■H< V >E, ( i t i > ' ,1 H ' * M i 3 ' 1 ' 1 ' ' ,1 ' M nil fi'-'i' .'■ !• '' Pleading for Pleasure and Profit A list of certain books which young people find entertaining; being chiefly books which older readers enjoyed when they were young Third and revised edition All that Mankind has done, thought, gained or been ; it is lying [in magic preservation in the pages of Books. They are the chosen sessions of men. Carl})le — Heroes and Hero Worship. Published by the Free Public Library For High School Students and other Readers Newark, N.J. 1913 -v vO / ^^.*^ Note of Explanation This list has grown out of actual experience in suggesting books to young people. It is not a list of the world's greatest books: rather, it is a list of the books which the young men and women in high schools, especially in the Barringer High School of Newark, N. J., have found attractive and have read with pleasure and profit. Certain instructors in this school compiled it several years ago. Before its first printing, in 1908, it was revised by its chief compiler. Miss Margaret Coult, in con- ference with Miss Sara C. Van de Carr and Miss Marjary L. Gilson of the Public Library. In 1911 and again in 1913 this Hst was revised and rearranged by Miss Coult. The division into eight parts has been made for convenience in suggesting books to pupils from fourteen to eighteen years of age in the several high school grades. All the books in the list are in the High School Library, which is a branch of the Public Library; they are also all in the Public Library, the more popular ones being duplicated many times. The titles most often called for are also in some of the branches. John Cotton Dana. Free Public Library, Newark, N. J. 1913. Selecting and Buying Books for Young People Many parents wish to furnish their boys and girls of high school age with serviceable reference books. It is quite necessary that they should do so, for the high school pupil cannot depend upon either the Public Library or the High School Library for the reference books he must use almost constantly in the preparation of lessons during the four years of his course. Books must be at hand when he wishes to turn to them for a definition, an explanation, or a bit of information. Teachers are frequently asked by parents to recommend books which will equip pupils for study at home. The works named below are suggested in response to these inquiries. Any of them may be bought at less than the advertised price from dealers in second-hand books. A Dictionary, giving definitions of words in all their different uses, with derivations. These are recommended: Webster s New International Dictionary. Published by Merriam, Spring- field, Mass. 1910. Price. $12.00. Webster's Collegiate Dictionary. Published by Merriam, Springfield, Mass. Price, $3.00. New Standard Dictionjiry. Pubhshed by Funk & Wagnalls, N. Y. 1913. $12.00. An Encyclopedia, well printed, well bound, and compiled by responsible editors. These are recommended: Appleton's New Practical Cyclopedia. Published by D. Appleton & Co., New York. 1910. 6 vols. $18.00. New Student's Reference Work. Published by Compton & Co., Chicago. 1909. 5 vols. $16.50. New International Encyclopedia. Published by Dodd, Mead & Co., New York. 1909. 20 vols. $85.00. Encyclopedia Americana. Published by Scientific American. New York. 1911. 22 vols. $160.00. The Encyclopedia Britannica, 9lh ed., 24 vols., although not reccHnmended for purchase, is valuable to the student because of its signed articles in Htera- lure, history, science, and other subjects, written by authors who are authorities in their special fields. Attention is called to this encyclopedia because it is to be found in many homes, and because it may be purchased at second-hand in several editions. It supplements other encyclopedias, but does not take their place. A new 11th edition has been published. A Classical Dictionary. Smith's Smaller Classical Dictionary. This is of use to the pupil during the whole of his school life in the preparation of lessons in English and Latin, and in Ancient History. Published by American Book Co., New York, $1.25. Mythology. Bulfinch's Age of Fable. This book is not so complete as Smith's Classical Dictionary, but is very entertaining and very useful. Published by McKay, Philadelphia. 1898. $1.25. and Crowell. New York. 1902. 35c. 284884 READING FOR PLEASURE AND PROFIT English Composition. Corson's Handbook of English Composition. Published by World Book Co., Yonkers. N. Y., 1910, 60 cents. This excellent little book contains in small space the important rules of grammar, punctuation, and rhetoric, and will be a great help to those who wish to correct their faults in speaking and writing. Besides the above books of reference, the following would be of special value to any high school pupil: English Literature. Pancoast's Introduction to English Literature, and Pancoast's Standard English Poems, both published by Holt, New York, 1894 and 1902, $135 and $1.50 respectively. These books are used in the senior year, and would be very helpful in connection with the English of the lower grades. Shakespeare. The Rolfe edition of Shakespeare, edited by W. J. Rolfe, pub- lished by American Book Co., New York. 40 vols. 1903-1907. Sold sep- arately at 56 cents each. No edition of Shakespeare has proved more satis- factory than this. It is a good plan for a high school pupil to collect a set of Rolfe's Shakespeare, beginning with the plays that are studied in school, and adding others from time to time. English Poetry. Ward's English Poets. Published by Macmill2in, New York. 4 vols. 1897. Sold separately at $1.00 each. Contains excellent selections from all of the prominent English poets, each collection being preceded by an essay upon the author, by such writers as Matthew Arnold, Mark Pattison, and Edmund Gosse. Palgrave's Golden Treasury of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems. Pub- lished by Macmillan, New York, 1898. Two independent series in two volumes. Several editions from 60 cents to $2.50 a volume, sold separately. This is an excellent collection of the lyrics in which English literature is so rich. Poetry. Many pupils are collecting, through birthday and Christmas gifts and in other ways, the works of the great poets. No edition of the poets is more satisfactory than the Cambridge Edition, Houghton, Mifflin & Co-, New York. Price, $2.00. This is not a cheap edition, but it is so well made that it is worth its price. The Household Edition, which is not quite so complete, costs $1.50. An excellent cheap edition, but well made, clearly printed, and tasteful, of many of the best books, called Everyman's Library, 700 vols., has been issued by Dent & Co., London, and E. P. Dutton & Co., New York. Price, 50 cents a volume, in substantial binding. Margaret Coult. Barringer High School, Newark, New Jersey. July, 1911. Prescribed Reading in the High School The lists that follow give the works in English Literature which are studied during the successive eight half years, or terms, at the Barringer High School of Newark. The arrangement is, of course, subject to change from time to time, but substantially it is as follows: First term. Greek myths. The stories of the Iliad and the Odyssey. Bryant's translation of the episode of Ulysses among the Phaeacians, from the Odyssey. Narration and simple description. Second term. Studies in narration, description and simple exposition. Hitch- cock's Enlarged Practice Book. One of the Idylls of the King. Irving's Sketch Book. Third term. Stories from early Roman history. Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and Henry V. Fourth term. Scott's Ivanhoe or Quentin Durward. Studies in mediaeval life and customs. George Eliot's Silas Marner. The novel of incident. The novel of character. Fifth term. More ccireful study of exposition. Essays of several kinds. Ma- caulay's Essay on Johnson. Addison's Sir Roger de Coverley Papers from the Spectator. Selections from Bacon's Essays. Selections from Liunb's Essays of Elia. DeQuincey's Flight of a Tartar Tribe. Ruskin's Sesame. Stevenscm's Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes. Sixth term. Milton's Lyrics. Burke's Speech on Conciliation with America- Elementary study of argtunent. Seventh term. Specimens of Einglish literature in sequence up to the eighteenth century. The story of Beowulf. Chaucer's Prologue to the Canterbury Tides. Pancoast's Standard English Poems, Pancoast's Introduction to the study of English Literature used in connection with the Poems. Shakespeare's Macbeth. Paradise Lost, Parts I and II. Eighth term. Specimens of English literature in sequence from the beginning of the Eighteenth Century to the present. Pancoast's Standard English Poems. Pancoast's Introduction to the Study of English Literature. Text Books of rhetoric used: Hitchcock's Enlarged Practice Book. Published by Holt & Co., New York. Price, $1.00. 1909. Webster's English Composition and Literature. Published by Houghton, Boston. Price, 90 cents. 1900. Lamont's Elementary English Composition. Scribner, New York. Price, $1.00. 1906. It is obvious that interested pupils may do much by their summer reading pleasantly and easily to prepare themselves for their next term's work in English. Reading for Pleasure and Profit "Then fell I like some watcher of the skies When a new planet swims into his ken." Keats — Sonnet:, "On First Looking into Chapman's Homer." Part One Fiction Greek and Roman Life The Last Days of Pompeii. Bulwer-Lytton, Baron Lylton, English, 1803-1873. Ben Hur. Lew Wallace. American, 1828-1905. Three Greek Children. Alfred J. Church, English, 1829- Sea Adventure Kidnapped. Robert Louis Stevenson, Scotch, 1850-1894. Captains Courageous. Rudyard Kipling, English, 1865- Pioneer Life The Last of the Mohicans. James Fenimore Cooper, American, 1789-1851. The Deerslayer. Jcunes Fenimore Cooper, American, 1789-1851. New England Life The House of Seven Gables. Nathaniel Hawthorne, American, 1804-1864. Twice-told Tales. Nathaniel Hawthorne, American, 1804-1864. Legends of the Province House. The Gray Champion. The Maypole of Merry Mount. Bright Young People Off the Skelligs. English. Jean Ingelow, English, 1830-1897. A Jolly Fellowship. American. Frank R. Stockton, American, 1834-1902. Mother Carey's Chickens. Kale Douglas Wiggin, American, 1859- Girl Life » An Old-Fashioned Girl. Louisa M. Alcott, American, 1832-1888- Little Women. Louisa M. Alcott, American, 1832-1888. The Biography of a Prairie Girl. Eleanor Gates, American, 1875- The Doctor's Daughter. Rebecca Sophia Clarke (Sophia May), American, 1833-1906. A Summer in Leslie Goldthwaite's Life. Adeline D. T. Whitney, American, 1824-1906. Real Folks. Adeline D. T. Whitney, American, 1824-1906. Square Pegs. Adeline D. T. Whitney, American, 1824-1906. Betty Leicester. Sarah Ome Jewett, American, 1849-1909. The Secret Garden. Frances Hodgson Burnett, English, 1849- Young Lucretia, and other Stories. Mary Wilkins Freeman, 1862- PART ONE: FICTION Boy Life Tom Brown's School Days at Rugby. English schools. Thomas Hughes, English. 1823-1896. Against Heavy Odds. Norway. Hjalmar H. Boyesen, Norwegian, 1848-1895. Modem Vikings. Norway. Hjalmar H. Boyesen, Norwegian, 1848-1895. Boyhood in Norway. Norway. Hjalmar H. Boyesen, Norwegian, 1848-1895. Two Little Savages. Out of door life. Ernest Seton-Thompson, American, 1860- Being a Boy. New England. Charles Dudley Warner, American, 1829-1900. Boys of Other Countries. Bayard Taylor, American, 1825-1878. Indian Boyhood. By an Indian. Charles A. Eastman, American, 1858- Phaeton Rogers. Rossiler Johnson, American, 1840- Dab Kinzer; the Story of a Growing Boy. WiUiam Osbom Stoddard, Ameri- can, 1835- Indieui Life Ramona. Helen Hunt Jackson, American, 1831-1885. The Talking Leaves. William Osbom Stoddard, American, 1835- History in Story A Tale of Two Cities. The French Revolution. Charles Dickens, English, 1812-1870. The Peasant and the Prince. The French Revolution. Harriet Martineau, English, 1802-1876. Two Little Confederates. Civil War. Thomas Nelson Page, American, 1853- Martin Hyde, the Duke's Messenger. Monmouth's Rebellion. John Masefield, English. Soldier Rigdale. How he sailed in the Mayflower and how he served Miles Standish. Beuleih Marie Dix, American, 1876- Merry Lips. Roundhead and Cavalier. Beulah Marie Dix, American, 1876- The Son of Columbus. Molly Elliot Seawell, Americcin, 1860- The Prince and the Pauper. England, Henry VIII. Mark Twain (Samuel L. Clemens), American, 1835-1910. The Dove in the Eagle's Nest. Germany, 15th Century. Charlotte Mary Yonge, EngHsh, 1823-1901. Master Skylark. About Shakespeare. John Bennett, American, 1865- Rab and His Friends. Scotch types. Dr. John Brown, Scotch, 1850-1894. Fanchon, the Cricket. French peasemts. George Sand (Dudevant), French, 1804-1876. Also has title Fadette. Daddy Darwin's Dovecot. English. Juliana H. Ewing, English, 1841-1885. READING FOR PLEASURE AND PROFIT Part One: Non-Fiction Greek Myths The Age of Fable. Thomas Bulfinch, American, 1796-1867. Classic Myths in English Literature. Edited by Charles M. Gayley, American, 1858- Story of the Golden Age. James Baldwin, American, 1841- Story of the Iliad. Alfred J. Church, English. 1829- Story of the Odyssey. Alfred J. Church, English, 1829- Myths of Chivalry Heroes of Chivalry and Romance. Alfred J. Church, English, 1829- Story of King Arthur and His Knights. Howard Pyle, American, 1853- Northern Myths Story of Siegfried. James Baldwin, American, 1841- Myths of Northern Lfinds. Helene A. Guerber, American, The Story of the Rhinegold. Anna Alice Chapin, American, 1880- About the Greeks Life in Ancient Athens. Thomas G. Tucker, English, 1859- Boys' and Girls' Herodotus. Edited by John S. White, American, 1847- Boys' and Girls* Pliny. Edited by John S. White, American, 1847- Alexander the Great. B. I. Wheeler, American, 1854- Hislory of Alexander the Great. Jacob Abbott, American, 1803-1879. Great Men of Old Young Folks' Plutarch. Edited by Rosalie Kaufmann. Boys' Heroes. Edward Everett Hale, American, 1822-1909. Strange Countries Around the World in the Yacht Sunbeam. Lady Brassey, English, 1839-1887. Two Years Before the Mast. Richard H. Dana, Jr., American, 1815-1882. What Mr. Darwin Saw in His Voyage Round the World in the Ship Beagle. Charles Robert Darwin, English, 1809-1882. People Worth Knowing Life and Letters of Louisa Alcott. Edited by Ednah D. L. Cheney, American, 1824-1904. The Alcotts as I Knew Them. Clara Gowing. Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. American, 1706-1790. Study of Hawthorne. George P. Lathrop, American, 1851-1898. Leaders of Men, or History Told in Biography. Young Folks* Library, v. 19. A Boy's Town. Autobiographical. William Dean Howells, American, 1837- PART TWO: FICTION People Worth Knowing — Continued The Boy's Life of Abraham Lincoln. Helen Nicolay, American, 1866- Any of the Young Folks* Library. A Book of Golden Deeds. Charlotte Mary Yonge, English. 1823-190L Children's Letters- Collected by Elizabeth Colson and Anna Gansevoort Chittenden. Part One: Poetry Poems about the Greeks On First Looking into Chapman's Homer, a sonnet. John Keats, English, 1795-1821. A Musical Instrument. The God Pan. Elizabeth Barrett Browning, English, 1806-1861. Hector and Andromache. Paraphrase of Homer. Elizabeth Barrett Browning, English, 1806-1861. Hector in the Garden. Elizabeth Barrett Browning, English, 1806-1861. The Dead Pan. Elizabeth Barrett Browning, English, 1806-1861. Demeter and Persephone. Jean Ingelow, English, 1830-1897. Translation of Homeric Hymn. The Myth of Demeter and Persephone. Walter Horatio Pater, English, 1838-1894. Oenone. Alfred Tennyson, English, 1809-1892. Andromeda. Charles Kingsley, English, 1819-1875. Iphigenia and Agamemnon. Walter S. Landor, English, 1775-1864. The Sons of Cydippe. Edmund William Gosse, English, 1849- A Midsummer-Night's Dream. Rolfe Edition. Fairy Story. William Shakespeare, English. 1564-1616. King Robert of Sicily. Mediaeval Story. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Amer- ican. 1807-1882. Enoch Arden. Sea Story. Alfred Tennyson, English, 1809-1892. Part Two "The choice of books, like that of friends, is a serious duly. We are as responsible for what we read as for what we do." — Sir John Lubbock. Fiction Adventure Treasure Island. On the Sea. Robert Louis Stevenson, Scotch, 1850-1894. Rob Roy. In the Highlands. Sir Walter Scott, English, 1771-1832. The Spy. Pioneer life. James Fenimore Cooper, American, 1789-1851. 10 READING FOR PLEASURE AND PROFIT Fun Rudder Grange. Frank R. Stockton, American, 1834-1902. The Rose and the Ring. William Makepeace Thackeray, English, 1811-1863. New England Life The County Road. Alice Brown, American, 1857- Short Stories. Mary E. Wilkins, American, 1862- Oldtown Fireside Stories. Harriet Beecher Stowe, American, 1812-1896. Out-of-Door Life The Call of the Wild. Jack London, American, 1876- The Blazed Trail. Stewart Edward White, American, 1873- Nicholas Nickleby. English schools. Charles Dickens, English, 1812-1870. David Copperfield. Autobiographical. Charles Dickens, English, 1812-1870. Tom Brown at Oxford. English college life. Thomas Hughes, English, 1823-1896. Jungle Book. India. Rudyard Kipling, English, 1865- Second Jungle Book. India. Rudyard Kipling, English, 1865- The Day's Work. India and Elsewhere. Rudyard Kipling, English, 1865- Undine. Famous fairy story. Friedrich LaMotte-Fouque, German, 1777-1843. A Dog of Flanders. Story. Ouida (Louise de La Rame), English, 1840-1898. Childhood. Little Cl2issics. Children, real and imaginary. Edited by Edwin Rossiter Johnson, American, 1840- Laughter. Little Classics. Good stories. Edited by Edwin Rossiter Johnson, American, 1840- Whilomville Stories. Very natural. Stephen Crane, American, 1870-1900. The Adventures of Captain Horn. Frank R. Stockton, 1834-1902. Part Two: Non-Fiction Animal Life Forest Neighbors. William Hulbert, American, 1868- Wild Life of Orchard and Field. Ernest Ingersoll, American, 1852- Ways of Wood Folk. William J. Long, American, 1867- Wild Neighbors. Ernest Ingersoll, American, 1852- Wilderness Ways. William J- Long, American, 1867- Wild Animals I Have Known. Ernest Seton-Thompson, American, 1860- Lives of the Hunted. Ernest Seton-Thompson, American, 1860- Squirrels and Other Fur-Bearers. John Burroughs, American, 1837- The Kindred of the Wild. Charles G. D. Roberts, American, 1860- Out-of-Doors Maine Woods. Henry David Thoreau, American, 1817-1862. Walden. Henry David Thoreau, American, 1817-1862. PART TWO: POETRY II Out-of-Doors — Continued The Forest. Stewart Edward White, American, 1873- The Mountains. Stewart Edward White, American, 1873- In the Wilderness. Charles Dudley Warner, American, 1829-1900. Interesting Histories, Easy to Read History of King Alfred of England. Jacob Abbott, American, 1803-1879. History of Queen Elizabeth. Jacob Abbott, American, 1803-1879. History of Julius Caesar. Jacob Abbott, American, 1803-1879. The Arthur Story King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table; a modernized version of the Morte D'Arthur. Edited by Charles Morris. The Boy's King Arthur. Sir Thomas Malory, English, 1430-1496. King Arthur Stories. Sir Thomas Malory, English, 1430-1496. Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World; from Marathon to Waterloo. Sir Edward S. Creasy, English, 1812-1878. Boots and Saddles. Army life in the West. Ehzabeth B. Custer, American, 1844- Bits of Travel at Home. U. S. Good description. Helen Hunt Jackson, Ameri- can, 1831-1885. Hero Tales of the Far North. Jacob A. Riis, Dane, 1849- Age of Chivalry. Thomas Bulfinch, American, 1796-1867. A Child's Journey with Dickens. A good model for a narrative of personal expe- rience. Kate Douglas Wiggin, American, 1859- Dr. Grenfell's Parish. The story of a present-day hero. Norman Duncan, Cana- dian, 1871- The Junior Republic. A fortimate experiment. William R. George, American, 1866- Star-land. "The heavens, the work of Thy fingers." Sir Robert Stawell Ball, Irish, 1840- Letters of Sarah Ome Jewett, American, 1849-1909. An interesting woman. Part Two: Poetry Story Ballads Ticonderoga. Scotch- American. Robert Louis Stevenson, Scotch, 1850-1894- The White Ship. Henry I of England. Dante Gabriel Rossetti, EngHsh, 1828-1882. The King's Tragedy. James I of Scots. Dante Gabriel Rossetti, English, 1828-1882. Story Poems The Falcon of Sir Federigo. Chivalry. Henry Wadsworlh Longfellow, American, 1807-1882. 12 READING FOR PLEASURE AND PROFIT Story Poems — Continued The Pied Piper of Hamelin. German legend. Robert Browning, English, I8I2-I889. Lyra Heroica. A collection of stirring poems. William Ernest Henley, English, 1849-1903. War Poems How They Brought the Good News from Ghent to Aix. Brave Holland. Robert Browning, English, 1812-1889. Incident of the French Camp. Napoleon. Robert Browning, English, 1812- 1889. Chronicle of the Drum. French and English wars, with a moral. William Makepeace Thackeray, English, 1811-1863. Sohrab and Rustum. Hero story. Matthew Arnold, English, 1822-1888. Henry VIII. Rolfe Edition. William Shakespeare, English, 1564-1616. Part Three "Go with mean people, and you think that life is mean. Then read Plutarch, and the world is a proud place." — Emerson. Fiction About Rome A Friend of Caesar. In Caesar's time. William S. Davis, American, 1877- Darkness and Dawn. In Nero's time. Frederick WiUiam Farrar, English, 1831-1903. Rienzi, the Last of the Tribunes. In the Fourteenth Century. Bulwer-Lytton, baron Lytton, English, 1803-1873. Hypatia. Paganism zuid Christianity. Charles Kingsley, English, 1819-1875. The Caged Lion. Henry V of England. James I of Scots. Charlotte M. Yonge, English, 1823-1901. Unknown to History. Mary of Scots. Charlotte M. Yonge, English, 1823-1901. Kenilworth. Elizabeth's time. Sir Walter Scott, English, 1771-1832. Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc. French wars. Mark Twain (Samuel L. Clemens), American, 1835-1910- Ninety-three. French Revolution. Victor Hugo, French, 1802-1885. Judith Shakespeare. Stratford and Shakespeare. William Black, Scotch, 1841-1698. Scotch Adventure Guy Mannering. Sir Walter Scott, English, 1771-1832. David Balfour. Robert Louis Stevenson, Scotch, 1850-1894. PART THREE: NON-FICTION; POETRY 13 Two Well-Told Stories of Children Jackanapes. Juliana H. Ewing, English, 1841-1882. Story of a Short Life. JuHana H. Ewing, English, 1841-1882. Our Mutual Friend. London life. Charles Dickens, English, 1812-1870. One Summer. Blanche Willis Howard, American, 1847-1898. Part Three: Non-Fiction Roman Life Roman Life in the Days of Cicero. Alfred J. Church, English, 1829- Roman Life in Pliny's Time. Translated by Maurice Pellison. The Private Life of the Romans. Harriet W. Preston and Louise Dodge. Stories in Stone from the Roman Forum. Isabel Lovell. Great Romans Seven Roman Statesmen. Charles W. C. Oman, English, 1860- Plutarch's Caesar, Brutus, Antony. Taken from Sir Thomas North's Transla- tion, English, 1535-1601. Cicero and His Friends. M. L. G. Boissier, French, 1823- Boys* and Girls' Plutarch- John S. White, American, 1847-1903. Bits of Travel Abroad. Easy essays. Helen Hunt Jackson, American, 1831-1885. History of Hcmnibal the Carthaginiem. Punic wars. Jacob Abbott, American, 1803-1879. Conquest of Mexico. Romantic History. William H. Prescott, American, 1796-1859. Shakespeare the Boy. William Rolfe, English, 1827. The Chemical History of a Candle. Good science. Michael Faraday, English, 1791-1867. Part Three: Poetry Coriolanus. Rolfe Edition. Early Rome- William Shakespeare, English, 1564-1616. Merchant of Venice. Rolfe Edition. William Shakespeare, English, 1564-1616. Lays of Ancient Rome. Thomas Babington Macaulay, English, 1800-1859. Horatius. Battle of Lake Regillus. Virginia. War Poems Agincourt. Henry V. Michael Drayton, English, 1563-1631. Ivry. Henry of Navarre. Thomas Babington Macaulay, English, 1800-1859. Naseby, Cromwell. Thomas Babington Macaulay, English, 1800-1859. Song of the Camp. Crimea. Bayard Taylor, American, 1825-1878- Story Poems Torquemada. Inquisition. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, American, 1807-1882. The Legend Beautiful. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, American, 1807-1882. Friar Jerome's Beautiful Book. Thomas Bailey Aldrich, American, 1836-1907. 14 READING FOR PLEASURE AND PROFIT Part Four "Reading furnishes the mind only with the materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours." — Locke. Fiction Novels of Action The Talisman. The Crusades. Sir Walter Scott, English, 1771-1832. Quenhn Durward. Louis XI of France. Sir Walter Scott, English, 1771-1832. The House of the Wolf. Massacre of St. Bartholomew. Stanley J. Weyman, English, 1855- A Gentleman of France. Henry of Navarre. Stanley J. Weyman, English, 1855- Passe Rose. Charlemagne. Arthur S. Hardy, American, 1847- Men of Iron. Chivalry. Howard Pyle, American, 1853- Chivalric Days. Elbridge Brooks, American, 1846-1902. Westward Ho! The Armada. Charles Kingsley, English, 1819-1875. The Black Arrow. Wars of the Roses. Robert Louis Stevenson, Scotch, 1850-1894. Novels of Character Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. With a moral. Robert Louis Stevenson, Scotch, 1850-1894. The Master of Ballantrae. Scotch types. Robert Louis Stevenson, Scotch, 1850-1894. The Mill on the Floss. Out of personal experience. George Eliot (Cross), English, 1819-1880. Scenes of Clerical Life. Out of personal experience. George Eliot (Cross), English, 1819-1880. Pride and Prejudice. Out of personal experience. Jane Austen, Enghsh, 1775-1817. Old Kensington. Out of personal experience. Anne (T.) Ritchie, English, 1838- Neighbors on the Green. Out of personal experience. Margaret Oliphant, Scotch, 1818-1897. Cranford. Quaint English village types. Elizabeth Gaskell, English, 1810-1865. Shirley. Strongly individual people. Charlotte Bronte (Nicholls), Enghsh, 1816-1855. Village Life Deephaven. New England life. Sarah Orne Jewett, American, 1849-1909. The Country Doctor. New England life. Sarah Orne Jewett, American, 1849-1909. PART FOUR: NON-FICTION; POETRY 15 Village Life — Continued Irish Idylls. Irish Types. Jane Barlow, Irish, 1860- Old Chester Tales. Stories of village life. Margaret Deland, American, 1857- Old Creole Days. Stories of New Orleans. George W. Cable, American, 1844- Innocents Abroad. Fun. Mark Twain (Samuel L. Clemens), American, 1835-1910. The Gold Bug. Mystery story. Edgar Allen Poe, American, 1809-1849. Dr. Sevier. Civil War. George W. Cable, American, 1844. Marjorie Daw. A clever idea. Thomas Bailey Aldrich, American, 1836-1907. Helen's Babies. Fun. John Habberton, American, 1842- Part Four: Non-Fiction In the Days of Scott. Tudor Jenks, American, 1857- In the Days of Chaucer. Tudor Jenks, American, 1857- Story of Roland. Chivalry. James Baldwin, American, 1841- People Worth Knowing Life of Sir Walter Scott, abridged. John G. Lockhart, Scotch, 1794-1854. Life of Sir Walter Scott. Richard H. Hutton, English, 1826-1897. Journal of Sir Walter Scott, English, 1771-1832. Autobiography and Letters of Margaret Oliphant, Scotch, 1818-1897. Letters of Celia Thaxter, Americcin, 1835-1894. My Mark Twain. William Dean Howells, American, 1837- To Girls. Good sense. Heloise E. Hersey, American, 1855- The Oregon Trail. Western adventure. Francis Parkman, American, 1844-1893. The Forms of Water. Good science- John Tyndall, Irish, 1820-1893. Self Cultivation in English. George Herbert Palmer, American, 1842- Part Four: Poetry Richard III. Rolfe Edition. William Shakespeare, English, 1564-1616. King John. Rolfe Edition. William Shakespeare, English, 1564-1616. The Lady of the Lake. Highlanders and Lowlanders. Sir Walter Scott, English, 1771-1832. The Lay of the Last Minstrel. Melrose and Border warfare. Sir Walter Scott, English, 1771-1832. Marmion. Flodden Field. Sir Walter Scott, English, 1771-1832. The Arthur Story Enid and Geraint. Alfred Tennyson, English, 1809-1892. Elaine. Alfred Tennyson, English, 1809-1892. The Lady of Shalott. Alfred Tennyson, EngHsh, 1809-1892. 