THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ( GIFT OF WILLIAM A. NITZE THE QUARTER-CENTENNIAL PUBLICATIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PUBLICATIONS OF THE MEMBERS OF THE UNIVERSITY 1902-1916 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS CHICAGO. ILLINOIS THE BAKER & TAYLOR COMPANY NEW YORK THE J. K. GILL COMPANY PORTLAND THE CUNNINGHAM, CURTISS & WELCH COMPANY LOB ANOELES THE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON AND EDINBURGH THE MARUZEN-KABUSHIKI-KAISHA TOKYO, OSAKA, KYOTO, FUKDOKA, SENDAl THE MISSION BOOK COMPANY BHANGHAI Xlbe XIlnit>er9tt\7 ot Cbtcaoo PUBLICATIONS of the MEMBERS of the UNIVERSITY 1902-1916 Compiled on the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Foundation of the University by a Committee of THE Faculty Julius Stieglitz, Chairman Charles R. Baskervill Charles H. Junn Robert R. Bensley Rollin T. Chamberlin James A. Field Ernst Freund Edgar J. Goodspeed Edwin O. Jordan Gordon J. Laing, Secretary and Editor Frank R. Lillie Andrew C. McLaughlin Robert A. Millikan Addison W. Moore Eliakim H. Moore Forest Ray Moulton William A. Nitze Paul Shorey Albion W. Small Frank B. Tarbell Francis A. Wood / .'"^ i'' «'"■ .''T ''.*"! U- fe 1 '•^s,^ . THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Copyright 1917 By The University of Chicago All Rights Reserved Published November 1917 CompoMd anri I'rlntcd Ry The Universlly of Chlcairo Press Cblcago, Uliooi*, U.S.A. PREFACE This volume is a continuation of the decennial bibliography' of the University of Chicago, and contains the published work of members of the institution from July i, 1902, to June 30, 1916. Each person's list is confined to the period of his connection with the University. So far as membership in the Faculty is concerned, this period is indicated by the dates in brackets after the name; and the appearance, in any- one's list, of publications of earlier date implies connection with the Uni- versity in some other capacity than that of member of the Faculty. For example, many instructors are graduates of the University and published books or articles while they were students. Such work is included. On the other hand, some publications are listed which bear a date later than the author's connection with the University. In these cases the work was done during his term of residence, though not pub- lished till later. This is very common among the Doctors of Philosophy, who under the University regulations are not required to print their theses till two years after graduation. Books and articles which were in the hands of publishers on June 30, 1916, were accepted by the Com- mittee, and, as many of these have been published while this volume was going through the press, the date 1917 not infrequently appears. The publications of members of institutions affiliated with the University of Chicago are not included, except where, as in the Otho S. A. Sprague Memorial Institute, the work has been done in the laboratories or libraries of the University. Where persons hold concurrent appoint- ments in the University and some other institution, only those writings are listed which may reasonably be credited to the former. After each individual's name is given his position in the University, followed, in the case of those who have resigned, by the title of the position now held. The academic record inserted does not aim to give a comj)lcle statement of all stages of advancement or honors, but in- cludes only the most notable. A conspectus of editorial activities and of affiliations with commissions, surveys, etc., precedes the biblio- graphical list proper. The latter includes books, articles, and reviews, ' Publications of the Members of the University of Chicago. "The Decennial Publi- cations," First Series, Vol. II. Chicago: University Press, 1904. r>1.36.^ viii PREFACE the titles being arranged chronologically within their respective groups. Of the reviews only the more important have been cited with full biblio- graphical detail. Where an instructor is a member of more than one department or has been transferred from one department to another, his list is given under the department with which he is more closely identified or to which he now belongs. No one's list is divided, even articles on general educational questions or on other subjects not immediately connected with the author's specialty being included with his departmental writings. The names of Doctors of Philosophy or of graduate students given among the members of the Faculty are not repeated in the doctoral or student lists. The Committee wishes to express its appreciation of the assistance rendered by the members of the Faculty who acted as advisers for their departments and whose co-operation has greatly facilitated the compila- tion of the volume. TABLE OF CONTENTS The Departments pace Philosophy 3 Psychology 1 1 Education 22 Pohtical Economy 35 Political Science 5^ Histor>' 54 History of Art 66 Sociology and Anthropology 68 Household Administration 83 Comparative Religion 86 Oriental Languages and Literatures 89 New Testament and Early Christian Literature 105 Comparative Philology, General Linguistics, and Indo-Iranian Philology 118 Greek. Language and Literature 121 Latin Language and Literature 131 Romance Languages and Literatures 143 Germanic Languages and Literatures 152 English Language and Literature 166 General Literature 182 Mathematics 183 Astronomy and Astrophysics 213 Physics 251 Chemistry 267 Geology and Paleontology 291 Geography 313 Zoology 3-1 Anatomy 34^ Physiology 358 Botany 393 Patholog\' 421 Hygiene and Bacteriology 436 Public Speaking 446 Physical Culture and Athletics 446 ix X TABLE OF CONTENTS The Professional Schools page The Divinity School 449 Old Testament Literature and Interpretation 449 New Testament and Early Christian Literature 449 Systematic Theology 449 Church History 455 Practical Theology 458 Sociology 464 The Law School 468 The School of Education • 478 Graduate Department of Education 478 ' College of Education 478 The University High School 489 The University Elementary School 497 Administrative Officers 501 Index 507 THE DEPARTMENTS THE DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY James Hayden Tufts [1892-], Professor and Head of the Department of Philosophy. A.B. Amherst, 1S84; D.B. Yale, 1889; Ph.D. Freiburg i. B., 1892; LL.D. .Am- herst, IQ04; Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Chicago, 1892-94; Associate Professor, //»/,XXlll, ^-j2-j^. Benjamin Whitman Van Riper, Ph.D. 191 2; Assistant Professor of Psychology, Pennsylvania State College. Some Views of the Time Problem. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 99. Menasha, Wis.: George Banta Publishing Co., 1916. Charles Edgar Witter, Ph.D. 191 2; Principal of the Bryan Hill School, St. Louis, Mo. Pragmatic Elements in Kanfs Philosophy. Doctor's thesis. Svo, iv+ 76. Chicago: University Press, 19 13. THE DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY James Rowland Angell [1894-], Professor and Head of the Department of Psychology; Director of the Psychological Laboratory; Dean of the Faculties of Arts, Literature, and Science. A. B. Michigan, 1890; .\.^L /7»/ 616, 634. Harry Dexter Kitson [1914-], Instructor in Psychology. A.B. Hiram College, 1909; Ph. D. Chicago, 1915; Assistant in Psychology, Minnesota, 1912-13; Associate in Psychology, Chicago, 1914-15; Instructor, ibid., 1915-. How to Use Your Mind. i2mo, x-f 226. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1916. The Scientific Study of the College Student. Doctor's thesis. Psycho- logical Monographs, XXIII. i. Whole No. 98. 8vo, So. Lancaster, Pa.: Psychological Review Co., 1917. The Role of Association in Lip-Reading, Volta Review, XVI (i9i4)» 619-20. Rational Buying and the Public Schools, Manual Training and Vocational Education, XVI (1914), 214-18. Suggestions toward a Tenable Theory of Vocational Guidance, ibid. (1915), 265-70. DEPARTMENT OF rSYCilULUGY 17 Psychological Tests for Lii)-Reading Ability, Volla Review, XVII (1915), 471-76. Psychological Tests and Vocational Guidance, School Rrcicu.', XXIV (1916), 207-14. Reviicw of: Gowin, The Executive and His Control of Men: A Study in Personal Efficiency, Journal oj Polilical Economy, XXIV, 310-11. Walter Van Dyke Bingham [igo6-S], Associate in Psychology; Pro- fessor of Psychology, Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh. A.B. Beloit, 1901; Ph.D. Chicago, 1908; Associate in Psychology, Chicago, 1906-8. Studies in Melody. Doctor's thesis. Psychological Monographs, XII. 3, Whole No. 50. 8vo,vi4-88. Lancaster, Pa.: Psychological Re- view Co., 19 10. The Role of the Tympanic Mechanism in Audition, Psychological Review^ XIV (1907), 229-43. Karl Tinsley Waugh [1907-9], Associate in Psycholog>'; Professor of Psychology and Philosophy, Beloit College. .^.B. Ohio Wesleyan, 1900; Ph.D. Harvard, 1907; Professor of Philosophy and Mathematics, Claflin University, 1901-4; .\ssistant in Philosophy, Harvard, 1906-7; Associate in Psychology, Chicago, 1907-9. Review of: Washburn, Animal Mind, Psychological Bulletin, V, 205-9. Other reviews in Journal of Abnormal Psychology, II, 1S6-S7; Psychological Bullclin, VH, 240-41. Henry Foster Adams [1910-11], Assistant in Psychology; Instructor in Psychology, University of Michigan. Ph.B. Wesleyan, 1905; Ph.D. Chicago, 1910; .Vssistant in Psychology, ibid., 1910-11. AiUokinctic Sensations. Doctor's thesis. Psychological Monographs, XIV. 2, Whole No. 59. Svo, 44. Lancaster, Pa.: Psychological Review Co., 191 2. A Set of Blind Rats Which Could Not Learn the IVIaze, Journal of Animal Behavior, III (1903), 300-302. Edwina Abbott (Mrs. Austin M. Cowan), Ph.D. 1913; Wichita, Kan. The Ejjcct of Adaptation on the Temperature DijTerence Limen. Doctor's tJiesis. Psychological Monographs, X\T. 2, Whole No. oS. Svo, 30. Lancaster, Pa.: Psychological Review Co., 1914. 1 8 PUBLICATIONS Jessie Blount Allen (Mrs. W. W. Charters), Ph.D. 1904; Colum- bia, Mo. The Associative Processes of the Guinea Pig; A Study of the Psychical Development of an Animal with a Nervous System Well Medullated at Birth. Doctor's thesis. Journal of Comparative Neurology and Psychology, XIV (1904), 293-359. A Study of Certain Relations of Accommodation and Convergence to the Judgment of the Third Dimension (with H. A. Carr), Psycho- logical Review, XIII (1906), 25S-75. Jasper Converse Barnes, Ph.D. 191 i; Dean and Professor of Psy- chology, INIaryville College, Maryville, Tenn. Voluntary Isolation of Control in a Natural Muscle Group. Doctor's thesis. Psychological Monographs, XXII, Whole No. 93. 8vo, 50. Lancaster, Pa.: Psychological Review Co., 1916. June Etta Downey, Ph.D. 1907; Professor of Philosophy, University of Wyoming, Laramie. Control Processes in Modified Hand-Writing: An Experimental Study. Doctor's thesis. Psychological Monographs, IX. i. Whole No. 37. 8vo, vii-i-i4S. Lancaster, Pa.: Psychological Review Co., 1908. Gr.-^ce Maxwell Fesnald, Ph.D. 1907; Instructor in Psychology, State Normal School, Los Angeles, Cal. The Effect of Achromatic Conditions on the Color Phenomena of Peripheral Vision. Doctor's thesis. Psychological Monographs, X. 3, Whole No. 42. Svo, iv4-9i. Lancaster, Pa.: Psychological Review Co., 1909. Mabel Ruth Fernald, Ph.D. 1910; Psychologist and Director, Labo- ratory of Social Hygiene, Bedford Hills, New York. The Diagnosis of Mental Imagery. Doctor's thesis. Psychological Monographs, XIV. i. Whole No. 58. Svo, iv-l-i69. Lancaster, Pa.: Psychological Rewiew Co., 191 2. Kate Gordon, Ph.D. 1903; Assistant Professor of Psychology, Car- negie Inslilule of Technology, Pittsburgh. The Psychology of Meaning. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 84. Chicago: University Press, 1903. DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY 19 Meaning in Memory' and Attention, Psychological Review, X (1903), 76-91. Mary Holmes Stevens Hayes, Ph.D. 19 10; Associate Psychologist, Laboratory of Social Hygiene, Bedford Hills, New York. A Study of Cutaneous After-Sensations. Doctor's thesis. Psychological Monographs, XIV. 3, Whole No. 60. 8vo, 89. Lancaster, Pa.: Psychological Review Co., 19 12. Walter Samuel Hunter, Ph.D. 191 2; Professor of Psychology, Univer- sity of Kansas, Lawrence. The Delayed Reaction in Animals and Children. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 86. Boston: Henry Holt & Co., 1913. A Note on the Behavior of the White Rat, Journal of Animal Behavior, II (1912), 137-41. Roberts Bishop Owen, Ph.D. 1914; Lecturer in Philosophy, Columbia University. Recognition: A Logical and Experimental Study. Doctor's thesis. Psychological Monographs, XX. 2, Whole No. 86. 8vo, 154. Lan- caster, Pa.: Psychological Review Co., 1915. Louis Augustus Pechstein, Ph.D. 1916; Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of Rochester. Whole vs. Part Methods in Motor Learning. Doctor's thesis. Psycho- logical Monographs, XXIH. 2, Whole No. 99. iii+80. Lancaster, Pa.: Psychological Review Co., 191 7. Fleming Allen Clay Perrin, Ph.D. 1913; Instructor in Psycholog>-, University of Pittsburgh. An Experimental and Introspective Study of the Human Learning Process in the Maze. Doctor's thesis. Psychological Monographs, X\'I. 4, Whole No. 70. Svo, 97. Lancaster, Pa.: Psychological Review Co., 1914. Harvey Andrew Peterson, Ph.D. 1909; Professor of Psycholog>', Illinois State Normal University, Normal. The Influence of Complexity and Dissimilarity on Memory. Doctor's thesis. Psychological Monographs, XII. 2, Whole No. 49. Svo, 87. Lancaster, Pa.: Psychological Review Co., 1909. 20 PUBLICATIONS Joseph Peterson, Ph.D. 1907; Professorial Lecturer in Psychology, University of Minnesota. Combination Tones and Other Related Auditory Phenomena. Doctor's thesis. Psychological Monographs, IX. 3, Whole No. 39. 8vo, 136. Lancaster, Pa.: Psychological Review Co., 1908. Carl Leo Stahr Rahn, Ph.D. 191 2; Instructor in Psychology, Uni- versity of Illinois. Translation of Clever Hans from the German of Oskar Pfungst. Svo, 274. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1911. The Relation of Sensation to Other Categories in Contemporary Psychology: A Study in the Psychology of Thinking. Doctor's thesis. Psycho- logical Monographs, XVI. i. Whole No. 67. Svo, vi+131. Lan- caster, Pa.: Psychological Review Co., 1913. Florence Ella Richardson, Ph.D. 1908; Professor of Psychology, Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa. A Study of Sensory Control in the Rat. Doctor's thesis. Psycho- logical Monographs, XII. i. Whole No. 48. 8vo, iv+124. Lan- caster, Pa.: Psychological Review Co., 1909. Sarah Margaret Ritter, Ph.D. 1916; Instructor in Psychology, Winthrop College, Rock Hill, S.C. The Vertical-Horizontal Illusion. An Experimental Study of Meridional Disparities in the Visual Field. Doctor's thesis. Psychological Monographs, XXIII. 4, Whole No. 10 1, iii-fiio. Lancaster, Pa.: Psychological Review Co., 191 7. Arthur Howard Sutherland, Ph.D. 1909; Instructor in Psychology, Yale University. Critique of Word Association Reactions. An Experimental Study. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 44. Menasha, Wis.: George Banta Publish- ing Co., 1913. Helen Bradford Thompson (Mrs. Paul Wooley), Ph.D. 1900; Director of Cincinnati Survey of Working Children, Cincinnati, Ohio. Psychological Norms in Men and Women. Doctor's thesis, vii+188. Chicago: University Press, 1903. DKrAKT-MKN'T OF PSYCHOLOGY 21 Stella Burnham Vincknt, PilD. 191 2; Instructor in Psychology, Chicago Normal College. The Function of the Vibrissae in the Behavior of the White Rat. Doctor's thesis. Animal Behavior Monographs, I (1905), No. 5, iv+85. The Mammalian Eye, Journal of Animal Behavior, II (1912), 249-55. The Tactile Hair of the White Rat, Journal of Comparative Neurology and Psychology, XXIII (1913), 1-27 (with 4 plates). The White Rat and the Maze Problem, I, The Introduction of a \'isual Control, Journal of Animal Behavior, V (1915), 23-43; II, The Introduction of an Olfactory Control, ibid., 140-57; III, The Introduction of a Tactual Control, ibid., 175-85; IV, The Number and Distribution of Errors. A Comparative Study, ibid., 367-74. Clara Jean Weidensall, Ph.D., 19 10; New York, N.Y. Studies in Rhythm. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 40. Cincinnati: Bohnett & Co., 1916. Clarence Stone Yoakum, Ph.D. 1908; Adjunct Professor of Philosophy, University of Texas, Austin. An Experimental Study of Fatigue. Doctor's thesis. Psychological Monographs, XI. 3, Whole No. 46. Svo, vi+130. Lancaster, Pa.: Psychological Review Co., 1909, Some Experiments upon the Behavior of Squirrels, Journal of Compara- tive Neurology and Psychology, XIX (1909), 541-6S. Emory S. Bogardus. See under Department of Sociology, p. 81. F. M. Gregg and C. A. McPheeters, Graduate Students. Behavior of Raccoons to a Temporal Series of Stimuli, Journal of Animal Behavior, III (1913), 241-59. Frederick Goodrich Henke. See utuicr Department of Philosophy, p. 9. Vinnie C. Hicks, Graduate Student. The Relative \'alue of the Different Curves of Learning, Journal of Animal Behavior, I (191 1), 138-56. R. L. Kelly, Graduate Student. Psychophysical Tests of Normal and Abnornial Cliildren — \ Compara- tive Study, Psychological Review, X (1903), 34S-72. 22 PUBLICATIONS C. R. Squire, Graduate Student. Fatigue: Suggestions for a New Method of lnvestiga,tion, Psychological Review, X (1903), 56-75. Anna Wyczolkowska, Graduate Student. Study of Certain Phenomena Concerning the Limit of Beats, ibid., XIII (1906), 378-87. THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Charles Hubbard Judd [1909-], Professor and Head of the Depart- ment of Education; Director of the School of Education. A.B, Wesleyan, 1894; Ph.D. Leipzig, 1896; LL.D. Miami, 1909; LL.D. Wesleyan, 1913; Professor of Experimental Psychology, New York, 1898-1901; Professor of Psychology and Education, Cincinnati, 1901-2; Assistant Professor of Psy- chology, Yale, 1904-7; Professor and Director of the Psychological Laboratory, ibid., 1907-9; Professor and Head of the Department of Education and Director of the School of Education, Chicago, 1909-, Member, Council of American Psychological Association, 1907-8; President, American Psychological Association, 1909; President, National Society of College Teachers of Education, 19 10 and 1915-16; Member, National Council of Educa- tion, 191 I-. Editor, Department of Psychology, Monroe's Cyclopedia of Educa- tion, 1908-13; Editor, Elementary School Journal, 1909-; Member, Editorial Board, School Review, 1909-. Secretary of the Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, 1913-; pubUcations: (i) List of Approved Colleges and Universities in the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools for 1913, School Review Mono- graphs, No. 4 (1913), 8vo, 32; (2) A Study of the Colleges and High Schools in the North Central Association, United States Bureau of Education Bulletin, No. 630 (1915), 5-30; (3) Proceedings of the North Central Association, 1913, 1914, 1915- Psychology of High School Subjects. 8vo, ix4- 515. Boston : Ginn & Co., 1915- The Training of Teachers in England, Scotland, and Germany. 8vo, 86. Washington: United States Bureau of Education Bulletin, No. 609, 1915- Measuring the Work of the Public Schools. i2mo, 290. Cleveland: The Survey Committee of the Cleveland Foundation, 19 16. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCA'IIOX 23 Standardizing Slate Normal Schools (with S. Chester Parker). Svo, 141. Washington: United States Bureau of Education Bulletin, No. 12, 1916. A Course in Form Study, Elementary School Teacher, X (1909), 32-39, The Department of Education in American Universities, School Review, XVIII (1909), 593-60S. Evolution and Consciousness, Psychological Review, XVII (1910), 77-97. On Scientific Study of High-School Problems, School Review, X\'III (1910), 84-98. Numerous Contributions to Monroe's Cyclopedia of Education, Vols. I-V (1910-13). New York: Macmillan Co. Studies in the Principles of Education (series of five articles). Elementary School Teacher, XII (1911-12), 34-39, 82-90, 176-S5, 206-14, 278-86. Reasons for Modifying Entrance Requirements, Education, VIII (191 2), 1-12. Meaning of Science in Secondary Schools, School Science and Mathe- matics, XII (1912), 87-9S. Intelligence as Distinguished from Instinct (abstract of paper), Psycho- logical Bulletin, IX (1912), 51-52. The Meaning of Secondary Education, School Review, XXI (1913), 11-25. Psychological Characteristics of the Intermediate Grades, School Review Monographs, III (1913), 1-6. The Cultivation of Initiative in Teachers, Report of Department of Superin- tendence, National Education Association (1913), 55-65. A Seven- Year Elementary School, Elementary School Teacher, XIII (1913), 274-86. The Status of Secondary Education, Report of the Commissioner of Educa- tion of the United States, I (1913), 67-94. Reading Tests, Elementary School Teacher, XIV (1914), 365-73. Some Observations in German Schools, ibid., 437-44. The Junior High School, School Revirw, XXIII (1915), 25-33. Protection of Professional Interests, Proceedings of the Department of Superintendence, National Education Association (1915), 21-25, 24 PUBLICATIONS The Junior High School, School Review, XXIV (1916), 249-60; pub- lished also in Proceedings of the National Education Association (1916), 917-25. REV^EWS in: Elementary School Teacher, X, 305, 405-6; XII, 93, 141, 242, 290-91; XIII, 43, 107-9, 199-200, 248, 304, 405, 456; XIV, 445-46, 491-93; Elementary School Journal, XV, XVI; School Review, XXIII, 201-2, 204-6. John Dewey [1894-1904], Professor and Head of the Department of Philosophy; Director of the School of Education; Head of the Department of Philosophy, Columbia University. See under Department of Philosophy, p. 5. Franklin Winslow Johnson [1905-], Principal of the University High School; Lecturer in Secondary Education. See under University High School, p. 489. Nathaniel Butler [1893-95; 1901-], Professor of Education; Director of Co-operation with Secondary Schools; Dean of University College. A.B. Colby, 1873; A.M. iUd., 1876; D.D. ibid., 1895; LL.D. ibid.,igos; LL.D. Georgetown College, 1913; Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature, the Old University of Chicago, 1884-86; Professor of Latin, Illinois, 1886-89; Professor of English Language and Literature, ibid., 1889-92; Director of the University Extension Division, Chicago, 1893-95; President, Colby, 1895-1901; Professor of Education and Director of Co-operation with Secondary Schools, Chicago, 1901-; Dean of University College, 1916-. Chairman of the Joint Committee on the Relations between the University of Chicago and Co-operating Secondary Schools; report in School Review, XIX (191 1), 124-27. The Aim in the High School — The Development of the Many-sided Interest, or Special Preparation for Life, School Review, XIV (1906), 135-42. The Moral and Religious Element in Education, Religious Education, I (1906), 88-93. Parents' Associations, School Review, XVI (1908), 78-88. A Unique School System, Elementary School Teacher, VIII (1908), 565-67. The Meaning of Industrial Education, Report on Industrial and Com- mercial Education to the Chicago Association of Commerce (1909), 3-8. The Teacher as a Constructive Moral Force, Religious Education, IV (1909). 55^^o- DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 25 Private Education in the Mifidle West, World To-Day, XIX (iqio), 863-71. The Twenty-fourth Annual Conference of Academies and High Schools in Relations with the University of Chicago, School Review, XX (191 2), 383-400. The Function of the College, Colby Alumnus Magazine, I (191 2), 146-51. Vocational Guidance for Boys in Chicago, Annual Report of the Chicago Association of Commerce (1913), 55-59. The Twenty-fifth Annual Conference of Academies and High Schools in Relations with tlie University of Chicago, School Review, XXI (1913), 398-411. Industrial Education and Vocational Guidance, Annual Report of the Chicago Association of Commerce (1913), 61-63. Continuous [University] Sessions, Cyclopedia of Education, V, 451-52. University Extension, ibid., 684-87. Impress of Oriental Christians on Un-Christian America, Standard, LXI (1914), 589- Has the Church a Message for the Modern World? In University of Chicago Sermons (edited by T. G. Soares; Chicago: University Press, 1915), pp. 255-68. Educational Opportunities in Chicago, Advance (Chicago), LXVII (1915), 1218-19. Liberal Education and the Time-Spirit, Proceedings of the Fifty-first Convocation of the University of the State of New York (1915), S7-105; published also in University Record, I (1915), 159-72. Reviews in: Biblical World, XX, 159-60; XXI, 392-94; Ele- mentary School Teacher, III, 135-37; School Review, XIV, 67; XV, 472-73'; XXIV, 484-S5; 5/(2w' and Education, Washington College, Maryland, 1907; Assistant Professor of Educa- tional Psychology, Chicago, 1913-17; Associate Professor, ibid., 1917-. Member of the Editorial Board, School Review, 1911-16; Mem- ber of the Editorial Board, Elementary School Journal, 1916-. Co-operating Investigator with Committee on Economy of Time of Department of Superintendence, 1914. The Teaching of HandiVriting. i2mo, 155. Boston: Houghton Mirtlin Co., 1914. E.xperimcntal Analysis of the Writing Movement, Psychological Mono- graphs, XV'II. 4. Svo, 54. Lancaster, Pa.: Psychological Review Co., 1914. The Psychology of the Commo}i Branches. i6mo, 274. Boston: Hough- ton Milllin Co., 1916. Experimental Education: Laboratory Manual, and Typical Results. i6mo, viii+217. Boston: Houghton Mitllin Co., 1916. 28 PUBLICATIONS Manual Training in the Service of Physics, School Review, XVII (1909), 609-17. Untersuchungen iiber den Aufmerksamkeitsumfang und die Zahlauffas- sung bei Kindern und Envachsenen, Padagogisch-psychologische Arbeiten, I (1910), 88-168. Tests, Psychological Bulletin, VIII (191 1), 21-24. Experiments on the Perception of Number in Children and Adults (abstract), ibid., 43-44. Some Issues in the Teaching of Handwriting, Elementary School Teacher, XII (1912), 1-7, 53-59. Grouped Objects as a Concrete Basis for the Number Idea, ibid., 306-14. Problems and Methods of Investigation in Handwriting, Journal of Educational Psychology, III (191 2), 181-90. Tests, Psychological Bulletin, IX (1912), 215-22. Current Methods of Teaching Handwriting, Elementary School Teacher, XII (1912), 427-36, 481-93; XIII (1912), 25-40. Tests, Psychological Bulletin, X (1913), 271-74. Some Practical Studies of Handwriting, Elementary School Teacher ^ XIV (1913), 167-79- Writing, Psychology, Pedagogy, and Hygiene, Cyclopedia of Education, V (1913), 822-27, Minimum Standards and Current Practices in Handwriting, Fourteenth Yearbook, National Society for the Study of Education (1915), 61-77. An Analytical Scale for Judging Handwriting, Elementary School Journal, XV (1915), 432-41. Tests, Psychological Bulletin, XII (1915), 1S7-88. Handwriting Tests for Use in School Surveys, Elementary School Journal, XVI (1916), 299-301. Reviews in: Elementary School Teacher, X, 404-5; XI, 40-41, 501-2; XII, 189, 344; XIV, 190, 297; School Review, XIX, 132-33, 419-20; XX, 204-5; XXII, 569-72; XXIII, 567-69; Psychological Bulletin, XIII, 36-38. Marcus Wilson Jernegan [1902-6; 1908-], Associate Professor of History. Sec wider Department of History, p. 60. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 29 Frank Mitchell Leavitt [1910-], Associate Professor of Industrial Education. Principal, Manual Training Schook, Boston, 1892-1906; Associate Professor of Industrial Kducation, Chicago, 1910-. Secretary, Department of Manual Training, National Education Association, 1904, 1905; President, ibid., 1906, 1907; President, Eastern Manual Training Association, 190S; President, Illinois .Manual Arts Association, 191 2, 1913; President, National Vocational Guidance Association, 1914. Associate Editor, Manual Training atid Vocational Education. Member, Commission on the Reorganization of Secondary Education of the National Education Association. Examples of Industrial Education. 8vo, 325. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1912. Prevocational Education in the Public Schools (with Edith Bro\vn). 8vo, v+245. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1915. The Relation of the Movement for Vocational and Industrial Training to the Secondary Schools, School Review, XIX (191 1), S5-95. The Relation of the Present Movement for Vocational Education to the Teaching of the Mechanic Arts, Elementary School Teacher, XII (191 1), 158-68. The Reorganization of School Systems, ibid., 225-36. The Independent Industrial School of Newton, Massachusetts, Voca- tional Education, I (1912), 243-57. Vocational Education in the Boston Public Schools, ibid., 316-31. Vocational Purpose in the Manual-Training High School, Indianapolis, Ind., ibid., II (1912), 36-52. The Need, Purpose, and Possibilities of Industrial Education in the Elementary School, Elementary School Teacher, XIII (191 2), 80-90. Some Sociological Phases of the Movement for Industrial Education, American Journal of Sociology, XVTII (191 2), 352-60. The Continuation Scliool: Cincinnati's E.xamples, Vocational Education^ II (1913), 218-34. Vocational Guidance and the Manual Arts, Manual Training Magazine, XIV (19 13), 423-30- The Reorganization of Secondary Education (III), Journal of Edtuation, LXXVII (1913), 44-45- The Grand Rapids Conventions, School Rrcieiv, XXI (1913), 69S-704. 30 PUBLICATIONS Vocational Education, Survey, XXXI (1913), 353. Co-operation of the Schools in Reducing Child Labor, Vocational Edu- cation, III (19 14), 344-50, To Be Educated or Not to Be Educated, Industrial Arts Magazine, II (1914), 189-92. Adaptation of Regular School Subjects to the Needs of Prevocational Boys, Elementary School Journal, XV (1914), 185-90. Natural Growth in Industrial Education, Industrial Arts Magazine, III (1915), 1-4. The School Phases of Vocational Guidance, School Review, XXIII (19 15), 687-96. Reviews in: School Review, XIX, 208-9, 35o~5i; ^^> 206-9; XXII, 207, 281; XXIII, 139, 501, 565; Survey, XXXI, 528-29; XXXIII, 65S; XXXIV, 544; Elementary School Teacher, XIV, 295- 96; Journal of Political Economy, XXIV, 84-86. George Herbert Locke [1899-1905], Associate Professor of Educa- tion; Chief Librarian, Public Library, Toronto, Canada. See under College of Education, p. 485. Herman Campbell Stevens [1913-], Associate Professor of Education. A.B. Michigan, 1901; Ph.D. Cornell, 1905; M.D. Rush Medical College, 1913; Assistant Professor of Psychology, Washington, 1905-11; Associate Professor, ibid., 19H-13; Associate Professor of Education, Chicago, 1913-. Member of the Chicago City Council Crime Commission, and author of the following articles in the Commission's Report (1915): (i) The Examination of Sixty-five Female Prisoners of the House of Correc- tion, pp. 96-99; (2) The E.xamination of Sixty-three Juvenile DeUnquents in the John Worthy School, pp. 106-13. Visual Sensations Caused by a Magnetic Field (with C. E. Magnusson), Philosophical Magazine, XXNlll (1914), 18S-207. Mongolian Ifliocy and Syphilis, Journal of the American Medical Associa- tion, LXIV (1914), 1636-40. Eugenics and Feeblemindedness, Journal of Criminal Law, VI (1915), 190-98. The Spinal Fluid in Mongolian Idiocy, Journal of the American Medical Association, LXVI (19 16), 1373-75. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 31 A Survey of Retarded School Children, School Review, XXIV (1916), 450-61. Reviews of: Birnbaum, Die Psychopathischcn Verbrecher, Inter- national Journal of Ethics, XXV, 255-99; Locomotor P'unctions, Psycho- logical Bulletin, XII, 41 1-14; Healy, The Individual Dehnquent, Journal of Criminal Law, VI, 849-60. WiLLARD Clark Gore [1902-16], Assistant Professor of Psychology, the College of Education. Ph.B. Michigan, 1894; Ph.D. Chicago, 1901; Assistant Professor of Psychology, Chicago, 1902-16. Editor of the School Review, 1906-13. Image and Idea in Logic. In Dewey's Studies in Logical Theory. Decennial Publications of the University of Chicago, Second Series, XI (1903), chap, viii, 184-202. Notes on the Psychological Observation of Children, Elementary School Teacher, III (1903), 307-17. Academic and Professional Training of Teachers, I, II, ibid., 517-23, 632-37- Manual Training and Manual Labor, ibid., V (1904), 77-81. Image or Sensation? Journal of Philosophy, Psychology, atui Scientific Methods, I (1904), 434-41; II (1905), 97-101. Externality and Inhibition, ibid., XI (1914), 377-S2. Annual reviews of publications on Memory, Concept, Judgment, Logic (Theory), Psychological Bulletin, IX, 337-42; X, 347-51; XI, 324-29; XII, 354-59- Other reviews in: Psychological Bulletin, XI, 10S-12; Elementary School Teacher, IV, 254-56; School Review, XIII, 352-54; American Journal of Theology, XVII, 459-62; Journal of Philosophy, Psychology, and Scientific Methods, XI, 1^7-39; International Journal of Ethics, XXVI, 125-26. William Scott Gray [1914-], Assistant Professor of Education; Dean of the College of Education. S.B. Chicago, 1913; Ph.D. ibid., 1916; .Assistant in Education, ibid., 1914-15; Instructor, ibid., 1915-17; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1917-. Studies of Elementary-School Reading. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 157. Chicago: University Press, 191 7. Methods of Testing Reading, I, Elementary School Journal, X\T (1916), 231-46; II, ibid., 2S1-9S. 32 PUBLICATIONS Harold Ordway Rugg [1915-], Assistant Professor of Education. S.B. Dartmouth, 1908; Ph.D. Illinois, 1915; Instructor in Education, Chicago, 1915-17; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1917-. Teacher's Marks and Working System, Educational Administration and Supervision, I (1915), 117-42. Katharine E. Dopp [1902-], Extension Instructor in Education. Ph.B. Michigan, 1893; Ph.D. Chicago, 1902; Assistant in Pedagogy, State Normal School, Oshkosh, Wis., 1899-1900; Extension Associate in Education, Chicago, 1902-5; Extension Instructor in Education, ibid., 1905-. The Place of Industries in Elementary Education. Doctor's thesis, ist ed., 1903; 2d ed., vi+270, 1905. Chicago: University Press. Industrial and Social History Series: The Tree-Dwellers. i2mo, 160. Chicago: Rand, McNally & Co., 1903. The Early Cave-Men. i2mo, 184. Chicago: Rand, McNally & Co., 1904. The Later Cave-M en. i2mo, 197. Chicago: Rand, McNally & Co., 1906. The Early Sea People. 1 2mo, 2 24. Chicago : Rand, McNally & Co., 1912. 2d ed., 1913. Clarence Truman Gray [1915-17], Research Instructor in Education; Instructor in Education, University of Texas, Austin. A.B. Indiana, 1904; Ph.D. Chicago, 1916. Variations in Grades of High-School Pupils. 8vo, 120. Baltimore: Warwick & York, 191 2. Jonathan French Scott [1910-13], Instructor in the History of Educa- tion; Cambridge, Mass. A.B. Rutgers, 1902; A.M. ibid., 1905; Instructor in History, Bowdoin, 1909-10; Instructor in the History of Education, Chicago, 1910-13. An Investigation in Regard to the Conditions of Labor and Manufacture in Massachusetts, 1860-70, Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, XVII (1909, issued November, 191 1), 167-86. Apprenticeship under the English Gild System, Elementary School Teacher, XIII (1913), 180-88. Decline in the English Apprenticeship System, ibid., 445-54. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 33 LiLLA EsTELLE Appleton, Ph.D. iqoq; Fellow in Laboratory Research, The Training School, Vineland, N.J. A Comparative Sttidy of the Play Activities of Adult Savages and Civilized Children. An Investigation of the Scientific Basis of Education. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, iv+g4. Chicago: University Press, igio. Fred Carleton Ayer, Ph.D. 1915; Professor of School Administration, University of Oregon, Eugene. The Psychology of Drawing with Special Reference to Laboratory Teaching. Doctor's thesis, ismo, ix+i^^. Baltimore: Warwick & York, 1916. John Addison Clement, Ph.D. 1911; Professor of Education, DePauw University, Greencastle, Ind. Standardization of the Schools of Kansas. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 130. Chicago: University Press, 19 12. Joseph Kinmont Hart, Ph.D. 1909; Assistant Professor of Education, University of Washington, Seattle. A Critical Study of Current Theories of Moral Education. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 48. Chicago: University Press, 1910. Leonard V. Koos, Ph.D. 1916; Associate Professor of Education, University of Washington, Seattle. The Administration of Secondary-School Units. Doctor's thesis. Supple- mentary Educational Monographs, No. 3. Svo, i.\-fi94. Chicago: University Press, 19 17. Walter Scott Monroe, Ph.D. 1915; Professor of School Administra- tion, Kansas State Normal School, Emporia. The Development of Arithmetic as a School Subject. Doctor's thesis. United States Bureau of Education Bulletin, No. 10 (191 7), 1-170. Clara Schmitt, Ph.D. 1914; Child Study Expert, Board of Education, Chicago. Standardization of Tests for Defective ChUdrcn. Doctor's thesis. Psy- chological Monographs, XIX. Whole No. S3. Svo, iSi. Lan- caster, Pa.: Psychological Review Co., 1915. 34 PUBLICATIONS Retardation Statistics of Three Chicago Schools, Elementary School Teacher, X (1910), 47S-92. The Teaching of the Facts of Sex in the PubHc Schools, Pedagogical Seminary, XVII (1910), 229-41. The Binet Simon Tests of Mental AbiHty, ibid., XIX (1912), 186-200. Daniel Ambrose Tear, Ph.D. 1906; Principal, Gladstone School, Chicago. The Logical Basis of Educational Theory from the Standpoint of "Instru- mental" Logic. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 58. Chicago: University Press, 190S. RoLLA Milton Tryon, Ph.D. 1915. See wider College of Education, p. 486. Lewis Atherton, Graduate Student. Literary Selections Most Frequently Memorized in the Elementary Schools, Elementary School Teacher, XIV (1914), 208-17. Josephine H. Bowden, Graduate Student. Learning to Read, ibid., XII (191 2), 21-33. E. E. Campbell, Graduate Student. A Study of Retardation and Class Standing on the Basis of Home Language Used by Pupils, ibid., XIV (i9i4)> 264-82; 331-47. Ralph E. Carter, Graduate Student. Correlation of Elementary Schools and High Schools, ibid., XII (1912), 109-18. Mary L. Dougherty, Graduate Student. On the Binet Tests, Journal of Educational Psychology, IV (1913), 33S-52. Herschel T. Manuel, Graduate Student. The Use of an Objective Scale for Grading Handwriting, Elementary School Journal, XV (1914-15), 269-78. E. E. Oberholtzer, Graduate Student. Testing the Efficiency of Reading in the Grades, ibid., XV (1915), 313-22. DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 35 M. L. Perkins, Graduate Siufknt, Literature in the Elementary Curriculum (with J. F. Bobbitt and A. C. Boyce), Elementary School Teacher, XIV (1913), 158-66. C. A. Phillips, Graduate Student. Development of Methods in Teaching Elementary Geography, ibid., X (1910), 427-39, 501-15. Carrie Ransom Squire, Graduate Student. Graded Mental Tests, Journal of Educational Psychology, III (191 2), 363-So, 430-43 » 493-506. Otilv Bowm.\n Staples, Graduate Student. Is There a Relation between the Amount of Schooling and Financial Success in Later Life? Elementary School Teacher, X (1910), 261-69. K. D. Waldo, Graduate Student. Tests in Reading in Sycamore School, Elementary School Journal, XV (1915), 251-68. THE DEPART]\IENT OF POLITICAL ECONOMY James Laurence Laughlin [1892-19x6], Professor and Head of the Department of Political Economy. Retired. A.B. Harvard, 1873; Ph.D. ibid., 1876; Doctor honoris causa, Giessen, 1906; Assistant Professor of Political Economy, Harvard, 1883-88; Professor of Polit- ical Economy and Finance, Cornell, 1890-92; Professor and Head of the Depart- ment of Political Economy, Chicago, 1892-1916. Member, Cobden Club; Member, L'Institut International de Statistiquc; Member, Indianapolis Monetary Commission, 1898; Exchange Professor in Berlin, 1906; Delegate, Pan-.\merican Scientific Congress, 190S-9; Chairman, Executive Committee, National Citizens League for the Promotion of a Sound Banking System, 1911-13. Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Political Economy, 1S92- 1916. Principles of Money. Svo, xvi-(-55o. New York: Charles Scribncr's Sons, 1903. Reciprocity (with H. Parker Willis). 8vo, .vii+5S3. New York: Baker & Taylor Co., 1903. 36 PUBLICATIONS Industrial America: Berlin Lectures of igo6. 8vo, x+261. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1906. Aus dent amerikanischen Wirtschaftsleben. i2mo, ii+i6o. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1907. Guaranty of Bank Deposits. 8vo, 16. Chicago: Johnson, Koch, and Quin, 190S. Banking Reform. 8vo, xiv+428. Chicago: National Citizens League, 1912. Life and Character of Hermann E. von Hoist, University Record, VHI (1903), 161-68. The Currency Situation, World To-Day, V (1903), 1405-9. The New International Silver Movement, Journal of Political Economy, XI (1903), 448-49. The Quantity Theory and Its Critics: A Rejoinder, ibid., 621-25. Hobson's Theory of Distribution, ibid., XII (1904), 305-26. A Theory of Prices, Publications of the American Economic Association, Third Series, VI (1904), 66-83. Large Fortunes, Atlantic Monthly, XCVI (1905), 40-46. Present Monetary Problems, Popular Science Monthly, XLVII (1905), 209-21. Hope for Labor Unions, Scribner's Magazine, XXXVIII (1905), 627-33. Orchards in the Desert, World To-Day, IX (1905), 1319-23. Academic Liberty, Journal of Political Economy, XIV (1906), 41-43. Union versus Higher Wages, ibid., 129-42. Currency Reform, ibid., XV (1907), 603-10. Guaranty of Bank Deposits, Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Con- vention of the Illinois Bankers' Association, Chicago, October, 1908, 10-85. Guaranty of Bank Deposits, Scribner's Magazine, XLIV (1908), 101-9. The Aldrich-Vreeland Act, Journal of Political Economy, XVI (1908), 489-513- A Reply to Current Socialism, Journal of Commerce and Commercial Bulletin, January 4, 1909. DEPARTMENT 01' POLriTCAL ECONOMY 37 Government vs. Bank Issues, Scribner's Magazine, XLV (1909), 265-71. Valuation of Railways, ibid., 434-41. Socialism a Philosophy of Failure, ibid., 613-21. The Abolition of Poverty, ibid., 752-60. Gold and Prices, iSgo-igoj, Journal of Political Economy, XVll (1909), 257-71- Social Settlements, Scribner^s Magazine, XL VI (1909), 341-49. Strike at Iquique, Journal oj Political Economy, XVII (1909), 641-43. Discussion on the Teaching of Elementary Economics, ibid., 704-6. The Increased Cost of Living, Scribner^s Magazine, XLVII (1910), 539-50- The People's Investments, Proceedings of the Association of Life Insurance Presidents, Chicago, IV (1910), 118-27. Banknotes and Lending Power, Journal of Political Econotny, XVIII (19 10), 777-92; published also in Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science, I (191 1), 199-206. Causes of the Changes in Prices since 1896, Bulletin of the American Economic Association, Fourth Series, No. 2 (191 1), 26-36. Women and Wealth, Scribner's Magazine, XLIX (191 1), 199-206. Investments for Women, Rollins Magazine, I (191 1), 4-8. The Economic Seminar, Proceedings of the Second Conference on the Teach- ing of Economics, University of Chicago, 1911, 101-6. Canadian Reciprocity, Proceedings of the Western Economic Society, I (1911), 115-21. The FutiUty of Socialism, Columbian (191 1), 631-37. Banking Reform and the National Reserve Association, Banker and Investor Magazine (1911), 325-32. Monopoly of Labor, Atlantic Monthly, CXII (1913), 444-53. Banking and Currency Act of igi^, Journal of Political Economy, XXll (1914), 293-3 1«, 405-35- The European War and American Banking, Journal of the Canadian Bankers^ Association (1915), S9-93. Business and Democracy, Atlantic Monthly, CX\'I (1915), S9-9S. 38 PUBLICATIONS Capitalism and Social Discontent, North American Review, CCIII (1916), 403-12. Economic Liberty: Convocation Address, University Record, New Series, II (1916), 57-72. Reviews in: Journal of Political Economy, XIII, 272-73, 479-80, 611-12; XVI, 629-31; XVII, 305-6, 383; XIX, 150, 356-57, 432; Harvard Graduates^ Magaziiie, XIII, 537-39, 742-43. Leon Carroll Marshall [1907-], Professor of Political Economy; Dean of the Senior Colleges and of the School of Commerce and Administration. A.B. Harvard, 1901; Professor of Economics, Ohio Wesleyan, 1903-7; Assistant Professor of Political Economy, Chicago, 1907-8; Associate Professor, ibid., 1908-11; Dean of the School of Commerce and Administration, ibid., 1909-; Professor, ibid., 191 1-; Dean of the Senior Colleges, 191 1-. Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Political Economy, 1907-; Member of the Editorial Board of the series, Materials for the Study of Economics; Editor of the series. Materials for the Study of Business. Outlines of Economics (joint author), ist ed., 1910; 2d ed., 1911; 3d ed., 1912. i6mo, xvi-l-144. Chicago: University Press. Materials for the Study of Elementary Economics (joint editor), ist ed., 1913; 2d rev. ed., 1915. 8vo, xviii-l-928. Chicago: University Press. The Commodities Clause, Journal of Political Economy, XVII (1909), 448-60. The Teaching of Economics, ibid., 715-19. The Bibliography of Economics in the United States, Papers, Biblio- graphical Society of America, IV (1910), 73-82. Professor Taussig's Theory of Wages, American Economic Association Quarterly, XI (1910), 161-67. Report of the Committee on the Teaching of Economics in the United States, Proceedings of the Second Conference on the Teaching of Eco- nomics (University of Chicago, 191 1), 106-36; published also in Journal of Political Economy, XIX (1911), 760-89. Sequence in Economics Courses at the University of Chicago, ibid., XXI (1913), 18-33. The College of Commerce and Administration of the University of Chicago, ibid., 97-110. DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL ECOXOMY 39 Reviews in: Journal of Political Economy, X\'1I, 42-43, 167, 377- 78; Economic Bulletin, li, 133-35. Ernest Ritson Dewsnup [1904-7], Professorial Lecturer on Railways, and Curator of the Museum of Commerce; Professor of Railway Administration, University of Illinois. B.A. Victoria University, Manchester, 1895; M.A. ibid., iQoo; Warburton Prizeman in Local Ciovernmcnt and Stanley Jevons Student in Kconomic Research; Sikes Lecturer in Economics and Head of the Department of Higher Commercial Kducalion, Technical College of Huddersfield, England, 1899-1903; Lecturer in Railway Transjjort, University of Manchester, 1903-4; Professorial Lecturer on Railways and Curator of the Museum of Commerce, Chicago, 1904-7. Eellow of the Royal Statistical Society. Railway Organization and Working. Svo, xi-|-49S, Chicago: Uni- versity Press, 1906. The Housing Problem in England. Svo, \'ii-(-327. Manchester, Eng- land: University Press, 1907. Railway Education, Proceedings oj St. Louis Railway Club, X (1906), 12-26. Reviews in: Journal of Political Economy, XIV, 59-61, 119-22, 185-86, 187; XV, 179-81, 555-58. John Maurice Clark [191 5-], Associate Professor of Political Economy. A.B. Amherst, 1905; Ph.D. Columbia, 1910; Instructor in Economics, CoIch rado College, 190S-10; .\ssociate Professor of Economics, Amherst, 1910-15; Associate Professor, Chicago, 191 5-. Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Political Economy, 1915-. The Concept of Value, Quarterly Journal of Economics, XXIX (19 15), 663-73- A Rejoinder, ibid., 709-23. The Changing Basis of Economic Responsibility, Journal of Political Economy, XXIV (1916), 209-29. Herhert Joseph Davenport [1902-8], Associate Professor of Political Economy; Professor of Economics, Cornell University. Ph.B. South Dakota, 1894; Ph.D. Chicago, 1898; Instructor in Political Economy, Chicago, 190J-4; .Vssistant Professor, ibid., 1904-7; .\ssociate Professor, ibid., 1907-8. Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Political Economy, 1902-8. 40 PUBLICATIONS Value atid Distribution. i2mo, 576. Chicago: University Press, 1 90S. Scope and Method of Grammar, Education, XXIII (1902), 161-71, 208-21. Relation of Business Profits to Industrial Depression, Journal of Political Economy, XI (1903), 629-31. Capital as a Competitive Concept, ibid., XIII (1904), 33-47. The Theory of Interest and Tendency Rates, Rand McNally^s Bankers^ Monthly, XXIX (1905), 313-17. Cost History and Cost Theory, Journal of Political Economy, XIII (1905), 449-52- Doctrinal Tendencies: Fetter, Flux, Seager, Carver, Yale Review, XIV (1905)^ 300-324- A New Text: Seligman: "Social Value," Journal of Political Economy, XIV (1906), 143-69- Morality, Charity, State Insurance, ibid., 392-95. Taxation in Missouri, ibid., XV (1907), 491-92. Can Industrial Insurance Be Cheapened? ibid., 542-45. The Taxation of Dividends, ibid., 552-54. Tax Legislation by Constitutional Amendment, ibid., 611-14. A Permissive Habitation Tax, ibid., 614-19. The Working of Restricted Credit, ibid., XVI (190S), 26-30. Employer's LiabiUty in Insurance Theory, ibid., 157-59. Reviews of: Walsh, Fundamental Problem in Monetary Science, Journal of Political Economy, XII, 137-44; Carver, Distribution of Wealth, ibid., XIII, 138-44; Fisher, The Rate of Interest, ibid., XV, 635-41. Other reviews in Journal of Political Economy, XII, 574-77. James Alfred Field [1908-], Associate Professor of Political Economy. A.B. Harvard, 1903; Assistant Professor of Political Economy, Chicago, 1910-13; Associate Professor, ibid., 1913-. Member of the Editorial Tiosird, Journal of Political Economy, 190S-; Managing Editor, ibid., 1909-10, 191 1-; Chairman of the Editorial Board of the series, Materials for the Study of Economics (7 vol- umes published). The Progress of Eugenics. 8vo, 71. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 19 II. DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 41 Outlines of Economics (joint author), ist ed., 19 10; 2d ed., 191 1 ; 3d ed., 1912. i6mo, .xvi+144. Chicago: University Press. Materials for the Study of Elementary Economics (joint editor), ist ed., 1913; 2d rev. ed., 1915. 8vo, .\viii-f-928. Chicago: University Press. How Far Should Members of the Family Be Individualized ? Publications of American Sociological Society, III (1908), 194-96; published also in American Journal of Sociology, XIV (1909), 810-12. The Early Propagandist Movement in English Population Theory, Bulletin of the American Economic Association, Fourth Series, I, No. 2 (191 1), 207-36. The Western Economic Society, Nation, XCII (191 1), 574-75. The Western Economic Society, ibid., XCIII (191 1), 464-65; XCIV (1912), 257-58. Eugenics and Demography, Proceedings of the XV I nternational Congress of Hygiene and Demography, VI (191 2), 209-13. Eugenics, Bliss' Encyclopedia of Social Reform, rev. ed. In Press. Publicity by Prosecution: A Commentary on the Birth-Control Propa- ganda, Survey, XXXV (1916), 599-601. The Beginnings of the Birth-Control Movement, Surgery, Gynecology, and Obstetrics, XXIII (1916), 185-88. Reviews in: American Economic Review, II, 677-7S; IV, 436- 38; V, 373-75; Journal of Political Economy, XVII, 102-3, 4S0-S1, 732- Si; XVIII, 70-71, 228-30, 563-64; XIX, 605-6; XXIV, 408-9; and in Nation. William Hill [1893-19 12], Associate Professor of Political Economy; Bethany College, Bethany, W.Va. A.B. Harvard, i.Sgi ; A.M. ibid., 1.S02; Instructor in Political Economy, Harvard, 1893; -Associate in Political Economy, Chicago, 1893-94; Instructor, il>iJ., 1S94- 97; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1897-1908; Associate Professor, ibid., 1908-13. Director of the .Agricultural Guild, 1908-13. Conditions in the Cattle Industry, Journal of Political Economy, XIII (1904), 1-12. Reviews IN': Journal of Political Economy, XIV, 122-24, 184-S5. 42 PUBLICATIONS fRoBERT Franklin Hoxie [1906-16], Associate Professor of Political Economy. Ph.B. Chicago, 1893; Ph.D. ibid., 1905; Acting Professor of Political Economy, Cornell College, Iowa, 1897-98; Acting Professor of Political Economy and Political Science, Washington and Lee, 1901-2; Assistant Professor of Political Economy, Chicago, 1908-12; Associate Professor, ibid., 19 12-16. Member of the Editorial Board, /oz/r«c/ of Political Economy, 1906-16. Investigator for the United States Commission on Industrial Relations, 1914-15; publication: Scientific Management and Labor (Questionnaire). 404. Cooperstown, N.Y.: A. H. Crist, 1914. Scientific Management and Labor, x+302. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1915. The Economics of Colonial Expansion, Southern Collegian (1902), S7-99, 161-77. The American Colonial Policy and the Tariff, Journal of Political Economy, XI (1903), 198-219. Fetter's Theory of Value, Quarterly Journal of Economics, XIX. (1905), 210-30. The Demand and Supply Concepts. Doctor's thesis. Journal of Political Economy, XIV (1906), 337-61, 401-26. Historical Method vs. Historical Narrative, ibid., 568-72. Sociology and the Other Social Sciences: A Rejoinder, American Journal of Sociology, XII (1907), 739-55. Trade Union Point of View, Journal of Political Economy, XV (1907), 345-63- The Failure of the Telegraphers' Strike, ibid., 545-47. Is Class Conflict in America Growing and Is It Inevitable? American Journal of Sociology, XIII (1908), 776-81. The Convention of the Socialist Party, Journal of Political Economy, XVI (1908), 442-50. President Gompers and the Labor Vote, ibid., 693-700. The Teaching of Economics, ibid., XVII (1909), 711-13. The Rising Tide of Socialism: A Study, ibid., XIX (191 1), 609-31. Unionism and Unionism, Survey, XXVII (1911), 1425-26. t Deceased. DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 43 The Socialist Party in the November Elections, Journal of Pulitical Economy, XX (19 12), 205-23. The Socialist Party and American Convention Methods, ibid., 738-44. Springs of Conflicting Action, Survey, XXX (1913), 5.So-'pes, ibid., 464-81. The Theory of Unionism: The Principle of Uniformity, in Hamilton's Current Economic Problems, 602-5. Chicago: University Press, 1915. Scientific Management and Social Welfare, Survey, XXXV (1916), 673-80, 685-S6. What Is College For? University of Chicago Magazine, \TII (1916), 262-65. Scientific Management and Labor Welfare, Journal of Political Economy, XXIV (1916), 833-54. Why Organized Labor Opposes Scientific Management, Quarterly Journal of Economics, XXXI (1916), 62-S6. Reviews in: Journal of Political Economy, X\', 122-23, 181-S2, 497-98, 641-42; XVI, 47-4S, 540-42; XIX, 895-96; XX, 432-33; XXI, 969-70; Philosophical Review, XV, 442, 668-70; American £fO- nomic Review, 11, s79-^o, 654; 111,932-34; IV, 397-99, 433. Alvin Saun'ders Johnson [1909-11], Associate Professor of Political Economy; Editorial Staff, The New Republic, New York City. A.B. Nebraska, iSg;; Ph.D. Columbia, 1902; .\djunct Professor, ibid., IQ05-6; Professor of Kconomics, Nebraska, 1906-8; Professor of Economics, Texas, iqoS- lo; .\cting Associate Professor of Political Economy, Chicago, 1909; .\ssociatc Professor, ibid., 1910-11. Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Political Economy, 1909-10; Managing Editor, ibid., 1910-11. Introduction to Economics. 8vo, .\ii-}-404. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co., 1909. 44 PUBLICATIONS The Incidence of the Federal Corporation Tax, South Atlantic Quarterly, IX (1910), 35-42; hiternational Y ear-Book (Tariff) (1909), 6S6-91. Reviews in: Journal of Political Economy, XYIl, 644-47; XVIII, 477-79; Political Science Quarterly, XXIV, 712-15. Chester Whitney Wright [1907-], Associate Professor of Political Economy. A.B. Harv'ard, 1901; Ph.D. ibid., 1906; Assistant Professor of Political Economy, Chicago, 1910-13; Associate Professor, ibid., 1913-. Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Political Economy, 1907-; Member of the Editorial Board of the series, Materials for the Study of Econojnics. Wool-Growing and the Tariff. 8vo, xiii+362. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1910. Outlines of Economics (joint author), ist ed., 1910; 2d ed., 1911; 3d ed., 19 1 2. i6mo, xvi+144. Chicago: University Press. Materials for the Study of Elementary Economics (joint editor), ist ed., 1913; 2d rev. ed., 1915. 8vo, xviii+928. Chicago: University Press. The Teaching of United States Economic History, Educational Bi-Monthly (1911), 574-88. The Trust Problem — Prevention versus Alleviation, Journal of Political Economy, XX (1912), 574-87. The Economics of Governmental Price Regulation, American Economic Review, III (1913), 126-31. Review or: Beer, The Old Colonial System, Journal of Political Economy, XXI, 662-67. Other reviews in Journal of Political Economy, XVI, 42-44, 172-73, 458-59; XVII, 303-4, 3^2-^3, 730-31; XVIII, 233-34, 264-66, 319-22, 561-62, 751-52; XX, 95-96, 425-27, 863-65; XXI, 965-66; XXII, 492-95, 597; XXIII, 80-82; American Historical Review, XVII, 632-34, 861-63; XIX, 900-902; XXII, 3S4-S6; Dial, LII, 274-75; LIV, 458-60. John Cummings [1903-10], Assistant Professor of Political Economy; Washington D.C. A.B. Harvard, 1891; A.M. ibid., 1892; Ph.D. Chicago, 1S94; Instructor in Economics, Harvard, 1894-1900; Assistant Professor of Political Economy, Chicago, 1903-10. Occupations in the Twelfth Census, Journal of Political Economy, XIII (1904), 66-76. DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 45 Chicago Teamsters' Strike, ibid., 536-73. Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association, ibid., XIV (1906), 47-48. The Trade-Union Programme of Enlightened Selfishness, ibid., XV (1907), 149-65- Mortality Statistics, ibid., 367-70. The Conversion of the Economist, ibid., XVII (1909), 206-19. Reviews in: Journal of Political Economy, XIV, 181-84, 333~34i 396-99, 454-59> 5^0-23, 575^79- 641-45; ^V, 57-58, 242-44. Walton H.\le Hamilton [1914-15], Assistant Professor of Political Economy; Amherst College. A.B. Texas, 1907; Ph.D. Michigan, IQ13; Assistant Professor of Political Economy, ibid., 1913-14; Assistant Professor of Political Economy, Chicago, 1914-15- Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Political Economy, 1914- 15; Member of the Editorial Board of the series, Materials for the Study of Economics. Current Economic Problems. 8vo, xxxix+789. Chicago: University Press, 1915. Economic Theory and "Social Reform," Journal of Political Economy, XXIII (1915'), 562-84. Review of: H. W. Laidler, Boycotts and the Labor Struggle, Inter- national Journal of Ethics, XX\', 543-47. Other reviews in American Economic Rcvirj.', IV, 614-17; Mississippi Valley Historical Quarterly, II. Henry Ran'd Hatfield [1S9S-1904], Assistant Professor of Political Economy; Dean of the College of Commerce and Administration; Professor of Accountancy, University of California. A.B. Northwestern, 1892; Ph.D. Chicago, 1897; Instructor in Political Economy and Psychology, Washington University, 1S94.-9S; Instructor in Commerce, Chicago, 1898-1902; Assistant Professor of Political Economy, ibid., 1902-4. Editor of American Commerce and Finance. 8vo, viii-|-3S7. Chi- cago: University Press, 1905; and Lectures on Commerce. Svo, viii-l-387. Chicago: University Press, igo6. Hugo Richard Meyer [1905-6], Assistant Professor of Political Economy. A.B. Harvard, 1892; .\.M. ibid., 1894; .\ssistant Professor of Political Economy, Chicago, 1905-6. 46 PUBLICATIONS Government Regulation of Railway Rates: A Study of the Experience of the United States, Germany, France, Austria-Hungary, Russia, and Australia. 8vo, xxvii+486. New York: Macmillan Co., 1905. Municipal Ownership in Great Britain. 8vo, xii+340. New York; Macmillan Co., 1906. Rate Making by Government, Railroad Gazette, XXXVIII (1905), 497-503- Municipal Ownership in Great Britain, Journal of Political Economy, XIII (1905), 481-505- Danger of Increasing Commission's Power, Moody^s Magazine, I (1906), 197-200. Railroad Rates as Protective Tariffs, Journal of Political Economy, XIV (1906), 1-13. A Reply to Professor B. H. Meyer, Privy Councilor Von der Leyden, Professor Willard Fisher, ibid., 193-223. The Disastrous Results in Italy of State Railroad Building, ibid., 362-69. Government Regulation of Railway Rates, Publications of the American Economic Association, Third Series, VII (1906), 61-68, 10S-12. Harold Glenn Moulton [1910-], Assistant Professor of Political Economy. Ph.B. Chicago, 1907; Ph.D. ibid., 1914; Assistant Professor of Political Economy, ibid., 191 4-. Secretary of the Western Economic Society, 1914-. Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Political Economy, 1910-; Member of the Editorial Board of the series. Materials for the Study of Economics. Waterways versus Railways. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, xviii+468. Bos- ton; Houghton Mifflin Co., 19 12. Principles of Money and Banking, Developed by Selected Materials and Explanatory Introductions. 8vo,xl+ 283+502. Chicago: University Press, 1916. Exercises and Questions on Money and Banking. i2mo, 95. Chicago: University Press, 1916. The Illinois Water Power Scheme, Journal of Political Economy, XVIII (1910), 381-87. DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 47 Discussion on Water Transportation, Bulletin oj American Economic Association, Fourth Series, No. 2 (191 1), 199-202. Some Aspects of the Waterways Question, Journal of Political Economy, XXII (1914), 239-53. The New Currency Act, Business Woman s Magazine, I (1914), 70-73. A National Movement for Co-operative Marketing and Farm Credit, Survey, XXXII (1914), 307-8. The Cost of the Erie Barge Canal, Journal of Political Economy, XXIII (1915), 49^500- Formal .Argumentation. In Boynton's Principles of Composition, 241-73. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1915. The Sensitive Mechanism of Credit. In Hamilton's Current Economic Problems, 202-6. Chicago: University Press, 1915. Inelasticity of Credit under the National Banking System, ibid., 249-50. Emergency Elasticity of Credit, ibid., 255-56. A Setback for the Waterways Movement, Journal of Political Economy, XXIII (1915), 961-71. Review of: Final Rejjort of the National Waterways Commission, American Economic Review, II, 956-60. Other reviews in Journal of Political Economy, XIX, 246; XX, 86-S9; XXII, 399-400, 811-13; XXIII, 92-94, 517-20; American Economic Review, II, 355-57. Thorstein B. Veblen [1893-1906], Assistant Professor of Political Economy; Professor of Economics, University of Missouri, Colum- bia, Mo. .'\.R. Carlcton College, 1880; Ph.D. Yale, 1SS4; Instructor in Political Economy, Chicago, 1896-1900; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1900- 1906. Managing Editor of the Journal of Political Economy, 1900-1906. The Theory of Business Enterprise. Svo, vii+400. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1904. An Early E.xperiment in Trusts, Journal of Political Economy, XII (1904), 270-79. Credit and Prices, ibid., XIII (1905), 460-72. The Place of Science in Modern Civilization, American Journal of Sociology, XI (1906), 585-609. 48 PUBLICATIONS Re\t:e\v of: Sombart, Der Moderne Kapitalismus, Journal of Political Economy, XI, 300-305. Other reviews in Journal of Political Economy, XI, 130-31, 146-48, 306, 311-15, 324-26, 655-58; XIII, 120- 22; 136, 319-20. Carson S. Duncan [1915-], Lecturer on Commercial Organization. A.B. Wabash, igoi; A.M. Columbia, 1905; Ph.D. Chicago, 1913; Assistant Professor of English, Ohio State, 1906-14; Professor of English, ibid., 1914-15; Lecturer on Commercial Organization, Chicago, 1915-. The New Science and English Literature in the Classical Period. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 191. Menasha, Wis.: George Banta Publishing Co., 1913- The Paternalism of Public Service Commissions, Forum, LIII (1915), 101-6. Supervised Utilities and the Investor, Moody s Magazine, XVIII (1915), 339-41- The Economics and Legality of Premium Giving, Journal of Political Economy, XXIV (1916), 921-50. John BeNxVet Canning [1914-], Instructor in Political Economy in the School of Commerce and Administration. Ph.B. Chicago, 1913; Special Assistant in Political Economy, ibid., 1914; Assist- ant in Political Economy, ibid., 1914-15; Instructor, ibid., 1915-. The Function of the Modern Business Corporation, in Hamilton's Current Economic Problems, 191-94. Chicago: University Press, 1915- The Meaning of Student Marks, School Review, XXIV (1916), 196-202. Robert Morris [1904-7], Instructor in Political Economy. A.B. Nashville, 1897; LL.B. West Virginia University, 1899; Instructor in Political Economy, Chicago, 1904-7. The Causes of Industrial Crises, Banker's Monthly, XXXI (1905), 79-82. Reviews in: Journal of Political Economy, XIV, 62, 1 24-26, 254-55. Homer Hoyt [1915-], Assistant in Political Economy. A.B. Kansas, 1913; A.M. ibid., 1913; Assistant in Political Economy, Chicago, 1915-- The Social Function of Law. In Hamilton's Current Economic Problems, 654-58. Chicago: University Press, 1915. DEPARTMENT 01' TOLIl UAL ECONOMY 49 The Relation of tlie Literacy Test to a Constructive Immigration Prob- lem, Journal of Political Economy, XXIV (1916), 445-73. Review in: Journal of Political Economy, XXII, 920-23. Edgar Hutchinson Johnson [1909-10], Assistant in Political Economy; Professor of History and Economics, Emory College, O.xford, Ga. S.B. Emory College, 1891; A.M. Harvard, 1903; Ph.D. Chicago, 1910; Pro- fessor of History and Economics, Emory College, 1900- 1909; .\ssistant in Political Economy, Chicago, 1909-10. The Economics of Henry George's "Progress and Poverty." Doctor's thesis. Journal of Political Economy, XVHI (1910), 714-35. Method of Ta.xing the Unearned Increment, Quarterly Journal of Economics, XXIV (1910), 759-62. Reviews in: School Review, X\'III, 20S-9; Journal of Political Economy, XVHI, 839-41. Duncan Ale.\.a.nder M.\cGibbon [191 2-13], Assistant in Political Economy; Professor of Economics, Brandon College, Brandon, Manitoba. A.B. McMaster, 1908; Ph.D. Chicago, 1915; .\ssistant in Political Economy, ibid., 1912-13. French SociaUsm Today, Journal of Political Economy, XIX (1911), 36-46, 9S-110. Grain Legislation Affecting Western Canada, ibid., XX (1912), 224-53. Reviews in: Journal of Political Economy, XX, XXI, and XXIV. Edith Abbott, Ph.D. 1905. See under Department of Sociology, p. 79. Donald Elliott Bridgman, Ph.D. 1907; Attorney, New York City. An Examination into the Economic Causes of Large Fortunes in This Country. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, So. St. Paul: Pioneer Co., 1909. William John .\lexander Donald, Ph.D. 1914; Lecturer in Economics and Sociology, McMaster University, Toronto. The Canadian Iron and Steel Industry. A Study in the Economic History of a Protected Industry. Doctor's thesis. i2mo, .\v+376. New York: Houghton Mirtlin Co., 1915. Land Grants for Internal Improvement in the L'nited States, Journal of Political Economy, XiX (1911), 404-10. 50 PUBLICATIONS The Growth and Distribution of Canadian Population, Journal of Political Economy, XXI (19 13), 296-312. Canadian Financial Problems, ibid., XXIII (1915), 753-90. Reviews in: Journal of Political Economy, XIX, 146-48, 506-7. Earl Dean Howard, Ph.D. 1905; Professor of Economics, Northwestern University. The Development of Government in Industry, Illinois Law Review, X (1916), 567-73- Isaac Lippincott, Ph.D. 1912; Assistant Professor of Economics, Washington Universit}^, St. Louis. A History of Manufactures in the Ohio Valley to the Year i860. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, vii+214. New York: Knickerbocker Press, 19 14. James Dysart Magee, Ph.D. 1913; Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Cincinnati. The World's Production of Gold and Silver from 1493 to 1905, Journal of Political Economy, XVIII (1910), 50-58. Food Prices and the Cost of Living, ibid., 294-308. The Italian Banking System, Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science, I (1911), 431-42. The Degree of Correspondence between Two Series of Index Numbers, Quarterly Publications of the American Statistical Association, XIII (1912), 174-81. Money and Prices: A Statistical Study of Price Movements. Doctor's thesis. Journal of Political Economy, XXI (1913), 681-7 11, 798-818. Albert Newton Merritt, Ph.D. 1906; Secretary of the Commercial Exchange of Chicago. Federal Regulation of Railway Rates. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, xii+240. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1906. Oscar Douglas Skelton, Ph.D. 1908; Professor of Political Science, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada. Socialism: A Critical Analysis. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 1x4-329. Cam- bridge, Mass.: The Riverside Press, 191 1. I DEPAR'rMKNT OF POLiriCAL SCIENCE 51 George Asbury Stephens, Ph.D. 1909; Associate Professor of Eco- nomics, University of Nebraska, Lincoln. The New Apprenticeship. Doctor's thesis. Journal of Politkal Economy, XIX (1911), 17-35. William Walker Swanson, Ph.D. igo8; Assistant Professor of Eco- nomics, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada. The Establishment of the National Banking System. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 117. Kingston: The Jackson Press, 19 10. Murray Siiipman Wildman, Ph.D. 1904; Professor and Head of the Department of Economics, Leland Stanford Junior University. Money Inflation in the United States. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, ix-f238. Chicago: Privately printed, 1905. Anna Pritchett Youngman, Ph.D. 1908; Instructor in Economics, Wellesley College. The Economic Causes of Great Fortunes. Doctor's thesis. i2mo, 185. New York: The Bankers Publishing Co., 1909. M. Chase Going, Graduate Student. German War Finance, Journal of Political Economy, XXIV (1916), 513-46. Lewis C. Sorrell, Graduate Student. Dislocations in the Foreign Trade of the United States Resulting from the European War, ibid., 25-75. S. Roy Weaver, Graduate Student. The First Negotiations for Reciprocity in North America, ibid., XIX (1911), 411-15. THE DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE Ernst Freund [1894-], Professor of Jurisprudence and Public Law. See under Law School, p. 471. Charles Edvv.\rd Merriam [1900-], Professor of Political Science. A.B. Lenox, 1893; Ph.D. Columbia, 1900; .\ssistant Professor of Political Sci- ence, Chicago, 1Q05-7; .\ssociatc Professor, ibid., 1907-1 1 ; Professor, ibid., iqi i-. Associate Editor, Political Scietue Review; Associate Editor, National Municipal Review. 52 PUBLICATIONS Secretaty, Chicago Harbor Commission (Report, 383 pp., 1909); Chairman, Chicago Commission on City Expenditures (Reports, 1909-11); Director, Chicago Bureau of Public Efficiency, 1909-11; Chairman, Executive Committee, ibid., 1911-14 (Reports, 1909-11, 1911-14); Member, Chicago Waste Commission (Report, 1914); Chairman, Chicago Crime Commission (Report, 196 pp., 1915). A History of American Political Theories. i2mo, xv+364. New York: Macmillan Co., 1903. Municipal Revenues of Chicago. 8vo, xiii+i6i. Chicago: University Press, 1906. Primary Elections. Svo, xi+308. Chicago: University Press, 1908. State Government, New York State Library Bulletin Review of Legislation (1902), 711-16; (1903), C1-9; (1904), C1-15. State Central Committees, Political Science Quarterly, XIX (1904), 224-33- Sovereignty, New International Encyclopedia, XIV (1904), 16, 17. The State, ibid., 147, 148. The Chicago Primary System, Publications of the Michigan Political Science Association, VI (1905), 118-24. Review of State Legislation in 1905, New York State Library Bulletin, VII (1906), 1-40. Review of State Legislation, ibid., 153-66. Hobbes' Doctrine of the State of Nature, Proceedings of the American Political Science Association (1906), 151-57. The Chicago Charter Convention, American Political Science Review, II (1907), 1-14. Revenues and Expenditures of American and European Cities, Uni- versity of Chicago Magazine, II (19 10), 141-47. Citizenship, ibid.. Ill (191 1), 275-82. Work and Accomplishments of Chicago Commission on City Expendi- tures, City Club Bulletin, IV (191 1), 195-208. Chicago Commission on City Expenditures: Investigations as a Means of Securing Administrative Efficiency, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, XLI (19 12), 281-303. DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE 53 Outlook, for Social Politics in the United States, American Journal of Sociology, VII (191 2), 113-25. Primary, Cyclopaedia of American Government (McLaughlin and Hart, eds.), II (1914), 49-51- Direct Primary, ibid., 51-55. The Case for Home Rule, A nnals of the A merican A cademy of Political and Social Science, LVII (19 15), 170-74. The Political Philosoj^hy of John C. Calhoun. In Studies in Southern History and Politics {(:dhcd hy ]. W. Garner; New York: Columbia University Press, 1915), chap, .xiii, pp. 319-38. Budget Making in Chicago, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, LXII (1915), 270-76. Findings and Recommendations of the Chicago Council Committee on Crime, Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, VI (1915), 345-62. Reviews in: Political Science Quarterly, XVIII, 331-32, 693-95; XXII, 355-56; American Journal of Sociology, IX, 723-24; Annals of the American Academy, and American Historical Review. Walter Fairleigh Dodd [1915-], Associate Professor of Political Science. A.B. Florida State, 1898; Ph.D. Chicago, 1905; .Associate Professor of Political Science, Illinois, 1910-15; Associate Professor, Chicago, 1915-. Member, Editorial Board, .1 merican Political Science Review, 191 i-i 2. The State Governments of the American Revolution. Doctor's thesis. Partly published in Revision and Amendment of State Constitutions. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1910. Augustus Raymond Hatton [1905-8], E.xtension Associate Professor of Political Science; Professor of Political Science, Western Reserve University, Cleveland. Ph.B. Franklin, 1898; Ph.D. Chicago, 1907. Digest of City Charters. 8vo, .\.xi+35i. Chicago: Chicago Charter Convention, 1906. The Liquor TrafBc and City Government, Proceedings of the National Municipal League (1908), 421-43. Alleyne Ireland [1905-6], Professorial Lecturer on Colonial Politics, HistoPk', and Commerce; Boston, Mass. The Province of Burma: A Study Undertaken for the University of Chicago. 2 vols., 973; looi. Boston: Houghton Milllin Co., 1907. 54 PUBLICATIONS Frederick Dennison Bramhall [1908-], Instructor in Political Science. Ph.B. Chicago, 1902; Legislative Reference Librarian, New York State Library, 1907-8; Instructor, Chicago, 1908-. Political Phases of the Liquor Problem in Chicago, Proceedings of Buffalo Conference for Good City Government (1910), 423-38. Eldon Cobb Evans, Ph.D. 1915. The Australian Ballot in the United States. Doctor's thesis. Svo, iv+i02. Chicago: University Press, 1917. Samuel MacClintock, Ph.D. 1908; Secretary, LaSalle Extension University, Chicago. Aliens under the Federal Laws of the United States. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 120. Chicago: Illinois Law Review, 1909. Susan Wade Peabody, Ph.D. 1908; Chicago, 111. Historical Study of Legislation Regarding Public Health in the States of New York and Massachusetts. Doctor's thesis. 158. Journal of Infectious Diseases, Supplement No, 4, 1909. Jeremiah Simeon Young, Ph.D. 1902; Professor of Political Science, University of Minnesota. A Political and Constitutional Study of the Cumberland Road. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 106. Chicago: University Press, 1902. Pan Hui Lo, Graduate Student. Study of Chinese Jurisprudence, Illinois Law Review, VI (191 2), 456-76, 518-33- THE DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY Andrew Cunningham McLaughlin [1906-], Professor and Head of the Department of History, and Head of the Department of Church History. A.B. Michigan, 1882; LL.B. ibid., 1885; LL.D. ibid., 1912; Assistant Professor of History, ibid., 1888; Professor of American History, ibid., 1891-1906; Pro- fessor and Head of the !)ci)artmcnt of History, Chicago, 190O-; Head of the Department of Church History, ibid., 1908-. Director, Bureau of Historical Research of Carnegie Institution, 1903-5. DEPARTMENT OV HISTORY 55 Member of the Editorial Board, American Historical Review, 1898- 1914; Manaji^inp; Editor, ibid., 1901-5; Editor (with A. B. Hart) of the Cyclopaedia of American Government, Vols. I, II, III, 4to, 732, 773, 785. New York: i). Applcton & Co., 1914-. A History of the United States for Schools (with C. H. Van Tyne). Svo, xviii+430. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 191 1. The Study of History in Secondary Schools (with C. H. Haskins, J. II. Robinson, and James Sullivan). Svo, 69. New York: Macmillan Co., 1911. The Courts, the Constitution, and Parties. Svo, 299. Chicago: Uni- versity Press, 1912. A History of the American Nation. Svo, 562. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1913, new ed., revised and largely rewritten. The Uses of an Historical Society, Proceedings of the Historical Society of North Dakota, I (1907), 53-69. Introduction to The Diary of James K. Polk, xi-xx. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co., 19 10. Democracy and the Constitution, Proceedings of the American Anti- quarian Society for October, IQ12. Articles on Federal Convention, Sources of the Constitution, Articles of Confederation, Courts and Unconstitutional Legislation, Political Parties, and many other subjects in Cyclopaedia of American Govern- ment, Vols. I, II, III. American History and American Democracy, American Historical Review, XX (1915), 255-76. The Meaning of the Civil War, University Record, I (1915), 13S-4S. Reviews in: American Historical Review, XII, 179-S0, 430-31; xni, 367-69. James H. Bre.vsted, Professor of Eg>'ptology and Oriental Histor>'. See under Department of Oriental Languages and Literatures, p. 90. William Edward Dodd [190S-], Professor of American History. S.B. Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1895; S.M. ibid., 1S97; Ph.D. Leipzig, 1900; Professor of History, Randolph-Macon, 1900-1908; Professor of .\raeri- can Histor>', Chicago, 1908-. Editor of the Riverside History of the United States. i2mo. Four volumes. Boston: Houghton Mitllin Co., 1915. 56 PUBLICATIONS Statesmen of the Old South. i2mo, xi+242. New York: Macmillan Co., 1911. Expansion and Conflict. Vol. II in the Riverside History of the United States. i2mo, 328. Boston: Houghton MifiBlin Co., 1915. The Fight for the Northwest, i860, American Historical Review, XVI (1911), 774-89- The West and the War with Mexico, Journal of the Illinois Historical Society, III (1912), 1-16. Profitable Fields of Investigation in American History, 1S15-1860, American Historical Review, XVIII (1913), 522-36. fGEORGE Stephen Goodspeed [1892-1905], Professor of Compara- tive Religion and Ancient History. See under Department of Comparative Religion, p. 87. John Franklin Jameson [1901-5], Professor and Head of the Depart- ment of History; Director, Department of Historical Research, Carnegie Institution, Washington. A.B. Amherst, 1879; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins, 1882; LL.D. Amherst, 1898; LL.D. Johns Hopkins, 1902; Professor of History, Brown, 1888-1901; Professor and Head of the Department of History, Chicago, 1901-5. Managing Editor, American Historical Review, 1895-1901, 1905-; Member of the Editorial Board, ibid., 1902-. Studies in the History of the Federal Convention of 1787, Annual Report of the American Historical Association, I (1902), 87-167. St. Eustatius in the American Revolution, American Historical Review, vni (1903), 6S3-708. Professor von Hoist as a Historian, University Record, VIII (1903), 156-60. The Age of Erudition, ibid., X (1905), 19-28; published also in the volume Representative Phi Beta Kappa Orations (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1915), 326-43. Ferdinand Schevill [1892-], Professor of Modern History. A.B. Yale, 1889; Ph.D. Freiburg, 1892; Assistant Professor of History, Chicago, 1809-1904; Associate Professor, ibid., 1904-9; Professor of Modern History, ibid., 1909-. t Deceased. DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY 57 A Political History of Modern Europe. 8vo, 607. Xew York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1907. Siena: The Story of a Mediaeval Commune. Svo, .\ii-f-433. Xew York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1909. The Making of Modern Germany. Svo, .\i-f-259. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co., 1916. The Podesta of Siena, American Historical Review, IX (1904), 247-64. San Galgano: a Cistercian Abbey of the Middle Ages, American His- torical Review, XIV (1908), 22-37. Reviews in: American Journal of Sociology, XI, 579; American Historical Review, VIII, 1 10-12; IX, 357-58; X, 3S5-87; XI, 138-40; XII, 864-69; XVI, 625-27; XIX, 627-29, 876-77; XX, 638-40, Edwin Erle Sparks [1S95-190S], Professor of American History; President of the Pennsylvania State College. A.B. Ohio State, 1884; Ph.D. Chicago, 1899; Lecturer in American History, American Society for the Extension of University Teaching, 1892-95; Lecturer, Chicago, 1895-96; .\ssistant Professor, ibid., 1897-1901; Associate Professor, ibid., 1901-4; Professor of American History, ibid., 1905-8. Editor of The Lincoln-Douglas Debates of iSj8. i2mo, xi-f627. Springfield, 111.: Illinois Historical Society, 1908. United States of America. i2mo, 2 vols., 425, 385. X'ew York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1904. Narrative of Johnsons Captivity. i2mo, 36. Cleveland: Burroughs Brothers, 1905. Last Tiuo Journeys of Father Marquette. Svo, 30. Chicago: Atkinson, Mentzer & Grover, 1906. Rutherford B. Hayes: An Appreciation. i6mo, 27. Columbus, Ohio: State University, 1907. National Development. i2mo, x+378. New York: Harper & Bros., 1907. Apropos of a Statue of Frederick the Great for America, Chautauquan, XXXV (1902), 507-11. Irrigation and the American Frontier, ibid., 56S-72. Week's Centennial in Chicago, Harper's Weekly, XL VII (1903), 1552-53. Movement of the Peoi)le, West Virginia School Journal, XXXII (1903), 7-9. 58 PUBLICATIONS United States: The Westward Movement, Encyclopedia Americana, XVI (1904). Collaboration of History and Geography, Elementary School Teacher, IV (1904), 461-65. Beginnings of Chicago, Journal of Western Engineers, VIII (1904), 357-70- The Conference on the Relation of Geography to History, Annual Report of the American Historical Association (190S), 55. Reviews in: American Historical Review, VIII, 539-41; XI, 442- 43; Dial, XL, 229; XXV, 462-65; Annals of the American Academy, XXI, 161-62. Benjamin Terry [189 2-], Professor of EngKsh History. A.B. Colgate, 1878; Ph.D. Freiburg i. B., 1892; LL.D. Colgate, 1903; Professor of Civil History, ibid., 1885-89; Professor of History and Political Science, ibid., 1889-92; Professor of Mediaeval and English History, Chicago, 1892-1910; Dean of the Senior Colleges, ibid., 1895-99; Professor of English History, ibid., 1910-. A History of England for Schools. 8vo, xxvi-l-622. Chicago: Scott, Foresman & Co., 1903. Die Heimstattengesetz-Bewegung: V, Die Heimstattengesetze und die Burger auslandischer Geburt. Vierteljahrschrift der Deutsch- Amerikanischen Gesellschaft, III (April, 1903), 24-40; VI, Die Neu-Abgrenzung der Parteien und das Heimstattengesetz, ibid. (July, 1903), i-ii. Reviews of: Ramsey, The Angevin Empire, American Historical Review, IX, 549-54; Armitage-Smith, John of Gaunt, ibid., XI, 645- 48; Adams, Origin of the EngUsh Constitution, ibid., XVIII, 567-71. Other reviews in American Historical Review, VIII, 380-81; X, 917-1S; XII, 613-15; XIX, 859; World To-Day, IX, 440; X, 217, 440, 552; XI, 1219; XII, 441-42, 582, 646. James Westfall Thompson [1895-], Professor of Mediaeval History. A.B. Rutgers, 1892; Ph.D. Chicago, 1895; Assistant Professor of European History, ibid., 1904-8; Associate Professor, ibid., 1908-13; Professor of Medi- aeval History, ibid., 1913-. Editor of Mignet's French Revolution. 8vo, xi-l-527. Philadel- phia: John D. Morris & Co., 1907. Reference Studies in Mediaeval History, ist cd., 1907. Chicago: Uni- versity Press; 2fl ed., revised and enlarged, 1914. i2mo, xvii+ 233. Chicago: [)u1;lishcd by the author. DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY 59 The Wars of Religion in France: The Huguenots, Catherine dc Medici, and Philip II. ist ed., 1909; 2d ed., 1916. 8vo, 635. Chicago: Uni- versity Press. The Frankfort Book Fair. 204. The Caxton Club of Chicago, 1911. Some Famous Historical Collections in Paris, Literary Collector, \'II (1903), 129-34. Vergil in Mediaeval Culture, American Journal of Theology, X (1906), 648-62. Napoleon as a Booklover, Atlantic Monthly, XCVIII (1906), 1 10-18. On the Identity of Bernard of Cluny, Journal of Theological Studies, VIII (1907), 394-401. Book-huiUing as a Sport, Caxton Club Year Book, (190S), 71-107. Achille Luchaire, Nation, LXXXVII (1908), 513, 514. Some Economic Factors in the Revocation of the Eklict of Nantes, Ameri- can Historical Review, XIV (1908), 38-51. Anti-Loyalist Legislation during the American Revolution, Illinois Law Review, III (1908), 81-90, 147-71. The Alleged Persecutions of the Christians at Lyons in 177, American Journal of Theology, XVI (1912), 365-84; XVII (1913), 249-5S. Profitable Fields of Investigation in Mediaeval History, American Historical Rev^icw, XVIII (1913), 490-503. The Mendacity of History, Xorth American Review, CXCIX (1914), 910-21. The Commerce of France in the Ninth Century. Journal of Political Economy, XXIII (19 15), 857-87. The German Church and the Conversion of the Baltic Slavs, American Journal of Theology, XX (1916), 205-30, 372-S9. Reviews of: The Cambridge Modern History: Vol. VIII, The French Revolution, Annals of the American Academy, XX\', 139-43; Lavisse, Histoire de France depuis les origines jusqu'a la revolution: I, Tableau de la geographic de la France; II, Le Chrislianisme, les Bariiares, Merovingiens, et Carolingiens, American Historical Rr^'irw, VIII, 342-47. Other reviews in American Historical Rfi'ltic, III, 742- 43; Vill, 119-20, 577-79; IX, 147-4S; X,387-S9; XI, 360-61, 376-77, 656-59; XII, 619-21, 691-92; XIII, 859-61; XIV, 343-44; XV, 364- 66,838-39; XVI, 117-18,343-45; XVII, 870-71; XVIII, 163-64, 359- 61, 575-77, 791-9-2; ^1^, ^"^71-74; XX, 137-39. 6o ' PUBLICATIONS George Elliott Howard [1903-4], Professorial Lecturer on History; Professor of Political Science and Sociology, University of Nebraska. A.B. Nebraska, 1879; Ph.D. ibid., 1894; Professor of History, Nebraska, 1879-91; Professor of American and Institutional Historj', and Head of the Department of History, Leland Stanford Junior, 1891-1901 ; Professor of American History, Cor- nell, 1902; Professorial Lecturer on History, Chicago, 1903-4. A History of Matrimonial Institutions. 3 vols., Svo. Vol. I, xv+474; Vol. II, XV+59S; Vol. Ill, xv-l-450. Chicago: University Press; Callaghan & Co., 1904. Biographical Sketch of Amos Griswold Warner, Notes Supplementary to Johns Hopkins University Studies, XXII (1904), 7-10. Marriage and Divorce in the United States, Encyclopedia Americana, X (1904). Reviews in: American Historical Review, IX, 544-47. Marcus Wilson Jernegan [1902-6; 1908-], Associate Professor of History. A.B. Brown, 1896; Ph.D. Chicago, 1906; Assistant Professor of History, ihid.f 191 2-16; Associate Professor, ibid., 1916-. An Unsolved Problem in Secondary Education, Educational Bi-Monthly, III (1908), II 1-22. The Debates in the Irish House of Commons, 1 776-1 789, English His- torical Review, XXIV (1909), 104-6. Discussion of the Report of the Committee of Seven, Proceedings of the North Central History Teachers^ Association (1909), 20-22. Junior College History in the University of Chicago, History Teacher's Magazine, I (1910), 169-70. Factors Influencing the Development of American Education before the Revolution, Proceedings of the Mississippi Valley Historical Association, V (1911-12), 190-206. A Forgotten Slavery of Colonial Days, Harper's Magazine, CXXVII (1913), 745-75- Articles on Colonial Unions Previous to 1775, King's Province, Mason and Dixon's Line, New Sweden, Cyclopaedia of American Govern- ment, Vols. I, II, III (1914). The Beginnings of Public Education in New England, School Review XXIII (1915), 319-30, 361-S0. DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY 6i Slavery and Conversion in the American Colonies, American Historical Review, XXI (19 16), 504-28. Reviews in: American Historical Review, XIII, 660-61, 910-11; XIV, ,^91-92; XV, 648-49; XVII, 674-75; XVIII, 589-92. 629- 30; XIX, 689-90, 8SQ-90; XX, 4.^7-38; XXI, 634-35; American Journal of Theology, XVI, 305-7; School Review, XIII, 739; XIV, 458, 459; XVII, 132-33; XVIII, 147; XIX, 421, 422. CoNYERS Read [1910-], Associate Professor of History. A.B. Harvard, iqo.^; Ph.D. ibid., 1908; B.Litt. Oxford, iQio; Assistant Pro- fessor of History, Chicago, 1912-15; Associate Professor, ibid., 1915-- Factions in the EngUsh Privy Council under Elizabeth, Annual Report of the American Historical Association (1911), 109-19. Walsingham and Burghlcy in Queen Elizabeth's Privy Council, English Historical Review, XXVIII (1913), 34-58. English Foreign Trade under Elizabeth, ibid., XXIX (1914), 515-25. The Fame of Sir Edward StafTord, American Historical Revirw, XX (1915), 292-313. Reviews of: Tawney, The Agrarian Problem in the Si.xteenth Century, Journal of Political Economy, XXI, 362-67; Newton, The Colonizing Activities of the Enghsh Puritans: The Last Phase of the Elizabethan Struggle with .Spain, ibid., XXII, 589-92; Williams, Maritime Enterprise, ibid., 916-19; Gras, The Evolution of the P^nglish Corn Market from the Twelfth to the Eighteenth Century, ibid., XXIV, 191-94. Other reviews in Journal of Political Economy, XXI, 83-S5; XXII, 70S-9; XXIII, 289-92; American Historical Rcvien', X\TI, 656, 872; American Journal of Theology, XV, 475-76. Francis Wayland Shepardson [1892-1917], Associate Professor of American History; Director of Registration and Education of the State of Illinois. A.B. Dcnison, 1882; Ph.D. Yale, 1892; LL.D. Denison, 1906; .Assistant Professor of .-Vmerican Histor>-, Chicago, 1897-1901; .\ssociate Professor, ibid., 1901-17; Dean of the Senior Colleges, ibid., 1904-7. Lecturer on .Vmerican History, Teachers' .Vssembly, Baguio, Philippine Islands, 1911, 1914. Editor of The University Extension World, 1893-97; Editorial Writer, Chicago Daily Tribune, 1906-10. The Amenities of Presidential Campaigns, World To-Day, VII (1904), 1314-22. John Paul Jones, ibid., VIII (1905), 605-S. 62 PUBLICATIONS The Historic Setting of Gran\dlle, Old Northwest Genealogical Quarterly (i905)> 235-44. William Rainey Harper, University Record, X (1906), 76-79. William Rainey Harper, Biblical World, XXVII (1906), 162-66. Rescuing Cuba from Europe, World To-Day, XI (1906), 1197-99. The Roosevelt Regime, ibid., XVI (1909), 265-68. Review in: America^i Historical Review, XVIII, 820-21. Oliver Joseph Thatcher [1892-1906], Associate Professor of Mediaeval and English History; Beaumont, Cal. A.B. Wilmington, 1878; Ph.D. ihid., 1894; Instructor in Ecclesiastical History, United Presbyterian Theological Seminary, 1888-90; Professor, ihid., 1890-92; Extension Instructor in History, Chicago, 1892-93; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1893-94; Associate Professor of Mediaeval and English History, ibid., 1894-1906. A Source Book for Mediaeval History. Selected Documents Illustrating the History of Europe in the Middle Age (with E. H. McNeal). 8vo, xLx-(-6i9. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1905. Carl Frederick Huth, Jr. [1910-], Assistant Professor of History. A.B. Wisconsin, 1904; A.M. ibid., 1905; Instructor in History, Chicago, 1910-14; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1914-. Joint Editor of a series of maps for the study of Ancient History, pubHshed 1916-17 by the Denoyer-Geppert Co., Chicago. Luther in the Light of Recent Research; a translation of Heinrich Boeh- mer's work. 8vo, ii+323. New York: Christian Herald Publish- ing Co., 1916. Review of: Zimmerman, The Greek Commonwealth, Journal of Political Economy, XX, 516-20. Other reviews in Journal of Political Economy, XIX, 803-4; Classical Philology, VII, 116-18. Earl Evelyn Sperry [1909-11], Assistant Professor of History; Pro- fessor of European History, Syracuse University. Ph.B. Syracuse, 1898; Ph.D. Columbia, 1903; Instructor in History, Syracuse, 1902-5; Associate Professor, ibid., 1905-8; Professor, ibid., 1908-9; Assistant Professor of History, Chicago, 1909-11. Reviews of: Smith, The Life and Letters of Martin Luther, American Journal of Theology, XV, 643; Stoeckius, Forschungen zur Lebensordnung der Gesellschaft Jesu im 16. Jahrhundert, ibid., 473-75. Curtis Howe Walker [1909-], Assistant Professor of History. A.B. Yale, 1899; Ph.D. ibid., 1905; Assistant Professor of History, Chicago, 1911-. DKPARTMEXT OF HISTORY 63 The Trend in the Modern Interpretation of Early Church History, American Journal of Theology, XVI (1912), 614-33. Communication: Concerning the Date of Sumner's First Course on Sociology, American Journal of Sociology, XX (1915), 829-30. Reviews of: Gwatkin, Early Church History to a.d. 313; Flick, The Rise of the Mediaeval Church, American Journal of Theology, XV, 635-41; D'Ales, L'Edit de Calliste. Etude sur les ori^nnes de la penitence chn'lienne, American Journal of Theology, XIX, 125-29; \V. G. Sumner, The Challenge of Facts, Yale Review, V (1915), 215-17. Other reviews in American Journal of Theology, XIV, 472-73; XVII, 437-39» 630-31. tJosEPii Parker Warren [1902-10], Assistant Professor of History. A.B. Harvard, i8q6; A.M. ibid., 1897; Ph.D. ibid., 1902; Instructor in History, Lcland Stanford Junior, 1901; Instructor, Chicago, 1902-9; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1909-10. The Confederation and the Shays Rebellion, American Historical Review, XI (1905), 42-67. Dice Robins Anderson [1908-9], Instructor in History; Head of the Department of History and Political Science, Richmond College, Virginia. A.B. Randolph-Macon, 1900; Ph.D. Chicago, 1912; President, Willie Halsell College, I.T., 1906-7; Instructor in History, Chicago, 1908-9. William Branch Giles: A Biography. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 221. Menasha, Wis.: George Banta Publishing Co., 19 15. Julian Pleasant Bretz [1906-8], Instructor in History; Professor of American History, Cornell University. A.B. William Jewell College, 1899; Ph.D. Chicago, 1906; Assistant in History, ibid., 1906-7; Instructor, ibid., 1907-S. Some Aspects of Postal E.xtension into the West, Annual Report of the American Historical Association (1909), 141-50. Reviews in: Atnerican Historical Review, XV, 424, 61S-19; X\TII, 145-47- Andrew Edward Harvey [1909-], Instructor in History. .\.B. Princeton, i8q8; D.B. Union Theological Seminar}-, 1001; Ph.D. Marburg University, 1906; Instnictor in European History, Leland Stanford Junior, 1907-8; Instructor in History, Chicago, 1909-. t Deceased. 64 PUBLICATIONS Economic Self-interest in the German Anti-Clericalism of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries, American Journal of Theology, XIX (19 15), 509-28. Review of: Vedder, The Reformation in Germany, American Journal of Theology, XIX, 129-33. Other reviews in American Journal of Theology, XVI, 473-75» 48S-89. Edward Benjamin Krehbiel [1907-9], Instructor in History; Pro- fessor of European History, Leland Stanford Junior University. A.B. Kansas, 1902; Ph.D. Chicago, 1906; Instructor in History, ibid., 1907-9. The Interdict, Its History and Its Operation, with Especial Attention to the Time of Pope Innocent III. Doctor's thesis. i2mo, viii-f-184. Washington, D.C.: American Historical Association, 1909. Reviews in: American Historical Review, XIII, 546-66; XIV, 168-69, 567-69; American Journal of Theology, XII, 291-95; XIII, 300-302. t Agnes M. Wergeland [1900-190 2], Instructor in History. Slavery in Germanic Society during the Middle Ages, Journal of Political Economy, IX (1900-1901), 9S-120, 398-422; X (1900-1902), 230-54. Catharine Caroline Cleveland, Ph.D. 1914; Chicago. The Great Revival in the West, lygj-iSo^. Doctor's thesis. i2mo, xii-1- 215. Chicago: University Press, 19 16. Frances Gardiner Davenport, Ph.D. 1904; Assistant, Department of Historical Research, Carnegie Institution, Washington. The Economic Development of a Norfolk Manor, 1086-1565. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, x-f-105-i-cii. Cambridge, England: University Press, 1906. Elmer Cummings Griffith, Ph.D. 1902; Professor of History and Political Science, William Jewell College, Liberty, Mo. The Rise and Development of the Gerrymander. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 124. Chicago: Scott, Foresman & Co., 1907. Congressional Representation in South Dakota, Nation, LXXV (1902), 343-44. t Deceased DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY 65 Cleo Carson Hkarox, Ph. I). 1913; Professor of IIist(iry, Ripon College. Nullification in Mississippi, Publications of the Mississippi Historical Society, XII (191 2), 37-71. Mississippi and the Compromise of 1S50. Doctor's thesis. Ibid., XIV (1913), 7-229. Reginald Charles McGrane, Ph.D. 1915; Instructor in History, University of Cincinnati. The Crisis of iSjj. Doctor's thesis. In Press. Edgar Holmes McNeal, Ph.D. 1902; Assistant Professor of European Histor}', Ohio State University, Columbus. Minores and Mediocres in the Germanic Tribal Laws. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 130. Privately printed, 1905. William Ray Manning, Ph.D. 1904; Adjunct Professor of History, University of Te.xas, Austin, The Nookta Sound Controversy. Doctor's thesis. Washington: Govern- ment Printing OfBce; also in Report of the American Historical Association, 1904, 279-478. David Richard Moore, Ph.D. 1910; Professor of Mediaeval and Modern European History, Oberlin College. Canada and the United States, 181^-iSjo. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 131. Chicago: Jennings and Graham, 1910. Charles Oscar Paullin, Ph.D. 1904; Member of Staff, Department of Historical Research, Carnegie Institution, Washington. First Elections under the Constitution, loiva Journal of History and Politics, II (1904), T>-2>2>- The Xavy of the American Revolution: Its Administration, Its Policy, and Its Achievements. Doctor's thesis. i2mo, 549. Cedar Rapids, Iowa: Republican Printing Co., 1906. Theodore Calvin Pease, Ph.D. 1914; Associate in History, University of Illinois. The County Archives of the Slate of Illinois, cxli+730. Published by the Trustees of the Illinois State Historical Library, Springfield, 1915. 66 PUBLICATIONS The Leveller Movement. Doctor's thesis. i2mo, vii4-4o6. Washing- ton, D.C.: American Historical Association, 1916. Reviews in: Mississippi Valley Historical Review, I, 444, 586, 58S, 592. MiLO Milton Quaife, Ph.D. 1908; Secretary, Wisconsin State Historical Society, Madison. The Doctrine of the Non-intervention with Slavery in the Territories. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 150. Chicago: M. C. Chamberlin Co., 19 10. James Garfield Randall, Ph.D. 1911; Professor of History and Economics, Roanoke College. The Confiscation of Property during the Civil War. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 71. Indianapolis: Mutual Printing and Lithographing Co., 19 13. Elmer Arthur Riley, Ph.D. 1911; Professor of Economics and Soci- ology, Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware. The Development of Chicago and Vicinity as a Manufacturing Center Prior to 1880. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 139. Chicago: McElroy PubHshing Co., 1911. C. Henry Smith, Ph.D. 1907; Professor of Social Science, Bluf^'ton College, Bluffton, Ohio. Mennonites of America. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 147. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1909. Schuyler Baldwin Terry, Ph.D. 1910; Lee, Higginson and Co., Chi- cago. The Financing of the Hundred Years^ War, ijjy-ij6o. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, XX+196. London: School of Economics, 1914. THE DEPARTMENT OF THE HISTORY OF ART , ^1 Frank Bigelow Tareell [1892-], Professor of Classical Archaeology. A.B. Yale, 1873; Ph.D. ibid., 1879; Assistant Professor of Greek and Instructor in Logic, ibid., 1882-87; Associate Professor of Greek, Chicago, 1892-94; Pro- fessor of Classical Archaeology, ibid., 1894-. Annual Director of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1888-89; Secretary, ibid., 1892-93. Member of Board of Editors, Studies in Classical Philology, Uni- versity of Chicago, 1895-1907; and of Classical Philology, 1906-. DEPARTMENT OE THE IIIS'IORV OE ART 67 Catalogue of Bronzes, etc., in Field Museum of Natural History. 8vo, 52. Chicago: Field Museum of Natural History, igog. A Signed Proto-Corinthian Lecythus in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Revue archeologique, XL (igo2), 41-46. Some Present Problems in the History of Greek Sculpture, American Journal of Archaeology, VIII (1904), 442-59. The Form of the Chlamys, Classical Philology, I (1906), 283 -89. The Palm of Victory, ibid.. Ill (1908), 264-72. Architecture on Attic Vases, American Journal of Archaeology , XIV (1910), 42S-33. A Marble Head of Antinous Belonging to Mr. Charles L. Hutchinson of Chicago, Art in America, II (1913), 68-71. The Pont du Card, Art and Archaeology, II (1915), 45-47. James Henry Breasted [1S94-], Professor of Eg\TDtology and Oriental History. See under Department of Oriental Languages and Litera- tures, p. 90. George Breed Zug [1903-13], Assistant Professor of the Histor}' of Art; Assistant Professor of Modern Art, Dartmouth College. A.B. Amherst CoUcrc, 1893; Student, Harvard, Berlin, Paris, Rome, 1893-IQ03; Instructor in the History of Art, Chicago, 1903-8; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1908-13. Masters of the Early and Late Renaissance, Dial, XXXVIII (1905), 320-22. Dutch Art and Artists (nine articles), Chautauquan, LII-LIV, September, 1908 — May, 1909. Richard Offn'er [1915-], Instructor in the History of Art. A.B. Harvard, 1912; Ph.D. Vienna, 1914; Instructor in the History of Art, Chicago, 1915-. La Vergine col Bambino del Chiodarolo, LWrte, XVHI (191 5), 226-2S. Reviews in: Classical Philology, XI, 347-49; Dial, LXII, 66. Caroline Louise R.wsom (Mrs. Gr.\nt Williams), Ph.D. 1905; Toledo, Ohio. Couches and Beds of the Greeks, Etruscans, and Romans. Doctor's thesis. 4V0, 128. Chicago: University Press, 1905. 68 PUBLICATIONS THE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY Albion Woodbury Small [1892-], Professor and Head of the Depart- ment of Sociology; Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Litera- ture. A.B. Colby, 1876; LL.D. ibid., 1900; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins, 1889; Professor of History and Political Economy, Colby, 1881-88; President of Colby, 1889-92; Professor and Head of the Department of Sociology, Chicago, 1892-; Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Literature, Chicago, 1905-. Vice-President and Member of Organizing Committee, International Congress of Arts and Science, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; President, American Sociological Society, 191 2-14. Editor, Americal Journal of Sociology, 1895-. General Sociology: An Exposition of the Main Development in Sociological Theory, from Spencer to Ratzenhofer. 8vo, xiv+739. Chicago: University Press, 1905. Adam Smith and Modern Sociology: A Study in the Methodology of the Social Sciences. 8vo, 250. Chicago: University Press, 1907. The Cameralists, the Pioneers of German Social Polity. 8vo, xxv-|-6o6. Chicago: University Press, 1909. Abraham Lincoln, the Prophet of Democracy. 