BANCROFT LIBRARY THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTION CODE OF STATUTES (WITH Supplement) GRAND ENCAMPMENT JCNIGHTS TEMPLAR UNITED STATES Statutes and Regulations Grand Commandery K.\ I", of California. SAN FRANCISCO: Frank Eastman & Co., Printers, No. 509 Clay Street. ^- 18 84. J^Ut^^ .^*^«^!M-»i.<.«7r 1^ THE U CONSTITUTION, CODE OF STATUTES AND SUPPLEMENT, i/1 }(niphi5 Templar of the United StalRS, Statutes and General Regulations ^iGRANEicCOMMANnERY CALI KOR N I A. SAN FRANCLSGO : Frank Eastman & Co., Printers, 509 Clay Street. 1884. Banccote LUuMy CONSTITUTION OF THE -^1 QNiTELI STATES DF AMERICA. If 1877. ARTICLE I. THE GRAND ENCAMPMENT — OF WHOM COMPOSED. Section 1. The Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States consists of the following members : — ( 1 . ) The Grand Master. The Deputy Qrand Master. The Grand Generalissimo. The Grand Captain General. The Grand Prelate. The Grand Senior Warden. The Grand Junior Warden. The Grand Treasurer. The Grand Recorder. The Grand Standard Bearer. The Grand Sword Bearer. The Grand Warder. The Grand Captain of the Guard — the first nine of whom, (except the Grand Prelate,) shall be elected by ballot, and the remaining five shall be appointed by the Grand Master. (2.) All Past Grand Masters. All Past Deputy Grand Masters. All Past Grand Generalissimos, and All Past Grand Captains General of the Grand Encampment. (3.) All Grand Commanders. All Past Grand Commanders. All Deputy Grand Commanders. All Grand Generalissimos, and All Grand Captains General of each Grand Commandery acknowledging the jurisdiction of the Grand Encamp- ment ; each of whom shall be entitled, when present, to one vote, and no more, (except as proxy,) in all the proceedings of the Grand Encampment. 4 CONSTITUTION OF THE (4. ) The tirst three otficers of each Commandery holding its charter imme- diately from the Grand P^ncampment, who, or as many of whom as may be present at aay Conclave of the Grand Encampment, shall be entitled, collec- tively, to one vote. Section 2. All officers of the late General Grand Encampment shall rank and have all the privileges of members of equal rank, as jjrovided for herein. Section 3. No persons shall l)e eligible to any office in the Grand En- campment, unless he shall be at the time a member of some subordinate Commandery, under the general or immediate jurisdiction of the Grand En- campment. PROXIES. Section 4. The iirst four officers named in the tirst Section ; the tirst four officers of Grand Commanderies, and the tirst three officers of subordinate chartered Commanderies, held under the immediate jurisdiction of the Grand Encampment, may appear and vote by jrroxy; said proxy being, at the tinie of service, a member of a subordinate Commandery, and producing a properly authenticated certificate of his appointment. Section 5. The title and designation of the Grand Master of the Grand Encampment of the United States, is Most Eminent Grand Master of Knhjhts Templar. That of the Deputy Grand Master, Rhjlit Eminent. That of the remaining officers of the Grand Encampment, Very Eminent. conclaves. Section 6. A Grand Conclave of the Grand Encampment shall be held triennially, at such time and place as may have been previously designated by the Standing Committee, and approved by the Grand Encampment. Section 7. Special Conclaves may be called by the Most Eminent Grand Master, at his discretion. And it shall be his duty^ upon the requisition of the majority of the Grand Commanderies, to him directed in writing, to call a special Conclave. Section 8. No business shall be transacted at a special Conclave, except that which was specified in the original summons. POWERS AND DUTIES. Section 9. 1. The Grand Encampment, at its regular Conclaves, shall review and consider all the official reports of its officers, and the proceedings of the Grand Commanderies and subordinate Commanderies under its imme- diate jurisdiction, for the preceding three years. 2. It shall elect by ballot its several officers, except the Grand Prelate, Grand Standard Bearer, Grand Sword Bearer, Grand Warder and Grand Captain of the Guard, who shall be appointed by the Grand Master, to serve during his term of office. 3. It shall adopt such Rules and Edicts as may be necessary for the good of the Order. GRAND ENCAMPMENT OF THE UNITED STATES. 5 4. It shall examine the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Grand Re- corder. 5. It shall supervise the condition of the finances, and adopt such meas- ures in relation thereto as may be necessary to increase, secure and preserve the same, and also to insure the utmost fidelity and punctuality on the part of every accounting officer, in the safe keeping and jjaying over the funds and property of the Grand Encampment. 6. It may grant or withhold warrants, dispensations and charters for new Grand or subordinate Commanderies. 7. For good cause, it may revoke pre-existing warrants, charters or dis- pensations. 8. It shall assign the limits of the Grand Commanderies, and settle all controversies that may arise between them. 9. And finally, it shall consider and do all matters and things appertain- ing to the good, well-being and perpetuation of the principles of Templar Masonry. Section 10. At every Conclave, all questions shall be determined by a majority of votes, the presiding officer being entitled to one vote. In case the vote is equally divided, he has the casting vote. Section 11. This Grand P]nMMKM>Ki). IvK'li petition must l)c signed by two vouchers and reconiinenders, who are iueiid)ers of the Commaiidery to which the peti- tion is presented, ()'. (\\NN'>r r.i: w rrii kkawn. ^Vhen a petition has been presented to a Conmiandery it cannot be withdrawn, unless it shall appear that the Coni- niandery has not jurisdiction over the petitioner. 7. Report not to 3}E re(K)RDED. The character of the report of a com- mittee of inquiry, whether favorable or unfavorable, should never be recorded. 8. Unfavorable report, effect of. An unfavoralde report does not dispense with the necessity of a ballot, which must be taken in all cases. 9. When to be received and acted on. Petitions can l)e received or acted on only at stated Conclaves, unless l)y written permission of the Grand Commander. 10. No ballot can be had upon a petition until after it has been referred to a committee of three members of the Commandery, and that committee has reported, 11. A petition cannot be balloted on until at Icaist four weeks after it has been presented to the Commandery, iinlesj^ by written permission of the Grand Commander. See title ^^ Ballot — to be Secret.''' 12. When a rejected petttion may Bt: renewed. The petition of one who has been rejected cannot be renewed until at least six months after such rejection. 13. Where. It may then be received by the Commandery in whose jurisdiction the petitioner then resides : Proolded, the Commandery l)y which he was rejected consents to waive its jurisdiction. Prelate in Red Cross. See title " h'ed Cross — High Priest.'' XXXI. PROXY. In Grand Bodies. No person can give or act as proxy except those upon whom the power is conferred in the Constitution. Officers cannot be installed by. See title ''Install Officers — vj/ien by proxij. " Installing officer may grant, when. See title ''Install Officers — lolitn by coniinlsslon. " XXXII. QUALIFICATION FOR ORDERS. What required. See title " Petition for Orders— form of.''' 1. Council Decrees, etc., not necessary. It is not necessary that petitioners should have received the degrees of Royal and Select Master. 2. Nor is it necessary that the petitioner be a member of either Lodge or Chapter. 3. Loss OF A LEG, ETC., EFFECT OF. The loss of a leg or arm by a peti- tioner disqualifies him from receiving the Orders of Knighthood. XXXIII. QUORUM. What coustitutes. A quorum in the Grand Encampment, Grand Corn- manderies and subordinate Commanderies, consists of nine members entitled to vote therein, including an officer entitled to open the body. GRAND ENCAMPMENT OF THE UNITED STATES. 29 XXXIV. RANK. 1. Ob Commandekies, Grand and Subordinate. Commanderies, Grand and sul)ordinate, take rank according to the date of their several organizations, unless any of them voluntarily waive their proper rank. 2. Of Officers. Election (or appointment) and installation are neces&ai y to confer rank. 3. The Standard Bearer outranks the Sword Bearer, and the Sword Bearer outranks the Warder, and the Treasurer outranks the Recorder. 4. Present officers on duty in their own bodies outrank past officers of any grade. 5. A Knight dimitting to the jurisdiction of another Grand Commandery forfeits his membership and right to voice and vote in the Grand and subor- dinate Commandery of which he had been a member, and acquires no rank in the Grand Commandery of the jurisdiction in which he has affiliated, but " a Past Commander may be elected to membership therein." 6. But Past Grand Commanders do not lose their membership in the Grand Encampment by change of membership to another jurisdiction, nor by becoming unaffiliated. 7. Honorary membership. Honorary membership confers no rank. XXXV. RESIGN. 1. Who may rj^sign. Any officer of a Commandery under dispensation may resign, with the consent of the Grand Master or Grand Commander, re- spectively. 2. Neither of the first three officers of a chartered Commandery can resign after installation. Repeating the ballot. See title ''Ballot — ivhen It may he repeated.''^ XXXVI. RED cross. From foreign countries. See title ''Foreign Knhjhts.'' High Priest, not Prelate. In the Council of Red Cross Knights "High Priest " is the title of the officer ministering at the altar. Revival of old charter. See title "Charter —Surrendered and Rentored.'^ xxxvii. representatives. Forekjn, not to be appointed by Grand Commanderies. Grand Com- manderies cannot exchange representatives with Templar organizations outside of the jurisdiction of the Grand Encampment of the United States. XXXVIII. RITUAL. Not TO BE ALTERED. The ritual as promulgated by the Grand Encamp- ment cannot be altered or abridged l)y the Grand Master, (xiand Commander, or Grand Commandery. Burial. See title "/??rWa7 — Ritual for. ''^ For installation. See title "Install Officers,'' etc., and forms adopted by the Grand Encampment. XXXIX. SEAL. Form of, adopted. The seal of the Grand Encampment is that adopted September 12, 1844 (see reprint, p. 95), and altered September 15, 1856 (re- 30 CODE OF STATUTES OF THE print, p. 311), and affixed to the Constitution, edition 1856, and Attestation, 1877. XL. SUMMONS. 1. What is legal. A notice published in the newspapers is not a legal summons ; it must be by personal service, or by notice left at the residence or place of business of the person summoned, or deposited in the post office, directed to his usual address. 2. Seal necessary. It is necessary that the seal should be affixed to a summons, but not to a notice of a Conclave. 3. Knights should obey. Every Knight should promptly and strictly obey the summons of his Commander. 4. Contain notice, etc. All propositions to amend Code, etc., must be inserted in the summons to attend Triennial Conclave. Suspension. See title ^' Expulsion or Suspension.'^ XLI. TITLE. What constitutes. One who has tilled by election and a term of service an elective office retains the rank and title, with the word " Past" prefixed — as Past Eminent Commander, Past (J rand Commander, Past Grand Master. Of Prelate. See title ""Red Cross— High FrksC XLII. TRIAL. 1. How CONDUCTED. Trials of Sir Knights shall be in oj)en Commandery; and the Eminent Commander shall preside, and decide all questions of law and all questions upon the admissibility of evidence. And the trial shall be conducted as prescribed in the " Forms for Templar Trials," enacted and pro- mulgated by the Grand Encamjjment. 2. W^hen a trial takes place in the Grand Commandery, the Grand Com- mander shall preside ; when in the Grand Encampment, the Grand Master shall preside. See titles '"'Appeal — How heard ;""' ^'Eminent Commander -Trial oj."*' XLIII. UNAFFILIATED KNIGHTS. Cannot vote. Unaffiliated Knights cannot vote in person or as proxy, or hold office in any Commandery, Grand or subordinate. They are, however, amenable for violation of moral or Templar law to the Commandery within whose jurisdiction they reside. Effect of dimit. See titles '' Burial —Birjht of;" '' Rank— Of Officers ;'' ^'Dimit — Effect of ."' Cannot have Knightly burial. See title ''Burial — Right o/." XLiv. uniform. 1. Of Knkuits Templak. The uniform of a Knight Templar is that pre- scribed by the Gra»ul Encampment in 1862. No other uniform is allowed, and no authority other than the Grand Encampment cin modify or alter it. 2. Provided, however, that all members of Commanderies which now have what is known as the " black uniform" be permitted to wear it while members of said Commandery ; but no other Commandery, nor the members thereof, GtlAND ENCAMPMENT OF THE UNITED STATES. 31 shall be authorized or permitted to wear any other than the regulation pre- scribed in 1862. 3. Provided, further, that any Commandery in a State where the black uniform is worn may, by permission of its Grand Commandery, adopt and wear such black uniform. 4. No officer or member can be present in the Grand Encampment, or in a Grand Commandery, unless in full Templar uniform, except by vote of the body excusing him. 5. Of Knights of the Rkd Cross. The Templar baldric reversed, ex- hibiting the green side ; Templar cap covered ; sword, and white gloves ; con- stitute the uniform of a Red Cross Knight. The Sovereign Master wears the royal robes and crown, and the High Priest his full robes, etc. Of Knights of Malta. Same as Knights Templar. Under dispensation — Commandery. See title ^^ Commander ie a — Under Dispensation.^^ Vacancies— HOW filled. See title '-^Officers — Succession o/*." XLV. visiting knights. Objection of a member excludes. No visiting Knight can be admitted to an asylum if one only of the regular members present objects. The objection may be made openly or privately to the Eminent Commander, and in neither case can the objector be required to disclose his reasons for his objection. XLVi. warrant or dispensation. Must be present. The dispensation or charter of a Commandery must always be present at the opening and throughout the Conclave. 32 SUPPLEMENT TO CODE OF STATUTES OF THE SUPPLEMENT TO THE CODE OF STATUTES OR DIGEST OF TEMPLAR LAW OF THE -)! GRAND ENCAMPMENT DF KNIEHTS TEMPLAR |f OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. CONTAININO A DIGEST OF THE DECISIONS OF THE CoN(^I.AVES OF A. D., 1H74, 1877, 1880 AND 1883, MADE BY Sir Knight JOSIAH H. DRUMMOND, Maine, the Special Committee. ADVANCEMENT. See Ohjfcflon after Ballot, 92, 92a. AMENDMENTS. 1. Proposed amendments to the Constitution or Code, of which notice is given in the summons, may be acted upon by the Grand Encampment in the absence of the proposer. 1877. APPEAL. la. The appeal of a Sir Knight from the action of the Eminent Commander of his Commandery, although in the pursuance of an order of tlie Grand Com- mander, lies to the Grand Commandery, and not to the Grand Master. 1883. ASSESSMENTS. 2. An assessment for social entertainments cannot be enforced against one not participating. 1874. BALLOT. 3. After a candidate has been declared rejected and the fact recorded, the ballot cannot be repeated, even to correct an alleged mistake. 1880. 4. A ballot cannot be taken upon a petition at the same Conclave at which it is presented, without a dispensation from the Grand Commander, even by a unanimous vote of the Commandery. 1880. 4a. In Commanderies under the immediate jurisdiction of the Grand En- campment, the Grand Master may, by dispensation, authorize the reception of a new petition from a rejected candidate within less than six months after the rejection ; and is the exclusive judge of the propriety of granting such dispen- sation. 1883. See Petitions, 97, 99. GRAND ENCAMPMENT OF THE UNITED STATES. 33 BOOKS OF THK GRAND TREASFRER AND GRAND RECORDER. 5. The books of the Grand Treasurer and Grand Recorder shall be sub- mitted, at each Conclave, for the inspection of the Finance Committee. 1877. BY-LAWS. G. A by-law fixing annual dues and providing that members in arrears for two years shall be ineligible to office and not entitled to vote, and that their names may be dropped from the rolls subject to be reinstated on payment of arrearages by a majority vote, is valid. 1874. 7. But a member should be disfranchised only after due trial, and the by- laws should make provision therefor. 1877. 8. A by-law providing that a member, upon the payment of a fixed sum of money, may become a life member and thereafter be exempt from annual dues, is valid. 1880. 9. A by-law requiring a Red Cross Knight to equip himself with a uniform before he can receive the Order of the Temple is valid. 1880. CHARTER. 10. The Eminent Commander, and no other, is the legal custodian of the charter of the Commandery. 1880. CHRISTIAN KNIGHTHOOD. lOa. The ritual contains those things which a Knight obligates himself to believe and perform. The Grand Master has no authority to give additional definitions. 1883. COMMANDERY. 11. The funds and property of an extinct Commandery become the prop- erty of the Grand Commandery, which may make such disposition thereof as it deems proper. 1877. 12. It is improper for a Commandery to ** call off" from one Conclave to another ; but it may close to meet on another day to finish business that is pending. 1874. 1,3. A Commandery " of the indispensable number " may be authorized by a Grand Commander or Grand Commandery, as well as by the Grand Master or Grand Encampment. 1874. 14. A Commandery requires no dispensation or permission to change to a " mounted Commandery. " 1880. 15. Affiliated Sir Knights, petitioning for a new Commandery, are not re- quired to file their dimits with the Grand Recorder ; but non-affiliated peti- tioners must do so. 1880. 15a. A Commandery cannot confer the Orders upon a candidate elected by another Commandery, at the request of such other Commandery, without a dispensation. 1883. See Grand Commandery, 69. COMMANDERIES U. D. 16. The provision requiring the recommendation of the nearest Com- mandery in order to form a new one does not apply to dispensations granted by the Grand Master, who has absolute power in the premises. 1874. 34 SUPPLEMENT TO CODE OF STATUTES OF THE 17. A CommanderyU. D. reciuires no formal proceedings in order to com- mence work. The members assemble and proceed as if regularly constituted. 1877. 18. Their officers ordinarily hold office during the continuance of the dis- pensation ; but the Grand Master [or Grand Commander] has the power to relieve an officer and appoint another. 1874. 19. Such dues may be collected from the members as the majority of the Commandery may determine. 1874. 20. Any signer of the petition for a dispensation, by consent of the officer granting the same, and of the Commandery, may dissolve his connection with it ; and, thereupon, his membership i-evives in .his old Commandery. 1874. 21. The petitioners for a dispensation become charter members unless they have severed their connection with the Commandery U. D. [or their names are omitted from the charter by action of the Grand Commandery]. 1877. 22. It is not proper to name the officers in the charter of a new Com- mandery. 1874. 23. It can be constituted only by the Grand Master, or the Grand Com- mander, or his duly appointed proxy. 1874. 24. It cannot elect officers until it has been constituted ; to save time, however, at the constitution of the Commandery, it is not improper to agree upon the officers in advance, and have a merely formal election at that time. See Dispensation, ^7 a; Quorum, 108a; Dues, 40rt. 1874. COMMITTEES (STANDIN(j) APPPOTNTED IN ADVANCE. 25. The Grand Masttr is authorized to appoint the Committee on Tem- plar Jurisprudence at each Conclave, to act during the recess and at the suc- ceeding Conclave. 1877. 26. And the remaining of the standing committees sixty days previously to each Conclave, notifying the Grand Recorder of said appointments. 1877. 27. The decisions of the Grand Master shall be referred to the Committee on Jurisprudence. 1877. 28. The Grand Recorder shall place the financial and all other reports and official papers in the hands of the chairman of the proper committee [under the direction of the Grand Master] thirty days previous to the Conclave. 1877. 29. The several committees so appointed shall have their reports ready for submission to the Grand Encampment the first day of its Conclave. 1877. COMPLAINTS. 30. Complaints should be made in the first instance to the Eminent Com- mander, and through him to the Grand Commander, and through him to the Grand Master, if the latter has any jurisdiction in the case. Other communi- cations should go through the same channel, save in special cases, when the officer refuses to act. 1874. CORPvESPONDENCE. 31. It is proper for the Grand Master to correspond through one of his staff with a Grand Commander. 1877. 32. Correspondence between subordinates of different Grand Commanderies should be forwarded through their respective Grand Commanders. 1877. GRAND ENCAMPMENT OF THE UNITED STATES. 35 32a. Correspondence between a Commandery under the immediate juris- diction of the Grand Encampment and a subordinate to a Grand Commandery should be through the Grand Master and the Grand Commander. 1883. 33. The decisions of a Grand Commander are binding on his subordinates as soon as known ; and an officer who has positive knowledge of such decision is as much bound by it as if it had been delivered directly to him. 1877. 33a. The decision of a Grand Connnander, which his Grand Commandery refuses to approve, is of no binding force after such refusal. 1883. 336. A member of a Commandery under the immediate jurisdiction of the Grand Encampment, in applying to the Grand Master for a decision, must do so through his Eminent Commander. 1883. 33c. Questions by members of a Commandery subordinate to a Grand Commandery, or by a Deputy Grand Commander, or a Past Grand Com- mander, should be submitted to the Grand Commander. 1883. See Committees^ 27. 34. When, upon application by a memljer, the Commandery votes to grant him a dimit, the vote severs the mem])ership, whether a certificate issues or not. 1880. 35. Application for a dimit must now be made in writing, signed by the member desiring it. 1880. See Conimanderi/, 15; Restoration, 118. DISPENSATION. 36. The Grand Connnander has the power to grant a dispensation to act upon a petition in less than four weeks after its presentation, although the by-laws of the Commandery make no such exception. 1880. 37. Such dispensation can be asked for only by vote of the Commandery ; but a majority vote is sufficient. 1880. 37a. When a dispensation for a new Commandery has been refused for any cause, the matter can be revived only by a new petition. 1883. 38. A Commandery cannot exempt a member from all yearly dues by a vote to that effect, or by electing him an honorary member. 1877. 1880. 39. A member of an extiiict Commandery is not liable for dues after the Commandery becomes extinct. 1880. 40. But the Grand Commandery has the right to collect from members of an extinct Commandery all dues chargeable against them up to the time it became extinct, and to discipline those who refuse or neglect to pay the same. 1880. 40a. When a member of a chartered Commandery becomes a member of a Commandery U. D., and continues paying dues to the former, it is not liable to pay to the latter the amounts so received, nor is the Sir Knight freed from his liability to pay dues to the Commandery U. D. 1883. See Membership, 78 ; By-Latvs, 68. 36 {SUPPLEMENT TO CODE OF STATUTES OF THE EMINENT COMMANDEK. 41. When an Eminent Commander vacates his office, by having been elected and installed Grand Commander, or in any other manner, the (jJen- eralissimo (or in his absence the Captain General) succeeds to the office by con- stitutional right until the next annual election, and the Grand Commandery cannot legally order or authorize the election of a new Commander to fill the vacancy. 1880. 42. An Eminent Commander becomes a Past Commander at the expiration of his term of office, although he may have permanently removed from the State before that time. 1880. EXPULSION AND SUSPENSION. 43. It requires a two-thirds vote to expel, but only a majority vote to suspend. 1880. 44. When a Templar is expelled or suspended by his Lodge or Chapter, the Code requires that a proper certiticate thereof be obtained if practicable ; but if not, that other evidence be produced to the Commandery, showing the expulsion or suspension, before the Commandery can declare him expelled or suspended. 1880. 45. When the expulsion or suspension is the act of a subordinate Lodge or Chapter, its jurisdiction should be inquired into by the (Jommandery l^efore final action. 1880. 46. But if the expulsion or suspension is decreed or confirmed by the Grand Lodge or Grand Chapter, the question of jurisdiction is no longer open. 1880. 47. Expulsion or suspension has the same effect, whatever may have been the cause for which it was inflicted. 1880. 1883. 48. In paragraph eleven of Section XVII of the Code of 1877, the word ** definite" before "suspension" Avas accidentally omitted ; the term means ** suspension for a definite time." 1880. 49. Suspension for non-payment of dues, by the Lodge or Chapter, has the effect given to it by the laws of the Grand Lodge or Grand Chapter of the jurisdiction ; it depends upon those laws whether all Masonic rhjUts are taken away, or certain disabilities are incurred. Templar rights are taken away in the former case, but not necessarily in the latter. 1874. 1883. 50. But striking from the roll, without trial, is not suspension. 1874. 1883. 51. Striking from the roll of membership by the Lodge or Chapter affects the standing of the Sir Knight in the Commandery precisely the same as it does in the Lodge or Chapter. 1880. 1883. 52. Suspension for non-payment of dues can be inflicted by the Command- ery only after due notice to the delinquent to appear at the time it is proposed to act upon his case, and an opportunity to be heard in his defence ; and any by-law providing for suspension without such notice and opportunity is illegal and void. 1877. 1880. 53. Suspension by liodge or Chapter does not deprive his Commandery of jurisdiction to try him for other offences committed either before or after his suspension. 1877, GRAND ENCAMPMENT OF THE UNITED STATES. 37 oSa. Expulsion or suspension from the rights of Freemasonry by his Lodge or Chapter deprives a Sir Knight of all rights and privileges in his Command- ery and of all intercourse with the Order. 1883. 5.3/>. When members of a Commandery are summoned to show cause why they should not be suspended, and do not appear, the Eminent Commander cannot declare them suspended until the Commandery has so voted. 1883. See Striking from the Roll. FEE8. 54. The fees for the Orders cannot be remitted directly, or indirectly by vote of money to the candidate. 55. No custom, however long it has existed, justifies the conferring of the Orders upon any one without the payment of the prescribed fees. FUNERAL. 56. A Commandery cannot appear in public at the funeral of any other than a Templar, without the permission of the Grand Commander. 1877. 1880. 57. It is not proper for a Commandery, as escort, to attend the funeral of any one who is not buried with Masonic ceremonies. 1877. GOOD STANDING. 58. A member of a Commandery is affected by his standing in his Lodge and Chapter. 1880. 59. A candidate not in good standing in Lodge and Chapter is not eligibl!e to receive the orders of Knighthood. 1880. 60. The forfeiture or surrender of the charter does not, of itself, affect the good standing of the members. 1880. See Expulsion and Suspen.'ilon, 49, 51 ; Membevfi/up, 86 ; Non-affiliates, 89 ; Reinstatement, 112; Restoration, 114, 116, 118; Striking from the Roll. GRAND COMMANDERY. 61. To form a Grand Commandery, at least three Commanderies must be represented in the convention ; but Fast Commanders may participate in the convention, and be counted in making the required number of Knights. 1877. 62. The memoership of a Grand Commandery cannot be enlarged, or re- stricted from that prescribed by the Constitution of the Grand Encampment. « 1874. 63. Any member of a subordinate Commandery is eligible to office in the Grand Commandery. 1874. 64. A member can have but one vote in his own right in a Grand Com- mandery, nor can he vote personally in one capacity and by proxy in another. 1874. 64a. This rule applies to an officer or permanent member of the Grand Commandery, who is at the same time one of the first three officers of his Commandery. 1883. 65. Hence an officer of a subordinate Commandery, although the others are absent, cannot [in the Grand Commandery] cast more than one vote, un- less he holds the duly authenticated proxies of the absent officers. 1877. 38 SUPPLEMENT TO CODE OF STATUTES OF THE 66. No person, other than those named in the Constitution of the Grand Encampment as members of a Grand Commandery, can vote therein in his own right, by virtue of any authority whatever, nor as proxy of any other than a member of his own Commandery, who, under the provisions of that Constitution, is a member of the Grand Commandery, and authorized to appoint a proxy. 1874. 67. No one can be appointed upon a committee in the Grand Commandery unless he is a member thereof in his own right or as proxy ; but a member may be appointed, though not present. 1880. 68. A non-resident of the State is not eligible to office in the Grand Com- mandery 1880. 69. Any officer of the Grand Commandery, except the Grand Commander, may be tried by his Commandery for unknightly conduct. 1880. See Rank, 110, 111. (^RAND MASTER. 69r(. The Grand Master, as the executive head of the Grand Encampment is, by the general principles of Masonic and Templar law, responsible for the discharge of every executive duty to be performed in behalf of the Grand En- campment not by enactment devolved upon others. 1883. 696. It is not his duty to pass upon merely moot {questions; l^ut only those w^hich actually arise in the administration of the affairs of the Oand Encamp- ment, Grand Commanderies, or subordinate Commanderies. 1883. GRANI> OFFICERS. 69c. The Grand. Master or his representative, the Deputy Grand Master, Grand Generalissimo, and Grand Captain General of the Grand Encampment, when visiting a body of the Order, are entitled to be received under the Arch of Steel. 1883. 69^/. The Grand Encampment has not prescribed the manner of receiving the officers of a Grand Commandery, and any regulation made by a Grand Commandery in relation thereto is binding on the members of its obedience. 1883. INSTALLATION. 70. It is not necessary for a re-elected officer to be installed, as he holds over, by virtue of his former election and installation, until his successor is installed. 1877. 71. A Commandery may hold a public installation in its own asylum, without a special dispensation from the Grand Commander. 1880. 72. But such dispensation is required in order to hold a public installa- tion in any other place. 1880. JEWEL OF PAST ORAND MASTER. 73. The form of the Jewel prepared for Past Grand Master Fellows [see Proceedings, with engraving] is adopted as the appropriate Jewel of a Past M. \ E. '. Grand Master of Knights Templar of this Grand Encampment. 1877. GRAND ENCAMPMENT OF I^HE UNITED STATES. 39 JURISDICTION. I. Territorial. — 74. The jurisdiction of a Commandery [except when otherwise specially provided] extends half-way to the nearest Commandery in the same jurisdiction; and a Commandery U. D., while its dispensation is in force, has the same jurisdiction as a chartered Commandery. 1874. 75. A Companion, residing in any Territory in which there is no Com- mandery, may apply to any Commandery for the Orders ; but when there is a Commandery in such Territory he can apply elsewhere only by its permission, the Grand Master having no power in the premises. 1874. II. Personal. — 76. A rejected candidate cannot apply to another Com- mandery, without the consent, by a unanimous vote, of tlie one by which he was rejected. 1877. 77. The same rule applies to an elected candidate who fails to present himself to receive the Orders. 1877. MEMBERSHIP. 78. A Templar cannot be a member of two Commanderies at the same time, although they are not in the same State. 1880. 79. An unaffiliated Knight is not entitled to Templar honors ; but the Commandery may grant them, or it may withhold them, without breach of knightly duty. 1874. 80. The *' honorary membership" named in the Code refers to the election, as an honorary member, by one Commandery, of the member of another. 1877. 81. Such honorary member is not liable to dues, and the election confers no rights, being a mere compliment. 1880. 82. The election of a member of the same Commandery as an honorary member deprives him of none of the rights of active membership. 1877. 88. Nor does it relieve him from the payment of dues. 1880. 84. A plan of life membership approved. See Proceedings of 1874, page 50. 1874. 85. A by-law providing that a member, upon the payment of a fixed sum of mone}^ may become a life member, and thereafter be exempt from the pay- ment of annual dues, is valid. 1880. 86. When a Templar, after suspension and restoration to good standing, applies for membership, he must do so by petition, setting forth that he had been a member of a Commandery, been suspended, and restored to good stand- ing : such petition [if in the same Commandery] need not lie over, but may be acted upon at once. 86rt. Affiliation is a thing wholly between the applicant and the Com- mandery. 1883. ^ee By- Laics, 8; Restoration, 115, 117. MEMBERSHIP IN GRAND ENCAMPMENT. . 86ft. The election [and installation] of a Sir Knight as a Grand Commander make him a member of the Grand Encampment. 1883. 86c. Documents distributed by the Grand. Encampment to its members do not belong to the proxies attending the Grand Encampment, but to the members themselves. 1883. 40 SUPPLEMENT T'O CODE OP STATUTES OP THE 87. At the close of every Conclave, the minutes should be read, corrected, and approved ; they should be entered on the record l)efore the next stated CJonclave, when the journal should be read, corrected, and approved by the Conimandery, and signed by the Recorder. 1874. MONEYS — HOW PAID OUT. 88. No money belonging to the Grand Encampment shall be paid out except upon a warrant or order signed by the Grand Master and attested by the Grand Recorder. 1877. NON-AFFILIATES. 89. By merely becoming non-affiliate in Lodge or Cliapter, a Templar does not lose his standing in the Commandery. 1880. OBJECTION AFTER BALLOT. 90. An objection after ballot may be withdrawn before it has been entered on the minutes ; after that, the only course is to present a new petition in the same manner as if the rejection had been by ballot. 1877. 91. Objection after ballot is in all cases equivalent to a rejection, whether the objector gives his reasons or not ; if he does give them, the Commandery has no right to determine their sufficiency. 1880. 92. Objection to the advancement of a Red Cross Knight is equivalent to a rejection by ballot, and holds good for six months, and no longer. 1880. 92rt. Objection to the advancement of a Red Cross Knight is equivalent to a rejection by ballot, and-the money paid for the advancement should be re- turned to the candidate. 1883. OFFICERS. 93. By election and installation as Grand Commander, any one of the first three officers in a Commandery vacates his office. [See Code, "Offices — Incompatible.^'] 1877. 94. Section XXVI II of the Code applies to such a vacancy, in the same manner as it applies to other vacancies. 1877. See Eminent Commander ^ 41 ; Grand Commander, 69. PAST COMMANDER. 95. A Past Commander, when presiding in the absence of the Eminent Commander, Generalissimo, and Captain-General, may confer the Orders. 1877. 95rt. The Past Commander who may preside in the absence of the first three officers of a Commandery is the Senior Past Commander present who is a member, without reference to the Commandery in which he acquired the title. 1883. See Eminent Commander, 42. PETITIONS. 96. Petitions must contain what is prescribed by the Code of Statutes. No Commandery has the right to add new requirements. 1877. 1883. GEAND ENCAMPMENT OF THE UNITED STATES. 41 97. They cannot be acted upon in less than four weeks from their presen- tation, without the special dispensation of the Grand Commander, even if the Commandery holds stated Conclaves weekly. 1877. 98. The report thereon must be in writing [but not entered upon the min- utes], and the proper entry is ' ' the committee, etc. , presented their report, whereupon a ballot was had." 1877. 99. When the Eminent Commander has good reason to believe that there has been an error in announcing the acceptance of a candidate, he may, by ermission of the Grand Commander, order a new ballot, first giving notice, to all the members, of the time when it will be taken. 1877. See Ballot, 3, 4. PRINTING — COMMITTEE ON. 99a. The legislation of the Grand Encampment shows its intention that the printing should be under the supervision of its Committee on Printing. 1883. 99?>. But the reprinting of the Proceedings 1859-1868 was made an ex- ception to the rule, and intrusted to the Grand Recorder. 1883. PRINTING REPORTS IN ADVANCE. 100. The Grand Recorder shall cause to be printed in advance of each Conclave a sufficient number of copies of the reports of the Grand Officers for the use of the committees and members, that each member present at the Conclave shall have a copy. 1871. 1877. PUBLIC PARADES. 101. The Grand Encampment will accept no invitation to unite in a Templar parade during its Conclave. 1874. 1877. 102. It prohibits any of its members from participating therein during such Conclave, except to escort the Grand Encampment at the opening session of the Conclave. 1874. 1877. 103. The Grand Encampment requests the Grand Commandery within whose jurisdiction it may hold its Conclave, to prevent any Templar parade in the city where the Conclav^e is held on any day thereof after the first. 1874. 1877. 103a. A Commandery should appear in public in Templar costume only on Masonic occasions ; and a dispensation for that purpose should be restricted to such an occasion. 1883. 103/>. The determination of what is a Masonic occasion belongs to the Grand Lodge. 1883. See Funeral, 5G, 57 ; Installation, 71, 72. QUALIFICATIONS FOR ORDERS. 104. If the candidate can give all the signs, and go through all the cere- monies, he is eligible, and not otherwise ; and the Eminent Commander and the members of the Commandery are the judges of his eligibility under this rule. 1874. . 42 SUPPLEMENT TO CODE OF STATUTES OF THE 105. But the Commandery should be more exacting than the Lodge or Chapter, and the petitioner should be capable of enduring pilgrimage and war- fare, and should not by his presence mar the symmetry of a parade. 1877. 105a. The decision of the question whether a candidate can comply with the requirements of the ritual and drill is left to the Commandery. 1888. 106. No Commandery or Grand Commandery has the right to add to or take from the qualifications of candidates prescribed in the Constitution and Code of tlie Grand Encampment. 1877. 1880. 1883. 107. Hence the Council degrees are not prerequisite, and membership in Lodge or Chapter is not required. [See Code XXXII.] 1877. 107«. Hence, also, a candidate cannot be required to become a member of a Lodge or Chapter after receiving the Orders. 1883. See Good Standing. 59. QUORUM. 108. A quorum being present, the vote of a less number is valid. 1874. 108o. The la^ requiring nine members of the Commandery to be present in order to transact any business, applies to Commanderies U. D. 109. A Past Grand Commander remains a member of the Grand Encamp- ment as long as he is in good standing, whatever be his residence. 1880. 110. He remains a member of his own Grand Commandery as long as he is a member of one of its subordinates, whether he continues to reside in its jurisdiction or not. 1880. 111. But if he affiliates in another jurisdiction, he loses his membership in his own Grand Commandery, and does not acquire membership in that of his new affiliation until elected, as provided in Section XXVI of the Consti- tution of the Grand Encampment. 1880. REINSTATEMENT. 112. When a member of a Commandery loses his good standing by being ** stricken from the roll" by his Lodge or Chapter, his reinstatement in the Lodge or Chapter reinstates him in the Commandery. 1880. RESTORATION. 113. The provisions of the Code, in relation to restoration, apply to cases of suspension for a definite time, as well as to suspension for an indefinite time. 1877. 114. The Grand Encampment has adopted the generally received law that the restoration, by his Lodge or Chapter, of a Templar expelled or suspended by such Lodge or Chapter, restores him to all the rights of which he was de- prived by the Lodge or Chapter, viz., to good standing as a Templar, and to membership in his Commandery. 1880. 115. Under the law of the Grand Encampment, suspension, as well as expulsion, by the Commandery, severs membership therein. 1880. 116. A Sir Knight may be restored to good standing as an unaffiliated Knight by a majority vote when he has been suspended, and by a two-thirds vote when he has been expelled. 1880. GRAND ENCAMPMENT OF THE UNITED STATES. 43 117. But in either case he can be restored to membership only by a unani- mous vote. 1880. 118. When a suspended Sir Knight is restored to good standing, his Com- mandery should give him a certificate, stating that he had been a member, had been suspended [not stating the cause], and had been [at a given date], restored to good standing ; and such certificate would be equivalent to a dimit. 1880. SEAL. 119. The officers of a Commandery have the right to order its seal affixed to any certificate or other documents which they can legally issue in the name of the Commandery. 1874. STRIKING FROM THE ROLL. 119rt. Strikhuj froyn the roll is ordinarily not expulsion or suspension, but results in non-affiliation merely. 1883. 1196. If, however, strikimj from the roll of a Lodge or Chapter is held by its Grand Lodge or Grand Chapter to deprive the member of his MaRonic rlr/hts, it has the same effect as expulsion or suspension. 1883. 119c'. But if striking from the roll, under the law of the Grand Lodge or Grand Chapter of the jurisdiction, merely deprives the party of membership in his Lodge or Chapter, it has no effect upon the general standing of the Sir Knight, or his membership in his Commandery. 1883. SUMMONS. 120. A summons in a subordinate Commandery should be used only in cases of urgent necessity. 1874. TEMPLAR NOMENCLATURE. '' 121. The style " Sir Knight A B " is correct. 1880. TITLE. 122. No past officers, except the presiding officer of a Grand or subordinate Commandery, retain their official title. 1877. TRIALS. 123 Trials must take place in open Commandery, as provided in the Code. A committee may be appointed to take the depositions of such wit- nesses only as cannot be examined in open Commandery, to be returned to the Commandery. 1877. 124. But it is not proper to refer the charge to a committee for considera- tion ; nor for a committee, appointed to take testimony, to digest it or report any conclusions thereon. 1877. UNIFORM. 125. The uniform is prescribed by a statute, and no Knight, Commandery, or Grand Commandery has any right to add to or take from this statute, any more than any other statute of the Grand Encampment. 1877. 126. All Past Grand Officers are entitled to wear the Templar Cross. 1874. 127. The wearing of shoulder-straps is limited to the officers and past officers enumerated in the statute. 1877. 44 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CODE OF STATUTES. 128. The Grand Encampment cannot act upon any proposed chansje in the uniform^ unless notice thereof is given in the summons, as provided in the Constitution. 1877. I'ISa. When a Commandery is entitled to wear the black uniform, new members as well as old may wear it. 1286. In the absence of any legislation by the Grand Encampment or the governing Grand Commandery, each Commandery may determine by its by- laws whether or not Sir Knights may be admitted to the sessions without full Templar uniform. 1883. See By-Laws, 9. VISITORS. 129. The objection of one member excludes a visitor, ludess he visits in an official capacity. 1874. 130. A visitor must be examined in all the preceding degrees, as well as in the Order, unless vouched for in whole or in part. 1874. 131. By the Constitution of the Grand Encampment, all questions [except upon the acceptance, etc., of candidates, and in expulsions and restorations of Knights] are decided by a majority vote. 1874. 1880. See Expulsion and Suspension, 43. WORK— FORM OF MINUTE. 132. To change from the Commandery to the Council, the proper entry is, '* The Commandery of Knights Templar was then closed, and a Council of Knights of Red Cross was opened ; " and to change the other way, the entry is, " The Council of Knights of Red Cross was closed, and a Commandery of Knights Templar opened." 1877. STATUTES Of THE OF THE STATK OF CALIKORNIA. APRIL, A. D. 1884, A. 0. 766. CHAPTER I. RELATIVE TO THE GRAND COMMANDERY. I. • 0/ its Title and Seal. This Body shall be entitled "The Grand Cominandery of Knights Templar of the State of California ;" and shall have a Seal bearing suitable devices and inscriptions, which shall be affixed to all instruments issued by or under its authority. II. Of its Officers and Members, The Grand Command ery shall be composed of a Grand Commander (whose address is Right Eminent) ; a Deputy Grand Commander (whose address is Very Eminent) ; a Grand Generalissimo; a Grand Captain General ; a Grand Prelate; a Grand Senior Warden ; a Grand Junior Warden ; a Grand Treasurer ; a Grand Recorder ; a Grand Standard Bearer ; a Grand Sword Bearer ; a Grand Warder ; (whose several addresses are Eminent) ; a Grand Organist ; a Grand Captain of the Guards (the Sentinel); all Past Grand Commanders, Past Deputy Grand Commanders, Past Grand Generalissimos, Past Grand Captains General of this Grand Commandery ; all Past Commanders, by service, of chartered Com- manderies under its jurisdiction ; and the Commanders, Generalissimos, and Captains General, for the time, of the several chartered and duly constituted Commanderies subordinate thereto. 46 STATtJTES OF THE III. Of Qualifications for Office or Membership. Every officer and member of the Grand Commandery must be a member of some Commandery under its jurisdiction : and with the suspension or cessation of such membership, shall cease his office and membership in the Grand Com- mandery. IV. Of its lowers and Authority. The Grand Commandery derives all its powers from the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America, to the Constitution and Regulations of which its obedience is ever due. Under these powers it has authority over all Commanderies and Knights Templar within the State of California. It may grant dispensations and charters for forming and holding Commanderies therein, and, at its pleasure, may arrest, suspend, or revoke them. It may enact such statutes, and pass such orders, for its own govern- ment and for that of its subordinates and the Knights within its jurisdiction, as shall not conflict with the Constitution and Regulations of the Grand En- campment ; may alter, amend, or annul the same ; and may e^^ercise all other authority which shall be deemed necessary for the good of the Order in this State, and which shall be in conformity with its precepts and the Constitution and Regulations of the Grand Encampment. ' V. Of its Conclaves. 4 The Grand Commandery shall hold an Annual Conclave, for the trans- action of its regular business, at the city of San Francisco, commencing on the first Thursday after the fourth Tuesday in April, at two o'clock f. m. Special Conclaves may be ordered by the Grand Commander, at his discretion, but no business shall be transacted thereat other than that specified in such order. VI. Of its Elections. The Officers of the Grand Commandery shall be chosen by liallot at each Annual Conclave, (except the Grand Standard Bearer, the Grand Sword Bearer, the Grand Warder, and the Grand Captain of the Guards, who shall be appointed by the Grand Commander, ) shall be duly installed before the close thereof, and shall hold their respective offices (except as hereinbefore provided) until their successors are elected, or appointed, and installed. A majority of all the votes cast shall be necessary for a choice. Any vacancy in office, occurring when the Grand Commandery is not in Conclave, may be filled by the Grand Commander, and the officer so appointed shall possess all the powers and be charged with all the duties of one regularly elected. GRAND COMMANBERY OF CALIFORNIA. 47 VII. Of Proxies. Any member of the Grand Conmiandery, except Past Commanders and the Grand Captain of the (guards, may appear and vote by proxy ; but such proxy must, at the time of service, be a member of the same Commandery as his principal, and must present a properly authenticated certificate of his ap- pointment. VIIL Of Voting. Each member of the Grand Commandery present shall be entitled to one vote, and all questions shall be determined by a majority of votes. In case the votes are equally divided, the Grand Commander, in addition to his proper vote, shall give the casting vote. IX. Of Revenue. The revenue of the Grand Commandery shall be derived from fees charged for Dispensations, Charters, Diplomas and other instruments issued under its authority, as follows : — 1. For a Dispensation, one hundred and twenty-five dollars, of which fifteen dollars shall be the fee of the Grand Recorder ; 2. For a Charter, seventy-five dollars, of which fifteen dollars shall be the fee of the Grand Recorder ; 3. For a Diploma, five dollars, of which three dollars shall be the fee of the Grand Recorder ; And from the following contributions levied upon the several Command- eries : 1. For each Order of the Red Cross conferred, two dollars ; 2. For each Order of the Temple conferred, three dollars ; 3. For each Knight Templar borne upon the rolls at the date of the annual returns, one dollar. ^ X. Of Committees, The following regular committees, to consist of three members each, shall be appointed by the Grand Commander at each Annual Conclave, viz.: on Credentials, on Reports of the Grand Officers, on Appeals and Grievances, on Jurisprudence, on New Commanderies, on Returns of Subordinates, and on Pay of Delegates. The Grand Commander may also appoint such special committees, at any Conclave, as may be deemed expedient by the Grand Commandery. 48 STATUTES OF THE XL Of Finances and Accounts. The Grand Commander, before the close of each Annual Conclave, shall also appoint a Committee on Finances and Accounts, which shall constitute a standing committee, and whose duty it shall be to meet at the office of the Grand Recorder, on the day preceding the Annual C-onclave of the Grand Commandery, and examine the books, papers, and accounts of the Grand Recorder and Grand Treasurer, and report the result thereof to the Grand Commandery on the first day of the Annual Conclave in each year. CHAPTER II. RELATIVE TO THE GRAND OFFICERS. I. Of the Grand Commander. The Grand Commander shall, at each Annual Conclave, present a written report of all his official acts during the year, and of the condition of the Order within his jurisdiction, together with such recommendations as he shall deem conducive to its prosperity and advancement. He shall have a watchful super- vision over the subordinate Commanderies, and shall carefully see that the Constitution and Regulations of the Grand Encampment, and the Statutes and Orders of the Grand Commandery, are duly and properly observed. He shall have power, when the Grand Commandery is not in Conclave, to issue Dispen- sations for the formation of new Commanderies, as hereinafter provided ; and shall, either in person, or by proxy, constitute all new Commanderies, when chartered, and install their officers. He may, for good reasons shown, issue special dispensations to Commanderies, authorizing them to hold elections of officers at times other than that named in Statute IV, Chapter III, of these Statutes ; to receive and act again upon the petitions of rejected applicants for the Orders of Knighthood within a less period than the six months pre- scribed in Statute VI, of said Chapter III ; to ballot for and confer the Orders upon candidates, without the reference of their petitions to committees ; and to do such other things, not specifically provided for, as shall not be repugnant to, or inconsistent with the general regulations of the Order. He may order special Conclaves, at his discretion, specifying the object thereof. He may visit and preside in any Commandery within his jurisdiction, and give such orders and instructions as he may deem necessary, and as shall not be inconsistent with the enactments of the Grand Encampment and Grand Commandery. He may arrest the charter or dispensation of any Commandery, for good reasons shown, and for proper cause may suspend any Commander from the functions of his office until the next Annual Conclave. It shall be his duty, either in person or by proxy, to attend all meetings of the Grand Encampment ; and GRAND COMMANDERY OF CALIFORNIA. 49 there shall be no appeal to the Grand Commandery from his decisions. He shall also exemplify, or cause to be exemplified, the ritual and drill of the Order at each Annual Conclave. He may also summon the Commander, Gen- eralissimo, and Captain General of each Commandery, to meet him at any convenient place within the jurisdiction, for the purpose of exemplifying the drill and ritual, and the necessary expenses of these ofiicers shall be paid by their respective Commanderies. 11. Of the (befuty Grand Commander. The Deputy Grand Commander, in the absence of the Grand Commander from any Conclave, shall take command ; and in the event of the death, absence from the State, or inability to serve, from any cause, of the Grand Commander, he shall succeed to and be charged with all the powers and duties of that officer. At all other times he may perform such duties as may be assigned him by the Grand Commandery or Grand Commander ; and he is required, either in per- son or by proxy, to attend all meetings of the Grand Encampment. III. Of the Grand Generalissimo and Grand Caftain General. The Grand Generalissimo and the Grand Captain General, in the absence of their superiors from any Conclave, shall severally take command, in the order of their rank ; and in the event of the death, removal from the State, or ina- bility to serve, from any cause, of their superiors, shall in like manner succeed to and be charged with all the powers and duties of the Grand Commander. At all other times they shall perform such duties as may be assigned them by the Grand Commandery or Grand Commander ; and they are required, either in person or by proxy, to attend all meetings of the Grand Encampment. Of the Grand Treasurer. The Grand Treasurer shall receive all moneys belonging to the Grand Com- mandery from the Grand Recorder, and shall pay the same out under such regulations as by it may be provided. He shall keep a just record thereof in proper books, and at each Annual Conclave shall present a detailed account of his receipts and disbursements, together with vouchers for the last, and a full statement of the existing condition of the finances. He shall execute and file with the Grand Recorder, within fifteen days after his installation, a bond, in such terms, in such penal sum, and with such sureties as shall be approved by the Grand Commander, conditioned that he will faithfully discharge the duties of his office. V. Of the Grand Recorder. The Grand Recorder shall keep an accurate record of all the transactions of the Grand Commandery which should be written. He shall collect the reve- nue and pay it over to the Grand Treasurer. He shall present a detailed re- 7 50 STATU1?ES 01^ THE port of his receipts, and of all business appertaining to his office, at each An- nual Conclave. He shall, as soon as piacticable, after each Annual Conclave, transmit copies of the transactions thereat to the Grand Master of the Order, the Grand Recorder of the Grand Encampment, the Grand Recorders of the several Grand Commanderies under the jurisdiction of that Body, and the Re- corders of the several Commanderies vvdthin this jurisdiction. He shall keep the seal of the Grand Commandery, and shall affix it, with his attestation, to all instruments emanating from that Body, and to all dispensations issued by the Grand Commander. He shall conduct the correspondence of the Grand Commandery, and shall present, at each Annual Conclave, a summary of such proceedings of other Grand Commanderies as may have come into his pos- session. He shall transmit quarterly to each subordinate Commandery a list of all rejections, suspensions, expulsions, or restorations by the various Com- manderies of the jurisdiction which shall have been received by him. He shall report, at each Annual Conclave, all unfinished business, and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned him by the Grand Commandery or Grand Commander. He shall receive such compensation for his services as the Grand Commandery may direct ; and shall execute and tile with the Grand Treasurer, within fifteen days after his installation, a bond, in such terms, in such penal sum, and with such sureties as shall be approved by the Grand Commander, conditioned that he will faithfully discharge the duties of his office. VI. Of the other Grand Officers. The duties of the remaining Grand Officers shall be such as traditionally appertain to their respective stations, and shall correspond, as nearly as may be, to those of the officers of similar rank in the Grand Encampment. In case all the four principal Grand Officers shall be absent from any Conclave, the Past Grand Officers of like rank shall, in the order of their rank and seniority, be empowered to take command. CHAPTER III. RELATIVE TO SUBORDINATE COMMANDERIES. I. Upon the petition of nine or more Knights Templar in good standing, the Grand Commandery, or the Grand Commander, may issue a Letter of Dis- pensation, authorizing them to form and open a Commandery of Knights Templar, to confer the Orders, and to receive members by affiliation. But no such dispensation shall issue unless the petition be accompanied by a recom- mendation from the Commandery nearest the location of the proposed new one, which shall certify to the good standing of each of the petitioners, to the proper qualifications of the officers whom they have nominated, and that a suitable place of assembling has been provided. Such dispensation shall terminate on the first day of the month in which the next succeeding Annual Conclave shall be holden, and then shall be returned to the Grand Recorder, together with the book of records, by-laws, and returns to that date, when, if the transactions of the new Commandery shall appear satisfactory to the Grand Commandery, it may, upon petition therefor, receive a charter. GRAND COMMANDERY OF CALIFORNIA. 51 II. Of whom Composed, A Coramandery consists of a Commander, (whose address is Eminent), a Generalissimo, a Captain (jJeneral, a Prelate, a Senior Warden, a Junior Warden, a Treasurer, a Recorder, a Standard Bearer, a Sword Bearer, a Warder, a Captain of the Guards, (the Sentinel), three Guards, and as many- members as may be found convenient for work or discipline. III. Of Assemblies. Each Commandery should hold a stated Assembly at least once in each month, for the transaction of its regular business ; but no action upon peti- tions for the orders or for affiliation shall be had until the expiration of at least four weeks after their reception. Special meetings may be ordered by the Commander, at his discretion, but no business shall be done thereat other than that specified in the order. A failure to assemble for six successive months shall be deemed sufficient cause for the arrest or revocation of its charter. IV. Of Elections. The officers of each Commandery (except the Standard Bearer, the Sword Bearer, the Warder, the Sentinel, and the Guards, who shall be appointed by the Commander), shall be chosen by l^allot at the first stated Assembly in the month of December in each year, and shall be installed before or at the next stated Assembly. A majority of all the votes cast shall be necessary for a choice. V. Of Voting. All questions in a (Jommandery shall be determined by a majority of votes. Each member i>resent shall be entitled to one vote, and when the votes are equally divided (except in elections), the Commander shall, in addition, have the casting vote. VI. Of Oualificatlons for the Orders. No Commandery shall confer an Order of Knighthood upon any one who is not a regular Royal Arch Mason, according to the requirements of the General Grand Chapter of the United States of America, nor unless he shall have pro- duced evidence of his good standing at the time of application ; and no appli- cation for the orders shall be received by any Commandery from one who, within six months next preceding, shall have been rejected by any Com- mandery (unless by dispensation from the Grand Commander), nor unless the applicant shall have resided one year next preceding in this State, and three months next preceding within its jurisdiction, except by permission of the Commandery nearest his place of residence. 52 STATUTES OF THE vn. Of Fees and ^ues. No Commandery shall confer the several Orders of Knighthood for a less fee than sixty dollars, and no application therefor shall be received nnless ac- companied by such fee. The dues of the members of each Commandery shall be such as may be provided iu its by-laws, and the non-payment of such dues for a period of six months, unless good reason therefor be shown, shall be punished by suspension. VIII. Of the ComYnander. Each Commander has it in special charge to see that the By-Laws of his Commandery, the Statutes and Orders of the Grand Commandery, and the Constitution and Regulations of the Grand P]ncampment are duly observed by the Knights under his command ; that accurate records are kejit, and just accounts and proper reports rendered by his officers, and that regular returns are annually made to the Grand Commandery at the time prescribed therefor, with prompt payment of the annual dues. From his decision there shall be no appeal to the Commandery, but any five members thereof may complain of his decisions or conduct, to the Grand Commandery or Grand Commander. It shall be his duty, either in person or by proxy, to attend all Conclaves of the Grand Comniandery. IX. Of the Generalissimo and Ca^ptain General. The Generalissimo and Captain General shall perform the duties severally assigned them by the traditional usages of the Order ; and, in the absence of the Commander, shall, in the order of their rank, succeed to and be charged with all his powers and duties. It shall be the duty of both, either in person, or by proxy, to attend all Conclaves of the Grand Commandery. In the ab- sence of all the three principal officers, the Past Commanders, in the order of their seniority, may take command. X. Of the Treasurer and Recorder. The Treasurer shall receive from the Recorder, and safely keep, all moneys belonging to the Commandery ; and shall pay the same out under such regula- tions, and account therefor at such times and in such manner, as by it may be prescribed. The Recorder shall keep an accurate record of all the transactions of the Commandery, which should be written, including a list of the officers, members, and visitors present at each Assembly; shall collect the revenue and Xjay it over to the Treasurer ; shall keep correct accounts of the dues of mem- bers ; shall prepare and transmit the annual returns to the Grand Recorder ; shall keep the seal of the Commandery, and affix it to all documents emanating therefrom ; and shall perform such other duties as may be required of him by the Commandery or Commander. GRAND GOMMANDERY OF CALIFORNIA. 53 XI. 0/ Returns. The Returns of each Commandery shall be made up to the first day of Feb- ruary in each year, in such form as shall be prescribed by the Grand Command- ery ; and shall immediately be forwarded to the Grand Recorder with the dues as hereinbefore provided. CHAPTER IV. MISCELLANEOUS. I. Of Trials and Appeals. The mode of proceeding in all trials shall, as nearly as may be, be that which is now or may be hereafter presciibcd in the Regulations of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of this State ; and appeals from the re- sults of such trials may, in like manner as is directed by the Grand Lodge, be made to and adjudicated by the Grand Commandery. II. Of T^enalties. Censure, suspension, or expulsion may be inflicted by any Commandery upon any Knight within its jurisdiction, for unknightly conduct, or for viola- tion of, or disobedience to any of the By-Laws, Statutes, Orders, Regulations, or Constitutions of the Order. Information of a suspension or expulsion by any Commandery shall immediately be communicated by its Recorder to the Grand Recorder ; but no publication thereof shall be made except by the Grand Commandery. Suspension may be removed by the Commandery which im- posed it, but an expelled Knight can only be restored by the Grand Com- mandery. IIL Of Vows of Office. All Officers of the Grand Commandery and of its subordinates, before entering upon the duties of their respective stations, shall take a solemn vow that they will maintain and support the Constitution and Regulations of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America, and the Statutes and Orders of the Grand Commandery of the State of Cal- ifornia. IV. Of Amendments. The Statutes may be altered or amended at any Annual Conclave by the votes of two-thirds of the members present. 64 GENERAL BEGULATIONS OF THE GENERAL REGULATIONS GRAND COMMANDERY OF CALIFORNIA. L the Grand Eecorder be instructed to procure the portrait of each retiring Grand Commander, and have it placed with those heretofore ordered by the Grand Commandery. [October, 1867.] 2. That the officers of the Grand Commandery of California be re(|uired to present themselves for duty at any of its sessions, equipped in the uniform prescribed by the Grand Encampment of the United States. [April, 1874.] 3. That the members of the Grand Commandery of the State of California be required to appear at its Annual Conclave, clothed in the uniform of the Order as worn by their respective Commanderies. [April, 1875.] 4. That each Commander of a subordinate Commandery of-^ this State be required to open and close his Commandery in accordance with the drill and lecture this day adopted. [Apiril, 1878.] 5. That the several subordinate Commanderies of this jurisdiction be re- quested to assemble in their respective Asylums on Good Friday, Easter, and Ascension day of each year, and proceed in a body from thence to some place of public worship, for Divine service ; and in case no place of public worship can be had, then such service shall be held in the Asylum of their said Commanderies. [April, 1879 and 1883.] 6. That in order to be in good standing as a Knight Templar, it is neces- sary to be in good standing as a Master Mason, as such standing is defined by the laws of the Grand Lodge of this State. [April, 1880.] 7. That all Red Cross Knights, before they shall receive the Order of the Temple, shall be subjected to an examination in open Commandery, or before a special committee of three Sir Knights, and be declared or reported pro- ficient in the manual of the sword, facings, marching, and the cuts, signs, grip, and words of the illustrious Order of Red Cross Knights. [April, 1880.] 8. That the Recorders of subordinate Commanderies be required to add to the Annual Reports made to the Grand C^ommandery, the number of regu- lation uniforms belonging to their respective Commanderies, and to the indi- vidual members thereof. [April, 1881.] aHAKD COMMANDERY OF CALIFORNIA. , 55 9. That applications for a waiver of jurisdiction over candidates for the orders of Knighthood shall be read in open Commandery at least four weeks previous to a vote being had thereon ; and such waiver shall only be granted on the unanimous vote of the Sir Knights present who are members of the Commandery to which the application is made. [April, 1882.] 10. That it shall be deemed unk nightly conduct in any Sir Knight who shall importune or solicit any companion to apply for the orders of Knight- hood, or for admission, to any Commandery. [April, 1882.] 11. That dispensations to enable a Commandery to re-ballot for a candi- date, and to shorten the time for taking such ballot upon the application of a companion, be issued by the Grand Recorder, upon the order of the i?. *. E. \ Grand Commander, and under the seal of the Grand Commandery, and that a fee of five dollars be paid therefor to the Grand Recorder. [April, 1884.] INDEX. A Absentees — Rights of, 18 Adjourn — Which bodies do, 19 Amendments — To Constitution or Code, 1 7, 30, 32 Appeal — Who may — Effect of, etc. , IS Assessments — May be levied 19 When not enforced, 32 B Ballot — Relative to, 19, 40 Blanks void, 22 When may be repeated, 19, 32, 40, 41 Objection after, 40 Books — Of Grand Treasurer and Grand Recorder, 33 Burial— Right of— Ritual for, ... * 19 Business — When and where transacted, 19 By-laws — Restrictions, 33 o Charters— Relative to, 19, 20, 33 Loss of, , 19 Custodian of, 33 Closing — Of subordinate Commanderies, 21, 33 Commander — How suspended — Trial of, . 22 Custodian of charter, 33 When a Past, 3() Commanderies — Requisites for forming, 20, 33 Of whom comprised, 13 Under dispensation — Relative to, 20, 33, 34 Officers o/— When to be installed, 21 How created, 2(5 Duty of when Grand Commandery is formed, 21 Failure to meet — Effect of, 21 Status of members of extinct, 22, 23 ' When may appear in public — who commands, 21 Illegal— When, 24 Who may install officers of, 25 Committees— Standing — when appointed,. 34 Complaints — How made, 3 t ii Index, (>)xrLAVES— How terminated, 19, 21, .S3 Of Grand Encampment— Relative to, 4 Of Grand Commanderies, 10 Confer Orders — Who may, .... 22 ('oxsTiTUTiON — Of Grand Encampment, 8-17 Correspondence — Through whom forwarded, 34, 35 Debate— How closed, 22 Decisions — Of Grand Master — To be digested 22 Of Grand Commander — On whom binding, 35 Deputy Grand Commander — Duties of, 11 DiMiTS — How granted — Relative to, 22, 35 Dispensations, 35 Dues — Non-payment of, 36 Members not exempt from, 34, 35 E Elections — How held, '. 22, 46 Blank ballots at— Void, 22 Eminent Commander — Relative to, 22, 35, 40 How suspended, 22 Trial of, by whom, 22 Expulsion or suspension — Relative to, 23, 36, 37 By Lodge or Chapter, 23, 36 How restored, 23 When certificate of required, 23 Extinct Commanderies— Relative to, 22 Status of members of, 22, 23 Fees — Cannot be remitted, 23, 37 Finances —Dues, Fees, etc., 14, 47 Foreign Knights — Not Red Cross, 23 Foreign Representatives — Not allowable, 29 Form— Of Petitions, 27, 40 Funerals — When Commandery may appear at, 37 Or Good Standing — When effected, 37 Grand Commandery — How formed, , 8, 24, 37, 38 Of whom composed, .9 Powers and duties of , 10, 46 Duties of officers of, 11,12 Rank of subordinates, 24 Adjourn— Not close, 19 Conclaves, 10, 46 Who eligible to office in, 37 Of its elections, 46 Index. iii Grand Com^siandery — Tenure of office in, 11 Who may vote, .... 37, 47 Proxies, 10, 28, 47 Voting in, 47 Grand Commander — Duties of, 11 Grand Recorder — Duties of, 12, 49, 50 Duties of other officers, . . 12, 50 Grand Encampment — Of whom composed, 3, 4 Powers and duties of, 4, 5 Duties of officers of, 5, 6, 7, 8 Tenure of office in, 5 Conclaves, 4 Proxies — Titles, 4 General provisions concerning, 8 Gran J) Master — Duties of, ... , .... 5, 6 Grand Treasurer— Relative to, 6 Grand Recorder — Duties of, 7, 8 Duties of other officers, 8 H Healini^ — Relative to, 24 Honorary Members — Not entitled to vote, etc., 2(5 I Illegal Commanderies — What are, 24 Information— How obtained, 24 Installation — Of re-elected officers not necessary, 38 Who may install, 25 When by commission, 25 May be public, 38 Ceremony to be used, 25 Failure to be installed, 27 J Jewel— Of Past Grand Master, 38 Jurisdiction — Territorial — Personal, 39 Over sojourners, 26, 39 Over candidates, 25, 39 Violation of, 25 M Meetings — When held, 26 Failure of, 21 Membership — Relative to, ». . 26, 34, 39, 46 Honorary, 26, 39 Life — Approved, 39 In Grand Encampment, 39 Minutes- To be read at close of Conclave, 40 Form of, 44 iv Index, Miscellaneous— Dues— Fees^and Finances, 14 Moneys — How paid out, 40 N New Business— When may be entered upon, 17 Nomenclature — Templar, 48 Non-affiliates— Relative to, 38, 40 o OivjECTiONS— After ballot, 27, 40 Who may make — Effect of, 27 When by visiting Knight, 27' May be withdrawn, 40 Offices — Incompatible — What are. 26, 40 Succession in, 27 Vacancy in — How filled, 27 Officers— Failure to be installed, 27 Rank of, 29, 42 AVho may, and may not, resign, 29 Change of residence — Effect of, 27 ( >K I) ERs -Petition for, 27, 40 Who may confer, 22 Qualifications for, 28, 41, 42 p Parades — W^hen not allowe