2-NRLF GIFT OF (sir a//' sir V. c (Jink to A NEW CODE TO LIFE BY CAROLINE VOGELEY TUNSTALL AUSTIN PUBLISHING COMPANY, Los Angeles, California Copyright, 1918, by Caroline Vogely Tunstall Iff A NEW CODE TO LIFE By Caroline Vogety Tunstall From Moody Dreams To Pleasant Dreams. When one can see the light of un- derstanding dawn on a new world then shall civilization know the coming of a new race. It is then the time to put aside dreams of the past and armor on the helmet of truth. We shall see the deeds of glorious heroes who have fallen side by side. But, although far from our hopes, comes the peal of distant chimes an- nouncing the birth of this new age. 392671 6 A NEW CODE TO LIFE Again let us look back upon the scenes which led to this glad day festal day. About two thousand years ago there lived one who was misjudged by all with whom he came in con- tact. In his daily walk of life he never once doubted the power be- hind him but grew steadily day by day in the image of his Maker. This man, commonly known by many terms, was supposed to be the Savior of the people. Quite so. But how about our present age? Is it not entitled to such a man such a so-called savior? If we reconsider events which led up to his crucifixion, we can plainly see they did not come of his own ac- cord. He was prompted by a force A NEW CODE TO LIFE 7 from within which constantly urged him on. Now, for example, why not look for such a person among us? Sure- ly we are in need of such aspira- tions as would come from the thoughts and words of such a per- sonage. Can you think of a time more fitting? Who might this man be? I shall tell. In the innermost parts of each one of us there lies a force a pow- er within a will power. Call upon it when you will and it will answer, faintly perhaps at first, but, grad- ually answering to your summons in a quick and audible way. Form your own conclusions. There is one yes, many in this age who are capable of the same 8 A NEW CODE TO LIFE things as was this man of old. But we doubt doubt all the time this power given to us at birth. Why not use it? Why stagger along un- der your heavy burdens when one slight appeal will bring what you want? Care not for the morrow what ye shall eat and drink but live in the NOW. Now is the age of living souls to help each other as brothers and live in a bond of fellowship. Love Conquereth All Things. Heaven Rather Than Hell. Inside of six months we shall hear of and see some wonderful happenings. Come out of your shell and see for yourself. Standing on the highest mount of vision I look down upon vast battle- A NEW CODE TO LIFE 9 fields scarred by instruments of war which caused many deaths. At death what? Is it heaven or hell? Let us view together these much honored abodes of souls. Time was when such a thing would not be thought of. Now it is different. What has brought about this change of attitude? Every man in every age has gone through what is, in a butterfly's life, known as the metamorphic stage. This brings them to new de- cisions out of old ideas. True, not all arrive at the same. How could they? Are all men fol- lowing one vocation and trade? If they were how would the other fel- low manage for the minus articles which the disliked trades give? At 10 A NEW CODE TO LIFE least you must admit one grade of tools will not suffice the machinist at his bench in the shop and the surgeon at a most delicate opera- tion where hovers one's life in the balance. The trend of affairs has brought about this change in his attitude to- ward subjects at which he formerly deafened his ears, closed his eyes and sealed his mouth. Man is now emerging from his chrysalis. - Every like nature shall draw to- wards him those who tend to in- terest themselves in such good reas- onings as may seem fit. When you stop to consider the outrages committed against the common class of people, it is then the so-called manhood in you comes A NEW CODE TO LIFE 11 to the surface if there is one spark within. It is such a spark which surged beneath the breast of the one about whom I have written in my former chapter. Why do you who have the power within your grasp sit idly by and let these atrocities continue? Have you lost all reason ? Why 0, why do you not arise to the occasion you who are so much needed by the ones who have been pushed down down, down until they are now as the dust of the earth? All Wonders Are Not Over. At the dawn of a new day is an appropriate time to atone for our past errors, great or small. It is up to each one to lend a helping hand to someone crying for aid. 12 A NEW CODE TO LIFE Woven in and out among the an- nals in history are episodes and smaller incidents from lives of ones who were not ashamed to profess this inner love for his brother. Abraham Lincoln even extended this sentiment as far as to animals, as is shown by his pulling the pig from the ditch thereby soiling a new suit. Another case is shown by Andrew Carnegie who turns his wealth into libraries mints of learning where many have pulled themselves from the darkness wherein they have been blindly wandering. Were it not for this literature, the so-called middle class of America would be as ignor- ant as the same class in Russia to- day. Which of the two is the bet- ter? A NEW CODE TO LIFE 13 Let me here add a high word of praise to our public schools, partic- ularly to the faithful teacher who gives her strength to the work and receives in return a mere pittance. Are people to be really under a government "for the people, by the people"? Well, then, if it is to be, is it? Answer that. True, indeed, we have an excel- lent president. But the working class is now at a point of exhaustion and one man alone at the head of a nation cannot adjust that in a day, week, or month. It is each employer's obligation to look the matter in the face and see where he stands. Throw off the shackles of pride and zest and stand for the right for those beneath you. 14 A NEW CODE TO LIFE Afford them the same privileges as you enjoy, for, if you do not, they will take them, and, what you do now will save many a drop of blood and give you peace of mind unless you are too far beyond that stage now. If the last statement is so and you refuse to be awakened by their constant mute appeals then the consequences will be your only alternative. Their time is coming, and, if you work with them, better my man for you. Love Sees Only Good. We begin to select our friends at an early age. All our associations of childhood remain with us to our last. Almost every useful citizen can recall some particular incident which happened in his youth and A NEW CODE TO LIFE 15 which carries its effect through his whole life. By this I mean an act of kindness in a trying moment when all the world seemed to be standing with back turned. A lit- tle word said or a deed done can al- ter one's attitude toward life. Covet not your neighbor's wealth. Loosen the Shackles of Ignorance and Step Out Into Truth. Over in the plains of Siberia there lives a people in the making waiting their turn to take a hand at the wheel of nations. These people are eager to grasp every opportunity which tends to further their objects in reaching this goal while we, who are already there, stand carelessly by not even mindful of our turn at the helm. 16 A NEW CODE TO LIFE Why do I compare again our country with Russia? Because^ Russia is a nation in her prime, so to speak, and ours is one of the mid- dle age. Vote Nationally On International- ism. Using this subject as the topic of my next chapter, I find it is not a new one with you. Uppermost in the thoughts of many is this idea today. If all get together and voice their opinion, they will find thou- sands with the same hope. Internationalism will be for the nations what freedom from the up- per-class power will be for the in- dividual. And like the latter, the nation, which is composed of indi- viduals, has its hopes and desires, A NEW CODE TO LIFE 17 and is also struggling for freedom. Think what a world it will be then. What a blessing to be able to live in such an age. This does not infer that those who have gone beyond will not enjoy the resulting har- mony. They will guide and direct us even as they are doing now. Many are giving their very lives to bring this condition about. Do you not think such souls will reap their harvest from the seed which was sown with (their) great suf- fering? Yes, they will join in our songs and play in our games. They will work with us, yea yea even as they are doing now, and, those of us who will recognize their force are so much ahead. 18 A NEW CODE TO LIFE Do not be dismayed at my long intercourse on this uncanny phase of the subject. It is only so to a few who remain untouched by the war. But, the others whose dear ones died for the sake of democracy do you not think they want to count their loved ones in with the happy effect of such a great cause? So you see that the yearnings and aspirations of man are the yearn- ings and aspirations of a nation. But, the nation has an army at its back to help realize its ambition. And the individual what has he? He has his one great power within divine, let us call it, which is greater than any army. By call- ing upon it, as a few are now doing, their purpose will also be achieved, A NEW CODE TO LIFE 19 and, no power on earth can pre- vent it. Internationalism and inter-indi- vidualism : these are the two ob- jects to be gained. Whichever comes first the other must surely follow for what is necessary to the whole is also necessary to the parts, else would there be no whole. Do not misjudge, but ponder these things in your heart. Better still, commence today to use your inner power to bring this into ma- terialization. Judge Not That Ye Be Not Judged. The Devil Pays More For Pleas- ure Than Brains Can Earn In A Life-time. Early in our term of life comes the temptation to lavish our wealth 20 A NEW CODE TO LIFE on mere voyages of mirth. Very often this idea perpetuates and eventually carries us off our feet unless brought to earth by some un- known power working in a mysteri- ous way. Arbitration between devilment and brains can never be. It is either one or the other which is up- permost in ones self. Suppose, for instance, a man pursuing his daily duties in an orderly way is sudden- ly snatched from his path by a pleasure seeking person who de- ludes the hard worker by flattery. All this is new to the man and he becomes ensnared in the nets of lust. How about his business during this time? Does it stand as high as A NEW CODE TO LIFE 21 before? Never. It suffers the ef- fects and likewise his family. Now lust is ruling. Let us look at the other man the one who is bent upon his duties. Does he leave his post at every call of pleasure? Perhaps it is hard to remain at first but his perseverance finally wins and the calls to go grow fainter and fainter. It is men like this latter example who have made the world. True, they may not all be in the highest seats of honor today, but, they are plodding along faithful to their ideals. They are the ones who are now demanding justice because they have been crushed. Will they get it? Just as surely as the night follows the day. 22 A NEW CODE TO LIFE Their wants must be recognized, They must be given living wages so they can keep body and soul to- gether. Again I appeal to you who walk along happily and contented be- cause you are not on his side of the fence. You are to blame. Within him is the same thought force as within you and he can get what you already have by the same force. He not only needs encourage- but he needs money. Picture your- self being born without a chance and never having an opportunity to rise. Do you suppose he is content- ed with his lot? Do you think he is satisfied when he sees what the up- per class has constantly before his eyes? Does he not wish to lavish A NEW CODE TO LIFE 23 gifts upon his wife and family just as much as those who corner the markets thereby draining the last cent from the other man? Nay, the day of reckoning is coming when the band shall be snatched from the eyes of JUS- TICE and she will never be blind- folded again. Let this be done peacefully. It can be if the so-called super-man will look the situation in the face and act accordingly. So be it. Thought Power To the Suppressed. Work on with greater effort than before and realize you are not alone. Within your grasp lie the things you desire. You can have them for the asking and believing 24 A NEW CODE TO LIFE your inner power about which I have written. Perhaps you fail to grasp the meaning of this power. It is with- in each one of you. Some use it un- consciously, others consciously. For those who do not know about it try thinking your tomorrows today and see what it will bring forth. Do not doubt. There is the secret. Dream and you will certainly come into your own. It is the so- called dreamers of the day who are the forerunners of the new age. They use their thoughts for creat- ing and they realize their desires. Try it you who are anxious to gain your just ends. Do not go to your neighbor. Work the law your- self and you will be surprised at the results. A NEW CODE TO LIFE 25 And to the ones who have already reached a high place in life in most cases it was due to your con- centration along your particular line. You bent your energies con- stantly in one direction. Perhaps you did not realize you were using this universal power but you were doing so unconsciously. I shall quote a few lines from Ella Wheeler Wilcox to further my explanation : "Learn time's great value; to this mandate bow, The hour of opportunity is Now. And from thy will, as from a well strung bow, Let the swift arrows of thy wishes go. Though sent into the distance and the dark, 26 A NEW CODE TO LIFE The dawn shall prove thy arrows hit the mark." This truth has never failed. Stand by the window at night, look up into the depths of the heavens and associate with the stars. Think a loving, helpful thought for all God's creatures and send forth ar- rows of desire. As a closing thought, which tells in poetry what I have expressed in prose, I shall quote again from the same author: "Send forth your heart's desire, and work and wait; The opportunities of life are brought To our own doors, not by capricious fate, But by the strong compelling force of thought." A NEW CODE TO LIFE 27 I could go on and write more and more, but I shall leave this with you. Remember thought is a mighty force which shapes our destiny, and it is up to you to use it with care. However, always let the influence of love guide you in your thinking and permeate every action. Love. "Become so great that you can see love in everything you are pass- ing through." Ida Catling Pentecost. There is a great law and that is the law of universal love. Many things have been said in all ages on this subject. What I intend doing is merely to emphasize its import- ance. 28 A NEW CODE TO LIFE Look for love in others and you will find it in yourself. Love every man, every animal, every flower, every bird, all nature. One can so love that he can dissolve himself into the universal Oneness and for a moment become part of the one great cause or force. Even if you fail to get love from others do not let that influence you to refuse them a loving thought. It will not go amiss but will return with inter- est. No matter how much you may dislike a person and how many mean remarks you have made about him, end it all by thinking a loving thought for him and how much bet- ter it will be for both. Remember love never faileth. Love for the sake of loving. If men had carried A NEW CODE TO LIFE 29 this into their business professions, there would be no need of a chaos to bring order once again. Keep your lamp of love burning and let its rays radiate far and near. Make your life a life of love. Facts. Much has been said in this book about the rights of the working man and woman. One of the "high- er ups" may infer that they are to distribute all their hoardings to these people who will cease work- ing and live from the profits of the rich. Far be it from such a condi- tion. In one chapter it was stated that all should continue their work with greater zeal. No one should be a parasite. All that is meant is to 30 A NEW CODE TO LIFE give the man at the bottom a chance to live and do away with this class distinction. Their present mode of living is a HELL for them. They suffer, plead, cry out in agony, but the fires of injustice leap higher and higher. Look at their pale faces. What chance have they to recover if for an instant they lose hold and fall under the heading of aenemics? How can they get again the neces- sary red corpuscles with many sleeping in one room and lacking the necessary food having proper nutrition? The latter is beyond their reach. However, their HELL shall be transformed into a HEAVEN. But, at what a cost ! Their deams A NEW CODE TO LIFE 31 will come true for they are dream- ing now and it is some of the thought substance of these dreams that I have presented to you. May you not read this book with- out starting the vibrations of jus- tice for your fellow man, and God be with you in his great cause. The End. S9769 154776 Copies of this pamphlet may be obtained from Caroline Vogeley Tunstall, 508 Franklin avenue, Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania. 15 cents per single copy; 4 copies 50c; 10 copies $1.00. Gaylord Bros. Makers Syracuse. N. Y. PAT. JAN. 21, 1901 YB 12 392671 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY