UC-NRLF $B 52ft 7H6 mm 8061 'iJ'NVriVd On the In-and-Circumscribed Triangles of the Plane Rational Quartic Curve By Joseph Nelson Rice A DISSERTATION Submitted to the Faculty of Sciences of the Catholic University of America in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Washington, D. C. June, 1917. On the In-and-Circumscribed Triangles of the Plane Rational Quartic Curve By Joseph Nelson Rice A DISSERTATION Submitted to the Faculty of Sciences of the Catholic University of America in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. .• . . . :v:'\*;ri'. Washington, D. C. June, 1917. •- ; i^-" .' NATIONAL CAPITAL PRESS, INC., WASHINGTON, 0. C. ON THE IN-AND-CIRCUMSCRIBED TRIAN- GLES OF THE PLANE RATIONAL QUARTIC CURVE INTRODUCTIOX The question of the existence of simultaneously inscribed and circumscribed triangles has received considerable attention, most of which, however, has been directed to the consideration of poristic cases. R. \. Roberts^ investigates the possibility of the existence of an infinite number of closed polygons simultaneously inscribed in, and circumscribed about, a unicursal quartic. In this connec- tion he discusses only the case of the nodo-bicuspidal quartic, and shows that, for the triangle, the results are irrelevant. Morley," in his article entitled "The Poncelet Polygons of a Limacon," shows that the results obtained are poristic, except for the triangle, in which case they are irrelevant. Cayley,^ in "On a Triangle In-and-circumscribed about a Quartic Curve," shows that the binodal quartic ('-;)■ has four such triangles. These are such that two of the sides are tangent to the inner loop and the third to the outer. The same author, in "On the Problem of the In-and-circum- scribed Triangle," considers the following problem: "required the number of triangles the angles of which are situate in a given curve or curves, and the sides of which touch a given curve or curves."^ He discusses 52 cases of the problem, according as the curves containing the angles or touching the sides are, or are not, distinct curves. The simplest case is when all the curves are 1 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, Vol. xvi, p. 53. 2 Ibid., Vol. xxix, pp. 8,3-97. 3 Collected Mathematical Works, Vol. v, pp. 489-492. Philosophical Transactions, t. XXX (1865), pp. 340-342. 4 Collected Mathematical Works, Vol. viii, pp. 212-258. Philosophical Transactions, t. clxi (1871), pp. 369-412. 5 Collected Mathematical Works, Vol. viii, p. 567. Reports of the British Associations for the Adrancement of Science, 1865-1873. Report, 1870, pp. 9-10. 3 :Mj2L0i 4 •Tiib-&iid-Circnnt8cribed Triangles of Quurtic Curve distinct; the number of triangles is here equal to 2aceBDF, where a, c, e are the orders of the curves containing the angles respec- tively; and B, D, F are the classes of the curves touched by the sides respectively. The last and most difficult case is when the six curves are all of them one and the same carve. The number of triangles is here equal to one-sixth of -46(.43+a3)-420(.42a+.4a2) + 221(.42+a2)+704Ja + 172(.4+a)-fa[-9(^2_^a2)-12.4a+135(.4+a)-600] where a is the order, .4 the class of the curve; a is the number, three times the class +number of cusps, or, what is the same, three times the order + the number of inflexions. It is to be noted that this formula gives the same number of triangles as has been found by the method used later. For example, in the case of the