- dence, 151 Seymour St., Hartford, Conn. Felt, Ida Amelia M..\.15; Ph.B. (Chicago) 05; teacher. Normal School. Residence, .-\rcata, Cal. Field, Ephraim M.A.15: B.S.14: Gr.Arch.l6; see Bach- elors '14 Fikc, LeRov Wilbur M.A.15; B.L.14; see Bachelors '14 fFowler, Godfrey Rees M.A.15; B.C.E.' (Texas Agr. & Mech. Coll.) 94; LL.B. (Texas) 97. Residence, 2101 Telegraph av., Oakland, Cal. Gardner, Willard M.S.15: B.S. (Utah Agr. Coll.) 12; Ph.D. 16 ; assistant (physics). University of California. Residence, Logan, L'tali Gates, Arthur Irving M.A.15; B.L.14; see Bachelors '14 Gericke, W^illiam Frederick M.S.15; B.S..\. (Iowa St. Coll.) 12; as- sistant professor (chemistry), L^nivcr- sity of California. Residence, 1517 Scenic av., Berkeley, Cal. Gray, Arthur Amos M.A.15; A.B. (Ohio Northern) 09 Grosiean, Mrs. Eily Mahonev MiA.15 ; A.B.Ol ; s'ee Bachelors '01 Heller. Walter Stern M.A.15; B.S. 13; see Bachelors '13 Hersey, Clarence Batchelder M.S.15 ; A.B. (Colorado) 14 fHoward, Bailev William M.S.15; A.B. (Whittier) 13. Residence. Whittier, Cal. Howden, George M.A.15; B.L.13; sec Bachelors '13 liurd. Charlotte Xcvil M.S.15: B.S.14; see Bachelors "14 Ito. Sangoro M.A.15; B.L.14; .see Bachelors '14 lackling, Frances M.A.15 : B.S.14; see Bachelors 'U fackson. I'.k'iuior Mav M.A.15 ; A.r..l4 ; sec' Bachelors '14 Johnson, Tohn Christopher M.S.15: Pd.B. (Colo. State Teachers' Coll.) 09; Pd.M. ibiii 10; .\.B. i7>i ; tciclier, IukIj sclionl. 516 Main St.. Watsonville, fal. Ui-sidiMicc. .M» KipliiiK sf., Palo Alto. (."al. Otis. StcpluMi I''raiik J.D.IO; H.L.08; see naclulors "08 fl'casc. Clifford Coleman I.D.IO; A.H. (Wisconsin) 04. Residence, I'lfi S. Mill St., Madison, Wis. 1911 Erickson. .\lnia D. J.n.ll; A.H. (Hri^hani Younp; Coll.) 08; lawyer, with Smith, Erickson & Condie. Residence, Preston, Idaho Fanner, Milton Thomas J.n.ll; 13.L.09; see Bachelors '09 riannerv. Robert Leroy; A.B.09; see Bachelors '09 Ford. Robert McFarlin; A.B. (Stanford) 10; lawyer, .^06 IJth St. Residence, 2252 E. 22d St., E. Oakland, Cal. Haves. William Joseph j.D.ll; B.L.09: see Bachelors '09 Hoover. Hnbert Don J.D.ll; B.L.09; see Bachelors '09 Swift. Godwin Bourne J.D.ll; B.L.09; see Bachelors '09 Thomas, Frederick Folgcr, Tr. J.D.ll; A.B.08; see Bachelors '08 \\i£lht, Ralph Harold .i.D.11 : R.L.09; see Bachelors '09 1912 Adams, Mrs. .\nnctte Abbott J.D.12; B.L.04; see Abbott, Bachelors '04 .\lbcc, Merton Aurel J.D.12; B.L.IO; see Bachelors '10 Brand. Clvde Holnian J.D.12; 'B.L.IO; see Bachelors '10 Dav, Samuel Hamilton j.D.12; B.L.IO; see Bachelors '10 Ham, Israel Haves J.D.12; B.L.IO"; see Bachelors '10 Kerjjan. Weslev W. J.D.12; B.L.IO; see Bachelors '10 rillsburv. Warren Hobart J.D.12; B.L.09; see Bachelors '09 Powell, William Keleher J.D.12; B.L.IO; see Bachelors '10 Rosenthal, Ben LD.12: B.L.IO; eee Bachelors '10 Rutherford, Marshall John J.D.12; A.B. (LI. of Pacific) 09; law- yer. I'.a'con bldK. Residence. 5.^51 James av., Oakland, Cal. Wisecarver, Thurman Curtis J.D.12; B.L.IO; see Bachelors '10 1913 Blake, Berkeley Barrington J.D.LI; B.L.ll; see Bachelors '11 Calkins, John Uberto. Jr. J.D.13; B.L.ll; see Bachelors '11 Ehrlich. Philip Samuel J.D.LI; B.L.ll; see Bachelors '11 Grinstcad. Allen Ray J.D.13; B.L.IO; see Bachelors '10 Havs. Ray Wilson j.D.13; B.S.ll; see Bachelors '11 Kennedy, Millard Bryant J.D.13; B.S. (Dakota Wesleyan) 10 Locke, John Fisher J.D.13; A.B. (Harvard) 11; lawyer. Residence, 655 Walsworth av., Oak- land, Cal. Macdonald, Robert William J.D.13; B.L.ll; see Bachelors '11 Ogden. Marguerite J.D.13; B.S.IO; see Bachelors '10 Shaw. Arvin Benjamin. Jr. J.D.13; B.S.IO; see Bachelors '10 Snyder. William Harrison J.D.13: B.L.ll; see Bachelors '11 W^ork. George Armistead J.D.13; B.L.ll: see Bachelors '11 1914 Baer. Alarkell Craig J.D.14; B.L.12; see Bachelors '12 Clewe, Ernest George J.D.14: B.S.ll: see Bachelors '11 Coleman. Bvron J.D.14: B'.L.12: see Bachelors '12 de T^niette. Lillian Italia T.l?: B.L.13"; see Bachelors '13 Loyctt. William Watson, Jr. J.D.15: B.S.13; see Bachelors '13 Montandon, Otoe Francis J.D.IS; B.L.13; see Bachelors '13 Nachtrieb, Barbara Grace J.D.15: A.B. 12; see Bachelors '12 Reed. Thomas Black J.D.15: B.S.13; see Bachelors '13 Ricks. Hiram Lambert, Jr. J.D.15: B.S.13; see Bachelors '13 Salisbury, Charles Raymond'; B.L.12; see Bachelors Sinclair, Earl James J.D.IS; A.B.13; see Bachelors Snook, Charles Wade J.D.IS; B.L.13; see Bachelors Weldon, Hugh Joel J.D.IS; B.L.13"; see Bachelors 1916 Airola, \ irgil Marion J.D.16: B.L.14; see Bachelors Ashmun, Henry Edvyard J.D.16; A.B.14; see Bachelors Blanchard, Kenneth Lester J.D.16; B.L.14; see Bachelors Broughton, Esto Bates J.D.16; A.B.14; see Bachelors '14 Buckley, Christopher Augustine, Jr. J.D.16; B.L.14; see Bachelors Cohn, Abe J.D.16; B.L.14; see Bachelors Dobrzensky, Milton Willis J.D.16; B.L.14; see Bachelors Douglas, Charles Gordon J.D.16; A.B. (Harvard) 12 Foerster, Roland Constantine J.D.16; B.L.14; see Bachelors Griffiths, Mansel Penrv J.D.16: B.L.14; see Bachelors Johnson, Hugh Samuel J.D.16: Grad. (U. S. Mil. Acad.) 03 A.B.IS ; see Bachelors '15 Knoop, Henry Louis J.D.16; B.L.14; see Bachelors ' Moore, James Samuel, Jr. J.D.16; B.L.14; see Bachelors Mouser, Luray Jameson J.D.16: B.L."l3": see Bachelors Myers. Roy Sulsberg 'j.D.16; B.L.14; see Bachelors Paterson, Ogden Kent J.D.16; B.L.14: see Bachelors Rinehart, Jay Don J.D.16: "B.L14: see Bachelors Sapiro, Milton Disraeli J.D.16; B.L.14; see Bachelors Shafroth, Will J.D.16: A.B. (Michigan) 14 Wallace, Gerald Beatty J.D.16: B.L.13: M..\.15: see Bach- elors '13 Worthen, George Washington, Ir. J.D.16; A.B. (Brigham Young U.) 12 Residence, St. George, L^tah Graduates in Architecture School of Architecture 1914 Itirv. Arthur X'crvan Gr.Arch.H; B.S^n ; M.S.14; see Bach- elors '1 1 Jorv, Stafford Lelean Gr.Arch.H; B.S.12; M.S.14; see Bach- elors '12 1915 llihhard, Lester Hudson Gr.Arch.15; B.S.09 ; M.S.IO; see Bach- elors '09 Loubet, Albert Jose Gr.Arch.15; B.S.12; M.S.13 ; see Bach- elors '12 Pring, Thomas Ernest Gr.Arch.l5; B.S.13; M.S.14; see Bach- elors '13 1916 Field, Ephraim Gr.Arch.l6; B.S.14 ; M.A.15 ; see Bach- elors '14 Honorary Graduates 1865 ♦Barnes. William H. L. M.A.65; d. July 21, 1902 *Bid\vell, John M.A.65: d. April 4, 1900 *Briggs, Martin C. P.D.65; d. January 14, 1902 *Lake. Delos M.A.65; d. August 8, 1882 *Parker, Samuel Hale M.A.65 ; d. March 14, 1866 * Sargent. Aaron A. M.A.65 ; d. August 14, 1887 *Sliafter. Oscar L. LL.D.65 ; d. January 22, 1873 *S\vett, John M.A.65; M.A. (Dartmouth) 66; LL.D. 1 3 ; deceased Swezv. Samuel I. C. M.A.65 1866 Bunnell. George W. M.A.66. Residence. 2901 Telegraph av. Oakland, Cal. *Carlton, Henry P. M.A.66 ; d. February 23, 1909 Cleveland, H. W. M.A.66 * Sawyer, E. D. M.A.66; d. June 20, 1902 *Tuttle, Charles A. M.A.66 ; d. June 24. 1888 1867 *Campbell. F. M. M.A.67; d. March 28, 1905 Crittenden, John D.D.67 *Gates. Freeman M..\.67 ; d. December 19, 1872 *Hillebrand. Henrv M.A.67; d. Aprir24, 1881 *Tait. George M.A.67; d. August 15, 1888 Wvlie. Tames ■M.A.67 1872 *AIoulder. Andrew J. M.A.72; d. October 14, 1895 1881-1912] Honorary Degrees 273 1881 ♦Stearns. Robert Edwards Carter Ph.D.81 ; d. 1910 1886 Pickering, Edward Charles LL.D.86; B.S. (Harvard) 65; M.A. ibid 80; LL.D. (Michigan) 87, (Chicago) 01; D.Sc. (Victoria) 00; Ph.D. (Heid- elberg) 03 ; LL.D. (Harvard) 03. (Penn- sylvania) 06; L.H.D. (Allegheny Coll.) 12 ; director. Harvard College Observa- tory. Residence, Cambridge, Mass. 1893 *Keeler, James Edward Sc.D.93 ; A.B. (Johns Hopkins) 81 ; d. August 12, 1900 *Weinek. Ladislas Sc.D.93 ; deceased 1898 Schaeberle, John Martin LL.D.98; C.E. (Michigan) 76; M.S. ibid 94 ; astronomer and director, pri- vate laboratory, light, heat and elec- tricity. Residence, 502 2d St., Ann Arbor. Mich. 1901 *McKinley, WilHam LL.D.Ol ; d. September 14, 1901 1903 Roosevelt, Theodore LL.D.03; A.B. (Harvard) 80; LL.D. (Columbia) 99. (Hope Coll.) 01. (Yale) 01, (Harvard) 02, (Northwestern) 03, (Chicago) 03, (Pennsylvania) 05, (Clark) 05, (George Washington U.) 09, (Cambridge) 10 ; D.C.L. (Oxford) 10; Ph.D. (Berlin) 10. Residence, Sag- amore Hill, Oyster Bay, Long Island. N. Y. 1909 Brvce, Tames 'LL.D.09; B.A. (0.xford) 62; D.C.L. ibid 70; LL.D. (Edinburgh) 83. (Glasgow) 86, (Michigan) 87; D.P.S. (Royal Hun- garian U.) 96; Litt.D. (Victoria) 97; D.C.L. (Trinity) 97 ; Litt.D. (Cam- bridge) 98 ; LL.D. (St. Andrews) 02, (Aberdeen) 06; D.C.L. (Harvard) 07, (Princeton) 07; LL.D. (Jena) 08, (Leipzig) 09, (Buenos Aires) 10, (Ade- laide and Brisbane) 12, (Oxford) 14. Residence. Hindleat, Forest row. Sus- sex ; or, 3 Buckingham Gate. London, S. W. 1910 *Blake. William Phipps LL.D.IO; Ph.B. (Yale) 52; A.M. (Dart- mouth) 63; Sc.D. (Pennsylvania) 06; d. 1910 ♦Brewer. William Henrv LL.D.IO; Ph.B. (Yale) 52; A.M. ibid .59; Ph.D. (Washington and Jefferson) 80 ; LL.D. (Yale) 03 ; d. October, 1910 *Davidson. George LL.D.IO; A.M. (Santa Clara) 50; Ph.D. ibid 76; Sc.D. (Pennsylvania) 89; d. 1912 *Dav, Clinton LL.D.IO; A.B.68 ; M..'\.74 ; d. January 11, 1916 ♦Glascock, John Raglan LL.D.IO; A.B.65 ; "B.L. (Virginia) 68; M.A.71; d. November, 1913 Hadlev, Arthur Twining LL.D.IO ; A.B. (Yale) 76 ; A.M. ibid 87 ; LL.D. ibid 99, (Harvard) 99, ( Wes- leyan) 99, (Columbia) 00, (Western Re- serve) 00, (Johns Hopkins) 02. (Will- iams) 08, (Dartmouth) 09; Ph.D. (Ber- lin) ; president, Yale University. Resi- dence, 93 Whitney av., New Haven, Conn. *Lyle. Albert Franklin LL.D.IO; A.B.64; M.A. 8, 1910 '2 ; d. Noven.ljer ♦Willev, Samuel Hopkins LL.D.IO; d. January 21, 1914 Williams. Gardner Frederick LL.D.IO; A.B.65 ; M.A.69 ; mining en- gineer, retired. Residence. Pacific Union Club, S. F. 1912 ♦Davis. Horace LL.D.12; A.B. (Harvard) 49; LL.D. (U. of Pacific) 89, (Harvard) 11; d. July 12, 1916 Hale. George Ellerv LL.D.12; S.H. and S.B. (Mass. Inst. Tech.) 90; Sc.D. (Pittsburg) 97; LL.D. (Beloit) 04; Sc.D. (Yale) 05. (Vic- toria) 07. (Oxford) 09; Ph.D. (Berlin) 10; Sc.D. (Cambridge) 11 ; director. So- lar Observatory of Carnegie Institution. Residence, Mt. Wilson Solar 0!)serva- tory, Pasadena, Cal. IMezes, Sidney Edward LL.D.12; B.S.84: A.B. (Harvard) 90; A.M. ibid 91; Ph.D. ibid 93; LL.D. (Southwestern) 11. (New York) 15, (Cincinnati) 15; president. College of the City of New York. Residence, 280 Convent av., N. Y. City 274 Honorary Degrees [1912-1916 Satifnnl, I'.dmiind Clark I,L.I).12: A.H.8.1; I'h.I). (Johns Hop- kins) H8: Sc.U. (Mohart Coll.) 09; president, flnrk CoUenc. Residence, 160 W'nodl.iiiil St.. Worcester, 1913 ♦Bi-allv, William Ik-iirv LI,.b.l3; d. August 4,'l914 M'Bridi-. Richard I.L.D.l.?; I.L.H. (Dalhousie) 90 ; prime minister, Hritish Columbia. Residence, Victoria, B. C. *McLcan. John Knox LL.D.1.3:" A.B. (Union Coll.) 58; D.D. (Knox Coll.) 76; d. February 16, 1914 Morrow. William VV. LL.D.13: LL.D. (Wabash Coll.) 99; judpe, U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Federal bldg., S. F. Residence, San Rafael. Cal. ♦Muir. John^: A.M. (Harvard) 96; LL.D. (Wisconsin) 97: Litt.D. (Yale) 11; d. December 24, 1914 *S\vett, John LL.D."l3; M.A.63 ; M.A. (Dartmouth) 66 : deceased 1914 *Hil.s:ard. Eugene W'oldcmar LL.D.14; Ph.D. (Heidelburg) 53; LL.D. (Mississippi) 84. (Michigan) 87, (Co- lumbia) 87 ; d. January 8, 1916 Howison. George Holmes LL.D.14: A.B. (Marietta Coll.) 52; M.-Al. ibid SS : LL.D. ibid 83, (Michigan) 09 : professor emeritus (philosophy), LTniversity of California. Residence, 2631 Piedmont av.. Berkeley, Cal. MulhollaTid, William LL.D.14: superintendent and chief en- gineer, Los Angeles water works. Resi- dence, 6th and Cummings sts., Los An- geles, Cal. Taylor, James Monroe LL.D.14; A.B. (Rochester) 68; D.D. ibid 86; LL.D. (Rutgers) 94; D.D. (Yale) 01 ; LL.D. (Smith) 13. Resi- dence, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 1915 Branner. John Casper LL.D.15; B.S. (Cornell) 82; Ph.D. (In- diana) 85; LL.D. (Arkansas) 97, (Maryville Coll.) 09; president emeri- tus, Stanford University. Residence, 13 Alvarado row, Stanford University, Cal. Deakin. Alfred LL.D.15 : statesman. Residence, Llan- arth. South Yarra, Melbourne, Australia Jordan, David Starr LL.D.15: M.S. (Cornell) 72; M.D. (In- diana Med. Coll.) 75; Ph.D. (Butler) 78; LL.D. (Cornell) 86. (Johns Hop- kins) 02, (Illinois Coll.) 05, (Indiana) 09 : chancellor, Stanford University. Residence, Stanford University, Cal. Lane. Franklin Knight LL.D.15 ; Secretary of the Interior. Res- idence, Washington. D. C. 1916 Rhodes. James Ford LL.D.i6: LL.D. (Western Reserve) 93, (Yale) 01: Litt.D. (Kenyon) 03: LL.D (Wisconsin) 04. (New York) 08; D.Litt. (Oxford) 09 : LL.D. (Princeton) 12; Litt.D. (Brown) 14; historian. Res- idence, 392 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Stillman. John iMaxson LL.D.16": Ph.B.74: Ph.D.85 ; vice-presi- dent and professor (chemistry). Stan- ford University. Residence, Stanford University. Cal. In the San Francisco and Los Angeles Departments Medical School California College of Pharmacy Hastings College of the Law College of Dentistry California Veterinary College Los Angeles Medical Department Medical School 1864 *Damour. Ferdinand, deceased ♦Davie, J. C, deceased ♦Dubois, A. S., deceased ♦Handv, T. C. deceased Pond.'M". B., 122 Clay st., Napa, Cal. ♦Stivers, C. A., deceased ♦Weeks, F. L., deceased ♦Welch, W. P.. deceased 1865 Drinkhouse. E. T. C. ♦Fenn, C. M.. d. March 7, 1907 Taylor. E. R., 2326 California st., S. F. 1866 Barber, E. T. ♦Brierly. C. B.. deceased ♦Fine, Andrew, d. September 20. 1906 Heavitt. Granville Lingo. M. B. ♦Plummer. R. H.. deceased ♦Prevost. R. J., deceased ♦Richardson, J. A., deceased ♦Rupe. S. H., deceased Widney, J. P.. 3901 Marmion way, Los Angeles, Cal. 1867 Cairns, John ♦Hackett. T. J., deceased Hansen, T. C. ♦O'Neil. A. A., deceased ♦Robinson. Luke, deceased Shelton. T. W. Steely, John 1868 ♦Bates. C. B.. d. October 13, 1911 ♦Cameron, J. S., deceased ♦Corbett. S. J., deceased ♦McGuire, Lucius, deceased *Newmark. Valentine, deceased Walz, G. 1869 ♦Caldwell. Robert, d. April 21. 1911 ♦Clark. J. J., deceased Cochran. W. A. ♦Haile. C. S.. deceased ♦Toland. C. A., deceased ♦turner. T. T.. deceased ♦Tuttle. H. P.. deceased Webber. J. S. ♦Younger. A. J., deceased 1870 tBiggs, M. H., Lima, Peru, South America Mackenzie, J. H. ♦Rucker, H. X., d. December 13, 1905 ♦Sage. C. P.. deceased Seawall, J. J. 1871 ♦Churchill, Leonard, deceased ♦Hampton, J. E., deceased ♦Kirkpatrick, C. A., deceased 1872 ♦Keane, G. B., d. 1906 Kurtz, Joseph, 1801 Toberman St., Los Angeles, Cal. ♦Lyford, D. L., deceased 1873 ♦Anderson. J. A., deceased ♦Cox. T. H., deceased ♦Martineaut. E. D., d. January 15, 1916 Mavs. W. H., Newman. Cal. ♦O'Neil. J. C deceased ♦Schnabei. Martin, d. November 21, 1911 ♦Sylvester. Julian, deceased ♦Whittell, A. P., deceased 1874 Biggs, F. R. ♦Blake. J. W.. deceased ♦Delmont, Francois, deceased ♦Hicks, Y. E.. deceased McDermott. W. P.. Los Altos, Cal. McT-ean, R. A., Cloyne Court, Berkeley, Cal. Miller. C. F.. 1230 E. 46th st, Los An- geles, Cal. Nottage. G. E. ♦Robinson. L.. deceased ♦Waters. J. W.. deceased 1875 ♦.Mien. E. O.. deceased ♦Benedict, C. W., deceased Callahan, D. T.. 2931 Pacific av.. S. F. Colbreath. T. F. Davidson, j. R.. 2119 Buchanan st.. S. F. ♦Dawson. Alson. d. September 14, 1893 Harris, T. W. Kosby, A. E., Yuba City. Cal. Mason, B. F.. 847 E. 14th st., San Lean- dro, Cal. Miller, J. A.. 937 Ashbury st., S. F. Schellhaus. E. J. 278 ♦Simon, J. A., dcccasi-d Smith. \V. 1'. Swaiiii, C". M. 1876 ♦niakc. C. M.. deceased •Braman, .1. J., d. November 15, 1899 Rrown. (i. J. ♦CliaiKiieau, V. A., deceased •C'oiiiiollv. I. J., deceased ♦IlodK'dori. W. H. A., deceased ♦Hook. \V. E., deceased Kirkwood. }. W. ♦I.iiidc-nl.i.Tircr. \V. H.. decc.iscd McCornack. H. F.. R.F.D. 3. Eugene, Ore. t Minor. J. F., 1135 Park st., Alameda, Cal. ♦I'opc, H. E.. deceased Powell, J. M. *Qiiinlan. A. G., deceased Rorkc. lames ♦Sea well. T. W.. deceased tSichel. G. W.. 1342 Green st., S. F. Smith, T. H., Westport, Cal. ♦Summers, G. W., deceased Wanzer. Mrs. L. M. F., 2970 California St., S. F. 1877 ♦Duncan, S. C. deceased ♦Frost. James, deceased ♦Heinimann. T. M.. deceased Josephi, S. E., 132 E. 12th st.. Portland. Ore. McCall, G. F. McDonald. J. J. *Pesica. Joseph, deceased ♦Reich. G. A., deceased ♦Reynolds. G- E.. d. January 11, 1913 Stevenson, B. E., 701 Court St., Redding, Cal. Swisher. T. R., 109^ West st., Healds- burfr. Cal. Von Buelovv. Fred Weiss. E. M.. 1907 Lincoln wav, S. F. Wharton. S. P. Williamson. W. T.. E. 30th and Powell sts.. Portland. Ore. 1878 ♦Rradtniry. G. F., d. December, 1903 ♦Rruns, W. C.. deceased tCurran. Miss M. K., Acad, of Science, S. F. ♦Guillemard, A. J., deceased ♦Levvitt. F. A., deceased ♦McLaughlin. M. A., deceased Osier, Charles. Tuolumne. Cal. ♦Pruett. T. A., d. January 25. 1893 Seavey. L. T., 606 Calhoun St., Port Town- send. Wash. Shuey, Miss S. L. see Bachelors '76 tSummers. J. F., Bishop, Cal. 1879 .\ddinRton. D. M.. Sutter. Cal. ♦Downs. G. W.. deceased ♦Foote. Gilbert, d. Mav 29. 1904 Medical School [1875-1882 ♦Gale, H. A., d. February 26, 1916 ♦Harmon, Robcrdcau, d. May 20. 1904 ♦Howell, H. H., deceased ♦Hughes, L. J., deceased Johnston, A. Scott. A. W., see Bachelors 76 tSmith, G. S., Seal Cove, Half Moon Bay, Cal. Sparks, Miss A. M., 140 S. Portland av., Brooklyn, N. Y. ♦V^oigh, W. C, deceased Younger, E. A., Hotel Fairmont. S. F. 1880 ♦Rettleheim. F. A., deceased ♦Caldwell, H. H., deceased ♦Foulkes, J. F., Jr., deceased Hopkins, T. P., Potter Valley. Cal. ♦Laidlaw, Horace, deceased Lord, F. F., 1911 Oak st, S. F. tMeyers, R. C, Los Altos, Cal. ♦Mueller. H. E., deceased Pond, H. M., see Bachelors '76 Robertson. J. W., see Bachelors '77 Sabey, L. A. 1881 Bates. W. E., 427 1st st.. Davis, Cal. Beardsley. E. M. Clinton, C. A.. 2499 Howard st., S. F. ♦Dean, A. J., deceased DePuv, A. A., Fruitvale, Cal. Evans, C. W., 1012 11th St., Modesto, Cal. Filham, G. H. ♦Grattan. E. L., deceased ♦LeFevre, J. P., d. October 31, 1915 Morgan. F. E.. Santa Cruz, Cal. ♦Olds. W. H.. deceased Sawyer. H. C, 2428 Fulton St.. S. F. ♦Sellon. Miss A. F., deceased Sheets. T. PL. Buckley. Wash. Sutro, Miss E. L.. m. G. W. Merritt '82, Sutro Heights, S. F. Young, J. D.. Stockton State Hospital, Stockton, Cal. 1882 Baumeister. B. H.. 263 29th St.. S. F. Bromley, R. I., 432 Washington St., So- nora. Cal. ♦Burchard. L. S.. d. April 23. 1905 ♦Mathewson. T. M.. d. September 22. 1905 Merritt, G. W.. Sutro Heights. S. F. ♦Moody. Miss M. W., d. September 14, 1908 ♦Muenter. H. L.. deceased Patterson. T. J., 115 S. Stevenson st., Visalia. Cal. Payne. J. R.. 505^ S. Main St.. Los An- geles, Cal. Presslev, J. B.. Riverbank. Cal. Reardan, T. B., 1202 Robinson st.. Oro- viUe. Cal. ♦Senter. Miss E. G.. deceased ♦Stanton. J. O.. deceased ♦Stuart. J. AL, deceased Tarter. A. P.. 3101 Central av.. Alameda. Cal. 1883-1891] Medical School 279 1883 *Borde. H. J., deceased *Hughes, J. A., deceased Lonigo, E. v., 723 Beach St., S. F. Lovett, W. B.. Paradise, Cal. *Lundborg, G. W., deceased Mervy, E. C, 728 14th St., S. F. Paton. C. J., 45 6th av., S. F. Reed, C. E., 601 West st., Redding, Cal. *Riley, J. S., deceased Urban, Kurt, San Rafael, Cal. ♦Wickman, W. J., deceased 1884 Anderson, Winslow, 1065 Sutter st.. S. F. *Beede, W. M. S., deceased Buckley, V. DeP., 77 West Clay park, S.F. Clark, W. D., 2554 California st., S. F. Connolly. T. E., 3762 17th St.. S. F. D'Ancona, A. A., see Bachelors '80 Day, J. G. Dodge. Washington, 2129 I.aguna St., S. F. *Enright. C. M., deceased *Gates, F. H., deceased *McCoy. J. W.. deceased Nuttall. G. H. F., Longfield, Madingley rd., Cambridge, Eng. Partsch. Herman, 2001 Lincoln St., Ber- keley, Cal. Scholl, A. L.. 400 Duboce av., S. F. ♦Sherman, Miss E. S., m. W. A. Yelland ; deceased 1885 Armistead. H. V., Newman, Cal. Baldwin. R. O., 342 Hawthorne av., Oak- land. Cal. *Collins. A. C, deceased Gallwev, John. 1200 Hyde St.. S. F. Howard. Miss K. I.. 2907 Fillmore St., S. F. Lustig. D. D.. Bellevue Hotel. S. F. Nichols, T. A., Mission San Jose, Cal. Perrault, E. L., deceased *Wilcox. W. T., d. April 8. 1916 Williamson, J. M., 1631 Oak st., S. F. ♦Winton. H. N.. d. February, 1913 Woods, Miss J. W. E. *Wooster. David, deceased 1886 Brown. E. S. *Chalmers. W. P., deceased Conlan, William, 704 Haight St., S. F. Kingsley, T. E. *Plant. B. A., deceased Soliaslay. Julius. 670 Fulton St., S. F. Wilson, K. R. M. 1887 Cluness. W. R.. 354 Pine st., S. F. Cook. F. S.. Brentwood, Cal. Fottrell. M. J., 2101 Divisadero St., S. F. Glaze, G. T. tHoward. W. B., 405 Van Ness av., S. F. Kirchhoffer, Frederick, 1030 Valencia st., S. F. Kobavashi, Sankio Mays, A. H., 252 San Carlos av., Sausa- lito, Cal. ♦McLean, J. T., deceased Morrill, A. L., 156 Calle de la Libertad, Colima, Mex. *Park, Miss T. L., m. Mr. O'Neill ; deceased *Reardon, W. E., deceased Shannon, James, 1700 15th av., Seattle, Wash. tTevis, H. L., Palace Hotel, S. F. Wantanabe, Tey tWilliams, R. L., Sausalito, Cal. 1888 Alexander, Miss M. E. Barbat, J. H., 2323 Washington St.. S. F. Cox, Miss R. L.. 2405 Washington St., S. F. *Dennis, N. P., deceased *Dunn, J. P. H., d. August 13, 1908 *Estes, M. B., deceased Frick, E. B., 2965 Washington St., S. F. Happersberger, A. K., see Bachelors '85 Kelly, L L. Noble, J. A., 726 Bush st.. S. F. *White, J. T., d. March 18, 1912 1889 * Bunker, R. E., deceased ♦Foreman, Miss F. L, deceased Gleaves, C. C. , ^. .. Haskin, W. H., 205 W. 57th st., X. \. City Holmes. E. R. Jones, O. W., San Anselmo, Cal. Kawakani, Masajasu Marx, Miss F. R., m. F. M. Greene 92. 24 Avon St., Cambridge, Mass. tMather, S. R., 2100 Divisadero st., S. F. Mayer, O. J. O'Brien, A. P., 2424 Gough st. S. F. Oliver. J. A.. 1825 Turk st., S. F. Tuggle, S. P., State Hospital. Stockton. Cal. Wade. M. S. *Zeyn, G. C. deceased 1890 Bond F. T., 1406 Georgia st., Vallejo. Cal. Felt Rae. 1415 Broadway, Eureka. Cal. Hawkins, W. J., 70 Baker st, S. F. Hunkin, S. J., 1153 Bush st, S. F. ♦Kugeler, H. B., d. January 3, 1915 Mann, C. S. *Martinez. J. M., deceased Meyer, A. G.. 2599 Howard st., S. F. Mohun, C. C. 2434 Jackson St., S. F. Scholl, A. J.. 1336 S. Main st, Los An- geles, Cal. Spring, Miss C. B.. m. D. W. Montgom- ery, 2350 Vallejo st. S. F. Surryhne, B. F., 116 Sycamore St., Mo- desto, Cal. Thrasher, Marion, 636 45th av.. S. F. 1891 Baker. H. .\.. 119 Bryant av.. Bellevue. Pa. Blake. C. R., 308 Ohio av., Richmond. Cal. 380 I'.iirnhain. C. J.. 1750 I'.iislimll place. Mcr- kok-y. Cal. ( (illisclionn. Philip. 10_M I'ine st., S. F. Driscoll. K. P.. 2027 I'olk St.. S. F. I)iinl)ar. A. VV.. care of Navy Dcpt.. Wash- iiiKlo". "• ^'• I-'ord. C'amphcll. 742 (irccn St.. S. F. *Kirliy, W. 'I'., deceased *I.aKan. l'"d\vard. deceased Macdonald, J. M.. I.n IrvinK .st.. S. F. McMurdo. .1. R.. 115 Hculah St., S. F. Milton, I. L.. 1001 Ashinount av.. Oakland, Cal. ■ Molony. J. J.. 907 Valencia .st., S. F. Morse, F. W., see Bachelors '78 Olson, Miss M. G., Roosevelt Hospital, Ber- keley, Cal. *Oviedo, L. P.. deceased Pctrie, F. B.. 211 Cornwall St., S. F. •Sims. J. M., deceased ^piith. \V. O.. 806 Grand St., Alameda, Cal. Warner. .1. K.. Livermore, Cal. Wayson, I. T.. Jr., 445 Beretania st., Hono- lulu, t. H. ■ 1892 CaRlicri. G. E.. 2620 Larkin st.. S. F. Crook, Miss E. E., m. A. S. McKay, San Bruno. Cal. •Eraser, S. J., deceased Johnstone, E. K. * I, owe. F. \V., deceased *McCone. J. F., deceased Xelson. T. A., 924 Irving st.. S. F. 0^;(len. G. W.. Napa State Hospital, Napa, Cal. Rathhun. W. T.. Colusa. Cal. ♦Sanborn. F. H., d. January 11. 1916 Schrani. Miss L. B., m. A. A. D'Ancona '80, 862 Shrader St., S. F. Sutherland. R. L. Terry. W. I., see Bachelors '90 von Adelung, Edward, see Bachelors '89 1893 Aird. T. W. Bcrndt. R. M. H.. 1350 6th av., S. F. Cadwallader. Rawlins. 1035 Geary St., S. F. Conrad, D. .\.. 1109 State st, Santa Bar- bara, Cal. Cothran. A. L.. cor. Emory and The Ala- meda. San Jose. Cal. Falck. Miss M. E.. m. A. E. Nathanson, 1624 48th av.. S. F. Fleming. B. F.. 1783 Union st., S. F. Flesher. F. C. G. Freeman. E. M.. 1330 E. 7th st.. Long Beach. Cal. Gall, A. M., Jackson. Cal. Glover. C. A., 1350 Leavenworth st., S. F. Horton. E. S. Hulse. C. H. •Lagan, Hugh, deceased Maguire. C. S.. 281 Page st., S. F. McCarthy. C. F., 1371 Fulton St.. S. F. Phelan. H. D.. Iloilo. P. L *Pond. G. P.. d. March. 1910 Rantz, S. H.. Placerville. Cal. Sanborn. W. K.. 5681 Grove St., Oakland, Cal. Schrader. S. H. Simon. Miss Grace. 829 Fell st.. S. F. Medical School [1891-1895 1894 Booth. J. R. Bunnell, Edwin, see Bachelors '91 Clark, G. W., 924 Irving St., S. F. Cleary, Stephen, 267 4th av., S. F. Crces, Robert, 736 Pine St., Napa, Cal. Ue Puy, E. S., 5273 Cole St., Oakland, Cal. Dickenson, C. P., 2705 Fresno st., Fresno, Cal. Fitzgibbon, F. T.. 1263 25th av., S. F. Freeman, C. H., 489 Forrest st., Oakland, Cal. Greth, August, 716 \V. 7th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Hill, E. J.. Areata, Cal. Holmes, T. B., 1501 23d av.. Oakland, Cal. Leland. T. B. W., 1910 Vallejo St.. S. F. Maclnnis. M. B. McCullough, F. E., U. S. S. Florida, care of Postmaster, S. F. McKnight, Miss N. M., m. G. P. Doyle, Bishop, Cal. Morrison, Miss M. E. tMorrissey. J. G.. 1210 Masonic av.. S. F. Pawlicki. C. F., Hotel Herald. S. F. ♦Reith. F. M.. deceased Root, C. B.. 1256 Page st. S. F. Ryfkogel. H. A. L., Hotel Washington. S. F. Selling. Miss N. A., 508 Larkin st, S. F. Sharp, J. G., R.F.D.. Redwood City. Cal. *Sime. N. A., deceased Smith. H. F. Stirewalt, H. W., 1684 8th av.. S. F. Thompson. J. G., see Bachelors '91 Tiffanv, E. V., 2360 E. 22d St.. Oakland, Cal. tWilkes. Farrington, care of J. \\'. Dickey, Lakebay. Wash. Wright. H. E.. 1511 M st. Sacramento. Cal. 1895 Badilla. J. C. ♦Barbat. W. B. F.. deceased Boyes. W. J. R.. 1200 Ashbury st.. S. F. Browne. A. F., San Carlos. Cal. Dudlev. F. W. Easton. D. E. F.. 900 Haight st. S. F. *Emerson. H. B.. deceased Feder. Miss A. M.. m. H. J. Phillips '00, 261 Kurfurstendam. Berlin. Germany *Flood. J. T., deceased *Gray. R. F., deceased *Hay. W. G.. deceased *Heiler, C. L.. deceased +Helms. G. L.. Medford. Ore. Hopkins. E. K.. Granada Hotel. S. F. Hull, J. P.. 2223 19th st, Bakersfield. Cal. Hyde. G. E. *Lutz. F. A., deceased McCallum. H. J. *McCulloch. T. A., deceased Nast. 3783 20th st. S. F. Rinne. F. A.. 2911 Folsom St.. S. F. Sankey, Mrs. Marv J., m. C. A. Sankey. 731 San Jose av.. S. F. Schmelz. C. J.. Guerneville. Cal. Stone. Bertram. 4112 24th st.. S. F. *Trafton. W. A., deceased Villain. A. J.. 254 21st av., S. F. 1896-1899] Medical School 281 1896 *Allen, C. E., deceased Anderson, Miss H. O., Bradbury bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. *Armistead. C. M., d. February, 1908 Bacigalupi, L. D., 2159 Green St., S. F. Beck, H. M.. 729 5th av., S. F. Blum, Sanford, see Bachelors '94 Botsford, Mrs. Mary E., m. Wm. Botsford, 807 Francisco St., S. F. Broughton. G. A., 1966 La Salle St., Los Angeles, Cal. Burnham, W. P.. 8.3 Divisadero St., S. F. Cameron. H. M., 2.3.31 4th av., Sacramento, Cal. Chace. W. D. *Coe, L. H., deceased Cox, T. J. F., 825 8th St., Sacramento, Cal. Eppinger, Miss Rose, m. J. G. Sharp '93, R.F.D., Redwood City, Cal. Feder. Miss Grace, m. llarry Woods, 1562 Vallejo St., S. F. Giannini, A. H., 2745 \'an Xess av., S. F. Ilarrigan. J. T. Katsuki, Ichitaro, 1326 Keeanmoku St., Honolulu, T. H. tKearney, J. F., 3672 20th st.. S. F. Kellogg, W. H., 2820 Vallejo st., S. F. Lartigau, A. J., 2815 Steiner st., S. F. *Lee, A. S., deceased Maher, T. D., 2380 Jackson st., S. F. *Maldon, C. L., deceased McGettigan, C. D., 2644 Filbert St., S. F. ♦McLaughlin. Alfred, d. June, 1908 Morgan, C. L., Half Moon Bay, Cal. Morrow. Howard, 1701 Bryant St., Palo Alto. Cal. Murphy, J. D.. 1393 Golden Gate av., S. F. Muscott, Brayton Newman. Alfred, see Bachelors '94 Noble, Miss M. L., 1320 W. 46th st., Los Angeles, Cal. O'Brien, J. H.. 1052 N. Figueroa st., Los Angeles, Cal. O'Brien, J. T., Petaluma, Cal. ♦O'Malley, W. H. L, deceased Orr, R. H., 1492 Guerrero St., S. F. ♦Painter, G. L., d. July 22, 1916 *Parkman, \V. E., deceased Putnam, V. E., 290 Divisadero st., S. F. *Rochex, Joseph, deceased Ryer, M. B.. 400 Steiner st.. S. F. Scott, Miss Florence, Belvedere, Cal. ♦Stafford, J. T., deceased Stern. A. A., 2705 Capitol av., Sacramento, Cal. Stewart. Miss M. J., m. A. W. Marshall Stone. M. V.. Healdsburg, Cal. Stover, W. M., 1190 Marsh st., San Luis Obispo. Cal. Stow, Miss E. M., m. F. W. Bancroft '94, R.F.D., box 81, Concord, Cal. Thorpe. L. S.. Covina. Cal. ♦Trask, H. C, deceased Tre^•ino. Alberto Waller, N. B. 1897 Borchers. Miss Bertha, see Bachelors '94 Curl, H. C. care of Navy Dept., Washing- ton, D. C. Dunn. W. L.. 3026 Grove St.. Oakland, Cal. Hickey, T. A. ♦Huntington. S. D.. deceased ♦McLean. Murdock. deceased ♦McMahon. F. .A., deceased Oldenbourg, Miss L. A., Walnut Creek, Cal. 1898 .Abrahm. Henry, 1426 Fulton St., S. F. Bartlett, C. J., Fort Worden, Wash. tBell, W. L., care of Surgeon General U. S. A., Washinaton, D. C. Bruguiere, P. S., 1020 Post St., S. F. Callaway, Edwin Crowley, T. J., 665 Fillmore st., S. F. Dufiky, G. W., 2119 H st.. Sacramento, Cal. Fine, H. M.. 395 20th st., Oakland, Cal. Giroux, E. D. Hill, H. S. Judell, Miss M. I., Relief Home, S. F. Keenan, A. S., 2721 Folsom St., S. F. Linforth, Miss G. S., m. G. D. Boalt, 3018 Clay St., S. F. Lucchetti, F. J. V., 1074 Washington St., S. F. Menefee, J. S., 1148 Webster St., S. F. Muller, F. C. 2486 Fulton st., S. F. Roche. T. B.. 1837 Oak st., S. F. Tillman, F. J., 527 5th st., Oxnard, Cal. Tobriner, Oscar, 3494 Jackson St., S. F. Trew, N. C. 1899 Arthur. S. R.. Woodbridge, Cal. Ash, Miss R. L., see Bachelors '96 Clark, T. J., 6446 Harwood St., Oakland, Cal. Colliver, J. A., 915 Carondelet st., Los An- geles, Cal. Dinkelspiel, Edgar, see Bachelors '96 Ebright, G. E., Pacific Union Club, S. F. Emerson, M. L., 3630 Telegraph av., Oak- land, Cal. Franklin, M. W., 188 N. Walnut st.. East Orange, N. J. Frick. D. J., 538 Harvard blvd., Los An- geles, Cal. Gardner, S. J., 1001 Pine st.. S. F. Gillihan, A. F., Acheson bldg., Berkeley, Cal. Graham, H. B., see Bachelors '96 Henesey, W. J., 2021 California St.. S. F. Lanz, P. R., 1134 3d av., Oakland. Cal. Legge, R. T., 3016 Benvenue av., Berkeley. Cal. McElroy. B. F.. Olympic Club. S. F. ♦Millar, C. F., deceased Onesti. S. I., 1718 Larkin st.. S. F. Pope, S. T.. 453 Frederick st., S. F. Redington, Vida, see Bachelors '95 Rice, E. J., Walnut Creek. Cal. Stevens. W. E.. 1007 Gough st.. S. F. Stevenson, G. L.. 2420 L st., Sacramento. Cal. Taylor. J. E.. 1898 Market .st.. S. F. ♦Taylor. O. N.. d. May 23. 190" \\'cyer. G. A.. 417 Stockton st.. S. F. Wightman, Miss Emma, m. S. T. Pope '9° 453 Frederick st.. S. F. Willard. W. P.. 2741 Divisadero st.. S. F. 2S2 Medical School [1900-1903 1900 AldcTson. n. I"... 240 Stockton St., S. F. il.icik'altipi. "• '■••. **"" I'"'"" St- S. F., Miss C. R., m. Laurence Spcll- m;in. MonltTi-y, Cil. Horn, Miss 1). 1.. ni. S; L. Walton. 2051 Siutt St.. S. F. l)ii>clRTt. Miss Frncstinc I'arrow, l".. I., Manhattan Hotel. Manila, r. l! I'lrnaiuicz. Manuel, I'inole, Cal. ll.irvey, \V. I'., Oiviniiic Clui), S. F. 1 rones. R. H., Hotel Maryland, San Diego, Cal. l,)ycc. Miss F. F., m. O. F. Fischer, 436 hulah St., S. F. Klotz. M. J., 341 Georgia St., Vallejo, Cal. fl.angdon, S. \V. R., 603 E. Lindsay st., Stockton, Cal. Larson. Miss j. P., 1116 Valencia St., S. F. Laughlin, C. B. ^L^guire, T. M., 281 Page st., S. F. McChesncy, G. J., see Bachelors '96 Mcintosh, A. M., 2915 Pine av., Berkeley, Cal. ♦Miyahe. Tadataro, deceased Moore, W. C... 3555 Jackson st., S. F. tXolan. Miss M. E., 1816 Lafayette st., .Manieda. Cal. tOpsvis:. Peter. Nome, Alaska Pratt, M. D.. Fall River Mills. Cal. ♦Reinhardt. G. F., d. June 7, 1914 ♦Russ, R. J., deceased Saph. L. v., see Bachelors '97 Simpson, F. W., 2946 Avalon av., Berkeley, Cal. tSullivan, T. F., 434 Guerrero st., S. F. Sweeney. G. J.. 1966 Eddy St., S. F. *\'assault. Miss T. E., deceased Watts, H. C. Wemple, E. L., care of Toyo Kisen Kaisha, S. F. Wilder, E. M., see Bachelors '94 1901 .\rthur. E. A., 744 N. Pilgrim St.. Stockton, Cal. Rcerman. W. F.. <)95 Pine st, S. F. Bradv, Miss K. L, m. A. J. Lartigau '96 ; 2815 Steiner st.. S. F. Dickie, W. ^L. see Bachelors '98 Dresser. R. O.. Paso Roliles. Cal. Force. J. N.. see Bachelors '98 Hill. H. P.. 2336 Steiner St.. S. F. Hill. R. C. 418 .^Oth av.. S. F. Kavanagh, Miss M. F., 1251 2d av., S. F. Lcnnon. M. B., 157 Commonwealth av.. S.F. Leonard. J. V.. 1«»20 Vallejo St.. S. F. Lindsay. W. K.. 1716 N St.. Sacramento, Cal' Madscn. R. H. McCoy. Miss Florence, see Bachelors '97 Morong. F. L. ♦Murphy, W. L, d. 1908 tPurlenky. G. P., Fort Bragg, Cal. Sanliorn, F. G. Schmitt. L. S.. see Bachelors '01 Seawell. J. W.. Healdshurg. Cal. Simmons. H. ^L. 1331 Broderick St.. S. F. Smvfhe. Hudson. Yosemite Club. Stockton, Cal. Sweet.ser, G. W., Martinez, Cal. Thomas, Benjamin, 903 Bryant St., Palo Alto, Cal. Toner, J. M., 276 Fair Oaks st, S. F. White, J. L., 1631 H st, Sacramento, Cal. Woolsey, C. H., see Bachelors '95 Yanagisawa, U. Y., see Bachelors '98 1902 Rakewell, Benjamin, see Bachelors '98 Baumgarten, William, Kentfield, Cal. Hill, P. A., 1125 Greenwich St., S. F. Buckley, Miss Emma, 2527 Van Ness av., S. F. Chilson, W. C, 154 N. L st, Tulare, Cal. Deininger, Miss Marguerite, 409 8th st, Richmond, Cal. *Fanning, H. D., deceased Foster, E. C, 1216 N. Irwin St., Hanford, Cal. Gleason, C. R. D., 781 Cole St., S. F. Henderson. F. R. Juilly, G. H., 481 Bartlett st, S. F. Kucich, O. S., Hotel Cartwright, S. F. Lee, A. W.. 1107 Stanyan st, S. F. Leimhach, J. H., Isleton, Cal. Lendrum, B. A., 275 S. 16th st, San Jose, Cal. Lensman, P. A. Majors, E. A., 5749 Grove st., Oakland. Cal. Mallery, J. H.. La Mesa, Cal. McGinty, A. T., 675 S. 6th st., San lose, Cal. Meagher, J. F.^ 126 Beaver st.. S. F. Merwin, Miss'C. S., Tsinanfu, Shantung, China Moulton. D. H., 124 Normal av.. Chico, Cal. Newton, J. C. 1832 Page st. S. F. O'Donnell, J. M.. Hollister, Cal. Piper. H. E., 137 Rigg St., Santa Cruz, Cal. Powers, G. H., Jr., see Bachelors '98 Pressley. J. F., 259 14th av.. S. F. Putman, F. L., Lihue. T. H. Quinn. T. D. M.. 1205 Hyde st, S. F. Tebbe, F. H.. Weed. Cal. Thompson, L. L., Gridley, Cal. Topham, Edward. Jr., 1500 Clay st, S. F. Van Heusen, Miss B. C, m. G. D. Culver '03, 150 11th av., S. F. ♦Walsh, W. T.. d. Tune 20, 1911 W'illiams, W. J. M., 769 Union St., S. F. Zumwalt. F. H., 1010 Lake st. S. F. 1903 Baer. Adolph. see Bachelors '98 Barbat, Miss T. E., m. A. C. Winslow. 956 Post st, S. F. Biber. P. E. Bine, Rene, 317 Cherry St.. S. F. Breitstein. L. I., see Bachelors '03 Culver. G. D.. 150 11th av.. S. F. Ellis. L A.. 1515 Benton st. Alameda. Cal. Girard. F. R.. Hotel Plaza, S. F. Hagan, Miss Henrietta Hamilton, T. K., Jr., 1275 ^^'eber st. Ala- meda, Cal. Hill. H. G.. Crescent and Pacific sts.. Red- lands, Cal. Hurley. J. R.. 2138 California st. Wash- ington. D. C. Johns. Miss Madeline. 737 Bush st. S. F. Kavanagh, J. J.. 1317 Hyde St.. S. F. 1903-1907] Medical School 283 Lissner, H. H., 2156 Hobart blvd., Los An- geles. Cal. Longabaugh, R. I., 616 Sacramento St., Vallejo. Cal. McGuire, W. G. McKinnon, A. J., Rio Vista, Cal. McKovvn, C. L., Niles, Cal. McNab, T. R., 333 S. Hobart blvd., Los Angeles. Cal. Miner, M. L., 1419 90th av., Oakland, Cal. tOlcovich. Miss V. R., m. Julius Oppen- heimer, San Salvador, C. A. Reynolds, R. G., Jr., 455 University av., Palo Alto, Cal. Robarts, H. P., 31 Parnassus av., S. F. Rosenberg, Miss Caroline, 2900 Jackson St., S. F. Rutherford, W. S., 1830 Harrison blvd., Oakland, Cal. Stafford, D. E., 2178 Pine St., S. F. Stone, E. A., see Bachelors '99 West, S. v., see Bachelors '98 Wills, C. A.. Alameda County Hospital, San Leandro, Cal. 1904 Baker, M. D., 225 S. 15th st., San Jose, Cal. *Baum. M. L., deceased Baumeister, E. E., 229 4th St., Chico, Cal. Brown, D. W. Brownsill, Miss E. S.. see Bachelors '99 Castelhun, Paul, see Bachelors '00 Chain, J. N.. see Bachelors '04 Ewing, D. A., 320 Harvard av., N., Seattle, Wash. Foshay, A. W., 31 Magnolia av., Oakland, Cal. *Harker, G. A., deceased Hart, M. E., 2848 Union st., S. F. Hector, Robert, 2011 Yolo av., Berkeley, Cal. Hoag. F. M., 1518 Grand blvd., Spokane, Wash. Jacobs, L. C, 119 Palm av., S. F. Koford, Henning, 461 35th av., Oakland, Cal. Linscott, L. .A.., see Bachelors '00 McClish, C. L.. 1665 W. 24th st., Los An- geles, Cal. Mix, P. A., Exeter, Cal. Nicholls, R. J., 3795 24th st, S. F. Peoples. S. Z., Petaluma, Cal. Sandholdt, J. P., Kennett. Cal. Schwarz. Jacob. 3053 California st., S. F. Slavich, J. F., 181 Santa Rosa av., Oakland, Cal. Smith. E. K.. 1725 Hayes St., S. F. Van Tassell, F. H., 5466 Boyd av.. Oakland, Cal. Waldever. Wilhelm, 171 22d av., S. F. Warren, H. C, 27 Griffith av., San Mateo, Cal. Webster. Miss H. E., 1195 The Alameda, San Jose. Cal. 1905 Albee, G. C, 219 S. Orange av., South Orange, N. J. Alexander, E. W., see Bachelors '01 Bigelow, C. L., see Bachelors '01 Blair. J. C, see Bachelors '01 Bricca, C. R., 1330 4th av.. S. F. Briggs, G. A., 2015 E st.. Sacramento. Cal. tCothran. W. F.. Crows Landing. Cal. tCowden, A. F., 1696 Haight St., S. F. DeHaven. Miss M. T. Harker, Mrs. Harriette B., m. G. A. Harker '04, 730 Victoria St.. S. F. Hoflfman. H. V.. 1105 Bush st., S. F. Kenney, William, 1379 6th av., S. F. Peck, J. W., 2486 Shattuck av., Berkeley, Cal. Reeve. O. C. Ryan. L. X.. 1081 Ashbury St., S. F. Snyder, G. S.. 932 Stanyan St., S. F. Turner, E. C, 1830 21st st., Sacramento, Cal. Vickerson. J. L, 1559 8th st., Oakland, Cal. 1906 *Adler, Alexander, d. August 31, 1907 Brasier, Miss O. V., m. H. Cordua, Helena apts., Helena. Mont, dal Piaz. A. M.. R.F.D. 3. Stockton, Cal. Dannenbaum, S. R.. 516 Sutter St., S. F. Doran. A. V., 520 Sacramento st. Vallejo, Cal. Eidenmuller. W. C. Jr.. see Bachelors '04 Franklin. J. H.. Guadalupe. Cal. Hardy, S. P.. Glengary apts.. Berkeley. Cal. Hays. W. B.. Sonoma. Cal. Hunter, G. G., see Bachelors '06 Igo, Miss L. M., 1525 L st., Sacramento. Cal. Jones, C. B., 1008 19th st, Sacramento. Cal. Kronenberg. Herman. 1342 Green st., S. F. Mahan, D. J.. 61 Curtis St.. S. F. Ochsner. R. L.. 3593 18th st.. S. F. Stone, W. J.. San Rafael. Cal. Temple, Jackson, Jr., 431 B st, Santa Rosa, Cal. tWrenn, J. T., Placerville. Cal. Zumwalt. R. S.. 68 Bartlett St.. S. F. 1907 Alexander. A. A., see Bachelors '02 Allen. F. M., see Bachelors '02 Bingaman, E. W., Gonzales. Cal. Bixby, W. E., Sebastopol, Cal. tClark, J. A., Gilroy, Cal. "^Craig, L. A., d. February. 1911 Dawson. W. C. 1358 Clement St.. S. F. Devine. C. T.. 1156 Hopkins St.. Oakland. Cal. Dodds. T. G.. 2046 24th av.. Oakland. Cal. Gutzwiller. Miss A. M.. see Bachelors '05 Howell. W. O.. 3802 Mission St., S. F. Johnston. J. H.. 947 Geneva av., S. F. Ostrom, E. E., Loomis. Cal. Paroni. Miss Romilda, see Bachelors '03 Pauson. C. A., see Bachelors '03 Peterson. E. A., see Bachelors '05 Proctor. Miss M. C. .'\hmcdnagar. India Schulze. O. T., see Bachelors '03 Sexton. L. L.. Pitman st. Hilo. T. H. Sobey, G. L.. Paso Robles. Cal. Stansbury. M. P.. see Bachelors '02 Stoddard. T. A., see Bachelors '05 Sylvester. Miss F. M.. 716 Ardmore av.. Oakland, Cal. ISA Medical School [1907-1916 Telfcr, G. J.. 1092 Noe St.. S. F. tWalcott. A. M.. Caixa. 304 St.. Manaos, Brazil, South AnitTica 1908 Bccl.c, Miss L. J.. 703 Cross St.. Woodland, HriKKS. I.. H., 2768 Green st., S. F. lUniiu-ll, .SlcrlinK, see Bachelors '04 CartwriKht. S. W., see Bachelors '97 Foster, H. E., 4330 Park blvd., Oakland. Cal. , ^ Frates, F. E.. 610 7th av.. S. F. Howe. L. P.. 2728 Union St., S. F. Jacobs. S. N.. see Bachelors '04 Jee. S. F. P. M., 42a rue de Pans. Tien- tsin, China Johnson. H. C, 1751 Market St., S. F. i.cwitt, F. C, see Bachelors '06 Mansfield, T. D.. see Bachelors '00 Meads, A. M., see Bachelors '06 Newman, Lester, see Bachelors '03 Powell. Alvin, 2703 Dwight way, Berkeley, Cal. Sutherland, R. T., see Bachelors '06 1909 Cohn, H. J., 650 Bush St.. S. F. Irwin, H. W., see Bachelors '07 McVey, C. L.. see Bachelors '05 Meyers, VV. L., Livermore, Cal. Moore, C. B., see Bachelors '07 Naffziger. H. C, see Bachelors '07 White, Miss Margaret, see Bachelors '04 1910 Hooker, Marian O.. 3277 Pacific av., S. F. Long, S. F.. see Bachelors '08 1911 Baldwin. W. L. see Bachelors '08 Best. E. J., see Bachelors '08 Bryan. Lloyd, see Bachelors '09 Campbell. W. H.. see Bachelors '08 Gompertz, Miss K. R.. see Bachelors '03 Markel. U. H.. 1868 10th av.. S. F. 1912 Bailey, S. E., see Bachelors '09 Bush, H. C.. see Bachelors '09 Cleary, E. W., see Bachelors '09 Dozier, Linwood. see Bachelors '10 Hoag. C. L., see Bachelors '09 Kelly, F. L., see Btichelors '08 Long. H. E.. see Bachelors '10 Powell, D. R.. see Bachelors '09 Prince, L. D.. see Bachelors '10 Stadtmuller. Miss E. S.. 819 Eddy St., S. F. Sweet, C. D.. see Bachelors '10 1913 Allen. W. B., 2718 Webster St., Berkeley, Cal. Aller. D. L. Merced Falls. Cal. Catton. J. H., see Bachelors '11 Cornell, E. H., see Bachelors '11 Harvey. R. W., see Bachelors '01 Marks, S. H., see Bachelors '10 Risdon, Miss R. C. see Bachelors '10 Tranter, C. L., see Bachelors '11 1914 Abbott. L. C. Baxter, F. S., see Bachelors '10 Berkley. H. K.. 957 5th st., Santa Monica. Cal. Bull, E. C, see Bachelors '11 Cunningham, Miss R. L., see Bachelors '03 Ehlers, Henry, see Bachelors '11 Lewis, Miss E. G.. see Bachelors '09 Locke, Miss Edna, see Bachelors '11 Pierce, G. W., Brockman bldg.. Los An- geles, Cal. Rowe, A. H., see Bachelors '11 Scatena, F. N., see Bachelors '12 1915 Betts, L H., see Bachelors '13 Clapp, G. A. Epsteen, Abelson, 712 Hayes st., S. F. Friedman. Aaron, 780 Guerrero St.. S. F. Gelston. C. F., see Bachelors '12 Holzberg, H. L.. see Bachelors '11 Kretsinger. G. A., see Bachelors '11 Kruse, F. H., see Bachelors '13 Maxwell, Miss A. F., see Bachelors '12 Rehfisch, J. M., 852 Arlington rd.. Ber- keley, Cal. Seaver, H. C, University Hospital. S. F. Wells. C. E.. see Bachelors '11 Woolsey. J. H., see Bachelors '12 1916 Arrington. Miss ^L F.. see Bachelors '13 Bailie. Miss E. W.. see Bachelors '13 Chamberlain. W. E., see Bachelors '13 Charvoz. E. R.. 804 Dolores st.. S. F. Cook. E. P., see Bachelors '13 Corey. Dunnleigh. see Bachelors '11 Craig. Miss Mary, see Bachelors '12 Davis, B. P., see Bachelors '13 Dunn, T. B., see Bachelors '13 Goss, O. R.. see Bachelors '13 Hare, H. P., see Bachelors '13 Holliger. C. D.. see Bachelors '13 Horner. W. D.. see Bachelors '13 .loses. Maurice, see Bachelors '13 Linde. F. G., see Bachelors '13 Mathe, C. P. L.. 3367 26th st.. S. F. Morris. L. M.. 2229 Vine st.. Berkeley. Cal. Morris, Mvrl, see Bachelors '13 Newell. R. R.. Milton. Cal. Owen. T. .'\.. Jr.. see Bachelors '13 Pinger. F. W., 2315 Rose terrace. Berkeley, Cal. Pritchard. J. L., St. Joseph's Hospital, S. F. Ruddock. J. C, see Bachelors '13 Searls. H. H.. see Bachelors '13 Schulze. Miss Margaret, see Bachelors '13 Sherman. R. S.. see Bachelors '13 Sherman. Julius. 30 Bourbon place. S. F. Thompson, W. B.. see Bachelors '14 Williamson, M. G., see Bachelors '12 California College of Pharmacy 1875 Bacon, G. E.. 1651 8th av., S. F. ♦Graham, T. D., d. December 6, 1915 *Heaney, J. P., deceased Kahn, A. J.. 1665 8th av., S. F. *McLean, F. P.. deceased tMeyers, R. C, Los Altos, Cal. 1876 *Harris, H. R., deceased *Rav. F. E.. d. 1907 Rogers, Nathan, 2858 Vallejo st., S. F. 1877 * Bauer, F. C. deceased Curragh, J. M. *Devine, John, deceased *Selzer, M. J. E., deceased 1878 Helke, W. L., lO.Sl 2d st., Sacramento, Cal. Joy, E. W., Bayside Acres. San Rafael, Cal. ♦McDonnell, S. A., d. 1908 *McLaughlin, W. H.. deceased *Moore, C. C deceased Parker, E. S., 68 Santa Clara av., Oakland, Cal. Weiss, Philip, 1907 Lincoln way, S. F. Zeniansky. J. H., 187 15th av., S. F. 1879 *Burnett, G. G., d. December 22, 1909 *Mathewson, J. M.. d. September 22, 1905 Mervy, E. C. 728 Nth st.. S. F. Messing, L. P. * Minor, G. W., deceased Sommer, Adolph, 200 1st St., E. Cambridge, Mass. *\'reeland. F. L., deceased 1880 Dubois, P. A. Grazer, F. A., County Hospital, Sacra- mento, Cal. Hulting, F. B., 2733 Derby st., Berkeley. Cal. Lcngfeld, Felix, 1350 Sutter St.. S. F. *Les7.ynski. S. L.. d. March 8, 1916 Morrison, W. P., 159 5th av., S. F. *Oberdeener, Samuel, deceased 1881 Adair, \y. H.. 763a Clayton st.. S. F. *Argenti, J. J. B.. deceased Chard, G. R., 2323 Santa Clara av.. Ala- meda, Cal. Cody, N. L. A., 760 19th st., Merced, Cal. Dewitt, T. M. Ehvert, C. P. Fevrier, J. P., 1536 Taylor st.. S. F. *Gove. D. M., deceased Hammitt, C. H., 507 Blackstone av.. Fresno. Cal. Hurtzig, W. F. N.. 946 Haight st.. S. F. Scholl. A. L., 400 Duboce av.. S. F. Troppmann, C. M., 1799 McAllister St., S. F. 1882 Ball. R. L. Barbat. J. H.. 2323 Washington st.. S. F. Barrington. C. L.. 33 S. 12th st., San lose, Cal. Calegaris, Joseph, Kearny and Pacific sts., S. F. d'Artenay, Eugene. 2331 Green St., S. F. Green. F. T.. 1872 Fell St.. S. F. Hapnersberger, Emil, 433 4th St.. Vallejo Cal. Judson. R. H. * Murphy. M. J., deceased *Smith. A. H. H., deceased Try on, J. W. Wight, David, Lincoln and Minnesota avs., San Jose. Cal. ♦Young. W. M., d. 1887 1883 Beckett. F. A.. 31Q W. 57th st.. X. V. Citv tDignan. M. H.. 440 Eddv st.. S. F. Fitzell. C. R.. 1331 M st.. Eureka. Cal. Fletcher, D. M.. 3Q93 Washington St.. S. F. Green, J. A.. 530 J St., Sacramento. Cal. *Iones. L. M., deceased korper. H. W., 318 Pierce St.. S. F. *Lindsav, F. G.. deceased I.ustig. b. D.. Bellevue Hotel. S. F. t Moore, B. W., Stockton. Cal. Riley. P. H. Rimpau. F. T., 355 N. Main st.. Los An- geles. Cal. *Rofurier. E. F.. deceased Skinner. R. W.. 1007 F st.. Eureka. Cal. Wall, H. A. 286 California College of Pharmacy [1884-1891 1884 Flail. H. A. Uarliat, Miss J. I'.., m. A. C. Winsiow, 956 Post St.. S. !•". ^ _ Hcsthorn. H. E. D.. 152J LarUin St.. S. F. Dick. W. M.. 153 Bucna Vista av., S. F. Krausc, F. L. . ^ , Lcl'cr. A. K., 930 10th st., (Jaldaiul, Cal. ♦I.tohr, (i. W.. deceased l.cvison. C. C, 2249 Broderick St.. S. F. Miinson, I. G.. 54 N. 5th St.. San Jose, Cal. Ncwliy. T. S.. 517 Ash st., Ventura, Cal. •Ohcrdecncr. George, d. 1905 Walsh. A. D., 417 Winsiow St., Redwood City, Cal. Whitney, W. B.. Healdslmrg, Cal. 1885 Beasiley, G. T.. 1616 Maple av.. Los An- geles. Cal. Davis, W. J. Dorrance, R. G. Hahmann, P. T.. 718 McDonald av., Santa Rosa. Cal. Mayer, O. J. tMeyer. A. W.. Honolulu, T. H. Patton, W. J. .^ ^ Pricn H. F.. 1374 Fulton st., S. F. *Reilly, E. C, d. October 6. 1902 Schmelz, C. T., Guerneville, Cal. Skillinfi, H. H. Topley, T. H., 610 Georgia st.. Vallejo, Cal. Turner, G. S., 1025 14th St., Modesto, Cal. 1886 Bond. F. T.. 1406 Georgia st., Vallejo, Cal. Boswell. F. M.. 457 S. Kenmore av., Los Angeles, Cal. Bratton, F. O.. Mill Valley, Cal. Drossel, A. A.. 375 Church st.. S. F. Hughes, S. F. ♦Hughes, T. H.. deceased Molony. E. T.. 495 Valencia st, S. F. Morgan, C. L.. Half Moon Bay. Cal. Skinner. E. E.. 560 El Camino Real, Bur- lingame, Cal. 1887 Bodkin. T. P.. 573 Page st., S. F. tCrew. H. W.. Chico, Cal. Driscoll, F. A.. 585 Fell St., S. F. ♦Gates, E. P.. deceased Hanian. Henry. 149 Jordan av., S. F. Ing, J. C. 719 F St.. Sacramento. Cal. Logan. M. H. McMurdo, T. R.. 115 Beulah st. S. F. Mohun, C. C, 2434 Jackson st. S. F. Nichols. H. S.. Mendocino City, Cal. Orcna, A. G.. end of Ontare rd.. Santa Bar- bara. Cal. Seifert. C. A. Warren. L S., Brockman, Cal. Wulzen, D. H., 410 Castro st, S. F. 1888 Bussenius. A. G., 1222 Park av.. .•Mameda, Cal. *Delicat. T. F. A., deceased Driscoll. E. P.. 2027 Polk st. S. F. *l"nierson. H. B.. deceased I'lint, (,. !•:. Henderson, D. L. Higgins, C. C, 660 Bush st. S. F. Kclsey. H. D.. 1506 Spruce St., Berkeley. Cal. McCarthy, J. H.. 591 Chestnut st, S. F. Molony. J. J.. 907 Valencia St., S. F. Perkins, P. J., 5679 Miles av., Oakland, Cal. Petrie, F. B., 211 Cornwall st. S. F. ♦Ralston. F. W.. deceased *R()ot, G. A., deceased Sanborn, W. K., 5681 Oak Grove av., Oak- land, Cal. *Thcvenet, E. J., deceased Topley, W. H., 727 York st, Vallejo. Cal. ♦White. T. J., deceased 1889 Beck, H. M.. 729 5th av.. S. F. Bilger, F. W., 407 Vernon St., Oakland, Cal. P.orchers, A. W.. 1233 6th av., S. F. Bowen. C. P. Cox, L. H., 1351 5th av., S. F. Fitzell, Lincoln, Mokelumne Hill, Cal. Fox, A. S., Placerville, Cal. Gerdes, H. G., 30 Sanchez st., S. F. Hall, B. F., 346 Waverly st, Palo Alto, Cal. Harvey, G. J., 521 Judah st.. S. F. Heider, F. B.. 2344 E. 15th St., Oakland. Cal. Morgan, H. F. ♦O'Neill, A. E.. deceased von Werthern, Joseph, 2696 Folsom .st., S. F. Wagener, A. C, 407 Hillside court. Pied- mont. Cal. Waller. J. L.. Palace Hotel, S. F. Weihe, O. A.. 15 W. Locust St.. Lodi, Cal. Williams, L. E.. 54 John St., Salinas. Cal. 1890 ♦Aitken. L. S., d. 1906 Cleary, Stephen, 267 4th av.. S. F. Hoover, U. G., 3400 Sacramento st.. S. F. ♦Hueter. G. A., d. October 7. 1909 Keefe. J. J. Leithold, T. V., 516 1st St.. Woodland, Cal. Link. V. A. Mardis, B. A.. 765 1st av., S. F. Medros. T. J., 297 Castro St., Hayward, Cal. Rowe. F.' W.. 2442 Howard st, S. F. Schmidt, E. V.. 498 Laurel st.. S. F. Shumate. T. E.. 1901 Scott st. S. F. Smith. K. B., 2012 47th av.. Oakland. Cal. Squires, H. J., 1226 Shattuck av., Berkeley, Cal. ♦Trask, H. C. deceased 1891 Bernheim. M. R., 1016 Eddy st, S. F. Callender, E. G., 1297 Oak Knoll, Pasa- dena, Cal. Cerf, J. L.. 327 Lake st, S. F. *Chilson, H. G., deceased Collin, F. T. Davis, T. H., 259 8th av.. S. F. Donaldson. J. G. Driscoll. F. L. 1208 Stanvan st. S. F. 1891-1895] California College of Pharmacy 287 ♦Gardner, F. A., d. February 16, 1906 Gibson, M. R. tGilbridge, P. J., Healdsburg, Gal. Grossman, E. L. Hance, B. F., 103 W. 2d St., Glendale, Cal. Harris, Louis, 145 Central av., S. F. Kelsey, J. E., 1734 Walnut st., Berkeley, Cal. King. W. H. v., 522 Maple st.. Redwood City, Cal. Ladd, H. L., 863 Bush st., S. F. Leet, R. A., 145 Athol St., Oakland, Gal. Legge, R. T.. 3016 Benvenue av., Berkeley, Cal. Lovotti, Frederico, 2919 Fillmore st., S. F. Newman, F. H. O'Grady, (. [.. 2077 Ellis St., S. F. *01ds, G. L., d. 1906 *Patterson, F. F., d. October 16, 1909 Prosser. S. S. *Samuels, E. H., deceased *Schneider, H. R., deceased Schwartz, Harry, 369 Elizabeth st., S. F. Trautz, O. G., Cottonwood. Cal. Volkmann, M. F., Lemoore, Cal. Ware. T. H., 708 S. 52d St., Tacoma. Wash. Westlake. L. J.. 21 E. 10th St., Tracy, Cal. Worth. T. R., 213 Welton av., Sebastopoi, Cal. 1892 *Airaldi. August, deceased Bagot, E. A., 1452 Clement St.. S. F. Cavagnaro. A. A., Rea bldg., San Jose, Cal. Cogswell, F. L. Crowley, T. J., 665 Fillmore St., S. F. Des Marais. L. N., 1114 Walnut st., Ala- meda, Cal. Edwards. William. 240 9th av.. S. F. Fox, J. E., Placerville. Cal. Gienger, C. J.. 421 Laguna st.. S. F. *Hanson, G. F., d. January 6. 1913 Hawkes, R. H. Heinzman. E. A., 639 Westlake av., I.os Angeles, Cal. Hund, G. B.. San Anselmo, Cal. Inman, T. G., 4547 California st.. S. F. Janeck, F. L. Johns, T. E.. 207 Glen Ridge av.. Los Gatos. Cal. Kellogg, W. H., 2820 Vallejo st.. S. F. *Lann, W. H.. deceased ♦Nightingale, J. B.. d. Lnnuarv 3, 1911 ♦Painter, G. L., d. July 22, 1916 Peck, S. S., see Bachelors "90 *Polk, C. W., deceased Pooler, C. B.. 112a Carl st.. S. F. ♦Potter, Miss G. M., deceased ♦Preuss, lohn. d. November 5. 1909 Rces, 1). R., 815 Grove st., S. F. Roche. T. B.. 1837 Oak St.. S. F. Ryan, P. A., 505 Marshall st.. Redwood City, Cal. Sharp. S. A.. 1373 Broadway. S. F. Skinner. J. B., 808 Capitol av.. S. F. Stock, W. S. Villain, A. ].. 254 21st av.. S. F. Wecksler, Paul 1893 Avers. W. W. ♦P.agley. IL F., d. 1904 ♦Bare. E. R. L., deceased Bowerman, K. B.. 1914 Pine St., S. F. Burnett, G. W., 815 O'Farrell st., S. F. Chapman, C. A. Donnelly, F. J., Salinas, Cal. Drossell, J. H., 1500 Pacific av., S. F. Dufficy, G. W., 2119 H St., Sacramento. Cal. Folkers, O. H. Green, G. A., 211 Glenridge av., Los Gatos, Cal. Hedrick, W. M. Hirst, C. P. Johnson, W. P., 49 San Jose av., Los Gatos, Cal. ♦McKenny, S. M., deceased McKenny, W. B. *McNamara, J. A., deceased Mendel, C. L., 2000 Broderick St., S. F. Parker, Scollay Ross, G. L, 1481 Eddy St., S. F. Scamell, J. W., 708 College av., Santa Rosa, Cal. Scherb, H. L., Calexico. Cal. Si)iro. Harry. 754 3d av., S. F. Tohriner, Isaac. 1519 Alice St., Oakland, Cal. Upp. W. A., 504 Arguello blvd., S. F. Vogel, R. F., 727 S. Hill st., Los Angeles, Cal. von der Lieth, H. O., 1035 Ashbury st., S.F. Waller, S. L. Whiting, E. C. 524 Montgomery St.. Oro- ville. Cal. Wise, M. S. 1894 Bandel. E. F. Blum, J. H.. 1426 E. 49th St.. Los Angeles, Cal. Broderick, D. J.. 650 54th st., Oakland. Cal. Conlon. F. J. Connolly. T. W., 3420 Fulton St.. S. F. Dowdall. R. J., 358 Raymond av., S. F. *Emde, G. H., deceased France. W. M. Hazen, E. A.. 150 Massal av., Los Gatos. Cal. Higby, E. P.. 1415 N. Center st.. Stockton, Cal. Kelton, J. O., 2301 N St., Sacramento. Cal. *Kid(l, A. J., deceased *LaRue, D. D., deceased Lichtenstein. Max. 1816 Fell St.. S. F. Lucchetti. F. J. V'., 1074 Washington St., S. F. Nash, Bert. 1277 Waller st. S. F. Potter. F. L. Puck. R. F. S.. 472 8th st.. Bremerton. Wash. Shaw. H. G.. Fort Ethan .Allen. \'t. Stange. C. F.. 379 Missouri st.. S. F. Stone. Miss B. L. 428 13th st.. Oakland. Wolk-nbcrg. C. M.. Relief Home. S. F. 1895 Abraham. C. J.. 68 Jordan av., S. F. ♦Baily. R. I., deceased Bayly. C. A.. Jr. Becker. F. C, V'irpinia and Santa Clara avs.. \'allejo. Cal. 288 California College of Pharmacy [1895-1898 Rrown, I. H.. 1172 Fell st. S. F. niiisiophcr. J. F., .^05 N. Fremont av., Los AiiKi-lcs. t al. Cotllc II. S., 117 Cluirch sf., Salinas, Cal. ♦aunniins, j. W., <1. August 19, 1908 Dorc, C. VV.. 119 Martin av., San Jose, Cal. DinuMii, l'. T. Fairi)anks, C. 1).. San Dinias, Cal. (lyili.son, C. T. I... .K^6 Main St.. Salinas, Cal. llawkin.s. {',. W. Innian. P. C, M.U H St.. San Rafael, Cal. lones, A. S., Chico, Cal. 'l.enKfehl. i. L.. 1.^.10 Sutter St., S. F. McQueen, H. M., .^844 Wyandotte st., Kan- sas City, Mo. Miller, H. 1... 1408 Burlinganie av.. Bur- liuKanie. Cal. Munter, Leo. 117 Beulah st., S. F. Newton. 1. C, 18.^2 Page St., S. F. Dnesti, S. J.. 1718 Larkin St., S. F. Powell. VV. C. 912 Market st., S. F. tRubel. C. C, Marysville, Cal. Simmons, H. M., 1331 Broderick st.. S. F. tUllman, F. G.. Elk Grove, Cal. Urunuela, N. R. 1896 Atkinson, F. J.. .^497 21st st., S. F. Bowen, Miss D. M., Berryessa rd.. San Jose, Cal. Bridsewater, Edgar, 2214 19th St., Sacra- mento, Cal. Campodonico. J. M.. 417 N. California St., Stockton. Cal. Cherry, E. M., 2507 Sacramento St., S. F. Clayes, W. I., 1597 Dolores St., S. F. Crowly, J. J., Jr.. 692 Valencia St., S. F. *Crozier. O. P., deceased Duprey, A. E., 1410 Spruce st., Berkeley, Cal. Ferrea. E. A., 2030 Leavenworth St., S. F. Haher, W. J., 726 Sutter St., S. F. Hanlon, E. R. Hopkins. V. W., 597 32d St., Oakland, Cal. Houghton. T. B.. 161 S. C St.. Tulare. Cal. Jackson. W. J., 1511 Masonic av., S. F. Kiely, E. A. Laubersheimer. G. A., 133 E. av. 43, Los Angeles, Cal. Lichthardt. G. H. P., 2309 L St., Sacra- mento, Cal. Minstrell. G. W. Moore, R. T.. 746 N. Eldorado St.. Stock- ton. Cal. Noe, G. T.. The .'Mameda. San Jose. Cal. Parr. Mrs. A. M. Perrone. D. L.. 1828 Taylor St., S. F. Reynolds. Miss H. G., 455 University av.. Palo Alto, Cal. Scholl, Otto ♦Wegener. F. L.. deceased 1897 Bahney. L. \V.. 93 Linden st., New Haven, Conn. Beck. Ignatius. 222 Stanyan st.. S. F. Briggs, A. E.. 107 11th av.. S. F. Butler. W. H.. 2618 W. 8th st.. Los An- geles, Cal. Cousins, H. R., 217 N. Douty st., Hanford, Cal. Cruni, E. L., 108 Hamilton place, Oakland, Cal. Dudley, Miss Elizabeth, m. N. M. Higgins, 221 Newell St., Walla Walla, Wash, tlulelmann, G. L., Petaluma, Cal. Freitas, C. E., 1125 N. Ophir St., Stockton, Cal. tlladcrlf. J. A., 297 Divisadero St., S. F. Haight, L. M., care of Holden Drug Co., Stockton, Cal. Hartmann, F. A., 1294 Vallejo St., S. F. Lubosch, M. E., 1146 N. Hunter st., Stock- ton, Cal. McKay, A. L., Leiiioore, Cal. Muller, W. M., 620 Hobart St., Oakhnd, Cal. Neblett, W. E., 173 Lime St., Riverside, Cal. tPurlenky. G. P., Fort Bragg, Cal. Rock, Peter, Pleasanton, Cal. 1898 *Agnew, E. A., deceased Angell, H. M., 148 East St., S. F. Armand, E. C, Encinal and Sherman avs., Alameda, Cal. Baumeister, E. E., 229 4th St., Chico. Cal. Baunigarten, William, Kentfield, Cal. Beauchamp, H. H. Beerman, W. F., 995 Pine St.. S. F. Behrendt. J. W., Carlton Hotel, S. F, Blackburn. F. A.. R.F.D.. Hemet, Cal. Briggs, W. D., 2441 Mariposa St.. Fresno, Cal. Collins, W. H., 355 Adams St., Oakland, Cal. Conradi, C. H., 1100 Leavenworth St.. S. F. Diebert. A. J.. 455 Forthcamp av., Fresno, Cal. Doerr. Louis. 694 Delmas av.. San lose, Cal. *Gamble, F. A., d. December 5. 1915 Greenwood. E. N.. 900 Hyde St., S. F. Hakes. C. D., 378 Golden Gate av., S. F. Jacobs, L. C. 119 Palm av., S. F. keenan C. V., 3835 14th av.. Oakland. Cal. Leavy, L. S.. 1280 28th av., S. F. Lockwood, F. E., Mill Valley, Cal. McNulty, C. R., 1622 Spruce st.. Berkeley. Cal. Otto. W. H. Pendleton, E. O., 4649 Dolores av.. Oak- land, Cal. Ruhser. F. W.. Jackson, Cal. Schaefer. V. L.. 735 Taylor av.. Alameda, Cal. Shideler, A. F.. 2200 W. Pico st., Los An- geles. Cal. Shoults. R. G.. The .-Mameda. San lose. Cal. Siebe. H. H., Sutter Creek. Cal. Smith. E. L.. 615 X. Willis st.. Visalia. Cal. Sweetser. G. W.. Martinez. Cal. Talcott. Miss L. L.. m. G. H. Evans. R.F.D. 1, bo.\ 98a. Sebastopol. Cal. *Turner. F. W.. deceased Wachs. Harold. 564 31st St.. Oakland. Cal. Webb. E. O.. Jr.. 510 X. 2d St.. San Tose Cal. Williams. G. E. Zumwalt. F. H.. 1010 Lake St.. S. F. 1899-1902] California College of Pharmacy 289 1899 Auerbach, Milton, 3178 Washington St., S.F. Christal, Mrs. M. E. tCraviotto, J. V., Stockton, Cal. Davisson, J. G., Suisun, Cal. Duncan, F. M., care of Western Wholesale Drug Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Gray, A. W., Quincy, Cal. tHalloran, George, Edison. Wash. Jadarola, Raimondo, Los Banos, Cal. McMenamin, M. W.. 318 Alvarado St., Monterev, Cal. Moore. H. C, 1877 18th av., S. F. Riggs, Z. T., 1440 State St., Salem, Ore. Ryan, M. J., 908 Cabrillo st., S. F. ♦Seymour, A. P., d. September 1, 1906 SpagnoH, U. G., 879 Milton St., Oakland, Cal. Spiro, -Abraham, 1919 Divisadero st., S. F. Triebel, C. A., 809 Alameda st., Vallejo, Cal. Volbcrg, F. L., 645 Santa Clara av., Ala- meda, Cal. Waste, J. M., 11 N. Main st., Sebastopol, Cal. 1900 Aguirre, L. M., 1920 Post St.. S. F. Beck, G. W., Livermore. Cal. Burton, W. D., 4325 Central av.. Los An- geles, Cal. Cahn, N. A.. 2102 Baker St., S. F. Carter, F. M., 430 Newton av., E. Oakland, Cal. Cartwright, S. W., see Bachelors '97 Cherington, W. S., Sth and Broadway sts., San Diego, Cal. *Cole, W. H., d. August 15, 1904 Cory, L H. *Dorsey, P. G.. deceased Eppenhimer, W. C, 1408 Sacramento St., S. F. Eveleth, R. H.. Roseville, Cal. *Fernald. R. M., deceased Fowler, E. M. Freyermuth. O. G.. 154 15th av., S. F. Geary, W. F., 105 Main St., Petaluma, Cal. Gustave, A. R., San Miguel, Salvador. C. A. Heath. R. B., 119 E. 11th St., Oakland, Cal. Higgins, Miss E. B., m. W. D. Burton '00, 4325 Central av., Los Angeles. Cal. Hutaff, G. A., Dunsmuir, Cal. tjackson. W. E., 350 Market st., S. F. Jacobs, A. B.. 149 N. Gramercy place, Los Angeles. Cal. Klinkner, F. S., 5848 San Pablo av., Oak- land. Cal. Klotz, G. O.. 645 Georgia st.. Vallejo. Cal. Mahony, J. J., 560 Page St., S. F. McGarry. P. J.. 962 S. Vermont av., Los .^ngeles. Cal. McMillan. D. N., Elks Club, Portland, Ore. Oliva. G. v.. 1260 Filbert St.. S. F. Sawrie. M. A., box 457. Selma, Cal. Schmitz, L. A., 144 Albion av., S. F. Stauffer. H. C, 1631 10th St., Sacramento. Cal. Teass. F. M.. 1^63 San Pablo av.. Oakland, Cal. Torrence. T. S., San Rafael. Cal. Ward, Miss A. C. 1029 Capp St., S. F. Witmer, John, 819 Noble court, Sacra- mento, Cal. 1901 Barrett, M. deL., Gridley, Cal. Blackman, H. L, Tracy, Cal. Bocher, J. M. Clapp, A. B., Huntington Park, Cal. Clapp, P. S., Covina, Cal. Dunlap. W. H., 400 Octavia St., S. F. Eastland, Orin, 1488 Great Highway. S. F. Edinger, O. H., 696 E. Monterey St., Po- mona, Cal. Englesby, F. C, Burlingame, Cal. Enright, J. W. J. tFarrell, T. E., Vacaville, Cal. Fleming, F. X., 169 E. Pasadena st., Po- mona, Cal. Foote, C. M., 2976 National av., San Diego, Cal. Franklin. J. H., Guadalupe, Cal. Griesche. G. A., Elks Club. Berkeley. Cal. Harris. Miss Fayetta. m. W. B. Philip '01, 1924 Fruitvale av., Oakland, Cal. Illia, J. D., 90 Cedro av., S. F. James, J. C. 2300 O st., Sacramento, Cal. kitzmeyer. C. L., Musser and Curry sts., Carson, Nev. Kronenberg. Herman. 1342 Green st., S. F. Lacoste. E. T.. 3233 Jackson St., S. F. Maze. E. B.. Modesto. Cal. McCord. Miss L. A., care of Mrs. T. H. Robinson. R.F.D. 2. St. Helena, Cal. McDonnell. H. L.. 1212 Fell St., S. F. McGuire. T. T., 314 Keller St., Petaluma. Cal. McKinlav. Edward. 3974 24th St.. S. F. Nish. F. W.. 1022 Masonic av.. S. F. tOswill. G. M.. San Ramon. Cal. Philip. W. E., 1924 Fruitvale av.. Oakland. Cal. Ramage. R. C, 5518 Sth av., Los Angeles. Cal. Robbins. S. H.. 118 Elliot St.. S. F. Schmidt. A. F. S.. 1436 Union St.. S. F. Taggart. J. P., 402 Pierce St.. S. F. Temnle, Jackson, Tr.. 431 B st.. Santa Rosa. Cal. Trueworthy. T. D.. care of J. W. Foley. Plvniouth, Cal. Whitlock. R. G., care of Y. M. C. A.. Los Angeles, Cal. Zimelli, M. J.. 1135 0,-ik st.. S. F. 1902 .Armour. H. W.. 350 Garfield av.. Pomona. Cal. Blackburn. F. J. Blackburn. Miss II. I... m. N. H. Bennett. Walnut Creek. Cal. Booth. F. C... 12th and Olive .sts.. Paso Robles. Cal. Brazelton. W. B.. 1^65 Telegraph av.. Oak- land, Cal. *Burnett. G. G.. d. December 22. IQOO *Cochrnn. .■\. W.. d. September. 1''11 Grain. Miss Delia. Peralta apts.. Oakland. Cal. Curtis. F. D.. 1062 S. 1st st.. San Jose. Cal. 290 California College of I'Ininnacy [1902-1905 Dockery. Mrs. N. G.. m. Jerome Dockery, 276 -Ust St.. Oakland, Cal. F.lliot. I. 1).. HI" I'lilton St.. S. F. I-"olcy. j. \V.. Amador City, Cal. iM.uch, A. J.. Maxwell. Cal. I'ulliT, K. 1)., -'/-'l I'rincc st., Berkeley, Cal. C.ucdc'l, J. W: 6<» Carl st., S. F. Hansen. .\. (l. Ik-arnc, W. T., Willits. Cal. licnklc U. I--., 6<) S. 1st St.. San Jose, Cal. Ilornan. J. J., 1-^2 College av., S. F. Hulchins, Miss Ilessie l.ane, 1'. M., -'-^ Hrinhton av., S. F. ti.evy, C. S., Union, Ore. Mich'aclis, Krnest, 141 7tli av., S. F. Moltzcn. \V. F. A. Moiiron, O. J., Sonora, Cal. Xeill, 1. C Coinpton, Cal. Uehcr,"j. C. Chino, Cal. Kus:, i\tiss M. C. Schrocder. L. A., Exchange bidg., Los An- geles. Cal. Steen. Julius, 1635 Clay St., S. F. Stvan. \V. E., Quincy, Cal. idwson. Everett. 4113 Terrace St., Oak- land. Cal. ♦Waterman, W. L., d. 1915 Whidden, R. A., 1122 Pratt blvd.. Chicago, 111. 1903 Armour, H. W., 350 Garfield av., Pomona, Cal. Armstrong, Miss Caroline, 1506 Chorro St., San Luis Obispo, Cal. Balfrey, W. J., Etna Mills. Cal. Brown, T. L., 1148 Central av., Marshfield, Ore. Castelhun, J. E., 227 Lawton St., S. F. Cereghino, Miss A. D. Creighton, J. G., 1329 Hopkins St., Oakland, Cal. Crowley. Sister Mary Joseph, 2200 Hayes St.. S. F. tde Merritt. J. W., Mill Valley, Cal. Dolcini. Miss M. B., St. Luke's Hospital. S. F. Dutton. Harry. 421 S. Union av.. Los An- geles, Cal. Eckhardt, H. F., 1817 M St.. Sacramento, Cal. Farran, L. A., 524 D St.. Marysville, Cal. ♦Farrington. P. F.. d. March 28, 1915 Forsyth, J. T., Danville, Cal. Haskins, L. B., 607 S. Central av., Medford, Ore. Irvine. D. W. Jee. S. Y. L. M., 42a rue de Paris, Tien- tsin, China Kaufmann, W. D.. 275 Parnassus av.. S. F. tKcim, \V. \V., 303 S. Spring st., Los An- geles. Cal. Kilpatrick. L. H.. 338 Sacramento st.. Val- lejo. Cal. Lillard, C. W., Vermont and Jefferson sts.. Los .\ngeles, Cal. MacCurdy, Miss Clarice, m. G. D. Collins '85 Martin. George, Jr., 202 Speedway, Tucson. Ariz. May. E. B.. Coalinga, Cal. Musante. A. S., 1270 Jackson St., S. F. Nolan, Miss Katherine Peters, W. J., Jackson, Cal. Phoenix, C. E., 639 State St., Santa Bar- bara, Cal. *Polk, P. W., d. March 5, 1916 Raney, A. L., 1826 D St., Sacramento, Cal. Schmitz, Sister Mary Barbara, St. Joseph's Hospital. S. F. Scholten. Sister Mary Amanda, St. Eliza- beth Hospital, Danville, 111. Schroeder, L. A., Exchange bIdg., Los An- geles, Cal. Schutz, E. G., 1016 Myrtle St., Oakland, Cal. Smith, H. E., 23 Kendall St., Redlands, Cal. Swanner, D. W., 4517 Moneta av., Los An- geles, Cal. Taggart, H. J., 169 Santa Clara av., Oak- land, Cal. Towson, Everett, 4133 Terrace st., Oak- land, Cal. Webber, D. G., care of Honolulu Drug Co., Honolulu. T. H. White, Sister Mary Vincent, 2200 Hayes St.. S. F. Woolf, A. W., Red Blufif. Cal. 1904 Courneen, J. H.. 942 Divisadero St., S. F. *Devening, Harry, d. May 4, 1908 Eddy, Miss Grace, Chewelah. Wash. Farmer. E. C, 858 3d st.. Santa Rosa. Cal. Finch. G. W.. Fullerton. Cal. Fisher, Miss R. D., 4998 Webster st., Oak- land, Cal. Flatow, L P.. 1209 Lincoln av., Alameda, Cal. Foutz. C. L., 128 S. Hobart blvd., Los An- geles, Cal. Garibaldi, Joseph, 509 Columbus av., S. F. Moore, B. F., 2930 W. Pico St.. Los An- geles. Cal. Nelson. Miss E. E., Merritt Hospital, Oak- land, Cal. Nichols, B. R.. 380 E. Stark st., Portland, Ore. Pond. R. L.. Kelseyville. Cal. Prior. Toney. 282 San Jose av., S. F. Quilty. C. A., 115 Viola av., San Jose, Cal. Rasor, Claire Roehr, Miss C. M., 1425 Willard St., S. F. Rogers, R. H., 900 Petaluma av., San Ra- fael. Cal. Scott. E. L. Thiercof. E. W.. Los Banos, Cal. Weaver. B. E.. 1449 6th av.. S. F. Wessel. H. A., box A, Hilo. T. H. Whitacre, M. H.. 70 S. 14th st.. San Jose, Cal. 1905 Adams. E. B., 227 Brocton st. Riverside, Cal. Adams. L. G.. 1030 Locust av.. Long Beach, Cal. Ballagh. C. S., 381 Fulton St.. S. F. Bowles. F. H.. 427 Adams St.. Oakland. Cal. Byrd. P. W.. box ^^l . Newman. Cal. Caldecott. J. W.. 2843 Fulton St.. Berkeley. Cal. Carter. F. M.. 576 Mission St., S. F. 1905-1909] California College of Pharmacy 291 Claubes, T. C, 626 Putnam av., Porterville, Cal. Darlinsf, E. H., Santa Ana, Cal. Garibaldi, A. L., 438 18th av.. S. F. Hedgpeth, G. P., Dinuba, Cal. Howard, \V. L., 606 1st St., Napa, Cal. *Jackson, H. D., deceased Tackson, R. C. 124 Fair Oaks st., S. F. kiniberlin, E. M., 2015 Delaware St., Ber- keley, Cal. Kleinhammer, VV. R., 1518 Filbert St., Oak- land, Cal. Lindsay, J. R., Arbuckle, Cal. Lindsay, VV. E., Monterey. Cal. McCoy, A. H., care of Claubes Pharmacy, Porterville, Cal. Mehrtens, A. R., 486 41st St., Oakland, Cal. Merritt, Bowman, Fillmore. Cal. Miller, L. J., Davenport, Wash. Morris, Frank Morris. M. S., 909 Eddy st.. S. F. Mullinix, O. A., 104 E. Center St.. Ana- heim, Cal. Nelson, G. M., 535 Hayes St., S. F. Nohrden. E. H., 1406 M st., Fresno, Cal. Patterson, W. V., box 117, McKittrick, Cal. Pottle, F. W., care of Bear Drug Co., Mer- ced, Cal. Redmond, C. H. Regan, J. T.. 66 Sharon st.. S. F. Scudder, J. H. H., 27 Artillery Level, Fort Mills. Corregidor Island, P. L Shadle, H. M., 312 Florence St., Turlock, Cal. Shapira. Miss R. E.. San Anselmo, Cal. Vaughan, R. V., 11th and Sentous sts., Los Angeles, Cal. Wilson, F. A., 1644 Clay st., S. F. 1906 Abreu, J. A.. 2003 E. 22d St., Oakland, Cal. Armstrong, T. J., 1506 Chorro St., San Luis Obispo, Cal. Baker. R. S., 354 Walsworth av., Oakland, Cal. Bichard, C. N., 1751 Market St., S. F. Cuneo, A. L. Dufficy, R. G., 515 Irwin St., San Rafael, Cal. Elder, N. S., Arlington. Cal. Fleming, F. B., 651 N. 1st St., San Jose, Cal. Genochio, E. P., Redwood City, Cal. Hale. E. M., 1648 N. Eldorado St., Stock- ton, Cal. Harrington, J. G.. 635 Shotwell St., S. F. Johnson. E. E., Giant. Cal. Justice, J. L.. 1275 California st., S. F. Kaufman, M. P.. care of Rubels Drug Store, Marysville. Cal. Law, H. W.. 6 Presidio terrace, S. F. Lindsay, J. R.. Arl)uckle. Cal. Maas, A. R.. 1121 W. 51st place, Los An- geles, Cal. MacGilvrav. E. H. Nelson. G. M.. 535 Hayes St.. S. F. Nish, F. W.. 1022 Masonic av.. S. F. Nolan, Miss P. M.. m. E. Goodman, 3161 Mission st.. S. F. tOsgood, W. D.. 103 Monte Vista av.. Oak- land. Cal. Parsons, H. G., care of Phone Drug Co., Fresno, Cal. Patterson, Miss H. H., box 148, Sunnyvale, Cal. Pease, G. Q., Sebastopol, Cal. Renfro, V. A., 748 Daisy av., Long Beach, Cal. Seaton, J. H., Jr., 3721 Meridian av., Se- attle. Wash. Tuttle, J. W., 131 Main st., Petaluma. Cal. Williams, W. C, Dinuba. Cal. 1907 Barnes, C. F., 1764 OTarrell St., S. F. Brooks, I. P., 1028 Jefferson st.. Red Bluff, Cal. Brown, T. V., Jr., 35 S. 15th st., San Jose, Cal. Buck, C. A., 424 Cabrillo st., S. F. Cardwell, Miss M. E., m. E. D. Lane Fitzgerald, A. R., 2536 Adams av., Ogden, Utah Guehring, John, Jr., 933 Shotwell St.. S. F. Hund. F. A., box 36, Ross. Cal. Hunter, W. M., Fairfield. Cal. Jacob, Elmer, 801 Middlefield rd., Palo Alto. Cal. Kenneally, T. C, 860 37th St., Oakland, Cal. Komsthoeft, A. P., Jr., 1275 15th av., S. F. Lang, F. C. 918 Grove St., Oakland, Cal. Merriam, Miss M. E.. m. F. E. Sawyers, 2435 Webster st., Berkeley, Cal. Miller. B. J., Gridley, Cal. Moomau, C. E., Colton, Cal. Moore. L. J., 2225 F st., Bakersfield. Cal. Morgan. H. D., care of Sterling Drug Co., Santa Barbara. Cal. Mount. H. B., 1559 Pine St.. S. F. Nopel, F. G., 2228 9th av., Oakland. Cal. *Renner, A. T., d. September. 1913 Roehr, Miss C. M.. 1425 Willard St., S. F. Selzer. E. E., 728 Main St.. Red Bluff. Cal. Shepherd. F. G.. Victorville. Cal. Stevenson. R. M. Stewart. H. D., 219 E. 9th st., Leadville. Colo. Swanton, R. W., 324 Highland av.. Marsh- field, Ore. 1908 .\rkin. James. Portola. Cal. Belz, F. J.. 50 Cole st.. S. F. Dessel, F. W., 1298 9th av.. S. F. Farrell. Miss A. M.. Vacaville. Cal. Guedet. P. J.. 647 Central av.. S. F. Hund. F. A., box 36. Ross, Cal. Lloyd, M. L . 1355 Jackson st., S. F. Martin, E. F. Parsons, J. E., Newman, Cal. Richardsor, G. A., Byron, Cal. Triebel, W. G.. 1031 Stanyan st. S. F. Wagner, Louis, Mountain View, Cal. 1909 .Arkin. T. A.. Portola. Cal. Relz. F. J., 50 Cole st.. S. F. Bourne. E. E., Susanville. Cal. ■i-Ruchner. W. S. C. 1170 Fulton st.. S. F. Chatten. R. L. \'isalia. Cal. Fairchild. L. H.. Placcrville. Cal. 292 California College of Pharmacy [1909-1912 l-risih, (). n. C '60 .14th av.. S. F. ll.Mck'H. C. T.. JOS Kri-(lcricl< st.. S. I'. •Ikclinanl. II. C. (k-cc-ascd IliyiiiK. A. H., Anaheim, Cal. Ilu.lsoii, Miss H. I'. I-:. l,.lms(.n. W. C, J99 Cole St.. S. I'. Maas, I'. !•:.. 118 «th av.. S. F. .M:icki-y. I'. K., Avalon, Cal. McNeil. A. J. Dstrom. 1). VV., KingsburR. Cal. I'e.icock. C. J. A., .f.n.S Mission St., S. I^. Kd.I.I.i I. (i., 1508 I'. St.. Sacramento. Cal. Schocii. G. A.. 1241 Jackson St., Oakland, Cal. TuKule, Dolph. 545 N. San Joa<|uin St., Stockton, Cal. Winkler. L. P. W., Redwood City, Cal. 1910 Beard, A. A., box 1149, Honolulu, T. H. Hoone, K. B., Dinuha, Cal. Both, W. J. I'lrink, Leon, Biggs, Cal. Fndicott, A. H., Oakdale, Cal. Ciiddings, V. W., Dinuba, Cal. Gilmer, H. V., 1007 W. Center st., Visalia, Cal. Head, R. A., San Rafael, Cal. Ilcller, E. A., Selma, Cal. Hollstein, A. H., 7900 Frankstown av., Pittsburg, Pa. Hollstein, F. E., 1260 Pennsylvania av., Pittsburg, Pa. King, A. A., Elks Club. Berkeley, Cal. Laraia, E. A., 1252a Jackson st., S. F. Mathewson, H. S., Montague. Cal. McCarty. Frank, San Gabriel, Cal. McClcllan, L. E., care of Weingarten & Co., Palo Alto, Cal. McGee, S. T., 1635 Julia st., Berkeley, Cal. Norwood, E. C. 500 Divisadero St., S. F. Parsons. R. E.. Crescent City. Cal. Patterson, J. N., 486 Geary st., S. F. I'etterson, L. D., Kingsburg, Cal. Pingel, H. L., Dos Palos, Cal. I'Robertson, C. S., Santa Cruz, Cal. Rodda. I. G., 1508 E st.. Sacramento. Cal. ^Simpson, W. Y.. San Jose, Cal. -Spangler, T. H., Modesto, Cal. St.aulTer. R. A., 1258 10th av.. S. F. Stickncy, C. F., 3653 Telegraph av., Oak- land. Cal. Wells. M. W., 202 2d av.. Oroville. Cal. White, Mrs. Jane. m. R. E. \Vhite, 416 Hayes St., S. F. 1911 .Alien. H. E.. 69 S. 1st st.. San Jose. Cal. Carlisle, Frank, Reedley. Cal. Diamond, Philip. 1631 Alabama st.. S. F. Dumpcrt. G. L., 433 S. Hill st., Los An- geles. Cal. Dunn. Miss M. E. Eggers. C. A.. 128 Eureka St.. S. F. Grove, S. D.. 1284 Page St.. S. F. Harvey. G. G.. 1525 I st.. Sacramento. Cal. Heathorn, W. W., 442 Main st.. Stockton. Cal. Hubbell. H. AL. Van Nuys. Cal. Jec. S. Q. H.. 6 Pao Hua Li, Tientsin. China Johnson, C. M., 710 Market st., S. F. tjurado, Bolivar. 510 Battery St., S. F. Lorton, J. L, Council, Idaho Lovelace, W. C. 921 S. Court St., Visalia, Cal. Marsh, L. C, box 200, Stockton, Cal. Meyer, P. £., 2130 P st., Sacramento, Cal. Mowry, W. J. Nast, Miss P. J., 3783 20th st., S. F. Oldham, J. H. Patterson, J. N., 486 Geary st., S. F. Pedley, G. C, 258 Center st., Pasadena, Cal. Peterson, W. J., care of Benson Smith Drug Co., Honolulu, T. H. Robinson. E. A., 4226 W. 1st st., Los An- geles, Cal. Rodda, V. L., 2100 I St., Sacramento, Cal. Roger, J. H. D., 1227 15th av., S. F. Sage, P. F., 1677 Sacramento St., S. F. Sears, W. A., Jr., Martinez, Cal. Sobel. M. M., 500 10th av., S. F. Stautfer, R. A., 1258 10th av., S. F. Stone, L. H.. 272 Downey st, S. F. Switzer, J. E., Visalia, Cal. Vellguth. C. W. E., Hotel Atlas, S. F. Whiteman, O. H.. box 262, Tracy, Cal. *Woodson, C. A., deceased 1912 Cervelli, G. J.. 1421 Grant av., S. F. Cordivenus, \V. M., 3836 Pasadena av., Pasadena, Cal. Creighton, W. R., 3370 23d St., S. F. Doan, G. A.. 81 E. 'William St., San Jose. Cal. Eddy, C. L., 2028 Carlton St., Berkeley, Cal. Frates. G. H., 1209 2d av.. S. F. Freeman, L. J., 1514 Alice St., Oakland, Cal. Gililland. R. C. 2201 Cedar Springs rd., Dallas, Texas Gower, Sewall. Fowler, Cal. Grove. S. D., 1284 Page St., S. F. Hume. J. L., 112 Main St., S. F. Hunt, O. B., 1244 Burnette St., Berkeley, Cal. tJurado. Bolivar, 510 Battery St.. S. F. Lawhead. F. S.. 530 S. 2d St., Woodland, Cal. Leibe, L. H.. 2501 California St.. S. F. tLevin, David. 75 Portola St., S. F. Lewek. A. J., Blaisdell Hotel, Honolulu, T. H. Madsen, F. A., Reedley. Cal. Molitor. W. M.. Concord, Cal. Moore, J. G.. 2012 Hearst av., Berkeley, Cal. Nelson, G. H.. 479 Steiner st.. S. F. Pennington, O. B. Pruess, M. O., care of Eagle Drug Co.. Palo Alto. Cal. Richards. T. W.. Nevada City. Cal. Roach. J. J.. 76 \'iola av.. San Jose. Cal. Rose. C. P., 3278 Sacramento St.. S. F. Tice. W. E., 1276 Tackson st., S. F. Vischi. G. T. J.. 1753 Union St., S. F. Walsh. R. M.. 1817 15th st.. S. F. Waterman. C. G.. 861 Sutter St.. S. F. Weaver. C. L.. 890 Monterev St., Hollister, Cal. Winnegar. R. O.. Mountain View. Cal. *Young. G. S.. deceased 1913-1915] California College of Pharmacy 293 1913 Aguirre, A. M., 2060 Taylor st., S. F. Arena, F. A., R.F.D. 26, Gilroy, Cal. Claasseri, Gus, 720 Baker st., S. F. Claassen, Oscar. Paso Robles, Cal. Clark. P. B.. 352 Diamond St., S. F. Dernbach. H. H.. 652 5th av., S. F. Fouch, R. F., Williams, Cal. Glaive, A. F., 4627 California st., S. F. Hemphill, A. F., Porterville, Cal. Hilby. E. E.. Redding, Cal. Hjelte, S. A., 597 Fairmount av., Oakland, Cal. Hudson, C. v., 1105 Larkin St., S. F. Ingenlath, O. J., 4395 24th St.. S. F. Klinkner. Miss E. I., m. L. S. Jones '14, 5848 San Pablo av., Oakland, Cal. Koeneke, H. J.. 165 11th st., S. F. Laughlin. Carlisle, 2032 Bancroft way, Ber- keley, Cal. Leboire. L. N.. 838 22d st., S. F. Lewin, E. M., 1359 5th av., S. F. McDonough. B. J.. Globe, Ariz. Mooers, C. C. 675 llth St.. Oakland, Cal. Nish, L. R., 470 7th st, San Bernardino, Cal. O'Brien, F. H., 122 3d st., S. F. O'Connor, John, 2712 Pine St.. S. F. Parmanand. Bhai, Dewaghar. Lahore, India Poppe. R. G., Los Banos. Cal. Rajotte, Mrs. P. F., Angelus Hospital, Los Angeles. Cal. Reseigh, John. 432 Geary St.. S. F. Riesenman. T. S.. Amedee. Cal. Rooney, H. B., Wheatland. Cal. Young, B. W., Fowler. Cal. 1914 Artana, J. C, 180 Stevens Creek rd., San Jose, Cal. Asselin, G. M., 3268 Sacramento st., S. F. Bagley. R. O.. 1550 Page St., S. F. Bressani. A. V.. 129 Vine st., San Jose, Cal. Clarke, R. A.. Bishop, Cal. Davidson. L. L.. 3654b 20th St., S. F. Davison. A. B., Colusa. Cal. Davisson, W. H., Gardnerville. Xev. Done. F. C. 717 Llth st.. Sacramento. Cal. Doran. C. J. A., 2006 Cedar st., Berkelev. Cal. Duffy. M. P.. San Rafael. Cal. Fong, M. Q.. 1137 4th av., E. Oakland, Cal. Hair, J. C, San Fernando, Cal. Huber. J. B. Hudson. C. v.. 1105 Larkin st.. S. F. Kahl. D. L.. 1001 K st.. Sacramento. Cal. Kaufmann. A. D.. 3226 26th st.. S. F. Knowlton. O. H.. Coquille, Ore. Koch. H. W.. 3167 California st.. S. F. Kronberger, A. M.. 1120 Union St., S. F. Lengfeld. Louis. 1822 Sacramento St., S. F. Lewin, G. H.. Union, Ore. Martin, W. H.. Hiln. T. H. Miller. R. E., 803 Cole st.. S. F. Mulkey, Miss M. M., Davis Creek. Cal. Munson. J. L., 54 N. 5th st.. San lose. Cal. Nason. L L.. 432 Geary st.. S. F. Xeale. P. L, 413 Nevin av., Richmond. Cal. Norton. H. D.. 219 Cedar st.. Westwood, Cal. Norton, W. J., 724 McDonald av., Rich- mond, Cal. Royer, Max, 2279 Cambridge St., Los An- geles, Cal. Sala, Miss T. L., 204 E. Cleveland St., Stockton, Cal. Schwartz, L. E., Jackson, Cal. Sedgley, W. F., Cloverdale. Cal. Simmons. J. G., 242 Powell St., S. F. Strickland. H. F., 1024 Pendegast St., Woodland. Cal. Stringfield, Hunter, care of Lengfeld's Pharmacy, 272 Post St., S. F. Stuart, C. J., 838 22d St., S. F. Swanson. H. W.. Petaluma, Cal. Taylor, L. H., 1022 Bella Vista av., Oak- land. Cal. Ventuluth. F. F.. Patterson. Cal. Weldy, W. E., 222 Laurel av.. Modesto, Cal. Wentz, G. C, 24 N. Church St., Gilroy, Cal. Young, F. W., 545 Duboce av., S. F. 1915 Ahrams, Joseph. 1300 Golden Gate av., S.F. Alexander, L W., 1455 1st av., Oakland, Cal. Artana, F. G., 180 Stevens Creek rd., San Jose, Cal. Baker, W. A., care of Owl Drug Co., 22d and Mission sts.. S. F. Ballarin J. A., 3312 Steiner St., S. F. Bonham. E. B.. Kellogg. Idaho Brosemer, L. G., 1423 Central av.. Ala- meda, Cal. Citron, J. W., 410a Broderick st., S. F. Clarke, R. A.. Bishop. Cal. De Martini. A. J., 209 29th St.. S. F. Devencenzi. C. L.. 1069 Union St.. S. F. Du Pee, H. B., 1040 W. 2d st.. Pomona, Cal. Gaffney, G. G.. 861 Sutter st, S. F. Garibaldi, P. A., 306 K St., Sacramento, Cal. tGuerra. F. P.. Bellvale. Cal. Haslehurst. R. L.. 1044 Haight St.. S. F. Hull. C. A., 508 Noe st. S. F. Huskinson. E. B.. Quincy, Cal. Taegel. A. H.. 1952 Leavenworth St.. S. F. Jorgensen, A. L. T.. 1026b Shotwell St., S. F. Kratt. C. E.. Burlincame. Cal. Lock. E. T„. Santa Rosa. Cal. Lovotti. C. D.. 2919 Fillmore St.. S. F. MacLean, A. S.. 366 Herman st., S. F. Morrison, Miss G. C. 1915 Napa av., Ber- kelev. Cal. Nelson, E. L.. 831 W. 16th st.. Cal. Ostrom, J. E.. 1281 2d av., S. F. Peterson, E. P.. box 237. Coalinga. Cal. Pickering, W. A.. 250> Gough St.. S. F. Quartararo, V. C. 1730 Sutter St.. S. F. Randle. E. L. Newman. Cal. Robinson, F. R.. 4 Lizzie st.. S. F. Robinson. L. D., 1314 Bay \'iew place. Berkelev. Cal. Sabini. L. J.. 312 Green st. S. F. Smith, .^si. 710 Yuba St.. Redding. Cal. Stein. H. S.. OQ'' Steiner St.. S. F. Tippett. G. W.. f<2» H st.. Sacramento. Cal. Trcwatha. Oliver. 557 Fillmore St.. S. F. 294 California College of Pharmacy [1916 1916 Anicck. A. J.. .1115 21st St., Sacraiiu-nto, In I. Busick. C. L.. Union, Ore. Carterata. R. \V.. Ueno. Ncv. Clinton, Miss I. M., 2088 21st st., S. F. Dolson, C. E.. Areata, Cal. Fahey. F. T., 910 E. 6th st., Santa Ana, Cal. Feng. K. Q. Good. J. W. Hurlliurt, J. F., Greeley. Colo. Huskinson, F-. B.. Quincy. Cal. Iden. W. R., Tonopah, Nev. Juilly, M. E., Colma, Cal. Lewis, C. L., Dinuha, Cal. Mastoras, Alciinades, 693 Mission st.. S. F. McCarthy, A. T., Modesto, Cal. Meese. A. H.. 1550 Page si., S. F. Mclinon, Maurice, 1648 Grove St., S. F. Morris, F. F"., Napa, Cal. Nicholson, C. A., Virginia City, N'ev. Parks, J. L., Richmond, Cal. tPfirter, W. E., 731 Shotwell St., S. F. Pirie, J. W.. St. Andrews, Scotland Robinson, E. D., 1314 Bay View place, Ber- keley, Cal. IShafTer, M. L., 464 Fair Oaks st, S. F. Squires. R. L.. 618 Baker St.. S. F. Styan. Miss Elizabeth, San Mateo. Cal. Thurman, L. G., Hayward, Cal. Turner, A. F., Maxwell, Cal. Wilkinson. L. E. Wing, J. O.. Modesto. Cal. Wise. R. L.. Auburn, Cal. Hastings College of the Law 1881 ♦Andrews, C. S., deceased *Boland, J. I., deceased Brand, Ernest, 1980 Broadway. S. F. Cheney, Warren, see Bachelors 78 *Currier, W. O., deceased D'Ancona, A. D., see Bachelors 75 Deering, F. P., see Bachelors 75 Deering, J. H., jr., 1095 Market St., S. F. Dunne. P. F., 3905 Clay St.. S. F. Gray, Theodore, see Bachelors 77 ♦Hastings, R. P., deceased *Knox, J. W., d. April 3, 1912 Lucas, J. H. Marshall, F. C. Mastick, G. H., 930 Pacific av., Alameda, Gal. McPike, H. C, 1521 Webster st., Oakland, Cal. Melcalf, G. D., 1773 Bushnell place, Ber- keley, Cal. Moore, C. H. Morrison, A. F., see Bachelors 78 *Mulford, H. S.. d. December 12, 1915 *Ostrander. F. M.. deceased Pomeroy. C. P., 3660 Clay St., S. F. *Reade. F. W., deceased tRosenthal. Joseph. San Anselmo, Cal. *Sayre, A. N., deceased Seaman, E. M., 1323 Henry St., Berkeley, Cal. Sesnon, W. T., 2527 Divisadero St., S. F. ♦Shores, Leander, deceased Silliman, C. H., 418 Central Park, W.. N. Y. City Solinsky, F. J., see Bachelors 77 Stafford, W. F., 212 Presidio av., S. F. *Stratton, F. S., d. November 30, 1915 Straus, Gaston, 1309 Arch St., Berkeley, Cal. Tilden, C. L.. see Bachelors 78 *Tobin. Alfred, deceased Touchard, Gustave, Jr. Tuttle, F. P., 2834 Garber St.. Berkeley. Cal. Tuttle, H. D., Bank of San Jose, San Jose, Cal. \'^an Dyke, W. M., see Bachelors 78 ♦Wallace, R. B., deceased Whitcomb, F. R., see Bachelors 78 ♦Winans, J. W., deceased Wood. R. K. tYoung, E. B., 14 ^Tontgomery St., S. F. ♦Young, G. A., deceased 1882 Adams, H. L. Angellotti, F. M., San Rafael, Cal. Arnold, M. H. Ashe, R. P., San Rafael, Cal. Burnett, I. G. Cavagnaro. J. F., 400 Laguna av.. Oak- land, Cal. Cutler, E. B. Davidson, C. E., Ozena, Texas ♦Davidson. W. W., d. November 25. 1915 Davis, H. H., 1101 Masonic av.. S. F. ♦Dorn, M. A., d. October 18, 1900 Harrison, E. C. 3329 Washington St.. S. F. *Hitchcock, L. V., d. 1905 Hoefler, L. M., 130 Haight st., S. F. ♦Hutchinson, Joseph, d. September 8, 1910 ♦Lawton, W. D., deceased Lewis, J. W. Marks, G. W. McCrea, Henry, 3229 Rover St., Philadel- phia, Pa. McHenry, Miss M. B.. see Bachelors 79 Meldon, O. F., 349 Richardson st., Sausa- lito, Cal. ♦Miller. F. deF., d. April 27, 1916 Mizner, Lansing, see Bachelors 79 O'Donoghue, ^I. F., Regina apts.. Washing- ton, D. C. Schooler, W. H.. 3859 21st St.. S. F. Shurtleff, C. A., 311 Spruce St., S. F. Slack. C. W., see Bachelors 79 ♦Stafferd, H. J., d. April 7, 1915 ♦Stonesifer. C. A., deceased Stranahan, F. E. tTevis, Samuel, 2517 E. 14th st., Oakland, Cal. Wakeman. E. H., 1755 10th av., S. F. ♦Whitby, G. A., d. August, 1915 ♦Wickersham, F. P., deceased ♦Williams. E. B.. d. 1903 Wilson, M. S., Burlingame. Cal. 1883 Barton. W. T. ♦Brunner, A. J., d. 1903 Buckhout, Miss E. L., m. L A. Baker Campbell, D. Y., 260 California St.. S. F. Citron. Raphael, 48 Lucretia St., Portland, Ore. Cleary. F. C, 2839 Webster St.. S. F. Cohen. A. H.. 1440 29th av.. Oakland. Cal. ♦Creiyhton. Charles, d. November 25, 1907 Del Mar, Eugene, Hotel Monticello, 35 W. 64th St., N. Y. City Dunne. T. I.. 2547 Washington St.. S. F. ♦Durst, J.'H., d. February 2. 1903 Eisner. ^I. S.. see Bachelors '80 Fitzgerald. R. AL, 456 \'an Buren av.. Oak- land. C.-.l. Fulkerth. L. W., 102O 14th st.. Modesto, Cal. Hatton, W. H.. OOO 14th st.. Modesto, Cal. 296 Hastings College of the Lazv [1883-1887 llnhiifK, F. T. Iloll.Kl.iy, !•:. n.. Oclavia and Clay sts., S. I'. Howard, fary. 2.\2 J9th St.. OaUland, Cal. Irwin, l-'rcd, I'lacervillc. Cal. *Fohns, C. '("., deceased KclUy, J. r. ♦Knott, VV. W., deceased I.ezinsky, George. 1145 I'inc St., S. F. ♦l.indeniierner, VV. IC, deceased ♦Lyons, T. I., d. May 16, 1916 Mailu-ws, n". W., 25.18 Geary st., S. F. McKee. S. H.. 305 Vernon St., Oakland, Cal. Miller, Henry I'liipps, \V. T., 150.? I St.. Sacramento. Cal. riatshck, M. J., see Bachelors '80 ♦Shackleford, T. J., deceased ♦Shetlield, C. M.. d. September 12, 1884 Swisler, C. A., 2222 P st., Sacramento, Cal. TauszK-y, lulmund. 2.301 Divisadero st.. S. F. Todman, Miss J. M.. 2208 Grove st.. S. F. ♦Trusseaii, V. C, deceased WaKMier. W. S. ♦Wallace, VV. T., Jr.. deceased Ward. ]. VV., 565 25th St., Oakland. Cal. Whittle. H. D., .3220 43d St., S. E., Port- land, Ore. 1884 Alirahani, Tsailore ♦Rorden, Rhodes, deceased Borden, Sheldon. 2328 S. Hope St., Los An- geles, Cal. Brown, Daniel, Jr., Forsyth Vineyard, Fresno, Cal. Cabaniss. G. H., 1948 Webster St., S. F. Campbell, G. D., 116 Delmar st.. S. F. Davis, J. F., 1430 Masonic av.. S. F. *Dinsmore. Wallace, d. April 4, 1915 ♦Dwyer. J. P., deceased Farnsworth, E. C, Palace Hotel, Visalia, Cal. Finley, T. R., Santa Maria. Cal. ♦Forbes, E. A., d. June 18. 1915 ♦Furlonp. Nicholas, d. 1892 Grant, William, 125 Tudson av., S. F. ♦Helm. C. \V.. d. May 5. 1887 t Jackson, C. H., 3671 20th St.. S. F. Jacobs. VV. R., Hotel Clark, Stockton. Cal. Loewenthal, Max, see Bachelors '81 McCabe, E. D. McGee, VV. J., 2682 Filbert st.. S. F. Murray, G. D., see Bachelors '77 Peters. C. M. C, 120 Virginia av., S. F. Price, H. F. Taylor. A. C. Tevlin. J. F., 140 Ellis St., S. F. ♦Wheeler, C. M., deceased Wilbur, C. M., 605 Boyer av., Walla Walla, Wash. Williams. F. R. 1885 ♦Armstrone, Z. T., deceased Baker. J. L. Rctfoncourt, T. de S., 251 Kearnv st.. S. F. Black. A. P.. 2913 Fillmore St.. S. F. Bradley. H. VV.. 1177 Union St.. S. F. Bryant. Calhoun, 2361 E. 29th St.. Oakland. Cal. Collins. G. D. Curran. T. E., 3326 25th st. S. F Daney, Eugene, 2131 Albatross st., San Diego, Cal. Dwyer, J. J., see Bachelors '82 ♦Earll. A. R., d. June 23, 1889 Finlayson, F. G., 500 Gramercy place, Los Angeles, Cal. Gallagher, A. E., 2028 Broadway. Spokane, Wash. Gartlan, James, 2543 Larkin St., S. F. ♦Giilin, (i. B., deceased ♦(ilidden, P. B., d. July 27, 1906 ♦Greany, J. T., d. 1903 Harding, R. T., 2794 Garden St., Oakland. Cal. *Hupers, G. W., deceased Peck, J. F., 612 Market st., S. F. Schlesinger, Bert, 3948 Clay St., S. F. Sharpstein. VV. C, 1545 Benton St., Ala- meda, Cal. Stolder, R. B., Mariposa, Cal. Sullivan, J. F.. 434 Guerrero st., S. F. Swayne. R. IL, 1717 Alameda av., Alameda. Cal. Turner. J. N., Madison Park apts., Oak- land, Cal. *Vassault, F. I., d. August 16, 1912 Wenzlick. William. 625 S. Figueroa st.. Los Angeles, Cal. 1886 Aitken, J. R., 4 32d av., S. F. *Brittan, W. G., d. November 5, 1915 *Burbank, W. F., d. February 19, 1916 *Cope, W. B., d. December 3, 1909 *CovilIaud, C. J., d. July 19, 1912 *Crawford, T. O.. d. January 8, 1916 Dorn, F. A., 2709 Van Ness av., S. F. *Foerster, C. E. A., deceased Gunzendorfer, Gustave, Los Altos. Cal. Holland, C. F., 1247 Delaware drive, Los Angeles, Cal. Kaufman. W. W.. 2701 Larkin St., S. F. Langan, F. P., Virginia City, Nev. Mahoney. W. H., Larkspur. Cal. Meserve. E. A., 1333 Westlake av., Los Angeles. Cal. Metson. W. H.. 2398 Broadway. S. F. Monckton, F. D., Federal bldg., S. F. Pemberton. J. E., 2607 Ellsworth st., Ber- keley. Cal. ♦Powers. E. E., d. April 16. 1912 Ruef. Abraham, see Bachelors '83 Savage, L. E., 964 Market st.. S. F. Schwitters. L. D. Shrader, J. L. Stevens. VV. W. B. Taylor, E. K., 1475 Lafayette St., Alameda, Cal. Vogelsang. A. T.. 1800 I St., Washington, D. C. 1887 Adams, C. A., 2409 Webster st.. S. F. Beatty. W. A., see Bachelors '84 ♦Bert. E. F., deceased Bvington. L. F.. 1412 Post St.. S. F. Francoeur. G. H., 27 W. 97th St.. N. Y. City Gibson. Richard ♦Hastings. W. I., deceased Jones. Hu. 405 Fillmore St., S. F. 1887-1893] Hastings College of the Law 297 *Lando, J. H., deceased ♦Lincoln, J. B., d. July 4, 1898 Loefier, M. G. McCreery, A. T., 1219 Fillmore St., S. F. Mogan, R. F., 2928 Washington St., S. F. *Rix, William, deceased *Ryan, E. J., d. January, 1913 Sawyer, W. F., 333 Kearny St., S. F. ♦Stuart, W. A., d. 1904 Thompson, L. E. Valentine, L. H., 916 S. Alvarado St., Los Angeles, Cal. Vidaver, Nathan, Hotel Berkeley, 74th st. and Amsterdam av., N. Y. City ♦Woodward, M. F., d. 1895 1888 ♦Anthony, C. N.. d. 1890 Barton, W. F., 2527 Central av.. Alameda, Cal. Broughton, H. A., 808 Arlington av., Ber- keley, Cal. Brown, A. P. Countryman, R. H., 1707 Octavia St., S. F. Dozier, T. B., 2514 Green St., S. F. ♦Eells, A. G.. d. October 19, 1911 Fowler, W. H. ♦Frick, A. L., d. April, 1916 Gaddis, E. £., 734 College st.. Woodland, Cal. ♦Gove, J. H., deceased Hayne, S. D., see Bachelors '85 Hendrickson, William, Jr., 133 Kearny St., S. F. Jones, G. W., 2030 Mariposa St., Fresno, Cal. Nilon, F. T., 503 Nevada St., Nevada City, Cal. ♦O'Keefe, S. R., d. 1904 Peixotto. E. D., 3956 Washington St., S. F. ♦Riley, P. T., d. September 3, 1912 Sweeney, J. P., 2936 Tackson st., S. F. Swift, E. D., 3414 Fulton St., S. F. ♦Thompson, E. R., d. March 7, 1909 Tliorne, Andrew, see Bachelors '83 Wallace, W. C, 1416 K st., N. W., Wash- ington, D. C. Wascerwitz, M. H., 550 Baker St., S. F. Wheeler, J. T., 2104 Leavenworth st., S. F. 1889 Barnett, A. T.. see Bachelors '86 Casserly, J. B., San Mateo, Cal. Hansen, J. H., see Bachelors '83 Heller, E. S., see Bachelors '85 Herrick, H. S. Maguire, A. G., 281 Page st, S. F. Scheller, V. A.. First National Bank bldg., San Jose, Cal. Shay, Frank, 1011 Fair Oaks av., Alameda, Cal. Smith, J. R. Swcigcrt. W. J., 224 Cole St., S. F. ♦Wise, W. A., deceased 1890 Bartnctt, W. J., see Bachelors '87 Boyd. George, see Bachelors '^7 Carlin. W. H., 204 5th st., Marysville, Cal. Dumontier, J, L., 1689 35tb av., Oakland, Cal. Gregory, W. C, see Bachelors '87 Haskins. Samuel. 830 Alvarado St.. S. F. Haven, T. E., 2400 Vallejo st., S. F. Inkersley, Arthur McKinstry, J. C, 2988 Pacific av., S. F. Samuels, Jacob, see Bachelors '87 Sanderson, W. W., see Bachelors '87 Sheats, A. K., 1362 11th av., S. F. Timken, H. H., care of Timken Roller Bearing Co., Canton, Ohio Van Wyck, S. M., Jr., 2001 Lyon St., S. F. Walker, H. W., 165 Main St., Redwood City', Cal. 1891 Abbott. C. H., Hotel Metropole, Oakland, Cal. Barry, J. E., 1666 Broadway, S. F. Bloom, Soloman, see Bachelors '88 Brown, H. W., Colma. Cal. Clark, C. B.. 2028 Damuth St., Oakland. Cal. Cooper. E. C, 1432 Poinsetta place, Holly- wood, Cal. ♦Crittenden, J. L., deceased ♦Dudley, G. D., d. October 24. 1904 Ellis, A. C, Jr., see Bachelors' 88 Ellsworth, Oliver, see Bachelors '88 Haight, H. H., 133 Kelton court. Oakland, Cal. Hodghead, B. L., 1715 Euclid av., Ber- keley, Cal. O'Grady, A. L., 28 Alma st., S. F. Pomeroy, J. N., 916 W. Oregon st., Urbana. 111. Rouleau, O. A., 1410 Sacramento st., S. F. Satterwhite, J. W., Lankershim bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Smith, E. duB. Stoney. Gaillard. see Bachelors '88 Thompson, W. L. Tobin. H. A. Woodhams, M. S., see Bachelors '88 1892 Belcher. Richard. 706 G St., ^L^rysville, Cal. Bergerot, P. A.. 3065 Pacific av.. S. F. Brobeck. W. L, 2710 Benvenue av., Ber- keley. Cal. Evans, C. J., 134 Dracena av.. Piedmont, Cal. ♦Flaherty. J. L., deceased Tones, C. W. kierulff. T. C. 300 Haight St.. S. F. Lane, G. W., "Torodel," Morganhill, Cal. ♦Lukens, G. R., d. May, 1912 Madison, F. D., 2525 Webster St.. S. F. tMclnnis, J. A., Vallejo, Cal. Melvin, H. A., see Bachelors '8"^ O'Keefe, J. T., 71 Broadway. Redwood City. Cal. Schillig, Lawrence, Yuba City, Cal. Stivers. C. D.. Niles. Cal. York. J. T., 511 1st st.. Napa. Cal. 1893 Abbott, W. M.. 2105 Vallejo St.. S. F. Asher, H. K., 2425 Sutter St., S. F. "Blum. Max. 3216 Tackson st.. S. F. Caldwell. A. A., furlock. Cal. Cary. 1. H., see Bachelors '90 Connick. C. H.. 1236 6th st.. Eureka. Cal. 298 Hastings College of the Law [1893-1896 ♦Deanicr, W. W., d. October 16, 1910 ♦Dc.iii, U. F.. (I. April 20. 1902 Duncan. Robert. Ukiah, Cal. l£ells. H. K., 610 Clcary st.. S. F. GrcKory. H. S.. .^508/^ 16th st.. S. F. Hill. A. \V., 1121 B St., Fureka. Cal. Ilillvcr. Curtis. 145 .^d av., S. F. KcHVy !•:. A.. 2810 Derby st.. BerUclcy, Cal. hyncl'i. C. \V.. 1056 Fell st.. S. F. McDonald. Paul. 8.U1 58th St.. Oakland. Cal. McMurray. O. K.. see Bachelors '90 North. II. H., 2414 Prospect st., Berkeley, Cal. Pidwell, J. T.. 19 Alpine terrace. S. F. Rodders. W. L.. see l^achclors '90 Samuels. Leon, see Bachelors '90 tWarner, E. M.. Colfax. Wash. VVorley, A. L., R.F.D. 1, Sausalito, Cal. 1894 Beatty. H. N.. 801 Sutter st, S. F. Bell. W. T.. Lake Providence, La. Berglund, Abraham ♦Boyle. J. C. d. 1903 Brandenstein. H. U., 2030 Gough St.. S. F. Brewer. J. A., see Bachelors '91 CotTer, J. E. Coleman. R. L.. Burlingame, Cal. Crowell. C. E.. 237 Perry st., Oakland, Cal. Drum. J. S.. 2714 Broadway. S. F. Edwards. J. H., Jr., 715 Duboce av., S. F. *Hixon. A. C, deceased ♦lacohs. L. H.. d. March 23, 1913 huiii. F. H.. 1436 Post St.. S. F. 'Mastick. S. C. Pleasantville. N. Y. McDonald. T. L, 560 27th st, Oakland, Cal. ♦McRlroy. .t. E.. d. March 24, 1909 McKnight, J. H. Nowland. J. A., St. Helena, Cal. Olnev. Warren, Jr.. see Bachelors '91 Parkinson. O. B., 320 E. Poplar st. Stock- ton. Cal. Pawlicki. T. E., 1422 California st. S. F. Quiffley. C. E. Satterwhite. W. T., 332 Lenox av.. Oak- land. Cal. Stone. Leonard. 81 Echo av., Oakland, Cal. Sutro. .•\lfred. 3660 Jackson st.. S. F. Syer. R. R.. Bank of San Jose bldg., San Jose, Cal. Waste. W. H., see Bachelors '91 Webster, A. B., see Bachelors '92 Woodworth, M. B., 1239 Polk st, S. F. 1895 ♦Banning. E. T.. deceased Brand. Arthur'. l^SO Broadway. S. F. Butler. W. W.. American Bank bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Clark. Miss A. A., m. J. A. Hart, Alameda av.. San lose. Cal. Craft. Miss M. C. see Bachelors '92 Cudworth. T. J., 2110 California st. S. F. Curtis. R. V. Dorn. W. E.. 562 10th av.. S. F. Frisbie. N. B.. ^18 ^^Lirket St.. Redding. Cal. *Hahn, E. O.. d. October 8. 1896 Harris. Isadore. see Bachelors '92 Hess. W. T.. 2275 California st, S. F. Humphrey. W. F.. 1457 O'Farrell St., S. F. Kennedv. G. R.. 711 5th st. Chico. Cal. Kincaid, H. A., 327 Hamilton St., Redwood City. Cal. Leach, A. P., Pleasanton, Cal. Lent. Eugene, 2810 Pacific av., S. F. Littlefield. C. B., 5808 15th av., N. E., Se- attle, Wash. *Lyser, A. W., deceased Manning, J. E., Mutual Bank bldg., San Anselmo. Cal. McGowan, R. H., Belmont, Cal. McKenzie, A. B., 204 Howard St., Martinez. Cal. ♦O'Brien, V. L.. deceased O'Halloran. J. W. Palmer. J. B., see Bachelors '92 tProsek, John, Jr., 531 Grand View av., S. F. Rector, E. N., 408 25th St.. Merced, Cal. Robinson. T. G. Russell. F. J., 1067 A st, Hayward, Cal. Smyth, C. W. *Somers, B. G., d. July 14, 1904 Stewart, F. L., 2819 Forest av., Berkeley, Cal. *Van Pelt, W. W.. deceased White, W. B., 2267 Hayes st. S. F. W^hitins. R. v., 2164 Hyde st, S. F. 1896 Ames, Everett, 349 32d st. N., Portland, Ore. Archer, L. B., Keyes st. and Center rd., San Jose, Cal. Barrett, J. J., 3230 Jackson st. S. F. Barry, T. J.. 2044 Larkin St.. S. F. Bartlett. L. deF.. see Bachelors '93 Bernheim. L. L., see Bachelors '95 Bonner. E. C. see Bachelors '93 Bradford. H. S. Brann, W. S.. see Bachelors '93 Clute, J. F., 625 Bush st, S. F. Cooper. E. T., 2933 Russell St.. Berkeley, Cal. Cotton. A. R.. Jr.. 1882 Washington St., S.F. Davidson. T. D., 2221 Washington st, S.F. Dehy, W. D., Independence. Cal. ♦Dickson. F. W.. d. 1902 Dillon. R. J.. 445 S. Commonwealth av., Los Angeles, Cal. Fletcher, G. H., see Bachelors '91 Gibbons. L. A.. 40 Court St.. Reno, Nev. Gillogley, R. W.. 741 San Jose av., S. F. Haynes, F. P.. 458 Fell st. S. F. Head, H. C, see Bachelors '91 Henry. W. H.. see Bachelors '93 Humphreys. W. P.. Jr.. see Bachelors '92 Krull. Frank, 701 Post st, S. F. Lazarus, S. J., 1077 Dolores St.. S. F. Lenahan. J. A., 1849 McAllister st.. S. F. Loofbourow, F. C. 54 S. 12th East st, Salt Lake City. Utah Mathewson. H. P.. Sonoma. Cal. McClellan. Clifford. Hotel Clift, S. F. McFarlane, G. A. McKinley. B. L., 1657 Washington st, S. F. Molloy. T. S.. see Bachelors '92 Morrow, R. H., see Bachelors '93 Xicholls. T. H.. 151 Hillcrest rd.. Berkeley, Cal. O'Callaghan. C. F.. 1710 Larkin st. S. F. O'Gara. John. 1142 Filbert st. S. F. 1896-1899] Hastings College of the Law 299 Perkins, T. A., 220 Montgomery st., S. F. Prescott, L. E., 120 Palm av.. S. F. Price. R. M., see Bachelors '93 Rosener, C. S.. 944 Lake St., S. F. Sanborn, J. A., 1637 Fruitvale av., Oakland, Cal. Shortall, E. P., 1015 Ashbury st.. S. F. Smith, J. W.. 226 E. Anapamu St., Santa Barbara, Cal. Sullivan, S. L. Trunibo. H. T. Van Nostrand, J. J., 1830 Lake St., S. F. Westerfeld. Carl, 1351 California St., S. F. Willard, C. W.. 864 Francisco St., S. F. 1897 Berry. R. A., see Bachelors '82 Brizard. Brousse, .'\rcata, Cal. Burke. F. J., San Anselmo. Cal. Connolly, G. A., 11 Commonwealth av., S. F. Deasy, D. C, 955 Ashbury St., S. F. DeGarmo, G. C. 823 Catalina St., Los An- geles, Cal. Donnelly, D. L. Eaton, O. V. Finch, F. T., 1753 Larkin st., S. F. Foltz, E. P., see Bachelors '94 Gaylord, R. B., 270 Perkins st., Oakland, Cal. Graupner, A. E.. 2009 Jackson st.. S. F. Greenbaum. B. F. Hanlev. T. M., 176 Delmar St., S. F. Hills, S. R. Jackson. S. H.. see Bachelors '94 Jones. G. L., see Bachelors '95 Joseph, Lionel Larue, L. P., R.F.D. 2, Grass Valley. Cal. Lewis, Abraham, Jr.. 2011 Kamehameha av.. Honolulu. T. H. Macbeth. F. D.. 822 Turk St., S. F. ♦Maguire, W. M., d. February, 1906 Meyerstein, J. C, see Bachelors '94 Newburgh. Henry, 100 2d av., S. F. Page. R. K. Quinn, J. G.. 3001 Adeline St., Oakland, Cal. Shaw. Hartley. 144 W. Park av., Tropico, Cal. Squier, J. J., 435 W. Cota st., Santa Bar- bara, Cal. tSquier, W. C. care of E. W. Squier, Fith- iqn bldg.. Santa Barbara, Cal. Tavlor, F. P. Thompson. \V. T., 1949 Oak St.. S. F. Trendwell. E. F., 918 Clayton St., S. F. Weltv. E. E. Wiele. B. D. Wiele. G. G. Wilev. H. R., 2545 Benvenue av., Berkeley, Cal. 1898 Eachman, D. S.. see Bachelors '95 Bakewell. T. V.. see Bachelors '95 Benson, F. H., 702 E. Santa Clara St.. San lose. Cal. Breen. P. A.. 543 12th av., S. F. tChamberlain. J. P., Columbia University, N. Y. City Church. H. E. Clarke. J. W.. 493 Bellevue av.. Oakland. Cal. Cohn, C. C. box 760. Manila, P. L Colby. W. E., 2901 Channing way, Berke- ley, Cal. Cullinan. Eustace. 3433 21st St.. S. F. Daniels. J. R.. 945 Leavenworth St.. S. F. Davis. S. D., 3400 Sacramento st., S. F. De Martini. W. J.. 670 Chetwood st., Oak- land. Cal. Ehrman, S. M.. see Bachelors '96 Feehan. J. B.. 483 Page St., S. F. Gardner, J. E., 407 E. 3d St.. Watsonville, Cal. Henderson, F. W.. see Bachelors '97 Hickey, T. W., 374 Fair Oaks St., S. F. Hynes. W. H. L., 2167 Alameda av., Ala- meda. Cal. Kaye, W. W., 2229 B st., Bakersfield. Cal. Laughlin. G. A., see Bachelors '95 Marchant. A. H., 579 Mira Vista av., Oak- land. Cal. McXutt. Maxwell, see Bachelors '95 Newhouse, H. D., Palace Hotel. S. F. tPayne, E. L., Palmdale. Cal. Pratt. Mrs. E. D., 2378 Jackson St.. S. F. Redington, Arthur, see Bachelors '94 Tobin. E. P. Towne, P. E.. 415 Buena \''ista av.. S. F. Turner. R. H.. see Bachelors '95 Vrooman, Miss Rachael. see Bachelors '95 Walthall. J. M.. 118 Sycamore av.. Modesto, Cal. Watson, Miss J. E.. see Bachelors '92 Whited, J. M.. 30 Belvedere St.. S. F. Wiel. L J.. Bellevue Hotel, S. F. ♦Yordi. A. H., d. 1903 1899 Antonovich. W. G.. 123 10th av.. S. F. Bacigalupi. Giovanni. 2336 Jones st.. S. F. Baldwin. A. R., see Bachelors '96 Barber. O. T., 2915 College av.. Berkeley, Cal. tBeard. W. M., Glen Ridge. N. J. Eeatty, H. O.. 11 rue d'.\storg. Paris, France Beretta. J. W.. 563 11th av.. S. F. Berry, O. L.. 2475 28th av.. S. F. tBorden. F. W.. Quincy. Cal. Brady. Matthew. 1445 10th av.. S. F. Brown. H. P., 1651 L st.. Fresno. Cal. Choynski. M. L.. see Bachelors '96 Craig, J. A. Cross. R. H., 3125 Claremont av., Berkeley, Cal. *Currie. A. M., deceased Faulkner. L. G.. 110 Normal av.. Chico, Cal. Feiccnbaum. Sanford Frick. R. N.. 1207 S. Pasadena av.. Pasa- dena, Cal. Golden. Isidor, 2';05 Broadway. S. F. Hutchinson. J. S.. 1235 Bonita av.. Ber- keley. Cal. Jacobs. H. S.. 615 N. Irwin St.. Hanford. Cal. Kelly, W. A.. 3462 17th St.. S. F. Labarraoue. Miss C. R.. see Bachelors '06 T-ippitt. M. A., see Bachelors '96 Marks. E. J.. Fullerton. Cal. McCulIoch. .Alexander, see Bachelors '"6 M'lma. \\'ilmer. Paso Robles. Cal. O'Connor. T. T.. see Bachelors "96 300 Hastings College of the Law [1899-1903 Quinl.-m. J. C. 1666 Broadway, S. F. U.mIc W. IC. .15.18 limcrson St.. Oakland, Cal. Roscnhcru, A. I... Fallon, Nev. Schniitt, M. L., 460 Montgomery st., S. F. Smith, W. R. Slanwood, IC. 1?.. 623 U St., MarysviUc, Cal. .Symonds, 11. C, .sec Hachciors '96 'Ihompson, C. 1... S70 Belvedere St., S. F. \Vel)l). W. C, .1017 riiileKass av., Berkeley, Cal. Weil, A. I... see nachelors '97 Weyi, n. .'\., 7.15 S. Saint Andrews place, Los .Angeles, Cal. Wheeler, K. S., see Bachelors '96 Williams, I, T., 255 15th av., S. F. Wright, G. A. 1900 Blanchard, M. S., see Bachelors '97 Borton, F. E.. 2114 20th St., Bakersfield, Cal. Bowie, J. F.. 2111 Pacific av., S. F. Brownstone, L. H., see Bachelors '97 Cerf, M. E.. see Bachelors '97 Clarke. F. B., 220 MontRomery st., S. F. tClawiter, E. I., 1111 Jones st., S. F. Craipt, C. F., see Bachelors '97 tCraig. W. B., Hotel San Rafael, 65 N. 45th St., N. Y. City *Crowell, A. B., deceased Crowell. L. N., 1124 Eddy st.. S. F. Dam, F. H., see Bachelors '96 Dessouslavv. A. P., 2904 California St.. S.F. Dovle, W. T. S. Griffiths. Walter Husted, R. L., 472 Bartlett St.. S. F. Mannon, C. M.. 404 S. Dora St., Ukiah, Cal. *McWade, D. F., d. December 28. 1906 Peters. E. C, 653 WvUie st., Honolulu, T. H. Rodgers, S. R.. see Bachelors '97 Van Fleet. R. C, see Bachelors '97 1901 Aitken. T. D., 608 General Luna, Paco, Manila. P. L Arnold, P. B., see Bachelors '99 Bishop, J. H., 2309 Washington St.. S. F. Bishop, T. P., see Bachelors '99 Bradford, H. B., see Bachelors '99 Breen. W. A., 63 Parnassus av.. S. F. Brown, E. J., see Bachelors '98 Brown. J. Q., Jr., see Bachelors '79 ButTord, C. M., see Bachelors '98 Callaghan, J. J., Liverniore, Cal. Ch.andler, C. S. Chickering. A. L., see Bachelors '98 Clayhurgh, H. E.. see Bachelors '99 Coffey. E. L. 1749 California St.. S. F. Crim. S. M.. 1485 Bush st.. S. F. Dil)I)le. Oliver, see Bachelors '99 Dillon, Miss M. C. 3882 Jackson st.. S. F. Douglass. I. W. Dutty. D. M., Olympic Club. S. F. Ede. William, see Bachelors 'QP Evans. Perrv. see Bachelors '99 +Gill. G. F.. Tulare. Cal. ■^Goldstein. A. E.. Oroville, Cal. Hennessy^ F. J.. 1750 Sacramento St., S. F. Hintnn. Guy. see Bachelors '95 Hudson, R. G., 1438 Madison st., Oakland, Cal. launet, I. L. A.. 641 Post St., S. F. McMurray, E. T., 540 Powell St., S. F. Meredith, J. D., 1220 Crescent av., Sac- ramento, Cal. Neumiller, C. L., 646 N. California St., Stockton, Cal. Peart, H. F., see Bachelors '98 Powers. F. E., 1375 California St., S. F. Ross, Miss M. A., 2217 Dwight way, Ber- ]l)on. J. (;., 1263 J5lh av.. S. F. riooil. A. M.. 1822 Sacranu-nto St.. S. F. Ford. A. .1.. 450 Webster st.. S. F. Male, K. i... 2766 Green st.. S. F. Halstc.l, K. P.. 178 SeacIitT av.. S. F. ilanlv. I. R.. 1-4.^5 Fern St.. San Diego. lal. ■ Ilauselt. C. P.. 750 Raker St.. S. F. Uolli)\vay, F. S.. Colusa. Cal. JclTtry. j. A., care of jeflfery DeVVitt Co., Dctriiit. Mich. Ludlow. \V. H.. 2.^20 Cedar st.. Berkeley, Cal. McCan, F. .\.. 19 F. Poplar St., Stockton, Cal. Morris, .Xniiel. 1424 Lake St., S. F. O'Connell, R. E.. 211 Divisadero St.. S. F. Pearce. C. H.. 1840 Franklin St., S. F . Porterfield, R. H.. 1517 Shrader St., S. F. Sawyer. F. E.. 211 G St.. San Rafael, Cal. Sichel, Leo, 1342 Green St.. S. F. Sinsileton. W. E. *Smith, R. \V.. deceased Stephenson, H. H., 2413 M St., Sacramento, Cal. *Strain, E. L., deceased Tihbitts, .A. L,, 701 D st.. Petaluma, Cal. Wachhorst, N. B.. 1546 McAllister St., S. F. \\'aterman, E. R., 911 E. Channel St., Stockton. Cal. *\Vhite. F. H., deceased 1896 Abbay. W. H.. 893 Willow st., Oakland, Cal. Abrahni. Henry, 1426 Fulton St., S. F. t.^branls. George, 724 J^ K st.. Sacramento, Cal. Ayers, Miss T. ^L, m. T. F. Floyd, Kerby, Ore. Baird, F. G., 1525 Oak st., Oakland, Cal. baird. Mrs. Marv L.. m. F. G. Baird '96, 1525 Oak St., Oakland, Cal. Boeseke, B. C, 2021 Garden st.. Santa Barbara. Cal. Bonnell. F. C. 343 7th St.. Hollister, Cal. Bowman. C. H.. 1010 W. 20th st., Los An- peles. Cal. *Cat'ferata. .-Mbert. deceased Carrington. P. T., 3014 Hillegass av., Ber- keley, Cal. Chappei. H. G.. 630 Eldorado av.. Oak- land. Cal. Clark. W. X. iCohn. Jacob, Boise, Idaho *Cranz. F. H., deceased Cunningham. S. L. 2237 Polk St., S. F. Davis, W. E.. Garland Hotel, S. F. Forrest. T. M.. Tr.. 3287 Mission St.. S. F. Fowler. A. A.. 77 S. 17th St.. San Jose. CaL Gedge. H. E.. 141 6th av.. S. F. Gilbert. Miss .-V. M.. m. C. H. Bowman '96, 1010 W. 20th St.. Los Angeles. Cal. Gilman, C. D., 159 Montecito av., Oakland, Cal. "Greenbaum. Laurence, deceased Harms. R. G. C. 651 Lincoln av.. Alameda, Cal. 'Harris. G. M.. deceased Hart. C. E.. 807 Clayton St., S. F. Uarth. A. P.. Lindsav. Cal. Hawley, A. H. Haynes. G. H.. 2612 Cranmore rd., Vic- toria. B. C. Hilliard. S. W. Husted, G. B., 1111 11th St.. Modesto, Cal. Lundborg. K. M.. Quincy. Cal. MacDonald, Miss \. G., m. J. H. Lane, 2646 Bancroft way. Berkeley. Cal. Maynard, S. C, 135 S. 17th st., San Jose. Cal. McNutt, R. B. *Morden, T. S.. deceased tPless, F. G.. 3197 16th St.. S. F. Porter. C. B.. 3234 Pacific av.. S. F. Richards, J. L. 3396 16th st. S. F. Roth, L. J., 512 S. Oxford av., Los Angeles. Cal. Sawyer. Miss A. M.. m. A. M. Sturgis Seager. J. H.. 416 S. Main St.. Sebastopol, Cal. Smith, F. J., 425 E. San Fernando St.. San Jose. Cal. Stallman. G. E., 1831 Buchanan St.. S. F. Stich. B. M., 222 20th av., S. F. Thomas, Montgomery, 1642 L St., Fresno, Cal. Tobriner, Oscar, 3494 Jackson St., S. F. Todd, Clififord, 1711 P St., Sacramento, Cal. Ware, W. H.. 553 Belvedere St., S. F. *Webster. L. D.. deceased Weldon. C. A.. Vacaville. Cal. Yv'estphal, E. W., 2817 Scott St., S. F. 1897 Ashley, J. W., 1020 Jones St.. S. F. tBosqui, B. A., Tonopah. Nev. Clay, E. A., Sausalito, Cal. Coffin. C. A., 337 Elm st.. Reno, Nev. Colburn, O. M., 238 Chattanooga St., S. F. Collins, A. W.. 146 Jordan av.. S. F. Croall. Miss M. V., m. E. T. Mervy. 728 14th St., S. F. Gushing, S. R., 479 Steiner st.. S. F . Donnelley, G. S.. 1992 Grove St., S. F. Durham, J. H.. Irvington, Cal. *Fisk, E. S.. deceased French, H. W.. St. Marks Hotel. Oakland, Cal. Gilson. R. E.. see Bachelors '94 Hanson, H. P., 170 S. 15th st.. San Jose, Cal. FL-irnden, F. W.. 51 El Camino Real. Ber- keley. Cal. "Herrington. W. M., 24 Hartford St.. S. F. Higgins. T. S.. 1106 Bush St.. S. F. Holladay, W. R.. 387 Lucas St.. Los .A.n- geles, Cal. Hughes. W. R.. 1425 Paru st.. Alameda, Cal. Jarvis, C. F. H., Sequoyah Country Club, Oakland, Cal. Johnson, F. D., Peralta apts., Oakland, Cal. Tones, P. C. keeflfe. E. D.. 1432 5th av., S. F. *Ker\vin. L. J., d. January, 1910 Marckres. C. C, 226 X. Market St., San Tose. Cal. McCarthy. C. J.. 1336 13th av.. S. F. McMurray, Milton. 65 Portola St.. S. F. Morris. J. L. 167 Commonwealth av.. S. F. Plunkett. J. A.. 419 Elwood av.. Oakland. Cal. 1897-1899] College of Dentistry 307 *Quirk, T. H., deceased Raymond, G. W. Keynolds, H. C, 651 University av., Palo Alto. Cal. tRobinson, Miss F. O.. m. Mr. McCrellis. 342 W. 55th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Rulison, Miss H. M., State Bank bldg., Tonopah, Nev. ♦Russell, E. W., deceased Scott, Miss F. E. *Stealey, E. M., deceased Stile, H. D.. 2560 Mission St., S. F. Sumner, C. M., Placerville, Cal. Tomkins, G. H., 1502 23d av., Oakland, Cal. Upton, E. A., 214 Perkins St., Oakland, Cal. Wachs, Martin, 1901 Virginia St., Berkeley, Cal. Wheeler, T. R., Sierra City, Cal. 1898 Aiken, P. B., Jackson, Cal. Allen, H. G., 2894 Bush st., S. F. Atkins, J. H. Beers, Miss M. L. Cline, Jean. 129 E. 12th St., Portland, Ore. Cooper, J. H., 433 N. Irwin St., Hanford, Cal. Craig, H. T., 1737 San Antonio av., Ala- meda, Cal. Du Bois, C. H., 511 Mission av., San Ra- fael Cal. Edwards, A.' L., 919 Judah St.. S. F. Estes, W. B. Gottenberg, H. W.. Sonoma, Cal. Halsey, N. S., 25 Harcourt st., San Rafael, Cal. Henderson, W. D., 2022 Virginia St., Ber- keley, Cal. Hinckley. I. L., Fillmore, Cal. Hiniker. A. J., 719 11th St.. Modesto, Cal. Tones, P. C, Fort Bragg, Cal. Jordan, Miss M. E., 214 N. av. 66, Los Angeles, Cal. Lemmon, C. F., 120 W. Haley St., Santa Barbara, Cal. Linscott, W. R., 28 1st St., Santa Cruz, Cal. MacDonald, Miss F. M., m. J. A. MacLean, 417 Fair Oaks St., S. F. Mariotte, L. P., 2332 Valdez st., Oakland, Cal. "'McPike, C. L., d. 1906 Menton, H. O. F., 1517 Liberty St., Santa Clara, Cal. Morey, C. L., 1694 13th st., Oakland. Cal. *Painter. T. B., deceased Parker. Miss H. A., m. R. B. Criswell, Wake Robin Inn, Los Gatos, Cal. Pearce. F. B., 147 N. 9th st., San Jose, Cal. Pratt, A. C. Rulofson. A. C, Jr.. 52 W. Clay park, S. F. Srhillig. G. E., Yuba City, Cal. "Scott, F. T., Merced, Cal. "Sellwood, F. C, d. March 6. 1916 Sisson. E. K., 147 11th av.. San Mateo. Cal. Smith. T. M.. 253 11th av., S. F. Smyth, W. J., 688 Fairmount av., Oakland, Cal. Stalder, J. M.. 1822 12th av.. Oakland. Cal. Stanford, G. G.. 6321 California St.. S. F. Stephens. C. J., 24a Woodland av., S. F. Stewart. G. H., 390 Santa Clara av., Oak- land. Cal. Walden. W. A. Watkins, F. K., Napa, Cal. Wilcoxon. C. R., 641 College St., Wood- land, Cal. Worthington, Miss J. I., m. J. A. Bennett, Taft. Cal. Wymore, G. H., Santa Rosa, Cal. 1899 Allin, W. R. Arroyo, Ricardo, 42 rue Hamelin. Paris, France Bacon, W. R., 1243 Sherman st.. Alameda, Cal. Baker, A. W., 1322 6th av.. S. F. Barnett, Joseph, 424 Miner st., Yreka. Cal. *Blake, R. J., deceased Blossom, Miss May, m. G. W. Gove '99, 2118 Grant st.. Berkeley, Cal. Burns, P. M., Eureka, Cal. Burridge, W. J., 1506 WiUard St.. S. F. Callender, M. N., Van Nuys. Cal. Colegrove, J. A., 861 Irolo St., Los An- geles, Cal. Croall. Miss A. B., m. E. T. Barnes. San Rafael. Cal. Dunbar, P. H., Stirling City. Cal. tFairweather, N. S., Waikiki Inn, Hono- lulu, T. H. Fugler, C. A.. Baldwin Hotel, S. F. Gambitz, L. R.. 1465 Oak St.. S. F. Gove. G. W., 2118 Grant st., Berkeley. Cal. tGrant, F. T., Healdsburg, Cal. Gruss. F. J., 4 Warren rd.. San Mateo, Cal. Hamlin, B. R.. 3234 Central av., Alameda, Cal. Herrmann, Miss L. F., m. J. W. Ginno '00, 1151 Oxford St.. Berkelev. Cal. Jones. T. R.. 1030 Post St., S. F. Kuster. C. F., 3650 Arlington av., Los An- geles, Cal. Lawson, W. J., 54 S. C St., \'irginia City, Xev. Likens, G. W., Crockett, Cal. Mavhew, W. H., Peralta apts., Oakland, Cal. tMillar. J. B. F., Dinuba. Cal. Mulrenin. E. M., 3672 20th St.. S. F. Parks. L. H., 2133 Grove St., S. F. Patterson, A. D., 101 S. Johnson St.. Vi- salia, Cal. Piper, S. L., 1257 Revere av.. S. F. Reich, C. L., Huntington station, San Bruno, Cal. Renwick, W. H., 520 16th st.. Sacramento, Cal. River, J. P.. Pittsburg. Cal. Schiller, Maurice, 1348 Grove St.. San Diego, Cal. Smyth. T. U.. Ross. Cal. tSouthworth. S. S.. Bolinas, Cal. Sullivan, A. S.. 1319 3d av.. S. F. tTate. A. W., Watsonville. Cal. Tennvson, H. A., 701 S. 10th st.. San lose. CAl. Turner. Miss R. E.. m. W. S. Eowker, Pacific Grove. Cal. Wanz. A. H., 1202 Union St.. S. F. Warnekros. W. L., 1222 Chapala st., Santa Barbara, Cal. 308 College Of Dentistry [1899-19U2 White. A. L., 5313 Locksley av., Oakland, (.al. W'hiiiiev, E. O., San Mateo, Cal. Williams. J. J.. .106 18th St.. Pacific Grove, Cal. 1900 AikUtmiii. I'. \\ ., Winters. Cal. .\iistin. W. 1'.. 222 I-incoln av., Salinas, Cal. Bcr|.:stri'iii, Gottfrid. Burlinxame. Cal. Mcrnhfini, J. R., Fort Logan, Colo. *MlacllfS. C. M. Nogales '0.? Daiu-tiiilltT, Mrs. A. I". Oatman '06 lUirness, .1. A. •()') mack. C. E. •].? mack, L. S. '13 tMclk-n, C. Z. Patagonia '01 Ferguson. Mrs. Ray Pearce '06 Osgood. C. G. Phoenix '76 Morford, N. A. '90 Rich. F. E. '02 tRedewill, Dr. F. H. '03 Redewill, A. C. '09 Lancy. L. M. '10 Armstrong, J. A. '12 Hurlev, Miss M. M. '13 Winsl'ow, Burt '15 Hartranft, C. W. '16 Ducli. P. V. \V. Prescott '16 King. Miss S. W. Tempe '15 Jungermann, O. R. Tucson '80 Long. L. H. '82 Franklin. S. M. '01 tStanley. Mrs. B. M. '03 Martin. Cieorge, Jr. '03 Rowell. J. A. '03 Talmage. F. E. '04 Milton, M. C. '06 Haley, Mrs. H. J. '11 Holmes. Miss L. E. '15 tMurphv. \V. E., Jr. •16 Forbes. R. H. "16 KeJton. F. C. WIckenburg '11 DeBerry. W. E. Williams '05 Chapman. Miss A. "W.. Winkleman '04 TMinor. H. H. Winslow '15 Moore. L. B. Yuma •10 Ralph. Miss H. M. Fayettevllle '16 Hudgins, J. G. California Acampo '99 Jahant. Mrs. W. V. '07 Bailey, Mrs. M. T. Alameda '7i Otis, Frank, 1609 Santa Clara av. '76 tMinor, Dr. J. F., 1135 Park st. '76 Pond, Dr. H. M., 1500 Central av. '76 Wright, G. T., 1421 San Antonio av. '78 Tilden, C. L., 1031 San Antonio av. '80 Hoeck, Jacob, 1512 Lincoln av. '81 Chard, G. R., 2323 Santa Clara av. '81 Mastick, G. H., 930 Pacific av. '82 Swyney. Miss C. J., 1506 Lincoln av. '82 Tarter, Dr. A. P., 3101 Central av. '85 Graves. Mrs.F.B., 1611 San Antonio av. '85 Sharpstein, W. C, 1545 Benton st. '85 Swayne, R. H., 1717 Alameda av. '86 Taylor, E. K., 1475 Lafayette st. '87 tGamble, T. A., 1419 Caroline st. '88 Barton, W. F., 2527 Central av. '88 Bussenius, A. G.. 1222 Park st. '89 Shay. Frank. 1011 Fair Oaks av. '90 Jacobs, Dr. S. R., 2125 San Jose av. '90 Lawton, Mrs. J. C, 2225 Pacific av. '91 Brown, W. H.. 1531 Morton st. '91 Smith. \V. O., 806 Grand st. '92 Des Marais, L. N., 1114 Walnut st. '93 Dennis, Dr. C. C, 1429 Grand st. '93 Hennings, J. C, 1727 Minturn st. '94 Van Orden. Dr. Leander, 1125 Paru st. '95 tAllen, Miss M. G.. 1249 Regent st. '96 Harms. Dr. R. G. C. 561 Lincoln av. '97 Bartlett. F. H.. 1323 Burbank st. '97 Hrubanick, Mrs. M. F., 2100 Santa Clara a v. '97 Hughes, Dr. W. R., 1425 Paru st. '97 Kemble, Miss A. L., 2239 Central av. '98 Armand, E. C, Encinal and Sherman avs. '98 Craig. Dr. H. T., 1737 San Antonio av. '98 Hynes. W. H. L.. 2167 Alameda av. '98 McVey. J. L., 3279 Liberty av. '98 Schaeffer, V. L., 735 Tavlor av. '99 Bacon. Dr. W. R.. 1243' Sherman st. '99 tGuthne. Miss E. M.. 1615 Dayton av. '99 Hamlin, Dr. B. R., 3234 Central av. '99 Haslett, Mrs. Sidney, 1409 Morton st. '99 Hughes, Mrs. W. R., 1425 Paru st. '99 \'olberg. F. L., 645 Santa Clara av. '00 Browne. R. S.. 2004 Pacific av. '00 Harms. Mrs. R. C. G.. 561 Lincoln av. '00 Nolan. Miss M. E., 1816 Lafayette st. '01 Ayres, Dr. C. S.. 11 IS Union st. '01 Ayres. Mrs. C. S.. 1118 Union st. '01 tBowcher. Miss M. A., 1323 Regent st. '01 Chamberlain. Mrs.G.F.. 1732 Central av. '01 Forderer. Miss L. G.. 1212 Regent st. '01 Hunt. Miss A. O.. 2166 Clinton av. '01 Moulthrop. H. L.. 1112 Pacific av. '01 Powell. Miss M. H.. 1521 Broadway '01 Shepard. Dr. Wm. 2232 Santa Clara av. '02 McKean. Dr. X. D., 1216 Versailles av. California] LOCALITY INDEX 319 '02 Minium, W. F., 1122 Bay st. '02 Stevens, H. T., 1534 Pearl st. '03 Allen, B. S., 2025 San Antonio av. '03 Blinn, Mrs. F. L., 1325 Clinton av. '03 Carleton, Mrs. H. M., 1215 Willow st. '03 Ellis. Dr. J. A., 1515 Benton st. '03 Hamilton, Dr. J. K., Jr.. 1275 Weber st. '03 Hewett, Miss L. L., 1826 Clinton av. '03 Oehlmann, Miss H. M., 1603 Paru st. '03 Otis, E. M.. 1528 Paru st. '03 Pahl, Mrs. A. J., 2068 Central av. '03 Partch, Mrs. Fayette, 1507 Pearl st. '03 Thompson, Mrs. G. C, 1232 St. Charles St. '04 Flatow, I. P., 1209 Lincoln av. '04 Hobbs, H. W., 1536 Court st. '04 Wagner, Mrs. A. P., 2986 Johnson av. '04 Wieland, Miss S. M., 519 Pacific av. '05 Dickson, Mrs. Mary, 2161 San lose av. '05 Frank, Miss I. G., 2051 San Jose av. '06 Agar, Miss W. G., 1512 Encinal av. '06 Gavin, Mrs. P. S., 1827 Elm st. '06 Hallett, Mrs. G. M., 3005 Santa Clara av. '06 Hjul, Mrs. J. H.. 701 Grand st. '06 Kessing, L. R., 1430 Santa Clara av. '06 Pond, H. S., 1714 Wood st. '06 Sandoe, Mrs. J. M., 1427 Mound st. '06 Van Orden, Miss Mary, 1125 Paru st. '06 Wagner, A. P., 2986 Johnson av. '07 Clapp, Miss L. S.. 1812 Clinton av. '07 Gerken, G. T., 829 Santa Clara av. '07 Graham, D. J., 1190 St. Charles st. '07 Lynch, Margery, 1236 Sherman st. '07 Paden, Miss A. M., 1450 Fernside blvd. '07 Rigby, Bertram. 319 Santa Clara av. '08 Balzari, R. A., 1550 High st., '08 Crawford, Mrs. F. M., 1339 Caroline st. '08 Eggers, Miss A. M., 2036 San Jose av. '08 Garretson, Miss E. M., care of High School '08 Haile, Miss L. G.. 2852 Van Buren av. '08 Macomber, Mrs. G. L., 2103 Santa Clara av. '08 Ward, Miss M. A., 2157 San Antonio av. '08 Weinmann. L. R., 811 Paru st. '09 Bosshard, R. E.. 1225 Pearl st. '09 Collar, Dr. F. L, 1426 Union st. '09 Locke, Miss Pearl, 2116 Buena Vista av. '09 Steele, I. C. 3012 Santa Clara av. '09 Strachan, Miss E. L., 2711 Santa Clara av. '09 Symmes, E. J., 914 Taylor av. •09 Weeks, H. G., 2047 San Jose av. '10 Cadman, Mrs. C. M., 2130 San Jose av. '10 Dexter, Miss Ruey, 1603 Santa Clara av. '10 tHubbard, L. J., 1620 Santa Clara av. '10 Severance, H. M.. 1275 Wel)er st. 'U) Sharpstein, Miss K. C, 1545 Benton st. '10 Young. Miss E. F., 1377 Broadway '11 Bickford, Miss H. E., 2064 San An- tonio av. '11 Borella. Miss Louise. 1018 Oak st. "11 Casal, F. M., 1372 Burbank st. •11 ITarlowe, G. G., 1004 Union st. '11 Knox. D. H., 2837 Encinal av. '12 Bradlev. Miss D. E., 1606 Morton st. "12 Hunt. Miss E. L.. 2166 Clinton av. '12 Knnwles, H. B.. 1001 San Antonio av. '].] Bates, L. R., 727 Paru st. '13 Brown, Miss G. L., 1429 Benton st. '13 de Witt, Miss M. M., 1221 Paru st. '13 Dickey, L. W., 1610 Encinal av. '13 Du Four. C. J., 1310 Bay st. '13 Horner, Mrs. L. L., 1323 Versailles av. '13 Kearney, R. W.. 1332 High st. '13 Shafer. Miss J. F.. 3249 Encinal av. '13 Thomas, J. H., 550 Santa Clara av. '14 Casal. Mrs. F. M., 1372 Burbank st. '14 Clarke, Miss D. K., 1338 St. Charles st. '14 Coan, C. F.. 1428 Oak st. '14 Cornelius, Miss H. M., 824 Grand av. '14 tHahn. G. G.. 1424 Bay st. '14 Hardin, Miss M. A., 1827 Encinal av. '14 Johnson, Miss F. G., 1905 Chestnut st. '14 Latimer. Miss Edith, 2265 .\lameda av. '14 Levy, Miss Ethel, 1738 .Alameda av. '14 i'Margrave, E. D., 2620 Santa Clara av. '14 Masticlc, Spencer, 930 Pacific av. '14 tSammy, George, Jr.. 1250 Park av. '14 Simonson, Miss C. H., 1524 Alameda av. '14 Wieland, \\'. A., 519 Pacific av. '14 Woodin, C. F., 1439 Morton st. '15 Altona, Miss L. D., 1348 Weber st. '15 Brosemer. L. G., 1423 Central av. '15 Christy, R. E., 1829 Clinton av. '15 Dennison, Miss J. W., 2810 Van Buren St. '15 Krusi. Miss M. L. 2033 Central av. '15 Maslin, F. L. 1826 San lose av. '15 Mattson. S. E.. 2519 Eagle av. '15 Morehead, E. R., 1029 Pacific av. '15 Neft'. B. G., 1450 Fernside blvd. |15 Powell, Miss A. B., 2153 Central av. '15 Sanford, W. F., 1417 San Antonio av. '15 Swafford. P. A.. 2000 Santa Clara av. '15 Wilcox, Miss M. E.. 1904 Clinton av. '\6 Brown. Miss M. A., 1608 Chestnut st. '16 Dennison. Miss Margaret, 2150 Santa Clara av. '16 de Witt, Clinton, 1221 Paru st. '16 Edinger, Miss R. M., 2058 Central av. '16 Goodwin. C. L., 1900 Clinton av. '\6 Harber. Miss J. W., 2225 San Jose av. '16 Levy. Miss Mildred. 1738 .Alameda av. '16 Otis. Miss D. E., 1605 High st. '16 Westbrook, Miss K. H., 1247 Sherman St. Alamo '09 Lee. Miss E. S. "16 Stone, H. H. '16 Stone, R. E. Albany '08 Bush. Raymon.l Albion '16 Bowman. 11. C_". Alhambra See under Los Angeles Altadena '05 Smith, Miss C. A. '16 Wadsworth, J. H. Alta Loma '01 Reid. Miss G. V. "09 Krysto. Miss Christina '13 Warner. H. H. Alturas '03 Bonner. E. C. '97 Lynip, Mrs. B. F. 320 LOCALITY INDEX [California •1.^ AlturaSi Continued IhilTiuan, F. H. llowclcii. (leorKc 15illick. I). C. laMwoIl, Miss A. O. Amador City rolcy. j. W. t.MtTwin, K. C Hatiii)t()n. George Amedee Kissfniiiaii, .1. S. •01 Racjjc. Mrs. C. A. '01 Kea, Miss 1£. K. '02 Turner, Miss L. L. '05 Mullinix, O. A. '07 ThornhurR, Miss L. E. '09 HcyinK, A. H. '10 tLewis. F. A. '10 tSchindler, Charles •10 Utter, Dr. J. W. "11 Truxaw. Dr. J. W. •13 Grim, Miss M. A. '14 Nebelung, R. E. Anderson '05 Potter. Dr. F. \V. '06 Rammann, Miss E. L. '08 Gaines. Mrs. Howard '08 Gaines, Mrs. H. R. '11 Nelson, Miss A. B. •12 Brown, .\. T. •14 tHurhank, H. H. •14 i'.ddy. Miss Z. V. '15 Yelland, Robert Angels Camp '00 Demarest, D. C. •13 Hartman, J. W. •16 Rlum, Miss D. P. •16 Tones, Miss A. L. '16 Smith, N. C. Antioch '01 Howard, F. E. ■02 West, H. A. '04 Belshaw, Mrs. W. W. '04 Crawford, Mrs. R. E, '04 Donlon. Mrs. J .D. '04 Hust, Miss Mabelle '08 \'ollmers. Miss A. E. '04 Babcock. Miss E. G. '11 Ripelow. Miss Kate •14 Rabcock, Miss E. G. •16 ludy, H. A. '16 Ross, Miss L, B. '16 Steward. F. G. Arbuckle '05 Lindsay. T. R. '05 Struckmeyer, Miss Phebe '15 Struckmeyer, Miss A. M. Areata '04 Hill, Dr. E. J. '97 Brizard, Brousse '00 Brizard, H. F. '01 Chevret, Miss ,\. C. '03 Lothrop. Miss R. B. '05 Minor, I. S. '06 Chevret, Miss M. L. '06 Jenkins, Mrs. R. H. '06 Putnam, Miss f). M. '11 Asher, Miss K. 1.. '13 Moxon, Mrs. L. A. '13 Vaissade, Miss M. L. '14 Vaissade, Miss Z. C. '15 Roudinot. Miss M. F. '15 Felt, Miss I. A. '16 Dolson. C. E. '16 Gaynor, Miss G. W. Arlington See under Riverside Armada •08 Hield, Miss E. B. Arroyo Grande '11 McLaurin, Miss C. A. '12 Frederickson, W, G. '14 Paulding, Miss Ruth Arvin '15 Seat, Miss Gladys Atascadero '10 Lucas, C. AL '11 Robson, R. E. '11 Robson. Mrs. R. E. Athlone '95 Vetterle, Mrs. George Atolla '10 Rodegerdts, C. A. '13 Church, M. A, Auburn '03 Ekberg, Mrs. P. G. '05 Tuttle, Raglan '07 Engle, J. F. '07 Lowell. O. J. '13 Sharp, Mrs. R. G. '14 Lobner, Miss J. E. '14 Snowden. Miss F. V. '15 Chamberlain, T. G. '16 Reynolds. W. A. '16 Wise, R. L. Avalon '09 Mackey, P. E. Avila '06 Heise, A. R. Azusa '13 Vo.sbure, M. S. '14 tDurreil. Miss L. L. '16 Dobbin, Miss Martha Baird '12 Bass, Miss A. L. Baja '09 Galan. Dr. T. R. Bakersfield '85 Craig, Mrs. H. S. '86 Svlvester, Dr. W. G. '95 Hull. Dr. J. P. '97 McDonald. Mrs. Ronald '98 Hochheimer. Ira '98 Kave, W. W. California] LOCALITY INDEX 321 '00 Borton, F. E. '01 Henton, Mrs. J. S. '01 Rogers, Dr. Guy '03 Ronton, Mrs. Fred '04 tMinor, H. S. '04 Weill. Miss B. C. '0.T tKedian, Dr. W. H. '05 Morehead, Dr. R. F. '06 Jewett. H. S. '07 Allen, H. S. '07 Cuneo, Dr. P. J. '07 MacNair, Miss R. S. '07 Moore, L. J. '07 Weill. Miss I. S. '08 Denton, Mrs. P. R. '08 Dorris. Mrs. W. C. '08 Farmer. Mrs. M. T. '08 Long. Dr. S. F., Jr. '09 Denton, P. R. '09 Farmer. M. T. '09 Grijalva, W. P. '10 Cullimore. Clarence '11 Chuljb, Miss O. M. 'U tPauIy, C. W., Jr. '12 Compton, Dr. C. S. '12 Nelson, O. R. '13 Van Ingen, Mrs. Albert '14 Rerry, G. T. '14 Chatom, Paul, Jr. '14 Merritt, Miss E. O. '14 Shirrell, E. L. '15 Gavins, L. P. '15 Forker. Miss Y. H. '15 Williams, C. J. '16 Salis, Miss Agnes Balboa '06 Norton, B. S. Balls Ferry '11 Glavinovich, L. V. Banning '99 Innes, Mrs. D. A. Barstow '04 Waterman, Miss A. L. '13 Steele, Miss Rose Bayleo '08 Vollmers, Miss A. F. Bartlett Springs '07 Hunt, Mrs. R. H. Bay Point '14 Wales. H. F. Bellota '93 Manson, Marsden Bellvale '15 tGuerra, F. I'. Belmont '95 McGowan, R. H. Belvedere '83 Harmon, F. N. '89 Holmes, C. E. '12 Rearden, Anna '13 Tuckey, Dr. H. A. '16 Peterson. G. B. W. '96 Scott, Dr. Florence '04 Gassaway, S. G. '12 Peterson, F. S. Benicia '79 tMinor. Lansing '04 Mann, Mrs. R. H. '06 Miller, Mrs. A. W. '06 Stewart, Miss T. A. '07 McKay, Mrs. G. A. '08 Miller, A. \V. '14 Barkley, J. M. '14 Barkley, Mrs. J. M. '15 Flson, A. H. '15 Rogers. Miss Catharine '15 Tays, Eugene Beresford '95 King, F. R. Berkeley '73 Edwards. G. C., 2546 Dana st. '74 McLean. Dr. R. A.. Cloyne Court '75 lones, W. C. 2625 Eenvenue av. '76 Wall, Dr. B. P., 2251 Piedmont av. '77 Booth, Edward, 2810 Woolsey st. '77 Gray, Theodore. 2540 Renvenue av. '77 Jaffa, M. E., 2637 Virginia st. '77 Solinsky, F. J., 2215 Durant av. 77 Stillman, Howard, 2430 Piedmont av. '78 Cheney, Warren, 2241 College av. '78 Daingerfield, W. R., 1022 Shattuck av. '79 Head, Miss Anna, 2730 Relrose st. '79 Irving, S. C. 1322 Shattuck av. '79 Keith, Mrs. William, Ridge rd. and La Loma av. '79 Kelsey, G. P., 2215 Ellsworth st. '79 McMahon, Mrs. T. A., 2133 Lewiston av. '79 O'Neill, Edmond, 2522 College av. '79 Slate. Mrs. Fred. 2231 College av. '80 Rolton, Miss Sarah. 2177 Allston way '80 Chambers, S. A., 2223 Atherton st. '80 tEnslow, O. M., .'034 Fulton st. '80 Hughes, G. L.. 3018 Deakin st. '80 Hulting, F. B., 2733 Derby st. '80 Weber, A. H., 1515 Euclid av. '81 Metcalf, G. D., 1773 Bushncll place '81 Seaman, E. M., 1323 Henry st. '81 Straus, Gaston. 1309 Arch st. '81 Tuttie, F. P.. 2834 Garber st. '82 Amies, W. D., Faculty Club '82 Berry, R. A., 2700 Benvenue av. '82 Clark, F. H., 11 El Camino Real '82 Senger, T. H., 1321 Bav View place '83 Cheney. 'Mrs. Mav L., 2241 College av. '83 Fife, W. C, 2728 Regent st. '83 Grady, Theodore, 2809 Kelsey st. '83 Hayne, B. A., 2421 Piedmont av. '84 Edwards, George. 2530 Dwight way '84 Huggins, C. L., 2313 Channing way '84 Le Conte, Miss C. E., 2735 Bancroft way '84 Le Conte, Mrs. J. N., 19 Hillside court '84 Partsch. Dr. Herman. 2001 Lincoln st. '85 Congdon. Dr. M. L, 2527 Piedmont av. '85 Hutton, Dr. J. A. D.. 2150 Stuart st. '85 McLean. Miss F. W.. 1829 Bancroft way '86 Biedenbach. C. L.. 2526 College av. '86 Dunn, Dr. M. L. 2845 Telegraph av. '86 Easton, K. G.. 2801 College av. '86 Pcmberton, J. E., 2607 Ellsworth st. '87 Bush, R. E., 1928 Francisco st. 322 LOCALITY L\DLX [California Berkeley, Continued "87 C.rcKory. \V. C, La l-oma park •H7 Murphcy. J. D.. l^^H I'arkcr st. •87 Uan.lall, H. I.. J703 ncnvcinic av. ■87 U;ivm..n.l. W. .).. 262J I'icdmont av. •88 liruuKliton, H. A.. 808 ArlinRton av. •88 Kclscy. H. D., 1506 Si.riice st. •88 Rii-bcr. C. H., 15 Canyon rd. '88 .Strattoii, <".. M.. 55 Canyon rd. 'SS .Sutton, lanu-s, J.^01 I'rospcct st. •89 lUnikcr, Miss Minnie, 2700 Channing way •89 Dornin, J. C, 25.^7 Bcnvenue av. •8f Hntchinson, Lincoln, 9 Canyon rd. •8') Upson, W. L., 2714 Hen venue av. •8') Moore, K. H., 1744 .Arch st. •89 Noble, C. A., 2224 Piedmont av. '89 rfister. Dr. Joseph, 2714 Woolsey st. •89 Sands, I. A., 20.^1 Prince st. 'SO Wallace, Dr. A. H., 2905 Piedmont av. ■<>0 Incell, Arthur, 2325 Carlton st. •90 McMurrav, O. K., 2327 Le Conte av. '90 McNeill, Miss Anna, 1239 Henry st. •90 S(|uires, H. J., 1226 Shattuck av. 'QO Stokes, G. H., 2701 Henvenue av. '90 Street, A. L, Bancroft Hotel •t)l Blake, A. S., 2231 Piedmont av. '91 Burnham, Dr. C. J., 1750 Bushnell place •91 Hall, B. L., 2018 Parker st. •Ql Hodghead, B. L., 1715 Euclid av. '91 Kelsey, Dr. J. E., 1734 Walnut st. •91 Le Conte, J. N., 19 Hillside court •91 LejiKe, Dr. R. T.. 3016 Benvenue av. "91 Merrill, C. W., 2311 Warring st. ■91 .Morgan. Ross, 2401 Hilgard av. '91 Olney, Warren, Jr., 2702 Dwight way •91 Olson, Miss M. C, Roosevelt Hospital '91 Shaw. A. E.. 2929 Benvenue av. "91 Waste. W. H., 2222 Durant av. '91 White. J. H.. 2240 Piedmont av. '91 Williams, Miss C. L., 2507 Channing way '02 Blasdale, W. C, 2514 College av. '92 Broheck, W. L, 2710 Benvenue av. '92 Clark, W. V.. Tr.. 2638 Fulton st. •92 Clayes, Miss M. B., 2420 Dwight way '92 drover. Miss H. M., 2680 Parker st. •92 Hengstler, L. T., 2620 Warring st. '92 Meek, Dr. C. A., 2339 Regal rd. '92 Partridge, T. S., 2804 Hillegass av. '92 Tompkins, P. T., 2526 Durant av. '92 Watson, Miss J. E.. 2967 College av. '92 Winter, De, 2339 College av. '92 Young. C. C, 2729 Derby st. "93 Bartlett, Louis, 2434 Warring st. '93 Bridgman, Miss L. B.,1715 La Loma av. '93 Cooper, Mrs. J. B. R., 2412 Channing way '93 Gregory, Mrs. W. C. La Loma park '93 Haskell, Mrs. L. T., 2947 Elmwood court '93 Houghton. E. T., 2633 Benvenue av. 'f'3 Inglish. Mrs. W. P., 2131 Bancroft wav •93 L-icobs, Mrs. M. H.. 1616 Le Rov av. '')3 Kellev. E. A., 2810 Derbv st. '93 North. H. H.. 2414 Prospect st. '93 Rees. W. H.. 1705 La Loma av. '03 Scott. Dr. W. K.. 3050 College av. '03 Van Dyke, E. C. 1545 Le Rov av. •04 Bangs. Miss W. S.. 2710 Regent st. '94 Barker, Miss G. L.. 2031 Dwight wav '94 Blake. Mrs. A. S.. 2231 Piedmont av. •94 Boke, G. H., Boalt Hall '94 Colemore, C. A., 1741 Walnut st. '94 Colemore, Mrs. C. A., 1741 Walnut st. •94 Denicke, F. A., 2527 Virginia st. '94 Fisher, Rev. M. B., 1529 Walnut st. •94 Herrmann. F. C, 2111 Los Angeles av. '94 Lewis, Mrs. E. P., 27 Panoramic way '94 Morse, Miss Blanche, 2033 Bancroft way '94 Peixotto, Miss J. B., Cloyne Court '94 Perrinc, Mrs. W. G., 2309 Virginia st. '94 Rhodes, H. W., 2711 Woolsey st. '94 Saph. A. V., 2330 Durant av. '94 Smith, J. U., 2320 Ward st. '94 Todd, V. M., 1334 Arch st '94 Wadsworth, W. H., 2239 Summer st. '94 Wright, H. M., Oak Knoll terrace '95 Barrows, D. P., 2617 College av. '95 Bartlett, Mrs. Louis, 2434 Warring st. '95 Colby, Mrs. W. E., 2901 Channing way '95 Curtis, Miss H. W..2419 Channing way '95 Dempster. R. R.. 2204 Glen av. '95 Gorrill. W. H., 2725 Dwight way '95 Henderson, Miss Gertrude, 2816 Derby st. '95 Holmes, E. C, 2829 Forest av. '95 Ludlow, Dr. W. B., 2320 Cedar st. '95 Noble, H. A., 2614 Etna st. '95 Olney, Mrs. Warren, Jr., 2702 Dwight way '95 Ospina, Mrs. Rafael, 2018 Parker st. '95 Prouty, Mrs. E. W., 2446 Ashby av. '95 Stewart. F. L., 2819 Forest av. '95 Stirring, Mrs. Henry, 1941 Kittridge st '95 Stringham, F. D., 2706 Claremont av. '95 Sutton, Miss Grace, 2301 Prospect st. '95 Volkhart, Mrs. F. A., 2927 Deakin st. '96 Allen, J. T., 39 Mosswood rd. '96 Blake, E. T., 2233 Piedmont av. '96 Carrington, Dr. P. T., 3014 Hillegass av. '96 Chandler, A. E., 2619 Benvenue av. '96 Cooper, E. T., 2933 Russell st. '96 Dam, F. H., 2432 Cedar st. '96 Duprey, A. E., 1410 Spruce st. '96 Fairbanks, H. W., 1204 Tamalpais st. '96 Fisher, Miss M. A., 49 Plaza drive '96 Graham, Dr. H. B., 2419 Channing way '96 Hall, E. E., 1501 Le Roy av. '96 Hengstler, Mrs. L. T., 2620 Warring st. '96 Hollis. Mrs. W. H., 2839 Fulton st. '96 Howell, J. G., Jr., 2033 Berryman st. '96 Jones, Miss K. D., 2545 Piedmont av. '96 Kierulff, G. D., 2955 Avalon av. '96 Koch, F. W.. 2043 Berryman st. '96 Koch. Mrs. F. W., 2043 Berryman st. '96 Lane. Mrs. N. G., 2646 Bancroft way '96 Louderback, G. D.. 2713 Derbv st. '96 Louderback, Mrs. G. D., 2713 Derby st. '96 McCleave, Mrs. Robert, 2844 Garber st. '96 Merriam. Mrs. J. C, 2401 Bowditch st. '96 Morse. C. R.. 2033 Bancroft wav '96 NicboUs, T. H., 151 Hillcrest rd. •96 Perry, N. L., 2808 Derbv st. •96 Perry, Mrs. N. L.. 2808 Derby st. '96 Roberts, Leslie. 2715 Regent st. '96 Svmmes. Miss Mabel,2231 Piedmont av. "96 Taylor, Miss M. M.. 2313 Warring st. '96 Wilson, Miss M. E., 2538 Channing way '97 .Anderson, F. ^L. 2604 Etna st. "97 Caughlan, Mrs. L H., 3339 Kine st. '97 Condit, Mrs. L J.. 908 Indian Rock av. '97 Crawford. R. T.. 2740 Hillegass av. "97 Culver. Miss S. B., 2908 Channing wav California] LOCALITY INDEX 323 '97 Elston, J. A., First National Bank bldg. '97 Harnden, Dr. F. W., 51 El Camino Real '97 Henderson, Mrs. H. N., 2940 Avalon av. '97 Hurt, Mrs. F. O., 2917 Regent st. '97 Kneiss. Mrs. L. H., 2228 Dana st. '97 Kuno, Yoshisaburo. 1184 Arch st. '97 Love, Miss G. A., 2908 Channing way '97 McCleave, Mrs. T. C, 2844 Garber st. '97 Metcalf, I. B.. 2225 Hearst av. '97 Moore, Miss M. E., 1748 Oxford st. '97 Xevvmark. Mrs. Milton, 138 The Up- lands '97 North, Mrs. H. H.. 2414 Prospect st. '97 Peck. M. H., 1121 Colusa av. '9/ Putnam. T. M., 2740 Elmwood av. '97 Rov.ell. E. T., 15.33 Edith st. '97 Rush, Miss L. G.. 1607 Walnut st. '97 Taylor. Miss E. M., 2313 Warring st. '97 Van Gorder. A. G., 3025 Colby st. '97 Wachs, Dr. Martin. 1901 Virginia St. '97 White, H. J.. 12 Plaza drive '97 Wiley, H. R., 2545 Benvenue av. '97 Williams. Miss C. L., 806 Santa Bar bara rd. '97 Wootten, Mrs. F. B., 1509 Le Roy av. '98 Allen, \. H., 2317 Prospect st. '98 Allen, Mrs. A. H., 2317 Prospect st. '98 .■Mien, I. C, 1906 Milvia st. '98 Arkley, W. W., 1415 Grant st. '98 tBailey, Mrs. A. G.. 2625 Ridge rd. '98 Baird. Dudley, 2434 Prospect st. '98 Boulware, Mrs. A. S., 2133 Esse.x st. '98 Chamberlain, Mrs. W. E., 2431 Ells worth St. "98 Clark, George, 2500 Durant av. '98 Colbv, W. E., 2901 Channing way •98 Force, Dr. J. N., 2631 Derby st. '98 Frank. Miss L. J., 2400 Durant av. '98 Graham. A. E.. 875 Indian Rock av. '98 Hanna. Miss F. M., 2613 Durant av. '98 Henderson, Dr. W. D., 2022 Virginia st. '98 Howson, I. W., 2915 Regent st. '98 Linscott, Miss S. M., 2011 Yolo av. '98 McNulty, C. R., 1622 Spruce st. '98 Morley. W. S., 2611 Piedmont av. '98 Schmit, f. J., 2323 Rose terrace '98 Stutt, T. H., 2510 Warring st. '98 Weymouth. C. R., 2733 .'Kshby av. '98 Whitcomh, Ralston. 1009 Shattuck av. '98 Young, Mrs. R. J., 2612 Benvenue av. '99 Barber. O. T., 2915 College av. '99 Brownsill. Dr. Edith S.,2704 College av. '99 Burd. J. S., 2711 Virginia st. '99 Colby. Miss Josephine, 2901 Channing wav '99 Cole, Mrs. E. K., 2214 Haste st. '99 Congdon, Miss E. R., 2218 Bancroft wav '99 Cooper. H. N.. 1607 Milvia st. '99 Cross. R. H.. 3125 Claremont av. '99 Eastman. Mrs. R. S.. 2847 Fulton st. '99 Elston, T. S., 2500 Durant av. '99 Embury, Mrs. G. S., 1525 Walnut st. '99 Evans. Perry. 2799 Piedmont av. '99 Gillihan. Dr. A. F.. Acheson bldg. '99 Ginno, Mrs. J. W., 1151 Oxford st. '99 Gove. G. W., 2118 Grant st. '99 Gove. Mrs. G. W., 2118 Grant st. '99 Hahn. I. M.. 2219 Atherton st. 'Q9 Henderson. V. H., 2816 Derby st. '99 Hutchinson. J. S.. 1235 Bonita av. '99 tjewett. Miss A. R., 1700 University av. '99 Jones, Mrs. C. E., 2037 Durant av. '99 Knight. Miss B. L., 2221 Dana st. '99 McDuffie, Duncan, 156 The Tunnel rd. '99 Newmark. Milton. 138 The Uplands '99 Rising, Miss A. S., Berkeley Bank of Savings & Trust Co. '99 Ross. Miss Mary, 2217 Dwight way "99 Smith, T. A., 1531 Edith st. '99 Spencer. Mrs. Meredith. 2225 Chapel st. '99 Sprague. Roger, 2112 Durant av. '99 Stone, Mrs. E. M.. 2929 Hillegass av. '99 Stubenrauch, A. V.. 2747 Woolsev st. '99 Wartenweiler. Miss Elise. 2400 Durant av. '99 Webb. Miss Margaret, 2131 Bancroft way '99 Webb. W. C. 3017 Hillegass av. '99 Wickson, Miss K. R., 2723 Bancroft way '99 Youmans. Miss H. E., 2500 Durant av. '00 Athearn. F. G.. 2805 Regent st. '00 Athearn, Mrs. F. G., 2805 Regent st. '00 Ballin. Mrs. Maurice. 2946 Magnolia St. '00 Brower. R. T., 2414 Parker st. '00 Covert. M. H.. 2317b Carlton st. '00 Donnelly. Miss L. L., 2120 McGee av. '00 Dryden, Mrs. H. F.. 1624 Milvia st. '00 Goodale, David. 2301 Stuart st. '00 Hector, Mrs. Robert, 2011 Yolo av. '00 Henrich, Karl. 2227 Union st. '00 Hodgkin, W. R. H., 1431 Spruce st. '00 t Jackson, Miss M. N., 2711 Claremont blvd. '00 Linforth. I. M., 2700 Piedmont av. '00 Martin. Miss D. L., 1050 Keith av. '00 Martinez. Mrs. W. T., 2814 College av. '00 Mcintosh. Dr. A. M.. 2915 Pine av. '00 Morris, F. L., 2477 Prince st. '00 Moulthrop, J. R., 2611 Etna st. '00 Needham. Mrs. W. G.. 1214 Walnut st. '00 Neiman, W. F., 1231 Oxford st. '00 Newmark. Miss \. H.. 2162 Vine st. '00 Nutting. F. P., 2499 Avalon av. '00 Olney, Mrs. William. 2608 Warring st. '00 Paroni. Miss C. .A... 2647 Stuart st. '00 Peck. C. W., 245 Alvarado rd. , '00 Simonds, R. W., 1330 Spruce st. '00 Simpson, Dr. F. W., 2946 Avalon av. '00 Smith. D. T., 2435 Virginia st. '00 Somersett, Dr. J. C. 3100 Lewiston av '00 Sperry, J. C, 2425 Hearst av. '00 Tyrrell. Miss G. A., 2324 Stuart st. '00 \\hite, M. H., La Loma av. and Buena \'ista way '00 Wilder. Miss A. R., 2448 Prospect st. '01 Abraham, Miss Hilda. 1722 Walnut st. '01 .-Mien. Miss A. H., 2237 Ellsworth st. '01 Barker, Mrs. L. J.. 2614 Benvenue a v. '01 Bentlev, Miss M. I., 2401 Le Conte av. '01 Bradlev. W. W.. 1537 Bonita av. '01 Brock, Mrs. C. W., The Alameda '01 Chace. Miss L. G., 2624 Piedmont av. '01 Christv. Miss M. V.. 1737 Euclid av. '01 Cornish. H. L.. 2005 Vine st. '01 Cornwall, Miss A. M.. 2230 Chapel St. '01 Fee. Miss M. M., 3001 College av. '01 Fish. Miss G. E.. 2910 Ashby av. '01 Griesche. G. A., Elks Clul) '01 Hall. H. M.. 1615 La Loma av. '01 Hall. Miss M. S.. 1431 Hearst av. '01 Harshall, Dr. A. K.. 2838 Benvenue av. '01 Henderson. Dr. H. N.. 2940 .\valon av. '01 Howard. Mrs. L. N.. 1117 Scenic av. 324 LOCALITY INDEX [California Berkeley, Continued •01 liams, Miss M. A., 1406 Arch st. ■01 Kcrns. V. VV.. 2219 Blake st. •01 Kcrns. Mrs. F. W., 2219 Uiakc st. •01 l.dir. Miss K. H., 230.? Hearst av. '01 Manclusicr. (1. P., 55 Shasta st. •01 Manclicstcr, Mrs. G. P., 55 Shasta st. •01 Martin. Miss H. L., 1511 Scenic av. '01 Meek, Miss Nettie. 2128 Hearst av. "01 Mitchell. Mrs. C. \V., 2747 McGee av. "01 tN'enoro, Motoyuki, 1910 Henry st. •01 Nicely. O. M., 1826 Ward st. •01 Novitzky, Dr. J. F., 2247 Prince st. *01 Orrick, VV. H., College and Forest avs. '01 Peckham, Miss H. \V., 2538 Channing way "01 Powell. Miss Eva, 2703 Dwight way '01 Ross. Miss M. A., 2217 Dwight way '01 Rowcll. Mrs. Grace, 2721 Parker st. '01 S.-idler, Mrs. W. T., 2800 Woolsey st. •01 Shucy. \V. A.. 2512 Russell st. '01 \'avgounv, Mooshegh, 2727 Hilgard av. '01 Wi'lliams. Miss M. L., 1324 Arch st. '01 Wolfenden, A. M., 1711 Sonoma av. '01 Woolsey, Dr. R. I., 2329 Webster st. '02 Ames. Fletcher, 2214 Los Angeles av. •02 Arnold, R. P.. 2410 Grant st. '02 Haird, Mrs. Dudley, 2434 Prospect st. '02 Haird. Frank, 2624 Bancroft way '02 Bauder, Mrs. I. J., 804 Camelia st. '02 Blackhall. Mrs. A. M., 1525 Spruce st. '02 Howron. B. R., 2620 Hilgard av. '02 Brown, Mrs. Warner, 2553 Benvenue av. "02 Clement, Dr. C. E., 1060 Spruce st. '02 Cuniniings, H. O., 2408 McGee av. '02 Dakin. F. H., Jr., 2321 Vine st. •02 Dam. Mrs. F. H., 2432 Cedar st. '02 Deutsch. M. E., 1630 Le Roy av. '02 Dozier. Mrs. Earnest, 1610 Oxford st. '02 Dungan. Mrs. H. L., 2036 Durant av. '02 Eltse, Mrs. R. R., 1915 Escondido av. '02 Etcheverry, B. A., 2598 Buena Vista way '02 Farwell. Miss N. M., 2230 9th st. '02 Finlev, Dozier, 2725 Ashby av. '02 Flaa.'l. E., 2437 Hilgard av. '02 Foster, Miss K. B.. 2717 Hillegass av. •02 Franks, H. E., 2709 McGee av. '02 F'jller. R. D., 2731 Prince st. '02 Glessner, H. H., 2327 Cragmont av. '02 Goodsell, F. F., 2614 Dana st. '02 Keves, E. E.. 2932 Ellsworth st. '02 tKing. Mrs. E. B., 2801 Ashby av. '02 Lemberger, A. P.. 1045 Mariposa av. '02 Mackie, Mrs. J. A. M., 2525 Durant av. "02 Martin, L. E., 1050 Keith av. '02 May, Mrs. R. L., 1331 Bonita av. '02 Mitchell, C. W., 2747 McGee av. •02 Nelson, Mrs. F. E., 3090 King st. •02 Noble, G. C. 6 Alvarado rd. '02 Parks. Dr. E. C. 2710 Woolsey st. '02 Popert, W. H.. 2970 Piedmont av. '02 Powell, Miss Helen. 2703 Dwight way '02 Powell. W. A., 2836 Derby st. '02 Prutzman, Miss H. C. 1835 Fulton st. '02 Rhodes, C. I., 1536 Walnut st. '02 Rogers. Miss A. M.. 2177 Aliston way •02 Scnger. G. H.. 1321 Bay View place "02 Solomon, .\lfred. 2001 Aliston way '02 Stewart. Miss Mary, 2502 Bancroft way •02 Stokes, Dr. T. P.. 2701 Benvenue av. '02 Stout. Miss H. M.. 2218 Durant av '02 Swett, Miss R. I., 2409 Oregon st. '02 Wilkinson. Miss I. B.. 2511 Regent St. '02 Winkler. John, 2214 Union st. '03 Almind. A. E., 2310 Cedar st. '03 Bartlett, Miss Ethel, 2820 Derby st. '03 Benton, Dr. J. J., 1915 University av. '03 Burpee. W. J.. 2317 Virginia st. '03 Chappell, M. L., 1837 Parker st. '03 Chilcote. G. H., 2619 Ashby av. '03 Clarke, W. T., 2317 Le Conte av. '03 Cloudman, H. C, 2236 Grant st. '03 Cunningham, Miss R. L..2739 Parker St. '03 Davidson. Miss N. M., 2519 College av. '03 Durst, F. M., 1518 Buena av. '03 Edwards, E. G., 2538 Channing way '03 Elmore, L. A., 1912 Grove st. '03 Etcheverry, Mrs. B. A., 2598 Buena Vista way '03 Finley. Miss E. R.. 2725 Ashby av. '03 Gaines, C. A., 1831 Berryman st. '03 Gardner. N. L., 2901 Hillegass av. '03 Girvin. W. H., 2830 Regent st. '03 Goldman, Otto, 1425 Milvia st. '03 Gompertz. Miss K. R.. 1232 Grove st. '03 Gorrill, Mrs. W. H., 2725 Dwight way '03 tGraydon, McCullough, 2029 Blake st. '03 Hallen. Mrs. F. Y., 2510 Etna st. '03 Haring, Mrs. C. M., 2215 Rose st. '03 Hubbard, Mrs. E. L, 2320 Bancroft way '03 Hughes, A. F., 2613 Hillegass av. '03 Jungck, D. L., 3025 Dana st. '03 Koford, J. M., 1636 Milvia st. '03 Lamson, J. S., 2970 Magnolia St. '03 Lathrop, A. P., 2240 Chapel st. '03 Lea. Mrs. E. J., 2840 Parker st. '03 Lee, Miss S. J., 2610 Derby st. '03 Lyser. Miss A. L, 2401 Le Conte av. '03 Mackie. W. W., 2525 Durant av. '03 Matthew, A. P., The Alameda and In- dian Trail '03 McCarthy, R. H., 1154 Oxford st. '03 McGrew, Miss M. E., 2647 Hillegass av. '03 McGuire, Miss Elizabeth, 1608 La Loma av. '03 Nahl, Mrs. J. D.. 2425 College av. '03 Paroni, Dr. Romilda, 2647 Stuart st. '03 Ratclifif, W. H., Roble rd. '03 Raven. G. A., 2432 Stuart st. '03 Rice, Miss E. E.. 2511 Derby st. '03 Sibley, Robert, 2629 Le Conte av. '03 Smithson, G. A., 2319 College av. '03 Sully. Mrs. J. O., 1356 Tamalpais st. '03 Sutton, Miss Maud, 2301 Prospect st. '03 Swain, Miss Ethel, 2519 Hillcourt way '03 Turner, L. M., 2707 Virginia st. '03 Wepfer. Miss F. B.. 1833 Cedar st. •03 Williams. Mrs. M. C, 1752 \'ine st. '03 Young. R. J., 2612 Benvenue av. '04 Barber, Mrs. O. T., 2915 College av. '04 Bowie, C. P., 2120 Los Angeles av. '04 Bowman. L. M., 2927 Florence st. '04 Branch. -Miss E. O., 2478 Prince st. '04 Brown, Mrs. Cora L.. 1947 Dwight way '04 Brown, Warner. 2553 Benvenue av. '04 Carey, P. M., 3036 Fulton st. '04 Day. Miss Caroline, 2747 Bancroft way '04 Elston. Mrs. J. A., First National Bank bids. '04 Evans. Dr. H. M., 2621 Le Conte av. '04 Evans. Mrs. H. M., 2621 Le Conte av. '04 Flvnn. Miss H. A.. 1546 Shattuck av. "04 Frederick, Dr. C. J.. 3036 College av. "04 tpukuda, Rakusaburo. 2308 \'irginia st. CaliforniaJ LOCALITY INDEX 325 '04 Furlong, Mrs. H. W. F., 2305 Regal rd. '04 Geiselhart, Miss Josephine, 2037 Du- rant av. "04 Gillis, Mrs. K. C. 2953 Regent st. '04 Graham, Mrs.M.L.B.,2428 Channing way '04 Hall, Mrs. H. M., 1615 La Loma av. '04 Halloran, A. H., 2721 Forest av. '04 Hamilton, F. M., 1111 Fresno av. '04 Hector, Dr. Robert, 2011 Yolo av. '04 Hillier, Mrs. G. O., 2900 Grove st. '04 Holway. R. S.. 2577 Buena Vista way '04 Hust. Miss Mabelle. 1812 Delaware st. '04 Johnson. G. S., 2208 Roosevelt av. '04 Keyes, Mrs. E. E.. 2932 Ellsworth st. '04 Keeran, Mrs. J. F., 2328 Bowditch st. '04 Keys, Dr. T. R. E., 1220 Spruce st. '04 Ligda. Paul, 2717 Russell st. '04 Loken, Rev. H. J., 2324 Dwight way '04 Lombardi, M. E., 2331 Le Conte av. '04 Magneson, Miss Katherine, 1736 Ward St. '04 McReynolds, Mrs. C. I., 2613 Virginia St. '04 Miller. Irving. 2942 Claremont av. '04 Miller, N. B., 3139 Lewiston av. '04 Murdoch, E. C., 2120 Emerson st. '04 Xelson, Miss M. L., 2024 Prince st. '04 Nicholls, A. \V., 1430 Hawthorne ter- race '04 Olney, Mrs. J. L.. 1943 Dwight way '04 Page, Larrance, 2334 Roosevelt st. '04 Parker. C. H., 38 Mosswood rd. '04 Patten, Miss E. R.. 2121 Hearst av. '04 Rattan. Miss G. K.. 2508 Ridge rd. '04 Robinson, Mrs. P. S.. 2522 Hillegass av. '04 Rol)inson, Miss L. M.. 2809 Russell st. '04 Roop, Miss E. D., 2310 Bowditch st. '04 Skimmings, Mrs. W. E., 1539 Henry st. '04 Smith, Miss A. G., 1762 Bushnell place '04 Smith, Mrs. L. D., 333 Vicente rd. '04 Soule. E. L., 2409 Hilgard av. '04 Spencer, Miss D. T., 1737 Channing way '04 Thelen. Max. 136 .-Mvarado rd. '04 Thelen, Paul, 1936 Berryman st. '04 Thomas, Mrs. T. H., 953 Indian Rock av. '04 Thomson, Dr. H. S., 2539 College av. '04 Tibbetts, F. H., 1035 Shattuck av. '04 Tibbetts, S. A., 1613 Josephine st. '04 Traphagen, A. R.. 117 Parkside drive '04 Turner, Mrs. L. M., 2707 Virginia st. '04 Walton, S. V.. 2937 Magnolia st. '04 Wulzen, Miss Rosalind, 2447 Carlton st. '04 Wybro, Miss J. M., 2400 Durant av. '04 Youngs, Oliver, Jr., 2830 Benvenue av. '05 Atkinson, Miss F. E., 2735 Durant av. '05 Babcock, E. B., 1540 La Loma av. '05 Bovard, Mrs. P. F., 1041 Merced av. '05 Brandt, A. H., 918 Mono st. '05 Bromley, Miss H. L., 1938 Delaware st. '05 Brower. Mrs. R. J.. 2414 Parker st. '05 Burgess, E. O., 1171 Colusa av. '05 Caldecott, J. W., 2843 Fulton st. '05 Cheney, C. H.. 1424 Scenic av. '05 Chubb, Mrs. P. H., 2428 Milvia st. '05 Day. C. E., 1831 Francisco st. '05 De Lancie. H. S., 3034 Fulton st. '05 Elston, Mrs. T. S., Eucalvptus rd. '05 Fisk. J. K.. Hotel Shattuck '05 Fortson. Miss F. H.. 2^)56 Pine st. '05 Foulk, Miss Nina, 2432 Milvia st. '05 Frederick, Mrs. C. T., 3036 College av. '05 Frenzel, Dr. F. H., 1443 Hawthorne terrace '05 Gaines. Mrs. C. A., 1831 Berryman st. '05 Goble. F. J., 1604 Josephine st. '05 Goodfellow, Hugh, 2727 Garber st. '05 Hamilton, Mrs. K. C, 2415 Warring st. '05 Hershey, Miss K. B.. 2213 Fulton st. '05 Hiester, Cyrus, 1729 Channing way '05 Hoedel. R. O.. 2425 Woolsey st. '05 Howard. H. M., 2828 Woolsey st. '05 Howe, Dr. A. B., 1209 Spruce st. '05 Huber, W. L., 1407 Euclid av. '05 Huber. Mrs. W. L., 1407 Euclid av. '05 Jaggard, B. P., 2843 Prince st. '05 Jeffress, M. G., 1624 Scenic av. '05 Jewett, D. K., 1700 University av. '05 Kimberlin, E. M.. 2015 Delaware st. '05 Langworthy, R. L., 2534 College av. '05 Lenfest. Miss L. A., 1540 Grant st. '05 Lodge, Mrs. L. A., 1710 Bancroft way '05 tMartin, E. J., 2029 Kittredge st. '05 McCormac, Mrs. E. I., 1404 Hawthorne terrace '05 McGuire, Miss C. H.. 1608 La Loma av. |05 Merritt, Mrs. R. P.. 1712 Arch st. '05 O'TooIe, L. S.. 2550 Buena \'ista way '05 Peck, Dr. J. W., 2486 Shattuck av. '05 Piatt. J. H., 2033 Hearst av. '05 Reid. Mrs. C. W., 1925 Delaware st. '05 Ristenpart, Miss Myrtle, 2247 Ather- ton St. '05 Rogers, Dr. T. L.. 1321 Grove st. '05 Sanders. Mrs. B. S., 2827 Piedmont av. '05 Shuey, C. A.. 176 Alvarado rd. '05 Spinks, Mrs. C. H., 2912 Benvenue av. '05 Stone, Miss Marian, 1520 Hawthorne terrace '05 Stover, Miss M. E., 2918 Benvenue av. '05 Tufts, Le Roy, 2746 Hillegass av. '05 UnderhiJl. Miss M.R.,1350 Tamalpais st. '05 tWatson, Mrs. Laurence, care of F. H. Kastens, 732 Addison st. '05 Weiss, Arthur, Hart and Keith sts. '05 Wetzel, B. G.. 1633 Josephine st. '05 Wickson, Miss G. C, 2723 Bancroft way '05 Woodburn, R. C. 155 Parkside drive '06 Allen, J. H.. 2340 Grant st. '06 Anderson, Miss G. P.. 1609 Spruce st. '06 .Andrews. W. S., 2537 Fulton st. '06 P.ailey. Mrs. S. E., 1016 Spruce st. '06 Banks. Miss K. O., 1809 Hearst av. '06 Berg. Miss A. C. 2517 Regent st. '06 Bourn. Mrs. F. L. 1231 Glen av. '06 Boutin. Miss M. L., 1547 LeRoy av. '06 Bovard, P. F., 1041 Merced av. '06 Callender.Miss E.A.,908 Indian Rock av. |06 Chace. Miss C. W., 2624 Piedmont av. '06 Cooley, A. M., 1724 Sonoma av. '06 Cooper, W. J., 1825 San Juan av. '06 Cooper. Mrs. W. T.. 1825 San luan av. '06 Davidson. Mrs. AI. R.. 1712 Euclid av. '06 Demeritt. H. O., 1737 Walnut st. '06 Dewell. H. D., 1400 Scenic av. '06 Elliott. R. H.. 2730 Forest av. '06 Esterly, W. B.. 244 Alvarado rd. '06 Foreman. A. M., 1615 Oxford st. '06 Frenzel. Mrs. E. A.. 1135 Shattuck av. '06 Geary. J. W.. 3019 Hillegass av. '06 Gompertz, Miss Alice, 2405 Bowditch st. '06 Gregory, E. M., 1120 High court '06 Gregorv. Jackson. 1120 High court '06 Grover. Miss F. H.. 2680 Parker st. '06 Hadsell, Dan, 3130 Lewiston av. '06 Hardy, S. P., Glengarry apts. 326 LOCALITY INDEX [California Berkeley, Continued •06 Hclnicr, <■,. A.. 1529 Mc(]ec av. •of) Ilcnk-y, Mrs. A. S.. 1546 Shattuck av. •06 Ik-nry. W. \V., Jr.. 1809 Kuclid av. •06 Hickcy. .1- •'-. 24.1.1 Dnrant av. •06 Hjul. Mrs. C. H.. 2M2 Carlton st. •06 llolway, .Mr.s. K. S., 2577 Buena Vista way '06 Hoyt, C. F.. 2222 Bancroft way '06 laKKard. Mrs. B. P., 284.1 Prince st. •06 'lohnson. Mrs. II. M.. 2528 Chilton way •06 tloncs. Miss A. F., 1809 l^uclid av. '06 loncs, B. H.. 17.17 Viruinia st. •06 KclloKH. F. C, 2426 Virginia st. •06 Kelly, \V. H.. 26.12 HilKard av. •06 Kohnkc, F. C. 2.114 Haste .st. '06 l.vnch. M. C, 2710 Durant a v. •06 Martens. F.. H., 2720 Alcatraz av. •06 McClure, Miss E. F.. 1509 Alcatraz av. '06 Meads. A. M., 2510 College av. '06 Merrill, F. D.. 1740 Grant st. •06 Middlehoff, Miss E. L., 7.1 Parkside drive '06 Morgan, Miss F. M., 2627 Dwight way '06 Morgan, J. A., 2627 Dwight way '06 Ncilson, Mrs. E. G., 2411 Grove st. '06 Newell, Miss Bertha, 2726 Haste st. '06 O'Toole, L. S., 2550 Buena Vista way '06 Patton. Miss B. J., 2516 Ashby av. '06 Percival. Miss V. M.. 2610 Derby st. '06 Peterson. Miss R. A..2I06 San Pablo av. '06 Finger, \V. R. R., 1210 Shattuck av. '06 Prindle. Miss F. E., 2710 Haste st. '06 Prost, H. G., 44 Oakvale av. '06 Reed, Miss F. M., 2015 Bancroft way '06 Rowell, P. E., 2237 Durant av. '06 Samson. Miss M. M.. 2195 Shattuck av. '06 Scott. H. .A... 2111 Channing way '06 Scott, Miss L. F., 2723 Benvenue av. '06 Skinner. Miss M. M.. 2332a Haste st. '06 Smith. Miss F. E., 2636 Alcatraz av. '06 Smith, Miss S. C. 1925 Parker st. '06 Stewart. G. R., 2247 College av. '06 Street, Mrs. F. D., 2806 College av. '06 Vaughn, R. C, 1514 McGee av. '07 Bell, G. W.. 1546 Euclid av. '07 tBettison, Miss E. V., 2538 Channing way '07 Blanckenburg, G. B., 2968 Linden av. '07 Brown, E. S., 1548 Le Roy av. '07 Chubb, P. H., 2428 Milvia st. '07 Clark, Mrs. A. L.. 955 Shattuck av. '07 Dimmler, C. L., 1330 Josephine st. '07 Dore. \V. H., 1811 Stuart st. '07 Duggan. Dr. N. S.. 2601 Dana st. '07 McCnv. Miss F. L.. 2128 Ward st. '07 Edwards. Miss M. L.. 2529 Hillegass av. '07 Fletcher. J. D., 2435 LeConte av. '07 Foster. H .B., 1930 El Dorado av. '07 Gillespie, C. G.. 1930 El Dorado av. '07 Haight. S. C, 2433 Haste st. '07 Hall. .\. X., 1229 Josephine st. '07 Herrick. H. N., 1541 Grant st. '07 Jameson. Mrs. C. H., 2701 Hillegass av. '07 Jen-sen. Mrs. C. H., 2812 Piedmont av. '07 Keyes, Miss E. L., 2425 Channing wav '07 King, Miss A. V., 2304 Telegraph av. ' '07 Levy, D. L., 2229 Marin av. '07 Lord, E. L., 2901 Hillegass av. '07 Lucas. Miss L. O., 2968 Linden av. '07 Lyman. \V. W., Ir.. 2353 Prospect st. '07 Marshall. Dr. J. A.. 2510', Durant av. '07 Massie. J. V.. 2732 Claremont blvd. 07 Merritt, R. P., 1712 Arch st. 07 Ncwhall, Luther, 2811 Cherry st. 07 Parker. Mrs. C. H., 38 Mosswood rd. 07 Patterson, C. H., 1820 Derby st. 07 Perry, VV. C, 2636/, Dwight way 07 Pike, R. D., Hotel Shattuck 07 Postnikov, F. A., 1633 Dwight way 07 Reeve, Miss E. M., 2230 Woolsey st. 07 Reeve, Miss Z. C, 2230 Woolsey st. 07 Riley, Carmel, 2320 Warring st. 07 Roberts, Harry, 2715 Regent st. 07 Robertson. T. B.. 2619 Regent st. 07 Rugh, C. E., 2223 Atherton st. 07 Russell, A. A. M., 2712 Stuart st. 07 Sawyers. Mrs. F. E.. 2435 Webster st. 07 Shaw, Mrs. N. W., 3073 Bateman st. 07 Stewart, Mrs. G. R., 2247 College av. 07 Sweesy. Mrs. T. K., 2618 College av. 07 Van Sant, R. H., Jr., 6 Encina place 07 Waterman. T. T., 2804 Cherry st. 07 Wepfer, Miss C. G., 1833 Cedar st. 07 Whitney, D. J., 1405 Hawthorne ter race 07 tWright, Miss F. A., 2321 Haste st. 07 Zoph, N. M.. 2121 Essex st. 08 Abbott, R. B., 1803 Cedar st. 08 Alvarez, A. C, 1909 Dwight way 08 Ambrose, F. E., 2539 Hillegass av. 08 Anderson, A. E., 2322 Cedar st. 08 Andrews, Mrs. William, 2537 Fulton st 03 Atkins. J. W., Y. M. C. A. 08 Bannister, Miss B.F..2603 Benvenue av. 08 Bell, C. H., 2249 College av. 08 Bell, Mrs. C. H., 2249 College av. 08 Bliss, Mrs. H. H., 3010 Colby st. 08 Bloomer, F. F.. Y. M. C. A. 08 Campbell. W. H.. 2500 Durant av. 08 Cheney. S. W., 1209 Shattuck av. 08 Clark, Mrs. B. L., 2318 Hilgard av. 08 Cowley, I. M.. 2438 Haste st. 08 Davidson. G. C. 2214 Union sL 08 Domonoske. Miss H. P.. 1742 Grove st. 08 Duckett. Miss C. E.. 2816 Benvenue av. 08 Evans, Miss Julia, 2801 Stuart st. 08 Evans. Miss Nora, 2801 Stuart st. 08 Gilliam, T. W.. 1744 Virginia st. 08 Greenleaf. Mrs. J. H., care of Univer- sity of California 08 Griesche, W. F., Elks Club 08 Hadsell, Mrs. Dan. 3130 Lewiston av. 08 Harrison, M. E., 2742 Derby st. 08 Hawley. O. J., 1712 Channing way 08 Hayne. M. P., 2421 Piedmont av. 08 Herrick. Mrs. H. N., 1541 Grant st. 08 Holter. M. E.. 1741 Virginia st. 08 Tames. Miss D. H., 1203 Spruce st. 08 Jenkins. J. H.. Elks Club 08 Jones. H. S.. 1632 Sonoma av. 08 Keating. Miss K. M.. 1938 Hearst av. 08 Kellv. Dr. F. L.. 2241 Parker st. 08 Kelly, Mrs. F. L.. 2241 Parker st. 08 Kellv, Mrs. W. H., 2632 Hilgard av. 08 Klaus. H. C. 2414 Dana st. 08 Kleeberger. F. L., 1505 Euclid av. 08 Lasell. L. W.. 2501 Woolsey st. 08 MacDougall. Mrs. H.C..2325 Hilgard av. 08 Mnrshall. H. M.. 1421 Parker st. 08 McConnell. Miss A. C, 2719 Woolsev st. 08 Miller. Miss M. £., 2521 Hillegass av. 08 tMoonev. Miss Maude. Hotel Carlton 08 Palmer, Miss M. E.. 1024 Mariposa av. 08 Parma. Miss Rosamond. 2812 Piedmont av. California] LOCALITY INDEX 111 08 Porterfield, Miss A.W..2326 Warring st. 08 Powell. Dr. Alvin. 2703 Dwight way 08 TReeves, T. V., 2618 Haste st. 08 Richardson, Mrs.R.M.. 1604 Josephine st. 08 Roberts, C. R.. 1397 Tamalpais st. 08 Robertson. R. D., Federal bldg. 08 Robson, Mrs. F. T., Hotel Shattuck 08 Roop, Mrs. W. P., 2523 Etna st. 08 Russell. Mrs. A. A. M., 2712 Stuart st. 08 Schmidt, C. L. A.. 2338 Roosevelt av. 08 Schuessler, Mrs. L. E.. 916 Mono st. 08 Shuev, Mrs. R. A., 2451 Ashby av. 08 Small, G. L., 2808 Grove st. 08 Smith, I. H., 2410 Edwards st. 08 Spaulding, R. A., 2215 Telegraph av. 08 Steedman, Mrs. G. J., 2108 Prince st. 08 Thomas, F. F., Jr., Spruce st. and Re gal rd. 08 Toner. Miss M. G., 2626 Durant av. 08 Underwood. B. E..Jr., 2041 Francisco st. 08 Waterman, Mrs. t. T.. 2804 Cherry st. 08 Weir, Miss L. E., 2709 Channing way 08 Wilder, A. D.. 2448 Prospect st. 08 Williamson, Talcott, 2353 Prospect st. 08 Wooll, Miss Charlotte, 2617 Parker st. 09 Ambrose, Miss W. C. 2539 Hillegass av. 09 Andrews, F. D., 2828 Forest av. 09 Bailey. Dr. S. E.. 1016 Spruce st. 09 Barnhart, E. W., 2532 Regent st. 09 Bell, G. L., 2118 Marin av. 09 Bell, Mrs. G. L., 2118 Marin av. 09 Bliss. H. H., 3010 Colby st. 09 Roydston, C. E., 2534 Grant st. 09 Breckenfeld, E. A., 3005 Benvenue av. 09 Bromley. Miss I. S., 1938 Delaware st. 09 Brown, A. H., 2169 Addison st. 09 Carleton, F. V., 1331 Oxford st. 09 Chapman, A. W., 2129 Woolsey st. 09 Chapman, C. E., 2423 Hilgard av. 09 Clark, B. L., 2H6 Virginia st. 09 Clayton, Mrs. Walter. 2139 Stuart st. 09 Cleland, Gail, 2207 .^therton st. 09 Cleveland, Miss Maude, 2618^4 Col- lege av. 09 Cloudman. Miss E. L.. 2236 Grant st. 09 Conrad, Mrs. C. C, 1640 Oxford st. 09 Cornish, S. P., 1923 Dwight way 09 Dimmler, Mrs. C. L., 1330 Josephine st. 09 Dyer, Miss E. K., 1423 Spruce st. 09 Everett. Miss E. A., 2632 Regent st. 09 Fisher, Miss L. M.. 2214 Carlton st. 09 Flannery, R. L., 1622 Grove st. 09 Gester, G. C. 118 The Uplands 09 Grubb, Miss O. M., 2214 Ashby av. 09 Heinz, Miss Kathryn, 2724 Alcatraz av. 09 Hough, Miss A. M., 2237 Derby st. 0« Howson, G. W., 1801 Fairview st. 09 Hussey, H. A., 1733 Milvia st. 09 Jacobs, G. S.. 2203 Cedar st. 09 tjohns, W. R., 2423 Dana st. 09 Jones, Miss A. E., 2816 Fulton st. 09 lones. Miss A. S., 2816 Fulton st. 09 Kahl, G. G.. 2239 Parker st. 09 Kanzaki, Kiichi, 1404 Spruce st. '09 Lane, H. S.. 1833 Bancroft way "09 Leggett, Mrs. H. M., 2927 Regent st. '09 Levy, Mrs. S. E., 2329 Channing way '09 Lucas. Miss E. E., 1032 Spruce st. "09 McCall, Miss E. J., 2419 Parker st. "09 McDonald, G. R., 2443 Oregon st. "09 McKibben, J. W., 2522 Piedmont av. "OQ McLenegan, C. S., 2813 Parker st. '09 Mitchell, L. S., 2725 Hillegass av. '09 Morgan, D. N.. 1016 Spruce st. '09 Xicholls. Miss J. E., 2720 Elmwood av. '09 O'Bannon, Miss Lida, box 87 '09 O'Leary, Mrs. W. J.. 1506 Marin av. '09 O'Toole. M. C. 2550 Buena Vista way '09 O'Toole, Miss R. M., 2550 Buena Vista way '09 Ottoman, Miss V. F., 2691 Cedar st. '09 Penniman. R. S., Jr., 826 Oxford st. '09 Piatt. F. C. 1132 Amador av. '09 Randall, Mrs. G. A.. 1910 Napa av. '09 Robinson. Miss F. H., 2809 Russell st. '09 Robson. F. T.. Hotel Shattuck '09 Sherman, Miss L. M., 2328 Warring st. '09 Shuey, K. A., 2451 Ashby a v. '09 Shuman. Miss L. D., 2801 Benvenue av '09 Silberstein, Miss Edith, 2108 Grant st. '09 Steilberg. Mrs. W. T., 2819 Garber st. '09 Stern, M. W.. 2322 Cedar st. '09 Stout, V. A., 915 Tulare st." '00 Stout, Mrs. V. A.. 915 Tulare st. '09 Swift. G. B.. 2425 Ellsworth st. '09 Talbot, Parker. 2410 Stuart st. '09 Thornton, H. A., 193 Hillcrest rd. '09 Turner. C. A.. Elks Club '09 Van Duyne, Mrs. E. M., 2221 Dwight way '09 White, Miss Irma. 1314 Spruce st. '09 Yost, P. K., 2509 Hillegass av. '09 Youngman, Mrs. W. H., 2539 Califor- nia St. '10 Adams. Mrs. M. R.. 225 Hillcrest rd. '10 Ahlf. Miss M. G.. 2618^< College av. '10 Akers, Miss E. J.. 2334 Durant av. '10 Ambrose, W. C. 2539 Hillegass av. '10 Babcock, Mrs.D.T.,905 Contra Costa av. '10 Bailey. Paul, 2705 Virginia st. '10 Bley. C. N., 2107 Hearst a v. '10 Bryant. H. C. 2127> Hill court '10 tCarroll, Miss A. G.. 2518 Dana st. "10 Chace, T. F., 2624 Piedmont av. '10 Chapman. P. G., 2320 Bancroft way '10 Christianson, Miss H. S., care of W. Farley, Ardmore rd. '10 Churchill, V. R., 2533 Etna st. '10 Churchill. Mrs. V. R.. 2533 Etna st. '10 Clark, Miss H. K.. 2410b Bancroft way '10 Conrad, C. C, 1640 Oxford st. '10 Corlett. W. G.. 2740 Garber st. '10 Davis. E. F.. 1911 Cedar st. '10 Day, S. H.. 2709 Claremont blvd. '10 DeLarge, Miss \\. P., 2153 Oregon st. '10 Dimmick.Miss Helen. 2534 Benvenue av. '10 Disbrow. Miss E. M..2328 Roosevelt av. '10 Draper, W. E., 1021 Colusa av. '10 Dreyer. N. P. F.. 2144 Russell st. '10 Eddy, A. J., 1 Mosswood rd. '10 Fankhnuser. W. C. 2214 Bancroft way '10 Fay, Mrs. P. B., 2508 Hilgard av. '10 Goatley, G. A.. 2001 Allston way "10 Graff, L. C, 3121 Lewiston av. '10 Graham, R. J., 804 Spruce st. '10 Graham, Miss T. F.. 2529 Channing way '10 Harris. Miss W. E.. Channing apts. "10 Hart, Miss Dorothv. 2629 I-ltna st. '10 Hawley. Mrs. O. J.. 1712 Channing way '10 Hood, John, Santa Barbara rd. '10 Hust. S. C... 1812 Delaware st. '10 Kennedy. Mrs. H. H.. 2835 Ashby av. "10 King, A. A.. Elks Club 328 LOCALITY INDEX [California Berkeley. Continued (I Kirk. M. \V.. 15()'> Scenic av. KritsinKiT. Miss t;racc, 2220 DwiRht way Jac<>l)scn. Miss A. C. 141 Muena Vista way I.i-slic. William. 2545 nillc«ass av. Ixvy. Mrs. 1). L.. 2229 Marin av. l.ipnian. C. B.. Faculty Club 1) Maci-'adycn. R. J.. 2.^8 Durant av. (I fMattkc. Miss L. T.. 22J9 Parker st. (1 Maxwell. C. R., .?026 Dcakin st. Mc(.io. S. T., 16.15 Julia st. Moloiiy. Mrs. J. R.. 107 Parkside drive Morin. Miss G. E.. 2422 Durant av. OToolc. Miss Katharine, 2550 Huena \'ista way Pausch. O. VV.. 2220 Blake st. I'ollard. Mrs. J. F., 1808 Cedar st. i'orter. W. K.. 2529 Hilgard av. Randall. G. A., 1910 Napa av. Rcwcastlc. Mrs. C. H., 2924 Fulton st. Richardson, Mrs. E. M., 2412 Dana st. Risdon. Dr. Ruth C. 2611 Durant av. Roberts. Miss H. E., 2957 Hillegass av. Rogers. C. E.. 3122 Grove st. of 2803 Forest av. Scott. Mrs. Ravinond, 3030 Adeline si. Sprague, Miss Edith, 2019 Cedar st. Steillierg. \V. T.. 2819 Garber st. Stockton. Miss M. I., 2617 Le Conte av. S\onc, Mrs. Herbert, 1935 Cedar st. Stover. X. M., 2918 Benvenue av. Strong. A. G., 3036 Regent st. Twogood. R. S., 1022 Peralta av. Van Gulpen. Miss M. H., 2003 Prince st. Venabie. Miss H. M., 2533 Hillegass av. Vosburg. Keith, Faculty Club Washburn. Mrs. O. M., 30 Arden rd. West, G. B., 1411 Grove st. Weymouth, Miss G. C, 2733 N. Elm- wood av. Wickson. Guest. 2723 Bancroft way Willey. S. H.. Berkeley Inn Woodburn. F. L.. 155 Parkside drive Woodman. Miss Madge. 23 76 Woolsey st. .\cheson. .-V. A.. 2225 Cedar st. .\rchcr. Mrs. W. H., 1173 Colusa av. Aspinwall. Judson, 2001 Allston way Babcock, D. T., 905 Contra Costa av. Bagot. Miss V. I., 1205 Oxford st. Barney. Mrs. T. R.. 2711 Dana st. Barth. Miss F. E., 2325 Channing way Batkin. A. A., Jr., 2122 Derbv st^ Blake. B. B., 1429 Hawthorne terrace Bliss. Miss E. A.. 3010 Colby st. Bolton. A. W.. 2215 Blake st. Brayton. Harold, 1919 Oregon st. Brown, Mrs. F. A., 954 Keeler av. Bryant. V. C, 2235 Durant av. Bull. Dr. E. C, 1716 LeRoy av. Bumstead, Mrs. F. M., 2529 Hilgard av. Burnham, G. B.. 2829 Piedmont av. Butler. C. L., 974 Keeler av. Cameron, Kenneth, 1015 Sierra st. Chambers. Miss S. E..2612 Hillegass av. Chapman. E. N.. 2407 S. .\therton st. Cleland. Mrs. Gail. 2207 .\therton st. Coffin. W. P., 1821 Hearst av. Cruess. W. V.. 1614 Bonita av. Darst. Mrs. M. S.. 2638 Dwight way DeFremerv. L. F., 2704 Derbv st Dergc. Miss E. M., 2514 Etna' st. tDevine, Miss Kathleen, 2901 Regent st. Donald, W. G., 1325 Oxford st. I'lggcrt, E. M. M., 2401 Durant av. laironbcrg, Henry, 2528 Milvia st. I'.vans, S. E., 2811 Piedmont av. Ferrier, Mrs. \V. W., Jr.', 2845 Regent st. I'"oulnllniie8 Waste, H. L. •»>) Faulkner. 1,. G. '00 UoMiison. .1. K. '01 Powers. I'.. A. •01 Sev.Iel. Dr. F. W. •01 tWliite. Dr. C. M., Jr. '02 Moiillon. Dr. D. H. 'OJ K'icliardson, Dr. C. C. 'OJ Stanshury, Dr. M. P. •Q.? Guill, J. H., Jr. •03 t Mi Her, Mrs. J. C. •0.^ Ware, Allison '0.? Vounii, Dr. J. R. '04 Dennett, Dr. Guy '05 Crowder, C. L. •05 iMarch, Dr. H. D. •05 Swain, Dr. H. C. '07 Martin, Miss Edith '07 tMcMurray, Mrs. Ralph •08 Butler. I. B. '10 O'Neil, Miss G. M. •10 Stehbins, C. A. '10 Strachan, Miss Agnes '12 BurrouKlis, Miss Ethel •12 Whitmoyer, C. B. •13 Doyle, Leo W. '13 Horner, W. D. '13 Price, J. H. •13 Studley, C. K. '13 Vadney, Miss A. M. '14 tTyler, Miss Alice '15 Birminshani. E. B. '15 Canfield, C. G. '15 Moore, Mrs. R. B. '15 Nunn, G. E. Chino '02 Reher. T. C. '14 tBiitterfield, H. M. '16 Holter. W. L. Cholame '04 IWhite, Miss Margaret Chula Vista Ml Rhondes, Miss E. R. '15 Dunham. R. A. Claremont •05 Wood, Miss E. A. •07 Willows, G. D. •10 McFadden, Miss A. S. '13 Kiess. C. C. '14 McConnell. Miss E. E. '14 Pasmore. Miss H. H. '15 Edwards. Dr. F. N. "15 Marriott, \'. E. Clarksburg "11 Olson. Gus Clipper Gap '07 Howo. A. T. Cloverdale '06 Smith, Miss J. E. '08 White, F. A. '14 Sedgley, W. F. Clevis '07 tParker, S. M. Coachella '05 Jones, C. P.. '08 Sheppard, Miss Carrie Coalinga '02 Richmond. H. S. '03 May, E. B. '06 tShumard, Dr. E. C. '08 Watkins, Miss Pearl '11 Haseltine, R. S. '13 Ford, Mrs. Bressingham '13 Kreyenhagen, Miss E. A. '15 Peterson, E. P. Colfax '01 Markley, John. Jr. '09 Bush, Dr. H. C. '10 Bush, Mrs. H. C. '14 Lobner, Miss J. E. College City '09 Morrill. Miss E. M. '15 tjohnson. Miss M. R. '16 Scott, A. E. '16 Scott, Miss Florence Colma '15 Collopy. Miss L. M. '16 Juilly, M. E. Colton '98 Merryfield, Mrs. E. C. '06 Jantzen. G. H. '06 Sellards, Miss Myrtle '07 Moomau, Dr. C. E. '11 Baker. H. W. B. '13 Barnhill, W. J. '15 Hodge, V. N. '15 Kaiser, H. E. '16 Watson, Thomas Columbia '02 Grant, Mrs. G. F. '10 Rogers, F. L. Colusa '92 Rathbun. Dr. W. T. '94 Dobbins. Mrs. H. T. '95 Hollowav. Dr. E. S. '99 Arnold, P. B. '03 tBoedefeld. L. R. '07 Crane, Miss M. A. '09 Fisher. Miss L. M. '10 Merrill. W^ L. '10_Tibbetts. Miss M. L. '11 Hogen. Miss M. C. '14 Davison. A. B. '14 Hicok, Dr. E. L. '15 Ellis. Miss L. O. '15 Hart. C. D. '15 Rutledge. C. F. '16 Daly, A. B. California] LOCALITY INDEX [i3: Compton '02 Neill, J. C. '12 Godfrey, Miss M. M. '12 tWhite. Miss M. J. '14 Andrews, Miss M. G. '14 Turner, Miss Anna Concord '76 Hook, Vincent "94 Bancroft, F. W. '56 Bancroft, Mrs. F. W. '97 Phelps. R. S. '99 Flaw, Miss M. V. '02 Lohse, Mrs. C. F., Jr. '0,3 Stevenson, Mrs. L. A. '01 Eidenmiller, F. H. '05 Schage, Miss F. J. '05 Stevens, Dr. A. J. '07 Martin, Ur. L. L. '07 Romaine, Miss Bertha "10 Foskett, C. J. '11 tSmith, Miss H. W. •12 Molitor, W. M. '14 Huntting, Miss M. R. '16 Hutchinson, Miss M. H. "16 Olsen, Miss S. E. Cool '02 Warner, Moulton Copco '10 Boyle. J. C. Corcoran '97 Motheral, Mrs. Grahame '09 Fisk, Mrs. C. F. Cordelia '16 Glashoff, C. H. Corning '89 Sutlift", Dr. F. G. '06 Stillwell. E. B. '11 Little, Miss L. M. '\^ Albee, Miss F. C. '15 De Motte, Catharine '15 Lee, H. A. '15 McCIean. C. W. '16 Dash. Miss L. E. Corona '08 Carrillo, Miss Esperanza '09 Whitmore, Miss Helen '10 Wilson, G. R. '15 Gray, R. H. '16 Beehe, W. B. Coronado See under San Diego Corte Madera '01 Griffin, C. P. '0.3 Mazza, T. J. '04 Pegot, Dr. L. C. '05 Mazza, Mrs. J. J. '11 ILiniilton, Xohle Cottonwood '91 Trautz, O. G. Coulterville '78 Whitconih, F. R. Courtland '98 Kelley, Miss M. Z. '11 tStephenson, T. M. '13 Stephenson, W. P. Covelo '93 Brown. Mrs. W. S. '12 Belloni, Miss Gilda '15 Hodgehead, Miss H. ^L Covina '96 Thorpe, Dr. L. S. '01 Clapp, P. S. '04 Griswold, Miss M. E. '06 Blanchard, Miss A. E. '06 tGladfelter. W. B. '06 \'iney, Mrs. W. A. '12 Custer, W. P. '12 Douglas, H. T. '12 Kerr. Dr. W. F. J. '12 Xigg. Miss R. -X. '12 Philleo. Miss Katherine '13 Reed. T. B. '15 Hopkins. L. S. '16 Custer, M. B. Crescent City '05 Phillips. Mrs. X. A. '10 Parsons, R. E. '11 Calkins, A. A. '11 Lynam. Miss G. L '13 Edwards. Mrs. D. P. '13 Hull, O. R. '14 tDavis. lames '14 Hull. Mrs. O. R. '14 Wright. Miss G. E. '16 Tryon, W. V. Crockett '99 Likens, Dr. G. W. '02 Schroeder. Miss A. K. '06 French. R. S. '10 Macpherson. Miss D. B. '10 Paul. Miss H. B. '11 Stemmle. J. W. '12 Baylev. Miss W. B. '13 George, Dr. J. S. ■'13 Nelson, Yargen '15 Knight, R. C. Crows Landing '05 ICothran. Dr. W. F. '05 Crase, Mrs. H. J. '15 Stanley, Miss L. C. Cupertino '85 Crittenden. Miss M. A. '00 De Laveasa, J. V. 'OS Gamble, Miss M. S. Danville 97 Baldwin, L F. 03 Forsyth, j. T. 10 Lcighton. C. .\. 15 Giliam. F. E. Davis 75 Pierce, G. W. 81 Bates, Dr. W. E. 96 Kelley. T. R.^ '96 Swingle. G. K. 09 Beckett, S. H. '10 Tavlor, R. H. '12 Tufts. W. P. 12 Wight, C. J. 13 Plant, Mrs. Forest 13 Tavernetti, T. F. 338 LOCALITY INDEX [California OavlB, Continued *1.1 Voorhics, K. C. '14 Isr.-iclson, O. \V. '15 dc Ohk, E. R. '15 I'icrcc, G. G. '16 Price, R. A. '16 Short. C. C. P. Davis Creek •14 Mulkcy. Miss M. M. Decoto '08 t Patterson, Mrs. U. H. Delano •08 Blanchard, \V. E. •10 Davis, Miss Ethel '\i Lockridge, Miss Hope Delevan '15 Roelier, Miss M. M. •14 Grice. C. R. Del Monte '05 Daniels. M. R. Del Rey '12 Hull)ert, Miss G. C. Denalr •13 Newby, Miss D. M. •13 White, Miss M. H. Diamond Springs '14 Hancock. Charles A. '16 Hancock, Chester A. Dinuba •99 tMillar. Dr. T. B. F. '02 Smith, Mrs. L. G. '02 Smith, L. G. '03 iMorton. Dr. R. E. •05 HedRpeth, G. P. •06 Williams, W. C. •07 Greene. T. E. •10 Boone. R. B. MO Giddings, V. W. '13 Howden. George •14 Camphell, G. C. '15 Shalienberger, F. C. '16 Lewis, C. L. '16 tWyllie, Miss Mabel Dixon '93 Sedgwick, C. K. '01 Marshall, F. F. '01 Weyland. \V. T. '05 Timm. Mrs. H. R. '07 tUnnewehr, Mrs. G. L. '11 Eggert, E. M. M. '11 Madden, A. C. '12 Hvde. L. L. •13 Ciirrey. R. S. '13 tKendrick. Miss I. R. •13 Watson. T. S. '\^ Webster. Miss A. E. '14 Cowden. Miss M. A. •16 Lehe. W. E. Donner '11 Heath, Miss P. K. Dos Palos '01 McKinley, L. D. •10 Pingel, H. L. '10 Sabclman, Miss M. R. •IS Stangland, Miss E^. M. '15 Hooker. W. H. Dos Rios '15 Green. E. C. Downey '87 Hinton. Mrs. A. R. '08 Hetschel. Miss M. A. '12 Neuls. Mrs. J. D. Downieville '03 Ailing, M. N. '15 Vedder. D. G. Duarte '99 Fowler, Carroll '12 Carter, C. N. '13 Carter, Miss I. C. '15 Glenney, C. F. Ducor '04 Smith. N. G. Dudley '08 Orchard, Miss M. E. Dunnigan '09 Emmert, M. T. '11 Cook, Mrs. A. H. Dunsmuir '00 Hutaff. G. A. '07 Cornish. Mrs. E. T. '10 Nickerson. Mrs. H. H. '11 Graham, Miss J. M. '11 Nickerson. H. H. '13 Herdeg, Miss H. L. '15 Stanton, T. E. '16 Stanton, Mrs. J. E. Durham '05 van Loben Sels, J. F. Dutch Flat '05 Nicholls. S. W. Duttons Landing '99 Chaplin, Mrs. F. N. Dyervllle '09 Newman. C. H. '09 Newman, Mrs. C. H. Eagle Rock See under Los Angeles Eagleville '06 Stiner. Miss L H. East Auburn '99 Warner. C. M. '03 Ward. Mrs. T. N. '03 \\'illiams. Dr. Carlos California] LOCALITY INDEX 339 '07 Francis, J. B. '10 Rinn. Miss I. L. '13 Foster, J. D. '13 Howell, Dr. R. B. '13 Kingsbury, Miss L. M. '14 Amundsen, E. O. '14 Burt, Miss S. W. '14 Lobner, Miss J. E. '15 Power, E. J. '15 Speir, Oswald, Jr. '16 Cole, T. S. '16 Murray, L. A. '16 Simpson, V. E. Easton '01 Stapff, Dr. F. W. Edgewood '08 Mills, Mrs. F. H. El Cajon '08 Thacher, P. S. '11 Thompson, C. F. '14 Roney, Miss Nelle '16 Lucksinger, O. F. '16 Pierson, C. J. El Centro '97 Vaile, Mrs. R. E. '02 Ross. J. S. '06 tGregory, Miss S. M. '08 Coggins, C. E. '09 Packard, W. E. '13 Nye. H. T. '14 Dougherty. P. I. Elk Grove '95 tUllman, F. G. '97 Smith, P. B. '09 Cooper, Mrs. C. H. '11 Condon, Miss V. E. '16 Kennedy, Dr. J. E. Elmer '14 Stockton, M. J. El Monte '07 Killian, J. E. '11 Asher, Miss K. L. '12 Farrington, Miss M. W. '13 Cogswell, H. G. '13 McSweeny, Miss M. M. El Portal '07 Young, Mrs. B. K. El Segundo '15 Hopkins, J. J. Elsinore '10 Crane, D. E. Emeryville See under Oakland Escondido '10 tCarver, Miss C. T. '11 Johnson. H. V. '13 Gulp, William '14 Witt, F. C. Esparto '76 Shute, Mrs. D. S. '98 Gable. H. H. '03 Baur, W. L. '04 Baur. Miss L. B. '13 Wyatt, F. S. Etna Mills '00 Filer, Dr. H. C. '02 Denny, Mrs. K. V. '03 Balfrey, W. J. '07 Denny, Miss E. A. '11 Howard, Miss Edith '11 Howard. Miss Louise '12 Baker, Miss C. A. '13 Bradley, A. R. Eureka '77 Murray. G. D. '83 Fitzell, C. R. '83 Skinner, R. W. '87 Thatcher, A. J. '99 Burns, Dr. P. M. '90 Felt. Dr. Rae '93 Connick, C. H. '93 Hill, A. W. '00 Cloney. Mrs. Thomas '00 -Kennedy, J. L. '02 Cooper, Dr. A. F. '03 tCockburn. Dr. E. .\. '03 Gregory, Mrs. F. C. '03 Tomlinson. Dr. C. M. '03 Tracy. J. P. '04 Callaghan, Dr. T. B. '04 Chain, Dr. J. X. '04 Hunter, Miss A. E. '04 Neighbor. J. L. '06 Connick, Mrs. A. E. '06 tFautz. Edward '06 Hunter, Miss M. B. '06 Putnam. Miss O. M. '08 Clarke, Miss Cecile '08 Stern, Mrs. W. E. '09 Bryan, Llovd '09 Edson, C. F. '09 Fitzell, Miss B. M. '09 Robinson, Dr. E. J. '10 Georgeson, F. T. '10 Hine, Mrs. Harry '11 Christiansen, A. H. '11 Quinn. I. T. '12 Fenwick, Miss Georgina '12 Mace. D. A. '12 Moore, E. L. '13 Henry, Miss E. M. '13 McTunkin. Mrs. H. K. '13 Ricks. H. L.. Tr. '13 Stern. H. A. '14 Felt, Miss Meryl '15 Allard, Miss Jessie '15 tFlanigan. D. J. '15 Hamner. Dr. Keith '16 Georgeson. Miss .\. V. '16 Shurtleff, Miss F. L. Exeter '95 Hutchinson. Mrs. G. W, '04 Mix. Dr. P. A. '09 Killian. F. W. •OP Killian. Mrs. E. W. '11 Patten, Dr. C. O. 340 LOCALITY INDEX [California Fairfield '07 Hunter, W. M. "14 I'lhlit-r. Miss K. K. '14 McC'iinnis, Miss G. I. Falrmead •«)7 Williams. Mrs. K. VV. Falroaks '12 Van Marcn. Miss May Fallbrook '0.? Ilarklcroad. C A. '1 1 KoripauKli. Miss A. C. •1,! M(Piinic. Miss D. I.. Fall River Mills '00 I'ratt. Dr. M. U. Fellows '12 Snyder, C. C. '13 Simon. Morris *15 Sciimutz.ler, Frederick Felton •77 t Welch. J. W. Ferndale '81 tShaw, J. A. '04 Dinsmore, Dr. A. M. '11 Minthorn. Miss M. A. '14 Fulmor. J. N. '15 Boynton, Miss E. A. '15 Codoni, L. R. '16 Kausen, H. C. Fillmore '98 Hinckley. Dr. I. L. '04 tliivard, Mrs. E. E. '05 Gastrich. J. W. '05 Merritt, Bowman '07 Hale. Winfield '08 Robertson, T. E. '08 Seaman. Mrs. F. J. '10 Taylor. Miss L. M. '11 Pressey, H. F. '12 Tavlor. A. W. '13 Brown, Miss M. J. E. Florin '06 ^Whitman. H. C. Folsom City '10 Sperry. A. W. '11 Strachan. Mrs. J. F. '14 Wahrhaftig, Matt Forest '03 Cavagnaro, D. A. Forks of Salmon '14 Smith. Miss M. M. Fort Barry '10 Brown. Mrs. L. C. Fort Bragg '97 tPurlenky, Dr. G. P. '98 Tones. Dr. P. C. '06 tMilliken. Mrs. L. E. '07 tMilliken. L. E. '10 Stafford. Miss M. T. '13 tMatthews, W. R. '15 Alhrecht, E. J. '15 Mathews, Miss I. A. '16 Kemppe, A. I. Fort Seward '07 Dyer, Mrs. Ephraim Fortuna '10 Coffin. Miss A. H. '10 Mudgett. P. E. '11 Nelson, Mrs. C. H. '12 Belloni, Miss Gilda '12 Jarvis, Miss H. C. '12 Schnoor, Shirley '13 Nelson. C. H. '14 tHansen, Miss Elzaida Fowler '00 Smith. A. J. '06 Ryst, Miss Ina '11 Drury, Miss Emily .'11 Ehlers, Dr. Henry '12 Gower, Sewell '13 Smith. Mrs. A. J. '13 Young, B. W. '14 Sutherland, Miss M. M. '15 Gower, Edwin,' Jr. '15 t James, C. A. '16 Gazarian, L. G. Fresno '81 Hammitt, C. H., 507 Blackstone av. '84 Brown, Daniel, Jr., Forsyth Vineyard '84 Graham, Miss A. E., 1133 S st. '86 Braverman, Alfred, box 1052 '88 Jones, G. W., 2030 Mariposa st. '89 Bonner, C. G.. Bonner Vineyard '89 Thornton, P. B.. University Club '94 Dickenson. Dr. C. F.. 2705 Fresno st. '95 tGray, D. H., Forsyth bldg. '96 Crawford. E. J.. 1303 Glenn av. '96 Thomas, Montgomery. 1642 L st. '96 Warner, A. O.. 1623 M si. '97 Ritchie. Miss B. T.. 1047 T st. '97 Thomas. Mrs. Montgomery, 1642 L st. '98 Briggs. W. D.. 2441 Mariposa st. '98 Diebert. A. T.. 445 Forthcamp av. '99 Brown. H. P., 1651 L st. '01 Edwards, C. W.. 1837 J st. '01 Goodfellow, A. W., Ventura av.and 2d st. '01 Gracier. Miss R. E., 1306 K st. '01 Howard. Dr. O. T.. 3263 Huntington blvd. '01 Painter. Dr. E. D., 1118 J st. '02 Meux, J. W., 1045 U st. '03 Barnwell. D. M.. 1125 Franklin av. '03 Gilcrest, C. F., 1104 Nielsen av. '03 McGrew. Miss R. E., 1729 K st. '03 Monce. Miss M. A. '03 Morrison. A. R., 1244 Wilson av. '03 Murray. Clarence. 2640 Olive av. '03 Penfiefd. T. T.. 1931 Belmont av. '03 Strother. W. M.. 1357 Glenn av. '04 tCravcroft. Dr. W. W.. McKenzie bldg. '04 McKinney. Dr. C. W.. 182 Forthcamp av. '04 Schaeffer. Miss M. E.. 375 San Pablo av. '04 tSt. lohn. Miss F. O.. R.F.D. 2 '04 Watson. G. G.. 1508 Central av. '05 Beaser. Dr. H. P.. 1425 Central av. '05 Kerr. Henrv. 138 Yosemite av. '05 Nohrden. E. H.. 1406 M st. California] LOCALITY INDEX 341 '05 Walker, B. R., care of Fresno Repub- lican '06 Einstein, Berton, 1124 Van Ness av. '06 Minard, Miss J. F.. 311 Abby st. '06 Parsons, H. G., care Phone Drug Co. '07 Dwelle, H. E., 3705 Iowa av. '08 Aten, I. P., 611 Mildreda av. '08 Aten, Mrs. I. P., 611 Mildreda av. '08 Barber, L. N., 941 O st. '08 Edwards. H. W., 1659 Lucerne lane '08 Einstein, Lesley, 1600 M st. '09 Ashby, Miss S. C, 2219 San Joatiuin st. '09 Butler, R. H., R.F.D. 6, box 86 '09 Gnndelfinger, Herbert, 2201 Calaveras st. '09 Macfarlane, U. B., 2436 Harvey st. '0^ Randol, Dr. F. V., 1042 Carmel av. '09 Robinson, Miss F. H., 175 Clark st. '09 Sorensen, R. S., 303 Abby st. '09 Stager, H. \V., 265 Howard st. '09 Thomson, T. R., 1526 Van Ness av. '10 Campbell, G. B., 1059 N st. '10 Edwards. Mrs. H. W., 1659 Palmetto av. '10 Savage, H. A., 3636 Lowe av. '10 Sweet. C. D., 831 Elizabeth av. '10 Wuerth, H. C, 940 Central av. '11 Bardsley, G. H., 1108 O st. '11 Hays, R. W., 109 Clark st. '11 Humphrey, Miss Marguerite, 1561 M st. '11 Ingels, C. W., 2544 Washington st. '11 Teilman, L H., box 1274 '11 Turpin. Miss B. E., 1821 J st. '12 Adams, Mrs. E. L., 1104 O st. '12 Einstein. E. M., 501 Franklin av. '12 Lopez, T. F., 1525 J st. '12 Price, Miss M. E., 1345 P st. '12 Tuft, Miss H. W., R.F.D. 2, box 22 '13 Allyn. .Arthur, 1006 N st. '13 Gaines, V. C, R.F.D. 1. box 96 '13 Hare. Dr. H. P., 815 McKinley av. '13 Ingels, R. R., 2544 Washington av. '13 McCabe. Miss K. D., 1306 K st. '14 Brownell, Dr. R. E., 1525 J st. '14 tElsasser. Miss M. W., 222 Coast st. '14 Lemon, Miss D. S., 744 Roosevelt av. '14 Ross. J. .\., 429 Valeria st. '14 Sutherland, Miss Ida, R.F.D. 10, box 67 '14 Wild. M. K.. 775 Normal av. '15 Becklev, Miss Winnie, R.F.D. 10, box 93 '15 Cearley. Miss M. M., 1456 L st. '15 Culveyhouse, Miss B. M., 803 S st. '15 Fenstermacher, E. J., 1140 T st. '15 Finitv, Miss L. M., 1543 McKinley av. '15 Kellas, L. E., R.F.D. 1. box 102 '15 Kimball, Miss E. L., 707 D st. '15 McLane, Miss F. M., 1827 J st. '16 Barstow, T. T., 1904 J st. '16 tHodgkin, G. B. '16 James, T. N., 2237 San Joaquin st. '16 Miller, Miss B. E., 1026 P st. '16 Poytress, W. H., R.F.D. 4, box 53 '16 Spangler, Miss A. R., 1233 Olive av. Fruitvale See under Oakland Fullerton '99 Marks, E. J. '01 Chilton. Dr. Jesse '04 Finch, G. W. '06 Burdorf. Miss S. M. '08 Sheppard. Miss Carrie '14 Gobar, G. H. '16 Stark, Miss S. E. Fulton '14 Scott, Miss B. F. '15 tLee, Miss R. O. Gait '93 McClaughry, Hull '11 Von Bichowsky, Foord '13 Colburn, Miss Zella Gardena '98 Spencer, Dr. J. F. '01 LiUard, Mrs. J. B. '10 Wells, Miss L. H. '15 Atkins, Miss Gladys Garden Grove '03 tNewson, Mrs. W. J. Gaviota '12 Gabbert, H. G. '12 Ingram, R. C. Gazelle '08 Brown, Miss E. L. '14 Stallcup, Mrs. J. N. Georgetown '09 Devore, G. G. Geyservllle '08 Bailey, Mrs. F. P. '13 Bailey, F. P. '14 Dawson, Miss E. M. K. '15 Lock, E. L. Giant '06 Johnson, E. E. '12 Abeel, E. A. Gilroy '99 Crusoe, Miss K. M. '07 tClark. Dr. J. A. '08 Forsyth. Miss R. A. '08 Ross, Dr. F. A. '09 Thayer. Miss L. E. '13 Arena, F. A. '14 Wentz, G. C. '16 Easton, Miss E. J. '16 Saunders, W. B. Glendale See under Los Angeles Glendora '06 tRicker, Mrs. John '08 Swerdfeger, Miss S. I. '12 tOverholtzer, E. C. '12 Wimp. G. n. Glen Ellen '06 BufTord, Lawrence '15 Rathbone. L. S. Gold Run '13 tHood. Miss E. M. Goleta '03 More, J. F., Jr. 342 LOCALITY INDEX [California Gonzales '07 HinK.iiiian, Dr. I".. \V. Grabners •10 GidilinRS, V. W. Gr.ifton "07 Frascr. G. O. •00 Ccrf. C. S. ■no tCraiK. I. M. •13 GtTcnd. M. S. Grand Island •12 Graham, R. ( "r. '16 Browninu, .1. !-• Grass Valley •86 Turner, R. C. •OO VVharfT. F. L. •05 Curtis. Miss H. W. •07 Larue. L. P. •01 Larue. Mrs. L. P. '0.^ Curran. Mrs. A. H. •04 McGuire. T. H. '04 Middleton. Dr. J. E. '06 Stewart. Dr. C. L. '07 Edwards. Miss M. L. •00 Matteson, Mrs. E. S. •10 loses. Miss A. E. ;il Clinch, W. W. •11 Parsons, Mrs. Raymond •11 Tremoureux. Mrs. R. E. •1.^ Bolster. F. H. '14 Hendricks. J. A. •14 Thomas. L. E. •15 Provines. Miss L. A. '16 Biggs, Harold Greenville •78 Bidwell, Mrs. A. R. '10 tDrury, Mrs. .Arlie Gridley •01 Barrett, M. de L. •02 Thompson. Dr. L. L. '04 King. Mrs. \V. J. •07 Miller. B. T. •00 Peek-em a. G. T. '11 Hennessy. Miss A. M. •12 Alexander. Miss L E. '14 Smith, S. R. Grimes •02 tBaker. Mrs. G. R. '14 Wadsworth. R. G. Guadalupe •01 Franklin. Dr. J. H. ;0O Sooy. F. A. •16 Poundstone. George Guernevllle •85 Schmelz. C. T. •05 Korhel. L. V. Ml Corbett. Mrs. D. L. 'i5 Roeth. George. Jr. Gulnda '08 .Armstrong. Mrs. R. O. Gustine '10 Hoev. Miss H. G. "11 Miles. Mrs. C. E. '14 Lane, Miss F. M. '15 Williams, C. J. Half Moon Bay '79 Smith. Dr. G. S. '86 Morgan, Dr. C. L. '14 Shaw, Miss C. C. Halleck '08 Watkins, W. K. '14 Rowley, E. B. Hamilton City '10 tBradley, C. H. Hammond '01 Kern, O. F. Hammonton '01 Thunen, E. G. Hanford '97 Cousins, H. R. '97 Motheral. Mrs. Graham '98 Cooper, Dr. J. H. '11 Jacobs. H. S. '00 tPhillips. Dr. G. H. '02 Foster. Dr. E. C. '03 Hall. Mrs. R. V. '04 Collins. Wallace '07 Barney, Miss A. L. '08 Leslie, Dr. F. A. '08 Orchard. Miss M. E. '11 Hitchcock. Miss M. E. '11 Ross, Miss L B. '12 Miller, Mrs. M. W. '13 Taylor, R. V. '14 Ewy, J. A. '15 Rourke. Miss R. E. '16 Whiteley, B. C. Hayward '85 Russell, T. B. '85 Warren. E. S. '89 Powell. Dr. A. J. '90 Medros, Dr. J. J. '92 Corwin, Dr. Cecil '92 Gentry. W. H. H. '94 Powell. Dr. Henry, Jr. '95 Russell. F. T. '98 Johnson, F. P. '99 Abraham. Ira '00 Fisher. Mrs. C. E. '01 Knox, Dr. H. B. '01 Turner, Mrs. L. G. M. '04 Mulligan, Miss T. L '05 Abraham. Mrs. Ira '06 Gamble, Miss Hester '08 Eggert, Dr. H. A. '08 Gamble. Miss Edith '08 Towle. S. L. '10 Mitchell. Frank. Jr. '10 Perrv. Miss S. A. '11 Allen. Miss I. A. '12 Gay, Mrs. W. W. '12 Hiestand. Miss A. M. '13 Campbell. R. E. '13 Hanna, Miss A. L. '14 Drew. W. F. '14 Eggert, Dr. H. O. '15 Atkinson. Miss L. M. '15 Russell. Miss M. M. '16 Baird, W. P. California] LOCALITY INDEX 343 '16 Thurman, L. G. '16 Waithman, J. D. Healdsburg '77 Swisher, Dr. J. R. '84 Whitney. W. B. '91 tGilbridge, P. J. '93 Litchfield. Dr. Oscar '96 Stone. Dr. M. V. '99 tOrant. Dr. F. T. '00 tMcClish, Dr. J. M. '03 Barnes, Miss F. M. '03 Kinley, Dr. F. J. '05 tCalhoun. W. H. '05 Herron, Mrs. J. H. '06 Norton, Mrs. Benjamin '08 Miller, Mrs. J. H. '09 Grubb, Miss O. M. '10 McConnell, F. W. '11 Kellv. Miss L. R. '12 Butler, A. C. '12 Vitousek. R. A. '13 Beeson. Dr. E. I. '15 Hope, Miss H. H. '15 Kent, Edwin, Jr. '16 Will. Miss L. M. Hemet '98 Blackburn, F. A. '10 Waite, Mrs. O. B. '12 Jackson, L. M. '13 Oliver. J. B. '16 Stephen, Miss Laura Hercules '14 Lieb, L. L. '15 Thoenges, E. F. Hermosa Beach '00 Haseltine, R. S. '13 Larson, W. A. Highland '99 Aplin, D. G. '99 Beattie. G. W. Hillsborough '85 Stone. A. L. '94 Redington, A. H. '97 Davis, N. K. '98 Hoag, Mrs. E. L. Hollister '85 Brown, P. F. '96 Bonnell. Dr. F. C. •96 Davis. J. P. '02 O'Donnell, Dr. J. M. '03 Ladd. C. L. '03 Rucklidge, A. R. '04 Dungan, Dr. F. L. '04 Xelson, Miss M. L. '05 Daly. J. A. '07 Lawson. Miss E. B. '08 Scott, Dr. L. E. '09 Eggers, J. H. '11 McDonald, C. E. '12 Marcum, Mrs. Leo '12 Weaver, C. L. '14 White, Miss V. I. '15 Hudner, Miss Amelia '15 Power. Philip '16 Shaw. Dr. E. C. Hollywood See under Los Angeles Hood '02 Mosher, Mrs. J. W. '16 Edinger, W. J. Hooker '12 Hutt, N. C. '12 Hutt, Mrs. N. C. Hot Springs '07 Lyons, G. W. '08 Talbert, Mrs. T. B. '11 McKillop, Dr. J. E. Huntington Beach ,'08 Reynolds, Miss L. E. Huntington Park See under Los Angeles Hurleton '16 McXair, W. R. Imperial '15 Dills, T. H. '15 Paulin, G. W. '15 Wilson, G. H. Independence '96 Dehy, W. D. '01 Baxter, Dr. J. C. '04 Shuey, G. R. Inglenook '15 Biaggi, Claire Inglewood '11 Tuttle. Miss Jean '14 Lawrence, Mrs. F. J. '16 Dinsmore, Miss L. D. '16 Heffner, R. J. Inverness '06 La Grange, W. F. '14 Lee, M. A. W. lone '00 tWoolsev, Dr. E. G. '10 Scott, W. M. '10 Scott, Mrs. W. M. '12 Carpenter, Clarence '13 Anderson. V. B. '13 Joses, L. E. Iron Mountain '07 tStenger, E. L. Irvine '14 Ma.xwell, G. B. Irvlngton '97 Durham, Dr. J. H. Irwin '06 Rose. Mrs. C. A. '12 Ostrander, Miss A. M. '15 Kittredge. Miss Winifred Island Mountain '01 Griffiths, M. S. 344 LOCALITY INDEX [California Isleton •OJ I.cimhach, Dr. J. H. ■| t Sharpsli-in, J. I,. Jackson •'^ ..all, Dr. A. M. •"8 AiUiMi. Dr. P. B. •«8 KusIkt, V. VV. •01 Wilson, Dr. J. F. •0.1 Peters. \V. J. •08 .Spn^noli. F.. H. D. •|0 C.oldstcin. Mrs. I,. 11. •H Hradford, Miss M. IC. "14 tCordon, M. C. "14 Schwartz. L. E. "16 Sargent, Miss Dorothy Jacksonville •13 Connolly, T. K. Jamacha '1 1 Murpliy, Miss M. A. Jamestown '00 Gould. Mrs. H. W. "16 Arendt, W. M. Jerseydale '14 Arbogast, Miss E. R. Julian •13 Webster. Miss A. E. Keddle ■13 Roberts, K. W. Kelseyville ;04 Pond. R. L. '16 Henderson. Wendell Kennett '04 Sandholdt, Dr. J. P. Kentfleld '83 Burk. Frederic '98 Baunigarten, Dr. William Kenwood ■95 Baker, M. S. '0«J Warboys. J. L. '12 Rathbone, A. J. '15 Sheehan, Miss .-\. B. Kerman *03 Gordon. Miss F. M. •08 Ward. Miss H. E. '13 Bliss. Miss R. R. ■13 Dickson. H. K. '14 Bowdish. Miss J. G. '15 Finity, Miss L. M. Kernville "09 Fisher, Mrs. H. S. Keswick '12 Basham. J. M. King City '03 Lopez, Mrs. .\. M. '10 Rolfe, Miss F. A. '10 Tyler, A. R. '11 Young, H. N. '15 Lantz, Miss M. F. KIngsburg '05 Peterson, Miss A. E. '08 Bengston, Mrs. J. O. '09 Ostrom, D. W. '10 Patterson, L. D. '11 tSharp, R. G. '13 Sharp, Mrs. R. G. '14 Dickinson, E. F. '15 Snorin, Miss R. M. '16 Kolander, Dr. C. C. Klink '16 Buruin, R. Y. Kneeland '98 Barry, Mrs. T. J. Knightsen '09 Burroughs. Mrs. B. R. '16 Nelson, Miss L. A. La Crescenta '04 Moir, Mrs. D. L Lagunitas '94 Clement, Jabish La Jolla '88 Ritter, W. E. '08 Michael. E. L. '08 Stuart, Miss H. M. '16 Helm, C. H. Lakeport '08 Eachus. G. W. '08 Eachus, Mrs. G. W. '09 Harmon, Miss M. L '11 Jones. B. C. '13 Davis, Miss M. J. '14 Clendenin. Miss .1. L. '14 Eraser. Miss C. L. '14 Tindall, C. E. '16 Meddaugh, Miss L J. La Manda Park '16 McLaughlin, Miss M. R. La IVIesa '02 Mallery, Dr. J. H. Lancaster '12 Graham. D. H. '12 Graham. Mrs. D. H. '13 Johns, W. L. Lankershim '12 Quay, Miss E. M. Larkspur '86 Mahonv. W. H. '15 De Veuve, Miss A. L. Laton '10 Knudson. Mrs. 'SI. E. S. '10 Rowe. Miss M. G. '13 Moodv. T. L. '14 Carlson. H. E. California] LOCALITY INDEX 34: Laws '10 Christianson, Miss H. S. '14 Dumke, H. S. Laytonville '11 Clarke. F. C. Le Grand '04 Geiselhart, Miss Josephine '06 Conrad, Mrs. M. M. '10 Burchill. Mrs. L. L. '10 tTrewick. Miss E. E. '13 Gillette, Miss Hazel '15 Culvyhouse, Miss B. M. '15 Holmes, Miss G. B. Lemon Grove '05 tLester, E. B. Lemoore '91 Volkmann, M. F. '97 McKay. A. L. '02 Auble, Mrs. F. M. '06 Hibbard, Miss M. E. '07 Hutton. Mrs. A. C. '08 Blinn. Miss E. M. '11 Hitchcock, Miss M. E. '1,^ Gardner. Miss Maida '13 Torrey, I. F. '14 Graham, J. F. Lewiston '15 Blakemore. H. S. Lincoln '02 Seydel, Mrs. C. C. '10 MacFarland, Miss G. M. '13 Lee, R. A. Lindsay '96 Harth, Dr. A. P. '98 Gould, Mrs. E. B. '03 Gould, E. B. '03 McLees, Mrs. M. C. '08 Sutherland. Dr. A. W. '12 Burnham. Miss M. E. '15 Hutchinson, W. N. L. '16 Reed. J. L. Little Shasta '15 Hart. F. P. Live Oak '15 Knoop, F. G. Livermore '68 Wetmore, C. A. '74 Carneal, T. D. '84 Newell, Miss B. E. '91 Warner, Dr. T. K. '00 Beck. G. W. '01 Callaghan, J. J. '03 Therkof, Dr. G. A. '04 Wetmore. Miss E. S. '06 Painter, B. H. '07 Wendte, Miss F. A. '08 Nissen, Miss M. G. '09 Meyers, Dr. W. L. '09 Teeter. Miss H. L. '11 Concannon. Mrs. R. L. '14 Balch. Miss Henrietta Livingston '16 Carmichael, H. E. Lockeford '98 Locke, Dr. G. H. '08 Montgomery, Miss O. P. Lodi '89 Weihe, O. A. '90 Smith, W. S. T. '90 Smith, Mrs. W. S. T. '92 Blodgett. Dr. J. M. '01 Inch. William '02 Xewfield, Joseph '02 Xewfield, Mrs. Joseph '03 Williams, Dr. E. G. '04 Bare, Mrs. J. V. '04 Tower, Mrs. A. M. '05 Stone, Miss R. C. '06 Greenwood, W. L. '06 Reed, Miss F. M. '07 Newfield, Melville '08 Custer, R. J. '10 Custer, Mrs. R. J. '10 Rinn, Miss L L. '12 Garner, Miss E. J. '12 Hulbert. Miss G. C. '12 West, Glenn '13 Clancy, Mrs. C. B. '13 Jones. Miss M. F. '13 Knowles, J. W. '14 Brown, E. M. '14 Chapman, Miss G. P. '14 Cook, Orrin '15 Rinn. A. G. '15 Tindell, Miss Hazel '16 Bender. Dr. T. C. '16 Fairchilds. Miss S. E. '16 Shadle, Miss B. L. Loleta '16 Heney, P. W Loma Linda •11 Risley, Dr. E. H. Lompoc '02 Cooper, W. H. '05 Williams. Miss L. P. '07 Talhott. Dr. J. L. '08 Hardenbrook, C. K. '08 Sudden, R. E. '12 Mitchell, Miss M. K. Lena Beach '93 Freeman, Dr. E. M. '96 Mayberry, E. L., Ir. '98 Bixby, F. H. '98 Bixby. Mrs. F. H. '00 Kimball, Miss Alice '02 Kimball, Miss F. M. '03 Avery. Mrs. H. L. '03 Hii^ht, Percy '03 Parmley, Mrs. A. L. '03 Townsend. Dr. \'. R. '04 Hill. Dr. W. B. '04 + Moore, Miss A. C. '04 Wolcott. Miss S. A. '05 Adams, L. G. •05 IHill. W. X. 346 LOCALITY INDEX [California Long Beach, Continued '05 MiisKfovc. W. J. •05 Kcid, F. (".. '06 KniKht. Miss M. I. '06 Ki-nfro, V. A. '07 Adams, A. II. '07 I'ishcr. i:. 1. '10 Hansen. (Icrald '10 Wilson, H. A. '11 McDcrmont. A. I.. '\2 ("lodfrcy. Miss M. M. •IJ lic.lmcs. Dr. A. O. 'IJ Shaw, Miss H. J. '1.1 Hammond, T. E. •].\ Ohern, 1^- I- '14 Mason. P.. W. '15 .\kcrs. Miss R. F. "16 Cassclherry. \V. S. '16 Dunn. H. W. Loomis '07 Ostroni, Dr. E. E. Lordsburg '04 Houdyshel, Mrs. C. E. '1>1 Fischer, Rudolph '14 Mize, Miss M. F. Los Alamos "06 t Harris, J. L. Los Altos •74 McDermott. Dr. W. P. '75 tMeyers. Dr. R. C. '86 Gunzendorfer, Gustave '87 Pavne. Dr. R. E. ■P6 Xott. Mrs. C. P. 97 Wright, B. F. •98 Nott. C. P. •01 Hicks. Mrs. F. V. '04 Robinson, Mrs. A. S. •06 McDuffie, C. B. Los Angeles '66 Widney. Dr. J. P., 3901 Marmion way '72 Kurtz. Dr. Joseph, 1801 Toberman st. •74 Miller, Dr. C. F., 12.10 E. 46th st. '78 Toland, T. O.. 718 Kensington rd. '78 Van Dyke. W. M.. 222 W. .A.dams st. '79 O'Melveny, H. W., 3250 Wilshire blvd. •80 tMcCarty. C. C, 150 N. Alta st. •81 Loewenthal. Max. 1833 S. Flower st. '82 Brier. W. W., 1433 W. av. 48 "82 Payne, Dr. J. R., 505 '4 S. Main st. '82 Stoddart. Miss E. L., 1052 Beacon st. '82 \'ancrom. Dr. A. L.. 540 E. av. 59 '83 Flatau. Mrs. H., 523 Kingsley drive '83 Kelsey, A. L.. 607 S. Commonwealth av. '83 Rinipau. F. T., 355 N. Main st. '84 Borden. Sheldon, 2328 S. Hope st. "85 Finlayson, F. G.. 500 Gramercy place '85 Wenzlick, William. 625 S. Figueroa st. '86 .\ustin. S. W.. Pacific Electric bldg. '86 Boswell, F. M., 457 S. Kenmore av. '86 Holland, C. F., 1247 Delaware drive '86 Meserve, E. A.. 1333 Westlake av. '87 Elsasser. Meyer. 2104 Hobart blvd. '87 Valentine. L. H.. 916 S. Alvarado st. "88 Booth. Franklin. 519 Occidental blvd. "88 Variel, W. J., 1236 Arapahoe st. Be- '89 Craig. W. T., 528 S. Harvard blvd. •89 Edelman, Dr. D. W., 1018 Elden av. •89 Warner. Mrs. R. M., 942 W. 34th St. '90 Davis, W. H., 25 Berkeley sq. •90 Hewitt, L. R., 1212 S. Alvarado st. '90 Pierce, A. B., 1964 N. Bronson av. •90 Scholl, Dr. A. J., 1336 S. Main st. •91 Ainsworth, H. B., 2190 W. Adams st. '91 Brewer, J. A., 1205 W. 21st st. '91 Sattcrwhite, J. W., Lankershim bldg. '92 Heinzman, E. A., 639 Westlake av. '92 Hyde. Dr. E. C, 1403 Bates av. '92 Robinson, G. P., 849 N. Mariposa av. '93 Barker, E. H., 1965 Bonsallo av. '93 Hall, Miss Bertha, 1110 W. Washing- ton St. '93 Haskins. S. M., 2624 Orchard av. '93 Vogel, R. F., 727 S. Hill st. '94 Avery. Russ, 963 S. Hoover st. '94 Ballard, Miss I. H., 330 E. av. 60 '94 Blum. J. H., 1426 E. 49th st. '94 Deichmiller, Dr. Conrad, 635 S. rendo st. '94 Greth, Dr. August, 716 W. 7th st. '94 Palmer, Miss E. D., 1741 S. Harvard blvd. '95 Butler. W. W., American Bank bldg. '95 Christopher, J. F.. 305 N. Fremont av. '95 Fox. C. J., Jr., 104 S. Carondelet st. '95 Greene, L. H., 1053 S. Bonnie Brae st. '95 Lloyd, W. E., 1157 S. Hoover st. '95 Oliver, Miss Bertha, 238 S. Ardmore av. '95 Sherer, A. J., 986 Arapahoe st. '95 Sullivan. Miss M. I., 621 W. Vernon av. '96 Alexander, H. L., 1018 S. Alvarado st. '96 Anderson, Dr. Helen O., Bradbury bldg. '96 Bowman, Dr. C. H., 1010 W'. 20th st. '96 Broughton, Dr. G. A., 1966 La Salle st. '96 Dillon, R. J., 445 S. Commonwealth av. '96 Ginaca. Miss J. P. L., 1417 Wright st. '96 Kincaid, F. M., 726 E. 33d st. '96 Laubersheimer, Dr. G. A.. 133 E. av. 42 96 McCrea, Mrs. T. P., 7755 Hollywood blvd. 96 Moore, Mrs. E. B.,1070 W. Edgeware rd. 96 Noble, G. A., 220 W. 10th st. 96 Noble, Dr. Mary L.. 1320 W. 46th st. 96 O'Brien. Dr. T. H., 1052 N. Figueroa st. 96 Roth, Dr. L. J., 512 S. Oxford av. 97 Barre, H. A.. 5337 6th av. 97 Butler, W. H.. 2618 W. 8th st. 97 De Garmo. G. C, 823 Catalina st. 97 Goldberg. David. 2002 W. 6th st. " 97 Holladav. Dr. W. R.. 387 Lucas st. 97 tMcCreilis. Mrs. Frances. 342 W.55th st. 98 tByerly. Mrs. J. H.. 2913 Dalton av. 98 Clausen, J. C, 2063 W. 28th st. 98 De Garmo. Mrs. G. C. 823 Catalina st. 98 Dickie. Dr. W. M.. 1030 Magnolia av. 98 Donnell. B. H., 1410 Sherman drive 98 Tordon. Dr. Minnie E.. 214 X. av. 66 98 Miller. L. H.. 6066 Haves av. 98 Ross. Miss M. E.. 160 E. av. 27 98 Shideler, A. F.. 2200 W. Pico st. 98 Wellman. E. P.. 1315 W^ 36th st. 98 Wigmore, Cyril. 2332 Thompson st. 99 Armstrong. F. T., 1654 West blvd. 99 Colegrove. Dr. J. A.. 861 Irolo st. 99 Colliver, Dr. J. A.. 915 Carondelet st. 99 Duncan. F. M.. care of W'estern Whole- sale Drug Co. '99 Ellis. A. M.. 2107 4th av. "99 tEllsworth, Miss C. D., 638 S. Figuer oa St. California] LOCALITY INDEX 347 '99 Frick. Dr. D. J., 538 Harvard blvd. '99 Kuster, Dr. C. F., 3650 Arlington av. '99 Linscott. H. A., 2209 W. 25th st. '99 McDill. G. W., 2110 W. 31st st. '99 Metkitif, Miss Guenevere, 4150 Rose- wood av. '99 Seyler, Charles, Jr., California Club '99 Stone. Dr. E. A., 1618 7th av. '99 Tatum. Mrs. E. H., 1825 Maltman av. '99 Weyl, B. A., 735 S. St. Andrews place '00 Burton, W. D., 4325 Central av. '00 Burton. Mrs. W. D., 4325 Central av. '00 Cogswell, Horatio. 1244 Van Ness av. '00 Downing. J. O., 727 S. Rampart st. '00 Green. Miss Bertha, 5715 Virginia av. 'Uj Jacobs. A. B., 149 N. Gramercy place '00 McGarry, P. J., 962 S. Vermont av. '00 Miller, C. E., 2252 W. Washington st. '00 Oliver, E. W., 238 S. Ardmore av. '00 tPhelps, F. \V., R.F.D. 1, box 226 '00 Price. Mrs. E. C, 610 Virgil av. '00 Sanborn, Miss Bertha, 4536 W. 18th st. '00 Wiltshire, Miss M. G.. 5029 W. 3d st. '00 Yerxa, Mrs. C. W., 635 S. Westlake av. '00 Young. Miss C. B., 401 S. Grand av. '01 Baruch. Edgar, 1222 S. \'an Ness av. '01 Block. Dr. S. D., 1320 \V. 5th st. '01 Burns. Dr. R. E., Wright and Callender bldg. '01 Dickson, E. A., 1631 Cimarron st. '01 Eddy. G. W., 131 W. av. 53 '01 Eshleman. Mrs. J. M..2236 Cambridge st. '01 Frisius. Miss Agnes. 1814^ Toberman st. '01 Goodenow, F. G., 1510 Gramercy place '01 Heineman. Mrs. A. S.. 1838 N. Ken- more av. '01 Hill. Mrs. R. W., 4031 Wilshire blvd. '01 Irish, Mrs. E. A., 1130 W. 53d st. '01 Tanssen. Mrs. Otto, 765 Pyrites st. '01 jenks. Mrs. C. A., 1725 S. Kingsley drive ■ 01 Kurtz. Miss E. R.. 802 Washington st. '01 Locklin, C. B., 1984 Park Grove •01 McDill, Miss M. J., 2110 W. 31st st. •01 Miller, Mrs. L. H., 6066 Hayes av. '01 Ramage. R. C, 5518 8th av. '01 Sessions. W. S., 4070 Leeward av. '01 Smith. Mrs. A. K., 1315 Catalina st. '01 Whitlock, Dr. R. G., Y. M. C. A. '02 Barnhill, W. A., 2532 Reservoir st. '02 Baruch, Clarence. 2058 Harvard blvd. •02 tBrenizer, Miss P. L., 2548 W. 18th st. '02 Clayton, A. B., 1622 W. 39th st. '02 Colbath, J. S., 526 S. Gramercy place '02 Crawford,W.K.,309}4 S. Bunker Hill av. '02 Douglas, Mrs. W. W., 1436 Crenshaw blvd. '02 Flood. Miss E. H., 843 Mallard st. '02 Hecht, Miss G. A.. 817 Beacon st. •02 Hollzer, H. A., 2322 Juliet st. '02 tjameson. Miss Emma, 836 S. Bonnie Brae st. '02 Tanes, Miss L. E., 1137 Formosa av. '02 kierulff. B. F.. 757 S. Los Angeles st. •02 Lewis, Miss A. M., 4026 Denker av. •02 Macurda, A. A. 1714 Harvard blvd. '02 McCutchan, Mrs. H. C, 3439 Lan- franco st. '02 Newlin. G. E., Title Insurance bldg. '02 Newman, Dr. H. C, 358 S. Gramercy F. F., 321 St. An- •02 '02 Newlin. G. E. Newman, Dr. place Newniark. M. R., 977 Arapahoe st. Newmark. Robert. 880 W. Adams st. '02 Nutting, Miss Elsie, 2607 Wilshire blvd. '02 Pinkham. J. R., 4665 Pasadena av. ^02 Rice, Miss M. E., 1023 W. 25th st. '02 Schroeder. Dr. L. A., Exchange bldg. '02 Watson. Miss H. S., 1135 E. Vernon st. '02 Webb, Mrs. R. R., 1323 N. Coronado st. '02 Weymouth. C. A. G.. 1244 W. 40th st. '02 t Wright. C. N., 1322 W. 20th st. '03 Adams, Miss V. H., 4166 Brighton av. '03 Anthony, E. C, 666 Berendo st. '03 Bonham. Miss I. A..910 Grand View st. '03 Brooks. E. H.. 6517 Crescent st. '03 Colbath, Mrs. J. S., 526 S. Gramercy place '03 Dutton, Harry, 421 S. Union av. '03 Faddis, Miss M. S., 1942 Le Moyne st. '03 Fairbanks. Mrs. W. H., 1064 W. 7th st. '03 Hansen, A. C, 4626 Cimarron st. '03 Hardie, Miss E. J., 1647 W. 11th st. '03 tKeim, W. W., 303 S. Spring st. '03 Lillard, C.W., Vermont and Jefferson sts. '03 Lissner, Dr. H. H., 2156 Hobart blvd. "03 Magee, Miss E. B.. 505 N. Soto st. '03 McNab, Dr. T. R., 333 S. Hobart blvd. '03 Moran. Mrs. R. B., 909 S. St. Andrews place '03 Prendergast, Mrs. drews place '03 Putnam, D. G., Washington blvd. '03 Putnam. Miss M. P., 2204 S. Hoover st. '03 Rosenberg, Miss Josephine, 1305 W. 8th St. '03 Sheldon, W. A., 1835 S. Wilton place '03 S wanner. D. W., 4517 Moneta av. '03 Taylor, Dr. H. L., 6139 Hollywood blvd. '03 Yarnell, Miss E. L.. 134 S. Bonnie Brae st. '04 Baldwin. O. D.. 6193 Pasadena av. '04 Bantz. Miss A. M., 1143 Delaware drive '04 Bates. Miss E. M., 1151 5th av. '04 Brooks, Mrs. E. H., 6517 Crescent st. '04 Carman, Mrs. F. J., 903 Grattan st. '04 Cooper, Miss Belle, 2321 S. Flower st. '04 Ehrmann, Miss L. C, 2235 W. 31st St. '04 Foutz, C. L.. 128 Hobart blvd. '04 Gardett, H. C. 1427 Berkshire av. '04 Harris. Mrs. P. B. '04 Heller, Dr. L. C, Security bldg. '04 Ligda, V. V., 1347 S. Hill st. •04 McClish, Dr. C. L., 1665 W. 24th st. '04 McPherron, Miss G. A., 1016 Orange st. '04 Metzler, I. S., 2433 S. Flower st. '04 Moore, B. F., 2930 W. Pico st. '04 Ray, Dr. F. S., 121 N. Union av. '04 Shator. Mrs. Esther, 323 W. 20th st. '04 Solomon. Edward, 4825 S. 1st av. '04 Wellborn. Olin. Jr.. 1300 W. .^dams st. '04 Wilson, Miss E. M.. 1918 Canyon drive '05 Adams. D. S.. 4166 Brighton av. '05 Adams. O. S., 4166 Brighton av. '05 Cook, Miss C. B.. 952 S. Lake st. '05 Dehm. W. H.. 630 S. .\lvarado st. '05 Dodge. Miss F. I., 686 S. Burlington av. '05 Evans, Dr. A. O.. 1201 W. 35th st. '05 Gillelen. Frank. 1112 Gramercy place '05 Hanlon, W. L. American Dank bldg. '05 Loeb. J. P.. 735 Harvard blvd. '05 Montague. Dr. J. S., 162 ♦ 3d av. '05 Noble. R. C, 1817 .\rlington st. '05 Peterson, Miss A. E.. 208 W. 23d st. 348 LOCALITY INDEX [California Loa Angeles, Onntlnued •05 Spinks, Dr. A. M.. 404 Gramcrcy place •05 Stiimpf. V. C. 2420 K. 3<1 si. •05 Vaunhan. K. V.. llth and Scntous sts. '06 tAlliMi. Miss C. I'"... 941 (Iraltan st. '06 tCoKswi-ll, Miss M. G.. 2702 Normaii- (lic av. '06 Curtis. L. VV., 124 W. 36th st. '06 Fccnan, Miss M. E., 2036 Hollenl)ecl{ drive •06 Harris, Mrs. R. S., 236 N. Park View st. •06 llcrskovits, Miss Marnarct.926 I'.lainc st. •06 Hunter. Dr. G. G., 356 S. Occidental l)lvd. '06 l.ocli. Mrs. J. P.. 735 Harvard l)lv/ S. Flower st. '08 Moore. A. F., 753 Carondelet st. "08 Pinkham, W. H., 1710 3d av. '08 Smith, D. J., 1538 Glenandale place '08 Swerdfeger, Miss S. I..3200 S.Hoover st. '08 Tower. Miss G. E.. 926 Georgia st. •08 Tuller, W. K.. 2712 Kenwood^ av. '08 Variel, C. L., 1503 S. Wilton place '08 Zubcr. Di-. Augusta. 2500 W. 8th st. "09 Baruch, Milton, 2058 Harvard blvd. '09 Bell, Miss A. E.. 227 W. 51st st. '09 Borden, F. L.. American Bank bldg. '09 Cline, E. H.. 203 N. Wilton place '09 Cortelyou, H. P., 1755 W. 39th st. '09 Cortelyou. Mrs. H. P.. 1755 W. 39th st. '09 Edwarrls, Mrs. L. E., 3635 Arlington av. '09 Ilibbard. L. H.. 217 S. Vendome st. '09 Martin, M. M., 929 W. 1st st. '09 Morgan, Mrs. A. R., 3456 Venice av. '09 Morgan, Mrs. C. P., 1662 Echo Park av. '09 Pierson. Miss C. E., 1844 St. Andrews place '09 Pinkham, Miss H. G., 326 W. 30th st, '09 Powell, Mrs. H. L., Jr., 2618 W. av. 30 '09 Seelig, M. H.. Union Trust Co. '09 Terry, E. P., 410 W. 27th st. '09 Thompson, I. F., 1602 Elevado st. '09 Walsh, Miss D. M., 135 N. St. Andrews place '10 Brown, Miss C. M., Baker Detwiler bldg. '10 Cunningham, S. W., 1120 S. Hoover st. '10 Gates, Dr. M. G., 130 S. Soto st. '10 Griffen, C. H., Jr., 129 X. Alta st. '10 Grubbs, Dr. T. E., 1338 E. Adams st. '10 Hoyt. Miss A. G., 251 S. Hill st. '10 Kennedy, Miss M. E.,658 Bonnie Brae st. '10 Knudson, Mrs. M. E. S., 3451 Arroyo Seco av. '10 Leonard, A. L., 2416 West blvd. '10 McXeile, Dr. L. G.,912 S. Normandie av. '10 McNeile, Mrs. L. G., 912 S. Norman- die av. '10 O'Melveny. Stuart. 427 S. Serrano av. "10 Paul, A. M., care of J. B. Van Nuys, Van Nuvs bldg. '10 Pendleton. C. W.. Jr.. California Club '10 Phelps, R. W.. 185 S. Ardmore av. '10 Roberts, Dr. Jean M.. 1229 W. 23d st. '10 Shaw. A. B., Jr., 1524 La Baie av. '10 tStanley, R. C, Wright and Callender bldg. '10 Stockton. Miss M. I., Marlborough School '10 Talcott, J. S., Jr.. 1020 W. Vernon av. '10 Tower, Dr. O. I.. 102 N. av. 64 '10 Twiss. W. C. 3414 Maple av. '10 Van Patten, Mrs, J. H.. 1735 W. 51st place '10 Wentworth. Miss M. M.. 2002 Sunset blvd. '11 Ball, E. L.. 126 N. Vendome st. '11 Cleland, Mrs, R. G., 382 W. av. 52 M 1 Cummings. Dr. R. S., 2932 Halldale st. '11 De Camp, Ray. 4351 Russell av. '11 De Camp, Mrs. Rav. 4351 Russell av. ;il Dumpert, G. L.. 433 S. Hill st. "11 Epstein. Harry. 540 S. Hope st. '11 Grant. G. B.. 238 X. Gramercv place '11 Hart. Dr. T. M.. 152 S. Hoover st. 'il High, Mrs. R. B.. 521 X. \'ermont av. '11 Huntsberger, Mrs. Harold. 432 Lucerne blvd. '11 Lowden. Miss B. E.. care of High School '11 McFie. L. R.. 1130 S. Arlington st. '11 Moulton. R. H.. 973 S. Vermont av. '11 Nevius, Dr. T. W.. 527 W. av. 53 '11 Phelps. Mrs. R. W., 185 S. Ardmore av. '11 Rhoades. Miss E. R.. 1102 W. Sth st. California] LOCALITY INDEX 349 '11 Robinson, E. A., 4226 W. 1st st. "11 Shulman. Dr. Leon, 845 S. Hill st. '11 Wright, C. T.. 1543 N. av. 46 "12 Atkinson. Miss May, 5652 Carlton way '12 Atsatt, Miss S. R., 345 S. Serrano av. '12 Avakian, Garapet, 1951 Elevado st. '12 Bayley, A. J., 4703 S. Vermont st. '12 Bettin, Miss M. E., 1025 N. Figueroa st. '12 Blunck, Miss Irma, 207 S. Soto st. '12 Butler. Dr. O. W.. 1419 Golden Gate av. "12 Clendenin. B. S.. 1115 Magnolia av. '12 Dodge, J. P., 5712 Monte Vista av. '12 Evans, Dr. C. L., 110 N. Kingsley drive '12 Faulkner, Miss J. K., 218 W. av. 56 '12 Fish, Miss D. C, 1910 W. 6th st. '12 Fountain, Miss R. G., 350 W. 52d av. '12 Frees, Dr. B. M., 660 W. Jefferson st. '12 Guillou, A. v.. Pacific Electric bidg. "12 High. R. B., 521 N. Vermont av. '12 Housh, W. H.. Jr., 211 E. av. 52 '12 Hubbard, D. H., 1559 Fairmount way '12 Hund, Miss H. H., 1617 S. Flower st. '12 Jackson, Miss Emily. Stillwell Hotel '12 Lawton, H. R., 833 Berendo st. '12 Lent, H. P. C. 899 E. 50th st. '12 McPeek, Daniel. 1119 Arapahoe st. ']2 Moodv, G. B., 6721 De Longpre av. "12 Murdoch. Miss P. L.. 2375 Scarff st. '12 Rankin. J. W., University Club "12 Remsen. Miss H. C, 415 Hill st. •12 Reum. Dr. C. G., 1846 S. Figueroa st. '12 Rice, H. W.. Brockman bldg. '12 Rogers, H. N., 216 W. Adams st. '12 Scholl. Miss A. J.. 1336 S. Main st. '12 Schweissinger, C. A., Jr., 754 E. 14th st. '12 Spear. W. H., 447 W. 41st place '12 tSpicker, Miss Mabel, 3713 Trinity st. '12 Stovall, Dr. Leonard. 1300 Fleming st. '12 Taney, Miss M. E., 1437 Carroll av. '12 Taylor, E. W., 243 W. Adams st. '12 Taylor, Miss M. B.. 2032 N. Broadway "12 Tupman. Miss A. K., 406 E. 47th st. '12 Van Dyke, Miss Lilian, 222 W.Adams st. '12 Wilson. J. C, Hotel Hollvwood "13 Anderson. Ewald, 1016 W. 9th st. '13 .\ustin, W. E., 856 Kensington rd. 13 Ballard, Dr. Claudius, 1201 J/^ S. Cen- tral av. "13 Beck, J. J.. 2116 Western av. '13 Behrens, Miss L. V.. 742 Westlake av. '13 Christopher, Mrs. E. L., 1723 W. 9th st. '13 Clark, J. G., 1437 Winfield st. '13 Davidson, Miss J. L, 927 W. 51st place '13 Fuller. Mrs. R. S.. 1820 W. 41st drive •13 Glidden, Miss L. V., 119 N. Olive st. '13 Guernsey, J. E., 748 S. Flower st. '13 Haun, Miss Grace, 1033 S. Hope st. '13 Little, Miss E. V., 229 S. Los Angeles st. '13 Loewenthal. Paul, 1833 S. Flower st. '13 Lovett. W. W., Jr.. 421 W. Adams st. "13 McKinley, J. W., Jr.. 508 W. Adams st. '^^ Moulton, Francis, Title Insurance bldg. '13 Rajotte. Mrs. P. F., Angelus Hospital '13 Reynolds, R. W., 270 S. Harvard blvd. '13 Ryle, Miss F. E.. 3574 University av. '13 Shannon, Miss EInora, 7524 Hollywood blvd. '13 Stephens. F. D., 1775 Las Palmas av. "13 tTrask. Miss L M., 1027 S. Bonnie Brae st. '13 Volk. K. Q.. 822 Mallard st. '13 Waldcck. Hugo, 3871 S. Harvard blvd. '13 Watkins, Miss L. R., 917 W. 43d st. '13 Wessells, G. M., 1618 Middleton place '13 tWong, W. F. C, 813 E. 5th st. '13 Young, O. W., 837 W. 58th st. '14 Atkinson, Miss Genevieve, 5652 Carlton way '14 Ball, W. F.. Jr., 833 Manhattan place '14 tBaruch, H. M., 2125 Harvard blvd. ;i4 Boyd, Miss Rivera, 208 W. 52d st. '14 Brainerd. E. R., Jr., Alexandria Hotel '14 Breeden, V. E., 1207 W. 3d st. '14 Cain. Miss G. B., 3513 S. San Pedro st. '14 de Laguna, Miss B. E.,.616 S..Alvarado st. '14 Duque, G. C, 701 S. New Hampshire av. '14 Frank, Miss F. P., 1958 New Jersey st. '14 Frasier, H. T. L.. 912 Catalina st. '14 Giffen, Miss C. M., 1625 Toberman st. '14 Haasheider. J. H., 1250 W. 49th st. '14 Jackling, Miss Frances, 1625 Toberman St. '14 Jackson, Miss E. M., 5616 Malabar st. '14 tLorraine, P. M., 1201 Las Palmas st. '14 Masser. H. L., 1742 Crenshaw blvd. '14 Mulholland, William, 6th and Cum- mings sts. '14 Pierce. Dr. G. W., Brockman bldg. '14 tPorter. H. W., 1355 Orange st. '14 Purviance, C. E., 742 S. Kingsley drive '14 Reed, C. L., 6266 Sunset blvd. '14 Roen. Dr. P. B.. 6759 Yucca st. '14 Royer, Max, 2279 Cambridge st. '14 Seccombe, F. R., 644 W. 42d st. '14 Spiers, Miss Katherine, 596 N. New Hampshire st. '15 Blaney, H. S., 3947 S. Olive st. '15 Bomhoff. Miss G. E.,4926 Normandie av. '15 Brown. Miss R. M., 1027 Gramercy place '15 Carey, K. A., 2116 Thompson st. '15 tConnolly. J. P., 7901 Budlong av. '15 Conrey, D. W., 1633 Rock wood st. '15 Cordes. F. C, 1150 S. Hope st. '15 Dockweiler, T. A., Jr., 957 W. Adams st. '15 Durfy. L. J.. 1741 Taft av. '15 Emerson, O. R., 3012 Western av. '15 Goldberg, Jacob, 522 N. Soto st. '15 Goyette, Miss Mildred, 4422 Camero av. '15 Herrick. A. M., 840 S. Flower st. '15 Hinrichsen, L E., 2202 W. 21st st. '15 tjacobson. D. E.. 1334 Kellane av. '15 Laverty, S. P., 1940 Carmen av. '15 Long, Miss N. L.. 422^ W. 27th st. '15 tMail. Miss M. M., 1045 Weslin av. '15 Martin, G. H., Jr., 2723 Dalton av. '15 Paine. A. W., 1390 Allison av. '15 Peabody. P. E.. 344 S. Harvard blvd. '15 Peyton. Miss Lucille. 814 Irolo st. '15 Phillips. Clark. 1848 Morgan place '15 Potter. Miss Z. M.. 1417 3d av. '15 Queen, Miss Ellen. 340 W. 61st st. '15 Ralston. W. R.. 1814 S. Van Ness av. '15 Reese. Miss M. E., 347 W. 52d st. '15 tRolph. Miss H. M.. 54 Lucema blvd. '15 Rushton. L. E.. 2028 Sunset blvd. '15 Schmutzler. Frederick. 500 E. 35th »t. 'Xh Scott. R. H., 1353 Westlake av. '15 Stanton. E. L.. 448 Andrews blvd. '15 Ward. C. P., 2130 W. 21st st. '15 Yoakum. Mrs. F. E.. 140 E. av. 59 '16 Atsatt. Miss Marjory. 345 S. Serrano av. '16 Barton. C. P.. 715 .Ardmorc av. '16 Benjamin, ^L B.. 1036 Lake st. iMJ Lot Angeles, Continued •16 Carpcntcr.MisH M. A. .1505 Kcho Park av. '16 (.luiu-, J. \V.. 401 S. Harvard blvd. '16 Lraltoii, 1'. S., Station T •16 Klnu-ndorf. \V. M.. 'K^^ N. Ardmorc av. •16 C.alii-l, I. I... •>57 Valencia st. •If. (.alcli, Miss S. F... 140 K. av. 59 •16 Ilalscv. Miss C.l).. 1225 S.Norinandie av. ■16 Hawkins. K. A., Jr.. 601 Kin^sk-y drive '16 Ilcrvcy. Ilarcoiirt. 601 .Shatto place •16 Hodnc. \'. S.. 1119 VV. 4!st place •16 llosnicr. Miss M.B.,10.3 N.Wellington st. •16 Ilotchkis, I. S. P.. 2.^.M Thompson st. •16 KinK-ston, G. D. L.. 2667 Magnolia av. '16 A. H., 422/2 N. Grand av. •16 Locke. C. E., Jr.. 728 Berendo st. •16 Manskc. Miss Helen, 1140 W. 18th st. •16 McCulloch, Miss I. A., Occidental Col- lege '16 McFie. \V. T.. 1222 W. 29th st. '16 Metcalf, Miss A. H.. 243 N. Hope st. •16 Miller. W. B., Lankershim bldg. •16 Moll, Miss M. D.,7002 Hollywood blvd. •16 Moore. Miss L. L., 220 S. Union av. •16 Mosher, S. B., 499,? Pasadena av. '16 Potter, J. A., 833 E. Kensington rd. '16 Powell, Miss R. J., 1413 Girard st. '16 Rogers. Miss B. K., 1740 Vine st. •16 Rose, Miss H. G., 4526 Wilton place '16 Scarborough. H. P., 2679 Menlo av. '16 Sherer, Miss B. E.. 1325 Alvarado ter- race '16 Smith, A. G., 643 W. 32d st. •16 Steed. R. M., 433 W. 50th st. •16 Strasburg. Miss Elizabeth, 141 S. Mountain View av. '16 Stuart, Miss Irene, 327 W. av. 52 '16 Sweet. T. R.. Marsh-Strong bldg. '16 Twining, S. J., 1826 S. Figueroa st. '16 Werner. O. E., 1158 W. 37th st. '16 Wright. E. P., 1624 3d av. Los Angeles Alhamhra branch •90 Halladay, D. S. ■94 Barnum. Mrs. O. S. •05 Green. Miss Jeannette •06 lones. Miss M. E. *06 Rout, F. V. •06 Weeks, Miss H. F. •08 Fosdick, Miss M. E. '11 Davidson, H. E. '13 Gautier. F. L. '13 Gautier. Mrs. George '14 Gautier. George LOCALITY INDEX [California Los Angeles Casa I'crdiigo branch '11 Bardill, T. W. '14 Wiuht. E. H. •14 Wight. Mrs. E. H. '15 Hollins. S. F. Los Angeles Eagle Rock branch •02 Esterly, C. O. '10 Purdum. Miss E. M. Los Angeles Glcndale branch '91 Hance. B. F. •97 Moyse. G. U. '98 Muller, Miss M. I. '02 Root, W. I). '04 Mullen, Mrs. J. S. •05 Mullen, J. S. '05 Tower. A. W. •07 Whitaker. R. E. •08 Spradling. Mrs. O. H. •09 Hoover, H. D. •11 Field, Miss B. L. •13 Grinnell, Miss Marjorie •14 tNichols, Miss M. C. '14 Van Why, Newton '14 Wall, Miss E. L. '15 Grady. Miss G. C. '15 Spencer, Miss E. B. '15 VVoodbury. Miss Anna Los Angeles Hollyzvood station '91 Cooper, E. C, 1432 Poinsetta place . '94 Burks. J. D., 1752 Whitley av. '98 Mott. Mrs. L. C. 6665 Franklin av. '99 Clark. C. W., 1935 N. Highland av. '99 Knepper. Miss Margaret. 2100 High- land av. '99 W^ood. Miss Elizabeth. 2039 Pinehurst rd. '00 Taylor. Mrs. H. L., 6139 Hollywood blvd. '00 tWestcott, C. M. '01 Rogers. Mrs. L. W., Krotona '03 Graham. Miss B. A.., 1535 Hudson av. '04 Beach, Mrs. W. H., 1954 Taft av. '04 Wayne, H. T., 1811 N. Gower st. '07 Wayne. C. A.. 1811 N. Gower st. '08 Carrillo. Miss Esperanza, 1817 Whit- ley av. '08 Gordon. H. T.. Jr., 1423 Fuller av. '08 McNeely, J. K., 7522 Hampton av. '09 Taylor, J. L., 1544 Curson av. '11 Davidson, Miss M. E., 220 N. Winona av. '11 Mayo, Miss A. M., 2217 Willetta av. '13 Adams, Miss E. L., 1622 Curson av. '13 Bergh. H. R.. 1908 Hillcrest rd. '13 Colyer, L. S., 5959 Carlton way '13 Stern, H. M., 1629 Vine st. '14 Nelgner. Miss G. F., 1433 Bronson av. '15 Bradway, O. F.. 6120 Edmund st. '15 t Winterer. H. K., 1728 Moreinga av. '16 Carlisle, D. T., 1806 Argyle av. '16 Feeman. Miss R. E., 6817 Leland way '16 Gehrkens. Miss R. E.. 6060 Franklin av. '16 Harrod, Miss R. W., 5346 Franklin av. Los Angeles Huntington Park branch '01 Clapp. A. B. '03 Brown, B. F. '06 Camp, Mrs. E. L. '08 Mattoon, Miss M. G. '08 O'Dair. Mrs. Arthur '09 Hartley, Mrs. C. C. '14 Brown, R. W. '16 Belt. A. E. '16 Miller. M. A. California] LOCALITY INDEX 351 Los Angeles South Pasadena branch '93 Gates, E. J. '97 Carver, C. E. '04 Rohrer, C. W. '05 Adams, Julian '05 Lee, C. H. '06 Collier, F. E. '06 Hay, Miss M. F. '06 tWalker, C. B. '08 McCharles, C. H. '08 McCharles, Mrs. C. H. '10 Oneal, Mrs. C. H. '11 Gatch, Miss Louise '1.3 Collins, V. F. 'In tThompson, W. B. "15 tBoekenoogen, F. E. '15 Howard, H. S. "15 Lee, Miss M. H. '16 Daniels, Miss Dorothy '16 Daniels, Miss S. P. Los Angeles Tropica branch '97 Shaw, Hartley "00 Shaw, Mrs. Hartley '08 Cleeves, Mrs. Montague Los Bancs '99 Jadarola, Dr. Raimondo "04 Thiercof, E. W. '09 Wood, C. E. '12 Jones, Miss E. M. '12 Ruhke, Miss L. D. '13 tMarsh, R. E. A. '13 Poppe, R. G. '16 Toscano. W. P. Los Gatos '74 Stuart, C. D. '83 Cool, Dr. R. H. '88 Knight, R. S. '92 Johns, T. E. '93 Green, G. A. '93 Johnson, W. P. '94 Hazen, E. A. '98 Criswell. Mrs. R. B. '02 Selby, Miss Edith '03 Cilker, Miss M. E. '05 ^Wilson, Miss M. E. '06 Gilbert, Miss M. L. '12 FitzHenry, Richard '12 Hinze, Miss Clara '13 Irons, Dr. R. H. '15 Miller, L. A. "15 Rogers, Catherine '15 Wiley, E. F. "16 Blakey, Miss E. H. "16 Weatherley, Miss Mabel Loyalton '02 Ede, Dr. L. G. '04 Duncan, Mrs. W. H. '15 tSchroeder, Miss L. E. '15 Tindell, Hazel Madera '02 Coghlan, J. J. '03 tWeaver, Miss Bonita '06 Barnes, J. W. H. '07 Burch, Mrs. E. L. '07 Krafft. Miss G. F. '08 Harford, Miss Crystal '08 Maxim, H. L '08 McCullogh. Mrs. D. H. '12 Mayhew. T. C. '16 Conley, Philip Madison '01 tjohnson. Miss M. B. Manchester '11 McElroy. Miss .\. E. Manteca '03 Keon, H. K. '06 Griffin, Augustus '06 Markley, W. H. '12 Norcross, Miss M. E. Maricopa '14 Merritt, Mrs. J. C. Mariposa '85 Stolder, R. B. '10 Ham, L H. '11 Augur, L V. '14 Evans, Miss Ethel Mark West '95 Laughlin, G. A. Martinez '75 Wyatt, J. O. '87 Whitbeck. Mrs. J. L. '95 McKenzie, A. B. '98 Sweetser, Dr. G. W. '09 Wight, R. H. '10 Bray, A. F., Jr. '10 Hoey, Miss H. G. '10 Matthews, R. R. '10 Sears, Mrs. W. A., Jr. '11 Sears, W. A., Jr. ;il Wilcox, G. A. '12 Crooks, Miss Alice '12 Tinning, A. B. '13 Harrington, Miss T. F. '15 Butterfield. Miss J. M. '15 Buttner. H. H. '15 Frizell, D. R. '15 Labaree. Miss S. M. '15 Rankin, C. A. Marysville '90 Carlin, W. H. '92 Belcher. Richard '95 tRubel, C. C. '98 Stanwood, Mrs. E. B. '99 Stanwood. E. B. '01 Garden. Mrs. H. B. P. '01 Sullivan. Dr. J. L. '03 Farran. L. A. '03 Grant. Dr. A. H. '03 Morris. H. G. '03 Nash, E. G. '03 Swain, Miss Ethel '04 lones, Mrs. R. H. '04 Kline. Dr. A. E. '04 Powell, Miss Ruby '06 Kaufman. M. P. '06 Morgan, Mrs. J. W. 352 LOCALITY INDEX [California Mary»vllle, Continued •06 Kancy. Suiiiiut •07 Murchic, Dr. D. 11. •08 Andriiss. A. K. '0'' Moses, n. 1). '\2 Johnsloii. C. U. •14 tlU-van. Miss J. F. •14 StalYord. Miss ('■. G. '16 Clieim. Miss Ivuth '16 Tonil), ("iL-orv;f Maxwell 'OJ Foiicli. A. .1. •().? Salmina. Miss S. M. •07 Hank-n. Mrs. W. B. "07 Lochcr, E. W. '16 Turner, A. F. May •11 tSmith, I. F. Mayfield '92 Elliott, Dr. D. C. Mayhews '10 Landsborough, Mrs. L. B. McArthur '08 Darke, Miss H. D. '10 Johns, H. S. McCloud '10 Hunt, M. E. '11 Smith, Mrs. E. M. '14 Durncy, Miss N. N. McKittrIck '05 Patterson, W. V. '09 VVagy, E. W. '12 Wagy, Mrs. E. W. Melones '93 Gooding, L. E. '08 Cameron, Mrs. R. C. Mendocino '87 Nichols, H. S. '02 Byrnes, Miss G. A. '04 t Packard, Miss Sineretta '10 MacFarland, Miss G. M. '13 Chessall, W. A. Mendota '12 Tuft, Miss H. W. Menio Park '90 McNear, F. \V. '92 Pringle, E. J., Jr. '98 Leggett, J. W. Merced '81 Cody. N. L. A. '81 Kelsey, H. G. '95 Rector. E. N. '97 Henderson, F. W. '98 tScott, Dr. F. T. '02 Shaffer, H. S. •03 Biuley, Miss \V. H. '04 Smith, Dr. T. C. 'OS Bachelder, Mrs. L. A. '05 Mcany, A. \V. '05 Pottle, F. VV. '05 Robinson, W. H. '05 Underbill, Miss M. R. '06 Peck, Dr. N. S. '07 Hughes, Mrs. M. F. '08 Chamberlain, F. A. '08 Fancher, F. B. '08 tOstrander, J. E. '09 Outcalt, J. M. '09 Robinson, G. A. '09 Robinson, Mrs. G. A. '10 Schottky, A. R. '11 tKeough. L. A. •11 Shaffer, Miss K. C. '12 de Witt, Miss R. M. '13 Croop, C. W. '14 Gallagher, Miss G. K. Merced Falls '13 Aller, Dr. D. I. Meridian '02 Reische, Mrs. C. E. Miami '08 Nutter, Mrs. Charles Michiqan Bar '15 Heath, Miss B. B. Michigan Bluff '15 Howard, Miss H. K. Middle River '10 Risser, Mrs. R. G. Milford '11 Lindsay, Miss Katharine Millbrae '84 Rietzke, Dr. G. C. Mills College '98 Reinhardt, Mrs. A. H. '02 Herrmann. Miss E. A. '06 James, E. O. '08 Voungberg, C. \V. Mill Valley '76 Jacobs. Myer '86 Bratton, F. O. '96 Symonds, H. C. '98 Lockwood. F. E. '00 Falch, O. E.. Tr. '03 tde Merritt, J. \V. '03 Kurlandzik, ^liss S. C. '03 Symmes, L. \V. '04 Forbes, Mrs. J. F. '04 Rodolph, Dr. F. E. '06 Bagg, Mrs. J. S. '10 Coffin, Miss I. A. '12 Lockhart. Miss E. B. '13 Huson. \V. E. '13 McGlothlin. Miss M. E. '14 Johnson, \V. S. '15 ■!■ Yarrow. S. R. '16 Bridge. Miss Elizabeth '16 Diment, Miss F. D. '16 Reynolds, Miss Dorothy California] LOCALITY INDEX 333 Milpitas '14 Standish, Mrs. A. M. 'IS Hixson, \V. C. Milton '16 Newell, Dr. R. K. Miranda '13 Smith, Mrs. Warren Mission San Jose '85 Nichols, Dr. T. A. Mist '15 Trailer, Miss E. M. Modesto '81 Evans. Dr. C. W. '83 Fulkerth, L. W. '83 Hatton, W. H. '85 Turner. G. S. '90 Bailey. H. F. '90 Surrvhne, Dr. B. F. '93 Grove, Dr. W. C. •96 Husted, Dr. G. B. •98 Hiniker, Dr. A. J. '98 Walthall, J. M. '00 Bowron, W. L. '01 Maze, E. B. '03 Lynn. Miss M. A. '04 Peterson, O. W. '05 Nightingale, J. M. '06 Brown, Miss Florence '06 Fox. Dr. J. B. '06 Ross, Miss S. V. '07 Bryan. E. N. '07 Hoover, F. O. '08 Crane. Everett '09 Broughton, I. R. '09 Magerstadt, P. E. '10 Lindsay, J. C. '10 Spangler. T. H. '12 Eryson, R. H. •13 Maclean, D. M. '14 Brier. Miss R. G. •14 Broughton, Esto '14 Weldy. W. E. '15 Downey, Miss A. A. 'IS Fleherty, R. C. '15 Le Hane, Miss Mary '15 Tillson. W. S. '16 Campbell, D. L. '16 McCarthy. A. T. '16 Schafer, Miss L. M. '16 Straub. C. H. '16 Wing, J. O. Mokelumne Hill '89 Fitzell, Lincoln Monrovia '98 Wheeler, Mrs. L. N. •99 +Nve, R. V. '00 Smith, N. E. '00 Smith, Mrs. N. E. '03 Clower, Mrs. D. E. '03 Monroe, Miss E. C. '04 Whitam, Mrs. Edward '05 Schmierer, Miss A. A. •06 Adams. F. E. '06 Bryant, O. W. '07 Bryant. Mrs. O. W. '11 Hart, Mrs. F. J. '12 Libby, Dr. W. E. '12 Sturges, Miss V. L. '12 Weston, A. M. '13 Bell, G. H. '13 Monroe, Miss D. L. '14 Shepherd, H. W. '15 Ainsley. R. G. '15 Smith, Miss Lucile '16 Love, Miss A. P. Montague '99 Julien, Miss L. M. '02 Reichman, O. H. '10 Mathewson, H.' S. '13 Guy, Mrs. R. L. Montalvo '06 Ward, Miss Isabel Montebello '04 Carver, Miss Ruby Monterey '91 Fisk, H. A. '99 Fisk, Mrs. H. A. '99 McMenamin, M. W. '00 tSpellman, Mrs. Lawrence '01 Cox, Miss E. P. '05 Lindsay,' W. E. '05 Mcintosh. Mrs. James '14 Gaddis, Miss F. W. '14 Newfield, L. K. Moorpark '15 Caswell, G. B. Morgan Hill '92 Lane, G. W. '00 Farman, Dr. C. E. '04 Tallmon. Miss H. A. '06 Fisher, Dr. G. N. '12 Norcross, Miss M. E. '13 Ware, Miss R. A. Mountain View 'OS Ward. Miss Shirley '07 Await. C. F. '08 Wagner, Louis '12 Winnegar, R. O. Mount Hamilton '93 Wright. W. H. '99 Hobe, Miss A. M. '05 Kane. Miss W. L. '16 Green. W. K. Napa '64 Pond, Dr. M. B. '78 Easterbv, F. G. •87 Heron. Mrs. J. C. '88 Beard, T. E. '91 Beard. D. L. '92 Ogden. Dr. G. W. •92 York, J. T. '94 Crecs, Dr. Robert '94 tWatkinson, Mrs. C. E. '97 Aniser. Miss Eniilie 354 LOCALITY INDEX [California Napa, Continued •98 VVatkins, Dr. F. I). •99 Hoke, II. J. •99 (lark. C. I). '00 M clone. M. C. '01 Kathkc. ( ). P. '03 Sclnilze. Dr. O. T. '03 Silva. I-". M. '04 Durri-ll. Mr.s. C. K. 'OS (hapmaii. Mrs. G. M. '05 Howard. \V. I.. '06 .Silva. Mr.s. F. M. "(ir. Wi-ndcll. Miss M. K. •07 liiisii. F. W. •07 Graves. H. T. •11 Chapman, G. M. '!-' Corlitt. B. C. '\.\ Hampton. C. L. "H I-AlKcrlcy, Miss E. E. '14 Gunn. K. E. •15 Coombs. Miss D. M. •15 IGitTord. S. P. '16 Camp, C. C. •16 Corlett, Miss F. E. '16 Morris. F. F. Naples '14 Dimshee. B. K. National City '03 Hupo. Mrs. Mathias '05 Seymour, C. F. '08 lohnson, Miss M. E. '10 Livingston, G. R. "10 Livingston, Mrs. G. R. '10 Rice. Miss L. T. •14 Hall. Miss H. R. '15 Spring, (J. W. '15 Story, Miss Louise Navarro '04 Sawyer. E. H. '05 Sawyer, Mrs. E. H. '09 Moulton, A. F. '09 Moulton, Mrs. A. F. Nevada City '76 Searls. Fred '88 Ntlon, F. T. '95 Jones, G. L. '95 lones, Mrs. G. L. '95 tLegg, Mrs. G. A. '96 Farnham, Miss E. R. '97 Finnegan, G. B. '98 Rector, G. J. '98 Tuck, Mrs. F. E. '99 Janes, Mrs. B. E. '00 Janes, B. E. '02 Ivy, Dr. J. R. '07 tDanforth, S. E. '08 Eastin, Miss Alma '12 Richards, T. W. '13 Searls, H. H. '13 Wallace, G. B. ;i4 Nilon. F. M. '15 Ford. Savory '15 Searls. Carroll '16 Frandy. M. F. New Almaden '02 tWeber. F. F. Newark '00 tPatterson, H. H. Newbury Park '02 Rraly, H. H. Newcastle '06 Schnabel, Mrs. C. K. '09 Barnicott, Mrs. J. W. '14 Madeley, Hughes '14 Rideout, Dr. W. E. '15 Madeley, Mrs. Hughes Newman '7i Mays, Dr. VV. H. '85 Armistead, Dr. H. V. '03 Widenmann, W. A. '05 Byrd. P. W. '07 Plummer, G. T. '08 Byrd, Mrs. P. W. '08 Parsons, J. E. '08 Plummer, Mrs. G. T. '10 Davis, Miss Ethel '13 McCollum, Miss M. E. L. '15 Randle, E. I. '15 Stewart, Miss Margaret Nichols '16 Thaddeus, Victor Nlles '80 Shinn, M. W. '92 Stivers. C. D. '99 Martenstein, C. E. '02 Shinn, Mrs. J. C. '03 Clarke, Miss M. S. '03 McKeown. Dr. C. L. '04 Spencer. Miss D. T. '10 Pottol. Mrs. R. F. '11 Hunt, Miss W. L. '11 Snyder, W. H. NIpomo '12 Grigshy, L. W. Nordhoff '93 Leach. C. \V. '95 Thacher, Mfs. S. D. '03 Bristol, W. W. '05 Jordan, Miss H. A. '15 Thacher. Miss O. D. '16 Hobson, Miss Grace Northfork '05 Tyler, Mrs. Raymond North Sacramento '03 Baugh, H. G. Norwalk '02 Vinacke, A. T. '12 Wallace, T. E. '13 Carter, Miss L C. '13 tXewlan, Victor Nuevo '15 Graser, H. L California] LOCALITY INDEX 355 Oakdale '94 Wood. Dr. C. C. '03 Bonham. Miss I. A. '09 Dittemore. Mrs. L. J. '10 Bowen. Miss G. N. '10 Endicott. A. H. '10 Gilbert. L. D. '11 Hansen, L. J. H. '11 Holton, Miss Grace '11 Prendergast, A. C. '12 Prendergast, Mrs. A. C. '14 Ames, Miss A. U. '14 Crow. Miss E. L. '14 Haslacher. Mrs. Alfred '15 Rinn, A. G. Oakland '66 Hardy. L. J., 321 E. 12th st. '66 Bunnell, G. W., 2901 Telegraph av. '70 McKee, R. L., 709 Franklin st. '72 Reed. G. W., 2950 Telegraph av. '73 Rhoda, Rev. Franklin, 3711 Lincoln av. '73 Wetmore, C. J., 86 Monte Vista av. '74 Collins, D. E., 1804 Harrison st. '74 Farrell, J. R., 473 Vernon st. '74 Griffiths, D. D.. 2821 Foothill blvd. '74 Price, J. R., 546 Mira Vista av. '74 Rowell, J. C., 3415 West st. '75 Huntley, D. B., 1031 Bella Vista av. '75 Lang, H. O., 1565 38th st. '76 Button, F. L., 590 34th st. '76 Palmer, W. S., 1524 Jackson st. '76 Pearce, W. N., 5251 Broadway '76 Shuey. Dr. Sarah L, 1829 Adeline st. '77 DeGolia. G. E.. 5277 Broadway terrace '77 Rix. E. A., 5319 Broadway terrace '78 Fogg, G. E., 2414a Telegraph av. '78 Morse, Dr. F. W.. 522 Grand av. '78 Parker. E. S., 68 Santa Clara av. '79 Butters, Charles, 6272 Chabot rd. '79 Pardee, G. C. 672 11th st. '80 Colby, G. E., 355 61st st. '80 Collins, E. L., 833 Myrtle st. '80 Harrier, L. G., 6467 Benvenue av. '80 Havens, H. R., 1127 Clay st. '80 Hawley, Miss M. A., 528 27th st. '81 McPike, H. C, 1521 Webster st. •82 Akerly, J. C. S., Athens Hotel '82 Armstrong, A. M., 950 54th st. '82 Bowles, P. E., Union and McAdam sts. '82 Cavagnaro, J. F., 400 Laguna av. '82 tTevis, Samuel, 2517 E. 14th st. '83 Cohen, A. H., 1440 29th av. '83 Earl. G. C. 2914 McCIure st. '83 Fitzgerald. R. M.. 456 Van Buren av. '83 Gould, Mrs. VV. S., 1480 Hampel st. '83 Howard. Gary. 232 29th st. '83 Jacobs, Mrs. G. B., 546 E. 11th st. '83 McKee, S. B., 305 Vernon st. '83 Pownall, J. B.. 1930 Webster st. '83 Ward. J. W., 565 25th st. '84 Leber, A. L., 930 10th st. '84 Pond, Dr. J. H., 1032 Bella Vista av. '84 Simmons. Dr. W. H., Touraine Hotel '85 Baldwin. Dr. R. O.. 342 Hawthorne av. '85 Bryant. Calhoun. 2361 E. 29th st. •85 Campl)ell. Miss M. M.. 540 28th st. '85 Harding, R. T.. 2794 Garden st. '85 Miller. H. E., 305 Palm av. '85 tRodolph. Dr. C. T., 1410 5th av. '85 Rothganger. George. 4501 San Pablo av. '85 Saxe. Dr. F. J., 596 41st st. '85 Turner, J. N., Madison Park apts. '86 Carlton, H. P.. 306 Lenox av. '86 Greene, C. S., 135 Kempton av. '86 Howard, E. A., 107 Kempton av. '86 Simmons, Dr. B. F., Townsend apts. '87 Cross, A. D., 1485 Alice st. '87 Gray, T. H.. 2942 Madeline st. '87 Jump, Dr. R. L.. 3340 Fruitvale av. '87 Knapp, M. A., 1732 Webster st. '87 Rodolph. Dr. G. W., 544 E. 14th st. '87 Shuey, Dr. G. E., 1305 E. 14th st. '87 Turner, F. C, 255 Ridgeway av. '87 Wilkinson, J. F., 1016 Webster st. '88 Allardt, C. F., 1221 Linden st. '88 Allardt, F. A., 1041 Ardmore av. '88 Hackett, Dr. S. A., 202 Santa Rosa av. '88 Hillegass. G. W., 1411 E. 38th st. '88 Johnson, Miss L. E., 937 Bay View av. '88 Perkins, Dr. P. J., 5679 Miles av. '88 Sanborn, Dr. W. K., 5681 Oak Grove av. '88 Weston, Dr. C. S.. 765 Kingston av. '89 Bilger, F. W., 407 Vernon st. '89 Dow, W. A., 820 Calmar av. '89 Fisher, Miss G. M., Ill Kempton av. '89 Heider, F. B., 2344 E. 15th st. '89 Mobley, Dr. W. G., 4364 Townsend av. '89 Rowlands. W. E., 2073 Rosedale av. '89 Swauger, Mrs. A. B., 589 Walsworth av. '89 Turner, Mrs. F. C. 255 Ridgeway av. '89 von Adelung. Dr. Edward, 407 29th st "90 Beck, Mrs. W. E., 434 Perkins st. '90 Dumontier, J. L., 1689 35th av. '90 Heider, Dr. W. T., 315 E. 19th st. '90 Smith, Dr. K. B., 2012 47th av. '91 Abbott, C. H., Hotel Metropole '91 Chestnut, J. A., Key Route Inn '91 Clark, C. B., 2028 Damuth st. '91 de Fremery, Miss G.H.,77 Fairmount av. '91 Elliot, A. H., 2901 Telegraph av. '91 Gunnison, A. W., 924 63d st. '91 Haight. H. H.. 133 Kelton court '91 Leet, R. A., 145 Athol av. '91 McFarlin, H. S.. 2654 Valdez st. '91 Milton, Dr. J. L., 1001 Ashmount av. '91 Overstreet, Mrs. E. H., 1744 Franklin st. '91 Parcells. F. M.. 318 Lee st. '91 Thompson, J. G.. Hotel Oakland '92 Fogg, W. W., 759 Santa Ray st. '92 Sharpe, Miss Selina. 2243 12th av. '92 Webster, A. B.. 174 Perry st. '93 Allen, R. H., 2004 10th av. '93 Coke, P. S., 5829 Colby st. '93 Elliot, Mrs. A. H., 2901 Telegraph av. '93 Halsey, Dr. W. H., 362 Hanover av. '93 Henry, W. H.. 630 Vernon st. '93 Inskeep, Mrs. L. D., 2050 E. 30th st. '93 McCracken. Miss A. M.. 1547 20th av. '93 McDonald, Paul. 830 58th st. '93 Pheby, F. S.. Peralta apts. '93 Simonds, E. H., 5874 Birch court '93 Stetson. J. W.. 305 Lenox av. '93 Tobriner, Isaac, 1519 ••Mice st. '94 Broderick. D. J.. 650 54th st. '94 Bromley, Miss Marion, 435 28th st. '94 Carpenter, F. L.. 5601 Shafter av. '94 Crowell, C. E.. 237 Perry st. '94 DePuy. Dr. E. S., 5273 Cole st. '94 Dyer, E. I., 1809 Alice st. '94 Freeman, C. H.. 489 Forest st. '94 Gilson. Dr. R. E.. 604 Mandana blvd. '94 Henderson, E. F., 5744 Keith av. '94 Holmes, Dr. T. B., 1501 23d av. '94 Jackson. S. H.. 2133 Webster st. 356 LOCALITY INDEX [California ■')4 •<).» •04 •04 •04 •04 •04 •')4 'US •95 •95 •95 •95 '95 '9 5 •95 '95 '95 '96 •96 •96 '96 '96 •96 •96 •96 •96 '96 •96 '«6 •96 •96 '96 '96 •96 •96 •96 •97 •97 ■07 '97 '97 '97 '97 '97 '97 •97 •97 •97 '97 •97 •97 '97 '07 "97 •07 "97 •97 '97 •07 "97 •07 •08 •08 •98 Oakland, Continued Macon Mrs. Clifton. 487 29th st. McDonald. J. J.. 560 27th st Morgan, Miss lulia. 754 14th st. O'Koiirkc, Dr. William. 809 Kirkham st. Sattrrwhite. W. T.. .'.'2 Lenox av. Slonc, Miss H. I., 428 1.1th st. Stone. Leonard. 81 l"-cho av. lilTany Dr. 1-:. V.. 2.160 K. 22d st. Ura.lley. Hryan. 15.1.1 11th av. Mrewer. Miss A. W., 770 Kingston av. llrewcr, Miss H. F., 770 Kingston av. Crnvcs. \V. ^L. 1916 7th av. HolTniann. C. J.. 228 Perry st. MolTmann, R. R.. 228 Perry st. lones. M. R.. 149 Montecito av. Parcells. C. E., 1923 Webster St. I'hehy T. B., Jr., 1521 Madison st. Thurston. K. T., .1.16 Hawthorne av. Wythe, W. J.. 15 Hill rd. Al.hay. Dr. W. H.. 89.1 Willow st. Agard. Arthur. 171-1 Filbert st. tArrowsmith, Mrs. Haydon, 640 14th st. Baird, Dr. F. G., 1525 Oak st. Baird, Mrs. F. G., 1525 Oak st. Bennct. Miss E. V.. 942 8th st. Bordwell, F. A., 139 Grand av. Chappel, Dr. H. G., 630 Eldorado av. Coleman, S. E., 689 16th st. Engelhardt, Miss C. B., 647 Eldorado av. Farnham. Miss E. R., 3120 Linden st. Friend, W. N., 3870 Broadway Gilman, Dr. C. D.. 159 Montecito av. Griswold, L. S., 1461 Alice st. Hopkins, V. W., 597 32d st. lackson. E. R., 248 Ridgeway av. Ruch, Miss L. A.. 4820 Clark st. Sanborn, J. A., 1637 Fruitvale av. Wheeler, R. S., 296 Park View terrace Brown, Miss A. F., 600 29th st. Clough, Miss C. L. 1445 23d av. Craig, C. F., 5830 Hearn st. Crum, E. L., 108 Hamilton place Dunn, W. L., 3026 Grove st. French, Dr. H. W., St. Marks Hotel Gage. E. C, 424 28th st. Gaylord, R. B., 270 Perkins st. Gibbs, Miss H. E., 1415 West st. Gross. Miss E. V., 262 Grand av. Hadden, Dr. David, 6150 Mendocino av. Hamilton, M. S., 1120 Grand av. Jarvis, Dr. C. F. H., Sequoyah Coun- try Club Johnson, Dr. F. D., Peralta apts. Jurgens. W'. C, 848 Adeline St. Knox. Miss Bertha. 958 14th st. Magee, F. E., 27 \'ernon st. McCue. Miss Etta, 315 Alcatraz av. Middleton. Mrs. A. H., 3061 23d av. Muller, W. M., 620 Hobart st. Murphy, Mrs. J. J. M., 1032 7th av. Olney. T. M., 358 \'ernon st. Plunkett, Dr. J. A.. 419 Elwood av. Quinn. J. G.. 3001 Adeline st. Rcvnolds, L. E., 375 61st st. Schneider, Miss E. V.. 2934 West st. Tomkins. Dr. G. H.. 1502 23d ay. Upton. Dr. E. A., 214 Perkins st. Whitehead, Miss R. D.. 601 33d st. Blanchard, A. H.. 246 Perry st. Brown, E. J., Gilbert and John sts. Clarke, J. W., 493 Bellevue av. •98 Collins, W. H., 355 Adams st. '98 De Martini, W. J., 670 Chetwood st. •98 Doanc, C. W., 6454 Colby st. '98 Eastman, T. F., 551 Chetwood st. •98 Fine, Dr. H. M., 395 20th st. •98 Gibbs, Miss H. E., 1415 West st. '98 Grace, Miss H. M., 6504 Raymond st. '98 Keenan. C. V.. 3835 14th av. •98 Leigh. Mrs. H. B., 486 27th st. '98 Marchant, A. H., 579 Mira Vista av, ■98 Mariotte, Dr. L. P., 2332 Valdez st. •98 Meads, H. W., 3126 West st. '98 Mehlmann, Miss Else. 109 Montecito av. '98 Millar, J. W., 1310 10th st. '98 Morey, Dr. C. L., 1694 13th st. '98 Morgan, Avery, 754 14th st. '98 Pendleton, E. O., 4649 Dolores av. '98 Rowe. Mrs. C. H.. 421 Fairmount av. '98 Smyth. W. J., 688 Fairmount av. '98 Stalder, Dr. J. M., 1822 12th av. '98 Stewart, Dr. G. H., 390 Santa Clara av. '98 Wachs, Harold, 564 31st st. '98 W'agner. G. J., 240 Bonita av. '99 Berg, Miss G. T., 81 Pearl st. '99 Clark, Dr. T. J., 6446 Harwood st. '99 Clark, W. C, 163 Montecito av. '99 Collier, J. H., Jr.. 3014 Nichol av. '99 Cross, H. J.. 830 55th st. '99 Eliason, Andrew, Jr., 2303 24th av. '99 Emerson, Dr. M. L.. 3630 Telegraph av. '99 Gear. Mrs. L. S.. 215 Santa Clara av. '99 Herriott. Rev. C. D., 1919 High st. '99 Kinsell. Mrs. Dudley, Claremont Manor '99 Lanz, P. R.. 1134 3d av. '99 Mackenzie. Mrs. J. A., 1742 11th av. '99 Madden, Miss Maud, 4609 16th st. '99 Markey, Mrs. F. S., 5845 Birch court '99 Mayhew, W. H., Peralta apts. '99 Mitchell, Miss F. E.. 1923 Harrison St. '99 Rawlings, S. L.. 169 Santa Rosa av. '99 Rode, W. E.. 3538 Emerson st. '99 Skimmings. Mrs. N. F.. 1085 12th st. '99 Spagnoli. U. G.. 879 Milton st. '99 Spaulding. W. H.. 625 Eldorado av. '99 Talcott. S. R.. 4420 Foothill blvd. '99 Thompson. N. W., 6019 Hillegass av. '99 Trefethen, E. E., 291 Jayne av. '99 White, Dr. A. L., 5313 Lockslev av. '99 Wilkinson. Mrs. F. T., 1838 5th av. '00 Austin. Mrs. P. S., 840 52d st. '00 Breed. H. L.. 865 Walker av. '00 Carter. F. AL. 430 Newton av. '00 tChristensen. E. E., 912 Kingston av. '00 tChristensen. J. C, 912 Kingston av. '00 Cockerton, Dr. D. H., 584 Lake Park av. '00 Decoto, E. W.. 392 Bellevue av. '00 Dibert, J. L.. 1629 4th av. '00 Flores, M. E.. 802 Kennedy st. '00 Freeman, Mrs. G. E.. 2884 Chapman st. '00 Hardy. Dr. C. S.. 3045 Richmond av. '00 Heath. R. B.. 119 E. 11th st. '00 Hus. F. L. M., 1904 Adeline st. "00 Hutton. Miss Alegra, 398 Lake Shore blvd. '00 Klinkner. F. S.. 5848 San Pablo av. '00 Livingston. Miss F. B., 52 Hamilton place '00 McMillan. Miss E. D.. 614 25th st. '00 Milner. Mrs. C. H.. 2862 Telegraph av. '00 Morrison. F. R.. 5246 Miles av. '00 O'Connell. Miss E. J.. 687 25th st. '00 Oliver. E. L., 252 Vernon st. '00 Oliver, R. L., 311 Ramona av. California] LOCALITY INDEX 357 '00 Osmont, V. C 34 Manor drive 'GO Robinson, H. S., 368 Staten av. '00 Robinson, Mrs. H. S., 368 Staten av. '00 Sellander, Miss M. L., 918 E. 20th st. '00 Tasheira, A. G., 635 Walsworth av. '00 Teass, F. M., 1963 San Pablo av. '01 Arlett, Miss Elizabeth, 24 Linda av. '01 Bakevvell, W. B.. 2831 Telegraph av. '01 Bangle, H. W., 1804 6th av. '01 Bartlett, G. R., 1469 Harrison st. '01 Boardman. Mrs. Clifford, 478 Jean st. '01 Body, Miss Ida, 620 Mariposa av. '01 Brown, Mrs. D. E., 259 Perry st. '01 Cale, Mrs. F. M., 431 Athol av. '01 Clay, P. T., 1550 28th av. 'Oi Colby, Mrs. A. E.. 990 Vermont st. '01 Devine, Miss Josephine, Hotel St. Mark '01 Donnelly. G. J., 107 41st st. '01 Durkee, Miss L. M.. 577 Jean st. '01 Fisher. R. T., Ill Kempton av. '01 Ford, E. T., 5861 Ocean View drive '01 Frickstad, W. N., 1815 10th av. '01 Gale, L. I., 6053 Chabot rd. '01 Green. Dr. M. L., 732 Santa Ray av. '01 Hart, F. B., 530 Chetwood st. '01 Hoffmann. J. D.. 228 Perry st. '01 Hudson, R. G., 1438 Madison st. '01 Jurgens, Dr. C. H., 904 Adeline st. '01 Keep. W. L.. 2331 19th av. '01 Kerfoot, L. S., 129 Moss av. '01 Kurtz, B. P.. 59 Santa Clara av. '01 Lacy, Mrs. C. C. 478 Hardy st. '01 McMath, Dr. J. F. O., 763 Warfield av. '01 Moore, Stanley, 606 E. 20th st. '01 Morgan. Miss Anna. 5848 Birch court '01 Grain, Miss Delia, Peralta apts. '01 Nelson, Mrs. C. R., 5500 College av. '01 Palmer, A. W.. 644 Fairmount av. '01 Parcells. Mrs. F. M., 318 Lee st. '01 Philip, W. B.. 1924 Fruitvale av. '01 Philip, Mrs. W. B., 1924 Fruitvale av. '01 Richardson, W. V., 6451 Hillegass av. '01 Roland, E. W., 1549 Harrison st. '01 Schwartz. Mrs. A. E., 3669 Adeline st. '01 Schwartz, M. H., 4205 Terrace st. '01 Smith, Mrs. B. J., 671 Vernon st. •01 Stebbins. E. W.. 6537 Chabot rd. '01 Thomas, Miss M. W., 2002 7th av. '01 Tyrrell, Miss M. W., 921 Kirkham st. '01 Waller, Mrs. G. M.. 806 Arlington av. '01 Webster, Mrs. H. M., 670 Vernon st. '02 Alexander, A. A., 1917 Chestnut st. '02 Brazelton, W. B., 1965 Telegraph av. '02 Coffin, Miss A. W., 255 Perry st. '02 Colton, A. S., 178 Kempton av. '02 Davis, Dr. F. B.. 401 Vernon st. '02 Decoto, L. A., 392 Bellevue av. '02 Dockerv, Mrs. N. G., 276 41st st. '02 Drake, B. S.. 5830 Colby st. '02 Earle, J. T., 291 Fairmount av. '02 Elvidge. Dr. G. F., 315 21st st. '02 Farno. Miss A. J.. 420 Oakland av. '02 Gear. L. S.. 215 Santa Clara av. '02 Gorrill, C. H., 3615 Piedmont av. '02 Gunn. Miss E. H., 916 E. 21st st. '02 Hackett, C. N.. 1109 Grand av. '02 Hartman. Dr. P. C, 3032 Champion st. '02 Hunter, Dr. O. R., 545 25th st. '02 Landis, C. W., 116 Lake st. '02 Majors, Dr. E. A., 5749 Grove st. '02 tMcCracken, Dr. W. J.. 1327 Broad- way '02 Orrick. M. S.. 517 Glenview av. '02 Payne, Mrs. H. M., 5303 Telegraph av. '02 Reed. B. W., 535 Oakland av. '02 Rowell, C. F., 686 Poirier st. '02 Stebbins, Mrs. E. W.. 6537 Chabot rd. '02 Strachan, J. F., 740 54th st. '02 Towson. Everett, 4113 Terrace st. '02 White, Mrs. I. C, 5848 Birch court '02 Wildes, Miss M. F., 4002 Ardley av. '02 Wythe. Miss A. B., 4247 Terrace st. '03 Aten. Dr. R. R., 21st and Hobart sts. '03 Baker, G. L.. 6619 Tremont st. '03 Bee, P. T., 323 Portland av. '03 Bigley, Miss W. H., 836 54th st. ^03 Butler, H. G., 474 Hardy st. '03 Colton, Mrs. A. S., 178 Kempton av. '03 Creighton, J. G., 1329 Hopkins st. '03 Decoto, Mrs. L. A., 392 Bellevue av. '03 Dunbar, Miss S. H., 395 Hawthorne av. '03 Evans. W. W.. 604 E. 14th st. '03 Holland. H. J., 430 42d st. '03 Horswill, Mrs. F. A., 1084 16th st. '03 Hunter, V. W., 300 E. 19th st. '03 Kales, A. F., 176 Lake st. '03 Kimball, H. L., 5752 Shafter av. '03 Lea. Mrs. J. T., 2964 Telegraph av. '03 Lee, Herbert, 5314 James av. '03 Markwart. A. H.. 377 Palm a v. '03 Maxwell, Miss Lucy, 634 E. 17th st. '03 Mclnerney. Miss F. R., 750 54th st. '03 Miner. Dr. M. L., 1419 90th av. '03 Montgomery, Mrs. J. C, 2730 Broad- way '03 Munsell. J. R.. 4253 Telegraph av. '03 O'Neill. Hugh. 416 Euclid av. '03 Perkins, Miss H. M., 477 29th st. '03 Pollard, Mrs. A. J., 5825 Ocean \'iew drive '03 Robertson. O. H., 315 34th st. '03 Rutherford, Dr. W. S., 1830 Harrison blvd. '03 Schulze, Miss E. M.. 1018 E. 17th st. '03 Schutz. E. G., 1016 Myrtle st. '03 Smith, S. J., 125 Kempton av. '03 Stanley, H. C. 497 Forest st. '03 Sutton, J. R., 710 Melford rd. '03 Taggart, H. J.. 169 Santa Clara av. '03 Uksteen, Dr. E. A., 1142 E. 16th st. '03 tWeaver, Miss Bonita. 380 60th st. '03 Woolsey. A. J., 576 66th st. •03 Woolsey. Mrs. A. J., 576 66th st. '03 Wright, S. B., 3934 14th av. '03 Wylie, E. E.. 4247 Terrace st. '04 Aitken. Mrs. A. C, 6455 Hillegass av. '04 Bingaman. J. W. D.. 454 Crescent st. '04 Carruth. Miss L L., 2824 13th av. '04 Chubb, Miss .^nnie, 391 20th st. '04 Cromwell. Miss M. G., 1117 E. 2Sth st. '04 Dewing. Miss E. R., 5201 Shattuck av. '04 Dewing. Miss P. M., 5201 Shattuck av. ^04 Evans, Dr. E. E., 2382 E. 24th st. '04 tFarnham, E. ^L. 758 Kingston av. '04 Fisher. Miss R. D., 4998 Webster st. '04 Foshay, Dr. A. W., 31 Magnolia av. '04 Furlong. Miss M. L, 6502 Dana st. '04 Goetz, Miss A. M.. 687 25th st. '04 Hampel, Miss C. E.. 523 25th st. '04 Keeran. J. F.. 451 62d st. '04 Koford. Dr. Henning, 461 35th st. '04 Morison. H. C. 4001 Randolph av. '04 Mosher, Miss G. L.. 4064 .\gua \'ista st. '04 Muller. Henry. 1456 Webster st. '04 Nelson, Miss E. E.. Merritt Hospital '04 Palmer, Mrs. A. W.. 644 Fairmount av. 358 LOCALITY INDEX [California Oakland, (%>ntlnued •04 SalTord. F.. K.. 422 62cl st. •04 Slavich! Dr. J. F.. 181 Santa Rosa av. •04 SlaUlcr. Walter. 1822 12lh av. •04 Stiirtovant. S. M., 648 1/th st •04 Van Tassell. Dr. F. H.. 5466 Boyd av. •04 Wiavir. Miss C. K.. .180 60th st. •04 White. C. C;.. 469 65th st. •04 Whitehead. Miss VirRinia. 601 iM.1 st. •04 Witjht. Wilder, 5221 Hroadvyay •04 V..c,.m. W. K.. 649 Valle Vista av. •OS n.,nnemort. Kd^ar. .^580 Diniond av. •05 Howies. Dr. F. H.. 427 Adams st. •OS Cahill. J. K.. 6448 Hillegass av. •OS Caig, Miss S. F.. 505 Santa Ray av. •05 t Davis. J. A., 14.V 46th av •OS Drake. Mrs. B. S.. 5830 Colby st. •05 Dyke Dr. L. H., 6400 Harwood av. •OS Fddy' N. N., 2062 Rosedale av. •05 Fverson. Miss E. J.. 153.1 Filbert st. •05 Gianiboni. L. A.. 1726 10th st. •OS Graham, Miss A. E.. 542 Jones st. •OS Gray. S. H.. 2214 47th av. •05 Grindley, Mrs. E. J., 593 Jean st. •05 Grunsky. C. E.. Jr., 277 Park View ter- race •05 Hawley, S. S., 244 29th st. 05 Hill. Chelton, 577 31st st. •OS Kergan, Mrs. J. T., 5451 Kales av. •OS Klcinhammcr. W. R., 1518 Filbert st. •OS KroU. Miss E. E., 126 Kenipton av. •OS Kurtz, Mrs. B. P., 59 Santa Clara av. •05 McVey, C. L.. 3912 Telegraph av. '05 Mehrtens, A. R., 486 41st st. •05 Neto. Dr. J. R., 477 North st. •05 Nichols. Miss E. E., 4657 Park blvd. '05 O'Connell, Miss Alice, 730 Sycamore st. '05 Orrick. O. S.. Jr., 357 Vernon st. '05 Phillips, VV. H., 2119 Chestnut st. '05 Powell. R. C, 5812 Ocean View drive '05 Rose, J. L., 506 15th st. '05 Scannavino. Dr. J. A., 3668 Dimond av. '05 Sellander. Miss A. W., 918 E. 20th st. '05 Sharp. Mrs. H. G., 6011 Auburn av. '05 Skinner. Miss M. S., 2201 Harrison st. '05 Snedigar, Mrs. O. F., 5531 Kales av. •05 Stout. H. A., 4321 Park blvd. '05 Tinnemann, Otto, 6431 Benvenue av. '05 Tinnemann, Mrs.Otto,6431 Benvenue av. '05 Vickerson. T. I., 1559 8th st. '05 Watkins. Miss E. S., 2102 E. 17th st. '05 White. E. D., 59 Monte Vista av. "05 Whitton. W. W., 383 Hawthorne st. '05 Wigholm. C. A., 632 60th st. •06 Abreu. I. A.. 2003 E. 22d st. '06 Arlett, R. G., 2499 94th av. '06 Baker. R. S., 354 Walsworth av. '06 Bammann. Miss E. L.. 2000 45th av. '06 Barry. Mrs. E. L., 6441 Regent st. '06 Black, J. C, 52 Eucalyptus rd. '06 Boone. C. P., 402 Grand av. '06 Case. H. A., 5681 Keith av. '06 Chase, S. J., 5965 Keith av. '06 Collier. A. M., 3014 Nicol av. '06 Cope. E. L., 6037 Chabot rd. '06 Dickie, G. E.. 328 Warwick av. '06 Dutton, D. C, 3810 Linwood av. '06 Earl. A. \V., 382 Cavour st. '06 Ghirardelli. Alfred. 749 Oakland av. •06 Goodman, Dr. C. D.. 842 E. 17th st. '06 Gorrill. A. W.. 741 Lake Shore av. "06 Grav. L. E.. 4352 Park blvd. '06 Griffiths, F. P.. 1902 Myrtle st. '06 Hagan, H. L., 1346 El Centro av. '06 Hagan. Mrs. H. L., 1346 El Centro av. '06 tHill, G. C, 422 Rose st. •06 Hoffman, Mrs. J. D.. 228 Perry st. '06 Johnson, Mrs. A. W. V., 6138 Ocean View drive •06 Jones, Miss V. C. 464 34th st. '06 Kesslcr, Isaac, 1137 Linden av. '06 King, (J. E., 737 Grand av. '06 Kittrelle, R. W., 578 Walavista av. '06 Koford. J. S., 608 Jean st. '06 Lynam, W. E., 5868 Ocean View drive '06 Marcuse. Mrs. E. M., 416 Oakland av. '06 Mason, Dr. W. M., 391 Alcatraz av. '06 Miller, Miss J. W.. 1417 16th st. '06 Moore, J. O., 5576 Lawton av. '06 Morrow, L F., 301 Lenox av. '06 Newcomb, R. P., 1052 E. 11th st. '06 Newcomb, Mrs. R. P., 1052 E. 11th st. '06 Newman, Mrs. A. A., 670 60th st. '06 Newman, W. A.. 390 62d st. '06 Newman, Mrs. W. A., 390 62d st. '06 tOsgood, W. D., 103 Monte Vista av. '06 Powell, Mrs. R. C, 5812 Ocean View drive '06 Reef, H. J., 51 Sequoia av. '06 Robertson. W. L., 290 40th st. '06 Rowley, Mrs. R. L., 398 60th st. '06 Sanborn, E. M., 2968 Telegraph av. '06 Sharp, H. G.. 6011 Auburn st. '06 Shuman, L F., 580 Vernon st. '06 Shuman, Mrs. J. F.. 580 Vernon st. '06 tSmittle, Miss L. E., 1182 E. 14th st. '06 Snedigar, O. F., 5531 Kales av. '06 Sutherland, Dr. R. T., 4650 Park blvd. '06 Van Bokkelen, W. R., 6031 Chabot rd. '06 White, Miss L. F., 2907 Brookdale av. '06 Wilson, Miss M. G., 1131 Oak st. '06 Wright. Mrs. S. B., 3934 14th av. '07 Breed, Mrs. H. L.. 865 Walker st. '07 Burroughs. Miss H. R., 648 57th st. '07 Burum, Mrs. H. L., 5617 Kales av. '07 Button. R. L., 436 60th st. '07 Carson, Mrs. F. L., 1121 Everett av. '07 Cotter, Miss M. E., 290 Park View ter- race '07 tDavis, E. A., McDonough bidg. '07 Devine, Dr. C. T., 1156 Hopkins st. '07 Dodds, Dr. T. G., 2046 24th av. '07 Encell, H. A., 825 E. 24th st. '07 Finger, C. P., 550 25th st. '07 Finger, Mrs. C. P., 550 25th st. '07 Hoffman, B. J., 5121 Ygnacio av. '07 Hood. Mrs. J. E., 1200'98th av. '07 Jordan, C. H., 2836 Summit st. '07 Kenneally, T. C, 860 37th st. '07 Keyes. C. E., Jr., 468 Oakland av. '07 Koford, Mrs. J. S.. 608 Jean st. '07 Lamoureux. Miss E. R., 640 33d st. '07 Lang, F. C, 918 Grove st. '07 Lord, P. D. M., 441 63d st. '07 Macdonald, Miss M. G.. 684 35th st. '07 Meyer, Dr. F. W., 3528 Emerson st. '07 Nelson. Edmund. 348 51st st. '07 Nopel. F. G.. 2228 9th av. '07 Polland. Miss A. M.. 648 E. 17th st. '07 Ricciardi, N. A., 2054 38th st. '07 Richardson, Mrs. W. v.. 6451 Hillegass av. '07 Robertson, Mrs. W. L.. 290 40th st. '07 Rowley. R. L.. 398 60th st. '07 Rued. J. C. 670 Vernon st. California] LOCALITY INDEX 359 07 Sherman, A. F., 6461 Regent st. 07 Smilie, Miss E. I., 825 Fallon st. 07 Sontheimer, Dr. A. R., 1563 Franklin st. 07 Sylvester, Dr. F. M., 716 Arimo av. 07 Weber, S. H.. 492 44th st. 07 Whitworth, Mrs. H. W., 1601 Welling- ton av. 07 Wilsey, Mrs. M. W., 2225 8th av. 08 Baxter, H. K.. 420 Ehnwood av. 08 Beem, Mrs. W. F., 541 32d st. 08 Brinckerhoff, Mrs. E. E., 640 E. 14th St. 08 Campbell, R. H., 722 35th st. 08 Champreux, E. G., 456 Hudson st. 08 Cohn, R. E., 157 Montecito av. 08 Dana, Mrs. A. H., 146 Rockridge blvd. 08 Dunn, Miss S. E., 4157 Terrace st. 08 Fisher, Miss N. B., 431 Orange st. 08 Foster, Dr. H. E., 4330 Park blvd. 08 Gorrill, R. C, 3615 Piedmont av. 08 Hill, Mrs. C. L., 4416 Pleasant Valley court 08 Hough, Miss B. E., 5008 Webster st. 08 Hughes, Miss F. A., 541 32d st. 08 Jones, O. W., 2115 Rosedale av. 08 Kedrolivansky, Miss Elizabeth, 130 E. 14th St. 08 King, Miss S. E., 1358 E. 2Sth st. 08 Linscott, Mrs. E. G., 395 Hawthorne st. 08 Linsley, E. G., 3732 Emerson st. 08 McDowell, W. C.. 2842 Grove st. 08 Mehlmann, Miss Emma, 109 Montecito av. 08 Oliver, Mrs. W. H., 389 Palm av. 08 Rhodes, M. T., 5720 Keith av. 08 Robinson, Jesse, 1526 Oak st. 08 Schreiber, H. W., 611 61st st. 08 Sisson, G. H., 2218 9th av. 08 Sisson, Mrs. G. H., 2218 9th av. 08 tSpencer, Otto, 627 55th st. 08 Tillman, T. C, 462 Jean st. 08 Ward, Miss H. E., 409 Hawthorne av. 08 Wells, Mrs. W. S., 3508 Richmond av. 08 Wilson, Mrs. H. L., 5216 Desmond st. 08 Wilson, Miss M. E., 1022 Filbert st. 08 Wood, Mrs. O. R., 5374 Shafter av. 09 Adams, R. L., 6220 Hillegass av. 09 Bickel, Mrs. F. W., 1144 55th st. 09 Bigelow, Mrs. G. E., 929 Chestnut st. 09 Bleuel, Miss D. S., 322 Athol av. 09 Bowers, Miss B. A., 1702 13th av. 09 Brunner, Miss E. F., 823 53d st. 09 Bullock, P. R., 942 Bay View av. 09 Bullock, Mrs. P. R., 942 Bay View av. 09 Clow, Miss E. K., 605 29th st. 09 Denton, Miss Grace, 435a Redwood rd. 09 Doane, Mrs. F. I., 460 Forest st. 09 Egenhoff, R. E., 826 44th st. 09 Erskine, H. W., 3206 Telegraph av. 09 Glassbrook, Mrs. E. F., 647 Fairview st. 09 Glazier, T. E., 1526 5th st. 09 Hayes, W. J., 1066 Glendora av. 09 Hayes, Mrs. W. T., 1066 Glendora av. 09 Huguenin, Emile. 525 62d st. 09 Keeler, Miss M. N., 3131 Grove st. 09 Lamont, D. Y., 474 Lake Park av. 09 McCandlish, Miss A. E., 543 28th st. 09 McLellan. Mrs. J. J., 1101 Ashmount av. 09 Metz, Miss M. E., 732 E. 20th st. 09 Miller, Rudolph. Jr., 4256 Gilbert st. "09 Moller, Miss E. E., 426 29th st. '09 Otero. Miss Anita, 2661 Valdez st. "09 Phillips, Miss E. B., 6459 Benvenue av. 09 Ramsden, C. H., 6409 Hillegass av. OP Schoen, G. A., 1241 Jackson st. 09 Schraidt, Ferdinand, 2820 Summit st. 09 Shine, A. T., 464 63d st. 09 Smith, Mrs. D. C, 5858 Birch court 09 Smith. Mrs. L. M., 5347 Lawton av. 09 Weeks, Miss F. E., 2225 23d av. 09 Woodward. Mrs. E. D.. 5597 Taft av. 09 Zeitfuchs. E. A.. 286 Ridgeway av. Ashley. H. H., 2243 12th av. Baker, Mrs. Roy. 394 Adams st. Barry. Frank, 3329 Broadway Blowski, A. A., 1420 Magnolia st. Boyd. Miss C. A., 3010 Grove st. Braun. Miss H. A., Hotel Claremont Broad, Dr. C. J., 3616 Market st. Brooks, C. E., 620 Merrimac st. Burris, H. L., 3006 14th av. Campbell. M. E., 751 Kingston av. Chase, Mrs. S. J., 5965 Keith av. Cowles. R. R.. 514 Fairbanks av. Dean. Dr. J. C, 344 63d st. tDowd, Miss Elizabeth, 2043 E. 14th st. Ehrenberg, Miss A. T., 1945 Harrison blvd. Gove, Mrs. L. M., 1073 Walker av. Halbert, Miss M. T., 80 Fairmount av. Hall, C. E.. 1717 Linden st. Harris. F. S. M., 440 61st st. Hazard, Mrs. E. L., 6059 Harwood av. Hildebrant, Mrs. G. T., 420 Hudson st. Hobart, L. E.. 159 Lake st. Home, D. D., Federal Realty bldg. Jones, E. M., 3130 Chestnut st. Kergan, W. W., 206 Lake Shore blvd. King, S. Iv., 46 Yosemite st. Korski. Julian, 590 11th st. Levy. Miss S. H., 580 28th st. MacFarland, G. M., Hotel Alamo McDowell, Miss Bessie, 553 23d st. Mixer, R. C, 359 63d st. Mountain. F. J., 1035 Fallon st. Kevius. S. B., 45 Monte Vista av. Xewell, E. W., 832 E. 21st st. Korman. C. L., 9 Moss av. Ogden, Miss Marguerite, 2336 \'aldez st. O'Neill. H. S.. 416 Euclid av. Place, Miss Vivian, 4120 Greenwood av. Potts, Miss M. E.. 1130 66lh st. Ramsden, Mrs. C. H., 6409 Hillegass av. Reed, C. A., 4326 Montgomery st. Schneider, Franz, 6520 Tremont st. Stickney, C. F., 3653 Telegraph av. Wells, W. S., Jr.. 3508 Richmond av. I White, Miss G. P., 1006 24th st. Whitton, C. A., 383 Hawthorne st. Wittschen. Theodore. 20 Westall av. I) Worley. Miss Elizabeth, 462 36th st. Wvthe. Miss M. W.. 4247 Terrace st. 1 Angwin, H. R., 1915 Market st. 1 Calkins, J. U., Jr.. 1106 Broadway 1 Cooke, Miss A. L., 3510 Magnolia st. 1 Cooke, R. L.. 3510 Magnolia st. 1 Cornell, Dr. E. H.. 1051 Bella Vista av. 1 Cutter, Miss O. E., 3514 Grove st. 1 Doane. F. L, 460 Forest st. 1 Dodd. Mrs. F. L., 3021 Richmond av. 1 Ehrlich. Philip, P66 10th st. 1 I'.vers, A. L, 60 Monte \'ista av. 1 Ford, R. M., 2252 E. 22d st. 1 Fox. C. H.. 326 63d st. 1 Goodrich, W. S., 4151 35th av. 1 Graham, Miss J. M., 5929 Keith av. 360 LOCALITY INDEX [California Oakland, Cimtlniiod ll.ntinan, Miss (".. F.. 1008 E. 38th st. Hunt. (i. A.. 4<)2 44tli st. HikI), Mrs. n. II.. .=i'>3 Mcrriniac st. tlmai. Sfi/o, 8.S8 Franklin st. Inhnson, Mrs. Flliott. 1225 4th av. kalis. S. M.. 176 Lake st. Keep. Miss K. A., 2M\ 19th av. Kellv. Miss L. R.. 6.?8 28th st. Lathrop. L. J.. 2174 .?9th av. tLcc. O. S. O.. 1075 4th av. Mad.lox, n. H.. 5825 Lawton av. Marwedel. G. A. E., 1546 Fruitvale av. McXainara, F. E.. .169 24th .st. Miller, .\. H., 170 Vernon terrace Minthorn, Miss M. A., 1571 E. Adams st. (lliphant, D. D., Jr., 216 Montecito av. Rowe. Dr. A. H., 1056 Grand av. Sciulder. Mrs. E. G., 4000 Broadway Soule H. D. B., 150 Monte Vista av. Sturtevant, A. J., Jr., 526 Valle Vista av. Tags, Dr. P. A., 2114 51st av. Thomson. H. G., 420 E. 16th st. Trowbridge, Delger. 331 Clifton st. Voogt. W. G., 5524 E. 17th st. Wheat, Mrs. G. J., 3328 Elm st. Wilson. Dr. N. K., 5425 Lawton av. Worthen. Miss L. E., 2325 9th av. Zieholz. J. O., 2354 Fruitvale av. Alexander, Miss L E., 4th st. and Cot- tage av. Allen. G. M., 457 Alcatraz av. Anderson, C. A., 479 38th st. Anderson, L. J., 554 Merrimac st. Babcock, D. L., 3522 Brookdale av. Bernstein, A. E., 435 65th st. Black, L B., 60 Monte Vista av. Boggs. 'W. B., 1438 Broadway Carpenter, S. E., 529 E. 19th st. Cooley. R. H.. 2342 Valdez st. Countryman. Ralph, 653 Chetwood st. Czarnecki, F. C, 4070 Opal st. de Laguna, Miss Augusta, 518 24th st. Dias, J. A., 1944 E. 15th st. Dinkeispiel, M. L., 624 Walsworth av. Ehrenberg, Miss H. M., 1945 Harrison blvd. Fox. C. B., 6405 Regent st. Frary, Miss Edwina, 5262 Cole st. Freeman, L. J., 1514 Alice st. Goss. C. M., 2040 24th av. Graham, W. J., 5929 Keith av. Grav, Miss E. P., 923 Linden st. Griffiths. Miss G. F., 1902 Myrtle st. Gruer. E. W., 734 E. 20th st. Hackett. C. N., 1109 Grand av. Hardv, Mrs. Carl, 3440 Richmond av. Ingr.-iham. Mrs. D. C. 588 42d st. tjackson, H. E., 820 Kirkham st. Johnson. Elliott. 1225 4th av. Jones. Miss E. M., 563 Mira Vista av. Land. Miss Hazel. 1321 Linden st. Ledwich. T. L, 581 27th st. Miller. Miss M. R., 944 E. 14th st. Miller. Miss R. K., Merritt Hospital Nor. Dr. A. C, 1107 Chestnut st. Orr. T. F., 5129 Ygnacio av. Ostrander. Miss A. M., 2499 94th av. Palmer. R. W., 1524 Jackson st. Phillips. L. ^L. 6459 Benvenue av. Robinson. Miss Ethel. 836 36th st. Rowe. Mrs. A. H.. 1056 Grand av. Rutherford, AL J., 5351 James av. '12 Samuels, Dr. H. J., 858 Walker av. '12 .Sandoval, H. E., 5257 College av. '12 Scuddcr, E. G., 4000 Broadway '12 Smith, C. N., Y. M. C. A. '12 Sterne, S. R., 1540 San Pablo av. '12 Timerman, Mrs. E. H., 2930 Webster st. '12 Trowbridge, Mrs. Delger, 331 Clifton St. '12 Vail, E. M., 2242 7th av. '12 Warren. Earl, 581 27th st. '12 Weeks, Miss G. Y., 2225 23d av. '12 Wethern, Miss L. F., 907 Clay st. '12 Wheat, G. }., 3328 Elm st. '12 Wilder, Mrs. B. B., 676 Fairmount av. '12 Wilson. F. L., 437 63d st. '12 Yates, Miss E. L., 1023 Magnolia st. '13 Aschenbrenner, W. J., 6424 Hillegass av. '13 Rendel, Roland, 300 Alice st. '13 Bradford, R. L., 736 15th st. '13 Brown, Dr. A. M., 2284 E. 14th st. '13 Carlton, S. G., 306 Lenox av. '13 tCarroll. Miss E. A., 75 Vernon st. '13 Carter, A. E., 1078 Bella Vista av. '13 Chamberlain. W. E., 2938 Webster st. '13 Cleveland, Neal, 1200 E. 28th st. '13 Cook, E. P., 468 Fairmount av. '13 Crellin. Miss A. M., 1561 Jackson st. '13 Davis. W. N., 5821 Colby st. '13 Fieweger, Miss N. L., 704 E. 17th st. '13 Fisher, P. M., Jr., 431 Orange st. '13 Fryer, Miss B. C, 3112 14th av. '13 Gnarini, F. H.. 1518 27th av. '13 Griffin. R. C, 943 Cypress st. '13 (irunsky, Charles, 116 Lake st. '13 Hanford, Dr. W. H., 5427 Grove st. '13 Harrington, Miss T. F., 922 Adeline st. '13 Hensley, C. B., 357 Alcatraz av. '13 Hjelte, S. A.. 597 Fairmount av. '13 Hubbard, O. S., Y. M. C. A. '13 leans, R. W., 546 24th st. '13 Tones, Mrs. L. S., 5848 San Pablo av. '13 kell, J. A., 3319 West st. '13 Keyes, Miss M. C, 468 Oakland av. '13 Lamoureux. Miss L. J., 640 33d st. '13 Lewek, Miss L. A.. 2133 Webster st. '13 Locke. T. E., 655 Walsworth av. '13 Matthews. Miss P. J., 12 Monte Vista av. '13 Mooers, C. C. 675 11th st. '13 Moorshead. Miss V. P., 1514 Alice st. '13 Morse, R. R., 2732 Seminary av. '13 Morton, J. W., 5834 Birch court '13 Mowbray, M. V., Tr., 4236 Foothill blvd. '13 Nutting, W. H., 464 Forest st. '13 Pavliger, Joseph, 1650 6th av. '13 Richardson, H. L.. 2718 Grove st. '13 Seiffert.Miss Marguerite, 1427 Market st. '13 Sisson. R. C, 868 44th st. "13 Snook. C. W\, 354 34th st. '13 Stark. Miss R. A., 3038 Telegraph av. '13 Vail, Mrs. H. R.. 725 E. 23d st. '13 Wheeler. Miss F. L., 1714 Franklin st. '13 White, Miss M. H., 5353 Wentworth av. '13 Williams. Miss M. F., 969 Brush st. '13 Wilson. F. A.. 1403 Madison st. '14 Ackerman. Miss Phyllis, 1709 Myrtle st. '14 Alltucker, Miss M. M.. 5862 Birch court '14 Bacon. H. L., 61 Hamilton place '14 Bailey, J. E.. 547 41st st. '14 Balch. Miss Henrietta, 1744 9th av. "14 Ball. Miss L C. 597 23d st. '14 Bannan. Miss H. G.. 1929 Harrison st. '14 Bangs. E. G. V.. 132 9th st. '14 Barieau. J. E.. 3014 Grove st. California] LOCALITY INDEX 361 '14 Basye. J. D., Jr., 6114 Ocean View drive Berlin, Miss M. E., 626 31st st. Bleuel, Maurice, Jr., 322 Athol av. Brace, B. B., 156 Moss av. Bradford, Miss M. E., 6110 Colby st. Brown, Mrs. A. M., 2284 E. 14th st. Brown, E. C, 4988 Coronado av. Brown, Mrs. E. C, 4988 Coronado av. Cohn, Abe, 150 11th st. Cooley, Mrs. R. H., 2342 Valdez st. Craig, E. K., H Craig av. Diavila. L. B., 436 Hudson st. Dunn, W. H., 793 52d st. Ench, F. B., 2535 10th av. Field, Ephraim, 590 63d st. Fong, M. Q., 1137 4th av. Gallagher, Miss G. K.. 578 38th st. Gray, H. E., 116 Lake st. Griffiths, M. P., 1902 Myrtle st. Gunn, Miss A. I., 916 E. 21st st. Hamlin, O. D., 282 Ridgeway av. Hensley, G. L., Y. M. C. A. Hood, Archie, 446 66th st. Hunt, Mrs. L. P.. 6395 Hillegass av. Hurd, Miss C. N., 534 Sycamore st. Jones. Dr. L. S., 5848 San Pablo av. Knudsen, Miss Dagmar, 4122 Gilbert st. Koester, F. A., 425 Elmwood av. Meighan. Miss C. B.. 564 Merrimac st. tMills, Miss E. F., 2334 E. 22d st. Mills, F. C, 2334 E. 22d st. Monson. Miss M. M. A., 1916 E. 38th st. Ogden, R. C, 2336 Valdez st. Ottofy, F. F., 175 Vernon terrace Parrish, Miss R. E., 826 20th st. Petray, Dr. H. C, 452 Walsworth av. Pimentel, Mrs. R. D., 2134 42d av. Pleasants, S. A., 2115 28th av. Potter, Miss M. L., 415 Bellevue av. Purcell, Mrs. M. E., 748 Adeline st. Rhein, Miss L. M., 5184 Miles av. Roney. Miss Nelle. 669 11th st. Sapiro, M. D., 380 Grand av. Taylor, L. H., 1022 Bella Vista av. Webster, F. A., 985 Bav \'iew av. Wicslander, A. E.. 4102 Gilbert st. Wright, E. M., 2603 f)range av. Alexander, I. W., 1455 1st av. Alexander, T. A., 1455 1st av. .•\Ivarado, Miss G. M., 672 34th st. Barry, I. P., 3329 Broadway Eeckwith, Miss R. E., 438 65th st. Bell, Miss E. M. B., 4240 Gilbert st. Bettencourt, Dr. F. C, 506 E. 18th St. Bisson, Francis, Jr., 5425 Lawton av. Bonstin, Mrs. Elmer, 547 41st st. Bradner, Miss J. D., 565 63d st. Catching. W. R., 5274 Manila av. Cooke, H. L.. 3510 Magnolia st. Crellin, Miss Katherine, 1561 Jackson st. 15 Cunningham, A. T^., 745 Wesley av. 15 Damianakes, A. H., 327 Leno.x av. 15 Dean. W. C, 2436 9th av. 15 De Golyer, G. C, 155 Monte Cresta av. Engelhardt, Miss B. A., 647 Eldorado av. Evans, J. M., 604 E. 14th st. Fleenor, Miss A. L.. 2303 25th av. TFowler, G. R., 2101 Telegraph av. Garthwaite.Miss M.L.,391 Fairmount av. Gillam, F. E., 2242 13th av. Glazer, Miss ,\nna, 534 52d st. Haley, J. B., 2536 9th av. '15 Helfrich, Miss C. M., 4109 Emerald st. '15 Hermle, L. D., 3128 Telegraph av. '15 Holden, J. N., 2241 9th av. '15 Homan, Miss R. L., 570 32d st. '15 Hope, H. H., 2005 Brush st. '15 Hopkins, Miss Blanche, 840 36th st. 'IS Howard, Miss H. K., 232 29th st. '15 Howard, S. C, 87 Vernon st. '15 Hudson, Miss Maybelle,1035 Magnolia st. '15 Hunt, Miss M. E.. 2752 Grove st. '15 Innes, Calder, 1025 Filbert st. '15 Irwin, W. R., 1506 29th av. '15 Johnson, Clarence, 2430 E. 22d st. '15 Katz, A. G., 391 Orange st. '15 Kelly, Miss E. J., 5970 Telegraph av. '15 Kyte, G. C, 845 37th st. '15 Lvman, R. M., Jr., 52 Santa Clara av. '15 M'arvin, F. H., 1441 1st av. '15 Mathieu, Dr. H. J.. 2348 E. 19th st. '15 McCIymonds, V. A., 424 Sunnyslope av. '15 tMeriwether, Miss L. M., 607 34th st. '15 Millar, N. O., 650 63d st. '15 Morton, H. W., 570 Oakland av. '15 Nakano. Y. W., 232 Lake Shore blvd. '15 Nelson, E. L., 831 W. 16th st. 'IS Xisbet, J. C, 5670 Ocean \'iew drive '15 Xoyes. Miss Emily. 3023 Summit st. '15 tPearce, Miss W. A., 1477 74th av. '15 Ricketts, Miss L. G., 9249 Holly st. '15 Riddick, M. S., Hotel Oakland '15 tRogers, Miss R. T., 3245 Prentiss st. '15 Rogers, Miss V. G., 2540 Wakefield av. '15 Scammell, J. M., 525 Oakland av. '15 Shane, C. D., 5719 College av. '15 Smith, Dr. A. J.. 4046 Piedmont av. '15 Smith, W. S., 5321 Cole st. '15 Sollars, H. P., Hotel Oaks '15 Spare, H. I., 69 Hamilton place '15 Teeter, D. M., 339 Lenox av. '15 Tully, J. W., 389 63d st. '15 Vail. Miss K. R., 2242 7th av. 'IS Webb. Miss H. F., 582 37th st. '16 Armstrong, J. E., 6460 Regent st. '16 Ayres, A. H., Technical High School '16 Brown, W. B., 479 34th st. '16 Brimel, L. J. A., 1032 62d st. '16 Calden, Miss R. R., 4127 Gilbert st. '16 Chubb, Miss E. A., 1932 Linden st. '16 Connitt, Miss E. B., 2551 Harrington av. '16 Cook, F. B., Jr., 1831 10th av. '16 Cunningham, Mrs. A. L.. 745 Weslev a v. '16 Darling. H. P., 1512 Linden st. '16 de Laguna, Miss Maricjuita. 518 24th st. '16 DeLancey, C. A., 625 Sycamore st. '16 Dukes, N. R.. 450 6Sth st. '16 Earl, G. C, Jr., 2914 McClure st. '16 Eichler, Edward, 3419 .■Xndover st. '16 Ench, Miss P. A., 2525 10th av. '16 Field, Miss .Anna, 590 63d st. '16 Fox, H. K., 6405 Regent st. '16 Fronmuller, T. C, Broadway terrace and Union st. '16 Gardner. Miss R. V., 865 Vermont st. '16 Giacomini, I. .\., 376 61st st. '16 Goodall. Miss H. M.. 150 Lake st. '16 Haley. T. E. T., 6656 Dana st. '16 Hamilton, L. N., 3825 Howe st. '16 Hathaway, Miss Helen, 445 (Orchard st. '16 Hayes, ^iiss L. L., 5925 Shatter av. '16 Hermle. Miss N. A., 3128 Telegraph av. '16 Hobart. Miss H. A., 5562 Taft av. '16 Hook, Miss F. M.. 610 Vernon st. •16 Hough, Miss Genevieve, 2802 11th av. 362 LOCALITY INDEX [California Oakland, (.'•nitliuioa '16 House. F. M., 5360 Hoyd av. •16 Howard. J. C. 232 29tli st. •16 lohnson. J. v.. 2024 K. 29th st. •16 Ionian. Miss F. F.. 9^Q F. 14th st. •16 k.ihlcr. (i. \V.. 628 Jackson St. •16 I. owe, Varlock. 64.?,? Ik-nvcnue av. •1() M.ikcr. F. 1... l.?21 Chestnut st. •16 Manhcim, Ilcnry, Jr.. 69 Monte Vista av. •16 McKcnzic. Miss Anna, .3418 Boston av. •1() McKcnzic.Miss Barbara. 3418 Boston av. •1() Melville. W. I).. 1514 Alice st. •16 Millar. X. F.. 650 63d st. •16 Moller. Miss M. J.. 426 29th st. •16 Muir. I. ii.. Ir., 539 38th st. •|6 Nicholas, Miss R. A.. 606 30th st. •|6 Okada. Kokichi. 289 6th st. •|6 Parker. Miss G. M., 2126 10th av. •16 Farmelee. VV. E., 1027 Poplar st. •16 Powell. Miss Z. O., 1627 Linden St. •16 Ray. M. H., 272 23d st. '16 Kecd. Miss F. N., 1232 9th av. •16 Reed. Miss H. L., 302 Lenox av. •16 Schaner, Miss J. E., 667 31st st. •16 Shertzer. R. S., 601 25th st. '16 Summers. Miss B. M., 1701 47th av. '16 Thomas. H. C, 2949 Summit st. '16 Thomas. Miss K. E., 2949 Summit st. '16 Wadsworth, H. A., 5669 Ocean View drive •16 WaRcnet, J. D., 2428 E. 23d st. '16 Watson. Miss A. S., 825 Adeline st. '16 Wetmore, Miss F. A.. 528 61st st. '16 Witter, J. C, 6411 Regent st. '16 Wood, Miss M. O., 3860 Greenwood st. '16 Woolsey, H. B., 5677 Ocean View drive Oakland Emeryville branch '02 Barham, C. L., 3669 Adeline st. '02 Barham. Mrs. C. L., 3669 Adeline st. '03 Hawley, R. S., 4309 Salem st. Oakland Fruitvale station '79 Congdon, C. H., 2700 Brookdale av. '81 De Puy. Dr. A. A. '01 Wagor, E. J., 3023 Logan st. '10 tHarden, Rena, 3418 Champion st. Oakland Piedmont station '86 Moffitt. T. K., 86 Sea View av. '88 Ellsworth, Oliver. 145 Hillside av. '89 Wagener. .\. C, 407 Hillside court '90 Cox. Mrs. H. E., 236 Bonita av. '90 Townsend. C. E., 156 Dracena av. '92 Bridges. Miss Edith, Hazel lane '92 Evans. C. J.. 134 Dracena av. '93 Brann. W. S., 120 Dracena av. '94 Graham. Dr. G. F., 50 Sierra av. '94 Sutro. Oscar. 2025 Oakland av. '95 .