16 READING FOR PLEASURE AND PROFIT Robin Hood The Robin Hood Ballads. Edited by Joseph Rilson, English, 1752-1803. Sherwood. Alfred Noyes, English, 1880- Chivalry and Heroism An Old Castle. Thomas Bailey Aldrich, American, 1836-1907. The Rhyme of the Duchess May. Elizabeth Barrett Browning, English, 1806-1861. The Revenge— A Ballad of the Fleet. Alfred Tennyson, English, 1809-1892. Part Five "Will you go and gossip with your housemaid or your stable boy, when you may talk with Kings and Queens?" — Ruskin. Fiction Henry Esmond. Age of Anne. William Makepeace Thackeray, English, 1811-1863. Virginians. Continuation of Esmond. William Makepeace Thackeray, English, 1811-1863. Daniel Deronda. The Jew in England. George Eliot (Cross), English, 1819-1880. The Cloister and the Hearth. The Renaissance. Charles Reade, English, 1814-1884. Put Yourself in His Place. Labor agitation. Charles Reade, English, 1814-1884. Greifenslein. German honor. Francis Marion Crawford, American, 1854-1909. A Roman Singer. Francis Marion Crawford, American, 1854-1909. Scotch Village Life The Little Minister. James M. Barrie, Scotch, 1860- Sentimental Tommy. James M. Barrie, Scotch, 1860- A Window in Thrums. James M. Barrie, Scotch, 1860- The Small House at Allinglon. English life. Anthony Trollope, English, 1815- 1882. The Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountains. Tennessee Mountaineers. Mary N. Murfree (Craddock), American, 1850- John Bodewin's Testimony. Western life. Mary Hallock Foote, American, 1847- The Merry Men. Excellent stories. Robert Louis Stevenson, Scotch, 1850-1894. Part Five: Non-Fiction People You Should Know The English Humourists of the Eighteenth Century. William Makepeace Thackeray, English, 1811-1863. Boswell's Life of Samuel Johnson. Abridged. English, 1709-1784. Samuel Johnson. Essay. Thomas Carlyle, English, 1795-1881. PART FIVE: NON-FICTION: POETRY 17 People You Should Know — Continued Life of Goldsmith. Washington Irving, American, 1783-1859. Journal of Madame D'Arblay (Frances Bumey), English, 1752-1840. Madame D'Arblay. Essay. Thomas Babington Macaulay, English, 1800-1859. Poets of America. Edmund Clarence Stedman, American, 1833-1908- Yesterdays with Authors. James Thomas Fields, American, 1817-1881. The Four Georges. Entertaining history. William Makepeace Thackeray, English, 1811-1863. Varied Types. Clever short essays. G. K. Chesterton, English, 1874- . How to Enjoy Pictures. Clear and helpful. Mabel S. Emery, American. Part Five: Poetry Three Great Comedies Twelfth Night. Rolfe Edition. William Shakespeare, English, 1564-1616. As You Life It. Rolfe Edition. Wilham Shakespeare, English, 1564-1616. Much Ado About Nothing. Rolfe Edition. William Shakespeare, English, 1564-1616. Two Arthur Poems The Coming of Arthur. Alfred Tennyson, English, 1809-1892. The Passing of Arthur. Alfred Tennyson, English, 1809-1892. Lyrics in Varied Moods Drifting. Thomas B. Read, American, 1822-1872. The Feet of the Young Men. Rudyard IGpling, English, 1865- To Night. Percy Bysshe Shelley, English, 1792-1822. Night. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, American, 1807-1882. Hark! Hark! the Lark. William Shakespeare, English, 1564-1616. To a Waterfowl. William Cullen Bryant, American, 1794-1878. The Red River Voyageur. John G. Whittier, American, 1807-1892. The Daffodils. William Wordsworth, English, 1770-1850. Break, Break, Break. Alfred Tennyson, English. 1809-1892. Crossing the Bar. Alfred Tennyson, English, 1809-1892. The Rape of the Lock. Eighteenth century life and manners. Alexander Pope, English, 1728-1774. The Prisoner of Chillon. Liberty. Lord Byron, English, 1788-1824. The Poetry of the Bible. Psalms. The first two lines are here quoted. Text of The Modern Reader's Bible. 19. "The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shewelh His handiwork." 18 READING FOR PLEASURE AND PROFIT The Poetry of the Bible. Psalms. — Continued. 23. "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want." 24. "The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof; The world, and they that dwell therein." 27. "The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear?" 29. "Give unto the Lord, O ye sons of the mighty, Give unto the Lord glory and strength." 42. "As the heart panfelh after the water brooks. So panteth my soul after Thee, O God." 46. "God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble." 5 1 . "Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy loving kindness : According to the multitude of Thy tender mercies blot out mjr transgressions." 65. "Praise waiteth for Thee, O God, in Zion: And unto Thee shall the vow be performed." 80. "Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, Thou that leadest Joseph like a flock;" 84. "How lovely are Thy tabernacles, O Lord of hosts! My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth for the courts of the Lord." Part Six "A good book is the precious life-blood of a master-spirit, embalmed and treasured up on purpose to a life beyond life." — Milton. — "Areopagitica." Fiction The Marble Faun. Rome. Nathaniel Hawthorne, American, 1804-1864. Romola. Florence and Savonarola. George Eliot (Cross), English, 1819-1880. Les Miserables. Paris. Victor Hugo, French, 1 802- 1 885. Uarda. Ancient Egypt. George Ebers, German, 1837-1898.' An Egyptian Princess. Ancient Egypt. George Ebers, German, 1837-1898. The Abbot. Mary of Scots. Sir Walter Scott, EngUsh, 1771-1832. The Maiden and Married Life of Mary Powell and Deborah's Diary. Milton. Anne Manning (Ralhbone), English. 1807-1879. The Household of Sir Thomas More. Anne Manning (Rathbone), English, 1807-1879. The Rise of Silas Lapham. Typical of life to-day. William Dean Howells, Amer- ican, 1837- PART SIX: FICTION; NON-FICTION 19 The Golden Age. Child life. Kenneth Grahame, English, 1859- The Forest Schoolmaster. The message of a life. Petri Rosegger, German, 1843- The Little Schoolmaster Mark. The message of a life. Joseph H. Shorthouse, English. 1834-1903. Cuore. School-life in Italy. Edmondo D'Amicis, Italian, 1846- Kim. The English in India. Rudyard Kipling, English, 1865- Part Six: Non-Fiction Margaret Ogilvy. Barrie's mother. James M. Barrie, Scotch, 1860- Elizabeth and Her German Garden. Clever comment on people and things. Countess von Arnim. My Summer in a Garden. Fun. Charles Dudley Warner, American, 1829-1900. Under the Trees. Pleasant essays. Hamilton W. Mabie, American, 1846- Little Rivers. Fishing, Henry VanDyke, American, 1852- People We Should Know Men I Have Known. Frederic William Farrar, English, 1831-1903. Milton. Essay. Thomas Babington Macaulay, English, 1800-1859. Chatham. Essay. Thoracis Babington Macaulay, English, 1800-1859. Clive. Essay. Thomas Babington Macaulay, English, 1800-1859. Warren Hastings. Essay. Thomas Babington Macaulay, English, 1800-1859. John Milton. In Essays Historical and Literary. John Fiske, American, 1842- 1901. The Life of Nelson. Robert Soulhey, English, 1774-1843. Victorian Poets. Edmund Clarence Stedman, American, 1833-1908. Dorothy Wordsworth. The story of a devoted sister. Edmund Lee. Historical Background of Burke's Speech The Deeper Significance of the Boston Tea Party. In Essays Historical and Literary. John Fiske, American, 1842-1901. Thomas Hutchinson, Last Royal Governor of Massachusetts. In Essays His- torical cind Literary. John Fiske, American, 1842-1901. The American Revolution. V. 1, pages 1-115. John Fiske, American, 1842- 1901. Two Excellent Scientific Books The Chemistry of Commerce. Showing "what a touchstone chemistry is to efficiency in manufacture." (Omit Chapters II, V, X, if desired.) Robert Kennedy Duncan, Canadian, 1868- Some Chemical Problems of To-day. Just as interesting. (Omit Chapters IV, IX, if desired.) Robert Kennedy Duncan. 20 READING FOR PLEASURE AND PROFIT Advice to Boys The Young Man and the World. Albert J. Beveridge, American, 1862- Which College for the Boy. John Corbin, American, 1870- From School Through College. Henry Parks Wright, American, 1839- The History of Oratory. Lorenzo Sears, American, 1838- Bunker Hill Oration. Daniel Webster, American, 1782-1852. Reply to Hayne. Daniel Webster, American, 1782-1852. Farewell Address. George Washington, American, 1732-1799. Florence. Background of Romola. Grant Allen, American, 1848-1900. Rome. Background of Marble Faun. Walter Taylor Field, American, 1861- Ave Roma Immortalis. Background of Marble Faun. Francis Marion Crawford, American, 1854-1909. Gondola Days. Venice. Good description. F. Hopkinson Smith, American, 1838- The Short Story. A real help to the amateur story-writer. Joseph Berg Esenwein, American, 1867- Confessions of an Opium Eater. Thomas DeQuincey, English, 1785-1859. The Promised Land. America seen with new eyes. Mary Antin, Russian, 1883- Part Six: Poetry The Tempest. Rolfe Edition. William Shakespeare, English, 1564-1616. Romeo and Juliet. Rolfe Eldition. William Shakespeare, English, 1564-1616. Holy Grail Poems The Holy Grail. Alfred Tennyson, English, 1809-1892. Sir Galahad. Alfred Tennyson, English, 1809-1892. The Visi