rational quartic, where a = 4, .4 = 6, a = 18, the number of triangles is 8, which corresponds to that found on page 18. For the cuspidal quartic, where a = 4, A — 5, a =16, the number is two, which alsD corresponds to the number found on page 2*2. In this paper it is proposed to look into the existence and actual number of such triangles for the following types of rational quartics : I. Quartic with three double points. II. Quartic w^ith one double point and a tacnode. III. Quartic with a triple point. IV. Quartic with two double points and a cusp. This discussion was led up to by preliminary work on the three- cusped rational quintic. Upon subjection to a quadratic trans- formation this curve goes into a rational quartic, wdiich, it will be show^n, has triangles of the kind here mentioned. Accordingly, it will first be proved that the quintic can have certain conditions imposed upon its coefficients so that it may acquire an additional cusp or a tacnode without degenerating. It will also be shown that it cannot have a triple point. THE THREE-CUSPED RATIONAL QUINTIC This quintic may be expressed parametrically as follows: that is, x,= (t-ai)(t-l32)Ht-l3s)' This quintic has cusps at the vertices of the fundamental tri- angle, the values of the parameters thereat being t^^i, (i = l, 2, 3) as is readily seen by considering the common intersections on any two of the lines .r, = 0, (I'-l, 2, 3) Consider, for example, the intersections on a;i = and x^ = 0. They have in common /Ss taken twice. These common points must be at the intersection of the lines themselves, viz., at the vertex three. For the purpose of more ready computation, specialize this quintic by letting the values of the parameters at the cusps be 0, 1, 00. The parametric equations of the curve may then be written as : i-oc Xi = r- Xi = (t-a)if-iy xz^t-y x,= {t-y){t-l)H^^ The Plucker numbers of the curve are: m = 5, 5 = 3, • K = 3 n = 5, T = 3, t = 3 It is proposed to derive the conditions, which must be imposed upon the parameters a, (3, y, so that the quintic may have, I. A fourth cusp, II. A tacnode, III. A triple point. It will be seen that, excluding the case of the triple point, the quintic can have such extra points in addition to the three cusps 6 In-and-Circumscrihed Triangles of Qiiartic Curve at the vertices of the fundamental triangle. As preliminary, there will be derived : ( 1) The cubic equation connecting the three parameters at the three flexes; (2) The sextic equation connecting the six parameters at the three double points. (1) The Cubic whose Three Roots are the Flexes. Let Lxi-{-Mx2-{-Nx3 = be a flex-tangent. Then Lfi{t) + J//2(/) -\-Nf3(t) = has a triple root, and Z//(0 -\-Mfo\t)-\-Nf/(t) = has the same root doubled, also Lfi'\i) -\-]\W(i) +yfs"{t) = has the same root once. From these three equations eliminate L, M, N, then Mt) m hit) //(/) //(O Uit) fl"(t) f2"(t) h"{t) 0, is the cubic of flexes. For the functions of / and their derivatives substitute their corre- sponding values and reduce, thus giving as the required equation: + (7-/3-b2ai3-4a7-2^7)/ + 3a(i3-7 + 2^7) = 0. . . . (1) If one of these flexes coincides with one of the three cusps, that is, if t has any one of the values 0, 1, co, there is then at this point a cusp of the second kind.* Hence, the condition that there be a cusp of this character at : /-O is /3-7 + !2/37 = /=! . . 3a+7-2a7-2 = /= ex. . . o:_^_|_2 = (2) The Sextic connecting the Six Parameters at the Double Points. Let X and ix be the parameters at one of the double points. ^-=^-(m-t)=^"-(X-7) _ * Salmon: Higher Plane Curves (French Edition), Chap, ii, p. 70. Cayley: "On the Cusp of the Second Kind or Nodecusp;" Collected Mathe- matical WorJiK, Vol. V, pp. 2fi.5. 266. Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. vi (1864), pp. 74, 75. In-and-Circumscribed Triangles of Quartic Curve 7 These equations reduce to (\-a)fx^-\-{\-a)(X-y)pL-a\(\-y) = (1) (X-|8)M"'+(X-/3)(X-7-^2)M-(^X2-/37X-^2i3X + 2j87+i3-7) = (2) Eliminate /j, from these equations. The eliminant is I (X-«)(X-7) (X-/3)(X-7-2) I I (X-a) (X-/3) r I (X-a)(X-7) -aX(X-7) 1 I (\-l3){\-j-2) -(^X2-/37X-2/3X+2j87+/3-7) I I -aX(X-7) -(^X^-/37X-2i3X+2/37+/3-7) |2_^ "^1 (X-a) (X-^) I -" On expanding this gives (a-i8)(a-/3 + 2)X6-2(a-/3)(a-^ + 2)(l + 7)X^ + {2(a-/3)(7-+a7-«i3 + 2a:+/3+37)-2(2^7 + i3-7) + («7-/37-2/3)2| X-* • -2!(a+^)(/37"'+«7-+a/3+2/37 + 3a7)-2(a+^+7) (2^7+^-7)-(«7-/37-2/3)(2^7 + 2ai3+^-7)j X^ -{ 2(2/37+^-7) (a2y_a/3-y,4-«2 + 2a7+i37)+2a/37(a-/3) (7+2) -(2/37 + 2a^+/3-7)-iX- + 2a(2/37+i3-7)(7-/5)(«+l)X+a^(^-7)(2/37+/3-7)=0. . . (3) It may be noted here that, according to Cayley's analysis,* a cusp of the second kind takes up a double point. If a — /S+2 = 0, then the sextic has /= oo for a double root. But this is the condi- tion that the quintic have a node-cusp at / = <» . Equations (1) and (2) may be written as follows: (Tia2 — cx(ai^ — a2)~'yo'2~\~c(y/3(7+2)r- (^-7 + 2/37) 1=0. t-a T — a. (1) {t-\r r-/3 1 t-y T — y = which reduces to (T-a)^2^(r-7)(r-a)/-«r(r-7)=0 (2) These two equations give the remaining points of intersection of \t and 2r with the curve. For a triple point these must coincide. Hence (T-^):(r-a)(r-7-2):-/3r2+^(7+2)r-(/3-7 + 2/37) = (r— a:):(r — q:)(t — 7): ^Q:r(T — 7) 12 I it-a )ul-Ci rcinnscrihed Triangles of Q tun-tic Curve Hence (r-/3):-/3T2+/3(7+2)r-(|8-7 + 2/37) = (r-a):-ar(r-7) and (r-^)(r-7-2):-/3T2+^(7 + 2)r-(^-7 + 2/37) = (r — a)(r — 7) :— 0:7(7 — 7) That is, (a-/3)r3 + (/37-a7 + 2/3)T2-(2a^ + 2/37+iS-7)r +«(/3-7 + 2i37)=0...:... (3) and (a-/3)r3 + (a-/5)(7+2)r--(/3-7 + 2^7)r+«(/3-7 + 2^7) = 0...(4) Eliminate r from (3) and (4) £=(/3-l)2(/3-7)(a-|3)=0 As previously shown, ^ — y, a = ^, are the conditions that a branch of the curve passes through one of the cusps. If /3=1, then the quintic degenerates, that is, there can be no triple point. A second proof of the non-existence of the triple point will now be given. Subject the quintic to the quadratic transformation 1/^ = —. The curve becomes a quartic with the following parametric equations : y.^ = (t-l)%t-a)(t-y)=t'-{a-\-y-^2)t^+\ay-\-2(a-\-y)-\-l\r- — {a-{-y-\-2ay)t-\-ay From the five column matrix formed b}^ the coefficients of the above three equations, the following ten determinants are derived: 2Moi2=- (a -18+ 2) 16Aoi3=(« + /3)(a-^ + 2) 4Aoi4 = ai3(«-/3 + !2) 24Ao23 =-{a + ^) {uy -^y + 2a) - ( /3 - 7 + 2^7) 6A024 =^ «[/3(a7 - /37 + 2a) + (/3 - 7 + 2/37) ] 4Ao34=-«-(/3-7 + 2i37) J)6Ai23 = 7-(«+/3)(a-/3+2) + (^ + 7)[2a- + (2a+l)(^-7)] 24Ai24--aiS7'(«-^ + !2)-a(/3+7)(/3-7 + '2ai3) 16Ai34 = a-(/3 + 7)^/3-7 + '2«/3) 24A234=-a''^7(/3-7 + 2i37) If ao-«i^ + 02/'-«3/^+a4^''==0 and bo-bit-\-bof'-b,f-'-\-b,f' = Oo ai Oo 03 60 h 62 63 «1 (12 as 04 61 62 63 64 Jn-aii<]-('irciniisciibed TriaiKjlefi of QiKtrtic Ciirre 1>\ be two quartics apolar to the three above quartics, then the determinants formed from the matrix of the coefficients of these two latter equations are proportional to the determinants in the first matrix; so that There is no loss in generality in placing p= 1. The condition that the quartic have a triple point is = ot that is, Aoi . A34- A02 . A24 + A03 . A23 + A12 . Ai4-Ai3"+A23 . Al2 = 24A2.34 . 24Aoi2- I6A134 . 16Aoi3+'24Ai24 • 4Aoi4+4Ao34 • 24Ao23 -(6Ao24)-+4Aoi4.4Ao34 = Substituting the values of the AijkS, this becomes aH0y(a-l3-\-2) (l3-y-\-2(3y) - (a-]-^)((3-\-y) (a-/3 + 2) {^-y-\-2^y) + /3(a-/3 + 2)!^7-(a-/3 + 2) + (/3+7)(/3-7 + 2a^)! + (/3-7 + 2/37)|(a + i3) (a7-i87 + ^2a)+ (/3-7 + 2^7)l -\l3(ay-0y-\-ia + ){i3-y + Wy)\'-\-ct^(a-l^-\-'2)W-y-\-^20y)] = O Which reduces to 2«^'(/3-l)-(a-/3)(/3-7)(«-7) = But it has been seen already that none of the conditions here obtained can be the necessary condition for a triple point. A third proof of the non-existence of a triple point may be stated thus: If possible, let the three cusped rational quintic have a triple point. Subject the quintic to a quadratic transformation. Let the vertices of its singular triangle be two of the cusps and the triple point, the cusi)s being at the vertices 1 and 2, and the triple point at 3. The resulting curve is of order 10-3-2-2 = 3,t * W. F. Meyer: "Apolaritat und Rationale Curven," Chap, i, p. 3. t Ibid., Chap, ii, p. 184. JR. Sturm: "Die Lehre von dem Geometrischen Verwandtschaften," Vol. iv, p. 44. 14 In-(nid-Circiimsc)ihed Triangles of Qitartic Curve having points of tangency on the sides 1'3' and 2'3' of the singular triangle in the transformed plane; also a branch of the curve goes through the vertex 3', since there is one extra intersection on the side 12 of the original triangle. The original quintic had a third cusp, which in the transforma- tion remains a cusp. Hence the new curve is a cuspidal cubic, and therefore of the third class. That is, from a point of the curve, but one tangent, excluding the one at the point itself, may be drawn. But this curve would be on the vertex 3' and have as tangents the sides 1'3' and 2'3', which is clearly an impossibility. i\ccordingly, the three cusped rational quintic cannot have a triple point. The Quadratic Transformation t-ai If the quintic xi = ^^_ ' (i = 1, 2, 3) be subjected to the quadratic transformation Xi = - (i— 1, 2, 3), the resulting curve is t—ai or yi = {t-^i)Ht-a2)(t-as) y2 = {t-^2)-{t-a^){t-a{) yz = {t-^^y{t-a,){t-a.^. This is a curve of the fourth order. It passes through the vertices of the fundamental triangle of the transformed plane, and is at the same time tangent to the sides. That is, the funda- mental triangle is simultaneously in-and-circumscribed to the quartic, its vertices being t=ai, and its points of tangency t = ^i. It has been seen that the original quintic has three double points; and, further, that conditions can be imposed upon it so that it can acquire a fourth cusp or tacnode without degenerating. By the quadratic transformation, quintics of each of these types will go into quartics having three double points, a cusp or a tacnode res])ectively. The existence, therefore, of one triangle in-and-circumscribed to the quartic led to the investigation of the number of such triangles in each of these cases. It was shown that the rational quintic with three cusps could not have a triple point. Accordingly, the rational quartic with a triple point cannot have triangles in-and-circumscribed; for, hi-and-Circumscrihed Triangles of Quartic Curve 15 if it were possible, by subjecting