Illll'"<>« yjm 1^ 1 WO HUM PHABETS Voi-n Bound in Cloth 3/6 -v) ISAAC FOOT LIBRARY Sunshine and Rain ! FIFTY I wo Two V-1UMOROU3 /Alphabets /^l^C om«ttCO. The impressions herein arc extra carefully printed as PROOFS on fine paper, and the issue is limited to one thousand and fifty copies, of which this is ^o. /..^.P..J2. COrVKIGHT 1897 IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BV THE MACMILI.AN COMPANY. I.IHKAKY IJMVlUSnV <>1 « \IH( SAMA UAKUAU^ LI^TOFSUBJ'ECTS, 1 5l/NSHlMI AM) RA.livl - li TO THE K£^CUX ! ^ 7Ari- yAH !' .2^ AiONG PULL. 4- MOR^TAL EM 6MIE5. 30 love's Y^^fNG D-I^I Atv\ . fc AR,lST0Cl\AT5 . 3Z S E-T TO ^ARTMER^S. ^ J)l5Tl^/CTl 0(V. 23 " I -SE £ >(£ Rl • g TAMI IV£ ANpTLENTy. 3+ TriATllTTLlT VULGAI^ BoV . q Ti+E BROKE N HEAf^T 3b'' THE CNVy oFTHf C OU f^T. fO THEQtJEEM'S T^£CRU|T5. ^b "KlS H Y£ f\ rATriLR,])l/CK,V' K T£ft anpSCANDAU. 3t 'OIVLy^ A'Pf-lMNY'- li "The Touy rt NCJ-E r;. u up ropAti. (3 KALV£SI i<] Bt^Sl NESS . /4^~ALAi^GE llNVESTAAEiMT. 40 lOR! I Ti+OOOHT L VVEl^^ ftilVI?!' (if HIDE rt^c 5EEK. 41 GUTBOAKr>l.oV£ . (t 0(\?HEUS ^iTH (4IS LUTE . ^i PENNlLESb. 1-1 GETTlfNOMOMEyFo^rATKEI^. 43 wONT ^HE CAlC H IT? i« CETTINO rATHll\ I40/V\E . 44 TO 3 R,lCiHToi\ AMpBACi\.3/(?. /^ TKAlNiNG foiiTrii CI J\C U^. 45 BEATITUDE. . io'rioWEi\S vFlATHL(\5. 4t "OOIN'T 85 SITC H aSILL^ FoOi . 11 A PAI(\ OF HIGH 5TEPP£I(S. 4->( AU. SOI^TS ^ COlVT)lTiON6. LLLOSTyo^W/l(]ES;OUiN|E^?OCRlT£H? 46 HAf FlfSG^CHAFF£(^livlG . liSEATEDONEDAyoNTHtO^GI^IM- 4-9 "CA(;,f\y lT,^|f^?' :i4- HOPEi.F£A(^. 50 "HE XTl\H , 3 I K,? " li' '^-^Tui^y inBIacKanpVXHitE yi ' come ON, IK)." ilo (JNT)£(\ COOATULSION. n. AN ACCI DEnT. The subject of collecting prints that may be common to-day and rare to-morrow is one which in these days enters very considerably into the regions of practical and domestic politics. On the principle that nobody keeps what everybody else has, so an etching or a print, which is published by its thousands, often becomes extremely rare in a verv short space of time. Manv of them are well worth the keeping, well worth the framing, and well worth the hanging. There is a wealth of drawing worth framing from the pens of such men as Phil Mav * " '-' Too much good work is just now allowed to waste. — TIic Sketch. I I Sec Frontispiece. Critics. f i Mortal En eimes. Ml ^ :f Aristocrats. Distinction. Famine and Plenty. { 7'^ ^^ The Broken Heart. The Oueen's Recruits. The Jollv Angler.' »l Halves ! \ A Large Investment. «i Orpheus with his Lut(.\ Getting Money for Father. Getting Father Home, Training for the Circus. u,w Flowers and Feathers. A Pair of High Steppers. "Lost ver Wages — 'ole in yer Pocket, eh ?' ' "Seated one dav on the Organ— \(^^ Hope and Fear. A Studv in Black and White. Under Compulsion. A Long Pull. Love's Young Dream. r" Nv\ f-^ Nabbed. Set to Partners. "I see Yer!" That Little Viilrar Bov. The Envv of the Court. *^ S^ ^•I'L h/»v Kish ver Father, Ducky. Only a A'penny." Up to Date. '■^^ Business. {'-i^> Lor! 1 thought 'e were Alive!' ^cr<^/ Cupboard Love. ^-€*^ I L ej L^ ^^'/ Won't she Catch it ! To