\xton, F. R.. 19 Monte av. '96 Eastwood, Mrs. Burr. 141 Bonita av. '96 Potter. Mrs. F. \V.. 207 Pacific av. '97 Hilhorn. L. A.. 11 Monticello av. '97 Starr. W. A.. 216 Union av. '98 Chickering, A. L.. 11 Sierra av. '98 Creed. W. E.. 128 Carrington av. '98 Starr. Mrs. W. A.. 216 Union av. '98 Thayer, P. R., 221 Mountain av. '98 Wilson, C. J., 43 Park way '99 de l-'remery, W. C, 104 Dracena av. '99 F'de, William, 90 King av. '01 Leach, E. R., 217 Hillside av. '02 Kempkey, Augustus, 42 Craig av. '02 Parker, C. R., 419 Park way '03 Bell, T. W., 2010 Oakland av. '03 Gowing, F. A., 234 Carmel av. '04 Corwin. Dr. L. T., 62 York drive '04 Levi, Mrs. P. M., 32 Wildwood av. '04 McLaughlin, Dr. G. V., 52 Lake View av. '05 Lyon, H. B., 1653 Grand av. '05 Magnes, Irving, 104 Pala av. '06 Coogan, A. J., 974 Rose av. '06 Luke, Miss F. E., 206 El Cerrito av. '06 Miller, Miss M. T., 636 Scenic av. '06 Posey, G. A.. 66 Manor drive '06 Taylor, Miss M. W., 90 Sea View av. '07 Leach, H. E., 616 Park way '07 Nordwell. A. W., 18 Lake av. '07 Warner, R. E., 911 Kingston av. '08 Buck, F. H., Jr., 204 Hillside av. '08 Knopf, Norman, Mesa and Pala avs. '08 Warner, Mrs. R. E., 911 Kingston av. '09 Merrill, Miss H. M., 222 Pala av. '09 Pillsbury, W. H., 222 Pala av. '09 Pillsbury, Mrs. W. H.. 222 Pala av. '09 Shuey. H. S., 221 Carmel av. '10 Britton, Mrs. J. A..Jr., 115 Monticello av. '10 Conrad. B. D., 319 El Cerrito av. '10 Chickering, Miss M. A.,234 Mountain av. '11 Sargeant. E. L., Jr., 40 Hardwick av. '12 Conrad. Mrs. B. D., 319 El Cerrito av. '12 Nordwell. Miss E. W., care of Miss Ransome's School '12 Roeth, Miss G. L., 450 Mountain av. '14 Cooley, Miss Esther, 127 Bonita av. '14 tCunning, M. A., 4141 Manila av. '14 Ross, Mrs. Donald, 319 El Cerrito av. '15 Armstrong, Miss M. L, 112 Bonita av. '15 Chamberlain, R.^H., Jr., 133 Ramona av. '15 Dinsmore. J. W., 27 Highland av. '15 tOyamo, Iwajiro, 118 Bonita av. '15 Roeth, George. Jr., 450 Mountain av. '15 Thomson, A. D., Jr., 635 Winsor av. '15 Wagener, Miss E. V. H., 407 Hillside court '16 Beach, E. W., 110 Sunnyside av. '16 Dinsmore, T. S.. 27 Highland av. '16 Hall, H. E.. 67 King av. '16 Salinger, Robert, 1504 Oakland av. Oakley '03 Bailey. Dr. L R. '14 Monson, Miss M. M. A. '16 O'Hara, C. E. Oak Park See under Sacramento Ocean Beach '16 Hull. Miss A. V. Ocean Park See under Santa Monica Oceanside '10 Newton. Miss A. M. '14 Todd. H. W. '15 Schulze. L. D. California] LOCALITY INDEX 363 Occidental Wetmore, C. A. Oilcenter '13 Martin, L. S. Oilfields '15 Gavin, M. J. Oleander '06 Thompson, F. M. '10 tBlacksill, James '11 James, Miss E. M. '11 Thompson, Mrs. F. M. '13 Tayian, Gaius '14 Carlson, H. E. '16 Stiles, J. E. '16 Thiele, C. L. Oleum '13 Ball, J. F. '13 Ball, Mrs. J. F. Ontario '06 Feenan, Miss M. E. '08 Booth, C. J. '09 Tubbs, Miss J. B. '12 Le Clair, Miss O. R. '13 Wilcox, Miss E. O. Ora Loma '15 Edminson, R. W. Orange '00 Bishop, R. K. '00 Northcross. Mrs. R. C. '00 tPaxton, Miss E. S. '1 1 Johnstone, G. I. '14 McPherson, William '15 Harbour. Miss Beulah '15 Torrey, Miss F. A. Orcutt '15 Ward, Miss E. E. Orland '02 Rawlins. Mrs. G. E. '10 WiRmore, L. W. '11 Bayly, Miss Delia '11 Flood, Miss H. V. '13 Haack, Miss M. B. E. Ornbaum '09 Nobles, Mrs. J. S. Orosi '11 Bartlctt, Miss G. E. '12 Miller, L. R. '13 Glass, Miss M. E. Oroville '82 Reardan, Dr. T. B. '91 Hilborn, E. P., Jr. '93 Whiting, E. C. '01 tGoldstein, A. E. '02 Graham. Dr. H. J. '02 Kluegel, Mrs. H. A. '02 Mansfield. G. C. '04 Patten, Miss E. R. '05 Stapleton. Mrs. R. G. '06 Jones. G. F. '06 Walker, Mrs. L. W. '10 Trunnel, Orville '10 Wells, M. W. '12 Gray, R. M. '12 Wolff, H. N. '13 Copeland, T. B. '14 tBeik, F. A. '14 flames. Miss I. F. '15 Chaffin, A. L. '15 Nisbet, J. C. '15 Duncan, Miss Alta '16 Beik, Miss F. M. '16 Hodgson, R. W. Owensmouth '00 Monroe. G. W. '13 Brant, D. O. '13 Goodall, S. E. Oxnard '98 Levy, Mrs. Henry '98 Tillman, Dr. F. J. '00 Cummings, Dr. P. S. '06 Hume, Mrs. G. E. '12 Coman. Mrs. W. M. '12 Vilas, Mrs. C. W. '14 Bannister, W. D. '15 Cooper, Mrs. E. D. Pacific Grove '92 Heacock, Miss Lulu '93 tMcQuilty. Dr. W. A. '99 Bowker, Mrs. W. S. '99 Williams, Dr. J. T. '02 McQuilkin, Dr. E. R. '03 tMcNair, Miss A. A. '06 tNeighbor, G. F. '06 Shepardson, Miss Lucia '06 Truitt. Dr. S. P. '10 Garner, B. M. '12 McGraw, Miss K. W. '16 Imhof. O. S. '16 Sheppa, Miss C. L. Palmdale '98 tPayne, E. L. Palo Alto '85 Ackley, Mrs. Edward '88 Drew, E. R. '89 Hall, B. F. '92 Morrison, Mrs. C. T. '96 Morrow, Dr. Howard '96 Reynolds, Miss H. G. '97 Reynolds. Dr. H. C. '99 Houston, W. H. '99 Stebbins. H. W. '01 Cone, Mrs. James '01 Thomas, Dr. Benjamin '02 Maddux. P. S. '03 Place. Dr. L. M. '03 Reynolds. Dr. R. G., Jr. '03 Schulze, Miss E. M. '04 Thomas, Mrs. Benjamin '05 Trueblood. Miss E. E. '07 Gray, H. F. '07 Jacob, Elmer 364 LOCALITY INDEX [California Palo Alto, Continued •07 tlVek. Mrs. Allen •10 McClcllan. L. IC. '10 Mount. Miss I,. C. *1 1 iunncrmann. K. J. •IJ I'ruess. M. O. '12 Zcidlcr. Richard •l.l Mercer. ('.. i:. '1.1 Short, I. V. '14 Scnll. Miss C. H. •16 Hall, Miss Hlisc '16 llorron. Miss L. K. Paradise •83 l.ovctt. Dr. W. U. Pasadena '91 Callciulcr, K. G.. 1297 Oak Knoll '82 Turner. C. L., 250 Cypress av. •93 \an Dvke. H. S., 1501 S. Marengo av. '94 Allin. C. A.. 109 E. Walnut st. '95 Scares, F. H., 351 Palmetto drive '96 McCoy, Dr. A. D. S., 417 S. Mentor st. •97 Owen, E. A.. 1100 Garfield av. '97 Williams, Mrs. J.M.,45Sa Linda Vista rd. '98 Henley, Miss G. L., 1090 Old Mill rd. '99 Frick, R. N., 1207 S. Pasadena av. '99 King, A. S.. 784 Locust st. •GO Gearhart. Miss F. H.,18 W. California st. •01 Gearhart. Miss Edna, 18 W.California st. •01 Miller. Miss Florence. 324 E. Villa st. '01 Parker, Miss E. E., 476 S. Los Robles av. •02 Clewe. J. F. E., 910 S. Madison av. •02 Durbin, W. R., 1677 E. Mountain st. •02 Henderson, R. H., 1237 N. Raymond st. '02 Isham. Mrs. H. W., 1026 S. Madison av. '02 King. Mrs. A. S., 784 Locust st. '02 Weight. E. M., 316 Center st. '03 Tones. Mrs. J. P., 58 Dayton st. '03 ludd. C. K.. 55 N. Euclid av. •04 "Clifton. Mrs. H. T., 509 E. Walnut st. •04 Deyo, Miss J. M.. 784 E. Villa st. •04 Olney, Mrs. W. T., 610 Oakland av. •04 tPaterson, Miss E. J., 343 X. Fair Oaks av. '05 Tones, Miss S. E., 930 E. Colorado st. '05 Morin, J. W., 622 Oakland av. '06 Irvin, D. F., 719 Summit av. '06 Kelso, Miss O. V.. 201 N. Euclid av. •06 Johnston, Miss A. W.. 164 N. Hudson av. '06 Marston. Mrs. S. B.. 661 S. El Molino av. '06 Xewlin. Mrs. W. A., 37 N. Bonnie av. •06 Rau. Miss J. L., 291 N. El Molino av. '06 Rau, Miss L. C, 291 N. El Molino av. •07 Bahcock. H. D., 847 N. Mentor av. '07 Baker. A. G., 424 S. Wilson av. '07 tCraig. Miss M. F.. box 1037 '08 Johnson. Miss M. E., 201 N. Euclid av. '09 Bissell, H. C. 124 N. Marengo av. '10 Hart. Miss Dorothv, 2629 Etna st. '10 Stoner, P. W., 1630 Rose Villa st. '11 Coman. Carol, 87 Congress st. •11 Jones. M. S., 747 N. Lake av. •11 Xewlin, W. A., 37 X. Bonnie av. •11 Pedley, G. C, 258 Center st. •11 tWilliamson, A. H. •11 Wolfe, Miss C. L. E., Mt. Wilson So- lar Observatory '12 Cordivenus. W. M., 3836 Pasadena av. •12 tpord, .Anna •12 Hale, G. E., Mt. Wilson Solar Ob- servatorj' '12 Philleo, Miss Katherine, 115 Worcester a v. 2 Snook, H. J., 153 S. Chester av. 2 Tennis, Miss E. M., 256 S. Marengo av. 3 Allin, R. L.. 357 Waldo av. 3 Allin, Mrs. R. L., 357 Waldo av. 3 Luxton, W. F., 59 S. Wilson av. 4 Clark, S. C, Jr., 482 Eldorado st. 4 Day, Miss E. E., 281 S. Madison av. 4 McDonald. J. D., High School 4 Moodey, Miss H. M., 235 S. Madison av. 4 Rau, Miss M. C, 291 X. El Molino av. 4 Reynolds, Miss E. B.,679 S. Pasadena av. 4 Rinehart, J. D., 1311 La Pintoresca drive 4 tRosenstein, Ludwig 4 Thomas, I. G., 1014 Brent av. 5 Barnewolt, A. J., 200 X. Vernon av. 5 Clark, Miss Ethel, 79 X. Meredith av. 5 Fobes, K. D., 236 Oakland av. 5 Lockwood, Miss L.E.,590 E. Colorado st. 5 McDonald, Mrs. J. D. 5 Merriam, R. L., 65 X. Madison av. 5 Ong, Miss E. A., 125 Worcester av. 5 Rau, Miss E. L., 291 X. El Molino av. 5 Schnebly. Miss M. A., 926 Denver st. 5 Taylor, F. B., R.F.D. 1, box 44 5 Winegarden, Miss V. E., 526 Summit av. 6 Austin, Miss D. K., 85 S. Madison av. 6 Fussell, P. L., 834 E. Walnut st. 6 Gamble, S. D. 6 Gordy, Miss M. C. 6 Hookway, Miss M. S., 201 S. Los Ro- bles av. 6 Martin, D. E.. 662 Prospect square 6 McXair. J. B., 436 S. Madison av. 6 Rowe, Miss C. L, 488 E. Washington st. Paso Robles '92 Greene, C. W. '99 Muma, Wilmer '01 Dresser, Dr. R. O. '02 Booth, F. G. '07 Sobey, Dr. G. L. '13 Beckett, A. J. '13 Claassen, Oscar '13 Wilmar, Dr. A. H. '14 Tungermann, A. A. '14 Pierce. T. A. '15 Browning, Miss Lurline Patterson '14 Ventuluth, F. F. '15 Le Hane. Miss Mary '15 Smith. \'alentine Penngrove '16 Mills, P. A. Perkins '13 Perkins. Mrs. C. C. Petaluma '77 Denman. F. H. '80 Atwater. F. H. '92 Phillips, Dr. F. H. '95 Tibbitts. Dr. A. L. '96 O'Brien. Dr. T. T. [96 Smith. W. O. '97 tEdelmann. G. L. '98 Daniel. Miss E. F. •99 Mooney, W. T. California] LOCALITY INDEX 365 '99 Smith, W. B. '00 Geary, \V. F, '01 McGuire, T. T. '02 Hall, Dr. W. C. '02 tPeoples, J. W. '02 Prutzman, Miss H. C. '03 Merritt, Lyle '03 Olmsted, J. A. '03 Perkins. Miss H. M. '04 Beauchamp. Miss N. L. '04 Horwege. Mrs. A. A. '04 ^copies. Dr. S. Z. '05 Guglielmetti, H. L. '05 tyunt. Miss H. M. '05 Liehert. Mrs. Moses '05 Mazza. Dr. J. H. '06 Reed, X. W. '06 Tuttle, J. W. '07 Schluckebier, Miss Elsa '08 Harford, Miss Crystal '09 Landis. Miss M. L. '09 Pilkington, Miss Gladys '10 Goatley. G. A. '10 Hesse. Miss E. V. '10 Woodman, Miss Madge '11 Bettoli, R. W. '11 Lindsay. Miss Katharine '12 McXear, E. D.. '13 Hill, R. M. '14 Ellis, Mrs. A. C. '14 Peck, Dr, H. P. '14 Swanson. H. \V. '15 Purvine, A. B. '15 Weston, Hall '16 Hill, D. B. '16 Purvine. Miss Lois Philo '16 Clow. Miss M. E. Piedmont See under Oakland Pinole '00 Fernandez, Dr. Manuel Pittsburg '99 River, Dr. J. P. '01 Champlin, Mrs. C. C. '02 Champlin, Rev. C. C. '10 Marks. Dr. S. H. '14 Wolfe. Roy PIxley '15 Denman, Charles Placerville '69 Arnot. N. D. '83 Irwin. Fred '89 Fox, A. S. '92 Fox. T. E. '93 Rantz, Dr. S. H. '95 Fitch. Dr. O. P. '97 Sumner. Dr. C. M. '06 Crawford, Miss B. E. '06 tWrenn. Dr. J. T. '09 Fairchild. L. H. '14 Herbert. F. B. '16 Arnot. P. U. '16 Darmody. Miss H. D. '16 Wilson, Miss A. C. Pleasanton '95 Leach, A. P. '97 Rock, Peter '03 Hotchkiss, H. G. '08 Casterson, H, J. '14 Rau, Miss M. C. Pleyto '97 Smith, Mrs. A. C. '03 Sayler, Mrs. W. W. Plumas '15 Wampfler, Miss Cora Plymouth '01 Trueworthy, T. D. '09 Fischer. Hermann '14 Arnot, S. L. '14 Arnot, Mrs. S. L. Point Arena '05 Keogh, Dr. J. B. '14 Boggs, Miss Doris '14 Mackay, Miss J. L Point Richmond See under Richmond Pomona '87 Jones, H. M. '94 Palmer, Mrs. E. T. '01 Edinger, O. H. '01 Fleming, F. X. '02 Armour. H. W. '02 Pitzer, Mrs. R. K. • '03 Pitzer, R. K. '04 Osborn, Miss L. E. '05 McComas, Miss M. P. '05 Wharton, Miss Minnie '06 Friedrich, Miss L. W. '06 Joos. Mrs. J. W. '07 Bartlett, Mrs. L. W. '07 Williams. C. B. '08 Osborn, Miss E. M. •10 Bartlett, L. W. '10 Stokes. C. M. '12 Boyd, Mrs. S. E. '12 Evans, C. W. '12 Lepper, Dr. L. E. '13 Steele, Miss Rose '14 Smith, Miss D. L. '14 Yost. C. Z. '15 Du Pee, H. B. '15 Nelson, N. M. '16 Babcock. G. T. '16 Evans, S. F. '16 Kuntz, Miss Olive '16 Morse, Dr. A. L. '16 Wright. L. L. Pope Valley •14 Brownfield. Miss I. G. '15 Coombs, Miss D. M. Port Costa '16 Castle, C. \'. '16 Young, Miss Jennie 366 LOCALITY INDEX [California •95 •go •02 'O.l '05 •05 '05 •05 •05 '06 •06 '06 '00 •10 •1(1 Ml •12 •12 •12 '\.\ •13 •1.^ •H •14 •16 '16 •16 Porlervllle C:ir|«»iil»''. '*■■• ''• ' • rrciiio, \V. I". Cniuu-ll. i". I'.. Marry. Mrs. (1. (->• tlaiilics, T. t . Leslie. Dr. W. W. McCoy. A. II. Prciiio. Mrs. C. O. Wilcox, S. W. Claubcs. Mrs. T. C. Prciuo. C. O. Stincr, Miss I. H. Hall. I. .1. ^ _ Ci rah a 111. Miss T. 1*. Ilul)l)s. C. W. Hunt. Miss VV. L. l*"ay, Jewel Fisher. K. A. Murray. Or. B. C. Ilawley. R. W. Heniphill, A. F. tl.ewis, Miss E. S. Martin. L. S. McCabe. Miss K. D. I'ohlman. H. P. Heinrich. Miss M. E. Henry. Miss H. L. McFarland, T. C. Portola '08 Arkin, James Potrero •14 Coke. Miss B. F. Port San Luis •16 Smith. E. R. Potter Valley •08 Newman. J. G. Princeton '11 Shirey, Miss D. E. '12 Hansen. G. D. '14 Yerxa, M. N. Prize •10 Strucknieyer. M. F. Proberta •10 Sahclman, Miss M. R. '05 Robinson. Mrs. H. M. 'li Schultz. Dr. \V. W. Quincy •06 Lunilborg. Dr. K. M. •09 tBorilcn. F. W. •90 Grav. .\. \V. '02 Styan. Dr. \V. E. '07 Nutting, J. A. '10 Haryett, Miss C. N. '15 Huskinson, E. B. Randsburg •07 Frv. C. H. •08 Fry. Mrs. C. H. •08 Reynolds, Miss L. E. •14 Gunn, R. I- '15 Moorhead, A. C. Raynnond '05 Kbi, Miss A. M. Red Bluff '90 AHbright, F. H. '03 Woolf, A. W. '07 Brooks, I. P- '07 Selzer, E. E. '09 Bagley. Dr. L- A. '10 Godbolt. Miss N. B. K. '11 Owen. Miss H. K. '12 Maclise, Mrs. D. G. '13 Conrad, A. H. '13 Owen, Dr. J. A. '14 Maclise, D. G. '14 McCoy, Miss Alice '15 Cooper, Miss C. S. '16 Bransford, Miss A. b. Redding '77 Stevenson. Dr. B. E. '83 tFrick. Mrs. J. E. '83 Reed, Dr. C. E. '85 Barber, J. E. '94 Fitzgerald. McCoy '95 Frisbie, N. B. '01 Osborn, J. O. '02 Dozier, C. T. '06 Carr, Mrs. Francis '06 Dunn. Miss J. A. '06 Frickey, R. E. '06 Kennedy. L. J. '07 tChenoweth, O. M. '09 Dean, Mrs. A. M. '12 Brown, Miss G. I. '12 Geballe, Oscar '12 Taylor. Miss M. B. '13 Hilby. E. E. '14 tEaton. Dr. F. N. '14 Harris. Miss Z. B. '14 Tracie. M. H. '15 Bertholas, Miss Christine '15 Gilfillan, W. E. '15 Smith, Asa '16 Stephens, Miss H. L. Redlands '93 Willis, H. M. '00 Hicks. P. E. '02 Chandler. H. P. '02 Hincklev. Miss Meda '03 Hill. Dr. H. G. '03 Smith. H. E. '04 Hinckley. Mrs. G. S. '07 Willows, Miss G. D. '10 tHaskell. R. M. '10 Nickerson. L. W. '12 Armstrong, Miss M. E. '12 Nickerson. Miss Alice '14 Andrews, Miss M. G. '14 Wendels. Miss M. A. '15 Echeverria. Raphael '15 Prendergast. Joseph '16 Lehman. Miss L. P. '16 Woodruff. E. C. California] LOCALITY INDEX 367 Redondo Beach '03 Perry, F. L. '10 Albee, M. A. '12 White, Miss E. V. Redwood City '84 Walsh, A. D. '88 Merrill, G. A. '90 Walker. H. W. '91 King. W. H. V. '92 O'Keefe. J. T. '92 Ryan, P. A. '93 Sharp, Dr. J. G. '95 Kincaid, H. A. '96 Baldwin. A. R. '96 Sharp. Mrs. J. G. '98 Chaml^erlain. Selah '98 Snow. Mrs. C. J. '99 Wolfenden, Miss Katharine '02 Kroech, Dr. P. H. '05 Cummings, Dr. N. C. '06 Genochio, Dr. E. P. '07 tMansfield, Albert '09 Winkler. L. F. W. '13 tLewis, Miss E. S. '14 Rothe, W. E. Reedley '98 Morwood, Mrs. James '09 Lichti. Orro 'II Carlisle. Frank '12 Madsen, F. A. '12 Masten, J. W. '13 Blakemore, Mrs. H. S. '14 Lane, Miss F. M. Richgrove '99 Ellis. F. F. '12 Quinn, J. R. Richmond '91 Blake, Dr. C. R. '99 Helms, W. T. '01 O'Brien, Dr. E. W. '02 Deininger, Dr. Marguerite '03 Tucker, B. X. '04 Lewis. Dr. M. J. '05 Bullock. W. M. '05 tCasterlin, Miss M. A. '08 Kinnear, Miss M. E. '09 Ballenger. Mrs. W. L. '11 De Lap. T. H. '12 Horner. Miss C. D. '14 Kelly. Mrs. F. C. '14 Neale, P. J. •14 Norton, W. J. '15 Carlson. T. M. '15 Dunning, Duncan '15 Whitbeck, Miss J. L. '16 Farlinger. Miss L A. '16 Parks, J. L. '16 Woods, Miss R. C. Richmond Point Richmond station '09 Bailey. Dr. M. G. Rio Vista '03 McKinnon, Dr. A. J. '04 Clark. Miss A. M. '08 tHamilton, Miss E. A. '10 Akers, Miss E. J. '10 Grinstead, A. R. '11 Work, G. A. '12 Dozier, G. P. '14 Dozier, W. H. Ripon '10 Sharpstein. Miss K. C. '12 Gray, Miss E. P. '15 Smith, R. D. Rivera '08 Hetschel. Miss M. A. '10 Ralph, Miss H. M. '14 Witherow. H. C. '15 Gilman, H. L. Riverbank '82 Pressley. Dr. J. B. '08 Miller, Mrs. E. W. Riverdaie '12 Fountain, Miss R. G. Riverside '95 McFarland. C. L. '97 Neblett, W. E. '97 Taylor. F. P. '03 tElwell, L. E. '05 Adams, E. B. '05 tClark, T. E. '05 Quayle, Mrs. H. J. '06 Anderson. G. P. '06 O'Neill, Miss K. N. '07 Gabbert, T. R. '09 Jahn, J. R. '10 Kaneko. A. Y. '11 Quayle. H. J. '11 Robertson, G. R. '12 Alexander, Miss A. T. '12 Cartwright, M. A. '12 House. H. H. '12 Kelley. W. P. '12 Wharton. Miss R. G. '12 Wight, G. D. '12 Wight. Miss V. C. '13 Baden. M. L. '13 Hetdeg. Miss H. L. '13 Himes, Miss M. W. '13 Keith. Miss L. I. '14 Babcock. Miss E. G. '14 Baden, Mrs. M. L. '14 Briggs. G. H. '14 Cartwright, Mrs. M. A. '14 Ellis. R. C. '14 Goethals, Miss M. N. '14 Holeman. R. R. '14 Jacobs, N. F. '14 Spiers. Miss Katharine '15 Coon. R. H. '15 Nelson, Miss P. M. '15 Olsen, Sidney '15 Rohbins. Miss H. C. '15 t Welch, R. J., Jr. '16 Babcock. A. L. R. '16 Bulson. Miss D. E. '16 Burns. R. W. ^ '16 Fertig. Miss K. M. '16 Goethals, Miss C. R. '16 Hartman, L. A. '16 McBeth. I. G. 368_ Rlver»lde, (•.niilniiefl ■U) Nolilc. C. M. •16 Robinson. \V. W. ' *16 Taylor, Miss O. V. Riverside Arliiinton stiilion •04 Miller, Mrs. Floytl •or. Kl.k-r. N. S. '16 lUir^'i'SS, (i. !•". Rosamond •01 C.askill. Dr. P. D. Roseville •00 Evck-th, Hr. K. H. •0.1 Stinenian. Dr. J. H. '11 Layton, Leonard Ross •88 Ihiltbert;. Dr. F. L. '9P Dcnicke. E. H. '99 Smyth, Dr. T. U. "0.1 Kittle, A. I. '07 Eisner. N. A. •07 Hund, F. A. '09 Hund, W. J. Rust '08 Brcnenian, Miss V. A. Rutherford '97 Cole, W. E. Ryde •04 Hutton, Mrs. C. E. Sacramento '76 Watlvins. D. S.. 1720 18th st. "78 Helke, W. L., lOn 2d st. '79 Brown, J. Q.. 2507 M st. '80 Grazer. Dr. F. A., County Hospital '81 Lindley. D. A. '83 Green, J. A., 530 J st. '83 Phipps, W. T., 1503 I st. '83 Swisler, C. A., 2222 P st. '84 tWeldon, Dr. E. J., 902 J st. '85 Wakefield, C. B., 2118 K st. '87 Ing. J. C, 719 F st. '90 Henderson, Dr. A. M.. 1600 M st. '91 Seymour, A. M., 1605 H st. '92 McKisick. R. T.. 2022 W st. •93 Dufficv, Dr. G. W., 2119 H st. '93 Knight. C. L., 1710 G st. •94 Kelton. J. O., 2301 N st. '94 Miller, F. M., 2026 N st. •94 Taylor. Dr. W. I., 1215 17th st. '94 Wilder. Dr. E. M., 2625 I st. •94 Wright, Dr. H. E.. 1511 M st. •95 Stephenson. Dr. H. H.. 2413 M st. •96 tAbrams. Dr. George, 724'^ K st. •«>6 Bridgewater, Edgar, 2214 19th st. ■06 Cameron. Dr. H. M.. 2331 4th av. '96 Cox, Dr. E. R., 825 8th st. '96 Cox, Dr. T. J. F.. 825 8th st. •96 Green. Miss S. M., 1510 14th st. "96 Lichthardt, G. H. P., 2309 L st. •06 Stern, Dr. A. A.. 2705 Capitol av. "96 Todd. Dr. ClilTord, 1711 P st. •97 Keane. Dr. C. F.. 2105 2d av. '97 Tade. Frank, 920 H st. •98 Leslie, G. D., State Capitol LOCALITY INDEX [California '98 •98 '99 •99 '99 '99 '00 '00 '00 '00 '00 •00 '00 '01 '01 '01 '01 '01 '01 '01 '01 '01 '01 '01 '02 '02 '02 '02 '02 '02 '02 '03 '03 '03 '03 '03 '03 '03 '03 '03 '03 '03 '03 '03 '04 '04 '04 '05 '05 '05 '05 '05 '05 '06 '06 '06 '06 '06 '06 '06 '06 '06 '06 '06 "06 '06 '07 '07 '07 '07 Xcedham, Irving. 2425 2d av. Slawson. G. H., K.F.D. 3, box 494 Bradford, H. B., 1530 Sierra av. Renwick. Dr. W. H., 520 16th st. Steinhart, Miss A. D., State Board of Control Stevenson, Dr. G. L., 2420 L st. Driver, B. F. Hart, A. L., Jr., 708 H st. Hill. Mrs. F. C, 2601 J st. Nathan, W. W., care of C. P. Nathan Co. Scott, Dr. J. H., 914 27th st. Stauffer, H. C, 1631 10th st. Witmer, John, 819 Noble court Bradford, Mrs. H. B., 1530 Sierra av. Butler, J. W. S., 1100 Cutter av. Didion, G. N., 1101 23d st. Dillon, Mrs. G. P., 2630 P st. James, J. C, 2300 O st. Lindsay. Dr. W. K., 1716 N st. Meredith, J. D., 1220 Crescent av. Schaw, W. B.. 1418 H st. tTimm, Mrs. Richard, Colonial Heights Todd, Mrs. Clifford, 1711 P st. White, Dr. J. L., 1531 H st. Bidwell, C. H. S., 3010 Lower Stock- ton av. De Lancey, C. C, 1300 10th st. Gillis. Miss M. R., 2121 21st st. Lorenze, G. B., 1822 G st. Smith, Dr. R. E., 1100 Yardlev av. Winkelman, Mrs. M. L., 2504 N st. Woodburn, Mrs. E. J.. 1012 19th st. Butler. D. W., 2518 Bonita av. Eckhardt, H. F.. 1817 M st. Edwards, Miss E. G., 460 Freeport rd Finnic, Miss C. M., 815 17th st. Gififen. R. B., 1815 F st. Jones, H. E., 1424 J st. Tones. Dr. J. B., 731 Q st. McBain, Dr. J. A., 1431 P st. Meyer, Miss E. E., 811 27th st, Raney, A. L., 1826 D st. Reese, E. E., 810 27th st. Sawyer, Mrs. W. A.. 3123 T st. Waring, R. A., 2624 1st av. Coolidge. Miss Belle, 2300 M st. Jones, S. H., 1419 O st. Stanton, T. E.. 2019 Dallas av. Ambrose, T. E.. 2301 1st st. Briggs, Dr. G. A., 2015 E st. Clifford, R. G., 2005 P st. MacDonald, Miss E. L.. St. Francis apts. Nathan. E. C, care of C. P. Nathan Co. Turner, Dr. E. C, 1830 21st st. Barringer. E. J., 1715 P st. Drescher, H. B.. 2120 G st. Gilmore. W. W., 2515 T st. Hopkins, W'. H.. 2826 K st. Hopkins. Mrs. W. H., 2826 K st. Igo, Miss L. M.. 1525 L st. Jones. Dr. C. B., 1008 19th st. tKawasaki. Kango, 1414a 14th st. Kromer. C. H., 1807 F st. Read. E. W., 1307 P st. Steinbach. H. R., 2721 E st. Webber. Dr. P. A.. 809 P st. West. Dr. R. C. 2100 P st. Gallaway. A. R., Jr.. 1015 Yardlev av. tGross, J. W.. Citv Hall Hughes. E. J., 820 15th st. Milne, F. L.. 1630 23d st. California] LOCALITY INDEX 369 Sacramento, Continued •07 Pullen, J. F., 2508 2d av. '07 Whitman, J. C, 3128 T st. '08 Aoki, Giichi, box 140 '08 Baxter, G. L., 2117 2d av. '08 Hemmings, Mrs. E. C, 821 Helvetia av. '08 Horton, J. W., 2614 California av. '08 Johnson, J. F., 2412 L st. '08 Otis, S. F., 1917 16th st. '08 Phinney, A. V. V., 2600 L st. '08 Rodda, Dr. G. S., 1125 G st. '08 Stephens, R. D., Jr., 1210 N st. '08 Teichert, Adolph, Jr., 2014 25th st. '08 Twitchell, F. M., 1609 I st. '08 Zschockelt, C. G.. 2412 Miller av. "09 Brown, S. L., 3702 J st. •09 Calder, G. J., 616 27th st. '09 Griffith, Miss Margaret, 713 9th st. '09 Griffith. Miss M. J., 713 9th st. '09 Maddocks, F. T., 2110 11th st. '09 McManus. Dr. J. C, 2630 I st. '09 Pollock, Mrs. G. G., 2826 W st. '09 Raynsford, Mrs. C. H., 2404 2d av. '09 Richardson, M. R., Y. M. C. A. '09 Rodda, I. G., 1508 E st. '10 Adams, G. J., 2105 1st av. '10 Blair, R. W., University Club '10 Brand, C. H., 2217 4th av. '10 Elkus, F. K., 2504 O st. '10 Gehan, Dr. R. F., 2121 18th st. '10 Middleniiss, G. H., University Club 'l_0_West, Miss R. E., 2200 9th st. '11 Basler, M. A., R.F.D. 5, box 4 '11 Castello, W. O., 1730 T st. '11 Harding, Wylie, 3308 C st. '11 Harvey, G. G., 1525 I st. '11 Hechtman, W. I., 1321 Sierra av. '11 Maxwell. H. D., 1509 25th st. '11 McCoy, Miss J. E., 1908 16th st. '11 Meyer, Dr. P. E., 2130 P st. '11 Ochsner, F. T., 1005 K st. '11 Rodda. V. L., 2100 I st. '11 Seitz, Miss M. L., 1218 30th st. '11 Stoddard, W. E.. 521 29th st. '11 Tully, Miss G. M., 719 30th st. '12 Armstrong, H. A., 15 Parkview apts. '12 Brown, Mrs. G. H., 3702 J st. '12 Brown, J. B., 1709 T st. '12 Cornell, E. P., 1418 19th st. '12 Haentjens, Charles, 1231 L st. '12 Halhert, J. S.. Forum bldg. '12 Hamilton, Miss M. G., 1708 N st. '12 Matthews, Miss L. R., care of State Board of Control •12 Mclntire. Miss E. K., 1530 O st. '12 Mehl, B. M., 1310 F st. '12 Nachtrieb, Miss Barbara, State Capitol '12 tNakatsu, Hikoichi, 1312 4th st. '12 Noyes, G. E., 1130 F st. '12 Parkinson, J. B., 1601 I st. ;i2 Popert, G. L., 2030 H st. '12 Simonson, G. M., 1431 15th st. '12 Teichert, Miss C. K.. 2401 I st. '12 Waddell, T. B., 1619^^ 17th st. '13 Briggs. R. S., 2211 G st. '13 Frater. P. J., 505 J st. '13 Kline, B. F., 810 11th st. '13 Nickerson. E. D., 1220 18th st. '14 Christie, Miss E. R., 2617 G st. '14 Clausen. C. P., care of State Jnsectory "14 Comstock, R. O.. 505 J st. '14 Crabbe, E. R., care of Sacramento Union '14 Cunningham, F. J., care of Commis- sion of Immigration and Housing '14 Dawson. Miss E. M. K., 2630 M st. '14 Dong, F. C. 717 13th st. '14 Coin, Miss Mabel, 2400 L st. '14 Hanson, Ray. 703 12th st. '14 Kahl, D. L.. 1001 K st. '14 Leete. Miss Mary, 725 J st. '14 McCluskey. Dr. R. W., 1325 H st. '14 Quire, J. H., 1615 18th st. '14 Taylor, C. V.. 620 H st. '14 Waddell. Mrs. T. B., 1619><^ 17th st. '15 Anderson. P. A., 910 H st. '15 Bell. Miss H. K., 2117 M st. '15 Bontz,. Miss M. E., 1731 I st. '15 Brock, E. .\.. R.F.D. 2, box 1950 '15 Dawson, G. I., 2630 M st. '15 Diepenbrock, A. I., 2315 M st. '15 Garibaldi, P. A., 306 K st. '15 Knowles. J. L., 1120 23d st. '15 Miller, O. R., 505 J st. '15 Phleger. Miss M. R., 2201 H st. '15 Rockingham, W. H., 1418 K st. '15 Sartain, Miss Geraldine, 363 Magnolia av. '15 Sitton, W. A., 826 Q st. '15 Steele, Miss E. D., 1226 P st. '15 Tippett, G. W., 828 H st. '15 Whitbeck. Miss I. L., 1426 7th st. '15 Zoller, M. L., 2319 P st. '16 Affleck, A. J., 3115 21st st. '16 Briggs, W. R., 2209 M st. '16 Dierssen, Miss Evelyn, 920 H st. '16 Gay, T. E., 450 Freeport rd. '16 Hobart, K. G., 2112 1st av. '16 Hopkins, Miss Helen, 1219 17th st. '16 Johnson, A. N., 2607 J st. '16 McRoberts. Miss L. E., 2118 V st. '16 Seymour. Miss Dorothy. 1605 H st. '16 Wendt. G. H., 2130 M st. Sacramento Oak Park station '03 Bailey, E. A., 3711 Magnolia av. '14 Mixer, Miss V. E., 3109 Orange av. Saint Helena '79 Wallace, C. H. '79 Wheeler. J. H. '90 Wright, F. W. '91 Wright, W. A. '94 Novvland. J. .\. •97 Everett. W. W. ;01 McCord. Miss L. A. '04 Fleisher, Miss L. G. '05 l.yman. T. B. '05 Struckmeyer, Miss Phebe '07 Stern, Dr. L. A. '07 Stern, Mrs. I,. A. •09 Wheeler. E. H. '1 1 Taplin, Miss C. L. •14 Moodey, Miss H. M. '15 Schmidt. Miss I.. G. M6 Bruck, E. L. •16 Christianson, Dr. O. J. Salinas '89 Williams. I.. H. •93 Donnelly. F. J. •95 Cottle. H. S. •95 Gvdison, C. T. L. '98 Kilkenny, L. E. 370 LOCALITY INDEX [California Sallnaa, c-oiulruieiJ '9*' tHiscniian, I.IImtI 'on Austin. Dr. \V. 1'. '03 ll.Twkins. .Miss I-".. I'. '05 li-wc-tt. .Miss I). K. '06 Austin. .Mrs. \V. 1'. '()<) Aria ins. R. I.. '\2 Pctrrson, Miss A. M. 'N Winhani. .Miss N. M. '\> Hawkins. Miss (". A. '!() Ihaniy, .Miss ( '.. M. Samoa '02 Charters. Mrs. A. C. •15 Darnell. F. W. San Anselmo '81 tRosenthal. |osc()h •8.5 Fcusicr. H. E. C. '8<) loncs. Dr. O. W. •92 Haucr. Dr. C. F. '92 Mund. G. B. •92 Van Orden, Dr. G. N. •9,? Derl.v. Dr. A. T. •9.1 Taylor. Dr. R. L. •''4 Daniel. Miss Laura '95 Manninp. I. E. 'Q7 Burke. F. T. '98 Daniel, Miss E. F. •00 Daniel. H. N. E. •04 Smith. Mrs. S. J. •05 Shapira, Miss R. E. •15 Meeker. R. T. •15 Tweedie. H. W. San Bernardino •9" Waters. Miss Sylvia •98 Curtis. Miss H. M. '08 Goodcell. R. A. •01 Bright, r. S. •02 Lashlee. Dr. C. H. '02 Lyman. Mrs. F. T. '0.1 Hays. Dr. H. M. •0,? Monroe. Miss E. C. •08 Knight, Miss Emma •08 Webster. Miss E. E. •10 Tohnson. V. E. •10 Rolfe. Miss F. A. •l.> Xish, L. R. M4 Buck. Miss L. V. •14 Kavanaugh. J. B. •15 Davis. L F. •15 Hancock. A. E. •16 Boone. Miss M. M '16 Curtis. ^L B. •16 Mecham. L L. '16 Ross. Miss D. M. San Bruno •92 McKay. Mrs. A. S. '99 Reich. Dr. C. L. San Carlos •95 Browne. Dr. .\. F. San Diego ;81 Pratt. Miss .\. E.. 2506 Collier av. 81 Sessions. Miss K. O., 1432 W. Monte- cito way .'o- .^i^'i'^y' Fugene. 21.n Albatross st. .'!- ;, ansenheim. Julius. 148 W. Juniper st Hardy. Dr. J. R.. 1435 Fern st •98 Garrettson, Mrs. E. A.. 2343 Front st. '98 Jeffreys. Miss K. M., New Palace Hotel '99 Bliss, Wilberforce, 1435 Meade av. •99 Schiller, Dr. Maurice, 1348 Grove st. •99 Scranton, Mrs. E. E., 3685 8th st. '99 Skilling, W. T., 3140 6th st. '00 Allen. Miss G. E., 4433 Hermosa way '00 Cherington, W. S., 5th and Broadway '00 Irones. Dr. R. B., Hotel Maryland '00 t Reading, Dr. W. W., Watts bldg. •01 Childs, E. R., 400 19th st. '01 Foote, C. M.. 2976 National av. '01 Lacey. B. O., 3915 University blvd. '02 Hadley, Miss E. M., 4583 Georgia st. '02 Haines, C. C, 2470 E st. '02 Jones, Dr. L. D., 4084 5th st. '03 McKoon. Hosmer, 2204 Albatross st. •04 Freese. Miss Elizabeth, 3561 6th st. '05 Bromley, Miss H. L., New Palace Hotel '05 Burdette, Mrs. E. K.. 3512 Granada st. '05 Hale. \V. T., 3227 30th st. •05 Stanton. Miss E. L., 3786 3d st. •05 Woodruff, Miss H. M., 2027 Market st. '06 Bailey, L. N., 4229 St. James place '06 Smith, Dr. S. A., 641 21st st. '07 Gibbs, C. J., 1943 Titus st. '07 Hicker. H. D. V., 4 San Miguel av. '07 Mason, Miss E. L.. 2420 B st. '07 tMcDermott, Miss L. F., R.F.D. 2, box 131a '07 Soares. A. G.. 4842 41st st. '08 Emery, Miss M. W., 3979 Center st. '09 Daney, Mrs. Eugene, Jr., 1052 23d st. '09 Smith. E. F., 2222 4th st. '09 Wise, H. O., 4212 Palmetto way 'II Curtis. Miss R. E.. 2224 Adams av. '11 Leebrick, R. J., 1120 Bush st. '12 Barnes. C. R., 408 Nutmeg st. '12 Christian. Miss A. B., 1916 3d st. '12 Kew, W. S. W.. 3224 Park av. '12 Sturges, Miss V. L., 3838 Albatross st. '13 Daney, Eugene, Jr., 1052 23d st. '13 Fleming, Paul, 1253 Robinson av. '13 Gallagher, G. A., 1331 4th st. '13 Kelly, H. C, 2848 A st. '13 Varner. Dr. E. C. 1555 8th st. '14 Bomgardner. Miss E. M.. 232 W. Brookes av. '14 Fleming, Mrs. Paul, 1253 Robinson av. '14 Price. C. M.. 7th and A sts. '14 Waterman, Miss H. G., 237 W. Haw- thorne St. '15 Forward. J. C. 108 Ivy st. '15 Kayser. E. P.. 3636 4th st. '15 Lockwood, Miss L. E., 540 Laurel st. '15 Parmelee. A. L.. 202 W. Ivy st. '15 Sessions. Miss Romaine. 2604 Collier av. '15 tShaw. R. C, Jr., 406 Maple st. '15 Swain. A. F., 1145 28th st. '16 Berg. Miss A. E.. 247 Date st. '16 Brelin. E. A., 1290 University av. '16 Dement. J. C. 1610 Plumosa way '16 Hazelrigg, E. E., 2670 2d st. '16 Kelly. Miss Genevieve, 2448 A st. '16 Sumner, B. M.. 1212 12th st. '16 Thomas, Carlisle, 2356 5th st. San Diego Coronado branch '97 W'ilson, Miss L. S. '11 Brenner, Mrs. J. E. '13 Clark. H. S. California] LOCALITY INDEX 371 '13 Lacey, W. N. •13 Shields, R. P., Jr. ■15 MacMullen, J. D. San Dimas "95 Fairbanks. C. D. '16 Pope, W. T. San Fernando '98 Craig, V. H. '06 Hendrickson, Mrs. J. N. '06 Herskovits. Miss Margaret '06 tWaite, M. E. '07 Ferguson. Mrs. T. H. '08 Springer. Mrs. F. R. '13 Waite. Miss L. E. '14 Hair, J. C. '15 Waite, L. A. C. San Francisco '65 Taylor, Dr. E. R., 2326 California st. '65 Williams, G. F., Pacific Union Club '73 Newmark, NatHan, St. James Hotel '73 Scott, Ebenezer, 870 Market st. '73 Woodward. T. P.. 2825 Broadway '74 Goss, John. 190 Divisadero st. '74 Scheeline. S. C, care of Anglo & Lon- don Paris National Bank '75 Bacon, G. E., 1651 8th av. '75 Callahan, Dr. D. T., 2931 Pacific av. '75 D'Ancona, A. D., 2151 Divisadero st. 75 Davidson, Dr. J. R., 2119 Buchanan st. '75 Deering, F. P.. 2709 Larkin st. '75 Kahn, A. J., 1665 8th av. '75 Low, A. F., 559 Cedar av. '75 Miller, Dr. J. A., 937 Ashbury .st. '76 Conroy, E. C., 1274 California st. '76 Gumming, Mrs. G. M., 3653 16th st. '76 Rogers, Nathan, 2858 Vallejo st. '76 Scott, Dr. A. W., 622 8th av. '76 tSichel, Dr. G. W.. 1342 Green st. '76 Wanzer, Mrs. L.M.F., 2970 California st. '77 Frank, N. H., 1827 Vallejo st. '77 Reed, George, 731 Sutter st. '77 Robertson, Dr. J. W., 1113 Greenwich terrace '77 Sherwood, W. R., 2519 Pierce st. '77 Weiss. Dr. E. M., 1907 Lincoln way '78 tCurran, Miss M. K., care of .Academy of Science '78 Mandlebaum, Fiesco, 239 Cherry st. '78 Morrison, A. F.. 2022 California st. '78 Morrison, Mrs. A. F., 2022 California st. •78 Soule, W. F., 221 Mason .st. '79> Sutliffe, E. C, 700 Lake st. '78 Weiss, Philip, 1907 Lincoln way '78 Zemansky, J. H., 187 15th av. '79 Chapman, W. H., 4327 20th st. '79 Coon, H. L, 1138 Green st. '79 Cowel], Mrs. E. V., Hotel Fairmont '79 Henshaw, F. W., 1200 Washington st. '79 Jantzen, H. F., 1069 Fell st. '79 Knapp, E. G., 5 Pioneer place '79 Mervy. E. C. 728 14th st. '79 Slack, C. W.. 2224 Sacramento st. '79 Stanley. G. A.. 1190 Pine st. 79 Willcutt, G. B.. 2901 Pacific av. '79 Younger, Dr. E. A., Hotel Fairmont '80 Chapman, Mrs. W. H., 4327 20th st. '80 Conrad, J. G. '80 D'Ancona, Dr. A. A., 862 Shrader st. '80 Eisner, M. S., Granada Hotel 80 Lengfeld, Felix, 1350 Sutter st. 80 Lord, Dr. F. F.. 1191 Oak st. 80 Morrison. W. P.. 159 5th av. 80 Platshek. M. J.. Hotel St. Francis 80 Slack, Mrs. C. W., 2224 Sacramento st. Adair, W. H., 763a Clayton st. Brand, Ernest, 1980 Broadway Clinton. Dr. C. A., 2499 Howard st. Gumming. G. M., 3653 16th st. Deering, J. H.. Jr., 1095 Market st. Dunne. P. F., 3905 Clay st. Fevrier. J. P.. 1536 Taylor st. Holmes, Mrs. H. E., 209 Castro st. Hurtzig. W. F. N.. 946 Haight st. Mann, Seth, 1005 Jones st. Merritt. Mrs. G. W.. Sutro Heights Moore, R. S.. 678 2d st. Pomeroy, C. P., 3660 Clay st. Sawver, Dr. H. C, 2428 Fulton st. Scholl. Dr. A. L., 400 Duboce av. Sesnon. W. T., 2527 Divisadero st. Stafford, W. F., 212 Presidio av. Troppmann, Dr. C. M., 7^?i Baker st. tYoung, E. B.. 14 Montgomery st. 82 Atkinson, J. W.. 2725 Broderick st. 82 Barbat. Dr. J. H.. 2323 Washington st. 82 Baumeister, Dr. B. H.. 263 29th st. 82 Bienenfeld, Bernard, Hotel Richelieu 82 Black, Orion. 1013 Vallejo st. 82 Bruns, Mrs. F. A.. 2013 Oak st. 82 Calegaris.Joseph, Kearny and Pacific sts. 82 d'.Artenay, Eugene, 2331 Green st. 82 Davis. H. H., 1101 Masonic av. 82 Dwyer, J. J., 262 32d av. 82 Gill, W. W., 301 Mission st. 82 Green. F. T., 1872 Fell st. 82 Harrison. E. C, 3329 Washington st. 82 Hittell. Miss C. H., 808 Turk st. 82 Hoefler, L. M., 130 Haight st. 82 Tackson, R. D., 422 Montgomery st. 82 Merritt, Dr. G. W.. Sutro Heights 82 Morffew, Dr. Thomas. 1765 Pine St. 82 Oatman, C. H., 1357 Clay st. 82 Paige. Cutler, 2516 Pacific av. 82 Schooler, W. H., 3859 21st st. 82 Shurtleff, C. \.. 311 Spruce st. 82 Wakeman. E. H.. 1755 10th av. 83 Boxton, Dr. Charles. 60 Pierce st. 83 Campbell. D. Y., 2126 Jackson st. 83 Cleary, F. C, 2839 Webster st. 83 Cochrane. Dr. E. O., 450 Tones st. 83 Conner, W. E., 2301 Polk' st. 83 IDignan. M. H., 440 Eddy st. 83 Dunne, J. J.. 2547 Washington st. 83 Fletcher. D. M.. 3993 Washington st. 83 Gabbs, Dr. M. F., 307 Spruce st. 83 Hansen, J. H.. 115 Chattanooga st. 9>?> Holladay. E. B., Octavia and Clay sts. 83 Korper, H. W.. 318 Pierce st. 83 Lezinsky, George. 1145 Pine st. 83 Lonigo, Dr. E. V.. 723 Beach st. 83 Louisson. E. B., Hotel Holland 83 Lustig. Dr. D. D., Bellevue Hotel 83 Mathews. H. W., 2538 Geary st. 83 Newman, Jerome, 1271 12th av. 83 Paton, Dr. C. L, 45 6th av. 83 Ruef, Abraham, 281Q Pierce st. 83 Schindler, A. D.. 1832 Golden Gate av. 83 Tauszky, Edmund, 2301 Divisadero st. 83 Thorne, Andrew, 1281 Greenwich st. 83 Todman, Miss J. M.. 2208 Grove st. 83 Walcott, E. A.. 427 Walnut st. 84 Anderson. Dr. Winslow, 1065 Sutter st. 372 LOCALITY INDEX [California 8«n FranclfCO, ContlnuesfcT st. •84 (^•lmI^l)cll. ('.. D.. lir. Dclinar sf. '84 (lark Or. \V. I).. 23.S4 California st. '84 Connollv. Or. T. H.. ^7(^■,2 17tli st. '84 Davis, i. F.. 14.10 Masonic av. •84 Dick, \V. U.. l.v? Hiu-na Vista av. •84 Dodnc. Dr. Washington. 2120 Laguna St. '84 +Diinn, Dr. J. M.. 753 Pine st. '84 (irant. William, 12.3 liicison av. •84 tlackson. C. H.. .^671 20th st. '84 i.evison. Dr. C. G.. 2249 Broderick st. '84 McCcc. W. T., 2682 Filbert st. '84 Miller. Miss t. T., 1206 Leavenworth st. '84 Peters, C. ^^. C, 120 \'irRinia av. '84 Powers. F. H., 2714 Steiner st. •84 Ramm. Rev. C. .'\., 1100 Franklin st. '81 Tevlin. T. P.. 140 Ellis st. '84 Wheeler, C. S., .^700 Washington St. '84 Winslow. Mrs. J. E.. 056 Post st. '85 P.ettcncourt, J. S., 251 Kearny st. •83 Black. A. P., 2913 Fillmore st. '85 Bradley. H. W., 1177 Union st. '85 Chenev. Dr. W. F., ^3 Spruce st. '85 Child. Mrs. G. R.. 1906 Webster st. '83 Coulson. Dr. N. T., 522 46th av. '85 Curran. T. E.. 3326 25th st. '85 Drucker. Dr. G. I.. 820 Franklin st. '85 Dunn. Francis. 1200 California st. '85 Gallwey. Dr. John, 1200 Hyde st. •85 Gartlan. Tames, 2543 Larkin st. '85 Happersberger. Dr. A. K.. 1300 Golden Gate av. •85 Heller. E. .'^.. 2020 Tackson st. •85 Howard. 'Miss K. I.. 2907 Fillmore st. '85 Mvrick. C. M.. 2709 Pine st. '85 Peck. I. F.. 612 Market st. '85 Prien. H. F.. 1374 FuUon st. '85 Putnam. E. W.. 3191 Pacific av. '85 Riley. G. E., 711 Golden Gate av. '85 SchlesinTolonv. E. T., 495 \'alencia st. '86 Monckton. F. D.. Federal bid?. |86 Morris. Dr. T. H.. 166 Geary' st. '86 Savaee. T.. E.. Great Hitrhway '86 Soboslay. Dr. Tubus. 670 Fulton st. '86 Stuttmeister. T)r. W. O.. 1240 Mc.\llis- tcr St. '87 \dams. C. A.. 2409 Webster st. "87 Blanchard. M. E.. 845 Ashburv st. [87 Bodkin. T. P;. 573 Pace st. '87 Bovd. Geortte. 356 ^farket st. '87 Bvington. L. F.. 1412 Post st. '87 Cluness. Dr. W. R.. 354 Pine st. '87 Driscoll. F. .\.. 585 Fell st. [87 Fottrell. Dr. M. 1.. 2101 Divisadero st. '87 Haman. Henrv. 149 Tordan av. '87 Haven. Mrs. T. E.. 2400 Vallejo st. '87 TTndcen. Dr. T. D.. 3838 Clav st. '87 ^Howard. Dr. W. B.. 405 Van Ness av. '87 '87 '87 '87 '87 '87 '87 •87 •87 '87 '87 •87 '87 '87 •87 '87 •88 •88 '88 '88 '88 '88 '89 '89 '89 '89 '89 '89 '89 '89 '89 '89 '89 '89 •89 "89 '89 '89 '89 '89 '89 '89 '89 '89 '90 '90 '90 '90 '90 '90 •CO Jones, Hu, 405 Fillmore st. Kahn, Mrs. Julius. 2712 Webster st. KirchhofTer, Dr. Frederick, 1030 Val- encia St. Maldonado, Dr. Edward, 845 Bush si. McGreery, A. T., 1219 Fillmore st. McMurdo, Dr. J. R.. 115 Beulah st. Mogan. R. F.. 2928 Washington st. Mohun. TDr. C. C, 2434 Jackson st. Post, Dr. C. E., 126 Stockton st. Rathbone, H. B., 2215 California st. Rixford, Dr. Emmet, 1795 California st. Ruddock, Mrs. P. H., 1150 Vallejo st. Samuels. Jacob. 172 Jordan av. Sanderson. W. W.. 2504 Leavenworth st. Sawyer. W. F.. ^^^ Kearny st. Sloss, Joseph, 1620 Broadway Taylor. H. B.. Stanford Court apts. Westphal. Dr. O. F.. 2101 Van Ness av. Wulzen. D. H.. 410 Castro st. Bachman. Arthur, Hotel Fairmont Bloom, Solomon. 654 3d av. Booth, J. P., 698 33d pv. Countryman, R. H.. 1707 Octavia st. Cox. Miss R. L.. 2405 Washington st. Dozier. T. B.. 2514 Green st. Driscoll. Dr. E. P.. 2027 Polk st. Frick. E. B., 2965 Washington st. Hendrickson. William.Jr.,133 Kearny st. Higgins. C. C. 660 Bush st. Holbrook. H. M., 2320 Pacific av. McCarthy. J. H.. 591 Chestnut st. Molony, Dr. J. J.. 907 X'alencia st. Monroe. H. E.. 2623 Divisadero st. Noble. Dr. J. A., 726 Bush st. Peixotto. E. D.. 3956 W'ashington st. Petrie. Dr. F. B.. 211 Cornwall st. Shankey. Dr. W. G.. 67 Portola st. Stoney, Gaillard. 3294 Jackson st. Sweenev, T. P.. 2936 Tackson st. Swift, E. D.. 2414 Fulton st. Wascerwitz. ^L H.. 550 Baker st. Wheeler. T. T.. 2104 Leavenworth st. Beck. Dr. H. M.. 729 5th av. Borchers. A. W., 1233 6th av. Cox. L. H.. 1351 5th av. Gambitz. Dr. M. R.. 1465 Oak st. Gerdes. H. G., 30 Sanchez st. Gunzburger, Dr. B. M., 1264 Grove st. Harvey. ^G. J.. 521 Judah st. Lermen, J. J., 2652 Pierce st. Maguire. A. G., 281 Page st. tMather. Dr. S. R.. 2100 Divisadero st. Melvin, H. A., 2119 Scott st. Mever. W. A.. 1285 Green st. Moffitt. Dr. H. C. 1818 Broadway O'Brien. Dr. A. P.. 2424 Goueh st. Oliver. Dr. T. A.. 1825 Turk st. Schutte. T. H.. 604 Mission st. Short. Dr. E. N.. 1951 Jackson st. Sturtevant. G. A.. 31 Belmont av. Sweigert. W. J.. 224 Cole st. von Werthern, Dr. Joseph. 2696 Fol- som St. Waller. T. L.. Palace Hotel tWidber. A. C. 616 Mission st. Backman. Dr. G. S.. 539 16th av. Cleary. Stephen. 267 4th av. Haskins. Samuel. 830 Alvarado st. Haven. T. E.. 2400 Vallejo st. Hawkins. Dr. W. J., 70 Baker st. Herrick. Dr. C. A.. 265 8th av. Hoover. V. G.. 3400 Sacramento st. California] LOCALITY INDEX 373 •90 Hunkin, Dr. S. J., 1153 Bush st. '90 Litton, Dr. C. A.. 160 26th av. '90 Lovegrove, Dr. W. R.. 3298 Washing- ton St. '90 Mardis. Dr. B. A., 765 1st av. '90 McKinstry, J. C, 2988 Pacific av. '90 Meyer, Dr. A. G., 2599 Howard st. '90 Montgomery, Mrs. Douglas W., 2350 \'allejo St. '90 Redmond, J. M.. 307 8th av. '90 Rowe, F. \V.. 2442 Howard st. '90 Samuels, Leon, 1896 Geary st. '90 Schmidt, E. V.. 498 Laurel st. '90 Sheats, A. K.. 1362 11th av. '90 Shumate, Dr. T. E., 1901 Scott st. '90 Stoney, Donzel, 3581 Clay st. '90 Sylvester, Dr. A. J., 801 Scott st. '90 Thrasher, Dr. Marion, 636 45th av. '90 Terrv, Dr. W. I.. 2712 Broadway •90 Van Wvck. S. M., Jr., 2001 Lyon st. '91 Barry, j. E., 1666 Broadway '91 Bentley. C. H., 3198 Pacific av. '91 Bernheim, M. R., 1016 Eddy st. '91 Bunnell. Edwin. 1898 Geary st. '91 Cert, J. L., Zll Lake st. '91 Collischonn. Dr. Philip, 1924 Pine st. '91 Davis. T. H., 259 8th av. '91 Driscoll, F. L, 1208 Stanyan st. '91 Ehrman. \. L., 2880 Broadway '91 Fletcher, G. H., 2042 Larkin st. '91 Ford. Dr. Campbell. 742 Green st. '91 Harris, Louis. 145 Central av. '91 King. Miss M. A., 70 Font av. '91 Ladd. H. L.. 863 Bush st. '91 Lovotti, Frederico, 2919 Fillmore st. '91 Macdonald. Dr. J. M.. 131 Irving st. '91 O'Grady, A. L., 28 Alma st. '91 O'Grady, J. J., 2077 Ellis st. *91 Ransom. T. W., 16 Belmont av. '91 Rouleau, O. A.. 1410 Sacramento st. '91 Schwartz, Harry. 369 Elizabeth st. '92 Aiken, A. C, 2595 Union st. '92 Allen, H. S., 955 Clayton st. '92 i-.-Krmstrong, Miss J. W.. 2441 Gough st. '92 Bagot. E. A., 1452 Clement st. '92 Bell. Dr. C. H., 2625 Sacramento st. '92 Bergerot. P. A., 3065 Pacific av. '92 Browne. F. D.. 870 Market st. '92 Caglieri. Dr. G. E., 2620 Larkin st. '92 Cohn. R. D., 421 Powell st. '92 Crowley, Dr. T. J., 665 Fillmore st. '92 D'.Anco'na. Mrs. A. A.. 862 Shrader st. '92 Deering, Mrs. F. P., 2709 Larkin st. '92 Edwards, Dr. William, 240 9th av. '92 Gienger, C. J., 421 Laguna st. '92 Grannis. Miss E. E.. 1955 Franklin st. '92 Haas. E. F., 2698 Vallejo .st. '92 Harris. Isadore, 1576 McAllister st. '92 Hellman, L W., Jr., 2906 Broadway '92 Humphreys, W. P., Jr., 29 W. Clay Park '92 Inman. Dr. T. G.. 4547 California st. '92 Kellogg. W. H.. 2820 Vallejo st. '92 Kierulff, T. C. 300 Haight st. '92 Madison, F. D.. 2525 Webster st. '92 McCarthy, Dr. J. P.. 70 Sanchez st. '92 Millar, Dr. R. F.. 1659 Divisadero st. '92 Molloy, T. S., 625 Market st. •92 Moore. Dr. R. L, 898 Dolores st. '92 Nelson. Dr. J. \., 924 Irving st. '92 Noble. Dr. H. D.. 1540 Broderick st. '92 Noyes. Mrs. A. P., 55 Buena Vista ter- race '92 Palmer, J. B., 2446 Jackson st. •92 Pooler, C. B., 112a Carl st. '92 Rees, D. R., 815 Grove st. '92 Richards, Dr. H. F., Clift Hotel '92 Roche, Dr. T. B., 1837 Oak st. '92 Seager, Dr. H. L.. 145 Rivoli av. •92 Sharp, S. A., 1373 Broadway '92 Skinner, J. B., 808 Capitol av. '92 Villain. Dr. A. J., 254 21st av. '92 Weyer, Dr. G. A.. 417 Stockton st. '93 Abbott, W. M., 2105 Vallejo st. •93 Allen, L. W., 475 Geary st. •93 Asher, H. K., 2425 Sutter st. '93 Ashworth. Dr. F. P.. 903 Cole st. '93 Bakewell, John, Jr., Picadilly Hotel '93 Berndt, Dr. R. M. H., 1350 6th av. '93 Blum, Ma.x, 3216 Jackson st. '93 Bowerman, K. B., 1914 Pine st. '93 Burnett, G. W.. 815 O'Farrell st. '93 Cadwallader, Dr.Rawlins, 1035 Geary st. '93 Croudace, Miss E. M., 1863 Vallejo st. '93 Drew, I. S., 67 Pierce st. '93 Drossell, J. H., 1500 Pacific av. •93 Fells. H. K., 610 Geary st. '93 Fife, Mrs. Joseph. 3870 Jackson st. '93 Fleming. Dr. B. F., 1783 Union st. '93 Glover. Dr. C. A., 1350 Leavenworth st. '93 Gregory, B. S., 3508 "^ 16th st. •93 Hathorn, R. L.. 2797 Clay st. '93 Hillyer, Curtis. 145 3d av. •93 Lachman. Arthur. 1926 Lake st. '93 Lang, A. G.. Hotel St. Francis '93 Lynch, C. W., 1056 Fell st. '93 Maguire. C. S.. 281 Page st. '93 Marsh, J. A., 12 Jordan av. •93 McCarthy, Dr. C. F.. 1371 Fulton st. •93 Mendel, Dr. C. L., 2000 Broderick St. •93 Meredith, Dr. G. H., 2944 24th st. '03 Morrow, R. H., 749 Taylor st. '93 Nathanson, Mrs. A. E.. 1624 48th av. '93 Pidwell, T. T., 19 .-Mphine terrace •93 Root, C. B., 1256 Page st. '93 Ross, G. I.. 1481 Eddy st. '93 Schlott, Dr. E. F.. 705 Hayes st. '93 Simon. Miss Grace. 829 Fell st. '93 Spiro, Dr. Harry. 754 3d av. '93 Suggett, Dr. A. H., 850 Francisco st. '93 Sullivan, Dr. H. F., 3344 Washington st. '93 i-Taylor, W. E., 3392 16th st. •03 Upp, W. A.. 504 .Arguello blvd. '93 Von der Lieth, Dr. H. O.. 1035 Ash- bury St. '94 Beatty, H. N., 801 Sutter st. '94 Blum. Sanford. Hotel St. Francis '94 Brandenstein, H. U.. 2030 Gough st. '94 Byrne, Miss H. C, 2727 Filbert st. '94 dark. Dr. G. W., 924 Irving st. '94 Clayes. Mrs. W. I., 1597 Dolores st. '94 Connolly. T. W.. 3420 Fulton st. '94 Denman, William, 3399 Pacific av. '94 Dowdall. Dr. R. J., 358 Raymond av. '94 Drum. J. S.. 2714 Broadway '94 Dunne, Mrs. P. F.. 3905 Clay St. •94 Dutton, H. S.. 700 Mason st. '94 Edwards, J. H.. Jr.. 715 Duboce av. '94 Fife. Dr. Joseph. 3870 Jack.son st. '94 Fitzgibbon, Dr. F. T., 1253 25th av. '94 Haven. Mrs. .\cton. 611 Baker st. '94 Hyde, H. C, 71 Parnassus av. •94 Jung, F. H.. 1436 Post st. '94 Lane. Miss S. D.. 68 Divisadero st. '94 Leland. Dr. T. B. W.. 1010 Vallejo st. 374 LOCALITY INDEX [California San Francltco, Ci-iiilruicd •n st. '08 Mcncfcc. Dr. J. S.. 1148 Wchstcr st. •08 Mott. Mrs. K. J.. 808 Vallcjo st. '08 Miillcr. Dr. F. C. 2486 I-'ulton st. '08 Miinro. C. II.. 582 Market st. •08 Ncwhousc. H. D.. I'alacc Motel •08 Ni-wiaiuls. I. C, 55 New MonfKomery st. •08 Noonan. Miss E. L.. l.U)7 Hayes st. '08 Parker. 11. C. 1601 Taylor st. •08 IVart. II. K.. .^228 WasliiiiKton st. ■08 Pratt, Mrs. K. I).. 2.^78 Jackson st. •08 Procter. J. \V., 12.? 26th av. •08 Roos, L. L., 3500 Jackson st. •08 Rosenthal. Mrs. R. A., 429 Arguello l.lvd. •08 Riiiofson, Dr. A. C. Jr.. 52 W. Clay Park ■08 Schceline, Mrs. K. S.. 220.? Buchanan st. ■08 Smith, Dr. T. M., 101 Post st. •98 Stadtmullcr. E. W.. 3235 Pacific av. ■98 Stanford, Dr. G. G., 6321 California st. '98 Stark. Miss C. M., 122 Palm av. ■08 Stephens, Dr. C. J.. 24a Woodland av. ■98 Stern. Mrs. C. N.. 2005 Buchanan st. •98 Towne, P. E., 415 Buena Vista av. ■98 Van Ness. T. C, Jr.. 1920 Clay st. •98 WaRner, L. T., 1932 Hyde st. ■08 VVhited, J. M., 30 Belvedere st. •98 Wiel. I. J.. Bellevue Hotel •98 Zeile. John, 1819 California st. •98 Zumwalt. Dr. F. H., 1010 Lake st. •99 Abraham, Miss Josephine, 68 Tordan av. •99 Antonovich. W. G., 123 10th av. ■99 Auerbach, Milton. 3178 Washington st. •99 Bacigalupi, Giovanni, 2336 Jones st. •90 Raer. Mrs. Julius, 125 Euclid a v. ■99 Baker, Dr. A. W., 1322 6th av. •99 Beretta. J. W.. 563 11th av. ■99 Berry. O. L., 2475 28th av. ■99 Bishop. T. P.. 166 Geary st. •99 Bowman. Miss Elsie, 2460 Union st. '99 Brady. Matthew, 1445 10th av. •99 Brookman. Miss T. A., 470 Geary st. ■99 t Brown. .\. J.. 74 New Montgomery st. •99 Browning. Miss E. F.. 3151 California st. '99 Burridce. Dr. W. J.. 1506 Willard st. •99 Clayhurgh. H. E., 100 Spruce st. •99 Cohen, Miss Helena. 2277 Green st. •99 Cohn. J. E., 1386 7th av. •99 Crozier, H. W., 1990 Great Highway ■99 Dibble. Oliver. 2928 Steiner st. •99 Downing. W. S., 1126 Eddy st. •99 Dozier, Melville. Ir..2841 Divisadero st. •99 Dunne, Mrs. F. H., 1709 Gough st. '99 Ebright, Dr. G. E., Pacific Union Club '99 Eckart. N. A.. 2300 Leavenworth st, ^99 Ewing. Miss F. N.. 2221 Scott st. •99 Feigenbaum. Sanford. 2713 Clay st. '99 Flood. F. H.. 453 3d av. '99 Fugler, Dr. C. A.. Baldwin Hotel ■90 Gambitz. Dr. L. R., 1465 Oak st. '99 Gardner. Dr. S. J., 1001 Pine st. '99 Gibbons, Dr. H. W.. 3491 Pacific av. '99 Golden, Isidore, 2505 Broadway ■99 Goodday, Mrs. J. L.. 64 5th av. ■99 Greisberg. F. J., 760 7th av. ■99 Henesey. Dr. W. J.. 2021 California st. ■99 Hess. Sigmond. 2914 Clay st. •99 Hess, Miss Teresa. 2914 Clay st. '99 Hou.ston. C. J.. 1363 3d av. '99 loncs, Dr. T. R.. 1030 Post st. •99 Kelly, Miss A. G., 4115 20th st. •99 Kelly, W. A., 3462 17th st. '99 Kidd, A. M., 349 Cherry st. '99 Kraift, Miss Elsie, 2829 Divisadero st. •99 Logan, Dr. R. L.. 1114 Green st. •99 Mannon, J. M.. Jr., Bellevue Hotel '99 Marvin, H. LeF,. 1230 Geary st. '99 McElroy. Dr. B. F.. Olympic Club '99 Moore, H. C, 1877 18th av. •99 Mulrenin, Dr. E. M., 3672 20th st. '99 Parks, Dr. L. H., 2133 Grove st. '99 Pidge. W. C, 750 7th av. '99 Piper, Dr. S. L., 1257 Revere av. •99 Pope, Dr. S. T.. 453 Frederick st. '99 Pope, Mrs. S. T., 453 Frederick st. '99 Ouinlan. ]. C, 1666 Broadway •99 Rosener. "L. S., 1935 Clay st. ■99 Roth, Miss N. E., 2825 Sacramento st. '99 tRouleau, Miss B. M., 1410 Sacramen- to St. '99 Ryan. M. J., 908 Cabrillo st. '99 Schmitt, M. L., 460 Montgomery st. '99 Spiro, Abraham, 1919 Divisadero st. '99 Stack, Miss Katharine, 442 Ashbury St. '99 Steinhart. Miss A. D., 2521 Scott st. '99 Stevens, Dr. W. E., 1007 Gough st. '99 Sullivan. Dr. A. S.. 1319 3d av. '99 Taylor, Dr. J. E., 1898 Market st. '99 Thompson, C. L., 570 Belvedere st. '99 Wanz, Dr. A. H., 1202 Union st. '99 Willard, Dr. W. P., 2741 Divisadero st. '99 Williams. J. T., 255 15th av. '99 Young, C. J., 827 Guerrero st. '00 Aguirre, L. M., 1920 Post st. '00 Aitken, F. W., 828 Camino del Mar '00 Alderson, Dr. H. E., 2639 Filbert st. '00 Arnstein, Lawrence, 249 Cherry st. '00 Bacigalupi, Dr. D. E.. 870 Union st. '00 Bailey, H. W.. 1000 Union st. '00 Baird, B. A., 135 14th av. '00 Bowie. T. F.. 2111 Pacific av. '00 Broad, Dr. E. J.. 1026 Capp st. '00 Cahn. N. A.. 2102 Baker st. '00 Casaday, Dr. G. H., 183 Infantry ter- race '00 Castelhun, Dr. Paul. 1042 Valencia st. '00 Cerf. Miss Adrienne.3794 Sacramento st. '00 Cheminant. L. B.. 609 Frederick st. '00 Clarke. F. B., 220 Montgomery st. '00 Clausen, E. A., 1139 Divisadero st. '00 tClawiter, E. I., 1111 Tones st. '00 Cloud, A. J., 1360 Hyde st. '00 Crocker, A. L, 40 Mercedes wav '00 Crowell, L. N.. 1124 Eddy st. '00 Croyland. Miss A. B., 655 Stockton st. '00 De Bell. W. H., 1266 3d av. '00 Dessouslavy. A, P., 2904 California st. '00 Dickerson, R. E.. 114 Burnett av. '00 Dolman. Percival. 26 Commonwealth av. '00 Duffy. Miss A. E.. 2807 Washington st. '00 Eloesser, Dr. Leo. 3201 Pacific av. '00 Eppenhimer, W. S.. 1408 Sacramento st. '00 Frevermuth, Dr. O. G., 154 15th av. '00 Hackett. Dr. A. E.. 1205 Hvde st. "00 Harvey. Dr. W. P.. Olympic Club '00 tHewlett. E. E.. 2520 Octavia st. '00 Hocker. Dr. J. M. F.. 110 19th av. "00 Husted, R. L.. 472 Bartlett st. •00 tjackson. W. E.. 350 Market st. '00 Joyce-Fischer, Mrs. E. F.. 436 Judah st, '00 Lacoste, Miss Eugenie, 3233 Jackson st. California] LOCALITY INDEX 37: '00 Larson, Dr. Julia P., 1116 Valencia st. 'GO Lehmer. E. W., 1285 5th av. '00 Loewy. Walter, 2505 Pacific av. '00 Loring. Conrad, 2401 Jackson st. '00 Lucchetti, Dr.A. F., 1072 Washington st. '00 Madden, Dr. F. M., 17 Liberty st. '00 Maguire, Dr. T. M.. 281 Page st. '00 Mahony, J. I., 560 Page st. '00 Mallon. A. P.. 352 18th av. '00 Maybach, S. P., 2434 25th av. '00 McCoUough, M. L., 440 Eddy st. '00 McLeod, Margaret. 727 Duboce av. '00 Meininger, Miss Dorothy, 325 Maple st. '00 Mever, Dr. H. S., Stanford Court apts. '00 Mo'gan, Dr. C. J., 1144 Haight st. '00 Moore. Dr. W. G., 3555 Jackson st. '00 Newman, Miss Teannette, 3447 Clay st. '00 Oliva. G. v., 1260 Filbert .st. '00 Ostrom. Dr. D. A., Jr., 109 Scott st. '00 Palmer. Mrs. G. L., 541 Buena Vista av. '00 Paulsen, A. J. R.. 3937 Army st. '00 Poheim, H. G., 800 Bush st. '00 Reith, C. E., 1139 Divisadero st. '00 Remmel, Dr. A. J., 1405 7th av. '00 r., 1-»1'' I'"ultt)n St. KppinKcr. .1. J.. 12. "Ih av Kpstccn. Dr. Henry. 712 Ilaycs st. Farrv J. A-. •^1'' ^^ott st. r.lcascm. Dr. C. R. H.. 781 Cole st. C.raupnrr. Mrs. A. l-.. 2000 Jackson st. Crinncll. Miss K. M.. 22}, Parnassus av. f.mMlit. J. ii.. 6»> Carl st. HammcrschlaK. Miss Kuth, 3591 Jack- son St. Hilpisch. Carl. 2433 IrvinR st. Holmes. A. S.. Hcllcvue Hotel HorKan. J. J.. 132 CollcRC a v. Hunt. K. C... 362 15th av lacol.s Miss Millicent. ')/7 Pine st. janes. Miss L. K., 1137 Formosa av. Juilly Dr. G. H.. 481 Bartlett st. Karmcl, Isaac. 123Q Vallejo st. Kucich Or. (). S., Hotel Cartwright I.ane Dr. P. H., 222 HriRhton av. Lee Dr. A. W., 110" Stanyan st. Ludlow. Mrs. J. T.. 1326 3d av. M.-iplcs, Mrs. E. T., 1145 Green st. McAllister. Miss A. M.. 542 Mason st. McKinne. Miss Kliza, 517 Hill st. McLau>;hlin, Mrs. Alfred, 133 Com- monwealth av. Meanhcr. Dr. J. P.. 126 Beaver st. Mever. P. J.. 2371 Pacific av. Michaclis. l-:rnest. 141 7th av. Morrin. Miss M. L. 2928 Pacific av. Mundell, Dr.\V.A..1907 Leavenworth st. Murphy. Dr. R. N.. 329 30th av. O^Brien. E. A., 956 Haight st. O^Brien, L M.. 2712 California st. Perkins, G. R., Jr.. 426 32d av. Perry. A. W., Union Leapue Club Peters. Dr. H. C. 183 Edgewood av. Pratt. O. C, Jr., 1818 California st. Pressley. Dr. J. F.. 259 14th av. Price. Mrs. A. L.. 374 15th av. Quinn. Dr. T. D. M.. 1205 Hyde st. Roberts. W. R.. 4034 California st. Rothchild. H. L.. Hotel St. Francis Rothchild, Walter. 51 Parker av. Schroeder. Miss .\. K., 522 Hth av. Smith, W. H.. Jr., Bohemian Club Stark. Dr. T. A.. 2 Joice st. Stecn, Julius, 1635 Clay st. Topbam. Dr. Edward, Jr.. 1500 Clay st. V^an Wyck. Dr. Crittenden. 3445 Clay st. White. Dr. Fillmore. 168 Carl st. White. T. E.. 110 Edgewood av. tWilkins. Dr. N. L.. 206 11th av. Williams. Dr. W. L M.. 769 Union st. Wilson. Miss M. R.. 1242 Taylor st. Alexander. P. W.. 2929 Scott st. Bine, Dr. Rene, 317 Cherry st. Breitstein, L. L. 507 11th av. Broemmel. G. M.. 1812 Lake st. -Burke. E. .\., 74 Landers st. Cahill, E. G., 742 12th av. Carey. M. R.. Jr., 1443 Shrader st. Casey. Dr. T. P.. 123 7th av. Casfelhun. J. E.. 227 Lawton st. Caubu. W. P.. 2440 Green st. Cook. C. L.. 1271 2d av. Copeland. W. P.. 600 Bush st. Crothers. Mrs. G. E.. 306 Laurel st. Crowley, Sister Mary Joseph. 2200 Hayes st. •03 •03 •03 •03 •03 •03 '03 '03 '03 '03 '03 '03 '03 '03 '03 '03 '03 •03 •03 •03 '03 '03 •03 •03 '03 '03 '03 '03 '03 '03 •03 '03 '03 •03 '03 '03 '03 '03 '03 '03 '03 '03 '03 '03 '03 '03 '03 '03 '03 '03 '03 •03 '03 '03 '03 '03 '03 '03 '03 "03 '03 '04 '04 '04 '04 '04 •04 •04 Culver, G. D., 150 11th av. Dobbins, B. W., 69 Alpine terrace Dolcini, Miss M. B., 27th and Valencia Ensign, Mrs. L. E., 721 9th av. Falk. Mrs. C. H.. 746 9th av. Freidenrich. Miss M. M.,2969 Pacific av. tPrench, Miss M. E., 129 Liberty st. Gauticr, Dr. L. A.. 491 Castro st. (;cndotti, J. A., 2321 California st. Girard, Dr. F. R., Hotel Plaza tGoetzee, Miss P. C, 41 Albion av. Gonzalez, Dr. P. L, 356 15th a%'. Graves, Mrs. J. R., 2101 California st. Hanson, E. J., 14 Montgomery st. Hartman, Dr. (]. W.. 1275 Bush st. Hendricks. H. E., 4981 17th st. Hendricks, Mr.s. H. E., 4981 17th st. Hess, Miss Rebecca. 2914 Clay st. Howell, A. J., 2934 Jackson st. Hussey. Miss E. G., 10 Steiner st. Hyde, F. M., 1137 Hyde st. Kaufmann, W. D.. 275 Parnassus av. Tohnes. Dr. Madeline. 737 Bush st. kavanagh. Dr. T. J., 1317 Hyde st. Kelly, Miss C. G.. 4115 20th st. Kissell, Mrs. Isidor. 1512 California st. tKitts. L. T.. 681 Market st. Lennon, L. C, 946 Eddy st. Levey. E. C. 1988 Bush st. Macomber. Benjamin. 1739 Pine st. Marx, Dr. M. L., 3234 Clay st. McDonald, Mrs. J. R., 1918 Washing- ton St. McLeod. D. A.. 727 Duboce av. Mott, E. J.. 2808 Vallejo st. Musante, Dr. A. S., 1270 Jackson st. Newman, Dr. Lester, 102 Carl st. Nicolai, Dr. C. J., 1402 Hyde st. Nicolson, Miss J. A., 3632 21st st. Nuckolls, A. M., 343 Walnut st. O^Connor. Mrs. Richard. 1034 Anza st. Owens. Mrs. R. C, 218 Edgewood av. Pauson, Dr. C. A., 2510 Jackson st. Plaw, A. D., 330 ISth av. Reid, John, Jr., 3448 20th st. Riley, S. A., 175 Belvedere st. Robarts, Dr. H. P.. 31 Parnassus av. Rosenberg. Dr. Caroline. 2900 Jackson st. Schmitz. Sister Mary Barbara. St. Jo- seph's Hospital Solley. Dr. A. A., 279 26th av. Staflford. Dr. D. E.. 2178 Pine st. Stile, Mrs. Henry, 2560 Mission st. Sweigert, C. A., 226 Cole st. Talbott. Dr. H. L. 1087 Market st. tVan Ornum, S. J.. 821 Market St. Vensano, H. C. 709 Clayton st. Waterman. H. S.. 1350 Sutter st. Weiler, A. B.. 163 22d av. W'einlander, Miss Cordie, Hotel Clift White, Sister Mary Vincent. 2200 Hayes st. Wright. C. L. 582 Market st. Young, Miss E. A., 827 Guerrero st. Abenheim. E. S.. 430 Golden Gate av. Adams. Mrs. M. H., 1215 Filbert st. Adler. H. P.. 1590 Broadway Arthur. G. H.. 1330 8th av. Bacigalupi, Dr. Julia. 2129 Green st. Bartlett. Miss A. G., 3439 Jackson st. Baum. Mrs. A. W.. 233 Maple st. California] LOCALITY INDEX 379 '04 Baumberger. E. J., 5657 California st. '04 Beardsley. Miss L. J.. 220 Cole st. '04 Black-man. M. J.. 3007 24th st. '04 Bloch, Mrs. F. V.. 148 8th av. '04 Boland. E. E.. 2919 Pacific av. '04 Boyer, Miss Helen, 1711 Baker st. '04 Bunnell. Sterling, 1145 Green st. '04 tBurk. Miss P. H., care of Frederick Burk. S. F. State Normal School '04 Champreux, A. J., Alamo Hotel '04 Clarke. Dr. J. P., 2623 Mission st. '04 Coblentz, Lambert, 1849 Lyon st. '04 Courneen, J. H., 942 Divisadero st. '04 Davis, Dr. S. C, 15 Bonita av. '04 Dittenhoefer, M. B.,3326 Washington st. '04 Dowling, Miss M. C, 280 Dolores st. '04 Eidenmuller, Dr. W. C, Jr., 641 Post st. '04 Eloesser, Herbert, 3201 Pacific av. '04 Ehvorthy, Dr. F. W., 845 Oak st. '04 Evans, Miss Isabel. 234 26th av. '04 Farley, Dr. R. E., 1593 McAllister st. '04 Filippini, V. B.. 1418 Union st. '04 Fleisher, Miss L. G., 1865 Clay st. '04 Garibaldi, Joseph, 509 Columbus av. '04 Garwood, Miss Isabel. 1269 2d av. '04 Golden, W. P., 40 Cole st. '04 Graham, Dr. Louis. 166 32d av. '04 Grozelier. Miss B. S. C, 1766 Bush st. '04 Haas, Dr. S. L., 2299 Sacramento st. '04 Hart, Dr. M. E., 2848 Union st. '04 Heim, Mrs. H. M., 570 25th av. '04 Hendricks, Scott, 3650 Washington st. '04 Hoey. Miss E. M., 1315 Divisadero st. '04 Howard, Dr. E. L, 559 Page st. '04 Howell, Dr. E. H., 2934 Jackson st. '04 Hursh, L. L., 920 Post st. '04 Hutton, Mrs. C. E., 947 Bush st. '04 Jacobs, Dr. S. N., Hotel Richelieu '04 Judson, Mrs. C. W., 1111 Pine st. '04 tKelly, Dr. A. G., 2202 Fillmore st. '04 Kilgore, Dr. E. S., 1431 Willard st. '04 Lane, Dr. C. C, 709 Mission st. '04 Leale. Miss M. W., 2475 Pacific av. '04 Lennon, Miss M. B., 946 Eddy st. '04 Letcher, Dr. I. W.. 430 Fillmore st. '04 Levy, J. M., 1350 Sutter st. '04 Loring, Conrad, 2401 Jackson st. '04 Martenstein, M. P.. 215 Castro st. '04 McCarthy, P. A., 85 Buena Vista ter- race '04 McDaniel, Dr. G. T.. 64 Carl st. '04 McDermott, Miss Louisa. 1223 O'Far- rell St. '04 Miklau, Miss Margarite, 160 Clifford terrace '04 Morris. Mrs. L. E., Granada Hotel '04 Nickelsburg, M. S., 1911 Sacramento st. '04 Nicholls, Dr. R. J., 3795 24th st. '04 O'Connor, Richard, 1034 Anza st. '04 Otto, Miss T. M., 420 Eddy st. '04 Owens, R. C, 218 Edgewood av. '04 Pfeiffer, Miss M. L., 136 Fair Oaks st. '04 Pickett, Dr. J. C, 622 8th av. '04 Plagemann, Miss D. E..1233 Masonic av. '04 Price, A. L., 374 15th av. '04 Prior, Toney, 282 San Jose av. '04 Raas. Mrs. Charles, 3929 Clay st. '04 Radius. Mrs. W. A., 3980 Clay st. '04 Rhine, Morris, 143 10th av. '04 Richard. Mrs. H. G., 3336 Clay st. '04 Roehr. Miss C. M., 1425 Willard st. '04 Rohner, Dr. Frank, 2885 Washington st. '04 Roos, R. A., 200 Jackson st. '04 Rosenshine. A. A., 2825 Sacramento st. '04 Schroder, Miss D. S.. 1446 Guerrero st. "04 Schroeder. Miss Sophie, 23 Palm av. '04 Schwarz. Dr. Jacob. 3053 California st. '04 Scott. Dr. E. W.. 821 Market st. '04 Seavev. Miss Josephine. 170 Liberty st. '04 Smith, Dr. E. K., 1725 Hayes st. '04 Sobey, Dr. A. W.. 1287 33d av. '04 Somers, R. J., 3536 Jackson st. '04 Stocker, L. W., 1280 Page st. '04 Tuohy, Harry. 797 .'\shbury st. '04 U'Ren. M. T., 728 Masonic av. '04 Vansano. Miss N. C, 709a Clayton st. '04 Varnev.Miss Madeleine. 1935 Webster st. '04 Waldeyer. Dr. Wilhelm, 171 22d av. '04 Weaver. B. E., 1449 6th av. '04 Weill,. Miss B. C, 555 Chestnut st. '04 White. J. B., 517 Central av. '04 Williams, Evan. 2 Spruce st. '05 Allan. H. C. 211 Winfield av. '05 Ballagh. C. S.. 381 Fulton st. '05 Bancroft. Philip. 2423 Green st. '05 Barrows. R. K.. 2757 Union st. '05 Bricca. Dr. C. R.. 1330 4th av. '05 i- Butler, Robert. 365 Market st. '05 Cannell, T. V., 940 Dolores st. '05 Carter. F. M.. 576 Mission st. '05 Cerf, Miss Lorraine. 2821 Steiner st. '05 Chapman. Miss A. M.. 4327 20th st. '05 Cleary, Miss A. C, 2839 Webster st. '05 Conlin. Miss A. E.. 1494 McAllister st. '05 Cosgriff, E. H.. 110 Walnut st. '05 Courneen, P. F., 942 Divisadero st. '05 tCowden, Dr. A. F., 1696 Haight st. '05 Cruden. Miss D. R., 2579 Howard st. '05 Davis, Mrs. W. C, 2440 Washington st. '05 Day. W. P., 565 Page st. '05 Ebright. H. R., 1910 Washington st. '05 Euler. W. G. B.. Hotel Worth '05 Etcheverrv. Mrs. M. II.. ^2:i3 Jackson st. '05 Finigan, Miss M. G., 1732 Page st. '05 tFoerster, Dr. A.A.W., 1007 Valencia st. '05 Foley, E. A.. 100 Cole st. '05 Garibaldi. A. L., 438 18th av. '05 Harker. Mrs. H. B., 730 \'ictoria st. '05 Hoffman. Dr. H. V., 1105 Bush st. '05 Hopkins, Mrs. C. B.. 43 Cole st. '05 Jackson. R. C, 124 Fair Oaks st. '05 Jacobs. Mrs. A. H.. 80 21st av. "05 Kaufman. Dr. E. H., 1 196 McAllister st. '05 Kenncy. Dr. William, 1379 6th av. ^05 Kincaid. Miss May. 1252 Waller st. '05 Kohn, Miss Lois. 1723 Lyon st. '05 Lowenthal. Mrs. W. B., 18 7th av. '05 Lucey, J. P., 553 15th av. '05 McBean, Mrs. W. H.. 2057 Divisadero st. '05 McCraney. Orlando. 219 Page st. '05 Morris. L. E., Granada Hotel '05 Morris, M. S., 909 Eddy st. '05 Nelson. G. M., 535 Haves .st. '05 O'Connell. Dr. G. D.. 162 Post st. '05 O'Conner, Mrs. I. I.. 3370 16th st. '05 Pescia. Dr. A. F.. 625 Vallejo st. '05 Pritchard, J. .'\., 2612' < Sutter st. '05 Regan. L T., 66 Sharon st. '05 Ringolsky, G. C, 1763 Pace st. '05 Ryan. Dr. L. X., 1081 .Xshhury st. '05 Scheyer, Mrs. Feli.x. 1152 Jackson st. '05 Schroeder. Miss C. A.. 2.^ Palm av. '05 Snyder. Dr. G. S.. 932 Stanyan st. •05 Steinfeld, L. A.. 1371 15th av. '05 Stoddard. T. A.. University Club '05 Taylor. Mrs. A. H.. 225 26th av. 380 LOCALITY INDEX [California San Francisco, ('r. C. !•:.. 128.1 .Uth av. "06 Adams, t". F., 4J3.1 ISth st. '06 Alvarez, Mrs. W. C, 142 ArRiiello hlvd. '06 HaciKaliipi. Miss Meatricc. 2129 Green st. •06 Madt. .\1. II.. M).\» Jackson st. '06 llarkli-v. Miss A. fi., 2144 Green st. '06 Marrett. Miss K. C. l.?3 Cole st. •06 Marry. Mr.s. N. I.. 120 HaiKht st. •06 Richard. C. N.. 1751 Market st. •06 Hinnham. Vi. W.. 1817 Jack.son St. •06 Hricca. Dr. C. R.. 1.^.10 4th av. '06 Hush. A. C, 2.121 Van Ness av. •06 CaKlicri. Mrs. V. A.. 47 6th «v. '06 Cehrian. F. de I... 1801 Octavia st. •06 Cleary, A. J., 28.10 Webster st. •06 Cohn. Miss Davida. 62.1 Broderick st. •06 CoIliRan. Dr. F. I.. 1.184 Ihiion st. '06 Coney, Dr. Z. T.. 2200 Broderick st. '06 Cree. Dr. W. A.. 122.1 ArRUcUo hlvd. "06 Cresalia. Miss A. T..1 263 Golden Gate av. •06 nannenhauni. Dr. S. R., 3995 Washing- ton St. '06 Dickson, C. C. 1247 7th av. '06 Elkus. A. I.. 3042 lackson st. •06 Fihush, Felix, 262 Hartford st. '06 Frank, Joseph, 1353 Post st. •06 Goodman. ^Irs.F.manuel.3161 Mission st. •06 Gray. V. X.. 110 Market st. '06 Haher, Harold, 3555 Jackson st. '06 Harrintjton. Dr. J. G.. 635 Shotwell st. •06 Hausc. Miss N. E.. 2021 Sacramento st. •06 Huher. Philip. 1630 Divisadero st. •06 Jacohs. Miss Fdith. 708 Post st. '06 Johnson. W. K.. 455 Buena Vista av. •06 Jordan. Mrs. Rudolph. Jr.. 507 7th av. •06 Justice. J. L.. 1275 California st. "06 Law. H. W., 6 Presidio terrace '06 Lewitt. F. C. 2700 Pierce st. '06 Mahan, Dr. D. J.. 61 Curtis st. •06 Nishkian, L. H., 511 5th av. '06 Ochsner, Dr. R. L.. 3593 18th st. '06 Romaine. Miss M. A.. 2919 California st. "06 Rvst. Miss Ina. 2905 Washington st. "06 Salz. H. H., 2705 California st. ;06 Salz. M. H., 1916 Jackson st. '06 Schenck. Miss Fupenie, 1505 Laguna st. ]06 Scott. J. W.. 530 37th av. '06 Sillierhcrg. Bernhard. 1070 Post st. '06 tS(|uire. H. E., 223 8th av. '06 Stewart, Miss J. A.. 709a Clayton st. '06 St. John. Paul. 165 Buena Vista av. ;06 Strul). Dr. C. H.. 356 16th av. '06 tSwansnn. Miss L. E.. 1372 Masonic av. '06 fum Suden. P. O., 1706 Vallejo st. •06 Welty, J. W.. 1291 Pine st. '06 tYoung, Miss E. E., 9 Roscoe st. '06 Zumwalt. Dr. R. S.. 68 Bartlett st. '07 Bacigalupi. J. A.. 247 15th av. •07 Bacigalupi. Mrs. T. J.. 179 22d av. '07 Badt. R. A.. 1865 Sacramento st. '07 Barnes. C. F., 1764 O'Farrell st. '07 Barry. Miss M. D.. 1177 Green st. '07 Eihbero. Dr. H. S.. 825 Anza st '07 Buck. C. A.. 424 Cahrillo st. '07 Burke, A. P.. 795 Pine st. '07 tCarter. Dr. L. £.. 345 Prospect st. '07 Cella. Miss E. L.. 1221 Arguello blvd. '07 Chapman. P. E.. 228 Clavton st. •07 Dawson. Dr. W. C. 1358 Clement st. '07 Denny. Miss E. A.. 818 Noe st. •07 Ivlkus. Mrs. C. D.. 71 6th av. '07 Estep, R. K., 845 Scott st. '07 Fisher, A. P.. 1803 Broadway '07 r.reelcy, T. F., 495 Hill .st. '07 Guehring. John. Jr., 933 Shotwell st. '07 Hagemann' H. F., 1227 7th av. •07 Haley, C. S., 521 Post st. '07 Hanlon. Miss M. R.. 946 Ashbury st. '07 Hart, H. H.. 2996 Jackson st. '07 Hincks. Mrs. P. T., 1000 Chestnut st. '07 Howell. Dr. W. O.. 3802 Mission st. '07 Johnston, Dr. J. H.. 947 Geneva av. '07 loy. Miss Alice, 1265 Lombard st. '07 kirwin. Miss C. A., 524 10th av. '07 Komsthoeft, A. P.. Jr., 1275 15th av. '07 LeFevre, Miss S. R., 1404 O'Farrell st. '07 Levy. M. H., 1205"/^ Divisadero st. '07 Levy, S. D., 3053 Clay st. '07 Lisser. Dr. Hans, 3899 Washington st. '07 Lucy. Mrs. V. G.. 3335 Clay st. '07 McCue, J. F.. 1960 Pierce st. '07 McKannay, H. G., 116 Collingwood st. '07 Mendelson, Mrs. Julius, 1622 McAllis- ter St. '07 Moore. C. B., 72 6th av. '07 Moulton. Mrs. Dudley. 3721 25th st. '07 Mount. H. B., 1559 Pine st. '07 NatTziger. H. C, 110 Frederick st. '07 O'Connor. J. G., 1937 Page st. '07 Olsen. J. J.. Jr., 379 Capp st. '07 Parker, K. E., 3132 Clay st. '07 Rahlmann. H. E.. 1648 Oakdale av. '07 Reed. I. G.. 573 Hill st. '07 Reyman, H. C. 2897 Jackson st. '07 Romaine, Miss Bertha. 2919 California st. '07 Rosenlund. E. T., 2113 Geary st. '07 Sanchez,. L. A.. 1028 Cole st. '07 Schweitzer. Tetfrey, 3600 Clay st. '07 Searls, R. M.. 64 6th av. '07 Sexton, Dr. C. L, 1532 Cole st. '07 Sievers. F. O.. 686 19th av. '07 Soule. Miss F. D.. 1149 Filbert st. '07 Stewart, Miss A. R.. 870 Sanchez st. '07 Sylvia. A. M.. 371 30th av. '07 Telfer. Dr. G. J.. 24th and Xoe sts. '07 Thomas. G. M.. Chronicle bldg. '07 Todd. Mrs. C. E.. 3439 Anza'st. '07 Torpen. A. M.. Brooklyn Hotel '07 Weill. Miss Irma, 555 Chestnut st. '07 Wendte. Miss F. A.. 3961 25th st. '07 Wetmore. Chester. 415 Buchanan st. '07 Wood. R. L. 580 McAllister st. '07 Wright. W. N.. 2401 Sacramento st. '07 Young. H. S.. 130 21st av. '08 Abrams, Mrs. S. S.. 1369 Hvde st. '08 Baldwin. W. L. 1382 5th av.' '08 Barkelow, Dr. F. E.. 6109 California st. '08 Belz, F. J.. 50 Cole st. '08 Best. E. L. 1277 7th av. '08 Bliss. Dr. P. P.. 304 Maple st. '08 Briggs. Dr. L. H.. 2768 Green st. '08 Cahen, Adolph. 2462 26th av. '08 Casey. H. E., 770 11th av. '08 Castle. Mrs. C. S.. 1820 Sutter st. '08 Cerf. E. W.. 2821 Steiner st. '08 Clark. Mrs. M. R.. 24 6th av. '08 Conlin. Miss A. A.. 1494 McAllister st. '08 Creighton. D. C. 1571 Waller st. '08 Cross. A. E.. 1025 Sutter st. '08 Dernham. M. A.. 2518 Jackson st. '08 Dessel, F. W.. 1298 9th av. California] LOCALITY INDEX 381 08 Devlin, Miss A. E., 546 Steiner st. 08 Devoto, A. S., 1577 Powell st. 08 Dewey, Miss C. M., 2207 Divisadero st. 08 Diehl, Miss R. M.. 422a Frederick st. 08 t Dougherty, Miss M. A. I., 227 Pierce st. 08 Dowling, Miss E. P., 925 Fulton st. 08 Edwardes, Mrs. V. P.. 1609 Church st. 08 Eppinger, Mrs. J. J., 22 7th av. 08 Pontes, F. J., 1270 Pine st. 08 Forbes. Mrs. W. A., 1233 7th av. 08 Prates, Dr. F. E., 610 7th av. 08 Garrison, M. D., 2 Montgomery st. 08 Gottheimer, Roy. 1326 Hyde st. 08 Guedet, P. J., 647 Central av. 08 Gurley, Dr. J. E., 95 Woodland av. 08 Hall, Mrs. H. C, box 146 08 Hanlon. Miss C. P., 946 .\shbury st. 08 Hillebrand, R. G.. 4046 California st. 08 Hook, Dr. B. B., 782 Dolores st. 08 Howe, Dr. L. P., 2728 Union st. 08 Fohnson, Dr. H. C, 1751 Market st. 08 kuhn, Mrs. O. E., 2211 California st. 08 Levy, M. J., 721 Ashbury st. 08 Lloyd, M. L., 1355 Jackson st. 08 Mcintosh, R. P., 700 O'Farrell st. 08 McKevitt, H. K., 2835 Howard st. 08 Mel, W. B.. 1907 Leavenworth st. 08 Neu, Dr. J. P., 952 Irving st. 08 Oppenheim, Morris, 1255 Jackson st. 08 Oser, H. J., 177 11th av. U8 Peixotto, E. M., 760 Market st. 08 Pracv, G. W., 2477 21st av. 08 Scheel, H. A., 657 Ashbury st. 08 Smith. F. T., 2027 California st. 08 Snell, Dr. Edward. Mission Savings Bank bldg. 08 Sultan, W. D.. 3471 Jackson st. 08 Tietjen, Miss A. M., 2509 Bush st. 08 Tobin, Miss A. B., 2211 Divisadero st. 08 Triebel. W. G.. 1031 Stanyan st. 08 Underbill, L. K.. 2309 Divisadero st. 08 Vecki, Marion, 2282 48th av. 08 Volkmann. D. G.. 2307 Broadway 08 Wallace, B. L.. 2214 Clay st. 08 Watkins.Miss Pearl, 1067 Washington st. 08 Whelan, Mrs. J. L., ii2?, Clay st. 08 Wilbert, M. H., 38 Hancock st. 08 Winter, Miss C. D., 217 Cole st. 08 Wythe, F. S., 41 Mercedes way 09 Abrams. S. S., 1369 Hyde st. 09 Bath, E. G., 2018 Fell st. 09 Blackman, L. S., 2021 Oak st. 09 Brady, J. F., 3864 22d st. 09 Browne, Mrs. B. B., 1720 Pacific av. 09 tBuchner. W. S. C, 1170 Fulton st. 09 Burson, Dr. D. H., 526 Sutter st. 09 Byrne, Miss R. M., 744 Hayes st. 09 Cerf, E. W., 2821 Steiner st. 09 Cohn, Dr. H. J., 650 Bush st. 09 Courier, .Mrs. Robert. 138 Cabrillo st. 09 Crossfield, C. B., 1400 Jones st. 09 Day, D. W., 535 18th av. 09 Dean, Mrs. R. A., 1034 Vallejo st. 09 de Clairmont, Mrs. C. L., 487 7th av. 09 Develey, Miss Maybelle, 2528 Broad- way 09 Dewey, Miss C. M., 2207 Divisadero st. 09 Dod. Dr.,S. L., 1774 Grove st. 09 Eisner, M. D., 530 13th av. 09 tEpperson, J. C, 245 Mission st. 09 Forbes, Dr. D. W.. 211 9th av. 09 Frank, I. H.. 112 Frederick st. '09 Frisch, O. H. C, 760 34th av. '09 Glackin, H. S., 1501 20th st. '09 Goldman, R. S., 798 Post st. '09 Gordon, Miss H. F.. 1726 Buchanan st. '09 Harloe. J. D., Kohl bldg. '09 Hart, Dr. W. C, 990 Geary st. '09 Headen, C. T., 208 Frederick st. '09 tHeadman. Sasha, 1336 \'allejo st. '09 tHing. T. G.. 818 Washington st. '09 Hoag, Dr. C. L.. 1420 5th av. '09 Hodes, Samuel. 536 Shrader st. '09 Hofers, Miss F. M., 2509 Post st. '09 Johnson, O. R.. 3563 Tackson st. '09 lohnson, W. C. 299 Cole st. '09 Johnson, W. C, 242 Rivoli st. '09 Leonard, E. M.. 421 Castro st. '09 Maas, P. E.. 118 8th av. '09 Monges. H. B.. Jr., 582 Market st. '09 Myers, P. .A.., 2460 Washington st. '09 O'Dea. E. A., 1923 Pierce st. '09 Oppenheimer. Leopold, 1832 Franklin st. '09 Oser. \V. L.. 1717 Bush st. '09 Peacock, C. J. A., 3315 Mission st. '09 Peters, Dr. B. R., Union League Club '09 tProst. Edward, 350 3d st. '09 Reilly, Miss Lesley, 3016 Clay st. '09 Rhodes, G. V., 502 8th av. '09 Riordan, I. H., 1292 28th av. '09 tRippe. Miss M. M., 2829 24th st. '09 Rosenthal. Hyman. 1823 Hayes st. '09 Rossi. E. A., 2775 Fillmore st. '09 Rossi, R. D.. 2775 Fillmore st. '09 Rudee. Dr. H. E.. 3038 Jackson st. '09 Sandy. Miss L M.. 360 Coleridge st. '09 Schaufele, H. J., 27 Alma st '09 Schlesinger, Sydney, 1330 Taylor st. '09 Searls, Fred, Jr.. 220 Montgomery st. '09 Somers. Dr. Howard, 615 Post st. '09 Thomas, Mrs. M. A.. 43 Parker st. '09 Titus, M. E., 51 Curtis st. '09 Vogel, Mrs. S. J.. 1245 Washington st. '09 Witter. D. G.. Bohemian Club '10 .Agar. Miss L. M., 3350 24th st. '10 Angonnet, Dr. C. A.. 128 17th av. '10 Baraty, G. L., 164 17th av. "10 Barry, E. L, 1951 Turk st. [10 Barry, J. M.. 177 17th av. '10 Baxter, Dr. F. S.. San Francisco Hos- pital '10 Belloni. J. W., 1324 Jackson st. '10 Best. Mrs. E. J.. 1277 7th av. '10 Bovyer, W. B., 760 8th av. '10 Brainerd, Mrs. H. K.. 542 Belvedere st. ;iO Brassel, Dr. E. H., 626 Cole st. '10 Brookman, Douglas. 1074 L'nion st. '10 Brooks, Miss F. .\.. 1218 Laguna st. '10 Brown. A. W., 228 Clayton st. '10 Burd, Mrs. W. P., 2336 Divisadero st. "10 Burr, Miss Marian, 1722 \'allejo st. '10 Chubb, Miss F. J.. 1200 1st av. '10 Collins. Mrs. .\. L.. 1651 Waller st. '10 Constine. Dr. L. B.. 479 19th av. '10 De Wolf. Mrs. C. C. 135 6th av. '10 Dignan. Dr. H. H.. Olympic Club "10 Dolson. Rush. 1267 42d av. '10 Dorgeloh. J. F., 1304 Page st. '10 Eisner, Mrs. M. D.. 530 13th av. '10 Elliott. C. E.. 228 Clayton st. '10 Fitz-Gerald. Miss May, 401 Fillmore st. '10 Floyd. W. T.. 1404 Leavenworth st. '10 Geballe. Harry. 1624 Sacramento st. ■10 Grubb. D. H.. 2701 Jackson st. '10 Guthrie. A. R.. 307 6th av. '10 Haas. Walter. 200 Davis st. 382 LOCALITY INDEX [California San Francisco, Continued '10 Haryett, Miss C. N., 6114 California st. '10 Higaki, Dr. Masuiciii, 1662 Post st. '10 Hill, Miss H. D., 232 18th av. '10 I-IooUer, Miss M. O., 3277 Pacific av. '10 Ihos, P. J., 639 LaUc st. '10 Jacobs, VV. F., 225 I'-uclid av. '10 Johns. A. B., 2462 28th a v. '10 Kaufman, J. \V., 3531 Chiy st. '10 Korbel, Mrs. A. B., 182 20th av. '10 Laraia, E. A., 1252a JacUson st. '10 Leggett, Dr. J. W., 918 Dolores st. '10 Leggett, Dr. K. M., 918 Dolores st. '10 Levin, H. L., 1470 California st. '10 London, M. A., 810 Siirader st. '10 Long, Dr. H. E., 21 IJuena Vista av. '10 Lorigan, F. B., 879 Castro st. '10 Markwart, E. H., 1208 Waller st. '10 McEvers, G. S., Olympic Club '10 McQuaid, Dr. C. C, 412 11th av. '10 Monteagle, Paige, 2516 Pacific av. '10 Morbio, C. S., 88 W. Clay Park '10 Norwood, E. C, 500 Divisadero st. '10 Owens, G. F., 2919 Webster st. '10 Patterson, J. N., 486 Geary st. '10 Pfaff. Mrs. Melvin, 3329 Washington st. '10 Picard, Albert, 1445 Mason st. '10 Powell. W. K., 1280 Union st. '10 Prince, L. D., 1369 Hyde st. '10 Richter, M. C, 152 17th av. '10 Rosenshine, L. J.. 2401 Jackson st. '10 Rosenthal, Ben, 2299 Sacramento st. '10 tSampson, J. A., 3580 Washington st. '10 Schmulowitz, Nathaniel, lUSAnzast. '10 Searle. G. H., 178 9th st. '10 Slack, Miss Edith, 2224 Sacramento st. •10 Smith, Miss M. L., 1100 O'Farrell st. '10 Solari, W. S., 1140 Pine st. '10 Stafford, H. L, 1508 Clay st. '10 Stauffer, R. A., 1258 10th av. '10 Tiscornia, A. A., Olympic Club '10 Torrey, L. E., 1325 10th av. '10 tum Suden, Richard, 2008 Clay st. '10 Underbill, Mrs. L. K.,2309 Divisadero st. '10 Van Fleet, A. C, 2296 Broderick st. '10 Weiss, Miss Rosa, 3230 Washington st. '10 Welch, Miss H. A., 1950 Jones st. '10 White, G. C, 44 Lyon st. '10 White, Mrs. R. E., 416 Hayes st. '10 Williams, S. H., Pacific Union Club '10 Wolcott, L. O., 1715 Pacific av. '10 Wolff, M. D., 712 Hayes st. '10 Wolfsohn, Fred, 2502 Fillmore st. '11 Ahlers, Miss B. E., 2300 Divisadero st. '11 Baily, Miss H. M., 1686 Fell st. '11 Bovyer, Mrs. W. B., 760 8th av. '11 Breslauer, Miss Annette, 1816 Web- ster St. '11 Brouillet, A. W., 2307 Bush st. '11 tBrown, Miss E. L, 742 Ashbury st. '11 Catton, Dr. J. H., 3007 Jackson st. '11 Clark, W. B., 602 Golden Gate av. '11 Clewe, E. G., 1131 Jackson st. '11 Cobb, Mrs. William, 1373 4th av. '11 Corey, Dunnleigh, St. Luke's Hospital '11 Cowen, S. S.. 194 Jordan av. '11 Davis, Miss E. A., 1411 Sacramento st. '11 d'Erlach, R. C, 1298 Filbert st. '11 Diamond, Philip, 1631 Alabama st. '11 Dowd, M. R., 1141 Post st. '11 Edwardes, V. P.. 1069 Church st. '11 Eggers, C. A., 128 Eureka st. '11 Fleisher, Miss E. F., 1865 Clay st. '11 Goldman, Mrs. S. A., 577 Geary st. '11 Gottheim, Irving, 95 6th av. '11 (Griffith, MissMargaret, 2461 Buchanan st. '11 (irovc, S. D., 1284 Page st. 'II Hcnnessy, Miss A. M., 1515 Clay st. '11 Holzberg, Dr. H. L., 1631 Geary st. '11 Huber, E. A., 982 Green st. '11 Hunt, Miss A. P., 1400 Washington st. '11 Johnson, C. M., 710 Market st. '11 tjurado, Bolivar, 510 Battery st. '11 Keating, Miss Stella, 1747 Bush st. '11 Kohlberg, Miss A. R., 2459 Jackson st. '11 Kohlberg, Miss Ottilia, 2867 Sacra- mento St. '11 Leonard, A. T., Jr., 1124 Fulton st. '11 Levi, Mrs. M. J., Hotel Fairmont '11 Lutzi, R. P., 1437 Shrader st. '11 Lynch, Dr. J. H., 270 Divisadero st. '11 Markel, Dr. H. H., 1868 10th av. '11 McLaurin, Miss C. A., 2955 Clay st. '11 Mehrtens, H. G.. 2407 Pacific av. '11 Miklau, Miss Antoinette, 160 Clifford '11 Mitchell, J. H., 49 Broderick st. '11 Muheim, E. F., 2512 Folsom st. '11 Murthin, Miss M. E., 554 Vienna st. '11 Nast, Miss P. J., 3783 20th st. '11 Nicol, Laurence, 2300 Van Ness av. '11 tNiles, F. L., 2663 Divisadero st. '11 O'Brien, Miss A. L., 1112 Frederick st. '11 Ohnemuller, C. B., 1035 Geary st. '11 Pauson, Miss Rose, 2510 Jackson st. '11 Perry, Raymond, 1350 5th av. '11 Richter, E. E., University Club '11 Roger, J. H. D., 1227 15th av. '11 Rosenberg, Dr. Caroline, 2900 Jackson st. '11 Sage, P. F., 1677 Sacramento st. '11 Sapiro, A. L., 2411 Webster st. '11 Saxe, A. C, 2617}^ Octavia st. '11 Schwartz, Colman, 90 Divisadero st. '11 Sobel, M. M.. 500 10th av. '11 Spencer, F. E., 610 Page st. '11 Stewart, J. W., 22 Battery st. '11 Stone, L. H., 272 Downey st. '11 Summerfield, Miss A. V., 3444 Geary st. '11 Tranter, Dr. C. L., 1420 5th av. '11 Trewick, Miss L. E., 795 Geary st. '11 Usinger, Miss M. H.,1358 Post st. '11 Vellguth, C. W. E., Hotel Atlas '11 Wells, C. E., 1252 1st av. '11 t White, Miss H. B., 1776 Bush st. '11 Wynne, E. C, 2060 Vallejo st. '12 Ainsworth, R. T., 1903 Webster st. '12 Aono, Dr. Fusajiro, 1347 O'Farrell st. '12 Arnott, J. A., 1322 3d av. '12 Bruckman, Miss Helen, 1242 1st av. '12 Burnham, Miss M. E., 2201 California st. '12 Caminetti, Anthony, Jr.. 498 Carl st. '12 Cer\-elli, G. J., 1421 Grant av. '12 Clement, D. L., 1292 29th av. '12 Coleman, Byron, 536 13th av. '12 Conlin, W. H., 1494 McAllister st. '12 Creighton, W. R., 3370 23d st. '12 De Wolf, C. C, 135 6th av. '12 Fay. Jewel, University of California Hospital '12 Flaherty, F. G., Plaza Hotel '12 Fletcher, H. A., 2211 California st. '12 Ford, Byington, 3800 Clay st. '12 Fowler, Miss L E., 1260 Masonic av. '12 Frates, G. H.. 1209 2d av. '12 Fuller, I. K.. 779 1st av. California] LOCALITY INDEX 383 '12 Gelston, Dr. C. F., University of Cali- fornia Hospital Gray, T. R.. 2711 Union st. Grimm, Miss F. C, 963 14th st. Grover, Mrs. E. J., 121 Belvedere st. Hardy, D. P., Polytechnic High School Haynes, Miss F. B., 1274 8th av. Hoerchner, E. R., 609 Oak st. Huber, Albert. Jr., 1825 Leavenworth st. Hume, J. L., 112 Main st. Jacobs, F. \V., 3755 Clay st. Jacobs. L. L., 28 7th av. Kellv. C. W., 1178 Vallejo st. Kelly. J. R., 2195 Divisadero st. Krigbaum, L. G., Hotel Garland Lamp, C. J., 751 Page st. Leibe, L. H., 2501 California st. Leiser, A. H., 144 6th av. ■''Levin, David, 75 Portola st. Levy, Dr. Sidney, 133a Carl st. Long, M. H., 21 Buena Vista av. Loubet, A. J., 675 Dolores st. Maguire, Harold, 445 Cole st. Malatesta. Stephen. 1924 Taylor st. Maxwell. Miss A. F.. 1241 3d av. McGee. R. C, 2682 Filbert st. McGlashan, Dr. E. L., 1296a 9th av. McKnew, A. H.. 347 Pierce st. Michelson, Albert, 580 McAllister st. Monroe, R. A., 1016 Eddy st. Xelson, G. H., 479 Steiner st. Nolan, W. C, 2129 California st. Oatman, F. W., 1 Montgomery st. Ostrom, C. D. Y., 2949 Steiner st. Payne, Mrs. C. W., 145 Palm av. Pence, Miss E. E., 144 Cole st. Phleger, H. H., 21 Macondray st. Pietrzycki, Siegmund, 1253 Washington St. Popkens, J. H., 118 Fillmore st. Quirk. Miss A. M., 2512 Polk st. Ramsay. R. C. 1164 O'Farrell st. Reed, J. M., 1571 Fulton st. Robbins, M. R., 1721 Pacific av. Rodda, A. G., 2616 Sacramento st. Rose, C. P., 3278 Sacramento st. Rose, Miss M. B., 3024 Clay st. Roth, Miss C. B., 2615 Laguna st. Scatena, F. N., 888 Union st. Sharpe, Dr. O. A. O., 2129 California st. Shipper, F. M., 984 Ashbury st. tSlater, E. A., 819 Mason st. Smith, L. H., 220 Montgomery st. Squier, Dr. L. H., 1392 Haight st. Squires, Miss R. L., 618 Baker st. Stadtmuller, Miss E. S., 819 Eddy st. Stanton, W. P., Olympic Club Steffan, Dr. T. F., 362 Baker st. Stocker, H. E., 901 Bush st. Stoner, R. C, 200 Bush st. Tice, W. E.. 1276 Jackson st. Tickell. F. G., 1408 California st. Touhey, Miss C. G., 1228 Octavia st. Van Orden. Dr. Lincoln, 270 32d av. Vischi, G. J. J.. 1753 Union st. Walsh, R. M., 1817 15th st. Waterman. C. G., 861 Sutter st. Welch, E. R., 1245 Washington st. Welin. Dr. A. F., 991 14th st. Wheeler, C. S., Jr., 3938 Washington st. Williamson, M. G., 1631 Oak st. Woolsey, Dr. J. H., 5677 Ocean View drive 3 Aguirre. A. M., 2060 Taylor st. 3 Ainslie, C. A., 2102 Bush st. 3 Altman, J. C, 85 2d st. 3 Arrington, Miss M.F.,3700 California st. 3 Barrett, D. C. 538 18th av. 3 Baugh, H. G.. 656 8th av. 3 Beatty, W. W.. 716 Page st. 3 Beatty. Mrs. W. W., 716 Page st. 3 Bennett, D. C, 1207 Bush st. 3 Betts, I. H., University of California Hospital 3 Black, Miss E. F., 2913 Fillmore st. 3 Bolin, H. W., 85 2d st. 3 Boyer, J. T., 120 Hoffman av. 3 Brenner, M. L.. 18,99 California st. 3 Bridgett, Miss E. L., 544 Clayton st. 3 Brooks, L. C, 220 Montgomery st. 3 Brown, C. A., 3671 16th st. 3 Bruhns, Dr. H. J., 322 Clement st. 3 Buck. L. W.. 1431 5th av. 3 Cavalier. G. H.. 208 Haight st. 3 Chamberlin, Herbert. Kohl bldg. 3 Christal, Miss May, 1271 Pine st. 3 Claassen, Gus, 720 Baker st. 3 Clark, P. B., 352 Diamond st. 3 Cohn, J. D., 1467 O'Farrell st. 3 Coles, H. L., 257 Castro st. 3 Comfort, Miss G. E.,2101 California st. 3 tCraig, Dr. Thornton. 3811c 24th st. 3 Davis, Dr. B. P.. St. Lukes Hospital 3 De Lano, F. B., 25 Buena Vista terrace 3 Dernbach, H. H.. 652 5th av. 3 Doran, J, P., 4426 20th st. 3 Dresel, R. L., 2898 Vallejo st. 3 Ehrman, Joseph, Jr.. Hotel St. Francis 3 French, Miss E. C. 2360 Van Xess av. 3 Glaive. A. F.. 4627 California st. 3 Goldaracena, Miss O. .\.,2449 Jackson st. 3 Goodman, L. E., 166 10th av. 3 Grimes, Lyman. 1131 Jackson st. 3 Grinnell, Miss Marjorie. 223 Parnassus av. 3 Haack, Miss M. B. E., 195 Holladav st. 3 Hare, Dr. H. P., University of Califor- nia Hospital 3 Heger, S. R., 589 10th av. 3 Heller, W. S.. 220 Montgomery st. 3 Hettman. W. E.. 245 Central av. 3 Hodgen. Miss M. T., 3838 Clay st. 3 Hollingsworth, Mrs. M. W.,56 Delmar st. 3 Horner, W. D.. 1251 2d av. 3 Hudson, C. V., 1105 Larkin st. 3 Ingenlath. O. J., 4395 24th st. 3 Jackson. Miss Louelle, 300 Haight st. 3 Joses, Maurice. University of Califor- nia Hospital 3 Kephart, C. L. 119 Steiner st. 3 Keyston, G. N., 32 Parnassus av. 3 Koeneke, H. J., 165 11th st. 3 Lanzendorf, Oscar, 1534 Vallejo st. 3 Leboire, L. N., 838 22d st. 3 Lee, David, 1053 Oak st. 3 Lenzen, V, F.. 1635 Irving st. 3 Levy, L. L.. 3005 Jackson st. 3 Levvin, E. M., 1359 5th av. 3 Linde, F. G., University of California Hospital 3 Lippincott, D. K., 1750 Mission st. 3 Lippman, M. H.. 795 Sutter st. 3 Macpherson, H. H., 236 Chattanooga st. 3 Marvin, Mrs. W. G., 1100 Dolores st. 3 Maschio, Miss P. G., 464 Alvarado st. 3 tMcDonald, J. D., 4518 18th st. 3s-» LOCALITY INDEX [California San Francisco, Continued Miller. X. J., lii'il Rush St. Mus.inlc. Dr. C. 15.. 2.?2 Upper Terrace Myers I.. A., 2460 WashinRton st. O'Hrien, F. II.. 16.U Waller st. O'Connor, lolin. J712 Pine st. Owen, Dr. J. A.. San I'rancisco Hos- ralmcr. Mrs. F. K.. 204 Huko st. Peart. S. B.. lOP? Green st. t Peltier, v. M.. 617 Steiner st. Pierson, Miss P. H.. 1727 Vallcjo st. Purrin^:ton, K. i:.. 466 FredericU st. Kahinowitz. I- J.. 1714 Steiner st. Raphael, Henry, 675 Dolores st. KcseiRh. John. 432 Geary st. Rodners. G. K.. 1082 Union st. Rosenthal. A. E., .3242 Washington st. Roscnwald. Jesse, 34.14 Clay st. Ruddock, J. C, Jr.. University of Cali- fornia Hospital Ryan. I. W., 2231 Franklin st. Salmon, Dr. Edward. 1634 Fell st. Schleef, Miss Caroline. Hotel Oliver Searls. H. H., University of California Hospital Sheppard. Mrs. C. W., Banger apts. Simonton. Dr. F. V. A.. 1392 10th av. Smallwood, Dr. W. C, 720 Nevin av. Snell. Dr. E. W., 1934 Eddy st. Stern, Lester. 1461 Haight st. Sullivan. E. F., Cornelia apts. Swortzel, Miss A. L., 1261 Broderick st. Welch, Mrs. E. R., 1245 Washington st. White. Mrs. F. C, 998 Divisadero st. White, Dr. S. A.. 417 Clayton st. Wills. A. A.. 1336 11th av. Wiseman. Miss G. A.. 822 Clayton st. Woods. C. F.. 1557 23d av. Yelland. W. R., 539 15th av. Zellerhach, T. D.. 3524 Jackson st. Allen, Mrs. H. B.. 1612 8th av. Ashley, W. J.. 589 Frederick st. Asselin. G. M., 3268 Sacramento st. Aver, Miss M. C, 1058 Cole st. Ayers. T. F., 1006 Page st. Bacon, F. M., 4064 17th st. Bagley. R. O.. 1550 Page st. Bare. Bert. 2975 Clay st. Barker. Guy. 1207 Bush st. Bell. Dr. D. G.. 3678 18th st. Bell. Miss M. H.. 220 Ashbury st. Blair. 1. C. 3802 18th st. Blatchiy. W\ H.. 1001 Pine st. Brandenstein, Miss Hilda. 2951 Wash- ington St. Bridgman. Miss O. L.. 465 Dolores st. Bruns. C. H.. 2170 Green st. Buckley. C. A.. 2220 Clay st. Burgren, G. K. F.. 785 XIarket st. Calvi. P. T.. 1046 Mason st. Cloud. H. G.. 1625 Hyde st. Cohn, .\. L., 2436 Clay st. Cook. Orrin. 1420 5th av. ■^Cooper. T. E.. 220 Montgomery st. +Coprcn. J. v.. 1914 Pine st. Cumniing. R. B.. 3653 16th st. Cunha. Dr. J. A., 555 11th av. Davidson. L. L.. 3654b 20th St. Davis. W. £.. 659 2d av. Delerav. B. R.. 1231 5th av. Eichbaum. C. W., Jr.. 3651 16th st. ITt^ (- P. ]M} Locust St. 14 Evans. William. 418 Clayton st. 14 Fee, D. J.. 2616 Buchanan st. 14 IFitzgerald. E. C, 2267 Howard st. 14 Flanagan. Dr. C. A.. ^32 Pierce st. 14 Focrster, R. C. 2217 California st. 14 tFrates. Dr. J. E., 511 Clayton st. 14 Gibson. Miss M. E., 355 Fair Oaks st. 14 Giles. Dr. C. R., 1963 Oak st. 14 Gould. Miss G. V.. 1435 Hyde st. 14 Grunskv, Miss Clotilde, 2574 Union st. 14 Hair. L C, 28 Chatham place 14 Hall, Miss F. L, 614 Broderick st. 14 Hansen, H. G.. 590 8th av. 14 Hansen. Mrs. H. G., 590 8th av. 14 Harris. Miss M. A., 1547 Octavia st. 14 Harshman. C. C, 1499 California st. 14 Herbst. Miss M. C. 1650 Clay st. 14 Hirschfeld. M. H.. 731 Duboce av. 14 Hodgson. Miss H.D..1329 Sacramento st. 14 Hollingworth. M. W.. 56 Delmar st. 14 Tacobsen. Dr. L. J.. 102 Clifford st. 14 i Johns, A. W., 1296 Haight st. 14 Kaufmann, A. D., 3226 26th st. 14 Kelly. Miss Angelia. 1452 Willard st. 14 Koch. H. W.. 3167 California st. 14 Kronberger, A. M., 1120 Union st. 14 Kyte, P. M., 85 2d st. 14 Leffler, C. W. S.. 555 Bush st. 14 Lengfeld. Louis. 1822 Sacramento st. 14 tLevv. T. M.. 178 Edgewood av. 14 Loy.'H. M., Rialto bldg. 14 Lutz, C. E., 455 17th av. 14 Marks. Milton. 1958 Lyon st. 14 Marvin. W. G., 1100 Dolores st. 14 Matsumoto. Manroku. 1881 Pine st. 14 Maxwell. G. B.. 312 Oak st. 14 McNab, Miss E. F.. 854 Clayton st. W Merrick, C. B., 1207 Bush st. 14 Merritt. F. O.. 829 Dolores st. 14 Meyer, L. W., 1190 Eddy st. 14 Miller, Miss O. L.. 732 Treat av. 14 Miller. R. E.. 803 Cole st. 14 Mitchen, J. H., Jr., 410 Cabrillo st. 14 Muegge, Dr. T. C. 81^ Carl st. 14 Myers, R. S., 3367 21st st. 14 Nason. L L.. 432 Geary st. 14 Nass. F. C. 2375 Sutter st. 14 Newman. S. W., 3527 Clay st. 14 tO'Hearn. B. D.. 465 Greenwich st. 14 Orton. C. K., Jr.. 115 17th av. 14 Pasmore. Miss H.H..1470 Washington st. 14 Pechin. Miss L. H., 1802 Union st. 14 Pennington. Miss A. S.. 2828 Folsom st. 14 ■rPostlethwaite. F. H.. 5850 California st. 14 Pratt. Haraden. 1510 Lombard st. 14 Pronati, J. J., 1920 Mason st. 14 Reis. G. C. 465 California st. 14 Reston. Miss M. C. 1917 Green st. 14 Righetti. Miss Ethel. 305 Walnut st. 14 Rosen. C. G. A., 1127 Elm st. 14 Rosenbaum. AL A.. 2614 Jackson st. 14 Salanave. Mrs. Edward. 1575 Washing- ton St. 14 Sams. Dr. H. L.. 1128 Leavenworth st. 14 Schoenfeld. H. J., 2238 Pacific av. 14 Schussler. Hermann. Jr., 1905 Van Xess a v. 14 Setrakian. Arpraxat. 428 11th av. 14 Simmons. J. G.. 242 Powell st. 14 Sipes. G. J.. 1001 Pine st. 14 Sommer. Isadore. 3669 19th st. 14 Spencer. Miss V. B.. 1326 8th av. 14 Stafford. C. J.. 3615 23d st. California] LOCALITY INDEX 385 '14 Stafford, W. M., 1358 Masonic av. '14 Stewart, C. W.. care of 2715 Bush st. '14 Stewart. IMrs. C.\V.,vare of 2715 Bush st. '14 Stock, Chester, 492 7th st. '14 Strinsfeld. Hunter. 272 Post st. '14 Stuart. C. T.. 838 22d st. '14 Sugarman. E. I., 3639 17th st. '14 Sutherland, Miss M. M.. 4618 18th st. '14 Thornburg, Miss B. M.. 620 Alvarado st. '14 Wagenet, R. G.. 61 Divisadcro st. '14 Wagenet, Mrs. R. G.. 61 Divisadero st. '14 Walker, Miss E. T.. 441 Fair Oaks st. '14 Walker, Miss L. E., 441 Fair Oaks st. '14 Wapple, A. R., 1650 Fulton st. '14 Weeks, G. W., Tr., 2231 Franklin st. '14 Williams, F. M., 2417 18th st. '14 Woodcock. Edgar, 1420 Church st. '14 Yost, C. Z., 1207 Bush st. '14 Young. F. W., 545 Duboce av. '14 Zion. J. R., 115 Fell st. '15 Abrams, Joseph, 1300 Golden Gate av. '15 Andriano, S. N., 1461a Vallejo st. '15 Arnot, E. N., 4442 Mission st. '15 Baker. W. A., care of Owl Drug Co., 22d and Mission sts. '15 Hallarin, J. A., 3312 Steiner st. 'IS Barnier, Louis. 2578 California st. '15 Bell, T. F., 1379 5th av. '15 Binklev, R. W., 1251 2d av. '15 Blumenau, B. L., 828 14th st. '15 Bonnheim.Miss Edith, 2105Divisadero st. '15 Braese, Miss E. O. H., 2622 Folsom st. '15 Cebrian. H. L., 1809 Octavia st. '15 Christensen, Miss G. M., 2322 Divisa- dero St. '15 Christiansen, Miss G. E. B.,2059 Bush st. '15 Cimbalo, Michele. 550 Montgomery st. '15 Citron, J. W.. 1009 Pine st. '15 Cobb, F. A.. 2973 Folsom st. '15 Cordes. F. C. 3750 20th st. '15 Davis. H. F., 1801 Taylor st. '15 De Martini. A. J., 209 29th st. '15 de Meyer. Miss I. E., 1289 11th av. '15 Devencenzi. C. L.. 1170 Sutter st. '15 Dodge, H. C, 1251 2d av. '15 Dozier. T. B., Jr.. 2514 Green st. '15 Epsteen, Dr. Abelson, 712 Hayes st. '15 Ferguson. J. G., 183 Belvedere st. '15 Follette, J. P.. 1305 Broadway '15 Eraser, Mrs. H. L., 61 Divisadero st. '15 Friedman, Dr. Aaron, 780 Guerrero st. '15 Frolich, W. M., 330 Willard st. '15 Gaffney. G. G., 861 Sutter st. '15 Gallagher, Miss T. L., 824 Grove st. '15 Haines. H. S., 149 Page st. '15 Hamai. Risaburo, 2039 Pine st. '15 Hart, C. D.. 131 Hugo st. '15 Hart, Miss D. E., St. Francis Hospital '15 Haslehurst. R. L.. 1044 Haight st. '15 Hill, Miss M. R., 131 Hugo st '15 Hirschler. H. L.. 2705 California st. '15 Hitchcock, H. H., 130 Irving st. '15 Hull, C. A., 508 Noe st. '15 Irvine, R. R.. 3841 18th st. '15 Jacobs, J. L., 2018 Webster st. '15 Jaegel, A. H., 1952 Leavenworth st. '15 Jorgensen, A. L. T., 1026b Shotwell st. '15 Jungermann, O. R., 281 Edgewood av. '15 tKahn. Miss H. B., 952 Sutter st. '15 Kant, F. W.. 2529 Van Ness av. '15 Kidder, M. C, 1155 Pine st. '15 Knights, C. P., 1850 Laguna st. Kowalsky, H. E., 3585 Clay st. Lasky, Miss C. D.. 584 Hill st. Lough. Dr. J. C. 251 Divisadero st. Lovotti. C. D., 2919 Fillmore st. Mack. L. G., 535 Powell st. MacLean. A. S., 366 Herman st. Mayer, W. I., 52c Page st. McGlynn, Miss Florence, 2411 Wash- ington St. Mitchum, Colis, L'niversity Club. Morehouse. Miss Hazel, 1336 Willard st. Morken. Miss A. B., 5432 California st. Murphy, G. W., 1855 Green st. Murphy, J. J., 582 6th av. Namura, Dr. Takeo, 1649 Post st. Xathan, M. C, 156 Central av. Ostroni, J. E.. 1281 2d av. Parker, S. S., 3132 Clay st. Phelan, Miss G. A.. 237 Grattan st. Pickering, W. A.. 2505 Gough st. Powell. Stanley. 2459 Larkin st. Quartararo, V. C. 1730 Sutter st. Rabinowitz, Ralph. 1714 Steiner st. Rehm, R. R.. Alvarado Hotel Rhodes. C. P.. 98 Falcon av. Righetti, Homer, 305 Walnut st. Robinson, Miss A. L.. 904 Central av. Robinson. F. F., 4 Lizzie st. Rosenberg, Tames. 2442 Clay st. Rudee, Dr. M. C, 171 Carl st. Sabini, L. J., 312 Green st. Sartain, Miss Geraldine, 700 2d av. Scalione. C. C. 4021 24th st. Schramm. Dr. W. C, 1128 Guerrero st. Schwab, Miss Jennie. 1555 Masonic av. Seaver, Dr. H. C. University of Cali- fornia Hospital Sonntag, C. P.. 299 Cole st. Stein, H. S.. 999 Steiner st. Stickel, Miss J. E., 1234 2d av. Stone. Miss R. L.. 1074 Dolores st. Taussig, L. R., 2450 Fulton st. Towle. H. v.. 1674 Broadway Trewatha, Oliver. 557 Fillmore st. Underhill, R. M.. 2309 Divisadero st. Watt. R. B., 2406 Clay st. Whelan. Miss Rena. 801 Guerrero st. Wilde. Miss Leslie. care of Emporium Co. Wolf, Miss R. E.. 140 Arguello blvd. Woll. Miss M. L., 1534 Sutter st. Arendt. Bertram. 1691 2d a v. Boyle, Miss C. J.. 155 Lowell st. Bruckman.Miss Bettina.31 ICalifornia st. Busse. Dr. E. K., 15 Divisadcro st. Calder. J. R., 261 32d av. Casey, T. L, 1777 15th st. Charvoz. Dr. E. R.. 804 Dolores st. Cheney. \\'. F.. Jr.. ?i?> Spruce st. tChurch. Dr. A." M.. ?,?.?, Cassclli av. Clarke. Miss T. D.. 2623 Mission st. Clinton, Miss I. M.. 2088 2Ist st. Crane. Clarkson, Hotel Cecil Cronise. Miss R. C. 29.6?. X'allejo st. + Davis, Dr. I. A.. 1000 Clayton .st. Drever, Walter. 3806 22d st. Dubois. W. R., 2251b Market st. Durbrow. Miss Margery, 62 5th av. Ehrman. D. C. 2240 Pacific av. Erskine. Morse, 2675 California st. Estcourt. R. M.. 2026 Sacramento st. Farnlacher. W. G.. 1664 Fulton st. Fowler, C. B.. 1230 Leavenworth st. Fuld. E. B.. 3570 Clay st. 386 LOCALITY INDEX [California San Francltco, (Nmllniiod '\G (Irant, Miss K. M.. 10.12 Irving sf. •16 HaviTinnlc. H. L.. care of Chronicle •\u tllcidill.cTK. Henry, l-'O M\ av. •If. Ileillronn. M. M- 5»-^ I'^H St. •K, Ihlklniann. W. K.. «.S.1 Ashlmry st. •16 tll<.i-(lt !•'. ()., 1«20 Mc.Mlistcr St. ■16 llolnu-s, Miss A. R., 20'' Castro st. •16 K...niK, Miss M. E.. 162') Waller st. •16 I.allin, Miss C. R.. 828 Ashliury st. •16 l.afren/.. W. C. F.. 1721 Hro.lenck st. '16 l.ilienlhal, J. I-.. .^10 Sansome st. •16 I...Kan, Miss A. M.. 140 Hai^'ht .st. •16 tLoveall. Dr. B. P.. .^.^6 Hugo st. '16 Mastoras. Alcihiadcs, 649 /^ Folsom st. •16 Maihe, Dr. C. P. I... 3.167 26th st. •16 McCami, C. F., 227 Fdnewood av. •16 Mcl.auKlilin. Armour. 1178 Fulton st. •16 Mecse.A. H.. 1550 Page st. •16 Meiition, Maurice. 1648 (irove st. •16 Morse, I. G., 1691 Bush st. •16 niurasky, L. A., 1.1.U) Page st. •16 Murdock, Osgood, 2826 Sacramento st. •16 N'euhaus. .1. A., .102.1 Pine st. •16 IPfirter. \V. E., 7.11 Shotwell st. •16 Piske. Miss Anna, 1.163 8th av. '16 Price, Miss R. M., 335 Lawton st. '16 Pritchard, Dr. J. L., St. Joseph's Hos- pital '16 Rainey. W. S.. 3009 Clay st. •16 Ringe, R. H., 910 Treat av. '16 Roth, Esther, 2615 Laguna st. •16 Rowell. H. W., 845 Guerrero st. •16 Schloh. A. F.. 756 Oak .st. •16 Schoenfeld, W. R.. 22.18 Pacific av. '16 Sccgclken, O. E., 505 Divisadero st. •16 tShalTcr, M. L.. 464 Fair Oaks st. •16 Sherman. Dr. Julius, 30 Bourbon place '16 tShirayama, Dr. Kiichi. 1763 Sutter st. '16 S(iuire, Miss J. C. 222, 8th av. '16 S(iuires, R. L., 618 Baker st. •16 Street. C. E., Jr,, 1200 Pine St. '16 Sun, Fo, 881 Clay st. '16 tThomas, B. S., 2869 Bush st. •16 Towne. A. W., 2524 Pierce st. •16 Tupper. W. C. 297 Church st. '16 von Geldern, Hans, 1724 Broadway •16 Wales, Miss A. M., 3333 19th st. •16 Warner, L. E., Ill Kearny st. •16 tWelcome, Dr. C. W^.2759 Mc.Mlister st. '16 IWilliams, G. R.. 532 22d av. '16 Wise. R. L., 1167 Pine st. '16 Wolfsohn. Dr. Fred, 362 Capp st. '16 Woodward. Miss G. B., Marine Hos- pital '16 Wormser. Miss Dorothy, 55 5th av. •16 Young. E. J., 519 10th av. San Gabriel •95 Hart. Mrs. J. W. •00 Kuster. E. C.. '09 Coughran. C, W. MO McCarty. Frank "11 Lopez, Miss M. G. E. Ml Purcell. Dr. Ruth Sanger 'f'4 Baird. Dr. E. E. 'OS Graham. Miss P. M. '09 Griffith. Miss M. J. "09 Moodev, I. G. '09 Moodev. Mrs. T. G. '12 Barr, Miss M. R. M2 Potter, Miss L. P. '12 Price, Miss M. E. '12 tViau. n. H. '12 Walton, C. L. '14 Sherwood, Miss M. R. '14 Walton, S. P. •15 Mills, R. E. '15 Sturtevant. Miss Ruth '16 Simp.son, Miss Myrtle San Geronimo '04 Roy, R. S. '04 Roy, Mrs. R. S. San Jacinto '07 Sublette, L, B. "11 Hatcher, Miss M. A. San Jose •80 Whitton. Mrs. A. K., R.F.D. 5 '81 Tuttle, H. D., Bank of San Jose bldg. '82 Barrington, C. L., Z2> S. Whitney st. '82 Wight, David, Lincoln av. and Minne- sota St. '83 Beal, Miss F. E., 123 Sunol st. '84 Munson. J. G., 54 N. 5th st. '89 tNash, Dr. Dorr, 289 S. 10th st. '89 Pratt, Dr. E. W., 274 N. 5th st. '89 Scheller, V. A., First National Bank bldg. '92 Cavagnaro, Dr. A. A., Rea bldg. '93 Avery, W. N., 598 S. 9th st. '93 Bennett, A. G., Jr.. 245 N. 12th st. '93 Cothran, Dr. A. L., Emory and The Alameda '93 Schumacher, Dr.Frederick, 175 S. 16th St. '94 tSyer. R. R., Bank of San Jose bldg. '95 Dore, C. W., 119 Martin av. '95 Hart, Mrs. J. A., Alameda av. '95 tW^aterhouse, S. \V., 474 X. 1st st. '96 Archer, L. B., Keyes st. and Center rd. '96 Bowen. Miss D. M., Berryessa rd. '96 Fowler. Dr. A. A., 77 S. 17th st. '96 Maynard, Dr. S. C. 135 S. 17th st. '96 Noe, G. T.. 1111 The Alameda "96 Smith, Dr. F. J., 425 E. San Fernando St. "96 Studley, Miss R. W., 68 X. 10th st. •97 Gleason, Miss K. F., 456 S. 2d st. '97 Hanson, Dr. H. P., 170 S. 15th st. '97 tHaven. Lawrence, 61 Stockton av. '97 Marckres. Dr. C. C, 226 X. Market st. '97 Saph. Dr. L. V.. 64 S. 19th st. "98 Benson. F. H., 702 E. Santa Clara st. '98 Dibble. Miss G. E.. 43 S. 14th st. •98 Dickie. A. J., 755 S. 8th st. '98 Doerr. Louis. 694 Delmas av. '98 Pearce, Dr. F. B., 147 X. 9th st. "98 Shoults. Dr. R. G., 1018 The Alameda ■08 Smith, Miss C. H.. 248 S. 9th st. '98 Webb. E. O.. Tr.. 510 X. 2d st. "99 Henry. Miss Ruth. 498 S. 13th st. "99 La Motte, Miss G. D., 46 S. 12th st, '99 Tennyson, Dr. H. A., 701 S. 10th st. '00 Carmichael. Dr. T. M.. 306 W. San Fernando st. '01 Anderson. Mrs. Leroy, R.F.D. D. box 91 '01 Blair, J. C. 7 Martin av. '02 Curtis. F. D.. 1062 S. 1st st. '02 Hansen. T. O., R.F.D. 4, box 23, '02 Henkle, R. E.. 69 S. 1st st. '02 Lendrum. Dr. B. A.. 275 S. 16th st. '02 McGinty, Dr. A. T.. 675 S. 6th st. California] LOCALITY INDEX 387 '02 IMcPeak. F. V. '03 Glesson, F. H., 440 S. 16th st. '03 Lynn, Miss M. A., 87 N. 14th st. '03 Nicolson, Miss J. A., 495 Santa Clara st. '03 Ross, Dr. D. H., 299 S. 17th st. '04 Baker, Dr. M. D., 225 S. 15th st. '04 Barr, Miss C. M., College of the Pa- cific '04 Beauchamp, Miss N. L., 102 S. 23d st. '04 Foster, Miss M. F., R.F.D. 21, box 43 '04 Herkner, Miss Anna, 649 Bird av. '04 tMcCoUough, J. H., 51 Clay st. '04 Morris, B. J., 849 University av. '04 Pitcher, Miss P. F., 136 S. 16th st. '04 Quilty, C. A., 115 Viola av. '04 tShepard, Miss C. B., 260 S. 1st st. '04 Webster, Dr. H. E., 1195 The Alameaa '04 Whitacre, M. H., 70 S. 14th st. '05 Curtiss. Dr. F. A., 200 N. 13th st. '05 Ebi, Miss A. M., 460 N. 21st st. '05 Glasson. Mrs. F. H., 440 S. 16th st. '05 McGuire. Miss C. H., 152 N. 3d st. '06 Bohnett, L. D., 130 Coe av. '06 Fleming. F. B., 651 N. 1st st. '06 Ledyard. Dr. B. C, 505 S. 10th st. '06 Wendt, Mrs. G. D., 346 S. 16th st. '07 Brown, T. V., Jr., 35 S. 15th st. '08 Brownton, L. C., 135 Busch av. '08 Cook, Miss A. A., 441 S. 2d st. '08 Curry, H. F., R.F.D. 21, box 95 '08 Kimball, Miss M. E., 96 S. 10th st. '09 Douglas. C. B. E., 216 S. 2d st. '10 Bowden. Archer, 478 Morse st. '10 Curry, H. W., R.F.D. 21, box 80 '10 Jordan, Miss E.M.,495 E. Santa Clara st. '10 tPatton, Miss Alta, 287 Minnesota av. '10 t Simpson, W. Y. '11 Allen, H. E., 69 S. 1st st. '11 Miller, Miss J. L., 102 S. 12th st. '12 de Wit, Miss R. M., 220 Orchard st. '12 Doan, G. A., 81 E. William st. '12 Elder, J. C, 456 S. 12th st. '12 Roach, T. J., 76 Viola av. '13 Henry, Miss E. M., 498 S. 13th st. '13 Jones, Miss M. F., 65 Asbury st. '13 Mack, R. R., St. James Hotel '13 Moore, Miss M. A., 1275 The Alameda '13 Zander, Gordon, care of Cal. Highway Commission '14 Artana, J. C, 180 Stevens Creek rd. '14 Bressani. A. V., 129 Vine st. '14 Carroll. Miss M. P., 1504 The Alameda '14 tCoomhs, L. T., 90 N. 5th av. '14 Fleming. H. W.. 471 E. Santa Clara st. '14 tMizushi. F. M., 250 Jackson st. '14 Munson, 1. L., 54 N. 5th st. '15 Artana, F. G., 180 Stevens Creek rd. '15 Beattie. Miss M. I., 460 N. 1st st. '15 Hardy, Miss Gladys, 679 S. 2d st. '15 Lantz. Miss M. F.. 378 S. 2d st. '15 Martin. T. C. 41 S. 12th st. '15 Mills. Miss Virginia, 220 Meridian rd. '15 Washburn. H. L.. R.F.D. 2 '16 Dunne. Miss J. M., 1472 The Alameda '16 Hazcltine. M. E.. 596 S. 10th st. '16 ludkins. Miss M. L., 32 Coe av. '16 Lantz, L. S., 378 S. 2d st. '16 Shew. G. K., 430 N. 7th st. '16 Shew, L. L., 430 N. 7th st. '16 Stafford. H. M.. 74 S. 5th st. San Juan Capistrano '15 Vander-Leck, Lawrence San Leandro '75 Mason, Dr. B. F. '00 Collins. R. H. '03 Crane, C. B. '03 DuBois. Miss B. M. '03 Wills, Dr. C. A. '03 Wills. Mrs. C. A. '04 Helms, Mrs. G. J. '04 Smith, L. B. '04 Smith, Mrs. L. B. '04 Winchester, Miss H. A. '07 Collins, C. H. '07 Grebe. Mrs. H. F. '09 Woods, B. M. '10 Smith, Guy '13 McCarthy, Miss Madge '14 Collins. R. L. '14 Harwell, C. A. '14 Ross, Dr. W. E. '15 Loy, Mrs. H. M. '16 Mohs, O. K. San Lorenzo '09 Anderson, Miss Madie '13 Kelly. Miss K. L. '15 Strobridge, Miss V. S. San Lucas '14 Gaddis. Miss F. W. San Luis Obispo '96 Stover. Dr. W. M. '02 Faull, A. R. '03 Armstrong, Miss Caroline '03 Van Wormer, Mrs. M. R. '04 Van Wormer, M. R. '05 O'Connell, Miss Alice '06 Vollmer, Ernest '08 Darke, Miss H. D. '08 Hollister, W. M. '08 Randall, Mrs. L. A. '11 Cowden. Mrs. S. D. 'U Little. W. C. Jr. '12 Cowden, S. D. '12 Stewart, Miss Jeanette '13 Kirtland, Dr. H. B. '13 Nichols. Carl '13 Reed, Miss R. R. '15 Chase, Miss M. H. '15 Story, Miss Louise '15 Thursby, Miss C. C. '15 McGovern, Miss V. L '16 tSmith, L. B. San IVIartin 'lltBell. B. L. C. '15 Howes, Miss R. D. San IVIateo 82 Hooker, R. G. 84 McAllister. E. W. 85 Hayne, S. D. 88 Brown, L L 88 Cook. Finlay 88 Woodhams, M. S. 89 Casserly. J. B. 94 Goslinsky, Samuel 97 loseph. Mrs. Sydney 97 "Miller. B. P. 98 Sisson, Dr. E. K. 99 Gruss, Dr. F. J. iHH LOCALITY LVD EX [California Snn Mateo, Cuiiilnued ■'") il.iwdrtli. Miss M. V. •>»'» Wliilncy, Dr. !•".. O. '00 I'cTcival. Mrs. A. T. "00 T.'illiolt. !•:. I. •01 Moore. Dr. 11. T. '02 lUiriis, Dr. Unl.t-rt, .Ir. '03 Colfinan, S. W. '03 Cook. Miss i:. G. '^)^ Sil)Icy. Dr. Roy "04 Warren. Dr. H. C. '05 rowcll. II. H. '07 Knopf. Hcrl)ert '0" Siiislicinior. IvH Harris, Miss Helen Lincoln •05 Monser, H. E. Moline '15 Lesser. Nathan Monmouth '07 tWhite. Miss A. R. Mount Morris '16 Taylor, C \'. Oak Park '03 tMills, Miss Ethelwyn Peoria '14 Quisno, Miss J. E. '16 Greves, G. L. Urbana "91 Pomerov, T. N. '98 Watson. Mrs. F. R. '99 Watson, F. R. '0.^ Stchhins. Joel '07 tDomonoske, A. B. Indiana Crawfordsvllle *15 tWalkup, Miss E. A. Fort Wayne '1.^ Kiess. C. C. '00 Kline. J. J. Gary '15 Oak, 1.. H. '16 Lowry, \V. D. Hyattsville '94 Chestnut. Mrs. \'. K. Indianapolis '98 Marmon. H. C. '03 Schell, Mrs. H. S. La Porte y Sanford. E. C. '83 Sanford, Mrs. E. C. 'OS Morley, Mrs. R. K. Michigan Ann Arbor '97 tHus, H. T. A. '98 Schaeberle, J. M. '01 Curtiss, R. H. '11 Schurz, W. L. '13 Merrill, P. W. '14 Wieslander, A. E. '15 Holman, R. M. Battle Creek '03 Wheelock, R. P. '13 tThurlow, Miss E. M. Benton Harbor '07 tvon Sabern, Mrs. Henrich Detroit '82 Weed, H. L. '95 Jeffery, J. A. '02 Hirshfeld, C. F. '10 tLewis, T. D. '13 Bundy, G. J. '14 Henze, Miss Hermine Flint '16 Smith, Miss E. A. Jackson '14 Schoolcraft, J. L. Kalamazoo '95 Epler, Miss B. N. Tecumseh '16 Smith, Miss J. S. Ypsilanti '14 Downing. Miss Estelle '15 Rankin, Estabrook Minnesota Albert Lea 'IS Schniitz, Mrs. George Minneapolis '97 Hirschfelder, Dr. A. D. '04 Todd, A. J. '07 Hubbard, H. V. S. '14 Hanke, Miss L. M. Olivia '16 Boeck, W. C. Pipestone '15 Hubbard, W. B. St. Paul '92 tOrton. Dr. F. H. '04 Alderson, W. H. Zumbrota '16 Marvin. W. C. Missouri-Nevada] LOCALITY INDEX 403 Missouri Garrison Columbia '10 Anderson. William '05 Hudson, J. W. '10 Dickel, T. E. Great Falls Flatriver '13 IMalcolm, Miss H. E. '05 tSteele, W. I. '15 Stangland. Miss E. ^L Golden City Helena '09 Schaerer. Miss Louise '06 Cordua, Mrs. H. M. Joplin Horte •07 Blatchley, W. H. '14 Mead, T. C. Kansas City Missoula '95 McQueen, H. M. '05 Barnes, W. J. '01 '05 Carey, Mrs. E. F. A. Carey, E. F. A. '08 Tatnmen, Mrs. H. C. Ruby '10 Haas, R. R. '11 Heron. C. M. '14 Eisenhauer, R. C. Moberly Wilsall '12 Feldenheimer, B. R. '03 Parker. G. M. St. Louis Nebraska '79 Davis, C. M. Farnam '95 Erlanger, Joseph '01 Place. C. W. '15 Wilcox, F. E. '06 Hellman, Sam Hastings '09 Stephens. F. M. '11 O'Neill. P. A. '13 tMasters. Miss Ethel '13 Wake, W. S. Lincoln '16 Walters, Miss R. R. '91 Jones, Guernsey Montana Nevada Anaconda '97 Morse. C. W. Amos '01 Laist, Frederick '15 Haynes, Miss H. D. '05 Meals, W. E. '06 Meals, Mrs. W. E. Aurora '14 Buhman, Richard '15 THoffman, E. A. '14 Laird, K. V. '15 Witt, M. L. '15 Bowman, J. V. Battle Mountain Billings '12 Heyner, Mrs. C. E. '99 Clark, F. T. Blair Bozeman '07 tCole, A. G. '05 Lewis. Miss Edna '12 Farris, Mrs. H. S. Carson '94 tCavell, Dr. W. H. Bridger '01 Kitzmeyer, C. L. '04 Merrill, E. B. '08 Bliss, Dr. W. H. '08 Chartz, Miss B. E. Butte '11 Smith, G. D.. Jr. '79 Dunshee. B. H. '12 Chartz. J. M. '01 Morse. H. D. '14 Feeley, J. C, Jr. '04 Wynne, Miss E. W. '14 tVierira, Miss L. M. '06 Linforth, F. A. '11 Tobin, T. H. Elko '12 Binsacca, W. A. '97 Van Fleet. R. C. '13 Clark, A. L. '06 Badt, M. B. '14 Cullity, Edwin '06 De Armond, C. F. Deer Lodge '11 Jensen, G. C. '12 Jensen, Mrs. G. C. '12 Eagleson, Miss J. L. '12 Schroeder, Miss E. A. East Ely '99 tQuayle, B. L. Dillon '07 Backe. C. W. '12 Ketchum, Miss E. W. '16 Duddleson. W. J. 404 LOCALITY INDEX [Nevada Ely '07 I.onan, W. W. '12 Lewis. Miss d. M. '15 Faria. Miss M. J. Eureka 'IS Priest. Charles Fnllon '99 +Roscnl)crK, A. I.. '04 Williamson. Thomas '1.1 lames, Miss M. P. '14 kichncr. I^. R. Franktown '14 Bailie, Miss F. N. W. Gardnerville '14 Davisson, \V. H. Golconda '08 .Anderson, Mrs. Madison Goldfield •92 tByler. E. A. '00 Weslar. \V. H. 'Qi Wilson. Miss B. M. '04 McCulloch. J. R. '05 Favier. Mrs. F. C. '11 Murphv. Miss M. A. '11 t Wilcox. .•\. D. '13 Dickel. A. C. '14 Hanson. Miss M. M. '15 Smith. Miss Lucile Gold Hill '04 Lowry. M. \\ Hawthorne '03 Rodder. 1. C. '03 Rodder. Mrs. J. C. Las Vegas •02 Wadleigh, Dr. \V. M. Ludwig '15 Smith. C. H. Luning '99 Geisendorfer. H. A. Manhattan •10 tBurk. H. A. Mason •94 Week. C. A. McGIII •90 Lakeman. C. B. '16 Hoenigmann. F. J. MIna *99 Pache. Dr. F. C. Nelson "13 Leach. Roy Osceola '15 Price. Miss Maude Reno '88 Layman, J. F. '90 Rulison, Dr. D. W. '93 Price, R. M. '93 Price. Mrs. R. M. •96 Dan forth. H. D. •96 Gil)l)ons. L. A. '97 Coffin, Dr. C. A. '98 tWheeler. Miss M. M. •00 Hill. H. W. '00 IRulison. Dr. F. J. •01 Allen. G. L. •02 tQuinn, Dr. F. P. •02 Salisbury, A. N. '04 Rhodes, Dr. C. E. •05 Montgomery. Mrs. S. E. •05 Steinmiller. Dr. G. C. '07 Montgomery, S. E. •08 Young. Mrs. J. R. •09 Bleasdale, B. G. '09 Murphy. L. O. •09 Murphy. Mrs. L. O. •13 Nyswander. J. A. •15 Price, Miss Maude '16 Cafferata. R. \V. '16 Langford, Miss S. M. Rochester '04 Girard. F. J. Ruth '11 Carrick. \\. H. '14 Hegeman. A. K. Schurz '10 John.son, H. T. Sodavllle '01 Beck, E. L. Sweetwater •14 Hyde, Miss A. E. Tonopah '97 tBosqui, Dr. B. A. '97 Rulison. Dr. Helen M. '01 Hudgens, Dr. Anna L. •05 Dodge. E. V. '05 Landsborough, T. R. •08 Budelmati. H. D. '10 Solomon, R. W. •12 tSilver, Albert •14 Garcia. E. C. •14 tAverill. C. V. '16 Iden, W. R. Virginia City '86 Langan, F. P. •99 Lawson, Dr. W. J. •00 Smith, D. T. '04 Lowry, M. V. •13 Church. J. B. '16 Nicholson. C. A. Vy/ells '11 Heath. Miss P. E. '12 Quay, Miss E. M. Winnemucca '10 Allen, R. F. '10 Keves. W. R. '12 Christen. D. G. W. Nevada-Xew York] LOCALITY INDEX 405 Wonder '06 Carpenter. E. E. '13 Black. P. C. New Hampshire Durham '05 Butler. Dr. Ormond Xew Jersey Atlantic City '15 Wendell. Miss M. E. Bloomfieid '10 Shipley, L. B. Chester '05 Richardson, Miss E. B. Coytesville '82 Niles, A. P. Cranford '11 Chase, Miss H. \V. East Orange '94 Franklin, Mrs. M. \\'. '99 Franklin, M. W. '03 Gilbertson, H. S. Englewood '07 Hawley, K. A. Glen Ridge '99 tBeard. \V. M. Grantwood '04 tTeller, Mrs. C. J. Jersey City '86 tHuinphrey. Dr. J. G. '01 Thurston, Mrs. A. L. Leonia '04 Goddard, P. E. IVlontclair '05 Bevan, L. J. Mountain Lakes '02 Ritchie. R. W. New Brunswick '03 Bee, W. T. Plainfield '97 Ransome, A. W. Princeton '84 Davis, Mrs. J. D. '02 Loomis, Mrs. H. L. '03 Dewing, H. B. '03 Sinclair. W. J. '07 Weber, S. H. Riverside '97 Willis, P. W. Rutgers College '11 Moore, A. R. Sandy Hook Proving Ground '09 Finger, Lt. R. W. Seabright '15 Cadman. P. F. Shrewsbury '16 Van Vliet, R. C, Jr. South Orange '05 Albee, Dr. G. C. Upper Montclair '95 Kinkead, Mrs. J. A. Westfield '06 Clark, Mrs. E. E. Xew ]\Iexico Albuquerque '93 Alger. Dr. E. J. '02 Brainard, L. B. '16 Dieckmann, P. H. '16 Nichols, J. C. Capitan '13 Bogue, Miss M. A. Columbus '11 Mayo, George East Las Vegas '14 tPapen, Miss Helen Parsons '04 Merriam, W. W. Santa Rita '13 Carrell, L. J. '13 Mee, W. P. '15 Mee, Mrs. W. P. Silver City '06 Calkins. H. G. '06 Ward, Miss Isabel State College '05 Bixby, F. L. '15 Kunsman, C. H. '15 Matthew, Raymond White Oaks '07 Bloch, W. J. Xew York Albany '06 Albrecht, Sebastian '06 tTaylor, H. W. Ardsley-on- Hudson '99 Scott. L. N. Auburn '07 Teall, Mrs. J. R. 406 LOCALITY INDEX [New York Brooklyn 70 Sparks. Dr. Ak'tu-s. 1-tO S. Portland av. '00 Henderson. I'.. N.. .^"1 I-afaycfte av. '96 Warbassc. Mrs. H. N.. 31 Irvington place •01 Klink. Miss J. S.. 407 Ocean av. '03 Stowell. Miss Agnes. 470 Kastern Park- '08 O'Connell, J. J.. 142 Columbia Heights •00 To.M, (".. B., 1837 W. 8th st. •II Chase. Miss M. W., 136 Herkimer st. ■|4 Clement. I.. M., 430 Senator st. 16 IVisliie. J. B., 169 Clinton st. Carmel '08 Brownson. Mrs. F. H. Corona •13 tBrundin. Miss T. M. Dobbs Ferry ■10 Bird. P. S. Ellis Island •07 Ramus, Mrs. Carl Elmira •12 Tuftle, Mrs. J. R. Great Neck Station '"^2 Hodgkins, Miss Georgiana •08 Henry, Mrs. S. I. Ithaca •07 Bradlev. J. C. •08 Hunn, Mrs. C. J. '09 English. Donald •14 Chandler. \V. L. •13 Chilcote. L. R. •15 Ehlers. J. H. Jamestown •90 Rawson. Dr. C. H. Mortimer •02 Wedd, Miss R. A. New York City •75 Webb. H. H.. 21 E. 82d st. •81 Silliman, C. H.. 418 Central park, W. '83 Beckett. E. A., 319 W. 57th st. '83 Del Mar. Eugene. Hotel Monticello •83 ludd. Mrs. G. M.. 1 W. 82d st. •84 "Mezes. S. E.. 280 Convent av. •87 Francoeur. G. H.. 27 W. 97th st. '87 Peyton, W. C. 44 W. 77th st. '87 Vidaver. Nathan, Hotel Berkeley '89 Haskin, Dr. W. H., 205 \V. 57th st. '89 Steffens. J. L., 16 Gramercy park '90 McKisick. Lewis. 146 Central park •92 Galloway, Miss I. G., 609 W. 127th st. •92 Gray, J. H., 71 Broadway '02 McLean, F. H.. 130 E. 22d st. '93 Carpenter. \V. M.. Holland House "94 Darnton. Mrs. Charles. 202 W. 74th st. '94 Gray. Miss Mabel, 1 W. 102d st. '94 Leventritt. E. M.. 850 Park av. •04 Samuels, M. V.. 312 W. 109th st. '95 Corbett. H. W., 443 W. 21st st. '96 Dinkelspiel, Dr. Edgar. 850 Park av. '98 Bovard. Miss H. C, 620 W. 122d st. •98 tChambcrlain, J. P., Columbia Univer- sity '98 tEdgren, Mrs. Robert, Sea Gate '98 Hellmuth, Lou, 39 E. 27th st. '98 Hopper. James, 7 5th av. '99 Kelly, Mrs. Robert. 245 \V. 45th st. '00 Barnes, J. W., 1 E. 42d st. '00 tCraig, W. B.. Hotel San Rafael '00 Joseph. Miss M. J., 514 \V. 122d st. '00 Mein. W. W., 45 E. 82d st. '00 Mortimer, T. D., 30 Broad st. '01 Bayer. T. P., 5 W. 65th st. '01 Southard, J. B.. 130 \V. 44th st. '01 Tully, R. W., 136 W. 44th st. '02 Allen, F. M., Rockefeller Hospital '02 Carter, Raymond, 600 W. 114th st. '03 tHerreshoff. W. S.. 237 W. 109th st. '04 Goldberg. R. L.. 575 West End av. '04 Mandel. F. A., 63 W. 56th st. •05 Fogg, D. E.. 630 W. 135th st. '05 Marty. Miss E. A., 601 W. 127th st. '05 Vickery, F. P., 415 W. 117th st. '06 Browne, S. C, Jr., 14 Wall st. '06 tMcGeehan. Mrs. W. O., care of N. Y. American '06 Morrow, Miss M. K.. 435 W. 119th st. '07 Clarke, H. A.. DeWitt Clinton High School '07 De Remer, J. G.. 105 E. 53d st. '07 Edwards. Gurden. 655 W. 160th st. '07 Linscott, H. C, 238 W. 56th st. '07 Nelson. N. C, American Museum of Natural History '07 Samuels, M. J., 75 Fort Washington av. '07 tScheyer. Emanuel. 1885 Madison av. '08 Rogers. J. E.. 1 Madison av. '08 Tyssowski, John. 122 E. 82d st. '09 Fischer, H. F., 608 W. 139th st. '09 Johnson. Miss A. C. 537 W. 121st st. '09 McDonald, W. C, 40 E. 40th st. '09 Parker, R. A., 134 W. 28th st. '10 tHeilman. William, care of Argentine Consulate '10 Robertson, Dr. O. H.. Rockefeller In- stitute '11 Currier. Mrs. E. W.. care of Air Re- duction Co.. 50 Broad st. '11 Marchant. L. B.. 424 W. 119th st. '11 Whisman. Dr. H. S., Roosevelt Hospital '11 Yoshisawa. Kojiro. 102 W. 123d st. '12 Cadwell. Miss Floralyn. 35 E. 62d st. '12 Hammill, H. B.. 534 W. 114th st. '13 Anthony. Miss E. P.. 415 W. 118th st. '13 Davis, P. L., Jr.. 128 W. 82d st. '13 Koshland. D. E.. Hotel Essex '13 Randall, R. R., 549 Riverside drive '13 Zavalla, J. P., care of Argentine Con- sulate '14 Brooks. O. F.. 336 W. 58th st. '14 Charles. Miss N. I.. White Bible School '14 Kerr. M. B.. Jr.. 161 W. 13th st. '14 tMills. Miss E. F.. 2334 E. 22d st. '14 Mills. F. C. Furnald Hall, Columbia L^niversity '14 Utsunomiya. Massichi. 102 W. 123d st. '15 Camp. C. L.. Livingston Hall. Columbia University '15 Cockroft. Miss T. S., 17 Battery place '15 Collins. G. L.. Rochester Theol. Sem. '15 Don Carlos. H. S.. 115 Broadway '15 Lattin. Miss L. L.. 1230 Amsterdam av. New York-Ohio] LOCALITY INDEX 407 'IS Levy. J. H., Columbia University '15 Maddock. Miss E. H., 419 W. 110th st. '15 Magnes, Miss Rosalind, 8 W. 83d st. '15 Stowitts. H. J., 1425 Broadway Olean '14 Carroll, H. C. Owego '12 Koeb, Otto Oyster Bay '03 Roosevelt, Theodore Plandome '04 Adams, E. E. '04 Adams. Mrs. E. E. Westchester '94 Mastick, S. C. Port Washington '03 Norris, C. G. Poughkeepsie '14 Dodge. Miss J. G. '14 Taylor, J. M. Richmond Hill '00 Herreshoff, J. B., Jr. Rochester '64 Daly, J. A. '96 Ross, F. E. '99 Nutting, P. G. '11 tPhillips, Miss I. E. Sackett Harbor '09 Forbes. Dr. D. \V. Schenectady '98 Hiraiwa. Tamekichi '10 Cumming. G. B. '10 Twogood. E. N. '14 Barnes, M. S. '14 Dichman. E. W. G. '14 Holland. W. H. '14 Souza. M. E. '14 Steindorff, Kurt '15 Gay, C. V. '15 Sutherland, H. M. '15 White, H. A. '16 Nyman. R. F. Schroon Lake '74 Perkins. J. C. Stapleton '87 Bartnett, W. J. '02 Stephenson. R. P. Stony Ford '00 Titus. Mrs. Louis Syracuse '97 Rosebrugh. Mrs. R. M. '06 Harvey. F. A. Tuxedo Park '91 Juilliard. F. A. Walton '96 North, A. W. Westfleld '16 Ossman, G. W. West Point '93 Rethers, Capt. H. F. White Plains '74 Jackson, A. W. '99 Overstreet, H. A. '12 Michelbacher, G. F. '12 Michelbacher, Mrs. G. F. Yonkers '05 Scofield. Mrs. R. B. '15 Waite, R. A. North Carolina Charlotte '06 Oliver, T. C. Phoenix '16 Stickney. F. S. Spri ce Pines '08 Henry, Mrs. S. L North Dakota La Mourr '12 Miner, L. W. Mandan '06 Gaumnitz, A. J. Ohio Barnesville '16 Yocom. H. B. Canton '90 Timken, H. H. Cincinnati '77 Webster, R. H. '09 Vogeler, Mrs. K. A. Cleveland '93 Hunter, Mrs. John '02 Horovitz. J. S. '15 Rahill. Mrs. J. W. '16 Speddy, Miss F. S. Collins '16 Bembower, William Dayton '04 Crocker. F. W. '08 Jones, B. M. Delaware '16 Valentine. Miss Lucile Granville '03 Brumback, A. ^L 408 LOCALITY INDEX [Ohio-Oregon Lakewood It Wiirts, A. II. Lancaster •IS lAl.hnlt. I'.. K. Perrysburg '15, 1'.. I'.. Oberlln '03 RoRcrs, Mrs. C. G. '04 RoKcrs. C. G. Oxford •06 Davis, n. M. Urbana '15 DeniitiK, G. I.. Warren ■|5 .\ustin. J. H. Okl.mioma Bokchito "15 Lewis, Miss Anna Duncan •10 Darke. R. E. Fort Sill •d? Krllcy, Lt. R. H. Inola •15 Colt, Miss S. V. Miami '16 Robinson. Miss J. M. Norman '16 Denison. Miss B. R. Oklahoma City '07 Townsend. Mrs. I. H. '11 Rumsey, R. D. Waukomis '15 Johnston. E. M. Weatherford •16 Williams. Miss Myrtle Oregon Albany '03 Watson, Mrs. I. F. '13 Merrill. K. K. Alsea •15 Collins, H. H. Ashland '01 Bunnell. Miss E. M. •14 Keen. F. P. Astoria '00 Vaughan. Dr. Frank '14 Smith, Miss M. K. Baker Bandon '14 Moore, R. T. '15 tFlynn. E. D. Beaverton Ml Moody, M. R. Ml Moody, Mrs. M. R. Bend '04 Young, G. S. Brookings '14 Van Deventer. Mrs. A. F. '15 Hope, H. H. Canby '16 Robinson, Miss V. M. Coquille '14 Knowlton, O. H. Corvallis '10 Chandler, Mrs. A. C. '12 Chandler, A. C. '13 Auld, Mrs. H. B. '13 Kerr, Miss L. H. '14 Hurd, Miss C. N. '16 Beaty, E. B. Cottage Grove '90 McCargar, Dr. Richard Estacada '01 Devore, Mrs. C. W. Eugene '76 McCormack. Dr. H. F. '03 Bovard. J. F. '09 Richardson. G. F. '13 Foster, J. D. '15 Campbell, Miss L. E. '15 Packard, E. L. '16 Ramage, Miss Helen Forest Grove '82 Bishop. Dr. J. S. '15 Hoyt, W. K. Freewater '04 Ramsay, Mrs. J. L. Gold Hill '16 Tucker, C. A. Grants Pass '81 Clarke, R. W. '10 Steel, F. R. '16 Harvey, Miss M. L. Harrisburg '15 McQuaid, Miss L. L. Hermiston '12 Jones. P. S. Hood River •80 Shepard. E. H. '98 Wedemeyer. O. T. Independence '11 Dwiggins, Jay, Jr. Oregon] LOCALITY INDEX 409 Junction City '10 Parry, W. C. Klamath Falls '11 Applegate, Miss B. B. Kerby '96 Floyd. Mrs. T. F. '15 Wiggin, Miss M. L. Marshfield '03 Brown. J. L. '0,3 McKeown. Arthur '05 Nasburg. Mrs. Harry '07 Swanton. R. W. '11 Payne, Mrs. F. W. '12 Tavenner, R. W. '14 Coke, Miss B. F. '16 Goss. R. F. '16 Preuss. Miss M. S. Maupin '93 Mays, Edwin McMinnville '13 tMardis. Miss E. C. Medford '95 tHelms. Dr. G. L. '98 Gammill, J. A. '03 Haskins, L. B. '05 Warner, Miss Beulah '10 Kentner, Miss B. D. '14 Quisno, Miss J. E. North Bend '16 Hazer, Miss F. M. Oregon City '15 Banl■ Rogue River • I t '-;ir''<-t'i, Miss A. ('. Rye Valley •its Mac Niclu.l. A. W. Salem ■00 Kinns. Z. J. '12 Martin. 1. C. '15 Axlcy, Scth Sheridan '06 Miller. K. C. Toledo '15 Laslcy. Miss L. V. Union 'OJ tl.cvy, G. S. '14 Lcwin. G. H. '16 Busick. C. L. West Linn •90 Cary, J. II. Pennsylvania Ambridge '09 Lang. R. K. Athens '77 Morison, W. (". Bellevue '91 Baker, Dr. H. A. Bryn Mawr '86 Sprague. Miss F. R. '06 de Laguna, T. L. '15 Lanman, Miss E. H. Easton '16 Shimer. C. E. '98 Thomas, F. P. Erie Ford City '06 tMiller, Miss E. W. Germantown •00 Margolis. Mrs. M. L. Greensburg '95 Barclay, Mrs. Morrison Haverford '13 Haas. Mrs. Otto Hazelton '04 Colt, Alexander Philadelphia •S: McCrea. Rev. Henrv. 3229 Rover st. '95 Strachan. I. E.. Midvale Steel Co. '96 Hansche. Miss M. B..4811 Springfield av, '05 Whcalton. Miss H. M.. 20" S. "lOth st. '07 Menzin, A. L., The Tracy Ml Barron, Miss M. L., 1122 S. 52d st. '12 Aitken, Mrs. K. T., 231 S. 40th st. '13 Aitken, R. T., 231 S. 40th st. '13 llnderhill. J. L., 2516 S. Colorado st. '13 Wheeler, Miss E. H., 4001 Spring Gar- den St. '15 Nakano, Y. W., Houston Club '15 Van Nostrand, J. J., Jr., 5433 Angora terrace Pittsburgh '98 Arents. C. A., 1323 Alton st. '05 Gibbs, E. A., 5742 Holden st. '05 tMarshall, Howard, McClintic. Mar- shall Co. '10 Cooper, S. B., Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. '10 Crossfield, A. S., Arsenal station '10 Eckley. G. M., 7644 Frankstown av. '10 Hollstein. A. H., 7900 Frankstown av. '10 Hollstein, F. E., 1260 Pennsylvania av. Wilkinsburg '14 Pomeroy. G. A. '15 Miller, H. D. Wilmerding '14 Dean, W. E., Jr. Philippine Islands Aroroy, Masbate '10 Kettenbach, O. L. '13 Clausen, E. H. Cagayan, Mindanao '99 Baugh, N. R. Camp Stotsenburg '99 Rubottom, Capt. Holland Fort Mills '05 Scudder, J. H. H. Iloilo, Panay '93 Phelan, Dr. H. D. R. Manila '79 Morse. Fremont '87 Partridge, Mrs. C. A. '91 Allen. A. F. '92 Derham, Mrs. Charles '95 Dudley, Dr. F. W. '98 Cohn, C. C. '98 Cohn. Mrs. C. C. '98 Mc\'enn, Miss G. E. '99 Graham, Mrs. C. M. '00 Farrow. Dr. E. J. '01 Aitken, T. D. '01 Colton, C. M. '01 Parsons. G. W. '01 tShaw. W. T. '03 Mini. Capt. L. E. '04 Mitchell. R. R. '05 Miller. H. H. '09 Burton. A. M. '10 Barber. E. L. '11 tWhite. Mrs. William '12 Collins. M. C. '12 Morse, Miss A. F. '12 Yates. H. S. Philippine Islands-Utah] LOCALITY LNDEX '12 Yates, Mrs. H. S. Sewanee '13 Kerr. Miss K. M. '99 Ware, Mrs. S. L. '16 Merriman, W. H. Mindanao Texas '00 t Spencer. W. C. Austin '00 Donnelly, Miss L. L. Naga, Negros '12 Weisinger, N. L. '01 Gerdenker, D. A. '15 Do well, C. T. Pampanga, Luzon Belton '04 Davis, Mrs. H. G. '12 Miller, Miss B. M. Bongao, Sulu Canyon '09 Stephenson, H. B. '16 Hill, J. A. Porto Rico College Station '16 Potts, A. T. Aguadilla Dallas '00 tTracy, L. H. '12 Gililland. R. C. Rhode Island '13 Moseley, J. H. East Greenwich El Paso '03 Hunt, Mrs. F. R. '98 Deaderick, Miss Bertha '99 Hackley, W. A. Providence '02 Rhoades, Dr. R. H. '00 Gilbreth, Mrs. F. B. '05 Kinkel, Mrs. C. A. '08 Fish, Dr. E. S. '05 Mundy, Miss C. A. '11 Fiock, L. R. West Barrlngton '15 Campbell, R. C. '09 Jencks, Mrs. F. M. Fort Worth '99 Kingsbury. W. F. South Carolin.\ '12 Vail, E. M. Columbia Houston '99 Graham. Mrs. J. M. '02 Balaam, R. C. '04 Blanchard, F. T. Macbeth '12 Suman, J. R. '03 tShaw, Mrs. B. Nacogdoches South Dakota '12 Perkins, Miss L. K. Graton Ozona '16 Cassels, Miss R. L. '82 Davidson, C. E. Lead San Antonio 04 Sharwood, W. J. '05 Hicks, Mrs. W. W. Miller Spofford 13 Waters, Mrs. Glen '14 Walti, F. W. Redfield Utah 09 Fath. E. A. Logan Mitchell '11 Greaves, J. E. 11 Smith, Miss U. D. '12 Saxer, A. H. '15 Gardner, Willard Te.xnessee '15 Porter, C. W. Alcoa Quincy 06 Giesting, F. A. '02 Feibush, N. J. Chattanooga Ogden '15 Oak, A. H. '07 Fitzgerald, A. R. Jackson '13 Lucas, Miss Florence '15 White, M. K. Park City '07 Friendly. 0. X. Nashville '15 Gavins. O. A. '06 Strong, E. K.. Jr. '15 Marquand, A. B. 411 AVZ PAyton '12 (K-rncr. A. J. Provo '15 Mct'.rath, I'. I- Salt Lake City •88 Kllis, A. C. Jr.. 607 2(1 av. •92 Hlood. (;. I).. 215 3d av •96 Loofhourow, F. C. 54 S. 12th Kast st. •02 Molk-y, H. A., box 12.16 •02 Wlnichill. Mrs. J. R.. 967 1st av. •0.1 \hvn. II. W.. 107.1 2clav. •01 Stewart. John, New Grand Hotel •04 i.a Rue. K. C 2545 Beverly st. •04 Merrill. K. H.. 5.10 E. 2d South st. •05 Pietz. Mrs. H. W.. 1073 2d ay. •05 Hall Miss A. M.. 78 E. 1st North st. •06 tChamberlain, W. H.. University of Utah •10 Twiss, W. C, Hyland apts "12 Daines. L. L.. University of Utah •12 Eveleth, B. H.. 65.1 E. 3d South st. •12 Fveleth, Mrs. B. H.. 653 E. 3d South st. •12 Fox, F. Y., 124 N. State st. •n Proutz. C. Y., 1136 E. 1st South st. •14 Purviance. C. E.. 3590 S. State st. •15 Ledyard, E. M., 1111 3d av. •15 Ledyard. Mrs. E. M.. 1111 3d av. •16 Cordell. Miss Marguerite, care of Na- tional Bank of the Republic •16 Mollerup, Miss Tulla. 872 S. 4th st. •16 Tyree, Miss B. A.. 127 F st. Springvllle •06 t Wright, Miss C. B. St. George •16 Wrothen, G. W.. Jr. Tooele '15 Queen, H. E. Vermont Fort Ethan Allen '94 Shaw, Dr. H. G. Windsor '99 Smoot. Miss S. E. M. Virginia Fortress Monroe '07 Haines, Lt. R. E. '10 tWaldmann, C. A. Richmond '04 Miller, Crosby Spring Grove '14 Grotophorst, \V. E. South Boston '14 tThompson, T. \V. Washington Aberdeen '02 Holmquist, Mrs. H. E. '14 Baker, Mrs. E. F. '15 McClyinont. Miss Mabel '16 Weatherwax, Miss V. L. Arlington "13 Bisson. Dr. D. G. LOCALITY INDEX [Utah-Washington Belllngham '04 Beardsley, Miss Helen '15 Varrelman, F. A. Boyds '10 Bass, A. L. Bremerton '94 Puck, R. F. S. '04 Reeves, Miss A. B. '07 Winsor, T. W. Buckley '81 Sheets, Dr. J. H. Burbank '12 Chandler, E. M. Chewelah '04 Eddy, Miss Grace Clarkston '98 Foster, R. A. Cle Elum '14 Nomland. J. O. Colfax '93 tWarner, E. M. '15 Walters, Miss Helen Crawford '15 Ebert, G. P. Davenport '05 Miller, L. J. Dayton '12 Eagleson, Miss J. L. Edison '99 tHalloran, George Edmonds '16 Sweet, Dr. E. A. Everett '00 McCowan, Miss Margaret '02 Gardiner, E. P. Eveson '16 Brown, Vaughan Fort Worden '98 Bartlett, Dr. C. J. Francis '14 Thomson. Miss M. W. Goshen '14 Mize, Miss M. F. Harrington '16 Gateley, Miss Marguerite Hoquiam '14 Hitchings. Miss Ruth '16 Knack, Miss Clara lone '16 McKie, W. J. La Conner '13 Shell, J. L. Lakebay '94 tWilkes, Dr. Farrington Leavenworth '95 Sylvester. A. H. Monroe '02 Withington, Mrs. Wilfred Washington] LOCALITY INDEX 413 Newport '14 tReid. W. K. North Yakima '05 Bannister, E. A. '10 tTaylor, P. P. '11 Vandiver, Mrs. J. J. '15 Bundy, E. O. '16 Thompson, Miss H. O. Okanagan '01 Paine, Mrs. F. C. •02 Paine, F. C. Orin '15 tMcMillan, H. D. Port Townsend '78 Seavey, Dr. L. T. Poulsbo '04 Reeves, Miss A. B. Pullman '15 Browder, Miss Aline Redmond •1.3 Trimble, Mrs. H. A. Republic '04 Hall, Mrs. R. J. Rolling Bay '14 Said, M. E. Seattle '71 Whitworth, F. H., 321 Madden av. '80 Carroll, H. W.. 308 29th av. '87 Shannon, Dr. James, 1700 15th av. '95 Littlefield. G. B., 5808 15th av., N. E. '96 Hume, T. \V., L. C. Smith l)ldg. '96 tLal)arra(iue, Miss C. B., 1127 31st av. '98 Reynolds, Mrs. W. B., 714 W. Galer st. '98 Sargentich, Dr. Spiro, Seattle Hotel •98 Schwabacher, Mrs. L. S., 902 17th St., N. '99 Claussen, Harry, 922 E. Denny way '99 Rothermel, Miss Elizabeth, 4709 16th St., N. E. '00 Brehm, G. O., 221 36th av., N. '00 Dorety, F. G., 202 36th av., N. '00 tFinley, Dr. J. H.. Eitel bidg. '00 Marsh, E. B., Arctic Club '01 Bonham, Mrs. C. L., 1833 Ravenna blvd. '01 Brehm, Mrs. G. O., 221 36th av., N. '03 Briggs, H. E., 1020 Seneca st. •03 tCorlett, B. E., 218 \V. Blaine st. "03 Phillips, H. P., 400 W. Highland drive '03 Quinan, G. E., 203 W. Comstock st. '03 Wheeler, A. S.. 3308 37th av. •04 Dorety, Mrs. F. G., 202 36th St., N. '04 Ewing, Dr. D. A.. 320 Harvard av., N. '04 Hazard, Mrs. F. R., 703 30th av. '04 JefTerds, A. O., 925 25th av. '04 Kinlvcad, James, Assembly Hotel •04 Luther, O. L., 411 Wheeler st. '04 Weaver, C. E., University station '05 Newhall, C. A., 6303 21st av., N. E. '05 Schage. Miss F. J., 602 17th av., N. '05 tStansbery, Dr. Claude, Northern Bank bldg. '06 Beecher, H. W., 1616 E. Howell st. '06 Dunn, R. I., 3336 37th av., S. '06 Seaton, J. H.. Jr.. 3721 Meridian av. '07 Beecher, Mrs. H. W., 1616 E. Howell st. '07 Green, J. R., Maynard bldg. '07 Parry, D. H., Assembly Hotel '08 Thomas, Miss V. A. N., 4547 17th st. '08 Wright, J. L., 4811 Dayton av. '10 tMcFarland, L. J., care of Western Electric Co. '10 Rowe, L. R., R.F.D. 2, box 328 '13 Baugh, Miss Arline, 1711 32d av., S. '13 Turner, A. V.. 1110 W. Ray st. '14 Clark, E. I., 1716 Arch st. '14 Coan, C. F., 1714 E. 62d st. '14 Hitchings. Miss Ruth, 3202 Irving st. '14 Thomson, Miss M.W.,2827 Broadway, N. '14 Westbrook. V. D.. 203 14th a v. '15 Packard. E. L., 4215 Brooklyn av. '15 Todd, Miss Hertha, 1914 21st av., N. '16 Cheatham, Miss Lutie, 626 19th av., N. '16 Gowen, L. E., 5005 22nd av., N. E. Spokane '79 Bernard, Henry '85 Gallagher. A. E. '95 Linney, W. H. '04 Hoag, Dr. F. M. '05 Daniels. R. S. '06 Beamer. Mrs. R. H. '10 Battles, Eugene ;il Gamble. C.^K. '1 1 Ghormley. K. I. '11 Samson. H. W. '16 Durkin, E. J. Spokane Falls '75 tWindsor, W. R. Sprague '15 De Chenne. E. R. Sunnyside '16 Dunn, Miss H. H. Tacoma '84 Bosse, C. O., 2119 N. Fife st. '91 Ware, J. H., 708 S. 52d st. '00 Schluss. K. C, 318 N. J st. '02 Hoska. Dr. I. E., 3214 N. 20th st. '04 Burgess, Miss D. C, 3424 N. 28th st. '05 Evans. D. M., 3223 N. 20th st. '06 Heinrich, Mrs. E. O., 3214 N. 30th st. ;07 Curtis, L. E., 420 N. Yakima st. "07 t Dickson, D. T., 731 Commerce st. •07 Evans, Llewellyn. 3612 N'. 33d st. •07 Evans. Mrs. Llewellyn, 3612 X. 33d st. '08 Heinrich, E. O.. 3214 N. 30th st. •08 Little, E. H.. 4427 N. 7th st. '08 Little. Mrs. E. H., 4427 N. 7th st. '09 Guyles, G. B., 1110 X. 8th st. '09 Guyles, Mrs. G. B., 1110 N. 8th st. •09 Harris, Mrs. P. T.. 3704 N. 34th st. '13 McCormack, J. H.. 603 N. M st. •14 Partridge, F. H., Fidelity Trust Co. '15 HofTman. J. H.. box 614 '16 Atkinson, D. W.. 2802 N. Junett st. 41-1 Vancouver •04 Wliippic, Mrs. G. E. Vashon 'lU ■ Dclllnll, 1,. I). Walla Walla '84 Wilbur, C. M. '«>7 HiRK-ins. Mrs. N. M. '04 Howies, Miss .\. 1-. '07 tl.asatcr, Fred '08 tl'lliott, C. M. '\.\ Silverinnn. A. L. '14 Houchcr, Miss L. E. '16 Borgstrom, Parry White Salmon •|0 Wilson, L. I.. Yelm '16 Grovcr, Miss S. E. West Virginia Flat Top '0.? tCouch. Mrs. F. A. Shepherdstown '15 Woolery, \V. K. Wisconsin Baraboo "14 Wendels. Miss M. A. Beloit '13 Haynes, E. S. Eau Claire '09 Boyd. Percy Grand Rapids '16 Reichel, Dan LOCALITY INDEX [Washington- Wyoming Kau Kauna '16 Kirvvan, T. D. Madison '97 McGilvary, E. B. '00 Bradley, H. C. •02 Cerf, B. H. '04 Thelen, Rolf '10 t Pease, C. C. '1.3 Narr, Mrs. E. R. Milwaukee '95 Gibbs, George '00 McDill, Mrs. J. R. '04 tBartlett. Mrs. A. B. '05 Barrett, S. A. '09 Johnson, Miss A. C. Plattevllle '12 McMillan, Mrs. A. C. Racine '10 Davis, Miss Marguerite Watertown '00 Babson, A. C. Wyoming Carneyville '06 Seymour, Mrs. C. B. Casper '12 Snook, Mrs. J. C. '15 Coolidge, H. H. '15 Douglas, J. M. '15 Rhoades, R. S. Cheyenne '16 Dyer. J. C. Laramie '92 Duniway, Mrs. C. A. '00 Holcombe. Mrs. John '10 Berry, R. E. Foreign Countries :ii '11 '04 '11 '14 '03 '08 '13 '15 '06 '13 Africa, South Cape Town, Cape Colony McMillan. G. B. Kimberley, Cape Colony Williams, A. F. Johannesburg, Transvaal McGuire, J. E. Newhall, P. M. Craig, T. W. Newhall, Mrs. P. M. Selby, Paul tSimson, Leslie Aspland, C. H. Nis, E. A. Pitchford, W. J. Selby, Mrs. Paul Maralsburg, Transvaal Vail, R. R. Metet Johnson, Mrs. S. F. Springs, Transvaal Womble, L. A. Africa, West Tchlkapa, Belgian Congo Van Deventer, W. M. McMillan, W. D. Argentine Republic Buenos Aires Rueda, Remigio Sanchez-EIia, Horacio tSifredi, A. V. Hosmann, J. G. Cordoba Perrine, Mrs. C. D. Glancy, Miss A. E. La Quiaca '08 Moore, A. F. '06 Ortiz de Rosal Bingham, H. W. San Nicolas '08 Newbery, C. A. Australia Adelaide '04 tShanasy, Dr. Frank '04 Shanasy, Dr. W. T. Melbourne '15 Deakin, Alfred Robe '10 Dod, H. C. Sydney '97 Lawson, A. A. '11 tCosgrove, Dr. J. I. Victoria '15 Aird, J. A. Rioja '14 Quiroga, J. E. Austria Feldkirch '16 Pockstaller, Theodore Brazil Manaos '07 tWalcott, Dr. A. M. Rio de Janeiro '14 Nolting, E. F. Burma Henzada '10 Case, B. C. Canada Calgary, Alta. '04 Davidson, Mrs. J. W. Cobalt, Ont. '11 Whitman, A. R. Copper Cliff, Ont. '00 Nicholls, J. C. Dawson, Yukon '06 tMcFairiand, W. H. S. '14 Ray, H. H. Hedley, B. C. '92 Wheeler, Roscoe 4U. LOCALITY INDEX [Canada-China James Island. B. C. ■II C.rnl.l'. George T.. 2 '91 Hcnrv B., 17 '91 John C, 17 '00 Mrs. Lawrence S. (sec Henley. 49) '12 Russell T.. 302 424 ALPHABETICAL INDEX [Airaldi-Andrews Airaldi •02 AiiK'iist, 287 Aird •15 J..lin A.. 20.1 •93 Jolin W.. 280 Airola •14 VirKil M-. 186 Aitken •04 Mrs. Alfred C. (sec Coolcv. 79) •00 Frank W.. 47 •86 John R.. 296 •90 Louis S.. 286 •13 Robert T., 171 •12 Mrs. Robert T. (see Baker. 159) •01 Thomas D., 300 '10 Wilhelmine E. (m. Young). 137 Akerly •S2 James C. S.. 8 Akers •10 Ethel J.. 137 •16 Mabel A.. 223 •15 Ruth F., 258 Akins •03 Winifred E. (m. Couch), 68 Albee •'3 Frances C, 171 '05 George C, 283 •05 Mrs. Harry W. (see Rice, 94) •10 Merton A.. 137 Albert! •01 Dom'co A., 308 Albertson •02 William B., 60 Albrecht •15 Edward J.. 203 •06 Sebastian. 265 Albright '14 George L., 186 •12 Horace M., 158 '12 Mrs. Horace M. (see Xoble, 166) Alderman •11 Ernest S.. 147 Alderson •00 Harrv E.. 282 '04 William H.. 78 Aldrich '03 Jean (ni. Koethen. see 72) Alexander •12 Anna T.. 138 •02 Archie A.. 60 •01 Edgar W.. 53 •04 Edith. 78 '07 ICmmett G.. 245 '96 Harry L.. 28 •12 Irene E., 158 •15 Irving W., 293 •01 Jewell, 53 •75 John F.. 2 '88 Monroe E., 279 '03 Pliilip W., 68 '15 Theo. A.. 203 '00 William H., 241 Alger '93 Edmund J.. 305 Allan '05 Harry C, 301 '15 Percy E., 204 AUard '15 Jessie. 204 Allardt '88 Charles F., 14 '88 Frederick A., 14 Allatt '15 Walter B., 204 Allbright '90 Fred'k H., 305 Allen '98 Albert H., 36 '98 Mrs. Albert H. (see Parker, 40) •08 Anna M. (m. Young). 117 '01 Annie H., S3 '91 Arthur F.. 17 '03 Beverly S., 68 '13 Chester A., 171 '96 Cliflford E., 281 '00 Edith M. (m. Milner). 47 '75 Edward O., 277 '97 Edward O., 31 '97 Mrs. Edward O. (see Augustine, 31) '06 Eric R., 97 '10 Ernest G.. 137 '10 Mrs. Ernest G. (Cobb), 137 '14 Ethel L. (m. Salanave). 186 '02 Fred'k M.. 60 •13 Fred H., 171 '12 Gerard M.. 158 •00 Gertrude E.. 47 '01 Glenn L.. 53 •06 Grace E.. 97 a'11 Harlow E.. 282 '92 Harris S., 19 '14 Mrs. Harry B. (see Bridge, 188) '98 Henry G., 307 '96 Herbert W., 28 '07 Hugh S., 108 '11 Inez A., 147 '98 Irving C, 36 '96 James T., 239 '06 John H., 97 •13 Leroy W., 171 '93 Lewis W., 20 '06 Marion (m. Heinrich), 97 '95 Mary G., 25 '15 Ray M.. 204 '93 Reginald H.,305 '14 Mrs. Robert S. (see Gallagher. 192) '10 Roscoe F., 137 '91 Walter C, 17 '13 Warren B., 284 Aller '13 Daniel L, 284 Allin '94 Charles A., 22 '13 Ray L.. 172 '13 Mrs. Ray L. (see Lucas. 180) '99 William R., 307 Ailing '03 Mark N., 68 AUtucker ')4 Marg't M.. 186 Allyn '13 Arthur, 172 Almind '03 Anders E.. 68 Alstrom '96 Mrs. John (see Bruere, 28) Altman '13 John C, 172 Altona '15 Lucie D., 204 Alvarado '15 Grace M., 204 Alvarez '08 Arthur C, 117 '06 Mrs. Walter C. (see Smyth, 106) Ambrose '08 Frances E., 117 '05 Thomas E.. 88 '10 William C. 137 '09 Winifred C. 127 Ames '14 Alma U., 186 '96 Everett, 298 '02 Fletcher, 60 Amiot •15 Alice. 204 Amos '11 Lilian E., 147 Amoss '14 Marguerite (m. McLaren), 186 Amundsen '14 Edward O., 186 Anderson '08 Adolph E., 117 '00 Albert J., 47 '98 Archibald B., 36 '03 Catherine (m. Wills), 68 '12 Charles A., 158 '15 Charlotte, 204 '13 Ewald, 172 '97 Frank M., 240 '00 Frank W., 308 '06 Gwynn P., 97 '96 Helen O., 281 '08 Ida N. (m. Bengston), 117 '73 Jerome A., 277 '96 Jessie M. (m. Eastwood), 28 '01 Mrs. Leroy (see Godin, 55) '12 Leo J.. 158 '08 Mrs. Madison (see McQuiddy. 123) '09 Madie. 127 '15 Peter A., 204 '13 Victor B., 172 '10 W^illiam, 137 '84 Winslow, 279 Andreason '14 Anna. 186 '12 James C, 159 '13 Mary A., 172 Andrews '12 A. Lorraine. see Addenda '81 Charles S.. 295 '02 Mrs. Edwin H. (see Falck. 62) '09 Frank D.. 127 '14 AI. Gladys. 186 '15 Raymond D., 204 '06 William S.. 97 'C8 Airs. William S. (see Biddle. 118^ •06 Winnif'd P.. 97 Andriano- Ashley] ALPHABETICAL INDEX 425 Andriano '15 Sylvester N.,303 Andros '96 Helen AI. (m. Hengstler),28 Andross '08 Albert K., 117 Angell '98 Harry M., 288 Angellotti '82 Frank AL, 295 Angonnet '10 Claude A., 311 Angove '11 Julia (m. Parsons), 147 '09 Libbie (m. Matteson), 127 Angwin '06 Ethel (m. Johnson), 97 '11 Henry R., 147 Aniser '97 Emilie, 31 Ansley '05 Florence R. (m. Kurtz), 88 '06 Marion, 97 Anthony '88 Charles N., 297 '70 Charles W., 1 '03 Earl C, 68 '13 Elizab'h P., 172 '95 Herbert M., 25 '95 Marc, 25 Antonovich '99 William G., 299 Aoki '08 Giichi, 117 Aono '12 Fusajiro, 311 Aplin '99 Donald G., 41 Applegate '11 Bessie B., 250 Arata '96 Bukio, 28 Arbogast '02 Aaron A.. 308 '14 Ella R., 186 Arbulich '04 Lerda E. (in. Schaumberg), 78 Archer '96 Leo B.. 298 '12 William H., 159 '11 MrsAVilliam H. (see Eaton, 150) Arena '13 Frank A., 293 Arendt '16 Bertram, 223 '15 Marion L., 204 '16 William M., 223 Arents '98 Curt A., 36 '00 Helen L. E. (m. Harms), 47 Argall •96 Frank, 28 Argenti '81 Jerome J.B..285 Argo '15 William L., 267 Arkin '08 James A., 291 '09 same, 291 Arkley '98 William W\. 36 Arlett '01 Elizal)cth. 53 '06 Robert G., 97 Armand '98 Emile C, 288 Armbruster '04 Mrs. Florence (see Foulds. 80) Armer '98 Evelyn D., 36 Armes '82 William D., 8 Armistead '96 Cecil AI., 281 '85 Howell v., 279 Armour '02 Harry W^, 289 '03 same. 290 '16 Marjorie-John. 22Z Armstrong '82 Albert AL, 9 '12 Alice I. (m. Hardy). 159 '03 Caroline, 290 '99 Frederic J., 41 '08 Gertrude A. (m. Tammen), 117 '09 Gladys A. (m. Leggett), 127 '12 Harry A.. 159 '10 James A.. 137 '06 James W., 97 '16 Jesse E., 223 '92 Jo'phine W.,305 '12 Mary E., 159 '15 Alary I., 204 '08 Airs. Robert O. (see Chipchase,119) '00 Ruth H. (m. Taylor), 47 '06 Thomas J.. 291 '85 Zachary T., 296 Arndt '15 Stanley M.. see Addenda Arneill '04 Elizabeth C. (m. Petit), 78 '11 Tohn AL, 148 '09 Mrs. John AL (see Baker, 127) Amer '05 Milton E., 310 Arnold '09 Carl E.. 127 '06 Charles E.L., 97 '00 Ernest W., 47 '02 Julean H., 60 '04 Airs. Julean H. (see Davis, 80) '82 Alarshall H., 295 '99 Philip B.. 42 '02 Robert P., 60 Arnoldy '03 Alary J., 68 Arnot '13 Agnes J., 172 '15 Eugene X.. 204 '69 Nathaniel D., 1 '16 Philip H.. 223 '14 Stanley L., 186 '14 Mrs. Stanley L. (see Kyburz, 195) Arnott '12 James A., 159 Arnstein '00 Lawrence, 47 Amtson '16 Emilie T., 261 Aronson '00 Evelyn K. (m. Margolis), 47 Arrington '13 Alabel F., 172 Arrowsmith '95 Mrs. Hayden (see Bartlett, 28) Arroyo '93 Torge. 305 '99 Richard, 307 Artana '15 Frank G., 293 '14 Joseph C, 293 Arthur '01 Edgar A., 282 '98 Ethel AL, 36 '04 George H.. 78 '99 Samuel R., 281 Asahina '03 Totaro. 309 Asakura '14 Shigetake, 186 Asbill '10 Stephen C, 302 Aschenbrenner '13 Walter J.. 172 Ash '96 Rachel L., 28 Ashby '06 Ina A. (m. Bourn), 97 '09 Sara C. 127 Ashe '82 Richard P., 295 Asher '93 Hugo K.. 297 '11 Kath'no L., 148 Ashford '14 Huron K.. 187 '14 Alarg'te K., 187 Ashley '87 Arthur H., 12 •97 Bertha. 31 '08 George F.. 117 '10 Harold H.. 137 '97 Julian W., 306 '06 Airs. Roscoe L. (sec AlcXair. 103) •14 William L, 187 426 ALPHABETICAL INDEX [Ashmun-Bailey Ashmun •14 llinry l-"... 1S7 Ashton '97 Mrs. Kolicrt (sec Knall. 33) Ashworth •93 I'ranU- 1'.. 305 Aspinwall '11 Ju.lsoM, 14H Aspland '02 Christopher H., 60 Asselin 'N Gcorse M., 293 Aten •08 Irvine P.. 117 '08 Mrs. Irvine P. (see Cotrel. 119) '93 Ralph R.. 309 Athearn •00 Fred G., 47 '00 Mrs. Fred G. (see Bottomes, 47) Atherton '10 Editli M. (m. Wolcott). 137 '80 Geortre A., 7 '14 Helen. 187 Atkins •15 Gladvs. 204 '98 John H.. 307 '08 J. William, 117 Atkinson '16 Dorothy W.. 223 '05 Florence E.. 88 '96 Frank J., 288 '14 Genevieve. 187 '16 Herbert P.. 223 '82 John W.. 9 •15 Lucy M.. 204 '12 May. 159 Atsatt '16 Mariorv. 223 '12 Sarah R.. 251 Atterbury '98 Ruth (m. Bailey). 36 '04 Way man (m. Young), 78 Attix '12 Uly>scs S.. 159 Atwater •80 Frank H.. 7 Atwood •95 William A.. 305 Auble •02 Mrs. I'arley M. (see Folsom, 63) Auerbach '99 Milton, 289 Augur •11 Irving v.. 148 '16 Wayland B., 223 Augustine '97 Winifredc M. (m. Allen), 31 Auld •13 Mrs. Harry B. (see Lcroux, 179) Austin •16 Dorothy K., 223 '15 Julia H.. 204 •00 Mrs. Paul S. (see Hinckley, 49) '86 Staflford W., 12 •13 Walter E., 172 '00 Walter P., 308 '06 Mrs. Walter P. (seeTull, 107) Avakian '12 Garapet, 159 Averill •14 Charles V., 187 Avery '02 Fannie H. (m. Xelson), 60 '03 Mrs. Hazen L. (see Wigton, 77) •07 Kasson, 108 '94 Russ, 22 '93 William X., 305 Avy •98 Emilie (m. Chapuis), 36 Await •07 Chester F.. 108 Axley '15 Seth. 204 Axton '95 Fred'k R., 305 Ayer '16 Constance. see Addenda '13 Helen D. (m. Plant). 172 '14 Mav C. 187 Ayers '96 Jane M. (m. Floyd), 306 •14 Tliomas F., 187 •93 Walter W., 287 Ayres '16 Arthur H., 268 '01 Charles S., 308 '01 Mrs. Charles S. (see Sale, 59) Azbell •03 Mrs. Claude T. (see Fair, 70) Babcock '16 Arthur L. R.. 223 '12 David L., 159 •n David T., 148 '10 Mrs. David T. (see Donoho, 139) '14 Edna G., 187 •05 Ernest B., 88 '16 George T., 261 'C7 Harold D., 108 Babson •00 Arthur C, 47 Bach '99 Mrs. Alfred C. (see Holling, 44) '15 Anne M., 204 Bachelder '05 Mrs. L. A. (see Thomas, 95) Bachman '88 Arthur, 14 '95 David S., 25 Bacigalupi '06 Beatrice, 97 '00 David E., 282 •02 Flora A. D., 60 '99 Giovanni, 299 '07 James A.. 301 '04 Julia. 309 '96 Louis D.. 281 '02 Tadini J., 60 '07 Airs. Tadini J. ! (see Manasee. 113) ! '07 Charles W., 108 Backman '90 Gotthard S., 305 Backus •06 George S., 97 Bacon '14 Frank M.. 187 '75 Gaston E., 285 '14 Howard L., 303 '99 William R., 307 '98 Mrs.William R. (see Swett, 41) Bade '01 Mrs. W. F. (see Ratcliff, 58) Baden '13 Merle L., 172 '14 Mrs. Merle L. (Chandler), 187 Badger '06 Richard S., 97 Badgley '16 lima L., 223 Badian •07 Hugo, 245 Badilla '95 Joseph C, 280 Badt •06 Milton B.. 97 '07 Roy A., 108 Baer '98 Adolph, 2,6 '01 Julius, 308 •99 Mrs. Julius (see Sweet, 46) '15 Lucy S., 204 '12 Markell C, 159 Bagg '06 Mrs. John S. (see Hobson, 101) Bagley '11 Earle M., 148 '93 Hubert F.. 287 '09 Loren A.. 311 '14 Robert O., 293 '05 Ruth G., 244 Bagot '92 Edward A.. 287 '11 Vera I.. 148 Bahney '97 Luther W., 288 Bailey '98 Mrs. Alfred J. (see Atterbury. ?>6) '03 Earnest A., 68 '05 Edna G. (m. Burdette),88 '82 Ella F. (m. Bruns). 9 '13 Flovd P.. 172 '08 Mrs. Floyd P. (see Griffith. 121) Bailey-Bare] ALPHABETICAL INDEX 427 '90 Henry F., 16 '00 Herbert W., 47 '03 Irving R.. 309 '14 John E., 187 '06 Lewis N., 97 '14 Lloyd E., 187 '01 Lucile H. (m. Waller), 53 '09 Mark G., 311 '07 Mrs. Myron T. (see Chubb, 109) '10 Paul, 137 '09 S. Ellsworth, 127 '06 Mrs. S. Ells- worth (see Watson, 107) Bailie '13 Elizabeth W., 172 '14 Florence N.W., 187 Baily '11 Hilda M., 148 '03 Mary S. (m. Williams). 68 '95 Richard J., 287 Baird '11 Arthur R., 148 '00 Benjamin A., 47 '98 Dudley, 36 '02 Mrs. Dudley (see Brainerd, 61) '94 Edward E., 305 '02 Frank, 60 '96 Fred'k G., 306 '96 Mrs. M. L., 306 '04 Mary W. (m. Bonnickson), 78 '16 William P., 223 Baker '09 Anna M. (m. Arneill), 127 '07 Arthur G., 301 '99 Arthur W., 307 '16 Charles L., 261 '12 Clara A. (m. Gore), 159 '13 Donald M., 172 '14 Dwii?ht C, 187 '05 Edward C, 88 '14 Mrs. E. F., see Addenda '06 Frederick N.,97 '03 George L., 68 '12 Gladvs P. (m. Aitken), 159 '02 Mrs. Grover B. (see Jeffreys, 64) '11 H. W. B., 148 '14 Helen M., 187 '91 Henry A., 279 '85 John L., 296 '83 Mrs. Joseph A. (see Buckhout,295) '06 Kathryn (m. Conrad), 97 '95 Milo S., 25 '04 Morgan D., 283 '09 Xed D., 127 '06 Robert S.. 291 '10 Airs. Roy B. (see Burpee, 138) '15 William A., 293 '01 Mrs. William S. (see Preble, 58) Bakewell '98 Benjamin, i6 '89 Charles M., 15 '93 John, 20 '95 Thomas V., 25 '01 Walter B., 53 Balaam '02 Rufus C, 61 Balch '14 Henrietta, 187 Baldridge '03 Nellie L. (m. Stevenson), 68 Baldwin '96 Alex. R.. 28 '04 Arnold M.. 78 '92 Caroline W. (m. Morrison), 19 '11 Dorothy M. (m. Nixon), 148 '11 Eleanor J. (m. Lamson), 148 '91 Henry C, 17 '97 John F.. 31 '15 John v., 204 '95 Lida (m. Thompson), 25 '97 Lloyd, 32 '04 Otis D„ 78 '09 Pauline (m, DuBois). 127 '85 Robert O., 279 '08 Walter I., 117 Balfrey '03 William J., 290 Ball '15 Charles F., 204 '16 Dexter R., 223 '11 Everett L., 148 '84 Henry A.. 286 '14 Irene C, 187 '09 Ivan J.. 127 '13 James F., 172 '13 Mrs. James F. (see Hanna, 177) '82 Robert L., 285 '08 Stella I. (m. McCharles), 117 '14 Wm. F., Jr., 187 Ballagh '05 Clarence S., 290 Ballard '13 Claudius, 313 '94 Ida H., 22 Ballarin '15 Joseph A., 293 Ballaseyus '05 Franz A., 88 '14 Hedwig E., 187 '15 Virginia E., 204 Ballenger '09 Mrs. W. L. (see Shannon, 135) Ballin '00 Mrs. Maurice (see Nathan, 51) Balzari '08 Robert A.. 117 Balzarini '04 Carlo E., 309 Bammann '06 Emma L., 97 Ban '14 Tasaku, 187 Bancroft '94 Frank W.. 22 '96 Mrs. Frank \V. (see Stow, 281) '10 Helen D. (m. Gove), 137 '05 Philip, 301 Bandel '94 Edward F., 287 Bangle '01 Harry W., 53 Bangs '14 Edward G. V., 187 '16 Jane B.. 223 '94 Winifred S., 22 Banks '06 Kathrina O., 97 Bankus '15 John, 204 Bannan '14 Helen G., 187 Banning '95 Edward J., 298 Bannister '08 Bertha F., 117 '05 Edward A., 88 '14 William D., 255 Bannon '01 Alinnie B. (m. Bradford), 53 Banta '14 Bert B.. 187 Bantz '04 Alice M., 78 Baraty '10 Gustave L., 302 Barbat '82 John H., 285 '88 same. 279 '84 Josephine E. (m. Winslow),286 '03 same. 282 '95 Wm. B. F., 280 Barber '10 Edgar L.. 137 '66 Edward T., 277 '85 Joseph E., 11 '08 Leland N., 117 '99 Oscar T., 299 '04 Mrs. Oscar T. (see Earle, 80) '09 Mrs. Thomas E. (see Towle, 136) Barclay '95 Mrs. Morrison (see Cashman, 25) Barcroft '82 David, 9 Barden '98 Estclle J. (m. Watson), 2)6 Bardill '11 John W., 313 Bardshar '08 Grace E. (m. Kelly), 117 Bardsley '11 George H.. 250 Bare '14 Bert, 187 428 ALPHABETICAL INDEX [Bare-Battles Bare, I't'd • Mrs. (k-orui- L. ^si'f Schmidt. 134) •07 Coldcii W.. 108 •15 1 1 a/A 1 A., 204 •0<; Jessie M., 128 '14 MarianiK' H., 188 •98 Mary E. (m. Morwood), 36 '15 Tlionias F.. 204 •03 Travlor VV., 68 •10 Wiliiaiii C. 137 08 William L., 281 •sal<)ni I'.. Jr.. 302 M5 Ada R. (ni. Fike. see .-UldeiHla '09 Eustace V., 128 Bray ton '11 Harold. 148 Brazelton •02_Warrcn B., 289 Breck '14 Henry C. 188 Breckenfeld '09 Elmer A., 128 Breed •00 Herbert L.. 48 •07 Mrs. Herb^t L. (see Rickley, 115) Breeden •14 Victor E., 188 Breen •98 Peter A.. 299 '01 William A., 300 Brehm •00 George O.. 48 '01 Mrs. George O. (sec Graham. 55) Breitstein '03 Louis I.. 69 Brelin '16 Ebbe A.. 224 Breneman •08 Fay A.. 118 Brenizer •02 Pearl L.. 61 Brenner '11 Mrs. Tames E. (see Marshall. 154) '13 Mervyn L.. 173 Breslauer '11 Annette. 148 '02 Augusta R. (m. Newfield), 61 Bressani •14 Anth'nv V.. 293 I Bretherton '15 Sidnev E.. 205 Brewer '95 Anne W.. 25 '95 Henrietta F., 25 •(13 John A., 69 '91 John A., 17 '02 John M., 61 '01 Mrs. John M. (see Gaddis, 55) '94 Robert L.. 22 '85 William A., 11 •10 William H., 273 Bricca •05 Constantine R., 283 Bricknell '06 Mrs. E. R. (see Patterson, 105) Bridge •12 Arthur F., 160 •16 Elizabeth. 261 '14 Winifred (m. Allen), 188 Bridges '92 Edith. 19 Bridgett '13 Eveline L., 173 Bridgewater '96 Edgar, 288 Bridgman '93 Lillie B., 239 '14 Olga L., 256 Brier '92 Martha A., 19 '14 Ruby G.. 188 '82 William W., 9 Brierly '66 Conant B., 277 Briggs '97 Armand E., 283 '80 Edith (m. Moses), 7 '15 Ellen G.. 205 '05 George A., 283 '14 George H.. 188 '03 Harry E.. 69 '08 LeRoy H.. 284 '07 Leslie B.. 108 '65 Martin C. 272 '13 Rowland S., 173 •16 Wallace R., 224 '98 Walter D.. 288 Bright '01 J. -Shirley, 53 Brighton '16 Thomas B., 261 Brignole •09 Au.gustus S.,128 Brinck •13 Elsiedora (m. Ford), 173 '04 Mrs. Henry R^ (see Smith, 85) Brinckerhoff '08 Mrs. E. E. (see Johnson, 122) Brink '10 Leon. 292 Brissenden '12 Paul F.. 251 Bristol '12 Alice J., 251 '05 Clare A. (m. Fish), 98 '03 Walter W.. 69 Britt •01 Harley S.. 53 Brittan '86 William G.. 296 Britton '10 Mrs. J. A., Jr., (see Courtian, 139) Brizard '97 Brousse. 299 '00 Henry F., 48 Broad •10 Charles J.. 311 '00 Edward J., 308 '00 Mrs. Edward J. (see Moore, 308) Brobeck '92 William I., 297 Brock '01 Mrs. Chas. W. (see Morse, 58) •IS Erie A., 205 Broderick •94 Daniel J.. 287 Broemmel '03 George M.. 69 Bromley '05 Hattie L., 88 •09 Irma S.. 128 '13 Lucetta M.. 173 '94 Marion. 22 '82 R. Innis, 278 Brooke '12 Vera H., 251 Brooknian- Bryan] ALPHABETICAL INDEX 435 Brookman '10 Douglas, 138 '99 Thirmuthis A., 42 Brooks '10 Clifton E., 138 '03 Edwin H., 69 '04 Mrs. Edwin H. (Wilde), 87 '10 Florence A., 138 '07 Ira P., 291 '13 Lloyd C, 173 'IS Lois J. (m. Bonstin), 205 '14 Otis F.. 188 '13 Rena B. (m. Miller), 173 Brosemer '15 Leon G., 293 Broughton '14 Esto, 188 '96 George A., 281 '88 Howard A., 297 '09 Irwin R., 128 Brouillet '11 Arthur W., 302 Browder '15 Aline, see Addenda Brower '00 Ross J., 48 '05 Mrs. Ross J. (see Barlow, 88) Brown '10 Abner W., 138 '10 Adele V. (m. Moreno), 138 '02 Agnes E., 61 '04 Albert, 309 '99 Albert J., 42 '88 Alfred P., 297 '15 Allen B., 205 '97 Annie F., 32 '09 Ara H., 128 '12 Arnold T., 160 '96 Arthur, 28 '13 Arthur M., 311 '14 Mrs. Arthur M. (see Garcelon, 192) '11 Bliss S., 250 '03 Bruce F., 69 '07 Caroline S., 108 '13 Charles A.. 173 '10 Charlotte M., 313 '10 Chester W., 138 '14 Claude C, 188 '04 Mrs. Cora A. (see Lasell, 82) '84 Daniel, Jr., 296 '04 David W., 283 '01 Airs. David E. (see Eby, 55) '09 Edith G. (m. Gould), 128 '08 Edith L., 118 '14 Elbert M., 188 '04 Elmer M., 79 '14 Ernest C, 188 '14 Mrs. Ernest C. (see Herrmann, 194) '86 Ernest S., 279 '11 Ethel I., 148 '98 Everett J., 36 '07 Everett S., see Addenda '06 Florence, 98 '02 Mrs. F. E. (see Jackson, 64) '11 Mrs. Frank A. (Moore), 148 '12 Mrs. S. L. (Hunter), 160 '76 George J., 278 '13 Gertrude L.,173 '12 Grace I., 160 '99 Henry P., 299 '91 Henry W., 297 '08 Horace H., 118 '15 Isabelle C. (m. Mee), 205 '88 Isidor I., 14 '95 James A., 305 '05 Mrs. James A. (see Gross, 91) '03 James L., 290 '79 John Q., 6 '16 John S., Jr.. 224 '12 Jonathan B.,160 '75 Joseph G., 3 '95 Joseph H., 288 '00 Joseph R., 48 '10 Mrs. Laurence C. (see Buchanan, 138) '77 Lewis W., 4 '98 Louis F., 36 '11 Mabel E., 250 '13 Marg't J. E.,253 '03 Marguerite W. (m. Rodder), 69 '12 Marianne G. (m. Payne), 160 '16 Marion A., 224 '08 Mayl^elle E. (m. Mills), 118 '85 Paul F.. 11 '03 Pearl E. (m. Smith), 69 '14 Ralph W.. 188 '14 Rudolph T.. 188 •14 Airs. Rudolph J. (see Walton, 202) •15 Ruth M., 205 '09 Simpson L., 265 '07 Theodore V., Jr., 291 '14 Vance S. (see Vivian S. Brown, 188) '16 Vauglian, 224 '14 Vivian S., 188 '03 Walter L., 69 '03 Airs. Walter L. (see Adams, 68) '93 Mrs. Walter S. (see Robinson, 22) '04 Warner, 79 '02 Mrs. Warner (see Alilliken, 242) '16 William B., 224 '91 William H., 17 '76 Windsor L., 3 Browne '95 Augustus F.,280 '09 Airs. Bowyer B. (see Reimers, 134) '09 Eber G., 128 '14 Elsie G., 188 '92 Fred'k D., 19 '00 Ralph S.. 48 '06 Spencer C, Jr., 98 Brownell '01 Brownie (m. Cooper), 53 '14 Raym'd E., 312 Brownfield '14 Ina G., 189 Browning '11 Anna AI. (m. Payne). 148 '08 DeWitt, 118 '99 Edith F., 42 '14 Edna AI., 189 '16 John L., 224 '15 Lurline, 205 Brownlee '11 Carl G., 148 Brownscombe '01 Tliomas F., 53 Brownsill '99 Edith S.. 42 '06 Minnie O., 98 Brownson '08 Mrs. F. H.. 118 Brownstone '97 Louis H., 2,2 Brownton '08 Leighton C.,311 Brubaker '06 Charles H., 98 Bruce '11 Amy E. (m. Bumstead), 148 '08 Harold L.. 118 '94 Janet (m. Alacon), 22 Bruck '16 Edwin L., 224 Bruckman '16 Bettina, 224 '12 Helen, 160 Brueck '15 Herman S., 205 Bruere '96 Cornelia (m. Alstrom), 28 Bruguiere '98 Peder S., 281 Bruhns '13 Harold J., 311 Brumback '03 Arthur M.. 242 Brun '95 Louis E.. 305 Brundin '13 Thorbory- AI., Brunei '16 Louis J. A.. 224 Brunk '13 Xan (m. Trimble), 173 Brunner '83 Albert J., 295 '09 Elsie F.. 128 Bruns '14 Carl H.. 189 '82 Airs. Fried'h A. (see Bailej', 9) '78 William C, 278 Brunton '14 Alargaret .\.. see Addenda Bryan '07 Everett X.. 108 '02 John T., 242 '09 Liovd. 128 '14 Stanlev F., 189 '01 Vivian B. (m. Xelson), 54 436 ALPHABETICAL INDEX [Bryant-Burridge Bryant '85 ("allioiiii. 296 *1() Harold C. 248 '85 Herman B., 11 '99 Xcllii- B. (in. Slu'pard). 42 •06 OI)cr W.. 98 •07 Mrs. Ohcr W. (SCO McN'cal. 113) •11 X'irKil C. 250 Bryce •09 Janu-s. 17i Bryson '15 Cora L.. 259 •12 Roy H.. 160 Buchanan '76 Aiijrustus N., 3 '10 Gladys (ni. Brown), 138 Buchner '09 Win field S., 291 Buck '07 Christian A.. 291 '08 Frank H.. Jr. | 118 13 Leonard \V..173 '14 Lorena \'.. 189 Buckham '13 Margaret, 173 Buckhout '83 Emily L. (m. Baker), 295 Buckingham '07 Kate H. (m. Koford), 108 '07 Thos. H.,Jr.,108 Buckley '14 Christopher A Jr.. 189 02 Emma, 282 |15 Ruth AI., 205 '84 Vincent DeP 279 Buckner '05 Delwin R., 89 Budd , '98 Henrv B.. 36 '73 James H., 2 '/4 John E., 2 ' Buddie '12 Geoffrey A. .160 Budelman '08 Herman D.. 118 Buffington '99 Laura M. (m. Janes), 42 Buflford '98 Charles M., 36 '04 Frances V. (m. Wagner), 79 '06 Lawrence, 98 Bugbee '01 Franklin U., 54 Buhman '14 Richard, 189 Bull '11 Edward C, 148 Bullard '06 Sellar. 98 Bullock '06 Amasa A., 98 '09 Paul R., 128 '09 Mrs. Paul R. (see McFeely, 132) '05 Walter M., 310 Bulson '16 Dorothy E., 224 Bumstead '11 Mrs. F. M. (see Bruce, 148) Bunce '12 Jennie O. (m. McMillan), 160 Bundschu '03 Walter B., 69 Bundy '15 Edward O.. 259 '13 Glenn J.. 173 Bunker ;01 Frank F.. 54 '89 Minnie, 15 '89 Robert E., 279 Bunnell '93 Adeline (m. Elliot), 20 '91 Edwin, 17 '01 Ella M.. 54 '66 George W., 272 '03 Katharine C. (m. Gorrill). 69 '04 Sterling. 79 Burbank '14 Herbert H., 189 '86 William F., 296 Burch '07 Mrs. E. L. (see Crowell, 109) '83 Maria A., 303 Burchard '75 Lconidas S., 3 Burchell '10 Mrs. L. L. (see Carter, 138) Burckhalter '00 Francis L., 48 Burd '99 John S., 42 '10 Mrs. Wallace P. (see Caldwell, 138) Burdette '05 Mrs. E. K. (see Bailey, 88) Burdick '99 Allan C, 42 '04 Mary L. (m. Graham), 79 Burdorf '07 Dorothy R. (m. Pinkham), 108 '06 Sophie M., 98 Burgess '04 Dora C, 79 '05 Ezra O., 89 '16 George F., 224 '08 Helen H. (m. Simpson), 118 '06 John A., 98 '03 John E.. 69 Burgevin '16 Leslie G.. 261 Burgren '14 Gustaf K. F.. 303 Burk '83 Frederic. 10 '10 Hugh A.. 138 '04 Pearl H.. 79 Burke '07 Andrew F., 301 '03 Edmund A., 69 '11 Ethel M. (m. Wheat). 148 '97 Francis J.. 299 '08 James AL, 118 '04 Nellie E. (m. King), 79 Burket Burridge '16 Harold E., 224 '99 Walter J.. 307 Burks '94 Jesse D., 23 Burland '15 Elmer G., 205 Burleson '90 Frank D., 305 Burness '04 Marion (m. Foster), 79 Burnett '06 Albert H., 301 '05 Edith A. (m. Premo), 89 '79 (ieorge G., 285 •93 George W., 287 |82 Isaac G., 295 . '01 Jessie E. (m. Thurston), 54 '14 Marg'te H., 189 '02 Mary L. (m. King), 61 Burnham '91 Clark J., 280 '11 George B., 148 '12 Muriel E., 160 ■07 Victor S., 109 '08 Mrs. Victor S. (see Derrickson, 119) '96 William P., 281 Burns '02 Herbert A., 61 '08 Kathryn J. (m. Plummer). 118 '05 Mary J. T. Z. (m. O'Connor), 89 •99 Paul M.. 307 '01 Ralph E., 308 '02 Robert, Jr., 308 •16 Robert W., 224 '06 Walter E., 98 •00 Mrs. W. E. (see Green, 49) Burpee •10 Alary H. (m. Baker), 138 •03 Walter J., 69 Burr '07 Addie (m. Reid). 109 '10 Alarian, 138 '15 Ruth, 205 Burrage '78 Charles D., 5 Burris-Cameron] ___JLPHABmiCALJN^ 437 Burris '10 Harry L., 138 Burroughs '09 Mrs. Benj. R. ] (see Xelson, 133) '12 Ethel, 160 '07 Helen R.. 109 Burson '09 David H., 311 Burt '14 Sadie \V., 189 Burton '09 Austin M., 128 '12 Frank P., 311 '07 Henry H., Jr., 109 '15 Robert E. (see Cuendett. 207) •00 Will D.. 289 '00 Mrs. Will D. (see Higgins, 289) Burum "07 Mrs. Hugh L. (see Rogers, 115) '16 Rayford Y., 224 Busch '02 Eva E., 61 Bush '06 Arthur C. 98 '98 Camilkis, 36 '07 Franklin W., 109 '14 Gavien A., 189 '09 Henry C. 128 '10 Mrs. Henry C. (see Mvers. 143) '06 Marv H., 98 '97 Philip L.. 32 '08 Ravm'd W., 118 '87 Robert E., 13 | Busick I '16 Claude L., 294 Busse '16 Edwin K., 312 Bussenius '88 Adolph G., 286 Busser '07 Edith M. (m. Whitworth), 109 Butler '97 Alice L. (m. Pope). 32 '12 Aubrev C, 160 '11 Charles L., 148 03 Drury de W., 69 '03 Edward I., 300 '03 Harry G., 69 '08 James B., 118 | '01 John W. S., 54 '07 Nora P. (m. Wepfer), 109 '12 Oliver W.. 313 '05 Ormond, 89 '09 Ralph H.. 128 '05 Robert, 89 '95 Willard W., 298 '97 William H., 288 Butner '00 Mrs. C. H. (see Longmore, 50) Butterfield i '14 Harrv M., 189 ' '15 Jamie M., 205 Butters : '79 Charles, 6 Buttner I '15 Harold H., 205 , Button '76 Fred L., 3 '07 Ralph L.. 109 Butts '84 Mrs. F. A. (see Walcott, 11) Byxbee '96 Edith S. (m. Nott), 28 1 Cabaniss : '84 George H., 296 1 Caceres '00 Eduardo. 308 '10 Simon X., 248 Cadman '10 Mrs. C. M. (see Bevan, 137) '15 Florence H. (m. Rahill), 205 '15 Paul F., see Addenda Cadogan '03 Anthony G., 69 Cadv^allader '93 Rawlins, 280 Cadwell '12 Floralyn. 160 Cady '08 Vernon M., 118 Butzbach '12 Raym'd H., 160 Buwalda '12 John P., 160 Byerley '98 Mrs. J. H. (see Funk, 2i7) Byington '87 Lewis F., 296 Byler j '92 Emmett A., 19 i Byrd ' '14 Mrs. Jane C.,255 ' '05 Pleasant W.,290 '08 Airs. Pleasant W. (see Watson, 126) Byrne '07 Don W.. 310 '13 Eva E.. 173 '94 Henrietta C, 23 '09 Rita M.. 128 '14 Walter G., 189 Byrnes '02 Grace A., 61 '11 William P.. 149 Cafferata '96 Albert, 306 •16 Russell W., 294 Caglieri '92 Guido E., 280 '06 Mrs. Victor A. (see O'Leary, 104) Cahen '08 Adolph, 301 I Cahill 1 '03 Edward G., 69 '98 Jennie M. (m. Collier), 36 , '05 John R., 89 1 '05 Wendel E., ] see Addenda j 1 Cahn '00 Nathan A.. 289 Caig '05 Susan E., 89 Cain '14 Gertrude B., 189 Cairne '67 John, 277 Cairns '12 Laura. 160 Caldecott '05 John W., 290 Calden '16 Ruth R., 224 Calder '09 George J., 128 '16 John R., 224 I '12 Mrs. Robert G. j (see Martin, 165) 1 Caldwell '93 Albert A.. 297 1 '16 Augusta O., 224 I '02 Forest B.. 61 I '80 H. H.. 278 '14 Lorrin L.. 189 '10 Aliriam W. (m. Burd). 138 '69 Robert. 277 Cale '01 Mrs. Francis M. (see Gilson, 55) Calef '15 Mrs. Florence D., 205 Calegaris '82 Joseph, 285 I Calhoun '05 William H., 89 Calkins '11 AUard A., 149 '99 Frank C, 42 '06 Hugh G.. 98 '11 John U., Jr., 149 Callaghan '01 John J.. 300 '04 Timothy B.. 309 Callahan '75 D. T., 177 Callaviray '98 Edwin, 281 Callender ! '97 Caroline M. I (m. Condit), 32 ' '06 Edna A.. 98 '91 Ernest G.. 286 '99 Monroe N.. 307 Callow I '01 Louise C. (m. Boege). 241 Calvi •14 Pini J., 189 Cameron '07 Blanche M. (m. Beecher). 109 '08 Mrs. R. Clyde (see Ostrander, 124) l.>S AU'llABETlCAL INDEX [Cameron-Cassidy Cameron, I iM Garden ■';„ ||,,war Nil til. 22S Cheminant •()() I.rstir I'.., 4.S Chen •02 I hi II I'ao. 242 •11 HiiiiK-Tsu, 149 'il Mrs. MiiiiK-Tsii (sec KoHK. 153) •11 Lucy II. Y.. 149 Cheney •n.S Charlis H.. 89 '09 Marshall C. 129 •08 Sheldon W., 119 '7H Warren. 5 '83 Mrs. Warren (Shcpard), 10 •85 William R, 11 '16 William F., Jr., 225 Chenoweth •07 Ora M.. 301 Cherington '00 Will S., 289 Cherry '96 Edward AI.. 288 Chesnut •90 Victor K.. 16 '94 Mrs. Victor K. (see Spohr, 24) Chessall '13 William A., 174 Chestnut '91 John A.. 17 Chevret '01 Antoinette C, i 51 '06 Marthe L., 99 Chiang '12 Mon-Linii. 160 Chickering '98 Allen L.. 36 '10 Martha A.. 138 Chidester •07 Maude X. (m. Moulton), 109 Chilcote [03 Gaylord H., 69 '15 Laurence R., 206 Child '85 Mrs. George R. (see Treat, 12) Childs '10 evciie w. (ni. Ramsdcn), 138 •16 Enid M., 225 •01 Ernest R.. 54 '02 Harold M., 61 Chilson '91 Henry G., 286 '02 William C, 282 Chilton •01 Jesse, 308 Ching '11 Gee San, 149 '11 HonR-Yen, 149 •13 Tin Koo, 174 Chipchase •08 Edith M. (m. Armstrong), 119 Chisholm •06 Stuart, 99 Chiu •15 Chung-Yen, 206 •13 Yan Tsz, 174 Chope '08 Hazel, 119 Choynski '96 Milton L., 28 Christal •99 Mrs. M. E., 289 '13 Alay, 174 Christen '12 David G., 160 Christensen '03 Carrie L. (m. Borton), 69 '00 Edward E., 48 •15 Gladys M., 206 '00 Joseph C. 48 Christian '12 Anna B., 252 Christiansen '11 Andrew H.. 149 '15 Georgine E. B., 206 'iO Helena S., 138 Christiansen '16 Oliver J.. 312 Christie '15 Arthur W.. 206 '15 Mrs. Arthur W. (see Whitcher.222) '14 Elva R., 189 Christman •12 Paul W., 160 Christopher •95 John F., 288 '13 Mrs. E. L. (see Cook, 174) Christy '01 Madeline V., 54 '15 Robert E., 206 •74 Samuel B., 2 Chubb •04 Annie, 79 '16 Evelyn A., 225 '10 Florence J., 138 '11 Grace M. (m. Frederickson), 149 '07 Mabel M. (m. Bailey). 109 •11 Olive M., 149 '07 Phillip H.. 109 '05 Mrs. Phillip H. (see Darrow, 89) Church '16 Allison M.. 312 '98 Harry E., 299 '13 James B.. 174 '13 Max A., 174 Churchill '13 Emily R. (m. Eaton). 174 '71 Leonard, 277 '10 Vernon R., 138 '10 Mrs. Vernon R. (see McKibben, 143) Cilker '03 Martha E., 69 •09 William H., 129 Cimbalo '15 Michele, 303 Citron '15 Jesse W., 293 '83 Raphael, 295 Claassen '13 Gus, 293 '13 Oscar, 293 Clancy '13 Mrs. Cecil B. (see Ryan, 183) Clapp '01 Arthur B., 289 '12 Edith D. (m. Snook), 160 '15 Gordon A., 284 '01 Helen E. (m. Jenks), 54 •07 Louise S., 109 •01 Philip S., 289 Clark '07 Mrs. A. L. (see Bransford,108) '95 Alice A. (m. Hart), 298 '04 Alice M., 79 •13 Arthur L.. 174 '01 Blanche M. (m. Chamberlain), 54 '09 Bruce L., 247 '08 Mrs. Bruce L. (see Elden, 120) '99 Charles W., 42 •99 Clarence D., 42 •91 Cosmor B.. 297 '13 Doris K.. 174 '14 Earle J., 189 '02 Mrs. E. B. (see Beatty, 61) '06 Mrs. Edgar E. (see Frank. 100) '99 Edward T., 42 '89 Emily C. (m. Warner). 15 '13 Emma A., 253 '15 Ethel. 206 '08 Frank E.. 119 '82 Fred'k H.. 9 •98 George. 37 '86 George T.. 12 '94 George W., 280 13 Harry S.. 174 '10 Hazel K.. 138 '06 Helen M. (m. Denton), 99 '69 J. J.. 277 '07 John A., 283 '05 John E., 89 •13 John G.. 174 '08 Lester A.. 119 '16 Marion. 225 '05 Maud (m. Glasson), 89 '08 Mrs. Alilton R. (see Lucy, 122) '13 Perrv B.. 293 •16 Robert H., 225 •15 Sarah A.. 206 '14 Ste'n C. Jr.. 189 '98 Susan G.. 37 '99 Thomas J.. 281 '11 Walter B., 302 '15 Walter E.. 206 '92 Warren V., 19 '99 William C. 42 '84 William D.. 279 '96 William X., 306 Clarke-Cohen] ALPHABETICAL IXDEX 441 Clarke '16 Allen L.. 225 '10 Belle (m. Chandler), 138 '08 Cecile, 119 '14 Dorothy K., 189 '00 Francis B., 300 'U Frank C, 149 '07 Harold A., 109 '98 James W.. 299 '77 John B.. 4 '04 Joseph P., 309 '03 Mabel S., 69 '14 Robert A., 293 '15 same. 293 '81 Russell W., 8 '16 Teresa D., 225 '03 Warren T., 69 Clary '95 Edward D., 25 Claubes '05 Todd C. 291 '06 Mrs. Todd C. (see Francis, 100) Clausen '14 Curtis P., 189 '00 Ernest A., 48 '13 Ervin H., 174 '98 Jacob C, i7 '12 Roy E.. 160 Claussen '99 Harry. 42 Clawiter '00 Edward I., 300 Clay '97 Edwin A.. 306 '01 Philip T., 54 Clayburgh '99 Herbert E., 42 Clayes '94 Edith M. (m. Clayes), 23 '92 Mary B., 19 '96 Wellington I.. 288 '94 Mrs. W. I. (see Clayes, 23) Clayton '02 Albert B.. 61 '09 Mrs. Walter (see Pendleton, 134) Cleary '05 Agnes C, 89 '06 Alfred J.. 99 '09 Ernest W., 129 '98 Mrs. Ernest W. (see Robinson, 40) '83 Frank C, 295 "90 Stephen, 286 '94 same. 280 Cleeves '15 Montague, 206 '08 Mrs. Montague (seeWampfler, 126) Cleland ■09 Gail, 129 'il Mrs. Gail (Moore), 149 "il Mrs. R. G. (see Stewart, 157) Clemens '15 Mildred L., 206 Clement •02 Charles E., 309 '12 David L.. 160 '94 Jabish, 23 '14 Lewis M., 189 Clements '16 Edgar J., 225 Clendenin '12 Beverly S., 160 '14 June L., 189 Cleveland '66 H. W.. 272 '13 Louise D.. 174 '09 Alaude.. 129 '13 Xeal. 174 Clewe 'Jl Ernest G., 149 '02 Johann F., 61 Cliberon •11 Lily, 149 Clifford '15 Kenneth R., 206 '13 Raym'd E.. 174 '05 Reginald (;., 89 '09 Rue R., 129 Clifton '04 Mrs. Harry T. (see Craig, 79) Clinch '11 Emily M. (ni.Trcmoureux, 149) ■'1 Watt W.. 149 Cline '13 Ada (m. Palmer). 174 '09 Edgar H.. 129 '98 Jean. 307 Clinton '81 Charles A., 278 '16 Isabella M., 294 Clogston '05 Olive AI. (m. Scofield), 89 Cloney '00 Mrs. Thomas (see Gilmour, 49) Cloud '00 Archibald J., 48 '14 Harold G., 189 Cloudman '09 Elizabeth L..129 '03 Harold C, 69 Clough '97 Cora I., 32 'JO Mary K. T. (m. Scott), 138 Clow '09 Elizabeth K.,129 '78 James B., 5 '16 Mariza E., 225 Clower '03 Mrs. Daniel E. (seeHimebaugh,72) Cloys '15 WiUa C, 206 Clune '16 James W.. 225 Cluness '87 William R., 279 Clute '96 John F., 298 Coan '14 Charles F.. 256 Coane '13 Ralph W., 174 Coates '03 Grace E., 69 '13 Marie M. (m. Van Ingen),17l Cobb '10 Alma (m. Allen, see 137) '15 Forrest A., 205 '71 George D.. 1 '\A George D.. 303 '98 Mrs. George O. (secTrowbridgc,41 ) '11 Mrs. Wni". R. (see Mayhew, 154) Coblentz '04 Lambert, 79 Cochran '02 Andrew W'., 289 '14 Harrington, 189 '09 Norris, 129 '69 W. A.. 277 Cochrane 'BZ Edwin O., 304 Cockburn '03 Ernest A., 309 Cockerton '00 Daniel H., 308 Cockroft '14 Irving G., 189 '15 Thoda S., 206 Coddington '04 Mabel E. (m. Wood), 79 Codoni '15 Leslie R., 312 Cody '81 Nelson L.A., 285 Coe '96 Leonard H., 281 Coeke '01 Amelia Y., 54 Coffer '94 John E., 298 Coffey '01 Edward I., 300 Coffin '10 Alice H., 138 '02 Alice W.. 61 '97 Charles A.. 306 'iO Irene A.. 138 '11 Walter P., 149 Coggins '08 Clifford E.. 119 Coghlan •02 John J., 62 Cogswell '92 Fred'k L.. 2?i.7 "\2> Harold G., 174 '00 Horatio, 48 '06 Mary G., 99 Cohen '83 Alfred H.. 295 •06 Birdie. 99 '99 Helena. 42 \\2 lU'HABETlCAL INDEX [Cohen-Conrey Cohen. ( I'l '(1/ I.tlia (III. MnitlilsKii )MY) '•'K Miif M. (111. .Srlicclinr ). .37 Cohn •14 Al.r. I'^O •14 .Mlaii L., 190 ''>8 Charles C 299 '98 Mrs. Charles C. (sic Sk-rpcr. 40) •()(. Davida. 99 '09 Hcri.crt J., 284 '13 IrvitiK A., 174 '96 Jacol), 306 •99 Jacol) E., 42 •13 Julian D.. 174 •14 Mcndd L., 190 •92 Kohirt D.. 19 ■08 Koy F... 119 Coke •14 Rc^sic F.. 190 •93 Paul S.. 305 Colbath '02 J. Sollitt. 62 •03 Mrs. J. Sollitt (sec Duff, 70) Colbreath •75 Jolui F., 277 Colburn ''■7 Orvillo M.. 306 •13 Zella. 174 Colby '01 Mrs. .Arthur E. (sceWhitchead, 60) •80 George E., 7 '99 Josepliine. 42 'f>S William E.. 299 •98 Mrs. Wni. E. (see \'rooman, 27) Cole '07 Arthur G.. 109 •99 Mrs. Elmer K. (Xavlor), 42 •08 Elsie M. (m. Bates). 119 '79 Marie D.. 6 '16 Theo. S.. 225 •00 Warren H.. 289 '97 William E.. 32 Colegrove '99 John A.. 307 Coleman "12 P.vron. 1(.0 •01 Charles M.. 54 '91 Geortre E.. 17 '95 Ralpii C. 305 ■'M K()l)ert L.. 298 '96 .Silas E., 28 "(M Simeon \V., 70 Colemore •94 Charles A., 2i •94 Mrs. C. A., 24 Coles '13 Harrison L..174 Collar '09 Floyd J.. 311 Collier •06 Albert M., 99 '06 Frank E.. 99 '98 Mrs. Henry F. (see Cahill. 36) '99 Jolm H.. Jr., 42 Colligan •06 Francis J.. 310 Collin ■91 Francis J., 281 CoUings •04 Lulu F.. 79 Collins •85 Addison C. 279 '10 Mrs. Arthur L. (see Dietrich, 139) '97 Asa W.. 306 '07 Charles H., 109 '74 David E.. 2 ■80 Edward L., 7 '85 George D.. 296 '03 Mrs. George D. (seeMacCurdy,290) '15 George L.. 206 '11 George M.. 149 '16 Hazel M., 225 '15 Henry H., 206 •12 Merton C, 160 '00 Robert H., 48 '14 Roy L.. 190 '13 Victor F.. 174 '04 Wallace 301 '98 Willis H.. 288 Collischonn '91 Philip, 280 Colliver '99 John A., 281 Collopy '15 Lucy M.. 206 Colman '97 May (m. Brandenstein), Z2 Colt '04 .-Mexander, 79 '95 Samuel, 25 '15 Sarah V., 206 Colton '02 Albert S., 62 '03 Mrs. Albert S. (see Jenkins, 72) 01 Cliarlcs M., 54 Colvin •13 Eda L. (m. White), 174 Colyer '13 Leslie S., 302 Coman '11 Carol. 149 •12 Mrs. W'm. M. (see Pitman, 167) Combs '06 Frances (m. Kracmer), 99 Comfort '13 Gertrude E., 174 Compton '12 Clarence S., 313 '15 Ruth B.. 206 Comstock '14 Ralph O., 190 •93 Sophie P., 20 Conard '13 Ashley H., 174 Concannon '11 Airs. Roljert L. (see Morgan, 155) Condit '97 Mrs. Ira J. (see Callender, 2)2) Condon '11 Vesta E.. 149 Cone '13 Donald L, 174 '01 Mrs. James (see Jones, 56) Coney '95 David M.. 305 '06 Zachary T., 310 Congdon '79 Charles H.. 6 '99 Edna R., 42 '85 Merton J.. 11 Conkle '15 Etta M., 206 i Conklin '16 Joel .S.. 225 Conlan '86 William. 27*^ Conley '16 Philip. 225 Conlin '08 Ada A.. 119 '05 Alice E.. 89 'Ul Walter E., 54 '12 William H., 161 Conlon '94 Francis J.. 287 '14 Thomas P., 303 Connelly •12 Mary F.. 161 Conner '01 Geortre S.. 308 '83 William E., 10 Connick '06 Mrs. Arthur E. (see Robert son, 105) '13 Alice H. (m. Mcjunkin), 174 '93 Clifton H., 297 Connitt '16 Elsie B.. 225 Connolly '97 George A., 299 '76 John J., 278 '16 Joseph E., 303 '15 Joseph P.. 206 '84 Thomas E., 279 '13 Thomas E., 174 '94 Thomas W.,287 Connor '03 Thomas \'.. 70 Conrad '00 Ada E. (m. Swett), 48 '10 Benj. D.. 139 '12 Mrs. Benj. D. (see Creighton,161) '10 Clinton C. 139 '09 Mrs. Clinton C. (see Phillips. 134) •93 David A., 280 '80 John G.. 7 '06 Mrs. Marion M. (see Baker, 97) Conradi '98 Carl H.. 288 Conrey •15 David W., 206 Conroy-Cowden] ALPHABETICAL INDEX 443 Conroy '76 Edmund C, 3 Constine '10 Louis B., 311 Coogan •06 Albert J., 99 Cook '08 Adella A., 119 '11 Mrs. Adrian H. (see Martin, 154) '03 Carl L., 70 '05 Celia B., 89 '03 Ella G., 70 '95 Ella M.. 239 '13 Enos P., 174 '88 Finlay, 14 '13 Florence M. (m. Christopher), 174 '16 Frank B., 225 '87 Frank S., 279 '14 Orrin, 190 Cooke '11 Alma L.. 149 '15 Hester L., 207 '09 Reginald B.,129 '11 Robert L., 149 Cool '85 Georue W., 304 '83 Russell H., 304 Cooledge '04 Belle. 79 Cooley •06 Arthur M., 99 '04 Clara M. (m. Aitken), 79 '14 Esther, 190 '03 Fred'k E., 70 '12 Russell H., 161 '14 Mrs. Russell H. (see 0'7 '00 HosapluT X.E.. 48 •94 Laura. 23 '04 Susie M. (m. Roy), 80 Daniels '16 Dorothy. 225 '98 John R.. 299 '08 Marguerite (m. Hall), 119 '05 Mark R., 89 '99 Ralph C, 43 •02 Mrs. Ralph C. (see Winn, 68) '05 Raymond S., 89 '16 Sarah P., 225 Dannemiller '03 Mrs. A. F. (see McCleave, 7i) Dannenbaum '98 Arthur T., i7 '06 Sidney R., 283 Darby '07 Rose E.. (m. To\vnsend).109 Darch 'II William F.. 150 Darden '09 AdcUa E. (Tu. Raiidain. 129 Darke •08 Helen D.. 119 '10 Roy E.. 139 Darling •05 Edward H.. 291 '16 Harold P.. 225 •07 Harry W.. 109 Darnell '15 Fred W.. 207 Darnton '"4 Mrs. Ciiarles (see Castelhun, IZ) ALPHABETICAL INDEX [Daney-Dean Darrow •05 Gertrude C. (in. Cliul.l)), 89 Darst •11 Margaret S. (in. Corhett), 150 '11 Mrs. M. S., 250 Dart '98 Edith P., ?>7 d'Artenay '^Z EuKenc, 285 Dartt '14 Rena M., 190 Das '10 Jyotish C, 139 Dash '16 Loveretta E., 225 Daugherty '13 Hazel R., 175 '16 Lester A., 225 Dauser '04 John S., 80 Daveler '07 Erie V., 110 David •03 Clarihel, 300 Davidson '82 Charles E., 295 '02 Charles S., 62 '06 Mrs. Charles S. (sec Blossom, 98) '04 Evelyn G., 80 '10 Georsxe, 273 'OS Gordon C, 246 '11 Harold E., 150 '07 James G., 265 '04 Mrs. Jas. W. (see Dow, 80) '75 Joseph R., 277 '13 Tennie I.. 175 •14 Lvndon L., 293 '11 Mildred E.. 150 •03 Xorvella M., 70 '15 Pirie, 207 '10 Thomas A., 139 '96 Thomas D., 298 '82 William W.,295 •05 W^inn W., 89 Davie '10 Harrv A., 302 '64 John'C, 277 Davies '13 Florence T. (m. Starke), 175 '02 Oma A. (m. Eltse), 62 '11 Robert G., 150 '03 William G., 70 '06 Mrs. Wm. G. (see Flanders, Addenda) Davis '00 Alice M. (m. Fisher), 308 '80 Belle D. (m. Whitton), 7 '06 Benj. M., 265 '16 Brython P., 175 '79 Carroll M., 6 '07 Cecil M., 110 '04 Clara G. (m. Arnold), 80 '87 Edward L., 304 '92 Edward W., 19 '16 Elbert W., 225 '11 Elizabeth A., 150 '07 Ellis A., 110 '10 Elmer F., 139 '02 Elton N. W.,309 '93 Emile W., 305 '15 Esther J., 207 '10 Ethel, 139 '02 Fred'k B., 309 '15 Grace E., 207 '04 Mrs. H. G. (see McQuiddy,83) '15 Harry F., 303 '09 Harvey L., 129 '82 Henry H., 295 '12 Horace. 273 '15 Irving F., 207 '14 James, 190 'OS James A., 301 '96 James P., 29 '03 Jessica M. (m. Nahl), 70 '84 Mrs. John D. (see Scobie, 11) '84 John F., 296 '16 Joseph A., 312 '05 Lewis J., 89 '15 Louis S., 207 '10 Marguerite, 139 '05 Mary F. (m. Hall), 89 '13 Mary J., 175 '03 Mary L., 70 '97 Xorris K., 32 '13 Percy L..Jr.. 175 '13 Rollo J.. 175 '98 Samuel D., 299 '04 Sevmour C.,309 '12 Sherwin B.,161 '16 Stella E., see Addenda '14 Susanna K.. 190 '91 Thomas H., 286 '05 Mrs. Wm. C. (.see Somerville, 95) '96 William E., 306 '14 W^illiam E., 190 '90 William H., 16 '13 William X., 175 '74 William R., 2 '85 William T., 286 Davison '14 Archibald B., 293 Davisson '04 Mrs. Frank B. (see Morrison, 83) '99 John G., 289 '00 Mrs. John G. (see Sweeney, 52) '14 William H., 293 Dawson '75 Alson, 277 '12 Dio L., see Addenda '14 Ellen M. K.,190 '15 George L, 207 '07 William C, 283 Day '15 Ada L., 207 '04 Caroline, 80 '05 Clarence E., 90 '68 Clinton, 1 '09 Donald W., 129 '14 Eleanor E., 190 '84 John G., 279 '05 Mary C. 90 ' '10 Samuel H., 139 '05 William P.. 90 Deacon '93 Frank C, 20 Deaderick '98 Bertha V., 2,7 Deakin '15 Alfred, 274 Deamer '07 Armor J. (m. Carson), 110 '83 William W., 10 '83 Mrs. Wm. W. (see Carnall, 10) Dean '81 Andrew J., 278 '09 Mrs. Arthur M. (see Behr, 127) '97 Charles D., Z2 '94 Frances A., 23 •10 T. Camp, 311 '90 Richard F., 16 Dean-d'Erlach] ALPHABETICAL IXDEX '09 Mrs. Robert A. (Lawrence), 129 '15 Walter C, 207 '14 Wm. E., Jr., 190 Dearborn '14 Ruth (m. Pimentel), 190 De Armond '06 Charles F., 99 Deasy '97 Daniel C, 299 De Bell '00 Wm. H., 48 De Berry '11 William E., 150 De Camp '11 Ray, 150 '11 Airs. Ray (see LePevre, 153) de Carvalho '14 Arthur A., 312 De Chenne '15 Ernest R., 207 Deckelman '00 Carlotta R. (m. Spellman), 281 Decker '02 Ellen I. (m. Norton), 62 de Clairmont '09 Mrs. Carlos L. (see Jensen, 131) Decoto '00 Ezra W., 48 '02 Louis A., 62 '03 Mrs. Louis A. (see Wade, 77) '0.; De Cou John A., 242 Deering '75 Frank P., 3 '92 Mrs. Frank P. (see Craft, 19) '81 James H., 295 de Fremery '15 Adolpli E., 207 '91 Grace H., 17 '82 James L., 9 'H Leon F., 15a '99 William C, 43 De Garmo '97 George C., 299 '98 Mrs. George C. (see Jones, 39) De Golia '77 George E., 4 De Golyer '15 George C, 207 De Haven '05 Mary T., 283 Dehm 'OS William H., 90 Dehy '96 William D., 298 Deichmiller '94 Conrad, 305 Deininger '02 Alarguerite, 282 de Jarnette '12 Henry K., 302 '12 Lillian I. J., 161 de Kay '16 Helen M., 225 de la Cuesta '16 Dulce. 225 '09 Ynez D., 129 de Laguna '09 Anita (m. Jencks), 129 '12 Augusta L., 161 '14 Bertha E., 190 '16 Mariquita, 225 '96 Theodore L., 29 de Lamater '98 Mrs. Van Ness (see Newton, 39) De Lancey '16 Clarence A. ,226 '02 Clinton C, 62 De Lancie '05 Harry S., 90 De Lane '13 Frank B., 175 Delany '96 Charles H., 29 '95 Marion M., 25 De Lap 'II True H., 302 De Large '\2 Blanclie C. 161 '10 Mary P., 139 447 de Lashmutt '01 Ivan, 54 de Laveaga '00 Joseph \'., 48 Deleray '14 Bert R., 190 Delicat '88 John F. A., 286 De Lisle '00 Godfray, 48 Del Mar ^83 Eugene, 295 Delmont '74 Francois, 277 De Luce '13 Mrs. D. D., 175 Demaree '02 Mabel P. (m. Smith), 62 Demarest '90 David C, 16 De Martini '15 Atilio J., 293 '93 Walter J., 299 Dement '16 John C, Jr.,226 Demeritt 'Oo Hul)ert O., 99 de Merritt '03 Joseph W., 290 de Meyer '15 Isabelle E., 207 Deming '16 Edna'C, 226 '15 Gladys L.. 207 '02 Raym'd H., 309 De Motte '15 Catliarine, 207 Dempster '95 Roy R., 25 Denham '16 Lilhan F.. t see Addciuhi Denicke '99 Ernest H., 43 '94 Fred'k A.. 23 Denio '15 Luzina B., 207 Denison '16 Belva R., 226 Denman '15 Charles. 207 '77 Frank H.. 4 '94 William. 2i Dennett '14 Edith E., 190 Dennis '93 Cecil C. 305 '88 Nathan P.. 279 Dennison '15 Jane W., 208 '16 Margaret, 226 Denny '07 Ethel A., 110 '02 Mrs. Karl V. (see Lemon, 64) '14 Levi P., 191 de Normandie '12 Harold. 161 Denslow '77 Harmon. 4 Dent '10 Mrs. E. T. A. (see Thomas. 146) Denton '09 Grace. 129 '15 Laura W. (m. Cooper), 208 '06 Mrs. Louis L '10 Linder D., 139 (see Clark. 99) '09 Paul R., 129 '08 Mrs. Paul R. (see Ward. 126) de Ong '15 Elmer R., 208 De Pay '81 Anson A., 278 '94 Edward S., 280 Derby "93 Albert T., 305 De Remer '07 Jay ti.. 110 Derge '11 Elizab'h M., 150 Derham '92 Mrs. Charles (see Ryan, 20) d'Erlach '11 Robert C, 150 448 ALPHADETICAL INDEX [Dernbach-Dobbin Dernbach •l.i lie my. -"M Dernham •OS MuHlf A., \V) Dcrrickson US Clara L. (ui. Biirnliani). 119 Des Marais '<>_' l,:i I'ayt-ttc N.. 287 Dessel •08 Frank W.. 291 Dessouslavy •00 An.lrr \\, .WO de Urunuela 'W Alionso !•:., 43 Deutsch '02 Monroe 1-2., 62 Develey •09 Mayhtllc. 129 Devencenzi •13 (, lau.l L.. 293 Devening •04 Harry, 290 de Veuve •15 Alice L.. 208 Devin '14 Martha D., 191 Devine •07 Cornelius, 283 '77 John. 285 •01 Josephine. 54 '11 Kathleen, 150 Devlin •08 Anna E., 119 Devore '01 Mrs. Claude VV. (see Thomas, 60) '09 George G., 129 Devote '08 Anthony S., 119 Dewell '06 Henry D., 99 '97 Jessie W., 32 Dewey '08 Constance M., 119 '15 Ralph \'.. 208 Dewing •0-1 Ethel R., 80 •0.^ Henry I'.., 70 '04 I 'earl M., 80 de Wit •12 kutii M., U)l de Witt 'K) Clinton, 226 •13 Mary M., 175 Dewitt '81 James M., 285 de Wolf '12 Charles C, 161 '10 Mrs. Charles C. (see McCahc, 143) '79 Ella H. (m. Slate), 6 Dexter '13 Mrs. B. D. Csee Kenny, 179) '10 Ruey, 139 '02 Sallic A. (m. May), 62 Deyo '04 Jennie M., 243 De Yd '01 Lou I. (m. Pringle), 54 Diamond '11 Thilip. 292 Dias '12 Joseph A., 161 Diavila '14 Louis B., 303 Dibble '98 Grace E., Z7 '99 Oliver, 43 '85 Wenona L. (m. A^kley), 11 Dibert '00 Jesse L.. 48 '01 Mrs. Philip C. (see White, 60) Dice '14 Lee R., 256 Dichman '14 Ernest W., 191 Dick '01 Archib'd Y., 308 '04 Fred A., 80 '84 William H.. 286 Dickel '13 Arnold C. 175 •10 Theo. E.. 139 Dickenson •91 ( l.ircnce F., 280 Dickerman '05 Nelson, see Addenda Dickerson '98 Clarence M., Z7 '00 Roy E.. 48 Dickey '13 Laurence, 175 Dickie '9h Alex. J., ?,7 '06 George E., 99 '98 Walter M., 2>7 Dickinson '14 Aliless P... 191 '14 Edward F., 191 Dickover '13 Erie R., 175 Dickson •06 Carroll C, 99 '15 Clara G., 208 '07 David T., 110 '01 Edward A., 54 '96 Fred'k W., 298 '13 Howard K., 175 '97 Mrs. James W. (see Marchebout, 34) '05 Mrs. Mary, 90 Didion '01 George N., 54 Diebert '98 Arthur J., 2§8 Dieckmann '\6 Paul H., 226 Diehl '08 Rosa M.. 119 Diepenbrock '15 Aloysius I., 208 Dierssen '16 Evelyn, 226 Dietrich '10 Elsa B. (m. Collins), 139 Dietz '03 Henry W., 70 '05 Mrs. Henry W. (see Barrows, 88) Dignan '10 Howard H., 139 '83 Michael H.. 285 Dikeman '85 Henry E., 11 '87 .Simon G., 13 Dillon '01 Mrs. G. Parker (see Piper, 58) '01 Marie C, 300 '08 Olive G. (m. Crawford), 119 '96 Richard J., 298 Dills '15 Thomas H., 208 Diment '16 Florence D., 261 Dimmick '10 Helen, 139 Dimmler '07 Charles L., 110 '09 Mrs. Chas. L. (see Doyle, 129) Dinkelspiel '96 Edgar, 29 00 Major W., 48 '12 Monroe L., 161 Dinsmore '04 Albert M., 309 '15 John W., 208 '1.^. Lura D., 226 '16 Thomas S., 226 '80 Wallace, 7 Dinwiddle '95 James L., 25 '01 Mrs. James L. (see Kendall, 56) Disbrow '10 Emily M., 139 Dismukes '15 Joseph \V., 208 Dittemore •09 Mrs. Loren J. (.see Vandervort, 136) Dittenhoefer •04 Maritm P... 80 Doan '12 George A., 292 Doane •98 Clarence W., 2,7 '11 Frank I., 150 '09 Mrs. Frank L (see Johnson, 131) Dobbin '16 Martha. 261 Dobl)ins-Dozier] ALPHABETICAL INDEX 449 Dobbins '03 Brantley W., 300 '94 Mrs. Hugh T. (see Lloyd, 24) '05 John L., 90 '97 Katherine E. (ni. McClcave), 32 '90 Rosemary (m. Lloyd), 16 Dobrzensky '14 Milton W., 191 Dockery '02 Mrs. N. G., 290 Dockweiler '15 Thos. A. J., 271 Dod '10 Harrie C, 139 '09 Stanley L., 311 Dodd '1 1 Mrs. Francis L. (see Gehringer,151) Dodds '09 Calvin S.. 247 '07 Thomas G., 283 Dodge '1-1 Charles S., 191 '05 Edgar V., 90 '05 Florence I., 90 '15 Henry C, 208 '14 Jane G.. 256 '12 John F.. 161 '14 Mildred L.. 191 '84 Washington,279 Dodson '95 Eugene M., 305 '15 Jas. H.. Jr., 208 Doerr '98 Louis, 288 Doherty '01 Margaret E. (ni. Kerns), 54 Dolcini '03 Mal)cl B., 290 Doll '04 Charles V., 309 Dollenmayer '05 Mary Y. (m. Tyler), 90 Dolman "i'Z Annie L. (m. Inskeep), 20 '00 Percival, 48 Dolson '13 Camille G., 175 '16 Gary E., 294 '10 Rush, 139 Doman '14 Joseph, 191 Domeniconi '01 James S.. 308 Domonoske '07 Arthur B., 110 '15 Clara R.. 208 '08 Hazel P., 119 Donald '15 May L., 208 '11 William G., 150 '14 Mrs. Wm. G. (see Oshorn, 198) Donaldson '91 John G., 286 Don Carlos '15 Harlan .S.. 271 Dong 'H Fred'k C, 293 Donlon '04 Mrs. James D. (see Fisher, 80) Donnell '98 Birney H., 2,7 Donnelley '97 George S., 306 Donnelly '97 Daniel L., 299 '93 Francis J., 287 •01 George J., 313 '00 Laura L., 48 Donoho '10 Hazel \\. (ni., 139 Donohoe •07 Seeley T., 310 Doody '06 Georgina L. (m. Norton), 99 Do ran '06 Alex. v.. 283 14 Clara J. A., 293 ■13 John P., 302 Dore •95 Cornelius. 288 •07 Walter H., 110 Dorety '00 Frederic G., 48 •04 Mrs. F. G. (see French, 80) Dorey '13 Grace L., 175 'L? Raym'd A., 302 Dorgeloh '10 John F., 139 Dormody •16 Helen D., 226 Dorn '82 Diademus S., 9 •00 Dora I. (m. Walton), 282 •86 Fred A., 296 '79 Marcellus A., 6 '95 Walter E., 298 '02 Winfield, 62 Dornin •89 John C, 15 Dorrance '85 Ralph G., 286 Dorris '08 Mrs. \V. C. (see Green, 121) Dorsey '00 Paul G.. 289 Dotta '13 Mary M., 175 Doty '15 Ralph E., 208 Dougherty '16 Ellsw'th v., 226 '16 Grace, 226 •08 Marg. A. I.. 119 •14 I'aul L, 191 Douglas '09 Chas. B. E., 129 '16 Charles G., see Addenda '15 Constance. 208 '12 Howard T., 161 '15 James U., 208 '13 James R., 175 '06 Kath. M., 99 '02 Mrs. Wm. W. rsee Cooper, 62) Douglass '14 Mrs. Clifford A. (see Capp. 189) •01 John W., 300 Dow '04 Mal)el L. I'm. Davidson), 80 '89 William A., 15 Dowd '10 Elizabeth. 139 '11 Atervyn R., 150 Dowdall '94 Richard J., 287 Dowell •15 Carr T., 267 •14 Lorena L. (ni. Rushforth), 191 Dowling '08 Ethel P.. 119 '04 Margaret C, 80 Downey •15 Alice A., 208 Downing •13 Mrs. Arthur B. (see Benson. 172) '14 Estelle, 256 '00 Joseph O., 48 '99 William S., 43 Downs '79 George W., 278 '05 Mabel, 90 '88 Walter E.. 14 Doychert '00 Ernestine, 282 Doyle '16 Alfred M., 226 '09 Dorothy L. (m. Dimmler), 129 '12 Florence E., 161 •94 Mrs. G. P. (see McKnight, 280) •00 Joseph H., 308 •1.^ Leo W.. 175 1(1 Victor H., 226 •OU Wm. T. S., 300 d'Oyly •16 Edward N.. 262 Dozier '96 Anthonv W., 29 •02 Charles T.. 62 '02 Mrs. Ernest (see Knowlcs, 64) '12 George P.. 161 '10 Linwood, 140 '02 Lydia L. (m. Payne), 62 '99 Melville. Jr., 43 '88 Thomas B.. 297 450 Dozicr, I 't'd '15 'II1..S. I^.lr., .W3 •U II., Vn Drake •nj ilryaiit S.. 62 '03 Mrs. liryanl S. ^scc Frickslad. 90) •15 Daiiiil g., 208 Draper •i(» W.ll't.m !•:., 140 Drehcr V] Fri-.l L.. 54 Drenkcl •0» Mrs. Harry W. (sri' Crozcr. 119) Dreschcr •06 Henry B., 99 Dresel •13 Rudolph L., 175 Dresser •01 Ralpii O.. 282 Drew '88 Elmer R.. 14 '9^ Tolin S.. 21 '14 William F., 191 '96 William J., 29 •98 Mrs. William J. (see Mc.\rtliiir, 39) •03 William P., 243 Dreyer '10 Xeils r. F., 140 '16 Walter. 226 Drinkhouse '65 E. J. C. 277 Drinkwater '06 Sara L. (ni. Shuman), 99 Driscoll •88 Edward P.. 286 '91 sanu-. 280 •91 Frank I.. 286 •97 Frcd'k A., 286 Driver •00 Beiij. v., 48 Drossel '86 AuRust A., 286 '93 Joseph H., 287 Drucker •02 Arthur E.. 62 "85 George I., 304 Drum •94 John S.. 298 ll.rilABETlCAL IXDLX [Dozier-lJurham Drury •10 Mrs. Arlic (see llil.l.ard. 141) •14 Aul)rey. 191 '11 I-:mily. 150 '05 Leslie M.. 90 '12 Xewlon B., 161 Dry den '00 Mrs. Harry F. (see Richard, 52) Dryer '11 Mahel E., 250 Dubois •64 Amos S., 277 '09 Mrs. Bird S. (sec Baldwin. 127) '03 Blanche M.. 70 '98 Charles H., 307 '03 Helen J.. 70 '80 Paul A., 285 '16 William R., 226 Duckett '08 Clarisse E., 119 Duddleson '16 William J., 226 Dudley '68 Charles H., 1 '97 Elizabeth (m. HiRgins). 288 '95 Frank W.. 280 '87 George D.. 13 Duell '16 Prentice V.. 226 Duff '03 Edith (m. Colhatli). 70 Dufficy •93 George W.. 287 '98 same, 281 •06 Rafael G.. 291 '98 ^'eronica A., 37 Duffy ^00 Alice E.. 48 '96 Anna G.. 29 '01 Dennis M., 300 '97 Edith J. (m. Montealegre). 32 •05 Elsie E.. 90 '14 Milton P.. 293 Du Four '13 Clarence J.. 253 Duggin '09 William ('.., 129 '07 Mrs. Wm. G. (see Hizar, 111) Duhring '16 Frcd'k .S.. 226 '89 Frcd'k T., 15 Dukes •16 Xcvillc R.. 226 Dumke '14 Herman S., 191 Dumontier '90 Joseph L.. 297 Dumpert '11 George L., 292 Dunbar '91 Arthur W., 280 '03 Edward F., 309 '08 Esto P. (m. Linscott), 119 '99 Palmer H., 307 '03 Sue H., 70 Duncan '15 Alta. 208 '99 Francis M., 289 '95 Franklin T., 28S •13 James P.. 175 '09 John C. 265 '04 Mabel A. (m. Bartlett), 80 '93 Robert, 298 '02 Robert A., 62 '77 Samuel C, 278 '04 Mrs. Walter H. (see Nicholson. 84) Dungan '04 Fred L.. 309 '02 Mrs. Hubert L. (see Rj^der, 66) Dunham •15 Robert A., 208 Duniway '92 Mrs.' C. A. (see Gushing, 19) Dunlap '01 Boutwcll. 54 '99 Knight. 43 '06 Mrs. Knight (Durand), 99 '08 Margie (m. Xutter), 119 •01 William H., 289 Duggan ' Dunn •95 Tohn F".. 25 '85 Francis. 11 •07 Xicholas S., 310 '15 Harrv L.. 208 '16 Helen H., 226 '16 Henry W., 226 '84 James H., 10 '06 Jessie A., 99 '84 John M.. 304 '88 John P. H., 279 •15 Kathleen L.,208 '86 Martin J.. 304 '11 Mary E.. 292 '06 Robert I.. 99 '07 Mrs. Robert I. (see Matthews, 113) '08 Sara E., 119 '13 Thomas B., 175 '14 W^illiam H., 191 '97 William L., 281 Dunne '99 Mrs. Frank H. (see Bonnell, 42) '14 Helen M.. 191 '16 Jo'phine M., 226 '83 Joseph J., 295 '81 Peter F., 295 •94 Mrs. Peter F. (see Haehnlen, 23) Dunning '15 Duncan. 208 Dunshee '79 Bertram H.. 6 '14 Bertram K.. 191 Du Pee '15 Harley B.. 293 Dupont '98 Mrs. Edw. K. (see Palmer, 40) Duprey '96 Arthur E.. 288 Duque '14 Gal)riel C. 191 Durand '06 Mary (m. Dunlap. see 99) '98 Alaude (m. Edgren). 37 Durbin '02 William R.. 62 Durbrow '16 Maryerv. 226 '99 William. 43 Durfee '12 Ulysses G.. 252 Durfy '15 Leland J.. 208 Durham ; '97 Judge H.. 306 Durkee-Echvards] ALPHABETICAL INDEX 451 Durkee '01 Lillian M., 54 Durkin '16 Emmet J., 226 Durley •12 Earle P., 161 Durney '14 Natalie X.. 191 Durrell '04 Mrs. Carlton E. (see Curtis, 79) '14 Laura L., 191 Durst '12 David M., 161 '03 Fred AL, 70 '80 John H., 7 '83 Murray H., 10 Dusterberry '07 Mrs. Frank T. (see Crothers, 109) Dutton '06 David C, 99 '13 Ediiar W., 175 '03 Harry, 290 '94 Henrv S., 23 '07 Pluma R. (m. Harley), 110 Dwelle '07 Harold E., 110 Dwiggins '11 Jay. Jr., 150 Dwyer '03 Alice C. (m. O'Connor), 70 '84 James P.. 296 '82 John J., 9 Dye '04 Amy G. (m. Keeran), 80 '15 Antoinette, 208 Dyer '13 Bryan R.. 175 '14 Deborah H.. 191 '07 Mrs. Ephraim (see Riley, 115) •94 Ernest L. 23 '09 Ethel K.. 129 '90 Hubert P.. 16 '16 James C. 226 'OZ John E., 300 Dyke '05 Louis H.. 90 Eachus '08 George W., 120 'OS Mrs. George W. (Beauchamp), 117 Eagleson '12 Jessie L., 161 Eames •14 Elizab'h A., 191 Earl '12 Alice (m. Wilder), 161 •06 Austin W., 99 '^i Guy C, 10 •16 Guy C, Jr., 226 •12 Martha F. (m. Graham), 161 Earle '04 Ava E. (m. Barber), 80 '02 John J., 62 Earll •85 Arthur R., 296 Easterby •78 Frank G., 5 Eastin '08 Alma. 120 Eastland •CI Orin. 289 Eastman •13 Ermon D.. 175 •01 Muriel (m. Martin), 55 •99 Mrs. Robert S. (see Venable, 46) •98 Thomas F., 2>7 Easton '95 Daniel E. F., 280 •16 Elizab^h J., 226 •01 Mrs. G. K. (see Wagner, 308) '86 Kimball G., 12 '96 Robert E., 29 '97 Mrs. Robert E. (see Olney, 34) •94 Stanley A., 23 Eastwood •56 Mrs. liurr (sec Anderson, 23) Eaton •13 Arthur. 175 '13 Mrs. .\rthur (see Churchill. 174) '14 Fred N.. 312 '99 Louis F., 43 '11 Nelda G., ! (m. Archer), 150 '97 Orison V., 299 •14 Ralph M., 191 Eaves •09 Lucille, 247 Ebert '15 George P., 208 Ebi •05 Alice M., 90 Ebner '11 Anita G. (m. Huntsbergcr), 150 '10 Ethelyn L. (m. Kennedy), 140 Ebright '99 George E., 281 •05 Harold R., 90 Eby •01 Elizabeth (m. Brown), 54 Echeverria '15 Raphael. 208 Eckart '05 Charles F.. 244 •99 Nelson A., 43 Ecker •05 Edna L. (m. Taylor), 90 Eckhardt •03 Harry F., 290 Eckley •10 George M.. 140 Eddy "10 Adolphus J., 140 •15 Mrs. A. J. (see Stone, 220) '12 Clyde L.. 292 •04 Grace. 290 •01 Guy W., 55 '94 Herman H., 23 '05 Nathaniel N.. 90 '14 Zella v., 191 Ede •02 Leonard G.. 309 •99 William. 43 Edelman '89 David W.. 15 Edelmann '97 George L.. 28.^ Edgerly •14 Emily E., 191 •13 Pearl I. (m. Smith). 175 Edgington '14 Jennie R.. 191 Edgren '98 Mrs. Rol)ert (see Durand. 2)7) Edinger •15 Dorothv. 208 '01 Oscar H., 289 '16 Ruth M., 226 '16 William J.. 226 Edminson •15 Ross W.. 208 Edmonds •82 Annie C. 9 '82 Harry M. W.. 9 Edmunds '16 C'nst'nce G..226 Edson '09 Charles F., 129 •00 Grace B. (m. Freeman), 48 Edwardes •11 \"ance 1'.. 150 •08 Mrs. Vance P. (see Pracy, 124) Edwards •98 Andrew L., 307 •16 Arched M., 226 '82 Charles A.. 9 '01 Claroice W., 55 •13 Mrs. D. P. (see Gibson, 176") '03 Elizab'h G.. 70 '08 Elma E. (m. Whitmore).120 •15 Fred'k N.. 259 •84 George. 10 '7Z George C. 2 '06 Mrs. George N. (see Needham, 104) •79 Geor.TC S., 6 •07 Gurden. 110 •08 Hiram W.. 120 •10 Mrs. Hiram W. (see Tomlin. 146) '94 Tohn H.,Jr.. 298 •06 John S., 99 •12 Lawrence, 302 •09 Mrs. L. E. (see Cox. 129) •0; Mabel L., 110 •10 Mal)el W.. 140 •0/ Miriam B., 110 452 ALPHABETICAL INDEX [Edwards-Ennor Edwards. C't'd '15 Paul L.. 208 "j2 William. 287 •10 William A., 140 •00 Mrs. W. S. (sec McCabc. 50) Eclls •86 Alex. (... 12 •93 Hohart K.. 298 Egenhoff '0') Rowland L..129 Eggers •08 Alice- M.. 120 •11 Carl A.. 292 •09 John H.. 129 Eggert •11 Elda M. M., 150 •14 Henry O.. 312 •08 Herman A., 311 Eggleston •05 Ethel E. (m. Chamberlain). 90 Ehlers •11 Henry. 150 '15 Joseph H.. 259 Ehrenberg •10 Aunes T.. 140 '12 Harriet M.. 161 •11 Henry. 150 Ehrlich •04 Alex. M.. 243 •04 Arnold M.. 80 '11 Philip. 150 Ehrman •91 Albert L.. 17 '16 Bernard C, 226 '13 Joseph, Jr.. 175 '96 Sidney M., 29 Ehrmann '04 Louise C. 80 Eichbaum 'M Chas. W., Jr.. 191 •91 Thomas E.. 17 Eichler '16 Edward. 226 Eichner '14 Earle R.. 191 Eidenmiller * '05 Frank H.. 310 Eidenmuller ■04 Wm. C. Jr.. 8:1 Einarsson '13 Sturla. 266 '12 Mrs. Sturla (see Kidder, 164) Einstein '06 Berton, 100 '12 Edwin M., 161 '08 Lesley, 120 Eisenhauer '14 Randolpli C.,191 Eisner •10 Mrs. Milton D. (see Gluckman.HO) '80 Milton S.. 7 '07 Norman A., 110 Ekberg '03 Mrs. Peter G. (see Pullen, 75) Elberg '07 Henry M., 310 Elden •08 Delia J. (m. Clark), 120 Elder •12 Jay C. 266 '02 Jefferson D.. 62 '06 Noble S.. 291 '14 Ruth. 191 •16 William F., 226 Eldridge '13 Chauncey, 302 Eliason '99 Andrew. Jr.. 43 Elkus '06 Albert L. 100 •07 Mrs. Chas. D. (Fee Salinger. 115) '10 Frederic K.. 140 EUer '00 Hul>ert C. 308 '14 Willard H.. 191 Elliot •97 Abby (m. Murdock). 32 '91 Albert H., 17 ' '93 Mrs. Albert H. (see Bunnell, 20) | '97 Mrs. Chas. M. (see Stull, 35) : •10 Elizab^h R.. 140 i •02 James D.. 290 j Elliott ' '12 Amos W.. 162 ! '12 Mrs. Amos W. , (see Runyon. 168) ; '15 Belle (m. Bickford, see 205) '08 Chester M.. 120 •10 Clarence E., 140 '92 D. Carter, 305 '06 Edna R. (m. Viney). 100 '14 Mauriene E..256 '06 Roy H., 100 Ellis '88 Adrian C. 14 '05 Alfred T., Jr.. 90 •16 Alice C. 226 •14 Mrs. Arthur C. (see Myers. 197) •99 Arthur M., 43 '14 Chester B.. 191 •99 Frank F., 43 •03 James A., 282 '15 John W., 208 •15 Lela O., 208 '14 Ralph C. 191 '06 Wm. F.. Jr.. 100 '16 Wilson D., 226 Ellison '01 Jeannette. 55 '13 William H.. 253 Ellsworth '99 Caroline D.. 43 '93 Jennie (m. Price), 21 '88 Oliver, 14 Elmendorf '16 William M.. 226 Elmore '03 Louis A.. 70 '16 Ruth E., 226 Eloesser '04 Herbert. 80 '00 Leo, 49 Efsasser '87 Meyer, 13 '14 Muriel W., 191 Elson '15 Alfred H., 208 Elston '97 Charles A.. 32 •97 J. Arthur. 32 •04 Mrs. J. Arthur, (see LeConte, 82) •99 Thomas S., 43 •05 Mrs. Thos. S. (see McCarthy. 93) Eltse '02 Mrs. Ralph R. (see Davies, 62) Elvidge '02 George F.. 309 Elwell •03 Lloyd E.. 70 Elwert '81 Charles P., 285 Elworthy '04 Fred'k W., 309 Embury '99 Mrs. G. S. (see Hanscom. 44) Emde '94 George H.. 287 Emerson '64 David L.. 1 •88 Horatio B., 286 '95 same. 280 '99 Mark L.. 281 '15 Orville R.. 208 •01 Thomas H., 55 Emery '08 Mabel W.. 120 Emmert '09 Michael T.. 130 Encell '07 Harry A.. 110 Ench '14 Frank B.. 303 •16 Pauline A.. 226 Endicott •10 Albert H.. 292 Engelhardt •15 Barbara A.. 208 '96 Cath'rine B., 29 Engle '07 John F.. 245 '11 Margaret E. (m. Welch), 150 Englesby '01 Fred C. 289 English •09 Donald. 130 '97 Norris. 32 '10 Walter A., 140 Ennor '06 Maud E. (m. Barry). 100 Enos-Farman] ALPHABETICAL INDEX 453 Enos 'H Fern I. (m. Gaylord), 150 Enright '84 Charles M., 279 '01 John W. J., 289 Ensign '01 Claribel (m. Sadler), 55 '03 Mrs. L. E. (see Boardman, 309) Enslow '80 Ora M.. 7 Enyeart '08 Ethel J. (m. Richardson), 120 Epler '95 Blanche X., 25 Eppard '15 Eunice M., 208 '13 Mabelle B., 176 Eppenhimer '00 William C, 289 Epperson '09 John C, 130 Eppinger '02 Jacob J., 62 '08 Mrs. Jacob J. (see Wollenberg, 127) '99 Julia C. (m. Fox), 43 '96 Rose (m. Sharp), 281 Epsteen '15 Abelson. 284 '02 Henry. 309 '00 Saul, 49 Epstein ■11 Harry, 150 Erhardt '90 Paul C, 305 Erickson •11 Alma D.. 270 Erlanger '95 Joseph, 25 Erskine '09 Herb. W.. 130 '16 Morse. 226 Esberg '96 Milton H., 29 Eschenburg '08 Helen I. (m. Merrill), 120 Escobar '95 Mario, 25 Eshleman '02 John M., 62 '01 Mrs. John M. (see Ledgett, 57) Espinosa '01 Martin, 308 Essenberg '14 Mrs. Christine, 256 Esser '14 Adeline C, 191 Estcourt '16 Rowland M.,268 Estee '11 Lulu M. (m. Vandiver), 150 Estep '07 Ray K., 110 Estergren '16 Gustav E., 227 Esterly '02 Calvin O., 62 '06 Ward B., 100 Estes '88 Melvin B., 279 '98 Weston B., 307 Etcheverry •02 Bernard A., 62 '03 Mrs. B. A. (see Hanson, 71) '05 Mrs. Michel H. (see Lacoste, 92) Etchison '04 Mrs. Gcrt'de, 80 Ettinger '15 Ulva L., 208 Euler '05 Wm. G. B., 90 Euphrat •98 Maurice L., 2,7 Evans '05 Amos O.. 310 '04 Ann (m. Blumer), 80 '92 Charles J., 297 '12 Chesley L.. 313 '81 Claib'ne W.,278 '12 Clinton W., 162 '05 DeWitt M., 90 '04 Edith R. (m. Waters), 80 '04 Elmer E., 309 '14 Ethel, 256 '08 George M., 120 '98 Mrs. G. H. (see Talcott, 288) '10 Harry. 140 '04 Herl)ert M.. 80 '04 Mrs. Herb. M. (see Tulloch, 86) '04 Isabel, 80 '15 J. Marshall, 208 '08 Julia, 120 '07 Llewellyn, 110 '07 Mrs. Llewellyn, (see Wilt, 116) '08 Nora, 120 '99 Perry, 43 '11 Seth E.. 150 '16 Springer F., 227 '14 William, 303 '03 William W., 70 Eveleth '12 Barton H., 162 '12 Mrs. Barton H. (^see Alaxwell, 165) '00 Robert H., 289 Everett •09 Elizab'h A., 130 '0> Ernest E., 62 '79 John C, 6 '14 Louise R. (m. Taber), 192 '97 Wallace W., o2 Evers 'il Albert J., 151 Everson '05 Elsie J., 90 Ewing •04 David A., 283 '99 Florence X., 43 Ewy '14 John A., 192 Faber '04 Lottie E. (m. Tower), 80 Faddis '03 Miriam S., 70 Fahey '16 Edward T.. 294 Fair '03 Emma M. (m. Azbell), 70 Fairbanks '95 Charles D.. 288 '77 Dolphes B., 4 '96 Harold W., 264 '03 Mrs. W. H. (see Walker, 77) Fairchild '98 Fred R., 2,7 '09 Leon H.. 291 •12 Mary E. (m. Taylor), 162 Fairchilds '16 Sarah E., 227 Fairweather '99 X or man S., 307 Falch '00 Otto E., Jr., 49 Falck '02 Lily (m. Andrews), 62 '93 Millicent E (m. Xathanson), 280 Falconer '10 Helen R. (m. Hawley). 140 Falk '03 Mrs. Chas. H. (see Wilson, 77) Fancher '08 Fred B.. 120 Faneuf '02 Samuel C, 62 Fankhauser '10 William C, 248 Fanning '02 Henry D., 282 Faria '15 Maria J.. 209 Farish '98 Linn M., 2>7 Farley '04 Robert E.. 309 Farlinger •16 Isabella A.. 227 Farman •00 Charles E.. 308 454 Farmer ■(;4 luiniiK- C, 290 •W Milton T., 130 •08 Mrs. Milton T. (sec YoniiK'. 1-7) Farnham •% Ktlul K.. 29 •04 Eugcnr M.. 80 Farnlachcr •1(. WaliiT G., ^27 Farno •02 Alice- J.. 62 Farnsworth •84 Eldridge C, 296 Farran •03 Leo A.. 290 Farrar •10 Roscoe. 248 Farrell 'uS Anna M., 291 •74 John R.. 2 •13 Rose R. (ni. Vaile), 176 •01 Thomas E.. 289 Farrington •12 W., 162 •03 Terry P., 290 Farris '12 Mrs. Herbert S. (see Xielsen, 166) •06 William. 100 Farrow •00 Edgar J.. 282 Farry •02 Joseph A, 300 Farwell •02 Nina M.. 62 Fassett •99 Clare L. (m. Moses), 43 Fath •09 Edward A.. 265 Faulkner •12 Jessie K., 162 •99 Louis G., 299 Faull •02 A.shley R.. 62 Fautz '06 Edward. 301 ALPHABETICAL INDEX [Farmer-Finley Favier •05 Mrs. I-. G. (see Tarker, 94) Fay •12 Jewel, 162 '10 Mrs. Percival B. (Merrill), 143 Feder '95 Adclina M. (m. Phillips), 280 •?6 Grace (m. Woods). 281 Fee '14 Daniel J., 192 '01 Marg't M., 55 Feehan •9S James B., 299 Feeley '14 John C., Jr., 192 Feeman •16 Ray E., 227 Feenan '06 Mary E.. 100 Fehr 'Ot Mary A. (m. Shipway), 120 Feibush '02 Nathan J.. 63 Feigenbaum '99 Sanford. 299 Feldenheimer •12 Bernard R., 162 Fell '16 Melvin D.. 227 '03 Ruby G. (m. Jones), 70 Felt •15 Ida A., 259 '09 Katherine G. (m. Xewman), 130 •14 Mervl. 192 '90 Rae, 279 Felton '08 Herb. \Y., 120 '?5 Catherine C.,26 Fender •13 Charles W., 253 '13 Mrs. Chas. W. (see Wilson. 186) Fenn •65 Charles M.. 277 Fenstermacher '15 Earl J.. 209 Fenwick '12 Georgina, 162 Ferguson '15 John A., 209 '07 Mrs. Joiin H. (see VVescott, 116) '15 John G., 209 '01 Mrs. Ray (see Bohall, 53) Fernald 'S7 Elizab'h M., 33 •00 Richard M., 289 Fernandez '00 Manuel. 282 Ferrea '96 Emilio A., 288 Ferrier '!5 Delphine. 209 '14 Elizabeth E. (m. Ross), 192 '13 Frances A. (m. Goss), 176 '03 Magdalene (ni. Wanzer), 70 '12 Wm. W. Jr., 162 '11 Mrs. W.W., Jr., (see Sadler, 156) Ferris '16 La'rence W.,227 Fertig '10 Emmet R.. 140 '16 Kathryn AI..227 Fessenden '99 Nannie (m. Skimmings, see 46) Feusier •85 Henry E. C, 11 '96 Maybelle L., 29 Fevrier '81 John P.. 285 Fibush '06 Felix. 100 Field •16 Anna, 227 '11 Bessie L., 151 '14 Ephraim, 192 '04 Mary (m. Whipple), 80 Fies '09 Clifford D., 130 Fieweger '13 Naomi L., 176 Fife '94 Joseph, 23 '93 Mrs. Joseph (see Reed, 22) '83 William C, 10 Figg •14 Harriet R., 192 Fike '14 LcRoy W., see Addenda '15 Mrs. LeRoy W. (Bray), see Addenda Filcher '06 Roy M., 100 Filham '81 George H.. 278 . Filippini '04 Valente B.. 301 Finch •97 Fabius T.. 299 '04 George W'., 290 Findlay '16 Grace M.. 227 Fine '66 Andre\v, 277 '98 Henry AL, 281 Finger '07 Clyde P., 110 '07 Mrs. Clyde P. (see Miller, 113) Finigan '05 May G.. 90 Finity '15 Lila M., 209 Fink '98 Elizabeth C. - (m. Barry), 37 Finkelstein •08 Harry P.. 120 Finlayson •85 Frank G.. 296 Finley '02 Dozier. 63 '03 Edna R., 70 '00 John H.. 308 '98 Lulu B.. 37 '84 Theo. R.. 296 '03 William L.. 70 '03 Airs. Wm. L. (see Barnhart. 68) Fimiegan-Force] ALPHABETICAL IXDEX 455 Finnegan '97 George B., ZZ Finnic '03 Cara AL, 70 '78 Walter F., 5 Fiock '11 La'rence R., 151 Fischer '07 Amv R. (m. Stern), 110 '86 Frank, 12 '09 Harmon F., 130 '09 Hermann, 130 '00 Mrs. O. F. (see Joyce, 282) '13 Rudolph. 176 Fish '12 Dorothy C, 162 '08 Ezra S., 120 '01 Grace E., 55 '06 Mrs. Irving W. (see Bristol, 98) '99 Lucia H. (m. Moffett), 43 '11 Vivian L. (m. Kay), 151 Fisher '07 Alfred P., 110 '96 Arthur L., 29 '00 Mrs. C. E. (see Davis. 308) '12 Edwin A.. 162 '07 Eugene I., 110 '12 Fannie O., 252 '96 Galen M.. 29 '06 George X., 310 '89 Grace M., 15 '09 Mrs. Harold S. (sec Xeill. 133) '14 John T., 192 '09 Laura AL. 130 '81 Leonard C. 8 '96 Mabel A., 29 '94 Miles B.. 23 '08 Xelda B., 120 "04 Paula (m. Donlon). 80 '13 Philip AL. Jr.. 176 '14 Rachel K.. 192 '01 Ralph T.. 55 '04 Ruby D., 290 Fisk '09 Mrs. Chas. F. (see Stafford, 135) '97 Edward S.. 306 '91 Henry A.. 18 '99 Mrs. Henry A. (see Grunskj'. 43) '05 James K.. 90 Fiske '16 Xorman E., 227 Fitch '95 Oscar P., 306 Fitts '02 Alargaret L. (m. Lowe), 63 Fitzell '09 Bertha AL, 130 '83 Charles R.. 285 '89 Lincoln. 286 Fitzgerald '07 Anthony R..291 '14 Edgar C.. 192 '14 Alarg't M.. 192 '94 Ale Coy, 23 '15 Phileta, 209 '95 Richard Y., 26 '83 Robert AL, 295 Fitz-Gerald '10 Alay, 140 Fitzgibbon '94 Frank T., 280 •95 James G., 306 Fitzhenry '12 Richard. 162 Fitzpatrick '97 Laura (m. Hrubanick). 33 '76 T. J., 3 '85 William E.. 304 Flaa '02 Ingwald E., 63 Flagg '03 Amy (m. Kleyn-Schoo- rel), 70 Flaherty '12 Fletcher G..302 '89 John L., 15 '96 Martin C, 29 Flammer '03 Ernest, 71 Flanagan '14 Clarence A. ,312 '12 Irene (m. Gay). 162 Flanders '06 Louise B. (m. Davies). see Addenda Flanigan '15 Daniel T.. 209 Flannery '16 Alonica. 227 '09 Rol^eit L.. 130 Flatau '83 Mrs. H. (see Bernstein, 9) Flatow '04 Irwin P., 290 Fleenor '15 Alice L., 209 Fleharty '15 Rolland C. 209 Fleisher '11 Elsie F., 151 '04 Lillian G.. 80 '05 Ruth AL, 90 Fleming '93 Barthol. F., 280 '01 Francis X., 289 '06 Frank B.. 291 '14 Howard W.,192 '15 Louis E., 209 '13 Paul, 176 '14 Airs. Paul (see Wisecarver, 203) Flesher '93 Fred'k C. G.,280 Fletcher '07 Alf'd C. B., 110 '83 David AL, 285 '91 George H., 18 '13 Godfrey B., 176 '12 Harold A., 162 '16 Howard F.. 227 '07 John D.. 110 Flint '88 George C. 286 Flockart '14 Alan P.. 256 Flood '95 Artliur AI.. 306 '02 Ethel H.. 63 '99 Fred H.. 43 '11 Hazel v.. 151 '95 John J.. 280 '05 William A., 310 Flores '00 Alanucl E., 49 Floyd '96 Mrs. T. F. (see Aycrs. 306) '10 Winthrop T.. 140 ' Flynn '15 Edward D.. 209 '04 Helen A.. 80 Fobes '15 Kenneth D..209 Foerster '05 Adolph A.. 310 '86 Constantine.296 "14 Roland C, 192 Fogarty '07 Jeremiah D..310 Fogg |05 Donald E., 90 '78 George E.. 5 '92 William W.. 19 Foley '05 Edward A.. 301 '02 John W.. 290 Folkers '93 Oscar H.. 287 Follette '15 Justin P., see Addenda I Folsom '02 Alice E. (m. Auble). 63 Foltz , '94 Edward P.. 23 I Fong J '16 Kee Q.. 294 '14 Kim-Poon. 192 '14 Alan O.. 293 '03 Walter X., 243 Fontes 'OS Franklin J., 301 ! Foot '16 Russell D.. 127 Foote '01 Clark AL. 289 '79 Gill)ert. 278 Forbes '08 Charles X.. 120 •09 Donald W.. 311 •84 Edwin A.. 296 '04 Airs. John F. (see .A.ckerman. 78) '16 Robert H.. 268 '08 Airs. Wm. A. (see Parsons, 124) Force •98 John X.. ^7 456 ALPHABETICAL INDEX [Ford-French Ford ']> Anna, 162 '95 Artliur J.. 306 '13 Mrs. Brt-ssinp:- ham (sci- Brinck. 173) '12 Ryiiijs'ton, 162 •91 (.ainphfll, 280 '01 Hdward T.. 55 '11 Robert M.. 270 '15 Savory. 209 Forderer '01 Lilia ('•., 55 Foreman '06 Andrew M., 100 '89 Fraiiccsca I., 279 Forgie '03 Allies M. (m. Horswill), 71 Forker '15 Ysabel H., 209 Forrest '96 Jas. M.. Jr.. 306 Forse '04 Bessie I. (m. Gillis), 80 Forsyth '03 Jess T.. 290 '09 Ruth A.. 130 Fort '02 Henry. 242 Fortier '01 Margaret, 55 Fortson '05 Florence H., 90 Forward '15 Joseph C. 209 Fosdick '08 Mildred E., 246 Foshay '04 Arthur W'.. 283 Foskett '10 Clifford J.. 140 Foster •04 Arthur W.. Jr.. 80 '02 Ernest C. 282 '02 Fred'k M.. 63 '08 Harrv E.. 284 '07 Herbert B.. 110 '13 Jonathan D..176 •02 Kate B., 63 •04 Mildred F.. 80 •10 Paul S., 140 •98 Roi)ert A., 37 •08 Robert N., 120 •08 S. M. Louise (m. Hanna), 120 '04 Mrs. \V. A. S. (see Burness, 79) Fottrell '87 Michael J., 279 Fouch •02 Arthur J., 290 •13 Ralph F., 293 Foulds •11 Evan J.. 302 •11 Mrs. Evan T. (see Stafford. 157) •16 Chas. V. F., 227 •04 Grace P. (m. Arnibruster), 80 Foulk •05 Nina. 90 Foulkes '80 J. F.. 278 I Foulks '93 George H., 21 Fountain '12 Rose G., 162 Foutz '04 Chester L., 290 Foveaux •13 Irma (m. Sawyer), see Addenda Fowler '96 Arthur A., 306 •59 Carroll. 43 •16 Charles B., 227 •69 Dou£-las T., 1 •03 Edna G. (m. Partch), 71 '00 Emmet M., 289 '15 Godfrey R., 259 '02 Hardiman, 63 '04 Mrs. Hardiman (see Baylev. 78) •12 Isabel E., 162 •15 Laurence W.. 209 '13 Mrs. M. X.. 176 '88 Wm. H.. 297 Fox '89 Albert S.. 286 '03 Amy E. (m. Hall). 71 '11 Carl H., 151 '11 Charles A., 151 '95 Charles J., 26 '12 Christopher B., 162 '80 Dwight W., 7 '12 Feramorz Y., 252 '16 Herman K., 227 '99 Mrs. H. W. (see Eppinger, 43) '92 Jay E., 287 •06 John B., 310 France '80 Louis X., 7 '94 William M. ,287 Francis •07 Joseph B.. 110 '06 Mary C. (m. Claubes), 100 Francoeur •87 George H., 296 Frandy '16 Mervyn F,, 227 Frank '14 Frances P., 192 •05 Irma G.. 90 '09 Irving H., 302 '06 Joseph. 100 '98 Laura J.. 37 17 Xathan H.. 4 '06 Virginia C. (m. Clark). 100 Franklin '01 John H., 289 '06 same. 283 '99 Milton W.. 281 '94 Mrs. Milton W. (see Borchers, 22) '82 Selim M., 9 Franks '02 Henry E., 63 Frary '12 Edwina, 162 Fraser '09 Chryssa H. (m. Moulton). 130 '14 Clara L., 192 '07 Guy O.. 110 '15 Mrs. Harold L. (see Aden. 203) •01 Maud M. (m. Champlin). 55 '92 S. J.. 280 Frasier •14 Harold T., 192 Frater '13 Percy J., 176 Frates '08 Frank E.. 284 '12 George H.. 292 •14 John E., 312 Fratus '06 Mary E. (m. Barry), 310 Frazer '05 Elizabeth, 90 Frear '92 Philip F., 305 Frederick '04 Clarence J.,309 '05 Mrs. Clar'nce J. (see Jarvis, 92) Fredericks '14 George S., 192 '12 Harry L., 162 Frederickson '12 Walter G., 162 '11 Mrs. Walter G. (see Chubb, 149) Freeman '94 Charles H., 280 '93 Ernest AL, 280 '00 Mrs. G. R. (see Edson. 48) '12 Leslie J.. 292 Frees '12 Benj. M., 162 Freese '00 Alice L.. 49 '04 Elizabeth, 80 Frei •07 Louis A.. 110 Freiberger '15 Ethel E., 209 Freidenrich '03 Myra M., 71 Freitas '97 Clarence E.,288 French '00 Bessie L.. 49 '13 Eleanor C. 176 '00 Emma F.. 49 '04 Ernest E.. 301 '08 Gertrude W. (m. Nicolson). see Addenda '98 Helen G. (m. Wheeler). 37 French-Gard] ALPHABETICAL LXDEX 457 '97 Howard W.,306 '15 Irene, 209 '03 Marg't E., 71 '04 Mary F. (m. Dorety), 80 '06 Richard S., 100 Frenzel '06 Mrs. E. A. (see Merrill, 104) '05 Ferdin'd H., 310 Freud '74 Isaac, 2 '76 Jacob R., 3 Frey '98 Frank E., 37 Freyer '15 Charles AL, 209 Freyermuth '00 Otto G., 289 Freytag '15 Charles L., 209 Frick '88 Abraham L.,297 '16 Charles W.,227 '99 Donald J., 281 '88 Euclid B., 279 '79 Mrs. George (see Tucker, 7) '83 Mrs. Jesse E. (see Ridge, 10) '99 Robert N., 299 Frickey '06 Royal E., 100 Frickstad '15 Eugene T., 209 '05 Flora O. (m. Drake), 90 '01 Walter N., 55 Friedlander '98 Howard J.. 37 '97 Mrs. Joseph (see Schwartz- child, 35) '07 Otto A., 110 Friedman '15 Aaron, 284 '16 Lucile S., 227 '16 Monroe M., 227 Frisbie '14 Edith, 192 '13 Edwina F. (m. Jolinston), 176 '16 J. Bernard, 227 '10 Mabel L. (m. Adams), 140 '95 Nath'l B., 298 Frisch '09 Oswald H.. 292 Frisius '01 Agnes, 55 Frizell •15 De Ralph, 209 Froberg '13 Alben. 176 Frolich '15 Walter H., 209 FronmuUer '10 Theo. C, 227 Frost '99 Helen A. (m. Smith), 43 '77 James, 278 '13 Kendal P., 176 '11 Lowell C, 313 Fry '07 Carl H.. 110 '08 Mrs. Carl H. (see Schafer, 125) '08 Gola M. (m. Wood), 120 Fryer '13 Blanch'tc C.,176 '99 Charles E., 43 '97 Mrs. Chas. E. (see Sanderson, 35) '06 Cullie C. (m. Harris), 100 '98 Roy, 37 Fudita '04 Sadazi, 80 Fugler- '99 Cecil A., 307 Fujii '15 Sumito. 209 Friedrich Fukuda '06 Laura W., 244 i '04 Rokusahuro, 80 Friend Fuld '96 William N., 29 , '16 Edwin B.. 227 Friendly ' Fulkerth '07 Oscar N., 110 . 'S3 Lnrin W.. 295 Fuller '12 Justin K.. 162 '02 Rolla D., 290 '13 Airs. R. S. (see Peterson, 182) '11 Ruth (m. Stevens), 151 Fulmor '14 James N., 192 Fulton '85 Adelaide AL, 11 Funk '98 Laura AI. (m. Byerley), 37 Furlong '04 Mrs. H. W. (see Rice, 85) '12 Irving, 162 '04 Alary I., 80 '84 Nicholas, 296 Fussell '16 Paul L., 227 Gabbert '12 Harry G., 162 '07 John R., 110 Gabbs '83 Alilton F., 304 Gabel '16 Jarvis L., 227 Gable '98 Hayes H., 37 '01 Alyrtle. 55 Gaddis '01 Edith E. (m. Brewer), 55 '88 Edward E., 297 '14 Fanny W., 192 Gaffey '03 William \\, 300 Gaffney '15 Gcrvasc G., 293 Gage '97 Edward C. 33 Gaines '03 Clarence A., 71 '05 Airs. C. A. (see White, 96) '09 Howard R.. 130 '08 Airs. H. R. (see Blacker. 118) '04 Alabel (m. Keves), 80 '13 Victor C, 176 Galan '09 Joseph R., 311 Gale '04 Emma J. (m. Hazard), 81 '05 Francis C, 90 '79 Herbert A.. 278 '01 Leland I., 55 '14 Thornb'gh P., 192 Gall '93 Alex. AI., 280 Gallagher '85 Andrew E., 296 '13 George A., 176 '14 Grace K., 192 '98 John J., 240 '01 Alary T. (m. Carey), 55 'M Alinnie E. (m. Allen), 192 '15 Theresa L., 209 Gallaway '07 Alfd R., Jr., 110 Galloway '92 Ida G.. 19 Gallwey '85 John. 279 Gambitz '99 Lee R., 307 '89 Milton R.. 304 Gamble '11 Charles K., 151 '08 Edith. 120 '98 Frank A., 288 '06 Hester, 100 '08 Alarian S.. 120 '16 Sidney D., 262 '87 Thomas A.. 13 Gammill '98 John A.. 37 Gans •04 Faye L. (m. Harris), 81 Garber '92 Joseph B.. 19 Garcelon '14 Pearl (m. Brown), 192 Garcia '14 Edward C. 192 Gard '14 Clennie X.. 192 45S Gardett •04 Ihlnnilh ( '., M Gardiner '02 ICnicM 1'., 63 Gardner •14 Klmina D.. 192 '91 I'laiik A.. 287 •13 Jomiio E.. 176 •13 John \i., Jr., 176 •98 Jonathan E.,299 •98 Mrs. J. E. (sec Sanderson, 40) •13 Maida. 176 '03 Xath'I L., 243 '11 Rose (m.Marx) see Addenda •16 Rose v.. 227 •99 Samuel J.. 281 '15 Willard. 259 Garibaldi •05 Ani;clo L.. 291 '04 Joseph. 290 '15 Peter A., 293 Garland '0- Louise M., 63 Garlick •98 Etha R. (m. Garlick), 37 '98 Mrs. Perley G. (see Garlick, 37) Garms '10 Walter J., 140 Garner '12 Edith J., 162 Garretson '08 Emilia M., 246 Garrett '05 Mrs. Chas. A. (see Solomon, 95) Garrettson '98 Mrs. E. A. (see Whipple. 41) Garrigue '09 Mrs. Flo. M. (see Mixer, 133) Garrison '99 Earl W., 43 '03 Edwin M., 71 '08 Marvin D.. 120 '00 Xoel H.. 49 Garter 't't Cliarles A.. 1 ALPHABETICAL INDEX [Gardett-Gibbon Garthwaite •15 MarK't L., 209 Gartlan •^5 James, 296 Garwood '04 lsal)el, 81 Gaskill '01 Percy D., 308 Gassaway '08 Crosby M., 120 '11 Leslie D., 151 '05 Mary E., 90 '04 Stephen G., 81 Gastonguay '11 Mrs. Emile (see Getchcll, 151) Gastrich '05 Joseph W., 91 Gatch '11 Louise, 250 '16 Sarah E., 227 Gateley '16 Marguerite, 262 Gates '14 Arthur L, 192 '93 Egbert J., 21 '87 Emery P., 286 '84 Frank H., 279 '67 Freeman, 272 '01 Harry E., 308 '93 Howard B., 21 '04 Lelia E. (m. Smith), 81 '10 Mark G.. 313 Gaumnitz '06 Amos J., 244 Gautier '13 Francis L.. 176 '14 George, 192 '13 Mrs. George (see Aden, 171) '03 Leonidas A..309 '01 Leonora, 55 Gavin 'IS Martin J., 209 '06 Mrs. Paul S. (see Stearns, 106) Gaw '16 Elizalicth, 227 Gawme '16 Dulcie M.N.,227 Gay '15 Charles V., 209 '12 Marion (m. Maclise). 162 '16 Thomas E., 227 '12 Mrs. Wm. W. (see Flanagan, 162) Gaylord '11 Earl G., 151 '11 Mrs. Earl G. (see Enos, 150) '97 Robert B., 299 Gaynor '16 C. Gwendolen, 227 Gazarian '16 Leon G., 227 Gear '87 Albert V., 13 '02 Lewis S., 63 '99 Mrs. Lewis S. (see Parker, 45) Gearhart '01 Edna, 55 '00 Frances H., 49 Geary 'C6 John W., 100 '00 Warren F., 289 Geballe '10 Harry, 302 '12 Oscar, 302 Gedge '96 H. Edward, 306 Gee '13 Wilson, 266 Gehan '10 Raym'd F., 311 Gehringer '11 Linda G. (m. Dodd), 151 Gehrkens '16 Rose E.. 227 Geis '11 Duard F., 302 '98 Silas W.. 38 '15 Wilfred H., 209 Geiselhart '04 Josephine, 81 Geisendorfer '99 Henry A., 43 Gelston '12 Clain F.. 162 Gendotti '03 Joseph A., 71 Genochio '06 Edward P., 291 Gentry '92 Wm. H. H., 19 George '98 Anson X., 3S '13 John S., 311 Georgeson '16 A. Vira, 2Z7 '10 Franklin T.,140 '14 Lloyd W., 192 Gerdes '89 Henry G., 286 Gerend '13 Matthias S.,176 Gericke '15 William F., 259 Gerken '07 George T., Ill Gerner '12 Anson J., 162 Gerson '10 George D., 140 Gesner '12 Marg't V., 162 Gester '09 George C, 130 '13 Stephen H., 176 Getchell '11 Florence L (m. Gastonguay), 151 Ghirardelli •06 Alfred, 100 Ghormley '11 Kenneth L, 151 Giacomini '99 Alfred L., 43 '16 James A., 227 Giamboni '05 Louis A., 91 Giannini '96 Attilio H., 281 Gibbon '9i John A., 305 Gibbon s-(joble] ALPHABETICAL INDEX 459 Gibbons '85 Abce (m. Graves), 11 '11 Eva M. (m. Thiele), 151 '99 Henry W., 43 '96 Lewis A., 298 •67 William, 1 Gibbs '07 Charles J., Ill 'OS Elbert A., 91 '95 George, 26 '08 Harriet E., 38 '98 Ralph E., 38 Gibson '16 Abby B.. 227 '88 Mrs. A. L. (see Hefty, 14) '13 Eleanor G. (m. Edv/ards), 176 '15 Hazel G., 209 '00 Mrs. James (see Parker, 51) '91 Martin R., 287 '14 Myra E., 192 ■87 Richard, 296 Giddings '10 Vard W., 292 Gidney '16 Harry D., 227 '15 Lucy M., 209 '12 Ray M., 162 Gienger '92 Charles J., 287 Giesting 06 Frank A.. 100 Giffen ■14 Camille M., 192 '11 Panl, 151 ^03 Royal B.. 309 Gifford '15 Sal)ina P., 209 Gilbert 96 Amy M. (m. Bowman), 306 '03 Evie M. (m. Hoover), 71 ')0 Lindley D., 140 '08 Mrs. Louis J. (see Sale, 124) '15 Margua B.. 209 '06 Mary L.. 100 '13 Ramon A., 176 Gilbertson •03 Henry S., 71 Gilbreth '00 Mrs. Frank B. (see Moller, 51) Gilbridge '91 Philip J., 287 Gilcrest •03 Charles F., 7I Giles '14 Clark R., 312 GilfiUan '15 William E., 209 Gililland '12 Roy C, 292 Gilkey '15 Helen M., 267 '16 Howard E., 227 '14 Lillian (m. Hansell), 192 Gill '01 George F., 300 '16 Harley H.. 227 '09 Laura F., 130 '82 William W., 9 Gillam •15 Frank E., 209 Gillelen '05 Frank, 91 Gillespie '07 Chester G., Ill Gillespy '11 Frances L. (m. Miles), 151 Gillette '13 Hazel, 176 Gilliam '08 John W., 120 Gillihan '99 Allen F., 281 Gillin '85 George B.. 296 Gillis '07 Mrs. Claude E. (<^ee Louden, 113) 'H Edward, 192 '04 Mrs. K. C. (see Forse, 80) '02 Mabel R., 63 Gillogley '96 Robert \V., 298 Gillson '05 George B., 91 Gilrhan '96 Charles D., 306 '15 Herbert L., 209 Gilmer '10 Harvy V., 292 Gilmore '04 Evelyn (m. Ramsay), 81 '94 Jonathan M., 23 '94 Mary (va. Barnum), 23 '06 William W., 100 Gilmour '15 Lloyd S., 209 '00 Rachel S. (m. Cloney), 49 Gilogly '05 Eleanor D., 91 Gilson '01 Mabel E. (m. Cale), 55 '94 Ray E., 23 Ginaca '96 Josephine, 29 Ginno "00 John W., 308 '99 Mrs. John W. (see Herrmann. 307) Girard '04 Francis J.. 81 '03 Frank R., 282 '15 William, 267 Giroux '98_ Edward D.. 281 Girvin •03 William H., 71 Gish '96 John D.. 29 Givovich '86 Nicholas A., 304 Glackin '09 Henry S., 130 Gladfelter '06 Wiliam B., 245 Glaive '13 August F., 293 Glancy '13 Anna E., 266 Glascock '65 John R.. 1 Glashoff '16 Clarence H., 227 Glass '13 Margery E., 176 Glassbrook '09 Mrs. E. F. (see Hartung, 130) Glasson '03 Frank H.. 71 '05 Mrs. Frank H. (see Clark. 89) Glavinovich '11 Luke v., 151 Glaze '87 George J., 279 Glazer '15 Anna, 210 Glazier '01 Marcella C. 55 '09 Theo. E.. 130 Gleason '02 Chas. R. D., 282 •97 Kath. F.. 240 '16 William C, 227 Gleaves '84 Archib'd D.. 304 '89 Chris. C. 279 Glenney '15 Carroll F.. 210 Glessner '02 Harry H., 63 Glick '10 Leo, 140 Glidden '13 Lois \'., 176 '85 Prescott B.. 296 Glover '9Z Cosmos A., 280 Gluckman •10 Belle R. (m. Eisner). 140 '16 Sadie A.. 228 Gnarini '13 Frel'k H.. 176 Goatley '10 George A.. 140 Gobar '14 George H.. 192 Goble '05 Fred J.. 91 460 ALPHABETICAL INDEX [Godbolt-Graff Godbolt •1(1 Xrllic I'.. K..140 Goddard •07 Mal.i'I A. (111. Shouts ), 111 •06 Malcolm, 100 •04 Pliny E.. 264 Godfrey ••'5 Harriot H. (111. Miilford), 26 '12 Mary M., 252 Godin '01 Isal)el H. (m. Anderson), 55 Godlover '07 HuKh B. (see Badian, 245) Godwin •08 Grace M. (ni. Waterman), 120 Goethals '16 Cclina R.. 228 '14 Marie X.. 193 Goetz '04 Anna M., 81 Goetzee '03 Tauline C, 71 Goin '14 Mabel. 193 Goldaracena '13 Olympia A., 176 Goldberg '97 David, 33 "15 Jacob. 210 '04 Reuben L., 81 Golden '"9 Isidore. 299 "04 William P., 301 Goldman '13 Fred. 176 '03 George. 71 13 Oscar. 176 ■03 Otto. 71 '09 Richard S., 130 '11 Mrs. S. A. (see Sadicoff. 313) Goldsmith •06 Belknap C. 100 '08 Mrs.Bclknap C. (see Hawkes, 121) •14 Gertrude B.,256 '01 Joseph L., 55 Goldstein 'lO Mrs. I.ouis H. (see Isaacs, 141) '01 Alfred E., 300 Goldstone '11 Clifff.rd .S., 302 Gompertz '06 Alice, 100 •84 Helen M. (m. Le Conte), 10 '03 Kate R., 71 Gonzalez '03 Francis I.. 309 Gooch '07 Jennie L. (m. Teall), 111 Good 16 John W., 294 Goodale '00 David, 49 Goodall '16 Helen M.. 228 '13 Samuel E., 176 Goodcell '98 Roscoe A.. 38 Goodday '99 Mrs. J. L. (see Hyman, 44) Goode •06 Beulah D. (m. Meals), 100 Goodenow '01 Frank G., 55 Goodfellow '01 Arthur W.. 55 '05 Hush. 301 Gooding '93 Louis E., 21 Goodman ;06 Charles D., 310 '06 Mrs. Emanuel (see Xolan, 291) '06 Harry M.. 100 '13 Louis E., 176 Goodrich '16 Annie H., 262 •11 Wash'n S., 151 Goodsell '02 Fred F., 63 Goodspeed '12 Thomas H., 266 Goodwin '10 Bessie (m. Hazard), 140 '16 Cardinal L., 268 '11 Guy L., 151 Goodyear '92 Everett F., 19 Goodykoontz '14 Colin B.. 256 '16 Myrtle L., 228 Gordenker '01 Demetrius A. ,55 Gordon '11 Carrie L. 151 '07 Clair, HI '03 Florence M., 71 '06 Grant G., 100 '09 Hazel F., 130 '08 Hugh T..Jr., 120 '06 Mary (m. Holway, see 101) '14 Milton C, 193 '16 Simeon M., 228 '11 Wallace, 151 Gordy '16 Mabel C, 262 Gore '12 Mrs. J. E. (see Baker, 159) Gorham '16 Alildred I., 228 '08 Perry W., 311 Gorowala '09 Sant L.. 130 Gorrill '06 Arthur W., 100 '02 Charles H., 63 '08 Ralph C, 120 '15 Mrs. Ralph C. (see Page. 216) '95 William H.. 26 '03 Mrs. Wm. H. (see Bunnell, 69) Goslinsky '94 Samuel, 23 Goss '12 Clifford M.. 162 '74 John, 2 '13 Orville R., 176 '13 Mrs. Orville R (see Ferrier. 176) '16 Roger F., 228 Gottenberg '98 Hartley W., 307 Gottheim •11 Irving. 151 Gottheimer '08 Roy, 120 Gould '09 Carrie M., 130 '03 Edward B., 71 '98 Mrs. Edward B. (see Guppy, 38) '14 Gladys V., 193 '09 Mrs. Henry W. (see Brown, 128) '14 Mabel (m. Lazier, see 195) '09 Marietta (m. Rittenour), 130 '97 Ralph A., 33 '83 Mrs. Wilson S. (see Bracken, 10) Gove '81 David M.. 285 '99 George W., 307 '99 Mrs. Geo. W.^ (see Blossom, 307) '88 Jabez H., 297 '10 Mrs. Leon M. (see Bancroft, 137) Gowen '16 Lancelot E.. 228 Gower '15 Edwin, Jr., 210 '12 Sewall, 292 Gowing '03 Fred'k A., 71 Goyette '15 Mildred. 210 Goyne 01 Elizabeth (m. Kaarsberg), 55 Graber '99 Ada (m. Jones), 43 Grace •"98 Helen M., 38 Gracier '01 Ruby E., 55 Grady 'i5 Grace C, 210 '83 Theodore, 10 Graff •09 Ida (m. Smith). 130 '10 Leo C, 140 '01 Ulrich, 55 Graham-Griffith] ALPHABETICAL INDEX 461 Graham '84 Adelaide E., 10 '98 Alex. E., 38 '05 Alice E., 91 '03 Blanche A., 71 '99 Mrs. C. M. B. (see Keyes, 44) '12 Donald H., 162 '12 Airs. Donald H. (see Earl, 161) 07 Douglas J., Ill '94 Gilbert F., 305 '96 Harrington, 29 '02 Hubert J., 309 '04 Mrs. James W. (see Burdick, 79) '14 J. Fenton. 193 '99 Mrs. J. M. (see Kent, 44) '11 Julia M., 151 '08 Leo D., 120 '04 Louis, 309 '01 May B. (m. Brehm). 55 '05 Pearl M., 91 '10 Reuben J., 248 '12 Russell G.. 162 '1,0 Thalia P., 140 '75 Thomas D., 285 '12 William J., 162 Grainger •'05 Adelaide O., 91 '10 Mrs. J. H. (see Crandley, 139) Granice '01 Cecilia C. (m. Murphy), 55 Grannis '92 Ellen E., 239 Grant '03 Allan H., 309 '06 Catherine (m. Hadley), 100 '10 Earle E., 140 '08 Edna (m. Shuey). 120 '06 Eleanor. 100 •16 Esther M., 228 '99 Fred'k T., 307 •11 Garnet B., 151 '02 Mrs. George F. (see Lewis. 64) '00 J. Percy, 49 '08 Laurence, 120 '05 Mary B., 91 '^4 William, 296 Graser '93 Anna C. 21 '15 Herman I., 210 Grattan Greaves 81 Eugene L., 278 ! '11 Joseph E., 266 Graupner '97 Adolphus E.,299 '02 Mrs. A. E. (see Wenzelburger, Gravem '16 Orrin L., 228 Graves '85 Mrs. Francis (see Gibbons, 11) '07 Harry T., Ill "03 Mrs. John R. (see Graves, 71) '05 Leila M. (m. McCormac), 91 '03 Lucile (m. Graves). 71 '95 Walter H., 26 Gray 'C8 Annie (m. Shannon), 120 '15 Arthur A., 259 '96 Arthur \N.. 29 '99 Asa W., 289 '95 DeWitt H., 26 '96 Elizabeth F. (m. Potter), 29 '12 Emily P., 162 '04 Evangeline (m. Judson), 31 '11 George P., 250 "14 Harold E., 193 '07 Harold F., Ill '07 Mrs. James H. (see McReynoIds, 113) •92 James H.. 19 '87 John H., 13 '80 John P.. 7 '06 Leon E.. 100 '94 Mabel. 23 '01 May E. A., 55 '06 Prentiss X., 100 '14 Ralph H.. 193 '12 Ralph M., 163 '94 Robert F., 305 '95 same. 280 '05 Stedman H., 91 '08 Sidney B., 121 '77 Theodore, 4 '12 Tone R., 163 Graydon '03 McCullough, 71 Grazer '80 Fred'k A., 285 Greany '85 John T., 296 Grebe '07 Mrs. H. F. (see Miller, 113) Greeley '07 Thomas F., 301 '01 W^illiam B., 55 '00 Mrs. Wm. B. (see Jewett, 49) Green '15 Albert L., 210 '00 Bertha, 49 '15 Elisha C, 210 '98 Florence E. (m. Bixby), 38 '82 Franklin T., 285 '93 George A., 287 '08 Grace S. (m. Dorris), 121 '01 Hephzibah E. (m. Hoag), 55 '05 Jeannette, 91 '82, John A., 285 '07 Julian R., Ill '95 Luther H., 26 '01 Maurice L., 308 '00 Alay E. (m. Burns), 49 '96 Sarah M., 29 '16 Warren K., 268 Greenbaum '97 Benj. F., 299 '96 Laurence, 306 Greene '92 Carlton W., 19 '86 Charles S., 12 '92 Francis M., 19 '98 Mrs. Francis M. (see Marx. 279) '07 Joe E., 301 '01 Lawrence L.,55 '93 Mabel E. (m. Cooper), 21 Greenfield '07 Juliet I. (m. Voorhies), 111 Greenleaf '08 Mrs. Charles H. (Harduel), 121 Greensf elder '04 Hart, 81 Greenup '15 Julian C. 210 Greenwood '98 Earl X., 288 '07 Harold X., Ill '06 Wilfred L., 100 Gregory '93 Bion S.. 298 •06 Edward M., 101 '97 Eva L. (m. Wootten), 33 '03 Mrs. Frank C. (see Tracy, 77) '06 Jackson, 101 '05 Kenneth, 91 '04 Norman C, 81 '14 Sa Leal, 193 '06 Susan AL, 101 'S7 W^arren C, 13 '93 Mrs. Warren C. (see Hardy, 21) Greig '13 William R., 176 Greisberg 99 Fred'k J., 43 Greive '03 Robert R., 71 Gressitt '06 Mrs. J. F. (see Linsley, 103) Greth '94 August, 280 Greves '16 George L., 262 Grey '08 Edith AL, 121 Grice '14 Clayton R.. 193 Griebel '03 Emma M., 71 Griesche •01 Gustave A., 289 '08 William F., 121 GrifFen '01 Chas. H.. Jr.. 140 Griffin '06 Augustus, 101 '01 Carlos P., 56 '06 Tohn J., 310 '13 Ronald C, 177 Griffith •14 Emilv R., 193 '09 Alargaret. 130 '10 Alargaret. 140 '11 Alargaret, 151 '08 Alarie G. (m. Bailey), 121 462 ALPHABETICAL INDEX [Griffith-Hadsell Griffith, C'lM '()') Marv J.. 1.30 •()() William v., 101 Griffiths 74 David I).. soc All (If II (III •06 Farnliani l'.,101 •12 Grace F.. 163 •14 Manscl P.. 193 •01 Molvin S.. 56 •00 Walt IT. 300 Grigsby •12 Leslie W.. 163 Grijalva •()') Wesley P., 302 Grim •13 Mary A.. 177 Grimes "13 Lyman. 177 Grimm •12 Freda C, 163 Grindley '05 Mrs. K. J. (sec Cumberson,89) Grinnell '02 Edna M., 63 '02 Emory E., 63 '13 Hilda W.. 254 '13 Marjoric, 177 Grinstead '13 Allen R.. 141 Gripper '16 Paul C. 228 Griswald •92 Charles L., 305 Griswold •98 Elizabeth M. (m. Rowc), 38 •96 Lee S.. 29 •04 May E.. 81 Grosjean '01 Mrs. Charles E. (Mahoney), 56 Gross •97 Emma V., Z2> "07 Joseph \V., Ill '05 ^[ary L. (m. 'Brown). 90 Grossman •91 Edward L.. 2^7 Grotophorst '14 Waldo E., 193 Grove •11 .Sinclair I).. 292 '12 siiinc. 292 '93 William C, 305 Grover •87 Alice (m. Whitheck), 13 •12 Mrs. E. J., 163 '06 Florence H.,101 '92 Harriet M.. 19 '16 Sarah E.. 228 Groves •97 Hamilton S., ZZ Grozelier '04 Bertha S. C, 81 Grubb '16 Clare M., 262 •10 Davis H.. 141 '11 George C, 151 •09 Olive M., 130 Grubbs '10 Tliomas E., 313 Gruer '12 Elmer W.. 163 Grunsky •05 Carl E., Jr., 91 '13 Charles, 177 '14 Clotilde, 193 '99 Clotilde A. (m. Fisk), 43 Gruss '99 Francis J., 307 Guedet '02 Joseph H., 290 '07 Paul J., 291 Guehring '07 John, Jr.. 291 Guerin '03 Mrs. John (see Belknap, 68) Guernsey '13 John E.. 254 Guerra '15 Francis P.. 293 Guglielmetti '05 Henry L.. 301 Guha '11 .Snrendra. 151 Guile '15 Stella F.. 210 Guill '03 John H., Jr., 71 Guillemard '78 Artliur J., 278 Guillou •11 Alfred, 250 '12 Alfred V., see Addenda '15 Rene, 210 Gummer '75 William P., 3 Gundelfinger '09 Herbert. 130 Gundry '04 Mary O. (rp. Poindexter), 81 Gunn '14 Ann L, 193 '98 Mrs. Chalmers (see Patch, 40) '02 Elsie H., 63 '14 Ray E., 193 '14 Robert L., 193 -"06 Roy C. 101 Gunning '01 Marcella, 56 Gunnison '91 Albert W., 18 Gunthorp '06 Mattie J., 101 Gunzburger '89 Benj. M., 304 Gunzendorfer '86 Gustave, 296 Guppy '98 Ella A. (m. Gould), iS Gurley '08 John E.. 311 Gustafson '01 John E.. 56 Gustave '00 Alfonso R.. 289 Guthrie 'JO Arch R.. 311 i '99 Elsie M.. 43 i Gutzwiller '05 Anna M. I (m. McBean), 91 '05 Henrv R.. 91 Guy '13 Mrs. Ross L. (see Honniger, 178) Guyles '09 George B., 130 '09 Mrs. George B. (see Batz, 127) Gwynn '14 William M.,193 Gydison '95 Carl T. L.. 288 Haack '15 Minnie B. E.. 177 Haas '02 Claire M. (m. Maples), 63 '92 Edward F., 19 '13 Mrs. Otto (see Waterman, 267) '10 Robert R.. 141 '04 Sylvan L.. 81 '10 Walter, 141 Haball '14 Anna, 193 Haber '06 Harold, see Addenda '98 Joseph. 38 '96 Wiliam J., 288 Hackett '00 Arthur E. 308 '12 C. Xelson. 163 '14 Charles W.. 256 '67 John T., 277 '88 Samuel A., 304 Hackley '99 William A.. 44 Hadden '97 David, ii Haderle '97 John A., 288 Hadley '10 Arthur T.. 272, '02 Edith ^l.. 63 '06 Frank W., 101 '06 Mrs. J. H. (see Grant. 100) Hadsell '06 Dan, 101 •08 Mrs. Dan (see Shuman. 125) Haehnlen-Hankins] ALPHABETICAL INDEX 463 Haehnlen Hair '94 Annie C. '14 Joseph C, 293 (in. Dunne), 23 '98 Lena R. i Haker (m. Reynolds), 38 i '16 William L., 228 Haentjens '12 Charles, 163 Haffey '10 Calvin W.. 141 Hagan '03 Henrietta, 282 '06 Hugh L., 101 '06 Mrs. Hugh L. (see Mower, 104) '15 Roy M., 210 Hagar '13 George H.. 177 Hagedoorn '09 Arend L., 265 Hagemann '07 Henry F., 301 Hager '11 Clarence \V..151 Haggard '13 Robert E., 177 Hagmayer '02 Beatrice U. (m. Seydel), 63 Hahmann '85 Paul T.. 286 Hahn '95 Edwin O., 298 '14 Glen G., see Addenda '99 Jean M., 44 Haight '91 Henrv H., 297 '97 Louis M., 288 '07 Samuel C, 111 Haile '69 C. S.. 177 '08 Leona G., 121 Hain '11 Frank L., 302 Haines '02 Charles C, 63 '11 George A., 151 '15 Henrv S., 210 '14 Oliver L., 193 '07 Ralph E., Ill '03 William R., 71 Hakes '98 Clinton D., 288 Halbert •12 John S.. 163 '10 Martha J., 141 Hale '06 Elvin M., 291 '12 George E., 273 '13 Ida M. (m. Livingston), 177 '95 Reuben L., 306 '14 William M., 193 •05 William T., 91 '07 Winfield. Ill Haley '07 Charles S., Ill '06 Mrs. Harry J. (see Chartz. 99) '15 James B., 210 '16 Theo. E. T.,228 Hall '05 Anna AL. 91 '07 Arthur X., Ill '89 Beni. F.. 286 '93 Bertha. 21 '91 Burton L., 18 '10 Chaffee E., 141 '16 Charles C, 228 '16 Elise, 228 •% Elmer E., 240 '05 Mrs. Ernest W. (see Davis, 89) '08 Feme B. (m. Hall). 121 '14 Florence I., 193 '07 Harold M.. HI '08 Mrs. Harold M. (see Daniels, 119) '08 Mrs. H. C. (see Hall. 121) '01 Harvev M., 56 '04 Mrs. H. M. (see Case, 79) '14 Helen R.. 193 '16 Herliert E., 228 '11 Ivan C, 250 •05 Jesse R.. 91 '98 Mrs. John (see Jones, 39) '95 Lilian (m. Ospina), 26 '16 Lillian M., 228 '14 Llovd G.. 193 '93 Mabel (m. Jacoljs), 21 '01 Mary S., 56 '04 Mrs. Robert J. (see Stocking, 86) '03 Mrs. Robert V. (see Fox, 71) '82 Thomas W..304 '02 Walter C. 309 '12 Mrs. W. H. (see Leale. 165) '98 William, 38 Halladay '90 Daniel S.. 16 Hallen '03 Mrs. Florence (see Young, 78) Hallett '05 Eugene R., 91 '06 Mrs. Eugene R. (see Meyer, 104) Halloran '04 Arthur H.. 81 '99 George. 289 '06 Ralph A.. 101 '13 Ruth A.. 177 Halsey '16 Grace D.. 228 '98 Xorman S., 307 '01 Richard L., 242 '93 Wilbur H., 305 Halsted '00 Jas. L.. Tr.. 308 '95 Eminel P., 306 Ham '10 Israel H.. 141 '14 Roswcll G., 193 Hamai '15 Risaburo, 210 Haman 'S7 Henry. 286 Hambleton '02 Walter D., 309 Hamilton '13 Elizabeth. 177 '91 Emily J. (m. Overslreet), 18 '08 Ethel A.. 121 '04 Fletcher M., 81 •95 Florence X., 26 •03 las. K.. Jr., 282 '05 Mrs. K. C. (see Sims, 95) •16 Lloyd X., 228 '12 Mary G.. 163 •97 Milton S.. .33 '11 Xoble. 151 '95 William H.. 26 Hamlin '99 Amy (m. Kelly). 44 '99 Benajah R.. 307 '14 Oliver D.. 193 Hammack '00 Eleanor S. (m. Xorthcross).49 Hammerschlag '01 Mrs. Julian S. (see Hirstel, '56) '02 Ruth, 63 Hammill '12 Harold B., 163 Hammitt '81 Charles H.. 285 Hammond '01 Benton A., 56 '13 Theo. E., 177 Hamner '15 Keiih. 312 Hampel '04 Cora E., 81 Hampshire '06 Edna D. M..101 Hampton '13 Charles L.. 177 '15 George, 210 '00 Gertrude H. (m. Smith). 49 '03 Hannah (m. Stile). 71 '71 James E.. 277 Hance •91 Bowen F.. 287 Hancock '15 Albert E.. 312 '14 Charles A., 193 '16 Chester A.. 228 Handsaker '94 John T.. 1^ Handy '64 John C. 177 Hanford '13 William H.. 311 Hanke '14 Laura M.. 193 Hankins '07 Homer I.. Ill ALPHABETICAL INDEX [Hanley-Hart Hanlcy •07 Janus M., 2W Hanlon 'OS I'atirriiu- \'.,121 '% l-.dward R.. 2HH •07 Marii- K.. Ill '()() William J.. 301 Hanna '1.^ Alfrrda I... 177 •13 Evelyn \V. (m. Bain, 177 '98 Florence M., 38 '08 Mrs. H. J. (see Foster, 120) Hannah '03 Katlierine S. (ni. Shaw), 71 '\(< Martraret E.. 228 Hannas •14 Ruth. 193 Hansche '96 Maude B., 29 Hanscom •99 Sarah de F. (m. Embury), 44 Hansel! •14 Harrv G., 193 •14 Mrs. Harry G. (see Gilkey, 192) Hansen •06 Alfred. 101 '03 Andrew C, 71 •10 Anna L., 141 '02 Arno G., 290 •00 Carl S., 49 '12 Geor-e D.. 163 •10 Gerald, 302 '03 Henry M.. 71 'S3 John H., 10 '02 John O.. 63 •!1 Louise J. H., 151 '(>'/' Tliomas C, 277 Hanson •03 Edwin J.. 301 '14 Elzaida, 193 '92 Geon?e F., 287 '03 Helen M. (m. Etcheverry), 71 '97 Hermann P., 306 •14 Martlia M.. 193 ".4 Ray. 193 Happersberger •{••o Allu-rt K., 11 '8j Emil. 285 Harber '16 Teanette W.,228 •11 Lillian 1. (m. Nelson), 151 Harbison '11 Harriet J., 151 '08 Julia E., 121 Harbour •15 Bculah, 210 Harden •10 Rena, 141 '07 Mrs. Wm. B. (see Shultz, 115) Hardenbrook '08 Charles, 121 Hardie '03 Ethel J., 71 Hardin '14 Mabel A., 193 Harding '85 Rcinhardt T., 296 '15 Stacy L.. 210 '11 Wylie, 151 Harduel '08 Jeanne (m. Greenleaf, see 121) Hardy '12 Mrs. Carl E. (see Armstrong:, 159) '00 Charles S., 308 '12 David P., 163 '05 Ethel C. (m. Crase). 91 '15 Gladys A.. 210 '16 Herbert. 228 ' (see Green, 55; (ni. 'J'imerman, '98 W'illiam B., 38 see 170) •12 Oscar W., 302 '00 William H., 49 '!5 Hirschler Horace L., 210 Hirshfeld '00 Hoak Charlotte M.,49 '02 Clarence' F., 63 H chart Himebaugh '16 Kenneth G.. 229 '03 iXellie M. Hirst '10 La'rence E..141 (m. Clower), 72 '93 Charles P.. 287 '<^6 Harry H., 29 Hobbs Himes '10 Clarence W.,141 '13 Mattie W., 177 '01 Hirstel Catharine '04 Henry W^, 301 Himmelmann (m. Hammer- Hobe '16 William E., 229 schlag). 56 '99 Adelaide M.. 44 Hinckley Hiserman '01 Sophia A., 56 'GO Daisy G. '90 Elbert. 44 Hobert (m. Austin), 49 '10 Helen A.. 229 '04 Mrs. G. S. Hitchcock (see Parker, 84) '08 Mrs. Earl E. Hobson '98 Ira L., 307 (see Salyer. 124) '16 Grace. 229 '02 Meda, 63 '15 Harold H., 210 '06 Hazel L. '93 Nathaniel B.,21 '82 Leroy V., 295 (m. Bagg), 101 '12 Leroy V., 302 '99 Jeanette F. Hincks '10 Marie E. (m. Spencer), 44 '07 Mrs. Percy T. ( m. Pollard). 141 '9C Ruth W^ (see Pierce, 114) '11 Marion E., 152 (m. Smith), 16 Hindle Hitchings Hoburg '10 Edward, 265 '14 Ruth, 194 'S3 Francis T.. 296 Hine Hittell Hochheimer '10 Mrs. Harry A. '82 Catherine H.. 9 '98 Ira, 38 (see Hunter. 141) '16 Thomas B., 268 Hixon Hockabout '94 Arthur C. 298 '97 Erie G., 2,Z Hing '09 Thomas G.. 131 Hixson Hocker Hiniker '15 Walter C, 210 '00 Jos. M. F.. 308 '98 Andrew J., 307 Hizar Margaret B. (mrBest), 141 Hodes Hinkley '16 Edith (m. Quimby. see •10 '09 Samuel. 131 Hodgdon 263) '07 Rose L. '76 Hattie J. ( m. Duggin). Ill (m. Shute). 3 Hinrichsen '76 Weaker H.A..278 '15 Irl E.. 210 Hjelte '13 Safford A., 293 Hodge Hinton '16 Frank S.. 229 '^7 Mrs. Arthur R. Hjul '15 Victor X.. 211 (see White. 13) '06 Mrs. C. H. '95 Guy. 26 (see Strowger. Hodgen '75 Isaac T., 3 107) '87 Joseph D., 304 '06 Mrs. James H. '13 Marg't T.. 177 Hinze (see Postel, 105) '12 Clara. 163 Hodges Hiraiwa '98 Tamekichi, 38 '09 '12 Hoag Carl L., 131 Edith L.. 163 '03 '91 George A.. 309 Hodghead Beverlv L.. 297 Hirsch '98 Mrs. Edgar L. '15 Helen 'M., 211 '09 George H.. 131 ( see Roller. 40) '97 Edward H.. 2,2, Hodgkin Hirschfeld '04 Foster M., 283 '16 Geortie B.. 229 •14 ^[ervyn H.. 194 '12 Hazel M., 252 '00 Wilfred R.. 49 Hodgkins-Hope] ALPHABETICAL IXDEX 469 Hodgkins '92 Georgiana, 19 Hodgson '14 Helen D., 194 '16 Robert \V., 229 Hoeck 'SO Jacob. 7 Hoedel '05 Robert O., 91 Hoedt '16 Fred O.. 312 Hoefer '84 Eugene. 11 Hoefler '82 Ludwig AL, 295 Hoenigmann '16 Frank J.. 229 Hoerchner '12 Emil R., 302 Hoey '04 Eugenia M., 81 '10 Hilda G.. 141 Hofer '11 Fred M.. 152 Hofers '09 Flora M., 131 Hoffman •07 Bert J.. 310 '09 Edna J.. 131 '15 Edward A., 211 '04 Hazel M. (m. Munter), 81 '05 Herman V., 283 '15 Jacob H., 211 Hoffmann '99 Charlotte (m. Kellogg). 44 '93 Georare J., 26 '01 John D.. 56 '06 Mrs. John D. (see Le Conte, 103) '99 Karl F.. 44 '98 Louis C. 313 '95 Ross B.. 26 Hogan '03 Mrs. D. M. (see Johnson, 309) '07 Hazell M. (m. Young). Ill '11 Mary C. 152 Hohfeld '98 Edward. Jr., 33 '99 Lily (m. Hughes), 44 '99 Rose (m. Haslett), 44 '01 Wesley X.. 56 Hohweisner '14 Carl \V.. 194 Hoisholt '12 Arne K. B.. 163 Holbrook '06 Elizabeth E. (m. Milliken). 101 '11 George T.. 152 '88 Henry M.. 14 Holcombe '00 Mrs. John (see Lavallee, 50) H olden •06 Harold E.. 101 '15 J. Xewton, 211 Holder '10 Edith M. (m. Molony), 141 Holeman '14 Roy R., 194 Holladay '83 Edmund B., 296 '97 William R.. 306 Holland '86 Christ'r F., 296 •03 Herbert J.. 72 '14 Vera F.. 194 '14 Walter H., 194 Holley '02 Robert A.. 63 Holliger '13 Charles D., 178 Holling •99 Louise J. (m. Bach). 44 HoUingsworth •13 E. Lucile, 178 •14 Merrill W'., 194 '13 Mrs. M. W. (see Weldt, 185) Rollins •15 Samuel F.. 211 Hollis •96 William H., 29 •96 Mrs.Wm. H., 31 Hollister '83 Lottie M. (m. Jacobs). 10 '08 Wm. M., 121 Holloway '95 Edward S., 306 HoUstein '10 August H.. 292 '10 Frank E., 292 Hollzer '02 Harry A., 64 Holm '07 Hans C, 111 '14 Signa M., 194 Holman '75 Frederick V., 3 '15 Richard M., 267 Holmes '16 Adah R., 229 '12 Albert O., 313 '02 Alfred S., 64 '01 Anne L. (m. Miller), 56 '89 Charles E.. 15 '89 Edward R.. 279 '95 Eugene C. 26 '15 Fred G., 211 '14 Fred'k V.. 194 '15 Grace V.. 211 '81 Mrs. Henry E. (see Bragg. 8) '11 Laura E.. 152 '93 Samuel J.. 21 '05 Mrs. Samuel J. (see Skinner, 95) '94 Thomas B.. 280 '16 William R.. 229 Holmquist '02 Mrs. H. E. (see Howard. 64) Holt '03 Charles P.. 72 Holter '16 William L.. 229 '08 Milton E.. 121 Holton '96 Charles R.. 29 '11 Grace. 152 Holway '04 Ruliff S.. 243 '06 Mrs. Ruliff S. (Gordon), 101 Holzberg •11 Henrv L., 152 Homan '15 Ruth L., 211 Homer '11 Ralph W.. 313 Honig '95 Louis. 26 Honneger '13 Alma A. (m. Guy). 173 Hoobler '13 Hal R.. 178 Hood •14 Archie. 194 '96 Edmund L., 240 •13 Esther M... 178 •07 Airs. Julius E. (see Lewis, 112) •10 John, 141 •05 Robert A., 91 Hook •05 Beulah E. (m. Mazza). 92 •08 Beverly B., 311 •16 Frances M.. 229 •74 James S.. 2 •76 Vincent, 3 '11 Vincent R.. 152 '76 Walter E., 278 Hooker '10 Marian O., 284 '82 Rol)ert G.. 9 '16 Sanford B.. 262 '16 William H.. 229 Hookway '16 Marg't S., 229 Hooper '99 Burt E., 44 Hoose '01 Helen L. (m. Lillard). 56 Hoover •03 Mrs. Conrad N. (see Gilbert. 71) •07 Francis O.. 112 •09 Hubert D.. 131 '07 Mrs. Ira W. (see Paterson, 114) '15 Minnie J.. 211 'SO Ulysses G., 286 Hope '15 Hazel H.. 211 '15 Herbert H.. 211 4/0 Hopkins '14 Anna I.. (111. Sun-t ). 194 •15 lUaiiclu- K.. 211 '05 Mrs. t\-cil B. (m*«.' Kcmudv, 92) '95 Kdvvard K.. 280 '16 Hilcn. 229 •15 John J., set" Addenda •13 Lillis S.. 211 •SO Thoma.s T.. 278 •96 Vincc-nt W., 288 •06 William H.. 101 •06 Mrs. Will. H. (sec Rrid, 105) Hopper '98 James, 38 Hoppin '01 Harriet (m. Kergcl), 56 Horgan •02 James J., 290 Horn •95 Henry W., 26 Homage '14 ICvalyii K., 194 Home '10 Donald D.. 141 Horner '12 Clare D.. 302 '13 Mrs. Louis L. (see Chaplin, 174) '13 Warren D., 178 Horovitz '02 James S.. 64 Horsch '16 William G.. 262 Horswill '03 Mrs. Fred^k A. (see Forcrie, 71) Horton '93 Edward S.. 280 •08 John W.. 121 Horwege '04 Mrs. Alvin A. j (see Watkins. 87) Hoska '02 Irvon E.. 309 Hosmann '15 Julio C... 211 ALPHABETICAL INDEX [Hopkins-Hughes Hosmer '16 Marion I'.., 229 •97 I'lioche L., ?>2, Hostetter •87 Etta N. (m. Haven), 13 Hotchkis •16 I'rcston, 229 Hotchkiss •11 Hazel V. (m.W'ijjlitman), 152 '03 Homer G., 72 Houda '13 Eva M., 178 Houdyshel '04 Mrs. Cecil E. (see Cross, 79) Hough '09 Almcda M., 131 '08 Bernadena E.. 121 '16 Genevieve, 229 Houghton '93 Edward T.. 21 '96 Thad. B., 288 House '16 Frank M., 229 '12 Harry H., 163 '11 Louise, 152 '01 Oliver J., 308 '15 Sidney C, 211 '87 William B., 279 '05 Win field L., 291 Howden '13 George. 178 Howe '05 Albert B., 310 '07 Alfred T., 112 '04 Helen E., 81 '06 Laura P. (m. Shelley). 101 '08 Louis P., 284 Howell '05 Adelle, 92 '03 Albert J.. 72 '09 Catherine B. (m. Vogel), 131 '04 Edgar H., 81 '11 Fred S.. 302 '13 George A., 178 '79 Henry H., 278 '90 Hugh. 16 '96 John G., 29 '93 Kate R. (m. Haskell), 21 '00 Rav B., 49 '13 Robert B.. 311 '07 Walter O., 283 Howes '15 Ruby de E., 211 Housh Howison '12 Wm. H., Jr., 163 '14 George H.. 274 Houston '95 Albert J., 26 '99 Charles J.. 44 '13 Mary R.. 178 '99 William H., 44 Howard '15 Bailey W.. 259 '15 Carlos H., 211 'S3 Gary, 296 '95 Charles H.. 26 '01 Mrs. Chas. H. (Narjot), 56 '11 Edith, 152 'S6 Edward A., 12 ;04 Edward J.. 309 I '02 Florence G. (m. Holmquist), 64 ' '01 Frank E., 56 '05 Harry M.. 92 '15 Harry S.. 211 '16 Henrv T., 229 '15 Hilda K.. 211 '16 John C. 229 '14 Katherine. 194 ■S5 Kath. I., 279 Howson '09 George W.. 131 '98 James W., 38 Hoyt '10 Alice G.. 141 '06 Chester F.. 101 '01 Florence E. (m. Larue), 56 '13 Isabelle A.. 178 '15 Ralph E.. 211 '15 William K., 211 Hrubanick '97 Mrs. M. F. (see Fit2patrick.33) Hsu eh '03 Sung ^■., 72 Hu '09 Chwang Y., 131 '16 Hsen-Hsu, 229 Hubbard '01 Anita G. (m. Boardman), 56 '12 Donna H.. 163 '03 Mrs. E. I., 72 '07 Henry \ .. 112 '10 Lawrence, 141 '13 Ocheltree, 178 '15 William B., 211 Hubbell •11 Howar.l .\L. 292 Huber •12 Albert. Jr., 163 '11 Edward A., 152 '14 James B.. 293 '06 Philip. see Addenda '05 Weaker L.. 92 '05 Mrs. Walter L. (see Camp1)ell, 89) Huddy '93 George H., 305 Hudgens '01 Mrs. A. L.. 303 Hudgins '16 Jay G.. 262 Hudner '15 Amelia, 211 Hudson '06 Bess D. (m. Newman). 101 •09 Birdie P. E..292 '09 Clare M. (m. Barnicott). 131 '13 Clyde V., 293 'J4 same, 293 '02 Florence T. (m. Hatch), 64 '12 Frank S.. 163 '05 Jav W.. 92 '15 Mavbelle L.,211 '01 Roy G.. 300 Huebner '09 Louise L. (m. O'Leary), 131 Hueter '50 Gustav A., 286 Huff ■98 William M., 38 Huffman '99 Fred H.. 44 Huggins '84 Charles L., 11 Hughes '03 Alva F., 72 '12 Anna E.. 252 '13 Edgar L.. 178 Hughes-Hyland] ALPHABETICAL IXDEX All '07 Evan J.. 112 '08 Frances A., 121 '80 Georse L., 7 '10 Mrs. Geo. VV. . (see Libby, 143) '08 Gladvs M. (m. Beem), 121 '83 Jerome A., 279 '07 John E.. 112 '79 Lewis J.. 278 '07 Mrs. Merton F. (see Marshall, 113) 'S6 Samuel P., 286 '86 Thomas H., 286 '97 Walter R., 306 '99 Airs. Walter R. (see Hohfeld, 44) '01 Mrs. Wm. O. (see Russell, 59) Hugo '03 Mrs. Mathias (see O'Toole, 75) Huguenin '09 Emile. 131 Hulbert '12 Goldie C.. 163 Hull '16 Annie V., see Addenda '15 Clarence A.,293 '16 Dorothy, 262 '95 James P., 280 '09 Mabel X., 131 '97 Mary (m. Lynip), 3i '13 Osmon R., 178 '14 Mrs. Osman R. j (see Huston, 194) , Hulse '02 Clarence H., 28? Hultberg '88 Frank L., 304 Hulting '80 Fred'k B., 285 '16 Fred'k B., 229 Humann '03 Rose (m. Rogers), 72 Hume '06 Mrs. G. E. (see Twinting, 107) '12 James L., 292 '95 Joseph W., 30 Hummel '16 Heinz G. A., 229 I '12 William G.. 252 1 Humphrey '86 John G., 304 '11 Alarguerite, 152 '95 William F.. 298 '10 Winifred E. (m.Landsborough), 141 Humphreys •11 Alfred St.J., 302 '00 Alice, 49 '13 Charles W., 173 '92 William P., 19 Hund '07 Fred'k A., 291 '08 same. 291 '92 George B.. 287 '12 Hazel H., 164 •09 Walter J., 131 Hunkin '90 Samuel J., 279 Hunn '08 Mrs. Chester J. (see McCormick, 123) Hunt '09 Alice L. (m.Youngman),131 '01 Alice^O.. 56 '11 Anne P.. 152 '15 Archie M.. 211 '12 Edith L., 164 '03 Mrs. Fay R. (see Marvin, 72) 41 George A., 152 '11 George AI., 152 '05 Hester AI., 92 '93 Loren E.. 21 '14 Mrs. L. P. (see Orr, 198) '15 Alary E.. 211 '10 Alilan E., 141 '09 Nicholas R.,247 '12 Orville B.. 292 '07 Paul H., 112 '02 Reuben G., 64 '07 Airs. R. H. (see AIatignon,113) '11 Winifred L., 152 Hunter '04 Amy E., 81 '12 Genevieve (m. Brown, seel 60) '06 George G., 102 'iO Grace (m. Hine), 141 "93 Mrs. John (see White, 22) '06 Alaude B., 102 '13 Mildred L. (m. Stahl). 178 '02 Olin R., 309 '03 Vera W., 72 '08 Walter G., 121 '07 Walter M., 291 Huntington '97 Samuel D., 281 Huntley '75 Dwight B., 3 Huntoon '94 Carolyn L. (m. Palmer), 23 Huntsberger '11 Airs. Harold (see Ebner, 150) Huntting '14 Alary R., 194 Hupers '85 George W., 296 Hupp '97 William I., Z2, Hurd '14 Charlotte X.,194 Hurlburt '16 Jesse F.. 294 Hurley '03 James R., 282 '12 Alarg. M., 164 Hurni '13 Felix H.. 178 Hursh '04 Loren L., 81 Hurt '97 Mrs. Fred'k O. (see Turner. 35) Hurtzig '81 Wm. F. X., 285 Hus '00 Francois L..308 '97 Henri T. A.. 2,2, Huskey '05 Daphne E. (m. Bovard), 92 Huskinson '15 Edwin B.. 293 '16 same, 294 Huson '13 Willis E.. 178 Hussey '03 Evangeline, 72 '09 Henry A., 131 '96 Xora E., 30 Hust '04 Alice (m. Crawford), 81 (J4 Alaybelle, 81 '10 Stephen G., 141 Husted '96 Guy B., 306 '00 Robert L.. 300 Hustevdt '12 Sigurd B., 252 Huston '14 Evelvn M. (m. Hull). 194 '14 Jay C, 194 Hutaff '00 Gustav A., 289 Hutchins '02 Bessie, 290 '15 Doris AI.. 211 '96 John P.. 30 Hutchinson '15 George, 211 '99 James S., 299 '78 Joseph, 5 'S9 Lincoln, 15 '16 Alary H., 229 '95 Airs. Robert C. (see Wilson, 28") '00 Reno. 49 '15 Wm. X. L., 211 Hutt '12 Xorman C, 164 '12 Airs. X. C. (see Tuttle, 170) Hutton '00 Alegra, 49 '07 Airs. Alex. C. (see XidifTer. 114) '02 Bertha, 63 '04 Airs. C. E., 81 '01 Corinne, 56 '11 Airs. Gerald _H. (see Henrv, 152) '85 John A.. 304 Hyde '14 Alice E., 194 '05 Archie L., 92 '06 Arthur E.. 102 '92 Charles G., 305 '92 Edwin C, 305 '03 Fred'k AI., 72 '95 George E., 280 '94 Henrv C, 23 '12 Lcland L., 164 •00 Richard E., 49 Hyland '15 Ailocn. 211 '16 Alarjorie, 229 472 AU'llABETICAL INDEX [Hy man- James Hyman •99 Maiidr (ni. (loodday), 44 '98 Solomon, .?8 ••96 William M.. 30 '00 Mrs. Win. M. (si-c- Wachs. 52) Hynes •98 WiUiric V., 38 •9S Wm. H. L.. 299 Ibos •10 IVtcr J.. 302 Ichiashi ■11 Uinahiko. 311 '09 Eu^'cne L., 131 Iden •10 William R., 294 Igleheart '16 William T.. 229 Igo '06 Louise i\I., 283 Ijams '01 Martha A., 56 IlifF '14 John G.. 257 Illia •01 John D.. 289 Imai '11 Seize, 152 Imhof '16 Orris S.. 262 Incell •90 Artinir. 16 Inch '01 William, 242 Ing '87 John C, 286 Ingels •11 Clarence, 152 '13 Ray R.. 178 Ingenlath '13 Otto J., 293 Ingham '12 Edwin A.. 164 '06 Mary E. (m. Hendrickson), 102 Inglish '93 Mrs. W. P. (see Webb, 22) Ingraham '12 Mrs. Dean C. (sec Lewis, 165) '14 Ida C. (m. Casal), 194 Ingram •12 Raym'd C, 164 •08 Stuart H., 121 Inkersley '90 Arthur, 297 Inman '95 Pratt C, 288 '92 Thomas G., 287 Innes '15 Calder, 303 '!'9 Mrs. David A. (see Stone, 46) '05 Sarah E., 92 Inskeep '93 Airs. L. D. (see Dolman, 20) Ireland '12 Eugene, 164 Irish '01 Mrs. Edwin A. (see Van Deerlin, 60) Irenes '00 Rutherford, 282 Irons •13 Rollin H., 311 Irvin '06 Donald F., 102 Irvine '03 Darwin W., 290 •15 Reuben R., 211 •]5 Veronica (m. Pomeroy), 211 Irving "79 Samuel C, 6 Irwin '83 Fred, 296 •07 Henry W., 112 'li Stewart V., 152 •15 William R., 211 Isaacs '13 Aaron, 178 '12 Annie E. (m. Barrv), 164 '10 Elva W.' I (m. Custer), 141 •08 Henry M., 121 •14 Irwin M., 194 •10 Mildred E. (m. Ck)l(lstein), 141 Isaacson '06 Selmar W., 310 Isham '02 Mrs. H. W. (seeMcClelland,65) '05 Ida G., 92 Israelsen '14 Orson W., 257 Ito 'M Bunshiro, 194 '15 Frank H., 312 '14 Sangoro, 194 Ivers •98 Airs. Richard (see Scott, 40) Ivey '02 John R., 309 Jackling •14 Frances, 194 Jackson 74 Abraham W., 2 '02 Ardella F. (m. Brown). 64 •15 Bvron, Jr., 211 •84 Charles H., 296 '96 Edwin R., 30 '14 Eleanor AL, 195 '12 Emily, 252 '05 Hartwell D.,291 '12 Henry E., 164 -13 Louelle. 178 '12 Louis M., 164 '00 Mary N., 49 '05 Robert C, 291 '82 Robert D., 9 •11 Robert P., 152 •94 Stanley H., 23 '00 Walter E., 289 '9b William J., 288 Jacob '07 Elmer. 291 Jacobs •00 Alfred B., 289 •05 Airs. Alfred H. (seeWoIlenberg,96) •10 Belle B., 142 •06 Edith. 102 •12 Fred'k W.. 164 •09 Gaskell S., 131 •83 Airs. George B. (see Hollister, 10) '01 Hattie H., 56 •99 Howard S., 299 '15 John L., 211 '98 Joseph O., 313 'U' Leslie L.. 164 •51 Lester H., 18 •92 Mrs. Lester H. (see Hall, 21) •98 Louis C, 288 '04 same. 283 '02 Millicent. 64 '11 Alonroe B., 152 '76 Alyer, 3 '14 Xewton F., 195 '16 Oscar E.. 229 '04 Samuel X.. 82 '90 Saul R., 305 •10 William F., 142 •84 William R., 296 Jacobsen '10 Amanda C, 142 '14 Lars J.. 312 '16 William C, 229 Jacobson '15 Clara S., 211 '15 David E., 211 Jacobus '13 Jesse J.. 178 Jadarola '99 Raimondo, 289 Jaegel '15 Alvin H.. 293 Jaenicke '13 William H., 178 Jaensch '08 Cora H., 121 Jaffa '"jy Alj-er E.. 4 Jaggard '05 Belmont P., 92 '06 Airs. B. P. (seeLochridge,103) Jahant •99 Mrs. Walter V. (see Stone, 46) Jahn •09 John R.. 131 James '15 Charles A., 211 •13 Airs. C. W. (see Porter. 182) •08 Dora H., 121 '06 Elias O.. 245 '11 Ethelinda. 152 '14 Irene F., 195 '01 John C, 289 James-Jones] ALPHABETICAL INDEX 473 '16 John X.. 229 '13 Marion P., 178 Jameson '07 Mrs. C. H. (see Harris, 111) '02 Emma. 64 '05 Lois E. (m. Creighton), 92 Jamison '16 Edwin C. 229 Janeck '92 Fred'k L., 287 Janes '03 Bertha (m. Lopez). 72 '00 Byron E.. 49 '99 Mrs. Byron E. (see Buttington, 42) '65 Elijah. 1 '02 Lillie E.. 64 '15 Thomas J., 212 Janke '01 Walter E., 308 Janssen '01 Mrs. Otto (see Wilkinson, 60) Jantzen '06 George H.. 102 '79 Herman P., 6 Jared '95 Catherine M. (m. Stirring), 26 Jarvis '97 Chas. F. H., 306 '05 Grace M. (m. Frederick). 92 '12 Hazel C. 164 '98 Joseph R.. 38 '02 Maliel I. (m. Rawlins), 64 Jasper '82 Oscar W., 9 Jaunet '01 John L. A.. 300 Jefferds '04 Amos O.. 82 Jeffery '95 Joseph A.. 306 Jeffress '05 Mclvin G.. 92 Jeffreys '98 Kath. M., 38 ■02 Mary J. (m. Baker), 64 '98 Winifred M.. 3B Jeffry '13 Renaldo J.. 178 Jencks '09 Mrs. P. M. (see deLaguna,129) Jenkins '03 Ada M. (m. Colton), 72 '90 Tabez A.. 16 '08 J. Harry, 121 '06 Mrs. Roy H. (see Newman, 104) Jenks '01 Mrs. C. A. (see Clapp, 54) '99 Mrs. Fred K. (see Bowden, 42) Jennings '02 Annie M. (m. Kluegel). 64 '03 Mrs. Edw. H. (see White. 77) Jensen '14 Mrs. Andrew C. (see Siefkes, 200) '07 Mrs. C. H. (see Millerick, 113) 'H George C.. 152 '12 Mrs. George C. (see Hendee, 163) '09 Jane C. (m. de Clairmont). 131 Jepson '89 Willis L.. 15 Jeans i Jess '13 RaymVl W.. 178 '^"^ Rcuhciia T. : (m. Helms). 81 Tee '08 Shin F. P. M.. Jessup 284 '16 Carl J.. 229 '11 Shin O. H., 292 'Q3 Shin Y. L. M.. 290 '07 same. 1 12 Jewell '15 Ruby. 212 '94 Walter S.. 305 Jewett '99 Agnes R., 44 '05 Dorothea K.,92 'S5 Fidelia. 26 '00 Gertrude M. (m. Greeley), 49 '06 Hugh S., 102 '13 JosephineA.,178 '02 .Mary F. (m.Withington).64 '15 Russell M., 212 '94 William D., 23 Johns '10 Andrew B., 142 '14 Arthur W., 195 '83 Charles T., 296 '10 Herbert S.. 142 '03 Madeline, 282 '92 Thomas E., 287 '09 Walter R., 131 '13 Watson L., 178 Johnson '07 Ada L. (m. Unnewehr),112 '16 Albert X., 312 '03 Alice G., 72 '09 Almira C, 131 '06 Mrs. A. W. V. (see Angwin, 97) '09 Bertha L (m. Doane), 131 '11 Carl M., 292 '08 Charles E.. 121 '15 Clarence. 212 '03 Delia M. (m. Hogan), 309 '06 Edward E., 291 •12 Elliott, 164 '11 Mrs. Elliott (see Matthews, 154) '08 Ethel A. (m. Brinckerhoff). 122 '14 Florence G., 195 '97 Prank D., 306 '08 Prank E., 122 '98 Fred'k P., 39 '14 Mrs. George C. (see Magce, 196) '04 George S.. 82 '97 Grace A.. 33 '10 Halbert T.. 142 '08 Hans C. 284 '11 Harry V.. 152 '03 Mrs. H. D. (see Lichtenberg. 73) '13 Helen C. 178 •06 Mrs. H. M. (see Lee, 103) '15 Hugh S.. 212 '06 Ivy J. (m. Xewlin). 102 '10 James P.. 302 '16 James V., 229 '15 John C, 259 '08 Julian P., 122 '14 Justin L.. 270 '88 Letitia E.. 14 '06 Lillian P. (m. Poulson), 102 '99 Louise H.. 44 '15 Mabel R., 212 '10 Marg't O.. 142 '10 Marjorie M. (m.Livingston),142 '01 May B., 56 '08 Myrtle E., 122 '09 Xellie B. (m. Morgan). 131 '09 Otis R., 131 '09 Riley O., 247 '04 Mrs. Silas P. (see Mosher, Addenda) '15 Sprague, 212 '10 Verne E., 142 '09 Walter C, 292 '14 Walter S.. 303 '09 Willard C, 131 '06 William E.. 301 '93 William P.. 287 Johnston '79 A., 278 '06 Alice W., 102 '12 Carl R., 164 '14 Clare S., 270 '15 Edward M.. 259 '04 Eva E.. 82 '04 Fred L., 82 '06 Mrs. Fred L. (see Bixby. 98) '07 James H., 283 '16 Joseph E., 229 '13 Mrs. Joseph E. (see Frisbie, 176) '01 Katherine C, 56 '03 Marie L., 72 Johnstone '92 Ernest K.. 280 '03 Mrs. P. B. (see Leale. 73) '11 (jeorge I., 152 Jones '95 Adial S., 288 '09 Alice E., 131 •11 Alice M., 250 '06 Anna P.. 102 '09 Annie S.. 131 '16 .\ura L.. 229 '08 Barton M., 122 •('6 Ravard H.. 102 '11 Reiij. C, 153 •10 Burle J.. 142 '11 Carr C. 153 474 ALPHABETICAL INDEX [Jones-Kastens Jones, I'tM "11 Carrie M. (in. IMu-lps), 153 '99 Mrs. C. E, (see (;ral)cr, 43) •97 Cecil K.. 33 'O.S Chark-s B., 92 •Of) Chai-Ii-s B., 283 •92 Cliarlcs W., 297 •01 Clare H. (ni. Cone). 56 •OS David R., 243 •98 Edna (ni. Hall), 39 ■12 Edna M.. 164 '10 Ernestine M., 142 'C3 Ethel S. (m. Lea), 72 '08 Flora J. (m. Seaman), 122 '98 Florence M. (ni. DeGarmo), 39 '15 George E., 212 '06 George F., 102 '95 George L., 26 '95 Mrs. G. L. (see Mott, 27) '88 George W., 297 '08 Grace M., 122 '91 Guernsey, 18 '87 Harold M., 304 '15 Harrison A. ,212 '15 Harry L., 212 '03 Herman E., 72 '04 Hilma H. (ni. McReynolds), 82 '87 Hu. 296 '08 Hugh S., 122 '03 John B.. 309 '03 Mrs. John P. (see Fell, 70) '03 J. Shirlev, 72 '96 Katlierine D.,30 '02 Leland D., 309 '14 Leland S.. 312 '13 Mrs. Leland S. (see Klinkner.293) '83 Lewis M., 285 '13 Mahel F.. 178 '95 Madison R., 26 '06 Mary E.. 102 '11 Morris S., 153 '08 Oliver W.. 122 '89 Ottiwcll \Y.,279 •97 Paul C. 307 '12 Paul S.. 164 •97 Perlev C. 306 '04 Mrs. R. H. (see \Voodlnirn.87) '13 Richard D., 178 '15 Ruin-, 212 '04 Samuel H., 82 '98 Samuel P., 240 '05 Syl)il E., 92 '99 Thomas R., 307 •06 Vera C, 102 '78 Walter B., 5 '16 Wendell M., see Addenda •75 William C, 3 '77 Mrs. Wm. C. (see Whitcomb, 5) '13 Wyatt \V., 254 Jogs '06 Mrs. J. W. (see Mock, 104) Joost '00 Anna D. (m. Roller), 308 Jordan '06 Ada G. (m. Walker), 102 '07 Charles H., 112 '06 Constance M. (m. Henley), 102 •15 David S., 274 '10 Ethel M., 142 '16 Florence E.,229 '09 Harold S., 131 '11 Hazel B., 153 '05 Hope A., 92 '06 James J., 102 '86 Leslie A., 12 '12 Mildred W. (m. Sharp), 164 '98 Minnie E., 307 '06 Mrs. Rudolph (see Smyth, 106) '04 Susie E. (m. Smith), 82 Jorgensen '15 Arthur L., 293 Jory '11 Arthur V., 153 '89 Henry J., 15 '12 Stafford L., 164 Joseph '96 Mrs. B. M. (see Sweet, 31) '97 Lionel, 299 '00 Myrtle J., 50 '97 Mrs. Sidney (see Rosenstirn,35) Josephi '77 Simeon E., 278 Joses '10 Aileen E.. 142 '13 Louis E.. 178 '13 Maurice, 178 Joubert '06 Fred'k J., 102 '11 Louis J., 153 Joy '07 Alice. 112 '09 Edith W. (m. Morgan), 131 '78 Edwin W., 285 Joyce '00 Elizabeth F. (m. Fischer), 282 Judd '83 Mrs. Geo. M. (see Benfey, 9) Judell '01 Adolph, 56 '98 Malvina L, 281 Judkins '36 Myrtle L., 229 Judson '04 Mrs. C. W. (see Gray, 81) '82 Russell H.. 285 Judy '03 Clinton K.. '16 Howard A., Juillerat '04 Ida H.. 82 Julliard '91 Frederic A. 72 230 18 Juilly '02 George H.. 282 '16 Marcel E., 294 Julien '99 George W., 44 '99 Lillian M., 44 Jump '87 Robert L., 13 Jung '94 Fred H., 298 Jungck '03 Daniel L., 72 Jungermann '14 Alliert A., 195 '15 Otto R., 212 '11 Reinhold J.. 153 Jurado '1 1 Bolivar, 292 '12 same. 292 Jurgens '01 Charles H., 308 '97 William C, 33 Justice '06 John L., 291 Kaarsberg '99 Lawrence, 44 '01 Mrs. Lawrence (see Goyne, 55) Kable '14 George W.. 195 Kahl '14 David L.. 293 '09 George G.. 131 Kahler '16 George W., 230 Kahn '75 Adolph J., 285 '06 Amy C. (m. Loeb), 102 '15 Henrietta B., 212 '87 Mrs. Julius (see Prag, 13) Kaiser '15 Harry E.. 212 '13 Katherine. 178 Kales '03 Arthur F., 72 '11 Spencer M., 153 Kalfus '12 Anna (m. Spero. see 169) Kalman '96 Lillie U. (m. Perry), 30 Kalousdian '14 John \'., 195 Kane '05 Wilhelmina L.. 92 Kaneko '10 Arthur Y., 142 Kant '15 Fred'k W.. 212 Kanzaki '09 Kiichi. 131 Karmel '02 Isaac. 64 Kasch 'il Charles. 153 '11 Mrs. Charles (see Shinn, 156) Kastens '05 Luc}- F. (m. Watson), 92 Kato-Kent] ALPHABETICAL L\DEX 475 Kato '13 Iwakichi, 178 'OJ Kenjiro, 72 Katsuki '% Ichitaro, 281 Katz '15 Augusta G., 212 Katzenbach '15 Lelia M., 212 Katzprowsky '16 Sam, 230 Kaufman '05 Emil H., 310 '16 Kimball C, 230 '06 Morris P., 291 '86 \\\ilter W., 296 Kaufmann '14 Adolph D., 293 '10 Joel W., 142 '03 William D., 290 Kausen '16 Harold C, 312 Kautenberg '04 Theresa (m. Sechrist),82 Kavanagh '13 Edward T., 178 '02 Florence T., 64 '03 Joseph J., 282 '01 Mary F.. 282 '14 Jerome B., 303 Kawakani '89 Alasajasu, 279 Kawasaki 'Oo Kango, 102 Kay '11 Mrs. Alfred S. (see Fish, 151) Kaye '98 William W., 299 Kayser '15 Elmer P., 212 Keane '97 Charles F., 313 '72 George B., 277 '98 Joseph S., 313 Kearney '96 Tames F., 281 'J 3 Raym'd W., 302 Keating '08 Kathleen M.,122 'iO Otto J., 311 '11 Stella, 153 Kedian '05 William H., 310 Kedrolivansky '08 Elizabeth, 122 Keefe '90 John J., 286 Keeffe '97 Edmond D., 306 Keeler '08 Clara L., 122 '93 James E., 273 '09 Marg'te N., 132 Keen '14 Frcd'k P., 195 Keenan '98 Alex. S., 281 '98 Clair V., 288 Keep '11 Rosalind A., 250 '01 Winthrop L., 56 Keeran '04 John F.. 82 '04 Mrs. John F. (see Dye, 80) 'i6 Grace M. S., 230 Keim '03 Wilbur W., 290 Keith 'OS Aylmer W., 122 '08 Mrs. A. W. (see Head, 121) '16 Charles F., 230 '\o Lucy I., 178 '79 Mrs. William (see McHenry, 6) Kell '13 James A., 254 Kellas '15 Edward L. 212 Kelleher 'IS CatherincE.,212 '10 James. 302 Kelley '10 Berenice H. (m. Kirchhoff), 142 '03 Edgar A.. 298 '00 Mrs. George F. (seeMcGlashan,50) '07 Harold H., 112 '04 Mrs. Harold H. (see Maxwell), 83 '83 Joseph P., 296 '98 Marg't Z., 39 •03 Reginald H., 72 '90 Tracy R., 30 '12 Walter P., 266 Kellogg '15 Eugene S., 212 '06 Francis C, 102 '05 Frank B., 92 '15 Harold B., 212 '01 Louise, 56 '99 Mrs. Vernon L. (see Hoffmann, 44) '92 W^ilfred H., 287 '96 same, 281 Kelly '14 Angelia, 195 '04 Arthur G., 309 '99 Augusta G.. 44 '03 Cecelia G., 72 '12 Cornelius, 302 '15 Ethel J., 212 '08 Frank L., 122 '08 Mrs. Frank L. (see Bardshar, 117) '14 Mrs. Fred C. (iee Mattson, 196) '16 Genevieve, 230 '16 Harold R., 230 '!3 Herbert C, 178 .'12 James R., 302 '88 John L., 279 '13 Kath. L., 179 '11 Laura R., 153 '10 Lucile B., 142 '97 May E. (ni. McDonald), Z3 '99 Mrs. Robert (see Hamlin, 44) '09 Theo. B., 132 '08 Mrs. W. H. (see Lane, 122) '98 Mrs. Willis F. (see Wickson, 41) '99 William A., 299 '06 William H., 102 Kelsey '83 Arthur L., 10 '05 Clarence E., 92 '79 George P.. 6 '00 Gertrude O. (m. Yerxa), 50 '12 Harrison C.,164 '88 Harry D.. 286 'SI Horace G.. 8 '91 John E., 287 '00 Mabel E. (m. Rugg), 50 '08 Rayner W., 246 Kelshaw '01 Almira J. (m. Bonham), 56 Kelso '06 Olive W., 102 Kelton '16 Frank C, 262 '94 Julian O., 287 Kemble '97 Alys L., ZZ Kempkey '02 Augustus, 64 Kemppe '16 Archie I., 230 Kendall '01 Edith M. (m. Dinwiddie), 56 '14 John X., 195 Kendrick '13 Irma R., 179 Kenneally '07 Thomas C, 291 Kennedy '12 Clyde C, 252 '05 Elena A. (m. Hopkins), 92 '97 Eugene P., ZZ •12 Gerald D., 164 '13 Mrs. Gerald D. (see Weber, 185) '95 Guy R., 298 '10 Mrs. Harry H. (see Ebner, 140) •14 Henry E.. 195 '16 John E., 312 '00 Joseph L., 50 '06 Laurence J., 102 '04 Leo K., 82 •IS Leo T.. 212 '06 Marv A. (m. Carr), 102 'JO Mary E., 142 '13 Millard B., 270 Kenney '05 William. 283 Kenny '13 Margaret M. (m. Dexter). 179 Kent '15 Etlwin, Jr., 212 476 Kent, I 'I'd I '12 llilila I (ill. Martiiulli). 16-J 'W Manir M. (m. (iraliaiu), 44 Kentncr •U) Bess 1).. 142 Kenyon •12 I'.arl \I. ( til. I'altiTsoii), 164 Keogh 'U5 Joscpli I'.., 310 Keon '03 HuI)cTt K., 72 Keough '11 Lcc A.. 153 Kephart '13 Calvin I., 179 Kerfoot '01 Lcc S.. 56 Kergan '05 Mrs. John T. (sec Morrin, 93) '10 Wesley W., 142 Kergel '01 Mrs. August J. (see Hoppin, 56) Kerlinger '00 William M., 50 Kern •06 Julia M. (m. Morsjan), 102 '01 Oscar >., 57 Kerns '01 Frank W.. 57 '01 Mrs. F. W. (see Dohcrty, 54) '13 Martha B., 179 Kerr '14 Edith (111. Lawrence), 257 '05 Henrv. 92 '14 Jav R.. 195 '15 John B.. 212 '13 Kathl'n M.. 179 •13 Leonora H.. 179 '14 Mark B.. Jr., 195 •il Paul M.. 250 '06 Sallv P. (m. Street), 102 •12 Wm. F. J., 164 Kerrigan •12 Xellic. 164 AII'llABETICAL INDEX [Kent-Kirchhoffer Kersell '09 M. (ill. ('(.opcr), 132 Kerwin '97 Louis J., 306 Kessing '09 All.eri !•., 132 '06 Lawr. R., 102 Kessler '06 Isaac. 102 Ketchum '12 Edna W., 164 Kett '12 Charlotte F., 164 Kettenbach '10 Oscar L., 142 Kew '12 Wni. S. W^, 164 Keyes '07 Chas. E., Jr.,112 '99 Clarissa M. (m. Graham), 44 '07 Edna L., 112 '02 Edwin E., 64 '04 Mrs. Edwin E. (see Gaines, 80) '13 Mary C, 179 '10 William R., 142 Keys '01 Katharine F. (m. Hess), 57 '04 Thos. R. E., 309 Keyser '01 Elizabeth, 57 Keyston '13 Georye X.. 179 Khazanoff '15 .Amram, 212 Kidd '94 Albert J., 287 '99 Alex. M.. 44 Kidder '12 Anna R. (m. Einarsson).164 '15 Monroe. 212 Kiekintveld '15 Sadio J.. 212 Kiely 96 Eugene A., 288 Kierski •03 Hatlic- A. (m. St e ill way), 72 Kierulff '05 Arthur VV., 92 '02 Benjamin F., 64 '96 George D., 30 '92 Thomas C, 297 Kiess '13 Carl C, 266 Kilduff '15 David R., 212 Kilgore '09 Alson R., 132 '04 Eugene S., 82 Kilkenny '98 Lucas E., 39 '06 Tobias D., 102 Killian '09 Ernest W^, 132 '09 Mrs. Ernest W. (see Cotter, 129) '07 Jonas E., 112 Kilpatrick '03 Louis H., 290 Kimball '00 Alice, 50 '10 Allen H., 142 '15 Edward W., 312 '15 Ella L., 212 '02 Florence M., 64 '03 Herbert L., 72 '08 Mabel E., 122 '02 Mrs. Wm. H. (see Schaeffer, 66) Kimber '16 Job v., 230 Kimberlin '05 Ernest M., 291 Kincaid '96 Freeman M., 30 '95 Harvev A., 298 '05 May, 92 Kinell '12 Helen,. 164 King '07 Anna V., 112 '99 Arthur S., 44 '02 Mrs. Arthur S. (see Burnett. 61) '10 Avis A.. 292 '02 Mrs. Edgar B. (see Newport, 65) '98 Frank B., 39 '95 Frederic R., 26 '06 George E., 102 •15 Hazel L. (m. Loy), see Addenda '04 Mrs. Herb. B. (see Merrill, 83) '91 Mary A., 18 '03 Xellie F., 72 '08 Sarah E., 122 '10 Stanley L., 142 '16 Susie \\., 230 '91 Wm. H. v., 287 '04 Mrs. William J. (see Burke, 79) Kingsbury '13 Laura M., 254 '14 Walter. 195 '99 William F., 44 Kingsley '86 Thomas E., 279 Kingston '16 Geo. D. L., 230 Kinkead '95 Mrs. James A. (see Reynolds, 27) '04 James. 82 Kinkel '05 Mrs. Chas. A. (see Mundy, 93) Kinley '03 Fred J.. 309 Kinnear '08 Elizabeth, 122 Kinsell '99 Mrs. Dudley (see McClvmonds, 45) Kinzie '97 Robert A., i^ Kip '88 Wm. I.. Jr., 14 Kirby '16 Xettie E., 230 •91 William T., 280 Kirchhoff '08 Fred'k G.. 122 '10 Mrs. Fred'k G. (see Kelley, 142) Kirchhoffer '13 Boswell F., 302 i '87 Frederick. 279 Kirk-Krager] ALPHABETICAL INDEX A77 Kirk '11 Edna, 153 '15 Howard S.. 212 '10 Miles W., 142 Kirkpatrick '71 C. A.. 277 Kirkwood '76 J. W.. 278 Kirtland '13 Howard B., 311 Kirwan '16 Thomas D., 230 Kirwin '07 Clarice A., 112 '05 Marie K., 92 Kissel '03 Mrs. Isidor (see Silverberg, 76) Kistler '12 Lucile E. (m. Wagy), 164 Kitasawa '16 Sukeo, 230 Kitchen '07 Henry B., 112 Kittle '03 Allen I.. 301 Kittredge '12 Tracy B., 164 '15 Winifred, 212 Kittrelle '06 Reg. W., 102 Kitts 'OJ Leonard T., 72 Kitzmeyer '01 Charles L., 289 Klaus '08 Harry C. 122 Klee '81 Mrs. W. G. (see Barry, 8) Kleeberger '08 Frank L., 122 Kleinhammer '05 William R., 291 Klein '07 Julius. 112 I Klenck '9& Virginia X., 39 Kleyn-Schoorel '03 Mrs. Xich. W. (see Flagg, 70) Kline '04 Albert E., 310 '13 Bertram P., 179 '00 James J., 50 Klink '01 Jane .S.. S7 Klinkner '13 Elma I. (m. Jones), 293 '00 Fred'k S., 289 Klotz '00 Bernard J., 282 '00 Gustave O., 289 Kluegel '02 Mrs. H. A. (see Jennings, 64) Knack '16 Clara, 230 Knall '97 Ida A. (m. Ashton), Z2> Knapp '15 Ben D.. 212 '79 Edwin G., 6 'B7 M. Arthur, 13 '02 Rolland E., 64 Kneiss '97 Mrs. L. H., 240 Knepper '00 Margaret, 241 Knight '99 Bertha L.. 45 •93 Carl L., 21 '15 Charles P., 303 '94 Cora A.. 23 '08 Emma, 122 '06 Mae I.. 102 '15 Remi C, 212 '88 Robert S., 14 Knoll '03 Genevieve (m. Sully), 72 Knoop '15 Fred'k G., 213 '14 Henry L.. 195 Knopf '04 Adolph. 82 '07 Herbert, 112 '08 Xorman, 122 Knott '16 Charles E.. 230 '83 Wm. W., 296 Knowles '12 Harold B., 164 '13 James W., 179 '15 Joseph L., 213 '02 Lilian L. (m. Dozier), 64 Knowlton '14 Owen H., 293 Knox '97 Bertha. 2,Z '11 Daniel H., 302 '01 Henry B., 308 '81 James W., 295 '15 Mildred (m. Moore), 213 Knudsen '14 Dagmar, 195 '10 Mrs. M. E. S., 249 Knupp '09 Reginald. 132 Kobayashi '87 Sankio, 279 Koch '96 Fred'k W.. 30 '96 Mrs. Fred'k W. (see Krenz, 30) '14 Henry W., 293 Koda '03 Kisatsuchi. 243 Koeb '12 Otto. see Addenda Koeneke '13 Henry J.. 293 Koenig '05 Georgina H. (m. Abraham), 92 '16 Martha E., 230 Koepke '08 Alma H.. 122 Koester '14 Freert. 243 •10 Jessie. 142 •98 Julia F. T.. 240 '14 Marcus A., 195 '15 Marv H.. 213 •11 Otis S. O., 153 '15 Rachel O.. 213 '13 Richard A., 179 '03 Sarah J.. 73 Leebrick '11 Karl C. 153 '11 RolH-rt J., 153 Leet '91 Robert A.. 287 Leete •()4 Carolyn (ni. Bilderl)ach), 82 •01 Harley M.. 57 '97 Mrs. Harley M. (ni. Williams, 35) •15 Helen M., 213 '14 Mary, 195 Le Fevre •SI Joseph 1\, 278 •11 May D. (m. DcCamp), 153 '07 Susie R., 112 Leffingwell '79 William II., 6 LefFler '14 Claude W.. 195 Leftwich '14 Elizabeth, 257 Legg '95 Mrs. George A. (see Bradley, 25) Legge '91 Robert T.. 286 '99 same. 281 Leggett '09 Mrs. H. M. (see Armstrong, 127) '10 John \V., 311 '98 Joseph W.. 39 '10 Robert M., 311 Le Hane '15 Mary, 213 Lehe '16 Warren E., 230 Lehman •04 Clinton F.. 82 '01 George R.. 57 •16 Lois P.. 230 Lehmann '16 Alice, 230 Lehner '00 Edward W.. 50 Lehr •01 Elizabeth H.,S7 Leibe '12 Louis H.. 292 Leigh •98 Mrs. H. R. (see Smith. 40) •15 Mrs. Walter C. (see Marston, 214) Leighton •10 Clarence A. ,142 Leimbach '02 John H., 282 Leiser '12 Ab'ham H.. 311 Leithold '90 John \'.. 286 Leland '94 Thos. B.W., 280 Lemberger '02 Arlcigh F., 64 Lemmon '98 Charles F., 307 Lemon '14 Dora S., 257 '02 May W. (m. Denny), 64 Lemos '05 Anna A. (m. Robinson), 93 Lenahan '96 John A., 298 Lendrum '02 Birney A.. 282 Lenfest 'OS Lela A., 93 Lengfeld '80 Felix. 285 '95 Joseph L., 288 '14 Louis, 293 Lennon '03 Leo C. 301 '04 Marie B.. 82 '01 Milton B.. 282 Lensman '02 Pascal A., 282 Lent '95 Eugene. 298 '12 Henry P. C.,165 Lenz '14 Frank B., 195 Lenzen '13 Victor F.. 179 Leohr '84 George W., 286 Leonard '11 Alex. '!"., Jr. 153 '10 Allan L., 142 '09 Edward M., 302 '01 John v., 282 Lepper '10 Elmer L.. 142 '12 La'rence Iv, 313 Leppien '03 Edward, 73 Leppo '00 David H., 308 Lermen '89 John J., 15 Leroux '13 Jeanne E. (m. Auld), 179 Leslie '08 Fred'k A., 311 '98 George D., 39 '10 William, 142 '05 William W.,310 Lesser '15 Nathan, 213 Lester '05 Edward B.. 93 Leszynski '80 Samuel L.. 285 Leszynsky '94 Hattie L., 24 Letcher '04 Illtred W., 310 LetvinofF '16 Annie P., 230 Levasier '05 Lulu, 93 Leventritt '94 Edgar M.. 24 Levey '03 Edgar C, 73 Levi '11 :^rrs. Milton J. (see Liebenthal. 153) '04 Mrs. Percy M. (see Hewlett. 81) Levin '12 David. 292 '10 Harold L.. 302 I.evinger-Livingston] ALPHABETICAL IXDEX 481 Levinger '01 Leo \'.. 308 Levingston '96 Aliriam (m. Hermann), 30 Levison '84 Charles G., 286 Levy '98 Camille (m. Levy). 39 '11 Cecil v.. 153 '07 David L.. 112 '10 Mrs. David L. (see Martin, 143) '06 Elma C. (m. Lew), 103 '14 Ethel. 195 '02 Gus S.. 290 '86 Harriet L.. 12 '98 Mrs. Henry (see Levy, 39) '05 Mrs. Henry (see Xeuburger, 94) '04 Jack M., 82 '15 John H.. 213 '07 Juliette. 112 '13 La'rence L..179 '06 Mrs. Michel A. (see Levy. 103) '08 Mervvn J.. 122 '16 Mildred. 230 '07 Morris H.. 112 '12 Paul J.. 165 'C9 Mrs. S. E.. 132 '82 Samuel M.. 9 '12 Sidney. 311 '07 Sol D.. 112 '10 Sophia H..142 '14 Theo. M.. 303 Lewek '12 Albert T.. 292 '13 Lucile A.. 179 Lewin '13 Edgar M.. 293 '14 Gussie H., 293 Lewis '97 AI)'ham. J.. 299 '02 Adele G. (m. Grant). 64 '02 Alice M.. 64 '15 Anna. 213 '16 Chester L., 294 '05 Edna. 244 '09 Elizab'th G..132 '13 Elizab'th S.,179 '94 Mrs. E. P. (see Sheppard, 24) '10 Fayette A., 142 '12 Gladys M.. 165 '10 John C. 142 '^2 John W., 295 '04 Martin J.. 310 '07 Mary P. (m. Hood). 112 '08 Miles K.. 122 '10 Thomas D., 142 '12 Velma E. (m. Ingraham). 165 '05 Mrs. Will J. (see Bonestell, 88) Lewitt '73 Frank A.. 278 'Q6 Fred'k C. 103 Lezinsky '84 David L.. 11 '83 George, 296 Libby '10 Bertha (m. Hughes). 143 '12 Walter E., 313 Lichtenberg '03 Elsa A. (m. Johnson). 73 Lichtenstein '94 Max. 287 Lichthardt '96 Geo. H. P.. 288 Lichti '09 Otto. 247 Liddle '04 Mrs. C. W'.. 243 Lieb '14 Lloyd L.. 195 Liebenthal '11 Anna B. (m. Levi), 153 Liebert '(i5 Mrs. Moses (see Sweed, 95) Ligda '04 Paul, 82 '04 Vladimir V., 8Z Light '16 Rol)ert M.. 230 Likens '99 Geortre W.. 307 '9-1 James W'.. 305 Lilienthal '16 John L.. 230 Lillard '03 Cecil W.. 290 '01 Mrs. J. B. (see Hoose, 56) '01 Walter F.. 308 Lillibridge '14 Blanche. 257 Lincoln '82 Jerome B.. 9 '14 Mildred. 195 Linie '13 Fred'k G.. 179 Linden '13 Charlotte S. (m. Mervin). 179 Lindenberger '83 William E.. 296 '76 William H., 278 Lindley '81 Douglas A.. 8 Lindquist '16 Philip X.. 230 '15 Rudolph D..213 Lindsay '83 Fred'k G.. 285 '01 James A.. 308 '10 Johnson C, 143 '05 J. Robert. 291 '06 same. 291 '11 Katherine. 153 '06 Lionel. 103 '05 William E.. 291 '01 William K.. 282 Linforth 'Q-G Frank A.. 103 '74 Frank O., 2 '98 Grace S. (m. Boalt). 281 '00 Ivan M.. 50 •16 Reginald H..230 Lingo '66 Marin B.. 177 Link '90 \'ictor A.. 286 '98 Stella M.. 240 '98 William R., 307 Linsley '08 Earle G.. 246 '06 Edna E. K. (m. Gressitt), 103 Lipman 'iO Charles B.. 266 '14 Edward C, 195 '16 Robert L., 230 Lippincott '13 Donald K.. 179 Lippitt '96 Milton A., 30 Lippman '13 Marion H.. 179 Lisbon '14 Julius E., 196 Lisser '07 Hans. 112 Lissner '03 Henry H.. 283 Litchfield '93 Oscar. 305 Littie '96 Ada G. (m. Merriam). 30 '08 Ernest H.. 122 '08 Mrs. Ernest H. (see Thurston. 126) '13 Etta v.. 254 '11 Louena M., 153 '13 Margaret (m. Waller). 254 '11 Walter C. 153 Littlefield '09 Anna (m. Randall). 132 '95 George B., 298 Litton '90 Charles A.. 305 Liu '1- Chicnan A.. 252 Linney Livesey '95 William H.. 26 '06 John J. \'.. 103 Linscott '08 Mrs. E. G. (see Dunbar. 119) '99 Harry A.. 45 '07 Hubert C. 112 '06 Leo M.. 310 '00 Louise A. Livingston '13 Edward C. 179 '13 Mrs. Edward C. (see Hale. 177) '00 Florence B.. 50 '10 George R.. 143 '10 Mrs. George R. (ni. Hector). 50 \ (see Johnson, 142) 4S2 ALPHABETICAL INDEX [LIoyd-Loy Lloyd V2 I-.<- W.. 1'^ •90 Mrs. Lewis XL (sec Dobbins, 16) '08 Merle L.. 291 •94 Rr)l)ert:i T. (in. Dobbins), 24 ''>?> Warren E., 26 Lobner •14 J... Me !•:.. 237 Locan '!.=. I'.ditb L., 213 •L? Mar^'t B., 179 Locher •07 Ldward \V.,112 Lochridge •06 ('.race C. (ni. JaR^ard), 103 Lock '15 Ernest L., 293 Lockard '16 Earl K.. 231 Locke '1(< Chas. E., Jr.,231 '11 Edna (m. Barncv), 153 '98 Geon?e H.. 313 '13 John P.. 270 '09 Pearl, 132 Lockhart •]- Etlul B.. 165 '12 Mal)el M., 165 •16 Roliert R.. 231 Locklin '01 Tnrtis V>.. ^7 Lockridge '13 Hope, 179 Lockwood •98 Erank E., 288 '15 Lonise E., 213 Lodge '05 Mrs. Lesley A. (see Xelson, 94) Loeb '07 Charles G.. 301 '05 Joseph P.. 93 •06 Mrs. Joseph P. (see J^al)n, 102) Loefler 'S7 Martin G.. 297 Loewenthal •HI Max. K '].<, I'anl, 179 Loewy '00 W.iller, .50 Logan 'P.7 Milbnrn II., 286 '99 Roscoe L., 45 •16 Rnth E. (ni. Cunningham), 231 '15 Western, 213 '07 William W.,112 Lohse '02 Mrs. C. P., Jr., (see Lunny, 64) Loken '04 Hjalniar J., 82 Lombardi '15 Joseph A., 213 '04 Maurice E., 82 London '10 Mortim'r A.,311 Long '02 Emma M. (m. Stebbins), 64 '10 Herbert E., 143 'SO Louis H., 7 '16 Mary L., 231 '12 Melville H., 165 '15 Nell L., 213 '08 Seely P., Jr., 122 Longabaugh '03 Rodolph I.. 283 Longley '16 Mabel H., 231 Longmore '00 Gertrude (m. Butner), 50 Lonigo '83 Emil v., 279 Loobliner '06 Edwin. 103 Loofbourow '95 Ered'k C, 298 Loomis '02 Mrs. Elmer H. (see Woods, 68) '06 Emma C. (m. Rose), 103 '15 Sarah D., 260 Lopez '03 Mrs. A. M. (see Janes, 72) '11 Marie G. E.,153 '12 Thomas F., 302 Lorbeer '12 Mrs. Lloyd L. (sec Henry, 252) Lord '07 Edward L., 113 '12 Mrs. Edw. L. (see Thaxter, 169) '05 Prank D., 93 '80 Pranklin P., 278 '07 Philip D.M., 301 Lorenz '02 George B., 64 Lorigan '10 Prank B., 302 Loring '00 Conrad. 50 Lorraine '14 Percy M., 196 Lorton '11 Joseph L, 292 Lothrop '03 Rachel B., 73 Loubet '12 Albert J., 165 '11 Louis M., 153 Louden '07 Mary E. (m. Gillis), 113 Louderback '96 George D., 30 '96 Mrs. George D. (see Henr}^ 29) Lough '15 James C, 312 Louisson '83 Edward B., 10 Lovdal '15 Myrtle. 213 Love '16 Alice P.. 262 '14 Clara M., 257 '97 Grace A.. 33 '01 Hugh M.. 57 '15 Lvdia, 213 '14 Stella G., 196 Loveall '16 Benj. P.. 312 Lovegrove '90 Walter R.. 305 Lovejoy '95 Arthur O.. 26 '03 Maud A. (m. Penfield), see Addenda Lovelace '11 William C. 292 Lovett '83 William B., 279 '13 Wm. W.,Jr.,180 Lovotti '15 Carlo D.. 293 '91 Prederico, 287 Low '75 Arthur P.. 3 '93 David, 21 '15 Easson P., 213 Lowden '11 Bertha P.. 250 Lowe '15 Alcesta, 213 '06 Chee S.. 103 '92 Pred'k W., 280 '02 Mrs. H. M. (see Pitts. 63) '16 Yarlock. 231 Lowell '01 Lillian M. (m. Paine), 57 '07 Orrin J.. 113 Lowenthal '05 Mrs. W. B. (see Sinsheimer, 95) Lower '13 Ivy E., 180 Lowery '14 William R., 303 Lowry 'l2 Elizabeth. 165 '04 Morris V., 82 '16 Wilber D.. 231 Loy '14 Howard M., see Addenda '15 Mrs. H. M. (see King, Addenda) '98 Mary E. (m. Chamberlain), 39 Luhosch-Mackeuzie] ALPHABETICAL INDEX 483 Lubosch '97 Melville E., 288 Lucas '15 Bienie E., 213 '10 Carroll M., 143 '15 Dorah L., 260 '13 Erma B. (m. Allin), 180 '09 Ethel E., 132 '13 Florence, 180 '81 John H., 295 '07 Louise O. (m. Blanckenburg), 113 Lucchetti '00 Albert F., 308 '94 F. J. Victor,287 '98 same, 281 Luce '06 William M., 103 Lucey '05 Joseph P., 301 Lucksinger '16 Oscar F., 231 Lucy '08 Ethel M. (m. Clark), 122 '07 Mrs. Victor G. (see Sherry, 115) Ludeke '14 Dorothy M.,196 '10 Elsa E. M., 143 '16 Fanny M., 231 Ludlow '02 Mrs. James T. (see McGrath. 65) '04 Theodore J., 82 '95 William B.. 306 Luey '02 Mrs. W. A. (see Mery, 65) Luke '06 Florence E.,103 '15 Jessie A., 213 '15 Thomas G., 213 Lukens '89 George R., 15 Lull '12 Herbert G., 266 Lum '15 Tsai v., 213 Lund '16 Fin O. M., 262 '14 Mabel A. (m. Haslacher), 196 '12 X. John, 165 '11 Victor O., 154 Lundborg '^2, Gustaf W., 279 '96 Konrad M., 306 Lundgren '10 Mrs. Ruth (see Roberts, 145) Lundy '00 Estelle J. (m. Price), 50 '07 Wilson T., 113 Lunny '02 Sara L. (m. Lohse), 64 Lustig '83 Daniel D., 285 '85 same, 279 Luther '03 Arthur W^, 7Z '09 Mrs. E. E. (see Blohm. 128) '04 Otto L., 82 Lutts '03 Frances E., 7Z Lutz '14 Charles E., 196 '95 Fred'k A., 280 Lutzi '12 Pearl A., 165 '11 Roy P., 154 Luxton '13 Will)er F.. 180 Lyans '13 Roscoe C, 254 Lyford '72 Dexter L.. 277 Lyle '64 All)ert F.. 1 Lyman '02 Mrs. F. T. (see Warner, 67) •14 Ray J.. 196 •15 Richard M..213 '05 Theodore B.,93 '07 Wm. W. Jr., 113 Lynam '11 Gladys L. 154 '06 W^illiam E., 103 Lynch '93 Charles W., 298 '11 Joseph H., 311 '97 Katharine (m. Smith), 2>2 '74 Leonard J., 74 '07 Margery, 113 '06 Matthew C.,103 '13 Mrs.Matth'w C. (see Cunningham, 175) Lynip '97 Mrs. Benj. F. (see Hull, 33) Lynn '03 Mary A., 73 '97 William A., 34 Lyon '10 Mrs. A. J. (see Ware, 146) 'Oo Mrs. George F. (see Smitten, 76) '05 Harvey B., 93 Lyons '13 Frank F., 180 '14 Mrs. Frank F. (see Madsen, 196) '07 George W., see Addenda '07 Hazel (m. McMurray). 113 '8.3 Timothy J., 296 Lyser '<)5 Albert W., 298 •03 Alice L, 73 Lytle '14 Hope v., 196 '06 Arthur R., 291 '09 Philip E., 292 MacArthur '11 Mrs. X. T. (see Ward. 158) Macaulay '00 Lena M. (m. Hill), 50 MacBeth '97 Frank D., 299 [ Mac Coll I •14 Douglass R..196 | MacCurdy '03 Clarice (m. Collins), 290 Macdonald '91 John M., 280 '08 Laura A. (m.Hemmings).122 '07 Margaret G.,1 13 MacDonald '05 Evelyn L., 93 •98 Flora M. (m, MacLean), 307 'C2 Margaret, 64 '96 X'aoma G. (m. Lane), 306 '11 Robert W., 154 MacDougall '08 Mrs. H. C. (see Stipp, 125) •06 Clement H., 103 '12 Delos A., 165 MacFadyen '10 Ralph J.. 143 '16 Rol.ert B.. 231 MacFarland '10 Grace M., 143 Macfarlane '09 Arthur K., 132 '09 Donald B., 132 MacGavin '04 John D., S2 MacGilvray '06 Elwy 11.. 291 Machado '00 Dolores E. (m. Barrow), 50 Maclnnis '94 Manin P... 280 Mack •90 Arthur F., 16 '15 Lewis G., 213 •13 Roland R., 180 Mackay '12 Minnette. 165 •14 Julia I., 196 MacKay •16 Seth A.. 2.U Mackenzie •70 loiin 11.. 277 MncKenzie •<"' Ic.lm A.. 45 V Mrs. John A. (sec Margcson, 45) Mackey 'm r.reivai I-:., 292 Mackie '04 llrrl.trt I'.. 82 •(U William W.. 73 '02 Mrs. Win. W. (ni. Manchester). 65 MacLean •15 AKx. S.. 293 'IS Donald M.. 180 '98 Mrs. John A. (sec MacDonald, 307) Maclise •14 D.niiii- ("... 196 •12 Mrs. D. G. (see Gay, 162) MacNair '(17 Rcl.<.cca S.. 113 MacNeil •08 Sayre, 122 MacNichol '08 Alex. W.. 122 Macomber '0.^ lUnjaiiiiii. 73 •08 Clara. 122 •00 Mrs. G. L., 122 Macon '94 Mrs. Clifton (see Bruce, 22) Macpherson '10 Dorothy H., 143 '13 Harry H., 180 MacQuiddy '03 Thomas S.. 73 MacSween •06 I'ctrr 1).. 310 Macurda '02 Arthur .\.. 242 Madden '11 Ant-US C. 154 ■tH) Frank M.. 308 '99 Maud, 45 Maddock "l.-^ Kdna H.. 214 Maddocks ''O I>c.rk T., 132 . I /./■//. in/iTICAL INDEX [MacKcnzic-Marchant Maddox •11 lUiij. M., 154 •16 Dickson v., 231 •06 Morley .\l., 103 Maddrill •03 Jamrs D.. 73 Maddux '14 Emily S.. 196 •02 Parker S., 65 Madeley •14 HukIk-s. 196 '15 Mrs. Hughes (see Boehncke. 205) Madison •92 Frank D., 297 Madsen '14 Agnes V., 196 '14 Florence B. (ni. Lyons), 196 '12 Fritz A.. 292 '01 Rasmus H., 282 Maestretti '15 Vesta H.. 214 Magario '95 Tatsuniro, 26 Magee '03 Ethel B.. 73 '97 Frederic E.. 34 '01 Harry E., 57 '14 Rosalie (m. Johnson), 196 Magerstadt '09 Paul E., 132 Magly '15 Mclinda L., 214 Magnes '04 Eva (m. Teller), 82 '05 Irving. 93 '15 Rosalind, 214 Magneson "04 Katherine F..82 Magown '07 Florence X.,245 Maguire '89 Andrew G., 297 '93 Charles S.. 280 "12 Harold. 302 •13 Phyllis E. (m. Welch\ 180 '00 Thomas M., 282 Manchester '97 William M., 299 '01 George P.. 57 I '01 Mrs. George P. Mahan '06 David J.. 283 Maher '78 Frank \V., 5 '96 Tliomas D., 281 Mahoney '01 Eily (m. Grosjean, see 56) '00 Joseph J.. 289 '86 W^illiam H., 296 Mail '15 Mary Al., 2l4 Maile '14 Robert S., 196 Mains '16 Margaret K.,231 Maisel '10 Owen L.. 143 Majors '02 Ergo A., 282 Maker '16 Frank L.. 231 Malatesta '12 .Steplien. 165 Malcolm '13 Hazel E., 180 Maldon '96 Clarence L., 281 Maldonado '87 Edward, 304 Mallery '02 John H., 282 Malloch '12 Christine A. ,165 '16 Ruth. 231 Mallon '00 Aloysius P.. 50 Mallory '15 George D., 214 Malloway '15 Helen G., 214 (Savage), 57 '02 Julia (m. Mackie, see 65) Mandel '04 Frank A., 83 Mandelbaum '78 Fiesco. 5 Mangels '07 Helen G. (m. Stevens), 113 Manheim '16 Henry. Jr.. 231 Mann •90 Charles S.. 279 '04 Airs. Robert H. (see Aleacham, 83) '94 Robert L.. 24 '81 Seth. 8 Manning '04 Constance F. (m. Aloir), 83 '95 James E.. 298 Mannon '00 Charles AL. 300 '02 Airs. Chas. AI. (see Bramlet, 61) '99 Jas. AL. Jr., 45 Mansfield '07 Albert. 301 '07 Daisy J. (m. Shaw). 113 '02 George C. 65 '00 Thomas D.. 50 Manske '16 Helen. 231 Manson '93 Alarsden. 264 Manzer '14 Airs. Tilden T. (see Cowie. 190) Maples '02 Airs. Ed. T. (see Haas. 63) March '05 Harry D.. 310 Manasse Marchant '07 Rnl)y P. -98 Alfred H., 29P (m. Bacigalupi).113 '11 Luther B.. 154 ^larchehout-Mastick] ALPHABETICAL INDEX 485 Marchebout •97 Alice F. (m. Dickson), 34 Marckres '97 Clair C, 306 Marcum ']2 Mrs. Leo (see Schweitzer, 168) Marcuse '06 Mrs. Emmy M., 269 '11 same, 154 Mardis '90 Benj. A., 286 '13 Elizabeth C.,180 Margeson '99 Eva E. (m. Mackenzie), 45 Margolis '00 Mrs. Max L. (see Aronson, 47) Margrave '14 Edmund D., 196 Mariotte "98 Louis P., 307 Marizuya '05 Carlos J., 310 Markel 'jl Howard H., 284 Markey '99 Mrs. Fred'k S. (see Sturges, 46) Markle •07 Bess Cm. Richardson), 113 Markley •01 John, Jr.. 57 •09 Lulu (m. Murphy), 132 '06 William H., 103 '99 Emerson J., 299 'S2 George W., 295 '14 Milton, 196 '12 Percy, see Addenda '10 Selhy H., 143 Markwart •03 Arthur H., 72, •10 Earl H.. 143 '11 Irving G., 154 Marmon •98 Howard C, 39 Marquand •15 Allan B., 214 Marriott •15 Victor E., 260 Marsh '00 Eccleston B.,50 '16 Harold E., 231 '93 John A., 21 '11 Lloyd C, 292 '13 Roy E. A., 180 Marshall '96 Mrs. A. W. (see Stewart, 281) '81 Fayette C, 295 'll Florence M. (m. Brenner), 154 '01 Francis F.. 57 '05 Howard. 93 •08 Hugh M., 123 •07 Jolin A., 113 '05 Lewis C, 310 '08 Lilla A. (m. Wells), 123 '07 Luverne L. . (m. Hughes), 113 '03 Mabel E., 309 •00 Pearl, 50 '10 Thomas M., 249 Marshburn •15 Albert L., 260 Marston '15 Elsa (m. Leigh), 214 •01 Ethel G. (m. Lacy), 57 '16 Otis R., 231 '06 Mrs. S. B. (see Hatfield, 101) Martell '13 George A., 254 Martens '06 Elise H., 103 '08 Katherine M. (m. Merwin), 123 Martenstein 'fl9 ( larence 1-:.. 45 '04 Mary P.. 83 Martin '08 Ann L.. 123 '('9 Mrs. Arthur J. (see Mosher, 247) '79 Aurelius F., 6 '11 Bruce, 154 •14 Charles E., 196 •16 Donald E., 231 '00 Dora L., 50 'OS Earl F., 291 •07 Edith, 113 •05 Edward J., 93 •14 Ernest F., 196 •12 Eugene K., 165 •90 George, 305 •03 George. Jr., 290 •15 Geo. H., Jr., 214 '07 Harriet F. (m. Sweesy), 113 '01 Helen L., 57 '11 Helen T. (m. Cook), 154 '96 Ina C, 30 '12 Ivan G., 302 '15 James C, 214 '13 Leland S., 180 '02 Leon E., 65 '07 Leonard L., 310 '15 Lois P., 214 '99 Mary N. (m. Tatum), 45 '12 Maude E. (m. Calder), 165 '09 Melrowe M.,132 "09 Mrs. M. M. (see Schultz, 134) '10 Mildred P. (m. Levy), 143 '16 Robert C, 231 '14 Thomas P., 257 '14 Webster H.. 293 '92 William, 305 •00 Willsie M., 50 '01 Mrs. Willsie M. (see Eastman, 55) Martine ■12 Ella M., 165 Marty '05 Eva A., 93 Marvin '03 Beriiia L. (m. Hunt), 72> '13 Florence E..180 '15 Frank H.. 214 '99 Harvev L.. 45 '16 William C, 231 ■i4 William G., 196 '13 Mrs. Wm. G. (see Linden. 179) Marwedel '11 Geo. A. E.. 154 Marx '77 David B., 4 '89 Frances R. (m. Greene), 279 '03 Monroe L., 309 '11 Mrs. Ralph (see Gardner, Addenda') Maschio •13 Pearl G., 180 Maslin '15 Francis I., 214 Mason '7: Beni. F.. 277 '14 Bruce W., 196 '14 Dorothv P., 196 '07 Edith L. 113 '98 Florence E. _ (m. Palmer), 39 '15 Imogene, 214 '11 John A.. 266 '11 ^■erne R., 154 '06 William M., 310 '04 Win field S.. 83 Masser '14 Harry L.. 196 Massey '13 Herbert X., 254 Martineaut ! Massie '7o Eugene D., 277 '07 James \'.. 113 Martinelli I Masten "08 Genev've C.,123 'i^ Charles F.. 165 '12 Mrs. R. C. '12 John W.. 165 (see Kent, 164) Martinetti '14 All»ino. 196 Martinez '90 John M.. 279 '00 Mrs. W. J. (sec Tyrrell, 5 Masters '13 Ethel. 254 '00 George H.. 50 '01 Stuart G., 57 Mastick •81 Geor-e H.. 295 '81 Reuben W.. 8 AH(> ALl'HAliETICAL INDEX [ Mastick-McCleave Mastick, C *t'cl •'»4 S.;il.ury C. 298 'II Sptiuir. 196 Mastoras •16 Alcil)ia(U-.s. 294 Mathe ■16 Clias. I'. I... 284 Mather W JM|iiiir K.. 279 'H7 Stephfii T.. 13 Mathews •06 Harol.l P.. 103 •83 Hiram W., 296 •11 J. Hope (m. Joiinson), 154 '15 Inez A.. 214 Mathewson •VO Harlcy 1'.. 298 •10 Howard S.. 292 •79 James M.. 285 '82 same. 278 Mathieu •15 Harry J.. 312 Mathis •07 Eark- H., 113 Matignon •07 !•:. A. Berthe (111. Hunt), 113 Matsumoto •14 Manroku. 196 Mattem '13 Mal.el K. (m. Rusliforth). 180 Matteson •92 David M.. 19 •09 Mrs. Edwin S. (see Angove, 127) Matthew •O.-i Allan P.. 72i ■99 Marcaret L., 45 •15 Raymond. 214 Matthews •07 AiHiio M. (m. Dunn). 113 '16 Ethel M.. 231 •12 Lillian R.. 266 •13 Phoebe J.. 180 •10 Ralph R.. 143 '13 William R., 180 Matthiesen '06 Hcr.ry H.. 103 Mattison •J3 N' D., 180 Mattke '10 Ly.ii;i 'I'-. 1-^3 Mattoon '08 MaI.el G.. 123 Mattson '14 Lillian (m. Kelly), 196 •15 Sante E., 214 Mauk '01 Edwin H.. 308 Maurer '04 Jacol)ine L (m. Radius), 83 Maxim '08 Harry I. (see Finkelstein, 120) Maxwell •12 Alice P., 165 '04 Evelyn (m. Kelley), 83 '14 Geor£?e B., 196 '10 George R., 143 '11 Harry D., 154 '03 Lucy, 7Z '97 Mary G. (m. Xewmark), 34 '12 Myrtle D. (m. Eveleth), 165 May '03 EH B.. 290 '95 Marg'ita B.. 239 V2 Mrs. Robert L. (see Dexter, 62) Maybach '00 Samuel P . 50 Mayberry '96 Edward L., 30 Mayer •C8 Herbert H.. 123 '06 Hilda E. (m. Beattie). 103 '9b Mathias J.. 39 •85 Oscar J.. 286 ' '?9 same. 279 I '15 Walter L, 214 Mayhew '02 Florence M. (m. Shinn). 65 '11 Sophronia E. (m. Cobb), 154 '12 Thomas C, 165 '99 William H.. 307 Maynard •12 Key. 165 '96 .Steplicn C., 306 Mayo '13 Agnes L.. 180 •11 Almira M., 154 •13 Frank V., 180 ■Jl George, 154 '15 Herbert J., 214 Mays '87 Arthur H., 279 •V3 Edwin. 21 '73 William H., 277 Maze '01 Elmer B., 289 Mazza '05 Joseph H., 310 '03 John J., 72, '05 Mrs. John J. (see Hook, 92) M'Bride '13 Richard, 274 McAfee '13 Anna R., 180 McAllister '02 Alice M., 65 '84 Elliott W., 11 McArthur '08 Lewis A., 123 '98 \'iva B. (m. Drew), 39 McAtee '03 Bernard M., 7Z McBain '03 James A., 309 McBean '05 Mrs. W. H. (see Gutzwiller, 91) McBeth '16 Ira G.. 268 McBoyle '03 Erie. 7Z McCabe '84 Edward D., 296 '15 Eugenia M.,214 •13 Kathrvn D., 180 '10 Maja ' (m. DeWolf), 143 '00 Mary E. (m. Edwards), 50 McCall '01 Mrs. C. F. (see Campbell, 54) '09 Emma J., 132 '77 Gregory F., 278 '08 Inez S. (m. Russell), 123 McCallum '95 Hammond J., 280 McCan '95 Frances A., 306 McCandlish '09 Anna E., 132 McCann '93 Airs. Ethel R. (see Bradshaw, 20) '16 Clyde F., 231 '87 Ferdinand. 13 •15 Paul B., 214 '16 Ruth v., 262 McCargar '88 Philander, 304 '90 Richard, 305 McCarthy '16 Alfred T., 294 '93 Charles F., 280 '97 Charles J.. 306 '88 James H., 286 '92 John P., 305 '13 Madge, 180 '05 Xellie H. (m. Elston), 93 '04 Paul A., 83 '03 Richard H., 72, McCarty '15 Arthur L., 260 '80 Charles C, 8 '10 Frank. 292 McCharles '08 Carl H., 123 '08 Mrs. Carl H. (see Ball. 117) McChesney '96 George J., 30 McClaughry '93 Hull. 21 McClean '15 Cyril W.. 214 Mc Cleave '03 Annie E. (m.Dannemiller), 72 '97 Mary C. (m. Crawford), 34 McCleave-McGaw] ALPHABETICAL INDEX 487 '96 Mrs. Robert (see Bartlett, 28) '97 Mrs. T. C. (see Dobbins, 32) McClellan '96 Clifford. 298 '10 Lotice E., 292 McClelland '02 Anne j (m. Isham), 65 '13 Harry C, 180 McClinton '02 Ray. 309 McClish '04 Clarke L., 283 '00 John M., 308 McCloud '99 Wayne, 45 McClure '06 Ethel P., 103 '09 Mary E. (m. Robinson), 132 McCluskey '14 Reinh't \V., 312 McClymonds '99 Ethelynd H. (m. Kinsell), 45 '15 Vance A., 214 McClymont '15 Mabel M., 214 \ McCollister '03 Earl H., 73 '04 Mrs. Earl H. (see Snow, 86) '15 Grace, 214 McCoUough '04 James H.. 83 '00 Maxwell L., 50 McCollum '13 M. Edna L., 180 McComas '16 Earl W., 231 '05 Maud P., 93 McCone '92 James F., 280 McCord '01 Laura A.. 289 '16 Olin H., 231 McCormac '05 Mrs. E. I. (see Graves, 91) McCormack '13 James H., 180 McCormick '08 Jessie S. (m. Hunn). 123 McCornack '76 Herbert F., 278 McCowan '00 Margaret, 50 McCoy '14 Alice, 196 '06 Alva D. S., 30 '05 Arthur H., 291 '97 Florence (m. Hill). 34 '07 Florence L.,113 '13 Florence R. (m. Sheffield). 180 '11 George D., 154 '08 Ida M. (m. Stern). 123 '11 Jewel E., 154 '12 Joseph M., 165 '84 Juan W.. 279 McCracken '93 Au'-iusta M.. 21 '02 William J.. 309 j McCraney I '05 Orlando, 93 McCray I '05 Irwin D.. 93 McCrea ; '82 Henrv. 295 '96 Mrs. T. P. (see W' hippie. 31) McCreary '00 Howard D.. 50 McCreery '87 Andrew T.. 297 '15 Kath. R.. 214 McConnell 'OS Adelaide C, 123 '15 Douglas D.. 214 '14 Edith E., 257 '12 Ethel R.. 165 '10 Frcd'k W.. 143 McCrellis '97 Mrs. F. O.^ (see Robinson, 307) McCroskey '06 John M., 301 McCue '97 Etta. 34 '07 James F., 301 McCulloch '% Alexander. 30 '16 Irene A.. 268 '04 John R., 83 '00 Matilda L.. 50 '95 Thomas A.. 280 McCullogh '0^ Mrs. David H. (see Perry. 124) McCuUough '11 Edwin R.. 154 '94 Frank E.. 280 '16 Narrola R.. 231 McCurdy '13 Ralph G., 180 McCutchan '02 Mrs. Henry C. (see Smith, 67) McDaniel '04 George T., 310 McDermont '11 Albert L., 154 McDermott '07 Laura F.. 245 ! '04 Louisa, 243 •74 William P., 277 , 1 McDill ! '99 George W., 45 '99 Mrs. John R. (see Neale. 51) •01 Martha J., 57 McDonald '00 Mrs. Alex. W. (see Steedman, 52) •il Charles E.. 154 '09 George R., 132 '12 Henry M., 313 '14 James D.. 257 '15 Mrs. James D. (see Tornoe. 221) '14 James F.. 303 '77 James J., 278 '03 Mrs. James R. (see Wemple, 77) •13 Jennis D.. 180 '15 John A., 214 •^4 "John J.. 298 •99 Lena F. (m. Wilkinson"). 45 •93 Paul, 298 '97 Mrs. Ronald (see Kellv. 33) '09 William C., 132 McDonnell •96 Anabel (m. Wyckoff), 30 '01 Herbert L.. 289 •78 Samuel A., 285 McDonough 'io Bertram J.. 293 •14 Melville C, 196 McDougall '08 Agnes (m. Henry), 246 McDowell •10 Bessie. 143 •08 William C, 123 McDuffie '06 Charles B.. 103 '99 Duncan. 45 McElroy '11 Athol E.. 154 '99 Bernard F., 281 '94 John E., 298 McEntyre '15 Sophia \'.. 214 McEvers •10 Greg S.. 302 McFadden •10 Ada S.. 249 '10 Mabel E..- 249 '13 Stanley H.. 180 McFarland '11 Alonzo C. 154 '95 Chauncev L..26 '10 Lindlev J., 143 '16 Thomas C. 231 '06 Warren H.. 103 McFarlane '96 George A.. 298 McFarlin '91 Herbert S.. 18 McFeely •C9 Hazel A. (m. Bullock). 132 McFie '11 Lvman R.. 154 •07 Maynard. 113 •16 William T.. 231 McGarry •00 Patrick J.. 289 McGaw •03 M. Gertrude. 73 4KS McGee 'IJ Kalpli (. .. H)5 '10 Stewart T.. 292 'y.\ \Villi:uM .1.. 296 McGeehan •(K, Mrs. Win. (). lscrTri:ulwill.l07) McGettigan ^r PHABETI CAL INDEX [McGee-McLenegan •^^^ Mary I-:.. 74 •(M Rnlli I--.. 74 McGuirc •05 Cora H.. 93 •03 Klizal)cth, 74 •98 James E.. 39 •(i8 Lucius. 277 •04 Tliomas H.. 83 ■01 Tlioinas T.. 289 •'»(, ( ii.irl.s I).. 281 'O.^ William (... 283 McGillivray •M laims .1.. 8 •79 joiiii n.. '> McGilvary •97 EvaixUr U., 264 McGinnis •14 (iriKviivc I. .196 McGinty •02 Arthur T.. 282 McGlashan •16 Bliss I.. 231 •12 Earl L.. 311 •00 June L. (ni. Kdlcy). 50 McGlothlin •13 Mary K.. 254 McGlynn '15 Fl-orcncc. 214 McGough . "01 Jaiiu-s. 308 McGovem ■02 John C. 309 •16 N'iola I.. 231 McGowan •P5 Rohm 11.. 298 McGrath •15 Kllori L.. 214 •16 Evclvn M.. 231 •02 Susan M. (m. Ludlow), 65 •09 Mrs. W. J. (see Thompson. 136) McGraw •09 Editli A. (m. Biceiow). 132 '05 Hazel (m. Naslnirs). 93 '12 Kate W.. 252 McGrew '95 Edwin S.. 26 '00 Gifford H.. 241 McHenry '79 Mary B. (m. Keith), 6 •13 Reynolds. 180 Mclnerney •03 Fh.rtiicc R.. 74 Mclnnes •05 Alice M.. 93 Mclnnis '92 Joseph A., 297 Mclntire '12 Emily K., 165 Mcintosh '00 Arthur M.. 282 '05 Mrs. James (see Schmierer, 94) '08 Raym'd P., 123 •16 William C, 231 Mclntyre •16 Richard S.. 231 '14 Wash'ton F..196 Mcjunkin '13 Mrs. Hu;jh K. (see Connick, 174) McKannay '07 Harry G.. 301 '04 Louise (m. Rohinson, see 85) '70 Rol)crt L.. 1 •K3 Samuel B., 296 McKeen '11 Jesse A., 250 McKenney •98 Floyd L.. 39 McKenny '93 Samutd M., 287 '93 William B., 287 McKenzie '^/5 Alfred B.. 298 '16 Anna, 231 '16 Barbara, 231 McKeown I '03 Arthur, 74 McKesson '06 Rldred C. 103 McKevitt '08 Hugh K., 301 McKibben '09 J. Warren, 132 '10 Leila J. (m. Churchill), 143 McKay '97 Albert L.. 288 '92 Mrs. A. S. (see Crook. 280) 'K)i7 Mrs. George A. (see Wright. 117) '04 Jeanette E. (m. Skimmings).83 '13 Robert J., 180 McKean '02 Xicli. D.. 309 McKeany '04 Mar--arct. 83 McKee •01 Edna M. (m. Todd). 57 •12 Kathrvn M..165 McKie '16 William J.. 231 McKillop '11 John E.. 313 McKinlay '01 Edward. 289 '15 Gerald. 214 McKinley '96 Benj. L.. 298 '13 Jas. \N.. Jr.. 180 '01 Lucius D., 57 '98 Marie J.. 39 '01 William. 273 McKinne '98 Cornelia (m. Stanwood), 39 '02 Eliza. 65 McKinney '04 Caleb W.. 310 McKinnie '11 Eva M.. 252 McKinnon j '{}?, Aloysius J.. 283 I McKinstry : '90 James C. 297 McKisick '90 Lewis, 16 '92 Rol)'son T.. 20 McKnew '12 Alfred H., 302 McKnight '94 James H.. 298 '94 Nellie M. (m. Doyle), 280 McKoon '03 Hosmer. 74 McKown '03 Charles L., 283 McLane '15 France^ M.. 214 McLaren '14 Norman L., 196 '14 Mrs. N. L. (see Amoss, 186) McLaughlin '96 Alfred. 281 '02 Mrs. Alfred (see Moffat. 65) '16 Armour. 231 '14 Donald H., 196 '16 Mary R., 231 '78 Moses A., 278 '78 William H., 285 McLaurin '11 Clara A., 154 McLean '85 Fannie W., 11 '75 F. P.. 285 '92 Francis H.. 20 '15 Howard L., 214 '14 Jay," 196 '13 John K., 274 '87 John T., 279 '89 Mary E., 15 '95 Marv M. (m. Olnev). 26 '97 Murdock, 281 '74 Robert A., 277 '04 Sarah F. (m. Mullen). 83 McLees '03 Mrs. Martin C. (see Scott. 76) McLellan '09 Mrs. J. J. (see Yoswinkel. 136) McLenegan '09 Cutler S.. 133 McLeod-Mein] ALPHABETICAL IXDEX 489 McLeod '03 Duncan A., 74 '00 Margaret, 51 McLoughlin "04 George V., 310 '08 Ralph H., 123 McMahon '97 Frank A., 281 '79 Thomas A., 6 '79 Mrs. Thos. A. (see Chase, 6) McManus '09 James C, 311 McMath '15 Edgar H.. 260 '01 John F. O., 308 McMenamin '99 Malachi W'., 289 McMillan '12 Mrs. Alex. C. (see Bunce. 160) '00 Daniel X., 289 00 Elizabeth D., 51 '11 George B., 154 '15 Hugh D.. 214 '14 William D., 197 McMullen '15 James D., 214 McMurdo '87 John R.. 286 '91 same. 280 McMurray '01 Edwin T., 300 '97 Milton. 306 '90 Orrin K., 16 '07 Mrs. Ralph (see Lyons, 113) McNab '14 Edith F., 197 '03 Thomas R., 283 McNair '05 Anna A., 74 '06 Anna V. (m. Ashley), 103 '16 James B., 231 '16 William R., 231 McNamara '11 Francis E., 154 '93 John A.. 287 '15 Joseph, 215 McNeal '07 Bcrnice (m. Bryant), 113 McNear '12 E. Denman, 166 '90 Fred'k W., 16 McNeeley '87 Ella C, 13 McNeely '08 John K., 123 McNeil '09 Arthur J.. 292 '05 Warren M., 93 McNeile '10 Lvle G.. 313 '10 Mrs. Lyle G. (see J^Iurraj', 313) McNeill '90 Anna, 16 McNoble '95 George F., 27 McNulty '98 Charles R.. 288 '04 Mrs. Fred J. (see Staples, 86) McNutt i '95 Maxwell, 27 j '96 Robert B., 306 '97 William F.. 34 ! McOsker '13 Mrs. Paul H. \ (see Moore, 181) McPeak '12 Daniel, 166 '02 Frank V., 65 McPherron '04 Grace A.. 83 McPherson '99 Thomas W.. 45 '14 William, 197 McPhetres '05 Daniel M.. 93 McPike '98 Charles L., 307 '14 George V.. 197 '81 Henry C, 295 McQuaid '10 C. Clark. 311 '15 Lois L., 215 McQueen '95 Henry M., 288 McQuiddy '08 Edna R. (m. Anderson), 123 '04 Inez (m. Davis), 83 McQuilkin '02 Eston R., 309 McQuilty '93 William A., 305 McRae '15 Rhoda C. 215 McReynoIds '04 Mrs. Cecil L (see Jones, 81) '07 Isabel (m. Gray), 113 McRoberts '16 Louise E., 231 McSpaden I '10 Lewis, 143 McSweeny '13 Marg't M.. 180 McVenn ! '98 Gertrude E., 39 McVey '05 Charles L., 93 '98 John L., 39 McVicker '03 Mrs. E. J., 243 McWade '97 David F.. 34 McWilliams '04 Robert L., 83 '03 Mrs. Robert L. (see Xagle, Addenda') Meacham '04 Myrtle (m. Mann), 83 Mead Ti Amy B., 154 '98 Lewis D., 39 '14 Thomas C, 197 Meader '06 Clara F.. 103 Meads '06 Albert M., 104 '98 Harold W., 39 Meagher '02 Joseph F.. 282 Mealley '13 Richard M., ISO Meals '05 William E., 93 '06 Mrs. Wm. E. (see Goode, 100) I Meany '05 Anthony W., 93 Measor '15 Mary C, 215 Mecham '16 John L., 231 Medbery '80 Lulu E. (m. Chapman), 8 '83 Millie (m. Reed), 10 Meddaugh '15 Edwin S.. 215 '16 Ila J., lol Medros '90 Joseph J., 286 Mee '97 John H., 34 '13 Whitney P., 180 '15 Mrs. W. P. (see Brown, 205) Meek '92 Charles A., 305 17 Harry W.. 4 '01 Xettie, S7 Meeker '91 James D., 18 '15 Roy T.. 215 Meeks '85 William V., 11 Meese '16 Arthur H.. 294 Mehl '12 Bern\l M.. 166 Mehlmann '98 Else. 39 '08 Emma, 123 Mehrtens '05 Aug. R., 291 '11 Henry G.. 154 Meighan 'H Carrie B., 197 Meikle '15 Theresa A., 215 Mein '00 William W.. 51 t'KI *()(> Dntulliy, 51 Mel •1.^ I,., IHO •08 W. liarlUtl. 123 Melden '14 l>..r,,||i.;, M.. 257 Meldon 'y. I'., 295 Mellen •15 George Z.. 215 Mellersh '08 'riidiiKis C. 123 •02 Mrs. Thos. C. (see Korliel, 64) Mellin '16 C.ilhirt F., 232 Mclmon '16 Maurice. 294 Melone '(-() Henry L'., 51 Melvin 'S'> lldiry A.. 15 Melville ■1(. Williain D., 312 Mende •13 Hirinaii L., 181 Mendel '93 Carl 1,., 287 Mendelson '89 Aaron L.. 15 •07 Mrs. Julius (see Cohen, 109) Menefee ''>8 Joseph S.. 281 Menicanti •98 Mrs. Corrado (see Rising, 40) Menihan •09 MarL^aret C (HI. Woodward), 133 Menton '98 Hul.irt C. 307 Mentz •03 Dora M. (ni. Pahl). 74 *16 Vera L., 232 1/ I''nC. If. IM)IiX [Mcininger-Middlehoff Menzel •12 IC5 Moflfett •15 Anita. 215 •15 CliMiuMis. 215 •f>9 Mrs. Samuel A. (see Fish. 43) Moffitt •80 Ikii.ert C. 15 '86 James K.. 12 Mogan '00 Chris. [.. 308 •87 RicharJ F., 297 Mogeau •09 Isabella (m. Herdnian), 45 Mohr '96 Paul .1., 240 Mohrhardt •12 Kenneth C. 166 Mohs •16 Oscar K.. 232 Mohun '87 Charles C. 286 •90 siiiiic. 279 Moir '04 Mrs. Duncan I. (see Manning, 83) Molitor '12 William M., 292 Moll '16 Mary ]).. 232 Moller '09 Ernestine E.. 133 M5 Gnstav .A., 215 '00 Lillian E. (m. Gilhreth). 51 '16 Mahel J.. 232 Mollerup *lfi Tull;,. J,^2 Molloy '92 Tiiomas S., 20 Molony '86 Edwar.l T.. 286 '88 James J..286 •<.'l s.niir. 280 '10 Mrs. J. R. (see IloMcr, 141) Moltzen •02 Walter I-., 290 Monce •M Mary A., 74 Monckton '86 Frank D., 296 Monges •09 Henrv 15., 133 •96 Richard I-"., 30 Monroe •13 Daisy L., 181 •03 Edna C. 74 '00 George W., 51 '88 Henry E.. 14 •12 Robert A., 166 Monser '95 Harold E.. 27 Monson •14 Martha M., 197 Montague '91 Henry B., 18 •05 James S.. 310 Montandon •13 Otoe F.. 181 '15 Ronald W., 215 Monteagle '10 Pai-e. 143 Montealegre '97 Mrs. F. G. (see Duflfy, 32) Montgomery '90 Mrs. 1). W. (see Spring, 279) '01 Florence E. (m. Barker). 58 '03 Mrs. John C. (see Steeves, 76) '08 John M., 123 '08 Olive P., 123 '07 Samuel E., 113 '05 Mrs. Samuel E. (see Stucker, 95) '16 Victor, 232 Montijo '10 Fernando. 143 Moodey '14 Helen M., 197 •01 Ida C, 58 '09 Joe G.. 133 '09 Mrs. Joe G. (sec Southworth, 135) Moody •06 Alex. S., 104 '16 Clarence L.. 232 '15 Daphne I., 215 '03 Grace E. (m. Haring), 74 '12 Graham B.. 166 '82 Mary W., 278 '11 Morris R., 155 '11 Mrs. Morris R. (see Blee, 250) '13 Thomas L., 181 '11 Wilbur L., 155 Mooers '13 Clyde C, 293 Moomau '07 Clyde E., 291 Mooney '08 Maude, 123 '99 William T., 45 Moore '08 Alfred F., 123 '04 Anna C, 83 '94 Ariana, 24 '11 Arthur R., 266 '04 Benj. F., 290 '83 Berk. W., 285 '98 Carmen (m. Starr), 39 '78 Charles C, 285 '81 Charles H., 295 '07 Chester B., 113 '03 Mrs. Chester D. (see Xewbert, 74) '11 Dorothy (m. Brown, see 148) '96 Mrs. E. B. (see Hawkins, 29) '00 Edna F. (m. Broad), 308 '12 Edward L., 166 '09 Ella E. (m. Stout), 133 '09 Eulalia A.. 133 '13 Florence P. (m. McOsker). 181 '02 George H., 300 '11 Gladys (m.Cleland.see 149) '12 Grace (m. Twogood), 166 '99 Harry C, 289 '13 Helen A., 181 '96 Henrietta, 240 '01 Herbert T., 58 '07 Irene J. (m. Bradv). 114 '14 Jas. S., Jr.. 197 '12 John G., 292 '06 J. Oxley, 310 '16 Laura L., 232 '07 La Vergne, 291 '14 Lillian M., 197 'IS Luther B., 215 '13 Marcella S., 181 '97 Mary E., 34 '89 Ralph H., 15 •14 Ralph T., 197 '92 Robert I., 305 '81 Robert S., 8 '15 Mrs. Rollin B. (see Knox, 213) '03 Rowena J., (m. Selby), 74 '96 Royal T., 288 '01 Stanley, 58 'il Thomas N., 155 '00 William G., 282 Moorehead '13 Vicenta P., 181 Moorhead '15 Archib'd C, 215 Mo ran '01 Nathan M., 58 '03 Mrs. R. B. (see Venable, 77) Morbio '10 Carlo S., 143 Morden '96 Thomas S., 306 More '03 John F., Jr., 74 '04 Margaret E. (m. Oliver), 83 Morehead '15 Ernest R., 215 '05 Roy F.. 310 Morehouse '14 Daniel W., 267 '15 Hazel, 215 Moreland '06 Mrs. E. (see Overholtzer, 105) Moreno '10 Mrs. Halcott C. (see Brown, 138) Morey '98 Charles L., 307 Morffew '82 Thomas, 304 Morfoot-Moxon] ALPHABETICAL INDEX 493 Morfoot '07 Charles R., 301 Morford 76 Xathan A., 3 Morgan '09 Alfred R., 133 '09 Mrs. Alfred R. (see Joy, 131) '00 Alvah X.. 308 '01 Anna. 58 '98 Avery. 39 '08 Charles G., 123 '86 Charles L., 286 '96 same. 281 '09 Mrs. Claude P. (see Johnson. 131) '09 David X., 133 '97 Emma (m. Xorth), 34 '06 Florence M.,104 ^'Sl Frank E.. 278 '15 Genevieve, 215 '07 Harry D., 291 '89 Henry F., 286 '11 Hilda (m.Concannon).155 '06 James A., 104 '94 Julia. 24 '06 Mrs. John W. (see Kern. 102) '03 Luella M. (m. Parmley), 74 '91 Ross. 18 '08 Sara D. (m. Patterson). 123 '02 Sylvia M. (m. White), 65 Moriarty '03 John A.. 74 Morin '10 Grace E.. 143 '05 James W., 93 Morison '04 Harrv C. 301 '/7 William C. 4 Morrin 'C5 Katherine H. (m. Kergan), 93 '02 Mary I., 65 Morris '95 Amiel. 306 '04 Bert J.. 83 '16 Follett F.. 294 '05 Frank. 291 '00 Fred L.. 51 '15 Gladstone. 215 '03 Howard G.. 74 '97 Jules I., 306 '16 Laid M., 284 '05 Leon E.. 93 '04 Mrs. Leon E. (see Prince. 84) '05 Mose S.. 291 '13 Myrl, 181 '86 Thomas H.. 304 '01 Mrs. Wm. E. (see Roblin, 59) Morrison '03 Albon R.. 74 '78 Alexander F., 5 '78 Mrs. Alex. F. (see Treat. 5) '13 Benj. Y.. 181 '92 Mrs. Charles T. (see Baldwin, 19) 'H Elizabeth H. (m. Wagenet), 197 '04 Esther (m. Davisson), 83 '00 Francis R., 51 '15 Genev. C, 293 '04 Harold A., 83 '15 Tames M.. 215 '94 Mary E.. 280 '14 May. 197 '16 Richard H., 232 '80 William P., 285 Morken '15 Alice B.. 215 Morley '05 Mrs. Raym'd K. (see Thacher. 95) '98 Walter S., 39 Morong '01 Frederic L.. 282 Morrill '87 Any. L.. 279 '09 Evelyn M., 133 Morrissey '94 Joseph G., 280 '03 Thomas E., 74 Morrow '14 Allen. 197 '02 Archib'd H.. 65 '96 Howard. 281 '06 Irving F., 104 '79 James A.. 6 '08 Mrs. Jno. D. A. (see Bovvers. 118) '06 Marion K., 104 '«3 Robert H.. 21 '05 Varina P. (m. Merritt). 93 '91 William G.. 18 '79 William H., 6 '13 William W., 274 Morse '12 Alice F.. 166 '16 Arnold L.. 312 '94 Blanche. 24 '97 Charles \V.. 34 '56 Clinton R., 30 '07 Doug. H.. 114 78 Fred W., 5 '79 Fremont, 6 '01 Henry D., 58 '11 Henry E., 155 '16 Isita G., 232 '16 Marion, 232 '13 Roy R.. 181 '01 Ruby R. (m. Brock), 58 Mortenson "15 Clara E.. 215 Mortimer '00 James D., 51 Morton '15 Harold W.. 216 '13 John W., 181 '90 Mary E. G.. 16 '03 Richard E., 309 Morwood '98 Mrs. James (see Bell. 36) Moseley '13 James H.. 254 Moses '09 Ben D.. 133 '80 Mrs. Bernard (see Briggs. 7) '99 Mrs. Edw. H. (see Fassett, 43) Motheral '97 Airs. Grahame (see Ackcrman. 31) Mott '03 Ernest J.. 301 '98 Mrs. Ernest J. (see Robinson, 40) '98 Mrs. L. C. (see Barto, 36) '95 Xellie C. (m. Jones), 27 '04 William W., 84 Motter '06 Elaine (m. Sulliger). 104 Moulder 72 Andrew J., 272 Moullet '14 Louis F.. 197 Moulthrop '01 Horace L.. 58 '00 John R., 51 Moulton '09 Arthur F.. 133 '09 Mrs. Arthur F. (see Eraser. 130) '02 Dan H.. 282 '07 Mrs. Dudley (see Chidester. 109) '13 Francis. 181 '11 Rol)ert H.. 155 Mount '07 Harvey B.. 291 '10 Lucy C. 270 Mountain '10 Frank J.. 143 Mosher '02 Mrs. James W. (see WyckofT, 68) '09 Agnes G. (m. Martin), 247 '04 Gertrude L., 83 '04 Laura G. (m. Johnson). see Addenda '16 Samuel B.. 232 Moskowitz '04 Minnie. 84 '04 Rose (m. Hillier). 84 Moss '96 San ford A.. 30 Mouron '02 Otto J.. 290 Mouser '02 Eugenia T. (m. Woodl)urn). 65 '13 Luray J.. 181 Mowbray '04 Albert H.. 84 '13 Melton \^. 181 Mower '06 Geneva W. (m. Hagan). 104 Mowry •11 William J.. 292 Moxon '13 Mrs. Leslie A. (see Perrin. 182) 404 ALPHABETICAL INDEX [Moyer-Narjot Moyer •06 Kiul.rii ().. 104 Moyse •«y7 (irornr V.. 34 Mucklcston •07 Mrs. H. S. (sec Wlurry. 116) Mudgett ■1(1 r.iiii I'"... 143 Muegge •14 Tlun. C. 312 Mueller '80 Hirmaii E., 278 'U) Josephine. 262 Mucnter 14 AuKUSl F., 197 •82 Henry L., 278 Muheim •11 Kinilc F., 155 Muir '16 Jas. 15.. Jr., 232 •13 John. 274 •12 Ora E. (m. Thelen). 166 Mukerji •(i; r.irindra, 245 Mulford •95 Mrs. Edwin S. (see Godfrey. 26) •81 Hiram S.. 295 Mulholland •14 William. 274 Mulkey •14 Mabel M.. 293 Mullen '05 Janus S.. 93 '04 Mrs. James S. (sec McLean. 83) Muller •98 Fricd'ii C. 281 '04 Henrv. 84 •98 Marie I.. 39 '12 Robert W.. 166 •97 William M.. 288 Mulligan '04 Tlurcsa I.. 84 Mullinix '05 Oris .v.. 291 Mulrenin '09 Edward M.. 307 Mulvany •13 Mary ( i., 1«1 Muma •99 Wilmer. 299 Mundell •()J William A., 309 Mundy 'Oy Clara A.. 93 '05 Laura E. (ni. Kinkel), 93 Munro •98 Charles H., 39 '05 Jessie M. (m. Reiner). 93 '16 Ruth A., 232 Munsell •03 James R., 74 Munson •00 Howard P.. 51 •84 James G.. 286 '14 James L., 293 Munter '95 Leo, 288 '04 Mrs. \Wm. H. (see Hoffman, 81) Murakami 'OZ Tokichi, 65 I Murashige I '16 Osamu, 232 Murasky '16 Leo A.. 303 Muratt •08 Maud L 1 (m. O'Dair), 123 ! Murchie '07 Durrcll H., 311 Murdoch '04 Everett C. 84 '12 Tcnelope L..166 Murdock •01 Edna. 58 '97 Mrs. G. E. (see Elliot. 32) '97 Glenn E., 34 '16 Osgood. 232 Murphey 'S7 John D., 13 ' '14 "Marv B.. 197 1 "15 Walter E.. 216 Murphy '12 V.hno N., sec Addenda '89 Francis D., 15 '15 George W., 303 '09 Harriet. 133 '96 James D., 281 '97 Mrs. Jas. J. M. (see Tuttle, 35) '15 Joseph J., 303 '77 Kossuth M., 4 '09 Lee O., 133 '09 Mrs. Lee O. (.see Markley, 132) '82 Martin J.. 285 '11 Mary A., 251 '88 Mayella G., 14 '02 Ravm'd N., 309 '01 Mrs. W. L. (see Granice, 55) '01 William J., 282 Murray '12 Bernard C, 311 '03 Clarence, 74 '14 Ethel P.. 197 '77 George D.. 4 '99 James M., 313 '13 Jennie E., 181 •16 Jos. H.. Jr.. 232 '16 Lewis A., 232 '03 Margaret E. (m. Putnam), 74 '10 Olga (m. McNeile), 313 '02 Samuel, 65 Murry '05 Mrs. George G. (see Young, 78) Murthin '11 Minnie E.. 155 Musante '03 Attilio S.. 290 '13 Charles B., 311 Muscio '13 Lillian E.. 181 Muscott '96 Brayton, 281 Musgrave '79 Robert \V.. 6 Musgrove '05 William J.. 93 Musselman '10 Tosie E. (m. Xielsen\ 143 Musser '13 Hazel. 181 Muzzall •15 Alex. H.. 216 '15 Henry C. 260 Myer '14 Helen T., 197 Myers '14 Amy H.. 197 '15 Earle H.. 216 '10 Hazel E. (m. Bush), 143 '13 Lloyd A.. 181 '14 Lorene E. (m. Ellis), 197 '99 Mittie U. (m. Chaplin), 45 '09 Paul A.. 133 '14 Roy S.. 197 Myrick '85 Charles M., 12 Nachtrieb '12 Barbara. 166 '14 Harold P., 197 Nadler '15 Florence, 216 Naffziger '07 Howard C, 114 Nag '09 Jogendra C..133 Nagle '03 Marguerite M. (m. McWilliams), see Addenda Nahl '01 Arthur C. 58 '03 Mrs. Jessica M. (see Davis, 70) Naka '12 Kaizo. 166 Nakano '02 Chickara. 65 '15 Yosuke W.. 216 Nakanouchi '02 Mitsunori. 65 Nakatsu '12 Hikoichi. 166 I I ' Namura '15 Takeo. 312 Narjot '01 Louise (m. Howard. see 56) Xarr-Xewnian] ALPHABETICAL INDEX 495 Narr '13 Mrs. Edwin R. (Middlekauff), 254 Nasburg '05 Mrs. Harry (see McGraw, 93) Nash '94 Bert. 287 '03 Caroline A. (m. Hendricks), 74 '89 Dorr. 304 '03 Erastus G., 74 '99 Lavonia R., 45 Nason '14 Irving L., 293 Nass '14 Fred C, 197 Nast '95 John E., 280 '11 Pauline J., 292 Nathan '05 Emile C. 94 '08 Mrs. Emile C. (see Cotrel, 119) '00 Lillian (m. Ballin), 51 '15 Melville C, 216 '00 Mitchel W., 51 Nathanson '93 Mrs. A. E. (see Falck, 280) Navon '15 Sidney, 216 Naylor '99 Jessie (m. Cole, see 42) Neale '00 Anna J. (m. McDill), 51 '01 Charlotte E., 58 '14 Percival J., 293 Nealond '06 Lena, 104 Nebelung '14 Raym'd E.. 197 Neblett '97 Walter E., 288 Needham '06 Beatrice (m. Edwards). 104 '03 Guv P.. 74 '98 Irving. 39 '15 Mary L.. 216 '14 Mavbelle (m. Stallcup), 198 '00 Mrs. Wm. G. (see Stockwell, 52) Neely '07 Gertrude E. (m.Schweikart),114 , NefF '16 Anna A.W., 232 '15 Benj. G., 312 '16 Marietta W.,262 Negoro '03 Alotoyuki, 58 Neibel '06 Etta V. (m. Phillips), 104 Neighbor '06 Gilbert F.. 104 '04 Jacob L., 84 Neill '02 John C, 290 j '09 Millie I. I (m. Fisher), 133 i Neilson 'OG Mrs. Elmer G. | (see Larkin, 103) '13 Gladys, 181 I '14 Xelsine M., 198 i Neiman i '00 William F., 51 Nelgner '14 Gladys F., 198 Nelson '06 Anna. 104 '11 Anna B., 155 '13 Charles H., 181 '11 Mrs. Chas. H. (see Harber, 151) '01 Mrs. Chas. R. (see Bryan, 54) '07 Edmund, 301 '09 Edna B. (m. Burroughs), 133 '13 Elizal)'h F.. 181 '15 Emil L.. 293 '04 Ethel E.. 290 '13 Frank C. 181 '02 Mrs. Fred'k E. (see Avery, 60) '12 George H., 292 '05 Glenn M., 291 '06 same. 291 '14 Harry. 198 '92 John A.. 280 1 '16 Leola A.. 232 '04 Mabel L., 84 '05 Mary E. (m. Lodge), 94 '01 Minna H. (m. Xewhall), 58 '07 Xels C, 114 '15 Xels M., 216 '09 Oscar, 133 '12 Owen B., 166 '14 P. Mabel. 216 '16 Thomas L., 232 '05 Virginia M. (m. Spinks, see 95) '11 Walter I.. 155 '13 Yargen. 181 Nemes '15 Boldizsar, 216 Neto '05 Joseph R.. 310 Neu '08 John P.. 311 Neuburger '05 ]Marie (m. Levy), 94 Neuhaus '16 John A., 232 Neuls '12 Mrs. Joseph D. (see Scott, 168) Neumiller '01 Charles L., 300 Nevin '16 Lowrie B., 232 Nevius 'il John W.. 313 '10 Scarlc B.. 143 Newbauer '13 William. 182 Newbert '03 Edna (m. Moore), 74 Newbery '08 Carlos A., 123 Newburgh '97 Henry, 299 Newby '13 Daisy M.. 182 '10 Edina C. 143 1 '10 Lee C. 144 i '84 Thomas S., 286 Newcomb '06 Ralph P. O., 104 '06 Mrs. R. P. O. (see Snow, 106) Newell •06 Bertha, 104 '84 Blanche E., 11 '10 Eckert W.. 144 '15 Paul C, 216 '16 Robert R., 284 Newfield '02 Joseph, 65 '02 Mrs. Joseph K. (see Breslauer, 61) '14 Louis K.. 198 '07 Melville, 114 Newhall '05 Charles A.. 94 '07 Luther. 114 '98 Percv M., 39 '01 Mrs. Percy M. (see Xelson, 58) Newham 'CI Frances. 58 Newhouse '98 Hugo D.. 299 Newkirk '03 John :M.. 74 Newlan '13 Victor. 182 Newlands '98 John C, 39 Newlin '02 Gurnev E.. 65 '11 Wallace A., 251 '06 Mrs. W. A. (see Johnson, 102) Newman '06 Mrs. Axel A. (seeKronquist,103) '94 Alfred. 24 '06 Anna M. (m. Jenkins). 104 '09 Clarence H..133 '09 Mrs. C. H. (see Felt. 130) '91 Felix H.. 287 '02 Harrv C. 309 '12 Herl>ert S.. 166 '00 Jeannette. 51 , '83 Jerome. 10 I '08 "John G.. 123 1 '11 Joseph B., 155 I '03 Lester. 74 I '99 Maurice A., 45 4^6 . ll.l'IIAIiETlCAL INDEX [Xewman-Xotcware Newman, «. iM '04 < )livM I-".. { III. I'.tiiif), 84 'CW Oliver S.. l.y "07 Mrs. Oliver S. (sti- Harris. Ill) •"7 Kichar2 same. 282 •01 Mrs. John C (see Saiihnrn. 59) Nicely •01 Oney M.. 58 Nicholls '04 Arthur W.. 84 'W Jean H.. 133 •(X» John C. 51 •04 Rol.ert J.. 283 '05 Svdnev W.. 94 '9o Thomas H.. 298 Nicholas '16 Ruth A.. U2 Nichols 'f4 Burritt R.. 290 '13 Carl. 182 '05 Edith E.. 94 '14 Henry A., 198 '87 Horace S.. 286 '16 James C. 2i2 '14 Marg't C, 198 '85 Theo. A., 279 Nicholson '10 CraiK A.. 294 •01 Edith (ni. Duncan), 84 •15 Seth B., 207 •92 Mrs. W. (see Beaver, 19) •79 Walter H.. 6 Nickels •13 Leslie J.. 182 Nickelsburg '04 Melvil .S.. 84 Nickerson '12 Alice. 100 •13 Edward D., 182 •11 Harold H.. 155 'lU Mrs. Harold H. (see Biedenhach, 137) •10 Leigh \V., 144 Nicol '11 Laurence. 155 '84 Robert, 304 Nicolai •03 Charles J.. 309 Nicolson '08 Mrs. Gcrt'de P., (see French, Addenda) '03 Jessie A., 74 Nidiffer •07 Myrtle L (ill. Huttoii). 114 Niedermuller '08 Frida (ni. Sexauer), 123 Nielsen ■12 Ada (ni. Farris). 166 '12 Aron C. 166 '10 Mrs. C. H. (sec Musselman, 143) '13 Fred A.. 182 Nigg '12 Rose A.. 166 Nightingale "05 John M.. 94 '92 Joseph B., 287 Nikolitch '06 Milan. 245 Niles '^■l Addison P.. 9 '11 Frank L.. 155 Nilon •14 Frank M., 198 '88 Frank T., 297 Nis '02 ICdward .\., 65 Nisbet '15 James C, 216 Nish '01 Fred'k W., 289 '06 same. 291 '13 Leroy R., 293 Nishikawa '02 Kotaro, 242 Nishkian '06 Leon H., 104 Nissen 'Oo May G.. 123 Nixon '12 Walter H., 166 '11 Mrs. Walter H. (see Baldwin, 148) Noble oT '89 Charles A., 15 '16 Charles H., 312 '96 George O., 30 '12 Grace AL (m. Albright), 166 '02 Grover C, 65 '95 Harry A., 27 '92 Howard D., 305 '88 John A., 279 '96 Mary L., 281 '94 Maud (m. Haven), 24 '05 Ralph C. 94 '11 Mrs. Ralph E. (see Harris, 250) Nobles '09 Mrs. John S. (see Wilkins, 136) Noddin '12 Ralph E., 166 Noe '96 George T., 288 Nohrden '05 Edward H., 291 Nolan '03 Katherinc. 290 •00 Marv E.. 282 '06 Philomena M. (m. Goodman), 291 •12 Walter C. 166 Nolting '14 Ernest F., 198 '11 Hazel M. (m. White), see Addenda Nomland '14 Jorgeii O.. 257 Noon '05 Viola E. (m. CurrierJ, 94 Noonan '98 Emma L.. 40 Nopel '07 Fred'k G., 291 Nor '12 August C. 311 Norcross '12 Mildred E., 167 Nordwell '07 Alfred W.. 114 '12 Eva W.. 167 Norman '10 Caswell L., 144 Norris '03 Charles G.. 74 '92 Robert S.. 20 North '11 Alfred C. 155 '96 Arthur W.. 30 '93 Hart H., 298 '97 Mrs. Hart H. (see Morgan. 34) Northcroft '10 James F. S., 144 Northcross '00 Mrs. Robert C. (see Hammack. 49) Norton '06 Mrs. Benjamin (see Doodv. 99) '06 Bravton S'.. 104 '08 Clare A.. 123 '14 Harry D.. 293 '02 Mrs. Lyman F. (see Decker. 62) '14 Xorvel I.. 198 '14 William J.. 293 Norwood '96 Clarence H.. 30 '10 Emil C. 292 Noteware '11 Xorma (m. Powell). 155 Xott-Olsen] ALPHABETICAL INDEX 497 Nott •98 Charles P.. 240 '96 Mrs. Charles P. (see Byxbee, 28) Nottage '74 George E.. 277 Nourse '89 Beverly S.. 15 '16 Hope E.. 232 Novak '13 James. 182 '15 Loraine, 216 Novitzky •01 Josef F., 308 Newell '15 Alex. R.. 216 '13 Florence E.. 182 '15 Marian. 216 Newels I '14 Mrs. A. R. 1 (?ee Spencer. 201) Newland '94 James A.. 298 Noyes '94 Arthur P.. 24 '92 Mrs. Arthur P. (see Sanborn. 20) '15 Emily L.. 216 '12 George E., 167 Nuckolls '03 Alfred M.. 301 Nunn '15 George E.. 260 Nuttall '84 Geo. H. F.. 279 Nyswander '13 James A., 182 Oak '11 Alfred H.. 216 '15 Lyndon H.. 216 Oatman •?^1 Charles H.. 9 '12 Frank'n \V.,167 O'Bannen '09 Lida. 247 Oberdeener '84 George, 286 •80 Samuel, 285 Nutter '08 Mrs. Charles (see Dunlap, 119) Nutting '02 Elsie, 65 '00 Franklin P.. 51 '07 James A., 114 'Q9 Pcrley G., 241 '13 Willard H.. 182 Nye '13 Harris T., 182 '99 Roy v., 45 Nyman '16 Rudolph F., 263 Oberg '13 David L.. 182 O'Brien I '11 Ailcen L.. 155 '89 Aloysius P., 279 '02 Edward A., 300 '01 Edward W., 308 '13 Francis H., 293 '03 Jeremiah, 309 •96 John H., 281 •02 M., 300 '96 John T., 281 •07 Marie H. (m. V. Sabern), 114 I '95 Percy H., 27 '13 Ray J., 302 i '92 Victor L., 20 O'Callaghan '96 Charles F., 298 '79 James, 6 Ochsner '13 Albert H.. 255 i '11 Frank T., 311 1 '06 Richard L., 283 | O'Cennell '05 Alice. 94 '00 Ella J.. 51 '05 George D., 310 '08 John J.. 124 '95 Rol)ert E., 306 | O'Connor '03 Mrs. D. J. ! (see Barry. 68) '11 Edna C. 155 '07 James G., 114 '05 Mrs. Tames J. (see Burns, 89) '13 John, 293 '06 Joseph T., 30 I '16 blga. 232 '04 Richard. 84 I '03 Mrs. Rich'd. Jr. 1 (see Dwyer, 70) O'Dair I '08 Mrs. Arthur , (see Muratt, 123) [ O'Dea '09 Edward A., 302 O'Dennell '02 Joseph M., 282 O'Deneghue '82 Michael F., 295 Oehlmann '03 Hanna M.. 74 O'Gara •96 John. 298 Ogden '92 George W., 280 [ '14 Laura R. I (m. Cooley), 198 '10 Marguerite, 144 '14 Robert C. 198 Ogilbe •07 Belle L. (m. Tavlor). 114 '07 Kath. H.. 114 O'Grady '91 Alex. L., 297 '91 James J.. 287 O'Halleran '95 James W., 298 O'Hara '16 Charles E.. 22,2 O'Hearn '14 Bruce D., 303 Olcovich '03 Viola R. (m. Oppenheimer). 283 Oldenbourg '97 Louise A.. 281 Oldham '11 John H., 292 Olds •91 Georire L.. 287 '81 William H.. 278 O'Leary '06 Gertrude G., 104 '06 Vera E. (m. Caglieri), 104 '09 Mrs. Warner J. (see Huebner, 131) Oliphant '11 David D.. 302 Oliva '00 George. 289 Oliver '95 Bertha. 27 '00 Edwin L.. 51 j '00 Ernest W.. ^1 '13 James B.. 182 '89 Joseph A.. 279 '00 Rowland L., 51 ' '06 Thomas C. 104 '08 Mrs. Wm. H. (see Culver, 119) '04 Mrs. Wm. H. (see More. 83) Ohhara '00 Totaro H.. 308 Ohm '08 Anna (m. Kuhn). 124 '11 Henry. 155 OhnemuUer '11 Conrad B.. 155 Oikawa '15 Tsuye. 216 Okada '16 Kokiclii, 22,2 \ O'Keefe ! '92 Tames T., 207 I '14 Peter L., 303 'd.^ Stephen R., 297 Okitsu , '09 Takeshi. 133 Olmsted '03 John A.. 74 Olney '98 .-Mbert C. 40 '97 Ethel (m. EastonV 34 '04 Mrs. Tohn L. (see Wendt, 87) '95 Marv (m. Bartlett). 27 '07 Thomas M.. 34 •Ql Warren. Jr., 18 '95 Mrs. War'n. Jr. (see McT^ean. 26) '00 Mrs. Williani (see Wilson. 53) '04 Mrs. Wm. T. (see Parker. 84) Olsen •07 Tohn I.. Jr.. 114 '16 Sarah E.. 232 •15 Sidnev, 216 498 Olson •W Ail..l|>li J.. 247 '11 (ins, 155 '«>1 Marie (;., 280 Olwell '(M William ('.. SfC .III lit' II (III O'Malley '»< Wm. II. I.. 2S\ O'Melvcny 7'> Hiiny W.. 6 '10 Stuart. 1-4-4 Oneal •10 Mrs. Chas. If. ' tlayiU'ii. 141) O'Neil •(.7 A. A.. 277 •10 Cracc M.. 144 •>.^ J. C".. 277 O'Neill •.S7 Mrs. T. L. (see Park. 279) •S9 Ambrose E.,286 '79 Edmond. 6 •0.? Huirli. 301 '10 Huul) S., 144 '\3 Jesse W.. 182 •14 Mrs. Jesse W. (see Schorcr, 200) 'OC Kate .\.. 104 •11 Paul A.. 155 Onesti "95 Silvio J., 288 '99 sawc. 281 Ong •15 Kileen A.. 216 Onsrud '11 Jacoh H.. 155 ! Oppenheim '08 Morris. .>01 Oppenheimer ■'M Mrs. Julius (see Olcovicli.283) •09 Leopold. 302 Opsvig •00 Peter. 2SJ Orchard '(»8 Mary E.. 124 Orcutt '02 Mary E.. 65 Ordway '16 William F.. 2^2 ALPHABETICAL INDEX [Olson-Page Orena •K7 Arthur ( ;.. 286 i Orgren ' •05 I-:ieanor V. (m. Cliai)man), 94 O'Rourke •04 W I Ilia 111, 305 Orr '09 Harold P., 133 '14 Hazel A. (ill. Hunt), 198 ''»,, Robert H., 281 •12 Tbomas F., 167 Orrick ' '02 Murray S., 65 '05 Oliver S., Jr.,94 •01 William H., 58 Orton •14 Collins K., 198 '92 Forrest H., 305 Orynski •14 John B., 198 •14 Leonard W.,198 Osborn '14 Alice M. (m. Donald), 198 '12 Chesley E., 167 '08 Edna M., 124 '01 James O., 58 •(j4 Lucy E.. 244 '80 William E., 8 Osborne '98 Charles K., 40 '16 Geori?e E., 233 Oser '08 Harry J., 124 '09 William L., 133 Osgood "06 Charles G., 104 '06 Warren D., 291 Osier '78 Charles. 278 Osmont "DO \'ance C, 51 Ospina '7^' Tulio. 6 "79 Pedro X., 6 •95 Mrs. Rafael (see Hall, 26) Ossman "10 Cnistav W.. 233 Osterhout '99 Wiiillircjp J. ,264 '98 Mrs. W. J. (see Landstrom,39) Ostrander '12 Annis M., 167 '08 Edith G. (m. Cameron), 124 '81 Frank M., 295 '08 Jasper E., 124 Ostrom '09 Carmel M. (m. Thomas), 133 '12 Chas. D. Y., 167 '00 Daniel A., 308 '09 David W., 292 '07 Earl E.. 283 '15 Joseph E., 293 O'Sullivan '15 Curtis D., 216 Oswill '01 George AL, 289 Otero '09 Anita, 133 Otis '16 Dorothy E., 233 '03 Edwin M., 75 '73 Frank, 2 '08 Stephen F., 124 O'Toole '10 Katharine, 144 '05 La'nce S., 301 '06 same, 104 '03 Margaret (m. Hugo), 75 '09 Michael C, 133 '09 Rose M., 133 Otto '04 Theresa M. '^8 William H., Ottofy '14 Frederic F.. 84 198 Ottoman '09 Violet F., 133 Oury '87 Francis W.. 13 Outcalt '09 John M., 133 Outhwaite '16 Leonard, 233 Overholtzer '12 Edwin C. 167 '06 Lavisa (m. Moreland), 105 Overstreet '99 Harry A., 45 '91 Mrs. Louis F. (see Hamilton, 18) Oviedo '91 Louis P., 280 Owen '01 Edna T. (m. Henton), 58 '97 Ernest A., 34 '11 Hallie K., 155 '13 Jos. A., Jr., 182 '02 Philip W., 65 Owens '10 George F., 302 '97 James M., 34 '04 Robert C. 301 '03 Mrs. Robert C. (see Reid, 75) '07 Robert M., 114 Owyang '10 Kee, 144 Oya '98 Mrs. (see Yanagisawa, 41) Oyamo '15 Iwajiro, 216 Ozaki '16 Satoaki 233 Pache '99 Francis C, 45 Pack '02 Grace L. (m. Blackball), 65 '08 Robert W., 124 Packard '15 Earl L.. 267 '04 Sineretta, 84 '09 Walter E., 247 Paddock 'C4 Bernard H., 84 Paden '07 Agnes M.. 114 I Page '15 Elizabeth I (m. Gorrill). 216 i'04 Larrance, 244 I '04 Mary. 84 '97 Rollin K., 299 Pahl-Patton] ALPHABETICAL INDEX 499 Pahl '03 Mrs. August J. (see Mentz, 74) Paige '82 Cutler, 9 Paine '15 Albert W., 216 '02 Frederic C. 65 '01 Mrs. F. C. (see Lowell, 57) '04 Mrs. Paul M. (see Newman, 84) Painter ■06 Bruce H.. 105 '01 Eugene D.. 308 '92 George L., 287 •96 same, 281 '98 Jerome B., 307 Paisley '14 Minnie M., 257 Pait '92 Albert C, 20 Palache '91 Charles, 18 '16 John G., 233 Palmer '01 Albert W., 58 '04 Mrs. Albert W. (see Wedd, 87) '15 Charlotte, 216 '94 Mrs. Edwin T. (see Huntoon, 23) '94 Elizabeth D., 24 '98 Mrs. Fred'k (see Mason, 39) '13 Mrs. Fred'k E. (see Cline. 174) '00 Mrs. Guy L. (see Coulter, 48) '98 Harold K., 40 '92 J. Brooks, 20 '98 Maliel C. (m. Dupont), 40 'OS Mabel E., 124 '16 Mantie J., 233 '12 Ralph W.. 167 '88 Thco. S., 14 '76 Warren S., 3 Pancoast '85 Franklin, 304 Papen '14 Helen, 198 Parcells '95 Charles E.. 27 '91 Frank jM., 18 '01 Mrs. Frank M. (see Shreve, 59) Pardee '79 George C, 6 Pardee '12 Reuben C, 302 Parish '03 Grace S. (m. Newson), 75 Park '87 Theoilda L. (m. O'Neill), 279 Parks '02 Erie C, 309 '04 Jessie M. (m. Richard). 84 '16 John L.. 294 '99 Louis H., 307 Parma '08 Rosamond. 124 Parmanand '13 Bhai, 293 Parmelee •15 Archib'd L., 216 '16 Walter E., 312 Parker '99 Ada H. (m. Gear), 45 '00 Adel A. (m. Gibson), 51 '04 Carleton H., 84 '07 Mrs. C. H. (see Stratton. 116) '02 Challen R., 65 '04 Edith B. (m. Hinckley), 84 '74 Edward A., 2 '78 Edward S., 285 '01 Emma E., 58 '08 Ethel (m. Spradling), 124 '05 Florence A. [ (m. Favier), 94 '97 Florence B. (m. Williams), 34 '03 George M., 75 '04 Grace M. (m. Olney). 84 '16 Grace-Maie, 233 '98 Helen A. (m. Criswell), 307 'QO Henry G., 16 '98 Homer C, 40 '07 John A., 114 '12 John J.. 167 '07 Kingsbury, 114 '98 Lilian M. (m. Allen). 40 '09 Robert A., 133 1 -65 Samuel H.. 272 : '93 Scollay, 287 ' '07 Spencer M., 114 ;'15 Stanley S., 216 , '08 Virginia (m. Sisson), 124 ! '10 William B., 144 Parkinson '12 John B., 167 •94 "Oscar B., 298 '15 Oscar C, 216 Parkman '96 Wallace E., 281 Parmley '03 Mrs. Arthur L. (see Morgan, 74) Parnay '15 Mardig Y.. 216 Paroni '00 Clelia A., 51 '03 Romilda. 75 Parr '96 Mrs. A. M., 288 '93 Edward F., 305 Parrish '15 Earl T.. see Addenda '14 Ruby E., 198 '05 Sue (m. Tinncnian), 94 j Parry '07 David H., 114 'iO William C, 144 Parsons '08 Carrie (m. Forbes). 124 '01 Gay W^. 58 '06 Horace G., 291 '08 James E., 291 '11 Mrs. Raymond (see Angove, 147) •10 Richard E., 292 '00 Willard G., 51 Partch 'C.3 Mrs. Fayette (see Fowler, 71) Partsch '84 Herman, 279 •16 Herman D.. 233 Paschal '04 Sister Mary (see Boillot, 79) Pascoe '07 Susie (m. Cornish t, 114 Pasmore '14 Harriet H.. 198 Patch '98 Mary L. (m. Gunn). 40 Patchett '11 Irene A. (m. Smith). 155 Patek '01 Robert. 58 Paterson I '04 Emma J., 84 '07 Lois M. (m. Hoover). 114 ' '1.4 Ogden K.. 198 Paton '83 Charles T.. 279 Patten '11 Clarence 0..311 '04 Eva R.. 84 '16 Harold E.. 223 Patterson '08 Aimec E., 124 '99 Andrew D.. 307 '13 Asmus F.. 302 '07 Charles H.. 301 '"1 Francis F.. 287 '06 Harriet H.. 291 '00 Henry H.. 51 '08 Mrs. H. H. (see Morgan, 123) '10 James N.. 292 '1 1 same. 292 •12 Mrs. John i (sec Kenyon. 164) I '07 R. Fuiton. 311 i ^06 Ruth (m. Bricknein. IO.t 'S2 Thomas T.. 278 '05 William V.. 291 Partridge 'S7 Mrs. Chas. A. (see Simpson, 304) '14 Francis H.. 198 •15 Grace E.. 216 '92 John S., 20 Patten '10 Aha. 144 '06 Bessie J.. 105 •07 Charles L.. 34 '15 Frances J.. 216 '16 Ursula. 163 '85 William T.. 286 .M.rilABEriCAL INDEX [ I'aul- Peterson Paul •10 All. (It M.. 144 •10 Haltii- 15.. 144 "00 M;il>rl K. (m. ScliiM,-,!,!), 105 Paulding •1? I.iiti C. 216 •U Rutli. IW Paul in . . i,,..,.^.' W.. 1\G Paulsen •00 Amaiulus, 51 •in Mal.olk- A. (it\AaiiPattcii),144 Pauly •11 Clia>. W.. 155 Pausch •10 Oliver \V.. 144 Pauson •lU Charles A.. 75 Ml Rose, 155 Pavliger •13 J.^seph. 182 Pawley •03 Mrs. Joshua M. (see Sessions, 76) Pawlicki •94 Lasimir F.. 280 •94 Tha.l. E.. 298 Paxton '00 Eupheniia S.. 51 Payne •14 Arthur R.. 257 •12 Mrs. Lhas. W. (see Brown, 160) •98 Edward L., 299 •11 Mrs. F. W. (sec Brownin)?,148) "02 Mrs. H. M. (see Dozier, 62) '82 Joseph R.. 278 •87 Robert E., 304 Peabody •15 Paul E.. 217 Peacock '09 Chas. J. A.. 292 Peake •08 Albert S.. 124 •03 Edith C. G. (ni. Sayler). 75 Pearce •05 Clarence H.,306 ■''8 Fred'k B.. 307 ■|)1 Jackson A.. 58 •01 Julia R., 58 ■/7) Webb X.. 4 •'5 Winifred A..217 Pearne •06 Clar.i J.. 30 Pearson 16 A^nes S., 233 Pearsons •HI Hiram A., 8 Peart '98 Hartley F.. 40 •93 Lloyd X., 21 •13 Stirling B., 182 P63S6 '10 Clifford C. 270 •06 George Q., 291 Peaslee '14 John H.. 198 Pechin '14 La'nce H.. 198 Peck '00 Clarence W.. 51 '14 Herl)ert P., 312 '85 James F., 296 '05 John W., 283 •97 Myron H., 34 '06 Xorman S., 310 '90 Samuel S., 17 '06 Willys R., 105 Peckham '01 Helen W., 242 Pedley '11 George C, 292 Peek '07 Mrs. Allen (see Wright, 117) Peekema '09 George T., 133 Pegot •04 Louis C, 310 Peixotto I '88 Edgar D., 297 I '08 Eustace M., 124 '94 Jessica B., 24 ' Pell I '08 George F.. 124 Peltier "13 Victor M.. 182 Pemberton •86 James K.. 296 '16 Pearl, >?,?, Pena '11 Marguerita D_._ (m. Smith), 155 Pence ']2 Edith E., 167 '10 Mary A. (m. Underbill), 144 Pendleton •09 Anna (m. Clayton). 134 '10 Cornelius, 144 '98 Erastus O., 288 '16 Lois. 233 '14 Robert L.. 198 Penfield '03 Mrs. Albert C. (see Lovejoy, Addenda) '03 Thomas J., 75 Penniman '14 John G., 198 '09 Russell S., 134 '14 Walter W., 198 Pennington '14 Alma S.. 198 '12 Ola B., 292 Pennoyer '10 Richard E., 144 Penwell '97 Mary L. (m. Rosebrugh), 34 Peoples '02 John W., 309 '04 Stuart Z., 283 Percival '00 Mrs. A. T. (see Sollman, 52) 'IS Dorothy G., 217 '06 Vera M., 105 Perkins '13 Brigg A., 255 '13 Mrs. Charles C. (see Lais, 179) '02 Geo. R.. Jr., 65 '03 Helen M., 75 '74 James C, 2 '14 Kenneth, 198 '12 Louise K., 167 '7 Jainis A.. M)6 V(, William 'I'.. .11 Poage '02 Mary I... Ui Poblador '1.? Honorio (!., 255 Pockstaller ']() 'I'lu.Mlorc. 26.^ Poheim •no H(ik-n c... 51 Pohlman •U Harry P.. 199 Poindexter •1)4 Mrs. f. H. (sec riuiulry, 81) Polhemus '15 Jo-siah A., 217 Polk •92 Charlr.s W.. 287 '03 IVrcy W.. 290 Polland '07 .Mice .M.. 114 Pollard '03 Mrs. Alfred J. (see Lamont. 73) '12 James F.. 167 '10 Mrs. James F. (seeHitchcock,141) Pollock '82 Alex. F., 9 '09 Mrs. George G. (sec Phletrer. 134) Pomeroy 'SI Carter P.. 295 '14 George A., 199 '01 John X.. 297 "14 William C. 199 '15 Mrs. Wm. C. (see Irvine, 211) Pomroy '71 Kvcrcit B.. 1 Pond '03 Gardner P.. 280 ;06 Harry S.. 105 '76 Henrv M.. 4 '84 James H.. 11 'M Milo B.. 277 '04 Rayni'd L.. 290 Pooler '92 Cli.'M, r p. 287 Poorman '02 .Saimul. Jr.. 300 Pope •16 l'l(.rciiccW..233 •76 Horace E.. 278 '97 Mrs. Jesse E. (sec Butler, 32) '09 Saxton T., 281 '99 Mrs. Saxton T. (see Wightman, 281) •16 Willis T.. 263 Popert •12 George L.. 167 '02 William H., 66 Popkens •12 James H., 167 Poppe '15 Emilic R., 217 '13 Ravm'd G., 293 '79 Robert A.. 7 Porter '99 Alice T. (m. W^are), 45 '96 Charles B., 306 '15 Charles W., 267 '94 David A., 24 '16 Dorothy N., 233 '13 Harriet C. (m. James), 182 '14 Howard W..199 '16 John E.. 233 '12 Mildred E. (m. Rovve), 167 '10 William K.. 144 Porterfield '08 Alice W., 124 '95 Robert H., 306 Posada '93 Juan de la C, 21 Posey '06 George A., 105 Post '87 Charles E., 304 Postel '06 Emma G. (m. Hjul), 105 Postlethwaite '14 Frank H.. 199 Postnikov '07 Fedor A.. 245 Poston '68 Richard E., 1 Potter •94 Frank L., 287 '05 Fred'k W., 310 '96 Mrs. Fred'k W. (sec Gray, 29) '92 Grace M.. 287 '16 Julius A., 233 '12 Leta P.. 167 '14 Marg't L., 199 '15 Zclma M., 217 Pottle '05 Fred W., 291 Pottol '10 Mrs. Robert F. (see Beaser, 137) Potts '16 Arthur T., 263 '03 Beulah (m. Carleton), 75 '10 Mabel E.. 144 '15 William L., 217 Potwin •03 Edna (m. Thompson), 75 Poulson '06 Mrs. Edward (see Johnson. 102) Poundstone '16 George. 233 Powell '15 Alma B.. 217 '08 Alvin, 284 '89 Andrew J.. 304 '09 Dewey R., 134 '11 Mrs. Dewey R. Csee Xoteware,155) •01 Eva, 58 '02 Helen, 66 '94 Henrv, Jr., 305 '('5 Herbert H.. 265 '09 Mrs. H. L., Jr. (see Shartle, 135) '76 James M.. 278 '13 Louise C, 182 '03 Mary (m. Lawson), 75 '01 Maude H., 58 '05 Richard C, 94 '06 }^rrs. Rich'd C. (see Saffold, 106) '04 Rubv, 84 '16. Ruth J., 233 '15 Stanlev. 217 '95 Walter C, 288 '02 William A.. 66 '10 William K., 144 '16 Zelda O.. 233 Power '15 Edward J.. 217 '15 Philip, 217 Powers '01 Allan R.. 58 '01 Edward A.. 58 '86 Edward E., 296 '01 Frank E., 300 '84 Frank H.. 11 '98 Geo. H.. Jr.. 40 '99 Jennie L.. 45 Pownall '83 Joseph B.. 10 Poytress '16 William H.. 233 Poyzer '78 William R.. 5 Pracy '08 Edna L. (m. Edwardes). 124 '08 George W.. 124 Prag '87 Florence (m. Kahn), 13 Pratt '81 Alice E.. 8 '98 Arms'g C. 307 '14 Benj. H.. 199 '98 Mrs. E. D., 299 '89 Edw. W.. 304 '02 Elizabeth (m. Whitehiin. 66 '14 Haraden, 199 '16 Howard X., 233 '00 Mathew D.. 282 '02 Orville C. 66 '16 Virinda-Lvnn, 233 Pray '14 Lucy M.. 199 Preble '01 Florence M. (m. Baker), 58 '13 Jessie L.. 182 '16 Theo. L., 233 Preisker '07 Charles L.. 301 '08 Xora, 124 Premo '06 Charles O., 105 '05 Mrs. Charles O. (see Burnett. 89) '99 Walter E.. 45 Prendergast-Radelfinger] ALPHABETICAL IXDEX 503 Prendergast '11 Arthur C., 155 '12 Mrs. Arthur (see \\'alker, 170) '03 Mrs. Fred'k F. (see Stearns, 76) '15 Joseph S., 217 Prescott '96 Leon E., 299 Pressey '11 Howard P.. 155 Pressley '02 James P.. 282 '82 John B.. 278 Preston '16 Ruth I., m Preuss '92 John, 287 '16 May S., 233 Prevost '66 Kenny J.. 277 Price '04 Arthur L., 84 '02 Mrs. Arthur L. (see Stone. 67) '14 Clarence M.,199 '00 Mrs. Edw. C. (see Lundy, 50) '84 Henrv P.. 296 '13 Jay H.. 182 '74 John R., 2 '15 Maude, 217 '12 Maude E., 167 '93 Robert M., 22 '93 Mrs. Robert M. (see Ellsworth. 21) '16 Rose M.. 233 '16 Russell A., 233 '97 Stella (m. Vaile), 34 '^3 William E.. 304 Prien '85 Harry p., 286 Priest '15 Charles. 217 Priestley '03 Mary M. (m. Woolsey), 75 Prince '04 Elede (m. Morris). 84 '10 Lionel D.. 144 Pring Pudan '13 Thomas E.. 182 '98 Herl^ert W.. 40 Pringle '92 Edward J., 20 '01 Mrs. Louis A. (see De Vo, 54) Prior '04 Toney. 290 Pritchard '16 Jacob L.. 284 '05 Joseph A.. 301 Privett '11 Elizabeth A. (m. Reynolds), 155 Probasco '15 Mrs. \V. R. (Tattle), 217 Procter '07 Mehitabel C, i 283 I Proctor '98 John \V.. 40 '89 Wilfred E., 15 Pronati '14 Joseph J.. 199 ! Prosek '95 John. Jr.. 298 Prosser '91 Sanford S.. 287 Prost '09 Edward, 134 '06 Hubert C. 105 Prouty '95 Mrs. E. X Pulcifer '01 Caroline M. (m. Timm), 58 Pullen , '07 John P.. 114 '03 Sarah E. i (m. Ekberg), 75 Purcell '14 Mrs. M. Edw. (Cotey), 199 '11 Ruth. 313 Purdum I 'iO Edith M., 249 I I Purington '11 Mrs. Cleve A. (see Heald, 250) Purlenky '97 George P.. 288 '01 same. 282 Purrington '13 Elwin E., 182 Purviance '14 Charles E.. 199 Purvine '15 Arthur B.. 217 '16 Lois, 233 Putman '02 Frank L.. 282 Putnam '03 Dana G., 73 '07 Helen D. (m. Stewart), 114 Quick '16 Ray S., 233 Quigley '94 Cyrus E.. 298 Quijada '14 Beatrice (m. Cornish, see 190) Quilty '04 Clarence A., 290 Quimby '15 Shirley L.. 217 ' '16 Mrs. Shirley L. (Hinkley). 263 Quinan '03 George E., 75 Quinlan i '76 Albert G.. 278 '99 John C. 300 Quinn '02 Prank P., 309 '16 Gertrude H. (m. Stanton). 233 '11 Irwin T.. 155 '97 James G., 299 '12 John R.. 167 '02 Thomas D., 282 Quinton '95 Margaret A., 27 Quire '14 Joseph H., 199 Quirk (see «-ooisey. 28) ^ ^^tll^-.H '85 Edward W., 12 ! '12 Anna M., 167 '97 Thomas H.. 307 Prindle '06 Frances E. 105 Provines '15 Leota A., 217 Pruess '12 Morris O.. 292 Pruett '78 John A.. 278 Prutzman '02 Helen C, 66 Pu '07 Teng C. 114 Puck '94 Richard P.. 287 Puckett '14 Lucille P., 199 '97 Thomas M., 34 '03 Mrs. Thos. M. (see Murray, 74) '96 \'ictor E., 281 Quartararo '15 \'incent C, 293 Quay '12 Edna M.. 167 Quayle '99 Bert L.. 45 '11 Henry J., 251 '05 Mrs. Henrv J. (see Reed. 94) '13 Maude C. 255 Queen '15 Ellen. 217 '15 Harold E.. 217 Quiroga 'U Jose E.. 199 Quisno '14 Jessie E.. 199 Raas '04 Mrs. Charles (see Rehfisch, 85) Rabinowitz '13 Leo T., 1S2 '15 Ralph, 217 Radcliff '04 Ruth D., 84 '16 Belle I., 233 Radelfinger '96 Prank G., 31 504 ALPHABETICAL INDEX [Rader-Reed Radcr '10 Anliiir 1... 1-44 Radius '04 Mrs. Waller A. (sec Matircr. M) Rae '!i Colin ('., Ui7 Raedcr !(. l-:iiiu-r \V.. 233 ■]h MarKtc K., 233 Rahill '15 Mrs. Join. \V._ (sec Cadmaii, 205) Rahlmann •| 7 Hirinan E.. 144 Raines •02 Josii.h M.. 300 Rainey •,'. Williaiii S.. 233 Rajotte 13 Mrs. Philo- iiuna F.. 293 Rakestraw '.6 I'.oy.l n.. 233 Ralph '10 Hazel M., 144 "01 Mrs. J. T. (see Versalovich, 60) Ralston •88 Frank W.. 286 •]5 William R.. 217 Ratnage •16 Helen. 263 •01 Rol)ert C, 289 Ramasastrulu '09 Kunapnreddv. '134 Ramelli •13 Erla. ISJ Ramm ■K4 t^harles A., 11 Ramsay '04 Mrs. John L. (sec Gilniore. 81) '12 Reginald C.,302 Ramsdall '90 Ada H.. 17 Ramsdell •96 Bcnj. H.. 31 Ramsden •{)') ( harles II.. 134 '10 Mrs. Charles H. (sec Childs, 138) Ramsey •OJ Horace M.. 242 Ramus •07 Mrs. Carl (see Tucker, 116) Randall '10 Ccorj^^e A.. 144 '09 Mrs. George A. (see Darden, 129) •87 Henry I.. 13 •09 Mrs. J. S. (see Littlefield, 132) '08 Mrs. Lottie A.. 124 '13 Richard R.. 182 '02 Samuel B.. 242 Randle •15 Elwood I.. 293 Randol '09 Francis V.. 311 Raney '03 Arthur L., 290 'OO Sumner, 105 Rankin '15 Charles A., 217 '10 Edward P., 144 '15 Estabrook. 217 '12 John W., 167 'IS Lester L., 217 '07 Robert R., 114 Ransom •91 Tom \V.. 18 Ransome '97 Arthur W.. 34 '93 Fred'k L.. 22 Rantz •93 Stephen H.. 280 Raphael '13 Henry. 182 Rapp ':5 Stanley. 217 Rasor •11 Alpha P.. 251 '04 Claire. 290 ' Ratcliff ! '06 Ethel B. i (m. Ratcliff). 105 \ '01 Evelyn M. '■ (m. Bade). 58 '06 Mrs. Martin H. (see Ratcliff. 105) '03 Walter H.. 75 Rathbone •12 All)ert T.. 167 '87 Henry B.. 13 •15 Leland .S.. 217 Rathbun '92 William T.. 280 Rathke '01 Otto P.. 58 Rattan 'C4 Georgia K.. 84 Rau '15 Ella L.. 218 '16 George J.. 312 '06 Jessie L.. 105 '06 Lura C. 105 '14 Mildred C, 199 Raven '03 George A.. 75 '13 Ralph S.. 182 Rawlings '99 Stuart L.. 46 Rawlins '02 Mrs. G. E. (see Jarvis. 64) Rawson '90 Clark H.. 305 Ray '76 Fred'k E., 285 '04 Fred'k S.. 85 '14 Henry H.. 199 '16 Mark H.. 233 '03 Mrs. Robert A. (see Swain. 76) Raymond '95 Cecelia L.. 27 '97 George W.. 307 '87 William J.. 13 Raynolds '14 Evelyn B.. 199 Raynsford '09 Mrs. C. H. (see Wright. 136) Rea '01 E. Kate. 58 '02 Jessie M.. 66 Read '06 Emerson W., 105 12 J. Marion. 167 Reade •81 F. William. 295 Reading '00 Wallace W..308 Ready '12 Lester S.. 167 Rearden '12 Anna. 167 ■8? Thomas B.. 278 Reardon '87 William E.. 279 Rector '95 Elbridue X..298 '98 Gilbert L. 40 '15 William G.. 21S Reddick '09 John B.. 1 Redewill '03 Augustus C. 75 '02 Francis H., 66 Redfield '76 Horace A.. 4 Redington '94 Arthur H., 24 '97 Lena U. (m. Carlton). 34 '69 Samuel M.. 1 '95 Vida (m. Volkhardt). 27 Redmond '05 Charles H.. 291 '90 John :M.. 305 '10 Marv T. (m. W^addein. 144 Reece '06 Fred'k B.. 105 Reed '02 Benj. W.. 66 '10 Charles A.. 144 '14 Chauncev L., 199 '07 Clarence. 245 'S3 Clarence E..279 '79 Edward. 7 '16 Evalvn X.. 233 '03 Fannie S.. 75 '06 Frances M.. 105 '77 George. Tr., 4 '72 George W.. 1 '93 Georgia E. (m. Fife). 22 '16 Helen L.. 233 •13 Mrs. L M. (see Schroeder. 183> Reed-Rice] ALPHABETICAL INDEX 505 '07 Ivan G., 114 '16 Jay L., 234 '02 Lewis I., 66 '05 Mary E. (m. Quayle), 94 '99 Minnie, 241 '06 Xorman W..105 '13 Rhoda R., 182 '13 Thomas B.. 182 '83 Mrs. William (see Medbery, 10) Reedy '03 William H., IS Reef '06 Henry J.. 105 '92 David R., 287 '10 Ethel A. (m. Waite), 144 '93 William H., 22 '03 Edward E.. 301 '15 Mary E., 218 Reeve '07 Eva M.. 114 '05 Oscar C, 283 '07 Zelma C. 115 Reeves '04 Anna B.. 85 '16 Edna AL, 263 '11 Elenore M., 156 '08 Thomas V., 124 Regan '05 Jeremiah T., 291 Regensburger '87 Arthur T., 304 Regnart '01 Percy S., 308 Reher '02 James C. 290 Rehfisch '04 Adele (m. Raas), 85 '15 Caroline, 218 '15 John M., 284 Rehfuess '10 LiuKvig. 144 Rehm '15 Raym'd R., 218 Reich '99 Charles L., 307 '77 GeorL^e A., 278 Reichart '98 Mrs. De Forest (see Stetson, 41) Reichel '16 Dan, 234 Reichenbach '04 Eda R. (m. Bloch), 85 Reichert '15 Harold K., 218 Reichman '02 Otto H., 66 Reid '11 Barbara L. (m. Robson), 156 '05 Mrs. Clarence (see Chappell, 89) '03 Eunice (m. Owens), 75 '05 Frank G., 94 '01 Gertrude V., 59 '07 Mrs. Henry P. (see Burr, 109) '03 John, Jr., 75 '00 John A., 51 '06 Louise S. (m. Hopkins), 105 '12 Robert, 167 '16 Thomas A., 234 '14 William K., 199 Reilly '85 Eugene C, 286 '09 Lesley. 134 Reimers '09 Alida K. (m. Browne), 134 Reiner '04 Ralph O., 85 '05 Mrs. Ralph O. (see Munro, 93) Reinhardt '97 Geor-e F., 34 '98 Mrs. George F. (see Henry, 38) Reinhaus '11 Stanley M., 156 Reinstein '7-^ Jacob B.. 2 Reis '14 Gustav C, 199 Reische '15 Alverda E.. 218 '02 Mrs. Calvin E. (see Hathaway, 63) Reith '00 Charles E., 51 '94 Fenelon M., 280 '86 William C, 304 Reitzell '04 Alice M.. 85 Remmel '00 Alva J., 51 Remsen '12 Hazel C. 168 Renfro '06 Vernon A.. 291 Renner '07 Albert T., 291 Rennie '02 Edith H.. 66 '99 Ethel E., 46 Renwick '99 Wallace H., 307 '14 Wilke R.. 312 Reseigh '13 John, 293 Resleure '15 Jacques F., 218 Resseguie '14 Jennie M. (m. Waddell), 199 Reston '14 Mabel C. 199 Rethers '93 Harry F., 22 Reum '12 Carl G.. 313 Reuss 'il Christian. 156 Rewcastle '10 Mrs. C. H. (see Rittenhouse, 145) Reyman •07 Harold C, 115 Reynolds '14 Alice S. (m. Merritt). 199 '16 Dorothy. 234 17 George E., 278 '16 Harold V., 234 '97 Harry C, 307 '96 Helen G.. 288 '11 Mrs. J. B. (see Privett, 155) '14 Kenyon L., 199 '15 Mrs. Kenyon L. (see Pfitzer, 217) '08 Lena E., 124 '97 Louis E., 34 '95 Minnie B. (m. Kinkead), 27 '13 Ralph W\, 182 '03 Robert G., 283 '16 Walter A., 234 •98 Mrs. Weaker B. (see Haehnlen, 38) Rhea '95 William T., 27 Rhein '14 Lillian, 199 '14 Louise M., 199 Rhine '96 Emily P. (m. Varney), 31 '04 Morris, 85 Rhoades '11 Elizab'h R., 156 '02 Rex H., 309 '15 Roy S.. 218 Rhoda '7i Franklin. 2 Rhodes '04 Carlton E., 310 '15 Caxton P., 303 '02 Claude I.. 66 '13 Eric H., 183 '06-Fred'k X., 105 '12 George K., 168 '09 Glenn V., 134 '94 Harry \\., 24 •02 Ivan B.. 66 '16 James F., 274 '02 Mabel M.. 66 '08 Mclvin T., 311 •75 Samuel R.. 3 Ricciardi '07 Nicholas A. .115 Rice '16 Arthur L., 234 '05 Candyce E. (m. Albee). 94 •99 Edward J.. 281 •03 Elena E., 75 •12 Gertrude A..168 50() Rice, C 'tM •12 Harold \V., 313 '08 J oil II K.. 124 •10 Lilian J.. 143 •04 Manila M. (in. I-'iirloiifj'). 85 ■02 Mary E.. 66 "16 Myron A., 234 Rich ■')2 I'ramis A., 20 •QO Frank K.. 17 Richard •04 Mrs. Harry G. (SIC Parks. 84) •00 Mathililc S. (111. Drydcn), 52 Richards •82 flias. W.. 304 '12 Mrs. Ernest (see Stoddard. 169) •92 Harrv F.. 305 •96 Joseph I.. 306 ■12 Thos. W.. 292 Richardson '03 Al.hie M.. 94 '02 Clarence C. 309 •03 Ethel B.. 94 •10 Mrs. Eva M.. 145 '09 Faith H.. 247 •08 Galen A.. 291 '09 Geortjc F.. 247 '13 Harry L.. see Addenda '66 Tames A., 277 •09 M. Russell. 134 '08 Mrs. Ralph M. (sec Enveart. 120) •12 Violet. 168 •01 Warren V.. 59 '07 Mrs. Warren V. (see Markle. 113) Richmond '02 (."liarlrs P.. see .-Iddcnda •02 Henry S.. 300 Richter '11 Erwin E.. 302 •10 Max C. 145 , Rickard •95 Edl,^-lr. 27 'V Thomas. 13 j Ricker •06 Mrs. Tohn (see (Tiillen. 99) > Ricketts '13 Laura G.. 218 I .ILFHABETICAL INDEX [Rice-Robertson Rickley •07 Edith M. (m. i'.reed). 115 Ricks '03 Charles C. 309 •13 Hiram L.. 183 Riddell '11 Wallace C. 156 Riddick •15 Marshall S., 218 Rideout '90 John D., 17 •14 William E.. 312 Ridge '83 Xannic X'. (m. Frick), 10 Rieber '88 Charles H., 14 '15 Dorothy. 218 '15 Frank, 218 Riedy '14 Richard M., 199 Riesenman '13 Joseph S., 293 Rietzke '84 Gustav C, 304 Rigby •07 Bertram, 115 Rigden •05 Effie T. (m. Michener), 94 Riggs •99 Zadoc J., 289 Righetti •14 Ethel, 199 •15 Homer, 218 Rigney '05 ^L1ry C, 94 Riley •07 Carmel, 115 '85 Geor() fliarlcs S., 299 •<><> Ltlaiid S.. 46 Rosenkranz •16 Stanis. K., 234 Rosenlund '07 i:,lw;ir(l T.. 115 Rosenshine •04 Albert A.. 85 ■10 Leon J.. 145 Rosenstein ■14 l.ii.iwiK. 267 Rosenstirn •97 Emily O. (m. Joseph), 35 Rosenthal •13 All)ert K.. 302 ■9S Mrs. Alfred (sec Zellerhach, 41) , '10 Ben. 145 \ ■09 Hvnian, 134 ! •81 Toscph. 295 ■13 Rose M.. 183 Rosenwald '13 Jesse. 183 Ross ■Of> Bertha M.. 105 ■16 Delta M.. 234 I ■14 Mrs. Donald ' (see Ferrier. 192) •03 Donald H.. 309 •96 Frank E.. 31 •08 Fred A.. 311 ■^M Georire I.. 287 ■05 Herl)ert \V.. 94 '11 Ivy B.. 156 '14 James A.. 200 ■02 John S.. 66 "16 Lorelta B.. 234 "01 Mar.n't A.. 300 '12 Marg^t B., 168 ■99 Marv. 46 •<^8 Minnie K.. 40 •06 Sarah V.. 105 •06 .Sue A.. 105 •14 William h:., 312 Rossi '09 Kdnuind A.. 134 •09 Rohert D., 1.34 Rostein '11 l-Mwin .\l.. 311 Roth '12 Cecilia B.. 168 '16 Esther. 234 '09 Frcderique (m. Vogeler), 134 '96 Leon J., 306 '99 Nathalie E.. 46 Rothchild '80 Fred H.. 8 '02 Herbert L.. 66 '02 Walter. 300 Rothe •14 William E., 303 Rothermel '99 Elizabeth, 46 Rothganger '85 Geor-e. 12 Roturier '83 Emilc F.. 285 Rouleau '99 Blanche M.. 46 '91 Oscar A.. 297 Rourke '15 Ruth E.. 218 Routt '06 Forrest V.. 105 Rowe '11 Albert H.. 156 '12 Mrs. Albert H. (see Porter. 167) '15 Bess. 218 '13 Cassius M.. 311 '16 Cecile I.. 234 •98 Mrs. C. H. (see Griswold, 38) •90 Fred'k W.. 286 '10 Harris E.. 145 '10 Leo R.. 145 •10 Mabel G.. 145 Rowell '16 Albert R.. 234 '02 Clarence P.. 66 •97 Elmer I.. 35 •01 Mrs. Grace M. (sec Miller. 57) •16 Hannah W.,234 '03 Joseph A., 75 '74 Joseph C, 2 '07 Mrs. Maurice (sec Merrill. 113) '06 I'ercy E.. 105 Rowland '16 Albert A.. 234 Rowlands '02 Christ'r H., 66 '89 William E.. 15 Rowley '14 Earl B., 200 '07 Ridgway L.,115 '06 Mrs. R. L. (see Strite. 107) Roy '04 Ralph S.. 85 '04 Mrs. Ralph S. (see Daniel. 80) '12 Upendra X.,253 Royce '75 Josiah. see Addenda Royer '14 Alax. 293 Rubel '95 Charles C, 288 Rubke '14 Francis W.. 200 '12 Lulu D.. see Addenda Rubottom '99 Holland. 46 Ruch '96 Lutie A., 31 '00 Mabel F. (m. Roliinson). 52 Rucker '70 Hiram X.. 277 '12 William C. 2Si Rucklidge '03 Alfred R.. 75 Rue km an '14 John H.. 257 Rudawski '16 Beatrice. 234 Ruddock '13 Tohn C. Tr..l83 '87 Mrs. Patrick H. (see Wilson. 13) '14 Ruth D.. 200 Rudee '09 Henry E., 311 '15 Mervyn C. 312 Rudolph '14 Bert A., 200 Rued '07 John C. Jr.. 11 5 '01 Lulu (m. Webster), 58 Rueda '03 Remigio. 75 Ruef '83 Abraham. 10 Rugg '00 Mrs. C. A. (see Kelsey. 50) Rugh '07 Charles E. Ruhser '98 Fred'k W., 245 288 Rulison '90 David W.. 305 •00 Fred'k T.. 308 '97 Helen M.. 307 Rulofson '98 Alf'd C. Jr., 307 Rumsey '11 Richard D. 156 Runyon '12 Jessie H. (m. Elliott), 168 '02 Mrs. Raleigh B. (see Hendricks, 63) Rupe '66 Samuel H.. 277 Rush '03 Donald. 301 '97 Lora G., 35 Rushforth '12 Arch. W.. 168 '13 Mrs. Arch. W. (see Mattern. 180) "14 Mrs. E. F. (see Dowell. 191) '15 Rol)ert X.. 218 Rushton '15 Leon E.. 218 Russ '16 Edward H.. 234 •96 Raymond J.. 31 Russell-Sargent] ALPHABETICAL INDEX 509 Russell '07 Alex. A., 115 '08 Mrs. Alex. A. (see McCall, 123) '14 Clifford A.. 303 '11 Earle, 156 '97 Edward W.,307 '01 Eleanor M. (m. Hughes), 59 '95 Fred'k J.. 298 '81 Harrv A., 8 '15 Maud M.. 218 '09 Merrill L., 134 '85 Thomas B., 12 '98 William C, 40 Rust '02 Madge C, 290 Rutherford '12 Marshall J.. 270 '03 Walter S.. 283 Sadicoff '11 D. Vera (m. Goldman). 313 Sadler '97 Erwin L.. 35 '11 Mabel L. (m. Ferrier), 156 '01 Mrs. W. T. (see Ensign, 55) Saffold '06 Elizalieth (m. Powell). 106 Safford '04 Edwy K.. 85 Sage i '70 Charles P., 277 '02 Emile, 242 '11 Philip P., 292 Rutledge Said '15 Clifford P.. 303 '14 Mark P.. 200 Ryan '87 Edward J.. 297 '03 Pred S.. 75 '13 James W., 302 '05 Louis X.. 283 i '13 Marion E. I (m. Clancy). 183 \ '99 Maurice J., 289 '92 Peter A., 287 '92 Rosa E. (m. Derham), 20 Ryder '02 Edda W. A. (m. Dungan), 66 '12 Robert \V.. 168 Ryer '96 Marshall B.,281 Ryerson '16 Knowles A..234 Ryfkogel '94 Henry A., 280 Ryle '13 Florence E..183 Rvst '06 Ina, 105 Sabelman •10 Marie R., 145 Sabey •80 L. A.. 278 Sabini '15 Leo J.. 293 Saito '15 Saburo, 218 Sakai '04 Yasudiro, 85 Sala '13 Peter L.. 183 '14 Theresa L., 293 Salanave '14 Mrs. Edward (see Allen. 186) Sale '01 Evangeline (m. Avres). 59 '08 Wilhelmina T. (m. Gilbert), 124 Salinger '16 Robert. 234 '07 Ruth C. (m. Elkus). 115 Salis '16 Agnes. 234 Salisbury •07 Alfred. 115 '02 Arthur X.. 300 •12 Charles R.. 168 Salmina "03 Scvt-rina M., 76 Salomon 13 Edward. 183 Salsig '14 Myrtle L. (m. Cartwright). 200 Salyer '08 Eileen (m. Hitchcock). 124 Salz '06 Howard H.. 106 '06 Milton H., 106 Sammett '99 Matthew A.. 46 Sammy '14 George, Jr.. 200 Sampson '10 Joseph A.. 145 Sams •13 Hal J.. 183 '14 Homer L., 312 1 Samson '11 Harold W.. 156 j '06 Mabel M., 106 Samuels '91 Edward H., 287 '12 Herbert J.. 311 '87 Jacob. 13 ! '90 Leon. 17 '94 Maurice V.. 24 '07 Mervyn J., 115 Sanada '04 Sei K., 85 Sanborn '03 Abby D. (m. Lea), 76 '00 Bertha. 52 '06 Edgar M., 106 '01 Fannie M. (m. Xewton). 59 '01 Fletcher G., 282 '02 Flora A. (m. Pitzer), 66 '92 Franklin H..280 '96 John A., 299 '92 Mary S. (m. Xoyes), 20 '94 Sheffield S.. 24 '88 William K., 286 '93 same. 280 Sanchez '07 L.niis A.. 115 Sanchez-Elia '08 Horacio. 125 Sand '86 Joseph E., 304 Sander '79 Henry W.. 7 '76 Peter P. C. 4 Sanders '05 Mrs. B. S. (see Yates. 96) '14 George. 258 '98 Xathaniel. 40 Sanderson '98 Charlotte (m. Gardner), 40 '97 Elizabeth (m. Frver). 35 '79 Henry E.. 7 '87 William W.. 13 Sandholdt '07 Elsie M.. 115 '04 John P.. 283 I '13 Lillian C. G.,183 ' Sandner '15 Adolph. 219 Sandoe '06 Mrs. John M. (see Sayre. 106) Sandoval '12 Horace E.. 168 Sands '89 John A.. 15 Sandy '09 Isabel M.. 134 Sanford '83 Edmund C. 10 '83 Mrs. Edm. C. (see Bartling. 9) '15 Warren P., 219 Sankey '95 Mrs. Marv T.. 280 Saph '94 Augustus \'.. 24 '97 Louis \'.. 35 Sapiro '11 Aaron L.. 302 '14 Milton D.. 200 Sargeant •11 Edwin L.. 156 Sargent '65 .Xaron A., 272 •16 Dorothv. 234 'I'l SarKcntich "W Spir.., Sl'l- .Idilrildil Sarma 'l.t I'.li.ik'.ivatiila S., 255 Sartain '15 ( -'19 Sarter 1 I !,.<■ A.. _'<)() Satterwhitc ■'>1 loliii W.. 297 '94 "William T.. 298 Saunders ■12 [uscpii T., 168 •10 War.l B., 234 Savage '01 ( iriuvicvc (111. Manchester, see 57) '10 Harold A., 145 '79 Henry M.. 7 "86 Lincoln K.. 296 Sawrie •on Mark A.. 289 Sawyer '96 Anna M. (in. Sturfjis), 306 •03 Bosworth D.,76 •66 E. D.. 272 •04 Ednuind H.. 85 '05 Mrs. Edm. H. (see Rarnett. 88) '96 Frank E.. 31 •95 Fred'k E.. 306 •81 Herl.ert C. 278 •02 Jolm B.. 66 '03 Mrs. Wilbur A. (see Henderson, 72) •10 William B., Jr., see Addenda •13 Mrs. W. B., Jr., (see Foveaux, Addenda) 'f<7 William P., 297 Sawyers '07 Mrs. F. E. (see Merriatn, 291) Saxe '11 Arthur C, 156 'S5 Fre.l'k I.. 304 ALI'HABETICAL INDEX [Sargentich-Schnebly Saxer Arthur H.. 253 Sayler '03 Mrs. Walter W. (see Peake. 75) Sayre •81 Alfred X., 295 '06 Edith A. (in. Saiidoe), 106 •93 Jesse 1'.. 22 Scales •03 Mrs. M. E. (see Miller, 74) Scalione '15 Charles (i., 219 Scamell '93 Josepli W^, 287 Scammell '15 J. Marius, 219 Scannavino '05 John A., 310 Scarborough '16 Horace I'., 234 Scatena '12 Fred X., 168 Schaeberle •98 John M., 273 Schaefer '98 \'ictor L., 288 Schaeffer '02 Lucy R. (m. Kimball), 66 '04 Maud E., 85 •15 Ruth L., 219 Schaerer '09 Louise, 134 Schafer '08 Kathryn B. (m. Fry), 125 '16 Lena M., 234 Schaffer '16 Ivy L., 234 Schage '05 Flor'tine J.. 94 Schaller •03 Wald'r T.. 76 Schaner '16 Julia E.. 234 Schaufele '09 Herbert J.. 134 Schaumberg •04 Mrs. E. R. (see .-Krbulich, 78) Schaupp '98 Mrs. V. M. (sec Hathaway, 38) Schaw '01 William B., 59 Scheel '08 Harry A., 125 Scheeline '98 Mrs. Edwin S. (see Cohen, 27) '74 Simon C, 2 Scheer '16 Esther E., 234 Scheier '01 Ralph B., 308 Schell '03 Mrs. Henry b. (see Braden, 242) Scheller '89 Victor A., 297 Schellhaus '75 Edwin J., 277 Schenk '06 Eugenie, 106 Scherb '93 Henry L., 287 Scheyer '07 Emanuel, 115 '05 Mrs. Felix (see Harris, 91) Schiller '14 Tuanita L.. 200 '99 Maurice. 307 Schillig '98 George E., 307 '92 Lawrence, 297 Schilling '01 Carl, 59 '15 Elizabeth, 219 '12 Elsa M., 168 Schindel '14 E. Ruth. 200 Schindler '83 Andrew D.. '10 ChaHes, 145 Schion '14 Eleanor. 200 Schleef '13 Caroline. 183 10 Schlesinger '85 Bert, 296 '09 Sydney, 302 Schlieman '93 Harry F., 22 Schloh '16 Arthur F. 234 Schlott '93 Ernest F., 305 Schluckebier '07 Elsa, 115 Schluss '00 Kurt C, 52 Schmelz '85 Charles J., 286 '95 same, 280 Schmidt '01 Albert F., 289 '08 Carl L. A., 125 '90 Edwin V., 286 '15 Louise G., 260 '09 Rose E. (m. Bell), 134 '06 Walter A., 106 Schmierer '05 Amelia A., 94 'OS Mary C. (m. Mcintosh), 94 Schmit '98 James J., 40 Schmitt '01 Lionel S., 59 '99 Milton L., 300 '16 Waldo L., 263 Schmitz 'IS Mrs. George (see Rochford"^^218) '00 Leo A., 289 '03 Sister Mary Barl)ara, 290 Schmulowitz '10 Nathaniel. 145 Schmutzler '15 Frederick, 219 Schnabel '06 Mrs. Carl K. (see Skinner. 106^) '16 Howard L. 234 '73 Martin, 277 Schnebly '15 Marv A.. 219 Schneider-Seaman] ALPHABETICAL LXDEX 511 Schneider '97 Emma V., 35 '10 Franz, 145 '91 Henry R.. 287 '85 Joseph, 304 Schnoor '12 Sliirlcy, 168 Schoen '09 Granville A. ,292 Schoenfeld '14 Harold J.. 200 '03 Laurence S., 76 } '16 Walter R., 234 | i Schoening '15 Hernian A., 219 Schoenitzer '09 Mildred E. (m. Bickel), 134 Scholl •12 Ai?ncs J.. 168 '90 Albert J., 279 '81 Albert L., 285 '84 same. 279 '96 Otto, 288 Scholten '03 Sister Mary Amanda, 290 Scholz '11 Mrs. R. F. (see Merrill, 154) Schon '16 Robert A.. 234 Schoolcraft '14 John L.. 200 Schooler '82 William H., 295 Schorer '14 Clara L. (m. O'Xeil). 200 '12 Edna J. (m. Vilas), 168 Schorr '82 Geor-e F.. 9 Schottky '10 Andrrw R., 302 Schrader '93 Sidney H.. 280 Schraidt '09 Ferdinand, 134 Schram •16 Dorothy M.,234 '92 Lillian B. (m. D'Ancona), 280 Schramm '15 Walter C, 312 Schreiber '16 Felix, 234 '08 Harry W., 125 Schroder '04 Dorothy S., 85 Schroeder '02 Annie K., 66 '05 Caroline A.. 94 '12 Edna A., 168 '13 Helen T. (m. Reed), 183 '05 Mrs. John S. I (see Paul, 105) '02 Leo A., 290 I '15 Leone K., 219 '04 Sophie, 85 I '12 Walter H., 168 I Schuessler I '08 Mrs. Louis E. (see Hawk, 121) Schultz '07 Arthur E., 115 '07 Ethyl M. (m. Harden), 115 '09 Florence E. (m. Martin), 134 '13 Walter W., 313 Schulze '03 Edith M.. 76 '14 Elizabeth, 200 '15 Laclair D., 219 '13 Margaret. 183 '03 Otto T., 76 Schumacher '93 Frt-dcrick. 305 '15 Irwin C, 219 Schurz •11 William L.. 156 ! Schussler j '14 Hermann, 200 Schutte '89 John H., 15 Schutz •03 Emile G., 290 Schwab '15 Jennie. 219 Schwabacher '98 Mrs. L. S. (see Rlum, 36) Schwanenflugel '10 Knud, 145 Schwartz '01 Mrs. Arthur E. (see Stoer, 59) '11 Colman, 302 •91 Harry, 287 '14 Leo E., 293 '01 Milton H.. 59 Schwartzchild '97 Adele (m. Friedlander),35 Schwarz '04 Jacol>. 283 Schweikart '07 Mrs. George (see Xeely, 114) Schweissinger '12 Chas. A., Jr., 168 Schweitzer '12 Helen M. (m. Marcum), 168 •07 Jeffrey. 115 Schwitters •86 Louis D., 296 •09 Mrs. James R^ (see Simpson, 135) •06 James W., 301 '00 John H.. 308 •08 Lewis E.. 125 •99 Lloyd X., 46 '06 Louisiana F., 106 •03 Lulu I. (m. McLees). 76 '16 Marion I., 234 '04 Minot E., 310 '08 Perry M., 125 '12 Raym'd M., 168 '10 Mrs.Ravm'd M. (see Clough. 138) •15 Robert H., 219 '15 Rosabelle G., 219 '11 Ruby R.. 156 •10 Saxon B.. 311 •06 Vida M., 301 '93 Walter K., 305 '99 Wesley B.. 46 '10 Wilmer M., 145 •10 Mrs. Wilmer X. (see Harriman, 141) Scranton '99 Mrs. E. E. ^see Carter, 42) Scobie Scrivner '84 Marguerite ; '74 Rosa L. (m. Davis), 11 i (m. Robinson). 2 Scroggy 16 M. Louise. 234 Scofield '04 Mabel S. (m. Thomas). 85 '05 Mrs. Raym'd B. j Scudder (see Clogston, 89) \ '12 Eric G., 302 '11 Mrs. Eric G. Scotford '14 Gracella, 200 '16 '76 '14 '73 •04 '14 '12 '04 •97 '96 '16 •01 '98 '98 '06 •08 Scott Allen E.. 312 Arthur W.. 4 Bessie F., 200 Ebenezer, 2 Edgar L.. 290 Ella E.. 200 Elma A. (m. Xeuls), 168 Ethan W., 310 Fannie E.. 307 Florence. 281 Florence, 234 Florence M. (m. Turner), 59 Franklin T.. 307 Gertrude M. (m. Ivers). 40 Harry A., 106 James R., 125 (see Lazarus, 153) '05 John H. H., 291 Scull '14 Carolyn B.. 258 Scupham '01 Elizabeth M. (m. Smith). 59 Sea '08 William. Jr.,301 Seager '92 Harold L.. 305 '96 John H.. 306 Seaman '81 Edward M.. 295 '08 Mrs. Floyd T. (see Jones. 122) 1 '06 Roberta I (m. Rcckor). 106 5i: Seares •93 i'rr.i'u n., n Searle •It) liiori;.- II., 145 Searls •15 Carroll. IV) lb PVi-.i. 4 'm Fred. Jr.. l.?5 •13 Hi-iiry H., 183 •15 Mav L.. 219 •12 Xilis P.. 168 •"- i.'..), 'OS Mrs.Ciavton R. ! (see Fehr. 120) Shira '07 Clara I.. 115 Shirayama '16 Kiichi, 312 Shirey '11 Deatotia E..156 Shirrel '14 Elmer L., 200 Shives '14 Edward J., 258 Shoda '09 Isaburo, 135 Shoecraft '13 Marg'te D.. 183 Shoemaker '03 Mrs. R. W^ I (see Steele, 76) Shonts j '07 Mrs. Sydney L. I (see Goddard, 111) Shores '81 Leander. 295 Short '16 Clarence C, 235 '89 Edward X.. 304 '13 James V.. 183 '16 John D., 235 '11 Ma.xwell X..156 Shortall '96 Edward P.. 299 Shoults '98 Robert G., 288 Shoup '04 Faith (m. Robinson), 85 Showalter '15 Arthur D.. 219 Shrader '86 Jackson L., 296 Shreve •04 Ada R. (m. Belshaw). 85 '01 Mary S. (m. Parcells). 59 Shuey '05 Clarence A., 95 '04 George R.. 85 514 ALl'IIABETICAL INDEX [Shuey-Smallwood Shuey. C't'd '>Q (.raiivilk- K.,304 '(W llirl.irl S.. 1.^5 '09 R()l>iTt A.. 133 •OH Mrs. Kol)crt A. (Sff (Iraiit. 120) 7r) Sarah I.. 4 •01 William A. Shulman '11 Lion. .U.> Shults •08 Mal.ilK 11. (in. Hill). 59 125 Shultz •07 Ktlul M. (nt. Ilartk-n), 115 Shuman •06 John F.. 106 '06 Mr.s. John F. (see Drinkwater, 99) '09 Lena D.. 135 •08 Xona B. nn. Hadsoin. 125 Shumard '00 Lrnost I".. 310 Shumate •90 Thomas E., 286 Shurtleff •82 Charles A.. 295 •lO Frances L., 235 •12 Roy L., 168 Shute •76 Mrs. Daniel S. (see Hodgdon, 3) Sibley '03 Robert. 76 •03 Roy. 309 Sichel 76 Gustave W.. 278 '82 same. 304 •95 Leo. 306 Sidmore •14 Roxy A.. 200 Siebe "98 Henry H.. 288 Siefkes •14 Ruth (m. Jensen). 200 Sievers "07 Francis O.. 115 Sifford "13 Pearl (1.. 183 Sifredi '13 Aristol). \^, 183 Silberberg •06 lUrnliar.l. 106 Silberstein •09 Ldith. 135 Silliman •81 ("Iiarles H.. 295 Silva '03 Francis M., 301 •06 Mrs. F. M. (sec Strohl, 107) Silver '12 Albert, 168 Silverberg '03 Annie (m. Kissel). 76 '97 Melville. 35 Silverman '13 Arthur L., see Addenda Sime '94 Xeli A., 280 Simmons '86 Benj. F.. 304 '95 Haydn M.. 288 '01 same. 282 '14 John G.. 293 '84 William H.. 304 Simms '14 James C. 200 Simon '15 Geort-ia AL. 260 •93 Grace. 280 '75 Jules A.. 278 '13 Morris. 183 '06 Paul L.. 106 Simonds '93 Arthur B., 239 '93 Ernest H.. 22 '00 Ray W\. 52 Simonson '14 Caro H.. 200 '12 Georjje M.. 169 Simonton '13 Francis V., 311 '16 George W..312 Simpson '09 Alice E. (m. Scott). 135 '15 Beatrice. 219 '99 Francis M.. 46 '08 Mrs, FrancisM. (see Burgess, 118) '00 Frank W., 282 '87 Jennie M. (m. Partridge), 304 '13 John L.. 183 '99 Lola J., 46 '15 Miriam E.. 219 '16 Myrtle. 235 '08 Vera N.. 125 '16 Victor E., 235 '10 William Y., 292 Sims '91 John M., 280 '05 Myrtle L. (m. Hamilton). 95 Simson '01 Leslie. 59 Sinclair '13 Earl J., 183 '03 William J., 76 Singleton '14 Caroline B., 258 '95 Walter E., 306 Sink '15 W^illiam D., 219 Sinsheimer '09 Edgar. 135 '05 Helen AL (m. Lowenthal), 95 '01 Paul A., 59 '04 Stanley H., 85 Sipes '14 Gail J., 200 Sisson '98 Ernest K.. 307 '08 George H., 125 '08 Mrs. George H. (see Parker. 124) '13 Ralph C., 183 Sittig '16 Helen. 235 Sittman '11 Penelope. 156 Sitton Skimmings '99 Mrs. Ro))ert H. (Fessenden;, 46 '04 Mrs. Wm. E. (see McKay, 83) Skinner '05 Cecilia (m. Holmes), 95 '86 Edwin E., 286 '01 Elizabeth J. (m. Hicks), 59 '06 Hazel A. (m. Schnabel), 106 '04 Mrs. J. A. (see W^ard, 87) '92 John B., 287 '05 Matilda S., 95 '06 Alona M.. 106 '83 Robert W., 285 Slack '79 Charles \\., 7 '80 Mrs.Charles W. (see Woolsey. 8) '10 Edith, 145 '11 Ruth (m. Zook). 156 Slate '79 Mrs. Fred'k (see De Wolf, 6) Slater '\2 Earl A., 169 '14 Marguerite (m. Messenger).200 Slavich '04 John F.. 283 Slawson '98 George H., 40 Sleeper '98 Anita M. (m. Cohn). 40 Slicer '07 Sue S. (m. Wilsey). 115 Sloane '15 Gertrude M..219 Sloss '15 W^illiam A.. 219 | '87 Joseph, 13 Skaife '00 Alfred C. hZ Skilling '15 Harold C. 219 '85 Harrv H.. 286 '99 William T.. 46 Small '14 Edith. 200 '08 George L.. 125 Smallwood '05 Claude, 95 '13 W^alter C. 183 Smilie-Sollars] ALPHABETICAL INDEX 515 Smilie '07 Effie I., 115 Smith '11 Adelaide, 251 '05 Adeline G. (m. Stanley), 95 '03 Mrs. A.Herbert (see Brown, 69) '04 Alex G., 85 '00 Alfred J., 52 '13 Mrs. Alfred ]. (see Edgerly, 175) '15 Alfred J., 312 '16 Allyn G., 235 '01 Mrs. Amos K. (see Snell, 242) '97 Mrs. Archie C. (see Lynch, ZZ) '82 Arthur H., 285 '15 Asa. 293 '06 Bell (m. Perrine, see 105) '01 Mrs. Benj. J. (see Scupham. 59) '08 Carrie F. (m. Adams), 125 '04 Mrs. C. H. (see Jordan, 82) '12 Charles A., 169 '00 Mrs. Charles B. (see Harris, 49) '12 Charles M., 169 '05 Clara A., 95 '98 Clara H., 40 '98 Clarence A., 40 '15 Clarence H.,219 '12 Clarence X.,169 '09 Mrs.De Lancey (see Graff, 130) '09 Donald E., 265 '08 Donald J., 125 '14 Dorothv L., 200 '00 Dwight T., 52 '91 Edwin B., 297 '16 Edward R., 312 '16 Eliz. A., 263 '11 Mrs. Elliott M. (see Pena, 155) '98 Ernest L., 288 '09 Eugene P., 135 '04 Eugene K.. 283 '09 Eva A. (m. Larsen), 135 '08 Felix T., 125 '07 Florence B.,115 '96 Frank J.. 306 •14 Frank M., 201 '02 Mrs. George D. (see Spencer, 67) '11 George D., 157 '79 George S.. 278 '02 Gertrude A. | (m. Stewart), 67 '04 Gertrude W. (m. Brinck), 85 '10 Guy. 145 1 '03 Harley E., 290 '02 Harriette W. (m. McCutchan), 67 I '94 Harvey P., 280 '11 Helen W., 157 '01 Howard D., 59 '97 Ida M. (m. Middleton), 35 '11 Ira P., 157 '08 Irving H., 125 '05 James G., 95 '05 Mrs. James D. (see Whealton, 96) '89 James R., 297 '11 James S., 251 '94 James U., 24 '96 James W., 299 '06 Jean E., 106 '03 Mrs. Jesse K. (see Stevenson, 76) '16 Jessie S., 235 '04 John C, 310 '98 Julia (m. Leigh), 40 '04 Katherine F. (m. Turner), 86 '90 Kirby B., 286 '12 Laura, 169 '12 La'nce H., 169 '04 Mrs. L. D. (see Tallmon, 86) '04 Leonard B., 86 '04 Mrs. L. B. (see Gates, 81) '16 Le Roy B., 235 '02 Le Roy G., 67 '02 Mrs. Le Roy G. (see Demaree, 62) '09 Mrs. L. M. (see White, 136) '15 Lucile. 220 '05 Margaret, 95 '10 Mary L., 145 '14 Mildred K., 201 '14 Minnie M., 201 '10 Nelson C. 249 '04 Xelson G., 86 _ '16 Xorman C, 235 '00 Xorman E., 52 '00 Mrs. X. E. (see Hampton, 49) '05 Oda M.. 95 '16 Oliver P., 235 •13 Ormond R.. 183 '14 Owen B., 201 •97 Philip B.. 35 '11 Mrs. Philip E^ (see Patchctt, 155) '02 Robert E., 309 '14 Robert L., 201 '95 Robert W., 306 '15 Rod D., 220 '99 Mrs. Sam F. (see Frost, 43) '03 Stanley J., 76 '03 Sumner S.. 76 '06 Susie C, 106 '06 Sydney A., 310 '14 Sydney R., 201 •99 Thomas A., 46 •98 Thomas M., 307 '76 Tracy H., 278 •11 Una D., 157 •15 Valentine, 260 '15 Vern, 220 '11 Walter A., 157 '96 Walter O., 31 '15 Walter S., 312 '13 Mrs. Warren L. (see Whipple, 185) '91 Weston O., 280 '04 William C, 86 '02 William H., 300 '75 William P., 278 '90 William S., 17 '90 Mrs. William S. (see Hobson, 16) '99 Woodley B.,300 '14 Zula A., 201 Smithson '03 George A.. 76 Smitten •03 Alice L. (m. Lyon), 76 Smittle •06 Laura E., 106 Smoot •99 Sarah E. M., 46 j Smyth ; '95 Charles W., 298 '08 Edwin G., 311 '06 Harriet S. > (m. Alvarez), 106 •06 Hilda I (m. Jordan). 106 •99 Thomas U., 307 •98 Walter J., 307 '12 William H., 169 Smythe '01 Hudson, 282 Snedigar I '06 OUio F., 106 ' '05 Mrs. Ollic F. 1 (see Bernstein, "88) j Snell : '13 Earie R., 184 '13 Edgar W., 311 '08 Edward, 311 '01 Fanny E. (m. Smith), 242 '08 Richard A., 125 Snook '12 Mrs. John C. (see Clapp, 160) '13 Charles W., 184 '12 Harry J., 169 Snorin '15 Minnie R., 220 Snow '04 Beatrice M. (m. McCollister),86 '98 Mrs. C. J. (see Robinson, 40) •06 Edith F. (m. Xewcomb),106 •07 Irving W., 246 Snowden •14 Frances \'.. 201 1 Snyder '13 Bertram B., 302 '12 Charles C, 169 '04 Charles D., 244 '10 Edwin L., 145 '05 George S., 283 •11 William H., 157 Scares •07 Alberto G.. 115 '01 John S., 59 Sobaslay •86 Julius, 279 Sobel •11 Max M.. 292 Sobey '04 Arthur W., 310 •07 Gifford L.. 283 Soderberg •11 Signe E. (m. Thompson). 157 Soher •00 Henry C, 308 Solari •10 William S.. 302 Solinsky '77 Frank J.. 4 Scllars •15 Harold P., 220 Solley '(».? .\ll)trl A.. 309 SoUman "(10 l-lmcu.c II. (III. I'rrcival ), 52 Solomon •02 .\ll"r<-.i. (>7 '05 .\mi;i H. (in. (;:irri-tt). 95 '(»4 K.lward. «6 •1(_) Harry C. 146 '05 Laurence, 95 '10 Rol.irt \V.. 146 '15 William O., 220 Solomons '•M l....n M.. 22 Somers ■W2 Hiirhank G.. 20 •09 Howartl. 135 '04 Roy J.. 86 Somersett '00 Join, C. 308 Somerville •0.=^ Mary L. (111. n.-ivLs), 95 Sommer •79 Adolph, 285 '14 Isadorc. 201 Son '•^7 CliarK's A.. ?^5 Sonntag '15 (."hark-s P.. 303 Sontheimer '07 Artliur K.. Ml Soo-Hoo '14 llara. 201 Sooy '>«< I-"raiu-is .V., 135 Sorbier •9<) Jo'phinc M.. 46 Sorenson •09 Kol.crt .>^.. 135 Sorrick ■'4 War.lf \V.. 201 Soulas '1.5 Ltuiisc. 184 Soule "04 Kriward T... 86 •07 Floronc- D..116 ;n Henry D.. 157 "78 William F., 5 .-/ /./ >HA BIL TJ CA L INDEX [Solley-Stalder Southard •01 James H.. 59 Southwick ■01 (iracr R.. 59 Southworth '09 Alice (m. Moodey). 135 '99 Stephen .S., 307 Souza '14 Maiuiel K., 201 Soyster •16 Cliarles J., 235 Spadoni •03 Adriaiia, 76 Spagnoli '99 Url)ano G., 289 •08 Ernest B., 301 Spalding '05 Raymond, 95 Spangler '16 Anna R., 235 •09 (^.Icn H., 248 '10 Thomas H., 292 Spare '15 Horace I., 312 Sparks '79 ARnes M., 278 Spasoff •11 Ida AL, 157 Spaulding '08 Ralph A., 125 '99 Wni. H., 46 Spear •12 Will. H., 169 Specht •01 Richard C, 59 Speddy '16 Faith S., 235 Speer '13 Dicie .\.. 255 Speir '15 Oswald. Jr., 220 Spellman '00 Mrs. Lawrence (see Deckelman. 282^ Spellmeyer '13 Stanley A.. 183 , Spencer •04 Dalilia T., 86 •12 Doris C, 169 '14 Eloise D. (m. Xowels), 201 '15 Elva B., 220 '11 Forrest E.. 157 '98 John F., 40 '00 MacDonald. 52 '02 Mae A. (m. Smith), 67 '05 Mary (m. Sharp), 95 '99 Mrs. Meredith (see Hobson, 44) '08 Otto, 125 '14 Virf?inia B., 201 '00 Wm. C, 52 Spero '12 Mrs. S. C. (Kalfus), 169 Sperry '10 Austin W.. 146 '00 James C, 52 Spicker '12 Mabel, 169 Spiers '14 Katherine. 201 '96 Wm. G.. 31 Spindt '16 Herman A.. 235 Spinks '05 Andrew AL, 310 '05 Mrs.C. H. (Xelson), 95 Spiro '99 Abraham, 289 '93 Harry, 287 Spofford '13 James W., 184 Spohr '94 Olive B. (m. Chesnut), 24 Spooner '93 Mary E., 22 Spradling '08 Mrs. Oliver H. (see Parker, 124) Sprague '10 Edith, 146 •86 Frances R., 12 '99 Roi^er, 46 Spring '90 Charlotte B. (m. MontHoniery), 279 '15 Gard'r W., 220 Springer '(J8 Mrs. Fred R. (see Waite. 126) '03 Russell S., 76 Sproul '13 Robert G., 184 Squier '97 John J., 299 '12 Leslie H., 311 '97 Wm. C, 299 Squire •06 Harrv E.. 106 '16 Jo'pliine C, 235 Squires '90 Harry J., 286 '16 Robert L.. 294 '12 Ruth L., 302 Stack '14 Frank L.. 201 '99 Katherine. 46 Stadtmuller '98 Edwin W.. 40 '12 Ellen S., 284 Stafferd '82 Henry J., 295 Stafford '09 Adelaide E. (m. Fisk), 135 '14 Clarence J., 303 '03 David E., 283 '14 Grace G.. 201 '16 Harlowe AL,235 '10 Harry L, 302 '96 John T., 281 '11 Leiijh (m. Foulds), 157 '10 Marv T., 146 '81 Wm. F.. 295 '14 Wm. AL. 303 Stager '09 Henry W., 265 Stahl •13 Mrs. Leslie W. (see Hunter. 178) Stairs '13 Walter L.. 184 Stalder '98 Joseph M.. 307 '04 Walter, 86 Staley-Stetsoii] ALPHABETICAL INDEX 517 Staley '12 Chester J.. 169 Stallcup '14 Mrs. J. X. (see Xeedham, 198) Stallman '96 Georye E., 306 Stambach '15 Henry L., 220 Stamper '95 Alva W., 27 Standish '14 Mrs. A. M. (see Mcsmer, 197) Stanford '98 George G.. 307 Stange '94 C. F.. 287 Stangland '15 Edna M., 220 Stanley '01 Mrs. Bruce M. (Cummings), 59 '05 Ernest J.. 95 '09 Fred'k W., 135 '79 George A., 7 •03 Henry C. 76 '05 John C.. 95 '05 Mrs. John C. (see Smith. 95) '15 Lois C.. 220 '10 Roy C.. 146 '82 \Vm. H.. 304 Stanoyevich '14 Milivoy S., 258 Stansbery '05 Claude, 310 Stansbury '02 Middleton P.. 67 Stanton '15 Edwin L.. 220 '05 Eleanor L.. 95 '14 Florence B..258 '07 Herbert W..116 '82 Tames O.. 278 "15 Joseph E.. 220 '16 Mrs. Joseph E. (see Quinn. 2?ti) '04 Thomas E., 86 '12 Wolcott P.. 169 Stanwood '99 Edward K., 300 '93 Airs. Edw. B. (see McKinne, 39) Stapff '01 Frc.rk W.. 308 Staples '11 Charron M..157 '04 Helen A. (m. McXulty). 86 Stapleton '05 Mrs. Roljert G. (see Boynton. 88) Stark '98 Clara M.. 40 '13 Ruth A.. 184 '16 Saidee E., 263 '02 Thomas A., 309 Starke ! '13 Mrs. Paul A._ ! (see Davics, 175) Starkweather '12 Esther V., 169 Starr '97 Walter A.. 35 '98 Mrs. Walter A. (see Moore, 39) Stauffer '00 Harry C. 289 '10 Roy A.. 292 '11 same. 292 Staver '06 John F.. 106 Stealey '97 Edwin M., 2>y)7 Stearns '90 Edwar.l H., 17 '03 Ella M. (m. Prendergast), 76 '06 Isabel A. (m. Gavin). 106 '81 Rol)ert E., 273 Stebbins '10 Cvril A., 146 '01 Elwyn W.. 59 '02 Mrs. Elwyn W. (see Long. 64) '99 Horatio W.. 46 •03 Joel. 264 Steed '16 Roy M.. 235 I Steedman '00 A-nes (m. McDonald), 52 '08 Mrs. G. J. (see Carpenter, 118) Steel '13 Evelyn A.. 184 '10 Francis R., 146 '10 George G., 146 Steele '03 Daisv M.. 76 '11 Efifa M.. 157 '15 Eunice D.. 220 '09 Isaac C. 135 '03 Rachael L. (m. Shoemaker), 76 '13 Rose. 184 '14 Ruliy W. (m.Van Deventer), 201 '05 Wm. I., 95 Steely '67 John. 277 Steen '02 Julius. 290 Steeves '03 Jennie W. (m. Montgomery). 76 Steffan '12 Jacol) F.. 311 Steffens '89 Joseph L., 15 Steilberg '10 Walter T.. 146 '09 Mrs. Walter T. (see Svmmonds. 135) Stein '15 Caroline (m. Ledyard. see 260) 15 Harold S.. 293 Steinbach 06 ll(.rinann R.. 106 Steinberg 14 Moses E.. 201 Steinbrunn '13 Winulm. 184 Steindorff '12 ]•:. l-:riia (m. Miller), 169 '14 Kurt. 201 Steinfeld '05 Lester A.. 95 Steinhart '99 Amv D.. 46 '01 Jesse H.. 59 Steinmiller '05 George C. 310 Steinway '03 Mrs. Milton (see Kierski, 72) Stemmle '11 John W.. 157 Stenger '07 Edward L.. 116 '10 Jesse W.. 313 Stephan '16 Laura. 23)i Stephens '98 Charles J.. 307 '09 Franklin M.. 135 '13 F. Dorsey, 184 '16 Hazel L.. 235 '08 Russell D.. 125 Stephenson '15 Alice. 220 '95 Harlcv H.. 306 '09 Homer B.. 135 '11 James M.. 157 '16 Robert C. 235 '02 Robert P.. 67 '98 Mrs. William (see Henrici. 38) '13 William P.. 184 Sterling •15 Helen H.. 220 Stern '96 Arthur A.. 281 '98 Carrie (m. Stern, see 40) '98 Mrs. Chas. X. (Stern). 40 •13 Harold M.. 184 '13 Henrv A.. 184 '01 Henrv S.. 308 '07 Leslie A.. 311 . •07 Mrs. Leslie A. (see Fischer. 110) '13 Lester, 184 '09 Max W.. 135 •08 Mrs. W. E. (see McCoy. 123) Sterne '12 Stanley R.. i69 Stetson '78 Charles M.. 5 5 IS ALPHABETICAL INDEX [Stetson-Stowe Stetson, C'lM 'WK I'.milv M. (111. Ri-ichart). 41 •«M Joliii \V.. 22 Stevens •03 Aii.lri-w I.. MO •07 Mrs. B. (J. (sec ManRtl.s, 113) •02 Mr.s. U. C. H. (s(.'i'Tirin-iiiiiiiK,67) •02 Harrv T.. 67 •11 Mrs. H. C. (sec Fuller. 151) •15 Ida M.. 220 •15 Isabel. 260 •95 James S.. 27 •13 Saimicl S.. 303 •99 William E., 281 •S(, Win. W. B.. 296 Stevenson '77 Iknj. E., 278 •03 Carrie L. (m. Smith), 76 •95 Editli. 27 •99 r.eorirc L., 281 •03 Mrs. Lloyd A. (see Raldridge. 68) •07 Robert M.. 291 •03 Wilfred C, 76 Steward '!() l-'rank (i., 235 Stewart '07 Agnes R.. 116 •02 Mrs. A. J. (see Smith. 67) '15 Alpheus L.. 220 •04 Mrs. B. P.. Jr. (see Henderson.81) '06 Charles L.. 310 '14 Charles W.. 201 '14 Mrs. Chas. W. (sec Harris.193) •15 Emily. 220 •95 Fred L.. 298 •98 Georfie H.. 307 •06 Guv R.. 106 •07 Mrs. Guy R. (see Queen, 114) •07 Horace D.. 291 "'11 Tames W.. 157 •06 Janet .\.. 106 '12 Teanette. 169 •03 lohn. 76 '03 'Mrs. Justin H. (see Youncr, 78) '09 Kathrvn F.. 135 •16 IJovd L.. 263 '15 Margaret. 220 '10 Marie J. (m. Chase), 146 •02 Marv. 67 •96 Mary J. (m. Marsliall), 281 ■16 Mirabel M., 235 •11 Muriel G. (m. Cleland), 157 VH I-Joderic S., 41 •13 Thomas D., 184 Stich •96 Brnj. M., 306 Stickel •15 Jessie E., 220 Stickney '10 Charles F.. 292 '16 Fenner S., 235 Stile •97 Henry D., 307 '03 Mrs. Henry D. (see Hampton, 71) Stiles •16 John E., 235 Stillman '77 Howard, 4 •74 John M., 2 '16 Mary W., 235 Stillwell '06 Elijah B., 106 Stineman '03 John H., 309 Stiner '06 Ina H., 106 Stines '05 Norman C, 95 Stipp '08 Etlicl (m. MacDougall), 125 Stirewalt '94 Henry W., 280 Stirling •15 June B.. 220 Stirring '95 Mrs. Henry (see Jared, 26) Stitt '16 Donald G., 235 Stivers '92 Champ. D.. 297 '64 Charles A.. 277 St. John '04 Fannie O.. 86 1 '06 Paul. 106 Stock '14 Clicsler, 201 '92 William S., 287 Stocker '12 Harry E., 169 '04 Leslie W., 86 Stocking '04 Maud L. (m. Hall), 86 Stockman '03 Dora L (m. Pfitzer), 76 Stockton '13 Francis W., 303 '14 Marion J.. 303 '10 Mary L, 249 Stockwell '00 Alma E. (m. Needham), 52 Stoddard '12 Elsie M. (m. Richards), 169 '82 Evelyn L., 9 '06 Harry L., 106 '05 Thomas A., 95 '11 Walter E., 157 Stoer '02 Emma (m. Barham), 67 '01 Theresa V. (m. Schwartz), 59 Stokes '10 Charles M., 146 '90 Guy H., 17 '02 Thomas P., 309 Stolder '85 Richard B., 296 Stone '85 Andrew L.. 12 '94 Bertha I.. 287 '95 Bertram, 280 '06 Chas. H., 245 '99 Earle A., 46 '16 Edna H., 263 '02 Edna L. (m. Price), 67 '14 E. Lurita, 201 '99 Mrs. Eva M., 46 '99 Fanny C. (m. Jahant). 46 '99 Florence W. (m. Innes), 46 '16 George E., 235 '92 George F., 20 '16 Harry H.. 235 '10 Mrs. Herbert (see Aden, 137) '94 Leonard, 298 '11 Leonard H., 292 '89 Luella (m. Swauger), 15 '96 Mack V., 281 '15 Margaret G. (m. Eddy), 220 '05 Marian, 95 '05 Rachel C, 95 'r6 Robert E., 235 '15 Ruth L., 220 '06 Waid J., 283 Stoner '10 Peter W., 249 '12 Reginald C, 169 Stonesifer '82 Clarence A., 295 Stoney '90 Donzel, 17 '88 Gaillard. 14 Stoodley 'IS Gerald F., 312 Storch '15 Hyman, 260 Storer '12 Tracy I., 169 Storey '81 William B., 8 Story '15 Louise, 220 Stout '02 Harriet M., 67 '05 Herbert A., 95 '05 Minnie L., 95 '09 Verne A., 135 '09 Mrs. Verne A. (see Moore, 133) Stovall '12 Leonard, 313 Stover '05 Arthur P.. 244 '15 Harvey. 220 '05 Mattie E., 95 '10 Xoble M.. 146 '96 William M.. 281 Stow '96 Eleanor M. (m. Bancroft). 281 Stowe '14 Mrs. F. R. (see Turner, 202) Stowell-Sutliff] ALPHABETICAL INDEX 519 Stowell '03 Agnes, 76 Stowitts '15 Hubert J., 220 Strachan '10 Agnes, 146 '09 Emma L., 135 '02 James F.. 67 '11 Mrs. James F. (see Higgins, 152) '95 John E., 27 Strain '95 Edward L., 306 Stranahan '82 Farrand E., 295 Strasburg '16 Elizal)cth, 235 Stratton '81 Fred'k S., 295 '88 George M., 14 '07 Cornelia (m. Parker), 116 Straub '16 Cecil H., 235 Straus '81 Gaston, 295 Street '90 Arthur I., 17 '16 Chas. E.. 235 '06 Mrs. F. D. (see Kerr, 102) Streets '13 Alice C. 184 Streichan '15 Paul H.. 220 Stribley '11 George H., 157 Strickland '14 Harry F., 293 Stringfeld '14 Hunter, 293 Stringfield '06 Vivian F., 107 Stringham '95 Frank D., 25 '13 Roland I., 184 Strite '06 Bertha P. (m. Rowley). 107 Strobach '14 William C, 201 Strobridge '15 Vivian S., 220 Strohl '06 Elizabeth B. (m. Silva), 107 Strong '10 Addison G.. 146 '06 Edw. K., 107 '01 Fanny M. (m. Rogers), 59 '15 Hawley E., 220 '15 Mary L., 261 '14 Ronald T., 201 Strother '03 Walter M., 76 Stroud '13 Jno. A., Jr., 184 Strout '08 Archib'd L.. 125 Strowger '06 F. Rena (m. Hjul), 107 Strub '06 Charles H.. 310 Struckmeyer '15 Alta M., 220 '10 Milton F., 146 '05 Phebe, 95 Struve '06 Esther M. (m. Wayland), 107 Stuart '05 Anna (m. Basquin). 95 '74 Charles D., 2 '06 Charles E.. 107 '14 Clyde J.. 293 '08 Helen M., 125 '93 Henry W\. 22 '16 Irene, 235 '82 John M., 278 '08 Laura B.. 125 '87 William A., 297 Stubenrauch '99 Arnold V.. 46 Stucker '05 Maud M. (m. Montgomery), 95 Studley '13 Clarence K.,255 '95 Ruby \V., 31 Stull ! '94 Florence A., 24 '97 Grace T. (m. Elliot), 35 Stumpf '05 \'ictor C, 95 Sturdevant '05 Henry F., 310 Sturges '99 Lorena A. (m. Markey). 46 '12 Vera L., 169 Sturgis '96 Mrs. A. M. (see Sawyer, 306) '15 Eugene K.. 220 Sturtevant '11 Andrew J., 157 '89 George A., 16 '15 Ruth, 220 '04 Saidee M., 86 Stutt '98 John H., 41 Stuttmeister '86 William O., 304 Styan I '16 Elizabeth, 294 '02 W'illiam E., 290 Sublette '07 Linens B., 116 Sudden '08 Robert E.. 125 Sudlow '04 Alice, 244 Suermondt '16 Margaretha. 235 Sugarman '14 Edward I.. 201 Suggett '93 Allen H.. 305 '11 Edna (m.Wisecarver).157 Sulliger '00 Herman \'.. S2 '06 Roy A., 107 '06 Mrs. Roy A. (sec Motter, 104) Sullivan '99 Abra'm S., 307 '07 Clarke. 116 '13 Edgar F., 184 '03 Ella J.. 76 '03 Elsie F. (m. Laycock), 76 '00 Grace A., 52 '93 Harry F., 305 '01 same, 300 '85 John F., 296 '00 same, 282 '01 John L.. 308 '99 Katherine E., 46 '07 Lena (m. Basham). 116 '96 Mabel W., 31 '95 Minnie I., 27 '96 Stephen L., 299 '89 Thomas B., 16 Sully '03 Mrs. James O. (see Knoll, 72) Sultan '08 Weaker D., 125 Suman '12 John R.. 169 Summerfield '11 Alma \'.. 157 '97 James J.. 313 Summers '16 Bessie M.. 235 '76 George W.. 278 '78 John F., 278 * Sumner '16 Blancharde, 23.5 '97 Charles M., 307 Sun '16 Fo. 235 Sunderland '08 Laura G. (m. Bliss). 125 Suplee '12 Miriam, 169 Surryhne '90 Benj. F.. 279 Suter '81 Daniel, 8 Sutherland •OS Albert W.. Ml '15 Harold M.. 220 '14 Ida, 201 '14 Marjorie M..201 '92 Robert L.. 280 '06 Robert T.. 107 Sutliff '89 Fred'k C. 304 '14 George H.. 201 INDEX [Sutliffe-Tark« SutliiTe 7K I-: Julian, 277 '86 William G., 304 Sylvia '07 Anthony M.,116 Symmes '94 Anita D. (m. Blake), 24 '09 Edwin J., 135 '99 Harold S., 46 '03 Leslie W., 76 •96 Mabel, 31 '04 Stanley R., 86 Symmonds '09 Rowena E. (m. Steilberg), 135 Symonds '96 Harry C, 31 Symons '16 Spencer W.. 263 Syverson '05 Ans-ar E.. 310 Sznyter '15 Mary H., 220 Taber '14 Mrs. Loren B. (see Everett. 192) Tabrett '01 Amy. 59 Tachibana '15 Kyojun. 221 Tade '97 Frank. 35 Tadlock '09 Orval C. 135 Tagg •11 Percival A.. 311 Taggart '03 Harold J.. 290 •01 John P.. 289 Tait '67 George, 272 Taizon '16 Antonio M.. 107 Talbert '08 Mrs. T. B. (see Crum, 119) Talbot '09 Parker, 135 Talbott '00 Edward J., 52 '03 Homer L, 309 '07 John L., 311 Talcott '10 Josiah S.. 146 '98 Lida L. (m. Evans). 288 '99 Seth R., 46 Taliaferro '13 Nicholas L., 184 Tallmon '04 Hester A.. 86 '04 Alarion C. (m. Smith). 86 Talmage '03 Fred'k E.. 77 Tammen '08 Mrs. Henry C. (see Armstrong", 117) Tamura '02 Seiichi AL, 67 Tan '04 Tien. 86 Tanabe '01 Taichi, 59 Tanaka '03 Keijiro, 77 Taney '12 Alary E.. 169 Tanquary '16 Ruherta, 263 Taplin '11 Clara L.. 157 Tarbell •11 Grace \V.. 313 Tarke ; "15 Frieda E.. 221 Tarter-Thompson] .ALPHABETICAL INDEX Tarter '82 Albert P.. 278 Tasheira '00 Arthur G., 52 Tate '99 Alonzo W., 307 Tatum '99 Mrs. Edw. H. (see Martin, 45) Taugher '12 Edward B., 302 Taussig '15 Laurence R.,221 Tauszky '83 Edmund, 296 Tavenner '12 Ralph W., 169 Tavernetti '13 Thomas F., 184 Tay '91 Charles F., 18 Tayian '13 Gains. 184 Taylor '05 Mrs. Albert H. (see Ecker, 90) '84 Arthur C., 296 '12 Arthur W., 169 '98 Mrs. B. Grant (see Watson, 41) '14 Charles V.. 201 '16 Charles V., 263 '07 Mrs. C. V. F. (see Ogilbe, 114) '65 Edward R., 277 '86 Edward K.. 296 "12 Ellis \V., 169 '97 Eva M., 35 '15 Fletcher B., 221 ■^7 Francis P., 299 "97 Frank P.. 35 '^7 Henry B.. 13 '03 Henry L.. 309 '00 Mrs. Henry L. (seeArmstrouL;-, 47) '06 Henry W.! 107 '01 Irene (m. Heineman), 59 '99 James E., 281 '14 Tames M., 274 '16 Tames S., 236 '09 Toseph E.. 135 '14 Eelruul H.. 293 '10 Evdia M.. 146 '12 Mal)el B.. 169 521 '09 Mabel R. (m. Cortelyou), 135 '06 Mar-'t W., 107 '99 Maud M.. 241 '96 Mildred M., 31 '15 Milton E., 221 '00 Olive L., 52 '16 Olive P., 236 '94 Oscar N., 24 '13 Paul B.. 184 '10 Paul P.. 146 '13 Ralph D., 184 '10 Ralph H., 146 '93 Robert L., 305 •13 Russell v., 184 '94 Thomas C, 24 '94 Walter T., 305 '11 Walter P., 157 '12 Mrs. Walter P. (see Fairchild, 162) '93 William E., 305 •Taynton '84 Mrs. A. B. (see Shaw, 11) Tays '15 Eugene, 221 Teall '07 Mrs. John R. (see Gooch, 111) '00 Frank M., 289 Tebbe '02 Fred'k H., 282 Teel '14 Frances, 221 Teeter '15 Desmond, 221 '09 Helen L., 136 Tehara '16 La)) S.. 236 Teichert '08 Adolph, Tr.. 125 '12 Caroline K., 169 Teilman '11 Tngvart H., 157 Telfer '07 Gavin J.. 284 Teller '04 Mrs. Chester J. (see Magnes, 82) Temple '97 Fred A., 35 '01 Jackson. Jr., 289 '06 same. 283 Tenney '80 Alfred D.. 8 Tennis '12 Estelle M.. 169 Tennyson '99 Howard A., 307 Terpenning '02 Zana E. (m. .Stevens), 67 Terry '09 Edward P., 136 '90 Wallace I., 17 Tevis '87 Henrv L., 279 '82 Samuel, 295 Tevlin '84 James F., 296 Tewksbury '70 Lucio M., 1 Thacher '05 Anne E. (m. Morley), 95 '15 Olive D., 221 '08 Philip S.. 125 '95 Mrs. Sherman (see Blake, 25) Thaddeus '16 Victor, 236 Thane '99 Bartlett L., 46 Thatcher '87 Arthur J., 13 '01 Edith G. (m. Hill), 59 Thaxter '12 Lilian G. (m. Lord), 169 Thayer '94 Helen O., 24 '09 Laura E.. 136 •98 Philip R., 41 Thelen '04 Max, 86 •12 Airs. Max (see Muir. 166) '04 Paul. 86 '04 Rolf, 86 Theller '08 Joseph H.. 125 Therkof '03 Georqc .'\.. 309 Thevenet '88 Ernest J.. 286 Thiele '16 Carl L.. 236 '11 Henry G.. 157 '11 Mrs. Henry G. (see GibI)ons, 151) Thiercof '04 Emory W.. 290 Thoenges •15 Ernest F., 221 Thomas '01 Benjamin, 282 '04 Mrs. Benjamin (see Scofield, 85) '16 Bert S., 236 '16 Carlisle, 236 '99 Charles E.. 47 '15 Edwin S.. 221 '10 Esme T. A. (m. Dent), 146 '16 Evelyn E., 236 '14 Frances M.. 201 '98 Frank P.. 41 '08 Fred'k F.. 126 '07 Geor!?e M.. .SOI '11 Gil])ert M.. 251 '13 Harry B.. 255 '16 Hayw'd C, 236 '01 Helena P. (m. Devore), 60 '14 Ira G.. 201 •03 James R., 309 '04 Mrs. John H. (see Wickson. 87) '13 Joseph H., 303 '93 Joseph T.. 305 '16 Kathrvn E., 236 '14 Laurence E..201 '01 Mabel W., 60 '06 Mary E., 107 '09 Mrs. AI. A. (see Ostrom, 133) '15 Alillard P., 221 '96 Monts'y. 306 '97 Mrs. Montg'y (see Helm, ii) '05 Olive Q. (m. Bachelder), 95 •14 Roliert R., 201 '12 Mrs. S. C. (see Sharp. 168) '08 Vera A. X., 126 '14 William W., 201 Thompson '05 Alice \<.. 05 •15 Andrew R.. 221 '02 Mrs. A. Roy (see Boven. 61) '09 Arthur L., 311 ILI'll.lHETICAL INDEX [Thompson-Touchard Thompson, C't'd Ml I h.irlis v., 157 •12 C hark's H.. 169 •W lliarii-s L., 300 •8H l-.dward K.. l^H '06 F. MiTvyii. 107 •11 Mrs. V. M. _ (sc^S()(ll•^lK•r^J.157) •(W Kraiici-s G. I (in. Mc(iratli). 136 j '95 M rs. ( k-orRc C. (SCO Baldwin. 25) •(U Mrs. (".corRc C. (sfi' rotwiii. 75) '16 Hazil O.. 236 •09 Ira v., 136 •*)1 lanu-s (].. 18 '87 La'ncc E.. 297 '02 Ltwis L.. 282 •96 Mcrtic R. (ill. Kruper), 31 •99 Xclsoii VV.. 47 •12 Percv \V.. 170 •12 Stitli. 253 •14 Tlios. W.. 201 •91 Wallace L.. 297 •97 Walter J., 299 •Q5 Willard D.. 27 •14 William B.. 258 •02 William H.. 309 Thomson •15 .Arthur D.. 303 •07 Cora M. (m. Rocliester),116 '11 Herbert G., 157 '04 Herbert S.. 86 •12 lames H.. 170 '14 'Marion W.. 201 •09 Thomas R.. 136 Thornburg •14 Bessii- M.. 202 •07 Liihi I-:., 116 Thorne 'S3 .Xndrew. 10 Thornton '09 Harrv .-K.. 136 '01 Marir'ta L.. 60 •89 Philip B., 16 Thorpe '96 Lewis S.. 281 •02 Mary L. (m.Winkelman), 67 Thrall '14 Marion J.. 202 Thrasher '90 Marion. 279 Thunen '01 I-:dward (;.. 60 •14 (ieorpe W .. 202 Thurlow •13 i-:tta M.; 255 Thurman '!(. Laurence (;.,294 Thursby •15 Claire C. 261 Thurston •01 Mrs. Albert L. (see Burnett. 54) '95 Eugene T., 27 '08 Luella M. (m. Little), 126 Tibbetts '04 Fred'k H.. 86 •10 Marie L.. 146 '04 Sydney A., 86 Tibbitts '95 Arthur L., 306 Tice '12 Wilbur E.. 292 Tickell '12 Fred'k G., 170 Ticknor '03 Gertrude E.. 77 Tietjen '08 Anna M., 126 Tietzen '14 Hazel P.. 202 Tiffany '94 Edward V.. 280 Tilden '78 Charles L., 5 Tillman •98 Frank J., 281 '08 Thad. C. 301 Tillotson '12 Helen V.. 170 Tillson '15 Olive. 221 '15 Warren S., 221 Timerman '12 Mrs. E. C. (Hilton). 170 Timken '90 Harry H.. 297 Timm •05 Mrs. Henry R. (see Bowen, 88) '01 Mrs. Richard (see Pulcifer, 58) Tindall '94 Anna L.. 24 '14 Clarence E.. .303 Tindell '15 Hazel. 221 Tinnemann '05 Otto. 95 '05 Mrs. Otto (see Parrish, 94) Tinning '12 Arch'd B., 170 Tippett '15 George W., 293 Tiscornia '10 Adolph A., 302 Titlow '01 Edward L, 60 Titus '00 Mrs. Louis (see Rooney, 52) '09 Merton E.. 136 '03 Xorman F.. 77 Tobin '81 Alfred. 295 '08 Alma B., 126 '98 Edward P., 299 '91 Henry A.. 297 '11 Thomas H., 157 Tob finer '04 Essie (m. Lebenbaum),86 '93 Isaac. 287 '00 Marion L.. 308 '96 Oscar. 306 '98 same. 281 Todd '04 Arthur J.. 86 '05 Beatrice B. (m. Sharp), 95 '07 Mrs. C. E. (see Cunningham, 109) '96 Clifford. 306 •01 Mrs. Clifford (see McKee. 57) '94 Frank AL. 24 •09 Gordon B.. 1.36 '14 Harrv W.. 202 '15 Hertha. 221 Todman '15 Jessie J., 221 '83 Jo'phine M.,2y6 Toland '69 Charles A., 277 '78 Thomas O., 5 Tolman '98 Lucius M., 240 '02 Ruel P., 67 Tomb '16 George, 236 Tomkins '97 George H.. 307 Tomlin '10 Vena M. (m. Edwards), 146 Tomlinson '03 Charles M., 309 Tompkins '92 Perry T., 20 Toner '01 Joseph M., 282 '08 Mabel G.. 126 Topham '02 Edward. Jr.. 282 Topley '85 James H.. 286 '88 William H., 286 Torello •09 Esther, 136 Tornoe '15 Ethel A. (m. McDonald).221 Torpen '07 Alex M., 116 Torrence '00 James S.. 289 Torrey '13 Clare M.. 184 '16 Dorothea. 236 '15 Frances A., 221 '95 Harry B., 27 •97 Mrs. Harry B. (see Crabbe, 32) '13 Ivor F.. 184 '10 Leon E., 146 Toscano '16 William P.. 236 Touchard '81 Gustave. Jr., 295 Touhey-Turner] ALPHABETICAL INDEX^ 523 Touhey '12 C. Genevieve. 170 Tower '05 AlphonsoW., 96 '04 Mrs. Anasa M. (see Faber, 80) '08 Grace E.. 126 '10 Ora I., 313 Towle '98 Clifford H., 41 '09 Ethel I. (m. Barber), 136 '15 Herbert V., 221 '08 Spencer L., 126 Towne '16 Arthur W., 236 '98 Percy E.. 299 Townsend '90 Charles E., 17 '66 Clarence F., 1 '07 Mrs. J. H. (see Darby. 109) '03 Vinton R.. 77 Towson '02 Everett. 290 '03 same. 290 '06 Le Roy. 310 Towt '15 Charles W., 221 Tracie '14 Maurice H.,202 Tracy '64 Charles T.. 1 '03 Edith (m. Gregory), 77 '00 Edwin H.. 52 '11 Hcnrv C. 251 '03 Joseph P.. 77 '00 Leland H.. 52 Treadwell '97 Edward F., 299 '06 Sophie (m. McGcehan),107 Treat '78 May B. (m. Morrison), 5 '85 Sarah B. (m. Child). 12 Trefethen '99 Eugene E.. 47 Tregea '16 William R.. 236 Tremoureux '11 Mrs. Roy E. (see Clinch. 149) Tresler '12 Katlierine (m. Tuttle). 170 Tretten '13 Otto C, 184 Trevino '96 Alberto. 281 Trew '98 Kiel C, 281 Trewatha •15 Oliver, 293 Trewick '10 Ellen E., 146 '11 Leila E.. 157 Triebel '99 Charles A.. 289 '08 William G., 291 Trimble '13 Mrs. Harry A. (see Brunk, 173) Trafton '95 William A., 280 Trailer '15 Edith M.. 221 Tranter '11 Charles L.. 157 Traphagen '04 -Arthur R.. 86 Trask '90 Henry C, 286 '96 same. 281 '13 Ida M., 184 Trautz '91 Otto G., 287 Trueblood '05 Ellen E., 96 '14 Mrs. Jessie N., 202 Trueworthy '01 Thomas D., 289 Truitt '06 Samuel P., 310 Trullinger '04 Paul A., 310 Truman '14 Anita M., 202 Trumbo '96 Howard T.. 299 Trunk '16 Harold F.. 236 Trunnel '10 Orville. 146 Trusseau '83 Peter C, 296 Truxaw '11 John W.. 313 Tryon '82 James W.. 285 '16 W^arren V.. 303 '00 William M.,308 Tsoo '15 Chan C, 221 Tubbs '09 Julia B.. 248 Tuck '98 Mrs. F. E. (see Waymire. 41) Tripp '09 Mildred. 136 Troili '01 Margaret (m. Campbell). 60 Troppmann '81 Charles M.. 285 Trout '13 Edward H.. 184 Trowbridge '11 Delger. 157 '12 Airs. Delger (see Beckwith.159) '98 Jessie T. (m. Cobb). 41 Tucker '07 Anna W. (m. Ramus). 116 '03 Bert X.. 243 '16 Claire A.. 236 '79 Rhoda L. (m. Frick). 7 Tuckey '13 Harry A.. 311 Tuft '12 Harriett W..170 Tufts '02 Mrs. Frank \. (see Barton. 61) '05 LeRoy. 310 '16 Miriam O.. 236 •12 Warren P.. 170 Tuggle •09 Dolph. 292 •89 Samuel P.. 279 Tull '06 Henrietta M. (m. Austin). 107 TuUer '08 Walter K.. 126 Tulley '16 Ruth B.. 236 TuUoch •04 A nab el (m. Evans). 86 TuUy •11 Grace M.. 157 •15 Jasper W.. 221 •01 Richard W.. 60 tum Suden •06 Peter O.. 301 •10 Richard, 146 Tuohy '04 Harry. 86 Tupman '12 Alice K.. 170 Tupper '16 William C. 303 Turkington •75 W'illiam. 3 Turner •14 Anna. 258 •13 Arlo v., 184 •95 Arthur C. 27 '16 Austin F.. 294 '09 Charles A., 248 '88 Charles E., 14 '92 Charles L., 20 •05 Eldridge C. 283 •87 Fred'k C. 13 '89 Mrs. Fred'k C. (see Lee. 15) '98 Fred'k W^, 288 '14 Geneva L (m. Stowe). 202 '85 Guy S.. 286 '97 Jessie G. (m. Hurt\ 35 '85 Joshua X. 296 •69 j. T., 277 •11 Kath. M.. 157 '02 L. Lucile. 67 '01 Mrs. LeG. M. (see Scott. 59) '03 Leslie M.. 77 '04 Mrs. Leslie M. (see Smith, 86) 524 Turner, I *i'tl •ii(, Kolurt C. 12 •95 Kol.iit H.. 27 •W Rosa !•:. (111. !5(.wkiT). M)7 '05 Wallace I'".. 96 Turpin ■11 I'.culali I'"... 137 Turton •15 I-raiikliii !•:.. 221 Tuttle •66 Charles A., 272 •15 Clara T. (m.Prohasco, see 217) •81 Fred I*.. 295 •81 Hiram D.. 295 •f)9 Hiram P., 277 ■11 Jean. 251 •12 Mrs. John R. (see Tresler. 170) •06 Joseph W.. 291 •97 Orrie L. (m. Murphv), 35 •13 Ovid S., 311 •12 Pearl J. (m. Hutt). 170 •05 Radan. 96 Twan •1(. ^ u Hwa, 236 Tweedie •15 Herl)ert W.. 221 Twining •16 Sidney J.. 236 Twinting •06 Katharine B. (m. Hume). 107 •in Wilfred C. 249 Twitchell •08 l-rid'k M.. 126 Twogood '13 Arcliie T.. 185 •10 Ernest X.. 146 •10 Ralph S.. 146 •12 Mrs. Ralph S. (see Moore. 166) Tyler •14 .Mice. 202 "06 Mrs. Raymond (see Dollenmaver. '90) Tyler •10 Archil/d R.. 146 Al.PIIAHLllLAL INDEX [Turner- Van Patten Tyree •16 I '.(lie A.. 236 Tyrrell '00 I'aimi.- K. (111. Martinez), 52 •00 Orace A., 52 •01 Mary W.. 60 Tyssowski •08 John. 126 Ullman •95 Fred'k C, 288 Ulsteen '03 Edj,^ar A.. 309 Underbill '13 James L.. 185 '08 Lewis K.. 126 '10 Mrs. Lewis K. (see Pence, 144) '05 Mary R., 96 '15 Robert M.. 221 Underwood '08 Bvron E.. 126 •15 Raym'd L.. 221 •13 Saidee R., 185 Unnewehr '07 Mrs. George L. (see Johnson, 112) Unruh '11 Otto A., 157 Upp •93 William A., 287 Upton •97 Edward A., 307 Urban •83 Kurt. 279 Uren •11 Lester C. 157 U'ren '04 Milton T.. 301 Uribe •94 Enrique, 24 Urunuela '95 Nicolas R., 288 Usinger ■11 Ma!>el H.. 157 Utsunomiya '14 Masaiclii. 202 Utter •10 John W.. 313 Vadney i •13 A.ldie M.. 1«5 Vail '12 Ell)ert M.. 170 '13 Mrs. Henry R. (see Farrell, 176) '94 Hugh F. R., 24 '15 Kath. R., 221 '11 Rand'ph R.. 158 Vaile '97 Mrs. Robert B. (see Price, 34) Vaissade '13 Marie L., 185 '14 Zelia C, 202 Valentine '14 Louis C, 202 '87 Louis H.. 297 '16 Lucile, 236 '14 Percy F.. 258 Van Arsdale '74 William W^, 2 Van Bokkelen '06 William R., 107 Vance '14 Lulu E., 202 '99 Xellie. 47 Vancrom '82 August L., 304 Van Deerlin '01 Amy G. (m. Irish), 60 Vanderbilt '07 Xewell. 116 Vander-Leck '15 Lawrence, 221 Vandervort '09 Kathrina (m. Dittemore), 136 Van De venter '14 Mrs. Alfred F. (see Steele, 201) 1 '12 Cyrus E., 170 | '11 William M., 158 Vandiver '11 Mrs. John J. (see Estee, 150) Van Duyne •09 ^Irs. Ede H., 136 Van Dyke •93 Edwin C, 22 '93 Henry S., 22 '12 Lilian, 170 '78 William M., 5 Van Fleet '10 Alan C, 146 _ '97 Ransom C, 35 Van Gorder '97 Arthur G., 35 Van Gulpen '10 May H., 146 '15 Mildred, 221 van Hemert- Engert '08 Adolph, 126 Van Heusen '02 Blanche C. (m. Culver), 282 Van Horn '07 Marion B.. 116 Van Ingen '13 Mrs. Albert^ (see Coates, 174) Van Isschot '09 Carlos A.. 136 Van Loben Sels '05 James F., 96 Van Maren '12 May, 170 Van Mater '13 Gladvs H. (m. Shedd), 185 Vann '15 Frank L.. 221 Van Ness '98 Thos. C. Jr.. 41 Van Nostrand '96 John J., 299 '15 John J., Jr., 268 Van Orden "09 Dorothea (m. Harris). 136 '92 George X.. 305 '94 Leander, 305 '12 Lincoln, 311 '06 Mary. 107 Van Ornum '03 Samuel J., 77 Van Patten '10 Mrs. J. H. (see Paulsen, 144) Van Pelt-Waddell] ALPHABETICAL INDEX 525 Van Pelt •95 William W.. 298 Van Sant '07 Robt. H.. 116 Van Schaick '98 Guy. 41 Van Tassell '04 Fffd H.. 283 Van Vliet '16 Rol.t. C. 236 Van Why '14 Xev.-ton, 202 Van Winkle '93 Lawrence E., 22 '12 Walter S.. 170 '12 Mrs. W. S. (see Beal. 159) Van Wormer '04 Maurice R.. 86 '03 Mrs. M. R. (see Cummings, 70) Van Wyck '02 Crittenden. 309 '90 Sidney M., 297 Van Zandt '14 John P., 202 Variel '08 Clarence L., 126 '88 William J., 14 Varner '13 Evans C. 312 Varney '96 Mrs. Frank H. (see Rhine. 31) '04 Madeleine, 86 Varrelman '15 Ferhe,-h. 60 Vecki '08 Marion. 301 Vedder I Vinacke •15 Dwii^rht G.. 221 '02 All)crt T.. 67 •16 Milton W.. 236 Veeder •96 Howard P.. 31 Veitch •12 Thos. W. 170 Vellguth •11 Clarence W., 292 Venable •99 Alice M. (m. Eastman), 47 •03 Edna L. (m. Moran). 77 '10 Helen M.. 146 '12 Reid M.. 170 Viney '06 Mrs. Wm. A. (see Elliott. 100) Vischi •12 Gabriel J., 292 Vitousek '12 Royal A.. 170 Vogel •93 Rudolph F., 287 •09 Mrs. Sol. J. (see Howell, 131) •94 Thomas A., 305 Vogeler '09 Mrs. Karl A. (see Roth, 134) Venkayiah j '15 Pulumamidy. ,„, ^^ -, y in 221 94 David J., 30 Venning '06 Gertrude (m. Wright. seel08) Vogelman Vogelsang Alex. T.. 296 Vensano '03 Harry C, 77 '04 Xina C. 86 Ventuluth •14 Fred F., 293 Versalovich '01 Lilian C. Voigh •79 William C. 278 Volberg '99 Fred'k L.. 289 Volk '13 Kenneth Q., 185 Volkhardt '(m.'Ralph), 60 '95 Mrs F. A. (see Redmgton.27) Vetterle '95 Mrs. George L. (see Baxter, 25) Viau •12 Benj. H.. 170 Vickerson •05 John I.. 283 Vickery 1 ^05 Fred'k P., 96 I Vidaver •87 Xathan. 297 Vieira •14 Louise M.. 202 Vilas •12 Mrs. C. W. (see Schorer. 168) Villain •92 Albert J., 287 •95 same. 280 Volkmann '08 Daniel G., 126 '91 Martin F., 287 VoUmer '06 Ernest, 107 VoUmers •08 Alberta E., 126 von Adelung I ^89 Edward. 16 1 von Allmen '14 Ernest, 202 von Bichowsky '11 Foord, 251 Von Buelow '77 Fred. 27S von der Lieth '93 Harold O.. 287 1 von der Nienburg 1 '11 Bertha. 158 von Geldem '16 Hans. 236 von Sabern '07 Mrs. Henrich (see O'Brien. 114) von Werthern '89 Joseph. 286 von Wintzingerode '12 Elsa C. 170 Voogt '11 Walter G.. 158 Voorhies '13 Edwin C. 185 '07 Mrs. Roy K. ( 1) Voorsanger '00 Mamie C. {m.Waxelbaum).52 ■96 William. 31 Vosberg '10 Keith. 146 Vosburg '13 Murray S.. 185 Voss '11 Olive B. (m. High), 158 Voswinkel •14 Lois. 202 '09 Olive {m. McLellan). 136 Vreeland '79 Frank L., 285 Vrooman '95 Rachael (m. Colby). 27 Wachhorst '95 Xewton B.. 306 Wachs '00 Gertrude H. (m. Hyman). SI •98 Harold. 288 '97 Martin. 307 I Wada •13 Totaro, 255 Waddell •08 Edwin H.. 311 •10 Mrs. Edwin H. 1 (see Redmond. 144) '12 Ralph C. 170 '12 Thomas B.. 170 '14 Mrs. Thos. B. 1 (see Resseguie.199) ALPHABETICAL INDEX [Wade-Ware Wade Ml l-.dilli \V. (111. Hart). 2M "(M lliiirirtta A. (in. Dicolo), 77 'H'> Mark S.. 279 Wadlcigh •()_' William M...W9 Wadsworth '1(. Ilarohl A.. -'.'6, •U» loscph H., 236 •14 Ralph G.. 202 •«M William H..305 Wagener •S9 .Mian C. 286 •15 Evalyn V.. 221 Wagenct •16 lolni D.. 236 •14 Rnssoll G.. 202 •14 Mrs. Russell G. (sec Morrison. 197) Wagner •06 All.t-rt P.. 107 •04 Mrs. Albert P. (see Rufford. 79) •01 Anna C. (m. Easton), 308 •00 Ethel M.. 52 •98 Georpe J., 41 •98 Lawrence T., 41 •08 Louis. 291 •83 William S.. 296 Wagor '01 Elry J.. 60 Wagy •09 Earl W.. 136 •12 Mrs. Earl W. (see Kistler. 164) Wahrhaftig •14 Matt. 202 Waite •13 Amy M.. 185 '13 Garolyn (m. Waters), 185 '13 Lillian E.. 185 '15 Lvman A.. 222 '08 Mahel M. (in. Springer), 126 '06 Marion E.. 107 '10 Mrs. O. B. (see Rees. 144") •15 Raym'd A.. 222 Waithman '16 Joseph D.. 236 Wake '].] William S., 255 Wakefield •85 Claiulr I'.., 12 Wakeman •82 Ernest H., 295 Walcott '07 AlKii iM., 284 '83 Earlc A., 10 •84 Mabel (m. Bcatty), 11 '84 Maude Cm. Butts), 11 Waldeck '13 HuRO. 185 Walden '98 William A.. 307 Waldeyer '04 Wilhclm, 283 Waldmann '10 Carl A.. see Addenda Waldner '15 Clarence E.. 222 Waldorf '11 Creighton O., 158 Wales '16 Anita M.. 236- •14 Harold E.. 202 Walker '05 Ben R.. 96 '12 Catherine L. (m. Prendersjast), 170 '06 Clifford B.. 107 '\2 Edwin S.. 170 '15 Emmeline T., 202 '03 Gertrude A. (m. Fairbanks). 77 '96 Gilbert S.. 31 •90 Henrv W.. 297 •06 Mrs. Lee W. (see Jordan, 102) •14 Lvdia E., 202 '03 Mav E., 77 '94 Myrtle (m. Perrins), 25 '01 Shirley C. 60 Walkup '15 Elsie A.. 222 Wall '76 Benj. P.. 4 '14 Ella L., 202 '83 Henry A., 285 '04 Leah M. (m. Adams), 87 Wallace '89 Arthur H.. 304 '08 Bradley L.. 126 '79 Clarence H.. 7 '13 Gerald B., 185 '12 James E.. 170 '76 Ryland B.. 4 '15 Thomas D.. 222 '88 William C, 297 '83 William T., 296 Waller '01 Mrs. G. M. (see Bailey. 53) '89 Julian L., 286 '96 Newton B.. 281 '93 Samuel L.. 287 '13 Mrs. Thos. L. (see Little. 254) Walsh '01 Albert M.. 60 '84 Andrew D.. 286 '09 Deborah M..248 I '12 Raym'd M.. 292 '02 William J.. 282 Walters '11 Edward H.. 251 '15 Helen. 222 '16 Ramona R., 236 Walthall '98 John M.. 299 Walti '14 Fred W'., 202 Walton '12 Charles L., 170 '83 Frank J.. 10 '14 Minnie C. (m. Brown), 202 '00 Mrs. S. L. (see Dorn. 282") '04 Stanley V., 87 '14 Strother P.. 202 '04 William M„ 310 Walz '68 G.. 277 Wambold '95 Katherine C..27 Wampfler '15 Cora, 222 '08 Rosa M. (m. Cleeves). 126 Wang '05 Chien 'I.. 96 Wangenheim '87 Julius. 1.^ Wantanabe '87 Tey, 279 Wanz '99 Arthur H., 307 Wanzer '03 Mrs. James O. (see Ferrier. 70) '76 Mrs.Lucv M.F., 278 Wapple '14 Albert R.. 202 Warbasse '96 Mrs. Herbert N. (see Bradley. 28) Warboys '09 John L.. 136 Ward '00 Alice C. 289 '15 Chandler P..222 '15 Eileen E., 222 '14 Ella M.. 202 '15 Ent^elena S..222 '08 Estella M. (m. Denton). 126 '08 Helen E.. 126 '06 Isabel. 107 '05 Mrs. James B. (see Bradford. 88) '03 Mrs. Jay X. (see Williams. 77) '83 Joseph W., 296 '15 La'nce A., 222 '11 Marian L. (m. MacArthur). 158 '04 Millicent A. (m. Skinner). 87 '08 Myrtle A.. 126 '02 Sharlie T. (m. Webb). 67 '05 Shirley. 96 Ware '03 Allison. 77 '91 John H.. 287 '13 Mabel. 185 '10 Margaret (m. Lvon). 146 '13 Ruth A.. 185 '99 Mrs. Sedley L. (see Porter. 45) '96 William H.. .306 W'aring-W^eed] Waring '03 Robert A., 11 ALPHABETICAL IXDEX 527 Warnekros •99 \Villiam L.. 307 Warner '96 All)ert O.. 31 '10 Archie D.. 147 '05 Beulah. 96 '99 Carl M., 47 '93 Emerson M., 298 '13 Howry H., 185 '91 James K., 280 '16 La'nce E., 236 '02 Moulton. 67 '89 Mrs. Roland M. (see Clark. 15) '07 Rov E., 116 '08 Mrs. Roy E. (see Walters. 126) '02 Ruby I. (m. Lyman), 67 Warren '16 Alfred, 263 '06 Alfred J.. 107 | '04 Chester H., 87 '78 Clarence H.. 5 '12 Earl. 170 '85 Edwin S.. 12 '04 Henry C, 283 '04 John Y.. 310 •87 Joseph S.. 286 '05 Julia, 96 Wartenweiler '99 Elisc. 47 Warwick '12 Ina P.. 170 Wascerwitz '88 Morris H., 297 Washburn '76 Charles E.. 4 '15 Hcnrv L.. 222 '10 Mrs. Oliver M. (see Rockwell, 145) Wason •12 Maud, 170 Waste '98 Harrv L.. 41 '99 John M., 289 '91 William H., 18 '95 Douglas, 27 '95 Edwin R., 306 '13 Emma P. (m. Haas), 267 •14 Helen G., 202 '03 Henry S., 11 •07 Thomas T.. 116 •08 Mrs. Thos. T. (see Godwin, 120) •86 Waldo S., 12 '02 William L., 290 Waters '13 Mrs. Glen M. (see Waite, 185) '04 Mrs. Herman B. (see Evans, 80) •74 John W., 277 •97 Sylvia, 35 Watkins '04 Alice E. (m. Horwege), 87 '76 Delos S., 4 '05 Ethelinda S..96 '98 Frank K., 307 '04 Jettora E. (m. Bare), 87 '12 Lucy R.. 255 '08 Pearl, 126 '08 Wilbur K., 126 Watkinson '94 Mrs. C. E. (see Boggs, 22) Watson '16 Alice S., 236 '06 Edna E. (m. Bailey), 107 '99 Floyd R., 47 '98 Mrs. Floyd R. (see Barden, 36) '04 George G., 87 •08 Helen E. (m. Byrd), 126 •02 Helen S.. 67 '16 J. Queenie. 236 •92 Jessie E., 20 '03 Mrs. Jesse F. (see Lee, 13) '13 John S., 185 '16 "Kenneth C..236 '05 Mrs. L. (see Kastens, 92) '98 Lucretia E. (m. Taylor). 41 •16 Thomas, 263 Watts •16 Arthur P., 263 •12 Edward L.. 170 •00 Herbert C, 282 Waugh •16 Arthur L.. 236 Waxelbaum •00 Mrs. Lewis L (see Voorsanger. 52) Way •13 Charles C, 185 Wayland '06 Mrs. Clyde (see Struve, 107) Waymire '98 Edna (m. Tuck), 41 Wayne •07 Claude A., 116 •04 Howard T., 87 Waynick '15 Dean D.. 261 Wayson '91 James T.. 280 Weatherley '16 Maljel, 236 Weatherwax '16 Valdien L.. 236 Weaver '03 Bonita. 71 •04 Brandon E., 290 •04 Charles E., 87 '04 Charlotte R., 87 '12 Clarence L., 292 •01 George E., 300 •91 Philip L.. 18 1 ^92 Mrs. Philip L. I (see Crary, 19) •13 Mrs. Roy E. (see Pickett, 255) '93 Susan H. (m. Inglish). 22 '99 Walton C, 300 Webber '03 Daniel G., 290 '69 J. S., 277 '11 Marjorie, 158 '06 Percy A., 310 Weber '16 Adolph G., 236 '80 Adolph H., 8 '12 Alice B. (m. Yates). 170 '16 Dorothy, 263 '02 Frank F., 67 '04 Fred D., 87 '13 Helen M. (m. Kennedy), 185 •14 Hilmar H.. 258 '13 H. Leland, 185 '13 Lore, 185 '07 Shirley H., 116 Webster '92 Albert B., 20 '13 Alice E., 185 '08 Elizab'h E., 126 '14 Fred'k A., 202 '03 Fred^k E., 309 •97 Grace (m. Williams). 35 •04 Hannah E., 283 •01 Mrs. Hugh M. (see Rued, 59) '96 Lauren D.. 306 '71 Reginald H.. 5 Week '94 Charles A., 25 Wecksler '92 Paul. 287 Wedd '02 Ruby A., 67 '04 Sara A. (m. Palmer), 87 Weddle •11 Wah.r E., 313 Waterhouse | „ - ,, ^^^^^ ,n^ '95 Seymour W.,27 ^^ ^"^^^'^ ^—^03 Waterman '04 Al)l)y L., 87 '12 Carroll G.. 292 Watters '08 Frieda 1. (m. Warner). 126 Webb '98 Edward O., 288 '05 Emma G. (m. Whiteley), 96 •75 Harrv H.. 3 •15 Hilda F., 222 •99 Margaret, 47 •02 Mrs. Robert R. (sec Ward, 67) Wedemeyer •98 Otto T.. 41 Wedgwood •04 Mrs. 1). R. (see Whitney, 87) Weed '94 Beni.. 25 '82 Howard L., 9 5JS Weeks •IJ I)r Witt C. 170 '()<> l"lt)rriuc' I'".. .1.^6 ■(i4 l-'rctinaii I. ..277 ■14 ( ;<•(.. W.. Jr.,.S()3 '12 (iracc Y., 170 •()«) Harnlil (',.. 136 •(W) lli-lrii F.. 107 •1.=; Margaret r,.,222 Wegener •'n. {•-.(Iwar.l I,.. 288 Weiant ■14 Andr.w S., 202 Weight •02 Krk- M.. 67 Weihe ■^'» Otto A., 286 Weil '*>/ Adolph L.. 35 •94 Henry A.. 25 Weiler •1)3 Alfred R.. n Weill •04 Blanche C. 87 •07 Irnia S.. 116 Weinburg ■14 Mrs. FranccsT,. 202 Weinek •93 Ladislas. 273 Weinlander •tl3 lOrdie. 11 Wcinmann •08 Louis R.. 301 Weir •08 Louetta E., 126 Weisinger •12 Nina L.. 1':)}, Weiss •05 Artlnir. 96 ■77 Edward M.. 278 •78 Thilip. 285 '10 Rosa. 147 Weissman "15 Henry. Ill Welch '14 Ellmore T.. 202 '12 Euiiene R.. 170 '13 Mrs. Eugene R. (see Maguire, 180) ALPHABETICAL ISnr.X [Weeks- Weymouth ■|() Ifarriet A., 147 •11 llarrv V.. 251 "11 Mrs. Harry V. (see Knulc. 150) '77 Joseph W., 5 •15 Richard J.. 222 •64 William P., 277 Welcome '16 Clifford W\, 312 Weldon •96 Clyde A.. 306 •84 Elmer J., 304 •13 W\va\\ J.. 185 '15 Mary (m. Shaeffer, see 219) Weldt '13 Amy M. (m. Hollinojs- worth), 185 Weldy •14 William E., 293 Welin '12 Albert ¥., 171 Wellborn '04 Olin, Jr., 87 Wellman '98 Ernest P.. 41 '98 Mary H., 41 Wellons '08 Ebb B., 126 Wells '11 Clarence E.,158 '10 L. Hope. 147 '10 Michael \V.,292 '10 William S.. Jr., 147 '08 Mrs. Wm.S.,Jr.. (see Marshall. 123) Welsh '12 Agnes B. (m. Harrison), 171 '97 Joseph A.. 313 Welts '12 Caroline V.. 171 Welty '97 Eugene E.. 299 '06 James W., 107 Wemple '03 Edna M. (m. McDonald). 77 '00 Emmet L.. 282 Wendell '15 Mary E., 222 •06 Matilda K., 107 Wendels '14 Maria A., 258 Wendt '06 Mrs. G. D. (see Boesch, 310) '16 Gustav H., 236 '04 Marion (m. Olncy), 87 Wendte '07 Freda A.. 116 Wentworth '10 Alarv M., 249 '88 W^illiam H., 15 Wentz '14 George C, 293 Wenzelburger '02 Annabel E. (m. Graupner), 67 Wenzlick '85 William, 296 Wepfer '05 Alfred \^, 96- '07 Mrs. Alfred V. (see Butler, 109) '07 Clara G., 116 '03 Flora B., 77 Werley '15 Ralph E.. 222 Werner '16 Oscar E., 236 '08 Selma (m. Abrams), 126 Wertz '78 Katherine M., 5 Wescott '07 Xina O. (m. Ferguson), 116 Weslar '00 Willard H.. 52 Wessel '04 Harry A., 290 Wessells '13 George M., 185 West '00 Fern E. (m. Shaw), 52 '10 Gifford B., 147 '12 Glenn. 302 '02 Herbert A., 67 '13 Judson R.. 185 '10 Rachel E., 147 '08 Richard F., 311 '06 Russell C. 310 '98 .Sidney V.. 41 Westbrook '16 Kath. H.. 2.36 '14 Virgil D.. 202 Westcott '00 Clyde M.. 52 Wester '08 Charle.s \V.. 126 Westerfeld '96 Carl, 299 Westergaard '10 Wald'r C. 249 Westlake '91 Leonard J.. 287 Weston '12 Albert M., 171 '88 Charles S., 304 '15 Hall, 312 '12 Helen G.. 171 '07 William B.. 116 Westphal '96 Edward W.. 306 'S7 Otto F.. 304 Wethern '12 Lydia F., 171 Wetmore '68 Charles A.. 1 '07 Chester. 246 '73 Clarence J.. 2 '04 Elizab'h S.. 87 '16 Frances A.. 237 Wetzel '05 Benton G.. 96 Weyand '01 William J.. 300 Weyer '99 Gustavus A..281 '91 same. 305 Weyl '99 Bertin A., 300 Weymouth '06 Alice X. (m. Wheeler). 107 '02 Chester A.. 67 '98 Clarence R.. 41 '10 Grace C. 147 Whaley-Wickman] ALPHABETICAL INDEX 529 Whaley '14 Guy v., 258 Wharff '90 Frcd'k L., 17 Wharton '05 Minnie, 96 '12 Rebecca G., 253 17 S. P., 278 Whealton '05 Hallie M. (m. Smith), 96 Wheat '12 George J., 171 '11 Mrs. George J. (see Burke, 148) Wheeler '03 Arthur S., 77 '15 Benj. W., 222 '84 Charles M.. 296 '84 Charles S.. 11 '12 Chas. S., Jr.,171 '13 Edna H., 185 '09 Elliott H., 136 '13 Florence L.,185 '06 Ira D.. 107 '06 Mrs. Ira D. (see Weymouth, 107) '79 John H., 7 '88 John T., 297 '98 Mrs. L. N. (see French. Z7) '98 Mildred M., 240 '92 Roscoe, 20 '96 Roswell S., 31 '97 Thomas R., 307 Wheelock '03 Raym'd P., 77 Whelan '08 Mrs. John L. (see Ahlers, 117) '15 Rcna, 222 '13 Will J., 185 Wherry '07 Edith M. (m. Muckleston), 116 Whidden '02 Ray A., 290 Whipple '13 Beulah E. (m. Smith), 185 '04 Mrs. Georg-e E. (see Field, 80) > '97 George H., 35 '96 Lou D. (m. McCrea), 31 '98 Marion C. (m. Garrettson),41 '14 Stephen C, 202 '16 Vera L., 237 Whisman '11 Henry S., 158 Whitacre '04 Aloses H., 290 Whitaker '07 Reginald E.,116 Whitam '04 Mrs. Edward (see Bixby, 78) Whitbeck '91 James L., 18 '87 Mrs. James L. (see Grover, 13) '15 Jo'phine L., 222 Whitby '82 George A., 295 Whitcher '15 Jean R. (m. Christie), 222 Whitcomb '77 Alice H. (m. Jones), 5 '78 Frank R.. 5 '98 Ralston, 41 White '07 Alfa B., 116 '01 Anna F. (m. Dibert). 60 '99 Arthur L., 308 '04 Carlos G., 87 '96 Caroline A. (m. Hollis), 31 '01 Chapman M., Jr., 308 '13 Charles K., 185 |08 Clyde B., 126 '05 Dagmar (m. Gaines), 96 '05 Earl D.. 96 '09 Eleanor M. (m. Smith). 136 '12 Emily v., 171 '10 Erwin O.. 147 '02 Fillmore. 309 '13 Mrs. Floyd C. (see Colvin, 174) '08 Francis A., 126 '95 Fred'k H., 306 '10 George C. 147 '08 George E., 126 '10 Grace P., 147 '15 Harold A., 222 '11 Hortense B..158 '01 Howard C, 60 '97 Howard J., 35 '02 Mrs. Ira C. (see Morgan, 65) '09 Irma. 136 '02 James E., 300 '88 James T., 279 '10 Mrs. Jane, 292 '04 Jerome B., 87 '93 Jessie R. (m. Hunter), 22 '05 J. Gustav. 96 '91 John H., 18 '01 John L.. 282 '13 Mrs. Lassira W., 185 '06 Louise F.. 107 '12 Mabel J., 171 '04 Margaret, 87 '00 Mark H., 52 '15 Marshall K.,222 '87 Mary (m. Hinton). 13 '13 Mary H., 185 '03 Olie (m. Jennings), 77 '11 Ralph A., 158 '13 Sherman A.,312 '03 Sister Mary Vincent, 290 '88 Thomas J., 286 '01 Vera (m. Henning), 60 '14 Vesta I.. 202 '11 Mrs. W'illiam (see Nolting, Addenda) '95 William B., 298 '00 William K., 53 Whited '98 Jesse M., 299 Whitehead '01 Louise H. (m. Colby), 60 '97 Rachelle D., 35 '04 Virginia, 87 Whitehill '02 Mrs. James B. (see Pratt, 66) Whitelaw '07 Dorsey G., 116 Whiteley '16 Bert C, 2^7 '05 Mrs. Bert C. (see W^ebb, 96) Whiteman '11 Oliver H., 292 Whiting '93 Eugene C, 287 '95 Randolph V., 298 Whitley '97 Annie, 35 Whitlock '01 Rolicrt G., 289 Whitman '11 Alfred R., 158 '14 Fannie M., 203 '06 Howard C, 107 '07 Julian C, 116 Whitmore '08 Mrs. Carl (see Edwards, 120) '09 Helen, 136 Whitmoyer '12 Clinton B., 253 Whitney '80 Arthur L.. 8 '04 Charlotte M. (m. Wedgwood), 87 '07 Dudley J.. 116 '99 Edward O., 308 '84 W^illiam B., 286 Whittell '7Z Alex. P., 277 Whittle '12 Albert L., 302 '83 Henry D., 296 Whitton '80 Mrs. A. K. (see Davis, 7) '10 Charles A., 147 Whitton '05 William W., 96 Whitworth '71 Fred'k H.. 1 "07 Mrs. H. W. (sec Busser. 109) '72 John AL, 2 Whyte '15 Florence. 122 Wickersham '82 iM-ank I".. 295 Wickman '83 William J.. 279 530 IIJ'IIABETICAL INDEX [Wickson-Willson Wickson •98 K.Im.iI. II. (111. Kcllv). 41 •().=? (iladvs {'.. 96 '10 (au-st. 147 '04 Ida R. (m. Tlioiiias), 87 '99 KatluTiiu- K.,47 Widber '89 .\lli.;ilstllS C, 16 Widenmann •().> W illiain \., n Widmer •14 Mar.;'t .M.. _'.=;8 Widney '00 r.. in Wieder •11 Cora H. I Ciii. P.ovyor). 158 i Wiel '98 Irviii J.. 299 | Wieland '04 Strlla M.. 87 •14 William A.. 203 Wieslander '14 Allurt !■:., 203 Wiester "03 AhiT S.. 95 Wiggin '67 Marcus P.. 1 •15 Marjorie L..222 Wigholm '05 Carl A.. 96 Wight '12 Clavtoii I.. 171 "^1 David. 285 '14 Karl H.. 203 '14 Mr.<;. Earl H. (sec Wood. 203) '12 Clon D.. 171 '09 Ralph H.. 136 '12 Samuel G.. 171 '12 \eva C. 171 ■04 Wilder. 87 Wightman *99 Emma (m. Tope"). 281 , '11 Mrs. George W. j (see Hotchkiss.152) Wigle •97 I'.ritlon I).. 299 •97 (iillicrt (i.. 299 Wigmore •98 Cyril. 41 •10 [,cslir W'.. 147 Wigton •03 Jean K. (m. Avery). 11 Wilbert '08 Martin H., 126 Wilbur •84 Clinton M., 296 Wilcox •11 Artemus D..158 '05 Edith M., 96 '13 Edith O.. 185 '04 Edson D.. 87 •15 Eloyd E.. 222 '11 Glenn A., 251 '04 John A., 87 '06 Mrs. John A. (see Wollenberg, 108) •15 Marion E., 222 •05 Sidney W.. 96 •94 Walter I., 305 •85 Wilhur J., 279 Wilcoxon '98 Caleb R.. 307 Wild '14 Mount K.. 271 Wilde •04 Edna (m. Brooks). 87 •15 Leslie. 222 Wilder ■08 Alvin D., 127 •00 Anna R.. 53 •12 Mrs. Beverlv B. (see Earl. 161) •94 Edwin M.. 25 "98 Francis A.. 41 •13 Stuart G., 185 Wildes '02 Maude F.. 67 Wiley '10 Bessie. 147 '15 Esmond F.. 222 '97 Harlev R.. 299 '11 Lcvlna M. (in. Kragcr), 158 Wilkes •94 I-'arrin^non, 280 Wilkie '06 Mrs. F. S. (see Cope, 99) Wilkins '03 Fred'k E., 309 •09 Hazel E. (m. Nobles), 136 '02 Xano L.. 309 '76 James H.. 4 '06 Ruth E., 107 Wilkinson •13 Dorothy, 186 '01 Ellen (m. Janssen), 60 '01 Elsie M. (m. Woodbury). 60 '99 Mrs. Frank T. (see McDonald, 45) '02 Ivy B.. 67 •87 John F., 13 '16 Lloyd E., 294 Will '16 Leona M., 237 Willard '96 Charles W., 299 '06 Dora S. (m. Youngs), 107 '08 Edna E., 127 '91 Emma. 239 •99 William P.. 281 Willcutt '79 George B., 7 Willett '12 Harry S.. 171 Willey '10 Samuel H.. 273 Williams '98 Alpheus F.. 41 '16 Arthur R.. 268 '15 Carl T., 222 '03 Carlos, 309 '91 Clara L., 35 I '91 Cora L., 18 ' '07 Corvdon B., 116 '00 Cyril, Jr.. 53 '82 Eben B., 295 '03 Mrs. E. J. (see Cross. 70) '10 Elsie G. (m. Sears), 147 ! '03 Ernest G., 309 '04 Evan, 87 '97 Mrs. E. W. (see Parker, 34) '14 Frank M., 203 '84 Frank R., 296 '65 Gardner F., 1 '98 George E., 288 '03 Georgia G. (m. Ward). 11 •16 Griffith R., 303 '97 Mrs. J. M. (see Webster, 35) '14 John C, 203 '99 John J., 308 •99 John T., 300 "15 Tunia, 222 '89 La'nce E., 286 •05 Lillian P., 96 '97 Lucy W. (m. Leete), 35 '01 Mabel L., 60 '13 Mary F., 186 '16 Myrtle. 263 '12 Pearle R., 253 '87 Robert L., 279 '09 Rolley F., 136 '03 Mrs. Seth (see Baily, 68) '15 Thomas J., 261 '02 Walter J., 282 '06 Wirt C, 291 Williamson '11 Alex. H., 158 '14 James G.. 203 '16 lean M. M.. 237 '85 Tohn M.. 279 '09 Laura A. (m. Woolsev). 136 '12 AIarshalfG..171 '08 Paul T., 127 '08 Talcott, 127 '04 Thomas, 87 11 W. T.. 278 Willis '93 Henry M.. 22 '97 Percival W.. 35 Willoughby '12 Gilbert, 171 Willows '07 Gertrude D.,246 Wills '13 Alfred A.. 186 '03 Clarence A.,283 '03 Mrs. C. A. (see Anderson, 68) '14 Eliz. M.. 203 Willson '06 Isabelle, 107 ^yilrn^r-Woo^^nn]__J4LPHAB^^ 331 Wilmar '13 Alvin H.. 313 '13 Earl V., 186 Wilsey '07 Mrs. M. W. (see Sliccr. Uo) Wilton '16 Effie M., 237 '14 Louis P., 203 Wiltshire '00 Mary G., 53 Wimp '12 Geor-e D.. 171 Wilson '16 Anita C. 237 '03 Bird M.. 301 '10 Bryant A., 147 '87 Catherine E. (m. Ruddock), 13 '98 Charles J.. 41 '15 Charlie W.. 268 '04 Emily M., 87 '03 Ethel M. (m. Falk), 77 '00 Flora, 53 '15 Frances H., 222 '13 Francis A.. 186 '12 Frank H.. 171 '12 Frank L.. 171 '05 Fred A., 291 '12 Fred'k W.. 311 '15 George H., 222 '10 George R., 147 '13 Gladys A. (m. Fender), 186 '95 Grace D. (m. Hutchinson).28 '15 Harold R.. 222 '08 Mrs. Harriet L., 127 '90 Henry L.. 17 '96 Homer M., 31 '01 Jay F.. 308 '03 John A.. 77 '12 John C. 313 '76 John N. E., 4 '86 Kemlo R., 279 '10 La'nce L., 147 '97 Louise S., 35 '02 Marion R.. 68 '96 Mary E., 240 '05 Mary E., 96 '08 Maude E.. 127 '00 Minnie R. (m. Olney), 53 '06 M. Genevieve, 108 '82 Mountford S.. 295 '11 Newell K., 311 '16 Seldon M.. 237 '05 Washington. 95 '16 William G., 237 •14 William J., 203 Winans '78 Joseph W., 5 Winchester '04 Helen A., 87 Windsor '75 William R., 3 Winegarden '15 Verne E., 222 Wing '16 James O., 294 '13 Robert L., 186 Winham '14 Xellic B., 203 Winkelman '02 Mrs. Melvin L. (see Thorpe, 67) Winkler '02 John. 68 '09 Louis F., 292 •16 Robert L., 294 | '89 Wallace A., 297! Wisecarver '14 Norma E. (m. Fleming). 203 '12 Robert P.. 171 '11 Mrs. Robert P. (see Suggett 157) '10 Thurman C.,147 Wiseman ! '13 Georgea A.. 186] Wissmann '15 Wilhclmina (ni. Yoakum, see 261) Witherow '14 Herbert C, 203 Withington '02 Mrs. Wilfred (see Jewett. 64) Witmer '00 John, 289 Wilt '07 Clara M. (m. Evans), 116 Winn '02 Myra (m. Daniels), Winnegar '12 Ray O., 292 WinsloviT '84 Mrs. A. C. (see Barbat, 286) '03 same. 282 '13 Burt. 186 Winsor '07 Thomas \V.,116 Winter '08 Caroline M..127 ] •92 Dr. 20 Winterer '15 Horace K., 222 Winton '85 Henry X., 279 Wise '00 Alex.. 53 '09 Harrv O.. 248 •03 James H., 77 •93 Matthew S., 287 Witt •14 Freeman C.,203 •15 Mark L.. 222 Wittenmyer '96 John L., 31 Witter '09 Dean G.. 136 '16 lean C, 237 '11 Margaret F.,158 Wittschen '10 Theodore, 302 Woemer '12 Carmelita B. (m. Piper). 171 Wolcott '10 Lester O.. 147 '10 Mrs. Lester O. (see Atherton. 137) '04 Sarah A.. 87 Wolf _ '94 Myron. 25 '00 Oscar. 53 '15 Rose E., 223 Wolfe '11 Coral L. E., 158 '11 Frederic A.. 158 '14 Rov. 303 '12 William D.. 171 Wolfenden •01 Andrew M.. 60 •99 Kalherine. 47 Wolff •12 Henry N.. 171 •10 Marcus D.. 302 1 Wolfsohn '10 Fred. 147 '05 Julian M., 96 Woll '15 Margaret L.,223 WoUenberg '06 Bertinc (m. Wilcox), 108 •94 Charles M.. 287 '08 Hanna (m. Eppinger). 127 '08 Harry L., 127 '05 Lillian S. (m. Jacobs). 96 '04 Natalie (m. Baum). 87 Wollner '01 Miriam M. (m. Cerf), 60 Womble '02 Lloyd A.. 68 Wong •13 Walter F.. 186 Woo •15 Moi L., 213 '08 Nae T.. 127 Wood '94 Charles C, 305 •09 Chester E.. 136 '99 Elizabeth. 47 '05 Elizabeth .\.. 96 •14 Emilv R. (m. Wight). 203 •03 Ernest E.. 77 •04 Mrs. Ernest E. (see Coddington, ^ 79) '13 Grace A., 186 '14 Harry H.. 203 '97 Martha (m. CaughlanK 3d '16 Mary O.. 237 •08 Mrs. Oswald R. (see Frv. 120) •81 Ralph K.. 295 '07 Reuben J.. 116 •97 Samuel A., 36 '15 Vcrna A.. 223 Woodburn '04 Bernice E. (m. JoiusK 87 5.^: ALPHABETICAL INDEX j^Woodburn-Yeazell Woodburn, (.'t'd •()_' Mrs. i:i\vood J. (soe Mouscr, 65) •10 Frederic L.. .302 •05 Rol.iTl C. % Woodbury •15 Amia. 22>? '01 Mrs. 1-. (.SCO Wilkinson, 60) Woodcock •14 IM.^ar, 20.? I j Woodford [ •04 Katlu-rine L.,87 , Woodhams 'SS M.itiricc .S., 15 Woodhead '1.1 Katlmriiu', 186 Woodin '14 llarinco F., 203 Woodland •96 Essie P... 31 Woodman •11 Allis.iii M., 158 '10 Mad-c. 147 Woodruff •16 Funis C. 237 •05 Hazel M.. 96 Woods •09 Baldwin M.. 248 •07 Carrie J.. 117 •13 Charles F.. 186 •02 Grace E. (ni. Loomis), 68 •96 Mrs. Harry (see Feder. 281) •85 Jo^phine W..279 '15 Lois M., 223 •16 Ruth C. 2^7 Woodson '11 Cecil .\.. 292 Woodward '09 Mrs. E. D. (see Menihan. 133) '16 Gertrude B..237 'S7^ Millard F.. 297 '73 Thomas P.. 2 •Q8 Walter C. 247 Woodworth •^^4 Marsliall B..298 "15 Wendell A.. 223 Woolery '15 William K., 261 Woolf '03 Ani!)rose W.. 290 Wooll •08 Charlotte, 127 •11 Florence E.,158 Woolner •16 Marsliall F.,237 Woolsey '03 Auduhon J., 77 •03 Mrs. A. J. (sec Priestley, 75) •09 Mrs. Carl C. (see Williamson, 136) '95 Chester H., 28 '95 Edna B. (m. Prouty). 28 '00 Eugene G., 308 '08 Frances S. (m. Robson), 127 '16 Harold B., 237 '12 John H., 171 '80 Kate F. (m. Slack), 8 '95 Philip S., 28 '01 Roy I., 308 _ Wooster '85 David, 279 Wootten '97 Mrs. Frank B. (see Gregory, 33) Work I '11 George A., 158 Worley '93 Alfred L.. 298 '10 Elizabeth J.,147 '02 Henry E., 300 Wormser '16 Dorothy. 237 Worth '91 Thomas R.. 287 Worthen •16 Gcortre W., 271 '11 Lucy E., 158 Worthington '13 Dale B.. 186 •98 Jean L (m. Bennett^ 307 Wrenn •06 Joseph T., 283 Wright •07 Albert E., 117 '01 Alice B., 60 '97 Ben F., 36 '01 Brooke M., 300 '11 Gary T., 251 '03 Charles L, 269 '02 Charles X., 68 '09 Christine (m. Raynsford),136 '06 Clara B., 108 '16 Edward P., 237 '15 Ella A., 223 '14 Ernest M., 203 '07 Ethel E. C. (m. Peek), 117 '07 Flora A., 117 '90 Fred'k W., 17 '99 George A., 300 '76 George T., 4 '96 Mrs. George W. (see Mitchell, 30) '14 Gladys E., 203 '94 Harry M., 25 '11 Harry N., 251 '16 Helen M., 237 '07 Helen R., 117 '94 Henry E., 280 '13 James B., 186 '08 Jay L., 127 '16 Lewis L., 237 '07 Lily (m. McKay), 117 '16 Lorena M., 237 '03 S. Bruce. 77 '06 Mrs. S. Bruce (Venning), 108 '07 Wallace N., 117 '91 W^illiam A., 18 '13 William C, 312 '93 William H., 22 Wroth '06 James S., 108 Wuerth '10 Harry C, 147 Wulzen '87 Dietrich H.,286 '04 Rosalind, 87 Wurts '14 Aldis H., 203 Wyatt '13 Fred S., 186 '75 John O., 3 Wybro '04 Tessie M.. 88 Wyckoff '02 Edna F. (m. Mosher). 68 '96 Hubert C, 31 '96 Mrs. Hubert C. (see McDonnell, 30) '14 Stephen N., 203 Wylie '03 Ethel E.. 77 '67 James, 272 Wyllie '16 Mabel. 237 '15 Oliver C, 223 Wymore '89 George H., 307 Wyneken '06 Friedrich A..108 Wynne '04 Edith \V.. 88 '11 Edward C, .302 Wyrick '12 Harrison L.,171 Wythe '02 Alice B., 68 '08 Fred'k S., 302 '97 Kate G., 36 '10 Marg't W., 147 '95 Willson J., 28 Yager '78 John G., 5 Yamamoto '96 Shinjiro. 31 Yanagisawa '98 Una Y. (m. Ova), 41 Yarnell '03 Esther L., 77 Yarrow '15 Sidney R., 261 Yates '11 Bessie (m. High). 158 '12 Edna L., 171 '12 Harry S., 171 '12 Mrs. Harrv S. (see Weber, 170) '05 Jennie O. (m. Sanders). 96 Yeazell '95 Harry A.. 28 Yelland-Zumwalt]^ ALPHABETICAL INDEX 533 Yelland '15 Robert. 223 '84 Mrs. W. A. (see Sherman, 279) '13 William R., 186 Yerxa '00 Mrs.^C. W. (see Kelsey, 50) '14 Max X., 203 Yoakum '15 Mrs. F. E. (Wissmann), 261 Yocom '16 Harry B.. 263 '04 William E., 88 Yordi '98 Alfred H.. 299 York '92 John T., 297 Yoshimi '06 Masashi. 245 Yoshisawa '11 Kojiro, 158 Yost '14 Charles Z., 203 '15 Harold H., 223 '09 Paul K.. 136 Youmans '99 Helen E., 47 Young '13 Renj. W., 293 '07 Mrs. Bertram K. (see Hogan, 111) '05 Charles E., 310 '92 Clement C, 20 '00 Cora B., 53 '16 Edmund J.. 237 '06 Edna E.. 108 '81 Edward B.. 295 '99 Edward L., 47 '10 Eliz. F.. 147 '96 Estelle M., 31 '03 Ethel A.. 78 '16 Eva R., 237 '03 Florence H. (m. Hallon). 78 '14 Frank'n W.. 293 '81 George A., 295 '99 George J., 47 '04 Mrs. George J. (see Atterbury. 78) '04 George S.. 88 '03 Grace A. (m. Stewart), 78 '12 Guy S., 292 '07 Harry S., 301 '08 Helen M. (m. Farmer), 127 '11 Henry N., 158 '08 Mrs. James R. (see Allen. 117) '16 Jennie, 237 '15 Jessica M., 261 '03 Joseph R., 309 '81 Junius D., 278 '15 Leona E., 223 '03 Mabel M. (m. Murray), 78 '13 Max, 186 ' "13 Oliver W., 186 '15 Percival, see Addenda '12 Reynold, 266 '10 Mrs. Reynold (see Aitken, 137) '05 Robert J., 310 '98 Mrs. RoI)ert J. (see Robb. 40) '03 Roy J., 78 '16 Ruth B.. 237 '04 Samuel S., 88 '97 Stella E. (m. Henderson), ?i6 '82 Wilfred M., 285 Youngberg '08 Chester \\'.,127 Younger '69 Alex. I.. 277 '79 Edward A.. 278 Younglove '03 Alice, 243 '98 Emma, 241 Youngman '14 William H., 203 '09 Mrs. Wm. H. (see Hunt, 131) Youngs '04 Oliver, Jr., 88 '06 Mrs. Oliver, Jr. (see Wiliard. 107) Yousabu '14 Ogawa, 203 Zacher '14 Friedarika (m. Barkley), 203 Zander '13 Gordon, 186 '08 Mattie W. (m. Bell), 127 Zaniboni '10 Amelia A., 147 Zartman '04 Zoe L. (m. Lamberson),88 Zavalla '13 Juste P., 186 Zeidler '12 Richard, 2S2> Zeile '91 Eugene J., 18 '78 Fred'k W^, 5 '98 John, 41 '14 John E., 203 Zeitfuchs '12 Edward H., 171 '09 Emil A., 136 Zellerbach '13 Julian D., 186 '98 Rose (m. Rosenthal), 41 Zelt '16 Helen F., 237 Zemansky '78 Joshua H.. 285 Zeyn '89 Gustav C. 279 Ziebolz '11 Julius O., 158 Zimelli '01 Maurice J.. 289 Zimmerman '16 Burnice R., 237 Zinn '14 Clco J., 203 Zinns '01 Otto C, 60 Zion '14 James R., 203 Zipf '12 John P., 171 Zobel '01 Handel H., 300 Zoller '15 Martin L., 223 Zook '01 Edgar T., 60 '11 Mrs. Edgar T. (see Slack, 156) Zoph '07 Xorman M..117 Zschockelt '08 Carl (',.. 127 Zuber '08 Augusta, \17 Zumwalt '98 Fred'k H.. 288 '02 same. ZB^l '06 Reuben S., 283 Without Addresses Without Addresses Bachelors 1866 Townsend. Clarence F. 1871 Learned. Charles Burke 1876 Chamberlain. William Henry Hardy, William Frank 1879 Cole, Marie Delia 1880 Gray, John Plesent 1881 Fisher, Leonard Carrington 1882 Levy, Samuel M. 1884 Shaw. Harriet Levantia (Mrs. A. B. Taynton) 1886 Chapman. Alice Levy. Harriet Lane 1887 McXeeley. Ella Caroline 1888 Murphy. Mayella ( i. 1889 Jory, Henry James McLean. !Mary Elizabeth Mendelson. Aaron Louis Murphy. Francis Daniel 1890 Jenkins. Jabez Arthur Mack, Arthur Fisher Ramsdall. Ada Hope 1891 Michener. Charles ( lerald Miller. William Tenn. Jr. 1892 Agnew, Elizabeth ( )live Pait. Albert Clinton Stone, George Frederick 1893 Bradshaw, Ethel Rebekah (Mrs. McCann) Deacon, Frank Clark Spooner, ^lary Ella 1894 Brewer, Robert Lee Dean, Frances Almira Handsaker. John Theodore Uribe, Enrique 1895 Escobar, Mario Magario, Tatsuniro Quinton, Margaret Anne Shaw. Eugenia Louise Turner. Arthur Cephas 1896 Argall, Frank Blanchard. Elizabeth Walker. Gilbert Stoddard 1897 Harwood. Helen Louise Hockabout. Erie Gosling Hupp, William Irving Knall, Ida Amalia (Mrs. Robert .Ash ton) Rodgers, Samuel Russell 1898 Barron. Emma Geraldine Cross, George Lyon Geis, Silas Wright Hall. William Pudan, Herbert W'iiatmough Stewart. Roderic Sanderson West, Sidney \'attell 1899 Bowden. P>clle ( Mrs. !•. K. Jenks) Burdick. Allan Corey Harris, Elma ^L Ileyman. Olga Hoo])cr. Burt I'2verett Kurtz. Texaina Tyler Mogcau. Isabella (Mrs. Hugh H Hcrdman. Jr.) 53S WITHOUT ADDRESSES [Bachelors Nash. Ltivoni.i Kay Kniiiic-, iMhd I'.valyn riionias. Cliark'S Ivlward \ancc. Xc'Hic Vr.itii<,', lOlwanl Livingstone 1900 l*..nuluT, Minnie I-^lizabcth I'.rown. J()sci)h Rodney Do Lisle, God fray IL-msen, Carl Sophus Harris, Mary Victoria Ernst (Mrs. Charles B. Smith) Ilaswcll, William Clark Hay, John James Alexander Klenck. Virginia Xason Laiiiont, Ellen Cameron Longmore, Gertrude (Mrs. C. H. Butncr) Machado, Dolores Eleuteria (Mrs. John B. Barrow) Tracy, Edwin Henry Westcott, Clyde Merrill Wilson. Flora 1901 Britt. Harley Sargent Carlson, Carl Laurence Carpenter. Lewis Eugene De Lashmutt. Ivan lunersnn. Thomas Henry Hill, Margaret Frances Johnston. Katherine Courtenay Love. Hugh McCaskey Xewham, Frances Pearce. Jackson Andrew Peters. Louise Marie Russell, Eleanor Mary (Mrs. William O. Hughes) Soares, John Stanislaus Specht. Richard Charles Tanahe. Taichi Thornton, Margaretta Louise Troili, Margaret (Mrs. George B. Campbell) \\ hite, Anna Frances (Mrs. Philip C. Dibert) 1902 .Mbertson. William Burt Bcrtels. Chancellor Nelson Bishop. Edward Francis Bowman, Bonfield Boy en, Dorothy (Mrs. A. R. Thompson) Burns, Herbert Alexander Childs, Harold Melville Falck. Lily (Mrs. Edwin H. .Andrews) Fitts, Margaret Louise Fowler, Hardiman Hart, Mrs. Agnes Needham Hendricks, Bertha (Mrs. R. B. Runyon) Hutton, Bertha Knapp, Rolland Edwin Lanktree, Maud Houston Mery, Mabel Leonore (Mrs. \\'. A. Luey) Nakano, Chickara Rennie, Edith Helena Rowlands, Christopher Henry Tamura, Seiichi Masataka 1903 Barrv, Corinne (Mrs. D. J. O'Connor) Goldman, George Haines, William Barre Johnston, Marie Louise Kierski, Hattie A. (Mrs. Milton Steinway) King, Nellie Frances Koethen, Mrs. Jean Aldrich McBoyle, Erie Morrissey, Thomas Edward Ryan, Fred Short Schoenfeld, Laurence Simpson Sessions, Bessie Marianna (Airs. T. ^r. Pawley) Spadoni, Adriana Steele, Rachel Laurena (Mrs. R. W. Shoemaker) Stevenson, Carrie Louisa (Mrs. T. K. Smith) Sullivan, Ella Josephine Ticknor, Gertrude Esther Walker, ]\Iay Elizabeth 1904 Barstow, Clara Grace Bayley, Ethel iNIyrta (Mrs. Hardiman Fowler) Burk, Pearl Helene Etchison, Mrs. Gertrude Bachelors] WITHOUT ADDRESSES 539 Evans, Edith Rutherford (Mrs. H. B. Waters) Fudita, Sadazi Gregory, Xorman Claude Henderson, Raymond William Howe, Helen Eliza Kautenberg, Theresa (Mrs. C. F. Sechrist) IMason, Winfield Scott Morrison, Harold Arlow Mott, William \\'arner Sakai, Yasudiro 1905 Bishop, Leo Delvin Bradford, Alma Beatrice (Mrs. J. B. Ward) Davidson, Winn William Davis. Lewis Jenness Day, IMary Cynthia Frazer, Elizabeth Gillson, George Blaine Grainger. Adelaide Orpha Hawley, William Everett Isham, Ida Gertrude Kierulff, Arthur Wallis Levasier. Lulu McCray. Irwin Daniel ]\IcPhetrcs. Daniel Morten Noon, \'iola Ellen (Mrs. Currier) Rice, Candvce Ella (Mrs. H. W. Albee) Selig, Amy Smalhvood, Claude Solomon, Laurence Spalding, Raymond Stout, Minnie Lee Wiester, Aber Stowe Wilcox, Edith Mary 1906 Adams. \\'illiam Sewall Allen, Eric Reece Armstrong, James William Arnold, Charles Everard Badger, Richard Saltonstall Rartlett, Arthur Wayland Basham, William Ednuuid Bristol, Clare Annette (Mrs. I. \V. Fish) Clark, Helen ]\lartha (Mrs. L. I. Denton) Cohen, Birdie Farris, William Filcher, Roy Melton Grant, Catherine (Mrs. J. H. Hadley) Grant, Eleanor Hampshire, Edna Druella May Hansen, Alfred Kubo, Hiroshi Mathews, Harold Pierce McKesson, Eldred Celian Meader, Clara Florence O'Leary, Gertrude Genevieve Ross, Bertha May Taizon, Antonio Manuel Thomas, Mary Eola \\"ilkins, Ruth Elinor 1907 Bartlett, Lawrence Belknap. John Bishop. Hiram Xelson Friedlander, Otto Albert Hargrave, Charles Leroy Holm, Hans Christian Hughes. John Edward Meredith, Ethel Annette Morse, Douglass Howell Neely, Gertrude Estelle (Mrs. George Schweikart) Owens, Robert Manfred Sullivan, Clarke V'an Horn, Marion Bell Woods, Carrie Josephine 1908 Browning, De Witt Cady, Vernon Mosher Campbell, Ethel Chope, Hazel Clark, Frank Everett Clark. Lester Alma Creider, Olive Mary Graham, Leo Daniel Grant, Laurence Herbert Gray, Annie (Mrs. John Shannon) Grey. Edith Montgomery Head. Lilian Marv ('Mrs. .\. W. Keith) Hewes. Charles Edward Taensch. Cora Helen 540^ |,.lmson. Charles Kdnumd kcitl), AyliiKT Wylic l.fwis. Milfs Karl Martin. Ann Lonisc MaviT. IlcrlKTt Hart Mc'LoUKliIin. Kali)h HilUorn Mitzinain. Maurice Bruin Tattcrson. Aimcc Elberta Rice. John Roscoe .Simpson, \cra Nanette 1909 P.rcnvne. Kher Glenn Hull. Mabel Xorris I ekes, Eugene Law Xelson, Oscar Okitsu. Takeshi Rohson, Robert Gordon Tadlock. Orval Clark Tripp. Mildred Williams, Rollcy Franklin 1910 r.elknap. Roy Rider Bell. William Constantine Both, Orla Carr, Chauncey Theodore Cushnian. Dexter Allerton Das. Jyotish Chandra I'.duards. Mabel Wright Elliott. Elizabeth Rae Gerson, George David Jacobs, Belle Beryl Jones, Burle Jackson Kelly, Lucile Bundy Lee, Jessie Lewis. John Chisholm Xorthcroft. James Eraser Suther Owyang. Kee Robinson. Charles Atwood Schwanenflugel. Knud Snyder. Edwin Lewis 1911 Bagley. Earle Melver Cotterill. George William Cropper, Erancis Malcolm Davies. Robert Geiser Engle. >L-irgaret Estell Fox. Charles Adin Gordon. Wallace Hart. Samuel Alexander Heindl. Alexander Jaroslav WITHOUT ADDRESSES [Bachelors Holbrook, George Thomas Levy, Cecil Viola Morse, Henry Eastman North. Alfred Chandler Rogers. F^annic Manley Sheppard, Lucinda Sue Spasoff, Ida Mansfield Steele, Effa Mae von der Nienburg, Bertha 1912 Barnett, Earl Desmond Bartlett. Bertha Elsie Chandler, Winifred Goodrich Chang, Tsoo-Zung Christman, Paul W^illiam de Normandie, Harold Fredericks, Harry Laurence Hickox, Maude Eva Martine, Ella Mary Menzel, Eda Noddin, Ralph Ernest Peterson. Amanda Edith Rae. Colin Campbell Roller, Frank Albert Schroeder, Walter Hugo Sherman, Robert Stanton Thompson, Percy William W^alker, Edwin Scott Welts, Caroline Virginia W' ight, Samuel Gerrit 1913 Clark. Doris Keziah Coryell, Clyde Wilford Dolson. Camille Gans Gilbert, Ramon Augustus Harthan, Hans Hiller, Hazel Heloise Hoobler, Hal Rexford Hughes. Edgar Ludwig McKay. Robert James Nielsen, Fred Austin Powell. Louise Cutts Sherwood, Clara i\nne 1914 Asakura, Shigetake Bauer, Herbert Frank Couch. Elsie Dartt, Rena May Fong. Kim Poon Isaacs, Irwin Mayo Bachelors-AIasters] WITHOUT ADDRESSES 541 Kable, George Wallace Fryer, Charles ^lorel Lee, Harry Harrison Harris, Edna Rose Love, Stella Grace Langworthy, Lester Raymond ^lacColl, Douglass Roy Lombardi, Joseph Augustus Martinetti, Albino Martin, Lois Prentiss McPike, George \'ardeman Meyerovitz, Max Schion, Eleanor Xemes, Boldizsar Scott, Ella Elizabeth Potts, William Lambert Smith, Frank Morse Rinehart, Martha Evelyn Dott Smith, Owen Benton Stephenson, Alice Stack, Frank Lawrence Werley, Ralph Emerson Suzuki, Hanza Whyte, Florence Weinburg, Mrs. Frances Toor Wilton, Louis Phelps 1916 Zinn, Cleo Jack Doyle, Alfred M. Montgomery, Victor 1915 Xevin, Lowrie Baird Clark, Walter Enoch Ordway, William Floyd Cleeves, Montague Stone, George Eathl Masters 1891 W illard, Emma 1893 Simmonds, Arthur Beaman 1895 Cook, Ella INIinerva Larsen, William Ferdinand May, Margarita Britton 1898 Gallagher, John Joseph Jones, Samuel Percy 1899 Reed, ^linnic Taylor, IMaud Marion 1902 Fort, Henry Xishikawa, Kotaro Ramsey, Horace Martin Sage, Emile 1903 Koda, Kisatsuchi 1904 Liddle, ]\Irs. Carrie Walker 1905 Bagley, Ruth Gertrude 1906 Bonnet, Francois Gladfelter, William Burtner Stone, Charles Henry Howard Yoshimi, Alasashi 1907 Alexander, Emmet Gerald Magown, Florence Xettie Reed, Clarence 1908 Kelsey, Rayner Wickersham Woodward, Walter C. 1909 Dodds, Calvin Stewart Johnson, Riley Oren Merrill, Ray March Olson, Adolph John Richardson, Faith Harrington Sherwin, Melvin Ernest Spangler, Glen Harwood 1910 Caceres, Simon Xovelo Farrar, Roscoe Heath, \'eta Evangeline 1911 Birckner, Victor Brown, Bliss S. Brown, Mabel Elizabeth Dryer. Mabel Elizabeth Jones. Alice Martin Kerr. Paul McDowell Rasor, Alpha Permelia 542 Suychiro. Asajiro Tracy. Ilciiry Chester Wek'li. Harry X'aleiitiiie 1912 Imisc. S»irrn i" liihcr, P. !•:. (liroux. I'", n. Hill, li. s. Ilagan, Miss Henrietta McGuirc, \V. G. Trow. \. r. ' 1904 1900 I'.rown, D. W. Waits liM'. 1901 1905 Reeve, 0. C. Madscn, R. H. Moroiit:;. 1". i- 1914 S.'inlxini, l'. ( 1. Abljott, L. C. 1902 1 IciulcrsDii. v. R. 1915 Lensiiian, P. A. Clapp. G. A. California College of Pharmacy 1877 1888 rurra.t^h. J. M. Flint, G. E. 1879 1889 Messing. L. P. Bowen. C. P. Morgan, H. F. 1880 1890 Dubois, P. A. Keefe. I. T- 1881 Link. V. A. Dewitt. T. M. 1891 Elwert. C. P. Collin, F. J. Donaldson, J. G.. 1882 Gibson, AL R. Ball. R. L. Grossman, E. L. Tudson, R. H. Newman, F. H. Tryon. J. W. Prosser, S. S. 1883 1892 Rilcv. P. H. Cogswell, F. L. Wall. H. A. Hawkes, R. H. Taneck, F. L. 1884 Stock, W. S. Ball. H. A. Wecksler, Paul Krausc, F. L. 1893 1885 Avers. \\-. W. Davis, W. J. Chapman, C. A. Dorranco. R. G. Folkers, O. H. Mayer. O. J. Hedrick, W. M. Pat'ton. \V."t. Hirst, C. P. SkiUins. II.'lI. McKenny, W. B. Parker. Scollay 1886 Hughes. S. F. 1894 Bandel, E. F. 1887 Conlon. F. J. Logan. M. IT. France. W. }iL Seifert, C. A. Potter. F. L. Pharmacy-Hastings] WITHOUT ADDRESSES 545 1895 Bayly, C. A.. Jr. Duncan, F. T. Hawkins, G. W. Urunuela, X. R. 1896 Hanlon, E. R. Kiely, E. A. Minstrell. G. W. Parr, Mrs. A- M. Scholl, Otto 1898 Beauchanip, H. H. Otto, W. H. Williams. G. E. 1899 Christal, Mrs. M. E. Cory, I. H. Fowler, E. M. 1900 1901 Bocher, J. M. Enright,";. W. J. 1902 Blackburn. F. J. Hansen, A. G. Moltzen, W. F. A. Rust, I\Iiss M. C. 1903 Irvine, D. \V. Xolan, Miss Katherine Scott, E. L. 1904 1905 Morris, Frank Redmond, C. H. 1906 Cuneo, A. L. MacGilvray, E. H. 1907 Stevenson, R. M. Martin, E. F. 1908 1909 Hudson, Miss B. P. E. McNeil, A. T- Both, \V. T. 1910 1911 Dunn, Miss ^\. F. Mowrv. \\'. T. Fong, K. O. Good, J. W. Wilkinson, L. E. 1916 Hastings College of the Law 1881 Lucas, T- H. Marshall, F. C. Moore, C. H. Touchard, Gustavc, Jr. Wood, R. K. 1882 Adams, H. L. Arnold, M. H. Burnett, L G. Cutler, E. B. Lewis, T. W. Marks, "g. W. Stranahan, F. E. 1883 Barton, W. T. Kcllev, I. P. 1884 Abraham. Isadore McC\abe, E. D. Price. H. F. Tavlor, A. C. Williams. 1-. R. 1885 Baker, J. L. Collins, G. D. 546 HJIJIUUI ADDRESSES [Hastings 1886 SrliwilUTs. I.. I >. Shradcr. I. 1 .. Sti'Vfiis, \\ . \\ . I>. (libsoii. Riiliartl l.iK-llrr, M. (i. I lionipMHi. I.. I'" llrrrii-k. II. S. Smilh, j. I\. 1887 1889 1890 liikiTsk-v. Arlluir 1891 Smith. E. du B. Tiioiupson, W. L. I'ohin, II. A. loiics, C. \V. 1892 1894 Berglund. Abraham Coffer. J. E. McKiiijiht, J. IT. (Juiglcy, C. E. 1895 ()"Halloran. J. W. Roltinson, T. G. .Smyth. C. W. 1896 r.r.idlord, H. S. Sullivan, S. L. Triimho, H. T. 1897 nonncllv. 1). L. l-.aton. 6. V. (irccnbaum, B. F. Hills. S. R. Joseph. Lionel Page, R. K. Tavlor, F. P. WiMtv. E. E. Wiglc. B. D. Wigic, G. G. Church, H. E. Tohin, E. P. 1898 1899 Craig, J. A. Feigcnl)aum, San ford Smith, \V. i!. Wright, C. A. 1900 Doyle, W. T. S. Griffiths, Walter Chandler, C. S. Douglass, J. \V. Wright, B. M. 1902 Harris, Miss Josephine Moore. G. H. Poorman, Samuel, Jr. Worley, H. E. 1901 David, Claribel Gaffey, W. V. 1903 1906 Barr, W. G. McCroskey, J. jVI. Scott, Miss V. M. Loeb, C. G. Laing, S. L. Davie, H. A. Howell, F. S. Patterson, A. F. Peterson, F. C. Conlon, T. P. McDonald, T- F. O'Keefe, P."l. Heck, R. F. Connollv, f. E. 1907 1908 1910 1911 1913 1914 1915 1916 Dental-L. A. Medical] WITHOUT ADDRESSES 547 Hibbard, C. \\'. Sichel, G. W. Nicol, Robert Couret, H. L. Givovich, N. A.. Erhardt, P. C. Griswald, C. L. Miles, A. D. E. Parr, E. F. Jewell, W. S. 1882 1884 1886 1890 1892 1893 1894 1895 College of Dentistry 1898 Atkins, J. H. Beers, Miss M. L. Estes, W. B. Pratt, A. C. W'alden, W. A. Brun, L. E. Coleman, R. C. Singleton, W. E. 1896 Clark, W. X. Hawley, A. H. Hilliard, S. W. McXutt, R. B. Sawyer, Miss A. M. (Mrs. A. M. Sturgis) 1897 Jones, P. C. Raymond, G. W. Scott, Miss F. E. Allin, W. R. 1899 Caceres, Eduardn Ohhara, T. H. 1900 Betterton, E. L. Espinosa, Martin Rinckel, E. J. Cox. G. E. Dunbar. E. P. 1901 1903 1904 Balzarini, C. E. Brown, Albert Olwell. William Cbarles Walton, W. M. Donoboe, S. T. Patterson. R. V Galan, T- R. 1907 1909 1911 Ichiasbi, Umabiko 1916 Bingaman. L. R. Carmicbael, H. G. Marsball. T- A. Ran. G. T. Los Angeles Medical Department 1910 Sten^er, J. W. 1911 Tarbell. Miss G. W. ^^'eddle, W. E. 1912 Sbank. C. E. 1913 Bowman. K. M. 548 // 'I'niOUr ADDKI'-SSIIS [Miscellaneous California Veterinary College 1899 Carrnll, T. IC. I Murray. J. M. Summary Of the number of graduates for whom no address is recorded. In tlio Berkeley (Upartiiicnts — Bachelors ^52 Masters ^02 Doctors of Philosophy 6 Graduates in I'uhlic Health Juris Doctors 2 Graduates in Architecture - 462 In the San Francisco and Los Angeles departments — Medical School 79 California College of Pharmacy 85 Hastings College of the Law 85 College of Dentistry 46 Los Angeles Medical Department — 5 College of Veterinary Science 2 302 Honorary Graduates 4 Total 768 Statistics General Summary Sliiiwiiif; the iiuMil)fr of men and women who have received degrees from llie University of California Bachelors Class Men Women Totals Class Men Women Totals Forward 1647 839 2486 1804- KSWJ 258 22 280 1903 196 169 365 1881-1890 265 64 329 1904 165 210 375 1891 49 5 54 1905 159 170 329 1892 42 17 59 1906 219 197 416 1893 53 17 70 1907 182 144 326 1894 60 35 95 1908 196 190 386 1895 73 36 109 1909 197 151 348 1896 87 46 133 1910 237 166 403 1897 94 64 158 1911 231 176 407 1898 125 91 216 1912 283 201 484 1899 120 86 206 1913 333 211 i 544 1900 135 86 221 1914 374 270 644 1901 130 146 276 1915 420 329 749 1902 156 124 280 1916 358 270 1 628* Foncard 1647 839 2486 Totals- 5197 3693 8890 'Not including graduates of December, 1916. Graduate School and Outlying Departments Degree Men Women Totals Dept. Men Women Totals Masters 577 499 1076 S-F.Medical 752 78 830 Ph.D. 133 15 148 Pharmacy 905 49 954 J.D. 115 9 124 Law 923 18 941 C.r. P.H. 4 1 5 Dentistry 828 32 I 860 (.r. Arch. 6 6 Vet. Sci. 10 10 Honorary 58 58 L.A.Medical 40 8 48 Totals 893 524 1 ' 1417 Totals 3458 185 3643 Recapitulation Men In the Berkeley departments: Bachelors — 5,197 Higher Degrees— 893 In tin- .>. F. and L. A. Departments: Combined Colleges — 3,458 Grand Totals 9.548 Women 3.693 524 185 4.402 Totals 8,890 1,417 3,643 13.950 Distribution by States, Territories and Foreign Countries United States and Insular Possessions Alabama • • 1 Alaska 32 Arizona 55 Arkansas 1 California 9,816 Canal Zone 1 Colorado 24 Connecticut 12 Cuba 2 Delaware 6 District of Columbia 61 Florida 3 Georgia 4 Hawaiian Islands 64 Idaho 36 Illinois 64 Indiana 13 Iowa 21 Kansas 12 Kentucky 3 Louisiana 5 Maine 1 Maryland 17 Massachusetts 75 Michigan 22 ^Minnesota 10 Missouri 18 Montana 32 Nebraska 3 Nevada 110 New Hampshire 1 New Jersey 31 New Mexico 17 New York 159 North Carolina 3 North Dakota 2 Ohio 21 Oklahoma 9 Oregon 166 Pennsylvania 36 Philippine Islands 36 Porto Rico 1 Rhode Island ... 4 South Carolina South Dakota . Utah Texas \'ermont Virginia Washington . . . West \'irginia . \\'isconsin . . . . Wyoming 40 24 2 3 152 2 19 9 Foreign Countries Africa, South Africa, West Argentine Republic Australia Austria Brazil . Burma Canada Chile China Chosen Colombia Costa Rica Denmark Dutch East Indies , Ecuador , England France Germany Guatamala India Italy Japan Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Peru Roumania Russia 11,275 15 2 10 7 1 2 1 40 4 69 7 6 3 1 1 1 26 7 8 3 15 1 28 28 7 6 1 3 1 6 552 DISTRIBUTION BY STATES, etc. Distribution by States, etc. — Concluded Snlvador ' Si-oilaml 1 Slain 1 Spain 4 Straits Settlement 1 Switzerland 1 Tasmania . . 1 Turkey-in-Asia 1 327 Summary The United States and Insnlar Possessions.... 11,275 Foreign Countries 327 Without addresses 768 Deceased 880 13,250 To correct, for names appearing more than once on account of a double address entry, deduct 544 Total 12.706 Distribution Alameda. Cal 166 Alturas. Cal 6 Anaconda. Mont 7 Anaheim, Cal 12 Anderson. Cal 9 Angels Camp. Cal 5 Ann Arbor, Mich 7 Antioch. Cal 11 Areata. Cal 17 .\uburn. Cal lU Auckland. X. Z 5 Hakerstield, Cal 41 Raltimore, Md 13 Helvedere, Cal 8 Benicia. Cal 11 Berkeley, Cal 1.770 Berlin, Germany 6 Bishop, Cal 12 Boise, Idaho 5 Boston. Mass 13 Brentwood. Cal 6 Brookline. Mass 5 Brooklyn. X. V 10 Burlingame. Cal '>'> by Cities Butte. ]\lont 8 Calcutta, India 5 Calexico, Cal 9 Cambridge. Mass 30 Canton. China 6 Carmel, Cal 5 Carson, Nev 9 Ceres. Cal 5 Chicago, 111 34 Chico, Cal 41 Claremont. Cal 8 Coalinga. Cal 8 Colton, Cal 9 Colusa, Cal 16 Concord, Cal 18 Corning, Cal 8 Corona. Cal 5 Corte iMadera. Cal. ' 5 Corvallis, Ore 6 Covina, Cal 14 Crescent City. Cal 11 Crockett. Cal 10 Davis, Cal 16 Denver, Colo 9 DISTRIBUTIOX BY CITIES 553 Detroit, Mich 6 Dinuba, Cal 14 Dixon, Cal . . 17 Donner, Cal 11 Dos Palos, Cal 5 Dunsniuir, Cal 8 East Auburn, Cal 16 El Cajon, Cal 5 El Centro, Cal . . 7 Elk Grove, Cal 5 Elko, Nev 5 El Monte. Cal 5 El Paso, Tex 7 Esparto, Cal 5 Etna Mills, Cal 8 Eugene, Ore 7 Eureka, Cal 46 Exeter, Cal 5 Ferndale, Cal 7 Fillmore, Cal 11 Fort Bragg, Cal 9 Fortuna, Cal 8 Fowler, Cal 11 Fresno, Cal 98 Fullerton, Cal 7 Gilrov, Cal 9 (ioldfield, Xev 10 Grass Valley, Cal 20 Gridley, Cal 8 HaiifoVd, Cal 18 Hayward, Cal 33 Healdsburg, Cal 22 Hemet, Cal. Ililo, T. H. 5 8 ITollister. Cal 19 Honolulu. T. H 48 lone. Cal 6 Ithaca, X. Y 6 Jackson, Cal 11 Johannesburg, South Africa 10 Juneau, Alaska 9 Kansas City, Mo 5 Kerman. Cal 6 King City, Cal 5 Kingsburg, Cal 9 Lakeport, Cal 9 Le Grand, Cal 7 Lemoore, Cal 10 Lindsay. Cal 8 Livermore, Cal . . 15 Lodi, Cal 31 Lompoc, Cal London, England . . . . Long Beach. Cal. . . . Los Altos. Cal Los Angeles, Cal Los Banos. Cal Los Gatos, Cal Madera, Cal Manila. P. I Marshfield. Ore Martinez. Cal Marysville. Cal Maxwell, Cal Mazatlan. Mex Medford, Ore Mendocino, Cal IMerced. Cal Mill \'alley. Cal Milwaukee, Wis Modesto, Cal Monrovia. Cal Monterey, Cal Morgan Hill, Cal Moscow, Idaho Napa. Cal National City, Cal. . . Nevada City. Cal. . . . Newcastle, Cal New Haven, Conn. . . Newman. Cal New York City Niles. Cal Nordhoff. Cal North Yakima, Wash. Oakdale, Cal Oakland. Cal Oleander. Cal Ontario. Cal Orange. Cal Orland, Cal Oroville. Cal Osaka. Japan Oxnard. Cal Palo Alto. Cal Paris. France Pasadena. Cal Paso Rol)les. Cal Pckin. China Pctaluma. Cal Philadelphia. Pa I'liooiiix. Ariz 6 17 2>i 9 622 8 20 10 26 9 19 26 5 7 6 5 27 20 5 39 21 9 6 5 . 34 9 21 5 8 12 88 10 6 5 14 .185 / 5 2i 30 6 85 11 12 45 12 10 DISTRIBUTION BY CITIES Distribution by Pilisliurfj. Cal -"^ I'itlslnir>,'Ii. Pa ^ riaccrvillc. Cal !;( Ploasaiitoii. Cal "^ Poinr>na. Cal '^^ Porlorvillc, Cal 2/°^^'e'l Balboa bldg.. San Francisco n I \, '"•''"''"^' J"" : Security Bank bldg., Oakland oh n ^^""1 Dinkelspiel 626 Walsworth st., Oakland oh S' r- \f-n° Security Bank bldg., Oakland o 1 T; .\^J!\ 2334 E. 22d St.. Oakland o - c ^^ • Dobrzensky (acting) 1206 Broadway, Oakland o < r'T^i- ^r"'"' Boalt Hall. Berkelev 1916 E. B. Fuld 3570 Clav st.. San Francisco Addenda Addenda The information contained in this list was received subsequent to the printing of the main section of the book. In each instance the entry in this list is a revision of the entry as it appears in the preceding section. Andrews, Alice Lorraine A.B.12; secretary, high school. Resi- dence, 2721 XThanning way, Berkeley, Cal. Arndt, Stanley Morris , B.S.I 5 : student. University of Califor- nia, 2519 Durant av.. Berkeley, Cal. Residence, 1581 N. San Joaquin st., Stockton, Cal. Ayer. Constance A.B.16. Residence, 40 Berkeley St., Boston, Mass. Baker, Mrs. Elizabeth Faulkner B.L.14; dean of women, state normal school. Residence, Lewiston, Idaho *Brainard, Linus Brooks A.B.02: d. July 12, 1916 Browder, Aline A.B.15; teacher. Residence, 443 Bow- ick av., Detroit, Mich. Brown, Everett Somerville B.L.07: M.L.08 : assistant (history). University of California. Residence, 1548 LeRoy av., Berkeley, Cal. Brunton, Margaret Alice B.L.14; teacher, high school. Le Grand, Cal. Residence, 1118 Arch St., Ber- keley, Cal. Cadman, Paul Fletcher A.B.15 ; student. General Theological Seminary, 175 9th av., X. Y. City Cahill. Wendel Eldredge B.S.05 : mining engineer. Residence, Treadwell, Alaska Costello. John Cornelius B.S.16 ; electrical engineer, with Chat- tanooga Railway & Light Co. Residence, 446 Oak St., Chattanooga, Tenn. Culvyhouse, Bertha Marie A.B.15 ; teacher, high school, Le Grand, Cal. Residence. 803 S st., Fresno, Cal. Davis. Stella Evelyn A.B.16: B. S. (Missouri) 12; teacher. 905 California st., Stockton, Cal. Resi- dence, 2155 Grant St., Berkeley, Cal. Dawson, Dio Louis B.S.12. Residence. 2124 8th av., Oak- land, Cal. Denham, Lillian Frances A.B.16; m. Merle Randall. Residence, 2636 Haste st., Berkeley, Cal. Dickerfnan, Xelson B.S.05 ; mining engineer, 433 California St., S. F. Residence, 2720 Elmwood av., Berkeley, Cal. Douglas, Charles Gordon J.D.16; A.B. (Harvard) 12; lawyer, Kearns bldg.. Salt Lake City, Utah Fike, LeRoy \\'ilbur B.L.14; M.A.15; instructor (education), state normal school. Residence, 1029 Van Ness av., Tempe, Ariz. Fike, Mrs. Ada Rebecca Brav A.B.15; m. L. W. Fike '14. 'Residence, 1029 Van Ness av., Tempe, Ariz. Flanders, Louisa Babcock B.L.06 ; m. W. G. Davies '03. Residence, 512 D St., Porterville, Cal. Follette, Justin Percival A.B.15 ; student. Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J. Foveaux, Irma B.L.13; m. W. B. Sawyer, Jr. '10. Residence, 2912 Claremont av., Ber- keley, Cal. French, Gertrude Wood B.L.08 ; m. W. A. Nicolson. Residence, Oakland, Cal. Gardner, Rose A.B.I 1 ; M.A.12; m. Ralph Marx. Resi- dence, 1019 Shattuck av., Berkeley, Cal. ^Griffiths. David Daniel Ph.B.r4; d. September 23. 1916 Guillou. Alfred Victor B.S.12; district agent. Mt. Whitney Light & Power Co. Residence, Porter- ville. Cal. Haber, Harold B.S.06 : traffic chief. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co., 74 Otis st. Residence, 3555 Jackson st., S. F. Hahn. Glen Gardner B.S.14; M.S. 16; scientific assistant in forest pathology, L'. S. Bureau of Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. Resi- dence, 1424 Bay St., Alameda, Cal. Hawley. Ralph Stevenson B.S.03 ; engineer. Town Hall. Resi- dence, 1088 43d St., Emeryville, Cal. Henry. Helen Xatalie B.L.03 ; executive secretar> . Women's Educational and Industrial Union. Bos- ton. Mass. Residence. 62 Toxteth St.. Brookline. Mass. Huber. Philip R.S.06 ; with, Eagle-Shawmut Mining Co. Residence. Shawmut. Cal. ?m ADDENDA Hull. Amiic Vories A.H.I6; teacher, Danarthney School for (lirls, I'.dnionton. Alberta, Can. I I'., ist North St., Provo. Utah. Uesiilcnce. 1405 Chapala st., Santa Bar- bara, Cal. Kiiij?. Ilazcl ,\.n.l.'i: ni. II. -M. I.oy '14. Residence, Ross, Cal. Koel). Otto H.S.12; M.A. (Stanford); teacher and author. Residence. Glenmary Institute, ( )wcgo, N. Y. Lanil)ro\v, Isaac jdhn n.S.09; with, j! I. Case Co., 10 Joux- ovsky St., Odessa. Russia. Residence, Ciorod Genischesk. Selo Uzkui, Tav- rida Government, Russia Land, Hazel R.L.12: M.A.15. Residence, 1321 Lin- den St., Oakland, Cal. Laskev, Mrs. Nellie Miller A.B.16. Residence, 1130 S. Hope st.. Los Angeles, Cal. Lovejov. Maud Anna B.L.63 ; ni. A. C. Penfield ; teacher. Res- idence, 2420 Durant av., Berkeley, Cal. Loy. Howard Milton 'B.S.14; civil engineer, with Cal. High- way Commission, Rialto bidg., S. F. Residence. Ross, Cal. Lyons. George Washington R.S.07; M.S.F. (Michigan) ; with, U. S. Forest Service, Hot Springs, Ark. Marks. Percy R.L.12: A.M. (Harvard): instructot (English). Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 83 Brattle St.. Cambridge, Mass. Residence, 612 Smith St., Ukiah, Cal. Miklau. Margarite B.S.04; teacher. Residence, 160 Clif- ford terrace, S. F. Mosher, Laura Grace H.L.04; B.L. (Occidental) 02: m. Silas F. Johnson. Residence, 803 E. Adams St., Los Angeles, Cal. *Nagle, Marguerite Marie B.L.03 : m. R. L. McWilliams '04 ; d. September 13, 1916 Nolting. Hazel Marie A.B.ll; m. William White. Residence, Rua de Saude No. 1," Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Ohvell, \\'illiam Charles D.D.S.04 Parrish, Earl Thomas A.B.15; with, Blankenhorn & Hunter, Pasadena, Cal. Residence. 2830 Re- gent St., Berkeley. Cal. Richmond, Charles Pierce B.S.02 : B.S. (Arizona) 00; engineer, with Comacaron Gold Mining Co.. Hor- miguero. Salvador, C. A. Residence, 265 E. Pasadena St.. Pomona. Cal. *Rovce, Tosiah .•\.B.75"; Ph.B. (Johns Hopkins) 78 ; LL.D. (Aberdeen) 99. (Yale) 11; Litt.D. (Harvard) 11: D. Sc. (Oxford) 13 ; d. September 14, 1916 Rubke, Lulu Dorothea B.L.12; teacher. Residence. 2251 Tele- graph av., Berkeley, Cal. Sargentich, Spiro Ph.B. 98 ; surgeon. Residence. Portland, Ore. Sawyer, William Brewster. Jr. B.S.I 0; engineer, with U." S. Steel Corp., Rialto bldg., S. F. Residence, 2912 Claremont av., Berkeley. Cal.' Silverman, Arthur Litten A.B.I 3 : teacher. Pemahou Academy. Residence. Honolulu, T. H. W^aldmann. Carl Andrew . B.S.IO; 1st lieutenant. Ordnance De- partment. U. S. A.. Rock Island .A.rsenal, 111. Care of. Adjutant General, U.S.A., Washington, D. C. Young. Percival A.B.15 ; assistant city inspector of buildings. Residence. 67 E st., Salt Lake City, Utah M^ UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 001 196 320 4