the quartic to the quadratic transformation i/i = - (with such a triangle as reference triangle), it would go into a quint ic with a triple point. This has been shown impossible. The Rational Quartic Consider now the.in-and-circumscribed triangles of the rational quartic. Let its parametric equations be : Xi = aot'^-\-ait^-\-a2t~-{-ast-\-ai X2= biP+bor^+bst X,= CitS-^c2t'-\.c,t thus making the vertex (1, 0, 0) a double point with parametric values thereat / = and t= co. Let (as) = and {(Ss) = be the conditions upon a set of four parameters that they lie on a line. Then aoSo-{-aiSi-{-a2S2-\-oc3Ss-}-aiSi = i80'^0 + l8l5l+|8252+|8353+/S454 = 0, where {a^)ik is proportional to the determinant Aimn formed from the matrix of the coefficients of the parametric equations of the curve.* That is, 1 q:/5 | oi — '2M2,34 = «4 | be \ 23 = fcX, say, \ a^ \ 02- lQAui = ai\ be \n = kY I a:/3 1 03 — 24Ai24 = rt4 \ be \ 12 = kZ |«/3 |o4^96Ai23= \abc\viz = P 1 a/3 1 14 - '24^023 = Qo I be \ 23 = X la/3 |24-16Aoi3 = ao I 6 CO CI N liN M in ^H ^ 1-H I— 1 1-H 1 CO OC I-H CI s w Ol CO ,„ f>Q + << + + 1 CI o -ii .-H CI CO 1 (>< ^ /< /< CO CO (r4 (TJ CJ CJ w CQ iH CI + + M cc CO CI 1 •^ /< CI CO 1 1 c^ k CO M ^ /< CO CO 1 CO CO o X C) /< CO ^ CO + ^ + CI + CO CQ CI 1 © CO 1 <^ , C) cc 1— ( CO 1 C^J — > CI CO CO re CI CI CI CI CO o 1 o C4 M ^ ^ r< r-i ± + Cl + CO CO C4 ^ ^ /< d ^ w CJ CO cc CO 'CO <=;• CO 1 C<1 CI ^ 1 1— t CI CO /< ^ ^ C-1 ^N CI CO CO CO c^ ^ 1 CO CI CO CO o ^ CO ^ ^ << ^_^ ,^ — ^ _,-^ c^ CO /< /< /< k + + + CI ^-*H c*~ CO CO H ^ ,<' ^ CO o ^ c^» CO CO CO CO CO CI >< CO CO CO ,< c^ ■V ■^ -f CI cj C) CO T-t CO CO H«1 ^ •* CI CO o CO 02 CO 1 /< ^ r< IS In-and-Circumscribed Triangles of Qiiartic Curve These values substituted in equation (4) give an equation of the eleventh degree in S3. The constant term and the coefficients of Ss^^ and 83 vanish identically, thus reducing the equation, after dividing through by 83^, to the eighth degree. The coefficients of this octavic are such that when F=0, the coefficients of 83^, S3'', and 83, as well as the constant term, become identically zero, and the equation then reduces to a quartic. This condition, viz., F = 0, is the condition, as will be seen later, that the quartic have a tacnode. The equation has eight possible solutions, each of which gives a single value for 81 and 82. There are then eight sets of values for 81, 82 and 83, each set leading to an in-and-circumscribed triangle, the vertices of which are found from the equation X3-8iX2+82X-83 = 0. It is to be noted that the number of triangles given here is the same as that found by Cayley's formula (page 4) for this case. The Quartic With a Tacnode Let the parametric equations of the quartic bs a:i = ao/^+ai/^+«2^~+a3^+rt4 X2= biP:i-b2t^-^bd X3= C2t'^ thus making the vertex (1, 0, 0) a tacnodal point with parametric values thereat / = and t— <^, and at the same time making .i'3 = a tangent to the curve at the same point. Let {as) = and {^s) = be the "Schnittpunktformen," that is, the conditions that a set of four points he on a hne. Then using the notation of the previous case, I a/S 1 01 — "2^234= —aib3C2 = kX, say, I «/3 I 03 — 2Ml24 = a4&lC2 = ^'-^ |ai8 I 04-96Ai23=-C2|a6| n = P I a/3 I 14 — 24Ao23= —aobsC2 = X 1 a,S 1 34 - 24/^012 = (lobiCo = Z I ajS| 12= \al3 I 13= |a|S|23 = 4Ao34 = 6Ao24 = -l-Aoi4 = |a^|o2=l«/3|24=r = Substituting }^ = in equations (4), (5), (6), page 17, the following relations between