Brighton and Back, 3/6. i Beatitude. " Don't be sitch a Sillv Fool. All Sorts and Conditions. -^^Wl^ Chaffing and Chafferin Carry it, Sir ? " " Hextni, .Sir?" iOB. An Accident. ^^s See Frontispiece \V-, H ^^-j'^^ ft % -^J// ^ / I '(• PHIL may's I' So IM PEN B^IIVK;.. ?C|X j^of^o^t^ - /''Tne^e sketched ^ mkcocc^ ^cp'J'^ATeL;^ ^'"//^iqnnp) Proof copies (1,050 only, separately 'i numbered) bound in cloth, 6/- fall sold J) In stiff paper covers 2/6 PMl May's Gutter-Snipes 50 original pen-and-ink drawings of gutter children at their games ; quarto, stiff covers, half-a-crown. lOXDOS: THE tEADESHALL PRESS, LIMITED, 50, LEADESHALL STREET, E.C. " Unique."— Bris/o/ Times. " Inimitable.'' — Bookseller. '' True pathos." — Scotsman. " Realistic." — Leeds Mercury. '• Genius in every page." — Star. '• Vivid."— 5/. James's Budget. '■ Sympathetic."— 77/i- Morning. •■ Phil May at his he&t."— Globe. ■■ Stands alone." — Tlie Morning. " Quite wonderful." — Alhrncenm. '■ Laughter and tears."— TJv-ZJrt/. •• Inimitable." — Review of Reviews. ■■ True to nature " — Wrste7n Press. •• Delightful." — St. James's Guzctle. " Every one of them a hit " — Punch. •• Full of human kindliness." — Sketch. " Always humorous." — Daily Graphic. ■■ High artistic value." — Morning Post. " Phil May at his best." — Northern Life. " A capital half-crown's worth." — Queen. •• Forcible sketches." — Reading Mercury. " In Phil .May's best style." — Sporting Life '■ Humour, pathos, fun." — The Gentlewoman " A masterpiece of humour." — Bath Herald. '• Intensely expressive." — Bradford Observer. •• A delightful study." — Sheffield Independent. '• Irrepressible, irresistible " — Northern Whig. '■ Perfectly deWghtful." — IVestmimter Budget. ■■ Brilliant draughtsmanship." — Daily Telegraph. " Force and oxigwaXxly " — Manchest:r Guardian. "Full of thought, life and humour." — The World. " Mr. May is a consummate artist." — A'— Streets— Traffic— Buildings —People. By W. J. Loftie, B.A., F.S.A. Over Three Hundred Illustrations from Original Drawings by W. Ll'ker, Jr. LONDON: The Leadenhall Press, Ltd : 50, Leadenhall-street, £.C. {£2 los. od. By Command Dedicated to ^S3]S ^^^ ^^^J^^^y "'^ Queen. Upwards of z^Xi Superb Illustrations (some beautifully hand-coloured). KENSINGTON: PICTURESQUE AND HISTORICAL. By W. J. LoFTiE, B.A., F.S.A. , Author of a " History- of Lon- don," &c., &c. Illustrated by W. Luker, J UN., from Original Drawings carefully finished on the spot and engraved in Paris. LONDON: The Leadenhall Press, Ltd : 50, Leadenhall-street, E.C. [Three Guineas. NEARLY OUT OP PRINT. Edition limited, in Two Quarto Volumes, bound in stout vellum. By Commaud Dedicated to the Queen -Empress. HISTORY OF THE HORN-BOOK. By Andrew W. Tuer, author of " Bartolozzi and his Works," &c. With 300 illustrations by Robert W. Allan, Francis D. Bedford, Sir.\rthur Clay, Bart., Ambrose Dudley, Miss France (Mrs. Gaskin), Everard Hopkins, John Leighton, Wm. Luker, Jr., Percy Macquoid, Phil May, Linley Sambourne, Miss Samboume, Henry S. Tuke, J. Walter West, and other artists ; and Two Copperplate Frontispieces. Seven real Horn-Books and Battledores are recessed in the insides of the Covers. LONDON: The Leadenhall Press, Ltd: 50, Leadenhall Street, E.C. [Two Guineas, net. In preparation: a second (one volume) edition at a popular price. By Command Dedicated to Her Majesty the Queett. THE FOLLIES AND FASHIONS OF OUR GRAND- FATHERS (1807). Embellished with Thirty-seven whole-page Plates of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Dress (hand-coloured and heightened with gold and silver), Sporting and Coaching Scenes, &c., &c. By Andrew W. Tuer. LONDON: The Leadenhall Press, Ltd: 50, Leadenhall- street, E.C. Large Paper copies, crown 4to, with earliest impressions of the plates ; 250 only, signed and numbered, at Three Guineas. (Nearly out oi print. Demy 8vo copies at Twenty-five Shillings. (Out of print.) corrected and revised, with ADDITIONAL MATTER. By Command Dedicated to Her Majesty the Queen. BARTOLOZZI AND HIS WORKS. By Andrew W. Tuer. A biographical and descriptive account of the Life and Career of Fran- cesco Bartolozzi, R.A. With some observations on the present Demand for and Value of his Prints; the way to detect Modern Impressions from Worn-out Plates and to recognise Falsely-tinted Impressions; Deceptions attempted with Prints: Print Collecting, Judging, Hand- ling. S-c. LONDON: The Leadenhall Press, Ltd: 50, Leadenhall- street, E.C. Octavo edition in one volume. [Twelve-and-Sixpence. Collectors' edition (4 vols. 4to) and the 2 v^l. 4I0. edition are out of print. nearly readv. PHIL MAY'S ABC FiFTV-Two Original Designs forming Two Humorous Alphabets from A to Z. LONDON: Th Leadenhall Press, Ltd: 50, Leadenhall-street, E.C. HORN-BOOK JINGLES. By Mrs. Arthur Gaskin. LONDON: The Ltadenball Press, Ltd: 50, Leadenhall-street, E.C [Three-and-Sixpence A delightful book (which will be loved by the little ones) based on the old-fashioned and now extinct ABC horn-book. Every page is beautifully illustrated, and both illustrations and jingles are by that clever artist, Mrs. Arthur Gaskin (Georgie Cave France), A HANDSOME QUARTO. ECHOES : A MUSICAL BIRTHDAY BOOK. By the Hon. Mrs. Brett. Frontispiece by Everard Hopkins. LONDON : The Leadenhall Press, Ltd : 50, Leadenhall-street, E.C. [Twelve-and-Sixpence. A covetable present. "What flowers are to gardens, spices to food, gems to a garment, and stars to heaven, such are proverbs interwoven in speech." {Hebrew.) A BOUQUET OF BREVITIES : Being Practical Maxims AND Refined Sentiments, Original andSelect. By J. K. Arthur, Authorof" Kangaroo and Kauri," (5-c. With Engravings. LONDON: The Leadenhall Press, Ltd : 50, Leadenhall-street, E.C. [Twelve-and-Sixpence. THE REMINISCENCES OF CHIEF INSPECTOR LITTLECHILD. LONDON: The Leadenhall Press, Ltd : 50, Leadenhall Street, E.C. [T\vo-and-s:xpence. ENGLISH COUNTY SONGS. (Words and Music.) Col- lected and Edited by Lucy E. Broadwood and J. A. Fuller Mait- land, M.A., F.S.A. LONDON : The Leadenhall Press, Ltd: 50, Lead- enhall-street, E.C. [Six Shillings. THE SCENT OF Elenora Tupper. Leadenhall Street, E.C THE HEATHER. By Margaret LONDON: The Leadenhall Press, Ltd: 50, [SL\ Shillings. THE STOLEN BISHOP. By Charles C. Rothwell. LONDON : The Leadenhall Press, Ltd : 50, Leadenhall Street, E.C. [Three-and-Sixpence. LAURENCE OLIPHANT: Supplementary Contribu- tions TO HIS Biography. By Charles Newton Scott, Author oI "The Foregleams of Christianity." LONDON: The Leadenhall Press, Ltd : 50, Leadenhall Street, E.C. [One Shilling. ROUGHLY TOLD STORIES, by John Ingold. London : The Leadenhall Press, Ltd: 50, Leadenhall Street, E.C. [Three-and-Sixpencc. SUN AND SERPENT SERIES.— I. •X-Y-Z- AND OTHER POEMS, by John Light and darkness ; good and evil ; Through life's mazes run ! On man's pathway crawls the serpent ; Shines the rising sun ! Lascelles. LONDON : The Leadenhall Press, Ltd: 50, Leadenhall Street. E.C. [One Shilling SUN AND SERPENT SERIES.— II. THE GREAT DRAMA AND OTHER POEMS, by John Lascelles. LONDON : The Leadenhall Press, Ltd: 50, Leadenhall Street, E.C. [One Shilling. 11. Dtdicattd by Special Permission la H.R.H. Princess Louise (Marchioness of Lome). TWELVE NEW SONGS. (Music and Words.) By some OF THE BEST-KNOWN BRITISH CoMl'OsERS: — Joscph B.imby ; Alfred Cellier; F. Cordcr; Frederick Cowcn ; Charles H. Lloyd; Hamish MacCunn; A. C. Mackenzie; C. Hubert H. Parry; Arthur Somervell; C. V. Stanford; A. Goring Thomas; Charles Wood. Edited by Harold Boulton: Poems by the Editor. A beautiful copper-plate frontispiece by Frank Dicksee, R.A., entitled "The Harpsichord." LONDON: The Leadenhall Press, Ltd: 50, Leadenhall-street. E.G. [Twelve Shillings. MASTER JIMMY'S FABLES. Collected by St. John Browse. Illustrated by Walter Warren. LONDON: The Leadenhall Press, Ltd: 50, Leadenhall Street, E.C. fOne Shilling. IN TWO QUARTO VOLUMES. THE LIFE AND POETICAL WORKS OF JAMES WOODHOUSE Ii;35-l820). Edited by the Rev. R. M.A., Rector of Merstham. 50, Leadenhall Street, E.C. L WoODHOUSE, LONDON: The Leadenhall Press, Ltd: [Two Guineas. ERNEST ENGLAND: OR A Soul laid Bare; a Drama for the Closet. By J. A. Parker, late Editor of "The Indian Daily News." LONDON: The Leadenhall Press, Ltd: 50, Leadenhall Street, E.C. [Seven-and-Sixpence. BIT OF HUMANITY. By Lizzie Joyce Tomlinson. LONDON : The Leadenhall Press, Ltd: 50, Leadenhall Street, E.C. [Three-and-Sixpence. THE SOCIALISM OF TO-DAY. By Emile de Lavele\-e, Member of the Royal Academy of Belgium, &c., &c. Translated into English by Goddard H. Orpen, Barrisler-at-Law. Together with an account of Socialism in England, by the translator. LONDON : The Leadenhall Press, Ltd: 50, Leadenhall Street, E.C. [Six Shillings. THE STORY OF A LONDON CLERK. A Faithful Narrative, FAITHFULLY told. LONDON: The Leadenhall Press, Ltd: 50, Leadenhall-street, E.C. [Three-and-sixpence. THE DAINTIEST OF DAINTY BOOKS. BABY'S RECORD: With Spaces for Mother's Notes ABOUT HER Baby. As usccJ by the Royal Mother of the future King of England. Compiled by the Rev. R. 1. Woodhouse, M.A. LON- DON : The Leadenhall Press, Ltd : 50, Leadenhall Street. E.C. [One Shilling " Baby's Record vd\l in many cases prove an invaluable aid to the family doctor in the treatment of ailments in later life." PARODIES AND SATIRES. By Alere Flammam. LON- DON: The Leadenhall Press, Ltd: 50, Leadenhall-street, E.C. [Two-aad-Sixpence. FUNNYNYM SERIES No. i. RUSTLING REEDS. Stirred by GoosESTEP. Author of " Splay-Feet Splashings in Divers Places " and " Bric-a-Brac Ballads." LONDON: The Leadenhall Press, Ltd: 50, Leadenhall-street, E.C. [One Shilling. ILLUSTRATED. NOVEL NOTES. By Jerome K. Jerome, author of " The Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow," " On the Stage— and Off,"6-c. LONDON : The Leadenhall Press, Ltd: 50, Leadenhall-street, E.C. [Three-and-Sixpence. NEW EDITION, ILLUSTRATED. ON THE STAGE— AND OFF. The brief career of a would- By Jerome K.Jerome. With One Hundred Illustrations be actor. by Kenneth SI. Skeaping. 50, Leadenhall-street, E.C. LONDON: The Leadenhall Press, Ltd: [Half-a-Crown. ON THE STAGE-AND OFF. The brief career of a would-be actor. Sixteenth Edition. By Jerome K. Jerome. LONDON: The Leadenhall Press, Ltd : 50, Leadenhall-street, E.C. [One Shilling. —EIGHTEEN OF THEM— SINGULAR STORIES. By Warwick Simpson. LONDON: The Leadenhall Press, Ltd: 50, Leadenhall-street, E.C. [Three-and-Sixpence. THE IDLE THOUGHTS OF AN IDLE FELLOW : A BOOK FOR AN IDLE HOLIDAY. One-hundred-and-forty-third Edition. By Jerome K. Jerome, Author of* On the Stage — and Off." LONDON : The Leadenhall Press, Ltd : 50, Leadenhall-street, E.C. [Half-a-Crown. " The /J/e Thoughts by JEROME, with his special private views, Is a book all busy people should undoubtedly peruse." — Punch, A BOOK FOR CHRISTMAS. A RIGHTE MERRIE CHRISTMASSE ! ! ! The Story OF Christ-Tide. By John Ashton. Copper-plate Etching of " The Wassail Song," by Arthur C. Behrend. LONDON: The Leaden- hall Press, Ltd: 50, Leadenhall Street, E.G.. [Twenty-five Shillings. Special copies, limited in number, with the etching in proof state, handsomely bound in full antique gold-lettered vellum by Zaehnsdorf. [Three Guineas. COMFORT IN THE HOME. By M. J. Loftie, Author of the Dining Room in "Art at Home" Series, (S-c, 6-0. LONDON: The Leadenhall Press, Ltd: 50, Leadenhall Street, E.C. [One Shilling. IN JEST AND EARNEST: A BOOK OF GOSSIP. By Joseph Hatton, author of " The Reminiscences of J. L. Toole," " Henry Irving's Impressions ot America," " Clytie," " By Order of the Czar," " The Princess Mazaroff," &z. With a Prefatory Address to his friend, J. L. Toole. LONDON : The Leadenhall Press, Ltd: 50, Leadenhall-street, E.C. [Two-and-Sixpence. illustrated. BORDERLAND FANCIES. By twenty-three Illustrations by the author. Press, Ltd: 50, Leadenhall-street, E.C. Eva Boulto.v. With LONDON: The Leadenhall [Two-and-Sixpence. THE BUSINESSES OF A BUSY MAN. By R. S. Warren Bell. LONDON: The Leadenhall Press, Ltd: 50. Leaden- hall-street, E.C. [Three-and-Sixpence. DOCTOR OUODLIBET: A Study in Ethics, by the Author of "Chronicles of Westerly," "John Orlebar," "Culmshire Folk," 6-c. LONDON : The Leadenhall Press, Ltd : 50, Leadenhall- street, E.C. [Three-and-Sixpence. SONGS SUNG AND UNSUNG. By Harold Boulton. LONDON: The Leadenhall Press, Ltd: 50, Leadenhall-street, E.C. [Five Shillings. illustrated. A PROFESSIONAL PUGILIST. Illustrated by Kenneth M. Skeaping. Press, Ltd: 50, Leadenhall-street, E.C. By Harry A. James. LONDON: The Leadenhall [One Shilling. ENGLISH FARMING AND WHY I TURNED IT UP. By Ernest Bramah. LONDON : The Leadenhall Press, Ltd : 50, " [Two-and-Si.\pencc. Leadenhall-street, E.C. THE BEST Book of Alphabets published. A NEW SHILLING BOOK OF ALPHABETS, Plain AND Ornamental, Ancient and Modern. For the use of Archi- tects, Clergymen, Decorators, Designers, Draughtsmen, Teachers, 6-c. With a curiously interesting Alphabet (capitals and small letters) in facsimile from an original MS. written by Charles L, together with his writing-master's " copy." LONDON; The Leadenhall Press, Ltd: 50, Leadenhall-street, E.C. [One Shilling. " It is a noticeable feature of this collection of alphabets and ornaments that it has been selected entirely and solely from the material in everyday use at the Leadenhall Press." — The Art Printer. PHIL MAY'S GUTTER-SNIPES. Fifty Original Sketches in Pen-and-Ink of Gutter Children at their Games. Extra carefully printed as proofs on fine paper. Bound in cloth. Edition limited to 1,050 numbered copies. LONDON: The Leadenhall Press, Ltd: 50, Leadenhall-street, E.C. [Six Shillings, net. The whole edition was sold as soon as published. NEW EDITION, full size, in stiff covers. [Haif-a-crown. " The best collection of genuinely humorous pictures from the London streets that can be seen anywhere. They are indeed ' Living Pictures.' . . . Should have an unlimited circula- tion." — Punch. ( iii- ) Lays of the Bards. I.— THE HOLY ISLE. " Exiles of Albion! they adore Their fathers' oracles, restore To Celtic Tongue and Bardic Lore Asylum, in wild Wales." — Taliesin. LONDON : The Leadenhall Press, Ltd : 50, Leadenhall Street, E.G. [Two-and-Sixpence. ILLUSTRATED. HUMOURS & ODDITIES OF THE LONDON POLICE COURTS, FROM THE Opening of this Century to the Present Time. Illustrated and edited by "Dogberry." LONDON: The Leadenhall Press, Ltd : 50, Leadenhall-street, E.C. [Two-and-Sixpence. HAVE YE READ IT?" LOOK SHARP! By Mrs. R. W. Woods, Authoress of " Gatherings." LONDON: The Leadenhall Press, Ltd: 50, Leadenhall-street, E.C. [Two Guineas. SOCIALISM OR PROTECTION ? Which is it to be ? A Question for the Classes and the Masses. By M. H. LONDON : The Leadenhall Press, Ltd: 50, Leadenhall-street E.C. [One Shilling. STRAY MINUTES : Being some account of the Proceedings of the Literary Club at St. Mungo-by-the-Sea. By E. H. Lacon Watson, Author of "Ephemera," &c. LONDON: The Leadenhall Press, Ltd : 50, Leadenhall-street, E.C. [One Shilling. NOTIONS OF A NOBODY. By T. Theodore Dahle. LONDON : The Leadenhall Press, Ltd: 50, Leadenhall-street, E.C. [Two-and-Sixpence. NEW EDITION, PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED. A LIFE'S REMINISCENCES OF SCOTLAND YARD. By Detective Andrew Lansdowne, late of the Criminal Investigation Department. With one-hundred and ninety-one suggestive illustra- tions by Ambrose Dudley. LONDON: The Leadenhall Press, Ltd : 50, Leadenhall-street, E.C. [One Shilling. LIFE'S REMINISCENCES OF SCOTLAND YARD. By Detective Andrew Lansdowne, late of the Criminal Investiga- tion Department. LONDON: The Leadenhall Press, Ltd : 50, Leaden- hall-street, E.C. [Half-a-Crown. NEW SHILLING EDITION, ILLUSTRATED, OF THE CONFESSIONS OF A POACHER. Edited by John Watson, F.L.S., author of " Nature and Woodcraft," " Sylvan Folk," i5-c., &c. Illustrated by James West. LONDON : The Leadenhall Press, Ltd : 50, Leadenhall-street, E.C. [One Shilling. A most captivating book. THE CONFESSIONS OF A POACHER. Edited by John Watson, F.L.S., author of " Nature and Woodcraft," " Sylvan Folk," (S-c , fro. Illustrated by James West. LONDON: The Leadenhall Press, Ltd: 50, Leadenhall Street, E.C. [Two-and-Si.\pence. MUSIC QUARTO SIZE. SEVEN SONGS TO SING (Music and Words) By Alfred J. Caldicott : Cotsford Dick; L. Denza ; Malcolm Lawson ; Theo Marzials ; J. L. Roeckel, and Lord Henry Somerset. Edited by Harold BouLTON. Frontispiece by Ambrose Dudley. LONDON: The Leadenhall Press, Ltd: 50, Leadenhall-street, E.C. [Six Shillings THE VISIBLE TO-BE : a Storv of Hand-Reading. LONDON: The Leadenhall Press, Ltd: 50, Leadenhall-street, E.C. [Three-and-Sixpence. COUNSEL TO LADIES AND EASY-GOING MEN on THEIR Business Investments, and cautions against the lures of Wily Financiers and Unprincipled promoters. LONDON : The Leadenhall Press, Ltd: 50, Leadenhall Street, London, E.C. [Three-and-Sixpence. " The price of the bock is 3s. 6d., and is in itself an excellent investment." — Sola's journal. THE CHILD SET IN THE MIDST: By Modern Poets ("And He look a tittle child and set him in the midit 0/ them") • Edited by Wilfrid Mevnell. With a facsimile o! the MS. of *' Toys," by Coventry Patmore. Ltd : 50, Leadenhall-street, E.C. "The LONDON: The Leadenhall Press, [Six ShilliDRS. From the Biill's Point of View: THE TRUE STORV OF A BULL FIGHT. By R. St. John Corbet. LONDON : The Leadenhall Press, Ltd : 50, LeadenhaUstreel, E.C. [Sixpence. BRIC-A-BRAC BALLADS. By Goosestep, author of " Splay-Feet Splashings in Divers Places " LONDON : The Leaden- hall Press, Ltd : 50, Leadenhall-street, E.C. [One Shilling. ENGLISH CAROLS of the FIFTEENTH CENTURY: from a M S. Roll in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge. Edited by J. A. Fuller Maitland, M.A., F.S.A., with added Vocal Parts by W. S. Rockstro. Frontispiece: facsimile in colours of the "Agincourt Song," No. VII. LONDON : The Leadenhall Press.Ltd: 50, Leadenhall-street, E.C. [Ten Shillings. SECOND EDITION. TRICKS AND TRICKSTERS. Tales founded on fact from a Lawyer's Note-Book. By Joseph Forster, author of " Some French and Spanish Men of Genius," " Four great Teachers: Carlyle, Ruskin, Emerson, and Browning," " Duty Wins," &c. LONDON : The Lead- enhall Press, Ltd: 50, Leadenhall-street, E.C. [One Shilling. THROUGH ENGLAND ON A SIDE-SADDLE IN THE TIME OF WILLIAM & MARY; being the diary of Celia FlENNts. With an explanatory Introduction by The Hon. Mrs. Griffiths. 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