27. Louisville, Ky.: Temple Adath Israel, 1909. The Meaning of Social Science, vii+309. Chicago: University Press, 1910. Between Eras: From Capitalism to Democracy, xv-l-431. Kansas City, Mo.: Intercollegiate Press, 19 13. The Primary Concepts of Sociology, American Journal of Sociology, VIII (1902-3), 197-250. What Is a Sociologist? ibid., 468-77. Coeducation at the University of Chicago, Proceedings of the National Education Association (1903), 288-97. Immoral Morality, Independent, LV (1903), 710-14. Translation of Simmel's Sociology of Conflict, American Journal of Soci- ology, IX (1903-4), 490-525* 672-89, 798-811. Notes on Ward's Pure Sociology, ibid., 404-7, 567-75, 703-7. Will Germany War with Us? Collier^ s Weekly, December 10, 1904. The Remaining Issue, Newspaper Enterprise Association, Cleveland, 1904. * DEPARTMKXr OF SOCIOLOGY AND AN THkOrOLOGY 69 Premises of Practical Sociology-, American Journal of Sociology, X (1904-S), 26-46. The Subject Matter of Sociology, ibid., 281-98. Christianity and National Needs, Home Mission Monthly, XX\'II (1905), 21-24. The Sociology of Advertising, Publisher and Advertiser, I (1905), 14-19. Research Ideals, University of Chicago Record, X (1905), 87. A Decade of Sociology, American Journal of Sociology, XI (1905-6), i-io. Translation of Simmel's .1 Contribution to the Sociology of Religion, ibid., 359-76. Translation of Simmel's The Sociology of Secrecy and Secret Societies, ibid., 441-98. William Rainey Harper as University President, Biblical World, XX\'II (1906), 216-19. William Rainey Harper: The Man, University of Chicago Record, XI (1906), 65. The Social Value of the Academic Career, ibid., 21-31. The Relation between Sociology and Other Sciences, American Journal of Sociology, XII (1906-7), 11-31. The American Sociological Society, ibid., 579-87. Points of Agreement among Sociologists, ibid., 633-49. Sociology, Nelson^ s Cyclopedia, 1907. Introduction to F. E. Dewhurst's Investment of Truth, ix-xv. Chicago: University Press, 1907. Are the Social Sciences Answerable to Common Principles of Method? I, II, III, American Journal of Sociology, XIII (1907-8), 1-19; 200-223; 392-401. Ratzenhofer's Sociology, ibid., A},2>~i^- The Doctor's Dissertation, Proceedings of Ninth Annual Conference, Association of American Universities (190S), 41-73. Personal Qualities of Professor Mashkc, University of Chicago Record, XII (190S), 157-59. 70 PUBLICATIONS The Meaning of Sociology, American Journal of Sociology, XIV (1908-9), 1-14. Is the Family on Trial ? ibid., 806-10. The Vindication of Sociology, ibid., XV (1909-1910), 1-15. Professor Ford's View of Sociology, ibid., 259. The Sociological Stage in the Evolution of the Social Sciences, ibid., 681-97. Translation of Simmel's How Is Society Possible? ibid., XVI (1910-11), 372-91- The "Social Forces" Error, ibid., 639-41. Discussion of Report of Committee on Teaching, ibid., 789-90. Socialism in the Light of Social Science, ibid., XVII (1911-12), 804-19. William Rainey Harper (Address at Dedication of the Harper Memorial Library), University of Chicago Magazine, IV (1912), 311- 12. General Sociology, American Journal of Sociology, XVIII (191 2-13), 200-214. The Present Outlook of Social Science, ibid. (1913), 433-69. Is It Possible for American Sociologists to Agree on a Constructive Program? Proceedings of the American Sociological Society, VIII (1913), 159-62. Lester Frank Ward, American Journal of Sociology, XIX (1913-14), 75-7S. A Vision of Social Efficiency, ibid., 433-45. Shall Science Be Sterilized? ibid., 650-53. The "Social Concept" Bugbear, ibid., 653-56. The Ford Motor Company Incident, ibid., 656-58, The Social Gradations of Capital, ibid., 721-52. The Evolution of a Social Standard, ibid., XX (1914-15), 10-17. Bonds of Nationality, ibid., 629-83. Nationalism and State Socialism, Publications of the American Sociological Society, X (191 5), 93-96. National Preparedness — American, American Journal of Sociology, XXI (1915-16), 601-10. DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY 71 Fifty Years of Sociology in the United States, 1865-1915, ibid., 721-864. Reviews of: Miinsterberg, Die Amerikaner, American Journal of Sociology, X, 245-52; Ross, Foundations of Sociology, ibid., XI, 129-32; Benlley, Progress of Government, ibid., XV, 69S-706; Hohhouse, Social Evolution and Political Theory, ibid., X\TI, 546-48; Patten, Recon- struction of Economic Theory, ibid., XVTII, 580-83; Rauschenhusch, Christianizing the Social Order; V^aughn, Socialism from the Christian Standpoint, ibid., 808-11; Ward, Glimpses of Cosmos, I, II, III, ibid., XIX, 659-64; and others. fCnARLES Richmond Henderson, Professor and Head of the Depart- ment of Sociology in the Divinity School. See under Divinity School, p. 464. Marion Talbot, Professor of Household Administration. See ufider Department of Household Administration, p. 83. William Isaac Thomas [1894-], Professor of Sociology. A.B. Tennessee, 1884; Ph.D. Chicago, i8q6; .\djunct Professor of English and Modern Languages, Tennessee, 1887-88; Professor of English, Oberlin, 1889-94; Professor of Sociology, ibid., 1894-95; Assistant Professor of Sociology, Chicago, 1896-1900; Associate Professor, ibid., 1900-1910; Professor, ibid., 1910-. Member of the Editorial Board, American Journal of Sociology. Sex and Society. 8vo, 325. Chicago: University Press, 1907. Source Book for Social Origins. Royal Svo, xvi+932. Chicago: University Press, 1909. The Origin of Society and of the State. Svo, 72. Chicago: Zalaz Corporation, 1915. The Sexual Element in Sensibility, Psychological Review, XI (1904), 61-67. The Psychology of Race Prejudice, American Journal of Sociology, IX (1903-4), 593-611. Is the Human Brain Stationary? Forum, XXX\T (1904), 305-20. Der Mangel an Generalisalionsvcrmogen bei den Negern, Zeitschrift far Socialwisscnschaft, \\\ (1904), 215-21. The Pro\incc of Social Psychology, American Journal of Sociology, X (1904-5), 445-55- t Deceased. 72 PUBLICATIONS The Adventitious Character of Women, American Journal oj Sociology^ XII (1906-7), 32-42. The Mind of Woman and the Lower Races, ibid., 435-69. The Significance of the Orient for the Occident, ibid., XIII (1907-8), 729-55- The Psychology of the Yellow Journal, American Magazine, LXV (1908), 491-96. Race Psychology: Standpoint and Questionnaire, with Particular Refer- ence to the Immigrant and the Negro, American Journal of Sociology, XVII (1911-12), 725-75. Education and Racial Traits, Southern Workman, XLI (1912), 37S-86. The Prussian-Polish Situation: An Experiment in Assimilation, American Journal of Sociology, XIX (1913-14), 624-39. George Edgar Vincent [1894-19 ii]. Professor of Sociology; Dean of the Faculties of Arts, Literature, and Science; President, Rockefeller Foundation. A.B. Yale, 1885; Ph.D. Chicago, 1896; Assistant in Sociology, Chicago, 1894-95; Instructor, ibid., 1895-96; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1896-1900; Associate Professor, ibid., 1900-1904; Dean of the Junior Colleges, ibid., 1900-1907; Pro- fessor of Sociology, ibid., 1904-11; Dean of the Faculties of Arts, Literature, and Science, ibid., 1907-11. Vice-Principal, Chautauqua System, 1888-1911; President, Chautauqua Insti- tution, 1907-15. Literary Editor, Chautauqua Press, 1886; Member of the Editorial Board, American Journal of Sociology, 1895-1911. The University of Chicago, Outlook, LXXI (1902), 839-51. The Evolution of a Reading Course, Chaulauquan, XXXVII (1903), 382-85. Laws of Hammurabi, American Journal of Sociology, IX (1903-4), 736-54. The Development of Sociology, ibid., X (1904-5), 145-60. A Laboratory Experiment in Journalism, ibid.,X.I (1905-6), 297-311. Conformity and Heresy, Methodist Review, LXXXVIII (1906), 771-84. Varieties of Sociology, American Journal of Sociology, XII (1906-7), i-io. The Individualizing Duty of the Library, Public Libraries, XIII (1908), 391-97- DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY 73 The Standard of Undergraduate Scholarship, University of Chicago Maga- zine, I (1908), 17-22. Rivalry of Social Groups, American Journal of Sociology, X\'I (1910- 11), 469-84. Sociology. Article in Encyclopedia Americana (ed. 191 1). Purpose and Spirit of the University, Science, XXXIII (191 1), 977-84. Reviews of: Sumner, Folkways, American Journal of Sociology, XIII, 414-19; Ross, Social Psychology, lAiJ., XIV, 681-87. Other re- views in American Journal of Sociology, XII, 122-25; XIV, 841-42; Political Science Quarterly, XXII, 741-43. Charles Zueblin [1S92-1908], Professor of Sociology; Lecturer, Boston, Mass. Ph.B. Northwestern, 1887; D.B. Yale, 1889; Secretary, Chicago Society for University Extension, 1892; Secretary of Class Work, Extension Division, Chicago, 1892-93; Secretary' of Lecture-Study, //'/(/., 1894; Extension Instructor in Sociology, ibid., 1892-95; Extension .\ssistant Professor, ibid., 1895-96; Associate Professor of Sociology, Chicago, 1896-1902; Professor, ibid., 1902-8. A Decade of Civic Development. i2mo, i8S. Chicago: University Press, 1905. The Religion of a Democrat. i2mo, 192. New York: B. \V. Huebsch, 1 90S. The Civic Renascence: A Series of Nine Articles, Chautauquan, \'ols. XXXVIII, XXXIX (1903-4). The Overspecialized Business Man, New York Sunday Times, March 24, 1907. The Constraint of Orthodoxy, Unity, LIX (1907), 217-21. The Evolution of the American Municipality, News-Book, XIX (1908), 5, 6. Review in: Political Science Quarterly, XXIII, 339-40. Robert Ezra P.-vrk [1913-], Professorial Lecturer in Sociology. Ph.B. Michigan, 1887; Ph.D. Heidelberg, 1904; .Assistant in Philosophy, Harvard, 1903-5; Professorial Lecturer in Sociolog>', Chicago, 1913-. The Principles of Human Behavior. No. 6 in Studies in Social Science, edited by W. I. Thomas. 62. Chicago: Zalaz Corporation, 1915. Racial Assimilation in Secondary Groups: with Special Reference to the Negro, American Journal of Sociology, XIX (1913-14), 606-23. 74 PUBLICATIONS The City: Suggestions for the Investigation of Human Behavior in the City Environment, American Journal of Sociology, XX (1914-15), 577-612. Review of: Evans, Black and White in the Colored States, Journal of Political Economy, XXIV, 304-6. Other reviews in American Journal of Sociology, XX, 274-76, 546-4S; XXI, 418-19, 420. Scott Elias William Bedford [1911-], Associate Professor of Sociology. A.B. Baker, 1902; L.H.D. Vermont, 1911; Assistant Professor of History, Baker, 1902-5; Professor of Sociology, Miami, 1908-11; Assistant Professor of Sociology, Chicago, 1911-16; Associate Professor, ibid., 1916-. Secretary and Treasurer, American Sociological Society, 191 1-. Member, Board of Editors, American Journal of Sociology; Managing Editor, Papers and Proceedings of the American Sociological Society, 1912-. Review of: Bartlett, The Better Country, American Journal of Sociology, XVII, 269-70. Other reviews in the American Journal of Sociology, XIX, 417, 687; XX, 125; XXI, 704-5; XXII, 96-97, 99. George Amos Dorsey [1905-15], Associate Professor of Anthropology. A.B. Denison, 1888; Ph.D. Harvard, 1894; LL.D. Denison, 1909; Professor of Comparative Anatomy, Northwestern, 1900-; Assistant Professor of Anthro- pology, Chicago, 1905-9; Associate Professor, ibid., 1909-15. Assistant Curator of Somatology, Field Museum of Natural History, 1896-97; Curator, Department of Anthropology, ibid., 1897-; Hon. Commissioner to Peru and Ecuador, World's Columbian Exposition, 1891-92; President, American Folk-Lore Society, 1902; President, Geographic Society of Chicago, 1908. Mythology of the Pawnee. Svo, 546. Washington: Carnegie Insti- tution, 1907. American Association of Museums, American Anthropologist, New Series, VIII (1906), 424-26. Legend of the Teton Sioux Medicine Pipe, Journal of American Folk Lore, XIX (1906), 326-30. Skidi Rite of Human Sacrifice, Proceedings of the International Congress of Americanists, Twenty-fifth Session, Quebec, I (1906), 65-71. Social Organization of the Skidi Pawnee, ibid., 71-79. A Pawnee Ritual of Instruction, Boas Memorial Volume (1907), 350-53. The Problems of Somatology, Proceedings of the St. Louis Congress of Arts and Science, X (1907), 498-509. Ceremony, Handbook of American Indians, Part I, Bulletin 30, Bureau of Ethnology (1907), 226-29. DErARTMKNT OF SOCIOLOGY AND AN'I UROPOLOGY 75 The Sun Dance, ibid., Part II. The Anthropological Exhibits at the American Museums of Natural History, Science, XX V (1907), 584-89. Frederick Starr [1S92-], Associate Professor of Anthropoloj^', A.B. Lafayette, 1882; S.M. and Ph.D. ibid., 1885; Sc.D. ibid., 1907; Professor of IJiological Science, Coe College, 1884-87; Assistant Professor of .\nthropology, Chicago, 1892-95; Associate Professor, j7>/', ibid., 1896-1902; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1902-12. Secretary, Illinois Educational Commission, 1908-10; publications, (Springfield, 111.): Report, 272; and the following bulletins: Xo. i, A Tentative Plan for a State Board of Education, Ty'S>; No. 2, A Tenta- tive Plan for a County Board of Education with Suggestions in Regard to the County Super intendency, 53; No. 3, A Tentative Plan for the Certification of Teachers, 32; No. 4, A Tentative Plan for Making the Township the Unit of Organization, 47; No. 5, Tentative Recommenda- tions Concerning County Teachers' Institutes, 57; No. 6, .1 Revision of the General School Law of Illinois, 87; No. 7, Minimum Salaries for Teachers, 37; No. 8, Bills for Providing (i) A State Board of Educa- tion, (2) The Certification of Teachers, (3) Township Organization of Rural Schools, 8; No. 9, Preliminary Report to the General Assem- bly, 47. The Art of Education. 237. New York: Macmillan Co., 191 2. What Is Religion? International Journal of Ethics, XIII (1903), 185-206. The Civic Problem from a Sociological Standpoint, American Journal of Sociology, XI (1905-6), 207-18. The Industrial Millennium, International Journal of Ethics, X\'I (1906), 190-9S. The Social Question of Today, American Journal of Sociology, XII (1906-7), 254-6S. War and Social Economy, International Journal of Ethics, X\TI (1907), 70-78. 78 PUBLICATIONS The Classification of the Arts, Popular Science Monthly, LXX (1907), 429-36. Education and Social Adjustment, Education, XXVII (1907), 556-60. The Social Ideal, International Journal of Ethics, XVIII (190S), 205-20. The Place of Education among the Arts, Educational Foundations, XX (190S), 194-205. The Physical Welfare of School Children, School and Home Education^ XXVIII (1909), 364-66. Normal Training for Rural Teachers, ihid., XXIX (1910), 341-45. Instruction by Correspondence, ibid., XXX (1910), 22-27; Cyclopedia of Education, II, 211-13. Educational Forces, Educational Foundations, XXII (19 10), 65-70. Classification of the Sciences, Popular Science Monthly, IX (191 1), 165-71. Medical Inspection in the Boston Public Schools, School and Home Education, XXXI (191 1), 24-26. Wealth and Welfare, Twentieth Century Magazine, X (1912), 459-67. Competition, Natural and Industrial, International Journal of Ethics, XXII (191 2), 399-419- The First Magazine, School and Home Education, XXXIII (191 2), 99-102. Annie Marion MacLean [1900-], Extension Assistant Professor of Sociology. A.B. Acadia, 1893; Ph.D. Chicago, 1900; Professor of Sociology, Adelphi College, 1906-12; Professor of Sociology, National Training School of YAV.C.A. (New York), 1906-12. Director, Sociological Investigation Committee of National Board of Y.W.C.A., 1907-9. Modern Methods of Charily (with C. R. Henderson and others). New York: Macmillan Co., 1903. Wage-Earning Women, xv+202. New York: Macmillan Co., 1910. Women Workers and Society, xii+135. National Social Science Series. Chicago: McClurg & Co., 1916. The Sweatshop in Summer, American Journal of Sociology, IX (1903-4), 289-309. Significance of the Canadian Migration, ibid., X (1904-5), 814-23. DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY 79 Nova Scotia's Crusade against Tuberculosis, Charities, XIV (1904-5), Progressive Club of Working Women, ibid., XV (1905-6), 299-302. Women in Pennsylvania Coal Fields, American Journal of Sociology, XIV (1908-9), 329-51. With Oregon Hop Pickers, ibid., XV (1909-10) 83-95. The Eleanor Clubs of Chicago, Survey, XXXII (1914), 60-61. Trade Unionism versus Welfare Work for Women, Popular Science Monthly, LXXXVII (1915), 50-55. The Plight of the Rich Man in a Democracy, American Journal of Soci- ology, XXI (19 15-16), 339-44- Fifty Years of the Y.W.C.A., Survey, XXXV (1916), 481-4S4. Edith Abbott [1909-10; 1914-], Lecturer in Methods of Social Inves- tigation. A.B. Nebraska, 1901; Ph.D. Chicago, 1905; Instructor in Economics, Wellesley, 1907-8; Associate Director, Department of Social Investigation and Staff Lecturer, Chicago School of Civics and Phihinthropy 1908-; Special Lecturer in Political Economy, Chicago, 1909-10; Lecturer in Sociologj', Chicago, 1914-. Statistician for Chicago Crime Commission, 1914: Report on "Statistics Relating to Crime in Chicago," in the Report of the Council Committee on Crime of the City of Chicago. Chicago: City of Chicago, 1915. Women in Industry: A Study in A mcrican Economic History. Svo, 400. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1910. The Delinquent Child and the Home (with Sophonisba P. Breckinridge). Svo, 355. New York: Charities Publication Committee, 191 2. The Real Jail Problem. 15. Juvenile Protective Association, 1915. Truancy and N on- Attendance in the Chicago Schools (with Sophonisba P. Breckinridge). i2mo, .\iv+472. Chicago: University Press, 1917. Wage Statistics in the Twelfth Census, Journal of Political Economy, XII (1904), 339-61. The Wages of Unskilled Labor in the United States, 1S50-1900. Doc- tor's thesis. Ibid., XIII (1905), 321-67. Progress of the Minimum Wage in England, ibid., XXIII (1915), 26S-77. 8o PUBLICATIONS A Forgotten Minimum Wage Bill, Life and Labor, V (1915), 13-17. Are Women a Force for Good Government? An Analysis of the Returns in the Recent Municipal Election in Chicago, National Municipal Review, IV (19 15), 437-47. Education for Social Work, chap, xiii in Annual Report of the United States Commissioner of Education, I (1915), 345-59. Field Work in Schools of Philanthropy, Proceedings of the National Con- ference of Charities and Correction, XLII (1915), 615-22. The Woman Voter and the Spoils System in Chicago, National Municipal Review, V (1916), 460-65. Reviews in: Journal of Political Economy, XY, 563-65; XXIII, 400-401; American Economic Review, IV, 163-66; VI, 148. B. Warren Brown [1915-], Instructor in Sociology. A.B. Beloit, 1907; Instructor in Economics, Fargo College, 1910; Professor, ibid., 1911; Research Assistant, International Prison Committee, 1914-15; Instructor in Sociology, Chicago, 1915-. Parole as an Institution of the Future, American Journal of Criminal Law. In Press. Review in: Journal of Sociology, XXI, 702-3. Mary E. McDowell [1894-], Head Resident of the University of Chicago Settlement; Special Instructor in Sociology. Member of the City Waste Commission, 1913; Report: Chicago Health Department. For a National Investigation of Women, Independent, LXII (1907), 24, 25. Play a Child's Right — and Playgrounds a City's Duty, Epworth Herald, May I, 1909, 17-19. The Girl's Bill, Survey, XXII (1909), 509-14. The National Woman's Trade Union League, ibid., XXIII (1909), 101-8. How Casual Work Undermines Family and Neighborhood Life (Abstract), Proceedings of the National Conference of Charities and Correction, Buffalo, N.Y., June, 1909. When Poverty Keeps Step with Old Age, Continent, XLIII (191 2), 1831-32. DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY 8i The University of Chicago SeLllemenl, University of Chicago Magazine, V (1913). 148-51- RoMANZO Colfax Adams, Ph.D. 1904; Professor of Economics and Sociology, Nevada State University, Reno. The Nature of the Social Unity: An Examination of the Theory That Society Is a Psychic Unity. Doctor's thesis. American Journal of Sociology, X (1904), 20S-27. LuTiLER Lee Bernard, Ph.D. 1910; Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Missouri, Columbia. The Transition to an Objective Standard of Social Control. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 96. Chicago: University Press, 191 1. Emory Stephen Bogardus, Ph.D. 191 i; Professor and Head of the Department of Sociology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles. Relation of Fatigue to Industrial Accidents. Doctor's thesis. Ameri- can Journal of Sociology, XVII (1911-12), 206-22, 351-74, 512-39. Experiments on Tactual Sensations of the White Rat (with F. G. Henke), Journal of Animal Behavior, I (1911), 125-37. Manuel Conrad Elmer, Ph.D. 1914; Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Kansas, Lawrence. Social Surveys of Urban Communities. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 73. Menasha, Wis.: George Banta PubUshing Co., 1914. Frances Fenton (Mrs. L. L. Bernard), Ph.D. 1910; Columbia, Mo. The Influence of Newspaper Presentations upon the Growth of Crime and Other Anti-Social Activity. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 96. Chicago: University Press, 191 1. Herbert E.\ston Fleming, Ph.D. 1905; Chicago. The Literary Interests of Chicago. Doctor's thesis. American Journal of Sociology, XI (1905-6), 377-40S, 499-531. 784-S15; ^H (1906-7). 6S-118. Hector MacPherson, Ph.D. 1910; Professor of Economics, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis. 82 PUBLICATIONS Co-operative Credit Associations in the Province of Quebec. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 96. Kingston, Ontario: Jackson Press, 1910. Eben Mumford, Ph.D. 1906; State Leader of Farm Management, Field Studies and Demonstrations, East Lansing, Mich. The Origins of Leadership. Doctor's thesis. American Journal of Sociology, XII (1906-7), 216-40, 367-97, 500-531. Cecil Clare North, Ph.D. 1908; Assistant Professor of Sociology, Ohio State University, Columbus. The Sociological Implications of Ricardo's Economics. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 69. Chicago: University Press, 19 15. Mabel Carter Rhoades, Ph.D. 1906; Professor of Economics and Sociology, Wells College, Aurora, N.Y. A Case Study of Dehnquent Boys in the Juvenile Court of Chicago. Doctor's thesis. American Journal of Sociology, XIII (1907-8), 56-78. Thomas James Riley, Ph.D. 1904; General Secretary, Bureau of Chari- ties, Brooklyn, N.Y. A Study of the Higher Life of Chicago. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 136. Chicago: University Press, 1905. Edwin Hardin Sutherland, Ph.D. 19 13; Professor of Sociology, William Jewell College, Liberty, Mo. Unemployed and Public Employment Agencies, Report of the Mayor's Commission on Unemployment (Chicago, 1914), 95-175. Erville Bartlett Woods, Ph.D. 1906; Assistant Professor of Sociology, Dartmouth College. The Work of American Prison Societies, Journal of Prison Discipline and Philanthropy (1903), 63-72. Progress as a Sociological Concept. Doctor's thesis. American Journal of Sociology, XII (1906-7), 779-821. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSEHOLD ADMINISTRATION 83 THE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSEHOLD ADMINISTRATION Marion Talbot [1892-], Professor of Household Administration; Dean of Women. A.B. Boston, 18S0; S.B. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1888; LL.D. Cornell, 1004; Lecturer, Lasell Seminarv', iS88-gi; Instructor in Domestic Science, Wellesley College, 1890-92; Assistant Professor of Sanitary Science, Chicago, 18Q2-95; Dean of Women, ibid., 1892-; Associate Professor of House- hold Administration, ibid., 1895-1905; Professor, ibid., 1905-. Member of the Editorial Board, American Journal of Sociology, 1895-. The Education of Women. 8vo, ix+255. Chicago: University Press, 1910. House Sanitation. 8vo, viii-t-ii6. Boston: Whitcomb & Barrows, 1912. The Modern Household (with S. P. Breckinridge). 8vo, vi+93. Boston: Whitcomb & Barrows, 191 2. The Opportunity of the Teacher, Elementary School Teacher, IV (1904), 729-34- Housekeeping Old and New, World To-Day, IX (1905), 1306-9. Effect on Woman of Economic Independence — Educational Aspects, American Journal of Sociology, XIV (1909), 619-22. Dormitory Life for College Women, Religious Education, IV (1909), 41-46. Unveiling of the Alice Freeman Palmer Memorial Tablet, University of Chicago Magazine, II (19 10), 257-58. The College, the Girl, and the Parent, North American Rcviciv, CXCII (1910), 349-5>'^- Eminence of Women in Science, Science, XXXIII (1910), 866. Entrance Requirements and Curriculum of the University of Chicago, Journal of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae, V (191 2), 291-94. Fraternities in Women's Colleges, Century Magazine, LXXXV (1913), 527-2S. Housing in Relation to Health, Transactions of the Illinois Academy of Science, VI (1913), 62-66. Household Management, Woman Citizen s Library, XII (1914), 300S-82. Address at Laying of Cornerstone of Ida Noycs Hall, University Record, I (1915). 134-36. 84 PUBLICATIONS A Study of Student Diet, Journal of Home Economics, VII (1915), 409-16. Reviews in: American Journal of Sociology, XYI, i28-2g; XVIII, 579; Journal of Political Economy, X.Y11, 481-82, S41-43; XXI, 169-70; School Review, XXIV, 79-80. SoPHONiSBA Preston Breckinridge [1899-], Assistant Professor of Social Economy in the Department of Household Administration; Assistant Dean of Women. S.B. Wellesley, 1888; Ph.D. Chicago, 1901; J.D. ibid., 1904; Assistant Dean of Women, ibid., 1902-; Assistant Professor of Household Administration, ibid., 1909-10; Assistant Professor of Social Economy, ibid., 1910-; Dean, Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy, 1908-. Editor of The Child in the City (Papers Presented at Chicago Child- Welfare Exhibit). 8vo, xiii-l-502. Chicago: Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy, 191 2, Handbook for the Housekeepers of Chicago. i2mo, 32. Chicago: Uni- versity Press, 1907. Employment for Children (with Edith Abbott and Anne S. Davis). 8vo, 56. Chicago: Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy, 1911. The Delinquent Child and the Home (with Edith Abbott). 8vo, 355. New York: Charities Publication Committee, 191 2. The Modern Household (with Marion Talbot). 8vo, vi-l-93. Boston: Whitcomb & Barrows, 191 2. Truancy and N on- Attendance in the Chicago Schools (with Edith Abbott). i2mo, xiv-l-472. Chicago: University Press, 1917. Specie Contracts, Sound Currency, XI (1904), 1-12. Two Decisions Relating to Organized Labor, Journal of Political Econ- omy, XIII (1905), 593-97- Employment of Women in Industries (with Edith Abbott), ibid., XIV (1906), 14-40. Legislative Control of Women's Work, ibid., 107-9. Housewife and Maid at Law, Bulletin of Inlermunicipal Research Com- mittee, II (1906), 7-9. Child-Labor Legislation, Elementary School Teacher, IX (1909), 511-16. The Illinois Ten-Hour Law, Journal of Political Economy, XVIII (1910), 465-70. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSEHOLD ADMLMSTRAI lOX 85 Neglected Widowhood in the Juvenile Court, American Journal of Soci- ology, XVI (1910-11), 53-87- Chicago Housing Conditions (with Edith Abbott): I. Housing of Xon-Familv Groups of Working Men, ibid., 145-70. II. Families in Furnished Rooms, ibid., 2S9-30S. III. Back of the Yards, ibid., 433-68. The Community and the Child, Survey, XXV (191 1), 782-86. Securing and Training Social Workers, National Conference of Charities, XXXVIII (191 1), 365-70. Chicago Housing Conditions, IV: The West Side Revisited (with Edith Abbott), American Journal of Sociology, XVII (1911-12), 1-34. Women in Industry: The Chicago Stockyards (with Edith Abbott), Journal of Political Economy, XIX (191 1) 632-54. Beginnings of Child Labor Legislation, Survey, XXVII (1911), 1044-45. Chicago Housing Conditions, V: South Chicago at the Gates of the Steel Mills (with Edith Abbott), American Journal of Sociology, XVII (1911-12), 145-76. Color Line in the Housing Problem, Survey, XXIX (1913), 575-76. The Care of Needy Families in Their Homes, Studies in Chicago Philan- thropy, III (1914), 1-6. Guidance by the Development of Placement and Follow-up Work, U.S. Bureau of Education Bulletin, No. 14 (1914), 59-64. Some Aspects of the Public School from a Social Worker's Point of View, Journal of the Proceedings and Addresses of the National Education Association, 1914, pp. 45-51. Political F^quality of Women and Women's Wages, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, L\T (1914), 122-34. A Recent Case on Women and the Legal Profession, Journal of Political Economy, XXIII (1915), 64-70. Revikws of: Flexner and Baldwin, The Juvenile Courts and Probation, International Journal of Ethics, XX\', 405-9; \'an Kleeck, Working Girls in Evening Schools, School Review, XXIII, 041-43. Other reviews in Survey, XIII, 511-13; XXXII, 345; Journal of Political Economy, XIII, 295-98; XIX, S01-3; American Journal of Sociology, XVII, 414-17; >«^>^, ^3^-35- 86 PUBLICATIONS Alice Peloubet Norton [1901-13], Assistant Professor of Household Administration. A.B. Smith, 1882; A.M. ibid., 1897; Lecturer on Home Sanitation, Lasell Semi- nary, 1893-99; Lecturer Y.W.C.A. School of Domestic Science, Boston, 1895- 1900; Assistant Professor of the Teaching of Home Economics, School of Education, Chicago, 1901-4; Assistant Professor of Household Administration, Chicago, 1904-13. Editor of The Journal of Home Economics. The Selection of Food: A Reading Course for Farmers^ Wives. 8vo, 8. Ithaca: Cornell University, 1906. Food and Dietetics. 8vo, 227. Chicago: American School of Home Economics, 1907; 2d ed., 1911. Food for Children. 8vo, 15. Chicago: Child Welfare Exhibit, 191 1. Experiments in Cooking for Children (four articles), House Beautiful, 1902-3. Household Arts in the Elementary School, Elementary School Teacher, IV (1904), 716-19. A Lesson in Cooking in the Elementary School (with Jessie P. Rich), Journal of Home Economics, II (1910), 601-4. Differentiation of College Work for Men -and Women, Smith Alumnae Quarterly, November, 1914, pp. 12-15. fEDNA Daisy Day, Ph.D. 1906. Digestibility of Starch of Different Sorts as Affected by Cooking. Doctor's thesis. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Office of Experiment Stations, Bulletin 202 (190S), 42. THE DEPARTMENT OF COMPARATIVE RELIGION George Burman Foster [1S95-], Professor of the Philosophy of Reli- gion. A.M. West Virginia, 1884; Ph.D. (hon.) Denison, 1892; Professor of Philosophy, McMaster, 1892-95; Associate Professor of Systematic Theology, Chicago, 1895- 97; Professor, ibid., 1897-1905; Professor of the Philosophy of Religion, ibid., 1905-. The Finality of the Christian Religion. 8vo, xi-l-518. Chicago: Uni- versity Press, 1906. t Deceased. DEPARTMENT OE COMrARA'H\E RELIGION 87 The Function of Relipon in Man^s Struj^iilc for Existence. xi+2g3. Chicago: University Press, 1909. Modern Estimates of Jesus, American Journal of Theology, IX (1905), 333-37- Concerning Immortality, Biblical World, XXVII (1906), 123-32. Pragmatism anrl Knowledge, American Journal of Theology, XI (1907), 591-96. Concerning the Religious Basis of Ethics, ibid., XII (1908), 211-30. Battle of the Jargons, Outlook, XCII (1909), 530. Concerning Authority, Me//;o(/w/ Quarterly Review, LX (191 1), 62-78. Tolstoi, ibid., LXII (1913), 699-708. Concerning the Truth of Religious Ideas, Biblical World, XLI (1913), 65-67. Status and Vocation of Our Colored People, Survey, XXIX (1913), 567-69. Modern Militarism at the Judgment Bar, Standard, LXI (1914), 5-6, 11. The Philosophy of Feminism, Forum, LII (1914), 10-22. Function of Death in Human Experience. In University of Chicago Sermons (edited by T. G. Scares), pp. 333-48. Chicago: Uni- versity Press, 1915. Contributions of Critical Scholarship to Ministerial Efficiency, American Journal of Theology, XX (1916), 161-78. Reviews is: American Journal of Theolo^x, Yll, VIII, IX, X, XII, XIII. XVII, XIX; Biblical World, XXI, XLI. t George Stephen Goodspeed [1S92-1905], Professor of Comparative Religion and Ancient History. A.B. Brown, 1880; D.B. Baptist Union Theological Seminan.', 18S3; Ph.D. Yale, i8qi ; .-Xssociate Professor of Comparative Religion and .\ncicnt History, Chicago, 1892-Q8; Professor, ibid., 1898-1905. A History of the Ancient World for High Schools and Academics. Svo, 4S3. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1904. Men Who .\Li(le Israel, Biblical World, XXIX (1907), 34-40, 133-37, 361-69; XXX (1907), 202-7, 266-74. Review in: Nation, LXXVI (1903), 236. t Deceased. 88 PUBLICATIONS t Charles Cuthbert Hall [1902-3; 1906-7], Professorial Lecturer on the Barrows Lectureship. A.B. Williams, 1872; D.D. University of New York, 1890; Harvard, 1897; Yale, 1901; LL.D. Union University, 1905; President, Union Theological Seminary, 1897-1908; Barrows Lecturer in India, University of Chicago, 1902-3; Haskell Lecturer, ibid., 1903; Barrows Lecturer in India (second appointment), 1906-7. Christian Belief Interpreted by Christian Experience. The Barrows Lectures for 1902-3. 8vo, xli+255. Chicago: University Press, 1905. Christ and the Eastern Soul. The Barrows Lectures for 1906-7. 8vo, xli-f-2o8. Chicago: University Press, 1909. Laetitia Moon Conard [1915-], Extension Assistant Professor of Comparative Rehgion. A.B. Smith, 1894; Ph.D. Chicago, 1899. The Idea of God Held by North American Indians, American Journal of Theology, VII (1903), 635-46. A Visit to Quinault Indian Graves, Open Court, XIX (1905), 737-44- Edmund Buckley [1894-1907], Docent in Comparative Religion; Kramer, Ind. A.B., A.M. Michigan, 1884; Ph.D. Chicago, 1894; Professor of Philosophy, Doshisha College, Kyoto, Japan, 1886-92; Docent in Comparative Religion, Chicago, 1894-1907. Shintoism, New International Encyclopedia, XV (1903), 776. Landscape Gardening, Encyclopedia Americana, IX (1904). Religion, ibid., XIII (1904). Science of Religion, Biblical World, XXIII (1904), 256-62, 349-57- Reviews of: Gulick, Evolution of the Japanese, American Journal of Sociology, IX, 716-21; Hearn, Japan, ibid., X, 545-50- Andrew Peter Fors, Ph.D. 1904; Clergyman, Chicago. The Ethical World-Conception of the Norse People. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 57. Chicago: University Press, 1904. t Deceased. DEPARTMENT OE ORlEN'l AL LANGUAGES 89 THE DEPARTMENT OF ORIENTAL LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES fWiLLiAM Rain'ey Harper [iSgi-1906], President of the University; Professor and Head of the Department of Semitic Languages and Literatures. A.B. MuskinRum CoIIcrc, 1870; Ph.D. Yale, 1875; D.D. Colby, 1891; LL.D. Nebraska, 1S03, Tulane, 1901, Yale, iqoi, Johns Hopkins, 1902, Baylor, 1903, Wisconsin, 1904, Toronto, IQ04; Principal, Masonic College, 1875-76; Tutor in Preparatory Department, Denison, 1876-79; Principal, ibid., 1879-80; Pro- fessor of Hebrew and Connate Languapes, Baptist Union Theological Seminary, 1879-86; Professor of Semitic Languages, Yale, 1886-91; Woolsey Professor of Biblical Literature, ibid., 1889-91; President of the University of Chicago, 1891-1906. Principal of the American Institute of Sacred Literature, 1889-1906; Principal, Chautauqua College of Liberal Arts, 1885-91; Principal, Chautauqua System, 1 89 1 -98; Chairman of the E.xccutive Board of the Religious Education Asso- ciation, 1903-6. Founder (1SS2) and Editor of the Uebrew Student, which became successively the Old Testament Student, the Old and New Testament Student, and the Biblical World; Founder (1884) and Editor of Uebraica, which subsequently became the American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures; Collaborating Editor of the American Journal of Theology, 1897-1906; Chairman of the editorial committee of Christendom and of the World To-Day; General Editor of Ancient Records; Editor (with E. D. Burton) of the Con- structive Bible Studies. Religion and the Higher Life. i6mo, viii-i-iS4. Chicago: University Press, 1904. The Structure of the Text of the Book of Amos. 4to, t,^. Chicago: Uni- versity Press, 1904. The Trend in Higher Education. i6mo, ix-f-390. Chicago: Uni- versity Press, 1905. The Structure of the Text of the Book of Hosea. 4to, 51. Chicago: L'ni- versity Press, 1905. Amos and Hosea (International Critical Commentary). Crown Svo, clx.\xi-f-424. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1905. The Priestly Element in the Old Testament. 3d ed. Svo, viii+292. Chicago: University Press, 1905. t Deceased. 90 PUBLICATIONS The Prophetic Element in the Old Testament. 8vo, viii+142. Chicago: University Press, 1905. The High School of the Future, School Review, XI (1903), 1-3. James Henry Breasted [1S94-], Professor of Egyptology and Oriental History; Chairman, Department of Oriental Languages and Litera- tures; Director of Haskell Oriental Museum. A.B. Northwestern, 1888; Ph.D. Berlin, 1894; Hon. D.B. Chicago Theological Seminary, 1898; Assistant Director, Haskell Oriental Museum, Chicago, 1895- 1901; Assistant Professor of Egyptology, ibid., 1898-1902; Director of Haskell Oriental Museum, ibid., 1901-; Associate Professor of Egyptology and Semitic Languages, ibid., 1902-5; Professor of Egyptology and Oriental History, ibid., 1905-; Chairman, Department of Oriental Languages and Literatures, ibid., 191S- Director of the Egyptian Expedition of the University of Chicago in the Sudan, 1905-7; Corresponding Member of the Royal Academy of Berlin, 1907; Morse Lecturer, Union Theological Seminary, 191 2; Ann Mary Brown Lecturer, Brown University, 191 2-13. Co-operating Editor, American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, 1902-; Member of Editorial Board, American Journal of Theology, 191 2-; Co-operating Editor, Biblical World, 1899-; Editor of Ancient Records of Egypt; Collaborator on Egyptian Dictionary of Royal Academies of Germany, at Berlin, 1899-1900. Egypt: A Journey through the Land of the Pharaohs. Svo, 350. New York: Underwood & Underwood, 1905. A History of Egypt; from the Earliest Times to the Persian Conquest. Svo, xxx-f-634. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1905; 2d ed., 1909. German ed., 4to, xvi-1-478. Berlin: Karl Curtius, 1910. Braille ed. (for the blind), London: 1910. Russian ed., Moscow: M. & S. Sabaschnikoff, 19 14. Ancient Records of Egypt,!. Svo, xUi-f-344. Chicago: University Press, 1906. Ancient Records of Egypt, II. Svo, xxviii-f 428. Chicago: University Press, 1906. Ancient Records of Egypt, 111. Svo, xxviii-l-279. Chicago: University Press, 1906. Ancient Records of Egypt, IV . Svo, xxviii-f 520. Chicago: University Press, 1906. The Temples of Lower Nubia. 4to, 64. Chicago: University Press, 1906. DEPARTMENT OF ORIENTAL LANGUAGES 91 Ancient Records of Egypt, v. 8vo, ix4-205. Chicago: University Press, 1907. A History of the Ancient Egyptians. 8vo, ix-f-46g. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1908. The Monuments of Sudanese Nubia. 4to, no. Chicago: University Press, 1 90S. Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt. Lectures deliv- ered on the Morse Foundation at Union Theological Seminary. 8vo, xix+379- New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 191 2. A Short Ancient History. 8vo, 314. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1915. Ancient Times — A History of the Early World. Svo, 742. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1916. A City of Ikhenaton in Nubia, ibid., XL (1902), 106-13. The Philosophy of a Alemphite Priest, The Open Court, X\TI (1903), 45^-79- The Earliest Occurrence of the Name of Abram, American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, XXI (1904), 22-36. The Eleventh Dynasty, Abhandlungen der K'oniglich-Preiissischen Akadcmie, in "Aegyptische Chronologie" von Eduard Meyer (1904), 1 56-6 1 ; also in the A merican Journal of Semitic Languages and Litera- tures, XXI (1905), 1 10-14. The Report of Wenamon, ibid., 100-109. When Did the Hittites Enter Palestine? ibid., 153-58. New Light on the History of the Eleventh Dynasty, ibid., 163-66. Exploration and Discovery, Biblical World, XXVI (1905), 67-69. The Earliest Fixed Date in History, ibid., XXVIII (1906), 108-12. Recovery and Decipherment of the Monuments of Ancient Ethiopia, ibid\, XXXII (1908), 376-S5. The Temple of Soleb, A New Form of Egyptian Architecture, Ameri- can Journal of Archaeology, XIII (1909), 53-54. The University of Chicago on the Nubian Nile, University of Chicago Magazine, I (1909), 193-202. A Reading Journey through Egypt, Chautauquan, LVI (1909), 45"75. 203-26, 342-70; LVII (1909-10), 49-7S, 206-37, 363-86; L\1II (1910), 40-63, 184-212, 333-60. 92 PUBLICATIONS The Royal Feud in the Wadi Haifa Temple, Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology (igog), 269-79; 3 plates, 5 cuts. The Royal Feud in the Wadi Haifa Temple: A Rejoinder, American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, XXVI (19 10), 162-68. The EarUest Social Prophet, American Journal of Theology, XIV (1910), 114-16. The " Field of Abram" in the Geographical List of Sheshonk I, Journal of the American Oriental Society, XXXI (191 1), 290-95. The Physical Processes of Writing in the Early Orient and Their Relation to the Origin of the Alphabet, American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, XXXI (19 16), 230-49. Reviews or: Hall, The Ancient History of the Near East, American Historical Review, XIX, 58 2-86; a more detailed review of the same book (with remarks on Western Asia by Daniel David Luckenbill), American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, XXX, 125-37. Other reviews in American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, XXI,247-So; XXIII, 264-67; XXV,3i9; XXVI, 123, 133-36; XXVII, 346-47; XXDC, 229; Nation, LXXXIII, 291-92; LXXXVII, 606-7; LXXXIX, 20-21; XC, 520, 560-61; XCII, 151-52; XCIII; XCIV, 496-97, 588-89; XCV, 192-93; C, 24-25; American Journal of The- ology, XIV, 119-20, 441-43; XVI, 452-54; American Historical Review, XVII, 109-1 1 ; Jourtial of Philosophy, Psychology, and Scientific Methods, IX, 585-87; Classical Philology, II; III, 119; V. fRoBERT Francis Harper [1892-1914], Professor of the Semitic Lan- guages and Literatures. A.B. Old University of Chicago, 1883; Ph.D. Leipzig, 1886; LL.D. Muskingum College, 1902; Instructor in Semitic Languages, Yale, 1887-88, 1889-91; Associ- ate Professor of the Semitic Languages and Literatures, Chicago, 1892-1900; Professor, ibid., 1900-1914; Acting Head of the Department of Semitic Languages and Literatures, 1906-13. Assyriologist to the University of Pennsylvania Expedition of the Babylonian Exploration Fund, 1888-89; Director, Oriental Exploration Fund for Babylonia, 1903-14; Director, American School for Oriental Study and Research in Palestine, 1908-9. Co-operating Editor, American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, 1891-1902; Managing Editor, ibid., 1902-6; Editor, ibid., 1906-14; Co-operating Editor, Biblical World, 1893-1914; Member of Editorial Board, American Journal of Theology, 1897- 1914. t Deceased. DEPARTMENT OF ORIENTAL LANGUAGES 93 Editor (with Francis Brown and George F. Moore) of Old Testament and Semitic Studies in Memory of William Rainey Harper. Two vols. Royal 8vo, I, xxxiv4-4oo; II, vi+438. Chicago: University Press, 1908. The Code of Hammurabi. 8vo, xv-l-192. 98 plates. Chicaj^o: Uni- versity Press, 1904. Assyrian and Babylonian Letters Belonging to the Kouyunjik Collections of the British Museum. Part IX, 8vo, xxvi+120 plates (1909); Part X, 8vo, xvi-f 120 plates (1911); Part XI, Svo, xvi-f 120 plates (1911); Part XII, Svo, xviii-|-i2o plates (1913); Part XIII, Svo, XX -f 120 plates (1913); Part XIV, Svo, xvi+120 plates (1914). Chicago: University Press; London: Cambridge University Press. Assyriological Notes, American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, XIX (1903), 228-32. Report from Bismya, ibid., 207, 208, 269, 270. Assyrian and Babylonian Prayers, Biblical World, XXIII (1904), 279-S6. Babylonian Penitential Psalms, ibid., 366-75. Exploration and Discovery (Bismya), ibid., 2g$-gy, 449-51. Prayers from the Neo-Babylonian Historical Inscriptions, ibiJ., 428-34. Notes on the Code of Hammurabi, American Journal of Semitic Lan- guages, XXII (1905), 1-2S. Review of: Johns, Assyrian Deeds and Documents, American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, XIX, iiS-22. James Richard Jewett [1902-11], Professor of the Arabic Language and Literature; Professor of Arabic, Harvard University. A.B. Harvard, 1884; Ph.D. Strassburp, 1890; Instructor in Semitic LanpuaRes, Harvard, 18S7-S8; Instructor in Semitic Languages, Hrown, 1890-91 ; .-\ssociate Professor of Semitic Languages and Oriental History, ibid., 1891-95; Professor of Semitic Languages and Histor>', Minnesota, 1895-1902; Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Chicago, igoj-ii. Co-operating Editor, American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, 1902-n. Mir'dt az-Zamdn. 4to, xiv-l-529. Chicago: University Press, 1907. 94 PUBLICATIONS Ira Maurice Price [1892-], Professor of the Semitic Languages and Literatures; Secretary of the Department. A.B. Denison, 1879; ^.B. Baptist Union Theological Seminary, 1882; Ph.D. Leipzig, 1886; LL.D. Denison, 1903; Professor of Greek and Modern Languages, University of Des Moines, 1879-80; Professor of Hebrew and Cognate Languages, Baptist Union Theological Seminary, 1888-92; Associate Professor, of Semitic Languages and Literatures, Chicago, 1892-1900; Professor, ibid., 1900-. Secretary of the Oriental Exploration Fund, 1903-; Gay Lecturer, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1906. Co-operating Editor, American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, 1S91-; Member of Editorial Board, American Journal of Theology, 1897-; Co-operating Editor, Biblical World, 1893-. A Syllabus of Old Testament History, 6th ed., 1903; 7th ed., 1908; 8th ed., 1912; 9th ed., 1915. 8vo, xix+202. New York: Fleming H. Revell Co. Spanish ed.. New York: Sociedad Americana de Tratados, 19 15. Some Literary Remains of Rim-Sin (Arioch), King of Larsa, about 2285 B.C. 4to, 28, with 5 plates. Chicago: University Press, 1904. The Monuments and the Old Testament, 4th ed., revised, with Appendix on the Laws of Hammurabi, 5th ed., 1907; Chicago: Christian Culture Press; 6th ed., Philadelphia: American Baptist PubUcation Society, 1909. The Ancestry of Our English Bible, ist and 2d eds., 1907; 3d ed., 1909; 4th ed., 1910; 5th ed., 191 1. i2mo, xxiv+418. Philadelphia: Sunday School Times Company. Spanish ed., New York: Sociedad Americana de Tratados, 191 5. Training the Teacher; A Bible Course for Teachers (with A. F. Schauffler). 12 mo, 144. Philadelphia: Sunday School Times Company, 1908. Indian ed., Jubbulpore, India: India Sunday School Union, 1913; translation into Tamil, ibid., 19 16; translation into Bengali, ibid., 1916; translation into Burmese, Rangoon: American Baptist Mission Press, 1916. Sundry Articles on Old Testament Antiquities and History, Jewish Ency- clopedia, II-XI (1902-6). Sundry Articles on Explorations in the Orient, Biblical World, XXIII (1904), 7-15, 64-65, 146-48; XXIV (1904), 305-10- Four Babylonian Seal Cylinders, American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, XX (1904), 109-15. An Ancient Babylonian Ax-Head Inscription, ibid., XXI (1905), 173-78. DEPARTMENT OE ORIENTAL LAN(]UAGES 95 Assyriology, Encyclopedia Americana, II (191 2). Some Phases of the Literature of the Old Testament and the Literature of the Ancient Orient, Baptist Review and Expositor, III (1906), 248-63. Some Phases of the Ethical Character of the Old Testament and the Ethics of Oriental Peoples, ibid., 368-82. Some Cassite and Other Cylinder Seals, Old Testament and Semitic Studies in Memory of William Rainey Harper, I (1908), 383-400. Thirty-four Articles on Assyrian, Babylonian, and Phoenician History and Topography, Standard Dictionary of the Bible (one vol.), 1909. ApocrN^pha, Hastinf!;s' Dictionary of the Bible (one vol.). New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1909. Translation of Twenty-nine Inscriptions in J. Pierpont Morgan's Library, Cylinders and Other Oriental Seals (catalogued by William Hayes Ward), 1909. Translations of Babylonian and Assyrian Seals in The Seal Cylinders of Western Asia, by William Hayes Ward, published by the Carnegie Institution, 1909. Some Seals in the Goucher Collection, American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, XXVI (1910), 169-76. The Just Shall Live by Faith, Biblical World, XXXV (1910), 39-45. And He Believed in Jehovah and He Reckoned It to Him for Righteous- ness, ibid., 267-72. The Hebrew Text of the Old Testament, ibid., XXXVII (191 1), 247-54. Translation of Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel from the Hebrew, in T/te Holy Bible, An Improved Edition (published by the American Baptist Publication Society, Philadelphia, 191 2), S54-929, 937-1024. The Animal Dux in the Sumerian Inscriptions, Journal of the Ameri- can Oriental Society, XXXIII (1913), 402-4. Committee on Religious Education, Encyclopedia of Sunday Schools and Religious Education, I (1915), 280-S2. History of the International Graded Lessons, ibid., II (1915), 469-77. Some Methods of Old Testament E.xegetes before Modern Times, Biblical World, XLVII (1916), 237-43. 96 PUBLICATIONS Some Methods and Problems of the Modern Old Testament Exegetes, Biblical World, XLVII (1916), 298-305. Some Observations on the Financial Importance of the Temple in the First Dynasty of Babylon, American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, XXXII (1916), 250-60. Reviews of: Thureau-Dangin, Recueil de Tablettes Chaldeennes, American Joiirnal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, XXI, 251-54; Combe, Histoire du culte de Sin au Babylonie et en Assyrie, ibid., XXVI, 309-11; De Genouillac, La Trouvaille de Drehem; De Genouillac, Tablettes de Drehem; Langdon, Tablets from the Archives of Drehem, ibid., XXVIII, 211-15; Hussey, Sumerian Tablets in the Harvard Semitic Museum, ibid., XXIX, 234-36. Other reviews in American Journal of Theology, IX, 516-19; XIV, 443-45; XVI, 1 14-16, 287-90; XVII, 119-20; XIX, 143-45, 312-14; American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, XXVl, igS-200; XXIX, 63, 143-44; XXXI, 227; Biblical World, XXXIII, 208-11; XXXVI, 136-37, 283-86; XL, 425-28; American Historical Review, XXI, 840-41; Dial, XL VIII, 149-51- John Merlin Powis Smith [1899-], Professor of Old Testament Lan- guages and Literatures. A.B. Des Moines, 1893; Ph.D. Chicago, 1899; Literary Secretary to President William Rainey Harper, 1899- 1906; Assistant Professor of Semitic Languages and Literatures, Chicago, 1908-12; Associate Professor, ibid., 1912-15; Professor of Old Testament Languages and Literatures, ibid., 1915-. Editor, American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, 1915-; Collaborating Editor, ibid., 1907-15; Secretary (with E. J. Good- speed), Board of Editors, Biblical World, 1906-12; Collaborating Editor, ibid., 1913-; Member, Editorial Board, American Journal of Theology, 1907-. Books for Old Testament Study. An Annotated List for Popular and Professional Use. 8vo, 70. Chicago: University Press, 1908. The Universal Element in the Psalter (Outline Bible-Study Course of the American Institute of Sacred Literature). Royal 8vo, 40. Chicago: University Press, 1908. Biblical Ideas of Atonement: Their History and Significance (with E. D. Burton and G. B. Smith). i2mo, viii+335. Chicago: University Press, 1909. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Books of Micah, Zephaniah, a» 398-404; XLVII, 63-70, 133-42, 207-14, 279-86, 351-58, 421-27. Paul Nicolas Milyoukov [1903, 1904, 1905], Professorial Lecturer on Russian Institutions. Abiturientencxamen, Moscow, 1877; A.M. Examination, 1885; Private Decent in Russian History, University of Moscow, 1886-95; Professor Ordinarius in History', University of Sofia, Bulgaria, 1897-98; Professorial Lecturer on Russian Institutions on the Crane Foundation, Chicago, 1903, 1904, and 1905. Russia afui Its Crisis. 8vo, xiv-l-589. Chicago: University Press, 1905. Samuel Northrup Harper [1905-9; 1915-], Assistant Professor of the Russian Language and Institutions. A.B. Chicago, 1902; Dipl6m6 dc I'ficole des Langues Orientales, Paris, 1905; Associate in Russian, Chicago, 1905-9; Lecturer in Russian Institutional History, Liverpool, 1911-13; Assistant Professor of the Russian Language and Institu- tions, Chicago, 1915-. English edition of Boyer and Speranski's Russian Reader. Svo, .xii-f 386. Chicago: University Press, 1906. The New Electoral Law for the Russian Duma. i6mo, 56. Chicago: University Press, 1908. Daniel David Luckexbill [1907-], Assistant Professor of Semitic Languages and Literatures. A.B. Pennsylvania, 1903; Ph.D. Chicago, 1907; Assistant Professor of Seraitics, ibid., 1915-- Collaborating Editor, American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, 1915-; Advisory Editor, American Journal of Theology, 1916-. A Study of the Temple Documents from the Cassite Period. Doctor's thesis. American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, XXIII (1907), 280-322. The Temples of Babylonia and Assyria, ibid., XXIV (190S), 291-322. loo PUBLICATIONS A Neo-Babylonian Catalogue of Hymns, American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, XXVI (191 o), 27-32. Some Hittite and Mitannian Personal Names, ibid., 96-104. The Excavations in Palestine, Biblical World, XXXV (1910), 21-32; 97-106. The Early Religion of Palestine, ibid., 296-308; 365-79. Benhadad and Hadadezer, American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, XXVII (191 1), 267-84. Education in Ancient Egypt, Cyclopedia of Education, II Ci9ii)> 423-26. Systems of Writing, Chapter in Vol. VI of the Foundation Library for Young People (191 1). Hadadezer, King of Syria, Expository Times, XXIII (191 2), 282-84. Inscriptions of Early Assyrian Rulers, American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, XXVIII (191 2), 153-203. Jadanan and Javan (Danaans and lonians), Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie, xxvn (1913), 92-99. The Hittites, American Journal of Theology, XVIII (1914), 24-58. Two Inscriptions of Mesilim, King of Kish, American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, XXX (1914), 219-23. Notes on Some Texts from the Cassite Period, ibid., XXXI (1915), 79-87. Notes on the Brussels Vocabulary, Revue d* Assyriologie, XI (1914), 197. A Letter of Rim-Sin, American Journal of Semitic Languages and Litera- tures, XXXII (1916), 98-101. Reviews of: Patton, etc., Biblical and Theological Studies (with G. B. Smith and S. J. Case), American Journal of Theology, XVII, 94-102; Rogers, Cuneiform Parallels to the Old Testament, ibid., 263-67; Koldewey, Das wiedererstehende Babylon, ibid., XVIII, 420-25; Hall, Ancient History of the Near East (with J. H. Breasted), American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, XXX, 125-37; Poebel, Historical and Grammatical Texts (with G. A. Barton), ibid., 223-27. Other reviews in Biblical World, XXXIV, 211-13, 422-26; XXXV, 134-40; Classical Philology, VII, 257; IX, 342; American Journal of Theology, XII, 463-64; XIV, 314; XVII, 299-301; American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, XXIX, 231-33; XXXI, 168, 222-23; XXXII, 309-11. DEPARTMENT OF ORIENTAL LANGUAGES loi William Muss-Aknolt [1S93-1903], Assistant Professor of Biblical Philology; Boston Public Library. D.B. TheoloRical Seminary of the Reformed Dutch Church, New Brunswick, N.J., 1882; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins, i8S8; Professor of .Xncient LanKua>;es, New Windsor College, Md., i8S8-(>o; Instructor in New Testament (ireck, Johns Ho[)kins, 1801-93; ;\cting Professor of Semitic Languages and Hellenistic Greek, Michigan, 1893; Instructor in Biblical Philology, Chicago, 1893-1902; Assistant Professor of Biblical Philology, ibid., 1902-3. Collaborating Editor of the American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, 1902-3. A Concise Dictionary of the Assyrian Language (Assyrian-English- German), Parts XII-XIX. 8vo, 705-1202 (completing Vol. IIj. Berlin: Reuther & Reichard, 1902-5. Cherubim, Jeunsh Encyclopedia, IV (1903), 13-16. Flood, ibid., V (1903), 411-15. Lexicographical Notes, American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, XX (1904), 223-34. Supar ^'"^'^'^ suparsik (u) ^'^'"*'' saksupp(bb)ar, ibid., 186-93. Reviews of: Geffcken, Komposition und Entstehungszeit der Oracula Sibyllina, American Journal of Theology, VII, 336-42. Other reviews in American Journal of Theology, III, 180-S4; VI, 816-21, 829-30; VII, 336-42; IX, 178-S0. Martin Sprengling [1915-], Assistant Professor of Semitic Languages and Literatures. .\.B. Northwestern College, Watertown, Wis., 1894; Professor of Classical Languages and Literatures, ibid., 1910-12; Instructor in Semitic Languages and Literatures, Harvard, 1912-15; Assistant Professor of Semitic Languages and Literatures, Chicago, 1915-. Antonius Rhetor on Versification, American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, XXXII (1916), 145-216. America, Arabic, and Islam, Biblical World, XLVII (1916), 371-S0. Severus bar Shakko's Poetics, Part II, American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, XXXII (1916), 293-308. Zur Prioritiit des Apocopatus, Zeitschrift fiir der Deutschen Morgcn- Idndschen Gesellschaft. In Press. Reviews of: Karst, Euscbius' Chronik aus dem Armcnischcn, American Journal of Theology, XX, 295-97. Other reviews in American Journal of Theology, XIX, 622-24. 102 PUBLICATIONS Reginald Campbell Thompson [1907-9], Assistant Professor of Semitic Languages. M.A. Cambridge, 1898; Assistant, Department of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities, British Museum, 1899-1905; conducted excavations at Nineveh, 1904-5; Survey Department of Civil Service of Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, 1906; Assistant Professor of Semitic Languages, Chicago, 1907-9. Semitic Magic: Its Origins and Development. 8vo, 286. London: Luzac & Co., 1908. The Folklore of Mossoul, Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology, XXVIII (1907), 165-74; XXLX (1907), 282-88, 323-31; XXX (1908), 30-33. Assyrian Prescriptions for Diseases of the Head, American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, XXIV (1907), 1-6, 323-53. An Assyrian Incantation against Rheumatism, Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology, XXX (190S), 63-69, 145-52, 245-51. The City of Mosul, Spectator (London), No. 4155 (1908), 256. The Ancient Gold Mines at Gebet in the Eastern Sudan, Man, VIII (1908), 70-72. A Late Babylonian Letter, Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archae- ology, XXXI (1909), 169-71. Thomas George Allen, Ph.D. 191 5; Chicago. Horus in the Pyramid Texts. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 76. Chicago: Uni- versity Press, 1916. Reviews in: Z>ia/,L VI, 382-84; LVII, 23,301; LVIII, 347-48; LX, 83-84. Caroline May Breyfogle, Ph.D. 1912; Dean of Women and Professor of Biblical Literature, Ohio State University, Columbus. The Social Status of Woman in the Old Testament, Biblical World, XXXV (1910), 106-16. The Religious Status of Woman in the Old Testament, ibid., 405-19. The Hebrew Sense of Sin in the Pre-exilic Period. Doctor's thesis. American Journal of Theology, XVI (191 2), 542-60. DEPARTMENT OF ORIENTAL LANGUAGES 103 fWiLLiAM Caldwell, Ph.D. 1904. The Idea of Creation: Its Origin and Its Value. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 48. Fort Worth: Keystone Printing Co., 1909. Rebecca Corvvin, Pir.D. 1909; Professor of Biblical Literature, Central College for Women, Lexington, Mo, The Verb and the Sentence in Chronicles, Ezra and Xehemiah. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 51. Borna near Leipzig: Robert Xoske, 1909. Carl Gaensslk, Ph.D. 19 14; Professor of Greek and Latin, Concordia College, Milwaukee, Wis. The Hebrew Particle "lUJS^. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 142. Chicago: University Press, 19 15. Allen Howard Godbey, Ph.D. 1905; Pastor, St. Louis, Mo. Political, Religious and Social Antiquities of the Sargonid Period. Doctor's thesis. American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, XXI (1905), 65-82. Ivan Lee Holt, Ph.D. 1909; Professor of Old Testament Literature and Chairman of the Theological Faculty, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Tex. Tablets from the R. Campbell Thompson Collection in Haskell Oriental Museum. Doctor's thesis. American Journal of Semitic Lan- guages and Literatures, XX VH (191 1), 193-232. Robert J.vmes George McKnight, Ph.D. 1907; Wilkinsburg, Pa. Selected Letters from Sargonid Period mth Philological Xotes. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 19. Chicago: University Press, 1909. Isaac George Matthews, Ph.D. 191 2; Professor of Old Testament Interpretation, McMaster University, Toronto. The Jewish Apologetic to the Grecian World in the Apocryphal and Pseu- depigraphical Literature. Thy Sons, Zion, Against Thy Sons, Greece. — Zech. q:ij. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, iv+72. Chicago: L'ni- versity Press, 19 14. t Deceased. I04 PUBLICATIONS Theophile James Meek, Ph.D. 1915; Matthew Robb Professor of Bib- lical History and Literature, James Millikin University, Decatur, 111. Cuneiform Bilingual Hymns, Prayers and Penitential Psalms, iv+146. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1913. The Sabbath in the Old Testament, Journal of Biblical Literature, XXXIII (1914), 201-12. Critical Notes, American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, XXXI (1915), 286-87. Old Babylonian Business and Legal Documents (the RFH Collection). Doctor's thesis. Ibid., XXXIII (1917), 203-44. Reviews in: American Journal of Semitic Languages and Litera- tures, XXXI, 288-89, 290-91. George Alfred Peckham, Ph.D. 1909; Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament, Hiram College, Hiram, Ohio. An Introduction to the Study of Obadiah. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 27. Chicago: University Press, 19 10. John Rothwell Slater, Ph.D. 1905; Professor of English Literature, University of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y. The Sources of Tyndale's Version of the Pentateuch. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 56. Chicago: University Press, 1906. David Edward Thomas, Ph.D. 1913; Professor of Old Testament Languages and Literature, Alberta College, and Special Lecturer in Hebrew, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. The Psychological Approach to the Study of Prophecy. Doctor's thesis. American Journal of Theology, XVIII (1914), 241-56. Olaf Alfred Toffteen, Ph.D. 1905; Rector of Scandia Academy, Chicago. Researches in Assyrian and Babylonian Geography, Part I. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 59. Chicago: University Press, 190S. Leroy Waterman, Ph.D. 191 2; Professor of Scmitics, University of Michigan. Textual Notes on the Letters of the Sargon Period, American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, XXVIII (191 2), 134-43. DEPARTMENT OF NEW TESTAMENT LITERATURE 105 Some Kouyunjik Letters and Related Texts. Doctor's thesis. Ibid., XXIX (1913), 1-36. Business Documents of the Hammurabi Period, ibid., XXIX (1913), 145-204, 2S8-303. THE DEPARTMENT OF NEW TESTAMENT AND EARLY CHRISTIAN LITERATURE Ernest DeWitt Burton [1S92-], Professor and Head of the Depart- ment of New Testament and Pearly Christian Literature; Director of University Libraries. A.B. Denison, 1876; D.D. ibid., 1897; D.D. Oberlin, 1912; Associate Pro- fessor of New Testament Interpretation, Newton Theological Institution, 1883- 86; Professor, ibid., 1886-92; Professor and Head of the Department of New Testament and Early Christian Literature, Chicago, 1892-; Director of Uni- versity Libraries, ibid., 1910-. Associate Editor, Biblical World, 1893- 1906; Editor-in-Chief, ibid., 1907-12; Collaborating Editor, American Journal of Theology, 1897-1904; Secretary of the Board of Editors, ibid., 1905-6; with G. B. Smith, 1906-8; Managing Editor (with others), ibid., 1909- 15; Editor (with W. R. Harper), "Constructive Bible Studies," 1901-5; Sole Editor, ibid., 1906-15; Editor (with S. Mathews and T. G. Soares), "University of Chicago Publications in Religious Education," 1915-; Editor of "Historical and Linguistic Studies in Literature Related to the New Testament"; Editor of the "Pub- lications of the American Institute of Sacred Literature," 1905-. Chairman of the Commission on Library Building and Policy of the University of Chicago, 1902 : report in the " Decennial Publications of the University of Chicago"; Chairman of the Executive Committee of the American Institute of Sacred Literature, 1905-; Chair- man of the Oriental Educational Commission of the University of Chicago, 1908-9; Member of the Commission on Education of the World Missionary Conference, Edinburgh, 19 10: Vol. HI of the Reports of the Conference; Chairman of the Board of Education of the Northern Baptist Convention, 191 1-: annual reports; Member of the Commission on Education of the Congress on Christian Work in Latin America, 191 5-16: volume in the Reports of the Congress. A Short Introduction to the Gospels. i2mo, viii+144. Chicago: Uni- versity Press, 1904. io6 PUBLICATIONS Stiidies in the Gospel According to Mark. i2mo, xxx+248. Chicago: University Press, 1904. A Harmony of the Gospels for Historical Study (with W. A. Stevens). 3d ed. rev. 8vo, 293. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1904. Some Principles of Literary Criticism and Their Application to the Synoptic Problem. University of Chicago Decennial Publications, V (1904), 193-264. Biblical Ideas of Atonement, Their History and Significance (with J. M. P. Smith and Gerald B. Smith). 8vo, 343. Chicago: University Press, 1909. The Expansion of Christianity in the Twentieth Century (with A. K. Parker). 4to, 48. Chicago: University Press, 19 13. The Origin and Teaching of the New Testament Books (with Fred Merri- field). i2mo, 102. Chicago: University Press, 1914. A Harmony of the Synoptic Gospels [in English] (with E. J. Goodspeed). 8vo, xv+300. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1916. The Present Problems of New Testament Study, American Journal of Theology, IX (1905), 201-37; published also in Proceedings of St. Louis Congress of Arts and Science, II (1906), 585-615. The Biblical Teaching Concerning Divorce, Biblical World, XXIX (1907) 121-27, 191-200. Supply of Educated Men for the Ministry, ibid., 447-50. The Relation of Bibhcal to Systematic Theology, ibid., XXX (1907), 418-28. Redemption from the Curse of the Law: An Exposition of Gal. 3 : 13, 14, American Journal of Theology, XI (1907), 624-46. Sin, Guilt, Condemnation, Biblical World, XXXI (190S), 184-93. Quotations (in the New Testament), Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible (one vol.), 779-80. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1909. The Status of Christian Education in India, American Journal of The- ology, XIV (1910), 169-91. China's Far West, World To-Day, XVIII (1910), 69-84. Good and Bad in the Western Invasion of China, ibid., 251-61. Education Old and New in China, ibid., 378-85. DEPARTMEXT OF NEW TESTAMENT LITERATURE 107 Religion and Ethics in the Thought of the Apostle Paul: Gal. 5: 16, Biblical World, XXXVI (1910), 307-15. The Place of the New Testament in a Theological Curriculum, American Journal of Theology, XVI (191 2), 1 8 1-95. Some Phases of the Synoptic Problem, Journal of Biblical Literature, XXXI, Part II (1912), 95-113. The Office of Apostle in the Early Church, American Journal of Theology, XVI (1912), 561-88. Some Implications of Paulinism, Biblical World, XL (1912), 403-12. Spirit, Soul, and Flesh, I, American Journal of Theology, XVII (1913), 563-98; II, ibid., XVIII (1914), 59-So; III, ibid., 395-414, 571" 99; IV, ibid., XX (1916), 391-413; V, ibid., 563-96. The Salt of the Earth. In University of Chicago Sermons (edited by T. G. Scares; Chicago: University Press, 1915), pp. 37-54. The Study of the Xew Testament (with E. J. Goodspeed). Chap. IV of A Guide to the Study of the Christian Religion (edited by G. B. Smith; Chicago: University Press, 1916), pp. 163-238. Reviews in: American Journal of Theology, X, 115-17; Biblical World, XXXV, 204-7. Shirley Jackson Case [190S-], Professor of Early Church History and Xew Testament Interpretation. A.B. .\cadia, 1893; D.B. Yale, 1904; Ph.D. ibid., 1906; Professor of the Histor>' and Philosophy of Religion, Cobb Divinity School, 1906-8; .Assistant Professor of New Testament Interpretation, Chicago, 1908-13; Associate Professor, ibid., 1913-15; Professor, ibid., 1915-. Managing Editor (with Gerald B. Smith), American Journal of Theology, 191 2-. The Historicity of Jesus. i2mo, vii-f 352. Chicago: University Press, 1912. The Evolution of Early Christianity. i2mo, .X+3S6. Chicago: Uni- versity Press, 1914. The Historical Method in the Study of Religion, Vale Divinity Quar- terly, IV (1908), 121-33. The Circumstances of Jesus' Baptism, Biblical World, XXXI (190S), 300-302. Was Christianity a Xew Religion? ;7'/(/., XXXII (1908), 417-27. io8 PUBLICATIONS The First Christian Community, Biblical World, XXXIII (1909), 54-64. The Resurrection Faith of the First Disciples, American Journal of Theology, XIII (1909), 169-92. The Origin and Purpose of the Gospel of Matthew, Biblical World, XXXIV (1909), 391-402. The Legalistic Element in Paul's Religion, ibid., XXXV (1910), 151-58. The Religion of Jesus, American Journal of Theology, XIV (1910), 234-52. The Missionary Idea in Early Christianity, Biblical World, XXXVI (1910), 113-25. Modern Belief about Jesus, ibid., XXXVII (1911), 7-18. The Scribes' Interpretation of the Old Testament, ibid., XXXVIII (1911), 28-40. The New Testament Writers' Interpretation of the Old Testament, ibid., 92-102. To Whom Was "Ephesians" Written? ibid., 315-20. Jesus in the Light of Modern Scholarship, ibid., 262-71, 331-40, 409-15; XXXIX (1912), 55-62. The Nature of Primitive Christianity, American Journal of Theology, XVII (1913), 63-79. The RehabiHtation of Pharisaism, Biblical World, XLI (1913), 92-98. The Problem of Christianity's Essence, American Journal of Theology, XVII (1913), 541-62. Christianity and the Mystery Religions, Biblical World, XLIII (1914), 3-16. Divorce and Remarriage in the Teaching of Jesus, ibid., XLV (1915), 18-22. The Religion of Lucretius, American Journal of Theology, XIX (1915), 92-107. Religion and War in the Graeco-Roman World, ibid., 179-99. John Mark, Expository Times, XXVI (1915), 372-76. The Authority of the Spirit in the Religion of Paul. In University of Chicago Sermons (edited by T. G. Soares; Chicago: University Press, 1915), pp. 145-64- DEPARTMENT OF NEW TESTAMENT LITERATURE 109 Allegory, Dictionary of the Apostolic Church, I (1916), 50. Interpretation, ibid., 619-20. The Stiuly of Early Christianity. Chap. V of A Guide to the Study of the Christian Religion (edited by G. B. Smith; Chicago: University Press, 1 916), pp. 239-326. Review of: Preuschen, Vollstiindiges griechisch-deutsches Hand- worterbuch zu den Schriften des Neuen Testaments, American Journal of Theology, XIV, 296-99. Other reviews in American Journal of Theology, XII, 4S6-S7; XIII, 1 14-16, 119-20, 290-302, 459-63; XIV, 448-51, 458-62; XV, 116-21, 286-89, 291-92, 626-28; XVII, 122-28, 279-91, 431-32, 627-30; XVIII, 147-48, 300-301, 433-35. 440-45, 609- 16; XIX, 457-59. 472-75; 599-602; XX, 126-27, 143-44; Biblical World, XXXIII, 137-39, 212-14; XXXIV, 64-67, 355-57; XXXVIII, 428; XXXIX, 356; Classical Philology, IV, 282-83; I^> 223-24; Harvard Theological Review, VII, 625. Edgar Johnson Goodspeed [1898-], Professor of Biblical and Patristic Greek. A.B. Denison, 1890; D.B. Chicago, 1897; PhT)- ibid., 1898; Assistant Director Haskell Oriental Museum, Chicago, 1902-; Instructor, ibid., 1902-5; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1905-10; Associate Professor, ibid., 1910-15; Professor, ibid., 1915-- Secretary (with J. M. P. Smith) of the Board of Editors, Biblical World, 1907-12. The Martyrdom of Cyprian and Justa. Historical and Linguistic Studies, First Series, Vol. I, Part II. 8vo, 21. Chicago: Univer- sity Press, 1903. Ancient Sermons for Modern Times: Asterius (with Galusha Anderson). i2mo, 157. Boston: Pilgrim Press, 1904. Homeric Vocabularies (with W. B. Owen), ist ed., 1906; 2d ed., 1909. i2mo, viii-f 62. Chicago: University Press. Inde.x Patristicus. 8vo, viii-f 262. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1907. The Tebtunis Papyri, Part II (with B. P. Grcnfell and A. S. Hunt). 4to, .\v-l-4S5. London: Henry Frowde, 1907. Chicago Literary Papyri. 8vo, vii-f-50. Chicago: University Press, 1908. The Life of Sever us, Patriarch of Antioch (Patrologia Orientalis, 1\', Xo. 6). 4to, 1 58. Paris: Firmin-Didot, 190S. no PUBLICATIONS The Epistle to the Hebrews. {The Bible for Home and School.) 1 2mo, xi-|- 132. New York: Macmillan Co., 1908. The Toronto Gospels. Historical and Linguistic Studies, First Series, Vol. II, Part II. 8vo, 22. Chicago: University Press, 191 1. Index Apologeticus. 8vo, viii+300. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1912. A Descriptive Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Libraries of the University of Chicago. 8vo, xi4-i2S. Chicago: University Press, 191 2. The Freer Gospels. Historical and Linguistic Studies, First Series, Vol. II, Part III. 8vo, 66. Chicago: University Press, 19 14. The Bixby Gospels, ibid., First Series, Vol. II, Part IV. Svo, 34. Chicago: University Press, 19 15. Die dltesten Apologeten: Texte mit kurzen Einleitungen. xi+380. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1915. The Story of the New Testament. i6mo, xii+150. Chicago: University Press, 19 16. A Harmony of the Synoptic Gospels [in EngUsh] (with Ernest D. Burton). 8vo, xv+300. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1916. A Fourth Century Deed, Biblia, XV (1903), 333-37. The Book with Seven Seals, Journal of Biblical Literature, XXII (1903), 70-74. The Ayer Mathematical Papyrus (with plate), American Mathematical Monthly, X (1903), 133-35. The Oldest Greek Book in the World, Biblia, XVI (1903), 72-74. Did Alexandria Influence the Nautical Language of St. Luke ? Expositor, VIII (Sixth Scries) (1903), 130-41. A Medical Papyrus Fragment (with p\a.te), American Journal of Philology, XXIV (1903), 327-29- Alexandrian Hexameter Fragments (with plate). Journal of Hellenic Studies, XXIII (1903), 237-47. The Epistle of Pelagia, American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, XX (1904), 95-108. An Ethiopic Manuscript of John's Gospel, ibid., 182-85. A Toledo Manuscript of Laodiceans, Journal of Biblical Literature, XXIII (1904), 76-78. DEPARTMENT OF NEW TESTAMENT LITERATURE in Greek Ostraca in America, American Journal of Philology, XXV (1904), 45-58- The Madrid Manuscri])t of Laodiceans, American Journal of Theology, VIII (1904), 536-39- Ethiopic Manuscripts in the Collection of Wilberforce Eames, American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, XX (1904), 234-44. The Story of Eugenia and Philip, ibid., XXI (1905), 37-56. Fresh Papyri from O.xyrhynchus (with plates), Biblical World, XXV (1905), 228-32. The Dialof^ue of Timothy and Acjuila, Journal of Biblical Literature, XXIV (1905), sS-78. The Original Conclusion of the Gospel of Mark, American Journal of Theology, IX (1905), 484-90. Greek Documents in the Museum of the New York Historical Society, Melanges Nicole (1905), Geneva, 177-91. A New Glimpse of Greek Tense-Movements in New Testament Times, American Journal of Theology, X (1906), 102-3. A Group of Greek Papyrus Texts, Classical Philology, I (1906), 167-75. Tertag and Sarkis: An Armenian Folk-Tale, from the Ethiopic, Ameri- can Antiquarian, XXVIII (1906), 133-40. The Beirut Syriac Gospels, Journal of Biblical Literature, XXV (1906), 58-81. The Harvard Gospels, American Journal of Theology, X (1906), 6S7-700. Two Supposed Hebraisms in Mark, Biblical World, XXIX (1907), 311-12. Field Museum Inscriptions, Classical Philology, II (1907), 277-So. Greek Ostraca in the Haskell Museum, American Journal of Archaeology, XI (1907), 441-44- The New Gospel Fragment from O.xyrhynchus, Biblical World, XXXI (1908), 142-46. The Detroit Manuscripts of the Septuagint and New Testament, ibid., 218-26. The Syntax of I Cor. 7:18, 27, .1 mcricau Journal of Theology, XII (190S), 249-50. 112 PUBLICATIONS Greek Life from the Papyri, Outlook, LXXXLX (1908), 566-71. A Paris Fragment of Pseudo-Chrysostom, American Journal of Theology, XII (1908), 443-44. New Biblical Manuscripts for America, Independent, LXV (1908), 596- 601. Karanis Accounts, Classical Philology, III (1908), 428-34. The Freer Gospels and Shenute of Atripe, Biblical World, XXXIII (1909), 201-6. The Nestorian Tablet, ibid., 279-82. New Textual Materials from Oxyrhynchus, ibid., 344-46. The Teima Stone, ibid., 424-25. The Epistles to the Thessalonians, ibid., XXXIV (1909), 48-56. The Greek Text of Mark 7:11, Expository Times, XX (1909), 471-72. Notes on the Freer Gospels, American Journal of Theology, XIII (1909), 597-603. Paul's Voyage to Italy, Biblical World, XXXIV (1909), 337-45. The Harrison Papyri, Classical Philology, V (19 10), 320-22. Biblical Texts from the Papyri, Biblical World, XXXVI (1910), 67-68. A Lost Manuscript of Justin, Zeitschrift fiir die N eutestamentliche Wis- senschaft, XI (19 10), 243-44. The Old University of Chicago in 1867, Journal of the Illinois State His- torical Society, III (1910), 52-57. The Freer Manuscript of Deuteronomy- Joshua, Biblical World, XXXVI (1910), 204-9. Professor Sanders' Deuteronomy- Joshua, ibid., XXXVII (191 1), 199. The New Testament of 161 1 as a Translation, ibid., 271-77. The Making of the New Testament, ibid., 379-90. New Testament Manuscripts in America, ibid., 420-24. First Clement Called Forth by Hebrews, Journal of Biblical Literature, XXX (191 1), 157-60. A Fourth Century Odyssey, Classical Journal, VII (1911-12), 185-86. The Vocabulary of Luke and Acts, Journal of Biblical Literature, XXXI (1912), 92-94. DEPARTMENT OF NEW TESTAMENT LITER.-\TURE 1 13 The Washington Manuscript of the Gospels, American Journal of Theology, XVII (1913), 240-49. Professor Harnack and the Paris Manuscript of Justin, ibid., 411-16. A New Testament Anniversary: 1514-1914, Biblical H'orUI, XLIII (1914), 164-67. The Divinity School, University of Chicago Magazine, VII (19 15), 133-41- Ostraca, International Standard Encyclopedia, IV, 2202-3. Chicago: Howard-Severance Co., 1915. Papyri, ibid., 223S-43. Riches and Life. In University of Chicago Sermons (edited by T. G. Soares; Chicago: University Press, 1915), pp. 219-32. Recent Discoveries in Early Christian Literature, Biblical World, XLV^I (1915). 339-4^- The Salutation of Barnabas, Journal of Biblical Literature, XXXIV (1915), 162-65. The Study of the New Testament (with Ernest D. Burton). Chap. IV of A Guide to the Study of the Christian Religion (edited by G. B. Smith; Chicago: University Press, 1916), pp. 163-238. Shailer M.\thews [1894-], Professor of Historical and Comparative Theology. See under Department of Systematic Theology, p. 449, Clyde Weber Votaw [1S92-], Professor of New Testament Literature. A.B. Amherst, 1888; D.B. Yale, 1891; Ph.D. Chicago, 1896; Reader and Instructor in New Testament Literature, ibid., 1892-1900; .Assistant Professor, ibid., 1900-1907; .Acting Professor of Xew Testament Literature and Inter- pretation, Chicago Theological Seminar>', 1905-7; Associate Professor of New Testament Literature, Chicago, 1907-17; Professor, iWrf., 191 7-. Associate Editor, Biblical World, 1S96-1905; Associate Editor. Avier- i<:an Journal of Theology, 1S97-1915. Editor of the Proceedings of the Religious Education Association, for 1903, 8vo, 430; for 1904, Svo, 650. Chicago: The Religious Educa- tion Association. Books for New Testament Study, 2d ed., 1905; 3d ed., 1911. Svo, 64. Chicago: University Press. The Sermon on the Mount, Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible, V (1904), 1-45- 114 PUBLICATIONS The Temple at Jerusalem in Jesus' Day, Biblical World, XXIII (1904), 169-79. The Newly Discovered Sayings of Jesus, ibid., XXIV (1904), 261-77. The Oxyrhynchus Sayings of Jesus in Relation to the Gospel-Making Movement of the First and Second Centuries, Journal of Biblical Literature, XXIV, Part I (1905), 79-90. The Field of Religious Education in America, Biblical World, XXV (i905)> 347-60. The Modern Jewish View of Jesus, ibid., XXVI (1905), 101-19. The Chronology of Jesus' Public Ministry, ibid., 425-30. The Apocalypse of John, ibid., XXXI (1908), 32-40, 290-99; XXXII (1908), 39-50, 314-28. Religion and MoraHty in the Sunday School, ibid., XXXIV (1909), 159-72. Moral Training in the Public Schools, ibid., 295-306. Jesus' Ideal of Life, ibid., XXXV (1910), 46-56. Four Principles Underlying Religious Education, American Journal of Theology, XIV (19 10), 589-607. Peter and the Keys of the Kingdom, Biblical World, XXXVI (1910), 8-25. Survey on the Progress of Moral and Religious Education in the Ameri- can Home, Religious Education, VI (191 1), 1-30. The Gospels and Contemporary Biographies, American Journal of Theology, XIX (1915), 45-73> 217-49. The Ethical Teaching of Jesus, Biblical World, XL VI (1915), 249-57, 319-25, 3S9-97; XLVII (1916), 54-62. Fred Merrifield [191 i-], Assistant Professor of New Testament History and Interpretation. A.B. Chicago, i8g8; D.B. ibid., 1901; Instructor in New Testament History and Interpretation, t7»M/., 1911-16; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1916-. The Origin and Teaching of the New Testament Books (with Ernest D. Burton). i2mo, 102. Chicago: University Press, 1914. The Origin and Growth of Early Christianity. Chicago: University Press. In Press. DEPARTMFA'T OF XKW TESTAMENT LITERATURE 115 Henry Burton Sharman [1908-ro], Instructor in New Testament History and Interpretation; Chicago. S.B.Toronto, i8qi; Ph.D. Chicago, 1906; Instructor in New Testament History and Interpretation, ibid., 1908-10. The Teaching of Jesus about the Future. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, .xiv-l-382. Chicago: University Press, 1909. The Expanding Church, Biblical World, XXXIII (1909), 123-29. Reviews of: Miiller, Geschichtskerne in den Evangelien nach modernen Forschungcn: Marcus und Matthiius; Wendling, Ur-Marcus, Versuch einerWicderherstcllung der iiltesten Mitteilungen iiber das Leben Jesu; Burkitt, The Gosj)el History and Its Transmission, American Journal of Theology, XI, 680-85. Other reviews, ibid., XIII, 123, 124, 289. Frank Grant Lewis [1907-S], Associate in New Testament Inter- pretation; Librarian, Crozer Theological Seminary and American Baptist Historical Society, Chester, Pa. A.B. Brown, 1893; D.B. Rochester Theological Seminary, 1907; Ph.D. Chicago, 1907; Associate in New Testament Interpretation, ibid., 1907-8. The Irenaeus Testimony to the Fourth Gospel: Its Extent, Meaning, and Value. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 62. Chicago: University Press, 1908. Phases of the Johannine Problem, Biblical World, XXK (1907), 470-72. Jesus' Attitude toward the Old Testament: An Exposition of Mark 7: 1-23, ibid., XXXI (190S), 131-37. The Origin of the Fourth Gospel, ibid., 462-63. Paul's Earlier Relation with the Corinthians, Ilomilctic Revirw, LXIX (190S), 228-29. Reviews in: Biblical World, XXX, 235-37, 2S9-90, 470-72; American Journal of Theology, XI, 368; XII, 492, 525-26. Hamilton Ford Allen, Ph.D. 1905; Professor in Washington and Jefferson College, Washington, Pa. The Infinitive in Polybius Compared with the Infinitive in Biblical Greek. Doctor's thesis. Historical and Linguistic Studies, Second Series, \'ol. I, Part I\'. 8vo, 60. Chicago: University Press, 1907. John William B.viley, Ph.D. 1904; President of Central College, Pella, Iowa. Ii6 PUBLICATIONS Does Hellenism Contribute Constituent Elements to PauVs Christology? Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 90. Chicago: George K. HazHtt & Co., 1905. Jewish Apocalyptic Literature, Biblical World, XXV (1905), 30-42. Reviews of: Works on Early Christian Catechisms, American Journal of Theology, IX, 768-73. Henry Beach Carre, Ph.D. 1913; Professor of Biblical Theology and English Exegesis in Vanderbilt University. PauVs Doctrine of Redemption. Doctor's thesis. i2mo, xi4-i75. New York: Macmillan Co., 19 14. Reviews in: Biblical World, XXXII, 145-46; XXXIV, 426-28; American Journal of Theology, XIII, 125-27. William Duncan Ferguson, Ph.D. 1906; Professor in Albany College, Albany, Ore. The Legal and Governmental Terms Common to the Macedonian Greek Inscriptions and the New Testament, with a Complete Index of the Macedonian Inscriptions. Doctor's thesis. Historical and Lin- guistic Studies, Second Series, Vol. II, Part III. 8vo, 109. Chicago: University Press, 19 13. John Cowper Granbery, Ph.D. 1909; Professor of Sociology and Economics, Southwestern University, Georgetown, Tex. Outline of New Testament Christology; A Study of Genetic Relationships within the Christology of the New Testament Period. Doctor's thesis. Historical and Linguistic Studies, Second Series, Vol. II, Part I. 8vo, 128. Chicago: University Press, 1909. Alphonzo Augustus Hobson, Ph.D. 1903; Waltham, Mass. The Diatessaron of Tatian and the Synoptic Problem; Being an Investiga- tion of the Diatessaron for the Light Which It Throws upon the Solution of the Problem of the Origin of the Synoptic Gospels. Doctor's thesis. Historical and Linguistic Studies, Second Series, Vol. I, Part III. 8vo, 82. Chicago: University Press, 1904. Harris Lachlan MacNeill, Ph.D. 1910; Professor in Brandon Col- lege, Brandon, Manitoba. DEPARTMENT OF NEW TESTAMENT LITERATURE 117 The Chrislology of the Epistle to the Hebrews, Including Its Relation lo the Developing Christology of the Primitive Church. Doctor's thesis. Historical and Linguistic Studies, Second Series, Vol. II, Part IV. 8vo, 148. Ciiicat^o: University Press, 19 14. Frederick Owen Norton, Ph.D. 1906; Dean of the Collcj^cs, Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa. A Lexicographical and Historical Study of SuxOi'/Kr] from the Earliest Times to the End of the Classical Period. Doctor's thesis. His- torical and Linguistic Studies, Second Series, Vol. I, Part VI. 8vo, 72. Chicago: University Press, 1908. Ernest William Parsons, Ph.D. 191 2; Professor in Rochester Theo- logical Seminary, Rochester, N.Y. A Historical Examination of Some Non-Markan Elements in Luke. Doctor's thesis. Historical and Linguistic Studies, Second Series, Vol. II, Part VI. 8vo, 80. Chicago: University Press, 1914. Benjamin Willard Robinson, Ph.D. 1904; Professor of New Testament Interpretation, Chicago Theological Seminary. Some Elements of Forcefulness in the Comparisons of Jesus with Com- parative Tables of Metaphors from the Deutero-Isaiah and Paul. Doctor's thesis. Journal of Biblical Literature, XXIII (1904), 106-79. Henry Barton Robison, Ph.D. 1907; Professor, Christian University, Canton, Mo. Syntax of the Participle in the Apostolic Fathers in the Editio Minor of Gebhart-IIarnack-Zahn. Doctor's thesis. Historical and Lin- guistic Studies, Second Series, Vol. II, Part V. Svo, 46. Chicago: University Press, 19 13. Alonzo Rosecrans Stark, Ph.D. 1911; Cleveland, Ohio. The Christology in the Apostolic Fathers. Doctor's thesis. Svo, .\-|-6o. Chicago: University Press, 1912. Calvin Klopp Staudt, Ph.D. 1907; Assistant Professor, Whitworth College, Tacoma, Wash. ii8 PUBLICATIONS The Idea of the Resurrection in the Ante-Nicene Period. Doctor's thesis. Historical and Linguistic Studies, Second Series, Vol. I, Part VIII. 8vo, go. Chicago: University Press, 1909. Effie Freeman Thompson, Ph.D. 1907; Kingston, N.Y. McTavo€ and fierafxiKcL in Greek Literature until 100 A.D., Including Discussion of Their Cognates and of Their Hebrew Equivalents. Doctor's thesis. Historical and Linguistic Studies, Second Series, Vol. I, Part V. 8vo, 30. Chicago: University Press, 1908. Dean Rockwell Wickes, Ph.D. 1912; North China Union College, Tungchow, Peking, China. The Sources of Luke^s Perean Section. Doctor's thesis. Historical and Linguistic Studies, Second Series, Vol. II, Part II. 8vo, 88. Chicago: University Press, 1912. Charles Br.\y Willl\ms, Ph.D. 1908; Professor, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Seminary Hill, Fort Worth, Tex. The Participle in the Book of Acts. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 80. Chicago; University Press, 1909. Irving Francis Wood, Ph.D. 1903; Professor of Biblical Literature and Comparative Religion, Smith College. The Spirit of God in Biblical Literature; A Study in the History of Religion. Doctor's thesis. i2mo, ii+280. New York: A. C. Armstrong & Son, 1904. What Shall the Adult Bible Class Do with the Modern Biblical Scholarship? Biblical World, XXI (1903), 375-78. THE DEPARTMENT OF COMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY, GENERAL LINGUISTICS, AND INDO-IRANIAN PHILOLOGY Carl Darling Buck [1892-], Professor of Comparative Philology and Head of the Department. A.B. Yale, 1886; Ph.D. ibid., 1889; Litt.D. Athens, 1912; Assistant Professor of Sanskrit and Indo-European Comparative Philology, Chicago, 1892-94; Associate I'rofcssor, ibid., 1894-1900; Professor, ibid., 1900-; Head of the Department, ibid., 1903-. President, American Philological Association, 1916. DEPARTMENT OF COMI'ARATI\E I'lIlLOLOGY 119 Member of the Board of Editors, Studies in Classical Philology, University of Chicago, 1895-1907; and of Classical Philology, 1906-. Elementarbuch dcr oskisch-umbrischcn Dialekte (Sammlung indogerma- nischer Lchrbiicher, hcruusgt-gebcn von Uirt, 7. Band). i6mo, xii-|- 235. Heitlclbcrg: Carl Winter, 1905. Introduction to the Study of the Greek Dialects. Grammar, Selected Inscriptions, and Glossary, xv-l-320. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1910. Indo-European or Indo-Germanic ? Classical Review, X\TII (1904), 399-401. Notes on Certain Forms of the Greek Dialects, ibid., XIX (1905), 242-50, 2S6. The General Linguistic Conditions in Ancient Italy and Greece, Classical Journal, I (1905-6), 99-110. Relations of Comparative Grammar to Other Branches of Learning, Pro- ceedings of the St. Louis Congress of Arts and Science, III (1906), 32-52. The Interrelations of the Greek Dialects, Classical Philology, II (1907), 241-76. Greek Dialect Notes, Glotta, Zeitschrift fiir griechische und latcinische Sprache, I (1908), 128-32. An Archaic Boeotian Inscription, Classical Philology, IV (1909), 76-80. Studies in Greek Noun-Formation, Introductory N^ote, ibid., V (1910), 323-25- On a New Argive Inscription, ibid., V (191 1), 219-20. The Delphian Stadium Inscription, ibid., \1\ (191 2), 78-81. A New Epigram from Thessaly, ibid., 351-53. The Interstate Use of the Greek Dialects, ibid., \'II1 (1913), 133-59- Hidden QuaiUilies Again, Classical RcviriC, XXVII (1913), 122-26. Ho-o-e as Evidence for esse, ibid., XXVIII (1914), 157-58. Is the SulTix of /iuo-t'Ato-o-a, etc., of Macedonian Origin ? Classical Philol- ogy, IX (1914), 370-73- Lesbian ui for a and 7;, ibid., X (1915), 215-16. I20 PUBLICATIONS Words of Speaking and Saying in the Indo-European Languages, Ameri- can Journal of Philology, XXXVI (1915), 1-18; ibid., XXXVII (1916), 125-54. Language and the Sentiment of NationaHty, American Political Science Review, X (19 16), 44-69. Note on the Inscriptions of Halae, Classical Philology, XI (19 16), 210-13. Review of: Thumb, Handbook of the Modern Greek Vernacular, Classical Philology, IX, 85-96. Other reviews, ibid., 1, 89, 195, 299; II, 123; III, 102-3, 361, 362; VII, 120, 255, 37S; X, 229-30. Francis Asbury Wood [189 7-], Professor of Germanic Philology. See under Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, p. 154. Walter Eugene Clark [1908-], Assistant Professor of Sanskrit. A.B. Harvard, 1903; Ph.D. ibid., 1904; Assistant Professor of Sanskrit, Cliicago, 1915-- Reviews in: American Journal of Theology, XVII, 462-63, 463- 64; XIX, 122-24, 124-25, 475-76, 616-18; XX, 139-41, 301-4, 305- John Jacob Meyer [1900-190S], Associate in Sanskrit and Indo- European Philology; Assistant Professor of German. See under Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, p. 159. Ghen-ichiro Yoshioka [1902-7], Docent in Japanese; Professor of English and Comparative Philology, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan. Ph.B. Northwestern, 1902; Ph.D. Chicago, 1907; Decent in Japanese, Chicago, 1892-97. A Semantic Study of the Verbs of Doing and Making in the Indo-European Languages. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 46. Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Tsukiji Type Foundry, 190S. Carlos Everett Conant, Ph.D. 1911 ; Professor of Modern Languages, University of Chattanooga, Chattanooga, Tenn. The Names of Philippine Languages, Anthropos, IV (1909), 1069-74. The RGH Law in Philippine, Journal of American Oriental Society, XXXI (19 10), 70-85. DEPARTMENT OF GREEK LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE 121 Consonant Changes and Vowel Harmony in Chamorro, Anlhropos, VI (1911), 136-46. Monosyllabic Roots in Pampanga, Journal of American Oriental Society, XXXI (191 1 ), 3''^9-94- The Pepet Law in Philippine Languages. Doctor's thesis. Anlhropos, VII (1912), 920-47. Review in: Anthropos, VI, 659-60. William Cyrus Gunnerson, Ph.D. 1904; Principal, Dozier School, St. Louis, Mo. History of U -Stems in Greek. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 72. Chicago: University Press, 1905. Ivy Kellerman (Mrs. Edwin C. Reed), Ph.D. 1904; Washington, D.C. On the Syntax of Some Prepositions in the Greek Dialects. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 79. Lancaster, Pa.: New Era Printing Co., 1904. THE DEPARTMENT OF THE GREEK LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Paul Shorey [1892-], Professor and Head of the Department of Greek. A.B. Har\-arcl, 1878; Ph.D. Munich, 1884; LL.D. Iowa College, 1905; Litt.D. Wisconsin, 1911; LL.D. Missouri, 1913; Litt.D. Brown, 1914; LL.D. Johns Hopkins, 19 15; LL.D. Michigan, 1915; LL.D. Colorado, 191 7; Professor of Greek, Hr>n Mawr, 1885-92; Professor of Greek, Chicago, 1892-; Head of the Department of Greek, ibid., 1896-. Associate Director, American School of Classical Studies in Athens, 1901-2; President, .Vmerican Philological .Association, 1910; Percy TurnbuU Lecturer on Poetry, Johns Hopkins, 1912; Harvard Lecturer on Classical Subjects, 1912; Roosevelt Exchange Professor, Berlin, 1913-14; Harris Lecturer, Northwestern University, 1916; Member, American Institute. Member of the Board of Editors, Studies in Classical Philology, University of Chicago, 1S95-1907; Member of the Board of Editors, Classical Philology, 1906-; Managing Editor, ibid., 190S-. Horace, Odes and Epodes (edited with introduction and notes by Paul Shorey. Revised by Paul Shorey and Gordon J. Laing). Svo, xx\vi-|-5i7. Boston: Benjamin H. Sanborn & Co., 1910. Articles: Herodotus, Homer, Isocrates, Lucian, Plato, Sappho, Si- monides, Socrates, Sophocles, Xenophon, Xew International Encyclo- paedia, 1904. 122 PUBLICATIONS Are the Degrees of Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Philosophy, and Bachelor of Letters to Be Preserved or to Be Merged in the Degree of Bachelor of Arts? Journal of the Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Conference of the Association of American Universities (1904), 63-75. Relations of Classical Literature to Other Branches of Learning, Congress of Arts and Science, St. Louis, III (1904), 370-S5. Plato and Minucius Felix, Classical Review, XVIII (1904), 302-3. Note on Simplicius De caelo, ibid., XIX (1905), 205. Note on Plato Republic 566E, ibid., 438-39. Plato and His Lessons for Today, Independent, LX (1906), 253-56. Discipline in Modern Education, Bookman, XXIII (1906), 96-100. The Influence of the Classics on American Literature, Chautauquan, XLIII (1906), 121-32. Note on Xenophon Anabasis i. 7. 5, Classical Journal, I (1905-6), 155. Philology and Classical Philology, ibid., 169-96. A Case of lotacism in Themistius, Classical Philology, I (1906), 81. A Greek Source of Milton, Modern Language Notes, XXI (1906), 192. Note on Plato Republic 488D, Classical Review, XX (1906), 247-48. Note on Horace Ars Poetica 95 and Proclus on the Plain Style, Classical Philology, I (1906), 293-94. Himerius Oration i and Horace Ars Poetica 12S, ibid., 415. Emendation of Plato Charmides i68b, ibid., II (1907), 340. Note on Plato Crito 496-50/!, Classical Journal, II (1906-7), 80, 81. The Meaning of ovoiv Sio/xai, ibid., 171-72. Word-Accent in Greek and Latin Verse, ibid., 219-24. Benjamin Jowett, Teacher, Platonist, and Scholar, Chautauquan, XL VI (1907), 205-15. The Equivocations of Pragmatism, Dial, XLIII (1907), 273-75. The Force of KatVot, Classical Journal, III (1907-8), 27-30. A Few Parallels from the Classics, Modern Philology, V (1907-8), 143-44- Some Ideals of Education in Plato's Republic, Educational Bi-Monthly, II (190S), 208-22. DEPARTMENT OF GREEK LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE 123 Choriambic Dimeter and the Rehabilitation of the Antispast, Trans- actions of the American Philological Association, XXXVIII (190S), 57-88. Eduard Zeller, Nation, LXXXVI (1908), 326-27. Notes on the Text of Alcinous EtoraywyT/, Classical Philology, III (190S), 97. An Emendation of Aelian, ibid., loi. Varia, ibid., 198, 199. The Service of Humanistic Studies to the Technical School, Bulletin of Pennsylvania State College, June, 1908, 54-69. Note on Plato Philebus, 11 B, C, Classical Philology, HI (190S), 343-45. Notes on the Text of Simplicius De caelo, ibid., 345. Emendations of Themistius' Paraphrase of Aristotle's Physics, ibid., 447-49- Note on Thucydides ii. 15. 4, ibid., IV (1909), 81, 82. Note on Diogenes Laertius iv. 59, ibid., 86. On Aristotle De part. an. iv. 15, ibid., 203. Hippias Paidagogos, School Review, XVII (1909), i-io. The Spirit of the University of Chicago, University of Chicago Magazine, I (1909), 229-45. The Poet of Science, Dial, XL VI (1C09), 17-19. orvyyei^s 6<^6akfi6<:^ Classical Philology, IV (1909), 323. Emendation of Crates Epistle xix, ibid., 323. Aeschylus Fr. 207 and the Satyr Chorus, ibid., 433-36. SpeUing Reform in Extremis, Dial, XLVH (1909), 321-23. A Greek Analogue of the Romance Adverb, Classical Philology, V (1910), 83-96. <^vo-iv, iJLtXtTr}, (TTKTTrjfir), Transactions of the American Philological Associa- tionXL (1909), 185-201. Integer Vitae Once More, Classical Journal, V (1909-10), 317-21. The Spirit of Greek Athletics, Chaulauquan, L\1I (1910), 255-73. The Abiding Power of Greek Philosophy. Introiiucuon to \'ol. I\' of The Culture of the Classics. New York: \'inccnl Parke & Co., 1910. 124 PUBLICATIONS Homer Iliad 24. 367 and Plato Republic 492C, Classical Philology, V (1910), 220-21. The Unity of the Human Spirit, Oberlin Alumni Magazine, VI (19 10), 343-62; published also in Phi Beta Kappa Addresses. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1915. Mill Revealed in His Letters, Dial, XL VIII (191 o), 417-19. The So-called "Archon Basileus" and Plato Menexenus 238D, Classical Philology, V (1910), 361-62. Emendation of Herodian -n-epl (rxqiJ^o-roiv, ibid., 368. The Meaning of kwXos in Plato Rep. 424A, ibid., 505-7, The Case of the Classics, School Review, XVIII (19 10), 585-617; pub- lished also in F. W. Kelsey's Latin and Greek in American Edu- cation. New York: Macmillan Co., 191 1; and in Mitteilungen des Vereins der Freunde des humanistischen Gymnasiums, Wien und Leipzig (1911), 52-71. Note on Xenophanes Fr. 18 (Diels) and Isocrates Panegyricus 32, Clas- sical Philology, VI (191 1), 88-89. Solon's Trochaics to Phokos, ibid., 216-18. American Scholarship, Nation, XCII (191 1), 466-69; published also in Classical Weekly, IV (191 1), 226-30; and in Fifty Years of American Education, 400-413. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 191 5. An Educational Culture-Bouillon, School Review, XX (1912), 73-80. Reply to Professor Bagley, ibid., 417-21. Finis Controversiae, ibid., 563. The Study of Greek Literature. In Greek Literature, 1-33. New York: Columbia University Press, 191 2. Note on Lucretius iii. 59 IT., Classical Philology, VII (1912), 353-54. Emendation of Theophrastus De sens. 64 (Diels' Vorsokratiker^ 375, 44), ibid., 485-86. Emendation of Olympiodorus, Scholia in Platonis Phaedonem (Finckh, p. 39, 1. 9), ibid., VIII (1913), 90. Note on Aristotle Metaphysics ioS6b, 32-37, ibid., 90-92. The Rendering of Greek Verse: A Reply, ibid., 217-20. dvTi(TTpo'^. REvaEWS in: Classical Philology, I, 295; II, 120-22, 128, 233-35, 359. 476, 497-98; HI, 211-12, 348-49. 354. 360-61, 459, 461-62; IV, 106-8, 109-10, 238-40, 240, 361-64, 304, 491-94. 494-97. 497-98; VII, 114, 115, 379-Si, 487-90. 490-92, 504, 505; VIII, 99, 121, 123, 232, 234, 235, 239, 361, 387, 502; IX, 98, 202-5; ^. 96-98, 230-31, 231, 334-35, 464, 482, 4S3-86; XI, hi; Classical Weekly, I, 38-39; VIII, 173-74 and many others in Xation, Classical Journal, Philo- sophical Revirw, Journal of Philosophy, Psychology, and Scientific Methods, American Historical Rcvirw, Classical Weekly, and Dial. 126 PUBLICATIONS Robert Johnson Bonner [1903-], Professor of Greek. A.B. Toronto, 1890; Ph.D. Chicago, 1904; Professor of Latin, John B. Stetson University, 1900-1903; Assistant Professor of Greek, Chicago, 1908-10; Associate Professor, ibid., 1910-13; Professor, ibid., 1913-. Member of the Board of Editors, Classical Philology, 1910-. Greek Composition for Schools. 8vo, viii4-248. Chicago: Scott, Foresman & Co., 1903. Evidence in Athenian Courts. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 98. Chicago: University Press, 1905. Elementary Greek (with T. C. Burgess). 8vo, xviii+237. Chicago: Scott, Foresman & Co., 1907. Note on Rapuit in V'lrgW A eneid i. 176, ClassicalJ ournal, I (1905-6), 49, 50. Did Women Testify in Homicide Cases at Athens ? Classical Philology ^ I (1906), 127-32. The Jurisdiction of Athenian Arbitrators, ibid., II (1907), 407-18. The Legal Setting of Plato's Apology, ibid.. Ill (190S), 169-77. The Use and Effect of Attic Seals, ibid., 399-407. The Mutual Intelligibility of Greek Dialects, Classical Journal, IV (1908-9), 356-63. The New Greek Historian, ibid., V (1909-10), 353-59. The Name "Ten Thousa.nd," Classical Philology, V (1910), 97-99. The Boeotian Federal Constitution, ibid., 405-17. Administration of Justice in the Age of Homer, ibid., VI (191 1), 12-36. Administration of Justice in the Age of Hesiod, ibid., VII (191 2), 17-23. Xenophon, Anabasis iv. 8. 27, Classical Journal, VII (1911-12), 184-85. The Organization of the Ten Thousand, ibid., 356-63. Evidence in the Areopagus, Classical Philology, VII (191 2), 450-59. The Minimum Vote in Ostracism, ibid., VIII (1913), 223-25. Xenophon 's Comrades in Arms, Classical Journal, X (1914-15), 195-205. The Four Senates of the Boeotians, Classical Philology, X (1915), 381-85. The Institution of Athenian Arbitrators, ibid., XI (1916), 191-95. Reviews in: Classical Philology, II, 345-46; III, 115-17, 357-58; IV, 331-32; VI, 104-5, 490-91; VII, 252-53, 376-77, 408; VIII, 128, 128-29; X, 112-13; Classical Journal, II, iig-40. DEPARTMENT OF GREEK LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE 127 Edward Capps [1S92-1907], Professor of Greek; Professor of Greek, Princeton University. A.H. Illinois CoIleRc, 1887; Ph.D. Yale, 1891; Tutor in Latin, ibid., 1891-92; Assistant Professor of Greek, Chicago, 1892-96; Associate Professor, ibid., 1896- 1900; Professor, ibid., 19CXJ-1907. Managing Editor, Classical Philology, 1906-7; Editor (with H. W. Johnston) of the "Lake Classical Series" (Scott, Foresman & Co.), 1906-. The "Nemesis" of the Younger Cratinus, Harvard Studies, XV (1904), 6i-75- The Roman Fragments of Athenian Comic Didascaliac, Classical Philology, I (1906), 201-21. The "More Ancient Dionysia" at Athens— Thucydides ii. 15, ibid., II (1907), 25-42. Epigraphical Prol)lems in the History of Attic Comedy, American Journal of Philology, XXVTII (1907), 179-99. Review of: Wilhelm, L^rkundcn dramatischer AufifUhrungen in Athcn, Ayncrican Journal of Philology, XXVIII, S2-90. Other reviews in Classical Philology, I, 193-94, 425-26, 43S-40; II, 123. Henry Washixgton Prescott [1909-], Professor of Classical Philolog>'. A.B. Harvard, 1895; Ph.D. ibid., 1901; Assistant Professor of Classical Philology, California, 1904-9; Associate Professor, ibid., 1909; Associate Professor of Classical Philology, Chicago, 1909-11; Professor, ibid., 191 1-. Member of the Board of Editors, Classical Philology, 1909-. Marginalia on the Hellenistic Poets, Classical Philology, IV (1909), 320-22. Plautus' Trinummus 675, ibid., V (1910), 103-4. The Versus Lnconditi of Pap. Oxyrhynch. 219, ibid., 15S-6S. Three PuerSctnes in Plautus, Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, XXI (1910), 31-50. An Epigram of Posidippus, Classical Philology, V (1910), 494-501. Apuleius Metamorphoses ii. 29, ibid., VI (191 1), 90. Marginalia on .\puleius' Metamorphoses, ibid., 345-50. The Position of "Deferred" Nouns and Adjectives in Epic and Dramatic Verse, ibid., VII (1912), 35-58- 128 PUBLICATIONS Plautus Mercator 59: convicium or coniurium? Classical Philology, VII (1912), 81-82. Plautus Mercator 59 and Lambinus' Note, ibid., 251. Hellenistic Literature. In Greek Literature, 229-66. New York: Columbia University Press, 19 12. The Amphitruo of Plautus, Classical Philology, VIII (1913), 14-22. i^a poov. Classical Quarterly, VII (1913), 176-87. The Interpretation of Roman Comedy, Classical Philology, XI (1916), 125-47. Frank Bigelow Tarbell, Professor of Classical Archaeology. See under Department of History of Art, p. 66. Clarence Fassett Castle [1892-], Associate Professor of Greek on the Edward Olson Foundation. A.B. Denison, 1880; Ph.D. Yale, 1888; Professor of Greek, Bucknell, 1882-92; Assistant Professor of Greek, Chicago, 1892-95; Associate Professor, ibid., 1895-. An Enlarged Platform, Classical Journal, II (1906-7), 263-65. Review in: Classical Journal, II, 185-86. George Miller Calhoun [1909-11], Assistant in Greek; Adjunct Professor of Greek, University of Texas, Austin. A.B. Chicago, 1906; Ph.D. ibid., 191 1; Assistant in Greek, ibid., 1909-11. Athenian Clubs in Politics and Litigation. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 172. Austin: University of Texas Bulletin, 1913. Roy Caston Flickinger [1902-3], Assistant in Greek; Professor of Greek and Latin, Northwestern University. A.B. Northwestern, 1899; Ph.D. Chicago, 1904; Assistant in Greek, ibid., 1902-3. Plutarch as a Source of Information on the Greek Theater. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 64. Chicago: University Press, 1904. Roger Miller Jones [191 2-13], Assistant in Greek; Instructor in Classics, Grinnell College, GrinncU, la. A.B. Denison, 1905; Ph.D. Chicago, 1913; Assistant in Greek, ibid., 1912-13. The Platonism of Plutarch. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 153. Menasha, Wis.: George Banta Publishing Co., 1916. Note on Plutarch's Moralia, 720C, Classical Philology, VII (1914), 76. DEPARTMENT OF GREEK LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE 1 29 Frank E^gleston Rodbins [1910-11], Assistant in Greek; Instructor in Greek, University of Michigan. A.H. W'csleyun, 1906; Ph.D. Chicago, 191 1; Assistant in Greek, ibid., 1910-11. The Ilexaemeral Literature; a Study of the Greek and Latin Commentaries on Genesis. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 104. Chicago: University Press, 191 2. The Relation between Codices B and F of PUny's Letters, Classical Philology, V (1910), 4^7-75. Tables of Contents in the Manuscripts of Pliny's Letters, ibid., 476-S7. Albert Augustus Trever [1911-12], Assistant in Greek; Professor of Greek, Lawrence College, Appleton, Wis. A.B. Lawrence College, 1896; Ph.D. Chicago, 1913; Instructor in Hebrew, DcPauw. 1900-1902; Professor of Greek, Lawrence College, 1904; Assistant in Greek, Chicago, 1911-12. History of Greek Economic Thought. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 162. Chi- cago: University Press, 1916. Ethel Ella Beers, Ph.D. 1912; Parker High School, Chicago. Euripides and Later Greek Thought. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 113. Menasha, Wis.: George Banta Publishing Co., 1914. Hazel Louise Brown, Ph.D. 191 i ; Township High School, Har\ey, IlL Extemporary Speech in Antiquity. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 184. Me- nasha, Wis.: George Banta PubHshing Co., 1914. Frank Winans Dignan, Ph.D. 1905; LaSalle Extension University, Chicago. The Idle Actor in Aeschylus. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 43. Chicago: University Press, 1905. Emily Helen Dutton, Ph.D. 1913; Professor of Latin and Greek, Tennessee College, Murfreesboro, Tenn. Studies in Greek Prepositional Phrases. Sia. uTro, t\. tk. iv. Doctor's thesis. vi-|-2n. Menasha, Wis.: George Banta Publishing Co., 1916. I30 PUBLICATIONS John Leonard Hancock, Ph.D. 1913; Instructor in Latin and Greek, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. Studies in Stichomythia. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 97. Chicago: Univer- sity Press, 1916. Anne Bates Hersman, Ph.D. 1907; Hyde Park High School, Chicago. Studies in Greek Allegorical Interpretation: /, Sketch of Allegorical Interpretation before Plutarch; II, Plutarch. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 64. Chicago: Blue Sky Press, 1906. John Emory Hollingsworth, Ph.D. 1913; Professor of Greek and Latin, Missouri Valley College, Marshall, Mo. Antithesis in the Attic Orators from Antiphon to Isaeus. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, ix4-87. Menasha, Wis.: George Banta Publishing Co., 1915. Arthur Leslie Keith, Ph.D. 1910; Professor of Latin, Carleton Col- lege, Northfield, Minn. Simile and Metaphor in Greek Poetry from Homer to Aeschylus. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 138. Menasha, Wis.: George Banta Publishing Co., 1914. Geneva Misener, Ph.D., 1903; Assistant Professor of Classics, Univer- sity of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. The Meaning of yap. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 75. Baltimore: Lord Baltimore Press, 1904. Kelley Rees, Ph.D. 1906; Professor of Classics, Reed College, Port- land, Ore. The So-called Rule of Three Actors in the Classical Greek Drama. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 86. Chicago: University Press, 1908. David M. Robinson, Ph.D. 1904; Professor of Classical Archaeology and Epigraphy, and Lecturer on Greek Literature, Johns Hopkins University. Notes on the Delian Choregic Inscriptions, American Journal of Phil- ology, XXV (1904), 184-91. A New Sinopean, Berliner philologische Wochenschrift, XXIV (1904), 1566-77. DEPARTMENT OF THE LATIN LANGUAGE 131 Terra Cotta Finds at Corinth in 1903, American Journal of Archaeology, IX (1905), 72. Ancient Sinope: An Historical Account, with a Prosopographia Sino- pensis and an Appendix of Inscriptions. Doctor's thesis. American Journal of Philology, XX\'1I (1906), 125-53, 245-79. LaRue Van Hook, Ph.D. 1904; Associate Professor of Classical Philology, Columbia University. The Metaphorical Terminology of Greek Rhetoric and Literary Criticism. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 51. Chicago: University Press, 1905. A Stamped Tile from Amjclae, Berliner philologische Wochenschrift, XXIV (1904), 1469. THE DEPARTMENT OF THE LATIN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE William Gardner Hale [1892-], Professor and Head of the Depart- ment of Latin. A.B. Harvard, 1870; LL.D. Union College, 1895; LL.D. Princeton, i8q6; LL.D. St. Andrews, 1907; LL.D. Aberdeen, 1907; Professor of the Latin Language and Literature, Cornell, 1880-92; Professor and Head of the Department of Latin, Chicago, 1892-. Corresponding Member, German Archaeological Institute of Berlin, .\thens, and Rome; President, .American Philological .\ssociation, 1892-93; Director, .Ameri- can School of Classical Studies in Rome, 1S95-96; Chairman, Managing Com- mittee, ibid., 1895-99; Member of the Executive Committee, Classical .Association of the Middle West and South, 1905-; Honorary Member, Cambridge [Englandl Philological Society, 1907; Vice-President, [Englishl Classical Association, 1907-. Associate Editor, Classical Review, 1889-; Associate Editor, Classical Quarterly, 1907-; Member, Board of Editors, Studies in Classical Philology, University of Chicago, 1S95-1907, and of Classical Philol- ogy, 1906-; Member, Board of Advisors of Loeb Classical Library, 1910; formerly Honorary Editor, American Journal of Archaeology; formerly Joint Edhov, Cornell University Studies in Classical Philology. Chairman of the Latin Auxiliary Committee of Twelve, 1S94-96; Member of the Committee of Twelve of the American Philological Association on College Entrance Requirements, 1S96-99; Member of the Committee on College Entrance Requirements in Latin, 1909; Chairman of the Joint Committee of the National Education Association, the Modern Language Association of America, and the 132 PUBLICATIONS American Philological Association on Grammatical Nomenclature, 191 1-; Author of parts of the Committee's Report on Grammatical Nomenclature. 8vo, viii+65. Chicago: University Press, 19 14. A First Latin Book, ist ed., 1907; rev. ed., 1912. i2mo, 354. Chicago and Boston: Atkinson, Mentzer & Grover. Latin Prose Composition, Based on Caesar (with Charles H. Beeson and Wilbert L. Carr). i2mo, 137. Chicago and Boston: Atkinson, Mentzer & Grover, 19 10. Table and Explanations of the Uses of the Latin Subjunctive in "An Experiment in the Teaching of First and Second Year Latin," Classical Journal, I (1905-6), 7-18. Catullus Once More, Classical Review, XX (1906), 160-64. A Century of Metaphysical Syntax, Proceedings of St. Louis Congress of Arts and Science, III (1906), 191-202. An Unrecognized Construction of the Latin Subjunctive: The Second Person Singular in General Statements of Fact, Classical Philology, I (1906), 21-42. The Quantitative Pronunciation of Latin, and Its Meaning for Latin Versification, Classical Journal, II (1906-7), loi-io. Indoeuropaische Modus-Syntax: eine Kritik und ein System, Verhand- lungen der Versammlung deutscher Philologen und Schulmdnner in Basel (1908), 155-56. The Heritage of Unreason in Syntactical Method, Proceedings of the [English] Classical Association for 1907, V (1908), 1-12. Relative Standards in Science and in Syntax, Proceedings of the American Philological Association, XXXIX (1908), xxx-xxxiii. The Manuscripts of Catullus, Classical Philology, III (1908), 233-56. Benzo of Alexandria and Catullus, ibid., V (1910), 56-65. Latin Composition. I: As the College Conceives It, School Review, XVIII (1910), 225-40. Latin Composition. II: As the Manuals Conceive It, ibid., 297-318. Conflicting Terminology for Identical Conceptions in the Grammars of Indo-European Languages, Proceedings of the American Philological Association, XL (19 10), xl-xliii. DKl'ARTMKX'r 01" 'IHK LATIN LAN(iUAC;E 133 The Harmonizinji; of Grammatical Nomenclature, with Especial Refer- ence to Mood-Syntax. I, Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, XXVI (1911), 379-41; II, ibid., XXVII (1912), 419-60. The Practical Value of Humanistic Studies, School Review, XIX (191 1), 657-79; published also in University Bulletin, University of Michigan, XIII (1912), 36-58. The Harmonizing of Grammatical Nomenclature in High-School Study, School Review, XIX (191 1), 361-82. The Closing of the Symposium on Grammatical Nomenclature, ibid.y 630-42. Note on the Work of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Grammatical Terminology, ibid., XX (19 12), 46-52. (The foregoing three articles are reprinted in the University Bulletin, University of Michigan, XIII [191 2], 3-24, 45-57. 58-64-) The Classification of Sentences and Clauses, School Review, XXI (191 2), 388-97. Origin of the Distinction of Tenses in Latin Prohibitions, Indoger- manischc Forschungcn, XXXI (19 12), Festschrift in honor of Ber- thold Delbriick, 272-75. Address at the Laying of the Cornerstone of the Classics Building, June 9, 1914, Classical Journal, X (1914-15), 387-95. Co-operation in the Classroom, ibid., XI (191 5-16), 262-77. Reviews of: Stahl, Syntax des griechischen Verbums, Classical Philology, IV, 439-47; Bennett, Syntax of Early Latin, \'oI. I, ibid., VI, 367-74- Fraxk Frost Abbott [1S91-190S], Professor of Latin; Professor of Latin, Princeton University, A.B. Yale, 1SS2; Ph.D. ibid., 1S91; .\ssociate Professor of Latin, Chicago, 1891- 94; Professor of Latin, //)/iIV (1915), 14-37- 144 PUBLICATIONS The Report of the Joint Committee on Grammatical Nomenclature, School Review, XXIV (191 6), 188-95. Concerning the Word Graal, Great, Modern Philology, XIII (1915-16), 681-85. Reviews of: Williams, Essai sur la composition du roman gallois Peredur, Modern Language Notes, XXV, 246-52; Foulet, Roman de Renard, ibid., XXX, 145-49, 189-95; Farnsworth, Uncle and Nephew in the Old French Chansons de Geste, American Journal of Sociology, XIX, 667-70; Schoerpperle, Tristan and Isolt, Journal of English and Germanic Philology, XIII, 444-49. Thomas Atkinson Jenkins [1901-], Professor of French Philology. A.B. Swarthmore, 1887; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins, 1894; Adjunct Professor of Romance Languages, Vanderbilt, 1896-1900; Professor of French, Swarthmore, 1900-1901; Assistant Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures, Chicago, 1901-2; Associate Professor of French Philology, ibid., 1902-11; Professor, ibid., 191 1-. Chairman, Central Division, Modern Language Association of America, 1912-13. Member, Board of Editors, Modern Philology, 1908-; Joint editor, Studies in Honor of A. Marshall Elliott. Vols. 1, 11. 8vo, 450, 334. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 191 1. Longer French Poems (with an Introductory Treatise on French Versifi- cation). i2mo, xlii+175. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1904. Eructavit: An Old French Metrical Paraphrase of Psalm XLIV. Pub- lished from all the known manuscripts and attributed to Adam de Perseigne. 8vo, xlv+128. Halle: Gesellschaft fiir romanische Literatur, 1909. Eugenie Grandet, par Honore de Balzac (prepared for class use, with introduction, notes, and vocabulary). i2mo, xx+308. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1915. Gaston Paris: The Scholar and the Man, University Record, VII (1903), 186-94. On the Pronominal Object with parler, Modern Language Notes, XX (1905), 99-102. A Brief for French in the High School, School Review, XIII (1905), 77-83. A New Fragment of the Old French Gui de Warewic, Modern Philology, VII (1909-10), 593-96. Old French M elite = Ma\t3i, Romania, XXXIX (1910), 83-86. DEPARTMENT OF ROMANCE LANGUAGES 145 Le Contenz dou }fonde l)y Rcnaud d'Andon (13th centur>'), Studies in Honor of A. Marshall Elliott, 1 (191 1), 53-79. La Chanson de Bele Doe dans Guillaume de Dole, Romania, XL (191 1), 452-54- French Etymologies: harnais, lanihe, cocii, contretemps, hanse, enor, desnir, feire, Escalibor, Modern Philology, X (1912-13), 439-50. Scholarship and Public Spirit, Publications of the Modern Language Association, XXIX (1914), Ixxxvii-cxvi. On the Text of the "Bataille des VII Arts," Modern Philology, XIII (1915-16), 188-92. An Etymon for English "Gun," ibid., 239-40. Reviews in: Modern Language Notes, XVII, 52-53; XXII, 152, 194-96; XXVI, 148-51. Karl Pietsch [1896-], Professor of Romance Philology. Ph.D. Halle, 1887; .Vssistant Professor of Romance Languages, Chicago, 1900- 1901; Associate Professor of Romance Philology, ibid., 1901-10; Professor, ibid., 1910-. Corresponding Member, Royal Spanish .\cademy, 1910. Member, Board of Editors, Modern Philology, 1908-. The Spanish Particle he. Modern Philology, II (1904-5), 197-224. Notes on Spanish Folklore, ibid., V (1907-8), 97-103. Don Quixote I, Prologo: Non bene pro toto libertas venditur auro, Modern Language Notes, XXIV (1909), 55-56. Notes on Baist, Grammatik der spanischcn Sprache^, 1906., ibid., 163-66. Spanish Etymologies: (i) Anviso; (2) Fr. par ccvur, Sp. de coro; (3) Duccho, Modern Philology, VII (1909-10), 49-60. Span, cortesa. Modern Language Notes, XXV (1910), 209-10. Zur spanischen Grammatik. I. Vom auslautenden, unbetonten y, Zeitschriftfiir romanische Philologic, XXXI\' (1910), 641-50; XXXV (1911), 167-79. Zur spanischen Grammatik . 1 1 . Verbale Kurzformen, Modern Language Notes, XX\T (1911), 97-104. Duccho Once More, Modern Philology, IX (1911-12), 417-20. 146 PUBLICATIONS Zur spanischen Grammatik. III. Imperativ anakoluthisch im ab- hangigen Satze. IV. Der Imperativ fes, Modern Language Notes, XXVII (1912), 167-74. Zur spanischen Grammatik. V. 5er+Adverb. VI. Formen des Pras. Ind. in der Funkzion eines Imperativs, Modern Philology, X (1912-13), 1-17. Concerning Ms. 2-G-5 of the Palace Library at Madrid, ibid., XI (1913- 14), 1-18. On the Language of the Spanish Grail Fragments. I, ibid., XIII (1915- 16), 369-78, 625-46. Ernest Hatch Wilkins [191 2-], Professor of Romance Languages. A.B. Amherst, 1901; Ph.D. Harvard, 1910; Associate Professor of Romance Languages, Chicago, 1912-16; Professor, ibid., 1916-. Member, Board of Editors, Modern Philology, 1914-. Member of the Joint Committee on Grammatical Nomenclature as Appointee of the Modern Language Association, 191 1-. Dantis Alagherii Operum Latinorum Concordantiae (edited in collabora- tion witli E. K. Rand), 8vo, viii+577. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1912. Italian Short Stories (edited in collaboration with R, Altrocchi). i6mo, v+206. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co., 1912. The French Verb: Its Forms and Tense Uses (with W. A. Nitze). 8vo, 46. Chicago: University Press, 19 14. French Verb Blank. Chicago: University Press, 1914. Grattdgent's Italian Grammar (new edition, with Exercises and Vocabu- laries by E. H. Wilkins). 8vo, vi+184. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co., 1915. The Enamorment of Boccaccio, Modern Philology, XI (1913-14), 39-55. The Discussion of the Date of the Birth of Boccaccio, Romanic Review, IV (1913). 343-51- The Poetry of Carducci, Amherst Graduates Quarterly, II (1913), 317-26. A Note on Guinizelli's " Al cor gentil," Modern Philology, XII (1914-15), 325-30- The Derivation of the Canzone, ibid., 527-58. DEPARTMENT OF ROMANCE LANGUAGES 147 The Invention of the Sonnet, ibid., XIII (1915-16), 463-94. The Enueg in Petrarch and in Shakespeare, ibid., 495-96. Review of: Vossler, Italienische Literatur der Gegenwart, Modern Language Notes, XXX, 217-20. Other reviews in Modern Language Notes, XXIX, 2^-25; Romanic Revirw, IV, 130-33; Nation, XCVI, 265-66, 310-11; XCVII, 312-13; XCVIII, 13, 273-75, 302-3; XCIX, 410-n; 0,472-73; CII, no. Edwin Preston Dargan [1911-], Associate Professor of French Litera- ture. Ph.D. Johns Hopkins, 1906; Adjunct Professor of Romance Languages, \'irginia, 1907-10; Assistant Professor of French, California, 1910-11; .\ssistant Professor of French Literature, Chicago, 1911-15; Associate Professor, ibid., 1915-. The Poetry of Sully Prudhomme, Studies in Honor of A.Marshall Elliott, I (1911), 195-20S. Shakespeare and Ducis, Modern Philology, X (1912-13), 137-78. Frederic Mistral, Nation, XCVIII (1914), 360. The Prince de Ligne, ibid., CI (1915), 71-72. Paul Hervieu, ibid., 624-25. Balzac and Cooper: Les Chouans, Modern Philology, XIII (1915-16), 193-213- Trissino, a Possible Source for the Pleiade, ibid., 685-88. Reviews of: Recent Publications concerning Montesquieu, Modern Language Notes, XXX, 253-60; Lanson, Lamartine: Meditations Poetiques, Nation, CII, 336-37 ; Henning, Representative French Lyrics, Modern Language Notes, XXIX, 190-92. Elizabeth Wallace [1S93-], Associate Professor of French Literature. S.B. Wellesley, 1886; Assistant Professor of French Literature, Chicago, 1905-13; Associate Professor, ibid., 1913-. Oflicier d'Acad^mic, 1905; Traveling Fellow, International Institute, Madrid, 1910-11. A Garden of Paris. Svo, xii+ig^"^. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co., 1911. Mark Twain and the Happy Islatul. lOmo, xii+139. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co., 1913. The Spanish Drama of Today, Atlantic Monthly, CII (190S), 537-66. 148 PUBLICATIONS Rudolph Altrocchi [191 5-], Assistant Professor of Romance Languages. A.B. Harvard, 1908; Ph.D. ibid., 1914; Assistant Professor of Romance Lan- guages, Chicago, 1915-. An Old Italian Version of the Legend of Saint Alexius, Romanic Review, VI (1915), 353-63- D'Annunzio as an Orator, Nation, CI (19 15), 4. Review of: Hoare, Italian Dictionary, Modern Language Notes, XXXI, 418-25. Earle Brownell Babcock [i 906-1 5I, Assistant Professor of French; Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures, New York University, Ph.B. Chicago, 1903; Ph.D., ibid., 1915; Assistant Professor of French, Chicago, 1910-15. The Use of Phonetics in Teaching Elementary French, School Review^ XXI (1913), 608-17. The Direct Method. Is It Profitable? University of Illinois School of Education Bulletin, XI (1913), 220-24. Algernon Coleman [1913-], Assistant Professor of French. A.B. Virginia, 1901; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins, 1913; Assistant Professor of French, Chicago, 1915-. Western Business Manager, The Modern Language Journal, 1915-. Flaubert'' s Literary Development in the Light of His ^^ Memoir es d'un fou, Novembre,'" and "Education sentimentale" (1845), Elliott Mono- graphs,No. I. 8vo,xv4-i53. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1914. Sources and Structure of Flauberfs "Salammbo" (with P. B. Fay). Elliott Monographs, No. 2. 8vo, 55. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1 9 14. Reviews in: Modern Language Notes, XXIX, 181-85; School Review, XXIV, 166-67. Henri Charles Edouard David [1902-], Assistant Professor of French Literature. A.B. Chicago, 1902; A.M. ibid., 1905; Assistant Professor of French Literature, ibid., 1910-. Le degre de Maitre, degre des aspirants a I'enseignement du franfais, Compte rendu du Congrh de langue et de literature frangaise (New York, March, 1913), 54-62. DEPARTMENT OF ROM ANTE LANGUAGES 149 Chez A^ous. A French First Reader with Practical Hints on Syntax and Idiom. 8vo, 393. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 19 14. "Faeneste" et "la Chronique du regne de Charles IX," Rome d'histoire litieraire de la France, XXIX (191 2), 8S4-94. Theophile Gauticr: Le Pavilion sur I'eau: Sources et traitement, Modern Philology, XIII (1915-16), 391-416, 647-68. Ralph Emerson House [1906-], Assistant Professor of Romance Languages. B.L. Missouri, 1900; A.M. ibid., iqoo; Ph.D. Chicago, 1909; Professor of Latin and Modern Languages, Territorial Normal School of Oklahoma, 1900-1904; Professor of Modern Languages, Utah, 1904-6; Instructor in Romance Lan- guages, Chicago, 1906-16; .Assistant Professor, ibid., 1916-. Trois Contes de Theuriet (with E. B. Babcock). School edition. New York: Henry Holt & Co. In Press. The Comedia Radiana of Agustin Ortiz. Doctor's thesis. Modern Philology, VII (1909-10), 507-56. The 1536 Text of the Egloga of Juan de Paris, Modern Language Notes, XXVIII (1913), 28-29. The Sources of Bartolome Palau's Farsa Sdamantina, Romanic Review, IV (1913), 311-22. Review of: Cronan, Teatro espafiol del siglo XVI, Modern Language Notes, XXX, 121-23; Coester, A Spanish Grammar, School Review, XXII, 703. Maxime Ingres [1901-5], Assistant Professor of French. B.-es-Lettres, University de France, .\cad6mie de Paris; Professor of French Language and Literature, McGill University, 1 894-1900; .\ssistant Professor of French, Chicago, 1901-5; Director, .\lliance Frangaise, 1901. French by Correspondence, University Record, VII (1903), 144-46. The Teaching of French, School Review, XII (1904), 491-501. Theodore Lee Neff [1896-], Assistant Professor of French. Ph.B. DePauw, 1883; Ph.D. Chicago, 1896; .Assistant Professor of Modern Languages, State University of Iowa, 1890-94; Assistant Professor of French, Chicago, 1 90S-. Ren& Bazin: Le Ble qui Ihe. Edited for class use, with Introduction Notes and Vocabulary, ijmo, xxv-l-300. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1914. I50 PUBLICATIONS fERXEST Jean Dubedout [1903-6], Instructor in French Literature. B-es-Lettres, 1885; Licencie-es-Lettres, 1888; Dr.-es-Lettres, Sorbonne, Paris, 1901; Professeur de Grammaire Superieure, College de Tivoli, Bordeaux, 1889- 93; Professeur de Litterature Franfaise, College de Ignace, Paris, 1893-99; Professeur de Rhetorique, College S. Joseph, Paris, 1900-1901; Instructor in French Literature, Chicago, 1903-6. Romantisme et Protestantisme, Modern Philology, I (1903-4), 117-33. Les "Discours" de Ronsard, ibid., 437-56. Shakespeare et Voltaire, "Othello" et "Zaire," ibid.. Ill (1905-6), 305-15- Shirley Gale Patterson [1910-11], Instructor in French; Assistant Professor of Romance Languages, Dartmouth College. A.B.Amherst, 1906; Ph.D. Cornell, 1911; Assistant in French, Chicago, 1910-11; Instructor in Romance Languages and Literatures, ibid., 191 1. A Note on a Borrowing from Chretien de Troyes, Modern Language Notes, XXVI (191 1), 73-74. Franck Louis Schoell [1913-], Instructor in Romance Languages. Paris, Agreg6 des Lettres, 1912; Instructor in Romance Languages, Chicago, 19 13- Une source nouvelle de Chapman: Francisci Petrarchae De Contemptu Mundi, Revue Germanique, IX (1913), 428-33. A New Source of Sir Gyles Goosecappe, Modern Philology, XI (1913-14), 547-58. George Chapman and the Italian Neo-Latinists of the Quattrocento, ibid., XIII (1915-16), 215-38. Review in: Revue Germanique, X, 96-98. Milton Alexander Buchanan [1904-6], Associate in Romance Lan- guages; Professor of Italian and Spanish, University of Toronto. A.B. Toronto, 1901; Ph.D. Chicago, 1906; Assistant in Romance Languages, Chicago, 1904-5; Associate in Romance Languages, ibid., 1905-6. Mira de Amescua^s El Esclavo del demonio; A Critical Text, with Intro- duction and Notes. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 144. Baltimore: J. H. Furst Co., 1905. El Libro de las Trufas de los Pleitos de Julio Cesar, Modern Language Notes, XIX (1904), 255. t Deceased. DEPARTMENT OF ROMANCE LANGUAGES 151 "Echar un cigarro," ibid., 255. A Neglected Edilion of La Leyenda del Abad Don Juan de Montemayor, Modern Philology, II (1904-5), 377-Si. Notes on the Spanish Drama: Lope, Mira de Amescua and Moreto, Modern Language Notes, XX (1905), 38-41. A Neglected Version of Quevedo's "Romance" on Oq^heus, ibid., n6-i8. Pan y Toros, ibid., 145-4S. Partinuples de Bles. An Episode in Tirso's Amar por Senas. Lope's La Viuda valenciana, ibid., XXI (1906), 3-8. Sebastian Mey's Pabular io, ibid., 167-71. Henry Raymond Brush*, Ph.D., 1911; Professor and Head of the Department of Romance Languages, University of North Dakota. La Bataille de Trente: A Middle-French Poem of the Fourteenth Cen- tury. Doctor's thesis. Modern Philology, IX (1911-12), 511-44; ibid., X (1912-13), 82-136. AuRELio Macedonio Espinosa, Ph.D. 1909; Associate Professor of Romance Languages, Leland Stanford Junior University. Studies in New Mexican Spanish, Part I: "Phonolog\'." Doctor's thesis. Revue de Dialectologie Romane, I (1909). Henry Emil Haxo, Ph.D. 1913; Assistant Professor of French and Spanish, University of Montana, Missoula. Denis Piramus: "La Vie Seint Edmunt," Twelfth Centur\-. Doctor's thesis. Mo(/er» PAiVo/ogy, XII (1914-15), S5-106; 559-83. Florence Nightingale Jones, Ph.D. 1903; Chicago. Beaumarchais and Plautus: The Sources of the ^' Barbier de Sh'ille." Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 29. Chicago: Scott, Foresman & Co., 190S. George Fitch McKibben', Ph.D. 1905; Professor of Romance Lan- guages, Denison University, Granville, Ohio. The " Eructavit,'' an Old French Poem: The Author's Environment, His Argument and Materials. Doctor's tliesis. Svo, 45. Baltimore: J. II. Furst Co., 1907. 152 PUBLICATIONS George Tyler Northup, Ph.D. 1906; Assistant Professor of Italian and Spanish, University of Toronto; Associate Professor (elect) of Spanish Literature, University of Chicago, El Libro de los Gatos, a Text with Introduction and Notes. Doctor's thesis. Modern Philology, V (1907-8), 477-554. Charles Frederick Ward, Ph.D. 191 i; Instructor in Romance Lan- guages, Rice Institute, Houston, Tex. The Epistles on the "Romance of the Rose" and Other Documents in the Debate. Doctor's thesis. Transactions of the Royal Society oj Canada, Third Series, IV (1910), 191-204. THE DEPARTMENT OF GERMANIC LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES Starr Willard Cutting [1892-], Professor and Head of the Depart- ment of Germanic Languages and Literatures. A.B.Williams, 1881; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins, 1892; Principal, Deerfield Academy, 1881-86; Professor of Modern Languages, South Dakota, 1888-90; Professor of German and French {locum leiicns), Earlham College, 1891-92; Assistant Pro- fessor of German, Chicago, 1892-94; Associate Professor, ibid., 1894-1900; Professor of German Literature, ibid., 1 900-1 906; Head of the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, ibid., 1906-. President, Central Division of the Modern Language Association of America, 1901-2. Member, Board of Editors, Modern Philology. Thiergen, Am deutschen Herde. With English Notes. 8vo, iv+146. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1905. Gutzkow's " Uriel Akosta" (with A. C. von Noe). i2mo, xv-f-105. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 191 1. Hechtenberg, Der Briefstil im 17. Jahrhundert, ein Beitrag zur Fremd- worterfrage, Modern Langtiage Notes, XIX (1904), 55-57. Ueber Schillers Geistesverwandtschaft mit Amcrika. In Zur Wiirdigung Schiller s in A mcrika: Erinnerungsbldtter an die hundertste Wicderkehr von Schillers Todcstag, 26-27. Chicago: Koelling & Klappenbach, 1905. Ueber den Gebrauch von Lehrbiichern beim Unterricht in der deutschen Spraclie, Pddagogischc Monatshejle, VI (1905), 219-26. DEPARTMENT OF GERMANIC LANGUAGES 153 Fiirhrechen: Walthcr von dcr Vogelweide ioj-14 (Wilmanns'), Modern Language Xotes, XXII (1907), 224. Concerning Schiller's Treatment of Fate and Dramatic Guilt in His Braut von Messina, Modern Philology, V (1907-8), 347-60. Ueber Schillers Dramatik, Monatshcjte fitr deutsche Sprache und Piida- gogik, IX (190S), 108-20. The Relation of the Doctorate to Teaching, University of Chicago Maga- zine, I (1909), 203-5. Concerning the Teaching of German Literature in High Schools and Academies, School Review, XIX (191 1), 217-24. The Teaching of Foreign Modern Literatures in Our Schools, Educa- tional Bi-Monthly, VII (1912-13), 97-103. Gutzkow and Young Germany, German Classics of the XlXlh and XXth Centuries, VII (1913), 241-51. An American Estimate of Salient Features of Modern German Life, Germanistic Society Quarterly (1914), 124-33. Notes on Walther von der Vogelweide, Modern Philology, XII (1914-15), 101-8. Reviews of: Thomas' Life of Schiller, Atlantic Monthly, LXXXIX, 570-74; Kiihnemann, Schiller, Dial, XL, 41-45; Heller, Studies in Modern German Literature, Bulletin of the \Vashingto7i University Asso- ciation, V, iSS-95; Bert John Vos, Schiller's Wilhelm Tell, Modern Language Notes, XXVI, 219-23. Other reviews in Modern Language Notes, XXIV, 21-24; Monatshefte fiir deutsche Sprache und Pddagogik, XI, 190-91. Martin Sciiijtze [1901-], Professor of German Literature. Ph.D. Pennsylvania, 1899; Professor of German, Beaver College, 1894-95; Assistant Professor of German Literature, Chicago, 1907-11; .Associate Pro- fessor, ibid., 1911-15; Professor, ibid., 1915-. Cru.y: Actatis and Other Poems. 8vo, 54. Boston: Richard G. Badger, 1904. The Services of Naturalism to Life and Literature. Svo, 20. Chicago: Trillium Press, H. Bevans, 1905. A reprint from Seu-anec Rn'irw, XI (1903), 425-45- Hero and Leandcr (a Tragedy). Svo, 176. Xew York: IIenr>' Holt & Co., 190S. 154 PUBLICATIONS Judith (a Tragedy). 8vo, 306. New York: Henty Holt & Co., 1910. Grillparzer, Franz. Des Meeres und der Liebe Wellen. Edited with notes and a study of the art of Grillparzer. ist ed., 191 2; rev. ed., 1915. i6mo, lxxxv+156. New York: Henry Holt & Co. Songs and Poems. Large 8vo, 127. Chicago: Laurentian Publishers, 1914. Goethe^ s Poems. Edited with notes and an essay on the "Development of Goethe's Lyrical Art and View of Life." i6vo, lxxxi+277. Bos- ton: Ginn & Co., 1916. Studies in German Romanticism, Modern Philology, IV (1906-7), 507-58. Gustav Freytag, Theorist of the Drama and Playwright, The Drama, No. 9 (1913), 1-28. Karl Immermann and His Drama "Merlin," German Classics of the XlXth and XXth Centuries, VII (1913), 153-62. Francis Asbury Wood [1903-], Professor of Germanic Philology. A.B. Northwestern, 1880; L.H.D. ibid., 1910; Ph.D., Chicago, 1895; Professor of German, Cornell, 1897-1903; Assistant Professor of Germanic Philology, Chicago, 1905-9; Associate Professor, ibid,, 1909-14; Professor, ibid., 1914-. Editor, "Linguistic Studies in Germanic"; Member, Board of Editors, Modern Philology, 1908-. Indo-European a^: aH: a^u: A Study in Ablaut and Word-Formation. 8vo, viiH-i59. Strassburg: Karl J. Triibner, 1905. Uebersichlstabellen zu Lautentsprechungen und zur Kasusbildung des N omens und Adjektivs im Germanischen. 8vo, 20. Chicago: Uni- versity Press, 191 1. The '^ Hildebrandslied^' Translated from the Old High German into English Alliterative Verse. i2mo, iv+ii. Chicago: University Press, 1914. The Indo-European Base ghero-. Modern Philology, I (1903-4), 235-45. Some Derived Meanings, Modern Language Notes, XIX (1904), 1-5. Germanic Etymologies, Modern Philology, II (1904-5), 471-76. Etymological Notes, Modern Language Notes, XX (1905), 41-44. Diirfen and Its Cognates, ibid., 102-4. How Are Words Related? Indogermanische Forschungcn, XVIII (1905), 1-49. DEPARTMENT OF GERMANIC LANGUAGES 155 The Origin of Color-Names, Modern Language Notes, XX. (1905), 225-29. Etymological Notes, ibid., XXI (1906), 39-42. Etymological Miscellany, American Journal of Philology, XXVII (1906), 59-64 Etymological Notes, Modern Language Notes, XXI (1906), 226-29. Studies in Germanic Strong Verbs, Modern Philology, IV (1906-7), 489- 500. Some Disputed Etymologies, Modern Language Notes, XXII (1907), 118-22. Rime-Words and Rime-Ideas, Indogermanische Forschungcn, XXII (1907), 133-71. Etymological Notes, Modern Language Notes, XXII (1907), 234-36. Studies in Germanic Strong Verbs, II, Modern Philology, V (1907-S), 265-90. Greek and Latin Etymologies, Classical Philology, III (190S), 74-S6. Etymological Notes, Modern Language Notes, XXIII (190S), 147-49. Etymological Notes, ibid., XXIV (1909), 47-49. Studies in Germanic Strong Verbs, III, Modern Philology, VI (190S-9), 441-5^- Greek and Latin Etymologies, Classical Philology, V (1910), 303-S. Elckcrlijc-Everyman: The Question of Priority (with John M. Manly), Modern Philology, VIII (1910-11), 269-302. Etymological Notes, Modern Language Notes, XXVI (191 1), 165-67. Iteratives, Blends, and " Streckformen," Modern Philology, IX (191 i-i 2), 157-94- Etymologische Miszellen, Zeitschrift fiir vcrglcicheruie Sprachforschung, XLV (1912), 61-71. Old High German Notes, Modern Language Notes, XX\II (1912), 17S-79. Some English Blends, ibid., 179. Notes on Latin Etymologies, Classical Philology, VII (1912), 302-34. Kontaminationsbildungen und haplologische Mischformen, Journal of English and Germanic Philoloiiy, XI (1912), 295-32S. 156 PUBLICATIONS Some Parallel Formations in English, Hesperia: Ergdnzungsreihe, I. Heft, I (1913), 1-72. Language and Nonce-Words, Dialect Notes, IV (1913), 42-44. Germanic Etymologies, Modern Philology, XI (1913-14), 315-38. Etymological Notes, Modern Language Notes, XXIX (1914), 69-72. Greek and Latin Etymologies, Classical Philology, IX (1914), 145-59. Germanic Etymologies, Journal of English and Germanic Philology, XIII (1914), 499-507- An Old Frisian Poem, Modern Philology, XII (1914-15), 477-80. Notes on Old High German Texts, ibid., 495-502. So-called Prothetic y and w in English, Journal of English and Germanic Philology, XIV (1915), 389-92. Old English eo, ea, eo(w), ea{w), aw in Middle and New English, ibid., 499-518. Some Latin Etymologies, Classical Philology, XI (1916), 208-10. Some Verb-Forms in Germanic, Modern Philology, XIV (1916-17), 121-28. Reviews of : Prellwitz, Etymologisches Worterbuch der griechischen Sprache, 2te Auflage, Classical Philology, II, 352-56; Feist, Etymologi- sches Worterbuch der gotischen Sprache, Modern Language Notes, XXV, 72-76; Falk und Torp, Wortschatz der germanischen Spracheinheit, ibid., 213-23. Other reviews in Journal of English and Germanic Philol- ogy, XU, 150-52; XIV, 585-88. Philip Schuyler Allen [1898-], Associate Professor of German Litera- ture. A.B. Williams, 1891; Ph.D. Chicago, 1897; Assistant Professor of German Litera- ture, ibid., 1903-9; Associate Professor, ibid., 1909-. Managing Editor, Modern Philology, 1903-8. Easy German Stories ( 8vo, viii-f-243. Chicago: Scott, Foresman & Co., 1903. German Stories. 8vo, viii+245. Chicago: Scott, Foresman & Co., 1903. Goethe's "Hermann und Dorothea." i2mo, x+285. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1905. Goethe's " I phigenieauf Tauris." i6mo, xl+286. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1906. DEPARTMENT OE GERMANIC LANGUAGES 157 Lessing's "Minna von Barnhelm." i6mo, 2S5. New York: Charles E. Merrill Co., 1907. Schiller's "Die Jungfrau von Orleans^ Svo, x.\.\v+334. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1910. Herein I First German Readings. Svo, x+289. New York, Henry Holt & Co., 1910, Daheim. A German First Reader. Svo, xii-l-230. New York: Henr>' Holt & Co , 1911. ninls on the Teaching of German Conversation. Svo, 36. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1912. First German Composition. Svo, xxxii-}-2 24. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1912. Easy German Conversation (with Paul H. Phillipson). Svo, liii-f2 29. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 19 14. German Life. Svo, viii+212. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1914. French Life (with Franck L. Schoell). Svo, viii+226. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 191 5. A First German Grammar (with Paul H. Phillipson). Svo, xix+435. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1916. An den Ufern des Rheins. Svo, vi-l-306. New York: Henr>' Holt & Co., 1916. Turteltaul)e, Modcrji Language Notes, XIX (1904), 175-77. The Origins of German Minnesang,Jl/o(/£'rnP/fz7o/ogy,ni (1905-6), 41 1-44. A Venetian Folk Song, ibid., IV (1906-7), 2 7 5-7 S. Mediaeval Latin Lyrics, Parts I-IV, ibid., V (1907-8), 423-76; VI (i9oS-9),3-43; 137-S0; 301-16. The Mediaeval Mimus, Part I, ibid., VII (1909-10), 329-44. The Mediaeval Mimus, Part II, ibid., VIII (1910-11), 1-44. Notes on Mediaeval Lyrics, ibid., IX (1911-12), 427-30. Charles Goettscii [1903-], Associate Professor of German Philology. A.B. Chicago, 1901 ; Ph.D. ibid., IQ06; .\ssistant Professor of German, ibid., 1910- 16; .Vssociate Professor of German Philology, ibid., 1916-. Ablaut Relations in the Weak Verb in Gothic, Old High German, and Middle High German. Doctor's thesis. Parti. Modern Philology, V (1907-S), 569-616; Part II. Ibid., VI (190S-9), 229-56. 158 PUBLICATIONS Syllabus for a Three- Year High-School Course in German (joint author). School Review, XXIII (1915), 479-81. Chester Nathan Gould [1908-], Assistant Professor of German and Scandinavian Literature. A.B. Minnesota, 1896; Ph.D. Chicago, 1907; Assistant Professor of German and Scandinavian Literature, ihid., 191 1-. President, Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study, 1915-. The Syntax of AT and ON in Gothic, Old Saxon, and Old High German. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 82. Menasha, Wis.: George Banta Publishing Co., 1916. The Source of an Interpolation in the Hjalmters Saga ok Olvis, Modern Philology, VII (1909-10), 207-16. Camillo von Klenze [1893-1906], Associate Professor of German Literature; Head of the Department of German, College of the City of New York. A.B. Harvard, 1886; Ph.D. Marburg, 1890; Instructor in Romance Languages, Cornell, 1890-91; Instructor in Germanic Languages, ibid., 1891-93; Instructor in German, Chicago, 1893-96; Assistant Professor of German Literature, ibid., 1896-1902; Associate Professor, ibid., 1902-6. Member, Board of Editors, Modern Philology, 1903-6. The Interpretation of Italy during the Last Two Centuries. A Contribution to the Study of Goethe's '' Italienische Reise.'' Decennial Publica- tions of the University of Chicago. Second Series, XVII. Svo, XV-I-157. Chicago: University Press, 1907. Goethe's Successors in Italy, Publications of the Modern Language Associa- tion, XIX (1904), 23-26. Die Behandlung Venedigs in der deutschen Novelle in und seit Schiller's Geisterseher, Chicago's Gedenkfeicr-Souvenir (1905), 85-94. Die Ausfuhr deutscher Privatbibliotheken nach Amerika, Beilage zur Allgemeinen Zeitung (1905), 181-82. The Growth of Interest in the Early Italian Masters, Modern Philology, IV (1906-7), 206-74. Hans Ernst Gronow [1905-], Assistant Professor of German. Ph.B. Chicago, 1905; Ph.D. ibid., 1908; Assistant Professor of German, ibid., 1914-. Reviews of: Bebel, My Life, Journal of Political Economy, XXII, 281-82; Kayser and Monteser, Foundations of German, School Review, XVIII, 433-34. DEPARTMENT OF GERMANIC LANGUAGES 159 fPAUL OsKAR Ki:rn [1895-1908], Assistant Professor of Germanic Philology. Arbiturientcnexamcn, Berlin, 1877; Ph.D. Chicago, 1897; Associate in Germanic Philology, ibid., 1895-96; Instructor, ibid., 1896-1902; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1902-8. Should Teachers of German Aim at Some Acquaintance with the His- torical Development of the German Language? School Review, X (1902), 60-68. The Question of Translation in the Teaching of Modern Languages, ibid., XIII (1905), 293-306. Realien im neusprachlichen Unterricht, Pddagogischc Monatshefte, VI (1905), 226-38. Phonetics in the Classroom, School Remew, XV (1907), 54-60. The Study of Cognates as an Aid in the Acquisition of a Vocabular\-, ibid., XVI (190S), 109-12. Eine Rechenstunde im deutschen Unterricht, Monatshefte fur deutsche Sprache und Pddagogik, IX (1908), 68-71; 100-104. Reviews in: School Review, yilll,s^-SA\ ^IV, 154-55; XV,309-io. John Jacob Meyer [1900-], Assistant Professor of German. A.B. Concordia College, 1891; Ph.D. Chicago, 1900; .Associate in Sanskrit, ibid., 1901-8; Instructor in German, ibid., 1908-10; .Assistant Professor, ibid., 1910-. Kshemcndras Samayamdtrika. Svo, Iviii, loS. Leipzig: Lotus- Verlag, 1903. Damodaragiiptas Kuttanimaiam. Svo, iv-f-156. Leipzig: LotUb-\'erlag, 1903. Kavyasamgraha. Metrische Ubersetzungen. 8vo, 221. Leipzig: Lotus- Verlag, 1903. Asanka .... und andcre Dichtungcn. 8vo, 202. Leipzig: Lotus- Verlag, 1903. F6licie, Liebes- und Wanderlieder. Svo, ix-l-184. Dresden: E. Pierson, 1906. Gedichte von IT. .1. Koskcnniemi, aus dcm Finnischcn iibcrsctzt. Svo, 67-i-ix. Dresden: E. Pierson, 190S. t Deceased. i6o PUBLICATIONS Am Strand gefunden. Gedichte. 8vo, 91+viii. Dresden: E. Pierson, 1908. Hindu Tales. Royal Svo, x+305. London: Luzac & Co., 1909. Vom Land der tausend Seeen. Svo, vi+6s9. Leipzig: Georg Wigand, 1910. Das Engadin. Rhapsodic eines Naturkneipanten. Svo, 24. Samaden: Engadin Press Co., 191 2. Isoldes Gottesurteil. Svo, 290. Berlin: H. Barsdorf, 1914. Das Weib im altindischen Epos. Svo, xviii+440. Leipzig: WiUielm Heims, 1915. Hindu Chips for Readers of Goethe, Modern Philology, V (1907-8), 39-41. A Modern Finnish Cain, ibid., VII (1909-10), 221-23. Adolf Carl von Noe [1904-], Assistant Professor of German Literature. A.B. Chicago, 1900; Ph.D. ibid., 1905; Instructor in German, ibid., 1905-10; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1910-. Editor, Bulletin of the Bibliographical Society of America, 1 910-12; Papers, ibid., 1910-14. Goethe und das junge Deutschland. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 72. Chicago: University Press, 1910. Gutzkow's "Uriel Akosta" (with Starr W. Cutting). i2mo, xv+105. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 191 1. Lance sur fautre. Modern Philology, I (1903-4), 295-301. Lance sur fautre, ibid., 395. Heinrich Laube, Die Glocke, I (1906), 243-47. Das Deutschtum in Osterreich, ibid., 363-64. Why Should the Teacher of German Have a Knowledge of Phonetics? School Review, XV (1907), 46-48. Die Stellung des College im amerikanischen Unterrichtssystem, Inter- nationale Wochenschrift fiir Wissenschaft, Kunst, und Technik (Ber- lin), II (1908), 917-22. Die Universitiit von Chicago, Die Glocke, III (1908), 65-69. A Goethe Library, Modern Language Notes, XXIV (1909), 160. Die Osterreicher in den Vercinigten Staaten, Osterreichischc Rundschau, XX (1909), 69-71. DEPARTMENT OF GERMANIC LANGUAGES i6i Leitgedanken zum Professorenaustausch, Internationale Wochenschriji, III (1909), 937-42. Recent German Books on America, Papers oj the Bibliographical Society of America, IV (1909), 93-119. Osterreichs Jugend in amerikanischer Beleuchtung, Kdrpcrliche Er- ziehung, VI (1910), 70-72. Student Organizations in German Universities, Sigma Chi Quarterly, XXX (1910), 6-17. Angewandte Psychologic und Schule in Amerika, Dokumente des Fort- schrilts, III (1910), 665-67. Zur Frage der Coeducation in Amerika, ibid., 667-69. Von amerikanischen Bibliographien, Blatter Jiir die gesammten Social- wissenschaften, VI (19 10), 62-63. Englische Zeitschriften aus und uber Mittel- und Stidamerika, ibid., 64. Die "Germanistic Society of America," ibid., 96. The International Institutes for the Bibliography of Social Sciences, Medicine, Jurisprudence, and Technology in Berlin, Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, V (1910), 97-107. La coeducation dans les colleges americains, Les documents du progrh, Revue internationale, V (191 1), 442-44. The New Classification of Languages and Literatures by the Library of Congress, Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, VI (1911), 59-65. Die Beziehungen zwischen Staat und Kirche in Amerika, Dokumente des Fortschritts, V (191 2), 267-69. Das Civilservice-System in den Vereinigten Staaten von Xord-.\merika, ibid., 537-39- Amerikanische Forschungsinstitut, ibid., 573-75. Institutions et recherches scientifiques en Amerique, Les documents du progrh, Revtie Internationale, VII (1913), 330-32. Les rapports entre I'eglise et I'etat en Amerique, ibid., 447-50. Die Entgermanisierung Amerikas, Volkscrzichcr (Berlin), XVHI (1914), 1 28. Problems of Austria-Hungar>', University of Chicago Magazine, Y\ (1914), 219-22. i62 PUBLICATIONS Military Drill in the University, University of Chicago Magazine, VIII (1916), 102-3. Reviews in: School Review, XIV, 618-19, 696-97; XV, 240, 421; XVII, 212, 442, 513-14; XVIII, 584; Bulletin of the Bibliographical Society of America, IV, 14, 50-51; Journal of Political Economy, XXII, 102-3. TiEMEN DE Vries [1911-12], Lecturer on Dutch Institutions; Lecturer, Evanston, 111. LL.D. Free University of Amsterdam, 1898; Lecturer on Dutch Institutions, Chicago, 1911-12. Dutch History, Art, and Literature for Americans. Lectures delivered at the University of Chicago. 8vo, 210. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans- Sevensma Co., 191 2. •jToRiLD Washington Arnoldson [1905-6], Instructor in German and Scandinavian Literatures. A.B. Monmouth College, 1900; A.M. ibid., 1906; Ph.D. Chicago, 1914; Instructor in Modern Languages, University of Utah, 1901-4; Professor, ibid., 1904-5; Instructor in German and in Scandinavian Literatures, Chicago, 1905-6. Farts of the Body in Older Germanic and Scandinavian. Doctor's thesis. Linguistic Studies in Germanic, No 2. 8vo, xii-l-217. Chicago: University Press, 191 5. Jacob Harold Heinzelmann [1910-13], Instructor in German; Pro- fessor of German, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg. A.B. lUinois, 1902; Ph.D. Chicago, 1908; Instructor in German, ibid., 1910-13. The Influence of the German Volkslied on Eichendorffs Lyric. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, iv+92. Leipzig: Gustav Foch, 19 10. Eichendorf! and the Volkslied, Modern Philology, VI (1908-9), 511-15. A Bibliography of German Translations of Pope in the Eighteenth Century, Bulletin of the Bibliographical Society of America, IV (191 2), Pope in Germany in the Eighteenth Century, Modern Philology, X. (191 2- 13), 317-64. Paul Herman Phillipson [1909-], Instructor in German. A.M. Western Reserve, 1901; Ph.D. Chicago, 191 1; Instructor in German, t6i', Chicago, 1895-1911; Assistant Professor of the History of Literature, ibid., 191 1- 13; Associate Professor, ibid., 191 3-. Advanced Lessons in English. i2mo, 307. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co., 1910. Elementary Lessons in English. i2mo, 202. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co., 1910. Zaragiieta, by Vital Aza and Ramos Carridn. With Notes and Vocabu- lary. i2mo, 128. Chicago: Silver, Burdett & Co., 1915. THE DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS Eliakim Hastings Moore [1892-], Professor and Head of the Depart- ment of Mathematics. A.B. Yale, 1S83; Ph.D. ibid., 1885, Ph.D. (hon.) Gottingcn, 1899; I-LT). Wis- consin, 1904; Sc.D. Yale, 1909; Math.D. Clark, 1909; .Vssistant Professor of Mathematics, Northwestern, 1889-91; .Associate Professor, ibid., 1S91-92; Pro- fessor of Mathematics, Chicago, 189^-; Head of the Department of Mathematics, ibid., 1 896-. President, .\mcrican Mathematical Society, 1901-3; .\ssociate Fellow, .\mcrican Academy of .\rts and Sciences, 1901-; Member, National .\cademy of Sciences, igoi-; Vice-President, .American .\ssociation for the .\dvancement of Science, 1911; Vice-President, V. International Congress of Mathematicians, Cambridge, 191 2; Honorary Corresponding Member, British .Association for the .Advance- ment of Science, 191 3-. Editor, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 1900- 1907; Member, Comitate di Redazione dei Rcndiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, 1909-; General Editor, "University of Chicago Mathematical Series"; Chairman, Board of Editors, "University of Chicago Science Series," 1914-; Associate Editor, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 191 5-. Introduction to a Form of General Analysis (New Haven Mathematical Colloquium). Svo, 150. New Haven: Vale University Press, 1910. 1 84 PUBLICATIONS On the Foundations of Mathematics, Science, XVII (1903), 401-16; published also in Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, IX (1903), 402-24; and School Review, XI (1903), 521-38. On Doubly Infinite Systems of Directly Similar Convex Arches with Common Base Line, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, X (1904), 337-41- On a Definition of Abstract Groups, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, VI (1905), 179-80. The Cross-Section Paper as a Mathematical Instrument, School Review, XIV (1906), 317-38; published also in School Science and Mathe- matics, VI (1906), 429-50. Note on Fourier's Constants, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, XIII (1907), 232-34. The Decomposition of Modular Systems Connected with the Doubly Generalized Fermat Theorem, ibid., 280-88. On a Form of General Analysis with Application to Linear Differential and Integral Equations, Atti del IV Congresso Internazionale dei Matematici (Roma), II (1909), 98-114. On the Foundations of the Theory of Linear Integral Equations, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, XVIII (1911-12), 334-62. On the Fundamental Functional Operation of a General Theory of Linear Integral Equations, Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress of Mathematicians (Cambridge, August, 1912), I (1913), 230-55- Definition of Limit in General Integral Analysis, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, I (1915), 628-32. Gilbert Ames Bliss [1903-4; 1908-], Professor of Mathematics. S.B. Chicago, 1897; Ph.D. ibid., 1900; Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Missouri, 1904-5; Princeton, 1905-8; Associate Professor of Mathematics, Chicago, 1908-13; Professor, ibid., 1913-. Member, National Academy of Sciences. Fundamental Existence Theorems (Princeton Mathematical Colloquium). 8vo, 107. New York: American Mathematical Society, 1913. An Existence Theorem for a Differential Equation of the Second Order with an Application to the Calculus of Variations, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, V (1904), 113-25. DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS 18$ The Exterior and Interior of a Plane Curve, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, X (1904), 398-404. The Properties of Curves in Space Which Minimize a Definite Integral (with Max Mason), Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, IX (igo8), 440-66. A New Proof of Weierstrass' Theorem concerninf:^ the Factorization of a Power Series, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, XVI (1910), 356-59. Fields of Extremals in Space (with Max Mason), Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, XI (1910), 325-40. The Function Concept and the Fundamental Notions of the Calculus. One of a group of articles in Monographs on Topics of Modem Mathe- matics (191 1), 261-304. A New Proof of the Existence Theorem for Implicit Functions, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, XVIII (1911-12), 175-79. A Generalization of Weierstrass' Preparation Theorem for a Power Series in Several Variables, Transactions of the American Mathe- matical Society, XIII (191 2), 133-45. The Minimum of a Definite Integral for Unilateral Variations in Space (with A. L. Underhill), ibid., XV (1914), 291-310. The Weierstrass E-Function for Problems of the Calculus of Variations in Space, ibid., 369-78. A Note on Symmetric Matrices, Annals of Mathematics, Second Series, XVI (1914), 43-44. A Substitute for Duhamel's Theorem, ibid., 45-49. A Method of Subdividing the Interior of a Simply Closed Rectifiable Curve, with an Application to Cauchy's Theorem (with F. B. Wiley), Bulletin of the Scientific Laboratories of Denison I nivcrsity, X\TI (1914), 375-89- Generalizations of Geodesic Curvature and a Theorem of Gauss con- cerning Geodesic Triangles, American Journal of Mathematics, XXXVII (1915), 1-18. A Note on Functions of Lines, Proceedings of the Xational Academy of Sciences, I (1915), 173-77. A Note on the Problem of Lagrange in the Calculus of Variations, Bulletin of the .American Mathematical Society, XXII (1916), 220-25. 1 86 PUBLICATIONS Jacobi's Condition for Problems of the Calculus of Variations in Para- metric Form, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, XVII (1916), 195-206. Reviews of: Bocher, Introduction to the Study of Integral Equa- tions, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, XVI, 207-13; Eisenhart, Differential Geometry, ibid., XVII, 470-78; Volterra, Lemons sur les fonctions des lignes, ibid., XXI, 345-55. OsKAR BoLZA, Professor of Mathematics, 1892-igio; Non-Resident Professor of Mathematics, 1910-17; Hon. Prof essor of Mathematics, Freiburg i.B. Abiturientenexamen, Freiburg i.B., 1875; Ph.D. Gottingen, 1886; Associate Professor of Mathematics, Chicago, 1892-93; Professor, ibid., 1894-1910; Non- Resident Professor, ibid., 1910-17. Member, National Academy of Sciences. Lectures on the Calculus of Variations, "University of Chicago Decennial Publications," Second Series, XIV. Svo, xv+271. Chicago: Uni- versity Press, 1904. Vorlesungen ilber Variationsrechnung. I, Svo, iv+310, 1908; 11,1909; III, ix+i6o. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1909. Zur Zweiten Variation bei isoperimetrischen Problemen, Mathematische Annalen, LVII (1903), 44-47. Ueber das isoperimetrische Problem auf einer gegebenen Flache, ibid., 48-52. Some Instructive Examples in the Calculus of Variations, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, IX (1903), i-io. The Determination of the Constants in the Problem of the Brachisto- chrone, ibid., X (1904), 185-88. A Fifth Necessary Condition for a Strong Extremum of the Integral JF {x, y, y'), dx. Transactions of the American Mathematical Xo Society, VII (1906), 314-24, Weierstrass' Theorem and Kncser's Theorem on Transversals for the Most General Case of an Extremum of a Simple Definite Integral, ibid., 459-88. Ein Satz iiber eindeutige Abbildung und seine Anwendung in der Varia- tionsrechnung, Mathematische Annalen, LXIII (1906), 246-52. DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMA'lICS 187 Die Lagran^e'sche Mukiplicatorenrej^el in der Variationsrechnunp; fur den Fall von gemischlen Bedinj^ungen und die zuj^ehorigen Grenz- gleichungen bei variabeln Endpunkten, ibid., LXIV (1907), 370-87. The Determination of the Conjugate Points for Discontinuous Solutions in the Calculus of Variations, American Journal of Mathematics, XXX (1908), 210-21. Heinrich Maschke: His Life and Work, Bulletin of the American Mathe- matical Society, XV (1908-9), 85-95; published also in the Univer- sity Record, XII (1908), 153-55. Remarks concerning the Second Variation for Isoperimetric Problems, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, XV (1908-9), 213-17. An Application of the Notions of " General Analysis" to a Problem of the Calculus of Variations, ibid., XVI (1910), 402-7. Einfiihrung in E. H. Moore's "General Analysis" und deren Anwendung auf die Verallgemeinerung der Theorie der linearer Integrelglei- chungen, Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematischen Vereinigung, XXIII (1914), 248-303. Leonard Eugene Dickson [1900-], Professor of Mathematics. S.B. Texas, 1893; Ph.D. Chicago, 1896; Assistant Professor of Mathematics, California, 1899; Associate Professor of Mathematics, Te.xas, 1899-1900; Assist- ant Professor of Mathematics, Chicago, 1900-1907; Associate Professor, ibid., 1907-10; Professor, ibid., 1910-. Member of the National .\cademy of Sciences; Associate Fellow of the .Ameri- can .-Vcadcmy of .Arts and Sciences; President of the .\merican Mathematical Society, 1916-. Associate Editor, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 1902-10; Joint Editor, ibid., 191 1-; Managing Editor, American Mathematical Monthly, 1902-6; Associate Editor, ibid., 1906-8. Introduction to the Theory of Algebraic Equations. Svo, v-l-104. X'ew York: John Wiley & Sons, 1903. Linear Algebras. Svo, vi+87. Cambridge, England: L'niversity Press, 1914. On Invariants and the Theory of Numbers (Madison Mathematical Col- loquium). 8vo, iii-f-iio. X^ew York: American Mathematical Society, 1914. Theory of Equations. 8vo, v+184. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1914. 1 88 PUBLICATIONS Algebraic Invariants. Svo, x+ioo. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1914. Theory and Applications of Finite Groups (with G. A. Miller and H. F. Blichfeldt). Svo, xvii+390. New York: John Wiley & Sons, ig 16. Cyclic Subgroups of the Simple Ternary Linear Fractional Group, American Journal of Mathematics, XXIV (1902), 1-12. A MatrLx Defined by the Quaternion Group, American Mathematical Monthly, IX (1902), 243-48. An Elementary Exposition of Frobenius' Theory of Group-Characters and Group-Determinants, Annals of Mathematics, Second Series, IV (1902), 25-49. The Groups of Steiner in Problems of Contact (Second Paper), Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, III (1902), 377-82. On the Groups Defined for an Arbitrary Field by the Multiplication Tables of Certain Finite Groups, Proceedings of the London Mathe- matical Society, XXXV (1903), 68-80. The Abstract Group Simply Isomorphic with the Group of Linear Frac- tional Transformations in a Galois Field, ibid., 292-305. Generational Relations of an Abstract Simple Group of Order 4080, ibid., 306-19. Generational Relations for the Abstract Group Simply Isomorphic with the Linear Fractional Group in the GF [2"], ibid. (1903), 443-54- Addition to the Paper on the Four Known Simple Groups of Order 25920, ibid.. Second Series, I (1903), 283-84. Definitions of a Field by Independent Postulates, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, IV (1903), 13-20. Definitions of a Linear Associative Algebra by Independent Postulates, ibid., 21-26. On the Subgroups of Order a Power of p in the Quaternary Abelian Group in the Galois Field of Order />°, ibid., 371-86. On the Reducibility of Linear Groups, ibid., 434-36. Three Sets of Generational Relations Defining the Abstract Simple Group of Order 504, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, IX (1903), 194-204. DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS 189 Generational Relations Defining the Abstract Simple Group of Order 660, ibid., 204-6. The Abstract Group G Simply Isomorphic with the Alterruting Group on Six Letters, ibid., 303-6. Fields Whose Elements Are Linear Differential Expressions, ibid., X (1903), 30, 31. Three Algebraic Notes, American Mathematical Monthly, X (1903), 219-26. A Generalization of Symmetric and Skew-Symmetric Determinants, ibid., 254-56. Determination of All Groups of Binary Linear Substitutions wth Integral CoefBcients Taken Modulo 3 and of Determinant Unity, Annals of Mathematics, Second Series, V (1903), 140-44. On the Minimum Degree of Resolvents for the /^-Section of the Periods of Hyperelliptic Functions of Four Periods, Jahresbericht des Deutschen Mathcmatikervcreinigung, XIII (1904), 559-60. A New Extension of Dirichlet's Theorem on Prime Numbers, Messenger of Mathematics, XXXIII (1904), 155-60. Application of Groups to a Complex Problem in Arrangements, .1;:/Z(j/5 of Mathematics, Second Series, VI (1904), 31-44. On the Real Elements of Certain Classes of Geometrical Configurations, ibid., 141-50. Memoir on Abelian Transformations, American Journal of Mathematics, XXVI (1904), 243-318. Two Systems of Subgroups of the Quaternary Abelian Group in a General Galois Field, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, X (1904), 17S-84. On the Subgroups of Order a Power of p in the Linear Homogeneous and Fractional Groups in the GF [/>"], ibid., 385-97. A Property of the Group Cj'" All of Whose Operators except Identity Are of Period 2, American Mathematical Monthly, XI (1904), 203-6. The Subgroups of Order a Power of 2 of the Simple Quinary Orthogonal Group in the Galois Field of Order P°=8/=±=3, Transactions of the American }fathematical Society, \' (1Q04), 1-38. I90 PUBLICATIONS Determination of All the Subgroups of the Known Simple Group of Order 25920, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, V (1904), 126-66. The Minimum Degree t of Resolvents for the /^-Section of the Periods of H}^erelliptic Functions of Four Periods, ibid., VI (1905), 48-57. Definitions of a Group and a Field by Independent Postulates, ibid., 198-204. On Semi-Groups and the General Isomorphism between Infinite Groups, ibid., 205-8. The Group of a Tactical Configuration, Bulletin of the American Mathe- matical Society, XI (1905), 177-79. On the Class of the Substitutions of Various Linear Groups, ibid., 426-32. A General Theorem on Algebraic Numbers, ibid., 482-86. Determination of the Ternary Modular Groups, American Journal of Mathematics, XXVII (1905), 189-202. Subgroups of Order a Power of p in the General and Special w-ary Linear Groups, ibid., 280-302. A New System of Simple Groups, Mathematische Annalen, LX (1905), 137-50- On the Cyclotomic Function, American Mathematical Monthly, XII (1905), 86-89. Determination of All the Subgroups of the Three Highest Powers of p in the Group of All w-ary Linear Homogeneous Transformations Modulo p, Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, XXXVI (1905), 373-84. On Hypercomplex Number Systems, Transactions of the American Mathe- matical Society, VI (1905), 344-48. Graphical Methods in Trigonometry, American Mathematical Monthly, XIII (1905), 129-33. Expressions for the Elements of a Determinant in Terms of the Minors of a Given Order: Generalization of a Theorem Due to Studnicka, ibid., 217-21. On Finite Algebras, Goltingcn N achrichten (1905), 358-93. On Quadratic Hermitian and BiHnear Forms, Transactions of the Ameri- can Mathematical Society, VII (1906), 275-92. Linear Algebras in Which Division Is Always Uniquely Possible, ibid., 370-90. DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS 191 On the Quaternary Linear Homogeneous Group Modulo p of Order a Multijjle of p, American Journal oj Mallicmatics, XXV'III (1906), 1-18. On Commutative Linear Al^jebras in Which Division Is Always Uniquely Possible, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, VII (1906), 514-22. Criteria for the Irreducibility of Functions in a Finite Field, Bulletin of ike American Mathematical Society, XIII (1906), 1-8. On the Theor\' of Equations in a Modular Field, ibid., 8-10. On Linear Algebras, American Mathematical Monthly, XIII (1906), 201-5. The Abstract Form of the Special Linear Homogeneous Group in an Arbitrary Field, Quarterly Journal of Afathemalics, XXXMII (1906), 141-45- The Abstract Form of the Abelian Linear Group, ibid., 145-57. Invariants of Binar>' Forms under Modular Transformations, Trans- actions of the American Mathematical Society, VIII (1907), 205-32. Modular Theory of Group-Matrices, ibid., 389-98. Algebraic Numbers and Forms, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, XIII (1907), 348-62. The Symmetric Group on Eight Letters and the Senary First Hypo- abelian Group, ibid., 386-89. Modular Theory of Group Characters, ibid., 477-88. Quadratic Forms in a General Field, ibid., XIV (1907), 108-15. Invariants of the General Quadratic Form Modulo 2, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, Second Series, V (1907), 301-24. On tlic \'()lunic of a Tetrahedron in Terms of the Co-ordinates of the Vertices, American Mathematical Monthly, XI\' (1907), 117, iiS. The Galois Group of a Reciprocal Quartic Equation, ibid., X\' (iQoS), 71-78. On Triple Algebras and Ternary- Cubic Forms, Bulletin of the A mcrican Mathematical Society, XIV (1908), 160-69. On Higher Congruences and Modular Invariants, ibid., 313-18. Criteria for the Irreducibility of a Reciprocal Equation, ibid., 4:6-30. 192 PUBLICATIONS A Class of Groups in an Arbitrary Field Connected with the Configura- tion of the 27 Lines on a Cubic Surface (Second Paper), Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, XXXLX (1908), 205-9. On the Last Theorem of Fermat, Messenger of Mathematics, XXXVIII (1908), 14-32. Representations of the General Symmetric Group as Linear Groups in Finite and Infinite Fields, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, IX (1908), 121-48. On the Canonical Forms and Automorphs of Ternary Cubic Forms, American Journal of Mathematics, XXX (1908), 117-28. Invariantive Reduction of Quadratic Forms, ibid., 263-81. The Abstract Form of the AbeUan Linear Groups, Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, XXXIX (1908), 205-9. On Families of Quadratic Forms in a General Field, ibid., 316-33. On the Congruence x^-\-y^-\-z^=o (mod. p), Journal fur Mathematik, CXXXV (1908), 134-41. Lower Limit for the Number of Solutions of x^-\-y^-\-z^=o (mod. p), ibid., 181-88. On the Factorization of Large Numbers, American Mathematical Monthly, XV (1908), 217-22. On Commutative Linear Groups, Messenger of Mathematics, XL (1909), 167-96. On the Representation of Numbers by Modular Forms, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, XV (1909), 338-47. Rational Reduction of a Pair of Binary Quadratic Forms; Their Modular Invariants, American Journal of Mathematics, XXXI (1909), 103-46. Definite Forms in a Finite Field, Transactions of the American Mathe- matical Society, X (1909), 119-22. General Theory of Modular Invariants, ibid., 123-58. On the Last Theorem of Fermat, Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, XL (1909), 27-45. On Commutative Linear Groups, ibid., 167-96. Combinants, ibid., 349-66. DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS 193 On the Representation of Numbers as the Sum of Two Squares, American Mathematical Monthly, XVI (1909), 85-87. Rational Edged Cuboids with Equal Volumes and Equal Surfaces, ibid., 107-14. Modular Invariants of a General System of Linear Forms, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, Second Series, VII (1909), 430-44, Equivalence of Pairs of Bilinear or Quadratic Forms under Rational Transformation, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, X (1909), 347-60. A Theory of Invariants, American Journal of Mathematics, XXXI (1909), 337-54- On Certain Diophantinc Equations, Messenger of Mathematics, XXXIX (1909-10), 86-87. On the Factorization of Integral Functions with />-adic Coefficients, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, XVII (1910), 19-23. On the Xep;ativc Discriminants for Which There Is a Single Class of Positive Primitive Binary Quadratic Forms, ibid., 534-37. Note on Cubic Equations and Congruences, Annals of Mathematics, Second Series, XII (1910), 149-52. An Invariantive Investigation of Irreducible Binary Modular Forms, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, XII (191 1), 1-18. A Fundamental System of Invariants of the General Modular Linear Group with a Solution of the Form Problem, ibid., 75-98. Notes on the Theory of Numbers, American Malhcmatical Monthly, XVIII (1911), 109-11. Binary Modular Groujis and Their Invariants, American Journal of Mathematics, XXXIII (191 1), 175-92. Note on Modular Invariants, Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, XLII (1911), 158-61. On Non- Vanishing Forms, ibid., 162-71. Linear Algebras, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, XIII (1912), 59-73. Proof of the Finiteness of Modular Covariants, ibid., XIV (191 3), 299-310. 194 PUBLICATIONS Amicable Number Triples, American Mathematical Monthly, XX (1913), 84-92. Theorems and Tables on the Sum of the Divisors of a Number, Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, XLIV (1913), 264-96. Finiteness of the Odd Perfect and Primitive Numbers with n Distinct Prime Factors, American Journal of Mathematics, XXXV (1913), 413-22. Even Abundant Numbers, ibid., 423-26. On the Rank of a Symmetrical Matrix, Annals of Mathematics, Second Series, XV (1913), 27-28. The Invariants, Semivariants, and Linear Covariants of the Binary Quartic Modulo 2, ibid., 114-17. On Binary Modular Groups and Their Invariants, Bulletin of the Amer- ican Mathematical Society, XX (1913), 132-34. Linear Associative Algebras and Abelian Equations, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, XV (1914), 31-46. On the Trisection of an Angle and the Construction of Regular Polygons, American Mathematical Monthly, XXI (1914), 259-62. Invariants in the Theory of Numbers, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, XV (1914), 497-503. Modular Invariants of the System of a Binary Cubic, Quadratic, and Linear Form, Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, XLV (1914), 373-84. The Points of Inflexion of a Plane Cubic Curve, Annals of Mathematics, Second Series, XVI (1914), 50-66. Projective Classification of Cubic Surfaces Modulo 2, ibid., 139-57. Classification of Qukrtic Curves Modulo 2, Messenger of Mathematics, XLIV (1914-15), 189-92. Quartic Curves Modulo 2, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, X.VI (1915), 111-20. Recent Progress in the Theories of Modular and Formal Invariants and in Moduhir Geometry, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sci- ences, I (1915), 1-4. The Straight Lines on Modular Cubic Surfaces, ibid., 248-53. DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS 195 Invariantive Theory of Plane Cubic Curves Modulo 2, American Journal of Mathematics, XXXVII (1915), 107-16. Geometrical and Invariantive Theory of Quartic Curves Modulo 2, ibid., 337-54- Invariantive Classification of Pairs of Conies Modulo 2, ibid., 355-58. Invariants, Semivariants, and Covariants of the Ternar>' and Quaternary Quadratic Form Modulo 2, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, XXI (1915), 174-79- On the Relations between Linear Algebras and Continuous Groups, ibid., XXII (1915), 53-61. Reviews in: Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, IX, 555- 56, 561-62; X, 257-60, 317-21; XI, 159-64, 557-59; XIII, 348-62; XV, 232-39, 249-52; XVII, 23-36, 36-38, 254-56, 371-72; XX, 96-97, 258-59; XXI, 131-32, 355-56; XXII, 303-10. t Heinrich Maschke [1892-1908], Professor of Mathematics. Ph.D. Gottingen, 1880; Professor of Mathematics, Luisenstadtsche Gymnasium, Berlin, 1880-90; Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Physics, Chicago, 1892- 96; Associate Professor of Mathematics, iW', Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, XIX (1913), 331-42, Riccrche geometriche intorno al problema dei trc corpi, Annali di Matematica, XXI (1913), 1-31. On a Certain Class of Self-Projective Surfaces, Transactions of the A meri- cati Mathematical Society, XIV (1913), 421-43. Some General Aspects of Modern Geometry, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, XIX (1913), 331-42. Italian translation in Bollcltino di Bibliografia e Storia delle Scienze Matematiche, XVI (1914), 97-109. On a Certain Completely Integrable System of Linear Partial Difler- ential Equations, American Journal of Mathematics, XXX\'I (1914), 231-60. Ueber Flachen mit unbestimmten Direktrixkurven, M athematische Annalen, LXXVI (1914), 129-60. Conjugate Systems of Space Curves with Equal Laplace-Darboux Invariants, Proceedings of the National Acadeyny of Sciences, I (1915), 59-61. The General Theory of Congruences, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, X\' (1915), 311-27. Some Remarks on the Historical Development and the Future Prospects of the DitTerential Geometry of Plane Curves, Bulletin of the A merican Mathematical Society, XXII (1916), 317-29. Interpretation of the Simplest Integral Invariant of Projective Geometn.*, Proceedings of the Xational Academy of Sciences, II (1916), 248-52. Rkaikws of: Schlesinger, Vorlesungen liber lineare Diflerential- glcichungcn. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, X\'I, 4S3-8Q; Darboux, Lemons sur les systemes orlhogonaux ct les coordonnees curvilignes, ibid., XX, 247-53. Other re\ie\vs in Bulletin 200 PUBLICATIONS of the American Mathematical Society, XVII, 514-15; XX, 212; School Review, XX, 632-33; and American Mathe^natical Monthly, XXIII, 206-9. Jacob William Albert Young [189 2-], Associate Professor of the Pedagogy of Mathematics. A.B. Bucknell, 1887; Ph.D. Clark, 1892; Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Chicago, 1897-1908; .\ssociate Professor of the Pedagogy of Mathematics, ibid., 1908-. Editor, Monographs on Topics of Modern Mathematics. 8vo, viii+ 416. New York: Longmans, Green, & Co., 191 1. Member, International Commission on the Teaching of Mathe- matics, 1908-. In charge (wdth D. E. Smith and W. F. Osgood) of the prepara- tion of the American Report to the International Commission on the Teaching of Mathematics, 1909-. The following reports, prepared by Professor Young and the others named, have been published: International Commission on the Teaching of Mathe- matics: Preliminary Report of the American Commissioners, School Science and Mathematics, IX (1909), 603-8; also as Commission Internationale de I'enseignement mathematique: Rapport prepa- ratoire de la delegation americaine, U enseignement mathematique, XI (1909), 200-204; Sind Circulaire No. i du comite central a Messieurs les Membres de la Commission internationale de V enseignement mathe- matique, Geneva (1909), 8-12; International Commission on the Teaching of Mathematics: Second Preliminary Report of the American Commissioners, Bulletin No. 2 of the American Commis- sioners (1909), 1-13; also in School Science and Mathematics, IX (1909), 777-87; Report of the American Commissioners of the Inter- national Commission on the Teaching of Mathematics. 8vo, 84. Washington: The Bureau of Education, 191 2. Thirteen other re- ports by various hands have been edited by Professor Young and the others named, and published as Bulletins of the United States Bureau of Education. The following papers and addresses (by Professor Young) are also connected with the work of the Com- mission: (i) La question de la rigeur dans I'enseignement mathe- matique moyen, et la question de la fusion des diffcrentes branches mathcniatiques, Comple Rendu du Congrh de Milan de la Commission internationale de V enseignement mathematique (191 1), 35-45; also in U enseignement mathematique, XIII (191 1), 471-81; School Science and Mathematics, XII (191 2), 447-56; and (2) Address of Presen- DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS 20i tation of the American Report for the International Commission on the Teaching of Mathematics to the Congress at Cambridge. Publications du comit6 central de la Commission Internationale de renseigncmcnt mathvmatique, Serie 2, fasc. i (1912), 39-44; also in Uenseigncmcnt mallicmatique, XIV (191 2), 479-84. Arithmetic (with L. L. Jackson). Books I, II, III. 8vo, viii-f-234; viii+246; x-f-245. New York: U. Appleton & Co., 1904, 1905. The Teaching of Elementary and Secondary Mathematics. Svo, .wiii-f- 351. New York: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1906. 2d ed., ibid., 1914. Translated into Russian by A. R. Kulischer and published in 2 vols. Vol. I, Svo, .\vi+i92; Vol. II, ix-f-233. St. Petersburg: Obshtshestwenaja Polza, 1912. 2d ed., Vol. I, 1914; Vol. II, 1915. Elementary Algebra (with L. L. Jackson). Svo, ix-+43S. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1908. The Appleton Arithmetics (with L. L. Jackson). Vols. I, II, III. Svo, vii+264; vii+232; vii+236. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1909. Second Course in Algebra (with L. L. Jackson). Svo, vi+215. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 19 10. High School Algebra (with L. L. Jackson). Svo, x+508. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1 9 13. Plane Geometry (with L. L. Jackson). Svo, vi+312. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1916. Concerning tlie Bibliography of ^Mathematics, Yearbook of the Biblio- graphical Society of Chicago (1902, 1903), 32-43: American Mathe- matical Monthly, X (1903), 186-91. Poincare, La science et I'hypothese; Poincare-Lindemann, Wissenschaft und Hypothese, Science, XX (1904), 833-37. Some Recent French Views on Concrete Methods of Teaching Mathe- matics, School Review, XIII (1905), 275-79. Die Reformbewegungen im mathematischen Unterricht in d. Ver. Staaten Nord Amerikas, Jahrcsbcricht d. dcutschcn Math. Vcrcinignng XV (1906), 131-41. The Movement for Reform in the Teaching of Mathematics in Prussia, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, XII (1906), 347-52. 202 PUBLICATIONS The Movement in Prussia for the Reorganization of the Instruction in Mathematics and the Natural Sciences in the Secondary Schools, Science, XXIII (1906), 773-83. My Struggle with the Italian Language and the Morals I Drew from It for the Teaching of Mathematics, School Review, XV (1907), 255-60. Current Tendencies in Secondary Mathematics in Italy, School Science and Mathematics, VII (1907), 352-55. Current Tendencies in Secondary Mathematics in France, ibid., 489-93. On Mathematical Induction, American Mathematical Monthly, XV (1908), 145-53- The Theory of Numbers. In Monographs on Topics of Modern Mathe- matics, 305-49. New York: Longmans, Green, & Co., 191 1. Bibliography of Recent Works on the Teaching of Mathematics, United States Bureau of Education, Bulletin No. 446 (191 1), 18-21. The Fifth International Congress of Mathematicians, at Cambridge, England, 1912, School Science and Mathematics, XII (1912), 702-15; also in American Mathematical Monthly, XIX (191 2); and (in part) Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, XIX (19 13), 186-91. Reviews in: Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, XII, 138-40; XV, 261-64; and School Review, XIV, 616-17. Arthur Constant Lunn [1902-], Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics. A.B. Lawrence, 1898; Ph.D. Chicago, 1904; Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics, ibid., 1910-. The Dijfferential Equations of Dynamics. Doctor's thesis. 4to, 26. Lancaster, Pa.: New Era Printing Co., 1909. A Biquadratic Equation Connected with the Reduction of a Quadratic Locus, American Mathematical Monthly, XV (1908), 5, 6. On the Zonal Errors in Magnification of the Reflecting Telescope, Astrophysical Journal, XXVII (1908), 280-85. The Deduction of the Electrostatic Equations Ijy the Calculus of Varia- tions, Bulleldn of the American Mathematical Society, XIV (1908), 477-81. The Foundations of Trigonometry, Annals of Mathematics, Second Series, X (1908), 37-45- DEPART.MLXT OF MATilLMA'i ICS 203 Some Notes on Vector Analysis, American Malhcmatical Monthly, XVI (1909), 1-4. Geophysical Theory under the Planetesimal Hj'pothesis, Publications of the Carncf^ic Institution of Washington, No. 107 (1909J, 171-231. A Continuous Group Related to von Seidel's Optical Theory, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, XVI (1909), 25-30. The Apparent Size of a Closed Curve, American Journal of Mathematics, XXXII (1910), 186-94. A Theoretical Connection to the Drop Method of Determining the Elementary Charge, Physical Review, XXXV (191 2), 227-30. A Geometric Example of an Indeterminate Form, A merican Mathematical Monthly, XIX (191 2), 1 16-17. Reviews in: Aslrophysical Journal, XXX, 71; XXXVI, 85; American Mathematical Monthly, XX, 132, 310; Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, XIX, 535. Saul Epsteen [1902-6], Associate in Mathematics; Head of Insurance Commission, Denver, Colo. S.B. California, 1900; Ph.D. Zurich, 1901; Decent in Mathematics, Chicago, 1902-3; Assistant ibid., 1903-4; .\ssociate, ibid., 1905-6. Joint Editor, American Mathematical Monthly, 1904; Associate Editor, School Science and Mathematics, 1905-6. On Integrability by Quadratures, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, IX (1902), 152-54. An Elementary Account of the Picard Vessiot Theory, American Mathe- matical Monthly, IX (1902), 242-52. On Reducible Groups, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, IV (1903), 249-50. Semi-reducible Hypercomple.x Number Systems, ibid., 437-44. Untersuchungen iiber die lineare DifTerentialgleichung vierter Ordnung und die zugehorigen Gruppcn, American Journal of Mathematics, XXV (1903), 123-54. On Linear Differential Congruences, Bulletin of the American Mathe- matical Society, X (1903), 23-30. Determination of the Group of Ratit)nality of a Linear DifTcrential Equation, American Malhcmatical .Monthly, X (1903), 4-8. 204 PUBLICATIONS Analog of Sylvester Dialytic Method of Elimination, American Mathe- matical Monthly, X (1903), 63-64. On the Definition of Reducible Hj^Dercomplex Number Systems, Ameri- can Journal of Mathematics, XXV (1903), 123-54. An Elementary Exposition of the Theory of Finite Differences, American Mathematical Monthly, XI (1904), 131-36. On the Definition of Reducible Hypercomplex Number Systems, Trans- actions of the American Mathematical Society, V (1904), 105-9. On the Linear Homogeneous Difference Equations and Continuous Groups, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, X (1904), 494-504. On the Structure of Hypercomplex Number Systems (with J. H. Maclagan-Wedderburn), Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, VI (1905), 172-78. Reviews in: American Mathematical Monthly, XI, 215-17; XII, 57-58; Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, XI, 21-26; Jour- nal of Political Economy, XIII, 316-18. Oswald Veblen [1904-5], Associate in Mathematics; Professor of Mathematics, Princeton University. A.B. Harvard, 1900; Ph.D. Chicago, 1903; Associate in Mathematics, ibid., 1904-5. The Theory of Functions of a Real Variable, Americana, XVII, under "Real Variable," p. 6. A System of Axioms for Geometry. Doctor's thesis. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, V (1904), 343-84. The Heine Borel Theorem, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, X (1904), 436. Polar Co-ordinate Proofs of Trigonometric Formulas, American Mathe- matical Monthly, XI (1904), 6-12. The Transcendence of tt and e, ibid., 219-23. Theory of Plane Curves in Non-Metrical Analysis Situs, Transactions of the Society, VI (1905), 83-98. Definition in Terms of Order Alone of the Linear Continuum and of Well-ordered Sets, ibid., 165-71. DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS 205 Theophil Henhy Hildebrandt [1908-9], Assistant in Mathematics; Assistant Professor of Mathematics, University of Michigan. A.H. Illinois, 1905; S.M. ibid., 190O; Ph.D. Chicago, 1910; Assistant in Mathe- matics, ibid., 1908-9. Note on the Converpjence of Sequences of Functions of a Certain Type, Annals of Mathematics, Second Series, IX (1907), 123-26. Existence of a Minimum of a Quadratic Function, American Mathe- matical Monthly, XV (1908), 97-99. On the Determination of Conies through Two Points, ibid., 177-81. A Contribution to the Foundations of Frechet's Calcul Fonctionel. Doctor's thesis. American Journal of Mathematics, XXXIV (191 2), 237-90. Richard Philip Baker, Ph.D. 1910; Associate Professor of Mathe- matics, State University of Iowa, Iowa City. The Problem of the Angle-Bisectors. Doctor's thesis. 4to, iv+99. Chicago: University Press, 1911. William Hunt Bates, Ph.D. 1910; Associate Professor of Mathematics, Purdue University. An Application of SymboHc Methods to the Treatment of Mean Curva- tures in Hyperspace. Doctor's thesis. Transactions of the A mcrican Mathematical Society, XII (1911), 19-39. George David Birkhoff, Ph.D. 1907; Assistant Professor of Mathe- matics, Harvard University. Asymptotic Properties of the Solutions of Ordinary Linear DitTer- ential Equations Containing a Parameter with Application to Boundary Value and Expansion Problems. Doctor's thesis. Trans- actions of the American Mathematical Society, IX (1908), 219-31, 373-95- Robert Lacey Borger, Ph.D. 1907; Professor of Mathematics, Ohio University, Athens. On the Determination of the Ternary Modular Groups. Doctor's tliesis. American Journal of Mathematics, XXXII (1910), 289-98. 2o6 PUBLICATIONS Thomas Buck, Ph.D. 1909; Instructor in Mathematics, University of California. Periodic Orbits of Oscillating Satellites Near the Lagrangian Equilateral- Triangular Points. Doctor's thesis. 4to, 26. Chicago: Privately printed, 19 13. William Henry Bussey, Ph.D. 1904; Associate Professor of Mathe- matics, University of Minnesota. Generational Relations for the Abstract Group Simply Isomorphic with the Linear Fractional Group, LF [2, p% Doctor's thesis. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, Second Series, III (1905), 296-315. Allen Fuller Carpenter, Ph.D. 1915; Assistant Professor of Mathe- matics, University of Washington, Seattle. Ruled Surfaces Whose Flecnode Curves Have Plane Branches. Doctor's thesis. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, XVI (1915), 509-32. Edward Wilson Chittenden, Ph.D. 191 2; Instructor in Mathematics, University of Illinois. Infinite Developments and the Composition Property (KxzBj)* in General Analysis. Doctor's thesis. Rendiconti del Circolo Mate- matico di Palermo, XXXIX (1915), 81-108. Charles Ross Dines, Ph.D. 191 5; Instructor in Mathematics, Dart- mouth College. Functions of Positive Type and Related Topics in General Analysis. Doctor's thesis. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society^ Second Series, XV (1916), 243-79. Lloyd Lyne Dines, Ph.D. 1911; Professor of Mathematics, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada. The Highest Common Factor of a System of Polynomials in One Variable. Doctor's thesis. American Journal of Mathematics, XXXV (1913), 129-50. Arnold Dresden, Ph.D. 1909. See under University High School, p. 492. DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS 207 Charles Albert Fischer, Ph.D. 1912; Instructor in Mathematics, Columbia University. A Generalization of Volterra's Derivative of a Function of a Curve. Doctor's thesis. American Journal of Mathematics, XXXV (1913), 369-94. Meyer Grupp Gaba, Ph.D. 1914; Instmctor in Mathematics, Cornell University. A Set of Postulates for General Projective Geometry. Doctor's thesis. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, XVI (1915), 51-61. William Leroy Hart, Ph.D. 19 16; Benjamin Peirce Instructor in Mathematics, Harvard University. Differential Equations and Implicit Functions in Infinitely Many Variables. Doctor's thesis. Transactions of the American Mathe- matical Society, XVlll (1917), 125-60. Jasper Ole Hassler, Ph.D. 1915; Instructor in Mathematics, Engle- wood High School, Chicago. Plane Nets Periodic of Period 3 under the Laplacian Transformation, Rcndiconti del Circolo Matcmatico di Palermo, XL (1915), 273-94. Olivt: Clio Hazlett, Ph.D. 1915; Associate in Mathematics, Bryn Mawr College. Invariantive Characterization of Some Linear Associative Algebras, Annals of Mathematics, Second Series, XVI (1914), 1-6. On the Classification and Invariantive Characterization of Xilpotent Algebras. Doctor's thesis. American Journal of Mathematics, XXXVIII (1916), 109-38. Archibald Henderson, Ph.D. 1915; Professor of Pure Mathematics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. The Twenty-sn'en Lines upon the Cubic Surface. Doctor's thesis. (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, No. 13.) 8vo, 100. Cambridge: University Press, 1911. Louis Ingold, Ph.D. 1907; Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Uni- versitv of Missouri, Columbia. 2o8 PUBLICATIONS Vector Interpretation of Symbolic Differential Parameters. Doctor's thesis. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, XI (1910), 449-74- Herbert Edwin Jordan, Ph.D. 1904; Assistant Professor of Mathe- matics, University of Kansas, Lawrence. Group-Characters of Various Linear Groups. Doctor's thesis. Ameri- can Journal of Mathematics, XXIX (1907), 387-405. Harold Reynolds Kingston, Ph.D. 1914; Instructor in Mathematics and Astronomy, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg. Metric Properties of Nets of Plane Curves. Doctor's thesis. Ameri- can Journal of Mathematics, XXXVIII (1916), 407-30. William Charles Krathwohl, Ph.D. 1913; Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Armour Institute of Technology, Chicago. Modular Invariants of Two Pairs of Cogredient Variables. Doctor's thesis. American Journal of Mathematics, XXXVI (1914), 449-60. Nels Johann Lennes, Ph.D. 1907; Professor of Mathematics, Uni- versity of Montana, Missoula. Curves in Non-Metrical Analysis Situs with an Application in the Cal- culus of Variations. Doctor's thesis. American Journal of Mathe- matics, XXXIII (191 1), 287-326. Theodore Lindquist, Ph.D. 1911; Professor and Head of the Depart- ment of Mathematics, State Normal School, Emporia, Kan. Mathematics for Freshmen Students of Engineering. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, ix-l-135. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Ann Arbor Press, 191 1. William Raymond Longley, Ph.D. 1906; Assistant Professor of Mathe- matics, Yale University. A Class of Periodic Orbits of an Infinitesimal Body Subject to the Attraction of n Finite Bodies. Doctor's thesis. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, VIII (1907), 159-88. William Vernon Lovitt, PjlD. 1914; Assistant Professor of Mathe- matics, I'urduc University. DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS 209 A TjT^e of Singular Points for a Transformation of Three Variables. Doctor's thesis. Transactions of the American Malhcrtiatical Society, XVI (191S), 371-86. Thomas Emery McKinney, Vn.\). 1905; Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy, University of South Dakota, Vermilion. Concerning a Certain Type of Continued Fractions Depending on a Variable Parameter. Doctor's thesis. American Journal oj Mathe- matics, XXIX (1907), 213-78. Harris Franklin MacNeish, Ph.D. 1909; Instructor in Mathematics, DeWitt Clinton High School, New York City. See under University High School, p. 493. Egbert J. Miles, Ph.D. 1910; Assistant Professor of Mathematics Yale University. The Absolute Minimum of a Definite Integral in a Special Field. Doctor's thesis. Transai'tions of the American Mathematical Society ^ XIII (1912), 35-49- Wilson Lee Miser, Ph.D. 1913; Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. On Multiform Solutions of Linear Differential Equations Having Elliptic Function Coefficients. Doctor's thesis. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, XVII (1916), 109-30. Robert Lee Moore, Ph.D. 1905; Instructor in Mathematics, Uni- versity of Pennsylvania. Sets of Metrical Hypotheses for Geometry-. Doctor's thesis. Trans- actions of the American Mathematical Society, IX (1908), 487-512. Frank Marion Morrison, Ph.D. 1913; Associate Professor of Mathe- matics, University of Washington, Seattle. On the Relation between Some Important Notions of Projective and Metrical DilTercntial Geometry. Doctor's thesis. American Jour- nal of Mathematics, XXXIX (1917), 199-220. Elton James Moulton, Ph.D. 1913; Assistant Professor of Mathe- matics, Northwestern University. 2IO PUBLICATIONS On Figures of Equilibrium of a Rotating Compressible Fluid Mass; Certain Negative Results. Doctor's thesis. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, XVII (igi6), 100-108. Alfred Lewis Nelson, Ph.D. 191 5; Instructor in Mathematics, University of Michigan. Plane Nets with Equal Invariants, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, XLI (1916), 238-62. Frederick William Owens, Ph.D. 1907; Assistant Professor of Mathe- matics, Cornell University. The Introduction of Ideal Elements and Construction of Projective w-Space in Terms of a Planar System of Points Involving Order and Desargue's Theorem. Doctor's thesis. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, XI (1910), 141-71. Anna Johnson Pell, Ph.D. 19 10; Associate Professor of Mathematics, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass. I. Biorthogonal Systems of Functions. II. Application of Biorthogonal Systems of Functions to the Theory of Integral Equations. Doctor's thesis. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, XII (1911), 135-80. Arthur Dunn Pitcher, Ph.D. 1910; Professor of Mathematics, Adel- bert College, Western Reserve University, Cleveland. Interrelations of Eight Fundamental Properties of Classes of Functions. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 67. Lancaster, Pa.: New Era Printing Co., 1913- Arthur Ranum, Ph.D. 1906; Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Cornell University. The Group of Classes of Congruent Matrices with Application to the Group of Isomorphisms of Any Abelian Group. Doctor's thesis. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, VII (1906), 71-91. Samuel Watson Reaves, Ph.D. 1915; Professor of Mathematics, University of Oklahoma, Norman. On the Projective Differential Geometry of Plane Anharmonic Curves, Annals of Mathematics, Second Series, XV (1913), 20-26. DErARTMEXT OF MATHEMATICS 21 1 Ralph Eugene Root, Ph.D. 191 i; Professor of Mathematics and Mechanics, United States Xaval Academy, AnnapoHs. Iterated Limits in General Analysis. Doctor's thesis, American Jour- nal of Mathematics, XXXVI (1914), 79-133- t Mildred Leonora Sanderson, Ph.D. 1913. Formal Modular Invariants with Application to Binar\' Modular Covari- ants. Doctor's thesis. Transactions of the A merican Mathematical Society, XIV (1913), 489-500. Arthur Richard Schweitzer, Ph.D. 1916; Chicago. Les Idees directrices de la logique genetique des mathematiques. Doc- tor's thesis. Revue de Metaphysique et de Morale, XXII (1914-15), 174-96. Mary Emily Sinclair, Ph.D. 1908; Associate Professor of Mathematics, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio. Concerning a Compound Discontinuous Solution in the Problem of the Surface of Revolution of Minimum Area. Doctor's thesis. Annals of Mathematics, Second Series, X (1908), 55-80. Arthur Whipple Smith, Ph.D. 1904; Associate Professor of Mathe- matics, Colgate University, Hamilton, N.Y. The Symbolic Treatment of Differential Geometry. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 27. Lancaster, Pa.: New Era Printing Co., 1905. David Melville SxMITH, Ph.D. 1916; Assistant Professor of Mathe- matics, Georgia School of Technology, Atlanta. Jacobi's Condition for the Problem of Lagrange in the Calculus of Variations. Doctor's thesis. Transactions of the American Mathe- matical Society, XVII (1916), 459-75. Charles Thompson Sullivan, Ph.D. 1912; Assistant Professor of Mathematics, McGill University, Montreal. Properties of Surfaces Whose Asymptotic Cunes Belong to Linear Com- plexes. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 30. Lancaster, Pa.: New Era Print- ing Co., 1912. t Deceased. 212 PUBLICATIONS Anthony Lispenard Underhill, Ph.D. 1906; Assistant Professor of Mathematics, University of Minnesota. Invariants of the Function F (x, y, x', y') in the Calculus of Variations. Doctor's thesis. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, IX (1908), 316-38. Buzz M. Walker, Ph.D. 1906; Professor of Mathematics and Director of the School of Engineering, Mississippi Agricultural and Mechanical College. On the Resolution of Higher Singularities of Algebraic Curves into Ordinary Nodes. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 52. Lancaster, Pa. : New Era Print- ing Co., 1906. Mary Evelyn Wells, Ph.D. 1915; Instructor in Mathematics, Vassar College. On Inequalities of Certain Types in General Linear Integral Equation Theory. Doctor's thesis. American Journal of Mathematics, XXXIX (191 7), 163-84. Marion Ballantyne White, Ph.D. 1910; Associate Professor of Mathe- matics and Dean of Women, Michigan State Normal College, Ypsilanti. The Dependence of Focal Points upon Curvature for Problems of the Calculus of Variations in Space. Doctor's thesis. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, XIII (1912), 175-98. Forbes Bagley Wiley, Ph.D. 19 14; Professor of Mathematics, Denison University, Granville, Ohio. A Method of Subdividing the Interior of a Simply Closed Rectifiable Curve, with an Application to Cauchy's Theorem (with G. A. Bliss), Bulletin of the Scientific Laboratories of Denison University, XVII (1914), 375-^9- Proof of the Finiteness of the Modular Covariants of a System of Binary Forms and Cogredient Points. Doctor's thesis. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, XV (1914), 431-38. Albert Harris Wilson, Ph.D. 1911; Associate Professor of Mathe- matics, Havcrford College, Haverford, Pa. DEPARTMENT OF ASTRONOMY AND AS IROI'IIYSICS 213 Automoq)hic Transformations of the Binary Quartic, American Jtiumal of Mathematics, XXXIII (1910), 29-36. The Canonical Types of Nets of Modular Conies. Doctor's thesis. ibid., XXXVI (1914), 187-210. NoRM.VN Ricii.\KU Wilson, TilD. 1907; Professor of Mathematics, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg. A Certain Type of Isoperimetric Problem, in Particular the Solid of Maximum Attraction. Doctor's thesis. Proceedings and Transac- tions of the Royal Society of Canada, Third Series, I (1907), 39-84. Chester Henry Ye.aton, Ph.D. 1915; Assistant Professor of Mathe- matics, Northwestern University. Surfaces Characterized by Certain Special Properties of Their Directrix Congruences. Doctor's thesis. Annali di Matematica, Serie III, XXVI (1916), 1-33. THE DEPARTMENT OF ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS Edwin Brant Frost [1898-], Professor of Astrophysics; Director of the Yerkes Observatory, A.B. Dartmouth, 1886; Sc.D. (hon.), ibid., 191 1; Sc.D. (hon.), Cambridge, 191 2; Assistant Professor of .\stronomy and Director of the Obsenatorj', Dartmouth, 1892-95; Professor, ibid., 1895-98; Professor of .\strophysics, Chicago, 1S98-; Director of Yerkes Observatory, ibid., 1905-. Associate, Royal Astronomical Society; Member, National .\cademy of Sciences. Assistant Editor, Astrophysical Journal, 1898-1901; Joint Editor, 1902-; Managing Editor, 1902-12, 1914-. Member, Board of Editors, Proceedings of the National Acadony of Sciences, 191 5-. Member, Committee on Comets, American Astronomical Society (report published in 19 15). Hcliographic Positions of Sun-Spots, Observed at Hamilton College from 1S60 to iSyo by C. H. F. Peters. 4to, xiii-l-189. Washington: Carnegie Inslilution, 1907. Wave-Lengths of Certain Lines of the Second Spectrum of Hydrogen, Astrophysical Journal, XVT (1902), 100-105. Wave-Lengths of Certain Oxygen Lines (with Walter S. Adams), ibid.^ 119, 120. 214 PUBLICATIONS Co-operation in Observing Radial Velocities of Selected Stars, Astro- physical Journal, XVI (1902), 169-77. Five Stars Whose Radial Velocities Vary (with Walter S. Adams), ibid., XVII (1903), 150-53- Additional Stars of the Orion T}^e Whose Radial Velocities Vary (with Walter S. Adams), ibid., 246, 247. Two Stars with Variable Radial Velocities (with Walter S. Adams), ibid., 381, 382. Spectrographic Observations of Standard Velocity Stars, 1902-1903 (with Walter S. Adams), ibid., XVIII (1903), 237-77. Ten Stars Whose Radial Velocities Vary (with Walter S. Adams), ibid., 383-89- Eight Stars Whose Radial Velocities Vary (with Walter S. Adams), ibid., XIX (1904), 151-55. Observations with the Bruce Spectrograph (with Walter S. Adams), ibid., 350-56. Radial Velocity of T Vulpeculae, ibid., XX (1904), 296. A Desideratum in Spectrology, ibid., 342-46. Wave-Lengths of Certain Silicon Lines (with J. A. Brown), ibid., XXII (1905), 157-60. Spectrographic Observations of Certain Variable Stars, ibid., 213-16. Spectrographic Observations, ibid., XXIII (1906), 264-69. Observations of Radial Velocities, Science, XXIII (1906), 449. The Observations of Sun-Spots by the Late C. H. F. Peters, ibid., 452. The Period of /3 Cephei, Aslrophysical Journal, XXIV (1906), 259-62. Nine Stars Having Variable Velocities, ibid., XXV (1907), 59-65. Hermann Carl Vogel, ibid., XXVII (1908), i-ii. On Certain Spectroscopic Binaries, Astronomische N achrichten, CLXXVII (1908), 171-73- Spectroscopic Binaries under Observation at Different Institutions, Aslrophysical Journal, XXVII (1908), 161. Spectrum of Comet Morehouse (with J. A. Parkhurst), ibid., XXIX (1909), 55-64. DEPARTMENT OF ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS 215 Spectrograph ic Notes, ibid., 233-39. Spectrum of Comet Morehouse (with J. A. Parkhurst), Science, XXIX (1909), 36, 37. Eight Stars Having Variable Radial Velocities (with O. J. Lee), Astro- physical Journal, XXX (1909), 62-67. Charles Augustus Young, ibid., 323-38; published also in Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, VII (1909), 91-114. Note on the Accuracy of Radial Velocity Determinations, Astro physical Journal, XXXI (1910), 377-81. Corrections to the Radial Velocities of Certain Stars of the Orion Type, ibid., 430-32. On the Velocity of the Sun's Motion through Space as Derived from the Radial Velocity of the Orion Stars (with J. C. Kapteyn), ibid., XXXII (1910), 83-90. Nova Lacertae of 19 10, Popular Astronomy, XIX (1911), 111-12. On the Classification of Stellar Spectra, Astrophysical Journal, XXXIII (1911), 273-77. Observations of Nova Lacertae at the Yerkes Observatory, ibid., 408-17. Preliminary Note on the Sun's Velocity with Respect to Stars of Spectral Type A, Mcmorie della Societa degli Spettroscopisti Italiani (2), I (1912), 26-28. On the Spectrum of P Cygni, Astrophysical Journal, XXX\' (191 2), 286-93. The Spectroscopic Determination of Stellar Velocities Considered Practically, Popular Astronomy, XXI (1913), 189-207. Stellar Wave-Length of A. 4686 and Other Lines in the Spectrum of 10 Lacertae (with Frances Lowater), Astrophysical Journal, XL (1914), 268-73. Julius Scheiner, ibid., XLI (1915), 1-9. Note on Two Spectroscopic Binaries, Popular Astronomy, XXII (1914), 12-13. Objective-Prism Spectra of Nebulae Examined with the Stereo- Comparator (with 11. L. Alden), ibid., 136-37. Spectrographic Observations, ibid., 568. 2i6 PUBLICATIONS Spectroscopic Binary in the Trapezium of Orion, Popular Astronomy, XXIII (1915), 361-62. New Conceptions of the Nebula of Orion (with C. A. Maney), ibid.^ 485-87. Radial Velocities within the Great Nebula of Orion, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, I (1915), 416, Review of: W. W. Campbell, Stellar Motions, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, XXV, 277-83. Other reviews in Astrophysical Journal, XXII, 162-63, 227-28; XXIII, 171-78; XXV, 153-54; XXXI, 279-80; XXXII, 323-26, 402-3; XXXIII, 301-2; XXXV, 294-99; Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, XXIII, 257-60. George Ellery Hale, Professor of Astrophysics and Director of the Yerkes Observatory, 1892-1905-; Non-Resident Professor of Astro- physics, 1905-; Director of the Mount Wilson Solar Observatory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, Pasadena, Cal. S.B. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1890; Sc.D. (hon.) Western Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, 1897; LL.D. Beloit, 1904; Sc.D. (hon.) Yale, 1905; Associate Professor of Astrophysics, Chicago, 1892-97; Director of the Yerkes Observatory, ibid., 1895-1905; Professor of Astrophysics, ibid., 1897-1905; Non-Resident Professor of Astrophysics, ibid., 1905-. Janssen Medal, 1894; Rumford Medal, 1902; Draper Medal, 1903; Gold Medal, Royal Astronomical Society, 1904; Foreign Secretary, National Academy of Sciences; Member, American Philosophical Society; Foreign Member of the Royal Society of London, and of the Academies of Paris, Rome, Vienna, Amster- dam, Christiania, Upsala, etc. Editor of the Astrophysical Journal, 1895-. The Spectra of Stars of Secchi's Fourth Type (with Ferdinand EUerman and J. A. Parkhurst). Publications of the Yerkes Observatory, Vol. II. 4to, 135+ 1 1 plates. Chicago: University Press, 1903. The Rumford S pectroheliograph of the Yerkes Observatory (with Ferdinand Ellerman) ibid., Vol. Ill, Part I. 4to, 26+15 plates. Chicago: University Press, 1903. Solar Research at the Yerkes Observatory, Astrophysical Journal, XVI (1902), 211-33. Second Note on the Spark Spectrum of Iron in Liquids and Compressed Gases (with Norton A. Kent), ibid., XVII (1903), 154-60. The New Star in Gemini, ibid., 300-305. The Snow Horizontal Telescope, ibid., 314. DEPARTMENT OF ASTRONOMY A\D ASTROPHYSICS 217 Calcium and Hydrogen Flocculi (with P'erdinand EUerman), ibid., XIX (1904), 41-52- The Development of a New Method of Research, Popular Science Monthly, LXV (1904), 5-26. Co-operation in Solar Research, Aslrophysical Journal, XX (1904), 301-12. The Work of the Rumford Spectroheliograph, ibid., XXI (1905), 261-70. Review of: Kayser, Handbuch der Spectroscopic, Aslrophysical Journal, XIX, 296-300. Edward Emerson Barnard [1895-], Professor of Practical Astronomy; Astronomer in the Yerkes Observatory. A.M. {honoris causa) University of the Pacific, 18S9; Sc.D. Vandcrbilt, 1893; LL.D. Queen's, igog; in charge of Observatory, Vanderbilt, 1883-87; .\stronomer in the Lick Observatory, 1887-95; Professor of Practical Astronomy, Chicago, and .\stronomer in the Yerkes Observatory, 1895-. Lalande Gold Medal (1892), .\rago Gold Medal (1893), Janssen Gold Medal (1900), Acad6mie dcs Sciences, Paris; Gold Medal, Royal .Astronomical Society, 1897; Bruce Gold Medal (1917), .Astronomical Society of the Pacific; \'ice-President, American .Association for .Advancement of Science, 1S98; Janssen Prize, Soci^t6 Astronomique de France, 1906; .Associate Pellow, .American Academy of .Arts and Sciences; Hon. Member, Royal .Astronomical Society of Canada; Foreign Associate and Fellow, Royal .Astronomical Society; Member, Societe .Astrono- mique de France; Member, National .Academy of Sciences; Member, American Philosophical Society. Associate Editor, Astronomical Journal, 1914-; Associate Editor (Department of Astronomy), Funk & Wagnall's New Standard Dictionary of the English Language. Member, Committee on Comets, American Astronomical Society (report published 1915). Photographs of the Milky Way and of Comets. Publications of the Lick Observatory, Vol. XL 4to, 175+130 plates. Sacramento: Uni- versity of California Press, 1913. Observation of Comet b 1902 (Perrine), Astronomical Journal, XXII (1901-2), 174. Observations of the .\urora Made at the Yerkes Observatory, 1897-1902, Aslrophysical Journal, XYI (1902), 135-44. On the Change in the Focus for N^ova Persei, ibid., 1S3-S5. Comment on the Early Harvard Photographs of X'ova Persei, ibid., 340, 341- 2i8 PUBLICATIONS Observations of Nova Persei (Ch. 1226), Astronomische Nachrickten, CLX (1902), 239. Micrometrical Measures of Individual Stars in the Great Globular Clusters, Publications of the Astronomical and Astrophysical Society of America, I (1902), 193. On Some of the Variable Stars in the Cluster M 5 Librae, ibid., 193-94. Phenomena Observed at the Lunar Eclipse, 1902, October 16, Astro- nomische Nachrichten, CLXI (1903), 81-84. Diffused Nebulosities in the Heavens (i plate), Astrophysical Journal, XVII (1903), 77-80. The South Polar Cap of Mars (2 plates), ibid., 249-57. Additional Measures of the Position of Nova Persei (Ch. 1226), Astro- nomische Nachrichten, CLXII (1903), 379-82. Observations of Nova Geminorum, Astrophysical Journal, XVII (1903), 376-77- Photographic Observations of Borrelly's Comet and Explanation of the Phenomenon of the Tail on July 24 (2 plates), ibid., 210-17. Observations of Comet d 1902 (Giacobini), Astronomical Journal, XXIII (1903-4), 8. Observation of the Position of Turner's Nova, ibid., 81. Micrometer Observations of the Satellite of Neptune in 1 901-2 and 1902-3, ibid., 105-8. Observations of the Companions of Sirius and Procyon, ibid., 132. White Spot on Saturn, ibid., 143-44. On the Fifth Satellite of Jupiter, ibid., 149-56. On the Apparent Ellipticity of Mars, ibid., 166. Observations of the Star Krueger 60, ibid., 169-72. The White Spot on Saturn, ibid., 180, 181. Wolf's "New Star" in Cygnus, ibid., 190. Note on Saturn's Satellite Phoebe (with E. C. Pickering), Astronomische Nachrichten, CLX VI (1904), 159. Observations of Two Great Meteors, Astronomical Journal, XXIV (1904-5), 128, 129. DEPARTMENT OF ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS 219 Observation of Comet e 1904 (Borrelly), ibid., 164. Observations of Phoebe, the Ninth Satellite of Saturn, ibid., 165-66. Observations of Brooks' Periodic Comet, ibid., 180. The Bruce Photographic Telescope of the Yerkes Observatory (4 plates), Aslrophysical Journal, XXI (1905), 35-48. On the Anomalous Tails of Comets (with one plate), ibid., XXII (1905), 249-55. Nova Aquilae of 1905, ibid., 358. Observations of the Fifth Satellite of Jupiter, Astronomical Journal, XXV (1905-8), 25-32. Micrometrical Observations of the Satellite of Neptune, ibid., 41-42. Observations of Comet a 1906 (Brooks), ibid., 60. Micrometrical Observations of the Fifth Satellite of Jupiter, ibid., 81-83. Secondary Nucleus of Comet b 1906 (Kopff), ibid., 83-84. Observations of the Satellite of Neptune in the Years 1905-6, ibid., 100. Observations of the Satellite of Neptune at the Opposition of 1906-7, ibid., 164. Great Photographic Nebula near tt and 8 Scorpii (i plate), Aslrophysical Journal, XXIII (1906), 144-47. Note on Professor Newcomb's Observations of the Zodiacal Light, ibid., 168, 169. The Annular Nebula of Lyra (M 57), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astro- nomical Society, LXVI (1906), 104-13. Periodical Changes in the Size of the Glow Surrounding the Lunar Crater Linne, Astronomische Nachrichten, CLXX (1906), 293-96. An Unexplained Observation, ibid., CLXXII (1906), 25. Observations of the ISlagnitudes and Position of Nova Geminorum, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, LX\T (1906), The Nebulous Regions of the Milky Way, Publications of the Astronomical and Aslrophysical Society of America, I (1906), 269-70. Photographic Observations of Giacobini's Comet, ibid., 274. 220 PUBLICATIONS On the Vacant Regions of the Sky (3 plates), Popular Astronomy, XIV (1906), 579-83- The Midnight Illumination above the Northern Horizon near the Time of the Summer Solstice, AstrophysicalJournal, XXIV (1906), 128-29. Photographic Observations of Giacobini's Comet (1905 c) (2 plates), ibid., 255-58. Observations of the Sixth Satellite of Jupiter, Astronomische Nachrichten, CLXXII (1906), 119-22. Observations of the Asteroid (13) Egeria, ibid., 121-24. On a Planetary Nebula, ibid., 123. Observations of Phoebe, the Ninth Satellite of Saturn, ibid., 191, 192. Visual Observations of a Variable Star in the Cluster M 3 (N.G.C. 5272), ibid., 345-48. On the Hypothetical Disturbing Body in the System of 61 Cygni, ibid., 379-84- Observations of the Double Stars Castor, 2 2398 and /a' Herculis, ibid., 383, 384. Observations of the Position and Physical Appearance of Nova Sagittarii, ibid., CLXXIII (1906), 1 13-18. Groups of Small Nebulae, ibid., 117-22. Group of Small Nebulae, ibid., 121, 122. On a Group of Small Nebulae Observed near Comet 1889V on October 28, 1889, ibid., 121-24. The Nebula N.G.C. 6302, ibid., 123, 124. Reply to Mr. Rudolph Pirovano's Remarks, etc., ibid., 315-18. Period and Light-Curve of the Variable Star 7594 RS Aquarii, ibid. (1907), 337-46. Photographic Observations of an Unknown Comet on July 22 (1905/) (i plate), ibid., CLXXIV (1907), 3-8. The White Spot near the North Limb of the Third Satellite of Jupiter (A. N., 4147), ibid., 327-28. On a Nebulous Groundwork in the Constellation of Taurus (2 plates), Aslrophysical Journal, XXV (1907), 218-25. DEPARTMENT OF ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS 221 Nova T Coronae of 1866, ibid., 279-82. Photographic Observations of Giacobini's Comet (1905 c), Science, XXV (1907), 569. On the Positions of the Stars BD+i°272o, +i°2722, and +o*'2957, Astronomische Nachrichten, CLXXV (1907), 313-14. Photographic Observations of Mellish's Comet 1907 b, ibid., 377-80. On the Motion of the Stars in the Cluster Messier 92, ibid., CLXXVI (1907), 17-22, 21-24. Micrometer Observations of the Asteroid (588) Achilles, ibid., 89-92. Nova Persei of 1901, ibid., 323-26. Observations of the Fifth Satellite of Jupiter at the Opposition of 1906-7, ibid., 177-78. Some of the Results of Astronomical Photography Pertaining Especially to the Work with a Portrait Lens (6 plates), Proceedings of the Afnerican Philosophical Society, XLVI (1907), 417-29; same as above (5 plates) reprinted in Popular Astronomy, XVI (1908), 286-98. On the Owl Nebula, Messier 97 = N.G.C. 3587 (i plate). Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, LXVII (1907), 543-50. Micrometer Observations of Phoebe, Astronomische Nachrichten, CLXXVII (1908), 145-48. Photographic and Visual Observations of lapetus, the Eighth Satellite of Saturn, in 1906, ibid., 147-50. Observations of a Faint Asteroid 1904 V"* near the Place of Phoebe on 1904 September 12, ibid., 149-52. Some Notes on Nebulae and Nebulosities, ibid., 231-36. Observations of Saturn's Ring at the Time of Its Disappearance in 1907, etc. (2 plates). Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, LXVIII (1908), 346-59. Additional Observations of the Disappearances and Rcapjicaranccs of the Rings of Saturn in 1Q07-8, etc., ibid., 360-66. A Few Observations of the Planet Saturn anel His Rings in the Years 1897-1904 (i plate), ibid., 366-68. The Variability of the Nucleus of the Planetary Nebula N.G.C. 7662 (i plate), ibid., 465-80. 2 22 PUBLICATIONS Observations of Saturn's Rings at Their Disappearances in 1907, with a Suggested Explanation of the Phenomena Presented (i plate), Astro physical Journal, XXVII (1908), 35-44. Photographic Phenomena of Comet d 1907 (Daniel) (Abstract), Science, XXVII (1908), 162. On a Great Bed of Nebulosity in Sagittarius, Photographed with the Bruce Telescope of the Yerkes Observatory (Abstract), ibid., 162-63. Comet c 1908 (Morehouse) (2 plates), Astrophysical Journal, XXVIII (1908), 292-99. On the Parallax and Proper Motion of the Double Star Krueger 60 (i plate). Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, LXVIII (1908), 629-55. On the Photographs of Comet c 1908 (Morehouse) (2 plates), ibid., LXIX (1908), 52-54. Photographs of Comet c 1908 (Morehouse) (i plate), ibid., 1 14-15. Photographic Observations of a Very Remarkable Comet (2 plates), Popular Astronomy, XVI (1908), 591-96. The Great Red Spot on Jupiter (i plate), Astronomische Nachrichten CLXXVIII (1908), 389-92. Measures of the Sixth Satellite of Jupiter and of Comparison Stars in 1908, ibid., CLXXIX (1908), 17-20. On the Change in the Physical Condition of Nova Persei in the Fall of 1902 and Afterwards, ibid., 199-204. On the Constancy of the Period of the Variable Star, M 5 (Libra) No. 33, Publications of the Astronomical and Astrophysical Society of America, I (1908), 298. On a Quick Visual Method of Redetermining the Focus of a Large Visual Refractor When Used for Photography with a Color Screen, ibid., 300. On the Focal Changes in Nova Persei and on the Focus of Some of the Wolf-Rayet Stars, ibid., 300-301. On the Irregularity of the Proper Motion of the Star Krueger 60, ibid., 303. Photographic Observations of Comet c 1908 (Morehouse) (8 plates), Astrophysical Journal, XXVIII (1908), 384-88; XXIX (1909), 65-71. DEPARTMENT OF ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS 223 On the Colors of Some of the Stars in the Globular Cluster M 13 Herculis, ibid., 72-75. Visual Observations of Halley's Comet, Astronomical Journal, XXVI (1909), 43-44- Observations of the Satellites of Uranus, ibid., 47-50. Additional Observations of Halley's Comet, ibid., 62. Observations of the Satellites of Mars, ibid., 69-70. Observations of Halley's Comet, ibid., 76-77. Observations of the Rings and Satellites of Saturn, ibid., 79-82. Observations of Comet e 1909 and of Comet a 1910, ibid., 86. Micrometer Measures of the Fifth Satellite of Jupiter and Miscellaneous Observations of the Planet, 76 /J., 123-25. Micrometer Observations of Comet a 1910, ibid., 137. Observations of the Companion of Sirius, ibid., 143. Observations of the Satellite of Neptune, ibid., 144. Recent Observations of the Rings of Saturn and Their Bearing on Some of the Phenomena of the Disappearance of the Rings in 1907, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronotnical Society, LXIX (1909), 621-24. On the Erroneous Results of Stereoscopic Observations of a Comet, ibid., 624-26. Reprinted in Popular Astronomy, X\'n (1909), 531-34- Suggestions in Respect to Photographing Comets, with Special Refer- ence to Halley's Comet, Popular Astronomy, XVH (i909\ 597-609. Micrometer Observations of the Temple-Swift Comet, etc., Astronomische Nachrichten, CLXXX (1909), 159-62. Observations of the Fifth Satellite of Jupiter in the Years 1908 and 1909, etc., ibid., CLXXXI (1909), 301-10. Observations of the Variable Star RS Aquarii, ibid., 309-12. Observations of the Satellite of Neptune, 1907-8, 1908-9, ibid., 321-26. Micrometer Observations of Comet 1908 c (Morehouse), ibid., 401-2. Observations of the Companions of Procyon, ibid., CLXXXH (1909), 13-14- 224 PUBLICATIONS Observations of the Companion of Sirius, Astronomische Nachrichten, CLXXXII (1909), 13-16. On the Motion of Some of the Stars of Messier 92 (i plate), ibid., 305-8, Reprinted in Popular Astronomy, XVIII (1909), 3-7. On the Photographs of Comet c 1908 (Morehouse), Publications of the Astronomical and Astrophysical Society of America, I (1909), 323. On Some Experiments in Photographing Enlarged Images of the Planets, Direct with the Forty-Inch Telescope, ibid., 323. On the Proper Motion of Some of the Small Stars in the Dense Cluster M 92 Herculis, ibid., 323. Introduction to Vol. I, Science-History of the Universe (1909), pp. ix-xvi. On the Period and Light Curve of the Variable Star, No. 33 M 5 (i plate), Astronomische Nachrichten, CLXXXIV (1910), 273-84. Photographic Observations of Halley's Comet (i plate), Popular Astron- omy, XVIII (1910), 321-22. On a Great Nebulous Region, etc. (3 plates), Astrophysical Journal, XXXI (1910), 8-14. Observations of the Aurora, Made at the Yerkes Observatory, 1902-1909, ibid., 208-33. Photographic Observations of Daniel's Comet (25 plates), Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, XLIX (1910), 3-16. On the Acceleration of the Receding Masses in the Tail of Halley's Comet, June 6, 1910, Publications of the Astronomical and Astrophysical Society of America, II (19 10), 17. Observations of Halley's Comet at the Time of Its Nearest Approach to the Earth (i plate), Astronomische Nachrichten, CLXXXV (1910), 229-34. Observations of the Minor Planet (403) Cyane, ibid., 325-28. On the Acceleration of the Receding Masses in the Tail of Halley's Comet, 1910, June 6, ibid., CLXXXVI (1910), 11-22. Prediscovery Photograi)hs of Nova Lacertae, ibid., CLXXXVII (191 1), 63-64. Observations of Comets, ibid., CLXXXVIII (191 1), 1 18-19. Photograi^hs of the Planet Mars, etc. (2 plates), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, LXXI (1911), 471-72. DEPARTMENT OF ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS 225 Luminous Xighl Haze, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, L (1911), 246-53. The Conjunction of Mars and Saturn, 191 1, August 16, Popular Astron- omy, XIX (191 1 ), 498-501. Preliminary Report on the Photographs of Halley's Comet Taken at Honoluki, H.I., Ijy Ferdinand F^llerman in 1910, Publications of the Astronomical and Astrophysical Society of America, II (1911), 66-67. Photographic Observations of Brooks's Comet, 191 1, ibid., 98-99. Notes on the Photograjjhs of Halley's Comet Taken at Diamond Head by Ferdinand Ellerman, ibid., 221-27. Observations of Halley's ComtX., A sir onomischeNachrichtcn,CL'KX^\l\l (1911), 215-16. Photographic Observations of the Small Planets (28) Bellona and 1908 ^iV, ibid., CLXXXIX (191 1), 193-94. Observations of Wolf's Periodic Comet 191 1 c, ibid., CXC (1911-12), 25-28. Observations of a New Minor Planet 191 2 NV, ibid., 397-98. Micrometric Measures of the Fifth Satellite of Jupiter and Miscellaneous Observations of the Planet, Astronomical Journal, XXVII (1911-13), 99-104. Observations of the Satellites of Uranus, ibid., 104-6. The Companions of Procyon and Sirius, ibid., 107-8. Observations of the Satellite of X'^eptune, ibid., 111-12. Visual and Photographic Observations of Comet 191 1 b (Kiess), ibid., 113-14. Micrometric Measures of the Satellites of Saturn, ibid., 116-29. Micrometer Positions of Halley's Comet, ibid., 147-52. The Companions of Sirius and of Procyon, ibid., 103-94. Observations of the Variable Star RS Aquarii, Astronomische Xach- richten, CXCI (191 2), 181-S2. The Red Star 30+37*3876 = \VX Cygni, ibid., 3S7-90. Period of the Variable Star Xo. ^;^, M 5 (Libra), ibid., 439-42. Observations of X'ova Cygni 1876, Monthly Xotices of the Royal Astro- nomical Societv, LXXII (191 2), 525-34. 226 PUBLICATIONS Observations of Nova Lacertae (Espin) (i plate), Monthly Notices oj the Royal Astronomical Society, LXXII (1912), 659-76. Photographic Observations of Comet 191 1 c (Brooks) (7 plates), Astro- physical Journal, XXX.YI (1912), 1-1$. Gale's Comet a 191 2, Popular Astronomy, XX (191 2), 579-80, Schaumasse's Comet, ibid., 608. Borrelly's Comet 1912 c, ibid., 672. The Minor Planet 21 Lutetia near Jupiter, Astronomische Nachrichten, CXCII (1912), 115-16. The Total Eclipse of the Moon, 1913, March 21, Popular Astronomy, XXI (1913), 277-78. The Variable Star R Cygni, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, LXXIII (1913), 390-92. The Variable Star 97 .1910 Cygni, ibid., 500-518. On the Polar Diameter of Saturn and the Minor Axis of the Rings, ibid., 601-5. Dark Regions of the Sky Suggesting an Obscuration of Light, Astro- physical Journal, XXXVIII (1913), 496-501. On the Motion of a Small Star in the Pleiades, Astronomische Nachrichten, CXCIV (1913), 7-8. Lewis Swift, ibid., 133-36. Corrections to the Observations of 588 Achilles in A.N., 4206, ibid., 171-72. Visual Observations of Phoebe, the Ninth Satellite of Saturn, ibid., 333-36. The Temporary Stars. On the Present Appearance of Some of These Bodies, ibid., 401-8. Gain of Definition Obtained by Moving a Telescope, Nature, XCI (1913), 214-15. The Variable Star No. t,t, in the Cluster M 5, Astronomische Nachrichten, CXCVI (1913-14), 11-14. Change in the Focus of Nova Geminorum, ibid., 167-68. Neujmin's Comet, ibid., 181-82. Drawing of the Planet Jupilcr, ibid., 381-82. DEPARTMENT OF ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS 227 Observations of the Satellites of Saturn, Astronomical Journal, XX\'III (1913-15), 1-9. Observations of the Satellite of Neptune, ibid., lo-ii. Observations of Comet 1913 c (Neuimin), ibid., 137-41- Change in the Focus of Nova Geminorum No. 2. Recent Observations of Nova Persei 2, and Nova Geminorum i, Astronomische Xach- richten, CXCVIII (1914), 123-24. Explanation of Certain Phenomena of the Tail of Comet Morehouse (III, 1908), Science, XL (1914), 769-70. Visual Observations of Phoebe, the N^inth Satellite of Saturn, Astro- nomische Nachrichten, CXCVIII (1914), 223-26. A Curious Observation, Observatory, XXXVII (1914), 416-17. Visual Observations of Halley's Comet in 19 10 (6 plates), Astrophysical Journal, XXXIX (1914), 373-404. Photographic Determination of the Colors of Some of the Stars in the Cluster M 13 (Hercules) (2 plates), ibid., XL (1914), 173-81. Photographic Measures of Saturn and Its Rings (i plate), ibid., 259-67. On the Identity of Anthelm's New Star of 1670 (11 Vulpeculae), Astro- nomische Nachrichten, CXCIX (1914), 1-4. On the Transparency of the Outer Ring of Saturn, ibid., 101-2. Delavan's Comet (i plate), Popular Astronomy, XXII (1914), 500. Delavan's Comet (i plate), ibid., 535-36. Visual Observations of Some of the Harvard College Observatory Polar Sequence Stars, ibid., 559-60. Encke's Comet (i plate), ibid., 607-10. A Great Nebulous Region near Omicron Persei (i plate), Astrophysical Journal, XLI (1915), 253-58. The Tail of Encke's Comet, Popular Astronomy, XXIII (1915), i4- A Mistaken Butterfly, Nature, XCV (191 5), 174. Measures of Small Stars in the Dumbbell Nebula ( = N.G.C. 6853 = M 27), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, LXX\T (1915), 90-95- Measures of the Positions of Faint Comparison Stars near the \'ariable R Cygni, ibid., 95-97. 228 PUBLICATIONS Photographic Comparison of a Bright Nebula with a Dark One, and the Possible Luminosity of Space (Abstract), Popular Astronomy, XXIII (1915), 596. Sur des grands mouvements propres soupgonnes dans les etoiles voisines de I'amas Messier ii = N.G.C. 6705, Cojnptes Rendus, CLXI (1915), 411. The Great Aurora of June 16, 1915, Nature, XCV (1915), 536-37, 703. Observations of the Satellites of Saturn, Astronomical Journal, XXIX (1915-16), 33-37. Observations of the Companion of Sirius, ibid., 38. Observations of the Satellite of Neptune, ibid., 39. Observations of the Satellites of Uranus, ibid., 39-40. Mellish's Comet (1915 a), ibid., 40. Observations of the Sixth Satellite of Jupiter, ibid., 73-74. A New Variable Star, ibid., 75. Observations of the Fifth Satellite of Jupiter, ibid., 77-79. Observations of the Double Comets 1915 e (Taylor) and 1915 a (Mellish), ibid., 138. A New Variable Star, ibid., 148. Observations of the Double Star Krueger 60, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, LXXVI (1916), 592-606. Some of the Dark Markings of the Sky and What They Suggest (2 plates), Astrophysical Journal, XLIII (1916), 1-8. Reviews of: Pickering, The Moon, Astrophysical Journal, XX, 359-64; Wolf, Die Milchstrasse, ibid., XXIX, 89, 90; Chambers, The Story of the Comets, ibid., XXXI, 92-94. Sherburne Wesley Burnham [1893-19 14], Professor of Practical Astronomy, and Astronomer in the Yerkes Observatory. Retired. A.M. Yale, 1878; Astronomer at the Lick Observatory, 1888-92; Professor of Practical Astronomy, and Astronomer in the Yerkes Observatory, 1893-1914. Expert Commissioner to test the seeing on Mount Hamilton, Cal. (resulting in the location of the Lick Observatory), 1879; Oold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1894; Associate of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1898; Lalande Prize in Astronomy, Paris Academy of Science, 1904. General Catalogue of Double Stars within 121° of the North Pole. 4to, 2 vols. Vol. I, The Catalogue, lv+256. Vol. II, Notes to the Catalogue, viii+830. Washington: Carnegie Institution, 1906. DEPARTMENT OF ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS 229 Measures of Proper Motion Stars. 4to, iv+311. Washington: Car- negie Institution, 1913. Note on the Double Star 31 Leonis, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astro- nomical Society, LXIII (1902-3), 419-20. New Companion to 2 1594, ibid., 420-21. Notes on Kiistner's Double Star Measures, Astronomische Xachrichten, CLXI (1903), 91-92. Note on the Double Star AOe^ 17123, ibid., CLXIII (1903), 315. Note on Schjellerup 8144 and B.D.+5°4556, ibid., 379. Note on Schjellerup 8144, ibid., CLXIV (1903), 127. A Lost Double Star, Popular Astronomy, XI (1903), 250-52. B Bootis, Astronomische Nachrichten, CLXXV (1907), 95. Double Star Measures Made with the 40-Inch Refractor of the Yerkes Observatory, ibid., CLXXVI (1907), 129. The Proper Motion of Small Stars, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astro- nomical Society, LXVIII (1907-8), 517-22. Double Star Measures Made with the 40-Inch Refractor of the Yerkes Observatory, Astronomische Nachrichten, CLXXVIII (1908), 201. Double Star Measures Made with the 40-Inch Refractor of the Yerkes Observatory, ibid., CLXXX (1909), 65. Double Star Measures Made with the 40-Inch Refractor of the Y'erkes Observatory, ibid., CLXXXII (1909), 133. Announcement of Visual Discovery and Position of Halley's Comet, Harvard Observatory Bulletin, No. 358 (1909); published also in Astronomische Nachrichten, CLXXXII (1909), 285. Double Star Measures ]\Iade with the 40-Inch Refractor of the Yerkes Observatory, ibid., CLXXXY (1910), 144-79. Beobachtungen von Kometen, ibid., 179. The Proper Motion of the Small Star near 17 Lyrae, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, LXXI (1910-11), 208-15. Measures of a Faint Proper Motion Star, ibid., 218. Measures of the Proper Motion Star /3 G. C. 6869, ibid., 506. Measures of a Small Star with a Large Proper Motion, ibid., 50S. 230 PUBLICATIONS Measures of the Proper Motion Star Sh 190, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, LXXI (1910-11), 691. Double Star Measures Made with the 40-Inch Refractor of the Yerkes Observatory, Astronomische N achrichten, CLXXXVI (191 1), 389-422 The Proper Motion of B.D.+33°99, ibid., CLXXXVII (1911), 382. Comparison Stars for Halley's Comet, ibid., CLXXXVIII (191 1), 181. Review of: Recent Double Star Work, Popular Astronomy, XIV, 79-85. Other reviews in Popular Astronomy, X, 129-30; XIII, 15-16, 333-34, 472-73; XIV, 523-25; XV, 624-26. Francis P. Leavenworth, Professor of Astronomy, University of Minnesota; Professor of Practical Astronomy at the Yerkes Observatory, 19 14, Summer. Observations of Comets Made with the 40-Inch Refractor of the Yerkes Observatory, Astronomical Journal, XXIX (191 5-1 6), 15. Micrometrical Measures of Double Stars Made with the 40-Inch Refrac- tor of the Yerkes Observatory, ibid., 17-24. Forest Ray Moulton [1896-], Professor of Astronomy. A.B. Albion, 1894; Ph.D. Chicago, 1899; Assistant Professor of Astronomy, ibid., 1903-8; Associate Professor, z6w/., 1908-12; Professor, z6m?., 1912-. Member, National Academy of Sciences, 1910-; Hon. Corresponding Member, British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1913-; Vice-President, American Mathematical Society, 191 5-. Associate Editor, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 1908-. Introduction to Astronomy. 8vo, xviii-f 557. New York: Macmillan Co., 1906. Descriptive Astronomy. 8vo, 253. Chicago: American School of Corre- spondence, 191 2. Introduction to Celestial Mechanics (rev. ed.). 8vo, xvi+437. New York: Macmillan Co., 1914. Periodic Orbits. Washington: Carnegie Institution. In Press. Evolution of the Solar System, Astro physical Journal, XXII (1905), 165-81. Direct Computation of the Expressions for the Coordinates in Elliptic ^lotion. Astronomical Journal, XXV (1905-8), 144-49. DEPARTMENT OF ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS 231 A Class of Periodic Solutions of the Problem of Three Bodies with Applications to the Lunar Theory, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, VII (1906), 537-77. Notes on the Possibility of I-lssion of a Contracting Rotating Fluid Mass, Astrophysical Journal, XXIX (1909), 1-13. On Certain Implications of Possible Changes in the Form and Dimensions of the Sun, and Some Suggestions toward Explaining Certain Phe- nomena of Variable Stars, ibid., 257-80. On Certain Relations among the Possible Changes in the Motions of Mutually Attracting Spheres When Disturbed by Tidal Interactions, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication No. 107 (1909), 79-133- Notes on the Possibility of Fission of a Contracting Rotating Fluid Mass, ibid., 137-60. The Straight Line Solutions of the Problem of n Bodies, Annals of Mathematics, Second Series, XII (1910), 1-17. Chapter on Growth of Worlds. In Vol. IV of the Foundation Library for Young People. 8vo, 25. New York: Educational Society, 1911. On the Solutions of Certain Types of Linear Differential Equations with Periodic Coefficients (with W. D. ^ia.cM\\\2L.n), American Journal of Mathematics, XXXIII (191 1), 63-96. The Influence of Astronomy on Mathematics, Science, XXXIII (191 1), 357-(54- The Spherical Pendulum from the Standpoint of Periodic Solutions, Retuiiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, XXXII (191 1), 338-64. A Class of Periodic Orbits of Superior Planets, Transactions of the Ameri- can Mathematical Society, XIII (1912), 96-108. Capture Theory and Capture Practice, Popular Astronomy, XX (1912), 67-82. On Certain E.xpansions of Elliptic, Hyperelliptic, and Related Periodic Functions, American Journal of Mathematics, XXXIV (1912), 177- 202. M. Henri Poincare, Popular Astronomy, XX (191 2), 1-14. 232 PUBLICATIONS Relations among Families of Periodic Orbits in the Restricted Problem of Three Bodies, Proceedings oj the International Congress of Mathemati- cians, Cambridge (191 2), 1-6. Closed Orbits of Ejection and Related Periodic Orbits. Painleve's Theorem, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, Series 2, Vol. II (1912), 367-97. The Scientific Importance of Polar Explorations, Technical World, XIX (1913), 180-87. Periodic Oscillating Satellites in the Problem of Three Bodies, Mathe- matische Annalen, LXXIII (1912), 441-79. On the Solutions of Linear Equations Having Small Determinants, American Mathematical Monthly, 'KK (1913), 242-49. Memoir on the Theory of Determining Orbits, Astronomical Journal, XXVIII (1913-15), Nos. 661, 662, 663 entire. The Problem of Three Bodies, Popular Astronomy, XXII (1914)? 197-207. The Deviations of Falling Bodies, Annals of Mathematics, Second Series, XV (1914), 184-94. Albert Abraham Michelson, Technical World, XXI (19 14), 328-37. On the Stability of Direct and Retrograde Satellite Orbits, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, LXXV (19 14), 40^-57. George Ellery Hale, Technical World, XXII. Solution of an Infinite System of Differential Equations of the Analytic Type, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, I (1915), 350-54- Reviews in: Science, XXXIII, 856-57; Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, XX, 384-86; Popular Astronomy, XX, 405-6; Astro physical Journal, XXXV, 148. Georges Van Biesbroeck, Astronome-adjoint, Observatoire Royal de Belgique, Uccle, Brussels; Visiting Professor of Practical Astron- omy at the Yerkes Observatory, 1915-16. Dr. IriR., University of Ghent, 1902; Laureat du Concours Universitaire, 1902-3; Ingf-nieur de I'Administration des Fonts et Chaussdes, Brussels, 1902-8; Volun- teer Assistant at the (Observatories of IleidelherK, 1905-6, and Potsdam, 1906-7; Astronome-adjoint, Observatoire Royal de Helgiquc, Uccle, Brussels, 1908-. Definitive Orbit of Comet 1855 II, Astronotnical Journal, XXIX (1915-16), 109-18. DEPARTMENT OF ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS 233 Elements of Comet 1916 a (Xeujmin), ibid., 123. Zeta Sagittae = -<4.G.C. 11, a Rapid Binary, ibid., 163-64. Mass-Ratios in Visual Binary Stars, ibid., 173-80. Observations of Comets at Yerkes Observatory, ibid., 184-88. Kurt Laves [1893-], Associate Professor of Astronomy. Abituricntcncxamcn, Gymnasium at Lyck, Germany, 1886; Ph.D. Berlin, 1891; Assistant Professor of .\stronomy, Chicago, 1901-8; Associate Professor, ibtd., 1908-. Die Bedeutung der Hansenschen idealen Koordinaten, vom kinemati- schen Standpunkt betrachtet, Astronomische Nachrichlen, CLXI (1903), 277-82. The Arc Method for Descriptive Astronomy, Popular Astronomy, XIV (1906), 217-21. New Light from Old Records, ibid., 276-87. Die Aufiindung einer vollstiindigen Losung der Jacobischen partiellen DilTerentialgleichung fiir mechanische Probleme mittelst einer dynamisch-geometrischen Darstellungsform, Astronomische Nach- richten, CLXXI (1906), 225-36. Determination of Orbits of Spectroscopic Binaries, Astrophysical Journal, XXV^I (1907), 164-71. A Graphic Metliod for Lunar Eclipses, Popular Astronomy, XV (1907), 533-39- Ueber den Kreishodographen, Astronomische Nachrichten, CLXXVIII (1908), 321-36. The Moon's Theoretical Spectrographic Velocity, Astrophysical Journal, XXXII (1910), 17-23. Three Hundred Years of Research on the Motions of the Satellites, 1610- 1910, Popular Astronomy, XXI (1913), 279-91. Analytische Entwicklung der Storungen der Satclliten, Encyclopaedic der mathcmatischcn Wisscuschajlcn, VI. In Press. Review of: Buchholz, Theoretische Astronomie, Viertcljahrsschrift der Astronomischen Gcscllschaft, XLVIII, 13-18. Other reviews in Bulletin of the .Imerican Mathematical Society, XIII, 51O-20; X\'III, 517; XIX, 31-32; XX, 37-39; Astrophysical Journal, XXII, 191; XXV, 288-89. 234 PUBLICATIONS Storrs Barrows Barrett [1900-], Assistant Professor of Astrophysics; Secretary and Librarian of the Yerkes Observatory. A.B. Rochester, 1889; Secretary and Librarian of the Yerkes Observatory, 1900-; Assistant Professor of Astrophysics, ibid., 1914-. General Index to the ^^ Astro physical Journal," Vols. I -XXV. 8vo, iii-|- 133. Chicago: University Press, 1908. Variable Radial Velocities of Two Stars in the Taurus Stream, Astro- physical Journal, XXXII (19 10), 183. Notes on Plates of Nova Geminorum of 191 2 Taken with the Bruce Spectrograph of the Yerkes Observatory, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, LI (19 12). Three New Binaries, Popular Astronomy, XXII (1914), 233-34. On the Early Spectrum of Nova Geminorum of 1912, ibid., 560-61. Reviews in: Astrophysical Journal, XVIII, ;^g'j-gS; XXIV, 367-68; XXV, 362-63; XXXII, 326-27; XXXV, 354. William Duncan MacMillan [1907-], Assistant Professor of Astronomy. A.M. Chicago, 1906; Ph.D. ibid., 1908; Assistant Professor of Astronomy, ibid., 1912-. The Motion of a Particle Attracted toward a Fixed Center by a Force Varying Inversely as the Fifth Power of the Distance, American Journal of Mathematics, XXX (1908), 282-306. Periodic Orbits about an Oblate Spheroid. Doctor's thesis. Transac- tions of the American Mathematical Society, XI (1909), 55-120. On the Loss of Energy by Friction of the Tides, Carnegie Institution, Publication No. 107 (1909), 69-75. A New Proof of Weiers trass' Factor Theorem, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, XVII (1910), 1 16-19. On the Solutions of Certain Types of Linear Differential Equations with Periodic CoefBcients (with F. R. Moulton), American Journal of Mathematics, XXXIII (191 1), 63-96. An Integrable Case in the Problem of Three Bodies, Astronomical Journal, XXVII (1911-13), 11-13. An Existence Theorem for Periodic Solutions, Transactions of the Ameri- can Mathematical Society, XIII (191 2), 146-58. DEPARTMENT OF ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS 235 A Reduction of a System of Power Series to an Equivalent System of Polynomials, M alhcmatischc Annalen, LXXII (1912), 157-79. A Method for Determining the Solutions of a System of Analytic Func- tions in the Neighborhood of a Branch Point, ibid., 180-202. Certain Theorems on Implicit Functions and Diflerential Equations (with F. R. Moulton). Chap. I in Moulton's Periodic Orbits, 1-54. A Proof of Wilczynski's Theorem on the Non-Existence of Isosceles Triangular Solutions in the Problem of Three Bodies. Incorporated (pp. 17-31) in the paper by Wilczynski, Annali di Matematica, XXI (1913)- Poincare's Correction to Bruns's Theorem, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, XIX (1913), 349-55. On Foucault's Pendulum, American Journal oj Mathematics, XXXVII (1915), 95-106. Convergence of the Series 22 -Ht- {y irxditiomX), Bulletin oJ the Ameri- t-jy can Mathematical Society, XXII (1915), 26-32. Reduction of Certain Analytic Differential Equations to an Algebraic Type, Transactions oJ the American Mathematical Society, XVII (1916), 245-5S. A Theorem Connected with Irrational Numbers, American Journal of Mathematics, XXXVIII (1916), 387-96. Reviews in: Science, XXXVI, 315-17; Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, XVIII, 84-87. John Adelbert Parkhurst [1901-], Assistant Professor of Practical Astronomy, Yerkes Observatory. S.B. Rose Polytechnic, 1886; S.M. ibid., 1897; A.M. (hon.) WTieaton College, 1906; .Vssistant Professor of Practical .Vstronomy, Yerkes Observatory', 1912-. The Spectra of Stars of Secchi's Fourth Type (with George E. Hale and Ferdinand Ellerman.) Publications of the Yerkes Observatory, Vol. II. 4to, 135+11 plates. Chicago: University Press, 1903. Researches in Stellar Photometry. 4to, 192. Washington: Carnegie Institution, 1906. The Variable Star X Ccphei, Astrophysical Journal, XVII (1903), 48-62. Nova Geminorum. .\n Early Photograph, etc., ibid., 373-75. 236 PUBLICATIONS The Suspected Variable Star B.D.+68°2oo, Astronomical Journal, XXV (1905-8), 136. The Variable Star V Lyrae, ibid., XVIII (1903), 33-49. The Variable Star W Aurigae, ibid., 309-23. Photometric Magnitudes of Comparison Stars for Nova Geminorum, Popular Astronomy, XI (1903), 328-30. Faint Stars near the Trapezium in the Orion Nebula, Astro physical Journal, XX (1904), 136, 137. Observed Magnitudes of 62.1903 Andromedae, Astronomical Journal^ XXIV (1904-5), 25. Minima of the Algol-Type Variable SY Cygni, ibid., 160. Maxima and Minima of Long-Period Variables, ibid., 178, 179. The Variable Star Z Geminorum, ibid., 200-202. Nova Aquilae of 1905, Astrophysical Journal, XXII (1905), 266-70. The Suspected Variable Star B.D. +68^200, Astronomical Journal, XXV (1905-8), 136. Photographic Photometry of Short-Period Variable Stars (with F. C. Jordan), Astrophysical Journal, XXIII (1906), 79-91. Some Applications of Photography to Astronomy, Rose Technic, XV (1906), 91-93. Photographic Photometry of Rapidly Changing Variable Stars (with F. C. Jordan), Science, XXIII (1906), 447-48. Astronomical Photography with Reflecting Telescopes, Popular Astron- omy, XIV (1906), 449-52. Photographic Color Photometry of Short-Period Variable Stars (with F. C. Jordan), Science, XXV (1907), 564-65. An Absolute Scale of Photographic Magnitudes of Stars (with F. C. Jordan), Astrophysical Journal, XXVI (1907), 244-55. Henry M. Parkhurst, Popular Astronomy, XVI (1908), 231-39. The Photographic Determination of Star-Colors and Their Relation to Spectral Type (with F. C. Jordan), Astrophysical Journal, XXVII (1908), 169-82. Photographic Light-Curve of the Variable Star SU Cassiopeiae, ibid., XXVIII (1908), 278-83. DEPARTMENT OF ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS 237 Spectrum of Comet Morehouse (with E. B. Frost), ibid., XXIX (1908), 55-64. Spectrum of Comet Morehouse (with E. B. Frost), Science, XXIX (1909), 36, 37- The Evidence from Photographic Color-Filters in Regard to the Absorp- tion of Light in Space, Aslrophysical Journal, XXX (1909), 33-39. Precautions Necessary in Photographic Photometry, ibid., XXXI (19 10), 15-25- Spectra and Colors of Red Stars, ibid., XXXV (1912), 125-33. Visual Observation of Red Variable Stars, Popular Astronomy, XX (1912), 222-23. Changes in the Early Spectrum of Enebo's Nova in Gemini, ibid., 236-38. Yerkes Actinometry, Aslrophysical Journal, XXXVI (1912), 169-227. A Report of the Meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft, Popular Astronomy, XXI (1913), 494-98. The Use of Parallel Wire Gratings in Photographic Photometry (with H. L. Alden), ibid., XXII (1914), 634-35. Visual and Photographic Magnitudes of Stars in the North Polar Sequence (with H. L. Alden), ibid., 635. Examination of the Star 108 Herculis for Variation in Light, Astrono- mische Nachrichlen, CXCVII (1914), 377-78. Karl Schwarzschild, Science, XLIV (19 16), 232-44. Reviews in: Aslrophysical Journal, XX, 364-67; XXIV, 59-60; XXV, 286-88, 361-62; XXXI, 382-83; XL, 483-85; XLI, 250-51; XLIII, 86-88; Popular Astronom\,XX.\l, 2,Z'^; XXIV, 75-76; Science, XLIII, 501-2. George Willis Ritciiey [1897-1905I, Assistant Professor of Practical Astronomy and Superintendent of Instrument Construction, Yerkes Observatory; Optician of the loo-Inch Reflector of the Mount Wilson Solar Observatory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. Optician at Yerkes Obser\'atory, 1897-1900; Superintendent of Instrument Construction, ibid., igcxj-igos; .\ssistant Professor of Practical .\stronomy, 1903-5- On the Modern Reflecting Telescope, and the Making and Testing of Optical Mirrors. 4to, 51. Washington: Smithsonian Institution, 1904. 238 PUBLICATIONS Comet Photography with the Two-Foot Reflector, Astrophysical Journal, XVI (1902), 178-80. On Methods of Testing Optical Mirrors during Construction, ihid., XIX (1904), 53-69- Frederick Slocum [1909-14], Assistant Professor of Astronomy; Professor of Astronomy and Director of the Van Vleck Observatory, Wesleyan University. A.B. Brown, 1895; Ph.D. ibid., 1898; Assistant Professor of Astronomy, ibid., 1900-1909; Acting Director, Ladd Observatory, ibid., 1904-5; Instructor in Astrophysics, Yerkes Observatory, 1909-11; Assistant Professor of Astronomy, ibid., 1911-14. A Curious Photograph of the Sun, Knowledge, VI (1909), 462. The Sun-Spots of September 25, 1909, Astrophysical Journal, XXXI (1910), 26-29. A Brilliant Meteor, Popular Astronomy, XVIII (1910), 192. Observations of the Sun, May 18-19, i9io> Astrophysical Journal, XXXII (1910), 24-25. Two Solar Prominences, ibid., 125-29. Circulation in the Solar Atmosphere as Indicated by Prominences, ibid.y XXXIII (1911), 108-14. Colored Stars near Nova Lacertae, Astronomische Nachrichten, CLXXXVIII (1911), 75-76. Halley's Comet, Popular Astronomy, XIX (191 1), 282-83. Parallax of 17 Lyrae C, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , LXXI(i9ii), 579-81. The Solar Prominence of October 10, 19 10, Astrophysical Journal, XXXIV (191 1), 294-98. The Parallax of Nova Lacertae (19 10), ibid., XXXV (191 2), 134-48. Solar Halos of November 3, 191 1, Popular Astronomy, XX (191 2), 1-3. The Solar Prominence of June 19-20, 191 1, Astrophysical Journal, XXXV (1912), 301-3. The Study of Solar Prominences, Popular Astronomy, XX (191 2) 409-14. The Attraction of Sun-Spots for Prominences, Astrophysical Journal, XXXVI (191 2), 265-68. DEPARTMENT OF ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS 239 Proper Motion and Parallax of a Faint Star, .Utronowische XachricJitcn, CXCIV (1913), 43-46. Circulation in the Solar Atmosphere as Indicated by Prominences, Aslrophysical Journal, XXXVII (1913), 354-58. The Parallax of Nova Geminorum 2, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astro- nomical Society, LXXIII (1913), 437-40. Stellar Parallaxes from Photographs Made with the 40-Inch Refractor of the Yerkes Observatory (with S. A. Mitchell), Astrophysical Journal, XXXVIII (1913), 1-26; published also in Astronomische Nachrichlen, CXCVII (1913), 81-82. The International Union for Co-operation in Solar Research, Astro- physical Journal, XXXVIII (1913), 301-10. Winslow Upton, Popular Astronomy, XXII (1914), 208-11. Parallaxes of Three Stars with Parallel Proper Motions, ibid., CXC\TII (1914), 345-48. Proper Motion and Parallax of B.D.+48° 739, ibid., 347-48. Parallaxes of Four Visual Binaries, Astrophysical Journal, XLI (191 5), 237-46. Graphical Illustration of Stellar Parallaxes, Popular Astronomy, XXIII (1915), 272-76. Reviews in: Astrophvsical Journal, XXXI, 278-79; XXXII, 327, 400-403; XXXIII, 187; XXXV, 146-48; XXXVII, 301-2. Walter Sydney Adams [1900-1905], Instructor in Astrophysics; Assistant Director of the Mount Wilson Solar Observatory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. A.B. Dartmouth, 1898; .\ssistant at Yerkes Observatory, 1900-1903; Instructor in Astrophysics, ibiJ., 1903-5. Wave-Lengths of Certain Oxygen Lines (with E. B. Frost), Astrophysical Journal, XVI (1902), 119, 120. The Orbit of the Spectroscopic Binary rj Orionis, ibid., X\TI (1903), 68-71. Five Stars Whose Radial Velocities Vary (with E. B. Frost), ibid., 15^53- Additional Stars of the Orion Tj^De Whose Radial Velocities Vary (with E. B. Frost), ibid., 246, 247. 240 PUBLICATIONS Two Stars with Variable Radial Velocities (with E. B. Frost), Astro- physical Journal, XVII (1903), 381, 382. Some Miscellaneous Radial Velocity Determinations with the Bruce Spectrograph, ibid., XVIII (1903), 67-69. Spectrographic Observations of Standard Velocity Stars, 1902-3 (with E. B. Frost), ibid., 237-77. Ten Stars Whose Radial Velocities Vary (with E. B. Frost), ibid., 383-89. Eight Stars Whose Radial Velocities Vary (with E. B. Frost), ibid., XIX (1904), 151-55. The Radial Velocities of the Brighter Stars in the Pleiades, ibid., 338-43. Observations with the Bruce Spectrograph (with E. B. Frost), ibid., 350-56. The Orbit of the Spectroscopic Binary ^ Tauri, ibid., XXII (1905), 115-18. Reviews in: Astrophysical Journal, XIX, 387-89; XXI, 385-86. Ferdinand Ellerman [1896-1905], Instructor in Astrophysics, Yerkes Observatory; Member of the Staff of the Mount Wilson Solar Observatory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. Assistant at Yerkes Observatory, 1896-1904; Instructor in Astrophysics, ibid., 1904-5. The Spectra of Stars of SecchVs Fourth Type (with George E. Hale and J. A. Parkhurst). Publications of the Yerkes Observatory, Vol. II. 4to, 135+11 plates. Chicago: University Press, 1903. The Rumford Spectroheliograph of the Yerkes Observatory (with George E. Hale). Publications of the Yerkes Observatory, Vol. Ill, Part I. 4to, 26+15 plates. Chicago: University Press, 1903. Calcium and Hydrogen Flocculi (with George E. Hale), Astrophysical Journal, XIX (1904), 41-52. Philip Fox [1903-9], Instructor in Astrophysics ; Professor of Astronomy, Northwestern University, and Director of the Dearborn Observatory. S.B. Kansas State Agricultural College, 1897; S.B. Dartmouth, 1902; Carnegie Research Assistant, Yerkes Observatory, 1903-6; Instructor in Astrophysics, ibid., 1906-9. The Rotation Period of the Sun as Determined from the Motion of the Calcium Flocculi (with George E. Hale). 8vo, 54. Washington: Carnegie Institution, 1908. DEPARTMENT OF ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS 241 The Spectrum oihighining, AstrophysicalJournal, Will (1903), 294-96. Observations with the Rumford Spcctrohcliograph, ibid., XXI (1905), 351-55- A Large Eruptive Prominence, ibid., XXVI (1907), 155, 156. An Investigation of the 40-Inch Objective of the Yerkes Observatory, ibid., XXVII (1908), 237-53. Orbit of the Spectroscopic Binary of 13 Ceti, ibid., 372-78. Prehminary Note on the Rotation of the Sun as Determined from the Motion of Dark Calcium Flocculi, ibid., XXVIII (1908), 117-20. Distribution of Eruptive Prominences on the Solar Disk, ibid., 253-58. A Large Prominence (with G. Abetti), Memorie della Societa degli Spettroscopisti Italiani, XXXVII (1908), 184-85. Observations of Comet 1908 c (Morehouse), Astronomical Journal, XXVI(i9o8-ii), 38. Micrometric Measures of Double Stars, ibid., 87-92. Interaction of Sun-Spots (with G. Abetti), Astrophysical Journal, XXIX (1909), 40-45. Review in: Astrophysical Journal, XXIX, 88-89. Alfred ?Iarrison Joy [1911; 1914-15], Instructor in Practical .Astron- omy; Professor of Astronomy in the Syrian Protestant College, Beirut (on leave of absence 191 1; 1914-); Mount Wilson Solar Observatory, 191 5-. Ph.B. Greenville College, 1903; .\.M. Oberlin, 1904; Volunteer Research .Assist- ant in Astronomy, Yerkes Observatory, 191 1; Instructor in Practical .\stronomy, ibid., 1914-15. Determinations of Stellar Parallaxes Derived from Plates Taken with the 40-Inch Refractor (with Oliver J. Lee). Publications of the Yerkes Observatory, IV, Part I. Chicago: University Press. In Press; see also Popular Astronomy, \X.lll (1915), 631. An Investigation of the Cluster M 37 (N. G. C. 2099) for Proper Motion, Astronomical Journal, XXIX (1916), 101-8; published also in Popular Astronomy, XXIII (1915), 603. Review in: Astrophysical Journal, XLIII, 88. 242 PUBLICATIONS Oli\'er Justin Lee [1907-10; 1912-], Instructor in Astronomy at Yerkes Observatory. A.B. Minnesota, 1907; Ph.D. Chicago, 1913; Computer at Yerkes Observatory, 1907-10, 1912-13; Instructor, ibid., 1914-. Determinations of Stellar Parallaxes Derived from Plates Taken with the 40-Inch Refractor (with Alfred H. Joy). Publications of the Yerkes Observatory, IV, Part I. Chicago: University Press. In Press; see also Popular Astronomy, XXIII (1915), 631. Observations of Halley's Comet, Astronomical Journal, XXVI (1908- 11), 53- Photographic Search for Halley's Comet with the Two-Foot Reflector of the Yerkes Observatory, Popular Astronomy, XVII (1909), 160-61. Variable Radial Velocities of Four Stars in the Taurus Stream, Astro- physical Journal, XXIX (1909), 240-42. Eight Stars Having Variable Radial Velocities (with E. B. Frost), ihid.y XXX (1909), 62-67. Photographs of Halley's Comet (i plate), ihid., 237-38. Four Stars Having Variable Radial Velocities, ibid., XXXI (1910), 177-80. Measures on Nineteen New Spectroscopic Binaries, ibid., XXXII (1910), 300-308. The Radial Velocity of a Cygni, ibid., XXXIV (1911), 303-7. Effects of Variations of Vapor Density on the Calcium Lines H, K, and g (X 4227) (i plate), ibid., 397-403. The Spectroscopic System 9 Camelopardalis. Doctor's thesis. Ibid., XXXVII (1913), 1-24. Note on a New Spectroscopic Binary, Astronomische Nachrichten, CXCIV (1913), 415- Orbit of the Spectroscopic Binary tt^ Orionis, Astrophysical Journal, XXXVIII (1913), 175-80. The Variable Radial Velocity of 113 a Piscium, ibid., 502-4. Measures of Variable Radial Velocities of Stars, ibid., XXXIX (1914)1 39-49- The Solar Prominence of October 19-21, 1914, ibid., XLI (1915), 168-69. DEPARTMENT OF ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS 243 Preliminary Report on Zone +45° of the Selected Areas, Popular Astronomy, XXIII (1915), 630. The Influence of Quadratic Terms in Reductions of Stellar Parallax, Astronomical Journal, XXIX (19 15- 16), 74-75. The Solar Prominence of January 7, 1916, Popular Astronomy, XXIV (1916), 205. Reviews in: Astrophysical Journal, XXXI, 95-96; XLII, 203. Robert James Wallace [1903-9], Instructor in Photophysics; Director of the Research Laboratory of the G. Cramer Dry Plate Co., St. Louis, Mo. Photophysicist, Yerkes Observator>', 1903-6; Instructor in Photophysics, ibid., 1907-9. The Silver Grain in Photography, Astrophysical Journal, XX (1904), 113-22. Diffraction Grating Replicas, ibid., XXII (1905), 123-30. Preliminary Note on Orthochromatic Plates, ibid., 153-56. Second Note on Orthochromatic Plates, ibid., 350-54. Second Note on Diffraction Grating Replicas, ibid., XXIII (1906), 96-99. Color Filters for Astronomical Photography with Reflecting Telescopes, ibid., XXIV (1906), 268-77. Studies in Sensitometry: I, The Daylight Sensitometry of Photographic Plates and a Sug- gested Standard Dispersion-Piece, ibid., XXV (1907), 116-50. II, Orthochromatism by Bathing, /6/J., XXVI (1907), 299-325. III, On the Evaluation of the Reciprocity Law, Basic Fog, and Preliminary Exposure (with H. B. Lemon), ibid., XXIX (1909), 146-56. The " Autochrom" Plate, Popular Astronomy, XVI (1908), 83-91. A Note on the Relation of Astronomical Secondary Negatives to Their Originals, ibid., 159-63. The Function of a Color-Filter and "Isochromatic" Plate in Astro- nomical Photography, Astrophysical Journal, XXVII (1908), 106-24. On the Sensitiveness of Photographic Plates at Different Temperatures, ibid., XXVIII (1908), 39-51. Review in: Astrophysical Journal, XX\'I, 200. 244 PUBLICATIONS Herbert Meredith Reese [1903-4], Associate at Yerkes Observatory; Assistant Professor of Physics, University of Missouri. Ph.D. Johns Hopkins, 1900. A Study of Enhanced Lines of Titanium, Iron, and Nickel, Astrophysical Journal, XXI (1904), 322-37. Review in: Astrophysical Journal, XIX, 300-302. Edward Drake Roe, Jr. [1915], Research Associate, Yerkes Observa- tory; Professor of Mathematics, Syracuse University. New Double Stars and Measures of Double Stars, Astronomische Nach- richten, CCII (1916), 99-104. Emily Elisabeth Dobbin [1902-3], Investigator in Solar Physics, Yerkes Observatory; Instructor in Mathematics, Mechanic Arts High School, St. Paul, Minn. S.B. Chicago, 1902; Investigator in Solar Physics, Yerkes Observatory, 1902-3. The Orbit of the Fifth Satellite of Jupiter, Astronomical Journal, XXIV (1904), 83-88. Line of Sight Constants for Some Stars of the Orion Type, Astrophysical Journal, XIX (1904), 382-84. Frank Schlesinger [1898, 1903-5], Investigator in Stellar Par- allaxes, Yerkes Observatory; Director of the Allegheny Observa- tory, University of Pittsburgh. B.S. College of the City of New York, 1890; Ph.D. Columbia, 1899; Volunteer Research Assistant, Yerkes Observatory, 1898; Investigator in Stellar Parallaxes, ibid., 1903-5. On the Stellar Parallax Plates Taken with the Yerkes Telescope, Astro- physical Journal, XX (1904), 123-30. On Systematic Errors in Determining Variations of Latitude, Astro- nomical Journal, XXIV (1904-5), 183-86. Photographic Determinations of Stellar Parallax Made with the Yerkes Refractor, Astrophysical Journal, XXXII (1910), 372-87; XXXIII (1911), 8-27, 161-84, 237-59, 353-74, 418-30; XXXIV (1911), 26-36. Reviews in: Astrophysical Journal, XIX, 389-90; Science, XXI, 574-76. DEPARTMENT OF ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS 245 Giorgio ABf:TTi [1908-9], Volunteer Research Assistant, Yerkes Observa- tory; Astronomo aggiunto, Osscrvatorio Astronomico del Collegio Romano, Rome. Ph.D. Padua, 1905; Volunteer Research Assistant in Yerkes Obser\'atory, 1908-9. A Large Prominence (with Philip Fox), Memorie delta Societd degli Speltroscopisli Italiani, XXXVll (1908), 184, 185. Interaction of Sun-Spots (with Philij) Fox), Astrophysical Journal, XXIX (1909), 40-45- Review in: Memorie dclla Societd degli Speltroscopisli Italiani, XXXVIII, 176-79. Julius Arthur Brown [1904, Summer], Volunteer Research Assistant, Yerkes Observatory; Syrian Protestant College, Beirut. Wave-Lengths of Certain Silicon Lines (with E. B. Frost), Astrophysical Journal, XXII (1905), 157-60. Mary Murray Hopkins [1912, 1913], Volunteer Research Assistant, Yerkes Observatory; Associate Professor of Astronomy, Smith College. A.B. Smith, 1899; A.M. ibid., 191 1; Ph.D. Columbia, 1915; Volunteer Research .\ssistant, Yerkes Observatory, 1912, 1913. The Field of 61 Cygni: A Study of Yerkes Observatory Parallax Photo- graphs. Doctor's thesis, Columbia University. Contributions from the Observatory of Columbia University, No, 29. 8vo, 45. Frances Lowater [1911, 1913, 1915, 1916], Volunteer Research Assistant in Astrophysics; Instructor in Physics, Wellesley College. B.Sc. London, 1900; Ph.D. Bryn Mawr, 1906; Professor of Physics, Rockford College; Volunteer Research Assistant in .Vstrophysics, Yerkes Obser\'atory, Summer Quarters, 1911, 1913, 1915, 1916. Stellar Wave-Length of A 4686 and Other Lines in the Spectrum of 10 Lacertae (with E. B, Frost), Astrophysical Journal, XL (1914), 268-73. The Fraunhofer G Group and the Hydrocarbon Band, Popular Astron- omy, XXV (191 7), 179-95- John Edward Mellish [1915-16], Volunteer Research Assistant, Yerkes Observatory. Announcement of the Discovery of Comet 191 5 d. Harvard College Observatory Bulletin, X"o. 5S8, 19 14. 246 PUBLICATIONS Samuel Alfred Mitchell [1907, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912-13], Research Associate, Yerkes Observatory; Professor of Astronomy and Direc- tor of the Leander McCormick Observatory, University of Virginia. Volunteer Research Assistant, Yerkes Observatory, 1907, 1909-1910; Research Associate, ibid., 1911, 1912-13. Seven Spectroscopic Binaries, Astrophysical Journal, XXX (1909), 239-42. Stellar Parallaxes from Photographs Made with the 40-Inch Refractor of the Yerkes Observatory (with Frederick Slocum), ibid., XXXVIII (1913), 1-26; published also in Astronomische Nachrichten, CXCVII (1913), 81-82. Is Radium in the Sun? Popular Astronomy, XXI (1913), 321-31. Wave-Lengths of the Chromosphere from Spectra Obtained at the 1905 Eclipse, Astrophysical Journal, XXXVIII (19 13), 407-95. Review in: Astrophysical Journal, XXXIX, 274. Charles Albert Maney [1914-15], Computer at Yerkes Observatory; Instructor in Physics, Alma College. A.B. Minnesota, 1913; S.M. Chicago, 1915. New Conceptions of the Nebulae of Orion (with E. B. Frost), Popular Astronomy, XXIII (1915), 484-87. On the System of the Brighter A Stars, as Studied from Spectrographic Determinations of the Solar Velocity, Astronomical Journal, XXIX (1915-16), 53-61. Note on the Brighter "A" Stars, Astronomical Journal, XXX (1916-17), 19-20. Daniel Walter Morehouse [1908-9], Volunteer Research Assistant, Yerkes Observatory; Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa. S.B. Chicago, 1902; Professor of Physics and yVstronomy, Drake University, 1902-; Volunteer Research Assistant, Yerkes Observatory, 1908-9. Announcement of Discovery of Comet 1908 c at Yerkes Observatory, Harvard College Observatory Bulletin, No. 332. DEPARTMENT OF ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS 247 Norton Adams Kent [1900-1902], Assistant at Verkes Observatory; Professor of Physics, Brown University. A.B. Yale, 1895; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins, 1901; Assistant at Verkes Obsen-atory, 1900-1902. Second Note on the Spark Spectrum of Iron in Liquids and Compressed Gases (with George E. Hale), Astrophysical Journal, XVII (1903), 154-60. The Effect of Circuit Conditions on the Wave-Lengths of Spark Lines, ibid., 286-99. The Spectrum of the High Potential Discharge between Metallic Elec- trodes in Liquids and in Gases at High Pressures (with George E. Hale), Publications oj the Verkes Observatory, HI, Part II (1907), 27-66. Review in: AstrophyskalJournal, XVIII (1903), 75-76. Harlan True Stetson [1908-9], Volunteer Research Assistant, Yerkes Observatory; Instructor in Astronomy, Harvard University. Ph.B. Brown, 1908; Ph.D. Chicago, 1915; Volunteer Research .\ssistant, Yerkes Observatory, 1908-9. On the Apparatus and Methods for Thermo-Electric Measurements in Photographic Photometry with Application to the Determination of Magnitudes, Spectral Intensities, and the Light-Curves of Variable Stars. Doctor's thesis. Astrophysical Journal, XLIII (1916), 253-85. 325-40. Arthur Grant Stillh.uier [1905-6], Assistant in Astrophysics, Yerkes Observatory. S.B. Illinois Wesleyan, 1898; .Assistant in Astrophysics, Verkes Obsenator>-, 1905-6. Re\t[ew of: C. Riborg Mann, Manual of Optics, Astrophysical Journal, XXIII, 175-76. Adriaan van Maanen [1911-12], Volunteer Research Assistant in Astronomy; Assistant, Mount Wilson Solar Observatory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, Pasadena, Cal. Sc.D. Utrecht, 191 1. The Relative Proper-Motions of 162 Stars in the Neighborhood of the Great Nebula in Orion, Derived from Plates Made with the Yerkes Refractor, Astronomical Journal, XX\'II (1911-13), 139-46. 248 PUBLICATIONS Daniel Buchanan, Ph.D. 191 i; Professor of Astronomy and Mathe- matics, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada. Isosceles-Triangle Solutions of the Problem of Three Bodies. Doctor's thesis. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication No. 161 (1911), 325-56. Herbert Earle Buchanan, Ph.D. 1909; Professor of Mathematics, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Periodic Orbits of Three Finite Bodies near the Lagrangian Straight Line Solutions. Doctor's thesis. Astrophysical Journal. In Press. John William Campbell, Ph.D. 191 5; Lecturer in Mathematics and Physics, Wesley College, Winnipeg, Canada. Periodic Solution of the Problem of Three Bodies in Three Dimensions. Doctor's thesis. London Mathematical Society. In Press. CuRviN Henry Gingrich, Ph.D. 191 2; Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy, and Dean of Carleton College, Northfield, Minn. Star Colors and a Method of Verifying Them, Popular Astronomy, XIX (1911), 595-601. A Determination of the Photographic Magnitudes of Comparison Stars in Certain of the Hagen Fields. Doctor's thesis. Astrophysical Journal, XXXVIII (1913), 209-40. Frank Loxley Griffin, Ph.D. 1906; Professor of Mathematics, Reed College, Portland, Ore. Certain Periodic Orbits of K Finite Bodies Revolving about a Relatively Large Central Mass. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 2>2>- Lancaster, Pa.: New Era Printing Co., 1908. William Albert Hamilton, Ph.D. 1903; Professor of Mathematics, Beloit College. On the Convergency of the Series Used in the Determination of the Elements of Parabolic Orbits and the Errors Introduced in the Elements by Imperfections of the Observations. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 32. Chicago: Privately printed, 1903. DEPARTMENT OF ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS 249 Louis Allen Hopkins, Ph.D. 1915; Instructor in Mathematics, Uni- versity of Michigan. Analytic Geometry and Principles of Algebra, viii-i-369. New York: Macmillan Co., 1913. Elements of Analytic Geometry, vi+280. New York: Macmillan Co., 1916. On the Theory of the Motion of the Small Planets with a Periodic Orbit for the Hilda Type. Doctor's thesis. Astronomical Journal, XXIX (1915-16), 81-97. Frank Craig Jordan, Ph.D. 1914; Assistant Professor of Astronomy, Allegheny Observatory, University of Pittsburgh. Photographic Photometry of Short-Period Variable Stars (with J. A. Parkhurst), Astrophysical Journal, XXIII (1906), 79-91. Photographic Photometry of Rapidly Changing Variable Stars (with J. A. Parkhurst), Science, XXIII (1906), 447-48. The Variable RZ Ophiuchi, Aslronomische Nachrichten, CLXXII (1906), 385-86. Photographic Color Photometry of Short-Period Variable Stars (with J. A. Parkhurst), Science, XXV (1907), 564-65. An Absolute Scale of Photographic Magnitudes of Stars (with J. A. Parkhurst), Astrophysical Journal, XXVI (1907), 244-55. The Photographic Determination of Star-Colors and Their Relation to Spectral Type (with J. A. Parkhurst), ibid., XXVII (1908), 169-82. The Color-Changes of Certain Variable Stars of Short Period. Doctor's thesis. Astrophysical Journal. In Press. Arthltr Constant Lunn, Ph.D. 1904; Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics. See under Department of Mathematics, p. 202. Lloyd Arthur Heber Warren, Ph.D. 1Q13; Assistant Professor of Mathematics, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. A Class of Asymptotic Orbits in the Problem of Three Bodies. Doctor's thesis. American Journal of .Mathematics, XXX\TII (1916), 221-47. 250 PUBLICATIONS Delonzo Tate Wilson, Ph.D. 1905; Assistant Professor of IMathe- matics, Case School of Applied Science, Cleveland. Tables for the Computation of the Jupiter Perturbations of the Group of Small Planets Whose Mean Daily Motions Are in the Neighborhood of 750. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 58. Chicago: Privately printed, 19 14. HaholdLee Alden, Graduate Student; McCormick Observatory, Uni- versity of Virginia. Laboratory Tests of Photographic Plates and Filters for Astronomical Work. Master's thesis. Popular Astronomy, XXI (1913), 389-97; published also in British Journal of Photography, LX (1913), 648-50. Objective-Prism Spectra of Nebulae Examined with the Stereo- Comparator (with E. B. Frost), Popular Astronomy, XXII (1914), 136-37- The Use of Parallel Wire Gratings in Photographic Photometry (with J. A. Parkhurst), ibid., 634-35. Visual and Photographic Magnitudes of Stars in the North Polar Sequence (with J. A. Parkhurst), ibid., 635. Edwin Powell Hubble, Graduate Student. Changes in the Form of the Nebula N.G.C. 2261, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, II (1916), 230-31. Twelve Faint Stars with Sensible Proper Motions, Astronomical Journal, XXIX (1915-16), 168. Review of: Henry Crew and Alfonso de Salvio, Galileo's Dialogues concerning Two New Sciences, Astrophysical Journal, XLII, 283-84. Naoza Ichinohe, Graduate Student; Tokyo Observatory, Tokyo, Japan. Orbit of the Spectroscopic Binary k Cancri, Astrophysical Journal, XXV (1907), 315-19- Orbit of the Spectroscopic Binary /^ Sagittarii, ibid., XXVI (1907), 157-63- The Spectroscopic Binary 7; Virginis, ibid., 282-91. On the Period of the Variable Star 120.1906, Astronomical Journal, XXV (1905-8), 128. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS 2$! On the Variable Star RY Cassiopeiae, ibid., 140. The Variable Star 1 20 . 1906 Persei, Astronomische Nachrichten, CLXXIV (1907), 311-16. The Algol Variable 27.1907 Monocerotis, ibid., 349-50. Note on the Variable 26.1907 Draconis, ibid., CLXXV (1907), 203. The Period and Light Curve of the Variable Star 87.1906 Draconis, ibid., 293-98. Maximum of o Ceti in 1906, ibid., CLXXVI (1907), 311-14. Harriet McWilliams Parsons, Graduate Student. Photo- Visual Magnitudes of the Stars in the Pleiades. Master's thesis. Astrophysical Journal. In Press. Jessie May Short, Graduate Student. Review in: Astrophysical Journal, XLl, 252. Florence Levina Baldwin, Secretary to the Director of Yerkes Observatory, 1909-. Flamsteed's Numbers and Bayer's Greek Letters, Popular Astronomy, XX (1912), 82-86. THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS Albert Abraham Michelson [189 2-], Professor and Head of the Department of Physics. Ph.D. (hon.) Western Resen'e, 1886; Ph.D. (hon.) Stevens Institute, 18S7; Ph.D. Leipzig, igog; Ph.D. Gottingen, 1911; Ph.D. Royal Frederick University, Christiania, igii; Sc.D. (hon.) Cambridge, 1899; LL.D. Vale, igoi; LL.D. Pennsylvania, 1906; Professor of Physics, Case School of Applied Science, 1883- 89; Professor of Physics, Clark, 18S9-92; Professor and Head of the Department of Physics, Chicago, 189 2-. Corresponding Member, British .Association for the Advancement of Science, 18S4; .-Vssociate Fellow, .\merican .\cademv of Arts and Sciences, 1S85; \'ice- President, American .\s.sociation for the .\dvancement of Science, 1887; ^lember, National .\cadcmy of Sciences, iSSS; Rumford Medal, 1S89; Member, Hureau International dcs Poitls et Mesures, 1892-93; Member, Soci6te Kran^aise de Physique, 1S93; Pellow, Royal .Astronomical Society, 1896; Foreign Member, Soci6t6 HoUandaise dcs Sciences, 1S97; Hon. Member, Cambridge Philosophical Society, 1897; Member (for the United States), International Committee of Weights and Measures, 1S97; Lowell Lecturer, 1899; Membre Corres[X}ndant de IWcadc'mie dcs Sciences, Paris, 1900; Grand Pri.x, F.xposition gt-neralc de Paris, 1900; President, American Physical Society, 1900; Member, .American Philosophical Society, 1902; Fellow, Royal Society, 1902; Mattencci Medal, Soc. 252 PUBLICATIONS Italiana, Rome, 1904; Menter, Kungliga Vetenskaps Akademien, Stockholm, 1906-, Member, Reale Accademia dei Lincei, Rome, 1906; Copley Medal, 1907; Nobel Prize, 1907; Hon. Member, Royal Irish Academy, 1908; Delegate to Pan- American Scientific Congress, 190S-9; President, American Association for Ad- vancement of Science, 1910-11; Exchange Professor, Gottingen, 191 1; Member, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, Berlin, 191 1; Member, Kungliga Fysi- ografiska Sallskapet, Lund, 191 1; Elliott Cresson Medal, Franklin Institute, 191 2; Draper Medal, National Academy of Sciences, 1916. On the Velocity of Light, Philosophical Magazine, IV (1902), 330-37. On the Spectra of Imperfect Gratings, Astro physical Journal, XVIII (1903), 278-86. The Relative Motion of Earth and Ether, Philosophical Magazine^ VIII (1904), 716-19. A Reciprocal Relation in Diffraction, ihid., IX (1905), 506-7. Report of Progress in Ruling Diffraction Gratings, Physical Review, XX (1905), 389-91- Use of the Concave Mirror with Diffraction Gratings, ibid., 391. Form Analyses, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, XLV (1906), 1 10-16. Recent Advances in Spectroscopy, Proceedings oj the Royal Academy of Science, Stockholm (1907), i-io. Recent Progress in Spectroscopic Methods, Science, XXXIV (191 1), 893-902. Metallic Colouring in Birds and Insects, Philosophical Magazine, XXI (1911), 554-67- Effect of a Moving Mirror on the Velocity of Light, Astrophysical Journal^ XXXVII (1913), 190-93. Determination of Periodicities by the Harmonic Analyzer, ibid., XXXVIII (1913), 268-74. The Ruling and Performance of a Ten-Inch Diffraction Grating, Pro- ceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, I (1914), 396. Preliminary Results of Measurements of the Rigidity of the Earth, Astrophysical Journal, XXXIX (1914), 105-33. The Laws of Elastico-viscous Flow, Proceeditigs of the National Academy of Sciences, III (1917), 319-23. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS 253 Henry Gordon Gale [1899-], Professor of Physics. A.B. Chicago, i8g6; Ph.D. ibid., 1899; Assistant Professor of Physics, ibid., 1907-11; Research Associate of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, Mount Wilson Solar Observatory, 1909, 1910, 191 1; Associate Professor, Chicago, 1911-16; Professor, ibid., 1916-. Joint Editor, Astro physical Journal, 191 2-. Member, International Commission on Annual Tables of Constants and Xumcrical Data, 191 2-. A Laboratory Course in Physics for Secondary Schools. 1st ed. (with R. A. Millikan), 1906; rev. ed. (with R. A. Millikan and E. S. Bishop), 1914. 8vo, vi-f-135. Boston: Ginn & Co. A First Course in Physics (with R. A. Millikan). ist ed., 1906; rev. ed., 1913. i2mo, X4-437. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1913. Preliminary Paper on the Cause of the Characteristic Phenomena of Sun-Spot Spectra (with G. E. Hale and W. S. Adams), Astrophysical Journal, XXIV (1906), 185-213. The Effect of Temperature on Metallic Spectra, Physical Review, XXIV (1907), 118-19. The Analysis of the Principal Mercury Lines by a Diffraction Grating, and a Comparison with the Results Obtained by Other Methods (with H. B. Lemon), Astrophysical Journal, XXXI (1910), 78-87; published also in Physikalische Zeitschrift, XI (1910), 209-15. The Spectrum of the Chromosphere and the Application to It of Some Recent Laboratory Investigations (with \V. S. Adams), Science, XXXII (1910), 881. The Spectrum of the Spark under Pressure and an Application of the Results to the Spectrum of the Chromosphere (with \V. S. Adams), Physical Review, XXXII (191 1), 229-30. The Pressure Shift of the Arc and Spark Lines of Titanium (with \V. S. Adams), ibid., 438-40. The Efifect of Gaseous Pressure on the Spectra of Iron and Titanium (with W. S. Adams), Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, XXIII (191 1), 264-65. On the Relation between Pressure-Shift and Wave-Length (with \V. S. Adams), Physical Revirw, XXXIV (191 2), 78-80. An Investigation of the Spectra of Iron and Titanium untler Moderate Pressures (with W. S. Adams), Astrophysical Journal, XXXV (1912), 10-47. 254 PUBLICATIONS The Spectrum of Titanium in a Partial Vacuum and the Proportionahty of Displacement to Pressure at Moderate Pressures (with W. S. Adams), Physical Review, XXXIV (1912), 140. The Spectra of Iron and Titanium at Moderate Pressures (with W. S. Adams), ibid., 143-44. On the Pressure Shift of Iron Lines (with W. S. Adams,) Astrophysical Journal, XXXVII (1913), 391-94. On an Experimental Determination of the Earth's Elastic Properties, Science, XXXEX (1914), 927-33. The Spectrum of the Chromosphere and the Application to It of Some Recent Laboratory Results (with W. S. Adams), Publications oj the Astronomical and Astro-physical Society of America, II (191 5), 27-28. On the Pole Effect in a Calcium Arc (with Walter T. Whitney), Astro- physical Journal, XLIII (1916), 161-66. Reviews in: Astrophysical Journal, XXY, 2go-gi; XXXV, 354-56; XLI, 328-30; Science, XXVII, 389-90. Robert Andrews Millikan [1896-], Professor of Physics. A.B. Oberlin, 1891; Ph.D. Columbia, 1895; Sc.D. Oberlin, 1911; Sc.D. North- western, 1913; Sc.D. Pennsylvania, 1914; Sc.D. Columbia, 1917; Sc.D. Amherst, 1917; Assistant Professor of Physics, Chicago, 1902-7; Associate Professor, ibid., 1907-10; Professor, ibid., 1910-. Member, Executive Council, American Physical Society, 1905-9, 191 1-; Vice- President, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 191 1; Com- stock Prize, National Academy of Sciences, 1913; Member, American Philosophical Society, 1913; Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1914; Member, National Academy of Sciences, 191 5; President, American Physical Society, 1915-; Vice-Chairman, National Research Council, 1916. Associate Editor, Physical Review, 1903-16, Associate Editor, Pro- ceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 191 5-; Joint Editor, "University of Chicago Science Series," 191 5-. Mechanics, Molecular Physics, and Heat. 8vo, 242. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1903. The Teaching of Physics in Lower College Classes (pamphlet). Chicago: Scott, Foresman & Co., 1903. A Laboratory Course in Physics for Secondary Schools, ist ed. (with H. G. Gale), 1906; rev. ed. (with H. G. Gale and E. S. Bishop), 1914. 8vo, vi-l-135. Boston: Ginn & Co. A First Course in Physics (with H. G. Gale). 1st ed., 1906; rev. ed., 1913. i2mo, x+437. Boston: Ginn & Co. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS 255 The Relation of High School and College Physics (pamphlet). 1-16. Boston: Eastern Association of Physics Teachers, 1908. Electricity, Sound, and Light. 8vo, v+389. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1908. The Electron: Its Isolation and Measurement and the Determination of Some of Its Properties, iimo, xii+268. Chicago: University Press, 191 7. Recent Discoveries in Radiation and Their Significance, Popular Science Monthly, LXIV (1904), 481-500, The Relation between the Radioactivity and the Uranium Content of Certain Minerals, Proceedings of the International Congress of Arts and Science, IV (1906). The Present Tendencies in the Teaching of Elementary Physics, School Science and Mathematics, VI (1906), 119-24; 187-94. A Laboratory Experiment upon the Mechanical Equivalent of Heat, ihid., 310-12. An Experiment on the Magnifying Power of a Simple Lens, ibid., 450-52. An E.xperiment upon Cooling through Change of State, ibid., 772-75. Upon the Discharge of Electrons from Ordinary Metals under the Influ- ence of Ultra- Violet Light, Physical Rroiew, XXIV (1907), 1 16-18. The Influence of Temperature upon Photo-Electric Effects in a Very High Vacuum and the Order of Photo-Electric Sensitiveness of the Metals, Philosophical Magazine, XIV (1907), 188-210. On the Charge Carried by the Negative Ion of an Ionized Gas, Physical Review, XXVI (1908), 197-99. The Function of the Lecture Demonstration in Secondary School Physics, Journal of Proceedings and Addresses of the Xational Educa- tion Association (1908), 9S5-90. The Absence of Photo-Electric Fatigue in a \''ery High \'acuuni, Physical Revirw, XXIX (1909), 85. The Aims and Needs of High-School Physics, School Science and Mathe- matics, IX (1909), 162-67. The Correlation of High School and College Physics, ibid., 466-73. The Transparency of Matter for X-Rays Not Affected by Transverse Radiation from a Second Source, Journal of the American Medical Association, LIII (1909), 1026-33. 256 PUBLICATIONS A New Modification of the Cloud Method of Determining the Elemen- tary Electrical Charge and the Most Probable Value of That Charge, Philosophical Magazine, XIX (1910), 209-28. Note on the Cause of the Discrepancy between the Observed and the Calculated Temperatures after Expansion in the Space between the Plates of a Wilson Expansion Apparatus, Physical Renew, XXX (1910), 186-87. Some New Values of the Positive Potentials Assumed by Metals in a High Vacuum under the Influence of Ultra- Violet Light, ibid., 287-88. Preliminary Report on the Isolation of an Ion, Science, XXXII (1910), 436-88; published also in Physikalische Zeitschrift, XI (1910), 1097-1109, and in Le radium, VII (1910), 341-61. The Unit Charge in Gaseous Ionization, Transactions of the American Electrochemical Society, XVIII (1910), 283-88. The Isolation of an Ion, a Precision Measurement of Its Change, and the Correction of Stokes' Law, Physical Review, XXXII (191 1), 349-97. Ursachen der scheinbaren Unstimmigkeiten zwischen neueren Arbeiten iiber e, Physikalische Zeitschrift, XII (191 1), 161-63. The Question of Valency in Gaseous Ionization, Philosophical Magazine, XXI (1911), 697-719. The Effect of Prolonged Illumination on Photo-Electric Discharge in a High Vacuum, Physical Review, XXXIV (191 2), 68-71. New Proofs of the Kinetic Theory of Matter and the Atomic Theory of Electricity, Popular Science Monthly, LXXX (191 2), 417-40. The Effect of the Character of the Source upon the Velocities of Emission of Electrons Liberated by Ultra-Violct Light, Physical Review, XXXV (1912), 74-76. Summary of Results Obtained by the "Oil-Drop" Method of Studying Electrical Phenomena in Gases, Transactions of the American Electro- chemical Society, XXI (191 2), 185-200. Ueber die Anfangsgeschwindigkeiten der durch ultraviolettes Licht angelosten Elektronen, Verhandlung der Deulschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, XIV (1912), 712-26. On the Cause of the Apparent Differences between Spark and Arc Sources in Imparting Initial Speeds to Photo-Electrons, Physical Review, New Series, I (1913), 73-75. DEPARTMENT OF TUVSICS 257 Brownian Movcmenls in Gases at Low Pressures, ibid., 218-21 ; published also in Lc radium, X (1913), 15-18. Atomic Theories of Radiation, Science, XXXVII (1913), 119-33. The Structure of the Atom, General Electric Review, XVT (1913), 489-97. Ueber den vvahrscheinlichsten Wert des Reibungskoefficient der Luft, Annalen der Physik, XLI (1913), 759-66. On the Elementary Electrical Charge and the Avogadro Constant, Physical Review, New Series, II (1913), 109-43; published also in Physikalische Zeiischrijt, XIV (1913), 793-812. Preliminary Report on a Direct Determination of Planck's "h," Physical Review, New Series, IV (1914), 73. Effect of Residual Gases on Contact E.M.F.'s and Photo-Currents (with W. H. Souder), ibid., 73-75. The Law of Fall of a Droplet through Plydrogen, ibid., 334. New Tests of Einstein's Photo-Electric Equation, ibid., VI (1915), 55. The New Physics, School Review, XXIII (1915), 607-20. The Elimination of Waste in the Teaching of Science, School and Society y III (1916), 162-69. Einstein's Photo-EIectric Equation and Contact Electromotive Force, Physical Review, New Series, VII (1916), 18-32. Experimental Evidence for the Essential Identity of the Selective and Normal Photo-Electric EtTects (with W. H. Souder), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, II (1916), 19-24. Quantum Relations in Photo-Electric Phenomena, ibid., 78-83. A Direct Photo-Electric Determination of Planck's " h," Physical Review, New Series, VII (1916), 355-88. Reviews im: Science, XX, 'jic)~2o; XXII, 785-S9; XXV, 500-^01; XXXIII, 460; XXXVII, 492; XXXVIII, 29-30; Astrophysical Jour- nal, XXI, 183-84; XL, 485; XLIII, 86; Physical Reviof, New Series, IV, 84, 560, 716. Carl Kinsley [1902-], Associate Professor of Physics. A.B. Oberlin, 1893; M.E. Cornell, 1894; A.M. Oberlin, 1896; Assistant Pro- fessor of Physics, Chicago, 1903-9; Associate Professor, ibid., 1909-. Wireless Telegraphy in Theory and Practice, Book III in Telegraph and Telephone, pp. 1-44. New York and Chicago: World Railway PubUshing Co., 1903. 258 PUBLICATIONS Short Spark Discharges, Philosophical Magazine, IX (1905), 692-706. An Examination of Certain Alternating Current Circuits, Including Those Containing Distributed Capacity (Am. Phys. Soc. Abstract), Science, XXVII (1908), 566-67. Dielectric Losses in Alternating Current Circuits, Physical Review, XXVIII (1909), 70. A Method of Measuring Alternating Currents (with E. J. Moore), ibid., 72. Electrostatic Induction in Long Lines, ibid., XXXIV (1912), 69. Telegraph Systems and Apparatus, United States Patent No. 1,018,115, February 20, 19 12, i-io. A Telegraph System, Electrical World, LIX (1912), 520. High-Speed Telegraph System, United States Patent No. 1,053,042, February 11, 1913, i-ii. A High-Speed Printing Telegraph System, Proceedings of the American Institute of Electrical Engineering, XXXIII (1914), 1071-81. A New Method of Telegraph Operation, United States Patent No. 1.126.641, January 26, 1915, 1-14. A System of Telegraph Communication, United States Patent No. 1.126.642, January 26, 191 5, 1-8. A High-Speed Relay and Method of Operating, United States Patent No. 1,126,483, January 26, 1915, 1-7. Methods of Telegraphic Transmission, United States Patent No. 1,150,- 272, August 17, 1915, 1-4. Review in : Electrical Review, LXVII, 298. Charles Riborg Mann [1896-19 17], Associate Professor of Physics; Director of Educational Research in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. A.B. Columbia, 1890; Ph.D. Berlin, 1895; Assistant Professor of Physics, Chicago, 1902-7; Associate Professor, ibid., 1907-17. Investigator of Engineering Education, Carnegie Foundation for the Advance- ment of Teaching, 1914-17. P/fy«c5 (with G. R. i2mo, x-l-453. Chicago: Scott, Foresman & Co., 1905. The Teaching of Physics for Purposes of General Education. i2mo, xxv+304. New York: Macmillan Co., 191 2. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS 259 Histories and Bibliographies of Physics, Science, XVI (1902), 1016-21. On Science Teaching, I-VI, School Science and Mathematics, V (1905), 546-51, 617-22, 685-90; VI (1906), 29-35, 194-98, 303-9- A New Movement among Physics Teachers, Circular I, ibid., VI (1906), 198-202; published also in School Revinv, XIV (1906), 212-16; Circular II, ibid., 429-37; Circular III, ibid., 652-59; published also in School Science and Mathematics, VI (1906), 696-702; Circu- lar IV, School Rcvieiv, XIV (1906), 746-53; published also in School Science and Mathematics, VI (1906), 787-94; Circular V, School Review, XV (1907), 290-98; published also in School Science and Mathematics, VII (1907), 328-34. The Aims and Tendencies in Physics Teaching, ibid., VI (1906), 723-30. The College Laboratory, Education, XXVII (1906), 200-208. Science in Civilization and Science in Education, School Review, XIV (1906), 664-70. The Meaning of the Movement for the Reform of Science Teaching, Educational Review, XXXIV (1906), 13-25. The American Federation of Teachers of the Mathematical and the Natural Sciences, Science, XXV (1907), 338-39. The Relation of Nature-Study to Science Teaching, Nature-Study Review, IV (1908), 21-24. Should We Try to Stem the Tide? Educational Review, XXXV (1908), 188-92. The Line of Least Resistance, School and Home Education, XXVII (1908), 276, 277. The History of Science — An Interpretation, Popular Science Monthly, LXXII (1908), 313-2S. The New Movement among Physics Teachers, School Science and Mathe- matics, VIII (1908), 522-25. Industrial and Technical Training in Secondary Schools, and Its Bearing on College-Entrance Requirements, School Revirw, X\'I (1908), 425-38. The Physics Teacher's Problem, Science, XXIX (1909), 951-62. A Needed Reform in Science Teaching, Independent, LXMI (1909), 85-89. 26o PUBLICATIONS The Interpretation of the College-Entrance Board's Definition of the Requirement in Physics, Educational Review, XXXIX (1909), 150-59. Physics Teaching in the Secondary Schools of America, Science, XXX (1909), 789-98. Physics Teaching as It Is and as It Might Be in Wisconsin Schools, Bulletin of the Wisconsin State Department of Education (1910), 1-14. Physics in the College Course, Educational Review, XL (1910), 472-83. The Present Condition of Physics Teaching in the United States. Chap, xix in Hodson's Broad Lines in Science Teaching, 227-38. London: Macmillan Co., 1910. Changes in Entrance Requirements at the University of Chicago, Educa- tional Review, XLII (191 1), 186-91. Physics and the Daily Life, Science, XXXVII (1913), 351-60. What Is Industrial Science? ibid., XXXIX (1914), 515-24. The Relation of the Administrative Department to the Teacher, Bulle- tin of the Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education, V (1914), 56-62. A Report of Progress in the Study of Engineering Education, ibid.y VI (1915), 100-109; VII (1916), 125-44. Reviews of: Hall, The Teaching of Physics in the Secondary School, School Review, XI, 157-63; Drude, The Theory of Optics, Science, XVIII, 342-44. Edward James Moore [1915-], Extension Associate Professor of Physics; Associate Professor of Physics, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio. A.B. Oberlin, 1903; A.M. ibid., 1906; Ph.D. Chicago, 1913. A Method of Measuring Alternating Currents (with Carl Kinsley), Physical Review, XXVIII (1909), 72. Reaction Effects Produced by the Discharge of Electricity from Points in Gases, and the Bearing of These Effects on the Theory of the Small Ion. Doctor's thesis. Ibid., XXXIV (191 2), 81-95. Glenn Moody Houns [i 893-1906], Instructor in Physics. See under University High School, p. 493. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS 261 Harvey Brace Lemon [191 i-], Instructor in Physics. A.B. ChkaKo, 1906; S.M. ihiJ., 191 1; Ph.D. ibid., 1912; Assistant in Astronomy and Instructor in Mechanical Drawing, Bcloit, 1907-8; Assistant in Physics, Chicago, 1911-12; Instructor, ibid., 1912-. Studies in Sensitometry: III, On the Evaluation of the Reciprocity Law, Basic Fog, and Preliminary Exposure (with R. J. Wallace), Astrophysical Journal, XXIX (1909), 146-56. The Analysis of the Principal Mercury Lines by a DilTraclion Grating, and a Comparison with the Results Obtained by Other Methods (with H. G. Gale), ibid., XXXI (1910), 7S-87; published also in Physikalische Zeitschrijt, XI (19 10), 209-15. Spectroscopic Studies on Hydrogen: la, The EtTect of Temperature upon the Hydrogen Spectrum as Produced by Alternating Current. Doctor's thesis. Astrophysical Journal, XXXV (191 2), 109-24. A Polarization Spectrophotometer Using the Brace Prism, ibid., XXXIX (1914), 204-12. The Teaching of College Physics. A Chapter in College Teaching (edited by Paul Klapper). New York: World Book Co., 1917. On Some Very Large Variations in the Adsorption of Certain Specimens of Charcoal, Physical Review, New Series, IX (1917), 336-37. J. Harry Clo [1909-11], Assistant in Physics; Professor of Physics, Tulane University, New Orleans. S.B. Kentucky State, 1904; S.M. ibid., 1905; Ph.D. Chicago, 191 1; Instructor in Physics, Wiishington State College, 1905-7; Instructor in Physics, Virginia, 1907-8; Assistant in Physics, Chicago, 1 909-11. The Effect of Temperature on the Ionization of a Gas. Doctor's thesis. Astrophysical Journal, XXXIII (191 1), 115-24; published also in Le radium, VIII (191 1), 108-12. Arthur Jeffery Dempster [191 5-], Assistant in Physics. A.B. Toronto, 1909; .A.M. /6tJ., 1911; Ph.D. Chicago, 1916; .Assistant in Physics, ibid., 1915-. Ueber die Breite von Spektrallinicn, Annalcn dcr Physik, XL\'II (1915), 791-808. The Properties of Slow Canal Rays. Doctor's thesis. Physical Review, New Series, VIII (1916), 651-62, 262 PUBLICATIONS William Ross Ham [1908-9], Assistant in Physics; Professor of Physics, Pennsylvania State College. A.B. Bates, 1901; Ph.D. Chicago, 1909; Instructor in Physics, Maine, 1905-7; Assistant in Phj'sics, Chicago, 1908-9. Polarization of Rontgen Rays. Doctor's thesis. Physical Review^ XXX (1910), 96-121. Frank Baldwin Jewett [1902-3], Research Assistant in Physics; Assistant Chief Engineer, Western Electric Co., New York City. A.B. Throop Polytechnical Institute, 1898; Ph.D. Chicago, 1902; Research Assistant in Physics, ibid., 1902-3. Effect of High Temperature on the Change of Resistance of Bismuth in a Magnetic Field, Physical Review, XVI (1903), 51-59. John Yiubong Lee [1906-14], Assistant in Physics. S.B. Chicago, 1907; Ph.D. ibid., 1915; Assistant in Physics, ibid., 1906-14. Determination of the Value of "e," by Millikan's Method, Using Solid Spheres. Doctor's thesis. Physical Review, New Series, IV (1914), 420-34. Carl Danforth Miller [1913, 1914-], Assistant in Physics; Westing- house Research Laboratory, Pittsburgh. S.B. Richmond College, 1910; Ph.D. Chicago, 1916; Assistant in Physics, ibid.f 1913, 1914-. A Method for Computing the Bending Stresses Acting on Beams, American Machinist, XL (1914), 940. The Absorption Coefficients of Soft X-Rays. Doctor's thesis. Physi- cal Review, New Series, VIII (1916), 329-43. Charles Albert Proctor [1902-3], Assistant in Physics; Assistant Professor of Physics, Dartmouth College. A.B. Dartmouth, 1900; Ph.D. Chicago, 1909; Assistant in Physics, Dartmouth, 1900-1901; Assistant in Physics, Chicago, 1902-3. The Variation with Velocity of e/m for Cathode Rays. Doctor's thesis. Physical Review, XXX (19 10), 53-61. WiLMER Henry Souder [1914-], Assistant in Physics. A.B. Indiana, 1910; A.M. ibid., 1911; Ph.D. Chicago, 1916; Assistant in Physics, ibid., 1914-. Effect of Residual Gases on Contact E.M.F.'s and Photo-Currents (with R. A. Millikan), Physical Review, New Series, IV (1914), 73-75. DEPARI'MKN'r OK PHYSICS 263 Experimental Evidence for the Essential Identity of the Selective and Normal Photo-Electric Effects (with R. A. Millikan), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, II (1916), 19-24. The Normal Photo-Electric Effect of Lithium, Sodium, and Potassium as a Function of Wavc-Length anrl Incident Energy. Doctor's thesis. Physical Review, New Series, VIII (1916), 310-19. Harold DeForest Arnold, Ph.D. 1911; Research Engineer, Western Electric Co., Inc., New York City. Limitations Imposed by Slip and Inertia Terms upon Stokes' Law for the Motion of Spheres through Liquids, Doctor's thesis. Philo- sophical Magazine, XXII (191 1), 755-75; published also by Taylor & Francis, London. Louis Begeman, Ph.D. 1910; Professor of Physics, State Teachers College, Cedar Falls, Iowa. An E.xperimental Determination of the Charge of an Electron by the Cloud Method. Doctor's thesis. Physical Review, XXXI (1910), 41-54- fEowiN Sherwood Bishop, Ph.D. 1911. See under University High School, p. 490. Frederic Lexdall Bishop, Ph.D. 1905; Professor of Physics, Univer- sity of Pittsburgh. The Thermal Conductivity of Lead. Doctor's thesis. Proceedings of the American Academy, XLI (1906), 671-89. William Richards Blair, Ph.D. 1906; Director, Government Observa- tory, Mount Weather, Va. The Change of Phase Due to the Passage of Electric Waves through Thin Plates, and the Index of Refraction of Water for Such Waves, with Applications to the Optics of Thin Films and Prisms. Doctor's thesis. Physical Review, XXVI (1908), 61-97. Oliver Charles Clifford, Ph.D. 1907; Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, .\rmour Institute of Technology, Chicago. t Deceased. 264 PUBLICATIONS The Susceptibility of Copper and Tin and Their Alloys. Doctor's thesis. Physical Review, XXVI (1908), 424-38. Thomas Eaton Doubt, Ph.D. 1904; Associate Professor of Physics, Armour Institute of Technology, Chicago. The Effect of the Intensity upon the Velocity of Light. Doctor's thesis. Physical Review, XVIII (1904), 129-34. Harvey Fletcher, Ph.D. 191 i; Professor of Physics, Brigham Young University, Salt Lake City, Utah. A Verification of the Theory of Brownian Movements and a Direct Determination of the Value of NE for Gaseous Ionization. Doctor's thesis. Physical Review, XXXIII (1911), 81-110. Fannie Cornelia Frisbie (Mrs. Frank B. Jewett), Ph.D. 1904; New York City. The Effect of Pressure upon Magnetic PermeabiHty. Doctor's thesis. Physical Review, XVIII (1904), 432-43. Lachlan Gilchrist, Ph.D. 1913; Instructor in Physics, University of Toronto. Absolute Determination of the Viscosity of Air. Doctor's thesis. Physical Review, New Series, I (1913), 124-40. Lawrence Emery Gurney, Ph.D. 1906; Assistant Professor of Physics, University of the Philippines, Manila. The Viscosity of Water at Very Low Rates of Shear, Doctor's thesis. Physical Review, XXVI (1908), 98-124. Ertle Leslie Harrington, Ph.D. 1916; Missouri State Normal Col- lege, Cape Girardeau. A Redetermination of the Coefficient of the Viscosity of Air. Doctor's thesis. Physical Review, New Series, VIII (19 16), 738-51. Thomas Carlyle Hebb, Ph.D. 1904; Assistant Professor of Physics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver. On a New Method oj Determining the Velocity of Sound. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, II. Lancaster, Pa.: New Era Printing Co., 1904. I DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS 265 Albert Edward Hennings,Ph.D. 1914; Assistant Professor of Physics, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada. A Critique and Study on the Nature of the Volta Effect, Physical Review, New Series, II (1913), 1-15. On the Nature of the Volta Effect: A Rejoinder, ibid., IV (1914), 247-51. A Study of Contact Potentials and Photo-Electric Properties of Metals in Vacuo: and the Mutual Relation between These Phenomena. Doctor's thesis. Physical Review, New Series, IV (1914), 228-46. William Henry Kadescii, Ph.D. 191 5; Instructor in Physics, United States Naval Academy, Annapolis. The Energy of Photo-Electrons from Sodium and Potassium as a Func- tion of the Frequency of the Incident Light. Doctor's thesis. Physical Review, New Series, III (1914), 367-74. Ansel Alphonso Knowlton, Ph.D. 1910; Professor of Physics, Reed College, Portland, Ore. Preparation and Properties of the Heusler Alloys. Doctor's thesis. Physical Review, XXXII (191 1), 54-68. John Matthias Kuehne, Ph.D. 1910; Adjunct Professor of Physics, University of Texas, Austin. On the Electrostatic EtTect of a Changing Magnetic Field. Doctor's thesis. Philosophical Magazine, XIX (1910), 461-76. Leonard Benedict LoEn, Pii.D. 19 16; The Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. On the Mobilities of Gas Ions in High Electric Fields. Doctor's thesis. Physical Review, New Series, VIII (19 16), 633-50. Carleton John Lynde, Ph.D. 1905; Professor of Physics, Macdonald College, Quebec, Canada. The ElTect of Pressure on Surface Tension. Doctor's thesis. Physical Rcviau, XXII (1906), 181-91. Howard Wilson Moody, Ph.D. 191 2; Professor and Head of the Department of Physjcs, Mississippi Agricultural College. 266 PUBLICATIONS A Determination of the Ratio of the Specific Heats and the Specific Heat at Constant Pressure of Air and Carbon Dioxide. Doctor's thesis. Physical Review, XXXIV (19 12), 275-95. Isaiah March Rapp, Ph.D. 1915; Assistant Professor of Physics, Uni- versity of Oklahoma, Norman. The Flow of Air through Capillary Tubes. Doctor's thesis. Physical Review, New Series, II (1913), 363-82. Benjamin Estill Shackelford, Ph.D. 1916; The Westinghouse Co., New York City. Temperature and Blackening Effects in Helical Tungsten Filaments. Doctor's thesis. Physical Review, New Series, VIII (19 16), 470-7S. Oscar William Silvey, Ph.D. 191 5; Professor of Physics, Agricul- tural and Mechanical College of Texas, College Station. I. Comparison of the Fall of a Droplet in a Liquid and in a Gas; II. The Fall of Mercury Droplets in a Viscous Medium. Doctor's thesis. Physical Review, New Series, VII (1916), 87-11 1. Newland Farnsworth Smith, Ph.D. 1909; Professor of Physics* Centre College, Danville, Ky. The Effect of Tension on Thermal and Electrical Conductivity. Doc- tor's thesis. Physical Review, XXVIII (1909), 107-21. Verne Frank Swaim, Ph.D. 1914; Professor of Physics, Bradley Poly- technic Institute, Peoria, 111. On the Pressure-Shift of the Lines of the Zinc Spectrum at Low Pressure. Doctor's thesis. Astrophysical Journal, XL (1914), 137-47. George Winchester, Ph.D. 1907; Professor of Physics, Washington and Jefferson College, VV^ashington, Pa. Effect of Temperature u])on the Discharge of Electricity from Metals Illuminated by Ultra-Violet Light. Doctor's thesis. Physical Review, XXV (1907), 103-14. James Remus Wright, Ph.D. 1911; Professor of Physics, University of the Philippines, Manila. DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY 267 The Positive Potential of Aluminum as a Function of the Wave-Length of the Incident Light. Doctor's thesis. Physical Review, yiXXlll (191 1), 43-52; published also in Pliysikalische Zeitschrijt, XII (1911), 338-43. THE DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY tJoHN Ulric Nef [1892-1915], Professor and Head of the Department of Chemistry. A.IJ. }Iarvard, 1S84; Ph.D. Munich, 1886; LL.D. Pittsburgh, 1915; Professor of Chcmistr}' and Director of the Chemical Laboratory, Purdue, 1887-89; .Assist- ant Professor of Chemistry and .Acting Head of the Chemical Laboratory, Clark, 1889-92; Professor of Chemistry, Chicago, 1892-96; Head of the Department of Chemistry, ibid., 1896-1915. Fellow, .American Academy of .Arts and Sciences, 1891; Member, Royal Society of Sciences, Upsala, 1903; Member, National .Academy of Sciences, 1904. Dissociations Vorgange in der Glycol-Glycerinreihe, Liebig's Annalcn Chemie, CCCXXXV (1904), 191-333. On the Fundamental Conceptions Underlying the Chemistry of the Element Carbon, Journal of the American Chemical Society, XX\T (1904), 1549-77- Dissociations- Vorgange in der Zucker-Gruppe : Erste Abhandlung: Ueber das Verbal ten der Zuckerarten gegen die Fehling'sche Losung sovvie gegen andere O.xydationsmittel. Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, CCCLVTI (1907), 214-312. Zweite Abhandlung: Ueber das Verhalten der Zuckerarten gegen Aetzalkalien, ibid., CCCLXXVI (1910), 1-119. Dritte Abhandlung, ibid., CCCCIII (1914), 204-383. On the Non-equivalence of the Four Valences of the Carbon-Atom, Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXX (1908), 645-50. Julius Stieglitz [1892-], Professor and Chairman of the Department of Chemistry; Director of the University Laboratories. Abituricntene.xamen, Realgymnasium, Karlsruhe, 18S6; Ph.D. Berlin, 1SS9; Sc.D. Clark, 1909; .Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Chicago, 1897-1902; Associate Professor, ibid., 1902-5; Professor, ibid., 1905-; Director of .Analytical Chemistry, ibid., 1905-; Director of the University Laboratories, ibid., 1912-. Hitchcock Lecturer, California, 1909; Member, National .Academy of Sciences, 191 1-; Member, .American Academy of the .Arts and Sciences, 1914-; Member, Washington .Academy of Sciences, 1914-. t Deceased. 268 PUBLICATIONS Associate Editor, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1910-; Member, Council on Chemistry and Pharmacy of the American Medical Association, 1905-; Member International Commission on Annual Tables of Constants and Numerical Data, 1910-. The Elements of Qualitative Chemical Analysis with Special Consideration of the Application of the Laws of Equilibrium, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. Vol. I, 312; Vol. II, viii+151. New York: Century Co., 1911. The "Beckmann Rearrangement," II, American Chemical Journal, XXIX (1903), 49-68; III (with Richard B. Earle), ibid., XXX (1903), 399-412; IV (with Richard B. Earle), ibid., 412-21. On the Theory of Indicators, Journal of the American Chemical Society ^ XXV (1903), 1112-27. A Study of Hydrolysis by Conductivity Methods (with Ira H. Derby), American Chemical Journal, XXXI (1904), 449-58. The Molecular Rearrangement of Aminophenyl Alkyl Carbonates (with H. T. Upson), ibid., 458-502. The Constitution of Purpuric Acid and of Murexide (with Max Slimmer), ibid., 661-79. Ueber die Isoharnstoffe (with R. P. Noble), Berichte der deutschen chemischen GesellschaftjXXKVIII (1905), 2243-44. On Chloronium Salts (with Edith E. Barnard), Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXVII (1905), 1016-19. The Relations of Organic Chemistry to Other Sciences: A Study of Catalysis, Proceedings of the International Congress of Arts and Science of 1904, IV (1906), 276-84. Studies in Catalysis: I. The Catalysis of Esters and of Imidoesters by Acids, American Chemical Journal, XXXIX (1908), 29-63. II. The Catalysis of Imidoesters, ibid., 164-84. III. The Theories of Esterification and Saponification, ibid., 410-31. Note on the Solubility Product, Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXX (1908), 946-54. Chemical Research in American Universities, Science, XXVI (1908), 699-703. The Applications of Physical Chemistry to Organic Chemistry, ibid.y 768-75. DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY 269 The "Syn" and "Anti" Stereoisomerism of Nitrogen Compounds, American Chemical Journal, XL (1908), 36-45. Catalysis on the Basis of Work with Imidoesters, Journal of the Ameri- can Chemical Society, XXXII (19 10), 221-31. Ueber Stereoisomere Chlorimido-Ketone (with P. P, Peterson), Berichle der dcutschen chcmischen Gesellschajt, XLIII (1910), 782-87. Molecular Rearrangement of Triphenylmethylhydroxylamine (with P. N. Leech, Jr., and G. Reddick), Proceedings of the Eighth Interna- tional Congress of Applied Chemistry, XXV (191 2), 443. Catalysis on the Basis of Work with Imidoesters: "The Salt Effect," Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXXIV (1912), 1687-95. Die Umwandlung von Hydrazobenzol in Azobenzol und Anilin, eine Reaktion erster Ordnung (with Geo. O. Curme, Jr.), Berichte der dcutschen chcmischen Gesellschaft, XL VI (1913), 911-20. Molekulare Umlagerung von Triphenylmethylhydroxylamin (with P. X. Leech, Jr.), ibid., 2147-51. Molekulare Umlagerung von Triphenylmethylbromamin (with I. \'os- burgh), ibid., 2151-56. Molecular Rearrangement of Triarylmethylhydroxylamines and the "Beckmann" Rearrangement of Ketoximes (with P. N. Leech, Jr.), Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXXVI (1914), 272-301. Molecular Rearrangements of Triphenylmcthane Derivation, I, Pro- ceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, I (1915), 196-202; II (with Isabelle Vosburgh, Agnes Fay Morgan, Bert A. Stagner, James K. Senior), ibid., 202-10. Reviews in: Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXV' I, 718-19; XXV'II, 79-80; XXIX, 1129-30; XXX, 157-59, qob-S, 1795-98; XXXVI, 456; Journal of the American Medical Association, XLV, 1426. WiLLi.AM Dr.^per Harkins [1912-], Professor of Chemistry. A.B. Leland Stanford Junior, igoo; Ph.D. ibid., 1907; Professor and Head of the Department of Chemistry, University of Montana, 1901-12; .\ssistant Professor of Chemistry, Chicago, 191J-14; .Associate Professor, ibiJ., 1914-17; Professor, ibid., 191 7-. Chemist in Smelter Smoke Investigations in Montana, 1902-10; Chemist, United States Department of Justice, 1910-11; Professional Lecturer, Mellon Institute of Industrial Research, Pittsburgh, 1916-17. Assistant Editor, Chemical Abstracts, 1911-. 270 PUBLICATIONS The Changes of Mass and Weight Involved in the Formation of Complex Atoms and the Hydrogen-Helium System (with E. D. Wilson), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, I (1915), 276-83; pubHshed also in Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXXVII (1915), 1367-83. The Structure of Complex Atoms: The Hydrogen-HeUum System (with E. D. Wilson), ibid., 1383-96. Recent Work on the Structure of the Atom (with E. D. Wilson), ibid., 1396-1421. Binary and Ternary Systems of the Nitrates of the Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals (with George L. Clark), ibid., 1816-28. Energy Changes Involved in the Formation of Complex Atoms (with E. D. Wilson), Philosophical Magazine, XXX (1915), 723-34. The Surface Tension at the Interface between Two Liquids (with E. C. Humphery), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1 (1915), 585-90- The Periodic System and the Properties of the Elements (with R. E. Hall), Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXXVIII (19 16), 169-221. The Drop Weight Method for the Determination of Surface Tension, ibid., 228-36. Apparatus for the Determination of the Surface Tension at the Inter- face between Two Liquids (with E. C. Humphery), ibid., 236-42. A Simple Apparatus for the Accurate and Easy Determination of Surface Tension, with a Metal Thermoregulator for the Quick Adjustment of Temperature (with F. E. Brown), ibid., 246-52. The Abundance of the Elements in Relation to the Hydrogen-Helium Structure of the Atoms, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, II (1916), 216-20. Wechselseitige electromagnetische Masse und die Struktur des Atoms, ZeitschriftfUr anorganische C hemic, XCV (1916), 1-19. Das Wasserstoff -Helium System und die Struktur der komplexen Atome, ibid., 19-38. Das Periodische System, ibid., XCVII (1916), 175-240. DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY 271 Studies on the Cohaltammines: I, Various Ionization Types as Deter- mined by the Freezing Point Lowering in Afjueous Solution, To- gether with Conductance Measurements (with R. E. Hall and W. A. Roberts), Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXXV III (1916), 2643-58. The Free Energy of Dilution and the Freezing Point Lowerings in Solutions of Some Salts of Various Types of Ionization, and of Salt Mixtures (with R. E. Ihill), ibid., 265S-76. The Freezing Point Lowerings in Aqueous Solutions of Salts and of a Salt with a Non-electrolyte, ibid., 2676-79. Ionization and Solubility Relations of Salts of Higher Types: IV, Inter- mediate Ions in Solutions of Uni-bivalent Salts, and of Lanthanum Nitrate, a Tri-univalent Salt (with W. Tudor Pearce), ibid., 2679- 2708. The Effect of Salts upon the Solubility of Other Salts: VTIIa, The Solubility Relations of a Very Soluble Bi-univalent Salt (with Harry M. Paine), ibid., 2709-14; VIII6, The Solubility Relations of Extremely Soluble Salts (with W. Tudor Pearce), ibid., 2714-17. The Structure of the Surfaces of Liquids, and Solubility as Related to the Work Done by the Attraction of Two Liquid Surfaces as They A])proach Each Other (with F. E. Brown and E. C. H. Davies), ibid., XXXIX (191 7), 354-64- The Orientation of Molecules in the Surfaces of Liquids, the Energy Relations at Surfaces, Solubility, Adsorption, Emulsification, Molecu- lar Association, and the ElTect of Acids and Bases on Interfacial Tension (Surface Energy VIII) (with E. C. H. Davies and George L. Clark), ibid., 364-96. The Evolution of the Elements and the Stability of Complex Atoms, ibid., 856-79. Herbert Newby McCoy [1898-99, 1903-17], Professor of Chemistry. S.B. Purdue, 1892; Ph.D. Chicago, i8q8; Professor of Chcmistn- and Physics, ParRo, i8g4-g6; .\ssistant Professor of Chemistry, Utah, iSpQ-igoi; .\ssociale Professor, ibiJ., 1901; .Vssistant Professor, Chicago, 1903-7; .Associate Professor, ibid., 1908-11; Professor, /7i/V/., 1911-17. Ionization Constants of Phenolphthalein, American Chemical Journal, XXXI (1904), 503-21. 272 PUBLICATIONS Ein verbesserter tragbarer Gasentwickelungs-Apparat, Berichte der deut- schen chemischen Gesellschaft, XXXVII (1904), 2534-36. Ueber das Entstehen des Radiums, ibid., 2641-56. Radioactivity as an Atomic Property, Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXVII (1905), 391-403. The Relation between the Radioactivity and the Composition of Uranium Compounds, Physical Review, XX (1905), 381-82. The Relation between the Radioactivity and the Composition of Uranium Compounds (second paper), Philosophical Magazine, XI (1906), 176-86. The Relation between the Radioactivity and the Composition of Thorium Compounds, American Journal of Science, XXI (1906), 433-43. The Absorption of the Alpha Rays of Uranium (with H. M. Goettsch), Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXVIII (1906), 1555-60. The Relation between Uranium and Radium (with W. H. Ross), Physical Review, XXIV (1906), 124-25. The Occurrence of Copper and Lithium in Radium-Bearing Minerals, Nature, LXXVII (1907), 79-80. The Specific Radioactivity of Uranium, Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXIX (1907), 1698-1708. The Specific Radioactivity of Thorium (with W. H. Ross), ibid., 1709-18. The Inter-Relations of the Elements, ibid., XXX (1908), 467-73. Two New Methods of Determining the Secondary Ionization Constants of Dibasic Acids, ibid., 688-94. The Experimental Basis of Chemical Formulae, School Science and Mathematics, VIII (1908), 441-52. The Relation between the Ionizing Power and Dielectric Constants of Solvents, Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXX (1908), 1074-77. A Standard of Radioactivity (with G. C. Ashman), American Journal of Science, XXVI (1908), 521-30. Speed of Oxidation, by Air, of Uranous Solutions, with Note on the Volumetric Determination of Uranium (with H. H. Bunzel), Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXXI (1909), 367-73. DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY 273 Organic Amalgams: Substances vvilh Metallic Pro[)erties Composed in Part of Non-metallic Elements (with W. C. Moore), ibid., XXXIII (1911), 273-92. Equilibrium between Alkali-Earth Carbonates, Carbon Dioxide, and Water (with Herbert J. Smith), ibid., 468-73. Equilibrium between Sodium Carbonate, Sodium Bicarbonate, and Water (with Charles D. Test), ibid., 473-76. Synthetic Metals from Non-metallic Elements, Science, XXXIV (191 1), 138-42. The Physical and Chemical Properties of Some Organic Amalgams (with Franklin L. West), Journal of Physical Chemistry, XVT (191 2), 261-86. The Detection and Estimation of Exceedingly Minute Quantities of Carbon Dioxide (with Shiro Tashiro), Eighth International Congress of Applied Chemistry, I (1912), 361-66. The Chemical Properties and Relative Activities of the Radio-Products of Thorium (with Charles H. Viol), Philosophical Magazine, XXV (1913), 333-59. The Variation of the Alpha Ionization of Radioactive SoUds with the Thickness of the Layer, Physical Review, New Series, I (1913), 393-400. The Periods of Transformation of Uranium and Thorium, ibid., 400-404. Ueber die Zerfallskonstante von Aktinium X (with Edwin D. Leman), Physikalischc Zeitschrift, XIV (1913), 1280-82. The Relation between Alpha Ray Activities and Ranges in the Actinium Series (with Edwin D. Leman), Physical Review, New Series, IV (1914), 409-19. The Relation between the Alpha Ray Activities and Ranges of Radium and Its Short-lived Products (with Edwin D. Leman), ibid., VI (1915), 184-91. Reviews in: Botanical Gazelle, XXXVII, 309-11; Journal of the American Chemical Society, XX.\'ll, 324-25; XXIX, 1^76; XXX, 476; XXXII, 1106-8; XXX'III, 995-96; XXXVI, 1318-20; XXXVII, 666-67. 274 PUBLICATIONS Alexander Smith [1894-1911], Professor and Director of General and Physical Chemistry; Professor of Chemistry, Columbia University. S.B. Edinburgh, 1886; Ph.D. Munich, 1889; Professor of Chemistry and Min- eralogy, Wabash, 1S90-94; Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Chicago, 1894-98; Associate Professor, ibid., 1 898-1 903; Professor and Director of General and Physical Chemistr>-, ibid., 1903-11. Laboratory Outline of General Chemistry. 2d ed., 1902; 3d ed., 1907. 8vo, ix-l-136. New York: Century Co. German ed. by von Stocker and Haber; Karlsruhe: G. Braun, 1904, 191 1. Russian ed. by Leo von SchmoUung; Petrograd: SchmoUing-Polustrova, 1908. Italian ed. by Palazzo; Firenze: Bennporod & Figlio, 1910. English Version of J. H. van't Hoff's Physical Chemistry in the Service of the Sciences. 8vo, xviii+126. Chicago: University Press, 1903. Introduction to Inorganic General Chemistry. 8vo, xviii4-78o. New York: Century Co., 1906. German ed. by Dr. Ernest Stern; Karls- ruhe: G. Braun, 1909. Portuguese ed. by S. Gomez; Coimbra: Universita di Coimbra, 1911. Russian ed. by P. G. Melikov; Odessa: Mathesis, 191 1; Russian trans, of German ed. by M. Pisarevski. Odessa: Raspopov, 191 1. General Chemistry for Colleges. 8vo, xiii+529. New York: Century Co., 1908. Italian ed. by Dr. C. Montemartini; Torino: S. T. E. N., 1911. On Causes Which Determine the Formation of Amorphous Sulphur, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, XXIV (1901-2), 342-43- Ueber den amorphen Schwefel, Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesell- schaft, XXXV (1902), 2992-94. Ueber den amorphen Schwefel: I. Der Einfluss des amorphen Schwefels auf den Gefrierpunkt des fliissigen Schwefels (with W. B. Holmes), Zeitschrift filr physi- kalische Chemie, XLII (1903), 469-80. II. Ueber zwei flussige Aggregatzustande des Schwefels, SA and S/i, und deren Uebergangspunkt (with E. S. Hall and W. B. Holmes), ibid., LIl (1905), 602-25; same article in English, Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXVII (1905), 797- 820; see also Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, XXV (1905), 588-89. DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY 275 III. Ueber das Wesen des amoq)hen Schwefels und die Einflusse fremdcr Kori)er auf die Vorgiinge bei der Unlcrkiihiung geschmolzenen Schwefels, Zeitschrijt fur physikalische C/iemie, LIV (1906), 257-93; same article in English, Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXVII (1905), 979-1013; see also Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, XXV (1905), 590-92. IV. Weitere Untersuchungen der beiden Formen des flussigen Schwefels als dynamischer Isomeren (with C. M. Carson), Zeitschrift filr physikalische Chemie, LVII (1907), 685-717. V. Das System Schwefel-Iod (with C. M. Carson), ibid., LXI (1907), 200-208. VI. Gefaelter Schwefel (with R. 11. Brownlee), ibid., 209-26. VII. Gefrierpunkte des flussigen Schwefels (with C. M. Carson), ibid., LXXVII (191 0,661-76. The Pupil before and after Taking Chemistry, School Science and Mathematics, III (1903), 189-207. Nature Study and High-School Chemistry, Nature Study Review, II (1906), 193-98. The Point of View in Chemistry, School Science and Mathematics, VII (1907), 128-35. High-School Science in Relation to College or University Work, Educa- tional Bi-Monthly, I (1907), 328-35. Comment on "Another Point of View," School Science and Mathematics, VII (1907), 50S-10. The Experimental Viewpoint in Chemistry, ibid., VIII (1908), 582-90. The Rehabilitation of the American College and the Place of Chemistry in It, Science, XXX (1909), 457-66. The Solubilities of Orthophosphoric Acid and Its Hydrates. A Xew Hydrate (with A. W. C. Menzies), Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXXI (1909), 1 183-91; published also in Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, XXX (1909-10), 63-64. The Electrical Conductivity and Viscosity of Concentrated Solutions of Orthophosphoric Acid (with .'\. \V. C. Menzies), Journal of the Ameri- can Chemical Society, XXXI (1909), 1 191-94. 276 PUBLICATIONS Does Calomel Furnish Another Contradiction of the Theory of Hetero- geneous Dissociation Equilibrium ? Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXXII (1910), 187-89. Studies in Vapor Pressure (with A. W. C. Menzies), I, ibid., 897-905. 11,907-14; 111,1412-34; IV, 1434-47; V, 1448-59; VI, 1541-55. A Common Thermometric Error in the Determination of Boiling Points under Reduced Pressure (with A. W. C. Menzies), ibid., 905-7; published also in Zeitschrift fur physikalische Chemie, LXXV (1910), 498-99. Dampfdruckuntersuchungen, VII, ibid., LXXVI (1911), 713-20. Chemistry. In Encyclopedia of Education. 4to, 585-96. New York: Macmillan Co., 191 1. Reviews in: Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXVIII, 1084-86; XXX, 1319-20; XXXI, 428-29; XXXIII, 87; Science, XXVII, 303-6. Alan W. C. Menzies [1910-12], Assistant Professor of Chemistry; Professor of Chemistry, Princeton University. A.M. Edinburgh, 1897; B.Sc. ibid., 1898; Ph.D. Chicago, 1910; Professor of Chemistry, St. Mungo's College, Glasgow, 1902-8; Instructor in Chemistry, Chicago, 1910-11; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1911-12. The Solubilities of Orthophosphoric Acid and Its Hydrates: A New Hydrate (with A. Smith), Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXXI (1909), 1183-91. The Electrical Conductivity and Viscosity of Concentrated Solutions of Orthophosphoric Acid (with A. Smith), ibid., 1 191-94. A Method for Determining under Constant Conditions the Boiling- Points of Even Minute Quantities of Liquids and of Non-fusing SoHds (with A. Smith), ibid., XXXII (1910), 897-905; published also in Zeitschrift fur physikalische Chemie, LXXV (1910), 494-97. A Common Thermometric Error in the Determination of Boiling-Points under Reduced Pressure (with A. Smith), Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXXII (1910), 905-7; published also in Zeit- schrift fiir physikalische Chemie, LXXV (1910), 498-99, A Simple Dynamic Method, Applicable to Both Solids and Liquids, for Determining Vapor Pressures, and Also Boiling-Points at Standard Pressures (with A. Smith), Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXXII (1910), 907-14; published also in Zeitschrift fur physikalische Chemie, LXXV (1910), 500-502. DKI'ARTMKXT OF CHEMISTRY 277 A Quantitative Study of the Constitution of Calomel Vapor (with A. Smith), Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXXII (19 10), 1541-55; published also in Zeitschrift fitr physikalische Chemie, LXXVIdgii), 251-54. Der Dampfdruck von getrocknetem Kalomel (with A. Smith), ibid., 713-20. Studies in Vapor Pressure. Doctor's thesis. Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXXII (1910), 1412-59, 1615-28; published also in Annalcn der Physik, XXXIII (1910), 971-94; and in Zeitschrift far physikalische Chemie, LXXVI (191 1), 231-40, 355-59. The Liquidus Surface of the Ternary System Composed of the Nitrates of Potassium, Sodium, and Calcium (with N. N. Dutt), Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXXIII (191 1), 1366-75. General Hygiene as a Required College Course, Science, XXXV (19 12), 609-12. Disodium Monohydrogen Phosphate and Its Hydrates. Their Solubil- ities and Transition Temperatures (with E. C. Humphery), Proceed- ings of the Eighth International Congress of Applied Chemistry, II (1912), 175-78- The Two-Component System, Water-Arsenic Pentoside (with P. D. Potter), Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXXIV (191 2), 1452-70. The Vapor Pressures of Some Concentrated Zinc Chloride Solutions (with H. Bovine), Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Applied Chemistry, WII (1912), 219-20. The Critical Temperature of Mercurj', Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXXIV (191 2), 1065-67. Reviews ix: Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXXII, 722-24; XXXIII, 995, 1633-34; XXXV, 297, 645-46; School Rccicw, y^, 135-37; Science, XXX\'l, 81. Hermann Irving Schlesinger [1907-], Assistant Professor of Chemistry. S.B. Chicago, 1903; Ph.D. ibid., 1905; .Assistant Professor of Chemistry, ibid., 1911-. Assistant Editor, Chemical Abstracts, 1907-. Studies in Catalysis: VI, The Catalysis of Imidoesters. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 59. Easton, Pa.: Eschenbach Printing Co., 1908; published also in the American Chemical Journal, XXX\'III (1908), 719-71. 278 PUBLICATIONS On the Chemical Properties of Amanita Toxin (with W. W. Ford), Journal of Biological Chemistry, III (1907), 279-83. Die spezifischen Warmen von Losungen, I, Physikalische Zeitschrijt, X (1909), 210-15. Studies in Conductivity: I. The Conductivity of Ammonia in (Anhydrous) Formic Acid I. "Formic Acid Hydrolysis" (with R. P. Calvert), Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXXIII (191 1), 1924-33. II. The Conductivity of Some Formates and of Hydrogen Chloride in (Anhydrous) Formic Acid. Cases of Agreement of Strong Electrolytes with the Mass Law (with A. W. Martin), ihid.y XXXVI (1914), 1589-1620. III. Further Studies on the Behavior of the Alkali Metal Formates in (Anhydrous) Formic Acid (with Clyde Coleman), ibid., XXXVIII (1916), 277-80. Some Sources of Error in Viscosity Measurement (with E. C. Bingham and A. B. Coleman), ibid., 27-41. Review in: Science, XXVII, 64-65. Harold Stanard Adams [1914-16], Instructor in Physiological Chemis- try; New Brunswick, N.J. See under Department of Physiology, p. 374. Ernest Anderson [1909-12], Research Instructor in Chemistry; Pro- fessor of Chemistry, Massachusetts Agricultural College, Amherst. A.B. Trinity University, 1903; S.B. Texas, 1903; S.M. ibid., 1904; Ph.D. Chicago, 1909; Research Instructor in Chemistry, ibid., 1909-12. On the Action of Fehling^s Solution on Galactose. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, ^;^. Easton, Pa.: Eschenbach Printing Co., 1909; also pub- lished in the American Chemical Journal, XLII (1909), 401-31. An Empirical Relation between the Configuration and Rotation of Sugars, Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXXIII (1911), 1510-14. The Relation between the Configuration and Rotation of the Lactones in the Sugar and Saccharinic Acid Groups, ibid., XXXIV (1912), 51-54. DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY 279 fEDiTii Etiiel Barnard [1903-14], Instructor in Chemistry. S.B. Chicago, 1903; S.M. ibid., 1905; Ph.D. ibiJ., 1907; Assistant in Chemistry, x6k/., 1903-6; Associate, j6k/., 1906-7; Instructor, t7»/Z- Easton, Pa.: Eschenbach Printing Co., 1907. Lemuel Charles Raiford [1907-9; 1911-15], Instructor in Chemistry; Professor of Chemistry, Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College, Stillwater. Ph.B. Brown, 1900; Ph.D. Chicago, 1909; Associate Professor, Mississippi Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1906-7; Associate in Chemistry, Chicago, 1907-9; Instructor in Chemistry, ibid., 1911-15. On Chlorimidoquinones. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 42. Easton, Pa.: Eschenbach Printing Co., 191 1. The Action of Halogen on 4-Notro-w-Cresol, Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXXVI (1914), 670-80. 4-Bromo-6-Nitro-w-Cresol and Some of Its Derivatives (with Gladys Leavell), ibid., 1498-1511, Frederick Wilbert Upson [191 2-13], Research Instructor in Chem- istry; Head of Department of Agricultural Chemistry, University of Nebraska, Lincoln. S.B. Nebraska, 1907; Ph.D. Chicago, 1910; Research Instructor in Chemistry, ibid., 1912-13. On the Action of Normal Barium Hydroxide on d-Glucose and d-Galactose. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 23. Easton, Pa.: Eschenbach Printing Co., 1910. DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY 281 Ralph Edwin Hall [1915-16], Associate in General Chemistry; Research Chemist, Carnegie Geophysical Laboratory. S.B. Ohio Wcsleyan University, 1907; S.M. ibid., iqoq; A.M. Ohio State Uni- versity, IQII. The Periodic System and the Properties of the Elements (with VV. D. Harkins) , Journal of I he A mcrican Chemical Society, XXX \' 1 1 1(1916), 169-221. Studies on the Cobaltammines: I, Various Ionization Types as Deter- mined by the Freezing-Point Lowering in A(|uc<)us Solution, To- gether with Conductance Measurements (with W. D. Harkins and W. A. Roberts), ibid., 2643-58. The Free Energy of Dilution and the Freezing-Point Lowerings in Solu- tions of Some Salts of Various Types of Ionization, and of Salt Mixtures (with W. D. Harkins), ibid., 2658-76. Willis Boit Holmes [1900-1904; 1905-6], Associate in Chemistry; Chemist, Ames Laboratories, Fremont, Ohio. A.B. Harvard, 1896; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins, 1899; Research and Laboratory Assistant, Chicago, 1900-1904; Professor of Chemistry, Montana, 1905; .Asso- ciate in Chemistry, Chicago, 1905-6. Ueber der amorj^hen Schwefel: I, Der Einfluss des amorphen Schwefels auf den Gefrierpunkt des flussigen Schwefels (with A. Smith), Zeit- schrift fiir physikalische Chemie, XLII (1903), 469-80; II, Ueber zwei fliissige Aggregatzustiinde des Schwefels, SA and S/x, und deren Uebergangspunkt (with A. Smith and E. S. Hall), ibid., LII (1905), 602-25; same article, in English, Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXVII (1905), 797-820. Raymond Foss Bacon [1904], Research Assistant; Director of Mellon Institute of Industrial Research, University of Pittsburgh. S.B. DePauw, 1899; Ph.D. Chicago, 1904. On the Reactions of Sodium Benzhydrol. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 32. Easton, Pa.: Eschenbach Printing Co., 1905. Roy Hutchison Brownlkk [1901-7], Assistant in Chcmi.'^try. See under University High School, p. 491. Cil\rles MacDonald Carson [1906-8], Research Assistant in Chemis- try; Professor of Chemistry, Houghton School of Mines, Houghton, Mich. .\.B. Toronto, 1S9S; Ph.D. Chicago, 1906. 282 PUBLICATIONS On Amorphous Sulphur: Further Study of the Two Forms of Liquid Sul- phur as Dynamic Isomers. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 21. Easton, Pa.: Chemical Publishing Co., 1907. George Oliver Curme, Jr. [1911-13], Assistant in Organic and Ana- lytical Chemistry: Assistant Professor of Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh, and Research Chemist, Mellon Institute of Industrial Research. A.B. Northwestern, 1909; S.B. Chicago, 1911; Ph.D. ibid., 1913; Assistant in Organic and Analytical Chemistry, ibid., 1911-13. The Thermal Decomposition of Symmetrical Diarylhydrazines — A Reaction on the First Order. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 33. Easton, Pa.: Eschen- bach Printing Co., 1913. Die Umwandlung von Hydrazobenzol im Azobenzol und Anilin, eine Reaktion erster Ordnung (with Julius Stieglitz), Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft, XL VI (1913), 911-20. Ira Harris Derby [1903-4], Assistant in Quantitative Analysis; Assistant Professor of Chemistry, University of Minnesota. S.B. Harvard, 1899; Ph.D. Chicago, 1910. Studies in Catalysis: IV, The Catalysis of Imidoesters. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 39. Easton, Pa.: Eschenbach Printing Co., 1908. A Study of Hydrolysis by Conductivity Methods (with Julius Stieglitz), American Chemical Journal, XXXI (1904), 449-58. Richard Blair Earle [1902-3] Research Assistant in Chemistry; Research Chemist, Hood Rubber Co., Watertown, Mass. S.B. Worcester Polytechnic, 1897; Sc.D. Harvard, 1902; Research Assistant in Chemistry, Chicago, 1902-3. The "Beckmann Rearrangement," III and IV (with Julius Stieglitz), American Chemical Journal, XXX (1903), 399-421. Oskar Eckstein [1905-7], Research Assistant in Chemistry; Director, Scientific Department, Hoflman-LaRoche Chemical Works, New York City. Abiturientenexamcn, Munich, 1897; Doctor ^s Sciences Physiques, Geneva, 1900; Research Assistant in Chemistry, Chicago, 1905-7. Ueber die Bildung von C. Acylderivaten aus Cyanessigsaure durch An- wendung von Chinolin und Pyridin (with A. Michael), Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft XXXVIII (1905), 50-53. DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY 283 A Method of Measuring Electric Currents in Solutions, Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXV'll (1905), 759-61. Der Mont Blanc, Deutsche Alpenzeitung, V (1905), 20-45. Ueber Naphtylenoxyde, Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft, XXXVIII (1905), 3660-64. Ueber Chinolinchlorhydrat und die Einwirkung von Siiurechloriden auf Chinolin, ibid., XXXIX (1906), 2135-38. Elliot Snell Hall [1904-6], Research Assistant in Chemistry; 127 Forest Ave., Jamestown, N.Y. A.B. .\mhcrst, 1896; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins, 1904; Research .Vssistant in Chemis- try, Chicago, 1904-6. Ueber den amorphen Schwefel: II, Ueber zwei flussige Aggregatzustande des Schwefels, SA. und S/a, und deren Uebergangspunkt (with A. Smith and W. B, Holmes), Zeitschrijt fiir physikalische Chemie, LII (1905), 602-25; same article, in English, Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXVII (1905), 797-820. Edmund Charles Humpiiery [191 2-1 5], Assistant in General Chemistry; Research Chemist, Federal Dyestuff and Chemical Co., Kingsport, Tenn. S.B. Westminster College, 1909; S.M. Chicago, 1912; Ph.D. ibid., 1915; .-Vssist- ant in General Chemistry, ibid., 191 2-15. The Drop Weight Method for the Determination of Surface Tension. Doctor's iJiesis. 8vo, 21. Easton, Pa.: Eschenbach Printing Co., 1916; also published in Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXXVIII (1916), 228-46. Disodium Monohydrogen Phosphate and Its Hydrates: Their Solubil- ities and Transition Temperatures (with A. W. C. Menzies), Proceed- ifigs of the Eighth International Congress of Applied Chemistry, II (1912), 175-78. James Wright Lawrie [1904-8], Research .\ssistant in Chemistry; Chief Chemist, Wm. F. Jobbins, Inc., Aurora, 111. S.B. Chicago, 1904; Ph.D. ibid., 1906. The Chemistry of the Acetyl idene Compounds. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 26. Easton, Pa.: Eschenbach Printing Co., 1906. 284 PUBLICATIONS Paul Nicholas Leech, Jr. [1911-13], Research Assistant in Chemistry; Research Chemist, American Medical Association, Chicago. A.B. Miami, 1910; S.M. Chicago, 1911; Ph.D. ibid., 1913; Research Assistant in Chemistty, ibid., 1911-13. A Color Reaction of Hypochlorites with M ethylaniline and Ethylani- line. The Molecular Rearrangement of Triarylmethylhydroxylamines and the " Beckmann Rearrangement" of Ketoximes. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 35. Easton, Pa.: Eschenbach Printing Co., 1914; also pub- lished in Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXXV (19 13), 1042-45; XXXVI (1914), 272-301, Edwin Daniel Leman [191 2-1 5], Assistant in Physical Chemistry; Research Chemist, Carnotite Reduction Co., Chicago. S.B. Chicago, 1912; Ph.D. ibid., 1915; Assistant in Physical Chemistry, ibid., 1912-15, Ueber die Zerfallskonstante von Aktinium X (with H. N. McCoy), Physikalische Zeitschrift, XIV (1913), 1280-82. The Relation between Alpha Ray Activities and Ranges in the Actinium Series (with H. N. McCoy), Physical Review, New Series, IV (1914), 409-19. The Relation between the Alpha Ray Activities and Ranges of Radium and Its Short-lived Products (with H. N. McCoy), ibid., VI (1915), 184-91. Stewart Joseph Lloyd [1908-10], Assistant in Chemistry; Professor of Chemistry and Metallurgy, University of Alabama. A.B. Toronto, 1904; Ph.D. Chicago, 1910; Assistant in Chemistry, ibid., 1908-10. Studies in Radio- Activity. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 23. Chicago: Privately printed, 19 10. Agnes Fay Morgan [1913-14], Research Assistant in Chemistry; Assistant Professor of the Chemistry of Nutrition, University of California. S.B. Chicago, 1904; S.M. ibid., 1905; Ph.D. ibid., 1914; Research Assistant in Chemistry, j'iid., 1913-14. Ash Content of Canned Vegetables, Journal of Home Economics, VII, (1915), 72-77. DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY 285 Herman Augustus Spokiir [1909-10], Laboratory Assistant in Chem- istry; Chemical Plant Physiologist, Carnegie Institution of Wash- ington, Desert Laboratory, Tucson, Ariz. S.B. Chicago, 1906; Ph.D. ibid., 1909; Laboratory Assistant in Chemistry, ibid., 1909-10. On the Behavior of the Ordinary Ilexoses toward Hydrogen Peroxide in the Presence of Alkaline Hydroxides, as Well as of Various Iron Salts. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 30. Easton, Pa.: Eschenbach Printing Co., 1910. Charles Herman Viol [1912], Assistant in Physical Chemistry; Direc- tor, Ratiium Research Laboratory, Standard Chemical Co., Pitts- burgh. S.B. Purdue, 1907; Ph.D. Chicago, 191 2; .\ssistant in Physical Chemistry, ibid. 1912. The Chemical Properties and Relative Activities of the Radio-Products of Thorium. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 27. Chicago: Privately printed, 1914. Ernest Dana Wilson [19 14-15], Assistant in General Chemistry; Research Chemist, Mellon Institute of Industrial Research, Pitts- burgh. S.B. Xebraska, 1913; Ph.D. Chicago, 1915; Assistant in General Chemistry ibid., 1914-15- The Structure of the Atom: Part I, Recent Work on the Structure of the Atom; Part II, The Changes of Mass and Weight Involved in the Formation of Comple.v Atoms; Part III, The Structure of Complex Atoms. The Hydrogen-Helium System. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 58. Easton, Pa.: Eschenbach Printing Co., 1916. Solomon Farley Agree, Ph.D. 1902; Chief, Section of Derived Products, United States Forestry Products Laboratory, and Pro- fessor of Chemistry of Forest Products, University of Wisconsin. On Sodium Phenyl and the Action of Sodium on Ketones. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 2^. Easton, Pa.: Chemical Publishing Co., 1903. Maxwell Adams, Ph.D. 1904; Professor of Chemistry, University of Nevada, Reno. On Some Ilydroxylaminc Compounds. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 24. Easton, Pa.: Chemical Publishing Co., 1902. 286 PUBLICATIONS George Cromwell Ashman, Ph.D. 1908; Professor of Chemistry, Bradley Institute, Peoria, 111. Studies in Radio- Activity. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 22. Peoria, 111.: Beehive Press, 1908. Wallace Appleton Beatty, Ph.D. 1902. The Action of Carbon Monoxide on Sodium Alcoholates Alone and in the Presence of Salts of Fatty Acids. Doctor's thesis. American Chemical Journal, XXX (1903), 224-44. Roy Hutchison Brownlee, Ph.D. 1906. See under University High School, p. 491. William McAfee Bruce, Ph.D. 1904; Manager, Eastern Arkansas Demonstration Farm, Blackton, Ark. On the Oxygen Ethers of Urea. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 36. Easton, Pa.; Chemical Publishing Co., 1904, Clifford Daniel Carpenter, Ph.D. 191 5; Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Teachers College, Columbia University. The Addition Compounds of Organic Substances with Sulfuric Acid. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 20. Easton, Pa.: Eschenbach Printing Co., 1914. Emma Perry Carr, Ph.D. 1910; Professor of Chemistry, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass. Methods for the Quantitative Analysis of Animal Tissues (with W. Koch), Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXXI (1909), 1341-55- Elbert Edwin Chandler, Ph.D. 1910; Professor of Chemistry, Occi- dental College, Los Angeles, Cal. The Ionization Constants of the Second Hydrogen Ion of Dibasic Acids. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 32. Easton, Pa.: Eschenbach Printing Co., 1908. Review in: Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXVIII, 1266-67. Clyde Coleman, Ph.D. 1915; Chemist, Federal Dye Stuff and Chemical Co., Kingsport, Tenn. DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY 287 Studies on the Behavior of the Alkali Metal Formates in (Anhydrous) Formic Acid. Doctor's thesis. Easton, Pa.: Eschenbach Printing Co., 1916; also published in Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXXX'ITI (1916), 277-80. WiLLEY Denis, Ph.D. 1907; Chemist, Massachusetts General Hos- pital, Boston. On the Behavior of Various Aldehydes, Ketones and Alcohols toward Oxidiz- ing Agents. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 36. Easton, Pa.: Eschenbach Printing Co., 1907. The Rate of Diffusion of the Inorganic Salts of the Blood, American Journal of Physiology, XVII (1906), 35-41. William Lloyd Evans, Ph.D. 1905; Professor of Chemistry, Ohio State University, Columbus. On the Behavior of Benzoyl Carbinol towards Alkalies and Oxidizing Agents. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 32. Easton, Pa.: Eschenbach Printing Co., 1906. Henry Max Goettsch, Ph.D. 1906; Associate Professor of Technical Chemistry, University of Cincinnati. The Absorption Coeficients of Uranium Compowuis. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 25. Easton, Pa.: Eschenbach Printing Co., 1906. Nellie Esther Goldthwaite, Ph.D. 1904. On Substituted Benzhydrol Derivatives and Bronicyanacetic Ether. Doc- tor's thesis. Svo, 26. Easton, Pa.: Chemical Publishing Co., 1903. Louis Allen Higley, Ph.D. 1907; Professor of Chemistry, New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts, State College, N.M. The Behavior of Sodium and of Sodium Alcoholates toward Various Esters of Acetic Acid. Doctor's thesis. Svo, ^i. Easton, Pa.: Eschen- bach Printing Co., 1907. Willis Stose Hilpert, Ph.D. 1006; The Miner Laboratories, Chicago. Stereoisomer ic Chlorimido Acid Esters. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 47. Easton, Pa.: Eschenbach Printing Co., 190S. 288 PUBLICATIONS WiNFORD Lee Lewis, Ph.D. 1909; Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Northwestern University. On the Action of Fehling's Solution on Malt Sugar. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 21. Easton, Pa.: Eschenbach Printing Co., 1909. William McCracken, Ph.D. 1905; Professor of Chemistry, State Normal School, Kalamazoo, Mich. Studies in Catalysis: V, The Catalysis of Imidoesters. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 30. Easton, Pa.: Eschenbach Printing Co., 1908. Arthur Wesley Martin, Ph.D. 1914. See under University High School, p. 494. William Cabler Moore, Ph.D. 1910; Research Chemist, National Carbon Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Organic Amalgams: Substances with Metallic Properties Composed in Part of Non-metallic Elements. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 19. Easton, Pa.: Eschenbach Printing Co., 191 1. William Tudor Pearce, Ph.D. 1916. Ionization and Solubility: I, Relation of Salts of Higher Types, Inter- mediate Ions in Solutions of Uni-bivalent Salts, and of Lanthanum lodate, a Triunivalent Salt; II, The Effect of Salts upon the Solu- bility of Other Salts. The Solubility Relations of Some Extremely Soluble Salts. Doctor's thesis. Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXXNlll (1916), 2679-2709, 2714-17. Peter Powell Peterson, Ph.D. 1909; Head of the Department of Soils, College of Agriculture, University of Idaho, Moscow. Stereoisomeric Chlorimido Ketones. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 21. Easton, Pa.: Eschenbach Printing Co., 191 1. Harley Martin Plum, Ph.D. 1914; Professor of Agricultural Chemistry, University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Extraction and Separation of the Radioactive Constituents of Carnotite. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 23. Chicago: Privately j)rinte(l, 1915. Paul David Potter, Ph.D. 191 2; Chief Chemist, Sprague, Warner & Co., Chicago. DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY 289 The Two-Components System, Water-Arsenic Pcntoxide. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 20. Easton, Pa.: Eschenbach Printing Co., 191 2. William Horace Ross, Ph.D. 1907; Scientist, Bureau of Soils, U.S. Department of Agriculture. On the Relation between the Radioactivity and the Composition of Thorium and Uranium Minerals. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 29. Halifax, N.S.: McAlpine Publishing Co., 1907. Eugene Paul Sciiocir, Pn.D. 1902; Professor of Physical Chemistry, University of Te.xas, Austin. The Red and the Yellow Mercuric Oxides and the Mercuric Oxychlorides. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 24. Easton, Pa.: Chemical Publishing Co., 1903. James Kuhn Se.ntior, Pji.D. 1917. The Molecular Rearrangement of Triarylmcthylazides. The Molecu- lar Rearrangement of 5yw.-6/i-Triarylmethylhydrazines. Doctor's thesis. Journal of the A mcrican C/iemical Society, XXXVIII ( 1 9 1 6) , 271S-36. Edwin Emery Slosson, Ph.D. 1902; Associate, School of Journalism, Columbia University; Literary Editor of The hidependent. On Acylhalogenamine Derivatives and the " Beckmann Rearrangement." Doctor's thesis. Svo, 32. Easton, Pa.: Chemical Publishing Co., 1903. Clare Chrisman Todd, Ph.D. 1914; Professor and Acting Head of the Department of Chemistry, Washington State College, Pullman. On the Action of Alkaline Hydrogen Peroxide on d-Galactose. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 27. Easton, Pa.: Eschenbach Printing Co., 1914. Henry Taber Upson, Ph.D. 1903; President and Treasurer, Pease Oil Co., BulTalo, N.Y. The Molecular Rearrangement of Amino phcnylalkyl Carbonates. Doctor's thesis. Svo, ;^^. Easton, Pa.: Chemical Publishing Co., 1904. Franklin Lorenzo West, Ph.D. 191 i; Professor of Physics, Utah Agricultural College, Logan. 290 PUBLICATIONS Physical and Chemical Properties of Some Organic Amalgams. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 28. Easton, Pa.; Eschenbach Printing Co., 191 1. OswiN William Willcox, Ph.D. 1904; Technical Chemist, New York. On the Reactions of Ethyl Chlorsulphonate. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 2;^. Easton, Pa.: Chemical Publishing Co., 1904. Francis William Bushong, Graduate Student. Esters of Sulphuric Acid and of Chlorsulphonic Acid, American Chemical Journal, XXX (1903), 212-24, R. P. Calvert, Graduate Student. Studies in Conductivity; I, The Conductivity of Ammonia in (An- hydrous) Formic Acid I. ''Formic Acid Hydrolysis" (with H. I. Schlesinger), Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXXIII (1911), 1924-33. George L. Clark, Graduate Student. Binary and Ternary Systems of the Nitrates of the Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals (with W. D. Harkins), Journal of the American Chemi- cal Society, XXXVII (1915), 1816-28. The Orientation of Molecules in the Surfaces of Liquids, the Energy Relations at Surfaces, Solubility, Adsorption, Emulsification, Molec- ular Association, and the Effect of Acids and Bases on Interfacial Tension (Surface Energy VIII) (with W. D, Harkins and E. C. H. Da vies), ibid., XXXIX (19 17), 364-96. N. N. DuTT, Graduate Student. The Liquidus Surface of the Ternary System Composed of the Nitrates of Potassium, Sodium, and Calcium (with A. W. C. Menzies), Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXXIII (1911), 1366-75. Max Darwin Slimmer, Graduate Student. The Constitution of Purpuric Acid and of Murexide (with Julius Stieg- litz), American Chemical Journal, XXXI (1904), 661-79, DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY 291 THE DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AXl) 1\\LE0XT0L0GY Thomas Ciirowder Chambeklin [1892-], Professor and Head of the Department of Geology. A.B. Beloit, 1866; Ph.D. Michigan, 1882; Ph.D. Wisconsin 1882; LL.D. Michigan, 1887; LL.D. Beloit. 1809; LL.D. Columbian, 1882; LL.D. Wisconsin, 1Q04; LL.D. Toronto, IQ13; Sc.I). Illinois, 1Q05; Professor of Natural Science, State Normal School, Whitewater, Wis., 1869-73; Professor of CJcology, Beloit, 1873-82; Professor of Geology, Columbian, 1885-87; President, Wisconsin, 1887-92; Professor and Head of the Department of Geolog>', Chicago, 1892-. President, Chicago Academy of Sciences, 1897-1915; President, Illinois Academy of Science, 1907; President, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1908-9; Member, National Academy of Sciences. Editor in General Charge, Journal of Geology, 1893-1912; Joint Editor, ibid., 1913-. Assistant State Geologist of Wisconsin, 1873-76; Chief Geologist, ibid., 1876-82; Geologist, United States Geological Survey, 1882- 1908; Geologist to Peary Expedition, 1894; Consulting Geologist, Wisconsin Geological Survey; Commissioner, Illinois Geological Survey; Investigator of Fundamental Problems of Geology, Carnegie Institution, 1902-9; Research Associate, Carnegie Insti- tution, 1909-; Consulting Geologist, United States Geological Survey, 1908-; Member, Commission for Oriental Educational Investigation, 1908-9. Geology. Vol. I, Geologic Processes and Their Results; Vol. II, Earth- History: Genesis-Paleozoic; Vol. Ill, Earth History: Mesozoic- Cenozoic (with R. D. Salisbury). 8vo, xix-l-654, xxvi+692, xi-(-624. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1904, 1906. College Geology (with R. D. Salisbury), xvi-l-978. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1909. Glacial Map of North America. Chicago: Rand McNally & Co., 1913. Introductory Geology (with R. D. Salisbury). 8vo, 70S. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1914. The Origin of the Earth. i2mo, xi+271. Chicago: University Press, 1916. The Geologic Relations of the Human Relics of Lansing, Kansas, Journal of Geology, X (1902), 745-79- Studies for Students: the Criteria Requisite for the Reference of Relics to a Glacial Age, ibid., XI (1903), 64-85. 292 PUBLICATIONS The ^lethods of the Earth Sciences, Popular Science Monthly, LXV (1904), 66-75. Fundamental Problems of Geology, Yearbook of the Carnegie Institution, III (1905), 117-18. Fundamental Problems of Geology: Report of Progress, ihid., IV (1905), 171-90. On a Possible Reversal of Deep-Sea Circulation and Its Influence on Geologic Climates, Publications of the Franklin Bicentennial Celebra- tion, American Philosophical Society, 1906. The Functions of a Scientific Academy (Address at Semi-centennial Celebration of the Academy of Science of St. Louis), Academy of Science of St. Louis, 1906. The Fault Problem, Economic Geology, II (1907), 585-600; 704-24. Early Terrestrial Conditions Which May Have Favored Organic Syn- thesis (with RoUin T. Chamberlin), Science, XXVIII (1908), 897-911. Supplementary Atmospheres. "Contribution to Symposium on the Atmosphere." Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science, I (1908), 71-75. The Former Rates of Rotation of the Earth and Their Bearings on Its Deformation. "Contributions to Cosmogony and the Fundamental Problems of Geology," Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publica- tion No. 107 (1909), 5-59. Soil Wastage, Proceedings of a Conference of Governors in the White House, Washington, D.C., May 13-15, 1908 (1909), 75-83. The Bearing of Molecular Activity on Spontaneous Fission in Gaseous Spheroids. "Contributions to Cosmogony and the Fundamental Problems of Geology," Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publica- tion No. 107 (1909), 163-67. The Chinese Problem, Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science, III (1910), 1-9. Certain Valley Configurations in Low Latitudes (with Rollin T. Cham- berlin), Journal of Geology, XVIII (1910), 117-24. The Reform of the Calendar, Science, XXXII (1910), 757-59. Soil Productivity, ibid., XXXIII (191 1), 225-27. DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY 293 Certain Phases of Glacial Erosion (with RolHn T. Chambcrlin), Journal of Geology, XIX (1911), 193-217. The Bearings of Radioactivity on Geology, ibid., 673-95; see also Vol. IV of the Transactions of the Illinois Slate Academy of Science, 191 1. The Future Habitability of the Earth, Smithsonian Report for 1910, 371-89. Geology, Cyclopedia of Education, III (191 2), 36-47. Report of Progress to Carnegie Institution, Yearbook of the Carnegie Institution, XII (1913). The Shelf Seas of the Paleozoic, and Their Relations to Diastrophism and Geological Systems, Congrh geologique international, XII (1913), 539-53- Diastrophism and the Formative Processes: I. Introduction, Journal of Geology, XXI (191 3), 517. II. Shelf Seas and Certain Limitations of Diastrophism, ibid., 523-36. III. The Lateral Stresses within the Continental Protuberances and Their Relations to Continental Creep and Sea Transgression, ibid., 577-87. IV. Rejuvenation of the Continents, ibid., 673-82. V. The Testimony of the Deep-Sea Deposits, ibid., XXII (1914), 131-44- VI. Foreset Beds and Slope Deposits, ibid., 268-74. VII. Periodicity of Paleozoic Orogenic Movements, ibid., 315-45. VIII. The Quantitative Element inCircum-Continental Growth, ibid., 516-28. Contributions from Allied Sciences to Geologic Fundamentals, ibid., XXI (1913), 279-83. The Planetesimal Hypothesis, Scientia, XVI (1914), 165-86. Symposium on the Earth: Its Figure, Dimensions, and the Constitu- tion of Its Interior: I. The Interior of the Earth from the View Point of Geology, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, LIV (1915), 279-S9. 294 PUBLICATIONS The Evolution of the Earth: I, Earth Genesis; II, Earth Growth (third series of lectures on the W. E. Hale Foundation, National Academy of Sciences, 1915), Scientific Monthly, II (1916), 417-37, 536-56. Reviews of: Brower, Kakabikansing, Journal of Geology, X, 794-98; Leverett, Comparison of North American and European Glacial Deposits, ibid., XVIII, 470-74. Other reviews in Journal of Geology, XII, 753-56; XVI, 191-92; 387-89, 496-99, 777-78; XXII, 286-87; XXIII, 477-78; 5amce, XXXIV, 72-73. Joseph Paxson Iddings [1892-1908], Professor of Petrology; United States Geological Survey, Washington, D.C. Ph.B. Sheffield Scientific School, 1877; Sc.D. Yale, 1907; Associate Professor of Petrology, Chicago, 1892-95; Professor, ibid., 1895-1908. Member, Board of Editors, Journal of Geology, 1893-1909; Associate Editor, ibid., 191 2-. Assistant, United States Geological Survey, 1880-88; Geologist, ibid., 1888-92, 1895. Rock Minerals. 8vo, xii+548. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1906. A Fracture Valley System, Journal of Geology, XII (1904), 94-105. Quartz-Feldspar-Porphyry {Graniphyro Liparose-Alaskose) from Llano, Texas, ibid., 225-31. The Isomorphism and Thermal Properties of the Feldspars. Part II, Optical Study, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication No. 31 (1905), 76-95. The Texture of Igneous Rocks (with Whitman Cross, L. V. Pirsson, and H. S. Washington), Journal of Geology, XIV (1906), 692-707. Richard Alexander Fullerton Penrose, Jr. [1892-95; absent on leave, 1896-19 10], Professor of Economic Geology; Board of Trustees, University of Pennsylvania. A.B. Harvard, 1884; Ph.D. ibid., 1886; Associate Professor of Economic Geology, Chicago, 1892-95; Professor, ibid., 1896-1910. Associate of University Museum, Harvard, 1903-6; Member, International Jury of Awards in the Gold Section, Department of Mines, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; Member, Committee on Hayden Memorial Award, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. Member, Board of Editors, Journal of Geology, 1903-11; Member, PubUcation Committee of American Philosophical Society, 1906-. Member, United States Geological Survey, 1894-96. DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY 295 The Tin Deposits of the Malay Peninsula, etc., with Special Reference to Those of the Kinta District, Journal of Geology, XI (1903), 135-54. Gold Mining in Arctic America, Engineering and Mining Journal, LXXVI (1903), 807-9; 852-53. The Witwatersrand Gold Region, Transvaal, South Africa, as Seen in Recent Mining Developments, Journal of Geology, XV (1907), 735-49. The Premier Diamond .Mine, Transvaal, Economic Geology, II (1907), 275-84- The Gold Regions of the Strait of Magellan and Tierra del Fuego, Journal oj Geology, XVI (1908), 683-97. Memoir of Persifor Frazer, Bulletin of the Geological Society of A merica, XXI (1909), 5-12. The Nitrate Deposits of Chile, Journal of Geology, XVIII (1910), 1-32. Some Causes of Ore-Shoots, Economic Geology, V (1910), 97-133. RoLLix D. Salisbury [1892-], Professor of Geographic Geolog}' and Head of the Department of Geography; Dean of the Ogden Graduate School of Science. See under Department of Geography, p. 313. Stuart Weller [1895-], Professor of Paleontologic Geology. S.B. Cornell, 1894; Ph.D. Yale, 1901; Assistant Professor of Paleontologic Geology, Chicago, 1902-8; Associate Professor, ibid., 1908-15; Professor, ibid., 1915-- Member, Board of Editors, Journal of Geology, 1899-. Paleontologist to Geological Survey of New Jersey, 1899-1907; Geologist, Geological Survey of Illinois, 1906-; Assistant Geologist, United States Geological Survey, 1901-6; Geologist, ibid., 1906-. A Report on the Paleozoic Paleontology of New Jersey. Svo, .\+462, 53 plates. Geological Survey of New Jersey. Trenton, N.J., 1903. The Geological Map of Illinois. Pj). 26 and map. Bulletin of the Illinois State Geological Survey, No. i (1906); 2d ed., pp. 34 and map, ibid., No. 6 (1907). Urbana: University of Illinois. A Report on the Cretaceous Paleontology of Xcw Jersey. Svo, 87 1, III plates. Geological Survey of New Jersey. Trenton, N.J., 1907. The Mississippian Brachiopoda of the Mississippi Valley Basin. 4to, 50S, 83 plates. Illinois State Geological Survey, Monograph I. Urbana: University of Illinois, 1914. 296 PUBLICATIONS Crotalocrinus Cora (Hall), Journal of Geology, X (1902), 532-34. The Stokes Collection of Antarctic Fossils, ibid., XI (1903), 413-19. The Classification of the Upper Cretaceous Formations and Faunas of New Jersey, ihid., XIII (1905), 71-84; published also in Atmual Report of the Geological Survey of New Jersey (1904), 145-59. A Fossil Starfish from the Cretaceous of Wyoming, Journal of Geology, XIII (1905), 257-58. Paraphorhynchus, a New Genus of Kinderhook Brachiopoda, Transac- tions of the St. Louis Academy of Sciences, XV (1905), 259-61. The Fauna of the Cliff wood Clays, Journal of Geology, XIII (1905), 324-37; published also in Annual Report of the Geological Survey of New Jersey (1904), 133-44. The Northern and Southern Kinderhook Faunas, Journal of Geology, XIII (1905), 617-34. Kinderhook Faunal Studies: IV. The Fauna of the Glen Park Limestone, Transactions of the St. Louis Academy of Sciences, XVI (1906), 435-71, plates VI-VII. V. The Fauna of the Fern Glen Formation, Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, XX (1909), 265-333, plates X-XV. Descriptions of New Species of Ordovician Fossils from China, Proceed- ings of the United States National Museum, XXXII (1907), 557-63. The Paleontology of the Niagaran Limestone in the Chicago Area. The Trilobita, Bulletin of the Natural History Survey of the Chicago Academy of Science, IV, Part II (1907), 155-281, plates XVI-XXV. Notes on the Geology of Southern Calhoun County, Bulletin of the Illinois State Geological Survey, No. 4 (1907), 219-33. The Pre-Richmond Unconformity in the Mississippi Valley, Journal of Geology, XV (1907), 519-25. The Salem Limestone, Bulletin of the Illinois State Geological Survey, No. 8 (1908), 81-102. Correlation of the Middle and Upper Devonian, and the Mississippian Faunas of North America, Journal of Geology, XVII (1909), 257-85. Description of a Permian Crinoid Fauna from Texas, ibid., 623-35, I plate. DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY 297 Internal Characters of Some Mississippian Rhynchonclliform Shells, Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, XXI (1910), 497-516. Genera of Mississippian Loop-Bearing Brachiopoda, Journal of Geology, XLx: (191 1), 439-48. Stratigraphy of the Chester Group in Southwestern Illinois, Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science, V'l (1913), 118-29. A Report on Ordovician Fossils Collected in Eastern Asia in 1903-4, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication No. 54 (1913), 277-94, plates XXV-XXVI. Anticlinal Structure in Randolph County, Bulletin of the Illinois State Geological Survey, No. 31 (191 5), 69-70. The Ste. Genevieve Formation and Its Stratigraphic Relations in Southeastern Iowa (with F. M. Van Tuyl), Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science, XXII (1916), 241-47. Atactocrinus, a New Crinoid Genus from the Richmond of Illinois, Contributions from Walker Museum, I, No. 10 (1916), 239-41, plate XV. Description of a Ste. Genevieve Limestone Fauna from Monroe County, Illinois, ibid., 243-65, plates XVI-XIX. Review in': Journal of Geology, XVII, 300-302. Samuel Wendell Williston [1902-], Professor of Paleontology; Director of Walker Geological Museum. S.B. Kansas Agricultural College. 1872; M.D. Yale, 1880; Ph.D. ibid., 1885; Sc.D. ibid., 191 3; Professor of .\natomy, Yale, 1886-90; Professor of Historical Geology and .Anatomy, and Dean of the Medical School, Kansas, i890-i902- Professor of Paleontology, Chicago, 1902-; Director of Walker Museum, ig\b-. Member, Kansas State Board of Health and Kansas Board of Medical Kxamina- tion, 1S9S-1Q02; President, Kansas .Vcademy of Science, 1897; Member, Na- tional Academy of Sciences. Member, Board of Editors, Journal of Geology, 1904-. Manual of Xorth American Diptcra. i2mo, 412. New }la\en: J. T. Hathaway, 1908. American Permian Vertebrates. 8vo, 145, 39 plates. Chicago: Uni- versity Press, 1911. Permocarbonifcrous Vertebrates of New Me.xi^o (with E. C. Case and M. G. Mchl). 4to, 80, 4 plates. Carnegie Institution of Washing- ton, Publication No. 181 (1913). 298 PUBLICATIONS Water Reptiles oj the Past and Present. 8vo, 251. Chicago: University Press, 1914. A Fossil Man from Kansas, Science, XVI (1902), 196-97. On the Skull of Nyctodactyliis, An Upper Cretaceous Pterodactyl, Journal of Geology, X (1902), 520-35. An Arrow-Head Found with Bones of Bison occidentalis Lucas in Western Kansas, American Geologist, XXX (1902), 313-15. The Laramie Cretaceous, Science, XVI (1902), 952. The Lansing Man, Transactions of the Western Congress of Americanists (1902), 85-89. On the Occurrence of an Arrow-Head with Bones of an Extinct Bison, American Geologist, XXX (1902), 313-315. The Fossil Man of Lansing, Kansas, Popular Science Monthly, LXII (1903), 463-73- The Structure of the Plesiosaur Skull, Science, XVII (1903), 219. North American Plesiosaurs. Part I, Publications of the Field Columbian Museum (Geological Series), II (1903), 1-77, plates I-XXIX. On the Osteology of Nyctosaurus (Nyctodactylus) with notes on American Pterosaurs, ibid., 125-63, plates XL-XLIV. Some Osteological Terms, Science, XVIII (1903), 829. The Fingers of Pterodactyls, London Geological Magazine (V), I (1904), 58-59. The Temporal Arches of the Reptilia, Biological Bulletin, VII (1904), 175-92. Stomach Stones of the Plesiosaurs, Science, XX (1904), 355. The Relationships and Habits of the Mosasaurs, Journal of Geology, XII (1904), 43-51. Notice of New Reptiles from the Upper Trias of Wyoming, ibid., 688-97. The Hallopus, Baptanodon, and Atlantosaurus Beds of Marsh, ibid., XIII (1905), 338-50. A New Armored Dinosaur from the Upper Cretaceous of Wyoming, Science, XXII (1905), 503, 504. American AmphicocHan CrocodWcs, J our nal of Geology ,yilV (1906), 1-17. DEPARl MKM" 01 (.EOLOGY 299 North American Plesiosaurs: Elasniosaiirus, Cimoliasaurus, and Poh- colylus, American Journal of Science (1906), 221-36, plates I-IV. The Great Plains, School Science and Mathematics, VI (1906), 641-51. Some Common Errors in the Nomenclature of the Dijjterous Wing, Psyche, XIII (1906), 154-57. The Classification of the Culicidae, Canadian Entomologist, XXWIII (1906), 384-88. Dipterological Notes, Journal of the New York Entomological Society^ XV (1907), 1-2. The First Reviser of Species, Science, XXV (1907), 790-91. On the Skull of Brachauchenius, and the Relationships of the Plesiosaurs, Proceedings of the United States National Museum, XXXII (1907), 15, 4 plates. The Antennae of Diptera: A Study in Phylogeny, Biological Bulletin^ XIII (1907), 324-32. What Is a Species ? American Naturalist, XLII (1908), 184-94. The Cotylosauria, Journal of Geology, XVI (1908), 139-48. Lysorophus, a Permian Urodele, Biological Bulletin, XV (1908), 229-40. North American Plesiosaurs: Trinacromerum, Journal of Geology, XVI (1908), 715-36. The Faunal Relations of the Early Vertebrates, ibid., X\'II (1909), 389-402. New or Little-known Permian Vertebrates — Trematops, ibid., 636-58. New or Little-known Permian Vertebrates — Pariotichus, Biological Bulletin, XVII (1909), 241-55. Has the American College Failed to Fulfil Its Function ? Journal of Proceedings and Addresses of the National Eilucation Association (1909), 526-32. The Skull and Extremities of Diplocaulus, Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, XXI (1909), 122-31, plates I-V. The Skull of Labidosaurus, American Journal of Anatomy, X (1910), 69-S4, i^latcs I-III. Cacops, Desmospondylus, New Genera of Permian \'ertebrates, Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, XXI (1910), 249-84, plates VII-XIX. 300 PUBLICATIONS Dissorophys Cope, Journal of Geology, XVIII (1910), 226-36. A Mounted Skeleton of Platecarpus, ibid., 237-41. New Permian Reptiles: Rhachitomous Vertebrae, ibid., 585-600. The Birth-place of Man, Popular Science Monthly, LXVI (19 10), 585-91. A New Family of Permian Reptiles from New Mexico, American Journal of Science, XXXI (1911), 378-98. Restoration of Seymouria baylorensis Broili, an American Cotylosaur, Journal of Geology, XIX (1911), 232-37. Permian Reptiles, Science, XXXIII (191 1), 631-32. Wing-Finger of Pterodactyls, with Restoration of Nyctosaurus, Journal of Geology, XIX (191 1), 696-705. Permo-Carboniferous of Northern New Mexico (with E. C. Case), ibid., XX (1912), 1-12. A Description of the Skulls of Diadectes lentus and Animasaurus carinatus (with E. C. Case), Americun Journal of Science, XXXIII (191 2), 339-48. Ten Years' Progress in Vertebrate Paleontology: Evolutionary Evi- dences, ^m/Zc^w of the Geological Society of America, XXIII (1912), 257-62. Restoration of Limnoscelis, a Colytosaur Reptile from New Mexico, American Journal of Science, XXXIV (191 2), 457-68. Primitive Reptiles: A Review, Journal of Morphology, XXIII (191 2), 637-63- The Pelycosaurian Mandible, Science, XXXVIII (1913), 512. Ancestral Lizard from the Permian of Texas, ibid., 825-26. Ostodolepis brevispinatus, a New Reptile from the Permian of Texas, Journal of Geology, XXI (1913), 363-66. The Primitive Structure of the Mandible in Amphibians and Reptiles, ibid., 625-27. Broiliellus, a New Genus of Amphibians from the Permian of Texas, ibid., XXII (1914), 49-56. Restorations of Some American Permocarboniferous Amphibians and Reptiles, ibid., 57-70. DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY 301 The Osteology of Some American Permian Vertebrates, I, ibid., 364-419; II, Contributions from Walker Museum, II, No. 9 (1916), 161-92. Trimerorhachis, a Permian Temnospondyl Amphibian, Journal oj Geology, XXIII (191s), 246-55. New Genera of Permian Reptiles, American Journal of Science, XXXIX (1915), 575-79- Synopsis of the .\merican Permocarboniferous Tetrapoda, Contributions from Walker Museum, II, No. 9 (1916), 193-236. The Skeleton of Trimerorhachis, Journal of Geology, XXIV (1916), 291-97. Reviews in: Science, XXXIII, 250-52; Journal of Geology, XVI, 775-77; XIX, 616-64; XX, 91-94, 288; Yale Review, 1914. Wallace Walter Atwood [1899-1913], Associate Professor of Physiog- raphy and General Geology; Professor of Physiograjjhy, Harvard University, and Geologist, United States Geological Survey. S.B. Chicago, 1S97; Ph.D. ibid., 1903; Instructor in Physiography and Matlie- matics, Lewis Institute, 1897-99; Assistant Professor of Physiography and General Geology, Chicago, 190S-10; .Associate Professor, ibid., 1910-13. Member, Board of Editors, Journal of Geology, 191 2-. Assistant Geologist, United States Geological Survey, 1901-9; Geologist, Illinois Geological Survey, 1906-13; Geologist, United States Geological Survey, 1910-13; Member, Illinois State Park Commission, igii-12. Physical Geography of the Evanston-Waukegan Region (with J. W. Gold- thwait). Svo, 102, 14 plates. Bulletin of the Illinois State Geologi- cal Survey, No. 7, 1908. Interpretation of Topographic Maps (with R. D. Salisbur>'). 4to» 84, 170 plates. United States Geological Survey, Professional Paper 60, Washington, 190S. Glaciati^n of the Uinta and Wasatch Mountains. Doctor's thesis. 4to, 96. United States Geological Survey, Professional Paper 61, Washington, 1909; see also Journal of Geology, XV (1907), 790^804. The Geology and Mineral Resources of Parts of the Alaska Peninsula. 8vo, 137, 14 plates. Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey, No. 467, Washington, 1911. The Glaciation of San Francisco Mountain, Arizona, Journal of Geology, XIII (1905), 276-79. 302 PUBLICATIONS Red Alountain: A Dissected Volcanic Cone, Journal oj Geology, XIV (1906), 138-46. Lakes of the Uinta Mountains, Bulletin of the American Geographical Society, XL (1908), 12-17. Alaska and Its Wealth, World To-Day, XIV (1908), 587-98. Mineral Resources of Alaska, Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey, No. 379c (1909), 108-52. Prospecting in Alaska, University of Chicago Magazine, III (19 10), 53-57- A Selected List of Topographic Maps Illustrating Physiographic T>'pes, Special Publication of the United States Geological Survey, 19 10. The First- Year Science Course in High School, School Review, XIX (1911), 119-23. Physiographic Studies in the San Juan District of Colorado, Journal of Geology, XIX (191 1), 449-53- A Geographic Study of the Mesa Verde, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, I (1912), 95-100. The Evidence of Three Distinct Glacial Epochs in the Pleistocene History of the San Juan Mountains, Coloxdido, Journal of Geology, XX (1912), 385-409. Some Triassic Fossils from Southeastern Alaska, ibid., 653-55. The Atwood Celestial Sphere, Bulletin of the Chicago Academy of Sciences j IV (1913), 9-36. Review in: School Review, XIX, 576-78. William Harvey Emmons [1903-12], Associate Professor of Economic Geology and Mineralogy; Professor and Head of the Department of Geology, University of Minnesota, and Director of the JMinnesota Geological Survey. A.B. Central CoIIckc, 1897; Ph.D. Chicago, 1904; Assistant Professor of Eco- nomic Geology and Mineralogy, ibid., 1908; Associate Professor, ibid., 1909-12. Member, Board of Editors, Journal of Geology, 191 2-; Associate Editor, Economic Geology, 191 1-. Geologist, United States Geological Survey, 1910-15 ; Member, Com- mittee on Economic Geology, American Institute of Mining Engi- neers, 1914-; Member, United States Geological Survey, 1904-15. DEPARTMENT OF CEOLOGY 303 Geology and Ore Deposits of the Bullfrog District, Xevada (with F. L. Ransome and G. H. Garrey). .Svo, 130. Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey, Xo. 407 (1909). Some Ore Deposits in Maine and Milan Mine, New Hampshire. Svo, 62. Ibid., No. 432 (1910). A Reconnaissance of Some Mining Districts in Elko, Lander, and Eureka Counties, Xevada. Svo, 130. Ibid., No. 408 (19 10). Geology of the Haystack Stock, Cowles, Park County, Montana. Doctor's thesis. Journal of Geology, XVI (1908), 193-229. Secondary Enrichment in the Granite Bimetallic Mine, Philipsburg, Montana, Science, XXVII (190S), 925. Gold Deposits of the Little Rocky Mountains, Montana, Bulletin of the United Slates Geological Survey, No. 340 (1908), 96-1 17. A Genetic Classification of Minerals, Economic Geology, III (1908), 611-27. Some Regionally Metamorphosed Deposits and the So-called Segregated Veins, Economic Geology, IV (1909), 755-81. Outcrops of Ore Bodies, Mining and Scientific Press, XCIX (1909), 751- 54, 782-87; published also in Types of Ore Deposits, San Francisco (1911), 299-323. A Preliminary Report on the Mineral Deposits of Ducktown, Tennessee, ibid.. No. 470 (191 1), 151-72. The Agency of Manganese in the Superficial Alteration and Secondar)' Enrichment of Gold Deposits in the United States, Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, XLII (191 1), 3-73; published also in Ore Deposits, New York (1913), 759-828; and in Journal of Geology, XIX (191 1), 15-46. Albert Joh.\nnsen [1910-], Associate Professor of Petrolog>'. S.B. Illinois, 1S94; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins, 1903; Assistant Professor of Petrology, Chicago, 1910-14; Associate Professor, ibid., 1914-. Member, Board of Editors, Journal of Geology, 1910-. Assistant Geologist, Uniteil States Geological Survey, 1903-; Acting Chief, Section of Petrology, ibid., 1907-10. A Manual of Petrographic Methods. Svo, .x.wiii-f 649, 770 figs. New York: McGraw-IIill Book Co., 1914. 304 PUBLICATIONS Translation of Ernst Weinschenk's Fundamental Principles of Petrology, 8vo, X+214, 137 figs., 6 plates. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., igi6. Some Simple Improvements for a Petrographical Microscope, American Journal of Science, XXIX (1910), 435-38. Petrographic Terms for Field Use, Journal of Geology, XIX (191 1), 317-23- A Dra wing-Board with Revolving Disk for Stereographic Projection, ibid., 752-55. An Accessory Lens for Observing Interference Figures of Small Mineral Grains, ibid., XXI (1913), 96-98. Petrographic Analysis of the Bridger, Washakie, and Other Eocene Formations of the Rocky Mountains, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, XXXIII (1914), 209-22. Suggestions for a Quantitative Mineralogical Classification of Igneous Rocks, Journal of Geology, XXV (1917), 63-97. Reviews in: Journal of Geology, XVIII, 476-83, 576-78, 580-82; XIX, 181-88, 283, 462-63, 464-65, 466-68; XX, 80-82, 84-88, 89-90, 479; XXII, 189-92, 275-85, 437-40, 529-33, 625-29, 725-2S. J Harlen Bretz [1914-], Assistant Professor of Geology. A.B. Albion, 1905; Ph.D. Chicago, 1913; Assistant Professor of Geology, Wash- ington, 1913-14; Assistant Professor of Geology, Chicago, 1915-. Glaciation of the Puget Sound Region. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 244. Bul- letin of the Washington Geological Survey, No. 8 (1913). Olympia, Wash.: Frank M. Lamborn. Pleistocene of Western Washington (abstract). Bulletin of the Geologi- cal Society of America, XXVI (1915), 131. Albert Dudley Brokaw [191 2-], Assistant Professor of Mineralogy and Economic Geology. S.B. Chicago, 1908; Ph.D. ibid., 1913; Assistant Professor of Mineralogy and Economic Geology, ibid., 1914-. The Solution of Gold in the Surface Alterations of Ore Bodies, Journal of Geology, XVIII (1910), 321-26. The Secondary Precipitation of Gold in Ore Bodies. Doctor's thesis. /61V., XXI (1913), 251-67. DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY 305 The Precipitation of Gold by Manganous Salts, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, V (1913), 560-61; published also in Mining and Scientific Press, CVII (1913), 149-50. Zonal Weathering of a Hornblende Gabbro (with Leon P. Smith), Journal of Geology, XXIV (1916), 200-205. A Stage Attachment for the Metallographic Microscope, ibid., 718-19. Oil Investigations in Illinois in 19 16. Parts of Saline, Williamson, Pope, and Johnson Counties, Illinois Slate Geological Survey Bulletin, No. 35 (1917), 19-37- Reviews in: Journal of Geology, XX, 678-80; XXI, 756-57. Other reviews in Chemical Abstracts. RoLLiN Thomas Chamberlin [1904-], Assistant Professor of Geology. S.B. Chicago, 1903; Ph.D. ibid., 1907-, Assistant Professor of Geology, ibid., 1914-. Member, Board of Editors, Journal of Geology, 191 2-. Assistant Geologist, United States Geological Survey, 1907-; Member, Commission for Oriental Educational Investigation, 1908-9; Member of Brazilian Iron Survey, 1911-12. The Gases in Rocks. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 80. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication No. 106 (1908). Notes on Explosive Mine Gases and Dusts, with Special Reference to E.t- plosions in the Monongah, Darr, and Naomi Coal Mines. 8vo, 65. Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey, No, 2)^^ (1909)- The Glacial Features of the St. Croix-Dalles Region, Journal of Geology^ XIII (1905), 238-56. Early Terrestrial Conditions Which May Have Favored Organic Synthesis (with T. C. Chamberlin), Scioue, XXVIII (1908), 897-911. Certain Valley Configurations in Low Latitudes (with T. C. Chamber- lin), Journal of Geology, XVIH (1910), 117-24. The Appalachian Folds of Central Pennsylvania, ibid., 22S-51. The Older Drifts in the St. Croix Region, ibid., 542-48. Travel in the Interior of China, University of Chicago Magazine, II (1910), 150-55. Populous and Beautiful Szechuan, National Geographic Magazine, XXH (1911), 1094-1119. 3o6 PUBLICATIONS Certain Phases of Glacial Erosion (with T. C. Chamberlin), Journal of Geology, XIX (1911), 193-217. The Physical Setting of the Chilean Borate Deposits, ibid., XX (191 2), 763-68. Periodicity of Paleozoic Orogenic Movements, /&/(/., XXII (1914), 315-45. The Geology of Central JNIinas Geraes, Brazil (with E. C. Harder), Part I, ibid., XXIII (1915), 341-78; Part II, ibid., 385-424. Reviews of: Joly, Radioactivity and Geology, Journal of Geology, XVIII, 568-70; Woodworth, Geological Expedition to Brazil and Chile, ibid., XXI, 284-87. Other reviews in Journal of Geology, XVIII, 99-102, 295-96, 391, 566-68; XIX, 91-94, 184, 282, 384, 473-76; XX, 772-73; XXI, 372-73, 375-76; XXII, 91-92; XXIII, 379; XXIV, 298- 99; A stro physical Journal, 'KXXNlll, 20^-b; XXXIX, 184. Maurice Goldsmith Mehl [1915], Instructor in Paleontology; Profes- sor of Geology and Paleontology, University of Oklahoma. S.B. Chicago, 191 1 ; Ph.D. z6j(f., 1914; Instructor, z6w/., 1915. Permocarboniferous Vertebrates of New Mexico (with S. W. Williston and E. C. Case). 4to, 80, 4 plates. Carnegie Institution of Wash- ington, Publication No. 181 (1913). Pantylus Cordatus Cope, Journal of Geology, XX (1912), 21-27, 2 figs. Mranenosaurus ? Reedii, Sp. Nov. and Tricleidus ? Laramiensis Knight, x^merican Jurassic Plesiosaurs, ibid., 344-52, 3 figs. The Phytosauria of the Trias. Doctor's thesis. Ibid., XXIII (1915), 129-65. Eugene Austin Stephenson [1913-], Instructor in Geology. S.B. Adrian College, 1905; Ph.D. Chicago, 1915; Assistant in Geolog>', ibid., 1913; Instructor, ibid., 1914-. Studies in Hydrothermal Alteration, I. Doctor's thesis. Journal of Geology, XXIV (19 16), 180-99. Arthur Carleton Trowbridge [1907-11], Instructor in Geology; Professor of Geology, State University of Iowa, Iowa City. S.B. Chicago, 1907; Ph.D. ibid., 191 1; Laboratory Assistant in Geology, ibid., 1907-8; Assistant, ibid., 1908-9; Instructor, ibid., 1909-11. Field Assistant, Illinois Geological Survey, Summer, 1907; Geologist, ibid., 19 10. DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY 307 The I liter pretation of Topographic Maps (in collaboration with R. D. Salisbury). Laboratory Manual. i2mo, 64. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1913. Studies in Geology (with R. D. Salisbury). 1 2mo, 68. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1913. Historical and Structural Geology (with R. D. Salisbury), i2mo, 76. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1913. The Terrestrial Deposits of Owens Valley, California. Doctor's thesis. Journal of Geology, XIX (191 1), 706-47. The Geology and Geography of the Wheaton Quadrangle, Bulletin of the Illinois Stale Geological Survey, No. 19 (1912), 1-79. Edson Sunderland Bastin [1903-5], Research Assistant in Geology; Geologist, United States Geological Survey, Washington, D.C. A.B. Michigan, 1902; Ph.D. Chicago, 1909; Research Assistant in Geology, ibid., 1903-5. Note on Baked Clays and Natural Slags in Eastern Wyoming, Journal of Geology, Xlll (1905), 408-13. Chemical Composition as a Criterion in Identifying Metamorphosed Sediment. Doctor's thesis. Journal of Geology, XVII (1909), 445-72. James Harold Hante [19 14-15], Assistant in Geology; State Univer- sity of Iowa, Iowa City. S.B. Northwestern, 1901; Instructor in Chemistrj', Washington, 1905-7; In- structor in Mathematics, ibid., 1906-7; .Assistant in Geology, Chicago, 1914-15. Assistant and Associate Geologist, United States Geological Survey, 1910-15. Notes on the Occurrence and Use of Flint Clay, Mineral Resources of the United Slates, II (1913), 639-48. Use of the Slide Rule in the Computation of Rock Analyses, Journal of Geology, XXIII (1915), 560-68. J Claude Jones [1907-10], Research Assistant in Geology-; Professor of Geology, University of Nevada, Reno. A.B. Illinois, 1902; Research .\ssistant in Geology, Chicago, 1907-10. Field Assistant, Illinois Geological Survey, 1906-9. Drainage about Springfield, Illinois, Bulletin of the Illinois Stale Geo- logical Survey, No. 8 (1908), 68-70. 3o8 PUBLICATIONS James Henry Lees [1904-6], Research Assistant in Geology; Assistant State Geologist, Iowa Geological Survey. A.B. Coe College, 1901; S.M. Iowa, 1903; Ph.D. Chicago, 1915; Research Assistant in Geology, ibid., 1904-6. The Skull of Paleorhinus, a Wyoming Phytosaur, Journal of Geology, XV (1907), 121-51. The Geological History of the Des Moines River Valley. Doctor's thesis. Iowa Geological Survey, XXV (1914), 423-615. Raymond Cecil Moore [1915-16], Assistant in Geology; Professor of Geology, University of Kansas, and Kansas State Geologist. A.B. Denison, 1913; Ph.D. Chicago, 1916; Assistant in Geology, ibid., 1915-16. Geology and Coal Resources of the Area Southwest of Custer, Yellow- stone and Bighorn Counties, Montana (with G. Sherburne Rogers, Wallace Lee, and A. H. Sloan), Bulletin of the United States Geo- logical Survey, No. 541, 316-23. Reviews in: Journal of Geology, XXIV (1916), 98-104, 206-8. William Clestton Alden [1904-12], Docent in Field Geology; Geologist, United States Geological Survey, Washington. A.B. Cornell, 1893; S.M. Chicago, 1898; Ph.D. ibid., 1903; Docent in Geology, ibid., 1904-12. Assistant Geologist, United States Geological Survey, 1901-. The Delavan Lobe of the Lake Michigan Glacier of the Wisconsin Stage of Glaciation and Associated Phenomena. Doctor's thesis. 4to, 106, 15 plates. Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey, Pro- fessional Paper 34, 1904. Description of the Chicago District. Chicago Folio (Illinois-Indiana), No. 81, pp. 1-14, Geologic Atlas of the United States; United States Geological Survey, 1902. Eliot Blackwelder, Ph.D. 1914; Professor of Geology, University of Wisconsin. Post-cretaceous History of the Mountains of Central Western Wyoming, Doctor's thesis. Journal of Geology, XXIII (1915), 97-217, 307-40. Edwin Baykr Branson, Ph.D. 1905; Professor of Geology and Chair- man of the Department of Geology and Geography, University of Missouri. DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY 309 Note on Some Carboniferous Cochliodonts, with Descriptions of Seven New Species, Journal of Geology, XIII (1905), 20-34, 2 plates. Structure and Relationships of American Labyrinthodontidae. Doctor's thesis. Ibid., 568-610, 6 plates, 8 figs. Edward Moore Jackson Burwasii, Ph.D. 1915; 26 Akin Avenue, Toronto, Canada). On Some New Species of Marine Invertebrates from the Cretaceous of the Queen Charlotte Islands, Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, 1913, Section IV, 77-89. 3 plates. Pleistocene Vulcanism of the Coast Range of British Columbia, Journal of Geology, XXII (1914), 260-67. Stephen Reid Capps, Jr., Ph.D. 1907; Geologist, United States Geo- logical Survey, Washington. Pleistocene Geology of the Leadville Quadrangle, Colorado. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 99. Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey, No. 386 (1909). Pleistocene Geology of the Sawatch Range near Leadville, Colorado (with E. de K. Leffingwell), Journal of Geology, XII (1904), 698-706. The Girdles and Hind Limb of Holosaurus abruptus Marsh, ibid., XV (1907), 350-56. Fred Harvey Hall Calhoun, Ph.D. 1902; Professor of Geology, Clemson College, South CaroUna. The Montana Lobe of the Keewatin Ice Sheet. Doctor's thesis. 4to, 62, 7 plates. United States Geological Survey, Professional Paper 50. Washington, 1906. Joel Ernest Carman, Ph.D. 1915; Professor of Geology, Ohio State University. The Pleistocene Geology of Northwestern Iowa. Doctor's thesis. Iowa Geological Survey. In Press. Harold Caswell Cooke, Ph.D. 191 2; Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa. The Secondary Enrichment of Silver Ores. Doctor's thesis. Journal of Geology, XXI (1913), 1-28. 310 PUBLICATIONS NE\r[N I\i. Fenneman, Ph.D. 1902; Professor of Geology, University of Cincinnati. On the Lakes of Southeastern Wisconsin. 8vo, 178, 36 plates. Bulletin of the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, No. 8 (1902). Allen DA\^D Hole, Ph.D. 1910; Professor of Geology and Curator of the Joseph Moore Museum, Earlham College, Richmond, Ind. Glaciation in the Telluride Quadrangle, Colorado. Doctor's thesis. Journal of Geology, XX (1912), 502-29, 605-39, 7io~37- George Frederick Kay, Ph.D. 1914; State Geologist and Head of the Department of Geology, State University of Iowa, Iowa City. The Geology and Ore Deposits of Riddle Quadrangle, Oregon. Doctor's thesis. United States Geological Survey. In Press. KiRTLEY Fletcher Mather, Ph.D. 1915; Assistant Professor of Geology, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada. The Fauna of the Morrow Group of Arkansas and Oklahoma. Doctor's thesis. Bulletin of the Scientific Laboratories of Denison University, xvm (1915), 59-284. Roy Lee Moodie, Ph.D. 1908; Assistant Professor of Anatomy, Uni- versity of Illinois. The Relationship of the Turtles and Plesiosaurs. Science Bulletin of the University of Kansas, IV (1908), 317-27. The Ancestry of the Caudate Amphibia, American Naturalist, XLII (1908), 361-73. The Dawn of Quadrupeds in North America, LXXII (1908), 558-66. Vertebrate Paleontology: The Lysorophidae; Stegocephalia; Cotylo- sauria; The Oldest Known Reptile; The Age of the Gaskohle; Bison occiden talis ;Nectosaurus; Callibrachion, American Naturalist, XLIII (1909), 116-24. The Carboniferous Quadrupeds: Those of Kansas, Ohio, Illinois, and Pennsylvania in Their Relation to the Classification of the So- called Amphibia and Stegocephalia, Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, XXII (1909), 239-47. DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY 311 A Contribution to a Monograph of the Extinct Amphibia of North America. New Forms from the Carboniferous. Doctor's thesis. Journal of Geology, XVII (1909), 38-82. The Microsauria, Ancestors of the Replilia, Geological Magazine, VI (1909), 216-20. New or Little-known Forms of Carboniferous Amphibia in the .\merican Museum of Natural History, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, XXVI (1909), 347-57. Elwood S. Moore, Ph.D. 1909; Professor and Head of the Department of Geology and Mineralogy, State College, Pennsylvania. Geology of the Onaman Iron Range Area, District of Thunder Bay, Ontario. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 60. Reprinted from the Eighteenth Report of the Bureau of Mines, Ontario, Part I, 1909. Alfred Reginald Schultz, Ph.D. 1905, Geologist, Mineral Division of Land Classification Board, United States Geological Survey, Washington. The Underground atid Surface Water Stipplies of Wisconsin (with S. Weidman). Doctor's thesis, xxii+664. Bulletin of the Wis- consin Geological and Natural History Survey, No. 35 (1915). Madison, Wis. Luther Crocker Snider, Ph.D. 1915; Oil Geologist, Tulsa, Okla. I, The Geology of a Portion of North-Eastern Oklahoma; II, The Paleontology of the Chester Groups in Oklahoma. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 122, 7 plates. Bulletin of the Oklahoma Geological Survey, No. 24, Norman, Okla., 1915. Clinton Raymond Stauffer, Ph.D. 1909; Associate Professor of Geology, University of Minnesota. The Middle Devonian of Ohio. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 204, 17 i)lates. Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Ohio, Fourth Series, Xo. 10, Springfield, Ohio, 1909. The Devonian Section on Ten Mile Creek, Lucas County, Ohio, Oh io Naturalist, VIII (1908), 271-7O. 312 PUBLICATIONS t George William Tight, Ph.D. 1902. The Origin and Development of the Ohio River. Doctor's thesis. United States Geological Survey, Washington, 1904. John Littlefield Tilton, Ph.D. 19 10; Professor of Geology, Simpson College, Indianola, Iowa. The Pleistocene Deposits in Warren County, Iowa. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, iv+41. Chicago: University Press, 191 1. Charles W. Tomlinson, Ph.D. 1916. The Origin of Red Beds: A Study of the Conditions of Origin of the Permocarboniferous and Triassic Red Beds of the Western United States, I, Journal of Geology, XXIV (1916), 153-79; II> ibid., 238-53. Joseph Bertram Umpleby, Ph.D. 1910; Geologist, United States Geological Survey, Washington. Geology and Ore Deposits of the Republic Mining District. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 65. Bulletin of the Washington Geological Survey, No. I (1910), Olympia, Wash. Frank Alonzo Wilder, Ph.D. 1902; Mining Engineer, North Hol- ston, Va. The Age and Origin of the Gypsum of Central Iowa. Doctor's thesis. Journal of Geology, XI (1903), 723-48. Herrick East Wilson, Ph.D. 1913; United States National Museum, Washington. Evolution of the Basal Plates in Monocyclic Crinoidea Camerata, I, Journal of Geology, XXIV (1916), 4S8-510, plates I-III; II, ibid.^ 533-53; III, ibid., 665-84. George Charlton Matson, Graduate Student. A Contribution to the Study of the Interglacial Gorge Problem, ibid., XII (1904), 133-51- Peridotite Dikes near Ithaca, New York, ibid., XIII (1905), 264-75. Reviews: Ibid., XIII, 277, 376-77. t Deceased. DEPARTMENT OF GEOCiRAI'HY 313 Leon P. Smith, Graduate Student. Zonal Weathering of a Hornblende Gabbro (with Albert D. Brokaw), ibid., 200-205. Abram Ovvem Thomas, Graduate Student. A New Crinoid Fauna from Monticello, Iowa, Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science, XXII (1916), 289-91, i plate. Some Unique Niagaran Cephalopods, ibid., 292-300, 2 plates. THE DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY RoLLiN' D. Salisbury [1892-], Professor of Geographic Geology and Head of the Department of Geography; Dean of the Ogden Gradu- ate School of Science. Ph.B. Beloit, 1881; A.'Sl. ibid., 1S84; LL.D. ibid., 1904; Professor of General and Geographic Geology, Wisconsin, iSgi-Q2; Professor of Geographic Gcolog>', Chicago, 1892-; Dean of the Ogden Graduate School of Science, ibid., 1899-; Head of the Department of Geography, ibid., 1903-. Joint Editor (with T. C. Chamberlin), Journal of Geology, 1893-. Assistant, United States Geologist, Glacial Division, 1882-92; Geologist, United States Geological Survey, 1892-; Geologist in charge of Pleistocene Geology of New Jersey, 1891-1910. Geology. Vol. I, Geologic Processes and Their Results; Vol. II, Earth History: Genesis-Paleozoic; Vol. Ill, Earth History: Mesozoic- Cenozoic (with T. C. Chamberlin). 8vo, xLx+654, xxvi-f 692, xi-f- 624. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1904, 1906. Physiography. 8vo, xx+770, 707 figs., 26 plates. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1907. Physiography, Briefer Course, viii+531, 469 figs., 24 plates. N'ew York: Henry Holt & Co., 1908. The Interpretation of Topographic Maps (with W. \V. Atwood). 4to, 84, 170 plates. United States Geological Survey, Professional Paper 60, Washington, 190S. College Geology (with T. C. Chamberlin). xvi+97S. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1909. Physiography, Elementary Course, xi+359. N^ew York: Henry Holt & Co., 1910. 314 PUBLICATIONS Elements of Geography (with H. H. Barrows and W. S. Tower). 8vo, Lx+6i6. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1912. The Interpretation of Topographic Maps (with A. C. Trowbridge). Lab- oratory Manual. i2mo, 64. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1913. Studies in Geology (with A. C. Trowbridge). i2mo, 68. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1913. Historical and Structural Geology (with A. C. Trowbridge). i2mo, 76. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1913. Modern Geography (with H. H. Barrows and W. S. Tower). Svo, Lx-f- 418. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1913. Introductory Geology (with T. C. Chamberlin). Svo, 708. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1914. Glaciation in the Big Horn Mountains (with Eliot Blackwelder), Journal of Geology, Xl (igo;^), 216-2^. Pleistocene Formations (New York City District). New York Folio, Geologic Atlas of the United States; United States Geological Survey, No. 83 (1904), 11-17. New Physiographic Terms, Journal of Geology, XII (1904), 707-15. The Mineral Matter of the Sea, Scottish Geographic Magazine, XXI (1905), 132-36. The Mineral Matter of the Sea, with Some Speculations as to the Changes Which Have Been Involved in Its Production, Journal of Geology, XIII (1905), 469-84. Glacial Geology (Bighorn Mountains), Cloud Peak-Fort McKinney Folio, pp. 9-12, United States Geological Survey, 1906. Earthquakes and Their Causes, World To-Day, X (1906), 614-16. The Origin of the Earth, ibid., XV (1908), 750-58. Quaternary System (Passaic Region). Passaic Folio (New Jersey-New York), pp. 14-20, Geologic Atlas of the United States; United States Geological Survey, 1908. Quaternary System (Franklin Furnace Region). Franklin Furnace Folio (New Jersey), pp. 13-18, ibid., 1908. Quaternary System (Trenton Region). Trenton Folio (New Jersey- Pennsylvania), pp. 15-17, ibid., 1909. DEI'ARTMKNT OF GEOGRAPHY 315 Quaternary Svstem (Philadelphia Region). In Collaboration with G. X. Knapj). Phila(leli)hia Folio (Pennsylvania-Xew Jersey-Delaware), pp. 12-15, ibid., 1Q09. The Teaching of Geography — A Criticism and a Suggestion, Educational Bi-Mont/ily, III (iQoq), 356-63. Physical Geography of the Pleistocene with Special Reference to the Correlation of Pleistocene Formations, Journal of Geology, X\'II (1909), 589-99. Physiography in the High School, Journal of Geography, IX (1910), 57-63. The Round Table Conference of the Association of American Geog- raphers, 1910, Educational Bi-Monthly, V (1911), 402-6. Geology of the Quaternary Period (Raritan Region), Raritan (X.J.) Folio, United Slates Geological Survey, 1914. Reviews in: Bulletin of the American Geographical Society, XXXVI, 702-5; Journal of Geology, X, ^27,-24; XII, 176, 563-64, 5O4-65; XIII, 87-88; XXIII, 380. Harlan H. Barrows [1903-], Professor of Geography. S.B. Chicago, 1903; Pd.M. (hon.) Michigan Normal College, 191 2; .\ssistant Professor of Geology, Chicago, 1908-10; Associate Professor of Geography, ibid., 1910-14; Professor, ibid., 1914-. Elements of Geology (with Eliot Blackwelder). ismo, 475. Xew York: American Book Co., 191 1. Elements of Geography (with R. D. Salisbury and W. S. Tower). Svo, i.\+6i6. X"ew York: Henry Holt & Co., 191 2. Modern Geography (with R. D. Salisbury and W. S. Tower). Svo, ix+418. X"ew York: Henry Holt & Co., 1913. Geography of the Middle Illinois Valley, xii+125. Illinois Slate Geological Survey, 1910. Springtield, 111. Roosevelt Dam and the Salt River Valley, Journal of Geography, XI (1913), 277-84. John P.\ul Goode [1903-], Professor of Geography, S.B. Minnesota, 1S99; Ph.D. Pennsylvania, 1901; Professor of Natural Sciences, State Normal School, Moorhcad, Minn., 1SS9-9S; Professor of Physical Science and Geography, Kastern Illinois Slate Normal School, Charleston, 1899-1901; Assistant Professor of Geography, University of Pennsylvania, 1901-3; -Vssistant Professor of Geography, Chicago, 1903-10; .Associate Professor, ibid., 1910-17; Professor, ibid., 1017-. Lecturer at the Summer Assembly at Baguio, 1911; General Secretary, .American Association for the .Advancement of Science, 1906; Yice-President of the .Asso- ciation of .American Geographers, 19 16-. 3i6 PUBLICATIONS Associate Editor, Journal of Geography, 1901-10; Contributing Editor, ibid., 191 1-; Editor, "Regional Geographies of the United States," 1916-. ISIember, Chicago Harbor Commission for the Investigation of the Ports of Europe, 1908-9 (Report: What the Ports of Europe Are Doing; and Chicago^ s Commercial Opportunity. 8vo, 103); Convoy for the Commercial Commissioners of Japan in their American tour, 1909. Lantern Slide Illustrations for the Teaching of Meteorology. Bulletin No. 3, Geographic Society of Chicago (editor with H. J. Cox). Svo, 130. Chicago: University Press, 1906. A Series of Outline Maps: (i) The World: on Merca tor's projection; (2) North America: on an equal-area projection; (3) South America: Sanson's projection; (4) Europe: conic projection; (5) Asia: Lambert's equal area; (6) Africa: Sanson's projection; (7) Austral- asia: Mercator's projection; (9) America (U.S.): conic projection; (10) America (U.S.): state outHnes only; conic projection; (14) The British Isles: conic projection; (16) Europe, Western and Southern: conic projection; (17) France: conic projection; (18) The Spanish Peninsula: conic projection; (19) Italy: conic projection ; (20) Cen- tral Europe: conic projection; (21) The German Empire: conic projection; (24) The Levant: conic projection; (32) Map of America (U.S.) showing all counties with names; (33) Chicago and Vicinity. In two sizes: 8X10^, 15X10^ inches. Chicago: University Press, 1912-. Physical Wall Map of Europe, 66"X46". Scale 1:4,500,000=70 miles per inch. Chicago: Rand McNally & Co., 1913. Political Wall Map of Europe, 66"X46". Scale 1:4,500,000=70 miles per inch. Ibid., 19 13. Physical Wall Map of North America, 46"X66". Scale 1:6,167,209 = 97 miles per inch. Ibid., 1914. Political Wall Map of North America, 46"X66". Scale 1:6,167,209 = 97 miles per inch. Ibid., 1914. Physical Wall Map of Eurasia, 66"X46". Scale i : 9,376,330= 148 miles per inch. Ibid., 1914. Political Wall Map of Eurasia, 66"X46". Scale i : 9,376,330= 148 miles per inch. Ibid., 1914. DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY 317 Physical Wall Map of Africa, 66"X46". Scale 123 miles per inch. Ibid., 19 1 5. Political Wall Map of Africa, 66"X46". Scale 123 miles per inch. Ibid., 191 5. Physical Wall Map of South America, 46"X66". Scale 1:6,167,209 = 97 miles per inch. Ibid., 19 15. Political Wall Map of South America, 46"X66". Scale 1:6,167,209 = 97 miles per inch. Ibid., 1915. Physical Wall Map of the United States of America, 66"X46". Scale 1:3,000,000 = 47.6 miles per inch. Ibid., 1915. Political Wall Map of the United States of America, 66"X46". Scale 1:3,000,000 = 47.6 miles per inch. Ibid., 191 5. Physical Wall Map of the World on Mercator's Projection, 66"X46". Scale 1:26,294,400 = 415 miles per inch. Ibid., 1915. Political Wall Map of the World on Mercator's Projection, 66"X46". Scale 1:26,294,400 = 415 miles per inch. Ibid., 1915. Physical Map of Australia and the Philippines, 46"X66". Scale 1 : 5,639,040= 8g miles per inch. Ibid., 1916. Political Wall Map of Australia and the Philippines, 46"X66". Scale 1:5,639,040=89 miles per inch. Ibid., 1916. Physical Map of the World in Hemispheres, 46"X66". Ibid. In Press. Political Map of the World in Hemispheres, 46"X66". Ibid. In Press. Injuries to the Eye Caused by Intense Light, Science, XIV (1902), 433. Geographical Societies in America, ibid., XV (1902), 592. Home Geography: A Series of Eight Papers, School Xru's, XVI (1902-3). Geography in the Illinois Schools: Suggestions for a Course of Study, ibid. Geographical Societies in America, Journal of Geography, II (1903), 342-50. Rapid Memory Map Work, Xcw York Teachers' Monographs, V (1903), 64-70. Eighth Year Geography: A Series of Eight Papers, School Xews, XX'II (1903-4). 3i8 PUBLICATIONS Seventh Year Geography: A Series of Eight Papers, School News, XVIII (1904-5)- The Human Response to the Physical Environment, Journal of Geog- raphy, III (1904), 333-43; pubHshed also in Elementary School Teacher, IV (1904), 271-82. Plant Action in the Formation of Caves and Cliffs (with O. W. Caldwell), School Science and Mathematics, V (1905), 631-38. A New Method of Representing the Earth's Surface: The van der Grinten Projection, Journal of Geography, IV (1905), 369-73. A Model Series of Base Maps, ibid., 373-77. Commercial Geography in Secondary Schools, ibid., 425-32. Laboratory Work with the Sun, ibid., V (1906), 97-108. Commercial Geography for Secondary Schools, School Science and Mathematics, VII (1906), 569-77. The Use of the Lantern in Teaching Meteorology, Monthly Weather Review, XXXIV (1906), 263-64. The Commercial Factor and Its Place in General Geography, Educa- tional Bi-Monthly, I (1906), 129-32. The Story of the Manchester Ship Canal, World To-Day, XVI (1909), 617-25. A Study of Tropical Forests, Science, XXXII (1910), 23-24. Some Fundamental Principles of Japanese Education, School Review, XVIII (1910), 634-36. A Permanent Insular Exposition, Cable-News American, 191 1, pp. 50-97. The Forests of the Philippines, Bulletin of the American Geographical Society, XLIV (1912), 81-89. The Rio Theodoro, Colonel Roosevelt's New River, Journal of Geography, XIV (1915), 7-9- Reviews in: School Review, X, 64^-44; XIV, 457-58, 464; XV, 621- 22; Journal of Geology, XVIII, 565-66; Science, XXXII, 906-7, 95S~57; Annals of the American Association of Political and Social Science, X\A\, 35^~59> 373"74; Journal of Political Economy, XVI, 309-11; American Journal of Sociology, XVI, 129-30; Geographical Record, I, 68. DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY 319 Walter Sheldon Tower [191 i-], Professor of Geography. A.B. Harvard, 1Q03; Ph.D. Pennsylvania, 1906; Instructor in Geography, ilfid., 1906-8; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1908-11; Assistant Professor of Geog. raphy, Chicago, 1911-14; Associate Professor, 1914-17; Professor, ibid., 1917— Elements of Geography (with H. H. Barrows and R. D. Salisbury). 8vo, ix-f-6i6. Xew York: Henry Holt & Co., 191 2. Modern Geography (with H. H. Barrows and R. D. SaHsbury). 8vo, ix-l-418. Xew York: Henry Holt & Co., 1913. The Parana River, Journal of Geography, XI (191 2), 119-26. The Economic Resources of Chile, Bulletin of the Pan-.lmerican Union. XXXVI (1913), 207-23. The Nitrate Fields of Chile, Popular Science Monthly, LXXXIll (19 13), 209-30. Notes on the Commercial Geography of South America, Bulletin of the American Geographical Society, XLV (1913), 881-901. The Question of Field Work in Geography, Journal of Geography, XII (1914), 345-49- A Journey through Argentina, Bulletin of the Geographical Society of Philadelphia, XII (1914), 89-113. The Purpose of Political Geography, School Science and Mathematics, XV (1915), 134-40. The Andes as a Factor in South American Geography, Journal of Geog- raphy, XV (19 1 6), 1-8. Buying South American Goods as a Factor in Selling to South America, Journal of Political Economy, XXIV (19 16), 897-902. Wellington Downing Jones [1909-11; 1913-], Assistant Professor of Geography. S.B. University of Chicago, 1907; Assistant in Geography, ibid., 1909-11; Instructor, ibid., 1913-16; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1916-. Outline for Field Work in Geography (with Carl O. Sauer), Bulletin of the American Geographical Society, XLVII (1915), 520-25. Charles C. Colby [1916-], Instructor in Geography. B.Pd. Michigan Normal College, 1908; S.B. Chicago, 1009; Ph.D. Chicago, 1917; Professor of Geography, State Normal School, Winona, Minn., 1910-13; Associate Professor of Cieography, George Poabody College for Teachers, 1914- 16; Instructor in Geography, Chicago, 1916-. Contril)uting Editor, Journal of Geography, 1914-16. 320 PUBLICATIONS The Geography of Minnesota, Encyclopedia for High Schools. Chicago: Hanson-Bellows Co. The Driftless Area of Minnesota, Journal of Geography, XIV (1916), 165-67. Mary Jean Lanier [1910-17], Instructor in Geography; Wellesley College. S.B. Chicago, 1909; Assistant in Geography, ibid., 1910-12; Instructor, ibid., 1913-17. The Subject-Matter for an Elementary Course in Economic and Commercial Geography, Journal of Geography, XII (1914), 351-54. Frederick Valentine Emerson, Ph.D. 1907; Professor of Geology and Mineralogy, University of Louisiana, and Geologist to the Experi- ment Station, Baton Rouge, La. A Geographic Interpretation of New York City. Doctor's thesis. Part I, Bulletin of the American Geographical Society, XL (1908), 587-612; Part II, ibid., 726-38; Part III, ibid., XLI (1909), 3-21. Almon Ernest Parkins, Ph.D. 1914; Head of the Department of Geography, George Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville, Tenn. Historical Geography of Detroit. Doctor's thesis. Lansing, Mich.: Michigan Historical Commission. In Press. Carl Ortwin Sauer, Ph.D. 1915; Instructor in Geography, Uni- versity of Michigan. Geography of the Upper Illinois Valley and the History of Its De- velopment, Bulletin of the State Geological Survey of Illinois, 19 16, pp. 1-208. Outline for Field Work in Geography (with W. D. Jones), Bulletin of the American Geographical Society, XL VII (1915), 520-25. Stephen Sargent Visher, Ph.D. 1914; Professor of Geography, State Normal, Moorhead, Minn. The Biology of Northwestern South Dakota, Bulletin of the South Dakota Geological Survey, No. 6 (1914), 1-103. The Influence of the Biota and the Signiikancc of Biogeography, Bulletin of the American Geographical Society, XLVII (1915), 509-20. DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY 321 The Biogeography of the Northern Great Plains, Geographical Review, 11 (1916), 89-115. The Geography of South Dakota. Doctor's thesis. Bulletin of the South Dakota Geological Survey. In Press. THE DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY Frank Rattray Lillie [igoo-], Professor of Embryology and Chairman of the Department of Zoology. A.B. Toronto, 1891; Ph.D. Chicago, 1894; Instructor in Zoology, University of Michigan, 1894-99; Professor of Biology, Vassar, 1S99-1900; .Assistant Pro- fessor of Zoology and Embryology, Chicago, 1900-1902; Assistant Curator of Zoological Museum, ibid., 1902-; Associate Professor, ibid., 1902-7; Professor, ibid., 1907-; Chairman of Department of Zoology, ibid., 191 1-; Head of the Department of Kmbryology, >Iarine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, 1893- 1907; .Assistant Director, ibid., 1900-190S; Director, ibid., 1908-. President, .American Society of Zoologists, 1905-8; Vice-President, .American Society of Naturalists, 1914; President, ibid., 1915; Vice-President, .American Association for the .Advancement of Science, 19 14; ^lember, National .Academy of Sciences. Managing Editor, Biological Bulletin, 1902-; Member, Board of Editors, Journal of Morphology, 1903-9; Associate Editor, Journal of Experimental Zoology, 1904-. Laboratory Outline for the Study of the Embryology of the Chick and the Pig. isted., 1904; 2d ed., 1906; 3d ed. ,1913. Chicago: University Press. The Development of the Chick. A n Introduction to Embryology. 8vo, .\i-|- 472. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1908. E.x'pcrimental Studies on the Development of the Organs in the Embryo of the Fowl {Galliis domcsticus) : I. E.xperiments on the Amnion and the Production of Anamniote Embryos of the Chick, Biological Bulletin, V (1903), 92-124. II. The Development of Defective Embryos and the Power of Regeneration, ibid., VII (1904), 33-54- Observations and E.xperiments concerning the Elementary Phenomena of Embryonic Development in Chaetoptcrus, Journal of E.xperimcntal Zoology, III (1906), 153-268; with 76 te.xt figures and i plate. The Biological Significance of Sexual DilTerentiation — A Zoological Point of View, Science, XXY (1907), 372-76. Co-operation in Biological Research, ibid., XX\TI (1908), 369-72. 322 PUBLICATIONS On the Specific Gravity of the Constituent Parts of the Egg of Chaetop- terus and the Effect of Centrifuging on the Polarity of the Egg, Science, XXVII (1908), 905-7. A Contribution toward an Experimental Analysis of the Karyokinetic Figure, ibid., 907-8. Polarity and Bilaterality of the Annelid Egg: Experiments with Cen- trifugal Force, Biological Bulletin, XVI (1909), 54-79. Karyokinetic Figures of Centrifuged Eggs, ibid., XVII (1909), 101-19, The Theory of Individual Development, Popular Science Monthly, 1909* pp. 239-52. On the Teaching of the Elements of Embryology, Science, XXIX (1909), 932-34- The Fertilization Membrane of Nereis, ibid., XXXI (19 10), 464-65. Function of the Spermatozoon in Fertilization, from Observations on Nereis, ibid., 836. Studies of Fertilization in Nereis: I. The Cortical Changes in the Egg, Journal of Morphology, XXII (1911), 361-66. II. Partial Fertilization, ibid., 366-93. III. The Morphology of the Normal Fertilization of Nereis, Journal of Experimental Zoology, XII (1912), 413-27. IV. The Fertilizing Power of Portions of the Spermatozoon, ibid., 427-76. V. The Behavior of Spermatozoa of Nereis and Arbacia with Especial Reference to Egg-Extractives, ibid., XIV (1913), 515-74- VI. The Mechanism of Fertilization in Arbacia, ibid., XVI (1914), 524-90. VII. Analysis of Variations in the Fertilizing Power of Sperm Sus- pensions of Arbacia, Biological Bulletin, XXVIII (1915), 18-33. Charles Otis Whitman — An Appreciation, Science, XXXIII (191 1), 54-56- Charles Otis Whitman, Journal of Morphology (Whitman Memorial Volume), XXII (191 1), xv-lxxvi. DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY 323 The Penetration of the Spermatozoon and the Origin of the Sperm Aster in tlie Egg of Xcreis (abstract), Science, XXXV (1Q12), 471. The Production of Sperm Iso-agglutinins by Ova, ibid., XXXVI (191 2), 527-30- Brecfling Habits of the Heteronereis Form of Nereis limbala at Woods Hole, Mass. (with E. E. Just), Biological Bulletin, XXIV (1913), 147-68. The Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole, Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie und Ilydrographie, V (191 2), 583-89. The Mechanism of Fertilization, Science, XXXVHI (1913), 524-28. Sperm Agglutination and Fertilization, Biological Bulletin, XXMH (1915), 18-33. The Fertilizing Power of Sperm Dilutions of Arbacia, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, I (1915), 156-60. August Weismann (biographical sketch), American Museum Journal, XV (1915), 189-93. The History of the Fertilization Problem, Science, XLIII (1916), 39-53. The Theory of the Free-Martin, ibid., 611-13. fCHARLES Otis Whitman [1892-1910], Professor and Head of the Department of Zoology; Curator of the Zoological Museum. A.H. Bowdoin, 1868; Ph.D. Leipzig, 1878; LL.D. Nebraska, 1 804; Sc.D. (hon.) Bowdoin, 1894; Professor of Zoolog>', Imperial University of Japan, 1880-81; Professor of Zoolog>-, Clark University, 1889-92; Professor and Head of the Department of Zoology, Chicago, 1892-1910. Member, National .\cadcmy of Sciences; .Associate Fellow, .\merican .\cademy of .\rts and Sciences; Foreign Member of the Linnaean Society. Editor, Journal of Morphology, Biological Bulletin, and Biological Lectures. The Impending Crisis in the History of the Marine Biological Laboratory, Science, XVI (1902), 529-33. A Biological Farm for the Experimental Investigation of Heredity, Variation, and Evolution, and for the Study of Life Histories, Habits, Instincts, and Intelligence, Biological Bulletin, III (1902), 214-24; Science, XVI (1902), 504-10. t Deceased. 324 PUBLICATIONS The Origin and Relationship of the Rock Pigeons as Revealed in Their Color-Patterns, Biological Bulletin, VI (1904), 307-8. Hybrids from Wild Species of Pigeons Crossed Inter-Se and with Domestic Races, ibid., 315-16. The Problem of the Origin of Species, Proceedings of the Congress of Arts and Sciences, V (1904), 41-58. The Origin of Species, Bulletin of the Wisconsin Natural History Society ^ V (1907), 6-14. Chequers and Bars in Pigeons and the Direction of Evolution, Agricul- tural Magazine, V (1907), 174-82. Charles Manning Child [189 5-], Professor of Zoology. Ph.B. Wesleyan College, Connecticut, 1890; S.M. ibid., 1892; Ph.D. Leipzig, 1894; Assistant Professor of Zoology, Chicago, 1905-9; Associate Professor, ifijd., 1909-1916; Professor, ibid., 1916-. Die physiologische Isolation von Teilen des Organismus. 8vo, vi-f-157. Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann, 1911. Senescence and Rejuvenescence. 8vo, vii4-48i. Chicago: University Press, 1915. Individuality in Organisms. i2mo, x-l-213. Chicago: University Press, 1915. Abnormalities in the Cestode Moniezia Expansa, III, Biological Bulletin, III (1902), 95-114, 143-60. Studies on Regulation: I. Fission and Regulation in Stenostomum, Parts I and II, Archiv far Entwickelungsmechanik der Organismen, XV (1902), 187- 237. Part III, ibid., 355-420. II. Experimental Control of Form Regulation in Stenostomum, ibid. (1903), 603-37. III. Regulative Destruction of Zooids and Parts of Zooids in Stenostomum, ibid., XVII (1903), 1-40. IV. Some Experimental Modifications of Form Regulation in Leploplana, Journal of Experimental Zoology, I (1904), 95-133. V. The Relation between the Central Nervous System and Regeneration in Leploplana: Posterior Regeneration, ibid., 464-512. DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY 325 VI. The Relation between the Central Xcrvous System and Regulation in Leptoplana: Anterior and Lateral Regeneration, ibid., 513-57. VII. Further Experiments on Form Regulation in Leptoplana, ibid., II (1905), 253-85. VIII. Functional Regulation and Regeneration in Cestoplana, Archiv Jiir Enlwickelungsmechanik der Organismcn, XIX (1905), 261-94. IX. The Positions and Proportions of Parts during Regulation in Cestoplana in the Presence of the Cephalic Ganglia, ibid., XX (1905), 48-75- X. The Positions and Proportions of Parts during Regulation in Cestoplana m the Absence of the Cephalic Ganglia, ibid., 157-86. XI. Functional Regulation in the Intestine of Cestoplana, Journal of Experimental Zoology, IV (1907), 357-98. Form Regulation in Coelenterata and Turbellaria, Smithsonian Miscella- neous Collection (Quarterly Issue), XLV (1903), 134-43. Regeneration of the Appendages in N'ymphs of the Agrionidae (with A. M. Young), Archiv fiir Entwickelungsmechanik der Organismcn, XV (1903), 543-602. Form Regulation in Cerianthus: I. The Typical Course of Regeneration, Biological Bulletin, V (1903), 239-60. II. The ElTect of Position, Size, and Other Factors upon Regenera- tion, ibid., 304-19; Discussion of Results, ibid., VI (1903), i-ii. III. The Initiation of Regeneration, ibid. (1904), 56-74. IV. The Role of Water-Pressure in Regeneration, ibid., 266-86. V. The Role of Water-Pressure in Regeneration: Further Experiments, ibid., VII (1904), 127-53. VI. Certain Special Cases of Regulation and Their Relation to Internal Pressure, ibid., 193-214. VII. Tentacle-Reduction and Other Experiments, ibid., 2O3-79. VIII. Supplementary and Partial Discs and Heteromorphic Ten- tacles, ibid., VIII (1905), 93-122. IX. Regulation, Form, and Proportion, ibid., 271-89. 326 PUBLICATIONS Amitosis in Moniezia, Anatomischer Anzeiger, XXV (1904), 545-58. Regeneration in Nudibranchs, Science, XXI (1905), 851. Contributions toward a Theory of Regulation: I, The Significance of the Different Methods of Regulation in Turbellaria, Archiv fur Entwickelungsmechanik der Organismen, XX (1906), 380-426. • The Relation between Regulation and Fission in Planaria, Biological Bulletin, XI (1906), 113-23, figs. 1-19. Some Considerations regarding So-called Formative Substances, ibid., 165-81. The Development of Germ Cells from Differentiated Somatic Cells in Moniezia, Anatomische Anzeiger, XXIX (1906), 592-97. The Relation between Functional Regulation and Form Regulation, Journal of Experimental Zoology, III (1906), 559-82. Studies on the Relation between Amitosis and Mitosis: I. Development of the Ovaries and Oogenesis in Moniezia, Biological Bulletin, XII (1906), 89-114, figs. 1-35. II. Development of the Testes and Spermatogenesis in Moniezia, ibid. (1907), 175-225, plates VII-XVI. III. Maturation, Fertilization, and Cleavage in Moniezia, ibid., XIII (1907), 138-60, plates II-VII. IV. Nuclear Division in the Somatic Structures of the Proglottids of Moniezia, ibid., 165-69, plates VIII-X. V. General Discussion and Conclusions concerning Amitosis and Mitosis in Moniezia, ibid., 169-84. Amitosis as a Factor in Normal and Regulatory Growth, Anatomischer Anzeiger, XXX (1907), 271-97. The Localization of Different Methods of Form Regulation in Poly- chcorus caudatus, Archiv fiir Entwickelungsmechanik der Organismen, XXIII (1907), 227-48. An Analysis of Form Regulation in Tubularia: I. Stolon Formation and Polarity, ibid., 396-414. II. Differences in Proportion in the Primordia, ibid., 415-44. III. Regional and Polar Differences in the Relation between Primordium and Hydranth, ibid., 445-56. DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY 327 IV. Regional and Polar DilTerences in the Time of Hydranlh- Formation as a Special Case of Regulation in a Complex System, ibid., XXIV (1907), 1-28. V. Regulation in Short Pieces, ibid., 285-316. VI. The Significance of Certain Modifications of Regulation: Polarity and Form Regulation in General, ibid., 3r7-49. Some Corrections and Criticisms, ibid., 131-46. Form Regulation in Ccrianllius acstuarii. Biological Bulletin, XV (1908), 27-53. The Physiological Basis of Restitution of Lost TvLTis, Journal of Experi- mental Zoology, V (1908), 485-502. Driesch's Harmonic-Equipotential Systems in Form Regulation, Bio- logisches Centralblatt, XXVIII (1908), 577-623. Regulation of Ilarenactis attcnuata in Altered Environment, Biological Bulletin, XVI (1908), 1-17, figs. 1-16. The Regulation of Mutilated Primordia in Tubularia, Archiv Jiir Ent- wickelungsmechanik der Organismen, XXVII (1909), 106-18, figs. 1-20. Experimental Control of Certain Regulatory Processes in Harenactis atlenuata, Biological Bulletin, XVI (1909), 47-53, figs. 1-6. The Regulatory Change of Shape in Planaria dorotocephala, ibid., 277-96, figs. 1-20. Factors of Form Regulation in Harenactis attenuata: I. Wound Reaction and Restitution in General and the Regional Factor in Oral Restitution, Journal oj Experimental Zoology, VI (1909), 471-506. II. Aboral Restitution, Ileteromoqjhosis, and Polarity, ibid., VII (1909), 65-96, figs. 1-12. III. Regulation in "Rings," ibid., 353-95, figs. 1-31. The Occurrence of Amitosis in Moniezia, Biological Bulletin, X\'III (1910), 109-19. Analysis of Form Regulation with the Aid of Anesthetics, ibid., 161-73. Physiological Isolation of Parts and Fission in Planaria, Archiv fur Entu'ickelungsmechanik der Organismen, XXX (1910), 159-205, figs. 1-14. 328 PUBLICATIONS The Central Nervous System as a Factor in the Regeneration of Polyclad Turbellaria, Biological Bulletin, XIX (19 lo), Z2>2>~2>^^ ^gs. 1-4. Further Experiments on Adventitious Reproduction and Polarity in Harenactis, ibid., XX (1910), 1-13, figs. i-ii. Studies on the Dynamics of Morphogenesis and Inheritance in Experi- mental Reproduction: I. The Axial Gradient in Planaria dorotocephala as a Limiting Factor in Regulation, Journal of Experimental Zoology, X (1911), 265-320, figs. 1-41. II. Physiological Dominance of Anterior over Posterior Regions in the Regulation of Planaria dorotocephala, ibid., XI (1912), 187-220, figs. 1-21. III. The Formation of New Zooids in Planaria and Other Forms, ibid., 221-80, figs. 1-36. IV, Certain Dynamic Factors in the Regulatory Morphogenesis of Planaria dorotocephala in Relation to the Axial Gradient, ibid., XIII (1912), 103-52, figs. 1-46. V. The Relation between Resistance to Depressing Agents and Rate of Metabolism in Planaria dorotocephala and Its Value as a Method of Investigation, ibid., XIV (1913), 153-206. VI. The Nature of the Axial Gradients in Planaria and Their Relation to Antero-posterior Dominance, Polarity, and Sym- metry, Archiv fur Entwickelungsmechanik der Organismen, XXXVI (1913), 108-58. VII. The Stimulation of Pieces by Section in Planaria dorotocephala, Journal of Experimental Zoology, XVI (19 14), 413-41. VIII. Dynamic Factors in Head-Determination in Planaria, ibid., XVII (1914), 61-79. IX. The Control of Head-Form and Head Frequency in Planaria by Means of Potassium Cyanide, ibid., XX (1916), 101-26. A Study of Senescence and Rejuvenescence Based on Experiments with Planaria dorotocephala, Archiv fur Entwickelungsmechanik der Organismen, XXXI (191 1), 537-616, 14 curves and i fig. Experimental Control of Morphogenesis in the Regulation of Planaria, Biological Bulletin, XX (191 1), 309-31, figs. 1-37. The Regulatory Processes in Organisms, Journal of Morphology (Whit- man Memorial Volume), XXII (191 1), 171-222. DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY 329 The jNIethod of Cell Division in Moniczia, Biological Bulletin, XXI (191 1), 280-96, figs. 1-16. The Central Nervous System in the Teratophthalmic and Teratomoq)hic Forms of Planaria dorotocephala (with E. V. M. McKie), ibid., XXII (191 2), 39-59, ftgs. 1-31. The Process of Reproduction in Organisms, ibid., XXIII (191 2), 1-37. Certain Dynamic Factors in Experimental Reproduction and Their Significance for the Problems of Reproduction and Development, Archiv fiir Entwickdungsmcchanik dcr Organismen, XXXV (1913), 598-641. The Asexual Cycle of Planaria velata in Relation to Senescence and Rejuvenescence, Biological Bulletin, XXV (1913), 181-203. Susceptibility Gradients in Animals, Science, XXXIX (1914), 73-76. The Axial Gradient in Ciliate Infusoria, Biological Bulletin, XXVI (1914), 36-54- Starvation, Rejuvenescence, and Acclimation in Planaria dorotocephala, Archiv fiir Entwickelungsmechanik der Organismen, XXXVIII (1914), 418-46. Asexual Breeding and Prevention of Senescence in Planaria velata. Biological Bulletin, XXVI (19 14), 286-93. A Dynamic Conception of the Organic Individual, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, I (1915), 164-72. Axial Gradients in the Early Development of the Starfish, American Journal of Physiology, XXXVII (1915), 203-19. Axial Susceptibility Gradients in the Early Development of the Sea Urchin, Biological Bulletin, XXX (1916), 391-405. The Basis of Physiological Individuality in Organisms, Science, XLIII (1916), 511-23. Axial Susceptibility Gradients in Algae, Botanical Gazette, LXII (1916), 89-114. Experimental Control and Modification of Larval Development in the Sea Urchin in Relation to the Axial Gradients, Journal of Mor- phology, XXVIII (1916), 65-116. The Basis of Physiological Individuality in Organisms, Science, XLIII (1916), 511-23. 330 PUBLICATIONS Further Observations on Susceptibility Gradients in Algae, Biological Bulletin, XXXI (1916), 419-40. Re\^ews of: Conklin, The Organization and Cell-Lineage of the Ascidian Egg, Science, XXIII, 340-44; Morgan, Experimental Zoology, ibid., XXVI, 824-29; Roux, Terminologie der Entwickelungsmechanik der Tiere und Pflanzen, ibid., XXXVII, 102; Benedict, Age Changes in Leaves, Botanical Gazette, XLI, 435-38. HoR.\Tio Hackett Newman [191 i-]. Professor of Zoology and Embry- ology. A.B. McMaster, 1896; Ph.D. Chicago, 1905; Assistant Professor (elect), Michi- gan, 1908; Professor and Head of the School of Zoolog}', Texas, 1908-11; Head of Instruction Force in Physiology, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, 1909-12; Associate Professor of Zoology and Embryologv', Chicago, 1911-17; Professor, ibid., 191 7-. The Biology of Twins (Mammals). i2mo, ix-l-i86. Chicago: Uni- versity Press, 191 7. The Significance of Scute and Plate Abnormalities in Chelonia. Doctor's thesis. Biological Bulletin, X (1906), 68-114. Reply to E. Godlewski's "Bemerkungen von H. H. Newman: 'Further Studies of the Process of Heredity in Fundulus Hybrids,' " Archiv fur Entwickelungsmechanik der Organismen, XXXII (191 1), 472-76. The Limits of Hereditary Control in Armadillo Quadruplets: A Study of Blastogenic Variation (with J. T. Patterson), Journal of Mor- phology, XXII (191 1 j, 855-926, 24 figs. The Ovum of the Nine-banded Armadillo: Growth of the Ovocytes, Maturation, and Fertilization, Biological Bulletin, XXIII (191 2), 100-141. Parthenogenetic Cleavage of the Armadillo Ovum, ibid., XXV (1913), 52-79- Five Generations of Congenital Stationary Night-Blindness in an American Family, Journal of Genetics, III (1913), 26-38. The Natural History of the Nine-banded Armadillo, American Naturalist, XLVII (1913), 513-39. The Modes of Inheritance of Aggregates of Meristic (Integral) Variates in the Polyembryonic Offspring of the Nine-banded Armadillo, Journal of Experimental Zoology, XV (1913), 145-92. Modes of Inheritance in Teleost Hybrids, ibid., XVI (1914), 447-500. DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY 331 Development and Heredity in Heterogenic Teleost Hybrids, ibid., X\'1II (1915), 511-76. Heredity and Organic Symmetry in Armadillo Quadruplets: I. Modes of Inheritance of Band Anomalies, Biological Bulletin, XXIX (1915), 1-32. II. Modes of Inheritance of Double Scutes and a Discussion of Organic Symmetry, ibid., XXX (1916), 173-209. Cii.\RLES Benedict Davenport [1899-1904], Associate Professor of Zoology and Embryology; Director, Station for Experimental Evolution (of the Carnegie Institution), Cold Spring Harbor, X.Y. S.B. Brooklyn Polytechnical Institute, 1886; .^.B. Harvard, 1S89; Ph.D. ibid., 1892; .Assistant in Zoology, ibid., 1888-91; Instructor, ibid., 1891-99; .Assistant Professor of Zoology and Embryology, Chicago, 1899-1901; .Associate Professor, ibid., 1901-4. Fellow, .American .Academy of .Arts and Sciences, 1895; Vice-President, .Ameri- can .Association for the .Advancement of Science, 1900-1901 ; Secretary, .American Society of Naturalists, 1899-1903; President, Society of .American /Zoologists, 1902. Associate Editor, American Naturalist, 1897-; Biometrika, 1901-; Journal of E.xperimcntal Zoology, 1898-; Editor,"Cold Spring Harbor Monographs," 1900-. The Collembola of Cold Spring Harbor Beach, with Special Refer ettce to the Movements of the Poduridcc, "Cold Spring Harbor Monographs," II. 8vo, 2)2. Comparison of Some Pectens from the East and the West Coasts of the United States, Mark Anniversary Volume, pp. 123-36, plate IX. Comparison of Pccten opercularis from Three Localities of the British Isles, Proceedings of the American Acaderny of Arts and Sciences, XXXIX (1903), 123-59. Color Inheritance in Mice, Science, XIX (1904), 1 10-14. Wonder Horses and Mendelism, ibid., 151-53. Report on the Fresh Water Bryozoa of the United States, Proceedings of the United States Xational M uscum ,XX\ll (1904), 2 1 1-2 1 , plate VI. Studies in the Evolution of Pectcn: W, Ray Yariability in Pecten varius (with Marian E. Hubbard), Journal of Experimental Zoology, I (1904), 607-16. Elliot Rowl.and Downing [1911-], .\ssociatc Professor of X'atural Sci- ence, College of Education. See under College of Education, p. 4S3. 332 PUBLICATIONS William Lawrence Tower [1901-], Associate Professor of Embryology. S.B. Chicago, 1902; Assistant in Zoolog>', Hansard College, 1895-96; Professor of Biology and Hoagland Professor of Physiology, Antioch, 1900-1901; Assistant Professor of Embryology, Chicago, 1907-11; Associate Professor, ibid., 1911-. An Investigation of Evolution in Chrysomelid Beetles of the Genus Leptero- larsa. Large 8vo, x+320, 30 plates. Washington: Carnegie In- stitution, Publication No. 48, 1906. Determination of Dominance, Biological Bulletin, XVIII (1910), 285-340. Organic Evolution, American Yearbook (191 2), 659-65; with J. G. Sinclair (1913), 671-74; (1914), 639-44; (iQiS)^ 637-43. Recent Advances and the Present State of Knowledge concerning the Modification of the Germinal Constitution of Organisms by Experi- mental Processes. Chap, vii, pp. 141-265, in Heredity and Eugenics (University of Chicago Press, 1912). Oscar Riddle [1904-10], Instructor in Zoology; Resident Investigator, Station for Experimental Evolution (of the Carnegie Institution), Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y. A.B. Indiana, 1902; Ph.D. Chicago, 1907; Laboratorj' Assistant in Zoology , ibid., 1904-7; Associate in Experimental Therapeutics, ibid., 1907-8; Instructor in Experimental Therapeutics and Zoology, ibid., 1908-9; Instructor in Zoology, ibid., 1909-10. A Study of Fundamental Bars in Feathers, Biological Bulletin, XII (1907), 165-75. The Blood Pressures of Birds and Their Modification by Drugs (with S. A. Matthews), American Journal of Physiology, XIX (1907), 108-16. The Cause of the Production of Down and Other Down-like Structures in the Plumages of Birds, Biological Bulletin, XIV (1908), 163-75. The Genesis of Fault-Bars in Feathers and the Cause of Alterna- tion of Light and Dark Fundamental Bars. Doctor's thesis. Ibid., 328-70. Our Knowledge of Melanin Color Formation and Its Bearing on the Mendelian Description of Heredity, ibid., XVI (1909), 316-51. The Rate of Digestion in Cold-blooded Vertebrates— The Influence of Season and Temperature, American Journal of Physiology, XXIV (1909), 447-58- DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY 333 Experiments on Melanin Color Formation: Against the Current Men- delian Hypothesis of Color Development, Verhandlungen des Inter- nalionalen Zoologen-Kongresses zu Graz, Mil (1910), 311-19. Studies with Sudan III in Metabolism and Inheritance, Journal of Experimental Zoology, VIII (1910), 163-84. On the Formation, Significance, and Chemistry of the White and Yellow Yolk of Ova, Journal of Morphology, XXII (1911), 455-91- On the Cause of Autotomy in Tubularia, Biological Bulletin, XXI (191 1), 389-95- On Inducing Hens to Preserve Their Own Eggs, etc., Science, XXXIV (1911), 887-89. Victor Ernest Shelford [1905-14], Instructor in Zoolog\''; Assistant Professor of Zoology, University of Illinois, and Biologist, Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History. S.B. Chicago, 1903; Ph.D. ibid., 1907; Reader in Zoology, Correspondence-Study^ Department, ibid., 1905-7; Laboratory Assistant, ibid., 1904-7; Associate, ibid. 1907-9; Instructor, ibid., 1909-14. Animal Communities in Temperate America. 8vo, 375. Chicago: University Press, 1913. The Distribution of the Tiger Beetles and Its Relation to Plant Succes- sion, Biological Bulletin, XIV (1907), 9-14- Life Histories and Larval Habits of the Tiger Beetles. Doctor's thesis. Linnacan Society's Journal of Zoology, XXX (1908), 157-84. Ecological Succession of Fish and Its Bearing on Fish Culture, Transac- tions of the Illinois State .Academy of Science, III (19 10), 108-10. Ecological Succession: I. Stream Fishes and Physiographic Analysis, Biological Bulletin, XXI (191 1), 9-34. II. Pond Fishes, ibid., 126-51. III. A Reconnaissance of Its Causes in Ponds with Particular Refer- ence to Fish, ibid., XXII (191 1), 1-38. IV. Vegetation and the Control of Land Animal Communities, ibid., XXIII (1912), 59-99- y. Aspects of Physiological Classification, ibid., 331-70. Physiological Animal Geography, Journal of Morphology (Whitman Memorial Volume), XXII (191 1), 551-617. 334 PUBLICATIONS An Index of Fish Environments (with W. C. Allee), Science, XXXVI (1912), 76-77. The Reactions of Fishes to Gradients of Dissolved Atmospheric Gases (with W. C. Allee), Journal of Experimental Zoology, XIV (1913), 207-66. Noteworthy Variation in the Elytral Tracheation of Cicindela, Entomo- logical News, XXIV (1913), 124-25. The Life History of Spogostylum, Annals of the Entomological Society of America, VI (1913), 213-25. The Reactions of Certain Animals to Gradients of Evaporating Power of Air, Biological Bulletin, XXV (1913), 79-120. Rapid Modification of the Behavior of Fishes by Contact with Modified Water (with W. C. Allee), Journal of Animal Behavior, IV (1914), 1-30. Modification of the Behavior of Land Animals by Contact with Air of High Evaporating Power, ibid., 31-49. The Importance of the Measure of Evaporation in Economic Studies of Insects, Journal of Economic Entomology, VII (1914), 229-33. An Experimental Study of the Behavior Agreement among the Animals of an Animal Community, Biological Bulletin, XXVI (1914), 294-315. Reuben Myron Strong [1901-2; 1904-14], Instructor in Zoology; Professor, Vanderbilt University Medical School, Nashville, Tenn. A.B. Oberlin, 1897 ; Ph.D. Harv^ard, 1901 ; Assistant in Botanj' and Physiography, Morgan Park Academy, 1901-2; Instructor in Biology, Haverford College, 1902-3; Associate in Zoology, Chicago 1904-7; Instructor, ibid., 1907-14. Laboratory Guide for Elementary Zoology. i6mo, vi+50. Chicago: University Press, 1914. On Regeneration in the Pigmented Skin of the Frog, and on the Char- acter of the Chromatophores (with Leo Loeb), American Journal of Anatomy, III (1904), 275-83. Causes of Blue and Green in Feathers, Biological Bulletin, VIII (1905), 237-38. Color Nomenclature, Science, XXI (1905), 267-68. The Evolution of Color-Producing Structures in Birds, ibid., 380. The Redfield Theory of Heredity, Horseman, XXVI (1906), 7-8. DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY 335 A Litter of Short-tailed Dogs (abstract), Science, XXVII (igo8), 942. Nuptial Plumes of the American Bittern, Auk, XXVIII (191 1), 367-68. On the Olfactory Organs and the Sense of Smell in Birds, Journal of Morphology, XXII (191 1), 619-60. The Sense of Taste in Birds, ibid., 940. Some Reminiscences of the Late Professor C. O. Whitman, Auk, XXIX (1912), 15-16. Some Ideas on Teaching a Bird Course, Nature-Study Review, VIII (1912), 195-202. Another View of Sex-limited Inheritance, Science, XXX\T (1912), 443-45- Some Observations on the Life-History of the Red-breasted Merganser, Auk, XXIX (191 2), 479-88. Results of Hybridizing Ring-Doves, Including Sex-linked Inheritance, Biological Bulletin, XX.III (1912), 293-320. Electrical Heating of Paraffin Baths, Anatomical Record, Yll (19 13), 9-16. Some Ideas in Laboratory Equipment, ibid., VIII (1914), 27-31. On the Habits and Behavior of the Herring Gull, Larus argentatus Pont, Auk, XXXI (1914), 22-49, 178-99. Review of: Sclater, A History of the Birds of Colorado, Nature Study Review, VIII, 340. Morris Miller Wells [191 2-13; 1915-], Instructor in Zoology. S.B. Chicago, 1912; Ph.D. Illinois, 1915; .•\ssistantinZoolog>-, Chicago, 19 12-13; Instructor, ibid., 191 5-. The Resistance of Fishes to Different Concentrations and Combinations of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide, Biological Bulletin, XX\' (1913), 323-47- The Reactions and Resistance of Fishes to Temperature, Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science, VII (1914), 48-59. Reactions and Resistance of Fishes in Their Natural Environments to Acidity, Alkalinity, and Neutrality, Biological Bulletin, XXIX (1915), 221-57. The Reactions and Resistance of Fishes in Their Natural Environments to Salts, Journal of Experimental Zoology, XIX (1915), 243-83. 336 PUBLICATIONS Literature for 19 15 on Ants and Myrmecophils, Journal of Animal Behavior, VI (1916), 400-406. Starvation and the Resistance of Fishes to Lack of Oxygen and to KCN, Biological Bulletin, XXXI (19 16), 441-52, Lewis Victor Heilbrunn [1913-16], Associate in Zoology. A.B. Cornell, 1911; Ph.D. Chicago, 1914, Laboratory Assistant in Zoology, ibid., 1913-14; Associate, ibid., 1914-16. Studies in Artificial Parthenogenesis: II, Physical Changes in the Egg of Arhacia. Doctor's thesis. Biological Bulletin, XXIX (1915), 149-203. The Measurement of Oxidation in the Sea-Urchin Egg, Science, XLII (1915), 615-16. Carl Richard Moore [1915-], Associate in Zoology. S.B. Drury College, 1913; Ph.D. Chicago, 1916; Assistant in Zoology, ibid., 1915-16; Associate, ibid., 1916-. On the Superposition of Fertilization on Parthenogenesis. Doctor's thesis. Biological Bulletin, XXXI (19 16), 137-80. Charles Frederick Adams [1904-5], Assistant in the Zoological Museum; Independence, Mo. B.Agr. Missouri, 1897; M.D. Kansas City Medical College, 1902; A.M. Kansas, 1903; -Vssistant in Entomology, Missouri, 1897; Instructor in Histology, Kansas City Medical College, 1900-1902; Professor of Histology and Bacteriology, Kansas City Dental College, 1902-4; Assistant in the Zoological Museum, Chicago, 1904-5. Notes on and Description of North American Diptera, University of Kansas Science Bulletin, II (1904), 433-55. On the North American Species of Siphonella, Psyche, XI (1904), 103-4. Descriptions of New Oscinidae, Entomological News, XV (1904), 303-4. On the North American Species of Ascinis, ibid., XVI (1905), 108-11. Warder Clyde Allee [1910-12], Laboratory Assistant in Zoology; Professor of Biology, Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, 111. S.B. Earlham College, 1908; S.M. Chicago, 1910; Ph.D. j7>/'', Carleton College, 1907-10; Acting Professor of Biolog>-, ibid., 1910-11; Assistant in Zoology, Chicago, 191 1. A Study of the Effects of Injury upon the Fertilizing Power of Sperm. Doctor's thesis. Biological Bulletin, XXV (1913), 213-60. LiBBiE Henrietta Hyman [1914-], Laboratory Assistant in Zoology. S.B. Chicago, 1910; Ph.D. ibid., 1915; Laboratory .Assistant in Zoology, ibid., 1914-. An Analysis of the Process of Regeneration in Certain Microdrilous Oligochaetes. Doctor's thesis. Journal of Experimental Zoology, XX (1916), 99-165. On the Action of Certain Substances on Oxygen Consumption, American Journal of Physiology, XL (1916), 238-48. Robert Kirkland Xabours [1904-10], Assistant in Zoology; Pro- fessor of Zoology and Zoologist at the E.xperimental Station, Kansas Agricultural College, Manhattan. Kd.B. Chicago, 1905; Ph.D. ibid., 191 1; .\ssistant in Xature-Study, University Elementary School, ibid., 1904-9; .Vssistant in Zoology, ibid., 1909-10. Studies of Inheritance and Evolution in Orthoptera. Doctor's thesis. Journal of Genetics, III (1914), 141-70. 338 PUBLICATIONS John Thomas Patterson [1905-8], Laboratory Assistant in Zoology; Professor and Chairman of the School of Zoology, University of Texas, Austin. S.B. Wooster, 1903; Ph.D. Chicago, 1908; Professor of Biology, Buena Vista College, 1903-5; Laboratory Assistant in Zoology, Chicago, 1905-8. The Order of Appearance of the Anterior Somites in the Chick, Bio- logical Bulletin,^lll (1907), 121-34. Amitosis in the Pigeon's Egg, Anatomischer Anzeiger, XXXII (1908), 117-25. A Microscope-Stage Incubator, Biological Bulletin, XIV (1908), 324-27. Gastrulation in the Pigeon's Egg — A Morphological and Experimental Study. Doctor's thesis. Journal of Morphology, XX (1909), 65-123. John George Sinclair [191 5-], Assistant in Zoology. S.B. Chicago, 1911; Assistant, Carnegie Institution at Tucson, Ariz., 1913-15; Assistant in Zoology, Chicago, 1915-. Organic Evolution (with W. L. Tower), American Yearbook (1913), 671-74. Maud Slye [1908-], Assistant in Zoology; Member of the Otho S. A. Sprague Institute. See under Department of Pathology, p. 434- George Washington Tannreuther [1904-5], Laboratory Assistant in Zoology; Instructor in Zoology, University of Missouri, Columbia. A.B. Manchester College, 1900; A.M. Antioch College, 1901; Ph.D. Chicago, 1908; Laboratory Assistant in Zoology, ibid., 1904-5. History of the Germ Cells and Early Embryology of Certain Aphids. Doctor's thesis. Zoologische Jahrbiicher {Anatomie, etc.), XXIV (1907), 609-42. The Development of Hydra, Biological Bulletin, XIV (1908), 261-81. Observations on the Germ Cells of Hydra, ibid., XVI (1909), 205-9. Budding in Hydra, ibid., 210-14. Origin and Development of the Wings of Lepidoptera, Archiv fiir Ent- wickelungsmechanik der Organlsmen, XXIX (19 10), 275-86. DEi'ART-MEXT OI- ZOOLOGY 339 Harry Lewis Wiemax [1907-8], Laboratory Assistant in Zoology; Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Zoology, Uni- versity of Cincinnati. A.B. Cincinn;iti, 1905; A.M. ibid., 1906; Ph.D. Chicago, 1909; Laboratory Assistant in Zoology, ibid., 1907-8. A Study in the Germ Cells of Leptinotarsa signaticollis . Doctor's thesis. Journal of MorpJwlogy, XXI (1910), 135-216. James Francis Abbott, Ph.D. igo6; Professor of Zoology, Washington University, St. Louis. The Morphology of Coeloplana. Doctor's thesis. Zoologische Jahr- biicher {Anatomie, etc.), XXIV (1907), 41-70- Charles Christopher Adams, Ph.D. 1908; Professor of Forest Zoology, The New York State College of Forestry, Syracuse Uni- versity, Syracuse, N.Y. The Variations and Ecological Distribution of the Snails of the Genus lo. Doctor's thesis. National Academy of Sciences Memoirs, XII, Part 2 (1915); 8vo, 92, 61 plates. Bennett Mills Allen, Ph.D. 1903; Professor of Zoology, University of Kansas, Lawrence. The Embryonic Development of the Ovary and Testis of the Mammals. Doctor's thesis. American Journal of Anatomy, III (1904), 89-146. Harriett May Allyn, Ph.D. 191 2; Hackett Medical College, Canton, China. The Initiation of Development in Chaetopterus. Doctor's thesis. Biological Bulletin, XXIV (191 2), 21-72. George William Bartklmkz, Ph.D. 1910; Assistant Professor of Anatomy. See under Department of Anatomy, p. 347. Mary Putn.a.m Blount, Ph.D. 1908. See under University High School, p. 490- Lynds Jones, Ph.D. 1905; Associate Professor of Animal PLcology, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio. The Development of Xcstling Feathers. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 18. Chicago: Privately printed, 1907. 340 PUBLICATIONS Ernest Everett Just, Ph.D. 1916; Howard University, Washing- ton, D.C. The Relation of the First Cleavage Plane to the Entrance Point of the Sperm, Biological Bulletin, XXII (191 2), 239-52. Breeding Habits of the Heteronereis Form of Nereis limbata at Woods Hole, Mass. (with F. R. Lillie), ibid., XXIV (1913), 147-68. Studies of Fertilization in Platynereis Megalops. Doctor's thesis. Ibid., XXVII (1914), 201-27; XXVIII (1915), 93-114; Journal of Morphology, XXVI (191 5), 217-33. Initiation of Development in Nereis^ Biological Bulletin, XXVIII (1915), 1-17. Francis LeRoy Landacre, Ph.D. 19 14; Professor of Anatomy, Ohio State University, Columbus. The Origin of the Cranial Ganglia in Ameiurus. Doctor's thesis. Journal of Comparative Neurology and Psychology, XX (1910), 311-411. Frank Eugene Lutz, Ph.D. 1907; Curator, American Museum of Natural History, New York. The Variation and Correlations of Certain Taxonomic Characters ofGryllus. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 63. Chicago: Privately printed, 1908; also as PubUcation No. loi of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. Charles D wight Marsh, Ph.D. 1904; United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. The Plankton of Lake Winnebago and Green Lake. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, vi+94. Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, Bulletin No. 12, 1903. Bertha Edith Martin, Ph.D. 1915. Tooth Development in Dasypus Novemcinctus. Doctor's thesis. Journal of Morphology, XXVII (1916), 645-83. William J. Moenkhaus, Ph.D. 1903; Professor of Physiology, Indiana University, Bloomington. The Development of the Hybrids between Fundulus heteroclitus and Mcnidia notala, with Especial Reference to the Behavior of the Maternal and Paternal Chromatin. Doctor's thesis. American Journal of Anatomy, III (1904), 29-65. DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY 341 John William Scott, Ph.D. 1904; Professor of Zoology, University of Wyoming, Laramie. Periods of Susceptibility in the Differentiation of Unfertilized Eggs of Amphitrite, Biological Bulletin, V (1903), 35-41. Morphology of the Parthenogenetic Development of Amphitrite. Doctor's thesis. Journal 0/ Experimental Zoology, III (1906J, 49-97. Mari.\n Lvdia Shorey, Ph.D. 1909. The Effect of the Destruction of Peripheral Areas on the Differentiation of the Neuroblasts. Doctor's thesis. Journal of Experimental Zoology, VII (1909), 25-63. Charles Henry Turner, Ph.D. 1907; Sumner High School, St. Louis, Mo. The Homing of Ants: An Experimental Study of Ant Behavior. Doc- tor's thesis. Journal of Comparative Neurology and Psychology, XVII (1907), 367-434. A Study of the Rate of Regeneration of the Arms in the Brittle-Star Opiiioglypha Lacertosa, Biological Bulletin, \T (1903), 12-17. Charles Zeleny, Ph.D. 1904; Associate Professor of Zoology-, Univer- sity of Illinois. Experiments on the Localization of Developmental Factors in the Nemertine Egg, Journal of Experimental Zoology, I (1904), 293-329. Compensatory Regulation. Doctor's thesis. Ibid., II (1905), 1-102. THE DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY Robert Russell Bensley [1901-], Professor of Anatomy. .\.H. Toronto, 1S89; M.H. ibid., 1892; .Assistant Professor of .\natomy, Chicago, 1 90 1 -5; Associate Professor, ibid., 1905-7; Professor, ibid., 1907-. Joint Editor (with Franz Kopsch), Internationale Monatsschrifl fiir Anatomic und Physiologic, 191 2-. The Differentiation of the Specific Elements of the Gastric Glands of the Pig (abstract), American Journal of Anatomy (Proceedings of the Association of American Anatomists), II (1903), iii, iv. 342 PUBLICATIONS Concerning the Gland of Brunner, Anatomischer Anzeiger, XXIII (1903), 497-507- Stomach (article), Reference Handbook of the Medical Sciences (New York: William Wood & Co., 1903), 461-74. An Examination of the Methods for the Microchemical Detection of Phosphorous Compounds Other than Phosphates in the Tissues of Animals and Plants, Biological Bulletin, X (1906), 49-65. Professor Prenant's Theory of the Nature of the Granule Cells of Paneth, Anatomical Record, II (1908), 92-95. Observations on the Salivary Glands of Mammals, ibid., 105-7. On the Nature of the Canalicular Apparatus of Animal Cells, Biological Bulletin, XIX (1910), 179-94, The Cardiac Glands of the Mammalian Stomach, Anatomical Record^ IV (1910), 375-90- On the So-called Altmann Granules of Normal and Pathologic Tis- sues, Transactions of the Chicago Pathological Society (19 10), 1-6. Studies on the Pancreas of the Guinea-Pig, American Journal of Anatomy, XII (1911), 297-388. Upon the Formation of Hydrochloric Acid in the Foveolae and on the Surface of the Gastric Mucous Membrane, and the Non- Acid Character of the Contents of Gland Cells and Lumina (with B. C. H. Harvey), Biological Bulletin, XXIII (1912), 225-49. The Formation of Hydrochloric Acid on the Free Surface and Not in the Glands of the Gastric Mucous Membrane (with B. C. H. Harvey), Transactions of the Chicago Pathological Society (19 13), 1-3. The Thyroid Gland of the Opossum, Anatomical Record, VIII (1914), 431-40. The Structure and Relationships of the Islets of Langerhaus. " Harvey Lectures," Series X (1915), 251-90. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippin- cott Co. The Normal Mode of Secretion in the Thyroid Gland, American Journal of Anatomy, XIX (1916), 37-55. The Influence of Diet and Iodides on the Hyperplasia of the Thyroid Gland of Opossums in Captivity, ibid., 57-65. DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY 343 Charles Judson Herrick [1907-], Professor of Neurology'. S.B. Cincinnati, 1891; Ph.D. Columbia, igoo; Professor of Natural Sciences, Ottawa University, 1892-93; Assistant Professor of Zoology, Denison, 1897-98; Professor, ibid., 1898-1907; Professor of Neurology, Chicago, 1907-. Managing Editor, Journal of Comparative Neurology, 1894-. Associate in Comparative Neurology, Pathological Institute of the New York State Commission in Lunacy, 1897-1901 ; Member, Inter- national Commission of Brain Research, 191 2-. A Laboratory Outline in Neurology (with Elizabeth Crosby). Svo, 40. Chicago: Privately printed, 1915. An Introduction to Neurology. i2mo, 355. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Co., 1915. On the Phylogenetic Differentiation of the Organs of Smell and Taste, Journal of Comparative Neurology, XVIII (1908), 157-66. The Morphological Sui)division of the Brain, ibid., 393-408. On the Commissura Infima and Its Nuclei in the Brains of Fishes, ibid., 409-31. Two Recent Tendencies in Cerebral Morphology, ibid., 663-70. The Xervus Terminalis (Nerve of Pinkus) in the Frog, ibid., XIX (1909), 175-90- The Criteria of Homology in the Peripheral Nervous System, ibid.. 203-10. The Evolution of Intelligence and Its Organs, Science, XXXI (1910), 7-18. The Relations of the Central and Peripheral Ner\'ous Systems in Phy- togeny, .Inatomical Record, IV (1910), 59-69. The Morphology of the Cerebral Hemispheres in Aniphibia, Anatomischcr Anzeiger, XXXVT (1910), 645-52. The Morphology of the Forebrain in .\mphibia and Reptilia, Journal of Comparative Neurology, XX (1910), 413-547. An Educational Ideal for tiie Small College, Dcnison Alumni Bulletin, II (1911), 2, iS. Notes on the Association Centers, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, XXXVIII (191 1), 750-53. Some Reflections on the Origin and Significance of the Cerebral Cortex, Journal of Animal Behavior, III (1913), 222-36. 344 PUBLICATIONS The Foundations of Culture (address commemorating the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Denison Scientific Association), Bulletin of the Scientific Laboratories of Denison University, XVII (1913), 205-18. Notes on the Anatomy of a Cyclostome Brain: Ichthyomyzon concolor (with Jeannette B. Obenchain), Journal of Comparative Neurology, XXIII (1913), 635-75. Articles in the Reference Handbook of the Medical Sciences (3d ed., William Wood & Co., New York) : Brain Anatomy, II (1913), 274-342, 43 figs. Cranial Nerves, III (1914), 321-39, 33 figs. Ear: Anatomy of the Auditory (Acoustic) Nerve and Its End- Organs, ibid., 719-25, 12 figs. End-Organs, Nervous, IV (1914), 20-27, 21 figs. Olfactory Nerve, VI (1916), 865-70, 6 figs. Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves, VII (1916), 828-55, 38 figs. The Cerebellum of Necturus and Other Urodele Amphibia, Journal of Comparative Neurology, XXIV (1914), 1-29. The Medulla Oblongata of Larval Ambly stoma, ibid., 343-427. The Development of Reflex Mechanisms in Ambly stoma (with G. E. CoghiU), ibid., XXV (1915), 65-85. Introspection as a Biological Method, Journal of Philosophy, Psychology, and Scientific Methods, XII (1915), 543-51. Review of: Edinger, Lectures on the Central Nervous System, Anatomical Record, II, 273-83; Child, Senescence and Rejuvenescence; and (by the same author) Individuality in Organisms, Journal of Animal Behavior, VI, 420-25. Lewellys Franklin Barker [1900- 1905], Professor and Head of the Department of Anatomy; Professor of Clinical Medicine, Johns Hopkins University. M.B. Toronto, 1890; Associate Professor of Anatomy, Johns Hopkins University. 1897-99; Professor and Head of the Department of Anatomy, Rush Medical College, 1900-1905; Professor of Medicine, ibid., 1900-1905. Member of the Board of Editors, American Journal of Anatomy, 1904-5. Johns Hopkins Medical Commissioner to the Philippine Islands, 1899; Special Commissioner appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury for the investigation of the plague in San Francisco, 1901. DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY 345 A Laboratory Manual of Human Anatomy (with D. D. Lewis and D. G. Revell). 8vo, xvi+s83. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1904. A Case of Diplococcaemia (with H. T. Ricketts), Transactions of the Chicago Pathological Society, V (1901-3)", 313-14. The Unveiling of the Cell, Journal of the American Medical Association^ XXXVIII (1902), 577-82. Medicine and the Universities, American Medicine, IV (1902), i43~47- Pathology of the Neurone, Buck's Reference Handbook of the Medical Sciences, VI (1903), 259-71. Structure of the Spinal Cord, ibid., VII (1904), 293-327. Travel Notes: A Series of Thirteen Articles on Medical Conditions in Europe, Journal of the American Medical Association, XLIII-XLIV (1904-5). Der Nachweis der Aminosauren im Harne (with E. Aberhalden), Zeit- schriftfilr physiologische Chemie, XLII (1904), 524-27. Some Considerations on Proteid Diet, with Especial Reference to Its Content in Amide-Nitrogen, Melanoidin-Nitrogen, Diamino- Nitrogen, and Monamino-Nitrogen (with B. A. Cohoe), Journal of Biological Chemistry, I (1906), 229-38. Henry Herbert Donaldson [1892-1906], Professor and Head of the Department of Neurology; Professor of Neurology, Wistar Institute, Philadelphia. .\.B. Yale, 1879; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins, 1885; Assistant Professor of Neurology, Clark, iSqo-02; Professor of Neurology, Chicago, 1892-1906; Dean of the Ogden Graduate School of Science, ibid., 1892-98; Head of the Department of Neu- rology, ibid., 1896-1906. A Description of Charts Showing the Areas of Cross Sections of the Human Spinal Cord at the Level of Each Spinal Nerve (with D. J- Davis), Journal of Comparative Neurology, XIII (1903), 19-40. On a Law Determining the Number of Medullated Nerve Fibers Innervating the Thigh, Shank, and Foot of the Frog, Rana virescens, ibid., XIII (1903), 223-57. On tlie Areas of the A.xis Cylinder and Medullar)' Sheath as Seen in Cross Sections of the Spinal Nerves of Vertebrates (with G. \V. Hoke) ibid., XV (1905), 1-16. 346 PUBLICATIONS Problems in Human Anatomy, Science, XXI (1905), 16-26. Some Aspects of the Endowment of Research, ibid., XXIII (1906), 282-86. A Comparison of the White Rat with Man in Respect to the Growth of the Entire Body (with J. B. Watson and EHzabeth H. Dunn), Boas Memorial Volume, 1906. Basil Coleman Hyatt Harvey [1901-], Professor of Anatomy. A.B. Toronto, 1894; M.B. ibid., 1898; Assistant Professor of Anatomy, Chicago, 190S-11; Associate Professor, ibid., 1911-17; Professor, ibid., 1917-' President, Illinois Demonstrators' Association, 1913-. The Nature of Vital Processes according to Rignano. 8vo, 56. Chicago; Open Court Co., 1909. Translation of Eugenio Rignano's Inheritance of Acquired Characters. Chicago: Open Court Co., 191 1. An Unusual Peritoneal Anomaly Simulating Retroperitoneal Hernia, British Medical Journal, II (1906), 1703. On the Chromaffine Character of Certain Parietal Cells of the Stomach, ibid., 1703. A Case of Innervation of the M. Rectus Lateralis Oculi by the N. Oculo- motorius, with absence of the N. Abducens, ibid., 1705. The Structure of the Gastric Glands of the Dog and of the Changes Which They Undergo after Gastroenterostomy and Occlusion of the Pylorus, American Journal of Anatomy, VI (1907), 207-43. Insertion of the Abdominal Part of the M. Pectoralis Major in Man into the Capsule of the Shoulder Joint and the Coracoid Process, Anatomical Record, I (1907), 66-67. Upon the Formation of Hydrochloric Acid in the Foveolae and on the Surface of the Gastric Mucous Membrane, and the Non-Acid Char- acter of the Contents of Gland Cells and Lumina (with R. R. Bensley), Biological Bulletin, XXIII (1912), 225-49. The Formation of Hydrochloric Acid on the Free Surface and Not in the Glands of the Gastric Mucous Membrane (with R. R. Bensley), Transactions of the Chicago Pathological Society (1913), 1-3. Reviews in: Journal of the American Medical Association, XLVIII, 961-62; LIV, 905; LXIII, 2065; LXIV, 766; 5dcwcc, XXV, 788-89. DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY 347 Preston Kyes [1900-], Associate Professor of Preventive Medicine. A.B. Bowdoin, 1896; A.M. ibid., 1900; M.D. Johns Hopkins, 1900; Assistant Professor of Anatomy, Chicago, 1904-6; Assistant Profess*>r of Kxperimcntal Pathology, ibid., 1906-12; .Assistant Professor of Preventive Medicine, ibid., 191 2-16; .\ssociate Professor, ibid., 1916-. Editor, Journal of Immunology, Baltimore and London, 1916-. Ueber die Wirkungsweise des Cobragiftes, Berliner klinischc Wochen- schrift, XXXIX (1902), 918-22. Zur Kenntniss der Cobragiftactivirenden Substanzen (with H. Sachs), ibid., XL (1903), 21-23, 57-59, 82-85. Ueber die Isolirung von Schlangengift-Lecithiden, ibid., 956-59, 982-84. Cobragift und Antitoxin, ibid., XLI (1904), 494-97. Lecithin und Schlangengifte, Hoppe-Seyler^s Zeitschrift fiir Physiologische Chemie, XLI (1904), 273-77. Ueber die Lecithide des Schlangengiftes, Biochemische Zeitschrift, IV (1907), 99-123- Bemerkungen iiber die Lecithidbildung, ibid., VIII (1908), 42-46. Venom Hemolysis, Journal of Infectious Diseases, VII (1910), 181-284. The Production of Antibodies to Pneumococci in an Insusceptible Host, Journal of the American Medical Association, LVI (191 1), 1878-81. The Physiological Destruction of Erythrocytes, Internationale Monats- schriftfiir Anatomic und Physiologic, XXXI (1914), t,t,. Morphological Evidences of Intracellular Destruction of Red Blood- Corpuscles, Anatomical Record, IX (1915), 97-100. The Natural Resistance of the Pigeon to the Pneumococcus, Journal of Infectious Diseases, XVIII (1916), 277-92. George Bartelmez [1908-], Assistant Professor of Anatomy. S.B. New York, igo6; Ph.D. Chicago, 1910; .\ssistant Professor, ibid., 1915-. The Poison Glands of Bufo agua (with C. L. Bristol), Science, XX\'II (1908), 455. The Bilaterality of the Pigeon's Egg: A Study in Egg Organization from the First Growth Period of the Oocyte to the Beginning of Cleavage. Doctor's thesis. Journal of Morphology, XXIII (191 2). 263-326. 348 PUBLICATIONS The Effects of IMammalian Thyroid and Thymus Glands upon the Development of Certain Amphibian Larvae, Anatomical Record, IX (1915), 47-48. Mauthner's Cell and the Nucleus Motorius Tegmenti, Journal of Com- parative Neurology, XXV (1915), 87-128. Review in: Journal of the American Medical Association, LXVI, 835. Elbert Clark [1907-10; 1913-], Assistant Professor of Anatomy. S.B. Arkansas, 1903; M.D. Rush Medical College, 1916; Assistant Professor of Anatomy, University of the Philippines, 1910-11; Associate Professor, ibid., 1911-12; Assistant Professor of Anatomy, Chicago, 1915-. The Glands of the Frontal Sinus of the Sheep (abstract), Anatomical Record, III (1909), 274-75. On the Occurrence of an Accessory Naso-Frontal Duct of the Frontal Sinus, Philippine Journal of Science, V (1910), 475-80. Anatomy in the Far East, Anatomical Record, VII (1913), 234-45. The Number of Islands of Langerhaus in the Human Pancreas, Ana- tomischer Anzeiger, XLIII (1913), 81-94. Regeneration of Medullated Nerves in the Absence of Embryonic Nerve Fibers, Following Experimental Non-traumatic Degeneration, Journal of Comparative Neurology, XXIV (1914), 61-111. Congenital Variation of the Pectoral Muscles, Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, XLIX (1914), 155-65. John Gordon Wilson [1903-8], Assistant Professor of Anatomy; Pro- fessor and Head of the Department of Otology, Northwestern University. A.M. Edinburgh, 1885; M.B., CM. ibid., 1889; Assistant Professor of Anatomy, Chicago, 1903-8. The Relation of the Motor Endings to the Muscle, Journal of Compara- tive Neurology, XIV (1904), 1-16. The Structure and Function of the Taste-Bulbs of the Larynx, Brain, XXVm (1905), 339-51. Nasal Reflexes, Illinois Medical Journal, IX (1906), 201-3. Some Anatomical and Physiological Considerations in Regard to the Faucial Tonsil, Journal of the American Medical Association, XL VI (1906), 1591-94. DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY 349 Present State of Our Knowledge with Regard to the Physiology of the Sinuses Accessory to the Nose, Illinois Medical Journal, XII (1907), 410-12. Nerves and Nerve Endings in Membrana Tympani, Journal of Compara- tive Neurology, XVII (1907), 459-68. Variations of the Ostium Frontale and Their Bearing on Intra-nasal Operations, with a Note in Regard to the Top()grai)hy of the Cribri- form Plate, Transactions of the American Laryngological Association, XXX (1908), 178-96. The Nerves of the Atrio-ventricular Bundle, Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, LXXXI (1909). The Present Position of the Theory of Auto-Regeneration of Xer\'es, Anatomical Record, III (1909), 27-39. Benson Ambrose Coiioe [1903-6], Instructor in Anatomy; Associate Professor of Therapeutics, University of Pittsburgh. A.B. Toronto, 1898; M.B. ibid., 1901; Associate in Anatomy, Chicago, 1903-6. Some Considerations on Proteid Diet, with Especial Reference to Its Content in Amide-Nitrogen, Melanoidin-Nitrogen, Diamino- Nitrogen, and Monamino-Nitrogen (with L. F. Barker), Journal of Biological Chemistry, I (1906), 229-38. The Finer Structure of the Glandula Submaxillaris of the Rabbit, American Journal of Anatomy, VI (1907), 167-91. Edmund Vincent Cowdry [1909-13], Instructor in Anatomy; Associate in Anatomy, Johns Hopkins University. A.B. Toronto, 1909; Ph.D. Chicago, 1912; Associate in .\natomy, ibid., 1911-12; Instructor, ibid., 19 12-13. The Colour Changes of Octopus vulgaris, University of Toronto Studies, Biological Series, No. 10 (1911), 1-53. Mitochondria and Other Cytoplasmic Constituents of the Spinal Ganglion Cells of the Pigeon, Anatomical Record, \T (1912), 33-38. The Relations of Mitochondria and Other Cytoplasmic Constituents in Spinal Ganglion Cells of the Pigeon. Doctor's thesis. Internationale Monalsschrift fur Anatomic und Physiologic, XXIX (191 2), 473-504. The Development of the Cytoplasmic Constituents of the Ner\e Cells of the Chick. I. Mitochondria and N^eurofibrils, American Journal of Anatomy, XV (19 14), 389-428. 350 PUBLICATIONS Elizabeth Hopkins Dunn [1901-12], Instructor in Anatomy; Research Associate, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass. A.B. Iowa College, 1889; M.D. Northwestern University, Woman's Medical School, 1894; Assistant Professor of Ner\'ous Diseases, ibid., 1901-2; Assistant in Anatomy, Chicago, 1906-7; Associate, ibid., 1907-9; Instructor, ibid., 1909-12. On the Number and on the Relation between Diameter and Distribution of the Nerve-Fibers Innervating the Leg of the Frog {Rana virescens brachycephala, Cope), Jourtial of Comparative Neurology, XII (1902), 297-328. The Nerve Supply to the Leg of the Frog after Complete Degeneration of the Motor Fibers, American Journal of Anatomy, V (1906), viii. A Comparison of the White Rat with Man in Respect to the Growth of the Entire Body (with H. H. Donaldson and J. B. Watson), Boas Memorial Volume, 1906. Supplemental Report regarding the Innervation of the Leg of Rana virescens, Anatomical Record, I (1907), 57-58. Cutaneous Innervation from the Plexus ischio-coccygeus in the Frog, Rana virescens, Cope, ibid., 88-90. A Study of the Gain in Weight for the Light and Heavy Individuals of a Single Group of Albino Rats, ibid., II (1908), 109-11. The Ischio-coccygeal Plexus as a Pathway for Cutaneous Innervation in the Leopard Frog, Science, XXVII (1908), 19 16. A Statistical Study of the Medullated Nerve Fibers Innervating the Legs of the Leopard Frog, Rana pipiens, after Unilateral Section of the Ventral Roots, Journal of Comparative Neurology, XIX (1909), 685-720. The Influence of Age, Sex, Weight, and Relationship upon the Number of Medullated Nerve Fibers and on the Size of the Largest Fibers in the Ventral Roots of the Second Cervical Nerve of the Albino Rat, ibid., XXII (1912), 131-57. Edwin Garvey Kirk [1902-10], Instructor in Anatomy; Physician, Chicago. S.B. Chicago, 1902; Ph.D. ibid., igoj; M.D. Rush Medical College, 1909; Assist- ant in Anatomy, Chicago, 1905-7; Associate, ibid., 1907-8; Instructor, ibid., 1908-10. The Adjuvant Action of Serum, Egg Albumin, and Broth on Tetanus Toxin (with H. T. Ricketts), Journal of Infectious Diseases, III (1906), 116-27. DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY 351 The Histogenesis of Gastric Glands. Doctor's thesis. American Journal of Anatomy, X (1910), 473-520. Review in: Journal of llie American Medical Association, \A\, 324-26. Dean DeWitt Lewis [1901-5I, Instructor in Anatomy; Professor of Surgery, Rush Medical College. A.B. Lake Forest University, 1895; M.D. Rush Medical College, i8qq; .Assistant in Anatomv, Rush Medical ColleRc, 1Q00-1901; Assistant in Anatomy, Chicago, 1901-2; Associate in Anatomy, ibid., IQ02-3; Instructor in Anatomy, ibid., 1903-5. A Laboratory Manual of Human Anatomy (with L. F. Barker and D. G. Revell). 8vo, .\vi+5cr- ative Surgery of Nose, Throat, and Ear (C. W. Mosby & Co., 1914). 354 PUBLICATIONS Charles Henry Swift [1910-], Instructor in Anatomy. A.B. Chicago, 1903; S.B. ibid., igo6; M.D. Rush Medical College, 1910; Ph.D. Chicago, 1913; Assistant in Anatomy, ibid., 1910-13; Associate, ibid., 1913-15; Instructor, ibid., 1915-. Origin and Early History of the Primordial Germ-Cells in the Chick. Doctor's thesis. American Journal of Anatomy, XV (1914), 483- 516. Origin of the Definitive Sex-Cells in the Female Chick and Their Rela- tion to the Primordial Germ-Cells, ibid., XVIII (1915), 441-70. Origin of the Sex-Cords and Definitive Spermatogonia in the Male Chick, ibid., XX (1916), 375-410. Emil Goetsch [1907-8], Associate in Anatomy; Associate Surgeon, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore. S.B. Chicago, 1903; Ph.D. ibid., 1906; Associate in Anatomy, 1907-8. The Structure of the Mammalian Oesophagus. Doctor's thesis. Ameri- can Journal of Anatomy, X (1910), 1-40. Ralph Edward Sheldon [1907-9], Associate in Anatomy; Professor of Anatomy, University of Pittsburgh. A.B. Cornell, 1904; S.M. Harvard, 1907; Ph.D. Chicago, 1908; Assistant in Anatomy, ibid., 1907-9; Associate, ibid., 1909. The Participation of Medullated Fibers in the Innervation of the Olfac- tory Mucous Membrane of Fishes, Science, XXVII (1908), 915-16. An Analysis of the Olfactory Paths and Centers in Fishes, Anatomical Record, II (1908), 108-9. The Nervus Terminalis in Teleosts, ibid., Ill (1909), 257-59. The Nervus Terminalis in the Carp, Journal of Comparative Neurology, XIX (1909), 191-202. The Reactions of the Dogfish to Chemical Stimuli, ibid., 273-312. The Phylogeny of the Facial Nerve and Chorda Tympani, Anatomical Record, III (1909), 593-617. The Olfactory Tracts and Centers in Teleosts. Doctor's thesis. Journal of Comparative Neurology, XXII (1912), 177-320. DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY 355 James Rollin Slonaker [1902-3], Associate in Neurology', S.B. Wisconsin, 1893; Ph.D. Clark, i8q6; .Assistant Professor of Zodlogy, Indiana, i8g6-iQoi; Assistant in Neurology, Chicago, 1902-3; Assocbte, 161J., 1903. The Eye of the Common Mole, Scalops aqualicus machrinus, Journal of Comparative Neurology, XII (1902), 335-66. A Convenient Method for Wa.shing, Staining, and Dehydrating Small Specimens, Journal of Applied Microscopy atid Laboratory Methods, V (1902), 1645-46. Percival Bailey [1914-15], Assistant in Anatomy; Assistant in Anatomy, Northwestern University. S.B. Chicago, 1914; .Assistant in Kmbryology, ibid., 1914; -Assistant in .Anatomy, ibid., 1914-15. Morphology of the Roof-Plate of the Forebrain and the Lateral Choroid Ple.xuses in the Human Embryo, Journal of Comparative Neurology, XXVI (1916), 79-120. Charles Brookover [1908-9], Technical Assistant in Anatomy; Pro- fessor of Histology and Embryology, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. Ped.B. Ohio University, 1894; S.M. ibid., 1898; Assistant Professor of Biology, Colorado College, 1899-1901; Professor of Natural Science, Buchtel College, 1902; Technical .Assistant in .Anatomy, Chicago, 1908-9. Pinkus Nerve in Amia and Lepidosteus, Science, XXVII (1908), 913. The Olfactory Nerve, the Ner\-us Terminalis, and the Pre-oplic Sympa- thetic System in Amia calva L. Doctor's thesis. Journal of Comparative Neurology, XX (1910), 49-1 iS. LuDWiG Augustus Emge [191 2-13], Assistant in Anatomy; Instructor in Gynecology and Obstetrics, Medical School, Leland Stanford Junior University. S.B. Chicago, 1912; .Assistant in .\natoniy, ibid., 1912-13. Diffuse, Phlegmonous, "Ideopathic" Gastritis, Transactions of the Chicago Pathological Society, IX (1913-15), 82-88. Sudden Death from Malarial Coma, ibid., 209-15. Brain Abscess Caused by Fusiform Bacilli, Journal of the American Medical Association, LXII (1914), 446-48. The Thyroid of the Guinea Pig in E.xperimental Diphtheric Into.xica- tion. Journal of Infectious Diseases X\TI (191 5), 369-75. 356 PUBLICATIONS Primary Diphtheria of the Skin, Journal of the American Medical Associa- tion, LXV (1915), 529. Shinkishi Hatai [190 1 -6], Assistant in Neurology; Assistant, Wistar Institute, Philadelphia. Ph.D. Chicago, 1902; Assistant in Neurolog>% ibid., 1901-6. Preliminary Note on the Presence of a New Group of Neurones in the Dorsal Roots of the Spinal Nerves of the White Rat, Biological Bulletin, III (1902), 140-42. On the Presence in Human Embryos of an Interscapular Gland Corre- sponding to the So-called Hibernating Gland of Lower Mammals, Anatomischer Anzeiger, XXI (1902), 369-73. On the Origin of Neuroglia Tissue from Mesoblast, Journal of Compara- tive Neurology, XII (1902), 291-96. On the Nature of the Pericellular Network of Nerve Cells, ibid., XIII (1903), 139-47- The Neurokeratin in the Medullary Sheath of the Peripheral Nerves of Mammals, ibid., 149-56. On the Increase in the Number of Medullated Nerve Fibers in the Ventral Roots of the Spinal Nerves of the Growing White Rat, ibid., 177-83- The Effect of Lecithin on the Growth of the White Rat, American Journal of Physiology, X (1903), 57-66. A Note on the Significance of the Form and Contents of the Nucleus in the Spinal Ganglion Cells of the Foetal Rat, Journal of Comparative Neurology, XIV (1904), 27-48. The Effect of Partial Starvation on the Brain of the White Rat, American Journal of Physiology, XII (1904), 116-27. The Excretion of Nitrogen by the White Rat as Affected by Age and Body Weight, ibid., XIV (1905), 120-32. tCHARLES Ingbert [1904-5], Honorary Research Assistant in Neurology. A.B. North Dakota, 1895; Ph.D. Chicago, 1903; Honorary Research Assistant in Neurology, ibid., 1904-5. An Enumeration of the Medullated Nerve Fibers in the Dorsal Roots of the Spinal Nerves of Man. Doctor's thesis. Journal of Compar- ative Neurology, XIII (1903), 53-120. t Deceased. DKrAR'l'MKX'r OF AXAIO.MV 357 On the Density of the Cutaneous Innervation in Man, ibid., 209-22. An Enumeration of the Medullated Nerve Fibers in the Ventral Roots of the Spinal Nerves of Man, ibid., XIV (1904), 209-70. John Albert Key [1916-], Assistant in Anatomy. S.B. Alabama Polytechnic Institute, 1913; Instructor in Anatomy, Crcighton Medical College, 1915-16. Relation of Mitochondris to Zymogen Granules, Anatomical Record, X (1916), 215-16. Jeannette Brown Obenchain [1910-], Assistant in Anatomy. Ph.H. Chicago, 1906; .\ssistant in Anatomy, ibid., 1910-. Notes on the Anatomy of a Cyclostome Brain: I chthyomyzon coticolor (with C. J. Herrick), Journal of Comparative Neurology, XXIII (1913), 635-75. John Sundwall [1905-7], Assistant in Anatomy; Professor of Anatomy, University of Kansas, Lawrence. Ph.B. Central Utah, 1901; S.B. Chicago, 1905; Ph.D. ibid., 1906; Assistant in Anatomy, ibid., 1905-7. The Structure of the Harderian Gland of the Ox, American Journal of Anatomy, VI (1907), 72-73. Russell Morse Wilder [1909-10], Assistant in Anatomy; Instructor, Rush Medical College. S.B. Chicago, 1907, Ph.D. ibid., 191 1; .Assistant in Anatomy, ibid., 1909-10. The Typhus Fever of Me.xico (Tabardillo), Journal of the American Medical Association, LIV (1910), 463-67. The Transmission of Typhus Fever of Mexico (Tabardillo) by Means of the Louse {Pediculus vestimcnti), ibid., 1304-7. The Relation of Tpyhus Fever (Tabardillo) to Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Archives of Internal Medicine, V (1910), 361-70. The Etiology of Typhus Fever (Tabardillo) of Mexico City, Journal of the American Medical Association, LIV (1910), 1373-75. Further Investigations regarding the Etiology of Typhus Fever, ibid., LV (1911), 309-11. The Problem of Transmission in Tyi)hus Fever. Doctor's thesis. Journal of Infectious Diseases, IX (kji i), 9-101. 358 PUBLICATIONS Elizabeth Caroline Crosby, Ph.D. 191 5; Principal, High School, Petersburg, Mich. A Laboratory Outline in Neurology (with C. J. Herrick). 8vo, 40. Chicago: Privately printed, 191 5. The Forebrain of Alligator mississippiensis. Doctor's thesis. Journal of Comparative Neurology, XXVII (19 17), 325-402, Stephen Walter Ranson, Ph.D. 1905; Professor of Anatomy, North- western University. On the Medullated Nerve Fibers Crossing the Site of Lesions in the Brain of the White Rat, Journal of Comparative Neurology, XIII (1903), 185-207. Retrograde Degeneration in the Spinal Nerves. Doctor's thesis. Ibid., XVI (1906), 265-93. Sidney Klein, Graduate Student; Physician, Chicago. On the Nature of the Granule Cells of Paneth in the Intestinal Glands of Mammals, American Journal of Anatomy, V (1906), 315-30. fR. H. Whitehead, Graduate Student. The Embryonic Development of the Interstitial Cells of Leydig, Ameri- can Journal of Anatomy, III (1904), 167-82. Studies on the Interstitial Cells of Leydig: II, Their Postembryonic Development in the Pig, ibid., IV (1905), 193-97. THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY' Albert Prescott Mathews [1901-], Professor of Physiological Chem- istry; Chairman of the Department of Physiological Chemistry and Pharmacology. S.B. Massachusetts Institute of Tcchnologj', 1892; Ph.D. Columbia, 1898; Assistant Professor of Physiology, Tufts College JSIedical School, 1899-1900; Instructor in Physiology, Harvard, 1900-1901; Assistant Professor of Physio- logical Chemistry, Chicago, 1901-4; Associate Professor, //^/(/., 1904-5; Professor, ibid., 1905-; Chairman of the Departmental Committee, ibid., 1909-16; Chair- man of the Department of Physiological Chemistry and Pharmacology, ibid., 1916-. tDeceased. 'Since the comi)ilation of this bibliography the Department of Physiology has been divided, and now consists of the Dei)artment of Physiology (Anton Julius Carlson, Chairman) and the Department of Physiological Chemistry and Pharma- cology (Albert Prescott Mathews, Chairman). DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY 359 Associate Editor, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1903- ; Associate Editor, Zeitschrifl fiir kolloidc Chemie, 1906-; Associate Editor, Internationale Zeitschrijtjiir physikalisch-chemische Biologic, 1914-. Member of the Commission for the Study of the Action of Saltpeter on Nutrition, 1908-12 (three volumes [Studies in Xulrilion] pub- lished, one in press). Physiological Chemistry, ist ed., 1915; 2d ed., 1916. Svo, vi+iioo. New York: William Wood & Co. Electrical Polarity in the Hydroids, American Journal of Physiology, VIII (1903), 294-99. The Importance of Mechanical Shock in Protoplasmic Activity (with B. R. Whitcher), ibid., 300-306. The Nature of Nerve Irritability and of Chemical Stimulation, Part II, Science, XVII (1903), 729. The Importance of Inorganic Salts in Protoplasmic Activities, Yale Medical Journal (1903), 1-20. The Relation between Solution Tension Atomic Volume and the Physio- logical Action of the Elements, American Journal of Physiology, X (1904), 290-323. The Pharmacological Action of the lodates, Bromates, Chlorates, etc., and Some Organic Drugs, ibid., XI (1904), 237-49. The Nature of the Chemical and Electrical Stimulation: I, The Physio- logical Action of an Ion Depends upon Its Electrical State and Electrical Stability, ibid., 455-96. The Toxic and Antitoxic Action of Salts, ibid., XII (1905), 419-43. A Theory of the Nature of Protoplasmic Respiration and Growth, Biological Bulletin, VIII (1905), 331-46. The Tension Coefficient of Salts and the Precipitation of Colloids, American Journal of Physiology, XIV (1905), 203-30. A Contribution to the General Principles of the Pharmaco-dynamics of Salts and Drugs, Biological Studies by the Pupils of IT. T. Scdgu'ick (1906), 81-118; also in Journal of Infectious Diseases, III (1906), 572-609. An Apparent Pharmacological "Action at a Distance" by Metals, American Journal of Physiology, XVIII (1907), 39-46. 36o PUBLICATIONS The Cause of the Pharmacological Action of Ammonium Salts, American Journal of Physiology, XVIII (1907), 58-63. A Contribution to the Chemistry of Cell Division, Maturation, and Fertilization, ibid., 89-1 11. The Mechanism of the Oxidation of Glucose by Bromine in Neutral and Acid Solutions (with H. H. Bunzel), Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXXI (1909), 464-79. Action of Some Amino- Acids on the Development of Arbacia, Biological Bulletin, XVI (1909), 44-47. The Spontaneous Oxidation of the Sugars, Journal of Biological Chemistry, VI (1909), 3-20. The Spontaneous Oxidation of Cystin (with S. Walker), ibid., 21-28. The Action of Cyanides and Nitriles on the Spontaneous Oxidation of Cystin (with S. Walker), ibid., 29-37. Spontaneous Oxidation of Cystin (with S. Walker), ibid., 289-98. Action of Metals (etc.) on the Oxidation of Cystin (with S. Walker), ibid., 299-311. The Toxicity of Martins Yellow and Some Other Anihne Dyes (with E. Longfellow), Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, II (1910), 201-19. Action of Ether on an Anaerobic Animal Tissue, ibid., 231-3S. The Composition of Invertase (with T. A. Glenn), Journal of Biological Chemistry, IX (191 1), 29-56. On Molecular Cohesion, Science, XXXVI (1912), 263-66. Adaptation from the Point of View of Physiology, American Naturalist, LXVII (1913), 90-104. A Method of Determining "a" of van der Waals' Equation, Journal of Physical Chemistry, XVll (1913), 154-61. Relation of *'a" of van der Waals to Molecular Weight and Number of Valences, ibid., 181-204. Valence of Chlorine, Determined from Cohesion, ibid., 252-63. Note on Structure of Ethylene, ibid., 320-21. Valence of Oxygen, Sulfur, and Nitrogen, ibid., 331-36. Valence of Argon Group, Determined from Cohesion, ibid., 337-43- DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY 361 Theoretical Significance of Relation of Cohesion to Molecular Weight and Valence, ibid., 481-500. Do Molecules Attract Inversely as the Square of the Distance? ibid., 500-535- An Important Chemical DifTerence between the Ej?p;s of the Starfish and Sea-Urchin, Journal of Biological Chemistry, XIV (1913), 465-67. The Internal Pressures of Liquids, Journal of Physical Chemistry, XVII (1913), 603-28. Relation entre I'attraction de cohesion et I'attraction de gravitation des molecules, Journal de chimie physique, XII (1914), 428-31. The Residual Valence of Anesthetics and Its Importance in .\nesthesia. A Contribution to the Chemical Theory of Anesthesia, Internationale Zeitschrift fiir physikalisch-chcmische Biologic, I (1914), 433-49. The Quantity of Residual Valence Possessed by Various Molecules, Journal of Physical Chemistry, XVIII (1914), 474-S7. On Eotvos' Surface Tension Law and the Relation between Cohesion and Gravitation, ibid., XX (1916), 554-96. Reviews in : Journal of the American Chemical Society, and Botanical Gazette. Anton Julius Carlson [1904-], Professor of Physiolog>'; Chairman of the Department of Physiology. S.B. .\ugustana, 189S; A.M. ibid., 1899; Ph.D. Leland Stanford Junior, 1902; Assistant I'rofessor of Physiology, Chicago, 1904-9; Associate Professor, ibid., 1909-16; Professor and Chairman of the Department of Physiology, /7'/' and Member of Council. .American Physiological Society, 1909-15; Chairman, Section of Pathology and Physiology, American Medical .Association, 1914-15; Member, Harvey Society; Member, Swedish Medical Society, Stock- holm. Member of the Editorial Committee, American Journal of Physi- ology, 1909-15. The Control of Hunger in Health and Disease. 8vo, vii-l-319. Chicago: University Press, 1916. Further Evidence of the Nervous Origin of the Heart-Beat in Limulus, American Journal of Physiology, XII (1905), 471-98. The Physiology of Locomotion in Gasteropods, Biological Bulletin, VIII (1905), S5-92. 362 PUBLICATIONS Comparative Physiology of the Invertebrate Heart : I. The Innervation of the Heart, Biological Bulletin, VIII (1905), 123-60. II. Physiology of the Heart Nerves in Mollusca, American Journal of Physiology, XIII (1905), 396-426. The Nature of Cardiac Inhibition with Special Reference to Limulus, ibid., 217-40. Further Evidence of the Fluidity of the Conducting Substance in Nerve, ibid., 351-57. Physiology of the Cardiac Nerves in Mollusca, ibid., XIV (1905), 16-58. Die Ganglienzellen der Bulbus Arterien, Archiv fiir die gesammte Physi- ologic, CIX (1905), 51-62. Conductibilite du coeur a I'etat de "water rigor," Comptes rendus de la societe de biologic, LIX (1905), 414-15. Note sur les nerfs de coeur des invertebres, ibid., LX (1906), 283-84. The Mechanism of Co-ordination and Conduction in the Heart, American Journal of Physiology, XV (1906), 99-120. Physiology of the Cardiac Nerves in the Arthropods, ibid., 127-35. On the Direct Relation between Rate of Conduction in Nerve and Rate of Contraction in Muscle, ibid., 136-43. Temperature and Heart Activity, ibid., 207-34. Osmotic Pressure and Heart Activity, ibid., 357-73. The Heart Rhythm of Invertebrates under Normal and Experimental Conditions, ibid., XVI (1906), 47-66. The Excitability of the Heart during the Different Phases of the Beat, ibid., 67-84. The Relation between the Strength of the Stimulus and the Amplitude of Contraction in the Heart, ibid., 85-99. Inhibitory Effects of the Single Induced Shock on the Heart, ibid., lOO-IIO. On the Cause of the Cessation of the Rhythm of Automatic Tissues in Isotonic Solutions of Non-electrolytes, ibid., 221-29. The Presence of Cardio-Regulative Nerves in the Lampreys, ibid., 230-32. The Action of Chloral Hydrate on the Heart, ibid., XVII (1906), 1-7. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY 363 The Nature of the Action of Drugs on the Heart, ibid., 177-210. The Chemical Conditions for the Heart Activity, ibid., 378-408. The Relation of the Normal Heart Rhythm to the Sodium Chloride Rhythm, ibid. (1907), 478-87. The Mechanism of the Refractory Period of the Heart, ibid., X\'III (1907), 71-88. The Mechanism of the Stimulating Action of Tension on the Heart, ibid., 149-55- The Nature of the Inhibition on Direct Stimulation with the Tetanizing Current, Zcitschrijt JUr allgemeine Physiologic, VI (1907), 287-314. The Action of the Cyanides on the Heart, American Journal of Physiology ^ XIX (1907), 223-32. On the Elimination of Water from the Blood in the Active Salivary Glands (with J. R. Greer and F. C. Becht), ibid., 360-87. Vaso-dilator Fibres in the Cervical Sympathetic, ibid., 408-17. The Relation between the Blood Supply to the Submaxillary Gland and the Character of the Chorda and Sympathetic Saliva (with J. R. Greer and F. C. Becht), ibid., XX (1907), 180-205. Relation of Oxygen Supply to the Character of Saliva (with F, C. McLean), ibid., 457-69. The Mechanism of the Embryonic Heart Rhythm (with W. J. Meek), ibid., XXI (1908), i-io. Conductivity of the Non-conducting Myocardium in Sodium Chloride, ibid., 11-22. Osmotic Concentration of the Blood in Anaesthesia (with A. B. Luck- hardt), ibid., 162-68. Influence of Lymphagogues on the Bacterio-agglutinins in Lymph (with B. Braude), ibid., 221-29. The Relative Resistance of the Heart Tissues to the Action of Drugs, ibid., 230-35. Relative Hemolytic Action of Serum and Lymph (with B. Braude), ibid., 236-47. Glucose in Saliva (with J. G. Ryan), ibid., 301-9. Diastase in Cat's Saliva (with J. G. Ryan), ibid., XXII (190S), 1-15. 364 PUBLICATIONS The Excess of Chlorides in Lymph (with J. R. Greer and A, B. Luck- hardt), American Journal of Physiology, XXII (1908), 91-103. The Lymphagogue Action of Lymph (with J. R. Greer and F. C, Becht), ibid., 104-15. A Note on the Physiology of the Pulsating Blood Vessels in the Worms, ibid., 353-56. The Diastases in the Blood and the Body Fluids (with A. B. Luckhardt), i6i(/., XXIII (1908), 148-64. • Vergleichende Physiologic der Herznerven und der Herzganglien bei den Wirbellosen, Ergebnisse der Physiologic , VIII (1909), 372-462. The Distribution of Antibodies and Their Formation by the Blood (with L. Hektoen), Journal of Infectious Diseases, VII (19 10), 319-33- The Leucocytes of the Lymphs (with B. F. Davis), American Journal of Physiology, XXV (19 10), 173-90. The Ammonia-destroying Power of the Liver in Parathyroid Tetany (with Clara Jacobson), ibid., 403-18. The Internal Secretion of the Thyroid Gland (with A. Woelfel), ibid.^ XXVI (1910}, 32-67. Relation of Ptyalin Concentration to the Diet, etc. (with A.L. Crittenden), ibid., 169-77. The Effects of Nerve-stretching, etc., ibid., XXVII (191 1), 223-30. Further Studies on the Nature of Parathyroid Tetany (with Clara Jacobson), i6?(/., XXVIII (1911), 133-60. The Local Hemodynamic Action of Tissue Metabolites (with A, Woelfel and H. W. Powell), ibid., 176-89. Control of Pancreatic Diabetes in Pregnancy (with F. M. Drennan), ibid., 391-95. The Supposed Presence of the Hypophysis Secretion in the Cerebrospinal Fluid (with L. M. Martin), ibid., XXIX (191 1), 64-75. The Relation of the Pancreas to the Serum and Lymph Diastases (with L. K. Gould), ibid., 165-81. The Fixation of Soluble Antigens by the Tissues (with R. T. Pettit), Journal of Infectious Diseases, X (191 2), 43-47. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY 365 Experimental Hyjierthyroidism in Mammals and Birds (with J. R. Rooks and J. F. McKie), American Journal of Physiology, XXX (1912), 129-59. The Condition of the Digestive Tract in Parathyroid Tetany, ibid., 309-40. The Character of the Movements of the Empty Stomach in Man, ibid., XXXI (1912), 151-68. The Relation between the Contractions of the Empty Stomach and the Sensation of Hunger, ibid., 175-92. The Reflex Inhibition of the Gastric Flunger Contractions from the Jilouth Cavity, ibid., 212-24. The Influence of the Contractions of the Empty Stomach on the Vaso- motor Centre, etc., ibid., 318-28. A Note on the Sugar Tolerance in the Pig, Journal of Biological Chemistry, XIII (1913), 465-68. Ozone: Its Bactericidal, Physiologic, and Deodorizing Action (with E. O. Jordan), Journal of the American Medical Association, LXI (1913), 1007-12. The Solubility of White Lead in Human Gastric Juice, and Its Bearing on the Hygiene of the Lead Industries (with A. Woelfel), Journal of Public Health, III (1913), 753-69. The Influence of Stimulation of the Gastric Mucosa on the Hunger Mechanism, American Journal of Physiology, XXXII (19 13), 245-63. The Mechanism of the Gastric Hunger Contraction in Dogs, ibid., 369-88. Inhibitory Reflexes from the Gastric Mucosa, ibid., 389-97. The Tonus and Hunger Contraction of the Empty Stomach during Parathyroid Tetany, ibid., 398-404. Hunger in Prolonged Starvation, ibid., XXXIII (1914), 95-118. The Hunger Contractions of the Isolated Stomach Pouch, (with J. S. Orr and L. W. McGrath), ibid., 119-25. The Condition of the Oesophagus during the Periods of Gastric Hunger Contraction (with A. B. Luckhardt), ibid., 126-42. The Influence of Smoking on Hunger (with J. H. Lewis), ibid., XXXIV (1914), 149-54- 366 PUBLICATIONS The Nervous Control of the Gastric Hunger Mechanism, American Journal of Physiol ogy,XXX.lV (1914), 155-71. The Chemical Control of the Gastric Hunger Mechanism (with A. B. Luckhardt), ibid., XXXVI (1914), 37-46. The Action of Bitters on the Hunger Mechanism (with Van de Erve, Lewis, and Orr), Journal of Pharmacology, VI (1914), 209-20. The Sensibility of the Gastric Mucosa (with L. H. Braafladt), American Journal of Physiology, XXXVI (1915), 153-70. Reflexes from the Intestinal Mucosa to the Stomach (with E. H. Brune- meier), ibid., 191-95. The Influence of Pregnancy on Diabetes (with H. Ginshurg) , ibid., 217-22. Blood Transfusion in Experimental Diabetes (with H. Ginsburg), ibid., 280-93. The Secretion of Gastric Juice in Man, ibid., XXXVII (1915), 50-73. The Gastric Hunger Contractions of New-born Infants (with H. Gins- burg), ibid., XXXVIII (1915), 29-32. The Chemistry of Human Gastric Juice, ibid., 248-68. The Action of Bitter Tonics on the Secretion of Gastric Juice, Journal of the American Medical Association, LXIV (1915), 15-18. Has Secretion a Therapeutic Value ? (with J. E. Lebensohn and S. J. Pearlman), ibid., LXVI (1916), 178-85. The Action of Commercial Glucose When Fed to Rats (with L. Hektoen and E. R. Le Count), Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXXVIII (1916), 930-36. The Tonus and Hunger Contractions of the Stomach in Infants with Congenital Pyloric Stenosis (with H. Ginsburg), American Journal of Physiology, XXXIX (1916), 310-12. George Neil Innes Stewart [1903-7], Professor and Head of the Department of Physiology; Professor of Experimental Medicine, Western Reserve University, Cleveland. M.A. EdinburRh, 1883; B.Sc. ibid., 1886; D.Sc. ibid., 1887; M.B., CM. ibid., i88q; M.\). ibid., i8qi; I^.IMI. Cambridge, 1890; Senior Demonstrator of Physiology, Victoria University, Manchester, 1887-80; Examiner in Physiology, University of Aberdeen, 1800-94; Professor of I'hysiology and Histology, Western Reserve, 1894-1901; Professor of Physiology, ibid., 1901-3; Professor and Head of the Department of Physiology, Chicago, 1903-7. DEPARTMENT OF rilVSTOEnr.V 367 Manual of Physiology. 5th ed. 8vo, 894. London: Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, 1905. DifTerences of Potential between Blood and Serum and between Normal and Laked Blood, American Journal of Physiology, IX (1903 j, 262-64. The Permeability of Cells with Special Reference to Haemolysis, Comptes rendus XIV', congrks international dc medicine, section de physiologic (i903)» 85-87. The Influence of Cold on the Action of Some Haemolytic Agents, American Journal of Physiology, IX (1903), 72-96. The Influence of the Stromata and Liquid of Laked Corpuscles on the Production of Haemolysins and Agglutinins, ibid., XI (1904), 250-81. Further Experiments on the Haemolysinogenic and Agglutininogenic Action of Laked Corpuscles, ibid., XII (1904), 363-73. The Effects of Simultaneous Section of Both Vagi (abstract), Science, XXI (1905), 889-90. The Resuscitation of the Central Nervous System of Mammals (with C. C. Guthrie, R. L. Burns, and F. H. Pike), Journal of E.xperi- mental Medicine, VIII (1906), 289-321. The Maintenance of Cerebral Activity in Mammals by Artificial Circu- lation (with C. C. Guthrie and F. H. Pike), American Journal of Physiology, XVII (1906), 344-49. The Automatism of the Respiratory Center (with F. H. V\V.q), Proceed- ings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, l\ (1907), 83-84. Resuscitation of the Respiratory and Other Bulbar Ner\-ous Mechanisms, with Special Reference to the Question of Their Automaticity (with F. H. Pike), American Journal of Physiology, XIX (1907), 328-59- Further Observations on the Resuscitation of the Respiratory Nervous Mechanism (with F. II. Pike), ibid., XX (1907), 61-73. The Automatic Respiratory and Cardiac Mechanism after Complete and Partial Isolation from Extrinsic Nerve Impulses, ibid., 407-38. 368 PUBLICATIONS Studies in Resuscitation: I. The General Conditions Affecting Resuscitation and the Resuscitation of the Blood and of the Heart (with F. H. Pike and C. C. Guthrie), Journal of Experimental Medicine, X (1908), 371-418. II. The Reflex Excitability of the Brain and Spinal Cord after Cerebral Anaemia (with F. H. Pike and C. C. Guthrie), Ameri- can Journal of Physiology, XXI (1908), 359-71. III. The Resuscitation of the Glands and Muscles after Temporary Anaemia (with F. H. Pike and C. C. Guthrie), ibid., XXII (1908), 51-60. IV. The Return of Function in the Central Nervous System after Temporary Anaemia (with F. H. Pike and C. C. Guthrie), Journal of Experimental Medicine, X (1908), 490-520. Reviews of: Physiology, American Year Book of Medicine and 5wrgery (Medicine) (1903), 550-75; (1904), 506-29; (1905), 517-44. fWALDEMAR KocH [1901-3; 1907-12], Associate Professor of Pharma- cology. S.B. Harvard, 1898; Ph.D. ibid., 1900; Assistant in Physiology, i6?'(/., 1900-1901; Assistant in Pharmacology, Chicago, 1901-3; Assistant Professor of Pharma- cology and Physiological Chemistry, Missouri, 1903-6; Assistant Professor of Pharmacology, Chicago, 1907-8; Associate Professor, j6jW., 1908-12. A Laboratory Manual of Physiological Chemistry (with R. W. Webster). 8vo, viii+107. Chicago: University Press, 1903. Zur Kenntniss des Lecithins, Kephalins und Cerebrins aus Nerven- substanz, Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, XXXVI (1902), 134-40. Some Chemical Observations on the Nervous System in Certain Forms of Insanity, Archives of Neurology, III (1907), 331-45. The Relation of Extractive to Protein Phosphorus in Aspergillus niger (with H. S. Reed), Journal of Biological Chemistry, III (1907), 49-52. The Relation of Electrolytes to Lecithin and Kephalin, ibid., 53-56. The Quantitative Estimation of Extractive and Protein Phosphorus, ibid., 159-64. t Deceased. DEPARTMENT OK I'lIVSIOLOGY 369 Zur Kenntniss tier Schwefelverbindungen ties Xervensy stems: I. Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, LIII (1907), 496-507. II. Ueber ein Sulfatid aus Nervensubstanz, ibid., LXX (1910), 94-97- A Comparison of the Chemical Composition of Three Human Brains at Dillerent Ages (with S. A. Mann), Journal oj Physiology, XXXV'I (1907), xxxvi-xxxviii. A Chemical Study of the Brain in Healthy and Diseased Conditions, with Especial Reference to Dementia Praecox, Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, W (1909), 1-46. Phosphorous Compounds as Brain Foods, Journal of the American Medical Association, LII (1909), 1381-83. Methods for the Quantitative Chemical Analysis of Animal Tissues: (i) General Principles; (2) Collection and Preservation of Material; (3) Estimation of Proximate Constituents; (4) Estimation of the Elements with Special Reference to Sulphur (with S. A. Mann, E. P. Carr, and F. W. Upson), Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXXI (1909), 1329-64. Die Bedeutung der Phosphatide fiir die lebende Zelle, Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, LXIII (1909), 432-42. The Distribution of Sulphur Compounds in Brain Tissue (with F. W. Upson), Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, Vll (1909), 1-2. Estimation of Chlorine, V, Science, XXXII (1910), 477. Pharmacological Studies in the Phosphatids, Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, II (1910), 239-44. The Relation of the Phosphatids to the Sodium and Potassium of the Neurones (with F. H. Pike), ibid., 244-48. The Relation of the Phosphatids to Overton and Meyer's Theor}- (with F. C. McLean), ibid., 249-52. The Relation of Brain Phosphatids to Tissue Metabolites (with A. W. Williams), ibid., 253-64. The Function of Brain Phosphatids in Action of Strjxhnine (with H. T. Mostrom), ibid., 265-69. 370 PUBLICATIONS The Nature of the Chemical Combinations of Potassium in the Tissues (with C. C. Todd), Journal of Biological Chemistry, IX (1911), 15. Recent Studies on Lipoids, Journal of the American Medical Association, LVI (191 1), 799-800. Chemical Study of the Brain in Cases of Dementia Praecox, Journal of Experimental Medicine, XIII (191 1), 301-7. A Comparison of Two Methods of Preserving Nerve-Tissue for Sub- sequent Chemical Examination (with Mathilde Koch), Journal of Biological Chemistry, XIV (1913), 281-S2. The Chemical Differentiation of the Brain of the Albino Rat during Growth (with Mathilde Koch), ibid., XV (1913), 423-48. Frank Christian Becht [1907-10; 1914-17], Assistant Professor of Pharmacology; Professor of Pharmacology, Northwestern University Medical School. S.B. Chicago, 1906; Ph.D. ibid., 1909; M.D. Northwestern, 1915; Assistant Professor of Physiology, Illinois, 1910-12; Assistant Professor of Pharmacology, Northwestern, 191 2-14; Assistant Professor of Pharmacology, Chicago, 1914-17. On the Elimination of Water from the Blood in the Active Salivary Glands (with A. J. Carlson and J. R. Greer), American Journal of Physiology, XIX (1907), 360-87. The Relation between the Blood Supply to the Submaxillary Gland and the Character of the Chorda and Sympathetic Saliva (with A. J. Carlson and J. R. Greer), ibid., XX (1907), 180-205. The Lymphagogue Action of Lymph (with A. J. Carlson and J. R. Greer), ibid., XXII (1908), 104-15. The Nature of Heat Paralysis in Nervous Tissue, ibid., 456-76. A Study of the Concentration of Antibodies in the Body Fluids of Normal and Immune Animals (with J. R. Greer). Doctor's thesis. Journal of Infectious Diseases, VII (1910), 127-58. The Relation of the Spleen to the Fixation of Antigens and the Produc- tion of Immune Bodies (with A. B. Luckhardt), American Journal of Physiology, XXVIII (1911), 257-74. The Site of Action of Strychnine (with H. McGuigan), Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, V (1914)* 469-78. The Stimulation of the Hypophysis in Dogs (with R. W. Keeton), American Journal of Physiology, XXXIX (1915), 109-22. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY 371 The Origin of the Antibodies of the Lymph (with A. B. Luckhardt), ibid., XL (1916), 366-71. Fred Conrad Koch [1910-], Assistant Professor of Physiological Chemistr>'. S.B. Illinois, 1889; Ph.D. Chicago, 1912; Assistant Professor of Physiological Chemistry, ibid., 1913-. On the Presence of Histidine in Pig Thyreoglobulin, Journal of Bio- logical Chemistry, IX (1911), 121-22. On the Nature of the Iodine-Containing Complex in Thyreoglobulin. Doctor's thesis. Ibid., XIV (1913), 101-16. The Distribution of Gastrin in the Body (with R. W. Keeton), American Journal of Physiology, XXXVII (1915), 481-504. David Judson Lingle [1892-], Assistant Professor of Physiology. S.B. Chicago, 1885; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins, 1892; Assistant Professor of Biology, Tulane, 1889-90; Instructor in Physiology, Chicago, 1894-1904; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1904-. Restorers of the Cardiac Rhythm, American Journal of Physiology, XIV (1905), 433-51- Artificial Production of Heart Rhythm, Science, XXI (1905), 887. The Mechanism of Tone in Plain Muscle, American Journal of Physi- ology, XXVI (1910), 361-67. Elias Potter Lyon [190 1-4], Assistant Professor of Physiology and Dean in Medical Work; Professor of Physiolog}^ and Dean of the Medical School, University of Minnesota. S.B. Hinsdale College, 1891; A.B. i7>«/., 1892; Ph.D. Chicago, 1S97; M.D. (hon.) St. Louis University, 1910; Assistant Professor of Physiology, Rush Medical College, 1901-4. Laboratory Outlines for Physiology: The Nervous System and Senses (with C. H. Neilson). i6mo, 32. Chicago: Privately printed, 1904. E.xperiments in Artificial Parthenogenesis, American Journal of Physi- ology, IX (1903), 308-18. Rhythms of Susceptibility and of Carbon Dio.xide Production in Cleav- age, ibid., XI (1904), 52-58. A Biological Examination of Distilled Water, ibid., 198-202. Rhythms of COj Production in Cleavage, Science, XIX (1904), 350-53. Rheotropism, American Journal of Physiology, XI (1904), 52-58. 372 PUBLICATIONS Arno Benedict Luckhardt [1908-], Assistant Professor of Physiology. S.B. Chicago, 1906; Fh.D.ibid.,igii; M.D.Rush Medical College, 1912; Assist- ant Professor of Physiology, Chicago, 1914-. Osmotic Concentration of the Blood in Anaesthesia (with A. J. Carlson), American Journal of Physiology, XXI (1908), 162-68. The Excess of Chlorides in Lymph (with A. J. Carlson and J. R. Greer), ibid., XXII (1908), 91-104. The Diastases in the Blood and the Body Fluids (with A. J. Carlson), ibid., XXIII (1908), 148-64. Additional Notes on the Bacteriology and Pathology of Milksickness, Journal of Infectious Diseases, VI (1909), 492-505. On the Production of Sanitary Milk (with P. G. Heinemann and A. C. Hicks), ibid., VII (1910), 47-66. The Comparative Electrical Conductivity of Lymph and Serum of the Same Animal, and Its Bearing on Theories of Lymph Formation, American Journal of Physiology, XXV (1910), 345-53. A Study of the Origin of the Immune Bodies by the Method of Organ Transplantation, Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, VII (19 10), 122-25. The Relation of the Spleen to the Fixation of Antigens and the Produc- tion of Immune Bodies (with F. C. Becht). Doctor's thesis. Ameri- can Journal of Physiology, XXVIII (191 1), 257-74. The Condition of the Oesophagus during the Periods of Gastric Hunger Contraction (with A. J. Carlson), ibid., XXXIII (1914), 126-42. The Cause of the Polyphagia in Pancreatic Diabetes, ibid., 313-23. The Chemical Control of the Gastric Hunger Mechanism (with A. J. Carlson), ibid., XXXVI (19 14), 37-46. The Blood Pressure during Vomiting (with Clyde Brooks), ibid., XXXVI (1915), 104-12. The Effect of Dreaming on the Gastric Hunger Contraction, ibid., XXXIX (1916), 330-34. The Chief Physical Mechanisms Concerned in the Clinical Methods of Measuring Blood Pressure (with Clyde Brooks), ibid., XL (1916), 49-74- The Origin of the Antibodies of the Lymph (with F. C. Becht), ibid., 366-71. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY 373 Note on the Movements of the Empty Stomach under Certain Patho- logical Conditions (with W. W. Hamburger), Journal oj the Ameri- can Medical Association, LXVI (1916), 1H31-33. Samuel Alexander Matthews [1898-99; 1903-6; 1907-13], Assistant Professor of Experimental Therapeutics; Professor of Physiology and Experimental Pharmacology, University of Kansas, Lawrence. M.D. Michigan, 1895; Assistant in PhysioloRical Chemistry anti Pharmacology, ibid., 1893-Q4; Member of Staff of Internal Medicine, University Hos]»ital, ihid., 1894-95; Assistant in, and Demonstrator of. Pharmacology, ibid., 1895-97; Docent in Physiolog>-, Chicago, 1898-99; Assistant in Pharmacology, Chicago, 1903-4; Associate, ibid., 1904-6; Librarian of Medical Department, John Crerar Library, 1906-7 ; Assistant Professor of Experimental Therapeutics, Chicago, 1907-13. Action of Solutions of Inorganic Salts in Cases of Locomotor Ataxia (with O. H. Brown), American Journal of Physiology, XI (1904), i. Inhibition of the Action of Physostigmin by Calcium Chloride (with O. H. Brown), ibid., XII (1904), 173-75. The Influence of Saccharin on the Digestive Enz>'mes (with H. Mc- Guigan), Journal oj the American Medical Association, XLV (1905), 844-47. The Action of Magnesium Sulphate upon the Heart and the Antagonistic Action of Some Other Drugs (with D. E. Jackson), American Journal of Physiology, XIX (1907), 5-14. The Blood Pressures of Birds and Their Modification by Drugs (with Oscar Riddle), ibid., 108-16. "Cactin and Cactina": An Examination into Their Physiologic Action, Journal of the American Medical Association, XLIX (1Q07), 102 1. A Further Study of the Action of Magnesium Sulphate on the Heart (with W. de B. MacNider), American Journal of Physiology, XX (1907), 323-29. The Sensory Nerves of the Heart and Blood Vessels as a Factor in Determining the Action of Drugs (with D. E. Jackson), ibid., XXI (1908), 255-58. Effect of Ligation of the Coronary Arteries in Dogs (with J. L. Miller), Transactions of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, XXIII (1908), 83. ' ■ 374 PUBLICATIONS Effect on the Heart of Experimental Obstruction of the Left Coronary Artery (with J. L. Miller), Archives of Internal Medicine, III (1909), 176-84. Is the Duodenum Essential to Life ? Transactions of the Chicago Patho- logical Society, VII (1910), 22-24. The Action of Magnesium Sulphate (with Clyde Brooks), Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, II (1910), 87-99. The Effects on Blood-Pressure of Intravenous Injections of Extracts of the Various Anatomical Components of the Hypophysis, Archives of Internal Medicine, VII (191 1), 785-800. The Effects of Eck-Fistula upon the Liver (Dog's), Transactions of the Chicago Pathological Society, VIII (191 2), 263-66. A Study of the Effect of Changes in the Circulation of the Liver on Nitrogen Metabolism, Journal of Biological Chemistry, XV (1913), 87-104. Harold Stanard Adams [1914-16], Instructor in Physiological Chem- istry; with E. R. Squibb and Sons, New Brunswick, N.J. A.B. Williams, 1911; Ph.D. Chicago, 1915; Assistant in Chemistry, Massa- chusetts Agricultural College, 1911-12; Associate in Physiological Chemistry, Chicago, 1914-15; Instructor, ibid., 1915-16. Carbon Dioxide Production from the Nerve Fiber in a Hydrogen Atmosphere (with Shiro Tashiro), American Journal of Physiology, XXXIV (1914), 405-13. Comparison of the Carbon Dioxide Output of Nerve Fibers and Ganglia in Limulus (with Shiro Tashiro), Journal of Biological Chemistry, xvm (1914), 329-34. Studies in Narcosis (with Shiro Tashiro), Internationale Zeitschrift fur physikalisch-chemische Biologie, I (1914), 450-62. Studies on Overvoltage. Doctor's thesis. In Press. Charles Claude Guthrie [1903-6], Instructor in Physiology; Pro- fessor of Physiology and Pharmacology, University of Pittsburgh. S.B. Wood Lawn Institute, 1S97; M.D. Missouri, 1901; I'h.D. Chicago, 1907; Demonstrator of Physiology, Western Reserve, IQ02-3; Assistant in Physiology, Chicago, 1903-4; Associate, ibid., 1904-5; Instructor, ibid., 1905-6. The Laking of Dried Red Blood-Corpuscles, American Journal of Physiology, VIII (1903), 441-46. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY 375 The Influence of Formaldehyde on the Action of Certain Laking Agents and on Coagulation of Blood, ibid., IX (1903), 187-97. An Improved Mercury Manometer, Journal of the American Medical Association, XLI (1903), 1209. A Serviceable Form of Capillary Electrometer, ibid., XLII (1904), 173. The Effect of the Intravenous Injection of Formaldehyde and Calcium Chloride on the Haemolytic Power of Serum, American Journal of Physiology, XII (1904), 139-48. A Contribution to the Clinical Knowledge of Texas Fever, Journal of Infectious Diseases, II (1905), 529-54. The Effect of Intravenous Injections of Bone Marrow Extracts upon Blood Pressure (with O. H. Brown), American Journal of Physiology, XIV (1905), 328-38. La transplantation des veines et ses applications chirurgicales, Presse medicale, Paris, 1905, 843-44. Transplantation biterminale complete d'un segment de veine sur une artere (with A. Carrell), Comptcs rcndus de la societe de biologie, LIX (1905), 412-13- Extirpation et replantation de la glande thyroide avec reversion de la circulation (with A. Carrell), ibid., 413-14; also in Science, XXII (i905)> 535- Reversion de la circulation dans les veines valvulees (with A. Carrell), ' Comptcs rendus de la societe de biologie, LIX (1905), 51S-19. Transplantation uniterminale des veines sur les arteres (with A. Carrell), ibid., 596-97. Circulation et secretion d'un rein transplante (w^th A. Carrell), ibid., 669-70; also in ^a'ewce, XXII (1905), 473. Anastomosis and Transplantation of Blood Vessels, American Medicine, X (1905), 2;;4-85. The Transplantation of Organs, Journal of the American Medical Associa- tion, XLV (1905), 1645-46. Transplantation of Veins and Organs (with A. Carrell\ American Medicine, X (1905), 1101-2. The Resuscitation of the Central Nervous System of ^Lammals (with G. N. Stewart, R. L. Burns, and F. H. Pike), Journal of E.x peri- mental Medicine, VIII (1906), 2S9-321. 376 PUBLICATIONS The Reversal of the Circulation in a Limb (with A. Carrell), Annals of Surgery, XLIII (1906), 203-15, Uniterminal and Biterminal Venous Transplantations, Surgery, Gyne- cology, and Obstetrics, II (1906), 226, Results of Replantation of the Thigh (with A. Carrell), Science, XXIII (1906), 393-94; also in Comptes rendus de la societe de biologic, LX (1906), 378-79- Successful Transplantation of Both Kidneys from a Dog into a Bitch, with Removal of Both Normal Kidneys from the Latter (with A. Carrell), Science, XXIII (1906), 394-95; also in Comptes reiidus de la societe de biologic, LX (1906), 465-66. A New Method for the Homoplastic Transplantation of the Ovary, Science, XXIII (1906), 591; also in Comptes rendus de la societe de biologic, LX (1906), 466-68. Complete Amputation of the Thigh with Replantation (with A. Carrell), American Journal of the Medical Sciences, CXXXI (1906), 297-301. Resultats eloignes des transplantations veineuses uniterminales (with A. Carrell), Co w/>/e5 rendus de la societe de biologic, LX (1906), 529-30. Augmentation artificielle de la circulation dans les glandes pathologiques, ibid., 582-83. Arterio-sclerose par modification chirurgicale de la circulation (with A. Carrell), ibid., 730-31. L'exclusion longitudinale des vaisseaux et ses resultats, ibid., 984-86. Resultats du "Patching" des ar teres, ibid., 1 009-11. The Relation of Pressure in the Coronary Vessels to the Activity of the Isolated Heart, and Some Closely Related Problems (with F. H. Pike), Science, XXIV (1906), 52-54. The Effect of Changes in Blood Pressure on Respiratory Movements (with F. H. Pike), American Journal of Physiology, XVI (1906), 475-82. The Maintenance of Cerebral Activity in Mammals by Artificial Circu- lation (with F. H. Pike and G. N. Stewart), ibid., XVII (1906), 344-49- Respiration Valves, Journal of the American Medical Association, XL VIII (1907), 1 183. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY 377 The Relation of the Activity of the Excised Mammalian Heart to Pressure in the Coronary Vessels, and to Its Nutrition (with F. H. Pike), American Journal of Physiology, XVIII (1907), 14-38. Heterotransplantations of Blood Vessels. Doctor's thesis. Ibid., XIX (1907), 4S2-520. Further Observations on the Relation between Blood Pressure and Respiratory Movements (with F. H. Pike), ibid., XX (i9o', ibid., 1903. The Immunity of Fundulus Eggs and Embryos to Electrical Stimulation, American Journal of Physiology, IX (1903), ni-15. 384 PUBLICATIONS The Effects of Ions on the Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide by Platinum Black (with C. H. 'Neilson), American Journal of Physiology, X (1904), 225-28. Effects of Ions on the Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide, and the Hydrolysis of Butyric Ether by a Watery Extract of Pancreas (with C. H. Neilson), ibid., 335-44. The Effect of Certain Salts on Kidney Excretion, with Special Reference to Glycosuria. Doctor's thesis. Ibid., 378-83. A Salt Solution in Locomotor Ataxia (with S. A. Matthews), ibid., XI (1904), 1-4. Inhibition of the Action of Physostigmin by Calcium Chloride (with S. A. Matthews), ibid., XII (1904), 173-75. Further Proof of Ion Action in Physiologic Processes (with C. H. Neil- son), ibid., 374-86. Influence of Alkaloids and Alkaloidal Salts upon Catalysis (with C. H. Neilson), ibid., XIII (1905), 427-35. The Effect of Intravenous Injections of Bone Marrow Extracts upon Blood Pressure (with C. C. Guthrie), ibid., XIV (1905), 328-38. Herbert Horace Bunzel [1907-10], Assistant in Physiological Chem- istry; Associate Professor of Physical Chemistry, University of Cincinnati. S.B. Chicago, 1906; Ph.D. ibid., 1909; Assistant in Physiological Chemistry, ibid., 1907-10. The Rate of Oxidation of Sugars in the Acid Medium, American Journal of Physiology, XXI (1908), 23-36. Ueber den zeitlichen Verlauf der galvanischen Polarisation, Annalen der Physik, XXVII (1908), 436-48. The Speed of Oxidation, by Air, of Uranous Solutions, with a Note on the Volumetric Determination of Uranium (with H. N. McCoy), Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXXI (1909), 367-73. The Mechanism of the Oxidation of Glucose by Bromine in Neutral and Acid Solutions (with A. P. Mathews). Doctor's thesis. Ibid., 464-79. The Relative Toxicity of Various Salts and Acids toward Paramecium (with L. L. Woodruff), American Journal of Physiology, XXV (1909), 190-94. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY 385 The Mechanism of the Oxidation of Glucose by Bromine, Journal 0/ Biological Chemistry, VII (1910), 157-69. Fred Miller Drennan [1910-11], Assistant in Physiology; Physician Presbyterian Hospital, Chicago. S.B. Chicago, 1910; Assistant in Physiolog)', ibiJ., 1910-11. The Control of Pancreatic Diabetes in Pregnancy (with A. J. Carlson), American Journal of Physiology, XXVIII (191 1), 391-95. The Presence of the Internal Secretion of the Pancreas in the Blood, ibid., 396-402. fHARRY GiNSBURG [1914-15], Assistant in Physiology. S.B. Chicago, 1914; Assistant in Physiology, ibid., 1914-15. The Influence of Pregnancy on Diabetes (with A. J. Carlson), American Journal of Physiology, XXXVI (1915), 217-22. The Influence of Blood Transfusion on the Hyperglycemia and Glyco- suria of Pancreatic Diabetes in Dogs (with A. J. Carlson), ibid., 280-93. The Gastric Hunger Contractions of New-born Infants (Ns-ith A. J. Carlson), ibid., XXXVIII (1915), 29-32. James Richard Greer [1907-10], Assistant in Physiolog>'; Instructor in Medicine, Rush Medical College. S.B. Chicago, 1906; Ph.D. ibid., 1909; .Assistant in Physiolog)', ibid., 1907-10. On the Elimination of Water from the Blood in the Active Salivary Glands (with A. J. Carlson and F. C. Becht), American Journal of Physiology, XIX (1907), 360-87. The Relation between the Blood Supply to the Submaxillary Gland and the Character of the Chorda and Sympathetic Saliva (with A. J. Carlson and F. C. Bccht), ibid., XX (1907), 180-205. The Excess of Chlorides in Lymph (with A. J. Carlson and A. B. Luck- hardt), ibid., XXII (1908), 91-103. The Lymphagogue Action of Lymph (with A. J. Carlson and F. C. Becht), ibid., 104-15. t Deceased 386 PUBLICATIONS The Absence of Adrenalin in Malignant Hypernephromas (with H. G. Wells), Archives of Internal Medicine, IV (1909), 291-95. A Study of the Concentration of the Antibodies in the Body Fluids of Normal and Immune Animals (with F. C. Becht), Doctor's thesis. Journal of Infectious Diseases, VII (19 10), 127-5S. Leo Le^vts John Hardt [1914-], Assistant in Physiology. S.B. Chicago, 1914; Assistant in Physiolog)'^, ibid., 1914-. Secretion of Gastric Juice in Cases of Gastric and Duodenal Ulcers, American Journal of Physiology, XL (1916), 314-31. Dennis Emerson Jackson [1906-7], Assistant in Pharmacology; Associate Professor of Pharmacology, Washington University, St. Louis. A.B. Indiana, 1905; A.M. ibid., 1906; Assistant in Physiology, ibid., 1904-6; Assistant in Physiological Chemistry, Chicago, 1906-7 J Assistant in Pharma- cology, ibid., 1907. The Action of Magnesium Sulphate upon the Heart and the Antagonistic Action of Some Other Drugs (with S. A. Matthews), American Journal of Physiology, XIX (1907), 5-14. The Sensory Nerves of the Heart and Blood Vessels as a Factor in Determining the Action of Drugs (with S. A. Matthews), ibid., XXI (1908), 255-5S. Charles Edwin King [1912-13], Assistant in Physiology; Professor of Physiology, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks. Ph.B. Heidelberg University, Ohio, 1908; Ph.D. Chicago, 1914; Assistant in Physiology, ibid., 1912-13. Effect of Pituitary Extract upon Renal Activity, American Journal of Physiology, XXXII (1913), 405-16. Studies on Blood and Urinary Amylase. Doctor's thesis. Ibid., XXXV (1914), 301-3 1- George Lester Kite [1913-14], Assistant in Pharmacology; Assistant in the Henry Phipps Institute for the Study of Tuberculosis, Phila- delphia. S.I}. University of Virginia, 1905; M.D. ibid., 1908; Head of the Department of liiology, Virginia State Normal School, 1908-10; Assistant in Pharmacology, Chicago, 1913-14. 1 DKrARIMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY 387 Studies on the Physical Properties of Protojjlasm: I, Physical Properties of the Protoi)lasm of Certain Animal and Plant Cells, American Journal of Physiology, XXXII (1913), 146-64. Studies on the Permeability of the Internal Cytoplasm of Animal and Plant Cells. Doctor's thesis. Ibid., XXXVII (1915), 2S2-99. Mathilde Koch [1912-13], Research Assistant in Physiological Chem- istry; Psychiatric Institute, Ward's Island, N.Y. S.B. Chicago, igio; S.M. ibid., 1912; Research Assistant in Physiological Chemis- try, ibid., 1912-13. Contributions to the Chemical Differentiation of the Central Nervous System: I. A Comparison of the Brain of the Albino Rat at Birth with That of the Fetal Pig, Journal of Biological Chemistry, XIV (1913), 267-79. II. A Comparison of Two Methods of Preserving Nerve-Tissue for Subsequent Chemical Examination (with Waldemar Koch), ibid., 281-82. III. The Chemical Differentiation of the Brain of the Albino Rat during Growth (with Waldemar Koch), ibid., XV (1913), 423-4S. Hugh McGuigan [1904-6], Assistant in Physiological Chemistry; Professor of Pharmacology, Northwestern University. S.B. North Dakota Agricultural College, 1898; Ph.D. Chicago, 1906; Instructor in Chemistry, Xorth Dakota .Agricultural College, 1898-1903; .Assistant Professor, ibid., 1903-4; .Assistant in Physiological Chemistry, Chicago, 1904-6. The Relation between the Decomposition Tension of Salts and Their .Antifermentative Properties, American Journal of Physiology, X (1904), 444-51- The Influence of Saccharin on the Digestive Enzymes (with S. A. Matthews), 7()Mr»{j/ of the American Medical Association, XLV(i905), 844-47. The Mechanism of Experimental Glycosuria (with Clyde Brooks), Ameri- can Journal of Physiology, XVIII (1907), 256-66. Note on the Composition of Limulus Blood Ash, Science, XXV (1907), 68-69. 388 PUBLICATIONS The Oxidation of the Various Sugars and the Oxidizing Power of Differ- ent Tissues and Solutions. Doctor's thesis. American Journal of Physiology, XIX (1907), 175-222. Edwin M. Miller [1910], Assistant in Experimental Therapeutics; Rush Medical College. A.B. Illinois, 1910; M.D. Rush Medical College, I913; Assistant in Experi- mental Therapeutics, Chicago, 1910. The Effect on Blood Pressure of Organ Extracts, Journal of Physiology, XLIII (191 1), 242-46. A Study of the Effect of Changes in the Circulation of the Liver in Nitrogen Metabohsm, Journal of Biological Chemistry, XV (1913), 87-104. Eva Ormenta Schley [1914-], Assistant in Physiology. S.B. Chicago, 1908; Ph.D. ibid., 1914. Chemical and Physical Changes in Geotropic Stimulation and Re- sponse: I, Preliminary Article, Botanical Gazette, LVI (1913), 480-89; II, Doctor's thesis. Ibid. In Press. LeRoy Hendrick Sloan [1914], Assistant in Physiology. Origin of the Proteolytic Ferment of the Blood: the Question of the Specific Character of Certain Ferments, American Journal of Physi- ology, XXXIX (1915), 9-19. Ole Olafson Stoland [1911-13], Assistant in Physiology; Professor of Physiology, University of Kansas, Lawrence. A.B. South Dakota, 1905; S.M.Chicago, 1911; I'h.D. ibid., 1913; Assistant in Physiology, ibid., 1911-13. The Abortive Spike oi Botrychium, Botanical Gazette, LIV (1912), 525-31. The Relative Toxicity of Dogs' Normal and Hypertrophied Thyroids to Animals Susceptible to Thyroid Feeding, American Journal of Physiology, XXX (1912), 37-41. The Effect of Pituitary Extract upon Renal Activity, ibid., XXXII (1913), 405-16. The Influence of Parathyroid Tetany on the Liver and the Pancreas. Doctor's thesis. American Journal of Physiology, XXXIII (1914), 283-99. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY 389 Stella Burniiam Vincent [1914], Assistant in Physiology; Instructor in Psychology, Chicago Teachers College. See utuler Department of Psychology, p. 21. Mary Louise Foster, Ph.D. 1914; Associate Professor of Chemistry, Smith College. Studies on a Method for the Quantitative Estimation of Certain Groups in Phospholipins. Doctor's thesis. Journal of Biological Chemistry, XX (1915), 403-13- Walter Lee Gaines, Ph.D. 191 5; Crete, 111. A Contribution to the Physiology of Lactation. Doctor's thesis. American Journal of Physiology, XXXVIII (1915), 285-312. Clara Jacobson, Ph.D., 1916; Physician, Chicago. The Ammonia-destroying Power of the Liver in Parathyroid Tetany (with A. J. Carlson), American Journal of Physiology, XXV (1910), 403-18. The Concentration of Ammonia in the Blood, ibid., XXVT (1910), 407-12. The Rate of Healing of Wounds in Denervated Skin Areas, ibid., 41^-20. Further Studies on the Nature of Parathyroid Tetany (with A. J. Carl- son), ibid., XXVIII (1911), 133-60. The Rate of Disappearance of Ammonia from the Blood, Journal of Biological Chemistry, XVIII (1914), 133-37. Franklin Chambers McLean, Ph.D. 1915; Professor of Medicine and Executive Head, Peking Union Medical College, Peking, China. Relation of Oxygen Supply to the Character of Saliva (with -\. J. Carl- son), American Journal of Physiology, XX (1907-S), 457-69. The Relation of the Phosphatids to Overton and Meyer's Theory (with W. Koch), Journal of Pharmacology and E.xperimcntal Therapeutics, II (1910), 249-52. The Numerical Laws Governing the Rate of Excretion of Urea and Chlorides in Man. Doctor's thesis. Journal of Experimental Medi- cine, XXII (191 5), 212-388. 3 go PUBLICATIONS Walter Joseph Meek, Ph.D. 1909; Associate Professor of Physiology, University of Wisconsin. The Influence of Osmotic Pressure on the Irritability of Skeletal Muscle, American Journal of Physiology, XVII (1906), 8-14. The Mechanism of the Embryonic Heart Rhythm (with A. J. Carlson), ibid., XXI (1908), i-io. The Resistance of the Heart Ganglia, the Heart Nerves, and the Heart Muscle to Drugs, ibid., 230-35. The Regeneration of Nerve and Muscle in the Small Intestine. Doctor's thesis. Ibid., XXV (1910), 367-84. Maud Leonora Menten, Ph.D. 19 16; The Magee Hospital, Pitts- burgh, Pa. The Alkalinity of the Blood in Malignancy and Other Pathological Conditions; Together with Observations on the Relation of the Alkalinity of the Blood to Barometric Pressure. Doctor's thesis. Journal of Cancer Research, II (19 17), 179-211. Russell Burton Opitz, Ph.D. 1905; Associate Professor of Physiology, Columbia University. The Periodic and Irregular Variations in the Venous Blood-Flow. Doctor's thesis. American Journal of Physiology, VII (1902), 435- 59+161-85. Wales Harrison Packard, Ph.D. 1908; Professor of Biology, Bradley Polytechnic Institute, Peoria, 111. Resistance to Lack of Oxygen in Animals. Doctor's thesis. American Journal of Physiology, XV (1905), 30-41; XVIII (1907), 164-S0; and XXI (1908), 310-33. Arthur Lawrie Tatum, Ph.D. 19 13; Professor of Physiology, Univer- sity of South Dakota. Morphological Studies in Experimental Cretinism. Doctor's thesis. Journal of Experimental Medicine, XVII (1913), 636-52. Di:rARTMEXT OF I'lIVSIOLOGV 391 Walter W. Hamburger, S.M. 1904; Physician, Chicago. The Action of Intravenous Injection of Adrenalin, Peptone, and Various Tissue Extracts on the Blood Pressure. Master's thesis. American Journal of Physiology, XI (1904), 282-302. R. W. Keeton, S.M. 1916; Instructor in Pharmacology, Xorthwestern University. The Secretion of Gastric Juice during Tetany, American Journal of Physiology, WKlll (1914), 25-49. The Distribution of Gastrin in the Body (with F. C. Koch), ibid., XXXVII (1915), 4S1-504. The Stimulation of the Hypophysis in Dogs (with F. C. Becht), ibid., XXXIX (1915, 109-22). G. H. Caldwell, Graduate Student. The Influence of Intravenous Injections of Thyroid Pressure Liquid, ibid., XXX (1912), 42-47. John Deason and L. G. Robb, Graduate Students. The Pathways for the Bulbar Respiratory Impulses in the Spinal Cord, ibid., XXVIII (191 1), 57-63. C. A. FjELDSTAD, Graduate Student. The Effect of Thyroidectomy on Active Immunity, ibid., XX\T (1910), 72-78. H. E. French, Graduate Student. The Comparative Toxicity of .\nimal Tissues, ibid., XXX (191 2), 56-62. Carl L. von Hess, Graduate Student. The Relation of the Pancreas to the Lipases of Blood and Lymph, Journal of Biological Chemistry, X (191 1), 381-98. Clarence J. Hicks and John VV. Visher, Graduate Students. The Mechanism of Regurgitation of Duodenal Contents into the Stomach, .American Journal of Physiology, XXXIX (1915), 1-8. J.VMES E. LEBENSOtrN, Graduate Student. The Chlorides in Diabetes, Journal of Biological Chemistry, XXI 1 1 (1915). 513-20. 392 PUBLICATIONS Has Secretion a Therapeutic Value ? (with A. J. Carlson, and S. J. Pearlman), Journal of the American Medical Association, LXVI (1916), 178-85. Louis D. Moorhead, Graduate Student. The Action of Bitter Tonics on the Secretion of Gastric Juice, Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, VII (1915), 577-89. H. J. Mustard, Graduate Student. Certain Tonic and Reflex Nervous Impulses as Factors in Parathyroid Tetany, American Journal of Physiology, XXIX (1912), 311-16. W. H. Olds, Jr., Graduate Student. The Influence of Thyroidectomy on the Resistance to Poisons, ibid.^ XXVI (1910), 354-60. H. Otten and T. C. Galloway, Graduate Students. The Relation of the Pancreas to the Blood Diastases, ibid., XXVI (1910), 347-53- Thomas L. Patterson, Graduate Student. The Cause of the Variations of Hunger with Age, ibid., XXXVII (1915), 316-29. Isidore Rabens and Jacob Lifschitz, Graduate Students. On the Secretory Innervation of the Hypophysis, ibid., XXXVI (1914), 47-56. J. G. Ryan, Graduate Student. Diastase in Cat's Saliva (with A. J. Carlson), ibid., XXII (1908), 1-15. The Variations in the Enzyme Concentration with the Variation in the Blood-Flow to the Secreting Gland, ibid., XXIV (1909), 234-43. E. L. Scott, Graduate Student. The Influence of Pancreas Extracts on Diabetes, ibid., XXIX (1912), 306-11. Elizabeth W. Towi^e, Graduate Student. A Study of the Effects of Certain Stimuli, Single and Combined, upon Paramoecium, ibid., XII (1904-5), 220-36. DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY 393 J. Van de Erve, Graduate Student. The R61e of the Kidneys in the Regulation of the Serum Diastase, ibid., XXIX (191 1), 182-87. The Action of Bitters on the Hunger Mechanism (with A. J. Carlson, J. H. Lewis, and J. S. Orr), Journal of Pharmacology and Experi- mental Therapeutics, VI (1914), 209-20. Clyde F. Watts, Graduate Student. The Iodine Content of the Thyroid Gland following Changes in the Bloo-, Wabash, 1879-91; President and Professor of Botany, Indiana, 1891-93; President, Lake Forest, 1893-96; Professor and Head of the Department of Botany, Chicago, I 896-. Vice-President, American .Association for the .\dvancement of Science, 1891; President, .American Botanical Society, 1897-98; Member, National .\caderay of Sciences; .Associate Fellow, .American .Academy of Arts and Sciences; Presi- dent, Illinois .Academy of Sciences, 1910; Corresjxjnding Fellow, Botanical Society of Edinburgh; Foreign Member, Linnaean Society; President, Chicago Academy of Sciences, 1915; President, .American Botanical Society, 1915; Chairman, Committee on Botany, National Research Council, 1916-. Editor, Botanical Gazette, from its foundation (1875) to the present; Botanical Editor, Proceedings of the National Academy, 1915-; Botanical Editor, Xew International Encyclopedia, 1913-; Joint Editor of volume Heredity and Eugenics (8vo, vii+315. Chicago: University Press, 191 2); Member of the Editorial Committee of the "University of Chicago Science Series," 1914-. Morphology of Angiosperms (with C. J. Chamberlain), Svo, x+348. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1903. Plant Stiuiies. Svo, i.\-|-392. Xew York: D. Appleton & Co., 1904. Plant Structures {2d ed., rev.). Svo, ix-|-34S. Xew York: D. .Vppleton & Co., 1904. 394 PUBLICATIONS Plant Relations (T,ded.,Ye\.). 8vo, ix+266. New York : D.Appleton& Co., 1905. A Textbook of Botany. i6mo, vii+365. New York: D. Appleton & Co., igo6. New Manual of Rocky Mountain Botany. 8vo, 646. New York: American Book Co., 1909. A Textbook of Botany. 8vo, vii+484. New York: American Book Co., 1910. Morphology of Gymnosperms (with C. J. Chamberlain). 8vo, xi-l-458. Chicago: University Press, 1910. Plants in General. 8vo, 300. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1913. Plants in Cultivation. 8vo, 200. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1913. Fundamentals of Plant-Breeding. 8vo, xiv-l-347. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1914. The Evolution of Sex in Plants. 8vo, ix 4-140. Chicago: University Press, 1914. Evolution, Heredity, and Eugenics. "School Science Series," No. 5. i6mo, iv+133. Bloomington, 111., 1916. The Embryogeny of Zamia (with C. J. Ch^ivahQilsiin), Botanical Gazette, XXXV (1903), 184-94, plates VI-VIII. Regeneration in Zamia, ibid., XXXVIII (1904), 452-58. Botany as a Factor in Education, Sdiool Review, XII (1904), 609-17. The Contribution of Germany to Higher Education, University Record, VIII (1904), 348-52. Development of Morphological Conceptions, Science, XX (1904), 617-24. The Influence of a Teacher's Research Work upon His Teaching of Biology in Secondary Schools, Science and Mathematics, V (1905), 94-103. Gametophytes and Embryo of Torreya (with W. J. G. Land), Botanical Gazette, XXXIX (1905), 161-78. Principles of Nature Study, Nature-Study Review, I (1905), 57-60. Public Interest in Research, Popular Science Monthly, LXVII (1905), 306-12. DEPARTMENT OF liOTANV 395 Charles Darwin, Chautauqiian, XLV (1906), 66-74. The Scientific Spirit, Educational Bi-Monthly, I (1907), 293-99. Relation of Megaspores to Embryo Sacs in An^iosperms, Botanical Gazette, XLV (1908), 361-66. Embryo Sac and Embryo of Gnetum Gnenom, ibid., XLVI (190S), 43-49. Some Problems in Education, Xormal Education, XXIII (1908), 1-16. Recent Advances in the Study of Vascular Anatomy, American Xatu- ralist, XLIII (1909), 219-30. What the University Expects of the High School, School Review, \.\'\.i (1909), 73-84. The Theory of Natural Selection from the Standpoint of Botany. Con- tribution (pp. 57-72) to memorial volume, Fifty Years of Dam'inism (Xew York: Henry Holt & Co., 1909). Evolutionary Tendencies among Gymnosperms, Botanical Gazette, XLVIII (1909), Si-97. North American Umbelliferae, United States National Herbarium, XXI (1909), 441-51- Charles Reid Barnes, Botanical Gazette, XLIX (1910), 321-24. Charles Reid Barnes, University of Chicago Magazine, II (1910), 14S-49. Practical Science, Science, XXXI (19 10), 881-89. Melchior Treub, Botanical Gazette, LI (191 1), 141-42. .\n American Lc pidostrobus (with \V. J. G. Land), ibid., 449-53. The Endosj)crm of Angiosperms, ibid., LIT (191 1), 3S0-85. History of Gymnosperms, Popular Science Monthly, LXXX (191 2), 197-203. Problems of Plant Breeding, Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science, IV (1912), 28-39. Recent Developments in Heredity and Evolution: General Introduction. Chap, i (pp. 3-21) in volume Heredity and Eugenics (Chicago: Uni- versity Press, 191 2). The PhysiLal Basis of Heredity and Evolution from the Cytological Standpoint. Chap, ii ([)p. 22-35), *^'^- Morphology ami Paleobotany, American Year Book (1912), 671-73. 396 PUBLICATIONS The Religion of a Scientist, Biblical World, XLI (1913), 80-85. What Biology Has Contributed to ReHgion. Ibid. , 2 1 9-23 . Increasing Plant Population, Breeder's Gazette, LXIV (1913), 823-24. The Origin of Monocotyledony : I (with W. J. G. Land), Botanical Gazette, LVII (1914), 509-19; II, Anniversary Volume, Missouri Botanical Garden, II (1915), 175-S3. Regeneration in Plants, Biblical World, XLIII (1914), 377-81. Jesus' Attitude toward a New Religious Movement, Homiletic Review, LXVII (1914), 175-77. Jesus' Attitude toward the Organized Church, ibid., 360-62. Botanical articles in the New International Encyclopedia (Dodd, Mead & Co., 1914). The Mission of Science in Education, School Review, XXIII (191 5), 1-8. Charles E. Bessey, Science, XLI (1915), 599-600. The Attitude of Jesus toward Religion, Homiletic Review, LXX (1915), 183-85. A Suggested Explanation of "Orthrogenesis" in Plants, Science, XLII (1915), 859-63. Reviews in: Botanical Gazette, XXXIV, 67-6S; XXXV, 60-61; XXXVII, 313-14, 393, 471-72; XXXVIII, 149-50, 220, 463-64; XXXIX, 301; XL, 74, 312; XLII, 222, 393-94, 494-96; XLIII, 138-39, 420-23; XLIV, 147-51, 310-11; XLV, 417-18; XL VI, 56-58, 148-50, 231-32, 308; XLVIII, 308-9; XLIX, 60-61, 225-26; L, 470; LI, 68-69, 395; LII, 158-59; LIII, 71-72, 253-54, 256-57; LIV, 329; LVI, 231,343; LVII, 332; LVIII, 187-88; LIX,334; LX, 495-96. fCHARLES Reid Barnes [1898-1910], Professor of Plant Physiology. A.B. Hanover, 1877; Ph.D. ibid., 1886; Professor of Natural History, Purdue, 1882-85; Professor of Botany and Geology, ibid., 1885-87; Professor of Botany, Wisconsin, 1887-98; Professor of Plant Physiolog>', Chicago, 1898-1910; Examiner for the Colleges, ibid., 1904-10. General Secretary, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1895- 96; Vice-President, i6/(i., 1899; Secretary, Botanical Society of America, 1894-98; President, ibid., 1903-4. Joint Editor, Botanical Gazette, 1883-1910. The Theory of Respiration, Botanical Gazette, XXXIX (1905), 81-98. tDeccased. DEPARTMKxXT OF BOTANY 397 The Vienna Botanical Congress, ibid., XL (1905), 68-73. The Contribution of Science to Religious Education, Biblical World, XXVII (1906), 313-18. Illustrating Botanical Papers, Botanical Gazette, XLIII (1907), 59-63. Bryological Papers (with W. J. G. Land): I. Origin of Air-Chambers, ibid., XLIV (1907), 197-213, 22 figs. II. The Origin of the Cupule of Marchantia, ibid., XL\T '^1908), 401-9, 14 figs. The Nature of Physiological Response, American Naturalist, XLIV (1910), 321-32. Reviews in: Botanical Gazette, XXXV, 438-39; XXXVI, 143-45, 231-32; XXXVII, 150, 390-91; XXXVlil, 73, 386-87, 468-70; XXXIX, 153-54, 223-24; XL, 230-31, 459-64; XLI, 300, 448-49; XLII, 61-62, 148-50, 311, 395-97, 493-94; XLIII, 68-69, 140, 215-17, 345-47,420-21; XLIV, 228-31,307-10,384,386,457-58; XLV, 137-38, 200-202, 272-74, 341-43; XLVI, 58-60, 62-63, 305-6, 387-88; XLVII, 242-43, 414-18; American Journal of Theology, XI, 356-58. Otis William Caldwell [1907-16], Professor of Botany and Supervisor of Natural Science in the School of Education; Professor of Edu- cation and Director of the Lincoln School, Teachers College, Colum- bia University. See under College of Education, p. 47S. Charles Joseph Chamberlain [1897-], Professor of Morpholog>' and Cytology. A.B. Oberlin, 1888; Ph.D. Chicago, 1897; Assistant Professor of Botany, ibid., 1907-11; Associate Professor, ibid., 1911-15; Professor, ibid., 1915-. Editor of "Current Botanical Literature" in Journal of Applied Microscopy, 1899-1903; American Editor of the department of Cytology, Botanisches Ccntralblatt, 1902-; Editor of the department of Botany, United Editor's Encyclopedia, 1909; of Cytology, the Encyclopedia Americana, 1904. Morphology of Angiosperms (with John M. Coulter). Svo, x4-348. New York: D. Apple ton & Co., 1903. Methods in Plant Histology. 2d ed., 1905; 3d ed., 1915. Svo, .\i+3i4. Chicago: University Press. Morphology of Gymnosperms (with John M. Coulter). Svo, .\i + 458. Chicago: University Press, 1910. 398 PUBLICATIONS The Embryogeny of Zamia (with John M. Coulter), Botanical Gazette, XXXV (1903), 184-94, plates VI-VIII. Mitosis in Pellia, ibid., XXXVI (1903), 28-51, plates XII-XIV. Alternation of Generations in Animals from a Botanical Viewpoint, ibid., XXXIX (1905), 137-44. Alternation of Generation in Animals. A Reply to Criticism and Also a Further Presentation of the Subject, Science, XXII (1905), 208-11. Megaspore or Macrospore, ibid., XXIII (1906), 819. The Ovule and Female Gametophyte of Dioon, Botanical Gazette, XLII (1906), 321-58. Preliminary Note on Ceratozamia, ibid., XLIII (1907), 137. Monte Alban and Mitla as the Tourist Sees Them, Popular Science Monthly, LXXIII (1908), 392-402. Spermatogenesis in Dioon edule, Botanical Gazette, XL VII (1909), 215-36. Dioon spinulosum, ibid., XLIX (1909), 401-13. Nuclear Phenomena of Sexual Reproduction in Gymnosperms, Ameri- can Naturalist, XLIV (1910), 595-603. Fertilization and Embryogeny in Dioon edule, Botanical Gazette, L (1910), 415-29- A Convenient Microtome Knife, ibid., LI (191 1), 298-300. The Adult Cycad Trunk, ibid., LII (191 1), 81-104. Morphology of Ceratozamia, ibid., LIII (1912), 1-19. Eduard Strasburger, ibid., LIV (1912), 68-72. A Round-the-World Botanical Excursion, Popular Science Monthly, LXXXI (1912), 417-33- Two Species of Bowenia, Botanical Gazette, LIV (1912), 419-23. Macrozamia Moorei, a Connecting Link between Living and Fossil Cycads, ibid., LV (1913), 141-54. The Oriental Cycads in the Field, Science, XXXVIII (19 13), 164-67. A Phylogenetic Study of Cycads, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, I (1915), 86-90. Slangeria paradoxa, Botanical Gazette, LXI (19 16), 353-72. DKPARl.MKXT OF HO TAN Y 399 Revif.w of: StraslnirjTfr, Uchcr die Tnclividualitiit der Chromosomen und die Pfr()i)fhyhridenfra^c', Jahrbiichcr fiir wisscnschaflliche liotauik, XLIV, 482-555; and many other reviews in the Bolanical Cazctle, Botanisches Ccntralblatt, and Journal of Applied Microscopy. Henry Chandler Cowles [1898-], Professor of Plant Ecology. A.B. Obcrlin, 18Q3; Ph.D. Chicago, 1898; Professor of Natural Sciences, Gates CoUcKC, iSq4-q5; Assistant Professor of Plant Kcology, Chicago, 1907-11; Associate Professor, ibid., 1911-15; Professor, ibid., 1915-. President, .Association of .\mcrican Geographers, 1910; Vice-President, American Association for the .Xdvancement of Science, 19 13. A Textbook of Botany. \o\. II. Ecology. 8vo, x-l-480. New York: American Book Co., IQ12. The International Phytogeogra pJrical Excursion in the United States: A Handbook. 60. Chicago: University Press, 1913. A Spring Flora for High Schools (with J. G. Coulter), 144. Xcw \''ork: American Book Co., 19 15. Recent Studies upon Regeneration, Botanical Gazette, XXXIV (1902), 464-66. Recent Contributions to American Phytogeography, ibid., XXXY (1903), 147-49. The Desert Botanical Laboratory, ibid., XXXVII (1904), 307-9. The Work of the Year 1903 in Ecology, Science, XIX (1904), 879-85, A Remarkable Colony of Northern Plants along the Apoladinola River, Florida, and Its Significance, Report of the Eighth International Geographical Congress (1904), 599. Importance of the Physiographic Standpoint in Plant Geogra])hy, ibid., 600. Insects and Flower Colors, Botanical Gazette, XXXIX (1905), 68-70. An Ecological Aspect of the Conception of Species, American Xatiiralist, XLII (1908), 265-71. The Response of Plants to Soil and Climate, Salisbury's Physiography for Uigh Schools (1908), 462-73, The Trend of Ecological Philosophy, Atnerican Naturalist, XLIII (1909), 356-68. The Fundamental Causes of Succession among Plant .\ssociations, Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science (1909), 668-70. 400 PUBLICATIONS Charles Reid Barnes, Science, XXXI (1910), 532-33. A Fifteen- Year Study of Advancing Sand Dunes, Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science (191 1), 565. Causes of Vegetative Cycles, Botanical Gazette, LI (191 1), 161-83. Impressions of the International Phytogeographical Excursion in the British Isles, New Phytologist, XI (191 2), 25-26. The International Phytogeographical Excursion in the British Isles, Plant World, XV (191 2), 46-48. Conservation of Our Forests, Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science, V (1912), 48-53. Reviews in: Botanical Gazette, XXXIV, 309-10; XXXV, 293-94; XXXVI, 394-95; XXXVII, 392-93; XXXVIII, 146-48; XL, 148-49, 381-82; XLIV, 456-58; XLV, 55, 56, 279-80; XLVII, 73-75; XLVIII, 149-53,307-8; XLEX, 305-7,382-83; L, 312; LI, 65-67, 395. William Crocker [igo6-], Associate Professor of Plant Physiology. A. B. Illinois, 1902; Ph.D. Chicago, 1906; Assistant Professor of Plant Physiology, ibid., 1911-15; Associate Professor, ibid., 1915-. Collaborator and Plant Physiologist, Bureau of Plant Industry, United States Department of Agriculture. Role of Seed Coats in Delayed Germination. Doctor's thesis. Botan' ical Gazette, XLII (1906), 265-91. Germination of Seeds of Water Plants, ibid., XLIV (1907), 375-80. Effect of Illuminating Gas and Ethylene upon Flowering Carnations (with L. I. Knight), ibid., XLVI (1908), 259-76. Effect of Illuminating Gas and Its Constituents upon Flowering Carna- tions (with L. I. Knight), Plant World, XII (1909), 83-88. Longevity of Seeds, Botanical Gazette, XLVII (1909), 69-72. A New Method of Detecting Traces of Illuminating Gas (with L. I. Knight and R. C. Rose), Science, XXXI (1910), 635-36. The Peg of the Cucurbitaceae (with L. I. Knight and Edith Roberts), Botanical Gazette, L (1910), 321-39. Toxicity of Smoke (with L. I. Knight), ibid., LV (1913), 337-71. The Effects of Advancing Civilization upon Plants, School Science and Mathematics, XIII (1913), 277-89. DEPARTMENT OF HOTAXV 401 Delayed Germination in the Seed of Alisma Plantago (with W'ilnicr E. Davis), Botanical Gazette, LVIII (1914), 285-321. A Method of Prophesying the Life Duration of Seeds (with J. F. Groves), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, I (1915), 152-55. Significance of Colloidal Chemistry in Physiology, Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science, VIII (1915), 47-68. Mechanics of Dormancy in Seeds, American Journal of Botany, III (1916), 99-120. Reviews in: Botanical Gazette, XLll, jo~y 2; XLIII, 290; XLVII, 82, 164, 170, 249, 252, 339-44, 482; XLIX, 230-31, 238, 239, 319, 390, 393, 395, 397, 399, 465, 469, 472, 474; L, 73, 75, 77, 78, I54, i55, 159, 230, 233, 234, 237, 238, 240, 312-13, 315, 317, 320, 321, 398; LI, 70, 76, 77, 79, 156, 158, 239, 304, 310, 314, 315, 318-20, 393-94, 400, 469, 470, 474, 478-80; LII, 66-67, 241, 243, 245, 247, 320, 322, 328, 343-44; LHI, 74-75, 83, 86, 88, 361, 362, 363, 364, 452; LIV, 171, 263, 435, 543; LV, 167-68, 233, 237, 253-54; LVI, 86, 155-57, 164, 231-32, 244, 341, 343; LVII, 334, 437, 543-44; LVIII, 91; LIX, 57, 59, 62, 67; LX, 74, 325, 32^30, 421, 423, 502; LXI, 345-46, 347-48, 349-52; LXII, 82-83, 86-87, 164-65, 165-66, 168, 242, 244-46, 248, 325-28, 334, 336, 421-22. William Jesse Goad Land [1904-], Associate Professor of Plant Morphology. S.B. Chicago, 1902; Ph.D. ibid., 1904; Instructor in Botany, ibid., 1908-11; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1911-15; Associate Professor, ibid., 1915-. A Morphological Study of Thuja. Doctor's thesis. Botanical Gazette, XXXVI (1902), 249-59. Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis in Ephedra trifurca, ibid., XXXMII (1904), 1-18. Gametophytes and Embryo of Torreya (with J. M. Coulter), ibid., XXXIX (1905), 161-78. Bryological Papers (with C. R. Barnes): I. The Origin of Air-Chambers, ibid., XLI\' (1907), 197-213, 22 figs. II. The Origin of tJie Cupule of Marchantia, ibid., XLVI (1908), 401-9, 14 figs. Fertilization and Embryogcny in Ephedra trifurca, ibid., XLIV (1907), 273-92- An American Lcpidostrobus (with J. M. Coulter), ibid., LI (1911), 449-53. 402 PUBLICATIONS An Electrical Constant Temperature Apparatus, Botanical Gazette, LII (191 1), 391-99- A Protocorm of Ophioglossum, ibid, 47S-79. Vegetative Reproduction in an Ephedra, ibid., LV (1913), 439-45. The Origin of Monocotyledony (with J. ]\I. Coulter), ibid., LVII (1914), 509-19. A Method of Controlling the Temperature of the Paraffin Block and Microtome Knife, ibid., 520-23. Microtechnical Methods, ibid., LIX (1915), 397-401. Chloroform as a Paraffin Solvent in the Imbedding Process, ibid., LXI (1916), 251. Reviews in: Botanisches Centralblatt, CI, 16^-64; Botanical Gazette, XLV, 349-50, 359; XLVII, 487; XLVIII, 77^; XLIX, 393, 399; L, 77; LI, 159-60, 238-39; LIII, 356-57; LIV, 85-86; LVI, 244-45, 447-4S, 518-20; LIX, 168, 258-59, 344; LX, 497-99> 502-3, 504; LXI, 347, 348, 447, 448, 451, 531. Bradley Moore Davis [1S95-1906], Assistant Professor of Plant Morphology; Professor of Botany, University of Pennsylvania. A.B. Leland Stanford Junior, 1S92; Ph.D. Harvard, 1895; Instructor in Botany, Chicago, 1898-1902; Assistant Professor of Plant Morphology, ibid., 1902-6. The Origin of the Archegonium, Annals of Botany, XVII (1903), 477-92. The Origin of the Sporophyte, American Naturalist, XXXVII (1903), 411-29. The Evolution of Sex in Plants, Popular Science Monthly, LXII (1903), 300-9. Tilletia in the Capsule of Bryophytes, Botanical Gazette, XXXVI (1903), 306-7. Oogenesis in Vauchcria, ibid., XXX VIII (1904), 81 -98. The Relationships of Sexual Organs in Plants, ibid., 241-64. Structure of the Plant Cell, American Naturalist, XXXVIII (1904), 367-95- The Activities of the Plant Cell, ibid., 431-69. Highly Specialized Plant Cells and Their Peculiarities, ibid., 571-94, 725-60. DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY 403 Fertilization in the Saprolegniales, Botanical Gazette, XXXIX (1905), 61-64. The Sexual Organs and Sporophyte Generation of the Rhodophyceae, ibid., 64-66. Cell Unions and N^uclear Fusions in Plants, American Naturalist, XXXIX (1905), 217-6S. Cell Activities at Critical Periods of Ontogeny in Plants, ibid., 449-99, 555-99- Comparative Morphology and Physiology of the Plant Cell, ibid., 695-740. Reviews in: Botanical Gazette, XXXIII, 242, 386; XXXIV, 70, 72, 152, 153, 156, 221, 460, 475; XXXV, 221, 223, 229, 298, 299, 368; XXXVI, 68, 69, 70, 72, 7.^, 155, 307, 398; XXXVII, 72, 74; XXXVIII, 313, 46.S, 468, 472; XXXIX, 71, 301, 375, 380; XL, 157, 158, 159, 233, 475; XLI, 71, 79, 146, 157, 367. Jesse More Greenman [1908-13], Assistant Professor of Botany; Professor of Botany, Washington University, St. Louis. S.B. Pennsylvania, 1S93; S.M. Harvard, 1899; Ph.D. Berlin, 1901; Assistant Curator of Hotany, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 1905- 13;. Assistant Professor of Botany, Chicago, 1908-13. The Generic Name Goldmania, Botanical Gazette, XLV (1908), 19S. Notes on the Genus Senecio, Rhodora, X (1908), 6S-69. Revision of the Genus Senecio, Gray's New Manual oj Botany (7th ed.), 1908, 852-55. Some Hitherto Undescribed Plants from Oregon, Botanical Gazette, XLVIII (1909), 146-48. Some Canadian Senecios, Ottawa Xaturalist, XXX [igii), 114-1S. Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker (with portrait), Botanical Gazette, LIII (191 2), 43S-40. Some Plants of Western America, ibid., 510-1 2. of: Gray, N^ew Manual of Botany, 7th cd.. Botanical Gazelle, XL\'1I, 15^-54; Coulter and Nelson, New ^lanual of Botany of the Central Rocky Mountains, ibid., XLIX, 307-8. Other reviews in Botanical Gazette, XLVII, 157-59, 467; XLVIII, 156, 311-12, 394-95, 465, 475; XLIX, 69, 153-54, 226-27, 3^5-i>6, 464; L, 231, 470-72; LI, 72, 305-^ 394-95- 404 PUBLICATIONS Lee Irving Knight [1910-], Assistant Professor of Botany. A.B. Illinois, 1902; Ph.D. Chicago, 1913; Assistant in Botany, ibid.,igio-i^; Instructor, ibid., 1913-16; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1916-. Associate in Horticulture, West Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station, 1914-- Effect of Illuminating Gas and Ethylene upon Flowering Carnations (with Wm. Crocker), Botanical Gazette, XL VI (1908), 259-76. Effect of Illuminating Gas and Its Constituents upon Flowering Carna- tions (with Wm. Crocker), Plant World, XII (1909), 83-88. The Peg of the Cucurbitaceae (with Wm. Crocker and Edith Roberts), Botanical Gazette, L (191 o), 321-39. A New Method of Detecting Traces of Illuminating Gas (with Wm. Crocker and R. C. Rose), Science, XXXI (1910), 635-36. Toxicity of Smoke (with Wm. Crocker), Botanical Gazette, LV (1913), 337-71- Chemical Changes in Buds of Trees Accompanying Cessation of Dor- mancy. Doctor's thesis. Ibid. In Press. Sophia Hennion Eckerson [191 i-]. Instructor in Plant Physiology. A.B. Smith, 1905; Ph.D. Chicago, 1911; Assistant in Plant Physiology, ibid., 1911-16; Instructor, ibid., 1916-. A Physiological and Chemical Study of After-Ripening. Doctor's thesis. Botanical Gazette, LV (1913), 286-99. Thermotropism of Roots, ibid., LVIII (1914), 254-63. George Damon Fuller [1909-], Instructor in Ecology. A.B. McGill, 1901; S.M. Chicago, 1912; Ph.D. ibid., 1913; Assistant in Ecology, ibid., 1909-13; Instructor, ibid., 1913-. Editor, articles on ecology. New International Encyclopedia, New York, 1915-16. Evaporation and Plant Succession, Botanical Gazette, LII (191 1), 193-208. Range of Evaporation and Soil Moisture in the Oak Forest (with Wade McNutt), Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science, V (1912), 127-37. Germination and Growth of the Cottonwood on the Sand Dunes near Chicago, ibid., 137-43- Soil Moisture in the Cottonwood Dune Association of Lake Michigan, Botanical Gazette, LIII (1912), 512-14. DKl'AR'r.MEXT OF BO'lAXV 405 Evaporation and the Stratification of Vegetation, ibid., LIV (191 2), 424-26. Reproduction by Layering mPicea ntariana, ibid., LV (1913), 452-57. The Stratification of Atmospheric Humidity in the Forest (with J. R. Locke and Wade McNutt), Proceedings of the Illinois State Academy of Science, VI (1913), 100-102. Soil Moisture and Plant Succession, ibid., VII (1914), 68-73. Evaporation and Soil Moisture in Relation to the Succession of Plant Associations. Doctor's thesis. Botanical Gazette, LVIII (1914), 183-234. Comparisons of Some Rocky Mountain Grasslands with the Prairies of Illinois, Proceedings of the Illinois State Academy of Science, VIII (1915), 121-30. Thuja occidentalis upon the Sand Dunes of Michigan, //;/(/. In Press Review of: Shreve, A Montane Rain Forest, Botanical Gazette, LX, 237-40. Other reviews, ibid., LV, 252-53, 328-29, 333-35; LVI, 79, 91; LIX, 60, 257, 410-11. Clifton? Durant Howe [1903-4; 1907-], Extension Instructor in Botany; Assistant Professor of Botany and Forestry, University of Toronto. A.B. Vermont, 1S98; S.M. ibid.. 1901; Ph.D. Chicago, 1904; .\ssistant in Botany ibid., 1903-4; Member of the Faculty, University of Toronto, 1908-; E.xtension Instructor in Botany, Chicago, 1907-. Associate Editor, Forest Quarterly; Engaged in forest-survey work for the Commission of Conservation, Canada, 1909-. The Reforestation of Sand Plains in Vermont. Doctor's thesis. Botan- ical Gazette, XLIX (1910), 126-48. Wanda May Pfeiffer [1909-16], Instructor in Plant Patholog>% S.B. Chicago, IQ04; Ph.D. ibid., 1908; .\ssistant in Botany, ibid., 1909-14; Instructor in Plant I'athology, ibid., 1914-16. Differentiation of Sporocarps in Azolla, Botanical Gazette, XLIV (1907), 445-54. The Morphology of Lcitneria floridana. Doctor's tliesis. Ibid., LIII (1912), 1S9-203. 4o6 PUBLICATIONS Burton Edward Livingston [1902-5], Associate in Botany; Professor and Director of the Laboratory of Plant Physiology, Johns Hopkins University. S.B. Michigan, 189S; Ph.D. Chicago, 1901; Assistant in Botany, /J/V/., 1902-4; Associate, ibid., 1904-5. Member, Michigan Geological Survey, 1901-2; Collaborator, Bureau of Forestry, United States Department of Agriculture, 1902-3; Research Assistant, Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1904; Special Soil Expert, United States Bureau of Soils, 1904-5. Studies on the Properties of an Unproductive Soil (with J. C. Britton and F. R. Reid), 8vo, 39. United States Department of Agricul- ture, Bureau of Soils, Bulletin 28. Washington, 1905. The Relation of Desert Plants to Soil Moisture and to Evaporation. Svo, 78. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Pubhcation No. 50, 1906. The Soils and Vegetational Possibilities of the Michigan Forestry Reserve, Annual Report of the Michigan Forestry Commission (1902), 38-40. The Relation of Soils to Natural Vegetation in Roscommon and Craw- ford Counties, Michigan, Annual Report of the Michigan Geological Survey (1903), 9-30. Physical Properties of Bog Water, Botanical Gazette, XXXVII (1904), 383-85- An Experiment on the Relation of Soil Physics to Plant Growth, ibid., XXXVIII (1904), 67-71. The Relation of Soils to Natural Vegetation in Roscommon and Crawford Counties, Michigan, ibid., XXXIX (1905), 22-41. Chemical Stimulation of a Green Alga, Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, XXXII (1905), 1-34. Notes on the Physiology of Stigeoclonium, Botanical Gazette, XXXIX (1905), 297-300. Physiological Properties of Bog Water, ibid., 348-55. Relation of Transpiration to Growth in Wheat, ibid., XL (1905), 178-95. Note on the Relation between the Growth of Roots and of Tops in Wheat, ibid., XLI (1906), 139-43. A Simple Method for Experiments with Water Cultures, Plant World, IX (1906), 13-16. Paraffined Wire Pots for Soil Cultures, ibid., 62-66. DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY 407 Florence May Lyon (Mrs. Strong V. Xorton) [1903-7], Associate in Botany. S.B. Chicago, 1897; Ph.D. ibid., lyoi; Ass iiS-40> 189-235. Review: Ibid., LIV, 166-67. Frank Earl Denny, Ph.D. 1916. Permeabihty of Certain Plant Membranes to Water. Doctor's Thesis. Botanical Gazette, LXIII (19 17), 373-97- Hermann Backer Deutsch, Ph.D. 1915; Civil Service News, Chicago. A Study of Targionia hypophylla, Botanical Gazette, LIII (191 2), 492-503. Light and Germination of Fern Spores. Doctor's thesis. Ibid. In Press. Sister Helen Angela Dorety, Ph.D. 1909; Professor of Botany, St, Elizabeth College, Convent Station, N.J. The Embryo of Ceratozamia, a Physiological Study, Botanical Gazette, XLV (1908), 412-16. The Seedling of Ceratozamia. Doctor's thesis. Ibid., XLVI (1908), 203-20. Vascular Anatomy of the Seedling of Microcycas calocoma, ibid., XLVII (i909)> 139-47- The Extrafascicular Cambium of Ceratozamia, ibid., 150-52. DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY 413 Sarah Lucinda Doubt, Ph.D. 1915; Instructor in Biolopy, Winona Federated College, Winona Lake, Ind, Some Common Diseases of the Potato Plant and Tuber, Nebraska State Horticulture Report, 1Q03. The Response of Plants to Illuminating Gas. Doctor's thesis. Botan- ical Gazette, LXIII (1917), 209-24, 6 figs. Theodore Christian Frye, Ph.D. 1902; Professor of Botany, Univer- sity of Washington, Seattle. The Embryo Sac of Casuarina stricta, Botanical Gazette, XXXVI (1903), 101-13. Laura Campbell Gang, Ph.D. 191 i; Richmond, Ind. A Study in Physiographic Ecology in Northern Florida. Doctor's thesis. Botanical Gazette, LXIII (1917), 337-72. John Frederick Garber, Ph.D. 1903; Head of Department of Bot- any, Yeatman High School, St. Louis. Dimorphism in Blissus leucopteris, Biological Bulletin, V (1903), 330-35. The Life-History of Ricciocarpus natans. Doctor's thesis. Botanical Gazette, XXXVII (1904), 161-77. James Frederick Groves, Ph.D. 191 5; Assistant Professor, State University of Wyoming, Laramie. Evaporation and Soil Moisture in Forests and Cultivated Fields, Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science, VII (1914), 59-67- Temperature and Life Duration of Seeds. Doctor's thesis. Botanical Gazette, LXIII (1917), 168-89. Stella Mary Hague, Ph.D. 1912; Instructor in Botany, University of Illinois. A Morphological Study of Diospyros virginiana. Doctor's thesis. Botanical Gazette, LII (191 1), 34-44. Edward Maris Harvky, Ph.D. 1914; Bureau of Plant Industry, United States Department of Agriculture, Washington. Evaporation and Soil Moisture on the Prairies of Illinois, Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science, \T (1913), 92-99, 414 PUBLICATIONS The Action of the Rain-Correcting Atmometer, Plant World, XVT (1913), 89-93. The Castor Bean Plant and Laboratory Air, Botanical Gazette, LVI (1913), 439-42. The Effects of Illuminating Gas on Root Systems (with R. Catlin Rose), ibid., LX (1915), 27-44. Some Effects of Ethylene on the Metabolism of Plants. Doctor's thesis. Ibid., 193-214. LeRoy Harris Harvey, Ph.D. 1908; Professor of Biology, Western State Normal School, Kalamazoo, Mich. Floral Succession in the Prairie-Grass Formation of Southeastern South Dakota. Doctor's thesis. Botanical Gazette, XL VI (1908), 8i-io8, 277-98. Ansel Francis Hemenway, Ph.D. 1912; Professor of Biology, Transyl- vania College, Lexington, Ky. Studies on the Phloem of the Dicotyledons: II, Evolution of the Sieve- Tube. Doctor's thesis. Botanical Gazette, LV (1913), 236-43. John Benjamin Hill, Ph.D. 1913; Associate Professor of Botany, Pennsylvania State College, State College, Pa. The Anatomy of Six Epiphytic Species of Lycopodium. Doctor's thesis. Botanical Gazette, LVIII (19 14), 61-85. Rachel Emilie Hoffstadt, Ph.D. 191 5; Assistant Professor of Botany, Milwaukee-Downer College, Milwaukee. The Vascular Anatomy of Piper methysticum, Botanical Gazette, LXII (1916), 115-32. George Mellinger Holferty, Ph.D. 1903; Central High School, St. Louis. The Archegonium of Mnium-cuspidatum. Doctor's thesis. Botanical Gazette, XXXVII (1904), 106-26. Andrew Henderson Hutchinson, Ph.D. 191 5; Assistant Professor of Botany, University of British Columbia, Vancouver. The Male Gametophyte of Abies balsatnea. Botanical Gazette, LVII (1914), 148-53. DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY 415 The Male Gametophyle of Picea canadtnsis, ibid., LIX (1915), 287-3cx3, plates XV-XIX. The Gametophyte of Pellia epiphylla, ibid., LX (1915), 134-43, plates I-IV. Fertilization in Abies balsamca. Doctor's thesis. Ibid., 457 72, plates XVI-XX. Hemming Gerhard Jensen, Ph.D. 1906; Associate Professor of Plant Physiology, State College, Pullman, Wash. Toxic Limits and Stimulation Effects of Some Salts and Poisons on Wheats. Doctor's thesis. Botanical Gazette, yLLlW {igo"]), i\-^^. Leslie Alva Ke.n'oyer, Ph.D. 19 16; Professor of Biology, Ewing Christian College, Allahabad, India. Environmental Influences on Nectar Secretion. Doctor's thesis. Botanical Gazette, LXIII (1917), 249-65. NiELSiNE Johanna Kildahl, Ph.D. 1909; Maza, N.D. Development of the Walls in the Proembr\'0 of Pinus Laricio, Botanical Gazette, XLIV (1907), 102-7. The Morphology of Phyllocladus alpinus. Doctor's thesis. Ibid., XLVI (1908), 339-48, 464-65- George Konrad Karl Link, Ph.D. 1916; Associate Professor of Agri- cultural Botany, University of Nebraska, Lincoln. A Dry Rot of the Irish Potato Tuber (with E. M. Wilcox and V. W. Pool). Svo, 85. Lincoln, Neb.: Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station, 1913. A Handbook of Nebraska Grasses (wiih E. M. Wilcox and \'. W . Pool). Svo, 120. Ibid., 191 5. A Physiological Study of Two Strains of Fusarium in Their Causal Relation to Tuber Rot and Wilt of Potato. Doctor's thesis. Bo- tanical Gazette, LXII (1916), 169-209, 13 figs. Millard S. Markle, Ph.D. 1915; Instructor in Botany, Earlhara College, Richmond, Ind. The Root Systems of Certain Desert Plants. Doctor's thesis. Botan- ical Gazette. In Press. 41 6 PUBLICATIONS John Nathan Martin, Ph.D. 1913; Professor of Botany, Iowa State College, Ames. Comparative Morphology of Some Leguminosae. Doctor's thesis. Botanical Gazette, LVIII (1914), 154-67. LuLA Pace, Ph.D. 1907; Professor of Botany, Baylor University, Waco, Tex. Fertilization in Cypripedium, Botanical Gazette, XLIV (1907), 353-73. The Gametophyte of Calopogon. Doctor's thesis. Ihid., XLVIII (1909), 126-37. Some Peculiar Fern Prothalha, ibid., L (1910), 49-58. Parnassia and Some Allied Genera, ibid., LIV (191 2), 306-29. Apogamy in Atamosco, ibid., LVI (1913), 376-94. Two Species of Gyrostachys , Baylor University Bulletin, XVII (1914), 1-16. LoREN Clifford Petry, Ph.D. 1913; Instructor in Botany, Syracuse University. A Protocorm of Ophioglossum, Botanical Gazette, LV (19 13), 155-66. The Anatomy of Ophioglossum pendulum. Doctor's thesis. Ibid., LVII (1914), 169-92. Branching in the Ophioglossaceae, ibid., LIX (1915), 345-65. Norma Etta Pfeiffer, Ph.D. 1913; Assistant Professor of Botany, University of North Dakota. Abnormalities in Prothallia of Pteris longifolia, Botanical Gazette, LIII (1912), 436-38. Morphology of Thismia americana. Doctor's thesis. Ibid., LVII (1914), 122-35. Reviews in: Botanical Gazette, LI, t,i^; LII, 166; Quarterly Journal of the University of North Dakota, IV, 188. George Burton Rigg, Ph.D. 1914; Assistant Professor of Botany, University of Washington, Seattle. Decay and Soil Toxins. Doctor's thesis. Botanical Gazette, LXI (1916), 295-310. DEPARTMENT OK BO'IAXV 417 Edith Adelaide Rohkrts, Ph.D. 1916; Stale Specialist, Home Demonstration Work, Blacksburg, Va. The Peg of the Cucurbitaceae (with \Vm. Crocker and L. I. Knight), Botanical Gazette, L (1910), 321-39. The Plant Succession of the Holyoke Range, ibid., LVIII (1914), 432-44. The Distribution of Beach Plants, ibid., LX (1915), 406-11. The Ei)idermal Cells of Roots. Doctor's thesis. Ibid., LXII (1916), 488-506, 17 figs. Mabel Lewis Roe, Ph.D. 191 5; Pittsburgh, Pa. The Development of the Conceptacle in Fucus. Doctor's thesis. Botanical Gazette, LXI (1915), 231-46. Eva Ormenta Schley, Ph.D. 1914; Assistant in Physiology. See under Department of Physiology, p. 388. Lester Whyland Sharp, Ph.D. 191 2; Assistant Professor of Botany, X^ew York State College of Agriculture, Ithaca. Spermatogenesis in Eqtiisctum. Doctor's thesis. Botanical Gazette, LIV (1912), 89-119. The Orchid Embrj'o Sac, ibid., 372-85. Spermatogenesis in Marsilia, ibid., LXVIII (1914), 419-31. Charles Houston Shattuck, Ph.D. 1908; Professor of Forestry and Botanical Morphology, University of Idaho, Moscow. A Morphological Study of Ulnus amcricana, Botanical Gazette, XL (1905), 209-23. The Origin of Heterospory in Marsilia. Doctor's thesis. Ibid., XLIX (1910), 19-40. Earl Edward Sherff, Ph.D. 1916. Studies in the Genus Bidens, III. Doctor's thesis. Botanical Gazelle, XLI (1916), 495-506. Charles Albert Shull, Ph.D. 1915; Associate Professor of Plant Physiology and Genetics, University of Kansas, Lawrence. Life-History and Habits of Anthocharis (Synchloe) olympia Edwards, Entomological Xcws, IX (1907), 73-82. 41 8 PUBLICATIONS Some Abnormalities and Regeneration of Pleiopods of Cambarus and Other Decapoda, Biological Bulletin, XVI (1909), 297-312. Oxygen Pressure and the Germination of Xanthium Seeds, Botanical Gazette, XL VII (1909), 387-90. The Oxygen Minimum and the Germination of Xanthium Seeds, ibid., LII (1911), 453-77. Semipermeabihty of Seed Coats, ibid., LVI (1913), 169-99. Role of Oxygen in Germination, ibid., LVII (1914), 64-69. Measurement of the Surface Forces in Soils. Doctor's thesis. Botanical Gazette, LXII (19 16), 1-31. Reviews: Ibid., LII, 325, 326-27, 491-92; LIV, 433-34; LVI, 444-45- Etoile Bessie Simons, Ph.D. 1905; with Fred Harvey, Employment and Welfare, Eighteenth Street and Wentworth Avenue, Chicago. A Morphological Study of Sargassum filipendula. Doctor's thesis. Botanical Gazette, XLI (1906), 161-82, plates X and XI. Frances Grace Smith, Ph.D. 1906; Associate Professor of Botany, Smith College. Morphology of the Trunk and Development of the Microsporangium of Cycads. Doctor's thesis. Botanical Gazette,'XIAII(igo'j), 18^-204. Laetitia M. Snow, Ph.D. 1904; Associate Professor of Botany, Wellesley College. The Effects of External Agents on the Production of Root Hairs, Botani- cal Gazette, XXXVII (1904), 143-45. The Development of Root Hairs. Doctor's thesis. Ibid., XL (1905), 12-48. Anna Morse Starr, Ph.D. 1911; Instructor in Botany, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass. The Microsporophylls of Ginkgo, Botanical Gazette, XLIX (1910), 51-54, I plate. Comparative Anatomy of Dune Plants. Doctor's thesis. Ibid., LIV (1912), 265-305. Poisoning by Ginkgo, ibid., LV (1913), 251. DEI'ARTMFA'T OF BOTANY 419 Frank Lincoln Stevens, Ph.D. 1900; Professor of Plant Pathology, University of Illinois. Studies in the Fertilization of Phycomycetes, Botanical Gazette, XXXIV (1902), 420-26. Some Improvements upon Apparatus for Water Analysis, Journal of Applied Microscopy and Laboratory Methods, V (1902), 191S-19. James Palm Stober, Ph.D. 1914; Professor of Biology and Geology, Albright College, Myerstovvn, Pa. A Comparative Study of Winter and Summer Leaves of Various Herbs. Doctor's thesis. Botanical Gazette, LXIII (19 17), 89-109. Alma Gracey Stoke y, Ph.D. 1908; Associate Professor of Botany, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass. The Roots of Lycopodium pithyoides, Botanical Gazette, XLI\' (1907), 57-63- The Anatomy of 75oe/e5. Doctor's thesis. /i/V., XLVII (1909), 311-35. The Sporangium of Lycopodium pithyoides, ibid., L (1910), 21S-19. Reinhardt Thiessen, Ph.D. 1907; Chemist and Microscopist, United States Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh. The Vascular Anatomy of the Seedling of Dioon edule. Doctor's thesis. Botanical Gazette, XL VI (1908), 357-80. Edith Minot Twiss, Ph.D. 1909; Professor of Botany, Washburn College, Topeka, Kan. The Prothallia of Aneimia and Lygodium. Doctor's thesis. Botanical Gazette, XLIX (1901), 16S-81. Arthur Gibson Vestal, Ph.D. 191 5; Instructor in Botany, Eastern Illinois State Xormal School, Charleston. An Associational Study of Illinois Sand Prairie, Bulletin of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History, X (1913), 1-96. Local Distribution of Grasshoppers in Relation to Plant Associations, Biolof^ical Bulletin, XX\' (19 13), 141 -So. Internal Relations of Terrestrial Associations, American Naturalist, XLVIII (1914), 413-45- 420 PUBLICATIONS A Black-Soil Prairie Station in Northeastern Illinois, Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, XLI (1914), 357-63. Prairie Vegetation of a Mountain-Front Area in Colorado, Botanical Gazette, LVIII (19 14), 377-400. Foothill Vegetation of the Eastern Mountain-Front in Colorado, ibid. In Press. The Phytogeography of the Eastern Mountain-Front in Colorado. Doctor's thesis. Ibid. In Press. Mary Sophie Young, Ph.D. 1910; Instructor in Botany, University of Texas, Austin. The Morphology of the Podocarpineae. Doctor's thesis. Botanical Gazette, L (1910), 81-100. WiLMER E. Davis, Graduate Student. The Efifect of External Conditions upon the After-Ripening of the Seeds of Crataegus mollis (with R. C. Rose), Botanical Gazette, LIV (1912), 49-62. Delayed Germination in the Seed of Alistna Plantago (with William Crocker), ibid., LVIII (1914), 285-321. Rial Catlin Rose, Graduate Student. A New Method of Detecting Traces of Illuminating Gas (with Wm. Crocker and L. I. Knight), Science, XXXI (1910), 635-36. The Effect of External Conditions upon the After-Ripening of the Seeds of Crataegus mollis (with W. E. T)a,vis) , Botanical Gazette, LIV (1912), 49-62. The Effects of Illuminating Gas on Root Systems (with E. M. Harvey), ibid., LX (1915), 27-44. Isabel Seymour Smith, Graduate Student. The Nutrition of the Egg in Zamia, ibid., XXXVII (1904), 346-52. Joseph Ralph Watson, Graduate Student. Plant Geography of North Central New Mexico, ibid., LIV (191 2), 190-217. DKl'ARTMEXT OK rATIIOLUGY 421 THE DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGY Harry Gideon Wells [1901-], Professor of Pathology; Director of the Otho S. A. Sprague Memorial Institute. Ph.B. Yale, 189s; M.D. Rush Medical Colk-Kc, 1898; Ph.D. Chicago, 1903; .\.M. (hon.) Vale, 1912; Assistant Professor of PatholoKy, ChicaKo, 1904-9; .\ttcnd- ing Pathologist, Cook County Hospital, 1905-; Associate Professor, Chicago, 1909-13; Director of the Otho S. A. Sprague Memorial Institute, 191 1-; Pro- fessor of Pathology, Chicago, 1913-. Editor of the department of Pathological Chemistry of the Abstract Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1906-; Member of the Editorial Committee, Journal of Cancer Research, 1916-; Associate Editor: Journal of Infectious Diseases, 1913-; Journal of Im- munology, 1916-. Chemical Pathology, ist ed., 1907; 2d ed., 1914. 8vo, 616. Phila- delphia: W. B. Saunders Co. Fatal Pulmonary Embolism Following Simple Appendectomy, Trans- actions of the Chicago Pathological Society, V (1902), 134-41. E.xperimental Cirrhosis of the Liver in Chronic Albumose Intoxication, ibid., (1903), 240-45. Primary Carcinoma of the Liver, American Journal of Medical Science^ CXXVI (1903), 403-17. Fourth of July Tetanus, American Medicine, V (1903), 954-5S. The Pathology of "Paratyphoid Fever," Journal of Infectious Diseases, I (1904), 72-90- Thyroid, Reference Handbook of the Medical Sciences, VII (1904), 770-So. Carotid Gland, ibid., VIII (1904), 411. Hemolysis, ibid., ^b-j-jj. On the Relation of Autolysis to Proteid Metabolism, American Journal of Physiology, XI (1904), 351-54. Pseudoleukaemia Gastrointestinalis (with M. B. Maver), American Journal of Medical Science, CXXVIII (1904), 837-55. Acute Yellow Atrophy of the Liver (with P. Bassoe), Journal of the American Medical Association, XLIV (1905), 685-92. Malignant Renal IlN'pernephronui, willi Vertebral Involvement, Trans- actions of the Chicago Pathological Society, VI (1905), 375-80. 422 PUBLICATIONS Versuche liber den Transport von iodiertem Fett bei Phosphorvergif tung, Zeitschrijt fiir physiologische Chemie, XLV (1905), 411-19. Die Monoaminosauren des Keratins aus Pferdehaaren (with E. Abder- halden), ibid., XL VI (1905), 31-39. Delayed Chloroform Poisoning, Journal of the American Medical Associa- tion, XLVI (1906), 341-43. Pathological Calcification, Journal of Medical Research, XIV (1906), 491-525- The Relation of Autolysis to the Histological Changes Occurring in Necrotic Areas, ibid., XV (1906), 149. Healing of Suppurative Appendicitis with Calcification (with C. J. Rowan), Surgery, Gynecology, and Obstetrics, III (1906), 503-5. On Absorption from the Peritoneal Cavity (with L. B. Mendel), American Journal of Physiology, XVIII (1907), 156-63. Relation of Thyroid to Autolysis and the Study of Autolysis by Con- ductivity and Freezing-Point Methods (with R. L. Benson), Journal of Biological Chemistry, III (1907), 35-47. Chemistry of the Liver in Acute Yellow Atrophy, Journal of Experi- mental Medicine, IX (1907), 627-44. Absorption of Bacteria from Peritoneal Cavity (with O. P. Johnstone), Journal of Infectious Diseases, IV (1907), 582-94. Studies on Calcification and Ossification, I, Journal of Medical Research, XIV (1906), 491-525; II (with R, L. Benson), XVII (1907), 15-24; III (with J. H. Mitchell), ibid., XXII (1910), 501-16; IV (with Harriet F. Holmes and Gladys R. Henry), ibid., XXV (191 1), 373-92. Nature of the Poisonous Element of Proteins in Anaphylactic Reactions, Journal of the American Medical Association, L (1908), 527, 728. The Present Status of Our Knowledge of the Chemistry of the Processes of Immunity, Archives of Internal Medicine, I (1908), 262-76. Fats and Lipoids of Malignant Hypernephromas, Journal of Medical Research, XVII (1908), 461-69. Atyi>ical Forms of Malignant Hypernephromas, International Clinics, Eighteenth Series, II (1908), 273-85. Autolysis, Reference Handbook of Medical Science (1908), 402-5. Ductus Arteriosus, ibid., 473-74. DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGY 423 Tlic Pathological Anatomy of Hydrazine Poisoning, Journal of Experi- mental Medicine, X (1908), 457-64. Leiomyoma of the Kidney of a Horse, Transactions of the Chicago Patho- logical Society, VH (1908), 140-41. Chloroform Necrosis of the Liver, Archives of Internal Medicine, I (1908), 589-601. Persistent Patency of Ductus Arteriosus, American Journal of Medical Science, CXXXVI (1908), 381-400. Chemistry of the Liver in Chloroform Necrosis, Journal of Biological Chemistry, V (1908), 129-45. Studies on the Chemistry of Anaphylaxis, I, Journal of Infectious Dis- eases, V (1908), 449-83; II, ibid., VI (1909), 506-22; III, Experi- ments with Isolated Proteins, Especially Those of the Hen's Egg, ibid., IX (191 1), 147-71. Pathogenesis of Waxy Degeneration of Striated Muscles, Journal of Experimental Medicine, XI (1909), 1-9. Studies on the Physiology of the Molluscs (with L. B. Mendel), Ameri- can Journal of Physiology, XXIV (1909), 170-77. Resistance of the Human Body to Cancer, Journal of the American Medical Association, LII (1909), 1731-40. Observations on Uricolysis and Uric Acid Infarcts (with H. J. Corper), Journal of Biological Chemistry, VI (1909), 321-36. Absence of Adrenalin in Malignant Hypernephromas (with J. H. Greer), Archives of Internal Medicine, IV (1909), 291-95. Alimentary Albuminaria as Shown by the Anaphylaxis Reaction, Journal of the American Medical Association, LIII (1909), 863-65. Purines and Purine Metabolism of Human Fetus and Placenta (with H. J. Corper), Journal of Biological Chemistry, VI (1909), 469-82. Purine Metabolism of the Monkey, ibid., VII (1910), 171-82. Presence of Iodine in Human Pituitary Gland, ibid., 259-61, Some Recent Additions to Our Knowledge of Purine Metabolism and Gout, International Clinics, Series XX, I (1910), 76-94. The Relation of Fatty Degeneration to the Oxidation of Purines by Liver Cells, Journal of Experimental Medicine, XII (1910), 607-15. 424 PUBLICATIONS The Study of Autolysis by Physico-Chemical Methods (with R. L. Benson), Journal of Biological Chemistry, VIII (1910), 61-76, The Biological Reactions of the Vegetable Proteins (with Thomas B. Osborne), Journal of Infectious Diseases, VIII (1911), 66-124, Calcification and Ossification, Archives of Internal Medicine, VII (191 1), 721-53- The Fat Metabolism of Lipomas, ibid., X (1912), 297-304, The Permeability of Tubercles for lodin Compounds and Proteins (with O, F, Hedenburg), Journal of Infectious Diseases, XI (191 2), 349-72. The Lipase of Bacillus Tuberculosis and Other Bacteria (with H. J. Corper), ibid., 388-96, Anaphylaxie und wachsartige Degeneration der Muskeln, Centralblatt allgemeiner Pathologic, XXIII (19 12), 945-46. The Purines and Purine Metabolism of Tumors and the Chemical Relations of Primary and Secondary Tumors (with E. R, Long), Zeitschrift fiir Krebsforschung, XII (1913), 598-611. The Effects of Copper on Experimental Tuberculous Lesions (with Lydia M. DeWitt and H. J. Corper), Journal of the American Medical Association, LX (19 13), 887-89. Autolysis, Reference Handbook of the Medical Sciences, I (1913), 784-87. Is the Specificity of the Anaphylaxis Reaction Dependent on the Chemi- cal Constitution of the Proteins or on Their Biological Reactions (with T. B. Osborne) ? Journal of Infectious Diseases, XII (1913), 341-58. Nucleo-Proteins as Antigens, Zeitschrift fiir Immunitdtsforschung, XIX (1913), 599-611. A Note on the Fate of Tartrates in the Body (with F. P. Underbill and S, Goldschmidt), Journal of Experimental Medicine, XVIII (1913), 317-21, Tartrate Nephritis, with Especial Reference to Some of the Conditions under Which It May Be Produced (with F, P. Undcrhill and S. Goldschmidt), ibid., 322-46, A Study of Renal Secretion during Tartrate Nephritis (with F. P. Underbill and S. Goldschmidt), ibid., 347-53. DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGY 425 The Immunological Relationship of Hordein of Barley and Gliadin of Wheal as Shown by the Complement Fixation, Passive Anajihylaxis, and Precipitin Reactions (with G. C. Lake and T. B. Osborne), Journal of Infectious Diseases, XIV (1914), 364-76. The Anaphylactogenic Activity of Some Vegetable Proteins (with T. B. Osborne), ibid., 377-84. Studies on the Chemotherapy of Tuberculosis (with Lydia ^L DeWitt and H. J. Coqjer), Zcitschrift fiir Chcmotherapie, II (1914), 110-27. Uber die Purinenzyme der pneumonischen Lunge (with E. R. Long), Deutsches Archiv fiir klinische Medizin, CXIV (1914), 377-79. The Purine Enzymes of the Orang-Utan and Chimpanzee (with G. T. Caldwell), Journal of Biological Chemistry, XVIII (1914), 157-65. The Inhibition of Autolysis by Alcohol (with G. T. Caldwell), ibid.^ XIX (1914), 57-65. The Purine Enzymes of the Opossum (with G. T. Caldwell), ibid., 279-83. The Primary Spontaneous Tumors of the Lungs in Mice (with Maud Slye and Harriet F. Holmes), Journal of Medical Research, XXX (1914), 417-42. The Relations between the Scientist, the Physician, and the Public, Alcadc, II (1914), 928-38. Metastatic Calcification, Archives of Internal Medicine, XV (1915), 574-80. The Origin of the Proteins in Nephritic Urine (with A. L. Cameron), ibid., 746-53. Spontaneous Tumors of the Liver in Mice (with Maud Slye and Harriet F. Holmes), Journal of Medical Research, XXXIII (1915), 171-82. The .\naphylactic Reaction with So-called Proteoses of Various Seeds (with T. B. Osborne), Journal of Infectious Diseases, XVII (1915), 259-75- Some Features of Purine Metabolism, Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, I (1916), 3-10. Anaphylaxis Reactions between Proteins from Seeds of DitTerent Genera of Plants (with T. B. Osborne), Journal of Infectious Diseases, XIX (1916), 183-93. Spontaneous Sarcoma in Mice (with Maud Slye and Harriet F. Holmes), Journal of Cancer Research, II (191 7), 1-2S. 426 PUBLICATIONS Preston Kyes [1900-], Associate Professor of Preventive Medicine. See under Department of Anatomy, p. 347. Edward Vail Lapham Brown [1909-], Assistant Professor of the Pathology of the Eye. M.D. Hahnemann, 1897; M.D. Rush Medical College, 1898; S.B. Chicago, 1902; Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, Rush Medical College, 1907-; Instructor in the Pathology of the Eye, Chicago, 1909-12; Assistant Professor, i'^/ti., 1913-. Anatomy and Histology of the Human Eyeball in the Normal State: Its Development and Senescence (trans, of Anatomie und Histologic des menschlichen Augapfels im Normalzustande, seine Entwicklung und sein Altern, by Maximilian Salzmann, University of Vienna). Large 8vo, 232. Chicago: Privately printed, 191 2. fHowARD Taylor Ricketts [1902-10], Assistant Professor of Pathology. A.B. Nebraska, 1894; M.D. Northwestern, 1897; Assistant in Dermatology, Rush Medical College, 1899-1901; Associate in Pathology, Chicago, 1902-3; Instructor, ibid., 1903-7; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1907-10. Infection, Immunity, and Serum Therapy. i2mo, x+599. Chicago: American Medical Association Press, 1906, Lymphatotoxic Serum, etc., Transactions of the Chicago Pathological Society, V (1902), 178-86. Preliminary Report on the Action of Neurotoxic Serum (with T. Roth- stein), ibid. (1903), 207-11. A Case of Diplococcaemia (with L. F. Barker), ibid., 313-14. An Organism from Cutaneous Oidiomycosis (Blastomycosis), ibid., VI (1904), 113-16. Our Sero therapeutic Measures, Journal of the American Medical Associa- tion, XLII (1904), 1336-43. The Reduction of Methylene Blue by Nervous Tissue, Journal of Infectious Diseases, I (1904), 590-98. Receptor Studies Suggested by the Side-Chain Theory of Immunity, Transactions of the Chicago Pathological Society, VI (1905), 237-40. Concerning the PossibiHty of an Antibody for the Telano]:)hile Receptor of Erythrocytes: A Receptor Study, Journal of Experimental Medi- cine, VII (1905), 351-64- t Deceased. DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGY 427 Fundamental Princii)les of Immunity, American Journal of Obstetrics, LII (1905), 801-15. The Adjuvant Action of Serum, Egg Albumin, and Broth on Tetanus Toxin (with E. G. Kirk), Journal of Infectious Diseases, III (1906), 116-27. Study of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (Tick Fever?) by Means of Animal Inoculations, Journal of the American Medical Association, XLVII (1906), 33-36. Transmission of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever by the Bite of the Wood- Tick {Dcrmacentor occidentalis), ibid., 358. Further Observations on Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Derma- ccntor occidentalis, ibid., 1067-69. Observations on the Virus and Means of Transmission of Rocky Moun- tain Spotted Fever, Journal of Infectious Diseases, IV (1907), 141-53. The Role of the Wood-Tick {Dermacentor occidentalis) in Rocky Moun- tain Spotted Fever, Journal of the American Medical Association, XLIX (1907), 24-27. Further Experiments with the Wood-Tick in Relation to Rocky Moun- tain Spotted Fever, ibid., 1278-81. A Summary of Investigations of the Nature and Means of Transmission of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Transactions of the Chicago Pathological Society, VII (1907), 73-82. Studies on Immunity in Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (with L. Gomez e Pineda), Jourtial of Infectious Diseases, V (1908), 221-44. Recent Studies of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever in Montana and Idaho, Medical Sentinel, XVI (1908), 688-97. Spotted Fever Report, Xo. 2, Fourth Biennial Report of Montana State Board of Health (1908-9), 153-91. A Micro-Organism Which Apparently Has a Specific Relationship to Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. A Preliminary Report, Journal of the American Medical Association, LII (1909), 379-80. George Thomas Caldwell [1913-], Instructor in Pathology. A.B. Ohio State, igio; A.M. ibid., 1913; Research .\ssistant in Chemical Pathol- ogy, Chicago, 1913-14; Associate in Pathology, ibid., 1914-10; Instructor, ibid., 1916-. The Purine Enzymes of the Orang-Utan and Chimpanzee (with II. G. Wells), Journal of Biological Chemistry, X\TII (1914), 157-65. 428 PUBLICATIONS The Inhibition of Autolysis by Alcohol (with H. G. Wells), Journal of Biological Chemistry, XIX (19 14), 57-65. The Purine Enzymes of the Opossum (with H. G. Wells), ibid., 279-83. George Frederick Dick [1910-11], Instructor in Pathology; Assistant Professor, Rush Medical College. M.D. Rush Medical College, 1905; Instructor in Pathology, Chicago, 1910-11. Revised Editon of Rickett's Infection, Immunity, and Serum Therapy. 8vo, xv+785. Chicago: American Medical Association, 191 1. On Institutional Dysentery, Journal of Infectious Diseases, VIII (191 1), 386-98. Edwin Frederick Hirsch [1913-], Instructor in Pathology. A.B. Northwestern, 1910; A.M. Illinois, 191 1; Ph.D. Chicago, 1914; M.D. Rush Medical College, 1915; Associate in Pathology, Chicago, 1913-14; In- structor, ibid., 1914-. On the Influence of lodin and lodids on the Absorption of Granulation Tissue and Fat-free Tubercle Bacilli. Doctor's thesis. Journal of Infectious Diseases, XV (19 14), 487-500. The Double Refractive Fats of the Adrenals in Delirium Tremens, Journal of the American Medical Association, XLIII (1914), 2186-90. The Species of Paragonimus and Their Differentiation (with H. B. Ward), Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, IX (1915), 109-62. The Gastric Mucosa in Delirium Tremens, Archives of Internal Medi- cine, XVII (1916), 354-62. A Method for Graphic Demonstration of the Foreign Inorganic Matter and Carbon in Lungs, Journal of the American Medical Association, LXIV (1916), 950-51- Harriet Fay Holmes [19 id-], Special Instructor in Pathological Technique; Assistant in Otho S. A. Sprague Memorial Institute. A.B. Vassar, 1895; Special Instructor in Pathological Technique, Chicago, 1910-; Assistant in Otho S. A. Sprague Memorial Institute, 1914-. Experimental Calcification of the Kidney (with H. G. Wells and Gladys R. Henry), Journal of Medical Research, XXV (191 1), 373-92. The Primary Spontaneous Tumors of the Lungs in Mice (with Maud Slye and H. G. Wells), ibid., XXX (1914), 417-42. DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGY 429 Spontaneous Tumors of the Liver in Mice (with Maud Slye and H. G. Wells), ibid., XXXIII (1915), 171-82. Spontaneous Sarcoma in Mice (with Maud Slye and II. G. Wells), Journal of Cancer Research, II (1917), 1-28. Frank Kaiser Bartlett [191 2], Associate in Pathology; Physician, Ogden, Utah. S.B. Chicago, 1910; M.D. Rush Medical College, 1912; Associate in Pathology, Chicago, 191 2. Case of Acromegaly and Polyglandular Syndrome, with Special Reference to the Pineal Gland, Archives of Internal Medicine, XII (1913), 201-13. Multiple Primary Malignant Tumors, ibid., XIII (1914), 624-39. The Independence of the Lobes of the Liver (with E. R. Long and H. J. Corper), American Journal of Physiology, XXV (1914), 36-50, Benjamin Franklin Davis [1908-1 1], Assistant in Patholog}-; Instructor in Surgery, Rush Medical College. A.B. Wisconsin, 1907; Ph.D. Chicago, 1910; Assistant in Pathology, ibid., 1908-11. Notes on the Leucocytes in the Neck Lymph, Thoracic Lymph, and Blood of Normal Dogs (with A. J. Carlson), American Journal of Physiology, XXV (19 10), 173-90. Syphilis of the Thyroid, Archives of Internal Medicine, V (1910), 47-60. Malignant Tumors of the Adrenal, Transactions of the Chicago Patho- logical Society, VIII (1911), 135-38. Immunological Reactions of Oidoimycosis (Blastomycosis) in the Guinea- Pig. Doctor's thesis. Journal of Infectious Diseases, VIII (191 1), 190-240. Malignant Tumors of the Adrenal, Archives of Internal Medicine, VIII (1911), 60-74. Complement Deviation in Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (with W. F. Petersen), Journal of Infectious Diseases, VHI (1911), 330-38. Unfinished Experiments of Dr. Howard T. Ricketts on Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Pp. 409-18, in Ricketts' Contributions to Medical Science (Chicago: University Press, 1911). 43© PUBLICATIONS Chester H. Elliott [1914-15], Research Assistant in Pathology; Pathologist, City and County Hospital, Denver, Colo. S.M. Chicago, 19 14. The Antigenic Properties of the Glyco-Proteins, Journal of Infectious Diseases, XV (1914), 501-17. Oscar Jacob Elsesser [1915-16], Assistant in Pathology; Student, Rush Medical College. S.B. Chicago, 1913; Ph.D. ibid., 1916; Assistant in Pathology, ibid., 1915-16. The Effect of Experimental Partial Stenosis of the Pylorus on the Motility of the Stomach, American Journal of Physiology, XXXIX (1916), The Specificity of the Abderhalden Reaction with Vegetable Proteins. Doctor's thesis. Journal of Infectious Diseases, XIX (1916), 655-81. Frank J. Hall [1906], Assistant in Pathology; Physician, Kansas City, Mo. Hypernephroma, Archives of Internal Medicine, II (1908), 355-91. Harry Lee Huber [1913-], Laboratory Assistant in Pathology. S.B. Chicago, 1913; S.M. ibid., 1916; Laboratory Assistant in Pathology, ibid., 1914-. The Ammonia of the Gastric Juice, American Journal of Physiology, XLII (1916), 404-21. Gleason Chandler Lake [191 2-13], Laboratory Assistant in Pathology; Hygienic Laboratories, Washington, D.C. A.B. Colorado College, 1907; Laboratory Assistant in Pathology, Chicago, 1912-13. The Immunological Relationship of Hordein of Barley and Gliadin of Wheat as Shown by the Complement Fixation, Passive Anaphylaxis, and Precipitin Reactions (with T. B. Osborne and H. G. Wells), Journal of Infectious Diseases, XIV (1914), 364-76. The Immunological Reactions of the Proteins of the Human Placenta, with Special Reference to the Production of a Therapeutic Serum for Malignant Chorion-Epitheliomata, ibid., 385-401. DEPARTMENT OE PATHOLOGY 431 Esmond Ray Long [1911-13], Assistant in Pathology. A.B. Chicago, 1911; Assistant in Pathology, ibid., 1911-13. The Purines and Purine Metabolism of Tumors and the Chemical Relations of Primary and Secondary Tumors (with H. G. Wells), Zeitschrift jiir Krebsjorschung, XII (1913), 598-611. On the Presence of Adenase in the Human Body, Journal of Biological Chemistry, W (19 13), 449-61. The Purines and Purine Metabolism of Some Tumors in Domestic Animals, Journal of Experimental Medicine, XVIII (1913), 512-26. Relation between the Fat Content of the Bile and Fatty Changes in the Liver (with E. R. LeCount), ibid. (1914), 234-38. Uber die Purinenzyme der pneumonischen Lunge (with H. G. Wells), Deutsches Archiv fiir klinische Medizin, CXIV (1914), 377-79. The Independence of the Lobes of the Liver (with F. K. Bartlett and H. J. Corper), American Journal of Physiology, XXV (1914), 36-50. James Herbert Mitchell [1908-11], Assistant in Pathology; Fellow in Dermatology, Rush Medical College. S.B. Chicago, 1007; M.D. Rush Medical College, 1913; Research .\ssistant in Chemical Pathology, Chicago. iqoS-o; Laboratory Assistant in Pathology, ibid., 1909-11; Assistant in Pathology, ibid.. Summer Quarter, 191 1. Studies on Calcification and Ossification, III (with H. G. Wells), Journal of Medical Research, XXII (1910), 501-16. Calcification of the Pericardium, Transactions of the Chicago Pathological Society, VIII (191 1), 109-18. H.ARRY John Corper [1904-6; 1911-14], Instructor in Pathology, Otho S. .\. S[)ra<:^ue Memorial Institute; Director of Laboratories of the Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium, Chicago. S.B. Chicago, 1906; M.D. Rush Medical College, 191 1; Ph.D. Chicago, 191 1; Assistant in Chemistry, ibid., 1904-6; Instructor in Physiology, Illinois, 1908-g; Instructor in Pathology, Otho S. .\. Sprague Memorial institute, 1911-14. Myiasis Intestinalis Due to Infection with Three Species of Dipterous Larvae (with E. F. McCampbell), Journal of the American Medical Association, LIII (1909), 1160-62. Observations on Uricolysis and Uric Acid Infarcts (with H. G. Wells), Journal of Biological Chemistry, \'l (1909), 321-36. 432 PUBLICATIONS Purines and Purine Metabolism of Human Fetus and Placenta (with H, G. Wells), Journal of Biological Chemistry, VI (1909), 469-82. Correlation of the Histological and Chemical Changes in the Spleen during Necrosis and Autolysis. Doctor's thesis. Journal of Ex- perimental Medicine, XV (19 12), 429-49, plates LXII-LXV. Chemistry of the Dog's Spleen under Normal and Pathological Con- ditions. Journal of Biological Chemistry, XI (1912), 27-35. Errors in the Quantitative Determination of Cholesterol by Ritter's Method: The Influence of Autolysis upon Cholesterol, ibid., 37-45. A Modification of Ritter's Method for the Quantitative Estimation of Cholesterol, ibid., XII (1912), 197-204. Intra-vitam Staining of Tuberculous Guinea-Pigs with Fat-soluble Dyes, Journal of Infectious Diseases, XI (1912), 373-87. The Lipase of Bacillus Tuberculosis and Other Bacteria (with H. G. Wells), f6J^., 388-96. Further Observations of the Staining of Tubercle Bacilli with Fat-soluble Dyes, ibid., XII (1913), 274-76. The Effects of Copper on Experimental Tuberculous Lesions (with Lydia M. DeWitt and H. G. Wells), Journal of the American Medical Association, LX (1913), 887-89. Studies on the Chemotherapy of Tuberculosis (with Lydia M. DeWitt and H. G. Wells), Zeitschrift fiir Chemotherapie, II (1914), 110-27. The Independence of the Lobes of the Liver (with F. K. Bartlett and E. R. Long), American Journal of Physiology, XXV (1914), 36-50. The Therapeutic Value of Copper and Its Distribution in the Tuberculous Organism, Journal of Infectious Diseases, XV (1914), 487-500. The Action of Sodium Sulphocyanate in Tuberculosis, ibid., XVI (1915), 38-46. Sodium Tellurite as a Rapid Test for the Viability of Tubercle Bacilli, ibid., 47-53- Note on the Subcutaneous Absorption and the Quantitative Estima- tion of Cholesterol, Journal of Experimental Medicine, XXI (19 15), 179-84. The Tuberculocidal Action of Arsenic Compounds and Their Distribution in the Tuberculous Organism (with Aaron Arkin), Journal of Infec- tious Diseases, XVIII (1916), 335-48. DEPARTMENT OF PAIHOLOGY 433 Lydia M. DeWitt [191 2-], Member of the Olho S. A. Sjjrague Memorial Institute; Assistant Professor of Pathology. M.l). Michigan, 1808; B.S. ibid., 1899; A.M. (hon.) ibid., 1913; Assistant City BacterioloKist, St. Louis, Mo., 1910-12; Member of the Otho S. A. Spraguc Memorial Institute, 1912-; Assistant Professor of Pathology, Chicago, 1912-. Preliminary Re[)ort of Experiments in the Vital Staining of Tubercles, Journal of Infectious Diseases, XII (1913), 68-92. The Effects of Copper on Experimental Tuberculous Lesions (with H. J. Corper and H. G. Wells), Journal of the American Medical Association, LX (19 13), 887-89. Report on Some Experimental Work on the Use of Methylene Blue and Allied Dyes in the Treatment of Tuberculosis, Journal of Infectious Diseases, XIII (1913), 378-403. Therapeutic Use of Certain Azo-Dyes in E.xperimentally Produced Tuberculosis in Guinea-Pigs, ibid., XIV (1914), 498-511. Studies on the Chemotherapy of Tuberculosis (with H. J. Corjjer and H. G. Wells), Zeitschrift fUr Chemothcrapie, II (1914), 110-27. Tuberculocidal Action of Certain Chemical Disinfectants (with Hope Sherman), Journal of Infectious Diseases, XV (19 14), 245-56. Vital Staining, International Association of Medical Museums, V (1915), 100-104. Value of Copper in Treatment of Tuberculosis, National Association for the Study aiui Prevention of Tuberculosis, XI (1915), 237-41. The Anatomy and Physiology of Kidneys, Reference Handbook of the Medical Sciences, V (1915), 724-38. The Pathology of Muscle, ibid., VI (1916), 55S-73. Bactericidal and Fungicidal Action of Copper Salts (with Hope Sher- man), Journal of Infectious Diseases, XVIII (1916), 368-82. Present Status of the Chemotherapy of Tuberculosis, Journal of Labora- tory and Clinical Medicine, 1 (1916), 677-S4. Julian Herman Lewis [1915-], Associate in the Otho S. A. Sprague Memorial Institute. A.B., Illinois; Ph.D. Chicago, 1915; Associate in the Otho S. A. Sprague Memorial Institute, i(;i5-. The Influence of Smoking on Hunger (vNith A. J. Carlson), America n Journal of Physiology, XXX]y (i()i4), 149-54. 434 PUBLICATIONS The Nervous Control of the Gastric Hunger Mechanism (with A. J. Carlson and S. J. Orr), American Journal of Physiology, XXXIV (1914), 155-71. The Action of Bitters on the Hunger Mechanism (with A. J. Carlson, J. Van de Erve, and S. J. Orr), Journal of Pharmacology and Experi- mental Therapeutics, VI (1914), 209-18. Inhibitory Action of Heterologous Protein Mixtures on Anaphylaxis. Doctor's thesis. Journal of Infectious Diseases, XVII (191 5), 241-58. The Presence of Epinephrin in Human Fetal Adrenals, Journal of Biological Chemistry, XXIV (1915), 249-54. Hope Sherman [1912-], Assistant in the Otho S. A. Sprague Memorial Institute. A.B. Smith, 1911. The Behavior of the Tubercle Bacillus toward Fat Dyes, Journal of Infectious Diseases, XII (1913), 249-73. Tuberculocidal Action of Certain Chemical Disinfectants (with Lydia M. DeWitt), ibid., XV (1914), 245-56. The Bactericidal and Fungicidal Action of Copper Salts (with Lydia M. DeWitt), ibid., XVIII (1916), 368-82. Maud Slye [1908-], Member of the Otho S. A. Sprague Memorial Institute. A.B. Brown, 1899; Laboratory Assistant in Zoology, Chicago, 1908-11; Assist- ant, ibid., 1911-12; Member, Otho S. A. Sprague Memorial Institute, 1912-. The Incidence and Inheritability of Spontaneous Cancer in Mice, Zeit- schrift fUr Krebsforschung, XIII (1913), 1-5. The Incidence and Inheritability of Spontaneous Cancer in Mice (Second Report), Journal of Medical Research, XXX (1914), 281-98. Primary Spontaneous Tumors of the Lungs in Mice (Fourth Report) (with Harriet F. Holmes and H. G. Wells), ibid., 417-42. The Incidence and Inheritability of Spontaneous Cancer in Mice (Third Report), ibid., XXXII (1915), 159-200. Spontaneous Tumors of the Liver in Mice (Sixth Report) (with Harriet F. Holmes and H. G. Wells), ibid., XXXIII (1915-16), 171-82. The Inheritability of Spontaneous Tumors of Specific Organs and of Specific Types in Mice (Fifth Report), Journal of Cancer Research, I (1916), 479-502. DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGY 435 The Inheritability of Spontaneous Tumors in the Liver of Mice (Seventh Report), ibid., 503-22. Spontaneous Sarcoma in Mice (Eighth Report) (with Harriet F. Holmes and H. G. Wells), ibid., II (1917), 1-28. Aaron Arkin, Ph.D. 1913; Professor of Pathology and Bacteriology, West Virginia University, and Chief Bacteriologist, State Hygienic Laboratory. The Influence of Chemical Substances on Immune Reactions with Special Reference to Oxidation. Doctor's thesis. Journal of Infectious Diseases, XI (1912), 427-32; XIII (1913), 408-24; XVI (1915), 1-12. The Tuberculocidal Action of Arsenic Compounds and Their Distribution in the Tuberculous Organism (with H. J. Corper), ibid., XVTII (191 6), 335-48. David John Davis, Ph.D. 1905; Professor of E.xperimental Medicine, University of Illinois. The Bacteriology of Whooping-Cough. Doctor's thesis. Journal of Infectious Diseases, III (1906), 1-36. LiBORio Gomez e Pineda, Ph.D. 1908; Board of Health, Manila, Philip- pine Islands. Studies on Immunity in Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (with H. T. Ricketts), Journal of Infectious Diseases, V (1908), 221-44. The Anatomy and Pathology of the Carotid Gland, American Journal of Medical Science, CXXXVI (1908), 98-110. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever in the Rabbit. Doctor's thesis. Jour- nal of Infectious Diseases, VI (1909), 383-86. George Lester Kite, Ph.D. 1913; Assistant in the Henry Phipps Institute for the Study of Tuberculosis, Philadelphia. See under Department of Physiology, j). 386. Eugene Franklin McCampbkll, Ph.D. iqii; Professor of Preventive Medicine and Dean of the Medical College, Ohio State University, Columbus. The Toxic and Antigenic Properties of Bacterium welchii. Doctor's tliesis. Journal of Infectious Diseases, VI (1909), 537-63. 436 PUBLICATIONS Malignant Tumors in Mice, Journal oj Medical Research, XX (1909), 261-73. Myiasis Intestinalis Due to Infection with Three Species of Dipterous Larvae (with H. J. Corper), Journal of the American Medical Associa- tion, LIII (1909), 1160-62. GusTAV Ferdinand Ruediger, Ph.D. 1907; Director of Hygienic In- stitute for La Salle, Peru, and Oglesby, 111. The Mechanism of Natural and Acquired Streptococcus Immunity. Doc- tor's thesis. 8vo, 27. Chicago, 1907. Antilytic Actions of Salt Solutions and Other Substances (with L. Hek- toen). Journal of Infectious Diseases, I (1904), 379-403. Studies in Phagocytosis (with L. Hektoen), ibid., II (1905), 128-41. Russell Morse Wilder, Ph.D. 191 i ; Instructor, Rush Medical College. See under Department of Anatomy, p. 357. Charles L. Best, Graduate Student. Boric Acid Poisoning: Report of a Fatal Case with Autopsy, Journal of the American Medical Association, XLIII (1904), 805-7. Emanuel B. Fink, Graduate Student. Phlegmonous Gastritis, Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, CLXXV (1916), 795-98. Joseph Edgar Tyree, Graduate Student. The Pathological Anatomy of General Infection with the Gonococcus, International Clinics, Seventeenth Series, II (1907), 281-98. THE DEPARTMENT OF HYGIENE AND BACTERIOLOGY Edwin Oakes Jordan [1892-], Professor of Bacteriology; Chairman of the Department of Hygiene and Bacteriology. S.B. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1888; Ph.D. Clark, 1892; Assistant Professor of Bacteriology, Chicago, 1895-1Q00; Associate Professor, ibid., 1900- 1907; Professor, ibid., 1907-; Chairman of Department of Hygiene and Bac- teriology, ibid., 1914-. Chief of Serum Division, Memorial Institute for Infectious Diseases, 1905-17; Vice-President, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 191 7. DEPARTMENT OF HYGIENE AND BACTERIOLOGY 437 Joint Editor, Journal of Injeclious Diseases, 1904- ; Advisory Editor, Journal of Bacteriology, igi6-. Special Investigator in Chicago Drainage Canal Case, 1904, and Los Angeles Aqueduct Case, 191 5; Member of Commission for the Determination of a Standard of Purity for Drinking Water, appointed by the Secretary of Treasury, 1913-. Analyses of Chicago Market Milk {Report of the Civic Federation of Chicago). Pamphlet. 8vo, 19. Chicago, 1904. Chicago Drainage Canal Case. Record of Evidence, Supreme Court of the United States, The State of Missouri vs. The State of Illinois and the Sanitary District of Chicago, VI, 5805-5997; V^II, 6000-6402. Jefferson City, Mo.: Tribune Publishing Co., 1904. Report on Typhoid Fever in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Pamphlet, Svo, 1-19. Winnipeg, 1905. A Textbook of General Bacteriology, isted., 1908; 2d ed., 1910; 3d ed., 1912; 4th ed., 1914; 5th ed., 1916. 8vo, 669. Philadelphia and London: W. B. Saunders Co. Food Poisoning. i2mo, viii+112. Chicago: University Press, 1917. The Kinds of Bacteria Found in River Water, Journal of Hygiene, III (1903), 1-27. The Connection between the AlkaUnity of Certain Bacterial Filtrates and Their Hemolytic Power, Journal of Medical Research, X (1903), 31-41- The Longevity of the Tj-phoid Bacillus in Water (with H. L. Russell and F. R. Zeit), Journal of Infectious Diseases, I (1904), 641-89. The Sphere of Bacteriology, Science, XX (1904), 657-66. Observations on the Bionomics of Anopheles (with Mary Hefferan), Journal of Infectious Diseases, II (1905), 56-69. A Thermostabile Hemolytic Precipitate from Nutrient Broth, ibid., 511-13- The Persistence of Agglutinability in Typhoid Bacilli in Water, ibid., Supplement, No. i (1905), 172-74. The Production of Acid and Alkali by Bacteria, Science, XXIII (1906), 220. Experiments with Bacterial Enzymes, Biological Studies by the Pupils of William T. Sedgu'ick (1906), 124-45. 438 PUBLICATIONS The Natural Purification of Streams, Proceedings of the American Water Works Association (1906), 201-7. The Place of Pathology in the University, Journal of the American Medical Association, XL VIII (1907), 917-19. The Problems of Sanitation, Harvey Lectures, Third Series (1907-8), 17-33 ; also in Journal of the American Medical Association, L (1908), 493-98. The Cause of Milksickness or Trembles (with N. MacL. Harris), ibid., 1665-73. Milksickness (with N. MacL. Harris), Journal of Infectious Diseases, VI (1909), 401-91. The School and the Germ Carrier, Proceedings of the American School Hygiene Association, III (1909), 168-74. Typhoid Fever in Milwaukee and the Water Supply, Journal of the American Medical Association, LV (1910), 211-15. Profitable and Fruitless Lines of Endeavor in Public Health Work, Science, XXXIII (191 1), 833-39. Three Outbreaks of Typhoid Fever Traced to Milk Infection (with E. E. Irons), Journal of the American Medical Association, LVIII (1912), 169-72. The Importance of Water Supply Infection, Engineering News, LXVII (1912), 1119-20. The Rockford (Illinois) Typhoid Epidemic (with E. E. Irons), Journal of Infectious Diseases, XI (1912), 21-43. The Case for Pasteurization, Journal of the American Medical Association, LIX (1912), 1450-57- School Diseases, ibid., LX (1913), 409-11. The Inhibitive Action of Bile upon B. coli. Journal of Infectious Diseases, XII (1913), 326-34. The Quincy (lUinois) Typhoid Epidemic (with E. E. Irons), ibid., XIII (1913), 16-29. The Bacterial Examination of Water, Transactions of the Fifteenth International Congress on Hygiene and Demography, II (1913), 47-50. Disease Carriers among School Children, American Journal of Tropical Diseases and Preventive Medicine, I (19 13), 220-26. DEPARTMENT OV HYGIENE AND BACTERIOLOGY 439 Ozone: Its Bactericidal, Physlolof^ic, anrl Deodorizing Acli(jn fwith A. J. Carlson), Journal oj the American Medical Association, LXI (1913), 1007-12, The Municipal Regulation of Milk-Supply, ibid., 2286-91. Typhoid in the Large Cities of the United States, ibid., LXII (1914), 1473-75- Typhoid Fever, ibid., 1772-77. Bacteriological Standard for Drinking Water, Public Health Reports, United States Public Health Service, XXIX (1914), 2959-66. Typhoid in the Large Cities of the United States in 1914, Journal of the American Medical Association, LXIV (1915), 1322-25. Variation in Bacteria, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, I (1915). 160-64. An Infection with the Paratyphoid Bacillus [B. parat^^phosus B] (with E. E. Irons), Journal of Infectious Diseases, X\TI (1915), 234-40. Municipal Sanitation, Commemoration Volume, published on the com- pletion of the Panama Canal (191 5), 285-97. The Purification of Water Supplies, Journal of the American Medical Association, LXVI (19 16), 467-71. The Bacteriology of Foods, ibid., LXVTII (1917), ioSo-84. The Differentiation of the Paratyphoid-enteritidis Group, I, Journal of Infectious Diseases, XX (1917), 457-83. Norman MacLeod Harris [1903-], Assistant Professor of Bacteriology. M.B. Toronto, i8q4; M.R.C.S. and L.R.C.P. London, 1895; .Assistant Pro- fessor of Bacteriology, Chicago, 1907-. Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, 1916-. Concerning a Case of Suppurative Myositis Caused by Micrococcus gonorrhoeae (Neisser) (with L. W. Haskel, Jr.), Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin, XV (1904), 395-97. Bacillus mortiferus. Journal of E.xperimcntol Medicine, VI (1905), 519-47. E.xperimental Arthritis, Transactions of the Chicago Pathological Society, VI (1905), 303-6. 440 PUBLICATIONS A Comparison between the Results of Blood Cultures Taken during Life and after Death (with N. B. Gwyn), Journal of Infectious Dis- eases, II (1905), 514-28. The Value of the Voges-Proskauer Reaction, Science, XXIII (1906), 219. The Relative Importance of Streptococci and Leucocytes in Milk, Journal of Infectious Diseases, Supplement No. 3 (1907), 50-62. A Method of Preparing the Romano wsky Stain, Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin, XVIII (1907), 281. The Cause of Milksickness or Trembles (with E. O. Jordan), Journal of the American Medical Association, L (1908), 1665-73. Milksickness (with E. O. Jordan), Journal of Infectious Diseases, VI (1909), 401-91. Chinosol (abstract), Journal of the American Medical Association, LIV (1910), 1801-2. The Relation of the Laboratory to Medicine, Science, XXXIV (191 1), 617-22. Intestinal Antisepsis, Journal of the American Medical Association, LIX (1912), 1344-49- Milksickness, Reference Handbook of the Medical Sciences, VI (1916), 522-25. Milksickness. In C. E. Marshall's Microbiology (2d ed.). In Press. Reviews in: Botanical Gazette, L, 229-30; LIII, 185-86; LVIII, 529-30; American Journal of Hygiene, XX, 444-45; Journal of the American Public Health Association, I, 157-58; II, 210-11. William Ernest Cary [1914-], Instructor in Hygiene and Bacteriology. S.B. Earlham College, 1912; Ph.D. Chicago, 1916; Assistant in Bacteriology, Chicago, 1914-16; Instructor, ibid., igi6-. The Fate of Foreign Erythrocytes Introduced into the Blood Stream of a Rabbit, Journal of Infectious Diseases, XVII (1915), 432-36. The Bacterial Examination of Sausages and Its Sanitary Significance, American Journal of Public Health, VI (1916), 124-35. Studies on Virulence and Toxin Formation in B. Diphtheriae. Doc- tor's thesis. Journal of Infectious Diseases, XX (1917), 244-71. DEPARTMENT OF HYGIENE AND BACTERIOLOGY 441 Paul Gustav Heineman'N' [1906-17], Instructor in Hygiene and Bac- teriology; Standard Serum Co., Woodworth, Wisconsin. S.B. ChicaRo, 1904; Ph.D. ibid., 1907; .Assistant in Bacteriology, ibid., 1906-10; Associate, ibid., 1910-12; Instructor, ibid., 1912-17. Member of the Committee on Standard Methods of Preparing Dijihtheria .\ntitoxin; report published in American Journal of Pub- lic Health, II (191 2), 43-46. A Laboratory Guide in Bacteriology, ist ed., 1905; 2d ed., 191 1 ; 3d ed., 1915. i2mo, .\v-|-2io. Chicago: University Press. The Kinds of Lactic Acid Produced by Lactic Acid Bacteria, Journal of Biological Chemistry, II (1906), 603-12. The Significance of Streptococci in Milk, Journal of Infectious Diseases, III (1906), 173-82. The Pathogenicity of Streptococcus lacticus, ibid., IV (1907), 87-92. A Substitute for Potato as a Culture Medium, ibid., 282-84. Siiuglings Milch in Chicago, Milch-Zeitung, XXX VT (1907), 147-49, 157-59- Sanitary Milk, Archives of Pediatrics, XXV (1908), 436. Note on the Concentration of Diphtheria Toxin, Journal of Biological Chemistry, V (1908), 27. A Comparison of Practical Methods for Determining the Bacterial Con- tent of Milk, Journal of Infectious Diseases, V (1908), 412-20. Experiments on the Germicidal Action of Cow's Milk, ibid., 534-41. The Bacteriology of Salt-rising Bread, Science, XXLX (1909), loii. Lactic Acid as an Agent to Reduce Intestinal Putrefaction, Journal of the American Medical Association, LII (1909), 372-76. A Study of Bacillus bulgaricus. Journal of Infectious Diseases, VI (1909), 304-18. Bleeding to Death in Order to Obtain the Maximum Amount of Anti- diphtheritic Scrum from Horses, ibid., 616-61. On the Production of Sanitary Milk (with A. B. Luckhardt and A. C. Hicks), ib^id., VII (1910), 47-66. Can Clean Milk Be Produced at Small Cost? Hoard's Dairyman, XLI (1910), 1223-24. 442 PUBLICATIONS The Bacterial Content of Separator Cream and Separator Milk (with E. N. Class), Journal of the American Public Health Association, I (1911), 209-11. The Present Status of Our Knowledge of the Infectiousness of Milk Con- taining Tubercle Bacilh, Illinois Medical Journal, XX (191 1), 644-46. The Production and Concentration of a Serum for Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Preliminary Note, Journal of the American Medical Association, LVII (191 1), 198. Report of the Committee on Throat Cultures (with F. O. Tonney and J. P. Simonds), ibid., 976-77. The Bacteriology of "Tatte Melk," Science, XXXIII (1911), 630. The Best Methods of Collecting and Transporting Milk Destined as Food for Infants, Transactions of the Second Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Study and Prevention of Infant Mortality, II (1911), 276-81. The Bacterial Content of Separator Cream and Separator Milk (with E. Class), Journal of the American Public Health Association, I (1911), 209-13. The Dietetic and Therapeutic Value of Fermented Milks Prepared from Commercial Preparations, Journal of the American Medical Associa- tion, LVIII (1912), 1252-54. The Epidemic of Sore Throat in Chicago, ibid., LIX (1912), 716. Experimental Therapy of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (with J. J. Moore), Journal of Infectious Diseases, X (191 2), 294-304. Concentration of Antistreptococcic and Antigonococcic Sera (with L. C. Gate wood), ibid., 416-20. The Problem of City Milk SuppUes, Popular Science Monthly, LXXXI (1912), 66. Cold Storage Problems, ibid., 154. Sanitary Aspect of Milk Supplies, Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science, VI (1913), 60-62. Bacteriological Examination of Market Milk, Transactions of the Fifteenth International Congress on Hygiene and Demography, II (1913), 133-35. The Germicidal Efficiency of Commercial Preparation of Hydrogen Peroxid, Journal of the American Medical Association, LX (1913), 1603-6. DEPARTMENT OF HYGIENE AND liACTKRIOLOCiY 443 The V^ariability of Two Strains of Strej)l(K-occus luclitus, Journal of Infectious Diseases, XVT (1915), 221-39. Relation of the Number of Streptococcus lacticus to Amount of Acid Formed in Milk, and Cream, ibid., 285-91. The Germicidal Effect of Lactic Acid in Milk, ibid., 479-86. The Refinement and Concentration of Antitoxins, ibid., XIX (1916), 433-39- A Study of the Boas-Oppler Bacillus (with E. E. Ecker), Journal of Bacteriology, I (1916), 435-44. Reviews in: Journal of the American Medical Association, LII, 986, 1854; LIV,3i7,4o6; LVI, 1137; LVIII, 808; LIX, 1318; LX, 937. William Barx.ard Sharp [1913-14; 1916-], Instructor in Hygiene and Bacteriology; Red Cross Hospital, Shanghai, China, 1916-. .\.B. University of the South, 1910; S.M. Chicago, 1914; M.D. Rush Medical College, 1914; Assistant in Bacteriology, Chicago, 1913-14; Instructor, ibid,, 1916-. The Bacteriology of Vaginitis, Journal of Infectious Diseases, XV (1914), 283-92. Samuel Henry Ayers [1905-6], Assistant in Bacteriology; Bacteriolo- gist, Dairy Division, Bureau of Animal Industry, Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. S.B. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1905. B. coli in Market Oysters, Biological Studies by the Pupils of William T. Sedgwick (1906), 300-303. Robert Earle Buchanan (1907-8], Assistant in Pathology and Bac- teriology; Professor of Bacteriology and Hygiene, Dean of Division of Industrial Science, Iowa State College, Ames. S.B. Iowa State College, 1004; Ph.D. Chicago, 1908; Instructor in Bacteriology, Iowa State College, ioo4-(); .Assistant Professor of Bacteriology, ibid., 1906-7; .•\ssistant in Pathology and Bacteriology, Chicago, 1907-8. The Morphology of Bacillus radicicola. Doctor's thesis. Centralblatt fiir Bakteriologie, Paras itenkunde und Infcktionskrankheiten, XXII (1909), 59-91; XXIII (1909), 371-90. 444 PUBLICATIONS Mary Hefferan [1902-12], Assistant and Curator of the Bacteriological Museum; Vice-President and Director of the D. A. Blodgett Home for Children, Grand Rapids, Mich. A.B. Wellesley, 1896; Ph.D. Chicago, 1903; Curator of the Bacteriological Museum, ibid., 1902-12; Assistant, ibid., 1904-12. A Comparative and Experimental Study of Bacilli Producing Red Pigment. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 55. Jena: Gustav Fischer, 1904. Observations on the Bionomics of Anopheles (with E. O. Jordan), Journal of Infectious Diseases, II (1905), 56-69. Ernest Edward Irons [1902-3], Assistant in Bacteriology; Assistant Professor of Medicine, Rush Medical College. S.B. Chicago, 1900; Ph.D. ibid., 1912; Assistant in Bacteriology, ibid., 1902-3. Three Outbreaks of Typhoid Fever Traced to Milk Infection (with E. O. Jordan), Journal of the American Medical Association, LVIII (1912), 169-72. The Rockford (Illinois) Typhoid Epidemic (with E. O. Jordan), Journal of Infectious Diseases, XI (191 2), 21-43. Cutaneous Allergy in Gonococcal Infections. Doctor's thesis. Ibid., 77-93- The Quincy (Illinois) Typhoid Epidemic (with E. O. Jordan), ibid., XIII (1913), 16-29. An Infection with the Paratyphoid Bacillus [B. paratyphosus B] (with E. O. Jordan), ibid., XVII (1915), 234-40. Enrique Eduardo Ecker, Ph. D. 1917. A Study of the Boas-Oppler Bacillus (with P. G. Heinemann), Journal of Bacteriology, I (1916), 435-44. The Pathogenic Effect and Nature of a Toxin Produced by Bacillus Paratyphosus B, Journal of Infectious Diseases. In Press. Thomas Haigh Glenn, Ph.D. 1910; Director, Fort Dodge Clinical Laboratory, Fort Dodge, Iowa. Variation and Carbohydrate Metabolism of Bacilli of the Proteus Group. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 15. Jena: H. Pohle, 1911. An Epidemic among English Sparrows Due to B. cloacae. Journal of Infectious Diseases, VI (1909), 339-45. DEPARTMENT OF HYGIENE AND BACTERIOLOGY 445 fHERBERT Marcus Goodman, Ph.D. 1908. Experimental Studies on Diphtheric Immunity. Doctor's thesis. Ibid., IV (1907), 509-40; V (1908), 184-202. Variability in the Diphtheria Group of Bacilli, ibid., 421-42. Emery Roe Hayhurst, Ph.D. 1916; Assistant Professor of Industrial Hygiene, Ohio State University, Columbus. Industrial Ilealth-IIazards and Occupational Diseases in Ohio. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, xviii+438. Columbus: F. J. Hcer Printing Co., 1915. Kenneth Noel Atkins, Graduate Student; Instructor in Bacteriology, Dartmouth College. Bacteriology of the Swimming Pool, Proceedings of the Water Supply Association (191 1), 73-87. Ida Albertina Bengtson, Graduate Student; Research Assistant, Hygienic Laboratory, Washington, D.C. A Study of Condensed and Evaporated Milks, Journal of Home Eco- nomics, VIII (1916), 29-32. Paul R. Cannon, Graduate Student; University of Chicago Ambu- lance Corps No. 3. A Rapid and Simple Indol Test, Journal of Bacteriology, I (1916), 535-36. Dudley Watson Day, Graduate Student. The Relation between Serum Resistance and Virulence, Journal of Infectious Diseases, II (1905), 569-76. Katherine Howell, Graduate Student. The Bacterial Contamination of Bread, Ameri<:an Journal of Public Health, II (1912), 321-24. Mabel Jones, Graduate Student. A Peculiar Micro-organism Showing Rosette Formation, Centralblatt fiir Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde und Infekti&nskrankheiten, XIV (1905), 459-63- t Deceased. 446 PUBLICATIONS Mary C. Lincoln, Graduate Student. Agglutination in the Group of Fluorescent Bacteria, Journal of Infec- tious Diseases, I (1904), 268-79. G. Bertrand Smith, Graduate Student. Two Cases of Paratyphoid Infection : One Caused by an Aberrant Organ- ism, Journal of the American Medical Association, XLI (1903), 1470-72. David Duke Todd, Graduate Student. The Bacterial Integrity of Celloidin and Parchment Membranes, Journal of Infectious Diseases, VI (1909), 369-S2. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SPEAKING Solomon Henry Clark [1894-], Associate Professor of Public Speaking. Ph.B. Chicago, 1897; Assistant Professor of Public Speaking, ibid., 1897-1901; Associate Professor, ibid., 1901-. Handbook of Best Readings. i6mo, xxvii+511. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1903. Interpretation of the Printed Page. i6mo, 317. Chicago: Row, Peter- son & Co., 1915. The Nurse's Voice, The Nurse, III (1915), 405-10. THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL CULTURE AND ATHLETICS Gertrude Dudley [1898-], Associate Professor of Physical Culture. Dean of Women and Lecturer, School of Physical Education, Yale, Summers, 1905, 1906, 1907; Assistant Professor of Physical Culture, Chicago, 1909-16; Associate Professor, ibid., 1916-. Athletic Games in the Education of Women (with Frances A. Kellor). i2mo, 263. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1909. THE PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS THE DIVINITY SCHOOL THE DEPARTMENT OF OLD TESTAMENT LITERATURE AND INTERPRETATION See under DeparlniciU of Oriental Languages and Literatures, p. 89. THE DEPARTMENT OF NEW TESTAMENT AND EARLY CHRISTIAN LITERATURE See utuler Department of New Testament and Early Christian Literature, p. 105. THE DEPARTMENT OF SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY Shailer Mathews [1894-], Professor of Historical and Comparative Theology and Chairman of the Department of Systematic Theology; Dean of the Divinity School. A.B. Colby, 1884; D.D. ibid., 1901; D.D. Obedin, 1908; D.D. Brown 1Q14; LL.l). Pennsylvania CoIIcrc, 1914; Associate Professor of Rhetoric, Colby, 1887-89; Professor of History and Political Economy, ibid., 1889-94; Associate Professor of New Testament History and Interpretation, Chicago, 1894-97; Professor, ibid., 1897-1905; Professor of Systematic Theolog>', ibid., 1905-6; Professor of Historical and Comparative Theolog>', ibid., 1906-; Dean of the Divinity School, ibid., 1908-. President, Western Economic Society, 191 1-; President, Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America, i9i:;-i6; President, Northern Baptist Conven- tion, 1915-16; Director, ReliKious Work Department, Chautaucjiia Institute, 191 2-; Trustee, Church Peace Union, 1913-; Lecturer, Haverford Librar>' Foun- dation, 1907; Earle (Berkeley, Cal.), 1913; William Belden Noble (Harvard), 1916. Associate Editor, Biblical World, 1804-1912; Editor, ibid., 1912-; Associate Editor, American Journal of Theology, 1897-; Editor, Christendom, 1903; Editor, World To-Day, 1903-11; Contributing Editor, Constructive Quarterly, 1Q13-; Editor of: New Testament Handbooks (Macmillan Co.), 1809-; Bible for Home and School (Macmillan Co.), 191a-; "Social Betterment Series" (Appleton & Co.), 191 1- ; Publications of Social Service Commission Northern Baptist Convention, 1909-12; Woman Citizen's Library. Chicago: Civics Society, 1913; American Editor, Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible, I vol., Charles Scribncr's Sons, iqoq; Joint Editor, "Uni- versity of Chicago Publications in Religious Education." 449 450 PUBLICATIONS Member, Social Service Commission of the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America, 1908-; Committee on Social Service, Northern Baptist Convention, 1907- ; Representative, Christian Embassy to Japan, Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America (report published 1915). Principles and Ideals for the Sunday School (with E. D, Burton). 8vo, viii+208. Chicago: University Press, 1903. The Messianic Hope in the New Testament. Svo, xx4-338. Chicago: University Press, 1905. The Church and the Changing Order. i2mo, 255. New York: Mac- millan Co., 1907. The Social Gospel. i2mo, 168. Philadelphia: American Baptist Pub- Hshing Society, 19 10. The Gospel and the Modern Man. i2mo, 331. New York: Macmillan Co., 1910. New Testament Times in Palestine (rev. and enlarged ed.). i2mo, 234. New York: Macmillan Co., 1910. Scientific Management in the Churches. Chicago : University Press, 191 2. The Making of To-Morrow. i2mo, 193. New York: Eaton & Mains, 1913- The Individual and the Social Gospel. i6mo, 84. New York: Mis- sionary Education Movement of the United States and Canada, 1914. The Spiritual Interpretation of History (William Belden Noble Lectures', 19 16, Harvard University). i2mo, x+227 Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1916. Culture in the West, World To-Day, VIII (1905), 191-96. Uncommercial Chicago, ibid., IX (1905), 984-90. Education in Thrift, ibid., 1066-70. Imitation of Jesus, Biblical World, XXVI (1905), 455-58. Men or Institutions ? ibid., XXVII (1906), 32-41. Use of the Bible in the Public Schools, ibid., 59-62. Parable of the Tares, ibid., 313-15. THE DIVINITY SCHOOL 451 "Antiochus," "Brother," "Betrothal," "Day of Christ," "Day of Judgment." In Dictianary of Christ and the Gospels. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1906. The Church and Social Discontent, Methodist Quarterly, LVI (1907), 32-51- Packingtovvn Today, World To-Day, XII (1907), 488-502. A Positive Method for an Evangelical Theology, American Journal of Theology, XIII (1909), 21-46. The Council at Jerusalem, Biblical World, XXXIII (1909), 337-42. The Awakened Church: The Church and Scholarship, World To-Day, XVI (1909), 57-61. The Church and Social Service, ibid., 151-56. The Church and Education, ibid., 625-28. The State University and the Theological Seminary, Religious Education, IV (1909), 179-85. The Social Task of the Church, Homiletic Review, LIX (19 10), 92-96. The Kingdom of God, Biblical World, XXXV (1910), 420-27. The Evolution of Religion, American Journal of Theology, XV (191 1), 57-82. The Duty of American Parents, Religious Education, VI (191 1), 49-54. Is Belief in the Historicity of Jesus Indispensable to Christian Faith ? American Journal of Theology, XV (191 1), 614-17. Vocational Efficiency and the Theological Curriculum, ibid., XVI (1912), 165-80. American Institute of Sacred Literature: "The Efficient Church," Biblical World, XXXIX (1912), 116-24, 200-205, 266-81, 346-50, 414-19. The Social Origin of Theology, American Journal of Sociology, XL\'I1I (1912), 289-317. The Awakening of American Protestantism, Constructive Quarterly, I (1913), 101-25. 452 PUBLICATIONS The Beginnings of a New Catholic Unity, Biblical World, XLI (1913), 8-10. The Sufficiency of the Gospel for the Salvation of Society, ibid., 291-98. Contemporary Theological Movements in Germany, Chautauquan, LXX (1913), 306-11. The Struggle between the Natural and the Spiritual Order as Described in the Gospel of John, Biblical World, XLII (1913), 30-35, 76-79, 146-49, 368-72. The Pedagogy of the New Testament, Cyclopedia of Education, IV (1914), 446-51. Missions and the Social Gospel, International Review of Missions, III (1914), 432-46. Generic Christianity, Constructive Quarterly, II (1914), 702-23. The Message of Jesus to Our Modern Life (Bible-study course for American Institute of Sacred Literature), Biblical World, XLIV (1914), 225-28, 297-300, 367-72, 431-40; XLV (1915), 56-64, 120- 28, 185-92, 250-56, 316-24. Theology and the Social Mind, ibid., XL VI (19 15), 201-48. Manufactured Gods. In University of Chicago Sermons (edited by T. G. Scares; Chicago: University Press, 1915), pp. 55-70- Some Larger Aspects of the Trade in War Materials, Journal of Political Economy, XXIV (1916), 14-24. The Historical Study of Religion. Chap, ii in A Guide to the Study of the Christian Religion (edited by G. B. Smith; Chicago: Univer- sity Press, 1916), pp. 19-80. Theological Seminaries as Schools of Religious Efficiency, Biblical World, XL VII (1916), 75-85- A Religion for Democracy, Independent, LXXXVI (1916), 53-56. Reviews in: Biblical World, XXV, T,g2, T,g^; XLI, 137-40; XLII, 120-21; XLIII, 208, 279, 352; XLIV, 364, 429, 430; XLV, 54; XL VI, 127, 387; XLVII, 121, 122, 123; American Journal of Theology, X, 712, 714, 715; XIII, 145-46; 624-25; XIV, 127-29; XV, 134-36; XVII, 103-4. THE DIMMTV SCHOOL 453 Gerald Birney Smith [1900-], Professor of Christian Theology. A.H. Hrown, iSgi; DM. Union Tlic()l(JKi<^iil Seminary, 1898; D.D. Hrown, igog; Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology, Chicago, 1904-6; Associate Pro- fessor, ibid., 1906-13; Professor, ibiJ., 1913-. Nathaniel W. Taylor Lecturer, Yale Divinity School, 19 12. Managing Editor, American Journal of Theology, 1905-; Editor of A Guide to the Study of the Christian Religion. 8vo, L\-|-759. Chi- cago: University Press, 1916. Biblical Ideas of Atonement: Their History and Significance (with E, D. Burton and J. M. P. Smith). 8vo, 343. Chicago: University Press, 1909. Social Idealism and the Changing Theology. i2mo, 247. Xew York: Macmillan Co., 19 13. Recent Psychological Investigations in the Realm of Religion, Biblical World, XXIV (1904), 335-42. Truthfulness in Teaching the Truth, ibid., XXVIII (1906), 231-39. The Field of Systematic Theology Today, ibid., XXXII (1908), 113-23. The Modem-Positive Movement in Theology, American Journal of Theology, XIII (1909), 92-99. The Task and Method of Systematic Theology, ibid., XIV (19 10), 215-33. Biblical Criticism and the Christmas Message, Biblical World, XXX\T (1910), 368-78. Testing the Doctrine of Inspiration, ibid., 152-65. Can the Distinction between Canonical and Non-Canonical Books Be Maintained? ibid., XXXVII (1911), 19-29. Theology and BibHcal Criticism, ibid., XL (191 2), 17-30. Theology and Religious Experience, ibid., 97-108. Theology and the Histor>' of Religions, ibid., 173-83. Theology and Scientific Method, ibid., 236-47. The Function of a Critical Theology, ibid., 307-17. Christianity and Critical Theology, ibid., 385-96. Systematic Theology and Ministerial Efficiency, American Journal of Theology, XVI (191 2), 589-613. Is Scholarship Hostile to Religion ? Biblical World, XLII (1913), 9-16. 454 PUBLICATIONS The Problem of Theological Method, Biblical World, XLIV (1914), 274-82. What Is Christianity? ibid., 341-49. Christianity and History, ibid., 409-16. The Christ of Faith and the Jesus of History, American Journal of Theology, XVIII (1914), 521-44. Theology and the Doctrine of Evolution, Biblical World, XLV (1915), 37-45- What Shall the Systematic Theologian Expect from the New Testament Scholar ? American Journal of Theology, XIX (1915), 383-401. Systematic Theology and Christian Ethics. Chap, ix in A Guide to the Study of the Christian Religion (Chicago: University Press, 1916), pp. 483-578. Reviews of: Mackintosh, The Doctrine of the Person of Christ, American Journal of Theology, XVII, 301-7; Royce, The Problem of Christianity, ibid., 631-39; Ten Broeke, A Constructive Basis for Theology, ibid., XIX, 233-37. Other reviews in American Journal of Theology, X, 771-72; XIII, 137-40, 270-73, 470-73; XIV, 133-36, 484-85; XV, 139-41, 297-98, 298-99; XVII, 94-97; XVIII, 309-12, 460-62. AnTHUR Erastus Holt, Ph.D. 1904; Fort Worth, Tex. The Function of Christian Ethics, Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 48. Chicago: George K. Hazlitt & Co., 1904. Ukichi Kawaguchi, Ph.D. 19 14. The Bearing of the Evolutionary Theory on the Conception of God. A Study in Contemporary Interpretations of God in Terms of the Doc- trine of Evoluti&n. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, viii+103. Menasha, Wis. : George Banta Publishing Co., 19 16. Wilfred Currier Keirstead, Ph.D. 1903; Professor of Philosophy and Economics, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton. Metaphysical Presuppositions of Ritschl. Doctor's thesis. American Journal of Theology, XI (1905), 677-718. Douglas Clyde Macintosh, Ph.D. 1909; Professor of Systematic Theology, Yale School of Religion. The Reaction against Metaphysics in Theology. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 86. Chicago: Privately printed, 1911. THE DIVINITY SCHOOL 455 Henry Burke Rodins, Ph.D. 1912; Professor of the History and Philosophy of Rehgion and Missions, Rochester Theological Semi- nary, Rochester, X.Y. Aspects of Aulhority in the Christian Religion, viii-i- 151. Philadelphia: Griffith & Rowland Press, 191 1. The Basis of Assurance in Recent Protestant Theologies. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 92. Kansas City: Charles E. Brown Printing Co., 191 2. William Ross Sciioemakkr, Ph.D. 1903; Clergyman, Des Moines, Iowa. The Use of r;^"l in the Old Testament and of Trvevfia in the Xew Testament: A Lexicographical Study. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, v+62. Xew York: Journal of Biblical Literature, 1904. Charles Maxford Sharpe, Ph.D. 191 2; Assistant Professor of Sys- tematic Theology, Disciples Divinity House, Chicago. The Normative Use of Scripture by Typical Theologians of Protestant Ortho- doxy in Great Britain and America. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 77. Menasha, Wis.: George Banta Publishing Co., 191 2. Arthur Clinton Watson, Ph.D. 1915; Head of the Department of Philosophy and History of Christianity, Rockford College, Rock- ford, III. The Logic of Religion. Doctor's thesis. American Journal of Theology, XX (1916), Si-ioi, 244-65. THE DEPARTMEXT OF CHURCH HISTORY Andrew Cunningham McLaughlin [1906-], Professor and Head of the Department of History, and Head of the Department of Church History. See under Department of History, p. 54. fpRANKLiN Johnson [1892-1916], Professor of Church History and Homiletics. Graduate, Hamilton Theological Seminar\', iS6i; D.D. Jena, i86q; LL.D. Ottawa University, iSqS; President, ibid., 1S90-9.;; .Assistant Professor of Church Histon,- and Homiletics, Chicago, 1892-04; .\ssociate Professor, ibid., 1894-95; Professor, /7)/ 351, 359-61; XI, 335-36, 341-44, 346-51; XII, 291, 299,304,306,307,308,312,313. fERi Baker Hulbert [1892-1907], Professor and Head of the Depart- ment of Church History; Dean of the Divinity School. A.B. Union College, 1863; Graduate, Hamilton Theological Seminaty, 1865; A.M. Colgate, 1865, and Union College, 1866; D.D. Baptist Union Theological Seminary, 1880; Professor of Church History', ibid., 1881-92; Acting President, ibid., 1884-85; Professor and Head of the Department of Church History and Dean of the Divinity School, Chicago, 1892-1907. The English Reformation and Puritanism, with Other Lectures and Addresses. 8vo, 352. Chicago: University Press, 1907. Reviews in: American Journal of Theology, VI, 585-87, 614-15, 632, 791-93; VII, 390-91, 401-2, 404; X, 346-47, 354-59; Biblical World, XXV, 316-17. Errett Gates [1910-], Assistant Professor of Church History in the Disciples' Divinity House. A.B. Chicago, 1899; D.B. ibid., 1900; Ph.D. ibid., 1902; Assistant Professor of Church Histor\' in the Disciples' Divinity House, ibid., 1910-; Instructor in History, ibid., igii-. The Early Relation and Separation of Baptists and Disciples. 8vo, 124. Chicago: Christian Century Co., 1904. History of the Disciples of Christ. i2mo, 346. New York: Baker & Taylor Co., 1905. Growth of Discipleship in the Company of Jesus, Biblical World, XXXni (1909), 314-25. Pragmatic Elements in Modernism, American Journal of Theology, XV (1911), 43-56. t Deceased. THE DIVINITY SCHOOL 457 The New Prussian Heresy Law and Its Workings, ibiJ., XVI (1912), 241-55- Another Case of Discipline in the Prussian Church, ibid., XVII (1913), 89-93- What Jesus Thought of His Own Death. In University of Chicago Sermons (edited by T. G. Soares; Chicago: University Press, 1915), pp. 125-41. The Development of Modern Christianity. In A Guide to the Study of the Christian Religion (edited by G. B. Smith; Chicago: University Press, 1916), pp. 431-82. Curtis Howe Walker [1909-], Assistant Professor of History. See Mm/er Department of History, p. 62. Peter George Mode [1913-], Instructor in Church History. A.B. McMaster, i8q7; Th.B. ibid., iSqq; Ph.D. Chicago, 1914; Professor of History and Church History, Brandon College, Manitoba, 1906-12; Assistant in History, Chicago, 1913; Instructor in Church History, ibid., 1914-. The Influence of the Black Death on the English Monasteries. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 104. Menasha, Wis. : George Banta Publishing Co., 1916. Nels Sorenson Lawdaiil [1893; 1895-1913], Instructor (Danish- Norwegian Theological Seminary) in Church History, Histor)% and Greek; Des Moines College, Des Moines, Iowa. .Assistant, Danish-Norwegian Theological Seminar>', 1893; Instructor, ibid., 1S95- 1913- History of the Danish Baptists in America. i6mo, 544. Chicago: Privately printed, 1909. William Henry Allison, Ph.D. 1Q05; Professor of Ecclesiastical History, Colgate University, Hamilton, X^.Y. Baptist Councils in America: A Historical Study of Their Origin and the Principles of Their Development. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 112. Chicago: George K. Hazlitt & Co., 1906. RoLVix Harlan, Ph.D. 1906; President of Siou.x Falls College, Sioux Falls, S.D. John Alexander Dome atui the Christian Catholic Apostolic Church in Zion. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 204. Evansville, Wis.: R. M. Antes, 1906. 458 PUBLICATIONS Arthur Henry Hirsch, Ph.D. 1915; Professor of History, Morningside College, Sioux City, Iowa. The Huguenots in South Carolina. 121110,350. New York: Macmillan Co. In Press. Chester William New, Ph.D. 19 13. History of the Alien Priories in England to the Confiscation of Henry V. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, x+96. Menasha, Wis.: George Banta Publishing Co., 1916. THE DEPARTMENT OF PRACTICAL THEOLOGY Theodore Gerald Scares [1906-], Professor of Homiletics and Religious Education, and Head of the Department of Practical Theology. A.B. Minnesota, 1891; Ph.D. Chicago, 1894; B.B. -ibid., i8g7; D.D. Knox Col- lege, 1901; University Extension Lecturer in Biblical Literature, Chicago, 1899- 1905; Professor of Homiletics, f6/rf., 1906-8; Professor of Homiletics and Religious Education, ibid., 1908-; Head of the Department of Practical Theology, ibid., 1909-. Member of the Editorial Committee, American Journal of Theology, 1906-; Biblical World, 1906-; Joint Editor, " University of Chicago Publications in Religious Education," 1914-; Editor, University of Chicago Sermons, 8vo, 348. Chicago: University Press, 1915. The Week of Our Lord's Passion. i2mo, vi+220. Chicago: Hope Publishing Co., 1907. Heroes of Israel. i2mo, xvi+388. Chicago: University Press, 1909. Heroes of Israel, Teacher's Manual. i2mo, xxLx+240. Chicago: University Press, 19 10. Lessons from the Great Teachers (with Lillian M. Soares). 8vo, viii+435. Chicago: Howard-Severance Co., 191 1. A Baptist Manual. i2mo, xii+156. Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication Society, 191 1. The Social Institutions and Ideals of the Bible. 8vo, 385. New York: Abingdon Press, 1915. The Ethical Value of the Old Testament in Modern Life, Biblical World, XXVII (1906), 23-31. How to Teach the Sunday-School Lessons for 1907, ibid., XXVIII (1906), 412-20. THE DIVINITY SCHOOL 459 Expository Studies in the Old 'J'estanient, ibid., XXIX (1907), 376-87. Social Sins and National Doom, ibid., XXXI (1908), 62-67. The Worth of Man, ibid., XXXIII (1909), 107-12. Religious Training for the High-School Age, Religious Education, IV (1909), 451-57- Paul's Missionary Methods, Biblical World, XXXIV (1909), 326-36. Jesus' Work in Galilee: His Healing Ministry, ibid., XXXV (1910), 117-23. Making the Bible Real. Chap, vii in Applied Ideals in Work with Boys (New York: Young Men's Christian Association Press, 1910). Some Psychological Aspects of Regeneration, Biblical World, XXXVII (1911), 78-88. The Nature of a Boy's Religion, American Youth, I (191 2), 6-1 1. Current Moral Standards in Government, Religious Education, VII (1912), 414-19. Practical Theology and Ministerial Efl5ciency, American Journal of Theology, XVI (191 2), 426-43. Federation for Religious Leadership, Religious Education, VIII (1913), The Educational Work of the Church, Biblical World, XLIII (1914), 123-28, 194-98, 265-68, 333-38, 403-8. The Modern Revival of ReUgion, Religious Education, IX (1914), 227-32. The Need of Power in American Preaching. In University of Chicago Sermons, pp. 3-20. The Value of the Old Testament in Rclif::ious Education, Encyclopedia of Sunday Schools and Religious Education, II (1915), 736-41. Methods of Teaching in the Bible, ibid., HI (1915), 10S8-91. The Way to the Unseen. In University of Chicago Sermons, pp. 315-30. The Study of Religious Education, Biblical World, XLVII (1916), 3-15. Practical Theology. Chapter X in .1 Guide to the Study of the Christian Religion (edited by G. B. Smith; Chicago: L'niversity Press, 1916), pp. 579-676. 460 PUBLICATIONS The Preaching Task of the Modern Minister, Biblical World, XL VII (1916), 124-32; 200-206; 272-78; 344-50; 414-20. Regeneration. In Hastings' Dictionary of the Apostolic Church. In Press. RE\aEWS in: American Journal of Theology, XIII, 481-82; XVII, 458-59; XVIII, 315-17; Biblical World, XXXV, 68-69; XXXIX, 356-57- Galusha Anderson [189 2-], Professor Emeritus of Homiletics; Newton Center, Mass. A.B. Rochester, 1854; S.T.D. ibid., 1866; LL.D. Rochester and Madison (now Colgate), 1884; Professor of Sacred Rhetoric, Church Polity, and Pastoral Duties, Newton Theological Institution, 1866-73 ; President of the Old University of Chicago, 1878-85; President of Denison, 1887-90; Professor of Homiletics, Church Polity, and Pastoral Duties, Baptist Union Theological Seminary, 1890-92; Professor and Head of the Department of Homiletics, Chicago, 1892-1904; Professor Emeritus of Homiletics, ibid., 1904-. Ancient Sermons for Modern Times (a translation) . 1 2mo, 157. Boston : The Pilgrim Press, 1904. The Story of a Border City during the Civil War. 8vo, viii+385. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1908. Hitherto Untold. 8vo, 157. New York: Cochrane Publishing Co., 1910. When Neighbors Were Neighbors: A Story of Love and Life in Olden Days. 8vo, vi+355. Boston: Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co., 1911. Science and Prayer and Other Papers. 8vo, 259. Boston: Pilgrim Press, 191 5. The Import of John 21:15-17, In a volume of addresses on the Gospel of John, pp. 366-79. Providence, R.I., 1904. fpRANKLiN Johnson [1892-1916], Professor of Church History and Homiletics. See under Department of Church History, p. 455. Herbert Francis Evans [1908-], Extension Professor of Religious Edu- cation; Professor of Biblical Literature and Religious Education, Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa. A.B. Leland Stanford Junior, 1902; D.B. Chicago, 1907; Ph.D. ibid., 1909; Extension I'rofessor of Religious Education, ibid., 1913-. t Deceased. THE DRIMTV SCHOOL 461 Keystone Intermediate Graded Sunday-School Lessons. Four Pupils' Texts, 208 i)p. each. Four Teachers' Manuals, 250 pp. each. Philadelphia: American Bai)tist Publication Society, 1910-14. ' The Sunday-School Building and Its Equipment. i6mo, .\vi-hii6. Chicago: University Press, 1914. The Relation of Reading to Moral and Religious Education. Doctor's thesis. In Press. Sunday School Arcliitecture, Encyclopedia of Sunday Schools and Reli- gious Education, I (1915), 28-54. IBenjamin Allen Greene [1909-15], Professorial Lecturer on Prac- tical Theology. ,\.B. Brown, 1S72; D.I), ibid., 1893; Member, Board of Trustees, Divinity School, Chicago, 1 901-15; Professorial Lecturer on Practical Theology, ibid., 1909-15- The Influence of the Authorized Version on English Literature, Biblical World, XXXVII (1911), 391-401. The Voice of God. In the University of Chicago Sermons, pp. 203-15. Allan Hoben [1908-], Associate Professor of Homiletics. A.B. New Brunswick, 1895; Ph.D. Chicago, 1901; .\ssociate Professor of Homi- letics, ibid., 1908-. Member of the Editorial Committee, American Journal of Theology, 1908-16. The Minister and the Boy. i2mo, vii-fi7i. Chicago: L'niversity Press, 191 2. Psalm 55, Partly Modernized, Biblical World, XXIII (1904), 122. The Land of Jesus, ibid., XXVI (1905), 408-17. The Merciful Father, ibid., XXVIII (1906), 61-63. What Has the Church a Right to Demand in Theological Reconstruc- tion? American Journal of Theology, XIII (1909), 414-19. Juvenile Protection, Woman Citizen's Library, X (1913), 2468-2504. The Boy's Religious Needs, Men and Religion Messages, IV (1913), 6-16. The Church and Child Protection, Biblical World, XLI (1913), 180-85. t Deceased. 462 PUBLICATIONS Juvenile Delinquency: Its Nature, Extent, and Causes, ibid., XLV (1915), 232-35. Court and Institutional Treatment, ibid., 299-303. Voluntary Associations and Church Co-operation, ibid., 363-66. The Revival of Idealism. In University of Chicago Sermons, pp. 107-21. American Democracy and the Modern Church, American Journal of Sociology, XXI (1916), 458-73. Disturbing the Church, American Journal of Theology, XX (1916), 130-32. Olaf Hedeen [1896-1912], Assistant Professor (in the Swedish Theo- logical Seminary) of Practical Theology and Exegesis; Pastor, Englewood Swedish Baptist Church, Chicago. A.B. Upsala, Sweden, 1882; S.M. Candidatus, Evangelical Lutheran Augustana Synod, 1885; Assistant Professor (in the Swedish Theological Seminar>0 of Practical Theology and Exegesis, Chicago, 1896-1912. Ett religionssamfunds mest brdnnande fraga. i6mo, 28. Brockton, Mass. : New England Sunday School Association, 191 2. Raddningsanstalter for unga brottslingar, Vintersol,'XlH (1905), 181-90. R. A. Torreys Hf, ibid., XVI (1908), 175-84. De amerikanska negrernas framsteman, V inter sol, 'XNlll (1910), 141-62. Codex Argenteus, Svenska Standard, V (191 1), 1-2. Den hogre skolverksamhetens betydelse i och for sig och for var mission, ibid., VI (191 2), I, 3 col. Frank Otis Erb, Ph.D. 1913; Associate Editor of Sunday School Literature, American Baptist Publication Society, Philadelphia. The Development of the Young People's Movement. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, vi+i2 2. Chicago: University Press, 1917. Daniel Johnson Fleming, Ph.D. 1914; Director of the Department of Foreign Service, Union Theological Seminary, New York. Devolution in Mission Administration as Exemplified by the Legislative History of Five American Missionary Societies in India. Doctor's thesis. i6mo, 310. New York: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1916. Arthur Jackson Hall, Ph.D. 191 i; Professor of Psychology, Baylor University, Waco, Tex. THE DIVINITY SCHOOL 463 Religious Education in the Public Schools of the Stale and City of New York; a Historical Study. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, x+iii. Chicago: University Press, 19 14. Adrian Augustus Holtz, Ph.D. 1914; Milwaukee, Wis. Moral and Religious Elements in American Eletnentary and Secondary Education up to iSoo. Doctor's thesis. 8v'o, 86. Menasha, Wis.: George Banta Publishing Co., 1917. William Norman Hutchins, Ph.D. 1913; Margaretville, Nova Scotia. Graded Social Service for the Sunday School. i6mo, xii+i^S- Chicago: University Press, 1914. Social Service in Religious Education. Doctor's thesis. Biblical World, XLIV (1914), 65-14S. KaVTSUji K.\TO, Ph.D. 1913; College Secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association for Japanese Students, Chicago. The Psychology of Oriental Religious Experience: a Study of Some Typical Experiences of Japanese Converts to Christianity. Doctor's thesis. Svo, 102. Menasha, Wis.: George Banta Publishing Co., 1915. Herbert Finley Rudd, Ph.D. 1914; Missionary, American Baptist Foreign Missionary Society, Western China. Chinese Moral Sentiments before Confucius; a Study in the Origin of Ethical Valuation. Doctor's thesis. i2mo, iii-f 221. Chicago: Privately printed, 1915. Jesse Frederick Steiner, Ph.D. 1915. The Japanese Invasion. Doctor's thesis. i2mo, .\vii + 23i. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co., 1917. Addie Grace W.ardle, Ph.D. 1915; President of the Cincinnati Mis- sionary Training School. Handwork in Religious Education. i6mo, .\viii-l-143. Chicago: Uni- versity Press, 1916. History of the Sunday School in the Methodist Episcopal Church. Doctor's thesis. New York: Methodist Book Concern. In Press. 464 PUBLICATIONS THE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY (in the divinity school) Albion Woodbury Small [1892-], Professor and Head of the Depart- ment of Sociology; Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Liter- ature. See under the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, p. 68. fCHARLES Richmond Henderson [1892-1915], Professor of Sociology and Head of the Department of Sociology in the Divinity School. A.B. Old University of Chicago, 1870; D.B. Baptist Union Theological Seminary, 1873; D.D. J6f(f., 1883; Ph.D. Leipzig, 1901; Assistant Professor of Sociology and University Recorder, Chicago, 1892-94; University Chaplain, ibid., 1892-1915; Associate Professor of Sociology, ibid., 1894-97; Professor, ibid., 1897-1915; Head of the Department of Sociology in the Divinity School, ibid., 1904-15. Barrows Lecturer to India, 191 2-13. Associate Editor American Journal of Sociology; Member of the Editorial Committee of the American Journal of Theology and of the Biblical World. President of the International Prison Commission and of the National Prison Association: Report of the Proceedings of the Eighth International Prison Congress, 1910. 8vo, 62. Washington, D.C.: Document, No. 52, House of Representatives, Sixty-third Congress, First session, May 23, 1913; Report on Preventive and Reformatory Work, Proceedings of the National Prison Association (1904), 127-39; Report to the Governor of Illinois on Outdoor Labor for Convicts. 8vo, xv-l-154. Chicago: University Press, 1907; Secretary and Editor of the Mayor's Commission on Unemployment in Chicago: Pamphlet, 1914; Contributor to the Report of the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and Relief of Distress, London, 1908; President of the National Conference of Charities and Correction (1899); President of the National Child Welfare Association; Secretary of the Illinois State Commission on Occupational Dis- eases (191 1), and Editor of the report. Modern Prison Systems. 8vo, 319. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1903. Modern Methods of Charity. 8vo, 715. London and New York: Mac- millan Co., 1904. Die Arbeiterversicherung in den Vereiniglen Staaten von Nord- America. 4to, 131. Berlin: A. Troschel, 1907; I^nglish version: Industrial Insurance in the United States, ist ed., 1909; 2d cd., 191 1. Svo, x-f-454. Chicago: University Press. t Deceased. THE DIVIXn V SCHOOL 465 Social Duties from the Christian Stand poinl. i2mo, .\iv + 332. Chicago: University Press, 1909. Education with Reference to Sex. Eighth Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education. Parts 1 and II, 74+89. Chicago: University Press, 1909. Social Programmes in the West. The Barrows Lectures for 191 2-13. 8vo, 184. Bombay: Macmillan & Co., Ltd., 1913. Citizens in Industry. iimo, xviii+341. New York: D. Applcton & Co., 1915. The School of Character in a Prison, Proceedings of the National Prison Association (1903), 109-16. Supervision and Control of Penal Institutions, ibid., 135-54. Theory and Practice of Juvenile Courts, Proceedings of the National Con- ference of Charities and Correction (1903), 358-69. Definition of a Social Policy Relating to the Dependent Group, American Journal of Sociology, X (1904), 315-24. Juvenile Courts, Charities, XIII (1905), 340-43. (i) The National Children's Home Society; (2) Instruction in Philan- thropy; (3) Insurance and Relief (in French), Bullctino d. IV, Con- gresso internazionale dell assistenza, etc., July, 1905, 25-29. Charity Organization in France, Charities, XIV (1905), 1038, 1039. Delinquants dangereux; conceptions americaines, Ret'ue penitentiaire, 29° an. (1905), 942-44- (Euvres de bienfaisance aux Etats-Unis, Rapports du i" Congres inter- national d' education ct de protection dc Venfance dans lafamille, sec. 4 (1905), 221-26. The Part of the Home in Religious Education, Proceedings of the Third Annual Convention of the Religious Education Association, 1905, 324-29. Social Solidarity in France (Poor Law of 1905), American Journal of Sociology, XI (1905), 168-82. Higher Education, Proceedings of the Baptist World's Congress, London, 1905. L'Assurance Ouvricre dans les Etats-Unis, Congrts International dcs Accidents du Travail et des Assurances Sociales, VH, i (1905), 85-105; VII, 2 (1905), 489-90- 466 PUBLICATIONS What Is the Duty of the Church to the Defective and Dependent Classes ? Proceedings of the Baptist Congress, 1905, 137-45. Workingmen's Insurance, World To-Day, X (1906), 145-48. La recontre des races dans la cite americaine, et ses consequences morales, Correspondant, LXXVIII (1906), 1169-73. Lois d 'assistance publique de I'etat d'Indiana, Revue philanthro pique, XIX (1906), 723-31. Ueber die bedingte Entlassung und Ueberwachung in den Vereinigten Staaten, Blatter fiir Gefdngniskunde, XXXX (1906), 383-87. Workingman's Insurance in Illinois, Proceedings of the American Economic Association, IX (1908), 183-98. Social Duties, Biblical World, XXXII (1908), 25-32, 197-204, 349-59. The Logic of Social Insurance, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, XXXIII (1909), 41-53. La legislation americaine concernant I'enfance, Revue philanthro pique, XXV (1909), 221-39. Ethical Problem of Prison Science, International Journal of Ethics, XX (1910), 281-95. Infant Welfare: Methods of Organization: I. In Italy, American Journal of Sociology, XVII (1911-12), 289- 302. II. In France, ibid., 458-77. III. In Germany, ibid., 669-84. IV. In German Cities and Belgium. General Conclusions, ibid.y 783-830. Control of Crime in India, Journal of Criminal Law and Ciminology, IV (1913), 378-400. A Mode of Approach, International Review of Missions, II (1913), 765-72, Social Significance of Christianity in Modern Asia, Biblical World, XLII (1913), 140-45. 200-203, 274-78. Penology in the United StSiies, Bulletin de T Union intcrnalionale de droit penal, XXI (19 13), 117-33- L'Assistance en Chine lors de la derniere famine. Revue philanthro pique, XXXIV (1913), 25-48. THE DINLMTV SCHOOL 467 Unemployment ami Unemi)l<)yment Relief in India, Bulletin de I'Associa- tion inlernationalc pour la luttc contre Ic chomage, III (1913), 213-35. The Direction of Social Advance, Calcutta Review, No. 271 (1913), 16-24. Penology in the United States, Milteilungcn der iniernationalen kriminal- istischen Vereinigung, XXI (1914) (Festband), 117-33. "Social .Assimilation": America and China, American Journal of Sociology, XIX (1914), O40-48. How Chicago Met the Unemployment Problem of 1915, ibid., XX (1915), 721-30. Reviews of: Books on Social Ethics, A mcrican Journal of Theology, IX, 387-91. Other reviews in The Dial, XXXVIII, 154-56; XL, 296- 98; LV, 261-64; iind in American Journal of Sociology and Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology. Scott Elias Willi.vm Bedford [191 i-], Associate Professor of Soci- ology. See under Department of Sociology and Anthropology, p.74. Ernest Watson Burgess [1916-], Assistant Professor of Sociology. See under Department of Sociology and Anthropology, p. 77. Frank Graves Cressey, Ph.D. 1903; Los Angeles, Cal. The Church and Young Men. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, .\v+233. N'ew York: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1904. Richard Roy Perkins, Ph.D. 1905; Secretary, Young Men's Christian Association, Portland, Ore. Treatment of Juvenile Delinquents. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 77. Rock- ford, 111.: C. F. Mcintosh, 1906. Samuel Nicholas Reep, Ph.D. 1911; Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota. The Organization of the Ecclesiastical Institutions of a Metropolitan Community. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 72. Minneapolis, Minn.: Syndicate Printing Co., 1910. Albert Judson Steelman, Ph.D. 1905; West Caldwell, X.J. Charities for Children in the City of Mexico (illustrated). Doctor's thesis. 8vo, .xii+iii. Joliet, III.: E. M. Steelman, 1907. THE LAW SCHOOL James Parker Hall [1902-], Professor of Law; Dean of the Law School. A.B. Cornell, 1894; LL.B. Harvard, 1897; Lecturer on Constitutional Law and Real Property, Buffalo Law School, 1898-1900; Associate Professor of Law, Leland Stanford Junior, 1900-1902; Professor of Law, Chicago, 1902-; Dean of the Law School, ibid., 1904-. Director of American Judicature Society, 1913-. Editor of American Law and Procedure (Vols. I-XII). Chicago: DeBower-Chapline Co., 19 10. Constitutional Law (Vol. XII, American Law and Procedure). 8vo, xiv+408. Chicago: DeBower-Chapline Co., 1910. Cases on Constitutional Law. Royal 8vo, xxxii+1452. St. Paul: West Publishing Co., 19 13. Illustrative Cases on Constitutional Law. Svo, viii-j-508. St. Paul: West Publishing Co., 1914. Practice Work and Elective Studies in Law Schools, Reports of the Amer- ican Bar Association, XXVIII (1905), 603-18; also in American Law School Review, I (1905), 328-37. Practice Work in Law Schools, Green Bag, XVII (1905), 528-32. Notes of Cases, ibid., 672; XVIII (1906), 107. The State Tax on Illinois Central Gross Receipts — Another View, Illinois Law Review, II (1907), 21-31. American Law School Degrees, Michigan Law Review, VI (1907), 112-17. The New University Government Statute, University of Chicago Maga- zine, I (1908), 64-67. James Bradley Thayer, Great American Lawyers, VIII (1909), 345-84. The Study of Law by Correspondence, Reports of the American Bar Association, XXXIV (1909), 798-802; also in the American Law School Review, II (1909), 314-16. The New York Workmen's Compensation Act Decision, Journal of Political Economy, XIX (1911), 694-700. 468 THE LAW SCHOOL 469 Constitutional Aspects of Federal Regulation of Business, ibid., XX (1912), 473-79- Constitutionality of a Xational Reserve Association. Chap, x.xiii in Banking Reform (Chicago: National Citizens' League, 1912), 386-417. An Eighteenth-Century Constitution — A Comment, Illinois Law Review, VII (19 1 2), 285-90. Is a Constitutional Convention in Illinois Desirable? ibid., IX (1914), 20-23. The Selection, Tenure, and Retirement of Judges, Bulletin of the Ameri- can Judicature Society, X (1916), 1-32; also in Ohio Law Bulletin, LXI (1916), 29-43; Ohio Law Reporter, XIII (1916), 47-72; Chicago Legal News, XLVIII (19 16), 215-24. The Force of Precedents in International Law, International Journal of Ethics, XXYl (1916), 149-67, Review of: Prentice, Federal Power over Carriers and Corporations, Journal of Political Economy, XV, 238-42. Other reviews in Journal of Political Economy, Xll, iT,i~T,s; XVI, 114-15; XIX, 506; XXI, 88-89; Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, XXV^, 198-200; Harvard Graduates' Magazine, XVI, 778-79; Columbia Law Review, IX, 563; Harvard Law Review, XXVI, 280-81. Joseph Hekry Beale, Jr. [1902-4], Professor of Law; Dean of the Law School; Royall Professor of Law, Harvard University. A.B. Harvard, 1882; A.M., LL.B. ibid. 1887; LL.D., Wisconsin, IQ04; LL.D Chicago, 1904; Lecturer on Law, Harvard, 1891-92; Assistant Professor of Law ibid., 1893-97; Professor of Law, ibid., iSqS-; Professor of Law and Dean of the Law School, Chicago (on leave of absence from Harvard), 1902-4. Criminal Attempts, Harvard Law Reviav, XVI (1903), 491-507. Retreat from a Murderous Assault, ibid., 567-82. Homicide in Self-Defence, Columbia Law Review, III (1903), 526-45. Notes on Consideration, Harvard Law Review, XVII (1903), 71-82. The Taxation of Foreign Corporations, ibid. (1904), 248-65. Corporations of Two States, Columbia Law Review, IV (1904), 391-408. The Enforcement Abroad of Stockholder's or Director's Liability, Green Bag, XVI (1904), 387-94. 470 PUBLICATIONS Harry Augustus Bigelow [1904-], Professor of Law. A.B. Harvard, 1896; LL.B. ibid., 1899; Assistant Professor of Law, Chicago, 1904-6; Associate Professor, ibid., 1906-9; Professor, ibid., 1909-. Editor of the third edition of John Wilder May's Law of Crimes. 8vo, Hv+366. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1905. Two Recent Decisions on Interstate Matrimonial Relations, Green Bag, X\TII (1906), 348-54. Notes of Cases, ihid., XIX (1907), 199. Insurance. In Americaji Law and Procedure, VII, 255-382. Chicago: DeBower-Chapline Co., 19 10. Conditional Deliveries of Deeds of Land, Harvard Law Review, XXVI (1913), 565-87; also in Law Times, CXXXV (1913), 248-49, 272-73, 307-8, 357-58. A Brief Review of Criminal Cases in the Supreme Court of Illinois for the Past Year, Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, V (1914), 199-206. The Contents of Covenants in Leases, Law Quarterly Review, XXX (1914), 319-38; also in Michigan Law Review, XII (1914), 639-59. Natural Easements, Illinois Law Review, IX (1915), 541-50. Review in: International Journal of Ethics, XXVI, 120-22. Walter Wheeler Cook [1910-16], Professor of Law; Professor of Law, Yale Law School. A.B. Columbia, 1894; LL.M. ibid., 1901; Assistant Professor of Law, Nebraska, 1902-3; Professor of Law, ibid., 1903-4; Professor of Law, Missouri, 1904-6; Professor of Law, Wisconsin, 1906-10; Professor of Law, Chicago, 1910-16. Cases on Reformation, Rescission, and Restitution at Law and in Equity. In Press. The Place of Equity in Our Legal System, Proceedings of the Association of American Law Schools, XII (1912), 77-89. The Powers of Courts of Equity, Parts I, II, and III, Columbia Law Review, XV (1915), 37-54, 106-41, 228-52. thp: law school 471 Ernst Freund [1894-], Professor of Jurisprudence and Public Law. J.U.I). Heidelberg, 1S84; Ph.D. Columbia, 1897; Professor of Administrative Law anfl Municipal (Corporations (locum ttnens), ibid., iSgj-f)^; Assistant Pro- fessor of Roman Law and Jurisi)rudence, Chicago, 1895-1900; Associate Professor of Jurisprudence and Public Law, ibid., 1900-1902; Professor of Law, ibid., 1902-. President of the American Political Science Association, 1915. Member of the Illinois Commission on Uniformity of Legislation, 1908-; Member, Special Committee of the American Bar Association on Legislative Drafting; Reports: (i) Language and Arrangement of Statutes, Reports of the Amcrkan Bar Association, XXXIX (1914), 632-5S; (2) Administrative Regulations, ibid., XL (1915), 537-69; (3) Provisions for Licensing, American Bar Association Journal, II (1916), 456-S7. The Police Power. 8vo, c.xii+Sig. Chicago: Callaghan & Co, and University Press, 1904. Cases on Administrative Law. Royal 8vo, x.\i+6Si. St. Paul: West Publishing Co., 191 1. Das ofentliche Recht dcr Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. 8vo, 387. Tiibingen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1911. Standards of American Legislation. 8vo, x\+327. Chicago: University Press, 19 1 7. Property (Review of Legislation), New York State Library Review of Legislation, 1903, ei-e5. Jurisprudence and Legislation, Congress of Arts and Sciences, St. Louis, VII (1904), 619-35. Limitation of Hours of Labor and the Supreme Court, Green Bag, X\II (1905), 411-17- Review of State Legislation on Property, Xew York State Library Bulletin , 1906, 192-93. Jurisjirudenz und Gesetzgebung, Jahrbuch des ojJcntHchcn Rechts, I (1906-7), 137-52. The Problem of Intelligent Legislation, Proceedings of the American Political Science Association, IV (1907), 69-79. Constitutional .Aspects of Employers' Liability Legislation, Green Bag, XIX (1907), 80-83. Some Legal Aspects of the Chicago Charter Act of 1907, Illinois Law Review, II (1908), 427-39, 472 PUBLICATIONS The Federal Employer's Liability Act, Charities and the Commons, XDC (1908), 1662-64. Constitutional Aspects of the Ten-Hour Law, Bulletin of Illinois Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1909, 4. Labor Legislation in the Forty-sLxth General Assembly of Illinois, ibid., 202. Can the States Co-operate for Labor Legislation? Survey, XXII (1909), 409-11. The Ten-Hour Law, Illinois Medical Journal, XVII (19 10), 455-61. Review of Legislation on Property, 1907-8, New York State Library Bulletin, 1910, 249-54. Constitutional Limitation and Labor Legislation, Publications of the American Association of Labor, No. 9 (191 o), 51-71; also in Illinois Law Review, IV (1910), 609-23; Chicago Legal News, XLII (1910), 282-84. Constitutional Aspect of the Protection of Women in Industry, Publica- tions of the Academy of Political Science, I (1910), 162-84. Legal Aspects of City Planning, City Planning Conference, 191 1, 241-48. Courts of Appeals Decisions on Workmen's Compensation Law, Survey, XXVI (191 1), 195-96. A Proposed Uniform Marriage Law, Harvard Law Review, XXIV (191 1), 548-62. Unifying Tendencies in American Legislation, Yale Law Journal, XXII (1912), 96-113. Enforcement Provisions of the Sherman Law, Journal of Political Econ- omy, XX (1912), 462-72. Constitutional Status of Workmen's Compensation, Illinois Law Review, VI (19 1 2), 432-46; also in American Labor Legislation Review, II (1912), 43-59- Brief on Congressional Legislation concerning Workmen's Compensa- tion. Sixty-second Congress, First session. Senate Document 90, 226-39. Report of Special Committee on Situs of Property for Purposes of Taxa- tion, Reports of the American Bar Association, XXXVII (191 2), 1177-88. THE LAW SCHOOL 473 Supplemental Acts — A Chapter in Constitutional Construction, Illinois Law Review, VIII (1913-14), 507-17. Problems of the Police Power, Case and Comment, XX (1913), 301-4. Uniform Marriage and Divorce Legislation, ibid., XXI (19 14), 7-9. Report of Committee on Taxation (Income Tax Act), Reports of the American Bar Association, XXXIX (1914), 533-57. Entwickelung des offentlichen Rechts der Vereiniglen Staaten, 1911-13, Jahrbiicli des ojjcnllichen Rechts, VIII (19 14), 470-91. The Problem of Adequate Legislative Powers under a State Constitution, Proceedings of the American Accuiemy of Political Science, \ (1914), 98-126. Housing and the Police Power, Housing Problem in America, IV (191 5), 27-32. Classification and Definition of Crimes, Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, V (1915), 807-26. The Substitution of Rule for Discretion in Public Law, American Political Science Review, IX (19 15), 666-76. Principles of Legislation, ibid., X (19 16), 1-19. The Interpretation of Statutes, University of Pennsylvania Law Review, LXV (1916-17), 207-31. Edward Wilcox Hinton [1913-], Professor of Law. LL.B. Columbia, 1891; Professor of Law, Missouri; 1904-13; Dean of Law School, ibid., 191 2-13; Professor of Law, Chicago, 1913-. Cases on Trial Practice. 8vo, xiii+783. Chicago: Callaghan & Co., 1915- •Julian William Mack [190 2-], Professor of Law. LL.B. Har\-ard, 1887; Professor of Law, Northwestern, 1895-1902; Professor of Law, Chicago, 1902-. Judge of Circuit Court, Cook County, Illinois, 1903-11; Judge of Appellate Court, First District, Illinois, 1909-11; United States Circuit Judge, 191 1-. Negotiable Instruments Law in Illinois. Some Suggestions on the Proposal to Enact the Uniform, Illinois Law Rci^irw, I (1907), 592-605. * On leave of absence, 191 1- 474 PUBLICATIONS The New Negotiable Instruments Act, Illinois Law Review, II (1908), 265-66. The Nature and Definition of Political Offense in International Extra- dition, Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law (1909), 144-65. The Juvenile Court, Report of the Thirty-second Annual Meeting of the American Bar Association (1909), 449-76; also in Harvard Law Review, XXIII (1909-10), 104-22. James Bar Ames — His Personal Influence, ibid., 336-38. Floyd Russell Mechem [1903-], Professor of Law. A.M. (hon.) Michigan, 1894; LL.D. ihid., 1912; Tappan Professor of Law, ihid., 1892-1903; Professor of Law, Chicago, 1903-. Cases on the Law of Partnership. 3d ed. 8vo, xviii+1104. Chicago: Callaghan & Co., 1906. Mechem and Gilbert'' s Cases on Damages. 8vo, xxiii+626. St. Paul: West Publishing Co., 1909. A Treatise on the Law of Agency (in 2 vols.). Large 8vo, xcvii+2574. Chicago: Callaghan & Co., 1914. Eligibility to Office — As of What Time Determined, Michigan Law Review, I (1903), 17-27. The Power to Appoint to Office: Its Location and Limits, ibid., 531-56* The Liability of a Master for the Negligence of a Stranger Assisting His Servant, ibid.. Ill (1905), 198-219. Constitutional Limitations on Primary Election Legislation, ibid., 364-86; Publications of Michigan Political Science Association, VI (1905), 125-49. The Effect of Ratification as between the Principal and the Other Party, Michigan Law Review, IV (1906), 269-83. The Nature and Extent of an Agent's Authority, ibid., 433-63. Opportunities and Responsibilities of American Law Schools, Reports of the American Bar Association, XXX (1906), 174-86; also in Michi- gan Law Review, V (1906-7), 344-53; Chicago Legal News, XXXIX (1907), 354-56. Delegation of Authority by an Agent, Michigan Law Review, V (1906-7), 94-106. THE LAW SCHOOL 475 The Execution of Sealed Instruments by an Agent, ibid., \'l (1908), 552-67. Implied Authority of Agents to Purchase Personal Property, Yaic Law Journal, XVII (1908), 257-69. Notice to, or Knowledge of, an Agent, Afichigan Law Review, \'I[ (1908-9), 113-53. Employer's LiabiUty, Chicago Legal News, XLI (1909), 404-9; also in Illinois Law Review, IV (1909), 243-71; American Law Review, XLIV (1910), 221-55. The Liability of an Undisclosed Principal, Harvard Law Rei'lcw, XXIII (1910), 513-30; 590-602. The Liability of a Master for the Wilful or Malicious Acts of His Servant, I, II, Michigan Law Review, IX (1910-11), 87-101; 181-204. An Agent's Right to Sue upon Contracts, I, II, University of Pennsyl- vania Law Rcvieiv, LIX (1911), 517-31; 587-617. The Liability of an Agent to Third Persons in Tort, Yale Law Journal, XX (1911), 239-67. The Real Estate Broker and His Commissions, I, II, III, Illinois Law i^o^ieTi-, VI (1911-12), 145-61; 238-54; 2,'^2,-?>2,- The Liability of a Principal for the Penal or Criminal Acts of His Agent, Michigan Law Review, XI (191 2), 93-108. An Inquiry concerning Justice, ibid., XIV (1915-16), 361-82. Underhill Moore [1914-16], Professor of Law; Professor of Law, Columbia Law School. .\.B. Columbia, 1900; LL.H. ;/)/-, N'orthern State Normal School, .Michigan, iqoi-ii; .\ssistant Professor of Zoology, College of Education, Chicago, 1911-14; .\ssociate Professor of Natural Science, »7>k/., 1914-. Editor, Xature-Study Review, 191 1-17. 484 PUBLICATIONS The Formation of the Spermatophore in Aremcola and a Theory of the Alternation of Generations in Animals, Journal of Morphology, XXII (191 1), 1001-43, 4 plates. Children's Pets, Nature-Study Review, VII (19 n), 1-15. Children's Interest in Nature Material, ibid.,VIll (1912), 334-37- The Home Garden and Experimental Plats, Journal of the Proceedings and Addresses of the National Education Association (1912), 1381-86. A Study of an Attempt at Uniformity in Grading Students, School Science and Mathematics, XIII (1913), 290-93. The Beaver, Guide to Nature, IV (1914), No. 9. The Scientific Trend in Secondary Education, Science, XLI (1915), 232-35- Some Data regarding the Teaching of Zoology in Secondary Schools, School Science and Mathematics, XV (19 15), 36-43. Nature Study and High-School Science, School Review, XXIII (1915), 272-75. Present Requirements in the United States in Instruction in Nature Study and Elementary Agriculture, Nature-Study Review, XI (1915), 297-99. A List of Teachers of Nature Study in the United States, ibid., XII (1916), 69-78. An Analysis of Zoology Texts for Secondary Schools, School Review, XXIV (1916), 375-85- How to Teach Nature Study. A Chapter in Teaching Elementary School Subjects (edited by L. W. Rapeer; New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1917), pp. 341-56. Reviews in: Nature-Study Review, VIII, 245, 278; IX, 93; X, 378; XI; and many others in the same journal, 1914-. Frank Nugent Freeman [1909-], Associate Professor of Educational Psychology. See under Department of Education, p. 27. Marcus Wilson Jernegan [1902-6; 1908-], Associate Professor of History. See under Department of History, p. 60. THE SCHOOL or EDUCA'llOX 485 Carl Johannks Kroh [iqoi-j], Assistant Professor of the Teaching of Physical Training, College of Education; Department of Physical Training, Indianapolis Public Schools. Fricdrich Knopp's Institute, Haltimore, i&6o-()-j; Turnlchrcr Seminar, Mil- waukee, 1878-79; Head of Department of Physical Training, Cook County and Chicago Normal School, 1891-99; Assistant Professor of Physical Training, University of Chicago, 1901-7. Physical Training a Department of Education, Elementary School Teacher, VH (1907), 241-46. Physical Training — A Question of Judicious Support, ibid., 379-84. A Review of the Work of Physical Training in the University of Chicago School of Education, Mind and Body, XIV (1907), 33-38, 80-84, 119-25. Frank Mitchell Leavitt [1910-], Associate Professor of Industrial Education and Supervisor of Industrial Education. See under Department of Education, p. 29. George Herbert Locke [1899-1905], Associate Professor of Educa- tion; Dean of the College of Education; Chief Librarian, Public Library, Toronto. A.B. Toronto, 1893; A.M. ibid., 1896; Instructor in the Historj' and Art of Teaching, Harvard, 1897-99; Instructor in Pedagogy, Chicago, 1899-1901 ; .Assist- ant Professor of Education, ibid., 1901-4; Associate Professor, ibid., 1904-5. Editor, School Review, 1900-1905. A Bibliography of Secondary Education. 8vo, 42. Chicago: University Press, 1903. High School of Commerce, New York City, School Review, XI (1903), 555-62. A Backward Step in English Education, ibid., 606-8. Non-Conformists and the Relationship between Religion and Educa- tion, ibid., 856-59. The Place of Instruction in the Organization and Administration of Schools and School Systems, Educational Review, XX\1I (1904), 456-67. Herman Campbell Stevens [1913-], Associate Professor of Education. Sec under Department of Education, p. 30. 486 PUBLICATIONS Katharine Blunt [1913-], Assistant Professor of Food Chemistry; Home Economics. A.B. Vassar, 1898; Ph.D. Chicago, 1907; Assistant in Chemistry, Vassar, 1903-5; Instructor in Chemistty, Pratt Institute, 1907-8; Instructor in Chemistry, Vassar, 1908-13, Assistant Professor of Food Chemistry-, Chicago, 1913-. The Smoking Temperatures of Edible Fats (with Clara M. Feeney), Journal oj Home Economics, VII (19 15), 535-41. Chemistry as a Field for Women, Chicago Chemical Bulletin, III (19 16), 48-51. Recent Work on Normal Adult Nutrition, Journal of Home Economics, VIII (1916), 623-34. Chinese Preserved Eggs, Pidan (with Chi Chi Wang), Journal of Bio- logical Chemistry, XXVIII (1916), 125-34. WiLLARD Clark Gore [1902-16], Assistant Professor of Psychology, College of Education. See under Department of Education, p. 31. William Scott Gray [19 14-], Assistant Professor of Education; Dean of the College of Education. See under Department of Education, P-3I. Alice Peloubet Norton [i 901-13], Assistant Professor of Household Administration. See under Household Administration, p. 86. Harold Ordway Rugg [191 5-], Assistant Professor of Education. See under Department of Education, p. 32. Rolla Milton Tryon [1913-], Assistant Professor of the Teaching of History, College of Education. A.B. Indiana, 1907; Ph.D. Chicago, 1915; Superintendent, City Schools, Madi- son, Indiana, 1909-11; Instructor in the Teaching of History, Chicago, 1913-15; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1915-. Materials, Methods, and Administration for History Study in the Ele- mentary Schools of the United States. 8vo, 62. Indiana University Studies, No. 17 (1913). Household Manufactures in the United States, 1640-1860. A Study in Industrial History. Doctor's thesis. i2mo, xii+4i3- Chicago: University Press, 1917. The Teacher's Conception of History, Educator-Journal, XIV (1913), 88-93. THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION' 487 Aids for Grammar-Grade History Teachers and Supervisors, Elementary School Journal, XV (1915), 400-407. The Organization of United States History for Teaching Purjjoses in Grades Seven and Eight, ibid., XVI (1916), 247-56. History in the Junior High School, ibid., 491-508. The High-School History Recitation, History Teachers' Magazine, Vn (191O), 236-43. Lillian Brown [1897-]; Instructor in Art. Ph.B. ChicaRo, igog; Instructor in Drawing, Art Institute, 1891; Art Instructor, Kemper Hall, Kenosha, Wis., 1893; Supervisor of .Vrt and Grammar in High Schools, Highland Park, 1897-1902; Instructor in Art, Chicago, 1903-. Elementary Art Teaching in the Laboratory School, Elementary School Teacher, III (1903), 680-85. A Discussion of Mr. FenoIIosa's Theory of Art Development and Its Relation to Certain Problems of Elementary Education, ibid., V (1905), 473-81. The Art Impulse: Its Early Forms and Relation to Mental Develop- ment, Journal of the Proceedings afid Addresses of the Xalional Education Association (1908), 515-23. A Report of the Second Annual Meeting of the National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education, Elementary School Teacher, DC (1909), 233-49. A Test of Efficiency for the Industrial Arts, Industrial Arts Magazine, III (1915), 49-51. Clar.\ May Feeney, [1913-16], Instructor in Home Economics and Household Art; Director, Institution Economics, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. .•\.B. Miami, iqoS; B.S. and Diploma in Teaching Domestic Science, Teachers College, Columbia, 191 1; Laboratory .Assistant in Zoology, Miami, 190S; In- structor, Stout Institute, 191 2; Instructor, Western College for Women, 1913; Instructor in Home Lconomics and Household Art, Chicago, 1913-16. Corn and Its Products, Elementary School Journal, X\T (1915), 74-Si. The Smoking Temi)eratures of Edible Fats (with Katharine Blunt), Journal of Home Eiononiics, \TI (1915), 535-41. 488 PUBLICATIONS Grace Gordon Hood [1913-14], Instructor in Home Economics; Assistant Professor, Domestic Science, Lewis Institute, Chicago. B.S. Columbia, 191 2; A.M. ibid., 1913; Associate in Arts, Lewis Institute, 1907; Associate in Domestic Economy, ibid., 1908; Instructor in Cooking, ibid., 1909-11; Instructor in Cooking, Speyer School, New York, 1911-12; Instructor in Domestic Science and Art, Berkeley Institute, 191 2-13; Instructor in Home Economics, Chicago, 1913-14. Experimental Cooking in the High School, School Science and Mathe- matics, XIV (1914), 613. Ira Benton Meyers [1902-11], Instructor in the Teaching of Natural Science, School of Education; Curator of the Museum. B.E. Cook County Normal School, 1894; Curator of Chicago Institute, 1900-1901 ; Instructor, School of Education, 1902-11. The Evolution of Aim and Method in the Teaching of Nature Study in the Common Schools of the United States, Elementary School Teacher, XI (1911), 205-13, 237-48. Jonathan French Scott [1910-13], Instructor in the History of Educa- tion; Cambridge, Mass. See under Department of Education, p. 32. Eleanor Smith [1902-10], Instructor in Music; Hull-House, Chicago. Instructor in Music, Chicago Kindergarten College, Froebel Kindergarten School, 1893-94; Founder of Hull-House Music School, 1895; Instructor in Music, Chicago, 1902-10. "Eleanor Smith Music Series": Manual, 117 pp.; Book I, 112 pp.; Book II, 151 pp.; Book III, 199 pp.; Book IV, 255 pp., 1906. Primer, 112 pp.; Alternate Book II, 160 pp. New York: American Book Co., 1907. Ida Cassa Hefferan [1902], Assistant in Art; Los Angeles, Cal. Lessons in Chalk Modeling: The New Method of Map Drawing. i2mo, 138. Boston: Educational Publishing Co., 1903. Howard Mumford Jones [1914-16], Assistant in English. A.B. Wisconsin, 1914; A.M. Chicago, 1915; Assistant in English, ibid., 1914-16. Editorial Board, School Review, 1914-16, A Little Book of Local Verse. i6mo, 32. LaCrosse: Inland Printing Co., 1915. A Mississippi Holiday, Mid-West Quarterly, III (1915), 45-58. Love Divided: A Sequence of Sonnets, Midland Magazine, I (191 5), 281-308. THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION 489 Translation of Heine's Die Nordsee in the Original Meters. 16 mo., 129. Chicago: Open Court Publishing Co., 1916, University Sketches, Poetry, VIII (1916), 7-12. The Convocation Ode, University Record, l^itwS^tTits, II, (1916), 145-55. Reviews in: School Review, XXIII, 58-59, 210, 351-52, 354-55; XXIV, 82-85, 398-99. Hazel Byrde Smith [1915-16], Assistant in Music, School of Education. A Visit to the Gary Public Schools, Unity, LXXV (1915), 281-82. THE UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL Franklin Winslow Johnson [1905-], Principal of the University High School; Lecturer in Secondary Education. A.B. Colby College, 1891; L.H.D. ibid., 1016; Principal, High School, Calais, Me.. 1891-94; Principal, Coburn Classical Institute, Watcrville, Me., 1894-1905; Principal, .Vcademy for Boys, Morgan Park, 1905-7; .\ssistant Dean, University High School, Chicago, 1907-9; Principal, ibid., 1909-. Member of the Editorial Board, School Review, 1910-. The Problems of Boyhood. i2mo, xxv-l-130. Chicago: University Press, 1914. The Social Organization of the High School, School Review, XVII (1909), 665-80. A Comparative Study of the Grades of Pupils from Different Elementary Schools in the Subjects of the First Year in High School, Elementary School Teacher, XI (1910), 63-78. The School Party— Its Effect upon Manners and Morals, Educational Bi-Monthly, V (1910), 165-68. A Study of High-School Grades, School Review, XIX (1911), 13-24. Significant E.xperiments in the State of Illinois, Religious Education, V (1911), 704-8. The Conference on Moral Education, School Revieiv, XIX (1911), 347-49. The New Harvard Entrance Requirements, ibid., 412-13. The High-School Boys' Morals, ibid., XX (19 12), 81-89. Moral Education through School Activities, Religious Education, \1 (1912), 493-502. 490 PUBLICATIONS The Hillegas-Thorndike Scale for Measurement of Quality in English Composition by Young People, School Review, XXI (1913), 39-49. A Preliminary Study in Moral Education, Religious Education, VII (1913), 621-25. Methods of Social Training in High Schools, ibid., VIII (1913), 200-209. Supervised Study, University of Illinois Bulletin, XII (1915), 78-84. Moral and Social Values of Physical Education in the Secondary Schools, American Physical Education Review, XX (1915), 477-87. The Moral Situation in High Schools, Religious Education, X (1915), 515-26. Reviews in: School Review, yiVill,2o^-?>^, XXHI, 276-77; XXIV, 240-41, 241-42. Frances Ramsay Angus, A.B. [1902-], Instructor in French. Fundamentals of French. i2mo, 280. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1916. Arthur Fairchild Barnard, A.B. [1903-], Instructor in History. Ancient History and the Classics, School Review, XV (1907), 78-82. Review: Ibid., XVI, 482-83. fEDWiN Sherwood Bishop, Ph.D. [1909-16], Instructor in Physics. A Laboratory Course in Physics for Secondary Schools (with R. A. Millikan and H. G. Gale). 8vo, vi+135. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1914. Beginnings of Electricity (joint author), ii+66. Chicago: American School of Correspondence, 1916. Measurement and Application of the Electric Current (joint author). ii+8o. Chicago: American School of Correspondence, 1916. Induced Currents and Electric Power (joint author), ii+87. Chicago: American School of Correspondence, 1916. An Absolute Determination of the Minimum Ionizing Energy of an Electron, and an Application of the Theory of Ionization by Collision to Mixtures of Gases. Doctor's thesis. Physical Review, XXXIII (1911), 325-53- Mary Putnam Blount, Ph.D. [1906-12], Instructor in Biology; In- structor in Science, Chicago Normal School. t Deceased. THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION 491 The Early Development of the Pigeon's Egg, with Especial Reference to Polyspermy and the Origin of the Periblast Nuclei. Doctor's thesis. Journal of Morphology, XX (1909), 1-64. Arthur Gibbon Bovee, Ph.B. (191 i-], Instructor in French. Phonetic Chart for French Vowel and Consonant Sounds. Privately printed, 1914. French Phonetic Training in the University High School, School Review, XXIV (1916), 675-79. Ernst Rudolph Breslich, A.M. [1904-], Instructor in Mathematics. Geometric Exercises for Algebraic Solution (with G. W. Myers and others). i2mo,x+72. Chicago: University Press, 1907. First-Year Mathematics for Secondary Schools. i2mo, xxiv+342. Chicago: University Press, 191 5. Second-Year Mathematics for Secondary Schools. i2mo, xx+348. Chicago: University Press, 1916. Teacher's Guide for First-Year M athejnatics . 12 mo, 67. Chicago: University Press, 1916. Teaching High-School Students How to Study, School Review, XX (191 2), 505-15- Supervised Study as Supplementary Instruction, Thirteenth Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education (1913), 32-72. Chicago: University Press. Supervised Study in Mathematics, University of Illinois Bulletin, XII (1915), 247-58. Course of Study in Secondary Mathematics, School Review, XXIV (1916), 1-27. Forward Movements in Secondary Mathematics, ibid., 283-97. Roy Hutchison Brownlee, Ph.D. [1901-7], Instructor in Chemistry; President, R. H. Brownlee Laboratory, Pittsburgh. Qualitative Electrolysis of Hydrochloric Acid. Journal of the .imerican Chemical Society, XXIX (1907), 236-38. On Precipitated Sulphur. Doctor's thesis. Ibid., 1032-52. WiLBERT Lester Carr, A.M. [1909-], Instructor in Latin and Greek; Assistant to the Principal. 492 PUBLICATIONS Latin Prose Composition (with W. G. Hale and C. H. Beeson). i6mo, xiii+137. Chicago: Atkinson, Mentzer & Co., 19 10. Syntax in Caesar: The Uses of the Subjunctive, School Review, XVII (1909), 564-69. The DesirabiUty of Latin in the Eighth Grade, Classical Journal, IX (1914), 385-394- John Maxwell Crow^, A.M. [1903-], Instructor in English. Report of the Conference Committee on High-School EngHsh (with Mrs. E. H. Broadus and J. F. Hosic}, School Review, XVII (1909), . 85-88. Reviews: Ibid., XIII, 579, 580; XIV, 698-99; XVI, 674-75; xvm, 575-77. Arnold Dresden, Ph.D. [1907-9], Instructor in Mathematics; Assist- ant Professor of Mathematics, University of Wisconsin. The Second Derivatives of the Extremal Integral. Doctor's thesis. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, IX (1908), 467-86. Second-Year Mathematics for Secondary Schools (joint author). i2mo, 296. Chicago: University Press, 1910. First-Year Mathematics for Secondary Schools (joint author). 3d ed. i2mo, xii+365. Chicago: University Press, 1913. William Lew^is Eikenberry, S.B. [1914-16], Instructor in Botany; School of Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence. Editor of the Botanical department, School Science and Mathematics, 1911-. Elements of General Science (with O. W. Caldwell). 8vo, xiv+308. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1914- A Laboratory Manual for General Science (with O. W. Caldwell and C. J. Pieper). 8vo, xi+i34. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1915. Variation as a Topic in High-School Botany, School Science and Mathe- matics, XI (1911), 24-37. Some Notes on the Forests of Ogle County, Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science, V (1912), 6 pp. The School and the Community, Mt. Morris College Bulletin, I (191 2), 6-12. THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION 493 The General-Science Course in the University High School, School Reviav, XX (1912), 2i'j-2-]. The Statistical Investigation of School Grades, School Science and Mathe- matics, XIII (1913), 27-36. First- Year Science in Illinois High Schools, School Review, XXI (19 13), 542-48. Some Facts about the General-Science Situation, ibid., XXIII (1915), 181-91. Further Discussion of General Science, School and Society, I (1915), 417-20. Reviews in: School Science and Mathematics, X, 565; XI, 182, 280, 480, 577, 580; XII, 84. 254, 255, 258, 350, 352, 444; XIII, 368, 460, 551, 552, 842, 844; XIV, 831; XV, 370, 462, 464, 542. Earl Bixby Ferson [1903; 1907-14], Instructor in Drawing. The Tower Clock for the University of Chicago, iv-i-52. Chicago: American Jeweler, 1903. Glen Moody Hobbs, Ph.D. [1893-1906], Instructor in Physics; Secre- tary and Educational Director, American School of Correspondence, Chicago. The Relation between P.D. and Spark-Length for Small \'alues of the Latter. Doctor's thesis. Philosophical Magazine, X. (1905), 617-31. Samuel Carlisle Johnston, A.M. [1903-10], Instructor in Greek. Equal Recognition for Greek without Discrimination, School Review, XV (1907), 74-77- Nama a. Lathe [1913-], Instructor in Drawing. Course of Study in Art in the High School, School of Education, the University of Chicago (with Walter Sargent), School Reviru\ XX I\' (1916), 409-25- Harris Franklin MacXeish, Ph.D. [1903-8], Instructor in Mathe- matics; Instructor in Mathematics, DeWitt Clinton High School, New York. First-Year Mathematics for Secondary Schools (joint author). .\ii+ 365. Chicago: L'nivcrsity Press, 1909. 494 PUBLICATIONS Linear Polars of the K-hedron in N-space. Doctor's thesis, iii+25. Chicago: University Press, 191 2. On the Determination of a Catenary with Given Directrix and Passing through Two Given Points, Annals of Mathematics, VTI (1906), 65-71. Concerning the Discontinuous Solution in the Problem of the Minimum Surface of Revolution, ibid., 71-80. Arthur Wesley Martin, Ph.D. [1913-14], Assistant in Chemistry; Professor of Chemistry and Physics, University of Nanking, Nanking, China. The Conductivity {and Viscosity) of Some Formates and of Hydrogen Chloride in {Anhydrous) Formic Acid. Cases of Apparent Agreement of Strong Electrolytes with the Mass Law. Doctor's thesis. 8vo, 34. Easton, Pa.: Eschenbach Printing Co., 1914. Robert Maurice Mathews, A.B. [1909-12], Instructor in Mathe- matics. Second-Year Mathematics for Secondary Schools (joint author). i2mo, xi+282. Chicago: University Press, 1911. Teacher's Manual for First-Year Mathematics (joint author). i2mo, ix+164. Chicago: University Press, 191 1. Sarah Louise Mitchell, Ph.B. [1909-13], Librarian; Art Institute, Chicago. A List of Books Suited to a High-School Library (with instructors in the University High School), United States Bureau of Education Bulletin, No. 545, 1913. William James Monilaw, M.D. [1910-], Instructor in Physical Edu- cation. Course of Study in Physical Training, University of Illinois Bulletin, XIII (1916), 65-78. The Effects of Training Down in Weight on the Growing Boy, School Review, XXV (1916), 350-60. Walter Piety Morgan, Ph.M. [1908-10], Assistant in Mathematics; President, Western Illinois State Normal School, Macomb, 111. Conditional Promotions in llie University High School, School Review, XIX (1911), 238-47. THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION 495 Rf.view of: Slau^ht and Lennes' Plane Geometry, School Science and Mathematics, X, 566-67. Julia Anna NoRRis, M.D. [1907-12], Instructor in Hygiene and Physical Education; School Physician; Director and Assistant Professor in the Department of Physical Education for Women, University of Minnesota. A Graded Course in Schoolroom Gymnastics (five articles), Elementary School Teacher, XI (1910), 105-18, 186-204; XI (191 1), 341-59. 485-95» 505-16. Review in: American Physical Education Revirw, X\'I, 351. William David Reeve, S.B. [1910-15], Instructor in Mathematics; University High School, University of Minnesota. A Review of High-School Mathematics (with R. Schorling). 1 2mo, .\+ 70. Chicago: University Press, 191 5. E.xhibit of High-School Mathematics; Its History and Educational Value, School and Society, II (1915), 191-97. Courses in Special Methods of Teaching for High Schools, with Refer- ence to Mathematics, School Review, XXIV (1916), 89-106. Unification of Mathematics in the High School, School and Society, IV (1916), 203-12. Lydia Marie Schmidt, Ph.B. [1903-], Instructor in German. A Practical Course in Phonetics, School Review, XXIII (191 5), 555-58. Reviews: Ibid., XXI, 282-84; XXII, 130-31, 131-32. Raleigh Schorling, A.B. [191 2-1 7], Instructor in Mathematics; Lincoln School, New York. A Review of High-School Mathematics (with W. I). Recve^. 1 2mo, x-f 70- Chicago: University Press, 191 5. The Problem of Individual DiHerences, School Review, XXIII (1915). 535-49, 649-63. Mathematics Contests, School Science and Mathematics, XVI (191 5), 794-97- 496 PUBLICATIONS Harry Fletcher Scott, A.M. [1903-], Instructor in Latin. A Caesar Composition (with C. H. Van Tuyl). i6mo, 120. Chicago: Scott, Foresman & Co., 19 10. A Cicero Composition (with C. H. Van Tuyl). i6mo, 106; 191 2. Re- vised edition, with title A Latin Composition for the Third Year (with C. H. Van Tuyl). i6mo, 130; 1917. Chicago: Scott, Foresman & Co. Elementary Latin. i6nio, 348. Chicago: Scott, Foresman & Co., 1915. A New Second Latin Book (with Charles H. Beeson). i6mo, 542 + 117. Chicago: Scott, Foresman & Co., 19 16. A Latin Composition for the Second Year. i6mo, 131. Chicago: Scott, Foresman & Co., 1917. Frank Henry Selden [1905-7], Instructor in Shopwork and Drawing; Valley City, S.D. Elementary Woodwork. i6mo, 206. Chicago: Rand McNally & Co., 1906. Elementary Turning. i6mo, 197. Rand McNally & Co., 1907. Charles Henry Van Tuyl, A.B. [1902-13], Instructor in Latin. A Caesar Composition {vf\\h'H..Y.^cot\^. i6mo, 120. Chicago: Scott, Foresman & Co., 19 10. A Cicero Composition (with H. F. Scott). i6mo, 106. Chicago: Scott, Foresman & Co., 191 2. First-Year Latin for Correspondence Schools. 170. Chicago: American School of Correspondence, 191 2. Caesar for Correspondence Schools. 160. Chicago: American School of Correspondence, 19 13. William Rockwell Wickes, A.M. [1903-12], Instructor in Mathe- matics; Los Angeles, Cal. First-Year Mathematics for Secondary Schools (joint author). 1 2mo, 181. Chicago: University Press, 1907. Geometric Problems for Algebraic Solution (joint author). i2mo, ix+71. Chicago: University Press, 1907. Second-Year Mathematics for Secondary Schools (joint author). i2mo, xi+282. Chicago: University Press, 1910. THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION 497 Teacher^ s Manual for First-Year Mathematics (joint author). i2mo, xi+164. Cliicago: University Press, 191 1. Horace Carpenter Wright, Ph.B. [1914-], Instructor in Mathe- matics. Mathematical Equipment and Its Uses, School Science and Mathematics, XV (1915), 500-505. THE UNIVERSITY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Harry Orrin Gillkt, S.B. [1900-], Principal of the University Ele- mentary School. Practical English (with Potter and Jeschke). Books I and H. i2mo, xv-f 280, x-f-413. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1916. Oral and Written English (with Potter and Jeschke). Books I and 11. i2mo, xix-f 329+xviii, viii-f420+xxvi. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1917. fWiLBUR Samuel Jackman [1901-7], Principal of the University Elementary School; Professor of the Teaching of Natural Science. State Normal School, California, 1877; .\.B. Harvard, 1884; Dean and Head of the Department of Natural Science, Chicago Institute, igoo-igoi; Dean of the College of Education, Chicago, 1901-4; Principal of the Elementary School, ibid., 1904-7. Editor, Elementary School Teacher, 1904-7. Nature Study. Part II of the Third Yearbook of the National Society for Scientific Study of Education. 8vo, 103. Chicago: University Press, 1905. Fall Planting, Elementary School Teacher, V (1904), 1 14-17. The University Elementary School, ibid., 585-96. Relation of Xature Study to Religious Training, Educational Rrciew, XXX (1905), 12-30. William Rainey Harper, Elementary School Teacher, VI (1906), 275-77, The Vernal Equinox, ibid., 398-99. The Year in Review: 1905-6 in the University Elementary School, ibid., 489-500. Reviews: Ibid., VI, 439-40, 440; VII, 48, 11 1. t Deceased. 498 PUBLICATIONS Anne Elizabeth Allen [1901-12], Instructor, Kindergarten; Chicago Kindergarten Institute. The Three Neighbors and Other Stories. i6mo, 104. Springfield, Mass.: Milton Bradley Co., 1910, 1916. Margaret McPherson Gordon [191 i-], Kindergarten. Course of Study in Drawing in the Elementary School (with Walter Sargent and Elizabeth Miller), Elementary School Journal, XVI (1916), 412-23, 475-90, 533-41. Out-of-Door Work and Play in the Kindergarten, Bureau of Education Bulletin. In Press. Anna Talea Scherz Gronow, Ph.B. [1907-], Instructor in German. Jung Deutschland. 264. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1914. Filr kleine Leute. 194. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1915. Geschichte und Sage. 350. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1916. Annas Higgins, Ph.B. [1903-11], Mathematics in Upper Grades; Department of Mathematics, University College. Plea for Opportunity for Greater Initiative in Solution of Problems, Educational Bi- Monthly, V (1911), 344-50. Survey of Mathematics in the Elementary and High Schools, Annual Report of the Board of Education of the City of Chicago, 1914. The Relation of Mathematics in the Elementary Schools to Mathe- matics in the High Schools, Report of the Twenty-seventh Educational Conference of the Academies and High Schools in Relation to the University of Chicago, 19 15. Eleanor Lally, A.B. [1912-], Seventh Grade. A Type Study in English Composition, Elementary School Journal, XVI (1916), 469-74- Melva Latham [1905-14], Seventh Grade; Instructor in History, State Normal, Los Angeles, Cal. Course of Study, Elementary School Teacher, VI (1906), 542-44; 545-46; VII (1907), 633-36; VIII (1908), 522-23, 532. THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION 499 Home Economics and the Grade Teacher, Journal of Uome Economics^ III (1911), 431-40. Review in: Elementary School Teacher, V'lII, 466. Mary Root Kern [1898-], Instructor in Music in the Primary Grades. Child Religion in Son^ and Story (with Georgia L. Chamberlin). Vol. I, The Child in His World. 8vo, xvi+252. Vol. II, Walks with Jesus in His Home Country. 8vo, xviii+256. Chicago: University Press, 1907, 1909. Wade McNutt, S.M. [191 2-14], Assistant in Museum. Evaporation and Soil Moisture in an Oak Forest, Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science, V (1912), 127-37. Stratification of Atmospheric Humidity in the Forest (joint author), Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science, VI (1913), 100-102. Katharine Martin [1906-], Instructor in Kindergarten Education. The Kindergarten, Public School Methods, I (1916), i-ioo. Elizabeth Erwin Miller [1910-], Supervisor of Art. How Children Learn to Draw (with Walter Sargent). Svo, 264. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1916. Progressive Drawing for Little Children, I, School Arts Magazine, XIII (1913), 266-73; II, ibid. (1914), 354-58; in, ibid., 502-7; IV, ibid., 588-91. Course of Study in Drawing in the Elementary School (with Walter Sargent and Margaret Gordon), Elementary School Journal, X\T (1916), 412-23, 475-90, 533-41. Edith Whitten Osgood, A.M. [1913-], Sixth Grade. The Development of Historical Study in the Secondary Schools of the United States, School Review, XXII (1914), 444-54, 511-26. Edith P.vrkkr, Ph.B. [191 2-], Sixth Grade. A Sixth-Grade English Unit, Elementary School Teacher, XV (1914-15), 82-93. Charles Fr.vnk Piiipps, S.B. [1910-16], Instructor in Natural History; State Normal School, DeKalb, 111. 500 PUBLICATIONS A Seventh-Grade Soil Experiment, Nature-Study Review, VIII (191 2), 154-56. An Experimental Study of the Behavior of Amphipods with Respect to Light Intensity, Direction of Rays, and Metabolism, Biological Bulletin, XXVIII (1915), 210-23. Practical Electricity for Seventh and Eighth Grades, Elementary School Journal, XV (1915), 407-20. Caroline May Pierce (Mrs. Eugene Baker), Ed.B. [1904-7], Associate, Fifth Grade. History in the Fifth Grade, Elementary School Teacher, V (1905), 540-43. Outline of Work for the School Year, Division D, Section 7, ibid., 639-46. Myrtle Sholty, Ph.B. [191 2-13; 1914-], Fifth Grade. A Study of the Reading Vocabulary of Children, Elementary School Teacher, XII (191 2), 272-77. Josette Eugenie Spink [1907-], Instructor in French. French Plays for Children. i2mo, vi+79, Boston: D. C. Heath & Co., 1915- Dramatizing the Story of Jeanne d'Arc, Atlantic Educational Journal, vm (1913), 7-9. Grace Emily Storm, Ph.B. [191 2-], Fourth Grade. Roman History in the Fourth Grade, Elementary School Journal, XVI (1915), 132-46. Amy Rachel Whittier [1910-13; 1914; 191 5], Instructor in Art; Instructor and Supervisor of Normal Methods in the Teaching of Art, Massachusetts Normal Art School, Boston. Insurance against Failure in Nature Drawing, School Arts Magazine, xm (1913), 14-18. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS Thomas VVakkfield Goodspeed [1890-], Corresponding Secretary, Board of Trustees. A.H. Rochester, 1863; Graduate Rochester Theological Seminar}', 1866; D.D. Old University of Chicago, 1885; LL.D. Rochester, 1913; Secretary, Board of Trustees, University of Chicago, 1890-1913; Registrar, ibid., 1897-1913; Corresponding Secretary, Board of Trustees, 1913-. A History of the University of Chicago. Founded by John D. Rockefeller: The First Quarter-Century. 8vo, xvii+522. Chicago: University Press, 1916. Trevor Arnett [1901-], University Auditor. A.B. Chicago, 1898; Fellow in Political Economy, ibid., 1899-1900; University Auditor, ibid., 1901-. College Finance. Address delivered before the Illinois Federation of Colleges, May, 191 5. Published by the Board of Education of the Northern Baptist Convention, 1915. Review in: Journal of Political Economy, XVII, 166-67. John Milton Dodson [1901-], Dean of Medical Students; Professorial Lecturer on Medicine. A.B. Wisconsin, 1880; M.D. Rush Medical College, 1882; Lecturer on .Vnatomy and Demonstrator, ibid., 1889-93; Professor of Physiology and Demonstrator of Anatomy, ibid., 1893-94; Professor of Physiology and Histology, ibid., 1894- 1904; Professor of Medicine (Pediatrics), ibid., 1900-; Junior Dean, ibid., 1898-99; Dean, ibid., 1899-; Professor of Diseases of Children, Northwestern University Woman's Medical School, 1893-97; Dean of Medical Students, Chicago, 1901-; Professorial Lecturer on Medicine, ibid., 1901-. The Modern University Medical School: Its Purposes and Methods, Journal of the American Medical Association, XXXIX (1902), 521-28. The Research Idea in Medical Education and Practice, ibid., XL\' (1905), 81-87. The Course Symptoms and Diagnosis of Scarlet Fever, Illinois Medical Journal, XII (1907), 522-28. The Combined Course for the Degrees of A.B., or B.S., and M.D., Journal of the American Medical Association, LII (1909), 1636-42. 503 504 PUBLICATIONS The Addition of a Fifth Year to the Medical Curriculum, Journal of the American Medical Association, LVIII (1912), 968. The Pedagogics of Pathology, Science, XLII (1915), 773-80, Georgia Louise Cila.mberlin [1891-], Secretary, American Institute of Sacred Literature. Reader, Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle, 1882-90; Secretary, Chau- tauqua Summer Schools, 1883-98; Secretary, American Institute of Sacred Literature, 1891-. Editor of Ordered to China. Letters of W. J. Chamberlin, war correspond- ent of the New York Sun, in the Boxer Rebellion of 1900. i2mo, 200. New York: F. A. Stokes & Co., 1902. An Introduction to the Bible for Teachers of Children. "Constructive Bible Studies." i2mo, 206. Chicago: University Press, 1904. Child Religion in Song and Story (with Mary R. Kern). Vol. I, The Child in His World. 8vo, xvi+252. Vol. II, Walks with Jesus in His Home Country. 8vo, xviii+256. Chicago: University Press, 1907, 1909. The Origin and Teaching of the Old Testament Books. "American Insti- tute of Sacred Literature Series." 8vo, 70. Chicago: University Press, 1908. The Hebrew Prophets. "Constructive Studies." 8vo, xviii+238. Chicago: University Press, 191 1. Horace Spencer Fiske [1894-.], Publication Department, University Press. A.B. Beloit, 1882; A.M. Michigan, 1885; Extension Lecturer in English Litera- ture, Chicago, 1894-1912; Assistant Recorder, 1903-13; Pubhcation Depart- ment, University Press, 1913-. Literary Editor, World Review, 1901-2; Editor, University Record, Chicago, 1903-8; Joint Editor, University of Chicago Magazine, 1908-14. Provincial Types in A^nerican Fiction. i2mo, vi-l-264. Chautauqua: Chautauqua Press, 1903. Chicago in Picture and Poetry. 4to, xv-l-i72. Chicago: R. F. Sey- mour, 1903. Poems on the University of Chicago. i6mo, 15. Privately printed. Rudyard Kipling as a Poet, Philharmonic, III (1903), 117. ADMIXISTRATIVE OlIICERS :)"D Recollections of Edward Dowden, Nation, XCVI (1913), 520-21. Focm^'m C/iaulauquan,XXX'V (1902), 223; ibid., XXXVII fioo^), 472; Mdropoliian, XVIII (1903), 360; Harper's Weekly, LIII (1909), 17, 31- fLESTER Bartlett Jones [1901-10], Associate, and Director of Music. A. B. Knox, 1897; Associate, and Director of Music, Chicago, 1901-10. Scripture and Song in Worship (with F. W. Shepardson). i6mo, 144. Chicago: University Press, 1909. Josephine Estabrook Young [1913-], Assistant Professor of Medicine in Rush Medical College; Medical Adviser for Women. M.D. Northwestern University Woman's Medical School, 1S96; .\ssistant Pro- fessor of Medicine, ibid., 1897-1900; .\ssistant Professor of Pediatrics, and later of Xeurology, Rush Medical College, 1904-13; .Assistant Professor of .Medicine, ibid., 1913-; Medical Director, University Elementary and High Schools, Chicago, 1913-; Medical .\dviser for VVomen, University of Chicago, 1913-. Supernormal Environment in Its Relation to the Growing Child, Trans- actions of the Fourth International Congress on School Hygiene, II (1913), 17-30- t Deceased. INDEX INDEX (Figures in parentheses indicate mere mention of a name on the page cited.] Aase, Hannah Caroline, 410 Abbott, Edith, (40), 79 Abbott, Edwina(Mrs. Austin M. Cowan), 17 Abbott, Frank Frost, 133 Abbott, James Francis, 339 Abetti, Giorgio, 245 Acree, Solomon Farley, 285 Adams, Charles Christopher, 339 Adams, Charles Frederick, 336 Adams, Elizabeth Kemper, 8 Adams, Harold Stanard, (278), 374 Adams, Henry P'oster, 17 Adams, Maxwell, 285 Adams. Romanzo Colfax, 81 Adams, Walter Sydney, 239 Albright, Evelyn May, 176 Alden, Harold Lee, 250 Alden, William Clinton, 308 Allee, Warder Clyde. 336 Allen, Anne Elizabeth, 498 Allen, Bennett Mills, 339 Allen, Hamilton Ford, 115 Allen, Jessie Blount (Mrs. W. W. Charters), 18 Allen, Philip Schuyler, 156 Allen, Thomas George, 102 Allison, ^\'iIliam Henry, 457 Allyn, Harriett May, 339 Altrocchi, Rudolph, 148 Ames, Edward Scribner, 7 Anderson, Dice Robins, 63 Anderson, Ernest, 278 Anderson, Galusha. 460 Angell, James Rowland, 11 Angus, Frances Ramsay, 490 Appleman, Charles Orval, 410 Applcton, Lilla Estelle, ^^ Arkin, .Xaron, 435 Arnett, Trevor, 503 Arnold, Harold I )c Forest, 263 Arnoldson, Torild Washington, 162 Ashley, Myron Lucius, 8 Ashman, George Cromwell, 286 Atherton, Lewis, 34 Atkins, Kenneth Xoel, 445 Atwood, Wallace Walter, 301 Atwood. Winfred McKenzie, 410 Axtell. Harold Lucius, 140 Ayer, Fred Carleton, 3^ Ayers, Samuel Henry, 443 Babcock, Earlc BrowncU, 148 Baber, Zonia, 483 Bacon, Raymonrl Foss, 281 liailey, John William, 115 Bailey, Percival, 355 Baker, Mrs. F^ugene (Caroline May Pierce), 500 Baker, Richard Philip, 205 Baldwin, Florence Levina, 251 Ballou, Susan Helen, 139 Barker, Lewellys Franklin, 344 Barnard, .Arthur Fairchild, 490 Barnard, Edith ICthel, 279 Barnard, Edward Emerson, 217 Barnes, Charles Reid, 396 Barnes, Jasper Converse, 18 Barrett, Storrs Barrows, 234 Barrows, Harlan H., 315 Bartelmez, George William, (339), 347 Bartlett, Frank Kaiser, 429 Basinger, Harvey Raymond, 381 Baskervill, Charles Reid, 171 Bastin, Edson Sunderland, 307 Bates, William Hunt, 205 Baumgartner, Milton D., 164 Beale, Joseph Henry. Jr., 469 Beatty, Wallace .\ppleton, 286 Becht, Frank Christian, 370 Bechtel, Edward .Ambrose, 139 Becker, Henrietta Katherine (Mrs. Camillo von Klenze), 163 Bedford, Scott Elias William, 74, (467) Beers, Ethel Ella. 120 Beeson, Charles Henrj-, 138 Begeman, Louis, 263 Bengtson, Ida .Mbertina, 445 Bensley, Robert Russell, 341 Bernard, Luther Lee, 8i Bernard, Mrs. L. L. (Frances Fenton), 81 BcrnstortT. Frank .\dolph, 1&4 Best, Charles L., 430 Bigelow, Harry .Augustus, 470 Bingham, Walter \'an Dyke, 17 BirkhotT, George David, 205 Bishop. Edwin Sherwood, (263), 490 Bishop, Frederic Lendall, 263 Blackburn, Francis Adelbcrt, 172 Black welder, Eliot, 308 Bl.iir. \\ illiam Richards, 263 Bliss, Gilbert .Ames. 1S4 Bloomticld, Leonard, 163 509 5IO PUBLICATIONS Blount, Mary Putnam, (339), 490 Blunt, Katharine, 486 Bobbitt, John Franklin, 26, (483) Borger, Robert Lacey, 205 Bogardus, Emory S., (21), 81 Bolza, Oskar, 186 Bondurant, Bernard Camillus, 140 Bonner, Robert Johnson, 126 Bovee, Arthur Gibbon, 491 Bowden, Josephine H., 34 Boynton, Percy Holmes, 173 Bramhall, Frederick Dennison, 54 Brannon, IMelvin Amos, 411 Branson, Edwin Bayer, 308 Braunlich, Alice Freda, 140 Breasted, James Henry, (55), (67), 90 Breckinridge, Sophonisba Preston, 84 Breslich, Ernst Rudolph, 491 Bretz, J Harlen, 304 Bretz, Julian Pleasant, 63 Breyfogle, Caroline May, 102 Bridgman, Donald Elliott, 49 Brokaw, Albert Dudley, 304 Brookover, Charles, 355 Brooks, Richard Clyde, 383 Brown, B. Warren, 80 Brown, Edward Vail Lapham, 426 Brown, F. E., 279 Brown, Frank Clyde, 178 Brown, Hazel Louise, 129 Brown, Julius Arthur, 245 Brown, Lillian Cushman, 487 . Brown, Orville Harry, 383 Brownlee, Roy Hutchison, (281), (286), 491 Bruce, William McAfee, 286 Bruere, Robert Walter, 176 Brush, Henry Raymond, 151 Bryan, George Smith, 411 Bryan, William Frank, 178 Buchanan, Daniel, 248 Buchanan, Herbert Earle, 248 Buchanan, Milton Alexander, 150 Buchanan, Robert Earle, 443 Buck, Carl Darling, 118 Buck, Thomas, 206 Buckley, Edmund, 88 Bunzel, Herbert Horace, 384 Burgess, I">nest Watson, 77, (467) Burlingame, Leonas Lancelot, 407 Burnham, Sherburne Wesley, 228 Burton, Ernest DeWitt, 105 Burwash, Edward Moore Jackson, 309 Bushong, Francis William, 290 Bussey, William Henry, 206 Butler, Nathaniel, 24, (478) Caldwell, G. H., 391 Caldwell, George Thomas, 427 Caldwell, Joseph Stuart, 411 Caldwell, Otis William (397), 478 Caldwell, William, 103 Calhoun, Fred Harvey Hall, 309 Calhoun, George Miller, 128 Calvert, R. P., 290 Campbell, Charles Boyle, 164 Campbell, E. E., 34 Campbell, John William, 248 Canning, John Bennet, 48 Cannon, Paul R., 445 Capps, Edward, 127 Capps, Stephen Reid, Jr., 309 Carlson, Anton Julius, 361 Carman, Joel Ernest, 309 Carpenter, Allen Fuller, 206 Carpenter, Clifford Daniel, 286 Carpenter, Frederic Ives, 168 Carr, Emma Perry, 286 Carr, Harvey, 13 Carr, Wilbert Lester, 491 Carr6, Henry Beach, 116 Carrell, Alexis, 375, 376 Carson, Charles MacDonald, 281 Carter, Ralph E., 34 Cary, William Ernest, 440 Case, Shirley Jackson, 107 Castle, Clarence Fassett, 128 Castro, Matilde, 8 Chamberlain, Charles Joseph, 397 Chamberlin, Georgia Louise, 504 Chamberlin, RoUin Thomas, 305 Chamberlin, Thomas Chrowder, 291 Chamberlin, Willis Arden, 164 Chandler, Elbert Edwin, 286 Charles, Grace Miriam, 411 Charters, Mrs. W. W., 18 Child, Charles Manning, 324 Chittenden, Edward Wilson, 206 Chrysler, Mintin Asbury, 411 Claassen, Peter A., 164 Clapp, Grace Lucretia, 412 Clark, Elbert, 348 Clark, Frederick William, 140 Clark, George L., 290 Clark, John Maurice, 39 Clark, Solomon Henry, 446 Clark, Weaker Eugene, 120 Clement, John Addison, ^^ Cleveland, Catharine Caroline, 64 Clifford, Oliver Charles, 263 Clo, J. Harry, 261 Coffman, Bertha Reed, 164 Coffman, George Raleigh, 179 Cohoe, Benson Ambrose, 349 Colby, Charles C, 319 Coleman, Algernon, 148 Coleman, Clyde, 286 Colman, George Tilden, 9 Conant, Carlos Everett, 120 Conard, Lactitia Moon, 88 INDEX 511 Conrad, Clinton C, 140 Cook, WalttT Wheeler, 470 Cooke, Harold Caswell, 30Q Cooper, Clyde Harnes, 170 Cooper, William Skinner, 412 Corper, Harry John, 431 Corwin, Rebecca, 103 Coulter, John Merle, 303 Cowan, Mrs. Austin M. (Edwina Abbott), 17 Cowdry, Kdmund Vincent, 349 Cowles, Henry Chandler, 399 Craip, Wallace, 337 Crawford, John Forsyth, 9 Cressey, I-'rank Graves, 467 Crocker, William, 400 Crosby, Elizabeth Caroline, 358 Cross, Tom Pecte, 174 Crowe, John Maxwell, 492 Cumminps, John, 44 Curmc, George Oliver, Jr., 282 Cutting, Starr Willard, 152 Dargan, Edwin Preston, 147 Davenport, Charles Benedict, 331 Davenport, Frances Gardiner, 64 Davenport, Harriet Crandall, 175 Davenport, Herbert Joseph, 39 David, Henri Charles Edouard, 148 Davis, Benjamin Franklin, 429 Davis, Bradley Moore, 402 Davis, David John, 435 Davis, Wilmer E., 420 Day, Dudley Watson, 445 Day, Edna Daisy, 86 Dearborn, Walter Fenno, 27, (483) Deason, John. 391 Dempster, .\rthur JefTery, 261 Denis, Willey, 2S7 Denny, Frank Earl, 412 Derby, Ira Harris, 2S2 Deutsch, Hermann Bachcr, 412 De V'ries, Tiemen, 1O2 Dewey, John, 5, (24), (478) DeWitt, Lydia M., 433 DeWitt, N'orman Wentworth, 141 Dewsnup, Ernest Ritson, 39 Dick, (ieorge Frederick, 428 Dickson, Leonard Eugene, 187 Dignan, Frank Winans, 129 Dines, Charles Ross, 206 Dines, Lloyd Lyne, 206 Dobbin, Emily Elisabeth, 244 Dodd, Walter Fairleigh, 53 Dodd, William Edward, 55 Dodson, John Milton, 503 Donald, William John .\lexander, 49 Donaldson, Henry Herlnrrt, 345 Depp, Katharine E., ^2 Dorety, Sister Helen Angela, 412 Dorscy, George Amos, 74 Doubt, Sarah Lucinda, 413 Doubt, Thomas Eaton, 264 Dougherty, Mary L., 34 Downey, June Etta, iH Downing, Elliot Rowland, (331), 483 Drennan, Fred Miller, 385 Dresden, Arnold, (206), 492 Dubedout, Ernest Jean, 150 Dudley, Gertrude, 446 Duncan, Carson S., 48, (179) Dungay, N'eil Stanley, 337 Dunn. Elizabeth Hopkins, 350 Dutt, N. X., 290 Dutton, Emily Helen, 129 Earlc, Richard Blair, 2S2 Ecker, Enrique Eduardo, 444 Eckerson, Sophia Hennion, 404 Eckstein, Oskar, 282 Eikenberry, William Lewis, 492 Ellerman, Ferdinand, 240 Elliott, Chester IE, 430 Ellison, Lee Monroe, 179 Elmer, Manuel Conrad, 81 Elsesser, Oscar Jacob, 430 J^merson, Frederick Valentine, 320 Emge, Ludwig .\ugustus, 355 Emmons, William Harvey, 302 Epstcen, Saul, 203 Erb, Frank Otis, 462 Eskridge, James Burnette, 141 Espinosa, .\ureIio Macedonio, 151 Evans, P.ldon Cobb, 54 Evans, Herbert Francis, 460 Evans, William Lloyd, 287 Faris, Ellsworth, 16 Feeney, Clara May, 4S7 Fenneman, Xevin M., 310 Fenton, Frances (Mrs. L. L. Bernard), 81 Ferguson, William Duncan, 116 Pernald. Grace Maxwell, 18 Fernald, Mabel Ruth, iS Person, Earl Bixby, 493 Field, James .\lfred, 40 Fink, Emanuel B.. 430 Fischer, Charles .Mlx-rt, 207 Fiske. Horace Spencer, 504 Fite, Warner. 16 Fjeldstad, C. .\.. 301 Fleming, Daniel Johnson. 462 Fleming, Herlx-rt Easton, 81 Fletcher, Harvey. 264 Flickinger, Roy Caston, 128 Flint. Nott, 170 F"ors, Andrew Peter, 88 Foster, George Burman. 86 Foster, Mary Louise, 389 Fox. Philip. 240 Frank, Tcnney, 139 512 PUBLICATIONS Freas, Thomas Bruce, 279 Freeman, Frank Nugent, 27, (484) French, H. E., 391 Freund, Ernst, (51), 471 Frisbie, Fannie Cornelia (Mrs. Frank B. Jewett), 264 Frost, Edwin Brant, 213 Frye, Theodore Christian, 413 Fuller, George Damon, 404 Gaba, Meyer Grupp, 207 Gaenssle, Carl, 103 Gaines, Walter Lee, 389 Gale, Henry Gordon, 253 Galloway, T. C, 392 Gano, Laura Campbell, 413 Garber, John Frederick, 413 Gates, Errett, 456 Gates, Reginald Ruggles, 407 Gilchrist, Lachlan, 264 Gillet, Harry Orrin, 497 Gingrich, Curvin Henry, 248 Ginsburg, Harry, 385 Glattfeld, John William Edward, 279 Glenn, Thomas Haigh, 444 Godbey, Allen Howard, 103 Goetsch, Emil, 354 Goettsch, Charles, 157 Goettsch, Henry Max, 287 Going, M. Chase, 51 Goldthwaite, Nellie Esther, 287 Gomez e Pineda, Liborio, 435 Goode, John Paul, 315 Goodman, Herbert Marcus, 445 Goodspeed, Edgar Johnson, 109 Goodspeed, George Stephen, (56), 87 Goodspeed, Thomas Wakefield, 503 Cordis, Warren Stone, 141 Gordon, Kate, 18 Gordon, Margaret McPherson, 498 Gore. Willard Clark, 31, (486) Gould, Chester Nathan, 158 Grabo, Carl Henry, 177 Graham, Katharine, 178 Granbery, John Cowper, 116 Graves, Thornton Shirley, 179 Gray, Charles Henry, 180 Gray, Clarence Truman, 32 Gray, Mason D., 141 Gray, William Scott, 31, (486) Greene, Benjamin Allen, 461 Grccnman, Jesse More, 403 Greer, James Richard, 385 Gregg, F. M., 21 Grinin, Frank Loxiey, 248 Grillith, Elmer Cummings, 64 GriiTitli, Reginald Harvey, iSo Gronow, Anna Talea Scherz, 498 Gronow, Hans I'^nst, 158 Groves, James Frederick, 413 Gunnerson, William Cyrus, 121 Gurney, Lawrence Emery, 264 Guthrie, Charles Claude, 374 Hague, Stella Mary, 413 Hale, George Ellery, 216 Hale, William Gardner, 131 Hall, Arthur Jackson, 462 Hall, Charles Cuthbert, 88 Hall, Elliot Snell, 283 Hall, Frank J., 430 Hall, James Parker, 468 Hall, Ralph Edwin, 281 Ham, William Ross, 262 Hamburger, Walter W., 391 Hamilton, Clarence Herbert, 9 Hamilton, Walton Hale, 45 Hamilton, William Albert, 248 Hammond, Eleanor Prescott, 178 Hance, James Harold, 307 Hancock, John Leonard, 130 Hardt, Leo Lewis John, 386 Harkins, William Draper, 269 Harlan, Rolvix, 457 Harper, Robert Francis, 92 Harper, Samuel Northrup, 99 Harper, William Rainey, 89 Harrington, Ertle Leslie, 264 Harris, Norman MacLeod, 439 Hart, Joseph Kinmont, 33 Hart, William Leroy, 207 Harvey, Andrew Edward, 63 Harvey, Basil Coleman Hyatt, 346 Harvey, Edward Maris, 413 Harvey, LeRoy Harris, 414 Hasselbring, Heinrich, 408 Hassler, Jasper Ole, 207 Hatai, Shinkishi, 356 Hatcher, Orie Latham, 180 Hatfield, Henry Rand, 45 Hatton, Augustus Raymond, 53 Haxo, Henry Emil, 151 Hayes, Joseph Wanton, 14 Hayes, Mary Holmes Stevens, 19 Hayhurst, Emery Roe, 445 Hazlett, Olive Clio, 207 Hearon, Cleo Carson, 65 Hebb, Thomas Carlyle, 264 Hedeen, Olaf, 462 Hedenburg, Oscar Fred, 279 HclTeran, Ida Cassa, 488 Hefferan, Marj', 444 Heill)runn, Lewis Victor, 336 Heinemann, Paul Gustav, 441 Heinzelmann, Jacob ILarold, 162 Hcmcnway, Ansel Francis, 414 Henderson, Arcliil)a](l, 207 Henderson, Charles Richmond, (71), 464 Hendrickson, George Lincoln, 134 Henke, Frederick Goodrich, 9, (21) INDEX 513 Hcnnlngs, Albert Kdward, 265 Herrick, Charles Judson, 343 Herrick, Robert, 108 Hersman, Anne Bates, 130 Hess, Carl L. von, jyi Hessler, John Charles, 280 Hicks, Clarence J., 391 Hicks, V'innie C, 21 Hig^ins, Annas, 498 Higiey, Louis Allen, 287 Hildebramh, rheoi)hil ilenry, 205 Hill, Herbert Wynl'ord, 180 Hill, John lienjamin, 414 Hill, William, 41 Hilpert, Willis Stose, 287 Hinton, Kdward Wilcox, 473 Hirsch, Arthur Henry, 458 Hirsch, Kdwin Trederick, 428 Hobbs, (Jlenn Moody, (260), 493 Hoben, Allan, 461 Hobson, Ali)honzo Augustus, 116 HotTstadt, Rachel Emilie, 414 Hole, Allen David, 310 Holferty, Ceorge Mellinger, 414 Hollingsworth, John Emory, 130 Holmes, Harriet Fay, 428 Holmes, Willis Uoit^ 281 Holt, Arthur Erastus, 454 Holt, Ivan Lee, 103 Holtz, Adrian Augustus, 463 Hood, Grace Gordon, 488 Hopkins, Annette Brown, 180 Hopkins, Louis Allen, 249 Hopkins, Mary Murray, 245 House, Ralph Emerson, 149 Howard, Earl Dean, 50 Howard, George Elliott, 60 Howe, Clifton Durant, 405 Howell, Katherine, 445 Howerth, Ira Woods, 77 Howland, George Carter, 183 Hoxie. Robert Eranklin, 42 Hoyt, Homer, 48 Hubble, Edwin Powell, 250 Huber, Harry Lee, 430 Hulbert, Eri Baker, 456 Hulbert, James Root, 175 Humphery, Edmund Charles, 283 Hunter, Walter Samuel, 19 Hutchins, William Xorman, 463 Hutchinson, Andrew Henderson, 414 Huth, Carl Frederick, Jr., 02 Hyman, Libbie Henrietta, 337 Ichinohe, Naoza, 250 Iddings, Joseph I'axson, 294 Ihrig, Roscoe Myrl, 1O4 Ingbcrt, Charles, 356 Ingold, Louis, 207 Ingres, Maximc, 149 Ireland, Alleyne, 53 Irons, Ernest Edward, 444 Jackman, Wilbur Samuel, (478), 497 Jackson, Dennis Emerson, 386 Jackson, George I'uilcn, 165 Jacobson, Clara, 389 Jameson, John Franklin, 56 Jenkins, Thomas Atkinson, 144 Jensen, Hemming Gerhard, 415 Jernegan, Marcus Wilson, (28), 60, (484) Jewett. Mrs. Frank B. (Fannie Cornelia F'risbie), 264 Jewett, Frank Baldwin, 262 Jewett, James Richard, 93 Johannsen, Albert, 303 Johnson, Alvin Saunders, 43 Johnson, Edgar Hutchinson, 49 Johnson, Franklin, 455, (460) Johnson, F'ranklin Winslow, (24), (478), 489 Johnston, Samuel Carlisle, 493 Jones, Florence Nightingale, 151 Jones, Howard Mumford, 488 Jones, J Claude, 307 Jones, Lester Bartlett, 505 Jones, Lynds, 339 Jones, Mabel, 445 Jones, Roger Miller, 128 Jones, Wellington Downing, 319 Jordan, FMwin Oakes, 436 Jordan, lilijah, 9 Jordan, Frank Craig, 249 Jordan, Herbert Edwin, 208 Joy, Alfred Harrison, 241 Judd, Charles Hubbard, 22, (478) Just, Ernest Everett, 340 Kadesch, William Henr>', 265 Kato, Katsuji, 463 Kawaguchi, Ukichi, 454 Kay, George Frederick, 310 Kceton, R. W., 391 Keirstead, Wilfred Currier, 454 Keith, Arthur Leslie. 130 Kellerman, Ivy (Mrs. Edwin C. Reed), 121 Kelly, R. L., 21 Kennedy, Mary Jackson, 141 Kcnoyer, Leslie Alva, 415 Kent, Norton .Adams, 247 Kern, Mary Root, 499 Kern. Paul Gskar, 159 Key. Jt>hn .Mbert, 357 Kildahl, Nielsine Johanna, 415 King, Charles Edwin, 380 King, Irving. 9 Kingston, Harold Reynolds, 208 Kinsley, Carl, 257 Kirk, Edwin Garvcy, 350 SH PUBLICATIONS Kitch, Ethel IMay, lo Kite, George Lester, 386, (435) Kitson, Harry Dexter, 16 Klein, Sidney, 358 Klenze, Camillo von, 158 Klenze, Mrs. Camillo von (Henrietta Katherine Becker), 163 Knight, Lee Irving, 404 Knott, Thomas Albert, 175 Knowlton, Ansel i\lphonso, 265 Koch, Fred Conrad, 371 Koch, Mathilde, 387 Koch, Waldemar, 368 Koos, Leonard V., ^3 Kracher, Francis Waldemar, 165 Krathwohl, William Charles, 208 Krehbiel, Edward Benjamin, 64 Kroesch, Samuel, 165 Kroh, Carl Johannes, 485 Kueffner, Louise Mallinckrodt, 165 Kuehne, John Matthias, 265 Kyes, Preston, 347, (426) Laing, Gordon Jennings, 135 Lake, Gleason Chandler, 430 Lally, Eleanor, 498 Land, William Jesse Goad, 401 Landacre, Francis LeRoy, 340 Lanier, Mary Jean, 320 Latham, Melva, 498 Lathe, Nama A., 493 Laughlin, James Laurence, 35 Laves, Kurt, 233 Lawdahl, Nels Sorenson, 457 Lawrie, James Wright, 283 Leavenworth, Francis P., 230 Leavitt, Frank Mitchell, 29, (485) Lebensohn, James E., 391 Lee, John Yiubong, 262 Lee, Oliver Justin, 242 Leech, Paul Nicholas, Jr., 284 Lees, James Henry, 308 Leman, Edwin Daniel, 284 Lemon, Harvey Brace, 261 Lennes, Nels Johann, 208 Lewis, Dean DeWitt, 351 Lewis, Frank Grant, 115 Lewis, Julian Herman, 433 Lewis, Winford Lee, 288 Lifscliitz, Jacob, 392 Lillie, Frank Rattray, 321 Lincoln, Mary C, 446 Lindquist, Theodore, 208 Lingle, David Judson, 371 Link, George Konrad Karl, 415 Linn, James Weber, 174 Li[)i)incott, Isaac, 50 Livingston, Burton Edward, 406 Lloyd, Stewart Joseph, 284 Lo, Pan Hui, 54 Locke, George Herbert, (30), 485 Loeb, Leonard Benedict, 265 Long, Esmond Ray, 431 Longley, William Raymond, 208 Lovett, Robert Morss, 169 Lovitt, William Vernon, 208 Lowater, Frances, 245 Luckenbill, Daniel David, 99 Luckhardt, Arno Benedict, 372 Luebke, William Ferdinand, 165 Lunn, Arthur Constant, 202, (249) Lussky, Herbert Otto, 381 Lutz, Frank Eugene, 340 Lynde, Carleton John, 265 Lyon, Elias Potter, 371 Lyon, Florence May (Mrs. Strong V. Norton), 407 Macarthur, John Robertson, 180 McCallum, William Burnett, 408 McCampbell, Eugene Franklin, 435 MacClintock, Samuel, 54 McCormick, Florence Anna, 409 McCoy, Herbert Newby, 271 McCracken, William, 288 McDowell, Mary E., 80 MacGibbon, Duncan Alexander, 49 McGrane, Reginald Charles, 65 McGuigan, Hugh, 387 Macintosh, Douglas Clyde, 454 Mcintosh, John Strayer, 141 Mack, Julian W^illiam, 473 McKibben, George Fitch, 151 McKibben, Paul Stilwell, 351 McKinney, Thomas Emery, 209 McKnight, Robert James George, 103 McLaughlin, Andrew Cunningham, 54, (455) MacLean, Annie Marion, 78 McLean, Franklin Chambers, 389 McLeod, Andrew Friedley, 280 MacMillan, William Duncan, 234 McNeal, Edgar Holmes, 65 MacNeill, Harris Lachlan, 116 MacNeish, Harris Franklin, (209), 493 McNutt, Wade, 499 McPheeters, C. A., 21 MacPherson, Hector, 8i Magee, James Dysart, 50 Maney, Charles Albert, 246 Manly, John Matthews, 166 Mann, Charles Riborg, 258 Manning, William Ray, 65 Manuel, Ilcrsciicl T., 34 Markle, Millard S., 415 Marsh, Charles Dwight, 340 Marsh, George Linnaeus, 174 Marshall, Leon Carroll, 38 Martin, Arthur Wesley, (288), 494 Martin, Bertha Edith, 340 INDEX 515 Martin, John Nathan, 416 Martin, Katluirine, 4qq Maschke, Ilcinrich, 195 Mather, Kirtley Fletcher, 310 Mathews, Albert Prescott, 358 Mathews, Robert Maurice, 494 Mathews, Shailer, (113), 449 Matson, George Charlton, 312 Matthews, Isaac George, 103 Matthews, Samuel Alexander, 373 Maulsby, Uavid Lee, 181 Mead, George Herbert, 5 Mechem, Floyd Russell, 474 Meek, Theophile James, 104 Meek, Walter Joseph, 390 Mehl, Maurice Goldsmith, 306 Mellish, John Edward, 245 Menten, Maud Leonora, 390 Menzies, Alan \V. C, 276 Merrifield, Fred, 1 14 Merriam, Charles Fdward, 51 Merrill, Elmer Truesdell, 136 Merritt, Albert Newton, 50 Meyer, Hugo Richard, 45 Meyer, John Jacob, (120), 159 Meyers, Ira Benton, 488 Michclson, Albert Abraham, 251 Miles, F^gbert J., 209 Miller, Carl Danforth, 262 Miller, Edwin M., 388 Miller, Elizabeth Erwin, 499 Miller, Frank Justus, 137 Miller, Irv-ing Elgar, 10 Alillikan, Robert Andrews, 254 Milyoukov, Paul Nicolas, 99 Misener, Geneva, 130 Miser, Wilson Lee, 209 Mitchell, James Herbert, 431 Mitchell, Samuel Alfred, 246 Mitchell, Sarah Louise, 494 Mode, Peter George, 457 Moenkhaus, William J., 340 Monilaw, William James, 494 Monroe, Walter Scott, a Moodie, Roy Lee, 310 Moody, Howard Wilson, 265 Moody, William \'aughn, 175 Moore, Addison Webster, 6 Moore, Carl Richard, 336 Moore, David Richard, 65 Moore, Edward James, 200 Moore, Eliakim Hastings, 183 Moore, Elwood S., 311 Moore, Raymond Cecil, 308 Moore, Robert Lee, 209 Moore, Underbill, 475 Moore, William Cabler, 288 Moorehead, Louis I)., 392 Morehouse, Daniel Walter, 246 Morgan, Agnes Fay, 284 Morgan, Walter Piety, 494 Morris, Robert, 48 MorriMjn, Frank Marion, 209 Morton, Edward Payson, 181 Moulton, Elton James, 209 Moulton, Forest Ray, 230 Moulton, Harold Glenn, 46 Moulton, Richard (irccn, 182 Mulfmger, (Jeorge Abraham, 165 Mumford, Eben, 82 Muss-Arnolt, William, loi Mustard, H. J., 392 Myers, (ieorge William, (195), 480 Myers, Walter Raleigh, 166 Nabours, Robert Kirkland, 337 Nef, John Ulric, 267 Neff, Theodore Lee, 149 Neilson, Charles Hugh, 381 Nelson, Alfred Lewis, 210 New, Chester William, 458 Newman, Horatio Hackett, 330 Nicholson, George Albert, 181 Nitze, William Albert, 143 N06, Adolf Carl von, 160 Norris, Julia Anna, 495 North, Cecil Clare, 82 Northup, George Tyler, 152 Norton, Alice Peloubet, 86, (486) Norton, Frederick Owen, 117 Norton, Mrs. Strong V. (Florence May Lyon), 407 Obenchain, Jeannette Brown, 357 Oberholtzer, F^ E., 34 OlTner, Richard, 67 Olds, W. H., Jr., 392 Oliphant, Herman Enzla, 477 Olson, Oscar Ludvig, iSi Opitz, Russell Burton, 390 Osgood, Edith Whitten, 499 Otten, H., 392 Owen, Roberts Bishop, 19 Owens, Frederick William, 210 Pace, Lula, 416 Packard, Wales Harrison, 390 Park, Robert Ezra, 73 Parker, Edith, 499 Parker, Samuel Chester, 25, (482) Parkhurst, John .Xdelbcrt, 235 Parkins, .Mmon Ernest, 320 Parsons, Ernest William. 117 Parsons, Harriet Mc Williams, 251 Patterson, James, 351 Patterson, John Thomas, 338 Patterson, Shirley Gale, 150 Patterstm, Thomas L., 392 Paullin, Charles Oscar, 05 Peabody, Susan Wade, 54 Si6 PUBLICATIONS Peaks, ^fary Bradford, 141 Pearce, Wiliiam Tudor, 288 Pease, Theodore Calvin, 65 Pechstein, Louis Augustus, 19 Peckham, George Alfred, 104 Pell, Anna Johnson, 210 Penrose, Richard Alexander Fuller ton, Jr., 294 Perkins, M. L., 35 Perkins, Richard Roy, 467 Perrin, Fleming Allen Clay, 19 Peterson, Harvey Andrew, 19 Peterson, Joseph, 20 Peterson, Peter Powell, 288 Petry, Loren Clifford, 416 Pfeiffer, Norma Etta, 416 Pfeiffer, Wanda May, 405 Phillips, C. A., 35 Phillipson, Paul Herman, 162 Phipps, Charles Frank, 499 Pierce, Caroline May (Mrs. Eugene Baker), 500 Pietsch, Karl, 145 Pike, Frank Henry, 377 Pitcher, Arthur Dunn, 210 Plum, Harley Martin, 288 Potter, Paul David, 288 Pound, Roscoe, 476 Powell, John Arthur, 178 Prescott, Henry Washington, 127, (138) Preston, Keith, 142 Price, Ira Maurice, 94 Proctor, Charles Albert, 262 Quaife, Milo Milton, 66 Rabens, Isidore, 392 Rahn, Carl Leo Stahr, 20 Raiford, Lemuel Charles, 280 Randall, James Garfield, 66 Ransom, Caroline Louise (Mrs. Grant Williams), 67 Ranson, Stephen Walter, 358 Ranum, Arthur, 210 Rapp, Isaiah March, 266 Read, Conyers, 61 Reaves, Samuel Watson, 210 Reed, Mrs. Edwin C. (Ivy Kellerman), 121 Reed, Homer Blosser, 10 Reep, Samuel Nicholas, 467 Rees, Kclley, 130 Reese, Herbert Meredith, 244 Reeve, William David, 495 Revell, Daniel Graisberry, 352 Reynolds, George Fullmer, 181 Reynolds, Myra, 170 Rhoades, Mabel Carter, 82 Richardson, Florence Ella, 20 Rickctts, Howard Taylor, 426 Riddle, Oscar, 332 Rigg, George Burton, 416 Riley, Elmer Arthur, 66 Riley, Thomas James, 82 Ritchey, George Willis, 237 Ritter, Sarah Margaret, 20 Robb, L. G., 391 Robbins, Frank Egleston, 129 Roberts, Edith Adelaide, 417 Robins, Henry Burke, 455 Robinson, Benjamin Willard, 117 Robinson, David M., 130 Robison, Henry Barton, 117 Roe, Edward Drake, Jr., 244 Roe, Mabel Lewis, 417 Roehm, Alfred Isaac, 166 Rogers, Fred Terry, 382 Root, Ralph Eugene, 211 Rose, Rial Catlin, 420 Ross, William Horace, 289 Royster, James Finch, 181 Rudd, Herbert Finley, 463 Ruediger, Gustav Ferdinand, 436 Rugg, Harold Ordwaj', 32, (486) Ryan, J. G., 392 Sage, Evan Taylor, 142 Salisbury, RoUin D., (295), 313 Sanderson, Mildred Leonora, 211 Sanford, Frederick Warren, 139 Sargent. Walter, (26), 482 Sauer, Carl Ortwin, 320 Schevill, Ferdinand, 56 Schlesinger, Frank, 244 Schlesinger, Hermann Irving, 277 Schley, Eva Ormenta, 388, (417) Schmidt, Lydia Marie, 495 Schmitt, Clara, 33 Schoch, Eugene Paul, 289 Schoell, Franck Louis, 150 Schoemaker, William Ross, 455 Schoonover, Draper Talman, 142 Schorling, Raleigh, 495 Schiitze, Martin, 153 Schultz, Alfred Reginald, 311 Schwabe, Henry Otto, 166 Schweitzer, Arthur Richard, 211 Scott, E. L., 392 Scott, Harry Fletcher, 496 Scott, Jonathan French, 32, (488) Scott, John William, 341 Selden, Frank Henry, 496 Senior, James Kuhn, 289 Shackelford, Benjamin Estill, 266 Shambaugh, George Elmer, 352 Sharman, Henry Burton, 115 Sharp, Lester Whyland, 417 Sharp, William IJarnard, 443 Sharpc, Ciiarles Manford, 455 Shattuck, Charles Houston, 417 IX D EX- SI? Sheldon, Ralph Edward, 354 Shelford, X'ictor lirncst, ^^^i Shepardson, I-'rancis W'ayland, 6i Sherburn, (Jeorf^c Wiley, 177 ShertT, Karl I'ldward, 417 Sherniati, Hope, 434 Sholty, iMyrtlc, 500 Shorey, Marian Lydia, 341 Shorey, Paul, 121 Short, Jessie May, 251 Shull, Charles Albert, 417 ShuU, George Harrison, 409 Silvcy, Oscar \\ illiam, 266 Simons, Ktoilc Bessie, 418 Sinclair, John (Jeorge, 338 Sinclair, Mary Emily, 211 Skelton, Oscar Douglas, 50 Slater, John Rothwell, 104 Slaught, Herbert Ellsworth, 196 Slimmer, Max Darwin, 290 Sloan, LeRoy He nd rick, 388 Slocum, Frederick, 2^& Slonaker, James Rollin, 355 Slosson, Edwin Emery, 289 Slye, Maud, (33S). 434 Small, Albion Woodbury, 68, (464) Smart, Walter Kay, iSi Smith, Alexander, 274 Smith, Arthur Whipple, 211 Smith, C. Henry, 66 Smith, David Melville, 211 Smith, Eleanor, 4S8 Smith, Erances (jrace, 418 Smith, G. Bertrand, 446 Smith, Gerald Hirney, 453 Smith, Hazel Hyrde, 489 Smith, Isabel Seymour, 420 Smith, John Merlin Powis, 96 Smith, Leon P., 313 Smith, \ewland Farnsworth, 266 Snider, Luther Crocker, 311 Snow, Laetitia AL, 418 Scares, Theodore Gerald, 458 Sorrell, Lewis C, 51 Souder, Wilmer Henry, 262 Sparks, Edwin Erie, 57 Spencer, Matthew Lyle, 182 Sperry, Earl Evelyn, 02 Spink, Josettc Eugenie, 500 Spochr, Herman Augustus, 285 Sprengling, Martin, loi Squire, C. R., 22 Squire, Carrie Ransom, 35 Staples, Otha Bowman, 35 Stark, Alonzo Rosecrans, 117 Starr, Anna Morse. 418 Starr, Frederick, 75 Staudt, Calvin Kiopp, 117 StaulTer, Clinton Raymond, 311 Steadman, John Marcellus, Jr., 182 Sleclman, .\lbcrt Juds