z 677 C2 1915 suppl. MAIN B 3 T3T G3n U C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES CDLSSDDblfl IILLIS, Librarian lRy laws CALIFORNIA /' Oi<- niE '^^ PPLEMENT I V E R S I T Y 1 IState Printing Office |iento, California 19 15 *•' * ' # (!;' WM *%""■#. #if^: *■' i.A-.M. «- •i«- #■ t .ii-' * ..$■■• ^' * ^ .^ *^ si, ...*.^...ife. % , CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY J. L. GILLIS, Librarian GIFT ^fil4 1S16 LIBRARY LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA SUPPLEMEN'!P I V E R S I T Y ^- OF ... / California State Printing Office Sacramento, California 19 15 V /^, yy-' .^\ t ^ NOTE. This Supplement contains the library laws enacted during the 1915 session of the legislature ; and brings the "Library Laws of the State of California," edition 1013. down to date. 393G87 CONTENTS. SCHOOL LIBRARIES. Page Pol. C. §§1714, 1715, 1741 5 COUNTY LAW LIBRARIES. Pol. C. 5 4190a (new) 10 Pol C. § 4221a (repealed) 10 SUTRO LIBRARY ACCEPTED 11 GENERAL APPROPRIATION ACT. State Library 12 SCHOOL LIBRARIES. POLITICAL CODE. 1714. The county superintendent of Library each county, or city and county, shall j[Jf annually apportion to each city, or city cities and county, not divided into school dis- ^j'jej tricts, as a library fund, such sum as into may be requested by the board of cduca- districts, tion of such city, or city and county, said request to be in writing and filed with the county superintendent of schools at least thirty days before the first day of the month in which the supervisors of the county, or city and county, are re- quired by law to levy the amount of taxes required for county, or city and county, purposes for each year, but in no case shall the sum so apportioned to any dis- trict exceed eighty cents for each pupil Maxi- , . , , nmm ap- of average daily attendance in the ele- portion- mentary schools of said district, as re- m™'- ported to the county, or city and county superintendent of schools, during the pre- ceding school year; it is provided, that in each city and county comprising a single district, the amount apportioned shall be not less than forty cents for each pupil "'"'" of average daily attendance in the ele- fa- city mentary schools ; said amount so appor- ""^7 tioned to be deducted from the county single school fund apportioned to each city, or district. — 6 — city and county, and credited to the library fund of each city, or city and Failure county ; and it is provided, farther, that to file i£ tije board of education of any city, or city and county, shall fail to file said re- quest in writing as hereinbefore provided, the county, or city and county superin- tendent shall apportion to the library fund of each city, or city and county, failing to make such request in writing, such amount, not in conflict with the provisions of this act. as he ma.v deem advisable. The total amount of each such apportionment shall constitute the library fund of each city, or city and county, not divided into school Snded districts, and shall be expended only in accordance with the provisions of section one thousand seven hundred twelve of this code. [Amendment, Statutes 1915, p. 344.] sthoof' 1"15. Libraries may be maintained libraries, under the control of the district board of trustees or city board of education, and in such case shall be open to the use of the teachers, pupils and all residents of the district. Wherever practicable, the library shall be kept open during vacation and May non-school days. Whenever the county in branch which a district is situated shall main- "f tain a county library, the board of school free trustees or city board of education may library, agree with the proper authorities of such county to make the school library a branch of such county library. In such event, such board of school trustees or city board of education shall turn over the books and other property of the dis- trict library to the county library, and shall annually transfer to such county library its library fund, as soon as it is available, to be kept and expended as other funds of such county library. The said county library shall thereupon make such district library a branch library, managed and maintained according to the rules and regulations established by the authorities of the county library. In any Arrange- city conducting a public library owned ^,jj|, and managed by such city, the board of city school trustees or city board of education ]^^^y_ of such city may enter into an arrange- ment with the governing body of the pub- lic library of said city similar to the arrangement herein authorized between such school trustees or board of educa- tion and such county library. [Amend- ment, Statutes 1915, p. 772.] 1741. Except as in this article, or in Powers article fifteen of this chapter, otherwise jly^jj provided, the powers and duties of high of school boards shall be such as are now or ,j'^J„j may hereafter he assigned by law to boards, hoards of education or boards of school trustees in school districts. The high Location school board shall, at any time after its school, organization, have power to make arrange- ments for the temporary' location of the high school, and if satisfactory quarters in a suitable location are offered or can be procured for a consideration, or at a rental which would make it advisable to accept the same, they shall have the power to secure or lease such quarters for a period not to exceed three years. At the expiration of such lease or other arrangement they shall have the same power to make another lease or other arrangement for the same or different quarters, for a period not exceeding three years. If rooms can be obtained in a public school building in the place where the high school is temporarily located, on reasonable terms, such rooms shall be Trans- given the preference. The high school Hon of board of any county, union or joint union DupUs. high school district may provide, in such manner as they deem best, for the trans- portation to and from the high school of such pupils thereof as such board find to be in need of such transportation ; and the cost of such transportation shall be deemed a part of the cost of maintaining the high school and paid accordingly ; provided, that all contracts or other pro- vision for such transportation shall before — 9 — die same become e£fective, be approved by the superintendent of schools who has jurisdiction over such hish school district. The high school board of any high school Contract district lying wholly or partly within a J.°J,|,f„ county maintaining a county free library free shall have power to enter into a coutract ^^^ or agreement with the board of super- visors of said county, whereby said high school district may secure the advantages of said county free library upon such terms and conditions as may be fixed in said contract or agreement. [Amend- ment, Statutes 1915, p. 769.] COUNTY LAW LIBRARIES. POLITICAL CODE. Law 4190s. The boards of supervisors of filnd'^ the several counties of this state are here- Iiy authorized at their discretion to set apart each month from the fees collected by the county clerks in addition to the fund now provided for by law. a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars in any one month, to be paid by the county clerk into the "law library fund" designated in section four thousand one hundred ninety of this code and when so paid into said fund the same shall constitute a part thereof and be used for the same purpose as said fund is now used. [New section, Statutes 1915, p. 216.] Repealed Section " four thousand two hundred tn'enty-oneo of the Political Code is hereby repealed. [Statutes 1915, p. 216.] SUTRO LIBRARY ACCEPTED. An act ralltlating the action of the trus- tees of the state lihrary in accepting as a gift from the heirs of the late Adolph Sutro of the city and county of San Francisco the lihrary commonly de- nominated the "Sutro Library," and in establishing a branch of the state li- brary in the city and county of San Francisco, to be Known as the "Sutro Library." [Statutes 1915, p. S22.] The people of the State of California do enact as follows: Section 1. The action of the trustees Sutro of the state library in accepting as a gift ^^^.^l^^ from the heirs of the late Adolph Sutro, on behalf of the State of California, the collection of rare books and manuscripts gathered by the said Adolph Sutro is hereby approved and validated. Sec. 2. The establishment by the trus- San tees of the state library of a branch of ^™"" the state library in the city and county branch of San Francisco, to be known as the ^ '.^''j usned. "Sutro Library," in which branch the said collection of rare books and manu- scripts shall, in accordance with the terms of the gift, be maintained is hereby ap- proved and validated. GENERAL APPROPRIA- TION ACT. An act making appropriations for the support of the government of tlie State of California for the sixty-seventh and sixty-eighth fiscal years. [Statutes 1915, p. 610.] Section 1. The following sums of money are hereby appropriated out of any money in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated for the support of the gov- ernment of the State of California for the sixty-seventh and sixty-eighth fiscal years ; provided, that in all cases in which statu- tory provision has already been made for salaries or for other regular annual ap- propriations, the amounts herein appro- priated shall be deemed to be the same amounts appropriated by such statutes, and not additional thereto. STATE LIBEART. For salary of state libi'arian, seven thousand two hundred dollars. For support and maintenance of state library, one hundred ninety thousand dol- lars.