I Digitized by the Internet Arciiive in 2008 with funding from ir/WfX^fi Microsoft Corporation :^0f0/^t ... , 'iOiiPM http://www.archive.org/details/englishsulumalayOOcowirich ENGLISH -SULU- MALAY VOCABULARY. ENGLISH -SULU-M ALAY VOCABULARY, WITH USEFUL SENTENCES, TABLES, c\:c. BY ANDSON COWIE, Wm. CLAEK COWIE (;RA^nL\ricAL introduction THK I'lDITOR. LONDON ; Printed for the Editor by Theo. May, 13.S Tanners Hill. S.Ii Copies can be obtained at the Okficks ok THE BRITISH NORTH BORNEO COMPANY, 15 Leadenhall Street, EC. and at Sandakan 1893. (All lix'l'ts icsnval) Cixa tsuu^J u M PREFACE Tlie wliole of tlie Siilfi portion of this work is ■original. It is the result of tlie lal)our of my late brother Andson, who devoted nnich time to tlie study of several native dialects during the thirteen years he I'esided in the Island of Siilu and various parts of Malaya. That he attained an unusual proficiency in the Sulii and Malay languages is well known, and his voluminous notes in my possession .are evidence of the careful investigation which he ])est()wed upon the Sulu l)ef()re placing it against its English and Malay equivalents. All the in- accui'acies and literary imperfections to be met with in these pages are attributable to my short- comings ; however, as I did not undertake the editing of this volume from choice, but from a sense of duty, I trust to the indulgence of critics and those for whose benefit it is intended. The idiomatic Phrases and Sentences have been constructed to employ nearly every Sulil word in the vocabulary. 50097 8 PliEFACE. The Author's ohject in adding Malay, to what he orioinally designed as a Siihi work only, was to ac- celerate the further fusion of two dialects which have so mucli affinity and which will make the language- of North ])orneo tlie English of the farther J'^ast. I have to aclvnowledge my indehtedness to Marsden's Dictionaiy of the Malay Language, and to Maxwell's Manual of the Malay Language foi-^ material and information which have aided me in constructing tlie Malay part of the Introduction. From a small Sulii vocahulary,* by my esteemed friend Mr. Thomas Henry Haynes, I have adopted a few nautical terms. AV. C. CO^YIE. Hurst Villa, ]3rockley. London, S.E. Septemljer l*)th, 1(S<)8. Note. — Mr. Andson Cowie died in Arbroath, Scotland, February 29th, 1888, at the early age of thirty-two. * The vocabulary referred to was edited by the Hon'ble ^\'. E. Maxwell, C.M.G., and printed by the Straits Branch of the Asiatic Society for circulation amongst its members. CONT ENTS Preface V Grammatical Introduction, etc. : — The Siilu People L*t Language IX Instructions for Pronunciation X Nouns ... XIII Adjectives... ... XA'III Numerals ... XX Pronouns ... ... XXIV Verbs ...XXVII Adverbs ... XL Prepositions ... XLII Conjunctions ... XLV Interjections ... XL VI Particles ... XL VI Orthography XL VI [I English-Sulu-Malay' Vocabi^lary 1 English-Sulu Phrases m^ Tables, etc. :— Eank and Forms of Address... 257 Points of the Compass 2()() Periods of Time 'li'A Hours of Prayer •2()-i Days of the Week ... 'Ii)H Months of the Year... 2G3 CONTENTS. Fire-arms, Weapons, lVc. ■2M Names of Gongs ... •iC.7 CmTency in Membong •2()S. Currency in Sandakan •i(')S- Cm'rency in Jol( > ... •2(VJ Pearl Weight •J()'.i Avoirdupois Weight •21i> Measure of Capacity (Dry) ... 21 Long or Cloth Measure 211 Names of Various Bananas ... 212 Treaty between England and Brunei in English and Malay •27;! Malay Poem 28.S. INTRODUCTION The Sulii language is formed chiefly from Bisaya and Malay. Its similarity to both, in grammatical construction, is very marked, yet the distinction colloquially is most remarkable. It is spoken by all the natives of the Sillu and Tawi-Tawi archi- pelagoes, and by a very considerable portion of the inhabitants of Magindano, Palawan, Balabac, Basilan, North Borneo, Darvel Bay and the adjacent Islands, extending southward as far as Cape Kanyongan, including the State of Balongan. These places, at one time, were all tributory to the Chief termed the Sultan of Siilii. They have been described by Burbridge, in his Gardens of the Sun, as "Beauty spots of the Eastern Seas, . . . " blessed with the heat and glory of eternal summer ; " warmed by perpetual sunshine, deluged by copious- " rains, and thrilled by electricity ; . . . enormous "conservatories of rare birds and curious animals ; " where man is the Adam of a modern Eden, primi- " tive in habits, and numerically insignificant." The Sulu nobility all write with a certain amount of facility. Like the Malays, they have adopted the Arabic character with certain modifications. They, however, always employ haris or signs to assist them X INTEODUCTION. in distinguishing their vowels, whereas the Malays generally leave them out. The Siilii people are a bold, fearless race, and, up to a very recent date, were most notorious pirates. In their lovely isles they lived compara- tively contented until their ancient enemies the Spaniards gained a footing amongst them. Kow all is changed ! Spanish rule is hateful to them and many are leaving the Suhi archipelago for British North Borneo. In time they should make valuable subjects to the Chartered Company, but, whilst taming, they will require very careful treatment. The primary object of this work is to assist the Europeans of North Borneo in acquiring a know- ledge of Siilu to enable them to converse with the Sulus in their own dialect rathei' than through the medium of Malay, which, although understood by many, is still a foreign language to them. The advantage to those already conversant with Malay in having the Malay equivalent of each Siilu word in juxtaposition is obvious. The system of orthography adopted is similar to that employed by Marsden in his Dictionary of the Malay language. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PRONUNCIATION. Vowels to be Pronounced : — (7 as a in jar, father; e. g., sdli, wrong; mas, old. a like the above but shorter. ? as e in prey; e. g., pcla, how much or liow many; mami'la, io ieW. INTKODUCTION. XI ■e as e in let ; e. g., dicn, from ; shcga, begone. 1 as i in fatigue, marine ; e. g., hi, to buy; pi/g-bl, to sell. i as i in big, bid, bit; e. g., tftbig, water; Itlbid, rope. <7 as o in go; e. g., (((long, a gong; ma-tog, to sleep. ■o like the above but shorter. /7 as u in blue; e.g., hagu, new; hntang. H like the above but shorter. .H as u in l)ut, pug, mug; e. g., pug-dakai-i to mend or repair ; vnlg-dlhil, to give. u as u in gude (Scotch), siiden (German), snr (French); e.g., tf(d, excesdve ; A^Zrt/?, place of abode; hukioi it is not; hii, yes. It has no equivalent in English. DiPTHONGS. ai as the vowels in lie; e. g., imi, paddy, hoitai, floor; .soiai, essential. uu as the ow in now, to bow ; e.g., kdhaii, buffalo; sfibau, sa^nce; c( dla u, da,y. rt (M. " pe ") and affixing cDi, as — Pe-kirim-an, a messenger Klrim, to send Pe-karja-an, performance Karja, to work Pa-tog -an, sleeping-place Tdg, to sleep Pa-maiguli-an, a bath Malgok, to bathe (iii.) From verbs by prefixing ^>/V^ (M. "per" oi' ■" pel ") and affixing an, as — Pel-ajar-an, a school Ajar to learn Per-mandi-an, a bath MandT, to bathe Piig-hlnang-au, work Hlnang, to work Pug-haijad-an, payment Baijad, to pay (iv.) From verbs by prefixing pen, pern, and peng, which are all adopted from the Malay, as — Pen-chiiri, a thief Churl, to steel Pem-bayar, payment Bayer, to pay Pen-akau, a thief Takaii, to steal Peni-bunoh, a murderer Bunoh, to kill Also — Peng-gah, a spade Gah, to dig Peng-liat-an, sight Llat, to see Pang-Ua-han, sight Klta, to see of gold. Hi slo in tug kiida ha Who is the owner of kiula 1)1 i ' this horse ? Bahas hami viaka run- We have heard that gag aun tdu tuga ekog. there are men with (hav- ing) tails. XXII INTKODUCTION. In the Malay, the decimal niinibeis, from ten up to ninety inclusive, are formed by placing tlie digits before the term which represents ten. In the Siilu, they are formed by prefixing ha and affixing •an to the cardinals : — Twenty kauhan- diia-puloh Thirty hatluan* tiga ,, Forty ka-opat-an. ampat pulol Fifty ka-im-ait- lima ,, Sixty ka-unom-an an am ,, Seventy ka-peto-aii tujuh ,, Eighty ka-walu-an dilapan ,, Ninety ka-siam-an simbilan ,, One hundred aug-gdtiisovrc tus sa-ratus The intermediate numbers, in the Sulii, from ten upwards, are formed by inserting the word ti'ig between the decimals and the units. In the Malay, they are formed by adding the units to the decimals ; ^s — Twenty-one kauhan tug Isa Thirty-two katluan tiig dila Forty-three kunpatan tug to Fifty-four kaiman tug dpat Sixty-five ka unoman tug lima Seventy-six Icapctoan tug imom Eighty-seven kaivdluan tugpcto Ninety-eight kaslaman tug wciln simbllan-puloh- dihipan Above a hundred, the numbers, of whatever * Originally ka-dna-aii, ka-tulo-an, ka-lima-an. dua-puloh-satu tiga-piiloh dua ampat-puloh tJga iTma-piiloh ampat anam-piiloh lima tiiguh-puloh an am dilapan-piiloh-tuguh INTEODUCTION. XXIII ■deiioniination, proceed with equal ref;iilarity :■ — 100 (()tg-(/(iti(s or ang-rfitus sa-ratus 101 nug-ratus-tiuj-lsa sa-ratns satu 1'20 ,, ,, -tug-kanhau sa'rritus diia puloli •200 (Uia (ing-ratus diia latiis 300 to anq-ratus tiga ratus 400 npat ang-rdtus aiiipat ratus •500 Jnnn ang-rdtus ilnia ratiis 1000 et fall, " ka-mana tab," wbitbei? Katoh fall, "'peigi lab," go; pa (fuali fah, " ka-luar lab,"' go out. The elimination of fah, or " lab," would not affect the meaning of any of these words, but it would make them less em])batic. Tali is also used euphoniously. Bah ( " lab ") is an expletive that nniy either follow or be affixed to nearly all kinds of words. It is also employed as a particle of intensity. Dah seems to be a modification of hah. * Aia Tuhiin Ini, oh my Lord ! f Ya Tuhan ku, oh my Lord! ! Astonishment or affection. IXTKODUCTION. XLVU K((h ;iii(l tiilt, ill botli dialects, are interro^-ative particles that may either follow or be affixed to words in any part of speech that may become the subject of a question, as — hlju-fdh, " raja-kah," is it tlie kin^? pntili lydt, " putih-kah,"' is it white? ianii tall, " Itu kali,'" is it that? Kali is in less general use than tdli in the Srihi, whilst the reverse is the case in the Malay. Na is an intensive particle and an expletive. It also denotes the past tense. Di, the particle of negation, generally precedes the nominative in a sentence, as — di aim inaka tri))L-ti'ii)i, I do not remember ; di (ilea )na]ca paiiaii, I cannot walk. Di, no ; di tiid, never. Tiid denotes the superlative degree of adjectives and adverbs. Hi (^= " si ") is a particle that is prefixed to proper names, and sometimes to verbs. Ma is an inseparable prefix. Its functions have been noticed under nouns and verbs ; nevertheless, it may be remarked here, when adjectives follow their substantives ma is generally omitted. It is never prefixed to dakoIaJi, great ; or, asTvl, small. Pier/, a form of the prefix ^j;/r/, is employed together wuth the affix an in the formation of substantives from verbs. It is also prefixed to verbs. A)t, as a transitive suffix, seems to be a contraction of hail. A little care is necessary in distinguishing it from the particle an which is employed in the formation of substantives from verbs, i^'c. XIA'III INTEODUCTIOK. Kia seeujs to be a niodification of I'd . Sa {^-- se) is an adverbial sioii. The saiue effect is produced by sa followinf;' an adjective as by addint; ly to an adjective in Enf^lish : c.l;'., binuil sa, " se benar," truly from hfnial or l)enar. It will be observed that " se " precedes the adjective in the in the Malay. ORTHOGRAPHY. Tliis Introduction would not be complete without some notice of the orthographical vagaries of many Siilii words. These vagaries are frequently attribut- able to dialectical differences, which are best exemplified in those words adopted from the Malay, but in the majority of cases they are due to the love the Siilus have for euphonious expressions. The euphonious changes are effected (1) by the aid of mutable letters, and (2) by the interpolation of an additional syllable immediately after the initial letter or syllable of a word ; e.g., />• is changed into /, as Ji(l)i(/■ Accompany mil g -dung an-dun- ber-sama-sama. gan, ineg-lhan-an , meng-awan, ihan-an ber-kawan Accomplice 'than kawan Accord (agree) muwafakat pakat, siidi ,, (harmonize) sail, sa' iKiltl sapurti ,, (concede) magad men-iirut Accordingly h'l-ha-ien bagitu juga Accost (speak to] ) ixiinong meng-ata Accomit Itong-an, bilang-an, Ma-Ma kira-kira ,, (news) hahal, haita khabar Accomitant IKinda i mtig-Ma-M ((tukang meng- "ira-'ira Accmnulate tipnn, pun, kumpul, himpini tambun Accurate aminia, ainu betul Accursed halam, lang di kutok-I in tok-an sin TuJian Allah Accuse tilgha-an, yen-an, tiidoh-kan, nia-haita chimfi Accustomed h'laksa blasa Ache, to sakit, ma-sakit sakit, ber-sakit Acid ma-asin, mdslom asam, masam Acknowledge atas aku * To be accomodated with a passage in a vessel or with lodgings. ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Acquaint, to bait a, vuiliim bri tfihu Acquainted, to be k'llohau kanjil Acquaintance ha-paliam-an peng-anal Acquiesce tugut, sill tit tiirot, ikot Acquit rg, pa-eg-an lepas Acrid ma-jKiit, jJCtit, pait, ma-liarat , j^iikat padas Across (athwart) hahag lintang Act (to do) Iwiang biiat „ (to play) jm-naiam-naiain ber-main Action (act) jieig-hlnang-an per-buat-an Active sclmat, huskai, chapat. ha sal pantas Acute (cunning) mug-akal ber-akal Add duang tamba „ (to reckon) jiimlah-an jumlah-i ,. up viiig-jinnlah junila-kan Address, to tagha tagar Address, an alamat alamat ,, (apphcation)s«wi«/? sambali Adept panda I pandei Adequate ganap, abut, chiikup. sarang sedang Adhere jnkit, mlkit lekat Adjacent ma silk dekat Adjourn, to tiimanggo tangguh Adjudge mug-lulkCim ber-hukum Adjust, to salasal salesai Administration palentah parental! ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Administration, sulat Jcudsa letters of Admirable surat kwasa maraiau bargus skali, maka-kiKj-kitg elok Admiral pangllma pangllma laiit Admit (enter) plcg-sRcl-i bre-nuisok ,, (allow) hlal biar Adopt, to (a child) ^)/<^-7/ja<;Z piarah Adopted child anak piig-'ipad anak-angkat Adorn, to pi\g-daiau,darliaiian\\\x\^-\ Adrift lildnad, amid aniut, fmyut Adulterate (mix) lamud champor Adultery jJnah zinah ,, , to commit iniig-jlnah ber-zinah Advantage pdidaJi, hasil-hasil, faidah, ontong, pus-pus Ifiba Adventure (to try) solal chuba Adventure (dare) ma-'isog berani Adversity sangsdh sangsfira Advice, to ask mangaioh nas'ihat minta nasihat Advise, to dum'ihil nas'ihat bre nasihat Advocate, to tahang hechala-an gawam Adze Lansing, banshing banchi, papatil Afar nidloh, Idioh jauh Affable chumhu supan Affair pali-hdl pri-hal Affection ka-lasa-an, pa-rasa-an, ka-kasih-an, kaslh-an, kid-ulung-an sayang ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. ■ ■ Affectionate til ling -oiling kasih-kasih Afdance, to mng-tunang ber-tilnang Attirm, to mam-haita meng-ata-kan Affix hutang biiboh Affliction Jca-susah-an ka-susah-an Affluence dayah-an, langJce ka-kaya-an Affright, to liichlalian, IcPgnat, meng-ajiit, liia-hang-an gantar-kan Affrighted kiang-hang-cui ter-kajiit Affront ha-slpug-an bri mfdil Afloat lantop timbul ■ Afraid, to be ma-hoga, hdga 'takut „ (fearful) d'lamag chabar '' Afresh hcigu bjihrii Aft ha-hrdi di-burit-an After (in place) ha-hidl ' di-bhlkang After (in time) ka-idiJi-an, inahiill kamadian,telah Afternoon loJiol, asal benlleh hiiri ,, , late in the mahapun patang Afterpart bidl bhikang After^Yards ka-uUh-an kamadian After that „ dien-dan di-blfikang Itu Again balek,lsah, kambilli, lilgi, dakoman pula • ■ Again and again mahang-mahang ulang-ulang Age (term of life) iimol umor ,, (period) kcila, ahad, mjlsa, zemjin. 7cakta dlwixsa Aged mas tiiah Agent waliTl Agent (substitute) ?ra/i Agent (attorney) wak'd mutalak Agile tis-iis Agitate (shake) liihal, kimahal ■ ,, (stir up) mng-h'do-hcda Agony . sangsdh Agree mng-janjl Agree (friendly) iiiig-hagai Agreeable ma raia u , maka-ja rl Agreement p»^-j«»j7-a7t Aground sanglad, sankut Ague, fever and kura, tiandiig Ague (fever) demam, lieng-law Ah! arc Ahead lia-dong-dong, lia-dong, Jia-unah- an Aid (assistance) ^;«^-;'aZ>rt»rjr-rt?i Aim (to direct) tnjd-haii kJtaI-a?i Aim at kltal-an Ajar ma-kip lit Akimbo mang-Jiawak Akin Alacrity Alas! tau-tai-anak iis-hs ardhi wakil ganti wakll mutalak pantas kiber hiru-hara-kan sangsara ber-janji ber-sohbat jadl-la per-janji-an sakat, kandas, sangkut demam kura demam la, aduhi di-aluan, di-muka, di-adap-an per-tolong-an tiiju-kan, tunjuk tuju, mitar renggang tangan di pinggang ber-sJlnak chapat adohi ENGlTlSH. SULU. MALAY. Albino figis, figis baler, sopak Albumen (of a iiniid n'Log isi kahipa cocoa-nut) Alert buskai chakap Alien tail doicain, tau orang-asing. doain orang gherib Alight timapok, dumaggut angkap Alike angka rughus, sail sa'rupa, sama Alive boh eh hidop All ka-tdn, ka-tan-tan, samiia, segala. lun-liin sakali-an Alligator hiiaya biiaya Allot (to share) hahagi bhagi Allow (permit) blal, bla blar Allowance balanja balanja Ally bagai, salanga, sohbat, kawan, makiwan stiwan Almighty nug-kuasa maha-kuasa Almighty, the Alah-tdla Allah-taala Almost (time) mare hampir Almost (place) iiia-suk, apit dekat Alms sadakah sadakah Aloes-wood galiru gahru Aloft ha-atds ha-tds di-atas Alone tsa-lsa, angka-tau s'orang Also isab, dakoman jiiga, pula Alter sdlin, gomanti ubah, ganti Altercation kakat per-bantah-an Alternate g anti-mug -gomant ; ganti-ber-ganti ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Althou^^h mlsan maski Alum taw as tjiwas Always tap-tap, aha ran, s'lalu, haica santijisa Am (be) aim ada Amazed hcilan heiran Amanuensis julo-trdls jiiro-tulis Ambassador dak-an, ganti, suriih-an. idils-an gantI, utus-an Ambush, to lie in Jiomapa, tapok meng-adang Amen am'ui amin Amend (men d) piig-daiau-i baik-i Amicable p tig - taivui) i g h ud ber-sohbat Amid ha-gUong di-dalam Amidst ha-tingah , ha-gltong di-tengah Amiss sail sfilah Amongst haUnn antara Amputate ntild, utur-an, potong, via-nianggol kudong Amuck, to mtig-dmok meng-amuk Amuck (holy war) mii^-sabil prang-sabil Amulet ajlmat, hajlmat azimat Amuse one's- ■self naim-naim, main-main. naiavi-naiam ber-main Amusement pleg-naim-an per-maln-an Anarchy hllo-liala hiru-hara Ancestors ka-apoh-an, ka-nms-an nenek moyang Anchor, an hdoji, buji sauh 10 ENGLISH. SULU. Anchor, to 2jie^-/fny/<7 ber-labiih Anchor, to weigh hongl-al-an,utong-anhongkav saiih Anchorage, an lawig-cm Ancient sa-Iogai-Iogai ,, (old) 7}ias Ancients tau nakauna And Than Anew (new) hagii Angel mala'ihat Anger Angle (to fish) Angle (corner) X>^ji', dngu Angry gama\ hingit, mamingit labiih-an zeman, lama tuah orang daiilu dan bharn mahiikat ka-gusar-an mem-anching sikii, penjiiru magama, mahungJs, marah, bilngis, molka * Anibong t Animal Ankle Annex Annihilate Annoy Annual anlhong ha lop hnhu-huha-s'ilcl samhong lag-lag, na-ais inang-usili, nsihaJi-an, sasat lia-musini lia- morka * nibong benatang mata-kaki ubong men-ijida-kan usik, gaduh, bising tiap-tlap- miisim lain mnsim Another dodin, dowuin Answer (reply) samhag, samamhag, sahut, jawab, jaicah,asip men-iaut * Mblka and Morka are used only when speaking of high personages, t Caryota urens : a palm tree much used by the natives for house building purposes, etc. ENGLISH. SULU. 11 MALAY. Ant, red sanam semiit merah Ant, large black salinhara ,, itam Ant, white anal anei-anei Antics tinggah daw a tingkah Anus jubol tmnbong Anvil landdsan landasan Anxiety sinta chinta Any miinga, dien-dich sa-barang Anywhere ha-dieuHJien di-miina-'mana Apa^t (separate) ha-ang-sJpak di-sa-blah Apartment hlllk bllek. : Apartment, small ifcn/iio/i ■ • anjong: Ape (monkey) aviolc miiniet Apologize, to mil- 1 amp 11 U' minta ampun Apology ampun-an ampiin-kan Apostle rasfd rasiil Appiarel tamungan , kalidna pakai-an Apparition Idtaw hantli ' Appeal na-ra in hcchala bawa bechara, meng-adu Appearance riighus, diighus, rupa, iparis. bantok sikap Appease sahal, sabar-kan. pug-daml per-damei-kan Appelation ingun, tdg-an nama Appertaining in ka-iuja ■ lang ampunia Appoint hutang ■ men-jiidi-kan Apprehend (fieize) saga u tangkap „ (understand)?na/ja-/ia^i meng-arti 12 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Apprise mtig-haita, bri-tahu. gawi-han khabar-kan Approach, to pa-suk-an amplr-kan ,, (sidewise) via-tapil, tampll tanipil Apt (fit) sarang pfitut Apt (clever) pandai pandei Aquatic tuhlg ayer Arab ; Arabian A rah Arab Arabic bhdsa arah bhasa arab Arabia Beuila-arah Negri-arab Arable-land fima-an bendang Arduous silkal siikar Are aun ada Areca (green) bt'iuga plnang muda „ (ripe) piila plnang Argue (wrangle) p)ailo-mama ilo ber-bantah ,, (discuss) mug-hechala per-bechara Argument bechala bechara Arise hangfui bangun Arm, fore tataklai-an hingan, tangan Arm (upper part) htlktum ,, Armour lamina * baju rantei * Armpit elok katiak Arm-rings galang galang Arms, side takiis sinjata Arms, fire sanjata snapang Arms, to bear mug-takus pakai sinjata Aromatic ma-lara, mala ' Coat of mail. padas 13 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Around Uhut koliling Arrack id ah arak Arrange hafol, ynfnni'is atdr Arrest sagau tanlcap Arrive samjKii, ah fit sampei, tiba Arrow- a n a Icpan a Ji,ba wa h /f/anak pfmah Arsenic walcingan waningan Art (science) )Imu ilmu ,, (cunning) akal akal Artery, main tlgat dal-olah lirat n.ldl ,, (a vein) ugat duguh iirat darah Articles (goods, alta, hakana arta, barang- property) barang Artifice akal-an tipu Artificer t a Jiang, jyandal tiikang Artist panda i pandei Artless banal benar ,, (simple) ddpang bddob As hlal, sail bagei, sapiirti ,, much as b'llia ter-taud sa-baniak ,, quickly as samut-tiid sa-brapa lakas possible iang bulih ,, well as you b'la ralau sa-br^lpa biiik can iang bulih ,, yet, not d'i-pa bulom Ascend gahan, sakat naik ,, a tree domag, rag, dag panjat ,, a river sum lid, sad mudik „ a bill iumrikad, iukad mendaki, daki 14 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. :.V;. Ashamed ma-slpug, slpiig malii :;;iii = :'' Ashes ahff abu '-f,T. .. Ashore ha-Jopa ■ di-darat . - ■ . Aside ha-ang-slpak di-sa'blah Ask (beg) 2)angaioh,mangaioh ininta., pohon . „ (inquire) umdsubrt, asuhu tania, sidik Askance • Ilbat in mata junling, jubng Asleep ma-tug, tug tidor . Assault, to langgal langgar Assemblage tlpun-an, ka-tducl- himpiin-an.ka- an, ka-taur-an, banyak-an, ma Iran, niajclis. medan,me]'elis Assemble tlpTin, lapan himpiin Assist tahang, tolong, bantu Assistance tahang-an, tolong-an, ma-tahang-an ka-tolOng-an Associate loan taman, kawan Astern lia-hidi di-burlt-an Asthma sungot, siangot sesak dada, Isak Astonish hailaii heiran At ha di „ first tagna mula-miila ,, home ha-hai di-riimah „ last mall uUh akhir ,, present hi-liaiui skarang Astray iialung sasat Attack, to langgal langgar Attempt, to solai chuba Attend upon suapan layaui ENGLISH. SULU. 15 MALAY. Attendant ihan kfiwan, biidak Attest pieg-saksl bri sahadat Attest (subscribe) nug-hiitang sap buboh chap Attire tciinugaii pak^ii-an Auction mang-hUagl lelong Audience (atcour t)majcUs mejelis Auger har'ina gurdi Aunt Inah-an nia'kechil Authentic hunal-hunal benar Authority Icaasa kwasa Avaricious I oh a kikir Avenge ma us balas bhaya Averse (unwilliiig) m.(2-/i;7A;a 24 tiada mjiu Avert (ward off) tangkis, tomangkis tangkis Await tug ad, turn fig ad nanti, tunggu Awake jagct^ j^iga Away hate nialang „ (direction) inatu Sana Awe maka-hailaii ka-takiit-an Awful ajaih, maka-hallan , heibat viaka-hOga suanggi Awning (canvas) haima chatri Awning (pahnleaf) hajang kajang Awning, side purdah purdah Awry ka-king irut Axe kapah kapak Axe, a native pdtok beliong Axis (nave) hujal pusat Azui'e walna sail langit biru langit 16 ENGLISH. SULU. Babies anak-anak-an Baby anak aslvl Bachelor hujanrj Bachelor, youn^r suhRl Back, the taiknd Back (of a knife) sciUg Back, to draw Back-again Backside Backward Bad hieng mill hull Jia-bnll mang-i, ngi Bad (decomx^osed) haloh Badinage Badge Bag, a Baggage Bail (surety) hechala wed tantu tanda, sap, indaha karot alta, Uian-an dtas-an, tanggong- an Bait (for fish) ompan Bake (broil) dang-dang Bajau (sea gipsy) samal-laud, hajau Balance (scales) timhdng-an ,, (remainder) A•«7;iy^ Balcony(in front) lugad smgan ,, (at the end) hcgad sOngan Bald hangkulik Bald (forehead) ungas „ (crown) ilpau Bald, pie- la7ig MALAY. anak-amik-an anak kechil bujang buyong bhikang sfilig undur pulang ponggong di-blakang jahat busok jenaka n tanda kiirong arta, barang peng-aku, jamin ompan panggang bajau, baju timbang-an baki bariindah barandah butak sulah gundul balang 17 ENGLISH. SVLU. MALAY. Bale of goods handala bandella ,, out water, lelemas tiihig men-imba ayer to cliedok Ball (bullet) jiniigloh peliiru „ (wicker) s'qiali raga „ of tobacco bu)igJiaI tahdJcu biji tanib;lku „ of opium limp'uirj marat blji afyiln Ballast tdlaJi-hdIa tdlak-bfira Bamboo (large) inltong biiluh, bambil „ (small) dahong rebong ,, (utensil) dagtong * tabong * Banana sdln, sd'uig pisang Bandage, to halut, Txuhut balut-kan Bandy-legged hahig in sikl irut kfdd Banish hiiigif biiang Bank (border) Jirgad tabing, tepi Banner panji panji, tunggal Banquet nira-an jamii-an Banter nlah-nlah men-yindlr Bar (shallow) ha ha n tuhor Barber tuJcang hagfoig tiikang chiikor Bare (naked) JnlhoJi talanjang Bark of a tree 21(1 is JcclJiol kulit kayii ,, of a dog tangJiol salak Barrel tnng tr.ng plpa ,, of a gun hiilu laras Barter, to semhi, sCunhl tiikar Bashful sipitg, saiunwJi m.llu * Utensil for holding water — made of the large bamboo. D 18 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Easket amhong, karanjang, hahol balatak ,, (for cotton) salingkat bakiil ,, (for fruit) sugnh raga Basin hatil batil Bastard halani hlera anak gampang haram zada Bat, a kahllau kalawar „ (largest Jcahng kaluang, species) kalambit Bath maigoh-an per-mandl-an Bathe maigoh, mdiroh mandl Bath-room hilik niaiguh bilik mandi Batter (paste) kcmjl kanji ,, (beat down) I an g gal roboh Battle ;^^ parang, hunolian prang Bawl, to sual teriak Bay (of the sea) Ink teluk Bay-colour pal a merah-kiining Bazaar, coast 2Kinan pasar, piidian Bazaar, hill tahoh pasar Be aim, jad'i, jarl ada, jcidi Beads maul, manik manl-mani Beak (of a bird) tiika pfiroh Beam (of wood) hanglad, anglacl galagar Beans (pulse) hcitong kachang Bear (ursus) haruang, haluang bruang ,, on the headJCituh junjong to Ill ENGLISH. SULU. ^lALAY. Bear (carry) halo/ig Bear on the haloiuj shoulders, to ,, (to support) tan(j(jo)i(j ,, (with poles) tanggoiKj ,, children, to picg-cDiak ,, children in plpl, tagiuig the arms, to ,, onthebach,to5aiftA ,, arms, to Diilg-takii.^ ,, fruit, to Beard Beast (unclean) Beast, wild ,, (cattle) Beastly luug-hiinga janggot hlnatang mtiia haiop sail h'lmUiing Beat, to lohah ,, (chastise) hinasa ,, with a polpok hammer, to ,, a gong, to lesag ,, with the son f ok fist, to Beat, to (as in dak-dak washing clothes) Beaten (overcome) .s?h Billow hdmhang, ahin Bind Jiifikit, hilkit ,, up, to haglut, haggut ,, the hands, to r/7(y^)/7.s Bird mandh-manOk Bird's-nest ^jr^z/ftcZ mandh Bird's-nests salang (edible) pin an g mud a pin an g tiiah tunang lebih baik mem-balk-i di-tangah, antura minom-an men-angls-kaii kena hobat-an di-sabrang bfilik Sfina, di-blakang gilllga silroli gadang, besar kira kira par oh kayu fipi golok galombang ikat babat, barot ikat tangan bilrong sarang bilrong sarans 23 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Birth j)ieg-andh-an ber-anuk-an Biscuit hang-hang bisquit Bit, a (piece) ang-utud sa'potong „ (of bridle) hcisl sin. kakang lagam Bitch erok hahai anjing betlna Bite, to tiikah, kut-kiit, Pgit, man-iitkat men-gigit ,, the lips, to mang-titom, keham meng-atam Bitter via-2K(it, pait pait Blachan * haling blachan Black 'dam, itiun hitam Blacksmith tnkang hasl, tiikang besi pandai hasl pandei besI Blacksmith's sasal-an hasl pe-karja-an craft besi Blade (of a knife ', si'lah, lading pisan, or weapon) sakin Blade, edge of a mata mata Blade-bone kiika bahkat Blain ha It ft Tit fit bisol Blame, to mug-sah men-ialah Blanket sloh kamli Blaze laga nirda „ , to ma-lag a ber-niflla Blear-eyed mata hllas mata nilas Bleed nug-durilh ber-darah Blemish on the h ft lag balalak. eye, a kalabii * " Blachan " is a kind of Caviar made of dried shrimps. 24 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Blind huta but a Block (pully) tlmun-t'imuii kapi, karl ,, (chock) kalang-an kalang-an Blockhead hahdl budoh, bin gong Blood daguh darah ,, , of noble hangsaioan bangsawan Blossom (flower) sumping bunga „ (bud) piisiid, hiikiil kiitum Blossom, to iing-bilJitll ber-biinga Blow, to tlop, li'iop* tiup, humbus * „ , to tunga-tamanga f mangah f Blow-pipe sampltan siimpitan dai-t bawang bawang Blue bllu birii ,, , dark ,, iti'im ,, itam „ , light ,, put eh ,, puteh Blunt tampfd. tiimpul, dl-muk kdrang t;"ijam Boar haboi mandangan babi jantan „ wild ,, kat'um ,, hiitan Board, a (wood) dlgiJi papan Boat (European) bote boti ,, (dug out) gobang sagor „ (outrigged) dapang X praii ,, (large dug- bangka biduk out) * To blow with the mouth, or as the wind, f To blow as a porpoise. \ The dapang is almost universally used by the natives in the Sulu Archipelago. 25 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Bob up and Jdnit tinibul ting- down, to glani, gr.yang Body ha ran, hadan tilboh, badan Boil, to togiiah, tolah rebus ,, rice, to prmgaiff, pangdiu nien-rniak ,, , ^ hahn (It lit bisol, bilra Boiling, to be h nix id men-didik Boisterous hull lis, tamplas tamplas Bold rna-lsiig barani Bolster (pillow) o-an bantal, sfiraga Bone, a hiikog tulang Bonnet hopla, tadong koplah Book srdat surat ,, (religious) kltah kitab Booty lampas-aii rampas-an Border, a (edge) hPgad, plgi, tepl, bibir. hiring pingglr, birih Borer (auger) jalah Jilna jalah china Bore, to harenahcni gerek ,, the ears, to tugsukan holah ber-tindek Born pleg-anak ber-anak Borneo * Vv\\o ka-lamantah-an „ (city) Banal Brunei Borrow, to has, mag-hils, nii/s pin jam Bosom (pectus) dag ha dad a Both ka-dua-dua, ka-dua ka-rua-rua * The Sulus have no name for the whole of the Island. Pulo ka-lamantah-an " means Sago Island. 26 ENGLISH. Bottle, a Bottom ,, (anus) „ (bips) ,. of the sea Bough Bow (for arrow) panah Bow-string hihid panali Bow (to make linmuhoh, liithoh obeisance) ,, the head, to mCindok, dndoh kdcha, kasa huh juhol opoh lia-hahah dacjat sanga MALAY. biltol, biih pantat tumbong ponggong dl-bawah hint chcibang, tarok p.mah, biisor tiih biisor tnnduk layah Bowels lincjan Ungan tlan is! prot Bowl, a ping g an ^'^ hat II mangkok Bowsprit jungal jonggor Box (blow) sonfoJc guchoh Box, to nug-sontok ber-tampar ,, (chest) halolang, hUolang, peti balolang, haul, tong,2jati peti, bakas ,, , a musical salindo peti salindo ,, , a sirih salapa salapa Boy hafa-hata fisog biidak hlki Brace (a couple) angka-jxlsajig sa-pasang Bracelet gdlang galang, pontok Brackish via-hangog, ma-asin pjiyau, masin Brains utCik iitak, bena Branch (a bough) sanga chabang,dahan Brand, a sap chop, chap ,, (mark) tanda tanda * " Pinggan " in Malay means plate. 27 ENGLISH. Brandish Brass Brass-tray Brave Bra\Yl Bray (to pound) Bread Breadth Break, to ,, off, to ,, a promise ,, wind, to ,, (smash) Break-of-day Breakers (sm'f) Breast (pectus) ,, (mammte) Breath Breathe Breech Breeches Breed, to Breeze ,, , land ,, , sea Bribe Brick Bride, a MALAY. saijcDig, s'uihg tamhaga ,tnmhCiga talani ma-'isug lalo-hala hciioli hit! InJihcoig bag-hag haleh, inUtus munlxir iitut ma-tumfi snhnh-suhnli adlau ma-alun ddgJta day all napas mug-napas hull sclical J) leg -a 71 all liangiii hangin ha JiPgad hangiii ha land suCih hfitii mig-h'uiang hell p)cngantin hahai bahlyani, achu tambrtga talam barani hiru-hara tumbiik rnti lebar pechah pjltah, putus munkir kuntut hanchor dini hTirl ombak diida titi, siisu nafas, hawii men-afas burit saluar ber-cinak an gin angin darat angin huit suilb batu b.lkar niampih perampuan 28 ENGLISH. Bridegroom, a Bride' s-maid Bridge, a Bridle, a Bright (shining) saia SULU. liengcuitui iisog ixindala taitaian, titl-cui hakanrj ,, (clear) Brilliant Brimstone Brindled Brine Bring ,, (imp.) ,, here ,, up, to Brink Briny Brisk (active) Brittle Broad Broadcloth Broil Brooch MALAY. mampililaki pengapit jambatan dras, kang chrda trang chrda benar balerang iram ma-mwa acda iKikaralau mallang IKitikaii tuhicj ma-asin flyer masin da, doma, da-han bawa 2:)a ha rla-a n ,ixi lea via , , da-mdrl , da-han marlhiiw^ sini Ipat, pallara piara ]iP(jad tepi, tabing ma-asui masin hisJcal, huskal, rajin, pantas, mikang' chapat jnituk-jyntnk rapoh lakha)ig, Ifiag lebar, liias sakelat sakelat dang-dang panggang karosang krosang Brood (offspring) kanak-kanak kanak-kanak ,, {io^iiowegg^) mttg-galiam meng-aram Brook (ditch) gata parit ,, (stream) anak sGhah anak siingei Broom, a sa-sdpu peniapu Broth sdhau kuah talmangliTid iiiaiif/Jiud ]ia-rjifoiir/-an viacjolanfj ENGLISH. SULU. Brother ,, , younger „ , middle ,, , elder ,, , ,, (or sister) /irt /.-a//. Brother-in-law 'ip^O Brow Bruise, to Brunette Brush, to Brush-wood Brute (animal) Brutal Jia-r/'ito)u/-an mairiim sapTi Iriticoi Jiaioj) sail bhnlfaur/ Buck, (male deer) Bucket (zinc) ,, (wood) Bucket, small Buckle, to Bud (blossom) Buffalo, water Buft'alo-pool Bug Build, to Bull Bullet Bullock Bundle, tisa vsog viital haldl (jaijong sahit-cDt, samhat miilird, hulifd Idhan luhlub-an baiifjl-inf/ nrig-haitrjiiii sdjjl mandangan sCipl iisog 2)cnigIoJi sapl kahili p lit lis 29 MALAY. sudara adek per-tengahan abang kakali ipar kening pipis itam niilnis sfipu samak benatang seperti benatang riisa j an tan timbci besi baldi gayong meng-anching kutum karbau kubang-karbau pinding, pTjad bangun-kan lembu j an tan sapi jantan peluru lembu kfislni biinokus 30 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Bundle of ojrass hntok barkas ,, of rotans cjdlong galong Bung dahns-an tdng siimbat tGng Buoy, a Un ta nrj, p ilampong lampdng Buoyant hantop timbul Burden, a hdhaJi-an baban Burlesque, a tinggah daica tingkali Burn, to sanog bakar ,, (scald) na Ifis, hanglas hangus ,, (clear land) mug-ldh bakar ,, (to flame) ma-lag a ber-niala Burst hustak tatas, belah ,, (blow up) lupot, haghag malupop ,, (as a boil) mustih, mustig burnt Bury viug-JiilhRl kubiirkan Burying-place kuhul kubiir ,, (ancient) tampat krcimat Bushes hat tail samak Business ha-lunang-an pe-karja-an Busy wdi sanang. ta'senang. tug a RsaJia, Tida iisaha, wdi Jca-taiiam-aii baniak karja But (sed) htlt, biU meycji, tetapl, tilpi, hilt viaiep lakiu Butt, to mng-tandoh men-andok „ (cask) tniig tnng pipa Butter lauaJi sdpl, nilnyak sapl, mantagelia * mantega * * Spanish, " mantcquilla and " manteca." 31 ENGLISH. SULU. Butterfly kaha-kaha Buttocks opoli, hrdlpong-2)0)ifj Button, a tamhalxCi ,, , to tamhuhu-han Button-hole mata-lamhuh,pakau Buttress (of a tree) dalig Buy hi, ml ,, (offer) taical ,, (wholesale) titghan-aii By ihan, dieii-pa ,, , near inasTih „ , to put tTau, tdiL By-and-bye dai dai dakomaii, gana-gana, MALAY, Cabal Cable (chain) Cage Cajole Cake, a Cake (Chinese) Calabash Calculate Calf ,, (of the leg) Calico, brown Calico, red ka-rapdt-cDi ganddwall hdoji kdng-an pamong inanlpu paniam garati kdhdsi niig-k'da-k'da ujiak sdpl butug hutug bitis gajah Jielait koko prdcL * Chinese, " bi phang.' kiipu-kiipu, rama-rcima gadipong handling meng-anching lobang ,, banir bill til war pajak ulih, deri-pada dekat simpan, taroli sa-buntar lagi, nanti dahulu peng-iibong rantei sauh sangkar-an mem-biljok pengan-an l^Ipang * labil ber-kira-klra anak lembv jantong betis kriin blachau kain merah 32 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Calico, white I'oJi'o put ell kain puteli Calk ludat-an, gulam pakkal Call tdicag, tag panggil ,, at, to Imp it singgah Calm Umhuh, h'nait tenang, tedoli Calumniate mang-ompat niriya Camel oiita unta Camphor hapol kJlpiir Camphor-tree I'clJiul Ixcipol kayu kapiir Can (able) inala-jarl,man-jadlhu\\h, jadi Cancer Idstoitg rastong Candle lansuh lllin Candlestick la-dndulxan Ian sol krdvi dian Cane (arundo) patong biiluh ,. (calamus) wcli rntan ,, , walking tongltud tongkat ,, , sugar tub 11, tabu tebii Cannon espil marlam Cannot dl malca-jddl, tiada bulih di man-jddl ta' bulih Canopy Jxtllanibil, luliol, kalambii, Idngit-Idugit irmgit-langit Canvas (sailcloth) kal-aita Ic'iig kain hiyar Caoutchouc tdgoJi litaJian getta llchah Cap (head-dress) liopla kopiah ,, (percussion) lap, hatil-hatU kep Capacious lidyang, via-lCiag lapang, luas Capacity (talent) a la I akal, budi Cape (head-land) tanduh, tcoidoh tanjong 38 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Capital (stock) prthnn, modal pokok, modal Capon mcuwk kab'di ayam-kablri Capsicum hlra pula lada merah Capsize yCiuh jiikang Captain kapitan * kapitan (European) Captain (Native) nakora nakoda Captive ta wan tawan Captivity tawan-an tawan-an Carcass hangkal bangkei Care ; diligence KsaJta us ah a Care, to take jag a, dalau-daiaic jaga ,, (trouble) sTisah susah Care of, to take kiimUak tengok Cargo; freight Iilan-a/i muat-an Carnage lampas-aii per-bunoh-an Carpenter tnkatig-kdhoi, pandai-kahoi takang-kayil Carpet pelmadanl, hainpalaii permadanl Carriage (vehicle) ka rosa k kreta Carry hakat pikul .,, ; convey Jtlatud an tar ,, on the back hahah diikcng ,, on the hip plpi gandong, ,, under the sijut kepit arm ,,• on the head lutoh junjong "Spanish, "Capitan." 34 ENGLISH. Cany with the fingers ,, on the open hand ,, on the shoulder ,, a person ,, outside Cart, a Cartridge Cartridge-pouch Carve Cascade Case; sheath ,, (for trial) Cash (money) ,, (Chinese) Cask Cassia Cast (thiow) Cast anchor, to Cast off Cast (of the eye) Caste (tribe) SULIJ. MALAY, 2)inclit bibit tiafaiaJ: baloug dalian liaguah karosa]i * kalachncJio I- ahah-ahah ilkil togpa i)i tfihig, hiisai tiil)i(i-)uig-tofjpa tagohan hlcJiala, daiva pel all ku.'^hing pitis, JiiisJiing tumhaga tong pais laicang trio, frioh hiugit hcloji hi II git hi hid jrdlng ha/igsfi * Spanish, "Carrcza." "Cartucho." tatang kilik dukong, pikul bawa klimr pedfitl, kreta petron, tani- pang, pompas kerpei ukir, tiiri panchoran ayer, ayei- terjun sarong bichai'a, dawa wang pitis tong kill it lawang linipar l)uang suuli lepas tilli juhng ban^sa ENGLISH. Casting-net Castor-oil plant Castrated Casuaiina Cat Catecliist, a Catch, to Catch in the liand. to Catch hold of, to Cattle (cows) Cattle (animals) Catty (11 lbs.) Caulk, to Cause Caution, to Cave Cavity Cease Ceiling Celebrated Celerity Centre Centre (of a ^^ong) Centipede SULU. la II all tawjan taivjaii pida kahlJi, liasl a rail nianuim sai/an, saiiihiit tiniahoJt Jiimaput, laputaii sclpl haiop l-ati Jifilaf-aii, (ji'ilain sabab niil(j-]ii)idoh Uaiaj It(ii(/aff dfimaliotui laitfjif-hoKjit, loJiol nidsJioI >iia-brisl-ai, ma-rafjan lia-gitoiKj-ticl biijal 35 MALAY.- jrda pnkl jarak kasini, kablrl aran kuching inamuni tangkap sambut pegangkan sapl, lenibu benatang kati pakkal sebab nieng-ajar guah lobang berhinti langit-langit ter-nama, mashiir laku-pantas, laju tengah-tengali piisat laililpan, alaJpaii hallpan S(5 ENGLISH Ceremony Certain Certainly Certificate Chaff (of grain) Chagrin Chain, a Chain (necklace) Chain (fetters) Chair Chamber Change (to alter) ,, dress, to ,, houses, to Chapter Character (lettei') Charcoal Charge, to (accuse) Charge (price) Charity Charm, a (spell) Chart; map Chase, to Chase, the (hunt) Chastise, (to correct) SULU. Jidda t fcuittl hunal-hunal sap liapa silsah-atdi gandclwall hilcuuKioh ikan(]-il-ang si a * hiWc ubaJi, sdlin sdlin tdmugan pindah jfid, pxisal hulup papa u tiigJia, yen-an 1ml g a rail a ajintat paid hi a pas paiiJult-aii aiiad, hinasa MALAY. adat tantu sunggoh- sunggoh chap sekam, ampa susah hati rantei utas lunggu krosi bilek lib ah salin pindah juz, fasal huruf arang tiidoh harga sadaka azimat patah, kart kejar biiru ajer, gasak * Spanish, " Silla. 37 Chat ; banter kong-lxan banchang, keche-keche Chattels alia, a la jirta Chatter (talkiiijj; kaibaJi bising, chiira, volubly) lltar Chatter (teeth) (jaleteli galetek Cheap inohal murah Cheat, to pCDiipu, tlpu, pie'j- tlpu, berakal. ahal-an, h'gati kichu ,, (trick) l-fjil) kechoh Cheek jiisiii pipl Cheerful soiang-atdi senang hati Cheese kPso"" keju Chest (of opium) pak pak ,, (of tobacco) bakag peti ,, (breast) dag ha dada „ (box) hihlang peti balolang Chevv", to niamah inrunah Chew, a (quid) sop a] I sepah CheAY,to (the cud) mug-sopali inamah blak Chicken auak-nianok, ijiqyis anak-tiyani Chide (correct) aiiad ajar Chief taii-dakoIaJt niang-besar Child ha tall, anak anak Child (firstborn) anak suloiig anak sulong Child (lastborn) boiigsu anak boiigsu Child, with hunis bunting (pre 1:11 ant) * Spanish. " gueso." i. 38 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Children Iidiiak-JidiiaA', batah-batah kfmak-kilnak ChilH ; cayenne la r a-}} 11 la lada-merah Chin fal-ii dagu China Song-song, banua Km a negri China Chinaman Lanang Orang-china Chinese ,, ,, ,, Chintz halanghali kalankiiri, chit Chisel, a sangka]) pahat Chock, a halang-an kalang-an Chocolate sillaJati, snl-nlati chocolat Choice pehpeh-an pilih-an Choke, to bixngJctlJ, Ida- bfiJiog-an chokek, lemas Choler (anger) nia-gama niarah Choleric nia-b'ingis bingis Cholera sfili-a-intahu \vaba Chop, a (seal) sap chop, chap Chop : to hack til is- til is tatak Chop; to cut tilgbas potong Chop ; to chip bas-bas * potong Chop, to J' dahun rokd kayu mfuiis, hulat ber-sunnat ber-siinnat knta negri llmau karbau negri nrang bendar tinggalnng supan adab gampar kima d;\kap, peluk sambat kidvii tanah hat t;lnah brlseh suchi, chiichi trang, jerneh 40 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Clear, to (a lapa* hawan-i \ tabas, siang-i plantation) ,, (open) )iia-Jiaivan trang Cleave (to split) hclali behih Cleik klaiil krani Clever vta-pandai pandei Cliff, a dala.'^ tapat Climb (a tree) rag, dag, domag panjat ,, (a stair) scikat, sa})uil:at nalk ,, , to (a hill) tfikdd, tiimukad dakl Clip, to gruiting-aii gunting-kan Clitoris til-tili kalinti.kalintat Clock Iflr>s : jam Close, to (to shut) /a;;; Z>«/, tCnnhid tutnp ,, (touching) ina-lapat rapat ,, (as folds) ki'D/int rapat Closet t a /It boh anjong Closet, water bUik mlhi jamban Cloth Ixdkuna kain ,, , woollen sakcliit sakelat ,, , white kolo piitili krdn putili ,, , red ,, puJa ,, merah ,, , black ,, itiu)i ,, hitam ,, , sail kdkdiia lai/og ,. layer ,, a (to hide .s/7/// kain chawat the nudities) * To clear the ground of Brushwood, long Grass &c. f To free from Creepers, Weeds &c. I Spanish, " Kcloj." 41 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Clothes tdniRiif/an, 'paliCd-cDi pakai-an Cloud a tea 11 awan, mega Clouds (white Indk dnihCin, aso tai lulngin and fleecy) Clown tail hahal l^edawi Clove (spice) hunga ICiiraug chengke Cluster, a (of rang, hlil'uj, tfDidnn tindan, sikat fruit) Coaf^ulated ma-tilcj baku Coal bnliufj-lidtu, hdtii ai-ang-batu, hnliiuj batu-arang Coarse (in rdpau kasar texture) Coai-se (in sdplali, kdsdj) kasar, kasap language) Coast, the L')pd, It r gad, bfd darat, tepi laiit Coat, a hdja l)aju Cobble tampal menampal Cobweb Idicai Idwa-Jdira sarang laba- hlba Cock, a via noli iisog ayam jantan Cock, a jungle lahiujuk nvam utan Cockscomb ddliug brdong ,,■ light (with bnlaiig satjnng gatHes) ,, ,, (without tal-hl meniabnng gafrles) Cockroach hik llpas 42 ENGLISH. suLr. MALAY. Cocoa l-al-ctir Iv^kau Cocoa-nut nlorf, IdliiiKj nior, kalapa ,, ,, husk I) a nut sabut ,, „ shell liungut, ufjdh teni|iurong Coffee (coffee Jiaivali, kaJidica kawah ai-abic) Coffin I along, kaban long, kafan Coil up, to nng-lingan lingkar Coincide Sllhlt turut Coition pieg-lut-roi se-tubuh-an Cold Jtagkut, Jtagguf sejuk, dingin Collide langgal, dogfol langgar Colleague 'ihan kiiwan Collect tlpun, napun, pun kunipul Colour u'cdna ^varna Colt liura-sdhril anak kiida Column (pillar) tiang tiang Comb sRdlai slsir, sikat Combine, to pdkaf pakat Come domatang, niaka-dl, dfltang niala-ri, ,, (imperative) marl, di, karl, nicUi Come and go, to mCitoli marl pergi piilang Comet hilldkaii Ijintang ber- ekor Comfort, to tlbau hibor Command (of a dlak, Utah tit ah Chief) Commander punghnui pangiila ENGLISH. SULU. Commerce pie i-d Aria nrj-i )i Commit (murder) hfoioli ,, (perpetrate) hlnaiifj ,, a crime, to dosa Common people hu/af Communicate pieq-hn ita , ma-ma ita ibaii, abai siiKjur-aii padnman Didta-jjadi'mait ka-Jasah-an paJxm, gCirjali maitfj-drn r/anap, ma-Jiafo h-a-sridaJt-a)i selam-diia a(/ad, sillut, tiujut saiuman, saioi ICimud maJia-hdtl gipit hllaiui, ni1f/-lfonf/ tapvk tufjut Companion Compare, to Compass, mariner's ,, points * Compassion Compel, to Complain, to Complete Completion Compliments Comply Compos mentis Compound, (to mix) Comprehend Compress Compute Conceal Concede Concha de nacar^jrt/.s tlpai, tlpai + 43 MALAY. pai'-nlagfl-an bun oh l)uat ber-dnsa rayat brl-t('' fnapa Conduct, to Ilia fuel ,, by the hand a;«^// Conduct (manner) ka-lalai-a ii Conduit selurcdi tiihig Conference besJiala, bccJidla Confess (to own) viaiig-alTi Confide Conform Confuse Conjecture Conjuncture Connect Iidlap tfigfit, sfdiit, agad hinguug (I gall, agaii alula i/uhf-samhoiig Conquer (to win) giinavg Consanguinity tan tai-djiak Consciousness siiitangat Consider, to plJiil-plldl, isilii ,, (lit. to weigh) timhaug Constantinople Istainhul, Staiithul Constantly inaltiim n Constiuct li'inang MALAY. abis-kan putus-sudah ambag gundik ka-ingln-an meng-hukum lauk, hulam, sambal antar pimpin ka-laku-an panchur-an bechilra nieng-aku per-chaya turut, ikot kachau sangka katika meng-ubong menang, sumauk dus-anak semangat fikir, sangka timbang Istambul santiasa biiat, bekin 45 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Contain (to hokl) luati inuat Content puafi puas Contents luan-aii muat-an, Isl Contest, to (to (I air a dawa dispute) ,, (to quarrel) bant ah bantah Contraband cuiitrnhaiiclo,Ia/ig-an\s.Yang-?bn Contract, to JilOllllf-CDl niemendek-kan Convalescent )nn-fjam-fjam in sumboh,betah. sakit, iianam niaman Convention janjl-an per-janjT-an Conversation hesJutla bechara Converse (to talk) mng-hishaJa ber-bechara Convey (bring) liiatud, pilg-da antar ,, (send) pa-la, pa-ra kirim Convulsions saw a It sfiwan Cook, to III toll, pangdiu niemasak Cooking-place Ivsiiia* dapol-an dapor Cool liaggnt • sejuk Copper tfiDihdga tambaga-ni trail Copra (sp.) laliing-tahai isi-nlor Copulate mi'ig-lut, iiiug- liamput, l- in dull, kioJi sa'tiiboh Copy sdliii salin Coral sa ha sail karang Cord Uihid tali Cork (stopper) hulat, dahus-an sumbat, prop Corn (maize) gandoni * Spanish, " Cocina." jdgong 46 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Corner (inwarJ) pPJFi slkii ,, (outward) diif/ii penjuru Corpse lit (( tat mayit Corpulent taut bilk gumok Corrupt (bribe) (111 til a nab bri sucib Cosmetic htirak badak Cost (price) hag a harga ,, (prime) ptdtiiii ])r»kn Costly ; clear lit lit on et mahal Cotton (bush) r/dpas kapas ,, (tree) kapulx kapok ,, thread tiitfjkal benang Couch, a ]:ulaii[/-ait tampat-baring Cough, a lib flit batok Coulter (of a sulab, sclab pisau tanggala plough) najam Council inatipahat himpiin-an (assembly) Count, to Iiltuitfj bilang, hitong Countenance Jxllliu, h a Utah miika Country banua, lopa, Jtulah negri, tfinah ,, (interior) (jiiitbali lilu Countryman fjiinbaltan-aii <»rang-ulu. (rustic) (irang-dusun Couple, a (pair) (iittjka pCisaiKj sa'pasang ,, , a marrie d dtia iiii'uj-tiauii. laki-blni Course (direction) ttiju tiijii Course (way) rail, (tail jrdan Court-yard ha lama It, alaman 47 SULU. MALAY. Ccnii'teous t((n(/k(ii, sudhiii su[)an Couitesan sill 1(1 a I sundal Cousins tu)i(j(uJ iniiisdii sa'pupu ,, , second ,, lIUllxCI riKi dua sa'pu})U Cover, to tiroii'j tiidonj^-, tutup M , ^1- tirofirj-ax tiitup-an Cow S'lpl uDKIf/aJi lend3U betTna Cowardly subol cliabar Crab IxagcoKj ketam Crack, to (the la(jiipii]c lantik joints) Crackers itire tei>ib(il--feiiil Kik mercliun works) Crackle Jill I ((pi latop, latos ,, (as wood in lag ill it ,, a tire) Cradle (suspend- ■ hitaJitoi, hua li-hiiali buayan ed from a beam; ) Craft (cunnin,L;) ahal tlpii ,, (vessel) praii, sakai- an prau Crank (of an Jiing-Iii/ig ulin,u en<^-ine) Crawl (on all DKUiunap meranj^kok fours) ,, to (creep) kitra Litra me-lata Crease, a (~iah-an kedut ,, , to fold rlall llpat Create vu'ii-jddi men-jadi-kan Creator (God) Tnan Allah Tuan Allah 48 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Creek anak sohah, trnsai anaksungi, trusan Creep, to mananap rayap Crescent hulan lanrjhong biilan lang-kong Crew (of a vessel) sakai awak, klassi Cricket, a tugad tftgad chingkrek Crime sail, dosa salah, dusa Cripple tougkah urang tempang Crisp (as dry Japuk misi, kring leaves) Crocodile hUatja buaya Crooked kahig-kahig bengkok Crop iimd-haii per-uma-an Cross (crucifix) sal lb salib Cross over, to hiDiiiuitas, liiiiiii nieniabrang Cross-road sempang sempang Crow leak gagak , , to (as a cock ) kukuk Crowd, a tau-sdkien kumpul- an orang Crowded ina-simhTd ramei Crown, a karuiia niakuta ,, (of the bead Hinhun-umhiui-an ubun-ubun Crude halcui mantah Cruel hlugis bingis Crush na-lumhut tindis Crush (to pieces) nia-tionu, hanchur Cry (to weep tang in menangis 49 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Cry (to shout) Slid la k Hurak Cucumber jiuirds tlmon Cud s()j)ali l.)iak Cud. to chew the iiii)(/-sojiaJt mamah biak Cultivate tiiUKDii, inuff-unia tclnam Cunning ah-al al^al Cup, a sCiican chrnvan ,, (a bowl) pin(j(j(in(f * mangkok Cur edoli lvU}-uk Cine ito heal) nncj-ohat, Ica-huli men-iumboli Curly (as hair) l:iiJo)ifj-k along kerenting Current (tide) Jidiis, si'if/ harus Curse (impreca- srif/iiah, in foil kiitok, Ian at tion) Curse, to /n'if/-inf()k meng-utok-i Curtailed tipuliol pendek Cm tains l.iihiuibait, laiir/sci kulambii Cushion n-ait bantal Custard-apple (if is serl-kava CustonKpi-actice) liadat, ddaf, tabiaf, adat, chara Customs (excise) sillai chitkei, bes Cut, to hoi/ah, tit ltd potono- ,, (hack) thjhas tatak ,, m two, to slpal- panggal M off lit ad. uttir-an meng'rat Cuttle-fish h-ula-hiitaii Tkan-gorita Cylindrical tlhol- biilat, naras Cymbals tinting charachak * A pin^<:aus in Malay is a plate. ENGLISH. SULU. Dagger Daily Dam, to Damaged Damascened Damp l^amsel ,, (virgin) Dance Dandruff Dandy, a Dangling Dare, to Dark Darling Dates (fruit) Dash down Dauffhter /1T//7.V, fdkiis liadlau-liadJau tanihaJx Jiang I Ifimah ma-lnmU brijaiifj dficjiih peiigdial, vioigdlal, mnri-jilgrt Jidgil-Jiik helbnt junta i ■jiiaJiri-ai.'^iig tigidlaiii l-a-lrlsl Ixohna anipas, hiiigit an ah hahai Daughter-in-law analx-an hahai David Dcliid Dawn (sunrise) sahuli'Sfihuli-adlau Dawn, before lapit adlan adlau ogtoJt sitgah Tianau-kanaii Day Day, mid Dazzling Dead matai, miatai kris, sewa hari harl bandung rdsak ber-pamor langas bujang anak darah menari, tarl daki, gurak hebat berjuntei barfml galap ka-kasi khurma ampas, buang" anak peramp- uan menantu perampuan Diiud dini-harl prigi-pagi-scali hfiri tengah hari gomilang mati ENGLISH. SULU. Dead ))iari]uinr) * ,, ma-lindong f „ malolwm I Deadly hlsa Deaf hl^u, tfill Deal (to traftic) inufj-ihiijanj Dear (expensive) malionci Dearth gutoiii Death Jia-Diafdi-aii Debate, to hesliaJa Debt fttaiif/ ,, (time to pay) tcair/goh Debtor in tug a iltaug Decant, to Jiii)g-Jtaiii Decayed JtaloJi Decease Jindung Deceive, to Jiaiaiiat, ning-tali, niug-alal, vii'ig dapat Deception la-rajm t-an , A'a-aJicd-an Deck (of a ship) huitai, dPk ,, (of a praii) latitat Decree t'tali Deduct dag-dag-i, Iwlattg-i Deep ttialutti * Used when speaking of Unbelievers, t Used when speaking of personages of \ Used when speaking of Sultans only. 51 ]nampiis mangkat marhuni bisa pukak, tull iiien-iif4a luahal ka-lapar-an ka-niati-an niem-bcchara hutang tano-goh I'Aug beriitang salin busuk niangkat tipu, mem- bujok, semu- kan, menipu ka-tali-an , daya, semu tingkat, dek jiibong, lantai tltah korang-kan dalam Royal Llood. ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. ])eeply-laden fiifjub sarat Deer ilsa riisa Defend iniU/-f:agaJ\ lindong-kan Deficient Jcolaiir/ knrang Deflower (rape) faiK/kog, 'lusihah nigul Deformed kihiff-kuDfj, vidplo chapik Defray mutj-dihil haJanja bayer blanja Defy ineiicj-citu, oiiidtu melawan Degrade mtVi-hnlocj pichat Delay, to lalai, liuli lalei, lina ,, payment, to /a //r/r/o// tanggoh Delirious, to be >ltlUf-I<~/f(lll- h'ga u ber-Igau-Igau Deliver (release) tau/i.'i lepas Deliver, to (In mil III sarah-kan Deluge (hliKik aver bah Demand (ask) inaiif/dioJt niinta Demand, a pruif/aioh-an ]~'er-minta-an Demise malohoin murhum Demolish I ft huh rdboli, run toll Demon saltan, j in, liantn shetan, liantu Dented snnibinf/ sumbing Deny mnnf/kil, h koh mungkir Depart k(Atuh, rr/, nH'(j pergi Depart (return) null, nunui piilting Depth lull inn dalam Derange, to .i^^'.l J<'il rusak, kachau Deranged (mind) (fda gila Descend manog turun • ,, a hill, to lumud ,, 5H ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Descend a tree, t hnntinis turun Desert, to hiuffif-dii tinggal-kan Desire, a kaJuouhlh- kahandak Desire, to bi)nh(()ig bimbang Desist dilmfdiong berhenti, diani Despair fjFimoit-tiid in atCii putus-asa Destiny saktld nasib Destitute (bereft) irdi-noi mas-an biilus, piatu Destroy n a -la yah' rosak Detain Iia-j)ut-a 1) Jia -ici r-a u men-i\ha,u Detest hinshi binchi Deviate sicipang, taJihas simpang Devil shaitan, saitan, jin shetan, iblis Dew dluJi unibun Dewlap It n gay at jumbul Dhotii salit cbawat Dialect hahasa, lagaiii bhasa Diamond in tan intan Diarrlia^a j) leg- in tall If intaJui , gacbar, cbirit chdgar lindir Die (death) matdt, hndung, inatl, mangkat, mahhoni marhum Differ (difference) duain, hlddli, chidera, bidali. ha sal ah ber-sellsih Differently doain-doain irdn-lain Difficult ma-lionet, paijaJi siisah, payah Difficulty Jxa-siikal-an ka-sukar-an Dig kali, klalut gall Digitus tiidlvh jari ENGLISH. MALAY, Dilatory Diligent, to be Dim Dimensions Diminutive Dimsighted Din Dine, to Direct, to ,, (straight) Direct, to go Dirt ,, (mud) Dirty Disagree Disappear Discard Discharge a gun to ,, cargo, to Disciple, a Discontent Discuss Disease Disease, skin ,, (scrofula) Disembark ma-hus-'kaw final I a, hisl-ai niCifj-Cihun Ia(/Jiii, lofjgi) ns'icl nu'ig-dhun in mata la fall, btikag sa/ttap Jii/idoJi, fudloJi-a till id, tfii lima Its sar/hut, I dp lit plsa /.■ hlhacj, CnncJt iii'ig-sar/aJi Jainap hiugit tcmhak hail- as mulld sail it hatai miig-hechala sakit II gill a p Ik at ma-nog dicn lia kapal, ma-nog pa lopd lamb at lisaha, rajin rabiin, kabur ukur-an kechil mata kfibur gamaratak santap tunjuk, tiijuk liirus, trus menutong sampah lumpor kr.tor ber-sellsih linniap buang pasang, tembak ponggah murid sakit hati per-bechara pen-iakit korap peniakit-baka tiirun deripadi kapal, naik darat ENGLISH. SULU. Dish (plate) Dish, a brass Dish, a wooden Dish, a square Dishes (for food) Disloyal Dismount Dispatch Displace Displease Displeasure Disposition Dispute Disrespectful Dissimilar Dissolve Distant Distress Distribute Disturbance Ditch Dive Diverse (various) Diversion Divide ,, (halve) hit talani, duUnKj hintcDig simtai * ]ia-k\(u/i-a/i didaka ma-)to(j dicii Jia kfir pa-fidiimt-aiL pindali-aii brnnjis fjusar-aib paJangai hcoitali ivCii run adat doain-duaiit ma-tuioli Didioh, IdioJt ka-stikal-an nng-haliagi-harji Jrdd-hdla gdta lerop, limurop mug -sap \ ginis-ginis naiam-naiam-an hahagi slpak * Made of brass. t To dive for pear shell pincgan talam dulang talam ka-santap-an '■ diiraka a tiirun me-lekaskan ubah-kan bangis gusar-an paningi tangkar tiada tau adat tiada sama anchur jauh ka-sukar-an mem-bhagi gampar parit men-yelam jenis-jenis main-maln-an bhagi bhagi dua 56 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Division hahagi-an bhagi-an ,, (ofahcuse) selangan ruang Divorce biugit, hutas. talak, cherai, hittan-an lepas Dizzy (to rock) goijang goyang „ (giddy) va-ahoitg in )ndta pening Do, to h'mang biiat ,, -not ciidu jangan Docile tutut jinak Dock (to crop) tiip-tiip ragas Doctor tahih, niediko tabib, dukun. doktol bomo Doe iisa (imagaJi riisa betlna Dog erok, edok anjing, kuyuk Dog-vane tanggal tanggal Dole-out pausing tupud Dollar pelak ringgit Dollar, a gold dilhlFin ,, mas Domesticated tutut, ma-am jlnak Dominion palentah parent ah Donation sampang, sadakah pem-bri-an, nilg-dihil-an sadakah Done (finished) liobus, hakas habis, sudali Don't diau jangan Doomsday adlau kiamat hari-kiamat Door lairang pintu Double dua ang lapis dua lapis Down (of animal i) bul-bid * bulu* * Also applied to hair on the body of persons and to feathers. 57 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. J Down (of plants) clapau, rapaii biilii ^ Down-below ha hahah di bawah Down, to go ma-ndg tiirun Downright (fact) hnnal benar ]3owiy dlhil-cDi bri-an Drag, to (pull) ittihig, ntiig tarek ,, (anchor c^-c.) Had, liar-aii larat ,, after, to f/iiind, guiur-aii Irit, hirit Dragon nag a naga Dragon-fly dahu-ralin bari-bari Drake itelx-iisog itik jantan Draw (pull) hda tfirek, hela ,, out, to la rut chabut ,, (a curtain) lais-an, giais-an sangkap „ (back) srdftt undur ,, (delineate) till is tulis ,, (design) lilkis lukis Drawer oiigsud-ofigsiid, kilndlsa lachi Drawers saical serawal Dream na-naga mop, iiio]) minipi Dregs (leavings) tuah-tuah kruh ,, tai, lindang tai, chirit Dress, to mani-akai pakei Drift, to liianad, anud,pielis hanyut Drink hinom, minom minom Drive away, to diiia halau ,, a nail, to mug- lansang mem-akii Drop, a angka to titek 58 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Drop, to tanalc 1 droll Dl•o\^•n lunud, luinus tiuggalam. lemas Drowned niatCii I nil lid muti lemas Drowsy klerruh antuk Druos ohat obat Drum gdiidaiiff gandarang Drniik Jieluh mrd)ok Dry tahai, iiH -taJtai kring Dry, to nug-talut kring-kan ,, (in the sun huhad, hi liar-i jemur Duck, a itch itek Due (debt) iitaiKj hutang Dugs pnngait d unih, mat a siisii Diiku (fruit) biiaJiait Ian sat Dull hingoiifj bin gong Dumb Fimaliu bisii, kelu Dun, to Hamuli lit ataiig men-agi-iitang Dunce dopaiKf bodoh Dung tdi, tCilil tfd, tahi Durian d ilia 11 durian Durian, preserved likiii cUaaii Dusk tigidlam, Jdam silam, kabus Dust Iiinihiit, t fniul, hd- fibu, duh, lubu gnnbitii, inaaghon lumat Dutch Hoi an da Blanda Duty (revenue) sukal chiikei, hasil Dwell hill ah tinggal, diam Dwelling hid riimah 59 ENGLISH. SULU. :,IALAY. Dysentery pier/- in ft I h II (J lit/ fi h chirit darali Dye irahui-hdii, paUiiif/ chelup Each tlap Cap tiap tlap Ear talnfjd telinga .. -ring Ixdiff krabu, subang ,, ,, pendant ((iitiiii/-antiiiri antmg-anting Early (in the day ) la pit (ifJlau, silbFih- pa da siangharl, suhidi-ddlau dini hfirl ,, (before) kdina dahulu Earnings taii;; ENGLISH. Entreat Enumerate Envelope, an Envoy Epilepsy Epistle Equal Equal, to Ivjuip, to Equipment Equity Era (Mahome- dan) Erase J^rect (set up) Err Eruct, to Eruption, skin 1^] scape, to Eschar Escort, to p]spy, to Essence (sub- stance) Essential Ethiopian European pjven (level) ,, (number) SU-LU j)(nt(/((ioJt, villi i It 0)1 (J putus-suUit dak-an Ijti (J -hdhoi -haboi sulat sall-sall. sail sixgiid pa map, c]uik((p Ixa-paiiiap-an sfdriJt Jiajerat Jiagis 2)ie(j-bangiiii pi eg -sail sigiih tig lid pagoi, magoi kfigang hiatud hengon, hvug-an iiiiui sohai JiahsJr Tau-piiteh da tag ganap MALAY. polion, minta bllan^' saron<4' surat surilh-an petam babi surat sama tar a me-langkap ka-langkap-an adil hejerat kikis, hiipus men-diri-kan ber-salah l)lahak kiidis lari, Input salaput antar tintanf^: lijud Wcijib habshi Orang-puteh rilta, datar ganap 64 EXCtLISH. Evening Event (affair; Ever Every Evil Evil-spirit Ewe Exact Exalt, to Examine SULU. niaJiapim palJiala tap -tap lai-tan-tan, hin-lun, sa kail -an viaiig-i blli-hlll fnnagak (ImiDia, am II iii((iii-f)'dl(lr-kaii palckm closelv, to clfiDiilhan Example Exceed Excellent Except Excessive Exchange Exclaim Excrement Excuse (pardon) anipiin-aii, maaf- kaii Exert (one"s-self) kasai kasai Exhausted hidpufi, malidr.us Exist (to live) hohch Exist (to be) aun Exorcise hiiigit saitan Expand (dehisce) miiskag laiijairait pakardiau, tiid iiiardiau-inardiau lual, nia-lain-kan Ian do sainbi, siinianihi maii-i/abtit tdl patang perkara pern ah sagala, skali-an se-ganap jahat birl-blri-betina betul mem-besclr-kan pareksa pilat teladan lampau baik skali hania, me-lain-kan terlalu tiikar meng-iichap tfii meng-ampun, maaf-kan rajin-kan letek hid op ada biiang setan kumbang SULU. MALAY. Expect agroi-agaii Expedite pa-segla-han Expel, to biugit, Jifilau Expend pcg-ha la lija Expense halanja Experienced b'laksa Expert pa)idai Explain niain-baita Expose (to the sun) b ii Ji a d Express(squeeze) mulajut, gipit Expunge Ixagis Exquisite ma ra ia u pa ka ra ia u Extend (the legs) Dia-biug-kang Extensive liayang, hlag Exterior ha-guaJi Extinguish P'^HQ, poJioitg Extremity ilgbus* ,, (extreme point) f^oAo/ Eye Eye-ball Eye-brow Eye-lashes Eye-lid mat a agong-agong mdta k'da i pelok-mdta takolaub inata Eye, pupil of the tan-tan mdta me-nanti segrfi-kan alau, buang ber-balanja balanja biasa, marjisa pandei trang-kan junior prah liapus elok, namat kang-kang lapang, liias di-luar pildam gintas * lijong mat a biji mat a kening biilu mata kalupak mata anak mata Face baiJiok, bail in muka Fade (as leaves) Idyn, Inmainls layii Eag-end of a cigar, the pfipild dnbla * Used when speaking of branches, twigs, and plant? 66 ENGLISH. SULU. Fail (in business) holog, jfitoh, hag-hag in A-o;?^si* pechahkongsi* Faint (swoon) j^icg-hahoi-hahoi pangsan ,, (fatigued) lema-lema Fair (handsome) via-putUi Faitli (religion) Imdii Fall, to Jiolog, hog, Icgad Fall, to (as leaves) ^;rt/t'-/ja A; „ off, to False Family, a Famine Fan Far Fare (passage money) Farewell Fashion Fast (quick) Fast, to Fasten, to tanak dusta, piiting aiigka hdl ka-gntom-an kah-kah vidioh, ICiioli cJuikal mRJ na aku, man )ta kdiiti, uidtoli na kdinl ddat, tah'tat sa}nut, ])ia-sa))uif, hnskai, ma-huskai ddgan, iiia-rdga/i pudsa liiukut, liiugut, lelah, leteli permi, elok imfui, din jatoh liiroh, giigor tanggal dusta, bdhong isl rumah ka-lapar-an kip as juuh tambang, sewa tinggal-lah, salfimat- tinggal fidat, tabiat lekas, pantas, laju, bfmgkat puasa ikat, ubong, hilku-JuuL tanibat, ulas ,, (as a fi&vong)])iaii-a))iaiig, ta))wngika.t Fat (corpulent) nia-tainhtik gumok * " Kongsi "-^co-partnership. G7 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Fat (grease) (!(('! iiKj , III a- rag uig lejnak Father (dlKlJl bap a Fathoni diipit, (hijxc depa Fatigued JiiajiKfi pan at Fault sdJi sfdali ]^\u'()ur l-asiJi-ldsiJi kasih Fear (dread) ha-hoga-aii ka-takut-an ,, (to be afraic \)}ii(i-ho(ja t;\kut Feast oi rail -an jamu-an Feast, to riu'ig-oirali ber-jTimu ,, (festival da] :)Jiai-li l:C(iju pfisang-fipi ,, , to be on sil)tof/-a)i hangus Fire-arm sanapand beclil Fire-place ka-dapol-cDi dfipor Fire-fly lamhitong, Iclip-ldip kiinang Fire-wood Icaliol doiujol kayil api Fireworks tonhdh-toiihak merchuni First tci(/)ir(Ji, )nriiia, Fni((,i)eYt[nn£i,nm\as- Ji((-u)u(-ha)i,ka-lsa, inula, jnlong, diral Tiwal First-born l-a-Diar/dhoig-an sillong ,, and the last, tber7»v7/ aJiil f Tiwal dan akbir Fish istd ikan ,, (dried) ista taJiai Ikan kring ,, , to catch hinrjit, ma-miiujit panelling ,, withnets, to vitig-IcnjaJt nien-j'Tda bubu * kail kail bes.ir sarampang tilll panelling piikat Fish, to (M.O.P. mtig-hajah, (dredge) Shells) mug-sap, manuntoug (dive) Fist l-imi-hinn gang"gam,tt'ii]il Fits scuvan, hahoi-hahol, sawan, pitani, glla-hahoi gila-babi t Alpha and omega. * Made of wicker-work. Fish-trap sanghau Fish-hook hingit „ , large hncil Fish-spear sapang Fishing-line hapun Fishing-net pukut 71 MALAY. 'Five Ilina Flabby liiinjiit ,, (pendulous) bi/i/oii-buijog Flag jniin/i Flagstaff tcD'oli pa)u;ii Flame iita-lfujn Flank l^Pd Flash (as lightning) ;// I'Kj-lrda t Flask, powder jyinituk Flat (smooth) „ (level) Flavour Flea, a Flee, to Flexible (soft) Fling, to Flint Float, to „ (drift) Flood Flood-tide Floor ,, , plank Flour (wheat) ,, (rice) Flower pioiijalt data;/, ratag hlsa, a II con Ixutu-edolc pfKjul Ifnutlc, Jionit, huijocj-huijog teluJt, 2'xoieioJi, sia2)ud, Ji'uinihat hat ft Cipl liaxfop, Ian top liianad , jucdis, dimnh tdiib laiit((i lantai dig pi tallgil, tillgu tapung sumping Fluent (in speech) pa n da i m ug-pa mong lima lunak kupak bandera tiang banderfi niilla lambong l^er-kllat puntuk pipeh rfita rasa kutu-anjing lArl lambek. llat, lunibut limpar, cham- pak, lontar batu api timbul hfinyut jiyer-bah ayer-prisang lantei lantei pfipan tepong tepong bimga pandei berkilta 72 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Flushed (face) ma-puJa in haiholc nnika merah Flute jnilauta silling Fly, to h'ipad terbang ,, (musca) JuJiilt irdat „ (larcrefiy) la 11 g a 11 pikat, langau Flying-fish hiiiglis, tikhl ikang terbang Foal aiHiJi kura analv kuda Foam hul-al buhl Fog (mist) gahnn kabut Foiled (worsted) tlicas tiwas Fold, a ang lapis sa'lapis „ ,to lopl llpat ,, (enclosure) pagal kandang Follow, to dgad, hunyog, urol ikot, turut, fio-ol Iring, kajar Follower, a ihan kawan Fond (fondness) Jiasili-J^asili ka-kasih-an Food la-aun-an makan-an ,, , cooked latoli-an imei, nasi* Fool hahal, kdngog, babal, bodoh, dopang, hlngoug gila, bingong Foolish, to be rndg-langog, hasniaJi niiim bddoh Foot sili krdd ,, (sole of the) ^jac? slki tapak kaki Foot-mark limpa slki, hckasslki bakas kaki Foot-path d(l)i, ran jalan For hilf-kal/ia kerna Forbid king liuang * Cooked rice. 78 Forbidden Force (strength) Ford, a ,, (to wade) Forecastle Foreign Foreigner Forefathers Forefinger Forehead Fore-mast Foremost Foreskin Forest Forever Forget Forgive, to Fork, a Forked Form Former Formerly Formidable Fornication ,, (to connnit) Forsake Fort, a Fortune Fortunate Jut hi III haram i/i((-fr((f;. l-(i-f/aiis-((/t lai-kuat-an Ii(t-I(()uj-aii, ddsal langdai itlxxj mei'andau (loiKj-dontj, dulioiuj haluan doicain tdii duirain l-/ ild, Janglca t Fountain tithiir-an Four opat Fourteen luutgpoli-tug-opat Fowl (bird) DicnwJi-nianoJc ,, (domestic) mcuwk ,, (wild) lahuijoh Fragrant ma-hamut Fraud manlpn Freckles i)itil--uitiJ: Free (manumitted) ;//c/ A 2^ah tcinah Grow tahuh, tiimubuh tumbuh Growl Pgol ngarOng Gruel nils tang ayer kanji Guana hlhang buiwak Guard (to watch) tunggn, jdga menunna-sfik ,, , palm of the pad-l'nna ,, , beledbythe dnihit-an ,, , left Ilina ha laica ,, , rio'ht I'una Jut to Handkeicliief sdpu-tdiigdii Handle (of a kris) ddngdn-aii ,, (of a ha,Yong)poJid)i ,, {of&^ha.minev)tdng'kai ,, (of a spear) t'llisi Hand's-breadth, Rang-j^dd ' Handsome Hans tdngan dekat tfipak ttingan pimpin tangan kiri tangan kanan sapu-tangan iilu ulii iilu iilu sa' tampak bagus riipa ddghus inaraiaii giaittoiig, h'ifai-b'itaiga,i-itong Happen nian-Jdd'i, niaii-jdrl jadi Happy seiiang-afdi senang-hati Harbour (bay) hlk telok (anchorage) Id w ig-a ii labuh-an Hard Hardship Hardy (bold) ., (stout) Harlot Harmonious Harrow Harsh (severe) Harvest via-tras, ma-landoh kras, te^ar 'ka-sfikdl-aii ina-lsug tagoh hahai ka-ldgah-an, mahiga nidlui sildldi hliigts, hfiiigis rnug-an'i pdi * Commonly used in Brunei ka-sukar-jin barani tagoh sundal, pendayang * mardii sisir tanah bingis, kras per-uma-an 84 ENGLISH. Haste, to Hat, a ,, (straw) Hatch, to Hatchet ,, (native) Hate, to (detest) Hatred Haul Haunted Have, to Hawk, to (spit) ,, , a, Hay Haze He Head ,, (crown of) Headache Head-dress ■ Headland Headlong Head-wind Heal Health Heap (a pile) Hear Heart SULU. vs-iis, scgia, sdmnt sdrOk sCtpfiio ma-musali, piusah IxCimixih, help all jmtnJc hfinshi 'ka-hanslii-an hPla tug a saltan aun, tilga mug-Juiliak samhulan, Icing saghiit ma-tahai gahiin sia, nia, sila, nila umhfni-umhRii-an sdkit-o pis, htllang-hulang tdndoh tlmdngJce angin ha baiJioJ: A-a-]tuIi, iiug-ohat nan am tahun-an, wind dinigag, riingag jantong MALAY. giipoh, segra, pantas chapTau, tupl kupia men-atas kapak behong binchi ka-binchl-an hela, tTirek ber-hantii ada garut wall rumput kring kabut dia, ia, nya kapjxla, iilii iibun-ubun sakit kapala singal, destar tanjung piikang angin di miika- men-iuniboh nyuman, aflat tambun dengar jantong 85 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Heart (spiritual] 1 liatai hati ,. (of wood) Psok tras Heat ha-paso-an ka-panas-an Heave (throw) tela, lap lid champak ,, np (weigh) honglcal-an , dtong-aiihongkav Heaven sJiOlga, sorga, soga surga, shorga Heavenly hidddcdi bidadari ,, beings aiiali ,, anak ,, Heavens (sky) lung it Ifmgit Heavy ma-hog at, hug at brat Hedge ad pagar Heed iiiga t, daia u-da la u in gat Heel tlJcud-tlkud timiit „ (to incline) ma-kuuj singit, miring Height tas ka-tinggi-an Heir 'waris, icalis v/aris Heir-apparent Idja-mura raja-milda Heir-loom pasaka pusaka Hell naUca narka, naraka Helm hunsaii kamiidi Helmsman jcdo iiiudl juro-mudi Help (to assist) tahang tolong Hem, to (fell) hrhcm klem Hemp-plant lanaf^ pisang tali Hen (domestic) manoh umdgak ayam betina Her sia, Ilia, sila, nila ia, dia, nya Hers kan sia dia punia Here dl, di-ha-'ini sini, di-sini * Musa textilis: Bisaya, "abaka." 86 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Heretic multad * murtadd * Hernia mustik burut Hermaphrodite hantat, j;«jj>? darat, di ulii Innocent Inquire Insane Insect Inside Insincere Insolent Instant wCii dusa tiada s;llali dsuhu, Diang-astlhn tanya glla hok-hok * Jialioii hakiui banal ina-ninggad sa-saat (this moment) rty^r/ Art dui-ddi Ini Instead Instruct Insuihcient Insupportable Insure Intellect Intelligence glla bubok '^ dalam bukan benar niciki, kclchak sa-saat sa-banter ini ganti nieng-ajar siihli mug-liindoh icdi gd)idp, di abut tiada cliukop di na ina-sindal ta' tahan poke akal, pdlidni, bud bud i man gai popia akal, piiham, budi,budiman khabar This insect is %-ery destructive to the wood and bamboo-work of houses. 92 ENGLISH. SULU. Intelligent tiuja-akal Intention maksad, saugajtl Inter (to bury) Inhfd Inteiestioi money) ajiak-an, anak Interior ha-lum ,, (of a county) gimhah, G Interpret scdlii Interpretation ihdrat Interpreter Intersperse Interview Intestines Intoxicated Intrepid Investigate Invulnerable jrdd hahasa muy-'nt-ut l^iig-halhok ling an -ling an hcloh via-lsog 2JaIeksa ktlhrd, panglias Iris (of the eye) hTnghll mata Iron Irreparable Is Is not Is not, it Island It Itch Itchy Itinerant Itself Ivory hdsl dh maka daiau ami wdi hukiin 2)0 sia, nice ugud gated, gcitid miig-lonsol-lonsol tsa-lsa-nya gdring, gdding ber-budi niaksiid, hajat tanani bunga wang di-diilam iilu, pasak salin ibarat juro bhasa selang-selang per-temu-an tall prot mabok barfini pareksa kabal bingki mata besi ta' jcidi lagi ada tifida bukan piilau, pillo dia kudis gatal ber-jalan-jalan dia-kindiri gading 93 ENGLISH. SULU. Jack-friilt ndnr/J:a Jacket bfijFi Jail jnoijdia, jrl Jambs (of a door) liegad lawanrj ,, (sill & lintel) langhahan Jar (vessel) j^^r/aA, huijonrj ,, (small) JiJbut „ (flower pot) j'x^isii Jatropliamaniliot j9««.(7.7i liahol f MALAY. Java Javanese Jealous Jevohah Jelly-fish Jesus Jetty Jew Jeweller Jews-harp Join (connect) Joint, a Jostle, to Journey Judge Judgement Judgement-day Jump, to Jungle Jaw a Tau-jawa hngholi alali-talali buugsdhai Isa jKuitdlan, imntdii lahudi taJcang mas kfdalng * sdmhong hukCi dilgtol ha-2Kuiau-an hdlxlm Jiukuni-an adlau klamat 7na-ompaf, laksfi. kdtlcui nangka biljii pan jar a, jel janang chupu tamp ay an taker, kibut pasu ubl kayii Jawa Orang-jfiwa cliimbiiru allah-taala ubor-ubor Isa jambatan, titi laluvli tiikang mas. genggung * ubong sundi sontok ber-jalan-an hakim hukum harl kiamat lompat hiitan Made of bamboo. t Tapioca. 94 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Jungle-fowl Jahuyuh ayam iitang Jurisdiction pug-j^alentah-an parent ah Just (11 mug dap it adil Just now lic)i dun, siii-lni- 7;n's"karang Ini Just past kai)ia tadi Juvenile hata-bdta, silbill muda Kalong kahnrj kaluang Kamuning-wood buntih kamuning Keel luiias lunas Keen (sharp) ma-hdit tajani Keep itdii, tlait, tail simpan Keg, a plpa pipa Kettle sill kendi, cherek , , (e arth en w are) l-djxsJo kipsiau Kettle-drum gdnddng gandarang Key chachuk anak konchi Key-hole tif/bak-a)i lobang ,, Kick slpah, simipah * sipak * Kick man-akdtig,tdkdd g\ tendang f Kid anak kanibiiig anak kambing Kid-nap man-lakaii tdu menchuiiurang Kill bdnoh biinoh ,, siinibai \ sambilih I Kin tau-tdi-dndk sanak Kind (sort) glnls, ka-gJnls-an macham, jinis Kindle Soil, bohe, Idga pasang * With the side or sole of the foot. f W ith the sole of the foot. ^ To kill animals for food with religious forms. 95 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Kindred Jaiiim, tai-analx diisanak King Laja Eaja King of Spain Hclri, Ldja Kastela Ejlja Spaniol Kiss slum cbium Kitchin Jids'in a , dapol-a n dapor Kite, a (paper) tag art alang-alang Kitten analc Jul ting anak kuching Knee tUliful lutut Knee-cap puiggan-pinggaii- lutut- tiiliud tempurong Knife lading, faring pisau, lading Knife, clasp- I(iri>ig pilxo ,, Knob (of a gong ) hf/jal pusat agong Knock against, to lidntak bantam Knot, a hiuku, hnkd simpul Know ingat, niaka-ingat tabu ,, (understand) ;;/«A'rt-Art^/, hati meng-arti ,, (acquainted) jja/?a?;^, ka-ingat-an\idA-idA Know, I do not indai antab Knowledge bndJ, ilniu budi Knuckle bilk a lima bukii jari Kris kalis kris Labour (work) lunang-an karaja Lad hata-hata-iisog biidak, bu-ang Ladder hug -dan tanggab Lade out, to lelcmas men-imba Ladle, a fjaijong, huRjUf, gayung, ugdb tempurong ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Lady clay an r/ setl,inchi Lake Idiian, ddn'au danau, tasek Lamb anaJt hlll-hlU anak biri-blrl Lame singlcang, hangkang tempang Lament, to mag-mdtdi ratap Lamp imlltalian pallta Lance (spear) hnjdk limbing Land hip a tanah Language hdlidsa bhasa Languid lema-Icma leteh, lemah Lantern tdnghlng tenglOng Lap glha pangku, riba Lap (lick up) clTlat jilat Lapidary- jiandai palmdta pandei permata. Lard Idndli hdhoi lemak babi Large ddkolah, maslag besar, gadang ,, (spacious) Inag, ona-ldag liias Last in ha idih-an tiid, iang di blakang ka-tapus-an, ahil s'kali, jxkhir Last-born ka-hongsCi-an bongsii Last-night h\lhi sa'malam Last-day adlau aliil bar! kliimat Last (to endure ) sandal, kaindus tahan Late (in time) di sa-iif, ma-ldlai lambat Lately haina, tdgua tadi Lath (batton) hrdah* hanga t tatal Lattice work saisih, sdislg kisl-kisi Laugh ka-tdica, tu-tdioa tertawa * Made of bamboo. f Made of anibong. 1 97 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Law hnl-Rin. bukmn Lawsuit dawa, hechala dawa, bechjira La}' (to place) hutang taroh, latak Lay-by tiau, tan simpan Lay hold of, to sagau tangkap ,, eggs, to mang-eklog ber-telor Lazy ma-huskau malas, segiin Lead tinggah, tinkah timah-hltam , white (paint) sat pntcli chat piiteh , red (paint) sat pala chat merah (for sonnding)jj?v7/;i, from (to conduct) liJatnd antar (by to hand) amhit-an pinipin Leader (chief) panglu'du pangulu,kapala Leaf ddliuii dfuin Leak, to nahad-hTtd* nilris Leaky to tiris, miris ,, (as a boat) huslut bOchor Lean (thin) kaiUg kurus Lean against, to sandlg, sumcuidlg sandar Leap, to laksn lompat Learn anad bel-ajar ,, i\\e\s.OYQ.i^,i(j mang-ajl nieng-aji Learned tdim fdiiu Leather ^mis kulit Leave, to maka-hln, miaid ' tinggal-kan ,, {^evim^^iow) tagut,pasaran idzin, muhon ,, (to sail) tumidak tolak * As grain from a torn bag. f " Miitid ' ' is used by an inferior to a superior. I 98 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Leavings taali-tuah sisa Leach, horse- Untali lintah Leach, land- limatok achih, pachat Lecherous lasig, gated kanji Lees (sediment) lidang, aJccll chirit, kruh Leeward ha habah hang in ■ di bawah an gin Left(opposed to right) laiva kin Leg betis, paha, sdcl p}iha,kilki, betis Leisure ka-tanam-an ka-senang-an Leisurely uint-'inut perhihan Lemon-grass sal sarai Lend bus-an, ijiig-bus me-minjam Length haba panjang Lengthwise Ciiun bujur Lengthen ma-liaba-kaii panjang-kan Leprosy kayo kudal, kusta ,, (white spots on the ^'kin) ap-dp panau Less (in size) a Sim dien ha kechilderi-pada ,, (in number) kdlang dien ha kurangderi-pada Let (suffer) b'la, hiah, blal biar Let go ('g-i, butan-i lepas Let (hire) silken sewa Letter (epistle) sfdat surat kirim-an ,, (address of a)(ddmat sidat alcimat surat ,, (character) liCilup huruf Level dcltdg rata, datar Liar tciu pfding-an pcm-bdhong Liberate Pg-l lepas-kan Licence (a perm i i)sdj) blbas chap bibas 99 ENGLISH. SULU. (Ill at MALAY. Lick, to dllat jilat, lulum Lid, a tt'itdp-aii, tirouj-aii tudong ,, , eye- tahllauh mciUi kalupak niata Lie down, to Jiolaug, kauwlang ,, on the back, to milg-daraiah ,, , to (prone) nng-darauh ,, , a i:)nting Life n'laica Lift, to huliat ,, (at one end) nagta, tditglte Light (opposed to dark) ma-sdwa ,, , day- suhnh-sRhnh-adlau slang ,, (not heavy) ma-gCihan ringan ,, (to ahght) timapoh sr>h Mat sail, h'la viilg-ien,})iaH-bayakiinka,, maii upama, pantiui, upjuna pat a tan ddJiOnian, Isab aiiggduta ,, (as a lamp) Lightning Like (ahke) ,, (to desire) Likeness ,, (portrait) Likewise Limb ,, (a haunch) palia, pa Lime (calx) hangkit ,, (fruit) Limpid Line (cord) „ (thread) baring, limpan< talantang tiarap bohong niawa angkat jongkat trane:, sians angkap pasang kilat sama, bagei siiah via nail at ma-h'haa Uihid s aha II Lines of the hand grdls gambar pula, jiiga angguta pilha, pauh kapiir iTmau nipis jerneh, henii>g tah benang kr.ris 100 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Linger nug-haIi,2)urj-JiaU-J an ber-lengah Lining Iclplfi lapis-an, bipis Lion suifja singa Lip hf'fjad slmud bibir Lisp, to ktlfop gagap Liquid tuhig ayer Liquor ]nnom-an,minom-an minom-an Litigate, to mtig-dfavu ber-dawa Little (small) aslvJ kechil ,, (in quantity) tloh-tloh sedikit ,, while dai-ddi sa-bantar ,, finger ki)ir/-Ji'uig kaling-king Live (alive) hnhr hidop ,, (dwell) Ji Fi la h diiduk, diani Livelihood IxCi-hnliP-an ka-hidop-an Lizard pin if chichak ,, , house- fnl'C t.lke Lo ! (behold) Jilfd-hah liat-lah Load, to It'KUi miiat Loadstone hat a hdlCinl batu b'rani Loaf of bread aufjAa hlfjl hit'i rnti sa' biiali Lobster kafdcuuj, Txcdrlaufj lidang galah Lock, a Jil'Dlf^li, kunchi Lock, to ))nig-Jcunshi,JiiaiinsJti ber-kuncbi Log, a hatang l-fihni batang kayii Loiter mug-licdi-hcdi ber-lengah Loitering png-hali-an lengah Long hahah panjang „ (time) mdgai lama ENGLISH. SULU. 101 MALAY. Long since mngai-na sudah Lima Long for, to lindaivj dindani Look (to see) latajiomlta liliat, tengok „ at, to Jtatud, j^omaio pandang ,, SLtmdivect\y,tomiig-leronrj, harong meng-arling ,, at furtively, to 7«^/?^, liimeng ,, at earnestly, to man-dulag Looking-glass sdnii)i Loose (to unbind) oZ^^r-rc;?, ohad-aii Lord, the Tuliaii Lose, to lawa , , (by gambling) slang ,, (incur loss) hlgi Louse JcRfii Louse, to crack a Jii mughuh, nghuh-an tindis Love, to ma-lnl Lovely maraiau yugbfis Low babah ,, (in stature) pundRk ,, (in price) mohal ,, water lu'uias ,, (below) ha babah, ha sfon Low, to (as cattle) mil g-nia meng-;11i chermin niilki luirei Tub an liTlang gal ah rugi kutu ber-abi elok paras Luck Lucky Luminous Lump, a Lunatic Lust sukad maraiau snkud sdia k'Lumjnd rjTla rendab pendek miirab ayer timpas di b a wall meng-wa nasib, mujur nasib balk chrda gompal glla lasig, hdwa, napsu bawa, nafsu 102 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Lustre sdia chaia, gamilang Lute, a suHncj siiling Luxuriant ■ina-Jdhonri suber, rampak Machine mahlna jantara,pesawat Mad glla glla Maggot Ud ulat ,, (wood ^Y ovm) hoi- -hr>l- bnbok Magic JiiLinat hikmat Magistrate hahim, masfirlh hakim, majistret Maliomedan ishnit, sk())i islam Maid (virgin) (lilf/d, hujang anak dclrah Mail, coat of I a nil IK ( baju rantei Maimed jntl-i'J kudong Maize f/diicloni jagong Make, to hlnaiif/ biiat ,, (create) man-jcidl men-jadi-kan ,, good, to mi(f/-d((iati-i mem-ljaik-i ,, water, to viilii, ihl biiang c\yer sini Malady sclTxit peniakit Mala}', a mdldfjii, tdu mdldij u urang mahiyii Male iisog, mandcmgan lakl-lclkl,jantan Malediction si'ignah-an,su'knah -an kutok ]\ran, a tdu Orang Man-of-war l'a2)((1 2^((^'ct^ig kapal p'rang Mandate titah tItah Mane (of a hoi se) Ixdhrdai gambong Mange hdngtus kurap binatang Mango (large) 7iH'm I mangga lo;^ ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Mango (small) mampaldm mampalam „ , horse- hdunoh bahinuh Mangrove haTiciw, pagatpat bakaw,paratpat Mangosteen manggis manggis Mankind man lis la manilsia Manner tCihiat, adat char a Many ma-tdud buniak ,, , how pi'Ia in tdiid luja brapa baniak ,, , ever so sdhlan seklan Map, a pat a patah Mare kara omagak kuda betlna Margin he gad tepi Mark Indan, gindan, sap tanda, chap „ , foot- llmpa s'lhl btikas kaki Market pdrian, tdhoh, pasar, pakan. tlanggi piidian Marriage picg-asaica,asawa'haii kawin ,, , rites of mug-tiaun nikah Marrow sum-siim utak tulang Marsh sdpa paya Masculine usog, mandangan laki-lakl,jantan Mash, to pipis-an pipis-kan Mason, a stone tdkang hdtu tiikang batu Massacre ka-huno]i-aiL ka-bunoh-an Mast (of a ship) tar ok tiang Master tiian, tug-Jpun tiian, inch! ,, (of a ship) kapitan, nakOra kapitan, nakoda Mat, a (of any sort) lianig tikar, lampit „ (made of pangdan) haloi tikar 104 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Mat (made of nipa) kdjang kajang ,, , rat an bur as tikar rutan Matches hagid-hagid pendidip,maches Mate (of a ship) mallm mallm ,, (companion ihcui, ahai kawan, taman Matter (substanc Q)anTid zat, ujud „ (pus) nclndh nanah ,, , no dl iia tlno, s'arl na tiada mengapa Mattress tllam tllam, kasor Mature (ripe) Jut tog masak May (can) iiia'ka-jddl bulih ,, be (possibly) Za/a-AfZ/'J kalo-kalf) Me aJiU saya, aku Meadow jKlntdi padang Mean (sordid) pa isl kikir Meaning vidua, hatl ma'ana, arti Measles sampaJ, at as chachar ayer Measure, a {\eiv^th)rikitr-an hukur-an „ , to mdg-akur hukur-kan ,, a (capacity) sahUd-an siikat-an „ , to inag-sTikad men-iukat ,, (one by one ) tap ad siikat stltu satu Meat (flesh) aiind daging Mecca (the city) Mtikkah Mekkah Mechanic takdng tukang Meddle dsPhah usek,usah, jamah Medicine ilhdt ubat ,, (remedy) tdmhal penawar Meditate plkll sangka 105 SULU. MALAY. Meet, to ,, (proper) Meeting liiegdahan, hak-an jjutnt Jiiegdahaii-aii ,, (assemblage) ka-tdud-aii Meliorate Melodious Melon, water- Melt, to Memory Mend (repair) ,, a net, to Menial (slave) Menstrual Mention ,, (relate) Merchandise Merchant Merciful Merely Meridian Metaphor Meteor pleg-daiau-l ma-hii tnnoji via-dnchoJ ka-tam-tiim-an 2)ier/-daian-i pfinaJi hat a, 'ipun bertemu,]'umpa patut ber-temii-an ka-rapat-an baik-i mardii mandikl anchor ka-ingat-an balk-i bubul budak, hamba niilg-dfirjtlJt . df/fjuh-aii bulan-bulan sahut, mainjahnt sebut,meniebut haita dag dug -ail sauddgdl ha-ldsa-han, saja dgtoh pdiitiui aiifnulsol Method (mode) pdli-hdl Mew, to (as a cat) mrig-lau Middle tengah, g'ltong, ut ,, (the waist) lidwdkan Middle-finger jdl man is MiddHng sdrang bilang, cherita dagang-an sudagar sdyang, kasihan saja rambang umpama bintang ka-larat-an pri-hal meng-iau tengah pmggang jari manis sedang Mid-day tengah-ddlau, ogtoh tengah hari 106 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Midnight tengah dum tengah malam Midwife haleran, man-'tbau bid an Might (could) viaka-jddl, maka -jarZhulih „ (power) gaus, kfiasa kuasa Migrate 2)indaJi bcr-pindah Mild kapachut lenibut Mildew kapii-kapu lapok Milk gatas susu ,, , to kiawa gatas prah siisii Milliped lahiul bagei hallpan Mimic Ifilui, uju-uju ajokan Mina-bird tin II g tinng Mind (spiritual) hated hat! ,. (understanding) i/^fZi budi Mine (possessive) A:«-rt A-/;, Tiahfi aku punya kan-patelc saya piinya Minister (of state) wa;/fz/i niantri Mire jfisak ma-hahloh lichah, piche Mirror sdmui chermin Miscarry (as a f emale)j?r/ k-pa k in. an a k gugur anak Miscellaneous Inda lopa machani-macham Mischief kangl-an ka-jahat-an Misconstrue sail in ka-Jiatl-aii sfilali meng-arti Miscreant jaulaka, daidaka se chelka Miser tdit paisl urang kikir Miserly paisl, ma-'itong Ivikir Misfortune mangi silk a d nasib jahat Miss (fail to hit) di kicgdahaii tiada kena Mist qahiui kabut 107 ENGLISH. SULU. Mistake sdJi Mistress (concubine) s«;/f?il s'karang Ini ,, (the expletive) 7;ir(fA;(r6 maka Nudge, to man-dntok* kuet * Number niunhul f numbur f Nuptials tlaun nikcih Nurse tumanad Inang, peng-asoh ,, , wet d urn -an pen-iiisu Nurture ipad piara Nymph (celestia X) hlddddll bidadarl Oar, an day on g daynng ,, (a paddle) hug sal peng-ayuh '■ To dig in the ribs, f Adopted from English and used in classifying. J 114 ENGLISH. Oath ,, , to take an ■Obeisance Obey Object (of sight) ,, (of pursuit) Obscure (dark) Obstinate Obstruct Obstruction Obvious Occidental Occupation Occupied ,, (busy) ,, (as a house) Occupier Ocean ,, (the deep) Odour ,, (of perfume) Of (belonging to) ,, (from) Off, from ,, , to break ,, , to cast „ , to fall ,, , to leave SULU. MALAY. sCipaJi sumpah miig-sajjah ber-sumpah JtumRhoJi, Juiboh tunduk agad, saint tiirut Ica-JcUa-a n ka-llat-an jia-Ia wag-a n pen-chari-an tigidlam, maVindoin klam, glap ma-iras lit licitdi hati kras m t'ig-sasa t, ?na-srtSrtY menyasak sanl:T(t-an sankiit-an ma-leJiau, ma-sawa trang, niata hag at, sedlupan, barat, hatds Jiang 1)1 jnuj-JilncDtg-aii aim lunang-an well saiiaiig tiiga taiL tug hai land taicld hfiJul, haft inanind. kan, sill dieii Jia dieii Jia-tds halch h'luglt taiialc diunuJtong di-atas angin pe-karja-aii ada karja ta' senang ada (Irang tuan rumali laiit laut besilr bjiu wangi ampunia,punya deri pad a deri Titas pat ah bfiang langgal ber-henti li: ENGLISH. SULU. MALAV. Offer homage, to siimumhah scmhaJi ,, , to (a price ) tawal tawar Often nial-a inntdiid ter kadang ,, , liow iiKilui pela brapa kali Offence (fault) sail, (Ids a sjllah, dnsa Office gPdonfj* of is f gedong,* nfis + ,, (eniploymen t)ilsdh-aii pegang-an Oh! arnhi ! adr.hi ! Oil I an all minjak ,, , earth IdiiaJi lopa I mmyak tanaht Oily ma-la nail ber-minyak Old (aged) mas, maJas tiiah ,, (decayed hy time) lofjai lama Omit (forget) hljui hip a On (upon) ha-tas, ha di-atas, di Once mal'a mlsa)i sa'kali On dit I- 11)10, sui-siii kata (irang One Isa, sa, liamhok suatu, satu, sa ,, , it is all sari It a sfuna jiiga ,, eyed ttiiiggal mdta mata sa'blah ,, at a time Isa anglia mlsaii sfitu sa'krdi Onion haicang bawang Only sclja, sagilah, Ifial saja, hania „ (sole) tioiggal tiinggal Opal, the hidnrl biduri Opaque hnlciin ma-hliia tiada trang Open dliah biika Literally, Store-house. Such as Kerosene. f .Adopted from English, g In Malay, malas— lazy. 116 ENGLISH. SULU. Open, to uk-di ,, (untie) tlhad ,, (as an umbrella) //7A;rtr7 ,, (as a B.o\\-ei)musJ^ag Opinion dg'i, scimhat Opium ajnun ,, (prepared) mar at MALAY. bilk a meng-urei-kan buka, kumbang kumbang fikir-an,sangka afyun madat, chandii to smoke mug-hanggopmarat Isap chandii Oppose Oppress, to Opulent Or Orange meng-atii me-lawan mang-amaya anlaya-kan daija-han, langke kaya ataica suali Order (command) dak ,, (to commission) ^;7 ;•»;?, tngCoi Ordnance Organ, an Oriental Origin Ordure Oriole, golden- Ornament, to Ornaments Orphan Other Otherwise Ought Our espil olgano * t'lmol, sluihangan asal tat, tclhl tehelau 2)ug-daiaii 2Ji(g-daiau-a)i 7/0,1 y (it mil dOain, dOwaiii ma-lain-kaii sohai atau limau manis suruh pasan mariam organo * di-bfiwah angin asal tai, chlrit kutilang hias-kan per-hias-an piatii, yatlm lain ma-lain-kan pi susun Pilfer tiahaii, tahau churl Pilgrim haji hajl Pilgrimage, to go on a imig-hajl naik hajl Pillage, to lampas rampas Pillar, (post) hag tiang Pillow, a o-aii bantal ,, , end of a sampong-an tampok bantal ,, case 2)Titris d-aii sarong bantal Pilot, a (guide) iiialiin malim Pimp, a snln-han berwah, barot Pimple (on the face) ampugud jerjiwat biltu „ (boil) hahii utrd bisul, brira Pinchers gipit sepit, penyepit Pinch, to gipit-an, huhut-an * Anak kahang=h.a.\i-ca.si chiibit, pichit ENGLISH. 123 MALAY. Pine apple plsang, pitulial nun as ,, , screw- pan fj dan pandan Pipe (for sinokin, cr)Jir)iig-Soi hiincliui ,, (coiuluit) seluraii seliiran Pipkin l:opsio kipsiau Pirate, a sahisu, panalusu p'ronipak ,, , to mang-alusH nieng-rompak Pirating, to go mang-angaiau * nieng-ayiih * Piss nulil, Jill kindling Pit linigag lubang, serbong Pitch gag all gala-gala ,, (resin) haletck damar, salang Pitcher pug a buyong Pith i'SoJc piilor Place, a tungud tamp at ,, , to hfitang taroh, buboh Placid lenau tedoh Plain (flat) del tag rata ,, (glade) pantal pcxdang Plait (to twist) sabir-an, snbld pintal ,, (as rotan &:c .)anijanh anyani Plane, a (tool) ]ia ta ill katam ,, , to Icatam-i ber-katam Plank, a dig pi papan Plant, to tlaitam, tanam ber-tanani Plantain (niusa) sain, sding pisang Plantation jamhangan, hacioida f kabim ,, (of sugar cane) A-(X-^r/i»-A«;/. ,, tabii *To go on a piratical expedition. t Spanish. 124 ENGLISH. SULU. Plate (dish) Idi Play nd'tm, naiam Plaything 2Jurj-n(Tim-aii Pleasant mn-tanam Please viilg-ijeii „ , if you Ica-lcJa-han Plenty nta -tCiud, ma-selhg, Pliant (flexible) himit, lunuk Plough, to mug- am Plough, a a ram* ,, (also dredge) hdjd f Plough-shaie salab Pluck lamf, Jcawa ,, (as fruit) ma-pnt, pdt-an ,, or draw out, to liuhlnt-an Plug (stopper) hfdat, dahiis-an Plunder, to (on land) Uog-aii ,, , to (at sea) inaiig-salusii Plunge (dive) lerop ,, in, to togpa Pocket, a hilsa Podicem detergere mamaupoh Poem ha-lang-an Point (extremity) doliol ,, (cape) taiidoh, tandok ,, (to indicate) tfijfi-han ,, (to aim at) k'ltaJ-an, tlijn, ,, (of a weapon)2>^ig pedang Sack, a (bag) karot, bnijot f karong Sacrifice, to siimhdi I sambilih I Sad silsah duka chita Sadness ka-siisaJi-aii ka-duka-an Saddle, a jKikid sela, palana ,, cloth, a lampit, lampik lapis-an Safety salamat salamat Saffron dcdaii kiinyet Sage (wise) hud'tman budlmfin M J a pandlta (Irong budlman Sago palm sani rumbia, silgu ,, flour Ifnnbla sagii, rumbia Sail (of a vessel) Iciyag hiyer * To che w the cud. t Native rice bag. X To kill animals, with religious ceremony. 141 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Sail, to iiiuri-lCujag ber-layer „ , a (jib) j,.-.i- jib Sailor Jialdsl-^' kalasi * ,, (of a praii) salial anak praii Sake of sahah-licdna kjirna-sabab Salary (wages) taiigdaii-an gaji Salacious gdoli-an gfital, kanji Saline (brackish; ) ma-hCiJigog mfisin Saliva hi rah ludah Salt OS ill garam ,, , to make 2)iig-asiit-a)i buat garam ,, (briny) ma-dsin masin Saltpetre sinddica ch end a wan Salute Dicoi-agiiia f meng-alu „ ,to mug-scdam ber-salam Salver (of metal) tcdam talam Same, the sa li sama „ (not differer it) huhiin do a ill bukan lain ,, (one kind) angina gJnls sfitu macham Sample lajaican, sontoh chontoh Sand huliangin pasir ,, bank hinias-an, gOsong gHsong, beting Sandals (slippers ) taompcv tarompa Sandal-wood sandana chcndana Sap tag oh getah Sarcasm uju-ilja per-kata-an sindir Sargasso I damped dampar (Brunei) * Of a European vessel. fTo salute a visitor approaching, t Drifting S3a-weed. 142 SULU. MALAY. Sash* salcnclanrj, said salendang Satan saitan, sliaitan sbeitan Satiate liien-snhdli-aii iiiengenniang Satiated 2''uas, timus jiiinii, kenniang Satisfied j;?/rts in hatal puas hati Saturday acUau sahtn liarl sabtii Sauce sahait kuah Saucer tapah Savage, a tan Jcaticm ,, (ferocious) talon Saw (small) gaur/arl ,, (large) lat-L-at Say, to JliIho, iximong, long kilta ,, , to (address) niug-sagda ber-sabda Scab Tigi'id ,, (of a sore) liigcoig Scabbard, a tagdhan Scald hanghis, husogan Scales (of a fish) hoindp-an,s7sik ,, (for weighing) tiinhang-an piring urang litan garang gargajl gargajl besar Scandal JitnaJi, ompat Scanty kdhnig Scapula l-iil-a Scar hahds pall Scarce maliang ,, inahonet Txa-hdh-an t susah dapat Scare (frighten) Idchlah-an meng-ajut Scatter sahud hanibur, tabor * Worn over the shoulders. f Literally, difficult to get. kudis kriiping, salaput sarong pedang lechor-kan sTsik d aching upat, fitnah korang bahkat parut jarang ENGLISH. Scent (perfume) laJisi Scent (odour) hah a, hau Scented mainnd Scholar J) CD nil t a Schoolmaster gtdu Schooner, a goleta* Science ilmit Scissors gunting ,, (for betel-nut) lia-lcati Scoop (ladle) surah, ogah Scope (space) tungiid Scorch siinog Score, a (twenty) sa-kori Scour Jitlgas ,, (cleanse) tliiiar Scorpion kala ja nghing Scrape, to hagis-an Scratch, to kamas, has-has Scream, to luig-hdiha, liiholc ber-trlak, tampik menjerit 143 MALAY. raksT, aver waugl bail, brdiu wangi pandita guru skunyir ilmu gunting klati, kachit siiduk, gayung tampat bakar, layur sa'kudi lipam chuclii kjrla chingking kikis-kan chakar, garu ,, (as a child) jalat Screw, cork- hull itek t Screw-pine Screw-nail ,, -propeller Scribe Scripture ,, (thekoran) knlaii Scrotum * Spanish, "galeta peler itek pan dan pfdvil skruf klpas juro tulis kltcib : koran In gong tampat biiah peler f Or : ta tabid hulat kachu. \ Sacred writings. pangdaii lansang sqmt kapai jcdo talis, Icutih kUah : 144 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Scrub, to mCig-nis-nis gnsok Scrutinise jxdeksa preksa, sidik Scum (froth) bul-al buhl Scurf lohag daki Scurrilous mangi slmud, tuhh Vi nuilut jtlhat Sea, the dag at Liut „ , at ha laud di lailt ,, faring peopl 3 hdjaii, samul laud urang laut ,, -shore hPgad dag at pantei, tepi hiiit ,, -sick helo-alun, hcio mabok laut „ -slug hat* tripang * ,, -water tfihig dag at ayer laut ,, -breeze liangm ha laud angin laiit ,, -weed lamut dagat t agar- agar | Seal, a (signet) sap chap Seam, a tcii-aii, tahi-an jcut-an Search, to lag, la wag chari ,, (investigate) 7J«/> paid, jJCirci"'' kirim * ,, hiatud, atiid]- hantar f ,, for (call) taicag, tag panggil Senior (elder) magolang abang Sense (meaning) maim, hail ma'ana „ (of feeling) Idsa nisa Sensible t saiomdn, saioai siyuman Sensual lasig ber-Tngan Sensuality haicd-napsiL hawci nafsu * Thing. t Person. ; Ha^ .■ing feeling. 146 ENGLISH. SULU. Sentence (decision) hulium-an Separate, to hCttas, clielai Sepulchre Ixuhid Serpent (snake) lias Servant ha tali, Ipun Serve (v^ait upon) suapan Set, a sftsun Sets, to lay in mng-susun Set up (erect) 797('^-6a;?(7^<;^ ,, , sun- samadliip in sitga Settle (adjust) salasai, ptltns Seven pcto Seventh la-pcto Seventy ha-peto-an Seven-fold pcto anglm lapis ,, (seven times) inaka pi'to Several ma-taml Severe (cruel) hilngis, hlngis Sew, to tai, tdhi, man-ahi Shackles (fetters) ikang-ikang ,, (chains) hillanggok Shade seJoug Shadow lamhong Shaft (of a weapon) tanghai ,, (of a spear) filisi ,, (of a fish iii)eRv)tatah-an ,, (of a -piitok*) palih-ati Shake, to (as a leaf) jag-jag, iinsang * Patok— native axe. MALAY. hukuni-an cherai kubiir iilar budak, hamba layani susun ber-susun men-dlri-kan nitlta luiri niasok selesei, putus tujuh ka-tiijuh tuguh piiloh tujuh lapis tiijuh kJill ban yak bingis jillt, jahit kang-kang rantei lindong bayang ill 11 uhi iilii 11 111 g'Oang ENGLISH. Shake, to (sliog) Shake, to ,, the head, to Shaky (loose) Shall Shallow Sham (to feign) Shame Shameless Shampoo Shape (form) Share (portion) „ , half- ,, , to Shark Shark's fins Sharp ,, (cunning) Sharpen, to ,, (to whet) Shave, to She Sheath, a Sheathe, to I SULU. Jiibal, li'unihal t(iiujli-o(i, palc-pah Vnigat-liiigat mug-hdhitl inau-haijali hahau, cJtctcJc tl la -ilia slpiig, ma-s'ipiig led I rioi slpiig, iiia-hlas, icCil alb p)ljl, plsol'^ rughus, diighus bahagl-aii ang-slpak vulg-bahagl li cat a 11 slk I: (11 tan ma-luut panda I mfig-lialt intig-asah bagimg (susoJi +J sla, nla, slla, nlla tag Oban sT(log-an, manggcihoh 147 MALAY. kiber gonchang liingar handak tnhor, dangkal pura-piira m;llu knrang milhi, tiada taumalii pichit * nipa, slkap bhiigl-an saparo bhagi ikan 13'd sisik lyii tajam cherdek tajam-kan meng-iisah chiikur dia, ia, nya Stlrong tilroh dalam sarong *To pinch the Hmbs; to massage. t To shave the eyebrows or temples. J To sheathe a sword— s;;.; in taktis haUim tacohan. 148 ENGLISH. SULU, Sheathe, un- larut Shed, a liamalig Sheep h'dl-hllt Sheet (covering) slob ,, (of a sail) jampang Shelf, a l^cifja Shell (mollusc) huhu, jxinacjat-an ,, (of a cocoa-nut) ogah, Jiungut ,, , tortoise- .s7.s//i; ,, , seed pearl scdisip ,, , M.O.P. ^Jrt/.s tqjcii Shelter selong Sherbet salhat Shew (point out) Idnduli Shield tam'ing Shift (to change) scdm ,,, (to move) j)i';?c7«/t Shine (shining) sclau, sciia Shingle (gravel) }:arsdc, i^asd Ship, a leaped ,, , a sailing ,, Iciijag ,, , a steam- ,, hayu or aso „ (gunboat) „ jaga-jdga ,, , to I ft an ,, , to un- haicas, Jiaas ,, , master of a kapitan, nakora ,, -wreck na hag-hag inkapal Shirt, a kamisa Shiver (shake) ma-mddi-pddi MALAY. unus pondok blii-birl sallmut daman para siput, bla tempurong sisik salisip kulut mutiara lindong sarbat unjuk, tunjuk tamin, prisei ganti pindah gllang, kllau bcltu klikir kapal kapal Liyer kapal apl kapal p'rang miiat ponggah kapitan, nakoda pechah-an kapal kameja gallel ENGLISH. SULU. Shiver (quake) mn-inid-pid Slioal (rocks) takut ,, (sandbank) Jiioias-coi Shock (fright) hiehlah-an ,, , a (concussion) liantak Shoes, boots and sapntos, Icapatos Shoot at, to temhak ,, (with a blow-pipe) sumplt ,, (as plants) tiimuhitli, tfihuli Shop, a Shore (a prop) ,, (on shore) ,, , sea Short ,, (wanting) ,, -sighted ,, -cut ,, time ago Shot (bullet) ,, , small- Should (ought) Shoulder ,, -blade Shout, to Shove Shovel Shower, a (rain) Shrewd Shriek tlnda tuka, tongkud lia-lopcL JiPgad dag at liaupoh kolang ma-lamaii tuUhas kaincv pungloh lianihfd sohai, patiit ahdga, agaha kiika stlalak, fdaugl tolak, song silnlJi, susurfth fuga rdcui pandai ffdik, stlalak 149 MALAY. gomitar karang gnsong kajut-an gegak kasut, sapato tembak, pasang sumpit tumbuh kadei sdkong, tongkat di-darat tepi laiit pendek kOrang pintas tadi pelurii penabilr, sambur-an patut, liarus bahu, bcluh balikat surak, laung tolak, sGrong siiduk hujan cherdek triak 150 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Shrill larjtlnrj nlaring, marslk Shrimp idang manahut iidang kechil Shrink samigpid karukut ,, (recede) slhiig undor Shut tamhal, tapUilc * tiitup ,, , to {sis the eyefi) jieroiig-an tutup Shuttle tcdalc, anaJc-oIaJi-an tdrak, bcilera Shy (bashful) slpiig-slpug malu-malu ,, (untamed) talon liar Sick (ill) sakit, mangidasa sakit ,, sea- hPlo-aJun- mabok Luit Sickness ]xa-salut-a)i penijiket Side, a slpalc, atu.d, tamped \AdX\, flhak ,, , other ang slpak doaiii sa-blah lain „ (ribs, flank) giisoh, Icnl rilsuk, lambong „ (border) liPgad tepi „ (of a square) sdgl sag! ,, (of a house) dinding dinding „ by side araig-daig ber-sisl „ (sidle) ma-tapd tampil, rapat Sieve, a legoh, ayag-an, nylru, Tiyak, jihul-an, hlgid-an tambus-an Sift, to mug-cijjag fiyak, krasei Sigh, to inug-)iapas kaloh Sight (faculty oi) pa-hlta peng-lihat Sighted, dim mag-ahun in mCita mata kabur Sign indali-an tanda Signature tidis ingan tapak tangan * To shut as an umbrella. 151 ENGLISH. Signify Signification Silent, be Silk Silly Silver Similar SULU. aim lia-hatT-annya, ada ai'ti nya, aiDi Diliia nija ada nia'ana nya ha-mdna-licui ma'ana daliong, dumaliong dlam sntra bodoh sntia d dp (Dig sali-nighii.'i ,, (no difference) wai na hulah Simpleton hinggong Simulation ida-iila Sin dOsa Sincere lidtcii hniial Sincerity islas Sinew ngai, iD'cit Sing, to mug-hat, jcuijani ,, mng-diiidajig* ,, mng-dda\ ,, a lullaby, to langan-an Single (sole) tunggal, Isa-lsa ,, (unmarried) hdjang,l siihcd^ Sink, to Sir Sister Sister-in-law Sister, elder- Sit *To sing jocundly t Female. Iinuld tuan perak Sfima rupa tiada bldali bin gong pura-piira dijsa tulus ekblas iirat ma-nianyi ber-dindang* ber-doa f meng-Tdong tunggal, asa bujang tingglam tiian tainiangliud hahai sudara perampuan ipag hahai Ipar perampuan kakah kakak linghiid diiduk t To sing from the koran in chorus. § Male. 152 SULU. MALAY. Sit, to cause to pa-Ungkur-a ,, (cross-legged) ma-iiiilang ,, , to (as a hen) mang-am Six Sixteen dudok-kan ber-sila meng-aram unom ananj hangpoh-tng-unom anani bias Sixty ka-iinom-cui an am puloh Size lagkii. besiir Skate (fish) istd pallt Ikan pari Skill pandai, akal pandei, akal Skin p)ais kiilit „ , to p)(lis-an kiipas Skip na-gingki-inkl ber-jenke „ -jack (fish) tainhilawang ikan ber-jengke Skirt (of a dress) ijemsha pemcha Skull kulakuh-o tingkurak Sky Icing it Icingit Slack (loose) mug-liakiil liingar Slander, to fitnah, ompat fitenah, iipat Slap sampak tampar Slave ipiui hamba ,, (captive) taican tawan Slay bi'Dioh bunoh Sleep, to ma-tOg, tog tidor ,, , to (sound) Jialok, kukam niadar , , (with mouth open) n ug-ha-kasai ,, , to talk in man-damat ngikii ,, (repose) halaro beradu Sleepy kierroh antuk, kalat raata Sleeping place kola ug -an tampat tidor ENGLISH. Slender Slide (slip) Slime (niiid) Slimy Slippers Slippery Sloth (slow-lori) hfikam, hitkang Slough (miry ^ool)IuhIuh-aii ,, (of a snake) h'lUina Slow (indolent) ma-hushau ,, (not prompt) lalai man all lit liinigdas, ligdas pis ah landag taompa ,tompa liiigaJias, laiidog 153 MALAY. ramping, nipis galincliir lumpnr, hiluh lindir sliper licliin, lindir kiikang kiibang lamiis malas lalei ,, (lei surly) Small «.sZy7, manaliiit ,, -pox p)angknt Smart, to (pain) hapdus Smash (to atoms) ma-tiimri Smell (odour) haliu, hau linlt-lntlf, anai-anai perlahan kechil chachar pedih h anchor btiu, bahii clniim chium leborkan, anchor ma-mauhii auhii via-nimut siinut tunau-an liiimaiam, liomifim sinyum tuTxang hasl tiikang besi jKoidai halawaii aso „ , to ,, (to scent) Smelt, to Smile Smith ,, , gold- ^j)«;?(rZ«^ halawaii tiikang amas Smoke aso asap ,, , to (as a pipe) hanggop Isap, misa ,, , to {ciga^iettefi) viiig-slgiq) minom rok(jk ,, , to (cigars) miuj-ddhla minom cheriit Smooth lanoh lichin, lindir ,, , to make pa-lanoh llchin-kan 154 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Smother, to siampong lemas Snake has lilar Snap (break) ha I eh pat ah ,, (as a rope) hog toll putus Snare jalat jar at Snatch dagmif, dngtu-an rabut, sintak Sneeze, to hdhfutiini, haliaii bersin Snivel slhpuii, slpiui inr,ais, lisma Snore iiHg-si)igo]c, Jtagoug raban, dun^kor Snout pxDisliong lIo)ig idonj::^ munchong ,, (trunk) Dtagoiig, kalulal bulrdei Snow saJjn salju So demik'iaii demiklan ,, (in that manner) hl-ha-ien bagltii „ (thus) hi-lia-ini bagini ,, , just (exuctly) a III ri->t a betul So-and-so Jiff cm and So be it am'ui amin Soak (steep) randam rendam „ (absorb) sup-sup, tupus-aii isap Soap sdhun sabun (Port.) Sociable niig-hagdi-hagal sohbat-ber-sohbat Socks mPjis, tagohan si Id sarong kaki Sodomy miig-juhiil pfdat Soft Innuk, hahlu, hiiyog lunak, lumbilt Soil (earth) lojKC tan ah ,, , to Diiig-lamch kutor-kan Soldier so)iddhl soldrido (Sp.) Sole (only) tunggal tunggal ENGLISH. Sole (of the foot) Solicit Solitary (sole) Some „ (a little) Somebody Something Son Son-in-law Song Soon (presently) Soot Sore Sore-eyed Sorrow Sort (kind) , , (to arrange) Sorcery Sovereign Soul (life) Sound (noise) ,, (try depth) Soup Sour Source „ (of a river) South Sow (female pig) ,, (as seed) 155 SULU. MALAY. pad s'lJii tapak kaki mlhi, pangaioli minta, pohon tinifjr/al tunggal ha-ihdn-aii, muiiga barang sedlkit si-fmo barang apa anak lakl-lakl menantil hlkl-hlki tloh-tloh hi-kuan miniga-Rjio-uno anak iisorj anak-an ka -hat -a II dai-dai dakoman hilliii;/ aiKjlit ma-sakit mcita hlJas silsaJi hatai gin is hatui, mfinius jxtngilng nhat jtinjungaii iiidica ting tig, tinigog niug-dtlga sdhau madiim, pukat a sal sin sOhali satun, sidtaii babol omagak miig-hakal nianyi-an sa'buntar lagi arang para sakit mata bilas susah hati jiiiis, macham meng-ator hnbat-an yang-de-per-tuan niawa, jiwa biinyi biiang from, Idga kuah mfisam, peder asal iilu silngei si (it an bfibi betlna tabur 156 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Spacious ma-hdijancj, laag lapang, liias Spade susilnlh peng-gfdl Spain Lopa-Kastela Tanah-Spaniol Spaniard Tau-Kastela Orang-Spaniol Span dangau jangkal Spare (lean) laiiig kurus Sparrow jxiupit pipit Speak 2)dmong, I'Fnio, loi g kiita, chakap j> na pnnga, hamal t raban t Spear hnjaJc, hinanghau* tombak, limbing „ , fish- sapang, manaUoh sarampang „ , to tighaJt, tlhak tikam Specimen sontoh chontoh Speckled hiitilian ber-intik, siipak Spectacles sdmiii mat a chermin mata Spectre hltau bantu Speech (language) hahclsa bhasa Speed (velocity) dagan, pa-rag-an ka-lajil-an Speedily segla segra Spell (a charm) ajlmat, Jiajlmat azimat ,, , to cja, Jii'ja eja Spend, to peg-halanja balanja-kan Spices lampah f rampah-rampah f Spider, a lawa-Iawa hiba-laba Spiders web Idicai Idwa-Idwa sarang hiba-laba Spill dsag tump ah Spin maningkal pintal, ganteh * A spear with a short blade used in the chase. t Used as condiments. I To speak through the nose. 15' MALAY. Spine Spirit (soul) „ (ghost) ,, evil- ,, (arrack) Spit (expectorate) Spite Spittle (saliva) Spittoon Spleen Splice ,, (join on) Split „ , to ■ ,, (rotans etc.) hiiJiOj sill t alii (Id iiidica Idtau, galdp- jin dhiJi, i^engasi mufj-IilraJi na sdJiit lidtdl lurah hdtil bagoh supat-an, snga/ja sdmhong si pall mug -tad-tad \ sallk-an tulano- blclkang niawa bantu arak ber-lddali sakit luiti ludali tamp at ludali kurra 111 as sfimbong", ubong blah ber-palupah t inein-aranef ,, (in quantities) lepak Splinter, to tilis-tuis ,, {liiili oihamhoo) hulah ,, (lath of nibong) 6«?z^a. Spoil na-hangi Spoon, a stir till Sport (to play) naiam Spot, a (place) tiingud Spots (on the sliin) ap-ap Spotted hiitikan Sprain piol Spray (foam) h ideal * Spirit of the ocean. t To split open tamboos used_for the walls of houses ber-lepak-lepak ber-tatal, turis tatal blambang, tatal na-Iarak riisak, biniisa sendok, sudnk main tamp at panau ber-intek, supak salah iirat aru, buhl 158 ENGLISH. Spread out, to Spring, to ,, (fountain) Spring-tide Sprinkle Spur (of a cock) „ (gafiie) ,, , to Spy, a „ , to Spying-glass Squall, a Square, a Squeeze (press) ,, (pinch) Squint-eyed Squirrel, a Squirt, to Stab, to Stable, a ,, (for horses) Staff, a Stag, a Stain, a ,, (to colour) ,, , to (the teeth) Stairs Stale, to Stalk, a (stem) iJilad, lldar-an ma-ompat, lahsh hual, tiihur-an dag at ddJiulah sahCdah-ati taliud htllaiifj liandidi, hondiilc tail seb seh tolompong h fin us jKi-sdfjJ opat Jiiivi-Jiiiiii-i gipit, liiihut I'lhat ill viata basing bustak tigbaJc, tlhak p)agal hoi ha ret tongknd iisa iisog ha-ketamah-an hetamak-an piinglas, latak Jiag-ddii mlJil, ihl tangkai, batang MALAY. ampur, kambang lompat niilta ayer pasang besar slrani siisoh ayam taji gartak peniulu sulii trupong badong anipat per-sagl apit, tsxkan chubit, pichit mata-juling tupei lunchilr tikani kandang rilmah kiida tongkat rusa jantan muting chalak, parut chachat,chr)ring tanggah ber-kinching tangkei, batang ENGLISH. Stallion Stainmor „ (lisp) Stamp, a (seal) Stand Star, a ,, niorning- ,, evcning- „ -fisli Starboid Starch Stare, to Start (alarmed) Starved Stay Stead, in- Steal Steam Steed Steel Steep (to soak) ,, (precipitous) Steer, to Stem (stalk) ,, (of a tree) Stencil Step (a pace) Step-father 159 SULU. MALAY. lifira nuiiulcuigan kuda jantan tfuujali g;\^a,p laitop S'^iS^P sap chap tiiidor/, tumindog diri ^7^/);/, hltuliuii bintang maga bintang babi hi-tong ,, zaharat taiujaii-tangan to* kanan * kanjl kanji ;/ iig-h'Irga t pandang L-icijPgmU kajut hii'iiitas bulor-bulor tagad nanti sRhli ganti taJiau, tlahau cliiiri u-ap, aso awap lidra pang-ura-an kdda tmiggang halan baja raiidam, tnpus-an rendam, chelop ma-titah, pang-pang tega, tarjal Ica-niaput ha hansan pegang kamiidi fangkai, hatang tangkei, biltang pulmn, hatang puhun, batang hail hdloh ban busuk tlhang hCipa tJrl * Right-hand sids. langkah bapa tiri 160 ENGLISH. SULU. Step over, to lakad Steps hag-dan Stern (of a vessel) hrdl Stew (to boil) tolali Steward handarl* Stick (to pierce) tugsuk ,, {he impeded) sag iiaf, sasat ,, (to adhere) plldt, villdt Still (yet) maioi, ma yen ,, (calm) iPjiaiL ,, (motionless) tihiaJi, tiimunali Stino- (of an insect) ka-hlsa-han MALAY. langkali tanggali burit-an rebus bandbari * cliiichuk sangkiit lekat jviga, lagi, piila tedoli kucbiba sangat ban biisok ber-bfihii ber-janjl Stink haliH hcdoli ,, , to ma-hdhu Stipulate, to viug-janjl Stirrup ha-gclh-an, gig'ilcan tampat kaki Stock (capital) modal, 2^uhun modal, pokok ,, (of a gun) taguhan batang Stockings mPjis, tagohan s'tJci sarong kaki Stomach ha ha t ampadal „ , pit of the Jtdtdi ulii hati Stone hatiL batu ,, , precious 2:)almata permata ,, (of fruit) hlgi biji Stool (a chair) sla krosi ,, (a seat) ka-linlinr-an tampat diiduk „ , to (evacuate) mintaii berak, buang ayer Stoop liumuhuh tunduk, lay ah Also cook for the crew of a vessel. ENGLISH. 161 SULU. MALAY. Stop (to ceaso) „ up Stopper Stork Storm ,, , to (assault) laiiggal Story (a floor) ^^anglcat ,, , lower angkap Jia-babaJi ,, , upper angkap ha-tas dnmuliong, duhoiig ber-heiitl hidat-an meniampal Jul hit hangait liunus sampal,sumbat biingii ribut, tufan langgar pangkat ,, di-bawali tiugkat ,, (tradition) hechdla sin ka-mds-an hsikaysit Stout (corpulent) ma-tamhilk Straddle, to Dia-hingliang Straight tfiUd, hiiiitol ,, (towards) tilju Strain (to filter) sclh, miig-leliau ,, (to draw tight) nug-kansang Strainer sdh-an Strait (narrow) sigpit, sigpid „ (channel) tads-an Stranded sanglad Strange (foreign) doicain, dOcim Stranger (trader) anak da gang ,, (foreigner) tdiv dOdin ,, (newcomer) tan hdgii ,, ,, ,, singke * Strangle Straw (stubble) Streaked jnkol hilnglai manas ' Applied to Chinese only gumok kangkang, jiilang lurus, betul tilju tjipis kinchang-kan tapls-an sumpit trus-an, salat ter-ktindas asing orang-dtigang urang asing orang bharii singke * kujut, chekek nitirang chura-chiira 162 SULU. MALAY, Stream (river) sdhah siingei „ , to go down Uimaras liilir ,, , to go up sad pa iiiudek ,, (current) Jians Laius Street (road) dd)i jalan Strength ha-gaus-an ka-tagnh-an Stretch hantcDig bentang ,, out the hand, to ongsCid unjuk-an Strike, to Inhale, Jagiit piikul ,, (to hammer) 2>i//>;-j)/Jj timpa ,, (with the fist) so«io/i; guchoh ,, (to slap) sampak tampar ,, against, to dogtol injat, sontoh Strix3,to(unhusk) niaiillad kubak String (cord) Itlbid t;lh ,, , to file on a tilJiog chilchuk Strong (as the wind) kansang kinchang ,, (vigorous) ma-hasag kuat ,, (muscular) gaus, tagap tagap, tagoh ,, (powerful) kuasa, kiisog, gaus kuasa, kuat „ (vocally) gago-h kuat suara ,, (as currents etc.) fugda dras, kinchang Struggle (contend) maiig-citn, lamiin her-lawan Strumpet ka-hlga, 'mapacliik sundal Strut, to ma-lingkat ber-gambira Stuff, to mt(g-darasok* memunnu-i sasak* Stump (of a tree) tiuiggnl tunggul Stupid kangog kaguh, miirong *To fill by thrusting. 1G3 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Stupid (foolish) dojnljig bndoh, l)ingono: stutter, to taiigah gagap Subsequently iilili-aii kamadlan Substitute sfihU ganti Subtle hljaJ: bijak Success ■untong untong Succour tdhuiig tulong, bantu Suck, to siq^-siij) Tsap Sue (solicit) mlJcl, pangaioli pohon, minta ,, (to ])Yosecu.te)2)ug-dawa ber-dawa Suet daging leniak Suffer (to endure^ ) sandal, andfil tahan ,, (permit) h'la, hial blar Sufficient saraiig, ganap chukup, sedang Suffocate siampong lemas Sugar silica I giila, sakar Sugar-cane tabu, tabic tebu ,, -cake bindgol kueh niclnis ,, -candy sulial batiL gala biltu Suit (to fit) ma-tiip katdju Sulky sdkit luucatU rajuk Sulphur ma Hang balerang Sultan SfiUaii, Jiuijoiujan Siiltan Sultana Pang'uui Permisiiri, Kani Sultry via-paso panas-pfmas Sulu (the island) Pd-Sog, Lopa-Sng Pulau-Suluk Suluman, a Tdu-Sog Orang-Suluk Sum (amount) jdinlah jumlah Summit jntiituk ponchak 164 ENGLISH. Summon Sun Sun-dry, to Sun-beam Sun-rise Sun-set Sunday SULU. tciwag, tag mclta silga, suga huhad, huhar-i sinag sin silga gimaali in silga MALAY. pangf^jil mata hari jemur sinar miitaliarl mata bail terbifc samadliip in silga mata bar! masok ad Ian aJiad bar! abad ,, ro})iiiiggo* bJlrl minggo* Sunder hiltas cberai Sup (to spoon) miig-sfirfili ber-sendok, Irup ,, (to eat) ha-viaiDi miikan Superintendent mandol, naJcora kap;lla,mandor Superior (greater) lehih dakolah lebib bestir ,, (bigber) matas lebib tinggi Superlative (signs of) tiid, j^ciJcariau ter, sakali Supple In])iit lumbiit, lentok Supplicate mlki polion, minta Support (sustain) tanggong,hi'ighug-an tanggong ,, (to prop) toiiglas-an ber-sukong Suppose (imagine) (7^7, samhat sangka Suppurate Supreme Sure Surety (bail) Surf Surface , , (of water) Surfeited mug-ncuiali ber-nfinab daholah i^alcaraiau mab<"i besar tantii tantu atas-an, tanggong-an akii-an ombak, galOro ma-aliDi Jui-gilaJi, at as hahan tilbig hicn-suhali-an * Spanish, "domingo. di-biar, atas di-atas ayer kennianff 105 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Surgeon tahlh, tabid diikun, bnmo Surly, to be miig-duh-dnh leaser, masani Surplus ka-lchlh-aa ka-lebih-an Surprised hail an heiran Surround ■inug-Uhut meng-apong Sustain (support) tanggoiig tanggong Sustenance ka-auii-an ka-idup-an Swagger, to ma-linghat ber-kcichak Swallow (the bird) id-ld layang-liiyang ,, Jialampisau* layang biihi* ,, (white headed) llngat-Ungat „ , to til It, ttlaii talan Swamp, a scipa rclwah, pjlya Swathe, to lampik lampin Swear at, to peninggad maki ,, (take an oath) mng-sapah ber-sumpali Sweat hulas peluh „ , to hulas-an ka-luar peluh Sweep, to miUj-sap a {masjyas f ) sapii, meniapu Sweeper (a broom) sa-sapa peniapii Sweepings saghut sampah Sweet maimoh manis ,, scented mamud wangi ,, in sound via-loi mardii ,, -heart tCinang ka-kiisih, tiinang Sweetmeats maimuh-aii manls-an Sweet-potatoe pcinggi hagioi libl kantang * Hirundo esculenta; edible nest swallow. Javanese, "lawit." tMaspas = to dust. 166 SULU. Swell, to Swift Swill (guzzle) Swim, to ,, (to gloat) Swine Swollen ,, (expanded) mushag Swoon ^:)//7y;o//./7 Sword inidang ,, , broad- Ixaliaicang Sj'rup tiihig silica I Jul bag, bujol* ma-rag-an, ma-huslc la-lulc-lul- viug-laiigol liantop, lantop ha ho I linhag, himahag MALAY. bimgkak a'l pantas, lajii clifiruk, Imp bernang tinibiil bcibi biingkak kumbang pangsan pedang galiwang ayer gala Table la-mlsa-ha)i\ mejaf Tack,to(asasliip)j)»/f«, hcIoJc I ber-pal, belok ^ Tail cl-og ekor „ (queue) iniujong thau cbang Take, to Jiaica, l:a-a ambil ,, away to Icaiva matuli bilwa pergi ,, in, to (cheat) Ivgau, ligot kicbii, tipu ,, care lata, saioi jaga ,, beed ingaf ingat Talisman (cbarm) ajiinat azimat Talk, to (speak) iiug-pamong ber-kata ,, in sleep, to vian-damat ngiku * Applied to animals. fin Spanish, "la mesa " = the table. + Pal = to tack; belok,=:" to steer more to windvvard"-hence, the word of command used, in directing the helmsman of a vessel, to bring her round, during the operation of tacking. Ber-pal- pal=:to beat to windward. SULU, 167 MALAY. Talkative mataud hcsJulIa mulut gano-gu Tall ma-lanjang panjaug ,, (liigli) ma-tas tinggi Tame tiitCit, lici-pacliut jinak Tangle na sagnat meiigusut Tap (to knock) kagOl, poh-pok tepok, ketok Tapioca (plant) J^dnggi haluli iibl kayii ,, (flour) Jamh'iapanggi A-a//(7itepongubi kiiyii Tar aiketlan,alictlan nilniak tar Tarnished well saia ilangcbaya-nia Tardy (slow) ma-hushau,ma-lalai lambat Target, a sascd-an sasar-an ,, (buckler) iral-iral prisl, salakong Taro liaupe kaladi Tassel, a jamhic janibul Taste (flavour) anam rasa Tatters (rags) ragmai, dagmal percha Tax srdcal cbukei Tea (infusion) tuhig piaso (paso) teb, cba Tea-leaf dahun tc ■ druin teb Tea-pot patc-hua)i teb-kuan (Cb.) Teacb, to JiiitdoJi, niug-guld meng-ajar Teacber gilla guru Teak Icdlu'il jati, jdtl ktiyu jTitl, jati Tear, to gisl knj-ak Tears Udia, tuhig niata iiyer nulta ,, , to sbed tomangis, man-ungis men-angis Tease ving-kahat, usik sakat, usik Teat pungau dun'ih ujong siisu 168 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Teeth ipun glgl Telescope talompong tropong Tell, to (count) 'itong bilang ,, , to (relate) haita bri tau, bilang Temper (disposition) palangal parangi Temple (church) hal langgal riiniah sambayang „ (mosque) inesgid mesjid ,, (at Mecca) haha h kabah ,, (of the head) j)rt. hadJah-an in d pall pis Ten hangpoh sa'puloh ,, thousand salaksa sa'laksa Tend, to jdga, ttlminiggu, tunggii, jaga Tent, a liaima kheimah Tepid sarang in ijaso siiam Terrified Iciang-kang-an mangii Testicles blgl hnijong biiah peler Tetter (ringworm) hiilap, ugihap kurap Than dien-ha, dien deri-pada Thank (thanks) taimalian hit tarima kasih That ien, ietu, iaun itu ,, , in order sohai sopaya, maka ,, will do s'cirl na Slid ah la Thatch atiip atap The ien, ietu, iaun, in itu, lang Theft ka-tiakau-an ka-churi-an Their kan-nya dia puny a Them nila, sila, sia, nia dia, iya Then (at that time) pa-blla, sa-hali pada katika itu Thence, from dien dun, dien ha ietu deri sana 1G9 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. There ha ietu, dan di-sTtu, di-sana There ! na ! nah ! Therefore sahah iaun, hilt kahta sabab itu These Ini ini They nil a, sila, nia, sia dia orang, dia Thick dnkmal , ma-ri(hmcu I tabal ,, set (close) ma-saghut, ragmit karap, kadap Thief, a tail talxQU, shugarol ' pen-churi Thigh pahd, pad pahci Thimble supJoh didal, sarong jarl Thin (not thick) ma-nlpis nlpis ,, (lean) ma-kaiug kiirus Things (effects) ata, ka-kana, alta arta „ (baggage) 2'>fttr{s-pritris barang-barang Think plkil, jangka fikir, sangka Third ka-to ka-tlga Thirsty liilidu, uJidii hjiiis, dh.iga Thirty katldan, ka-tidu-an tlga-piiloh This Ini ini Thorn, a tiinok, polwng diiri, unak Thorough tai trus Those ien, ietu, iaun itu Thou cka u angkau, mu Though viisan, minsan wolo, maski Thought dgl, andm, jangka, sangka. ka-pik'd-an ka-fikir-an Thousand ihu ribu M , a ang-'ilu sa'ribu ,, , ten salaksa sa'laksa 170 ENGLISH. Thread Three ,, quarters ,, times Thresh (as pacli) Threshold Throat (gullet) ,, (windpipe) ,, (exterior) Throh Througli Throw „ (cast) Thrust (push) ,, (push in) „ (stab) ,, (insert betw Thunil) Thunder „ bolt Thursday Thus Thwart Thy Thyself Tick (insect) Tickle, to Ticklish Tide, flood- SULU. sdhau, salhaii to to ang-ntnd maka to gelh-an laiif/l-aJi-CDi tilii-trtn-aji Ii'iiff, h'Jier/ hadlalc laghas, Ihnaghas trio, lap lid h lug it, slajnid tolah Jiitfid, samiid tighaJi, t'lhalc een) sip-sip halxcd, ha kid diig-diig lintcJi, I it ill adiaii Jul nils hi-lia-'ini ha hag kail clean ka/i ha ran inn k ft til hdjang gilok-an gilok, gituk tanh, siuj benang tiga tiga sukil tIga kali lubor ambang, chupu kiingan rungkong leher ber-da1)ar trds, lantas lempar, chanipak biiang tnlak, sorong chabur tlkani SI sip ibu jari guruh, guntur hali-lintar hfirT khanils bagini lintang angkau piinya angkau sindiri kiitii sapl gill-kan gill, gillT jiyer pasang 171 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Tide, ebb- Jul lias, hliir/ iiyer sdrut ,, , spring- da gat dahulah pilsang besar ,, , neap- dagat-aii, tiihig- an ayer purbani ,, (current) J Id lis lurrus ,, ripple clhal, Jiahal ombak-ombak Tides, the siig-Jcuig pasang-surut Tidings gdici kliabar, brita Tie, to Jtliil'if, hagJiut Ikat, tambat ,, (to knot) hnhn-han simpdl-kan Tier (a row) sustni, pangliat sdsun, pangkat Tiger, a liahuiaii harlmau Tight liaiisaiig, sigpit ketat, trek Tiles tlsa (Sj). tcja) ginting Till am pa hingga ,, (to plough) mug-araru men-anggala ,, (to cultivate) murj-Umci per-iisah tanah Timber hiJinl kayu ,, , to fell ma -mala nien-;ibang Time g Cult a, vidsa waktu, tempo ,, (a date) tug nil waktu, tempo ,, ttimaiiggoJi '■ tanggoh* Times mlsan kali Timid ma-hnga takut Tin (the metal) m'ltal timah-puteli ,, (a canister) m'ltal-mJtal tin, bajan Tinfoil pcdJas kartas timali Tip pun shah punch ak Tiptoe, on iiigki ber-jengke * To grant time lo pay a debt. 172 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Tipsy hi'lo mabok Tiled Jiiapiis pan at, pun at Title gfilal, galal galar To lean, ha akan, sema, pada ,, (noting motion) 2>«' ka „ -day adkiu Jul hiiri Ini M -day adiau iaun* hari Ini tadi * ,, -night dum In'i malam ini „ -morrow liin-shum esok, besok ,, ,, mornino hiii-shum malnat besok pagi ,, ,, evening Icin-slium mahapim besok petang Toast IKinggang panggang Tobacco tahdJal. tambakii ,, , Chinese Ju'oi, ang-hun (Ch.) tambrdai-chlna ,, (cigars) dahla cheriit Toe g It la ma I slJcl jjiri kaki „ , great haJifd slid Ibu kaki Together diingan-ditngan sama-sama Toil (labour) jjieg-usdh-an usah-an ,, (to labour) mCig-lunang ber-usah, karja Toils (snare) jalat jarat Token indahan, Jnddii tanda ,, (keepsake) chela chendor Tolerate sandal tfihan Tomatoes talong-iulopa trdng-iuropa Tomb laihrd kubur Tone tiingog, tingiig biinyi Tongs hi-gipit, gipit sepit, penyepit The day that has just past. 173 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Tongue dllah lldah Too (in excess) Ian do, pal-amiau amat ,, (likewise) dclJionuui piila Tools ha-pdiiiap-cui pagawei, filat Tooth Ipun g'gi „ eye- tilling gigl taring ,, (grinder) hugang garham „ (to file) lagnas in Ipfni merepang glgl ,, (to brush) niilg-Jiils-kfis siigl Toothache viang-iht sakit glgl Toothpick tlnga, Jcus-kfis clnmkil glgi Top (summit) puntiili, piDisliak ponchak ,, (ridge of roo i) hiuhong-an per-iibong-an ,, (upper part) ha-tas di-atas ,, (cover) set lib, lolior SiUl Torch soli siiloh Torpid kCipong kiigoh Tortoise piaiokan punyu „ , land- bdtlh-o, ktlla kurra-kurra „ -shell slsik sisik Total (amount) jnnilali jumlah „ (all) ka-tcin, ka-tan-tan . samiia Totter lioyog, diindang goyang, tanggoi Touch dlniiipdn jamah, jabat ,, (reach) abut, sampig sampei „ at hdpit, rumdnggo singgah ,, (close) rdig, ddig, lapat rapat „ (hit) kiigddn kena Tow, to giiiud, tdnda tiinda, hirit 174 ENGLISH. Towards Towel Town ,, (village) Toy Track (a path) mcoi-f/jil, ttljd jimpaiL ban da long-an, Ica-hcli-an kampong MALAY. nien-ujii tdala bendar, neOTi 'pug-naun-aii dan, ran ,, (footmark) limpa slkl Trade (to traffic) miig-dagang Trader (merchant) saudclgal Trail (to drag) gnlud, guiur-aii Train (retinue) ,, (instruct) Trample Transcribe, to Transgress to Transgression Translate Transplant Trap (snare) lia-agar-an, l-a-hunijog-an a 11 ad per-maln-an jalan, larong bakas kaki ber-nlaga sudagar hirit, tarek peng-lkot, peng-iring ajar iiig-geiJi, ha-geJk n-ik, injak sdlin, Jidliii sfdin Jiniaiig sdh ber-dnsa Jca-sdli-an, dOsa ka-sahih-an sal ill hdJidsa salin bhasa 2)indah-an pindah-kan jalat jarat Iltag hahoi per-ankap-an babi Trash (rubbish) saghut sampah „ (idle talk) hongliau, hdla-ida sTa-sia Travail (child birth) pieg-andk-an per-anak-an Travel, to x^aiiau, manau ber-jsllan '^ Tray (metal) tdlain, suntai^ talam ,, (wood) didung, hiiitang \ dulang Tread (to step) ndg-tlkang me-langkah * Square, -j Round. 175 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY. Tread upon mrif/-ffelJ:,na l-a-gclklrek, injak Treason daiiUiha duraka Treasure (money) }ielak wang Treasurer, a handara bandabara Treasure-trove gadojig sui ha-mds-aii Treat (entertain) ■pieg-oira-han men-jTunu Treat}^ hapctorasion* triti (Eng.) ,, (agreement) piig-janjj-an per-janjT-an Tree l-aJir>i, hata ng hahoi pubn , poko kayii Tremble ma-nild-ind gomitar Trench gdta parit Trial (judicial) bccJiala, h'lchala becbara ,, (experiment) ka-solai-an ka-cboba-an Triangle to pa sagl tiga sag! Tribe hcnigsa siikii, lurab ,, (race) ,, bangsa Tribulation l-a-sul-m(J''^ AVing ^}7/t-jj7/i; AVink }nrong, peJoli ,, , to mag-piroiuj-pironfi ,, (to twinkle) miuj-kalap-haJap "Wi p e s a 2 ) fi , p a iJtir-an Wire Jidicat Wisdom hud'iman, ahal Wish (to desire) mng-ien, mau-hayali mail, suka Witchcraft liohdt-an, sudnggJ hobat-an With ibaii ,, , along dnngan-dnngan Withered I'lmanas ,, (prematurely) l-ininhls, Jctllils angin, hangin lilit, Idias bahkii jandtda, tingkap rungkong di-atas angin anggur sayap kejap, la wan g me-lawang ter-k'lep-k'lep sapu, gosok kawat biidl, akal Within AYithout Withstand Witness, a ,, , to bear Wizard AYoman AA^omb AYonder ha-lhm Jia-gfiaJi atu, sandal sal: si mug -sale si tan siidnggl hahai Icanddng hdilan, lug-hij dengan, serta Siima-siima layii biirus di-dcilam di-liiar lawan, t;lhan saksi bri saksi rang pe-tanmi^ perampiian kadnng,rahim heiran 190 Won't (will not) dl aim, ell mdg-ien AVood (timber) liahol ,, , fire- liahu'i-doiujol Woof (in weaving) siJag Wool hnl-hnl hlU-h'dl Word, a hahtang AYork Jilnfoig-aii ,, , to ning-lrniaiig ,, in iron, to iiiiig-sasal hdsl AVorkman iicDidai, tilh-aiig World dintid, hiinii ,, to come, the fdcliilat, aliirat Worm lid ,, (of the intestines) JiUliig ,, (of a screw) huh itch ,, , water- lifipcuig ,, -tablet nhat haliig ,, , wood- hdlc-hrdc Worship ' samhagaiig AVorth (value) gCina ,, (price) It alga AA'omid _/«7/i AA^rap imtus-an AVrapper, a j^otiis-aii AA^rath vioIJco, mulm ,, (of God) Ica-inuha-ansintnhan AAa-eck, a l-apal na hdg-hdg AVrestle, to luniiui, gumiui AA'^retched seldka tidah mail kayu Ivilya-api pakan biilu birl-blrl per-kata-an karja ber-kraja ber-kraja besi tukang dunici akhirat 111 at chaching peler itek kapang obat chaching br.bok samljayang gun a harga luka bungkiis-kan bungkus-an morka morka all ah pechahan kapal ber-gdmul chelaka 191 ENGLISH. SULU. Wrinkled Jciniioiitt, lifoiftt krot Wring (as linen) tdhir-an piilas Wrist Write AVriter Writing Wron g hiilin-hnliii tdtaklalan buku tangan miig-sulaf, tfdis tulis, nienulis jtllo-tnUs Jcahlng-an sail ,, (sin, crime) dOsa Yam (tuber) tlhl, paiujgi ,, (taro) liaupc Yard, court- halaman, ,, (measure) hara, ela ,, (of a ship) hdJiu tarolc ,, (member) ntiii Y^arn (thread) Ya\Yn Ye Y'ear Yell, to Y^esterday sdrhan, scdhan mang-iijahaii lidmu tdJu'iii, vulsiiii (jdsitd, niig-ldiha Ica-lidpun ,, , day before taJilsa, tiiglsa Yet (still) maieii, via yen ,, , not wala Yoke (of bullocks) }:ol:ong Y^onder duii-lia-iaun, ictu Y"ou cl^au, JcaiL Young hata-hata, sTihnl Y^oung (of plants) aiiak juro-tulis karnng-an salali dosa iibl kaladi alaman tengalr depa, ela pern-an, pabuan butu, takoli benang men-guap kamu tiilmn, miisim tampik, terlak kalmarin kalmarin daiilu juga, lagi balum kok di-sana, di-situ angkau,kau muda, anak anak 192 ENGLISH. SULU. Younger brother mangliud Your Icaimu, hanio, kan ckau kail tnan* Youtb, a Zealous Zigzag Zinc MALAY. aclek kamii piinya, angkau-punya tilan piinya* suhni, ka-hata-au ka-mucla-an matugol raj in hikloli, mam-hikloh sikii kluang mltal timali sari * Generally applied to Europeans. ENGLISH-SULU, PHRASES & SENTENCES. ENGLISH. SULU. Do not abandon me on Aiati vni aim hlugitiui the road. dl Ita ran. Were yon to stay at Bcutrj Kan ung-hiilah Pandclmi, yon would ob- ha Panddmi, malia hak tain great gain from the Iriu via-faud loitoiir/ dieii. pearl fisheries. ha i^ufj-haja-an. It is about two o'clock. Marr na Icsacj dila . Where is the owner of Hadcn in tug hdi sin- this house? hcil ini ! He is absent. Waa dl (wala dl). Is your Master at Hi Tilan iaun ha bai .^ home ? No he is absent. Wala dun. The Sultan pardoned Hi ampnn sin Srdtaii that man for the crime in tait laiin, dien ha lea- he committed. sdh-an nia. Siihis are absolutely Ha lam nut fa la k in. forbidden to eat pork. Taii-Sog ,hang Ic' aunhahoi. Do you know me. ? Ka-ingat-an nut aku ! 194 ENGLISH. I will not have abuse from you. They went in company to the Hill Tomantangis. "Who was your ac- complice in stealing the Chinaman's goods. This man is very clever at examining ac- counts. Why do you accuse me of being an evil disposed person ? People who are not ac- customed to chew betel (on first trial) may feel ^riddy. Go and acquaint him. This mango is not yet ripe. May he act instead of talk. If three more be added this will make twenty. The Island of Tulian is near Simogan Point. I have made him my adopted child. SULU. Di aim inaii-harjah 'pc)iiug(jar-an )iiu. Muff - dn>i(j((it - dil)ir/aii na sila pa Bud Tumaii- tcoir/is. Hi Hlo ill ihcui mii nurj-tJaliau in at a indali Lancuig. Ma-pa )i da i pa la ra ia a i)i tail hii mfig-palelisa Jta lida-lrda. Maita mil ahii panwiKj tfifjlia tail ill a II gi / In tail buJiiiii hlalsa mng-inainali liCdu-hCihi ma hl-lo sia. Bait a III a toll Iroi nia. In Irani liii icala-pa iiia-Jrniog. Gain sia iniig-lilnang dicn-pa inttg-pdinoiig. Bang nii/g-dilang in to iiian-jdri ganap IdiiJiaii. In Po Tulian niasiilc pa Tandoii Simogan. Hlndng-aii kii sia analc piiig-ipad. 195 ENGLISH. SULU. Our vessel (prau) is Hiaiifid ita in salai-an adrift. tali. There is no advantage Well iia pa'uhih slit, in being employed like nutg-nsah hi-lia-liii. this. It brin gs adversity only. Ma I'a hale sa ngsalt sdja. His adze very nearly /// hansinr/ nia nulr'- iia hit his foot. IciPgdan ha s'dii nia AVe espied him from JJalcas lidnii niig-l-ita afar. lean nia dicn-lia niaiuli. Bring your buffalo to Pa tajiil-a in l-dhauniit the stairs that I may 2)a lulg-ddn samal:at alii. mount it. Behold his affection for luta hah in Ixa-lasa-han, his children. nia Ita anah nia. This maiden has been Baleas in hfijang lid betrothed to the son of a nug-tfinang ihan sin anak Batoh. sin Datuh. What use is this letter Bang in Sfilfan di to me if the Sultan does inalea ha tang sdp nia ha not affix his seal (chop) sfdatlni, dno liun lea alcu. to it. AA'ood that does not Kdhnl di nialea lantop float is no use for this icdi lia-guna-han ha pug- work. hlndng-an Ini. Be not afraid, for I am Aiau na lean nia-hnga, not a foreigner. hnleiin na lednii tdu dndi)i. You keep a look out Ehait in niug-jdga ha ahead, I shall aft. dong, alca ha-huli. 196 SULU. When your Sultan Ahila* in Juiijongan died, how old was he? nio malohom, pcla in uniol nia .' I do not know, Sir, for Indai,\ Tiian, sagilah we Sulus are not clever Jcdmi Tdu-Sor/, di lualca at reckoning our ages. 2Kindai murj-ltoiig in ilnwl namu. He has agreed with Niig-jangl na sila l-a me. a Jill. Ah! you also. Arc ! ckaii Isah ini. Oh! you buffoon! to give Ardi! tinggali daica you a name, even your hau ! hfnig pitg-ingan-cui shadow would not care t'haii, vilscni hinthong nut to do so. ina-JulL-aii. Albinos cannot see I)i Ttgi^ di niaha Idta during the day time, but hcDig adlaii, subai dian only at night. dnq^a viaka I>lta. Buy up the whole lot. TtigJiaii na l-aninha-tdn. All the people of Tan Pdrang viangl Pcirang are bad. iRn-Itln. On the top of Panamu Ha-tds End Pa namu Hill there is a lake; and tdga h'niaii ; in halinn nija in it are piebald crocodiles, tiiga hnaya hdhang. Who will defray the Hi slo in ongsild sin expenses? halanja .' The Sulu people have In tan Sog hahas nilg- allied themselves with the hagdi ihan samal land. sea-rovers. * Ahila or fa-hila = at the time. f ludai == I do not know. 107 ENGLISH. SULU. Do not go alone. Aiaii hun iniig-panaa Isa-'isa inn. How many are tliere in Prla in tdiid nio dun ha your house? hell nin .' I am all alone. Aha anr/Jca tan saja. Although he were in Mlsan in laglcit nia hla stature like yonder hill, niioicja IcigJcii sin hud I should not he afraid of iaun, di alcu uia-hdga kan him. nia. I who am the Sultan's Aha in DdJ:-an sin Ambassador, bring his Srdtan, domavulrl hainiiL compliments to you. sclam-dda. Do you know how to Maka-ingat Jiau niiig- mend a gun? daiait sin snapang .' In mid ocean, they Na hingit na nila in threw his body overboard. ha)r()i nia, hag'itong tawld What have you done Uno in sail niu .' amiss? When believers and un- Bang Islam ihan Icapil believers fight (fanatical- niig-hfnioh Cima na ien ly) that is called 'to sabil.' niug-sahil. Heave up the anchor Bongkal-a in haogl and let us sail. bund gag na llta. God's holy war. Prang sahil Allah. We are afraid of incurr- Ma-hoga kaml pa niol- ing the Datoh's anger. Jca-han indah Datuh. During my stay in Sa higai Lii ha Sr>g, do Siilu, I did not observe )ia aha Icom'tta anlhong. the anibong palm. 198 ENGLISH. He lias sprained his ankle. Bring me another one. AVhy don't yoii answer me '? If you do not reply, I shall not be responsible. That man has most funny antics. A closet is smaller than a room. What is the name of that person? I don't know. What is your name? AVhat do the Sdlus call this? Knock at the door. If you take away my arms, you may as well take my life. It is forbidden to drink arrak; besides, it inebri- ates. His stick does not reach his hat. The vessel has not 3'et arrived. * Tangoh ^-^ responsible. SULU. Na piul ill hnhn-hidin s'tJci nia. Dalian mdr'i JiaiithuJc douiii. Mai-ta I a 11 di na nnlg- asip lea ah II ' Bang lean disainainhag, di aJiU malca tangoh* Tinggah daira palia- riau in tan lanii. In taiiihoh aslvl dien ha hilih. S'lO Tiigan sin tan iaiin ! Indai sa aha. Hi slo ingan niu ! Uno in pug-tdg-an sin Tdti-Sng ha Ini .' Tupoh t in laicang. Bang hau nng-honiaica ■in tahiis hu, gain bang na hi tea in napas hu. Ma-haJdm in nng-inom aJah ; malaiiihan, inaha hcloh. In tonghiid nia di iiiaha ah fit Jia sdrdh nia. Ill Icapal icalapa in aha- abut. f Mug-tiipok -^ to knock. 199 ENGLISH. When tlie vessel Bang sum-ampai in arrives I will go with liei- kapal, iiutgad aha pa to Sandakau Bay. Lr>k Sandalain. I am too old to climb Mas )ia aku di iia alcn a tree. malai nig ha haluli. It is difficult to ascend Mahoiict palcaraiau the stairs of this house. mug-gahan Ita liagdCui sin bell int. ^Ye are out of breath Hiapiis na liita tnnm- climbing this liill. had ha had ini. This youth has no Inhata-hata'ini di nia- shame. sipi'ig. Let us go to the other Song na hita viatoh pa side of the river. ang-slpah sin sObah. What is the use of your Niig-Rjio lean maiig- asking me. dsnbii ka aku. I am going to bed as I Matug na aku but am sleepy. kicnvJi na aku. They were attacked by Maka langgal na sila the pirates, at sea. halaad,lhansintausamal laud. Heave up the anchor. Otong-an bdoji. If you do not attempt Bang kau wa maka it how do you know you sdlai bladicn in ka-ingat are unable. via sin di kau kaya-han. I am unwilling to go to Ma-hukau aku matoh Tianggi. pa Tia)iggi. Wait here until I Titgad na kau rl miig- return. balek dah aku. 200 ENGLISH. AVho is that man? Is the Sultan awake? This awning is too short; it should be length- ened a little. That man is brave ; for Hi slo in tdu iaun! In Saltan jdga hah.' Ma - h a up o It tiid in Jiaiina Ini; (janidah haiig pa hahd-liaha tloh-tJoli. Malsiifj in tan iaun; hut see how awry he wears hlta halt nuij-lcahing in his head-dress. My axe is sharper than liis. The bag is torn and the paddy is rmming out. Who is surety for you? The datching* of that Chinaman weighs very heavy. If you do not bail the water out we shall sink. What is the price of a ball of your tabacco ? In one chest of opium there are forty balls. There are many kinds of bananas in Sulu. This flag will not un- furl. 2)ts nu(. In li'apali In ma-JtdU dien-Jia Jian nia. Na gisi in Jcarot na Jttld-Juld in pdi. Hi slo in dtas-an inn.' In t i niba n g-a)i sin La)iang iaiin, via-hdgat tiid. j\Ia-Ift)uld na lata bdng liau di mdg-IeJenias sin tCihig. Pt'Ia in Jidga sin tahdhd, viu angka hri)ighal? Halinn anglca pale marat faga ha-opat-an anglca limping. Mat dud ]:a-glnls-an in suing ha Sag. In pa)igi Ini di ma- '■ Chinese scale for weighing. 'iOi ENGLISH. SULU. Many people from the Miig-nida (tlira) Ihaii, comitry are to banquet Si'ilfaii mataud tan dicii with the Sultan. ha gimhali. Go and call a barber. Tdtrag-a matoh in tnkauq har/inig iiidrl. Let us barter our aims. Mtlg-sPinhi na hlta t((Jcilft. Twenty baskets mother- Kanhan angha amhoiig of-pearl shells, ten baskets tlpai, hangpoh aiighi cotton, and five baskets saJhighat lulpolc, 'ihan of lanzats.* hma sfigFih hnahau* Klings,! are exceed- InKahugJcuido pahur- in^^ly fond of fruit. aian kaniaiin hiinga Jidhoi. People from 'Lnk^ are Tait dicn ha Loh hilhini not good. maraiaii. Let us go to the market. Song hlta matoli pa par tan. There is no market at Wdi rfni tdboh ha Biialo now. Bnalo hlJta/iii. Let us bathe in the Maigoh na hlta lialam stream. suhalt. The Siiliis seldom wear Mdhang in Tdu-Sdg beads ma - ma ha i inanih. Put on your arms for Mug-tahiis na bail hau they are going. hilt nianan na sila. Why do you beat your Maita nm liohahati horse so? in hilra nut.' *Su1h is famed for this fruit. f A people of India. \ Lok -^ bay of the sea. It is also the name of a district in Siilu. 202 ENGLISH. SULU. They are beating Niig-lesag na sila in musical gongs. Jca-Iintang-an. Go and wash your Dah-dah-l matoh in clothes. hahiil tclmringan viu. That woman has a Maraiau in riighus sin beautiful figure. hahai iaun. I had not yet become a WajKi aluL ma Islam. Mahomedan. Fetch me that Siirong* Da man i)i hahiil^ iaioi^ that I may use it as a liliidng-an Jen sioh. blanket. Many people were Ma-taud tan miatai lia killed abreast of the fort. l-a-Jiarop-a)i sin Ixdta. Begone. Su)ig hau. Lapidiiwan is situated Lapidaican Jia-Iiu sin behind Zambongan. Zamhoiigan. It is unmannerly to MaiigiJiadat haii(^ milg- belch while eating. sigill lia png-li'aH)i-an. Don't be led awa}' by Aiau lait mrig-agad sin what he says. s'nnud nia. Wbose house is this? Kan slo in hdi 'mi .' It belongs to us. Ka at it. I feel pleasure in Mug-snhrd na aim hat having betel leaf. aun na hnioh. His betel box was In salapa nia halaican. made of gold. The fire is blazing. Ma-Idga )ia in Idijn. * The "sarong" is the national dress of the Malay, t The Jidbiil is the national dress of the Sulu. 20H ENGLISH. SULU. I saw a large snake in BaJiCis alcu na hlta Jid.ga a]:n ina-JiPlo. sea-sick. This Physician's medi- ]\[a-pait in fihat sin cine is very bitter. Tabib ini. The Munari, ma}' use a In MiiiKo-i, niaha nui- spear with two blades. nuihai biljaJ: dila sPlab luja. You should prescribe Sobai nbut-an in nu'ita for the blemish on your si)i hnra mu but nia- horse's eye. biilitg. This barong* is blunt Barong Ini )u( tfunpul and will not cut. di tiid inal^a it/,-. If that board breaks Bang nia-balcJi in digpi you will fall into the river, iann, nui-JiuIog sa ]:aw ien ludain snbah. A 'sapit' has a bowsprit. In sapit tuga jnngal. * A short, broad, and thick sword, the edge of which is convex. 204 ENGLISH. My body feels as it were languid. Take off the rind and then boil it. How can we go not having cooked our rice. Put in a little salt since the water is boiling. Where were you born '? I was born in Sulii. Lend us your boat to go to the shoal. I cannot lend it as I wish to use it myself. Do not borrow it there. He won't lend it. Why don't you lend it to me? Go and borrow it from them. Bring them both. The Sultan has three designs of brands. The Spaniards, call the Siihis, Mdriis. * Miukal or bukal Bla vuniga via-Jema- Jema in harcui kit ini. Kaica-l ill pdis-iuja hiit 111 tognah-i pa kcnjii. Biardien in ha -toll -an nam a sin wala kCiml ma ka ptig-pa ngcliu . Kauni tloJi-tloJi dsiji but niinkal* na in ti'thig. Hadien kanpiig-anak ! Piig-anak akii ha Sog. Biis-i kit a sakaian ma ma toll pa }iiinas-an. Di kit hi piig-hiis aim ka-panau-an kit. A i a 11 k a it m u g-hi'is matoli. Di sa klta ien hiis-an. WCii mil akti di hiis-an? Bits na kail matoh kaii nila. Dah-a marl in ka-nla- rfia. To angka glnls in sap sin Sfiltan. Pug-tdg-an sin Kastela ha TdH-S('>g, Milrns. = to be boiling. ENGLISH. He says he shall lend it to you by-and-bye if you care to wait. A'sapit' has a bowsprit. ' Bilolaiif^fs' and 'hauls' are made in China. In appearance they ditler ; the one bein^ red, the other yellow. Behold the laziness of of this woman in pound- in f,^ paddy. Brohen beyond repair. Parted that it cannot be re-united. Bring me my pistol. He has not broufiht it yet. Bring it here, I say. Take it away. Bring that child here. Bring it at once. Its breadth was twenty fathoms and its length a little more. * Bicning = yellow, f ^Jalap — repair 205 SULU. Hii long Ilia hiis-(()i tali iia kail haiKj kaii inaka tug ad da I -da i. In sapit tiiga jangal. Blhlang ihan haul nil fiKg-Jiliiaitg Jta Song-song. Dddin in dughus nga ; in haul nia-biening/' in. hilolang nia-pnla. Kltahah in ka-huskau- -an sin bahai ini pa pug- haioh-an pai. Ma - hag - hag d i n a- mala p. \ MagtoJi di na via- supat.l Dah-i nio man pistol ku. Wala sia mug-da nulrl. Dali-a na marl, long ku. Pa-rd-a na inatoJi. Fakaria in hata-hata ien. Pakaria-an hah ien. In Uik-hang nija kCinhaii ang rupa, in liCiha nga kadhan lehih-lehiJt. J Supati= re-unite, splice. 206 ENGLISH. SULU. His younger brother In nia/igJtnd nla iiti- Avas killed. atai bu/ioJi. Brush the table (cloth). Hapu-a in lanilsahan 7 III. This bull is fat. Sdjn mandangan Ini ma-ianihuk. He has bouoht twenty Bakas sia iia ka hi bundles of Chinese tobac- l-dfihan jmtus Jn'ni. €0. He has brought from Na ka ra sia wai dien the Kinabatangan Kiver, ha S.'djaJi Kinahafanf/an, one thousand bundles of aiir/ Ihu 'ha gdloiig. rat an. The City is on fire. Na snnog in Banua. A wicked man has In pai l-n siiinog sin burned up my paddy. fdu mangi. Here is a field of dry Al-ija-rl (dl) pantai lalang grass which will nia-faJtai in parang, burn well. inaraiau in piig-hlb-a)i. It is not I but you Bnlcini aJiii hut l-kau whom he abuses. in pcni/iggar-aji nia. May I ask what your Una na maien in la- business is here? hliulng-an mil dl ha ini.' He has bought this Balas sia na la hi sin, pony. hura Ini. He stabbed the pig Nag tighak sia ha \Yitli a spear. hahoi ihan hf/Jak. Put the butter by. Taii-an niatoJt in nian- tagdia. •207 Wait till the afternoon (nuia-gana - inalidpuu, and we can go to Tianggi. ma nan na lutapa Tiaiujiji. Go and call him. Taica(j-a inaioli J,aii II ia . I have never called at Wala aim jiiaka liapit yoiTL' house. pa bdi inu. Candles hke these are ITa/ nln la-sudalt-an worthless as they do not sin lansul: hlJiaJiii but di give a good light. inalri ma-Jaga. I cannot. Di aJiu nada-jildi. This room is capacious. Ma-liaijaiuj in hllik Int. There are two houses Ann dfia anfjka bed Jia- beyond that cape. Ilo sin fandok iann. It is not as much as I Wala -pa abut ia gave for it. puliun. There are no capons in Wai ran nianul- kab'tll Sal 11 ha Sdg. Convey me to the Hiatud alii pa astcoia. palace. The cart is destroyed Nng-kCnigi in ],arosah, and the wheels are broken, nia-bag-bag in silik-au nija. Pray, what is the case Uno na niaicn in dawa at issue between you? niii Lan nia .' The cat and dog are In luting iban. trok lighting. ntiig-Iurai. I cannot catch his Di akit viaka sagan in horse. kdra nia. * Gana-gana — wait. 208 ENGLISH. SULU. At the fresli water cave Tuhig liang ina-tahanq there is a striped tiger. tuga liaUmau kahang. The cable has parted Na mogtoh in gaiid- and we are adrift. awal'i, Uad'^ na Jclta. It is not yet certain. Wala-jm tantii. This horse is so very I)i l-Cira Ini ma-hu^l-al fleet that it can overtake pakaraiaii viaka Jtiajjas deer. ''(sa. Let us go to the hunt. Song Ma vtafoJi pa IKDilnd-an. What are they chasing? Uno na uiaien in liiapns 11 ia ! Itisnotdearbutcheao. Mohai sa Ini hul-ini nia-Jionet. That man is a ciieat. Tan panlpu sa icn. Do not go with him. Aiau kauagad ka)i nia. He will cheat you. Pieg-akal-an nia kainiu. When do you wish to Ka-Rnokaiiniau-lxiijah return to China? nun pa Song-song! This is a clever China- Ma-pandai p)akaraiaii man. Lanang Ini. Choose those which PeJi-a niatoh sin mar- are good. aiaa. When he left, the Ahila ka tola k nia, u-a Capital (Beniia) hal not ^k/ nta-sdnog in Banna. yet been burned. It is not clean but Biikiin ma-lanoh nia- dirty. ilnu'Ii. *L/arf — adrift. 20[> ENGLISH. SULU. He has not yet come. Walapa sia maha rcitcuig. "Who were youu com- Hi slo in ihan inu, Jta panions in the affray? i)ug-huno]i-an .' There is no completion Wed ka-siidaJi-an in to this work. lilnang liii. Bad end. Mangi Jca-sudaJi-coi. Convey my conipH- Timugun selam dOa Lit ments to the Sultan. matuh pa Sfiltan. If I am not guilty you Bang wai run dusa Jen, cannot condemn me. di hdniu malia hnliuni ha- aliu. Conduct me to the Hiatud-i nio alcn pa boat. saJiaia)i. Let me lead you by Anibif-an tali Jean hiit the hand for the road is ma-batn tiid di Jia ran very rugged here. l)ii. Consider I say. Ptlxil-pUxil-a liuno. What are you con- Uno in lilnang niu dfni structing there? ha ien .' His conversation was Maraiaii in hcsliala very pleasant. nia. This beef is not yet In unCid scqn Jni wala- cooked; cook it well. pa ma-lntoli ; pa liitoli-a tiid. This cord has been In luhid Ini in tagnali made from the hemp of nija Idnftt ampa lilnang the musa textilis. luhid. Come here. Bi na kau. 210 ENGLISH. The women are using cosmetics for tbeir faces. What is the price of this fowl? Count them for I am afraid of deceiving you. He has deceived you. He is abusing you. Don't you deceive me. Her countenance was like the full moon. We are second cousins. Not having committed any crime, why should I be afraid? The crow flew up on a tree. Don't cry for he will return by-and-bye. I do not know how to cure your desease. Such is not the custom. I do not comprehend. Pa-huraJc-an in bahal sin haihoh nya. Pela in hdga sin manolc In i ? Hltong-amatoli,dmTtna ha-hoga-an ku ka-rapat- an mil. K a - r ap at- a n n i a kdimu. Peninggar-an nia kainiu. Aian iiiu aku pa- rap at- i. In haihok nia hla ha, munga hrdan damlag. Pug-tungad na kUa maka riia. Wala-pa aku maka dOsa, Tino in ka-hdga-an ku.' In wdk milg-Iupad pa ids kdhui. Aiau kau mag-tangis, hut hdlck sa ten gana- gana. Di aku maka-ingat mCig-Ohat sin sdkit niu. Wdi adat hi ha icn. Di aku maka saioh. ENGLISH. Do not cut that tree. There is a market dail}^ at Memboiig. There is not a man who dare forhid him. It is nearly mid-day ; so, let us go home. All the people were grieved when the Sultan died. Are you deaf? Can't you reply? Deduct a little. There are spotted deer in Sulu. There was not a house left by the flood last night. Try your barong on his bones to see if it will become dented. He has gone. Go to the market. Depart from thence. They have departed. How deep is the water in this river? — Up to here. 211 SULU. A la li ]:a u ni i'lfj-tuj has ha IidJini icii. A d Ian- a d I a n tug a parlan lia Menihong. Will rnn tan malca aisfig viajtf/-ldng Ian nia. Mar? na ogtoh ; iiifil na llta. Ahila in Sfilfa)i nialo- liom, via-sasah in hatal sill tan liatan. Blsn tall lean.' Di lean maka asip .' Kolang-hnlang-l tloh- tloh. Ann iisa ha S'>g ndg-lca hntilcan. Wai na liapin in hCil na ra sin dnnnh h\'ihi. Solai na han in barong mu icn hang niaha silnihing ha hulog icn. letu na nianan. Katoli na liaupa parian. Eg na kau dicn diln. Bahas na sila malca 'ili. Biardien in lialitni sin sohah ini.' — Na dan ha Ini. 212 ENGLISH. Get down to the ground and do not come up here again. Why do yon desert nie? When I heard of his child's death I was in despair. You shall not detain me. I am not your slave. So and so is dead ; the Datoh is deceased ; the Sultan is demised ; alas ! they are all dead. It is difficult to get. What are its dimen- SULU. Ma-nng )ia l-au pa Idpa, uian na JL-an Is ah (jomahan man. Malta mu ahn hucjitan I Ahila aim iia l-a-riuigogr in anal: nia viiatai nia- silsaJi tiuJ ill liatai Lti. Di J: an vial: a haw id* In alu. BtllciiJi mu aha Ipnii. Na matCii indali liilan; na liiidoii/j indali Datoh; vialulioin in Sultan; alla- liauala! mated ka-tantan. Ma-lionet lxa-hal:-an. Bladicn in laggii nija T This woman is very diminutive. Direct me to that which is good. Do not teach me that which is wrong. Point out to me the place where it is. This ship does not touch at Lahuan but goes straight to Sandakan. * Haifi.l or hauir-an — to detain, f Bahai 'mi aslvi tiid. Hindoli-i aku sin mar- a ia II . Aiau mu al:u liindoli-i si}i maitgi. Pa tiidloli-i alcu sin tiingiid \ nya. Ill Ixapal'nii di na malai lidpit ha Lahuan milg- ttli na pa Sandakan. Tungad or t tin jvd ~\oc3.\\iy; place. 213 ENGLISH. SULU. This nian's disposition Wdi na sail sin paJ- is unequalled for good- fingal sin tan In I bat ness. via ra I a a. This boy is very dis- Will run adat sin hata- respectful. hata In I. What this man says is Dodln-dddlii )ia Isab In ■quite difterent. 'panionfi-an tela Ini. The ship at present is MdioJi )uc In liaiial far distant at sea. hlh'dan ha hind. If you speak ill of nie I Bdng nia alia pamong- shall beat you. an sin niangl lohak-aii ta na haa. Distribute it among" the Nug-hahagl hagl ha poor. manga tdic mlsJiln. The use of this is a toy In ka-gana-haii sin Jnl for the children. piig-panalm-an sin hata- hata. AVhat is that you are Uno In Jca-Jilndiig-aii doing? via lot! Do not do so. Alan Jcaa nag-h'niang hl-ha-len. I am very ill. Eun for Ma-sdlclt na tiid in the Doctor. baran ku. Ddg-an na lean matoh pa Tab lb. He owes him a little In atang sla lian nia over two hundred dollars. Icn leblli-lcbUi dan lia daa ang-gdtas pclal:. What present have you Uno In sampang via, brought for me, Sir? vidrl ha alca, Taan' 214 ENGLISH. SULU. Go and shut the door. Tamhul-a nio matoli ill laicang. If you will not ^^o out Bang lean dl maka ndg of (down from) my house dieii lia hdl In lid, jjci- I will put you out (down). nOg-an tali hau. I dreamt last night that Nng-ha-inop na akit the end of the world had Ixculhi na rauh in dun id. come. Please give me some Dildl-i mu a Jen lia- milk of a young cocoa- lelali-an tilhig bilfng tloJi- nut to drink. tioh liinum-an lut. I am drowsy. Let us Kicrroli na ahu. sleep. Matng hita. You beat the drum, I Eliau inmiig-ga)idang, will beat the kalintangan, aim in linicsag ha-lin- and they shall beat the tang-an,sila ien in inang- gongs. cigong. I do not owe you any- Wdi run Citang Im thing. Icdimu. 1 have not paid the Wala-pa aim malca duty to the Sultan. hdijad suJ:ai ha Sultan. AYliere do you dwell ? Hadien ka u niig-Ji tila Ji .' He asks where you Nng-dsfiha Jiadien Jean dwell. hill ah. By-and-bye, say to- MoJiai na, Diiinga hin- morrow. sJiinn. Eat this mango. Ka-aun na, Jean si)i wdni 1)1 i. The sea is deep. Maliini in dagat. 215 SULU. Dl a J: It ma l-a-ann li'diil uii hut via-puhat. Marc na Jifoias, sung Jxlta VKDiagat-' pa Iiiijias- Bdjir/ Jcait di maha solai dl Jiati inaha hdl\ Lcsag ^j^'/a .' — Marc na lesag irdhl. Hi s'to in magolang .' Had lot in magolang VI u / Wala-pa aJcii maha sakat lia hapal sin Anggalis. Have yon not heard TFa' ]3a kau maha that the Sultan has gone rinigog i)i Stlltaji mug- on board Mr. Cowie's gdhan ha-tds kapal sin- vessel'? Ttlan KawTf If you have no employ- Bang wdi ran usdli-an ment, come to me to- mu, marl na ka aku kin- morrow, and I will employ sMimmainat,p)ug-tandan- you to make a fence round an ta kau miig-hmang ad my plantation. ka-lihut-an jamhang-an ki(. I knew from its sound Ka-ingat-an kii dien that it was empty. ha tingug nija wdi hlan. * Ma-iiiignt = to gather shells; pa-nagat-aii ^^moWusca.. Both these words are derived from dagat, the sea. ENGLISH. I cannot eat that mango because it is sour. It is nearly low-water, so, let us go to the shoals and gather shells. If you don't make an effort you won't find it. What o'clock is it? — It is about eight o'clock. Who is the elder? Where is your elder brother? I have never been on board an English ship. 216 ENGLISH, SULU. "Work with more energy Kasai-kasai na hamu for it is getting dark. miig-lilnang hut dam na. He is enraged. Ma-gama sa ien. Get under the awning Siid na hali hau paJiiui as the sun is so hot. Icdjang hut ma-pdso iti siiga. Your slave entreats M'lkl ampdn in piltck. forgiveness. They are all equally Sali-sall na sila Ica- foolish. tan-tan dopang. G-o and erect the posts. Bangiin-a nio na match in liCtg. His slave escaped to Nug-pagoi in Ipun nia Tianggi (Jolo). pa Tianggi. Who is to escort you? Hi sTo in malca hiatud kaimu! Frommorning till even- Dicn ha niaJtinat pa ing. maliapun. From to-morrow till Dien ha hinshhm pa the next day. hnnlsa. Wait till I bathe. Tugad-tugad na kait maigoh pa aku. All these durians are In durian Ini mangl bad. lan-hln. That is not exact. Biikun dniR icn. The flavour of this fish Maraiau pakaraiau in is very good. anam sin ista l)ii. No one knows except Wdi nlntdu inaka ingat (you) yourself. lual l-kau haran mu. 217 ENGLISH. SULU. AVho will bear the Hi slo in iniir/-oii(jsi(d expense? halanjd f I will expend whatever Aim in pu(j-bahinjg .' If the governor order Bang daJi-ait sin (liihir- you ninst obey. narol sohai lictu agar -an. Don't throw away the Aiau mu hiugit-an in seed; give it to me to h'lglnyaien; dihil-i ahw plant. hi tanam kii. What is your opinion? Biardicn in dgl mil tali.' If I have no knife how Bang wai iitaJi aim can I cut grass? hiadienahuma-kdsagbut? Come and have some- Di na kau miig- thing to eat. Jcamaun. Thank you (I accept). Taimalian kii. It is not clean but dirty. BilJciin ma-lanoh ma- nmeli. This child is very Ma-pandai ti(d inhata- clever. Lata ini. Icannot climb that tree. Di alcn maJca pandai donidg ha kdJtoi iaiin. His clock is out of Ni'tg-kdngiinlelosnia; order; it does not strike. di malca tiingog. All his clothes were Na gisi in tdmfingan torn. nia ka-tantan. It is said that there is Niig-sui-sui'^ in tan coal in Siilu. taga hrding-hdtu ha Sag. * Sui-sui = rumour ; nug-sui-sui — it is said. 224 ENGLISH. SULU. You use very coarse Ma-sciplali iiaharaiau language. in paiiiong-an nia ten. Cock fighting is held on Sohai adlau roniini/rjo Sunday only. dnij^a mug-hvlanfj. Transplant this young Pindah-i nio niatoh in cocoa tree in the shade. anak kdkdii 'mi pa selong. Collect all the rubbish Tlpun-a in saghut ha- and burn it. tan anipa niu silnog-a. If the SultaLi's com- Bang di ma-dgad na niands are not followed t'ltali sin Jiinjongan ka- it will be the worse for us. sakit-an na k'lta. Go and let the horse Pa huloi-an na niatolt loose to graze. i)i kudu dmpa nug-ka- aun saghut. This is greater than Ddkolah ini dien dioi. that. Bring the grindstone Dahan nio mdrl hdtn- to sharpen my barong. dsdli-an jjrt Jid/t-an. in harong kit. This is good soil for Maraian in hlpa ~ini the cultivation of paddy, piig-hakal-an pdi. Sugar-cane will not In tuhii di tuDiuhah lia grow on land like this. lOpa hllia'ini. Call the guard. Tdicag-a in jdga-jdga. Ho guard! come here. Hua jdga-jdga ! dl na kau. Do not touch it. Aiau mu usihah-i. Come and cut my hair. Kari miig-utdd in biihok ku. ENGLISH. SULU. Come and cut iii\' hair. TJtur-i man in hfiJhiJ,- Ini. \^'hy does yoiu' horse Mdita in Icuila vni iia limp? fri)igl-((Jt .' Yon will break my arm. Ma-balcJt in lima tali. He £2;raBped \i\\ hand Ka put-a)i nia lima kn in his. sin lima nia. Turn to the left a httle Bleng-a nio pa lawa so that I may pass. tioli-tloh hut lilmilbai na hami. Where did this happen '> Ka-uno man-jarl bi-Jia- In i .' This wood is very hard. M(t-lanclo via-tras in lialiui 1/ii. This horse is a very In Jiilra ini aroJti ma fast runner. hoi do tiid domdgan. Make haste and gulp it Pa samut ball, tiin-a down. tiid. Make haste or I will Us-iis na bah l-au but overtake you. mn Cibnt-an. Siilus do not wear Tau-sog di malia jurl straw hats. ma-mal-ai saplno. Try to guess this: a Tiiknd-tiiki(d kaimu : tail-less bird pursues a manoh tulcong Jiumapas tail-less bird ? taJiong ? * Have you a little Ann Kdimn vmnga (Chinese) tobacco? tloh-tloli hun ■ I have. Ann 2)a. He says he has. Ann long nia. * Tukong = tail-les3. Native conundrum. 226 ENGLISH. How can one who is ill go? Haul your prriu up on the beach. I am afraid to go for people say it is haunted. Don't make a noise for I have a headache. Do not walk in the heat of the sun. How heavy is if? Last night the pigs destroyed the fence. He is dead. Help me. Put it down here. He is hiding in the forest. Let us take shelter under this tree for a moment. That hill is very high. He has not hit. Stop up the hole to keep the water out. Come hither. * Mus-latah SULU. Bang tan. ttiga sahit hiardein maha latoh! Hela man in sahaian mil pa-tas hultaiKjiii. Ma-hug a aJiti niatoh hilt sui-sui si)i tail tug a saitan sa ioi. Aiau Jcaic miig-latah* dun lia icn hiit via sakit ill (1 Jiu. Aiau haii miig-panau ha ka-paso-an siiga. Biardicn in hdgat iiija ! Ka-ahi na larah in hahoi si)i ad. Miatai na sia. Tdhang-i iiio aku. Butang dl ha Ini. Na tapdk na sila halani kdtian. Pieg seJoiig na kita dl lia-hahah sin kdhoi Ini dai-dai. Ma-tds tiid in had iaiiii. Wa' pa kicgddn-i. Hrdat-a in ICingag but di p)a siid-an in tiihig. Ka rl na kau. = to chatter. ENGLISH. SULU. I liave one like that at Ann Jca altt h't-lia-icii our place (at home). lia IdmoJi. How much will yon Pcla Jii pHfj-li'L tandolc sell these deer horns for? dsa lid .' Let us f^o to the race Song Icita pa lomha-an coarse and see the races. Idnufa hita miig-pCisu. An hour had not ITct' pa maka liawa elapsed. aiujha jam. How now? B'ladien tah .' How many dollars? Pcla pPlak .' How much have you Pila-prla pa ra ma.' taken away? Why have you not Malta haa waJapcv l^one to hunt with the maha hatoh mug-panhut others? ha inihiga Ica-lhan-an ma.' I am going. Matuh na Icami. I can do it. Aha in pandai. He is an idle fellow. Ma-hTishau in tCiu uii. Taken away by the Trdalc sin hdla. spirits. The Nakib is ill. Ma ng i I a s a i >i d a h Naldb. I have no implements. Wdi rnn ]:a-panLap-an ku. Your barong is in the In hamng mu aun ha- house. Ifim hai. It is not in the house. Wdi run pa-liim hdi. 'W'liat is the price of Pcld-pPJa in gdnduin. your (indian) corn? mu.' 228 ENGLISH. He found an infant dead on the river's bank. Inform me of what he said. He has gone into the interior. He has gone into the country. Why do you not enquire of him? Instruct me in your language. It is not enough. I have not received any intelhgence. Won't you give me interest for my money? I have never been round the island of Tawl- tfiwl. What is the price of ivory at Sandakan? Bring us a jar of biscuits. Java is far from here. Appeal to the judge. SULU. Ka-hah-an nia hamhoh hat a -hat a m ia ta I li a lie (J ad sdhah. Baita-i nio aln sin pamong-an nia. Na siid na sila pa 0. Matoli na sila pa gimhah. Ma it a kau di dsdhn Jian nia'? HindoJt-a nio aim sin^ haJiasa niu. Walapu ganap. Walapa ahu malia Tiingag sin gawi. Di kau luig-diliil anak si)i pclak ku.' Walapa aku maka llhut pO Taicl-taicl. PPla in liaga garing ha Sandakan .' Del nio k\ltii angka p)ugali hang-hang. Mdioli in Idpa Jdica dicn d'l. Na rd in hechala p)a hdkim. ENGLISH. I am afraid to go alone into the jungle. He was here just now. Is it sharper than a needle ? Keep this till to morrow. They were killed on the^waj'. How many jcinds of deer are there in Sulil'? I don't know. Kiss your mother. These kittens are fond of gamboling. Go and kiss the Datoh's hand. Lend me your knife. He won't lend it to me. Go and borrow. I don't know, do you? Why do you bring a spear into my house '? Oh ! The dog licks his hand. There are none of these large, they are all small. 229 SULU. Ma hug a aha piman, Jialaiii Jidtian isa-usa. 1)1 sila lilni dilii. Hadieii nia-liaU ibaa j a Foil! Tdn-an Jul duij)a Jdii- shfun. Niaj-hunoli sila. dun Jia rdn. PPla aiigJca. gliils in, fisa ha Sag ? Di aJiu nia iiigat. Siui)i-i )iio Jta liiali inu. Nng-langog tiul in anah I'll ting Ini aili. Sinni na hau matoh in lima hi Datoh. Bfis-i nio aJciL iji hiring mu. Di nia sa Jidti akio hiis-an. JBiis-i matoli. Indai sa kaimu ■ Maita haa iniig-dd hiijah halum hdi ku.' Are ! Nfig-dllah in eroh pa I una nia. Wdi run mdslug, mana- hut in ha-tantan. 230 ENGLISH. SULU. Lif;lit the lamp. S<'iJt-a in paJJtaliaii. The last shall be first. 1)1 na la-itUJi main una. The first shall be last. In na-lca-ana vial^a nVili. Wh}' do you laugh at Maita viu aJm itug- me? Ji-afdjrahan .' Your buffaloes are all Ma-haiiig in l-dhau mu lean. I'a-tantaii. • Don't lean against that Aiaii viu scindig-an Jia post, it nia_v fall. Jidg icn, via-iiyog. I have left my umbrella Balas nalca hln in in the house. 2^^''!J0>"J ^>i' ^i<^( ^<''- Tliis one won't do for I)ii di man-jddl hut it is too long. ma-lidhah. Let it be like that. Pa hla na ha ien. To morrow I will send Kinshimi mug-pard alxu a letter to my friend. sillaf j^a taimangliud lu. Don't be led away by Aiau Ircu mug la- that man for he is a liar, hagad hut tdu pilting-an sa icn. Where is the lid of Had ien in tutdp-an this pot? sin angJitlni' Why did you lie to Mai mu alu j^^'O' nieV puting-an .' I did not tell you a lie. Wala alu miig-puting Idiinu. The pigeon has alighted Tiniapoli in hdud ha- on a teak tree. tds l-dJtdi jdti 231 SULU. Bring me a small lemon. I think they have lingered on the w&y. The fort of Singgah- mata is situated near fort Bakhd. Of what use is this small one to me ? I shall only be a short time away Look, I say ! How fondly this woman loves her children. The bamboos are all destroyed by the pigs. He has an idea that a bullet won't pierce a coat of mail. Do you know how to make a dapang ? I am just the one who knows. Twenty males and thirty females. Not even one of them could tell the truth. He rushed in amongst the mangroves. Da-i all II Jiamhok .silaJt inanahut. Fug-haJilian na sila lulti Jill (III II ha rail. In lr>ta Jia Singga- vidta masiiJi pa hnta Balud. As'ivl sa liii lino Jiiiii Ixa-uhu .' Ma toll aku da i -da I saja. Kit a hall, liRno! Ma-kasih ina-loi ti'id bahai Ini ha anaJc nia. Na linhiis in pdtonri Idaun sin hahoi. Aiml in Cicfi nia di liniagbas In i)nngloh ha lamina. Ma-ingat kan viiig- hlnang dapang"? Ma-ingat sa akii Ini. Kdiilian in iisog, kat- lilan in hahai. Mlsan angka tdu di maka pdmong sin hdnal. Niig-ddgan na sila lialain bakau. 232 ENGLISH. Yes, I know. There are few maD<:^fo- steenes in Siilii. I will pnt a mark upon it so that I shall recognise it again if it be lost. There is nothing here that I can recline on. I have forgotten to bring matches. What is the meaning of Siassi? — I clon"t know. I do not think it has a meaning, but is tlie name of an island only. He has not yet set out for Mecca. I met them in the country. I do not know how to mend that. A ship from China, has brought a large quantity of merchandise to the Chinese. They foundered in mid ocean. I have brought this milk a long way. A Dill, maka iiigat alcu. Wdi ma-tdud manggis ha Sag. GindaJi-an ku hut hang ma-lciwa ka-klla-Jiaii ku. Wcil drill ha ml pfig- lialng-an kn. Ka-Jupa-haii ka hhl Diaka nl hcigid-hdgid. Una ill iiuliia sin S'lassi.' — Iiidai. Hdti ku wdi run, indna nija lual iiigan sin pu sdja. Wa'pa sia iiiaka tawap pa MakkaJi. Bdk-aii kn iiila dfin ha giinhah. Di aku ina-ingat viitg- daiau ha ieii. Domatang in kapal dieii ha Songsuiig, iia ra uia-tdud dagang-an kan, Laiiang. Na In mid na sikt ha g'ttong tawld. Na rd aku in gat as dieii ha iiidioh. i 233 ENGLISH. This mina-bii'd is most Ma-Iafah 2)al((raiaic garrulous. t'wng oii. This is mine. Ka-kii sa Int. His trousers were In saical nia >ta Jtipoh covered with mud. sin plsal:. Donot makeauiistake. Alau, lean ning-lilnang sCih . Mix with a little sugar Laniful-i iban tloJt-tioh to sweeten it. silkal hut maha niaiinoli. The moat Avas full of Na hipoli na in gdta the killed. si)i tan niig-hanoli. What day is this? Adiaii ilno ta hii? — Is it Monday? — Isnin la.' 1 have no money. Wai run pclah l-n. A monkey sat upon a In amok nug-Unghnd tree. lia-tas kalini. How many months will Pcla-i bulan Cinipa sia it be till he returns ? mnl marl ■ Probably two months. Manga diiai brdan. Many soldiers fell into Ma-taud so/iddlu na the morass. legad halam sCipa. I have been seeking Niig-klg aha kan nia for him since morning. dien, sin mahinat. What is the price of a Pela in liaga sa pikal picul of pearl shells ? tJpai .' Look out, or you will Saio kan hat Dia-lidg fall into the mud. kan lialam p)isak. He was murdered in Banoh-an si/i tan anii the house. lia hai. 234 ENGLISH. Where was lie killed ? In the house, I said. That is in}' house. Nail this plank. "What is your name ? What is his title ? It will not touch you. AVhat do you want? I declare I will strangle you. It is needless, never mind ; it is of no use. There are many nests (growing) at the Goman- ton caves. I never did. It must he night before they appear. Don't come to-night. They are making a noise. When the wind is from the north the current is excessively strong. No, I won"t. I have brought noth- ing. When should it be ? SULU. Hadien in ka-pa tai n ia ! Hcdam hdi, long ku na. Bed ka-aku sa ten. Lansang-a in digpi iiii. Hi slo ingan mu ! Uno in gcdal nia ■ Di sa ien miig-Uno. Miig-nno taJi kau ! Pd^-(A-an kit na in Iciig mu. S'drT na, di na mug- •nno ; icdi ka-guna-han iiya. Ma-taud sahotg tiinul- hilJi ha Gomanto)i. W(da aim tlid nali. Sohai dion ampa uug- gouiRali. Aiau kau man diiui In'i. ISIilg-kc'doJi na sila. Being hang in na fitala ma-tiigda na tiid i)i siig. Di aku mau-hagali. M'tsan ang selag icala aku maka ra. Sohai ka-dno ! 235 ENGLISH. When should it be ? — Sohai l-a-Fiiio.' — Sohai It should be now. hllicuDi. He was here just now. Al-ya-rl Ji'cii dnn. He has gone. When? letu na. Ka-nno ! — — Just now. Bagn-hCign iaiiii. If you do not obey the Bdur/ lean cli iiingad Jta Sultan's commands 3'ou tifaJt sin Juiijongau Iri- will be punished. scll-it-coi sa lau ieii. AVhat is your occupa- Uiio iji lilnaiiri-an mu .^ tion ? This house is occupied. Tuga tan Jta hdi liii. There is the landlord Al diin in tiig hdi coming. doniatdng nu. It grows not on the Di tninuhnli Jta bed land, but only in the sohai Jta gitong fatc'id. ocean. That man often comes Tap-tap viaJia rl in here. tdti iaiiii. This woman frequently Aha trot in hahai Inl comes here. inaJia ri. Only, I am afraid of Saga 11 Jt, ma-hdga aJm you. Jean nio. One only. HanihoJ{ hitJc sdja. What is his opinion ? Bladien in dg'i nia? I do not smoke opium. Di aJxU mttg-marat. Iron or wood will do. Bdsl ataica JalJtdi maJia Jan. I did not order him. WaJapa aJai maJia ddJe Jian nia. 236 ENGLISH. This is all that is over. Let us go outside. It is better to sit out- side than iuside. What do you owe me ? AVhere is the owner of the house '? How many packages are there in one case? How far is it fiom here to the palace '? Lend me a little paper. I have forgotten to bring my umbrella. Leave it there. He has not yet come. AVe wish to pass. I met her on the path that leads to the water. AVhen will you pay your debt ? In a short time. Bring me a pen that I may write. Be patient. SULU. Al-ya-rl in Jehilinia. Song Iclta niatoh pa (J nail. Mara ia n inug-linglcikl lia-guali dlcn. Jia-liivi. Uno in picg-utang-an via ha alcu .' Hadicn in ti)g half Pela anglui putJis aim halani angha trmgP Biardirn in hlioJi nija dicn dl pa astanaP ]3i(s-i alu kcJtfis tloh- tloh. Ka-lnpa-han Jiu wa' nia-rd in puyong. Bln-an rnn ha ien. Wa pa sia malia rafioig. Lnninhai na IcCinil. Picg-halx. lat sila dun ha ran pia tilhig. Ka lino Ixau nuig-haijad si)i iltang inu ? Bilkiin daJi nulgai. DaJia na marl inkalam, mam-iulat na akii. Sahal na kait. 237 ENGLISH. SULU. Many people tied from Ma-tCiiid tdu itil(/-2'>(lgot the inassacie. dicii Jta pil;/-hfiiidlt-aii. The Sultan will not Di It i t il g il f sin grant his permission. JHiijoiKjiOi. Pick out the cciod and PcJt-pch-i sin niaraiau thi'ow away the bad. bur/if-aii sin vtanr/i. How many [)ieces of HalainlianiholchandaJa grey shii'ting aie there in pcla ang bus gajaelau? a bale? There are one hundred. A nn ang gatiis. The end of the wharf N(( Itolog in duJtol sin fell down. pantaJan. He has not yet become Walapa sia inalca hdjl. a pilgrim. He is on a pilgrimage Mug-hajl sa ieii ^.;« to Mecca. Mahhali. Your debt to me you Ann utang mi( ha-aliu, must pay. snlifit-an ta na hau. If a pilot cannot be got BCDig wCii rnn mcdim di I shall not go. a lit uiaha latoli. There are very few pine- TloJt-tloh dah in apples in Sulu. ^j/.srn/r/- lia Sng. Why are you afraid of Mitg-ano, lia it ma-hdga pirates? saliisu? O dear me, Sir, you Allali, TCian, ica mu don't know their wicked- pa ha ingat-i in ngi nia. II ess. * " Nanas " is the Malay name for pineapple : and pisang in Malay ^ banana or plantain. ■238 ENGLISH. They have not planted coffee yet. It does not please me. Please give this to me. Many people plunged into the sea. Do not point your gun this way. I am poor. Be very positive. This country is pos- sessed of devils. The posts have not been ■erected yet. Hitherto I have not seen potatoes like these. Night and day he does nothing but pray. There is no profit in trading at present. He is coming presently. You need use no simu- lation ; for, if it is really true, I will help you. That is not even what it cost me. Let us proceed. Wala 'pa sila maha tanam kaliawa. Di aJiu inug-yen. Dihili mu halt aJiu ini. Ma-tdud tCiii nng-lcrop halam dag at. Aiaii viit i^a tfijd-a in sanapaiig mu marl. Mlsk'ui sa aJiu 'nil. Pa tantCi-a tnd. Ill Ju'dah Inl tiiga Sell tan. Walapa maka haiiguii in hag. Wa.pa aku maka k'da pdiiggi hlha'mi dinpa blJi'aiui. Diini adiau miig-i^ani- hai/aitg sdja. Wdi untong miig- ddgang bJh'au/i. Mdrl sa ien dai-dal dakonian. A laic kaii mug-Cda-ida ; hut, bang biinaJ, tabang- an ta kau. Wa'jya dbut in puluoi ku. Song na klta. ENGLISH. The Princess Simliial has sailed for Tapol. That is proper. Come under the shelter of this tree. AVhat is to be done if you have not brought provisions ? Pull till it breaks. Who purchased your Kris ? The pony pursues the deer, and the dog the pig. What quantity is there '? Do not quarrel or fight. It is in the other quarter. I shall not quit this spot if you do not pay your debt. Any old rag will do. You have bitten me. A rat climbed up a post. There are no ratans here. If it be eaten raw it is intoxicating. 2H9 SULU. Dilijang Pnth Sunlnal haJiCis nitg-tolakpa Tdpol. Pat lit It a Isab. Song kail viCin pn ha- selong-an sin kdhdl 'mi. Bladioi in ka-Ctgl hdiig kail icalapa maka id hitoJi-an P Hi-la I'nnpa hogtoh. Hi s'lo ill iia ml sin kalis innP Kara nug-liapas lia usa, crok nag-tnrol Jia bahoi. Bladicn in ka-tand-an nija? Aiaii na kaniu mtig- baiitah atawa niag-lorai. leii dan ha ang tltud. Di akii m'cg dicn dl bang kaii di maka bdyad sin Rtang in a. Manga raginai raginai inakajarl. Man-atkaf kaa ka akii. Ambdii nag-dag Jia hag. Wdi ran wdi d'l-lia-lni. Bang iniig-ka-aun sin lielau ina-hcloh sa ien. 240 ENGLISH. I cannot reach it. Kead it, I say. I received it from him. The}^ left quite recently. Do you not recognise me ? They recollected simul- taneously. I prefer to use a Siilu bridle. Help him to carry fresh water. If there is no one to relieve j'ou, you cannot go. Hemain here until my return. Don't bring it here ; let it remain. Take away this child. Lady, if you sail away, you repudiate me. Where do you reside ? Eestore his goods to him. Are you not afraid of retribution following? SULU. Di alcu vialia abut. Bdcha-a, l-fDio. BaJcas aim xfig -talma Iroi nia. JBdf/ri-hdr/u tiid ma -eg na sila. Di )iiii aliU Jca-Jc'/la-haii? Kufi-tlnn-tinn na sila sdma-sdDta. Mauhaijali aJcii viakai lialk-ang Sog. Tdhajig-i nio sila viig- saitJi tilbig tdhaiig. Bdug icdi i-Fni gomanti Idimu di kau maka eg. Doinl na Jcau dmpa aku viug-hdlck. Aiau mil 2)Ci ka rl ; pa r nil -an na. Dalia ma full in hata- hata Ini. Ddijang, hdng kau fill a k hln-i aku in u talak. Hadicn kau niig-liidali? Hi illiJi in ata ma-aitn kau nia. Di kau ma-hdga kia- husongan ? 241 ENGLTSir. SULU. Think, I say. Plh'il hah, knno. He says tlic veiy Dddin-dnriin va l^ah iu reverse. iMlmoiuj )iiii. My mat is covered Na Jilpoli in bi(ras In with rice. sui huf/as Brinf; the rice and the Dalui marl in lca-au)i- dishes. an llxoi J:((-J:'au)i-an. The Sultan lost a rin^- Xa laira in sin(jsi)irf in Sandakan. sin Jiiujonf/fot Jta San- da Ian. Thei'e is nothing- bnt Niifz-hiJa- Julia saja uproar in the market. lialani parian . It is unripe. Bulalc pa iralapa via- ]ti/iof/. Who stole your horse ■.' Hi slo in tiahan sin Jifira mil .' Kohbers are plentiful Ma-fdnd ^jrtA-amm?^ in Snlii ; but, the ^reat- sliiir/and Iia Sdg ; hut, est thieves of all are in sJiiir/aroI fiid dniR na Paranj,^ peoplo. fan. Pdranr/. Tlu! fish leapt on a Mrig-lalsifin istd jxdds rock. hat a. The l^est leaves for Amu namaraiaii miiq- making roofs of are sago lilnang atfip ddlinn sdni. palm leaves. They are making a Nag-lilnang na sila moat round the fort. gdta ha Jlhut sin hdta. Kouse up so-and-so, for Bangun-i hi Inan hut it is day. adlau na. t242 ENC^LISII. If it is not round it is square. I cannot bear to live under Spanish rule. All the children ]'an into their houses. It will not hold more than twenty sacks of paddy. What is the cause of your sadness, my lady? How much are you engaged at? Work for me and I will pay you wages. How many pots of salt have you brought? They are all the sanie. You s h o u 1 d have brought a sample. I saw a corpse on the sands. Let us go to the sand- bank to collect shells. These slippers, being too large, are no use. What does he say? I will not have any of your impudence Bang huJcun tihuli pa- sfigl. 1)1 akii iital-a hiig-hiig lia pdJentali sin Kastda. Nilg-ddg in hata-hCita l:a-tan paJani hcii sihi. l)i mala Iftan JehiJi dun Jt(( kdilJuui ka lidrot pCii. Uno in l-a-siisaJi-an )nii, da gang Lu/ Pcda in hi ta)tgdan inu .' Hlnang-a halt Ini ka aim taugdan-an ta lean. Pcia angka snl-ul dsin na rd nio .' Sali sa ic/t ka-tanfan. Suhai }iug-da rd sontoli. Na kit a akii niaiat lia hiiJiangin. Song Inta pa In'inas-an ))iiig-panagat. Wd i giDia - gilna sin taompaJni, dakulah na. Uno knno .' Di akii niau-hayali sin pamong-an nio ien. 243 ENGLISH. SL'LU. What does he say? Uno long iii<( ! A scorpion stung liini Kut-lcut sin ]:ala j((nf/- on the hand. Jting lia Ilnni nin. Scrutinize it well that Nftg-palrlisa nui tiid you may know it again. drnpa lean mahd Iriln-i. I shall throw it into S'lapnd Lu, sila pahini sea. dai/at. The Bajau and Snlu Dnain in haliasa Bajun dialects differ. dicn lia haluisa S<~ig. Cany water fi'oni the Sank-i tfihig dagat. sea. I shall investigate the M(un-Jrl:sa na aktt hin- niatter to-morrow. skhn. He has never sent it to Walajm sia )nug-pa rd me. marl. They are separated. Na hntas na sila. The meaning of the In niana hi ''hog'' word "boy" is servant, Ipun, hut niaien hnhiiji but dilierent from servant hla Ipnn ha Sag, dnCtin. (slave) in Sulu. AVhat is the price of PPht in lulga sin hilra your pony ? — Six dollars jnu 'mi.' — Ka pPto ang and a half. slpali prJaJc. How often did you go ? Maha pida l-au niatoh .' — Seven times. — Malca pcto. I shall not go. Di aku niau-hagali niafuJi. Should we near the Bang masidc pa hahaic shallows, steer for the sea. tolak pa hlud. 244 ENGLISH. srn:. How many pic-uls cif PPJa pilcol sil- hait(i)r sharks' fins did tlicybrinL;- lui m sUk dicn ltd from Umadal V Unntnd .' Are there any slieep in Aim IkJi hili-hih ha Siilu ? Hfui '? There are no sheep in ]\'di rnn hlli-hlU lui Suhi. Si'xj. At present there are JJtJt'diiN aioi muiujd two or three. da a tr>. It is not forbidden to JJilkiui Jtahu/i /ini(/- drink sherbet. iiioni mlhut. A Spanish ship has I)i»iafoiir/ na i)i l.apal ariived. sui KdxirUi. The steamer is under Na )iuitpHt )t(i in liapal weif,di. aso. Look at the shape of Klta halt in riigbus si/i that ship, its stem is lapal iann,indu]io)ifj )ijia formed like a shark's jaw. hla )inuu/a slmud kdltaii. AVho is shooting in the Hi slo in mui-tenihal: forest '? dan Jialitni golanr/an ioi .' Eain is indispensal)k' Sobai filga alan Cinipa before seeds will shoot. haji ftnnnbnJi. He is invulnerable, l\(nf/lias sa icn, vusa)i even the shot of a gun j)anfiloh. sandpaiui di could not hit him. liirf/ddii-an. Shut the gate. Tanibal-a in Jdicancj. On the other side. Jen dun ha ang sipali-. It is on that side of the Ai ((un dan Ita any house. fit fid sin bdi. 245 ENGLISH. SULU. Of whatareyoutonialce JJiio in h'uuuui-dii )ini the sides of 3'our house? dindliiq ■sin hdi inn.' Let us all join in a Miuj-hat na IxJtd nio soD,^". Id- fan. How much is this? — Pchi - pela in Ini.' — One for a cuarto. Mnij-tonf/t/Kl Ininlto. How uuich is that one PPla-pPJn in hionbol: ieii there ? — T w e n t y - ti v e dnn ' — KaRlian - tmj- 1 una €ents. (■<■;/. Sister, dear, assist me KdldJi tdbang-i nioaltic to sew this head-dress. nian-dJti sin j^'S Tni. How lonp; does a hen PPid in hlgai siiimnnok «it in hatching her eggs ? nunKj-am a nip a nia- — Fifteen days. ni lisali .' — Hangpuh - tug - h)na i nun. He slapped me on the Sanipak nia aim ha cheek. pis)ii. What can we do, Sir, liidrdicn tah kanii Tni, being slaves only. Tilan, Ipun sdja! He had not gone to Wa'pa sia nia-tog. sleep. How slowly you walk. Ma-hitsJcau paliaraicm liau mug-panau . I was very small at the Aslvl pa akic ablla in time of the war in Siihi. lat pug-hunoli ha SOg. Why do you smile at Maita mu aha png- me ? Jiuindicon ? Look, he is laughing. Klta na hah, ka-taica sia. 246 ENGLISH. SULU. Take it to the black- Para-a na inatolt jxi smith's to be mended. i ii k a n g - bdsl a inp a dumaiau. I do not smoke cigars. Di ahu maha niiuj- duhla. Give me a little soap. DiJiili )nn alu sabtlii floJi-fluJi. Some were armed and I)i Id-lbdit-an iiiiu/- others were not. tal-iis, in l-a-lhaii-aii irahi. How many kinds are Pchi aiir/ka glitls sin there? aun .' Point towards the Trijn-luoi pa Hdtaii. South. They have not sown ^Val)(l sia malia hdJidl their paddy yet. in jnli nia. I have been to Spain. Balas al-ii mala l-atvh jui Lnpa-KastcJa. I thought 3'ou were a Flkil-an lu Tau- Spaniard. Kasfcia sa lean ieii. Why do you not speak? Maita Jiaii di niiirj- jn'onoug .' For what purpose do Miig-u/io kaii iniig-dd you bring a spear? There hujah ! Wai rioi fdti are no evil disposed per- maugi d'l lia Ini. sons here. What is the name of Hi slo ingan sin tuan that gentleman with the iaun lulg-mamalai sdmin spectacles ? mdta .' Where is the spot ? Hadicn tungud .' ENGLISH. There ! you have spilt the water. The spirit of the ocean dwells in the deep. This rope has parted. Do you know how to splice ? My nun is out of order. His house is destroyed. My hand is sprained. I have never seen a squirrel in Siilu. They stabbed him in the breast. The robbers destroyed our stables. I cannot stay long. Do not steal ; do not lie ; do not swear ; and don't kill or murder. I do not know how to steer. How can we ever ascend these steps? — Easily, Sir, if you climb as I do. 247 SCLU. N<( ! >ia (lfi((f/ ill tnh'uj. Ill (](llfip nil (J- h ilia h Jia-liiiii taicld. Ma-hogtoli sin Itlhid Ini. Ma-iii(j(it Ian miu/- snpat ! Ma k((nr/i it a in sandpanrj Lit Ini. Na laraJi iia in hai iiia Na piol ill Jim a Ini. Wa'pa akn ma' hi fa hasiiif/ lia Sog. Tighak na sia nila Jia dagJia nia. Na larak sin shugarol in pagal knra namu. Di akiL maka tag ad mogai. Aiau ina-nakau ; aiaii ina - nutting ; aiau. ma- il i II g g a d ; a i a it m a - miliioJi. 1) i a k 11 III a-inga t mapnt lia bdnsan. Biardien na kdini Ini saniakat lia hag-dan Ini? — Mohai bah, Tilan, hang kail sakat hla akn. •248 ENGLISH. Turn round the stern. Go you aft. I have been pricked ^vith a needle. A stork wades in the lake. The roof was all blown away by the hurricane. When you walk do not straddle. The vessel stranded on a sandbank. Do not strike me. He struck nie. That lady struck lue on the face with her slipper. Do 3'ou know how to twist rope ? The wind is very strong. It is raining hard. "Where is your substi- tute '? Suffer it to be so. Make it sufttcient. They appealed to tlio Sultan. The day is very sultry. SULU. Bicng-i in htlll tah. Katoh liuu pa hill'i. Na tnlsiifj akn sin jciruii. In Jjt(nr/(iu muy - tlbcxj Jiahnn Id nan. Wdi )ia kapin sin atiip )ia palid sin hCtnus. Ah'/Ia hail nuuiaii aiaic ina-biiKjkang in slJci mu. Na sdnglad in sakaiati lia Jifinds-an. Aiau mu aku lobak-an. Lobak-an nia akii. Sianipak a kit. Jt i ddyang icn Jia pisni sin taompa nia. Ma-ingat kan niiig- p in sal Jdbid ? Ma-fiigda tiid in Jtangiii fall. Ma-tugda in ulan. Had icn in guniantl kdi/nti ! IJla na ha ien. Ganap-i nio bah. Na rd na sila sin bcchala pa Silltan. Ma-pdso tiid adlau Int. 249 ENGLISH. SI'LU. Sum up the whole. JaDihili-ti udla-tdu-tan. We have not 3'et reached ITa' pa lidiiil iiidhit, the summit. ahnt pa puntul:. Put my coat out to dry, Biiltar-i in hajn kit hut as it is wet. ma-hrisali. Tlie sunis aljout toset. }fdn' //<( HiDnadlup in A Datoli in Sfdii is su- In Butolt ha Srxj lehih perioL- to a jMahauaja. dal-olah dim ha MaJia-ldja AVhat do you suppose? liladioi in nanani niii ! How does it taste? Bladirn in nanain tali ! I am not certain. Walapa akn ma-ia>itu. AVhere is the surphis ? Hadicn in la-IchiJi-aii nija ! That is swearing. Vcnimjijar-an sa ieu. Bring me a broom. DaJta nio marl in sa- .svT/j/l. la aim. They are sweethearts. Ni)(/-trinang na sila. I do not know how to l)i aha inaha ingat swim. nii'iff-JaiKjoi. Put the ghiss on the Butang in hasa ien pa table. la-nut^a-han. Do-not take that. Man han nuig-haira ha ien. Why do you not plant Mait(( hau di miig- tapioca on this land? tanmn panggi hfilu'n di ha Jnpa 'mi .' He refreshed us with Nug-lahutniaal-Htuhig tea and biscuits. plaso ihcui hang-hang. k 250 ENGLISH. SULU. Teacli me to speak youu H i ii d o h - i n i o a li u language. pCDiKuig sin hahasa iiiii. Teak is good for Mamiuu in jdti iiiug- making ribs of boats. liiuauc) giak sin sahai-an. I have teeth he has Ale a aim ipun sia well none. rRn. He is good-tempered. Mavaian in palanciai n ia . This is better than Ma raid u in Ini dicn- that. ha irn. Here is the best of alL Ai-i/a-ri maraiau tiid Ini dien lia la -tan. Whose house is this? Kan slu in hai Ini .' Get away from there. Eg na lean dicn dun. This is very thick cloth. Ma-nihmaJ fiid in JcaJiuna 'ini. He is a thief, do not Pa-nal-au sa icn, aiau let him enter. j)r^ siir-an. If the cloth is thick the Bang ma riiJiinal in paper is very thin. Icahdna ma-nlpis fiid in I'dtds. Where can we place Hadien ndniitJii hfifang our things ? viiinga 2^iitris-2^rifns ndniii In i .' I am thirsty. Ma-t'thaii alii. Though it were the Mlsan. Jtnijongan, di Sultan, I would not be a In ma-hog a. afraid. It is short of a thousand. Walapa ganaj) aiig ihu. 251 ENGLISH. SULU. Three men walke.l to ^.7 anjlca tnii nia/- tlie rif:;"lit, but those ^vll() jxi/uai pa to, ii(( Idtcd in went to the left were tun }U(g-p(i)mu pa hltra. lost. Do you hear the thun- MaLa riiiujag na lean in der? (h'(f/-diir/? It is nearh' flood-tide. MfirP )ia tauh. What tidings have you Una na maien in r/tliri brought ? na rd nio ! His time has not yet Walapa dhilt in (jdnta come. nia. On what date did he Pc'Ia-i ((dlau in tnr/nn promise to come '.^ iiia dnipa doj/ratang ? Give it to the gentle- Diliil-i Judi tilan. man. He hasgonetoTianggi. Bahas sia manau pa TianrfCfi. He will come to- SuJ>ai Jiiii-sJiinn dinpit morrow. donuttanr/. Givemealittle tobacco. DiJiili nut ahu tahdlin tloh-tloli. Let us go together into Mil g-dn nga n-d it nr/a )i na the country. luta manau pa gimhah. Pull together. Hcdd sdnia-sdnia. Let us go and visit the ^o)ig lata niatoli konilta Sultan's tomb. llta ha luihul sin Malo- hom. What is the price of Prla Jidga sisiJc iann .' that tortoise-shell ? ENGLISH. SULU. They went towards the NiKj-tRJu sila ma aim coLintiy. 2'"^ t/hitbaJi. Bring towels and let us lid-a in jimpau )iiai(j()h have a hath. na Jilfa. They followed the Xi'((/-fnroI sila linipa tracks of the rohhers. slid sin sJnigaroI. Do not trample on my Aiaii ni it f/eiJc-i in plants. tianain-a/t J,i(. It is I'Limoured that the Xa J)0(jtoJi in kapitora- treaty is broken. sion lilno. A new treaty had better SoJ)ui niug-lnnanij pfnj be framed. janji-an hd'/fi. Why do yon treml)le Mai fa Jiaic nia-nudpld so ? J)i-]ta-icn ? The rain dropped from Miu/-t~) in illan dioi lia the roof. atiip. The water trickled from TiDnn in ff/hir/ dien ha- above. tns. Trim the boat or we Tinibang-i in, sal:ai-ari shall capsize. tali hut nia-nluh na J.lfa. It is perfectly true. Bfinal sa iiia-tiid. AVere I a man I should Bang aJcii iisog tighal- transfix you with a spear, an tali lean sin hujalc. He would say nothing Disa icn pfunong dddin but the truth. dini ha ka-hundl-an. Try again. Solai na Isah. Tuck up your trousei's Klnkln-a. in saical inu lest they be soiled l)y hut di nia-hipoli plsah. the mud. 25B ENGLISH. SUH'. Ti'v once more. Sahd incil-d ntinsfin ((((hoiiunt. The Sultan fell ill on Adlati sdJdsa in Sillf<(ii Tuesday. iinniff/ I((s((. Put on your turl)an. XiVj-jn^^ n(i I'dii. ^Vhat o'clock is it? — Lcsac/ ju'Ia .' — Lcs(t(/ Twelve o'clock. luDKipoh-tug-dua. He deceived me twice. Miiff la-riia sihi ma ha n'la 1(1 a Jill. Twist tlie rope. Piiisal-a in Inhid. They are twins. Anal: Ironbal sa icn. Jjring two or three. Ihi indrl niunga dua tn. This kris is double- l^fia imlta in lallis ini. ed<4ed. He has taken umbrage Blanr/i liafdi nia dim at what I have said. Jta jK'onotir/ hii. This man is utterly Di titd man-jar'i tCiu'uii. unal)le. It is not as though he llul.iin Jfia ha wintfia were unaccustomed. bill- mi hlalcaa. He is unarmed. Wai run taliiis nia. He is my uncle. Aniali-an Im sa icn. I shall marry him. Bana-han Jen sa icn. I do not understand. Di alu mala hati. If you are unemployed lUlncj irdi nln Jinianr/ seek employment. nni lag lau Jilnang-an. Why are all the trees Maita in I'dhoi /,y^- in this place unfruitful '? tantan ha hidah Ini di iiiig-bunga? 254 ENGLISH. SULU. Unfasten the rope of Uh'lr-i, in Uih'ul sin. my pony. Irird Lii. They liave not begun ]]'(il<(-2)a sila niaha to nnload the cargo. f(i(/)i(iJi-i Iiutrasinlila/i-an. AVhy did you not l)ring Mgat huh; very light. nia-r/dhaii tiid sa ien. He has almost re- MarP na slla ka-ulih- covered from his illness. a>i. Let us walk to the end Panau nn Ic'ita matoh of the wharf. 2^(( dnhvJ sin 'pantau. What does he say? Una l-iliio ? Bring whatever you can Baha marl iiiintga Fnio- get. i'liio ill l((-baL-a» mu. I have seen, what-do- Bdhas Jiti klta, lii- you-call-him — I have for- lilanjii — ha-lupa-han hu gotten his name. na iiKjdii nia. When did he arrive? Ka nno sia sampai ! Where is my ])arong ? Hadicn in harong Jni ? Whether he permits it Bx'ing nuiu-hdijah ataira or not I will take it. hRhitn ka-an ku. Wliich is the best? Hadien in maraiaii ? Your horse has been Knrd mu hakas na let loose. hiiiloi. ■ Wliich one? /-" hadicn ? AVho is there ? Hi slo ien ? Wliose land is this ? Kan-s'to lOpa ini P * Biilni-iin or biiilni-iiii to loose. 257 SULU. Kaxk. Forms of Address, Jiuijoii/jdi, (sult.vn) Sill jiiiijongaii SfiUdii Til (I II sfi/taii Datoli (chief) DCttoli Ldj'f (kinj4) ^^ijc Selip Tiuoi selip Maiitili (minister of state) TiIkii inaiitiU Hdjl (pilgrim) Tikoi Jidjl Panrjllma (captain or prefect) Ti'kdi pdiuillma LaxaiiuDui (com. in chief) Lnxamana Mahalaja (prince) MaJidldJa Nakib (religious title) Triaii iiakib Kafih ,, ,, T fid 11 hdtih Imam ,, ,, Iiiuim Olaiig kdi/d bag in dd (nohleiiVAn) Oldiuj kaijd bdginda Olaiig kaija (headman) Olang kaija Bdndari (steward) Bandar i Makaha iJ (keeper of the Ma ka hail markets) S III f ana Ddijang-ddijang Pangian Ddijang paitg'ian PiUli (princess) Ddijdiig piitU Dayang (lady) Ddijdng When an inferior addresses the Sultan, a Ddtuli,. Ldja, or Selip, he speaks of himself a^s pdtek. There is no distinction made by an inferior when address- ing persons of lower rank than these. In addressing the Sultan the Suliis introduce the subject of discourse by the preliminary formula : — 258 Eank and Forms of Address (Continued) . Ampun harlhu ampnn ha tapak siki sin Junjongan sin pdtek, pardons, thousands of pardons (be exten- ded) to this your slave ; or m'tki amptlii in patek. When addressing his Highness directly, they say Junjongan or mihiga Junjongan, may it be your Highness ; Junjongan being the Sulii title of the Sul- tan. Europeans in addressing the Sultan call him Tuan Sultan ; this is not a Sulu way of addressing him, but it is most common among foreigners. In speaking of the Sultan, his subjects never use Tiian hefore his title but say only Sultan or Jinijoitgaii, as : kura sin Jivnjojigan, the Sultan's pony ; astana sin Sultan, the Sultan's palace. The form so common among Malays of addressing persons of rank, and speaking of themselves to superiors in the third person is not so common .among Siilus. There is a more independent tone about the people in this respect. AVith the excep- tions already mentioned, akn and its abbreviation kit, I; Kami, we; ekauox hau, you; and kamu with its abbreviation mu are used alike by superiors and inferiors in conversing with each other, but ekau should never be used in addressing the Sultan, although all below him may be addressed in the second person ; e.g. : — This (your) servant Miki ampnn i)i pcitek ; sues for pardon; where- hut k'dhi aim tau hakas 259 Kank and Forms of Address. (Continued). fore some one stole the tiahau kilra sin pdtek pony of this (your) ser- indrl /i<( iminga pdtek vant last night, and pray mayen iiing-haita na (your) servant has come vninf/a Jnnjonr/coi to inform your Highness. When yom- Highness Bdiig jnuka 'ni in Ti(ati* has returned from (your) Srdtan clien ha niiikkah pilgrimage to Mecca I matoh Diayen aku^a_Sog intend pa3dng a visit to mug-}ni)i(i-lta-'ita. Siilii. You cannot resist Di kau maka atu Datoh. Bdtoh. Had it not been for Bdnghilkini €kan,Ttlan, you, Sir, we should have miatai na kdmi. died. Where is your house Ha den. in hdi mu ■pangllma? pangUma .' There it is on that hill ; laun dfiii ha-tds bad ■cannot you see it. iaun ; dikdmu maka Ita * Foreigners only use Tuan in addressing the Sultan. ^ 260 POINTS OF THE COMPASS. English. Sim'. Malay. Nortli rddla utara South sdfdn slatan East tliiwl tlnior West huffuf barat North-east tlDiol hUnl tlinor hint Koi-th-west ]iil(lf/a barat hint Soutli-east ftiiigdla tunsoaia South-west bagat da yd barat daya 111 theSuhi. the following points of tlie compass, are formed from the cardinal points l)y the inter- polation of tuniiuga, as — N. N.E. iltrda tmnntgn tinud N. N.W. hagat ,, I'ihlhi E. N.E. timol W. N.W. hrtgat E. S.E. timul ,, .sr7/''7// AY. S.AV. hag at S. S.E. aatan ,, ^//^o/ S. S.W. fiatan ,, /^(7//(<^ In the Mahiy they are as f(^llo\vs:— N. N.E. utara sa-niiita timor N. N.W. utara bfiTat hint E. N.E. tinior sa-niata utara AY. N.AA'. Ijarat sa-mata utara E. S.E. tinior tungft(). tnjuli hari, ((ii(/Ic(i foinitt /I/O satu mini,'go A luoiitli ls((i bnJdn satu bfdan A year ((ii(/k(( triluiii satu trdiun To-day (iiU((U lilt hiiri Im T()-t)]()n'o\v kl It-s/l Hill besok Yesterday k((-Ji(lpuii kahnilrin ,, , day before t((k-lsii kahnarin dahfdu ,, afternoon ka-h((j)iiii kahnfirin patang III a] lap tin IJay after to- kiin-lsa hisa morrow Three days hence lia-tn tulat Four days hence lia-npat tub an Five days hence lia-Uma jano This month hil/cin lilt biilan Ini Next inonth hnJan Itdinhok bulan datang doiiuitang Last month bnkin iniatai bulan hihi Morning maliinat pagi Evening mahapun patang Mid-day tenr/aJi adlau, tengah haii ogtoh A night isai dftni satu malam To-night diim Ini malam ini Midnight tengah dfim tengah malam An hour angkajdm satu jam Moment angka sdat sa'saat 262 Hours of Peayer. English. Sulu. Malay. 8 a.m. la pit adiau slang harl ') a.m. sRhRJi-sahilJi adJan subiih 9 a.m. fengaJi nalh tengali naik 12 noon udtoh rambang 1.30 p.m. lohol lohor 8 p.m. a sal asar 5 p.m. inaliapun patang G.50 p.m. magalih maghrib 9 p.m. aisa iasha In Sulu, the mode of dividing time is connnonl}^ by the hom's of prayer. Those persons only who are accustomed to have intercourse with foreigners can divide the day into hours. 26S' Days of the Week. English. SULU. Malay. Sunday adlau aliad hari ahad Monday , , isnin ,, ithnain Tuesday salasa „ salasa Wednesday ,, alba ,, arba Thursday , , hamis ,, khamis Friday ,, jama hat ,, jumat Saturday ,, sabtu ,, sabtu Months of the Year.* Muharram 30da> Safer 29 „ Babi alaival 30 „ Babi alakhir 29 „ Jemad alawal 30 „ Jemad aldkhir 29 „ Bajab 30 „ Shaba n 29 „ Bamthan 30 „ Shawal 29 „ Zil kaadah 30 „ Zil hajah f 29 „ 354 * The Mahommedan year consisting of only 354 days, being fully 11 days short of the Solar year, the months do not recur at the same period in each year. f Sometimes 30 days. i ^64 NAMES OF VAKI0U8 AVEAPONS. Kainpilaii. Eaijan. Kaliaicanr/. Utah aiigkR)}. Lariiig jainhanr/a)t tiili. Utah tira. ,, Japokoh. ,, sa-siiaJi. ,, la-Uqiali. Keises. TiiUd (straight) samsll. ,, bt'Dif/a hiuuj loi. ,, halangkas. ,, ka-kola)if/-aii. dasag. ,, da pan. ,, paiias. ,, sabli- LanteJi (wavey) handos. ,, pa lias. ,, ga-gamutsun. ,, liamai. ,, malanau. „ janasiiah. ,, agau htiku. 265 NAMES OF VARIOUS WEAPONS. (Continued). Short Swords. Ba )iu/ sap * tiiii(/(/al. ,, L'diiKis. ,, /(lipaii. ,, hiii/iJta)i. ,, ((iti/Jiilii. ,, tr,. Spears. Bnjak + ((irak-atcdk. bulanuii. sank suk buhiitnn. Iial(ir/(ni . hdngkaii . hinangkau. (htluiii hnkdu. ttahiUah. kiainis-kUoiiis. dda saiifia. tiDiggal se/ab. tiuigkud sill santilili. Sap r= Trade-mark f Bujak = Spear. 266 NAMES OF VARIOUS WEAPONS. (Continued). English. Flint-o;un Enfield rifle Guns, Etc. SULU. Sanapang hatu dpi kep ,, carbine Fancy flint-gun Eemington rifle Double-bai'ielled gun Martini-Henry rifle Snider rifle Swiss repeater Winchester rifle Ramrod Cartridge Shot Bullet Cap Cap Hammer of a gun Trigger Powder Flint The strap Pouch To pull the trigger Nipple to Ink a dt'ia btlka turakol tud-tiLcl dna selab jangat ■ukah-ukah dm halas pa-junp)ang darasok kalachucho hamhul pungloh hatil-hatil kep punatok pachikan, pasikan ubat hatu api saklaian, salaian aba-aba pa-pasik butu-butu 26: Gu NS, E re. — (Continued). Barrel buhl Stock tagobahan Sic^ht bijala Bayonei sanglxo NAMES OF VARIOUS GONGS. Ag '^ng bilah. Ii'/song. bu-biDidil. salbun. bolongan. samarang. kiuia)us. Teems of Friendship. Bag a i Agalap S a Jang a Indah ■268 ClIERENCY IX MeMBONG.* Wdhl ((iif/-gnti(f; (800) A77.s- liitif/ ...hainhok [1) 2'>el((l: (dollar). A n (J - r (1 1 a s (100) sP)) (cents) ... lianihulc [1] pelak (d(jllar). The cash current in Menihong is called hy the Chinese "tang' chi " (brass cash), and sometimes hy the Siilus taii//si. Before the intj'oduction of ^'tang chi," (brass cash), tlie currency was iron cash, 10,000 of which were equal to a dollar. The Chinese name for this kind of money is " thi chi," corrupted by the Sulds into JiilsJiiiu/, the name now applied to brass cash. A distinction is sometimes made by the addition of tfiiithaga, as kfi (one cent). Ang-gCitus (100) sen ... hamhok (1) pelak (one dollar). Malay. Dua (2) cUdt ...satu (1) sent (one cent). Sa-ratus (100) sent . . . satu (1) ringgit (one dollar) . * In Membong and the Sulu Archipelago, excepting Spanish settlements, the currency is subject to change. 269 CrUUKNC'V IN Joi.o.' Diez (10) cuaitos' Dos (2) I'eales Cuatio (4) pesetas Ocho (H) cuartos Dos C2) reales Ciiico (5) pesetas Dos (2) iiiedios pesos Dos (2) pesos uu (1) real, 12i cents. (old currency), una (1) peseta, 25 cents. (old currency), uu (1) peso, one dollar (old currency), un (1) real, 10 cents, una (1) peseta, 20 cents, un (1) peso, one dollar, un (1) peso, one dollar, un (1) doblon de oro, two i'old dollars. Peakl Weight. HaiKjpoli {!{)) (digJxa cliricJiok ... coi;/ (1) (Oitas Hcoifjpuh (10) uiu/ ainas ... ant/ (1) bas'uuj A chilchok is equal to (3.24 grains (Troy). Seven a mas are generally reckoned equal to the weight of a Spanish dollar, although really a little heavier. This table is also used in weighing opium and precious products, such as camphor, white bird's nests,