Xibrar)? of lbarvar^ ianiv>cr0it\> BiBLIOC-RAPHICAL CONTRIBUTIONS EDITKP n\ WILLIAM COOLIDGE LANE KIBRAKIAN :Nrc>. 59 A HERBERT BIBLIOCxRAPHY H\ GEORGE HERBERT PALMER PRINTED AT THE EXPENSE OF THE RICHARD MANNING HODGKS FUND H33 Alrcadv issued or in preparation : [Some i>f thes^e foiitributions are out of print.] Volume I Nos. i to 20. Volume II Nos. 21 10 37. Volume III Nos. 38 to 51. Volume IV Nos. 52 to 58. Volume V. 59. George H. Palmer. A Herbert Bibliography. 60. Alfred C. Potter and Edgar H. Wells. Notes on the Library of Harvard University. PR \i I- AC 1 THIS collection of books rclatinj^ to George Herbert, whose name I bear and whoso inemor}- I would honor, comprises 141 titles and 158 \olumcs. it is the result of many years of search and is probably now unique in extent. Indeed the lists here given may be regarded as forming a complete Herbert Hibliograph)-. All the books arc first editions unless otherwise specified. For convenience of reference they arc grouped under nine headings. In Group I are placed the biographies of Herbert, the exquisite one by Walton appearing in both its forms and in copies of much beauty and associational interest. Grou[) II IS made up of manuscripts, the important ones being a cop)- of the manuscript of all Herbert's poems, at present in the Bodleian Librar\ , Oxford, and a copy of the less known but highly instructive manuscript of his early poems, from the Williams Library, London. During Herbert's life only a few small pieces of his, all in Latin, were published, and no collection of his works was made for two hundred jears after his death. But apart from " The Temple," his chief poetic work, writings of his, of more or less length and more or less authenticit}', appear in fifteen volumes, which form Group III of this Collection. Group IV consists of a complete set of the fourteen editions of "The Temple." which appeared during the centur}- after Herbert died. But I do not possess one of the three or four tmdatcd copies which were probabl)' printed at the time of the first edition, in 1633. Modern editions of "The Temple" are placed together in Group \', but no attempt has been made to gather liere ever)' reprint of Herbert's poems, only those being collected which have some point of distinction ; /. i\, in date, notes, introduction, or st)le of publication. The Collection, however, is not confined to a single one of the seven Her- bert brothers, but represents all of them who wrote. The works of the eUlest, lulward, Lord Herbert of Cherbury, number nine, besides translations of two Latin pieces. All these will be found in the sixth Gri>np, together with an anti-puritan poetical tract by Thomas Herbert, a stanz.i of Latin verso by Charles Herbert, and a i)rcface, b)' Hem}' Herbert, ti> a volume cf his brother Edward's poems. I have be< u fortunate, too, in obtaining autogiaphs of llio brothers. That of Lcjrd Heibert, inserted in the Strawberi)- Hill Iiditii 11 of his lAutobiography, is signed to a receipt for a pension granted him by Parliament rn return for permission to destroy his ancestral Castlo of MiMitgomcr}'. That of IV PREFACE Henry is inscribed on the fl)-lcaf of a cop\' of King James's Works, which once " belonged to Lady Herbert and was sent to her son by her husband, Sir John Danvers, on the occasion of his second marriage. That of George is appended to a four-line Latin epigram in his handwriting ^\hich the publisher, William Pickering, pasted into his copy of Walton's Life of Herbert. This he afterwards printed in his edition of Herbert's works, and the autograph given there in facsimile is copied from the one in this Collection. Herbert's spiritual brother was Nicholas Ferrar, the head of the semi- monastic house of Little Gidding. I liave accordingly formed a Group (VH) of the books relating to him. And since J. H. Shorthouse, in "John Inglesant," has done much toward making known the usages of this pious household, I am glad to add to these books relating to Little Gidding several which bear his book-plate and autograph. I have felt, too, that the Collection should contain whatever books might, incidentally throw light on the scenery and events of Herbert's life, on his scholarly and political associates, and on the sources from which he derived literary material. All books of this illustrative and miscellaneous nature are placed together in Group VHI, a note being added to each to indicate its connection with Herbert. But since, unhappily, a collection can never be complete, I mention in a final Group four books which the watchfid pursuit of many years has not yet ; brought me. May some reader of this Bibliography know where they are \ hiding and bless me by disclosing them ! GEORGE HERBERT PALMER. Harvard University, December 6, 1910. Xibrar\> of Iharvai^ 'Umvcreity) Hibli()(;kaimiical Con rRinrTioNS EDITFO in' W'lLIJAM C'()C)LID(}p: LAN?: l.lltKAKIAN TS^o. 59 A HERBERT BIBLIOGRAPHY K\ GEORCiK HERBERT PALMER PKINTED AT THE EXPENSE OF THE RTCHARP MAVNIV(; IIOOCKS TTXD A HERBERT BIBLIOGRAPHY I Lives of George Herbert I. The Life I Of I Mr. George Herbert.] Written by Izaack Walton. | To which are added some | Letters | Written by | Mr. George Herbert, at his being in | Cambridge : with others to his Mother, | the Lady Magdalen Herbert : Written | by John Donne, after- wards Dean of St. ] Pauls. | Wisdom of Solom. 4. 10. 1 He ])leased God, and was beloved of him : | so that whereas he lived among sin- ners, I he translated him. | London, | Printed by Tho : Newcomb, for Rich : Marriott, | Sold by most Booksellers. M.DC.LXX. 16°, dark green morocco. Collation: Portrait by R. White, in oval, and beneath. The Effigies of Mr: George Herbert; | Author of those Sacred Poems called |TheTemple.; title; verso, Imprimatur; thenasecond title page — The I Life | Of | Mr. George Herbert. | Written | By Izaack Walton. | Wisdom of Solom. 4. 10. | He pleased God, and was Ijeloved of | him : so that whereas he lived among | sinners, he translated him. | London, | Printed by Tlio: Newcomb, for Richard | Marriott, Isold by most Book- ( sellers. M.DC.LXX; verso. Imprimatur, A i ; Commendatory verses by Sam : \Voodforde, pp. 5-9; The Introduction, pji. 10-12; The Life, pp. 13-119; verso blank; then a new title page — Letters | Written by | Mr. George Herbert, | At his being in | Cambridge: With others to his Mother, the Lady | Magdalen Herbert. | Written by | John Donne, | Afterwards | Dean of St. Pauls, i London, | Printed by Tho: Newcomb, for Richard | Marriott, Sold by most Book- 1 sellers. M.DC.LXX; verso blank; Letters, pp. 123-146; Verses by Crashaw on two unnumbered pages, K 2; at the end, Books Sold by Dorman New- man, A 1-A8. ,*^With book-plate of Wm. Pickering. On the last leaf are pencilled some lines by Herbert and under- neath is written "All the alxive is in the handwriting of the late Mr. Wm. Pickering at whose sale I pur- chased this volume, 1854. Wm. Gotl." Pasted on a ''y-leaf are two Latin epigrams written in a seven- teenth century hand, one of them bearing tlij signa- ture, Geor. Herbert. Pickering believed them to be Herbert's handwriting. He published them in 1844, and iney have ever since been printed in collections of Herbert's Latin poems as the final two. The second, a couplet, has lately been shown to be copied from Martial. 2. The Life I Of | Mr. George Herbert.] Wisdom of Salom. 4. 10. | He pleased God, and was beloved of him : so | that whereas he lived among sinners, he tran- 1 slated him. | London, | Printed by Tho : Newcomb, for Richard Marriott, | sold by most Booksellers. >L1)C.LXX. 8°, half olive morocco. Pages 1-104 (last leaf in manuscript), A i-G 4. *** Apparently a separate issue from Walton's Lives. 3. The I Lives | Of | Dr. John Donne, | Sir Henry Wotton, | Mr. Richard Hooker, | Mr. George Herbert. | AVritten by Izaak Walton. I To which are added some Letters written by Mr. George Herbert, at his being in Cam- bridge : with others to his Mother, the | Lady ^L'lgdalen Herbert, written by John | Donne, afterwards Dean of St. Pauls. | Eccles. 44. 7. | These were honourable men in their Genera- tions. I London, | Printed by Tho. Newcomb for Richard Marriott. | Sold by most Book- sellers. 1670. 8°, in the original calf binding. Collation : Portrait of Donne by Lombart; title; verso blank; Epistle Dedicatory, A 3-4; To the Reader, A 5-7; verso, Errata; Letter from the Bishop of Chichester, B I-4; Life of Donne, B 5-Ci i, pp. 9-81 ; verses on Donne by the Bishop of Oxford, Bishop of Chichester, and Iz: Woe. (sic), G I verso-4, pp. 82-S8. (In both this copy and the Harvard College Library copy the " DC " of the signature " Iz: Woe." has been jiltered to " a," in a contemporary hand.) Portrait of Wotton by Dolle; title. The | Life | Of | Sr Henry Wotton, | Sometime | Provost of Eaton Col- Icdge. I There are them that have left a name t^ehinde them; so that | their praise shall be spoken of : Ecclus. 44. 8. 1 London, Printed by Thomas Newcomb, for Richard Marriot, | and sold by most Booksellers. 1670: Life of Wotton, B 2-K3, pp. 3-77; An Elegie by A. Cowley, F 3 verso-4; verso blank. Portrait of Hooker by Dolle: title, The Life I Of Mr. Rich. Hooker, | The | .Author of those Learned Books I Of the I Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity. | Psal. 145. 4. 1 One generation shall praise thy works to another. | Prov. 2. 15. | The tongue of the wise useth knowledge rightly. | London, | Printed by Tho: New- comb, for Rich: ^Iar^iot, | sold by most Booksellers. M.DC.LX.X; verso blank; Commendatory verses by Sam: Woodford, A 2-3; Life of Hooker, A4-H8, pp. 7-140- A HEKBEKl BIBLIOGRAPHY Portrait of Herbert by White; title, The Life | Of | Mr. George Herbert. Wisdom of Saloni. 4. 10. | He pleased God, ami was beloved of him : so j that whereas he lived among sinners, he tran- 1 slated him. | London,] Printed by Tho : Newcomb, for Kichard Marriott, Isold by most Booksellers. M.DC.LXX; verso. Imprima- tur; Commendatory verses by Sam : Woodforde, A 2- 3; Life of Herbert, A 3 verso-F i, pp. 6-S2. Title, Letters I Written By I Mr. George Herbert,! At his being in | Cambridge : | With others to his Mother, the Lady | Magdalen I lerbert : | Written By | John Donne, | Afterwards | Dean of St. Pauls. | Lon- don, | Printed by Tho: Newcomb, for Richard Mar- riott, | Sold by most Booksellers. M.DC.LXX; verso blank; Letters, K 3-G 4, pp. 85-103; verso. On Mr George Herbert's Book, p. 104. ,*,In this copy above the portrait of Donne is written "For Mr Richard Baylie, Iz: Wa:" and there are several corrections of the text in a similar hand. 4. The I Lives | Of | Dr. John Donne, | Sir Henry Wotton, | Mr. Richard Hooker, | Mr. George Herbert. | Written by Izaak Walton. | The Fourth Edition. | Eccles. xi.iv. 7. [ These were Honourable Men in their Generations. ! London, | Printed by Tho. Roycroft for Richard Marriot. | Sold by most Booksellers. 1675- 8°, calf. A2-Aa4, pp. (14), 348. ^*^ Lacks the portrait of Donne, but has the other three, and all four title pages. 5. Walton's Lives, . . . With Notes and Illustrations. A new edition, revised by A. H. Bullen. With a Memoir of Izaak Wal- ton by William Dowling. London, George Bell & Sons. 1884. 8°, half calf, pp. xlii, 424. ,»,The best small modern edition. 6. The Life of George Herbert of Bemer- ton, by John J. Daniell. New Edition, with Addenda and Illustrations. London, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. 1902. 8', cloth, pp. 348. ,*,The first attempt since Walton's to write a life of Herbert with fresh investigation of the sources. \'aluable, but much biased by religious considerations. 7. George Herbert and his times, by A. G. Hyde, with thirty-two illustrations. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons. London, Methuen & Co. 1906. 8°, pp. xiv, 327. ^*, Entertaining, but with little new material, ex- cept in the abundant and excellent illustrations. 8. George Herbert, Melodist, by E. S. Buchanan. London, Eliot Stock. 19 10. Sm. 4^, pp. 76. ,♦, An uninstructed bit of enthusiasm. II Mam-scripts 1. The Original of Mr. George Herbert's Temple, as it was at first Licensed for the Presse (Tanner MS. 307, Bodleian Library, Oxford). Copied for me with minute accuracy by Miss A. F. Parker. FoHo, half morocro, pp. 232 -f 6. ,*♦ Possibly the Bodleian manuscript is the one from which Ferrar printed his original text in 1633, with which text u very closely agrees. 2. A manuscript of seventy-three of Her- bert's English poems and of two sets of his I^tin poems — Passio Discerpta and Lucus — now in the Williams Library, Gordon Square, London (Jones ms. B, 62). Copied for me in 1899 by Miss E. M. Thompson. 4°, cloth, pp. 202. ^*» The Williams manuscript was probably drawn up about 1629, since it contains only those poems which Herbert had written before he took orders. Its text differs widely from that of 1633. 3. George Herbert's Temple Explained and Improved, by George Ryley, 17 14. (Rawlinson ms. D, 190, Bodleian Library, Oxford.) Copied for me in 1904 by Miss A. F. Parker. Folio, half morocco, pp. 392. ,*^ An unprinted manuscript of comment, chiefly religious and hortatory, on each one of Herbert's poems. 4. A note-book used by me in the pre- paration of my edition of Herbert's Poems. 4^, buckram, pp. 424. Ill George Herbert's Writings, other than The Temple 1. Epicedium | Cantabrigiense, | In obitum immaturum, Semperq; deflen-|dum, Henrici, Illustrissimi Principis | Walliae, &c. | Canta- brigian, I Ex officina Cantrelli Legge. | 16 12. Collation : Title; verso C. P., A 2; Text, Sm. 4°, full polished calf blank; Latin preface signed V A 3-P2, pp. I-112. ^•^.On pp. 65-67 of this collection of Laments for Prince Henry are two Latin poems by George Herbert, the first of his writings which ever appeared in print. In the year of taking his Bachelor's Degree, when but nineteen years of age, he joined the other brilliant men of his University, and especially of Trinity Col- lege, in mourning for a popular prince. 2. Lacrymae j Cantabrigi- 1 enses : | In obi- tum Serenissimse Reginae | Annse, | Conjugis dilectissimae | Jacobi | Magnae Britannise, A IIKKUr.KT l:lHLIOf;K.\I'II\" i'Vanci.T, i^ , Hil)crni;i,' R M;itris Cantahrigix- I it If : viT^d >lank; tc\t, Cantrclli I.eggr, Alma Typographi. ! i i 9. Sill. 4"", full polished calf. < Dllaliiiii : blank; I'roloijiis signed 1. (i. 1'.; scrso A 1-L4, pp. 1-S7; verso blank. .^•» Herbert, already a teacher of liietoric at Trinity and this year appointeil Orator of the University, contributed ten lines of Latin verse to this volume of ("anibritlge Klegies on the (^)ueen of King James. 3. Oratio | Qua auspicatissiiiumi Serenis- simi I Principis | Caroli, | Rtditiim ex Hispa- niis celebravit | (ieorgius Herbert | Academia; Cantabrigiensis I Orator. Ex Officina Can- trelli Legge, Alina.^ [ Matris Cantabrigian Typo- graphi. | 1623. Sm. 4", brown straight grained morocco. Colla- li\ ()tili(ii)a I'anls, I I.dikI. i.July if*::-. Together with other (online- moratioiii nf lier, I>y her Sonne (i. Herliert., London, I'rinted by I. H. for Philemon | Stejjhens, and Christopher Mere- | dith, and are to be sold at tlieir shop tion : Title; verso blank; text, •' verso blank. 2-" 3. pp- •-'•; .•^This address on the return of Prince Charles from his unsuccessful wooing in Spain, on account of its outspoken opposition to the Spanish match is thought by S. K. Gardiner to have lost Herbert his chance of promotion to an assistant secretaryship of state. It is his first piece of published prose. With the above Ls bound a collection of poems to which Herbert did not contribute — Gratulatio ) Aca- deniix I Cantabrigiensis | De Serenissimi Principis reditu tx I Hispaniis exoptatissimo : | Quam Augustissimo Regi I Jacobo, I Celsissimoq; Principi | Carolo | Ardentissimi sui voti testimonium | esse voluit. | Ex Officina Cantrelli Legge, Almte Matris Cantabrigia; 'Pypographi. | 1623. Collation: Title; verso blank; Ad Regeni; verso, Ad Principem; text, A 1-G4, pp. 1-53; verso blank. 4. Memori?e | Honoratissinii | Domini | Francisci, | Baronis De | Verulamio, | Vice- Comitis|Sancti Albani | Sacrum. | Londini | In Officina Johannis Haviland. | 1626. Sm. 4°, polished calf. Collation: Title; \ejf.o blank; Preface signed G. Rawley, A 2; text, A 3- E I, pp. 1-30. <,*, A collection of Latin poems in memory of Lord Bacon, to which Herl)ert contributed one of six lines on p. 2. Bacon died this year. In the preceding year he had dedicated to Herbert his Translation of Certain Psalms. 5. A Translation of | Thirty-Two Latin Poems 1 In Honor Of | Francis Bacon | Pub- lished by Rawley | In 1626 | Boston | Privately Printed | 1904. 4^, large paper, half cloth. Collation: Half title; verso blank; title-page; verso blank; Preface signed E. K. Rand, pp. 5-6; Manes \'erulamiani, p. 7; text (Latin and English on opposite pages, with notes at bottom), pp. 8-88. ,*» A translation of the preceding volume. 6. A I Sermon ] Of | Commemo- j ration Of The I Lady Diivers, late Wife | of Sr. John Davers. | Preach'd at (!hilsey, where | she was lately buried. I Bv I lohn Donne D. of St. at the golden I. ion in Pauls Church-yard. 1627. ■ 2', black straight grained morocco. Collation: Title; verso blank; The Prayer Before the Sermon. .•K 2-6, unnumbered; the Sermon. A7-II7, pp. 1 170; one leaf blank, followed by llerl)erfs Latin and Greek poems, .Memoriae .Matris -Sacrum. II9-I5, pp. I-17; verso blank. ,*, In 1627, the year "f his mother's death, Hcr- Ix-rt resigned the Oratorship and went into retirement for three years. In 1630 Herbert lf)ok jiriest's firders and accepted the small living of I'uggleston cum Bemerton, adjoin- ing the estate of Wilton House, the seat of his kins- man, the Ear! of Pembroke, in Wiltshire. Here he died three years later, sending to his friend, Nicholas l-'errar, from his death-bed the manuscript of a volume of poems which Ferrar published in the same year under the title of The Temple. For the editions of this book see sections IV and \'. No piece of Her- bert's English writing, prose or verse, was printed during his life. 7. Hygiasticon : | Or, | The right course of I ])reserving Life and | Health unto extreani | old Age : | Together with soundnesse and integritie of the | Senses, Judgement, and Memorie. ] Written in Latine by | Leonard Lessius, I And now done into | English. | The second Edition. | Printed by the Printers | to the Universitie of | Cambridge. 1634. 12", original calf. Collation: Title; verso, The things contained in this following Book; To the Reader, "^ 3-7; Extract from Lord Bacon, T 8; Poem, To the Reader by R. Crawshaw, T 9; other poems, IT 10-12; The Authours Epistle Dedicatorie, A-A6; Approbations by Joannes Walterius \'iringus, Gerard de Vileers, I'ran. Sassen, A 6 verso-8; verso blank; Text, A9-K5, pp. I-210; A Treatise of Temperance and Sobrietie, written by Lud. Cornariis. Translated into Ent^lish by Mr. George Herbert, K6- M 4, pp. 1-46; A Discourse Translated Out of Italian, That a Spare Diet is better than a Splendid and Sumptuous. A Paradox, M 5-N 4, pp. 47-70. ,*^The Preface of the Publisher of this book is signed T. S. The translator of the first and third ])ieces has been thought to be Nicholas Ferrar. The author of the third is unknov\n. Lessius, who wrote the first, was a professor of divinity at Louvain. Ludovico Cornaro, who wrote four treatises on the sol)er life l>etween his eighty-third and ninety-fifth year, was a N'enetian noble. It is the first of these treatises, published in 155S, which Herbert translates, or freely rewrites, as the second piece of this volume. Probably the work was done at Bemerton in Herberfs last years. This second edition was printed in the same year as the first. I know of no copy of the first edition, the British Museum having only the second. 8. Hygiasticon. . . . The third Edition. Cambridge. 1636. 4 A llLRHKKl miJLUKlKAPIIV 12^, calf, pp. 210 + 70 + (3). Siiiiie ,,>//ii/ioii iis frtWi/iii:^ e.Vii/'t t'lttf lUl'if ritif is The Contents of all the Chapters in Lessius his llygiasticon, 3 pp., un- numbered. 9. The I Temperate Man, | Or The | Right Way of Preserving I Life and Health, | 'I'o- gether j \\'ith Souiulness of the Senses, Jiidg- | ment, ami Memory unto extream | Old Age. I In Three Treatises. | The First written by the Learned Leonardus] Lessitis.] The Second by Lodowick Cornaro, a Noble | (lentleman of Venice, | The Third by a Famous Italian. | Faithfully Englished. | London, | Printed by J. R. for John Starkey, at | the Miter in Fleet- street, near Temple | Bar. 1678. 12°, calf, pp. 168. Collation: Advertisement, A i verso; title; verso, The things contained in this fol- lowing Book, A 2 verso; To the Reader, A 3-5; Ex- tract from Lord Bacon, A 6; Poem, To the Reader, by R. Crashaw, A 7; other poems, A 8-1 1 ; verso blank; The Authors Epistle Dedicatory, Ai2-a3; verso blank; Approbation by Joannes Walterius \'iringus, Cerard de \'ileers, and Francis Sassen, 34-5; verso blank; The Contents of all the Chapters in Lessius his llygiasticon, a6; text, Bi-ti5, pp. 1-129; A Treatise of Temperance antl Sobriety. Written in Italian by Lud. Cornams. Translated into English by Mr. (jeorge Herbert, G 5 verso-Il 6, pp. 130-156; A Discourse Translated out of Italian, That a Spare Diet is better than a Splendid and Sumptuous. A Paradox, H 7-12, pp. 157-168. ^*^This is the Hygiasticon with a new title, which was subsequently always used. 10. Sure I Methods | Of Attaining A | Long and Healthful Life. ] ^V^itten originally in Italian, | By | Lewis Cornaro, | A noble Vene- tian, when near | an hundred Years old, Translated into lOnglish by W. Jones A.B Edinburgh : | Printed by A. Donaldson, anc sold at his | shops in London and Edinburgh. IMDCCLXVHL 16°, original calf, pp. (8), 147. ,*^The first edition of one of the earliest and best translations of Cornaro other than Herbert's. 1 1. The I Immortal Mentor : | Or, | Man's Unerring Ouide |To A | Healthy, Wealthy And I Happy Life. | In three Parts. | By | Lewis Cornaro, Dr. Franklin, and | Dr. Scott. | . . . Philadelphia : | Printed for the Rev. Mason L. Weems, | By Francis and Robert Bailey, | No. 116, High Street. I 1796. 12^, original sheep, pp. (2), iv, 321. ,*,The first American appearance of Comaro's treatise. Into this copy is pasted a printed recom- mendation of the l)Ook by (jencral Washington. I 2. The -Art of | Living Ix)ng | A New and Improved English \'ersion | of the Treatise of the I Celebrated \'eneti;in Centenarian] Louis Cornaro | With lissays By | Joseph .Adtlison, Lord Bacon, and Sir William Teini)le. . . . | Milwaukee | \Villiam F. Butler I '903- Large 8°, cloth, pp. 214. »** A recent translation of Cornaro, with portraits, and accounts of his family and villas. 13. Trattato | De La Vita Sobria | Del Magnifico M. | Luigi Cornaro | Nobile | \'ini- tiano. I In Padova, appresso Gratioso Percha- cino I M D LVHL Sm. 4°, parchment. Collation: Title; verso blank; Al Reverendiss. Monsig. Monsignor Cornelio Vescovo di Bitonto Meritissimo, A 2-3; A 4 blank; text, B i- 113. fL 1-27- ,*^ First edition of the original treatise of Cornaro from which Herbert made his rendering. 14. The Hundred And Ten | Considera- tions I Of Signior | John Valdesso : | Treating of Those j things which are most profitable, most I necessary, and most perfect in our I Christian Profession. | Written In Spanish, | Brought out of Italy by Vergerius, and | first set forth in Italian at Basil by | Coelius Secun- dus Curio, [ Anno 1550. | Afterward translated into French, and Printed | at Lions 1563. and again at Paris 1565. | And now translated out of the Italian | Copy into English, with notes. Whereunto is added an Epistle of the Authors, I or a Preface to his Divine Commentary | upon the Romans. | i. Cor. 2. | Howbeit we speak wi.sdome amongst them that are per- 1 feet, yet not the wisdome of this world. | Ox- ford, I Printed by Leonard Lichfield, Printer I to the University. Ann. Dom. 1638. Sm. 4°, sprinkled calf. Collation: Title; verso blank; The Publisher to the Reader, *2; Briefe Notes, * 3-** 3 ; Celio Secundo Curione to the reader, •* 3 verso-*** 2; A Table, *** 2 verso-**** 2; ****3 blank; verso, approval by Thom. Jackson. Letter of G. Herbert, ****4; text, Ai-Qq4, pp. I-311; An Epistle, Qq4 verso-Ss i, unnumbered; Errata, Ss2. ,*» Nicholas Ferrar translated this book of Juan de \'aldes which Herljert in the last months ot his life annotated. Ferrar kept the book unpublished four years and died in 1637. The following year it was printed. 15. Divine Considerations ... by John Valdesso. [Second edition.] Cambridge, 1646. Sm. 8°, old calf, pp. (22), 437, (17). 16. L)ivine Considerations by John Val- desso. Ix)ndon, New York, John Lane. [1905-] .Sm. 8^, cloth, pp. Ix, 457. »**A recent reprint of F'errar's translation of X'aldes' bo<)k,\\illi Herlierfs Prefatory Epistle, but without his notes. A iii;ki;i:Ki i;ii;i,i()(.u.\i ii\ 17. Ziento I I )ic7, ConsulLTazioncs, . . . Por Juan dc X'aldc^s. Ilspana. Ann MDCCCI.Xll. 8^ half calf, ^i. (4) + 544 + 20. ,*^ A modern rc|)rint of \'al(les' nianiisrri|)t. 18. Wits I Rerrcations. | Selected from the finest Fancies I of Moderne Muses. | London, I Printed by R. H. for Humphry J5luny T. I', for Humphrey | Blunden; at the Castle in | Corn-hill. 1640., A i ; verso blank; text, (1032 proverbs), A 2-K 3. No pagination throughout. »f» Nothing is known about the circumstances of the formation of this collection of proverbs. It is not mentioned by IIerl)ert's early biographers, Walton and Oley, though it is reprinted (much enlarged) in Herbert's Remains, a volume prefaced by Oley. The early portion of the volume is made up of selected verse. 19. Herbert's | Remains. | Or, | Sundry | Pieces | Of that sweet Singer j of the Temple, I Mr. George Herbert, | Sometime | Orator of the University of Canibridg. | Now exposed to publick light. | London, | Printed for Tim- othy (iarthwait, | at the little North door of Saint I Paul's. 1652. 1 2°, red morocco. Collation : Title as above, A i ; verso blank; second title — A Priest | To the | Temple, | Or, | The Countrey Par- son I His I Character, | And | Rule of Holy Life. | The Authour, I Mr. G. H. | London, | Printed l)y T. Maxey for T. Garthwait, at the | little North door of St. Pauls. 1652., A 2; verso blank; The Authour To The Reader, A 3-4; Table of Contents, A 5-6; half- title, A I Prefatory View | Of The | Life | Of | Mr. Geo. Herbert, &c., A 6 verso; text of the Life, ai-c6 (unnumbered); the previous two titles repeated, A Priest To the Temple, and I lerbert's Remains, A 1-2; The Authour To The Reader, repeated, A 3-4; text, A Priest to the Temple, Bi-H 12, pp. 1-168; then a new title in ornamental Iwrder — Jacula I Prudentum. | Or | Outlandish | Proverbs, Sentences, &c. | Selected | By Mr. George Herl)ert, Late 1 Orator of the Universitie of| Cambndg. | I»n- don, I Printed by T. Maxey for T. Garthwait, at the | little North door of St. Paul's. 1651., Ai; verso blank; text, A2-C12, pp. I-70; The Authour's Prayer before .Sermon, D 1-2; After Sermon, D3; letter to Ferrar, D3 verso — 5; Herbert's Latin verses to Bacon and Donne, D 5 verso — 6; An Addition of .\pothegmes by Severall Authours, D 7- 12. D1-12 are mispaged 171-194. The last page, p. 194, has the Imprimatur .it the bottom. ,', Tills is liie tir>l appearniuji- of TIi.; <"'.iii:lr)- Parson, u liicli is li' re d.itcil, in tin; prt(ai:e, 1032. It was pi'ibiiUy C":iipu-cd durin-^lhc three years*. I lli-r- berls 111- at Bemcrton. Prol)ably the entire volume was editeil by Barnaba.s Oley. 20. Lcclcsiastes | .Solomonis. | .\ii< lore | Joan. Vi\ iano. | Cantictm) | Solomonic : | .\ec non l',i)igrammata | Sacra. [ i'er J. .\. I )ui>or- tum. I Acceilunt (leorgii Herberti j Musje Responsorice ad | .\ndre;e Meh ini | Anli-Tami- Cami-('atc'goriam. | ('antabrifria- :j V.\ OH'k ina Joannis I'icid, celeberrim;t: | Academiai 'I'ypo- graphi. | Prostant venales a])ud Rol)ertum Nicholson Bibliopolam. Anno Domini. 1663. Sm. 8°, old panelled calf. Collation: Title; verso blank; Prrefatio, '.' 5-7; second title — Kcclesiastes: | Sive | Regis | Sereil); Books Printed for . . Benjamin Took, O 7. ,*♦ The hrst separate issue of Herbert's little treatise on a Parson '> duties. A IIKRHPIKT BIHLI0(;KAI'I1V 22. A Priest To The Temple. . . . Ihe Third Impression. 1675. 1 2-, original panelled talf, rebacked. »*^r Temi^le doth every man speak | of his honour. I Ornament of a cherub' s head. Printed by Roger Daniel, printer to the | Universitie of Cambridge. | 1641. 12°, purple calf. Collation same as the preceding, except that the border of the title and sex'eral ornaments are changed. 8. The I Synagogue, | Or, | The Shadow | Of The I Temple. | Sacred Poems, | And | Private Eja- I culations. | In imitation of Mr. George | Herbert. | Plin. Secund. lib. i. Epist. 5. | Stul- tissimum credo ad imitandura non optima | quai('l3. proponere. | I do esteem 't a folly not the least | To imitate examples not the best, i The second Edition, corrected | and en- larged. I London, | Printed by J. L. for Phile- mon Stephens, at | the gilded Lion in Pauls Church- I yard. 1647. 12°, brown levant. Collation: Title, A i ; p)oeiD To the Authour by R. L., verso; text, A 2-C 7, pp. 1-46, and 14 unnumbered pages; commendatory verses by F. L., C8. Except A i the pages of signa- tures A and B are numbered, 1-46; the 16 pages of C are unnumbered. ^*»This collection lacks the first edition of The Synagogife. In this second edition all after p. 28 is new, except The Nativitie and The Circumcision, which have a different place. 9. The I Temple. | Sacred Poems, | And private | Ejaculations. | By | Mr. George Her- bert, I late Oratour of the | University of | Cam- bridge. I The seventh Edition, with an Alpha- betical! ( Table for ready finding out chief places. I Psal. 29. | In his Temple doth every man speak of his honour. | London, | Printed by T. R. for Philemon Stephens, | at the gilded Lyon in S. Pauls Church-yard. | 1656. 1 2°, green morocco. Collation : Title in orna- mented border, * I; verso blank; The Printer to the Reader, *2-3; The Dedication, *4; verso blank; The Titles of the several | Ptx^ms contained in thisj Book, * 5-6; verso blank; text, A1-H12, pp. i- 192; A Table, 1 1 -K 6, unnumbered; verso blank; a new title in ornamented border — The I Synagogue, | Or, | The Shadow I Of The | Temple. | Sacred Poems. | And | Private Eja- I cula- tions; I In imitation of Mr. George | Herbert. ] Phn. Sec. lib. I. Ep. 5. | Stultissimum credo ad imitandum non optima | qu.vque proponere. 1 1 do esteem 't a folly not the least | To imitate examples not the best. ( The third Edition, corrected | and enlarged. | Printed for Philemon Stephens, at the guilded I Lion in Pauls A HERBERT DIBLIOGRAPHV Church-yrrd. 1657. Ai; poem, To tlie Aulhour, by K. L., verso; text, A2-C10, pp. 1-66; com- mendatory verses by Iz. \Va., F. L., and A. S., C 1 1- 12, pp. 67-70. #*#This and the following editions of The Temple and Synagogue are pul)li>hcd in Li)ndon, instead of Cambriilge; and in this and subsequent editions of The Temple A 'I'aMe and The Synagogue accompany it. This third edition of The Synagogue is rearranged, the poems on pp. 22-33 ^Je added, and double titles are given to the poems on pp. 35-42. In this form it appears in all later editions. 10. The eighth Edition of The Temple, 1660; and the fourth of The Synagogue, 1661. 12°, green morocco. Collation same as the preced- ing:, except that this is Printed by R. N. for Philemon Stephens | , thiit the title-pa i^e of The Synagogue 7- ends, | Sacred Poems, and | Private Ejaculations. | In imitation of I -Mr. George Herbert, and that most of the orna- ments are changed. 11. The ninth Edition of The Temple, 1667 ; and the fifth of The Synagogue, 1667. 12°, green morocco. Collation substantially the same as the preceding ; the foilo-iuing differences exist: The ornaments and borders have been changed throughout ; the title-page of The Temple reads, ' ' with an Alphabetical | Table " and '• Printed by J. M. for Philemon Stephens, | and are to be Sold at the Kings Arms I in Chancery-Lane, 1667."; the title-page of the Synagogue reads, "The | Synagogue, | Or The Shadow I Of The | Temple. | Sacred Poems, and Pri- vate Ejaculations. | . . . | Printed for Philemon Stephens, at the Kings | Arms in Chancery-Lane. 1667. 1"; and The Synagogue has 71 pages, the numbering beginning with the title-page, and the back of the "Dedication," formerly blank, being used. 12. The I Temple. | Sacred Poems | And Private | Ejaculations. | By Mr. George Her- bert, I Late Oratour of the | University of Cam- bridge. I Together with his Life. With | several Additions. | Psal. 29. | In his Temple doth every man speak of his honour. | The Tenth Edition, with an Alphabetical | Table for ready finding out the chief places. | London, | Printed by W. Godbid, for R. S. and are to | be Sold by John Williams Junior, in Cross- 1 Key Court in Little-Britain, 1674. 12°, green morocco. Collation: Portrait of Her- bert by K. White, with inscription below. The Effigies of Mr: George Herbert; | Author of those Sacred Poems called I The Temple.; title as above; verso Vjlank; four unnumbered leaves, the first with eight lines of verse, and the heading. These Lines should have been under | his Picture.; verso blank; the remaining three have three laudatory poems, the first unsigned, the second, P. D. Esqr., the third, Adver- sus Impia|Anno 1670.; The Printer to the Reader, * 2-* 3 (misprinted * 4) ; The Dedication, *4; verso blank; The Titles of the several | Poems contained in this I Book., *5-*6; text, A1-H12, pp. 1-192; A Table, I i-K 6, unnumbered; verso blank; The I Life ! Of 1 Mr. George Herbert, A l-C 6, pp. 1-60; a new title-page — The Synagogue : j Or The | Shadow ] Of The | Tem- ple. | Sacred Poems, I And I Private Ejaculations. | In Imitation of|Mr. George Herbert. | (Quotation from Pliny with translation. \ The Sixth Edition, Corrected and Enlarged. | London | Printed for Robert Stephens, at the Kings-Arms I in Chancery-Lane, 1673. Colla- tion thereafter the same as for the fifth edition, except that most of the ornaments have been changed. i* jf From this time the portrait and the Life of Herbert by Izaac Walton regularly appear, the Life being often placed at the end of the volume. In this and subsequent editions of The Temple, Superliminare and The Altar are printed on engraved pages, one representing the door of a church and the other an altar. 13. The eleventh Edition of The Temple, 1679; and the seventh of The Synagogue, 1679. 12°, green morocco. Collation same as the preced- ing, except for iiuo changes of the title-page of The 'Temple, where the present reads. Together with his Life. I Psal. 29 | etc., and Printed by S. Roycroft, for R. S. and are to be Sold | by John Williams Junior, at the Crown in St. | Pauls Church-yard, 167.9; the arrangement of the preliminary matter of The I'emple, 7i'hicJi is here: portrait; title; verso blank; The Dedication; verso blank; The Titles of the several Poems, etc. (3 pp.); verso blank; verses, These Lines should have been under his Picture, A 4; verso blank; three laudatory poems, A 5-7; The Printer to the Reader (4 pp.); the imprint of The Synagogue, which is the same as that of the eleventh edition of 'The Temple, but -with "1679." instead o/"l67.9"; many of the ornaments; and the Tife of Herbert, -which has been reset and 7ioT.a contains j6 pages, omitting the notice of Herbert'' s -wife (A I-C4). 'This is 71070 at the end of the volume. 14. The eleventh Edition of The Temple, 1695 ; and the sixth of The Synagogue, 1673. 12°, green morocco. Collation siniilar to the pre- ceding. ^*^ This is called the eleventh edition of The Temple, but seems to be an irregular and rare edition, not owned by the British Museum. Except for the title-page and the three leaves immediately following it is exactly a duplicate of the edition of 1674; it has leaf * 3 misprinted *4, as in that edition; The Gyna- gf)gue is the sixth edition, as there; the \}!.c of Her- bert is on 60 pages, as in that edition, instead of 56, as in the edition of 1679. The title-page of this edition differs from the earlier one in that it reads, "Together with his Life. With Se- 1 veral Additions" and " I'rinted for R. S. and are to be Sold by Rich- ard Willington at the Lute in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1695." Apparently some copies of the 1674 edition came into the hands of another bookseller, Richard Willington, in 1695, and he reissued them with a new title-page and with the four preliminary leaves reset, and condensed to three leaves. Knowing nothing of the edition of 1679, the real eleventh edition, and reckoning from the title-page of 1674, which he dis- carded, he called this the eleventh edition. 15. The I Temple. Private | F^jaculations. Sacred Poems, | And Ry Mr. George Her- A HERBERT nililJUGRAniV bert, I Late Orator of the University | of Cam bridge. | Together with His Life. | Psal. xxix. ) In his Temple doth every man s[)eak of his Honour. | The Twelfth Edition Corrected, with the I Addition of an Alphabeliral Tabic. I I^ndon, I Printed by J. Barber, for JelTery Wale, at | the Angel in St. Paul's Churc h- Yard. 1703. 12°, original panelled calf. Collation: Portrait of Herbert by Sturt, with inscription above "The KfCi^ic'- of Mr. George Herbert," and 1h;1ow the eight lines of verse which were printed on a separate page in t he- tenth and eleventh editions, Ai verso; title, A 2; verso blank; three laudatory poems, A 3-5; The De- dication, A6; The Titles of the Several Poems, etc., A6 verso-7; text, A8-I7, pp. 1-192; A Table, I8-K12; verso blank. l-'or The Synagogue, eighth edition, the title-page and collation are much the same as for the seventh ; the ifnpritit reads. Printed by J. Barber, for Jeffery Wale, at | the Angel in St. Paul's Church- V'ard. 1703; the ornaments are replaced by double lines and there are yj pages ; the Life of Herbert contains jS pages. ^*^This copy contains the book-plate of Richard Le Gallienne. 16. The thirteenth Edition of The Tem- ple, 1709 ; and the ninth of The Synagogue, 1709. 12°, original panelled calf. Collation the same as the preceding, except for the imprints which read. Printed for John Wyat at the Rose in St. Paul's | Church- Yard. 1709. (The Temple), am/ Printed for John Wyat at the Rose in St. Paul's | Church-Yard, and Eben. Tracy at the Three | Bibles on London- Bridge. 1709. (The Synagogue); and for the leaf of advertisement at tJie end. Modern Editions of The Temple 1 . The Temple : Sacred Poems and Pri- vate Ejaculations. By the Rev. George Herbert. Late Orator of the University of Cambridge. To which is added, A Biographi- cal Sketch of the Author. In his Temple doth every Man speak of his Honour. Psa. xxix, A New Edition. Bristol : Printed By And For R. Edwards ; And Sold By T. Hurst, Pater-Noster-Row, London. 1799. 12°, half levant, pp. xxxn, 274, (2). Includes a four page Preface by the unknown editor, Walton's Life, and The Synagogue. ^*^I cannot discover any edition of The Temple between this and that of 1709, which this closely follows; reproducing from it the two curious plates for Superliniinare and The .\ltar which that and several prececUng editions contained. But some of the textual errors of that edition are here corrected. 2. The Temple : Sacred Poems, .And Pri- vate Ejaculations. To which is added :\ Priest To The Temple, Or, The Country Parson. By the Rev. George Herbert, I.ate Orator of the Univcrsit) lA Cambridgr-. With A Biograjjhical Sketch Of 'I he Auth"-':. In his Tem]jle doth every man spcaV -, containing a brief Introduction, lists of words, dates, and bibliography, but no notes. 31. I'he Church Porch, by George Her- bert ; With Notes for Sunday Use in Upper Forms, edited by Edward C. Lowe, D.D., Provost of S. Nicholas College; Canon of Ely; late Head Master of S. John's School, Hurstpierpoint. Third Edition, with notes, revised and enlarged. Oxford and London : James Parker & Co., 377, Strand. 1892. 8°, pp. viii, 41. ^*^ It is provided in the Statutes of S. Nicholas College that every boy learn by "heart the Church Porch by Mr. George Herbert." Accordingly Dr. Lowe has edited the poem with very full and for the most part unborrowed notes. VI Writings of the Brothers of George Herbert 1. De I Veritate, | Prout Distinguitur | A Revelatione, | A Verisimili, A Possibili, | Et A Falso. I Hoc Opus Condidit | Edoardus | Baro Herbert ] De Cherbury In Anglia, | Et Castri Insulae De Kerry In | Hibernia, et Par utriusque | Regni. | Et Lectore Cuivis, ] integri & illibate Judicii | dicavit. j Exc. Lutetiae Parisiomm. cio loc xxiv. | lam denuo sed auctius & emendatius recud. Londini | Per Augustinum Matthaeum. cio loc xxxiii. 4°, calf. Collation: Title a i; verso, imprimatur; Epistola ad Lectorem (dated, Montgomery, 1632), 32-3; '^"^ Ai-Hh2, pp. 1-244. ^*^,This is the first London Edition of Lord Her- bert's first book. The Paris Edition of 1624, pub- lished a few months before his recall from the French embassy, I have never seen. A book which has won for Lord Herbert the title of The Father of English Deism, since in it he for the first time attempts to prove that all "revealed" religion is "natural" religion, inherent in human nature. 2. The 1 Life | And | Raigne | Of | King Henry | The Eighth. | Written By the Right Honourable | Edward | Lord Herbert of Cher- bury. I London, | Printed by E. G. for Thomas Whitaker, and are to be sold at | his shop, at the Kings Arms in Pauls Church-yard. 1 649. Folio, calf. Collation: Portrait of Henry VIII engraved by T. Cecill; title, A i ; verso blank; The Epistle Dedicatory, A 2-4; verso blank; An Analy- ticall Character (inserted leaf) ; Commendatory verses by Jam. Howell, verso; text, B I-Cccc4, pp. I- 575; verso blank; An Index, Ddddi-4 and recto of an inserted leaf; verso blank. ^♦^ Written with a political aim between 1630 and 1640, during Lord Herbert's retirement, but not pub- lished till a year after his death. 3. The I Life | And | Reign | Of j King Henry | The | Eighth. | Written by the Right A iiKUiJKur i;inLiO(;R.\riiv 13 Honourable I Edward I-ord Herl)crt | Of] Cher- bury. I Ixiiidon : | rrinled l)y M. Clark, for Henry Herringinan, at the IJlew An( hor | in the New Exchange. MDCLXXXII. Folio, calf, pp. ((>), 63S, (15). Portrait of licnry VIII by VV. F[aithorneJ. ,*^ The third edition. 4. De Causis | Ilrronnn, | Opus | Kdoardi | Baronis Her- | bert | He ( Cherbury. | Rectum Index sui &: | obliqui. | ci.) 1,) c l.vi. Sm. 12°, original calf. Collation: Title, Ai; verso blank; text, A2-(i4, pp. 3-152; additional piece without title, (1 5 H 9, pp. 1-34; [ Keligio I^aici] without title or pajjination, H10-I2; three Latin poems, without pagination, I 3—9. ^*,This treatise on fallacies may be regarded as a kind of supplement to the I)c X'eritate. 5. Expeditio | In | Ream | Insulam, | Aii- thore I Edovardo Domino Herbert, j Barone de Cherbury in Angba, &c | Castri Insul.ne de Kerry in Hibernia, &c | Pare Utriusq; Regni. | Anno. ^^) CXXX. | Quam pnblici Juris fecit Timotheus | Balduinus, LL. Doctor b Coll. Omn. I Anim. a})ud Oxonienses, Socius. | Lon- dini, I Prostant apud Humphredum Moseley, ad In- 1 signia Principis in Coimeterio Paulino, 1656. 8°, original calf. Collation: Title, ai; verso blank ; Lectori Sequestro, a 2-5 ; to King Charles, a 5 verso-7; Ad Lectorem, a 7 verso-b8; text, 15 1- N2, pp. I-179; verso blank; Index Capitum, N 3- 3 (unnumbered); verso blank; Errata, O 4; verso blank. «*, This vindication of Buckingham's unfortunate expedition was written just before Herbert's Keign of Henry VHI, but was not published till eight years after his death. 6. The I Expedition To The | Isle Of Rhe. 1 By Edward Lord Herbert | Of Cherbury, K.B. I London : | Printed By Whittingham and Wilkins. i860. Sm. 4°, stamped cloth, pp. liv, 2S7. ^■"^This, the original English of which the preced ing is a Latin translation, remained in manuscript until privately printed by the Earl of I'owis in this edition, accompanied by ten genealogical tables. 7. De I Religione | C.entilium, | errorum- que apud eos causis : | Authore | Edoardo | Barone Herbert de (Cherbury, & Castri | In- sulae de Kerry in Hibernia, | & a Sacris Belli Consiliis Regibus Optimis | Jacobo & Carolo. I Amstelaedami, | Typis Blaeviorum, | M DC LXIII. 4°, calf. Collation: Title; verso blank; Lectori; Index Capitum, verso; text, Ai-Ff4, pp. 1-231; Index Rerum, V I 4 verso-C g4 (unnuml>ered). ^*^ Developing the religious conceptions of the De Veritate and probably written soon after that work; but not pulili-^hed until fifteen years aficr Lord Hcr- Urt's death. With liook plate of John Davies, L-.*!. H. The [ .\ntient Religion | (Jf TheKJen- liles, I .And | Causes of their L.rrors | Con- sider'd : | The Mistakes and Kailiires of the Heathen | Priest.s and \Vise-.Men, in their No- tions of the I Deity, and Matters of Di\ine Worship, are | E.xamin'd ; | With regard to their being altogether destitute of|Di\ine Revelation. | With a (!ompleat Index. | By the Learned and Judicious | I'.dward L<' Herbert of Cherbury, &:c.| London : | Printed, for John Nutt, near Stationers-Hall, 1705. 8°, old panelled calf, pp. xvi, 388, (12). ^*<,The first work of IIerl)ert's which was trans- lated into English, and this the first edition of the translation. 9. Occasional ] Verses | Of | Edward Ix)rd Herbert, | Baron | Of | Cherbery | And | Castle- Island. | Deceased in August, 1648.) Ix)ndon, I Printed by T. R. for Thomas Dring, at the | George in Fleet-street near Cliffords- 1 Inn. 1665. Small 8°, straight grain morocco. Collation: Title, Ai; verso blank; dedication to the grandsrm of Lord Herbert, written by Henry Herbert, the brother of Edward and George, A 2-3; verso blank; text, Bl- 8, pp. 1-95; Errata, G8 verso. ^*^ In A Ditty, p. 27, and An Ode, p. 61, Lord Herbert introduced into English poetry the metre subsequently used by Tennyson in In Memoriam, employing it too upon the same subject, " Whether Ixive Should Continue forever? " With book-plate of William Gott, Bishop of Truro. I o. The Poems Of Lord Herbert Of Cher- bury. Edited With An Introduction By John Churton Collins. London, Chatto and AVin- dus, Piccadilly. 1881. 8°, half levant, pp. xl, 136. ,,*^The preceding, almost unprocurable, volume is here well edited and provided with an excellent intro- duction. It is the first reprint of Lord Herbert's verse that has ever appeared. II. The 1 Life | Of | i:dwaril Lord Herbert 1 Of Cherbury, | Written by himself. | Pictuir of Strawberry Hill. Strawberr)'-Hill : Printed in the Year Mdcclxiv, 4^, original calf. Collation: I'ortrait of Lord Her- l)ert, folded plate; title; verso bl.ink; dedication to the Earl of I'owis, ai ; Advertisement, a 2-b 2; Genea- logicalTable, folded plate; text, .\ i-l'u2, pp. 1-171 ; verso blank. ^•^.The Autobiography of Ilerliert remained in manuscript until it came to the notiie of Horace Wal- pole who printed 200 copies,' of which this is one, at liis private press. In this copy there is laid in a receipt, signed by I Lord Herbert and dated March 8, 1645, for the u A HERBERT lilHLIOGRAni V all'^wance granted liim by rarlianicnl in consideralinn of his surrondcr n( Monigdinery Castle in the preced- ing year. There is also a copy ol the vote of the House of ("i>nim.>ns. taken from their iournals. NVitii nld liook-plate of G. rennccoll. 12. The Life of Eiiwarci Lord Herbert Of Cherbury. Written by Himself. Ix)n- don ; PrinteLill. .\n)ccLxx. 4", morocco, pp. (lO), 173. Collation subslatiti- •lilv the same as the preceding, though the type has been reset. ^*^This is the first public edition of the autobiog- raphy. 13. The Autobiograi)hy Of Edward, Ixjrd Herbert Of Cherbury. With Introduction, Notes, Appendices, and a Continuation of the Life By Sidney L. Lee, B.A. Balliol College, O.xford. With Four Etched Por- traits. London, John C. Nimmo, 14, King Williai-n Street, Strand, W.C. 1886. S°, pp. lx\"i, 369. if* if By far the most complete and scholarly edition of the Autobiography that has ever been published. 14. .A I Dialogue j Between | A Tutor and his Pupil. I By Edward Lord Herbert, | Of Chirbury. j ]x)ndon : ] Printed for W . Bathoe, Bookseller, in the Strand. | MDCCLXVHL 4^, half morocco. Collation: Title, A 2; verso blank; Advertisement, A 3-4; text, Bi-Mm4, pp. 1-272. ^** Attributed to Lord Herbert, but with little evidence. 15. The I Two First Books, | Of | Philo- stratus, I Concerning the Life of | ApoUonius Tyaneus : | Written Originally in Greek, | And now Published in English : ] Together With Philological Notes | Upon each Chapter. [ By Charles Blount, Gent. | Nine lines of Latin verse. London, | Printed for Nathaniel Thompson, next Dore to the Sign | of the Cross-Keys in Fetter-I^ane, Anno Domini, 1680. Foho, pannelled calf. Collation: Title, A i ; verso blank; The Preface, .^ 2-4; text, Bi-Hh6, pp. i- 243; verso blank. »** In the notes to this book Charles Blount, a follower of Ix)rd Herljert, used either private manu- scripts of Herbert's or restatements from his published works. As the liook was condemned and burned, copies of it are rare. 16. Lord Herbert De Cherbury ; Sa \'ie I^t .Ses fEuvres, ou Les Origines De J .a Philo.so- phie Du Sens Commun Vx De La Thdologie Naturelle En Angleterre. Par Ch. De Re- musat, Membre de I'Institut. Paris, Librairie Acad<^mi(iue, Didier et C>e, Libraires-£di- i teurs, 35, Ouai Des .\ugustins, 35. 1874. j Tons droits reserves. ! 12', half morocco, pp. (4 , viii, 311. »*^The best l-"rcnch study of Lord Herbert. 17. luluard Lord Herbert \'on Cherbury. Ein Kritischer Beitrag Zur Geschichte Des Psychologismus Und Der Religionsphiloso- phie \'on Dr. C. Guttler, Privatdocent An Der Universitat Miinchen. Mit Einem Bild- ni.sse. Miinchen, 1897. C. H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung. Oskar Beck. Large 8°, half morocco, pp. vi, 248. ***The best German study of Lord Herbert. 18. The Dove; Or, Passages of Cosmog- raphy ; A Poem : By Richard Zouche, Civilian of New College, Oxford, etc. Reprinted from the original edition of 1613; With a Memoir and Notes, Collected and Arranged by Richard Walker, B.D., a Descendant. Fellow of Magdalene College, Oxford. Oxford, H. Slatter, High-Street : And T. Rodd, 2, Great Newport-Street, London. MDCCCXXXIX. 8°, cloth, pp. (4), xliv, 82. *** On p. 8 appears a Commendatory Latin Epigram of four lines signed Car. Herbert, N.C. Charles was the fourth of the Herbert brothers, a year or two older than George. He died while at the University. The first edition of this book was printed in 1630. 19. An I .Answer To j The most Envious, | Scandalous, and Libellous ' Pamphlet, En- tituled, I Mercuries | Message. | Or, | The Copy of a Letter sent to William | Laud, Arch-bishop of Canterbury now | prisoner in the Tower. | Woodcut of hand ivith dagger. [London. 1 64 1.] Sm. 0,°, calf, lower edge of title shaved. Colla- tion: Title, Ai; verso. Woodcut of Laud; text, A 2-4, pp. 1-6. ^*;j A doggerel poem in abuse of Puritans signed by Tho. Herbert, the youngest of the Herbert brothers, a captain in the navy. In 1641 'Ihomas Herbert printed six other tracts. VH NicH()i..\s Ferrar and LiiTi.t-: Gidding I. Memoirs Of The Life Of Nicholas Ferrar. By P. Peckard, D.D., Master Of Magdalen College, Cambridge. Cambridge, Printed by J. Archdeacon, Printer to the University; And sold by J. & J. Merrill, and J. Bowtell, in Cambridge; and T. Payne & Son, at the Mews Gate, London. MDCCXC. 8°, half levant, pp. xvi, 316. A HERBERT IJIBLIOGK.M'U V *♦« Besides the Life of Ferrar this volume rontaiiis a sketch of Nicholas Ferrar, Jr.; a letter from Edward Lenton, vindicnling himself from the charpe of furnish- ing material for the scurrilous pamphlet entitled The Arminian Nunnery at Little Gidding; a catalogue of the Mss. once at Little Gidding; a jiortrail of Ferrar and a Genealogical lahle. With the book-plate of J. 11. Shorthouse. 2. Nicholas Ferrar. Two Lives By His Brother John And By Doctor jcbb. Now first Edited with Illustrations By J. K. H. Mayor, M.A., Fellow and Assistant Tutor of St. Johns College, Cambridge. Cambriilge : Printed for the Editor at the University Press, and Sold by Macmillan & Co. 1855. 8°, calf, pp. xlviii, 398. ^*^, An admirable piece of work, the two carefully edited Lives being followed by an Appendix containing an account of all the extant memorials of the I'errars and by elalx)rate notes, the whole preceded by an introductory paper defending Ferrar from the slurs of Carlyle. 3. Nicholas Ferrar; his Household and his Friends. p:dited by the Rev. T. T. Carter, M.A., Hon. Canon of Christ Church, Oxford. London, Longmans, Gjeen & Co. and New York : 15 East i6th Street, 1892. 8°, cloth, pp. xxvi, 331. ^,*,The best recent life, but popular and devo- tional. 4. The I Anninian | Nunnery : | Or, | A Briefe Description | and Relation of the late erected Mo- I nasticall Place, called the Arminian | Nunnery at little Gidding in | Huntington- Shire. Humbly recommended to the wise consideration | of this present Parliament. I The Foundation is by a Company of Farrars | at Gidding. IVood-cut of a Nun a>i(f Church. Printed for Thomas Underbill. MDCXLL Sm. 4°, unbound, pp. (2), 10. ^** An attempt on the part of some extreme Puri- tan, who jirofesses to have visited the Ferrars, to excite pubUc feeling against them and bring about the sup- pression of their house. Its influence at the time was considerable. 5. The Story Books of Little Gidding; being the Religious Dialogues Recited in the Great Room, 163 1-2. From the Orig- inal Manuscript of Nicholas Ferrar. With an Introduction by E. Cruwys Sharland. \x>i\- don, Seeley and Co. Limited. 38, (ireat Russell Street. 1899. 8°, cloth, Ivi, 291. ^*^ Nicholas Ferrar wrote for his devout household a series of moral dialogues to be recited by them on Festival Days of the Church. Several volumes of these still exist in manuscript. In this volume the earlier dialogues aie for the first time printed. 6. TAkidv BafTtAtKiJ. The Pourtrai' ture ' Of I His Sacred .Mnjcslie , In His S^jliiudes and Sufferings. | Whereuiito are annexcn : Title, A I: Verso blank; a)mmcndalory verses by F. N. G, A 2; The Contents, A 3-4: An Epitaph on KingCharlis, VL-rso; text, H I - 1 7, pp. 1-182; I'raicrs, I8-K I, |)p. 1-12; a new title — AjKiphthegmata ; Aurea, Regia, I Carolina. | .\|»oph thegnis| I. Thcolngicnl. , II. Mural. | III. I'olitical. | Collected out of the Incomparable | 'KIKW'X BAll- .VIKir I Of I His most glori.ius Majestie | King Charles the First. | 'I'hrc' litiis of / .itin tinJ Gifel. I»ndon,| Printed by William Du-panl, and are to bee | Sold by Francis Eglesfield at the Marigold | in St. Pauls Church-yard. 1649., K 2; verso blank; text, K 3- M 2, pp. 1-48. **, A late edition ( Almack no. 4 1 ; of King Charles' book, having on the last dy-leaf the inscription " Mar) Farrer alis (alias?) CoUett, her Booke." It was prob- ably therefore bound by her, Nicholas Ferrar's favorite niece. 7. [Little Gidding Binding.] The New Testament. London. 1630 ; 7<;7V/! The Whole Booke of Psalmes, Collected into English Meeter by T. Sternhold, L Hopkins, W. Whittingham and others. London. 1633. Sm. 12°, bound in raised embroidery, gilt edges, supposedly by the Nuns of Little Gidding. The design on the side is that of serpents and roses. The volume is enclosed in a folding case. 8. John Inglesant ; a Romance. [By J. H. Shorthouse.] London, Macmillan & Co. 1902. 3 vol., large 8°, cloth. »*» This romance is largely concerned with Ferrai and Little Gidding. Copy l>elonging to J. H. Shorthouse with letter to him Irom Mre. Humphry Ward and his book-plate. vni Other Men and Books Associated wfth George Herbert These books .ire armnfjcH in the order of the periods of Herbert's life to wliicli Uicy refer. I. [Threno-thriambeuticon. Academije Cantabrigiensis ob damnum lucrosum, ct in- foelicitatem ftulicissimam.luctuosustriumphus. Cantabrigix, exofficina Joannis Legat. 1603.] Sm. 4", half calf. Coll.ition : Title-page lacking: Epistola l)cdicatoriaand three Latin pinrms by tlulicl- nuis Smith, *" 2 4; versoblank; tiM, .\ I-I 4, pp. I- 70, and two p.iges unnumbered. ^•,The Cambridge volume o( Latin laments on the death of (^Hitcn EliialH.th and of rejoicing on the accession of King James, those l>eing the great cx'CDts of Ilerliert's youth. I Ic was at this lime ten yean old. 10 A HERBERT BlBLIUGRArH V 2. A j Manual | Of | The Private | Devotions I And 1 Meditations | Of | The Right Reve- | rend Father in God | Lancelot Andrews | Late L. Bishop of ; Winchester, j Translated out of a fair Greek ms. | Of His Amanuensis. | By R. D. B. D. I London, ] Printed by T. Ratclif, & N. Thompson | for Richard Bentley. 1674. Sm. 12°, old calf, first edition of the translation. Collation: Engraved title, "A Manual of | Private Devotions] wiih a Manual of| Directions for the Sicke I By Lancelot Andrews | Late Bishop of Winchester", .with pictures of the Bishop at prayer and on his death-bed, Ai ; verso blank; title as above, A2; verso iJink; dedication to the Prince of Wales, A 3-5; To The Christian Reader, A 6 (misprinted, A5)-8; Latin quotations from four Church Fathers, A 9; The Con- tents, A10-12; versj blank; text, B1-I5, pp. i- 177 (misprinted 153); verso blank; a new title — A I Manual | Of | Directions | For The | Sick : | With many Sweet Medi- 1 tations and Devotions of | the Right Reverend Fa- 1 ther in God, | Lancelot Andrews, I Late L. Bishop of | Winchester. | To which are added Prayers for the | Morning, Evening, and H. Com-| munion. | Translated out of a Greek ms. of His | Pri- vate Devotions. | By R. D. B. D. | London, | Printed by T. R. and N. T. for Ri-| chard Bentley. 1674., 16; verso blank; To The Christian Reader, I 7-10; text, Iii-Nii; The Contents, N11-12, pp. 1-97; The Contents, In verso-12, unnumbered. ^*» Bishop Andrews was the Head of Westminster School when Herbert entered it in 1605. 3. Parasynagma Perthense | Et | Juramen- tum Ecclesiae | Scoticanae | Et | A.M. Anti- tamica- 1 micategoria. | Anno M.DC.XX. Sm. 4°, olive levant. Collation : Title, A i ; verso blank; Praefatio, A2-4; text, Bl-Di, pp. 9-25 (misprinted 26) ; Juramentum Scoticanae Ecclesiae, Drverso-E4, pp. 26-40; Pro Supplici Evangelico- rum Ministrorum In Anglia Ad Serenissjmum Regum contra Lar.'atam geminse Academise Gorgonem Apolo- gia, Sive Anti- tami- cami- categoria, Authore A. M. (Latin verses) F1-4, pp. 41-47; verso blank. ^,*^f This exceedingly rare tract contains the Latin verses written by Andrew Melville in 1604 attacking episcopacy and the two Universities (the Thapies and the Cam) its chief supporters. With book-plate of John Lord Sheffield. 4. Memorials of the Danvers Family, of Dauntsey and Cuhvorth : Their Ancestors and Descendants from the Conquest till the Termination of the Eighteenth Century ; with some Accounts of the Alliances of the Family, and of the Places where they were Seated. By F. N. Macnamara, M.D., Surgeon- Major (retired), Indian Army. London: Hardy & Page, 21, Old Buildings, Lincoln's Inn. 1895. 8', white cloth, pp. xxvi, 572, with 14 Illustrations aiid 17 Tables of Descent. ,*, Herbert's father died in 1597; in 1608 Lady Herbert married Sir John Danvers, and in 1629 George Herbert married Jane Danvers. This book gives a full, accurate, and interesting account of the Danvers family in all its branches. 5. Fragmenta Regalia, | Or | Observations I On I The Late Queen | Elizabeth, | Her Times And Favorits. | Written by Sir Robert Naun- ton, I Master of the Court of Wards. | Printed, Anno Dom. 1641. Sm. 4°, calf. Collation: Title, A l; verso blank; text, A2-F2, pp. 3-43; verso blank. ^*^ Naunton was Orator of Cambridge University when Herbert entered it at the close of 1609. 6. 'O 'AYT0-KATA'KPIT02. ] The | Self- Condemned. «| Or, A j Letter | To | Mr. Jo : Goodwin : | Shewing, j That in his Essay to justifie the equity, | and regulames of the late, and present | proceedings of the Army by Principles of Rea- | son, and Religion, he hath condemned | himselfe of iniquity, and variablenesse in | the highest degree, untill he shall | explaine himself in publike. | By Sir Francis Nethersole Knight, j London, Printed in the yeare 1648. Sm. 4'', half morocco. Collation: Title, Al; verso blank; text, A 2-4, pp. 3-8; a new title — A Bill I Drawn up with the Advice of the Lord | Cook, and exhibited to the House of | Commons of the Parliament held tertio Caroli : | By Sir Francis Nethersole Knight, then a member of | that House. | And a Speech then also made therein by him. . . . London, Printed in the Year, 1659.; inserted sheet; verso blank; To The Reader, inserted sheet; text, Di-4, pp. 7-14. »*^ Nethersole preceded Herbert in the Oratorship at Cambridge and assisted him in gaining the place in 1619. 7. Epithalamium | Illustris. & Feliciss. Prin- cipum I Caroli | Regis | Et ] H. Mariae | Reginae ! Magnse Britanniae, &c. | A Musis Canta- brigiensibus | decantatum. | Excudebat Can- trellus Legge, Almae | Matris Cantabrigiae Typographus. | MDCXXV. Sm. 4°, half morocco. Collation: Title; verso blank; text, A1-K4, pp. 1-80. ^** Congratulatory Latin verses on the marriage of King Charles I and Henrietta Maria in 1625. Her- bert did not contribute to the volume. In 1623 he had made an oration of welcome to Prince Charles on his return from the unsuccessful wooing in Spain (III, 3, above). 8. The I Workes Of | The Most High | And Mightie | Prince, | James | By The Grace Of | God, King Of Great | Britaine, France And I Ireland, Defender | of the Faith, &c. | Pub- lished By James, Bishop | of Winton, and Deane of his Majesties | Chappel Royall. | I Reg. 3. Vers. 12. | Loe, I have given thee a wise and an understanding heart. | London A lIKkbLkl HIbMOound in one \olume. ^*^ These burlewjue Wills and Speech purport to have been taken down liy Michael Oldsworth and show the hatred felt for Philip Herbert by the I'uritan party. Philip was the Earl of Pembroke during Herbert's residence at Hemerton, 1630-1633. Inserted is a piece of a document l^aring the signa- ture of Philip Herbert. 13. Prailectiones | De Duobus | In. Theo- logia I Controversis | Capitibus : | De ( Judice Contro- I versiarum, | Primo ; ] De Justitia Habituali | Et Actuali, | Altero : | Per | Reve- rendissimum Virum | Joan. Davenantium, | ... I Cantabrigiae, | Ex Academiae celeberri- mae Typographeo. | .Anno MDCXXXL Folio, original calf, pp. (14), 641, (22). ^%John Davenant of Salisbury was Herbert's bisliop throughout his residence at Bemerton. From him he received ordination and by him was buried. This book appeared the year after Herbert went to Bemerton. This copy contains the autograph of Benjamin Wadsworth, 1705, tenth President of Harvard College. 14. Under Salisbury Spire in the Days of George Herbert ; the Recollections of Mag- dalene Wydville. By Emma Marshall. Ele- venth Thousand. London, Seeley and Co., Limited, Essex Street, Strand. 1896. S°, cloth, pp. (4), 344- ,*» .\ popular novel of slender worth based on Walton's account of Herbert. 15. The 1 Countrey | Justice, | Containing The practise of the Justices | of the Peace out of their I Sessions. | Gathereti, for the l>etter helpe of 1 such Justices of Peace as have not | been much conversant in the studie | of tht- l^wcs of this Realmc. | Newly corrected and inlargeert wr.ite a series of notes. See III, 14. 2. Dc \'eritaJc. Ii\ Kdward HrrlMri I orfl ( 'hr'rl)ur\ . I'ari>. i(>2 \. ^*« The lir<>t edition printed m l^ind'in >iandft in his oill'-cMMn as \'I, 1. ! hal printed at I'ark ••»'ii vf.-irs earlier i-. Iarkin){. 3. A Translation oi Certain I'salms. \U Lord Haion. 1625. ,*, Tluse I'saliii"- wf-rr dedicated ir. (;ror(>r ll>-r iKirt. See IH, 4. 4. I'he Synagogue. In Imitation of Mr. (ieorge Herbert. [Hv ('hristopher Harvey.] London. 1640. »*,The fir^t edition. Ihis collection has all <»ih« editions of 'fhe Synagrjgue. Date Due 1 1 ' PRINTED IN U.S.A. CAT . NO. 24 161 (^ AA 000 634 04