37 215 o CO xr xO O O University of California MEMORIAL ADDRESSES OF EVARTS W. FARR, (A REPRESENTATIVE FROM NEW HAMPSHIRE,) DELIVERED IN THE us, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AND IN THE SENATE, FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS, THIRD SESSION. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF CONGRESS. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 188 i. JOINT RESOLUTION to provide for the publication of the memorial addresses on EVARTS W. FARR. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Amer ica in Congress assembled, That there be printed twelve thousand copies of the memorial addresses delivered in the Senate and House of Representatives upon the life and character of Honorable EVARTS W. FARR, late a Representative from the State of New Hampshire, together with a portrait of the deceased; nine thousand copies thereof for the use of the House of Representatives and three thousand copies for the use of the Senate. And a sum sufficient to defray the expense of preparing and printing the portrait of the deceased for the publication herein pro vided for is hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, March 3, 1881. ADDRESSES ON THE DEATH OF EVARTS W. FARR. PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE. DECEMBER 6, 1880. Mr. BRIGGS. Mr. Speaker, it becomes my painful duty to announce the death of my late colleague, Hon. EVARTS W. FARR, and I desire to present the following resolutions in connection therewith. I wish also to give notice that at some future day I will ask to present the customary resolutions, in order that appropriate remarks may be heard in relation to the life and services of the deceased. The SPEAKER. The resolutions proposed by the gentleman from New Hampshire will be read. The Clerk read as follows: Resolved, That this House has heard with sincere regret the an nouncement of the death of Hon. EVARTS W. FARR, late a Repre sentative from the State of New Hampshire, and a member-elect to the Forty-seventh Congress from said State. Resolved, That the Clerk of the House be directed to communicate the foregoing resolution to the Senate. Resolved, That as a further mark of respect to the deceased this House do now adjourn. The resolutions were agreed to; and accordingly the House ad journed. PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE. DECEMBER 22, 1880. Mr. UPDEGRAFF, of Ohio. I have a resolution from the Committee on Invalid Pensions, which I ask permission to submit at this time. The SPEAKER. The resolution will be read. The Clerk read as follows : Whereas the Committee on Invalid Pensions desires to place upon its record its appreciation of the kindly qualities and faithful labors of their late member, Hon. EVARTS W. FARR, of New Hampshire; and Whereas its members wish to express their regret and sympathy to the country, the State of New Hampshire, and to the bereaved family of the deceased in a worthy and substantial manner: Therefore, Resolved, That the House be requested to make the customary ap propriation of the balance of the salary which would be due to him as a member of the Forty-sixth Congress; and that the next Con gress, to which he was elected, be respectfully requested to make a similar appropriation of the salary which would have been due to him as a member of the Forty-seventh Congress. The SPEAKER. What disposition does the gentleman desire to make of the resolution ? Mr. UPDEGRAFF, of Ohio. I desire to have it considered. The SPEAKER. The Chair would suggest that action upon it would be facilitated by reference to the proper committee, the Committee on Appropriations. Mr. UPDEGRAFF, of Ohio. Very well. I will move that it be re ferred to that committee. The resolution was referred accordingly. PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE. FEBRUARY i, 1881. Mr. MORSE. Mr. Speaker, I ask consent at this time to introduce a resolution touching the funeral expenses of the late Representa tive from New Hampshire, Hon. EVARTS W. FARR. The SPEAKER. The resolution will be read. The Clerk read as follows: Resolved, That there be paid out of the contingent fund of the House a sum sufficient to pay the necessary funeral expenses of Hon. EVARTS W. FARR, late a Representative from the State of New Hampshire. The resolution was agreed to. FEBRUARY 18, 1881. Mr. ATKINS, from the Committee on Appropriations, reported the following preamble and resolution : Whereas the Committee on Invalid Pensions desire to place upon its record its appreciation of the kindly qualities and faithful labors of their late member, Hon. EVARTS W. FARR, of New Hampshire; and Whereas its members wish to express their regret and sympathy to the country, the State of New Hampshire, and to the bereaved family of the deceased in a worthy and satisfactory manner: Therefore, Resolved, That the House be requested to make the customary ap propriation of the balance of the salary which would be due to him as a member of the Forty-sixth Congress; and that the next Con gress, to which he was elected, be respectfully requested to make an appropriation of six thousand dollars, in lieu of the entire salary which would have been due to him as a member of the Forty-seventh Congress. The resolution was adopted. ADDRESS OF MR. BRIGGS ON THE ADDRESS OF JA.R. BRIGGS, OF NEW j^AMPSHIRE. ^EBRUARV 8, 1881. Mr. SPEAKER: I desire to submit the following resolutions. The SPEAKER. The resolutions will be read. The Clerk read as follows: Resolved, That this House has heard with profound sorrow the an nouncement of the death of Hon. EVARTS W. FARR, late a Repre sentative from the State of New Hampshire. Resolved, That in token of regard for the memory of the lamented deceased the members of this House do wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days. Resolved, That the Clerk of this House do communicate these resolutions to the Senate of the United States. Resolved, That as a further mark of respect to the memory of the deceased this House now adjourn. Mr. BRIGGS. Mr. Speaker, I rise to perform the melancholy duty of announcing to this House the death of my colleague, EVARTS W. FARR, which occurred at his home in Littleton on the 3oth of Novem ber last. It was my sad privilege to be with him when he passed away. He died as he had lived, with the heroism of a noble man hood born of hope and faith. It is no vain tribute of respect New Hampshire would fain pay to her noble and gallant son. As a member of this House, I submit he was universally respected both by political friends and foes. But it is not merely an excellent Representative at the National Capitol that New Hampshire mourns in the death of Major FARR. Among those who pressed eagerly to the front when an imperiled nation LIFE AND CHARACTER OF EVARTS W. FARR. called her sons to her rescue, this man was the pride of our State, and under the flag with which we draped that hearse at Littleton he earned the imperishable gratitude of our people. EVARTS W. FARR was born at Littleton on the loth of October, 1840. He belonged to one of the best families of our State. His father, an honored member of the legal profession, survives him. Mr. FARR was one of eight children, and his early advantages were those of the typical New England country lad. He pursued his academic course at Thetford, Vermont, where he was graduated with honors, and went thence to college. Frank, earnest, and intelligent, the char acter of the boy gave true promise of the man. What might have been hts fortune had he been permitted quietly to pursue his studies, we cannot tell. Destiny had assigned him a part in a stupendous drama, which was to startle Christendom. In that drama he per formed his part gloriously and well; and like many other young Americans of that eventful period, he leaped to distinction before he had reached the age of manhood. At the breaking out of the war young FARR was a member of Dart mouth College. With characteristic decision, he turned his back upon college and his face to the field. He was the first man to enter the service from the town of Littleton, from which he enlisted in the First New Hampshire Volunteers. He served continuously from April 20, 1861, to June 4, 1865. Soon after he entered the service he joined the New Hampshire Second; was appointed a lieutenant June 4, 1861 ; he was promoted to the rank of captain January i, 1862, and while in command of company G lost his right arm at the battle of Williamsburgh, Virginia, May 5. 1862. His regiment, one of the most gallant and distin guished in the service, was then one of the four constituting General Hooker s original brigade. As soon as his wound permitted he returned to the field, and Sep tember 9, 1862. was promoted to rank of major in the Ne\v Hamp- ADDRESS OF MR. BRIGGS ON THE shire Eleventh. After righting with distinguished gallantry at Fred- ericksburgh, Major FARR went with his regiment to the West, and participated in the siege and capture of Vicksburgh. After the capt ure he went South with General Sherman to attack General John ston at Jackson, Mississippi, and during the remainder of the war served on court-martial duty, most of the time as judge-advocate. Unquestionably his employment on court-martial duty during all the latter part of the war alone prevented his high promotion in the line. As it was, his career as a soldier was an exceptionally brill iant and successful one. In many of the severest engagements of the war he won golden laurels. In the action at Fredericksburgh it was my fortune to be near him, and no veteran of a hundred battles could have shown a statelier, loftier heroism. There was a touch of chiv alry in his nature, and he was then of the age when this spirit is at high tide. His patriotism was not lost in the effervescent spirit of the cavalier; he had devotion as well as courage. Nor was his courage of that lower order, derived from excitement. It had nothing t o do with rashness nor frenzy. He was cool, patient, and determined. It was the courage of Ney rather than that of Murat. In the fiercest and most disheartening fight he was never known to lose his self- command. This, with his quick decision and soldierly intuition, com bined to make him a man of wonderful resources. In action or in any grave and responsible situation he never was " at his wit s end." Another trait of a great soldier was his fortitude, his power of en durance. " No pain," writes an officer who was long and most inti mate with him, "no pain that he suffered could bring a moan, no toil he encountered could dismay him, the longest and hardest march we ever made could not bring a word of complaint from his lips." In the fight between Hooker s and Longstreet s divisions at Will- iamsburgh, FARR S coolness and endurance came out in full flower. The fight was close, hot, and prolonged to the verge of human en durance. It rained hard, and the sufferings of the men were terrible. LIFE AND CHARACTER OF EVARTS W. FARR. FARR seemed imbued with the spirit of a multitude. He demeaned himself through that weary, bloody day in a manner never to be for gotten by those to whom it was known. His valor was equaled only by his equanimity. Only breaking ranks, only the signs of yielding, could provoke his impatience. Just at the close of that terrible day he received the shot which made his empty sleeve thenceforth his badge of honor. What a tell-tale thing is an empty sleeve. # # # It tells in a silent tone to all, Of a country s need, and a country s call, Of a kiss and a tear for child and wife, And a hurried march for a nation s life : It tells of a battle-field of gore, Of the saber s clash, of the cannon s roar, Of the deadly charge, of the bugle s note, Of a gurgling sound in a freeman s throat, Of the whizzing grape, of the fiery shell, Of a scene which mimics the scenes of hell; Though it points to a myriad wounds and scars, Yet it tells that a flag of stripes and stars, In God s own chosen time will take, Each place of the rag with the rattle-snake ; And it points to a time when that flag will wave, O er a land where there breathes no cowering slave. Till this very hour, who could ere believe, What a tell-tale thing is an empty sleeve, What a weird, queer thing, is an empty, sleeve. His tastes were essentially military, and he brought to his duties in the field that energy and fixedness of purpose which characterized the man in all he undertook. He mastered the science of the camp and field in an incredibly short time, and, young as he was, became a recognized authority therein. He was a strict disciplinarian, thor ough and exact in all his duties, and requiring the same of others. But he was full of considerate kindness to his men, to whom he en deared himself as the friend of all. 2 FR 10 ADDRESS OF MR. BRIGGS ON THE Prompt, brave, and responsible, he was ever at the post of duty; and in those evil days there marched not under the flag a hero of more dauntless courage, a devotee of more unfaltering faith than EVARTS W. FARR. At the close of the war he embraced the profession of the law and at once became one of the most promising members of the New Hampshire bar. An ardent and stirring Republican, he also came early to the front in the politics of our State. He held, successively, the positions of assistant assessor and assessor of his internal-revenue district, solicitor of Grafton County, and a member of the governor s council. To the latter position he was handsomely elected in a dis trict which had always been strongly Democratic; and in this, as later, in his two Congressional canvasses, his popularity was abundantly demonstrated. He did credit to every place he held, and his elec tion to the Forty-sixth, and his re-election to the Forty-seventh Con gress, were only in the natural course of his ascendant fortune. Of his career in this House, so sadly and so early closed, I will not speak. That I leave to others. His record is familiar to you all. Is it not one of promise ? His memory long will live, alone In all our hearts, as mournful light That broods above the fallen sun, And dwells in heaven half the night. Pf the character of the deceased I propose to offer few words other than those I have already spoken. His was an open, generous, san guine, earnest nature such an one as "he who runs may read." Were I fully to express my own admiration for the man, I should be suspected of intemperate speech. My acquaintance with him began in the Army, where we were comrades together, and from that time our friendship was fast. He was instinct with generous and kindly impulses which endeared him to his friends and bound them to him in bonds of the strongest affection. Naturally in such a character LIFE AND CHARACTER OF EVARTS W. FARR. there was that which inspired his foes with respect, and however he might dislike, no man could despise EVARTS W. FARR. Like all of us, the man had his faults; yet he had no prominent defects, and I never knew a man whose faults counted for less as against the general strength and purity of his character. I have had much to say of his earnestness, for this I conceive was the leading factor of his strength. He was ready to take up any duty that lay before him, and to attack it with firm and sincere purpose. He fol lowed a purpose with his whole soul and did nothing by halves. This element of his character, together with his versatility, implied large possibilities. He was a young man, and with length of days must have accomplished that of which all that he had done was but a hint. On the whole, his character was solid, well rounded, and symmetrical; with out grotesque or brilliant eccentricities, he was a very positive force. The immediate cause of his death was a sudden and violent at tack of typhoid pneumonia. Overwork had induced extreme debility, and his system had little power of resistance. His general health had been blighted in the Army, and his empty sleeve was not the only sad remembrance, not the only legacy of woe that he brought back from southern fields. A post-mortem examination disclosed the presence of chronic disease, which, at best, must ere long have proved fatal. In his domestic relations he commanded the strongest affection. We will not lift the veil from that circle of crushed hearts. There is that which should be respected. There is a supreme sorrow, as one day There was dole in Astolat. Major FARR was a great favorite in our State, and his name will be set among those whom New Hampshire delighted to honor. He was a most gallant soldier, a promising young statesman, and a noble, sincere man. We bespeak your respect for his memory as some thing we shall proudly and gratefully cherish. 12 ADDRESS OF MR. BLAND ON THE ADDRESS OF yV\R. J3LAND, OF ^MISSOURI. Mr. SPEAKER: Death has again visited these gilded walls and removed from our Chamber one of our most worthy and useful members. It is not my purpose to give a history of the deceased, but I shall confine myself to a few outlines that marked his life. Major EVARTS W. FARR was born at Littleton, New Hampshire, October 10, 1840. We learn that at the early age of twelve he struck out for himself, and by industry and hard toil procured the means for his livelihood and education. He graduated at Thetford (Vermont) Academy, and entered Dartmouth College with the class of 1863. But that patriotic ardor and devotion to his country and to duty that always characterized him caused him to leave college and volunteer as a soldier in the Union Army. He enlisted in 1861. For his bravery he was promoted through various grades to the rank of major. While with Fighting Joe Hooker s brigade he lost his right arm in the battle of Williamsburgh, in May, 1862. Notwithstanding the loss of his arm by amputation he continued in the Army, and served with a major s commission, participating in the battles of Vicksburgh and Jackson, Mississippi, and various other engagements, until he was appointed judge-advocate, the duties of which office he performed with marked distinction. After the war was over he com menced the practice of law at his home in New Hampshire. As a soldier Major FARR was courageous, true to his country, never falter ing where duty called. To his soldiers he was kind and considerate, though exacting in the performance of every command. Mr. Speaker, it was not rny fortune to know Major FARR person ally till I met him in the Committee on Pensions. I shall never LIFE AND CHARACTER OF EVARTS W. FARR. forget the first time I met him in committee-room. The chairman called over the names of the- committee for reports. None were ready except Major FARR. When his name was called he brought forward a large list of bills with accompanying papers and his reports. He began sorting out his reports dexterously with one hand. I then for the first time noticed he had lost his right arm; but it seemed to me that this was no embarrassment to him, for he selected his reports from other papers with as much apparent ease and facility as though he was using both hands. He read his reports to the committee, and they were all adopted unanimously. I was struck with his familiarity with the pension laws, the rulings of the Pension Department, and the concise manner in which he stated the laws and the facts bearing on each case. I never knew one of his reports to be rejected or anywise amended by the commit tee. His judgment was clear and logical. He was always careful of the interests of the public; but, while at all times diligent in pro tecting the Government, he never permitted technical questions of law to weigh against what seemed to him to be an equitable and meritorious case. His justice was always " tempered with mercy." At times it was difficult to secure a quorum for business; several members of the committee were not regular in attendance. Not so with Major FARR; he was always prompt in attendance, and never behind with his reports. From my acquaintance with him I was led to highly respect him as a man of sterling integrity, of ripe judgment, and great industry. I think I may truly say his abilities were far beyond the average. He was serving his first term in Congress, and his modesty, the insignia of true merit, forbade him entering the arena of every-day debate and wrangle, a means by which too many endeavor to thrust themselves in the Record and before the public at the expense of orderly and intelligent legislation. But he never faltered in the dis charge of his duty when he saw it necessary to attack a bad measure 14 ADDRESS OF MR. BLAND ON THE or sustain a good one. Major FARR was a close attendant upon the sessions of the House. He was seldom out of his seat. He was watchful of all the proceedings of legislation. He seemed to com prehend instinctively all that was proposed for action, and his judg ment as to the right or wrong of a measure was seldom at fault. I differed with him politically, but I am sure he acted with his party from as sincere convictions as I did with mine. There was no mem ber of the Forty-sixth Congress whom I respected more highly than him. If I were called upon to give my measure of the man, I should say that clear judgment, a high sense of honor, an inflexible will were his peculiar characteristics. He was also a man of generous and noble impulses. Mr. Speaker, this occasion brings to us the solemn thought of death, of the uncertainties of all human aims, and the end of our ambition. Man, like a shadow, gropes for a while in the gloom of earth and vanishes. The dark cloud glitters for a moment in the lightning s glare; the thunderbolt signalizes the approaching storm. The cloud drenches the earth with torrents that rush headlong down to the eternal sea. The thunder s roar dies away in soft echoes along the distant hills. The cloud melts away beneath the effulgence of the noonday s sun. Thus the whirl of life is spent and passes into eter nity. Man may dominate the earth, but it was given to One alone to conquer death. We stand here to-day, and the words that fall from our lips are licked up with the tongue of electric fire and whispered in the ears of all nations. We span continents with iron girders and bridge them with the commerce of the world. We measure the depths of the sea, the breadth of rivers, and the distances and magnitude of the heavenly bodies. We predict with mathematical precision the course and velocity of planets, the visit, exit, and return of comets. Yet, sir, with all this power over earth and its surroundings \ve cannot tell the LIFE AND CHARACTER OF EVARTS W. FARR. 15 day nor hour of our existence, for death " cometh as a thief in the night." Leaves have their time to fall, And flowers to wither at the North wind s breath, And stars to set; but all, Thou hast all seasons for thine own, death ! Happy for us we cannot foretell his coming. Our adjournment at the last session would have been sorrowful indeed had we known that on our reassembling one seat here would have thus been made vacant. Our grief was wisely spared us to this last moment. Yet, when we see a man thus cut down in the prime of life, when the dreams of his early ambition were being realized, we are tempted to complain at what would seem to be a harsh visitation of Providence. But, Mr. Speaker, death waits for no one. The justice and wisdom of an all-wise God are far beyond human ken. To His will we meekly bow; to his commiserations and tender mercies we commend the stricken widow and children of our friend. EVARTS W. FARR is no more. His mortal remains rest beneath the snow-mantled sod of his native State. There shall the yew her sable branches spread, And mournful cypress rear her fringed head ; From thence shall thyme and myrtle send perfume, And laurel ever green o ershade the tomb. How unspeakably sad it would be to close our tribute to our friend here. Can we have the heart to consign him to the cold clay of mother earth, and there leave him as food for the worms ? O no ! no ! The blessed hope of immortality forbids it. Let earth dissolve, yon ponderous orb descend And grind us into dust; the soul is safe; The man emerges, mounts above the wreck As towering flame from nature s funeral pyre. 1 6 ADDRESS OF MR. BOWMAN ON THE ADDRESS OF ^AlR. BOWMAN, OF ^MASSACHUSETTS. Mr. SPEAKER: It is fitting that we should turn aside for a time from the business of the session, from our political contests and wrangles, from the heated discussion of disputed questions, from all the turmoil and noise and labors of Congressional life, and offer up our tribute of respect to the memory of our deceased friend and brother member, and place upon perpetual record our recognition and appreciation of his character and services. It is the last thing we can do for him. For him all the petty ambitions of life, the struggle for honorable distinction, the cares and troubles and disap pointments which beset the life of every man who devotes it to services in high position for his country, the carping and unjust criti cisms of opponents, the life of work and worry all these, which are a part of the lot of every public man lifted up into a position where he can become the target of press or person, are over for our dead friend, and can trouble him no more in that better life of never- ending rest and peace to which he has gone. After life s fitful fever he sleeps well. He passed away from an honorable and eventful life, and, although comparatively young in years, no one can feel that that life was not rounded out into full completeness, or mourn on his account that it has ended, although our sympathies go out to those near and dear to him, who lament his loss. All those who knew him, both in private and in his public career, realize that his State, his constituency, and his friends will miss his presence and the useful and honorable place which he occupied in the councils of the nation. His duty in life, his obligations to his country and his people, had been honorably and nobly performed, and it is perhaps a fortunate LIFE AND CHARACTER OF EVARTS W. FARR. 17 and happy fate for a man to pass away from this world in the height of his powers, in honorable position gained by faithful service for his fellow-men and by their appreciation of his worth, deeply regretted and lamented by them, rather than in the "sere and yellow leaf" of old age, with faculties impaired and powers of usefulness gone, so that as one sinks beneath the waters of life, he leaves scarcely a ripple behind. Judged by what he was and what he had done no one can call the life of our friend a short one; nay, more, upon the calendar of events and marked by them alone his was a life longer by far than many a one of fourscore years and ten. His life has been described by his colleague, who has preceded me ; it is not for me to refer to it in detail, or to the examples of heroism and devotion to country which it displays. From among the quiet and beautiful hills of the Granite State he went forth to battle for his country, and there has come to us from his comrades the touching story of his heroism, manliness, and devo tion to the cause for which he was ready to sacrifice his life, and for which he probably has sacrificed his life as much as if he had in reality given it up from musket-ball or bayonet thrust on the field of battle. We know how early in the war he lost his arm, which was taken off at the shoulder, and how when for most men this would have been considered, and rightly considered, as an excuse from further service, and to have entitled them without further work and dangers to the honors and gratitude of their countrymen, he again left his home among the White Hills and went to the far southern coun try to once more endure the hardships, trials, and dangers of military life. He had well earned the reward of rest from military labors and of escape from its dangers earned it at sad cost but he refused to accept that reward, counting life or loss of limb, suffering, and privation and danger as nothing, if he could serve his country. From all that I have seen and known of him; from what I have 1 8 ADDRESS OF MR. BOWMAN ON THE known of his life here and have heard of it as it was spent at his home among the New Hampshire mountains both before and after his military experience, I cannot but regard him as one of those mar tyrs of the war who have really given up their lives for their country. The strong, vigorous, and rugged New Hampshire boy, reared in the bracing mountain air, where the very breezes are laden with strength and vitality, leading the healthy and hearty outdoor life of the coun try, came back from the wars weakened and with his vitality sapped by enervating climate or deadly miasms or the vital waste caused by hardship, privation, and toil. Many a soldier gave up his life on the field of battle by stroke of sword, or met an immediate and therefore merciful and happy death by rifle-bullet or cannon-ball, and we honor them, and never can honor them too much, as men who died for their country; and we place above their graves the old but never worn-out legend that " It is sweet and beautiful to die for one s country," and shall hold them in grateful remembrance through all the ages. There was many and many a soldier who left behind him on south ern battle-fields or in southern swamps, when he came marching home after the war under triumphant flags, the better part of his life, a vitality and strength so weakened and sapped that no cool northern breezes and no fond attentions of home could restore them, and who brought back with him the seeds of disease and weakness, so that nevermore could he know the delights of health and the mere" pleas ure of living, but always his life must be, if not a burden to him, yet something to be careful of, to be watched and guarded, and thus keeping him back from all that he would be or do. Many a life has thus dragged itself along through weary years since the war and has prematurely ended, when, so far as human minds can foresee, it might have had before it many years of active and happy usefulness. These men were as truly the martyrs of the war as those who had the perhaps happier fate of meeting a short and sharp shrift on the LIFE AND CHARACTER OF EVARTS W. FARR. 19 field of battle. For the one was the excitement, the honor, the glory, the swift passing away of life without suffering and without knowledge; for the other, the long and weary years, the patient en durance, the uncomplaining words, the cheerful acquiescence in a life whose high capabilities he could not improve, and that feeling of limitation of powers and of his chance to make the most of his life which want of strength and endurance always brings, and then an early and premature death, when perhaps the promise of future use fulness and advancement, the hopes of being most useful to himself and family and friends and country, are at the brightest. I do not mean to say that the life of our friend was thus hampered and bound in by the strong bonds of bodily weakness so that he could not make the most of it, and did not achieve high and honorable distinction which any man might well be proud of, but I believe that the causes of his death lie in his services in the war, and that, so far as men can judge of what cannot be seen or known, many years of honor and of usefulness would now be before him if it had not been for what he sacrificed and did for his country. His record as a soldier, a statesman, and a citizen is a most honorable one. My acquaintance with him commenced with the present Congress, to which we both of us came as new membejs, and, living near each other here, our acquaintance ripened into intimacy and friendship. I am sure that no one came into close contact with him or to really know him who did not feel for him respect and affection. Quiet and undemonstrative in his manners, not given to self-assertion or to show, not thrusting himself forward before the people, but content to remain quietly in the background unless he was needed and could do good at the front, the unthinking and careless world, judging only by the exterior and not caring to penetrate below the outer surface, might underrate him and not give to him credit for the qualities which he possessed; but behind his quiet manners there was a brave heart, an honest mind and purpose, deep and settled convictions of ADDRESS OF MR. BOWMAN ON THE right, which no plausible arguments or specious reasons could disturb. I think one of the distinguishing traits of his character was his hatred of shams and false pretensions, whether in public or private life, in humble or in official station; his desire to go to the root of a matter, and to find out the right and the true thing; his dislike of the thin veneers and disguises plastered over political or personal iniquities, wrongs, or injustice; his wish to call things by their right names and to have the world call them by their right names and recognize them as they were; in a word, his desire for the truth, however disagree able, unpleasant, or humiliating. He was honest in conviction and word and action. The same desire to uphold the right which led him from his northern hills, and to give up all the comforts of home and to make sacrifices of health and limb, followed him into his public service here; and in these Halls he always sought by word and vote to do what he thought to be the right thing, and the honest, true, and therefore the best thing for the people and the country. The best policy is almost always no policy; but doing just the right thing and letting policies and the future take care of themselves, sooner or later the right triumphs, and we find that the unselfish policy of doing what is right without regard to consequences turns out to be the wisest as well as best policy. Our friend was a man of strong convictions, earnest purposes, and of excellent judgment, forming his opinions with care, and skilled in giving utterance to them when the occasion required. Honest and incorruptible, earnest and industrious, interested in all the great ques tions of the day, faithful in attending to his duties here and elsewhere; a good man, a good soldier, a good statesman, pure in private life and in public life, such is his record, and such is the description and the memorial of him which we can place upon our records. Happy is he who is thus laid to rest with his life s warfare accomplished, and with the feeling in the hereafter that he has fought the good fight and has passed away loved, honored, and respected. LIFE AND CHARACTER OF EVARTS W. FARR. 21 We followed him to his last resting-place amid the snows of the beautiful valley which had always been his home. It seemed as if the whole population had gathered together to honor him in his death even as they had honored him in his life; to offer up the last tribute of respect which they could ever pay to him ; to perform for him the last sad services which they could ever render. The affectionate words of remembrance, the tearful eyes, the faltering accents, the sad faces, all showed that our friend had as deep and warm a place in the hearts and affections of the people to whom he belonged as in their honor and respect. They gathered in great throngs to accompany in its last journey all that was left here below of our friend; to listen in the village church to the words of consolation and of praise of him who had gone out from among them never to return, and to find a sad solace in the recital and remembrance of his virtues and of his life among them from his boyhood to his death. And so almost under the shadow of Mount Washington and the Franconia range we laid him to rest amid the scenes which he loved so well, where the grand and majestic mountains, whitened to their summits with the snows of winter, look down upon his grave, and where in summer the ever lasting hills whose granite summits pierce the sky keep watch and ward over the beautiful green valley where he has found his last rest ing-place. ADDRESS OF MR. UPDEGRAFF, OF OHIO. Mr. SPEAKER: To me it is a mournful pleasure to add my heart- deep tribute of veneration and love to what has already been so fittingly said in memory of our departed comrade. I shall avoid all extravagance of eulogy. The noble and manly character of EVARTS W. FARR would be marred by any unreal adornment. And yet it is well for his living associates, so soon to follow, to bear testimony to the worth and exalted character of him whose memory to-day we honor. 22 ADDRESS OF MR. UPDEGRAFF ON THE Even in the rush of crowding duties here a moment s pause by the bier of a fallen comrade is not an idle ceremony. It is wise and well that for a little time at least party conflicts, and even the tumult of needful interests, should be hushed in such a presence. In that stillness are heard the truer voices, and to that vantage ground come purer air and glimpses of a serener sky. Partisanship is hushed, and the inspiration of generous comradeship strengthens the ties which should bind associated men in amenity and mutual trust. Amid our party antagonisms and fierce rivalries the fraternal intercourse and warm friendships, to which that middle isle is no barrier, not only redeem the sordid littlenesses of life but ennoble true manhood. My acquaintance and intercourse with EVARTS W. FARR are among the tenderest and most treasured recollections of this eventful Con gress. In the early days of its first session we formed an acquaint ance which soon grew into a warm friendship. Serving on the same committee, I had opportunity to know and admire the many noble traits of his character. His colleague has already tenderly and eloquently told the story of his eventful life his early struggles, his later triumphs, the confidence and love of his people and paid just tribute to his domestic virtues and recognized abilities. Coming of sturdy New England families, EVARTS W. FARR S life attested the maxim that " the blood of descent is the prophecy of destiny." He was a type of the region from which he sprang, and of the intelligent and appreciative constituency which had laid upon him the honors he so modestly accepted and the duties he so faith fully discharged. In that section of our country education is univer sal, labor is justly honored, property is largely distributed, and no where operate more fully all the great formative forces which make character, develop intellectual and moral elements, and mold nation alities. Hence, that section, since the foundation of our Government, has been represented in this body mainly by men of native strength and sound learning, practical sense, and healthy patriotism men LIFE AND CHARACTER OF EVARTS W. FARR. 23 both in mind and character self-poised and symmetrical the natural outgrowth of such surroundings and such conditions. One of the profoudest thinkers of this age has wisely said : The deeper you study history the surer you find the truly great men and their eras like threads interwoven in the tissue of the whole successive history of their race or nation. There is yet Miltiades in the atmosphere we breathe in this coun try, and there is Alfred in our daily doings. And thus New England not only founded a distinctive nationalism within her own borders, but awakening latent forces, voicing the vague but irrepressible longings of the times, and organizing the formative elements of a broader future, has added impelling power to our growth, influenced our history, and being largely in sympathy with the progressive principle which in a free country passes from conscience to laws and institutions with irresistible force, has power fully aided our national struggle into institutional existence and per manence, and now these expanding elements are as much a part of our national life as Warren and Adams and Webster are part of our national history. These reflections suggest themselves here because a typical out growth of these New England conditions and these distinctive forces was EVARTS W. FARR. His colleague has spoken of him as a stu dent, a soldier, and a citizen. How characteristic and how touching that patriotic devotion of the boy scholar turning resolutely away from academic honors to the hardships and perils of the camp and field the very hour he knew his country needed him. No wonder he bore himself so bravely and so grandly through all that awful conflict. The nobility of his nature recognized faithfulness to duty as his supreme guide, so that even after he had lost his right arm at Will- iamsburgh he joined his regiment before the wound was fully healed, and with an intrepid valor which no danger daunted, no suffering subdued, no defeat disheartened, he remained in active service till in his shattered frame were fixed the seeds of disease which finally un- 24 ADDRESS OF MR. UPDEGRAFF ON THE dermined the citadel of life. While his country needed his services he refused to care for his own health or safety. Indeed, he seemed to value life itself But as he served or saved the state. I shall never forget his look or words as he replied to me one day as to the loss of his arm. With the light of conscious triumph in his eyes, he said in a deep, soft whisper, " No; it is less than I had expected to give my country." Ah, the light of eternity alone can reveal the awful sacrifices made willingly, proudly made to -our imperiled nation ! And though so modest as to his own claims to honor and so un selfish as to his own demands, he was intensely sensitive to the needs of his soldier comrades and deeply indignant at the wanton neglect of their long-deferred appeals for hearing and justice. Carefully and laboriously he examined the pension claims before that committee, and urged those which were just and meritorious with an honest zeal which stood amazed when he found it impossible to obtain for them the attention of Congress. His last recorded words in this House, near the close of last session, were an eloquent plea that the soldiers of our country who had just claims, not only for hearing but for help, should no longer be neg lected, and that the one day in each week dedicated by our rules to such claims should not be, as it had been, constantly taken for other business. His was the completeness of integrity the very chivalry of justice. And to him it very naturally seemed that there could be no duty so imperative, no obligation so urgent, no work so welcome, to the agents of the Government or the elected servants of the peo ple, as to mete out just if not generous recognition to the deserving soldiers of our country, many of whom are in dire need, helpless, suffering, but still the same men whose once stalwart arms upbore the dear old flag and whose bodies bridged the awful chasm over which the nation marched to victory and peace. LIFE AND CHARACTER OF EVARTS W. FARR. 25 A striking trait of Major FARR S character was his modesty. Con scious of honest, faithful service, eager only for duty, he had no hunger for mere notoriety, and sought no personal advertisement. Even when fully prepared on a subject, he was wont to urge others to take the floor a rare unobtrusiveness. Indeed, his quiet, earnest work was for a purpose and not for effect, and seemed perpetually to embody the spirit of the Persian proverb Words are the children of the wind; deeds are the daughters of the soul. Absolute honesty and truthfulness were among the impressive characteristics of his nature. Not mere commercial honesty, but truthfulness absolute and honesty in the highest sense of that much- embracing and grand old Roman word. Wellington, in the House of Lords, just after the sudden death of Sir Robert Peel, in speaking to his memory, praised above all his " truthfulness," an honor alike to the great statesman who merited it and to the great soldier who so fitly valued it. Well may we all remember that the gratitude and love of peoples follow only those who, in the service of their country, lay unstained hands Upon the ark Of her magnificent and awful cause. The generous nature of our associate was full of magnanimity. Though intensely loyal and patriotic, though maimed in body and broken in health in the service of his country during the war of the rebellion, he bore no bitterness and no resentment. The magnanimity of hit soul sought to embrace every citizen of our country in the bonds of conciliation and brotherhood, and his broad patriotism rec ognized in every State and every section parts of an indissoluble national unity. One of the. youngest members of this body, no man would have selected EVARTS W. FARR as the first who should break our circle. He was in the very morning of his usefulness and power. The 4 FR 26 ADDRESS OF MR. UPDEGRAFF ON THE dreams of youth were becoming realities, and with iron will and brave heart he was shaping them into beneficence and fame. In the midst of youth and ambition unfulfilled he has left us. The ancient Northmen s image of death is less repulsive and more Christian than that of Christian countries. No skeleton, but a gigan tic figure that envelops men in the massive fold of his dark robes. But whatever the symbol, whatever the promise of youth or the ripe ness of age, death is always sudden and solemn. He sends no herald and awaits no delay. We know when moons shall wane, When summer birds from far shall cross the sea, When autumn s hue shall tinge the golden grain ; But who shall teach us when to look for thee ? Yet to the soul prepared it matters not. The " well done " is the crown of life. So long as a man dwells on earth life is but a frag ment. But the close may seal the work with the benediction of changeless fruition. The career finished in honor and radiant with faith becomes a completed power and an everlasting possession. May those of us who are left to speak and hear the tributes of this august and sad observance to our beloved associate take heed and ponder the lesson it emphasizes. May we so live and act that some thing of the good said of him to-day may be as truly said of us, and that death shall be to us indeed the crown and vestibule of life. The name and fame of EVARTS W. FARR live to his family, his State, his country. He was a good citizen, a brave soldier, a faithful legislator, a true man. Works of loving purpose and noble ambition beautified a life round which will forever cluster tender and holy memories. Warm with the affections and wise with the aspirations which take hold of the life beyond, faith lends the light which clouds cannot hide nor shadows dim. In the bosom of his beloved New Hampshire, amid the wild beauty of his native valley by the Ammonoosuc he sleeps, borne to LIFE AND CHARACTER OF EVARTS W. FARR. 27 his last rest by the loving hands of the grand old fraternities of which he was an honored member. Mount Washington, in cloud-crowned grandeur, stands silent sentinel above his grave. It shall perish. He shall live. He has done the work of a true man ; Crown him, honor him, love him; Weep over him tears of women ; Stoop manliest brows above him. For the warmest of hearts is frozen, The freest of hands is still, And the gap in our picked and chosen The long years may not fill. ADDRESS OF M.R. J3HALLENBERGER, OF ^ENNSYLVANIA. Mr. SPEAKER: I do not rise to occupy the attention of the House with any formal eulogy of my comrade, colleague, and friend. Others who knew him intimately and well have given the particulars of his life and the analysis of his character and record in eloquent and fitting terms. It was not my privilege to know him until we met in the extra session of the Forty-sixth Congress which is now draw ing to a close. I had not the intimacy that grows out of association on committees, nor were we often thrown together in social gather ings. But it was our fortune to sit near each other on the floor of the House. An acquaintance was readily formed. His age, which was nearly my own, his empty sleeve, and his Army record soon drew me toward him. I could not fail to observe his conduct and his votes during his brief service as a Representative. At the request of his colleague, in charge of these memorial reso lutions, and in justice to my own feelings, I very cheerfully place on record in a few simple words my profound respect for the memory of my deceased friend. His life was neither long nor eventful to a de gree that justifies very general recognition and extended eulogy. I 28 ADDRESS OF MR. SHALLENBERGER ON THE greatly mistake the character and taste of EVARTS W. FARR, if liv ing he would have enjoyed unmeasured praise. He was a man of intelligence, of quick perceptions, of wonderful industry and fidelity, of rare courage in upholding his convictions, and of transparent hon esty of purpose. He was a student of books and a student of men. He gave himself unreservedly to the work that he undertook. Never absent from his seat unless from necessity, he kept himself informed of the procedure of business and the merits of pending legislation. He was industrious in committee, attentive to his constituency, and extremely anxious to inform himself as to the best methods of serv ing his country at large as well as the State he in part represented. He was an earnest and uncompromising partisan in the true sense of that word. He believed in the great principles of his party and in its policy of administration as best for all sections of the country. He recognized the necessity of political as well as military organ ization, and when out-voted for command esteemed it his duty and his privilege to march in the ranks, side by side with his comrades and coworkers. He believed in aggressive rather than defensive warfare; in advancing the right rather than in obstructing the wrong; in sowing and cultivating good seed rather than in employing his time and wasting his energies in the destruction of weeds. No one could well suspect him of swerving in the least degree from his con victions of right and duty. He was wise enough to seek more in formation, and .discreet enough to build patiently and well by study, observation, and experience the foundation of a Congressional repu tation that, had he lived, must have sustained a solid structure. His intellectual ability and parliamentary knowledge shone all the brighter in the setting of a modest self-distrust. As a boy we are told he schooled himself by his daily toil, as the brightest and best of New England boys have done. When the war broke out he was in college, and among the first in the Granite State to enlist in April, 1 86 1, as a private soldier. As a captain at Williamsburgh under LIFE AND CHARACTER OF EVARTS W. FARR. 29 Hooker he left his right arm on the field of battle. Longer service or greater sacrifice could not have been expected ; but his wound had scarcely healed when he sought the front under Grant and Sherman in the Southwest with a major s commission; and not till the war closed did he quit the Army, not always in the field, but always in the line of active, faithful service. After the war, as a law student, successful practitioner, trusted and honored public officer, and finally as a Representative in Congress, he maintained the same heroic and unselfish character. Others have been more conspicuous than he both in military and in civil life, but we may look in vain for a better illustration of the ideal volunteer soldier and citizen of the Republic. When danger threatened his countrymen he was first to seek and last to leave the most perilous and patriotic service. When peace came and the waste of war must needs be repaired, he was again first among the faithful in giving the best energies of a dauntless spirit and an enfeebled, crippled body to the civil service. He died in the prime of man hood, most loved and respected by those who knew him best. It is said that a pebble dropped in ocean will send its wavelets to the distant shore; is it too much to say that a life like that of our deceased colleague, pure, unselfish,- uplifting in its aims and efforts, dropped in the great ocean of humanity, will not pass from sight without leaving behind an influence that touches the hearts and lives of generations to come? The strength and promise of our Ameri can institutions lie in the development of just such characters as that of Mr. FARR. Faithful, as I am told, to every trust confided to him, and generous in kind words and good deeds, he has done what he could to alleviate human suffering and to elevate and ennoble human kind. 3 ADDRESS OF MR. HALL ON THE ADDRESS OF yVLR. ^ALL, OF JTEW J-fAMPSHIRE. Mr. SPEAKER: Thrice during this Congress has the end of earth come to members of this House. One of our associates during each of our previous sessions, and now a third just as we were assembling here for this session, have been called from these scenes of warm contention and earnest endeavor to that unseen world to which we know we, too, are all so soon to follow. Sudden and unexpected as were the deaths of Mr. Clark at our first session and that of Mr. Lay at our last, the news of the decease of my late colleague, Hon. EVARTS W. FARR, at his home in Little ton, New Hampshire, on the 30th day of November last, was hardly less unexpected or more appalling to his associates in this House or to his friends in his own State. On the evening of Monday preceding the opening of this session I first learned of his brief illness through the public print, and the next morning at nine o clock he was dead. Though the disease which was the immediate cause of my late colleague s death was so brief that his neighbors hardly missed him from the streets of the village before he was dead, I am aware that he had for months suf fered from a complication of diseases which we now know must at any rate have at no remote period brought his life to a close. I very well remember how much and how patiently he suffered here from ill health during the last spring months until finally, under the earnest advice of his physician, he was induced to ask leave of absence for the closing weeks of the session and take a short sea voyage for the benefit of his failing health. I think I have never known a member of this House more constant in his attendance upon its sessions or one who seemed to feel more keenly the necessary absence of an hour than Mr. FARR; and so, troubled and too sensitive about his LIFE AND CHARACTER OF EVARTS W. FARR. 31 enforced absence, two days before the close of last session he had returned here improved in appearance and spirits, but still by no means a well man. From a conversation with him in this Hall, perhaps the last one I ever had with him, for I never saw him after our separation last June, I learned that he was one of that great army of martyrs to their country s cause, who, spared death in battle, camp, and prison, are reserved to after years of pain and infirmity, from insidious dis ease fastened on the system while serving in our Army during the late civil war. Major FARR was one of the younger members of this House, having but just completed his fortieth year at the time of his death; but those years were full of earnest effort and stirring incident, though no special privation beset his early life or remarkable opportunity opened before his maturer years. Waiving the assistance which parental affection was always ready to afford he was always inclined, as I am informed, in his boyhood to rely on his own unaided efforts, and early showed that manly self- reliance and that spirit of independence which so characterized him in after life, by largely, if not entirely, defraying the expenses of his preparatory education at Thetford Academy, in Vermont, a semi nary of good repute and large patronage, where he graduated with valedictory honors and subsequently entered Dartmouth College in the class which graduated in 1863. Here the war of the rebellion found him pursuing his freshman studies, the earnest, genial son of God-fearing, liberty-loving parents of the Puritan stock. The offspring of such an ancestry, he had im bibed from the daily intercourse of the home circle, from the teach ing of the district school, and from the whole social and moral atmos phere that molded his character an earnest admiration for that view of life which claims complete freedom and equal privileges and op portunity in life s struggle for all. 32 ADDRESS OF MR. HALL ON THE To a mind shaped under such influences anything like classific distinction in the state or in social life, or the arbitrary enforced sub servience of individuals or a race, was repugnant beyond endurance, and it was past comprehension when any attempt was made to reconcile such a system with any code of ethics which reckoned honesty a virtue or theft an offense against fair dealing. Such views his college life was calculated to intensify. Dartmouth College had been founded a century before, in the heart of our northern wilderness, having for its motto, " Vox claman- tis deserto" the voice of one crying in the desert, and with the dis tinct avowal that its mission was to educate the proscribed red man in common with the sons of the white settler. With advancing years and receding forests the Indian had ceased to frequent its halls, but the comprehensive, race-wide philanthropy of Wheelock and his associates had left an abiding impress on its successive generations of instructors and given shape and direction to its mission as an edu cator of young men; and when the great struggle of 1861 came on, whenever it was referred to, whether among the students themselves in the recitation room, or the hall of more public discourse, there was praise of the social equality pervading life in the free States, and a corresponding denunciation of the peculiar institution which had brought on the great conflict and for the perpetuity of which the struggle was confessedly waged; and soon young FARR, with others of his fellow-students, had exchanged the academic gown for the uniform of the soldier. Volunteering on the 2oth of April, 1861, as a private, he remained in the Army down to June, 1865, when he was honorably discharged. During most of these years, excepting the brief period when he was disabled from keeping the field after the loss of his right arm in the battle of Williamsburgh, Virginia, in May, 1862, he seems to have been in battle, camp, and on the march. By his bravery and conspicuous exhibition of all the traits that LIFE AND CHARACTER OF EVARTS W. FARR. 33 mark the good soldier, he rose from the rank of private to that of captain in the Second Regiment, and finally to the rank of major in the Eleventh Regiment of New Hampshire Volunteers. Returning at the close of the war to his mountain home, he set about the study of the law, and was admitted to the bar of Grafton County, New Hampshire, in 1867; at once opened an office in his native town of Littleton, and there continued in the practice of his profession down to the time of his last brief illness, excepting as he was called to places of public trust; and these calls were not infre quent, and they were conspicuously to commanding positions and places which require for their possessor that private worth and public confidence which Major FARR so fully possessed. Having been assessor of internal revenue by presidential appoint ment from July, 1870, to the abolition of the office in 1873, county solicitor of Grafton County by executive appointment in 1873 and again in 1876, a member of the executive council of his State in 1876, he was elected a member of this House for the Forty-sixth Congress and again elected to the Forty-seventh Congress in No vember last. To those gentlemen in this House who were so fortunate as to make Major FARR S acquaintance it will be no surprise when I say he was a great favorite with his party and the pride of our New Hampshire people. Proverbial for his honesty and his honor, his patriotism proven by his heroic service for his country, his courage on the very crest of battle attested by that empty right sleeve, a bright man intellectually and well poised every way, never descend ing from the highest moral plane in his daily walk and conversation, a good lawyer, the pleasant gentleman always that you saw here, the leader in every good work, it is no wonder that old men stood by him, young though he was, nor that the young were fascinated by his life, nor that all classes and ages rallied around him and made him their standard-bearer whether he would or no. FR 34 ADDRESS OF MR. HALL ON THE The men and women of that northern region are stern in their notions of right and wrong, and exacting of their public servants in matters of public policy; but so well had their requirements been met in his case that their affection toward him whose life we to-day commemorate was as fervid as the fires on their hearth-stones ; and when his death was known there was a sense of personal bereave ment among all classes which comes only when a trusted leader who is the hope and reliance of the State in the emergencies of the future falls. As a lawyer, Major FARR had his training and passed his profes sional life at a bar which for many years has been remarkable for the legal knowledge and forensic ability of its members. Personally I knew little of him in his profession, but I am told that his natural vigor of intellect, aided by that perseverance and determination to excel which seem never to have failed him, very early gave him a prominent position as a lawyer, not only in the minds of community generally, but as well in the more discriminating estimate of the pro fession. Doubtless others were severer students of books and sharper practitioners, but none, I venture to say, took broader views of the law or made more sensible application of its principles, and no one practiced the law in a more honorable way, or more for the good of the State, or more to the satisfaction of his clients, than Major FARR. Genius has been said to be the undue development of some one faculty at the expense of others, and all of us have seen too many instances of the like. Genius in this sense Major FARR had not, but if he had none of those shining qualities which dazzle and attract, he had all those qualities which go to make up a noble manhood well balanced and well disciplined. He was a most consistent and serviceable man, rich in good works in public and private life alike. No one was more constant in attendance here than he, none more punctual or more fearless in putting himself on the record on all ques tions acted on in this House. Though he took little of the time of this House in speech-making, it was neither because he was not in- LIFE AND CHARACTER OF EVARTS W. FARR. 35 terested in matters of legislation, nor because he was not a ready and effective debater, for no one followed our deliberations with more care than he, and he spoke with ease and an ability that attracted attention upon all subjects that interested him. Doubtless, with longer service here, he would have been found valuable in discussion as well as in consultation. That my colleague should have been cut off ere it was the noon of life with him; when life promised so much of enjoyment and use fulness; when his hopes were so high and the endearments of that now stricken and desolate little family were so great, is incomprehen sible. Reason reels at the blow; all the resources of philosophy and speculation give no solution of the mysterious Providence, and we are reminded that we are here simply the executors of another