Si, 82, *S3 result: X^S3^S2-{P''-GkXZ)S3-'-2kPZS2S,-\-4kXhSiSs-k'~Z'~S2- = 0. . I. -X^Sz'~Si-^2PXS3'^-^2kXZS2Ss-4kX\S3-\-k-'ZhSs = 0. . . .IL {X''-^kZ'')S3-2kXZSiS3-2kPZS3-k-'Z'-S2 = III. From II and III, linear in Si and mSz^-{P^-^m^)S3''+Si''S2+{Qm-^Pm''-)S2S3+{4>-^mP)SiSz -m%2_|_(53_5^^S2)2m3+?n2(S2-Sr)=0 1. m2S3'-(2P-rm^)S3'-SiS3- + (w^+!2?"P-4)S3+2m2S283 + 27^i3S3+m2Si = II. m 2S2S3 - + 2w.SuS3 - + ( 1 + 2mP - 4w ') S, 2 + 2/» ''SiSs -(2P/?i2-6m)^'3 + w^.S2 + w-' = III. In-and-Circuin.scribed Triangles of Qiiartic Curve 21 From equations II and III, linear in Si and 82, it follows that: So (Sz + m)-' ■2mhS3^- (Gm^-'iPmA-DSs'-- (MPm''-^m)S3-{-m^ m^(S3-\-m)^ Substituting these values in I, this equation becomes: ( - m^-{-'2Pm^-^2m'-P-^m^-\-2Pm - 1)83^(83 + ^) ^ = 0. Neither one of the values ..S3 = 0, — m gives proper triangles. The Quarlic with a Cusp Let the parametric equations be : thus placing the cusp at the vertex (1, 0, 0) with / = thereat, and also making the sides of the triangle of reference tangents to the curve. The sides 13 and I'-Z have points of tangency at t = b and f — c respectively; while 23 is a double tangent with t= ^a at the points of tangency. Let {as) = and {0s)^O be the conditions that a set of four points lie on a line, then, \a^\ 3io2iAoi2 = 2{2a'-bc){c-b) I a/3 1 23 <> -UoM=-2aXc-6) |a^|i3^ 6Ao24 = a*(c2-fe2) I aj8 I 03 - 2Mi24 = - 2a ^bc{c - b) I a/3 |oi= I a/3 |o2= 1 a/3 [04= I a/3 | — 12= I a/3 1 14= | a/3 [24 = In {as) = 0, (j3s) = let st be the symmetric functions of Xi, Xo, X, X. Substitute for Si their respective values. From these ecjuations eliminate X. The result is the condition that the join of Xi and X2 be a tangent to the curve. Upon substituting for a^ik their respective values the eliminant reduces to, after throwing out the linear factor, 2X1X2— (6+^)(Xi+X2) + -^<"» and thus making it a (3 — 3) correspondence : aH6+c)(Xi+X2)='+6a^(Xi+X2)-XiX2-2a^6c(Xi+X2)- -8(2a2-6c)Xi%'^-4a^(6+c)(Xi+X2)XiX2-8a%%2=0 The linear factor thrown out is the condition that the join of Xi and X2 pass through the cusp. The condition imposed upon 22 , In-and-Ch'Cwmscribed Triangles of Quartic Curve this join is that the remaining two parameters shall be equal, a condition which is satisfied if the line passes through the cusp. Two similar equations, giving the conditions that the joins of Xi and X2, X2 and X3 be tangents to the curve, can be derived. From these three, then, the following equations in Si, S2, and S3, the symmetric functions of Xi, X2, and X3 can be derived. They are: 8{2a^-bc)S2Ss-a'ib-\-c){So-S,'-)-\-2a\Ss-2a*bcSi = 0. . . I. (^+^)(S2--SiS3)+6.SVS3+26cS3 = 11. S3-+(6+c)S.>S3+fecS2- = III. From III, S3 = — 6S2 or — 082 c u ,; f ^ AC • TT • ^- (5b-c)S 2-\-2b'~c bubstitutmg »S3= — 002 in 11, gives Oi = 7-^—, — ^ , b[b-\-c) and substituting these values in I, there results a'b'^l (b-{-c)(3b^c) -2c(5b-c)] S2 = 0, or a*{5b-c)''-8b\2a--bc){b-\-c) Similarly using 83= —082, gives (5c -6) 82 + 26c 2 Si = - cib+c) „ a'cmb-\-c)(b-\-3c)-2h(5c-b)] and 02 = — i7"z rv^i — o -i/ -» ■> — 1 wl , — {■> or U. a*{oc — b)- — 8c^i'-2a- — bc){b-\-c) The value S2 = evidently does not lead to a solution. Hence, there are two possible solutions, one for each value of S3. It is to be noted that the number of triangles given here is the same as that found by Cayley's formula (page 4) for this case. The (3 — 3) Correspondence The in-and-circumscribed triangles of the cuspidal quartic were found by means of a (3 — 3) correspondence. This corre- spondence is not, however, of the most general kind. The most general correspondence of this type is that set up by means of the lines drawn from a point of a conic to a line-cubic. The question then arises, what are the conditions which the line-cubic must satisfy, either in itself or in its relations to the conic, in order that the general (3 — 3) correspondence reduce to the type set up by the method here employed? In-and-Circmnscrihed Triangles of Quartic Curve 23 Take as the conic the norm-conic: .-To = 1 Let the hne-cubic be (a^) ^ = 0. The condition that the join of two points Xi, Xo, of the conic be a hne of the cubic is : 1 2Xi Xi 1 2X2 Xr^ ._ . 2 ' ■ ~\2 A2 where cri, a^ are the symmetric functions of Xi and X2. Substitute these vahies in (a^)^ = 0, thus giving the equation of the (3 — 3) correspondence between Xi and X2 : o O"!^ I o 0'lO'2" I Q ■> I Q 0"i-0-2 (Ti^ Uooocr-i cim-^ +0222 — «3aooi"^ -roaoo20'2'+ocion 7 ''^'^112-7- 3 3ao220'2 — 7Qi220'i — 3aoi2Ci(r2 = These coefficients being all independent, this is the most general (3 — 3) correspondence. The equation of the (3 — 3) corre- spondence set up by the rational cuspidal quartic has but six terms, lacking the constant term and those in 0-1(72-, a2, ai. In order that the general correspondence become of the same type as the special one, then OOOI = O022 = ai22 = fl222 = The equation of the line cubic then reduces to : aooo^o^+3aoo2^o"^2+3aoii^o?i-+6aoi2?o|i^2+3aii2^r^2+aiii^i^ = This cubic lacks the terms in ^2^ and t2~, thus indicating that the line 0-2 = is a double tangent of the line-cubic, and is at the same time a line of the conic. The results obtained indicate some of the conditions which must be imposed upon the line cubic so that the general (3 — 3) correspondence may reduce to the special type here under con- sideration. It is to be noted, at the same time, that these condi- tions are necessary but may not be sufficient. R. A. Roberts, in a paper entitled, "On Polygons Circumscribed about a Conic and Inscribed in a Cubic," proposes "to consider . . . the general problem of finding conies and cubics related to each other in such a manner that it may be possible to circum- 24 I n-and-Circii inscribed Triangles of Quartic Curve scribe about the conic an infinite number of polygons which are inscribed in the cubic."* That is, he takes the hnes of a conic and the points of a cubic, which is the dual of what has been used above, and finds various relations between the two curves so that the results obtained are always poristic. It has been shown here that, if a tangent to a point conic is a double line of a line cubic, the solution cannot be poristic. Dually, this would say that if a point cubic have a double point and this double point be on the line conic, the solution cannot be poristic. The (4 — 4) Correspondence The correspondence set up in the case of the quartic with three double points is a (4 — 4) correspondence. As in the pre- ceding case, it is, however, not of the most general type. The most general (4 — 4) correspondence is set up by means of a point-conic and a line-quartic. As in the preceding instance, what are the conditions which the quartic curve must satisfy, either in itself or in its relations to the conic, so that the general (4 — 4) correspondence reduce to the type set up by the method employed here.^ Let the conic be the norm conic : .ro = 1 ; Xi = 2X; X2 =X-. And let the line quartic be (a^) ^ = 0. Then the conditions that the joins of two points Xi and X2 of the conic be a line of the quartic is: 11 2X1 \r i ^'~1 1 2X2 Xs^l where au ao are the symmetric functions of X] and X2. Substitute these values in (a^)^ = 0, thus giving the equation of the (4 — 4) correspondence between Xi and X2 : «oooo0'2 — 4aoooi~^ +4aooo2a'2 +t>flooii — | I2_|_3i2mii-f-50877iio+422w9-256-lw«-6238//i7-8736OT'' -7160wS-3551//i^-304w3+668w2+396w+64 = 0, a positive root of which is m = '-2.15. The parametric equations of the curve become Xi = 2.15(S.15)H(t-i)(t-^3.615) X2=-{3.l5)H{t-\-2.15){t -7.77^5) .T3 = 2.15(/-l)(/+2.15)(^+3.615)(^-7.7725). ' The vertices of one triangle, given by t='^m~-\-m-\-l and equation of parameters giving the intersections of the tangent at / = -^Jm^+m+l with the curve, are f = 2.788, l.OJ), and 6.898. In-and-Circumscribed Triatujlcs of Qiiartic Carve 29 On account of the svmnietrv of the curve, the vertices of the other two triangles may be found in an analogous way. For the construction of these triangles see Figure 1. (6) The Quarlic with a Tacnode Let the parametric equations be .r, = /(«-4)(/-|) thus making the vertex (1, 0, 0) a tacnodal point with parametric 30 In-and-Circiiniscribed Triaiifflest of Qiiartic Curve values thereat / = 0, oo, and at the same time making Xs — a tangent to the curve at the same point, and also making Xi = a 4 double tangent with parametric values / = 3 and / = „ at the points of tangency. From the matrix of the coefficients, A = — -, Z^5, F = — -, A- =10. Figure 2. Substituting these values in equation VI, p. 20, there follows: [S32-26S3+I2O] [-35S3--26S3 + 2XI 1X3X28] = 0, whence 83 = 6, 20, 6.9, or -7.65. (83 = 6 is the only value which leads to triangle with three real vertices. Substituting this value in equations IV and V (p. 19), then 37 »Si = -r and ».S2=11. f. • , . I. In-and-Circintiscribed Triangles of Qiiartic Curve 31 The vertices of the triangle are then given by the roots of the equation : 6 (i- 1.5)(<-3.535)(/- 1.132) = For the construction of this triangle, see Figure 2. (c) The Quartic with a Cusp The following values for a, b, c, lead to two solutions, both of which give real triangles, as is seen from the accompanying table: a b c Si So S3 ^1 t2 ^3 1 -4 2 8.487 -.177 -.708 .283 8.496 -.292 7 .293 -.586 6.94 .319 -.264 For the construction of these triangles, see Figure 3. 1 Figure 3. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Joseph Nelson Rice was born at Weymouth, Nova Scotia, on the 26th of December, 1890. He received his elementary and high school education at the public school of this town. In the fall of 1906 he entered St. Francis Xavier's College, Antigonish, N. S., and w^as graduated therefrom with the degree of Bachelor of Arts in 1910. In 1912 he received the degree of Master of Arts. During the years 1910 to 1913 he was an instructor in the department of jNIathematics at this same college. In the fall of 19 13, he entered the Catholic University of America as a graduate student in the department of Mathematics. He has followed courses under Dr. Landry, Professor of Mathematics; Dr. Shea, Professor of Physics; and Mr. Crook, Instructor in Mechanics. He desires to take this opportunity of expres.sing his thanks to Professor Landry for many valuable suggestions offered during the preparation of this thesis. liiiiliii UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA UBRARY I