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Or. 2252 (B) both on palmleaf and in the Sinhalese character. I also compared my own transcript with one that Prof. Serge D'Oldenbourg was kind enough to send, from the papers of his predecessor, the late Professor of Sans- krit in St. Petersburg. Prof. Miuaev had himself intended editing this interesting modern work, and had collated, for this purpose, the abovementioned MSS. (A and B) in the British Museum, with two (paper) MSS. from Ceylon, viz. a copy made for Prof. Rhys Davids (D) and another sent by Sul)huti (S). In some doubtful passages I have followed corrections made by Minaev. Where I have preferred the reading of MSS. A and B the Minaev transcript is cited as Min: in the notes. The chief difficulty with the clear and well-written palmleaf MSS. has been the transcription of frequently occurring Burmese names. Many sounds in Burmese are not adequately represented by the Sinhalese (Pali) alphabet and the copyists appear to have been sometimes at a loss, for Burmese letters are even wedged in here and there among the Sinhalese. In revising my own copy I have adopted Minaev's system (following the Pali MSS. syllable for syllable) though I have observed that the usual method of representing 1062095 •^ IV H$- Burmese pronunciation in European books gives to these same names (of places and persons) a very different form. For instance, in my transcript from the Pali, the vowel a appears after a nasal n (in place of a final n(/ or ngh), while the diphthongs an or ou are represented by the Pali 0. I owe sincere thanks to Prof. E. Miiller-Hess who gen- erously spent much time in going through the proof-sheets with me. I wish also to thank Prof. Rhys Davids for his patience and cordial kindness, during the many delays that occurred before I could complete the edition. M. B. INTEODUCTION Among the modern works on Buddhism written by Buddhists is a PaH Text of Burmese authorship, entitled Sasanavamsa. The Sasanavamsa (now edited for the first time) has been known for many years to scholars. Prof. Kern in his recent Manual of Indian Buddhism {Grundriss der Indo-arischen Philologie und AUerthum- shmde, III. Band, 8 Heft., p. 9) speaks of it as "highly important for the ecclesiastical history of Ceylon." The late Prof. Minaev's Becherches sur le Bouddhisme con- tains critical remarks on this text and several extracts (Appendices A and B to Becherches, also pp. 189, 208, 231, 232, 273). Eeferences to it occur in Childers' Pali Dictionary, and Prof. Hardy has drawn on it for his article Ein Beitrag zur Frage oh DhaminajJdla, &c. Z.D.M.G., 51 Band, 1897. Louis de Zoysa, in his Beport on the Inspection of Temple Libraries in Ceylon (1873), mentions the Sasanavamsa as " a very interesting historical work." The author, Pahhasami, who dates his book 1223 of the Burmese Common Era (1861 a.d.), was the tutor of the then reigning King Meng-dun-Meng-, and himself a pupil of the Samgharaja, or Head of the Order, at Mandalay. The Mdtikd [table of contents] and opening chapter of the Sasanavamsa seem to promise a general history of Buddhism. Beginning from the birth of the Buddha, the author gives a brief summary of the orthodox Sinhalese tradition, drawn from a few well-known Pali works — 1 2 INTRODUCTION. the Atthakatha (of the Mahavihara in Ceylon^), the Samantapasadika,2 (commentary of Buddhaghosa on the ViNAYAPiTAiCA, the Mahavamsa and the Dipavamsa (Chronicles, historical and religious, of Ceylon). Events are brought up to the time of the Third Council in the time of AcoKA Piyadasi 3 and the sending forth of Missionaries from Pataliputra to nine different countries by the thera, Maha-Moggaliputta-Tissa. The later history of religion is then followed in the countries mentioned, a separate chapter being given to each. The v^hole of these nine chapters fall, roughly speaking, into two Books or Parts, by which division the scope of the Sasanavamsa, as a History of Buddhism, becomes clear. i Part I., as we may call it (departing slightly from the order of the Matika) , is a group of chapters of unequal length, mostly very short, and consisting of a few legends, strung together with quotations from Buddha- ghosa and the Dipavamsa. The accounts of Sihala and Suvannabhumi, however, show far more care^^indncompleteness, or we should rather say, more knowledge of the subject than the others of this group. That of Sihala is drawn chiefly from the same sources as the opening chapter, with some additions from a work of Burmese origin, Buddhaghosuppatti A For Suvan- nabhumi the author gives as his sources the Atthakatha, the Bajavamsa (probably the Pegu Chronicle), and lastly ^ Introduction to Oldenberg's edition of the Vinayapi- takam, p. xli. ; Kern, Manual Ind. Buddli., p. 110, et seq. 2 Written some time between 410-432 a.d. Kern, Man. Ind. Buddh. p. 125. 3 Dated 238 year of Eeligion in Chap. I. of the Sasana- vamsa, but 235 in Chapter II. (The Third Council is now placed at about 241 B.C. Man. Ind. Buddh., p. 109). 4 Edited and translated by Jas. Gray. London, 1892. INTRODUCTION. 6 the Inscriptions — dating from the fifteenth century — of the celebrated Kalyani SIma, the remains of which still exist in a suburb of Pegu city.^ Part II. is the longer and more important. It takes up about three-fifths of the book, but consists solely of Chapter VI., which treats of the history of religion in Aparanta, that is, in Mramma ^ or Burma proper. Before this chapter is examined a few characteristic traits of Part I. should be pointed out. The resume of the early history of Buddhism (including the three Councils and the Great Schism, followed by the rise of seventeen sects, in the second century of Eeligion) is, as I have said, drawn from well-known Sinhalese sources, but a few chronological details are added from Burmese history — or rather, legend. At the time of the First Council the mahathera Kassapa is said to have established the new era. 3 Further a certain jam- BUDiPADHAJA 4 is named as the king reigning at Tagaung, the ancient capital of Upper Burma, in the time of ^ The Text and Translation of the Inscriptions, edited by Taw Sein Ko, appeared in the Indian Antiqiiarij , vol. xxii. (1893). See the same author's ArchcBological Tour through Bamafihadesa (Ind. Ant., vol. xxi. p. 383), and Bemarks on the Kalyani Inscriptions {Ind. Ant., vol. xxiii., April, 1894). 2 Mramma (Maramma or Myanma) see Phayre, Hist. Bur. passim. The derivation of the name is not yet settled; see Taw Sein Ko, Folk-lore in Burma, Ind. Ant. vol. xxii. p. 160, Note; also Ind. Ant., vol. xxii. p. 30. 3 According to Burmese tradition the era which was suppressed by Kassapa had been established 148 years before by the maternal grandfather of Gotama (Bp. Bigandet, Life or Legend of Gaudama, p. 361). 4 See Sir Arthur Phayre's History of Burma, pp. 9, 276 ; A. Bastian's Geschichte der hido-Chinesen, p. 12. 4 INTRODUCTION. Ajatacatbu, the friend of the Buddha ; Dvattaponka ^ is mentioned as the contemporary of Kalacoka, the former being king of Burma in the year 100 of KeHgion. Finally, the date of the Third Council is said to have fallen in the 12th year of the reign of Eamponka,^ King of Sirikhetta (Prome). The Section of Chapter I. that deals with the Missions may be said to strike the keynote of the Sasana- vamsa. The author gives a few explanatory notes on the Nine Regions visited by the first Missionaries, and, of these nine, five are placed in Indo-China. His horizon seems to be limited, first, by an orthodox desire to claim most of the early teachers for the countries of the South (and hence to prove the purest possible sources for the Southern doctrines) ; and, secondly, by a certain feeling of national pride. According to this account, Maha- Moggaliputta Tissa (as if with a special care for the religious future of Mramma) sent two separate missionaries to neighbouring regions in the valley of the Irawaddy — besides three others, who visited Laos and Pegu. A few geographical notes explain the nine regions (leaving out Sihala) as follows : — SuvANNABHUMi is (as in the Atthakatha) identified with Sudhammapura — that is Thaton at the mouth of the Sittaung River. 3 ^ Dwottabaung 101 (Year of Religion). See Phayre's list of Kings of the Prome dynasty. Hist. Bur., p. 277. The legend of Dwottabaung or Duttabaung (b.c. 442) is given in Taw Sein Ko's article Folk-lore in Burma, Ind. A7it., vol. XXX. pp. 159 et seq. 2 See Phayre's list (His. Bur., p. 277). Ranbaung, sixth of the dynasty established at . Tharekhet-ta-ra, reigned fifty years (from 193 to 243 Era of Religion). In Crawfurd's Journal of an Embassy to tlie Court of Ava, Appendix viii., a Burmese chronological table dates Ram- b'haong, King of Prome, B.C. 351. 3 SuvANNABHtJMi see E. Forchhammer's Notes on the INTRODUCTION. 5 YoNAKARATTHA is the country of the Yavana people or Jan-May ^ (the country of the Shan tribes about Zimme) . The identification of Pafiiiasami is one to be met with commonly in the works of Burmese writers, according to whom Yona is the Shan country about Chieng-Mai (Taw Sein Ko, Bemarks, &c.; Forchhammer, Early History, &c.)- European authorities have unanimously placed Yonaka in the N. W. region of India invaded and held by the Greeks (see, among others, Rhys Davids, Buddhism, p. 227 ; Sylvain Levi, La Grece et VInde, p. 37 ; Max Duncker, Geschichte der Arier, p. 378). In the chapter on Yonakarattha the author of the Sasanavamsa localises the Yonaka country more exactly, mentioning the countries HaribJiimja, Kamboja, Khema- vara, and Ayuddha, also the cities of Sokkataya and Kapu7iiia. From these hints we may gather that his Yonaka country extends along the valleys of the Me-7iam and Me-ping rivers and includes the Shan States to the north of these. The names Kamphaung and Zimme (on the Meping) Thukkate and Yuthia (on the Me-nam) can be easily recognised under their pseudo-Pali forms. Early History and Geography of British Burma. The first Buddhist Mission to Suvannahliumi ; Taw Sein Ko, Preliminary Study of the Kalyani Inscriptions (Ind. Ant. vol. xxii. p. 17) explains Sudhammanagara as the modern Thatou ni the Amhurst district. Phayre (Hist. Bur. p. 19) describes Suvdrnabhnmi as including the delta of the Irawadi and Thahtun (being the capital) see also op.cit.]). 24, for references toLassen, Yule, and Bp.Bigandet on Suvannabhumi. The chapter on Suvannabhumi touches briefly on Religion in Muttima (Martaban) as a part of Bdmahna. The history of this region is only carried on to the year 1478 A.D. (reign of the celebrated King Dhammaceti.) I Yonakarattha (The Jan-May of the Pali MSS. of this work, is usually transcribed Zimme or Chieng-Mai). 6 INTRODUCTION. With regard to the Yavana people, it may further be noted that in the sketch map of the ancient classical divisions of Indo-China, in Lucien Fournereau's Le Siam Ancien {Annales dit Musee Guimet, Tome 27) Yavanade(;a lies to the east of the Me-ping Eiver. For the Yavana people in Indo-China see also Abel Bergaigne's L'ancien Boijaiime de Campd d'apres les Inscriptions, p. 61, and Memoires et documents de la Mission Pavie, p. 3. The ancient Haripumja is identified by M. Fournereau with Lamphun {Skun Ancien, p. 53). M. Pavie says, describing a Thai inscription at Lamphun, " Ce Hari- pufijapura fut dans le haut Laos la station la plus reculee vers la frontiere de la Chine, et sans donte nous avons la la capitale du Yavanadega qui du temps de la colonisation brahmanique comprenait la contree du haut Mekhong, probablement toute le partie longeant la frontiere de la Chine entre Chieng Mai et le Ton-king" (Memoires et documents de la Mission Pavie (ed. M. Pavie et P. Lefevre PontaHs), p. 144. In the Po"!, U'l Daung Inscription near Prome (ed. Taw Sein Ko, Ind. Ant., vol. xxii. p. 1, et seq) the following states of the then Burmese kingdom are mentioned among otheva^Kamboja (including Mone, Nyangwe, Thibo and Alomeik), Aguttaya (including Dvaravati (Bangkok) Yodaya (Ayuthia) and Kamanpaik). Khemavara, is the region including Kaington and Kyaing Kaung. It lies between the Saliwen and Me-kong rivers. (See also F. Gamier, Voyage d' exploration en Indo- Chine, p. 366 ; and Yule, Mission to the Court of Ava, p. 352.) Vanavasi ^ (on which Western opinion has been divided) I Vanavasi. Some opinions on Vanavasi may be cited :— Childers (Pall Diet, s.v.) explains Vanavaso : "Name of a country. According to Vijesimiha it means Thibet." Ehys Davids says {Buddhisjn, p. 227), "Vanavasi, that INTRODUCTION. V is the region round Prome. In support of this explana- tion the author mentions that an ancient image of the Buddha was found near Prome some years ago, the inscription of which says that it was erected for the homage of the people of Vanavasi. Of Kasmira-Gandhara it is only said that these two countries formed part of one kingdom [i.e., that of A9oka I] at the time of the Missions. Mahimsakamandala is (in agreement with other writers) identified as the Andhaka — or Andhra — country. 2 Cinarattha, in the Matika of the Sasanavamsa, takes the place of the Himavaritapadesa of the Ceylon books. is the wilderness. It surely cannot mean Thibet. . . . perhaps it was on the borders of the great desert in Rajputana." Fergusson and Burgess (quoted by Taw Sein Ko in Ind. Ant., vol. xxiii. p. 103) place Vanavasi in Kanara (see Cave Temples of India, p. 17) and Koppen {Religion des Buddha, vol. i. pp. 195, 196) conjectures it to be " im Sudosten des heutigen Goa." 1 KasmIra-Gandhara. The Gandhara country lay on the right bank of the Indus, south of Cabul (Max Duncker, Geschichte der Arier, p. 273). 2 Mahimsakamandala : Cf . the following : — " Mahlsamandala worunter man vermuthet Mahismat Oder Mahlsvara au der mitteren Nerbudda zu verstehen ist " (^Koppen, Bel. des Buddh., vol. i. p. 195). Mahisa, " the most southerly settlement of the Aryans South of the Godavari, in the Nizam's dominions" (lih. Davids, Buddhism, p. 227, quoting Lassen's Indische AlteTthumskunde, i. 681). Mahlsamandala; Maisur (Fergusson and Burgess, Cave Temples of India, p. 17). (Burma has its own Mahimsaka^nayidala, a district. 8 INTEODUCTION. Himavantapadesa, mentioned in our text as forming one region with Cinarattha, has been identified with the Central Himalayas (Eh. Davids, Buddliism, p. 227), and with Nepal (Fergnsson and Burgess, Cave Temples, p. 17). The Sen, or Ghinarattha, of the Po^ U;; Daung Inscription is the borderland to the N.E. of Burma {i.e., includes the districts of Bhamo andKaungsin, the district bordering on the Chinese province Yunnan). But in Chapter X. of the Sasanavamsa, " On Keligion in Cina- rattha," we read that the ruler of Clna at one time ruled over Kasmlra-Gandhara, though at the time of Majjhima's mission the latter countries did not form part of his domain. Kasmlra-Gandhara did as a matter of fact become part of the great kingdom of the Mauryas in the time of A9oka (Max Duncker, Geschichte cler Arier, pp. 275, 374), but at a later period war was waged between China and a rival power over these North-West provinces (Sylvain Levi, Notes stir les hido-Sci/thes, p. 62). Maharattha is Mahanagararattha, or Siam. Maharattha is considered by a number of European scholars to be the region of the Upper Godavari, that is, the country of the Maharastras (see E. Miiller, Journal of the Pali Text Society, 1888; also Eh. Davids, BuddJiism, p. 227; Koppen, Bel. Buddh., pp. 195, 196; Fergusson and Burgess, Cave Temples, p. 17). Childers, however, explains Maharattha as Siam. The author of the Sasanavamsa explains that his Maharattha or Mahanagararattha borders on Siam. From this observation and one or two others occurring in the chapter on Maharattha, it would seem that the mentioned in the Po", U',] Dating Inscription, including Mogok and Kyatpyin). It should be mentioned here that the name of the missionary to Mahiinsaka is Maharevata in Sas. V. Mahddeva in Dlpa V., Maha. V., Suttav., Saddh. Samy., and Sam. Pas. INTRODUCTION. » country in question is Laos. An interesting if slight allusion is made to the Brahmanic cult prevailing there at the time of the Mission (aggihrttadimicchdka7mna7n ijebhmjijena akmmu). Nagasena is mentioned as preach- ing in this region. (For Nagasena in Laotian legend see Francis Garnier, Voyage cV exploration, pp. 248, 251. This author learnt that, in Siamese tradition, Laos is a Holy- Land.) {Op. cit., p. 100.) I should add that an inscription of the seventeenth century, quoted by Burmese diplomatists in negotiation with the British Government and translated for his Government by Colonel Burney (Kesident at Ava, 1837), thus defines the region Mahanagara, "All within the great districts of Kyain-youn and Mamgeen " (Yule, Mission to the Court of Ava, p. 351). Finally, Aparantarattha (placed by European scholars west of the Punjab), is none other than the Sunaparanta of the Burmese, i.e., the region lying west of the Upper Irawaddy. It is best here to quote verbatim a passage from the Burmese scholar to whose researches I am indebted for so many facts : " The native writers of Burma, how- ever, both lay and clerical, aver with great seriousness that the Apardntaka referred to is Burma Proper, which comprises the upper valley of the Irawaddy. Such flagrantly erroneous identification of classical names has ansen from the national arrogance of the Burmans, who, after their conquest of the Taking kingdoms on the seaboard, proceeded to invent new stories and classical names, so that they might not be outdone by the Talaings, who, according to their ow^n history and traditions, received the Buddhist religion direct from missionaries from India. The right bank of the Irawaddy river near Pagan was accordingly re- named Sunaparanta, and identified with Aparantaka " (Taw Sein Ko, Some Bemarks on the KalyZmi Inscrip- tions, Ind. Ant., vol. xxiii. p. 103). In the British Burma Gazetteer (vol. ii. p. 746) 2 10 INTEODUCTION. Thoonaparanta is identified with the upper portion of the Thayet district, or the west bank of the Irawaddy. "West" is the sense in which " Aparanta " has been taken as indicating a borderland west of the Punjab by European scholars, of whom I need only quote Professor Ed. Miiller {Journal of the Pali Text Society, 1888), Professor Ehys Davids {Buddhism, p. 227), Koppen {Religion des Buddha, vol. i. p. 192). Taranatha (p. 262 of Schiefner's translation) mentions Aparantaka as a part of India including ' ' Bhangala and Odivi9a." The rest of Part I. of the Sasanavamsa must be dis- missed here with a few words. The religious history of the three regions outside Indo-China and Ceylon is not carried beyond the point where Buddhaghosa leaves it. To the brief account of the Atthakatha and the Dlpa- vamsa the Burmese author adds a few words of melan- choly comment on the darkened state of those lands whence the sunlight of Keligion has vanished. Maha- rattha, Yonakarattha, and Vanavasi are treated some- what more fully, but these six chapters together made up only a small part of the book. I may add here that the Pali of the Sasanavanisa also shows the author's intimate acquaintance with the commentaries. The style is plainly founded on that of Buddhaghosa and his suc- cessors. Naturally, in so modern a text there are no points of strictly philological interest. The obscurities that occur here and there may, I believe, be set down to the difficulties a Burman author would meet with in rendering into Pali some phrases characteristic of the Burmese language. Again, some words used by Panna- sami in Part II. would appear to have a special applica- tion to the circumstances of his own country. It is this Part II., the most original and interesting chapter (on Religion in Aparanta), that is properly the subject of the present short study. THE MONKS AND THE KINGS OF MEAMMA. [7ji the folloiving chapter the names and dates of the Kings of Burma appearing in the text follow Paiinasami ; those in the notes are draivn from other sources (sec authors cited) for comparison. Occasional references are given (by page) to the printed text of the Sasanavamsa (published by the Pali Text Society).] In the Burma of to-day, as in the Europe of the Middle Ages, the monks are the historians ; the last recension of the National Chronicle, or History of the Kings (Maharajavamsa), was the work of " a body of learned monks and ex-monks " in the year 1824.^ But, though a lay point of view is hardly to be ex- pected from such a body of editors, the native chronicles consulted by students of Burmese history have been described as very full and by no means untrustworthy. ~ The Sasanavamsa, a work of narrower scope, cannot, of course, add to our knowledge of the political and military ^ See Taw Sein Ko's remarks on the native histories of Burma {Indicui Antiquary), vol. xxii. p. (31. Lassen {Iiidische Alterthitmshunde) , vol. iv. p. 369), writing in 1861, mentions a recension of the Mahdrd- javamsa, made by command of the king, some sixty years before. The work was based on two older histories. Amoilg the works of the celebrated thera Aggadhamma- lamkara (17th century), mentioned in our text, occurs an abridged version {Samkhepa) of the Bdjavmnsa, written at the request of the king. 2 See preface to Sir Arthur Phayre's History of Burma, London, 1883. 12 A BUEMESE HISTORIAN OF BUDDHISM. history of the author's country. Yet, in so far as the rehgion of the Buddha has played a great part in Burma's social life, and has been the first awakener of her intel- lectual life and the supreme interest controlling it, a record of the Order which, for centuries, has been the living embodiment of that religion, cannot but be interesting. The Kajavamsa is one of the authorities frequently referred to (besides inscriptions and " ancient books ") by the author of the Sasanavamsa, but he chooses from his material with a very strict regard for the purpose of his book. The National Chronicle is quoted here and there, but, as a whole, the part history plays in the religious records is slight. We find here only abrupt mention of wars and sieges, and allusions to kings of Burma, who serve as chronological milestones by the way, or stand out as pillars of the Religion, if they spend liberally to do it honour. Pamiasami's history is a purely ecclesiastical piece of work. Kings are judged, as a rule, according to their "acts of merit" — the building of cetiyas and viharas and the supporting of the Samgha — with a certain calm detachment, that is able to separate their names from any other associations, and to measure their virtue and im- portance by a measiu'e of its own. In the following analysis of the Sixth Chapter of the Sasanavamsa I have set set side by side with such hints of history — bare dates and scanty facts — as occur there, some references to the national chronicle. ^ Occasionally ^ That is to such translations or abstracts as were accessible to me in the works of European writers, namely, Sir Arthur Phayre {History of Burma), Bishop Bigandet (Life or Legend of Gaudavia), Sir H. Yule {Narrative of a Mission to the Court of Ava), J. Crawfurd {Journal), A. Bastian {Geschichte der Indo-Chinesen), li'ather San Germano {The Burmese Empire, ed. Jardine), DISSERTATION. 13 iihere is a curious and characteristic difference be- tween the ecclesiastic's version and that of the kings' ■chroniclers. I have been compelled to leave out the picturesque element brought into the Mramma chapter by the stories told of noteworthy theras. The historical thread is broken by these side-episodes, and some of the chief points obscured, which a closer drawing together of the more important events may serve to bring out ■clearly. The History of Eeligion in Mramma begins with a legendary visit of the Buddha himself ^ to the Lohita- candana vihara (presented by the brothers Mahapunna and Culapunna of Vanijagama).^ The Faith was not " established " in the land till the mission to Aparanta- Tattha in the year 235 after the Parinirvdna,^ but the historian mentions communities of bhikkhus as already existing in Aparanta when Yonakadhammarakkhita ar- rived and points out that the Sutta preached by that thera — the " Aggikkhandhopama " 4 — has a special bearing on the duties of bhikkhus. In this connection he refers, for the first time, to the heretics called Samanakuttakas,5 Taw Sein Ko {Indian Antiquarij, vols. xxii. and xxiii.), E. Forchhammer {Beports to the Government), British Burma Gazetteer, Col. Burney's articles in J". A. S.Bengal, vol. iv., &c., &c. I Cf. Spence Hardy, Manual of Buddhism, pp. 215 and 268. - Legaing (Taw Sein Ko, Indian Antiquary, vol. xxii. p. 6). 3 The Burmese tradition places the Parinirvana at 543- 544 B.C. 4 A discourse in the Suttanipata (not yet edited) of the Anguttara Nikaj^a. I owe this reference to Prof. E. Hardy, editor of the Anguttara (together with other kind help in my study of the Sasanavaiusa). 5 It is certain that the Buddhism of Burma fell away from purity at an early time. Positive evidence exists of 14 A BURMESE HISTORIAN OF BUDDHISM. who are said to have gained a footing in Arimaddana (Pugan) even at that early period. To give Arimaddana due rehgious importance from the earhest times, another legend is quoted here from the Ancient Books {pordiiapottkaJid) , telling how the Buddha visited a spot in Tambadlpa ^ and prophesied that Sammutira.ja - would build a city there, and religion would stand fast in that city. To prove that Yonakadhammarakkita preached in Tambadlpa as well as in Aparanta, Pahhasami points out that it is said in the Atthakatha that thousands of persons of the Ksatriya clan were converted and entered the the great changes that had come over the religion of the people by the eleventh century, at which time " a debased form of Buddhism which was probably introduced from Northern India existed at Pagan. Its teachers, called Aris, were not strict observers of their vow of celibacy, and it is expressly recorded in native histories that they had written records of their doctrines, the basis of which was that sin could be expiated by the recital of certain hymns " (Taw Sein Ko, Ind. Ant., vol. xxiii. p. 258). The writer I quote refers, in another place, to ancient inscrip- tions in Burma as pointing to the influence of the Northern School of Buddhism {Ind. Ant., vol. xxii. p. 165). ^According to the inscription translated by Col. Burney (see above), Tambadlpa includes the districts of Pugan, Ava, Panya, and Myenzain. In the British Burma Gazetteer (vol. ii., p. 746) Tambadlpa is described as the upper portion of the Thayet district, on the east bank of the Irawaddy. 2 This King (Samudri, Thamugdarit, Thamudirit or Thamoondirit) established a dynasty at Pugan in 108 A.D. (Phayre, History of Burma, p. 278. Brit. Bur. Gazetteer, Article " History,'' vol. i. p. 289 ; Burney Notice of Pugan, J. A. S., Bengal, vol. iv. p. 400). DISSERTATION. 15 Order, and, since there were no Ksatriyas in Aparanta, this statement points to a visit of Yonakadhammarakkita to the neighbouring province, Tambadlpa.' But though Arimaddana was destined, to be a centre of rehgion, heresy was rife there from the time of Sammuti himself, and continued to grow and multiply till in the time of Anuruddha ~ the adherents of the Samana- kuttakas numbered many thousands. The chief and most dangerous heresy of this sect is briefly described ; it lies in the boundless abuse of the Paritta,^ which becomes, with these heretics, a charm to absolve from guilt even the murderer of mother or father. Such doctrines (together with others that raised the acariyas to tyrannical power over the family life of the laity 4) had corrupted the 1 Taw Sein Ko observes : " The finding among the ruins of Tagaung of terracotta tablets bearing Sanskrit legends affords some corroboration of the statement of the native historians that long before Anorat'azo's con- quest of Thaton, in the eleventh century a.d. successive waves of emigration from Gangetic India had passed through Manipur to the upper valley of the Irrawady, and that these emigrants brought with them letters, religion, and other elements of civilisation" (Ind. Ant., voll. XXV. p. 7). For the same opinion see Phayre, Hist. Bur. (pp. 15, 16), and rorchhammer's Notes on the Early .History and Geography of British Burma, p. G. 2 Anoarahta, consecrated King in 1010 a.d. He is the great hero of the Burmese. (Phayre, Hist. Bur., p. 22) ; A. Bastian, Geschichte der Indo-Chinesen, p. 38). 3 Originally hymns, suttas and auspicious texts to ward off danger and evil spirits. (Childers, Pali Dic- tionary, s.v. ; C. Bendall, Catalogue of Sanskrit and Pali Books, in the British Museum, 1892.) 4 Sir Arthur Phayre, writing of this period, says that a change, from some unknown external cause, had corrupted religion in Burma — a change such as had already taken place in the Buddhism of the Punjab in the sixth century. 16 A BUEMESE HISTORIAN OF BUDDHISM. religion of Tambadlpa, when -in the eleventh century a He, too, gives the name " Ari " as that by which the heretics were known. Might not this Ari be a slightly altered form of the Sanskrit ari/a, the Arija of Buddhist terminology ? A further comparison of the Samanakuttaka heresy (very briefly sunnned up in the Sasanavamsa) with the North Indian or rather Tibetan Buddhism, is suggested to me by the following sentences in our text : " Sace pi puttadhltanam avahavivahakammaiii kattukamo bhaveyya acariyanani pathamani niyyadetva avahaviva- hakammaiii kattabbani ; yo idam carittam atikkameyya bahu apuhhaiii pasaveyya ti." ("If any man be desirous of giving sons or daughters in marriage, he must first hand over (one of his offspring) to the acariyas before (any) giving in marriage. ^Miosoever transgresses tliis rule commits great sin (lit. produces great demerit).") If my interpretation is correct (making niyyadetva refer to a direct object, understood from the puttadhltanam preceding) the passage recalls a trait of Tibetan Buddhism. "It would appear that compulsion is also exercised by the despotic priestly government in the shape of a recognised tax of children, to be made Iclrnas, named htsun-gral. Every family thus affords at least one of its sons to the church. The first born or favourite son is usually so dedicated in Tibet. The other son marries in order to continue the family name and inheritance. . . ." (L. A. Waddell's Buddhism of Tibet, p. 70). I ought to add, however, that there is no mention in the Sasanavamsa of Naga-worship, as a practice of the Samanakuttakas, but Phayre's authority describes the Aris (the priests of this corrupt cult) , living in monasteries like Buddhist monks. They were expelled and stripped of their robes (like the Samanakuttakas) when Anuruddha had come under the influence of ' ' Arahan ' ' from Thahtun {Hist. Bur., p. 83). With regard to the name Samanakuttaka : from the DISSERTATION. 17 new era opened with the arrival of the great thera Arahanta, from Thaton.' Arahanta's coming to Arimaddana, and the sweeping reforms that King Annruddha forthwith carried out at his instance, are related with a fulness that shows how momentous this episode is in the eyes of the historian. [The story is first told in the words of the Hajavamsa, but two other versions follow, drawn from the Parit- analogy with Kuttima = artificial (derived by Childers from Skt. Krtrma), kuttaka seems to be the Skt. Krtaka = ials,e, artificial, simulated. Samanakuttaka would therefore simply mean : simulating (the life of) the Samanas. It is expressly said that the outward show of a monastic life like the Buddhist monks was kept up by this sect, and that the kings who patron- ised them believed them to be disciples of Got am a. Professor E. Miiller has kindly pointed out to me an instance of the use of this adjective m the passage, " kuttakan ti solasannam natakitthhiam thatva nacca- nayoggan unnamayattharanam " {Sumangcdavildsini, I. p. 87). Here an artificial carpet is meant, affording room to sixteen dancing girls. Discussing the term Cramanakrtakah, Prof. Bendall writes : " There are plenty of mentions of ' false Samanas' ..." For a modern use of a similar phrase, I may also refer to a passage in Mr. Bird's valuable work, Wanderings in Burma, where he speaks of the modern clergy in the Eastern Shan States as " less orthodox than those in the Western States and Burma," who call them " Htii" or ''Imitation priests." (See p. 23 of Wanderings in Burma. George Bird, Education Depart- ment, Burma, London, 1897.) ^ The capital of Pegu, mentioned, in the text, by its classical Pali name Sudhammapura (see Taw Sein Ko, Breli?ninary Studg of tlie Kalydni Inscriptions, Ind. Ant., vol. xxii. p. 17 ; Phayre, Hist. Bur., p. 34). 18 A BUEMESE HISTORIAN OF BUDDHISM. TANIDANA and Sasaxapaveni I.] The Samanakuttakas' heresy was, in fact, annihilated and their communities were relentlessly broken up, but Arahanta warned the king that there was danger for the future of religion, since no relics of the Master's body were treasured in the capital, and the sacred Texts were wanting. He therefore urged Anuruddha to send an embassy to Sudhammapura where there was a wealth of relics and books. This was done, but Manohari,2 king of Pegu (jealous, as it is said — perhaps envying Anuruddha the honour of Arahanta' s intimacy), refused the request, with a contempt that roused the Burmese king to fury. 3 He descended on Sudham- mapura with a huge land force and a number of ships, and laid siege to the city. For a while the army was miracu- ^ I have not come across the titles of these two works in any catalogue of Pali books or MSS. that I have been able to consult. They may be Burmese works, mentioned here by a classical instead of their vernacular name (according to Pafihasami's usual custom). I may note that the difference between the three versions is cha- racteristic. The Rdjavamsa naturally brings the king into the foreground ; the Parittaniddna tells the story of the thera's successful attack on the chief heresy of the Samanakuttakas, his exposure of a false miracle, and the burning of a book of false doctrine, while the Sdsana- paveni lays stress on Arahanta's place in the succession of theras. 2 See Prelwiiiiari/ Study of the Kalijdni Inscriptions, Ind. Ant., vol. xxii. p. 17. Manohari is also called Manuha (Phayre, Hist. Bur., p. 34). 3 The words of the message are given — a home thrust at Anuruddha's former patronage of heretics : " It is not seemly to send the three pitakas and relics to such as you, who hold false doctrine — even as the fat of the maned lion can be kept in a bowl of gold and not in a vessel of clay." A proverb turning on this folk-superstition occurs in DISSERTATION. 19 lously prevented from approaching, but when Anuruddha's Brahman soothsayers, ^ skilled in the Atharvaveda, came to the rescue, the protecting spell was broken by the finding of the mutilated body of anmrdered Hindu, buried under the city walls.= It was dug up and thrown into the sea and the besiegers entered Sudhammapura. Manohari and all his household were carried away captive, and with his captives Anuruddha brought back to Pugan many elephant-loads of relics and books. All the members of the Sanigha in Thaton were transferred to Pugan, so that there were now a thousand teachers to the well-known DJiamnianiti of Burma (Section V., v. 62). Sihameda suvannena na ca titthanti raj ate Panditanam kathavakyain na ca titthati dujjane. The superstition is that the fat of the lion evaporates if placed in a common vessel. (See Jas. Gray's JSiiti Litera- ture of Burma, p. 51.) ^ For the employment of Brahmanical astrologers at the court of Burmese kings see Taw Sein Ko, The Spiritual World of the Burmese {Transactions of the Ninth International Congress of Orientalists, p. 179). 2 " The Burmese kings of old used to have human beings buried alive at the four corners of the walls of their capital city at the time of its foundation, in order that the spirits of the deceased might keep watch and ward over the population, and by their occult influence fail the attempts of invaders to force an entrance into the city " (Taw Sein Ko, Spiritual World, &c.. Trans. Lit. Con. Or., vol. X. p. 180). Cf. A. Hillebrandt : " Weit verbreitet ist das Cxlaube dass ein Bau nur wohl befestigt sei wenn ein Mensch oder Tier in seine Fundamente gegraben ist " (Vedische Opfer iind Zauher. Grundriss der Tndo-arischen Philologic u. Alterthumshiijtde. 1. Band, 2 Heft, p. 9). 20 A BURMESE HISTORIAN OP BUDDHISM. expound the sacred texts. Annruddha further sent for copies from Ceylon, which Arahanta compared with those of Pegu, to settle the readings. Manohari is said to have been made a pagoda-slave,' but there is some evidence in the Sasanavamsa that he was not ungenerously treated, - for while at Arimaddana he still possessed at least one of his royal jewels, a splendid gem, the price of which he devoted to the making of two great statues of the Buddha. According to Pahhasami the statues exist to this day. The Sasanavamsa here leaves Anuruddha 3 and passes on to the time of Narapatisisu 4 (1167 a.d.) The celebrated teacher Uttarajiva had come from Sudham- mapura to Arimaddana and, in his turn, had established religion there. His pupil Chapada spent ten years studying in Ceylon, and then returned with four colleagues — -Sivali, Tamalinda, Rahula, and Ananda — to 1 Phayre, Hist. Bur., p. 84. 2 Forchhammer, describing the so-called "Palace of Manuha," in his report of the ruins of Pugan, observes : " Anuruddha seems to have allowed Manuha the semblance at least of a king" (Report, Jan., 1891, pp. 7 and 8). Bird, Wanderings, &c., p. 353. 3 Anuruddha' s later attempts to get relics (from China and Ceylon) seem to have been less successful than his raid on Sudhammapura. (Phayre, Hist. Bur., p. 35 ; Bastian, Gescli. Ind. Chin., pp. 33, 38.) 4 Narabadi-tsi-tsi-thu (1167). Six kings, the eariier successors of Anuruddha, are here passed over. Two of them are mentioned in the text further on. (See Phayre, Hist. Bur., pp. 37, 49, 281.) "Vielleicht erst mit Narapadisethu wird wieder geschichtlicher Boden getreten " (Bastian, Gesch. Ind. Chin., p. 35). DISSERTATION. 21 the capital. I There they set up a community apart, ^ and were specially favoured by King Narapati. After the death of Chapada separate schools came into existence, having their origin in certain differences 3 that arose between the three surviving teachers — Sivali, Tamahnda, and Ananda (p. 66), Eahula having already quitted the Order. The schools were named each after its leader, but are together known as the 2'>ciccJidgana (or later school) to distinguish them from the earlier school in Arimaddana (purimagana) founded by Arahanta (p. 67). The three teachers died early in the thirteenth century, a time when, it is said, religion shone at its brightest in Pugan. A short digression is made here to mention the building of the celebrated Nanda (or Ananda) temple by King CHATTAGUHINDA4 (p. 68) in the eleventh century, and the history then returns to the time of Narapati, 5 1 The whole story is related in the Kalyani Inscriptions. (See Taw Sein Ko, Preliminary Study, &c. Ind. Ant., vol. xxii. p. 29, et. seq.) 2 Narapati assigned separate quarters to the different sects then flourishing at Pugan. (See Forchhammer's Archaeological Eeport, 1891.) 3 They disagreed on the application of Vinaya rules to the following cases : The keeping of a tame elephant, received as a present from the king (instead of setting it at hberty), and the personal recommending of pupils by a teacher (Vacwihiiatti) . "> Kyansitthd (1057 a.d.). (Phayre, Hist. Bur., pp. 39, 281.) For descriptions of the still-frequented Ananda temple see Yule, Mission to the Court of Ava, p. 36, and Crawfurd's Journal, p. 114. 5 It is rather curious that only one passing mention occurs in the text, of Alon-can-nu (Alaungsithu, 1058 A.D.), the grandson of Kyansittha, a notable king and a zealous Buddhist. He built the great Shwe-ku temple at 22 A BURMESE HISTORIAN OF BUDDHISM. (p, 69), a king whose personality stands out with some distinctness in a story of the thera Sllabuddhi. We see in this latter one of the best types of tlie Buddhist monk unspoilt by kingiy favour as untouched by spiritual pride He opposes the sovereign's wish to build a cetiya on the Khanitthipada hiil, warning him that there is no merit in forcing on his people the heavy labour of levelling the ground. He refuses to eat of the king's bread, and would leave for Sihala but is prevented, by a stratagem of a resourceful minister, and brought back to the king. Narapati, warned by the haunting of a terrifying Yaksha, that he has erred, receives the holy man with great honour, and hands over to him his five sons. Sllabuddhi's characteristic response is to trace out five sites where his royal bondsmen shall build five cetiyas, and with that act he restores them their freedom. Other anecdotes follow to illustrate the splendour of religion in Arimaddana and its continuance through Saints and Arhats.^ The author adds that he could relate many more, but that he fears to overload his history (p. 72). Pugan, improved the administration of law in his king- dom, interfered successfully in the affairs of Arakan, and caused the Buddhist temple at Gaya to be repaired, where an inscription testifies to his piety (see Phayre, Hist. Bur., p. 39). Some explanation of this silence may, perhaps, be found in a fact noted by Bastian (Gesch. Incl. Chin., p. 88), namely, that the personalities of Anoarahta and xllaungsithu have become mingled in Burmese tradition (to the profit of the greater hero's reputation). I The difficulty of recognising the arhat in this world is briefly discussed here. Examples of abstract questions in the Sasanavamsa are so rare that I mention this instance. An anecdote relating to arhatship is told of Mahakassapa, whose attainment to that state was not recognised by his .mddhiviharika, the pupil who was his daily attendant. DISSERTATION. 23 On the anecdotes follows an account of the religious LITERATURE of Tambadlpa, the beginning of which is traced back to the reign of San-lan-kron raja^ con- temporary of Mahanama of Sihala. The mahatheras of Mramma were already writing books in the time of Buddhaghosa and Buddhadatta, and tikas were composed by later authors, for the full understanding of the ancient works. In the year 1127, Aggavamsa wrote the cele- brated grammatical treatise Saddamti^ expounding the original meaning of the language used in the three Pitakas. Sinhalese scholars of that time, we are told, said of this work that they had none in their own country to compare with it, in settling difficult points. Other works of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries are mentioned, with the names of their authors. Pro- minence is given to books on grammar, and here the name of Saddhammakitti is marked out for special honour as the author of the Ekakkharakosa.3 Saddhammakitti lived in the troublous times when religion languished in Tambadlpa under the cruel rule of a heretic of the Jaluma family. 4 The Ekakkharakosa was written to keep alive B. E. 887. Thestory of Pilindavaccha is Teieiredto{see Suttavibhaiiga, xxiii. 1, and Iddhikatha of Kathavatthu, xxi. 4). The digression leads up to the statement that the theras Sihalabuddhi, Pollohka, and Sumedha of Arimad- dana were arhats. ^ Theng-lay-gyung, about 345 a.d. {Bajaweng list of Kings of Pugan. Phayre's Hist. Bur., p. 279). 2 Forchhammer's Archseological Keport on Pugan, p. 2. 3 Ekakkharakosa, a small vocabulary of words of various significations ending in certain final letters, compiled by a very learned Buddhist priest of Burma named Saddham- makitti. [Subhuti, preface to his edition of Ekakkhara- kosa, edited with Ahhidlidiuqipadlpikd, Colombo, 1883.] 4 A son of the Shan chief and conqueror of Ava, Salun or Tsalun. Ava was taken by the Shans about 1523, and Salun placed his son Tho-han-bwa on the throne. Under 24 A BURMESE HISTORIAN OF BUDDHISM. sacred learning, then in mortal danger from the great destruction of books in the land (p. 7G). From Saddhammakitti's time, the beginning of the sixteenth century, the story again goes back to the later Kings of Pugan. Of King Jeyyasinkha (1219 a.d.),' we only hear that he forsakes the world, broken-hearted at B. E. 581. the death of a son, and is succeeded by Kyocva. The latter's piety and zealous furthering of religion are enthusiastically praised.- Plunged in study he left the affairs of state to his son : he was himself the author of two manuals, Paramatthahindu and Saddabindu, for the use of his wives, and one of his daughters wrote the Vibhatyattha.s It was even currently said that this king, in a former existence, had been the mighty champion of religion, Anuruddha. him the Buddhist monks suffered a ruthless persecution (see Phayre, Hist. Bur.,^. 93, and British Burma Gazetteer ^ vol. i. p. 278). 1 According to Phayre' s authorities Jeyyasinkha succeeded his father in 1204, and his reign came to an end in 1227. His son Kyocva or Kyatswa appears in Phayre's list of Kings {Hist. Bur., p. 281), but there is no further account of him. It was at this period that "danger began to gather round the Pugan monarchy" (Phayre, Hist. Bur., p. 51). 2 A Burman Chronicle, quoted by Crawfurd (Journal, vol. ii., p. 288), says of Kyocva, "He loved everybody, read and became master of every book, held public dis- putations, and seven times a day instructed his household. He wrote himself a work called Parmata Bingdu, and built a great house for the purpose of holding disputations. He also constructed a monastery at Sagu and a great tank by damming a mountain stream. During this reign there were no wars or commotions of any kind. . . ." 3 Vibhatyattha affords examples of the Pali cases. (Subhtiti, preface to Abhidhanajjpadijnkd.) DISSERTATION. 25 The career of the thera Disapamokkha, who attained to profound knowledge in his old age, illustrates these golden days of learning under Kyocva. The story is followed by a glowing account of the science and zeal of the women of Arimaddana, and anecdotes are told of their skill in grammar and the keenness of their wit ^ (p. 78). On this joyous note the history of religion in Arimaddana ends. There is no mention of Kyocva's next successors. UzANA (1243 A.D.) and Narathihapate (1248). (Phayre, Hist. Bur., p. 281.) Bastian quotes an inscription in Sagain which mentions Nara-siha-pade, under whom the temples of Pugan w^ere torn down to fortify the city against the Chinese (Gesch. Ind. Chin., p. 41). Even the building of a gorgeous cetiya does not earn a place for Narathihapate among the kings of the Sasana- vamsa. The Burmese people remember him as Taruk- PYE-MENG, a nickname that keeps alive only the memory of his unkingly flight from his capital before the Taruk ; and in the eyes of the monks the " merit " of the great cetiya may well have been lost to its founder, when the temples of Arimaddana were torn down in a vain attempt to fortify the city against the Mongol invaders. ^ The centre of interest now shifts from Tambadlpa to Ketumati, the capital of Jeyyavaddhana 3 and the history suddenly passes over to a later period (1510 a.d.) (p. 80). The founding of Ketumati by king Mahasiri.jeyyasura,4 ^ An extract from this part of the Mramma chapter is given by Minaev in Appendix B to Chapter III. of his Becherches sur le Bouddhisnie. 2 Phayre, Hist. Bur., pp. 51, 53, 54; and Col. Burney's translations from Bdjavamsa. J. A. S. Bengal, vol. iv. p. 400, et seq. Bird, Wanderings, p. 121. 3 Taungu. {Ind. Ant., vol. xxii. p. 4, &c.) 4 MengKyinyo, who assassinated his uncle and suc- ceeded him in 1845. He founded Taungu city. Phayre, Hist. Bur.,^. 92, and Mason (abstract from the chronicles of Taungu) in Burma, p. 65. 3 26 A BURMESE HISTORIAN OF BUDDHISM. a descendant of the fallen dynasty of Pugan, and the steady growth of liis power, as a rival to the Shan usurpers then ruling in Tambadlpa, give a historical im- portance to his reign, but it is naturally not for this reason that it stands out in the annals of religion. The events chronicled in the Sasanavamsa are the arrival, in the year 1530, of the thera Mahaparakkama from Ceylon, and the breaking out of a controversy which he was after- wards called upon to decide. The dispute was about the precept (sikkhdpada) relating to intoxicating drinks. ^ The disputing parties differed in their interpretation of passages in the Kankhdvitarani,^ and other commen- taries, dealing with the question : at what stage of its preparation the juice of the coconut palm, &c. \tdli-ndli- kerddinam], should be considered an intoxicating [and therefore unlawful] drink. Mahaparakkama gave judg- ment and afterwards wrote the book called Surdvinicchaya on this same question. Here another change of period takes us back more than two hundred years to the last days of the hapless KiTTiTARA,3 the deposed king of Pugan. The scene is again Tambadlpa, but Arimaddana is no longer the citadel of religion. A blank is left between the reign of the pious Kyocva I. and that of the three Shan usurpers, who B.E. 664. iiow (1302 a.d.) hold the last king of Pugan prisoner at Khandhapura.4 One episode alone brings Khandhapura into the History of Religion, namely, the siege of the city by a Mongol army, at the instance of the Burmese king's 1 One of the five that are binding on every Buddhist. (Rhys Davids, Buddhism, pp. 139, 140.) 2 Buddhaghosa's Commentary on the Patimokkha. 3 Kyoswa or Kyautswa H. (1279 a.d.). Hist. Bur., pp. 58, 281. 4 Myinzaing, a few miles to the south of Ava. (See Hist. Bur., p. 58, and Col. Burney's Translation (ioc. sit.) for the Rajavamsa account of this episode. It agrees in its main features with that given in Sasanavamsa.) DISSERTATION. 27 son, who sought to restore his father to power. Accord- ing to the Sasanavamsa the Shan brothers, at the time of the siege, sought the advice of a learned thera, as to their best tactics, and received the rather sarcastic answer that such affairs were not the province of the Samana ajud they had better consult the actors (p. 82). The brothers followed this counsel to the letter, took the song of some actors, in a water-spectacle, as a hint to be acted upon, and killed their captive. The besiegers then with- drew, holding it useless to carry on the war on behalf of a dead man. According to Burmese chronicles a monastery was built at Khandhapura by the Shan governors,^ but this is not mentioned in the Sasanavamsa, where it is only stated that a number of theras dwelt in the city, but no books were written there. The youngest of the three Shan brothers, however — SiHAStJRA - — finds a place in our history as the founder of the capital Vijayapura 3 (in 1812) and as a protector of b. e. 674. religion. Yet in his reign there were few righteous bhik- khus and the Samanakuttaka heresy revived. Better days followed in the reign of his adopted son Ujana-^ (1822) who built seven great cetiyas and bestowed gifts of b. e. 684. land with them. Religion flourished then in Vijayapura, for many thousands of theras had settled there; neverthe- less, a scandal was caused by the quarrels of the bhikkhus appointed to receive from the tillers of the soil the due share of the monastery lands. As a protest against this unseemly discord a sect was formed, whose members 1 Hist. Bur., p. 58. 2 Thihathu {Hist. Bur., pp. 59, 282). Bastian, Gesch. I lid. Chin., p. 58. 3 Panya, a few miles to the north of Myinzaing. {Hist. Bur., p. 59.) ■* Son of the deposed Kyautswa. {Hist. Bur., pp. (50, 282.) Crawfurd's Journal, Appendix viii. 28 A BURMESE HISTORIAN OF BUDDHISM. withdrew from the more social hfe of the viharas and lived in the forests. B. E. 704. In 1342 Ujana abdicated in favour of his half-brother Kj^ocva I (p. 85). Here a group of short tales enlivens the chronicle. The author seems almost to enjoy writing of a wrestling match or describing the king's swiftest horse, but the religious aim of these anecdotes is not quite clear. Kyocva does not appear to have been a notable benefactor of religion. In his young days he had not a thought beyond hunting, till he was advised by Sakra, in a dream, to observe Uposatha, as a means of arriving at power and kingship. Later, when on the throne, he was the patron of Samanakuttakas and even had them in his service. But he was an auspicious prince ; he captured the five white elephants promised by Sakra, and his extraordinary luck is (consistently with the general theory of re-birth), counted to him for merit. B. E. 713. The reign of his son Kittisihasura ^ (1351 a.d.) or Catusetibhinda is marked by the writing of some well- known works. Among others is mentioned the Sadda- sdratthajdlini, and a picturesque story is told of the author, Nagita, or Khantakakhipa — so nicknamed from the oddly inauspicious opening of his religious life, when he was so unwilling to be taken to study with a bhikkhu that his father, by way of rebuke, threw the obstinate boy into a thorny bush. The second Shan capital, Jeyyapura,3 and its founder B.E. 685. Sam-kha-ya-co-yon 4 (1323 A.D.) are mentioned only with the remark that no books were written in the city. No ' Kyoaswa or Nga-si-sheng (1342 a.d.). Hisf. Bur., pp. 60, 282. 2 Kyoaswa IV. Hist. Bur., pp. GO, 282. Crawfurd's Journal, Appendix viii. 3 Sagain, on the right bank of the Irawaddy. 4 Athengkaya (1322), a son of Thihathu, who died in that year. {Hist. Bur., pp. 60, 283.) DISSERTATION. 29 record of the last forty years of the Shan dynasty appears in the Sasanavamsa. A few sentences carry the history over the destruction of Vijayapura and Jeyyapura, in 1364, b. e 726. to the opening of a new epoch with the foundation of Katanapura I by Sativa-raja in the same year (p. 87). The first episode set down in the rehgious record of the new capital is the " establishment " of religion by two theras from Ceylon, Sirisaddhainmalainkara and Slhala- mahasami, who landed at Kusima in 1429, bringing relics b. E. 79i. from their country (p. 90). Byahha,2 King of Pegu, refused to allow them to settle in his dominions, and they proceeded to Sirikhetta, where the King of Burma 3 gave them a splendid recep- tion. On the arrival of the relics an earthquake took place, which made a deep impression on the people. The Ceylon theras settled in Mramma, and the spread of religion in the country is ascribed to them. Still, the earlier kings of Ratanapura had not neglected works of piety. Ma-na-kri-cok 4 (1368 a.d.) rebuilt the celebrated b. e. 730. Ca-nah-khum Cetiya, and bestowed on his tutor, Khema- I Ava, at the confluence of the Irawaddy and Myit-nge, founded by Thadominbya in 1364. This prince, who was supposed to be of the ancient royal race of Burma, resolutely attacked the Shan power and made himself king. {Hist. Bur., pp. 63, 64; Ind. Ant., vol. xxii. p. 8.) He built pagodas in his new capital, but "he is denounced (says Phayre) in Burmese history as a man of cruel dis- position who altogether disregarded religion." He reigned less than four years. -^ Binya-Ran-Kit {Hist. Bur., pp. 83, 290). 3 Mexg-nan-si (1426 a.d.), a Shan, who claimed descent from Panca-setibhinda {Hist. Bur., p. 82). 4 Meng-kyi-swa-soa-kai, elected successor to Thado- minbya in 1368. He left so great a reputation as a warrior that he is counted among the five kings of Burma whose conquests brought the most glory and territory to his country (Yule, Mission to the Court of 80 A BURMESE HISTORIAN OF BUDDHISM. cara, whom he made head of the Order, the royal dignity of the white umbrella. It is at this period — in the time of Adhikaeaja ^ (1400 A.D.) — that a Samghardjd is first mentioned in this chapter. Adhikaraja's tutor, on whom he bestowed the title, is expressly excluded by our author from the suc- cession of theras ; but the same king was fortunate in calling bhikkhus to his aid in temporal affairs. When Eajadhira.ja,2 King of Kamahfia, invaded his country and threatened his capital with a siege, it was a bhikkhu of his council who confidently undertook to parley with B. E. 766. the foe, and exhorted Eajadhiraja to such purpose that he returned peaceably to his own country. B. E. 788. In the following reign (that of Meih-na-nah, 1426 a.d.),3 the era was changed and a new reckoning established (according to the old Burmese custom) to avert an evil omen. In the Sasanavamsa the king is said to have been counselled by two learned theras to make the change ; it is an interesting and (in our text) an unusual mention of theras acting as astrologers (their advice to the king is given on the strength of the Vedasattha). There is no hint that these two were wanting in sacred knowledge, though, in another passage, a distinction is severely made between the higher learning and secular science. Among the theras who lived and wrote at Eatanapura in the fifteenth century, the most celebrated was Ariyavamsa (author of Maiiisdramanjusd, Manidtpa, Gandhdhliarana and JdtaJiavisodhana). He is another example of a Ava, p. 269; Bastian, GescJi. Ind. Chin., p. 55; Phayre, Hist. Bur., pp. 64, 284). 1 Meng-Khaung, son of Meng-Kyi-swa-soa-kai {Hist. Bur., pp. 70, 284). 2 Eajadirit came to the throne of Pegu 1385 (Hist. Bur., pp. 68, 290). The Eajavamsa tells the same story. 3 In Father San Germano's abridgement of the Eaja- vamsa {Burmese Empire, chapter viii.), Saddammara.ja (1426 A.D.) changed the era because of an evil omen. DISSERTATION. 31 bhikkhu with that strong influence over the king, that the monks have known so well how to exercise and their chroniclers to describe. Ariyavamsa, the scholarly and niagnaminous teacher, stands out, a dignified figure, in some anecdotes, that occur here, together with an in- teresting list of the works produced by different writers in this fruitful period. Among the literary theras two poets are mentioned, who are not counted by the authors af the pordtiapotthakd in the Succession of theras. ^ A celebrated teacher in the reign of Siritribhavan- ADITYANARAPATIVARE 2 (1501 A.D.) WaS the Saddham- B. E. 863. makitti, of whom we have already heard. His name is bound up with memories of the bitter persecution of the monks that followed the invasion of Burma by the Shans early in the sixteenth century. Saddhammakitti withdrew for safety to KetumatI with b. e. 912. his pupils, one of whom, Tisasanadhaja, was afterwards brought to Hamsavati 3 by King Anekasetibhinda,4 who was reigning over Pegu and Burma in 1551 a.d. Aneka- setibhinda's predecessor, Ta-beng-shwe-hti 5 (1540 a.d.). ' For further remarks on the writing and reciting of poetry by Samanas, Pahhasami refers to his own book, Uposathavinicchaya , where he treats of the sikkhdpada relating to singing and dancing. - Shwe-nan-sheng Narapati (1501 a.d.) [an error in my transcript, observed too late, places this king three years earlier] . In his reign Salun, the Shan chief of Monyin, "after years of desultory warfare," took Ava by storm, and the king was killed escaping from the city {Hist. Bur., pp. 89, 285). 3 Pegu city. 4 Bureng Naung (cahed " Branginoco " by the Portu- guese), 1551, Iling of United Pegu and Burma {Hist. Bur., pp. 161, 290). 5 Prince of Taungu, at the time of the Shan rule in Burma. He is reckoned as a descendant of the ancient royal race. He reigned ten years as " emperor" at Pegu {Hist. Bur., pp. 93, 291). 32 A BURMESE HISTORIAN OF BUDDHISM. is not mentioned, although he appears in the histories as a patriot and even "the recognised champion of the Burmese people." The Shan rule in Burma was broken in his successful campaigns, but his religious foundations were in Pegu, and would therefore be no concern of the Burmese samgha. Very little is said of Anekasetibhinda. It was in Eamahna that he built cetiyas and viharas, and the Europeans of his time who wrote of the dazzling splendour of his capital and court and the width of his dominion, speak of him as the " King of Pegu." From the faint trace left by this imposing personality in the Sasanavamsa, we may suppose that religion did not suffer by the disturbed state of the country. Bureng Naung's activity was felt throughout the whole of Burma in his conquests and administration, and it is recorded of him that he even forced Buddhism on the Shans and Muslim in the north of his kingdom. Of Bureng Naung's son, No-na-ra-mah, or Sihasura- B.E. 961. dhammaraja^ (1599 A.D.), WO Only hear that he restored Ava and was building cetiyas and viharas when he met his death on his return from a victorious expedition to Theinni (or Sinni).^ Under his eldest sons the Order seems to have flourished 1 Nyaung-Kam-Meng (1599 a.d.). Hist. Bur., p. 280. He was a younger son of Anekasetibhinda, and tribu- tary king of Ava. 2 In the North Shan States, a little to the west of the Upper Salwen river (see Hist. Bur., pp. V21 , 128). 3 Mahadhammaraja (1605 a.d.). Hist. Bur., pp. 128, 129, 286. A notable feat of the king is passed over by our history. He successfully attacked Philip de Brito, the Portuguese Governor in Pegu, and avenged the wrongs done to the Order by " the sacrilegious wretch who destroyed Pagodas." This event, however, would touch the Samgha of Burma only indirectly, if at all, and its DISSERTATION. 83 both materially and intellectually, for a great number of works were written in the viharas built by the king's bounty. A few titles of poems and commentaries are given, and mention is made of two bhikkhus from Eamamia, who were favoured by the king for their ability in temporal affairs (lokadhammachekatdija). As their science lay chiefly in the Vedasatthas, the ancient chroniclers do not reckon them in the Succession of theras ; but the reputation they left, notwithstanding, is one of the signs of an undoubted revival of scholarship at this time, which showed itself, during the following reign, in a keen rivalry between the monks of Pegu and those of Burma. King Ukkamsika,^ a famous patron of religion, had established his capital at HamsavatI,- but had a jealous regard for the reputation of the Mramma scholars. Hearing that they were underrated in Kamahha, he sent for learned theras from his own country, and caused a disputation to be held, in which, according to our author, the theras of Burma shone by such profound knowledge that even those of Eamahha were forced to testify to the scholarship of the new-comers. Ukkainsika returned to his Burmese subjects in Eatana- pura in 1684.3 In 1647 occurred an attempt upon his b. e ioo9 life and throne, the story of which, as told in the Sasana- vaiiisa, is different from the Eajavamsa version of the same event, and shows the bhikkhus in a rather unusual character ; in fact, as good lighters in case of need. affairs are throughout kept rigidly apart from those of the Sanigha of Pegu. 1 Thadodhammaeaja (1629 a.d.), brother of Maha- dhammaraja. The date given in the Sasanavamsa is 1684, in which year Ukkamsika left HamsavatI and estab- lished his capital at Eatanapura. (Hist. Bur., pp. 134, 286.) 2 Hist., Bur., p. 134. 3 Ibid., p. 135. o4 A BURMESE HISTORIAN OF BUDDHISM. Pamiasaiiii's account of the affair is, briefly, as follows. In the year 1647, the king's younger brother^ died. Then the king's son, the Prince of Uccanagara placed himself at the head of a conspiracy to dethrone his father, and forced his way into the palace. The king fled from the city, in disguise, bearing away some of the royal jewels, and accompanied by two of his ministers. They reached the river,2 revealed the king's identity to a samanera, who was about to cross over, and induced him to give them a place in his boat. The samanera took them to his vihara, where the royal fugitive threw himself on the protection of the superior. He was not only loyally received, and kept in hiding, but all the bhikkhus of the neighbourhood were called together and organised for a stout defence bj^ one of the theras, who seems to have had some military experience when a layman. The vihara was guarded by outposts of bhikkhus armed with staves ; and the king's pursuers at last withdrew baffled and overawed. The attempted revolution failed, and the king, when restored to power, showed his gratitude to his defenders by gifts of viharas (p. 109). It is interesting to set against this story the summary of the Kajavainsa account given in Phayre's History of BiinnaJ " The conduct of Thadodhammaraja seems to have been irreproachable. Nevertheless, his life was endangered from a conspiracy, the leading features of which have been repeated in recent times. The Heir- Apparent having died, his son was discontented that he was not appointed to succeed to that office. He suddenly assembled a band of armed desperate men and forced his way into the palace. The king fled by the west gate, and 1 The Heir-Apparent (according to Burmese custom) Mengre-Kyoaswa. 2 In this passage the Irawaddy is called the liajata- vdluka (river of silver sand) instead of Eravati, as else- where in the text. 3 Pp. 135, 136. DISSERTATION. 35 took refuge in a monastery. He then crossed the river mid entered a stockade near Sagaiiig, ivJiich loas guarded hi/ soldiers. The rebel prince having no influence in the country, a large body of men rallied round their sovereign. The prince came out of the city and was killed fighting. The king then returned to his palace, and all the men of rank who had been forced to join the rebels were, with their wives and children, burnt as traitors." Among Ukkainsika's religious foundations are men- tioned the Bajamanicula Cetiya' and three viharas, in one of which a certain learned thera wrote two grammatical works. The tutor to Ukkainsika's son and successor, 81RINANDADHAMMAEA.JAPAVARADHIPAT12 (1648), at about b. e. loio. this time, wrote a commentary on the celebrated gram- matical treatise Nydsa. In the Sasanavamsa we so rarely hear of popular move- ments and feelings that it is interesting to find a mention of evil omens occurring in 1650, and causing widespread b. e. 1012. anxiety and terror lest the guardian gods should be leav- ing the capital. 3 Though we have here a clear glimpse of Nat-worship, the omens had their bearing on the history of the Faith. It was at this time, says the historian, that the armies of the Emperor of China devastated Mramma,^ and religion was dimmed as the moon by clouds. ' The " stupendous temple " known as the Kaung-mhu- doa, on the right bank of the river, five miles from Sagain (Crawfurd's Journal, vol. i. p. 846 ; Phayre, Hisf. Bur., p. 135.) ^ Bengtale (1648 a.d.) Hist. Bur., p. 136. 3 Devatd in text — the Pali equivalent for the Burmese Nat. Bishop Bigandet observes of the Nat-worship of Burma, that it is observed privately or publicly by all, from the king downwards, and, further, that it is formally incul- cated by the monks. (Life or Legend of Gaudama, French edition, pp. 24, 77) ; see also Taw Sein Ko, The Spiritual World of the Burmese.) 4 Burma was troubled from 1651 to 1661 by rumours of B. E. 1034-5. 36 A BUEMESE HISTORIAN OF BUDDHISM. Nevertheless in the reigns of Mahapavaradhammara- B. E. 1013. JALOKADHIPATI ^ (1G51) and his successor Naravara (1672) 2 we hear of the building of viharas and the writing of books, and King Siripavaramahadhamma- RAJA 3 (1673) evidently took a real interest in religion for he commanded that the PatthdiiapaJcarana ^ should be preached (for the first time) in Mranmia and also in Ramahha. It was in his reign, we are told, that the custom was first introduced, in Mramma, of decorating the outside boards of MSS. with lacquer and gold in the fashion that obtains to-day. There is a note of bitterness in a general comment of the author here on the last five kings of the No-NRA-MAH dynasty reigning in Ava.s In their indiffer- ence to religion they showed equal favour to worthy and unworthy bhikkhus, so that religion languished. Yet, he adds, the succession of theras continued unbroken — as indeed did the succession of heterodox teachers — -the wars with China and later raids of Chinese marauders, who even threatened Ava. {Hist. Bur., pp. 136, 137; Bastian, Gesch. Ind. Chin., p. 62.) ^ An insurrection had followed on the king's supposed indifference to the sufferings of the people. It was headed by the Prince of Prome, who caused his brother to be drowned and was consecrated as Maha Pawra Dhamma Eaja (1661). {Hist. Bur., pp. 138, 286.) - Son of Mahapavaradhammaraja. He died within a year of his accession. {Hist. Bur., p. 140.) 3 Brother of Naravara. He was not a capable ruler and his reign was marked by a gradual decline of the monarchy in Burma. {Hist. Bur., p. 140.) 4 The seventh book of the Abhidhamma. 3 That is, from Naravara (1672) to Mahadhammara- .JADHIPATI (1733). {Hist. Bur., p. 286.) It was a disastrous period for Burma, with raids from the North, rebellion from the South, and a breaking-up of the state itself, till Ava was at last burnt to the ground by the Talaings in 1752. 'o^ DISSERTATION. O i handing down of the so-called dcariijapaveni. The two opposing elements in the Order w^ere soon to be matched in a long and noteworthy struggle. With the reign of SirimahasThasurasudhammara.ja ^ (1698 A.D.) begins a new chapter in the history of Burmese b. e. loeo. Buddhism — the Parupana-Ekamsika controversy. The rise and many phases of the dispute are set forth at length by the author of the Sasanavamsa. His account must be followed here, without such omissions as would give a false idea of the proportion this cha- racteristic part bears to the whole, though the story is as tedious as those of all such contentions, where the im- portance of the issues is comprehensible only to the parties in the dispute. Yet here and there a convincing touch shows us that certain principles were fought for as well as mere matters of monastic propriety, and the Sasanavainsa account (by an ardent Pdnipana), gives us, if in a strong party spirit, an instructive view of a question that kept the Samgha in a state of ever-renewed strife for more than a century. A thera named Gunabhilamkara had gathered round him a following, who were distinguished by going about in the village with one shoulder uncovered by the upper garment (p. 118). From their distinguishing mark, the one bared shoulder, this party came to be called the Ekamsika sect. Meanwhile the followers of four other teachers — Buddhankura, Citta, Sunanta, and Kalyana — strictly observed the wearing of the upper garment on both shoulders, during the village rounds. These latter, from their habit of going clothed, were called the Pdru- pa7ia sect. 2 1 Son of Siripavaramahadhammaraja. {Hist. Bur., p. 286.) 2 Prof. Rh. Davids has been kind enough to give me some interesting details of two sects in Ceylon at the present day (the Buramdgama and Siijamdgama) which correspond to the Pdrupana and Ekaimika sects. The 38 A BURMESE HISTORIAN OF BUDDHISM. On this difference in daily practice the whole controversy turns. The Ekamsikas asserted that their custom had been taught by the thera Saddhammacari, who had visited Ceylon (a warrant of orthodoxy) . Moreover they bribed a layman of loose morals, who had quitted the Order, to write a book supporting their views. At the same time a further irreligious tendency showed itself in the Samgha : a bhikkhu at the head of another group busied himself in drawing away the forest-dwelling monks from their retired life and attracting them to his own vihara. The king now intervened, for the first time, and issued a decree, commanding the two sects to keep to their own precincts, observing their own respective customs, and leaving each other in peace. But in the reign of his B. E, 1074. successor, Setibhinda^ (1712 a.d.), the quarrel revived. Ukkamsamala, the leader of the Parupanas, was able to prove that the Parnpana practice was supported by the ancient writers, while the Ekamsikas rejected it on the strength of their own party traditions (dcariyapaveivi). (p. 120.) The king appointed a tribunal of four theras, before whom the two sects were to set forth their arguments. But the arbiters were monks without learning in the Sacred Texts and Commentaries, merely courtiers aiming to please the king. The question thus remained unsettled. The Ekamsikas could not conquer, by reason of the real weakness of their cause, and the Parupanas wisely lay low, since the enemy was strong for the time being. Buramagama, or Burma sect, wear the upper garment habi- tually over both shoulders and only bare the left shoulder as a mark of courtesy, in intercourse with others. The Siyamagama (Siam sect) adopt the slightly more ostenta- tious fashion of having one shoulder always uncovered. I Hseng-phyn-sheng (in Rdjavamsa hst, 1714 a.d. Hist. Bur., p. 286), another of the insignificant kings of the declining dynasty. (Hist. Bur., p. 140.) DISSERTATION. 39 Now was indeed hardly the time for the king to occupy himself with ecclesiastical questions. From a few abrupt words of the historian we learn that we have arrived at the moment of disaster for the long declining power of Burma. In the year 1751 a.d. the King of Eamaiiiia ^ b. e. 1113. gained a victory over Mramma, Eatanapura was sacked, and the king carried away captive to Hamsavatl.^ But it does not appear that the political changes made any great difference to the religious world. The rule of one Buddhist king instead of another could by no means be fraught with the same dangers and terrors to the Order as a Shan raid or a Chinese invasion. 80, in these troublous times, the head of the Parupanas (the King's tutor, Nanavara) wrote several books. The strife of the sects was meanwhile kept up by the attacks of Pasamsa, the head of the Ekamsikas (p. 122). The superior of one of the great royal viharas had been appointed Vinatja- dhara. But the king's weakness for a favourite had blinded him to the monk's unfitness for the responsibility, and as the king himself was only equal to issuing a decree that every bhikkhu in his kingdom should observe what rules of life he pleased, the religious difficulty remained as far from a solution as ever. Of all that passed in the eventful two years following the sack of Ava we have the merest glimpse. It is in connection with a revival of religion rather than of a people's freedom that we hear how " the king who founded Ratanasikha "3 swept the Talaing armies out of the land, and conquered Eamahiia and ruled over it. The work of AL0MPRA4 the patriot, who, obscure and almost ^ BiNYA Dala (1746 A.D.). Hist. Bur., p. 145; Bastian, Gesch. Incl. Chin., p. 64. ~ Hist. Bur., p. 147. 3 Or Eatanasingha (Shwe bo, or Montshobo) about 60 miles to the north of Ava {Tnd. Ant., vol. xxii. p. 28; Hist. Bur., p. 150). 4 Alaungh-pra (vernacular rendering of the Pali Bodhisatta. See Hist. Bur., p. 149, et seq.; Yule, Mission 40 A BURMESE HISTORIAN OF BUDDHISM. single-handed, drew together the fragments of the broken state, and in two years raised Burma to a miited nation, is recorded as a rehgious work — " Eehgion revived, so that the people of Mramma said, ' Our king is a bodhisat.' " The king insisted on the observance of Uposatha by all his court, furthered the study of the Sacred Texts and supported the Samgha, and now the Parupana-Ekamsika controversy entered on a new stage. The principal members of the Parupana sect set forth their views in a to the Court of Ava, p. 184). An incident in Alaungh-pra's conquest of Pegu is thus related by Sir A. Phayre : *' By the end of October (1756) the whole of Alaungh-pra's army . . . had closed round the devoted city (Pegu). The King of Pegu had no resource left but to appeal to the mercy and the religious sentiment of his enemy — an expedient of which several instances are mentioned in the histories of the wars of Burma. The deeply revered Eahans, headed by their venerable superior, appeared in the camp of the invader, and in the name of religion besought him to put an end to the war, and to live as elder and younger brother with the King of Pegu. In other words the kingdom was to be held as tributary to the King of Burma. The chief Kahan, in his address, with sincere or artful allusion to the conqueror as a destined Buddha, referred to the satisfaction he would feel in after ages when that high and holy state had been attained in his last birth, and when he could look back with pure delight on a noble act of generosity and mercy which would give relief to millions of human beings " {Hist. Bur., p. 168). The venerable envoy was received with the respect that the kings seem always to have shown to the Order ; but a further defence brought down on the Talaings the sack of the city and a slaughter, in which, according to the chronicles of Pegu, even the monks were not spared. DISSERTATION. 41 letter to the king. Thereupon the Ekamsikas (of whom Atiila,^ the king's tutor, was the leader), wrote to the king, asserting that the whole question had been settled in the time of his predecessors, and could not be raised again. The king in reply declared that he was, just then, too much busied with state affairs to attend to religious matters, and shortly afterwards issued a decree that all bhikkhus were to conform to the practice of the royal dcariya. The order was generally obeyed, but two Parupana theras of Sahassorodhagama held staunchly to their principles, and continued to teach their following as before. Atula sent for these two to come to the capital, and tried to destroy their credit with the people, but his unjust dealing brought down on him a supernatural warning — a storm, in which thunderbolts fell on his own vihara and the king's palace (p. 125). A touch of vivid interest brightens here the monotonous story of the long, futile dispute. The thera Muninda- ghosa observed and taught the Parupana x^i'^ctice with unswerving steadfastness, in defiance of the royal pro- hibition and in despite of banishment. At last, with his life in his hand, he came to the capital and faced the formidable Alompn^. Neither begging the latter's mercy nor fearing his wrath he simply laid aside the monastic robe, and came as a layman, lest the grievous guilt of slaying a monk should be upon the king. "I have come hither, laying aside my vows, that this heavy sin might not be I rpj^g a j.QyQ\ preceptor " (Atula Sayado) is mentioned in the Po" U" Daung Inscription of 1774. "He was the Thathanabaing or Buddhist Archbishop appointed by Alaungp'aya when the latter became king. Atula Sayado retained his office throughout the reign of five kings, and was removed by B6-do-p'aya for his schismatic doctrines " (Taw Sein Ko, Po'!, U" Daung Inscriptio)i of S'in-hiju-yin. Incl. Ant., vol. xxii. p. 8). 4 B. E. 1122. B. E. 1125. 42 A BURMESE HISTORIAN OF BUDDHISM. thine. Now, if thou wilt slay me, slay ! " he said. And Alompra dared not. Alompra's last expedition to Siam ^ is mentioned. He died upon the homeward march (or rather the retreat), and was succeeded in 1760 a.d. by his eldest son SiRIPAVARAMAHADHAMMARAJA - (p. 127). As the royal tutor (the learned grammarian and philo- sopher Nana) held the Parupana views, the orthodox party now hoped to gain recognition. They laid a written memorial before the king, but their chief opponent, Atula, interposed as before, and prevented a fair hearing by a counter-declaration that the question had been already settled. Nothing noteworthy, it would seem, happened during the short reign of Siripavaramaha- dhammaraja. Under his successor, Siripavarasudhamma- MAHARAJADHiPATi 3 (1768 A.D.) a certain heresy arose and spread widely. What the heresy was we are not told, but only that the king forced the heretics to embrace the true religion. 4 Of Hsen-byn-Sheng we hear very little, though he was "an enlightened monarch," and "a staunch 1 1760 A.D. Phayre, Hist Bur., p. 168. 2 Naung-doa-gyi, Hist. Bur., pp. 184, 287. 3 Hseng-byn-Sheng, the second son of Alaungh-pra. {Hist. Bur., pp. 186, 287.) [Erroneously dated at B.E. 1205 (1848 A.D.) in the Text.] 4 A certain movement in the Burmese community is noticed by Spence Hardy in Eastern Monachism (1850) which may perhaps have been a revival of the " heresy " suppressed by Hseng-byn-Sheng in the middle of the eighteenth century. "About fifty years ago a class of metaphysicians arose in Ava called Paramats, who respect only the Abhidhamma and reject the other books that the Buddhists consider as sacred, saying that they are only a compilation of fables. The founder of the sect, Kosan, with about fifty of his followers, was put to death by order of the king " {op. cit., p. 331). DISSERTATION. 48 Buddhist." ^ The rehgious act commemorated in the Inscription at Prome,^ namely, the crowning of the great pagoda at Rangoon — is not mentioned in the Sasana- vamsa. It is said of this king, however, that the Ekamsika heresy had no success under his rule. When his son Mahadhammarajadhiraja 3 (1776) b. e. iiss. mounted the throne, the Ekamsikas again approached the new king. Sing-gu-sa, who was under the influence of the orthodox thera Nandamala, summoned both parties to hold an open disputation before him. The result was a crushing defeat for the Ekamsikas ; whereupon the king commanded that all bhikkhus should instruct their samaneras in the orthodox practice. How far this decree succeeded we are not told ; but the next king Bodoah Pra4 (1781) was by no means content to let the religious b. E. 1143. question rest. He held that, as the disputation had been held in the palace, the one party had been intimidated or At least one connecting link may be pointed out here between this later school and the sect denounced by Pafinasami — the Sasanavamsa mentions that Gunabhi- lamkara, the first leader of the Ekamsikas, " taught his pupils the Abhldhamvia." Heresies of doctrine and practice were no doubt intermingled, all along, though we hear little of the former in our history. It is possible that Christianity, first introduced into Uj^per Burma in the 18th century, may be meant (see Bird's Wanderings in Burma, p. 88). ^ Jas. Gray, Dynasty of Alaung-Prd, p. 24. This author mentions that Hsen-byn-Sheng warmly encouraged the study of Sanskrit literature, and sent to Benares for Brahman scholars to come and live at his capital. 2 The Poo Uo Daung Inscription, Ind. Ant., yo\. xxii. p. 1. 3 Sing-gu-sa, who succeeded at the age of nineteen. For his short and futile reign and miserable death, see Hist. Bar., pp. 207, 208, 209. 4 Fifth son of Aloinpra. Hist. Bur., pp. 208, 209, 287. 44 A BURMESE HISTORIAN OF BUDDHISM. overawed, and had therefore suffered defeat. His plan was to send commissioners to the different monasteries that the theras might set forth their views to these latter, mihampered by any fears. The Captain of the Bodyguard was made head of the Commission of Inquiry. The Ekainsikas (perhaps upon a royal hint) ^ acknowledged to the king's commissioners that their practice was not supported by the scriptures, but only by tradition. The king, judging the question to be closed by this avowal, issued a decree commanding the observance of the rules laid down for samaneras by orthodox teachers. ^ The founding of the new capital Amarapura in 1782 ^ is mentioned with the conventional prophecy supposed to have been uttered by the Buddha upon the site, in his lifetime. While Bodoah Pra went about to expiate the bloodshed of the opening of his reign, and to build the "Immortal City" by the unpaid and unwilling labour of his subjects,^ he was careful to assure himself a religious reputation in other ways. A list of viharas (which, the author assures us, does not contain all, lest his book should be inordinately long) shows the splendid bounty of the king, the royal family, and the nobility of this time. 5 ^ The king's own tutor was of the orthodox school ; and from our knowledge of Bodoah Pra's usual methods, we can hardly suppose that there was less intimidation in the " Inquirj^ " than in the open debate. 2 Parimandalasuppaticchmiasikkhdpaddni enjoin the entire covering of the person while walking abroad. 3 Hist. Bur., p. 211. Yule's Mission, p. 180 et seq. 4 Hist. Bur., pp. 210, 211. Father San Germano, Burmese Empire (ed. Jardine), p. 68. 5 The light thrown on Bodoah Pra's personality and acts by less partial writers, brings out a curious contrast between his religious zeul and his atrocious inhumanity and cruelty as a ruler. Father San Germano speaks with detestation of this king as a monster of wickedness, but notes that, in his time, it was a capital offence to drink DISSERTATION. 45 A step was made during this reign in the further organi- sation of the Sanigha, at the head of which were four Saipgharajas, under the Supreme Head of the Order. Four more were now added to the number. The king's Guru, Nanabhisasanadhaja, was made Supreme Head. He is said to have been very active in religious reforms, moving from vihara to vihara, teaching, practising ascetism, and writing books. Two years after the founding of Amarapura, the Parupana-Ekamsika dispute had been revived by the restless i^.tula, who sent a letter to the king maintain- ing that he had scriptural authority, in a text called Crdcujantliipada, for the practice of baring one shoulder and wearing a girdle round the body (p. 186). The king thereupon called together an assembly of Mahatheras to meet the champion of the Ekainsikas, and come finally at the truth. This debate, in which Atula was put to utter shame and met with "threefold defeat," is described with great zest. The historian illustrates each " defeat " with a picturesque tale, to bring home to the reader the miserable confusion of the heretic and the triumph of his ■opponents. The triumph, this time, was final and com- plete for the orthodox party. With the dramatic scene in the Council Hall ends the long-drawn-out story of the controversy. A royal command established the Parupana practices for the whole of the kingdom, and, according to the author, they obtain everywhere to the present day (p. 142).^ wine, smoke opium, or kill any large animal. {Burmese Empire, ed. Jardine, p. 85.) Father San Germano's description is borne out by the royal history itself. {Phayre, Hist. Bur., p. 230.) ^ He adds' that his account is only a sunnnary, for if the whole controversy were related, with all the disputes and arguments on both sides, the Sasanavainsa would be too tedious. B. E. 1162. 46 A BURMESE HISTORIAN OF BUDDHISM! i\.n important religions event at the opening of the present century was the rise of the so-called " Amara- PURA " school of Ceylon,^ which, as Pahhasami is careful to point out, owed its origin to the Burmese Samgharaja Nanabhivamsa. He had bestowed ordination in the year 1800 to a Sinhalese deputation, headed by the thera Ambagahapati,- whose visit to Amarapura proved a strong feeling, existing in a part of the Ceylon community, that the unbroken succession of theras could only be secured by consecration in Mramma (p. 142). Bodoah Pra's later years are passed over in silence. 3 In ^ Spence Hardy gives the chief tenets of the Amarapura School, whose aim was to restore the ancient purity of Buddhism. Among the principal points are, that this sect (1) allows ordination to all castes ; (2) the members go about with both shoulders covered and eyebrows unshorn. {Eastern Monacltism, pp. 328, 829.) - The following account of this incident is given by Yule: "In the teeth of fundamental principles the privilege of admission to the Order was, in Ceylon, long confined to the highest caste. ... In the end of the last century a bold candidate of low caste, with several like- minded companions, visited Amarapura in search of ordination. They were well received by the king and priests, were admitted to the Order, and, on their return to Ceylon in 1802, accompanied by several Burman priests, brought a missive from the Thathana Bain or Patriarch at Amarapura, to the corresponding dignitary at Kandy. Their community is known in Ceylon as the Amarapura Society, and they denounce the heterodox practices of the established body there." {Mission to the Court of Ava, p. 241.) 3 It would be difficult for our historian to speak either of the king's pretensions to Buddhahood, which the Order refused to recognise, or the gigantic pagoda, begun by his command, which his deeply discontented subjects would DISSERTATION. 47 1819 his grandson Siritribhavanadityapavaeamanditai b. e. iisi. succeeded him. Three of this ruler's rehgious discussions with his ministers are recorded, two of which were of very practical interest, dealing w4th the ancient grants of land, &c.,2 to the Samgha. The Ministers laid down the principle (based on the A^ina5'a and Atthakatha) that the Order could continue to claim all rights bestowed by donors in time past (such as a share of produce of the land granted, provision for the repairing of cetiyas, &c.) (p. 145.) On another occasion Hpagyidoa asked in whose reign gifts of land, with cetiyas and viharas, had first been bestowed on the Order. In this case, too, the minister consulted (who went back as far as the time of the Bhagavat Sujata for a precedent) was able to answer to the king's satisfaction. Hpagyidoa's later years, darkened by listless brooding over defeat 3 and narrowed territory, were not marked not finish (see Father San Germano's account in Burmese Empire; Yule, Mission to the Court of Ava, p. 169; Phayre, Hist. Bur., p. 219). ' Hpagyidoa (1819). Hist. Bur.,]). 287. "He com- menced his reign well. He remitted some taxes for three years, and in a speech to his courtiers promised to rule justly and to follow the precepts of religion " (Hist. Bur., p. 252). - Bp. Bigandet says that according to inscriptions found at Pugan it is evident the monasteries and temples were endowed, in the palmy days of that city, with rice- fields, fruit-trees, cattle, &c. ; but that no vestige of such acts of bestowal, dating within the last three or four centuries, has been found (see Life or Legend of Gaudama^ p. 169). 3 In the first Anglo-Burmese War (1824) he sank into inactivity and melancholy, and was at length dethroned by his brother, the Prince of Tharawadi {Hist. Bur., p. 260), who, himself, afterwards went mad. B. £. 1208. 48 A BURMESE HISTORIAN OF BUDDHISM. B. E. 1199. by any special benefits to the Samgha. In 1837 the reign of his younger brother Siripavaradityalokadhi- PATI began :^ the only events recorded are the appoint- ment, death, and funeral of the Samgharaja, the appoint- ment of his successor (who wrote a commentary on the Saddhammajmjoti'kd), and the arrival of another depu- tation from Ceylon (p. 147). The accession of Siripavaradityavijayananta ^ (1846 A.D.) seems to have fallen at the beginning of a period fruitful in religious literature. A great number of books were written; those mentioned by Pahhasami are chiefly Atthayojanas in Burmese, on the Suttapitaka and commentaries. It is certain that the scholars of the Burmese community were deeply in earnest in their endeavour to make the ancient scriptures, the treasury of the purer, earHer Buddhism, accessible to the lesser learned, to whom tihds written in Pali would have taught nothing. The author of the Sasanavamsa (whose name now appeal's, for the first time, as a pupil of the Sanigharaja) praises with exaggerated, enthusiastic loyalty the king who next ascended the throne (p. 148), Meng-dun-Meng3 (1852), as the source of the religious revival of those days ; but it is clear that the monks had already done their part of the work in writing and teaching before the righteous king was at the head of affairs. An immediate consequence, how- ever, of the king's earnestness was that religion was zealously practised, in appearance at least, by the royal family, the court, and the people as a whole. B. E. 1214. ' Tharawadi Meng (1837 a.d.). Hist. Bur., p. 287 ; Yule's Mission, pp. 131, 226. 2 Pugan-Menci (son of Tharawadi) (1846 a.d.), of whom Sir Henry Yule says : " He had all the worst parts of his father's character without the plea of insanity in excuse." 3 Brother of Pugan-Meng, whom he deposed {Hist. Bur., p. 287). DISSERTATION 49 The historian rises Hterally into a song of praise ^ as he •dwells on the virtues of the clhammardjd and the new ■enthusiasm for religion, in monks and laity alike. But 4iilready, a year after the festival of the founding of Ratana- punna 2— Meng-dun-Meng's new capital — the general fervour seems to have cooled. Meng-dun-Meng learned with grief that signs of growing laxity were appearing in the Order. It was the old story — a departure from the primitive strictness of the precepts that the Master had laid down, to rule the bhikkhu's life. Some used gold and silver, others chewed betel-nut at unseasonable hours, drank forbidden beverages, and went into the villages, wearing shoes and carrying umbrellas. The king was anxious to impose a vow {patinnd) of abstinence from these indulgences, but, doubting if such a measure w'ould be lawful, he consulted the Samgharaja. The Primate summoned a council of Mahatheras, and charged the king's minister to question them on their views (p. 155). Opinion was divided. The Samgharaja and some others held that the king would be justified (by his earnest desire for reform) in imposing the vow ; but others were against it. Finally the Samgharaja called on his pupil Pahhasami to set forth the views of the Head of the Order. The younger thera then delivered a discourse ; taking as his ^ He quotes here several verses from a poem of his own composition, the Nagardjuppatti. The poem shows that its author understands the courtly art of praising kings. It must be said that Meng-dun- Meng won a tribute of high practice from many European writers, who judged him from a severer stand- point than his dcariya. It is generally agreed that he was an enlightened, just ruler, earnestly striving after the good of his people, and perhaps more true to the noble ideals of the religion he "supported" than any of his predecessors. 2 Mandalay, founded 1857. 50 A BURMESE HISTORIAN OF BUDDHISM. text passages of the Vinaya, Pdtimokkha, Parivdra, and Siittavihhanga, and referring to Buddhaghosa's com- mentary, he argued that imposing a vow, in all sincerity, to restrain the monks from sin, would be a blameless act. He pointed out in how many religious acts the jj«fi?l«a enters. Newly ordained bhikkhus, at the time of the Upasampada ordination, pronounce a solemn vow, on the exhortation of the upajjhayas. In the same way novices (sdmcmerd) at the moment of renouncing the world ipabbajjd) take a vow to observe the Precepts ; bhikkhus, when acknowledging a fault committed, continually take a vow of amendment ; novices, when entering upon their training under an upajjhdija, take a vow ; and the vow the king wished to impose did not differ from these, solemnly sanctioned by scripture and by precedent. The assembly was convinced, the king acted on its judgment, and the laxer members of the Order returned, under compulsion, to a stricter way of Ufe (p. 158). We now come to the last controversy, perhaps recorded because it points to the influence of the Burmese Sanigha in Ceylon (p. 159). An ancient Simd in the island was the subject of dispute. One party in the Sinhalese Samgha maintained that consecration performed within this boundary was not valid, as the Slmd was no longer fit in every respect for the ceremony. ' Another party I The fault of the Simd in question was Samkdradosa,. i.e., confusion (of boundaries), because a causeway had been built connecting it with others (c/. the discussion on the validity of Slmds for ordination in the Kalyani Inscriptions where the j)hrase occurs : " Apare tu thera : dvinnam baddhaslmanani yeva rukkhasakhadisam- bandhen' amiamafihasamkaro hoti . . . ." [Text of Kal. Ins. by Taw Sein Ko, hid. Ant., vol. xxii. p. 155 ; Translation, vol. xxii. pp. 15, 29, et sea.] The complete purification of the space for ceremonies is a vital point,, hence the importance of well-defined boundaries. DISSERTATION. 51 held that the Sl)nd fulfilled all requirements, and the matter was brought for judgment to the Samgharaja at Mandalay, bj^ deputations (with a short interval of time) from both sides. They were hospitably received, viharas were built for them, and the Samgharaja gave judgment, after con- sulting various books. The members of both deputations received presents from the king, and those who had been proved in the wrong were safeguarded (against a break in the succession of theras) by reordination. A few ecclesiastical details of slight interest, that need not be brought into this review, bring the record up to the year 1860, when the History of Eeligion in Aparanta closes. CONCLUSION. The History of Eeligion in Mramina is, as we have seen, nothing more than the history of the Buddhist Order in SuNAPAEANTA and Tambadipa. The record takes us beyond these Hmits in two periods only, that is when Taungu, under a king of Burmese descent, represented the older state (Aparanta being at that time under Shan rule), and later, when the kings of Burma, as " Emperors of Pegu," held their Court at Hamsavati. But the record of the two Irawaddy provinces cannot be called a "local" chronicle, for the history of the Burmese as a nation centres in a group of cities on the upper river — Pugan, Sagain, Ava, Panya, Amaeapuea, Mandalay — each, in its turn, the seat of kings. In the monasteries and cetiyas of the capital has been reflected, more or less faithfully, the welfare of the country. Of necessity they prospered or suffered, in some degree, according as Burma triumphed over neighbouring states or suffered invasion, raid, and plunder from China, the Shan tribes, and Pegu. Such glimpses of the times as occur in the Sasana- vamsa, and the dates, which serve as a guide through a crowd of anecdotes and digressions, agree, on the whole, with the secular history of Burma ; but there are some significant omissions. The invasion of the Mongol armies of Kublai Khan and the taking of the capital in 1284 A.D. are passed over in absolute silence ; and this is only one example among many that might be brought forward. Some kings are altogether ignored, and those whose "merit" assures them a place in the rehgious chronicle are often shadowy figures, or are painted in 52 CONCLUSION. 53 colours that give the he to history. In the Sasanavamsa we hear of the pious zeal of Kyocva and the bounty of BoDOAH Pra. Yet we cannot do more than guess at the real greatness of Alompra, and we hear nothing of the tyranny and crimes of his successors — the hideous cruelty of one, the downright insanity of another. Nowhere does a single hint occur of the appearance of the Portuguese in Burma, or the later advance of the English into the heart of the old kingdom. Yet we know, from passages in the Sasanavamsa itself — not to speak of European testimony — that monks have been, for centuries, advisers of the sovereign, peacemakers and negotiators in affairs of state. Mere ignorance and pious seclusion from the world are no explanation of the omissions in the Sasanavainsa. The historian knows the relations — often shameful and grim enough — of the kings to their kins- folk, subjects, and neighbours, but it does not come within his plan to set them down. It is in this very one-sidedness of the record that lies no small part of its interest. While isolating the religion of the rulers from their political and private lives, it brings before us a picture of the relations of State and Samgha in Burma for eight centuries, from the time of Anuruddha, with his constant adviser, Arahanta, to the time of Meng-dun-Meng, with his council of Mahatheras. Those relations may be briefly summed up as a mutual dependence. The Order, though enriched by the gifts of pious laymen, yet depends, in the last resort, upon the king. Under such despotic rule no man's property or labour is his own ; the means of supporting the Samgha may be withdrawn from any subject who is under the royal displeasure. The peaceful, easy life dear to the Burmese bhikkhu, the necessary calm for study or the writing of books, the land or water to be set apart for ecclesiastical ceremonies (a fitting place for which is of the highest importance), all these are only secured by the king's favour and protection. If this be borne in mind. 54 A BUEMESE HISTORIAN OF BUDDHISM. the general loyalty of the Samgha to the head of the State is easy to understand. On the other side, the king's despotism is held in check and his religious feelings (if they exist at all) sharpened by expediency, or their place (if they are non-existent) supplied by the strongest motives of self-interest. At the lowest, the royal gifts of viharas and the building of cetiyas are either the price paid down for desired prosperity and victory, or the atonement for bloodshed and plunder ; and the despot dares not risk the terrors, the degradation, that later births, in coming time, may hold in store for him, if he injures or neglects the Samgha. It would be a totally false view, however, to see in this mutual dependence only mutual bargaining. It cannot be doubted that many of the kings have been swayed by a real reverence for the sublime ideal of the Religion, and a real awe before the silent, impalpable power facing their own. And — for the monks — the Sasanavamsa bears witness again and again to the noble indifference of members of the Order to kingly favour or disfavour. More than one strong protest is recorded, even against the building of a cetiya, by forced labour, and gifts to the Order, wrung from the misery of the people, have been steadfastly refused. As a general rule, the king seems to have had a great and recognised authority in ecclesiastical affairs. The record (within historical times) begins with Anuruddha's vigorous reforms. In later centuries we find the sovereign connnanding teachers hither and thither, at his pleasure, and even enforcing the study of this or that branch of sacred learning. Though the development of the hierarchy in Burma to its modern form ^ is not distinctly traced in the Sasanavamsa the nature of the Samgharaja's office is very clear. He is no elected Head of the Order, but appointed by the king, whose favourite, and tutor he usually is, and on whose death or deposition ^ Bishop Bigandet, Life or Legend (French edition), pp. 477-480. CONCLUSION. 55 he will, most often, be replaced by the dcariija of the successor. Finally, it appears, from the accounts of controversies such as the great Parupana-Ekamsika dispute, that the sovereign's power to settle a religious question by royal decree is fully recognised by the Sanigha ; while, to keep the balance of mutual depen- dence, we see the king himself usually under his dcariya's influence, so far as to ensure his favouring the orthodox or unorthodox school, according to the views of the Sanigharaja. The controversies of which we read in the Sasanavamsa have their interest from another point of view. They illustrate not only the influence of the king in the affairs of the Order, but the whole character of the Buddhism of Burma. It was said by Bishop Bigandet, many years ago (and by many writers since his day), that the Buddhism of Burma has kept the primitive character lost in other countries (as Nepal) ; and this is well borne out by the religious annals of Mramma. Here we find, at least, a consistent striving carried on, century after century, to uphold the precepts and to keep before the bhikkhus of later times the earliest ideal. That controversies have raged only too often over the veriest trifles, is the first and irresistible impression that the reading of these records brings with it. But strict- ness in details is, in itself, no departure from the spirit of the ancient and pure Buddhism. The " Discipline " of the Order embodies countless rules on the smaller decen- cies of life, which are ascribed to the watchful wisdom of the Master himself. Here, of course, the individual point of view of the author has to be taken into account, besides his monastic standing. Heresy, for Paiinasami, means, before all, a falling away from the ancient Discipline ; the controversies he records as noteworthy turn, for the most part, not on philosophical subtleties but on daily life, — on the precepts of the Vinaya rather than on the questionings of the Kathavatthu. 56 A BURMESE HISTORIAN OF BUDDHISM. The individual bias is clear, too, in the interesting, if short, notices of the literary history of Burma, contained in the Sasanavamsa. The author's great delight, as a scholar, is in grammar. His anecdotes of theras cele- brated in this branch of learning, or of keen-witted women disputing with monks on Pali accidence, sound a note of real enthusiasm. It is a pious enthusiasm too ; accord- ing to the orthodox, scriptural warrant is everything, in the settlement of religious difficulties. From the word of the ancient texts, expanded in the Atthakatha and further explained by Ukas and atthayojanas there is no appeal. So the actual " word " becomes the rock on which right-believing and right-living rest, and generation after generation of teachers devotes itself passionately to the study of the Pali grammar. The " science of words " is held to be vital to the cause of Truth, and the writing of grammatical treatises rises to the height of a religious duty. The Sasanavanisa can be fairly judged only by bearing in mind the express and declared purpose with which the book was written. The author's first aim is to trace the Theraparcmipard, — the spiritual pedigree of orthodox Buddhist teachers from the Master's own disciples down- wards. Like the tie of blood between father and son is the relationship between each teacher and the pupil who is his direct successor. The succession depends on (1) Personal relation with the teacher as his pupil (sissa) and companion (saddliivihdriha) ; (2) valid ordination ; (3) strict orthodoxy — another name for the doctrine professed by the Vibhajyavadins, who already claimed, in A9oka's day, to uphold the true teaching of the Master against encroaching heresies ; (4) holiness of life, or "modesty" (to translate literally the charac- teristic phrase of the Buddhists). The alajjibhikkhu is no more to be reckoned in the Therajparampard than is the adhammavddl. Already, in the opening chapter of the Sasanavamsa, the first two centuries of Buddhism are no sooner passed CONCLUSION. 57 in review than the author turns back to follow the succes- sion of theras from Upali, the Master's own saddhivi- hdrika to Maha-Moggaliputtatissa, from whom down to the present time the line of orthodox teachers, each inheriting his master's authority, is held to have been uninterrupted. And throughout the book we see an underlying purpose, even in the anecdotes, haphazard and irrelevant as some of them at first appear to be. That purpose is to separate the orthodox from the unorthodox (or even doubtful) theras, and to prove their claim to descent, in unbroken line, from the great teachers of the past. But, in fulfilling this purpose for Buddhist readers, the History of Eeligion brings the Samgha before us as no priestly caste nor even a community bound by neces- sarily life-long vows, but a brotherhood in touch with every class in the nation, sharing its activities, its feel- ings, many of its weaknesses. It is not too much to say that the highest interest of the Sasanavamsa lies rather in its reflection of the spirit than its history of the career of Buddhism in Burma. We value what the writer unconsciously reveals, rather than his dates, which are sometimes doubtful, or events, which are often fantastically wide of the truth. Even the orthodox prejudices woven into the work, and certainly the national traditions and local details with which it is coloured lend it a worth of its own. Its very narrow- ness brings us, by a direct way, the closer to this strange and great religion, so t3^pical in itself of the Indian genius, yet planted in the midst of non-Indian races and secure — with roots deep in a past of many centuries ; secure, in spite of ineradicable folk-super- stitions and even reconciled with them. We see in the religious History of Mramma a striking departure from the Master's conception of the true Samana, the monk-philosopher, with his intense spiritu- ality, his rapt calm, his abandonment of joy and sorrow, his love for all beings, and his detachment from all. Yet 5 58 A BURMESE HISTORIAN OF BUDDHISM. we find, too, a certain abiding fidelity to the Discipline and an earnest teaching of the Law of Gotama. We see the Order growing and changing to a hierarchy, relaxing its strictness of renunciation, so that its higher members become councillors of State or dignitaries of a Church supported and enriched by royal bounty ; but we must recognise, besides, in all its ranks, a social force, an upholder of humanity and justice against barbaric tyranny, a grave, strenuous influence in the midst of a careless people, teaching the love of learning and com- pelling the obeisance of kings. We see the land loyal to the Conqueror it has never wholly understood, and none the less loyal, though the old gods still people every tree and stream and watch over every village. The chroni- cler's intimate knowledge, with all its limitations, comes to the aid of the more critical historian ; the Burmese monk, busied in his quiet kijaung, lends help that cannot be foregone, if the history written from the outside point of view is to be no less just in its judgments than true as a record of facts. en oo tr> CT> OO 04 S 11 % o a o 3 O i 9 K- bahiram akasi. Tada pana uposatham akasi. Bhagavata vuttaniyamen' eva Kathavatthun ca bhikkhusaragliaraajjlie vyakasi. Asokarame ca sabassamatta mabatbera navabi masebi samgayimsu. Tada Majjbimadese Pataliputtanagare Siri-Dbammasokarabfio rajjam patva attbrirasa vassani abesun ti, Marammarattbe pana Sirikhettanagare Eam-pom-kassa nama ranno rajjam patva dvadasa vassani' abesun ti. Imissafi ca tatiyasanigitiyam Maba-Moggaliputta-Tissa- tbero nama dutiyasamgayakebi mabatberebi Brabmalokam gantva sasanassa paggabanattbam Tissam nama Maba- brabmanam ayacitaniyamena tato cavitva idba Moggaliya nama brabmaniya kuccbimbi nibbattasatto. Labbasakka- ram apekkbitva sattbimattanam tittbiyanam samanalayam katva uposatbapavaranadisu kammesu pavesanam parisaya^ asuddbatta satta vassani uposatbassa akriranan ca sasanassa paggabane karanam eva Maba-Moggabputta-Tissa-Majjban- tika-Mabadevapamukba mabatbera tatiyam samgayitva tatiyam sasanam paggabesum. Siri-Dbammasokarajfi ca tittbiyanam vadam sallakkbetva tittbiye babisasanakaranadibi sasanassa paggabo raja ti veditabbo. Maba-Maggaliputta-Tissa-Majjbantika-Maba- devapamuldianam sabassamattanam mabatberanam sissa- parampara aneka bonti gananapatbam vitivatta. Yam ettba ito param vattabbam tarn Attbakatbayam vuttanayena veditabbani. Te pana maliatbera tatiyam samgayitva parinibbayimsii ti. Honti c'ettba: Mabiddbika pi ye tbera Samgayitvana sasane Maccuvasam va gaccbimsu Abbbagabbbam va bbakaro. ' D. "dvi. ^ A. paribaya. -^ 10 H^ Yatha ete ca gacchanti Tatlia mayam pi gaccliama. Ko nama maccuna mucce Maccuparayana satta. Tasma lii pandito poso Nibbanam pana accutam. Tass' eva sacchikattaya ^ Pufinam kareyya sabbada ti. Ay am tatiyasamgitikatliasaiikliepo. Tato param kattba^ sammasambuddhassa bhagavato sasanam suttbu patitthahissati ti vimamsitva Maha-Moggali- putta-Tissathero paccantadese jinasasanassa supatitthi- yamanabbavam passitva nava tbanani jinasasanassa patittba- ])anatthaya visum visum mahatbere pesesi seyyatbldam Maba - Mahindatberam Sibaladipam pesesi: Tvam etam dipam gantva tattba sasanam patittbapebi ti. Sonatberam Uttaratberafi ca Suvannabbumim, Mabrirakkbitatberam Yonakalokam, Yonakarakkbitatberam Vanavasirattbam, Dbammarakkbitatberam Aparantarattbam , Majjbantika- tberam Kasmlragandbarattbam, Maba-Revatatberam Ma- bimsakamandalain , Maba -Dbammarakkbitatberam Maha- rattbam, Majjbimathei'am Cinarattban ti. Tattba ca upa- sampadapabonakena samgbena saddbim pesesi. Te ca mabatbera visum visum gantva 3 sasanam tattba tattba patittbapesum. Patittbiipetva c'eva tesu tesu tbanesu bbik- kbimam kasavapajjotena vijjotamana abbbambi dliumarajo + Rabusankhatebi vimutto viya nisanatbo jinasasanani anan- tarayam butva patittbasi. Tesu pana navasu tbanesu s Suvannabbiimi nama adbuna Sudbammanagaram eva. Kasma pan' etam vinuayati ti ce^: Magganumanato tbananumilnato va. Katbam magganu- manato? ' A. and B. sacchikattbaya. ^ Min: katbam S. kattba. 3 S. omits. 4 A. and B. abbbabima" S. cadbiima rajo pesesi. s S. omits. ^ Min: ca. -^ 11 H5- Ito kira Siivannabhumira ^ sattamattani yojanasatani lionti. Ekena vatena gacclianti nava sattabi ahorattelii gacchanti. Atli' ekasmim samaye evam gacchanti nava sattaham pmadlghavattamaccbapitthen' ^ eva gata ti Attbakatbayam viittena Sibaladlpato Suvannabbumim gatamaggapamanena Sudbammapurato Sibaladipam gata- maggapamanam sameti. Sudbammapurato kira bi Sibala- dipam sattamattani yojanasatfini bonti. Ujumvayu-aga- manakale gaccbanti vayunava sattabi aborattebi sampa- punati. Evam magganumanato vinuayati. Katbam tbananumanato. Suvannabbumi kira mabasa- muddasamipe tittbati. Nanaverajjakanamj pi vrmijanam upasamkamanattbanabbutam mabatittbam boti. Ten' eva mabajanakakumaradayo Campanagaradito^ samvobarattbaya navaya Suvannabbumim agaccbantis. Sudbammapuram pi adbunil mabasamuddasamipe yeva tittbati. Evam tliana- numanato vifinayati ti. Apare pana Suvannabbumi nama Haribbunjarattbam'' yeva ti vadanti, tattba suvannassa Indiullatta ti vadauti. Anne pana' Siyamarattbam yeva ti vadanti. Tarn sabbam vlmamsitabbam, Aparantam nama visum ekarattbam eva ti apare vadanti. Anne pana Aparantam nama Sunaparantarattbam eva ti vadanti. Tarn yuttam eva. Kasma? Aparantam nfima Sunaparantarattbam eva ti vinnayati ti ce attbakatbasu. Dvibi namebi vuttattil Uparipannasattbakatbayam bi Sala- yatanasamyuttattbakatbayau ca attbakatbacariyebi Suna- parantarattbe Kondadbanatberena(?) salrdvadanadbikare ^ laddbe tadaggattbanatam dassentebi'' Aparantarattliani sunasaddena yojetva vuttam. Dbammapadattbakatbayam pana Aiiguttarattbakatbayan ca tarn eva rattbam vina sunavaddena vuttam. Sunasaddo '" c'ettba puttapariyayo ". "■ B. °bbumi. ^ B. sattabam pi nidiya vattit° A. pi nadlgbaya vatta° J B. Veraiijakanam. '^ A. Cammri° 5 Min: mid B. agamamsutl ti. ^ D. °rattbe. 7 A. annena. ^ A. and B. silaka" D. sabakfidi namika tbere. 9 A., B. and D. dassantebi. ^" I), sadde. " D. vutta'' -^ 12 f^ Mandhaturafifio jetthaiDutto catudipavasino pakkositva' tesam visuiii visum nivasatthanam niyyadesi^ Tattlia uttaradipavasmam thanani^ Kururattliam nama, pubba- dlpavrisiuaiii4 pana Vedeliaratthaiii uama paccliimadlpa- vaslnain Aparantain nama. Tattha paccliimadipe jatattas te sunasaddena vutta. Tatra jata pi hi tesam putta ti va suna ti va vutta yatlia Vajjiputtaka bliikkliu ti. vatticcliavaseiia va vacasilitthavasena ca idam eva su- nasaddena visesetva voliarantl ti datthabbam. Yonakaratthani nama Yavanamanussanam nivasatthanam eva. Jam-may^ iti vuccati. Vanavaslrattham nama Sirikhettanagaratthanam eva. Keci pana Vanavaslrattham nama ekam rattham eva na Sirikhettanagaratthanan ti vadanti. Tarn na sundaram. Sirikhettanagaratthanam eva hi Vanavasirattham nama. Kasma pan' etam vihnayati ti ce imassa amhakam raiiho l)hatikarahfio kale Sirikhettanagare gumbehi^ paticchadite elcasmim pathavimahceS anto nimmujjitva thitam porani- kam9 ekam lohamayabuddhapatibimbam patilabhi. Tassa ca pallauke idam Vanavaslratthavaslnam pujanatthaya ti adina poranakalekhanam ^° dissati. Tasma yev' etam vihhayati ti. Kasmiragandhararattham nama KasmTrarattham Gan- dhararatthah ca. Tani pana ratthani ekabaddhani hutva titthanti. Ten' eva Majjhantikattheram ekam dvisu ratthesu pesesi. Janapadatta pana napurasakekattam bhavati. Tada pana ekassa rahho anaya patitthanavisayatta ekattha- vacanena'^ Atthakathayam vuttan ti pi vadanti. Mahimsakamandalan nama Andhakarattham yam Yakkhapuraratthan ti vuccati. Maharatthaiii nama Mahanagararatthaiu. Adhuna hi ^ A. pappositva.^ ^ B. vasattbanam nlyadeti. C. na vasa° 3 A. and B. dhanam. 4 A. navatatthanam. 5 B. pubbadaja pacchimadaja. C. jatattiia. ^ B. Jail— may. D. yam yanahmaya. 7 B. rambhehi. « B. i)uiice. Min: pathavi punje. 9 B. poranitam. ° B. porana° ^^ A. ekattavacanena. -^- 13 H^ Maharattham eva nagarasaddena yojetvaMahanagararatthan ti voharanti ti. Siyamarattban ti pi vadanti acariya. Cinaratthau nrima Himavantena ekabaddham hiitva tliitam Cinaratthara yeva ti. Idara sasanassa navasu tlianesu visuin visum patitthanam. Idani adito patthaya theraparamparakatlia vattabba, Sammasambuddbassa bi bbagavato saddbivibariko Upali- tbero, tassa sisso Dasakatbero, tassa sisso Sonakatbero, tassa sissa Siggavatbero, Candavajjitbero ca\ tesa.m sisso Moggalipiitta-Tissatbero ti ime pafica mabatbera sasa- navamse adibbiita acariyaparampaiTi nama. Tesam bi sissaparamparabbuta tberaparampara yavajjataiia na upa- ccbindanti'. Acariyaparamparaya ca bijjibbikkbii yeva pavesetva katbetabba no abijjibbikkbu. Alajjibbikkbu nama bi babiissuta pi samana labbagani-lokagani-3,dlbi dbamma- tantim nasetva sasanavare mababbayam uppadenti ti. Sasanarakkbanakamman nama bi bijjmam yeva visayo no abijjmam, ten' abu porana: Mabatbera anagate sasa- nam ko nama rakkbissati ti anupekkbitva anagate sasanam bijjino rakkbissanti bajjino rakkbissanti lajjino rakkbissanti ti tikkbattum vacam niccbaresum. Evara Majjbimadese pi abijjipuggala babu santi ti veditabba. Parinibbanato bi bbagavato vassasatanam upari pubbe- vuttanayen' eva Vajjiputtaka l)bikkbil adbammavattbuni dipetva patbamasamgltikrde baliikatebi papabbikkbiilii saddbim mantetva sabayam gavesetva mabasamgitivobarena mabatbera viya samgitim akamsu. Katva ca visum 3 gana abesura. Abo vata idam'^ basi- tabbam kammam. Seyyatba pi nama jarasiiigalo catupadasri- maniiena manam jai)petva attanam sibam viya mafinitva sibo viya sibanadam nadi ti te pavacanam yatbabbutam ajanitva saddacbayamattena yatbabbutam attbam nasimsuS; Kifici kinci^ pavacanam pi apanesum tan ca sakagane ^ B. corrects to candavajji" A., S. and D. canda° ^ D. omits. 3 B. omits visum. '^ B. iti. 5 B. namasimsu. " B. kanci. D. kinci pi. -^ 14 H^ yeva hoti na dhammavadigane. Dliammavinayam vikopetva yatli'icchitavasen' eva carimsu. Ayam pana Mahasanigiti nama. Eko adhammavadi gano tato pacclia kalam atikkante tato yeva afifiamafmam vadato bhijjitva Gokuliko nama eko gano Ekavyokaro' nama eko ti dve gana bhijjanti^ Tato paccha Gokulikaganato yeva annamanfiam bhijjitva Baliussutiko nama eko gano Pafmattivado nama eko ti dve gana bhijjimsu. Puna pi tehi yeva ganehi Cetiyavado nama eko gano bhijji. Tato paccha cirakalam atikkante dhammavadigane hi visabhagaganam pavisitva Mahimsa- sako nama eko gano Yajjiputtako nama eko ti dve gana bhijjimsu. Tato paccha pi Vajjiputtakaganato yeva aiiha- mahuain bhijjitva 3 Dhammuttariko nama eko gano Bhaddayaniko nrima eko gano Channagririko* nama eko Sammiti^ nama eko ti cattaro gana bhijjimsu. Puna pi Mahimsasakaganato ahhamahham bhijjitva Sabbatthivado^ nama eko gano Dhamuiaguttiko7 nama eko Kassapiyo va nama eko Samkantiko nama eko Suttavado nama eko ti pahca gana bhijjiiusu. Evam Majjhimadese dutiyasamgltim samgayantanam mahatheranam dhammavaditheravadaganato visum visum bhijjamana adhammavadigana sattarasavidha ahesum. Te ca adhammavadi gana sasane theraparamparaya ananto- gadha. Te hi sasane u})akara na honti therai)aramparaya ca pavesetva ganitum na sakka. Yatha hamsagane** bako^ yatha ca gogane gavajo yatha ca suvannagane'° harakiito" ti Maha-Kassapatheradito pana agata theraparampara Upali-Dasako c'eva ti adina Parivarakhandhake Samanta- pasadikatthakathayah ca agatanayen' eva veditabba. Upalitheradinam parisuddhacaradmi anumanetva yava Moggahputta-Tissa-thero" tava tesam theranam jjarisuddha- caradinl ti sakka hatum. ' B. byotaro. Min: Ekabyokaro. ^ B. bhijjimsu. 3 A. sajjitva. 4 Min: Chandagariko s B. Chanamutiko. A. Samuddiko. D. Samuko. S. Samutiko. '^ B. Sabbatti" 7 A., B., D., S. "kuttiko. ^ B. Tathayam hamsagane. 9 Min: baka. '" B. corrects to supanna" '' D. kutho. " A., B. and S. Hthera. ->t 15 H$- Seyyatha pi nadiya iipari sote meghavassanam ' aniima- netva adho sote nadiya udakassa bahullabhavo vinfiatum sakka ti ayam karananiimauanayo nama. Yava pana Moggalipiitta-Tissathero ^ tava theranam parisuddhacara- dini anumanetva Upalitherassa parisuddhacaradml ti sakka natum. Seyyatlia pi nama upari dliiiniam passitvu anumanetva aggi atthi ti sakka fiatun ti ayam phalanumananayo nama. Adiblmtassa3 pana Uprditherassa avasanabhiitassa ca Moggalipiitta-Tissatherassa parisuddhacaradini anumanetva majjhe Dasaka-Sona-Siggavadlnam theranam parisuddh- acaradini ti sakka natum. ' - Seyyatlia pi nama silapattassa orabliage parabhage ca migapadavalanjanam^ disva anumanetva majjhe apakatam padavalahjanam atthi ti sakka natun ti ayam migapada- Valaiijananayo nama. Evam tlhi nayehi ayam theravada- gano dhammavadi hijji i)esalo ti veditabbo. Evam upari- nayos netabbo theraparampara ca yava potthakarulha Parivarakkhandhake Samantapasadikayah ^ ca tato Ma- hindo Ittiyo ti^ adina vuttanayena veditabba ti. Iti Sasanavamse navatthanagatasasanavamsakathamaggo nama pathamo paricchedo. Idani Sihaladipasasanakathamaggaiu vattum okaso anup- patto. Tasma tarn vakkhami. Sihaladipam hi sasanassa patitthanabhiitatta cetiyagabbha- sadisam hoti. Sammasambuddho kira Sihaladiijam dhara- manakale pi tikkhattum agamasi. Pathamam yakkhanani damanatthani " ekako va gantva yakkhe dametva 'mayi parinibbute Sihaladipe sasanam patitthapissati' ti Tamba- pannidipe rakkham"' karonto'" tikkhattum dipam avihchi". ^ A. and B. vassani. D. °vassam na. '■" A. and B. thera. j D. adisutassa. 4 B. valahjanam. D. S. "ahcanam, 5 B. pi nayo. A. uparivinayo. ^ B. °pasadikacayah ca. 7 A. and D. Itthiyo. ^ S. namana° 9 B. arakkham. '" S. karonto, '' B. avicchi. -^ 16 H5- Dutiyam luatiilabhagineyyanani nagarajunam damanattliaya ekako va gantva te clametva agamasi. Tatiyam jjanca- bhikkliusataparivaro gantva Maliacetiyattliane ca ThuparE- macetiyattliane ca Maliabodhipatittliitatthane^ ca Mahi- yauganacetiyattbane ca Mutiijganacetiyattbane^ Digbavapi- cetiyattbane caKalyamyacetiyattbane ca nirodbasamapattim samapajjitva nisidi. Tada ca pana sasanam ogahetvana tava tittbati. Paccba pana yatbavuttatberaparamparaya samabbinivittbena Maba- Moggaliputta-Tissatberena pesito Maba-Mabindatbero jinacakke paficatimsadbike dvisate sampatte diitiyakatti- kamase Ittiyena-5 Uttiyena Sambalena Bbaddasalena ca ti etebi tberebi saddbim^ Sibaladipaiii agamasi. Sonuttara- ttbeiTidayo jinacakke pancatimsadbike dvisate sampatte dutiyakattikamase yeva sasanassa patittbapanattbaya attano attano sampattabbarabbiitam tarn tarn tbanam agamamsu. Maba-Mabindatbero pana satta masrini agametvas jina- cakke cbattimsadbike dvisate sampatte jettbamasassa pimnamiyam Sibaladipam sasanassa patittbapanattbaya agamasi. Ten' eva tesu navasu tbanesu Slbaladi})am cba- ttiinsadbike dvisate agamasi^. Anfiani pana attba thanani paficatimsadbikadvisate yeva agamasi ti visum vavattba- petabbo. Kasma pana Maba-Mabindatbero satta masani agametva sabbapaccba Sibaladlpaiii agaccbati ti? Tada Slbaladipe Mutaslvo' nama raja jaradubbak) abosi sasa- nani paggabetum asamattbo^. Tassa pana piitto Devanam -piya-Tisso nama rajakumaro dabaro sasanam paggabetum samattbo bbavissati. So ca Devanampiya-Tisso rajjani tava bibbatu Yedissakagirinagare? matuya saddbim natake tava passami ti apekkbitva"' satta masani agametva cbattira- sadbikadvisate yeva jinacakke Maba-Mabindatbero Sibala- dipam gacchati ti veditabbam. 2 A. patittbitattbrinattbane. A. and I). Mudiyangana° Mudiiigana" 3 A. and D. Ittbiyena. '^ S. = pe = mase. 5 A. agamitva. ° Min: asamasi. t first Buddba" ** A. asamasattbo. '-> S. corr. Vetisaka" '° B. avekkbitva. -^ 17 f^ Maha-Maliindathero ca Ittiyadlhi therelii catulii bhagi- neyyena-Siimana-samanerena Bhandukena nama upasakena ca ti etehi saddliim chattimsadliike dvisate jinacakke jettliamasassa^ punnamiyam suvannahamsa viya jetthamase nabham uggantva akasamaggena Anuradhapurassa piirat- thimadisabhage Missakapabbatakute patittbasi. Jetthamasassa ca punnamiyam Lankadipe jettbamiila- nakkbattasabba butva manussa cbanam^ akamsu. Ten' ev' aba Sarattbadlj)aiiiyain nama Yinayatikayam: Jettba- masassa punnamiyam j ettbanakkbattam midanakkbattam va boti ti. Tattba ca punnaminakkbattam iTijamattan te^ punnammakkbattavicarananayena'^ vuttan ti dattbabliam. Devanam-piya-Tisso ca raja nakkbattam nama gbosapetva cbanam karetba ti amacce anapetva cattalisapurisasabassa- parivaro nagaramba nikkbamitva yena Missakapabbato tena payasi migavam kilitukamo. Atba tasmim pabbate adbivattba eka devata migarupena rajanam palobbetvas pakkositva tberassa abbimuldiam karoti^. Tbero rajanam agaccbantam disva mamam yeva raja passatu ma itare ti adhittbabitva Tissa Tissa ito ebi ti aba. Raja tani sutva cintesi: imasmim dipe jato sakalo pi manusso mam Tisso ti namani gabetva alapitum samattbo nama nattbi. Ayam pana cbinnabbinnapatadbaro bbandukasavavasano mam namena alapati. Ko nu kbo ayam bbavissati manusso v;i amanusso va ti. Tliero aba: Samana mayam mabaraja Dbammarajassa savaka Taveva7 anukarapaya^ JambudipS, idbagata ti. Tada ca Devanampiya-Tisso raja. Asokaranna pesitena abbisekena ekamasabbisitto boti ? visakbapunnamayam ^ S. A. and B. °masa. ^ D munassa nam. 3 Sic 318 S. Min: ntande. 4 B. °nakkbattam° 5 B. palopetva. ^ B. akasi. 7 Min: tarn eva. ^ S. Taveva anukammaya. 9 B. abosi. Sasana-Vamsa. 2 -^ 18 H$- hi'ssa abhisekam akamsu. So ca Asokaraniia pesite (Ihammapannakare ratanattayagunapatisamyuttam sasana- pavattim acirasutam^ anussaramano tarn therassa: Samana may am maharaja Dhammarajassa savaka ti vacanam sutva ayya nu kho agata ti tavad eva a\Tidham nikkhipitva ekamantam nisidi sammodaniyam katham kathayamano. — Yath' aha: A\aidham nikkhipitvana ekamantam upavisi Nisajja raja sammodi balium atthupasamhitan ti-. Sammodaniyam katham ca kurumane yeva tasmim tani pi cattallsapurisasahassani agantva samparivaresuniJ, Tada thero itare pi cha jane dassesi+. Raja disva ime kada agata ti aha. Maya saddhim yeva maharaja ti. Idani pana Jamhudlpe ahhe pi evarupa samana santi ti. Santi maharaja etarahi Jambudlpo kasavapajjoto isivata- pativato tasmim — Tevijja iddhipatta ca cetopariyayakovida Khlnasava arahanto bahfi buddhassa savaka ti. Bhante kena agat'atthas ti. Neva maharaja udakena na thalena ti. Raja akasena agata ti aiihasi. Thero atthi nu kho raiino pahnaveyyattikan ti vimarnsanatthaya asannam ambarukkham arabbha pahham pucchi. Kin namo maharaja ay am rukkho ti. ' Ambarukkho niima bhante ti. ^ B. acirabhutam. ^ A. atthupasahnitan. 5 A. sampavaressum. 4 Min: dasseti. 5 D. agatatta. -^ 19 f<- Imam pana maharaja ambam muiicitva anno ambo atthi va n atthi va ti. Atthi bhante aiine pi bahu ambanikkha ti. Imah ca amban te ca ambe muiicitva atthi nu kho maharaja ahhe rukkha ti. Atthi bhante te pana na ambarukkha ti. Anne ca ambe anambe ca muiicitva atthi pana anno rukkho ti. Ayam eva bhante ambarukkho ti. Saclhu maharaja pandito 'si ti. Atthi pana maharaja te hataka ti. Atthi bhante bahujana ti. Te muhcitva ahhe keci ahhataka pi atthi maharaja ti. Auhataka bhante hatakehi' bahutara ti. Tava natake ca annatake ca muhcitva atth'anho koci maharaja ti. Aham^ eva bhante ti. Sadhu maharaja atta nama attano neva hatako na anhatako ti. Atha thero pandito raja sakkhissati dhammam ahnatun ti Culahatthipadopamasuttam kathesi. Kathripariyosane raja tisu saranesu patitthahi saddhim cattalisaya janasahassehl^ ti. Tato param yam yam vattabbam tarn tarn Samanta- pasadikadlsu vuttanayena veditabbaiu. Iccevam Sihaladipe sasananuggahaka Mahindatherato agata sissaparampara bahu honti gananapatham vitivatta. Katham ? Maha - Mahindatherassa sisso Arittho nama thero, tassa sisso Tissadatto +, tassa sisso Kalasumano, tassa sisso Digho, tassa sisso Dighasumano, tassa sisso Kala- sumano s, tassa sisso Nago, tassa sisso Buddharakkhito, tassa sisso Tisso, tassa sisso Revato, tassa sisso Sumano, tassa sisso Ciilanago, tassa sisso Dhammapalito^, tassa sisso Khemo, tassa sisso Upatisso, tassa sisso Phussadevo, I Min; natake ti. - D. A. ayam. ^ Min: panasahassehi. ^ A. Tissadattho. 5 A. Valasumano. '^ D. Tisso. ^- 20 Hg- tassa sisso Sumano, tassa sisso Mahapadumo, tassa sisso Mahasivo, tassa sisso Upali, tassa sisso Mahanago, tassa sisso Abhayo, tassa sisso Tisso, tassa sisso Sumano, tassa sisso Culabhayo, tassa sisso Tisso', tassa sisso Culadevo, tassa sisso Sivo ti. Ayani yaya potthakarulhasankhata catuttliasamgltika tava theraparampara ti datthabba. Yuttam c'etam Atthakathayam: Yavajjatana tesam yeva anteviisikaparamparabhutaya acariyaparamparaya abha- tan^ ti veditabban ti. Evam tesam sissaparamparabhuta acariyaparampara yavajjatana sasane pakata hutva agacchanti ti veditabbam. Sasane vinayadharehi j nama tilakkhanasampannehi bbavi- tabbam. Tini hi vinayadharassa lakkhanani icchitabbani. Katamani tini? Suttam c'assa svagatam hoti. Suva- vatthitam"^ suvinicchitam suttato anuvyanjanato ti idam ekam lakkkanam. Vinaye kbo pana tbito boti asamhiro ti idam dutiyam. Acariyaparampara kbo pan'assa suggabita hoti sumanasi- kata supadharita tis idam tatiyam. Tattba acariyaparampara kbo jian' assa suggabita hoti ti theraparampara sissaparampara^ c'assa sutthu gahita hoti sumanasikata ti sutthu manasikata avajjitamatte ujja- Htapadipo viya hoti. Supadharita ti sutthu upadharita pubbaparanusandhito atthato karanato ca upadharita attano matim pahaya acariyasuddhiya vutta hoti. Mayham acariyo asukacariyassa santike ugganhi so asukassa ti evam sabbam acariya- paramparatheravadangam ilharitva yava Upalithero samma- sambuddhassa santike ugganhi ti papetva thapeti. Tato pi aharitva Upalithero sammasambuddhassa santike ugganhi, Dasakathero attano upajjhayassa Upalitherassa, Sona- kathero attano upajjhayassa Dasakatherassa, Siggavathero ' D. omits. ^ A. B. abhatanti ti. 3 A. Min: °dharo hi. ■» Min. atid B. supavatti. D. suvapatti. 5 D. adds yam. ^ All MSS. saparampara. Min: corr. to sissa" -^ 21 H^ attano upajjhayassa Sonakatherassa , Moggaliputta-Tissa- thero attano upajjhayassa Siggavatherassa ' Candavajji- ttherassa ca ti evam sabbam ficariyaparamparatherava- daiigam aharitva attano acariyam pripetva thapeti. Evam uggahita hi acariyaparampara suggahita hoti. Evam asakkontena pana dve tayo parivatta uggahetabba. Sabba- pacchimena hi nayena yatha acariyo ca acariyacariyo ca palin ca paripucchafi ca vadanti tatha natum vattati ti. Yathavuttatheraparampara pana bhagavato dharamanakala- to patthaya yava potthakarulhiX mukhapathen' eva pitakatta- yam dharesum. Pariiaunnam pana katva potthake likhitva na thapenti. Evam mahathera dukkarakammam katva sasanam pag- ganhimsu. Tatr' idam vatthu. Sihaladipe kira Candalatissabhayeua saiikhubhitva - devo ca avassitva dubbhikkiiabhayara uppajji. Tada Sakko de- vanam indo agantva tumhe bhante tepitakaniJ dliaretum na sakkhissatha, navam pana aruhitva Jambudiiiam gacchatha'*. Sace nava appahonaka bhaveyya kattbena va veluna va taratha, abhayatthaya pana mayam rakkhissama ti rdia. Tadil satthimatta bhikkhil samuddatlram gantva j5una etad ahosi: mayam s Jambudipam na gaccbissama idh' eva vasitva tepitakam dharissama ti. Tato paccha navii titthato nivattitva Sibaladipekadesam Malayajanapadam gantva midaphaladilii eva yapetva sajjbayam akamsu. Chataka- bhayena atipllita hutva evam pi katura asakkonta valu- katale^ uram thapetva sisena sisam abhimukhani katva vacam aniccharetva manasa yeva akamsu. Evam dvadasa- vassani saddhim atthakathaya tepitakam rakldiitva sasanam anuggahesum. Dvadasavassesu pana atikkantesii tain bhayam vupa- samitva pubbe Jamlnidipam gacchanta satta bliikkbusata agantva Sibaladipekadesam Rrimajanapade Mandalar- amaviharam apa jj ini su. ' B. Siijffa" ^ B. saiikhum bhitva. 'b MSS. omit te. ^ B. sfaccha ti. b' 5 S. D. yam. ^ D. °thale. -^ 22 f<- Te pi satthimatta bhikkhu tam eva viharam gantva annamanfiara sammantetva^ sajjhayimsu. Tada afinamaiifiam samenti ^ na virujjhanti. Gaiigodakena viya Yamunodakam samsandenti. Evam pitakattayam mukhapatlieii' eva dha- retviX mahathera dukkarakammam karonti ti veditabbaniJ. Yam pi pariyattim ekapadamattam pi avirajjhitva dliarenti tam dukkarakammam eva, Sihaladipe kira Pumiabbasukassa nama kutumbiyassa putto Tissathero buddhavacanam iigganbitva imam Jambudipam agantva Yonaka-Dhammarakkhitatherassa santike buddhavacanam ugganhitva gacchanto navam abhiruhanatitthe ekasmim pade uppannakam kho yojanasatamaggam nivattitva aca- riyassa santikam agaccbanto antaramagge ekassa kutum- bikassa pai"ibam4 kathesi. So pasiditva satasabassagghana- kam kambalam adasi. So pi tam aharitva acariyassa adasi. Thero vasiyil kottetvas nisidanattbane paribhandam karesi. Kim atthayS ti? Pacchimaya janataya anugga- battbaya. Evam kir'assa abosi: amhakam gatamaggam avajjitva^ anagate sabrahmacarino patipattim/ pure- tabbam mahiiissantl ti. Tissathero pi acariyassa santike kaiikham chinditva Sihaladipam eva sakatthanam agamasi ti. Iccevam pariyattim ekapadamattam pi avirajjhitva dha- ranam pi dukkarakammam eva ti datthabbam. Yam pi yebhuyyena pagunam na karonti tassa anantara- dhanatthaya asammosatthaya ^ uggahadharanadivasena rak- khanam pi karonti tam dukkarakammam eva. Sihaladipe yeva kira mahabhaye ekass'eva bhikkhuno mahaniddeso paguno ahosi. Atthacatunikayika-Tissatberassa upajjhayo Mahatipitakathero nama Maharakkhitatheram aha: avuso Mahfirakkhita asukassa santike Mahaniddesam ganhabi ti. Papo kir'ayam bhante na ganhuml ti. Ganh'avuso ahani te santike nisidissami ti. Sadhu bhante tumhesu nisinnesu ^ A. B. sammannetva. ^ S. D. santi. 3 Min: veditabba. •* Min. and A. pahham. 5 B. corrects to vasiLa kqttetva. A. casiya kottetva. D. kotthetva. ^ A. B. Apajjitva. 7 D. patitthapattim. ^ B. asammohatthaya. -^ 23 H5- ganhissaml ti patthapetva, rattindivam nirantaram pariya- punanto osanadivase hettlia mafice itthim disva bhante sutam yeva me pubbe: sac' aham evam janeyyam na idi- sassa santike dbammam pariyapimeyyan ti aha. Tassa pana santike bahu mabathera ugganbitva Mahaniddesam patittbapesum. Evam yam yebbuyyena pagunam na karonti tassa anan- taradbanattbaya asammosattbaya uggabadbaranadivasena rakkbanam pi dukkarakammam yeva ti dattbabbam. Iccevam bbagavato dbaramanakalato pabbuti cirakalam yatbavuttamabatheraparampara pariyattim mukbapatben' eva dbaresum. Abo vata poranikanam mabatberanam satipaniia samadbi- vepullataya^ bi te mukbapatben' eva dbriretum sakkil ti. Mukbapatben' eva poranikatberanam pariyattidbaranam pan- canavutadhikani catusatani abosi. Bbagavato parinibba- nato Mabavamsa-Sarattbasamgabesu agatanayena jinacakke pannasadbike catusate sampatte Tambapannidipe rajunam attbamako Saddbatissassa nama ranno putto Yattagamani nama raja rajjam patva cbavassakale anagate satta bina- satipafifiasamadbika butva na sakkbissanti mukbapatbena dbaretun ti upaparikkbitva pubbe vuttebi mabatberebi anupubbena agata pancamatta mabatberasata Yattagamani- rajanam nissaya Tambapannidipe padese^ Mabiyajanapade Alokalene attbakatbaya saba pitakattayam pottbake aro- pesum. Tan ca yatbavuttasamgltiyo upanidbaya catuttba- samgiti yeva nama ti veditabba. Yuttam c'etam Sarattbadlpaniyam nama Yinayatikayam : Catuttbasamgitisadisa bi pottbakarobasamglti ti. Sibaladlpe pana Yattagamaniraja Marammarattbe Siri- kbettanagare eko nama Kukkutasisaraja ca ekakalena rajjam karesi. Amarapuramapakassa ranno kale Slbaladipabbikkbiibi idba pesitasandesakatbayam pana tettimsadbikacatusate sampatte pottbakanilbam akamsu ti agatam. ^ B. vepbullataya. ^ B. dipekadese. ->« 24 HS~ Vuttam h'etam tattba: Tettimsadhikacatuvassasataparimanakalan ti. Idam Sihaladipe yava potthakarulha sasanassa pa- titthauam. Atlvaparam Jambudipe Sihaladipe ca bhikkbu visum visum ganavasena bbijjimsu yatba Anottatadabato ^ nik- kbamananadiya Ganga-Yamunadivasena bbijjanti ti. Tattba Jambudipe gananam bbijjamanatam upari yeva vakkbama. Sibaladipe pana gananam bbijjamanata evam dattbabba. ^ Katbam? Sibaladipe sasanassa patittbapayamanakalato attbrirasridbikavassasate sampatte Vattagamanlranna kara- pite Abbayagirivibare Parivarakbandbakam patbato attbato ca vipallasam katva Mabrivibaravasiganato putbu butva eko gano bbijji. So Abbayagirivasigano nama Dbammarucigano ti ca tass' eva namam. Abbayagirivasiganassa bbijjamanato dvecattallsadbikati- vassasate sampatte Mabasenena nama ranna karapite Jetavanavibrire bbikkbii ubbato Vibbangapatbe viparita- vasena abbisankbaritva Abbayagirivasiganato visum eko gano abosi. So Jetavanavasigano nama Sagaliyagaiio ti ca tass' eva namam. Jetavanavasiganassa bbijjamrinakalato ekavassadbikanara tinnam vassasatanam upari Kurundavasino Kolambavasino ca bbikkbii bbagineyya-Datbripatim nama rajanam nissaya ubbato Vibbanga - Parivarakbandbakapatbe viparitavasena abbisankbaritva yatbavuttebi dvibi ganebi visum butva Mabavibaravasiganuttamam tulayitva upacaretva Maba- vibaranamam gabetva eko gano bbijji. Evam Sibaladipe Maba-Mabindatberadinam vam?abbii- tena Mabavibaravasiganena saddbim cattaro gana bbijjimsu. Tattba Mabavibaravasigano yeva eko dbammavadi abosi. Sesil pana adbammavadino. Te ca pana^ adbammavadino gana bbiitattbam pabaya abbiitattbena dbammara agarum katva carimsu ti vacanato Sibaladipe adbammavadino tayo ' B. Anodatta" ^ Min: tayo. ->t 25 f<- pi alajjino gana parimandalasuppaticliannadi sikkliapadani anadiyitva vicarirasu. Tato patthn^ya sasane ekaccanam bhikkhtinam nanappakriravasena nivasanaparupanadlni dis- santl ti veditabbam. Adhammavadigananam bbijjamrmakrilato sattavisadbi- kaiiam pancasatanam vassasabassanan ca upari Sirisam- ghabodbi nama raja MabavibSraganassa pakkbo butva adbammavadino tayo gane nigganbitva' jinasasanam pagga- besi. So ca Sirisamgbabodbiraja ambakam Marammarattbe Arimaddananagare Anuriiddbena nama ranna samakrda- vasena rajjasampattim anubbavi. Tato paccba Sibaladipe Vobaratissassa nama ranno kale Kapilena nama amaccena saddbim mantetva Mabavibaravasino bbikkbii nissaya adbammavadigane nigganbitva jinasasanam pagganbasi. Tato paccba ca Gotbabbayassa nama ranno kale Abbayagirivasino bbikkbu parasamuddam pabbajetva Mabavibaravasino bbikkbu nissaya sasanam visodbayi. Tato paccba pi Gotbabbayaranno puttabbutassa Maba- senassa nama ranno kale Abbayagirivasinam bbikklmnam abbbantare Samgbamitto nama eko bbikkbu ranno pa- dbanacariyo butvil Maba-Mabindatberadinam arabant- anarp. nivasattbanabbutam Mabavibararamam vinassituni Mabiilsenaranna mantetva arabbi. Tada nava vassani Mabavibaro bbikkbusunno ^ abosi. Abo vata mabatberanam mabiddbikanam nivasanattba- nam j alajjino bbikkbii vinassapesuni suvannabamsanam nivasanattbanam kaka viya ti. Jetavanavasinaii ca bbikkbimam abbbantare eko Tisso nama bbikkbu ten' eva ranna mantetva Mabavibare simam samiibani. Acbekatta pana tesam simasamubanakammam na sampajji ti. Abo vata dussllauam papakanam kammara accbariyam. Seyyatba pi nama sakbamigo appaggbo kasivatthani mabaggbam l)bindati. ^ A. niggabetva. , , ; . , ^ B. bbikkbu sanno. 3 A. and B. nivasattbanara. "^ 26 ^- 32 r<^ sotapanna-sakadagami-anagami-araliantehi Lankadlpam ati- sobliati sabbapaliphullena tiyojanakaparicliattakarukkhena Tavatimsabbavanam viva sabapattapadumadibi^ mabapok- kbaranl viya tesu tesu tbanesu maggamabamaggaapa- nagbaradvaratittbavanapabbatagubamandiravibarasriladlsu aladdbamaggapbalattbanan nama kifici nattbi tbokam aga^ metva pindaya tittbamanapadese pi maggapbalani kibbimsu yeva. Maggapbalani saccbikarontanam puggalanam babulla- taya ay am putbujjano ay am putbujjano ay am putbujjano ti aiiguHm pasaretva dassetabbo boti. Ekasmim kale Sibaladipe piitbujjanabbikkbu nama n'attbi. Tatba bi vuttam Vibbangattbakatbayam: Ekavaram piitbujjanabbikkbu nama nattbi ti. Abbinnalabblnam kira mabiddbikanam gamanagamana- vasena suriyobbasam alabbitva dbannakottaka^ matugama dbafmam kottitum okasam na labbimsu. Devalokato Sumanasamanero dakkbinakkbakam Sibaladipam anetva tassa patibariyam dassanavasena udakabindtibi tiyojana- satam sakalam pi Laiikadipam vyapetva bbagavata pari- bbuttacetiyanganam viya butva navaya gaccbanta maba- samudde udakato nalikeramattam pi disva sakala-Lanka- dipam pujenti. Maba-Mabindatberassa santike Arittbat- tberena saddbim pancamatta bbikkbusata patbaman tava Yinayapitakam ugganbimsii ti. Imebi karanebi Laiikadipam jinacakkassa patittbanam Imtva varadipan ti namam pati- labbi. Sibaladipe yeva pitakattayam pottbakariilbavasena patittbapetva tato pacclia Coranagassa nama ramio kale sakala- Laiikadipam dubbbikkbabbayena piletva pitakatta- yam dbarenta bbikkbu Jambudipani agamamsu. Anagantva tattb' eva tbita pi bbikkbii cbatakabbayena piletva udarapatalam bandbitva kuccbim valukarasimbi tbapetva pitakattayam dbaresum. Kutakannatissassa ranno kale yeva dubbbikkbabbayam vupasamitva Jambudipato bbikkbu puna gantva^ Sibaladipe bi tbitebi bbikkbiibi saddbim Mabavibrire pitakattayam • ^ A. satapatta° ^ Min: co7T. to °kottbaka. 3 D. gatanattha. -^ 33 K^ avirodhapetva samasamam katva thapesum. Tliapetva ca pana Slliajadlpe yeva suttliu dharesiim. Tatth' eva atthakathayo Buddhaghosathero Magadha- bhasaya parivattetva viraci. Pacclia ca yebliuyyena tatth' eva atthakatha-tlka-anumadhulakkhanaganthigandliantara- ni akamsu. Puna sasanam nabhe raviiidu va pakatan ti. Tattlia Buddhavamsatthakatham Buddliadattathero akasi. Iti- vuttodana - Cariyapitaka- Thera - Therl-Vimanavatthu - Peta- vatthu - Nettiatthakathayo ilcariya - Dhammapalathero akasi. So ca acariya-Dbammapfilathero Sihaladipassa samipe Damilaratthe Padaratitthambi nivasitatta Sibaladipe yeva samgabetva vattabbo. Patisambbidamaggattbakatbam Mabanamo nama tbero akasi. Mabaniddesattbakatbam Upaseno nama tbero akasi. Abbidbammatikam pana Anandatbero akasi. Sa ca sabbasam tikrmam adibbiitatta Mubitlka ti pakata. Visuddbiinaggassa mabatlkam , Dlgbanikayattbakatbaya tikain, Majjbimanikayattbakatbaya tikam, Samyuttanikay- attbakatbaya tikam sa ti imayo acariya-Dbammaprdatbero akasi. Sarattbadlpanim nama Vinayatikam Anguttaranikaya- tikafi ca Parakkama-Baburanna yacito Sririputtatbero akasi. Vimativinodanim nama Vinayatikam Damilarattba- vasi Kassapatbero akasi. Anutlkam pana acariya - Dbammapalatbero. Sa ca Mulatikaya anuttanattbani uttanani katva samvannitatta anutika ti vuccati. Visuddbimaggassa Ciilatikani Madbudipanifi ca aniiatara tbera akanisu. Sa ca Mulatikaya attbavasesani ca anuttanattbani utta- nani ca katva Midatikaya saddbim samsauditva katatta madburasatta ca Madbudipani ti vuccati. Mobaviccbedanim pana lakkbanagandbam Kassapatbero akasi. Abhidbammavataram pana Rupavupavibbagam Vinaya- viniccbayau ca Buddbadattatbero, Vinayasamgabam Sririputtatbero , Kbuddasikkbam Dbanimasiritbero , Para- Sasana-Vamsa. o -^ 34 r^ matthavinicchayam Namarupapariccheclam Abhidhamm- atthasamgahan ca Anuruddhathero, Saccasaiildiepam Dhainmaprilathero, Khemam Kliemathero te ca sankliepato samvannitatta sukbena ca lakkbaniyatta lakkbanagandba ti vuccanti. Tesam pana samvannanasu Abbidbammattbasamgabassa j)oranatikain Nava-Vimalabuddbitbero ' akasi, Sacca- s ankbepa - Namarupapariccbeda - Kbema - Abbidbammavata- ranam poranatikam Vacissara-Mabasamitbero, Para- mattbaviniccbayassa poranatikam Mababodbitbero. Abbidbammattbasamgababbidbammavatarabbinavatikayo Sumangalasamitbero, Saccasankbepabbinavatikam Aramia- A'asitbero. NamarupapariccbedribbiuavatikamMabasaniitbero, Para- mattbaviniccbayabbinavatikam annataratbero , Vinaya- viniccbayatikam Revatatbero, Kbuddasikkbaya puranatlkam Mabayasatbero , taya yeva abbiuavatikam Samgbarak- kbitatbero ti. Vajirabiiddbim nama Vinayagantbipadattbam Yajira- buddbitbero. Culagai.itbi-Majjbimagantbi-Mabagantbim ca Sibaladipa- vasino tbera. Te ca padakkamena asamvannetva anuttana- ttbane yeva samvannitatta gantbipadattba ti vuccanti. Abbidbanapadipikam pana Maba - Moggallanatbero, Attbavyakbyanam^ Culabuddbatbero , Vuttodayam Sam- bandbacintanam 3 Subodbalamkarafi ca Samgbarakkbita- tbero. Vyakaranaiu Moggallanatbero, Mabavamsam, Ciila- vamsam, Dipavamsani, Tbiipavamsam, Bodbivamsam, Dbatu- varasam ca Sibaladipavasino tbera. Datbadbatuvamsam pana Dbammakittitbero akasi. Ete ca palimuttakavasena vuttatta gandbantara ti A'uccanti. Iccevam Buddbagbosadayo tberavara yatbabalam yatba- sattim pariyattisasanam upattbambbetva babiibi miilebi babubi sakbahi babiibi ca vitapebi upattbambbiyamano ' B. 03»ifonava. ' iliAS/S. Attbavyakkbanam. 3 B. °cittam. -^ 35 HS- vepiillam apajjamano mahanigrodharukklio viya tliiram liutva cirakalam titthati ti veditabbam. Idam Sihaladipe potthakarulhato paccba sasanassa patittbanam. Ete pi ca mabatbera yatba sattim yatba balam Attbakatbadayo katva maccumukbam upagamum. Seyyatba pi ca lokasmim obbasitvana^ candima Avabitvana sattanam bitam attliam va gaccbati. Evam eva mabatbera nanobbasebi bbasiya Avabitvana sattanam bitam maccum upagamuni ti. Iti Sasanavamse Sibaladipikasasanavamsakatbamaggo nama dutiyo pariccbedo. Idani yatbatbapitamatikavasena Suvannabbumirattbe Sasanavamsakatbamaggassa vattum okaso anuppatto tasma Suvannabbiimirattbasasanavamsakatbamaggam arabbis- sami. Tattba Suvannabbiimi ti tisu Ramannarattbesu ekassa namam. Tini bi Ramannarattbani bonti Hanisavati-Miittima- Suvannabbumivasena. Ekadesena sa])bam pi Ramanna- rattbam gabetabbam. Tattba pana UkL"ipajanapade ^ Tapbussa-Bballike 3 adim katva bbagavato abbisambujjbitva sattasattabesu atikkantesu yeva asalbimasassa junbapak- kbapaficamadivasato pattbaya Eamannarattbe sasanain patittbabi. Idam Ramannarattbe patbamam sasanassa patittbanam. Bbagavato abbisambiiddbakrdato pubbe yeva Aparantaka- rattbe Subbinnanagare Tissaraiifio kale ekassa amaccassa Tisso Jayo ca ti dve putta abesum. Te gibibbave samvegam labbitva mabasamiiddassa samlpe Gajjagirimbi nama pab- bate isipabbajjam pabbajjitva nisidimsu. Tada nagiya ' A. obbasetvana. ^ S. Ulbipa" 3 A. Tapbussii. B. Tbapbussii. -^ 36 f<- vijjridharo sautbavam katva dve andaui vijayitva sa nagi lajjaya tani vijahitva gacclii. Tada jettho Tissakumaro tani labliitva kanitthena saddhim vibhajitva' ekam ekassa santike thapesi. Kale atikkante tehi andehi dve maiiussa vijayimsu. Te dasavassavaye sampatte kanittbassa andato vijayane dabaro krdam katva Majjbimadese Mitbilanagare Gavampati nama kiimaro butva uppajji. So sattavassikakrde buddbassa bbagavato santike niyyadetva pabbajetva aciren' eva araba abosi. Jettbassa pana aiidato vijayane dabaro dvadasavassikakale Sakko devanam indo agantva Ramannarattbe Sudbamma- puram nama nagaram mapetva Sibaraja ti namena tattba rajjam karapesi. Sikalekbane pana Sirimasoko ti namena ti vuttani. Gavampatitbero ca attano mataram dattbukamo Mitbilanagarato agantum arabbi. Tada dibbacakkbuna matuya kalam katabbavan fiatva idani me mata kubim nppajjatl ti avajjanto^ babullena nesadake vattanam niva- sauattbanabbtite dese uppajjati ti natva sac' rdiam gantva na ovadeyyam matli me apayagamanlyam apuiinam vicinitva catiisu apayesu uppajjeyya ti cintetva bbagavantam yacitva E-amannarattbam vebasamaggena agaccbi. Ramannarattbe Siidbammapnram patva attano bbatuna Sibarajena saddbim rattbavasinam dbammam desetva paiicasu silesu patittbapesi. Atba Sibaraja aba: Lokesu bbante tvam asi aggataro puggalo ti. Na mabaraja abam aggataro tisu pana bba- vesu sabbesam sattrmam makutasamkaso Gotamo nama maybam sattba attbi. Idani Majjbimadesam Riijagabam pativasati ti, Evam pana bbante sati tumbakam acariyam mayani dattbnm arabama va no va ti puccbi. Gavampatitbero ca: Ama mfdiaraja arabatba bliagavantam dattbum. Abain yacitva agaccbami ti vatva bbagavantam yaci. Bbagava ca abbisambujjbitva attbame vasse saddbini anekasatabbikkbubi Ramannarattbe Sudbammapuram aka- 2 B. vicajitva. Mint vibbajitva A. avajjento avajjento. -^ 37 r^ sena agamasi. Rajavamse pancahi bhikkhusatehi agamasi ti vuttam. Silalekhane pana visatisahassamattehi bhikkhuhi ti vuttam. Ettha ca yasma bhagava sapariso yeva agacchi na ekako'' ti ettakam eva icchitabbam tasma nanavadatam paticca cittass'akulita na nppadetabba ti. Atha agantva Ratanamandaj)e ^ nisiditvE sarajikaiiam ratthavaslnam amatarasam adasi tisii saranesii paiicasu ca silesu patitthapesi. Atha bbagava dassanattbaya agatanam cbannain tapa- sanam cba kesadhatuyo pujanattbaya adasi. Tato paccha sattatimsa vassani piijetva3 jiarinibljanakale pi bbagavato adbittbananuriipena citakatbanato tettiinsa dante gabetva Gavampatitbero Siidbammapuram anetva Sibarafino datvil tettimsa cetiyaiii patittbripesi. Evam bbagavato parinibbanato attbame yeva vasse Gavampatitbero Rainannarattbe Sudbammapure sasanam patittbapesi. Idam Ramaiiiiarattbe dutiyam sasanassa patittbanam. Bbagavato parinibbutapancatimsadliikanam dvinnam sa- tanam upari Suvannabbumim nama Ramanfiarattbam agantva Sonatbero Uttaratbero ca ti dve tbera panca- vaggakammarabebi Ijbikkbidii saddliim sasanam patittba- pesum. Te ca tbera Maba-Moggabpiitta-Tissatberassa saddbi- vibarika ti attbakatbayam agata. Tapbussa-Bballike^ Gavampatitberan ca paticca sasanam triva patittbabi. Tail ca na sabbena sabbam ogabetva ye ye pana saddha sampannas te te attano attano iccbavasen'eva sasanaiu pasidimsii. Paccba pana Sonuttaratbera mabussabena acariya- anattiya sasanassa patittbapanattbaya ussukkam Tipanna ' B. S. ekato. ^ B. mandappe. 