s will; that the disposition of nations and of individuals alike is not in finite hands. "For now we see through a glass darkly; but then face to face." Now, and whenever we recall our lamented brother, we will say the best we can say of any : He has done the work of a true man. * * * * Never rode to the wrong s redressing A worthier paladin. Shall he not hear the blessing, "Good and faithful enter in ? " ADDRESS OF J3LAKE, OF J^EW JERSEY. Mr. SPEAKER : Twice within my brief term of service in this House has the seat at my right hand been vacant. Two of our fellow-mem bers who sat there have been taken from us by death. First, Clark of Iowa, then FARR of New Hampshire. Both of them were " good men and true " ; both of them the faithful servants of the people ; both of them my friends. It is of Mr. FARR only that I am to speak at this time. My liking for him was of no sudden growth. Until he came to this seat I knew 36 ADDRESS OF MR. BLAKE ON THE not even his name. And then so soon was it after the loss of poor Clark I was in no mood to greet him or any other with ardor, while FARR himself, as if he read my thoughts, was shy and formal. Thus were we for a while kept apart. The courtesies of our daily inter course, however, gradually drew us together, and acquaintance rip ened into friendship. When we separated, at the close of the last session, it was with words of mutual regret. During the vacation we exchanged letters and made plans, which now, alas ! are never to be realized. I had heard that he was feeble in health, but I did not foresee the end that was so near. To-day he lies buried in one of the beautiful valleys which he loved, among the granite hills, and the snows of winter are heaped high above his newly-made grave. It was not easy to become familiar with Mr. FARR. He did not "wear his heart upon his sleeve." He sought no intimacies. Stran gers did not understand him. Nor did he respond quickly to their advances. There was to them and to them alone an exterior of reserve; or, sometimes, a plainness of speech which repelled. And a few may here say that he was wanting in sympathy. But these knew him not. His inner self was hidden from them. To those fa vored ones who, having gained the key, passed within the portal, he was frank and genial, full of sensibility, tender and loving, abundant in deeds of kindness and good-will. Little by little did he tell me the story of his life; of his boyhood; of his efforts to obtain education; his patience and self-denial; his arduous military service; his happy marriage; his successes as a law yer; his participation in civil affairs; and, finally, of his election to Congress. The whole was told with great simplicity. There was no boasting; no seeking for praise. Not a word about his distinguished bravery upon the field of battle. All that have I learned from other lips than his own. As he drew the picture for me, he had merely tried to do his duty and to do it well. In his eyes there was noth ing of merit in doing that which is required of all men alike. But LIFE AND CHARACTER OF EVARTS W. FARR. 37 the record of this short life so pure, so useful is at once a lesson and a legacy for those whom he has left behind. The few flaws in Mr. FARR S character were of manner rather than of the heart. Let us speak of his better qualities. He was modest, almost timid, and yet bold when there was occasion for boldness. Humble, yet proud of his strength when there was a wrong to be re dressed or the weak and friendless were to be upborne. Zealous in behalf of a client or a cause, and yet zeal and honor went ever side by side with equal steps. Having a mind so broad that he could not be technical, he was direct always in speech and purpose. Like the Sultan Akbar, he believed that " no man was ever lost in a straight road." Hence was he without craft and without deceit. He hated a lie, and for the liar he had scorn. His early struggles had made him practical. Common sense held the scales in which he weighed all things; and honesty of the old-fashioned kind left him rich only in the esteem and confidence of his fellow-men. When he came into this body it was with the determination to be useful. He did not wish to be conspicuous. No member was more regular in attendance. No one more watchful of the proceedings. No one more studious of the methods of legislation. None more industrious in the committee-room. None more conscientious every where. None firmer than he in resistance to any scheme which seemed to be unwise or unwholesome. Thoroughly in earnest about every matter, whether great or small. Devoted to his constituents, being their representative in fact as well as in name. A partisan, and intense in loyalty to his party; at the same time so true to his country as to be in a measure independent of parties and party dis cipline. Clear and positive in his views upon all political questions and strong in their expression, nevertheless without rancor or bitter ness toward those whom he believed to be honestly opposed to them. It was not strange, then, that_ the people who sent him here were prompt to recognize his ability and his fidelity. Nor strange that in 38 ADDRESS OF MR. SHERWIN ON THE the recent election they insisted upon his return for further service to the place which he had filled so well. Could he have been spared for a few years longer, I am persuaded that other and higher honors would have opened to him. And I know that he would have been found worthy of them all. It is idle, however, to speculate upon that which is impossible. His earth work is finished. He comes to us no more. But there are some in this presence to-day by whom he will not be forgotten. In our hearts his memory like the sweet-scented branches of the pine tree and the hemlock which stand as sentinels around his grave shall be green and fragrant forever. ADDRESS OF M.R. J$HERW1N, OF JLLINOIS. Mr. SPEAKER: I was unacquainted with the deceased member from New Hampshire until I met him here at the extra session of this Con gress. The badge he wore his empty sleeve first drew my attention toward him, and the formal introduction which followed ripened into an acquaintance during the last session of Congress especially, sitting as he did so near me, which led me to respect, admire, and trust him. Coming as we did from wide-severed portions of the Republic, he from the shadows of Mount Washington in the valley of the Con necticut, and I from the level prairies of Illinois, we yet joined hands in this Hall, one in hope and one in purpose and desire to do that which should redound to the prosperity, the glory, the power of the nation. I knew nothing of his life at home. I did know that he had given one of his limbs to his country, and had loyally lavished his strength and the energy of his youth for four long years that the nation might endure an undivided republic forevermore. I can fancy that Major FARR, a student at Dartmouth, the honored alma mater of many accomplished and illustrious jurists, statesmen, ora tors, and scholars, when the late unhappy conflict was impending LIFE AND CHARACTER OF EVARTS \V. FARR. 39 may have repeated the immortal words of New Hampshire s and Dartmouth s greatest son in the peroration to his second speech on Foote s resolution, expressing the very passion of liberty and union and converting the nation s fears for both into a prophecy, afterward to be gloriously fulfilled; and that those words, now classic, while upon the lips of Webster were but an unquenchable aspiration, were, under the exigent demands of that time, at once transmuted by him into a lofty purpose, which seized upon and impelled him to heroic deeds. Changing the majestic eloquence of the Senate into sublim- est action, he helped to place the feet of the nation upon the immov able granite of Union, one and indivisible. He showed in all my intercourse with him here that he was moved by a constant sense of duty to himself, his constituents, and his country. He was unflagging in the performance of his duties, and untiring in all the routine work which is cast upon a member of Con gress. And while attending faithfully to the uninteresting, common, and exacting demands made upon him daily, he was constantly studying the intricate methods of legislation and familiarizing him self with the course of Congressional business, that he might be fitted to grapple in the future with those greater and more important questions of state which are only opened to those men of experience acquired within these walls. He had a mind of singular directness, which went at once to the marrow of a question. He was sometimes impatient at the delays of public business and longed to cut off or suppress all extraneous considerations when debating public questions and proceed directly to its consummation. Yet he was careful and cautious in all essen tials. It is not necessary for me to say that he was animated by a patri otism as broad as the banner which embraces the whole land in its folds, and as bright as are its stars. His love of country was a pas sion with him. His best thoughts and purposes were given to it, 40 ADDRESS OF MR. SHERWIN ON THE even as he had before given of his body and his blood, freely and without stint. An imputation upon its honor was like a personal affront to him. His country was not New Hampshire, but the Union, indivisible and grand. While he loved the granite hills upon which he was born and reared, and they were his home, those hills were comprehended in the all-embracing circuit of the Republic. He was simple and unaffected in his manners, and easily approached by every one. Those who knew him could not but be charmed by the frankness of his address, the intelligence of his conversation, and the kindliness of temper which shone over all. A stranger even would have recognized in him a man of stern integrity and purity of life. This man, whose life had been full of heroic experiences and stren uous living, who had set his ideals high above the ordinary levels of the world and was possessed of the vigor to successfully pursue them, had been selected by the people who knew him best to represent them in the council chambers of the nation before he had attained to the prime of his manhood. He had acquitted himself so well in his high trusts that he had been the second time chosen by them as their Representative, but hardly had the news of his last success reached us before the wires brought the painful announcement that he was no more. Ambition was laid at rest. Death stepped noiselessly between him and the goal he had set himself. That career, which had so lately opened to him its bright promise of usefulness, for which he had girded him self, but which he had as yet hardly begun to run, was suddenly closed, and we stand by his vacant seat pondering upon the frail tenure by which man is held to the concerns of life. We cannot comprehend the wisdom which has removed him so early from the work of life which he was so well fitted to perform; but we can un derstand and do know that he has left with us the record of a man modest yet firm ; one who loved the true and the good, and was ready to work for them; a wise legislator, a patriot, an honest man. LIFE AND CHARACTER OF EVARTS W. FARR. ADDRESS OF M.R. RAY, OF NEW J-IAMPSHIRE. MR. SPEAKER: After what has already been so worthily said of the life and public services of my late predecessor, but little remains for me to add. I feel unwilling, however, to let this occasion pass without paying my humble tribute to the worth of EVARTS W. FARR. Residing near him, it was my privilege to know him intimately for twenty years and upward. As a civilian, he laid no claim to leader ship, as that term is commonly understood, but he was, nevertheless, a thoroughly excellent and public-spirited citizen, possessed of good judgment and sound common sense. From personal observation ever since he came to man s estate, I can safely aver that in every position of public trust or private con fidence in which he was placed he was reliable, faithful, and efficient. Who does the best his circumstance allows, Does well, acts nobly; angels could no more. I concur fully in the accurate compend of his biography which has been so eloquently given by my colleagues, and will not, there fore, take the time of the House in its repetition. The people of his district, appreciating the creditable manner in which he had acquitted himself, both in military and civil life, had elected him as a member of the present Congress by a decisive majority, and honorable mem bers associated with him upon committees, and all who enjoyed his acquaintance, can testify how worthily that honor as well as that of his re-election to the Forty-seventh Congress was bestowed by his constituents. Few men have made more friends during so brief an allotment of life, and none have left behind them fewer enemies. Upon this occasion I can do little more than to express the senti ments of kindly regard with which my long acquaintance with Major FARR had inspired me, leaving to others, who have to-day so well fulfilled the task, to speak of those features of his career which en- 6 FR 42 ADDRESS OF MR. RAY. deared him to the people of New Hampshire, and which will endear his memory to them forever. We listen now to the formal announcement of his death that we may, by this public demonstration, show our respect for the high office which he held, and our appreciation of his patriotism as shown on the battle-field, and his faithfulness as displayed in civil life. These resolutions cannot augment the fame of the deceased, but they will show that the Republic can be grateful to those who have served her well, and that men of all parties can appreciate the qualities which illustrated and adorned his life. The lesson of his well-spent life and untimely death cannot fail us, for the former is ever before us as an example, the latter as a warn ing. The spectacle of one cut down in the prime of his manhood, in the very midst of a useful and meritorious career, is one that may well make us pause in the hurry and bustle of our daily duties, to consider whether life is worth all the wear and tear and worry that we undergo for worldly purposes alone, and it brings to mind, with overwhelming force, the truth that it is not all of life to live. The pure, patriotic, and noble life of our deceased friend remains only a memory, but it is a memory which descends to his family and kin dred and friends as a priceless inheritance, an imperishable legacy of honor. With mingled feelings of sadness and satisfaction I move the adop tion of these resolutions : sadness at the occurrence which gave rise to their introduction, satisfaction because of the opportunity afforded me to forward what I consider most appropriate action on the part of this House in commemoration of an event which has brought sorrow to so many hearts and an impressive lesson to us all. The SPEAKER. The question is on the adoption of the resolutions submitted by the gentleman from New Hampshire- The resolutions were unanimously adopted; and then, in obe dience thereto, the House adjourned. PROCEEDINGS IN THE SENATE. DECEMBER 8, 1880. A message from the House of Representatives by Mr. GEORGE M. ADAMS, its clerk, communicated intelligence of the death of Hon. EVARTS W. FARR, late a Representative from the State of New Hampshire and member-elect to the Forty-seventh Congress from that State. FEBRUARY 8, 1881. A message was received from the House of Representatives by Mr. THEODORE F. KING, one of its clerks, communicating to the Senate the intelligence of the death of Hon. EVARTS W. FARR, late a Representative from the State of New Hampshire, and transmit ting the resolutions of the House thereon. Mr. ROLLINS. I move that the business of the Senate be suspended, and call for the reading of the resolutions of the House of Repre sentatives announcing the death of Mr. FARR, late a member of the House from the State of New Hampshire. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from New Hampshire asks that the pending order be suspended for the purpose he has named. Is there objection ? The Chair hears none ; and the resolutions of the House of Representatives will be read. The Chief Clerk read as follows : Resolved, That this House has heard with profound sorrow the announcement of the death of Hon. EVARTS W. FARR, late a Rep resentative from the State of New Hampshire. Resolved, That in token of regard for the memory of the lamented deceased the members of this House do wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days. Resolved, That the Clerk of this House do communicate these res olutions to the Senate of the United States. 43 44 ADDRESS OF MR. ROLLINS ON THE Resolved, That as a further mark of respect to the memory of the deceased this House do now adjourn. Mr. ROLLINS. Mr. President, I move that the resolutions which I send to the Chair be adopted by the Senate. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The resolutions will be read. The Chief Clerk read the resolutions of Mr. ROLLINS, as follows: Resolved, That the Senate has received with profound sensibility the sad announcement of the death of Hon. EVARTS W. FARR, late a member of the House of Representatives from the State of New Hampshire. Resolved, That as a mark of respect for the memory of Mr. FARR, the members of the Senate will wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days. Resolved, That the sympathies of the members of the Senate be tendered to the family of the deceased in this bereavement, and that the Secretary of the Senate transmit to them a copy of these resolu tions. ADDRESS OF M.R. ROLLINS, OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. Mr. PRESIDENT: It is now almost a quarter of a century since a member of the delegation from the State of New Hampshire has been called upon to announce the death of a colleague in either branch of Congress. Since the adoption of the Constitution four Senators from New Hampshire have died during their terms of office: Nicholas Oilman, in 1814; Charles G. Atherton, in 1853; Moses Norris, jr., in 1855; and James Bell, in 1857; although out of the thirty-five Senators who have represented the State prior to the present incumbents but six are now living. In the other branch for the first time a vacancy has occurred by the death of Major E. W. FARR, the youngest member of our delega tion, in the prime of his manhood, and but a few days after the peo- LIFE AND CHARACTER OF EVARTS W. FARR. 45 pie of his district had indorsed his ability and worth by a re-election. In the midst of life we are in death. The great leveler invades all ranks and conditions of life, paying no regard to age or sex, strength or weakness. In this case the blow fell with little warning and but a brief illness, and it is a significant admonition to us to be always ready to meet that last call to enter upon the new state which awaits us beyond the confines of this earthly existence, and there solve the mystery which during all time our human intelligence has not been able satis factorily to penetrate, except that we are fain to accept the faith that death is but the portal to a new existence, and that if a man die he shall live again. The survivors may mourn their loss more griev ously when it comes without warning, but it is well with the departed. My acquaintance with Major FARR began in the early days of the great struggle for the preservation of the Union, in April, 1861, when the first call to arms was responded to with so much alacrity, not only by our late and lamented friend, but by so many others in the North. From that time until the day when the sad intelligence of his death was communicated to me by telegraph from his quiet home among the mountains, I watched with interest his career, both in the Army and in civil life, and our friendship was never for one moment inter rupted. In his death I mourn the loss of a true, long-tried, and esteemed friend. Major FARR was born in Littleton, New Hampshire, October 10, 1840. At the early age of twelve, with that independence so char acteristic in later years, he struck out for himself, and, by that rugged toil which is not unfamiliar to many New England boys, began to earn his own support and provide means to secure an education. In the fall of 1856 he entered upon his preparatory course for college at the academy at Thetford, Vermont, leaving that with valedictory honors in 1859 for Dartmouth College. His collegiate course was interrupted by the call to arms, and in April, 1861, his name appears 46 ADDRESS OF MR. ROLLINS ON THE first in his native town and among the first in the State enrolled among the volunteers. Subsequently he was appointed a lieutenant in the Second New Hampshire Regiment. During the first year he was prostrated by disease and sent to the hospital in this city, but an indomitable will and strong constitution carried him through, and as soon as he recovered his strength he returned to his regiment. January i, 1862, he received his commis sion as captain, and on the 5th of May following, in the battle of Williamsburgh, during a drenching rain, his right arm was shattered by a minie ball while he was in the act of firing. With character istic coolness he picked up his revolver with his left hand and passed to the rear, where he remained forty-eight hours in a dilapidated building without doors or windows, in his wet clothing ; he was then conveyed to Fortress Monroe and was sent home, where he arrived in fifteen days after receiving the wound which deprived him of his arm. Impatient of this enforced retirement, in six weeks he returned to the front. Soon after he was appointed major of the Eleventh New Hampshire Regiment, and as such participated in the battle of Fredericksburgh, December 13, 1862. With his regiment he was under General Grant at the siege of Vicksburgh. Later he was detailed as judge-advocate on court-martial duty at Cincinnati and Washington, and after the close of the war studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1867. He was assistant assessor of internal revenue, and subsequently assessor, which office be held until 1873, when the office was abolished. As a soldier he was chivalrous and brave, bearing a record with out blemish, ever present when duty called. As an officer, cool and courageous in danger, strict in discipline, but by his general kindness endeared to all his men, winning the highest estimation of all who knew him and the confidence of his seniors in command. As a law yer, he won a good position, and was known as a safe counselor, earning the confidence of his clients and the community. As a poli- LIFE AND CHARACTER OF EVARTS W. FARR. 47 tician, he was frank and outspoken, leaving no doubt as to his posi tion, and, while a stalwart Republican, possessed many warm friends among his political opponents. In 1876 he was elected a member of the governor s council from his district; he was twice appointed prosecuting attorney for his county, resigning that position to take his seat in the present Con gress, to which he was elected in 1878. At the recent election (No vember, 1880) he was re-elected to the Forty-seventh Congress in one of the most hotly contested campaigns known in his district, which is a very close one, thus showing the estimation in which he was held by his constituents. As a member of the House of Representatives he proved himself industrious and efficient; as in the Army, he was never absent from his post of duty except from imperative necessity. It is said that a prophet is not without honor save in his own coun try, but the following tribute will show how Major FARR was appre ciated in his own community, and this tribute will be indorsed by every member of that community: To speak of him as a man is to fully know him as a citizen and neighbor, a hus band and father, an associate and friend. As a citizen he was just, kind, and pub lic-spirited ; as a husband and father ardent and constant in his affections and ever tenderly devoted; as a friend and associate there was no one more loyal, liberal, and unselfish; quick to resent an injury, he was placable and ready to forgive. If he ever unknowingly wronged another (knowingly he could not have done it), his magnanimity in redressing it was prompt, noble, and conspicuous. As a pub lic man his integrity and honor were never questioned; incorruptible and sincere, he was ever ready alike to defend a friend and the friendless. Once his confidence was won, nothing but dishonor could sever the tie that bound him to his fellow- man. Can it be wondered that his people loved and trusted such exemplary man hood ? Warm-hearted, sincere, and generous to a fault, he possessed a genuine magnetism which attracted and held all who approached him. Entering the Army while not yet twenty-one, with a vigorous and robust constitution, he left it four years later deprived of his right 48 ADDRESS OF MR. BLAIR ON THE arm and with the seeds of disease about him which rendered him unable to recuperate from the sudden attack, coming as it did just at the end of an arduous and exhausting campaign. His loss is not alone a sad bereavement to his aged father and mother, to his wife and young children, but to the community in which he lived and was honored, and to the State which he represented. Struck down in the pride of his manhood, he has left a void which will be hard to fill. To those who were near and dear to him, to his friends and neighbors, and to his State we extend our hearty sympathy, not un mindful that this Congress is also called upon to deplore another break in its family circle and another chair made vacant by his un timely death. ADDRESS OF yVlR. ^LAIR, OF JSfEW Mr. PRESIDENT: There is no solitude like that which envelops a public man amid the multiplied and exacting activities which environ him in the Capitol of his country. I have never felt so utterly alone as when most absorbed in my duties here. The continuous woods, vast, dark, and silent, are full of tender companionship, and the spirit of nature speaks with many-voiced and varied tones to him who seeks her wild and secret home. But here one seems to be projected as it were into a kaleidoscopic and tumultuous scene where, though all may be light, beauty, and variety, yet when analyzed the elements of the fascinating vision are mere gloss and glitter without one ray of heat or throb of sympathy. Every public man is all alone in a certain and substantial sense. His connections are with his distant constituency; and only with them through the post, the telegraph, and other avenues of commu nication does he really live. Now and then there is a break through the environment of affairs, and for a little while in cheerful or mourn ful but always heartfelt communion with a congenial soul there is a LIFE AND CHARACTER OF EVARTS W. FARR. 49 brief return of the old-time sense of hearty feeling and of that un restrained personal and independent self-assertion which belongs of right to the private citizen. Yet how soon the opening closes and the tempest of affairs obscures the whole heavens once more. We talk and laugh and discuss. We are cheerful and polite it may be bland and entertaining. We sit side by side; but we are still as far apart as the localities from which we come. There is ever the touch of the hand, the glance of the eye, the friendly tone, and the ready effort to oblige; yet after all the real life of the public man is between himself and those who created him by their choice. He be longs to them. He is of them in the truest and most absorbing sense, and not of those with whom he daily meets on this conspicu ous scene. But there be those like the stars which illumine the neglected spaces of night, who, by their select and electric qualities, change the chilly formalities of public association into the warmth and sympathy of private life. These rare spirits are the golden links which connect us and somewhat cure our isolation. They give out not light alone but heat as well, and while they illume all things, they also warm and weld us together. But alas! Death, blind, cruel, and insatiable, will tear even them away with no more compunction than when he extorts the spirit of the beast which goeth downward. He Loves a shining mark, a signal blow, A blow which, while it executes, alarms And startles thousands with a single fall. Of such a man, my personal friend for twenty years, my associate and companion in private and in public life, just stricken down in all the royal strength of forty years, while his sun was high and rising higher on the pathway, it might well have been to the very zenith of place and power, just as he had achieved a personal and political triumph such as comes to but few men even in the longest career, it is my difficult but willing duty for a few moments to speak to you to-day. 7 FR 50 ADDRESS OF MR. BLAIR ON THE Major EVARTS W. FARR, a member of the Forty-sixth House of Representatives and a member-elect of the Forty-seventh, from the third Congressional district of New Hampshire, died at his home in Littleton, in that State, on the 3oth day of November last, aged forty years. He was born in the same place on the roth day of October, 1840, of one of the largest and most influential families in our State. His father, who survives the gifted son, filled many conspicuous posi tions in public life, and through a long course of great activity and usefulness to his fellow-men, he was ever the same intelligent, up right, and efficient gentleman, who, for thirty years at least, has been known throughout New Hampshire as " Honest John Farr, of Lit tleton." The mother was in every way worthy of the father of her boy; and to one who knew them all, it is sufficient eulogy to say that they were worthy each of the other. No young man was ever "better born," in the highest sense, than Major FARR, and his career has re flected great honor upon the family name. Young FARR was of an active and independent spirit from the be ginning. When twelve years of age he assumed the burden of his own support and education. He secured the advantages of the com mon schools in his native town, and after a preparatory course at the academy located in Thetford, Vermont, then under the direction of Professor Hiram Orcutt, and one of the best institutions in New England, he entered Dartmouth College with the class which gradu ated in 1863. He was pursuing his studies there with assiduity and great promise when the country called her sons to rebaptize in their blood the sacred principles of liberty and to re-establish upon im movable foundations the integrity and perpetuity of her Constitu tion and her laws. He was then twenty years old, of stalwart but graceful form, with a countenance full of animation, force, and beauty. That face was the mirror of all within. I well remember a long conversation with him while attending court in Haverhill, where he LIFE AND CHARACTER OF EVARTS W. FARR. 51 chanced to be in the early spring of 1861, just as the mutterings of war became unmistakable to us in our mountain homes. We were then beginning life; I had just entered upon the practice of the law. He designed to pursue that profession as soon as his course of study and preparation would permit. Our conversation lasted nearly through the live-long night, and I desire to bear witness to the mem ory of my dead friend, that never did man determine to put aside, if need be, the promise of an apparently unsullied future for the untried hardships of the camp and field, with a more vivid sense of what he was to sacrifice and suffer, or with a loftier patriotism and deeper devotion to a stern sense of duty than did EVARTS W. FARR. And when a little later the summons echoed from the walls of beleaguered and then of fallen Sumter all over the astonished North, he strode among the earliest to the field of death and of glory with motives as pure and free from sectional hate, with as knightly and exalted devo tion to the ideas of country, liberty, and the good of mankind as ever beat in the bosom of Sidney, or as animated the fathers at Yorktown, Cowpens, or Bunker Hill. He served in some of the hardest-fought actions with great bravery and brilliancy, and throughout the war, losing an arm at Williams- burgh, and receiving the fatal seeds of death in his constitution from exposure in the swamps of the Peninsula, which ripened year by year until a casual cold fastened upon his waning powers and killed him as easily as though he had been a little child. On his return to civil life he studied law, and being admitted to the bar, he practiced the profession unremittingly and with good success from 1867 until his election to the Forty-sixth Congress. He was twice appointed prose cuting attorney for his native county, and held that office when called to service in the halls of national legislation. During this period also he was chosen to be a member of the governor s council, after a most vigorous canvass, from a strongly democratic district, in which but-for his great personal popularity success would have been impossible. 52 ADDRESS OF MR. BLAIR ON THE As a lawyer Major FARR was highly successful. His attainments for one of his years and opportunities were good. His comprehen sion of the fundamental principles of law was clear and strong. He had an unfailing fund of good sense, which is worth more to a law yer than knowledge of every case of every court ever reported when not combined with that unfailing touchstone of truth. He knew what the jury thought and could guide them in his own channels of reasoning to the conclusions in which he believed himself. He had little power to make the worse appear the better reason unless he was honestly wrong, and he always presented his cause with a conscien tious conviction that he was right. He had a native love of justice and abhorrence of wrong. He was a tower of strength to the inno cent and to the cause he believed to be just, but to none other. He was an honor to the bar, and by his high character and conduct he fully paid that difficult debt which every lawyer owes to his profession. Having fought to preserve his country, he should be excused for manifesting that interest in preserving the results of the national vic tory which made him a close observer of events and gave to his mind a bias for public life. His intelligence, his patriotism, and popular manners for years had attracted the attention of the people, and it had long been evident that at an early period he would be summoned to the higher political honors of his State. This expectation was real ized by his election in a very close district to the other House. Every one who has experienced them knows the almost insur mountable difficulties which lie in the way of a new member of a great legislative body, especially if he belongs to the minority. A new member of the majority has comparatively plain sailing in an open sea. But short as has been his connection with the House, only through one regular session, Major FARR had become well known and was very highly esteemed by his fellow-members, both for his ability and worth. He was attentive to every duty, and he understood what belonged to it and how to perform it. He was an LIFE AND CHARACTER OF EVARTS W. FARR. 53 elegant speaker, very ready in debate and grew stronger every day. I observed this during the late campaign particularly, and believe that had he lived and continued in Congress long enough to do jus tice to himself and constituents, he would have served his country with great efficiency to the pride of his innumerable friends and of the State. As it was, the promise given of that which might have been sharpens a disappointment most grievous to be borne, even if the full fruition of accomplishment could lend to those who knew and loved him its most consoling power. His stricken widow and the children of their love bewail in mute and helpless grief a bereavement which lacks none of the terrors of untimely death, of blasted hopes, and of sweetest joys, snatched away in the very hour of supreme realization. To this brave and worthy woman, left to battle and struggle alone with her burden of woe through unusual obstacles, and to these fatherless little ones, some of whom can hardly know their loss, a grateful country will not fail to extend the warmest sympathy and most grateful remem brance. But I do waste the time in bewailing his loss. His last deed on earth is done. His record is complete. No blot is there. It is pure as the white pages of the Book of Life. It is like a copy drawn by angel hands for the imitation of those who remain behind. To have prolonged his stay would seem to have been best for us were he not one of the dead who yet speak with power drawn from the realiza tions of more wQrlds than one. His glory will not fade nor will he be forgotten until the history of his State is obliterated. There may have been stronger men, but he was strong; there may have been better men, but I have not known them. New Hampshire is not ashamed of her other sons. She points to them as her jewels. But of none can she more truly say that he was a knight "without fear and without reproach" than of poor dead FARR, now embalmed in the immortal glory of his own life, and 54 ADDRESS OF MR. BLAIR. awaiting the reveille of the resurrection on the peaceful banks of the wild Ammonoosuck, while the shadows of Mount Washington lie tenderly on his grave. There is nothing more but to turn slowly and sadly to the exacting realities of life, and by imitation of his bright example to prepare for the inevitable hour. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The question is as to agreeing to the resolutions. The resolutions were agreed to unanimously. Mr. CONKLING. Mr. President, as a further mark of respect to the memory of the deceased, I move that the Senate do now adjourn. The motion- was agreed to, and the Senate adjourned. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY