UC-NRLF AMERICAN GEOLOGY. LETTER ON SOME POINTS OF THE GEOLOGY OF TEXAS, NEW MEXICO, KANSAS, AND NEBRASKA; ADRESSED TO MESSRS. F. B, MEEK AND F. V. HAYDEN. BY JULES MARCOU. ZURICH PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, BY ZURCHER & FURRER. 1858. MATTHEW LIBRAKY Letter on some points of the Geology of Texas, New Mexico, Kansas, and Nebraska; adressed to Messrs. F. B. Meek and F. V. Hayden. Zurich (Switzerland), October 20th 1858. Dear Sirs: In April last, I received the following letter: Smithsonian Institution. Washington, D. C. March 24th 1858. Dear Sir, Inclosed I send you a copy of the Geological results arrived at from an Exploration of the Black Hills of Nebraska. I am quite cer- tain it will interest you much and you will do Mr. Meek as well as myself a great favor by securing its insertion in some journal in your country, or in France. Believe me very truly your obedient servant M. Jules Marcou, Prof. F. V. HAYDEN. Zurich (Switzerland). It was accompanied by the following note from my friend Prof. Spencer F. Baird, assistant-secretary, Smithsonian In- stitution : March 24th 1858. My dear Sir, I send a communication from Dr. Hayden which he wishes com- mended to your favorable consideration. Yours truly Prof. J. Marcou. g. p. BAIRD. I accordingly translated your short memoir and procured its publication in the Bibliothdque Universelle de Geneve; as it appeared in the National Intelligencer and in Sillimaris Journal, I will not reproduce it here. Not having the honor of a personal acquaintance with you, I considered this communication as a proof that, after having opposed my opinions and observations on the Geology of the West, you had changed your views and found that my observations, or hazardous guesses, as they are called in Sil- 967541 4 AMERICAN GEOLOGY. limarfs Journal, were not so absurd after all , and I gave to the article published in the Bibliothdqm Universelle de Geneve, Juin 1858 (Note* pour servir d une description ge'ologique des Montagues Rocheuses) a direction showing that change in your opinions, be- lieving candidly that such was the meaning of your message. From subsequent letters it appears this was not the case, and now it is my duty to give a few words of explanation, that no mistake may arise from what has occurred. In your letter dated Washington May 30th 1858 you say: I hope you will permit me respectfully to suggest, that I cannot agree with you in your conclusions respecting the Pyramid Mount section (see: Geology of North America , p. 18). By this I mean to say, that I regard all the beds of that section down at least to A. as Cretaceous. The beds below may be Jurassic or Triassic, though I know of no evidence that they are so. Notwithstanding the high authorities you have for regarding the Gryphcea and Oslrea found at Pyramid Mount as G. dilatata and O. Marshii, I feel quite confident from collections shown to me from the South West , that these fossils are at some places associated with well marked Cretaceous forms; while numerous facts point to the conclusion that the bed from which you obtained these fossils at Pyramid Mount, is equivalent to N 2 of our ((Nebraska section, in which we find Baculites and other Cre- taceous fossils. In addition to this , all the facts in our pos- session respecting the rocks in Kansas and south to the Ar- kansas river, point directly to the conclusion that the sand- stones of our N 1 in Nebraska , in which the leaves already ((mentioned occur, are represented by the beds B., C. , and D. of your Pyramid Mount section; while the beds from which Dr. Hay den obtained the Jurassic fossils near the Black Hills hold a position far beneath these. I respect your opinion , gentlemen , but I beg you to allow me to continue to regard my observations and conclusions as exact. I would also say that I do not understand the value of the following phrase in a note to your memoir entitled: Descrip- tions of New organic remains, collected in Nebraska Territory AMERICAN GEOLOGY. 5 in the year 1857; by Dr. F. V. Hayden, Geologist to the Ex- ploring Expedition under the command of Lieut. G. K. Warren, Top. Engineer U. S. Army; together with some remarks on the Geology of the Black Hills and portions of the surrounding country ; pag. 47 : By these remarks we do not wish to withhold from Mr. Marcou the credit justly due him for having first suggested the existence of Jurassic rocks in this region ; for you know perfectly well that my conclusions as to the existence of the Jurassic rocks in the Black Hills and the Yellow Stone river region, were based upon my observations at Pyramid Mount, and if I made a mistake there, I cannot claim any credit for arriving at the truth , by taking for my starting point an error so enormous as you think I have committed in the geology of the Tucumcari Mounts. In your memoir entitled : Remarks on the Tertiary and Cre- taceous formations of Nebraska , and the Parallelism of the latter with those of other portions of the United States and Territories; I find page 18, the following note: We think these (Marcou's G. dilatata and 0. Marshii) identical with species found by Dr. George G. Shumard at Fort Washita, Texas, where they appear to hold the same geological position, and are asso- ciated with Ammonites vespertinus Morton. Dr. B. F. Shumard has correctly, as we believe, referred the first to Gryphcea n'wiV/emaUnger? Your leaf is very probably identical with this species , which is a very characteristic fossil of the Lower Mio- cene of the Isle of Wight. Sapotacites Haydenii n. sp. Heer. The genus Sapotacites is Tertiary. Phyllites n. sp. The genus is special to the Lower Miocene of Bohemia. Leguminosites Marcouanus n. sp. Heer. This genus is allied with the genus Ccesalpina still living now. In conclusion Prof. Oswald Heer says that he sees nothing of the Cretaceous age in these leaves, and he thinks the flora indicates the Lower Miocene. If this conclusion is correct, the beds containing them near the mouth of Big Sioux river, are of the same age as the Miocene of White river or Mauvaises Terres and must belong to a sort of outlier of the great Tertiary basin of Nebraska. Of course in such a case these strata cannot hold a position beneath your Cretaceous rocks NO 2, but that question must be elucidated with the greatest care in the locality itself. 12 AMERICAN GEOLOGY. I am much inclined to adopt the opinion of Prof. Heer, and 1 suspect that your Lower Cretaceous N 1 of the mouth of Judith river is partly Jurassic and partly Miocene-, the Baculites found with the leaves being probably a cretaceous Baculites of the neighboring strata that has been washed away from the cliff during the deposi- tion of the Tertiary rocks. To continue, I also regard your Black Hill Lower Cretaceous N 1 with dicotyledonous leaves as Miocene as well as the similar formation indicated some- where in Kansas by Major Hawn. Further, after a careful exa- mination, Prof. Heer thinks that the deposit in the vicinity of Fort Bent, from which Lieut. Abert obtained leaves, is also Lower Miocene and equivalent to your formation of the Big Sioux river; and that the Muddy river coal discovered by Col. Fre- mont is of Tertiary age instead of Jurassic as it was pronounced by James Hall. The fossil leaves figured by Prof. Bailey in Abert's Report (see: Report of Lieut. J. W. Abert, of his exa- mination of New Mexico, in the year 1846 47) belong to two species, the lanceolate leaf is identical with your Laurus pri- migenia of the Big Sioux , and the large cordate leaf is a spe- cies of Ficus ; a Tertiary genus still living. But I will remark that Abert says p. 523 of his Report, that he did not find those leaves himself at the Raton mountain; he examined the coal, but was unable to find a single impression of leaves, and the specimens figured were given to him at Fort Bent by hunters, so the exact place of the leaves is doubtful; they may come from other strata of the vicinity of Fort Bent. I say this because I suspect the bituminous coal from the Raton to be the equivalent of the coal I found at Ojo Pescado near Zuni which is of Jurassic age. James Hall says: Glossopteris Phil- lipsii? Brong. I have referred this species to the G. Phillipsii, as being the only description and figure accessible to me, to which this fossil bears any near resemblance. The geologi- cal position of that fossil is so well ascertained to be the schists of the upper part of the oolitic period , that , relying upon the evidence offered by a single species, we might re- ft gard it as a strong argument for referring all the other spe- AMERICAN GEOLOGY. 13 cccimens to the same geological period.)) (See: Colonel J. C. Fremont's Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, and to Oregon and North California , in the years 1842 43 44, p. 305; Washington , 1845.) Now Prof. Heer thinks the supposed Glos- sopteris Phillipsii is nothing else than your Laurus primigenia of Big Sioux river; that the leaf, pi. II, fig. 4, is probably a Quercus; and as for the Ferns , no one of Hall's figures is characteristic of the Jurassic period or any other special formation, as the Ferns range from the Devonian until now , and when new are no evidence as to the age of a deposit. The coal that I found at Ojo Pescado near Zuni is Ju- rassic , from its stratigraphical position above and beneath rocks that I consider to be undoubtedly of that age. When there I looked sharply for impressions of leaves , but I found none, and I am not aware that any have been found since in that region of Zuni, Fort Defiance and Canon de Chaca. I was unable to find a single impression of leaves during the whole of my exploration in the Triassic of the Prairies, so they must be scarce. Only in that part of the Trias that I look upon as equivalent to the Bunter Sandstein I found a Pinites allied to the Pinites Fleurotii of Europe, numerous specimens of Araucarites called by Gceppert Araucarites Mb'llhausianus (see: Tagebuch einer Reise vom Mississippi nach den Kusten der Sudsee; von B. Mb'llhausen; p. 492; Leipzig, 1858), and several shells of the genus Cardinia. In America, as in Europe, the Trias is generally very poor in fossil remains , and I think they will never be found in great abundance in the Far West. Let me call your attention to the following remark. Is it not strange that Prof. Heer and Dr. Leidy have arrived at the same conclusion in regard to the age of the lower part of the Tertiary formation of Nebraska, both of them calling it Lower Miocene, basing their opinion , the one upon Plants and the other upon Mammalia and Chelonians, and Heer having no knowledge what- ever of Leidy's publications! Finally, I maintain all the observations contained in my preliminary report to Capt. Whipple as exact, notwithstanding 14 AMERICAN GEOLOGY. all the objections advanced against them. From your expe- rience of the Indian Country , you will probably agree with me, that it is much easier to make objections from a comfortable room in a large town, than to observe in the wilderness of the Rocky Mountains \ and you will permit me to suggest, that it would be better for the Science if my adversaries would go themselves on the field and follow my route near the 35th pa- rallel, instead of making a show of their powers of argument in Sillimaris Journal, or at the meetings of scientific associa- tions. I have done, and I will say no more until my next exploration of the Rocky Mountains ; for I hope soon to return to my home in Boston , and from there I will try again to re- ach some part of those beautiful mountains which you and I were the first to explore geologically. As an illustration of the difficulties I had to encounter when with Capt. Whipple's expedition, I will extract from my private note-book the fol- lowing remarks. 22th December 1853. For the last ten days the cold has been very severe , the thermometer being at 7 Fahrenheit with frequent snow storms. We started at ten in the morning leaving the Rio Colorado Chiquito near the cascade, and directing our course due West, to the South of the San Francisco volcano. From Zuni to the cascade of the Rio Colorado Chiquito, our road passed over all the strata of the Triassic rocks , and our starting point of the 22d was on red sandstone, that I consider as the equivalent of the Bunter Sandstein. After having marched three miles, the red sandstone gave out, and was replaced by strata of Magne- sian Limestone cropping out from beneath the Bunter Sand- stein. Just at that moment a very severe snow storm came on , and I was obliged to turn my back to the wind and try , by scratching away the snow with my hammer, to collect some ((specimens and make a few observations on this new for- mation. The snow storm continued steadily until six o'clock in the evening, when we encamped on volcanic lava. Thus in addition to the fear of Indians, for we were then in the middle of the Navajos country, which obliged us to keep AMERICAN GEOLOGY. 15 together and not to be more than half a mile in the rear of the party, I had to battle with a violent snow storm, and I think every one will admit the difficulty of making geological observations under such circumstances. Nevertheless I saw perfectly well that the stratigraphical position of those Dolomitic beds was beneath the Bunter Sandstein, in accordance of stra- tification with it; and the lithological character as well as the position showed me that it was the Magnesian Limestone, or Per- mian formation. Further, I found some very imperfect spe- cimens of fossils differing in form from Carboniferous fossils, and I have no doubt that fossils are common in these strata from the fact that I found some under such disadvantageous circumstances. If the collections I made with Capt. Whipple had not been taken from me, perhaps I might have been able to determine some of them by carefully separating them from the enclosing rock. At all events, on Stratigraphical and Litholo- gical grounds, I maintain that the Magnesian Limestone of the Canon Diablo and on our road on the left side of that Canon , are of Permian age. We are far from agreeing, as you see, on many capital questions relating to the Geology of the Far West ; but I join you heartily in the conclusion of your letter, when you say: In conclusion I would state that we can differ in opinion without entertaining hard feelings. We certainly desire to arrive at truth, even if it should not accord with our pub- dished opinions.)) Very truly Yours JULES MARCOU. 16 AMERICAN GEOLOGY. P. S. In Dr. Hayden's paper, entitled: Explanations of a Second Edition of a Geological Map of Nebraska and Kansas, p. 8, he says: In our remarks of the 2d of March, upon the discovery of supposed Permian rocks in the West, both Mr. Meek and myself wish to be understood as referring to their existence in Kansas and Nebraska. Our object being simply to announce our conclusions derived from the study of fossils collected from these rocks in the West, we did not refer to their supposed prior discovery in Pennsylvania and on the Atlantic coast, nor were we able to judge of the evi- dence of their existence in those localities, it being based, for the most part, upon the remains of Vertebrata, which are out of our line of investigation.* It appears to me to be very unphilosophical to ignore the discovery of Permian rocks by Professor Emmons in North Carolina, because it is based on remains of Vertebrata and the Vertebrata are out of your line of investigation. What will you say if Geologists refuse to consider your observations on the Tertiary Basin of White and Niobrara rivers, because your evidence is based entirely On Vertebrata and Chelonians. Geology will never progress if each one of us reject the observations of others because they are out of his line of investigation. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED EARTH SCIENCES LIBRARY This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. LD 21-40TO-5/65 (F4308slO)476 General Library University of California Berkeley LEY LIBRARIES Bi