THE CONGO AND COASTS OF AFRICA 3 o f6) LIBRARY THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA PRESENTED BY HILTON P. GOSS THE CONGO AND COASTS OF AFRICA o U M TJ Q 5 THE CONGO AND COASTS OF AFRICA BY RICHARD HARDING DAVIS, RR.G.S. AUTHOR OF "SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE," "THE SCARLET CAR," "WITH BOTH ARMIES IN SOUTH AFRICA," " FARCES," " THE CUBAN AND PORTO RICAN CAMPAIGNS " ILLUSTRATIONS FROM PHOTOGRAPHS BY THE AUTHOR AND OTHERS CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS NEW YORK :: :: :: :: 1907 COPYRIGHT, 1907, BY RICHARD HARDING DAVIS COPYRIGHT, 1907, BY CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS Published November, 1907 TO CECIL CLARK DAVIS MY FELLOW VOYAGER ALONG THE COASTS OF AFRICA CONTENTS I PAGE THE COASTERS 3 II MY BROTHER'S KEEPER 32 III THE CAPITAL OF THE CONGO 55 IV AMERICANS IN THE CONGO 93 V HUNTING THE HIPPO . . . . . . . 118 VI OLD CALABAR . , 142 VII ALONG THE EAST COAST 176 vii ILLUSTRATIONS MR. DAVIS AND "WOOD BOYS" OF THE CONGO . Frontispiece FACING PAGE MRS. DAVIS IN A BORROWED "HAMMOCK," THE LOCAL MEANS OF TRANSPORT ON THE WEST COAST 10 A WHITE BUILDING, THAT BLAZED LIKE THE BASE OF A WHITEWASHED STOVE AT WHITE HEAT .... 22 THE "MAMMY CHAIR" is LIKE THOSE SWINGS You SEE IN PUBLIC PLAYGROUNDS 28 A VILLAGE ON THE KASAI RIVER 42 "TENANTS" OF LEOPOLD, WHO CLAIMS THAT THE CONGO BELONGS TO HIM, AND THAT THESE NATIVE PEOPLE ARE THERE ONLY AS HlS TENANTS 52 THE FACILITIES FOR LANDING AT BANANA, THE PORT OF ENTRY TO THE CONGO, ARE LIMITED .... 56 "PRISONERS" OF THE STATE IN CHAINS AT MAT ADI . . 60 BUSH BOYS IN THE PLAZA AT MATADI SEEKING SHADE . 70 THE MONUMENT IN STANLEY PARK, ERECTED, NOT TO STANLEY, BUT TO LEOPOLD 82 THE Deliverance. THE RIVER RACED OVER THE DECK TO A DEPTH or FOUR OR FIVE INCHES. BETWEEN HER CABIN AND THE WOOD-PILE, WERE STORED FIFTY HUMAN BEINGS 86 ix ILLUSTRATIONS FACING PAGE THE NATIVE WIFE OF A Chef de Paste . . . . . 90 ENGLISH MISSIONARIES, AND SOME OF THEIR CHARGES . 98 THE LABORING MAN UPON WHOM THE AMERICAN CON- CESSIONAIRES MUST DEPEND 106 MR. DAVIS AND NATIVE "Bov," ON THE KASAI RIVER . 128 THE HIPPOPOTAMUS THAT DID NOT KNOW HE WAS DEAD . . 134 THE JESUIT BROTHERS AT THE WOMBALI MISSION . . 138 THERE, IN THE SURF, WE FOUND THESE TONS OF MAHOGANY, POUNDING AGAINST EACH OTHER 152 A Loo OF MAHOGANY JAMMED IN THE ANCHOR CHAINS . 156 THE PALACE OF THE KING OF THE CAMEROONS . . . 160 THE HOME OF THE THIRTY QUEENS OF KING MANGO BELL 164 THE MOTHER SUPERIOR AND SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH AND THEIR CONVERTS AT OLD CALABAR . . . .168 THT KROO BOYS Sir, NOT ON THE THWARTS, BUT ON THE GUNWALES, AS A WOMAN RIDES A SIDE SADDLE . 172 Gomo VISITING m HER PRIVATE TRAM-CAR AT BEIRA . 182 ONE-HALF OF THE STREET CLEANING DEPARTMENT OF MOZAMBIQUE 190 CUSTOM HOUSE, ZANZIBAR 194 CHAIN-GANGS or PETTY OFFENDERS OUTSIDE OF ZANZIBAR 198 THE IVORY ON THE RIGHT, COVERED ONLY WITH SACK- ING, is READY FOR SHIPMENT TO BOSTON, U. S. A. . 202 THE LATE SULTAN OF ZANZIBAR IN His STATE CARRIAGE . 206 ILLUSTRATIONS FACING PAGE H. S. H. HAMTTD BIN MUHAMAD BIN SAID, THE LATE SULTAN OF ZANZIBAR aio A GERMAN " FACTORY" AT TANGA, THE STORE BELOW, THE LIVING APARTMENTS ABOVE 214 SOUDANESE SOLDIERS UNDER A GERMAN OFFICER OUT- SIDE OF TANGA 218 THE CONGO AND COASTS OF AFRICA THE CONGO AND COASTS OF AFRICA THE COASTERS NO matter how often one sets out, "for to admire, and for to see, for to be- hold this world so wide," he never quite gets over being surprised at the erratic manner in which "civilization" distributes itself; at the way it ignores one spot upon the earth's sur- face, and upon another, several thousand miles away, heaps its blessings and its tyrannies. Having settled in a place one might suppose the "influences of civilization" would first be felt by the people nearest that place. Instead of which, a number of men go forth in a ship and carry civilization as far away from that spot as the winds will bear them. When a stone falls in a pool each part of each ripple is equally distant from the spot THE CONGO AND COASTS OF AFRICA where the stone fell; but if the stone of civiliza- tion were to have fallen, for instance, into New Orleans, equally near to that spot we would find the people of New York City and the naked Indians of Yucatan. Civilization does not radiate, or diffuse. It leaps; and as to where it will next strike it is as independent as forked lightning. During hundreds of years it passed over the continent of Africa to settle only at its northern coast line and its most southern cape; and, to-day, it has given Cuba all of its benefits, and has left the equally beautiful island of Hayti, only fourteen hours away, sunk in fetish worship and brutal ignorance. One of the places it has chosen to ignore is the West Coast of Africa. We are familiar with the Northern Coast and South Africa. We know all about Morocco and the pictur- esque Raisuli, Lord Cromer, and Shepheard's Hotel. The Kimberley Diamond Mines, the Boer War, Jameson's Raid, and Cecil Rhodes have made us know South Africa, and on the East Coast we supply Durban with buggies and farm wagons, furniture from Grand Rapids, and, although we have nothing against THE COASTERS Durban, breakfast food and canned meats. We know Victoria Falls, because they have eclipsed our own Niagara Falls, and Zanzibar, farther up the Coast, is familiar through comic operas and rag-time. Of itself, the Cape to Cairo Railroad would make the East Coast known to us. But the West Coast still means that distant shore from whence the "first families" of Boston, Bristol and New Orleans exported slaves. Now, for our soap and our salad, the West Coast supplies palm oil and kernel oil, and for automobile tires, rubber. But still to it there cling the mystery, the hazard, the cruelty of those earlier times. It is not of palm oil and rubber one thinks when he reads on the ship's itinerary, "the Gold Coast, the Ivory Coast, the Bight of Benin, and Old Calabar." One of the strange leaps made by civilization is from Southampton to Cape Town, and one of its strangest ironies is in its ignoring all the six thousand miles of coast line that lies be- tween. Nowadays, in winter time, the Eng- lish, flying from the damp cold of London, go to Cape Town as unconcernedly as to the Riviera. They travel in great seagoing hotels, 5 THE CONGO AND COASTS OF AFRICA on which they play cricket, and dress for dinner. Of the damp, fever-driven coast line past which, in splendid ease, they are travelling, save for the tall peaks of Teneriffe and Cape Verde, they know nothing. When last Mrs. Davis and I made that voyage from Southampton, the decks were crowded chiefly with those English whose faces are familiar at the Savoy and the Ritz, and who, within an hour, had settled down to seventeen days of uninterrupted bridge, with, before them, the prospect on landing of the luxury of the Mount Nelson and the hospitalities of Government House. When, the other day, we again left Southampton, that former departure came back in strange contrast. It emphasized that this time we are not accompanying civilization on one of her flying leaps. Instead, now, we are going down to the sea in ships with the vortrekkers of civilization, those who are making the ways straight; who, in a few weeks, will be leaving us to lose themselves in great forests, who clear the paths of noisome jungles where the sun seldom penetrates, who sit in sun-baked "factories," as they call their trading houses, THE COASTERS measuring life by steamer days, who preach the Gospel to the cannibals of the Congo, whose voices are the voices of those calling in the wilderness. As our tender came alongside the Bruxelles- ville at Southampton, we saw at the winch Kroo boys of the Ivory Coast; leaning over the rail the Soeurs Blanches of the Congo, robed, although the cold was bitter and the decks black with soot-stained snow, all in white; missionaries with long beards, a bishop in a purple biretta, and innumerable Belgian officers shivering in their cloaks and wearing the blue ribbon and silver star that tells of three years of service along the Equator. This time our fellow passengers are no pleasure-seekers, no Cook's tourists sailing south to avoid a rigorous winter. They have squeezed the last minute out of their leave, and they are going back to the station, to the factory, to the mission, to the barracks. They call themselves "Coasters," and they inhabit a world all to themselves. In square miles, it is a very big world, but it is one of those places civilization has skipped. Nearly every one of our passengers from Antwerp or Southampton knows that if he THE CONGO AND COASTS OF AFRICA keeps his contract, and does not die, it will be three years before he again sees his home. So our departure was not enlivening, and, in the smoking-room, the exiles prepared us for lonely ports of call, for sickening heat, for swarming multitudes of blacks. In consequence, when we passed Finisterre, Spain, which from New York seems almost a foreign country, was a near neighbor, a dear friend. And the Island of Teneriffe was an anticlimax. It was as though by a trick of the compass we had been sailing southwest and were entering the friendly harbor of Ponce or Havana. Santa Cruz, the port town of Teneriffe, like La Guayra, rises at the base of great hills. It is a smiling, bright-colored, red-roofed, typical Spanish town. The hills about it mount in innumerable terraces planted with fruits and vegetables, and from many of these houses on the hills, should the owner step hurriedly out of his front door, he would land upon the roof of his nearest neighbor. Back of this first chain of hills are broad farming lands and plateaus from which Barcelona and London are fed with the earliest and the most tender 8 THE COASTERS of potatoes that appear in England at the same time Bermuda potatoes are being printed in big letters on the bills of fare along Broadway. Santa Cruz itself supplies passing steamers with coal, and passengers with lace work and post cards; and to the English in search of sunshine, with a rival to Madeira. It should be a successful rival, for it is a charming place, and on the day we were there the thermometer was at 72, and every one was complaining of the cruel severity of the winter. In Santa Cruz one who knows Spanish America has but to shut his eyes and imagine himself back in Santiago de Cuba or Caracas. There are the same charming plazas, the yellow churches and towered cathedral, the long iron- barred windows, glimpses through marble- paved halls of cool patios, the same open shops one finds in Obispo and O'Reilly Streets, the idle officers with smart uniforms and swinging swords in front of cafes killing time and digestion with sweet drinks, and over the gar- den walls great bunches of purple and scarlet flowers and sheltering palms. The show place in Santa Cruz is the church in which are stored the relics of the sea-fight in which, as a young 9 THE CONGO AND COASTS OF AFRICA man, Nelson lost his arm and England also lost two battleflags. As she is not often care- less in that respect, it is a surprise to find, in this tiny tucked-away little island, what you will not see in any of the show places of the world. They tell in Santa Cruz that one night an English middy, single-handed, recaptured the captured flags and carried them trium- phantly to his battleship. He expected at the least a K. C. B., and when the flags, with a squad of British marines as a guard of honor, were solemnly replaced in the church, and the middy himself was sent upon a tour of apology to the bishop, the governor, the commandant of the fortress, the alcalde, the collector of customs, and the captain of the port, he de- clared that monarchies were ungrateful. The other objects of interest in Teneriffe are camels, which in the interior of the island are common beasts of burden, and which appear- ing suddenly around a turn would frighten any automobile; and the fact that in Teneriffe the fashion in women's hats never changes. They are very funny, flat straw hats; like childen's sailor hats. They need only "U. S. S. Iowa" on the band to be quite familiar. Their secret 5 U I c 22 rf Q THE COASTERS is that they arc built to support baskets and buckets of water, and that concealed in each is a heavy pad. After Teneriffe the destination of every one on board is as irrevocably fixed as though the ship were a government transport. We are all going to the West Coast or to the Congo. Should you wish to continue on to Cape Town along the South Coast, as they call the vast territory from Lagos to Cape Town, although there is an irregular, a very irregular, service to the Cape, you could as quickly reach it by going on to the Congo, returning all the way to Southampton, and again starting on the direct line south. It is as though a line of steamers running down our coast to Florida would not continue on along the South Coast to New Orleans and Galveston, and as though no line of steamers came from New Orleans and Gal- veston to meet the steamers of the East Coast. In consequence, the West Coast of Africa, cut off by lack of communication from the south, divorced from the north by the Desert of Sahara, lies in the steaming heat of the THE CONGO AND COASTS OF AFRICA Equator today as it did a thousand years ago, in inaccessible, inhospitable isolation. Two elements have helped to preserve this isolation: the fever that rises from its swamps and lagoons, and the surf that thun- ders upon the shore. In considering the stunted development of the West Coast, these two elements must be kept in mind the sick- ness that strikes at sunset and by sunrise leaves the victim dead, and the monster waves that rush booming like cannon at the beach, churning the sandy bottom beneath, and hurling aside the great canoes as a man tosses a cigarette. The clerk who signs the three- year contract to work on the West Coast en- lists against a greater chance of death than the soldier who enlists to fight only bullets; and every box, puncheon, or barrel that the trader sends in a canoe through the surf is insured against its never reaching, as the case may be, the shore or the ship's side. The surf and the fever are the Minotaurs of the West Coast, and in the year there is not a day passes that they do not claim and receive their tribute in merchandise and human life. Said an old Coaster to me, pointing at the THE COASTERS harbor of Grand Bassam: "I've seen just as much cargo lost overboard in that surf as I've seen shipped to Europe." One constantly wonders how the Coasters find it good enough. How, since 1550, when the Portu- guese began trading, it has been possible to find men willing to fill the places of those who died. But, in spite of the early massacres by the natives, in spite of attacks by wild beasts, in spite of pirate raids, of desolating plagues and epidemics, of wars with other white men, of damp heat and sudden sickness, there were men who patiently rebuilt the forts and factories, fought the surf with great break- waters, cleared breathing spaces in the jungle, and with the aid of quinine for themselves, and bad gin for the natives, have held their own. Except for the trade goods it never would be held. It is a country where the pay is cruelly inadequate, where but few horses, sheep, or cattle can exist, where the natives are unbe- lievably lazy and insolent, and where, while there is no society of congenial spirits, there is a superabundance of animal and insect pests. Still, so great are gold, ivory, and rubber, and so many are the men who will take big chances 13 THE CONGO AND COASTS OF AFRICA for little pay, that every foot of the West Coast is preempted. As the ship rolls along, for hours from the rail you see miles and miles of steaming yellow sand and misty swamp where as yet no white man has set his foot. But in the real estate office of Europe some Power claims the right to "protect" that swamp; some treaty is filed as a title-deed. As the Powers finally arranged it, the map of the West Coast is like a mosaic, like the edge of a badly constructed patchwork quilt. In trading along the West Coast a man can find use for five European languages, and he can use a new one at each port of call. To the north, the West Coast begins with Cape Verde, which is Spanish. It is followed by Senegal, which is French; but into Senegal is tucked "a thin red line" of British territory called Gambia. Senegal closes in again around Gambia, and is at once blocked to the south by the three-cornered patch which belongs to Portugal. This is followed by French Guinea down to another British red spot, Sierra Leone, which meets Liberia, the republic of negro emigrants from the United States. South of Liberia is the French Ivory Coast, then the 14 THE COASTERS English Gold Coast; Togo, which is German; Dahomey, which is French; Lagos and South- ern Nigeria, which again are English; Fer- nando Po, which is Spanish, and the German Cameroons. The coast line of these protectorates and colonies gives no idea of the extent of their hinterland, which spreads back into the Sahara, the Niger basin, and the Soudan. Sierra Leone, one of the smallest of them, is as large as Maine; Liberia, where the emigrants still keep up the tradition of the United States by talking like end men, is as large as the State of New York; two other colonies, Senegal and Nigeria, together are 135,000 square miles larger than the combined square miles of all of our Atlantic States from Maine to Florida and including both. To partition finally among the Powers this strip of death and disease, of uncountable wealth, of unnamed horrors and cruelties, has taken many hun- dreds of years, has brought to the black man every misery that can be inflicted upon a human being, and to thousands of white men, death and degradation, or great wealth. The raids made upon the West Coast to THE CONGO AND COASTS OF AFRICA obtain slaves began in the fifteenth century with the discovery of the West Indies, and it was to spare the natives of these islands, who were unused and unfitted for manual labor and who in consequence were cruelly treated by the Spaniards, that Las Casas, the Bishop of Chiapa, first imported slaves from West Africa. He lived to see them suffer so much more terribly than had the Indians who first obtained his sympathy, that even to his eightieth year he pleaded with the Pope and the King of Spain to undo the wrong he had begun. But the tide had set west, and Las Casas might as well have tried to stop the Trades. In 1800 Wilberforce stated in the House of Commons that at that time British vessels were carrying each year to the Indies and the American colonies 38,000 slaves, and when he spoke the traffic had been going on for two hundred and fifty years. After the Treaty of Utrecht, Queen Anne congratulated her Peers on the terms of the treaty which gave to England "the fortress of Gibraltar, the Island of Minorca, and the monopoly in the slave trade for thirty years," or, as it was called, the asiento (contract). This was con- 16 THE COASTERS sidered so good an investment that Philip V of Spain took up one-quarter of the common stock, and good Queen Anne reserved another quarter, which later she divided among her ladies. But for a time she and her cousin of Spain were the two largest slave merchants in the world. The point of view of those then engaged in the slave trade is very interesting. When Queen Elizabeth sent Admiral Hawkins slave-hunting, she presented him with a ship, named, with startling lack of moral perception, after the Man of Sorrows. In a book on the slave trade I picked up at Sierra Leone there is the diary of an officer who accompanied Hawkins. "After," he writes, "going every day on shore to take the inhabitants by burning and despoiling of their towns," the ship was becalmed. "But," he adds gratefully, "the Almighty God, who never suffereth his elect to perish, sent us the breeze." The slave book shows that as late as 1780 others of the "elect" of our own South were publishing advertisements like this, which is one of the shortest and mildest. It is from a Virginia newspaper: "The said fellow is out- lawed, and I will give ten pounds reward for 17 THE CONGO AND COASTS OF AFRICA his head severed from his body, or forty shillings if brought alive." At about this same time an English captain threw overboard, chained together, one hun- dred and thirty sick slaves. He claimed that had he not done so the ship's company would have also sickened and died, and the ship would have been lost, and that, therefore, the insurance companies should pay for the slaves. The jury agreed with him, and the Solicitor- General said: "What is all this declamation about human beings! This is a case of chat- tels or goods. It is really so it is the case of throwing over goods. For the purpose the purpose of the insurance, they are goods and property; whether right or wrong, we have nothing to do with it." In 1807 England de- clared the slave trade illegal. A year later the United States followed suit, but although on the seas her frigates chased the slavers, on shore a part of our people continued to hold slaves, until the Civil War rescued both them and the slaves. As early as 1718 Raynal and Diderot esti- mated that up to that time there had been exported from Africa to the North and South 18 THE COASTERS Americas nine million slaves. Our own his- torian, Bancroft, calculated that in the eigh- teenth century the English alone imported to the Americas three million slaves, while another 2,500,000 purchased or kidnapped on the West Coast were lost in the surf, or on the voyage thrown into the sea. For that number Bancroft places the gross returns as not far from four hundred millions of dollars. All this is history, and to the reader famil- iar, but I do not apologize for reviewing it here, as without the background of the slave trade, the West Coast, as it is to-day, is difficult to understand. As we have seen, to kings, to chartered "Merchant Adventurers," to the cotton planters of the West Indies and of our South, and to the men of the North who traded in black ivory, the West Coast gave vast fortunes. The price was the lives of millions of slaves. And to-day it almost seems as though the sins of the fathers were being visited upon the children; as though the juju of the African, under the spell of which his enemies languish and die, has been cast upon the white man. We have to look only at home. In the millions of dead, and in the misery of 19 THE CONGO AND COASTS OF AFRICA the Civil War, and to-day in race hatred, in race riots, in monstrous crimes and as mon- strous lynchings, we seem to see the fetish of the West Coast, the curse, falling upon the children to the third and fourth generation of the million slaves that were thrown, shackled, into the sea. The first mention in history of Sierra Leone is when in 480 B. c., Hanno, the Carthaginian, anchored at night in its harbor, and then owing to "fires in the forests, the beating of drums, and strange cries that issued from the bushes," before daylight hastened away. We now skip nineteen hundred years. This is something of a gap, but except for the sketchy description given us by Hanno of the place, and his one gaudy night there, Sierra Leone until the fifteenth century utterly disappears from the knowledge of man. Happy is the country without a history! Nineteen hundred years having now sup- posed to elapse, the second act begins with De Cintra, who came in search of slaves, and in- stead gave the place its name. Because of the roaring of the wind around the peak that rises over the harbor he called it the Lion Mountain. THE COASTERS After the fifteenth century, in a succession of failures, five different companies of "Royal Adventurers " were chartered to trade with her people, and, when convenient, to kidnap them; pirates in turn kidnapped the British governor, the French and Dutch were always at war with the settlement, and native raids, epidemics, and fevers were continuous. The history of Sierra Leone is the history of every other colony along the West Coast, with the difference that it became a colony by purchase, and was not, as were the others, a trading station gradually converted ino a colony. During the war in America, Great Britain offered freedom to all slaves that would fight for her, and, after the war, these freed slaves were conveyed on ships of war to London, where they were soon destitute. They appealed to the great friend of the slave in those days, Granville Sharp, and he with others shipped them to Sierra Leone, to establish, with the aid of some white emi- grants, an independent colony, which was to be a refuge and sanctuary for others like them- selves. Liberia, which was the gift of phi- lanthropists of Baltimore to American freed slaves, was, no doubt, inspired by this earlier THE CONGO AND COASTS OF AFRICA effort. The colony became a refuge for slaves from every part of the Coast, the West Indies and Nova Scotia, and to-day in that one colony there are spoken sixty different coast dialects and those of the hinterland. Sierra Leone, as originally purchased in 1786, consisted of twenty square miles, for which among other articles of equal value King Naimbanna received a "crimson satin embroidered waistcoat, one puncheon of rum, ten pounds of beads, two cheeses, one box of smoking pipes, a mock diamond ring, and a tierce of pork." What first impressed me about Sierra Leone was the heat. It does not permit one to give his attention wholly to anything else. I always have maintained that the hottest place on earth is New York, and I have been in other places with more than a local reputa- tion for heat; some along the Equator, Lou- renco Marquez, which is only prevented from being an earthen oven because it is a swamp; the Red Sea, with a following breeze, and from both shores the baked heat of the desert, and Nagasaki, on a rainy day in midsummer. But New York in August radiating stored- THE COASTERS up heat from iron-framed buildings, with the foul, dead air shut in by the skyscrapers, with a humidity that makes you think you are breathing through a steam-heated sponge, is as near the lower regions as I hope any of us will go. And yet Sierra Leone is no mean competitor. We climbed the moss-covered steps to the quay to face a great white building that blazed like the base of a whitewashed stove at white heat. Before it were some rusty cannon and a canoe cut out of a single tree, and, seated upon it selling fruit and sun-dried fish, some native women, naked to the waist, their bodies streaming with palm oil and sweat. At the same moment something struck me a blow on the top of the head, at the base of the spine and between the shoulder blades, and the ebony ladies and the white "factory" were burnt up in a scroll of flame. I heard myself in a far-away voice asking where one could buy a sun helmet and a white umbrella, and until I was under their protec- tion, Sierra Leone interested me no more. One sees more different kinds of black people in Sierra Leone than in any other port 23 THE CONGO AND COASTS OF AFRICA along the Coast; Senegalese and Senegambians, Kroo boys, Liberians, naked bush boys bearing great burdens from the forests, domestic slaves in fez and colored linen livery, carrying ham- mocks swung from under a canopy, the local electric hansom, soldiers of the W. A. A. F., the West African Frontier Force, in Zouave uniform of scarlet and khaki, with bare legs; Arabs from as far in the interior as Timbuctu, yellow in face and in long silken robes; big fat "mammies" in well-washed linen like the washerwomen of Jamaica, each balancing on her head her tightly rolled umbrella, and in the gardens slim young girls, with only a strip of blue and white linen from the waist to the knees, lithe, erect, with glistening teeth and eyes, and their sisters, after two years in the mission schools, demurely and correctly dressed like British school marms. Sierra Leone has all the hall marks of the crown colony of the tropics; good wharfs, clean streets, innumer- able churches, public schools operated by the government as well as many others run by American and English missions, a club where the white "mammies," as all women are called, and the white officers for Sierra 24 THE COASTERS Leone is a coaling station on the Cape route to India, and is garrisoned accordingly play croquet, and bowl into a net. When the officers are not bowling they are tramping into the hinterland after tribes on the warpath from Liberia, and coming back, perhaps wounded or racked with fever, or perhaps they do not come back. On the day we landed they had just buried one of the officers. On Saturday afternoon he had been playing tennis, during the night the fever claimed him, and Sunday night he was dead. That night as we pulled out to the steamer there came toward us in black silhouette against the sun, setting blood-red into the lagoon, two great canoes. They were coming from up the river piled high with fruit and bark, with the women and children lying hud- dled in the high bow and stern, while amid- ships the twelve men at the oars strained and struggled until we saw every muscle rise under the black skin. As their stroke slackened, the man in the bow with the tom-tom beat more savagely upon it, and shouted to them in shrill sharp cries. Their eyes shone, their teeth clenched, 25 THE CONGO AND COASTS OF AFRICA the sweat streamed from their naked bodies. They might have been slaves chained to the thwarts of a trireme. Just ahead of them lay at anchor the only other ship beside our own in port, a two- masted schooner, the Gladys E. Wilden y out of Boston. Her captain leaned upon the rail smoking his cigar, his shirt-sleeves held up with pink elastics, on the back of his head a derby hat. As the rowers passed under his bows he looked critically at the streaming black bodies and spat meditatively into the water. His own father could have had them between decks as cargo. Now for the petro- leum and lumber he brings from Massachu- setts to Sierra Leone he returns in ballast. Because her lines were so home-like and her captain came from Cape Cod, we wanted to call on the Gladys E. Wild en, but our own captain had different views, and the two ships passed in the night, and the man from Boston never will know that two folks from home were burning signals to him. Because our next port of call, Grand Bas- sam, is the chief port of the French Ivory Coast, which is 125,000 square miles in ex- 26 THE COASTERS tent, we expected quite a flourishing seaport. Instead, Grand Bassam was a bank of yellow sand, a dozen bungalows in a line, a few wind- blown cocoanut palms, an iron pier, and a French flag. Beyond the cocoanut palms we could see a great lagoon, and each minute a wave leaped roaring upon the yellow sand- bank and tried to hurl itself across it, eating up the bungalows on its way, into the quiet waters of the lake. Each time we were sure it would succeed, but the yellow bank stood like rock, and, beaten back, the wave would rise in white spray to the height of a three- story house, hang glistening in the sun and then, with the crash of a falling wall, tumble at the feet of the bungalows. We stopped at Grand Bassam to put ashore a young English girl who had come out to join her husband. His factory is a two days* launch ride up the lagoon, and the only other white woman near it does not speak English. Her husband had wished her, for her health's sake, to stay in his home near London, but her first baby had just died, and against his un- selfish wishes, and the advice of his partner, she had at once set out to join him. She was 27 THE CONGO AND COASTS OF AFRICA a very pretty, sad, unsmiling young wife, and she spoke only to ask her husband's partner questions about the new home. His answers, while they did not seem to daunt her, made every one else at the table wish she had re- mained safely in her London suburb. Through our glasses we all watched her husband lowered from the iron pier into a canoe and come riding the great waves to meet her. The Kroo boys flashed their trident-shaped paddles and sang and shouted wildly, but he sat with his sun helmet pulled over his eyes staring down into the bottom of the boat; while at his elbow, another sun helmet told him yes, that now he could make out the partner, and that, judging by the photograph, that must be She in white under the bridge. The husband and the young wife were swung together over the side to the lifting waves in a two-seated "mammy chair," like one of those vis-a-vis swings you see in public playgrounds and picnic groves, and they car- ried with them, as a gift from Captain Burton, a fast melting lump of ice, the last piece of fresh meat they will taste in many a day, and The "Mammy Chair" Is Like Those Swings You See in Public Playgrounds. THE COASTERS the blessings of all the ship's company. And then, with inhospitable haste there was a rat- tle of anchor chains, a quick jangle of bells from the bridge to the engine-room, and the Bruxellesville swept out to sea, leaving the girl from the London suburb to find her way into the heart of Africa. Next morning we anchored in a dripping fog off Sekondi on the Gold Coast, to allow an English doctor to find his way to a fever camp. For nine years he had been a Coaster, and he had just gone home to fit himself, by a winter's vacation in London, for more work along the Gold Coast. It is said of him that he has "never lost a life." On arriving in London he received a cable telling him three doctors had died, the miners along the railroad to Ashanti were rotten with fever, and that he was needed. So he and his wife, as cheery and bright as though she were setting forth on her honey- moon, were going back to take up the white man's burden. We swung them over the side as we had the other two, and that night in the smoking-room the Coasters drank "Luck to him," which, in the vernacular of this un- healthy shore, means "Life to him," and to 29 THE CONGO AND COASTS OF AFRICA the plucky, jolly woman who was going back to fight death with the man who had never lost a life. As the ship was getting under way, a young man in "whites" and a sun helmet, an agent of a trading company, went down the sea ladder by which I was leaning. He was smart, alert; his sleeves, rolled recklessly to his shoulders, showed sinewy, sunburnt arms; his helmet, I noted, was a military one. Per- haps I looked as I felt; that it was a pity to see so good a man go back to such a land, for he looked up at me from the swinging lad- der and smiled understandingly as though we had been old acquaintances. "You going far?" he asked. He spoke in the soft, detached voice of the public-school Englishman. "To the Congo," I answered. He stood swaying with the ship, looking as though there were something he wished to say, and then laughed, and added gravely, giving me the greeting of the Coast: "Luck to you." "Luck to YOU," I said. That is the worst of these gaddings about, 30 THE COASTERS these meetings with men you wish you could know, who pass like a face in the crowded street, who hold out a hand, or give the pass- word of the brotherhood, and then drop down the sea ladder and out of your life forever. II MY BROTHER'S KEEPER TO me, the fact of greatest interest about the Congo is that it is owned, and the twenty millions of people who inhabit it are owned by one man. The land and its people are his private property. I am not trying to say that he governs the Congo. He does govern it, but that in itself would not be of interest. His claim is that he owns it. Though backed by all the mailed fists in the German Empire, and all the Dreadnoughts of the seas, no other modern monarch would make such a claim. It does not sound like anything we have heard since the days and the ways of Pharaoh. And the most re- markable feature of it is, that the man who makes this claim is the man who was placed over the Congo as a guardian, to keep it open to the trade of the world, to suppress slavery. That, in the Congo, he has killed trade and 32 MY BROTHER'S KEEPER made the products of the land his own, that of the natives he did not kill he has made slaves, is what to-day gives the Congo its chief interest. It is well to emphasize how this one man stole a march on fourteen Pow- ers, including the United States, and stole also an empire of one million square miles. Twenty-five years ago all of Africa was divided into many parts. The part which still remained to be distributed among the Powers was that which was watered by the Congo River and its tributaries. Along the north bank of the Congo River ran the French Congo; the Portuguese owned the lands to the south, and on the east it was shut in by protectorates and colonies of Ger- many and England. It was, and is, a terri- tory as large, were Spain and Russia omitted, as Europe. Were a map of the Congo laid upon a map of Europe, with the mouth of the Congo River where France and Spain meet at Biarritz, the boundaries of the Congo would reach south to the heel of Italy, to Greece, to Smyrna; east to Constantinople and Odessa; northeast to St. Petersburg and Finland, and northwest to the extreme limits of Scotland. 33 THE CONGO AND COASTS OF AFRICA Distances in this country are so enormous, the means of progress so primitive, that many of the Belgian officers with whom I came south and who already had travelled nineteen days from Antwerp, had still, before they reached their posts, to steam, paddle, and walk for three months. In 1844 to dispose amicably of this great territory, which was much desired by several of the Powers, a conference was held at Ber- lin. There it was decided to make of the Congo Basin an Independent State, a "free- for-all" country, where every flag could trade with equal right, and with no special tariff or restriction. The General Act of this conference agreed : "The trade of ALL nations shall enjoy com- plete freedom." "No Power which exercises or shall exercise Sovereign rights in the above- mentioned regions shall be allowed to grant therein a monopoly or favor of any kind in matters of trade" "ALL the Powers exercis- ing Sovereign rights or influence in the afore- said territories bind themselves to watch over the preservation of the native tribes, and to care for the improvement of the condition of 34 MY BROTHER'S KEEPER their moral and material welfare, and to help in suppressing slavery" The italics are mine. These quotations from the act are still binding upon the fourteen Powers, including the United States. For several years previous to the Confer- ence of Berlin, Leopold of Belgium, as a pri- vate individual, had shown much interest in the development of the Congo. The opening up of that territory was apparently his hobby. Out of his own pocket he paid for expeditions into the Congo Basin, employed German and English explorers, and protested against the then existing iniquities of the Arabs, who for ivory and slaves raided the Upper Congo. Finally, assisted by many geographical socie- ties, he founded the International Association, to promote " civilization and trade " in Central Africa; and enlisted Henry M. Stanley in this service. That, in the early years, Leopold's interest in the Congo was unselfish may or may not be granted, but, knowing him, as we now know him, as one of the shrewdest and, of speculators, the most unscrupulous, at the time of the Berlin Conference, his self-seeking 35 THE CONGO AND COASTS OF AFRICA may safely be accepted. Quietly, unostenta- tiously, he presented himself to its individual members as a candidate for the post of ad- ministrator of this new territory. On the face of it he seemed an admirable choice. He was a sovereign of a kingdom too unimportant to be feared; of the newly created State he undoubtedly possessed an intimate knowledge. He promised to give to the Dutch, English, and Portuguese traders, already for many years established on the Congo, his heartiest aid, and, for those traders still to come, to maintain the "open door." His professions of a desire to help the natives were profuse. He became the unanimous choice of the conference. Later he announced to the Powers signing the act, that from Belgium he had received the right to assume the title of King of the Independent State of the Congo. The Powers recognized his new title. The fact that Leopold, King of Belgium, was king also of the tat Independant du Congo confused many into thinking that the Free State was a colony, or under the protec- tion, of Belgium. As we have seen, it is not. 36 MY BROTHER'S KEEPER A Belgian may serve in the army of the Free State, or in a civil capacity, as may a man of any nation, but, although with few exceptions only Belgians are employed in the Free State, and although to help the King in the Congo, the Belgian Government has loaned him great sums of money, politically and constitution- ally the two governments are as independent of each other as France and Spain. And so, in 1885, Leopold, by the grace of fourteen governments, was appointed their steward over a great estate in which each of the governments still holds an equal right; a trustee and keeper over twenty millions of "black brothers" whose "moral and material welfare" each government had promised to protect. There is only one thing more remarkable than the fact that Leopold was able to turn this public market into a private park, and that is, that he has been permitted to do so. It is true he is a man of wonderful ability. For his own ends he is a magnificent organizer. But in the fourteen governments that created him there have been, and to-day there are, men, if less unscrupulous, of quite as great 37 THE CONGO AND COASTS OF AFRICA ability; statesmen, jealous and quick to guard the rights of the people they represent, people who since the twelfth century have been trad- ers, who since 1808 have declared slavery abolished. And yet, for twenty-five years these states- men have watched Leopold disobey every pro- vision in the act of the conference. Were they to visit the Congo, they could see for themselves the jungle creeping in and burying their trading posts, their great factories turned into barracks. They know that the blacks they mutually agreed to protect have been reduced to slavery worse than that they suffered from the Arabs, that hundreds of thousands of them have fled from the Congo, and that those that remain have been mutilated, maimed, or, what was more merciful, murdered. And yet the fourteen governments, including the United States, have done nothing. Some tell you they do not interfere because they are jealous one of the other; others say that it is because they believe the Congo will soon be taken over by Belgium, and with Belgium in control, they argue, they would be dealing with a responsible government, 38 MY BROTHER'S KEEPER instead of with a pirate. But so long as Leo- pold is King of Belgium one doubts if Belgians in the Congo would rise above the level of their King. The English, when asked why they do not assert their rights, granted not only to them, but to thirteen other govern- ments, reply that if they did they would be accused of "ulterior motives." What ulterior motives ? If you pursue a pickpocket and recover your watch from him, are your mo- tives in doing so open to suspicion ? Personally, although this is looking some way ahead, I would like to see the English take over and administrate the Congo. Wher- ever I visit a colony governed by Englishmen I find under their administration, in spite of opium in China and gin on the West Coast, that three people are benefited: the English- man, the native, and the foreign trader from any other part of the world. Of the colonies of what other country can one say the same ? As a rule our present governments are not loath to protect their rights. But toward as- serting them in the Congo they have been moved neither by the protests of traders, chambers of commerce, missionaries, the 39 THE CONGO AND COASTS OF AFRICA public press, nor by the cry of the black man to "let my people go." By only those in high places can it be explained. We will leave it as a curious fact, and return to the "Unjust Steward." His first act was to wage wars upon the Arabs. From the Soudan and from the East Coast they were raiding the Congo for slaves and ivory, and he drove them from it. By these wars he accomplished two things. As the defender of the slave, he gained much public credit, and he kept the ivory. But war is expensive, and soon he pointed out to the Powers that to ask him out of his own pocket to maintain armies in the field and to ad- minister a great estate was unfair. He hum- bly sought their permission to levy a few taxes. It seemed a reasonable request. To clear roads, to keep boats upon the great rivers, to mark it with buoys, to maintain wood stations for the steamers, to improve the "moral and material welfare of the natives," would cost money, and to allow Leopold to bring about these improvements, which would be for the good of all, he was permitted to levy the few taxes. That was twenty years ago; to-day I 40 MY BROTHER'S KEEPER saw none of these improvements, and the taxes have increased. From the first they were so heavy that the great trade houses, which for one hundred years in peace and mutual goodwill bartered with the natives, found themselves ruined. It was not alone the export taxes, lighterage dues, port dues, and personal taxes that drove them out of the Congo; it was the King appearing against them as a rival trader, the man ap- pointed to maintain the "open door." And a trader with methods they could not or would not imitate. Leopold, or the " State," saw for the existence of the Congo only two reasons: Rubber and Ivory. And the collecting of this rubber and ivory was, as he saw it, the sole duty of the State and its officers. When he threw over the part of trustee and became the Arab raider he could not waste his time, which, he had good reason to fear, might be short, upon products that, if fostered, would be of value only in later years. Still less time had he to give to improvements that cost money and that would be of benefit to his successors. He wanted only rubber; he wanted it at once, and he cared not at all how 41 THE CONGO AND COASTS OF AFRICA he obtained it. So he spun, and still spins, the greatest of all "get-rich-quick" schemes; one of gigantic proportions, full of tragic, monstrous, nauseous details. The only possible way to obtain rubber is through the native; as yet, in teeming forests, the white man can not work and live. Of even Chinese coolies imported here to build a railroad ninety per cent. died. So, with a stroke of the pen, Leopold declared all the rubber in the country the property of the "State," and then, to make sure that the na- tives would work it, ordered that taxes be paid in rubber. If, once a month (in order to keep the natives steadily at work the taxes were ordered to be paid each month instead of once a year), each village did not bring in so many baskets of rubber the King's cannibal soldiers raided it, carried off the women as hostages, and made prisoners of the men, or killed and ate them. For every kilo of rubber brought in in excess of the quota the King's agent, who received the collected rubber and forwarded it down the river, was paid a com- mission. Or was "paid by results." Another bonus was given him based on the price at 42 I & MY BROTHER'S KEEPER which he obtained the rubber. If he paid the native only six cents for every two pounds, he received a bonus of three cents, the cost to the State being but nine cents per kilo, but, if he paid the natives twelve cents for every two pounds, he received as a bonus less than one cent. In a word, the more rubber the agent collected the more he personally benefited, and if he obtained it "cheaply" or for nothing that is, by taking hostages, making prisoners, by the whip of hippopotamus hide, by torture so much greater his fortune, so much richer Leopold. Few schemes devised have been more cynical, more devilish, more cunningly de- signed to incite a man to cruelty and abuse. To dishonesty it was an invitation and a re- ward. It was this system of "payment by results," evolved by Leopold sooner than allow his agents a fixed and sufficient wage, that led to the atrocities. One result of this system was that in seven years the natives condemned to slavery in the rubber forests brought in rubber to the amount of fifty-five millions of dollars. But its chief results were the destruction of entire villages, 43 THE CONGO AND COASTS OF AFRICA the flight from their homes in the Congo of hundreds of thousands of natives, and for those that remained misery, death, the most brutal tortures and degradations, unprintable, unthinkable. I am not going to enter into the question of the atrocities. In the Congo the tip has been given out from those higher up at Brussels to "close up" the atrocities; and for the present the evil places in the Tenderloin and along the Broadway of the Congo are tightly shut. But at those lonely posts, distant a month to three months' march from the capital, the cruelties still continue. I did not see them. Neither, last year, did a great many people in the United States see the massacre of blacks in Atlanta. But they have reason to believe it occurred. And after one has talked with the men and women who have seen the atrocities, has seen in the official reports that those ac- cused of the atrocities do not deny having committed them, but point out that they were merely obeying orders, and after one has seen that even at the capital of Boma all the condi- tions of slavery exist, one is assured that in the jungle, away from the sight of men, all 44 MY BROTHER'S KEEPER things arc possible. Merchants, missionaries, and officials even in Leopold's service told me that if one could spare a year and a half, or a year, to the work in the hinterland he would be an eye-witness of as cruel treatment of the natives as any that has gone before, and if I can trust myself to weigh testimony and can believe my eyes and ears I have reason to know that what they say is true. I am con- vinced that to-day a man, who feels that a year and a half is little enough to give to the aid of twenty millions of human beings, can accomplish in the Congo as great and good work as that of the Abolitionists. Three years ago atrocities here were open and above-board. For instance. In the opin- ion of the State the soldiers, in killing game for food, wasted the State cartridges, and in consequence the soldiers, to show their officers that they did not expend the cartridges ex- travagantly on antelope and wild boar, for each empty cartridge brought in a human hand, the hand of a man, woman, or child. These hands, drying in the sun, could be seen at the posts along the river. They are no longer in evidence. Neither is the flower-bed 45 THE CONGO AND COASTS OF AFRICA of Lieutenant Dom, which was bordered with human skulls. A quaint conceit. The man to blame for the atrocities, for each separate atrocity, is Leopold. Had he shaken his head they would have ceased. When the hue and cry in Europe grew too hot for him and he held up his hand they did cease. At least along the main waterways. Years before he could have stopped them. But these were the seven fallow years, when millions of tons of red rubber were being dumped upon the wharf at Antwerp; little, roughly rolled red balls, like pellets of coagu- lated blood, which had cost their weight in blood, which would pay Leopold their weight in gold. He can not plead ignorance. Of all that goes on in his big plantation no man has a better knowledge. Without their personal honesty, he follows every detail of the "busi- ness" of his rubber farm with the same dili- gence that made rich men of George Boldt and Marshall Field. Leopold's knowledge is gained through many spies, by voluminous reports, by following up the expenditure of each centime, of each arm's-length of blue 46 MY BROTHER'S KEEPER cloth. Of every Belgian employed on his farm, and ninety-five per cent, are Belgians, he holds the dossier; he knows how many kilos a month the agent whips out of his vil- lages, how many bottles of absinthe he smug- gles from the French side, whether he lives with one black woman or five, why his white wife in Belgium left him, why he left Belgium, why he dare not return. The agent knows that Leopold, King of the Belgians, knows, and that he has shared that knowl- edge with the agent's employer, the man who by bribes of rich bonuses incites him to crime, the man who could throw him into a Belgian jail, Leopold, King of the Congo. The agent decides for him it is best to please both Leopolds, and Leopold makes no secret of what best pleases him. For not only is he responsible for the atrocities, in that he does not try to suppress them, but he is doubly guilty in that he has encouraged them. This he has done with cynical, callous publicity, without effort at concealment, without shame. Men who, in obtaining rubber, committed un- speakable crimes, the memory of which makes other men uncomfortable in their presence, 47 THE CONGO AND COASTS OF AFRICA Leopold rewarded with rich bonuses, pensions, higher office, gilt badges of shame, and rapid advancement. To those whom even his own judges sentenced to many years' imprison- ment he promptly granted the royal pardon, promoted, and sent back to work in the vine- yard. "That is the sort of man for me" his action seemed to say. "See how I value that good and faithful servant. That man collected much rubber. You observe I do not ask how he got it. I will not ask you. All you need do is to collect rubber. Use our improved methods. Gum copal rubbed in the kinky hair of the chief and then set on fire burns, so my agents tell me, like vitriol. For col- lecting rubber the chief is no longer valuable, but to his successor it is an object-lesson. Let me recommend also the chicotte, the tort- ure tower, the * hostage' house, and the crucifix. Many other stimulants to labor will no doubt suggest themselves to you and to your cannibal 'sentries.' Help to make me rich, and don't fear the ' State.' 'L'Etat, cest moi!' Go as far as you like!" I said the degradations and tortures prac- 48 MY BROTHER'S KEEPER tised by the men "working on commission" for Leopold are unprintable, but they have been printed, and those who wish to read a calmly compiled, careful, and correct record of their deeds will find it in the "Red Rubber" of Mr. E. R. Morel. An even better book by - the same authority, on the whole history of the State, is his "King Leopold's Rule in the Congo." Mr. Morel has many enemies. So, early in the nineteenth century, had the Eng- lish Abolitionists, Wilberforce and Granville Sharp. After they were dead they were buried in the Abbey, and their portraits were placed in the National Gallery. People who wish to assist in freeing twenty millions of human beings should to-day support Mr. Morel. It will be of more service to the blacks than, after he is dead, burying him in Westminster Abbey. Mr. Morel, the American and English missionaries, and the English Consul, Roger Casement, and other men, in Belgium, have made a magnificent fight against Leopold; but the Powers to whom they have appealed have been silent. Taking courage of this silence, Leopold has divided the Congo into 49 THE CONGO AND COASTS OF AFRICA several great territories in which the sole right to work rubber is conceded to certain persons. To those who protested that no one in the Congo "Free" State but the King could trade in rubber, Leopold, as an answer, pointed with pride at the pre- serves of these foreigners. And he may well point at them with pride, for in some of those companies he owns a third, and in most of them he holds a half, or a controlling interest. The directors of the foreign companies are his cronies, members of his royal household, his brokers, bankers. You have only to read the names published in the lists of the Brussels Stock Exchange to see that these "trading companies," under different aliases, are Leo- pold. Having, then, "conceded'* the greater part of the Congo to himself, Leopold set aside the best part of it, so far as rubber is con- cerned, as a Domaine Prive. Officially the re- ceipts of this pay for running the government, and for schools, roads and wharfs, for which taxes were levied, but for which, after twenty years, one looks in vain. Leopold claims that through the Congo he is out of pocket; that this carrying the banner of civilization in 5 MY BROTHER'S KEEPER Africa does not pay. Through his press bureaus he tells that his sympathy for his black brother, his desire to see the commerce of the world busy along the Congo, alone pre- vents him giving up what is for him a losing business. There are several answers to this. One is that in the Kasai Company alone Leo- pold owns 2,010 shares of stock. Worth orig- inally $50 a share, the value of each share rose to $3,100, making at one time his total shares worth $5,421,000. In the A. B. I. R. Concession he owns 1,000 shares, origi- nally worth $100 each, later worth $940. In the "vintage year" of 1900 each of these shares was worth $5,050, and the 1,000 shares thus rose to the value of $5,050,000. These are only two companies. In most of the others half the shares are owned by the King. As published in the "State Bulletin," the money received in eight years for rubber and ivory gathered in the Domaine Prive differs from the amount given for it in the market at Antwerp. The official estimates show a loss to the government. The actual sales show that the government, over and above its own 51 THE CONGO AND COASTS OF AFRICA estimate of its expenses, instead of losing, made from the Domaine Prive alone $ 10,000,- ooo. We are left wondering to whom went that unaccounted-for $10,000,000. Certainly the King would not take it, for, to reimburse himself for his efforts, he early in the game reserved for himself another tract of territory known as the Domaine de la Couronne. For years he denied that this existed. He knew nothing of Crown Lands. But, at last, in the Belgian Chamber, it was publicly charged that for years from this private source, which he had said did not exist, Leopold had been drawing an income of $15,000,000. Since then the truth of this statement has been denied, but at the time in the Chamber it was not contradicted. To-day, grown insolent by the apathy of the Powers, Leopold finds disguising himself as a company, as a laborer worthy of his hire, irksome. He now decrees that as " Sovereign " over the Congo all of the Congo belongs to him. It is as much his property as is a phea- sant drive, as is a staked-out mining claim, as your hat is your property. And the twenty millions of people who inhabit it are there only 52 % o H a s .a PH 3 ll -2 .2 a* d x o -3 U ^ tn