UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. OIKT OK Received . , 790 Accession No. O-2 ^o 6 y. / AMENDMENTS SCHOOL LAWS SESSION OF THE LEGISLATURE, 1891 COMPILED AT THE OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 1891 BY AUTHOBITY LANSING ItOBEBT SMITH & CO., STATE PRINTERS AND BINDERS 1891 During the last session of the Legislature several amendments were made to the school law, and new laws were enacted in regard to the supervision of schools, the granting of teachers' certificates by the University of Michigan, the introduction of the kindergarten method into the public schools of the State, and the organization of township school districts in the Upper Peninsula. The numbers refer to the sections, chapters and pages of the compilation of 1889. It is suggested that this copy be pasted in your copy of the school law, and that some mark be made to indicate the sections amended. A copy of this pamphlet will be furnished to any school officer or teacher on application to the Superintendent of Public Instruction, Lansing. FEKEIS S. FITCH, Superintendent of Public Instruction. / AMENDMENTS TO SCHOOL LAWS. CHAPTEE III. SECTION 19. [ ( 46.) Page 21. Amended by act No. 21. Takes effect Oct. 1, 1891.] SEC. 19. The district board may admit to the district Non-resident schools non-resident pupils, and may determine the rates of pup tuition of such pupils and collect the same: Provided, That proviso, when non-resident pupils, their parents or guardians, pay a school tax in said district, the same shall be credited on their tuition a sum not to exceed the amount of such tuition and they shall only be required to pay tuition for the dif- ference therein. CHAPTEE X. SECTION 3. [ ( 109.) Page 40. Amended by act No. 21. Takes effect Oct. 1, 1891.] SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the board of trustees in Du *y of any graded school district: First, To classify and grade the pupils attending schools TO classify in such district and cause them to be taught in such schools pl1 ot departments as they may deem expedient; Second, To establish in such district a high school when TO establish ordered by a vote of the district at an annual meeting, and hli to determine the qualifications for admission to such school, and the fees to be paid for tuition in any branch taught therein: Provided, That when non-resident pupils, their JJJ^JjjJJ^ parents or guardians, shall pay a school tax in said district, piisuuition. P ' the same shall be credited on their tuition a sum not to exceed the amount of such tuition and they shall only be required to pay tuition for the difference between the amount of the tax and the amount charged for tuition; Third, To audit and order the payment of all [of] the Toauditand pay accounts of the director for incidental or other expenses incurred by him in the discharge of his duties; but no more than fifty dollars shall be expended by the director in one year for repairs of the buildings or appurtenances of AMENDMENTS TO SCHOOL LAWS. the district property without the authority of the board of trustees; TO employ Fourth, To employ all qualified teachers necessary for the teachers. several schools, and to determine the amount of their com- pensation and to require the director and moderator to make contracts with the same on behalf of the district, in accord- ance with the provisions of law concerning contracts with teachers; TO employ Fifth, To employ such officers and servants as may be officers, etc. necessary for the management of the schools and school prop- erty, and prescribe their duties and fix their compensation^ other duties. Sixth, To perform such other duties as are required of district boards in other school districts. Duty of trustees CHAPTEE X. [Page 21. Amended by act No. 84, adding a nww section, to stand as section No. 6. Takes effect May 20, 1891.] SEC. 6. Whenever the trustees of any organized graded school district shall be presented twenty days before the annual meeting thereof, with a petition signed by ten elect- ors of said district, stating that it is the desire of said peti- tioners that at the annual meeting of said school district there shall be submitted to said annual meeting the prop- osition to change from a graded school district to one or more primary school districts the said trustees shall, in their in case of vote notice of such annual meeting, state that the proposition set forth in said petition will be presented to said meeting, and if two-thirds of the qualified voters present at said meeting shall vote to change to one or more primary school districts such change shall be made, and it shall be the duty of the board of school inspectors of the township or town- ships in which such district is situated, upon being duly notified of such vote, to proceed to change or divide such district as determined by such annual meeting, and they shall provide for the holding of the first meeting in the or each of the proposed primary school districts in the same manner as is provided for by law for the organization of primary school districts, and whenever a fractional graded school district shall be so changed, the township boards of school inspectors of the respective townships where such graded school district is situated, shall organize the said district into one or more primary school districts, as pro- vided for by law. district to primary. AMENDMENTS TO SCHOOL, LAWS. [NOTE. Page 69, second paragraph.] Act 141 of the Public Acts of 1891 repeals Act No. 214, Public Acts of 1889 providing that, if in any city and any township or part of township adjoining thereto (the same being within one county) any money remains in the fund for payment of losses by killing of sheep by dogs " after the payment of the orders payable out of the same and the amount of said money shall exceed the sum of two hundred dollars, the sum in excess of two hundred dollars shall be apportioned by said county treasurer to the said township or part of township and said city in proportion to the amount contributed to said fund during the preceding year, and the amount so apportioned to any said township or part of township, or said city, shall be respectively appor- tioned among the several school districts of said township or part of township and said city, in proportion to the num- ber of children therein of school age." The distribution of the surplus will hereafter be made in accordance with the provisions of section 6 of Act No. 198, Public Acts of 1877, as amended by Act No. 283 of the Public Acts of 1881. [ ACT No. 119. ] [Takes effect Oct. 1, 1891.] *AN ACT authorizing the introduction of the kindergarten method in the public schools of this State. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, Duty of district That in addition to the duties imposed by law upon the bt district board of every school district in this State, they shall also be empowered to provide a suitable room or apart- ment for kindergarten work, and to supply their district respectively with the necessary apparatus and appliances for the instruction of children in what is known as the kinder- garten method. SEC. 2. In the employment of teachers it shall be compe- Qualifications tent for such district board to require qualifications for of instruction of children in kindergarten methods, and the dis- trict board may provide by contract with the teacher for such instruction, specifying the kours and times therefor under such rules as the district board may prescribe. SEC. 3. All children residing within the district between what children the ages of four and seven shall be entitled to instructions in the kindergarten department of such district school. SEC. 4. The powers and duties herein imposed or con- ferred upon the district shall also be and the same are here- schools. by imposed and conferred upon the school trustees or board * This law permits the introduction of the kindergarten method, but does not make it mandatory. 8 AMENDMENTS TO SCHOOL LAWS. of education or other body, by whatever name known, man- aging or controlling the public schools in each city and village of this State; and this act is hereby made applicable to every public school organized by special act or by charter as fully as if they were named herein. University may issue certificate to teach, etc. Of annulling certificate, ete. [ACT No. 144. ] [Takes effect June 19, 1891.] AN ACT to authorize the faculty of the department of literature, science and the arts, of the University of Michi- gan to give teachers' certificates in certain cases. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That the faculty of the department of literature, science and the arts, of the University of Michigan, shall give to every person receiving a bachelor's, master's or doctor's degree, and also a teacher's diploma for work done in the science and the arts of teaching from said University, a certificate, which shall serve as a legal certificate of qualification to teach in any of the schools of this State, when a copy thereof shall have been filed or recorded in the office of the legal examining officer or officers of the county, township, city or district. Such certifi- cate shall not be liable to be annulled except by the said faculty of the said University; but its effect may be suspended in any county, township, city or district, and the holder thereof may be stricken from the list of qualified teachers in such county, township, city or district, by the legal examining officer or officers of the said county, township, city, or district, for any cause and in the same manner that such examining officer or officers may be by law authorized to revoke certificates given by himself or themselves, and such suspension shall continue in force until revoked by tha authority suspending it. Election of county cominis [ ACT No. 147. ] [Takes effect Jane 19, 1891.] AN ACT to provide for the election of a county commis- sioner of schools, for the appointment of school examiners, [and] to define the duties and fix the compensation for the same, and to repeal all existing acts or parts of acts conflict- ing with the provisions of this act. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That at the meetings of the several boards of supervisors of the different counties of the State, to be held on the fourth AMENDMENTS TO SCHOOL LAWS. 9 Monday in June, eighteen hundred ninety-one, the said several boards of supervisors shall elect a county commissioner of schools for their respective counties, whose term of office shall commence on the fourth Tuesday of August next fol- lowing, who shall hold his or her office until the first day T erm or office. of July, eighteen hundred ninety-three, or until his or her successor shall be elected and qualified. Said boards of super- Appointment visors shall also on said fourth Monday of June, appoint Sen? 001 two persons as school examiners, who, together with said commissioner of schools, shall constitute a board of school examiners. One of said school examiners shall be appointed Te rm of office for a period of one year and the other for a period of two years, from and after the second Monday of October next after their appointment, or until their successors have been appointed and have qualified; and thereafter such boards of Annual ap- supervisors shall, at each annual session, appoint one examiner examiner. 1 who shall hold his office for a period of two years, or until his successor shall have been appointed and qualified. Within ten days after such commissioner or examiners shall Oa th of office, have received legal notice of his or her election, he or she shall take and subscribe to the constitutional oath of office and the same shall be filed with the county clerk. The said county commissioner, so appointed, shall execute a bond with Bond. two sufficient sureties, to be approved by and filed with the county clerk, in the penal sum of one thousand dollars, con- ditioned that he or she will faithfully discharge the duties of his or her office according to law, and to faithfully account for and pay over to the proper persons all money which may come into his or her hands by reason of his or her holding such office; and thereupon the county clerk shall report the county cierk to j , rr> i> -\ report address, name and postomce address or such county commissioner to etc. the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. SEC. 2. There shall be elected at the election held on the Biennial election -.g. j ., . , i-ii' i of commissioner. first Monday in April, eighteen hundred ninety-three, and every second year thereafter, in each county, one county com- missioner of schools, whose term of office shall commence on Term of offlce - the first day of July next following his or her election, and who shall continue in office two years or until his or her successor shall be elected and qualified. The county com- To flle tn i i i j i j it pit' and bond, missioner of schools elected under the provisions of this section shall file with the county clerk for the county for which he or she is elected his or her oath of office and bond, the same as provided in section one of this act, and the county clerk shall make the same report to the Superin- tendent of Public Instruction in all respects as provided in section one of this act. SEC. 3. No person shall be eligible to the office of county Eligibility to PIT -i ivi ii i j 1 office of, etc. commissioner or schools who shall not be a graduate in the literary department of some reputable college, university or State normal school, or hold a State teacher's certificate, or who shall not have held a first grade certificate, within two years next preceding the time of his or her election, or shall 2 10 AMENDMENTS TO SCHOOL LAWS. Proviso as to certain counties. Board to bold regular exami- nations, etc. Special examina- tions. Proviso. Schedule ef examinations. have held the office of county commissioner under this act: Provided, That in counties having less than fifty schools sub- ject to the supervision of the county commissioner, a person holding at the time of his or her election a second grade certificate shall be eligible. SEC. 4. The board of school examiners shall, for the purpose of examining all persons who may offer themselves as teachers for the public schools, hold two regular public examinations in each year at the county seat, which exam- inations shall begin on the first Thursday of March and August in each year; and for a like purpose the board of school examiners shall hold not to exceed four special public examinations at such times and places as in the judgment of the board of school examiners the interests of the schools and teachers of the county may require: Provided, The first and second grade certificates shall be granted only at the regular public examinations provided for in this sec- tion. It shall be the duty of the county commissioner to make out a schedule of the times and places of holding special examinations and to cause it to be published in one or more newspapers of the county at least ten days before each special examination, and he or she shall send a copy thereof to the chairman of each township board of school inspectors in the county at least ten days previous to the time of holding any special examination. SEC. 5. The board of school examiners shall meet on the Saturday following such public examination held by the county commissioner and shall grant certificates to teachers in such form as the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall prescribe, licensing as teachers all persons who shall have attained the age of sixteen years, who have attended said public examinations and who shall be found qualified in respect to good moral character, learning and ability to instruct and govern a school, but no certificate shall be granted to any person who shall not pass a satisfactory examination in orthography, reading, writing, grammar, geography, arith- metic, theory and art of teaching, United States history, civil government and physiology and hygiene with reference to the effects of alcoholic drinks, stimulants and narcotics upon the human system. All certificates shall be signed by the county commissioner and by at least one other member of the board of examiners. No person shall be considered a qualified teacher within the meaning of this act, nor shall any school officer employ or contract with any person to teach in any of the public schools, under the provisions of this act, who has not a certificate in force, granted by the board of school examiners or other lawful authority. All examination questions shall be prepared and furnished by the Superintendent of Public Instruction to the county commissioner under seal, to be opened in the presence of the applicants for certificates on the day of examination. SEC. 6. There shall be three grades of certificates granted by the board of school examiners, in its discretion, and Meeting of board to grant certifi- cates, etc. Signing of cer- tificates. Who deemed qualified teacher. Of exauii nat iui questions. tirades of cer- ttficate*. AMENDMENTS TO SCHOOL, LAWS. 11 subject to such rules and regulations as the Superintendent of Public Instruction may prescribe, which grades of cer- tificates shall be as follows : The certificate of the first First grade, grade shall be granted only to those who have taught at least one year with ability and success, and it shall be valid throughout the State for four years: Provided, That no Proviso, first grade certificate shall be valid in any county other than that in which it was granted, unless a copy of said certificate, certified by the county commissioner who issued the same shall be filed with the county commissioner in the county in which the holder of said certificate desires to teach. The certificate of [the] second grade shall be granted only second grade, to those who shall have taught at least seven months with ability and success, and it shall be valid throughout the county for which it shall be granted for three years. The Third^grade. certificate of the third grade shall license the holder thereof to teach in the county for which it shall be granted for one year: Provided, That the county commissioner shall have Proviso. power upon personal examination satisfactory to himself or herself to grant certificates which shall license the holder thereof to teach in a specified district for which it shall be granted, but such certificate shall not continue in force beyond the time of the next public examination and it shall not in any way exempt the teacher from a full examination: Provided further. That in case the holder of a special cer- Further proviso, tificate does not appear for examination before the board at the next public examination succeeding the date of such special examination, a second special certificate shall not be granted to such person, except when it appears to the com- missioner on good evidence that the absence was occasioned by sickness or other unavoidable cause. SEC. 7. The board of school examiners may suspend or suspension or revoke any teacher's certificate issued by them for any reason m which would have justified said board in withholding the same when given for neglect of duty, for incompetency to instruct or govern a school, or for immorality, and the said board may, within their jurisdiction, suspend for immorality or incompetency to instruct and govern a school the effect of any teacher's certificates that may have been granted by other lawful authority: Provided, That no certificates shall proviso. be suspended or revoked without a personal hearing, unless the holder thereof shall, after a reasonable notice, neglect or refuse to appear before the said board for that purpose. SEC. 8. It shall be the duty of the county commissioner : First, Immediately after his or her qualification as com- missioner, to send notice thereof to the Superintendent of Mention. Public Instruction and the chairman of each township board of school inspectors of the county; Second, To keep a record of all examinations held by the board of school examiners and to sign all certificates and other papers and reports issued by the board; Third, To receive the institute fees provided by law of tees. 12 AMENDMENTS TO SCHOOL LAWS. Record of cer- tificates. Uat of teachers, to. To visit schools, tc. Proviso as to assistant visitors. and to pay the same to the county treasurer quarterly, beginning September thirty, in each year; Fourth, To keep a record of all certificates granted, sus- pended or revoked by the said board or commissioner, show- ing to whom issued, together with the date, grade, duration of each certificate and, if suspended or revoked, with the date and reason thereof; Fifth, To furnish, previous to the first Monday in Sep- tember in each year to the township clerk of each township in the county, a list of all persons legally authorized to teach in the county at large, and in such township, with the date and term of each certificate, and if any have been sus- pended or revoked, the date of such suspension or revoca- tion; Sixth, To visit each of the schools in the county at least once in each year and to examine carefully the discipline, the mode of instruction, and the progress and proficiency of pupils: Provided, That in case the county commissioner is unable to visit all the schools of the county as herein required, the said commissioner may appoint such assistant visitors as may be necessary, who shall perform such duties pertaining to the visitation and supervision of schools as said commissioner shall direct: Provided, That the whole expense incurred by such assistant visitors shall not exceed the sum of ninety dollars in any one year; Seventh, To counsel with the teachers and school boards as to the courses of study to be pursued, and as to any improve- ment in the discipline and instruction in the schools; Eighth, To promote by such means as he or she may devise, the improvement of the schools in the county, and the elevation of the character and qualifications of the teachers and officers thereof, and act as assistant conductor of institutes appointed by the Superintendent of Public Instruction and perform such other duties pertaining thereto as the superintendent shall require; Ninth, To receive the duplicate annual reports of the several boards of school inspectors, examine into the correct- ness of the same, requiring them to be amended when neces- sary, indorse his or her approval upon them, and imme- diately thereafter and before the first day of November in each year, transmit to the Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion one copy of each of said reports and file the other in the office of the county clerk; Tenth, To be subject to such instructions and rules as the Superintendent of Public Instruction may prescribe; to receive all blanks and communications that may be sent to him or her by the Superintendent of Public Instruction and to dispose of the same as directed by the said Superin- tendent, and to make annual reports at the close of the school year to the Superintendent of Public Instruction of his or her official labor, and of the schools of the county, together with such other information as may be required; Counsel with teachers, etc. Improvement of schools, etc. To receive annual reports, tc. Subject to in- structions of Hupi. Public In- struction, etc. AMENDMENTS TO SCHOOL LAWS. 13 Eleventh, To perform such other duties as may be other duties. required of him or her by law, and at the close of the term of office to deliver all records, books and papers belonging to the office, to his or her successor. SEC. 9. It shall be the duty of the chairman of the Duty of chair- board of school inspectors of each township : men ' etc - First, To have general supervisory charge of the schools supervision of of his township, subject to such advice and direction as the Sc county commissioner may give; Second, To make such reports of his official labors and TO make reports, of the condition of the schools as the Superintendent of etc ' Public Instruction may direct or commissioner request. SEC. 10. The compensation of each commissioner shall be compensation of determined by the board of supervisors of each county Commi88loner - respectively, but the compensation shall not be fixed at a sum less than five hundred dollars per annum in any county where there are fifty schools under his or her super- vision; at not less than one thousand dollars per annum where there are one hundred schools under such super- vision ; and not less than twelve hundred dollars where there are one hundred and twenty-five schools under his supervision; and in no case shall such compensation exceed the sum of fifteen hundred dollars per annum. Each mem- of examiners, ber of the board of school examiners other than the county commissioner shall receive four dollars for each day actually employed in the duties of his office. The compen- o; assistant sation of any assistant visitor, when appointed as provided visitors< in this act, shall be determined by the county commissioner, but in no case shall it exceed three dollars for each day employed. The compensation of the county commissioner, TO be paid members of the board of school examiners and of any quarterly - assistant visitor shall be paid quarterly from the county treasury, upon such commissioner or visitor filing with the county clerk a certified statement of/ his or her account, which shall give in separate items the nature and amount of the service for each day for which compensation is claimed : Provided, That in no case shall the county com- Proviso, missioner receive any order for compensation from the county clerk until he has filed a certified statement from the Superintendent of Public Instruction that all reports required of the commissioner have been properly made and filed with said superintendent: Provided further, That no Further proviso, commissioner shall receive an order for compensation until ' he shall have filed with the county clerk a detailed state- ment under oath showing what schools have been visited by him during the preceding quarter and what amount of time was employed in each school, naming the township and school district. The necessary contingent expenses of Of contingent ,-i .. . , . LA" 3 expenses. the commissioner tor printing, postage, stationery, record books and rent of rooms for public examinations shall be audited and allowed by the board of supervisors of the county, but in no county shall the expenses so allowed Limit of. 14 AMENDMENTS TO SCHOOL LAWS. Of vacancies. exceed the sum of two hundred dollars per annum and no traveling fees shall be allowed to the commissioner or to any assistant visitor or school examiner. snail not act as SEC. 11. No county commissioner shall act as agent for the sale of any school furniture, text-books, maps, charts or other school apparatus, nor be interested financially in any summer normal, or teachers' training class in the county for which he was elected. SEC. 12. Whenever by death, resignation, removal from office or otherwise a vacancy shall occur in the office of the county commissioner of schools, the county clerk shall issue a call to the chairman of the township board of school inspectors of each township in the county, who shall meet at the office of the county clerk on a date to be named in said [notices] notice not more than ten days from the date of the notice, and appoint a suitable person to fill the vacancy for the unexpired portion of the term of office. SEC. 13. All schools which by special enactment may have a district board authorized to inspect and grant cer- tificates to the teachers employed in the same, shall be exempt from the provisions of this act, as to the examina- tion and licensing of teachers. The officers of every school district which is or shall hereafter be organized in whole or in part in any incorporated city in this State where no special enactments shall exist in regard to the licensing of teachers shall have power to examine and license, or may require the county commissioner to examine and license teachers for such district and such license shall be valid in said district for the term of three years. All city schools having a superintendent employed by their respective boards of education shall be exempt from the provisions of this chapter as to the examination and licensing of teachers and as to the supervision of the schools in such city, but all such schools shall, through their proper officers, make such reports as the Superintendent of Public Instruction may require. SEC. 14. All acts or parts of acts conflicting with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. Certain schools exempted, etc. Of city schools. Exempt from licensing of teachers, etc. To make reports. Repealing clause. NOTE 1. The present secretary shall continue to act under the provisions of the old law until the fourth Tuesday of August. NOTE 2. The members of the old board of examiners other than the secretary shall act with the school commissioner until the second Monday of October, when the term of the examiners under this act will begin. AMENDMENTS TO SCHOOL LAWS. 15 [ACT No. 176.] [Takes effect June 30, 1891/1 AN ACT for the organization of township school districts in the Upper Peninsula. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, petition for That whenever the qualified electors of any organized town- ori ship in the Upper Peninsula desire to become organized into a single school district, they may petition the township board to give notice that at the succeeding township meeting the officers for such organized school district will be chosen, and such other business transacted as shall be necessary thereto. ' Such petition shall be signed by a majority of the qualified electors of the township and shall be filed in the office of the township clerk at least fifteen days prior to the annual township meeting. Upon the receipt and filing of cierk to notify said petition, the township clerk shall notify the members bq of the township board and the school [inspector] inspectors of the township to attend a special meeting to be held not more than five days thereafter, and at which meeting it shall be the duty of such township board to compare the names signed to the petition with the names appearing on the list of registered voters qualified to vote at the preceding election, and if it be found that a majority of the voters qualified to vote at the preceding election have signed the petition that the organized township of which they are resident be organized as a single school district, they shall give notice that at the then succeeding township meeting officers will be chosen for such organized school district ; and shall make and file, both with the county clerk and the secretary* of the board of school inspectors of the county in which such township is located, a certified copy of the above men- tioned petition together with their finding and doings there- on, and thereupon such township shall become a single school TO be single district which shall be subject to all the general laws of the dil State, so far as the same may be applicable, and said district shall have all the powers and privileges conferred upon union school districts by the laws of this State, all the gen- eral provisions of which relating to common or primary schools shall apply and be enforced in said district, except such as shall be inconsistent with the provisions of this act, and all schools organized in said district in pursuance of this act, under the directions and regulations of said board of education shall be public and free to all persons actual residents within the limits thereof, between the ages of five and twenty years, inclusive, and to such other per- sons as the board of education shall admit : Provided, That Proviso, whenever the majority of electors in any surveyed town- ship in such organized township shall petition the board of education to establish a school or schools therein, the said board of education are hereby authorized and directed * School Commissioner. 16 AMENDMENTS TO SCHOOL LAWS. Proviso. Duty of town- within three months thereafter to organize such school or schools therein. officers of SEC. 2. The officers of said district shall consist of two district. trustees, who, together with the clerk and school inspector of said township, shall constitute the board . of education of said district. Said trustees shall be elected by ballot at the annual township meeting of the township, upon the same ticket and canvassed in the same manner as township officers required by law to be elected by ballot: Provided, That at the annual election to be held in said township next subsequent to the filing of the petition as set forth in section one of this act there shall be elected two trustees for said district by the electors thereof, one of whom shall hold his office for the term of one year, and the other one for the term of two years, and until their successors shall be elected and qualified, and the time for which the person voted for is intended, shall be designated on the ballot, and at each election thereafter to be held one trustee shall be elected in said district, who shall hold his office for the term of two years, and until his successor shall be elected and qualified, said trustee to be desig- nated on the ticket or ballot for " Member of board edu- cation." SEC. 3. Within five days after the annual election the ship cierk, etc. township clerk shall notify, in writing, the persons elected trustees under this act of their election, and within five days thereafter said trustees so elected shall take and sub- scribe the oath of office prescribed by the constitution of this State, before any officer authorized to administer oaths, and file the same with the township clerk. The term of office of the [trustee] trustees of said district shall commence on the second Monday following the annual township election at which they are elected. organization] SEC. 4. The members of the board of education shall etc< meet on the third Monday of April of each year, at the office of the township clerk, and organize. The school inspector of the township whose term of office will soonest expire shall be president of the board and shall be entitled to vote in all cases. In the, absence of the president at any meeting a majority of the members present may choose one of their own number president pro tern. The township clerk of said township shall be ex officio clerk of said board of education, and shall be entitled to vote thereon, and in case of the absence of said clerk the board may choose some suitable person to perform his duties. Said board shall on said third Monday of April in each year elect from their own number a treasurer, who shall hold his office for one year and until his successor is elected and qualified and may at any time fill a vacancy in the office of treasurer: Provided, That the person appointed to fill a vacancy in the office of treasurer shall hold the office for the unex- pired portion of the term only. The treasurer of said board lerk. Treasurer. Proviso. AMENDMENTS TO SCHOOL LAWS. 17 shall within five days after his appointment as such treas- urer, file with the clerk of said board the constitutional oath of office. He shall also, before entering upon the duties TO give bond. of his office, give a bond to said district in such sum and with such sureties as said board shall determine and approve, conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties under this act, and honestly accounting for all moneys coming into his hands belonging to said district. The treasurer of said board shall have the keeping of all school and library moneys, and shall not pay out the same without the authority of the board, upon warrants or orders drawn upon him and signed by the clerk and counter- signed by the president. SEC. 5. Said board of education shall have power to fill vacancies, vacancies that may occur in the office of trustee until the next annual election, and such trustee shall file with the clerk of said board his oath of office within five days after such appointment by the board. SEC. 6. A majority of the members of said board shall Quorum, meet- constitute a quorum, and the regular meetings of said ings> etc< board shall be held on the third Monday of April, August and December in each year, and no notice of such meet- ing shall be required, and any two members of said board shall be sufficient to adjourn any meeting from time to time until a quorum is present. Special meetings of said board may be called at any time on the request of the president, or any two members thereof, in writing, delivered to the clerk; and the clerk upon receiving such request shall at once notify each member of said board, if within said district, of the time of holding such meeting, which shall be at least three days subsequent to the time of receiving such request by said clerk. All [the] meetings of said board shall be held at the township clerk's office, unless otherwise ordered by a resolution of the board; and all records and papers of said district shall be kept in the custody of said clerk and shall be open to the inspection of any taxpayer of said district. SEC. 7. The said board shall be the board of school Board to report, [inspection] inspectors for said district and shall, as such, etc< report to the clerk of the county in which such township is located and shall have all the powers and perform all the duties now enjoyed and performed by boards of school inspectors, and the president of said board shall perform all the duties required by law of the chairman of the board of school inspectors, and the board of school inspectors for such township is hereby abolished except as its powers are vested in said board of education. SEC. 8. The board of education of said district shall have powers'of power and authority to designate and purchase school house bc sites, erect buildings and furnish the same, employ legally qualified teachers, provide books for district library, make by-laws relative to taking the census of all children in said 3 18 AMENDMENTS TO SCHOOL LAWS. Treasurer to ap- ply for moneys. Tax for school purposes. Proviso. district between the ages of five and twenty years, and to make all necessary reports and transmit the same to the proper officers, as designated by law, so that the district may be entitled to its proportion of the primary school fund; and said board shall have authority to make all need- ful regulations and by-laws relative to visitation of schools; relative to the length of time schools shall be kept, which shall not be less than three months in each year; relative to the employment of feachers duly and legally qualified; rela- tive to the regulations of schools arid the books to be used therein, and generally to do all things needful and desirable for the maintenance, prosperity and success of the schools of said district, and the promotion of a thorough education of the children thereof. It shall be the duty of the treas- urer of said board to apply for and receive from the town- ship treasurer or other officer holding the same, all moneys appropriated for primary [schools] school and district library of said district. SEC. 9. At each annual township meeting held in said township, the qualified electors present shall determine the amount of money to be raised by tax for all school purposes for the ensuing year: Provided, That in case the electors at any annual township meeting shall neglect or refuse to determine the amount to be raised as aforesaid, then the board of education shall determine the same at any regular meeting thereof, which amount the township clerk shall, within sixty days thereafter, certify to the supervisor of the township, who shall spread the same upon the regular tax roll of said township, and the same shall be levied, collected and returned in the same manner as other township taxes: Provided, That for purchasing school lots and for erecting school houses, no greater sum than three mills on the dol- lar of all the taxable valuation of the real and personal prop- erty in said township shall be levied in any one year. SEC. 10. All taxes assessed within said township for school purposes shall be set forth in the assessment roll of said township, in a separate column, apart and distinct from all other township taxes. SEC. 11. The treasurer of the township shall at any time, at the written request of said board of education, report to said board the amount of school money in his hands, and shall, on the order of the president of said board of educa- tion, pay to the treasurer of said board all such money, taking his receipt therefor, and also a duplicate receipt which he shall file with the clerk of said board. SEC. 12. The said board shall annually, prior to the first day of April in each year, make a detailed statement of the number of schools in said district, the number of teachers employed, and the number of pupils instructed therein dur- ing the preceding year, and the expenditures of said board for all purposes, and also the resources and liabilities of said district, which report or statement shall be entered at Idem. Of assessment roll. Treasurer to report, etc. Board to make statement, etc. AMENDMENTS TO SCHOOL, LAWS. 19 length in the record of said board and shall be publicly read by the president of said board, or in his absence by the clerk thereof, to the electors of said township at their annual meeting on the first Monday of April thereafter, at the hour of twelve o'clock, noon. SEC. 13. All school property, both real and personal, Disposition of within the limits of a township incorporated as aforesaid, sc shall, by force of this act, become the property of the pub- lic schools of such township, and all debts and liabilities of the primary school districts of said township, as they existed prior to its incorporation under the provisions of this act, shall become the debts and liabilities of said public schools of the township so incorporated. SEC. 14. All money raised or being raised by tax, or ur moneys raised accrued or accruing to the school districts of said township, by tax< as organized under the primary school laws of this State shall hereby become the money of the public school of the township and no tax heretofore ordered assessed or levied for school purposes in said township or other proceedings shall be invalidated or affected by means of this act. SEC. 15. The compensation of the members .of the board compensation of education shall be one dollar and fifty cents for each day's f actual service rendered for said district, and the clerk and treasurer of said board shall receive such compensation for their services as the board may determine, not exceeding fifty dollars each per annum. SEC. 16. When any township district shall be divided when township into two or more townships, the existing board of trustees ls shall continue to act for all the townships until the same have been organized and township boards of trustees duly elected and qualified therein. Immediately after such organ- ization, the township boards of each of the townships shall meet in joint session and direct an appraisal of all the school property of the former township to be made. When such Alteration of appraisal has been made, said township boards shall make town8hi i>' ete - an equitable division of the existing assets and liabilities of the school district of such former township, basing their apportionment upon the amount of taxable property in the township divided, as shown by the last assessment roll of such former township. When a township district shall be altered in its limits by annexing a portion of its territory to another township or townships, the township boards of each of the townships shall, immediately after such alteration, meet in joint session and make an equitable division of the assets and liabilities of the school district of the township from which the territory has been detached, basing their division upon the amount of taxable property, as the same shall appear upon the last assessment roll of such township. XH K GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS MICHIGAN: WITH COMPILED AT THE OFFICE OB" THE FERRIS S. FITCH, BY AUTHORITY. [.RUCTION. OF THK FNIVERSITT LANSING: DARIUS D. THORP, STATE PRINTER AND BINDER. 1889. THE GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS OF MICHIGAN: COMPILED AT THE OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 1889. BY AUTHORITY. LANSING: DARIUS D. THORP, STATE PRINTER AND BINDER. 1889. THIS VOLUME IS STATE PROPERTY. School officers, on retiring from office, are required by law to deliver this book, with all other books and documents of an official character, to their successors in office. See HowelVs Annotated Statutes, Chapter 295. INTRODUCTORY. This compilation of the General School Laws includes all constitutional and statutory provisions relating to education at present in force. The amendments passed at the legislative sessions of 1887 and 1889 have been incorporated in the text, necessitating some slight changes in the arrange- ment followed in the edition of 1885. Act No. 222, Public Acts of 1887, relating to truancy, and Act No. 147, Public Acts of 1889, providing for free text-books, are added as new chapters. With these additions, and a slight change in numbering the compiler's sections in the latter part of the text, the general plan of the edition of 1885 has been closely followed. The opinions of Attorneys General that have from time to time been filed in the office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction are given in foot notes, with references to the section or sections containing the provis- ions of law covered by the decision. It is believed that these decisions will prove of much assistance in arriving at a proper construction of the law, and will aid school officers very materially in solving many of the perplexing questions that continually arise. The digest of Supreme Court decisions embodied in Appendix A has been brought up to date and the index carefully revised. JOSEPH ESTABKOOK, Superintendent of Public Instruction. CONTENTS. CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONS Article VIII. State officers, "> Article XIII. Education, 5 STATUTORY PROVISIONS. Chapter I. Superintendent of Public Instruction, 8 Chapter II. Formation, Alteration, Meetings and Powers of Districts, . . 10 Chapter III. District Board and Officers, 16 Chapter IV. Township Officers, 25 Chapter V. County Clerk and Treasurer, 80 Chapter VI. Bonded Indebtedness of Districts, .31 Chapter VII. Suits and Judgments against Districts, 32 Chapter VIII. Sites for School-houses, 33 Chapter IX. Appeals from Action of Inspectors, 38 Chapter X. Graded School Districts, 39 Chapter XI. Libraries, 41 Chapter XII. Examination of Teachers and Supervision of Schools, ... 44 Chapter XIII. Penalties and Liabilities, 51 Chapter XI V. Election of School Inspectors, ..... ... 53 Chapter XV. Teachers' Institutes, 54 Chapter XVI. Normal School Diplomas and Certificates, 56 Chapter XVII. State Certificates to Teachers, 57 Chapter XVIII. Teachers' Associations, 58 Chapter ^IX. Safe Keeping of Public Moneys, 58 Chapter XX. Compulsory Education of Children, 59 Chapter XXI. Compulsory Reformatory Education of Juvenile Disorderly Persons, 61 Chapter XXII. Regulating the Employment of Children, 64 Chapter XXIII. To Prevent Crime and Punish Truancy 65 Chapter XXIV. Free Text-Books, . . .66 Note. Apportionment of Surplus Dog-Tax to Districts 68 APPENDIXES. Appendix A. Digest of Decisions of the Supreme Court, 71 Appendix B. Forms for Proceedings, 89 Appendix C. Rules for Libraries, 101 SCHOOL LAWS OF MICHIGAN. CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONS. ARTICLE VIII. STATE OFFICERS. SECTION" 1. There shall be elected at each biennial election, a state officers to be elected. secretary of state, a superintendent of public instruction, a state treasurer, commissioner of the land office, an auditor general, and an attorney general, for the term of two years. They shall keep where to keep offices. their offices at the seat of government, and shall perform such duties as may be prescribed by law. SEC. 2. Their term of office shall commence on the first day of Term of office. January, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, and of every second year thereafter. SEC. 3. Whenever a vacancy shall occur in any of the State vacancy, how offices, the governor shall fill the same by appointment, by and with the advice and consent of the senate, if in session. ARTICLE XIII. EDUCATION. SECTION 1. The superintendent of public instruction shall have Duties of super- intendent of the general supervision of public instruction, and his duties shall be prescribed by law. SEC. 2. The proceeds from the sales of all lands that have been school fund. or hereafter may be granted by the United States to the State for educational purposes, and the proceeds of all lands or other prop- erty given by individuals, or appropriated by the State for like GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS. purposes, shall be and remain a perpetual fund, the interest and income of which., together with the rents of all such lands as may remain unsold, shall be inviolably appropriated and annu- ally applied to the specific objects of the original gift, grant or appropriation. SEC. 3. All lands, the titles to which shall fail from a defect of heirs, shall escheat to the State ; and the interest on the clear proceeds from the sales thereof shall be appropriated exclusively to the support of primary schools. SEC. 4. The legislature shall, within five years from the adop- tion of this constitution, provide for and establish a system of primary schools, whereby a school shall be kept without charge for tuition, at least three months in each year, in every school district in the State ; and all instruction in said schools shall be conducted in the English language. SEC. 5. A school shall be maintained in each school district at least three months in each year. Any school district neglecting to maintain such school shall be deprived for the ensuing year of its proportion of the income of the primary school fund, and of all funds arising from taxes for the support of schools. SEC. 6. There shall be elected in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-three, at the time of the election of a justice of the supreme court, eight regents of the university, two of whom shall hold their office for two years, two for four years, two for six years, and two for eight years. They shall enter upon the duties of their office on the first of January next succeeding their elec- tion. At every regular election of a justice of the supreme court thereafter, there shall be elected two regents, whose term of office shall be eight years. When a vacancy shall occur in the office of regent, it shall be filled by appointment of the governor. The regents thus elected shall constitute the board of regents of the university of Michigan. 1 SEC. 7. The regents of the~ university, and their successors in office, shall continue to constitute the body corporate known by the name and title of " The regents of the university of Michi- gan." SEC. 8. The regents of the university shall, at their first annual meeting, or as soon thereafter as may be, elect a president of the Escheats. Free schools. Instruction con- ducted In Eng- lish language. District schools. When deprived of public money. Election of regents of the university. Vacancy, how filled. Regents a body corporate. President of the university. 1 Amendment agreed to by the legislature of 1861, and approved by the people in 1862. GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS. university, who shall be ex officio a member of their board, with the privilege of speaking, but not of voting. He shall preside at the meetings of the regents, and be the principal executive officer of the university. The board of regents shall have the general supervision of the university, and the direction and control of all expenditures from the university interest fund. SEC. 9. There shall be elected at the general election in the state board of education. year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two, three members of a State board of education ; one for two years, one for four years and one for six years ; and at each succeeding biennial election there shall be elected one member of such board, who shall hold his office for six years. The superintendent of public instruction superintendent shall be ex officio a member and secretary of such board. The {J^^. 1011 a board shall have the general supervision of the State normal care of normal school. school, and their duties shall be prescribed by law. SEC. 10. Institutions for the benefit of those inhabitants who Asylums. are deaf, dumb, blind or insane, shall always be fostered and supported. SEC. 11. The legislature shall encourage the promotion of Agricultural intellectual, scientific and agricultural improvement ; and shall, as soon as practicable, provide for the establishment ^of an agri- cultural school. The legislature may appropriate the twenty-two sections of salt spring lands now unappropriated, or the money arising from the sale of the same, where such lands have been already sold, and any land which may hereafter be granted or appropriated for such purpose, for the support and maintenance of such school, and may make the same a branch of the univer- sity, for instruction in agriculture and the natural sciences con- nected therewith, and place the same under the supervision of the regents of the university. SEC. 12. The legislature shall also provide for the establish- ment of at least one library in each township and city; and all fines assessed and collected in the several counties and townships m for any breach of the penal laws, shall be exclusively applied to the support of such libraries, unless otherwise ordered by the township board of any township, or the board of education of any city : Provided, That in no case shall such fines be used for other Proviso, than library or school purposes. 1 1 Amendment agreed to by the legislature of 1879, and approved by the people in GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS. STATUTORY PROVISIONS. Powers and duties of. To make annual report. Contents of. Deputy super- intendent. Duties of. School laws to toe compiled and published with forms, etc. J Act No. 164, Laws of 1881, as amended by Session Laws of 1883, 1885, 1887 and 1889. CHAPTER I. THE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. (1.) SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That the superintendent of public instruction shall have general supervision of public instruction and of all State institutions, other than the university, that are essentially educational in their character, and it shall be his duty, among other things, to visit the university, the agricultural college, the institution for the deaf and dumb, the school for the blind, the reform school, the reform school for girls, and the public school for dependent and neglected children, and to meet with the governing boards of each of said institutions at least once in each year. He shall also prepare annually, and transmit to the governor, to be by him transmitted to the legislature at each biennial session thereof, a report containing : First, A statement of the condition of the university and of each of the several State educational institutions, all incorpo- rated institutions of learning, and the primary, graded, and high schools ; Second, Estimates and amounts of expenditures of all educa- tional funds; Third, Plans for the management of all educational funds, and for the better organization of the educational system, if, in his opinion, the same be required ; Fourth, The annual reports and accompanying documents, so far as he shall deem the same of sufficient public interest, of all State institutions of educational character ; Fifth, Abstracts of the annual reports of the school inspectors of the several townships and cities of the State ; Sixth, All such other matter relating to his office and the sub- ject of education generally as he shall deem expedient to commu- nicate. (2.) SEC. 2. He may appoint a deputy superintendent of pub- lic instruction and revoke such appointment in his discretion, and such deputy shall take the constitutional oath of office, which with his appointment, shall be filed with the secretary of state. Said deputy may execute the duties of the office in case of a vacancy or the absence of the superintendent. (3.) SEC. 3. The superintendent of public instruction shall compile and cause to be printed all general laws relating to schools, together with all necessary forms, regulations, and instructions for conducting all proceedings under said laws, or relative to the organization and government of the schools, including rules and regulations for the management of township and district libraries, GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS. and shall transmit the same to the several officers intrusted with the care and managment of said schools. (4.) SEC. 4. He shall semi-annually, on receiving notice from Apportionment the auditor general of the amounts thereof, and between the first sJn^fuId, and tenth days of May and November, apportion the primary etc - school interest fund among the several townships and cities of the State, in proportion to the number of children in each SeeApp - A " 154 - between the ages of fiv,e and twenty years, as the same shall appear by the reports of the several boards of school inspectors made to him for the school year closing prior to the May appor- tionment, and shall prepare a statement of the amount in the aggregate payable to each county, and shall deliver the same to the auditor general, who shall thereupon draw his warrant upon the State treasurer in favor of the treasurer of each county for the amount payable to each county. He shall also send written ^ n e JJ k notices to the clerks of the several counties of the amount in the Amounts 1 * 8 aggregate to be disbursed in their respective counties, and the dlsbursed - amount payable to the townships and cities therein respectively.* (5.) SEC. 5. Whenever the returns from any county, town- caseofdefeVt^ ship, city, or district, upon which a statement of the amount to *ve returns. be disbursed or paid to any such county, township, city, or district shall be so far defective as to render it impracticable to ascertain the share of primary school interest fund which ought to be dis- bursed or paid to such county, township, city, or district, he shall ascertain by the best evidence in his power the facts upon which the ratio of such apportionment shall depend, and shall make the apportionment accordingly. (6.) SEC. 6. Whenever any county, township, city, or district, when deficiency through failure or error in making the proper report, shall fail t?oned. e the P next to receive its share of the primary school interest fund, the year - superintendent of public instruction, upon satisfactory proof that said county, township, city, or district was justly entitled to the same, shall apportion such deficiency in his next apportion- ment; and whenever it shall appear to the satisfaction of said superintendent that any district has had three months' school, but failed to have the full time of school required by law, through no fault or negligence of the district or its officers, he may include such district in his apportionment of the primary school interest fund in his discretion. (7.) SEC. 7. The superintendent of public instruction shall other duties of perform such other duties as are or shall be required of him by 8U law, and at the expiration of his term of office deliver to his successor all property, books, documents, maps, records, reports, and all other papers belonging to his office, or which may have been received by him for the use of his office. As amended by Act No. 202, Session Laws of 1885. 10 GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS. CHAPTER II. FORMATION, ALTERATION, MEETINGS, AND POWERS OP DISTRICTS. Inspectors to form districts. May alter boundaries of. See App. A., IT 48. Township clerk to deliver notice of formation to Inhabitant. See App. B., forms 1, 2, 3. Inhabitant to serve notice of first meeting. See 8 ]39. Return of notice. Notice and return to be recorded. Proceedings in case of failure to organize district. Formation of fractional districts. To whom director of such district shall report. (8.) SECTION 1. The township board of school inspectors shall divide the township into such number of school districts as may from time to time be necessary, which districts they shall number, and they may regulate and alter the boundaries of the same as circumstances shall render proper, subject to the provisions here- inafter made ; but no district shall contain more than nine sections of land, and each district shall be composed of contiguous terri- tory, and be in as compact a form as may be. (9.) SEC. 2. Whenever the board of school inspectors of any township shall form a school district therein, it shall be the duty of the clerk of such board to deliver to a taxable inhabitant of such district a notice in writing of the formation of such district, describing its boundaries, and specifying the time and place of the first meeting, which notice, with the fact of such delivery, shall be entered upon record by the clerk. The said notice shall also direct such inhabitant to notify every qualified voter of such district, either personally or by leaving a written notice at his place of residence, of the time and place of said meeting, at least five days before the time appointed therefor ; and it shall be the duty of such inhabitant to notify the qualified voters of said district accordingly, and said inhabitant, when he shall have notified the qualified voters as required in such notice, shall indorse thereon a return, showing such notification with the date or dates thereof, and deliver such notice and return to the chairman of the meeting, to be by him delivered to the director chosen at such meeting, and by said director recorded at length as a part of the records of such district. (10.) SEC. 3. In case the inhabitants of any district shall fail to organize the same in pursuance of such notice as aforesaid, the said clerk shall give a new notice in the manner hereinbefore provided, and the same proceedings shall be had thereon as if no previous notice had been delivered. (11.) SEC. 4. Whenever it shall be necessary or convenient to form a district from two or more adjoining townships, the inspectors, or a majority of them, of each of such adjoining town- ships, may form such district, to be designated as a fractional district, and direct which township clerk shall make and deliver the notice of the formation of the same to a taxable inhabitant thereof, and may regulate and alter such district as circumstances may render necessary in the same manner that other districts are altered. The annual reports of the director of such district shall be made to the inspectors of the township in which the school. (88.) la Clement vs. Everest, 29 Mich., page 19, the Supreme Court decided that the legality of the action of the officers in organizing a school district cannot be enquired into collaterally; that it is none of the business of the township treasurer whether the district was or was not properly organized and that he must go on in the perform- ance of his duties with respect thereto until such organization has been declared illegal on a proceeding instituted for that purpose. Kirchner, Atty. Gen., Aug. 20, GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS. 11 house may be situated, and the inspectors of such township shall number said district. (12.) SEC. 5. Every such school district shall be deemed duly organized when any two of the officers elected at the first meeting shall have filed their acceptances in writing with the director, and the same shall have been recorded in the minutes of such first meeting. Every school district shall, in all cases, be presumed to have been legally organized when it shall have exercised the franchises and privileges of a district for the term of two year ; and such school district and its officers shall be entitled to all the see A PP . A , rights, privileges, and immunities, and be subject to all the duties ir ' r25 ' 29 ' ^ 47< and liabilities conferred upon school districts by law. (13.) SEC. 6. The record of the first meeting made by the Director's director shall be prima facie evidence of the facts therein set mSng^be forth, and of the legality of all proceedings in the organization evldence - of the district prior to the first district meeting ; but nothing in this section contained shall be so construed as to impair the effect of the record kept by the school inspectors, as evidence. COEPOEATE POWEES OF DISTEICTS. (14.) SEC. 7. Every school district organized in pursuance of school districts this chapter, or which has been organized and continued under Strata. 68 any previous law of the State or territory of Michigan, shall be a body corporate, and shall possess the usual powers of a corpora- toin for public purposes, by the name and style of "School District Name and style. Number - (such number as shall be designated in the forma- tion thereof by the inspectors), of " (the name of the town- ship or townships in which the district is situated), and in that Powers of. name shall be capable of suing and being sued, of contracting and being contracted with, and of holding such real and personal estate as is authorized to be purchased by the provisions of law, and of selling the same. ALTEEATION OF DISTEICTS. (15.) SEC. 8. Whenever the board of school inspectors shall Meetings of contemplate an alteration of the boundaries of a district, the SdistJicts. township clerk (and for meetings of boards to act in relation to fractional districts, clerks of the several townships interested) shall give at least ten days' notice of the time and place of the meeting of the inspectors, and the alterations proposed, by post- Notlce of - ing such notice in three public places in the township or town- see APP. B., ships, one of which notices shall be in each of the districts that formlt5 - may be affected by such alteration. Whenever the board of se APP. A., school inspectors of more than one township meet, they shall w l> 36 ' 38 ' 46> elect one of their number chairman, and another clerk thereof. b (16. ) SEC. 9. The inspectors may, in their discretion, detach Powers of the property of any person or persons from one district and attach it to another ; except that no land which has been taxed b As amended by Act No. 82, Session Laws of 1883. GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS. See App. A.. HIT 2. 3, 37, 41, 42, 43, 45, 98. When consent of tax-payers to be obtained. See 110. Persons out of district may be attached there- to In certain cases. Township clerk to give notice of alteration In districts. See App. B., form 4. for building a school-house shall be set off into another school district for the period of three years thereafter, except by the con- sent of the owner thereof; and no district shall be divided into two or more districts without the consent of a majority of the resident tax-payers of said district, and no two or more districts be consolidated without the consent of a majority of the resident tax-payers of each district. (17.) SEC. 10. The inspectors may attach to a school district any person residing in a township, and not in any organized dis- trict, at his request ; and for all district purposes except raising a tax for building a school-house, such person shall be considered as residing in such district ; but when set off to a new district, no sum shall be raised for such person as his proportion to the district property. (18.) SEC. 11. In all cases where an alteration of the boundaries of a school district shall be made, the township clerk shall, within ten days, deliver to the director of each district affected by the alteration a notice in writing, setting forth the action of the inspectors and defining the alterations that have been made. DIVISION OF PROPERTY. When district Is divided prop- erty to be apportioned. See App. A., HIT 3, 4, 40, 98, 105. When school- house or site is not needed, may be sold. See App. A., Proceeds of sale to be apportioned. How proportion to be ascer- tained. Proviso. ( 19.) SEC. 12. When a new district is formed in whole or in part, from one or more districts possessed of a school-house, or entitled to other property, the inspectors, at the time of forming such new district, or as soon thereafter as may be, shall ascertain and determine the amount justly due to such new district from any district out of which it may have been in whole or in part formed, as the proportion of such new district, of the value of the school-house and other property belonging to the former dis- trict, at the time of such division ; and whenever by the division of any district, the school-house or site thereof shall no longer be conveniently located for school purposes, and shall not be desired for use by the new district in which it may be situated, the school inspectors of the township in which such school-house and site shall be located, may advertise and sell the same, and apportion the proceeds of such sale, and also any moneys belong- ing to the district thus divided, among the several districts erected in whole or in part from the divided district. (20.) SEC. 13. Such proportion shall be ascertained and determined according to the value of the taxable property of the respective parts of such former district at the time of the divis- ion, by the best evidence in the power of the inspectors ; and such amount of any debt due from the former district, which would have been a charge upon the new, had it remained in the former district, shall be deducted from such proportion : Pro- vided, That no real estate thus set off, and which shall not have been taxed for the purchase or building of such school-house, (19.) Upon investigation we are of the opinion that the school inspectors of the township have full and absolute control over the advertisement, sale and appor- tionment of the proceeds among the several districts, erected in whole or in part therefrom. -VanRiper, Attorney General, July 24, 1382, GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS. 13 shall be entitled to any portion thereof, nor be taken into account in such division of district property. DISTRICT MEETINGS. (21.) SEC. 14. The annual meeting of each school district shall Annual meet- be held on the first Monday of September in each year, and the lng ' school year shall commence on that day: Provided, That any school year. school district that shall so determine at an annual meeting, or at a special meeting duly called for that purpose, may hold its annual meeting on the second Monday of July in each year, or Date of annual ,1 f, 0.1 ,. , i meeting may be in the same manner may thereafter change the time of its annual changeed. meeting to the first Monday in September in each year, and the trustees and officers of the district shall date their terms of office from the date so chosen and until their successors are elected and qualified : Provided jurther, That such action in either case Proviso, shall not change the time of the commencement of the school year or the taking of the annual school census. (22.) SEC. 15. Special meetings may be called by the district special meet board ; and it shall be the duty of said board, or any one of them, to call such meetings on the written request of not less than five ^ e r e m A 8 pp - B " legal voters of the district, by giving the notice required in the next succeeding section; but no special meeting shall be called unless ^en may not the business to be transacted may lawfully come before such Buslnes8 of to meeting, and no business shall be transacted at a special meeting ^stated in unless the same be stated in the notice of said meeting. (23.) SEC. 16. All notices of annual or special district meet- JJjj^U g f ings, after the first meeting has been held as aforesaid, shall * l ** ' B specify the day, and hour and place of meeting, and shall be forms 7/9. " given at least six days previous to such meeting, by posting up copies thereof in three of the most public places in the district, one copy of which for each meeting shall be posted at the outer door of the district schoolhouse, if there be one; and in case of any special meeting called for the purpose of establishing or changing the site of a schoolhouse, such notice shall be given at least ten days previous thereto: Provided, That when any of the district board shall receive a request to call a special meeting, as notice, provided in the preceding section, he shall forthwith give notice, as above provided, of said meeting, which shall be called in not less than six nor more than twelve days from the time the said officer shall receive the notice aforesaid. No annual meeting shall be deemed illegal for want of due notice, unless it shall megaffor want appear that the omission to give such notice was willful and of notlce - fraudulent. (24.) SEC. 17. Every person of the age of twenty-one years, JJJf.|SS5 who has property liable to assessment for school taxes in any d n lst g rict meet- school district, and who has resided therein three months next preceding any school meeting held in said district, or who has c As amended by Act No. 22, Session Laws ietio. (24.). A person who han^ kept for any persons on account of race or color: Provided, That ?ace?etc! this shall not be construed to prevent the grading of schools ^ee APP. A., according to the intellectual progress of the pupil, to be taught Griming not in separate places as may be deemed expedient. prevented. (46.) SEC. 19. The district board may admit to the district Non-resident school non-resident pupils, and may determine the rates of tuition se^App A of such pupils, and collect the same. t 112. MODERATOR. ( 47.) SEC. 20. It shall be the duty of the moderator of each Moderator, school district: First, To preside, when present, at all meetings of the district TO preside.' and of the board ; Second, To countersign all orders legally drawn by the director To countersign ,.? J , , i -i , i -I warrants and upon the assessor for moneys to be disbursed by the district, and orders, all warrants of the director upon the township treasurer for see APP. A., moneys raised for district purposes, or apportioned to the district 5 ' 57 ' by the township clerk; Third, To cause an action to be prosecuted in the name of the district on the assessor's bond, in case of any breach of any con- dition thereof; Fourth, To perform such other duties as are or shall be by law other dutles - required of the moderator. DIRECTOR. (48.) SEC. 21. It shall be the duty of the director of each Director. school district: First, To act as clerk, when present, at all meetings of the To be clerk - district and of the board ; ( 44.) It is not competent for the district board to assume the expense incurred in the legal defense of a teacher prosecuted for an assault alleged to have been made in the punishment of a pupil. Kirchner, Attorney General, Dec. 4, 1877. (45.) The domicile of any person is the place which he has chosen for his perma- nent residence. Sometimes the law makes a distinction between "residence" and "domicile." Residence, contra distinguished from domicile, is the locality in which a person may reside for the time being. But in the case under consideration the term residence is used in the sense of domicile. I have no doubt that a person who makes Flint his or her home for no other purpose than to enjoy school privileges and with the intention of removing to his or her former home after the closing of the school is "not actually a resident of said district." A minor having parents living partakes of the domicile of his or her parents. Kircnner, Attorney General, Jan. 23, 1879. (47.) The moderator should examine every order before countersigning it, and if it is drawn for an improper purpose, and with intent to defraud the district or to divert the fund from its proper channel, he should refuse to countersign such order, and the courts will sustain him in such action. -Van Riper, Attorney General, Feb. 8, 1882. 22 GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS. To keep and record minutes. To give notices of meetings. See App. B., forms 7, 9. To draw and sign warrants and orders. See App. A., in 50, 66. See App B., forms 10, 11. To draw and sign contracts. See App. B., form 26. To provide appendages and keep school- house In repair. Proviso. See App. A., HIT 99, 101. To keep account. To present estimates of expenses to annual meeting To preserve records and other docu- ments. Other duties. To take school census. List to be sworn to. .Second, To record the proceedings of all district meetings, and the minutes of all meetings, orders, resolutions, and other pro- ceedings of the board, in proper record books ; Third, To give the prescribed notice of the annual district meeting, and of all such special meetings as he shall be required to give notice of in accordance with the provisions of law; Fourth, To draw and sign warrants upon the township treas- urer for all moneys raised for district purposes, or apportioned to the district by the township clerk, payable to the assessor of the district, and orders upon the assessor for all moneys to be disbursed by the district, and present them to the moderator, to be countersigned by that officer. Each order shall specify the object for which, and the fund upon which, it is drawn ; Fifth, To draw and sign all contracts with teachers, when directed by the district board, and present them to the other members of the board for further signature ; Sixth, To provide the necessary appendages for the school- house, and keep the same in good condition and repair during the time school shall be taught therein: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to authorize the director to purchase charts or any apparatus to be used in the school-room without a vote of the district authorizing the same; Seventh, To keep an accurate account of all expenses incurred by him as director, and such account shall be audited by the moderator and assessor, and on their written order shall be paid out of any money provided for the purpose; Eighth, To present at each annual meeting an estimate of the expenses necessary to be incurred during the ensuing year by the director as provided by law, and for payment of the services of any district officer; Ninth, To preserve and file copies of all reports made to the school inspectors, and safely preserve and keep all books, papers, and other documents belonging to the office of director, or to the district when not otherwise provided for, and to deliver the same to his successor in office ; Tenth, To perform such other duties as are or shall be required of the director by law 1 or the district board. (49.) SEC. 22. It shall be the duty of the director, or such other person as the district board may appoint, within ten days next previous to the first Monday in September in each year, to take the census of the district, and make a list in writing of the names and ages of all the children betwen the ages of five and twenty years residing therein, and a copy of said list shall be (48, paragraph six.) I think the director has power to provide new patent seats, if in his judgment such acquisition is '"necessary." It is a general principle of law that whenever a power may be exercised by any person in certain emergencies, in the absence of any provision to the contrary, the person who is to execute the power must decide whether the emergency is sufficient for him to act. The director must decide what is necessary and he is responsible tor any abuse of power. The word "necessary" as used in Sec. 48, must not be understood in its literal sense, i. e. things that cannot be done without. In such a sense none of the conveniences and apparatus found in schools would be necessary. I take it that all such things are necessary which in the judgment of the director would promote the efficiency and welfare of the school, having due regard to all the circumstances of the case. Kirchner, Atty. Gen., July 31, 1877.', GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS. 23 verified by the oath or affirmation of the person taking such census, by affidavit appended thereto or indorsed thereon, setting forth that it is a correct list of the names of all the children between the ages aforesaid residing in the district, which affidavit may be made before the clerk of the township; and said list shall ^^ J, fl ,|f d be returned with the annual report of the director to the town- ei*. ship clerk. Children in almshouses, prisons, or asylums, not what chiidreu otherwise residents of the district, and not attending the school, n( shall not be included in the said census ; nor shall Indian children be so included unless they attend the school, or their parents are liable to pay taxes therein. (50.) SEC. 23. The directors shall also, at the end of the TO make annual school year, and previous to the second Monday in September in Specters. each year, deliver to the township clerk, to be filed in his office, a report to the board of school inspectors of the township, showing: First, The whole number of children belonging to the district contents of. between the ages of five and twenty years, according to the census taken as aforesaid ; Second, The number attending school during the year under five, and also the number over twenty years of age ; Third, The number of non-resident pupils of the district that have attended school during the year; Fourth, The whole number that have attended school during the year; Fifth, The length of time the school has been taught during the year by a qualified teacher, the name of each teacher, the length of time taught by each, and the wages paid to each. Sixth, The average length of time scholars, between five and twenty years of age, have attended school during the year ; Seventh, The amount of money received from the township treasurer apportioned to the district by the township clerk ; Eighth, The amount of money raised by the district, and the purposes for which it was raised; Ninth, The kind of books used in the school ; Tenth, Such other facts and statistics in regard to the schools and the subject of education as the superintendent of public instruction shall direct. (51.) SEC. 24. The director of each fractional district shall where director make his annual report to the clerk of the township in which the school-house is situated, and shall also report to the clerk of re P rt - each township in which the district is in part situated, the number of children between the ages of five and twenty years in that part of the district lying in such township. ASSESSOK. (52.) SEC. 25. It shall be the duty of the assessor of each A8 1 -i -i , , J Se school district ? (52). Is a district assessor justifiable under the law in refusing to pay an order drawn for any purpose not authorized by law although such order is duly signed by the director and countersigned by the moderator? Cases may arise in which the assessor is in duty bound not to pay such orders. KircTiner. Atty. Gen., May 22, 1860, GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS. To give bond. See App. B., form 6. Bond to be approved. Bond filed with director. When suit to be brought thereon. To pay proper orders. To keep record of receipts and disbursements. To make annua report to dls- trlet board. To appear for district In suits, See App. A., M 106, 109. To deliver to bis successor books, papers, etc. Other duties. First, To execute to the district and file with the director within ten days after his election or appointment a bond in double the amount of money to come into his hands as such assessor during his term of office, as near as the same can be ascertained , with two sufficient sureties, to be approved by the moderator and director, conditioned for the faithful application of all moneys that shall come into his hands by virtue of his office, and to per- form all the duties of his said office as required by the provisions of this act. Said bond shall be filed with the director, and in case of any breach of the condition thereof, the moderator shall cause a suit to be commenced thereon in the name of the district, and any moneys collected thereon shall be paid into the township treasury, subject to the order of the district officers, and shall be applied to the same purposes as the moneys lost should have been applied by the assessor ; Second, To pay all orders of the director, when lawfully drawn and countersigned by the moderator, out of any moneys in his hands belonging to the fund upon which such orders may be drawn ; Third, To keep a book in which all the moneys received and disbursed shall be entered, the sources from which the same have been received, and the persons to whom and the objects for which the same have been paid; Fourth, To present to the district board at the close of the school year a report in writing, containing a statement of all moneys received during the preceding year and of each item of disbursements made, and exhibit the voucher therefor ; Fifth, To appear for and on behalf of the district in all suits brought by or against the same, when no other directions shall be given by the qualified voters in district meeting, except in suits in which he is interested adversely to the district, and in all such cases the moderator shall appear for such district, if no other direction be given as aforesaid ; Sixth, At the close of his term of office to settle with the distrct board, and deliver to his successor in office all books, vouchers, orders, documents, and papers belonging to the office of assessor, together with all district moneys remaining on hand ; Seventh, To perform such other duties as are or shall be by law required of the assessor. (52.) The sureties on a bond executed by the assessor of the school district are not responsible for acts or omissions occurring beyond the period for which the assessor was elected. In case of his re-election a new bond should be given. Kirchntr A.tty. Gen., Dec. 4, 1877. (52.) Mr. 8. was elected to the office of assessor of a school district and gave the requisite bonds. Since his first election he has been re-elected but lias never exe- cuted any additional bonds. He has never been requested so to do by the moderator and director. Latterly the director requested him to execute an official bond and 8. replied that he could not do so just then, and thereupon and without any further proceedings the district treated the office of assessor as vacant and pioceeded at once to an election to fill said supposed vacancy. I am entirely clear that Mr. S. has not forfeited his office and that he is not only justified, but it is his duty not to pass over any of the papers pertaining to the office or any of the school district moneys. But Mr. S. should give bonds at once. Both the director and moderator were derelict in their duty in failing to require the bond of the assessor at the outset. After filing the bond Mr. 8. should continue to administer the office of assessor. KircJmer, Atty~ Gen., Sept. 18, 1879. GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS. 25 CHAPTER IV. TOWNSHIP OFFICERS. TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SCHOOL INSPECTORS. (53.) SECTION 1. The school inspectors of each township, . B <>a rd of school together with the township clerk, shall constitute the township mspec board of school inspectors. Said board shall meet within twenty see HI, UT. days after the first Monday in April in each year, and elect one of their number, other than the township clerk, chairman of said board, and the township clerk shall be the clerk thereof. 6 (54.) SEC. 2. The chairman of said board shall be the treasurer chairman of thereof, and shall give bond to the township in double the amount tr^urer 1 " 5 of moneys to come into his hands during his term of office, as TO give bond, near as the same can be ascertained, wfth two sufficient sureties, to be approved by the township clerk, conditioned for the faithful appropriation of all moneys that may come into his hands by virtue of his office. Said bond shall be filed with the township clerk, and Bond to be niea. in case of the non-fulfillment thereof, said clerk shall cause a suit When suit to to be commenced thereon, and the moneys collected in such suit thereonf ht shall be paid into the township treasury, and shall be applied to the same purposes as the moneys lost should have been applied by said treasurer of the board of school inspectors. (55.) SEC. 3. On the third Monday in September in each inspectors to .1 in j. T i. J.J.- f ii make triplicate year, the inspectors shall make triplicate reports, setting forth report, the whole number of districts in their townships, the amount of money raised and received for township and district libraries, and such other items as shall from year to year be required by contents of. the Superintendent of Public Instruction, together with the sev- eral particulars set forth in the reports of the school directors for the preceding year; and the township clerk shall, within ten Disposition of dajs thereafter, forward two copies of the same to the secretary re of the county board of school examiners, and file the other copy in his office.* (56.) SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of the school inspectors, inspectors to before making their annual report, as required by the preceding Jf qoaSfled 1 section, to examine the list of legally qualified teachers on file in teachers, the office of the township clerk, and if in any school district a see 134, school shall not have been taught for the time required by law Subd ' 6 " during the preceding school year by a legally qualified teacher, no part of the public money shall be distributed to such district, TO report although the report from such district shall set forth that a school has been so taught ; and it shall be the duty of the board to certify to the facts in relation to any such district in their annual report. As amended by Act No. 9, session laws of 1883, and Act No. 96, session laws of 1885. (853 ) When the inspectors fail to elect a chairman within twenty days after the first Monday of April, [ am of the opinion that the organization can be perfected after such date by the election of a chairman, and that failure to comply with the law referred to, does not preclude a legal organization thereafter. Taggart, Atty. (Jen., May 20, lt>86. * Amended by Act No. 266, Public Acts of 1887. 26 GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS. Inspectors to render account to township board. (57.) SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of the board of inspectors to render to the township board, on the Tuesday next preceding the annual township meeting, a full and true account of all mon- eys received and disbursed by them as such inspectors during the year, which account shall be settled by said said township board, and such disbursements allowed, if the proper vouchers are pre- sented. (58.) SEC 6. The whole number of meetings of the township inspectors. board of school inspectors at the expense of the township, during gee APP. A.,t i. any one school year, shall not exceed eight ; but this shall not be construed to prevent said board holding further meetings in case of necessity, provided no expense to the township be incurred. Number of meetings of TOWNSHIP CLERK. Township clerk to be clerk of board of Inspectors. Duties as such. See 141, 142. To notify county clerk of chair- man of board of Inspectors. To make map of districts. Where map to be filed. When new map to be made. To report to supervisor all tchool taxes. See 145. See App. B., form 2'2. (59.) SEC. 7. The township clerk shall be the clerk of the board of school inspectors by virtue of his office, and shall attend all meetings of said board, and, under their direction, prepare all their reports and record the same, and shall record all their pro- ceedings. He shall also receive and keep all reports to inspect- ors from the directors of the several school districts in his town- ship, and all the books and papers belonging to the inspectors, and file such papers in his office ; and he shall receive all such communications, blanks and documents as may be transmitted ta him by the superintendent of public instruction, and dispose of the same in the manner directed by said superintendent. (60.) SEC. 8. It shall be the duty of the township clerk annually r immediately after the organization of the board of school inspect- ors of his township, to transmit to the county clerk a certified statement of the name and postofice address of the chairman of said board, and in case there shall be a change in such chairman r during the year, he shall immediately notify the county clerk of such change. (61.) SEC. 9. Each township clerk shall cause a map to be made of his township, showing by distinct lines thereon the boundaries of each school district, and parts of school districts therein, and shall regularly number the same thereon as estab- lished by the inspectors. One copy of such map shall be filed by the said clerk in his office, and the other copy he shall file with the supervisor of the township; and within one month after any division or alteration of a district, or the organization of a new one in his township, the said clerk shall file a new map and copy thereof as aforesaid, showing the same. (62.) SEC. 10. It shall be the duty of the township clerk of each township, on or before the first day of October of each year, to make and deliver to the supervisor of his township a certified copy of all statements on file in his office of moneys proposed to be raised by taxation in each of the several school districts of the township for school purposes. He shall also certify to the super- visor the amount to be assessed upon the taxable property of any school district retaining the district school-house or other prop- GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS. 27 erty, on the division of the district, as the same shall have been determined by the inspectors, and he shall also certify the same to the director of such district, and to the director of the district entitled thereto. (63.) SEC. 11. On receiving notice from the county treasurer TO apportion of the amount of school moneys apportioned to his township, the township clerk shall apportion the same amount to the several districts therein entitled to the same, in proportion to the number of children in each, between the ages of five and twenty years, as the same shall be shown by the annual report of the director of each district for the school year closing prior to the May apportionment.* (64.) SEC. 12. Said clerk shall also apportion to the school districts in his township, as required by law, on receiving notice of the amount from the township treasurer, all moneys raised by township tax, or received from other sources, for the support of schools; and in all cases make out and deliver to the township treasurer a written statement of the number of children in each treasurer, district drawing money, and the amount apportioned to each see A P P B -,. -I -i ,1 , i rr> i i forms 20, 21. district, and record the apportionment in his office; and when- ever an apportionment of the primary school interest fund, or J^^wm moneys raised by tax, or received from other sources, is made, he apportioned shall give notice of the amount to be received by each district to dl the director thereof. TOWNSHIP SUPEKVISOR AND TREASURER, (65.) SEC. 13. It shall be the duty of the supervisor of the town- ship to assess the taxes voted by every school district in his town- ship, and also all other taxes provided for in this act, chargeable against such district or township, upon the taxable property of see 145 the district or township respectively, and to place the same on *As amended by Act No. 92, Public Acts of 1837. (65.) A supervis9r in levying school taxes erroneously included a part of the territory of one district in an adjoining district and when the tax was collected it was paid to the district in which the supervisor had included the territory in question, and not to the district in which the territory belonged. These proceedings on the part of the supervisor were clearly illegal, and the collection thereof could have been successfully resisted, or if the taxes had been paid under protest, the parties Eaying could have recovered the amount thus unlawfully collected. It has been eld by the Supreme Court that acquiescence in and payment of an illegal tax eptops the taxpayer from afterwards complaining of it, but the payment of an illegal tax, if refused, cannot be enforced (Wattles vs. City of Lapeer, 40 Mich., 625. The People ex. rel. orebhart vs. East Saginaw, 30 Mich., 336). The taxes thus illegally assessed do not belong to either school district, therefore the one cannot sue the other for the recovery of such taxes improperly paid. It is not the money of the district in whose hands it now is, but it is an illegal tax collected from individuals P^a voluntarily and without protest and therefore cannot be collected back, for the Supreme Court in the case cited (40 Mich., 625), say: "If the people taxed acquiesce and pay these taxes they may not afterwards be heard to complain, but r idb refuse, the courts have no power to compel them." Van Riper, AUy. Gen., July ^*, 1882. (65.) The only statute I notice relative to the assessment of school taxes is sec- tion 5090 Howelrs Statutes, and subsequent sections. They are to be assessed upon the taxable property of the districts or township. I suppose the personal property of residents of the district, together with the real estate of each resident within the district, would properly be taxed to each individual, notwithstanding the fact that some of his personal property was without the district and within the town- the property is in another township from where the party to be assessed reside?. Taggart, AUy. Gen. GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS. Taxes not assessed at prper time. Assessment of ne-mlll tax. How applied. Tf ken forfeited bj districts. How appor- tioned. Where accrued moneys shall belong. When district is divided certain taxes to be assessed. Proviso. How such taxes to be applied. Taxes in frac- tional districts. the township assessment roll in the column for school taxes, and the same shall be collected and returned by the township treas- urer in the same manner and for the same compensation as town- ship taxes. If any taxes provided for by law for school purposes shall fail to be assessed at the proper time, the same shall be assessed in the succeeding year. (66.) SEC. 14. The supervisor shall also assess upon the tax- able property of his township one mill upon each dollar of the valuation thereof in each year, and report the aggregate valuation of each district to the township clerk, who shall report said amount to the director of each school district, in his township, or to the director of any fractional school district, a portion of which may be located in said township, before the first day of September of each year, and all moneys so raised shall be appor- tioned by the township clerk to the district in which it was raised ; and all money collected by virtue of this act during the year on any property not included in any organized district, or in dis- tricts not having, during the previous school year, three months' school in districts having less than thirty children, or five months' school in districts having thirty and less than eight hundred children, or nine months' school in districts having eight hun- dred, or more children, as shown by the last school census, shall be apportioned to the several other school districts of said town- ship, in the same manner as the primary school interest fund is now apportioned. All moneys accruing from the one mill tax in any township, before any district shall have a legal school there- in, shall belong to the district in which it was raised, when they shall severally have had a three months' school by a qualified teacher.* (67.) SEC. 15. The amount to be assessed upon the taxable property of any school district retaining the school-house or other property, on the division of a district, as the same shall have been determined by the inspectors, shall be assessed by the super- visor in the same manner as if the same had been authorized by a vote of such district; and the money so assessed shall be placed to the credit of the taxable property taken from the former dis- trict, and shall be in reduction of any tax imposed in the new district on said taxable property for school district purposes: Provided, That if the district retaining the school-house shall vote to pay, and shall pay, before said taxes are assessed, any portion of said amount to the new district, said amount, as shall be certified by the moderator and director of the new district to the supervisor, shall be deducted from the amount to be assessed as provided in this section. When collected, such amount shall be paid over to the assessor of the new district, to be applied to the use thereof in the same manner, under the direction of its proper officers, as if such sum had been voted and raised by said district for building a school-house or other district purposes. (68.) SEC. 16. The full amount of all taxes to be levied upon the taxable property in a fractional school district shall be certified '* As amended by Act No. 84, Public Acts of 1887. GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS. 29 by the district board to the township clerk of each township in which such district is in part situated, and by such township clerks to the supervisors of their respective townships, and it shall be the duty of each of said supervisors to certify to each other supervisor interested the amount of taxable property in that part of the district lying in his township: Provided, That Proviso how when there exists a manifest difference in the valuation of prop- equal erty assessed in fractional districts, composed of territory in adjoining townships or counties, such valuation shall be equal- ized for this specific purpose by the supervisors of the townships interested, at a joint meeting held for that purpose, on applica- tion of either of the supervisors of said townships. And such supervisors shall respectively ascertain the proportion of such taxes, including mill tax, to be placed on their respective assess- ment rolls, according to the amount of taxable poperty in each part of such district. And if said supervisors cannot agree as to the proportion of such taxes to be placed on their respective assessment rolls, a supervisor from an adjoining township shall be called to meet with said supervisors in said fractional district and assist in equalizing said valuation. Said supervisor to be paid at the rate of three dollars per diem for the time necessarily employed in attendance at such meeting of the supervisors, and all necessary traveling expenses, by the townships in interest.* (69.) SEC. 17. The supervisor, on deliverv of the warrant for statement , . . , .to township the collection of taxes to the township treasurer, shall also treasurer, deliver to said treasurer, a written statement of the amount of school and library taxes, the amount raised for district purposes on the taxable property of each district in the township, the amount belonging to any new district on the division of the former district, and the names of all persons having judgments assessed under the provisions of this act upon the taxable property of any district, with the amount payable to such person on account thereof. (70.) SEC. 18. The supervisor of each township, on the f|{J5JSf {, delivery of the warrant for the collection of taxes to the town- urerof one-mtn ship treasurer, shall also deliver to said treasurer a written state- fractional In ment, certified by him, of the amount of the one-mill tax levied dlstrlct - upon any property lying within the bounds of a fractional school district, a parr, of which is situate within his township, and the returns of which are made to the clerk of some other township; and the said township treasurer shall pay to the township treas- urer of such other township the amount of the taxes so levied and certified to him for the use of such fractional school district. (71.) SEC. 19. Whenever any portion of a school district J 011 ^ ^"^. shall be set off and annexed to any other district, or organized of taxes o 611 into a new one, after a tax for district purposes other than the payment of any debts of the district shall have been levied upon the taxable property thereof, but not collected, such tax shall be collected in the same manner as if no part of such district had * As amended by Act No. 38, Public Acts of 1887, and Act No. 162, Public Acts of 30 GENEEAL SCHOOL LAWS. All school taxes assessed to be paid next to township expenses. See A pp. A , T! 35, 66, 78. See App. B , form 19. Townt-h'p treas- urer to apply to county treasur- er for moneys. To notify town- ship clerk of moneys. Moneys due fractional districts. been set off, and the said former district, and the district to which the portion so set off may be annexed or the new district organized from such portion, shall each be entitled to such pro- portion of said tax as the amount of taxable property in each part thereof bears to the whole amount of taxable property on which such tax is levied. (72.) SEC. 20. The township treasurer shall retain in his hands, out of the moneys collected by him, after deducting the amount of tax for township expenses, the full amount of the school taxes on the assessment roll, and hold the same subject to the warrant of the proper district officers, to the order of the school inspectors, or of the persons entitled thereto, and give a written notice to the township clerk of the amount. (73.) SEC. 21. The township treasurer shall, from time to time, apply to the county treasurer for all school and library moneys belonging to his township, or the districts thereof; and on receipt of the moneys to be apportioned to the districts, he shall notify the township clerk of the amount to be apportioned. (74.) SEC. 22. Each treasurer of a township, to the clerk of which the retuups of any fractional school district shall be made, shall apply to the treasurer of any other township in which any part of such fractional school district may be situated, for any money to which such district may be entitled ; and when so received it shall be certified to the township clerk, and appor- tioned in the same manner as other taxes for school purposes. CHAPTER V. COUNTY CLERK AND TREASURER. County clerk to receive and dispose of com- munications, etc. County clerk to file Inspectors' reports. Notice of apportionment of moneys. County treas- urer to apply for monoys appropriated. To notify town- ship clerks of amounts. (75.) SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of each county clerk to receive all such communications, blanks and documents as may be directed to him by the superintendent of public instruction, and dispose of the same in the manner directed by said superin- tendent. (76.) SEC. 2. The clerk of each county shall, on receiving from the secretary of the county board of school examiners the annual reports of the several boards of school inspectors, file the same in his office. On receiving notice from the superintendent of Public Instruction of the amount of moneys apportioned to the several townships in his county, he shall file the same in his office, and forthwith deliver a copy thereof to the county treasurer.* EP^I (77.) SEC. 3. The several county treasurers shall apply for and receive such moneys as shall have been apportioned to their respective counties, when the same shall become due ; and each of said treasurers shall immediately give notice to the treasurer and clerk of each township in his county, of the amount of school moneys apportioned to his township, and shall hold the same subject to the order of the township treasurer. * As amended by act No. 266, public acts of 1887. GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS. 31 CHAPTER VI. BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF DISTRICTS. (78. ) SECTION 1. Any school district may, by a two-thirds vote of the qualified electors of said district present at any annual meeting, or a special meeting called for that purpose borrow money, and may issue bonds of the district therefor, to pay for a school-house site or sites, and to erect and furnish school build- ings as follows: Districts having less than thirty children between five and twenty years of age may have an indebtedness not to exceed three hundred dollars; districts having thirty children of like age may have an indebtedness not to exceed five hundred dollars ; districts having fifty children of like age may have an indebtedness not to exceed one thousand dollars; dis- tricts having one hundred children of like age may have an indebtedness not to exceed three thousand dollars; districts hav- ing one hundred and twenty-five children of like age, and with an assessed valuation of not less than one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, may have an indebtedness not to exceed five thousand dollars; districts having two hundred children of like age may have an indebtedness not to exceed eight thousand dol- lars; districts having three hundred children of like age may have an indebtedness not to exceed fifteen thousand dollars; districts having four hundred children of like age may have an indebtedness not to exceed twenty thousand dollars; districts having five hundred children of like age may have an indebted- ness not to exceed twenty-five thousand dollars; and districts having eight hundred children or more of like age may have an indebtedness not to exceed thirty thousand dollars: Provided, That the indebtedness of a district shall in no case extend beyond maybet6sued. ten years for money borrowed : Provided further, That in all rroviso regu- proceedings under this section the director, assessor, and one liJnT " person appointed by the district board, shall constitute a board bonds of inspection, who shall cause a poll-list to be kept, and a suit- able ballot-box to be used, which shall be kept open two hours, and said ballotings shall be conducted in the same manner as at township elections.* (79.) SEC. 2. Whenever any school district shall have voted to borrow any sum of money, the district board of such district is borrowed. hereby authorized to issue the bonds of such district, in such form, and executed in such manner by the moderator and director of such district, and in such sums, not less than fifty interest dollars, as such district board shall direct, and with such rate of lb interest, not exceeding eight per centum per annum, and payable at such time or times as the said district shall have directed. (78.) A school district has no power to issue^bonds for purposes other than those enumerated in section 3726, compiled laws, asTamended by act No. 173, laws of 1879 (i. e. tc pay for a school-house site or sites, and^to erect and furnish school buildings.) Kirchner, Attorney General, Nov. 6, 1880. * As amended by act No. 56, public acts of 1887. 32 GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS. voters may District may 15> CHAPTER X. GBADED SCHOOL DISTRICTS. (107.) SECTION 1. Any school district containing more than see App. A., one hundred children between the ages of five and twenty years ^^isiScti may, by a two-thirds vote of the qualified electors present at any may organize annual or special meeting, organize as a graded school district : as Provided, That the intention to take such vote shall be expressed Proviso- notice in the notice of such annual or special meeting. When such of change in the organization of the district shall have been voted, Election of the voters at such annual or special meeting shall proceed immediately to elect by ballot from the qualified voters of the district one trustee for the term of one year, two for the term of Term of offlce - two years, and two for a term of three years, and annually thereafter a successor or successors to the trustee or trustees (107.) Elections held in graded school districts wherein two trustees were balloted * for at the same time, on joint ballot, are void, and no person has been legally elected, it has frequently been held that, if a ballot contains the names of two persons for the same offlce, when but one is to be chosen, it is bad as to both. The election of two trustees on two separate ballots, would be good as to the first one chosen, and void as to the second. As it is the policy of the law to uphold elections where the choice of the people can be ascertained, the one first elected having received the necessary vote is the choice of the electors, and such action of the district is valid as to him. As the amendment of 1883 does not repeal section 1, act X, only so far as it is in conflict therewith, and as both statutea provide that trustees shall hold over until their successors shall be elected and qualified, the old board remain in office until a valid election is had. The law makes no provision for a special election for trustees of graded schools, hence where the regular election was void there can be no special election to fill the office. No election can be held without a law providing therefor, hence the law that both trustees hold over is in full force wherever there was a failure to elect, as provided by statute. Section 2, chapter 3, of the school law applies only to officers of district schools, and not to trustees of graded schools, and only permits a special election where two vacancies exist. The trustees have no power under section 2, chapter X, to appoint a trustee where there has been a failure to elect, but can only 11 vacancies, as in case of death, resignation or removal. Van Riper, Atty. Gen., July 26, 1883. 40 GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS. Proviso. Majority vote necessary to elect. Acceptance of office to be filed. See App. B., form 5. Officers to be elected by trustees. Vacancy in board, how filled. When inspect- ors shall appoint officers. See App. B., form 15. Duty of trustees. To classify pupils. To establish high schools, etc. See App. A., H 142, 143. To audit and pay director's accounts. To employ teachers. See 40. See App. B., form 26. whose term of office shall expire : Provided also, In all districts organized prior to the year eighteen hundred and eighty-three there shall be one trustee elected at the annual meeting for the year eighteen hundred and eighty-three, and thereafter there shall be elected a trustee or trustees in the manner aforesaid, whose term of office shall be three years, and until his or their successor or successors shall have been elected and filed his or their acceptance : Provided also, That in the election of trustees, and all other school officers, the person receiving a majority of all the votes shall be declared elected. 11 (108.) SEC. 2. Within ten days after their election such trustees shall file with the director acceptances of the offices to which they have been elected, and shall annually elect from their own number a moderator, a director, and assessor, and for cause may remove the same, and may appoint others of their own num- ber in their places, who shall perform the duties prescribed by law for such officers in other school districts in this State, except as herinafter provided. The trustees shall have power to fill any vacancy that may occur in their number till the next annual meeting. Whenever, in any case, the trustees shall fail, through disagreement or neglect, to elect the officers named in this section, within twenty days next after the annual meeting, the school inspectors of the township or city to which such district makes its annual report snail appoint the said officers from the number of said trustees. (109.) SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the board of trustees of any graded school district: First, To classify and grade the pupils attending school in such district, and cause them to be taught in such schools or depart- ments as they may deem expedient ; Second, To establish in such district a high school when ordered by a vote of the district at an annual meeting, and to determine the qualifications for admission to such school, and the fees to be paid for tuition in any branches taught therein; Third, To audit and order the payment of all accounts of the director for incidental or other expenses incurred by him in the discharge of his duties ; but no more than fifty dollars shall be expended by the director in any one year for repairs of the build- ings or appurtenances of the district property without the author- ity of the board of trustees ; Fourth, To employ all qualified teachers necessary for the sev- eral schools, and to determine the amount of their compensation, and to require the director and moderator to make contracts with >A8 amended by Act No. 28, Session Laws 1883, and Act No. 18, Session Laws 1885, (109, paragraph four.) The question is as to whether the board of trustees of a graded school can employ a music teacher who has not passed the regular examina- tion required of other teachers and received a certificate required by section 5153 of Howeirs Statutes (Sec. 4, Chap. 11, School Laws) ? It would be most difficult to imagine that an examination in the several branches and studies specified in the statutes would show sufficiently the qualifications of the applicants to teach either music or drawing. I do not think the statute applicable to such teachers nor does there appear to be any which is. The board probably has and will be held by the courts to possess such authority, still it is not a question free from doubt and addi- tional legislation may be desirable.-Tacrgart, Attorney General, July 26, 1886. GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS. 41 the same on behalf of the district, in accordance with the pro- seeA PP . A., visions of law concerning contracts with teachers; Fifth, To employ such officers and servants as may be neces- TO employ sary for the management of the schools and school-property, and of er8 ' etc ' prescribe their duties and fix their compensation ; Sixth, To perform such other duties as are required of district other duties. boards in other school districts. See Chft p- nl - (110.) SEC. 4. No alteration shall be made in the boundaries consent of trus- of any graded school district, without the consent of a majority ^hange 8 ^ 7 of the trustees of said district, which consent shall be spread upon SSSJJJjJ 1 * 8 of the records of the district, and placed on file in the office of the clerk of the board of school inspectors of the township or city to which the reports of said district are made; aad graded school c dtrtcts t districts shall not be restricted to nine sections of land. ? 8ize. trlt (Sill.) SEC. 5. Whenever two or more contiguous districts hav- TWO or more . vs . , , , .,, , , districts can ing together more than one hundred children betwen the ages of unite and form five and twenty years, after having published in the notices of the annual meetings of each district the intention to take such action, shall severally, by a vote of two-thirds of the qualified voters attending the annual meeetings in said districts, determine to unite for the purpose of establishing a graded school district under the provisions of this chapter, the school inspectors of the township or townships in which such districts may be situated shall, on being properly notified of such vote, proceed to unite such districts, and shall appoint, as soon as practicable, a time and place for a meeting of the new district, and shall require Notice of three notices of the same to be posted in each of the districts so m united at least five days before the time of such meeting, and at such meeting the district shall elect a board of trustees, as pro- vided in section one of this chapter, and may do whatever busi- ness may be done at any annual meeting. 1 CHAPTER XL LIBRAKIES. (112.) SECTION!. A township library shall be maintained in Township each organized township, which shall be the property of the m^/ained^ township, and shall not be subject to sale or alienation from any cause whatever. All actions relating to such library, or for the recovery of any penalties lawfully established in relation thereto, shall be brought in the name of the township. (113.) SEC. 2. All persons who are residents of the township who are entitled shall be entitled to the privileges of the township library, subject SwSj?* 8 ** to such rules and regulations as may be lawfully established in relation thereto : Provided, That persons residing within the Proviso. boundaries of any school district in which a district library has been established shall be entitled to the privileges of such dis- trict library only. 'New section added by Act No. 53, Session Laws of .1883. GENEEAL SCHOOL LAWS. Inspectors to have charge. See App B., form 18. See App. A., IT 144, 146. Inspectors accountable for care, etc., of library. Powers of Inspectors. See App. C. Where library te be kept. Librarian. What districts may establish libraries. District board to have charge of district library. Inspectors to report library statistics to State superin- tendent. (114.) SEC. 3. The township board of school inspectors shall have charge of the township library, and shall apply for and receive from the township treasurer all moneys appropriated for the township library of their township, and shall purchase the books and procure the necessary appendages for such library. (115.) SEC. 4. Said board shall be held accountable for the proper care and preservation of the township library, and shall have power to provide for .the safe keeping of the same, to prescribe the time for taking and returning books, to assess and collect fines and penalties for the loss or injury of said books, and to establish all other needful rules and regulations for the manage- ment of the library, as said board shall deem proper, or the super- intendent of public instruction may advise. (116.) SEC. 5. The board of school inspectors shall cause the township library to be kept at some central or eligible place in the township, which it shall determine ; such board shall also, within ten days after the annual township meeting, appoint a librarian for the term of one year, to have the care and superin- tendence of said library, who shall be responsible to the board of school inspectors for the impartial enforcement of all rules and regulations lawfully established in relation to said library^ (117.) SEC. 6. Any school district having a school census of not less than one hundred children, by a two-thirds vote at any annual meeting, may establish a district library, and such, dis- trict shall be entitled to its just proportion of books from the library of any township in which it is wholly or partly situated, to be added to the district library, and also to its equitable share of any library moneys remaining unexpended in any such township or townships at the time of the establishment of such district library, or that shall thereafter be raised by tax in such township or townships, or that shall thereafter be apportioned to the town- ship to the inspectors of which the annual report of its director is made. (118.) SEC. 7. The district board of any school district in which a district library may be established in accordance with the pro- visions of this act shall have charge of such library; and the duties and responsibilities of said district board in relation to the district library, and all moneys raised or apportioned for its support, shall be the same as those of the board of school inspect- ors are to the township library. (119.) SEC. 8. The school inspectors shall give in their annual report to the superintendent of public instruction, such facts and statistics relative to the management of the township library and the library moneys, as the superintendent of public instruc- tion shall direct ; and the district board of any school district having a library, shall cause to be given in the annual report of the director to the board of school inspectors, like facts and statistics relative to the district library, which items shall also be included by the said inspectors in their annual report. As amended by Act No. 114, Session Laws of 1883. GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS. 43 (120.) SEC. 9. In case the board of school inspectors of any Failure to. township, or the district board of any school district, shall fail 5Tviso. after January first, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two, such money may be used for general school purposes in any township wherein the township board thereof shall so determine. (123.) SEC. 12. The qualified voters of each township shall v a x t ^ 8 r m t ay ^ have power, at any annual township meeting, to vote a tax for oMibaries POr the support of libraries established in accordance with the pro- visions of this act, and the qualified voters of any school district, in which a district library shall be established, shall have power, at any annual meeting of such district, to vote a district tax for (121.) I am clearly of the opinion that the superintendent could make his report at any time before the first day of June, and that it would be the duty of the clerk to forward the same to the county treasurer, and that it would be his duty to make the apportionment, even if delayed beyond the time fixed by law. This, however, is with the superintendent, and it must be a very exceptional case that would justify him in a failure to comply with the clearly expressed provisions of law. 44 GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS. HOW tax to be the support of said district library. When any tax authorized aSe^'and by this section shall have been voted, it shall be reported to the supervisor, levied, and collected in the same manner as other township and school district taxes. District board (124.) SEC. 13. The district board of any school district may bookfto^own^ 1 donate or sell any library book or books belonging to such dis- ship library. trict to the board of school inspectors of the township or town- ships in which said district is wholly or partly situated, which book or books shall thereafter form a part of the township library. CHAPTER XII. EXAMINATION OF TEACHEKS AND SUPERVISION OF SCHOOLS. Election of (125.) SECTION. 1. The chairmen of the boards of school school examin- j ns p ec t rs of the several townships in each county shall meet at the office of the county clerk of their county on the first Tuesday Term of office, in August, in each year, and elect by ballot one scliool examiner, who shall hold his office for two years, or until his successor shall proviso. have been duly elected and qualified : Provided, That in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-seven there shall be no election of * examiner, but the two examiners previously elected whose terms of office shall not have expired shall hold for the unexpired por- Duties of county tions of the terms for which they were elected. The county clerk to e efeaion, a etc n shall be the clerk of such elections in all cases, and in case of a tie shall give the casting vote, and he shall preserve a record of such election in a book to be kept for that purpose, and shall immediately after such election notify the person so elected of his election. The school examiners shall, within ten days after receiving notice of their election, take and subscribe the consti- oath of examin- tutional oath of office, the same to be filed with the county clerk, led> and shall enter upon the duties of their offices on the fourth Tuesday of August following their election. 1 " section of ( 126.) SEC. 2. The two school examiners elected by the town- board!*^ ship chairmen shall meet at the office of the judge of probate of the county on the fourth Tuesday of August of each year, and with the judge of probate, who shall act as a member and clerk <125.) The county examiner will not lose his residence or forfeit his office, by reason of the temporary removal of his family into another city or village, provided such absence is merely temporary, and the intent is to return as soon as the education of his children in the university or college is accomplished. It is the intent of the party that governs, and a man's temporary absence in another State or foreign coun- try even tor a period of years, does not change his legal domicile, provided, as before stated, that he does not relinquish his home in the one place and take it up in the other place with intent to remain in such new home. VanRiper, Attorney General, June 23, 1882. ( 125.) I am of the opinion that an election of school examiner by less than a major- ity is not a valid election and a person elected by less than a majority is not legally elected and cannot claim to hold such office. VanRiper, Attorney General, Aug. 28, 1882. ( 126.) It is made the duty of the two school examiners with the judge of probate acting as a member and clerk of the board, to employ a secretary. I do not think it was the intention of the Legislature that they should employ one of their own mem- bers as secretary ; if such were the intent it would have been so expressed, as in the old law. Independent of statute the rule is pretty well settled by the courts that an official cannot, by his own vote, elect himself to any position. Taggart, Attorney General, Sept. 2, 1887. GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS. 45 of the board for the purpose herein named, shall elect, appoint and employ a secretary of said board of examiners. The judge of probate shall, immediately after the board has appointed a secretary, file a certified statement of such fact with the county clerk, and said county clerk shall immediately notify the person Duty of comity appointed as secretary of his appointment, and said secretary cl shall, within ten days after receiving notice of his appointment, take and subscribe the constitutional oath of office, the same to be filed with the county clerk. He shall also execute a bond with secretary to two sufficient sureties, to be approved by and filed with the county e3 clerk, in the penal sum of five hundred dollars, conditioned that he will faithfully discharge his duties according to law, and faithfully account for and pay over to the proper persons all moneys which may come into his hands by reason of his holding such office ; and thereupon the county clerk shall report the name and postoffice address of such secretary to the superintendent of public instruction, and said secretary shall immediately there- after enter upon the duties of his office. The secretary of the board shall be ex officio a member and the executive officer of the board of examiners in the transaction of all business of said board, except in the appointing or removing from office of the secre- tary of said board. The school examiner elected by the township chairman of chairman, whose term of office shall soonest expire, shall be the bc chairman of the board of examiners. k (127.) SEC. 3. The secretary of the board of school examiners, Public examma- for the purpose of examining all persons who may offer them- ti( selves as teachers for the public schools, shall hold two regular public examinations in each year at the county seat, which examinations shall be on the first Thursday of March and August ; for a like purpose, said secretary shall hold not to exceed six special exami- special public examinations at such times and places as in the ns judgment of said board of examiners, the interest of the schools and teachers of the county shall require : Provided, That first and second grade certificates shall be granted only at the regular public examinations provided for in this section: Provided, further, That it shall be the duty of the secretary of the board schedule to be of school examiners to make out a schedule of the times and places of holding special examinations, and to cause it to be published in one or more newspapers of the county at least ten days before each special examination, and he shall send a copy thereof to the chairman of each township board of school inspectors of the county, at least ten days previous to the time of holding any special examination." (128.) SEC. 4. The board of school examiners shall meet on the Saturday following each public examination held by the secretary, and shall grant certificates to teachers in such form as the superintendent of public instruction shall prescribe, licens- ing as teachers all persons who shall have attained the age of sixteen years, who have attended said public examination and * As amended by Act No. 266, Public Acts of 1887. 46 GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS. who shall be found qualified in respect to good moral character, learning and ability to instruct and govern a school ; but no certificate shall be granted to any person who shall not pass a satisfactory examination in orthography, reading, writing, gram- mar, geography, arithmetic, theory and art of teaching, United States history, civil government, and physiology and hygiene with particular reference to the effects of alcoholic drinks, stimulants, and narcotics upon the human system. All certifi- cates shall be signed by the secretary and chairman of said board. a!uTiin b ed tlegally No person shall be considered a qualified teacher within the teachers to be meaning of the school law, nor shall any school officer employ or contract with any person to teach in any of the public schools who has not a certificate in force granted by the board of school examiners of the county or other lawful authority: Provided, That all examination questions shall be prepared and furnished be furnished by by the superintendent of public instruction to said secretary S pubhc e J ent under seal, to be opened before the applicants for certificates on the day of examination. 11 Grades of (129.) SEC. 5. There shall be three grades of certificates certificates. granted by the board of school examiners in its discretion, and subject to such rules and regulations as the superintendent of public instruction may prescribe, which grades of certificates First. shall be as follows: The certificate of the first grade shall be granted only to those who shall have taught at least one year with ability and success, and it shall be valid throughout the State for three years : Provided, That no first grade certificate shall be valid in any county other than that in which it was issued, unless a copy of said certificate is filed with the secretary of the county board of examiners in the county in which the holder of said certificate desires to teach. The certificate of the Second. second grade shall be granted only to those who shall have taught at least six months with ability and success, and it shall be valid throughout the county for which it shall be granted for two Third. years. The certificate of the third grade shall license the holder thereof to teach in the county for which it shall be granted for proviso special one year : Provided, That the secretary of the board of school examiners or any other member of the board authorized by said secretary shall have power, upon personal examination satisfac- tory to himself, and subject to such rules and regulations as the board of school examiners may establish, to grant special certifi- cates, which shall license the holder thereof to teach in a specified ceniflcat 8peclal ^^ 8 ^ c * ^ or which it shall be granted ; but such certificate shall not continue in force beyond the time of the next public exami- nation and it shall not in any way exempt the teacher from a full second special examination: Provided, further, That in case the holder of a tobe^nte? special certificate does not appear for examination before the Sthe U board Sent ^ oar( ^ a * ^ ne nex ^ public examination succeeding the date of such special certificate, a second special certificate shall not be granted to such person except by order of the board of examiners, nor shall any member of the board of examiners, unless authorized GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS. 47 by the board, grant a special certificate to any person who at a previous examination failed to secure a certificate. 1 " (130.) SEC. 6. The board of school examiners may suspend or suspension or revoke any teacher's certificate for any reason which would have SrSSStea!* justified said board in withholding the same when given for neg- lect of duty, for incompetency to instruct or govern a school, or for immorality; and said board may, within its jurisdiction, sus- pend, for immorality or incompetency to instruct and govern a school, the effect of any teacher's certificate that may have been granted by other lawful authority : Provided, That no certificate Proviso, shall be suspended or revoked without a personal hearing, unless the holder thereof shall, after reasonable notice, neglect or refuse to appear before the board of school examiners for that purpose." (131.) SEC. 7. It shall be the duty of the board of school Examiners and examiners and the chairman [chairmen] of the board [boards] of iSfHSSm^ school inspectors of the several townships to hold each year a in s 8 yearly, joint meeting at the county seat at the time of and immediately after the annual election of school examiners, for the purpose of consulting and advising with reference to the more efficient supervision of the schools and teachers under their charge. The chairman of the board of school examiners shall preside at such joint meeting, and the secretary of the board of school examiners shall be secretary of such meeting. k (132.) SEC. 8. Special meetings of the board of school examin- special meet. ,, , , r , -IT ings of board ers may be called by the secretary of said board, as hereinafter of examiners. provided, and at any meeting of the board of school examiners any two members thereof may transact any business that may lawfully come before such meeting. In case the secretary be not present at any meeting of the board, the examiner, acting as secretary, shall certify to the secretary a correct record of the proceedings, and the result of examinations at such meeting. k (133.) SEC. 9. It shall be the duty of the secretary of the Duties of board of school examiners : First, Immediately upon his qualification as secretary, to send notice thereof to the superintendent of public instruction, and to the chairman of each township board of school inspectors of the county ; Second, To be present at all meetings of the board, and to J f b k e ft e r 5 records keep a record of all proceedings of the board ; Third, To keep a record of all examinations held by the board, and to sign all certificates and other papers and reports issued by said board ; Fourth, To act as treasurer of the board for the purpose of TO act as treas- . . , 1 ,., i -i -i -i i T .1 urer of board. receiving the institute fees provided by law, and paying the same to the county treasurer once in each month ; Fifth, To keep a record of all certificates granted, suspended or revoked by the board, showing to whom issued, together with the date, grade and duration of each certificate, and if suspended or revoked, the date and reason therefor ; * As amended by Act No, 266, Public Acts of 1887. 48 GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS. TO furnish net sixth, To furnish, previous to the first Monday in September teachers to in each year, to the township clerk of each township in the township clerks. CO untv, a list of all persons legally authorized to teach in the county at large, and in such township, with the date and term of each certificate, and if any have been suspended or revoked, the date of such suspension or revocation ; TO visit each Seventh, To visit each of the schools in his county at least once school la , T . nn.iT-Tn T county. each year, and to examine carefully the discipline, the mode of instruction, and the progress and proficiency of the pupils : Pro- awistant n viBit v ided, That in case the secretary is unable to visit all the schools ora when of the county, as herein required, he may, with the approval of the other members of the board of examiners, appoint such assistant visitors as may be necessary, who shall perform such duties pertaining to the visitation and supervision of schools as said secretary shall direct ; ?eacherB Se etc lth Eighth, To counsel with the teachers and school boards as to the courses of study to be pursued, and as to any improvement in discipline and instruction in the schools ; piansfffschooi- Ninth, To note the condition of the school-houses and the houses. appurtenances thereto, and to suggest plans for new houses to be erected, and for warming and ventilating the same, and for the general improvement of school-houses and grounds ; TO advance the Tenth, To promote by such means as he may devise, subject to schools! 8 the advice of the board of school examiners, the improvement of the schools in his county and the elevation of the character and qualifications of the teachers and officers thereof ; Ins "tor? 6 Eleventh, To receive the duplicate annual reports of the sev- reports. eral boards of school inspectors, examine into the correctness of the same, requiring them to be amended when necessary, indorse his approval upon them and immediately thereafter, and before the first day of November in each year, transmit to the superin- tendent of public instruction one copy of each of said reports and file the other copy in the office of the county clerk ; annual Twelfth, To be subject to such instructions and rules as the superintendent of public instruction may prescribe; to receive all blanks and communications that may be sent to him by the superintendent of public instruction, and to dispose of the same as directed by the said superintendent; and to make annual reports at the close of the school year to the superintendent of public instruction, of the official labor performed by the board of school examiners, and by himself and of the general condition and management of the schools of the county, together with such other information as may be required of him ; Tliirteenth, To perform such other duties as may be required of him by law, or the board of school examiners, and at the close of his term of office, to deliver all records, books and papers belonging to his office to the board of examiners. k minofboa c rd alr " ( 134 ) SEC - l ' Jt sha11 be amended by Act No. 68, Laws of 1879. n As amended by Act No. 112, Session Laws of 1883. 56 GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS. May draw on State treasurer, In certain cases. Yearly State Institute. Expenses to be paid from State treasury. Proviso. Vouchers for payments. Acts repealed. (159.) SEC. 6. In case the institute fund in any county shall be insufficient to defray the necessary expenses of any institute held under the provisions of this act, the auditor general shall, upon the certificate of the superintendent that he has made arrange- ments for holding such institute, and that the county institute fund is insufficient to meet the expenses thereof, draw his war- rant upon the state treasurer for such additional sum as said superintendent shall deem necessary for conducting such insti- tute; which sum shall not exceed sixty dollars for each institute of five days' duration, and shall be paid out of the general fund. (160.) SEC. 7. The superintendent is authorized to hold, once in each year, an institute for the State at large, to be denominated a State institute ; and for the purpose of defraying the necessary expenses of such institute, the auditor general shall, on the cer- tificate of said superintendent that he has made arrangements for holding such institute, draw his warrant upon the state treas- urer for such sum as said superintendent shall deem necessary for conducting such institute, which sum shall not exceed four hundred dollars, and shall be paid out of the general fund : Pro- vided, That not more than eighteen hundred dollars shall be drawn from the treasury, or any greater liability incurred in any one year, to meet the provisions of this act. (161.) SEC. 8. The superintendent of public instruction, or the conductor of the institute by him appointed, drawing money from the county treasurer, under section five of this act, shall, at the close of each institute, furnish to the county treasurer, vouchers for all payments from the same in accordance with thi& act, and he shall return to the county treasurer, whatever of the amount that may remain unexpended, to be replaced in the insti- tute fund. (162.) SEC. 9. An act entitled " An act to establish teachers' institutes," approved February tenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, as amended by act two hundred and thirty-nine, session laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-one, being compiler's sections three thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine, three thousand seven hundred and ninety, and three thousand seven hundred and ninety-one of the compiled laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-one, are hereby repealed. Of the normal school. Proviso. CHAPTER XVI. From Act No. 194, Laws of 1889. NORMAL SCHOOL DIPLOMAS AND CERTIFICATES. (163.) SECTION 3. The State board of education shall con- tinue the normal school at Ypsilanti in the county of Washtenaw, where it is now located. The purpose of the normal school shall be the instruction of persons in the art of teaching, and in all the various branches pertaining to the public schools of the State of Michigan : Provided, There shall be prescribed for said school GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS. 57 a course of study intended specially to prepare students for the rural and the elementary [graded] schools of this State, which shall provide not less than twenty weeks of special professional instruction. (164.) SEC. 5. Said board shall provide all necessary courses course of study, of study to be pursued in the normal school and establish and etc! nln maintain in connection therewith a fully equipped training school as a school of observation and practice, and shall grant, upon the completion of either of said courses, such diplomas as it may Diplomas. deem best, and such diploma, when granted, shall carry with it such honors as the extent of the course for which the diploma is givtn may warrant and said board of education may direct. (165.) SEC. 6. Upon the completion of the course specially certificate to prescribed, as hereinbefore provided for the rural and elementary grante^ h tem graded schools, said board of education shall upon the recom- of ' etc - mendation of the principal and a majority of the heads of the departments of said school, grant a certificate which shall be signed by said board and the principal of tke normal school, which certificate shall contain a list of the studies included in said course, and which shall entitle the holder to teach in any of the schools of the State for which said course has been provided for a period of five years : Provided, That said certificate may be Pr vtso. suspended or revoked by said State board of education upon cause shown by any county board of examination, or by any board of school officers. (166.) SEC. 7. Upon the completion of either of the advanced Life certificates, courses of study prescribed by said State board, which shall ^ nt require not less than four years for their completion, said board of education, upon the recommendation of the principal and a majority of the heads of departments of said school, shall issue a certificate to the person completing said course, which certificate shall be referred to in the deploma hereinbefore provided to be granted. Said certificate shall set forth a list of the studies of Maybe the course completed and, when given, shall operate as a life re certificate, unless revoked by said State board of education. (167.) SEC. 8. The board of education shall make such regula- Admission of tions for the admission of pupils to said school as it shall deem pl necessary and proper: Provided, That the applicant shall, before Proviso, admission, sign a declaration of intention to teach in the schools in this State. CHAPTER XVII. From Act No. 194, Laws of 1889. STATE CERTIFICATES TO TEACHERS. (168.) SEC. 15. Said board shall hold at least two meetings Board t^gmnt^ each year, at which they shall examine teachers, and grant cer- ce tificates to such as have taught in the schools of the State at least two years and who shall, upon a thorough and critical examination in every study required for such certificate, be found 58 GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS. FrYiso. to possess eminent scholarship, ability, and good moral character<- Such certificate shall be signed by the members of said board and be impressed with its seal and shall entitle the holder to teach in any of the public schools of this State without further examina-^ tion, and shall be valicj for life unless revoked by said board. No certificate shall be granted except upon the examination herein prescribed : Provided, That graduates of the literary and scientific departments of the university and of incorporated colleges of the State, shall not be required to teach as a prelimi- nary to taking such examination and certificate. CHAPTER XVIII. Act No. 117, Laws of 1855. TEACHEBS' ASSOCIATIONS. Fifteen or more teachers may form corpora- tion. Notice to be published. vjonstitutlon, where filed. May hold property. Restrictions upon its use. Privileges and liabilities of corporations. (169.) SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact r Any fifteen or more teachers, or other persons residing in this- State, who shall associate for the purpose of promotiog education and science, and improvements in the theory and practice of teaching, may form themselves into a corporation, under such name as they may choose, providing they shall have published, in some newspaper printed at Lansing, or in the county in which such association is to be located, for at least one month previous, a notice of the time, place, and purpose of the meeting for such association, and shall file in the office of the Secretary of State a copy of the constitution and by-laws of said association. (170.) SEC. 2 Such association may hold and possess real and personal property to the amount of five thousand dollars; but the funds or property thereof shall not be used for any other purpose than the legitimate business of the association in secur- ing the objects of its corporation. (171.) SEC. 3. Upon becoming a corporation, as hereinbefore provided, they shall have all the powers and privileges, and be sub- ject to all the duties of a corporation, according to the provisions of chapter fifty-five of the Revised Statutes of this State [Chap. 130, Compiled Laws of 1871], so far as such provisions shall be applicable in such case, and not inconsistent with the provisions of this act. CHAPTER XIX. Act No. 131, Laws of 1875. SAFE KEEPING OF PUBLIC MONEYS. "Pnblic mon- eys" defined. (172.) SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That all moneys which shall come into the hands of any officer of the State, or of any officer of any county, or of any township, school district, highway district, city -or village, or of any other GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS. 59 municipal or public corporation within this State, pursuant to any provision of law authorizing such officer to receive the same, shall be denominated public moneys within the meaning of this act. (173.) SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of every officer charged with Public moneys the receiving, keeping, or disbursing of public moneys to keep rJte^roTaii 1 *" the same separate and apart from his own money, and he shall otherfundft - not commingle the same with his own money, nor with the money of any other person, firm, or corporation. (174.) SEC. 3. No such officer shall, under any pretext, use Howused ' nor allow to be used, any such moneys for any purpose other than in accordance with the provisions of law ; nor shall he .use the same for his own private use, nor loan the same to any person, firm, or corporation without legal authority so to do. (175.) SEC. 4. In all cases where public moneys are authorized interest on pu*. to be deposited in any bank, or to be loaned to any individual, conSifutlfa firm or corporation, for interest, the interest accruing upon such s eneral fund - public moneys shall belong to and constitute a general fund of the State, county, or other public or municipal corporation, as the case may be. (176.) SEC. 5. In no case shall any such officer, directly or officers not to indirectly, receive any pecuniary or valuable consideration as an inducement for the deposit of any public moneys with any par- ticular bank, person, firm or corporation. bank, etc. (177.) SEC. 6. The provisions of this act shall apply to USStffSfSf^ deputies of such officer or officers, and to all clerks, agents, and to deputles?et servants of such officer or officers. (178.) SEC. 7. Any person guilty of a violation of any of the Penalty provisions of this act shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, or imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding six months, or both such fine and impris- onment in the discretion of the court: Provided, That nothing Proviso. in this act contained shall prevent a prosecution under the gen- eral statute for embezzlement in cases where the facts warrant a prosecution under such general statute. (179.) SEC. 8. Any officer who shall willfully or corruptly draw or issue any warrant, order, or certificate for the payment of of money in excess of the amount authorized by law, or for a pur- pose not authorized by law, shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and may be punished as provided in the preceding section. CHAPTER XX.* Act No. 144, Laws of 1883, as amended by Act No. 108, Laws of 1885. COMPULSORY EDUCATION OF CHILDREN. (180.) SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, a That every parent, guardian, or other person in (the State of > send ch'ndrea * Act No. 144, Session Laws of 1P83, consisted of thirteen sections. Act No. 108, Ses- sion Laws of 1885, repealed sections six, seven, eight, nine, tt-n, and elevt-n, leaving but seven sections in force. Sections six and seven of the above chapter are numbered twelve and thirteen in the Act as passed at the legislative session of 1883. (See Chap- ter XXI of this volume.) 60 GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS. Michigan, having control and charge of any child or children between the ages of eight and fourteen years, shall be required to send such child or children to a public school for a period of at least four months in each school year, commencing on the first Monday of September in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-three, at least six weeks of which shall be consecutive, unless such child or children are excused from such attendance by the board of the school district in which such parents or guardians reside, upon its being shown to their satisfaction that his bodily or mental condition has been such as to prevent his attendance at school, or application to study for the period required, or that such child or children are taught in a private school, or at home, in such branches as are usually taught in primary schools, or have already acquired the ordinary branches proviso. of learning taught in public schools : Provided, In case a public school shall not be taught for four months during the year within two miles, by the nearest traveled road, of the residence of any person within the school district, he shall not be liable to the provisions of this act. children cannot (181.) SEC. 2. No child under the age of fourteen years shall uboSa* ertain be employed by any person, company or corporation, to labor in cases. anv b u si ness> unless such child shall have attended some public or private day school where instruction was given by a teacher qualified to instruct in such branches as are usually taught in primary schools, at least four months of the twelve months next preceding the month in which such child shall be so employed : proviso. Provided* That a certificate from the director of the school dis- trict in which such child shall have attended school shall be evidence of a compliance with the provisions of this act." cniidreu unem- (182.) SEC. 3. Every parent, guardian, or other person, hav- schoof. to a " end i Q g charge or control of any child from eight to fourteen years of age, who has been temporarily discharged from any business or employment, shall send such child to some public or private day school for the period for which such child shall have been dis- charged, unless such child shall have been excused from such attendance by the board of the school district, for reasons as stated in section one hereof. District board (183.) SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of the school district board boks nls : " of each district of the State to purchase and furnish, at the expense of the district, such text-books as may in the judgment of said board be necessary for the use of children whose parents are not able to furnish the same, the expense of such books to be levied in like manner as other district taxes. Penalty for non- (184.) SEC. 5. In case any parent, guardian, or other person for^goi a n n g ce * th shall fail to comply with the provisions of sections two, three, or four of this act, such parent, guardian, or other person shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than ten dollars for the first offense, and of not less than ten dollars for ach subsequent offpnse. a a See Chapter XXII of this volume. GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS. 61 (185.) SEC. 6. It shall be the duty of the officers detailed or Truant officers appointed under the provisions of this act to assist in the enforce- SsfuutYpn? ment thereof, to institute, or cause to be instituted, proceedings ceedln e s - against any parent, guardian, or other person having legal charge and control of any child, or any person, company, or corporation, violating any of the provisions of sections one, two, three, four, and five of this act ; and in school districts and cities, and villages of less than five thousand inhabitants, it shall be the duty of the school board to institute, or cause to be instituted, such proceed- ings.* (8186.) SEC. 7. When any of the provisions of this act are Proceedings x a I j.- J- T-T-J may be had violated by a corporation, proceedings may be had against any against officers of the officers or agents of said corporation, who in any way of cor P ratlon8 - participate in or are cognizant of such violation by the corpora- tion of which they are the officers or agents, and said officers or agents shall be subject to the same penalties as individuals similarly offending.* CHAPTER XXI. Act Xo. 108, Laws of 1885, as amended by Act No.',2l8, Public/Acts of 1889. COMPULSORY REFORMATORY EDUCATION OF JUVENILE DISOR- DERLY PERSONS. (187.) SECTION 1. In all cities, villages and. townships in this Jjjg^! aybe State maintaining and supporting a graded school, the board of established in education, school board or other officer or officers having charge J2?3. m11 of the schools of said cities, villages and townships may establish one or more ungraded schools for the instruction of certain chil- dren, as defined and set forth in the following sections, and they Attendance on may, through their authorized agents or officers, require said 8C children to attend said ungraded schools or any department of their graded schools, as said [board] of education or school board may designate, during the whole or a portion of each school day, as they may direct. (188.) SEC. 2. In all cities having a duly organized police force, it shall be the duty of the police authority, at the request of the school authority, to detail one or more members of said force to assist in the enforcement of this act; and in cities, vil- lages, or townships having no regular police force, it shall be the duty of the board of education, or the school district officers, to designate the marshal of such city, or village, or one or more constables of said city, village or township, whose duty it shall be to assist in the enforcement of this act, as occasion may require, and board of education or school board shall fix and determine the compensation to be paid such officer for the per- formance of his duties under this act, and shall pay the same of education. * Act No. 144, Session Laws of J883, consisted of thirteen sections. Act No. 108, Ses sion Laws of 1885, repealed sections six, seven, eight, nine, ten, and eleven, leaving but seven sections in force. Sections six and seven of the above chapter are numbered twelve and thirteen in the Act as passed at the legislative session of 1883. (See Chap- ter XXI of this volume.) 62 GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS. who shaii be Truant officers from any moneys in their hands raised or provided for the gen- eral expenses of the public schools. Members of any police force, marshal, or constable designated to assist in the enforce- ment of this act, as provided in this section, shall be known as truant officers. r~ (189.) SEC. 3. The following classes of persons between the ages of eight and sixteen years shall be deemed juvenile disor- derly persons, and shall be subject to the provisions of this act: Class One, Habitual truants from any school in which they are enrolled as pupils ; Class Two, Children who, while attending any public school, are incorrigibly turbulent, disobedient, or insubordinate, or are vicious or immoral in conduct ; Class Three, Children who are not attending any school, and who habitually frequent streets and other public r>laces, having no lawful business, employment, or occupation, which renders attendance at school impossible. (190.) SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of the truant officers, under the direction of the SfoTBsaid school authorities, or their authorized agents, to warn alleged truants and incorrigibles, and their parents or guardians, of the consequences of belonging to any of said classes of juvenile disorderly persons, as set forth and defined in this act. They shall also, under direction as afore- said, serve written or printed notice upon the parent or guardian of any child belonging to class one, or to class two, as described and defined in section three of this act, that such child must begin regular attendance at such school within five days of the date of service of such notice, (191.) SEC. 5. They shall also under direction, as aforesaid, ^.^ wr jtten or printed notice to the parent or guardian of any child belonging to class three, as described and defined in section three of this act, that said child is not attending any school and require said parent or guardian to cause said child to begin reg- ular attendance at such school within five days of the date of the service of said notice. Truant officer to (192.) SEC. 6. If said parent or guardian, or other person having the legal charge and control of said child shall willfully refuse, fail, or neglect to cause said child to attend such school, after notice given, as prescribed in sections four and five of this act, it shall be the duty of said officer to make or cause to be made a complaint against said parent, guardian, or other person having the legal charge and control of such child, before a jus- , . , . , tice of the peace in the city, village or township where the party resides, except in cities having a recorder's or police court, when complaint shall be made in said recorder's or police court, for such refusal or neglect, and said justice of the peace, police judge, or recorder's court shall issue a warrant upon said com- plaint and shall proceed to hear and determine the same, and upon conviction thereof said parent, guardian, or other person, as the case Tnay be, shall be pnnishprl bv a finp not IPR than ten Truant officer to notify parent, what courts shallhave Juris diction. *See Chapter XXII of this volume. GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS. 63 dollars, nor more than twenty-five dollars, or the court may in its Penalty discretion, require the person so convicted to give a bond in the lmp 8ed - penal sum of one hundred dollars with one or more sureties to be approved by said court, conditioned that said person so con- victed shall cause the child or children under his legal charge or control, to attend at such school within five days thereafter, and to remain at said school during a full school term of twenty school weeks, dating from time of beginning of said attendance : Provided, That if said parent or guardian, or other person in when parent,, charge of said child shall under oath plead inability to cause said discharge^ 6 child to attend said school, then said parent or guardian or other person shall be discharged, and said justice of the peace, or court shall, upon complaint of said truant officer, or other person that said child is a juvenile disorderly person, as described in section three of this act, issue a warrant and proceed to hear such complaint, and if said justice of the peace or court shall orde^ypefson determine that said child is a juvenile disorderly person within to be sentenced the meaning of this act, then said justice of the peace or court o [ndu^ria? 100 shall thereupon, and after consultation with the county agent, home fov gtrls - sentence said child, if a boy, to the reform school at Lansing, or if a girl, to the industrial home for girls at Adrian, as the case may be, for one year or for a longer term, not extending beyond the time when said child shall arrive at the age of sixteen years, unless sooner discharged by the board of control of said reform school, or industrial home for girls : Provided however, That court may sus. , , P , , ,. .. ii -i pend sentence such sentence may be suspended in the discretion of the said jus- m certain cases. tice of the peace, police judge, or judge of the recorder's court, for such time as said child shall regularly attend school, and prop- erly deport himself or herself: If is further provided, That if for any cause the parent or guardian, or other person having charge of any juvenile disorderly person, as defined in this act, shall fail, after notice as heretofore prescribed in this act, to cause such juvenile disorderly person to attend said school, or if such parent, guardian, or other person shall make the complaint as provided in this act without proceedings having been taken against him as in this act provided, or if said juvenile disorderly person have no parent or guardian then complaint against such juvenile disorderly person may be made, heard, tried, and determined in the same manner as is provided for in case the parent pleads inability to cause said juvenile disorderly person to attend said school: And it is further provided, That no child g n u ^ 8 u n D d t e [ under the age of ten years shall be sent to the reform school, or be sentenced, industrial home for girls. (193.) SEC. 7. When it appears to the school authorities that ^Jjgj^^ the parent, guardian, or other person is unable to provide suitable books for cer- books for said child, said child shall be furnished by the school ta board with such books as are required in the course of studies pursued in such school, and said books shall be the same in all respects as those in use in other schools in said city, village, or township and no distinction in form, color, labeling, or substance shall be permitted. The expense of said books shall be paid for 64 GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS. from the school fund of said municipality and levied and collected in the same manner as all other school taxes. certain existing (194 ) SEC. 8. It is further provided that the provisions of act n^ap^icabieto number one hundred and forty-four of the public acts of eighteen providJdforTn 8 htmclred and eighty-three, entitled "An act to provide for the this act. compulsory education of children in certain cases," approved May thirty-first, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, limiting such compulsory education to a period not exceeding four months in any one year shall not, so far as said limitation is concerned, cemit^sections h ave an y application to the class of juvenile disorderly persons provided for in this act. It is also provided that sections six, seven, eight, nine, ten, and eleven, of act one hundred and forty- four, of the session laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-three, and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. CHAPTER XXII. Act No. 39, Laws of 1885,'as amended by ActjNo. 21, Public Acts of 1889. REGULATING THE EMPLOYMENT OF CHILDREN. children under (195.) SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That no child under the age of ten years shall be employed in any factory, warehouse or workshop where the manufacture of any goods whatever is carried on, or where any goods are pre- pared for manufacturing. children not to (8196.) SEC. 2. No child under the age of fourteen years shall be employed in , v " , -, , i i i i certain cases, be employed by any person to labor in any business, unless such child shall have attended some public or private day school, where instruction was given by a teacher qualified to instruct in such branches as are usually taught in primary schools, at least four months of the twelve months next preceding the month in which such child shall be so employed, except in districts in which only Proviso. three months of school are taught by a qualified teacher : Pro- vided, That a certificate of such attendance from the superintend- ent of the school, or the director of the school district in which such child shall have so attended school, shall be evidence of a compliance with the provisions of this section, if acted upon by the employer in good faith. If any such superintendent or director shall knowingly make a false certificate, he shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this act, and shall be liable to the punishment hereinafter provided. certificate of (197.) SEC. 3. Certificates given under the preceding section attendar.ce at , v ~, . ', , . , . . . , . , ,. . -, school to be filed shall be deposited with the employer, at the time of employing by employer. aD y ^^ ^i}^ fln( j ^^ ^ kept by him Qn file j n j^g offic6j an( j shall, at all times, be subject to inspection by the persons author- ized to make inspections under this act. umttitio/io" (198*) SEC. 4. No child, or young person under the age of hours* ( eighteen years, and no woman, shall be employed in any factory, warehouse, workshop or place where the manufacture of any GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS. kind of goods is carried on, or where any goods are prepared for manufacturing, for a longer period than an average of ten hours in a day, or sixty hours in any week, and at least one hour shall Dinner hour. be allowed in the labor period of each day for dinner. (199.) SEC. 5. Every person who shall employ any female in seats for female any factory, warehouse, workshop, store or hotel shall provide employes - suitable seats for the use of the females so employed, and shall permit the use of such seats by them when they are not necessa- rily engaged in the active duties for which they are employed. (200.) SEC. 6. Any person, company or corporation who shall Penalty tor vu>~ violate any of the provisions of this act, shall, for each offense, toMofSStik forfeit a penalty of fifty dollars, to be recovered before any com- petent court. (201.) SEC. 7. In all cities it shall be the duty of the superin- "ur.y of officers , . . np . ,. , - 11 ,. to make tnspec- tendent, or chief officer of police, by suitable inspections, to see turn. that the regulations of this act are observed, and also to prosecute all persons who shall violate the same. Such superintendent, or chief officer of police, shall detail such portion of the force under him as he shall deem necessary, for the inspection, from time to time, of all the aforesaid places where such children or young per- sons may be employed: Provided. That, in the city of Detroit, Proviso for city ., , -1-1 .-i I- j. -! , i of Detroit. the board of building inspectors of said city, or any member thereof, shall have concurrent jurisdiction with the superintendent or chief officer of police with like power and authority to person- ally see that the regulations of this act are observed and also to enter complaint against all persons who shall violate the same. In towns the supervisors thereof shall perform the duties above imposed on the superintendent, or chief officer of police in cities. (202 ) SEC. 8. The directors of any corporation which shall ^JJmfo? willfully neglect or refuse to obey the provisions of this act, shall personally each be liable to the penalties of this act: Provided, Tnat the lk provisions of this act shall not apply to any of the penal, reforma- tory, or benevolent institutions of this State. CHAPTER XXIII. Act No. 222, Public Acts of 1887. TO PREVENT CRIME AND PUNISH TRUANCY. (203.) SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, certain gins That any girl between the ages of ten and seventeen years, or boy deemeTtruant between the ages of ten and sixteen years, who shall run away, or person 3 s rderly wilfully absent himself or herself from the school he or she is attending, or from any house, office, shop, farm or other place where such person is legitimately employed to labor, or shall fre- quent saloons or other places where intoxicating liquors are kept for sale, or shall be found lounging around the same, or shall be found lounging upon the public streets, or other public places of any city or village, against the command of his or her parent or guardian, or shall, without the permission of his or her parents GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS. or guardian, attend any public dance, skating rink or show, shall be deemed to be a truant and disorderly person. WLO to make (204. ) SEC. 2. Upon complaint upon oath and in writing made before any justice of the peace by the parent or guardian of any girl between the ages of ten and seventeen years, or of any boy between ten and sixteen years of age, or by the supervisor of any township, or the mayor of any city, or president of any village, and in cities of over eight thousand population, by the chief of police, that any such minor has been guilty of any of the acts specified in section one of this act, such justice shall issue his warrant for the arrest of such minor, and upon such conviction, such minor, if a boy, may be sentenced by such justice to the reform school for boys at Lansing ; and if a girl, to the State industrial home for girls at Adrian ; boys until seventeen years of age and girls until twenty-one years of age, unless sooner dis- charged according to law: Provided, That no person or persons shall be sent to said reform school for boys, or the industrial home for girls until the sentence therein has been submitted to and approved by the circuit judge of the circuit or the judge of probate of the county in which such conviction shall be had. (205.) SEC. 3. The same proceedings shall be had upon the trial of any person charged with being guilty of any of the offenses mentioned in section one of this act before the justice before whom such person is brought as are had in trials for mis- demeanor, as far as the same are applicable, and the State agent for the care of juvenile offenders of the county wherein such offenders may be on trial shall have authority and take the same action in the premises as is provided by act number one hundred and seventy-one of the session laws of eighteen hundred and seventy- three of this State. Upon convic- tion, where to be sentenced. Term of sentence. Proviso as to approval of sentence. Proceedings upon trial. Duty of State .agent. CHAPTER XXIV. Act No. 147, Public 'Acts of 1889. FREE TEXT BOOKS. text- books. District to vote (206.) SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That from and after June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety, each school board of the State shall purchase, when authorized, as hereinafter provided, the text books used by the pupils of the schools in its district in each of the following subjects, to wit : Orthography, spelling, writing, reading, geography, arithmetic, grammar (including language lessons), national and State his- tory, civil government, and physiology and hygiene; but text books once adopted under the provisions of this act shall not il 2o .gg II he School taught i an for the Term 18 ISTER te of M "juaui -nJ8AOf) IJAJO "fl S 10 ^ CO ON 0) 00 K H - - S o< t i a ! OJ J2 5f 3 !!!ll |. SB 1 1 pii - ' flgf* s lllp ^ O *hfi ^ *^ ^ *vr 5? *l|^f2|| W^S ao o ^ o- APPENDIX O. RULES FOE SCHOOL LIBRARIES. NOTE. The following regulations for the management of school! libraries are pre- pared in accordance with the provisions of compiler's sections 3 and 115 of the general school laws. As given, these rules are suitable for township libraries ; if it be desired to adapt them to the needs of district libraries, a few slight changes, which are readily apparent, will be necessary. 1. The librarian shall have charge of the library, and keep a catalogue of all the books belonging to the library, in a book to be provided for that pur- pose. 2. Every volume in the library shall have pasted on the inside of the cover a printed label, giving the name of the township, the number of the volume, and the fine for not returning it within the specified time, and for the loss of or injury to any book. 3. Every volume loaned shall be entered by the librarian in a book to be provided for that purpose, by its catalogue number, with the day on which it was loaned, the name of the borrower, and the name of the person to whom it is charged (see regulation 5), the date when returned and condition of the book, and the fine assessed for detention or injury to the book, as in the following form: Date of Delivery. No. of book Delivered. To whom Delivered. To whom Charged. When Returned. Condition when Returned Fine for Detention. Fine for Injury. . 4. No person shall be allowed to have more than one volume at a time, or to retain the same longer than two weeks ; nor shall any person who has incurred a fine imposed by these regulations, receive a book while such fine remains unpaid. 5. Books may be loaned to minors and charged to their parents, guardians, or other persons with whom they reside, who shall be responsible for the books under these regulations. 13 102 EULES FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES. 6. On the election of a librarian, his predecessor shall, within ten days thereafter, deliver to him all the printed and manuscript books, pam- phlets, papers, cases and all other property belonging to the library which was in his custody, for which the librarian shall give him a full receipt, discharg- ing him from all responsibility therefor, except in the case herein provided; and on receiving the library property, the librarian shall carefully examine all books and other property appertaining to the library, and if any loss or injury shall have been sustained, for which a fine has not been imposed by his predecessor, or for which a fine has been imposed but not certified by him to the treasurer of the board of school inspectors, the librarian shall certify the amount thereof to said treasurer, who shall collect the same of such predecessor in the same manner as other fines are collected. 7. In case of vacancy in the office of librarian, the township clerk shall perform the duties of librarian until the vacancy is filled. 8. If any person, having held the office of librarian, shall neglect or refuse to deliver to his successor all the library property, as prescribed in the sixth regulation, the treasurer of the board of school inspectors shall forthwith commence an action in the name of the township for the recovery of the property he shall so neglect or refuse to deliver. 9. On the return of every book to the library, the librarian shall examine it carefully, to ascertain what injury, if any, has been sustained by it, and shall charge the amount of the fine accordingly. 10. The following fines shall be assessed by the librarian as herein pro- vided: First, For detaining a book beyond two weeks, five cents per week; Second, For the loss of a volume, the cost of the book, and if one of a set an amount sufficient to purchase a new set ; Third, For a leaf of the text torn out or lost, or so soiled as to render it illegible, the cost of the book ; and if one of a set the cost of a new set ; Fourth, For any injury beyond ordinary wear, an amount proportionate to the injury, to be estimated by the librarian, subject to revision, upon appeal, by the board of school inspectors; Fifth, Whenever any book shall not be returned within six weeks from the time it was loaned, it shall be deemed to be lost, and the person so detaining it shall be charged with its cost in addition to the weekly fine for detention, up to the time such charge is made. But if the book be finally returned, the charge for loss shall be remitted ; and the fine for not return- ing the book shall be levied up to the time of such return : Provided, That in no case shall the amount of weekly fines exceed double the cost of the book. 11. On the third Monday of August, November, February, and May, and also immediately before he vacates his office,the librarian shall report to the treasurer of the board of school inspectors the name of every person liable for fines, and the amount each of such persons is liable to pay; and said treasurer shall immediately proceed to collect the same, and if not paid, he shall forthwith bring an action in the name of the township for the recovery thereof. KULES FOE SCHOOL LIBRARIES. 10a 12. The library fines collected shall first be applied to the replacing of lost volumes, binding pamphlets, and rebinding such books as may require it. 13. On the first Monday of September in each year, the librarian shall report to the township board of school inspectors as follows : First) The number of volumes in the library; Second, The number of volumes purchased during the year ; Ttiird, The number of volumes presented during the year ; Fourth, The number of volumes loaned during the year [counting each volume once for each time it is loaned] ; Fifth, The amount of fines assessed ; Sixth, Such other items as the board of school inspectors may require for their annual report to the superintendent of public instruction. INDEX. ABSTRACTS : PAGE. of school inspectors' reports, 1 8 ACCEPTANCE OF OFFICE: filed with and recorded by director, 32, 108 17,40 neglect to file vacates office, 29 IT penalty for failing to file, 139 51 ACCOUNTS : of director, 13, 109 21,40 inspector?, 57 26 members of board of school examiners, 135 49 ACTION : against school districts, 82-88 32-33 relative to obtaining site, 89-103 33-37 ADJOURNMENTS : of district meeting, 27 15 proceedings to obtain site, 99. 36 ADMISSION OF PUPILS : non-resident, 16 21 resident, i5 21 to high school, 109 40 AGE : school, 45 . ^__ 31 at which education is compulsory, 180 - 59 AGENTS FOB SCHOOL BOOKS, ETC. : officers, superintendent?, and teachers not to act as, 146 53 AGRICULTURAL SCHOOL: to be provided, con. prov., art. xiii., sec. 11 ". - ALIENS : not eligible to office, 31 _ 17 ALTERATION : in boundaries of districts, 15-18 11-13 graded school districts, 110 41 of school-house sites, 89 33 (See School Districts; a?so, Township Board of Inspect ors.) ANNUAL MEETINGS: (See District Meeting*.) ANNULMENT OF CERTIFICATES: by county board of school examiner?, 130 47 State board of education, 165, 166, 163 57 APPARATUS : director not to purchase unless authorized, 18 tax may be voted for the purchase of, 827 1* 106 INDEX. PAGE. APPEAL : from inspectors to township board, 104-100 38-39 1 APPENDAGES TO SCHOOL-HOUSE : tax may be voted for procuring, 27 15 to be provided by director, 48 22 APPOINTMENT : of building committee, 27 1& conductor of teachers 1 institute, 157 ... 55 clerk of meeting in director's absence, 27 15 deputy superintendent of public instruction, 2 8 district officers in case of vacancy, 30 17 trustees in case of vacancy, 108 40 first meeting of a district, 9 10 librarian of township library, 116 42 member of board of school examiners in case of a vacancy, 136 50 person to take school census, 49 22 State officers, in case of vacancy, con. prov., art. viii.,sec. 3 5 truant officers, 188 61 APPORTIONME:ST : of library moneys, 122 43 moneys collected in fractional districts, 74 CO 5 on division of a district, 71 29 raised by taxes, 64 27 to districts by township clerk, 63 27 one-mill tax, 66 28 primary school interest fund, 1-6 9 county clerk's duties, 76 30 treasurer's duties, 77 30 property on division of a district, 19,20 12 tax assessed before and collected after division of district?, 71 29 township treasurer's duties in relation to, 64 ASSESSMENT OF TAXES : (See Taxes.) ASSESSOR acceptance of office, 32, 108 17, 40 a member of district board, 33 17 board of inspection at election to vote bonds, 78 31 and moderator to audit director's accounts, 48 22 bond required, 52 24 election and term of office of, 28, 108 16,40 maybe removed from office, 145 - money paid to from old district, 67 ., 28 penalty for neglecting duties, 139 51 summons to be served on, in suits, 83 to appear for district in suit?, 52 24 certify judgment against district to supervisor, 85-87 32 collect damages from township clerk or supervisor, 144 51 keep record of receipts and expenditures, 52 2 pay orders, legally drawn, from proper funds, 53 24 report to district board receipts and disbursements, 52 24 warrants on township treasurer payable to, 48 (See District Board ; also,, Moneys.) ASSOCIATIONS : teachers may form, 169 58- ASYLUMS: for deaf, dumb, and blind, con. prov., art. xiii., sec. 10 INDEX. 107 PAGE. ATTACHMENT : to enforce attendance in certain proceedings, 93 34 ATTENDANCE : of jurors and witnesses on certain proceedings, 93 34 BALLOT : election of officers to be by, 28, 107 16, 39 BLIND : institution for, con. prov., art. xiii,sec. 10 7 BOARD, DISTRICT : (See District Board.) BOARD OF EDUCATION : (See State Board of Education.} BOARD OF INSPECTION: at election to vote on issuance of bonds, 78 31 BOARD OF INSTRUCTION : of State normal school may grant certificates, 165, 166 57 BOARD OF REGENTS: of university, con. prov., art. xiii, sec. 7 6 BOARD OF SCHOOL EXAMINERS : (See County Board of School Examiners.) BOARD OF SCHOOL INSPECTORS: (See Township Board of School Inspectors.) BOARD OF TRUSTEES IN GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICTS : consent of, to be obtained to alteration in district, 110 41 election and term of office of, 107 39 officers of , 108 40 powers and duties of, 109 40 vacancy in, how filled, 10$ 40 (See District Board; also, Graded School Districts.) BOARD, TOWNSHIP: (See Township Board.) BOARDS : when authorized to examine teachers, to collect fees, 154 54 BOND: liability of county treasurer on, 96 35 of appellants from inspectors' action,l!05 38 assessor, 52 24 chairman of board of school inspectors, 54 25 secretary of county board of school examiner?, 126. 45 BONDS : election to vote on issuance of, 78 31 limitations of , 78 31 may be issued for money borrowed, 79 31 paid by issuing further bonds, 81 32 tax may be votedlto redeem, 80 32 BOOKS, LIBRARY : (See Libraries.) BOOKS OF RECORDS: (See Records.) BOOKS, SCHOOL : (See Text Books.) BOUNDARIES OF DISTRICTS : alterations in, 115-18 11-12 described in first notice, 9 10 map to be made showing, 61 of graded school districts, 110 41 (See School Districts ; also, Township Board of School Inspectors.) 108 INDEX. PAGE. BILDING COMMITTEE: voters may appoint andfprescribe duties, 27 15 BITILDINGS : (See School-Houses.) BY-LAWS : (See Regulations.) CENSUS OF SCHOOL DISTRICTS: when and how taken, 49 time of taking not to be changed, 21 13 CERTIFICATE : of court in proceedings to obtain site, 94 35 inspectors on establishing site, 89 33 instruction in physiology, etc , to be filed by teacher, 42 copy to belfiled by director with township clerk, 42 .. 20 to supervisor, of taxes to be assessed, 62, 68 26,28 township clerk of district taxes, 37 18 CERTIFICATES OF QUALIFICATION TO TEACHERS: fee to be paid on obtaining, 154 54 given by county board of school examiners, 128, 129 45, 46 State board of education, 168 57 normal school, 165 57 grades of, and requisite qualifications to obtain, 129 46 list of teachers having, to be furnished township clerks, 133 48 necessity of having to entitle to pay, 40, 56 19,25 record of, to be kept by secretary of board of examiners, 133 48 revocation or suspension of, 130 47 CHAIRMAN : \ of board of school! examiners, 126 ^. 44 inspectors, 53 25 compensation of, 135 49 duties relative to election^of school examiners, 8125 44 duties relative to supervision of school?, 134 48 to give bond, 54 25 first meeting of district, 9, 138 10,51 meeting may arrest disorderly person, 26 be appointed in absence of moderator 27 15 to give oath to challenged voter, 25 14 CHALLENGE . of voter at district meetings, 25 juror in proceedings to obtain site, 93 34 CHILDREN : census list of, 49 compulsory education of, 180-194 - 59-64 (See Pupils.) CLASSIFICATION OF PUPILS: (See Pupils.) CLERK : of board of school inspectors, 53,59 25,26 county. (See County Clerk.) district, director to be, 48 21 township. (See Township Clerk.) COLLECTION : of damages for not reporting and assessing taxes, 144 fines for injuring library books, 115 institute fees from teachers, 154 54 judgment against district, 84-88 '-- 32-33 penalties, 141-144 . 51 taxee, 65-74... 27-30 NDEX. 109 PAGE. -COMMITTEE ON BUILDING : voters may appoint and prescribe duties, '27 15 'COMPENSATION : for site determined by jury, 94 35 of chairman of board of school inspectors, 135 49 inspectors, fov meetings, limited, 58 26 members of county board of school examiners, 135 49 officers and jurors in proceedings to obtain site, 102 37 in school districts, 27, 109 15,40 secretary of county board of school examiners, 135 49 teachers, 40, 109 19,40 -COMPULSORY EDUCATION : age at which compulsory, 180 59 certificate of director, 181, 196 60,64 child temporarily discharged from work to be sent to school, 182 60 children to be sent to reformatory institutions, 192 63 children not to be employed to labor in certain cases, 181, 192 60, 64 establishment of ungraded schools, 187 61 incorrigible children in graded schools to be sen t to ungraded, 187 61 judge may suspend sentence in certain cases, 192 63 length of time to be sent to school, 180, 196 59,64' penalty for failure to comply with law, L84, 192 60, 63 proceedings in case of violation by corporations, 186, 200 61, 65 school boards to furnish books in certain cases, 183, 193 60, 63 who are truants under this act, 189 62 CONDUCTOR: of teachers' institutes, 157 55 CONSOLIDATION OP DISTRICTS : (See School Districts ; also, Township Board of School Inspectors.) CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONS : agricultural school, art. xiii, sec. 11 7 districts may be deprived of public moneys, art. xiii, sec. 5 6 escheats of lands to the state, art. xiii, sec. 3 6 free schools to be maintained, art. xiii, sees. 4, 5 6 Institutions for deaf, dumb, and blind, art. xiii, sec. 10 7 libraries to be provided, art. xiii, sec. 12 '. 7 regents of the university, art. xiii, sees. 6-8 6 school funds, art. xiii, sec. 2 5 state board of education, art. xiii, sec. 9 7 officers to be elected, art. viii, sec. 1 5 term of office, art. viii, sec. 2 5 vacancy in office, how filled, art. viii, sec. 3. 5 where to keep office?, art. viii, sec. 1 5 CONTRACT : with teachers, 40, 109 W, CORPORATE POWERS: of districts, 14 teachers 1 associations, 171 58 -CORPORATIONS : teachers may form, 169-171 58 subject to provisions cf compulsory law, 181 proceedings against, in case of violation of compulsory education law, 186, 200 61, 65 -COUNTY BOARD or SCHOOL EXAMINERS : compensation of members of, 135 county clerk's duties in relation to election of, 125 duties of secretary of board, 133 election and term of office of, 125 grades of certificates issued by, 129 110 INDEX. COUNTY BOARD OF SCHOOL EXAMINERS (Continued) : may hold special meetings, 132 47- suspend or revoke certificates, 130 47 removal of, from office, 136 50- schedule of meetings for examinations to be published, 127 45 to elect secretary of board, 126 44. file oaths of office, 125 44 hold joint meetings with inspectors, 131 47 meetings for examination of teachers, 128 45 to whom certificates may be granted, 123 45 vacancies in board, how filled, 138 50 what schools exempt from supervision of, 137 50 when officers in certain districts may examine teachers, 137 50 to organize as a board, 126 44 (See Chairman of Board of Inspectors; also, Secretary of Board of Examiners.) COUNTY CLERK : duties in proceedings to obtain site, 97 36 relation to apportionment of moneys, 76, 121 30, 43 election of school examiners, 125 44 election of secretary of board of examiners, 126 45 inspectors' reports, 76, 142 30, 51 to draw order on county treasurer for institute moneys, 158 55 receive and dispose of communications, etc., sent by state superintendent, 75 30 COUNTY INSTITUTES : (See Teachers' Institutes.) COUNTY TREASURER : liability on bond, 96 35 money for site deposited with, 96, 101 35, 37 statements! apportionment filed with, 76, ] 21 30,43 to apply to state treasurer for certain moneys, 77 30 apportion library moneys, 122 43 notify township clerk and treasurer of moneys, 77 30 to pay teachers' institute fund on order of clerk, 158 55 township treasurer township moneys, 77 30 set apart institute fees as institute fund, 155 54 vouchers for payments at teachers' institutes filed with, 161 . 56 COURSE OP STUDY : to be prescribed for schools, 42, 109 " 20, 40 CRIMES AND OFFENSES : disturbing district meeting, 26 14 school, $44 20 illegal use of moneys, 178 59 (See Penalties.) DAMAGES : to be collected from certain officers for neglect of duties, 144. 51 books in libraries, 115 42 DEAF, DUMB, AND BLIND : institutions for, con. prov., art. xiii, sec. 10 DECISIONS OF SUPREME COURT : (See Digest of Supreme Court' Decisions.) DEED: to school-house site, 35 18 DELIVERY OF BOOKS, ETC., TO SUCCESSOR IN OFFICE : by assessor of district, 52 24 director of district, 48 22 superintendent of public instruction 7 - 9 INDEX. DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION: appointment and duties of, 2 8 DIAGRAM : (See Maps.) DIGEST OF SUPREME COURT DECISIONS : (A ppendix A.) admission of colored children to school, 1113 8$ ; appeals from, action of inspectors, Vlfo-ll 71-72 district moneys, warrants and orders, 1150-78 76-79 graded and high school districts, 11135-143 85-86 liabilities of school districts, 1197-111 81-83 library moneys, 11144-146 86-87 miscellaneous, 11147-157 87-88 organization of school districts, 1125-49 73-76 powers of board of school inspectors, 111-4 :..' 71 township board, 1112-24 72-73 school sitesand school-houses, 11114-134 83-85 teachers' contracts and certificates, 1179-96 79-81 tuition of non-resident pupils, 1112 83' DIPLOMAS : to graduate of the state normal school, 165, 166 57 DIRECTOR : acceptance of office, 32, 108 17, 40 accounts of, 48, 109 22,40- a member of district board, 33 IT board of inspection at election to issue bonds, 78 31 and moderator to certify payments to supervisor, 67 28- approve bond of assessor, 52 24? execute bonds of district, 79 31 appo.'ntment of, in case of vacancy, 30 17 clerk in absence of, 27 15 election and term of office of, 2?, 1U8 , 16,40 of fractional district, to whom to report, 51 judgment certified to, by assessor, 85 32 may be removed by township board, 145 52" penalty for neglect to accept office or perform duties, 139 51 reports of, to be filed with township clerk, 50 23 record of, relative to organization of district, 13 11 to be clerk of district, 48 21 furnished with register of school, 10 notified of alterations in district, 18 12 moneys to be apportioned, 64 27 site fixed by inspector?, 89 draw and sign warrants and orders, 48 file census list with township clerk, 49 certificate of instruction in physiology, etc., with township clerk, 42 20- give certificate of compliance, 181, 196 60i 64 notices of meetings, 48 have custody of school-house and property, 41 keep account of expenses, 48 school-house in repair, 48 make reports to inspectors, 50 present estimates to annual meeting, 48 warrants and orders to moderator to be countersigned, 48. provide appendages to school-house, 48 record acceptances of offices, 32 notice of first meeting, 9 take annual school census, 49 - (See District Board.) INDEX. PAGE. DISORDERLY PERSONS : to be taken into custody, 26 -' 14 juvenile, who constitute, 189, 203 , 62,65 DISTRIBUTION OF MONEYS: (See Apportionment.) DISTRICTS, SCHOOL : (See School .Districts.) .DISTRICT BOARD: acceptance of office by members, 32, 108 17,40 appointment to vacancy in, 30, 108 17, 40 director to be clerk of, 48 21 election and terms of office of members, 28,107 16,39 may admit non-resident pupils, 46 21 appoint persons to take school census, 19 classify pupils, 45, 109 21, 40 determine certain matters when meeting fails, 27 15 donate or sell library books to township library, 124 44 fix rates of tuition to non-resident pupils, 46 21 suspend qr expel disorderly pupils, 44 20 to apply for jury in suit to obtain site, 90 33 moneys according to law, 38 18 build, hire or purchase school-house, 35 18 call meetings of district, 22 13 establish rules, etc., for school, 44 20 estimate amount for support-of school, 36 - have care of school-house and property, 11 19 management of district library, 118 42 hire teachers, 40, 109 19,40 make statement of finances to annual meeting, 39 19 not pay money to unqualified teachers, 38 .. 19 prescribe text-books and ccftirses of study, 42 20 provide for instruction in physiology, etc., 42 20 school, 27 15 purchase books for indigent children, 43,183,193 20,60, 63 or lease site for school-house, 35 18 report taxes to be assessed, 37 19 sell site or property of district when not needed, 35 18 trustees in graded school districts, 107-110 39-41 vacancy in, how filled, 30, 108 17,40 what to occasion, 29 17 when may issue bonds, 79 31 to exclude public meetings from school-house, 41 19 who are eligible to office in, 31 ; 17 to constitute, 33, 107 17,39 (See District Officers.) DISTRICT LIBRARIES : (See Libraries.) DISTRICT MEETINGS : annual, board to make financial report to, 39 estimates of expenses to be presented to, 48 in case of failure, what board to determine, 27 16 powers of, 27,107 15,39 when to be held, 31 13 challenging votes, 25 14 clerk and chairman may be appointed in absence of director and moderator, 27 15 director to give notice of, t8... 22 INDEX. 113 DISTRICT MEETiNGS^Cbntinwed) : disorderly persons at, 36 H election of officers, 28, 107... 16,39 formation of a new district, 9 10 limit of taxes that may be voted, 27 15 may vote on issuance of bonds, 78 31 tax to pay money borrowed, 80 32 moderator to preside, 47 21 notice of, what to specify, 32,23 13 proceedings to be recorded, 18 22 special, may be called, 22 13 notice to indicate the business, 22.... , 13 to determine useof school-house, 11 19 direct sale of property, 27 16 fill vacancy in district office, 30 17 give directions regarding suits, 27 16 voters at, when challenged, 25 14 may designate site, 89 33 who are, 24 13 DISTRICT OFFICERS : acceptance of office, 32,108 17,40 appointment of, 30, 108 17,40 compensation of, 27, 48 15,22 election and terms of office of, 28, 107 16,39 may be removed by township board, 145 52 penalty for neglect to acceptor perform duties, 139. 51 who are eligible to election to office, 31 17 (See Assessor ; Director; Moderator; also, District Board.) DISTRICT SCHOOLS : (See Schools.') DISTRICT TAXES : (See Taxes.) DISTURBING DISTRICT MEETING OR SCHOOL : penalty for, 26, 44 I*' 20 DIVISION OF DISTRICT : (See School District?; also, Township Board of Inspectors.) DOG TAX, SURPLUS OF : apportionment of, to school districts, note - EDUCATION : constitutional provisions, art. xiii, sees. 1-12 5-7 ELECTION : if not held, inspectors to appoint officers, 30, 108 17,40 of district officers, 28, 108 I 6 ' 40 members of county boards of school examiners, 125 state board of education, con. prov. , art. xiii, sec. 9 state officers, con. prov., art. viii, sec. 1 regulations at election to vote on issuance of bonds, 78 who are eligible to election to office, 31, 153 W 54 legal voters at elections, 24 ELECTORS : who are qualified, 24 ELIGIBILITY TO OFFICE : in districts, 31 townships, 153 EMPLOYMENT : of officers, etc., 109 persons to take school census, 49 teachers, 40, 109 19 ' 40 114 INDEX. PAGE. ENGLISH LANGUAGE: instruction to belconducted in. con. pro v., art. xiii, sec. 4 .................................. 6 ENUMERATION OF CHILDREN : (See Census.) EQUALIZATION or TAXES : by supervisors, 68 ............................................................................. 29 ESTIMATES : of amounts to be raised by tax, 36, 48 ....................................................... 18. 22 EVIDENCE : in proceedings to obtain site, 90 .............................................................. 33 of organization of district, 13 ..................................... . .......................... 11 regularity in proceedings to remove officers, 145 ........................................ 52 ;EX AMI NATIONS: of applicants for State certificates, 168 ...................................................... 57 inspectors 1 reports by secretary board of examiners, 133 ................ ............... 47 proposed site by jury, 94 ................................................................. 35 teachers by county board of examiners, 127, 128 ........................................ 45 officers in certain districts, 137 .............................................. 50 state board of education, 168 ................................................ 57 fees to be collected, 154 .......................................................... 54 meetingsfor, 127 ................................................................ 45 question*" for examination of teachers, 128 .................................................. 4H EXAMINERS : of teachers to collect fees, 154 ................................................................ 54 to pay fees to county treasurer, 154 .......................................................... 54 (See County Board of School Examiners.) EXECUTION: not to issue against school district, 84 ....................................................... 32 .EXPENSES: estimate of, to be presented at annual meeting, 48 ......................................... 22 incidental, estimated by board, 36 ........................................................... 18 of director, how paid, 48, 109 ................................................................ 22,40 inspectors limited, 58 ...................................................................... 26 State institute, how paid, 160 .................. . .......................................... 56 teachers' institutes, 158 ................................................................... 55 vouchers for, where filed, 161 ...................................... 56 to be paid by teachers on obtaining certificates, 154 ........................................ 54 FEMALES : eligible to district offices, 31 .................................................................. 17 office of township school inspector, 153 .......................................... 54 may vote at school district meetings, 24 ............. ........................................ 13 sFiNES : for breach of penal laws, con. prov., art. xiii., sec. 12 ........................................ apportionment of, 122 ____ *. ......................... . ............. 43 damages done to library books, 115 ...................................................... 42 disturbing district meeting, 26 ........................................................... 14 school, 44 ...................................................................... 20 (See Penalties.) FORFEITURES: (See Penalties.) FORMATION : of districts. (See School Districts; also Township Board of Inspectors.) teachers' associations, 169, 171 ............................................................ 58,59 FORM OF OATH : to challenged voter, 25 ........................................................................ 14 INDEX. 115 FORMS FOR PROCEEDINGS. ( Appendix B): of acceptance of office, No. 5 90 appointment of district officer by district board, No. H 94 inspectors, No. 15 94 assessor's bond, No. 6 90 bond of chairman of board of inspectors, No. 13 93 certificate of inspectors oil establishing site, No. 17 94 to township clerk of taxes, No. 12.... 93 supervisor of taxes, No. 33 96 contract for building school-house, No. 25 98 with teacher, No. 36 99 deed to school-house site, No. 23 97 lease to school district, No. 24 98 notice of annual meeting, No. 7 91 first meeting in school district, No. 3 89 meeting of inspectors, No. 16 94 special meetings in district, No. 9 92 to director of alteration in district, No. 4 90 moneys apportioned district, No. 21 96 inhabitant of formation of district, No. 1 89 township clerk of moneys to be apportioned, No. 19 95 treasurer of apportionment, No. 20 96 order upon assessor for payment. No. 10 92 request of voters for special meeting, No. 8 91 return of notice by inhabitant on formation of district, No. 3 90 teacher's register of school, No. 27 100 warrant on township treasurer for district moneys, No. 11 92 library moneys, No. 18 95 FRACTIONAL DISTRICTS : (See School Districts ; also, Township Board of Inspectors. FREE SCHOOLS : to be provided, con. prov., art. xiii, sec. 4 6 FREE TEXT BOOKS : district to vote on question of furnishing, 207 67 board to purchase when authorized, 207 67 make contract for furnishing, 208 67 advertise for proposals when authorized by district, 208 67 estimate amount necessary to purchase, 209_ 67 incur penalty for failure to comply with law, 211 68 to be the property of the district, 307 67 FUNDS : educational, con. prov., art. xiii, sees. 2, 3 5, 6 library, con. prov., art. xiii, sec. 12 teachers' institute, 155 55 (See Moneys.) GRADED SCHOOL, DISTRICTS: annual meeting of, 21 notice of intention to organize, 107, 111 39, 41 not limited to nine sections of land, 110 41 officers to be elected by trustees, 108 two or more contiguous districts may organize, 111 trustees, consent of to be obtained to alteration in boundaries, 110 election and term of office, 107, 111 39, 41 powers and duties of, 108, 109 40 (See School Districts.) 116 INDEX. PAGE. GRADING : of pupils not prevented in any district, 45 21 in graded school districts, 109 40 GRADES OF CERTIFICATES : to teachers, 130 46 HIGH SCHOOLS: may be established in certain districts, 109 40 (See traded School Districts.) INCIDENTAL EXPENSES : estimated by district board, 36 18 INDEBTEDNESS : of districts, 78 31 (See Bonds.) INDIANS : children of, when not included in census, 49 23 INHABITANT, TAXABLE : (See Taxable Inhabitant.) INSPECTION, BOARD OF: (See Board of Inspection.) INSPECTORS, BOARD OF SCHOOL: (See Township Board of School Inspectors.) INSTITUTES : (See Teachers' Institutes.) INSTITUTIONS : for deaf, dumb, and blind, con. prov., art. xiii, sec. 10 INSTRUCTION : superintendent of public instruction to have supervision, 1 to be conducted in the English language, con. prov., art. xiii, sec. 4 6 INTEREST: on bonds limited, 79 31 judgment against district, 88 33 money lost by certain officers, 141, 142 51 state funds for educational purposes, con. prov., art. xiii, sees. 2, 3.. 5, 6 apportionment of , by state superintendent, t 9 tax may be voted to pay, 80 32 JOINT MEETINGS: of school examiners and school inspectors, 131 47 township boards, 104 38 school inspectors, 11 10 JUDGE OF PROBATE : to notify county clerk of election of secretary of board of examiners, 126 45 participate in the election of secretary of board of examiners, L26 44 removal of secretary of board of examiners, 136 50 fill ing vacancy in office of secretary board of examiners, 136 50 JUDGMENTS : against school districts, 82, 88 32,33 execution not to issue on, 84 3 in proceedings to obtain site, 95 35 taxes to pay, 69 29 JURISDICTION : in actions against districts, 82 32 JURY: in proceedings to obtain site, 90-94 33-35 INDEX. 11? PAGE. JUVENILE DISORDERLY PERSONS: penalties imposed upon in certain cases, 192, 204 62, 66 parents of in certain cases, 192 62 proceedings in case of, 191, 192, 204 62.66 to be sent to ungraded school, 191 62 who constitute, 189, 203 62,65 LAND: when not taxed for building school-house, 27 15 proceedings to obtain, for school-house site, 90-103 33,37 LAWS: relative to schools to be published and furnished to officers, 3 8 LEASE : of a school-house site, 35 . 18 LEGISLATURE : to provide for agricultural school, con. prov. , art. xiii, sec. 11 7 free schools, con. prov., art. xiii, sec. 4 6 libraries, con. prov., art. xiii, sec. 12 7 LIABILITIES : of board of inspectors for neglect, 141 51 county clerk for neglect, 142 51 district officers to removal, 145 52 parent for failure to send child to school, 192 62 township clerk for neglect, 141 51 supervisor for neglect, 144 51 (See Penalties.) LIBRARIAN : to be appointed, 116 42 LIBRARIES : books to be purchased for, by district board, 114 42 damages to books in, 115 _ 42 district board may donate or sell library books to township, 124 .'.< 44 librarian of township, 116 42 provisions respecting, 112-124 41-44 tax for support of, 123 43 what districts may establish, 117 42 where kept, 116 42 fund for, apportionment of, 121 43 expended by inspectors, to be accounted for to township board, 57 26 forfeitures of, 120 43 inspectors to apply for, 114 42 penal fines to be applied to, con. prov., art. xiii, see. 12 7 State superintendent to furnish statement of townships, etc., entitled to, 121 43 to be used for purchase of books, 122 43 warrant on township treasurer for, 73 30 when not to be forfeited, 120 43 rules for, 3, 115 (See Appendix C) 8,42,101 school officers, etc., not to act as agents for books for, 146. 52 to be established, con. prov., art. xiii, sec. 12 township inspectors to report statistics of, 119 (See Appendix C, for Rules.) LIMIT OF INDEBTEDNESS : (See Bonds.) LIMIT OF TAXES : (See Taxes.) MANAGEMENT OF SCHOOLS : (See District Board; also, Regulations.) 15 118 INDEX. PAGE. MAPS: of townships showing boundaries of districts, 61 26 MEETINGS : fo election of school examiners, 135 44 examination of teachers, 127, 128 - 45 joint, of school examiners and school inspectors, 131 47 inspectors, 11 10 township boards, 104 38 of board of inspectors, 58 - 26 when school-house used for public, 41 19 (See District Meetings.) MEMBERS : of board of trustees, 107 r 39 county school examiners, 125 44 district boards, 33 17 State board of education, con. prov., art. xiii, sec. 9 township board of school inspectors, 53 MODERATOR : acceptance of office by, 32 , . 17 a member of district board, 33 and assessor to audit and pay directors' accounts, 48 director to approve bond of assessor, 52 23 appointment of, 30 17 pro tern, at district meetings, 27 15 election and term of office, 28, 108 16, 40 may be removed by township board, 145 penalty for neglect to accept office or perform duties, 139 to bring suit on assessor's bond, 47 21 countersign warrants and orders, 47 21 give oath to challenged voter, 25 14 preside and preserve order at district meetings, 47 21 (See District Board.) MONEYS : accrued from one-mill tax, how used, 66 28 apportionment by State superintendent, 4, 5,6 9 to districts by township clerk, 63, 64 27 board to apply according to law, 38 18 report to annual meeting receipts and disbursements, 39 19 collected on account of neglect of officers, 143 51 assessor's bond, how applied, 52 23 collected on bond of chairman of board of inspectors, how applied, 54 25 county treasurer to apply for and pay, 77 30 apportion library moneys, 122 43 districts entitled to receive, 27, 56, 66 15,25, 28 duties of township treasurer in collecting, 65, 69, 74 ...27,29,30 paying, 72, 74 30 for payment for site deposited with county treasurer, 96, 101 35, 37 library, apportionment of, 122 43 derived from penal fines, con. prov., art. xiii, sec. 12 forfeiture of, 120 43 inspectors to apply for, 114 42 to be used for the purchase of books, 122 43 when may be used for school purposes, 122 43 limitations as to borrowing of, 78 31 may be borrowed in certain cases, 36 18 not to be diverted except by a two-thirds vote, 38 18 paid to teacher not having certificate, 38 18 INDEX. 119 MONEYS (Continued) : not to be used for sectarian schools, 38 18 of a district when divided to be apportioned, 19, 20 12 officer making illegal use of to be removed, 145 52 orders for, 48 21 paid by old to new districts, how applied, 67 28 payment of, to fractional districts, 74 30 primary school interest fund, apportionment of, 4-6, 63, 77 , 9, 27, 30 districts entitled to receive, 27,56 15, 25 how constituted, con. prov., art. xiii, sees. 2, 3 5, 6 to be used only for teachers' wages, 38 18 when withheld from districts, con. prov., art. xiii, sec. 5 . 6 public moneys, defined, 172 58 how to be used, 174 59 interest on, 175.. 59 no consideration to be received by officer for deposit of, 176... 59 penalty for illegal payment of, 179 59 not to exempt from prosecution under general law, 178 59 to be kept separate from all other funds, 173. 59 raised by tax, how apportioned, 61 27 report of receipts and disbursements of, by assessor, 52 23 district board, 39 19 inspectors, 57 26 school moneys to be paid next to township expenses, 72 30 surplus of, may be appropriated to certain objects, 27 15 not to be apportioned to districts employing unqualified teachers, 56 25 pay for site, when deposited with county treasurer, 96 35 (See Taxes.) ^ MONTH, SCHOOL : of what to consist, 40 19 NAME and style of a school district, 14 11 NEGLECT : of county clerk to transmit reports, 142 51 district officers, 139 51 inspectors in not reporting, 141 51 parent or guardian to send child to school, 192 62 supervisor and township clerk in regard to taxes, 144 51 taxable inhabitant to serve and return notice, 138 51 township clerk to transmit report, 141 51 NON-RESIDENT : pupils, admission of , 46 21 when may be attached to district, 17 12 NORMAL SCHOOL : (See State Normal School.) NOTICE : by county treasurer of moneys apportioned, 77 30 State superintendent of apportionment, 4, 121 9,43 supervisor to treasurer of taxes assessed, 69, 70 29 township board of proceedings to remove from office, 145 52 clerk to supervisor of taxes, 62 26 on failure of a new district to organize, 10 10 treasurer of moneys in his hands, 73 30 in proceedings to obtain site, 92 34 of district meeting, 23 13 apportionment of moneys to districts, 63 27 first meeting in a new district, 9 10 120 INDEX. PAGE. NOTICE (Continued) : of formation of teachers' association, 169 58 intention to vote on borrowing money, 81 32 meeting of inspectors, 15 11 to form fractional districts, 11 10 for examination of teachers, 127 45 to organize as a graded school district, 107 39 meetings to be given by director, 48 21 special meetings to indicate business, 22 13 to directors of moneys to be apportioned, 63 27 parent or guardian that child does not attend school, 191 62 taxable inhabitant on formation of district, 9 10 teacher of intention to revoke certificate, 130 47 OATH: by challenged voter at district meetings, 25 . 14 if false, deemed perjury 25 14 of deputy superintendent of public instruction, 2 8 juror in proceedings to obtain site, 94 35 members of board of school examiners, 125 44 to be made to correctness of census list, 49 22 OFFICE : acceptance of , to be filed, 32,108 17,40 removal from, 145 52 term of , district officers, 28, 108 16,40 inspectors, 152 54 members of board of school examiners, 125 44 State board of education, con. prov., art. xiii, sec. 9 regents of the university, con. prov., art. xiii, sec. 6 6 State officers, con. prov., art. viii, sec. 1 OFFICERS : (See names of tlie several offices.) OFFICIAL BONDS : of assessor, 52 23 chairman of board of inspectors, 54 26 secretary of board of examiners, 126 44 ONE-MILL TAX : assessment, collection and disposition of, 66 28 how surplus may be applied, 27 15 (See Taxes.) ORDERS : of inspectors upon township treasurer, 114 42 on assessor, to be drawn and signed by director, 48 21 countersigned by moderator, 47 31 to be paid from proper funds, 52 23 (See Warrants; also, Moneys.) ORGANIZATION : of a new district, 8-13 10-11 (See School Districts; also. Township Board of Inspectors.) PARENTS AND GUARDIANS : entitled to vote, 24 13 liability for not sending children to school 184 60 proceedings against for failure to send children to school, 192 62 required to send children to school, 180,182 59,60 to be discharged in case of inability, 192 62 notified by truant officers, 190, 191 62 INDEX. 121 PAGE. PENALTIES AND FORFEITURES: for damages to library books, 115 1 42 illegal payment of public moneys, 179 59 moneys collected for, how applied, 143 51 on county clerk for not transmitting reports, 142 51 district for not maintaining three months' school, con. prov., art. xiii, 5 6 certain length of school, 27, 66 15,28 officers for neglect to accept office or perform duties, 139 51 inspectors for not qualifying, or neglecting duties, 140 51 reporting, 141 51 supervisor and clerk for neglect in regard to taxes, 144 51 taxable inhabitant for neglect of duties in formation of district, 138 51 township clerk for neglect in transmitting reports, 141 51 township board to remove certain officers, 145 52 parent or guardian failing to send child to school, 184 60 persons employing unschooled children, 181, 198 60, 64 officers of corporations for violating certain provisions, 186, 200 61, 65 director of school district for making false certificate, 196 64 superintendent of school for making false certificate, 196 64 PERJURY : false oath deemed, 25 14 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE: director to file copy of teacher's certificate of instruction with township clerk, 42 20 penalty for failure of district board to comply with statute, 42 20 teacher to certify whether instruction has been given in, 42 20 text-books to be adopted by district board, 42 20 approved by State Board of Education, 42 20 to be taught in all public schools in the State, 42 20 POLL-LIST : lo be kept when voting on issuance of bonds, 78 31 POOR CHILDREN: to be furnished with text-books, 43, 183, 193 20,60,63 PRESIDENT : of university, con. prov., art. xiii, sec. 8 PRIMARY SCHOOLS: (See Schools.) PRIMARY SCHOOL INTEREST FUND: apportionment of , 4 when reports are defective, 5 9 deficiencies may be paid, 6 to districts, 63 constitutional provisions respecting, art. xiii, sees. 2, 3 5, 6 county clerk's duties in relation to apportionment of, 76 treasurer's duties in relation to apportionment of , 77 school to be maintained three months to secure, con. prov., art. xiii, sec. 5 certain time to secure, 27 15 to be used only for teachers' wages, 38 PROCEEDINGS : against school districts, 82-88 32-33 for removal of officers, 145 to obtain site for school-house, 89-103... f upon appeal from action of inspectors to township board, 104-106 PROPERTY: of district, care and preservation of, 41, 109 1 9 40 sale of, may be directed by voters, 27 when may be by inspectors, 19 when district is divided, to be apportioned, 19, 20 teachers' associations, 170 L22 INDEX. PAGE. PROSECUTION : (See Actions ; Proceedings : also, Suits.) PUBLIC INSTRUCTION: (See Superintendent of Public Instruction.) PUBLIC MEETINGS : when may be admitted to school-house, 41 J9 PUBLIC MONEYS : (See Moneys.) PURCHASE : of apparatus and appendages to school-house, 48 21 books for library, 114 42 poor children, 43, 183, 193 20,60,63 records of district, 34 18 school site or school-house, 35 18 PUPILS : admission of, to schools, 45, 46, 109 21,40 classification of 45,109 21,40 tuition of non-resident, 46 21 when may be suspended or expelled, 44 20 who may be, 45 21 QUESTIONS : for examination of teachers. 128 45 RECORD : director to keep, of proceedings, 9, 48 10, 21 of acceptance of office, 32 17 board of school examiners, 133 47 certificates to teachers, 133 47 consent of trustees to alter graded school district, 110 41 director, to be evidence of organization of district, 13 11 inspectors to be kept in office of township clerk, 59 26 pupils, to be kept by teacher, 40 19 removals from office, 145 52 report of taxes to annual meeting, 39 19 REGENTS: of the university, con. prov., art. xiii, 6, 7 6 REGISTER : of school to be kept by teacher, 40 19 REGULATIONS : at election to vote on issuance of bonds, 78 31 for government of schools, 44 20 libraries, 115 42 REMOVAL : from district to vacate office, 29 17 of house from leased site, 35 18 members of board of school examiners from office, 136 50 officers by township board, 145 52 in graded school districts, 108 40 REPAIRS : (See School- nouses.) REPORT : liability of officers for failing to report, 141, 142 51 of board to annual meeting, 39 19 township cleric, of taxes, 82 26 chairman of board of school inspectors, 134 48 director to inspectors, 50 23 how treated if false, 56 25 where filed, 59 ... 26 INDEX. 123 PAGE. REPORT (Continued) : of director to whom made n fractional districts, 51 23 inspectors to county clerk, 55, 119 25, 42 county clerks duties in relation to, 76.. 30 to township board of finances, 57 26 secretary of board of school examiners, 133 47 superintendent of public nstruction, 1 8 supervisor to township treasurer, of taxes assessed, 69 29 township clerk to treasurer and directors, of moneys, 63, 64 27 REQUEST : to call special meeting, 22 13 RESIDENTS : ceasing to be, vacates offices, 29 17" exceptions of, in school census, 49 22" notified of first meeting in a new district, 9 10 qualifications of , to vote at district meetings, 24 13 rights of, to attend school, 45 2L RETURN : of notice of first meeting on organization of district, 9 10 REVOCATION OF TEACHER'S CERTIFICATE : by board of school examiners, 130 47 state board of education, 165, 166, 168 57 RULES : (See Regulations.) RULES FOR LIBRARIES: (See Appendix C.) SALE OF PROPERTY : directed by district, 27 15 when by inspectors, 19 12 district board, 35 18 SCHOLARS : (See Pupils.) SCHOOL: admission of resident pupils to, 45 21 non-resident pupils to, 46 21 agricultural, to be provided for, con. prov., art. xiii, sec. 11 7 board to establish regulations for, 44 20 prescribe text-books, 42 20 provide for minimum length of time of, 27 5 examination of, 133 47 may be graded, 45, 109 21,40 not to be sectarian, 38 18 separated on account of race, 45 21 penalty for disturbing, 44 20 register of , to be kept by teachers, 40 19 statistics of, to be reported by director, 50 23 support of, taxes to be estimated and voted by board, 36 18 suspension or expulsion of pupils from, 44 20 time necessary to be maintained, 27,66 15,28 to be free, con. prov., art. xiii, sec. 4 6 maintained at least three months, con. prov., art. xiii, sec. 5 6 ungraded, to be established in certain cases,187 61 visitation and examination of, 133 SCHOOL BOARD: (See District Board.) SCHOOL BOOKS: (See Text Books.) 124 INDEX. PAGE. SCHOOL CENSUS: when and how taken, 49 22 time of taking, not to be changed, 21 13 SCHOOL DISTRICTS : alterations in, to be reported to director, 18 12 when consent of tax-payers to be obtained, 16 11 annual report of, 39 19 appeal from inspectors' action in forming, dividing, or consolidating of, 104-106 38 corporate powers of, 14 11 division of property in forming new from old, 19 12 formation of , 8-13 10-11 fractional, formation of, 11 10 v judgments against, 87 33 levying and collecting taxes in, 68 38 graded school districts, 107-111 39-41 map showing boundaries to be made, 61 26 may borrow money in certain cases, 36 18 to pay indebtedness, 78 31 vote tax to pay money borrowed, 81 , . 32 meetings of, 31-27 13,15 moneys to be apportioned to, 63, 64 27 when paid by old to new, 67 28 name and style of, 14 11 suits and judgments, 82-88 32-33 to be numbered by inspectors, 8 10 contain no more than nine sections of land, 8 10 not receive moneys when employing unqualified teachers, 56 25 what districts may organize as graded, 107, 111 39, 41 when deemed legally organized, 12 11 when persons outside may be attached, 17 12 who to appear in suits for or against, 52 (See District Meetings ; also Voters.) SCHOOL EXAMINERS : (See County Board of School Examiners.) SCHOOL FUNDS: (See Moneys.) -SCHOOL HOUSES: appendages to, district to vote tax for, 27 15 director to provide, 48 21 board to procure, 35 18 bonds maybe issued to build, 78 31 building committee may be appointed t& supervise building of, 27 15 secretary of board of examiners to note condition of, 133 47 district to direct the procuring of , 27 15 limitation of indebtedness to build, 78 31 repairs to, 27 15 site for, to be purchased or leased, 35 tax for building, limited, 27 15 repairing, limited, 27 15 to be in care of district board, 41 19 when certain persons not liable to tax for building, 17 land not taxed for building 27 , 15 not needed may be sold, 19, 27, 35 12,15, 18 opened or closed to public meetings, 41 19 SCHOOL-HOUSE SITES : (See Sites for School- Homes.) INDEX. 125 SCHOOL INSPECTORS : (See Township Board of School Inspectors.) SCHOOL LAWS: to be published, 3 8 SCHOOL MONEYS : (See Moneys.) SCHOOL MONTH : of what to consist, 40 19 SCHOOL PROPERTY: (See Property.) SCHOOL TAXES : (See Taxes.) SCHOOL TEACHERS : (See Teachers.) SCHOOL YEAR : when to commence, 21 13 SECRETARY OF BOARD OF SCHOOL EXAMINERS: duties of, 133 47 compensation of, 135 49 election of, 126.. 44 to file acceptance of office, and bond, 126... 44 hold examinations for teachers, 127 45 to prepare schedule of examinations, 127 45 (See County Board of School Examiners.) SECTARIAN SCHOOLS: not to receive public moneys, 38 18 SITES FOR SCHOOL HOUSES : board to purchase or lease, 35 18 compensation for, how determined in certain cases, 94 35 how designated, 89 33 issuance of bonds for purchase of, 878 31 lease or purchase of, 35 18 notice of meeting to change, 23 .- 13 proceedings to obtain, 89-103 33-37 to be selected by a two-thirds vote, 89 33 voters to direct the procuring of , 27 15 when not needed may be sold, 19, 35 12,18 SPECIAL MEETINGS : (See District Meetings.) STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION : constitutional provision for, art. xiii, sec. 9 to grant diplomas to graduates of State normal school, 165, 166 State certificates to teachers, 168 57 STATE CERTIFICATES : when granted by State board of education, 168 u 57 to graduates of State normal school, 165, 166 57 STATE INSTITUTIONS OF EDUCATIONAL CHARACTER : to be under supervision of State superintendent, 1 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL: diplomas and certificates to graduates of, 165, 166 to be lander care of state board of education, con. prov., art. xiii, sec. 9 7 STATE OFFICERS : election and term of office of, etc., con. prov., art. yiii, sees. 1-3 STATE TFACHEKS' INSTITUTE : to be held annually, 160 expenses of, how paid, 160 126 INDEX. PAGE. STATEMENT : (See Notices ; ateo, Reports.) STUDIES : to be prescribed, 12 20 SUITS : and judgments against districts, 82-88 32-33 assessor to appear for district, 52 24 directions given by meeting in regard to, 27 16 for collection of penalties, etc., 142-145 51-52 jurisdiction of justices in, 82 32 may be brought for or against school districts, 14 11 not brought to collect judgment, 84 32 on assessor's bond, 52 24 bond of chairman of board of inspectors, 54 25 summons in, served on assessor, 83 when moderator may appear in, for district, 52 24 (See Action ; Judgments; also, Proceedings.) SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION : duties of, con. prov., art. xiii, sec. 1 relative to apportionment of primary school moneys, 4-6 election and term of office of, con. prov., art. viii., sees. 1, 2 5 may appoint conductors of teachers 1 institutes, 157 55 to appoint a deputy, 3 be a member and secretary of State board of education, con. prov., art. xiii, sec. 9 deliver official books, etc., to successor, 7 9 draw on State treasurer for expenses of State teachers 1 institute, 160 56 have general supervision of public instruction, 1 hold county teachers 1 institutes annually, 156 55 make annual reports to legislature, 1 prepare questions for examination of teachers, 128 46 prescribe forms of teachers' certificates, 128 45 rules for boards of school examiners, 129 46 publish ana transmit laws and forms to officers, 3 send examination questions to examining officers, 128 46 visit State institutions, etc., 1 8 vacancy in office, how filled, con. prov., art. viii, sec. 3 5 when may draw on State treasurer for aid to teachers' institutes, 159 56 where office shall be kept, con. prov., art. viii., sec. 1 SUPERVISION OF SCHOOLS : (See County Board of School Examiners ; also, Chairman of Board of Inspectors.) SUPERVISOR : certifying and levying of taxes in fractional districts, 68 equalization of taxes, 68 liable for not assessing taxes, 144 51 map of township to be filed with, 61 26 to assess judgment against school district, 88 33 one-mill tax, 66 28 school taxes, 65 27 deliver warrant for collection of taxes to township treasurer, 69 29 township clerk to certify taxes to, 62 26 (See Taxes.) SUPREME COURT DECISIONS: (See Digest of Supreme Court Decisions.) SURPLUS OF DOG- TAX: how apportioned, note 68 SURPLUS OF SCHOOL MONEYS : how maybe appropriated, 27 16 INDEX. 127 SUSPENSION : PAGE< of pupils from school, 44 20 teachers' certificates, 130 47 TAXABLE INHABITANT : duties in relation to formation of district, 9 10 penalty for neglect of duty, 138 51 TAXES : apportionment of surplus dog-tax, note 68 when district is divided, 71 39 assessed upon division of district, 62 26 assessment of , 65, 66 27,28 certifying of, in fractional district, 68 28 duties of township treasurer relative to collection of, 65, 70 27, 29 equalization of, 68 29 estimated and reported by district board, 36 18 failing to be assessed, to be levied the next year, 85 27 for apparatus and appendages to school-house, 27 15 books for indigent children, 43, 183, 193 20,60, 63 building school-house, or purchase of site, 27 15 incidental expenses, 36 18 judgment against district, 88 33 libraries, 123 43 repairs to school-house, 27 15 school purposes to be paid next to township expenses, 72 30 in township before any school is maintained, 66 28 limit of, for certain purposes, 27 15 support of the school, 36 18 moneys raised by, not to be diverted, 38 18 non-tax-payers not to vote on questions involving taxation, 24 13 one-mill assessment, collection and disposition of, 66 28 how surplus may be applied, 27 16 on old district for new, 67 .* 28 report of, by board to township clerk, 37 18 township clerk to supervisor, 63 26 supervisor to assess, 65, 66 27,28 liability of, for not assessing, 144 51 to pay money borrowed, 80 township treasurer to pay to other treasurer, 74 30 warrant for collection of , 69 29 what land exempt from, for building school-house, 27 15 when collected, how apportioned, 64 - reported to supervisor, 62 who may vote on questions involving taxation, 24 13 (See Moneys ; also, Supervisor.) TEACHERS : certificates, fees to be paid on obtaining, 154 5 * given by county board of school examiners, 128 45 state board of education, 168 57 normal school, 165, 166 - 57 grades of, and qualifications necessary to obtain, 129 necessity of having, to entitle teacher to pay, 38 record of , to be kept, 133 revocation or suspension of, 130 contracts with, 10. 19 employment of, 40, 109 19 * examination of, by county board of examiners, 127, 128 State board of education, 168 57 128 INDEX. PAGE. TEACHERS (Continued) : list of, to be furnished township clerk, 133 48 examined by inspectors, 56 not to act as agents for school books and furniture, 146 52 public money not to be paid to, without holding certificates, 38 19 to be furnished with copy of contract, 40 1 19 file certificate of instruction in physiology, etc., with director, 42 20 keep school register, 40 19 TEACHERS' ASSOCIATIONS : formation and incorporation of, 169-171 TEACHERS' INSTITUTES : aid from State treasurer to, 159.... 56 annual institute in each county, 156 55 conductor of, may be appointed, 157 - counties may be united in, 156 55 expenses of, how paid, 158 vouchers for, where filed, 161 L 56 funds for support of , how raised, 154, 155 54 State institute to be held annually, 160 56 expenses of, paid from State treasury, 160 TERM OF OFFICE : of district officers, 28, 107 16,39 members of board of school examiners, 125 44 State board of education, con. prov., art xiii, sec. 9 regents of the university, con. prov., art. xiii, sec. 6 6 State officers, con. prov., art. viii, sec. 2 township officers, 151, 152 53,54 TEXT BOOKS : free, in certain cases, 208 67 district to vote on question of furnishing, 207 board to purchase when authorized, 207 67 make contract for furnishing, 208 67 advertise for proposals when authorized by district, 208 estimate amount necessary to purchase, 209 67 incur penalty for failure to comply with the law, 211 68 to be the property of the district, 207 67 to be furnished to indigent children, 43, 183,193 20, 60,63 prescribed by district board, 42 20 on physiology and hygiene to be approved by State board of education, 42 TOWNSHIP BOARD: duties of in case of appeal from inspectors 1 action, 104-106 38-39 may remove certain officers, 145 52 to allow accounts of inspectors, 57 26 audit and pay for services of township inspector, 135 49 TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SCHOOL INSPECTORS: appeal from action of, to township board, 104-106 38, 39 chairman and clerk of , 53 25 > to be treasurer of, and give bond, 54 clerk of, to notify directors of alterations in districts, 18 12 taxable inhabitant of formation of district, 9 10 director to report to, 50 duties of, concerning libraries, 112-123 41,43 in forming fractional districts, 811 10 liability for neglect to report, 141 library money subject to order of, 72 may attach certain non-residents, 17 12 member of, may be removed by township board, 145 INDEX. TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SCHOOL, INSPECTORS (Continued) : notice and number of meetings, 15, 58 11, 26 on determining site to certify to director, 89 33 penalty for neglect to qualify or perform duties, 140 51 records of, kept in office of township clerk, 59 26 reports, abstracts of, 1 8 examination of, by secretary board of examiners, 133 48 to be made in triplicate, 55 25 restricted in altering boundaries of graded school districts, 110 41 tax determined upon division of a district, 19 12 to account to township board for funds received and disbursed, 57 28 apply for library moneys, 114 _ 42 alter boundaries of districts, 8,16 10,11 apportion property on division of a district, 19,20 12 certify facts relating to employment of unqualified teachers, 56 25 divide township into school districts, 8 10 examine list of teachers before reporting to county clerk, 56 25 have care of township library, 115 42 number districts, 8 10 purchase books for township library, 114 42 township clerk, to transmit reports of, to secretary board of examiners, 55 _. 25 when may appoint district officers, 30, 108 17,40 attach persons to districts, 17 12 sell school-house or site, 19 12 to determine site, 89 S who to constitute board, 53 25 TOWNSHIP CLERK: a member and clerk of board of inspectors, 53, 59 - 25, 26 duties of, as inspector, 59 26 election and term of office of, 150, 152 53,54 liability for neglect in transmitting reports, 141 51 not reporting taxes to supervisor, 144 51 to apportion moneys to districts, 63, 64 27 approve and file bond of chairman of board of inspectors, 54 2& bond of appellants from inspectors' action, 105 be furnished with list of teachers, 133 48 bring suit on bond of chairman of board of inspectors, 54 25 certify taxes to supervisor, 62 file map of township with supervisor, 61 forward inspectors reports to secretary county board of examiners, 55 give notice of meeting of inspectors, 15 formation of new district, 9, 10 10 to directors of moneys apportioned, 64 keep records, reports, books, etc., on file, 59... ! make map of township showing boundaries of districts, 61.. not act on township board in case of appeal from inspectors, 106 notify county clerk of chairman of board of inspectors, 60 director of alterations in district, 18 -- record order for removal of officer, 8145 proceedings of board of inspectors, 59 receive and dispose of communications, 59 report taxes to supervisor, 62 transmit to secretary board of examiners reports of inspectors, 55 (See Township Board of School Inspectors.) TOWNSHIP SCHOOL INSPECTORS : (See Township Board of School Inspectors.) 130 INDEX. PAGE. TOWNSHIP LIBRARY : (See Libraries.) TOWNSHIP TREASURER : duties in relation to taxes in fractional districts, 70, 74 M . 29, 30 election and term of office of, 150, 152 53,54 to apply to county treasurer for moneys, 73 30 give notice to township clerk of moneys, 73, 74 30 hold moneys subject to proper orders and warrants, 72 30 pay library moneys to inspectors, 114 42 school taxes next to township expenses, 72 30 recover penalties, etc., from certain officers, 141, 143 51 warrant for collection of taxes, 69, 70 29 warrants on, to be signed by director and moderator, 47, 48 21 (See Moneys ; also, Taxes.) TREASURER, COUNTY : (See County Treasurer.) TREASURER OF BOARD OF SCHOOL INSPECTORS : (See Chairman of Board of School Inspectors.) TREASURER OF DISTRICT: (See Assessor.) TREASURER, TOWNSHIP : (See Township Treasurer.) TRIAL : (See Action ; Proceedings ; aiso, Suits.) TRUANTS : sent to reformatory institutions in certain cases, 192, 204 63, 66 tried by justice or recorder, 192, 204 63,66 ungraded school to be provided for, 187 61 whoshall be deemed, 189, 203 62,65 TRUANT OFFICERS: duty to enforce compulsory educational laws, 186 61 examine into cases of truancy, 188 v . 61 institute proceedings in certain cases, 192 make complaints in truancy cases, 192 - warn truants and their parents or guardians, 190, 191 62 how appointed, 188 ... 61 TRUSTEES, BOARD OF: (See Board of Trustees.) TUITION : may be charged for studies in high school, 109 40 of non-resident pupils, 46 21 UNGRADED SCHOOLS: juvenile disorderly persons to be sent to, 190 62 may be established in graded school districts, 187 61 UNION SCHOOL* DISTRICT : (See Graded School District.) UNIVERSITY : constitutional provisions, art. xiii, sees. 6-8 6 VACANCY: in board of school examiners, 136 50 trustees of graded school district, 108 40 district offices, how occasioned and filled, 29, 30 17 office of regent, con. prov., art. xiii, sec. 6 6 secretary of board of examiners, 136 50 state officers, con. prov., art. viii, sec. 3 5 (See Appointment.) INDEX. 131 PAGE. VENIRE : in proceedings to obtain site, 91-93 34 VISITATION : and examination of schools, 133 48 VOTERS : challenge of , 25 14 who are qualified, 24 - 13 (See District Meetings.) VOUCHERS : for accounts of inspectors, 57 26 expenditures by assessor, 52 24 payments at teachers' institutes, 161 56 WARRANTS : on state treasurer for primary school interest fund, 4 9 township treasurer, 47,48,72 12,22,30 to township treasurer, for collection of taxes, 69, 70 29 (.See Orders ; also, Township Treasurer.) WITNESSES : in proceedings to obtain site, 94 35 WOMEN : eligible to election to district offices, 31 17 office of school inspector, 153 54 qualified as voters at district meetings, 34 13 YEAR, SCHOOL: when to commence, 21 13 UDO /U