GIFT OF Wealth of Thought, or 8lse by <3ttighty <Deed, They Served Mankind The, HALL of FAME THIRD UNVEILING of J TABLETS in honor of GREAT AMERICANS H Tork^ University , University Height^ Saturday, May Twenty-first Nineteen Hundred Twenty-one In ZN^oble Character^ in World-Wide Qood, They J^ive Forevermore Order of Exercises The procession will leave the Library at half-past three o clock and proceed to the site of the Hall of Fame for Women. The tablets will be unveiled in the order given, with a brief dedication by the chairman of each delegation of the participating societies. The procession will then leave the Colonnade at the Authors Corner and move to the pavilion on the West Lawn where the orations of the day will be delivered. Band Concert, Pavilion, West Lawn, 3 p. m. ^Procession The Chancellor of the University and Speaker Officers of the Senate and Speakers Senior Professor of the Senate and Chaplain of the Day Members of the University Senate and Electors of the Hall of Fame Members of the University Council and Officers of the Federal, State and City Governments Delegates of the Societies participating in the Unveiling of Tablets Delegates of Military Organizations Members of the Faculties of New York University Delegates of Students of New York University i 488053 Unveiling of Tablets Hall of Fame for Women HARRIET BEECHER STOWE 1811-1896 New York Colony, National Society of New England Women Mrs. Frances Sedgwick Smith, National Vice-president (Hon orary Chairman), Mrs. John Francis Yawger, Chairman, Mrs. George Perkins Lawton, Miss Sarah Palmer, Mrs. Henry M. McDewell, Mrs. Arthur Bridges, Mrs. J. P. Marshall, Mrs. George F. Andrews, Mrs. L. Barry, Mrs. Albert Bickmorc, Miss Helen B. Blake, Mrs. Warren Higley, Miss M. Helen Hicks, Mrs. Horace Ely. FRANCES ELIZABETH WILLARD 1839-1898 National Women s Christian Temperance Union Miss Anna Gordon, President (Honorary Chairman), Mrs. Ella A. Boole, Vice-president-at-large, Chairman, Mrs. D. Leigh Colvin, Mrs. W. W. Wicks, Mrs. Sadie A. Hall, Mrs. John Dayton, Miss May L. Powless, Miss Margaret Sloat, Mrs. L. M. DeSilva, Mrs. Mary B. Wilson, Mrs. Martha W. Allen, Mrs. H. S. Pritchard, Mrs. Anna P. George. CHARLOTTE SAUNDERS CUSHMAN 1816-1876 Stage Women of America Miss Julia Arthur ALICE FREEMAN PALMER 1855-1902 Wellesley College Alumnae Association Dr. Caroline Hazard, Past President of Wellesley College (Honorary Chairman), Mrs. Henry H. Bonnell, President, Professor Katharine Lee Bates, Chairman, Mrs. George Bacon Wbod, Mrs. E. Griffith Parsley, Mrs. Frank Mason North, Mrs. Sumner B. Peariman, Miss Elsie Goddard, Mrs. George R. Camp. Statesmen s Corner ALEXANDER HAMILTON 1757-1804 The Women s National Republican Club Mrs. Arthur L. Livermore, President, Chairman, Mrs. Charles H. Sabin, Miss Helen Varick Boswell, Mrs. Horatio Shonnard, Mrs. Courtlandt Nicoll, Mrs. William H. Ives, Mrs. Travis H. Whitney. ANDREW JACKSON 1767-1845 The New York Southern Society General Samuel MacRoberts, Chairman, Hon. Barron G. Collier, Hon. Adolphus Ragan. PATRICK HENRY 1736-1799 Sons of the Revolution, State of New York Robert Olyphant, President, Chairman, James Mortimer Mont gomery, General President, Sons of the Revolution, Hon. Henry Galbraith Ward. Jurists RUFUS CHOATE 1799-1859 American Bar Association Charles A. Boston, Esq. Septimi DANIEL BOONE 1735-1820 Boy Scouts of America Daniel Carter Beard, National Scout Commissioner ( Honorary Chairman), James E. West, Chief Scout Executive, Chairman, James A. Beard, Scout Executive, and William B. Kelly, Scout Master, of Manhattan, with Scouts Will Miller, Royal Mont gomery, Jack Holl, Lawrence Collier, Edward Holt, Charles Towfe ; William A. Stumpp, Scout Executive, and Edmund D. Whelan, Scout Master, of the Bronx, with Scouts John Tigue, Harry Tike, Jack Stack, George Roland, Harold Powers, Nor man Cook; C. A. Worden, Scout Executive, and Martin B. Freeman, Scout Master, of Queens, with Eagle Scouts Herbert Jacobi, Edwin Jacobi, Lewis Elmore, and Star Scouts Wilton Rea, Elmer Wheeler, Thomas Sullivan ; A. F. Murphy, Scout Executive, and Harry C. Otten, Scout Master, of Kings, with Scouts Charles Tilgner, Albert Reinhart, Charles Graham, Louis Busig, George Davy, Robert Laviner. AUGUSTUS SAINT-GAUDENS 1848-1907 American Academy of Arts and Letters Dr. William Milligan Sloane, President, Chairman, Dr. Brander Matthews, Chancellor, Mr. Hamlin Garland, Acting Secretary, Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, Mr. Augustus Thomas, Mr. Cass Gilbert. National Institute of Arts and Letters Hon. Robert Grant, President (Honorary Chairman), Pro fessor Jefferson B. Fletcher, Secretary, Chairman, Mr. Robert I. Aitkin, Dr. Walter Damrosch, Mr. Charles Dana Gibson, Professor Ashley H. Thorndike, Professor John C. Van Dyke, Hon. William Allen White, Mr. Arnold W. Brunner. JAMES BUCHANAN EADS 1820-1887 American Society of Civil Engineers George S. Webster, Chairman, Onward Bates, Major General Lansing H. Beach, John F. Coleman, Ralph Modjeski, F. S. Curtis, George H. Pegram, Francis Lee Stuart, E. E. Wall. Scientists WILLIAM THOMAS GREEN MORTON 1819-1868 American Medical Association Dr. William H. Welch Massachusetts General Hospital Dr. F. A. Washburn, Superintendent LOUIS AGASSIZ 1807-1873 American Association for the Advancement of Science Charles D. Davenport, Chairman, Dr. Henry F. Osborn, Pro fessor Edmund B. Wilson. JOSEPH HENRY 1799-1878 American Institute of Electrical Engineers Professor Walter I. Slichter, Chairman, Clayton H. Sharp, Edward B. Craft. ELIAS HOWE 1819-1867 National Institute of Inventors Thomas Howard, Chairman, Captain John M. Deemer, William A. Donaldson, Chester Clark, Frederick W. Davey, Major Howard Elliott, G. J. Houtain, Charles G. Brooks, Nathan Langer, R. Nerenstone, Jacob Greenspun, Ambrose Ryder, Miss E. P. MacLaughlin, William W. Lapoint, John S. Seymour, ex-Commissioner of Patents. Teachers Section ROGER WILLIAMS 1607-1684 The Rhode Island Historical Society Howard M. Chapin, lineal descendant of Roger Williams, and Mrs. Chapin. PHILLIPS BROOKS 1835-1893 The Right Reverend William Thomas Manning, Bishop of the Diocese of New York. MARK HOPKINS 1802-1887 Williams College Alumni Dr. Harry Augustus Garfield, President of Williams College, Chairman, Colonel Archibald Hopkins, Hon. Alfred C. Chapin, Dr. Harry Pratt Judson, President of the University of Chi cago, Dean Edward A. Birge, University of Wisconsin, Hon. Arthur H. Masten, Benjamin Prince, Hon. Frederick Geller, Dr. Henry Lefavour, President of Simmons College, Herbert J. Brown, Hon. Bentley W. Warren, Hon. J. Addison Young, William T. Sidley, Hon. Charles C. Nott, Jr., John S. Shep- pard, Willard Evans Hoyt, Hon. Clark Williams, Franklin H. Mills, Lt. Col. George F. Perkins, Edmonds Perry, Frederic T. Wood, Max B. Berking, Lt. Col. Charles W. Whittlesey, Hon. Solomon B. Griffin, Dr. Frederick C. Ferry, President of Hamilton College. ^Authors Corner JAMES FENIMORE COOPER 1789-1851 The Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation George G. Heye, Director (Honorary Chairman), Frederic K. Seward, Chairman, George H. Pepper, Dr. William R. Blackie. JOHN LOTHROP MOTLEY 1814-1877 The Massachusetts Historical Society Dr. William Roscoe Thayer, Chairman, Hon. Elihu Root. SAMUEL LANGHORNE CLEMENS 1835-1910 American Academy of Arts and Letters Dr. William Milligan Sloane, President, Chairman, Dr. Brander Matthews, Chancellor, Mr. Hamlin Garland, Acting Secretary, Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, Mr. Augustus Thomas, Mr. Cass Gilbert. National Institute of Arts and Letters Hon. Robert Grant, President (Honorary Chairman), Pro fessor Jefferson B. Fletcher, Secretary, Chairman, Mr. Robert I. Aitkin, Dr. Walter Damrosch, Mr. Charles Dana Gibson, Professor Ashley H. Thorndike, Professor John C. Van Dyke, Hon. William Allen White, Mr. Arnold W. Brunner. EDGAR ALLAN POE 1809-1849 Bronx Society of Arts and Sciences William White Niles, Chairman, DeaA Archibald L. Bouton, Dr. Hugo C. M. Wendel, William Stebbins Smith, Charles W. Stoughton, Reginald P. Bolton. The Poe Cottage Committee Mrs. Charles F. Dickey, Miss Elizabeth Cowan, Miss Mary Wray, Mrs. William White Niles. FRANCIS PARKMAN 1 823-1 893 The Massachusetts Historical Society Dr. William Roscoe Thayer, Chairman, Hon. Elihu Root. GEORGE BANCROFT 1800-1891 The Massachusetts Historical Society Dr. William Roscoe Thayer, Chairman, Hon. Elihu Root. 6 WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT 1794-1878 The Century Association Hon. Elihu Root, President OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES 1809-1894 The Poetry Society of America Mrs. Edwin Markham, Chairman, William Griffith, Louise Hackney, Louise Townsend Nicholl, Clement Wood, Edward J. Wheeler, Estelle Duclo, May Riley Smith, Amy Lowell, C. P. Meadowcroft, Eleanor Cox, Conant Isabelle Fiske, G. J. Smith, Mrs. G. J. Smith, Leonora Spe^er, Charles Hanson Towne, Blanche S. Wagstaff, Willard* Wattles, John Hall W T heelock, Professor George M. Whicher, Margaret Widemer, * Marguerite Wilkinson, Florence Wilkinson Evans, Don Mar quis, Anna Branch, Daniel Henderson, John M. Farrar, Pro fessor John Erskine, Mrs. Gertrude McGiffertspf, > Y the T^a^ilion on the W^est Chancellor Elmer Ellsworth Brown, Presiding INVOCATION Rev. George Alexander, D.D., LL.D. Minister First Presbyterian Church ORATION "Fame" Henry van Dyke, D.C.L. (Oxon.) Music ORATION "Inspiration" - William Milligan Sloane, Ph.D., L.H.D., LL.D. STAR SPANGLED BANNER Henry Cook Hathaway, Director of Public Occasions Arthur Huntington Nason, Grand Marshal Theodore Francis Jones, Aide Albert Stephens Borgman, Aide Music by Shannon s Band UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY, BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. WM 15w-4, 24 Makers Syracuse, N. Y. PAL JAN. 21 ,1908 4880 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY