NRLF B 3 $5 Jg>^ jj&ft 3SBt ^^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. B1OLOGV LIBRARY G FROM THE LIBRARY OF DR. JOSEPH LECONTE. GIFT OF MRS. LECONTE. No. ;* V -J*s . .*,:<< - > : Jb.;** - > . ., l v t > : Y S-- # . * : T^ P*M- .V *- , ."*'**.*- .^ .-- ^V ' f * i> * * i * ;' *. /'* .is*- * *. -f. i-' /; "* i .' /;., * -v r. /- - . *v V ' '1!-^ * j .x^ , u *&r *'. 'dff--.. % ' ' .^ REPORT ON THE INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS, COMPRISING THE MOLLUSCA, CRUSTACEA, ANNELTDA, AND RADIATA. A \ f\ U n U ST U S Koci ! // PUBLISHED AGREEABLY TO AN ORDER OP THE LEGISLATURE, BY THE COMMISSIONERS ON THE ZOOLOGICAL AND BOTANICAL SURVEY OF THE STATE. CAMBRIDGE: FOLSOM, WELLS, AND THURSTON, PRINTERS TO THE UNIVERSITY. 1841. M 4 BIOLOGY LIBRARY G CONTENTS INTRODUCTION . MOLLUSCA . 321 CRUSTACEA . 342 ANNELIDA . . 344 RADIATA . Noxious AND VALUABLE ANIMALS . . . 353 . 363 INDEX 371 LIST OF FIGURES 145241 To GEORGE B. EMERSON, ESQ., Chairman of the Commissioners for the Zoological Survey of the State : DEAR SIR, I AM happy to inform you that I have brought to a close my re- searches concerning those departments of the Zoology of the State, which were assigned to me ; and I herewith forward to you such portion of my Report as I have found time to copy. The prepara- tion and engraving of the figures with which I have been instructed to illustrate the work, will, however, necessarily cause considerable delay before it can be issued from the press. Appointed, as I suppose myself to have been, under that section of the Constitution, which enjoins it upon the Legislature to encour- age the arts and sciences, and to promote, among other things, " a natural history of the country" I have ventured to make my Report mainly of a scientific character. It was the only way in which my labors could prove of much practical value, inasmuch as very few of the objects, belonging to the portion of the animal kingdom to which my attention has been given, are of much gen- eral interest, or of much importance in an economical point of view. I could not but suppose, that an effort to contribute something towards that branch of science, which we have hitherto received entirely at the hands of other States and other lands, would be desired and approved ; and that Massachusetts, which first set the example in those investigations of territorial natural resources, which have since been undertaken by almost every State in the Union, would not desire to be behind any of the States in this respect. I have, there- fore, undertaken to present something more than a mere array of names in the form of a catalogue. As I could not extend my plan, fully, to all the objects assigned me, I have selected the SHELLS, on which to bestow my chief atten- tion. These I have endeavoured to describe and figure in such a vi INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. manner, that the Report might be used as a school-manual for the study of the Conchology of New England. Such a work is greatly in demand, and nothing of the kind is in existence. I have also given a Catalogue of the Crustacea and Radiata which have been noticed in the State ; and also such information as I have been able to obtain concerning their economical uses and value. A few of the objects noticed in the Report, have been obtained from fishes, and, perhaps, do not strictly belong to the waters of Massachusetts. In addition to the Report, I have made a collection of all the objects noticed in it. This collection is now deposited in the rooms of the Boston Society of Natural History. It is desirable that it should be preserved entire, for future reference. To this Collection and to the Cabinet of the Natural History Society, the numbers in the Report refer. Very respectfully, yours, &c., AUGUSTUS A. GOULD. Boston, March 16, 1840. REPORT INVERTEBRATA OP MASSACHUSETTS, COMPRISING THE MOLLUSCA, CRUSTACEA, ANNELIDA, AND RADIATA. BY AUGUSTUS A. GOULD, M. D. INTRODUCTION. IT seems requisite for a clear apprehension of the following pages, and for the forming of a just estimate of the authority to which they may be entitled, that a few expositions should be here given. No attempt has hitherto been made to give an account of all the shells of any particular region on this continent. No book exists in which we may find descriptions of any considerable proportion of the whole number of the shells of the United States. They are scattered through many volumes and periodicals, such as trav- els, scientific journals, magazines, newspapers, &c. The works of Say and Conrad are beautiful and accurate, as far as they go ; and the Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences at Philadel- phia does indeed contain descriptions of very many shells, scat- tered through its volumes ; but being unaccompanied by figures, it is difficult oftentimes to identify the shell intended. Moreover, all these works are rare and expensive ; and it is very difficult for any one to collect together all the books requisite for the study of the conchology of any one district of our country. Through public libraries, however, and the liberality of individuals, I have had access to every publication of which I have any knowledge, that would be likely to aid me in my undertaking. The references to descriptions and figures which I have made, will show to what an extent these works have been consulted. They are not simply quoted from some other authority, but almost every one of them has been actually inspected. For the purpose of ascertaining the arrangement which recent important progress in the study of the Mollusca would indicate, x INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. and for ascertaining also what shells are common to the two At- lantic shores, I opened a correspondence, for information and exchanges, with several distinguished European conchologists, among whom I may mention Mr. G. B. Sowerby, of London, and Dr. Loven, of Stockholm. The former is well known as one of the most distinguished conchologists now living. To him I sent every doubtful species, and such as I apprehended might be identical with European species. Upon these he remarked at length, and, whenever the species proved to be European also, sent me European specimens for comparison, as well as such other species as I had a particular desire to see. For the very obliging and courteous manner in which he has thus assisted me in solving my numerous doubts, I cannot express my obligations too fully. With Dr. Loven, who has for many years been exploring the seas of the north of Europe, and has examined the standard cabi- nets of England, France, and Sweden, I have also exchanged specimens. Hence I have obtained additional evidence of the identity of many of the species inhabiting the American and Euro- pean shores of the Northern Atlantic. I have pursued the same course with American conchologists, in order to ascertain with certainty whether the shells of this State are identical with those described by authors as found in other and even very distant regions. I may here acknowledge my ob- ligations in this respect to Dr. J. W. Mighels, of Portland, Prof. Adams, of Middlebury College, Prof. Benedict, of Vermont University, Dr. J. C. Jay, of New York, Mr. T. A. Conrad, of Philadelphia, Mr. S. S. Haldeman, of Marietta, Pa., Dr. E. Foreman, of Baltimore, Mr. J. G. Anthony, of Cincinnati, and the late Dr. Ward, of Roscoe, Ohio. Wishing for every possible confirmation that the names I had used were applied to the same shells that Mr. Say applied them to, I visited the cabinet of the Academy of Natural Sciences, at Philadelphia, where authentic specimens of most of the species described by Mr. Say are deposited, and which is, in other re- spects, a most valuable cabinet to the American naturalist, as it is the most ancient. INTRODUCTION. xi Living in a maritime city, and pursuing a profession which ad- mits of but the occasional absence of an hour or two, my opportu- nities for exploring and collecting have been very limited. I have been dependent upon others, less confined than myself, for speci- mens, and to them am I indebted for most of the new and rare species which I have examined. I have experienced a liberality and cooperation from them, without which I could have done little. I would especially acknowledge the liberality of Col. J. G. Totten, U. S. Engineers, for a choice collection of shells dredged by him in the harbour of Provincetown, and for unlimited per- mission to select specimens from his extremely perfect cabinet of American shells. Dr. L. M. Yale, of Martha's Vineyard, has supplied me abundantly with the shells and Crustacea found at that island, with much information concerning them. Prof. C. B. Adams has contributed the numerous new species found by him in the vicinity of New Bedford. From Dr. J. B. Forsyth, of Sandwich, I have received shells of that vicinity. Mr. J. P. Couthouy, besides contributing numerous species, directed atten- tion to the examination of the entrails of fishes, especially of the haddock, as an effectual and easy mode of acquiring the deep- water shells, which the fishes swallow for nourishment. To the cabinets of Rev. F. W. P. Greenwood, Dr. Seth Bass, and Dr. D. H. Storer, Mr. T. J. Whittemore, G. B. Emerson, Esq., and Amos Binney, Esq., I have had free access, and the liberty of employing choice specimens for descriptions and figures. On the last-named gentleman I have been mainly dependent for books ; and without the use of his extensive library of works on Natural History, I could not have proceeded with any degree of assurance or satisfaction. Every species described, and indeed almost every species men- tioned, has passed under my own eye. The descriptions of spe- cies previously known have been written anew ; partly, that they might be more minute in particulars, and partly, with the hope of using language somewhat less technical than is ordinarily employed by scientific men. Technical terms cannot be wholly avoided ; and wherever they are dispensed with for the sake of intelligibility, it is at the expense of precision. xii INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. A conviction that the value of the work would be greatly en- hanced by figures of such objects as have not been represented, or only in works which can rarely be seen, has induced me to avail myself of the permission given to add the desirable plates. The figures have all been drawn by my own hand, from nature. The engravings are not highly finished, but are sufficiently char- acteristic. Having often been embarrassed by an uncertainty as to the true pronunciation of scientific names, and finding a great diversity of modes practised among naturalists, I have attempted to remove the difficulty, and have affixed the proper accents to every name. In this labor I have been greatly aided by the classic accuracy of Mr. C. Folsom, the conductor of the University Press, Cam- bridge. It is necessary to advert briefly, also, to the position in which a shell should be held when comparing it with a description. The shell is supposed to be examined in the same attitude which it assumes when its animal is in motion. In the bivalve shells the beaks are at the summit, usually over, and always near the hinge, and always directed inwards and forwards ; opposite to the beaks is the base ; the height of the shell will of course be a line perpen- dicular from the beaks to the base, or more properly, a line par- allel to this, where the greatest altitude is found. The anterior end is usually shorter and more exactly rounded than the poste- rior or hinder end, which is also higher and more gaping than the anterior. When the palleal impression has a nook or sinus, this always opens backwards. The breadth will measure the greatest distance between the^ sides of the two valves. If we take a uni- valve shell and apply its aperture to the table, we shall have nearly the position in which the animal carries it. The point of the spire will then be directed backwards and upwards, and the oppo- site extremity will be the front. The terms front, anterior, and posteriory as now used, correspond to the terms base, lower, and upper, of most books. The latter terms I have occasionally em- ployed, when I thought they would convey most definite ideas ; but they are less proper, and are always to be considered as sy- nonymous with the former. Imagining the shell, then, to be car- INTRODUCTION. xiii ried forward in its true position by the animal, the terms right and left are to be applied as they would be to any other animal. In addition to the usual measurements, I have adopted another, for the univalve shells, which I call " divergence.' 7 It was first employed by Professor Adams, under the name of " apicial an- gle," that is, the angle which would embrace the spire lengthwise ; in other words, it measures the tapering of the spire. The extent and difficulty of this work have very far exceeded my expectations. The unsettled state of our nomenclature, the scattered state of the materials of which it must be construct- ed, have raised almost interminable doubts and difficulties. It is ike first work of the kind attempted in this country ; and it were presumptuous to hope that it is free from error. It is not a diffi- cult thing to settle, satisfactorily, the proper genera and species of nine tenths of the shells and other objects we may find. But when an attempt is made to give the whole, the other tithe will re- quire an equal amount of study, and, after disposing of it in the best way we can, we must leave it, mortified that we have per- haps settled nothing, but have merely given an opinion. It is easy enough to see errors and difficulties in these cases, but it is not so easy to adjust them. Corrections and remarks relating to the facts or opinions given in the Report are respectfully solicited. INVERTEBRATA MASSACHUSETTS MOLLUSCA. THE Mollusca* are animals of a gelatinous or semi-fibrous structure, having no solid frame-work or skeleton, and being without jointed limbs. They reside both on land and in fresh and salt water. The variety in their structure, to adapt them to this diversity of habit, is very great ; and their digestive and generative organs are as much varied to constitute them carnivorous and her- bivorous, oviparous and viviparous, as they are in the higher or- ders of animals. Though none of the molluscous or soft animals have any thing like a skeleton, and some of them have nothing solid in any way attached to them, yet the great majority have the power of secret- ing a solid structure which serves them as a habitation and a pro- tection. These last animals are called testaceous mollusca, or TESTACEA, and their habitations we call SHELLS. The arrangement and study of these marble dwellings, so beau- tiful in their models, so inimitable in their external sculpture and coloring, and oftentimes having their interior lined with pearl, constitutes the science of CONCHOLOGY. This science is or- dinarily understood to embrace the study of the shells only, with- out reference to the structure and habits of their occupants. This, it will be at once seen, is altogether unphilosophical, as much so as it would be to characterize any people with whom we * The term is here used in the broad sense in which Cuvier employed it, and includes the animals embraced by Blainville in his type MALACOZOARIA. 1 INVERTEBRATA MASSACHUSETTS. MOLLUSCA. THE Mollusca* are animals of a gelatinous or semi-fibrous structure, having no solid frame-work or skeleton, and being without jointed limbs. They reside both on land and in fresh and salt water. The variety in their structure, to adapt them to this diversity of habit, is very great ; and their digestive and generative organs are as much varied to constitute them carnivorous and her- bivorous, oviparous and viviparous, as they are in the higher or- ders of animals. Though none of the molluscous or soft animals have any thing like a skeleton, and some of them have nothing solid in any way attached to them, yet the great majority have the power of secret- ing a solid structure which serves them as a habitation and a pro- tection. These last animals are called testaceous mollusca, or TESTACEA, and their habitations we call SHELLS. The arrangement and study of these marble dwellings, so beau- tiful in their models, so inimitable in their external sculpture and coloring, and oftentimes having their interior lined with pearl, constitutes the science of CONCHOLOGY. This science is or- dinarily understood to embrace the study of the shells only, with- out reference to the structure and habits of their occupants. This, it will be at once seen, is altogether unphilosophical, as much so as it would be to characterize any people with whom we * The term is here used in the broad sense in which Cuvier employed it, and includes the animals embraced by Blainville in his type MALACOZOARIA. 1 2 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. had no previous acquaintance, by the style of their architecture, instead of making our observations, directly, upon the people themselves. The true way is to unite the study of the animal and its shell ; and, while we base the more general classification upon the struc- ture of the former, we may characterize the species by their less destructible habitation, the shell. The science thus extended, has received the appropriate name, MALACOLOGY. As our observations are to embrace only a limited district, in which many whole families of Mollusca are yet undiscovered, and, indeed, are not likely to be found, and as detailed descriptions of all the animals would be alike tedious and unprofitable to those for whose benefit this Commission was intended, I shall incline to the old plan, and confine myself principally to the shells. And while the arrangement will be such as is actually indicated by the struc- ture of the animals, so far as it has been ascertained, no allusion will be made to them, unless materially to assist in the recognition of species, or when, from their economical importance, some knowledge of them is desirable. The naked Mollusca, as I before observed, are not numerous, at least, they are not so with us. They are found both on land and in water, and seem to occupy analogous positions in the dif- ferent elements. Those found on land resemble the animals of the snail-shell, and are ordinarily supposed to be those animals, taking a stroll from their domicils. They are commonly called slugs ; but their counterparts of the sea cannot with propriety be called sea-slugs, inasmuch as that appellation is given to a very different group of animals. As the species of naked Mollusca which have as yet been found with us are few, it may be as well to enumerate them here, separ- ate from the Testacea, though their position in a natural arrange- ment would be very different. They all belong to that division of mollusks, which, in progres- sion, glide along upon a lengthened foot extending under the body ( Gasteropoda) j and with which we are familiar in any of our snails, or the common periwinkles of our sea-coast. Those which are terrestrial seem all of them to belong to the genus LIMAX. They have an elongated, tapering form, the head MOLLUSCA. LIMAX. 3 presenting two long and two short tentacula, the surface somewhat granular or regularly wrinkled ; and on the back is a shield-like mantle, on the right side of which we see a notch opening into the respiratory cavity. They are found under decaying logs, and under bits of wood or stones in damp places, where they feed upon the decaying vegetable matter to which they have direct access. They can scarcely be said to be destitute of a shell ; for they have a minute, thin, nail-like shell, concealed under the front part of the mantle. I have observed two species, neither of which has been de- scribed, so far as I have been able to ascertain. One of them may be called LIMAX togdta. It is two inches or more in length, and the shield extends quite back to the extremity of the animal, envel- oping the whole animal except the head ; the respiratory notch is near the front ; the surface of the shield is neither granulated nor folded, but exhibits a uniform, rough appearance, somewhat like deer-skin ; its margin is light fawn-color, the back is a dark pur- plish slate-color, and the sides are mottled with the two colors ; the foot is wrinkled across, and is of a darker tint than the sides. It is very commonly found in woods, on turning over prostrate logs. It is very probable that the great developement of the shield, and its peculiar surface, with other peculiarities, which the con- tracted state of my specimens will not allow me to perceive, may entitle this animal to be regarded as a new genus. The L. Caro- liniensisj Bosc, is an allied species. Ferussac coincides with the above opinion. LIMAX lunicdta. This is a smaller, sub-cylindrical species, about T \ of an inch in length, when extended, and about T \- in width. The color varies from dark drab to dusky brown, and almost to black. The shield is short, rounded behind, its surface with conspicuous, interrupted, concentric wrinkles, the respira- tory notch rather behind its middle. The neck is smooth, with an elevated, central line. The back behind the shield is marked with broken wrinkles, arranged lengthwise. The upper tentacula are granulated and black at their tips. Foot very narrow. 4 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. It is found in rich grounds under stones and pieces of wood, where it may be sheltered from the sun ; and I do not recollect ever to have found one except in company of what are vulgarly called sow-bugs (Porcellio). It is a true Limax, and may be the L. agrestis of Europe. The aquatic species are much more numerous, and are found in every sea. They are all remarkable for the peculiar arrange- ment of their branchia? or respiratory organs. These are ex- posed on the exterior of the body (Nudibranchiata, Cuv.) in the form of little tubercles, filaments, plumy tufts, or branched leafets ; and the great diversity of their shape, arrangement, and coloring, constitutes the principal ornaments and most obvious character- istics of the animals. They have four tentacula or feelers, two of which are in the neighbourhood of the mouth, and are not con- spicuous, and the other two placed at some distance behind the head, capable of being withdrawn out of sight, and presenting a laminated structure when extended. They crawl upon the bottom of the sea, or the roots of marine plants on which they feed. They are arranged under different genera according to the dis- position of their branchiae and tentacula. In DORIS, the branchiae have an arborescent appearance, are capable of being retracted, are seated on the middle line of the back behind the centre, and are arranged about the anal orifice in a circular manner (Cyclobranchiata, Blainv.). But one species has as yet been observed, and of this I have been unable to find any description. I have, therefore, ventured to describe it under the name of DORIS illumindta. Animal prismatic, somewhat four-sided, the back arched ; color a pearly white, or light dove-color, dotted with greenish ; front of the foot slightly dilated at angles ; upper lip full and strongly pursed ; a line of six tubercles on each side diverges from the front to each side of the tentacula, making the back, at this part, of a four-sided form ; between these and the branchial tuft are four more tubercles on each side, in parallel lines, and then follow two on each side much longer than the rest, of a somewhat club-shaped form, followed by a few smaller ones to- wards the tail ; sides and back dotted by several small tubercles ; MOLLUSCA. TRITONIA. 5 branchiae fringed, arranged in a semicircle. All the tubercles, the tentacula, and the branchiae are tipped with a bright sulphur- yellow color. Length and breadth | of an inch. Found in the Bathing-house at Craigie's Bridge, Boston. Another family of the Nudibranchiata have the branchiae dis- posed in numerous tufts along the sides and back (Polybranchiatdj Blainv.), and they are not capable of being entirely retracted. The anal orifice also is found on the right side. Those which have the branchiae arborescent, and the tentacula about the mouth somewhat fringed, constitute the genus TRITONIA. We have one species of this genus. TRITONIA arborescens, Cuv. ; Mem. du Mus., vi. 28, pi. 1, f. 8-10. Doris arborescens, MULL, and FABR. Tritonia Rey- noldsii, COUTHOUY ; Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., ii. 74, pi. 2, f. 1-4. Mr. Couthouy found them about the bathing-houses and timber- docks in Charles River, of singular size and beauty ; and his de- scription and the figures illustrating it, are such as to give us an idea of the animal to the life. He found that the specimens he observed differed in some respects from the details given by Cuvier of T. arborescens ; and therefore he instituted a new spe- cific name. But, making allowances for the distortion of Cuvier's specimens, which had doubtless been immersed in spirits, and adding the assurance of Dr. Loven, that the living T. arborescens corresponds exactly with Couthouy's description and figures, we have reason to conclude, that the animal observed by the two naturalists is the same. Nothing can be more singular than this slug-like animal, mottled with brown and white, overspread with numerous wart-like ex- crescences, and apparently bearing some fifteen or twenty widely and numerously branched plants, which are the branchiae. There are six pairs of these, including the tentacula, besides the three pairs about the mouth. Genus EOLIS, has two or three pairs of simple tentacula, one of which is in the vicinity of the mouth ; and the branchiae, in the 6 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. form of elongated papillae, arranged in rows along the sides or on the back. Mr. Couthouy ventures the conjecture, that these papillae are not the real respiratory organs, because he has seen that the ani- mal will voluntarily throw them off, from slight causes, or that it may be forcibly deprived of them without material injury ; which, he justly remarks, would not be likely to be the case, were they organs of so much importance as the branchiae. He is dis- posed to regard them as merely subsidiary to the function of res- piration. He has described and figured the following species. Bostoniensis. Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist.) ii. 67, pi. 1, f. 1. Body an inch or more in length, foot large, tapering to a point behind, color faint brownish-white ; tentacula four, cylin- drical, rather long ; branchiae numerous, purplish-brown tipped with white, disposed in four or five clusters of 12 or 15 filaments each, on each side. This is probably E. rufibranchialis, JOHNSTON, Mag. Nat. Hist., v. 428, f. 85, and Annals of Nat. Hist., i. 121. He states the number of clusters in his species to be variable, and more or less definite, and that the color varies, being reddish- brown, rose-color, scarlet, &c. &OLIS salmonacea, COUTHOUY. Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., ii. 68, pi. 1, f. 2. Body oblong-ovate, an inch or more in length, pale straw-color ; tentacula four, rather short and blunt, the upper ones minutely serrated at the sides ; branchial filaments about 100, flattened at their sides, disposed in lines along the back, of a beautiful salmon-color. EOLIS diversa, COUTHOUY. Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., ii. 187, pi. 4, f. 14. Size and shape about the same as the preceding ; color a pale yellow, tinted red ; lower tentacula long and slender, upper ones short, smooth, rounded, somewhat behind the first ; branchial appendages about 90, slender, color orange, disposed in double rows along the back, with intermediate shorter ones. Differs from the last in the form and position of the tentacula, the color of the branchiae, &c. ; but it may possibly prove the same. MOLLUSCA. EOLIS. 7 gymndtttj COUTHOUY. Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., ii. 69, pi. 1, f. 3. Nearly an inch long, slender, whitish ; tentacula four, the inferior pair smooth and round, the superior rather shorter, compressed and minutely serrated at their sides ; branchial ap- pendages reddish- brown, disposed in seven remote clusters of five each, along each side of the back, those of the second and third pairs longest ; back otherwise naked. There are also a few animals whose organization brings them into a different class (Annelida) , which form for themselves a solid covering. As they are usually included in systems of Concholq- gy, it may be well to introduce them here. These coverings are sometimes composed of clay, sometimes of agglutinated particles of sand, and some are calcareous secre- tions, like the usual material of shells. They are all of a tubular form, tapering posteriorly, and hence the animals which construct them are called Tubicolce. PECTINA'RIA Belgica, LAM. (Jlmphitrite auricoma, MULL.), State Coll., No. 266, has a conical tube, a little curved, about two inches long, and a fourth of an inch in diameter at the larger end. It is composed entirely of grains of sand, cemented together by a glutinous secretion of the animal, in a single layer, and in regular order. Of course the tube is very fragile. The animal appears at its aperture, bearing on its head two tufts of short, golden plumes. It is not unfrequently found thrown upon the sandy shores of Cape Cod and the neighbouring islands. (FIGURE 1.) From the stomachs of fishes I have taken specimens of Pecti- naria which may belong to a different species. They are corn- posed of very fine grains of sand, are not easily crushed, not more than an inch in length, and quite as much curved as the horns of cattle usually are. State Coll., No. 270. (FIGURE 2.) AMPHITRI'TE ventilabrum, LAM. (Sabella penicillus, LIN.), State Coll., No. 259, has a long tube, more or less contorted, com- posed of clay. The animal, when protruded, exhibits two beautiful tufts of long, finely feathered branchiae. It is very common on the under side of logs which have lain for some time in the timber- 8 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. docks, and adheres by one side throughout nearly its whole length. It is also found upon stones drawn up from the bottom of the sea. It is well figured by Ellis, Corallines, pi. 34. The family Serpulea, Lam., have solid, calcareous tubes, more or less coiled, much in the manner of serpents ; thus approach- ing, in form, the regular shells. GENUS SPIR^RBIS, LAM. Tube snail-like, flattened beneath and adhering. These are minute tubes, coiled up spirally, found adhering, in large numbers, to marine plants, and sometimes shells, which are thrown up from deep water. They are usually white, so as to appear like dead and bleached shells. They adhere by their tips, and, as they are presented to the eye, most of them appear dextral ; but if we consider that we actually look at the base of the shell, we perceive that they are in truth reversed. SPIRORBIS NAUTILOIDES, Lam. State Coll., No. 262. Soc. Cab., No. 2312. Shell about one tenth of an inch in diameter, white and smooth, or slightly wrinkled, consisting of three or four whorls, each in- cluding the preceding one ; and, as each rises higher than the other, they form a tunnel-shaped umbilicus, exhibiting a portion of each volution ; the suture is indistinct, and the whorls seem con- solidated ; the outer whorl is flattened out into a broad, spreading base, where it is attached, thus increasing the diameter of the shell at this part by nearly one half. Aperture circular. Found on sea-weed, shells, crabs, &c. It is the Serpula spi- rorbis of Linnaeus. (FIGURE 3.) SPIRORBIS SPIRILLUM, Lam. State Coll., No. 261. Soc. Cab., No. 2313. This shell is of about the same size as the preceding ; and is distinguished from it by its more cylindrical structure, the much greater distinctness of the whorls in the umbilical concavity, a more MOLLUSCA. SERPULA. 9 glossy surface, and above all, by the absence of any flattening of the outer whorl where it rests upon its residence. The whorls are so loosely connected as sometimes to be entirely distinct ; and the aperture frequently looks directly upward. Aperture cir- cular. This species is more common than the preceding, and is found grouped in a similar manner upon fuci, stones, &c. It is the Serpula spirillum of Linnaeus. SPIRORBIS SINISTRORSA. State Coll., No. 263. Soc. Cab., No. 2314. A third species, which I take to be the one above named, I have seen only upon stones and shells drawn up by fishing lines at St. George's Bank. It is a smooth, glistening, translucent shell, with three or four whorls, turning in opposition to the sun. The whorls are nearly distinct from each other, not always preserving a regular spiral, but occasionally stretching out for some distance in a straight direction ; one whorl generally lies upon another, so that the outer whorl seldom touches the object on which the shell rests. Diameter about } inch. It was first described by Mon- tagu, under the name of Serpula sinistrorsa. (FIGURE 4.) GENUS SERPULA, LIN. Tubes solid, calcareous, irregularly coiled, solitary or in groups, permanently adherent ; aperture terminal, rounded, simple. It is probable that several species of this genus live on our coast. They attach themselves to stones, pieces of wood, and shells of the mollusca and Crustacea ; and such of them as we meet with are generally thrown up from the deep by violent storms, or conveyed from warm climates on the bottoms of vessels. They grow to a much larger size than Spirorbis, and are chiefly distinguished by not observing any regularity in the arrangement of their convolutions. I am not certain that we have more than one species habitually living on our coast. 2 10 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. SERPULA VERMICULA'RIS. Lin., &c. State Coll., No. 260. Soc. Cab., No. 851. Shell cylindric, the tube gradually enlarging, white, somewhat wrinkled circularly, usually adhering throughout its whole length, but observing no particular mode of convolution ; when arrived at a large size, the aperture is of the magnitude of a goose's quill. We may now proceed to describe the testaceous mollusca of this State, in their natural order, so far as that order is yet de- termined. They may be arranged, in the first place, under three grand di- visions, based principally upon their most conspicuous external organs, those which are employed in progression or in procuring their food. A. Tentacular branchiae fringed and coiled, used for prehension ; shells multivalve, CIRRI'PEDES, Lam. B. Inhabiting bivalve shells, CONCHI'FERA,* Lam. C. Having a foot beneath them adapted to creeping ; shells mostly univalve, GASTERO'PODA, Cuv. It will not be necessary to enter into an exposition of all the families and further sub-divisions which may, or might, have been instituted. The object is to render the matter as available as possible to beginners in science, or to the general reader. * The more comprehensive and more approved term ACEPHALA is here avoided, in order to exclude the Ascidiens of Lamarck, which are true headless mollusks, but without shells. MOLLUSC A. 11 CLASS CIRRIPEDES, LAM. The Cirripedes are so called from their arms or tentacles, which are curled up like a lock of hair, and with which they seize their prey. It is the group of animals which inhabit the shells commonly called barnacles. These shells are all fixed, either directly or indirectly to some foreign body. To compensate for this relative immobility, they usually attach themselves to locomotive or floating objects, such as drift wood, vessels' bottoms, fishes, lobsters, &c. Many of them are, therefore, extensive voyagers, and hail from no particu- lar sea. During the last summer, two vessels lay side by side at one of our wharves, one from India, the other from Sweden, and their bottoms were occupied by similar species of barnacles. In long voyages, especially in warm climates, and still more cer- tainly where vessels are not sheathed with copper, the barnacles adhere in incredible numbers, and grow to such a size, as materially to impede the course of the vessel. Conveyed in this way, they are brought in contact with their food, and are seen in every port. Other barnacles adhere to stones, piles, and similar immovable objects, and are entirely dependent for their food upon such ob- jects as the passing current brings within the reach of their arms. They have several pairs of arms or tentacles, which they can coil up within their shell, or protrude, at pleas- ure. Each of the arms is double, and their edges are garnished with a kind of fringe, so that they appear somewhat like small feathers. When covered by water, for they are sometimes left by the tide, their arms are in constant motion, and re- mind one of the spread human hand grasp- ing at something in space, a musquito, for instance. This grasping motion is regular, at the rate of 80 or 100 times in a minute. Nature has also provided that these sedentary animals may be widely diffused. Eggs are discharged by the parent in great num- bers, which soon produce little animals very different in shape 12 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. from their parents. These float about in the sea in countless numbers, until they come in contact with some substantial resi- dence, to which they unceremoniously affix themselves, and then assume the shape and habit of the parent. The obstruction they cause to vessels is the only material harm they do ; while, on the other hand, they afford no little protec- tion to wharves, the piles of bridges, and other submerged wood- en structures, by encasing them with a bony crust. Only two or three species permanently inhabit our shores ; but as they are constantly seen and collected at all our wharves and ship-yards, I have thought proper to regard them as denizens. The Cirripedes are naturally divided into two groups ; those which are sessile (sessilia), or seated firmly and directly upon their station, and those which are mounted upon a stem or stalk (pedunculdta) . t SESSILIA. Shells sessile. GENUS CORONULA, LAM. Shell of five consolidated pieces, conoid, truncated at its extrem- ity ; walls very thick, interiorly excavated into radiating cells ; operculum of four valves. Shells belonging to this genus live attached to the skin or shell of some marine animal. Two or three species of them live, partially imbedded, in the skin of the whale. This monster of the deep is not unfrequently taken in the vicinity of Cape Cod and Cape Ann, and one species of barnacle has been found upon him. CORONULA DIADE'MA. Shell globose-conical, truncated at tip ; surface exhibiting six triangles, each of which has four ribs, marked across with beaded strice. State Coll., No. 255. Soc. Cab., No. 2075. Lepas diadema, LIN., MONTAGU ; Test. Brit. 13. WOOD ; Index, pi. 1, f. 2. BORN ; JI/MS., t. l,f. 5, 6. GUALT. j t. 106, f. A. Phil Trans. 1758, t. 34, f. 1. CHEMN. ; Conch., viii. t. 99, f. 843, 844. LISTER ; Conch., t. 445, f. 288. DONOVAN ; Brit. Shells, ii. t. 56, f. 1, 2. CIRRIPEDES. MOLLUSCA. BALANUS. 13 Balanus diadema, BRUG. ; Encyc. M6th., pi. 165, f. 13, 14. Coronula diadema, LAM. ; An. sans Vert., v. 652. LEACH ; Encyc. Brit. SuppL,in. 171. BLAINV. j Diet, des Sc. Nat., x. and xxxii. pi. 117, f. 4. SOWERBY ; Genera, f. 1. BURMEISTER j Naturgesch. der Rankenfilsse, 34, pi. 2, f. 1 - 14. Poly'lepas diadema, GRAY; Annals of P kilos , x. 105. Diadema vulgaris, SCHUMACHER; Nouv. Syst. des Vers, 91. Shell usually cylindrical, with a conical summit, truncated at tip, sometimes of an inflated or globose-conical form. The sur- face is divided into twelve triangular compartments, six with the apex downwards which are depressed, plain, and faintly striated across ; and six with the apex upwards, each of which has four rounded ribs, marked across with beaded folds or wrinkles ; orifice one third, or more, of the diameter of the base, mostly closed by a membrane, through a fissure in which, closed by two valves, the arms are protruded. Beneath, arranged in six compartments, each of which is excavated into three cells with a small, interme- diate one at the circumference. Diameter 1^ to 2 inches, height an inch or more. It is distinguished from C. lalanaris by its more erect and elongated form, its larger orifice, and the beaded wrinkles of the surface. GENUS BALANUS, LAM. The Balani or Sea-acorns are immovable in all their external parts, and attach themselves generally to inanimate bodies, either fixed or floating, though they are occasionally found attached to lobsters, shells, corals, &c. BALANUS TINTINNABULUM. Shell purplish, conical, the six triangles with irregular, unequal ribs, the intervening spaces sculptured across with distinct lines; operculum rostrated behind. State Coll., No. 250. Soc. Cab., No. 2076. Lepas tintinnabulum, LIN.; Syst. JVaf., 1108. CHEMN. ; Conch., viii. t. 97, f. 828, 829, 830. GUALT. ; Conch., t. 106, f. H. RUMPHIUS ; Mus., t. 41, f. A. KNORR; Vergn.v. t. 30, f. 1. WOOD; Index, pi. 1, f. 5. Gen. Conch., t. 6,f. 1. Balanus tintinnabulum, LAM. ; An. sans Vert., v. 658. BRUG.; Encyc. Meth., pi. 164, f. 5. SOWERBY; Genera, fig. 1. SCHUMACHER; Essai, fyc., 90. RAN- ZANI ; Memorie, <^c., 33, pi. 2, f. 2-4 GRAY; Annals of Philos., x. 104. Shell conical, the sides more or less inclined, and sometimes a little turgid ; color violaceous. Surface having the raised tri- 14 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. angles grooved lengthwise, ^so as to form numerous unequal, irreg- ular ribs ; and these are crossed by distant, circular threads, which probably indicate the stages of growth ; the depressed areas are plain and glistening, marked across by regular, deeply sculptured lines. Aperture sub-triangular. Two anterior valves of the operculum deeply grooved or plaited ; the two posterior, on each side, rising considerably above them and curving forwards, resemble the beak of a bird of prey ; at their sides slightly grooved. Diameter at base 1 inch ; height 1J inches. This species probably does not breed in our climate, but is one of the most common shells found on vessels arriving from warmer regions. There are some other species, similar to this, which are occasional- ly, but less frequently, observed. B. tulipa is principally distinguished by its more rosy tint ; the raised areas are distinctly marked across, but scarcely at all lengthwise, and the depressed areas are nearly smooth. B. gigas and sulcata are also closely allied. BALANUS GENICULA'TUS. Shell conical, ichite, the prominent triangles with 8 or 10 usually alternately larger and smaller ribs, rendered rough by coarse lines of growth ; valves of operculum coarsely striated. FIGURE 9. State Coll., No. 254. Soc. Cab., No. 2310. Balanus geniculatus, CONRAD; Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc., vi. 265, pi. 11, f. 16. Shell regularly conical, dirty greenish-white ; much like B. tin- tinnabulum in its exterior, but broader at base in proportion to its height, and never inflated ; the elevated triangles on each side of the posterior one are very small, with only two or three ribs ; the others are sub-equal, and have 8 or 10 ribs ; these are much raised, but usually alternately larger and smaller, somewhat compressed at the sides, and their edges rendered nodulous by the conspicuous, rather distant lines of growth, which cross them. The depressed areas are faintly marked with minute, crowded cross lines. Diameter of the aperture about half that of the base. Operculum having the anterior valves wrought into coarsely plaited ridges, which incline over each other, and which CIRRIPEDES. MOLLUSCA. BALANUS. 15 are crossed by very fine radiating lines. Diameter at base 1 to 1| inches, height two thirds of the diameter. Found almost invariably attached to Pecten Magellanicus, on which it is occasionally drawn up by our fishermen ; and is abun- dant along the eastern coast of Maine, and at the Bank fishing- grounds. This shell, like its co-species, is subject to many varieties; and some of them approach so nearly to some of the figures and descrip- tions of B. Scoticus and B. communis of the North of Europe, that it is really difficult to decide upon its title to a distinct appellation. In this case it seems proper, for the present, to retain the name which Mr. Conrad undoubtedly applied to this shell. The number of ribs varies, as do the elevations upon them ; which last are usually two, however, as Mr. Conrad observes. BALANUS EBURNEUS. Shell white, smooth, obliquely conical, the raised triangles with lanceolate points, all inclined backwards, within regularly grooved ; operculum with the two anterior valves decussated at base, not beaked. FIGURE 6. State Coll., No. 253. Soc. Cab., No. 3418. Shell white, smooth, hinge obliquely conical, circular at base, inclining backwards ; the raised portions are smooth, or very faintly wrinkled lengthwise ; they all terminate in sharp, lance- pointed summits, all of which point backwards, and the last one curves over so much as to form a prominent beak. The interme- diate, depressed spaces are small and usually plain, but in very old specimens they are crossed by crowded, rasp-like lines. In- terior regularly and firmly grooved up and down, and the walls with a single series of pores, equal in number to the grooves. Aperture constantly ovate-triangular, rounded in front, acutely angular behind, moderately large. Operculum has the two anterior valves checked with transverse and longitudinal lines, which are well defined at base, but almost disappear at tip ; they are coarsely toothed at their adjacent edges ; the posterior valves very slightly grooved across. The tips of all four valves meet and form an accurate pyramidal summit. Diameter at base f inch, height | inch. 16 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. Adheres in clusters to floating wood, to shells, Crustacea, &c. It may be obtained almost any time at a lobster-stand. It often attains a much larger size. It differs from all other described species in having its surface en- tirely without ribs. In its earliest stages, B. ovularis is also smooth, and similar in shape to the young of this species ; but even then, this shell exhibits its triangular aperture, while the other is diamond- shaped. B. ovularis and B. Ixvis of Lamarck, though both described as smooth, are both said to have delicate ribs. The first is also de- scribed as cylindrical ; while the second is said to have a contracted aperture. Mr. Sowerby states that he is unacquainted with it. It appears not to be an uncommon or a local species, as I have taken it from the bottom of a ship of war from the West India station. BALANUS RUGO'SUS. Shell white, sub -cylindrical, valves raised into angular points ; without, coarsely and irregularly ribbed ; aperture large, rhomboid- al ; operculum nearly smooth, ivith acute, curved, slightly diverging points. FIGURE 10. State Coll., No. 289. Soc. Cab., No. 2311. Lepas borealis, DONOVAN ; Brit. Shells, v. pi. 160. Lepas rugosa, WOOD ; Gen. Conch., 41, pi. 6, f. 4. Balanus rugosus, MONTAGU ; Test. Brit., 8. DILLWYN ; CataL, 17. Shell white, erect, cylindrical, or somewhat conical, but usually as broad at summit as at base, and its height frequently exceeding its diameter. Summits of the valves rising into acute, spreading points, the posterior one folded and curved into a beak ; exterior very rough, with coarse, unequal, flexuous folds or ribs ; the de- pressed areas small, smooth, and shining. Interior slightly grooved at base, otherwise smooth. Aperture large, diamond-shaped ; valves of the operculum rising into acute, diverging points ; the separated portions distinctly striated from before backwards ; surface smooth, or delicately wrinkled from side to side, margins direct. Diameter of base sometimes inch. Of these I found fine specimens on a pine log lying upon the beach at East Boston. But they are usually obtained further northward, seated upon Pecten Islandicus, Fusus Islandicus, &c. CIRRIPEDES. MOLLUSCA. BALANUS. 17 This, like the following species, may be only one of the Protean forms of Lepas balanoides of Linnaeus. In a shell of so anomalous a character, I have chosen to abide by what is certain ; and I think it is certain, that the shell before me is the same as the shells of Montagu and Donovan. It accords exactly with the description by the former, and the figures by the latter. It attains a much larger size than the next species, and may be easily distinguished from it, under any disguise, by its simple opercular valves, and their acute, diverging points. The exterior is more rugged than that of any other species I have seen. BALANUS OVULA'RIS. Shell small, white, variable in shape, more or less furrowed ex- ternally ; aperture rhomboidal ; opercular valves obsoletely striated, the anterior ones shortest and acute, the posterior ones deeply notched near the obtuse summit. FIGURE 7. State Coll., No. 252. Soc. Cab., No. 2080. Balanus ovularis, LAM. ; An, sans Vert., v. 660. Lepas balanoides, LIN. ; Syst. Nat., 1108. Lepas balanus, WOOD ; Gen. Conch., pi. 7, f. 3. Index, pi. 1, f. 11. Under this name I would notice our most common barnacle. The few characters given to the species by Lamarck would apply to this shell with less reservation than any other description I have seen. It is found, of all shapes and ages, crowded together upon every rock or wooden fixture between high and low water mark ; and it is for the most part confined to stations where it is half the time left by the tide, while the preceding species seems to frequent the deep water. In shape it is very various. Sometimes it has a low, conical form, its height being less than half of its base ; again, its height is three or four times as great as the diameter of its base, and its summit broader than its base. In its early stages it is smooth, SQ that the valves are always plain at their summits ; but soon the base becomes scolloped by four or five grooves on each valve, and these grooves then continue on all the subsequent growth of the shell. The summit is usually even, as if all the points of the valves had been clipped off ; but in an exuberant growth they are elevated irl the form of thin, blunt plates. The aperture is dia- 3 18 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. mond-shaped, moderately large. In such a diversity of external character, we must look chiefly to the opercular valves for any constancy of form. These are smooth or faintly marked across with fine lines, that appear as if they were about to be effaced. The two front valves are regularly pointed by the junction of their boundary lines ; they are united by a simple suture, and a profile view shows them to be a little gibbous or keeled at the suture, just before their summits. The other valves are blunt at tip, and are deeply grooved, each side, for the reception of the outer edge of the anterior valves, so as to exhibit a deep notch just below their summit. This notch is the most obvious dis- tinctive character of the species, together with the circumstance, that the tips present no prominent points, and do not diverge. Interior smooth and plain, except that there is a fold answering to each external depressed area. Compared with B. rugosus, its exterior is much less rugged, it never attains so large a size, its summit is more simple, and its shape more variable. From this, and from specimens of B. ba- lanoides sent me from England, it differs especially in the sum- mits of the valves. These are better indicated by figures than by description. i BALANUS ELONGA'TUS. Shell white, very much elongated, increasing in width towards the summit ; opercular valves as in B. ovularis. Lepas elongala, LIN., GMEL. j 3213. CHEMN. ; Conch., viii. t. 98, f. 838. PENNANT ; Brit. ZooL, iv. t. 37, f. A. 5. Balanus clavatus, PULTENEY ; Dorset CataL, t. 1, f. 6. MONTAGU; Test. Brit., 10. WOOD ; Index, pi. 1, f. 13. Gen. Conch., t. 7, f. 1. Balanus fistulosus, BRUG. ; Encyc. Mtth., 166, t. 164, f. 7, 8. LAM.; An. sans Vert., v. 665. FIGURE 8. State Coll., No. 251. Soc. Cab., No. 2081. The shells to which the above names have been applied, and which have attracted considerable attention, seem, after all, not to be entitled to the rank of species. They are now regarded as elongated varieties of other species, having assumed their pe- culiar shape from the circumstance of their being so crowded as to oblige them to make all their growth in one direction. That this CIRRIPEDES, MOLLUSCA. ANATIPA. 19 is in all cases the true explanation, I am not disposed to admit. The largest specimens I have seen were found in a protected situation, under a bridge on the Dorchester turnpike road, and they were so situated as to have full scope for growth in any direction. They were often solitary, and an examination of the space around them forbade the suspicion that they had ever been group- ed. Under the wharves at Provincetown, I have noticed them so crowded as to justify the explanation. Certain it is, however, that the opercular valves, the most important and most constant por- tions, differ in no respect from the depressed conical specimens. All the elongated specimens of our coast have the valves of B. ovuldris. The exterior of the shell is the same also, if we make allowance for the peculiarity of form. We should, there- fore, consider it as an accidental, or rapidly developed, form of some other species. ft PEDUNCULATA. Shells pedunculated. GENUS ANATIFA, LAMARCK. Shell sub-triangular , compressed, composed of five unequal valves united by cartilage, and seated on a fleshy stalk. The shells of this genus are the true barnacles. They do not seem to have a fixed abode anywhere on our coast ; yet they are at all times found among us, either in the character of visitors or emigrants. The shells vary so much with age, that it is not always easy to define the limits of species, or to refer a shell to its true species. More species exist in bt)oks than in nature. The animal, when seen alive, in most cases, removes all uncertain- ty. These shells, though everywhere common, seem to be re- garded everywhere as strangers. They are Jews among other shells. Hence they seem to have been but little studied. ANATIFA L^VIS. Shell slightly wrinkled by the lines of growth, crossed by very faint, radiating lines ; valve at the back broad, flat, and smooth ; cartilages and stalk at base of shell orange ; animal light-colored. WOOD-CUT, (see p. 11.) State Coll., No. 248. Soc. Cab., No. 2083. Lepas anatifera, LIN. ; Syst., 1109. CHEMN. ; Conch., viii. 340, t. 100, f. 853. PENNANT ; Brit. ZooL, pi. 38, f. 9. ELLIS ; Phil. Trans. 1758, vol. 50, pi. 34, 20 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. f. 5. DONOVAN; Brit. Shells, pi. 7. WOOD; Gen. Conch., pi. 11. CUVIER ; R&gne Anim., iii. 176. Anatifa lee vis, BRUG. ; Encyc. M6th. t 166, f. 1. LAM. ; Jin. sans Vert., v. 675. SCHUMACHER; Nouveau Syst., fyc., 97. Anatifa vulgaris, GRAY ; Jlnnals of Philos., x. 100. Pentelasmis anatifera, LEACH ; Encyc. Brit., Suppl., iii. 170. SOWERBY ; Genera, f. 1, 2. Pentelepas leevis, BLAINVILLE ; Malacol., pi. 84, f. 3. Pollicipes Isevis, GUERIN ; Iconog., Mollusques, pi. 37, f. 1. Lepas anatifera, TURTON ; Conch. Diet., 71. Shell bluish-white, the lower valves triangular, rather obtuse at summit, wrinkled by the lines of growth, and with very faint ra- diating lines from the anterior basal angle ; upper valves triangular, narrow, pointing downwards, tip blunted, and leaving quite a large space occupied only by membrane ; very near the apex is a dis- tinct angle at the back ; apex rounded ; back valv-e rather broad, not much compressed, sometimes grooved lengthwise. Cartilage of the living shell of an orange-color, as is also a portion of the stalk adjoining the shell. Stalk of a light fawn-color. Cirri or arms light flesh-color. Length of shell about 1 inch, of the stalk from 1 to 6 inches. Found on the bottoms of vessels, and on drift wood. The orange ring at the base of the shell, and also the cartilages, the light-colored cirri, the large space following the lower point of the upper valves, the posterior angle of the upper valves being very near the summit, and the broad back, are the peculiar marks of this species. ANATIFA STRIATA. Valves with radiating strict ; posterior angle of upper valves somewhat remote from apex ; back valve compressed ; animal dark slate-color. State Coll., No. 249. Soc. Cab., No. 2084. Lepas anserifera, LIN.; Syst., 1109. LISTER; Conch., pi. 440, f. 283. DONO- VAN ; Brit. Shells, pi. 166, f. 2. WOOD ; Gen. Conch., pi. 10, f. 5. TURTON ; Conch. Diet., 72. GUALT. ; Test., t. 106, f. 2, 3. CHEMN. ; Conch., viii. t. 100, f. 856. Anatifa striata, BRUG. ; Diet., No. 4, Encyc. Mtth., pi. 166, f. 2. LAM. ; An. sans Vert., v. 676. Pentelasmis striata, LEACH ; Cirrhip. campyl. CIRRIPEDES. MOLLUSCA. ANATIFA. 21 Very similar to the preceding. Its angles are everywhere more pointed ; the surface is marked with radiating lines proceed- ing from the anterior-inferior and posterior-superior angles ; this latter angle is at some distance from the summit, and the interven- ing space is often emarginate ; sometimes a range of five or six impressed, blackish dots runs from the angle of the base across the side valves ; the back valve is compressed throughout its whole length, so as to form a sharp edge, which is often more or less toothed. The margins are faintly tipped with orange, but not broadly, as in the last species. The animal is dark-brown, and does not attain to a great length. The cirri are of a dark slate- color. Size same as A. Icevis. Such are characters of two species of shells, which I found in great numbers and perfection on a Swedish vessel. I believe them to be the true Lepas analifera and anserifera of Linnaeus. I am not a little in- clined to think that the A. stridta of modern authors is a different spe- cies, of which L. sulcata of Montagu is the young, and with which L. anserifera is not synonymous. The difference in the marking of the surface is not very remarkable, but the color of the stem and of the cirri is decisive. The back valve of A. stridta is either sharp or broken into teeth, passing imperceptibly into the next species, which is principally characterized by the sharp serratures along the back. ANATIFA DENTATA. Surface distinctly striated in a radiated manner ; carinated near the anterior margin ; posterior valve compressed to a sharp edge, which is sharply serrate. FIGURE 11. State Coll., No. 256. Soc. Cab., No. 2085. Lepas dentata, WOOD ; Gen. Conch., 67. DJLLWYN ; CataL, 32. Lepas serrata, SOLANDER; Mss. Anatifa dentata, BRUG. ; Encyc. .MM., 63, 1. 166, f. 6. LAM. ; Jin. sans Vert., v. 676. Shell rather shorter and less compressed than the preceding ; the lines of growth and radiating lines are quite distinct ; a very decided angular line or carina passes from the anterior base di- rectly towards the summit, at a little distance from the margin ; the summit is broadly truncated almost directly across ; the dor- sal valve is compressed so as to form a prominent, sharp edge, which at every age presents ten or twelve teeth like those of a saw ; this valve is very distinctly furrowed lengthwise. 22 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. GENUS CINERAS, LEACH. This curious genus, with the next, is very singular in its ap- pearance, and very easily recognised. It has the general form, structure, and habits of ANATIFA, but the exterior is almost entirely of a leathery texture, with only a few bony pieces at the back and about the aperture. None of them are permanent residents in our seas, but may be always found on foul-bottomed vessels, or attached to tardy-moving fishes. The two genera CINERAS and OTION, are almost always found in company, and are united in the genus GYMNOLEPAS by Blainville. They are not unfrequently called " the naked Cirripedes." VITTA'TA. Covering leathery, angular at summit, with jive, narrow, remote valves ; color ichitish, with three black stripes down each side. State Coll., No. 257. Soc. Cab., No. 2089. Lepas coriacea, POLI ; Test., i. tab. 6, f. 20. Lepas membranacea, MONTAGU ; Lin. Trans., ii. 182, pi. 12, f. 2. Lepas vittata, SOLANDER; Mss. WOOD ; Gen. Conch., 69, pi. 12, f. 2, 3. Index, pi. 2, f. 43. Senoclita fasciata, SCHUMACHER ; p. 98. GRAY ; Annals of Philos., x. 100. Cineras vittata, LEACH ; Encyc. Brit., Suppl., iii. 170, pi. 57. SOWERBY ; Genera. LAM. ; An. sans Vert., v. 684. Gymnolepas Cranchii, BLAINVILLE ; Malacol., pi. 84, f. 2. The exterior is of a leathery consistence, like the stem. There is no distinct line of division between the pedicle and the body, but the stem gradually dilates. The summit is obliquely truncate, somewhat concave, and margined on each side by a bony forma- tion. The aperture is also margined by two pointed pieces, and a fifth piece runs down the back. Color white, with three black stripes on each side, the two posterior ones uniting to form one on the stem. Tentacula of the color of the stripes. Length, in- cluding pedicle, often 2 inches. Found on the bottoms of vessels, and also on some of the large sluggish fishes, as the Orthagoriscus mola. CIRRIPEDES. MOLLUSCA. OTION. 23 OPTION CUVIE'RI. Body hood-shaped, surmounted by two ear-shaped processes or tubes inclined backwards ; a small, crescent-shaped valve on each side of the aperture ; color livid-brown. State Coll., No. 258. Soc. Cab., No. 2088. Lepas aurita, LIN. j Syst. Nat , p. 1110. ELLIS ; Philos. Trans., 1758, t. 34, f. 1. BRUG. ; Diet , p. 66. MARTINI ; Conch,, viii. 345, t. 100, f. 857, 858. WOOD j Gen. Conch, 70, t. 12, f. 4. -Index, pi. 2, f. 45. Lepas leporina, POLI ; Test., t. 6, f. 51. Malacotta bivalvis, SCHUMACHER; 38. Option Cuvieri, LEACH ; Cirrip., Encyc. Brit., Suppl., 170, pi. 57, f. 3. LAM. ; An. sans Vert., v. 685. SOWERBY ; Genera, pi. 1-4. GRAY ; Annals of Philos., v. 10, 100. Gymnolepas Cuvieri, BLAINVILLE ; MalacoL, pi. 84, f. 1. The tunic or covering of this animal is a smooth, leathery mem- brane, of a livid or leaden-brown hue, appearing glossy when fresh. The pedicle is rather long, and its limit of union with the body is marked by a well-defined constriction. The body is hood- shaped or helmet-shaped, surmounted by two hollow appendages, somewhat resembling the ears of animals, open at their extremities, inclining backwards. The aperture is large and gaping. It is fortified by a small, crescent-shaped valve on each side at its base. Vestiges of rudimentary valves are also to be seen at the summit. Cirri of the same color as the tunic. Length from 2 to 4 inches, of which the pedicle constitutes nearly two thirds. Found on vessels' bottoms and in other situations, in company with C IN ERAS vittata. 24 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. CLASS CONCHfFERA. This division includes all the mollusca which are inclosed in two shells (bivalve), united together at the back by a hinge, like the clam, oyster, mussel, &c. Sometimes the hinge has teeth shutting by the side of each other, and acting much like the com- mon butt-hinge. Sometimes there are small additional bony pieces attached about the hinge, serving to strengthen it ; and in such cases the shell is said to be many-valved (multivalve). The animal has no proper head, and its conspicuous parts are, First, its mantle, which lines all the interior of the shell, and incloses the other parts of the animal. Its edges are more or less fringed > and are either free, partly united, or entirely so, excepting a passage for the foot before, and for the siphons behind. Second, a mus- cular mass, usually called the foot, which may be protruded from the shell, and serves as the organ of motion. Third, the respira- tory organs, or branchiae, arranged somewhat like ruffles behind the foot, enveloping the abdominal mass. Fourth, the siphons, which are the openings for the passage of excrement, and for the admis- sion of water to the branchiae ; sometimes they are very long, and their tips are usually fringed. There are also two thin, elongated strips on each side, attached to the mouth and passing back over the sides of the foot, which are supposed to be the principal or- gans for the detection and selection of food, and are called palpi. This representation of the animal of MACH^'RA costata may serve to ex- emplify the parts above- mentioned. The valves are kept closed by strong muscles, which pass from one valve to the other. When these are relaxed, the valves are thrown open by the elastic nature of the cartilage or ligament at the hinge. The uniting substance is called cartilage when it is placed between the edges of the valves, and ligament when it is situated externally. The interior of the shell exhibits the indentations and lines MOLLUSCA. 25 where the muscles and mantle or pallium are attached ; and are called the muscular and palleal impressions. The latter usually turns inward towards the centre of the shell, and then outwards, forming a notch or sinus, more or less deep, at one end of the shell ; this is always the hinder end. There is sometimes only one muscular impression, but gen- erally there are two, in each valve. These serve as permanent marks by which to divide the conchs into two groups, the Uni- musculosa and Bimusculosa. The following synopsis may enable one to form a near approxi- mation to the genus of any of our bivalve shells. It has been drawn up without any reference to a natural arrangement, and merely to aid the student, by grouping the shells in an artificial manner, to come more easily at their true place and name. I. Shell transverse or rounded, with tioo muscular impressions. BIMUSCULOSA. i. Shell gaping. 1. gaping at base and ends, hinge toothless. * united by additional valves, Pholas. ** united by ligament, Panopc^a, Glycy'meris, Ter&do. 2. gaping at the ends only, and with hinge (cardinal) teeth. * Cardinal teeth simple, Solen, Solecurlus, Solemy^a, Machce^ra. ** Cardinal teeth spoon-shaped. t without lateral teeth, Mya, Anattna, Montacuta, Cochloddsma, Osteodesma. tt with lateral teeth, Mactra, Mesodesma, Cumingia, K6llia. ii. Shell closed. 1. inequivalve, Corbula, Pandora, Thracia. 2. equivalve. * inhabiting the sea. t teeth rounded, ascending, Saxicava, Petricola. it teeth compressed. sub-parallel, Psammdbia, TeWina, Lucina. diverging. a. without lateral teeth, Cypnna, Cyther&a, Venus, Astdrte. b. with lateral teeth, Cdrdium, Cardita. ** inhabiting fresh water, U^nio, Masmodon, Jl'nodon, Cyclas. II. Shell fan-shaped or irregular, with one muscular impression. UNIMUSCULOSA. i. united by an external ligament, Modiola, My'tilus. ii. united by an internal cartilage. 1. shell regular, Pecten. 2. shell irregular. * entire, O'strea. ** valve perforated, Anbmia, Terebrdtula. 4 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. FAMILY TUBICOLARIA, LAM. Shells inclosed in, or attached to, a shelly tube. GENUS TEREDO, Lm. Valves equal, largely open above and below, placed at the larger extremity of a tube open at both ends. TEREDO NAVA'LIS. Shell very widely gaping each side, and seated at the end of a flexuous, calcareous tube. State Coll., No. 237. Soc. Cab., No. 2315. Teredo navalis, LIN. ; Syst. Nat., 1267. BLAINVILLE ; Malacol, pi. 81 , f. 6. Sow- ERBY ; Genera. BRUG. ; Encyc. Mth., pi. 167, f. 1 - 5. This is the curious shell which is so remarkable for perforating holes in timber, giving it a honey-comb appearance. These holes are lined with their solid white tubes, at the bottom of which the shell is found. The shell itself is small, the two valves touching each other at only two points, and so much arched that when in position they form a mere ring. It is occasionally found in ship-timber, especially where it has been exposed to a tropical sea, and is familiarly known by the name of the ship-worm. FAMILY PHOLADARIA, LAM. Shell without a tubular sheath ; hinge aided by accessory valves, or very widely gaping anteriorly. GENUS PHOLAS, LIN. Shell transverse, gaping at both sides ; hinge margin rolled out- wards and toothless ; a rib-like tooth arises from the cavity of the beaks, and shoots nearly across the shell. Shells of this genus are generally found in logs of wood, in stones, or hard clay, which they have perforated ; and they have one or more additional bony pieces on the back of the hinge. PHOLADARIA. MOLLUSCA. PHOLAS. 27 PHOLAS COSTATA. Shell large, oblong-ovate, white, covered with radiating, toothed ribs. State Coll., No. 246. Soc. Cab., No. 1702. Pholas costatus, LIN.; Syst. J\Tat., 1111. LISTER; Conch., pi. 434. GUALT. ; Test., t. 105, f. G. CHEMN.; Conch., viii. t. 101, f. 863. BRUG. ; Encyc. Meth., pi. 169, f. 1, 2. BLAINVILLE ; Malacol, pi. 99, f. 6. So WERE Y ; Genera, No. 23, pi. 1. LAM. ; An. sans Vert., vi. 45. WOOD ; Gen. Conch., pi. 15, f. 1,2. Index, pi. 2, f. 4. Shell large, thin, inflated, oblong-ovate, rounded before and narrowed behind, white, covered with radiating ribs, the coarse lines of growth rising over them in an undulating manner, so as to produce tooth-like elevations upon them, at regular intervals ; the interior is marked with corresponding indentations. Length 6 inches, height 2 inches. This well known species is admitted into our catalogue from the fact, that Professor Adams has lately discovered an extensive bed of dead shells at New Bedford. It probably is not to be found in a liv- ing state in our waters. Indeed, I v am not aware that it is found living on the shores of any of the Middle or Eastern States. It is found, in the above locality, of all sizes and ages, its most delicate portions entire, forbidding the idea that these shells were transported by any means from some distant locality. It is certainly remarkable, that a large shell should have been abundant at no very distant period, which cannot now be found living within one or two thousand miles. Some- thing of the same kind is said to belong to the history of the oyster about Cape Cod. PHOLAS CRISPATA. Valves touching at the middle of the base, and widely gaping at both sides ; a furrow passes from the beaks across the middle, in front of which are radiating, toothed ribs. State Coll., No. 247. Soc. Cab., No. 2316. Pholas crispata, LIN.; Syst. JVcrf., p. 1111. GMELIN ; Syst., p. 3216. PENNANT ; Brit. Zool., iv. 157, t. 43, f. 2. MONTAGU ; Test. Brit., 23. DONOVAN ; Brit. Shells, ii. pi. 62, 69. CHEMN.; viii. 369, t. 102, f. 872-874. TURTON ; Brit. Biv. } 6. Conch Diet., 146. Lin. Trans., viii. 32. HUTCH., Dorset Catal., 28 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. 27, t. 3, f. 4. WOOD; Gen. Conch., 81, pi. 15, f. 3-5. Index, pi. 2, f. 5. DILLWYN; CataL, 40. DKSHAYES; Encyc. Milk, Vtrs, iii. 754, pi. 169, f. 5, 7. LAM.; An. sans Pert., vi. 46. SCHROET. ; Einl. in Conch., iii. 541, No. 6. Pholas bifrons, DA COSTA ; Brit. Conch. ,243, t. 16, f. 4. Pholas latus, LISTER ; Conch., t. 436, f. 279, and Append., t. 10, f. 3. Shell oblong-oval, thick and strong, rounded posteriorly, nar- rowed anteriorly into a sort of beak ; widely gaping at both ends, the valves touching each other only at two points, viz. the hinge, and the middle of the base. Exterior surface marked with numerous coarse, concentric ridges, which become lamellar on the anterior half ; the laminae are strongly toothed on their free edge, and the teeth are disposed in radiating series. The. valves are divided into two nearly equal portions by a broad channel running from the beaks to the middle of the base. Interior smooth, showing the external furrow, the upper and anterior edge turned outwards so as to present large, smooth callosities over the beaks. The process from within the cavity of the beaks is large, narrow, and a little flattened at the tip. Length 2 inches, height 1J inch. A very perfect specimen of this shell is in the cabinet of Dr. S. Bass, which was found at Phillips's Beach. Young specimens were found in hard clay at Phillips's Beach by Mr. Joseph True. They differ princi- pally in gaping only anteriorly. Full grown valves are occasionally thrown up on all our beaches ; but it is more common at the South, as along the shores of New Jersey. When alive, a membranous expan- sion covers the superior border of the shell. FAMILY SOLENACEJl, LAM. Shell transversely elongated, without accessory pieces, and gaping only at the ends* GENUS SOLEN, Lm. Shell equivalve, elongated, sides nearly parallel, gaping at both ends ; beaks very small, terminal ; cardinal teeth small, rounded, variable. SOLEN ENSIS. Shell six times as long as high, curved, front and back parallel, smooth, yellowish-green ; hinge with one tooth and a sharp lateral SOLENACEA. MOLLUSCA. SOLECURTl/S. 29 plate of one valve entering between two teeth and a double plate of the other. State Coll., No. 241. Soc. Cab., No. 1709, Solen ensis, LIN. ; Syst. Nat., 1114. PENNANT ; Brit. Zool., t. 45, f. 22. CHEMN. ' f Conch., vi. t. 4, f. 30. MONTAGU; Test. Brit., 48. BRUG. ; Encyc. Meth.,pl, 223, f. 2, 3. TURTON; Conc/t D*'c., 160. Brit. Biv., p. 83. WOOD > Gen, CtmcA , pi. 28, f. 1, 2. TWez, pi. 3, f. 6. LAM.; An. sans Vert., vi. 55. CONRAD ; Marine Conch., pi. 5, f. 1. DONOVAN ; Brit. Shells, pi. 50. MATOI* and RACKETT; Lin. Trans., viii. 44. Solen curvus, LISTER; Conch , t. 411, f. 257. Shell scabbard-shaped ; about six times as long as high, the? ends rounded, the front and back nearly parallel, white within, and covered without by a glossy, yellowish or brownish-green epider- mis, which folds over the sharp edge of the shell. On the sur- face is a triangle of lines marking the termination of the longer side at the successive stages of growth ; hinge at one end ; on one valve is a single tooth from which a rib or plate extends to the ligament ; on the other valve are two teeth, and a double plate receiving those of the opposite valve between them ; the terminations of the two ribs rise up in a curved manner and cross each other like teeth, when not broken off, as they usually are. Length of a good specimen 6 inches, height 1 inch. This well-known shell is found on both shores of the Atlantic. It lives on sandy beaches near low-water mark, as at Chelsea, Na- hant, and Nantasket beaches, and about Newburyport, Nantucket, &c. It is displaced by heavy storms, and thrown up by the tide. It may often be seen projecting a little above the level of the sand, but, if touched or disturbed, it descends with astonishing rapidity and force, muchto the amazement of him who may lay hold of it, thinking to make an easy capture. The animal is cylindrical, too long for the shell, and is often used as an article of food under the name of long clam, razor-Jish, knife- handle, &c. These names are enough to suggest an idea of the shell to any one who is not already familiar with it. GENUS SOLECURTUS, BLAINV. Shell transverse, elongated., equivalve, the beaks small, sub- central, margins nearly parallel, ends abruptly rounded ; hinge 30 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. with two or three cardinal teeth in each valve ; ligament prominent, seated on thick callosities ; palleal impression with a very deep sinus. The above generic definition will include all the shells originally embraced in the genus by Blainville, except those of his first di- vision, " shells compressed, thin, with an interior rib passing from the beaks to the basal margin." An acquaintance with the animal has shown the necessity of subdividing his genus. Mr. Sowerby proposes to limit it to the species having the interior bar. But Deshayes, in his edition of Lamarck, has already limit- ed the genus to shells of a different type ; and it would, therefore, seem most proper that any new name which may be given should be applied to other forms. I have, therefore, separated those with the interior bar and other peculiarities for a new genus. If we adopt Deshayes' modification of the genus, so that it shall include only ,such as are transversely oblong-oval, covered with obliquely undulating striae, the hinge central, &c., we shall still have another group left, of shells equally distinct in character by their sub-cylindrical, somewhat arched form, compressed at base, the extremities abruptly and usually obliquely rounded, the beaks near the posterior end, the parallel sinus very deep, &c., answer- ing, in fact, to Mr. Conrad's sub-genus CULTELLUS. This would, of course, assume the rank of a genus in case the correctness of the above views should be acknowledged. Deshayes says, that the animal of S. Caribous, leg amen, &c., approaches closely to that of the true Solen. But, as the genus Solen now admits only shells with terminal beaks, they must still be arranged under Solecurtus. SOLECU'RTUS (Cultellus) CARIBOUS. Shell sub-cylindrical^ thick, rounded posteriorly, obliquely trun- cated anteriorly ; beaks nearest the posterior extremity. State Coll., No. 224. Soc. Cab., No. 14. LISTER ; Conch., t. 421. f. 265. Solen Guineensis, CHEMN. ; Conch., xi. t. 198, f. 1937. DILLWYN; CataL, 62, No. 13. BRUG. ; Encyc. Meth., pi. 225. f. 1. Solen Caribse^us, LAM.; Jin. sans Vert., vi. 58. Solecu'rtus Caribous, CONRAD ; Amer. Mar. Conch., 4, f. 3. - SOLENACEA. MOLLUSCA. SOLECURTUS. 31 Shell oblong, .transverse, very slightly curved, thick and strong, the upper and lower margins nearly parallel ; beaks obtuse and slightly elevated, nearest the posterior end ; this side is narrow- est, rounded at the extremity, and having an obtuse ridge running obliquely backwards from the beaks ; anterior extremity ob- liquely truncated or abruptly rounded ; basal margin somewhat compressed ; surface coarsely wrinkled by the stages of growth, and on its disc are a few short, deep, straight scratches from the beaks towards the base ; the whole covered by a dense and strong yellowish epidermis, which folds over the edge. Hinge with two awl-shaped cardinal teeth in each valve, curved, ascending : behind them is a thick rounded callus, on which the ligament is fixed. Interior white, thickened ; palleal impression with a sinus which passes beyond the beaks. Length 4 inches, height *\\ inch, breadth 1 inch. Found in Buzzard's Bay, at New Bedford and in its vicinity, occasionally, which seems to be its northern limit. It cannot be mistaken for any other of our shells. SOLECU'RTUS (Cultellus) FRA'GILIS. Shell transversely oblong-ovate, arcuated, equilateral, with a red- dish stripe from the beaks passing a little backwards, designating the place of an obsolete rib within ; epidermis yellowish. State Coll., No. 242. Soc. Cab., No. 2317. Solen fragilis, PULTENEY ; Dorset Catal., 28. pi. 4, f. 5. MONTAGU ; Test. Brit., 51. Suppl^ 26. PENNANT ; Brit. Zool., iv. 174. WOOD ; Gen. Conch., 126. pi. 29, f. 4, 5. Index, pi. 3. f. 11. DILLWYN j Catal., 65. FLEMING j Brit. Anim., 460. Solecurtus fragilis, CONRAD ; Amer. Mar. Conch., 19, pi. 4, f. 1. Solen centralis, SAY ; Journ. dead. JVai. Sciences, ii. 316. Psammobia tasniata, TDRTON ; Brit. Biv., 85, pi. 8, f. 5. Shell small and delicate, much broader than high, sub-oval ; beaks not prominent, nearly central ; the upper and lower margins curved, nearly parallel, the posterior end being, however, some- what more sharply rounded than the anterior ;* when viewed at the back, the shell has a peculiar compressed appearance. Sur- face smooth at the central region, and somewhat wrinkled at the ends ; with a remarkable band of reddish purple passing from the 32 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. beaks across the shell, growing wider and fainter in its progress ; some fainter and broader radiations may also be seen in old shells, when the epidermis is removed. Epidermis straw-colored, or becoming fawn-colored, slightly wrinkled posteriorly. Within, livid, smooth, and shining, becoming thickened by age. The red stripe is visible within, and covered by a faint, rib-like thickening. Hinge of two large, ascending teeth on each valve, one of which, on the left valve, grows broad and is emarginate at tip. Length J^ inch, height - inch, width 2 \ inch. This, like the preceding species, is occasionally found at New Bed- ford, and other places in Buzzard's Bay. It is rather common about Rhode Island. I have never met with a specimen north of Cape Cod ; though, if our shell be identical with the S. frdgilis of British writers, it is found on the Canada coasts. It differs from the fragile specimens known in British Cabinets, simply in growing to a much larger size, and becoming thick and strong, GENUS MACH^ERA, GOULD. Shell transversely oblong-oval, compressed, inequilateral, mod- erately gaping; beaks minute. Hinge with three diverging car- dinal teeth in the left valve, the middle one bifid, the third one compressed, delicate, talcing the direction of the margin, or obso- lete ; on the right valve two, entering between those of the opposite valve. Within, usually crossed by a strong, longitudinal rib. Muscular impressions joined by a deeply sinuous palleal line. Ligament prominent. Animal not much larger than the shell ; lobes of the mantle united for about half their length, the whole of their margin pecti- nated with fleshy teeth from near the siphon to the hinge, except where they pass over the foot ; similar bodies are also found along their inner sub-margin, near the siphon. Labial palpi long, extending quite across the foot, pointed. Branchiae extending to the opening of the siphon and embracing about half the breadth of the foot. Foot hatchet-shaped, dilating towards its extremity, which is obliquely truncated. Siphons united to their tips, which have scattered hairs. (WOOD-CUT of M. costdta, see page 24.) The above is the description of the animal of M. costata. It SOLENACEA. MOLLUSCA. SOLECURTUS. 33 differs from Deshayes' description of the animal of SOLECU'RTUS strigillatus, in some obvious particulars. He makes no mention of the fringe of fleshy teeth along the margin of the mantle, which are so remarkable, and which are probably retractile. The bran- chiae do not enter the siphon ; the foot is not tongue-shaped, but somewhat club-shaped, and bent at a right angle within the shell ; and the siphons are united entirely to their extremities, though the branchial is slightly more elongated than the anal siphon. This genus embraces, besides the two species here described, the Solen radidtus, LIN., (Solecurtus lucidus, Conrad,) SOLEN maximus, WOOD, (Solecurtus Nuttallii, Conrad,) SOLEN inflexus, WOOD, and S. pellucidus of Europe. These accord with our shells in all respects, except that the third tooth of the left valve in some of them, is replaced by a marginal elevation simply. They differ in their ovate and compressed form from SOLE- CU'RTUS, and especially do they differ from sub-genus CUL- TE'LLUS by having the beaks placed anteriorly. The sinus of the palleal impression usually extends about half way to the hinge. MACKLE'RA NI'TIDA. Shell slightly recurved, thick, white, undulated by the lines of growth, covered with a strong, greenish-yellow, shining epidermis, corrugated at the posterior extremity. FIGURES 25, 26. State Coll., No. 240. Soc. Cab., No. 1717. Shell thick, white, oblong-ovate, beaks small, situated at the anterior fifth of the shell, narrowed behind, rounded at both ex- tremities ; the posterior hinge margin is straight and somewhat compressed, and the basal margin being at the same time regularly curved gives the shell a somewhat recurved aspect. Epidermis thick, shining, as if varnished, of a dusky greenish-yellow or dark- gamboge color, wrinkled obliquely at the posterior extremity, and projecting beyond and folding around the edge of the shell. Lines of growth broadly and prominently rounded, giving a wavy appearance. Within white and strengthened by a prominent rib, which, extending from the beaks, inclining very slightly backwards, and expanding, loses itself in the shell about half way across the 5 34 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. valve. Hinge having the teeth seated upon the base of the rib ; in the left valve three ; the first strong, ascending and curved, the second still stronger and widely branched, one branch being erect, the other nearly prostrate, the third very much compressed, delicate, at right angles with the first and directed parallel to the margin, just under the ligament ; on the other valve two teeth, the first prominent, a little oblique, the other very thin and oblique, entering between the middle and last tooth of the opposite valve. Ligament quite protuberant. Height 11 inch, length 2 inches, width | inch. Not unfrequently taken from the stomachs of cod-fish caught on the Banks, and sometimes off our shores. This species differs from all its co-species by the inclination of the rib towards the longer side of the shell, and also by its apparent back- ward curvature. It is, however, very closely allied to the shells figured by Wood and Conrad. It is very rare to find all the teeth entire. The two thin teeth next the ligament are almost always broken ; but a careful examination will discover their vestiges ; and they never seem to be obsolete. The erect tooth of the left valve is not unfrequently broken, and per- haps one of the branches of the bifurcated tooth. The large tooth of the right valve is most constant. 'MACELE'RA COSTA'TA. Shell thin, smooth, shining; epidermis greenish, zoned and radiated with livid-violaceous ; internal rib inclining forward. FIGURE, see Wood-cut, page 24. State Coll., No. 239. Soc. Cab., No. 1716. Solen costktus, SAY; Journ. Jlcad.Nat. Sc.,ii. 315. Solecurtus costatus, SAY; Jimer. Conch., pi. 18. CONRAD; Jlmcr. Mar. Conch., 21, pi. 4. f. 2. Shell ovate-elliptical, thin, fragile, smooth, and diaphanous ; beaks very minute, placed at the anterior fourth of the shell ; pos- terior side very little pointed, its upper margin compressed and somewhat crested ; basal margin sometimes a little contracted ; elsewhere regularly arcuated. Epidermis very smooth and shin- ing, of a light yellowish-green color blended with livid-violaceous SOLENACEA. MOLLUSCA. SOLEMYA. 35 in such a manner as to form three radiated compartments of each color. There are minute wrinkles about the posterior extremity, and minute series of them across the middle of the shell, arranged so as to appear like radiating lines. Within livid, and somewhat iridescent. Rib white, inclining backwards, and extending, about two thirds across the valves. Teeth as in the preceding species, excepting that the branch of the bifurcated tooth is less prostrate. The same remark as to their deficiencies applies to this species as to the other. Height inch, length ^ inch, width T \ inch. Found abundantly upon every sandy beach, and probably inhabits the sand in shallow water. It is one of our most beauti- ful shells. It is much more delicate and smaller than M. nitidus. The radiations of color are evident, but have no very distinct dividing lines ; a whitish, narrow ray, running obliquely backwards, and another answering to the interior rib, are generally conspicu- ous. The colors are also arranged in zones, as well as rays. GENUS SOLEMYA, LAM. Shell equivalve, inequilateral, transverse ; epidermis thick and shining , projecting far beyond the margin ; beaks inconspicuous ; hinge margin widened and excavated to form a receptacle for a cartilage, usually resting on a rib-like support. SOLEMY'A VELUM. Shell oblong, very thin and fragile ; epidermis pale yellowish- brown, marked with radiating lines ; within purplish-white ; car- tilage-support arched, the points directed across the shell. State Coll., No. 222. Soc. Cab., No., 1738. Solemy^a velum, SAY ; Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. } ii. 317. Shell remarkably thin and fragile, transversely oblong, rather broadest behind ; very inequilateral, upper and lower margins nearly parallel, ends rounded ; beaks in no degree elevated, but having a slight pit in front of them ; surface of the valves radiated with about fifteen slightly impressed, double lines, most conspicu- ous posteriorly, and most widely separated across the middle ; short end distinctly wrinkled by the lines of growth ; epidermis light yellowish-brown or chestnut-color, firm, elastic, glossy, at 36 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. the hinge margin connecting the valves together for nearly their whole length, and elsewhere projecting far beyond the margin of the calcareous portion, and slit at each of the radiating lines, whence the edges have a ragged, fringed appearance, the angles of the lobes rounded ; hinge toothless, consisting of a large triangular re- ceptacle for the cartilage, in each valve, resting on, and partly inclosed by, a whitish bony support, arched beneath, the legs of the arch partly inclosing the anterior muscular impression, and the hinder branch directed nearly across the shell. Length 1 inch, height | inch, breadth T \ inch. Found upon Chelsea, Nahant, Nantasket, and other sandy beaches, generally in the early months, and some years in great abundance. At Dartmouth harbour, Professor Adams found them in mud, far beyond low- water mark. It is an exceedingly delicate and curious shell ; its epidermis, hang- ing over the edges like a veil, at once distinguishing it. The dimen- sions, given above, include the epidermis, and are those of a shell of the largest size. In the younger stages the border of the epidermis is entire. The bony substance of the valves is so thin, that the lighter- colored radiations are quite obvious within. Its special distinguishing marks will be more particularly pointed out in the description of the next species. SOLEMYA BOREA'LIS. Shell fragile, oblong; epidermis darJc-brown, with fifteen to twenty lighter radiating lines ; within grayish-blue ; cartilage- support forked, the hinder branch directed obliquely forwards. State Coll., No. 221. Soc. Cab., No. 1739. Solemy s a borealis, TOTTEN ; Sillimaris Journ., xxvi.,30' ; . %. 1. Solemy'a velum, CONRAD; Amur. Mar. Conch., pi. 66, f. J6. This shell would be described in terms so similar to those em- ployed for the preceding species, that a notice of those points in which they differ will be the best description. It greatly excels in size, the smallest that has been noticed exceeding the largest S. velum. The valves are less convex, and very much more solid, and their color within is always a grayish-blue or lead-color ; the basal margin is a little arched up- wards ; the ends are a little scolloped, there being a slight pro- SOLENACEA. MOLLUSCA. PANOPJEA. 37 jection corresponding to each fissure of the epidermis ; the cartilage-support instead of being arched is forked, and the hinder branch is directed obliquely forwards, extending half way to the anterior margin ; the epidermis is always of a very dark brown or tar-color, marked with fifteen to twenty radiating lines ; the projecting margin is slashed as in the other species, but the angles of the lobes are not rounded, their edges have a thinned, crimped margin, and are usually rolled back. Chelsea Beach is the only locality in Massachusetts, that I know of, where this species has been found. A very large and perfect speci- men was found there by Mr. J. P. Couthouy, and is now in the cabinet of the Boston Society of Natural History. Colonel Totten found it in considerable numbers in the vicinity of Newport. Only two other species of this genus have been described ; the S. Mediterrdnea from the Mediterranean, which is distinguished from all the others by wanting the callous supports of the cartilage, and the S. australis from New Holland, which has the size and strength of S. borealis, and the color of S. velum. A notch in the hinge margin behind the cartilage is also spoken of, which we do not find in S. bo- redlis. It is not a little remarkable that a genus embracing so few species should be so widely distributed. GENUS PANOP^A, MENARD. Shell equivalve, transverse, unequally gaping at the sides and at the base ; a small, conical tooth on each valve, and a rounded cal- losity at each side to which the ligament is affixed. PANOP^E'A ARCTICA. Shell oblong, sub-cylindrical, strong, widely gaping at both ends, rounded anteriorly, truncated posteriorly, traversed by two radiating, wave-like ridges, which divide the surface into three nearly equal portions. FIGURE 27. State Coll., No. 236. Soc. Cab., No. 1720. Glycy'meris arctica, LA.M. ; An. sans Vert., vi. 70. Shell thick and strong, oblong, somewhat cylindrical, inequi- lateral, the posterior portion being nearly twice the length of the 38 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. anterior ; somewhat acutely rounded before, obliquely truncated and widely gaping behind, the posterior margin thickened within and turning outwards ; the hinge and basal margins are usually about parallel, but in old shells the lower and posterior angle is considerably prolonged, so as to render this portion broadest ; and it is the only point at which the valves meet, the rest of the base widely gaping ; beaks rather prominent, directed slightly forwards, and from them extend two broad, wave-like ridges, one directed to the lower posterior angle, the other dividing the portion anterior to this into two nearly equal parts, so that the surface is thus di- vided into three triangular, concave compartments ; surface also ridged at the stages of growth. Directly under the beak in each valve is a single small, triangular tooth ; these shut side by side ; running backwards from each of them, along the margin, is a thick, rounded, crest-like callus, having a groove at its external base in which a strong ligament is fixed, which arches over these crests. Muscular impressions deep ; palleal impressions looking like an irregular series of muscular pits of various sizes ; interior smooth and shining, corresponding to the external undulations ; exterior antiquated, livid. Length 2| inches, height 1| inch, breadth 1 T V to 1 T 6 inch. Inhabits the Banks of Newfoundland, whence it is brought by fishermen. I believe this to be the shell which Lamarck intended by his Glycym- eris arctica, and which Deshayes, with good reason, pronounces to be a PANOP.E A. I am aware that the P. Aldrovdndi varies much at dif- ferent ages, and has consequently been described under several names. It is also said to be an inhabitant of Newfoundland, while Lamarck gives the " Arctic Ocean, the White Sea," as the habitat of P. arc- tica. But P. Aldrovdndi never presents upon the disc the two ridges and intervening central valley, so characteristic of our shell ; it is also nearly equilateral, broadest before, and the anterior extremity is scarce- ly more rounded than the posterior, and even at the immense size, to which that species often arrives, it is scarcely more thickened than our small shell, which, indeed, bears evidence of entire maturity. The " costis duabus obtusis," and the remark, that " externally it resembles Mya truncata" are enough to identify the shell. A single valve would be passed over as the toothless valve of Mya truncata. SOLENACEA. MOLLUSCA. GLYCYMERIS. 39 It is an interesting shell on account of the genus being found plenti- fully on both continents in a fossil state, while recent specimens are so rare. GENUS GLYCYMERIS, LAM. Shell transverse, inequilateral, greatly gaping above and below ; hinge margin callous, without a tooth ; ligament external, epider- mis thick, extending beyond the margin of the shell, GLYCY'MERIS SILIQUA. Shell transversely oval; epidermis black, dense, and shining, ob- liquely wrinkled ; beaks eroded ; interior loaded with thick callus. State Coll., No. 235. Soc. Cab., No. 1721. Mya siliqua, CHEMN. ; Conch., xi. 192, pi. 198, f. 1934. DILLWTN ; Catal, i. 49. Glycy'meris incrassata, LAM. ; Syst. des An. sans Vert., 126. Glycy'meris siliqua, LAM. ; An. sans Vert., vi. 69. BLAINV. ; Malacol.^l. 80, f. 3. AUDOUIN ; Ann. des Sc. JVetf., 1833, pi. 14, 15, 16, (excellent.) SOWERBY; Gen- era, No. 8. Mya picea, WOOD ; Gen. Conch., 96, pi. 22, f. 5. Index, pi. 2, f. 10. Shell oval, ponderous, widely gaping, surface undulated at the different stages of growth ; covered with a thick, horny, glossy- black epidermis, which projects a considerable distance beyond the limit of the valves ; it is obliquely wrinkled at various parts, especially at the posterior end ; beaks not prominent, always more or less eroded ; ligament large and protuberant ; interior of the shell white, loaded with a very thick mass of calcareous substance, giving the shell great weight, its margin having a somewhat fringed arrangement. Length 1| inch, breadth 3| inches. Its proper habitat is the Banks of Newfoundland ; but several fine specimens have been hooked up or dredged in the neighbour- hood of Provincetown, within Cape Cod. It is a very interesting shell, the only one of the genus yet known. Its wide gaping, thick interior deposit, toothless hinge, and black ex- terior, render it impossible to confound it with any other shell. The great size of the animal, which the shell can never enclose, renders it a welcome morsel for that denizen of the Banks, the cod-fish ; and, 40 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. accordingly, it is not difficult to obtain specimens through the fishermen. In young shells the epidermis is smooth, and of a light chestnut- color. FAMILY MY APIA. Shell often inequivalve, inequilateral, gaping ; hinge with an erect, more or less spoon-shaped tooth in one valve, received into a corresponding excavation in the opposite valve, united by an interposed cartilage. GENUS MYA, LIN. Shell transverse, gaping at both ends ; left valve with a single broad, compressed, erect tooth, received into a pit in the opposite valve. MYA ARENA* RI A. Shell transversely ovate, chalky-white, covered with a thin, wrinkled epidermis ; tooth of equal length and breadth, inclined a little backwards and inwards, with an oblique rib on the back. State Coll., No. 234. Soc. Cab., No. 1722. Mya arenaria, LIN.; Syst. Nat., 1112. PENNANT; Brit. ZooL, iv. 79, t. 42, f. 16. CHEMN; Conch., vi. 10, t. 1, f. 3, 4. FABR. ; Fauna, Granl, 405. OILLWYN; Gated., i. 42. DRUG., Encyc. Meth., pi. 229, f. 1 to 8. BLAINV.; Malacol.p\.77,f. 1. SOWERBY; Genera, No. 32. MONTAGU; Test. Brit., 30. WOOD ; Gen. Conch., 91, t. 17, f. 3. Index, pi. 2. f. 2. DESHAYES ; Encyc. Mdth., Few, ii. 592, pi. 229, f. 1. LAM.; An. sans Vert. (Desh. ed.), vi. 74. MATON and RACKETT; Lin. Trans., viii. 35. TURTON ; Conch. Diet., 98. Brit. Biv., 32. DONOVAN ; Brit. Shells, t. 85. FLEMING ; Brit. Aiwm. 4G3. CON- RAD ; Amer. Mar. Conch., 42, pi. 9, f. 1. Mya mercenaria, SAY; Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc., ii. 313. Mya acuta, SAY ; Ibid. Shell ovate, equivalve, nearly equilateral, moderately thick, gaping at both ends, especially at the posterior, which cannot be closed on account of an outward curvature of the valves ; an- teriorly shortest and regularly rounded ; posteriorly narrowed and rounded ; surface wrinkled, and in some parts raised into ridges at the lines of growth ; faint radiating lines and colors depart from the beaks ; color dingy-white, covered with a very thin, dirty-brown epidermis, irregularly wrinkled ; beaks small, pointed, MYARIA. MOLLUSCA. MYA. 41 slightly curved forwards, directly under which, in the left valve, rises an erect tooth, rounded at its summit, of about equal breadth and height ; its inner face is smooth and rounded ; its outer face is divided into two portions, the largest of which is spoon-shaped, the other flat and traversed across the middle by a grooved ridge which projects beyond the margin of the tooth like a smaller tooth ; on the right valve we have a deep excavation imbedded in the cavity of the beak ; in this and in the concave portion of the tooth is fixed the very strong cartilage ; anterior muscular im- pression narrow and long, club-shaped ; posterior one semi-oval ; palleal impression scolloped along the base, and very deeply notched behind. Common length 3J inches, height 2 inches, breadth 1 inch. I have a specimen, the corresponding dimen- sions of which are 5J, 3 T 4 ^, 2 T \j- inches. This shell (the Clam) is familiar to every one who resides on the sea-coast. It is always to be seen in every market, and on every quiet shore. Its residence is always between high and low tide, or in such places as allow it to be partially exposed to the air a part of the time. Such are our sandy beaches, muddy inlets, and mouths of streams emptying into the sea, &c. It usually lies just below the surface, and over it is a round hole through which the animal occasionally ejects a jet of water to a considerable height above the sand ; and, if the shallow water is observed where they are known to dwell, it will be perceived to be kept in constant eddies by the suction and ejection of the water. The value of the clam as an article of food, in the fisheries, and for manure, will be spoken of elsewhere. There seems to be no character which affords any ground for sep- arating our shell from the European clam. Mr. Say, as he merely refers to Pennant's figure, had probably never seen a specimen from the other shore of the Atlantic. A comparison would certainly have saved him from the error of describing it as a new species. Nor can I believe there is any occasion to make two species, the mercendria and acuta, as he has done. His acuta was formed from a specimen in which the posterior extremity was very acute ; but in this part we find great diversity of proportions in different specimens. It seems not to be a common shell at the British Islands, and to be seldom used as food there. Its surface is often colored by the earth in which it is found. Very often it has a rusty color, or a bluish clay-color ; and the solidity of 6 42 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. the shell varies according to its exposure to the chafing of the sea. Some specimens, obtained in the still, sandy harbour of Provincetown, are very white, and nearly as thin as paper. In the young shell the valves are quite unequal, and the tooth is produced towards the longer side, so as to be somewhat triangular. I have compared shells in this state, a third of an inch in length, with specimens of SPHENIA Swainsbni, TURT., and can find no differences in the hinge, and none in the shell, unless that perhaps the latter may be a little thinner, and proportionally longer than the former. MYA TRUNCA'TA. Shell oblong-oval, inequilateral, rounded anteriorly, truncated posteriorly ; widely gaping ; tooth broader than long. State Coll., No. 233. Soc. Cab., No. 2319. Mya truncata, LIN. ; Syst. Nat., 1112. Gmel. No. 1. FABR.; Fauna Grant., 404. PENNANT; Brit. Zool, iv. pi. 41, f. 14. CHEMN. Conch., vi. 8, tab. l,f. 1, 2. MONTAGU; Test. Brit., 32. MATON and RACKETT; Lin. Trans., viii.35. WOOD; Gen. Conch., 90, t. 17, f. 1,2. Index, pi. 2, f. 1. DILLWYN ; CataL, i. 42. DES- HAYES ; Encijc. M&th., Vers, ii. 591, pi. 229, f. 2 to 6. DONOVAN ; Brit. Shells, pi. 92. LAM., Jin. sans Vert. vi. 73. TURTON ; Conch. Diet., 97. Brit. Biv., 31. LISTER ; Conch., t. 428, f. 269. GUALT. ; Test., t. 91, f. D. BROOKE ; Jntrod., pi. 1, f. 10. Shell oblong, inequilateral, longest and rounded before, nar- rower and abruptly cut off, generally obliquely, behind ; the valves are strong, deeply concave and often unequal, but sometimes the right valve, and sometimes the left, is most prolonged ; surface irregularly ridged along the lines of growth ; color dingy white, covered with a thick, tough, yellowish, wrinkled epidermis, which folds over the edges of the shell, and is greatly prolonged posteriorly, forming a tube six or eight inches long, supplying in some measure tbe apparent loss of protection to the animal by the truncation of the shell. The truncated edges are a little flaring, and the shell is left wide open behind ; beaks moderately promi- nent, turning slightly forwards ; teeth broader than long, projecting a little inwards ; inner face smooth, and nearly flat ; outer face similar to that of M. arenaria, but the oblique rib merely forms a thickened lobe at tbe edge, and does not project into a tooth-like process ; on the opposite valve is an excavation in the beak for MYARIA. MOLLUSCA. CORBULA. 43 the reception of the tooth, and insertion of the ligament. Length 2 inches, height 1 T 7 T inch, breadth li inch. Single valves of this shell are thrown upon our beaches by violent gales ; but I have never heard of any living specimen being taken directly on our coast. At St. George's and Grand Banks, however, it is abundant, and is a favorite food of the cod-fish, from whose stomachs it is taken plentifully by our fishermen. On the English coast it is spoken of as more plentiful than M. arenaria, found at the mouths of rivers. It is not mentioned as an article of food. It is very easily recognised by the peculiar manner in which the posterior end seems to be chopped off; sometimes directly across, and sometimes obliquely ; sometimes leaving the posterior portion of about the same length as the anterior, and at other times not half so long. Its membranous tube, when not broken off by the removal of the animal, as it usually is, is quite a curiosity. There is one shell which at first sight resembles it, the Panopda drctica ; but it is gaping at both ends, and has no tooth. GENUS CORBULA, LAM. Shell inequivalve, inequilateral; hinge with a small, upright, conical tooth in each valve, one received into a pit by the side of the other ; cartilage between the teeth. CO'RBULA CONTRA'CTA. Shell small, white, valves sub-equal, covered with numerous con- centric, elevated lines; rounded before, somewhat acute behind; basal margin contracted at the middle. FIGURE 37. State Coll., No. 218. Soc. Cab., No. 1742. Corbula contracta, SAY ; Journ. Aca&. Nat. Sc. } ii. 312. Shell small, ovate-globose, white, nearly equilateral, shortest and rounded before, narrowed and somewhat pointed behind, basal margin contracted and arched near the middle ; surface beautifully plaited with regular, smooth, rounded, concentric ridges ; beaks rather prominent, inclined forwards ; a distinct angular ridge running from them to the posterior extremity de- fines a broad rhomboidal space ; left valve nearly as large and 44 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. convex as the right, though still shutting considerably within it. Hinge tooth slender, erect ; within smooth ; impressions very faint. Length f inch, height J inch, breadth i inch. Found at Martha's Vineyard, in the neighbourhood of New Bedford, &c. It is abundant about Rhode Island, and is also an inhabitant of the coasts of Georgia and East Florida. This species is remarkable for the equality of its valves ; but still they are unequal enough to attract notice at once. The regular and beautifully rounded ribs are also quite characteristic. It bears a close resemblance to Cumingia tellinoides in its exterior. GENUS PANDORA, BRUG. Shell inequivalve, inequilateral, pearly within ; right valve flat, left valve convex ; hinge with two diverging teeth in the flat valve and corresponding grooves in the opposite one. PANDO'RA TRILINEATA. Shell oblong-ovate, rounded before, and with a recurved beak behind. Along the posterior hinge margin of both valves run two rough, elevated, radiating lines. State Coll., No. 217. Soc. Cab., No. 1745. Pandora trilineata, SAY ; Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc., ii. 261. Amer. Conch., pi. 2. CONRAD; Amer. Mar. Conch., 49, pi. 11, f. 1. LAM. ; An. sans Vert., vi. 147. Pandora nasuta, SOWERBY; Species Conch., f. 18, 19. Shell pearly-white, ovate, inequilateral, the anterior side broad and regularly rounded, about half the length of the posterior side, which has the hinge margin flattened, straight, or somewhat con- cave, the edge of the flat valve shutting over the edge of the con- vex valve, and terminating in a recurved or ascending tip, its points coarsely wrinkled, irregular, and slightly gaping ; the ante- rior portion of the basal margin has a depending or pouch-like appearance ; the upper edge is margined by two wrinkled, round- ed lines radiating from the beaks, most obvious on the convex valve ; surface wrinkled with undulating lines of growth, and with very faint radiating lines ; sometimes there is a slightly impressed line passing from the beak to the middle of the base. Hinge in OSTEODESMACEA. MOLLUSCA. OSTEODESMA. 45 the left or convex valve with three diverging teeth, the anterior one much the longest and strongest, the middle one very delicate, the third is rather a thickening of the posterior margin, with a ledge in it for the reception of a tooth in the opposite valve. Right or flat valve with two teeth, one short, triangular, strong, directed across the shell, the other long, inclined to the posterior hinge margin. Within iridescent ; muscular impressions rounded, connected by a series of about a dozen rough spots for the adhe- sion of the mantle. Length 1 T 3 ^ inch, height T 7 7 inch, breadth 1 inch, nearly. Found about the sandy regions of Cape Cod, and not unfre- quently discovered adhering to oysters in the market. Dr. J. W. Mighels of Portland, Maine, has taken it by dredging in Casco Bay. Mr. Say found it as far south as Florida. This is a very curious shell, easily recognised by its pearly sub- stance, its flat valve, and its upward curved tip. From all other spe- cies yet described it is distinguished by the two lines bordering its posterior hinge margin. Mr. Say has figured a small young speci- men ; the rostrated tip is represented as too slender, as is also the whole shell, and the pouch-like appearance of the posterior base is not sufficiently indicated for adult shells. There is often a good deal of contortion and irregularity in the shape of the shell. FAMILY OSTEODESMACEA. Shell transverse, inequilateral, inequivalve, fragile, somewhat pearly, slightly gaping at one end ; hinge with a thickening, or spoon-shaped process, to which the ligament is attached, usually supported within by an ossiculum. There seems a propriety in separating from the family Myaria some of the genera formerly included under it. The delicate and pearly fabric of the shell, and the presence of the little ir- regularly shaped bone resting against the hinge within, are well- marked characters. These shells attain to a considerable size, and live in the sand about low-water mark. GENUS OSTEODESMA, DESK. Shell inequivalve, subtriangular, fragile, pearly ; hinge having a narrow ledge within each valve, to which the ligament is attached, and against which adheres a four-sided ossiculum. 46 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. - In the course of the reformations recently made in the in- definite genus ANATINA of Lamarck, this natural group of shells has received several generic appellations. A genus was instituted by Leach, to receive the old MYA Norvegica, which he called MAGDALA ; and, still later, Scacchi has named it PANDORINA. Perhaps I may be censured for breaking, in this instance, the salutary rule, that the oldest published name should take prece- dence of all others. The genus LYONSIA of Turton certainly preceded that of OSTEODESMA, and so, I think, did MAGDALA. But the name OSTEODESMA is so well chosen, and is so well made known in the recent edition of Lamarck's work, being, moreover, the type of the natural family Osteodesmacea, that I cannot refrain from giving it the preference. OSTEODESMA HYALI'NA. Shell sub-ovate, fragile, pearly, translucent, inequilateral ; elon- gated, compressed and truncated posteriorly ; covered with radiating wrinkles ; ossiculum a truncated wedge. FIGURE 10. State Coll., No. 220. Soc. Cab., No. 250. Mya hyalina, CONRAD ; Journ. Acati. Nat. Sc., vi. 261, pi. 1 1, f. 12. Lyonsia hyalina, CONRAD ; JJmer. Mar. Conch., 51, pi. 11, f. 2. Osteodesraa hyalina, COUTHOUY ; Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., ii. 166. Shell elongated, subovate, thin, fragile, pearly, translucent, in- equilateral, the posterior side much the longest, narrowed, closely compressed at the end, but slightly truncated, so as to gape a little ; posterior superior margin a straight line, and compressed ; the remaining outline regularly rounded ; beaks prominent, inclin- ing forwards ; region of the beaks tumid and smooth ; a broad marginal portion is covered with a thin membranous epidermis projecting beyond the edge, and wrought into regular wrinkles, radiating from the beaks ; these wrinkles are minutely fringed so as to entangle grains of sand, by which the surface is sometimes entirely coated. The hinge consists of a delicate ledge, running from the beak obliquely downward and backward, serving for the attachment of a ligament, which is also attached to the edge of the wedge-shaped ossiculum lying against that part. Muscular and OSTEODESMACEA. MOLLUSCA. ANATINA. 47 palleal marks indicated only by a more pearly appearance ; they are far within the shell, and the latter has no well-marked sinus. Length T 7 ^ inch, height T \ inch, breadth T \ inch. It is found thrown upon the sandy shores of Cape Cod, Chelsea, Lynn, and other similar localities. Its fragile structure is such as to indicate that it could not live elsewhere than in quhet sand. In April, 1836, the beach at Chelsea was strewed with multitudes of very large and mature ones. Since then I have found only an occasional specimen. The ossiculum is almost always detached and lost. Sometimes, when the valves are separated, it adheres to one of them, and then it looks like the tooth of a MYA. When destitute of the ossiculum, if reliance were placed upon the hinge alone, the shell would probably be called an AMPHIDESMA, or some undescribed genus. There is no other shell on our coast, however, which presents the radiated wrinkles of the epidermis, together with the pearly lustre, of this shell. The genus OSTEODESMA now embraces but three or four species. One of these, the O. Norvegica of northern European seas, is very similar to ours. But it is distinct. It grows to a much larger size, is more inequilateral, more broadly truncate ; the base is less regularly curved, and is covered by a much stronger and more opaque epi- dermis. Young specimens are very thin, and have a horn-colored exterior, and numerous thin, concentric ridges at the different stages of growth. If the valves are unequal, according to the definition of the genus, the difference must be very slight. GENUS ANAT!NA. Shell sub-equivalve, gaping slightly ; hinge with a prostrate, spoon-shaped tooth in each valve to receive the cartilage, and a small ossiculum resting in front of the teeth, usually removed with the animal. ANATINA PAPYRACEA. Shell thin, fragile, white, rounded-ovate, inequilateral, the shorter side narrowed and truncated ; tooth narrow, directed ob- liquely forwards. 43 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. FIGURE 28. State Coll., No. 231. Soc. Cab., No. 2322. Anatina papyratia, SAY ; Journ. AcaA. J\Tat. Sc., ii. 314. Anatina papyratia? TOTTEN ; Siilimari's Journ., xxviii. 347, f. 1. Shell small, broadly rounded-ovate, fragile and thin, white and pearly ; the right valve most convex ; inequilateral, the posterior or shorter side narrowed, and at the tip clipped, and moderately gaping ; margin, from the beak backward, a-straight line ; the rest of the outline regularly curved ; beaks placed about one third of the length of the shell from the posterior extremity, moderately prom- inent, inclining forwards, and cleft across the middle ; from the beaks to the lower posterior angle runs an elevated, angular ridge ; surface finely marked by the lines of growth, vestiges of a yellow- ish-white epidermis ; interior pearly ; tooth long and narrow, slightly concave, directed obliquely across the shell, supported beneath by a short, sharp, elevated rib ; muscular and palleal im- pressions very superficial. Ossiculum somewhat like two cres- cents joined at the extremities, fitting in front of the teeth. Length -i-| inch, height J inch, breadth J inch. Found in the stomachs of fishes caught off Nahant ; and taken by dredging in Newport harbour by Colonel Totten. This is undoubtedly the shell described at length by Colonel Totten, and for which he proposes the specific name frdgilis, provided it be not the A. papyratia of Say. Mr. Say's dimensions differ a little in their proportions from the New England shell; but our shells have sufficient latitude of dimensions to render this variation of little im- portance. The only shell we have that resembles it, is the Sanguinoldria fusca ; but that shell has less breadth, is equilateral, and rounded through- out, besides the great difference of the hinge. GENUS COCHLODESMA, COUTHOUF. Shell inequivalve, inequilateral, slightly gaping at both ends ; beaks small, cloven ; hinge a spoon-shaped process in each valve, supported by an oblique rib, and receiving the cartilage. OSTEODESMACEA. MOLLUSCA. COCHLODESMA. 49 COCHLODESMA LEA'NA. Shell thin, white, sub-oval, the shorter side of the right or more convex valve truncated ; rib-like support directed backwards. FIGURES 29, 30. State Coll., No. 230. Soc. Cab., No. 1726. Anatina Leana, CONRAD ; Journ. dead. Nat. Sc., vi. 263, pi. 11, f. 11. Cochlodesma Leana, COUTHOUY ; Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. } ii. 170. Shell sub-oval, thin and brittle, white, with a thin, yellowish epidermis ; the right valve convex, and truncated at the shorter end ; the left valve nearly flat, and rounded at both ends ; posterior end gaping, a little the shortest, and usually a little the narrowest ; beaks very small, scarcely prominent, cleft at one side ; a faint, wave-like ridge passes from them to the lower posterior angle ; surface slightly wrinkled by the lines of growth, somewhat pearly beneath ; interior chalky-white, the muscular and palleal impres- sions superficial, pearly. The spoon-shaped hinge process nearly horizontal, directed across the shell, and resting on a rib-like sup- port, directed to the posterior muscular impression, immediately in front of which is another thread-like branch in the direction of the cleft in the beak. Ossiculum none. Length If inch, height 1 inch nearly, breadth ^ inch. Found about Cape Cod in almost every direction, inhabiting sandy beaches ; also about Nantucket. I have never heard of it on the north shore of Massachusetts Bay, but it is more abun- dant to the south of us. The animal has the mantle closed in front, except an opening for a broad, compressed foot, extending the whole length of the small ab- dominal mass ; edges of the mantle a little thickened and wrinkled ; siphons long, slender, separate in their whole extent. This genus, proposed by Mr. Couthouy, has, I observe, been ad- mitted by J. E. Gray, in the " Annals of Science," and I have there- fore adopted it without hesitation. This species very closely resembles My a (Cochlodesma) pratenuis of Pennant (Ligula prcetenuis, Montagu), but differs in being more rounded, less convex, less narrowed behind, and has no signs of a granulated or shagreened epidermis, like that shell. 7 50 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. GENUS THRACIA. Shell inequivalve, slightly gaping at both sides; beaks con- spicuous, one of them perforated ; hinge with prominently thick- ened margins, to which an external ligament is attached. THRACIA GONRA'PI. Shell tumid, thin, inequilateral, rounded-ovate, with the smaller extremity truncated, exterior pale ashy-white, beneath which it is pearly. State Coll., No. 219. Soc. Cab., No. 2318. Thracia declivis, CONRAD ; Amer. Mar. Conch., 44, pi. 9, f. 2. Thracia Conradi, COUTHOUY ; Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., ii. 153, pi. 4, f. 2. Shell ovate, orbicular, rounded before, narrowed and trun- cated behind, thin, light and fragile, of a dingy white color ; beaks nearly central, protuberant, turned a little backwards, that of the right valve perforated to receive the point of the other ; the flattened area about the ligament is large and lance-shaped, bound- ed by a distinct ridge ; surface coarsely wrinkled by the lines of growth, undulated by a ridge extending from the beak to the lower posterior angle, and by another broader eminence running from the beak to the middle of the base, causing an outward curve to, the margin at that part ; the right valve is considerably larger than the left, projecting beyond it, and much more convex. Liga- ment large, protuberant, and rounded, attached within to strong, thick, rounded eminences,. which run backwards from the beaks along the edge. Interior of a chalky white color ; palleal im- pression broad, with a very deep, acute-angular sinus. A thin, brownish epidermis is found on some portions of the shell. There is no ossiculum. Length 3 inches, height 2J inches, breadth 1| inch. Found perfect, and containing the living animal, on Chelsea Beach, after violent easterly storms, a_nd probably lives in the sand not far from low-water mark. Single valves have been found abundantly on Rhode Island, and also on the coast of Maine, and in Buzzard's Bay, so that it probably inhabits the whole New England coast. This is a large and interesting shell, easily distinguished from most MACTRACEA. MOLLUSCA. MACTRA. 51 of our shells by its toothless hinge ; and, when the valves happen to be found united, the disparity in their size and convexity is at once per- ceived. When the external coating is removed, we come to a silvery substance like mother-of-pearl. I have a specimen, the dimensions of which are, length 4 inches, height 3^ inches, breadth 2 7 V inches. Dr. Prescott of Lynn has one nearly as large. I have carefully dissected the animal, and find it to correspond in all essential particulars with the anatomy as laid down in Kiener. Like many others of our shells, this has had the misfortune to have several names applied to it which it cannot claim. It is beautifully and accurately figured by Mr. Conrad, but his synonymy is entirely erroneous. In the "Catalogue of Animals and Plants of Massachu- setts, 1834," it is referred to under the name of Anatlna convexa. In Dr. Store r's Translation of Kiener's " Iconography," &c., it is alluded to under the supposition that it is T. corluloides, to which species it is, indeed, closely allied. But it is more equilateral, more rounded, proportionally narrower behind, and its surface has not the shagreen roughness of that shell. Mr. Couthouy has fully pointed out its distinctive characters, and es- tablished it as a species ; and for more minute particulars his article in the " Boston Journal " may be referred to. FAMILY MACTRACEA, LAM. Shell equivalve, usually somewhat gaping at sides ; hinge with an internal cartilage, and sometimes an external ligament also. GENUS MACTRA, DESK. Shell transverse, slightly -gaping at sides; beaks prominent; hinge a prostrate, concave tooth to contain the cartilage, having at one margin a delicate, erect tooth like the letter V ; two lateral teeth near the central ones. MACTRA SOLIDISSIMA. Shell large, massive, strong, oval, covered with a dirty-brown 'epidermis, sub-equilateral; hinge strong, V tooth delicate ; palleal impressions slightly indented posteriorly. State Coll., No. 228. Soc. Cab., No. 1729. Mactra solidissima ; CHEMN. ; Conch., x. 1. 170, f. 1656. DILLWYN ; CataL, i. 140. WOOD; Index, pi. 6, f. 22. CONRAD ; Amer. Mar. Conch., 64, pi. 14, f. 7. 52 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. Mactra gigantea, LAM. ; Jin. sans Vert., vi. 97. DESHAYES ; Encyc. M&ih.^ Vcrs, ii. 394, pi. 259, f. 1. Mactra luteola, LOVJEN j Mss. (young.) Shell very large and solid, transversely ovate, somewhat trian- gular, nearly equilateral, anteriorly a little the shortest, and with a fissure between the beaks ; surface slightly folded at the lines of growth, covered with a thin, dirty-brown or straw-colored epider- mis, which is usually worn from the disc ; beaks large and pro- tuberant, inclined a little forwards ; behind them is a broad, lanceolate space, bounded by sharp ridges passing from the beaks to the upper part of the basal angle, in which the epidermis is foliaceous, or very loosely wrinkled ; a much more faintly de- veloped areola may also be observed before the beaks. Hinge very strong, spoon-shaped cavity very large and broad, the V tooth very delicate, and adhering by a very small base, so that it is usually broken off in the cartilage ; lateral teeth long and thin, striated on their receiving surfaces. Muscular and palleal im- pressions very decided, the posterior sinus of the latter quite shallow. Length 4| inches, height 3 inches, breadth If inch. It is found about sandy beaches on all our coast, and its in- habitant is much esteemed by some, as an article of food. At low water it is dug out of the sand with shovels. At higher tides, when the shell is open, the fishermen wade into the water, thrusting a pointed stick into the sand before them, as they walk along. If the stick happens to pass between the valves, they are closed upon it by the animal, and the shell is thus drawn up. This is sufficiently characterized at maturity by its great magnitude, which entitles it to the name of giant dam. No other species of the genus approaches it in size except the next, from which it may be dis- tinguished at all stages by its striated lateral teeth. The largest specimen I have seen measures 6 inches in length, 4 in height, and 2^- in breadth. It preserves its general features through all ages, ex- cept that, when young, it is more nearly equilateral, and, after it has attained its full dimensions, it acquires great weight and thickness. Some specimens obtained in Provincetown harbour, where there are no rocks and little surf, are very light, thin, and white. A specimen from the cabinet of Colonel Totten, which he found at Newport, I presume to be the M. similis of Say. Whether it be sim- MACTRACEA. MOLLUSC A. MACTRA. 53 ply a variety of M. solidissima or not, I will not presume to decide from this one specimen; and, as it is not strictly a Massachusetts shell, I shall merely notice it in this way. The shell has certainly quite a different aspect. It is triangular, the beaks are more elevated, the marginal outlines are straight, and the comparative dimensions vary as follows : M. solidissima^ length If inch, height 1^ inch, breadth f inch, M. similis, length If inch, height !$> inch, breadth f inch. I have received a shell, about three fourths of an inch long, from Dr. Loven of Stockholm, which he calls M. luteola. I cannot per- ceive that it differs from the young of this shell, of a corresponding size. MACTRA OVA'LIS. Shell large, thick, obovate, coarse, nearly equilateral, covered with a tough, dusky-brown epidermis ; V tooth strong ; lateral teeth not striated; sinus of palleal impression deep. FIGURE 32. State Coll., No. 229. Soc. Cab., 2324. Mactra similis, GRAY; Append, to Beechey's Voyage, pi. 44, f. 8. Mactra grandis, DESHAYES ; Encyc. M6th., Vers, ii. 395, not M. grandis of CHEM- NITZ and others. Shell large, thick, and coarse, somewhat compressed, sub-oval, a little shortest anterior to the beaks, and, the anterior slope of the hinge margin being slightly concave, it is there somewhat narrow- ed ; posterior slope convex, extremity slightly gaping, base regu- larly curved ; beaks but little elevated ; before, there is a short, faintly defined areola ; behind them is another portion bounded by an elevated line extending from the beaks to near the lower angle, and here the epidermis is very coarsely and loosely wrinkled ; the surface has a rugged appearance from the coarse lines of growth, and is rendered still more so by the folds of the thick, strong, dusky-brown epidermis in the same direction. Interior bluish-white ; hinge supports strong and smoothly rounded ; V tooth strong and firm, having the anterior side in the right valve much more elevated than the posterior ; lateral teeth short and slender, not striated ; muscular and palleal impressions rather superficial ; sinus of the latter deep. Length 3J inches, height 2J- inches, breadth \\ inch. 54 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. Found at the Bank fisheries, in the stomachs of fish. The young, from a fourth of an inch to an inch in length, are found abundantly in fish caught in Boston harbour. At least, they differ from the young of M. solidissima, and correspond in external proportions and appearance to our shell, and the teeth are slender and without striae. This shell is inferior in size to the M. solidissima only. The largest valve I have seen measures 4-i- by 2f inches. In general it is found smaller than the dimensions given. Such specimens have a straw-colored epidermis. Its size, shape, and surface distinguish it from M. grandis, CHEMN. M. solida, and all other known species except M. solidissima. Com- pared with that more common shell, it differs in its coarser surface, its thick, dusky epidermis, its less elevated beaks and less convex valves, the longer and narrower anterior portions, the rough, oval portion be- hind the beaks embracing more of the shell, the more feeble hinge, the stout and firm V tooth, and the deep sinus of the palleal im- pression. I have very little doubt that this is the shell described by Deshayes as M. grandis. The descriptions correspond well. But, as it is not figured or quoted by other authors, and the habitat was not known to him, it is impossible to decide with certainty. Singularly enough too, Deshayes himself does not cite it in his new edition of Lamarck. Provided it be the same, however, the specific name must necessarily be changed, as his name was previously given to a different species by Chemnitz. This appears to be the same species, a small specimen of which is figured by Mr. Gray in the Appendix to Beechey's Voyage, under the name of M. similis. This name is pre-occupied by Mr. Say. MACTRA LATERA'LIS. Shell small, triangular, very convex, nearly equilateral ; beaks elevated, the spaces before and behind them broad heart-shaped. FIGURES 34, 35. State Coll., No. 227. Soc. Cab., No. 2325. Mactra laterals, SAY ; Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc., ii, 309. CONRAD ; Mar. Conch., 62, pi. 14, f. 4. MACTRACEA. MOLLUSCA. MACTRA. 55 Shell small, triangular, tumid, nearly smooth, shining ; nearly equilateral, the posterior side somewhat prolonged, and sloping less rapidly than the anterior side ; ends rounded ; beaks elevated, not meeting, pointed and inclined forwards ; the regions before and behind the beaks are broad, flattened, and more or less heart- shaped, defined by slightly elevated ridges ; surface finely marked by the lines of growth, white, covered with a thin, dirty-brown epi- dermis ; hinge strong, the pit for the cartilage being a small recess penetrating deeply into the beaks ; before it is a strong, promi- nent V tooth, and on each side of it, in the left valve is a stout and prominent lateral tooth, and in the other a deep fossa with elevated sides to receive it ; cavity of the beaks deep ; muscular impressions deep ; palleal impressions distinct, with a shallow sinus posteriorly ; interior clear glossy-white. Length -| inch, height / inch, breadth T 3 ff inch. The only places, where I have found this shell living, are the inlets of the salt marshes between Roxbury and Boston. But all the flats, which have been drained by the erection of the Mill dam, have a layer of them just beneath the surface ; and vast numbers were un-earthed in throwing up the embankments for the rail-ways which cross them. They doubtless exist plentifully in the bed of the river on the other side of the Mill-dam. They are found abundantly at New Bedford also, and I know them to be common about Rhode Island. It assumes very various forms, depending mostly on age. When young, the shell is thin, rather compressed, and the beaks are incon- spicuous and touching each other. By age it becomes very thick and turgid, the beaks elevated and widely separated, and the height of the shell often equals its length. The small, deeply penetrating pit of the hinge is very peculiar. The dimensions of one from the track of the Providence Rail- road is as follows. Length T 9 ^ inch, height -$? inch, breadth & inch. It is represented by Figure 34. It is not likely to be mistaken for any other species. The young of M. solidissima and M. ovalis are much less triangular, and of a very different aspect. It has more the proportions of M. solida of Europe. 56 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. GENUS CUJVlfNGIA BROD, and SOWERBT. Shell ovate, inequilateral, equivalve ; a shallow spoon-shaped car- dinal tooth, and a single small tooth by its side in each valve, and a strong lateral tooth on both sides in one valve only ; palleal impres- sion with a large sinus. CUMI'NGIA TELLINO'IDES. Shell ovate-triangular, thin, white, nearly equilateral, pointed and warped behind ; surface with sharp, elevated lines of growth. FIGURE 34. State Coll., No. 225. Soc. Cab., No. 1744. Mactra tellinoides, CONRAD ; Journ. Jlcad. Nat. Sc., vi. 258, pi. 9, f. 2, 3. dmer. Mar Conch., 60, pi. 14, f. 2. Cumingia tellinoides, CONRAD ; Journ. Jlcad. Nat. Sc., vii. 234. Shell transversely triangular-ovate, thin, fragile, bluish-white ; nearly equilateral, anteriorly broad, tumid, and regularly rounded ; posteriorly compressed, warped, ending in a rounded point, the margin declining more rapidly than in front ; beaks raised, not in- clining to either end. Stages of growth marked by sharp, raised ridges, which are crossed by microscopic, radiating lines ; in front of the beaks is a small, well-defined areola. Within, glossy- white ; pit for the cartilage shallow, directed slightly backwards ; in front of it, in each valve, is a linear tooth forming part of its wall, and at its side a fossa for receiving the corresponding tooth ; lateral teeth distinct in the right valve, but wanting in the left, the anterior one longest. Muscular impressions faint, palleal impres- sion far within the shell, with a broad, deep indentation opposite the base. Length f inch, height -/-$ inch, width -^ inch. Found abundantly in the region of New Bedford and Martha's Vineyard, and probably may be found everywhere south of Cape Cod. Its warped, slightly folded end gives it the aspect of a TELLI'NA. Its shape and surface is similar to those of Corbula contrdcta of the same size. The raised lines are, however, thin, elevated, sharp in this, while in C. contrdcta they are thick and rounded, and the shell is so much more compressed as to preclude mistake. A species of this genus is found in the West Indies, perhaps the MACTRACEA. MOLLUSCA. MESODESMA. 57 same, and one or two more have been found in the Pacific ; and these are all the species at present known. GENUS MESODESMA, DESH. i Shell triangular, compressed, thick, generally closed, hinge a spoon-shaped tooth in each valve, which receives the cartilage, and a simple lateral tooth on each side, without a V tooth. MESODE'SMA ARCTATA. Shell sub-triangular, very inequilateral, truncated before, smooth and covered by a shining yellow epidermis ; lateral teeth straight, striated. FIGURE 39. State Coll., No. 223. Soc. Cab., No. 1737. Mactra arctata, CONRAD ; Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc., vi. 257, pi. 11, f. 1. Mactra deaurata, CONRAD ; Amer. Mar. Conch., 59, pi. 14, f. 1. Mactra subtriangulata. WOOD ; Index, SuppL, pi. 1, f. 10. Shell sub-triangular, wedge-shaped, thick and strong, very inequilateral, the posterior side very short, forming the base of the wedge, its lower portion truncated ; the upper and anterior edge is a straight line, the anterior extremity narrowed, regularly rounded, as is also the base ; beaks very slightly elevated, not in- clined to either end ; a sharp ridge passes from them to the hinder and lower angle ; surface with occasional rounded ridges at the lines of growth, covered with a thin, golden-yellow epider- mis, reflecting a metallic lustre ; hinge composed of a very deep, spoon-shaped cavity for the cartilage, a long V tooth opening at a very acute angle, and on each side a straight lateral tooth, par- tially double in the right valve, their articulating surfaces striated, the posterior tooth much the shortest ; muscular impressions well defined, connected by the simple palleal impression which has a sinus behind, of about the size of the rounded muscular impres- sion at its side. Length 1-J inch, height 1 inch, breadth -|^ inch. Found abundantly at Plumb Island, below Newburyport ; vast numbers are also thrown upon the outer side of Cape Cod ; and a few specimens have been taken frorn fish caught off Nahant. At Nantucket it is rare. 8 58 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. The name and general shape of the English M. deaurata would lead one to 'suppose it to be identical with our shell, and Mr. Conrad has adopted that opinion. But Mr. Sowerby pronounces them not to be the same. Indeed an examination of Turton's figure in his " British Bivalves " would show his shell to be more closely allied to, if not identical with, the next species. MESODE'SMA JAURE'SII. Shell ovate-triangular, thick, antiquated, coarsely ridged con- centrically, inequilateral, lateral teeth very strong, curved, faintly striated. FIGURE 38. State Coll., No. 268. Soc. Cab., No. 2326. Mesodesma Jauresii, DE JOANNIS ; Gutrin, Mag. de ZooL, Oct. 1834. Shell ovate-triangular, thick and massive, surface rising into ridges at the stages of growth, and covered by a coarse, dusky- brown epidermis ; very inequilateral, behind short and regularly rounded to the base, where there is an abrupt turn, and the basal margin continues in nearly a straight line, or is a little arched ; upper hinge margin also a straight line or slightly concave, ante- riorly regularly rounded ; beaks scarcely rising at all, not in- clined to either end ; the greatest diameter of the shell is midway between the beaks and the anterior extremity. Spoon-shaped cavity for the cartilage very deep ; on its anterior edge is the vestige of a short, widely diverging V tooth, which will seldom be found, as it is scarcely possible to open the valves without de- stroying it. On each side is a very strong, curved, lateral tooth, with a pit above it for the reception of the tooth in the opposite valve ; the anterior tooth much longer than the posterior and supported beneath by a thickening of the shell ; striae on the teeth very faint. Within glossy white ; muscular impressions pro- found, united by a simple palleal line, which has a small, semi- circular sinus behind. Length If inch, height J T V inch, breadth T 7 ^ inches. Brought from St. George's and Grand Banks. I am not aware that it has actually been found in the waters of this State. The obvious distinguishing marks between this shell and the preced- ing are, in M. Jauresii the coarse, rough exterior, its longer and un- MACTRACEA. MOLLUSCA. MONTActfTA. 59 cut posterior side ; its very peculiar outline when viewed with the beaks presenting, on account of its thickness anteriorly; and its strong, curved, nearly smooth lateral teeth. GENUS MONTACUTA, TURTON. Shell ovate or oblong, equivalve, inequilateral, nearly closed ; hinge with two teeth in each valve, and a cavity between them ; lateral teeth none. This genus with the following, seems to have been adopted by several distinguished conchologists. There appears, however, no very good grounds for separating them. The genus Tellimya of Brown, which comprehends them both, may yet supersede them. Fleming conjectures that they are merely the fry of Mya and Lu- traria ; but in this I think he is in error. None of the shells found on our coasts could ever have originated from such forms. Montacata would probably come under Ungulina, and Kellia un- der Erycina, of Lamarck. MONTACU'TA BIDENTA'TA. Shell minute, white, ovate-triangular ; surface roughened with loose lines of growth, beaks pointed ; tooth on the shorter side oblique and excavated for the reception of the ligament. State Coll., No. 215. Soc. Cab., No. 2320. Mya bidentkta, MONTAGU ; Test. Brit., 44, t. 26, f. 5. MATON and RACKETT; Lin. Trans., viii. 41. PENNANT; Brit. Zool., iv. 166. WOOD; Gen. Conch., 99. Index, pi. 3, f. 16. DILLW*N; Catal., 45. TURTON ; Conch. Diet., 102. Biit. Biv.,6Q. Shell minute, fragile, white within and without, ovate-triangu- lar, inequilateral, rather convex ; beaks nearest the broader end, acute and prominent, pointing to the longer end ; upper margin sloping rapidly from the beaks, ends regularly and bluntly rounded, base scarcely curved ; surface shining, but rendered somewhat scabrous or rough by numerous, loosely cohering edges of the stages of growth ; its only variation in color consisting in the opacity or transparency of its substance. Within, polished, and 60 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. destitute of any apparent muscular or palleal impressions except in very old specimens, but faintly marked with radiating lines. Hinge consisting of two teeth diverging from the beaks, so as to leave a triangular vacancy between them ; one of them considerably elevated, and more so in one valve than in the other, while that on the shorter side scarcely rises, at its tip, above the edge of the valve, and its inner surface is excavated and receives the ligament. Length nearly J inch, height ^ inch, breadth T ^ inch. Found by Mr. C. F. Shiverick, in New Bedford harbour. Only a few specimens have, as yet, been obtained. It is very difficult to refer, with certainty, so small a shell to any described species or even genus. However, by means of specimens of M. substriata furnished me by Dr. Loven, I have become fully satisfied as to the genus. It seems also to accord sufficiently well with the M. bidentata to warrant us in designating it as that species. It is probably a borer like its European co-species, and may, most likely, be found abundantly in the antiquated surfaces of old and thick oyster shells. GENUS KELLIA, TURTON. Shell somewhat globular, equivalve, closed ; hinge with two ap- proximate teeth, and a remote lateral tooth in one valve, and a concave tooth and remote lateral one in the other. K^LLIA RUBRA. Shell sub-oval, white, with a thin, purplish epidermis ; leaks prominent. FIGURE 23. State Coll., No. 216. Soc. Cab., No. 2321. Cardium rubrum, MONTAGU ; Brit. Shells, 83, t. 27, f. 4. PENNANT ; Brit. Zool., iv. 189. WOOD ; Gen. Conch., 213. DJLLWYN ; CataL, 131. Cardium loeve, WALKER; Test. Minut., 24. Tellina rubra, TURTON ; Conch. Diet., 168. Kellia rubra, TURTON ; Brit. Biv., 58. FLEMING ; Brit. Mm., 430. Shell minute, rather thick, sub-oval, very inequilateral, rather compressed ; beaks rather prominent, and in contact, having before them a deeply excavated, elongated, smooth areola ; ends LITHOPHAGID^E. MOLLUSCA. SAXICAVA. 61 broadly rounded, especially the posterior tip ; basal margin scarce- ly curved and nearly parallel with the superior margin ; surface marked with the lines of growth, eroded at the beaks, and covered with a purplish or dirty- brown rather thick epidermis. Within white and glossy ; two muscular impressions and the palleal line directly connecting them, without any sinus, quite perceptible. Hinge consists, in the right valve, of a narrow, erect, central tooth, and an imperfect one each side, slightly detached from the edge of the valve ; in the left valve, of a well-defined tooth on each side, barely separated from the edge of the valve, leaving a tri- angular vacancy between them to receive the central tooth of the opposite valve. Length | inch, height | inch, breadth T ^ inch. Several specimens of this minute shell were found by Mr. C. F. Shiverick in the harbour of New Bedford. I have also found it about the roots of sea-weed, which seems to be its proper station. The arrangement of the teeth does not seem to be well expressed in the generic description ; but as they accord precisely with those of a specimen of K. sub-orbiculdris sent me by Dr. Loven, I do not hesitate to place our shell under the genus. I cannot find that it dif- fers essentially from the foreign K. rubra, except that its color does not appear to be of so bright a red as Montagu's figure. FAMILY LITHOPHAGWM, LAM. Shell burrowing, but without a tube or accessory valves, more or less gap- ing ; ligament external. GENUS SAXICAVA, LAM. Shell transverse, inequilateral, gaping posteriorly and above ; hinge nearly toothless. SAXICAVA DISTORTA. Shell oblong, inequivalve, rounded before, and generally trun- cated behind, and with a prominent ridge running from the beaks to the lower posterior angle ; surface rough and irregular. FIGURE 40. State Coll., No. 243. Soc. Cab., No. 1751. 62 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. Saxicava distorta, SAY ; Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. } ii. 318. My'tilus rugosus, LIN., &c. Shell oblong-oval, coarse, white, very irregular in shape ; in- equivalve, the right valve projecting over the left except at the shorter end ; inequilateral, the anterior side rounded and generally of about one half the length of the other side, but the beaks are sometimes nearly terminal ; the posterior end is most frequently truncated, but at other times rounded ; gaping ; beaks rather prominent, from which two ridges or elevated lines run back- wards, one near the margin, and the other to the lower angle, giv- ing the included surface a lozenge shape. In some shells these lines are very distinct, and they are armed with a series of elevated, arched scales or spines ; the basal margin is usually con- tracted at the middle, and slightly arched upwards ; surface coarse- ly marked with the lines of growth, and irregularly undulated ; epidermis thin, dingy-yellow. Ligament aided by the mantle, which adheres all along the back. Teeth for the most part want- ing ; when not wanting, a single rudimentary tooth in one valve is received into a pit in the opposite valve ; muscular impressions obscure. Length 1 inch, height f inch, breadth T inch. Found adhering to marine objects. They may almost always be found among the roots of fuci, which are thrown up by storms, adhering to stones, shells, &c. The best I have ever obtained were taken from a log drawn out of one of our timber docks, to which they were adhering by a silken byssus issuing from the middle of the base. The foot of the animal is of a bright orange-color. This shell is a perfect Proteus, of which no description can be given that is not liable to mislead. I think there can be little doubt, that the same shell exists on the European shores, and that it has been already described under at least one name. But, as I have not the means of arriving at certainty on this point, I have chosen, until better satisfied, and as it will introduce no new name, to retain that which Mr. Say applied to it. In the first place, it would come under the genus BYSSOMY'A, on ac- count of its being furnished with a byssus. But the majority of the best modern conchologists regard this circumstance as of little im- portance, and consequently reject the genus. Some specimens cor- LITHOPHAGID^. MOLLUSCA. PETRICOLA. / 63 respond well with the description of S. pholadis, LAM., the My a byssifera of FABR. These are found in places where their regular growth is unobstructed. Other specimens, and especially adult ones, seem not to vary from S. rugosa. Nothing could apply better to our shell, than Turton's description of Mytilus rugosus, in his "Con- chological Dictionary." But our shell is less likely to belong to this than to S. pholadis, inasmuch as, besides the presence of a byssus, our shell is not a borer like S. rugosa ; indeed, there are no rocks on our coast of a calcareous nature. Again, there are small specimens in which the two lines or ridges along the posterior slope, armed with spines, are very conspicuous, corresponding to the S. rhomboides of Deshayes, the Mytilus prceci- sus of Montagu, and doubtless the Hiatella drctica of Lamarck, (Solen miniitus, LIN.) Now all these varieties are found living promiscuously together ; and, as their shape is known to be greatly modified by the circum- stances under which they are developed, the rational conclusion is, that they all pertain to the same species ; and the probability is, that they are identical with the European shell ; but under what name to place them, and whether under one or more, it is now impossible to say. GENUS PETRICOLA, LAM. Shell transverse, inequilateral, rounded before, narrowed posteri- orly ; hinge almost toothless ; ligament exterior. PETRICOLA PHOLADIFORMIS. Shell ovate-cylindrical, chalky-white, very inequilateral, acutely rounded before, covered with elevated radiating lines and ribs ; an ovate areola before the beaks ; teeth two in each valve, one in the left valve deeply cleft. State Coll., No. 244. Soc. Cab., No. 1746. Petrfcola pholadiformis, LAM. ; Jin. sans Vert,,\\. 159. DESHAYES ; Encyc. Meth., Vers, iii. 747. SOWERBY; Genera, Petricola, f. 1,2. SAY; Amer. Condi., pi. 60, f. 1. CONRAD ; Amer. Mar. Conch., pi. 7. Petricola fornicata, SAY; Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc., ii. 319. RUSSELL; Essex Co. Soc. Journ., i. 55. Shell much elongated, ovate-cylindrical, chalky-white within and without ; equivalve, very inequilateral, the anterior portion 64 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. very short, and acutely rounded ; posteriorly very little narrowed, the hinge and basal margins nearly parallel, and the extremity bluntly rounded and a little gaping ; beaks elevated, and inclined forwards ; in front of them is a sharply ovate lunule, distinctly defined, and marked only by the lines of growth ; behind them is a projecting ligament of considerable length ; surface coarsely marked by the stages of growth, and covered with elevated, ra- diating lines, various in size and distance ; at the posterior hinge margin they are crowded and very faint, while anteriorly they are large and distant ; about seven or eight of them are more prom- inent than the rest, and the lines of growth rise upon them into vaulted, tooth-like scales ; hinge margin very narrow ; teeth two in each valve, seeming to arise out of the cavity of the beaks, and curving upwards ; in the right valve one tooth is prominent and furrowed ; the other, arising a little before it, and a little deeper within the shell, is quite short ; in the left valve is one large, prominent tooth, so deeply divided as to resemble two, and directly behind it, diverging widely in the direction of the margin, is a thin, much less elevated taoth. Muscular impres- sions faint, connected by a very deeply notched palleal impres- sion ; furrows within answer to the ribs without. Length If inch, height T 7 ^ inch, breadth inch. Found on various parts of our coast ; at Chelsea and Nahant beaches it is found abundantly, imbedded in jutting fragments of a marsh which once existed there, but which has been washed away by inroads of the sea, and now only an occasional remnant lifts its head above the surrounding sand. Also in great quantities boring into the hard blue clay, at low-water mark, on Phillips's Beach. Deshayes remarks, that this is a very extraordinary shell on ac- count of its exterior aspect, which would lead one to mistake it for a small Pholas. To any one who has seen a Pholas, the resemblance is striking ; but the want of any wide gaping, and the articulated hinge, at once correct the first impression. The teeth are so long and slender, that it is a rare thing to find a specimen in which some of them are not fractured. The animal, according to the observations of the Rev. J. L. Russell, has two tubes or siphons extending from the longer end> the orifice of the one for imbibing water fringed with a circle of feathery NYMPHACEA. MOLLUSCA. SANGUINOLARIA. 65 hairs, consisting of four large and four small ones ; and the same number of short, obtuse points, without fringe, surround the orifice of the other tube. PETRICOLA DACTYLUS. Shell elongated-ovate, chalky-white, very inequilateral, covered with radiating lines and ribs ; no areola before the beaks ; teeth, two in the right, and three in the left valve. FIGURE 41. State Coll., No. 245. Soc. Cab., No. 2327. Petricola dactylus, SOWERBY ; Genera, Petricola, f. 3. SAY ; Amer. Conch., pi. 60, f. 2. This shell very closely resembles the preceding, and will be best described by a comparison with it. It has a more ovate form, the basal margin being considerably arcuated ; the anterior extremity is broader, and obtusely rounded ; there is no marked areola before the beaks, but a deep depression under them ; the ligament is longer ; the radiating lines are more numerous, the rib- like anterior ones are more numerous (about sixteen), less ele- vated, and the lines of growth merely undulate over them without being raised into vaulted scales ; in the right valve are two teeth similar to those in P. pholadiformis, but shorter and grooved ; in the left valve, instead of the large, cleft tooth, we have two teeth, the division between them answering to the cleft in the other species ; the large middle tooth is folded, and the posterior one is very slender. Length If inch, height f inch, breadth inch. Sent to me by Dr. L. M. Yale from Martha's Vineyard. It is a proportionally shorter and broader shell ; but its most obvious mark of distinction is the want of an areola before the beaks. FAMILY NYMPHACEA, LAM. JVbf more than two cardinal teeth on the same valve ; nymph&, in general externally prominent, and covered by the ligament. GENUS SANGUINOLARIA, LAM. .Shell equivalve, inequilateral, sub-ovate, compressed, rounded anteriorly, sub-rostrate posteriorly, slightly gaping at sides ; hinge 9 66 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. with two small cardinal teeth in each valve ; palleal impression with a deep sinus. SANGUINOLA'RIA FUSCA. Shell compressed, ovate-orbicular, sub -equilateral, rounded be- fore and somewhat pointed behind ; white, covered with a dusky epidermis ; teeth two in each valve, the largest of which is grooved. FIGURE 42. State Coll., No. 212. Soc. Cab., No. 1754. Psammobia fusca, SAY ; Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc., v. 220. Sanguinolaria fusca, CONRAD ; Amvr. Mar. Conch,, 34, pi. 7, f. 1. Tellina inconspicua ? SOWERBY ; Zool. Journ., iv. 359. Tellina Gronlandica, BECK. Tellina Balthica, LIN. Shell thin, white, compressed, ovate- orbicular, nearly equi- lateral, height nearly equal to length, rounded before, somewhat narrowed and pointed behind ; beaks minute ; an imperfect ridge or fold runs from the beaks to the posterior termination ; surface finely wrinkled by the lines of growth, covered by a whitish or dusky epidermis ; ligament exterior ; two unequal, parallel teeth in each valve, the large one opposing the small one in the other valve, and deeply groved or cleft ; muscular impressions distinct. Length iVinch, height ^ inch, breadth / i. 459. BARNES ; Silliman's Journ., vi. 279. Unio varicosa, LAM. ; An. sans Vert., vi. 543. Alasmodonta truncata ? SAY. Margaritana marginata, LEA ; Trans. Amcr. Philos. Soc., (New Series,) vi. 135. Mya rugulosa, WOOD ; Index, Suppl., p!. 1, f. 7. Shell ovate, thin, widely gaping behind, wedge-shaped from before backwards ; beaks at the anterior third, rather small, but elevated, and having three or four small undulations ; anteriorly low and rounded, but increases rapidly in height ; the posterior hinge margin suddenly declines to form a rounded tip ; ridge from the beaks elevated and well defined, above which the shell exhibits coarse, rounded wrinkles, running obliquely upwards and out- wards ; epidermis shining, olive-green, somewhat mottled with dark and light shades, and with obscure, broken, radiating lines ; within bluish-white, with shades of green, the margin chalky- white. Hinge delicate, the teeth, one in each valve, small, com- pressed, directed along the hinge margin so as almost to coincide with it ; sometimes the teeth are only rudimentary ; cavity of the NAIADES. MOLLUSCA. ANODON. 117 beaks rather deep, not very capacious. Length 2 inches, greatest height 1 T V inch, breadth -fa inch. Found in the Blackstone River and its tributaries, and in Shaw- shin River, Andover. I have also received very beautiful speci- mens from a pond in West Brookfield. It not common, and may be readily distinguished from our other species by its wedge-like form, when seen from above, by the remark- able series of oblique wrinkles along the posterior slope, and by its delicate teeth, which, in fact, sometimes wholly disappear. In the character of its wrinkles it is much like A. rugbsa. It is more elongated than A. undulata, and has its greatest height at the posterior termination of the hinge, instead of opposite the beaks, as in that shell. Mr. Lea regards our shell as being the same as the western shell named A. truncata by Say. Some of our specimens approach them very closely, but ours is in general a less inflated, less angular shell. GENUS NODON, BRUG. Shell transversely elongated, inequilateral, thin ; hinge toothless. i ANODON FLUVIATILIS. Shell thin, inflated, transversely sub-oval, hinge margin straight, crested behind ; beaks moderately elevated, epidermis deep grass-green, obscurely rayed, darker above the posterior ridge ; within white, tinted lilac. FIGURE 80. State Coll., No. 171. Soc. Cab., No. 2181. Anodonta cataracta, SAY ; Nicholson's Encyc., (Amer. ed.), iv. pi. 3, f. 4. My'tilus fluviatilis, DILLWYN ; Catal. Anodonta fluviatilis, LEA; Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., (New Series,) vi. 138. Synops. Naiad., 51. My'tilus illitus, SOLANDER ; Portland Catal. , 163. LISTER; Conch., t. 157, f. 12. Shell transversely sub-oval, sub-cylindrical, thin, fragile, in- flated ; beaks at the anterior two fifths of the shell, tumid, some- what elevated, and minutely undulated at tip. Hinge margin straight ; anterior imperfectly angular above, nearly as high as be- 118 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. / hind the beaks ; upper posterior margin forming an obtuse angle at the termination of the ligament, and declining in a straight line to form a somewhat produced, blunted point ; this margin is com- pressed into a sort of crest ; basal margin a good deal curved ; surface undulated somewhat irregularly by the lines of growth ; epidermis smooth and close except at the upper and posterior portion, where it is loosely wrinkled ; a few radiating series of wrinkles may also be seen ; color a deep grass-green, becoming dusky behind and above, and obscurely radiated. Nacre silvery, or tinged with bluish or yellowish, margin greenish ; cavity of the beaks not deep, large ; hinge edge very thin, rounded, scarcely curved. Length 4| inches, height 2f inches, breadth \\ inch. Inhabits ponds in the western and central parts of this State, and is seldom found in any other part. Professor Adams, however, assures me he has found it at Falmouth, and I have collected a few specimens from clay-pits near Winter Hill, in Charlestown. It greatly resembles the A. cygnea of Europe, and is chiefly dis- tinguished by the latter having the beaks less central, and not at all elevated. From the next species the most obvious distinctions are, the bright green-color, together with the thinness of the shell. It is very difficult, if not impossible, to draw the line between our shell and some of the species of the Western waters. They seem, most of them, to be mere variations in size. / ANODON IMPLICA'TA. Shell transversely-oblong, sub -oval, variable in proportions, thick and strong ; exterior coarse ; epidermis yellowish-olive ; nacre flesh-colored. FIGURE 78. State Coll., No. 169. Soc. Cab., No. 2192. Anodonta implicata, SAY ; New Harmony Disseminator. Anodonta Newtoniensis ? LEA ; Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., (New Series,) vi. 79, pi. 21, f. 66. Anodonta marginata? SAY ; (young) Nicholson's Encyc., (Amtr. cd.),iv. pi. 3, f. 5. Shell transversely-oblong, sub-oval, almost as broad as high, sub-cylindrical, thick, opaque, strong, and heavy ; beaks removed about two fifths the length of the shell from the anterior end, rather elevated, obtuse ; breadth of shell greatest behind the NAIADES. MOLLUSC A. ANODON. 119 middle ; hinge margin a little curved, forming an angle at both its terminations ; the backward slope from this angle is usually a little curved, and the posterior tip is rather blunt and somewhat trun- cated ; the ridge from the beaks to this tip is very prominent, generally bluntly rounded, but sometimes quite abrupt ; the space above it is rough, but is little compressed, except in young specimens ; three or four coarse lines often run along this space in the direction of the ridge ; basal margin very gently curved in young specimens, nearly parallel with the hinge margin in the middle-aged, and deeply contracted or arched in old shells. Sur- face rough, with coarse and irregular lines of growth ; epidermis yellowish-olive, darker above and behind, and with dusky -brown zones ; young shells are of a delicate grass-green, slightly rayed. Interior silvery till after the middle age, when it becomes of a delicate flesh-color or salmon-color. Length 4 inches, height 2J inches, breadth 1^ inch. Of another specimen 4J inches, 2-& inches, l T 9 ir inch ; of another 3 inches, lT 6 u inch, IjV inch. Inhabits ponds in Essex and Middlesex counties, and is also found in Maine ; whether it occurs southward or not is un- certain. A Pennsylvania shell, which Mr. Lea describes under the name of A. Newtoniensis, is so much like some varieties of this shell as to render it probable that they are the same, and that it is found throughout a wide southern range. The above is the description of a characteristic specimen of a shell which probably varies more in its form, color, and weight, than any other Anodon. It is undoubtedly the A. implicdta of Say, for it ac- cords well with his description, and was received from a region where no other species is found. In their younger stages it is difficult to distinguish them from A. jluvidtilis ; but the great thickening near the margin, which the adult undergoes, and its light-yellowish epidermis, render them entirely dissimilar. I have specimens in which portions of the valves are three tenths of an inch thick. At the middle age, some specimens so much resemble very old ones of IT mo radiatus, that it is impossible to name them without examining the hinge. In the young, the beaks are delicately undulated, the hinge margin is compressed and connate, and the angle at its posterior termination is very decided. Some specimens, of a middle size, lose all their angles, and the upper and lower margins are similarly curved. Some have a dark tar- colored epidermis ; these are generally very broad in proportion to their height. 120 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. / ANODON UNDULA'TA. Shell transversely ovate, rather thick ; beaks prominent, epider- mis dark-brown, radiated, coarsely wrinkled ; hinge margin undu- lated, and with the vestige of a tooth. FIGURE 79. State Coll., No. 170. Soc. Cab., No. 2191. Anodonta undulkta, SAY; Nicholson's Encyc., (Amer. ed.), iv. pi. 3, f. 6. LEA ; Synops. Naiad., 50. Anodon rugosus, SWAINSON; Zool. lilustr., pi. 96. Shell oblong-ovate, thick and strong ; beaks sub-central, elevated, the points in contact, and when not eroded they exhibit four or five small undulations upon them ; before them is a spear- shaped pit or areola, not covered by the epidermis ; behind them the margin is slightly compressed, and has two or three coarse, sub-marginal furrows ; no distinct angle at the termination of the ligament ; posterior end somewhat bluntly rounded ; anterior end compressed, sharply rounded ; basal margin regularly curved ; epidermis dark-brown, radiated in most specimens, smooth, and closely adhering towards the beaks, but lying in numerous, rather loose folds near the margin ; interior inclined to salmon-color, and granulated centrally, bluish-white outside of the palleal impression, with a broad margin of olive-color. Hinge margin waved under the beaks, compressed on the right valve so as to form something like an elongated cardinal tooth, which is received into a corre- sponding recess in the left valve. Length 3| inches, height 2 inches, breadth 1J inch. Found in the Blackstone River and its tributaries, of large size and great perfection. It is impossible to be certain that this is A. undulata of Say, on account of the small size of the specimen he described ; but it seems to be the shell which Mr. Lea regards as such. It seems to be a different thing from the shell described by Hildreth under that name. I apprehend that it is the same as A. edentula, Say, and A. areoldtus, Swainson. If there be any difference among them, it is, that our shell is less compressed, less radiated, and less fragile than A. edentula. The hinge is the same, and the areola before the beaks is produced by a wave-like digression of the right valve to form a peculiar tooth. The young shells are thin, and much more radiated than the old ones, or MYTILACEA. MOLLUSCA. MYTILUS. 121 and the size of adults is seldom more than two thirds of the dimen- sions above given. It is one of the connecting links between ALAS- MODON and ANODON. FAMILY MYTILACEA, LAM. Hinge ivith the ligament marginal, partly included, linear, extending along a great part of the posterior border. Shell rarely foliated ; adheres by a byssus. GENUS Mf TILUS, LIN. Shell elongated, sub-triangular ; beaks terminal, pointed, straight ; hinge generally toothless ; muscular impression elongated, club-shaped. MY'TILUS EDULIS. Shell ovate-triangular, beaks terminal and pointed, basal margin straight, ligament margin straight ; posteriorly widened and round- ed ; hinge with a few denticulations ; epidermis dark-bluish, shell violet beneath. FIGURE 82. State Coll., No. 156. Soc. Cab., No. 1987. My'tilus edulis, LIN.; Syst. Nat., 1157. GMELIN ; Syst., 3353. TURTON; LIN. j iv. 291. CHEMN. ; Conch., viii. 169, t. 84, f. 750. PENNANT j Brit. Zool, iv. 236, t. 66, f. 2. MONTAGU ; Test. Brit., 159. Lin. Trans., vi. t. 18, f. 13, 14. DILLWYN ; CataL, 309. TURTON ; Conch. Diet., 109. Brit. Biv., 196. DESHAYES ; Encyc. Meth., Vers, ii. 562, pi. 218, f. 2. KNORR; Vergn., iv. pi. 15, f. 4. LAM. ; An. sans Vert., vii. 47. GUALT. ; Test., t. 91 , f. E. DONOVAN ; Brit. Shells, t. 128. WOOD ; Index, pi. 12, f. 21. FLEMING ; Brit. Anim., 411. My'tilus vulgaris, DA COSTA ; Brit. Conch., 216, 1. 15, f. 5. Musculus subcseruleus ; LISTER ; Conch., t. 362, f. 200. My'tilus borealis, LAM.; An. sans Vert., vii. 46. Shell triangular-ovate, solid, coarse, shining ; beaks pointed, placed at one end, and slightly diverging ; basal or anterior margin generally straight, sometimes slightly convex, and sometimes ex- cavated ; hinge margin rising in a straight line unites with the upper or posterior margin by a somewhat abrupt curve ; this mar- gin takes a direction parallel to the base, for a short distance, and then the two unite by a regular curve ; an abrupt ridge passes from the beaks to the lower and hinder angle, above which the shell gradually slopes to a sharp edge, and below which it bends so abruptly as to present a broad, flattened space, in the centre of 16 122 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. which is a slight fissure for the passage of a byssus. The shell itself is of a violet-color ; the epidermis is usually of a dark, shining blue-black. Within, the shell is \vhite and silvery in the centre, but all the margin is a dark-violet or blue-black. Under the beaks are about four thin, oblique denticulations, quite distinct when the overlapping epidermis is removed. Length QTG inches, height ly 3 !? inch, breadth 1 inch. Variety pellucidus. Shell smooth, thin, transparent, radiated with blue and horn-color ; beaks with two or three teeth. My'tilus pellucidus, PENNANT ; Brit. Zool, iv. 237, pi. 66, f. 3. MONTAGU ; Test. Brit. ,160. MATON and RACKETT ; Lin Trans., viii. 107. DILLWYN; Catal ., 310. TURTON ; Conch. Diet., 110. Lin Syst., iv. 292. Brit. Biv., 197, pi. 15, f. 1. CHEMN. ; Conch , viii. 84, f. 751. DONOVAN ; Brit. Shells, 81. WOOD ; Index, pi. 12, f. 22. This beautiful variety has been regarded by many concholo- gists, such as those named above, as a distinct species, while others, with more apparent propriety, consider it as a variety, depending chiefly on age, of the true M. edulis. None of the specific marks given to it seem to be constant. Radiations ap- pear in the solid old shell, as well as in the thin ones ; and, on the other hand, the thin ones are often without radiations. Tur- ton thinks it may always be distinguished "by having only two or three tuburcular teeth under the beaks." But this does not ac- cord with my observations. The shell is subject to many distortions from accident, and from the form of the bodies on which it grows, or of cavities in which it be- comes wedged. Hence, probably, arises that curved form which takes the name of M. incurvatus. This Mussel is one of the most common and best known of all our shells. It is very extensively distributed throughout all northern seas. It is abundant on the coasts of England, France, Norway, and Russia, where it is extensively used as food, as its name imports, and also for manure. In this country it has, as yet, been put to no economical use, though I am assured by a friend of acknowledged good taste, that when cooked it is more palatable than the common clam. Unlike the Modlola modiolus, it appears to inhabit shallow waters, in positions where it is left uncovered at the recess of the tide. It attaches itself by its byssus to rocks and timbers, and may be thus seen under MYTILACEA. MOLLUSCA. MODIOLA. 123 bridges and other submerged structures, in shallow inlets with a pebbly bottom, and especially on rocks not far from high-water mark, clinging in immense crowds of all sizes, colors, and figures ; some beautifully radiated, some dark blue-black, and others light horn-color ; some beautifully smooth, regular, and glistening, others distorted, rough, and dingy ; the whole surface of the young shell is beset with a bristly beard. While, like the M. plicatula, it clusters about the shore, it does not, like that, bury itself in the mud, but is always exposed and at- tached to some solid body. It is common to find it wedged in among the rocks and crevices of such shores as Nahant and Cape Ann. GENUS MODIOLA, LAM. Shell oblique, wedge-shaped ; beaks very near the anterior end ; hinge as in Mytilus ; impression of the mantle irregular. MODI' OLA MODIOLUS. Shell oblong-ovate, gradually widening from before backwards ; hinge margin ascending, straight for about half the length of the shell ; beaks tumid, obtusely angular ; epidermis dark chestnut- color. State Coll., No. 162. Soc. Cab., No. 1973. My'tilus modiolus, LIN. ; Syst. JVat., 1158. PENNANT ; Brit. Zool, iv. 239, t. 69. MONTAGU ; Test. Brit,, 163. CHEMN. ; Conch., viii. 178, t. 85, f. 759. KNORR ; Vergn., iv. t. 15, f. 3. LISTER; Conch., t. 1057, f. 5. DILLWYN : Catal.,i. 314. WOOD ; Index, pi. 12, f. 31. Lin. Trans., viii. 107. DONOVAN ; Brit. Shells, pi. 23. Modiola modiolus, TURTON ; Brit. Biv., 199, pi. 15, f. 3 (young). Conch. Diet., 111. My'tilus Papuanus, DESHAYES ; Encyc. Meth., Vers, ii. 564, pi. 219, f. 1. Modiola Papuana, LAM. ; Jin. sans Vert., vii. 17. BLAINV. ; Malacol., pi. 64, f. 3. Modiola vulgaris, FLEMING ; Brit. Jlnim., 412. My'lilus barbatus, LIN.; Syst. Nat., 1156. DONOVAN; Brit. Shells, pi. 70. MONTAGU ; Test. Brit., 161. PENNANT ; Brit. Zool., iv. 238, pi. 67, f. 2. Shell large, thick, coarse and solid, ovate-oblong ; beaks placed at one side, points inclined outwards, and projecting nearly as far as the anterior extremity, which is very short and narrow ; the upper edge is ascending, and straight about one half the length of the shell, when it curves gently downwards to the posterior ex- tremity, which is obtusely rounded ; the basal margin is somewhat arched upwards, and at the arched portion the shell is gaping for 124 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. the passage of the byssus. From the beaks a very convex, broad ridge runs diagonally across the shell ; above this the shell is com- pressed, and along its lower and anterior side is a broad depression or constriction, terminating at the lower margin where the shell gapes. Surface roughly marked by the lines of growth, and by a few faint, radiating lines ; epidermis thick and leathery, folding over the margin, of a chestnut or pitchy-brown color, smooth, glossy, and with radiating wrinkles before the ridge where it is generally darker colored, while the ridge is lighter colored. The groove for the ligament is long and deep, resting upon a prominent rib. Interior pearly, of a somewhat livid color ; mus- cular impressions large and deep ; byssus colored like the epider- mis. Length 4| inches, height 2J inches, breadth 2 inches. Inhabits deep water, and is thrown up on every shore exposed to the open sea. It probably dwells upon a rocky or pebbly bottom, as its byssus would find no attachment in mere sandy or muddy regions. This shell is well known on account of its size and universal dis- tribution along our coast. It often attains to a great size, and is not unfrequently seen six inches in length. Specimens are rarely found which are not in some way distorted. Hence the shells assume a great variety of form. The distortion seems to depend upon two causes ; first, the body to which they are attached by the byssus, which may modify the form of the basal margin, rendering it more or less arched ; and second, the frequent injuries sustained by being dashed about by storms among the rocks which they inhabit. They are the more liable to accidents of this kind, in consequence of their affording attachment to the Laminaria, and other large sea-weeds, which, being acted upon by the violence of the waves, tear the shells from their resting places, and they are thus dragged great distances. In fact, it is not usual to find a specimen on the beach without some parasite attached. A common deformity occurs at the posterior or broader end, by what would seem to be an arrest of developement. The growth does not go on in this direction, the successive layers extending very little beyond each other, and thus we have a broad, blunt ter- mination. The M. umbilicatus of Pennant can be nothing more than a dis- torted variety from some injury to the lower margin, nearly under the beaks, or from adhesion to some small convex body, causing great contraction at this part, as may be frequently noticed. MYTILACEA. MOLLUSCA. MODIOLA. 125 In young and entire shells the hinge margin rises in a straight line to a considerable height, and then slopes downwards, suddenly form- ing a conspicuous angle ; but in older shells the angle disappears in a great measure, and the whole superior outline is regularly curved. When young, the epidermis seems to be prolonged at the lines of growth, into fringe-like shreds. Specimens thus clothed, are generally allowed to be the Mytilus barbatus of Pennant. M. Gibbsii is said to differ in having these shreds serrated or gashed along one edge. I cannot but strongly suspect, though I cannot demonstrate it, that this apparent extension of the epidermis is a parasitic vegetable ; and that M. Gibbsii is not, in reality, a different shell, but has a different vegetable growing upon it. Old shells are also encrusted with various species of Madrepore, Corallina, and Flustra. In young shells there is usually a broad, waxen-yellow radiation from the beak along the front side of the elevated ridge ; and this re- gion, in fact, always has a lighter color than other parts of the shell. Deshayes thinks it is now impossible to say what was the true Mytilus modlolus of Linnaeus, and therefore approves the course of Lamarck in dropping the name altogether, and assuming a new one. I cannot see any reason to doubt that tHe shell under consideration was the M. modlolus of Linnreus, while there is ground to question whether the shell which Lamarck had in view, when he applied the name Papuana, the name now universally applied to our shell, was in reality identical with our species. I have seen several specimens of the East Indian shell, and, though very closely allied, it seems to differ in many particulars when the two shells are placed side by side. Dr. Loven has lately assured me that this is the true M. modlolus, and repeats my conjectures as to the distinctness of the real M. Papuana. The animal is of a dark orange, or red-ochreous color, perhaps a little tinted with brown. It is not used for food with us, though there seems to be no reason why it should not be as palatable as most of the shell-fish that are eaten. MODIOLA PLICATULA. Shell oblong, falciform, widening posteriorly ; surface traversed by numerous radiating ribs, occasionally branching ; epidermis glossy, green and yellow. FIGURE 81. 126 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. State Coll., No. 161. Soc. Cab., No. 1977. My'tilus demissus, DILLWYN ; Catal., i. 314. WOOD; Index, pi. 12, f. 30. Modlola plicatula, LAM. ; An. sans Vert., vii. 22. My'tilus plicatulus, DESHAYES ; Encyc. Metk., Vers, ii. 368, pi. 220, f. 5. SOWER- B Y ; Genera, f. 7. Modiola semi-costata, CONRAD ; Journ. Acad. JVat. Sc., vii. 244, pi. 20, f. 7. LISTER; Conch., pi. 353, f. 196. Shell transversely oblong-ovate, much elongated, narrow before and widening backwards, somewhat falciform or arched ; beaks moderately prominent, not curving outwards, and nearly in con- tact, very near the anterior extremity, which is small and rounded, and the shell is much compressed at this part ; the lower margin is generally curved or arched upwards, and gaping before the middle for the passage of the byssus ; hinge margin straight, and ascending for about two thirds the length of the shell so as to give it additional height, then, by a regular downward curve, it produces an obliquely rounded termination to the shell ; a broad, elevated ridge crosses obliquely from the beaks to this termination, above which the shell is compressed ; surface ornamented with numer- ous radiating, somewhat undulating, occasionally branching ribs, most conspicuous above and behind, very fine on the anterior third. Shell silvery-white, rather brittle, covered with a thin, varnished epidermis, variegated with yellow, green, and scorched colors, usually arranged in zones ; stages of growth conspicuous ; within silvery-white, the muscular impressions and margins of a livid color ; margin of the posterior half and anterior side cren- ulated by the ribsJ/ Length 3 inches, height l/^ inch, breadth T 9 ^- inch. Inhabits the tide waters of small streams where there is some admixture of fresh water ; and also the drains in salt marshes. In these localities they are found crowded in among the stones of the bed of the stream, or imbedded in the peat-like soil of the banks, near high-water mark. In this position, with the upper posterior portion slightly exposed, they crowd in such numbers as to form a complete stratum of six to twelve inches in thickness. A great portion of the time they are, of course, out of water ; but they retain enough to serve the demands of their economy during the recess of the tide, and eject it when any disturbance prompts them to close their shell. MYTILACEA. MOLLUSCA. MODIOLA. 127 This species seems to be subject to little variety. Sometimes, however, we find the lower margin nearly straight. In this case the upper margin is nearly parallel to the lower, so that the shell increases but little in height ; and in such shells the beaks appear much more prominent than in ordinary specimens. The principal variations seem to consist in the coloring, which is made up of various shades from bright-yellow, passing through horn- color and chestnut to dark bronze-green, and arranged in various modes and in various proportions. What Mr. Conrad regards as a distinct species under the name semi-costata, certainly can be nothing more than a variety of this shell. MODIOLA PECTINULA. Shell obovate, ventricose, with about forty equal, radiating ribs ; beaks prominent, projecting as far as the anterior margin ; epidermis brownish yellow. FIGURE 85. State Coll., No. 159. Soc. Cab., No. 2342. Shell small, strong, of a strictly ovate form, excepting that a very short portion of the hinge margin is straight ; broadly round- ed at both extremities, but most so behind ; valves convex, with- out any marked ridge passing from the beaks, and very little com- pression at the hinge margin ; beaks rather prominent, blunt, and in contact with each other, reaching forward as far as the anterior extremity ; surface covered with about forty equal, rounded, radiating ribs ; epidermis a dark gamboge-yellow ; lines of growth minute ; within pearly, of a livid or leaden color ; entire margin crenulated by the ribs ; cavity of the beaks considerable. Length i 7 ^ inch, height J inch, breadth /u inch. Inhabits St. George's Bank. This very strongly marked species seems to' have been hitherto undescribed. It is closely allied to M. discrepans, but is smaller, stronger, lighter-colored, and entirely covered with ribs. Of five or six specimens which I have seen, all apparently mature shells, the largest was of the size given above. M. arctica, Leach, is a smaller and more rounded shell, and the ribs are much more numerous. 128 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. MODI OLA NEXA. Shell ovate, ferruginous, beaks prominent, and placed considera- bly behind the anterior extremity ; minutely reticulated with fine, corrugated, concentric, and radiating lines. FIGURE 86. State Coll., NoV 154. Shell small, thin, long- ovate, largest behind, slightly produced at the posterior extremity ; basal edge less curved than the su- perior edge, which is moderately compressed ; beaks prominent, pointed, directed forwards, scarcely touching each other, placed unusually far from the anterior extremity ; a rather sharp ridge passes from the beaks diagonally across the shell, but loses itself about half way across. Surface very beautifully sculptured with a net-work of very minute, crowded lines of growth, and very numerous, fine, indented radiating lines or ridges, which are obso- lete along two thirds of the base, and most conspicuous behind, where a very fine line divides into two each ridge, going to the extreme posterior portion ; while above these, on the compressed portion, a beautiful lace-work of hexagonal indentations is formed. The portion in front of the beaks is conspicuously radiated. Epidermis a rusty-brown, with shades of olive, glossy ; interior livid, with a pearly or silvery lustre, and with minute, radiating lines ; cavity of the beaks large ; margin simple. Length i^- inch,. height j inch, breadth & inch. This new and beautiful shell was taken by dredging in the har- bour of Provincetown, by Colonel Totten, where he obtained several living specimens. It is allied to M. discors and M. discrepans by its outline, and by the triangular portion across the disk nearly destitute of radiating- lines. But it is more compressed than either of those shells, less in- equilateral, and its sculpture far more beautiful. The radiating lines seem all to have indentations or punctures like the wing-covers of many large beetles (Cdrabi). The honey-comb arrangement near the hinge margin is very beautiful. Dr. Loven has sent me the shell, from Sweden, as the true M. discrepans of Montagu and Turton ; but in this he is at variance with the opinions and figures of all other authors. MYTILACEA. MOLLUSCA. MODIOLA. 129 MODI V OLA Dl'SCREPANS. Shell sub-oval, broadest behind: beaks nearly terminal; hinder extremity somewhat lobed ; surface divided, into three compart- ments, of which the anterior is marked by about eight, and the posterior by numerous radiating lines, epidermis olivaceous. FIGURE 83. State Coll., No. 157. Soc. Cab., No. 2345. My'tilus discrepans, MONTAGU; Test. Brit., p. 169, and SuppL, 65. pi. 26, f. 4. MATON and RACKETT; Lin. Trans., viii. pi. 3, f. 9. PENNANT ; Brit. ZooL, iv. 241. DILLWVN; Catal., 319. TURTON ; Brit. Biv., 202. Conch. Diet., 112. FLEMIN-G ; Brit. Anim., 413. WOOD ; Index, pi. 12, f. 38. My'tilus discors, O. FABR. ; FOMM. Grand., 191. CHEMN. ; Conch., viii. 101, t. 86, f. 767. (var.) Modiola loevighta, (var.) GRAY; Appendix to Parry's 2rf Voyage. Shell somewhat oval, rather oblique, highest about the middle, rounded before, base slightly curved, hinge margin straight and then curving obliquely downward ; beaks near the anterior end, prominent, and rounded ; valves moderately convex ; surface coarsely marked by the lines of growth, and divided into three fan-shaped compartments, of which the foremost one is marked by about eight small, rounded, rib-like ridges, the spaces between them being flat, the hinder one by numerous similar ridges, and the central one is plain, or with very minute radiating lines ; the limits between the posterior and middle compartments are desig- nated by an elevated ridge passing from the beaks, and here the basal margin of the posterior compartments projects abruptly be- yond that of the middle one, so that the rounded point of the shell forms a projecting lobe. Epidermis olive-green with dark chest- nut-colored shades, folding over the edge. Interior of a brilliant silvery lustre ; edge of the two extreme compartments crenulated, and very strongly near the ligament ; a few folds on the edge, not corresponding to the external ridges, are found just in front of the ligament. Length 1 inch, height ^ inch, breadth T \ inch. Found on Chelsea Beach, and in fishes' maws. Larger speci- mens are brought from the Newfoundland Banks. I have two specimens which measure 1^ inch in length, -J inch in breadth. 17 130 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. This species, with M. discors, is common to the northern coasts of Europe and America, and they are distinguished from all others by the three compartments into which their surface is divided. The distinc- tive marks between them are particularly pointed out under M. discors. The epidermis becomes nearly black by age. * DISCORS. Shell oval, tumid, upper edge somewhat compressed and arching, posterior tip somewhat produced and pointed ; beaks largp, nearly terminal ; surface with about sixteen ribs at the anterior third and very numerous ones at the posterior third. FIGURE 84. State Coll., No. 158. Soc. Cab., No. 2344. My'tilus discors, LIN ; Syst. Nat., 1159. CHEMN. ; Conch., viii. 191, t. 86, f. 764. MONTAGU; Test. Brit., 167. PENNANT; Brit. Zool., iv. 240. MATON and RACKETT ; Lin. Trans., viii. 111. t. 3, f. 5. DONOVAN ; Brit. Shells, pi. 25, f. 1. DILLWYN; Catal,, 319. TURTON ; Conch. Diet., 112. WOOD; Index, pi. 12, f. 39. Modiola discrepans, LAM.; An. sans Vert. t vii. 23. DESHAYES ; Encyc. Mdth., Vers, ii. 567. Modiola discors, FLEMING ; Brit. Mm., 413. Shell irregularly oval, tumid, heart-shaped when viewed in front, bluntly rounded before ; hinge margin somewhat ascending and a little compressed; at the termination of the ligament the margin gradually curves downwards, so that the shell is terminated behind by a lobular, somewhat pointed tip on a level with the base ; basal margin an undulating curve, nearly parallel with the upper margin ; beaks large and prominent, not in contact, over- hanging the anterior extremity ; surface as in M. discrepans ; but there are sixteen or more ribs in the anterior compartment, those in the posterior compartment are more crowded, more distinct, the intervening spaces rounded ; and when viewed under the mi- croscope, the whole surface is found to be covered with minute wrinkles of the epidermis crossing the ribs and the spaces be- tween them, and also the middle compartment ; epidermis green- ish-yellow with clouds of olive. Within silvery, margin crenu- lated by the ribs, and with three or four teeth before the beaks. MYTILACEA. MOLLUSCA. MODIOLA. 131 Byssus very long. Length | inch, height T \ inch, breadth T 3 T inch. Found adhering to the stalks of sea-weed (Laminaria), cast upon the sea beach. The most obvious distinctive marks between this shell and M. dis- crepans are, the more numerous anterior ribs, and the concentrically corrugated epidermis. The shell is proportionally broader, the tip is more pointed, more depressed, and forms a projecting lobe much like that shell ; and the ribs are more decided. The shell is much smaller and very much more rare. This is not M. discors of Lamarck, an East Indian species. The M. discors of Turton (Brit. Biv., pi. 15, f. 4.) seems to be a still different species, and I have received it from Dr. Loven under the name of M. marmorata, Forbes. MODIOLA GLA'NDULA. Shell obliquely rounded-oval, regularly convex ; beaks small, separate ; surface with minute lines of growth, crossed by minute and crowded radiating lines ; epidermis brownish-yellow ; margin crenulated. FIGURE 87. State Coll., No. 160. Soc. Cab., No. 2346. Modlola glandula, TOTTEN ; Silliman's Journ., xxvi. 367, f. 3,e, f, g. Shell small, thin, rounded-oval, rather inflated, convexity regular ; beaks small, rather prominent, curving, not in contact, placed at about half the height of the shell ; anterior portion slightly depending, base nearly straight, and the rest of the margin regu- larly rounded ; surface with minute lines of growth, crosse'd by very small, rounded, radiating ribs, about equal in size on all parts of the shell, the number increasing as the spaces between them widen ; epidermis thin, brownish-yellow ; within white, somewhat pearly ; edges sharp and minutely crenulated, except the short portion occupied by the ligament. Length -^ inch, height -/^ inch, breadth ^ inch. This very pretty and singularly shaped Modlola was first found by Colonel Totten, in Provincetown harbour. It is one of the 132 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. most common shells found in the stomachs of fishes caught in Massachusetts Bay. The shell is not often so large as above mentioned. Tts rounded-oval and regularly convex form, with its radiating lines, forbid that it should be confounded with any other shell except an En- glish species, the Crenella elliptica of Brown, (Conch, lllust. of Great Brit., fyc. pi. 31, f. 12 to 14,) the My'tilus decussdtus of Montagu. For my own part, in comparing a small specimen of this shell with one of ours of a similar size, I must confess I can discover no differ- ence, though Mr. Sowerby supposes they are distinct. In giving the dimensions I have supposed the shell to be placed in the ordinary po- sition of other species, with the beaks placed laterally. FAMILY PECT^NIDES, LAM. Ligament interior or half interior. Shell in general regular, compact, not foliated. GENUS PECTEN, TURTON. Shell rounded, inequivalve, eared ; superior margin straight ; beaks contiguous. Hinge toothless, with a triangular internal pit for the cartilage. PECTEN MAGELLA'NICUS. Shell orbicular, inequivalve, upper valve more convex than the lower ; exterior surface everywhere marked with, closely arranged radiating lines', interior surface without ribs; ears small and equal. State Coll., No. 152. Soc. Cab., No. 202S. O'strea Magellanica, GMELIN ; 3317. No. 9. CHEMN. ; Conch., vii.t. 62, f. 597. DILLWYN ; Catal., 250. Pecten Magellauicus, LAM.; Jin. fans Vert., vii. 134. DESHAYES; Encyc. Meth. t Vers, iii. 718, pi. 208, f. 5. CONRAD ; Amer. Mar. Ctrnch., pi. 1, f. I. Shell orbicular, rather higher than long, thin and translucent when young, thick, strong, and opaque when mature, equilateral, inequivalve, the lower valve being nearly flat, and not attaining the edge of the upper valve by an eighth of an inch or more ; PECTENIDES. MOLLUSCA. PECTEN. 133 upper valve moderately convex ; valves widely gaping near the hinge, surface everywhere sculptured with radiating, punctured lines, or grooves, about half as wide as the spaces between them, somewhat zigzag in their course ; these lines are crossed by closely arranged lines of growth, which, on the convex valve, are scolloped or vaulted over the radiating lines; flattened valve white, convex valve dingy reddish-brown, or flesh-colored. Hinge margin narrow, straight, ears equal, the notch in the lower valve rounded, and shallow. Interior white, smooth, glossy, willi minute radiating lines not corresponding to the exterior grooves. Length 5 inches, height 5J inches, breadth 1 J inch. This shell is not common on the Massachusetts shore ; but single valves, of a very large size and very solid, are occasionally thrown up, and smaller ones are found in the stomachs of fishes! Its proper habitat is farther north, and along the eastern part of the coast of Maine it is found abundantly in its greatest perfection. It does occasionally pass to the south of Cape Cod, (the usual terminus for northern species) for I have a fine specimen which was drawn up alive, by a hook, off Block Island. The general aspect of the lower valve is smooth ; nor do we see any thing like ribs on the upper surface. PECTEN ISLA'NDICUS. Shell sub-orbicular, reddish or orange-brown; ears unequal; surface covered with small ^ crowded, irregularly disposed, scaly ^ radiating ribs, which re-appear ivithin. FIGURE 89. State Coll., No. 151. Soc. Cab., No. 2039. O'strea Islandica, MULLER ; Zool. Dan., Prod., No. 2990. LIN. ; fter IVestrogoth., 200, t. 5, f. 7. GMELIN ; 3326. No. 55. SHAW ; Zool. Misc., xxiii. I. 978, 987. FABR.; Fauna GrcenL, 415. KNORR ; Delices, fyc., t. i. pi. B. f. 3, 4. LISTER ; Conch., t. 1057, f. 4. GUALT. ; Test., t. 73, f. R. SEBA ; Mus., ii. t. 87, f. 7. Pecten Islandicus, CHEMN. ; Conch., vii. t. 65, f. 615, 616. TURTON ; Diet., 258. Brit. Biv., 216. DESHAYES ; Encyc. Mttlt., Vers, iii. 724. FLEM- ING ; Brit. Mm., 385, pi. 212, f. 1. LAM.; An. sans Vert., vii. 145. SAY; Amer. Conch., pi. 56. O'strea cinnabarina, BORN ; Mus., 103. DILLWYN ; Catal., 256, No. 20. SCHKOET. ; Einl., iii. 326, No. 9. Pecten Pealii, CONRAD ; Jlmcr. Mar. Conch. , 12, pi. 2, f. 2. 134 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. Shell sub-orbicular, or broadly ob-ovate, equal, the upper valve slightly more convex than the lower, covered with an in- definite number, fifty to a hundred, of narrow, unequal, crowded, irregularly disposed, radiating ridges, bearing a multitude of erect, vaulted scales ; their ridges are grouped, so as to form a number of unequal ribs, which are better defined on the interior of the shell. Ears unequal ; posterior one shortest, and its angle slightly obtuse, alike in both valves, and covered with scaly, radiating ridges ; the anterior ear of the right valve is more deeply notched than that of the left, and has five radiating ribs, occupying about two thirds of its surface. Valves closed except at the notch ; color passing from light-orange to dark reddish-brown ; the upper valves usually zoned, or blotched, with deeper colors, and the lower valve much the 'lightest. The margin jagged by the elevated lines, all but the notch of the right valve, which is plain, except- ing that there are five or six minute teeth in the angle. Interior white and glossy, the left valve usually having a large roseate spot near the beaks. Length 3 inches, height 3| inches, breadth 1 inch. Occasionally found, of a small size, in the stomachs of fishes. Its proper residence, however, seems to be the Newfoundland Banks, where it is a favorite food of fishes. In a young state the vaulted scales do not appear ; but the inter- stices between the ribs are filled with a beautiful lozenge-shaped or tile-work sculpture, which may usually be seen near the beaks in adult specimens. The coloring varies greatly, and has given rise to two or three synonyms. PECTEN CONCE'NTRICUS. Shell orbicular, ears sub-equal, valves convex, nearly closed, with about twenty rounded ribs. FIGURE 88. State Coll., No. 150. Soc. Cab., No. 2036. Pecten concentricus, SAY ; Journ. Jlcad. Nat. Sc. t ii. 259. CONRAD ; Amer. Mar. Conch., pi 1, f. 2. Shell nearly round, rather strong ; valves convex, the lower very little less so than the upper one, with about twenty elevated, OSTRACEA. MOLLUSCA. OSTREA. 135 rounded ribs, the depressed spaces being similarly rounded, and about equal to the ribs in width ; loosely wrinkled concentrically by fine lines of growth. Usual color a dusky or blackish horn- color, with alternately darker and lighter zones. Ears two thirds of the length of the shell, nearly equal, and crossed with small, radiating ridges ; notch in the convex valve deep, and forming an acute angle, or narrow slit. Interior shining, grooved to corre- spond with the exterior ribs, the intervening spaces flat ; color white, generally tinged with purple-brown about the hinge, and around the margin, sometimes altogether of that color. Liga- mentary pit small and shallow. Length 2f inches, height 2J in- ches, breadth I inch. The is found abundantly about the extremity of Cape Cod, though it does not extend far along its inner shore. It is common along all its outer shore, at Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard, &c., and, according to Mr. Say, is one of the most common shells along the shores of New Jersey. It is subject to great variation in coloring. The flatter valve is often white, and always of a lighter color than the other valve. Sometimes both valves are white, orange, ochreous, reddish, or purplish, and sometimes they are zoned or mottled with two or more of these colors. In consequence of which they are very pleasing to the eye, and are extensively employed in the manufacture of card-racks, pincush- ions, &c. FAMILY OSTRACEA, LAM. Shell irregular, foliated, sometimes paper-like ; ligament internal or partly internal. GENUS OSTREA, LIN. Shell very irregular, inequivalve, the larger one adhering, the smaller moving forwards as the shell advances in age, and leaving a lengthening groove for the ligament exposed along the beak of the adhering valve. The Oyster varies in surface and shape so much, according to the position in which it lies during growth, that it is not only im- possible to give any description which shall delineate the various 136 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. transformations it may undergo, but it is also very difficult to de- signate the limits of species. Lamarck indicates three species belonging to this coast ; but it is very doubtful whether, in re- ality, there are even two. Ct is also a question on which there are various opinions, whether the oyster was indigenous in Massachusetts Bay ; or whether all which grow in the various oyster-beds owe their parentage to inhabitants of the Delaware, Chesapeake, and Oyster Bays, &c. That they now grow spontaneously, and, for aught we can learn, always have grown so, on the south shore, there is no reason to doubt. And that they are occasionally found of patriarchal appearance, in all parts of our Bay, is certainly true. But the question is, whether these places are their natural habitat, or whether they have been accidentally dropped where they were found. Many incline to this latter opinion, especially the younger oyster-men, and some scientific gentlemen. But the old settlers of Cape Cod are of a different opinion. They say that Well- fleet, where the southern oysters are planted for Boston use, was originally called Billingsgate, on account of the abundance of fish, and especially of oysters, found there ; that they continued to be abundant until about the year 1780, when from some cause they all died ; and, to this day, immense beds are shown there, of shells of native oysters which perished at that time. They say, ihat, before that time, no such thing was thought of, as bringing oysters from the south. O'STREA VIRGINIA'NA. Si'iell elongated, narrow; beaks pointed, not much curved ; ligamentary eminence of the upper valve extending back to the apex. State Coll., No. 148. Soc. Cab., No. 2350. O'strea Virginiuna, LISTER ; Conch., I. 200, f. 34. FAVANNE ; Conch., pi. 41, f. C. 2. KLEIN; Tentam., 122. SOWEKBY; Genera of Shells, f. 2. O'strea Virgiuica, GMELIN ; Syst., 3336. No. 113. DILLWYN ; CataL, i. 277. LAM.; An. sans Vert., vii. 225. WOOD; Index, pi. 11, f. (58. DESHAVKS; Encyc. Mdth., Vcrs, ii. pi. 179, 1 and 2. Grand Huitre de la Virginia, DAVILA ; CataL, 290, No. 613. Virginia Rock-oyster, PETIVKU ; Kazoplnjl., 1. 105, f. 3. OSTRACEA. MOLLUSCA. OSTREA. 137 O'strea rostrata maxima, CHEMN. ; Conch., viii. 38, t. 73, f. 677. O'strea elongata, SOLANDER; Mss. . O'strea Canadensis, LA.M.; Jin. sans Vert., vii. 226. Shell narrow, elongated, gradually widening, moderately curv- ed, for the most part with a long and pointed beak at the apex, and rounded at the other extremity. Upper valve the smallest, flattest and smoothest, surface, when not worn, presenting every- where leaf-like scales, of a somewhat leaden-color. The hinge presents the usual channel in the beak of the lower valve, longer or shorter according to the age of the shell, and marked with lines exhibiting the successive removes of the cartilage ; and in the up- per valve we have the corresponding elevation, which is also con- tinued back to the point of the shell. The muscular impression is nearly central, of a dark-chestnut, or sometimes dark violet- color. It often measures 12 or 15 inches in length, but seldom more than 3 inches in breadth. This is the common oyster of the Chesapeake Bay. It is oc- casionally found in the vicinity of Boston, and also about Prince Edwards' Island, at the mouth of the St. Lawrence. Its dis- tinctive characters are its narrow, elongated form, and the length- ened, pyramidal hinge ridge along the beak of the upper valve. The O. Canadensis is either a variety of this, or the next species, most likely of this. O'STREA BOREA'LIS. Shell somewhat rounded, curved, scaly , greenish ; beaks rather short, considerably curved ; hinge having the furrow in the lower valve from the apex, but having in the opposite valve merely a transverse ridge, not extended backwards. State Coll., No. 149. Soc. Cab., No. 2055. O'strea borealis, LAM.; An. sans Vert., vii. 220. O'strea Canadensis, BRUG. ; Encyc. M6th., pi. 180, f. 1 to 3. O'strea edulis, LIN ; &c. Shell somewhat obliquely rounded-ovate, usually curved, up- per valve smallest, flattest ; the beaks are never greatly prolong- ed, more curved than in O. Virginica. The surface is very irregular, displaying loosely arranged flakes of a greenish-color ; 18 138 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. the margins are generally more or less plaited or scolloped, en- tirely bony in the lower valve, but membranous and somewhat flexible in the upper one. The hinge differs from the preceding in having the beaks less prolonged, and the upper valve, instead of having a lengthened, pyramidal ridge extending backwards to the apex, has only a transverse ridge, abrupt behind, and sloping into the shell, like a mere partition, behind which the cartilage is at- tached. The muscular impression is also dark-violet. Interior, either chalky or greenish-white. This species also grows to a great size. A specimen before me measures a foot in length, and 6 inches in breadth. A com- mon size is five and six inches in length. This is the common New York oyster, and, although they are said to have been once abundant in various parts' of Massachusetts Bay, especially within Cape Cod, yet the Boston market is now chiefly dependent for its supply on the oyster-beds in the vicinity of New York and in the Chesapeake. In those parts of Buzzard's Bay which border upon Sandwich, the native oyster is still found in great abundance. The oystermen maintain that our shell is identical with the En- glish O. edulis ; and there are certainly forms in which the Ameri- can and European specimens could not be distinguished. GENUS ANEMIA, LAM. Shell irregular, inequivalve, one valve convex, the other flattened or concave, perforated near the beak for the passage of a muscle, by which it adheres. ANOMIA EPHIPPIUM. Shell rounded, margin irregular ; surface scaly, variously wrinkled and undulated ; beaks pointed, not quite reaching the margin ; aperture ovate. State Coll., No. 146. Soc. Cab., No. 2060. 6streum parvum, LISTER ; Conch., t. 204. Anomia ephippium, LIN. ; Syst. JVaf., 1150. GMELIN ; Syst., 3340, No. 3. GUALT. ; Test., t. 97, f. B. D'ARGENV. ; Conch., t. 19, f. C. PENNANT ; Brit. Zool., iv. t. 62, f. 70. CHEMN. ; Conch., viii. t. 76, f. 692, 693. MONTAGU ; Test. Brit., 155. WOOD; Lin. Trans., vi. pi. 18, f. 11, 12. MATON and RACKETT ; Lin. OSTRACEA. MOLLUSCA. ANOMIA. 139 Trans., viii. 102. DONOVAN; Brit. Shells, t. 1, pi. 26. BORN; Mus., p. 117. SCHROET.; Einl. in Conch., iii. 383. POLI ; Test., ii. 186, pi. 30, -f. 9, 11. DA COSTA ; Brit. Conch., 165, pi. 11, f. 3. FAVANNE ; Conch., pi. 41, f. B. DILL- WYN; Catal, i. 286, No. 3. BLAINV. ; Malawi, pi. 59, f. 3. SOWERBY; Genera, f. 1, 2, 3. TURTOJV; Brit. Biv., 227. Conch. Diet., 2. LAM.; An. sans Vert., vii. 273. FLEMING ; Brit. Anim., 395. Shell generally rounded, but often produced at one side or at base so as to assume an oval form ; its margins more or less jagged, and its surface scaly from the loose edges of the lines of growth, and variously distorted, undulated, and plaited, according to the objects to which it adheres. Lower valve flat, its aperture ovate, reaching the margin by a fissure. Upper valve slightly convex, little elevated about the beak, which is small, acute, not quite reaching the margin. Substance of the shell pearly, or like talc, of a greenish tinge, reflecting golden and silvery hues ; within smooth, the muscular impressions opake white. Usually about an inch in diameter, but growing to three times that size. It is found in abundance in oyster beds, adhering to oysters. At New Bedford it has been found anchored by its muscle to pebbles. This shell varies so much in its form, that it is very difficult to characterize it. The most constant trait is the rugged, scaly exterior. It not unfrequently assumes a ribbed appearance, in consequence of having adhered to valves of Pecten concentricus. ANOMIA ACULEA'TA. Shell rounded, inclined to be straight at the hinge margin ; color dingy-white ; beaks obtuse, terminal ; upper valve covered with fine, prickly, radiating lines ; lower valve smooth ; aperture circular. FIGURE 90. State Coll., No. 147. Soc. Cab., No. 2347. Anomia aculeata, GMELIN ; Syst., 3346. TURTON ; Lin. Syst., iv. 285. Brit. Biv., 233. Conch. Diet., 4. CHEMN. ; Conch., viii. 92, t. 77, f. 702. MONTAGU; Test. Brit., 157, t. 4, f. 5. PENNANT ; Brit. Zool., iv. 233. DILLWVN; Catal., 288. MATON and RACKETT ; Lin. Trans., viii. 103. WOOD ; Index, pi. 11, f. 3. Shell small, rounded, the hinge margin more or less truncated or straight, color yellowish-white ; upper valve convex, the beak 140 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. obtuse and marginal, the surface covered with minute, concave, or prickly scales, arranged in radiating, undulated lines;, lower valve very thin, smooth, or with a few prickles near the margin ; aperture nearly circular ; within shining ; the convex valve ex- hibiting the exterior ribs near the margin. Diameter about half an inch. x Found amid the roots of fuci which are thrown up attached to stones, shells, &c. This shell is easily distinguished from its co-species by the scaly or prickly radiating lines upon its upper valve. It seems never to attain a large size. Besides the two species before mentioned, there are probably two others found in this State. But all species are so distorted as to ren- der it difficult to separate them definitely. 1. AN6MIA ELECTRICA, Lin. distinguished by its sulphur or golden hue, defined edge, and very convex upper valve. It is generally much distorted, transparent, and not so fragile as most species, not scaly. Found among oysters. 2. ANOMIA SQUA'MULA, Lin. a small, smooth, rounded, or oblong- oval shell, very thin and regular, exhibiting regular concentric lines of growth ; color whitish ; edges well defined ; aperture rounded. Found attached within old bivalve shells. These two species, however, are not positively made out. FAMILY BRACHIOPODJl, LAM. Shell adhering to marine bodies either directly or by means of a tendinous cord ; animal having a pair of fringed arms, spirally coiled when at rest. Instead of being regarded as a family of the CONCHIFERA, according to the arrangement of Lamarck, the BRACHIOPODA are fully entitled to be ranked as a class. The animals are as distinct and peculiar in their organization, as the CIRR'IPEDES are. In- stead of the back of the animal being placed against the hinge, as in other bivalves, and the sides against each of the valves, in these we have the back against one valve, and the belly against the other. The pair of long arms, with curled fringe at their edges, is found in no other mollusca. BRACHIOPODA. MOLLUSCA. TEREBRATULA. 141 GENUS TEREBRATULA, BRUG. Shell inequivalve, one valve prolonged into a sort of beak, and perforated at its tip for the passage of a tendinous cord by which it affixes itself. On the interior of the smaller valve are two bony processes. TEREBRATULA CAPUT-SERPENTIS. Shell obovate, whitish, upper valve truncated horizontally at the apex ; foramen large, one side completed by the apex of the lower valve ; surface with minute, radiating strice. State Coll., No. 145. Soc. Cab., No. 2348. Anomia caput-serpentis, LIN. ; Syst. JVbt, 153. BORN ; Mus., pi. 6, f. 14. GMELIN ; Syst., 3344, No. 21. CHEMN ; Conch., t. 78, f. 712. WOOD ; Index, pi. 11, f. 22. Terebratula, BRUG. ; Encyc. M6th. t pi. 246, f. 7, a, b, c, d, e, f. Terebratula caput-serpentis, LAM. An. sans Vert., vii. 332. Anomia pubescens, DILLWYN ; Catal., i. 293. Terebratula pubescens, DESHAYES ; Encyc. Mith., Vers, iii. 1024. BLAINV. ; Malacol., pi. 52, f. 6. SOWERBY ; Genera, f. 2. Terebrdtula septentrionalis, COUTHOUY ; Bost. Journ. JVat. Hist., ii. 65, pi. 3, f. 18. Shell rather thin, semi-transparent, yellowish or reddish-white, broadly obovate ; upper valve slightly convex, narrow at the sum- mit, and abruptly widening below ; beak slightly projecting, trun- cated horizontally so as to form a large, semi-elliptical orifice, completed below by the apex of the lower valve, which valve is rounded, flattish, slightly protuberant down the middle ; both valves covered by minute, but distinct and well-rounded radiating ribs, which increase in number with the width of the shell ; these are crossed by a few irregular lines of growth ; the whole covered by a thin, silvery, fibrous epidermis. From under each tooth in the lower valve arises a thin process curving a little inwards, whose extremities support an oval, partially twisted ring of a similar ribband-like structure, about an eighth of an inch in di- ameter. Margin of the shell minutely toothed by the terminations of the ribs. Length |J- inch, height -Jf inch, breadth -fa inch. Found in considerable numbers in the stomachs of fish, and occasionally on the sea-beach. It has also been taken alive on 142 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. the coast of Maine. Its usual residence is in more northern seas. An examination of the descriptions of T. caput-serpentis, given by Linnaeus, Miiller, and Chemnitz, and a comparison of them with our shell, had well satisfied me of their correspondence. The downy epi- dermis is a character too singular to be often found, or to be over- looked. This, however, is rubbed off very easily. No account of the internal bony processes is given in any description except that by Mr. Couthouy. These would afford the best possible specific charac- ter, were it not that they are usually more or less broken. But I have been relieved from all further speculation by the receipt of specimens from Dr. Loven, which settle the identity of our species with the Eu- ropean caput-serpentis. Deshayes conjectures, probably with justice, that the Anomia aurita of Gmelin is the same thing ; and also that Anbmia pubescens of the same author and others is this shell in a young stage, when plentifully coated with pubescence. T. costata, described and figured by Lowe, in the " Zoological Journal," ii. 105, pi. 5, f. 8, 9, is very closely allied ; but it is a smaller, more solid shell, with fewer ribs, and entirely different internal processes. TEREBRATULA PSITTACEA. Shell sub-triangular ; narrowed above, the beak produced into a decurved horn ; surface striated, foramen triangular. FIGURE 91. State Coll., No. 144. Soc. Cab., No. 2349. Terebratula psittacea, GMELIN ; Syst., 3348. CHEMN. ; Conch., viii. 78, f. 713. DESHAYES ; Encyc. Mtth., Vers, iii. 1025, pi. 244, f. 3, a, b, c. LAM. ; Jin. sans Vert., vii. 333. LISTER; Conch., 211, 46. DILLWYN ; CataL, 296. TURTON ; Brit. Biv., 236. Conch. Diet., 5, f. 12 to 14. Shell thin and fragile, brownish-black or sea-green, of an in- flated, triangular form, one of the valves produced into a long, pointed and strongly curved beak, something like a parrot's beak ; along this runs a triangular channel, (formed by the inflected mar- gins,) the third side of which is completed by the tip of the other valve ; the smaller valve is obovate or fan-shaped, about two thirds the length of the longer valve ; surface marked with con- centric lines of growth, and with numerous, fine, diverging striae, BRACHIOPODA. MOLLUSCA. TEREBRATULA. 143 increasing in number as the shell widens. The interior bony pro- cesses consist of two slender, curved, parallel prongs arising from the base of the teeth of the upper valve. Height J inch, length gjf inch, breadth } inch. I have as yet met with only one specimen of this shell of the above dimensions, which was taken from the stomach of a cod- fish. It appears to be everywhere rare, and is probably an in- habitant of more northern seas, especially the region of New- foundland. 144 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. CLASS GASTEROPODA, CUVIER. The GASTEROPODA form much the most numerous class of Mollusca. They are distributed over the whole surface of the globe, and live on the land, and in all waters. They receive their name from the peculiar conformation of their organ of progres- sion. The under part of the belly is flattened out into a smooth, elongated disk, and on this they glide along. Some of them have also the power of swim- ming at the surface of the water in an in- verted posture. They have a distinct head, furnished with one or two pairs of tentacula, and almost always they have rudimentary [p a iudinadeci sa ,s^.] eyes situated on or near one pair of them. The shell, almost without exception, consists of only one piece (univalve), and is more or less revolving in a spiral coil. Into it the animal is capable of withdrawing entirely, and is usually provided with a horny or bony cover (operculum) at- tached to the hinder part of the foot, which accurately closes the aperture of the shell after the body has wholly receded. The arrangement of the respiratory organs is various, and af- fords good characters for distribution into families. In some of them the respiratory orifice is at one side, under the edge of the mantle. In others the mantle is folded so as to form a long flexi- ble proboscis or siphon ; and the shells of these have a notch or groove in the front of the aperture, in which the siphon lies. All those which live on the land or in fresh water feed on de- caying vegetables ; while a great portion of those living in the sea feed on animal food, and devour not only dead animals, but many of them are real cannibals, and have the power, either by their jaws, or by the application of an acid, to perforate the shells of their fellow testacea, without respecting even their own species, and thus suck out the juices of the living occupant. Not a few of them are destitute of shells, and, in fact, the greater part of the naked mollusca belong to this class. Of the few that have been observed in this region, some notice has MOLLUSCA. 145 already been given. These were the true GASTEROPODA of La- marck, while his MOLLUSCA were limited to what we have em- braced in the present class. The following synopsis may aid in arriving at the genera of the testaceous coverings of such of the GASTEROPODA, as are found with us. I. Aperture entire, not interrupted in front by a notch or elongated canal. i. Shell shield-like or cup-shaped, aperture very large. 1. multi valve. Chiton. 2. univalve. * simple. Patella, Lottia, An'cylus. ** with a fissure at summit. Cemdria. *** with a partial partition, parallel to the aperture. Crepidula. ii. Shell tusk-shaped. Dentalium. iii. Outer whorl enveloping all the others, the spire often invisible. Bulla. iv. Shell with an evident spire. 1. inhabiting the land and breathing air. * sub-globular, or wheel-shaped. Helix. ** ovate, with an elongated spire. Pupa, Bullmus, Succinea. 2. inhabiting fresh water. * spire wheel-shaped, evident above and beneath. Planorbis. ** spire elevated. t aperture ovate. Limnea, Physa, Paludlna, Amnicola. \\ aperture circular. Valvata. 3. inhabiting the sea. * spire ovate-globose. t aperture ovate. pillar simple. Natica, Littor\na, Jdnthina. pillar with an umbilical groove. Lacuna. tt aperture circular. Margarita, Skenea. ** spire elongated. pillar simple. Turritella, Scaldria, Cingula, Py'ramis. pillar with teeth or folds. Meldmpus, Tornatella, Odostbmia. *** spire ear-shaped. Sigarbtus. **** spire irregular, lax. Vermetus. II. Aperture terminating in front by a notch or elongated beak. \. With a notch. 1. pillar simple. Buccinum, Columbdlla, 2. pillar plaited. Cancellaria. ii. With a canal. 1. canal short. * recurved. Ceriihium, Fusus. * straight. Rostellaria, Trichotropis, Purpura, Pleurotoma. 2. canal prolonged. Py'rula, Randlla. 19 146 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. FAMILY PHYLLIDI^NJl, LAM. Shell not spii-cd, shield-shaped, composed of one or more pieces ; aperture very large. GENUS CHITON, LIN. Shell oval, consisting of eight arched pieces, arranged across the body of the animal in a series overlapping each other, their ends set in the skin, which forms a rim around them. CHITON APICULATUS. Dorsal triangles with series of elevated points ; lateral triangles with scattered, elevated dots. FIGURE 20. State Coll., No. 131. Soc. Cab., No. 740. Chiton apiculatus, SAY ; Amer. Conch., No. 8. Shell oval-oblong, convex, sub-carinated ; color grayish or light-chestnut ; valves eight ; anterior valve crescentic, with three or four concentric lines, and numerous, separate, elevated, equal, sub-equidistant dots, arranged somewhat in regular lines along the margin ; the six following valves have, on their dorsal triangles, from twenty to thirty longitudinal series of elevated points, like beads, somewhat converging towards the summit ; on the lateral triangles, which are distinctly elevated above the dorsal triangles, are scattered points like those on the anterior valve ; posterior valve with the series of dots like the dorsal triangles, a central tubercle, and the remainder with scattered dots like those on the anterior valve. Margin coriaceous, with alternate stripes of white and dusky pubescence. Length 1 inch, breadth f inch. Inhabits the southeastern waters of this State, after passing Cape Cod. I have received it from Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard. It is found more abundantly along the coast of New York and New Jersey. Dr. Jay found it in great numbers at Gardiner's Island. PHYLLIDIANA. MOLLUSCA. CHITON. 147 This species, so accurately described by Mr. Say from a single specimen sent him by Dr. Ravenel of Charleston, South Carolina, cannot be confounded with any other. The beautiful and conspicu- ous bead-like series of dots are not found on any other described species, though they partially and inconspicuously appear on C. cine- reus. On account of their arrangement, I had formerly indicated the shell under the name of C. pectindtus. The recent publication of Mr. Say's Manuscript has established his name. The lines of dots are not all of equal length, and sometimes they become so blended as to form merely an elevated line, but they are generally very definite. I have seen some British shells labelled C. ruber, which have precisely the same sculpture ; but they are much more elegant in marking, and are of a bright reddish-brown or rose-color. They cannot be C. ruber, however, according to any description I have seen under that name. CHITON MARGINA'TUS. Shell ovate, the valves carinated across the middle, and pointed behind ; of a dead cinereous or greenish-color, and minutely sha- greened ; margin pulverulent. FIGURE 22. State Coll., No. 167. Soc. Cab., No. 2353. Chiton marginatus, PENNANT; Brit. ZooL, iv. 71, t. 36, f. 2. LIN.; GMELIN ; Syst.j 3206, No. 26. MONTAGU; Test. Brit., 1. PULTENEY ; Dorset Catal., 25, pi. 1, f. 2. MATON and RACKETT ; Lin. Trans., viii. 21, pi. 1, f. 2. WOOD; Gen. Conch., 21, pi. 3, f. 4. SCHROET. ; Einl. in Conch., iii. 508. D'ARGENV. ; ConchyL, t. 25, f. M. LAM.; An. sans Vert., vii. 492. SOWERBY ; Conch. Illust., f. 106 to 112. FLEMING ; Edin. Encyc., vi. 102. Brit. Anim., 289. Chiton cinereus, LOWE ; Zool. Journ., ii. 99, pi. 5, f. 5. Shell small, ovate, moderately convex, with an elevated ridge along the centre, where each of the valves projects backwards in a minute beak, ending at the centre of the posterior valve ; valves faintly divided into triangles ; surface otherwise apparently smooth, but under the magnifier it is found to be beautifully sha- greened, the granules being arranged in diamonds on every part. Color a dead, dull ashen or greenish color, sometimes mottled. Margin narrow, membranous, coated with a dusty pigment, which is alternately hoary and brownish. Length J inch, breadth T 3 ^ inch. 148 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. A single specimen of this shell was found living, a few years since, by Dr. Charles Pickering, at Phillips's Beach, and is now in the Cabinet of the Academy of Natural Sciences at Philadel- phia. It is a common British species. It is an inelegant shell at first sight, its dingy, dull surface present- ing nothing attractive. But no one can fail to admire its beautiful sculpture when viewed under the magnifier. The serrated, reflected margin usually mentioned in descriptions, is merely a contraction of the margin about the ends of the valves, such as we see in many other species. It is allied to C. apiculatus ; but we find the lateral triangles as much sculptured as the dorsal hi this ; the dots are diamond-shaped, and arranged in quincunx, and not bead-like, and arranged in series. From our other species it is distinguished by its dead surface. CHITON PULMINATUS. Shell ovate-oblong, brownish or yellowish-red, variegated with angular , whitish lines, and a scries of whitish points along the posterior margin of the valves ; surface minutely granulated ; margin pubescent. State Coll., No. 134. Soc. Cab., No. 972. Chiton fulminatus, COUTHOUY ; Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., ii. 80, pi. 3, f. 19. Shell oblong-ovate, rather flat ; color varying from bright-red to yellowish or dark reddish-brown, with numerous, fine, zigzag, whitish lines arranged over the whole surface, and a line of six or eight whitish spots alternating with dark-red along the posterior edge of each valve ; valves carinated and slightly beaked, their surface covered with microscopic granulations ar- ranged in quincunx ; to the naked eye smooth and shining ; di- vision into triangular areas very indistinct ; lines of growth very faint. Margin narrow, coriaceous, coated with a close, short down, alternately red and white. Within white at the edges of the valves, deepening towards the centre to a rose-color. Length T 7 T inch, breadth -/$ inch. Found in the stomachs of fishes caught off Egg Rock, Co- hasset, &c. PHYLLIDIANA. MOLLUSCA. CHITON. 149 This very beautifully marked species varies considerably in outline, size, marking, and color. Some have the sides nearly parallel, and others are decidedly ovate ; some exceed an inch in length ; some have the lines of growth deeply marked, while others are nearly smooth ; some have a dead, ashen color, but such are apparently very old. In some the zigzag lines and white dots are very distinct, in others not. This may very probably prove identical with some species of the North of Europe ; but as it is utterly impossible to say which one, I will not run the risk of adding further confusion to the already inex- tricable synonymy of the Chitons, by offering any conjectures. Dr. Loven says, " It is a very common species with us [in Sweden]. I think it is the S. laevigdtus, FLEMING." Mr. Sowerby thinks " it would be impossible to find a distinguishing character" between this and C. cinereus. In this he is certainly mistaken. It comes much nearer to his red variety of C. marginatus ; but the granulations of the surface of our shell are not half so distinct as in either C. marginatus or C. cine- reus. It is, therefore, best to use Mr. Couthouy's name for the pres- ent, as it is the only one to which the shell can now, or perhaps ever, be referred with certainty. CHITON RUBER. Shell small, oval, elevated, carinated ; valves marked by lines of growth; otherwise smooth, strongly beaked', margin pulveru- lent^ red and white. FIGURE 24. State Coll., No. 166. Soc. Cab., No. 2352. Chiton ruber, LOWE ; Zool. Journ., ii. 101, pi. 5, f. 2. SOWERBY; Conch. RlusL, f. 103, 104, lower fig. FLEMING ; Edin. Encyc., vi. 102. Brit, dnim., 289. Shell small, strong, nearly oval, being but slightly narrowed be- fore, convexly elevated and traversed by an elevated ridge or keel along the back ; valves without any appearance of granulations or punctures under the magnifier, but marked with conspicuous grooves, indicating the stages of growth, most marked near the border ; otherwise perfectly smooth, shining, and polished ; pos- terior margin strongly beaked. Color, light brick-red or flesh- color, with occasional dashes of dark crimson across one or more 150 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. valves, sometimes arranged in stripes ; such a stripe will usually be found at a little distance on each side of the keel, while the keel itself has a stripe of crimson spots, occasionally replaced by a yellow spot. It is frequently incrusted with a black foreign sub- stance. Margin coriaceous, coated with a red and white dust ar- ranged in alternate stripes. Triangular areas generally well marked. Interior bright rose-red, becoming fainter at the mar- gins of the valves. Length | inch, breadth T 8 T inch. Found adhering to stones dragged from the deep by kelp ; also in the maws of fishes. It is not difficult to distinguish at sight well-marked individuals of this species from those of C. fulminatus. But there are intermediate specimens which it is not easy to pronounce upon. In general, this species is smaller, more solid, more convex, the valves more beaked, lines of growth more deep, the zigzag lines never appearing, though the posterior margin of the valve is sometimes dotted with white and red. The impunctured or ungranulated surface, however, is the best, as it is a constant, characteristic. That this is the C. ruber of Lowe and Sowerby, 1 think there can be no question, though it may not be C. ruler of other authors. The figure in Pennant, "Brit. Zool.," pi. 36, f. 3, also represents accu- rately most of the adult specimens, though it is quoted by authors as C. Icevis, which is distinguished by its finely reticulated margin. CHITON ALBUS. Shell small) elliptical, valves carinated and partially beaked, minutely granulated ; margin beaded. FIGURE 27. State Coll., No. 133. Soc. Cab., No. 973. Chiton albus, MONTAGU; Test. Brit., 4. SOWERBY; Conch. IllusL, 99, 99 a, 100. BROWN ; Conch, of Great Brit., fyc. pi. 35, f. 2. Chiton aselloides, LOWE; Zool. Journ., ii. 103, t. 5. f. 3. WOOD; Suppl. } pi. 1, f. 9. Chiton sagrinktus, COUTHOUY ; Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., ii. 82. Shell small, elongated-oval ; covered with a bluish-black pig- ment, which easily rubs off, and leaves the ground yellowish or ash-colored ; surface beautifully granulated, under the microscope, PHYLLIDIANA. MOLLUSCA. CHITON. 151 so as to resemble the finest shagreen. Valves moderately cari- nated, and with a minute beak ; distinctly marked with lines of growth, and a feeble diagonal ridge often divides each side into two triangles ; anterior valve crescentic, with about twelve marginal teeth. Margin membranous, yellowish, covered with beaded granules. Length $ inch, breadth -/$ inch. Found in the stomachs of fishes in considerable numbers. This shell was first discovered on this side the Atlantic by Mr. Joseph P. Couthouy, and supposed by him to be new. But it agrees in all respects with Mr. Lowe's figure and description of C. aselloides ; and Mr. Sowerby, on an examination of our shell, accords with me in opinion that it is that shell. Mr. Lowe subsequently states (Zool. Journ., iii. 79.) that his species " is clearly identified with C. albus of Montagu." But, as it is only white when divested of its pigment, the name aselloides i much more descriptive. The ridges, edges, and interstices of the valves usually have the pig- ment worn off, so as to present a yellowish-color. The beaded margin distinguishes it from all our other species ; but it is rare to find the margin unimpaired. CHITON EMERSONIA'NUS. Shell ovate-oblong, white ; valves reniform, each with a central cordiform^ sculptured area, the remainder covered with a dirty mem- brane, with two rows of hairy tufts at the margin ; anterior valve emarginate. FIGURE 19. State Coll., No. 132. Soc. Cab., No. 2351. Chiton Emersonii, COUTHOUY ; Bost. Journ. JVaf. Hist., ii. 83, pi. 3, f. 10. Shell ovate-oblong, broadest behind ; of a light drab-color ; valves eight, kidney-shaped, the extremities being rounded and the posterior margin deeply arched ; posterior valve narrowed and excavated at the tip ; on the centre of each valve is a small, heart- shaped area, beautifully sculptured with bead-like granules, three or four series of which are parallel to its border, and the central ones on each side are arranged in a somewhat concentric manner ; the beak is elevated and pointed, and smooth or slightly striated ; 152 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. the area on the anterior valve is shaped like the valve. The re- maining portion of the valves is smooth, with three radiating lines passing from the beaks to the middle of each base, enclosing two rounded, threadlike ribs. It is also covered with a thin mem- brane, coated with a dirty, scurfy epidermis which is easily rubbed off. Margin broad and thick, resembling macerated calf- skin, coated like the rest of the surface, and having two ranges of small tufts of yellowish hair, two on each of the intermediate, and six or eight around the terminal valves. Length j inch, breadth T %- inch. Found in the stomachs of fishes taken in Massachusetts Bay. This is a very curious shell, and, with three or four other described species, might constitute a sub-genus. It is so rough and unseemly that it is very likely to be rejected as some decayed specimen ; or the discoverer would begin to clear off, as some extraneous substance, the coating which belongs to it, and gives it a character. The shape of the valves, the sculptured areas, and the emarginate anterior valve, will not allow it to be confounded with any other spe- cies. Could it be presumed that so remarkable characters as the cen- tral areas and the anterior valve were overlooked, we might suppose this to be the C. vestitus, BROD. and SOWERBY (Zool. Journ., iii. 368.) The areas, however, are easily defaced, and might not have attracted notice in their specimens. In other respects their description would apply well to our shell. The figure recently given of it, in the Ap- pendix to Beechey's Voyage, represents a shell proportionally much narrower than ours. GENUS PATELLA. LIN. Shell low-conical, apex nearly central and inclining a little for- wards ; aperture oblong-oval, cavity basin-shaped. PATE'LLA CA'NDIDA. Shell small, white, with numerous diverging ribs, checked by revolving lines, apex central. State Coll., No. 124. Soc. Cab., No. 2381. Patella Candida, CouxHouy ; JBost. Journ. Nat. Hist., ii. 86, pi. 3. f. 17. PHYLLIDIANA. MOLLUSCA. LOTTIA. 153 Shell small, conical, white, oval, having numerous minute radiating ribs, traversed by equally fine concentric lines, which give the surface, when viewed under a magnifier, the appearance of net-work ; summit nearly central, margin slightly scolloped by the termination of the ribs ; interior white. Length ? 7 T inch, height T \ inch, breadth J inch. Only three specimens of this shell are yet known. The first one found was taken by Mr.Couthouy from the stomach of a fish caught off Barnstable, and was described by him. A second has since been found by Mr. W. W. Wheildon, of Charlestown. It is at once distinguished by its checkered or granulated surface, no other spe- cies, yet described, having that character. GENUS LOTTIA, GRAY. Shell basin-shaped, apex obtuse, usually more depressed and thinner than Patella, and distinguished from it chiefly by its in- habitant. LO'TTIA TESTUDINALIS. Shell oblong-oval, greenish-white, for the most part with brownish sub-dividing radiations ; centre ivithin, dark-brown. FIGURE 12. State Coll., No. 129. Soc. Cab., No. 767. Patella testudinalis, MULLER, Prodr., p. 237. FABR.; Fauna, 385. LAM. ; An. sans Vert., vii. 543. DILLWYN ; Catal, 1045. WOOD ; CataL, No. 63, pi. 37. Patella testudinaria, KAEMMERER, Rudolst Conch., 12, pi. 2, f. 4, 5. Patella testudinaria Grcenlandica, CHEMN.; Conch., x. 325, pi. 168, f. 1614, 1615. Patella tessellata, MULLER ; Zool. Dan., iii. 2868, teste Dr. Beck. Patella Clealandi, SOWERBY ; Records of Lin. Soc., viii. 621. FLEMING j Brit. Jlnim.,287. Patella virginea, MULLER; Zool. Dan., iii. 2867. Patella virginea ? GMELIN. ; 3711. DILLWYN; CataL, 1052. Patella amce^na, SAY ; Journ. dead. Nat. Sc. t ii. 223. Patelloidea amceW, COUTHOUY ; Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., ii. 171. Patelloida testudinalis, LEA ; Trans. Am&r. Phil. Soc., (New Series,) vii. 73. Patella cly'peus, BROWN; Conch, of Great Brit., &c., pi. 37, f. 9, 10. Lottia Antillurum, SOWERBY ; Conchol. Manual, f. 231. 20 154 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. Shell oblong-oval, moderately elevated, thin ; apex behind the middle, pointed, and turning forwards ; surface finely checkered with minute radiating lines crossed by encircling lines ; general color a greenish-white, with dark-brown stripes radiating from the summit, and frequently dividing, before they reach the margin, which is sharp and entire ; within, the central portion is dark- brown, and the margin is more of less bordered or checkered with the same color, by the exterior markings showing through. Ordinary length inch, breadth |- inch, height \ inch. Found along our whole coast, adhering to the rocks, and is com- mon on the northernmost shores of Europe and America. This shell varies infinitely in its markings. The general appear- ance is as above described. Sometimes, all exterior coloring is want- ing ; and commonly, the lines are so delicate, and arranged in such a manner, as to exhibit a kind of net-work. The largest specimens I have seen were brought from Castine, Maine. These were 1 inch in length. There can no longer be any doubt that this is the shell long known in the North of Europe as P. testudinalis. Specimens sent me from Ireland, Scotland, and Norway, agree in every par- ticular with ours. Probably the P. Antillarum is the same, though Mr. Sowerby does not intimate this in his correspondence. Mr. Couthouy was the first to determine the generic place of this shell, by an inspection of the animal. I have employed the generic term LOTTIA, of Gray, as it has the right of priority, is not an objectionable derivative, and is in general use among all conchologists except the French. PATELLOIDEA was also given, as the name of a family, by Blainville. The arrangement of the branchiae of the animal would, strictly, remove the genus from this family. LOTTIA ALVEUS. Shell oblong-oval, compressed at the sides, thin, colored with a net-work of white and brown. FIGURE 13. State Coll., No. 130. Soc. Cab., No. 777. Patella alveus, CONRAD ; Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc., vi. 267, pi. 11, f. 20. Patelloidea alveus, COUTHOUV ; Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., ii. 177. CIRROBRANCHIATA. MOLLUSCA. DENTALIUM. 155 Shell small, thin and fragile, elevated, compressed at the sides, so that the margins are nearly parallel, the ends of equal breadth, and obtusely rounded ; apex at the posterior third, pointing for- wards ; outer surface beautifully checked with the lines of growth, and fine, but distinct, radiating lines ; color a reddish-brown, with oval or circular yellowish-white spots, arranged in a somewhat regular manner, so that the whole resembles a net-work. The thinness of the shell allows the external coloring to appear on the inside ; edge entire. Length T 5 T inch, breadth T \- inch. Found abundantly on the eel-grass (Zostera marina), to whose narrow leaves its form is exactly adapted. In old specimens a lateral compression is very obvious, and the sides are at least parallel, and sometimes incurved for one half the length of the shell. The apex, when not worn off, is acute, and pro- jects distinctly forwards. The markings usually give the shell a checkered appearance ; but occasionally we have stripes, as in the preceding species. This shell is the very miniature of Patella compressa. Mr. Sower- by suggests that it bears the same relation to P. testudinalis as Patella compressa does to P. miniata ; in other words, it is the same spe- cies, changed in form from having adhered to a narrow sea-weed instead of a stone. The general marking of the shell, and the cir- cumstance of its seldom, if ever, being noticed living anywhere except upon the narrow leaves before mentioned, render this opinion not at all improbable. FAMILY CIRROBRANCHMTJ, BLAINV. Animal with the branchiae in the form of numerous long filaments, arising from two radical lobes placed above the neck, and enveloped, with the head, by the mantle. Shell tubular, not spiral. GENUS DENTALIUM, LIN. Shell tubular, elongated-conical, slightly curved, opening at each end by a rounded orifice. DENTALIUM DENTALE. Shell polished, slightly curved, with eighteen or twenty faint, unequal ribs. 156 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. FIGURE 5. State Coll., No. 265. Soc. Cab., No. 2415. Dentalium dentalis, LIN. ; Syst. Nat., 1263. BORN; Mus., t. 18, f. 13. MATON and RACKETT; Lin. Trans., viii. 237. DESHAYES ; Mem. de la Soc. d'Hist. Nat., ii. 353, pi. 16, f. 9, 10. LAM. j An. sans Vert., v. 595. Dentalium striatum, MONTAGU ; Test. Brit., 495. Dentalium attenuatum, SAY ; Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc., iv. 154, pi. 8, f. 3. Shell slender and tapering, curved like an elephant's tusk, the tip cut off, leaving a very small opening. Surface rather glossy, yellowish-white, marked with about twenty closely arranged, un- equal, rib-like strise, running the whole length of the shell. Length about an inch ; diameter at the larger end about J inch. I am enabled to add this shell to our list through the kindness of my friend W. W. Wheildon, of Charlestown, who sent me the specimens, accompanied by the following memoranda. " Two specimens of Dentalium were taken from the stomachs of cod- fish, in the Spring of 1839. They were both found to have penetrated the entrail of the fish, and were firmly fixed there. They had proba- bly been in the fish for some length of time. Both specimens were unfortunately eroded, one of them so much so that it is quite impossible to determine any of its characters, except its size, its markings being entirely obliterated. In the other specimen the striae are distinct, and seem to conform to the D. dentalis of the coast of England. Twenty to twenty-two striae may be counted on its surface." FAMILY CALYPTRcEA, LAM. Shell basin-shaped, serving as a cover to the animal ; distinguished from the preceding family by the branchitB being situated in a peculiar cavity upon the back. GENUS CEM^RIA, LEACH. Shell small, like Patella, with the apex elevated and curved forwards, and with a fissure just behind the apex. CEMORIA NOACH!NA. Shell small, white, conical, covered with unequal, radiating ribs ; apex curved forwards, and perforated obliquely backwards. FIGURE 18. CALYPTRACEA. MOLLUSCA. CREPIDULA. 157 State Coll., No. 114. Soc. Cab., No. 1652. Patella Noachina, LIN.; Mantissa, 551. CHEMN. ; Conch., xi. 18C, pi. 197, f. 1927, 1928. Patella apertura, MONTAGU ; Test. Brit., 491, pi. 13, f. 10. WOOD; Index, pi. 38, f. 89. Patella fissurella, MULLER ; Zool. Dan., i. t. 24, f. 4 to 6. GMELIN ; Syst., 3728, No. 193. Fissurella Noachina, LYELL ; Obs. sur le SouUvement de la Su&de, No. 16, pi. 2, f. 13. 14. LAM. ; An. sans Vert., vii. 604. SOWERBY; Conch. Illustr., (Fissu- rella) f. 15. Puncturella Noachina, LOWE ; Zool. Journ., iii. 77. Cemoria Flemingii, LEACH ; SOWERBY ; Conch. Man., f. 244. Sipho striata, BROWN ; Conch, of Great Brit., fyc., pi. 36, f. 14 to 16. Shell bluish-white, conical, its summit pointed and turned backwards, and the surface covered with about twenty-two ribs, with intervening smaller ones, and wrinkled by the lines of growth. A narrow, diamond-shaped slit is presented at the summit, which opens in the interior by a circular aperture, towards the margin, the course of this canal being as it were arched over by a thin plate of the shell, when viewed within ; edge oval and scolloped by the ribs. Length y inch, breadth inch, height y 1 ^ inch. This curious little shell, the only recent species of its genus known, is frequently taken from the stomachs of fishes. It is also an inhabitant of the northern seas of Europe, and is found in a fossil state also. It has been arranged under different genera, but undoubtedly has claims to be the type of a distinct genus. Besides those mentioned above, the genus RI'MULA of Defrance, would also probably embrace it. But CEMORIA has the priority over all those which have been constructed, though any one of the others would seem to have been better chosen names. Lowe remarks, that the P. apertura of Mon- tagu has been ascertained, almost beyond a doubt, to be nothing more than the young of Fissurella Grceca. But his figure repre- sents this shell. GENUS CREPIDULA, LAM. Shell oval, arched, somewhat boat-shaped, with an imperfect spire pressed against the margin ; cavity partially divided within by a horizontal partition. 158 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. CREPIDULA FORNICATA. Shell oval, apex turned to one side, and terminating in the mar- gin ; partition appressed to one side. FIGURE 17. State Coll., No. 123. Soc. Cab., No. 817. Patella fornicata, LIN. ; Syst. JYat., 1257. MARTINI j Conch., i. 160, t. 13, f. 129, 130. LISTER ; Conch., t. 545, f. 33, 35. KNORR ; Vergn., vi. t. 21, f. 3. Crepidula fornicata, LAM. ; vii. 641. SAY; Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc., ii. 225. Shell obliquely- oval, one side more oblique than the other, apex a little prominent, turned to one side, not separate from the body of the shell, and generally united with the margin of the aperture ; convexity moderate, but varying according to the ob- ject on which it is seated ; surface wrinkled by the lines of growth, of a dirty-white color, and figured with interrupted, waved, longitudinal lines, of a light-chestnut color, and covered with a yellowish epidermis ; aperture obliquely sub-oval, the edge entire and sharp, color light-brown, with darker dots and blotches ; a ray from the apex along the middle of the shell generally lighter than the rest ; diaphragm white, occupying about one half the aperture, one side of it defined by a distinct line, the other, for a considerable space, compressed against the side of the shell, and firmly united to it, the free edge waving, one half advancing con- siderably beyond the other, and leaving a conspicuous notch at the side, outside the boundary line, surface in general concave, but a narrow, arched portion traverses the middle. Length 1 \ inch, breadth \\ inch. Found adhering to other shells and to each other. This is probably, what Mr. Say supposed it to be, a variety of C. fornicata, as originally described, and is a species found in various seas. It is found occasionally thrown upon the beaches near Boston after a storm, but is not uncommon about Cape Cod, and the islands to the southeastward. The best specimens I have seen, were brought, on oysters, from Prince Edward's Island, off the mouth of the St. Lawrence. Its shape varies according to the body on which it rests. Four or five of different ages are frequently found riding upon each CALYPTRACEA. MOLLUSCA. CREPIDULA. 159 other. When growing upon Pecten concenlricus it is found to have ribs corresponding to those of the Pecten. It is a solid shell, and the diaphragm is situated near the mouth, leaving no cavity extending under the beak. The manner in which one edge is pressed against the side of the shell is quite characteristic. The margin of the aper- ture is generally white, dotted with chestnut ; the remainder of the interior is more or less brown. Sometimes the attachment of the diaphragm is bordered with reddish-brown. CREPIDULA PLANA. Shell ovate, flat, white ; apex acute, terminal ; diaphragm convex. FIGURE 16. State Coll., No. 143. Soc. Cab., No. 821. Crepidula plana, SAT; Journ. dead. Nat. Sc., ii. 226. Amtr. Conch., pi. 44. Shell ovate, flat, or as often a little concave or convex, thin, transparent, white, wrinkled with concentric lines of growth ; apex minute, pointed, turning a little to one side, and constituting the extreme termination of the shell ; the other extremity broader, and regularly rounded ; interior white, of a brilliant polish, and iridescent ; diaphragm less than half the length of the shell, con- vex, rising to a level with the margin, free edge for the most part straight, but having a projecting angle near one side. Length 1| inch, breadth T \ inch. Found in the aperture of other shells. This species has also been observed through a wide region. Mr. Say noted it as far south as Florida. It does not, however, frequent localities north of us. It is still regarded by some as a variety of the C. fornicdta modified by its position. But the peculiarity of form, coloration, diaphragm, and habit of living, seem to render it sufficient- ly distinct. When young, it is of a more rounded form, but becomes elongated by age. It is otherwise very variable in shape, conforming to the position it occupies in the throat of some other shell. This is very likely to prove to be the C. unguiformis, Lam., (Pa- tella crepidula, Lin.). In this opinion I have the concurrence of Mr. Sowerby. Deshayes observes that he can hardly think that the shell figured as Calyptrda unguiformis by Broderip, in " Trans. Zool. Soc.," i. pi. 29, f. 4, is the shell of Linneeus. He says the shell of 160 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. Linnseus is distinguished by a profound notch at one extremity of the partition, and a feebler one at the other ; that the shell described by Mr. Say as Crepidula plana wants this notch, and is the shell figured by Broderip. Now it so happens, that the only specimen which I am certain is entire has this notch precisely as described, and the tooth- like process which separates the large notch from the rest of the mar- gin is such as would be likely to be broken in almost every instance. This fact leads me to suppose, that all three of the shells in question are of the same species, and should be called C. unguiformis. If so, its habitat is as wide as that of C. fornicata. But as I have not yet the means of confirming my supposition, I give Mr. Say's name. CREpfDULA CONVEXA. Shell elevated, apex terminal, separated from the body of the shell ; diaphragm convex, less than half the aperture, edge simple. FIGURE 15. State Coll., No. 122. Soc. Cab., No. 822. Crepidula convexa, SAY ; Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc., ii. 227. Shell small, opaque, very convex, obliquely ovate, one side nearly vertical, the other sloping ; surface wrinkled, color ashen- brown, with bands, stripes, or dots of dark reddish-brown ; apex acute, separate from the body of the shell, turning very little to one side, and downwards as far as the tip of the shell ; within shining, of a uniform dark reddish-brown color ; aperture oval ; diaphragm deeply situated, leaving a cavity extending into the beak, convex, brown, the free edge white and simply curved. Length ^ inch, breadth --$ inch, height -^ inch. Found on sea-weed, and on stones among the roots of sea-weed. It is seldom found entire. Mr. Say described from dead shells, and had not seen its true colors. In most instances one side is nearly upright, while the other is sloping ; but sometimes the two sides are nearly similar. The diaphragm is regularly arched, the arch termi- nating at a regularly curved, depressed line, on one side, and here the free edge makes a slight projection. This shell is easily distinguished from all our other species by its convexity and by the color of its deeply seated diaphragm. CALYPTRACEA. MOLLUSCA. CREPIDULA. 161 CREPIDULA GLAUCA. Shell oval, smooth, apex separate, slightly turned to one side ; diaphragm less than half the length of the shell, edge waved. FIGURE 14. State Coll., No. 121. Soc. Cab., No. 818. Grepidula glauca, SAY ; Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc., ii. 226. Shell obliquely oval, thin, moderately convex, of a glaucous or grayish-green color, faintly freckled with dots of darker and lighter color ; surface nearly smooth ; the apex is pointed, pro- jecting considerably beyond the outline of the aperture, and, turn- ing downwards, and a little to one side, does not quite reach the plane of the aperture ; aperture rounded oval, the margin usually expanded ; interior a uniform, dark reddish-brown, or occasionally mottled ; the edge is margined with yellowish-white, and dotted with brown ; diaphragm white, running within the beak so as to exhibit a considerable recess ; it is waved, two thirds being con- vex, and the remainder concave ; the free margin has a concave curve in proportion as the diaphragm is arched. Length |J inch, breadth ^ inch, height ^ inch. I have taken only one specimen of this shell, which I found on a stone dragged upon Chelsea Beach by a Laminaria attached to it. It is, however, common on the ocean shore of Rhode Island, and is doubtless to be found at the Elizabeth Islands, and along the South Shore. The specimens I have received from Colonel Totten have a peculiar figure, and from their undulated edges I should conjecture they were taken from off the Pecten concentricus, which is found abundantly about Cape Cod. It is readily distinguished from C. convexa by its depressed and broader figure, and white diaphragm. From small specimens of C. fornicdta it is distinguished by its projecting and central apex, and by the constant recess under the beak. In some specimens the arch- ing of the diaphragm is greater than in others, and then its free mar- gin is more or less curved also. There is no decided notch at either extremity. 21 162 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. FAMILY BULLEJINJ1, LAM. Shell thin, rolled up like a scroll ; animal destitute of tentacula, and having the branchiae in a special cavity, at the posterior part of the back, covered by the mantle. GENUS BULLA, LIN. Shell thin, oval or cylindrical, the last whorl enclosing all the others, seldom exhibiting any spire ; aperture narrow, nearly the length of the shell, lip sharp. BULLA INSCULPTA. Shell oval, bluish-white, fragile, the last whorl enveloping all the others, and covered with minute, regular, revolving lines, with an imperfect opening in the region of the spire. \ FIGURE 92. State Coll., No. 118. Soc. Cab., No. 838. Bulk insculpta, TOTTEN ; Silliman's Journ., xxviii. 350, fig. 4. Bulk solitaria ? SAY ; Journ. dead. JVaf. Se. t ii, 245. Shell oval, rather broadest before the middle, thin, pellucid, bluish-white ; the last whorl enveloping all the others, wrinkled lengthwise, and covered with minute, close, revolving lines ; the region of the spire is depressed, and sometimes we find there a very small opening ; aperture narrow behind, broad before ; outer lip very sharp, rising in a regular curve backwards above the summit of the shell ; as it ascends from below upon the body of the shell, it becomes a little thickened, and forms a very slight fold at the umbilical region ; a very thin layer of enamel is found covering the inner margin ; umbilicus none. Length 1 inch, breadth \ inch. Found at Martha's Vineyard, at New Bedford, and in the muddy inlets in Roxbury. The differences between B. solitaria and B. insculpta, if there be any, must be very slight. Nor do I see that the two descriptions are at all inconsistent with each other. Still, it is true that the shells from Martha's Vineyard are precisely like some from Charleston, South BULLEANA. MOLLUSCA. BULLA. 163 Carolina, and accord with Mr. Say's solitdria ; and those from Rox- bury are precisely like those found by Colonel Totten at Newport, Rhode Island, and described by him. The observable differences are, that the first are of a more dead white, are more cylindrical, the sum- mit has a more square appearance, the revolving lines are less distinct, and there is always a perceptible opening in the region of the spire. These differences may be ascribed to age or locality. I have used Colonel Totten's name, since I am not sure that it is the shell intended by Mr. Say. BULLA HIEMA'LIS. Shell minute, globular, very thin, dusky, no spire perceptible, with a small umbilicus. FIGURE 100. State Coll., No. 119. Soc. Cab. No. 2385. Bulk hiemklis, COUTHOUY; Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., ii. 180, pi. 4, f. 5. Shell globular, very thin and brittle, transparent, of a brownish tinge, except near the tip where it is whitish ; body-whorl envel- oping all the rest, so as to leave no perceptible spire, and marked with the lines of growth ; the aperture is narrow behind, but greatly enlarged forwards ; the outer lip revolves, from its junction behind, nearly a third of a revolution before it turns forwards ; a thin plate of callus is spread over the inner margin, and rises so as to form a small but distinct umbilicus. Length and breadth about ^ inch. Procured from cod-fish taken off Provincetown, in about thirty fathoms water. It is a remarkable shell, sufficiently distinguished by its globular form, and its peculiar lip. BULLA GOU'LDII. Shell ovate, white, rather opaque, composed of four whorls, the last including all the others, and covered with minute revolving lines ; spire nearly flat. FIGURE 94. 164 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. State Coll., No. 117. Soc. Cab., No. 2384. Bulla Gouldii, COCTHOUY; Boat. Journ. Nat. Hist., ii. 181, pi. 4, f. 6. Shell small, ovate, shining, of a dead white color, covered with a yellowish epidermis ; whorls four, rounded at their upper edges, their dividing line well marked ; the last whorl is as long as the shell, and includes all the others ; under the magnifier its surface appears covered with revolving lines ; the whorls all rise to about the same level, so that the summit is nearly flat ; the anterior ex- tremity is rather narrower than the posterior : the aperture is nar- row behind, and suddenly enlarged by the curvature of the inner margin, which is a little thickened, white, and polished. The outer lip, from its junction behind, advances a little as it turns for- \Aard by a regular curve, and, finally turning backward by a rather sharp turn, it joins the body of the shell with a gentle twist ; um- bilicus none. Length T 3 7 inches, breadth ^ inch. Found by Mr. Couthouy in the stomachs of fishes, taken off Cohasset Rocks, and dredged by Col. Totten in Provincetown harbour. In shape it somewhat resembles B. solitaria ; but it is a smaller and much more solid shell, and its flat summit, with the display of all its whorls there, plainly distinguishes it. The anterior extremity is also more pointed. It is much broader and less cylindrical than B. canalicu- lata, nor has it the conspicuous fold on the pillar, as that shell has. BULLA DE'BILIS. Shell obliquely ovate, small, transparent, inflated, smooth, par- tially umbilicated ; whorls four, terminating on a level ; pillar lip terminating abruptly in front. FIGURE 95. State Coll., No. 112. Soc. Cab., No. 2388. Bulla debilis, GOULD ; Silliman's Journ., xxxviii. 196. Shell small, obliquely ovate, tumid, thin and brittle, greenish- white ; whorls four, all rising to about the same height, division distinct, each very convexly rounded ; last whorl the whole length of the shell, including all the others, and partially .detached from them above ; surface without apparent marks ; aperture as long as BULLEANA. MOLLUSCA. BULLA. 165 the shell, widening from behind forwards ; outer lip attached be- hind, a little before the summit of the shell, it rises to a level with the spire, and then descends in a regular, though slightly waved curve to the front of the pillar, where it terminates quite abruptly ; inner lip spread out in a thin enamel upon the body of the sheU, partially covering an umbilical indentation placed at about one fourth the length of the shell. Length T l - inch, breadth i inch. Obtained from fishes taken in Massachusetts Bay. This shell has no marked resemblance to any other with which I am acquainted, unless it be to B. Gouldii, of which it may possibly be the young. It is, however, much smaller and thinner, more globular, and its greatest breadth is before, instead of behind, the middle. The peculiarity of the base, also, is well marked. In many respects, it has a general resemblance to Montagu's B. didphana, ( Test. Brit. pi. 7, f. 8,) but that has an elevated spire, and is not umbilicated. Brown figures a shell, which he calls Didphana pellucida, (Conch, of Great Brit., &c., pi. 38, f. 10, 11,) which bears a still more striking resem- blance. These two last named species would come under the sub-genus APLU'STRE of Blainville ; in which the whorls are all visible, but the spire not projecting; and in which there is a thickened portion at the anterior termination of the pillar. BULLA TRITI'CEA. Shell cylindrical, smooth, whitish, of the size of a grain of rice, a pit in place of the spire. FIGURE 98. State Coll., No. 116. Soc. Cab., No. 3871. Bulk triticea, COUTHOUV ; Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., ii. 88, pi. 2, f. 8. Shell cylindrical, polished, rather solid, of a dull white color, and covered with a thin, rusty epidermis ; marks of growth very delicate, and numerous minute revolving lines may be seen under a magnifier ; a circular pit occupies the region of the spire, from the margin of which the outer lip takes its origin, and, rising a little, passes forward in a direction nearly parallel to the left margin of the shell, forming a long, narrow aperture, which sud- denly becomes double this breadth, near the front, by the curva- ture of the inner lip ; occasionally the lip is a little waved in- 166 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. wards at the middle, narrowing the aperture ; at the region of the umbilicus is a flattened, white space, thickened by enamel, gradually disappearing within the aperture ; the whole inner mar- gin is sometimes slightly coated with enamel. Length i inch, breadth T V inch. Found plentifully in the maws of fishes taken in Massachusetts Bay. This shell is analogous to the B. cylindracea of Pennant, (Brit. Zool, pi. 70, f. 85.) But that is a much longer shell, and decidedly umbilicated in the region of the spire. Brown figures a shell under the name of Volvaria alba, (Conch, of Great Brit., &c., pi. 38, f. 43, 44,) which bears a striking resemblance to this shell. BULLA CANALICULA'TA. Shell nearly cylindrical, spire somewhat elevated, with a groove on the summit of the whorls. FIGURE 97. State Coll., No. 113. Soc. Cab., No. 2390. Volvaria canaliculata, SAY ; Joitrn. Jlcad. JVaf. Sc., v., 211. Bullina canaliculata, SAY ; Amer. Conch., pi. 39. Shell cylindrical, white and shining, with very faint lines of growth ; spire a little elevated, crowned with a minute but promi- nent tip ; whorls about five, the summit of each having a shallow, rounded groove ; outer lip arching forwards ; inner lip over- spread with a thin plate of enamel, and having a single oblique fold near the base. I have found only one specimen of this shell from the waters of Massachusetts. This was discovered, among other minute shells, in sand brought from Martha's Vineyard. Prof. Adams found them in considerable numbers in New Bedford harbour. I have been induced to place this species under the genus BULLA, in consequence of the remarks of M. Deshayes, in his edition of La- marck's work. He thinks the main character of Ferussac's genus BULLI NA, as modified by Blainville, viz., " an apparent and prominent spire," is not of sufficient importance to constitute a genus ; and, while Mr. Say states that the animal of BULLI' NA differs from that of BULLA BULLEANA. MOLLUSCA- BULLA. 167 by having two distinct tentacula, Deshayes, a much later authority, says it is perfectly well ascertained that the animals accord with each other most accurately. BULLI NA may at least be regarded as a sub-genus of BULLA, to which this species and the next will belong. At the same time, its shape and the fold on the columella would seem to approximate it to VOLVARIA, where Mr. Say originally placed it. BULLA OBSTRI'CTA. Shell oval-cylindrical, white, nearly smooth, spire somewhat elevated^ last whorl nearly as long as the shell, and slightly girt- ed at the middle ; a fold on the pillar. FIGURE 96. State Coll., No. 113. Soc. Cab., No. 2389. Bulla obstri'cta, GOULD ; Silliman'g Journ., xxxviii. 196. Shell small, cylindrical, with each extremity rounded, semi- transparent, opaque white, or pale horn-color ; whorls five, the last nearly involving the others, somewhat girt in at the middle, nearly smooth, covered with a light-yellowish epidermis ; spire obtuse, rising above the junction of the lip to about one fifth the length of the shell ; suture deep, apparently double in old speci- mens, or rather, a narrow and deep line revolving on the shoulder of each whorl, near the suture, forms a sort of channel ; aperture very narrow behind, widening before ; outer lip sharp, entire, join- ing the preceding whorl by a gradual approach, and then turning down the inner border in the form of a thick, slightly attached plate of enamel ; from the front, as it turns back, it becomes thicker and rounded, and at the umbilical region it enters the shell and forms a conspicuous fold. Length T \ inch, breadth ? 4 T inch. Found on Chelsea Beach by myself, at Provincetown by Col- onel Totten, at New Bedford by Prof. Adams, and is not unfre- quently taken from fishes. The same remarks which were made under the preceding spe- cies, as to its generic place, apply to this species. This shell closely resembles the figures, and agrees in general with the description, of Bulla ollusa, of Montagu ; but in neither of them is any fold at the base of the pillar noted, and our shell has a more ele- 168 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. vated spire, and wants the conspicuous lines of growth which pecu- liarly mark the British shell. B. canaliculdta differs in its more slen- der, cylindrical, and smooth appearance, the broad and shallow groove of the whorls, its very acute summit, and its more slightly plaited pil- lar-lip. In adult specimens it is easy to discriminate the two species ; but the half grown specimens are so nearly alike, as to render it almost impossible to separate them. Mr. Lea describes and figures a fossil species in his " Contributions to Geology," under the name of Actaon Wetherilli, which must very closely agree with this shell. BULLA ORYZA. Shell minute, white, glossy, sub-oval, last whorl enveloping all the others, and marked with a few revolving lines ; summit de- pressed, imperforate. FIGURE 93. State Coll., No. 120. Soc. Cab., No. 2387. Bulla ory^za, TOTTEN ; Silliman's Journ., xxviii. 350, f. 5. Shell not very small, not very thin, translucent, white, regularly diminishing from the middle towards each end, the tip being de- pressed into a shallow pit, and the front being rather pointed ; last whorl enclosing all the others ; surface marked with minute lines of growth, a few revolving lines on the anterior portion, and a few more obscure ones near the shoulder, none of them perceptible without a magnifier. Aperture as long as the shell, narrow be- hind, and widening forwards ; outer lip simple and sharp, com- mencing beyond the axis of the shell, and rising a little, then turns, and passes forwards by a regular curve ; the left margin is thickened, and forms a smooth, glossy pillar, which is twisted so as to form an oblique fold ; at the base it terminates abruptly, so as almost to form an obtuse tooth ; a thick callus, commencing at the junction of the outer lip, runs round within the whorl, giving strength to the region of the spire. There is no umbilical open- ing either at the tip or base. Length -/$ inch, breadth T V inch. Found by Professor Adams in the mud of New Bedford har- bour. It was originally found by Colonel Totten in the harbour of Newport. It seems not to have passed Cape Cod. COLIMACEA. MOLL USC A. H.ELIX. 169 In solidity, color, polish and general shape, this is allied to B. Gouldii ; but is much smaller, and is at once distinguished by its ex- hibiting no spire. BULLA LINEOLATA. Shell minute, ovate, ferruginous ; whorls three, the last envelop- ing all the others, and marked with numerous revolving lines ; aperture dilated anteriorly. FIGURE 99. State Coll., No. 115. Soc. Cab., No. 2386. Bulk lineolkta, COCTHOUY ; Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., ii. 179, pi. 3, f. 15. Shell very small, oblong-ovate, broadest anteriorly, very thin and fragile, covered with a thin, rust-colored epidermis ; whorls three, forming a flattened spire, the outer one somewhat in- flated, and delicately marked with numerous, impressed, re- volving lines ; aperture extending the whole length of the shell, very narrow behind, and rapidly widening forwards, so that the lip is broadly rounded in front ; the pillar has a faint oblique fold near the middle. Within glossy, yellowish-white. Length -$ inch, breadth ^\ inch. Several specimens of this very delicate and very singular shell have been taken from the stomachs of fishes caught in the Bay. It appears like a diminutive specimen of Bulla ligndria, but its somewhat elevated spire is one good distinctive mark. The revolving lines are rather distant, regularly disposed, and always conspicuous under a magnifier. FAMILY COLIMACEJl, LAM. Animal terrestrial, breathing air, tentacula cylindrical, bearing eyes. Shell spiral, destitute of any external prominences except ridges of increase, the outer lip often reflected. GENUS HELIX, LIN. Shell orbicular or sub-globular, spire not much elevated ; aper- ture oblique, broader than long; the pillar and outer lip continu- ous, simple or armed with teeth. 22 170 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. HELIX ALBO'LABRIS. Shell orbicular ^conical, yellowish horn-color ; whorls five or six, convex, marked with the lines of growth, and minute revolving lines; lip white, broadly reflected; umbilicus closed. FIGURE 101. State Coll., No. 101. Soc. Cab., No. 1008. Helix albolabris, SAY ; Nicholson's Encyc., (Amcr. ed.,) iv. pi. 1, f. 1. Long's 2d Expedition to St. Peter's River, ii. 258. Amer. Conch, pi. 13. FE'RUSSAC ; Hist, des Moll., pi. 43, f. 1 to 3. BINNEY j Monogr., pi. 2. Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., i. 475, pi. 13. Cochlea Virginiana, LISTER ; Conch., t. 47, f. 45. Shell orbicular, depressed-conical, thin, shining, of a yellowish- brown or russet-color ; whorls five to six, rounded, separated by a well-defined suture, and forming a moderately elevated spire, regularly and distinctly wrinkled by the lines of growth, which are crossed by very numerous, delicate, revolving hair lines, scarcely visible without a magnifier ; aperture semi-elliptical, contracted by the lip, which is white and very broadly reflected ; outer edge sharp, somewhat waved, and colored orange on the back ; umbili- cus, covered by the extremity of the lip. Diameter generally over one inch. The animal varies in color, sometimes being pure white, cream-color, or grayish ; head brownish above ; tentacula dusky at tip ; eyes black ; back shagreened with glandular tubercles ; foot rather more than twice the diameter of the shell, pointed be- hind. Found in large numbers in all the partially cleared forests of New England, sheltered in the moist mould under decaying logs and rotten stumps ; and sometimes about stone walls and rocks in the open fields. It is found in all the States, except, perhaps, the southernmost. This is our largest snail, and, though so simple in its structure and coloring, is a pleasing shell. Its delicately striated surface, and broad, white lip, cannot fail to gain admiration. It is subject to very little variety, the principal variations being its want of the white re- COLIMACEA. MOLLUSCA. HELIX. 171 fleeted lip, and an open umbilicus in its immature stages. It has no tooth on the pillar, like H. thyroidus, and H. zaleta^ is smaller than the former, and less globular than the latter. The economy of these animals may be briefly stated as follows. They subsist upon decaying leaves and vegetable fibre, under which they usually shelter themselves. In moist weather, and after showers, they issue from their retreats, and crawl over the leaves or up the trunks of trees, until driven back by a change of* weather. In early- spring they are often seen collected in groups on the sunny side of rocks. In June they deposit their eggs, to the number of thirty to eighty in the light mould by the side of rocks and logs. These are white, opaque, and elastic ; and in about twenty to thirty days the young animal issues from them with a shell consisting of one whorl and a half. In October they cease to feed, and select a place under some log or stone where they may be sheltered for the winter, and there they fix themselves, v/ith the mouth upwards. This they close by secreting a thin, transparent membrane, and as the weather be- comes cold, they grow torpid, and remain in that state until the warmth of spring excites them to break down the barrier, and enter upon a new campaign of duty and pleasure. HELIX THYRO'IDUS. Shell convex, yellowish horn-color ; whorls Jive, delicately wrinkled; aperture rounded; lip white, widely reflected ; pillar with a single white tooth ; umbilicus partial. FIGURE 108. State Coll., No. 100. Soc. Cab., No. 1015. Helix thyroidus, SAY ; Mch. Encyc., (Amer. ed.,) iv. Journ Acad. J\fat. Sc. i. 123, ii. 161. Amer. Conch., pi. 13, f. 2. FE'RUSSAC ; Hist, des Moll., pi. 49 A. f. 4. DESHAYES; Encyc. Mith., Vers, ii. 230. LAM.; An. sans. Vert., viii. 114. BINNEY ; Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., ii. pi. 18. Cochlea umbilicata, LISTER ; Conch., t. 91 , f. 91. Cochlea terrestris Virginiana, SCHROET.; Einl. in Conch., ii. 192. Mesodon leucodon, RAFINESQ.UE. Shell rounded, convex, of a uniform yellowish-brown or russet- color ; whorls about five, convex, marked with delicate and parallel lines of growth; suture distinct; aperture broad, semi- lunar, contracted by the lip ; lip white, widely reflected, and 172 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. sometimes grooved, its exterior yellowish ; at the inner side, on the last whorl, is a white, tooth-like tubercle, placed obliquely ; umbilicus exhibiting only one volution, and partially covered by the reflected lip. Diameter about three fourths of an inch. Animal of a dirty yellowish-color, with a greyish hue in some individuals ; tentacula darker ; eyes black ; base of the foot dirty white ; length equal to twice the diameter of the shell. Found in nearly all parts of this State, but by no means com- mon. It is numerous in all the Southern and Western States. This is a plain but pretty shell, bearing a great resemblance to H. albolabris, yet readily distinguished from it. It is a smaller shell, more globose ; its aperture is more oblique, and the partially closed umbilicus and tooth on the inner lip are specially characteristic. It varies considerably in its size, and in the degree of its convexity. The umbilicus is sometimes entirely closed ; and in immature shells the tooth is generally wanting. It is occasionally found reversed. HELIX HORTE'NSIS. Shell sub-globose, thin, smooth, greenish-yellow, or variously banded with brown ; lip reflexed, white, thickened within ; umbil- icus closed. State Coll., No. 102. Soc. Cab., No. 994 to 996, 1062. Helix hortensis, MULLER; Verm., 52, No. 247. BORN; Mus. t. 16, f. 18, 19. CHEMN.; Conch., ix. t. 133, f. 1199 to 1201. DRAPARNAUD ; Moll., pi. 6, f. 6. FE'RUSSAC ; Hist, des Moll., pi. 35 and 36. LAM. ; An. sans Vert., viii. 55, where references to numerous other works may be seen. Helix sub-globosa, BINNEV ; Bast. Journ. JVaf. Hist., i. 485, pi. 17. Monogr., pi. 6. Shell sub-globular, thin, smooth, and shining ; whorls four or five, convex, with apparent lines of growth ; suture distinct ; ter- mination of the outer whorl declining ; aperture rounded, slightly contracted at the base by the thickening and inflection of the lip ; lip slightly reflected, white, thickened within ; base somewhat convex, umbilicus covered ; general color greenish-yellow, more or less dark ; sometimes plain, but generally variously banded with dark reddish-brown. Diameter about three fourths of an inch. The animal has the head and neck blackish, with a slight tinge COLIMACEA. MOLLUSCA. HELIX. 173 of brown ; tentacula smoky ; eyes black ; base of foot inky, tip dirty flesh-color ; respiratory orifice surrounded by a dark circle ; length about twice the diameter of the shell. Inhabits the sea-coast, and is common on the lower parts of Cape Cod and Cape Ann. It is very abundant on Salt Island, near Gloucester. It has been noticed in the region of Portland, Maine, and along the banks of the St. Lawrence. This species, so abundant in Europe, and so well known in every cabinet, has been undoubtedly imported to this continent, and has not as yet made great advances into the interior. The specimens first discovered by Dr. Binney were all of the plain, greenish-yellow va- riety ; and, though he could not fail to perceive their affinity to the H. hortensis, he thought he discovered differences enough to entitle them to a specific distinction, and therefore described them under the name H. sub-glolbsa. But numerous specimens have since been brought from the same vicinity, bearing all the various zones of the European specimens. His remarks on the manner in which the epiphragm, which closes up the orifice in winter, is formed, are curious. Unlike other American species, they are not found burrowing under stones and decayed leaves, but on the ground, and crawling up the stems of plants. The best authorities now regard the H. hortensis of authors as merely a variety of H. nemoralis, Lin., with a white instead of a dark lip. HELIX TRIDENTA'TA. Shell depressed, yellowish horn-colored ; whorls obliquely wrinkled ; aperture contracted, three-lobed, two teeth on the outer lip, and a curved one on the pillar ; lip reflexed, white ; umbilicus deep. FIGURE 115. State Coll., No. 103. Soc. Cab., No. 1019. Helix tridentata, SAY ; Nich. Encyc., (Amer. ed.) iv. FE'RUSSAC ; Hist, des Moll., pi. 51, f. 3. DESHAYES ; Encyc. M6th., Vers, ii. 213. LAM.; An. sans Vert., viii. 115. WOOD; Index, Suppl., pi. 7, f. 2. BINNEY; Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., iii. pi. 22, f. 1. Shell flattened, slightly convex above and below, yellowish horn-colored ; whorls four and a half to six, slightly convex, 174 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. crossed obliquely with numerous fine and regular lines of growth ; aperture contracted, rendered trilobate by the presence of two small, pointed teeth on the outer lip ; opposite the middle lobe, placed, obliquely on the inner lip, is a thin, somewhat curved, white tooth ; lip broad, white, partially reflected, with a constric- tion behind it ; umbilicus not large, deep, and partly covered by the extremity of the reflected lip. Diameter about half an inch. Jlnimal dark-bluish slate-color, deeper on the head, back and tentacula ; foot nearly twice as long as the diameter of the shell. This well-marked species is not found near the sea-coast, and but rarely in the forests, at the western part of this State. It in- habits all the Atlantic States, and those north of the Ohio. It varies much in size and other respects, in different localities. Specimens from this region have the lip narrow, the teeth small, the aperture but slightly contracted, the spire depressed, and are of a medium size. In Ohio it is larger, in Florida much smaller. Dr. Binney regards the H. fallax of Say, as a variety of this species, in which the spire is more elevated, and the parts about the aperture greatly developed, so that the aperture is nearly closed by the teeth and the stricture behind the lip ; the upper lip-tooth has often two or three points, and the tooth on the inner lip extends quite to the base of the shell, so as to unite with the extremity of the lip. The middle one of the three lobes is smallest, and their outline reg- ularly arched, so as to resemble somewhat the ace of clubs. HELIX MO'NODON. Shell rather depressed, dusky horn-color, hispid ; aperture semilunar ; lip white, reflexed ; with a single elongated tooth fixed obliquely to the pillar ; umbilical region excavated. FIGURE 113. State Coll., No. 105. Soc. Cab., No. 1054. Helix monodon, RACKETT ; Lin. Trans., xiii. 42, pi. 8, f. 2. BINNEY ; Bost. Journ. JVof. Hist., Hi. pi. 14, f. 1. Shell slightly convex ; whorls five or six, narrow, diminishing very gradually in breadth from the outer whorl to the apex, mark- ed with very fine lines of growth, and covered with a dark russet COLIMACEA. MOLLUSCA. HELIX. 175 or chestnut-colored epidermis, which is beset with very minute, hair-like projections ; aperture contracted by a deep groove be- hind the lip ; lip white, narrow, reflexed, a little grooved on its face, extending on the base to the umbilicus and slightly contract- ing it, and its outer edge not projecting beyond the surface of the whorl ; umbilicus deep, not exhibiting all the volutions, partially covered by the lip ; base rounded, very much excavated at the umbilical region, with a compressed, elongated white tooth at the edge of the aperture. Greatest diameter nearly half an inch. Animal yellowish-brown, darker on the head and tentacula. Foot narrow, cylindrical, half as long again as the diameter of the shell, terminating in a point. Eyes black. Found in the middle and western parts of this State, sometimes in forests with other species, but more commonly on the hill-side pastures under stones, where other species rarely occur. Two individuals are commonly found together. It is also found in the Northern and Northwestern States. The hairy processes are most conspicuous in young shells, but are often wanting at every stage of growth. The oblique lines of growth are so minute, that the shell often appears quite smooth and shining. This species and H.fraterna of Say are very similar, if not identi- cal. He separates his species on account of the almost invariable closure of the umbilicus, and Dr. Binney, in his " Monograph," adopts Mr. Say's opinion. If they are the same, the name monodon has the claim to priority. HELIX HIRSUTA. Shell globular, hairy, chestnut-colored ; aperture very narrow ; outer lip reflexed, having a fissure on its inner margin ; pillar lip with a long, compressed tooth ; umbilicus closed. FIGURE 116. State Coll., No. 104. Soc. Cab., 1017. Helix hirsuta, SAY; Journ. Acad.Nat. Sc., i. 17, ii. 161. FE'RUSSAC ; Hist, des Moll., pi. 50 A. f. 1 to 3. DESHAYES ; Encyc. M&th.,Vers, ii. 253, No. 117. LAM. ; An. sans Vert., viii. 113. BINNEY ; Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., iii. pi. 14, f. 3. Helix fraterna, WOOD ; Index, Suppl., pi. 8, f. 16. Stenotrema convexa, RAFINESQUE ; 176 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. Shell nearly globular ; whorls five, rounded ; suture distinct ; epidermis brownish, covered with numerous sharp, rigid hairs ; aperture very narrow, almost closed by an elongated, lamelliform tooth, situated on the pillar lip, and extending from the centre of the base nearly to the junction of the lip with the outer whorl ; lip narrow, very much depressed and reflected against the body whorl, with a deep cleft or fissure near the centre of the inner margin ; base convex ; umbilicus wholly closed. Greatest diam- eter 1 inch, ordinary size less than i inch diameter. Animal whitish, head and tentacula slate-colored ; foot slender, semi-transparent, length less than twice the breadth of the shell ; cavity of the tentacula apparent when they are drawn in, by two dark lines, with a whiter space between. Found to the west of Connecticut River, not common. In the 'Middle and Western States it is abundant. This very peculiar snail is at once distinguished from every other species by the singular fissure on the inner edge of the lip. There is sometimes a minute, tooth-like process on the inner and upper part of the lip, which is visible only on looking into the aperture. Sometimes its hairy vesture covers it at every part ; at other times it is quite smooth. Dr. Binney has once or twice noticed a white band on the body whorl. HELIX PULCHE'LLA. Shell minute, white, depressed ; whorls four, suture deep ; aper- ture circular, lip reflexed, thickened; umbilicus large. FIGURE 102. State Coll., No. 41. Soc. Cab., No. 1056. Turbo helicinus, LIGHTFOOT ; Lond. Phil. Trans. 1786. Helix pulchella, MULLER; Verm. Hist., fyc. No. 232,30. DRAPARNATD ; Hist. 4/-C., 112, pi. 7, f. 30 to 34. BRARD ; Moll., 56, t. 2, f. 9. ALDER ; Mag. Zool. and Bot., ii. 109. LAM., An. sans Vert.) viii. 76. DESHAYES ; Encyc. Meth., Vers, ii. 440. FE'RUSSAC ; Hist, des Moll., No. 173. BINNEY; Bost. Journ. JVat. Hist., iii. pi. 13. Helix paludosa, MONTAGU; Test. Brit., 440. RACKETT; Lin. Trans., viii. pi. 5, f. 5. Turbo paludosus, TURTON ; Conch. Diet., 228. Helix minuta, SAY; Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. } i. 123. COLIMACEA. MOLLUSCA. HELIX. 177 Zurama pulchella, LKACH; Mollusc., 108. GRAY ; Edit, of Turton's Brit. Land., and Fr Water Shells, 141. Lucena pulchella, HARTMANN ; t. 1, f. 6. Shell minute, semi-transparent, white, or very light horn-color, thin, depressed ; whorls four, very minutely marked with lines of growth, the last spreading at the mouth like a trumpet ; suture deeply impressed ; aperture circular, the lip very nearly sur- rounding it, much thickened, white, and reflected ; umbilicus large, exhibiting all the volutions within. Diameter one tenth of an inch. Jlnimal pale, semi-transparent. Rather common in the vicinity of Boston, under stones in rich soil, and about .decaying stumps. It is probably abundant in all parts of this State, and has been noticed in Ohio, and on the banks of the Missouri as high up as Council Bluffs. This very minute snail is a very beautiful shell when examined by a magnifier. It has rather the external characters of CycUstoma than of Helix. It agrees with the H. pulchella of Muller in all respects, except that it is never supplied with the sharp, parallel ribs which are frequently found on the foreign specimens, though by no means con- stantly. It is thought by some to have been introduced from Europe. But, as Dr. Binney remarks, " it does not seem possible that so small an animal, if naturalized since the arrival of Europeans, could have been able to penetrate to the remote points in the interior of the con- tinent where it is now found." HELIX ALTERNA'TA. Shell orbicular, depressed, fawn-colored, barred with oblique, zigzag lines of dusky ; whorls five or six, with prominent wrinkles at the lines of growth ; Zip simple ; umbilicus large and deep. FIGURE 114. State Coll., No. 99. Soc. Cab., No. 1045. Helix alternata, SAY ; Nicholson's Encyc., (Amer. ed.), iv. pi. 1, f. 2. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc., ii. 161. FERUSSAC ; Hist. Nat. des Moll., pi. 79, f. 8, 9, 10. DESHAYES; Eneyc. Meth., Vers, ii. 219. BINNEY ; Bost. Journ. Jfat. Hist., iii. pi. 32. Helix scabra, LAM.; An. sans Vert., viii. 66. Helix radiata, GMELIN ; Syst., 3674, No. 73. LISTIR ; Conch., t. 70, f. 69. 23 178 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. Shell orbicular, depressed, slightly convex above and below ; general tint a light fawn-color, which, on the upper surface, al- ternates, in about equal proportions, with oblique, zigzag bars of dark-brown ; these bars grow narrower and lighter on the lower surface as they converge to the umbilicus ; they are generally in- terrupted by a light-colored zone which issues from the middle of the inner margin of the aperture ; whorls five to six, flattened above, conspicuously plaited at the lines of growth so as to pro- duce a rough surface above, but nearly smooth beneath ; the shell has a sharp dividing line between the upper and lower surfaces in all its earlier stages, which disappears only at maturity, forming a circular aperture, slightly modified by the preceding whorl ; lip simple and delicate ; umbilicus large and deep, exhibiting all the volutions. Diameter often an inch. Jlnimal with the head and tentacula of a light slate-color, back brown, remainder of the upper surface brownish-orange ; eyes black ; base of foot drab-colored ; collar saffron. Tentacula one third of an inch long, blackish at tip. Foot not much exceeding the di- ameter of the shell, terminating in a broad, flat, obtuse tip ; a light marginal line runs along the foot from the head to the posterior tip. Found everywhere in old forests and in moist situations under decaying logs and stumps. In this State it is not often found near the sea-coast. Dr. Yale, however, has observed numerous dead specimens on Martha's Vineyard. The shell varies in being more or less depressed, and the wrinkles more or less obvious ; sometimes no bars are observable on the lower surface. The animal and its tentacula are proportionally shorter than in our other species. Its habits are gregarious, so that several are usually found in company. HELIX STRIATELLA. Shell small, orbicular, depressed, rufous ; whorls six, with prom- inent lines of growth ; aperture declining, rounded ; lip simple ; base widely and deeply umbilicated. FIGURE 112. State Coll., No. 93. Soc. Cab., No. 2391. Helix striatella, ANTHONY ; Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist , iii. 278, pi. 3, f. 2, BINNEY ; Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., iii. pi. 28, f. 3. COLIMACEA. MOLLUSCA. HELIX. 179 Shell small, orbicular, very much depressed, almost discoidal, of a uniform reddish horn-color ; whorls four, flattened above and rounded below, separated by a well-defined suture, delicately wrinkled by the elevated and sharp lines of growth, and in all im- mature stages presenting a sharpened or carinated edge at the circumference ; aperture rounded, declining, somewhat broader than high ; lip simple and thin ; lower surface rendered cup- shaped by a broad and deep umbilicus, whose diameter is nearly that of the outer volution. Diameter about one fourth of an inch. The animal has the tentacula bluish-black ; margin, and pos- terior part of foot, white. Foot transparent, less than twice the diameter of the shell in length ; terminating acutely. Found abundantly in all parts of this State, about old stumps, and under the bark of decaying logs. The cup-shaped base, and beautifully raised lines of growth, suf- ficiently designate this shell. Its form is like that of H. rotundata of Europe, which, however, is checkered by darker bars, like our H. alternata. This is the shell, which, till recently, has been regarded as the H. perspectiva of Say. Several gentlemen in Ohio, where both species are found, have for some years discriminated the two shells; and in January, 1839, Mr. J. G. Anthony communicated to the Boston So- ciety of Natural History a description of this species. After mature examination, conchologists have become satisfied that the Massachu- setts shell is the H. striatella, and that H. perspectiva is not found in this region. The differences are, that H. striatella is altogether a more delicate shell in structure and marking, the number of whorls is one less, the color is lighter, and the shell smaller ; the sharp ex- ternal edge is also more conspicuous, and, looking into the throat, we do not find the tooth-like thickening which exists within the lower margin of H. perspectiva. Mr. Anthony also observes, that it is found in low lands, near running streams, and never about rotten logs, the common residence of H. perspectiva. This, however, does not accord with its habits in Massachusetts. HELIX LINEATA. Shell small, discoidal, green ; whorls four, with fine, elevated, parallel, revolving lines ; aperture narrow, semi-lunar ; Up simple ; 180 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. throat with two or more pairs of teeth ; umbilicus broad and deep. FIGURE 103. State Coll., No. 108. Soc. Cab., No. 2393. Helix lineata, SAY ; Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc., i. 18, ii. 273. FERUSSAC ; Hist. Nat. des Moll., pi. 79, f. 1. BINNEY ; Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., iii. pi. 29, f. 3. Shell minute, discoidal, flat above, concave beneath, greenish ; whorls about four, flat above, higher than broad, separated by a distinctly impressed suture, covered with numerous, parallel, raised, revolving lines ; otherwise smooth ; aperture narrow, semi-lunar ; lip simple and thin ; umbilicus wide and deep, ex- hibiting each volution to the apex. Within the aperture, on the external wall, are placed two pairs of white, conical teeth, the first pair in sight on looking into the aperture, the other more remote, and seen only through the semi-transparent shell. Di- ameter one eighth of an inch, usually less. Animal whitish, transparent, thread-like. Found in this, and all the other New England States, and in Pennsylvania. It has been noticed, for the most part, under the bark, or in the interstices, of rotten wood ; sometimes under stones and leaves in damp places. At first sight, one would be disposed to call this shell a Planorbis rather than a Helix. Perhaps it is the P. paralUlus, of Say. Its wheel-shaped form, greenish color, revolving raised lines, and singular teeth, are characters which cannot be mistaken. One pair of these teeth may always be found and seen ; and in one instance Dr. Binney noticed even a third pair still farther within the whorl. HELIX CELLARIA. Shell orbicular, depressed, thin, pellucid, glistening, smooth ; whorls five, flattened ; aperture rounded ; lip simple ; umbilicus deep. FIGURE 104. State Coll., No. 97. Soc. Cab., No. 1059. Helix cellkria, MULLER ; Verm. Hist., No. 230. CHEMN. ; Conch., ix. t. 127, f. 1129, 1,2. FERUSSAC; Hist. Nat. des Moll, No. 212. DESHAYES; Encyc. COLIMACEA. MOLLUSCA. HELIX. 181 M6th., Vers, ii. 215. LAM. ; An. sans Vert., viii. 71. BINNEY ; Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., Hi. pi. 26, f. 2. Helix nitida, DRAPARNAUD ; Moll., pi. 8, f. 23 to 25. Helix nitens, MATON and RACKETT ; Lin. Trans., viii. 198, pi. 5, f. 7. BRARD ; Hist, des Moll, 34, pi. 2, f. 2. Helix glaphyra, SAY ; Nicholson's Encyc., (Amir, ed.), iv. pi. 1, f. 3. Zonites cellarius, GRAY'S Turton, fyc., 170, pi. 4, f. 40. Zonites lucida, LEACH ; Mss. Shell small, orbicular, depressed, concave beneath, thin, pellu- cid, smooth, and glistening ; whorls five, slightly convex, with minute, almost imperceptible lines of growth, otherwise highly polished ; color light-greenish, horn-colored above, drab-colored beneath, or milky-white. Aperture rounded, but broader than high ; lip simple, very thin and sharp ; base elegantly rounding into a rather large and deep umbilicus. Diameter rather less than half an inch. Animal has its upper surface light indigo-blue, darkest on the head, neck, and tentacula, collar greenish, eyes black. Foot narrow and slender, not much exceeding in length the diameter of the shell, and terminating acutely. Found in gardens, damp cellars, about cisterns, and similar moist and fertile localities. wi i There can. be no doubt that the H. glaphyra of Say is identical ith the H. celldria of Miiller ; a comparison of shells of the same size and growth showing them to be absolutely similar in every re- spect. It was probably imported from Europe, as it may have easily been, about water casks, green-house plants, &c. It seems as yet to be confined to the Northeastern and Middle States. The shell which is very commonly found marked as H. gla- phyra is the H. inornata, SAY, in an immature state. This is a less delicate shell, but in its earlier stages, when there is but a small um- bilicus, there is no inconsiderable resemblance between the two, and it would accord well with the description ; but no one familiar with the present species would ever mistake one for the other. HELIX INDENTA'TA. Shell orbicular, depressed, very thin and shining ; whorls four, the external one marked with rather distant impressed lines radi- ating from the closed umbilicus ; lip simple. 182 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. FIGURE 109. State Coll., No. 106. Soc. Cab., No. 1058. Helix indentata, SAY; Journ. Acad. JYa*. Sc., ii. 372. BINNEY j Bost. Journ. Mat. Hist., iii. pi. 29, f. 1. Shell small, orbicular, very low conical, thin, pellucid, very light horn-color, highly polished and shining ; whorls four, slight- ly convex, the whole spire having a conical slope from the apex to the edge ; the outer one rapidly increasing, marked with some- what remote, sub-equidistant impressed lines, in the direction of the lines of growth, the intervening spaces very smooth ; suture moderately deep ; aperture large, well rounded ; lip simple ; base having the umbilical region deeply excavated, but not perforated, with very few exceptions, the lip usually terminating at the cen- tral point. Diameter one fifth of an inch, sometimes more. Animal bluish-black upon the upper parts ; margin and pos- terior extremity lighter. Found in company with H. arborea and H. striatella, about decaying stumps and logs. At Oak Island, in Chelsea, I have found it abundantly. It has been noticed in New Jersey, Penn- sylvania, and Ohio. This species is of about the same size as H. arborea. Its color is much lighter, its apex less depressed, its whorls less in number by one, the outer whorl increases much more rapidly, its umbilicus is usually closed ; and, moreover, the impressed lines, which look like water lines, or the lines on a gooseberry, apparently radiating from the umbilicus, are entirely characteristic, and distinguish it from every other species. They are not readily discerned without a magnifier. HELIX ARBOREA. Shell small, orbicular, depressed, thin, pellucid, shining ; brownish horn-colored ; whorls four, minutely wrinkled ; aperture rounded ; lip simple ; umbilicus open. FIGURE 110. State Coll., No. 96. Soc. Cab., No. 1057. Helix arborea, SAY ; Nicholson's Encyc., (Amtr. ed.), iv. pi. 4, f. 4. FERUSSAC ; Hist. Nat. des Moll., No. 219. BINNEY ; Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., iii. pi. 26, f. 1. COLIMACEA. MOLLUSCA- HELIX. 183 Shell small, orbicular, slightly elevated, the apex a little de- pressed, concave beneath, brownish horn-colored, smooth, thin, fragile, pellucid, shining ; whorls fine, slightly rounded above, separated by a well-impressed suture, marked with very fine lines of growth, more decidedly wrinkled at the suture ; beneath very smooth, regularly rounding into a moderately large, deep, and well-developed umbilicus ; aperture rounded ; lip simple and thin. Diameter commonly one fifth of an inch, sometimes one fourth. Animal has the head and tentacula blackish, upper parts bluish, posterior parts whitish, transparent. Foot thin and narrow. 'A very common species, always to be found about decaying stumps, old logs, &c. It has been noticed in nearly every part of the continent. This shell has very little to distinguish it except its very simple structure. It is like H. celldria except in its smaller size. Helix in- dentdta and guldris have both a similar size and external appearance ; but the first is known by its distant, impressed, radiating lines, and the second by the peculiar tooth within its aperture. Ferussac supposed it to be a variety of H. lucida, Drap. ; but our shell has the umbilical region more excavated, and the umbilicus larger ; there is also one whorl less, in shells of the same size, so that the surface appears less crowded. The aspect of the two shells, on comparison, is sufficiently diverse. H. electrina has also one whorl less, and has a much more polished appearance. Occasionally, a thickening of the shell seems to take place at inter- vals, so as to produce an opaque appearance. HELIX ELECTRINA. Shell small, depressed, pellucid, fragile, amber-colored ; whorls four, conspicuously wrinkled by the lines of growth ; aperture rounded ; lip simple ; umbtlicated. FIGURE 111. State Coll., No. 107. Soc. Cab., No. 2392. In the size, depressed-conical shape of the upper surface, the number of whorls, and the rapid enlargement of the lowest whorl, this shell corresponds with H. indentata. It differs in its darker, 184 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. smoky horn-color, its constant umbilicus, its rather thick and shining lip, and its whitish wrinkles, which, instead of being remote, are crowded as in other species. From H. arborea it differs in having one whorl less, the last one dilating ; its apex not being depressed, its thinner, more shining structure, and its somewhat smaller umbilicus. In H. arborea the outer lip lias a flexuous curve, but is nearly a direct section of the whorl in this. Though all of the same size and general appearance, the three may be readily separated, when seen in company. Indeed, its claims as a distinct species are not very obvious without viewing the three together. It may be briefly described by saying, that it resembles H. indentdta above, and H. arborea beneath. This shell was first discovered by Mr. T. J. Whittemore, about the borders of Fresh Pond, in Cambridge, where it has since been found abundantly by him and by myself, under fragments of board in damp places, near the water's edge, in company with H. chersina and Pupa modesta. I have never seen it in company with either H. indentdta or H. arborea ; and it seems to differ widely from them in its habits, in thus preferring the vicinity, and even the intrusion, of water. Pro- fessor Adams informs me, that he has selected numerous specimens of this species from among small snails collected by him in Missouri. HELIX LABYRINTHICA. Shell minute, conic-globose ; whorls six, with conspicuous oblique lines ; lip reflected ; aperture with one or two teeth prolonged within it ; umbilicus minute. FIGURE 106. State Coll., No. 109. Soc. Cab., No. 1030. Helix labyrinthica, SAY j Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc., i. 124. Nicholson's Encyc., (Amer. ed.), iv. FERUSSAC ; Hist. Nat. des Moll., pi. 51 B. f. 1. BINNEY ; Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., iii. pi. 24, f. 1. Shell small, rounded-conical, apex obtuse ; spire elevated, whorls six, separated by a well-marked suture, with conspicuous, oblique- lines or ridges at regular distances ; epidermis dark brownish horn-color ; aperture small ; outer lip thickened, and somewhat reflected, often rose-colored ; inner lip with a long, COLIMACEA. MOLLUSCA. HELIX. 185 raised line or tooth, which appears to revolve within the shell parallel to the suture, and sometimes a second nearer to the base, less conspicuous, and terminating farther within the aperture ; beneath flat, umbilical region impressed, and the umbilicus minute. Greatest diameter one tenth of an inch, height nearly as much. Jlnimal has the head slate-colored above, the tentacula quite dark ; foot white as printing paper, linear ; space between the four tentacula and neck lighter colored. Found in various parts of this State, usually in the fissures of decaying wood, or under fragments of wood in moist places, or in beds of decaying leaves. It inhabits a wide range of territory, having been found as far distant as Missouri. It is not frequently found, however, on account of its minuteness, and its dusky color. It is readily distinguished from other species by the remarkable raised lines revolving within the aperture. Usually, but one of them exists ; but when both are present, their parallel position gives them a close resemblance to the track of a rail-road. The oblique plaiting of the whorls is very conspicuous, and renders the exterior quite beauti- ful. The outer lip in fresh specimens has a rose-colored tint. The shell varies considerably in the elevation of the spire, being sometimes much flattened, and again it has a pointed apex. HELIX CHERSINA. Shell minute, globose-conic, pellucid, very smooth and shining ; whorls six, suture deep ; aperture narrow ; lip simple ; umbilicus closed. FIGURE 105. State Coll., No. 110. Soc. Cab., No. 2394. Helix chersina, SAY ; Journ. Jicad. Nat. Sc., ii. 156. BINNEY j Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., iii. pi. 24, f. 3. Shell minute, sub-globose-conic, thin, pellucid, very smooth and shining, of a smoky horn-color ; whorls separated by a deep suture, and so crowded that they appear much higher than broad, and present an elevated, somewhat turretted spire, with a rounded apex ; they are so smooth that scarcely any traces of the lines of growth are visible ; aperture semi-lunar, narrow, 24 186 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. much higher than broad, of about an equal width above and below; lip simple ; base convex, umbilical region indented, but closed. Diameter about one tenth of an inch, height some- what less. Found abundantly about the margin of Fresh Pond, under fragments of wood, in company with Succinea ovalis, Pupa mo- desta, &c., and also in moist beds of leaves in forests. It has been found in Vermont, and Mr. Say originally found it in Georgia, so that it is a widely spread species. This is a very well marked shell, not liable to be confounded with any other species except H. labyrinthica, which is of about the same size and shape. But the coarsely wrinkled surface of the one, and the polished, highly reflecting surface of the other, are distinctions which strike the eye at once ; if any thing further is needed, the parallel ridges within the mouth of H. labyrinthica will put the question beyond doubt. When viewed from above, its numerous, narrow, accurately adjusted volutions render it a very beautiful object. -i;iji;9*l '-"'i'-'P " ( f''r>\'tu :.nL f ii. 90. LAM. ; An. sans Vert., viii. 339. Shell ovate-conical, broadest at about the upper third, where there is a faint angle, thin, translucent, of a brownish horn-color, smooth and shining, often becoming eroded, wrinkled lengthwise, with occasional broken revolving lines, very minute ; whorls five 198 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. or six, the lower one three fourths of the length of the shell, the others, separated by a distinct suture, and flattened, form a short, blunt spire ; aperture long and narrow, broadest below ; outer lip thin and sharp, the posterior third suddenly bending inwards joins the body of the shell by a very acute angle ; the inner lip, usually covered with enamel, has two folds upon it, a transverse one be- low the middle, and another formed by the outer lip as it rises and turns within the shell ; this portion is usually white ; within the outer lip are occasionally to be found from one to four elevated, white, revolving ridges, not reaching the edge of the lip. Length ^ inch, breadth T \ inch, divergence 68. Inhabits marshes that are occasionally overflowed by the tide, and never far below high-water mark. They frequently crawl up the stems of grasses at the margins of inlets, apparently to escape the rising tide. In October, 1839, I observed great numbers of them at Oak Island, a small, wooded upland spot in Chelsea, sur- rounded by salt marsh. They were burying themselves under the leaves, and in the loose earth at the base of rotten stumps. This spot is now never overflowed by the tide. I have also two specimens brought from Windsor, Vermont, which I was assured were obtained there, living with Planorbis armigerus. The animal is reddish-brown above, paler beneath, foot about the length and breadth of the shell, broad before, and bluntly pointed behind, the margins somewhat scolloped, or undulated, and divided across at about the anterior third ; tentacula slender and tapering, the eyes at the inside of the base ; rostrum nearly as long as the tentacula, with an expanded lobe each side. This shell, with its kindred species, is very peculiar in its structure and habits. It belongs to the genus MELA'MPUS of Montfort, CONO'V- ULTJS of Lamarck ; but it seems to be the received opinion that there are no characters to authorize a separation from AURI'CULA. The perfect shells are smooth and brown, with usually three or four darker, narrow bands ; but the shells soon become eroded, and the surface is left rough, and of a greyish color. The ridges within the outer lip are not seen except in aged shells. There is an English shell named Valuta bidentata, which, if it is not a variety of V. denticuldta, would form a species under this genus. In that case we must adopt the specific name A. cornea for our shell, given by Deshayes. COLIMACEA. MOLLUSCA. AURICULA. 199 AURI'CULA DENTICULA'TA. Shell ovate-conical, smooth, reddish horn-color; spire elevated and pointed ; inner lip with three teeth ; lip reflexed. FIGURE 129. State Coll., No. 84. Soc. Cab., No. 1220. Voluta denticulata, MONTAGU ; Test. rit., 234, pi. 20, f. 5. MATON and RACK- ETT ; Lin. Trans., viii. 130. DILLWYN; CataL, i. 516. TURTON ; Conch. Diet., 249. BERKEI.Y ; Zool. Journ., v. pi. 19, f. 3, (animal.) Actseon denticulatus, FLEMING ; Brit. Anim.^ 337. Jaminea denticulata, LEACH ; BROWN ; Conch, of Great Brit., 4/-c., pi. 51, f. 6. Conovulus denticulatus, GRAY ; in Turton's Manual, 225, pi. 12, f. 144. Auricula myosotis, JEFFREYS ; Lin. Trans., xvi. 368. DRAPARNAUD ; Hist, des Moll., pi. 3, f. 16 to 17. LAM.; An. sans Vert., viii. 330. BLAINV.J Malacol pi. 37, bis, f. 6. Cary'chium personatum, MICHAUD ; Compl. it Drap., 73, pi. 15, f. 42 to 43. Auricula personata, DESHAYES ; LAM. ; An. sans Vert., viii. 334. Shell of an elongated oval form, slightly opake, shining, horn- color, often tinted with reddish or violet ; lines of growth very faint ; spire elevated and pointed, composed of seven or eight slightly convex whorls, separated by a well-defined suture, which often has a marginal line revolving near it ; the lowest whorl much larger than all the others together ; aperture ovate, broadest below ; outer lip thin and sharp, reflexed and white, joining the preceding whorl by a very acute angle ; on the inner lip the adult shell has three white folds or teeth ; the lower one formed by the turning of the lip within the aperture ; the second tooth-like and nearly transverse, thin and prominent, a little below the mid- dle of the inner margin ; and a third, minute one, a little above; the lower portion of the left margin expands a little, and conceals a very minute umbilicus ; two or three teeth are also sometimes found within the outer lip. Length T 3 T inch, breadth ? 5 7 inch, divergence 35. Found in the crevices of decaying wooden wharves, about and below high-water mark, in shaded situations. Mmal very light drab-color, head and tentacula darker and wrinkled ; tentacula about one tenth of an inch in length, globose at tip, the eyes kidney-shaped, and seated on a slight enlargement 200 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. at the inner base of the tentacula ; foot about half the length and width of the shell, rounded behind, two-lobed in front, and transversely divided at the anterior third. Respiratory orifice far back, on the right side. This little shell is very readily distinguished from any other found on our coast, and seems to be another of the connecting links between the land and water shells, or rather, between those which breathe air, and those which breathe water. It has, accordingly, been frequently transferred from one genus to another, according to the conjectures of different writers. I have arranged it where Guilding placed it rather doubtfully, after a series of experiments as to the nature of its respiration. Its habits certainly associate it with the preceding species. It is widely distributed over the seas, and is doubtless conveyed to great distances on floating pieces of decaying timber. It varies much in its characters according to its age. Its color varies from light horn-color to deep violet, and sometimes it becomes opake-white. There is usually a single revolving line of . rigid hairs just before the suture. When young, it is proportionally broader, and the lower whorl proportionally longer, has but two teeth, and the mar- gin of the lip is not reflexed. A third, and sometimes a fourth, tooth appears at maturity, and also some teeth or tubercles within the right lip. This is, indeed, made a part of its character by European writers ; but, of several specimens sent me by Mr. Sowerby, only one had them. In fact it must be very doubtful whether the species described under the names of bidentata, triplicata, pusillus, alba, ringens, reflexa, and perhaps Firmini, are any thing more than modifications by age, acci- dent, and locality, of this same species. FAMILY UMNEANJ1, LAM. Shell spiral, generally smooth externally, and having the outer margin of the aperture always sharp, and not reflexed. i GENUS PLANORBIS, LAM. Shell discoidal, whorls apparent above and below, aperture crescent-shaped, remote from the axis of the shell; operculum wanting ; animal with thread-like tentacula. HMNEANA. MOLLUSCA. PLANORBIS. 201 PLANORBIS TRIVOLVIS. Shell concave on both sides ; whorls four, strongly carinated on the left side ; aperture acutely angulated by the carina, right mar- gin extending beyond the plane of that side. 131. State Coll., No. 94. Soc. Cab., No. 1275. Cochlea trium orbium, LISTER; Conch., pi. 140, f. 46. PETIVER; GazophyL, pi. 106, f. 17. Planorbis trivolvis, SAY ; Nicholsons Encyc., (Winter, erf.,) iv. pi. 2, f. 2. dmer. Conch., pi. 54, f. 2. Shell orbicular, yellowish-white, brownish, or chestnut-color ; umbilicated on the right side, cup-shaped on the left ; on the right side scarcely three volutions, separated by a profound suture, are visible, as they disappear in the umbilicus, their faces, especially those of the interior whorls, being slightly carinated ; on the left side at least four" whorls are seen, which, by their faces, form a cup-shaped depression, scarcely distinguished by the suture, except the last half of the outer whorl, on the whole of which a well-marked carina revolves, forming a margin to the cup ; the carina gives the whorl a flattened appearance on this side ; surface covered with fine, regular, raised, transverse lines, somewhat grooved between them ; aperture sub-ovate, inclining to the right, its right margin more advanced than the left, broadly and regularly rounded ; left lip abruptly angulated where the carina terminates ; lip usually thickened within, and of a reddish brown-color. Large diameter T \ inch, small diameter T \ inch. Jlnimal dark-russet or dusky, covered with pale-yellowish dots. Found in the western parts of this State in rivers and ponds. It is widely extended over the Northern and Western States. Planorbis corpulentus of Say seems little else than an exuberant growth of this shell. The following differences may be noted. It is at least double, often three times, the size. It is a thinner shell. On the right side the revolutions are less compact, and exhibit a larger portion of each whorl ; on the left side the suture is more and the carina less distinct ; the aperture is much more expanded, and projects 26 202 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. far to each side of the preceding whorl. Inhabits the vicinity of the Great Lakes. P. trivolvis differs from the next species by its carina, and the position of its aperture. PLANORBIS LENTUS. Shell concave on both sides ; whorls four, sub-carinate on the left side ; aperture nowhere distinctly angular, right margin in the plane of that side. FIGURE 132. State Coll., No. 83. Soc. Cab., No. 1270. Planorbis lentus, SAY; Amer. Conch., pi. 54, f. 1. Shell orbicular, each whorl encircling the preceding, greenish horn-color at the circumference, yellowish at the sides and bor- dering the aperture ; on the right side concave, exhibiting scarcely three rounded volutions, separated by a well-defined suture, and disappearing in a deep umbilicus ; left side presents a shallow cup, formed of four compact, slightly carinated whorls, dis- tinguished by a tolerably distinct suture ; surface marked with raised, sub-equidistant lines of growth ; aperture large, ovate, in- clining to the right ; lip on the right side slightly curved, lying in the plane of that side of the shell ; in front, regularly and broadly arched ; on the left side it stands out considerably beyond the preceding whorl, and undergoes a sudden curve before its junction with that whorl ; the lip is sharp, very slightly spreading, and thickened within, by dark reddish-brown callus. Greater di- ameter y 7 ^ inch, smaller diameter ^ inch. Animal dark olivaceous above and below ; foot oval, about one half the diameter of the shell in length, minutely dotted beneath, and frosted above with amber dots ; these are abundant about the bases of the tentacula ; edges of mouth honey-yellow ; motions sluggish. Found abundantly in all our ponds, small brooks, and stagnant pools. This is a somewhat darker shell than P. trivolvis, and is distinguish- ed from it by its left side and its aperture. The cup of the left side is less smooth and regular, and is not bounded by the sharp, etevated LIMNEANA. MOLLUSCA. PLANORBIS. 203 line ; when this shell is laid upon its right or upper side, the lip of that side will scarcely touch the plane on which it lies, while, in P. trivolvis, the shell would be lifted by the lip ; the aperture has not the sharp angle of the left side, produced by the termination of the carina, but in the young stages it is difficult to distinguish the two. It is very closely allied to P. corneus of Europe ; but in that shell the left side is scarcely concave, and the suture is deep ; the aperture is nearly or- bicular, being almost equally rounded on both sides. This shell has hitherto generally borne the name of P. trivolvis in New England ; but it is not the trivolvis of Say, and is either his P. lentus or a new species. PLANORBIS BICARINA'TUS. Shell deeply concave on both sides ; whorls three ; strongly cari- nated on both sides ; aperture abruptly arched at the carina of the left side, its lip extending far beyond the plane of the preceding whorl. FIGURE 134. State Coll., No. 81. Soc. Cab., No. 1268. Helix angulatus, RA.CKETT; Lin. Trans., xiii. 42, pi. 5, f. 1. WOOD; Index, Suppl., pi. 7, f. 12. Planorbis bicarinatus, SAY; Nicholson's Encyc., (timer, ed.,) iv. pi. 1, f. 4. timer. Conch., pi. 54, f. 3. SOWERBY; Genera. Shell orbicular, its tube rapidly increasing, deeply excavated on both sides, color brownish-yellow on the carina. Whorls rather more than three, as seen on both sides, forming on the right side a large and deep concavity, bounded by a sharp, raised line or carina, and on the left side a still deeper, inversely conic cavity, bounded by a similar carina, but of smaller circuit ; sur- face rather smooth, with faint, irregular lines of growth, most distinct on the right side ; aperture ovate, right side broadest, and on the general plane of that side of the shell ; left margin strongly modified by the carina, and extending far beyond the plane of the preceding whorl ; lip slightly expanded, white ; interior brownish, with white lines in the grooves answering to the carina. Longest diameter J inch, shortest diameter -^ inch. Animal light russet-color, beautifully dotted with amber 5 foot 204 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. tongue-shaped, nearly as long as the diameter of the shell. The strong angle of the aperture fully displays the respiratory opening, which has a jagged flap, over which lies an acute groove ; move- ments sluggish. Inhabits still waters, not so generally pools, as the margins of large ponds. Not very common. This species is smaller than either of the preceding, and is at once distinguished from them by the very obvious angularity of the whorls on both sides, and by the very deep, conical cavity of the left side. Sometimes a few faint revolving lines may be found on the surface. The tentacula of the animal are usually very long, but sometimes one or both of them seem to have been broken. PLANORBIS CAMPANULA'TUS. Shell with the last whorl distorted, concave on both sides ; whorls four, strongly carinate on the left, and sub-carinate on the right side ; throat campanulate ; aperture turned to the left. FIGURE 133. State Coll., No. 79. Soc. Cab., No. 1265. Planorbis campanulktus, SAY; Journ. Jicad. Nat. Sc., ii. 166. Shell discoidal, yellowish or brownish-green, lighter at the sides ; diameter of its tube nearly twice as great from side to side as in the contrary direction ; right side exhibiting scarcely more than two whorls, which are elevated to an obtuse ridge, and form an umbilical vortex very nearly perforating the shell ; on the right side are four volutions, distinctly separated by the suture, which are carinated, and form a shallow, salver-shaped depression ; the whorls enclose each other in a very regular spiral to the last fifth of the outer one, when there is a sudden enlargement and distor- tion towards the left, by which a large, bell-shaped throat is formed ; aperture also dilated, and strongly angular on the left side ; within glazed, reflecting light-blue and brown ; surface regularly marked with fine, transverse, raised lines, and interven- ing grooves. Greatest diameter \ inch, at right angles with this | inch, small diameter \ inch. Found in the larger collections of fresh water, at Fresh Pond, Jamaica Pond, &c. ; /r/ LIMNEANA. MOLLUSCA. PLANORBIS. 205 This shell does not attain the size of the preceding species ; and, when mature, its dilated throat distinguishes it from every other known species ; and the remarkable manner in which it is turned, as it were by violence, so as to 4ook to the left, is a still further distinc- tion. The outer whorl is everywhere of the same breadth ; and the immature shell, before the dilatation of the throat, may be known by the very regular enrolment of the whorls, and the very contracted aperture in consequence of the very unequal diameters. PLANORBIS ARMIGERUS. Shell flat on the right side, and concave on the left ; whorls four, with minute revolving lines on the concave side ; throat with five unequal teeth far within the aperture. FIGURE 138., State Coll., No. 80. Soc. Cab., No. 1264. Planorbis armigerus, SAY; Journ. Acad. Nat, Sc. t ii. 164. Shell small, brownish horn-color, or light-chestnut, orbicular ; right side nearly plane, with only a slight central pit, showing four rounded volutions, distinctly separated by the suture ; left side deeply concave, exhibiting all the whorls, which on this side are sub-carinated ; surface shining, faintly marked by the lines of growth, and, on the left side, may be distinctly seen several raised revolving lines on each of the whorls ; aperture slightly inclining to the left, rounded, and very slightly modified by the carina, very oblique ; edge of lip dark-brown ; at some distance within the throat are five white teeth, nearly closing the passage ; a large, prominent, oblique one is situated on the side of the pre- ceding whorl, and may always be seen ; a very small one is by its side ; opposite to them are the three others which are small. Larger diameter T 5 T inch, smaller diameter T ^ inch. Jlnimal very active, of a blue-black or slate-color ; foot long and narrow. The shell is carried inclined at an angle of 45. The respiratory groove is very acutely pointed. Found abundantly in shady, stagnant pools and ditches, in which an abundance of decaying vegetable matter is immersed. This common shell is well marked by its external simplicity. At the same time, the complicated armature of the aperture, so unique in 206 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. this family, would seem to entitle it to be arranged as a sub-genus. It differs from the preceding in having the umbilicus on the left in- stead of the right side, being its natural place. Mr. Haldeman pro- poses to make this species the type of a sub-genus, which he calls Planorbula. PLANORBIS HIRSU'TUS. Shell light yellowish-brown, concave on both sides, most so on the left ; whorls three ; surface beset with revolving lines of rigid hairs ; aperture large, very oblique. FIGURE 135. State Coll., No. 82. Soc. Cab., No. 1278. Planorbis hirsutus, GOULD ; Sillimaris Journ., xxxviii. 196. Shell small, somewhat transparent, of a brownish yellow-color ; both sides concave, the left rather more than the right, but the concavity is there more limited by the presence of a sub-angular ridge on the outer whorl ; whorls three, the outer one rapidly in- creasing ; surface exhibiting traces of revolving lines when de- nuded, but usually covered with a dark pigment or epidermis, bristling with rigid hairs, which are arranged in close revolving lines ; lines of growth very faint ; aperture sub-oval, oblique, its diameter from side to side shorter than in the opposite direction ; its plane very oblique. Long diameter j inch, short diameter y'j inch. Animal has the head slate-colored above, with a darker line along each tentaculum, not originating from the eyes ; foot chestnut- colored. This shell was first found by Professor C. B. Adams, in Mans- field, from whom I received it. I have since found it in several localities in Dorchester, Dedham, and Cambridge, adhering to sticks in stagnant water ; and it may doubtless be found in all similar localities. This Planorbis, though in many respects it resembles in shape P. deflictus, is readily distinguished from all other American species by the revolving hairy lines. It is the analogue of the European P. albus, from which it is difficult to designate any very characteristic difference. It is, however, a thinner shell, the last whorl increasing LIMNEANA. MOLLUSCA. PLANORBIS. 207 more rapidly ; and it maintains its yellowish horn-color, whereas P. albus assumes a spermaceti or still whiter appearance. The lines, too, disappear more entirely when the epidermis is gone. PLANORBIS ELEVATUS. Shell small, whorls three or four, swelling above, with the apex sunken, deeply concave beneath ; aperture slightly oblique. State Coll.. No. 291. Soc. Cab., No. 2417. Planorbis elevatus, ADAMS ; Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., iii. pi. 3, f. 15. Shell small, light grass-green, translucent, faintly marked with lines of growth ; whorls three and a half or four, the tube not rapidly enlarging, and considerably flattened ; whole shell flat, or slightly elevated above, the tip depressed so as to form a small pit ; below forming a deep, tunnel-shaped cavity, the whorls presenting an obscure angle as they revolve around it ; suture deeply impress- ed ; aperture slightly oblique, its upper edge on a level with the spire, or very slightly declining ; lower edge descending considera- bly below the level of the under surface ; portion of the preceding whorl embraced by the aperture constituting about one fifth of its circuit. Breadth J inch, height T ^- inch. Inhabits rivulets and pools in Norfolk and Plymouth Counties. This shell is closely allied to P. parvus and P. Mrsutus. But the first is a more depressed, discoidal shell, its upper surface more broad- ly and deeply concave, the lower surface very little more concave than the upper, and the aperture much more oblique. P. hirsutus has a still greater altitude, a very rapidly increasing tube, is deeply concave above and below, its color is lighter, and its lines of hairs, when present, afford a very marked distinction. It may possibly prove to be the immature shell of some other species. PLANORBIS DEFLECTUS. Shell concave on the left side ; whitish horn-color ; whorls four, compressed, sub-carinated, aperture greatly declining. FIGURE 136. State Coll., No. 168. Soc. Cab., No, 1266. Planorbis deflectus, SAY ; Long's 2d Exped., (dppendiz), 261, pi. 15, f. 8. 208 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. Shell small, distorted, compressed, of a light greenish-yellow color, something like dirty, bleached wax ; right side in general convex, but with the centre slightly indented, suture distinct ; left or under side concave, forming an expanded umbilicus, ex- hibiting about one half of each volution ; whorls four or five, very much compressed, and reduced to a somewhat carinated perimeter ; the last fourth of the outer whorl turns, somewhat suddenly and quite remarkably, to the left, or downwards ; aper- ture large, ovate, lip commencing below the carina, and embracing but a very small portion of the preceding whorl ; much narrower from side to side, its plane very oblique to the axis of the shell ; lip simple, very slightly everted beneath ; surface finely wrinkled by the lines of growth. Greater diameter T 3 ^ inch, small di- ameter y 1 ^ inch. Animal dusky above, and with a still darker ling to tip of tentacula. Found in all our ponds, clinging to sticks, stones, &c. It is distinguished at once, except in its very early stages, by the remarkable manner in which a portion of the last whorl is diverted from its regular course, downwards, if we consider the shell to be lying on its concave face. It is almost entirely turned off from the preceding whorls, so that the aperture comes in contact with only about half of its lower face. When immature it may be recognised by its light color and concave form. Scattered hairs may often be observed upon its surface. It has a general resemblance in its struc- ture to P. exacutus, but the constantly sharp edge of that species is a never failing mark of distinction. I must at present regard the P. virens of Adams (Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., iii. pi. 3, f. 16) as a variety of this species, in which the last whorl is not remarkably diverted from its regular course. PLANORBIS EXACUTUS. Shell lenticular, umbilicated ; whorls four, broader than high, gradually thinning to a sharp edge. FIGURE 137. State Coll., No. 95. Soc. Cab., No. 1267. Planorbis exacuous, SAY ; Journ. dead. JYat. Sc., ii. 166. LIMNEANA. MOLLUSCA. PLANORBIS. 209 Shell lenticular, light transparent horn-color ; whorls four, flattened so that the width of each is at least twice its depth, the upper and lower surfaces convex, and brought to a sharp exterior edge ; the last half of the outer whorl deflected, so that the termination of the sharp edge is on a level with the lower surface 'of the preceding whorl; inner whorls slightly depressed, and somewhat more rounded ; suture moderately impressed ; striae of growth faint ; beneath abruptly umbilicated, displaying the edges of all the whorls within ; aperture very oblique and angular ; edge very sharp, below running forwards a little along the um- bilical edge of the preceding whorl, then crossing obliquely for- wards and upwards, leaving a callus, it passes off again a little below its carinated edge. Longest diameter J inch, shorter di- ameter f\ inch. It is found in most brooks, ditches, and margins of ponds, which are permanent through the summer, adhering to sticks and stones. This shell has a striking resemblance to the P. font&na of Europe, (Lightfoot, Phil Trans., Ixxvi. pi. 2, f. 1-4. Montagu, Test. Brit., 462, pi. 6, f. 6. PI. nilidus, Mull., Turt., &c.,) except that the aper- ture is entirely below the sharp edge, instead of embracing nearly an equal portion on each side, as in that shell. It is allied to P. deflectus, Say ; but in that the whorls are more numerous, the exterior edge much rounded, the umbilical region broader and more shallow, and the labrum also embraces but half of the lower surface of the preceding whorl. Were it among the land shells it would be a most unequivocal CAHOCOLLA. I cannot but think that the name under which this shell appears in the " Journal of the Academy," is not exactly as was intended by the author, as it is neither a Latin word nor a Latin termination. Sup- posing that by a typographical error, an o has taken the place of a t, we have a legitimate term, and one very expressive of the form of the shell. PLANORBIS PARVUS. Shell very much compressed, almost equally concave on both sides ; whorls four ; surface nearly smooth ; aperture rounded. FIGURE 139. 27 210 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. State Coll., No. 77. Soc. Cab., No. 1283. Planorbis parvus, SAY ; Nicholson's Encyc., (Amer. ed.), iv. pi. 1, f. 5. Shell very small and compressed, discoidal, light-yellowish horn-color ; right side nearly plane, but excavated at the centre ; left side broadly concave ; whorls four, almost equally exhibited on both sides, the outer one usually somewhat angulated at its cir- cumference ; surface minutely marked by the lines of growth, shining, clear ; aperture rounded, rather longer than broad, not inclining to either side, its plane very oblique ; lip sharp, slightly reflected on the left side ; within bluish-white. Greatest diameter J inch, lesser diameter T l j inch, but generally much smaller. Animal whitish, dusky above, with a still darker line at tip of tentacula. Abundant in brooks and ponds. This is the smallest shell of the genus which we have, unless, per- haps, it be P. exacutus, which is commonly found of as small a size. It is not difficult to be recognised by its regular figure, and its very thin, compressed appearance. P. deflectus, armigerus, exacutus, and hirsii- tus, all have marked peculiarities, which at once separate them from this undistinguished species. PLANORBIS DILATATUS. Shell small, circumference carinated, flat above, convex below, and with a small, deep umbilicus ; whorls three ; aperture large, expanded. FIGURE 140. State Coll., No. 75. Soc. Cab., No. 2399. Shell small, of a yellowish green-color, minutely wrinkled by the lines of growth ; spire flat, composed of not more than three whorls, separated by a well-defined suture ; the outer whorl has a sharp margin on a level with the spire, diminishing near, but still modifying, the aperture ; below this line the whorl is very convexly rounded so as to encircle a small, deep, abruptly formed umbilicus. This whorl rapidly enlarges, and terminates in a very large, not very oblique aperture, with the lip expanded so as to LIMNEANA. MOLLUSCA. PHYSA. 211 make it trumpet-shaped. Largest diameter / T inch, breadth V inch. This curious little shell was found several years since on the island of Nantucket, clinging to some damp moss, and was communicated by Mr. J. M. Earle, of Worcester. Specimens of it have also been sent to me by Professor Foreman, of Balti- more. But its characters were not fully ascertained from these few specimens. In July, 1840, Mr. T. J. Whittemore found it in great numbers at Hingham, in a small pool, southeast of the Old Colony House. It has a miniature resemblance to P. Mcarinatus as to its two sides, but it has only a single carina, which encircles the shell, instead of one on each side. Its large, expanded aperture, and small, deeply sunken umbilicus, readily distinguish it from any of the small species hitherto known. The surface is rather rough, and perhaps a little hispid when viewed under the microscope. The P. lens of Lea (Amer. P kilos. Trans., New Series, vi. 68, pi. 23, f. 83), which he received from near Cincinnati, is probably the same as this shell. His name, however, is pre-occupied by a fossil species. GENUS PHYSA, DRAP. Shell reversed, oblong-ovate, spire prominent ; aperture rounded before, narrowed and angular behind, lip sharp ; inner lip twisted. Animal has thread-like tentacula, and the sharply lobed mantle is turned back upon the shell. PHYSA HETEROSTROPHA. Shell ovate, smooth, yellowish-green ; ichorls four, inflated, suture distinct, surface reticulated. FIGURE 141. State Coll., No. 73. Soc. Cab., No. 1306. Bulla fontinalis Indies Orientalis, CHEMN. ; Conch. , ix. 33, pi. 103, f. 879,880. Cochlea neritoides, LISTER ; Conch., pi. 135, f. 34. Bulla fontinalis, var. 3. GMELIN; Syst.,3407. SCHROET; Einl in Conch., t. 1, 201, Helix, No. 84. Bulla crassula, DILLWYN ; CataL, t. i. 487, No. 36. 212 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. Limnea heterostropha, SAY ; Nicholson's Encyc., (timer, ed.) t Art. Conchology, pi. 1, f. 6. Physa heterostropha, SAY ; Long'* 2d Exped., Append.^ 264. LAM. \ An. sans Vert., viii. 402. ? "> ' ' '- * - ' % -. .:,-;,. " Shell sinistral, sub-ovate ; color pale-yellow, chestnut, or blackish ; whorls four, the first large, the others very small, ter- minating rather abruptly in an acute apex ; aperture large, some- what oval, three fourths the length of the shell, or rather more ; within of a pearly lustre , often blackish ; lip a little thickened on the inside, and tinged with dull red." (SAY, in Nick. Encyc.) Ordinary length about \ inch, breadth \ inch, divergence 68. My largest specimen is T 7 ^ inch by f inch. When the shell is fresh and perfectly clean, it is always of a light greenish-yellow, and becomes a little more dusky with age. The surface, under the magnifier, appears beautifully checkered with minute, revolving, and longitudinal lines, which are also a little waved. Sometimes there are one or more whitish, opake bands, as if scratched by the mantle of the animal. The thicken- ing of the lip is found only in old specimens, and in these also there is a broad layer of pearly enamel reflected over the columella, which has also a very prominent fold. The animal is olivaceous, surface very smooth and silky ; the foot is kite-shaped, longer than the shell, terminating in an acute point ; expansions each side of the mouth acutely angled ; ten- tacula olivaceous above, light ferruginous beneath, long and thread- like. The pointed lobes of the mantle are very conspicuous. The motions of the animal are very rapid, and it seems to move with equal facility in an inverted posture, at the surface of the water. The ova are excluded, enveloped in a gelatinous substance, about twelve or fifteen in number, and of an egg-shaped form. In about a fortnight they escape from the jelly, and move about with great rapidity. In fact, they are seen in motion for some time previous, apparently struggling to disengage themselves from their nidus. This shell is everywhere to be found. Scarcely a brook or pool is met with but some of these shells will be found in it. It is more especially to be found in the running brooks. LIMNEANA. MOLLUSCA. tHYSA. 213 The difference between this and P. fontin&lis of Europe, is very slight. The spire may be a little more prolonged and acute. It is quite interesting to keep a number of them in a vessel of water, and observe their motions and habits. The manner in which they open their mouths and display the lingual organ, the manner in which they rise to the surface and open the air cavity, into which its structure permits no water to enter, and above all, the beautiful and unaccountable manner in which it glides along, will never fail to excite astonishment. They feed freely upon any kind of vegetable. We have here an instance of the interminable chain of existences, and of the subserviency of one animal to another. And it is curious, too, that, in general, we have the power to elude or subdue animals of greater strength and magnitude than ourselves, much better than we can those which are inferior to us. On looking carefully about the neck of the animal of this shell, we find him beset with numerous little things looking like short, minute, white lines, which are, in truth, little parasites (Gordius inquilinus. Mull.) attached like leeches, and which derive their nourishment from the fluids of the animal, without his having the power to dislodge them. PHYSA ANCILLA'RIA. Shell ovate-globose, pale-yellowish ; whorls /ow, smooth; suture not impressed ; aperture nearly as long as the shell. FIGURE 142. State Coll., No. 74. Soc. Cab., No. 1308. Physa aneillaria, SAY ; Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc., ii. 124. " Shell heterostrophe, sub-globose, pale-yellowish ; whorls rather more than four, very rapidly attenuated ; spire truncated, hardly elevated beyond the general curve of the surface ; suture not impressed ; aperture but little shorter than the shell, dilated ; labium a little thickened on the inner sub-margin." (SAY.) Length inch, breadth / inch, divergence 90. Found in Connecticut and Merrimack Rivers, Fresh Pond, &c. Jlnimal of a bright lemon-color. This shell is distinguished from the preceding by its much shorter spire, more angular outline, and especially by its suture, the margin of one whorl being so closely and perfectly applied to the pre- 214 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. ceding as to give the appearance of a double suture. The surface is exceedingly smooth, no revolving lines being detected by the mag- nifier. The base of the aperture is somewhat narrowed, and pro- longed downwards, and considerably effuse. The twisted fold of the columella is less conspicuous than in P. heterostropha. The shell becomes more ponderous and yellowish by age ; and the reddish rib along the outer lip, and the enamel on the columella, much thicker. PHYSA ELONGATA. Shell thin, slender, elongated, apex acute, pale-yellowish ; whorls six, polished ; suture slightly impressed ; aperture half as long as the shell FIGURE 143. State Coll., No. 284. Soc. Cab., No. 1307. Physa elongata, SAY ; Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc., ii. 171. " Shell heterostrophe, pale-yellowish, very fragile, diaphanous, oblong ; whorls six or seven ; spire tapering, acute at tip ; suture slightly impressed ; aperture not dilated, attenuated above, about half as long as the shell ; columella much narrowed near the base, so that the view may be partially extended from the base towards the apex." (SAY.) Length J inch, breadth i inch, diver- gence 34. Found in stagnant waters in all the northern and western parts of the United States. In the vicinity of Boston it is rare. Animal dusky, the head above of an orange hue ; tentacula rather short and blunt, lighter at tip ; respiratory groove long, narrow and thin, movable in various directions, almost as long as a tentacle, with two black spots like eyes near its tip. This species is easily recognised by its slender, elongated form, and the great proportionate length of the spire. It is in every respect similar to P. hypnorum of Europe, unless, perhaps, its spire may be somewhat more produced. It is not very common in Massachusetts, and is seldom found as long as the above dimensions ; while Mr. Say gives it T 7 ^ of an inch in Illinois. It probably belongs to the genus APLXUS of Gray ( Turton's Man., 255), which he institutes upon the elongated form of the shell, the LIMNEANA. MOLLUSCA. LIMNJEA. 215 want of auricles at the base of the tentacula, and the simple, entire edge of the mantle. This latter point I did not notice, when the ani- mal was before me. Mr. Say describes the animal as black, and spotless above and be- low ; tentacula with a white ring at base. He must have observed them at a more advanced age than any I have seen living ; or else the species observed are different. GENUS LIMN^EA, LAM. I Shell thin, oblong or turreted, last whorl large ; aperture large, rounded before, narrowed and acute behind, outer lip sharp, inner lip forming a fold on the pillar, and usually spreading over it. Animal with short, triangular tentacula. LIMN&'A COLUME'LLA. Shell ovate, fragile, transparent, pale-green; whorls four, the three upper ones minute, lines of growth distinct, undulated by revolving lines ; aperture ample ; umbilicus minute. FIGURE 144. State Coll., No. 68. Soc. Cab., No. 1302. Lymnae^a columella, SAY ; Nicholson's Encyc. (Amer. cd.), iv. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc., i. 15. Lymnae^us navicula, VALENC. ; Recuril d'Obs. de Zool., par Humb. et Bonpl., 251. Shell ovate, ventricose, extremely thin and fragile, transparent, of a pale-greenish or yellowish color, the apex acutely pointed ; whorls four, of which the last is much inflated, and composes nearly the whole shell ; the upper ones are very small, forming an acute apex ; surface with conspicuous and nearly regular lines of growth, minutely waved by revolving lines, some of which are distinctly elevated ; suture slightly impressed ; aperture large, four fifths the length of the shell, generally somewhat dilated ; lip very sharp, ending with a small curve behind ; on the left margin the edge is slightly turned over a minute umbilicus, and forms a considerable fold ; a thin, closely adhering enamel stretches 216 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. across from it to the angle of the aperture ; the inner lip is so arched as to display a considerable portion of the interior of the shell. Length ^ inch, breadth T 5 7 inch, divergence 68 ; of an- other specimen, length j inch, breadth T 4 T inch, divergence 56. Inhabits stagnant pools and miry places, and is common. It is found at maturity very early in the spring. The animal is large, semi-transparent, of a dusky or light-drab color, dotted with silvery white. It is very sluggish in its mo- tions. The head above is slightly tinted with lilac. This very brittle shell has rather the aspect of SUCCI'NEA, than of LIMNJE'A. It varies a good deal in form, being in some specimens rather slender, and in others broad and distended. The aperture is usually somewhat dilated, especially at its broadly-rounded base ; but occasionally the outer lip is pressed inwards. The surface is shining, and delicately corrugated by revolving lines. Var. CHALY'BEA. Fig. 145. State Coll., No. 72. The spire is more pointed, its divergence being only 50 ; the aperture is more expanded, and the fold on the inner lip more obvious. It is thin, but not very brittle, ringing like hard-burnt crockery. The last whorl is partially detached from the preced- ing one, so as to form a thread-like channel at the suture. The enamel rests loosely against the shell, and is wrinkled. The ex- terior is covered by a bluish-black pigment, not easily removed, and the interior has a steel-blue or black-lead color. This shell, which I found two years in succession in a muddy pool in Cambridge, I thought was sufficiently distinct to be regarded as a new species ; and I accordingly gave its characters under the name of Limn&a chaly'bea, in Silliman's Journal, xxxiii. 196. But as it has not been found in any other place, I am now disposed to regard it as a strongly marked local variety of L. columella. It is very possibly such a shell to which Mr. Say alludes in the " Journal of the Acad- emy of Natural Sciences," ii. 167, as " L. columella^ var. a. small, black, from Cold Water Creek, Missouri." LIMNEANA. MOLLUSCA. LIMN^A. 217 MACROSTOMA. Shell fragile, ovate, apex acute ; whorls four, lines of growth corrugated ; aperture four fifths the length of the shell, ample, ex- panded, umbilicus minute. FIGURE 148. . State Coll., No. 138. Soc. Cab., No. 1296. Lymneus macrostomus, SAY ; Journ. rfcad. Nat. Sc., ii. 170. Liranea acuminata, ADAMS ; Sillimarfs Journ., xxxix. 374, (young.) Shell fragile, pellucid, light horn-colored, ovate-conical ; last whorl very large, moderately inflated, surmounted by three very small, oblique ones, forming an acute apex ; surface shining, marked by fine lines of growth, which are crossed and rendered flexuous by numerous revolving lines, faintly visible without a magnifier ; suture distinct, the whorls approaching it by a gradual slope ; aperture ovate, very ample, four-fifths the length of the shell, and, when mature, broadly expanded ; outer lip very sharp and thin, broadly rounded in front, and, maintaining its sharp edge, it rises and disappears within the shell ; pillar so broadly arched as to allow a view of much of the interior of the spire ; a minute umbilicus is formed by a reflected scale of enamel ; in mature shells a glazing of enamel is found upon the preceding whorl as it encroaches upon the aperture. Length \ J inch, breadth -^ inch, divergence 73. Found at New Bedford by Mr. Shiverick. Much larger speci- mens were obtained by Colonel Totten, at Tiverton, Rhode Island. Dr. Binney found it also in Vermont. This shell is closely allied to L. columilla, and in an immature state is not easily distinguished from it; but that shell is much more elongated, and regularly tapering, the divergence of the spire being not more than 60. Such specimens Professor Adams described as his L. acuminata. But at maturity the shell is very distinctly char- acterized by its widely spreading outer lip, which gives great expan- sion to the aperture. Mr. Say received it from the rice-fields of Car- olina. It is the analogue of the L. ovatus, of Europe. 28 218 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. LIMN^E'A UMBILICATA. Shell small-) ovate ; whorls five, rounded , and marked with fine decussating lines ; suture deeply impressed ; aperture small, oval ; no conspicuous fold on the columella ; umbilicus distinct. FIGURE 149. State Coll., No. 136. Soc. Cab., No. 2402. Limnas^a umbilickta, ADAMS ; Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., iii. 325, pi. 3, f. 14. Silli- man's Journ. , xxxix. 374. Shell small, short-ovate, apex obtuse ; whorls five ; very con- vex and rounded, slightly oblique, their surface reticulated with fine lines, and modified by numerous facets or indentations, ar- ranged in imperfect revolving series, four or five in number ; su- ture deeply impressed ; aperture small, about half the length of the shell, broad-oval, not expanded but rather seeming contracted ; outer lip sharp, thickened within by a sub-marginal, pinkish-color- ed deposit ; passing backwards on the inner side in a smooth and rounded plate, it joins the preceding whorl at about half the height of the aperture ; a thin glazing of enamel covers the remainder of the inner margin. There is scarcely any approach to a fold on the pillar ; umbilicus large and deep. Length T \ inch, breadth i inch, divergence 65. First collected by Mr. Shiverick, at New Bedford. Limnda modicellus is of about the same size and general appearance ; but its surface is smooth, its whorls more oblique, its mouth twice as large, and it has no conspicuous umbilicus. L. caperdta is similar in its form, and its small, oval aperture, but is at once recognised by the regular revolving, hispid lines. LIMKEA .MODICE'LLUS. Shell ovate, thin, light-olive colored ; whorls four, convex ; su- ture deep ; aperture rather large, ovate ; fold of columella conspic- uous ; sub-umbilicated. FIGURE 151. State Coll., No. 71. Soc. Cab., No. 2403. Lymndus modicellus, SAY ; Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc., v. 122. LIMNEANA. MOLLUSCA. LIMN^A. 219 Shell small and short-ovate, very thin and transparent, color a light-olive, or sea-green ; whorls four or five, convexly rounded, and somewhat shouldered or flattened above ; surface rather coarsely marked by the lines of growth ; anterior whorl large and inflated, two thirds the length of the shell ; posterior whorls small ; suture deep ; aperture rather large, somewhat more than half the length of the shell, ovate, or nearly as broad behind as before, not acutely rounded behind, but considerably arched ; slightly effuse at base ; columella arched, its fold conspicuous ; inner lip reflect- ed over a small umbilicus, and the enamel usually broadly spread across to the posterior angle. Length / T inch, breadth ^ inch, divergence 68. Lives along the muddy margins of brooks. The animal is of a dark sea-green or bottle-green color above, dotted with amber-color ; beneath much paler. Foot long, and inclining to a point behind. In the region of the eyes, between the tentacula, are clusters of white points, which give an appear- ance of white eyes. The animal seems to shun immersion, being usually found on the damp mud at the margins of ponds and brooks. When put in a vessel of water, it soon rises above the surface, crawls about the table, and will remain out of water two or three days without injury. The shell is usually thickly coated with mud. This species is distinguished from the young of L. elodes by the depth of the suture, and the maturity of its aperture, which is also pro- portionally larger. It is less elongated than L. desidiosa, its suture is deeper, its aperture rather smaller, and the color is quite different. LlMN^EA DESIDIOSA. Shell ovate-elongate , turretted ; whorls jive, convex, the upper ones very small ; suture deep ; aperture sub-ovate, longer than the spire ; sub-umbilicated. FIGURE 150. State Coll., No. 70. Soc. Cab., No. 1295. Lymncus desidiosus, SAY ; Journ. Acad. Nat. Sr,., ii. 1G9. Limneus desidiosus, SAY ; Jlmcr. Conch., pi. 55, f. 3. 220 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. Shell ovate, thin and fragile, the spire elongated and turreted ; color a pale, dirty yellowish-green ; whorls five, very convex, and for the most part suddenly contracted above, so as to present a conspicuous shoulder ; the two or three uppermost whorls are very small, and the body whorl about seven tenths the length of the whole shell ; surface generally dead, and somewhat checked with irregular revolving and longitudinal raised lines ; aperture large, usually three fifths the length of the shell, oval, broadly and sub-equally rounded both behind and before ; the lip is consider- ably everted in front, and along the left margin, where it is not closely appressed to the whorl, and leaves a small, but evident umbilical opening ; callus rather abundant ; fold on the pillar slight, and smoothly rounded. Length } inch, of aperture inch, breadth fa inch, divergence 45. This species is found in most regions, about the muddy margins of ponds and pools. It is intermediate between L. elodes and L. modicellus. Its spire is proportionally more slender, its suture deeper, its aperture proportion- ally larger and more oval, the fold of its columella much less conspic- uous, and it is a much more fragile shell than the former. The latter, while it has the large, oval aperture, the deep suture and shouldered whorls, is still more fragile, of a deep green-color, and is a short, in- flated shell, with a much greater divergence of the spire, and with one whorl more than L. desidiosa. The habits of the two last are similar, but the animal of desidiosa is a much lighter green, and has not the remarkable white dots between the tentacula. The characters of the aperture and spire seem to be constant ; that is, the aperture is always large and broadly rounded behind ; and the spire is tapering, the two whorls at the tip seeming somewhat as if superadded ; so that if a line should pass down one side so as to touch all the whorls, this line would be concave. The only variations I have noticed are, that the suture is sometimes shallow, and the shoulder nearly wanting, so as to render the spire more regularly tapering. Mr. Say's description is not definite, and his figure is much shorter than the dimensions he ascribes to it. He gives its length seven tenths of an inch, while it rarely exceeds half an inch. LIMNEANA. MOLLUSCA. LIMN^A. 221 LlMN^A ELODES. Shell turretted, elongated, dull horn-colored ; whorls five, con- vex ; suture deep ; aperture sub-oval, less than half the length of the shell, within brownish, fold of the columella profound. FIGURE 145, 146, 147. State Coll., No. 139. Soc. Cab., No. 1301. Lymneus elodes, SAY; Journ. dead. Nat. Sc., ii. 169. Amer. Conch., pi. 11, f. 3. Shell tapering, elongated, turretted, thin and fragile, dull and dingy horn-colored, inelegant ; whorls five, or a little more, the two smallest being generally broken off ; they are regularly and largely convex, not flattened or compressed posteriorly, but the adjacent margins of two whorls curve regularly to the deeply im- pressed suture ; the last whorl, measured upon the back, consti- tutes from a little more than one half, to about two thirds the whole length of the shell ; surface coarsely wrinkled by the lines of growth, sometimes minutely reticulated by revolving lines, and sometimes exhibiting small, plane facets, irregularly disposed. Aperture generally less than, but never exceeding one half the length of the shell ; sub-oval, rather contracted ; right lip thin, with now and then a sub-marginal thickening, within colored red- dish-brown ; pillar margin copiously overlaid with white enamel, not closely appressed at the umbilical region ; fold of the pillar large and oblique ; umbilicus for the most part closed. Length T %- inch, breadth T \ inch, divergence 43 to 45. The animal is of a dusky-greenish color, similar to that of the shell, varying like it in intensity, minutely dotted with amber- color. Foot somewhat paler, tongue-shaped, reaching about two thirds the length of the large whorl when in motion, obtusely rounded behind. The animal attains maturity and dies about the end of June. At this time the young may be seen with the old, about an eighth of an inch in length, and these continue to grow rapidly during the season. But after the early part of July it is rare to find an adult shell containing a living animal. At this time the exterior of the shell is much eroded ; in fact the animals, as they cluster together, 222 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. actually devour each other's shells ; the aperture becomes white and somewhat chalky, and the brown, sub-marginal callus of the outer lip is thus covered over. The most common species found in Massachusetts, and one which it is exceedingly difficult to describe, or to determine, if it has been al- ready described. After much observation, and a comparison of many individuals collected from various localities, and an exchange of speci- mens with the most distinguished conchologists of this country, I have come to the conclusion, that it must be regarded as the L. elodes of Say. Its European analogue is L. palustris. The only Massachusetts shell which bears much affinity to it, is L. desidiosa, which is smaller, has a more slender spire, and larger aperture, proportionally. But it is closely related to L. umbrosa and L. reflexa of the Western and Middle States. The former is more solid, more corpulent, with the whorls and aperture more oblique, and its color darker than that of our shell. The latter has the whorls still more oblique, much less convex, forming a much less turretted and regularly tapering spire ; the fold of the pillar much less prominent, and the color yellowish. After all, these species are so nearly allied, that no description, and perhaps no figure will en- able a person to determine any one of them by itself. They must be learned by comparison, and by interchanging specimens. But the diffi- culty does not end here. It is no easy matter to assign the limits of the species. No one presents a greater variety. The length of mature shells varies from half an inch to an inch ; and it is remarkable that the largest specimens are usually the most fragile. The surface usually has an uneven, unfinished, inelegant aspect, coated with mud ; but occasionally we find the conformation of the shell perfectly regu- lar, the color a shining greenish horn-color, and the surface smooth and beautifully reticulated with longitudinal and revolving lines. It is then a very pretty, fragile shell. The aperture is small in proportion to the shell, generally rather contracted ; again, we find the lip begin- ning to expand, and in some specimens received from Vermont, which I suppose to belong to this species, the lip is broadly flaring. Young specimens might be confounded with L. umbilicata, L. desidiosa, L. modicellus, and L. caperdta ; but a little attention to the umbilicus, the aperture, the color, and the revolving lines will enable us to dis- tinguish them, respectively. The umbilicus is usually entirely ob- structed by the overlaying callus ; but in some specimens it is par- tially open. L1MNEANA. MOLLUSCA. ANCYLUS. 223 LIMKEA CATASCOPIUM. Shell ovate, strong, chestnut-brown ; whorls four, wrinkled, con- vex, the last large ; suture deep ; aperture sub-oval, half the length of the shell. State Coll., No. 69. Soc. Cab., No. 1304. Lymnea catascopium, SAY ; Nicholson's Encyc.(Amer. erf.), pi. 2, f. 3. Limneus catascspium, SAY ; Amer. Conch., pi. 55, f. 2. Lymneus cornea, VALENC.J in Huvtb. et Bonpl. Recueil d'Obs fyc., (teste Fe- rnssac). Shell rather large, oblong-ovate, ventricose, thick and strong ; epidermis chestnut or brownish horn-color ; whorls four or a little more, forming a short, pointed spire, delicately but rather regularly wrinkled by the lines of growth, and these are rendered somewhat corrugated by obsolete revolving lines ; last whorl constituting nearly the whole shell, very much distended ; suture deeply im- pressed ; spire very short, acute at apex ; aperture rather more than half the length of the shell, sub-oval, very little narrowed be- hind ; not dilated ; right lip simple, thick and regularly curved ; left lip haying a thick, narrow layer of enamel, and a rather slight fold midway ; umbilicus not open. Length -^ inch, breadth T ^ inch, divergence 60. Found in the southern parts of this State, but I have not met with it near Boston. Its great solidity, and its remarkably broad, corpulent aspect, ap- proximating in character to PALUDI'NA, cause it to be easily recog- nised. Its analogue on the European continent is L. pereger, which, however, differs from this in being a less solid shell, in having the aperture somewhat expanded, its anterior curve broader, and the fold of tbe pillar less deep. It comes nearer to L. emargindta than to any other American species. GENUS ANCYLUS, MULLER. Shell boat-shaped, without a spire, apex pointed, inclining for- wards and to one side ; aperture ovate. 224 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. It is not yet satisfactorily determined under what family this genus should be arranged. Its animal is closely allied to the LIMNEANA, and its natural relations are certainly stronger to this family, notwith- standing the form of the shell, than to the CALYPTRA CEA, where it has usually been placed. A'NCYLUS RIVULA'RIS. Shell elongated-oval, sides rectilinear, apex nearer to one side, nearly central. FIGURE 153. State Coll., No. 281. Soc. Cab., No. 842. Ancylus rivulkris, SAV ; Nicholson's Encyc. (Jlmer. ed.) } Art. Conchology, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. t i. 125. Shell small, narrow, elongated-oval, the sides nearly parallel, but one end is somewhat narrower than the other, and both are regularly rounded ; apex nearly equi-distant from both extremi- ties, nearer to, and leaning to, one side and one end ; aperture oval ; color dark-green. Length J inch, breadth -jV inch. Found on stones and floating leaves in rivulets and ponds. It is closely allied to A. fluviatilis of Europe ; but the a,pex is less acute and more central. There is another American species, the A. tardus, Say, which has been found by Professor Adams in Vermont, but which I have not yet found in this State. It is much more round- ed and conical than this, and the apex is not lateral. A'NCYLUS FUSCUS. Shell oval, depressed, convexity regular, not compressed laterally, curvilinear at the sides ; apex obtuse, a little to the right and rear of the centre ; epidermis coarse, brown, surpassing the margin. FIGURE 152. State Coll., No. 283. Soc. Cab., No. 2383. Ancylus fuscus, ADAMS ; Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., iii. 329, pi. 3, f. 17. Shell small, very thin and pellucid, of a rounded oval form, the entire outline regularly curved ; depressed and regularly convex, not compressed at the sides ; apex slightly elevated, bluntly PERISTOMATA. MOLLUSCA. VALVATA. 225 rounded a little behind, and to the right of the centre ; stages of growth visible ; epidermis coarse and strong, rough, dusky yel- lowish-brown, extending beyond the margin of the testaceous matter, and insensibly coalescing with it on all sides, which are inclined to turn upwards ; within glistening, polished. Length j 3 ^ inch, height ^ inch, breadth T \\ inch. Found in a rivulet in Andover by Mr. K. Prescott, of the Theological Seminary ; and also found by Professor Adams in Mansfield ; and by myself, in Fresh Pond. It differs from all other described species in its depressed form, its obtuse apex, and its coarse epidermis projecting beyond the margin J and, as this extends in the direction of the plane of the object tov/hich it is found attached, and not in continuation of the conxex form of the shell, the edges seem to be turned upwards. A. rivularis, Say, is narrower, and has the sides nearly parallel. A. tardus, Say, has its- apex prominent, acute, and farther behind the middle. FAMILY PERISTdMATA, LAM. Shell conical or sub-discoidal, the margins of the aperture united poste- riorly ; operculated; inhabiting fresh water. GENUS VALVATA, MUM,ER. Shell conical, whorls cylindrical, loosely cohering ; aperture circular^ its margin entire ; operculum orbicular, VALVA'TA TRICARINATA. Shell sub'discoidal, thin, pale pea-green; whorls three, the Ic&t tri-carinate ; umbilicus large. FIGURE 156. State Coll., No. 67. Soc. Cab., No. 1542, Cyclostoma tricarinkta SAY; Nicholson's Encyc., (JJmer. ed. } ) Art. Conchatogy^ Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc., i. 13. Valvata tricarinata, SAY; Journ. Jlcad. Nat. Sc, DESHAYES - t LAM.; An. sans Vert., (2d edit.), viii. 507. Valvata carinata, SOWERBY ; Genera, f. 2. Shell small, depressed, thin, transparent and shining, of an emerald or light pea-green color ; whorls three or four, flattened 29 226 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. at the summit, faintly marked by lines of growth, and separated by a distinct suture ; each of the interior whorls has one or two prominently raised, rounded, revolving lines or keels, and the exterior one has three, one of which issues from the lower junc- tion of the lip and borders the umbilicus ; a second originates from the upper junction of the lip, and circumscribes the whorl; the third midway between this and the suture, thus giving the whorls a prismatic or quadrangular instead of a cylindrical appear- ance ; aperture circular, modified by the keels ; lip simple, sur- rounding the aperture, except a small space between the two lower keels ; umbilicus broad, deep, tunnel-shaped. Height ^ inch, breadth T 7 7 inch. Var. SIMPLEX, without the keels. Professors Benedict and Adams have found this species in Vermont ; and in very many instances it is perfectly simple and cylindrical, individuals occur- ring with every degree of carination, showing that it is still the same species. In this state, the large, tunnel-shaped umbilicus is the best characteristic. It is found in most of our small lakes, usually under stones, or sheltered by the deserted shells of some of the fresh-water mussels. The shell is usually rendered somewhat opake by an earthy coat- ing, which seems to answer the purpose of an epidermis ; but, when this is removed, the surface is shining and pearly, of an emerald-green color, lighter on the keels. It is one of our most curious shells. VALVA'TA PUPOIDEA. Shell minute, elevated, chestnut-colored; whorls four or five, the last nearly disjoined. FIGURE 155. State Coll., No. 65. Soc. Cab., No. 1363. Valvkta pupoidea, GOULD ; Silliman's Journ., xxxviii. 196. Shell small, elongated-ovate, opake, chestnut-colored, when divested of the rough, dirty pigment which usually adheres closely to it ; whorls four or five, minutely wrinkled, the posterior one small and flattened so as to form an obtuse apex ; the others PERISTOMATA. MOLLUSCA. PALUDINA. 227 cylindrical, and so partially in contact as to expose about one half of the cylinder ; the last entirely disjoined from the preced- ing one for at least the half of a revolution ; aperture circular, lip simple and sharp ; on looking at the shell from below, no umbili- cal opening is found ; operculum horny, apex central, elements concentric. Length -f v inch, breadth T 3 ^ inch. Found at Fresh Pond and other ponds, on stones and sub- merged sticks ; and has been for many years in our cabinets marked as a PALUDINA. Animal very active ; head proboscidiform, half as long as the tentacles, bi-lobed in front, dark, terminated with light ; tentacles rather stout, light drab-colored, with a line of silvery dots on the upper side, over the large, black eyes ; foot, tongue-shaped, as long as the first whorl, dilated into two acute angles in front, light drab-color ; respiratory organ occasionally protruded to half the length of a tentacle on the right side. This species is widely distinguished from ail other described ones by its minuteness, its color, its elongated form, and its want of an umbili- cus ; of which characters the last two seem to arise from the loose manner in which the whorls are united. GENUS PALUDiNA, LAM. Shell ovate-conical, whorls rounded ; aperture ovate, acute pos- teriorly, and modified by the preceding whorl, margin simple ; operculum horny, origin near one edge, elements concentric. PALUDINA DECI'SA. Shell sub-conic, thick and strong, olivaceous ; whorls Jive, con- vex, covered with minute, revolving lines, eroded at tip; aperture ovate, half the length of the shell, bluish within ; umbilicus none. FIGURE, see Wood-cut, page 144. State Coll., No. 61. Soc. Cab., No. 1347. C6chlea Virginiana e flava viridescens, non fasciata, LISTER ; Conch., I. 27, f. 27. PETIVER; Gazophyl, t. 116, f. 18. Paludina decisa, SAY; Nicholson's Encyc., (rfmer. ed.,~) pi. 2, f. 6. Amer. Conch , pi. 10. Paludina limosa, VALENC. ; Recueil d'Obs. de Zool. fyc.,par Humb. et Bonpl , ii. 253. pi. l,f. 1. 228 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. Shell ovate-elongate, thick and strong, color varying from yel- lowish-green to dark olive-green ; whorls five, regularly convex, inclining rather abruptly towards the suture, so as to form a mod- erate shoulder ; surface marked with fine wrinkles of growth, and occasional stripes of dark purplish, indicating the position of pre- ceding apertures ; also with minute, revolving lines, which in young specimens, when viewed in the water, are seen to be gar- nished with fine, pubescent hairs ; two or three of the whorls at the apex are usually broken off, leaving an irregular, eroded sur- face ; aperture oval,' not exceeding half the length of the entire shell, forming an angle above ; lip simple, very sharp, until, as it rises towards the columella, it becomes thickened, and, turning outwards, forms a smooth, rounded margin, leaving no umbili- cus ; a thick enamel spreads across the preceding whorl, margined with purplish ; interior bluish. Operculum thin, ovate, beaked, with a groove from the centre to the tip of the beak. Length 1 T \ inch, breadth T 7 ^ inch, divergence 56. Animal with a broad, tongue-shaped foot, drawn out into an- gles each side in front, of a livid olive-color varied with dark, vivid-orange, transverse spots above, and minutely dotted with the same beneath ; tentacula olive above, spotted with orange, lighter below. Eyes on a niche at the exterior base of the tentacula. Found in ponds and muddy streams, usually concealed under shelving banks, or imbedded an inch or two among loose mud and roots. This is the only large species inhabiting the waters of New Eng- land. It is less massive than P. ponderosa, its whorls more convex, and its aperture less elongated. It is less globular when young than P. sub-purpurea, and the spire in the adult more symmetrical. The young are excluded in a living state with a shell of three complete whorls. It is peculiar for the almost constant loss of its tip. / GENUS AMNICOLA, GOULD and HALD. Shell ovate-conic, thin ; spire acute, composed of a few rounded whorls ; aperture small, oblique, rounded-ovate ; lips continuous, simple ; operculum horny, spiral, with a few volutions. PERISTOMATA. MOLLUSCA. AMNICOLA. 229 Animal having an elongated foot, rounded posteriorly, with each anterior angle produced laterally ; head half the breadth of the foot, and protruding beyond it ; tentacula short, filiform, un- equal ? the eyes seated at the side of the external base ; ovipa- rous. Inhabits fresh water. That this group of small shells should be separated from PALUDINA and also from CYCLOSTOMA, in which genus they were included by Cuvier, is clear from the structure of the operculum, but more espe- cially from the structure and habits of the animal. Among the differ- ences the following are the most obvious : In this genus, the head pre- cedes the foot in progression ; in PALUDINA it is the contrary ; in this the tentacula are all the way of a size, and without any enlargement for the reception of the eyes, instead of being tapering, with a niche for the eyes ; they are also frequently, if not always, unequal in length ; perhaps this is a sexual difference. The animal has the power of rising and swimming in an inverted posture at the surface of the water, which the true Paludina never does. So far as observation has yet gone, the Amnicola is oviparous, while the true Paludina is ovo-viviparous. It is found crawling upon stones, sticks, and aquatic plants, while Paludina remains upon the mud, and is usually observed partly, or entirely, imbedded in it. On these grounds Mr. Haldeman concurs with me in instituting the genus AMNI'COLA. Its position seems to be intermediate between PALUDI NA and MELA'NIA. Under this genus will come P. porata, lustrica, grana, and limosa of Say ; Nicklinidna of Lea ; and Cincinnatiensis of Anthony, and perhaps some of the sub-globular MELANIN. The genus NEMATURA of Benson includes shells very similar to these, but they are said to have the last whorl contracted, as it ap- proaches the aperture, AMNI'COLA PORA'TA. Shell small, sub-globose, thin, smooth ; whorls four, very con- vex, suture deep ; aperture nearly circular ; inner lip barely touching the preceding whorl; umbilicus large. FIGURE 157. State Coll., No. 64. Soc. Cab., No. 1361. Paludina porata, SAY ; Journ. Jlcad. Nat. Sc., ii. 174. 230 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. Shell minute, conic-globose, thin, translucent, smooth, or with most delicate lines of growth ; varying from a bronze-green to a light olive-green color, but usually invested with mud ; whorls four or less, very convex, and flattened near the suture, so as to present a conspicuous shoulder ; the last whorl rather more than two thirds the length of the shell, and as broad as long ; suture deeply impressed, almost channelled ; aperture nearly circular, both lips being about equally curved, and uniting posteriorly at a broad angle ; lips sharp, in some instances a little everted ; inner lip, at maturity, barely touching the preceding whorl just before it joins the outer lip, leaving a very large, deep umbilicus. Length %\ inch, breadth T \ inch, divergence 68. Found in ditches and brooks, clinging to stones or submerged plants, oftentimes in great numbers. Minimal a light drab-color tinted pink, the head a little flesh- colored above ; tentacula silvery, with a dark line running along the outside from the eyes, which are at the external base ; foot not reaching beyond the first whorl, broadly rounded behind, di- lated into angles at each side in front ; head half the width of the foot, and projecting beyond it, motions very slow. In delicate and clean specimens, a dark mark parallel to the outer lip, and another bisecting it, and belonging to the animal, appear through the shell. Under this species I include all the small shells, hitherto regarded as PALUDI N-E, which are collected in this region, ascribing the very great differences they present in color and size to differences of lo- cality and age. The shoulder of the whorls, the conspicuous umbil- icus, and the rounded aperture, almost like VALVATA or CYCLOSTOMA, are the most obvious characters. It is less solid, less elongated, the aperture more circular, and the inner lip much less closely appressed to the preceding whorl than P. limosa. Say. P. lustrica, Say, is de- scribed as much smaller, much more elongated, and more cylindrical. This I strongly suspect to be identical with Valvata pupoidea in an immature state. It approaches nearest to P. Cincinnatiensis, Anthony, which is larger and more conical and elongated. NERITACEA. MOLLUSCA. NATICA. 231 FAMILY NERITJlCEA, LAM. Shell semi-globose or depressed-oval, the inner lip like a parlial partition, operculated ; residing in fresh and in salt water. GENUS NATICA, BRUG. Shell sub-globular, umbilicated ; aperture entire, semi-circular ; inner lip oblique, with a callus which modifies the umbilicus, and sometimes covers it ; operculated. NATICA HERDS. Shell sub-globose, ash-colored, whorls five, a dark, chestnut- colored band revolving about the three upper ones ; umbilicus large and simple. FIGURE. 160. State Coll., No. 57. Soc. Cab., No. 79. Natica heros, SAY ; Journ. dead. Nat. Sc., ii. 248. Shell globose-ovate, thick, ash-colored, or sometimes brownish, shining when divested of its thin, yellowish epidermis ; distinct lines of growth, and very minute revolving lines cover the surface ; whorls five, very convex, slightly flattened near the top, so as to present a slight angular appearance ; the three posterior whorls have the lower half of a dark chestnut-color, and the other half rather lighter than the rest of the shell ; suture well marked ; aperture ovate ; the lip, sharp above, becomes thicker and smooth- ly rounded, and as it rises by the side of the umbilicus it expands to a considerable breadth ; a very thin layer of enamel is spread over the portion of the whorl which completes the aperture ; throat of a delicate, somewhat clouded chestnut-color, with a margin sometimes bright -yellow ; umbilicus large, rounded, dis- playing the whorls nearly to the summit, coarsely wrinkled, the callus covering only a very small segment of it. Operculum horny. Ordinary length 2| inches, breadth 2 inches. It is found on sandy or muddy beaches along the whole coast ; but much more seldom to the south than to the north of Cape Cod. 232 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. This shell is distinguished from all others by its inflated, globular appearance, and its simple, deep umbilicus. It very much resembles an AMPULLA RIA, and is most probably the N. ampulldria of Lamarck. It also grows to a larger size than any other known species. I have one specimen the greatest length of which is 4 inches, and greatest breadth 3 inches ; and I have seen one 5 inches by 3J inches. The shell is light for its size, and its whole structure and appearance are very simple. . This, in common with other species of NA'TICA, is very voracious, and plays a conspicuous part in devouring the dead fish and other animals which are thrown up by the tide. Many of the shells thrown upon the shore are found to be perforated with a small round hole. This is done principally by the different species of NA'TICA. They have the power of perforating shells, it is generally supposed, by dis- charging an acid which decomposes the shell ; and through the aper- ture they extract the juices, and destroy the lives of the otherwise secure inhabitants. Their foot is very large, so as completely to en- velope the objects on which they prey. In moving, they burrow in the sand, so as to be almost entirely concealed by it, and their place is generally indicated by a small heap of sand. The singular nidus, in which the animal of NA'TICA deposits its eggs, has been an object of much curiosity and speculation. It is a mass of sand glued together into the shape of a broad bowl, open at the bottom, and broken at one side. Its thickness is about that of an orange-peel, easily bent without breaking when damp, and when held up to the light will be found to be filled with little cells arranged in quincunx order. Each of these cells contains a gelatinous egg, having a yellow nucleus which is the embryo shell. It is found plentifully at midsummer, on every sandy flat where any species of NA'TICA resorts. It has passed under many names, and its true nature seems to have been first suspected by Mr. Boys, who gave a description and plate of it, in the *' Linnaean Transactions," vol. v. 230, pi. 10. In the 14th volume of the same work, Mr. Hogg fully demonstrated its character, by hatching, from those found on the English coast, the young of Ndtica gluucina. To show what a puzzle it has been, I will add some of its names found in books. Flustra arenosa. ELLIS ; Zooph., and also his Corallines, pi. 25, f. e. Flustre areneuse, LAMOUROUX ; Polyp, jlex. Ill, No. 220. Flustre arenacee, BLAJNV. ; Diet, des Sc. J\'at., and Man. d\4ctinol., 446. NERITACEA. MOLLUSCA. NATICA. 233 E'schara lutosa, PALLAS ; El. Zooph., 37, No. 5. E'schara millepora arenosa A'nglica, RAY; Syn., 31. Alcyoniutn arenosum, GMELIN ; Syst. Nat., iv. 654. SHAW ; Nat. MiscelL, t.272. Discopora cribrum, LAM. j An. sans Vert., ii. 250. NATICA TRISERIATA. Shell ovate-globose, whorls five, usually checkered with three series of dark spots on the lower whorl, and one on the upper whorls ; umbilicus small, nearly free. FIGURE 165. State Coll., No. 60. Soc. Cab., No. 1519. Natica triseriata, SAY ; Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc., v. 211. Shell ovate, approaching to globular, of a yellowish-white or ash-color ; whorls five, convex, lines of growth distinct, and usually covered with a thin yellowish epidermis ; lower whorl has three revolving series of twelve to fourteen bluish or dark chestnut-colored, oblique spots, usually of a square or oblong form, and sometimes crescent-shaped ; the upper one just below the suture ; the middle one is divided by the junction of the lip, and the third is half way between it and the umbilicus ; the upper one is continued on all the whorls, but the next one disappears soon ; the spaces between the spots often appear like whitish bands, and the sutural region is of the same color ; spire con- siderably elevated, sutural line delicate ; aperture ovate, lip sharp and white within ; a thick white callus covers the inner margin, very slightly modifying the umbilicus, where it has a fissure at the posterior margin of the umbilicus ; a dense mass of callus, within the aperture, at its upper angle, strengthens the lip ; throat colored with dark-chestnut, or transmitting the exterior mark- ings ; umbilicus rather small and simple, not much wrinkled within ; operculum horny. Length ^ inch, breadth J inch. Found along the whole coast to the north of Cape Cod, on flats which are left by the tide at low water ; but it is as yet doubtful whether it passes to the south of this limit. This has been thought by some to be the young of the preceding species. In general aspect there is a resemblance ; but the propor- 30 234 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. tionate length of this is greater, the thick, white callus indicates a mature shell, and the dark portion of the upper whorls is at the upper instead of at the lower portion of the whorl, as in N. heros, and the umbilicus is proportionally smaller instead of larger, as is the case in young shells. Besides, I have never seen a large shell in the lo- calities where this species is abundant. The largest specimen I have seen, which I could distinctly refer to this species, is less than an inch in length. It is evidently analogous to N. canrena of Europe. It varies in marking greatly. Some specimens are of a pale yellow- color, and destitute of marking ; on some, the spots blend so as to present alternate bands of light and dark color ; again, some of the series are blended, and some are not. The spots may be square, oblong, or crescentic, and are usually oblique. The ivory-white callus seems to be the most constant character. NATICA IMMACULA'TA. Shell small, sub-ovate, solid, bluish-white) spotless, glossy, um- bilicus free . FIGURE 168. State Coll., No. 46. Soc. Cab., No. 951. Natica immaculkta, TOTTEN ; Sillimaris Journ., xxviii. 351, f. 6. Shell sub-ovate, extremities rather pointed, solid, milk-white, and glossy when deprived of its thin, greenish-yellow epidermis ; spotless, lines of growth faintly perceptible ; whorls about five, the spire very short and pointed, and the suture not impressed ; the lower whorl convex and rounded, prolonged at the base ; aperture narrow oval, rather acutely curved at base ; outer lip sharp, inner margin coated with ivory-white callus, not modifying the umbilicus, but extending along the margin to its posterior limit ; at the posterior angle of the aperture it is much thickened, and, running along under the junction of the whorls, causes a white spiral line to appear externally, just below the suture ; the region before the umbilicus too, is very white ; umbilicus rounded and deep ; operculum horny. Length J| inch, breadth 5 \ inch. First found by Colonel Totten in Newport harbour, and after- wards in Provincetown harbour. It is found plentifully in the stomachs of fishes taken in Massachusetts Bay. I know of no species resembling this, except it be N. A'nglica, of NERITACEA. MOLLUSCA. NATICA. 235 which some specimens are said to be immaculate. But that shell has a more elongated spire, a broader aperture and base, and its greatest breadth is rather below instead of rather above the middle, as in this species. It is the smallest species with which I am acquainted, though I have seen one specimen f of an inch in length ; and, for so small a shell, it is remarkable for its solidity. NATICA CANALICULA'TA. Shell ovate, smooth, covered with a dusky yellow-colored epider- mis ; whorls four ; spire channelled at the suture ; umbilicus a mere line. FIGURE 161. State Coll., No. 43. Natica canaliculate, GOULD ; SUliman's Journ., xxxviii. 197. Shell ovate, rather ponderous, dingy-white, nearly smooth, and somewhat glossy, covered with a dark gamboge-colored epi- dermis ; whorls four, the upper portion of each turning before it joins the preceding whorl, so as to form a broad, shallow canal at the suture, and giving the spire a turreted appearance ; aperture about two thirds the length of the shell, nearly semicircular ; lip sharp, a little spreading in front, the inner margin nearly a straight line, and overspread with a thick callus ; interior white ; umbilical opening a mere slit, one side of which is formed by the callus, sometimes altogether concealed ; operculum horny, sub-spiral. Length 1-^ inch, breadth T 7 7 inch. Taken from fishes caught on the Banks, and one fine specimen from a fish caught in Massachusetts Bay. I have a specimen also from the coast of Norway. The aspect of this shell is such, that I was first led to refer it, doubtfully, to the genus PALUDI'NA. It very greatly resembles Paludi* na ponderosa, Say. All doubt, however, on that point, has been since happily removed through the kindness of Colonel Totten, who furnished me with several specimens containing the sub-spiral operculum. The remark of Deshayes, that NATICA is without an epidermis, will not hold good in regard to this species, nor, indeed, to any of the species found on our coast. He, however, was aware of the small value of this characteristic, and alludes to a species then under his eye, which I take to be N. heros, having the shape and epidermis of 236 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. AMPITLLA*RIA, but the operculum of NA'TICA. A specimen sent to me by Dr. Loven was regarded by him as new, and he had applied to it the name of N. exulans, NATICA DUPLICA'TA. Shell conical-ovate, usually with a dark band above the suture on the upper whorls ; umbilicus deeply grooved, and partially or entirely covered with a chestnut-colored callus. FIGURES 163, 164. State Coll., No. 56. Society's Coll., No. 78. Natica duplicata, SAY ; Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc., ii. 247. Shell solid, ovate, the upper portion of the whorls compressed so as to give it a pyramidal outline ; surface marked with very faint revolving lines, and more conspicuous lines of growth ; color light chestnut-brown above a line marking its greatest circumfer- ence, whitish or ash-colored below it ; usually having a dark-brown band on the lower portion of the posterior whorls, and the upper portion whitish ; whorls five or more, spire rather prominent ; aperture ovate, very oblique ; outer lip very thin and sharp, join- ing the whorl behind by a very small angle, but this angle is so filled up within with callus, that the real aperture is rounded, and at a considerable distance from the junction of the lip ; throat chestnut-brown, or livid, lower portion white, generally of a pearly lustre ; umbilicus irregular, having a deep groove revolving within it, and covered wholly or partly with a very thick, chestnut- brown callus ; operculum horny. Length 2 inches, breadth rather more. Inhabits the same localities as N. heros ; is less common in the vicinity of Boston, but common at Nantucket. This species is subject to considerable variation in shape, some in- dividuals having the spire much more elevated than others. It is easily distinguished by its conical figure, and by the great amount of callus, which renders it a remarkably heavy shell. Specimens along the Southern coast are generally less elevated, more smooth and brown than those found in Massachusetts. I have a specimen from the Grecian island, Syra, which corresponds with these, except that the colors are NERITACEA. MOLLUSCA. NATICA. 237 brighter, and the shell more smooth, as might be expected if modified by a milder climate. A figure in Lister, (pi. 562, f. 3,) represents this shell. Ndtica conica, of Lamarck, is a much more elevated shell, though his description might be applied to our shell in every particular. Its ordinary length is half an inch less than is given above. NATICA PUSILLA. Shell small, sub-oval, ash-colored ; umbilicus imperfect ; oper- culum horny. FIGURE 166. State Coll., No. 42. Natica pusilla, SAY ; Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc., ii. 257. Shell sub-oval, bluish-white, with a light, ash-colored epider- mis ; surface glossy, smooth, or with merely microscopic revolv- ing lines, and lines of growth ; whorls four, regularly convex ; spire moderately elevated, blunt ; suture fine and deep, the edge of the whorl rising a little by the side of it ; sometimes one or two faint, brownish bands may be seen on the lower whorl ; aperture ovate, more than half the length of the shell ; outer lip thin and sharp ; inner margin thick, the callus white, abundant, and pressed into the umbilicus so as to leave only a narrow, curved chink by the side of the lip ; throat white ; operculum horny. Length J inch, breadth j inch. Taken from fishes caught in Massachusetts Bay, in company with N. clausa, and N. immaculata. Most of the specimens have about half the dimensions above given. I was not a little gratified in looking over a parcel of the N. clausa, to find several specimens differing from them in having a horny in- stead of a bony operculum, a partial umbilicus, and no flattening of the top of the whorls. In color, size, and general aspect, they were the same. On finding that this shell corresponds to Mr. Say's N. pusilla, I was still more gratified, inasmuch as it is represented in the Cabinet of the Academy of Natural Sciences, at Philadelphia, by a species of MARGARI'TA (Turbo infldtus, Totten), and I had despaired of finding any representative elsewhere. Mr. Say remarks, that it is generally mistaken for the young of N. duplicata. But the evidences of ma- 238 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. turity in its callus, the umbilicus, and the color of the throat, suf- ficiently distinguish it from both N. duplicdta and N. heros. NATICA CLAUSA. Shell sub-globose, more or less tinged with brown ; umbilicus closed j operculum calcareous. FIGURE 167. State Coll., No. 45. Society's Coll., No. 952. Natica clausa, BROD. and SOWEKBY ; Zool. Journ., iv. 360. GRAY; Zool. of Beechey's Voy., 136, pi. 37, f. 6, and pi. 34, f. 3. Natica consolidata, COUTHOUY ; Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., ii. 89, pi. 3, f. 14. Natica borealis, BECK ; (not Gray) teste Loven. Shell small, sub- globular, surface of a dim lustre, marked by striae of growth only ; color from a livid-white, to dark reddish- brown, those of the latter tint exhibiting conspicuously a zone of the former color at the base ; epidermis thin, bony, brownish horn-color ; whorls four or five, tumid, but a portion near the sutures is slightly depressed ; spire slightly elevated, obtuse ; suture well defined ; aperture oval, unusually wide behind ; outer lip sharp, thickened and rounded as it ascends to the umbilicus, which is completely consolidated by an ivory-white, shining callus ; on the whorl the callus is thin, but a free deposit of it within the angle firmly supports the junction of the lip to the whorl, a zone of which calcareous deposit also surrounds the umbilical region ; throat white ; operculum calcareous, bluish- white. Length JJ inch, breadth |i inch. Taken alive from the stomachs of fishes, plentifully. This species is readily distinguished from all others of our coast by its bony operculum, and by its small umbilicus, into which just enough of white callus seems to have been crowded to fill it accurately. Mr. Sowerby, on actual comparison, declares this to be his N. clausa ; and, as his description was published several years prior to that given by Mr. Couthouy, his name must take precedence. Mr. Sowerby states it to be nearly an inch in diameter ; whereas the dimen- sions above given exce^H those of the specimens usually found with us. But, as it is evidently an Arctic shell, Mr. Sowerby's specimens having been brought from Melville's Island, and I have seen one from the Banks quite as large as those he mentions, I insert also the name given to it by Beck, on the authority of Dr. Loven. NERITACEA. MOLLUSCA. NATICA. 239 NATICA FLAVA. Shell thin, sub-globose ; aperture large ; inner margin sinuous ; umbilicus none. FIGURE 162. State Coll., No. 44. Natica flava, GOULD ; Sttliman's Journ., xxxviii. 196. Shell of an inflated, globular form, light and thin, white, with a bright straw-colored or golden epidermis ; surface very minutely checkered with very faint, revolving lines, and lines of growth ; spire very little elevated, composed of four rounded whorls, a little compressed behind, near the suture, which is faintly im- pressed ; aperture occupying one half the front aspect of the shell, broad oval, modified by a curve which looks as though it might be caused by a contraction and obliteration of the umbilicus ; outer margin very sharp ; umbilical region about the middle of the left margin much retreating, and deeply indented in most specimens, though evidently never open ; a thin callus, commencing at the upper angle, expands and thickens over this region, then, narrow- ing, forms a thick, rounded, ivory, vertical margin to the front of the shell. Length about 1 inch, breadth a little less. From the collection of Colonel Totten, who obtained it from the Bank fishing grounds. The aspect of this shell immediately suggests the Helix aperta, Born, (H. naticoides, Drap.,) to which it bears a very striking resem- blance in shape. If the existence of an umbilicus is an essential characteristic of the genus, and so it is laid down by Lamarck, this shell cannot come under it. There is no approach to an umbilicus, even in the youngest specimens, the space intended to be occupied by one having been apparently thrown into the aperture. There is one other described species conforming to the same type, the N. Jluctudta, Sowerby (Tankerville Catal., p. 12), and figured by Dr. Jay in his " Catalogue, 1836," under the provisional name of N. imperfordta. Their form is so peculiar that Mr. Sowerby has recently grouped them with several others in a new genus, which he calls GLOBULUS. Swain- son employs the word GLOBIILARIA as having a better termination. 240 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. Of the five specimens I have examined, three were mature, and two young. In the oldest, the width of the shell is proportionally greater, and there is a tendency to angularity at about the upper fourth of the last whorl. GENUS JANTHINA, LAM. Shell sub-globose, thin, fragile, spire short ; aperture angular at the anterior junction of the inner and outer lips ; pillar twisted ; lip thin, with a sinus at the middle. JANTHINA FRAGILIS. Shell thin, brittle, conical, ventricose, violaceous beneath, whiter on the spire. State Coll., No. 292. Soc. Cab., No. 942. Helix janthina, LIN.; GMELIN ; Syst., 3645, No. 103. LISTER; Conch., t. 572, f. 24. RUMPHIUS; Mus., t. 20, f. 2. GUALT.; Test., t. 64, f. O. SLOANE ; Jamaica, t. 1, f. 4. BROWN; Jamaica, t. 39, f. 2. D'ARGENV. ; Conch., pi. 6, f. 5. CHEMN. ; Conch., v. t. 166, f. 1577, 1578. WOOD ; Index, pi. 34, t. 116. Janthina fragilis, BRUG. ; Encyc. Mtth, pi. 456, f. 1. Ann. du Mus., xi. 123 (animal). BLAINV. ; Malacol., pi. 37 bis., f..l a. SOWERBY; Conch. Man., f. 333. Janthina communis, LAM. ; Jin. sans Vert., (1st. ed.) vi. 206. Shell globose-conic, thin, brittle, transparent ; whorls three or four, forming a short spire, the last one very large, and angular at the middle ; beneath the angle the color is deep violet, lighter about the axis, and above it the color is merely tinted with violet, a little darker at the suture ; surface shining, wrinkled by the lines of growth, and with short, oblique wrinkles above the angle of the last whorl, and marked with revolving lines beneath that angle ; aperture large, semi-oval, outer lip very thin, retiring as it passes the angle of the whorl, so as to produce a shallow recess ; inner lip cylindrical, straight, corresponding with the axis of the shell. Length T \ inch, breadth 1 inch. The Janthina floats, by means of a mass of vesicles, at the surface, throughout the wide ocean, and is not unfrequently driven upon the ocean shores by storms. After a severe gale, in the MACROSTOMATA. MOLLUSCA. VELUTINA. 241 autumn of 1839, great numbers of them were collected on the shores of Nantucket, some specimens of which were furnished me by T. A. Greene, Esq., of New Bedford. FAMILY MACRO STOMATA, LAM. Shell ear-shaped, the aperture much dilated, margins disunited posteriorly ; operculum none. GENUS VELUTiNA, BLAINV. Shell small, thin, sub-globose, composed of two rapidly enlarg- ing volutions ; aperture large, sub-ovate, lip thin, not joined behind ; usually covered with a velvety or powdery epidermis* VELUTI'NA LJEVIGATA. Shell obliquely ovate, very fragile, consisting principally of the last of three whorls ; epidermis brown, rising into regular, equidis- tant, spiral folds. FIGURE 159. State Coll., No. 125. Soc. Cab., No. 2408.- Helix Isevigata, LIN. and English authors. DONOVAN ; Brit. Shells, t. 105. MON- TAGU : Test. Brit., 382. Helix haliotoidea, FABR. (non Lin.) ; Fauna GrasnL, No. 387. Bulk velulina, MULLER ; Zool. Dan., iii.'t. 101, f. 1 to 4. Velutina capuldidea, BLAINV. ; Malacol., pi. xlii. f. 4. Velulina rupicola, CONRAD ; Journ. dead. Nat. St., vi. 266, pi. xi. f. 17, 18. Galericulurn laevigatum, BROWN ; Conch, of Great Brit., fyc., pi. 38, f. 35, 3& Shell obliquely ovate or ear-shaped, very thin and fragile,' transparent, flesh-colored, or reddish-white ; whorls three, the' last extremely large and distended, the others very small, turned to one side, and partly sunken within the last ; suture distinct ; surface faintly marked with the lines of growth, and covered with a thick, brownish epidermis, which is raised at close and regular intervals into fringe-like ridges revolving round the shell ; aperture ample, rounded-oval ; lip extremely thin, but thickening a little as it rises upon the body of the shell ; the two lips uniting behind by a plate of enamel crossing the body of the shell, which, in mature 31 242 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. shells, renders the aperture nearly circular ; interior smooth and shining. Diameter about T \ inch, length a little more. Found among the sea-weed on the sea-beach, and in the stomachs of fishes. Mr. Conrad states, on the authority of Dr. Pickering, that it dwells on rocks, with habits like the PATE'LLA. But the fact of so fragile a shell being usually found entire in the stomachs of fishes, rather forbids this idea. It could not be detached by them without being fractured. This shell, as hitherto found, is extremely fragile, seeming to con- sist almost entirely of epidermis, with a small deposition of calcareous matter within. The ordinary English specimens are said to be of about the size of a pea, or perhaps twice as large ; but it sometimes becomes three fourths of an inch in diameter. I sent our ordinary specimens to Mr. G. B. Sowerby, who sent larger ones in return, assuring me of their identity. These differ from the shell as we find it, in being more solid, the epidermis more wrinkled lengthwise, the surface shining where this is removed, and the lowest whorl is disunited from the pre- ceding one at the aperture. These changes may all be attributed to age. We may anticipate finding specimens of equal size here, since we have already found them four times as large as the one described by Mr. Conrad, who allows the very close affinity of his minute one to the lavigata of Europe. The quoting of Bulla velutina by Lamarck as a synonym to his Sigaretus haliotoideus is plainly erroneous. The Helix haliotoidea of Fabricius, which is the Bulla velutina of Miiller, is not the H. hal- iotoidea of Linna3us and others ; and hence the probable misquotation. The figure in Pennant's "British Zoology" is poor; that of Blain- ville represents the common appearance when arrived at that size, the transverse wrinkles becoming more conspicuous than the revolving ones, which evidently become obsolete with age. The white zone which he represents, however, I have never seen. Brown's figure is very good for a shell of the size, and Conrad's is sufficiently character- istic for specimens as we usually find them. VELUTINA ZONA'TA. Shell oval-orbicular, compressed, pellucid, covered with a striped, calcareous incrustation ; inner lip flattened and channelled. FIGURE 160. MACROSTOMATA. MOLLUSCA. VELUTINA. 243 State Coll., No. 126. Soc. Cab., No. 2409. Shell thin, opake, white, and in some places pellucid, minutely striated both ways ; whorls less than three, the first two minute, and not seen when the shell is viewed in front ; the last, widening with great rapidity, becomes large, though it is not tumid, but appears rather depressed as it lies upon the aperture ; the surface is covered with a chalky incrustation, deposited by the animal, apparently instead of an epidermis ; it is white, or flesh-colored, and generally with numerous zones of brown, of various widths ; when this is removed, the shell is left pellucid ; aperture ovate, ample, nearly the whole length of the shell, more than double the size of the body of the shell ; outer lip sharp and spreading ; inner lip sharp-edged, but margined by a flattened, crescent- shaped, white, channelled space ; the sharp edge is lost as it re- volves within the shell, and a thin plate of enamel covers the space between it and the junction of the outer lip. Length $ inch, breadth J inch. Specimens have been found on Chelsea Beach, but are most easily obtained from fishes. It is readily distinguished from the preceding by its more solid struc- ture, its flattened form, its expanded aperture, the flattening of the left lip, and the peculiarity of the surface. Mr. Sowerby sent a speci- men from a raised beach on the Frith of Clyde, labelled " Galericulum undatum. Brown," which is partly fossilized, but bears a very close re- semblance to our shell. The most marked differences in the shell I received are, the greater breadth and excavation of the flattened lip, and a more irregular exterior, which, from the name it bears, I sup- pose to be constant. It may also be the shell figured in Brown's " Conchology of Great Britain," as Galericulum ovatum, but nowhere described. The peculiar coating of the shell adheres very closely, and might not be detected except by accident. Perhaps it does not always exist ; but in the striped specimens it will always be found. I should think that specimens entirely white, or flesh-colored, are as often found as the zoned ones. In one fish, caught off Cape Ann, I found about a dozen very large and beautiful specimens. .244 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. GENUS SIGAR^TUS, LAM. Shell ear-shaped, aperture ample, spire small and depressed, pillar spiral. SlGARETUS HALIOTOIDEUS. Shell obliquely ovate, pellucid, white, compressed ; aperture very large ; spire minute and lateral. FIGURE 158. State Coll., No. 54. Soc. Cab., No. 964. Helix haliotoidea, LIN. ; Syst. Nat., 1250. MARTINI ; Conch., i. t. 16, f. 151. Bulk haliotoidea, MONTAGU ; Test. Brit., 211, pi. 7, f. 6, and vign. 2, f. 6. MA- TON and RACKETT; Lin. Trans., viii. 123. BROWN; Encyc. Brit., vi. 462. Wpoq ; Index, pi. 18, f. 61 . Sigaretus haliotoideus, LAM.; An. sans Vert., (Isted.) vi. 208. FLEMING; Edin. Encyc., vii. 66. Brit. Anim. y 360. BROWN ; Conch, of Great Brit., fyc., pi. 44, f. 1,2. Ox/noe glabra, CODTHOUY ; Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., ii. 90, pi. 3, f. 16. Shell small, obliquely ovate, thin, pellucid, white, smooth and shining ; lines of growth very faint ; whorls two, the first, situated towards one side, is a mere nucleus for the last, which otherwise constitutes the whole shell ; aperture nearly the whole area of the shell ; outer lip sharp, entire, and somewhat expanded ; inner lip sharp, with the edge a little turned, regularly curved in conr formity to the left outline of the shell, and, entering the cavity of J;he spire, is seen to terminate there ; in the other direction, the curvature suddenly ceases, and, forming a slight angle, goes on- ward to join the outer lip ; a thin plate of enamel connects the two lips above. Length J inch, breadth f inch. Several specimens of this shell have been found, all of them in the stomachs of fishes. They are about equal in size, but vary somewhat in shape and convexity. The shell is precisely the same as the European one bearing the above name. As it is not certain that its entire animal has yet been seen, its genus remains undetermined. Mr. Couthouy rejects the genus SIGARETUS, because, from what he saw of the animal, he judged the shell to be external, and adopted the genus OXY'NOE of Rafinesque, with which PLICACEA. MOLLUSCA. TORNATELLA. 245 no one has any acquaintance except its author, and no characters are given of its shell except that, it is exterior and bul la-form. It seems better, therefore, to leave it where the conformation of the shell would place it, and where others have arranged it, until its animal is fully known, and its place determined. It will most probably be found to belong to the genus CORIOCELLA. . FAMILY PLICACEd, LAM. Aperture not spreading ; pillar plaited. GENUS TORNATELLA, LAM. Shell oval, spirally grooved, whorls few ; aperture long, narrow, rounded before ; outer lip thin, inner lip spirally twisted to form a fold. TORNATE'LLA PUNCTO-STRIA'TA. Shell minute, white, sub-oval ; whorls four or Jive, the lowest one large, the lower half marked with revolving, punctured lines ; suture deep ; fold of columella distinct. FIGURE 188. State Coll., No. 31. Soc. Cab., No. 2367. Tornatella puncto-striata, ADAMS ; Bost, Journ. Nat. Hist.., iii. 323, pi. 3, f. 9. Shell minute, white, elongated-oval, inclining to ovate ; whorls four, perhaps five, the lowest one at least three fourths the length of the shell, distended, the portion above the aperture plain and smooth, the remainder marked with ten to fifteen deep, rather distant revolving lines, which are indented with minute punctures ; the other whorls form a short, rapidly diminishing spire, and each of them is flattened so as to form a shoulder at the suture, which is deep and somewhat channelled. Aperture narrow, two thirds the length of the lower whorl, widening downwards ; outer lip sharp and simple, regularly curved, not very broadly rounded at base ; pillar thickened, exhibiting a prominent fold ; umbilical region depressed, and in immature specimens it is open. Length -j- 1 ^ inch, breadth ? 3 T inch, divergence 60. Found by Professor Adams in mud dredged up from New Bed- ford harbour. 246 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. This is the smallest species hitherto described, but it bears every mark of maturity. It has a general resemblance to the T. tornatilis of Europe, but the spire is, shorter and less acutely pointed. The punctured revolving lines, which cover the anterior half of the lower whorl, are constant and decisive marks of distinction, in addition to its minute size. FAMILY SCALJlRlNA, LAM. Shell without plaits on the pillar ; margins of the aperture circularly united. GENUS VERMJ^TUS, ADANSON. Shell tubular, spiral at the apex, irregularly and loosely twisted towards the aperture ; operculum horny. VERME'TUS LUMBRICA'LIS. Shell conic-tubular usually many tubes are intertwined into a group ; unequal strioz run the whole length of the tube. State Coll., No. 56. Soc. Cab., No. 922. Serpula lumbricalis, LIN.; Syst. JYat., 1266. LISTER; Conch., t. 548, f. 1. MARTINI; ConcA., i. 48, t. 2, f. 12 B. DILLWYN; CataL, ii. 1078. KNORR; Vergn., ii. t. 13, f. 1. Vermicularia lumbricalis, LAM. ; Syst. des Jin. sans Vert., 97. Verraetus lumbricalis, LAM. ; An. sans Vert. SOWERBY ; Conch. Man., f. 345. Shell consisting of a long, rough, ash-colored, conical tube, marked with numerous, unequal, raised lines along its whole length. At the pointed end is a spire of eight or ten closely connected whorls, upon each of which are two sharp, elevated ridges. This portion usually lies in a horizontal direction, and is attached by one side to some foreign body. The coil then be- comes ascending and lax until it can barely be called tortuous. The aperture is circular, with a sharp, simple edge, and is closed by a horny operculum, having a central nucleus, and concentric elements. The length of the closely spiral portion is from half an inch to an inch ; it is then continued indefinitely. Some of my specimens must be eight or ten inches in length. Diameter of aperture SCALARIANA. MOLLUSCA. SKENEA. 247 about one fourth of an inch. It is very seldom that one specimen is found by itself; numbers are usually grouped and intertwined with each other. A very fine group was hooked up by a friend in New Bedford harbour, containing not less than fifty individuals, inseparably in- tertwined. The living animals then occupied them. Professor Adams has also found small ones in the same region. Several specimens of Cumingia tellinoides were entangled within the folds, and in one of the tubes was a Crepidula plana. In the case of this shell we have the paradox of the apex or commencement of the shell being situated beneath the base. GENUS SKENEA, FLEMING. Shell minute, discoidal ; whorls few, and destitute of spines ; aperture dilated ; operculum horny. SKE'NEA SERPULOIDES. Shell minute, discoidal, concavely umbilicated beneath, horn- colored, whorls three, mouth expanded. FIGURE 189. State Coll., No. 55. Soc. Cab., No. 2411. Helix serpuloides, MONTAGU ; Test. Brit., Suppl, 147, pi. 21, f. 3. DILLWYN ; Catal., ii. 884. Turbo serpuloides, TDRTON ; Conch. Diet., 228. WOOD ; Index, pi. 32, f. 165. Delphinula ? serpuloides, ADAMS ; Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., iii. 334. Delphinoidea serpuloidea, BROWN ; Conch, of Great Brit., fyc., pi. 51, f. 40, 41. Skenea serpuloides, FLEMING ; Brit. Anim., 313. Shell minute, flat, slightly convex above, and broadly concave below, forming a deep umbilicus, which displays all the whorls within ; whorls three, smooth, a little depressed, light horn-color ; apex scarcely elevated ; suture channelled ; aperture turning downwards, circular, somewhat trumpet-shaped, in contact with, but not embracing any part of, the preceding whorl ; lip sharp, and receding so as to form an acute gap as it joins the preceding whorl ; operculum horny, multi-spiral, the apex central. Breadth f-y inch, height -^ inch. Clings to stones lying about low-water mark. I have found it 248 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. occasionally, but Professor Adams has found it in great numbers along the southwestern shore of East Boston. It is clearly described, and accurately figured by Montagu, but its generic place is very doubtful. It is allied to DELPHI'NULA, and Brown, in his " Conchology of Great Britain," &c., figures several co- species, and embraces them in a genus which he calls DELPHINOIDEA. The genus SKNEA, of Fleming, is adopted in preference, because its characteristics have been described. GENUS SCALARIA, LIN. Shell turreted, spire long, composed of rounded, sometimes sep- arated whorls, crossed by elevated ribs ; aperture oval ; lip con- tinuous, reflected. SCALARIA NOV-A'NGLIJE. Shell white, whorls convex, and barely in contact ; ribs numerous, slender, unequal, and with numerous, fine, revolving lines, in the intervening spaces ; umbilicated. State Coll., No. 43. Soc. Cab., No. 2410. Scalaria Nov-Angliae, COOTHOUV ; Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., ii. 96, pi. 3, f. 5. Shell turreted, elongated, thin, of a glossy white-color, with here and there an irregular rusty blotch ; whorls ten, cylindrical, barely touching each other, crossed by eleven somewhat oblique, delicate bars, of a pure white-color, three or four of which, on the lower whorls, are more robust than the rest ; the bars do not cross the sutures, and each has a little spine at its posterior termi- nation. The space between the ribs is thickly marked with very fine revolving lines, which are also crossed by still finer ones ; aperture nearly circular, bordered by a robust rib, with a spine like the others, flattened so as to form a blunt angle at its anterior portion, and partially concealing a small umbilicus. Length ^ inch, greatest breadth \ inch. Only one specimen has as yet been found, and this was taken from the stomach of a fish caught, off Cape Ann, by Mr. Couthouy. SCALARIANA. MOLLUSCA. SCALARIA. 249 It very much resembles S. multistriata. Say, but that shell is de- scribed as imperforate, whereas this has a small umbilical opening ; and no mention is made of the ribs being crowned by a spine. In general form it is also like S, clathrus, but that is imperforate, and is smooth between the ribs. To the S. mucrondta, Risso, it is also closely allied, SCALA'RIA GRCBNLA'NDICA. Shell elongated, regularly tapering to a point, of a livid color ; whorls ten, in close contact, moderately convex, and traversed by flattened, white ribs, the intervening spaces with distant, coarse, revolving lines ; no umbilicus. FIGURE 160. State Coll., No. 49. Soc. Cab., No. 1634. Turbo clathrus Grcenlandicus, CHEMN. ; Conch., xi. t. 1878, 1879. Scalaria planicosta, KIENER; Iconog., (Scalaria^) pi. vii. f. 21. Scalaria subulata, COUTHOUY ; Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., ii. 93, pi. 3, f. 4, Shell turreted, long, and regularly tapering to a fine point, of a dead bluish-white or livid-brown color ; whorls ten, rather flattened, barred with eight to fifteen stout, flattened, oblique, white ribs, some of which are apparently double ; ribs not termi- nating abruptly, but bending, and flowing along the sutural space to the preceding ones ; the intervening space is marked by six or eight coarse, rounded, equidistant ridges and revolving lines ; a single one, nearly as elevated as the ribs, revolves from the upper angle of the aperture ; aperture nearly round, bordered by a rib ; left lip a little expanded, and projecting into a perceptible angle in front. Length 1 inch, greatest breadth $ inch, divergence 34. Found thrown upon Nahant Beach, and taken from fishes caught in Massachusetts Bay, and at the Grand Banks, abundant- ly. Mr. Couthouy found one alive at Phillips's Beach, the animal of which he describes nearly as follows : Jlnimal yellowish-gray, thickly and irregularly marked with dull-whitish spots, most conspicuous on the sides of the neck ; foot short, thick, and nearly quadrangular ; head elongated, round- ed superiorly, not separated from the neck by any distinct line ; tentacula two, about an eighth of an inch long ; eyes small, black 32 250 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. and shining, at the outer base of the tentacula ; mouth rather large, rounded, corrugated ; operculum horny, strong, opake, of few turns. It was sluggish in its movements, and fed eagerly upon fresh beef, especially if somewhat macerated. Two imperfect shells in my possession, which I had supposed to be S. Turtbnis, I am now satisfied belong to this species. They are three or four times as large as the shells observed by Mr. Couthouy, and ordinarily found. But by comparison with specimens of S. Turtbnis sent me by Mr. Sowerby, I find the color different, and the brown bands entirely wanting in our shell. In S. Turtbnis the whorls are more numerous, and more convex ; the ribs are more delicate, and the intervening revolving lines are more numerous and far more delicate. Moreover, Mr. Sowerby, in indicating it to be the Turbo dathrus Green- Idndicus of Chemnitz, and hence called Scaldria Grcenlandica, ob- serves, that it sometimes attains the length of two inches and a half. On account of the flatness of the whorls, and the suture being partially filled by the ribs, this shell has the outline of a TE'REBRA. i SCALA'RIA LINEA'TA. Shell conical, white, with eight whorls, traversed by sixteen to eighteen delicate ribs, and the lower one by a revolving, raised line and one or more brownish bands ; aperture oval ; lip strong ; umbilicus none. State Coll., No. 50. Soc. Cab. No. 3200. Scalaria linekta, SAY ; Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc., ii., 242. Jlmer. Conch., pi. 27. Shell elongated-conical, pointed, white or tinged with brown- ish ; whorls eight, rounded, not disjoined, but defined by a well- impressed suture ; about sixteen to eighteen very delicate and slightly raised longitudinal ribs, not crossing the suture, traverse each one ; intervening spaces smooth ; a raised line or rather step, originating from the junction of the lips, revolves on the lower whorl, and defines the upper edge of a reddish-brown re- volving band ; another fainter band is usually seen just below the suture. Aperture sub-oval, bordered by a strong, rounded lip, SCALARIANA. MOLLUSCA. SCALARIA. 251 which is a little expanded at the anterior angle. Umbilicus none. Length about | inch, breadth J inch, divergence 36. Found by Mr. C. F. Shiverick, at New Bedford and vicinity. It differs from S. Nov-A'nglia in its more robust and firm struct- ure, its more numerous ribs, raised shoulder, and bands on the lower whorl, its absence of umbilicus and revolving lines, &c. It belongs to the South, and is not uncommon there. Mr. Say speaks of it as sub- ject to considerable variety in the size of the ribs, the breadth of the colored bands, &c. SCALA'RIA MULTISTRIA'TA. Shell white ; spire acute whorls eight ; ribs numerous, the spa- ces between them marked with fine revolving lines ; umbilicus none. State Coll., No. 51. Soc. Cab., No. 928. Scalkria multistr&ta, SAY ; Amer. Conch., pi. 27. Shell rather small, solid, white, acutely conic ; whorls eight, very convex, in firm contact, but well defined by the suture ; ribs numerous, varying in number from fourteen to twenty, equidistant, and moderately elevated, simple, erect, rounded at edges ; spa- ces between them marked with numerous fine revolving lines. Aperture rounded-ovate, more than one fourth the length of the shell, margined by a rib ; pillar lip thick and rounded ; umbilical opening none. Length - inch, breadth \ inch, divergence 30. Two small specimens, which I think must be regarded as of this species, were found by Mr. Shiverick, outside of Dartmouth harbour. They vary in some respects from the description of Mr. Say. The number of whorls is only seven, and of ribs thirteen. But ours are small specimens, less than one fourth of an inch in length ; and Mr. Say gives only sixteen ribs in his description, whereas, an undoubted specimen before me, has as many as twenty. The specific character seems to consist in the revolving lines between the ribs, and the desti- tution of an umbilicus. In this last respect it differs from S. Nov- A'nglia, while it corresponds with that shell in the first character, and in its general outline. Other, and probably larger, specimens will be 252 INVERTEBRATA OP MASSACHUSETTS. found, and all doubts may thereby be removed. Should it prove a distinct species, Professor Adams has proposed for it the name of S. pulchella. FAMILY TUEBINACEA, LAM. Shell turreted or conoid ; aperture rounded or oblong, not spreading ; lips disunited posteriorly. GENUS MARGARiTA, LEACH. Shell conical, moderately elevated ; whorls few, sub-inflated ; aperture rounded., imperfect posteriorly ; lip sharp ; umbilicus deep ; operculum multi-spiral ; the nucleus central. MARGARITA CINE'REA. Shell low-conical, thin, ash-colored, umbilicated, with four to six elevated and numerous smaller revolving ridges, and regular, erod- ed, elevated lines of growth. State Coll., No. 128. Soc. Cab., No. 2278. Turbo cinereus, COUTHOUY; Bost.Journ. Nat. Hist., ii. 99, pi. 3, f. 9. Trochus costalis, LOVE^N ; in letters. Shell small, thin, of a low conical or pyramidal shape ; color a dull ashy-white, sometimes tinted with green ; whorls five to seven, convex, and rendered angular by prominent, irregularly dis- posed revolving ridges, of which from four to six are more ele- vated, with less conspicuous intervening ones ; and the lowest of these elevated ridges forms a limit, at which the whorl slopes ab- ruptly, and presents a broad, slightly convex base, marked with fine, equal, and equidistant revolving lines ; the whole surface is also covered with crowded, very fine, and distinctly prominent lines of growth ; the umbilicus is broad and deep, and bounded by the last revolving line, which forms an angle terminating at the most anterior point of the otherwise circular aperture, and here causes an angular prolongation; outer lip regularly curved, sharp, finely scolloped ; it rises on the left margin, and terminates just behind the umbilicus, slightly expanding and par- TURBINA'CEA. MOLLUSCA. MARGARITA. 253 tially covering it ; a very thin stratum of enamel sometimes extends across the body of the shell ; throat within, with lines correspond- ing to the external marking ; operculum circular, multi-spiral. Height | inch, base a little less. Found in a very fresh and beautiful condition, but rather rare as yet, in the stomachs of fishes caught in Massachusetts Bay. It is distinguished by the beautiful, sharp lines of growth, which are not interrupted by the spiral ridges, and by these ridges covering all the base ; also, by the slight projecting angle of the aperture. It is very closely allied to M. striata, Broderip and Sowerby, " Zool. Journ.," iv. 371, and figured in Sowerby's " Conch. Illust.," (Margarita) fig. 3. By the kindness of Mr. Sowerby, however, I have been enabled to com- pare the two. In M. striata the whorls are not angulated by the re- volving lines, the largest of which are not larger than those on the base of our shell, while its base is nearly smooth ; its umbilicus is much smaller. In color, size, and general shape, the shells are alike. MARGARI'TA OBSCU'RA. Shell depressed-conical, solid ; spire obscure, reddish-brown, base ash-colored; whorls angulated by two or three revolving ridges; lines of growth coarse; aperture circular, pearly within. FIGURE 161. State Coll., No. 33, Soc. Cab., No, 2279. Turbo obscurus, CODTHOUY ; Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., ii. 100, pi. 3, f. 2. Shell small, solid, orbicular, low-conical, of a dull reddish- brown above, and of a light ash-color at base ; whorls five, con- vex, and rendered angular about the middle by a prominent re- volving ridge ; on the lower whorl are often one or two less con- spicuous ridges, and numerous very fine lines ; on the base these are so faint, as to be usually imperceptible without a magnifier ; these, with rather coarse lines of growth, somewhat prominent at intervals, often produce an indented or cellular appearance on the surface ; umbilicus large and deep, bounded by a sharp, angular ridge ; aperture circular ; lip simple and sharp ; within iridescent ; operculum horny, multi-spiral. Height ^ inch, diameter of base irV inch. Found rather plentifully in fishes caught off Nahant. 254 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. It has a general resemblance to M. cintrea, but it is more solid, less elevated, less angular, revolving lines fewer and less elevated, the base smoother, the aperture more simple and circular, and the color very different. It may perhaps be identical with M. costellata, Sowerby, described in the " Malacological and Conchological Journal," No. 1., and figured in his " Conchological Illustrations" (Margarita) fig. 15. On inspection, Mr. Sowerby, though not having his shell at hand for comparison, re- gards it as distinct from M. costellata. When the exterior is worn off, the shell beneath is found to be of a brilliant silvery lustre, with crimson reflections, rendering it one of the most attractive shells found in our waters. MARGARI'TA UNDULA'TA. Shell orbicular, low-conical, dark flesh-color, encircled with regularly disposed spiral lines, alternately larger and smaller, coarsely plaited at the sutures. FIGURE 162. State Coll., No. 35. Soc. Cab., No. 2277. Margarita undulata, SOWERBY; Malacol. and Conchol. Mag., i. 26. Conchol Illust., (Margarita), f. 4. Turbo incarnatus, COUTHOUY; Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., ii. 98, pi. 3, f. 13. Shell thin, orbicular, depressed-conical, usually of a bright brownish-red color ; sometimes rose-red, at others pale flesh- colored ; whorls four, convex, somewhat flattened above, undu- lated near the suture by short folds or wrinkles, and encircled by numerous, elevated, smooth spiral lines at uniform distances, and for the most part alternately larger and smaller ; base considerably flattened, of a lighter color, and with finer striae ; umbilicus broad, funnel-shaped, distinctly bounded by a spiral line, and partially covered by the reflected inner lip ; aperture nearly circular, very oblique ; lip sharp, slightly jagged ; throat pearly, with greenish and golden reflections ; operculum thin, horny, multi-spiral. Height T 3 F inch, base T 4 T inch. Found in great numbers in the stomachs of fishes, and also alive on Phillips's Beach. Mr. Sowerby received it from the Arctic Ocean. TURBINACEA. MOLLUSCA. MARGARITA. 255 This beautiful shell cannot be mistaken for any other species on the American Atlantic coast. Its color, its regular spiral lines, undulated sutural region, and pearly aperture, render it a very beautiful shell, having more of the aspect of a tropical, than of a northern shell. Mr. Sowerby's description and figure were published in the same month in which Mr. Couthouy read his description to the Boston Society of Natural History ; and we must, therefore, allow his name the right of priority. There is considerable variety in the coloring ; the freshest young shells are of a rose-red, and of a more depressed form ; the majority are of a brownish red ; the undulations are seldom, but sometimes, wanting. MARGARITA A'RCTICA. Shell orbicular, depressed, smooth and shining, translucent, of a light horn-color, with veryjine revoking lines on the base ; aper- ture circular. FIGURE 163. State Coll., No. 36. Soc. Cab., No. 895. Margarita arctica, LEACH ; in Ross's Voyage of Discovery, 8vo. 1819. Appendix. SOWERBY; Malacol. and Conchol. Mag., part i. 25. Conchol. Must., (Marga- rita), f. C. Margarita helicoides, BECK ; MS. Turbo inflatus, TOTTEN ; Silliman's Journ., xxvi. 368, f. 5, a, b, c. Paludina inflata, MENKE ; Shell small, orbicular, depressed, thin and translucent, smooth and shining, of a light yellowish horn-color or light olive ; whorls four or five, very convex, the last very large and tumid, a little flattened above ; minutely wrinkled by the lines of growth, and at its base marked with very fine spiral lines ; suture well impressed ; aperture large, circular, somewhat expanded ; edge sharp and simple, a little reflected at the umbilicus, which is large and pro- found, not bounded by an angular ridge ; operculum horny, multi- spiral. Length ^ inch, breadth nearly -^ inch. Found abundantly on all our sandy beaches. In some seasons, however, I have looked for them almost in vain. Their proper habitat is the deep sea, as they are thrown up alive, on the large 256 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. leaves of Laminaria. They were received by Leach and Beck from Greenland, Baffin's Bay, and the Arctic Seas. I have ob- tained them of a much larger size than is given by any other observer. It is a very pretty shell, generally iridescent, or reflecting a metallic, bronze lustre. It has more the aspect of a land or fresh-water shell, than that of a ea shell. It is not likely to be confounded with any other species except the following. I have given this species as the M. drctica. Leach, in accordance with the opinion of Mr. Sowerby, who compared our shells with the authentic specimens in the British Museum. I must confess, also, that in comparing the descriptions of M. vul- garis and M. drctica in the " Malac. and Conch. Magazine," and specimens of M. vulgaris, sent me by Mr. Sowerby with small speci- mens of the above described shell, I can perceive no essential distinc- tion, excepting in size ; the first is said to be palish, the second oliva- ceous. MARGARI'TA ARGENTA'TA. Shell depressed-conical , of a pearly-white color, covered with microscopic, revolving lines ; umbilicated. FIGURE 164. State Coll., No. 35. Soc. Cab., No. 2412. Shell minute, conical, with an obtuse tip, of a dead pearly- white color ; composed of four convex whorls, the last of which is very slightly angular ; the next above is elevated, but the up- permost, and frequently the two uppermost, are not elevated above the succeeding whorl, so that the apex is obtuse ; everywhere covered with crowded and very fine revolving lines ; suture deep; aperture circular ; lip sharp, simple ; interior pearly and irides- cent ; umbilicus moderately large. Length T J inch, breadth } inch. Found in fishes caught off Cape Ann, and Cohasset, in consid- erable numbers. TURBINACEA. MOLL CISC A. LITTORINA. 257 It is the smallest of the species of this genus that we find. It is most obviously distinguished from small specimens of the last species by its dead surface, which may be well compared to chased silver ; and, on a more intimate 'examination, it is found to have more uniform and de- cided revolving lines, and its spire is more elevated. I was at first disposed to regard it as the M. cfarnea, Lowe ; (Zool. Journ., li. 107, pi. v. f. 12, 13, 132). But, in the following- essential characters belonging to that, it differs from our shell, viz. an acutely pointed spire, an angular aperture, and a uniform yellowish flesh- color. The revolving lines, too, are said to be elevated and sub-distant, terms which allow of much latitude of meaning, but which we should not be likely to apply to the c'rowded, miscroscopic lines on our shell. They appear quite conspicuous on the figure quoted. The young of M. undulata would answer better to that description. If it is not M. ctirnea, it has not been described ; Mr. Sowerby hesitates to call it so. GENUS LITTORiNA, Ffc'RFSsAtf. Shell thick, top-shaped, spire of a few rounded whorls ; aper- ture entire, rounded-ovate, large ; outer lip sharp, inner lip some- what flattened ; lips not continuous posteriorly - y operculum horny, spiral.- LITTORINA RUDIS. Shell strong and coarse, volutions convex and well defined, with revolving ridges ; pillar flattened, prolonged so as to form ah angle in front ; color yellowish. FIGURE 165v State Coll., No. 39. goc. Cab., No. 881. Turbo rudis, DONOVAN ; Brit. Shell*, i. t 33, f. 3. MONTAGU ; Test. Brit., 304. TURTON'S LIN. ; iv. 480. Conch. Diet., 197. CHEMN.; Conch., v. t. 185, f. 1853. MATON and RACKETT ; Lin. Trans., viil. 159, t. 4, f. 12, 13. WOOD 5 Index, pi. 30, f. 7. LAM. ; An. sans Vert., (Isted.,) vii. 49. FLEMING ; Brit. Mm., 298. Turbo obligaliis, SAY; Journ. Jlcad. Nat. Sc., ii. 24T. Shell broad-ovate,- strong and coarse, generally yellowish or ash-colored, sometimes orange or olive, for the most part of one uniform color, but occasionally banded with white, or blotched with some lighter color ; surface marked with very perceptible S3 258 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. and sometimes conspicuous revolving lines and grooves ; whorls four or five, convex, well defined by the suture, forming a moder- ately elevated spire, rather obtuse at its apex ; last whorl three fourths the length of the shell ; aperture one half the same, ob- liquely broad-ovate ; outer lip bevelled within to a sharp edge ; the pillar margin is broadly flattened, and, widening forwards, projects so as to form an angle ; within colored, generally brown, except the bevelled edge, which is yellowish-white ; operculum horny, sub- spiral ; sometimes a small umbilical indentation is found. Length ^ inch, breadth f inch, divergence 68. Found on rocks of the ocean shore. It is usually of a much smaller size than above mentioned. Indeed, had it not been for a few large specimens sent me by Dr. L. M. Yale, from Martha's Vineyard, which correspond, in every respect, with specimens of L. rudis received from Mr. Sowerby, I should not have recognised the species. The small specimens, such as we usually find on the ocean rocks, answer well to Mr. Say's description of Turbo obligatus, and were doubtless the shells intended by him. They are usually darker colored, and more mottled, than adult specimens. Mr. Say thought his specimens might be mere varieties of his T. palliatus, with obtuse, elevated, revolving lines. He must have inadvertently associated them with that species, to which they have no affinity, in- stead of with his T. vestitus, to which they are closely allied, and from which they would not be distinguished by the unpractised eye. The conviction that they are the L. rudis, has greatly diminished the number of what I had regarded as varieties of L. tenebrosa. The variations consist in the greater or less prominence of the re- volving lines ; sometimes these are almost imperceptible, and at others they would bear the name of ribs. The coloring is principally yellow, of various shades ; some small specimens are quite white ; many are olive and grey. Dr. Loven has named a flesh-colored variety L. in- carnata. From L. palliata, it is distinguished by its more elevated spire, and distinctly defined whorls, its striated surface, and the compression of the lip in front, so as to form an angle ; from L. tenebrosa, it differs in its less elongated spire, its larger aperture, encircled as it were by a broad, thick, flattened rim. I have not seen the animal, but Montagu says it is yellowish, with- out stripes or spots ; the tentacula of the same color, marked with a TURBINACEA. MOLLUSCA. LITTORINA. 259 dusky streak on the outside. If so, we should 'have another decisive distinguishing mark. After long and careful observation and study of the myriads of speci- mens on our shores, so infinitely varied in proportions, coloring, and sculpture, I have become satisfied in my own mind, to what species they should be referred. The limits of the species too, in adult speci- mens, are decidedly marked both by the shells themselves and by the animals. But, as to the young, to use the language of Montagu, " the shades and gradations are so intimately blended, that it is scarce possible to determine what marks a characteristic line of division." The angle of the front I regard as the most constant character of the last species. It seems almost incredible that Mr. Say should have drawn upon the State of Maine for specimens of shells, which are so extensively dis- tributed, and so innumerable with us; and still more incredible, that, from the few specimens which he probably received, he should have discriminated and described the three species so accurately, though, if my conclusions are correct, some of them were previously described. LITTORI'NA TENEBRO'SA. Shell ovate-conical; spire elevated^ whorls tumid, with numerous revolving lines, dark-green or dusky-brown, with interrupted cream-colored lines ; aperture circular ; purplish-chocolate within, FIGURE 166. State Coll., No. 38. Soc. Cab., No. 879. Turbo tenebrosus, MONTAGU ; Test. Brit., 303, t. 20, f. 4. MATON and RACKETT ; Lin. Trans., viii. 160. DILLWYN ; Catal., ii. 818. TURTON; Conch. Diet., 197, f. 36, 37. BROWN ; Conch, of Great Brit., fyc. FLEMING ; Brit. Anim., 298. Turbo vestitus, SAY ; Journ. dead. Nat. Sc., ii. 241. Shell small, ovate-conical, rather thin, dark-olive or dusky- brown, usually prettily checkered with buff-colored, broken lines, generally obscured by a gray or rusty coating ; spire elevated and pointed, of five or six rounded, tumid whorls, marked with ob- scure revolving lines ; suture well defined ; lower whorl two thirds the length of the shell ; aperture less than one half, nearly circular ; outer lip thin and sharp, yellowish, thickening a little as it meets the flattened and slightly everted pillar lip, forming a 260 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. slightly perceptible angle at base ; throat deep chocolate or pur* plish-brqwn ; operculum thin, shining, horny, brown. Length \ inch, breadth \ inch, divergence 65. This species is found about sluggish waters, wharves, bridges, ditches and pools upon marshes, on the mud, and climbing culms of grass. It is often found on the marshes at a consider- able distance from any water, but I do not recollect that I have ever found it at the open sea, where it was liable to sustain any violence from currents or the surf. The animal has a dark-olive head, and an olive stripe on the tentacula, from the eye ; the sides of the foot are beautifully Iine4 with the same, and it is very sluggish in its movements. It lives a week or more, after being removed from the water. Actual comparison of our shell with the British Turbo tenebrbsus, the authority of Mr. Sowerby, its correspondence with the descriptions and figures above cited, and the similarity of habit, render their iden? tity quite certain. Its distinctive points are, the elevation of the spire, formed of very tumid whorls, abrupt and not sloping at the suture ; the short, nearly circular moyth, with its thin, yellow lip, the very partial flattening of the inner lip producing a very slight angular curve in front ; the dark purplish-brown interior ; and above all, the olive-colored head and markings of the animal. Its varieties of form are not great, consisting in the greater or less elevation of the spire. In coloring, it is not so variable as L. pdlliata. It is generally very dark*green, interrupted with dashes of buff; but sometimes it is dark-chocolate color, or light-grey, and the widest va? riety I have seen is a, dark-brown, with one, two, or three bands of white. In sculpture, there is considerable variation, consisting in the deeper or more superficial revolving grooves. In most cases, howr ever, there are none distinctly visible to the naked eye. The limits of the species are not very readily declared; but I now suppose it to be a less variable species than I had at first thought. jSome further remarks on it may be found under L. rudis. LITTORINA PALLIA'TA, Shell small, globular-ovate, thick, smooth ; spire small and de- pressed, generally of one color, or variegated with bands and spots ; aperture rounded, outer lip sharp, pillar widely flattened. TUH9INACEA. MOLLUSCA. LITTORINA. 261 FIGURE 167. State Coll., No. 40. Soc. Cab., No. 1648. Turbo palliatus, SAY; Jonrn. Acad.Nat. Sc., ii. 240. Turbo neritoides ? LIN. ; Syst., 1232. CHEMN. ; Conch., v. 234, 1. 185, f. 1854. Shell semi-globular, solid, smooth and shining, with very faint revolving lines, and lines of growth ; color variable, white, yel* low, orange, olive, slate, and brown ; usually of a single color, but often striped, banded, or spotted in various ways with darker and lighter colors ; whorls four, the last very large, and the others scarcely rising above it ; suture faintly marked, scarcely denoting the limits of the whorls ; aperture nearly circular, the lip bevelled within, to a sharp edge ; the pillar margin broadly flattened and white, continuous with the outer lip ; color of the interior corre^ spending to the exterior cojor ; operculum horny, semi-heart- shaped, smooth, sub-spiral. Length T %. inch, breadth T 9 T inch, divergence 85. Found along the whole coast. Their resorts are usually exposed to the open sea. They are found on rocky shores in great abun>- dance, and at low tide are easily obtained from the rocks and rock-weed, to which they cling, and on which they are seen in rapid motion. The animal has the head orange, darker above, and the foot of a drab or cream color. The varieties of coloring are innumerable ; combining the colors above mentioned in every possible manner. They consist principally, however, in bands of different widths, from hair lines, up to a third of the width of the body whorl ; but the surface is sometimes reticulated, or marked with triangular spots. The great points of distinction are the smooth surface, short, depress* ed spire, broadly flattened pillar, and, above all, the orange -colored head of the animal, Its proportions vary with its age. While young the aperture is not much longer than the spire, but at maturity it is seven eighths of the length of the shell. This shell would by many be considered the same as the Turbo ne- ritoides of authors. It may be the T. neritoides of Linnaeus, but not of Ferussac and Lamarck. I have sent our shells to Mr. Sowerby 262 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. and Dr. Loven, who are of the opinion that they are distinct. To some of the small European specimens, parallels might be produced from our largest ones ; but in general the spire of our shell is less de- pressed, has no decided angle bounding the flattened spire, and it is less narrowed forwards. Mr. Sowerby sent a shell labelled Litt. ex- pdnsa, Brown, from the Frith of Forth, which much more closely re- sembles our shell. Dr. Loven has given to a dirty olive-colored shell from the coast of Norway the name of L. squalida ; but it is precisely the same as similarly colored shells of this species. As there is still so much cause for doubt, it seems better, for the present at least, to retain Mr. Say's specific name. GENUS LACUNA, TDRTON. Shell globose or conical, thin ; spire consisting of a few rapidly enlarging whorls ; aperture semi^lunar ; inner lip oblique, flatten- ed; umbilicus forming a lengthened groove along the pillar. LACUNA VINCTA. Shell small, ovate~conical, with Jive rounded volutions, encircled by four or five purplish-brown bands, and very numerous, minute } undulating lines. FIGURE 168. State Coll., No. 41. Soc. Cab., No. 915. Turbo vinctus, MONTAGU ; Test. Brit., 307, pi. 20. f. 3. TURTON ; Conch. Diet., 195, f. 92, 93. WOOD ; Index, pi. 31, f. 69. DILLWYN j Catal., ii. 844. MA- TON and RACKETT ; Lin. Trans., viii. 167. Turbo quadrifasciatus, FLEMING ; Brit. Jlnim., 299. Lacuna pertusa, CONRAD j Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc., vi. 266, pi. 11, f. 19. Shell small, thin, ovate-conic ; spire pointed, composed of five very convex whorls, separated by a fine and deep suture, of a dingy-white or purplish horn-color ; the lower one encircled by four darker chestnut-colored bands, two of which revolve upon the posterior whorls also ; the surface is also marked by faint lines of growth, and numerous, flexuous, revolving marks, which require a magnifier to render them conspicuous ; aperture nearly orbicular ; outer lip sharp thin and simple ; pillar lip white, flat- tened, and excavated by a smooth, crescent-shaped groove, termi- TURBINACEA. MOLLUSCA. LACUNA. 263 nating in an umbilicus ; as the two margins join each other at the base, they form a slight projecting angle. A slight angular ridge revolves from the upper angle of the aperture, on some specimens quite perceptible. Operculum horny, sub-spiral. Length -J inch, breadth T 3 T inch, divergence 58. Variety FUSCA. Figure 169. Shell proportionally shorter, more solid and opake, of a darker, generally uniform color, some- times yellowish, and sometimes purplish horn-color, occasionally with one or two bands, or banded shades ; the mouth more angu- lar, and the angular revolving ridge more frequently conspicuous. Found, driven up, on all our beaches, and alive among the roots of Lamindria and other marine plants, attached to stones and shells, and dragged by storms from deep water. It is easily distinguished from all our shells by its peculiar umbili- cus, and its elongated form, by which it is distinguished from the next species. The size above given is larger than in most specimens, but not so large as in many. It is undoubtedly the L. vincta of the British shores, as settled by actual comparison- and the opinion of Mr. Sower- by. Mr. Conrad seems not to have been acquainted with the L. vinc~ ta', when he described his L. pertusa, distinguishing it from L. quad- rifascidta. The variety is found in about equal numbers with the type. It does not depend on age ; for small young specimens are proportionally short, dark, and solid. But the approaches to each other are so insensible, that I do not venture to make a species of it ; but attach to it, as a variety, a name some years since proposed for it by A. Binney, a Representative. It may prove to be a technical spe- cies, and perhaps is actually the Turbo candlis, Mont. LACUNA NERITOIDEA. Shell globular-ovate, with three whorls and a half, the last very large, smooth, yellowish-green ; aperture semi-lunar, oblique ; umbilicus large and deep. FIGURE 170. State Coll., No. 35. Soc. Cab., 2413. Lacuna neritoidea, GOULD ; Sillimari's Journ., xxxviii. 197. 264 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. Shell small, thin, hemispherical, or obliquely ovate ; whorls three and a half, regularly convex, minutely wrinkled near the su- ture,- and with an occasional transverse scratch ; otherwise smooth, and covered with a rough, greenish-yellow epidermis ; the sutural region is depressed and sub-channelled ; the spire is scarcely prominent above the very large lower whorl, and is placed a little to one side ; aperture 1 oblique, semi-circular, angles a little rounded J outer lip sharp ; inner lip straight, like a rounded white rib, broadest and twisted behind ; at the side of it is a nar- row, crescentic, white space, bounded externally by the continua- tion of the sharp lip, along which a groove runs, terminating in a deep umbilicus ; operculum horny, sub-spiral. Length -J- inch, greatest breadth inch, divergence 95. A few specimens of this shell have been collected at different times on Chelsea Beach. It is probably floated ashore on sea- weed. It is sufficiently distinct from specimens of Turbo pallidulus, sent me from Europe for comparison, by its narrower channelled space, and its smaller umbilicus ; and more especially by the aperture not being at all trumpet-shaped, or angular, as in that shell. They are so near- ly alike, however, that it is very difficult to delineate, either by de- scription or figures, distinctions which are very obvious oh inspection. I have received it from Dr. Loven, labelled, doubtfully, L. Montagui, Turton. GENUS CINGULA, FLEMING. Shell small, thin, elongated, of several whorls ; aperture small, entire, the lip continuous posteriorly ; operculum horny; sub-spiral. A group of small shells here referred to, seems to present characters which entitle it to a generic rank. These shells differ from the short, solid LITTORI N^E by their elongated form, and thin, horny structure ; and the animal has a prolonged muzzle, which that of LITTORI'NA has not. Fleming divides his genus into two sections ; first, those which have the "outer lip thickened by a rib," and which answer to the genus RI'SSOA of Fremin- ville, a well-marked genus; second, those with the "outer lip TURBINACEA. MOLLUSCA. CINGULA. 265 not thickened," to which I would restrict the genus CI'NGULA, and which seem also to constitute the genus HYDROBIA of Hartmann, judging merely from references made to it, CI'NGULA MINUTA. Shell minute, elevated conic, thin, smooth, yellowish' green; whorls jive, convex ; suture distinct. FIGURE 171. State Coll., No. 37. Soc. Cab., No. 1365. Turbo rainutus, TOTTEN j Silliman's Journ. t xxvi. 369, f. 7. Shell minute, ovate-conic, elevated, obtuse at apex, thin, yel- lowish-brown, or dark horn-color when containing the animal ; usually coated with a dark-green pigment, or some minute vege- table ; whorls five, convex, faintly wrinkled by the lines of growth, the two upper ones forming an obtuse apex, and the low- est less than two thirds the whole length of the shell ; suture dis- tinct, with a slight shoulder to the whorl near it ; aperture about one third the length of the shell, oval, the lips united in mature shells by a loosely attached enamel, which rises before an umbili- cal pit ; operculum horny, sub-spiral. Length of large specimens -go inch, breadth T \- inch, divergence 28. Animal. Head proboscidiform, dusky-brown, or blackish, half as long as the black-tipped tentacula ; eyes on a partial ped- uncle or dilatation on the exterior base of the tentaclula ; region of the mouth, the tentacula, and a stripe each side of the neck, leav- ing a pyramidal dark line between, of a light drab-color ; foot oval, bifid, and dilated into wings before, rounded behind, dusky above, and pale beneath. Motions very active. Found plentifully on sea-weed, and on moist banks, about high- water mark, especially on the thread-like plants which grow in ditches and brackish pools about marshes, in company vfhh-Litto- rina tenebrosa. It is closely allied to several species received from Europe, and perhaps identical with some one of them ; as the Littorma Balthica, from Copenhagen ; the Turbo ulvce, from England ; and the Paludina therm&lis, from France. But, as the shell has been submitted to Mr. 34 266 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. Sowerby, and he did not pronounce it a European species, but sent the last-named shell as the nearest allied to it of all the species with which he is acquainted, and as it certainly is not identical with that, I shall not venture to claim for it any more remote history than that given by Colonel Totten. This shell is so plain as to present no striking mark of distinction, and it is consequently not easy to describe it. The only shells liable to be confounded with it, are the Odostomia fusca and O. exigua ; a slight examination of the aperture readily solves any doubt on this point. i Cl'NGULA ACULEUS. Shell minute, sub-cylindrical; whorls convex, covered icith regu- lar, microscopic revolving lines ; aperture ovate ; umbilicus partial. FIGURE 172. State Coll., No. 32. Soc. Cab., No. 2359. Shell minute, ovate-cylindrical, elongated, light yellowish horn- color ; whorls six, convex, and separated by a deep sutural region ; the two upper ones forming a blunt apex, the lowest rather more than half the length of the shell ; the whole covered with regular, crowded, microscopic revolving lines ; aperture one third the length of the shell, oval, oblique, angular behind, the mar- gin simple and entire, barely touching the preceding whorl, some- what expanded, and on the left side elevated, and slightly turn- ed over an umbilical depression or chink ; operculum horny. Length -/ s inch, breadth T 'j inch, divergence 23. Found sparingly on the partially decayed timbers of an old wharf, and plentifully on stones, about low-water mark, at East Boston. It is a small, but well characterized shell, distinguished by its elon- gated form, its entire aperture, and the minute spiral lines with which it is covered. It is nearly as long as, and much more slender than, C. minuta. Brown figures two or three species, which closely resem- ble this. TURBINACEA. MOLLUSCA. TURRITELLA. 267 GENUS TURRIT&LLA, LAM. Shell turreted, elongated, spirally grooved, pointed; aperture entire, rounded; lips disjoined posteriorly ; operculum horny. TURRITE'LLA EROSA. Shell elongate-turreted , pale-brown, composed of about ten smooth, flattish whorls, sloping above to the suture^ and grooved with from three to five, obtuse, revolving furroivs. State Coll., No. 38. Soc. Cab., No. 2286. Turritella erosa, COUTHOUY j Bost. Journ. Jfat. Hist., ii. 103, pi. 3, f. 1. Shell elongated-conical, turreted, pale horn-colored, with a light reddish-brown epidermis ; whorls about ten, flattish, smooth, sloping towards the suture, so that each whorl seems a little shelv- ing over the succeeding one, and furrowed with from three to five abrupt, revolving grooves, nearly as wide as the spaces be- tween them. From five on the largest whorl, the number goes on diminishing above ; the whorls at the apex are usually broken off, and much of the summit is a good deal eroded. Lines of growth are quite conspicuous in the grooves, but scarcely percep- tible elsewhere ; aperture nearly circular ; lip sharp, meeting the prolonged pillar, so as to produce a partial angle ; operculum horny, multi-spiral. Length inch, breadth -f- inch. Found in the stomachs of fishes caught in Massachusetts Bay. It is usually found either incomplete, or much defaced and broken. I have seen but one specimen containing the animal. It is quite different from any described species, unless it be T. Vir- ginidna of Lamarck. His description is not sufficiently definite to identify his shell with ours, and the character " basi annulo griseo-viola- cescente notata," I have never found upon it. It bears a distant re- semblance to the old Turbo terebra of English authors, but it does not slope to a point so rapidly, and the sculpture seems to be from grooves, and not from raised lines, as in T. terebra. 268 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. TURRITE'LLA INTERRU'PTA. Shell small) subulate, brownish-white, reticulated with numer- ous ribs and revolving lines, which are interrupted by the ribs, and three faintly colored bands. FIGURE 173, State Coll., No. 271. Soc. Cab., No. 2358. Turritella interrupta, TOTTEN; Silliman's Journ., xxviii. 352, f. 7. ADAMS; Post. Journ. Nat. Hist., ii. 275. Shell small, very slender and pointed, pale brownish-white, glossy ; whorls eight or ten, slightly convex, the suture well de- fined, on which are from twenty-five to thirty straight, blunt ribs, crossed by about fourteen revolving lines, which are interrupted by the ribs ; these lines are arranged in pairs, but so close to each other, as not always to be distinguished, and would usually be re- garded as one ; on the anterior half of the lower whorl, the ribs van- ish, and the fine revolving lines are uninterrupted. In fresh speci- mens may be seen a purplish band just below the suture, and on the anterior whorl two faint-yellow ones ; aperture about one sixth the length of the shell, ovate, sharply angular behind ; outer lip sharp and simple, inner lip slightly everted. Length \ inch, breadth T \ inch, divergence 12. First found by Colonel Totten in the harbour of Newport, Rhode Island ; and since found by Professor C. B. Adams, in Dartmouth harbour, by dredging beyond low-water mark. He has also found it in New Bedford harbour. It is readily recognised by its slender, pointed, glossy appearance, and its reticulated surface. Several recent and fossil species resem- ble it in size and shape, among which are Turbo elegantissimus, Mon- tagu ; Turritella cequalis, Say, and T. laquedta, Conrad. This species does not belong to the genus TURRITE'LLA ; but will probably come under the genus EU^LIMA of Risso. GENUS PYRAMIS, BROWN. Shell elongated, of numerous whorls ; aperture short, ovate, en* tire in front ; lip sharp, disunited behind ; pillar without a fold. TURBINACEA. MOLLUSCA. % PYRAMIS. 269 PY'RAMIS STRIA'TTJLA. Shell turreted, dingy-white ; whorls eight, nearly flat, with numerous fine, revolving lines ; tipper whorls tapering rapidly ; suture distinct. FIGURE 174. State Coll., No. 53. Soc. Cab., No. 2360. Py'ramis striatula, GOUTHOUV ; Bost. Journ. Nat. HisL, ii. 101, pi. 1, f. 6. Shell elevated, obelisk-shaped, thick, bluish-white, usually having a dead, unpolished appearance ; whorls seven to nine, nearly flat, distinctly separated by the suture, a few of the upper ones tapering rather suddenly to an acute point, thus giving it an obelisk shape ; marked with obvious lines of growth, sometimes approaching to varices, and with from twelve to fifteen fine, reg- ular revolving lines, diminishing in number towards the apex ; aperture ovate, acute-angular behind ; outer lip sharp and simple, without any sinus behind ; slightly turned outwards at base, as it joins the regularly arched pillar margin. Length -J|- inch, breadth / inch, divergence 23. First found by Mr. Couthouy in the stomachs of fishes caught off Cape Ann. Several specimens have since been found, but it is by no means common. I have employed the genus PY'RAMIS, not because I would adopt it, but because I know not any established genus under which this shell would come ; and do not wish to confuse, if I cannot correct. The characters of the aperture are like those of the preceding species, but the exterior has a different character. Its aspect is precisely that of a shell sent me as MONOTI'GMA, Gray ; but I cannot find the plait on the inner lip, from whence that genus derives its name. GENUS ODOST6MIA, FLEMING. Shell conical, elongated; aperture ovate ; lips disunited posteri- orly, and sometimes produced anteriorly ; pillar with a tooth-like fold ; operculum horny, sub-spiral. 270 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. ODOSTOMIA PRODU'CTA. Shell small, conic-cylindrical; whorls eight, nearly flat ; epi- dermis light-brown; columella fleocuous. FIGURE 175. State Coll., No. 28. Soc. Cab., No. 2372. Jaminia producta, ADAMS ; Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., iii. pi. 3, f. 8. Shell small, elongated, conic-cylindrical, very slender, com- posed of eight or more flattish whorls, separated by a well-im- pressed suture ; tip blunted, as if one or more whorls were re- moved ; surface faintly marked by lines of growth, and covered with a dusky, horn-colored epidermis ; occasionally, an indistinct revolving line may be seen on two or three of the lowest whorls ; aperture about one fourth the length of the shell, ovate, regularly rounded in front, the pillar margin modi6ed by the rising and re- volving of the outer lip around it, so as to produce a partial fold. Umbilicus none. Operculum thin, horny, spiral, apex at one side. Length J inch, breadth y T inch, divergence 12. Found by Professor Adams, in September, 1839, near high- water mark, in a cove on the east side of Fairhaven. It is distinguished from O. exigua by the same characters as O.fusca is. To this last it is very closely allied; and, as neither of them has any very prominent peculiarities, it may not be possible to make apparent in words, distinctions which are quite obvious to the eye. This is, however, a much more slender shell than O.fusca^ has one or more additional whorls, a much lighter colored epidermis, less convex whorls, and no approach to an umbilicus. While the two shells are about equal in length, the lower whorl of O. producta is not more than two thirds as large as that of O. fusca ; so that it has a very much more slender and cylindrical form ; and this it is, which most readily strikes the eye on comparison. This does not belong to the genus JAMI'NIA of Leach ; and Brown has given us no characters for the genus, as he employs it. ODOSTOMIA FUSCA. Shell small) elevated-conical, rather blunt at tip, and sub-umbil- icated ; color dark-brown ; aperture broadly-ovate. FIGURE 176. TURBINACEA. MOLLUSCA. ODOSTOMIA. 271 State Coll., No. 29. * Soc. Cab., No. 2373. Py'ramis fusca, ADAMS ; Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., ii. 282, pi. 4, f. 9. Jaminia fusca, ADAMS ; Ibid., Hi. 337. Shell small, thin, elongated-conical, rather blunt, or worn off at apex, a smooth and glossy violet-brown epidermis covering it, through which the lines of growth are perceptible ; whorls six, probably eight when the tip is entire ; slightly convex, regularly tapering, and separated by a well-defined suture, and sometimes by a revolving line just below it, so that the suture seems double ; aperture ovate, widened at the middle by a twist of the pillar lip, acutely angular behind ; simple and sharp, widely and regularly rounded in front ; it ascends upon the columella, and forms an ob- lique, nearly transverse ridge, as it revolves within the aperture, and so deep as to be nearly concealed ; space between this fold and the posterior angle of the aperture joined by a thin plate of enamel ; an umbilical indentation about the middle of the left lip. Length fa inch, breadth T 3 7 inch, divergence 26. This shell was first found by Professor C. B. Adams, at New Bedford, clinging to planks, not far above low-water mark, and from him I received my specimens. They have since been found at Dartmouth and Tiverton. Compared with O. exigua, with which shell it is most likely to be confounded, it is shorter and more blunt-pointed ; the whorls are more flat, and the lowest in exact keeping with the rest ; the color very much darker ; the aperture is ^broader and modified by the twist of the left margin, without any prolongation at base. The turning of the lip into the aperture forms a fold, which, in some specimens, is not seen without looking far within ; in others it is quite conspicuous, and in others it is even divided by a furrow into two folds. The figure and description in the " Boston Journal of Natural History " were drawn from specimens much smaller and less perfect, than some since found ; so that they are both imperfect. The spiral ridge or fold on the columella is there said not to exist at all. These two last shells differ in some characters from the following, and perhaps belong to a different genus. The shell is thin and horny, the aperture regularly rounded in front, and the fold on the pillar in- conspicuous. In the true ODOSTO'MIJE, the shells are of a solid, ivory structure, and the lip somewhat produced in front, forming the con- necting link with CERI'THIUM and the CANALI'FERA. 272 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. ODOSTOMIA EXI'GUA. Shell small, ovate-conical, smooth, whitish; with a single re- volving line below the suture ; aperture oval; sub-umbilicated. FIGURE 177. State Coll., No. 27. Soc. Cab., No. 2371. Jam mi a exigua, COUTHOUY; Bost. Journ, Nat. Hist., ii. 92, pi. 2, f. 7. Rissoa rupestris, FORBES ; Ann. of Nat. Hist., ii. 107, pL 2, f. 13. Turritella bisuturalis ? SAY ; Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. y ii. 244. Shell small, ovate-conical, somewhat turreted, rather obtuse at apex, surface smooth, light-green, under a brownish epidermis, lines of growth scarcely perceptible ; whorls five or six, separated by a well-defined suture ; and, in most specimens, a distinct line revolves just before the suture, giving the appearance of a double suture ; the lowest whorl is proportionally larger than the others, and constitutes about half the length of the shell ; aperture oval, outer lip sharp and simple ; pillar lip bluish-white, smooth and rounded ; a transverse, white fold is formed by the turning of the lip within the shell, before which it is a little raised and turned outwards, producing an umbilical chink, and is extended so as to form a considerable projecting angle at the lower extremity ; operculum horny. Length -J- inch, breadth T \j- inch, divergence 28. First found by Mr. Couthouy, at Chelsea, near the ferry land- ing, adhering to decaying wood. It has since been found in vari- ous similar situations, and under the damp portions of loose stones left on the shore at low tide. It is distinguished from O. trifidus, with which it would be confound- ed without intimate examination, by its being a less slender and pointed shell, the disproportion of the last whorl, and the greater con- vexity of all the whorls, and the want of two or three revolving lines so characteristic of O. trifidus. In the latter shell, the fold of the colu- mella is oblique, and in O. exigua it is nearly transverse. It will also be necessary to compare it with the next species. I should be dispos- ed to regard it as the same with Turbo unidentatus, Montagu, ( Test. Brit. 324) ; but as it is impossible to decide on such minute species, TURBINACEA. MOLLUSCA. ODOSTOMIA. 273 with no obvious characteristics, from description only, I must leave it unsettled. It is almost certainly the Turritella bisuturdlis of Say ; at least, I know of no other shell which will at all answer to his description. The figure and description of Rissoa rupestris, Forbes, also cor- respond with it. ODOSTOMIA SEMINU'DA. Shell acute-conic, white, with coarse revolving lines, crossed on the upper whorls, and on the upper half of the lower whorl, by lon- gitudinal lines. FIGURE 178. State Coll., No. 30. Soc. Cab., No/2418. Jaminia seminuda, ADAMS ; Bost. Journ. JYcrt. Hist., ii. 280, pi. 4, f. 13. Shell acute-conic, glossy white, translucent ; whorls six or seven, convex, the upper ones and one half the lower whorl with numerous ridges or folds, crossed by three, equidistant revolving lines, giving the surface a granulated appearance ; at the base of the lower whorl are four more revolving lines, beginning on the middle where the folds terminate abruptly ; suture distinct, divid- ed by an indistinct spiral ridge ; aperture oval, one third the length of the shell ; the outer lip very thin, and scolloped by the revolving lines ; the base is prolonged into a concave angle, and, rising, revolves within the shell, forming a single inconspicuous fold on the pillar. Length T y T inch, breadth yj^ inch, divergence 30. First found by Professor Adams, at Dartmouth, on valves of Pecten concentricus, taken up beyond low-water mark. This shell is readily distinguished from all others found in our waters of a similar size and outline, by the sculpture of the lower whorl, the upper half of which is granulated by the decussating lines, and the lower half marked by revolving lines only. It is smaller, and less elevated proportionally than O. trifidus. Making allowance for variations in magnifying two shells so small, this seems not to differ much from Turbo spirdlis of Montagu, (Test. Brit. 323, pi. 12, f. 9). He neither represents nor describes any revolving lines crossing the folds. These he may have overlooked ; for Fleming distinctly men- tions them. 35 274 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. ODOSTOMIA TRI'FIDA. Shell small, acute-conic, glossy white, with numerous impressed revolving lines, of which the two uppermost, and those about the base of the last ivhorl are most distinct aperture narrow. FIGURE 179. State Coll., No. 26. Soc. Cab., No. 2370. Actoe'on trifidus, TOTTEN ; Sillimaris Journ., xxvi. 368, pi. 1, f. 4, a, b. Shell elevated, pointed, smooth and glossy, of an ivory-white color ; whorls about eight, flat, separated by a sharp, slightly de- pressed suture, on which are from three to five revolving lines, of which the two next below, and the one immediately above, the su- ture are most deeply sculptured ; about the front of the lower whorl are usually ten or twelve very fine lines also ; aperture nar- row, about one third the length of the shell, acutely angular above ; outer lip sharp and thin, sometimes showing within, and on its sharp edge, the impressed lines ; the inner margin regularly curved ; the pillar, widening and expanding a little, is produced so that an acute angle is formed by the junction of the two lips in front ; about the middle of the inner margin is a single, sharp, ob- lique fold, formed by the revolution of the outer lip within the shell ; operculum horny ; apex nearly terminal, sub-spiral. Length i inch, breadth -*$ inch, divergence 23. First found by Colonel Totten on the shores of Rhode Island, adhering to Pecten concentricus. Since then it has been found by Professor Adams among sand from New Bedford harbour. FAMILY CANJILIFERA, LAM. Shell with a canal, more or less extended, in front of the aperture; the outer Up of which does not alter its form by age. GENUS CERITHIUM, LIN. Shell elongated, turreted ; aperture short, oblong, oblique, termi- nating in front by a short, recurved canal. CANALIFERA. MOLLUSCA. CERITHIUM. 275 CERITHIUM EMERSONII. Shell long-conical, chestnut- colored ; whorls seventeen, flat, each encircled with three series of granules ; canal less than half the length of the aperture. FIGURE 180. State Coll., No. 276. Soc. Cab., No. 2361. Cerithium Emersonii, ADAMS ; Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., ii. 284, pi. 4, f. 10. Shell small, conical, elongated, glossy, reddish-brown, with a regularly granulated surface ; whorls sixteen or seventeen, flat- tened, with a revolving series of bead-like granules at the upper and lower margins of each, and another intervening one, but nearer to the upper than to the lower series, and less prominent, commencing at ten or twelve whorls from the summit, and be- coming more distinct as it approaches the base ; in each series the granules are connected by a rather narrow, but elevated re-- volving line, nearly as high as the granules ; they are also con- nected in a similar manner in a longitudinal direction ; posterior edge of the whorls margined by a sharp ridge, of a darker color ; suture profoundly impressed ; the ridge terminates abruptly before, in a very short, twisted, wrinkled beak ; aperture small, about one sixth the length of the shell ; outer lip scolloped when per- fect. Length | inch, breadth | inch, divergence 22. Obtained by Professor C. B. Adams, at Nantucket and in New Bedford harbour, by whom it was described and named in honor of G. B. Emerson, Esq., President of the Boston Society of Natural History. This prettily sculptured shell is distinguished by its short aperture and beak, its broad base, from which the flattened whorls regularly taper to an acute apex ; and by the pretty strings of bead-like gran- ules encircling it. These beads are sometimes so worn down as to present the appearance of a continuous line dilating at regular in- tervals. This shell is unequivocally pronounced by Mr. Sowerby to be the Murex tubercularis of Montagu. But, after a careful examination of all the descriptions of that shell, I am led to conclude, either that I 276 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. sent Mr. Sowerby a poor representation of our shell, or that he would decide differently on a second, more careful inspection. No author ascribes to M. tubercularis more than eight or ten volutions, and one fourth of an inch for its length ; while ours has commonly twice that length, with sixteen or eighteen volutions. Montagu says, in his Sup- plement, " It has as an invariable character, three series of tubercles of equal size, on each volution." But at the ordinary length of M. tubercularis, our shell has but two series of granules ; and when the third appears, it is very perceptibly smaller than the other two series. On account of so decided a variation in size and sculpture, I think it proper still to regard our shell as a distinct species, trusting to future observations to settle the point definitely. CERI'THIUM TEREBRALE. Shell conic-turreted ; whorls ten, flattened, having three sharp, elevated, revolving ridges on each, with numerous fine, longitudinal lines between the ridges ; canal very short. FIGURE 181. State Coll., No. 280. Soc. Cab., No. 2364. Cerithium terebrale, ADAMS j Bost. Journ. JVa*. Ufa*., iii. pi. 3, f. 7. Shell small, elongated-conic, composed of ten or twelve flatten- ed whorls, separated by a slightly excavated sutural region ; color reddish-brown, with occasionally a whitish revolving band at the lower part of each whorl. On each whorl are three elevated, compressed, revolving ridges, at about equal distances from each other, and perhaps we may reckon a fourth, very small and bor- dering on the suture. The spaces between the ridges are regu- larly rounded out, and checked with crowded, minute, longitudinal lines, none of which cross the summits of the ridges. On the lower whorl are two additional ridges. The base of the shell is abrupt ; the canal very short and small ; the aperture oval, about one eighth the length of the shell. Length J inch, breadth { inch, divergence 20. Found by Mr. C. F. Shiverick, at New Bedford and in its vicinity, below low-water mark. CANALIPERA. MOLLUSCA. CERITHIUM. 277 This species is closely allied 'to C. Emersdnii. Its size and pro- portions are the same ; but it can scarcely be regarded as a variety. It is at once known by the prominent ridges, which resemble the threads of a screw. There is nothing like the nodulous surface of C. Emersonii, and the minute barring between the ridges is a striking arrangement, to which there is no approach in that shell. CERfTHIUM NIGROCl'NCTUM. Shell small, reddish-black, granulated ; whorls twelve, reversed ; aperture small ; beak short and recurved. \ FIGURE 182. State Coll., No. 279. Soc. Cab., No. 2363. Cerithium nigrocinctum, ADAMS ; Host. Journ. Nat. Hist., ii. 286, pi. 4, f. 11. Shell small, conico-cylindrical, blackish-red, with three revolv- ing series of rounded, bead-like granules, formed by numerous ribs or folds, which are cut by two deep, revolving lines into equal parts ; the middle series is wanting on the posterior fifth of the shell, and the upper series is smaller than the lower, at last disappearing also ; whorls twelve or more, reversed, convex, forming an elongated, acutely pointed spire, somewhat swelling in its outline ; suture broad, divided by a somewhat granular, black ridge, which, in the progress of growth, changes its place, and forms the lower edge of the last whorls ; this ridge retains its color when the rest of the shell fades, and then becomes a con- spicuous belt ; an impressed line each side of the sutural ridge, and two others emerging from the aperture, revolve about the base of the anterior whorl ; aperture oval, about one fifth the length of the shell, ending in a twisted canal about one third as long as the aperture ; outer lip sharp, notched by the revolving lines ; inner lip deeply arched, the pillar twisted, black and projecting. Length -^ inch, breadth /$ inch, divergence 23. Found by Professor Adams, in Dartmouth harbour, clinging to sea-weed, a few feet below low-water mark. It is at once distinguished by its black color, slightly tinged red, and its reversed whorls. It is closely allied to the Murex advtrsus, Mon- 278 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. tagu, but is probably different, as that shell has the middle series smaller, and the canal straight. It is also of a lighter color. The whole shell, when fresh, is of a uniform color, so that the dark revolving line at the suture is scarcely distinguishable, instead of something evident, as we should expect from the name. The specific appellation, on this account, is not well chosen. In some lighter- colored individuals, however, the zone is very apparent. CERITHIUM SAYI. Shell small, ashy or slate-color ed, covered with a fine net-work of elevated lines ; aperture rounded ; canal merely an oblique fissure. FIGURE 183. State Coll., No. 278. Soc. Cab., No. 713. Cerithium reticulatum, TOTTEN ; Silliman's Journ., xxviii. 352, fig. 8. Pasithea nigra, TOTTEN ; (the young ;) Silliman's Journ., xxvi. 369, pi. 1, f. 7. Cerithium Sayi, MENKE. Shell small, elongated-conical, somewhat turreted, the upper whorls of a blue-black or slate-color, and two or three of the lower ones usually much lighter, white, or ashy gray ; whorls six or eight, forming an elevated, conical spire ; surface covered with a granular net-work from the crossing of slightly elevated, rounded folds or ribs, and elevated spiral lines ; of the ribs there are about twenty, which vanish on the lower half of the anterior whorl ; of the spiral lines there are about six on the lower whorl but one, five on the next above, and so on ; besides these, on the anterior whorl are about six raised revolving lines about the base, par- tially granulated ; suture distinct, with the series of granules next below it rather largest, so as to form a slight shoulder ; aperture oblique, rounded, and flaring, about one quarter the length of the shell, broad anteriorly ; outer lip sharp, modified by the revolving lines ; inner margin angular-concave, with a plate of enamel, not pressed close upon the body whorl, uniting the two lips above, and forming an umbilical fissure below ; canal a mere ob- lique fissure or notch, not prolonged forward so far as the lip ; operculum horny, ovate ; apex at the centre of the broader part, concave outwardly, with four or five spiral turns. Length -fa inch, breadth T ! T inch, divergence 28. CANALIFERA. MOLLUSCA. CERITHIUM. 279 Found very abundantly at Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard, New Bedford, &c. It has not been found to my knowledge within, or to the north of, Cape Cod. Its proper station is on sea-weed, stones, and marine bodies, about low-water mark. The young are sometimes seen in such numbers as to conceal the sand beneath them. These are always reddish-black, with a very different aperture. It seems not to attain its growth the first season, and the second year's growth is usually distinctly indicated by its much lighter color. The name given by Colonel Totten, at my suggestion, is pre- occupied by an English species. Its wide expanded mouth, with scarcely any thing like a canal, renders its claim to a place in the genus CERI'THIUM rather equivocal. These characters, with its sculp- ture, distinguish the species. CERI'THIUM GRE'ENII. Shell small, reddish-black, tumido-conic, elongated, with longi- tudinal ridges and revolving lines ; canal very deep and very short, slightly curved. FIGURE 184. State Coll., No. 277. Soc. Cab., No. 2362. Cerithium Greenii, ADAMS ; Bost. Journ. JVaf. Hist., ii. 287, pi. 4, f. 12. Shell small, elevated-conic, sloping somewhat abruptly above the middle, to a prolonged, pointed apex ; whorls ten or twelve, flattened, traversed by numerous folds or ridges, of which there are from twenty to twenty-five on the lower whorl, crossed by three revolving impressed lines, producing three series of granules, of which the lower one is largest, so that the base of each whorl seems to jut over the one below it ; the upper series is nearer to the middle one than that is to the lower one, and soon disappears on the upper whorls ; then the middle one vanishes, and finally the lower one, so that the whorls at the apex are either smooth or merely wrinkled ; two black threads, emerging from the aperture, revolve around the base of the shell ; suture distinctly marked ; aperture about one eighth the length of the shell, nearly circular, terminating in a deep, very short canal, partly closed over by the 280 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. lips ; outer lip sharp, notched, and a little everted ; pillar twisted, regularly arched above. Length J inch, breadth - v inch, di- vergence 35. Found by Professor Adams in Dartmouth harbour, clinging to marine plants, a few feet below low water, with other species. This little shell would hardly be distinguished when mixed with the young of C. Sayi. Its color is the same, and it is not unlike it in marking. From the full-grown shell it is readily distinguished by its bulging shape, the apparent jutting of one whorl over another, its smaller size, and by its deeply notched canal. GENUS PLEUROTOMA, LAM. Shell turrettd, generally ribbed; aperture terminating in a straight, more or less elongated canal ; outer lip, at its posterior junction, having a fissure or notch. PLEUROTOMA DECUSSATA. Shell oval, ashy or flesh-colored, with twenty-five minute folds, and close revolving lines ; notch of the outer lip shallow. FIGURE 185. State Coll., No. 272. Soc. Cab., No. 2364. Pleurotoma decussata, COUTHOUY ; Bost. Journ. JVaf. Hist., ii. 183, pi. 4, f. 8. Shell small, ovate, of an ashy-white, or flesh-color, covered with remnants of an olive-colored epidermis ; whorls five or six, convex, the lowest being two thirds the length of the shell, cover- ed with twenty-five to thirty inconspicuous folds or ribs, undulated and oblique in conformity to the outer lip, and vanishing on the convexity of the whorl ; lines of growth regular and distinct, and these, with numerous, * elevated revolving threads, make a fine net- work over the whole shell ; spire regularly sloping to an acute point ; suture well marked, with a slight shoulder near it on the whorls ; aperture half as long as the shell, narrow-oval, terminating in a broad and very brief channel ; outer lip sharp, with a shallow recess or notch, as it joins the whorl ; pillar arched, flattened, and smooth ; operculum pear-shaped, with the apex CANALIPERA. MOLLUSCA. PLEUROTOMA. 281 below, and the elements concentric. Length A inch, breadth o inch, divergence 48. Found in the stomachs of fishes, not unfrequently. This is not liable to be confounded with any shell of our coast, ex- cept Fusus harpuldritiSjto which it has a miniature resemblance. But, besides being so much smaller, it is distinguished by the notch at the posterior angle of the aperture, and by the net-work formed by the more numerous and fainter folds, and revolving lines. The color, which Mr. Couthouy makes a distinctive mark, is very nearly the same. His specimens were less perfect and white. In my freshest specimen there is a broad, lighter-colored band near the top of the lower whorl. Pleurotoma reticulata, Brown, (" Conchology of Great Britain," &c., pi. 48, f. 29, 30,) may, perhaps, be intended to repre- sent the same. PLEUROTOMA BICARINATA. Shell ovate-fusiform, turreted, dusky-white ; whorls convex, with two revolving ribs, and other less conspicuous lines and grooves ; notch of the lip shallow. FIGURE 186. State Coll., No. 273. Soc. Cab., No. 2365. Pleurotoma bicarinata, COUTHOUY; Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., ii. 104, pi. l,f. 11. Shell small, tapering at both ends, turreted, of a dusky-white or slate-color ; whorls six, convex, the lowest being half the length of the shell, and marked with numerous, slightly elevated, revolving lines, and smaller intervening ones ; about the middle is a deep groove, on each side of which is a prominent revolving ridge or keel, continued upon the upper whorls ; lines of growth very mi- nute ; aperture elliptical, narrow, ending in a very short canal, inclining a little to the left ; outer lip sharp, toothed by the re- volving ribs, with a slight recess or notch at its posterior junction ; pillar lip arched posteriorly. Length T ^ inch, breadth & inch, divergence 48. First found by Mr. Couthouy in a fish caught off Nahant ; since this single specimen, three or four others have been found by Dr. Prescott, of Lynn, and Mr. W. W. Wheildon, of Charlestown. 36 282 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. This is not likely to be confounded with any other of our shells. Its two revolving ridges mark it well. It is interesting as being the first species of the genus found in our northern Atlantic waters. Neither of our three species belongs, unequivocally, to this genus ; they approach very near to Fusus. Still, the direction of the lines of growth indicates the sinus in the lip to be constant ; and on this rests their claim to a place in the genus PLEUROTOMA. PLEUROTOMA PLICA TA. Shell small, cinereous, ovate ; whorls six, reticulated with prom- inent, longitudinal ribs, and elevated, revolving lines ; sinus of the lip distinct. FIGURE 187. State Coll., No. 274. Soc. Cab., No. 2366. Pleurotoma plicata, ADAMS ; Bost. Jovrn. Nat. Hist., iii. pi. 3, f. 6. Shell small, elongated-ovate, somewhat turreted, of an ashy- white color ; whorls six, the lowest one about two thirds the length of the whole shell, and bearing about twelve prominent, somewhat oblique, rib-like folds, which are crossed by ten or more elevated, revolving threads, rendering the ribs a little nodu- lous ; the other whorls form a very pointed, somewhat turreted spire, on which the ribs and revolving lines are continued. Aper- ture narrow, less than half the length of the shell ; outer lip greatly thickened by one of the ribs, the notch at its posterior part being deep, distinct, and smooth. Length J inch, nearly, breadth 5 T inch, divergence 45. Found in mud from New Bedford harbour, by Professor C. B. Adams. This species is of about the same size and shape as P. decussata, but is distinguished by the much more conspicuous folds, which run the entire length of the whorl ; and the revolving lines also are much more distinct, and fewer in number. The canal is very short. GENUS CANCELLARIA, LAM. Shell ovate, turreted, cancellated ; canal partial, very short or wanting ; pillar plaited, the folds nearly transverse. CANALIFERA. MOLLUSCA. CANCELLARIA. 283 CANCELLA'RIA COUTHOUYI. Shell ovate-conic, white, reticulated with coarse revolving lines, and lines of growth ; three folds upon the pillar. FIGURE 190. State Coll., No. 25. Soc. Cab., No. 2368. Cancellaria buccinoides, COUTH OUY ; Bost Journ. Nat. Hist., ii. 105, pi. 3, f. 3. Cancellaria Couthouyi, JAY ; Catal. of his Cabinet, 1839. Shell ovate-conical, somewhat turreted, milky-white, approach- ing to horn-color ; whorls five or six, convex, flattened at the top ; suture well defined, and sometimes profound ; apex acute, the an- terior whorl composing two thirds the length of the shell ; surface marked with distinct lines of growth, and sometimes rising into folds near the suture ; coarse revolving lines surround it, which, with the folds, form a net-work ; aperture half the length of the shell, oval ; outer lip sharp, slightly crenulated by the revolving lines ; inner lip arched with three inconspicuous, oblique folds, of which the middle one is largest ; a thin coating of enamel spreads upon the anterior whorl in mature specimens ; base sub-channelled. Length ^ inch, breadth ^ inch, divergence 58. Found in fishes taken in various parts of Massachusetts Bay, and usually occupied by a hermit crab. It is somewhat abundant. It was first described by Mr. Couthouy under the name of C. bucci- noides, a name previously given to a species from the Pacific by Mr. Sowerby ; on which account, Dr. Jay has since applied to it the name of its first describer, a merited compliment, but in conformity to what seems to me a very bad custom. It is not at first obvious to what genus this shell belongs ; Mr. Sowerby coincides in the opinion that it is correctly referred to CANCELLARIA. He states, moreover, that he has for several years possessed it, brought from the Arctic seas. Hence, it is probably more abundant to the north of us. It varies considerably in its external appearance, from the greater or less prom- inence of the folds and striae. A specimen belonging to Dr. Prescott, of Lynn, measures ^ inch in length, and -^ inch in breadth. It somewhat resembles C. austrdlis, Sowerby. This is the only species of the genus found in the northern Atlantic, so far as I am awaie. 284 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. GENUS FUSUS, LAM. Shell elongated, tapering to both ends, without varices ; aperture terminating in a straight or slightly curved canal ; operculum horny, pear-shaped, with the nucleus at the small end. FUSUS ISLANDICUS. Shell elongated, bluish-white, covered with a horn-colored epider- mis ; whorls eight, marked with equidistant, revolving lines ; aper- ture as long as the spire. State Coll., No. 17. Soc. Cab., No. 315. Murex corneus, PENNANT ; Brit. Zool, iv. 124, t. 76, f. 99. MONTAGU ; Test. Brit., 258. DONOVAN ; Brit. Shells, ii. pi. 38. TURTON ; Conch. Diet., 89. DILLWYN ; Catal, ii. 733. WOOD ; Index, pi. 27, f. 107. Murex Islandicus, GMELIN ; Syst., 3555. Fusus Islandicus, MARTINI ; Conch., iv. 159, t. 141, f. 1312, 1313. LAM.; An. sans Vert., vii. 126. BRUG. ; Encyc. Mtth., pi. 429, f. 2. KIENER; Species, (Fusus) pi. 7, f. 2. Fusus corneus, SAY ; Atntr. Conch., pi. 29. FLEMING ; Brit. Jlnim., 348. BROWN ; Conch, of Great Brit., fyc., pi. 47, f. 7, 9. Encyc. Brit.,\i. 448. Buccinum gracile, DA COSTA ; Brit. Conch., 124, t. 6, f. 5. Buccinum anguslius, LISTER ; Conch., t. 913, f. 5. Shell ovate, elongated, bluish-white, ponderous, semi-transpar- ent, covered with a horn-colored, somewhat velvety epidermis ; whorls eight or nine, moderately convex, somewhat compressed before the suture, the anterior whorl equalling two thirds the length of the shell ; the whorls covered with equidistant, sub-equal, raised revolving lines, quite apparent through the epidermis ; lines of growth faint ; suture distinct, somewhat channelled. Aperture oblong oval, half as long as the shell, polished, porcelain-white within ; outer lip sharp, and minutely crenulated by the revolving lines ; pillar smooth, and overspread with enamel ; canal moder- ately produced, and gently curved backwards. Length 2J inches, breadth 1 T V inch, divergence 45. Var. pygmazus. Figure 199. Shell not exceeding four fifths of an inch in length, whorls six, and preserving the proportions of the type. A deep-water shell. Very large specimens, much worn, are occasionally found upon Chelsea and Phillips 's beaches ; along CANALIFERA. ?f MOLLUSC A. FUSUS. 285 the coast of Maine, and farther eastward, they are not infrequent. The small variety is found abundantly in fishes caught in our har- bour, though I have never found it washed ashore. I have regarded the small shells as the young, or a dwarf variety of the type, though Mr. Sowerby is rather disposed to regard them as a good species. And I had also regarded the next species as variety ablreviatus of the same ; but as I find it accurately described by Mr. Gray, I have concluded to follow him, since I can do it without im- posing any new name. The true Murex corneus of Linnaeus is said to be the Fusus ligndrius of Lamarck. FUSUS VENTRICOSUS. Shell ovate-globose, bluish-white, covered with a thick epider- mis ; whorls five, marked with revolving lines ; aperture longer than the spire. FIGURE 200. State Coll., No. 13. Soc. Cab., No. 2376. Fusus Islandicus (var.), KIENER ; Species, pi. 15, f. 2. Fusus ventricosus, GRAY; in Zool. to Beechey's Voyage, 117. Fusus corneus (var.) ? BROWN ; Conch, of Great Brit., fyc., pi. 47, f. 11, 12. Fusus striatus, of Paris collections, on authority of Mr. Sowerby. This species is closely allied to the preceding in color, mark- ing, and texture. It is, however, much more ventricose, the last whorl composing nearly the whole shell. It maintains its pro- portions through all the sizes and ages I have seen. It is also shorter and finer lined than F. Sablni, Gray, found in the Arctic seas, to which Brown's figure perhaps applies more properly than to this species. I have never seen it from any other locality than the Bank fishing-grounds, and this may add to its claims to be regarded as a distinct species. Length ly 7 ^ inch, breadth I T I SAY ; Journ. dead. Nat. Sc., i. 423. Probably the same as Oniscus entomon, LIN. ; Cymothoa ento- mon, FABR. ; Idotea entomon, LATR. ; DESM., &c. The animal to which I here refer, I suppose to be the same which Mr. Say had in view. It is extremely common, clinging to the long, narrow leaves of Zostera marina. It becomes nearly an inch in length, but is usually much shorter. Its colors are sea- green, variegated with brown and straw-color. It is often mot- tled or margined with the latter color, and might lead one to sus- pect there were many species assembled. There are two or three other species which I cannot yet refer to any description. GENUS CYMOTHOA. C. OESTRUM, FABR.; Syst., ii. 505. LATR.; LEACH; DESM.; Consid., 309, pi. 47, f. 6, 7. Griffith's Cuv. (Crust.) pi. 8, f. 1. C. (./EGA) EMARGINA'TA, LEACH; Diet. desSc. Nat., xii. 349. DESM.; Consid., 4/-C., 305, pi. 47, f. 4, 5. Griffith's Cuv., (Crust.) xii. pi. 8, f. 3. C. (&QA) . Another species. C. (ANILO'CERA) . One species. C. (IcHTHYo'pHiLUs) . One species. These all inhabit the mouths and gills of fishes. POSCILOPODA. CRUSTACEA. LIMULUS. 339 BRANCHIOPODA. The animals of this division are small, many of them micro- scopic, and for the most part inhabiting stagnant fresh water. Their feet are variable in number, solely adapted for swimming, and some of them are constructed so as also to serve the purposes of respiration. Their bodies are enveloped in a membranous covering generally in the form of a shield. They are beautiful objects for microscopic examination. Only a few have as yet been observed. BRA'NCHIPUS STAGNA'LIS, LAM.; An. sans Vert.,v. 198. Cancer stag- nalis, LIN.; MULL.; FABR. ; PENN. Gamarellus stagnalis, HERBST ; Cancr., ii. 121, pi. 35, f. 8 - 10. Branchiopoda stagnalis, LATR. j DESM. ; FLEM. This animal is often an inch in length, and is remarkable for its numerous, fringed legs, which are kept in continual motion. Found in stagnant pools. CYCLOPS. One species. PQECILOPODA. Characterized by having the feet of various forms ; those in front being constructed for walking and prehension, and the hinder ones for swimming and breathing. They are deprived of jaws, and instead of them have organs for suction. Most of them live on the bodies of other animals, principally fishes, whose juices they suck for nourishment. The body is covered with a kind of buckler, usually of only one piece. LfMULUS POLYPHE'MUS, LATR.; SAY; Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc., i. 433. DESM. ; Consid., 4/-c., 354, f. 12. Monoculus polyphemus, LIN. Limulus Ameri- canus, LEACH; BUCKLAND ; LAM. This animal is well known under the names of Horse-shoe, King-crab^ and Sauce-pan fish. 340 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. A'RGULUS ALO'S-E. An Argulus sent to me by Dr. T. W. Harris, and procured by him from the gills of the alevvife, (Jllosa vulgarisj) I find to be new. As I have not since been able to obtain specimens, I cannot give a detailed description ; but the following characters will serve to distinguish it from other known species. The shield is obovate or obcordate, covering only the first two pairs of legs, which are so long that the fringed fingers project entirely beyond it. Abdo- men bearing the next three pairs of legs, very narrow, and half as long as the shield. Then follow two short folia, covered by two others, each of them nearly as long and as broad as the exposed part of the abdomen. It differs from A. foliaceus in having the shield broader behind than before ; by its extended abdomen, the shield in that species covering all but the last pair of legs ; and by the much greater length of the caudal appen- dages. In A. Catastomi, the legs scarcely extend beyond the margin of the shield, which is nearly circular, and rather broader than long. Length about half an inch. PISCl'NUS, LATR. ; Hist. Nat. des Crust., iv. pi. 31, f. 1. DESM. Monoculus piscinus, LIN. ; FABR. This little fish-louse may be found, at almost any time, upon the surface of the cod and other deep-water fishes, especially if the fish is unhealthy. It has a small, rounded disc, about a fourth of an inch in diameter, having two flattened, jointed appendages be- hind, which are sometimes .an inch in length, though they are seldom found entire. I have another species of Caligus, quite different from the pre- ceding, taken from a shark (Lamna punctata). It is remarkable for having, within each posterior angle of the shield, two little elevated crests, placed at right angles to each other. The abdom- inal and caudal plates are very long and broad, and beyond these the jointed appendages project, making the whole animal an inch PCECILOPODA. CRUSTACEA. CECROPS. 341 and a half in length. The margin of the shield, behind the anten- nae, is very thin and finely fringed, to favor adhesion. This may be Pterygopoda Latreillii. Otherwise it may be called C. cris- tdta. ANTHOSO'MA SMi'THII, LEACH; Diet, des Sc. JYta., xiv. 533. Encyc. Brit., Suppl^ vii. 406, pi. 20. GRIFFITH'S Cuv. (Crust.), pi. 21, f. 2. LATR. ; DESM. ; Consid., <^c., 335, pi. 50, f. 3. Found by Dr. D. H. Storer, on a shark (Lamna punctata) , in a cavity near the anus, which these animals seemed to have ex- cavated. CECROPS LATRE'lLLII, LEACH; Encyc. Brit. SuppL, vii. pi. 20, f. 1. DESM. ; Consid., fyc., 338, pi. 50, f. 2. LATR. ; LAM. Found upon the sun-fish (Orthogariscus wo/a), by Drs. Binney and Storer. The characters of this curious animal seem to have been but imperfectly known. I have made out a detailed descrip- tion of it, with figures, which I shall take some other opportunity of publishing. PENE'LLA FILO'SA, Cuv. A long, worm-like animal, with a horned head and bushy tail, which penetrates deeply into the sides of the sun-fish ( Orthagoriscus mola) . BRANCHIE'LLA THYNNI, Cuv. CHONDRACA'NTHUS CORNU'TUS, Cov. Lernea cornuta, MULL. ; En- cyc. M6th., pi. 78, f. 1. ANNELIDA. THE Earth-worm, the Leech, and similar animals come under this class. They derive their name from the numerous ring-like joints of which their bodies are composed. They dwell in water or in clay or wet sand, and many of them live on the juices which they suck from other animals. Excepting the leeches, they all have little appendages on each side of every ring of the body, furnished with silky hairs and bristles, for the purposes of respiration and locomotion ; and by these it is easy to decide upon the class to which they belong. Many of those which live in the sand, or under stones and in mud along the shore, are used as bait for fishing. LEECHES. There are three large species of Hirudo, besides numerous smaller ones. But they have not been studied, and do not seem even to have received a name, unless from Bosc, whose work I have not seen. There is the common Blood-sucker, which is not unfrequently employed in the country for medical purposes. Its value has not been properly tested ; but while for- eign leeches, which are always safe and sure in their operations, can be so readily obtained, it is not probable that our leech will be extensively employed in large cities. The HORSE-LEECH is very large and long, distinguished by its bluish-black back and its ochre-colored belly, which may be com- pared to the inner surface of calf-skin leather. Its bite is not disposed to heal readily. The TORTOISE-LEECH, (Hirudo parasitica, SAY, Append, to Long's 2d Exped. ii. 266,) is a third. It is flattened, somewhat oval in form, granulated and wood-colored upon the back, with each margin checked by a line of dark, square spots. It may often be found adhering to bits of wood in ponds, with a brood of ANNELIDA. 343 young adhering to an orifice at the middle of the belly. This must belong to the genus Clepslna of Savigny. PHYLLl"NE HIPPOGLO'SSI, LAM.; An. sans Vert., v. 526. Encyc. Mtth., pi. 52, f. 11 - 14. Hirudo hippoglossi, MULL. Always found on the bodies of the Halibut (Hippoglossus vul- garis.) The EARTH-WORM, which is probably the Lumbricus terres- tris of Linnaeus is classed here. Of the CHETOPODJ1, or Annelida with bristly legs, the fol- lowing have been recognised : APHRODI V TA ACULEA V TA, LIN. Halithea aculeata, SAV. ; AUD. and EDW. ; Jinn, des Sc. JV*a., xxvii. pi. 8, f. 7. POLY'NOE SQUAMA'TA, AUD. and EDW. ; ibid., pi. 7, f. 10-16. NE V REIS MARGARITA'CEA, LEACH. Lycoris margaritacea, LAM. PHYLLO'DOCE Vl'RIDIS, JOHNSTONJ Ann. of Nat. Hist., iv. 228, pi. 6, f. 11 - 15. Nereis viridis, LIN. PHYLLO'DOCE LAMELLI'GERA, JOHNSTON ; ibid., pi. 6, f. 1-6. The sedentary Annelida have been already mentioned among the Testacea, page 7. RADIATA. -\, THE radiated animals, usually known under the name of Zoo- phytes, are so called from the peculiar anatomical arrangement of their parts. The mouth is usually central, and the other parts are arranged around it, in a radiated manner. The Star-fish, Sea- nettle, Polypi, &c. are examples of this form. ECHINODERMATA. Usually of a solid structure, and always having the surface beset with spines or some rough coating. EcHfNUS GRANULA V TUS, SAY ; Journ. dead, Nat. Sc., ii. This animal, from its size, shape, color, and the spines with which it is armed, may be well compared to a chestnut-burr. It is sometimes called the Sea-chestnut or Sea-egg. SCUTE'LLA (ECHINARA'CHNIUS) PARMA ? RUMPH. A cir- cular, slightly elevated object, apparently composed of sand. It is found from one to three inches in diameter, and has a central star composed of five leaflets, above. The upper surface is di- vided into small hexagonal areas ; and belbw, it is irregularly veined. When not rubbed, it is found covered with short, deli- cate spines. ASTE'RIAS (GONIA'STER) EQUE'STRIS, LAM.; An. sans Vert., in. 242. Encyc. M6th., pi. 101, 102. A fine specimen was thrown upon Phillips's Beach, and found by Dr. Prescott, after a storm. ASTE'RIAS ARANCI'ACA, LIN. ; Encyc. M6th., pi. in, f. 3, 4. A small specimen, was taken from the mouth of a cod-fish. ^T . ECHINODERMATA. RADIATA. HOLOTHURIA. 345 ASTE'RIAS (STELLO'NIA) RUBENS, LIN.; Encyc. M6th., pi. 112, f. 3,4; pi. 113, f. 1,2. This is the common Star-fish or Five-finger of our coast. Its colors and proportions are very various. Many of the specimens are of a blood-red color during life, and others are yellowish. I regard them all as the same species. ASTE'RIAS SPONGIO V SA ? A small, but beautiful species, of a brick-red color, which may perhaps be this species, was sent from Martha's Vineyard, by Dr. Yale. OPHIU'RA LACERTO'SA ? The disk is small, the rays long and rounded, their sides beset with short, overlapping spines, the color olive-green. It does not agree well with any description I have seen. Dredged by Professor Adams, at Dartmouth. OPHIU'RA ACULEA TA, LIN. ; Encyc. Mith., pi. 124, f. 2, 3. The disk is covered with scales and granules, the rays are usu- ally red, but often with alternate rings of red and dark-brown, and their sides are armed with a row of four or five spines on each joint. They are devoured in great numbers by fish. EURY'ALE SCUTA'TUM, BLAINV. This is one of the varieties of the Linnaean Jlsterias ca,put-Medus&. The disk is large, the rays five, repeatedly dividing into two branches until the extremi- ties become mere twigs. I have received two or three specimens which were collected at Cape Ann and about Cape Cod. HOLOTHU'RIA (CLADODA'CTYLA) PENTA'CTES, MULLER; Zool. Dan. Encyc. Meth., pi. 86, f. 5. Not certainly determined. HOLOTHURIA CHRYSACANTHO'PHORA, COUTH.; Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., ii. 58. This is not unlikely to be the H. forcipata of O. Fabricius. Several specimens which I have seen, were all taken from fishes' stomachs, in a mutilated state. Some of the essential characters, therefore, remain yet undetermined. The surface is light colored, and appears to be naked, except that there are several long, flexi- ble, sharp-pointed spines about the mouth, of a shining golden- yellow. One specimen is five or six inches in length. 44 346 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. HOLOTHU'RIA (CUVIE'RIA) SQUAMA V TA, MULL. ; Zool. Dan. En- cyc. Mtth., pi. 87, f. 10-12. Very curious for the firm, granulated, brick-colored scales with which its back is shielded. HOLOTHU'RIA (SYNA'PTA) BRIA V REUS, LESUEUR; Joum. JVat. Sc., ii. This animal, contracted by alcohol, is two inches and a half in length and about one inch in diameter, and is probably three times that size when extended. Its color has a tint of mazareen-blue, and its surface is covered uniformly with minute, tentacular fila- ments, about a twelfth of an inch in length, of a yellowish color. Tentacula eight, very much branched into botryoidal tufts, nearly equal in size. The exterior is firm and strong, and without any flattened disk. It agrees pretty well with the description of H. bridreus, but if it should prove different, I have proposed the name Synapta in- tonsa for it. CHIRO'DOTA ARENA'TA. Body five or six inches long, club- shaped, rounded before and diminishing posteriorly, with- out any sudden stricture, till it forms a tube, the last two inches of which is of uniform size, and about the diameter of a crow-quill. The lentacula are eleven in number, short, sub-equal, clove-shaped, terminating in four points which expand into a star, colored like the body; mouth small ; ovarian papilla adjacent. Surface with five longitudinal furrows, answering to the five internal bands, two of which are shortened so as to give the body a crescentic curve ; circular wrinkles minute and numberless. Color light drab, with straw- colored reflections, apparently naked, but rough with calcareous grains like very fine sand, thickest a little behind the middle. This curious animal has been frequently found upon Chelsea beach, after violent storms. I cannot find that it has been de- scribed. ACALEPHJE. RADIATA. CYANEA. 347 ACALEPILE. These animals are many of them familiarly known under the names of Sun-fish, Sea-nettles, Sea-jellies, &c. They are of a gelatinous consistency, usually transparent as glass, of a circular form, and concave or umbrella-shaped. Many of them, when taken in the hand, communicate a prickling sensation much like the stinging of nettles, and hence they receive both their scientific and their popular name. Some of them appear to capture their prey by this miniature electric shock. I have repeatedly seen a BE'ROE stretch out its filaments several inches until it reached a crustaceous animal of nearly its own size, which, upon contact, instantly fell down, either dead or paralyzed. Some of these an- imals grow to a great size, and I have seen specimens of CYA'NEA, on the sea-beach, a foot and a half in diameter. Others are small, not more than half an inch or an inch in diameter, but all extreme- ly beautiful ; and their motions, which in some of them are per- formed by a process like the alternate opening and shutting of an umbrella, are very graceful ; and nothing can exceed the elegance of those which are propelled by little ciliae or oars arranged along their sides, as in the BE'ROE. The larger species are found only for a short time in summer ; but a great number of small species are found in cold weather, espe- cially after a high wind blowing from the ocean. They evidently migrate, and their course and periods are probably directed by the temperature of the water, as they have no visible organs of sense. The forms of some of them are very beautiful, and many of them would afford admirable patterns for laces and embroidery. The books to which I have had access enable me to determine but very few species. CYA X NEA POSTE'LSH, BRANDT; Schirmquallen, 375, tab. 12, 13. A very large, liver-colored animal, fringed at the margin, and exhibiting numerous circular bands beneath. It is found on Phil- lips's and Chelsea beaches, abundantly, in August. Diameter, one foot. 348 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. AURE V LIA AURI N TA, MULL.; Zool. Dan., tab. 76,77. Encyc. Meth., pi. 94, f. 1 - 3. This is our common Sun-fish or Sea-jelly, well known to all who are familiar with the sea in July and August. I could never perceive any tingling sensation from handling it. FLAVl'DULA ? PERON and LESUEUR. A small species, of a rusty -yellow color, about the size of an English shilling ; the margin divided into eight moderately deep scollops, all of which are fringed with long ciliae. Its surface appears granulated. Observed abundantly in March. AURE'LIA - . Another species, about two thirds the size of the preceding, in which the scollops are much less conspicuous, while the little flaps be- tw'een them are more developed ; the ciliae are shorter, and the tentacula about the mouth seem to be united into a tube spreading a little at its ex- tremity. Found a little later. EPHY V RA OCTOLOBA N TA ? BLAINV. ; Man. d'Actin., 273, pi. 36, f. 3. About one fourth of an inch in diameter, of a rusty- yellow hue, having eight lobes, the divisions between which extend half way to the centre ; each of these lobes is again divided by a deep fissure ; margin not ciliated. Found with the preceding. OCEA'NIA TUBULO'SA, SARS ; Bcskr. ov. Polyph., 25. A perfectly hyaline, balloon-shaped animal, about the size of a pistol-bullet. It is open at the bottom, and has four threads hanging from the margin, and from the centre a club-shaped tube, all of which are capable of great ex- tension. Its motions are very rapid. Found in April and May. E BUGAINVI'LLH, BRANDT; Schirmquallcn, pi. 20. Pe- tersburg Trans., ii. Another rather large, balloon-shaped animal, of a bluish tint, having four tufts of cilise attached to the margin, and a cross-shaped, POLYPI. RADIATA. ACTINIA. 349 yellowish mass at the centre. It may be well likened to a cupping- glass or the receiver of an air-pump. Found in April ; rare. STOMOBRA'CHIUM LENTICULA'RE ? BRANDT; Schirmquallen, 122, tab. 3, f. 6, 7. A slightly convex animal, about the size of a dime, distinguished by its four stomachs, which extend nearly across the animal, forming a cross resembling the fans of a windmill. Its border is fringed all around. Found with the preceding. ALCY'NOE VERMICULA'RIS, RANG, j Griffith's Cuv., xii. pi. 4, f. 5. A few specimens found in May. BE'ROE (CYDI V PPE) PI'LEUS, MULL. BLAINV.; Actin.,U9, pl.8,f.t. A most interesting globular animal, having eight ciliated ribs, and two very long, white threads issuing from it. POLYPI. To the Polypi the name of zoophytes or animal plants more properly belongs. They have a central mouth, around which are arranged thread-like tentacula, which, when expanded, present a close resemblance to various flowers and plants. A few of them are large and solitary ; but most of them are very minute, and nearly all of them produce structures of a horny or stony firmness, on which they dwell in communities. There are a few small corals inhabiting our waters ; but the coralline structures which we find, are generally spread out in a thin coating upon shells, marine plants, &c. They usually present a honey-comb appear- ance, and are beautiful objects for the microscope. Other struc- tures resemble miniature trees ; and many of the objects found on the sea-shore and supposed to be sea-weeds, are of animal origin. They have as yet attracted but little observation in this country. AcTl'NIA MARGINA V TA, LESUEUR; Journ. AcaA. Nat. Sc , i. 172. The Sea-anemone is found in still water, adhering to rocks, timbers, &c. This species is the only one I have found. It is 350 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. often two inches in diameter, when expanded. Its color varies from light fawn to dark chestnut. The tentacula have alternate rings of the same color and of white, so that they are white tipped or not, according to their stage of growth. It may be nothing more than A. mesembryanthemum of European authors. TUBULA V RIA INDIVI V SA, LIN. ELLIS; Coratt. tab. 16, f. C. LISTER; Philos. Trans., 1834, 366, pi. 8, f. 1 . JOHNSTON ; Brit. Zooph., 113, pi. 3, f. 1, 2. A beautiful object, found abundantly around Boston, on the under side of floating timber. It grows in clusters, each animal having a circle of minute filaments, enclosing a group of shorter, pink-colored ones, which, being seated upon a straw-colored stalk three or four inches long, resembles a delicate flower with its petals and stamens. TUBULAVRIA LARYNX, SOLANDER; ELLIS; Corall., pi. 16, f. b. JOHN- STON ; Brit. Zooph., 115, pi. 3, f, 3; pi. 4, f. 3-5. Similar to the preceding, but smaller. They are principally distinguished by their tubes being somewhat branched, and wrin- kled so as to form three or four rings at regular intervals. TUBULA X RIA RAMO V SA, LIN. ELLIS; Brit. Zooph., tab. 16, f. a, and tab. 17, f. a, A. Branched like the preceding, and with rings at the origin of the branches ; but the polypi have only a single series of tentacula. TUBULA'RIA STELLl'FERA, COUTHOUY; Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., ii. 56. A beautiful, salmon-colored, minute species, growing in clus- ters on logs around the bathing-house at Craigie's bridge. These clusters look as though they might be patches of moss. I have not been able to refer it to any described species. SERTULA N RIA PINNA'TA, PALLAS; JOHNSTON ; Brit. Zooph., 127, pi. 9, f, 5, 6. Grows on old shells, and resembles a miniature, thinly-branched cypress. LAOMEDE'A GELATINO V SA, JOHNSTON; Brit. Zooph., 152, pi. 21, f. 3, 4 ; pi. 23, f. 1. Campanularia gelatinosa, FLEM., 549. Found attached to Tubuldria larynx. The polypi are very POLYPI. RADIATA. ESCHARA. 351 active in their motions, constantly protruding themselves from their bell-shaped recesses,' and very suddenly retreating. MEMBRANI'PORA PILO V SA, JOHNSTON ; Brit. Zoopk., 280, pi. 24, f. 10- 12. FARRE ; Philos. Trans., 1837, pi. 27, f. I - 5. Flustra pilosa, LIN. Encrusts small sea-weeds and old shells with a membranous lace-work, from each of the meshes of which a hair is seen to is- sue, unless worn off by friction, as it usually is. ALCYO'NIUM ECHINA V TUM, FLEM. ; Brit. Anim., 517. JOHNSTON ; Brit. Zooph., 304, pi. 42, f. 3, 4. Of a fleshy nature, encrusting dead univalve shells. It becomes stiff when dry, and is then studded with prickles. Such shells appear enveloped in a greenish, filmy scum. Very common on Buccinum unddtum. EsCHA N RA FOLIA V CEA, LAM. JOHNST.J Brit. Zooph., 2U7, pi. 40. MILNE- EDW.J Ann. des Sc. JYaf., vi. 36, pi. 3, f. 1. Drawn up from deep water. It is a broad membrane, less than a tenth of an inch in thickness, gathered into a flounce. It is so light as to float in water, becomes crisp when dry, of a yellowish- brown color, and is punctured with numerous pores on both sides. The CORALLINES and SPONGES have by many been ranked among the Polypi. But recent observations have proved that neither of them are inhabited by polypi. The CORALLINES are now fully proved to be of a vegetable character, allied' to the Algae. We have at least one species, which we find attached to shells which are rolled up from the deep, and also along rocky shores, growing in the little basins which are filled by the dashing of the surf into them. It is of a brownish color when living, but soon becomes white on exposure to the air, and is probably Corallina rubens of Linnaeus. The SPONGES still hold a disputed ground between animals and vegetables. Their claim to a place in the animal kingdom seems to rest on the power which the ovules or young are observed to have of floating from place to place at will, by means of vibratory ciliae. When they have once attached themselves to some solid body, as they always do, they do not afterwards manifest any in- dications of sensation or volition. 352 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. We have three or four species, some of them quite beautiful, but none of them having a structure sufficiently tenacious to ren- der them useful. Such are SPO'NGIA OCULA'TA, MONTAGU; Wernerian Trans., ii. 78, pi. 6, f. 2. ELLIS ; CoralL, tab. 32, f. F, f. SPO'NGIA RAMO'SA, MONTAGU; Wern. Trans., ii. 84, pi. 8. SPO'NGIA ARBORE'SCENS, LAM. S. rubens, PALLAS. Of parasitic worms and infusory animals, great numbers have been observed. There is not a beast, bird, reptile, or fish, which has not one or more species of worm infesting the intestines or other organs of the body. The little animalcula called infusory animals, may always be found in water, whether fresh or salt ; but more especially in warm weather, when the waters of the ditches and stagnant pools become almost opake with their countless multitudes. They will amuse and astonish any one who will sub- ject a drop of such water to the microscope ; but any special enumeration or description of them here would be useless. The preceding list of Crustacea, Annelida, and Radiata has been prepared almost without assistance, and while almost entirely confined within the limits of the city. Occasional visits to the wharves, timber-docks, and market have been the principal re- sources for specimens. It serves to show that we have about us an abundance of animals whose structure and habits have received their share of attention in other countries, but which have hitherto found few devotees in this country. So few gleanings have been made in this field, that no other promises a more abundant return for labor. The whole American coast is unexplored. Nearly every spadefull of the sand of the beach, every stone washed by the tide, and every sea-weed will furnish some object which is curious, and often new. If some of the young naturalists whom we see multiplying around us, especially any who reside on the sea-shore, or are in the habit of resorting to it for health or pleas- ure, should turn their attention to the study of these departments, they would find themselves richly rewarded. NOXIOUS AND VALUABLE ANIMALS. WHENEVER any thing is presented to us which has apparently been the result of careful study, but which we do not understand, the first question we naturally ask is, "What is the use of it?" "In what manner is it calculated to promote or disturb my interests ? " There are many, into whose hands the foregoing Report may come, who will feel no other interest in it, than as it may inform them of profitable sources of revenue, or the means of averting damages. For such, I propose to embody here the little there is to be said respecting the in- juries and benefits derived from the animals of which we have been taking a view. Only a very few of them all are objects of special regard to man. Most of them are small, some very minute, and withdrawn from his view. They are immersed in the streamlet and pool, or concealed under decaying leaves and logs, or buried in the ocean depths. And when seen, they are regarded by the common eye as worthless, or as nuisances. The philosophic mind, however, regards every link in the chain of being as important, worthy of study, and indispensable in the economy of creation. They are proved to be designed for the good of man by their preexistence. The races of vegetables and animals which preceded the creation of man, all seem to have contributed to prepare the earth for nis residence. Much of its solid structure, the coal, marble, and all other limestones, those valuable minerals which contribute in so many ways to the necessities, comforts, and luxuries of man, are but the consolidated remains of the countless genera- tions of plants, shells, and crustaceous animals which have lived in past time. The small and minute creatures make up the mass of these solid structures ; while the monsters of olden time, the mammoth, mastodon, and gigantic lizard are of rare occurrence. The great agency which the animalcula are capable of exercising upon the well-being of man, is thus seen in the past. The fact that 45 354 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. they now exist in such myriads, is enough to satisfy the devout mind that they have still some indispensable office to perform. The great purpose of their existence seems to be, in the first place, to remove dead and decaying substances, before they become obnoxious. Their multitude and minuteness enables them to do this silently, promptly, and effectually, quite unperceived. In the next place, they are em- ployed for food by the higher animals, until they become directly useful to man by nourishing the food on which he himself subsists. But it is not my design to generalize. This might satisfy the un- derstanding, but not the cupidity of man. Let us therefore proceed to particulars. Of all the animals in the preceding catalogue, there is but a single one which interferes materially with the interests or possessions of man. It is a little animal which infests and destroys timber and wooden structures built in salt water. It has been named Limnoria terebrans. The LIMNO^RIA TE'REBRANS is a minute crustaceous animal about three twentieths of an inch long, and not quite half as broad. Its two ends are rounded, and its sides parallel, so as to have nearly the shape of a small maggot. Its color is grayish. The body is composed of fourteen segments, the seven which succeed the head each bearing a pair of short legs. It is capable of both swim- ming and crawling. When touched, it rolls it- self up, by bending down the head and tail. Its food, contrary to the general, if not otherwise universal rule, among Crustacea, is vegetable. This little animal was first detected by Robert Stevenson, Esq., the architect of the Bell Rock Light-house, in 1808. He sent it to Dr. Leach, who gave it its name and described it, in 1811. Its habits and ravages have since been fully described by Dr. Coldstream and Mr. Thompson, in the " Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal," and my own observations have added but little to what may be gathered from theirs. The animal attacks, by preference, soft wood, and the softest parts of wood. It selects pine, if it can be had ; but it was observed at Bell Rock, that oak, birch, and all other wood there exposed, except teak, was more or less perforated. All wooden structures immersed in the sea are liable to its attacks. Sea- bulwarks are undermined, the piles NOXIOUS AND VALUABLE ANIMALS. 355 and piers of bridges are cut off, and canal locks are rendered inefficient by them. Dr. Coldstream observes, that he is not aware that they ever attack floating timber, but confine themselves to fixed timbers. They are, however, abundant on the under sides of timber floating in timber-docks, which, to be sure, is confined, though floating. They select their station below low-water mark, though some few rise so high as to be left by the tide a portion of the time. If they have access to the end of the timber, they enter the soft portion be- tween the annual, hard rings of wood, and seldom pass out of the cir- cle which they first enter. Their numbers are so great, that no one penetrates more than an inch from the surface before the whole tim- ber is occupied and crumbling behind him by every wave that chafes it. Such as cannot enter the ends of the timber, attack the sides and burrow just beneath the surface. The whole surface is soon furrowed by them, so that the remains of circle after circle are washed away. It has been found that where the Limnoria is abundant, timber, how- ever large, will lose an inch in diameter annually. A timber in the dock of Mr. Aspinwall, near Winnisimmet Ferry, which was once the mast of a frigate, has been reduced to a mere spar of about a foot in diameter. The animal is probably no less abundant here than about England and Scotland, where its ravages have been so troublesome. I have observed them at low tide, about all the wooden structures which I have examined in the neighbourhood of Boston. It therefore becomes a matter of consequence to know how to guard against them. No very economical or effectual method of protection has yet been ascertained. Casings of copper have been used in some instances ; but the animal has succeeded in getting behind it. Various washes have been applied ; and it is said that verdigris paint is effectual. The most efficient method hitherto tried, has been to cover the whole sur- face with broad-headed nails, set close together. These little creatures, which force themselves upon our notice by the ravages they commit on private property, or works of great public utility, are nevertheless not without their use. A very trifling portion of their whole number interfere with the works or the possessions of man. The great multitude is employed in devouring and disintegrating sub- merged timbers, which would otherwise remain almost imperishable. In this respect they correspond to the wood- boring larvse and beetles of the land. " Let us consider, for instance, how possible it is that large masses of wood, floated down by rivers, might accumulate on 356 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. shoals at their mouths to such an extent as materially to diminish the outlet for the waters, which then would rise and overflow their banks, were it not for the destructive boring of the Limnoria. What could not be accomplished by brute force, and might baffle even the ingenu- ity of man himself, is yet quietly accomplished by the gradual and steady operations of a tiny crab. The 'trees are perforated and then washed away, and with them the sand and mud which had collected around, and which would speedily have formed an effectual impedi- ment to the free efflux of water, and to the navigation of the river." These remarks have full force when applied to the mouths of most of the rivers emptying into the Atlantic. " Nor must we omit to no- tice the possibility of its being the means, occasionally, of causing the removal of those serious obstacles to the safe navigation of shallow seas, which are caused by the masts of sunken vessels." * If we except the various barnacles, which attach themselves to the bottoms of vessels, sometimes in such numbers as materially to impede their speed, I know of no other animal, coming within our limits, which is either injurious or even disagreeable to man, in any sense. In many, if not in all, parts of Europe, the snails and slugs are exceedingly troublesome in gardens. But in this region snails are rarely seen, and, in addition, the habits of American snails seem to be different from those of European ones. They do not climb plants and shrubs for food, and they mostly flee from the haunts .of men. Slugs are also rare, and though occasionally seen in the vegetable garden and the orchard, are not essentially troublesome. The invertebrate animals which may be noticed as beneficial, are also few in number. They may be mostly arranged under 1. Such as contribute food to man : 2. Such as afford subsistence to other ani- mals : 3. Such as are employed in agriculture and the arts. 1. Those which contribute food to man. The article of food which is most familiar as well as most important among the Mollusca, is the Oyster ( O'strea). The OYSTER is generally supposed by dealers and market-men to be not now a native of the waters of this State. That it was formerly of native growth, they all admit; but that it has become extinct in places now most favorable to its growth, they all assert. The cause of this extermination is said to have been what is called a ground frost ; that * Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, xvi. 332, 333. NOXIOUS AND VALUABLE ANIMALS. 357 is, a degree of cold so great as to cover the bottom with a coating of ice, and thereby to cut off the oysters from all access to air and nourishment. This is said to have happened about the year 1780 ; previous to which time, no oysters were brought from more southern waters. Immense beds of the shells of oysters which died at that time are said to be still visible in the neighbourhood of Wellfleet. The above opinion is not, however, strictly correct. That no beds of native oysters are found at all adequate to the supply of the market, is true. But old men relate that they were accustomed to go up Mystic River and Charles River, and gather oysters of great size, be- fore it was the custom to bring them from New York. And even now, individuals of enormous size are occasionally brought from both these places, and probably might be found, by special search, at any time. Moreover, from Dr. J. B. Forsyth, I learn that, in all probabil- ity, the native oyster is abundant on the south shore of Cape Cod. The following are extracts from his letter. " Sandwich, June 15, 1840. "DEAR FRIEND, " I embrace the first opportunity to give you some account of the Oyster found in the western part of this town, lying upon Buzzard's Bay. I have consulted several aged men in this vicinity, some eighty years of age, and they inform me that there has always been an abun- dance of the fish in these waters, ever since their remembrance ; and it has never come to their knowledge that oysters were ever brought there from any foreign location. They are found along the shores of the bay for several miles, but are much more abundant in two or three locations. They seem to multiply with great rapidity, and the whole shore seems to be lined with them, so that at low water you could, at almost any point, procure a bucket full of them from the rocks. " I am also informed, that great numbers are taken in the region of Wareham, a few miles from our beds, and should conjecture that, from their proximity of location, they must have had a common origin with ours. " There is a statute in force which imposes a penalty for catching any of these fish and carrying them out of the town ; and no citizen has a right to take for his own use more than one or two bushels at any one time. The oysters are generally collected by a few men, who bring them to the village and dispose of them at fifty cents a bushel, for their trouble ; and by selling half a bushel or a bushel to an individual, 358 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. the spirit of the statute is not violated. This may be repeated every day, until the desired supply is laid in. When placed in the cellar, and fed from time to time with a little meal and water, they will some- times keep good for months." The fact that the oysters on the Buzzard's Bay shore adhere to the rocks and breed there, together with the testimony of very aged men, is sufficient to show that Massachusetts is not without native oysters. But it is also a well-known fact, that the supply for the markets of all the large towns is obtained from the South. Hence has arisen a trade of no small importance ; and I have taken some pains to ascertain its extent, and the mode of managing it. From intercourse with several gentlemen long engaged in it, but principally from Mr. Joseph Hoi- brook, of Boston, and Richard Libby, Esq., of Wellfleet, I have gath- ered the following particulars. Almost the whole of the oyster trade belongs to Wellfleet, near the extremity of Cape Cod. About thirty vessels, averaging forty tons each, and manned by one hundred and twenty men, are employed about three months in the year in importing them. The oysters are mostly obtained from Staten Island, Little Egg Harbour, and Somer- set, and are called New York oysters. Less frequently, they are brought from the Chesapeake and Delaware Bays. Small ones are selected, about the size of a dollar, and cost fifty cents per bushel. Forty thousand bushels are annually brought to Wellfleet, costing, of course, 20,000 dollars ; all of which the oyster fishers require to be paid in specie. At Wellfleet they are planted, as it is termed, to increase their size. The oyster-ground should be flat, of a sandy or fine gravel bottom, and where the common tide leaves them dry about two hours. Muddy grounds soon choke up and destroy the oysters. The planting is done during the months of March, April, and May, in moderate weather, when the water is not very cold. They are permitted to remain from seven to nine months, during which time they sometimes double their size. Their growth is, however, very variable, depending on the sea- son, and in some years the increase is very slight. They are not per- mitted to grow larger, as they have then become of a size most profit- able for market. In the autumn, they are again taken up, selected, brought to mar- ket, and sold at wholesale for one dollar per bushel, the cost of plant- ing, attending, taking up, &c., amounting to twenty cents per bushel. NOXIOUS AND VALUABLE ANIMALS. 359 Thus a profit of thirty cents on a bushel, or about forty per cent, on the cost, is realized ; and the town of Wellfleet thereby realizes an in- come of about 8,000 dollars annually. There are many small beds around Boston and the other seaports, where single cargoes are spread out, but they are of little account. The whole amount of oysters used annually in Massachusetts cannot fall short of 100,000 bushels. The shells are still further valuable, but of these notice will be taken elsewhere. The CLAM (Mya arenaria) is still more important, in an economical point of view, than the oyster. It is extremely prolific ; and its exhaust- less banks are every day accessible during twelve of the twenty-four hours. The principal clam-banks are along the coasts of Essex and Barn- stable counties. Nowhere are more collected than on the flats of Ipswich and Essex. But clams also abound on every muddy or sandy flat, however small ; and there is perhaps not a mile of the whole coast where clams may not be found. About 5,000 bushels of clams are annually brought to Boston mar- ket, and as many more are doubtless consumed at other places. But it is not as an article of food for man, that the clam is princi- pally important. Its chief use is as bait for fishing cod and haddock. Nothing can be so easily procured and kept in a suitable state for bait as the clam, and nothing else is so palatable to the fish. Immense numbers are employed for this purpose. For the bank fisheries, the shells are opened, and the animals taken out, put in barrels, and salted. This is called Clam-bait. Not less than 5,000 barrels of clam-bait are put up every year. Seven bushels of clams make about one barrel of bait ; so that thirty or forty thousand bushels are used in this prepared state, and perhaps as many more are used from the shell. The value of the clam-bait is six or seven dollars per barrel. There are several other shells which, it is averred by those who have tried them, are as palatable as the clam. The QTJAHOG ( Venus mercendria) is found in considerable numbers about Cape Cod, but it is not fancied by Bostonians for food, though in the New York and Philadelphia markets it is used almost to the exclusion of our common clam. The GIANT CLAM, or, as some call it, the HEN CLAM, (Mactra gi- gantca,) is much esteemed by some. But it requires a long process of bruising and maceration before it is sufficiently tender for the table. 360 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. The EDIBLE MUSSEL, (My'tilus edulis^) as its name imports, is abun- dantly used for food in other countries. It is plentiful with us, but other shell-fish, quite as easily obtained, are preferred. The LOBSTER (Homdrus Americdnus) is the largest of all crusta- ceous animals, and is extensively employed for food. The largest which has been seen by the Boston fishermen, weighed twenty-eight pounds ; and those weighing ten or twelve pounds are not uncommonly seen in the market. The average, however, is about four pounds. Lobsters are caught during the six months of warm weather. They might be taken during the whole year, but no adequate sale is found for them in cold weather. They are caught about all the islands in Massachusetts Bay, and in every cove along the coast. A few con- tractors manage most of the trade. The largest dealers, Ebenezer Weeks & Co., have three vessels employed during the season. They furnish the apparatus for catching them, and pay a certain sum for each lobster caught. One man will attend forty lobster-pots. He raises the pots in the morning and secures his prey, and spends the remainder of the day in catching cod-fish, with which to bait on the following morn- ing. To average one lobster per day to each pot, is considered fair luck. In this way, probably 200,000 are annually taken in the waters of Massachusetts. Nearly one half of this number comes to Boston market, while all the inhabitants of the seaboard supply themselves abundantly ; and the New York market is also principally supplied from the waters of this State, about Provincetown. Lobsters sell at an average price of about ten cents each, affording a profit of about ten per cent. CRABS are held in little repute as food, though a few hundreds are annually sold at two or three cents each. 2. Such as afford subsistence to other animals. Under this head we might at once introduce the whole catalogue. The fishes and aquatic birds devour them all, without distinction or mercy. Ducks, geese, and reptiles pick up the little cockles which live in the brooks and pools. The shell-fish of the sea prey upon each other, and all become food for fishes. It is surprising to find how the largest shells may be, and are, swallowed by the cod-fish. Those, however, are preferred by them which have their shells gaping ; such as the Clams, Panopdta, Glycymeris, &c. The death of the animal swallowed soon occurs, the muscles of the shells relax, the gastric juice of the fish soon dissolves the animal, and then the shell is rejected. The use of NOXIOUS AND VALUABLE ANIMALS. 361 the common clam for fish bait has already been mentioned. The Crustacea are all welcomed by the fish in a similar manner. To these we may add the SQUID (Loligo illecebrosa) and the various jointed worms (Annelida) which live in the sand of the shore, some of which are a foot or more in length. The KING-CRAB, or HORSE-SHOE, (Limulus polyphcmus,) is em- ployed as food for hogs ; and many of them are speared by boys for this purpose, and sold for half a cent apiece. It is also regarded as excellent bait for eels. 3. Such as are employed in agriculture and the arts. In agricul- ture, the solid parts of the Mollusca, their shells, are employed on account of the lime which forms their basis. One of the most useful forms in which they are found for this purpose, is the shell marl. In Berkshire County this marl is found in considerable quantities. It is formed of the small, fresh-water shells which have subsided to the bottom, and, mingling with the fine mud, become consolidated. This process is every day going on. In a few specimens which I have ex- amined, 1 have detected Planorbis Mcarinatus, P. campanuldtus, P. parvus, Physa heterostropha, Valvdta tricarinata, Limncea humilis ? and Cyclas dubia, shells which are now everywhere found in the streams of Massachusetts. Shell lime is very much used in many parts of the world, and in some of the United States, as an ingredient in composts, and for dress- ing grain lands ; but it has not yet become so extensively employed in Massachusetts as would be profitable. Some little diversity of opinion has arisen as to the utility of lime in improving wheat crops. It has been stated by good farmers, that they have dressed their fields freely with lime, without any manifest improvement of the crop ; while the next year, when no lime is applied, the crop has been ample. Such statements would seem to discourage the use of lime for grain crops. Dr. C. T. Jackson, who has paid great attention to agricultural chem- istry, offers an explanation to this seeming evidence against the utility of lime. He says, that where lime is spread with freedom, it will not form its combinations with the soil so as to be of benefit during the first season ; but that on a second season its effects will be abundantly apparent. Shell lime is preferable to stone lime in agriculture, because it is sure never to contain magnesia, which is always prejudicial to the soil, and which is often a component part of stone lime. 46 362 INVERTEBRATA OF MASSACHUSETTS. The manufacture of shell lime is carried on extensively by Mr. Kingsley, of Boston. The shells are collected from the various oyster shops, and are given to him for the trouble of removal. Twenty to thirty thousand bushels are thus collected and burned annually. The lime is sold at twelve and a half cents per bushel. Shell lime is also extensively employed in masonry ; and it is with- in the memory of man when no other lime was known for building, along the seaboard. By the addition of the proper materials, clay and magnesia, Mr. Kingsley prepares an excellent hydraulic cement, which is used not only for laying drains, cisterns, &c., but its whiteness renders it suita- ble for the manufacture of fountains, vases, and ornamental articles, which are to be placed in exposed situations. We find nothing else which is employed in the arts, except the SCOLLOP SHELL, (Pecten concentricus,) which is so extensively used in the manufacture of card-racks, pin-cushions, &c. The animals of several shells (Purpura and Buccinum) afford a juice, when they are bruised, which dyes a brilliant purple. The ancients are supposed to have derived all their purple dye from this source ; but other more available articles have entirely superseded its use. PEARLS of various colors and considerable size and beauty are often found in both salt and fresh water mussels. They were once highly valued in England, but are not sought for at the present day. This summary, short as it is, and containing little that is not already familiar, presents, nevertheless, all that is known to be of direct use and benefit to man. Some may hence be disposed to inquire, " Of what use, then, is the study of so many others which are apparently useless ? " A few words only need be said to such objectors. In the first place, all of God's works are wonderful, and worthy of study. Again, negative knowledge is useful. The most useful sciences are made up of trivial facts. Newton's apple, Young's soap-bubble, and Galvani's frog, have given hints which have led to almost the complete developement of some of the most important natural laws which affect us. And again, so limited is our knowledge of the designs of the Author of nature, that animals which appear of little importance in relation to ourselves, are perhaps as necessary to the general plan of the Creator, as those which we place at the top of the scale of being. INDEX. ACALETHJE, . Jlct&on denticulatus, . trifidus, . Actinia marginata, . JSga e marginata, ALASMODON, . Alasmodon arcuata, marginata, undulata, Masmodonta truncata, ALA^TA, Alcy'noe vermicularis, Alcyonium echinatum, . Jl'lpheus aculeatus, AMNICOLA, Amnicola porata, AMPHITODA, . Amphitr'ite auricoma, Amphitrite ventilabrum, ANATIFA, Anatifa dentata, laevis, striata, vulgaris, ANATINA, JLnatina convdxa,, . papyracea, . ANCY^LUS, AncyMus fuscus, rivularis, Anilocera , Animal plants, ANNE'LIDA, A'NODON, A'nodon fluviatilis, . implicata, rugdsus, undulata, Jlnodonta cataracta, edentula, fluvidtilis, . marginata, Newtoniensis, ANOMIA, Anomia aculeata, electrica, ephippium, . pubescens, squamula, Anthosoma Smithii, Anthura gracilis, Aphrodita aculeata, Page . 347 199 . 274 349 . 338 113 . 113 116 . 115 116 . 298 349 . 351 332 . 228 229 . 333 7 7 19 21 19, 20 20 20 47 51 49 47 . 223 224 . 224 3:38 . 349 7, 342 . 117 '*<*. 117 . 118 .!! 120 . 120 117 . 120 '., v. 117 . 118 118 . 138 139 . 140 138 . 141 140 . 341 338 . 343 Aphrodite columba, ARCA, Area, caudata, miniita, pexata, ttnuis, . transversa, . ARCACEA, A'rgulus AlosoB, . Armadillo pilularis, . Ascidia clavata, rustica, Asellus vulgaris, Jl'stacus affinis, Bartonii, . f '2 95 . 101 101 95 105 96 95 . 340 336 . 319 319 . 337 330 . 330 331 . 330 76 76 78 80 77 78 81, 84 78 80 344 . 345 344 . 345 345 . 348 348 . 197 197 . 197 199 . 199 199 13 18 12 15 18 18 14 17,19 16,18 15 13 14 11 marinus, ASTAKTE, Astarte castanea, lactea, plcea, var. . . quadrans, sulcata, Asterias aranciaca, caput-Meduscs, . (fioniaster) equestris, spongiosa, Aurelia aurita, AURICULA, . * Auricula bidentata, . cornea, denticulata, myosdtis, n ;;$-. BALANUS, . ,^^ lX ->-- Bdlanus davatus, - iUu diad&rna, . . i^.i eburneus, **&'*' "^^iSiL- ovularis, rugosus, . tm;jv _, Sc6ticus tulipa, . ."iyiit; Barnacles, 364 INDEX. Beach-flea, Beroe (Cydippe) plleus, Blood-sucker, Bloody Clam, Boltenia reniformis, Botryllus stellatus, . BRACHIO'PODA, BRANCHIO'PODA, Branchipus stagnalis, Branchiella thynni, . BUCCINUM, Buccinum ciliatum, . Donovani, . glaciale, . topillus, lunatum, J\Tov-Eborac6nse, obsoletum, olivifdrme, plicosum, rosaceum, striatum, . trivittatum, undatum, ventricdsum, : vibex, Bulimus lubricus, BULLA, Bulla canaliculata, debilis, fontinalis t . Gouldii hiemalis haliotoidea, insculpta, lineolata, obstricta, . ory v za, . solithria, . triticea, velutina, BULLEA'NA, Bullina canaliculata, Caligus piscinus, CALYPTRA'CEA, . CANALl'FERA, CANCELLA.RIA, Cancellaria buccinoides, Couthouyi, CANCER, . Cancer Bernhardus, . granulhtus, kastatus, irroratus, Manas, mtija, pedatus, f!>}/i Sayi, stagnalis, Caprella sanguinea, CARCINUS, Carcinus Manas. CARDIA^CEA, Pago Page 333 CARDITA, 93 349 Cardita borealis, r . 94 342 CARDJUM, . . 89 96 Cdrdium ciliatum, 89 319 edentuluni, , 92 320 Grcenlandicum, 92 140 Islandicum, 89 339 Mortoni, 91 339 pinnulatum, 90 341 pubcscens, 89 303 rubrum, 60 307 304 Cary'chium personatum, . Cecrops Latreillii, . 199 341 304 CEMORIA, . 156 301 Cemoria Flemingii, 157 312 Noachina, 156 308 CEPHALO'PODA, 317 308 CERITHIUM, . 274 308 Cerithiura Emersonii, 275 303 Greenii, . 279 31] nifrro oinctuin 277 305 reticulaturn, . 278 309 Sayi, 278 305 tcrcbralc 276 307 CHETO'PODA, 343 310 Chirodota arenata, . 346 193 CHITON, 146 162 Chiton albus, . 150 166 ntj%nj <^*iia 146 164 dscLloidcs 150 211 cin&reus, 147 163 li 1 rv-a -.^niorino 151 163 f ii 1 m i n 3, t u 9 148 244 marginalus, . 147 162 rubcr 149 169 150 167 Chondraclnthus cornutus, . 341 168 CINERAS, 22 162 Cineras vittata, 22 165 CINGULA, . 264 241 Cingula aculeus, 266 162 minuta, . . 265 166 Cionella litbrica, 193 CIRRl'PEDES, 10,11 340 CIRROBRANCHIA'TA, 155 156 dam, . . 29,41 , 52, 359 274 Cochlicdpa lubrica, . 193 282 COCHI.ODESMA, 48 283 Cochlodesma Leana, 49 283 COLIMA^CEA, 169 322 COLUMBELLA, . 313 327 Columbella avara, 313 322 COLUMELLA'RIA, . . 313 325 CONCHA^CEA, 72 322 CONCH 1'FERA, 10,24 322 Corallines, 351 327 CORBULA, 43 333 Corbula contracta, 43, 56 323 CORONULA, . f-sikji ' 12 339 Coronula diadema, 12 336 Crab, 325, 360 321 Crangon boreas, 331 321 ffft^ifft^ft s'7;/?//> "??/*? 331 HQ 331 INDEX. 365 Crasslna castanea, Danmoniensis, CREPIUULA, . Crepidula convexa, fornicata, glauca, plana, . unguijormis, CRUSTACEA, Cry'ptodon flezudsa, CULTELLUS, . CUMINGIA, Cumingia tellinoides, CYAMUS, . Cy^atnus ceti, Cyanea Postelsii, CYCLAS, Cyclas cornea, dubia, elegans, . partumeia, rhomboidea similis, . sulcata, CYCLOPS, Cyclustoma margindta, . tric(trinata } Cymothoa oestrum, CYPRINA, Cyprina Islandica, vulghris, CYTHEREA, Cytherea convexa, DECA'PODA, . Delphinoidea serpuloidea, DENTALIUM, Dentdlium attenufitum y dentale, striutum, . Diadbma vulgaris t DORIS, Doris arbordscens, . illurainata, Earth- Worm, ECHINODE'RMATA, Echinus granulatus, E^OLIS, E v olis Bostoniensis, diversa, gymnota, . rvfibranchialis , salmonacea, Ephy v ra ootolobata, . Eschara foliacea, lutosa, Eury^ale scutatum, Fiddler- Crab, FissurAlla Noach\na, Five-finger, Flustra arenosa, . pildsa, Pago 76 78 157 . 160 158 . 161 159 . 159 321 . 71 30, 33 56 56 . 335 335 . 347 72 73 75 74 73 73 72,75 72 339 . 192 338 . 338 82 82,86 83 84 84 . 321 247 . 155 156 . 155 156 12 4 5 4 . 343 344 . 344 5 6 6 7 6 6 348 . 351 233 . 345 325 . 157 345 . 232 351 Fusus, Fusus Bamffius, carinatus, . cin&reus, . curneus, decemcostatus, harpularius, muricatus, pleurotom&rius, striatus, tornatus, turricula, . ventricosus, Galericulum Icevigatum, Gammams minus, GASTERO'PODA, GELASIMDS, Gelasimus vocans, . Giant Clam, GLYCY'MERIS, Glycy'meris drctica, Gordius inquilinus, . Gymnolepas Crdnchii t HELIX, Helix albolkbris, alternate, anguldlus, . cellaria, . chersina, electrina, . fallax u gldphyra, hortensis, . indentata, litbrica, monodon, nitens, . nitida, scabra, serpuloides, striatella, thyroidus, . tridentata, Hermit Crab, Page . 284 289 . 287 303 . 284 287 . 291 284 . 293 290 . 290 288 . 285 286 . 292 285 . 241 334 . 334 10, 144 . 325 325 52, 359 39 37 39 39 213 22 23 169 . 170 177 . 203 182 . 180 185 . 183 174 . 175 181 . 244 175 . 172 181 . 184 179 . 193 176 . 174 181 . 181 J76 . 176 177 . 177 247 . 178 172 . 171 173 . 329 366 INDEX. Hiatdlla arctica, HIPPOLYTE, Hippdlyte aculeatus, Hippocrene Bugainvillii, HIPPA, Hippa emerita, . talpoida, Hirudo parasitica, Holothuria chrysacanthophora, (Cuvieria) squamata, (Synapta) briareus, pentactes, Homarus Americanus, Horse- leech, Horse-shoe Crab, HYAS, Hyas coarctata, . Hyperia Galba, ICHTHYO'PHILUS, Idotse^a caeca, dntomon, INFUSORIA, ISO'PODA, Jaminia denticul&ta, . exigua, . fusca, JANTHINA, Jdnthina commiinis, . fragilis, KELLIA, Kellia rubra, King- Crab, LACUNA, Lacuna neritoidea, pertusa, vincta, Laomedea gelatinosa, Lepas anatifcra, . ansertfera, aurtte, balanoides, bdlanus, borcalis, dentala, diad&ma, elong&ta, . leporlna^ membranacea, rugdsa, serrata, . sulcata, tintinnal vittctta, Leeches, . LlBINIA, Libinia canaliculata, LIGIA, I.I.MAX, Limax togata, tunicata, . rage 63 . 332 332 . 348 328 . 228 328 . 342 , 345 ta, 346 , 346 345 330, 360 342 339, 361 326 . 326 335 . 338 337 . 338 352 . 336 199 . 272 271 . 240 240 . 240 60 60 339, 361 262 . 263 262 . 262 350 19,21 20,21 23 17 17 16 21 12 18 23 22 16 21 21 13 22 . 342 327 . 327 337 ,*r- 2 3 O.iin 3 LlMNJE^A, Limn&a acuminata, . desidiosa, . heterostropha, macrostoma, modicellus, LIMNEA^NA, Limnoria terebrans, Limulus poly phemus, Lissa fissirostra, . LITHODES, Lithodes arctica, LITHOPHA'GID^, LlTTORlNA, Littorina palliata, rudis, . tenebrosa, . Lobster, LCEMl'PODA, * Loligo illecebrosa, LOTTIA, . .i\i' Lottia alveus, LUCINA, . Lucina divaricata, radula, Lumbricus terrestris, LUPA, Lupa dicantha, hastata, Lymna^us navicula, Lymn&us cornkus, Lyonsia hyalina, MACH^RA, Macha^ra costata, nitida, MAC ROSTOV! ATA, MACTRA^CEA, MACTRA, Mactra arctata, gigant&a, lateralis, . lut&ola, ovalis, similis, subtriangulata, tellinoides, MAGDALA, Malacolta bivdlvis, MARGARITA, Margarita arctica, cinerea, Page . 215 217 . 223 216 . 215 219 . 221 212 . 217 218 . 218 200 338, 354 339, 361 . 326 327 . 327 61 . 257 260 . 257 259 330, 360 335 . 318 153 . 154 153 69 70 71 69 . 343 324 . 324 325 . 215 223 46 32 24,34 33 241 51 51 57 57 52, 359 53 54 52 53 92 53, 54 51, 54, 78 57 56 46 23 . 252 255 . 256 252 INDEX. 367 Margarita helicoides, obscura, Page . 255 253 . 254 114 . 115 197 . 351 57 57 58 . 171 123 . 130 129 . 131 129 . 123 128 . 123 127 . 125 126 . 123 339 59 59 . 292 289 . 294 296 . 284 286 . 284 292 40 40 40, 78, 359 59 . 107 46 . 114 40 . 109 110 39 110 . 116 39 42 115 40 333 . 333 333 . 121 121 123, 125 . 121 . 126 . 129, 130 121,360 117 . 125 117 My'tilus incurvdtus, . tnodiolus, Margaritdna margarittfera, ~ rt*\i ' * Mtldmpus bidentdtus, Membrampora pilosa, li^-- MESODESMA, . Mesodesma arctata, ;tq"i rugdsus, umbilicdtus, . NA'IADES, . Nassa obso/l:ta, trimttdta, vibex, NATICA, Ndtica boredlis, . canaliculata, . clausa, consoliddta, duplicata, flava, . Mesodon Iducodon, MODIOLA, Modiola discors, . discrepans, . glandula, Iceoigdta, modiolus, nexa, Papuana, . pectinula, Monoculus polyph&mus, MONTACU^TA, Montacuta bidentata, Murex anguldtus^ Bamffius, canaliculdtus, J . ^ : \\ n * NEBALIA, Nereis margaritacea, NERITA^CEA, . Nl^CULA, JNucula Jackson ii, limdtula corneus, . desp6ctus } myalis, MYA, Mya aciita, arenaria, sapotilla, tenuis, complandta, hyallna, . margaritifera, mercenaria, nasiita, oblongdta, p\cea, . . thraciaeformis, NYMPHA^CEA, Oceania tubulosa, Ocy'pode pugildtor, ODOSTOMIA, Odostomia exigua, . rugulosa, . . siliqua, . truncata, vndulata, MYARIA, Mysis Fabricii, producta, seminuda, Oniscus ajf mis, . asellus, . //// spinulosus, MYTJLA^CEA, MY'TILUS, My'tilus barbatus, boredlis, de-missus, discors , edulis, fluvidtilis, Gibbsii, Ophiura aculeata, lacertosa, Orchestia gryllus, littorea, longicdrnis, OSTEODESMA, Osteodesma hyalina, Norv&gica, OSTEODESMA^CEA, OSTRA^CEA, n'.rnr,T- 1 Page 122 123 123 122 126 62 124 121 106 . 308 309 . 311 231 . 238 235 . 238 238 . 236 239 . 231 234 . 237 233 . 333 343 . 231 96 . 102 98 . 101 99 . 103 103 . 101 100 . 105 101 97 65 . 348 325 . 269 272 . 270 270 . 273 274 . 336 336 . 335 335 . 345 345 . 334 334 . 334 45 46 47 45 135 135,356 368 INDEX. O'strea borealis, Page 137 . 137 133 . 137 137 . 132 .'^v 136 . 136 22 23 . -,^> 244 135,356 . 329 329 . 330 329 . 332 227 144, 277 227 . 229 332 44 44 44 37 37 352 . 278 154 153 . 157 152 . 157 158 . 153 157 . 153 154 . 153 132 . 134 132 . 133 133 . 132 7 83 70 70 341 20 20 20 225 63 65 63 63 26 26 28 Pholas costata, cinnabarma, . latus, . ;u PHYSA, . \> ^iv.-; Physa ancillaria, PHYLLIDiA'NA, , Phylline Hippogldssi, Phyllodoce lamelligera, OPTION, OUion Cuvierii, . Oxy'noe glabra, Oyster, PAGU^RUS, Pagurus Bernhardus, longicarpus, pollicaris, Palsemon vulgaris, PALUDINA, Paludina decisa, . limosa, pordta, Pandalus annulicornis, PANDORA, Pandbra, nasiita, trilineata, PANOP^A, PanopsB^a arctica, Parasitic Worms, Pasithea nigra, . PATELLA, Patella dlveus, . amc^na, apertura, PlLtJMNUS, Pilumnus Harrisii, PINNOTHERES, Pinnotheres ostreum, Pill-Bug, PLANORBIS, . [ Planorbis armigerus, campanulatus, corpuldntus, deflectus, . dilatatus, elevktus, exacuous, exacutus, . hirsutus, lens, lentus, . parvus, PLATYONICHUS, Platyonichus ocellatus, PLEUROTOMA, Pleurotoma bicarinata, fornicdta, plicata, PLICA^CEA, PCECILO'PODA, Pollicipes lavis, Poly'noe squamata, Poly^lejias diadkma, . POLYPI, Porcellio laevis, Noachina, Patelloida tcstudinalis, Palelloidea dlveus, PECTEN, Pecten concentrictis, Pealii, PECTENHDES, Pectinaria Belgica, . Pectunculus maximus, Portiinus peldgicus, pictus, Prawn, , . . Psam mdbia fusca, PUPA, . . Pupacontracta, . . curvidens, exigua, . . fallax, . milium, . '.* modesta, simplex, Purpura lapillus, PUKPURL'FERA, PY'RAMIS, Py'ramis striatula, PY'RULA, Penella filosa, J Pentdasmis anatifera, . striata, . Pcntelepas Icevis, PEQ,ISTO'MATA, . PETRICOLA, Petricola dactylus, . fornicdta, pholadiformis, PHOLAUA^RIA, PHOLAS, Pholas bifrons, Page 27 27 28 211 213 214 211 146 343 343 343 326 326 328 328 336 200 205 203 204 201 207 210 207 208 208 206 211 202 209 201 324 324 280 281 280 282 245 339 20 343 12 349 337 337 337 324 324 332 66 31 186 186 189 191 192 187 188 190 301 299 268 269 294 INDEX. 369 P^'rula canaliculkta, carica, spirata, Quahog, . RADIA^TA, RANELLA, Ranella caudata, Razor Fish, Rtssoa rupdstris, ROSTELLARIA, Rostellaria occidentklis, Sabella penicillus, Sand- Bug, Sand- Crab, Sand-Flea, . SANGUINOLARIA, Sanguinolaria fusca, . sordida, Sauce- pan fish, SAXICAVA, Saxicava distorta, pholadis, SCALARIA, Scalaria Groanlandica, lineata, multistriata, Nov-A'ngliee, planicosta, subulata, SCALARIAU\A, Scollop-shell, . Scutella parma, . Sea-anemone, Sea- Chestnut, Sea-Egg, Sea-Jelly, Sea-Nettle, Sea- Slugs, Sea-Spider, . Senoclitafasciata, SERPULA, Serpula lumbricalis, spirillum, vermicularis, SERPU^LEA, SERRIPES, Sertularia pinnata, . Shrimp, . SlGARETUS, . Sigaretus haliotoideus, SKENEA, Skenea serpuloides, SoLECtTRTUS, Solecurtus Cariboe'us, co status, . fragilis, Solemy^a borealis, velum, SOLEN, Solen Caribous, 47 Page 294 OQfi Solen centralis, Page 31 34 294 86, 359 344 . 297 297 29 272 . 298 QQ curvus, ensis, frdgilis, minutus, . SOLENACEA, . Sow- Bug, Sph&nia Swainsdni, . Spider- Crab, SPIRORBIS, Spirorbis nautiloides, 29 28 31 63 28 . 337 42 , 328 8 8 9 7 328 . 324 qoq spirillum, Spirula Peronii, Sponges, . Spongia arborescens, 8 317 . 351 352 352 65 aft ramosa, 352 352 67 339 61 61 63 248 . 249 250 . 251 248 040 Squid, Starfish, Stenosoma irrorata, . Stomobrachium lenticulkre, Strigilla divaricata, SUCCINEA, . Succinea avara, campestris, ovtilis, vermita, 320,361 . 345 338 349 70 194 . 196 195 . 194 196 . 348 249 . 246 135 . 344 349 . 344 344 *U8 Tdlitrus gryllus, locusta, TELLINA, Telllna Bdlthica, flexudsa, Grcenldndica, 334 . 334 67 66 71 66 66 347 2 328 22 9 . 246 q rubra, sordida, tenera, tenta, TEREBRATULA, . ^ . Terebratula caput-serpentis, psittaceflj 60 67 68 67 . 141 141 142 10 . . . pubesccnS) . 141 scptcntrion&liS) 141 93 350 . 331 244 . 244 247 . 247 29,33 30 34 qi TEREDO, Teredo navalis, THRACIA, Thracia Conradi, declwis, . TORNATELLA, Tornatella puncto-striata, Tortoise-Leech, TRICHOTROPIS, . Trichotropis borealis, costcll(ttus 26 26 50 50 50 245 . 245 342 . 300 300 300 35 36 35,36 28 30 TRITONIA, Tritonia arborescens, Reyndldsii, . Trochus costalis, . TUBICOLJE, 5 5 5 . 252 370 INDEX. TUBICOLARIA, . Tubularia indivisa, larynx, ramosa, slellifera, . TUNICA^TA, . TURBINA^CEA, Turbo cinereus, . incarnatus, inflatus, miniitus, neritoides, obligatus, obs citrus , . palliatus, quadrifascibtus, rudis, . serpuloides, vestitus, vinctus, TURRITELLA, Turritttla bisuturalis, erosa, interrupta, ITnio cariosus, complanatus, hians, nasutus, ochraceus, ov&ta, . purpurasccns, purpiireus, radiatus, rostrcitus, varicdsa, violaceus "K 350 350 350 350 318 252 252 254 255 265 261 257 253 261 262 257 247 259 262 267 272 267 268 107 111 107 115 109 112 111 107 107 110 109 116 107 Unio Virgini&na, VALVATA, Valvhta carinata, tricarinata, VELUTINA, Velut\na capuloidea, laevigata, rupicola, zonata, VENUS, Venus bore^lis, bucdrdium, castanea, Danmdnia, gemma, notata, prcepdrca, . _ flrntirn sulcata, VERMETUS, Vermetus lumbricalis, Valuta denticulata, Volv&ria canaliculata, Zua lubrica, Zonites cell&rius, ZOOPHYTES, Zurama pulchtlla, Page . 110 225 225 . 226 226 . 225 241 . 241 241 . 241 242 85 70 83 76 78 87 88 83 85,359 86 87 78 71 78 82 246 . 246 199 . 166 193 181 . 181 349 177 LIST OF THE FIGURES. 1. Peclinaria Belgica. 2. Pectinaria ( ?) 3. Spirorbis nautiloides. 4. Spirorbis sinistrorsa. 5. Dentalium dentalis. 6. Balanus eburneus. 40. Saxicava distorta. 41. Petricola dactylus. 42. Sanguinolaria fusca. 43. Tellina tenta. 44. Tellina tenera. 45. Astarte castanea. 48 - ouadrans 10. rugosus. 11. Anatifa dentata. 12. Lottia testudinalis. 13. Lottia alveus. 14. Crepidula glauca. 49. Cytherea convexa. 50. Venus fluctuosa. 51. Venus gemma. 52. Lucina flexuosa. 53. Cyclas similis. ^Sfi rliihin 18. Cemoria Noachina. 19. Chiton Emersonianus. 20. apiculatus. Ol nlhii*: 57. Cardium pinnulatum. 58. Cardium Islandicum. 59. Cardita borealis. 60. Area pexata. 61. Nucula sapotilla. 24. ruber. 25 ) 2Q ? Machsera nitida. 27. Panopaea arctica. 28. Anatina papyracea. 29 ) S Q' > Cochlodesma Leana. 31. Osteodesma hyalina. 32. Mactra oval is. 33. Kellia rubra. 34 ) 0^' > Mactra lateralis. 36. Cumingia tellinoides. 37. Corbula contracta. 38. Mesodesma Jauresii. 39. Mesodesma arctata. 63, proxima. 64. tenuis. 66. thraciseformis. 67. Venus mercenaria. 68.) 69. > Unio complanatus. 70. j 73. radiatus. 75. Alasmodon arcuata. 78. Anodon implicata. 372 LIST OF THE FIGURES. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 129. 130. 131. 132. Anodon undulata. Anodon fluviatilis. Modiola plicatula. Mytilus edulis. Modiola discrepans. discors. pectinula. nexa. clandula Pecten concentricus. Pecten Islandicus. Anomia aculeata. Terebratula psittacea. Bulla insculpta. oryza. obslricta. canaliculata. triticea. Helix albolabris. = pulchella. lineata. chersina. labyrinthica. thyroidus. indentata. arborea. electrina. - ^trintolln alternata. tridentata. Pupa contracta. milium. modesta. curvidens. simplex. fallax. Bulimus lubricus. Succinea ovalis. campestris. avara. Auricula denticulata. Auricula bidentata. Planorbis trivolvis. lentus. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 338. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146.) 147. J 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 170.* 171. 171.* 172. 172.* 173. 173.* 174. 174.* 175. 175.* 176. 176.* 177. 177.* Planorbis campanulatus. bicarinatus. hirsutus. deflectus. exacutus. armigerus. parvus. dilatatus. Physa helerostropha. ancillaria. elongata. Limnaea columella. chalybea. elodes. macrostoma. umbilicata. desidiosa. modicellus. Ancylus fuscus. Ancylus rivularis. Valvata pupoidea. Valvata tricarinata. Amnicola porata. Sigaretus haliotoideus. Velutina Isevigata. Velutina zonata. Natica canaliculata. . flava. heros. duplicata. triseriata. pusilla. clausa. immaculata. Lacuna vincta, var. Lacuna neritoidea. Scalaria Grosnlandica. Cingula minuta. Margarita obscura. Cingula aculeus. Margarita undulata. Turritella interrupta. Margarita arctica. Pyramis striatula. Margarita argentata. Odostomia producta. Littorina rudis. Odostomia fusca. Littorina tenebrosa. Odostomia exigua. Littorina palliata. LIST OF THE FIGURES. 373 178. 178.*- 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 195. Odostomia seminuda. Lacuna vincta. Odostomia trifida. Cerithium Emersonii. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. Buccinum lunatum. Columbella avara. Fusus Bamffius. , ffnvi Pleurotoma decussata. Ranella caudata. Rostellaria occid entails. Pyrula canaliculata. Trichotropis borealis. Buccinum Donovani. Tornatella puncto-striata. Skenea serpuloidea. Cancellaria Couthouyi. Fusus harpularius. rufus. Buccinum rosaceum. plicosum. Page 16, " 24, 46, " 56, " 60, 76, 78, 85, 86, 122, 148, " 150, " 167, " 176, 221, 231, 236, " 249- " 256, " 263, 263, " 267, " 285, line 19, /or 10 " 26, nitida " 18, " 10 " 9, " 34 it 26, " 23 " 27, 44 23, de/ertSc. 1 # %* *' tf v. 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