Whltehaugh THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES 'X^/ f^^lr^sft MS^ -^fC olEo Is WHlTEHAUGIi: A P E M , 11 Y llHlliaminn jjclcn Btciunrt jToibcs Ccitl), OF WIIITEIIAUGH, ADDRESSED TO HER ELDEST SON, Jfter the demise of his Father, COLONEL JAMES JOHN FOHBES LEITII, OF W[HlflTilKl/^y@[H]o ofo ^ fC 5iv «U)ULOGNI^-SUU-MER, 1848. OK? i ■' f^rj> 727552 i :^ 4 ?> © 1% .\r^ ■4 ^a^^, i^^^M?^^W' ^; ya-'#v^^y,I ^^ ^:'%^:yc|;^ r^'i 1 (J? !g45-^gf^%?t|^fe ,^ ■5^^ ^^?^^^ rpfi^ is % ADDRESS Zo 3amcs of lUl)itrl)auoil), BV liY IliS FOM) DOATINi; MA\IA. i i: ^ y-> Kiiow'sl thou the Vale, where the Don smoothly Hows, y^ Tlirougli rich meadows, \vhere all that is loveliest grows .' p While it murmurs along, to the hum of the IJee, ^ ' Till it mingles its stream, with the waves of the Sea ? | Where the hills gently rise, anjid pastures so green, :; Interspersed here and there, with a cottage between ! ^ Wliero the foliage is thick, and the rocks boldly jut, g Concealing in part, some lone hamlet or hut ! ^. And the smoke, curlini; liglitly, as fanned by the. breeze, ^ Thus softens the view, of the bright budding trees? g \VI)ero the Birch, and the Larch, in luxuriance vie, ^ And the green of the Spruce, is deepest in dye •' S Where the Rose and Thistle, in love are entwined, And the Pino clas|)s the rock, as if both were combined? Where, in life's sunny morn, we have all lived together, g And oft spent (ur iiours mid the ricli blooming heather? I lr:rrans^r!n!MSTOS5Y!n5^swiJry?nnjTfnr«^^ tYJTnsw . ^5^Sj^S^.SKSK^«5^.S^5^S^S^!!^«S^^Si2J^J^^^.^5^^5^^^S^^SK:^***^^5l£SKii^S}?^Si^| ^ With the hare, and the hair-bell, al sport on the lea, If ^ The bell waving lightly, while nestling a Bee, H ^ And the hare, running nimbly, beneath the Birch tree? H ^5 Where the lambs frisked at even, in innocent play, ff ^ And. by you, were made pets, for many a long day ? ^ -^ Where, the Lark, in the morn , warbles forth his sweet song, fc ^ To the milk-maid, or plough-boy, while tradging along, H ^ With earth's dew on his breast, he thus soars to the sky, !| ^ With a hymn to his Maker, who hears him on high. ^ ^ Where, ' though Philomel, ne'er, in the grove, has yet been, §C ^ The Thrush, and the Blackbird, may alway be seen? ^ ^ And, as spring-time, advances, their nolo through the trees, || ^ Is wafted along, by the soft evening breeze ? — H ^ Where, the timid young Fawn, fleetly, crosses the plain, ^ ^ The Doe, in yon copse-wood, all breathless to gain. ?C^ 5j While the Stag,on the hill, kcepsclose watch, against i ^ yk yk yi yi >j yi yi 5i yi yi 51 5J 5J 5! 51 51 5J 51 |TJWwyw5wrOT!JOT5wwr?nnnnjw7^^ Now, I'm sure, my dear Jamie, you wont fail to say. You love, fondly, the theme, ofyour Mama's long lay; And, if her description, has given you some pleasure, Her aim is accomplished, her joy, without measure ! God bless you, my Darling ! and, oh ! still let me find. In you, Love and Virtue, for ever, combined ! ! ! — Si The 2nd of march, 1847. 'amwAmAmmmmamaiimaajwma^^ Lithomount Pamphlet Binder Gaylord Bros., Inc. Makers Stockton, Calif. MT UN. 21. 190B PR hlOS F62Sw