3 Min: puretva. + B. Tapiissu Bbalbke. 5 a. B. pasanna. -^ 38 f<^ Ijatittbapesum. Tena Attliakatliaj^am etam rattham gantva ettha sasanam patitthapelii ti karitapaccayavasena anatti- vibhattivasena ca vuttam^ Tada pana Suvannabhumirattlie Sudliammapure Sirima- soko nama raja rajjam karesi. Tan ca- Sudhammapuran nama Kelasapabbatamuddliani dakkhinaya anudisaya pub- baddliabhagena pabbatamiiddbani aparaddhabhagena bbii- mitale titthati. Tani yeva gulapacakanam manussanam gehasadisani gehani yebhuyyena samvijjanti ten' eva Golamittikanamena pi vobarlyanti. Tassa pana nagarassa mabasamuddasamipe tbitatta daka- yakldiini sabbada agantva rajagebe jate jate kumare kbadi. Sonutteratberrinam sampattadivase yeva rajagebe ekam puttam vijayi. Dakayakkbini ca kbadissami ti saba pafi- cabi yakkbinisatebi agata tarn disva manussa bbayitva mahaviravam ravanti. Tada tbera bbayanakam slba- sisavasena 3 ekasisasariradvayasambandbasantbanam manu- sibarupam mapetvat dassetva tarn yakkbinim saparisam palapesum. Tbera ca puna yakkbiniya anagamanattbaya parittam akamsu. Tasmifi ca saniagame agatanam manus- snnam Brabmajabisuttam adesayum. Sattbimattasabassa sotapannadiparayana abesuiu. Kidadarakanam addbuddba- nis sabassani pabbajimsu kuladbitanam pana diyaddba- sabassam. Eajakumaranam paficasatadbikasabassamattam pabbajimsu. Avasesa pi manussa sarane patittbabimsu. Evam so tattba sasanam patittbapesi ti. Vuttan ca Attbakatbayam : Suvannabbumim gantvana Sonuttara mabiddbika Pisace niddbamitvana Brabmajalam adesayun ti. Tato pattbaya rajakumaranam Sonuttaranamebi yeva namam akamsu. Avasesadarakanam pi rakkbasabbayato^ ' D. catuttbam. ^ Min: tarn bi. j B. A. omit siba. 4 S. papetva. s B. S. °ddbadi. D. ad(Ibuni. ° S. rakkbassayatbo. -^ 39 Hg- vimocanattham tjllapattabbiijjapattesu therehi mapitam manusiharupam dassetva matthake thapesum. Manussa ca silamayam manusiliariipam katva Sudhammapurassa asanne padese thapesum. Tarn yavajjatana attlii ti. Iccevam bhagavato parinibbanato paiicatiiiisadbike vassa- sate sampatte Sonuttarathera agantva sasanara patittbapetva anuggaham akamsu ti. Idam Ramafinaratthe tatiyam sasanassa patitthanam. Tato paccha chasatadhike sahasse sampatte pubbe vuttehi tibi karanehi sasanassa uppattittbclnabbutam Ramafmarattham damarikacorabhayena pajjararogabha- yena sasanapaccatthikabhayena ca ti tibi bhayehi akulitain a ho si. Tada ca tattha sasanam dubl)alam ahosi yatha udake mande tatra jatam uppalam dubbalan ti. Tattha bhikkhu pi sasanam yatha kamam piiretum na sakka. Suriyakumrirassa nSma Manoharirahho pana kale sasanam ativiya dul)l)alam ahosi. Jiuacakke ekasatthadhike' vassasate sampatte kahyuge ca ekimavisatadhike catuvassa- sate sampatte Arimaddananagare Anuriiddho nama raja tato saha pitakena bhikkhusamgham anesi. Tato paccha jinacakke navildhike sattasate sahasse ca sampatte Lanka- dlpe Sirisamghabodhi - Parakkamal)ahumaharaja sasanam sodhesi. Tato channam vassanam upari kaliyuge dvattim- sadhike pahcasate sampatte Uttarajlvo nfima thero sasane pakato ahosi. So i^ana Ramahharatthavasino Ariyavamsatherassa sad- (Ihivihariko. Ariyavamsathero pana Kappunganagaravasino ^ Maha- kalatherassa saddhivihariko. Mahakalathero pana Sud- liammapuravasino PrSnadassltherassa j saddhivihariko. Ayam pana Uttarajlva - Chapadatheranam vamsadlpa- nattham vutta. So pana Pranadassithero'^ lokiyabhihhayo labhitva niccaiu abhinhani pato va Magadharatthe ^ B. ekasatadhike. ^ B. Kambimganagara° A. kappuna" 3 S. adds dasa" ^ A. Branadassi. -^ 40 HS- Uruvelanigame^ mahabodhim gantva mahabodhiyaiiganam sammajjitva puna agantva Sudhammapure pindaya cari. Idain tlierassa nibaddhavattam. Avail ca attho. Sudliammapurato Magadharattham gantva Uruvelanigame vanijakammam karonta tadakaram passitva paccagamanakale Siidhammapuravasinam kathe- sum. Tasma vinnayati^ tasmin ca kale Uttarajivatbero pari- ])imnavisativassena Cbapadena nama samanerena saddhim Sibaladlpam gaccbi. Sibaladipavasino ca bbikkbu: mayam Maba-Mahindatberassa vamsika bbavama tumbe pi Sonut- taratberanam vamsika bbavatba, tasma mayam ekavamsika bbavama samanavadika ti vatva Cbapadasamanerassa upa- sampadakammam akamsu. Tato paccba cetiyavandanadlni kammani nittbapetva Uttarajivatbero saddbim bbikkbusamgbena Arimaddana- nagaram3 paccagamasi. Cbapadassa pana etad abosi : sac' abam acariyena saba Jambudlpam gaccbeyyam babilbi iiatipalibodbebi pari- yattuggabane antarEyo bbaveyya*. Tena bi Sibaladipe yeva vasitva pariyattim uggabetva paccagamissami ti. Tato acariyassa okasam yacitva Sibaladipe yeva pativasi. Sibaladipe vasitva yava laddbatberasammutika pariyattim pariyapunitva puna Jambudlpam paccagantukamo abosi. Atba tassa etad abosi: abam ekako va gaccbanto sace mama acariyo nattbi sace pi Jamljudipavasina bbikkbu- sauigbena saddbim Vinayakammam katum na iccbeyyam evam sati visum kammam katum na sakkuneyyaui, tasma pitakadbarebi catubi tberebis saddbim gaccbeyyam iccetara kusalan ti. Evam pana cintetva Tamalittigamavasina Sivalitberena, Kambojaranfio puttabbutena Ttlmalindatberena, Kincipura- vasina Anandatberena Rabulatberena ca ti imebi catubi tberebi saddbim navaya paccagaccbi^. ' Mill: "nigamam. ^ B. vinfiayi ti. 3 A. Ariyamaddana" ^ S. bbaveyyam. 5 ]Vlin. and B. omit tberebi. ^ B. gaiicbi. -^ 41 ^ Te ca tliera pitakadliara ahesum'' dakkha tliamasampanna ca tesu visesato Rrdiulathero thamasampanno. Kusimana- garam sampattakale upakattliavassupagamanakalo hiitva Arimaddananagare acariyassa santikam asampapunitva Kusimanagare yeva vassam upagamimsu. Tesam vassupagamanaviharavatthuaramapakriro ca Kii- simanagarassa dakkhinadisabhage yavajjatana attlii. Vassam vuttbakale pana mahapavaranaya pavaritva^ te pafica thera Arimaddananagaram agamamsu. Uttarajivathero ca Arimaddananagaravasilii bhikkliiihi visum butva samgbakammani akasi. Kinca pi c'ettha Uttarajlvatberadayo Sihaladipato paccagaiitva Arimadda- nanagare vasitva sasanam anuggabesuin. Erimailnarattbe pana jatatta publ)e ca tattba nivasitatta-3 idba dassita ti dattbabba. Tasmiii ca kale Dalanagare Padipajeyyagame jato Sfiri- putto nama mabaHakasamanero eko Arimaddananagaram gantva Anandatherassa santike upasampajjitva pariyattiin pariyapuni. So babussuto abosi dakkbo tbamasampanno ca. Tam attbam svitva Narapati-can-sii'^ raja cintesi: Sace so aiiga- paccaiigasampanno bbaveyya acariyam katva tbapessami anuggabessami ti. Raja evam cintetva rajapurise pesetva vimamsapesi. Rajapurisa ca tassas cbinnapadaiiguttbaggatam^ passitva tam attbam ranno arocesum. Raja tain sutva evam vikal- angapaccango bbaveyya padbanacariyattbane tbapetum na yutto ti katva padbanacariyal)bavam na akasi. Pujasakka- ramatten' eva anuggabam akasi. Ekasmin ca kale Dbammavilaso ti lancbam^ datva Ramannarattbe sasanam sodbetva parisuddbam karobi ti Ramaiinarattbam pesesi. ^ Min: bonti. ^ A. pavaretva. j B. nivasatta. + B. Narapati-can-cbu. D. "can fiu. 3 A. B. yassa. D. b'assa. S corr. to tassa. ^ A. "aiiguttbatara. ? A. B. lancaiii. ->• 42 •<-- So ca Ramaimarattham gantva Dalanagare bahimnam hhikkliiinam dliammavinayam vacetva sasanam paggaliesi. Tattha ca Kamaiinamanussa tassa Dhammavilasatberassa sissanusissa Sihalabhikkliugana ti voliaranti. Iccevam Sihaladiijikassa Anandatherassa sissam Dbammavilasam paticca Ramanfiaratthe Sllialadipato sasanassa agata- ixiaggo ti. Idam Ramanfiaratthe catuttham sasanassa patittlianam. Tasmifi ca kale Muttimanagare aggamahesiya acariya Buddhavamsathera-Mahanagathera Sihaladipam gantva Mabaviliaravasiganavamsabliutanam bbikkbimam santike puna sikkbam gaubitva Muttimanagaram paccagantva Muttimanagaravasibi bbikkbubi visum biitva samgba- kammani katva sasanam paggabesum. Te ca tbera paticca Ramanfiarattbe puna Slbaladipato sasanam agatan ti. Idam Ramanfiarattbe pancamam sasanassa patittbanam. Tato paccba ca Muttimanagare Setibbindassa ranfio matuya acariyo Medbamkaro nama tbero Sibaladipam gantva Slbaladipe arannavasinam mabatberanaru santike puna sikkbam gabetva pariyattim pariyapunitva suvanna- rajatamaye tipuslsacbanne Setibbindassa ranuo matuya karapite vibare nisiditva sasanam anuggabesi. Lokadipa- kasaran ca nama gandbam akasi. Atbaparam pi Muttima- nagare Sevasuvannasobbano nama tbero Sibaladipam gantva Mabrivibriravasiganavamsabbutanam tberanam santike puna sikkbam gabetva Muttimanagaram eva paccagaccbi\ So pana tbero aranfie yeva vasi dlmtangadbaro ca aliosi appiccbo, santuttbo, lajji, kukkuccako, sikkbakamo dakkbo tbamasampanno ca. Slbaladipe Kalambumbi nama jatassare udakukkbepasimayam atirekapancavaggena Yanaratanan nama samgbarajam upajjbayam katva Rabula-Bbaddam nama Vijayabrdiuraniio acariyabbiitam tberara kammava- cacariyam katva upasampajji. So ca tbero pun' agantva^ Muttimanagare yeva vasitva ganara vaddbetva sasanam anuggabesi ete ca dve tbere paticca Ramannarattbe Slbaladipato sasanam agatara. \ B. gaficbi. - B. gantva. -$H 43 H$- Idam Ramanilaratthe chattliain sasanassa patittlianain. Tato paccha sasanavasena dvivassadhike dvisate kali- yugato ekasitike sampatte Hamsavatinagare Siriparama- mahadliammaraja ti laddbanamo Dhammacetiyaraja Kusimamandale HamsiXvatimandale Muttimamandale ca I'atthavasiuo sapajam viya dliammena samena rakkhitva raj jam karesi. So ca raja tisu pitakesu catusu ca vedesu vyakarana- chandalamkaradisu ca cheko, sikkliitananasippo ^ nana- bhasasu ca pasuto saddhasiladiguiiopeto kumudakimdasa- radacandikasamanasitagajapatibhuto^ ca sasane ca ativa pasanno abosi. Ekasmim krde so cintesi: bbagavato sasanam nama pabbajjaupasampadabbaveua sambandbam u^jasampada- bbavo ca simaparisavattbunattikammavacasampattibi sam- bandbo ti. Evan ca pana cintetva Simaviniccbayam tassa vannanam3 Vinayasamgabam tassa vannanam Slmrdam- karam Simasamgabaii ca saddato atthato ca piinappimain upaparikkbitva anuamaniiam samsanditva publ)aparam tulayitva bbagavato adbippayo idiso gandbakaranam adbippayo idiso ti passitva ambrdvam Ramafifiarattbe baddbanadlsamuddajatassaiTidayo simayo '^ babuka pi samana ayam parisuddba ti vavattbapetum dukkaram. Evam sati sima parisa jiarisuddba bbavituiii dukkara ti patibbati. Tato paccba Eamannarattbe ti pitakadbaravyattapati- balatberebi mantetva ranfio patibbananurupam simaparisa parisuddba bbavitum dukkara ti tberil viniccbiniuisus. Atba ra °ja evam pi cintesi : Abo vata sammasambuddbassa sasanam pafica vassasabassani patittbabissati ti gandbesu vutto pi samano abbisambuddbato catusattbadbikadvisa- bassamatten 'eva kalena sasane malain butva upasampada- kammesu kaidvbatbanam tava uppajji katbam pana panca- vassasabassani sasanassa patittbanam bbavissati ti evam ' B. "kappo. ^ D. S. "candaka" 3 A. D. S. vannanam. •* Miii: siraadayo. 5 Min: viuiccbindimsu. -^ 44 ►«- dhammasamvegam uppadetva puna pi evam cintesi. Evara ettakam sasane malam dissamano pi samano upasampada- kamme' kankhatlianam dissamano pi samano parisuddh- atthaya anrirabbitva madiso appossukko majjhatto nisiditum ayutto. Evam hi sati l)hagavati saddliapasanno 'mlil ti vattabbatam anapajjeyjara. Tasma sasanam nimmahim katum arabbissami ti. Kuto nil kbo dilni sasanam rdiaritva tbiram patittbapeyyan ti avajjanto evam cintesi: bbagavato kira parinibbunato cbattimsadhike dvisate sampatte Mabamoggaliputta-Tissa- tbero Maba-Mabindatberam pesetva Slba]adlpe sasanam patittbapesi. Tad a Devanampiya-Tissaraja Mabavibaram krirapetva adasi. Sasanavaraii ca ekasitadbikani dvivassa- satani vimalam butva patittbabi. Bbikkbusamgbo pi Mabavibaravasiganavasena ekato va attbasi. Tato paccba Abbayagirivasi - Jetavanavasivasena dvedba butva bbijji. Jinacakke attbasattatadbike sabasse sampatte Sirisamgba- bodbi - Parakkamababumabriraja Kutambbayagirivasi-Ma- bakassapatberapamukbam - Mabavibaravasiganam anugga- betva yatba vutte dve gane visodbesi sasanam nimmalam akixsi. Tato paccba Vijayababu-Parakkamababurajunam dA-innam kale pi sasanam nimmabim butva yeva attbasi. Ten' eva vyattapatil^abibbikkbii ayacitva Sibaladipam gantva puna sikkbam ganbapessami tebi pana parampara- vasena pavattanam bbikkbimam vasena ambakam Kamaima- rattbe sasanam nimmalam butva patittbabissati ti evam pana cintetva Moggallanatberam Somatberafi ca Sibala- dipam gamanattbaya yaci. Tbera ca sasanapatiyattakammam idan ti manasikaritva patiiiiiam akamsu3. Raja ca datbadbatupujanattbaya bbikkbusamgbassa pujanattbaya ■* Bbuvanekababuranno pannakrirattbaya deyyadbammapannrdvaravattbimi patiyS- detva Citradutam Ramadiitan ti ime dve amacca dvisu navasu iiayakattbane tbapetva kaliyuge sattatimsadbike attbavassasate sampatte magbamasassa punnamito eka- ^ D. kammesu. ^ g_ Kutumbaya° 3 D. S. akasi. ■* B. bbunjanattbaya. -5>- 45 •<- dasamiyam suraccavare^ Citradutam saddhiiii Moggalla- natlierapamuklielii bhikkhilhi ekaya navaya gamapesi- Phaggunamasassa attlianiiyaiu Sihaladlpe Kalambutittliaiii payasi. Ramadiitam pana tasmim yeva vasse maghamasassa punnamito dvadasamiyam candavare saddhim Somatlierapa- mukliehi bhikkhiilii ekaya navaya gamapesi. Ujukam pana vatam alabhitva citramasassa jnnhapakkha- navamiyam Sihaladlpe Valligamam payasi. Tato paccha te pi dve amacca dvisu navasu abliatani datal)bapanna- karavattbuui sandesapannani ca Bliuvanekabahuranno bhikkhusamghassa ca adasi. Raima pesitabhikkhunan ca sandesapanne kathitaniyamen' eva Kalyaniyam nama nadiyam udakukkhepaslniayam sa- manerabhumiyain patitthapetva puna upasampadakaniniaiii akamsu. Upasampajjitva ca BhnvanekababuiTija nanapakare bhikkhunam sFiruppe parikkhare datva idam pana amisa- danam yava jivitapariyosana yeva paribhunjitabbam bha- vissati namakincham ^ pana na jirissati ti katva Ramadutassa navaya padhanabhutassa Somatberassa Sirisamghabodhi- sami ti namam adasi. Avasesanam pana dasannamj theranam Kittisirimegha- saml Parakkamabahusami BuddhaghosasamI Silialadipa- visuddhasami Gunaratanadbarasaml Jlnalamkarasaml Rata- iiamalisaml Sattamatejasami Bhuvanekabahusami ti namani adasi. Citradiitassa navaya padhanabhutassa Moggalla- natherassa Dhammakittilokagarusami ti namani adi5,si. Avasesanam pana Sirivanaratanasami Mangalatherasami Ivalyanatissasami Candagirisami Siridantadhatusami Vaiia- vasitissasami Ratanah\mkarasami Mahadevasami Uduinba- ragirisiJmi Culabhayatissasami ti namani adiisi. Bavisatiya pana paccha samananam namam na adasi. Abhinavasikkham pana sabbesam yeva adasi. Tato paccha cetiyapujanadlni katva tain tam kiccam nipphadetva puna againamsu. ' B. corrects to suravare. ^ A. B. lahcam. ^ S. dasanam. V -$^ 46 f<- Bhiivanekabalmraja Citradiitam evam aha: Eamadliipati- no ranno pannakaram^ paticlatum iccliami patidiitan ca pesetum tava tvam agamehl ti. Evam pana vatva pacca- gamanakrde ^ candavatabhayena mahasamuddamajjhe nSva avagaccliati ^. Tena Slbalarafifio pesitanavaya sannipatitva arubitva agaccbanta tini divasani atikkamitva puna candavatabba- ena agambbirattbane silaya gbattetva4 laggitva gantum asakkunitva ekam ubimpam bandbitviX jamgben' eva agamamsu. Sibalaranno ca diito pannakaram datva paccagamasi. Bbikkbusii ca cba bbikkbu antaramagge yeva maccu adaya gaccbati abo anicca vata sankbara ti. Hoiiti c'ettba: Imesam pana araddbam JNa kiccam yava mttbitam Na triva adiyissanti Maccu nattbi apekkbana. Nikkanmiko bi esa Babikkarena adiya Rodamanam va natinam Aniccbantam va gaccbati ti. Ramadbipatiraja ca tesam bbikkbimam pattakfile Ham- savatlnagarassa paccbimasmim disabbage Narasurena nama amaccena paribbutte gamakbette paliattbakatbatikadayo punappunam passitva upaparikkbitva simasamubanasima- sammutikamnianis kaiTipesi. Sibaladlpe bbagavata nabayita- ])ubl)aya Kalyaniya nama nadiyam udakukkbepasimam katva tattba Mabavibriravasinain bbikkbimam santike upaladdbaupasampadabbavebi bbikkbubi katatta Kalyani- sima ti samannara akasi. Iccevam Ramadbipatiraja patta-Laiikabbikkbu nissaya sasanam sutthu patittbitani akasi. Kaliyugassa attba- ^ A. pannakadaram. ^ M8S. paccba agamanakale. •5 Min: agaccbati. ^ S. gbatetva. D. gbattbetva. 5 A. B. omit. -^-t 47 HS- tirasadhika - atthavassasatakalato ' yava ekacattalisadhika- atthavassasata tesani bhikkhuiiam vamse asitimatta gana- pamokkhatbera ahesum. Tesam sissajatani pana chabbisadhikani dvisatani catusahassani dasasabassani abesum. Evam bbagavato sasanam Ramannarattbe vuddbira veriilbim vepuHam apajji ti. Idam Ramafmarattbe pancamam sasaiiassa patittbanam. Yada pana Arimaddananagare Anuruddbo nama raja Siidbammapuram sarajikam abbibbavitva viddbamsi tada^ Ramanfiarattbara rajasimnam butva tittbatij. Ramafmarattbe Muttimanagare Sonuttaravamso eko gano. Sivalivamso eko, Tamalindavamso eko, Anandavamso eko, Buddbavaraso eko, Mabanagavamso eko ti cba gana visum visum butva atthamsu nanasamvasaka nananikaja. Dbammacetiya- rafina pana karapitasasanam pi abbijjamanam4 Imtva attbasi. Samanasamvasos ekanikayo yeva abosi. Hamsavatl- Muttima-Suvannabbumivasena tini pi Ramannarattbani Sunaparantasarakbatena Marammarattbena ekabaddbani butva tittbanti. Pubbe ca Marammarattbindarajunam anapavattanattba- nani abesum. Tasma Marammarattbato ekacce bbikkbu Ramaima- rattbam gantva Kalyanislmayam puna sikkliam ganbimsu. Dbammacetiyaranna karapitasasanam sakalam Maramma- rattbam pi vyapetva ogabetva tittbati. Ramaniiarattbe Sonuttaratberanam sasanam patittba- pitakaLato pattbaya yava Sudbammapure Manobarirafina arabantanam samvijjamanata veditabba. Tato paccba pana Uttarajiva-Ariyavarasa-Mabakala-Pranadassitberanam kale lokiyajjbrinabbimialabbino° yeva samvijjanti. Adbuna pana tisu pi Ramafmarattbesu Dbammacetiyaranna karapitasa- sanam yeva tittbati. Ettba ca betupbalasambandbavasena adiantavasena ca sasanavamsam pannaya tulayitva adito ' A. Attbasatadbika" ' A. D. S. yada. 3 B. patittbabi. '^ A. abbijjbamanam. 5 S. samanavaraso. ^ B. lokiyadbyanabbinnalabhiyo. Min: 4abhiyo. -$^ 48 H^ va dassitelii tilii nayelii yatlia paveni ghattiyati^ tatlia ganheyya ti. Ay an ca Sasanavamso lajjipesalasikkhalvamanam yeva vasena Tutto nalajjinam vasena ti datthabbo. Taya ca theraparamparaya Muttimaiiagaravasi Medliam- karathero Lokadlpakasaram - iiama gandham akasi, Hara- savatinagaravasl pana Anaudatliero Madhiirasarattha- dlpanin^ naiiia Abliidhammatikaya samvannanam Hamsa- vatinagaravasi yeva Dhammabuddbatliero Kavisaran iiama cbandovannanam Hamsavatinagaravasi yeva Saddbamma- lamkaratbero Pattbanasarattbadlpanin4 nama pakaranam tattb' evas aiinataro tbero Apheggusaran nama gandbam akasi. Evam anekappakriranam gandhakaranam maba- tberanam vasanattbanam butva sasanam ogabetva virHl- battbanam abosi ti. Iti Sasanavamse Suvannabbiimisasanavamsakatbama^eo nama tatiyo pariccbedo. Idani pana Yonakarattbe sasanass' nppattiiu katbessami. Bbagava bi veneyyabitavabo Yonakarattbe mama sasanam cirakalam patittbabissati ti pekkbitva saddbim bbikkbu- samgbena desacarikam abindanto Labbuiijam nama nagaram agamasi. Tada eko nesado baripbalam datva tarn pari- bbunjitva baribije kbipite^ pathaviyam apatitva akase yeva patittbasi 7. Tarn disva si tarn patvakasi. Tam attbam disva Anandatbero puccbi. Anagate kbo Ananda imasmim tbane mama dbatucetiyam jiatittbabissati sasanam virulbam aj^ajjissatiti vyakasi. Bbagavata pana baripbabissa libufijitattbanatta Hari- bbufijo ti tassa rattbassa namam aliosi. Dvinnam tapasa- nam tbapitam jabasuttitam^ paticca Yonakanam bbasaya Labbunjo ti namam abosi. Tadil tattba Mapinnaya nama ekissa matikaya samlpe nisinno eko lavakidikajettbako^ ' B. gbatbiyati. Min: gbattbiyati. A. gbantblyati. ^ A. Lokapadipasriram. ^ B. JMadbu'' 4 A. B. "saradlpanim. s A. Min: tatb'eva. ^ Min: kbipi te. 7 A. B. tittbasi. ^ B. elasuttitani. ^ B. lavapubka" A. Lavakusika" -^ 49 Kg- attano puttam sattavassikam bhagavato niyyadetva pabbajesi. Kammatthanannyogavasena aciren' eva arahattam papimi. Sattavassikassa ca samanerassa arahattam sacchikatattba- natam paticca Yonakabhasaya etam thanam Ca-nah-ma iti vuccati. Cirakalavasena Ja-mali-ma iti vuccati. Tato patthaya yeva Yonakarattbe sasanam patitthahl ti, Idam Yonakarattbe patbamam sasanassa patitthanam. Sasane pana pancatimsaclhike dvivassasate sampatte Mabarakkbitatbero Yonakarattbain gautva Kamboja- Khemavara-Haribbiinja-Ayuddbayadisu anekadisu rattbesu sasanam patittbapesi. Tani bi sabbani rattbani samgabetva^ dassentebi^ attbakatbacariyebi Yonakalokan ti okasalokavacakena samanfiasaddena vuttam. Pakati b'esa gandbakaranam yena kena c'akarena attbantarassa vimiapana ti. Mabarakkbitatbero ca saddbim jiaiicabi bbikkbubi Pataliputtato anilapatbamaggena Yonakalokam agantva Kalakilramasiittena Yonake pasadesi, Sattatisabassadbika- piii.iasatasabassassa maggapbalalamkaram adasi, santike c'assa dasa sabassani pabbajimsu. Evam so tattba sasanam patittbapesi. Tatba ca vuttam Attbakatbayam : Yonakarattbam tadagantvil so Mabarakkbito isi Kalakaramasuttena te pasadesi Yonake ti. Tato pattbaya tcsam sissaparampara babu bonti ganana- })atbam vitivatta. Idam Yonakarattbe Mabarakkbitatberadayo paticca dutiyam sasanassa j)atittbanam. Yonakarattbe Lakunnanagare jinacakke paiicavassasate manimayam buddbapatimam mapetva Vissakammadeva- putto^ Nagasenatberassa adasi. Nagasenatbero ca tasmim patimambi dbatii agantva patittbatu ti adbittbasi. I ^ A. tam gabetva. ^ A. and B. dassantebi. • •5 A. Visukamma° Sasana-Vainsa. 4 -^ 50 f<- Adhitthanavasen'eva satta dhatuyo agantva tattlia patittlia- liitva patibririyam dassesun ti Eiijavamse vuttam. Tan ca vacanam mama parinibbanato pancavassasate atiklcante ete uppajjissanti ti Milindapanbayam vuttava- canena kalaparimanavasena ca sameti. Yonakarattbe IVIiHndaranno krde jinacakke pancavassasate yeva Naga- senatberam paticca jinacakkam verulbam butva patittbasi. Idam Yonakarattbe Nagasenatberam paticca tatiyam sasanassa patittbanam. Kaliyuge panca sattbivasseLabbunjanagarato samkamitva Kyii-nab-ranagaram ' mapikassa Byaiina-co-ma-ua-ra- namakassa- ranfio krde Majjbimadesato Kassapatbero pancabi tberebi saddbim agaccbi. Tada so raja vibaram katviX tesam adasi. Sibaladipato ca dbatiiyo anetva eko tbero agaccbi j. Dbatuto^ patibari- yam disva paslditva Labbimjacetiye nidbanam akasi. Te ca tbere paticca Yonakarattbe sasanavamso agato. Idam Yonakarattbe catuttbam sasanassa joatittbanam. Kabyiige dvasattbadbike sattasate sampatte Clnarattbin- daraja abbibbavitva sakalam pi Yonakarattbam safdcbu- bitams boti. Tadii Mabadbammagambbiratbero Maba- Medbamkaratbero ca ti dve tbera Yonakarattbato saddbim babubi bbikkliubi Sibaladipain agamamsu, Tada Sibaladipe dubbbikkbabbayena abbibbiito butva tato Siyamarattbfi. Sokkatanagaram puna agamamsu. Tato paccba Lakunnanagaram gantva sasanam paggan- bantanara bijjipesalanam bbikkbimam santike puna sikkbam ganbimsu. Te ca tbera Siyamarattbe Yonakarattbe ca sabbattba sasanam patittbapesura. Idam Yonakarattbe pattabinke^ dve tbere paticca paficamam sasanassa patittbanam. Kabyuge paucavlsadbike attbavassasate sampatte Siri- saddbammalokapaticakkavattiraja Labbunjacetiyam puna ^ B. Kyujab-ra° A. Kyu-ja-iiah-ra" D. Kyi-iiah-tu-nari- mapitassa, ^ g_ Byafmab-co-ma-na-jab ra. D, Byannab co-ma-iia-reb. 3 A. agancbi. -^ I). S. dbatuyo. 5 B. sakkbumbbitam, D. sandvbulj])bitam. '^ pallanke. -^ 51 ^ mahantam katva tassa cetiyassa samipe cattfiro viliare karapetva Malia-medhamkaratlierassa Sariputtatherassa ca adasi. Tada pi te dve thera sasanam parisuddham katva patittliapesim ti. Idam Yonakaratthe Malia-Medliamkara-Sariputtathere paticca chattham sasanassa patittlianam. Kaliyuge te cattrillsadhike navutivasse sampatte Ham- savatinagare Anekasetibhindo iiama raja Youakarattbaiii abliibhavitva attano battbagatam katva balibbufijanattbaya^ jettbaputtassa Aniiruddbassa nama iTijakiimarassa datva babubi amaccebi saddbim tattba gantva anurajabbavena rajjam karapesi sasanan ca visodbetum ^ Saddbamma- cakkasamitberam tena saddbim pabini. Anekasetibbiudo kira rilja Yonakarattbam vijayakrde^ patbamam sasanassa patittbrinabbutam idan ti katva tarn rattbavasino karama- raiiitabbavena4 na aggabesi ti yatbavuttatberavamsesu ca eko Lakunnanagare aranfiavasl tbero tattba nagare ajja asukasmim tb^ne eko mato tis gibinam katbetva yatba katbitam bbiitam biitva ayam abbiiinalabbi ti pakato abosi. Tasmim yeva ca nagare Mabamaiigalo nama tbero Anekasetibbindassa ranno yujjbitum agatakale Anekase- tibbindo raja mam pakkosissati samanajatikam diitam pesessati ti pakkositakalato patbamam eva vadi. Yatbavuttaniyamen' eva pakkosanato ayam abbiufuJabbl ti kittigboso abosi. Tattba nagare Nanavilasatbero Sankbyapakasakan nama pakaranam akasi. Tarn tikam })ana pattabinkatberassa vibare vasanto Sirimangalo nama tbero akasi, Visuddbi- maggadipanim pana sanfiatta-arannavasi '^ Uttararamo nama eko tliero, Mangabidipanim Sirimangabitbero, Uppa- tasantim7 afinataro tbero. Tam kira Ui^patasantim sajjbayitva Cinaranno senam ajini ti. Iccevam Yonakarattbe abbinfia- labblnam gandbakaranan ca tberanam anubbavena jina- sEsanam parisuddbam biitva patittbati. ' A. pari" ^ D. S. visodbfipesum. J D. vicara" S. vicarana" ■* A. karamanika° 5 Min: ajja re tivice. ^ A. safiimtta" ^ A. iippadasantini. -5H 52 H^ Evam hetuphalasambandhavasena adi-anta-sambandha- vasena ca yatha\Tittelii tihi nayebi tlieraparampara ghattetva^ gahetabba. Iti SiXsanavamse Yonakaratthasasanavamsakatbamaggo nama catuttbo pariccbedo. Idam Vanavasirattbe Sirikbettanagare Sasanavamsam vakkbami. Jinacakke bi ekavassasate sampatte Jatilo, Sakko, Nago, Garulo^, Kumbbando, Candiparamisvaro ^ ca ti ime satta Sirildiettam nama nagaram mapesum. Tattba Dvattapoiigo nama raja rajjam karesi. Tassa kira tini akkbini santi ti. Tada bbagavato savaka arabanta tisabassamatta vasimsu. So raja tesara arabantanam devasikam catubi paccayebi iipattbambbi. Cba sarlradbatiiyo ca ekekam ekekasmim nidabitva cba cetiyani kfirapesi. Dakkbinababum pana nidabitva ekam cetiyam karapesi unbisadbatum pana Kamarannagarato ■* anetva ekam pi cetiyam karapesi. Tarn pana tava na nittbitam paccba Anuruddbaraja gabetva Arimaddanana- garam anetva ca Can-Hmms nama cetiye nidbanam akasi. Tasma Rakkbitatberassa agamanato pubbe pi sasanam patittbasi ti dattbabbam. Tato paccba sasanam dubbalam butva attbasi. Idam Vanavasirattbe patbamam sasanassa patitthanam. Maba-Moggaliputta-Tissatberena pana pesito Rakkhi- tatbero Yanavaslrattbam gantva akase tbatva anamatagga- pariyaya katbaya Vanavasike pasadesi. Katbapariyosane pan'assa sattbisabassanam dbammabbisamayo abosi, sattati- sabassamatta pabbajimsu, paiicavibarasatani patittbapesum. Evani so tattba sasanam patittbapesi. Ten' eva Attbakatbayam : Gantvana Rakkbitatbero Vanavasim mabiddbiko Antalikkbe tbito tattba desesi anamataggiyan ti vuttam. ' S. gbatetva. D. gbattbetva. ^ D. S. Garulbo. 3 A. candima-ramisvaro. ^ A. Kamabrannagbarato. B. Kamab-ran-nagarato. D. Ka-ma-ra° 5 A. ukbum. B. ujum. D. Ca-na-kbum. -^ 53 r^ Evam Vanavaslrattlie pubbe yeva sasanam ogahetva patitthahi. Na pana tava sakalam vyapetva patitthabi. Idam tava Vanavasirattbe Sirikhettanagare diitiyam sasanassa patittbanam. Jinacakke pana tettimsadbike catuvassasato Kukkutaslso nama eko raja rajjam karesi. Tassa raiifio kale bbagavato savaka arabauta paficamatta abesum, Tesaiu pi so raja devasikam catubi paccayebi upattbambbesi. Sotapanna- sakadagami-anagamino pana gananapatbam vitivatta abesum. Idam Yanavasirattbe Sirikbettanagare paramparabbata- vasena tatiyam sasanassa patittbanam. Iccevam Yanavasirattbe anekasatebi arabantatberebi sasanam punnindusamkasam butva ativiya vijjotesi. Sasanikagandbakrirti, pana inabatbera tattba na samdis- santi. Arabantatbera pana rajimam ayacanam arabbba dbammasattbam ekarn viracayimsu ti porana vadantP ti. Iccevam: Te ca tbera mabapanfia Paggabetvana sasanam Suriyo viya attbaiigo Upaga^ maccu santikam. Tasma bi pandito poso Yava maccu na c'agato Tava pumiam kare niccam Ma pamajjeyya sabbada ti. Iti Sasanavamse Yanavasirattbasasanavamsakatbamaggo nama pancamo pariccbedo. ^ Idiini pana Marammamandale Aparantarattbe sasana- ^ vamsam vakkbami. Ambakam kira^ Marammarattbe Suppadakatittbe Yanija- game vasante Culapunna-Mabfipunne dve bbatike paticca bbagavato dbaramanass' eva "• atirekavisativassakalato pabbuti sasanam patittbasi. Na pana tava vyapetva ' A. B. vedanti. ^ Min: upaya. . ^ Min: bi. 4 B. bbavato maramanass' eva. patitthasi. Ten' eva puna sasanassa patitthapanatthaya Maha-Moggaliputta-Tissatbero Yonaka-Dhammarakkhita- theram pesesi ti. Bhagava pana Lohita-candana-viharam patiggahetva satta sattahani nisiditva samagatanam ^ deva- manussanam dhammarasam adasi. Sattahesu ca ekasmim ekasmim abu. Caturasiti panasahassanani dhammabhisamayo abosi pancasatamattebi ca pasadebi agaccbanto antara- magge Saccabandbapabbate^ nisinnassa Saccabandbassa nama isino dbammara desetva cbabi abbinnabi saddbini arabattam papesi. Vanijagame ca Isidinnasettbi adinam pi dbammarasam payesi. Iccevam Saccabandba-Isidinna-Mabapunnadayo paticca ambakam Marammamandale sasanam patittbasi. Idam Marammamandale Aparantarattbe patbamam sasanassa patittbanam. Bbagavato parinibbanato 3 pancatimsadbike dvivassasate sampatte tatiyasamgitim samgayitva avasane Maba-Mogga- liputta-Tissatbero attano saddbivibarikamYonaka-Dbamma- rakkbitatberam saddbim catubi bbikkbiibiAparantarattbam pesesi. Aparantarattban ca nama ambakam Maramma- mandale Sunaparantarattbam eva. Tam attbam pana bettba avocumba. Yonaka - Dbammarakkbitatbero pi Aparantarattbam agantva Aggikkbandbopamasuttena rattbavaslnam pasadesi. Sattatimattanam panasabassanam dbammarasam payesi. Rattbavasino ca babavo sasane pabbajimsu, rajakulato pi sabassamatta pabbajimsu, ittbinam pana atirekasattbi- sabassamatta pabbajimsu. Tan ca na Aggikkbandbo- pamasuttantara sutva pabbajantinani ittbinam vasena vuttam. Atba kbo adito pattbaya yava cirakalam sasanam pasi- ditva pabbajantinam ittbinam vasena vuttan ti dattbabbam. Kasma ti ce : Ittbinam bbikkbuninam santike yeva pabba- jitum yuttatta. Yonaka - Dbammarakkbitatberena ca saddbim bbikkbuninam anagatatta evam cirakalam ^ B. sabagatanam. ^ A. B. Saccabanda° 3 A. parinibbutato. ~$^ 55 «§- atikkamitvil pacchri bliikkhuniyo agantva tasam santike pabbajitrinam ' vasena vuttan ti dattliabbam. Sihaladlpe Aniiladeviya pabbajitakrde Maha-Mahinda- therassa Samgbamittatheriya pakkosanata idba fiapaka ti. Evam Yonaka-Dliammarakkhitatherani paticca Apa- rantaratthe sattanam bahupakaro ahosi. Ten' ev' Attha- kayam: Aparantam vigahitva Yonaka-Dbaminarakkbito Aggikkbandhupamen' ettba pasadesi jane babu ti. Tatthayam adbippayaviseso gabetabbo. Katham? Aggikkbandbopamasuttantam nama bbikkbii- nani patipattivasena vuttam tarn bbikkhimani yeva desetum vattati^. Tbero pi tattba tarn desesi. Tasma Pimna- Saccabandbildayo paticca bbagavato dharamanassa vlsati- vassakale yeva sasanam Aparantarattbe patittbabitva kas- miiici kasmiiici-3 thane bbikkbiinam samvijjamrmatta tesam bbikkhimam samgabetva desetum paccba agatanan ca bbikkbiinam parisuddbacaranam* viiiuripetiim Aggikkban- dbiipamasuttam tbero desesi ti. Evaii ca sati Arimaddananagare samanakiittakanam samvijjamanabhavani vakkbamanena vacanena sameti. Idam Marammamandale Aparantarattbe dutiyam sasa- nassa patittbanam. Yasma pana buddbo bbagava Punnattberassa yacanam arabldia Aparantarattham agantva vanijebi karite Canda- navibare vasitva ekasmim samaye Anandena paccha sa- manena Tambadiparattbam pi desacarikams abindi. Abinditva Arimaddananagarattbanasamipam patva pabba- tamnddbani tbatva anagate kbo Ananda imasmim padese Sammuti nSma raja Arimaddanam nama nagaram mapes- sati, tasmiii ca nagare mama sasanam virulbam butva patitthabissati ti vyakasi, Ayam attbo poranavedapottba- kesu vutto. ^ B. pabbajitani. ^ D. desetu sumvattbati. 3 B. kasmihca kasminca. '^ B. corrects to "cfiranam A. parisuddbacrirakam. 5 D. rattbani padesa° -^ 56 f^ Yonaka - Dhammarakkbitathero ca Aparantarattham agantva Tambadiparattham pi abinditva Tarabadiparattba- vaslnam pi dbammarasam piiyesi yeva. Ayam attbo kbattiyakulato eva purisasabassani pabbajimsu ti Attba- katbayam vuttatta vifmayati. Tada bi Aparantarattbe kbattiyo nattbi Tambadiparattbindo yeva tarn anusasetva abbivasati. Kbattiye ca asante kuto kbattiyakulani bbavissanti ? Ten' eva Tambadiparattbato purisasabassani pabbajimsu ti vinnatabbam. Tasma Tambadlpikasasanavamsam pi idba^ vattum yujjati. Ten' idani Tambadlpikasasanavamsam vakkbami^. Ambakam bi Marammamandale Tambadlparattbe Ari- maddananagare Sammutiraja nama bbiipfilo rajjam karesi. Tato pattbaya yava Anuruddbaranfia Samati - namake ^ dese nisinnanam timsasabassamattanam samanakuttaka- nam sattbisabassamattanam sissanam ovadam datva ca- rimsu. Tesain pana samanakuttakanaiu ayam vado: Sace yo panatipatam kareyya so idisam parittam bba- nanto tamba papakamma parimunceyya. Sace pana yo matapitaram bantva anantariyakammato parimuccitukamo bbaveyya idisam parittam l)baneyya. Sace pi puttadbita- nam avabavivabakammam kattukamo bbaveyya acariyanam patbamam niyyadetva avabavivabakammam katabbam. Yo idam carittam atikkameyya babu apufmam pasaveyya ti evam adibi miccbavadcbi attano attano upagatanam ova- dam adamsu. Tam attbam sutva Anuruddbaraja paricita- puiino tesarn vadam na ruci. Ayam tesam miccbavado ti, Tada ca Arimaddananagare Arabanto nSma tbero agantva sasanam patittbapesi. Ayam Arabantatberassa attbuppatti Riijavamsagata-Parittanidanagata-Sasanapaveniyagatavase- na* tividba boti. Tattbayam Rajavamsagatattbuppatti. Tada bi Sunaparanta-Tambadiparattbesu sabbena sabbam sabbada tbirani sasanam na tava patittbasi. Ten' eva ^ D. idam. ^ Min: pavakkbami. ^ B. Sammuti" 4 I). S. '"pavesani" bhagavata byakataniyameua sasanam patitthapessama ti cintetva maliathera Sakkassa devanam indassa santikain gantva sasanam aiiuggaliitum samattham^ puggalam delil ti yacimsu. Sakko ca devanam indo Tavatimsabliavane ekam devaputtam yacitva ekisstl brabmaniya kucchimhi pati- sandbim ganbapesi. Dasamasaccayeua vijayanakrde Sllaljuddbi nama tbero anurakkbitva vaye sampatte pabbajesi. Tisu pitakesu ativiya cbeko butva arabattam^ papuni. Arabanto ti namena pakato abosi. So ca tbero Maram- mamandale jinasasanam vijjotapetiim Arimaddananagaram agantva nagarato avidure ekasmim aranfie nisidi. Tada Sakko devanam indo ekam nesadara palopetva-^ tassa tberam dassesi. Atba nesadassa etad abosi: Ayam pana amanusso yakkbo bbaveyya sace pana manusso bbaveyya evam sati milakkbajatiko bbaveyya ti. Evam pana cintetva raniio dassanattbaya nagaram anesi. Tbero ca attba parikkbare gabetva anugaccbi. Nesado ca tberam anetva raiino dassesi. Raja disva santindriyo ayam na mibikkbajatiko imassa^ abbbantare saradbammo attbi maiine ti laddbasuriyobbasam viya padumani pbuUa- cittam butva vimamsitukamo s tberam aba: attano sarup- parn asanam natva nisidabi ti. Tbero ca raj ap alia iikam arubitva nisidi. Raja ca ayani aggasane nisidi. Avassam aggapnggalo bbaveyya ti cintetva tvarn kassa nati kassa sisso kuto ilgato' si ti puccbi. Tbero ca evam aba: Lokasmim yo navagunasampanno bliagava sammasam- buddbo tassabam nati so bliagava yeva mam' acariyo bbikkbusaragbassa nisiunattbanato agato 'mbi ti. Raja ca somanassappatto butva rdia : Tava acariyena desitam dliammain ekadesato desebl ti. Atba yatba Siri-Dliammasokaraiino Nigrodbasamanerena appamadadbammo desito evam appamadadbammam yeva tbero desesi. ^ B. tam attbam. ^ Min: arabantam. j Min: palapetva. t B. dumassa. s Min: vimamsetukamo. -^ 58 ^<^ Raja ca puna aha: Kuliin dani sammasambuddlio nisl- dati, tena pana desito dhainmo katipamano tassa savaka paua katipamana tumhadisa aniie attlii va ma va ti. Idani amhakam acariyo sammasambuddlio parinibbuto dhatuyo yeva idani atthi tena pana desito dhammo catu- rilsiti dhammakkhandhasabassapamano. Sudbammapure pitakattayam yugalavasena tividbam atthi maya anno para- matthasammutivasena duvidho pi samgho atthi ti. Tarn sutva raja bhiyosomattaya pasanno hutva puna arocesi: Mama bhante imasmim paccakkhe natthi taya anno natho. Ajjatagge panupetam mam upasako ti dha- rehi, tava ovadam aham sirasa patiganhissami ti. Tato paccha Arahfiakaiigarahe thane viharam karapetva adasi. Samanakuttakanam pi vadam bhindi. Yatha pana suvanna- patim hibhitva suvannabhajanam labhitva mattikabhajanan ti sakale pi ca ratthe samanakuttakanam vadam jahapesi. Tasmih sa kale samanakuttaka ^ hinalabha hutva therassa upanaham bandhimsu^. Te pana samanakuttaka arahfie nissamika viya koleyaka sunakhil anatha hutva kayikacetasikadukkham lal)himsu. Eiija ca tam attham hatva yatha samanakuttaka nabhi- bhavanti-5 tatha arakkham thapesi. Te ca samanakuttake setavattham nivasapetva avudhagahayodhabhavena raja- kamme niyojapesi. Thero ca sasane pasanne jane pabba- jetva upasampadetva sasanam visodhapesi. Raja ca imasmim ratthe poranika rajano samanakuttakanam vadam gahetva rajjam karesum, sace hi pana tesam anatthakarajjam* puna ganhapetum sakkuneyyam evam sati aham tesam anatthakarajjam apanetva satthakarajjam ganhapetum icchami ti anusoci ti. Ayam pana Parittanidanagatatthuj^patti. Sihaladipe kira Vijjavaslnagare nisinno eko bhikkhu Upadvaravatinagaram 5 gantva pariyattim ugganhi. ' B. "kuttika. - D. bhindimsu. 3 D. nabhambhibhavanti. •* D. anatta" 5 A. Upamaravati° TatopaccliaSudhammapuram gantva pariyattim ugganhi. Tasmin ca kale Sirikhettanagare patalinikkhe eko gandlio atthi ti sutva Sudhammapurato Sirikhettanagaram agamasi. Antaramagge luddako tberam passitva ayarp. yakkho ti mannitva gahetva Anuraddliaranfio dassesi. Tada raja theram piicchi: Ko pana tvan ti. Aham mahriiTija Gotamassa savako ti. Puna raja pucchi: Tinnam pana ratananam kidiso ti. Thero aha: maliosadhapandito viya mabaraja biiddho dattbabbo; ummaggo viya dbammo; Videbasena viya samgbo ti. Evam upamabi' pakasito raja puna puccbi: kin uu kbo ime Gotamassa savaka ti. Na kbo mabaraja ime Gotamassa savaka, ime pana ambebi visabbaga samanakuttaka yeva ti evam vutte tato pattbaya te samanakuttake vijabi. Tinam viya natimanni- pataHrukkbasusirato pi laddbam tesam gandbam bxddbat- tbane yeva aggina jbapesi. Tam pi tbanam yavajjataua Aggijbfipanatabm ti paka- tam ti. Tbero ca Vimrmavattbura rafiiio desesi. Raja ca pasiditva Sirikbettanagarato Arimaddananagararu pacca- gamanakrde anesi. Idam pana patalisusire laddbagandbassa karanam. Te- sam hi samanakuttakanam abbbantare eko upayacbeko samanakuttako attano vadanurupam gandbam katva Siri- kbettanagare dvattimsa ratanakbandbassa patalirukkbassa susire pavesetvil punap})unam udakena temetva mattikaya limpetva puna tacani uppadetva uttbapesi. Tada mayani supine -3 patalirukkbe saragandbo attba- vyanjanasampanno eko attbi ti passama ti kolabalam uppadesuDQ. Tam sutva raja Sirikbettanagaram gantva tam patalirukkbain bbinditva gavesanto^ tam gandbam ^ labbi. Gandbe pana sakavadavasena samanakuttakasa- mannata idisa yeva ete Gotamasavaka bonti etesam yeva acaro saggamaggapatbabbiito ti evam adibi karanebi ' I), upamabara. - A. natimainie. 3 Min: supinena. 4 A. gavesento. -^ 60 r^ vuttam. Raja ca pasiditva samanakuttanam bahuni databbani adasi. Tato paccha therassa dhammakatham sutva tarn aggina jhapesi ti evam samanakiittakanam vacanam sutva Siri- khettanagaram gantva Arimaddananagaram paccagacchanto theram auesi ti dattliabbain. Arimaddananagaram sampattakale Jetavanam nama vihriram karapetva adasi. Tliero ca tattlia sasanam vi- sodhetva nisidi. E,aja devasikam udakam anetva agga- mahesi' pana devasikam yeva pindapatam anetva bhojesi. Uppannakaiikhakale^ pi tarn tarn kankhathanam pucchi ti. Ayam pana Sasanapaveniyagatatthuppatti. Sudhammapure hi samapattilabhl Anomadassi nama tliero Sonuttaratheranaiii vamsanurakkbanavasena saddbim pancabi bbikkbusatebi nisidi. Tassa pana padbanasisso Adbisilo nama, tassa padbanasisso Pranadassi nama, tassa padbanasisso Kalo nama, tassa padbanasisso Ara- banto nama, tassa j^adbanasisso Ariyavamso nama ti. Idan ca vacanani. Ko pan' esa Uttarajlvamabatbero 3 ti. Ayam bi tbero Ramafinadesiyaputto Ariyavamsatberassa sisso Ariya- varasatbero pana Kappiiiiganagaravasl'' Mabakalatberassa sisso. So pana Sudbammanagaravasino Pranadassimaba- tberassa sisso ti Kalyanisilrdekbane vuttavacanena na sametis. Evam pi sati yatbiccbitadbipi^ayo na nassati ti dattbabbam. Evam nanacariyanam vado nanakarena dissamano pi Arabantatberassa Arimaddananagare sasanam anugga- betva patittbanata^ yev' ettba pamanan ti katva nava- mannitabbo. Sabbesam bi acariyanam vade pi Arabantatbero Ari- maddananagaram agantva sasanam patittbapesi ti attbo ^ B. aggamabesim. ^ A. °kankbam° 3 D. S. Uttarasajlva° ^ B. corrects to Kambuiiga" 5 A. KalyanisiL"dekbanI vuttavacanena sameti. ^ INfin: patittbanaka. -^ 61 H^ iccbitabbo yeva ti, Araliantathero pana mulanamena Dhammadassl ti pakato Sudhammapuravasi Silabuddhithe- rassa sisso ti datthabbo. So ca tbero piibbeva pabbajjakalato catusu vedesii sikkbitasippo. Pabbajitva pana sattbakatbam pitakattayam ugganbitva param gantva sabbattba pakato. Sokkatayanagaram ' ilnetva manussa piijenti. Tattba dasa vassani vasitva puna Sudbammapuram agantva araiinavasam samadayi^. Tato paccba jinacakke ekasattbadbike pancasate sabasse ca sampatte kabyuge ekasattatadbike tisate sampatte Auuniddbaraja rajjam papuni. Tada Arimaddananagare samanakuttaka^ mayam Gota- masavaka ti vatva tinasatimsavagga^ butva nisidimsii. Vaggavasena kira sabassamatta tis. Anuruddbaraja ca tesam samanakuttakanam agariya- brabmacariyadini sutvana pasidi. Evam pi paveniya aga- tatta na pajabi. Arabantam pana tberam passitva tato pattbaya tesam samanakuttakanam nibaddbavattani'^bbinditva sasane pasidi. Idam Marammamandale Tambadlparattbe Arimaddana- nagare Arabantam nama tberam paticca tatiyam sasanassa patittbanam. Tasmiii ca kale Arabantattbero Anuruddbarajanara aba: Tisu sasanesu pariyattisasane tittbante yeva patipatti- sasanam tittbati patipattisasane tittbante yeva pativedba7- sasanam tittbati. Yatba bi gunnam sate pi sabasse pi vijjamane paveni- palikaya dbenuya asati so vamso sa paveni na gbatiyati evam evam dbutaiigadbaranam bbikkbunam** sate pi sa- basse pi vijjamane pariyattiya antarabitaya pativedbo nama na boti. Yatba pana nidbikumbbiyo jananattbaya pasana- pittbe akkbaresu tbapitesu yava akkbarani dbaranti tava ^ A, Sokkata° ^ Min: samadiyi D. samadbiyi. 3 B. D. °kuttika. ^ D. tisatisavaggl. s D. or^ji ^ D. °ttbani. ^ B. pativeda. ' S. omits. ■^>4 62 Hs-- nidhikumbliiyo nattlia nama na honti ti evam evam pari- yattiya dharamanriya sasanam anantarahitan nama hoti. Yatha va mahato^ talakassa paliya thiraya udakam na thassatl ti na vattabbam udake sati padumadlni puppliani na puppbissanti ti na vattabbam. Evam evam mabatala- kassa thirapalisadise tepitake buddhavacane sati udaka- sadisa patipattipiiraka kulaputta nattbi ti na vattabbam tesu sati padumadipuppbasadiso pativedbo nattbi ti na vattabbam. Evam ekantato pariyattim eva pamanam tasma antamaso dvisu patimokkbesii vattamanesu pi sasanam anautarabitam eva pariyattiya antarabitilya supatipannassa pi dbammabbisamayo nattbi anantarabitaya eva dbamma- bbisamayo attbi. Idani pi ambakam pariyattisasanam paripunnam nattbi, sariradbatuyo ca nattbi, tasma yattba pariyattisasanam sariradbatuyo ca attbi tattba pannakarena saddbim diitam^ pesetva anetabba. Evam sati ambakam rattbe jinasSsanam cirakalam patittbabissati ti. Evam pane bbante sati kattba yacissama ti. Suvannabbumirattbe mabaraja Sudbammapure tihi varehi pitakattayam likbitva thapeti sariradbatuyo ca babii tattba attbi ti. Raja evam bbante ti patiganhitva babii pannakare pati- yadetva rajalekbanani likbitva attbangasamannagatam 3 ekam amaccam dutam katva pesesi. Sadbammapurindo Manobari^ nama raja pi maccbera- citto butva tumbadisanam miccbadittblnam tbane pita- kattayam sariradbatuyo ca pabinitum na yutta tilokaggassa bi sammasambuddbassa sasanam sammadittblnam tbane yeva patittbabissati yatba nama kesarasibarajassa vasa suvannapatiyam yeva na mattikabbajane ti. Duta paccagantva Anuruddbaranfio tarn attham arocesum. Tani sutva Anuruddbaraja kujjhi, tattakakapale pakkbit- tatilam viya tatatatayi. ' D. Mabati and adds: yatba ca mababbo talatakassa. ^ D. dutiyara. 3 A. sampannagatam. ■* B. corrects to Manomari. -^ 63 -^ Atlia raja nacllmaggena navanam asltisatasahassehi navikanam, yodhanam attha kotlhi senam vyiihitva^ thala- maggena saddhim catulii mahayodlianriyakelii^ batthinam asitisahasselii , assanam navutisatasaliassehi , yodhanam asiti kotiya senam vyuliitva sayam eva yujjliitiiin Sudhamma- piiram gacchi. Tarn sutva Manohariraja bhltatasito hiitva attano bahii yodbe samvidabitva Sudhammapure yeva patisenam katva nisidi. Atba Atbabbanavede agatapayogavasena punappu- nam vayamanta pi nagaramulam upasamkamitum na sakka. Tada rSja vedanfmno puccbi: Kasma pan' ettba nagara- miilam upasamkamitum na sakkoma ti. Vedannuno ahamsu : Athabbanavedavidbanam maharaja attbi manne ti. Atba raja patbaviyam nidahitva matakalevaram uddbaritva mabasamudde kbipesi. Ekam kira manussam bindukubim Jogylnamakarn j kitam kbadapetva'* tarn maretva battbapadadini angapac- caiigani gabetva cbinnabbinnani s katva nagarassa samanta patbaviyam nidahitva thapesi. Tada pana nagaram upasamkamitum sakka. Nagaran ca pavisitva Anuruddharaja Manobarirajanam jivaggabam ganhi. Sudhammapure poranikanam rajimam paveni-agata- vasena ratanamayamafijiisayam thapetva pi'ijitam sabadba- tuhi pitakattayam gabetva Manohariranno santakanaiii dvattimsabatthlnam pittbiyam arojietva anesi. Arimadda- nanagaram pana patva dhatuyo ratanamayamanjusfiyam thapetva sirisayanagabbbe ratanamance sisopadesassa sami- pe thapesi. Pitakattayam pi ratanamaye pasade thapetva bhikkbusamghassa uggahadhriranadiattbay a ^ niyy adesi. Tato kira anitam 23itakattayam uggauhantanam ariyanam sahassamattam abosi ti. Sudhammanagarani vijabitva7 pitakena saddhim bhikkbusamgham anetva sasanassa patittbapanam ^ jinacakke ekadhike chasate vassasabasse9 ^ D. byabitva. ^ D. °yoja" 3 A. Jyongyam° 4 Min: dapetva D. dadapetva. 5 A. B. chinnacbinnani. ^ A, uggabana" 7 A. vijabitva. ^ A. patittbanam. 9 D. sahassa iv -^ 64 f^ 69 Hg- upajjhayassa Maliakassapatlierassa santike vasitva pi tassa arahantabhavain iia juui. Maha-kassapatheram hi ekena saddhiviharikena saddhiiu araiifiaviharato gamam pindaya carautam antaramagge pattadiparikkhare galietva pacchato^ gacchanto yeva eko saddhivihariko evam aha: Lokasmim bhante araha araha ti pakato sutamatto va 'ham bhavami na kadaci ditthapubbo ti. Tarn sutva thero paccha parivattetva olokento: Parik- khare avuso gahetva arahantassa paccha gacchanto yeva arahantabhavam na janati ti aha ti. Arimaddananagare pi Silabuddhi-Pollouka-Sumedhathc- riidayo pi arahanta yeva ahesurn. Narapatiraja hi Kha- nitthipadapabbatam ^ gantva paccagamanakrde antara- magge ekissa, matikaya manobhasam disva idha pufiham karetukamo Sakko dasseti mahhe ti manasikaritva cetiyam karapessami ti tattha ratthavasihi samam bhiimibhagaui karapesi. Atha eko Silabuddhi nama thero evani rdia: Puhham maharaja karissami ti idani bhumiparikammam karapesi. Evam kariipentassa te3 apuuham yeva bhavati no puhhau ti vatva bahii hi 4 satta ma kilamantu tis manasikatva raiiho dandakammena tajjanatthaya rahfia dinnam pinda- patam na Idmnji. Raja ca: Sace tvam maya dinnam pindapatain abhufijitukanio bhaveyyasi mama vijite vasanto yeva tvani mama pindapata na muiiceyyasi. Ratthavasihi pi dinnapindapato mayham eva santako nanu nama mama pinda])atam yeva tvam bhuhjasi ti aha. Sihibnddhithero pi sace aham evam bhaveyyami Slhala- dipam gantva vasissami ti cintetva arahhe vasi. Atha tarn attham janitva nagaradvrire arakkho eko yakkho rahho agatakale abhimukhain thito va bhayanaka- riipl^ nisldi. Atha nanavijjakammehi apanento pi iia sakka apanetum. ' A. B. paccha. ' D. Khanitti" A. B. khanitva. 3 B. vata. 4 Min: omiie. s A. B. kilantu ti. ^ All MSS. except B. rupaiii. -^M 70 H5^ Atha raja nimittapatbake pakkosapetva pucchi: Kena karanena ayaiii yakkho idha nisinno ti. Tvam maharaja Silabiiddhitheram agaravavasena piibbe katbesi. Yakkba pi tbere ativiya pasanna ti ambebi siitapubba, tarn paticca yakkho bbayanakarfipam dassetva nisinno bbavissati ti aba. Haja pi amacce anapesi: tberam pakkosatba ti. Tbero nagaccbi. Slbaladipam^ yeva gamissami ti arabbi. Tarn attbam sutva raja ekam Caturangapaccayan nama amaccam pakkosapetva^ tvam gantva tberam pakkosabi ti pesesi. Caturaugapaccayo ca cbekataya ekam suvannamayam buddbapatibimbam navaya tbapetva mabasamiiddatittbam agamasi. Atba tberam sampapunitva: Idani idba bbagava sammasambuddbo agamasi. Silabuddbitbero3 bbagavato sammasambuddbassa dassanattbaya agaccbatu ti dutam pesesi. Tbero pi bbagavato sammasambuddbassa dassan- attbaya agaccbatu ti vacanam patikkbipitum buddbagara- vavasena avisabataya agaccbl ti. Poranikanam va tberanam buddbe garavam^ idba Pandito garavam buddbe kare pasannacetasa ti. Navam abbirubitva tbero bbagavato sammasambuddbassa vandanamana-piljasakkaradlnis akasi. Tberassa evam vandanamana-pujasakkaradini karontass' eva vegena navam anetva gaccbi. Atba Caturaugapaccayo evam aba: Idani bbante tumbakam acariyassa sammasambuddbassa sasanara pagganbitum yutto ti. E,aja ca amaccebi parivarito paccuggaccbi. ^Nrivaya tberassa battbe gabetva rajagebam anesi. Dvaram pattakale yakkbo patbaviyam nislditva tberam vandi. Raja rajagebam patva tberam nanabbojanebi bbojesi. Evan ca avoca: Ajjatagge bbante tvam asi mam'acariyo bbagavato va ovadani sirasa patiggabetva anuvattissama ti attano paiica putte pi 7 tberassa adasi. Te paiica ku- ^ Min: "dlpe. ^ A. sakkosapetva. 3 B. Siba" * A. Buddbesu garavam. * s B. corrects to vandamana** ^ Min: omits Nrivaya &c. 7 J), bi. -^ 71 H^ mara therena sacldhim anuvattimsii. Thero te pakkosetva viharam agamasi. Antaramagge kappiyapatliaviyam panca parimandalakrirani likhitva tesam rajakumaranam dassetva nivattapesi. Rajakumrira patinivattitva tarn karanam ranno arocesum. Raja ca: Tumhakam pufifiam karapanatthaya dasseti ti vatva tulavasena^ tehi iTijakumarehi suvannam samam katva tena suvannena miikim katva bli'agavato dharamanakrile Pasenadi-Kosalarafiiia krirapitam candana- patibimbaiii viya visum visum patibimbam^ karapesi. ' Tesam nidhariatthanabhutaniJ pafica cetiyani pi Sakko kammavidhayako butva patittbapesi. Ettba ca pubbe ranfia* pasiditva tberassa rajakumrira dimia milbim rata- nattayassa datva puna rajakumare bhujisse karetukamataya tbero evaiu sanfiams adasi ti datthabbam. So ca Sikibuddhithero^ Arabantaganavamso ti datthabo. Arimaddananagare yeva Xarapatirafifio kale Kassapo nama tbero desaearikaui caramano Pollonkanamakam de- sani tad avasari. Atha dve mabaUakapolloiika? manussa tbere atipasannataya dve putte upattbakattbaya niyyadesuiu. Pollonkamanussanam atipasannatam paticca tbero pi Polloiikatbero ti vobariyati. Yada ca pana so tbero Sibala- dipam gantukrimo abosi tada Sakko devanam indo vyaggba- rupam mapetva pittbiya yava mahasamuddatiram*^ anesi. Mabiisamuddatiram pana patva navam abbiruhitva vanijebi saddhim tari. Mahasamuddamajjhe pana patva sa nava na gaccbi^. Niccala va attbasi. Atba vanija mantesum: Amba,kain navaya alakkhl papajano attbi marine ti. Evam pana mantetva salakadanam^° akarasu. Yava tatiyam pi tberass' eva batthe salaka pubbe katakammavipakavasena nipati. Idam pana tberassa pubbe katakammam. Tbero bi tato attabbavato sattame bbave ekasmira game kukidarako butva kilanattbaya ekam sunakbam nadiyam otaretva ^ B. tbuLao D. kuLa. ^ D. omits. 3 A. B. nidana" 4 A. B. ranno. 5 A. annam. ° D. Sihala° 7 D. mabamaHaka" ^ S. B. A. "tira. •5 B. gaccbati. '" Min: salakadanara. -^ 72 r^ udake Idlamai^esi. Evam Idlamantam sunakliam sayam eva urena uggahetva tli-am anesi ti. Evam puLbe kata- kammam vipakavasena therass' eva hattlie salaka nipati. Tada vanija iidakapittlie khipimsu. Atha Sakko devanain indo kumbbilariipam mapetva pittbiyam aropetva anesi. Tbero Yakkbadlpam patva andbacakkbukanam'^ yakkba- nam mettanubbavena cakkbum labbapesi. Yakkha ca tberassa gunam fiatva dve yakkbe^ bbatike adamsu. Tbero ca Sibaladipam gantva Mabacetiyarupam Loba- pasadarupam sariradbatum mababodbibijani ca anetva paccagamasi ti. Sumedbatbero ca Halamkassa^ nama nagarassa dakkbi- nadisabbage Muttigame* purattbimaya anudisaya Dinna- namakes vibare vasi. Tbanassa paiia namavasena tberassa pi Dinnavibaro tveva^ namam abosi. So pi tbero paiusiikuliko lajji pesalo sikkbakamo jbana- labbl araba yeva. So bi devasikam devasikam attbanava- yojanapamane padacetiyam gantva vandi, cetiyai'igana- vattan ca akasi. Tato agantva Muttigame jnndaya cari. Idam tberassa nibaddbavattam. Aparani pi vattbuni babiini santi. Sabbani pana tani vittbaretva vattabbani pi gandbagaravabbayena na vakkba- ma. Sabbani pi lii vuccamanani ayani Sasanavamsadipika atipapaiica bbavissati. Sammasambuddbassa bi pariiiibbanato yavajjatana tbe- ranam paramparavasena samgbattetva anayanam ev' ettba adbippetam, yatba vuttani pana vattbuni adbuna abbifma- labblnani puggalanani akbettabbavena7 pasangananapati- babanattbam Arimaddananagare ca babunnam abbinba- labbinam puggalanani nivasattbanatadassanattbam vuttani. Vuttam c'etam Bbikkbunikbandbakattbakatbayain: ' D. "cakkbunam. ^ A. B. yakkba 1). yakkba. 3 B. Halamkissa. 4 Min: Mratti° S. Mutti° 5 B. Dinnanainike A. Dvinnanamake. A. pi vibaro teva — (omits Dinna). B. corrects from acettba bliavena to abbavena. 6 -^ 73 -^ Patisambhidapattelii vassasahassam sukkliavipassakehi vassasaliassam anagamilii vassasahassam sakadagamihi vassasahassam sotapannehi vassasahassan ti evam paiica vassasahassani pativedhadhammo thassati ti. Dlghanikayatthakathayam pana Samyuttanikayattha- kathayah ca: Patisambhidapattehi vassasahassam chala- bhifihehi vassasahassam tevijjehi vassasahassam sukkhavi- jiassakehi vassasahassam patimokkhena vassasahassan ti vuttam. Anguttaranikayatthakathayam paua Vibhaiigatthakatha- yah ca: Buddhanam parinibbanato vassasahassam eva patisam- bhida nibbattetum sakkonti. Tato param cha abhihha tato pi asakkonta tisso vijjiX nibbattimsu. Gacchante kale til pi nibbattetum asakkonta sukkhavipassaka honti. Eten' eva nayena anagamino sakadagamino sotapanna ti vuttam. Evam nananayehi Atthakatha pi agatatta adhuna loke ariyapuggahl bhavituni na sakka ti na vattabbam. Ariyanam eva khettassa adhuna pi saml)havato sace araddhavipassaku l)haveyya so araha bhavitum sakka yeva ti nittham ettha gantabbani. Atthakathasu pana nanabhanakatheranam nanavadava- sena vuttan ti datthabbaiii. Ettaken' eva j^ana nanakarena vado bhinno pi sasanani na bhijjati yeva sasanassa abhin- nam yeva hi ettha pamanan ti. Evam Marammamandale Aiimaddananagare anekehi arahantasatehi sasanain vijjotati. Bhagavato pana pari- nibbanato timsadhikanani navavassasatanam^ upari Ma- rammaratthe Saii-Lah-krom^ namena raiiha samakahiva- sena Sihaladipc rajjani pattassa Mahanamarahho krde Buddhaghosa - Buddhadattatherehi pabhuti te te maha- thera te te gandhe akamsu. Tato paccha sati-samadhipahuamaddavavasena^ sukha- vabodhanattham tikayo akainsu. Arimaddananagare ^ so B. All other MSS. timsadhikanani navutivassanam. ' D. Sa-na-la-ha-kro-iia. 3 A. ]). B. °manda" -^>^ 74 ,<-^ jinacakke sattatriclhike ^ clia sate sahasse ca sampatte tinnam j)itakrinam mulabhutesu saddanayesu sotriranaiu chekataya^ mail asaiimd tie viya Anando nama maliamaccho tisu pitakesu sattliakathesu viloletva x\ggavamso nama tliero Saddamtipakaraiiam akasi. Arimaddaiianagare hi Uttarajivatheradlnam Silialadipam gamamito pubbe yeva tayo mahathera pariyattivisarada Malia-Aggapandito, tassa saddliiviliariko Dutiya-i^ggapandito, tassa bhagineyyo Tati- ya-Aggapandito ti. Tatiya-Aggapandito pana Aggavamso ti pi vohariyati. Tasmiii ca kale Arimaddananagaravasino saddakovida bahavo santi ti yava Lankadipa kittighoso pattliari. Tasma Silialadipika saddakovida Ylmamsetukaraa liutva Arimaddanaiiagaram agamamsu. Tada Arimaddananagara- vasino l)hikkhu Saddinitipakaranam dassesmn. Silialadipika ca tarn disva upadharenta saddavisaye ayani gandho viya Sihaladipe gandho nattlii. Imasmim pakarane agatavinicchayam pi sakalam na janimha ti nanapakarehi tliomesun ti. Yavajjatana katliamaggo na iipaccliinno ti. Arimaddananagare Silialadipam gantva paccagato Clia- pado nama Saddhammajotipfilathero saddanaye chekataya Suttaniddesam akasi, Paramatthadliamme ca chekataya Samkhepavannanam nama Caradipakah-^ ca Vinaye cheka- taya Vinayagiilhatthadipaniiii Simalamkarah ca akasi. Attano katanam gandhanaiii nigame Saddhammajotipalo ti mfdanamena vuttam. Kusimanagare pana Chapadagame jatatta th<"inassa namena Chapado ti pakato. Kukhana- nagare pana Chapado ti voharito pi eko thero atthi. So alajji dussilo. Ekacce pana nama samannalesamattena pattalaiikara silavantaiu pesalam sikkhakamam Chapada- theram alajji-dussilabhavena npavadanti^ yatha nama samaiihalesamattena Mallaputtam ayasmantam Dabbam asamacarena ti. Arimaddananagare yeya Alom-cah-hiis ^ so A. All oilier MSS. sattanavasadike. ^ B. chetattaya. i B. corrects to Saradipakafi. * A. uvadanti. s B. Alou-cah-su A. Aloh-cah-tn. -^- 75 H$- namakassa rafifio krde Maha-Vimalabiiddhitbero Cula- Vimalabuddhithero ti dve thera pariyattivisarada aliesum. Tesu Maha-Vimalal)uddliitliero Kaccayanassa samvannanam Nyasagandliam akasi. Keci pana SihaladipavasI Vimalabuddhithero tarn akasi ti vadanti. Cula -Vimalabuddhithero pana Vuttodayassa poranatikam akasi. Chandosaratthavikasinim Saddhammafianathero akasi. Yacanatthajotim pana VepuHathero ^ akasi. .Nyasa- gandhassa poranatikam Narapatiraiiiio kale eko amacco akasi. So hi ranho ekam orodham paticca jatam ekam dhltaram disva vanaro viya lepe laggito patibaddhacitto "^ hutva laggi. Tam attham janitviX raja evam aha: Sace etam iccheyyasi ekam gandham paripunnaviniccha- yam gulhattham karohi. Sace tvani tadisam gandhani katiim sakkuneyyasi etam labhissasi ti. Atlia so Nyasassa samvannanam poranatikam akasi. Tato patthaya hinaya vattitva dhitaram datva rajjuggfi- hamaccatthane^ thapesi yarn Marammavoharena Sam- byan* iti vuccati. Tena pana katatta so pi gandho tam namena ■v'nccati. Karikam tassa ca samvannanam Chatta- guhindassas nama rahho kale Dhammasenapatithero akasi. Tena kira karripite jSTandaguhaya samipe Nandavihare nisiditva akasi. Tasmih ca kale Gandhamadanapabbate Nandamiilaguhato^ arahantil agantva tasmim vihare vassam upagacchimsu. tesam sammukhe katatta te ca gandha panditehi sarato pacceta])ba ti acariya vadanti. Vaca- vacakam pana7 Dhammadassi nama samanero akasi. Sad- datthabhedacintam pana Arimaddananagarasamipe thitassa Khanitthipadapabbatassa^ samipe ekasmim game vasanto Saddhammasiri nama thero akasi. So yeva thero Brihajani nama vedasatthain pi Marammabhasaya parivattesi. ' B. Vephulla" ' S. "bandha" 3 A. rajjuggamacca° 4 B. Sam-pyam. s B. Chattaruhindassa. ^ A. Nandaguhato B. Nandaguhato. 7 A. Vriccavaccakara. ^ B. Khanitti" -$H 76 r^ Ekakkbarakosam pana Saddhammakittittliero akasi. So hi kaliyuge sattasitadliike attliasate sampatte iniccha- dittliikanani Jaliimasaiiuitaiiam ^ kulfinam bhayena sakale pi Tambadijmrattbe sasanobbaso milayati. Babimi pi pottbakani aggibbayena nassesum^. Tada tarn pavattim passitva-j sace pariyattidbammo vinasseyya patipattidbammo pi nassissati patipattidbamme nassante kuto pativedbadbammo bbavissati ti samvegam apajjitva imam gandbam akasi ti tattikayam4 vuttam. Mukbamattasriram Sagaratbero akasi. Kaliyuge ekasitadbike paiicasate sampatte ekam dabara- puttam krdam. katam paticca samvegam apajjitva pacceka- buddbattam j^attliayantassa Jeyyasimkba-namakassas raniio putto Kyacva^ namako raja rajjam karesi. DbammaiTija ti pi nama bincbam patigganbi. Tisu pana pitakesu yatbabbiitam vijanakataya Marammavobarena Kyacca ti vobariyati. So ca kira raja pali-attbakatba- tika-gandbantaresu aticbekataya pitakattaye sakaccba- mattam pi katum samattbo nama nattlil ti uggabita- tipitako butva bbikkbusaiiigbanam? pi divase divase sattabi varebi gandbam vaceti^. Kbanittbipadapabbatassa samipe pi ekam talakam ka- rapetva tattba rajagaram karapetva tattba nisiditva gandbam vaceti. Sabbani pana rajiinam kiccani puttass' eva uparajassa niyyadesi. Gandbam ugganbantanam oro- dbilnam attbaya samkbepato Saddabindun nama pakaranam Paramattbabinduii ca nrima j^akaranam akasi. Tassa hi cittam pariyattiyani yeva rammati. Annam pana raja- kiccam sunitum pi na iccbi. Anuruddbaraja anagate abam raja bbaveyyami tada yeva imani talibijaui uttbabantu ti adbittbabitva ropesi. Tani tassa rauno kale uttbabimsu9. Ten' eva Anuruddbaraja yev' ay an ti rattbavasino saiija- nunsu. Sammutiraja bi Anuruddbaraja Kyacva raja ti ime tayo ekasantana ti vadanti. " ^ S. corr. from Jalunama" D. Jalabbutisatanam. 2 S. nassasum. -5 A. pattitva. ^ A. tani tikayam. 5 B. Jeyyasikbi'' ^ A. Kyac-ca. ^ A. °sanigbam. ** A. vacesi. ^ B. vuttba° So rajfi ekam pi cetiyam akasi na tain nittham agamasi pariyattiyam yeva paricarakatta ti Rajavamse agatam. Lokasammutivaseiia kakkhaladine '^ itthakani karapetva tasmim yeva dine bhumisamam katva- tasmim yeva dine anriam pi sabbam karapesi. Tena Marammavoliarena Pra-stah3 cetiyau ti yavajjatana pfikatam. Tassa rafino eka dhlta Vibhatyattliam nama gandham akasi ti. Pubbe kira Arimaddananagare uggahadharanadivasena* sasanam ativiya viriilbam apajji. Arimaddananagare yeva bi eko vuddhapabbajitos bbikkbu gandbara likbitum sila- lekbanadandena iccbanto rajagebam pavisi. Raja: Kena agato 'si ti pucchi. Gandbam Hkbitum silalekhanadandena iccbanto agato 'mbl ti. Evam inabaHako tvam^ gandbam mabussabena pariya- punanto pi gandbesu cbekassa okasam na passami; sace bi musalo ankuram uttbapetva riibeyya7, evani sati tvam gandbesu cbekatam apajjeyyasi ti aba. Tato paccba vi- baram gantva devasikam devasikarp. ekadantakattbapama- namattam lekbanam uggabetva Kaccayana-Al)bidbamm- attbasamgabapakaranam adim katva acariyassa santike ugganbi. So aciren' eva gandbesu cbekatam patva musale jam- burukkbaiikurara bandbitva ussapetva rajagebam pavisi. Atba tarn raja puccbi: Kena agato 'si ti. Ayam mabaraja musalo ankuram uttbrqietva riibati ti acikkbitum agato 'mbl ti vutte. Raja etassa gandbesu cbekatam patto 'mbi ti vuttani boti ti janasi. Tam saccam va abkam va ti vimamsanattbaya mabatberanam santikam pabini. Maba- tbera pi gtilbattbanam gulbattbanam puccbirasu. So pi puccbitam puccbitain vyakasi. Atba so bbikkbu mabatbere evam aba: Tumbe bbante mam babu puccbatba. Abam pi tumbe puccbitum iccbami; okasam detba ti yacitva anna- samanacetasikan ti ettba annasaddassa avadbyapekkbatta ^ B. kakaladine. ^ B. ofnits bbumi samam katva. 3 A. Bra-stab B. Pra-sta. 4 A. ugganha° 5 B. vudda° ^ A. tarn. ? Min: rubeyya. ^^ 78 :^ avadhipadam uddliaritva " dassetha ti pucchi. Mahathera pi pubbe amanasikatatta sigham vissajjitum^ na sakkliimsu. Raja tarn attham sutva tuttliacitto liutva Disapamokklia- namena acariyatthane tliapesi. So pana bliikklm agandha- karako pi gandhakarako viya paccliimauam janatanam dinnopadesavasena upakaram katva sasane uppajjl ti. Honti c'ettlia: Aham maliallako homi duppaiino pariyattikam, Uggaham mahiissahena 3 na salcJcliissanii janitum. « Evan ca natimanneyya nfipposukkatam apajje, Saddhamme chekakamo ussaham va kare poso. Vuddhapabbajito bhikkhu mahallako pi* duppaimo Apajji chekatam dhamme; tarn apekkhantus sotaro ti. Pubbe kira Arimaddananagare matugama pi gandham ugganhimsu yeblmyyena uggahadharanadivasena pariyatti- sasanam paggabesum. Matugama hi annamannam passanta: tumhe kittakain gandbam ugganbatba kittakam gandbam vacuggatam karotba ti puccbanti^. Eko kira matugamo ekam niatugamam puccbi: Tvain idrmi kittakam gandbam vacuggatam karosi ti? Abam pana idani dabaraputtebi palibodbatta byakuLam patva babum gandbam vacuggatam katum na sakka, samanta Maba-pattbane pana kusalatti- kamattam va vacuggatam karomi ti aba ti. Idam pi Arimaddananagaravasinain matugamanam pi pariyattuggabane ekam vattbu?. Ekam kira bbikkbuni pindaya carantam eka dvadasa- vassika dabarittbi^ puccbi: Kin namo 'si tvam bbante ti. Kbema nam' aban ti. Katbam ti bbante puma va samano ittbiliiigena namam akasi ti rdia. ^ B. uttaritva, ^ A. B. vissajjetum. 3 B. puccbissanti A. puccbiinsu ti. •* S. manu° 5 A. ti. ^ D. lakkbantu. "> B. vattbii A. vattbum. 8 A. B. oittbi. -^ 79 r A. Min: No-iia-mab. -^ 103 H$- Ukkamsikaranno ' kale pi Mamvanna-namake pabbate viharam karilpetva tass'eva adasi. Tesu Mabarattliagama- vasitberesu majjbimatbero pi Tisasanadbajatherassa jettbabhatikatberassa ca nivasattbanabbiite Jetavanavibare yeva gandbam vacetva nisldi. Kauittbatbero pi tesani nivasattbanabbutesu yeva vibaresu gandbam vacetva nisidi, Ettba ca Tisasanadbajatbero iiama bijji-alajjivasena dubbidbo. Yatbavuttatbero pana lajji yevil ti dattbabbo. Alajji pana imasmim tberaparamparildassane na icclii- tabbo. Abijjibbutassa pana Tisasanadbajatberassa vattbuiu idba avatva ajjbiipekkbissama payojanabbava gandbassa papaiicupagamanattba ti. No-ua-ra-mah ^ namakassa rafino kale Jeyyapure Su- vannagubavasi-3 mabatbero Dakkbinarama-vibaravasI mabii- tbero Catubbumika-vibaravasi mabatbero Toii-bbl-lub'* vibaravasi mabatbero ca Tisasanadbajatberassa saddbi- vibarika yeva. Tesam pana vattbum pi gandbavittbarabba- yena na vadama. Lajjiganavamsika ete tis vijananam^ eva b'ettba pamanan ti. Kaliyuge ekasattbadbike navavassasate sampatte pbag- gunamasassa junbapakkbadutiyadivase sukkavrire Ratana- puranagaram dutiyam mapetva No-na-ra-mah 7 nama raja rajjam karesi. Sibasuradbammaraja ti pi namalancbam patigganbi. Tom-bbi-lub-vibaravasimabatberassa ^ uddissa catubbumikavibriram karapesi, cattari mabamunicetiyani pi karapesi. Vibaracetiyesu anittbitesii yeva Sinninagaram nikkbamitva tattba veram^ vilpasamapetva paccagatakrde saiikbarasabbavam anatikkamanato devamgato abosi. Abo vata saiikbaradbamma ti. ' A. B. D. Ukkamsiya° ^ A. Noiu-bba-ra-myab- B. Nom ra mab D. Kno-iia- ra-mah. ■5 A. B. "gubavasimba vasl. . - ' -* Min: To-na-ti° A. Tom-bbl-lyab D. To-iia-", . / 5 D. bi. *^ Min:^ vijanam. . , 7 A. °nab-ra° D. Niio-ua-ra-mah-so-na. , - '^ D. A. B. "tberam. 9 A. veraiigu Min: veri. . .. .;;,:..,,... -^ 104 i A. B. D. atlva. 4 A. anaggbo vido yeva. 5 A. B. antaradbarayamanesu. ^ Min: bbavissasi. 7 B. na nu padani. ^ A. B. binayavattako. 9 All MSS. labbissati ti. -^ 113 r^ samananam vaccakiitim asubliabhavanam bhavetva pavi- santanam pufifiain kalam nagghati solasin ti. Kificapi idafi ca pana vacanam Sasanavamse apadanam' hoti. Pubbacariyasiliehi pana vuttavacanam yava^ apannakotika saritabbam eva ti manasikarontena viittan ti. Kaliyuge pana catutimsadhike vassasahasse sampatte tassa putto Naravaro nama raja rajjara karesi. Mahasilia- suradhammaraja ti namalancham-' patigganhi. Tassa raiirio kale ca Ca-Nah-klmm * cetiyassa samipe Jetavanavihare gandhos ugganhanto eko daharabhikkhu gandhacheko pi samano balakrile"^ brdacittena akulito^ hutva vaccakiipe vatatapehi bahisukkhasakliena ^ paticcliadito dandena alu- litva diiggandho, viya cittasantane^ pariyattivatatapehi bahisukkhabhavena paticcliadite kenacid eva ruparamma- nadina aliilitva kilesasattisamkhato duggandlio vayitva hlnayavattissami ti cintetva, gihivattbani gahetva, saddhim sahayabhikkhiihi naditittham agamasi. Antaramagge tava bbikkhubhaven' eva cetiyam vandissami ti gibivatthani sahayanam batthe tbapetva cetiyam paniukhe lenam pavi- sitva vanditva nisidi. Atba eka daharittlii cetiyanganam agantva balii lenam nisiditva udakam sincitva pattbanam akasi: Imina punnakammena ^° sabbehi apayadidukkbebi moceyyami, bbave bbave ca binayavattakassa purisassa pa- dacarika na bliaveyyami ti. Atba tarn sutva dabarabbikkhu evam cintesi: Idani abam hinayavattissami ti cintetva agato ; ayam pi dabaritthi liTnayavattakassa purisassa padacFirika n;i bbaveyyami ti patthanam akasi. Idani tarn dabarittbim kriranam puccbis- sami ti. Evam pana cintetva babi lenam nikkliamitva tam dabarittbina karanam piiccbi. ^ B, apadbanara. ^ D. ya ca Min: apannakatika.^ 3 B. laddbalaficbam. 4 Min: Nah-kbum- D. Na° 5 Min: gandbam. ^ A. B. °krilena. 7 Min: rdvulilco. ^ A. lahusukkassavena B. siikkbabbavena Min : °sukkha sakliena. 9 S. D. sandbane. '" D. pufinena kammena. Sasana-Vamsa. 8 -^ 11-i H5- Kasma pana tvain hinayavattakassa purisassa padacarika na bhaveyyami ti patthanam karosi ti. Hinayavattakassa bliante purisassa padactirika na bha- veyyami ti vuttavacanain balapiirisassa padacarika na bha- veyyaml ti vuttavacanena nana na hoti \ sadisattam ^ eva 3. Na nu hinayavattako brdo yeva nama? Sace pana bhante hinayavattako brdo nama na bhaveyya ko nama loke balo bbaveyya?4 Bhikkhu nama hi parehi dinnam civarapinda- piTitasenasanam paribhunjitva sukham vasati; sace gandham ugganhitukamo bhaveyya yathakamams yeva gandham ugganhitum okasarn kibhati. Evam i^ana ahutva, alasiko yeva bhuhjitva, sayitva nisiditum iccheyya, evam pi yatha- kamam bhuhjitum sayitum okasam labhati. Evam pi samano parassa daso homi darassa kimkaro homi ti akathento viya hutva hinayavatteyya so loke ahnehi brdehi adhiko brdo ti aham maiihami. Sace pana balatarassa bhariya bhaveyya aham balatari bhaveyyan ti vutte so dahara- bhikkhu^ samvegam apajjitva bahi nagaradvaram nikkha- mitva vanaraganena vina jhayanto viya vanaro jhayitva nisidi. Atha sahaya agantva gihivatthani ganhahi ti pakkosimsu, Tasmim kale so daharabhikkhu : Agacchatha bhavanto ti vatva sabbam karanam tesam acikkhitva: Idani pana bha- vanto hinayavattehi ti^ sace yo koci agantva mama sisam muggarena pahareyya, evam sante pi hinayavattitum na icchami. Ito patthaya yavajivitapariyanta hinayavattitum manasa pi na cintayissami ti vatva Eravatinadim taritva Jeyyapuram agamasi. Tada kira daharitthi devata bhaveyya na manussitthi ti tarn vadanti pandita ti. Jeyyapuram pana patva pariyattikovidanam mahathera- nam santike nayam gahetva Puhnacetiyassa dakkhinadisa- bhage ekasmim vihare nisidi. Pariyattira vacetva atha ' D. nayo ti. ^ D. °attham B. "attakam. 3 A. B. eva ti. + A. bhaveyyasi. 5 D. °karamara. ^ A. omits from akathento to daharabhikkhu. 7 A. B. hi. -$H 115 Kr- kamena tam-tam-disahi bliikklm-samaneiTi aj?antva tassa santike pariyattim ugganhimsu. Avasam alabhitva keci bhikkhu-samanera chattani pi chaditva nisidimsii. Ekasmim kale raja nikkhamitva Punfia- cetiyam vandissami ti cetiyanganam pavisi. Atha chattaai cbadetva, iiisinne l^hikkhii disvii guhaya saddhim viharam karapetva tassa bhikkluissa adasi Tilokagarii ti pi nama- lancham adasi. Sukliavoharattham pana kakaralopam katva Tilogagarii ti voharimsu\ Tassa pana saddhivihar- iko sattavassiko Tejodlpo nama bhikkhii Parittatikam akasi. Aparabhilge pana Tilokalamkaro ti namalaiicham adasi. Evani Tejodipo nama bhikkhu Naravararanfio kale Paritta- tikam akasi ti datthabbam, keci pana Pacchimapakkhadhi- karanno kale ti vadanti. Ekasmim pana kale Tiriyapabbataviharavasi mahathero Padacetiyam vandanatthaya gantva paccagatakale Kukha- nanagare Suvannaguliayam Jambudhajatherassa santikam pavisitva sallapam akasi. Te ca mahathera annamafmam passitva sallapitva ativiya pamodimsu; lokasmim hi balo balena pandito panditena saddhim ativiya pamodati ti. Te ca dve thera samanavassika. Tiriyapabbataviharavasi mahathero tena saddhim sallapam katva paccha gacchi. Jambudhajathero ca maggam acikkhituni anugacchi. Atha Tiriyaj)abbataviharavasl mahathero Jambudhajatheram aha: Ahain bhante rajavallabho homi rajaguru; tvam yeva mama purato gacchahi ti. Atha Jambudhajathero pi Tiriya- pabbataviharavasitheram aha: Tvam bhante rajavallabho bhavasi rajaguru. Loke rajaguru nama padhanabhave^ thito, tasma tvam yeva mama purato gacchahi ti. Ettha ca dve pi mahathera ahhamahham garavavasena lokavattam apekkhitva3 evam ahamsu ti datthabbam. Tiriyapabbata- viharavasi mahathero pi Ratanapuranagaram patva Raja- vamsapabbatam gantva araniiavasam vasi. Atha Ukkamsiko raja kanitthenaSurakittinamena saddhim ^ B. voharimsu. ^ A. pamanabhave. 3 B. pekkhitva. ->• 116 r^- mantesi: Sace tvam vane^ theram pathamam passasi^ tvam yeva vihriram kriiTipetva therassa daclahi; sace panaham pathamam passeyyam aham viliaram katva dadami ti. Atha kanittho pathamam passitva Tiriyapabbatakandare Jetavanam nama viharam karapetva adasi. Idafi ca vacanam: Sadhujananam gunam3 ekavaram pitisomanassam4 uppajji; tena pimnakammena tena piti- somanassena sattakkhattum devarajjasampattim sattak- khattum manussarajjasampattim patihibhl ti vuttatta sadhu- jananam gimam anussaritva puhhavisesalabhatthayas vuttam. Tiriyapabbataviharavasi mahathero ca Jambudhaja-. therassa gnnam Ukkamsikarahho arocesi. Eaja ca ativiya pasiditva Jambudhajo ti miilaname dipasaddena yojetva Jambudlpadhajo ti namalaiicham adasi. Jambudhajathero ca nama Dhammanandatherassa^ saddhivihririko Dhammanandathero ca Jotipmihatherassa saddhivihririko. Te ca thera Arahantaganavamsika. Jambudhajathero pana Vinayapaliya atthakathaya ca atthayojanam Marammabhasaya akasi. Maniratano nama pana thero Atthasrdini-Sammohavinodani-Kankhavitaranl- attliakathanam Abhidhammatthavibhavani-Sainkhepavanna- na-tikanau ca attham Marammabhasaya yojesi. Mulavasagame ca Pubbaramaviharavasi Giilhatthadlpa- nim nama gandham Visnddhimaggaganthipadatthah ca mulabhasaya akasi. Nettipaliya ca attham Maramma- bhasaya yojesi. So pana thero pubbe gamavasi hutva sisavethanatala- pattani7 gahetvii acariyapavenivasena vinayavilomacaram cari. Paccha pana tarn acarani vissajjitva arahhavasam vasi^. So pi thero gambhirahaniko saddatthanayesu ativiya cheko. ' , Kaliyuge pana pahcatimsadhike vassasahasse sampatte kanittho Siripavaramaharaja nama bhiiprdo rajjam karesi. ^ A. pana. ^ A. passati. ^ A. sadhujjagunam. '^ A. pitti. 5 A. labhattaya. ^ A. Dhammanandha° ^ Min: sisavethanapattani. ^ B. aranhavasi vasi. -^ 117 H^ Dabbimukhajatassare pana geliam karapetva nisidanato Dabbimukbajatassaro ti namam pakatam ahosi. Tasmini pana jatassare Jeyyabhumikittim nama vibaram karapetva Sirisaddhammatherassa adasi. Babimnam pi gamavasi- araniiavasibbikkbunam anuggabam akasi. Ratanapurana- garasmim bi dasasu No-na-ra-mah-iTijavamsesu pacchima panca rajano avicinitva yeva alajji-Lajjl-missakavasena sasanam pagganbimsu. Tada jinasasanam abbbantare cando viya atiparisuddbanx^ na abosi. Evam pi bijjino attauo attano vamsanurakkbanavasena dhammam puretum anivaritatta lajjiganavamso na bbijjati^. Tatha ab\ijino pi attano attano acariyapavenivasena vica- rimsu; tena alajjiganavamso pi na bbijjatl3 ti dattbabbara. Tassa ranno kale Devacakkobbaso nama eko tbero attbi vedasattbafmu pitakesu pana mando ti. Kaliyuge pana attbatimsadbike vassasabasse sampatte vesakbamasassa kalapakkba-attbamito pattbaya lokasam- •ketavasena '^ uppajjamanam bbayam nivaretum Navaguba- yams tena Devacakkol)basatberena katbitaniyamena jiatlia- mam Marammikabbikkbii Pattbanapakaranam vacapesi* Tato paccba jettbamasassa junbapakkbe patipadadivasato E,amaniiarattbavasike bbikkbii Pattbanapakaranam vacapesi mabacbanan ca krirapesi rattbavasino pi babupiijasakka- rarn karapesi. Tassa kira raiiiio kale pottbakam attbi- bballikarukkbaniyyasebi parimattham'^ katva manosilaya likbitva suvannena limpetva pitakam patittbapesi. Tato pattbaya yavajjatana idam pottbakakammam Maramma- rattbe akamsii ti. Kaliyuge sattbadbike vassasabasse sampatte assayuja- masassa kalapakkba-cbattbamiyain angaravare tassa putto rajjam karesi. Sirimabasibasiira-sudbammaraja ti naraa- lancbam pi patigganbi. Pitu raniio gebattbane cetiyaiii karapesi. Tassa pana Mrirajeyyaratanan ti samamia abosi. ^ Min: parisuddbi. ^ A. B. cbijjati U. sijjati. ,'' 3 A. D. B. cbijjati. ^ A. B. °samketo° 5 A. °gubaya. ^ A. S. paripattbam D. paripatbamani. -^i 118 H$- Tassa pana ranuo kale Sallavatiya nama nadiya paccliima- bhage Tunna-namake' game Gimabhilarakaro ^ nama tliero samaneranam gamapavesanakrile ekarasam uttarasaragam karapetva sisavethanatarapattani-i pana na ganhapetva talavantam4 eva ganliapesi. Eko gano hutva saparivarena sadcUiira Timnagames nisidi. Tunnagano ti tassa samamia aliosi. So pana tliero pali-atthakatha-tika-gandliantaresu adhip- payam yathabiiutam na jani^. Abhidbammapitakam yeva sissanam vacetva nisidi. Tasmifi ca kale Ketumatinagare nisinna Buddhankurathera^- Cittathera, Dlpanganagare * Ulugame^ nisinno Sunantathero '", Taluppanagare " Jaya- bahu-andhagame '^ Kalyanathero ti ime cattaro thera samaneranam gamapavesanakrde ekamsam uttarasamgam akarapetva ^^ sisavethanatarapattani aganhapetva "» civaram parupapetva talavantam's ganhapetva sakasakaganam ova- dam katva nisldimsu. Te pana thera pali-atthakatha-tika- gandhantaresu adhippayam yathabhutam janirasu tisu pi pitakesu kovida ahesum. Iccevaiii Sirimahasihastirasudham- marahho'*^ kale prirupanabhikkhidii nanahutva viriipam apajjitva ekamsikagano nama visum bhijji. Yatha pana ayamalara ayato utthaliitva visadisam hutva viruddham^? hot! ti evam bhijjamana pi gana raja'^ pamado anussuko hutva attano attano rucivasen' eva caritva nisidimsu. Tesu ca dvisu ganesu parupanagane thera pali-attha- katha-tika-gandhantaresu nitatthavasena '9 vuttam vacanam ' B. corrects to Thunna S. Tuna" ^ D. gunasi^ i •'vatthana Min: ratarapattani. * A. talavantham B. "dandam. 5 g. Thuna nama game. ^ A. yayabhatam na jani B. janati. 7 A. S. Buddhangura" B. corrects to above. '^ B. Dlpayanga" ? A. Utthagame. '° D. Sunanda<* " A. Thaluppa" D. Tala° '^ B. Jayya° A. Jeyya" '^ A. akarapetva. '+ A. sisavaddhana tarapatto ni aganhapetva S. a?id D. °vattana° '5 A. talavantham. '^ Min: "Ijhudhamma" '7 A. viraddham. '^ S. ganam raja Min: ganaraja. '^ D. A. nivattha" ^^ 119 r^ nissaya nikkanldia, niddosa va ^ liutva nisidimsii. Ekamsi- kagane pana tliera attano attano vado iia paliyam na ca atthakatliasu neva tikasu na pi gandhantaresu dissati; imam attliam ajananta idam eva saccam mogbam anfian ti vatva keci pana sakasakasissanam ovadam adamsu^; evarupa pi sissa ovadam patigganhimsu. Keci pana paliyadisii sakavadassaj anagatabliavam natva yeva aparisuddhacitta hutva sammasambuddliassa bbaga- vato mukbam anoloketva sammasambuddbass' eva bbaga- vato gunam anussaritva sakavade Tikase pasaritabattbo viya apatittbano'* ti janitva yeva ambakam vado sampatta- bmkassa Saddbammacaritberassa vamsapabbavo ti anissa- yabbQtam pi 5 nissayam akamsu. Abbiitena mabatberam silavantam abbbacikkbimsu. Byasi- namake game dittbadbammikasamparayikattbam^ anapek- kbautassa blnayavattakassa dussilassa upasakassa lancbam datva ambakam vadanuriipam ekam gandbam karobi ti uyyojetva anagate anubliaviyamanadukkbato abbayitva nis- sayam gavesimsu ti. Tasmifi ca kale Nigrodba-pali-suvanna-vibaravasi tbero gamavasibbikkbuganam samitim^ katva tassa nayako butva sisavetbanam adbarento^ amangalabbikkbu sasane ma tit- tbantii ti araiinavasmam bbikkbunam gandbam vikopetva tato tato ^° pabbajesum". Atba Hattbisabigamassa purattbimaya anudisaya Settbi- tale dakkbinaya anudisaya vibare nisinne atirekapannasa bbikkbu pi pabbajessama ti cintetva gamavasibbikkbii samnabitva agamasi'^. Atba raja tam attbam siitva: Gamavasi gano pi eko aran- navasl gano pi eko. Gamavasibbikkbu araniiavaslbbikkbu ^ A. B. omit va. ^ A. adimsu. 3 S. bbavassa. ^ 1). ava° 5 A. S. tberassa viya vasavo ti anissayatatam pi Min: omits vamsa. ^ S. A. B. "attain. 7 B. °priti° ^ D. "tarn. 9 A. adbarenta. '" S. omits. " A. pabbajeyymu. '- A. sannabitva agamasi B. sannaybitva. -^ 120 H^ vihetlietuiu na sakka sakasakavadavasena sakasakattliaiie nisiditabban ti rajaleklianam pesesi. Atlia arannavasi- bhikkhii sukham vasitum oktisam labhimsii. Kaliyuge chasattatadhike vassasahasse sampatte tassa rafmo putto Mahaslhasuradhammarajadhiraja nama raj jam karesi. So veva Suramiiiarajri ' ti ca Setibhindo ti ca vohariyati^. Tassa ranno kale Suvannayanalokanagamavasi-Ukkainsa- malam3 nama therani antoyiidhanayako eko amacco anetva Ratanaiiagarapuram patva Siivannakukkutacale vibaram karapetva tbapesi. So pali-attbakatha - tikii- gandhantaresu ativiya cbeko Vannabodhanam^ nSma Likbanaiiayan ca akasi. Tassa gamassa rajuhi dinnavasena cetiyajaggaiiakamme yuttaku- latta pana ranno acariyatthane atthapetva antoyudbana- yakass' eva pujanattbaya niyyadesi. Tassapi ranno kale samanerehi gamapavesanakale parupitva s pavisitabban ti ekacce vadirasu. Ekacce pana ekamsam uttarasamgam katva pavisitabban ti vadinisu. Evam annamannam kalaliam akamsn. Tattha Ukkamsamrda-namako tbero pfirupanagane pa- dbano butva nanagandliesn parupanavattam eva agatan ti pakasimsu. Ekanisikagane^ pana Tiriyapabbatavihara- vasi mabathero [padbano butva] acariyapavenidassana- vasena parupanavadam7 patikkhipimsu. Atba raja ca Pbalikakbacitavibaravasitberam^ Mesucca- viharavasitberam ? Subattliatberam '^ Buddbankuratheraii ca ti ime cattriro tbere vinayaviniccbakattbaiie tliapetva dve pakkba attano attano vadam dassentii ti aba. ^ B. Suraccaraja D. Siirajja° ^ A. vobariyati ti Min: voliariyati. 5 Min: Ukkamsapalam. 4 B. Vannabodbanim. 5 Min: parupetva. ^ B. ekamsaka° 7 A. parupapanavadam. ^ B. raja ca Pbabkacitavibrira° A. raja Kapbalika" S. Balikamcita. "> B. Meruccavibara" Min: Megbuccana° '" B. Subatta° ^ 121 f^ Te ca cattaro tliera prili-atthalvatha-tika-gandhantaresu akovida. Tesam hi thapetva rajavallabliamattam anno koci gunaviseso natthi. Rajagurubhavattliaya yatha vyaggha rukkbagacchala- tadipaticchanne * duggattliane nisinne mige khuddakatta diibbale pi ganhetum na sakkonti, evam eva te ekamsika- tbere rajanam nissaya gandbesu anagatatta dubbale pi vadavasena abhibhavitum na sakkhimsu. Ten' eva para- senaya balavatam janitva nipaccakaram dassetva verani^ sametva nisinno panditayodho viya vadam nittham apa- petva yeva parupanagana 3 nisldimsii ti. Kaliyuge pana paucanavutadhike vassasabasse sampatte tassa putto Maharajadbipati nama rajjam karesi. Paccba pana terasadbike sate-* vassasabasse ca sampatte Ramaiiua- rattbindo raja tarn abbibbavitva anitatta Patta-Hamsavati ti pakatam abosi. Tassa ranno kale Kukbananagare Jalasuttagamatos Nanavaram nama tberam anetva acariyattbane tbapesi. So pana tbero pali-attbakatba-tika-gandbantaresu ativiya cbeko sudbammasabbayam pariyattivacakanam^^^ sotrira- nam7 attbaya Abbidbammattliasanigabapakaranassa gantbi- padattbam patbamam akasi. Tato paccba Attbasaliniyam gantbipadattbam Suravi- nicchayan ca akasi. Tato paccba tena ranna yacito Abbidbanapadipikaya attbaiu Marammabbasaya yojesi. Eafiho namalancbam Cbandalamkrira - Saddanetti - Vidaggadandi - vyanjanayebi^ abimkaritva dassitani Rajadhirajanamattapakasinira^ nama gandbam pi akasi. "^ Min: yatba vyaggbekarukkba" ^ A. B. verim. 3 A. parupanaka nisidirasun ti S. parupanako. - •* A. tberasamike sake. 5 D. B. A. Jakyutta" " A. parivatti'' 7 D. so tberfinara. ^ A. cbandrdamkasadda" 9 A. Rajadliirrijanrmiattapakasinim D. ^namattlia*' -^ 122 H$- Eaja Hatthisalanrimake dese krirapitageham bhinditva satapadhane^ vihare karapetva sabbesam pi viharanam kittijeyyavasattliapanan ti namani pafinapetva^ tass' eva therassa adasi. Viliaranamen' eva ca therassa pi taiuj- saraanna ahosi. Tasmin ca kale ayyakaranfio* pituranno ca kale tesam dvinnam gunanam vivadavasena avippakatavacanams puna vivadassa viipasamanatthaya attano attano vadam katba- pesi. Parupanagane so thero padhano^ butva ekamsika- gane pana Pasamsatliero padhano butva katbayuddbam akasi. Atba raja ativiya rajavallabbam Jeyyabbiiniisu- vannavibaravasitberam tesam vadassa viniccbindanattbaya vinayadbarattbane tbapesi. Kifica pi so pana tbero pali-attbakatba-tika-gandbanta- resu tbokam yeva7 janakatta pariyattikovidesu abbobariko^ yeva abosi. Eajavallabbatta^ pana raja yatbablmtam ajanitva vinayadbarattbane tbapesi. Yatba pana ayani purattbimadisa '° ayam pana paccbimadisa'° ti evam adina disavavattbanamattam " yeva katum samattbam^^ naiigala- kotiya samvaddbantain^3purisairi rajagare dbammaviniccba- kamaccattbane^^ tbapeti. Evam eva raja ayam idiso ayam idiso ti ajanitva vina- yadbarattbane tbapitatta so Jeyyabbumisuvannavibriravasi- thero tesam dvinnam pakkbanam dvisu vadesu ayam bbiito ayam abbiito ti vattum na sakka advfiragbare pavittbakalo viya tada abosi. Seyyatha pi nama mabimso'5 attano samipe tbatva devagitam gayitva devavlnam vadentassa devagandbabbassa ' B. pamane S. sakapamane Min: corrects to above. ^ A, maiinapetva, B. pafina" ? A. tberassamitam. 4 A. karaka" s B. avippagata° ^ D. pamano" 7 D. so-ki-beva. ^ A. B. abbbo° 9 A. S. °vallabbattba. ^'^ Min: "disaya. '' A. "vaccattanamattam Min: °vavattana. '^ B. tam attbam. '^ Min: nangalakotiya yam vaddbannarn '» A. dliammaviniccbakamaccbatbane B. "viniccbikamaii ca tbane. '5 Min: corrects to mabino. -5H 123 H^ velusalakam paharantassa ca grimadfirakassa ^ saddesu kifici visesam na janati evain idam sampadam dattbab- bam. Atba raja: Mama vijite ye ye bbikkbu yam yam iccbanti te te bbikkbii tam tam caritva yatbakammam nisidantii^ ti rajalekbanam tbapesi. Tesam vivado tada na vupasami. Aparabbage terasadhike sate sabasse ca sampatte Ra- tanapuranagaram vinassi 3. Tato paccba diitiye samvaccbare Ratanasikbanagarama- pako* raja Ramanfiarattbindassa rafmo senam yavakbettato cbatakasakunams viya attano puiinanubbavena Maramma- rattbato^ inbaritva sakabxm pi Ramannarattbam attano battbagatam katva rajjam karesi. Tasmiu ca kale sakala-Marammarattbavasinam cittam pasadesi. Yatba nama suriyatapena milayantanam kumiida- nara Anotattodakena' sincitva baritattam^ papesi evam eva Ramanfiarattbindassa senabalatapebi dukkbappattanam^ Marammarattbavasinam gabattbanan *'* c'eva bbikkbunaii ca attano punfianotattodakena sincitva kayika-cetasika- vasena duvidbam pi sukbam uppadesi. Sakala-Maramma-rattbavasino ca: Ayam ambakam raja bodbisatto ti vobarimsu. Atba ekasmim ekasmim mase catusu catusu^^ uposatbadivasesu bbikkbusamgbam niman- tetva antepure pavesetva pindapatena bbojesi. Rajorodbamaccebi saddbim uposatbam upavasi. Sabbe- sam pi rajorodbamaccanam gunattbaya" patbam saba attbayojananayena vacuggatam krirSpesi. Atba Beluvagamavasi'3 -Yasatberara anetva attano acariyattbane tbapesi. Maba-Atukx-YasadbamDiarajagurii ' A. and Min: °varakassa. ^ D. nisiddba"^ 3 A. D. vinassati. •* B. Yatana° D. Ratanasakba" A. samvaccbaye Eata- nasikhanagara'* 5 A. jatasakunam B. cataka" ^ A. B. Ramaiinarattbato. 7 A. I). S. Anodatta" ^ D. "attbam. ^ A. dukkbuppattauaiii. '° A. B. kabattbanan. " A. B. catusu. B. gunattaya. '-5 D, Beluva" 12 -^ 124 f^ ti namalancbam pi adasi. Tato pattliaya pana Atulathero ti namena pakato ahosi. Tasmifi ca krde prirupanagana- pakkha Palenagamavasi-Sujatatlieradayo samaneranam gamapavesanakale civaram parupitva pavisitabban ti ak- kbaram likbitva rafino santikam saiidesapannam pavesesi. Atba ekamsikaganapakkba pi Atulatberadayo pubbe- sam rajiinam kale adbikaranam viipasami. Idani viipa- samitakammam puna na uppadetabban ti lekbanam Hkbitva, raiino santikam pesesi. Atba raja dvinnam pakkbanam sakasakavadam katbetu- kamo ])i': Idani rajapatisamyuttam kammam babu attbi. Tittbatii tava sasanapatisamyuttam kammam^ rajapatisam- yuttam eva kammarn patbamani Tirabbissami. Paccba sasanapatisamyuttam kammam karissami ti rajalekbanam tbapesi. Aparabbage pana raja evarn anam tbapesi: Idani mama vijite sabbe pi bbikkbu mama acariyassa matim3 anuvat- titva carantu ti. Atba parupanaganabbikkbu pi ekamsikaganam anuvatte- sum'^ ranfio anavasena. Sabassorodbagame pana dve maba- tbera attano parisam parupanavasen' eva gamapavesaua- vattam paripuritabban ti ovaditva nisldimsu. Tada ranfio acariyo Atubitberos tarn attbam sutva te pakkosapesi. Te ca agantva nagaram sampattakale eko upasako te^ pasanno butva tesam tberanam pindapatena upattbabi. Atba Atubatbero te mabatbere durattbanato vrdukam anetva tassa upasakassa^ gebasamipe okirapesi. Idam vinayadbammassa^ ananulomavasena carantanam daiidakamman ti kolababxm pi uppadesi. Atba tesam vabikam abarantanana yeva annamaniiam saUapesum. Idani ^ Min: boti pi. ... ^ D. adds babu attbi tittbatu tava patisamyuttam kammam. 3 S. matam. 4 S. anuvattitum A. B. anuvattetum. .... 5 B. Yasattbero. ^ A. B. omit te. 7 A. Tissakassa upasakassa. •' ** Min: corr. vinayadliamma° - . . , .' -^i 125 f<^ bhante vinayadhammanulomavasena acarantanam amhakam idisam kammam asariippam\ Alio accliariyadliammo loke^ ti eko thero alia. Atlia pana eko thero evam aha: Idani avuso lokapala deva idisara adhammakammam disva yeva ajjhiipekkhitva apposukka^ nisiditum na sakkil, idani loka- l^ala deva pamajjitva nisidanti manfie ti. Tasmim yeva hi khane vegena megho iitthahitva Atu- latherassa vilifire rajagehe ca ekakkhanena asaniyo nipa- timsu*. Evam samano pi so thero atimanathaddhatayas satim na labhi^. Puna raja idani mama vijite sabbe pi bhikkhu mama acariyassa matim anuvattanti va ma va ti amacce pucchi. Amacca pi evam rafmo arocesum: Idani maharaja Kukhananagare^ Nlpagiime nisinno eko mahatliero Munindaghoso nama atthi. So parupana- vasena attano parisam ovadetva bahuganam uppadetva nisidati ti^. Atha raja evam aha: Tarn pakkosapetva^ sudhammasabhayam mahathere^'^ sannipatapetva tassa therassa vinayapannattim " yatha- bhiitam ajanantassa yathabhiitam sabhavam" dassetva evade ntu ti. Atha amacca tatha akarnsu. Mahathera ca sudhammasabhayam sannipatitva tarn pakkosetva ovadirpsu. Tesu pana mahatheresu eko thero bhupalassa samgharahho ca mukham oloketva bhagavato pana sammasambuddhassa mukham anoloketva Muninda- ghosatheram evam rdia: Idani avuso imasmim Maramma- ratthe sabbe pi bhikkhu bhupalassa samgharahho ca anam anuvattitva ekarnsika yeva ahesum. Tvain yeva eko sad- dhim parisaya^3 parupanavattarn caritva nisidasi. Kasma ^ Mill: cor7\ assaruppara. ^ A. B. loko. 3 A. apposukko. 4 D. patiinsu. 5 S. A. °taddhatriya. " B. labhati. 7 D. Kukhanagare. ^ A. nisldimsu ti. 9 A. B. D. "setva. '" A. thera. " B. pannattam. " D. sabhagara. ^3 B. corrects to parisaya otlier 31SS. saparisaya. -^ 126 f^ pana tvam manathaddho ^ butva idisam anacSram avija- hitva titthasi ti. Atha Munindaghosatliero tassa therassa mukliam iijukam oloketva evam aha: Tvam lajji pesalo sikkhakamo ti pubbe maya sutapubbo; idiso pana puggalo idisam vacanam^ vattiim^ na yiitto; idisassa hi puggalassa idisam vacanam asaruppam. Sace tvam ayam appapuhho nittejo anatho ti mam mahhitva agaravavasena vattmn + iccheyyasi evam sante pi mamacariyassa mukham olo- ketva mamacariyassa gunam janitva tasso sisso 'yaii ti anussaritva idisam vacanam adhammikara vattum na sakka ti. Atha so thero tam pucchi: Ko pana tav' acariyo ti. Atha sudhammasabhayam thapitam buddharupam van- ditva: Ayam mam' acariyo ti aha. Mam' acariyo ti vatva pana bhikkhusamghamajjhe utthahitva ekamsara uttara- samgam katva ukkutikam nisiditva ahjalim paggahetva: Aliam bhante yavajivitapariyosSnas mama jivitam yeva pariccajissSmi bhagavato pana tilokaggassa sikkhapadam na vijahissami ti arocesi. Atha raja tam attham sutva: Manathaddho eso mama vijite nisidapetum na vattati ratthantaram pabbajetabbo ti rajanaya ratthantaram pesesi. Riijapurisa^ ca tam pakkosetva ratthantaram anesi7. Mahaiigam^ nama desain patva Mahahganayako puriso rajapurisanam lahcam9 datva evam aha: Ayam pana bhonto Marammaratthassa pariyantapadeso;idh' eva thapetva tumhe nivattatha ti. Rajapurisa pi lahcam gahetva tatth' eva thapetva *° ni- vattimsu. Thero pi catuhi disahi agatanam bhikkhu-samane- ranam parupanavasena ovadam datva pariyattim vacetva tattha nisidi. Abhidhammatthasamgahagandhassa atthayojanam pi Ma- rammabhasaya akasi. ^ A. D. manasaddho S. "saddho. ^ A. B. omit va. 3 A. vatthu. 4 A. vatthura. s B. yavajivikapariyosana. ^ A. najjurisa. 7 Sic all MSS. ^ B. Pahangam D. Bahah° 9 A. lanjam B. lahcham. *° A. tam vatta S. vatta. -^ 127 H$- Ajiarabhage raja tarn atthani sutva: Idani so thero mama vijitapariyante yeva nisiditva amliehi anicchitam uivaritam kammam katva nisldi, tarn pakkosatha ti aha. Rajaduta ca tattha gantva pakkosimsu. Thero ca: Idani mam raja maretukamo ti mafihitva sikkham paccakkhitva gihivattham nivasetva^ tehi saddhim agacchi. Nagaram pana agantva pattakale raiifio santikam anesi. Atha raja evam aha: Tvam^ bhikkhu hutva ganam vaddhapetva nisidasi ti maya siitam. Kasma^ pan' idani gihl bhavasi ti. Sace tvam maharaja mam maretukamo pakkoseyyasi, evam sati; yadi sikkham apaccakkhaya thitam mam mareyyasi^ tava bhariyam kammam bhavissati ti manasikaritva tava kammassa abhariyatthayas sikkhaiii paccakkhitva agato 'mhi sace mam mriretukamo 'si marehi ti. Haja ca bandhanagare thapetva Siyrimarattham yuj- jhanatthaya gacchi. Yujjhanatthaya paua gantva pacca- gatakale antaramagge va devam gato ahosi ti. Kaliyuge pana dvavisadhike vassasate sahasse ca sam- patte tassa jetthaputto Siripavaramahadhammaraja nama rajjam karesi. E,atanasikhanagarato samkametva Jeyya- puram dutiyam mapitatta Jeyyapuramapako raja ti pi tassa samahiia ahosi. Tasmih ca kale MahSpabbatabbhan- taranagaravasim Nanatheram anetva acariyatthane thapesi. So kira thero gambliirapahho. Ekasmim ekasmim divase nava va dasa va bhanavare vacuggatam katum samattho ahosi. Abhinavopasampannakale yeva Padavibhagagandhara Nyasasarnvannanam Yamakasamvannanam Mahapatthana- samvannanam ca Marammabhasaya akasi. Raja Maha- bhiimiramaniyaviharam^ nama karapetva tass' eva adasi. Nanalamkaramahadhammaraja ti pi namakxficham adasi. Tasmih ca krde prirupanagane thera evam cintesuni; Idani pana amhakara pakkhiko thero rauho acariyo ahosi. Idani mayani patitthanam labhama ti. Evam pana cin- ^ S. A. vatthani vasetva. ^ D. turahakam. 3 A. tasma. 4 B. thitam mareyya — all MSS. niareyya. 5 A. abhariyattaya. ^ S. °ramma" -^ 128 r^ tetva samaneiTmam gamapavesanakale civaram parupetva pavisitabban ti sandesapannam rafifio santikam pavesesi". Atlia Atulathero : Pubbe vuttanaye vvipasamitam kammam idan ti^ sandesapannam rafmo santikam pavesesi\ Ten' eva afifiamafinam pativacanavasena dassetum oka- saiii na kxbhimsuj ti. Tato paccha kaliyuge paficavassadhike dvisate sahasse sampatte tassa ranno Siiipavara-sudhammamaharajindadhi- pati nama raja rajjam karesi. Ratanapuram pana tatiyam mapakatta Ratanapurama- pako ti; ekassa pana chaddantanagaiTijassa samibhiitatta Setibhindo ti ca samanfia ahosi. Marammagrimavasicandovaram 4 nama tberam anetva attano acariyatthane thapesi. Bhiimikitti-atubim nama viharam karapetva tassa adasi. Jambudipa-anantadhaja- mahadhammarajaguriis ti pi namalancham adasi. Tassa ranno kale ekacce manussa ditthivipallasa^ abesnm; te pi pakkosapetva sammaditthim ganhapesi. Tassa pana raiino kale ekamsikaganam abbibliavitum okasam na labhimsii ti. Tato paccha kaliyuge atthatimsadhike vassasate sahasse ca sampatte tassa ranno putto Mahadhammarajadhiraja nama 7 rajjam karesi. Nagarassa dakkhinadisiibhage pahca- bluimikaviharam karapetva Jeyyabhumivasatulanamena pafinapetva Mayavattakassa nama therassa adasi Guna- munindabliisasanadhammarajadhirajaguru ti pi namalan- cham adasi. Tasmin ca kale Nandamalo nama thero Calaiiganagarassa purattliimadisabhage vihare nisiditva bahunnam bhikkhu- samaneranam gandham vacesi. Samaneranam gamapavesanakale parupanavattam ^ eva paripuretva pavisitabbam ekamsikavattarn pana neva pali- yam na atthakathayam na ca tikasu na pi gandhantaresu ^ B. pesesi. ' A. kammividham ti. J B. alabhimsu ti. 4 B. Caraccagama" A B. '^canda" 5 Min: Tinandadhaja° ^ D. A. vippalla B. vippalasa. 7 A. B. raja ti nama raja. ^ A. "pavattam. -^ 129 i<~ dissati na dhaminanuloman ti ovadam abhinliam adasi. Pali-atthakatliadlsu ngatavinicchayam dassetva ekam pi gandham akasi. Atlia ekamsikaganika bliikkhil tarn gandham ranfio santikam pavesimsu^ dosavikaranatthaya. Tasmiii ca kale raja evarupam supinam passi, Sakko hi devaraja setavattam^ nivasetva setalamkarehi alamkaritva setakusumani pilan- dhitva rafiho santikam agantva evam aha: Aparantaratthe hi mahaiTija Nammada3-nadltire padacetiye bahimi tinani utthahitva afmamahham mulena midam khaudhena khan- dham pattena pattam sambandhitva paticchadetva thitani. Tani pana pubbarajuhi yathabhiitam ajanantelii avisodhi- tani, idani pana taya yathabhtitain janantena parisuddham kattukamena visodhitabbani. Tattha ca eko bhikkhu agant- va upadesanayam dasseti ti*. Evam pana supinam passitva Nandamalam nama theram pakkosapetva Ratanapuranagarassa asannatthanes udaka- kilanatthaya karapite rajagehe vasaj)esi. Atha thero samanerrmam gamapavesanakale parupana- vasena pavisitahban ti pali-atthakatha-tika-gandhantarehi rajanam janapesi. Yathii Maha-Moggaliputta-Tissathero Siridhammasokarajanam sammavadan ti^. Atha raja: Pari- citaparamipunhasambharo 7 mahajaano janasi parupanavado yeva pali-atthakatha-tika-gaudhantaresu agato, ekamsikavado pana tesu katthaci pi na agato ti. Evam pana janitva rahiio gehe dve pakkhe there sannipatapetva attano attano vadara kathapesi. Atha ekamsikathera evam ahamsu: Tumhrikam paru- panavado kattha^ agato ti. Tada parupanathcra: Pari- mandahim pfirupissami ti adina nayena pali-atthakatha- tika-gandliantaresu prirupanavado agato ti ahamsu. Tato paccha paru})anathera evam ahamsu: Tumhakam pana ekamsikavado kattha agato ti. ^ B. corrects to pesimsu. ' A. sveta° J S. A. Maramada° ^ B. D. dassati ti. 5 A. esantathfme. ^ B. dhammavadan ti. ' A. paramitapunham bhriro. ^ A. tattha: Sasana-Vanisa. 9 -^ 130 H5- Tada te ekamsikathera advaragharam pavittliakrdo viya rattibhage mahrivanamagge gamanakrdo viya ca hutva kinci vattiim ^ na sakka; mukliam nama katlianatthaya bhunjanattbaya boti ti -M^ittatta yam va tain va vadanta pi rajanam aradbetum na sakkbimsu. Raja ca tberara nissaya vinaye kosaUataya paliyam idiso yeva agato attbakatbadisu idiso yeva ti vatva: Tumbakam ekamsikavado pali-attbakatba-tika-gandbantaresn na dissati. Evam pi samana kasma idisam vattam^ akamsii ti puccbi. Atba te ekamsikatbera catubattbagabbbe saba bbandena gabitacora3 viya manussebi gabitak.aka viya kinci vattum asakkuneyyataya sabbadisasu oloketva yeva: Ambakam carittam pali-adisu na dittbapubbam. Atba kbo pana acariyapavenivasena eva carimba ti vatva parajayam patva parupanapakklie yeva pavisimsu ti. Raja ca ito pattbaya bbikkbu prirnpanavattam eva karapetum samane- ranam ovadantil ti rajanam tbapesi. Tato pattbaya ekamsikapakkba tbera arunuggamanakale kosiya^ viya sisam uttbabitum na sakka ti. Lokasarabbii - mabacetiyassa purattbimadisabbage d vibi pasadebi alamkatam catubbumikam Bbumikittiviramani nama 5 vibarani karapetva Nandamabitberassa adasi. Na- rindabbidbajamabadbammarajadbirajaguru ti namalaiicbam pi adasi. So pana tbero Cbapadavanisiko ti dattbabbo. Abbina- vopasampannakale yeva Vinayaviniccbayassa Suttasam- gabassa Mabavaggattbakatbaya ca attbayojanam Maramma- bbasaya akasi. Sasanasuddbidipikam nama gandbam pi akasi ti. Tato paccba kaliyuge te cattallsadbike vassasate sabasse sampatte pbaggunamasassa kalapakkba-pannarasamiyam Ratanasikbamapakassa rafmo majjbimaputto I'ajjam karesi. D. A. vattbum. A. Min: vattbum D. bbassam. A. S. saboddbanagabita° Min: saboddbena. A. kale re kosiya. B. Bbiimikittivibaram nama. -^ 131 H$- Tada raja evam cintesi: Ekamsikaparupanavasena uppanno vivado pubbesam rajunam' kale vupasamitum- na sakka. Siripavarasudhammamaharajiudadhipatmo kale pi rSjagehe saunipatapetva ranno sammukhes kathapitattat vissatthenas kathetum okasassa aladdhatta yathakamam vattum avisa- hatta^ parajayo aliosi ti lesam odditum^ okaso bhaveyya; mayliam pana kale idisam akatva tesaiu tesam tlieranam vihare dutam pesetva sakasakavadam katbapessami^. Evam hi sati te te thera vissattba^ hutva katbessanti ti. Evam pana cintetva antoyudbanayakam amaccam padba- nam katva tesam tesam tbeiTimim santikam gautva firoca- pesi: Sakasakavadam vissattba butva vadatba ti. Atba ekamsikaganika tbera: Amhebi vuttavacanam pali-adisu na dissati. Atba kbo pana acariyapavenivasen' eva mayam carimba ti anujanimsu. Mabaraja ca: Evam tberanam anujanane sati kifici kat- tabbam nattbi. Idfini parimandalasuppaticcbannasikkbapa- dani avikopetva samanera gamam pavisantu ti rajalekba- nam'° tattba tattba pesesi. Aparabbage pana Sabassorodbagamato upasampada- vasena" sattavassikam Nanam nama bbikkbum anetva Antoyudbavihriram nama karapetva tassa adasi. Nana- bbisasanadbajamabadbammarajaguru ti namalaficbam pi adasi. Atba ranna yacito" Rajabbisekagandbam parisodbetva Marammabbasaya attbam yojesi. Aparabbage bbagava dbaramano'3 yeva agantva catunnam yakkbanam dametva tebi dinnam mamsodanam '-t patigga- betva Pabbatasamantadesaui gantva paribbunjitva tam tbanam oloketvS sitam patvakasi. ' D. pubbe sarngbarajimam. ^ A. upasamitum. 3 D. pamukbe. + 13. tatba pi° 5 S. visagattbena D. visatbena. " D. S. "ttba. 7 D. ottitum Min: oddbitum. « oj^^. 9 D. visatba. '" Min: raja lekbanam. ^ A. "vassena. '^ A. raiiiio jato. 3 A. dbaramane. '4 D. pi sodanara. ►^ 132 H$- Atha Anandathero karanain pucchi. Anagate kho Ananda imasmim dese mahanagarara bliavissati, cattaro ca ime yakkha tasinim nagare rajano bhavissanti ti vyakasi. Yathavyakataniyamen' eva kaliyuge catucattalisadliike vassasate sahasse ca sampatte maghamasassa kalapakklia- dvadasamiyam aiigaravare Uttarapliaggunlnakkliattena ^ yoge Amarapurara nama maharajatthrininagaram mapesi. Siripavaravijayananta - Yasatribliavanadityadhipatipandi- tamahadliammaraja^ ti namalancham pi patigganlii. Aggamaliesiya karapitam Jeyyabliiimiviharakittinama- kam viliaram Gunaljhilamkarasaddhammamaliadhammara- jadhirajaguriitherassaj adasi. So La-kham-khum-kha-ram-to'i iti vuccati. Kanninagarabhojakayas rajakafinaya kara- pitam Eamaniyaviramam nama viharam Gunamuniudadhi- patimahadhammarajatirajagurutherassa adasi. So Marilam- ka-khii-ra-to^ iti vuccati uparanfio deviya karapitam Maiiga- ladbiramam7 nama viharam Tipitakasaddbammasamima- hadhammarajiXdhirajaguriitberassa adasi. So Kbum-ta-kba-ra-to^ iti vuccati. Majjbimagehavasi- deviya karapitam Mangalavasatulam nama viharam Nana- jambudlpa - anantadhajamahadhammaraj adhirajagurutheras- sa9 adasi. So Mam-gain-kha-ra-to iti vuccati. Ime pana cattaro mahathere samgharajatthane tbapesi. Uttaragebavasideviya krirapitam Maiigahxbbumikittim nama viharam Kavindabhisaddhammavaradhajamahadbam- marajagurutberassa'" adasi. So No-na-kha-nam-kba-ra-to" iti vuccati. ^ A. "pbalguniin" Min: uttara° ^ B. "kri" D. "ananda-yasatribbavanadityadi-patipandito° Min: mandito. 3 B. "raja ti rajaguru° 4 D. To-ma-na-ta-hi-ja-ra-to B. Yo-mam-da-kbum-cba-ra- tora A. Yo-kha-khum-kba-ra-to. 5 D. °kara Min: bhojanaya. ^ D. Meta-matula-u-cba-ra-to. 7 B. Mangalaviramam D. "viharam. ^ B. Mam-Cbaratom D. Chum-tbah-cba-ra-to. 9 D. °Ananda° '" B. D. "dharadbaja" " D. Nno-iia-ka-na-cba-ra-no. -^ 133 - 140 :^ Aparabliage pana tliokam kalam atikkante giLaiio vutthito sakageham agacchati. Bliariya pi tarn na sadclalii. Aliam na kalam kato, gilanam yeva mam thapetva so mama san- takani gahetva gato. Sace mam tvam na saddaliasi aliam anto gabblie niliyitva nisidissami, tarn pakkosetva puccbalil ti aha. Atlia sa tarn pakkosetva bahi gabbbe nisiditva puccbi: Mama sami samiko kalam kato ti tarn saccam va alikam vji ti. Saccam ev' etam' yam tava samiko kalam kato ti. Atba so piiriso bahi gabbham nikkhamitva angulim pasaretva na idani bho samma^ aham kihci mato pi marami; kasma pana amarantam yeva mam mato eso ti vadesi ti. Atha kifici vattabbassa karanassa adissanato mukhasuhhatthaya angulim pasaretva ujuni oloketva: Idani tvam idha agantum samattho pi mato yeva mato ti maya vuttavacanam saccam yeva, naham kihci alikam vadami ti aha. Evam so punappunam vadanto pi jivamanassa tassa samvijjamanatta3 paccakkhe yeva ca tassa thitattai koci pi tassa vacanam na saddahati parajayara yeva so patto ti. Iccevam Atulathero mukhasuhnatthaya s vadanto pi koci na saddahi. Parajayam yeva patto ti. Ay am Atulatherassa dutiyo parajayo. Puna pi seyyatha pi luddako kuhjaram disva ekena varena usuna vijjhitva^ mahantam7 pi kuhjaram puna- nutthahanatthaya katipayavarehi usiihi vijjhati evam eva ekavaren' eva parajayam pattam puna vadassa anukkhi- panatthaya katipayavarehi parajayam papetum parupana- vadino mahathera evam ahamsu: Tava Culaganthipade yeva samaneranam parimandala- suppatichannadini vatthani^ abhinditva yeva gamo pavisi- tabbo ti pubbe vatva civarapatalam uparisamghatim katva ^ Min: eva tarn. ^ A. so samma. 3 A. vadanto pi jivamanattassa samvijjamauatta B. omits D. manakassa S. manatassa. ■* D. paccakkha ye ca tassa tatha. 5 B. "suhhattaya. ^ A. vijjitva. 7 B. patanti pi D. adds mahantam. ^ A. B. S. D. vattani. -^ 141 f«- urabandhanavattliam ^ bandhitabban ti puna vuttam; kasma pana pubbena aparam asamsanditva vuttam tumhakaiii vadepatisaranabhutanam pali-atthakatba-tlka-gandbantaiTi- nam natthitaya idam amhakam patisaranabhutam Cula- gantliipadan ti vadatba. Tumbakam patisaranabhuta ^ ganthipadato yeva bbayam uppajjati ti vatva saba niliyan- attbanena gabitam coram viya saba nissayena adbamma- vadino ganbimsu. Idam imassa attbassa avibbavattbaya vattbu3. Atite kira Baranasito avidiire naditire gamake PataH nama natanacco vasati. So ekasmim ussavadivase bbari- yam adaya Baranasim pavisitva naccitva vinaiu vaditva gayitva dhanam labbitva ussavapariyosane babu surabbat- tam4 gabapetva attano gamam gaccbanto nadltlraiii patva navodakam agaccbantam disva bbattam bbufijanto suram pivanto nisiditva matto butva attano babini ajananto ma- bavinam givaya bandbitvS nadim otaritva gamissami ti bbariyam battbe gabetva nadim otari. Ylnacbiddebi udakam pavisi. Atba nam sil vIna udakes osidapesi. Bbariya pan'assa osidanabbavam fiatvil tani vissajjitva uddbain taritva^ naditire attbasi. Natapatali sakim ummujjati, sakim nimmujjati7, udakam pavisitva uddbumata-udaro abosi. Atb' assa bbariya cintesi: Maybam samiko idani maris- sati, ekam gitara yilcitva parisamajjbe tarn gayanti jivitam kappessaml ti cintetva: Sami tvam udake nimmujjasi. ekam me gitam debi, tena jivitam kappessaml ti vatva: Bahussutam cittakatbam^ GangS vabati Patabm Vuybamanaka bbaddan te ekam me debi gatbakan ti^. ' B. vattam. ^ Min: "bbutam. i B. a\dbbiXvriya vattbu. 4 A. S. °battbaiii. s A. B. udakam. ^ A. B. uttaritva. 7 B. omits sakim nimujjati (All MSS. Natapali). ^ B. Babu sukani Min: cittakatara. 9 A. ekam me deti gatliakan ti B. gitakara. (See «)at. 432. Fausboll YoL III p. 507). -^ 142 ii 157 Hg- atirekapadam va adinnain tlieyyasaukhatam adiyati^ asa- mano hoti asakyaputtiyo ti^. Antamaso kuntakipillikara^ iipadaya yo bhikkhii sancicca manussaviggaham jivita voropeti antamaso gabbhapatanam^ iipadaya assamano hoti asakyaputtiyo ti. Antamaso sufifiagare abhiramami ti yo bhikkhii pfipiccho icchapakato asantani abhiitam uttarimanussadhammam ullapati assamano hoti asakya- puttiyo ti ca. Upajjhacariyehi ^ ovadiyamanehi abhinavopasampannehi ama bhante ti patihna kata yeva^ samanerehi pi pabbajjak- khane yeva upajjhayassa santike panatipataveramani sikkha- padain samadiyami ti adina pathamam patihha kata yeva^ tatha bhikkhfihi tarn tarn apattim apajjitva desanaya patikaranakale sadhu sutthu bhante samvarissami ti al^hin- ham patihna kata yeva samanerehi pi upajjhacariyassa santike sikkhagahanakrde pi panatipataveramanisikkhripa- dam samadiyami ti adina abhinham patihna kata yeva trdii pana j)atihhahi abhayitva ito yeva bhayama ti vutta- vacanam acchariyam viya hutva khayati. Imaya hi patih- haya tasam patiimanam visesata na dissati ti« Ayam pan' ettha sannitthanattho^ patissavadukkatapatti nama Sa- vatthiyam Pasenadi-Kosahxrahha^ imasmim vihare vassam upagacchrdii ''° ti ayacite sadhu ti patijanitva labhabahula- taiu paticca antaramagge anhasmim vihare vassam upa- gantva patissavavisam vadanapaccaya Upanandam" nama bhikkhum arabbha panhatta Samantapasadikayah ca nama Vinayatthakathaya vassupanayikakhandhakavannanayam pa- tissave ca apatti dukkatassa ti ettha na kevalam imain temasam idha vassam vasatha'^ ti viittassa etass' eva apatti imam temasani ganhatha ubho pi mayam idha vassam vasissama'^ ekato uddissapessama ti evam adina ^ Min: adiyati. ^ S. hoti. 3 B. kuntha" ■* A. gabbhavatanam. s A. B. D. acariyena. ^ A. katham eva. 7 A. katha yeva. ^ A. sannitthanatto. '^ A. B. "rahho. '° A. B. "gacchami ti. " A. Upanaudham. '^ B. vassatha. '3 A. vassim vasissami. ~$^ 158 f-$- pi tassa tassa j)atissave dukkatam tan ca kho pathainam suddhacittassa visamvadanapaccaya pathamam pi suddha- cittassa jDana patissave pacittiyan ti vuttam. Iccevam bliikkhunam anfmmannaiii dayakehi ca saddhim patijanitva visamvadanapaccaya aiinesani attahitabhede ^ yeva dukkatapatti vutta. Na attano icchavasena sayam eva aliam bhunjissami sayissami ti evam adina vatva- yatha viittanurupam akatva, visamvadenti. Sace pana bliikkhu samaneranani pathamam eva ama bhante ti adina patinfiam katva paccha kenacid eva karaniyena tain tarn apattim apajjanto saliapatissavavisamvadena 3 dukkat- apattiya apajjeyya evam sati tattha tattha sikkhapadesu dve dve apattiyo paiinapeyya na ca evam pi paimatta ten' eva patissavadukkatapatti nama paresam santike pa- sam matim gabetva patijanitva visamvadanatthane yeva pannatta ti datthabba. Idani raja sasanassa suddbim iccbanto imina upayena bbikkbusamaneranam silam sainvarapento paccakkbasam- parayikabbayam anupekkbitva samvaram apajjeyyun* ti cintetva buddbassa sammukbe patinfiam krirapitatta na koci doso dissati. Bbikkbusamaneranam pi bbiyyosomattaya silam samvasitva silaparisuddbi bbaveyya ti. Atba raja sabbesam bbikldiusamaneranams buddbassa sammukbe patiiinam karapetvii silam rakkbapesi ti. Iccevarn imassa raiiiio krde pubbe alajjino pi samilna l)bayam anupekkbitva yebbuyyena lajjino va bbavanti ti. Buddbassa bbagavato parinibbanato tisatadbikanam vassasabassanam upari navutime samvaccbare babi nadi- tire gamasimato pattbaya yava anto^ udakukkbepa tava kammam karontanam bbikkbiinam sukbena gamanattbaya Gabattbagamasimaya udakukkbeiiasimam sambandbitvfi setum akamsu. Atba tattba Nanalamkarasumanamabadbammarajaguru- ganacariyanamako tbero upasampadadivinayakammani katipayavassesu akasi. ' A. B. D. attbabita° - A. vutta. ^ S. B. A. vadana. 4 A. apajjeyyan. ^ ^n MSS. samanere. "^ A. ante. -^- 159 r^ Dliirananclatliero pana tattha samkaracloso lioti ti kam- mam katum na icchati. Tato patthaya ye ye Nanrdamkara- sumanamahadhammarajaguruganacariyassa matim ruccanti te te tassa pakkhika bhavanti. Ye ye pana Dhlrananda- therassa matim ruccanti te te tassa pakkhika bhavanti. Evam Lankadipe Amarapuranikayika bhikkhu dvedha bhinditva titthanti. Atha Dhiranandapakkhe bhikkhu tappakkhikassa^ Sl- lakkhandhatherassa sisse Dhammakkhandha-Vanaratana- bhikkhu amhakam Jambudipe Ratanapunnanagaram pese- sum samgharajamahatherassa santike ovadassa patigga- hanatthaya. Te ca kaliyuge attharasadhike dvivassasate sahasse ca sampatte kattikamasassa junhapakkha-attha- miyam Sihaladipato nikkhamitva agacchanta ekunavisadhike dvivassasate sahasse ca sampatte Phaggunamasassa junha- pakkhasattamiyam Ratanapunnanagaram sampatta. Atha dhammaraja^ samgharajassa arame catubhumikam viharam karapetva tattha 3 te vasapesi catCdii paccayehi ca saiigaham akasi. Saingharaja ca tesam dvinnam pakkhikanam vacanarp. sutva bahiihi gandhehi samsanditva vivadam vinicchiudi. Idise* thane samkaradosassa atthi- bhavam pakasetva sandesapannam pi tesam adasi. Mahadhammaraja ca tesam puna sikkhain samgharajassa santike ganhapetva pitakattayapotthakadlni anekani da- tabbavatthiini datva tasmim yeva samvacchare pathamam asalhimasassa kalapakkhadasamiyam navaya te pesesi. Tato paccha ca Nanrdanikarasumanamahadhammaraja- guruganacariyapakkhe bhikkhu pi tappakkhikassa^ Paiiha- molitherassa sisse Vimalajoti-Dhammanandabhikkhii pese- suna saddhim Ariyalamkarena nama samanerena catHhi ca upasakehi. Te ca kaliyuge visadhike dvisate sahasse ca sampatte kattikamasassa junhapakkhapahcamiyam sam- patta 6. ' A. B. tampakkhikassa. ^ B. raja. ^ A. B. omit 4 B. D. Tadise. 5 B. tampakkhikassa. " A. kattikamase anaySsena sampatta. -^- 160 f<^ Tada pi samgliarajassa arame yeva ekaviharam kara- petva te vasapesi. Catuhi paccayehi ca saiigaham akasi. Samgliaraja pi puna vinicchayam aclasi yatluiviittanayena. Diiammaraja tesam pi bliikkliunam samgliarajassa santike puna siklvhani ganliapetva srimaneram ca iipasampadetva catuhi imccayelii saiigaham katva pahini. Tato pacclia ca kaliyuge dvavlsadhike ^ dvivassasate sahasse ca sampatte maghamasassa kalapakkha-ekadasa- miyam Sihaladipato yeva dve bhikkhu tayo samanera cattaro upasaka sarajatasuvannakarandakam ^ sarajatasu- vannacetiyadhatum3 hatthidantamayam buddharupam ma- habodhipattani mahabodhitacam mahabodhipatitthanabhii- mim Sihaladakkhinasakhabodhipattani dutiyasattabhaya ^ animisatthanabhiimim ca dhammapannakaratthaya gahetva Ratanapunnam nama mahaiTijatthaninagaram sampatta tesam pi dhammaraja catuhi paccayehi saiigaham katva samgharahno Tirame vasapesi bhikkhiinam ca puna sikkham ganhapesi sama^ieranam upasamiiadakammam gahatthanah ca pabbajjakammam ganhapesi. Iccevam Marammaratthe bhagavato parinibbanato pat- thaya yavajjatanas sasanassa theraparamparavasena pa- titthanata veditabba, Iccevam Marammamandale Ari- maddanapure Arahantattheragano Uttarajivathera- Chapa- datheragano Sivalitheragano Anandatheragano Tamalin- datheragano ti pahca gana ahesum. Idani Arimaddananagare pahcaganato patthaya Vijaya- pura-Jeyyapura-E,atanapuresu theraparamparavasena sasa- nassa anukkamena agatalihavam dassayissami. Sirikhetta- nagare hi Co-ra-na-no-ha^ nama raja Parakkamavamsikassa^ Saradassitherassa antevasikara Saddhammatthititheram attano acariyam katva pujesi. Kaliyugassa ca catuvassadhika-atthasatakale Sirikhetta- nagarato agantva so Eatanapure rajjani karesi. Atha ' B. bavlsadhike. ^ A. B. °kandakam. 3 A. surajata" A. "cetiyam datum. 4 A. "sattabhaya Min: sattrdia" s A. yavajjatanaya. ^ A. Co ya-na-non-garama raja S. °nom-ga. 7 B. visikassa. ,. • -^ 161 H^ attano puttam Anekibham^ nama iTijakumaram maliaraja- namena Sirikhettanagaram blmnjapesi. Dakkliinadisabhage Ivii-tva-uka-ta-ru-pa-mo-nagaram ^ pacchimadisabhage Phih-kho-iia-uamattbrinani ^ uttaradisa- bhage Malvananagaram puratthimadisabbage Kub-kho-na'i namatthanam ettbantare uisinnanam gibinam mama put- tassa ilna pavattatu bbikkbunam mam'acariya-Saddbamma- ttbititberassa ana pavattatu ti niyyadesi. Tassa ca Saddbammattbititberassa Ariyavamsatbero Mabasamitbero ti dve sissa abesum, Tesu Mabasamitbero pubbe viittauayena sasanavamsam anessami ti Sibaladipam gantva Sibaladipato saddbim pafica bbikkbubi Saddbamma- carim nama tberam anetva abbinavasikkbam ganbitva Sirikbettanagare Sibaladipavamsikam sasanam vaddbapetva nisidi. Tassa Mabasamitberassa sisso Atukivamso nama tbero catusii disasu abinditva pariyattim ugganbitva Siri- Idiettanagare yeva Tambiilabbunjamatikasamipes sasanani pagganbitva nisidi. Tassa Atukivamsatberassa sisso Ra- tanaramsi nama tbero pariyattivesarajjam patviX Sirikbetta- nagare yeva sasanam pagganbitva nisidi. Tassa ca E-atanavamsitberassa sisso Sativadbammarajassa acariyo Abbisanketo^ nama tbero pariyattivesarajjam patva Sirikbettanagare yeva sasanam pagganbitva nisidi. Tassa? pana sisso Munindagboso nama tbero attbi. Kaliyuge sattatadbike navasate sampatte Paccbimapakkba- dbikaraja^ Sirikbettanagaram abbibbavitva Nandayodbena^ nama amaccena saddbim tarn Munindagbosatberain anetva Ratanapure patittbapesi. So kira Paccbimapakkbadbikaraja evam katbesi: Abam Sirikbettanagarani labliitva ekam yeva bbikkbum ekani yeva gibim labbami ti. ' A. Anebaiii S. Aiiobbam. ^ S. Ku-tvam-ka-ta-ru-pa-mbbe° B. Ku-tvak-ta-ru-pani- moni. 3 A. S. Bbib-kbo-nama° 4 A. B. Kum-kbom-° S. Kuiii-kbo-na. 5 A. Tandulabbunjamatika. ^ S. B. A. °kbeto. ' B. atb' assa. ^ A. pakkbadika. 9 A. Nandba" Sasana-Vamsa. H -^ 162 ne- So pana thero samaneranamena Munindaglioso nama;iipa- sampannakale pana matulabhutassa tlierassa namena Upali iiama; rafifia dinnanamena pana Tipitakalarakaro nama; Tiriyapabbatavihare pana vasatthananamena ' Tiri- yapabbatathero nama. So kira Eravati-nadl-tire catubbiimikavihrire patbamam nisiditvS, paccba kaliyugassa vassasabasse kale sattbi- vassayuko butva Tiriyapabbatavibare nisidi. Samanerakale so Jaluma-siyaraabbayena^ E.atanpurato nikkbamitva Ivetumatinagaram patva tattba Tisasanadbajatberassa sissabbiitassa Dbammarajagurutberassa santike gandbam ugganbi. Pali-attbakatba-tikasu aticbekataya dabarakale yeva ca Vessantarajatakam kabyrilamkarena bandbitviX katbanato ativiya pakato abosi. Tassa pana tberassa sisso Uccana- garavasl Maba-Tissatbero ti Bbani-giri-janai5ade3 araniia- vasani vasitva pariyattim vacetva sasanam pagganbi. Tassa pana sisso Repinagame^ gamavasi Candatberos nama. Tassa sisso tamgamavasl Gunasiritbero nama. Tassa sisso tarn gamavasi Kalyanadbajatbero nilma. So pana tbero Padumanagare^ Sabassorodba -Bodbodadbi-gamesu pari- yattim vacetva nisidi. Tassa sisso Bodbodadbigamavasino Indobbasa-Kalyanacakka-Vimalacaratbera Sabassorodba- gamavasino Gunasara-Candasaratbera Vantumagamavasi Varapbasitbero 7 Kantinagare^ Jaradbagamavasis Guna- siritbero ca ti ime tbera Kalyanadbajatberassa santike puna sikkbam galietva pariyattim ngganbitva kovida abesum. Tass' eva Kalyanadbajatberassa sisso Bbam-giri-jana- pade '° Samivanagaine nisinno Dbammadbaro nama maba- ' A. S. casattattbana" B. vasattbana*^ ^ B. Calumasiyrimabbaycna. 3 S. Jamkira A. Bbam-kira. ■I S. B. A. Reniina" 5 A. S. Cbandnttbero. ^ A. Min: Badiima° ^ B. Jarapbasi. ** A. D. Kanninagare B. Kinni° 9 S. B. A. Jararaja° ^° A. Bbam-kira° -^ 163 H^ tliero '^ maliallakakale Paclumanagare Kusumamulagame nisiclitva gandham vficetva sasanam pagganhi. Tesii^ Gunasirltliero Amarapuramapakassa ranno kale Gunabbilamkarasaddliammamahadhammarajadliirajaguru ti namalaficliam gaiihitva Jeyyablmmivasakittivihare pati- vasi. Tassa pana therassa sisso Nanabhivamsadhammasena- pati mahadbammaiTijadhirajagiiru nilma mabathero tass' eva raiino kale samgbaraja abosi. So pana tbero Slbala- dipe Amarapuranikayikanam pabbavo. Gunabbilamkara- saddbammamabadbammaraj adbirajagurutberass' eva sisso Tipitakalamkaramabadbammarajagiiru nama tbero, tassa sisso Suriyavamsabbisiiipavaralamkaradbammasenapatima- badbammarajadbirajaguni nama tbero Aniarapuradutiya- mapakassa raiino kale samgbaraja abosi. Tassa pana sisso isTeyyadbammabbivamsamunivaraiianakittisiripavara- lauikaradbammasenapatimabadbammarajadbirajagurumaba- tbero dutiyam Amarapuramapakassa E,atanapunnamapa- kassa ca ranno kalesu samgbaraja abosi. So pana Nana- bhivamsadbammasenapatimabadbammarajadbirajagurutber- assa samgbaranno sisso Saravamsitberassa3 sisso pi abosi. Ayarti Sibaladipato sabbapaccbimagatebi '^ Saddbamma- cari-Mabasamitberebi yava ambakam acariyatberaparam- para dassanakatba. Ayam pi apara tberaparampara veditabba. Cbapada- tberavamsiko Saddbammakitti nama tbero Jeyyapuram agantva Catudipabbumittbane nisiditva Maba-Ariyavarasa- tberassa santike pariyattim ngganbitva tato paccba Jeta- vanavibaram samkamitva tattba nisiditva pariyattim vacetva sasanarn pagganbi. Tassa Saddbammakittitberassa sisso Tisasanadbajo nama, tassa sisso Dhammarajagurii nama, tassa sisso Munindagboso nama, tassa sisso Maba-Tisso nama, tassa sisso Candapanuo nama, tassa sisso Gunasirl nama, tassa sisso Nanadbajo ^ Min: Dbamniadbaro nfima tliero A. B. dbammadbaro Mabanama mabatbero. ^ A. Gatasu. 3 B. D. sarapbasi. 4 A. iigate ti. / -^ 1G4: H$- nama tassa sisso Dliammadliajo ' iiama tassa sisso Indo- bluiso nama; tato pattbaya Kalyanacakka-Vimalacara- Gunasara - Canclasara - Varaphasi - Gunasiri - Nanabbivamsa- Neyyadbammabbivamsatberanam vaseiia sasanavamso vedi- tabbo ti. Ayam patta-Lankassa Cbapadatberassa sissabbiita Saddbammakittittberato pattbaya tberaparamparadassana- katba '. Idam Ratanapunnanagave sasanassa patittbrinams. Evam Aparantasaukbatena '^ ekadesena sakalam pi Ma- rammarattbam gabetva Sasanavamso dassetabbo. Bbagava 2)i bi Aparantarattbe Candanavibare vasitva Tambadipa- rattbe tarn tarn desams pi iddbiya caritva sattanam dbammam desesi yeva ti, Iti Sasanavamse Aparaiitarattbasasanavainsakatbrimaggo nama cbattbo pariccbedo. Idani yatbavuttamatikavasena Kasmira - Gandbara- rattbasasanavamsakatbamaggam vattum okaso anuppatto; tasma tarn vakkbami. Tatiyasamgitavasane bi Maba-Moggaliputta-Tissatbero Majjbantikatberam Kasmlra-Gandbararattbani pesesi: Tvain etam rattbam gantva ettba sasanam patittbapelii ti. Ettba ca Kasmira-Gandbararattbaiii nama Cinaratthe samipe tittbati; ten' eva bi adbuna Kasmira-Gandbararattbavasino Cinarattbavasino ca manussa. Aravalassa nama nagara- jassa uppajjanakfilato pattbaya yavajjatana nagarupam katva manenti, piijenti, sakkaronti, vattbabbiljanadisu^ pi nagarupam eva te yebbuyyena karonti ti. So ca Majjbaiitikathero pi catubi Ijbikkbubi saddbim attapancamo butva Patabputtato vebasain abbbuggantva Himavati Aravabidabassa upari otari. Tena kbo pana samayena Kasmlra-Gandbararattbe sassapakasamaye Ara- valo nama nagaraja Aravrdadabe nislditva karakavassam " S. D. Dbammadbaro A. S. "varo. ^ B. "paramparadassanekatba S. A. °paramparanam. •3 Mm: omits. 4 Min: Aparantarattbasaiikbatena. 5 D. disam. ^ S. A. vata° B. vatta° ~^. 1G5 H$-^ nama vassapetva sassam harapetviX maliasamudclam papesi. Thero ca Aravaladahassa upari otaritva Aravalaclalia- pitthiyam caukamati pi tittliciti pi nisidati pi seyyam pi kappeti. Nagamanavaka tarn disva Aravalassa nagarajassa arocesum: Maharaja eko chinnabhinnapatadharo bliandu- kasixvavasano amliakam iidakam dtiseti ti. Tada pana thero attanam yeva' naganam dassesi. Nagaraja tavad eva kodhribhibhi'ito iiikkhamitva theram disva pakkham asaha- mano- antalikkhe anekani bhimsanakani niminini. Tato tato bhusa vata. vayauti, rukkha bhijjanti, pabbatakiita patanti, megha gajjanti^, vijjullata't niccharanti, asaniyo phalanti, bhinnam viya gaganam udakam paggharati, ])ha- yanakariipa nagakumara sannipatanti, sayam pi dhiimayati, pajjalati, paharanavutthiyo vissajjeti. Ko ayam luimdako chinnabhinnapatadharo ti adi pharusavacanehi theram santajjeti. Etha, ganhatha, hanathas; niddhamatha imam samanam ti nagabalam anapesi. Thero sabbani tani bhimsanakam attano iddhibaleua patibahitva nagarajanam aha: Sadevako pi ca loko agantva tasayeyya^ mam Na me patilmhi assa janetum bhayabheravam. Sace pi tvam mahim sabbam sasamuddam sapabbatam Ukkhipitva mahanaga khippeyyasi^ mam upari. JSTeva me sakkuneyyasi janetnm bhayabheravani Ahhadatthu tav'ev'assa vighato uragadliipa^ ti. Evam vutte nagaraja vihatanubhavo nipphalavriyamo9 dukkhl dummano ahosi. Tarn thero tarn khananurupaya dhammiya kathaya san- dassetva samada})etva samuttejetva sampahamsetva tisu ^ A. h'eva. ^ A. asmamano S. asamamano. 3 S. D. gacclianti. '^ A. B. vijjutrda. 5 A. manasa. ^ A. B. naseyya. 7 A. kippeyyasi. ^ A. B. uragadhija cf. Hist. Int. Samantapas. (Ed. Oldenburg) Vinaya P. vol III. p. 315. 9 D. B. nibbala" -^ 166 H^ saranesu paiicasu silesu patitthapesi. Sacldliim catiirasltiya nagasahassehi aiiiiehi baliil Himavantavasino yakkha ca gandliabba ca kumbhanda ca therassa dhammakatham sutva saranesu ca silesu ca patitthabimsu. Pancako pi yakkbo saddhim bbariyaya yakkbiniya paficabi ca puttasatebi patbame pbale patittbito. Atb' ayasma Majjbantikatbero sabbe iiagayakkharakkbase amantetva evam aba: Ma 'dani kodbam jaiiayittba ito uddbam taya pure Sassagbataii ca ma kattba, sukbakama^ bi prinino Karotba mettam sattesu vasantu manuja sukban ti. Te sabbe pi sadbu bbaiite ti tberassa vacanam pati- sunitva yatbanusittbam patipajjinisu. Tarn divasam eva nagarajassa pujasamayo abosi^. Atba nagaiTija attano ratanamayam paUankam abaiTipetva tberassa pannapesi. Nisidi tbero paHauke nagaraja pi tberam vijayamano3 samipe attbasi. Tasmim kbane Kasmira-Gandbararattba- vasino agantva tberam disva: Ambrikam nagarajato pi tbero mabiddbikataro ti tberam eva vanditva nisinna, tbero tesam Asivisopamasuttam katbesi. Suttapariyosane aslti- ya panasabassanam dbammabbisamayo abosi kulasatasa- bassan ca pabbajitato pabbuti ca Kasmira - Gandbara yavajjatanil kasavapajjota isivataparivata* eva. Gantva Kasmlra-Gandbarani isi Majjbantiko tada Duttbams nagani pasadetva mocesi bandbaua babii ti. Adbuna pana Kasmira-Gandbarasasanassa attbam ga- tassa viya suriyassa obbaso na pafifiayati. Tasma tattba sasanassa patittbane vittbarena vattabbakiccam nattbi ti. Iti Sasanavamse Kasmira-Gandbarasasauavamsakatba- maggo nama sattamo pariccbedo. Idani yatbavuttamatikavasena Mabimsakarattliasasana- vamsakatbamaggam vattum^ okaso anuppatto. Tasma tarn vakkbami. ^ A. sasagbatafi ca makattam° ^ B. D. boti. 3 A. bijayamane. t A. B. pati" s B. Rattbam. ^ A. vattlium. -^^ 1G7 H$- Tatiyasamgitavasane hi Malia -Moggaliputta - Tissathero Malia-Revatatheram Mahimsakamandalam pesesi: Tvam etam rattham gantva ettha sasanam patittliapehi ti. So ca attapancamo hutva Mahimsakamandalam agamtisi. Paccantimesii janapadesu paiicavaggo gano alam upasam- padakammaya ti malifiamauo thero Mahiinsakamandahim gantva Devadutasuttam kathesi. Suttapariyosane cattalisapanasahassani dhammacakkhum patihibhimsu. Cattallsam yeva panasahassani pabbajjimsn. Gantvana rattham Mahimsam mahathero^ mahiddhiko Codetva devadute hi mocesi bandhana bahil ti. Adhima pana tattha sasanassa abbhehi viya paticchan- nassa suriyassa obhaso dnbbalo hntva pahhayati-. ItiSasanavamseMahimsakaratthasasanavamsakathrimaggo nama atthamo paricchedo. Ito parain Maharatthasasanavamsakathamaggam katha- yissami yathavuttamatikavasena. Tatiyasamgitavasane hi Maha-Moggaliputto -Tissathero Maha-Dhammarakkhitatheram Maharattham pesesi: Tvam etam rattham gantva ettha sasanam patitthapehi ti, Maha-Dliammarakkhitathero ca attapancamo 3 hiitvil Maharattham gantva Maha-Narada-Kassapaj atakakathily a Mahriratthake pasadetva caturasitipanasahassani magga- phalesu patitthapesi. Terasasahassani pabbajjimsn. Evam so tattha sasanam patitthapesi. Maharattham isi gantva so Mahadliammarakkhito Jatakam kathayitvana pasadesi mahajanan ti. Tattha kira manussrt pubbe aggihutridimicchilkanunam yebhuyyena akamsu. Ten' eva thero Maha-Narada-Kassa- pajatakakatham desesi. Tato patthaya tattlia nianussa jatakakathain yebhuyyena sotum ativiya icchanti. Bhikkhu ca yebhuyyena gahatthanam jatakakathain yeva desenti. ^ A. Maha-Revo. - A. panfiapeti. 3 A. adds va. -^ 168 f<^ Visesato pana Vessantarajatalcakatham te manussa bahulii (latabbavatthuhi pujetva sunanti. Tafi ca Maharattham naiiia Siyrimaratthasamipe thitam ten' eva Siyamarattliavasino bliikkliu ca galiattlia ca yebhuyyena sotum iccbanti ti. Maha-Dbammarakkbitatbero pi Mahfirattbavasibi saddbim sakala-SiyamarattbavasInam dbammam desesi, amatarasam payesi, yatba Yonaka-Dbam- marakkbitatbero Aparantarattbam gantva sakabi-Maram- marattbavasinan ti. Yam pana Youakaratthasasanavamsakatbayam vuttam tarn pi sabbam ettba pi dattbabbam yeva tebi tassa eka- sadisattena tbitatta ti. Tatba bi Nagasenatbero pi Yo- nakarattbe vasitvaSiyamarattbadisu pi sasanam patittbapesi. Yonakarattbavasino Maba-Dbammagambbiratbera-Maba- Medbamkaratbera ca saddbim babiibi bbikkbilbi Sibala- dipam gantva tato puna gantva Siyamarattbe Sokkatayam nagaram patva tattha nislditva sasanam pagganbitva paccba Lakimnanagare nislditva sasanam pagganbi. Evam Yona- karattbe sasanam tbitani Siyamadisii in tbitam yeva ti dattbabbam. Buddbassa bbagavato parinibbanato dvisatadbikanam dvinnam vassasabassanam upari naviitime vasse Sibaladlpe vajjain pattassa Kittisirirajasibamabarajassa abbisekato tatiye vasse ten' eva Kittisirirajaslbamabaranna pabita- pannrdvrirasasanam ^ agamma Saramadbipatidbammikama- baiTijadbirajen' anattebi^ Lankadipam agatebi Upalittber- adibi patittbapito vamso Ujirdivamso ti pakato. So ca duvidbo Pubbaramavibaravasi-Abbayagirivibara- vasivasena ti. Evani Mabanagara-Yonaka-Siyamarattbesu sasanam tbiram3 butva tittbati ti veditabban ti. Iti Sasanavamse Mabarattbasasanavamsakatbamaggo nama navamo pariccbedo. Tato param pavakkbami Clnarattbasasanavamsakatba- maggam yatbatbapitamatikavasena. ' A. patita" ^ Saramamiyati" •3 S. A. timu B. titbim D. tiyam. -^ 169 H$- Tatiyasaingitavasane hi Malia-Moggaliputta-Tissattliero Majjhimatheram Cinaratthara pesesi: Tvam etam rattliam gaiitva ettha sasanam patitthapeln ti. Majjliimathero ca Kassapagottatherena Alakadevathe- rena ^ Diiddabliiyatherena^ Maha-Revatatherena ca saddliim Himavantapadese paiica Clnarattham gantva Dliamma- cakkapavattanasuttantakathaya tarn desam 3 pasadetvS, asitipanakotiyo maggaphalaratanani patilabliesi. Pafica pi ca te thera panca ratthani pasadesum. Ekam ekassa santike saliassamatta pabbajjimsu. Evam te tattba sasa- nam patittbapesum. Gantvana Majjbimatbero Himavantam pasadayi Yakkbasenara pasasento Dbammacakkapavattanan ti. Tattba kira manussa yebbuyyena Candiparamissaranam'^ yakkbanaiu piijam karonti. Ten' eva te panca tbera tesam yakkbasenam pakasayitva dbammam desesum. Kasmlra- Gandhararattbam pana kadaci kadaci Cinarattbindassa vijitam boti, kadaci kadaci pana visum boti; tada pana visum yeva abosi ti dattbabbam. Clnarattbe pana bbagavato sasanam dubbakim yeva butva attbasi, na tbirams butva. Ten' eva idani tattba kattbaci yeva sasanam cbayapattam° va pannilyati vatu- vegena vikinna-abbbam viya tittbati ti. Iti Sasanavamse Cmarattbasasanavainsakatbamaggo na- ma dasamo pariccbedo. Evam sabbena sabbam Sasanavamsakatbamaggo nittbito. Ettavata ca: Lankagatena santena Citrananena7 bbikkbuna Saranamkaranrimena Saddbammattbitikamina Durato yeva dipamba Sumangalena jotinil Visuddbasibna c'eva dlpantarattbabliikkbuna ^ B. Alaka" S. ALamka° ^ B, Kbudda° D. Duddasiya. ^ B. desesi. 4 B. S. D. Canda° s A. tiram. ^ B. D. "mattam. 7 A. Mitra" -^ 170 f<- Annehi cabliivacito Paiinasami ti namako Akasim ^ suttlmkam gandham Sasanavamsapadipikam Dvisate ca saliasse ca tevisiidliike gate Piinnayam migasirassa nittham gata va sabbaso^ Koci ettli' eva doso ca paiinayati^ sucittaka Tarn khamantu ca sudliira ganliautu yuttikam have ti'*. D. adds Sasanavamsappadipikam iiittliitara. Akkliara ekara ekafi ca buddharupam saiuam siya. Tasma hi j^andito poso likheyya pitakattayam. Sasanavamsappadipika. ^ B. S. akasi. ^ A. Nittham gaya va sabbato. 3 A. ca mamiayati B. ce. * JB. A. bhave ti. IliDEX 1. Akkliaravisodhani 154 Aggadliaramalamkara(tliera) 111, 112 Aggapandita(thera) 74 Aggavamsa(t]iera) 74 Aggikkhandliopamasutta 54, 55 Aggijhapanatala 59 Anguttaranikaya 11, 73, 148 Anguttara(tika) 33 Ajatasattii(raja) 4, 5, 6 Atthasrilini 31, 106, IIG, 121 Atuk(tliera) 124, 125, 128, 135, 136, 138, 140, 142 Atiila(vihara) 111 Atiilabhumivasa(vihara) 133 Atiilavamsa(tliera) 106, 161 Atthavyakhyana 34 Atbabbana-veda 63 Adhikaraja 94, 97, 98 (Dutiya) „ 98 Adhisila(tliera) 60 Anagatavamsa 64 Anuradliapura(nagara) 17,31, ' 136 I Anuruddha(thera) 4, 34 ! Aiuimddlia(rrija) 25, 39, 47, ' 52, 56, 59, 61, 62, 64, 65, 68, 76, 82, 83 Auuriiddha(kumrira) 51 Anula(devi) 55 Anekasetibhinda(raj a)51 , 1 01 , 102 Anekibba( kiimara) 1 6 1 Anekibhiiida(cetiya) 9 1 Anotatta(daba) 24, 123 Anomadassl(tbera) 60 Anomaya(nadl) 2 Anto-amacca 133 Antoyudba(vibrira) 131 i Andbaka(rattba) 12 I Aparanta(i'attlia) 2, 10, 11. 35, 53, 54, 55, 56, 129, 164, 168 Apbeggusarafgandha ) 48 Abbaya(tbera) 20 Abbayagiri(pabbata) 90 Abbayagiri(vibara) 24, 25, 44, 168 Abhidbaimna(pitaka) 27, 118, 150 (tika) 33, 48 Abbidbainmattbavibbavini 96, 97, 116 Abhidbammattbasamgaba34, 77, 111, 121, 126 ^. 172 -^ Abliiclliiimmavatara 34 Abliiclbanappadi2)ika 34, 121, 148 Abhiclhanappadipika samvan- nana 88 Abbisaraketa(thera) 161 Amarapura(nagai-a) 132, 135, 137, 143, 146, 147, 153 Amarapuranikaya 142, 159, 163 Amarapuramapakaraj a 23,163 Ambagabapatissa (bbikkbu) 135 Ayudclbaya(nagara) 49 Aranfiakafi garaba 58 Arannava si (thera) 34 Aravrda(daba) 164, 165 Ai-avabi(nagaraja) 164, 165 Arabantaftbera) 56, 57, 60, 61, 64, 67, 71, 82, 94, 102, 110, 116, 160 (Cula)-Arabanta 82 Arittba(thera) 19, 32 Arimaddana(nagara) 25 jjrts- sim Ariyavarasa(tbei-a) 39,47, 6(), 161 (Maba)Ariyavamsa 95, 96, 97, 98, 101, 163 Ariyavamsrilamkara(gandba) 135 Ai'iyalamkara (tbera) 106,110, 111, 112 (Dutiya)lamkara(tbera) 106 Ariyrilaiiikara(samanera) 1 59 Alakadeva(tliera) 169 Ava-paiii-kyob(desa) 83 Asoka 17, 18, 149, 151 Asokarama 134, 143 Assaji 84 A Acara-akyo (bbikkbu) 105 Atiima(nagara) 5 Adiccaramsi(tbera) 83 Anaiida(tbera) 4, 7, 33, 40. 41, 42, 47, 48, 55, 65, 66, 67, 82, 83, 132, 160 Ananda(mabrimaccba) 74 Anandasuriva 90 Apattiviniccbaya(gandba)l 54 Alon-ab-can-sii(i'aj a) 90 Asivisopamasatta 166 Aloka(lena) 23 I Ittiya(tbera) 15, 16, 17 Itivuttaka 33 Indasara(samanera) 147 Indobbasa(tbera) 162, 164 Isidinna(settbi) 54 U TJkkamsamalaf tbera) 120 ITkkamsika(raja) 102, 103, 106, 110, 115, 116 Uklapa(janapada) 35 Uccanagara 107, 162 Ujana(raja) 83, 85 Uttara 10, 37, 38, 39, 40, 47, 60, 65 Uttarageba(vibara) 111, 112 Uttarapbagguni(nakkbatta) 132 Uttaravanarama 110 Uttarajiva(tbera) 39, 40, 41, 47, 60, 65, 74, 160 -^ 173 -<$- Uttararama 51 Uttiya(tliei-a) 16 Udayapabbata 152 Udana 33 Udumbaragiri 26 Udumbaragirisami 45 Udumbarabhaddapittha 149 Upatissa(tliera) 19 Upatissa(raja) 28 Upadvaravati(nagara) 58 Upananda 157 Uparipannasa 11 Upasena(thera) 33 TJpayakatbri(gandba) 154 Upali 4, 13, 14, 15, 20, 168 Uposathavinicchaya(gaudha) 99, 154 Uppatasanti 51 Ubbatovibhaiigani 24, 134 Ummaga(vihara) 91 Uruvela(iiigama) 40 Ulugama 118 E Ekakkbarakosa(gandLia) 76 Ekamsika(gana, vada &c) 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 124, 125, 128, 129, 130, 131 Ekavyokara(gana) 14 Ekasetibbinda(raia) 82, 85 Eravati(nadi) 65, 105, 106, 114, 152, 162 Eravana(uaga) 93 K Kankhavitarani 81, 116 Kaccayana(gandba) 75, 77, 110, 111 Kathavatthu 9 Kanni(nagara) 132, 162 Kapila(amacca) 25 Kapilavattbu 2 Kappiiiiga(iiagara) 39, 60 Kamai'an(nagara) 52 Kamboja(rattha) 40, 49, 100 Kanibboja(malki) 87, 88 Kalambu(jritassara)42(tittha) 45 Kalyana(thera) 118 Kalyanacakka(tbera) 162, 164 Kalyanatissasami(tbera) 45 Kaly5nadhaja(tbera) 162 Kalyaiii(nadi) 45, 46 (sima) 46, 47, 60 Kalyaniya(cetiya) 16 Kavis[ira(gandha) 48 Kasmira-Grandhararattba 2, 10, 12, 164, 166, 169 (Maba)Kassapa 3, 4, 5 44, 68, 69 Kassapa(thera) 26, 33, 71 Kassapiya(gana) 14 Kakanda 6 Krinka(gandba) 75 Kaliugapura 28 Kala(tbera) 60 KalakaiTima(sutta) 49 Kalasumana(tbera) 19 Kalasoka(raja) 6, 7 Kincipura 40, 66 Kitti(i'aja) 88 Kittitara(raja) 81, 82, 85 Kittimangala^draiiia(vihrira) 134 Kittissirimegba(raja) 28 14, 50, -^ 174 H$- Kittissirimeghasaml(thera)45 Kittissirirajasiha(rajri) 27, 168 Kitagiri 84 Kiikkutaslsa(raja) 23, 53 Kuldiana(nagara) 74, 115, 121, 125 Kutambhayagiri 44 Kiimblianda 52 Kurunda 24 Kururattlia 12 Kulaviliara 83 Kusavatl(nagara) 152 Kusinara 3 Kiisima(nagara) 41, 43, 74, 147 (tittha) 66, 90 Kusumamula(gama) 163 Kuhaslvafraja) 28 Kuh-klio-iia 161 Kutakannatissa(raja) 32 Ku-tva-iika-ta-rii-pa-mo(na- gara) 161 Ketumati(nagara) 80, 81, 101, 118, 162 Kelasapabbata 38 Kesa(biTihmana) 29 Kesi 29 Koccagodha 135 Kondadhana (?) (tbera) 11 Kolamba 24 Kyacva(raja) 76 Kyu-nali-ra(nagara) 50 Kyocva(raja) 85 Kb Kbam-ga-tam-kba-ram-to(ra- jaguni) 133 Kbanittbipadapabbata 69, 75, 76, 84, 104, (gama) 110 Khantakakbipa(tbera) 89 Kbandbapiira 81, 82 Kbum-ta-kba-ra-to (samgba- raja) 132 Kbuddasikkba 33, 34, 66 Khema(tbera) 19, 34 (bhik- kbu) 78 Kbeina(gandha) 34 Kbeinacara(tbera) 93 Khemavara 49 Kbya-nah-tva(gama) 111, 112 G Gaiiga 8, 22, 24, 64, 141 Gajjagiri 35 Gandbamadbanapabbata 68, 75 Gandbabharana 98 • Gandbara(rattba) 12 Garula 52 Gavaiiipati(tbera) 36, 37 Gabattbagama(sima) 158 Gunagandba(tbera) 111, 112 Gunamumnda(rajagiiru) 132, 143 Gimaratanadbarasami 45 Gunasaratbera 112, 162, 164 Gimasin(tbera) 162, 163, 164 Gimabbibiiiikara(tbera) 118, 132, 163 Gunarania(tbera) 83 Gulbattbadipani 116 Gokubka(gana) 14 Gothabbaya(rrija) 25, 27 Gotama 3, 4, 36, 59, 61 Gobxmittika 38 Gb Gbosa(gama) 29 ~$H 175 ■i 176 HS- Jatakavisodhana(gandha) 98 Jrilasutta(gaina) 121 Jinarama(tliera) 111 Jinalamkai'a(gandlia) 29 Jinalamkrirasaml 45 Jettliatissa(raja) 28 Jetavana 24, 44, 60, 83, 98, 101, 102, 103, 113, 116, 163 Jeyyapura 83, 87, 90, 91, 92, 96, 100, 101, 103, 106, 114, 127, 160, 163 Je}7abhiimikitti(vihara) 117, 132, 134 Jeyyabhumivasakitti j i^ 163 Jeyyabhiimivasatula J-j5 128 Jeyyabhumisuvanna ] \S 122 Jeyyavaddhanarattha 80 Jogyi 63 Jotipuima(tliera) 116 Nana(thera) 127 Nana(bhikkhu) 131 Nanadbaja 163 Kanavara(tbera) 121 Nanavilrisa(tbera) 51 Is[anabhivarasa(samgharaja) 135, 142, 163, 164 Nanabhisasanadbaja(samgba- raja) 134 ]Nanalamkara(thera) 158, 159 Nanodaya(gandba) 31 Neyyadbamma Neyyadbamma- bbimuni Neyj^adbamma- bhivamsa (samghanija) vl46,148,151, 154,163,164 No-iia-ra-mali(raja) 102, 103, 117 ]Sro-na-kba-mara-kha-ra-to(ra- jaguru) 132 T Ta4com-saii-te(pura) 4 Taphiissa 35, 37 Tambadipa(rattba) 55, 56, 61, 65, 76, 80, 81, 90, 164 Tambapanni(dipa) 15, 23 Tambukibbiiuja(matika) 161 Tamalitti(grima) 40 Tamalinda(thera) 40, 47, 65, 66, 67 Tabippa(iiagara) 118 Trivatimsa(bbavaiia) 29, 57, 85 Tigumbbatbomana(vatthu) 135 Tipitakrdamkrira(thera) 105, 106, 107, 111, 162, 163 Tiriyapabbata 106, 112, 115, 116, 120, 162 Tilokagurii(thera) 107, 115 Tilokalamkara(thera) 107, 110 Tisirisanadbaja(thera) 99, 101, 102, 103, 163 Tisasanakxmkara(thera) 107 Tissa(raja) 35, 36 Tissa(tbera) 19, 20, 22 (bhik- kbu) 25 Tissadatta(thera) 19 Tumia(gama) 118 Tusitapiira 2 TejodTpa(l)bikkhu) 115 Toii-bhi-luli(khettavaiia) 100 Tou-bhi-luli(vibara) 103, 104 Thupavamsa(gandba) 34 ^ 177 r^ Tliuparrima(cetiya) 16, 95, 98 Theragatha 33 Tlierl(gatha) 33 D Dakkbinakoti(viliara) 83 Dakkhinarama(viliara) 103 Dakkhinavanarama(vihara) 106, 110 Danta(kumara) 28 Dabba 74 Dabbiniiikba(jatassara) 117 Damila(rattba) 33 Dala(nagara) 41, 42 Drithadbatuvamsa 34 Datbanaga(tbera) 93 Datbanaga( rajuguru) 111 Datbapati(raja) 24 Dasaka(tbera) 13, 14, 20 Dinna(vibara) 72 Dibbacakkbu(thera) 82 Disapamokkba(tbera)78(iipa- saka) 154 Digba(thera) 19 Dlgbanava(nagara) 154 Dlgbanikaya 33, 73, 134, 148 Dlgbavapi(cetiya) 16 Digbasumana(tbera) 19 Dlpamkara(buddba) 2 Dipariga(nagara) 118 Dipavamsa 34 Duddabbiya(thera) 169 Devacakkobbasa(thera) 117 Devaduta(sutta) 167 Devanaga(battbi) 80 Devanampiya-Tissa 16, 17, 44 Devasura(gama) 146 Do-iia-ca-nah-dbum(malla) 87 Sasana-Vamsa. Dvattaponka(raja) 7, 52, 110, 145 Dvaravatl(nagara) 80 Db Dbanavaddbaka 137, 138 Dbammakittilokagurusami 45 Dbaminakkbandba(bbikkbu) 159 (Maba)Dbammagambblra (tbei-a) 50, 168 • . Dbammaguttika(gana) 14 Dbammacakkapavattana (sut- ta) 169 Dbainmacetiya(raja) 43, 47 Dbammadassi(tbera) 61, (sa- manera) 75 Dbammadbaja 164 Dhammadhara(tbera) 162 Dbaminananda(tbera) 116 Dbammapada 11 Dbamniapala(tbera) 33 Dbamniaprilita(tbera) 19 Dbaiiimabuddba(tbera) 48 Dbammarakkbita(tbera) 10 (Maba-)Dbammarakkbita 10, 167, 168 Dbammaruci(gana) 24 Dbammavilasa(tbei'a) 41, 42 Dbammasiri(tbera) 33 Dbammasenapati 75 Dbammasoka 8, 9, 57, 106, 129 Dbammiittarika(gana) 14 Dbatiikatba 111 Dbatuvamsa 34 Dbirananda(tberaj 159 -^ 178 Hg- N Natapatali 142 Nanda(gulia) 75 Nauda(Yiliara) 75 Nandajeyya(amacca) 108 Nandamala(tliera) 128, 129, 130 ISTandamidaguha 68, 75 Nandayodha(amacca) 161 Nanda 6 NammadiX(nadi) 129 Narapati(raja) 65, 69, 71, 75, 90 (Maha)Narapati(raja) 95 Karapati-can-su(iTija) 27, 41 Nar avara (r aj a) 113 Narasura(amacca) 46 Navaguha 117 Navangakandara 106 Naga(thera) 19 Naga 52 Nagarajuppattikatlia 149, 151, 154 Nagasena 49, 50, 168 Nagita(tliera) 89 Namarupapariccheda 34 Nigi'odha(samanera) 8, 57 Nigrodhapalisiivanna (vihara) 119 Nirayakatliadipaka(gandha) 154 Niruttisaramanjusri(gandha) 111 Nisinna(vihara) 108, 109 Kicageba(vihrii"a) 83 Nipa(gama) 125 Netti(pali) 99, 116, 134 Netti-atthakatlia 33 ]S[e-no-klie-i'am-to(rajagurii) 133 Neranjara(nadi) 2 Nyasa(gandha)75,110,lll,127 Pacchagana 67 Pacchagata(theravamsa) 95 Pacchima(raja) 110 Pacchimapakkhadhika(raja) 105, 106, 161 Pacchimavaiiarama(viliara) 110 Pancajambu(gama) 154 Pancasetibbinda(raja) 86 Pafinattivada(gana) 14 Pafmajotabbidbaja(samgba- raja) 148 Pannatissa(tbera) 146, 147 Pafinamoli(tbera) 159 Paiinasami(rajaguru) 148,154, 169 Pannaslba(tbera) 143 Patisambbidamagga (gandba) 33, 148 Pattbana 111, 117, 127 Pattbanasarattbadipani 48 Panditabbidaja(rajaguru) 155 Patta-Hamsrivati(raja) 121 Padara(tittba) 33 Padavibbaga(gandba) 127 Paduma(nagara) 112, 162, 163 Pabbatantarabbidbeyya(tbe- ra) 102 Pabbatabbbantara(nagara) 87, > 98 (MabajPabbatabbb.antara ji27 Pabbatasamanta(desa) 131 Parakkama(vamsa) 160 -$H 179 hS- Paralvlvamabahu(i-aja) 27, 33, 44, 136 Parakkamabahusami 45 Paramattliabindu(gandlia) 76 Paramatthavinicchaya(gan- dha) 34 Parayanavatthu 99 Paritta(tika) 115 Parittanidana 28, 56, 58 Parivara(khaiidhaka) 14, 15, 24, 156 Palina 1 (gama) 112, 124 Palena J Pasenadi-Kosala(raja) 71, 157 Pasyu-cliidra-muiii-(samkliya) \ 95 Patali(natanacca) 141 Pataliputtanagara 7, 8, 9, 49, 164 Padacetiya 115 Parupana(gana &c) 118, 120, 121, 122, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131 Pava(nagara) 3 Pasamsa(thera) 122 Pitakalamkara(rajaguru) 146 Pilindavaccha(tbera) 68 Punna(amacca) 83 (cetiya) 83, 96, 97, 114, 115 Punna(thera) 55 Punabbasuka 22, 84 Pubbavanarama(vihara) 110 Pubbarama(vihara) 116, 168 Purimagana 67 Pu-gam 64 Petakalamkara(gandlia) 134 Petavatthu 33 Pokkantigama 136 Pollonka(desa) 71 Pollonka(thera) 69, 71 Pra-stali(cetiya) 77 Pranadassi(thera) 39, 47, 60 Ph Phalikakhacita(viliara) 120 Phih-kho-na 161 Phussadeva(thera) 19 B Badara(gama) 112 Badara(vana) 105 Bahiissutika(gana) 14 Baranasi 141 Brih-mam-akyo(bhikkliu) 105 Buddhaiikura(thera) 118, 120 Buddhaghosa 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 73, 136 Buddhaghosasami 45 Buddhagliosuppatti(katha)30, 31 Biiddhadatta 29, 33, 73 Buddhadasa(rajri) 27, 28 Buddharakkhita(tliera) 19 Buddharupa(cetiya) 64 Buddhavamsa 33, 42, 47 Buddhrilamkara(gandba) 98 Beluva(gama) 123 Bogahavattha(samanera) 135 Bodbivamsa 34 Bodbodadhi(gama) 162 Byafma-co-ma-na-ra(raj a) 50 By aiifi5,-ram (raj a) 9 1 Byasi(gama) 119 Brahma 9 Brahmajala(sutta) 38 Brihaja(vedasattba) 75 Bru-mam-ti(raja) 28 -^ 180 r^ Bh Bham-giri(janapada) 162 Bhanduka(upasaka) 17 Bhaddayanika(gana) 14 Bbaddasala(thera) 16 Bhallika 35, 37 Bliikkhimikhandhaka 72 Bhuvanekabahu(raja) 45, 46 BhuvanekabahusarQi 45 Bhumikitti-atula(vihara) 128 Bliumikittivirama(vi]iara) 130 Bliuminikhanana(nagara) 102 Bhuridattajataka 99 M Ma-nah-kri-cva-cok(rajri) 92 Mam-gain-kha-ra-to(sanigba- raja) 132 Mamvanna(pabbata) 103 Magadba(rattba) 39 Maiigalatberasami 45 Mangaladipam 51 Mangalabbumikitti(vihara) 132 Mangalavirania(vibrira) 1 34 MarigaLadbirama(vibara) 132 Majjbantika(tbera) 9, 10, 12, 164, 166 Majjbima(tbera) 10, 169 Majjbimagantbi(gaiidba) 34 Majjbimageba 132 Majjbimadesa 7, 9, 13, 14, 36, 50 Majjbimanikaya 33, 154 Manikundalavattbii 105 Manijota(iTijaguru) 148 Manidipa(gandba) 98 Manisaramanjiisa(gandba) 97 MandaLarama(vibara) 2 1 Madbudlpani 33 Madburasarattbadipanl 48 ]Manobari(iTija) 39,47,62,63,64 Mantala(cala) 151, 152 Mandbatu(raja) 12, 152 Mapinna(matika) 48 I Maramma(rattha) 4, passim Marammagamavasicandovara (tbera) 128 Malaya(janapada) 21, 23 Mallaru(dipa) 66 Malvana(nagara) IGl Mabaiiga(desa) 126 Mabaiita(tbera) 91 Mabrikala(tbera) 39, 47, 60 Mabagantbi(gandba) 34 Mabacetiya 16, 72 Mabatipitaka(tbera) 22 Mabatissa(tbera) 162, 163 Mabadeva(tbera) 9 Mabadevasami(tbera) 45 Mabadbampa(sainanera) 135 Mabanagara(rattba) 12, 13, 168 Maba-Narada-Kassapa (jata- ka) 167 Mabanavagama 91 Mabanaga(tbera) 20, 42, 47 Mabanama(raja) 28, 73 Mabaniddessa 22, 23, 33, 148 Mabaparakkama(tbera) 80, 81 Mabripavai'a(raja) 111 Mabapunna 53, 54 Mababodbi(tberaj 34 Mababodbi(jataka) 152 Mababodbipatittbita 16 ^^ 181 H^ Mahabhiimiramaniya(vihara) 127 Maliamangalafthera) 51 Mahamiini(cetiya) 105, 134 Maharakkhita(tliera) 10, 22, 49 Maharattha 2, 10, 12, 13, 167, 168 Maharaja 26 Maharajadliipati 121 Mahavamsa 23 Mahavagga 130 Maliavijitavi(thera) 90 Mahavihara 24, 25, 26, 27, 31, 32, 42, 44, 46, 80 Maliasaiuglianatha(samglia- raja) 104, 106 Mahasami(tliera) 34, 95, 161, 163 Mahasirijeyyasiira(raja) 80, 81 Mahasena(raja) 24, 25 Mabimsaka(rattha) 2, 10, 12, 166, 167 Mahimsasaka(garia) 14 Mahinda 10, 15, 16, 17, 24, 25, 31, 40, 44, 55 Maliiyangana(cetiya) 16 MagadluKbhasa) 28, 29, 30, 33 Matika 111 Maya 2 Mayavattaka(tliera) 128 Maraj eyy aratana(cetiya) 117 Maravijayaratanasaddhamma (pitakasala) 146 Mari-lam-ka-klia-ra-to(sara- gharaja) 132 Mitliila(nagara) 36 Milinda(raja) 50 Milindapaiiha 50 Mukbamattasara(gandha) 76 Mutasiva (raj a) 1 6 Miitbo(cetiya) 93 Mutingana(cetiya) 16 Mutti(gama) 72 Miittima(nagara) 35, 42, 43, 47, 48 Mimindagbosa(tbera)125,126, 161, 162, 163 Mulavasa(gama) 116 Mulatlka 33 Medbamkara(tbera) 42, 48, 50, 51, 168 Medbabliivainsa(rajagiiru) 148, 154 Mesncca(vibara) 120 Mokkba 112 Mokkbamaiii 112 Moggallana(araba) 136 (tbe- ra) 34, 44, 45, 136 (Maba)Moggabputta-Tissa 8, 9, 10, 13. 14, 15, 16, 21, 37, 44, 52, 54, 129, 151, 164, 167, 169 Moggali 9 Mo-dbo(cetiya) 107 Mobaviccbedani 33 Mob-gbab-bya-narapati (raja) 101 Mram-ka-pa(desa) 64 Mrih-naii-ah(raja) 94 Mren-co-ra(raja) 90 Y Yakkbadipa 72 Yakkbapura(rattba) 12 Yan-ab-ra(pabbata) 92 -^ 182 H5^ Yamaka 111, 127 Yaiiiuna(nadi) 22, 24, 64 Yasa 6, 7, 34 (Atula)Yasa(thera) 123 Yasavaddlianavattlm 106 Yonaka(rattha) 1, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 168, (loka) 10 Yonakadhaiiimarakkliita(the- ra) 22, 54, 55, 56, 168 Yonakarakkhita(tliera) 10 R Rakklian gapiira 2 7 Eakkhita(thera) 52 Eaj atavriluka(iiadl) 108 Ilattbasara(thera) 99, 101 Ratanacetiya 91 Ratanapunna(nagara) 152, 159, 160, 163, 164 Ratanapura 79, i)assim Ratanaljliiimikitti(vihrira)134, 143 Ratanamandapa 37 Ratanamalisami 45 Ratanavimana(viliara) 98 Ratanasiklia(nagara) 123, 127, 130 Ratanrikara(tliera) 102 Ramaniya(viliara) 132, 143 Rajagaha 4, 36, 152 Rajamanicula(cetiya) 106, 110 Rajayodha(amacca) 108 Rajavamsa 37, 50, 56, 64, 77, 101, 109, 145 Rajavamsapabbata 115 Rajavamsasamkbepa 112 Rajavibara 95 Rajasevakadlpam 154 Rajagara(desa) 143 RajadbirajafRamannarattbin- da) 94 Ra j adhiraj anamattap akasini 121 Rajadbirajavilasini 135 Rajabbiseka(gandba) 131 Rajindarajabbidbeyyadlpani 102 Rajovadavattbu 135 Raina(janapada) 21 Ramafma(desa) 27, 35, 36, 37, 39, 41, 42, 43, 47, 60, 90, 94, 105, 106, 107, 117, 121, 123 I Ramaduta 44, 45 Ramadbipati(r5,ja) 46 Rabu 10 Rahula(tbera) 40, 41, 65, 66 Rabubi-Bhadda 42 Rupariipavibbaga(gandha) 33 Re-tam(tbera) 96 Ren-nat-ca-ka-ro-da(tbera) 109 Repma(gama) 162 Revata(tbera) 6, 7, 19, 30, 31, 34, 167, 169 Lakiinna(nagara) 49, 50,51, 168 La-kbam-kbum-kba-rara-to (sanigbaiTija) 132 Lanka(dipa) 17, 27, 28, 32, 39, 46, 74, 80, 90, 159, 164, 168 Laddbavara(settbi) 137, 138 Labbunja(nagara) 48, 50 -^ 183 i 5? .#. ^ (SI 5 ,^' ^^/l >dOf )>- .V 50 " .#• G < 'umm^ <^jONv-soi^ "^/-^ o i ^^l-UBRARY(?/ .^: uj -* <= :3- »*j ^ ^ O ?3 >• ^riuoKVSfll^ %J!3AIN(I3WV' ^.OFCA!IF0% lOFCA ^ ^. 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