JS 4-9 B7 Publication No. 3 City Club of Chicago List of Titles on Municipal Government With Special Reference to City Charters and to Local Conditions in Chicago Compiled by Charles Harvey Brown Reference Librarian, The John Crerar Library List of Titles on Municipal Government With Special Reference to City Charters and to Local Conditions in Chicago Prepared at the Request of the City Club of Chicago for the Chicago Charter Convention By Charles Harvey Brown Reference Librarian, The John Crerar Library Chicago, 111., March i, 1906 City Club of Chicago CHICAGO CHARTER CONVENTION STANDING COMMITTEES Municipal Elections, Appointments and Tenure of Office. Municipal, Executive and Departmental Organization. Municipal Legislature. Municipal Courts. Municipal Taxation and Revenues. Municipal Expenditures and Accounting. Relations of the Municipality to Other Organizations and Public Authorities. Public Education. Public Utilities. Penal, Charitable and Reformatory Institutions. Municipal Parks and Public Grounds. Law Committee. Rivers and Harbors. Rules, Procedure and General Plan. PREFACE In view of the recent favorable decision of the Supreme Court of Illinois on the charter amendment, and the organization of the Chicago Charter Convention, it is certain that the structure of municipal government will be very seriously considered during the coming year. There is, however, no convenient list of the most important sources of information bearing on these problems now of such great interest. The bibliography here pre- sented does not purport to cover all of the books upon municipal govern- ment, but includes merely a selected list of such material as particularly bears upon the structure of city government. It includes the charters of all the most important American cities and recent charters of a number of comparatively small cities, the most valuable treatises on municipal gov- ernment and a number of special reports or investigations of city prob- lems. By no means all of the existing works are cited here, but it is believed that the most important and reliable have been included. It is hoped that this list may be of service to those interested in improving the structure of the local government or governments. JOSEPH W. HINER CHARLES EDWARD MERRIAM AKSEL G. S. JOSEPHSON Library Committee This list was compiled solely with reference to the requirements of the Chicago Charter Convention, hence certain subjects of importance in Chi- cago at the present time have been emphasized, while topics of perhaps greater interest elsewhere have not been so fully treated. The classifica- tion was determined by the organization of the convention into committees. No attempt has been made to give full bibliographical details in collation, but the main pagination has been indicated in all cases. The initials in the margin denote the libraries in which the titles may be found ; the list 183226 having been compared with the catalogues of the University of Chicago, the John Crerar, the Chicago Public, and the City Club of Chicago libraries. The resources of no one of the libraries has by any means been exhausted, however. The Municipal Library has a representative col- lection of city charters, but lack of time prevented any attempt to check these, except in so far as they are not in other libraries in the vicinity. The Law Institute Library and the University of Chicago Law Library have valuable collections of state and city codes, session laws and legal text-books, all of which contain material of use to the student of city government. Few administrative reports of the various cities have been given, although many of them are of value. The municipal registers of the larger cities, which usually contain the city charters, should also be con- sulted. As a general rule titles in foreign languages have been omitted. Whenever necessary, titles have been entered under both the name of the city and the specific subject, except in the case of Chicago. The compiler is under great obligation to Professor Charles Edward Merriam, of the De- partment of Political Science of the University of Chicago, who has care- fully revised the list, and who has been largely instrumental in deter- mining its scope and selection. This list, in somewhat extended form, is to be submitted to the N. Y. State Library School in partial fulfillment of its requirements for graduation. The following are the abbreviations used for the various libraries : C. Chicago Public Library, Washington street, Michigan avenue and Randolph street. Ci. City Club of Chicago, 228 South Clark street. /. The John Crerar Library, Marshall Field Building, 87 Wabash avenue. Z. Chicago Law Institute, sixteenth floor, 134 Monroe street. M. Bureau of Statistics and Municipal Library, Room 206, City Hall. U. University of Chicago Library, Press and Law Buildings, Ellis avenue and Fifty-eighth street. CONTENTS PAGE General Works and TT S - _ Australia Canada Cuba France Germany Great Britain Japan New Zealand Sweden SPECIAL TOPICS Charities, Juvenile Court, Prisons -- 15 Civic Aesthetics, Parks, Playgrounds 16 Education --_ 17 Elections 18 Engineering, Sanitation, Public Health, Streets 1 8 Finance, Taxation, Accounting - 19 Housing 2 1 Legislature, Mayor - - 22 Police - 22 Relations to State - - 23 Public Utilities, Municipal Ownership ------- 24 Electricity, Gas, Lighting Transportation Telephones Water Works Individual States ----- 30 Connecticut New York Illinois Ohio Indiana Pennsylvania Massachusetts Wisconsin Michigan Individual Cities - Baltimore New York Boston Olympia Buffalo Omaha Cleveland Philadelphia Denver Portland Detroit Providence Grand Rapids St. Joseph Kansas City St. Louis Los Angeles St Paul Manila San Francisco Milwaukee Seattle Minneapolis Washington New Haven 33 39 General Housing Charters, Ordinances Parks, Playgrounds Proposed Charters Police Charities Saloons Civil Service Sanitation, Public Health Education, Libraries Streets Finances, Taxation, Accounts Transportation Gas, Electricity, Lighting Tunnels Harbors, River Tunnels Water Works BIBLIOGRAPHY. C. Chicago Public Library; Cl. City Club Library; J. John Crerar Library; L. Library of the Law Institute; M. Municipal Library; U. Library of the University of Chicago. The sign + denotes a current publication, of which the library has a complete file from the year or vol. preceding the sign. C.C1. Brooks, Robert C. A bibliography of municipal problems and city J.U. conditions. 2nd ed. N. Y., Reform Club, 1901. 346 p. (Municipal .affairs, vol. 5, no. 1. March, 1901.) $1.50. Supplemented by quarterly lists in Municipal Affairs, 1901-2. The best yet published. J. Detroit Public Library. Municipal affairs. Books and articles in the Detroit Public Library. 1902. Detroit, 1902. 44 p. Useful mainly as a check list. PERIODICALS, SERIALS. CJ.U. American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals. With Cl. supplements. Phil., 1890+. Vol. 1+. $6 per year. Bi-monthly. CJ.U. American Economic Association. Economic Studies. With sup- plements. N. Y., 1896-99. 4 vols. $2.50 per year. Bi-monthly. CJ.U. American Economic Association. Publications. N. Y., 1886-K Vol. 1-f- $4 per year. Quarterly. CJ.U. American Journal of Sociology. Chicago, 1895-f. Vol. 1-f. $2 per year. Bi-monthly. J.M. Canadian Municipal Journal. Devoted to the interests of munici- palities in all Canada. Montreal, 1905-f . Vol. 1-f. $1 per year. Monthly. CJ. Charities. A weekly review of local and general philanthropy. U.(7+) N. Y., 1901-f. Vol. 6-f. $2 per year. Absorbed The Commons, Nov. 4, 1905. J.U. Chicago University. Studies in political science. Chicago, 1894-f. No. 1+. Published irregularly. J.U. Columbia University. Studies in history, economics and public law, edited by the Faculty of Political Science of Columbia Uni- versity. N. Y., 1891-f . Vol. 1-f. Published irregularly. J. Commons. A monthly record devoted to aspects of life and labor U.(2+) from the social settlement point of view. With supplements. Chicago, 1896-1905. 10 vols. $1 per vol. United with Charities, Nov. 4, 1905. J.U. Conference for Good City Government. Proceedings. Phil., C.C1. 1894-f. No. 1-f. $1 per year. Published annually. CJ.U. Johns Hopkins University. Studies in historical and political sci- ence. Baltimore, 1883+. Vol. 1-f. $3 per year. Monthly. CJ.U. Johns Hopkins University. Studies in historical and political sci- ence. Extra vols. Baltimore, 1886-f . Vol. 1-f. Published irregu- larly. 7 CJ.U. Journal of Political Economy. Chicago, 1893+. Vol. 1+. $3 per year. Monthly. J.U. League of American Municipalities. Bulletin. Des Moines, Iowa. 1902+. Vol. 1-f. $1 per year. Monthly. C.(3+) League of American Municipalities. Proceedings. Des Moines, J.(4+) Iowa, 1899+. No. 3+. J. Michigan Political Science Association. Publications. Ann Arbor, U.(2+) 1893+. Vol. 1+. Published irregularly. CJ.U. Municipal Affairs. A quarterly magazine devoted to the consid- eration of city problems from the standpoint of the taxpayer and citizen. N. Y., Reform Club, 1897-1902. 6 vols. $2 per year. Quarterly. J. Municipal Engineering. A monthly magazine devoted to the im- C.(3+) provement of cities. Indianapolis, 1890+. Vol. 1+. $2 per year. J.1901+ Municipal Journal and Engineer. An international magazine de- U. voted to municipal affairs and allied interests. N. Y., 1899+. Vol. 6+. Weekly. $3 per year. Absorbed Municipal News, Jan. 1, 1906. J. Municipal Journal. Lond., 1893+. Vol. 1+. 9s 6d per year. U (7+) C.Cl.J.U.National Municipal League. Proceedings of the annual meeting. (Conference for Good City Government. Proceedings, No. 3+. Philadelphia, 1895+) . C1J.U. New York State Library, Year book of legislation. Albany, Uni- versity of the state of New York. 1891+. Vol. 1+. $1 per year. At present published in 3 parts: Digest of Governor's messages, Summary and index of legislation, Review of legislation. The latter contains Local government by D. F. Wilcox, Local finance by F. R. Clow, Municipal functions by J. A. Fairlie. Of great value. J.U. Pennsylvania University. Publications. Political economy and public law series. Philadelphia, 1885+. No. 1+. Published irregu- larly. CJ.U. Political Science Quarterly. A review devoted to the historical, statistical, and comparative study of politics, economics, and public law. Edited by the Faculty of Political Science of Columbia University. N. Y., 1886+. Vol. 1+. $3 per year. Quarterly. CJ.U. Quarterly Journal of Economics. Published for Harvard Uni- versity. Boston, 1887+. Vol. 1+. $3 per year. CJ.U. U. S. Bureau of Labor. Bulletin. Wash., 1895+. No. 1+. Monthly. CJ.U. U. S. Bureau of the Census. .Bulletin. Wash., 1903+. No. 1+. Published irregularly. CJ.U. Wisconsin University. Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin. Economics, political science, and history series. Madison, Wis., 1894-1899. 2 vols. Published irregularly. Contnued in two series: Economics and political science series; History series. CJ.U. Yale Review. A quarterly journal for the scientific discussion of economic, political, and social questions. New Haven, Conn., 1893+. Vol. 1+. $3 per year. Continued from New Englander and Yale Review. 8 GENERAL WORKS AND UNITED STATES. Cl.U. Abbott, Howard S. A treatise on the law of municipal corpora- tions. In 3 vols. St. Paul, Keefe-Davidson, 1905. $18. Vol. 3 not yet published. (Feb. 1, 1906.) C.ClJ.U.Addams, Jane. Problems of municipal administration. (Ameri- can Journal of Sociology, Jan., 1905. 10: 425-44). L.U. Beach, Charles F., jr. Law of public corporations. Indianapolis, Bowen-Merrill, 1893. 2 vols. $12. CJ.U. Bemis, Edward W. Local government in the South and South- west. (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science. Nov.-Dec., 1893. 11: 459-546). CJ.U. Bradford, Gamaliel. The lesson of popular government. N. Y., Macmillan, 1899. 2 vols. $4. A review of popular government in the United States, Great Britain, and France. Chap. 24-25: City government Chap. 33: The executive in the city. Gives plan of a charter with detailed discussion. C.Cl.J.U.Bryce, James. The American Commonwealth. Lond., Macmillan, 1888. 2 vols. $4. Vol. 1; chap. 48: Local govt. 49: Rural local govt. 50: The government of cities. 51: The working of city governments. 52: An American view of govern- ment in the U. S. Vol. 2, 88: The Tammany ring in N. Y. City. 89: The Phila- delphia gas ring. U. Dillon, John F. Commentaries on the law of municipal corpora- tions. 4th ed. Bost., Little, Brown, 1890. 2 vols. $12. A reprint of this ed. was made in 1902. CJ.U. Eaton, Dorman B. The government of municipalities. N. Y., Macmillan, 1899. 498 p. $4. From standpoint of civil service reform. J.U. Elliott, Charles B. The principles of the law of public corpora- tions. Chicago, Callaghan, 1898. 364 p. $4. C.C1. J.U.Ely, Richard T. The coming city. N. Y., Crowell, 1902. 110 p. 60 cts. C.ClJ.U.Fairlie, John A. Municipal administration. N. Y., Macmillan, 1901. 448 p. $3. Pt. 1: Municipal history. Pt. 2: Municipal activities. Pt . 3: Municipal finan- ces. Pt. 4: Municipal organization. C.ClJ.U.Fairlie, John A. The problems of city government from the ad- ministrative point of view. (Amer. Acad. of Polit. and Social Science. Annals. Jan., 1906. 27: 132-54). C.ClJ.U.Ford, Henry J. Principles of municipal organization. (Amer. Acad. of Polit. and Social Science. Annals. March, 1904. 23: 195-222). C.Cl.J.U.Goodnow, Frank J. City government in the United States. N. Y., Century Co., 1904. 315 p. $1.25. The best treatise on the structure of city government. CJ.U. Goodnow, Frank J. Comparative administrative law. N. Y., Put- nam, 1893. 2 vols. $5. "Local administration," U. S., Great Britain, France, Germany, 1: 162-338. CJ.U. Goodnow, Frank J. Municipal home rule. A study in administra- tion. N. Y., Macmillan, 1897. 283 p. $1.50. C.Cl.J.U.Goodnow, Frank J. Municipal problems. N. Y., Macmillan, 1897. 321 p. $1. 9 C.C1J. Howe, Frederic C. The city, the hope of democracy. N. Y., Scrib- U. ner, 1905. 319 p. $1.50 net. "Attempt at the economic interpretation of the city." Pref. Advocates municipal ownership. C.J.U. James, Edmund J. The elements of a model charter for American cities. (Conference for good city government. 1894. 2: 154-73). C.J.U. Lalor, John J., ed. Cyclopaedia of political science, political econ- omy, and of the political history of the United States, by the best American and European writers. N. Y., Maynard, Merrill & Co., 1895. 3 vols. $15. First published 1881. Reprint 1904. J.L.U. McQuillin, Eugene. A treatise on the law of municipal ordinances. Chicago, Callaghan, 1904. 1031 p. $6. C.J.U. MacVeagh, Franklin. A programme of municipal reform. (Ameri- can Journal of Sociology. March, 1896. 1: 551-63). J.U. Michigan Political Science Association. Papers and discussions on municipal problems. 204 p. (Michigan Political Science Asso- ciation. Publications. March, 1904. Vol. 5, No. 4). $1. Contents: Municipal ownership, League of municipalities, Municipal legislation, Municipal public works. Wilcox, D. F. Municipal home rule, city charters framed by municipal con- ventions; p. 97-108. Swarthout, Elvin. Some requisites of a good city charter; p. 182-204. C.C1. J.U. Municipal Year Book. Giving the population, assessed valuation, principal officials, and ownership of public utilities; also informa- tion regarding the water supply, sewerage, street cleaning, street sprinkling, garbage, fire, and underground electric service in all the incorporated places in the United States, and in all the New England towns of 3,000 population and upwards by the census of 1900. N. Y., 1902. $3. Ed. by M. N. Baker. C.Cl.J.U.National Municipal League. A municipal program. Report of a committee of the National Municipal League, adopted by the League November 17, 1899, together with explanatory and other papers. N. Y., 1900. 246 p. $1. Contents: Fairlie, J. A. Municipal development in the United States. Deming, H. E. The municipal problem in the United States. Shaw, A. The city in the United States the proper scope of its activities. Goodnow, F. J. The place of the council and of the mayor in the organization of municipal government the necessity of distinguishing legislation from administration. Rowe, L. S. Public accounting under the proposed municipal program. Coler, B. S. The power to incur indebtedness under the proposed municipal program. Richardson, C. Muni- cipal franchises. Goodnow, F. J. Political parties and city government under the proposed municipal program. Deming, H. E. Public opinion and city govern- ment under the proposed municipal program. Rowe, L. S. A summary of the pro- gram. Proposed constitutional amendments. Proposed municipal corporations act. Wilcox, D. F. An examination of the proposed municipal program. Also, in somewhat different form, in Conference for Good City Govt. Proceed- ings. 1898-1900. C.J.U. N. Y. (State) Legislature. .Tilden Commission. Report on munici- pal government. (Reprinted in Municipal Affairs, Sept., 1899. 3: 434-54). Wm. M. Evarts, chairman. Report made 1877. Favors home rule and inde- pendence of municipal politics. 10 C.Cl.J.U.Parsons, Frank. The city for the people; or, the municipaliza- tion of the city government and of local franchises. Phil., Taylor, 1901. 704 p. $1. "Home rule for cities," p. 387-468. Favors municipal ownership. C.Cl.J.U.Steffens, Lincoln. The shame of the cities. N. Y., McClure, Phillips, 1904. 306 p. $1.20 net. "Reprinted from McClure's Magazine." Contents. Introduction; and some conclusions. Tweed days in St. Louis. The shame of Minneapolis. The shamelessness of St. Louis. Pittsburg: a city ashamed. Philadelphia: corrupt and contented. Chicago: half free and fighting on. New York: good government to the test. C.C1J.U.U. S. Bureau of the Census. Census reports. Twelfth census of the United States, taken in the year 1900. Washington, 1901-02. 10 v. Contents. v. i-ii. Population. v. iii-iv. Vital statistics. v. v-vi. Agriculture. v. vii-x. Manufactures. Supplemented by special reports and bulletins. CJ.U. U. S. Bureau of the Census. Statistics of cities having a popula- tion of over 25,000, 1902 and 1903. 481 p. (U. S. Bureau of the Census. Bulletin 20, 1905). Gives comparisons in detail for various subjects, such as finances, street rail- ways, municipal industries, etc. C1J.U. Weber, Adna F. The growth of cities in the i9th century; a study in statistics. 495 p. (Columbia University. Studies in history, economics, and public law, 1899. Vol. 11). $3.50. C.C1. J.U.Weber, Adna F. The significance of recent city growth; the era of small industrial centres. (Amer. Acad. of Polit. and Social Science. Annals. March, 1904. 23: 223-36). C.Cl.J.U.Whinery, Samuel. Municipal public works; their inception, con- struction, and management. N. Y., Macmillan, 1903. 241 p. $1.50 net. C.Cl.J.U.Wilcox, Delos F. The American City: a problem in democracy. N. Y., Macmillan, 1904. 423 p. $1.25 net. Cl.J.U. Wilcox, Delos F. The municipal program. (Chicago Conference for Good City Government. Proceedings. 1904. 12: 181-90). Contains statement of use made of the municipal program. C.Cl.J.U.Wilcox, Delos F. The study of city government. An outline of the problems of municipal functions, control, and organization. N. Y., Macmillan, 1897. 268 p. $1.50. C.J.U. Wilson, Woodrow. The state. Elements of historical and prac- tical politics. A sketch of institutional history and administration. Boston, Heath, 1895. 686 p. $2. Considerable attention is given to local government. C.J.U. Woodruff, Clinton R. An American municipal program. (Political Science Quarterly, March, 1903. 18: 47-58). C.Cl.J.U.Zueblin, Charles. American municipal progress; chapters in muni- cipal sociology. N. Y., Macmillan, 1902. 380 p. $1.25 net. Contents. Introduction : municipal sociology. Transportation. Public works. Sanitation. Public schools. Public libraries. Public buildings. Parks and bou- levards. Public recreation. Public control, ownership, and operation. Cl.J.U. Zueblin, Charles. A decade of civic development. Chicago Uni- versity of Chicago Press, 1905. 188 p. $1.25. 11 FOREIGN COUNTRIES. C.C1. J.U.Shaw, Albert. Municipal government in continental Europe. Lon- don, Unwin, 1897. 505 p. $2. Appendix 1, The budget of Paris. Appendix 2, Condensed budget of Berlin. Appendix 3, The French municipal code. Australia. C.C1J.U. Gelling, B. R. The municipal institutions of Australia; with special reference to conditions in New South Wales. (Amer. Acad. of Polit. and Social Science. Annals, March, 1904. 23: 255-67). Cl. New Zealand. Parliament. General Assembly. Municipal corpo- rations. Wellington, 1900. 110 p. Canada. Cl. Ontario, Canada. Legislative Assembly. Consolidated municipal act. Toronto, 1903. 430 p. Cl. Ontario, Canada. Legislative Assembly. Select Committee. Mu- nicipal trading and municipal ownership or operation of public utilities. Toronto, Cameron, 1903. 246 p. J.U. Shortt, Adam. Municipal government in Ontario, by Adam Shortt. Municipal organization in Ontario, by K. W. McKay, Bibliogra- phy of Canadian municipal government by S. Morley Wickett. (University of Toronto Studies. History and Economics. Vol. 2, no. 2, 70 p.) CJ.U. Wickett, S. Morley. City government in Canada. (Political Science Quarterly, June, 1900. 15: 240-59). Cuba. C.Cl.J.U.Rowe, Leo S. The reorganization of local government in Cuba. (Amer. Acad. of Polit. and Social Science. Annals, March, 1905. 25: 311-21). France. CJ.U. Block, Maurice. Dictionnaire de 1'administration franchise. Qua- trieme edition. Paris, Berger-Levrault & cie, 1898. 2342 p. F. 37.50. J.U. Dubois, Louis Paul. Essai sur les finances communales. Paris, Perrin, 1898. 306 p. F. 3.50. CJ.U. Rowe, L. S. The socialistic municipalities of northern France. (Yale Review, Feb., 1899. 7: 363-74). Paris. J.U. Cadoux, Gaston. Les finances de la ville de Paris de 1798 a 1900. Suivies d'un essai de statistique comparative des charges commu- nales des principales villes francaises et etrangeres, de 1878 a 1898. Paris, Berger-Levrault, 1900. 821 p. F. 15. "Probably the most extensive and elaborate study which has yet been made concerning the finances of any city." E. Dana Durand. J.U. Gessen, Rene. Organization municipale de Paris; projets de re- forme. Paris, Giard & Briere, 1904. 172 p. J.U. Seine, Departement. Direction des affaires municipales. Annuaire statistique de la ville de Paris. Paris, Masson, 1881-f. Vol. 1-f-. F. 6, for 1902. 12 Germany. CJ.U. Brooks, Robert C. The three-class election system in Prussian cities. (Municipal Affairs, Sept., 1899. 3: 396-433). CJ.U. Goodnow, Frank J. Local government in Prussia. (Political Science Quarterly, Dec., 1889 March, 1890. 4: 648-66; 5: 124-58). CJ.U. James, Edmund J. City administration in Germany. (American Journal of Sociology, July, 1901. 7: 29-52). U. Leidig, Eugene. Das preussische Stadtrecht Die Verfassung und Verwaltung der preussischen Stadte, systematisch dargestellt. Berlin, Siemenroth und Worms, 1891. 552 p. M. 7. CJ.U. Woodhead, Howard. The first German Municipal Exposition, held in Dresden in 1903. Chicago, University of Chicago, 1904. 84 p. "Reprinted from the American journal of sociology, vol. ix, nos. 4, 5, 6, and vol. x, no. 1, January, March, May, and July 1904." J. Wuttke, Robert, ed. Die deutschen Stadte, geschildert nach den Ergebnissen der ersten Deutschen Stadteattsstellung zu Dresden 1903. Leipzig, F. Brandstetter, 1904. 2 vols. M. 30. Berlin. CJ.U. Brooks, Robert C. Berlin's tax problem. (Political Science Quar- terly, Dec., 1905. 20: 665-95). CJ.U. Brooks, Robert C. The municipal gas works of Berlin. (Yale Re- view, Feb., 1906. 14: 361-73). CJ.U. James, Edmund J. The City Council of Berlin. (American Jour- nal of Sociology, Nov., 1900. 6: 407-15). CJ.U. James, Edmund J. Street railway franchises in the city of Berlin. (Journal of Political Economy, March, 1901. 9: 260-71). Halle. J.U. James, Edmund J. Municipal administration in Germany as seen in the government of a typical Prussian city, Halle a/S. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1901. 93 p. (Chicago. University. Studies in Political Science). Appeared originally in briefer form in Amer. Acad. of Polit. and Social Science, May, 1900. 15: 313-54. Great Britain. CJ.U. Blunden, G. H. British local finance. (Political Science Quarterly, March-June, 1894. 9: 78-107, 268-302). J.U. The County Councils, municipal corporations, urban district, rural district, and parish councils companion, magesterial directory, poor- law authorities and local government year book. London, Kelly, 1897+. No. 21+. 10s. 6d. Edited by Sir J. R. Somers Vine. CJ.U. Dolman, Frederick L. Municipalities at work. The municipal policy of six great towns and its influence on their social welfare. Lon- don, Methuen, 1895. 143 p. 2s. 6d. Contents. 1. Birmingham. 2. Manchester. 3. Liverpool. 4. Glasgow. 5. Bradford. 6. Leeds. Conclusion. Appendices: 1. The municipalities and labour. 2. Comparative statistics. J.U. Gomme, George L. Lectures on the principles of local government. Delivered at the London school of Economics, 1897. Westmin- ster, Constable, 1897. 267 p. 12s. "With special reference to England." 13 J.( 1897+) Great Britain. Local Government Board. Annual report. Lon- U. don, 1872+. The reports of the Board on Local Taxation also give valuable information. J. Great Britain. Local Government Board. Municipal corporation? (reproductive undertakings). Return of the reproductive under takings carried on by municipal boroughs, brought up to the 31st day of March, 1902. London, 1902. 141 p. (Great Britain. Par- liament. Sessional papers, 1902. 398.) J. Great Britain Parliament. Report from the joint select committee on municipal trading. London, 1903. 462 p. (Gt. Brit. Parlia- ment. H. of C. Reports, 270.) 4s. Also in H. of L. Reports. 172. Report of a similar joint committee on municipal trading was made in 1900. CJ.U. Hartshorne, Charles H. The management of English towns. (Po- litical Science Quarterly. March, 1906. 21: 91-110.) CJ.U. Howe, Frederic C. Municipal ownership in Great Britain. (U. S. Bureau of Labor. Jan, 1906. 62: 1-123.) C1J.U. Maltbie, Milo R. English local government; a study of the rela- tions of central and local government. 296p. (Columbia Univer- sity. Studies in history, economics and public law. 1897. Vol. 9, No. 1.) $2. CJ.U. Maltbie, Milo R. The English local government board. (Political Science Quarterly, June, 1898. 13: 232-58.) CJ.U. Meyer, Hugo R. Municipal ownership in Great Britain. (Journal of Political Economy. Sept, 1905. 13: 481-505.) J.U. Municipal socialism, a series of articles reprinted from the Times. London, The Times office, 1902. 88 p. Contents. The socialist idea. The increase in local burdens. Local rates and commercial enterprises. Municipal versus private trading. The question of efficiency. Municipalities and direct labour. A socialist regime at West Ham. "A municipal Mecca" [Battersea] A triumph of democracy. The position at Birmingham. Municipal enterprise at Glasgow. Where municipal management does not pay. The housing question: Municipal enterprise. Private enterprise. Conclusions and recommendations. J.U. The Municipal year book of the United Kingdom. London, i897-j-. No. 1-f-. 3s. 6d. per no. Edited by Robert Donald. Cl. has 1904+. Cl.J.U. Redlich, Josef. Local government in England. Ed. with addi- tions by Francis W. Hirst. London, Macmillan, 1903. 2 v. 21s. net. "The standard work on the structure of English municipal government." C.Cl.J.U.Shaw, Albert. Municipal government in Great Britain. N. Y, Century Co, 1895. 385 p. $2. Appendix 1, Chief provisions of the English municipal code. Appendix 2, The London Progressive platform, adopted by the London Liberal and Radical Union in 1892; a statement of a progressive policy. Appendix 3, the unifica- tion of London. London. C.Cl.J.U.Adler, Herbert M. Recent changes in the government of London. (Amer. Acad. of Polit. and Social Science. Annals. March, 1904. 23: 237-54.) U. London. County Council. Publications. No. 2+. Lond, 1890+. J.U. The London Manual. London, Lloyd, 1896+. No. 1+. Is. 6d. per vol. 14 J.U. Seager, John. The government of London under the London gov- ernment act, 1899. London, King, 1899. 102 p. 2s. 6d. J.U. Whelen, Frederick. London government. London, Richards, 1898. 291 p. 3s. 6d. Manchester. Manchester Municipal Code, being a digest of the local acts of Parliament, charters, commissions, orders, bye-laws, regulations, and public instructions and forms in force within the city of Man- chester. Manchester, Solicitors Law Stationery Society, 1894-1901. 6 vols. 15s. per vol. Cl. has vols. 1-3. Municipal Museum has complete. Scotland. Cl.J.U. Atkinson, Mabel. Local government in Scotland. Edinburgh, Blackwood, 1904. 441 p. 12s. 6d . "A selected bibliography," p. 403-416. J.U. Geddes, Patrick. City development, a study of parks, garden and culture-institutes: a report of the Carnegie Dunfermline trust. Edinburgh, Geddes, 1904. 231 p. 21s., net. Glasgow. C.J.U. Bell, James. Glasgow, its municipal organization and adminis- tration. Glasgow, MacLehose, 1896. 426 p. J. Glasgow. Handbook on the municipal enterprises. Glasgow, An- derson, 1904. 147 p. Cl. Glasgow. Municipal Commission on the Housing of the Poor. Report and recommendations together with minutes of evidence and appendices. Glasgow, 1904. 979 p. Japan. C.J.U. Clement, Ernest W. Local self government in Japan. (Political Science Quarterly, June, 1892. 7: 294-306.) Modeled upon Prussian system with 3 classes of electors. New Zealand. J.U. New Zealand. Registrar-General's Office. Statistics of the Colony of New Zealand, with statistics of local governing bodies. Wel- lington, 1891+. Sweden. C.J.U. Siosteen, Gustaf. City administration in Sweden. (Municipal Affairs, Dec., 1901. 5: 779-92.) SPECIAL TOPICS CHARITIES, JUVENILE COURT, PRISONS. C.J.U. Adams, Herbert B. Notes on the literature of charities. 48 p. (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science. 1887. 5th series. Vol. 8.) 25 cts. C.Cl.J.U.Folks, Homer. Problems in administration of municipal chari- 15 ties. (Amer. Acad. of Polit. and Social Science. Annals. March, 1904. 23: 268-80.) CJ.U. Henderson, Charles R. Modern methods of charity; an account of the systems of relief, public and private, in the principal countries having modern methods. N. Y., Macmillan, 1904. 715 p. $3.50 net. Bibliography: p. 689-702. C.C1 J.U.Henderson, Charles R. Modern prison systems. Their organization and regulation in various countries of Europe and America. Wash., 1903. 319 p. (U. S. 57th Cong., 2nd sess. House. Doc. No. 452.) C.C1J.U. Juvenile Courts. (Amer. Acad. of Polit. and Social Science. An- nals. July, 1902. 20: 255-85.) Contents: Williamson, E. E. Probation and juvenile courts. Beitler, A. M. Juvenile court in Phil. Almy, F. Juvenile courts in Buffalo. J.U. Massachusetts. Board to Investigate the Subject of the Unem- ployed. Report. March 13, 1895. Boston, Wright & Potter, 1895. 5 v. in 1. Contents. v. 1. Relief measures. v. 2. Wayfarers and tramps. v. 3. Public works. v. 4. Causes. v. 5. Final report. "Most valuable and extensive inquiry yet made in U. S." C.(7+) National Conference of Charities and Corrections. Proceedings. J.(l+) Boston, 1874+. Vol. 1+. CJ.U. U. S. Bureau of the Census. Special reports. Benevolent insti- tutions, 1904. Wash, 1905. 335 p. CJ.U. Warner, Amos G. American charities. A study in philanthropy and economics. N. Y, Crowell, 1894. 430 p. $1.75. CJ.U. Wines, Frederick H. Punishment and reformation. An historical sketch of the rise of the penitentiary system. N. Y., Crowell, 1895. 339 p. $1.75. CIVIC AESTHETICS, PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS. CJ.U. American, Sadie. The movement for small playgrounds. (Amer- ican Journal of Sociology. Sept. 1898. 4: 159-70.) CJ. Art and Crafts Exhibition Society, London. Art and life, and the building and decoration of cities: a series of lectures by members of the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society. London, Rivington, Percival & Co, 1897. 260 p. 6s. Contents: 1. Sanderson, T. J. Cobden. Of art and life. 2. Lethaby, W. R. Of beautiful cities. 3. Crane, W. Of the decoration of public buildings. 4. Blomfield, R. Of public spaces, parks, and gardens. 5. Ricardo, H. Of colour in the architecture of cities. C.Cl.J.U.Crawford, Andrew Wright. The development of park systems in American cities. (Amer. Acad. of Polit. and Social Science. An- nals. March, 1905. 25: 218-34.) CJ.U. Decoration of cities. (Municipal affairs. Sept, 1901. 5: 675-753.) Contents: Parks and tree planting, Plant decoration, Municipal sculpture, Decoration of public buildings, Beautifying Columbus Circle, N. Y. Street signs and fixtures, Advertising and art. J.U. Geddes, Patrick. City development, a study of parks, gardens, and culture-institutes; a report to the Carnegie Dunfermline trust. Ed- inburgh, Geddes, 1904. 231 p. 21s. net. Book 1, Parks and gardens. Book 2, Museum and institutes. CJ.U. Municipal art. (Municipal affairs. March, 1898. 2: 1-132.) Contents: Public art in American cities, Popular art in Belgium, The city's 16 plan, Civic architecture from its constructive side, Municipal sculpture, Mural painting, Civic treatment of color, Matters that suggest themselves. Municipal affairs for December, 1899, Vol. 3, no. 4, contains articles on "The city beautiful." C.Cl.J.U.Parks and public playgrounds, the record of a year's advance; a symposium. (Amer. Acad. of Polit. and Social Science. Annals. Nov., 1905. 26: 764-73.) Chicago, by Hugo S. Grosser. Buffalo, by A. C. Richardson. Washington, by Geo. S. Wilson. Seattle, by J. Allen Smith. Duluth, by W. G. Joerns. C.C1. J.U.Robinson, Charles M. The improvement of towns and cities; or, The practical basis of civic aesthetics. N. Y., Putnam, 1901. 309 p. $1.25. Contents: A. Foundations of civic beauty: 1. The site of the city. 2. The street plan. 3. The elementary construction. B. Beauty in the street: 4. Sup- pression and repression. 5. The advertisement problem. 6. Making utilities beautiful. 7. The tree's importance. 8. Possibilities of gardening. C. Aesthetic phase of social and philanthropic effort: 9. Parks and drives. 10. "Squares" and playgrounds. 11. Architectural development. 12. Architectural obligations. D. Aesthetic phase of educational effort: 13. Function and placing of sculp- ture. 14. Popular education in art. E. Means to secure civic aesthetics: 15. Work of individuals and societies. 16. Work of officials. C.Cl.J.U.Robinson, Charles M. Modern civic art; or, The city made beautiful. N. Y., Putnam, 1903. 381 p. $2.50 net. CJ.U. U. S. Senate Committee on District of Columbia. The improve- ment of the park system of the District of Columbia. Ed. by Charles Moore. Wash., 1902. 179 p. (57th Cong., 1st. sess. Senate Kept. No. 166.) EDUCATION. CJ.U. Butler, Nicholas M. ed. Education in the United States. A series of monographs prepared for the United States exhibit at the Paris Exposition, 1900. Albany, Lyon, 1900. 2 vol. $3.50. CJ.U. Chancellor, William E. Our schools; their administration and su- pervision. Boston, Heath, 1904. 434 p. $1.50. Chap. 1, The school system. 2. The board of education. 3, Administration. C.Cl.J.U.Educational organization and progress in American cities; a sym- posium on present educational conditions and needs. (Amer. Acad. of Polit. and Social Science. Annals. Jan., 1905. 25: 157-88.) Chicago, by Hugo S. Grosser, p. 161-64. CJ.U. Orth, S. P. The Cleveland plan of school administration. (Politi- cal Science Quarterly, Sept., 1904. 19: 402-16.) J.U. Rice, Joseph M. The public-school system of the United States. N. Y., Century Co., 1893. 308 p. $1.50. C.Cl.J.U.Rollins, Frank. School administration in municipal government. 106 p. (Columbia University contributions to philosophy, psychol- ogy, and education, 1902. Vol. 11, No. 1.) 75 cts. C.Cl.J.U.Rowe, Leo S. The financial relation of the Department of Educa- tion to the city government. (Amer. Acad. of Polit. and Social Science. Annals. March, 1900. 15: 186-203.) Cl.J.U. Webster, William C. Recent centralizing tendencies in state edu- cational administration. 78 p. (Columbia University. Studies in history, economics and public law. 1897. Vol. 8, No. 2.) 75 cts. C. Cl.J.U. Young, James T. The administration of city schools. (Amer. 17 Acad. of Polit. and Social Science. Annals. March, 1900. 15: 171-85.) Favors a single official as administrative head with advisory board of not over 6 members, all chosen by the mayor. ELECTIONS. C.C1 J.U.Branson, Walter J. The Philadelphia nominating system. (Amer. Acad. of Polit. and Social Science. Annals. July, 1899. 14: 18-37.) CJ.U. Brooks, Robert C. The three-class election system in Prussian cit- ies. (Municipal affairs. Sept., 1899. 3: 396-433.) CJ.U. Commons, John R. Proportional representation. N. Y., Crowell, 1896. 298 p. $1.75. CJ.U. Commons, John R. Referendum and initiative in city government. (Political Science Quarterly. Dec., 1902. 17: 609-30.) CJ.U. Dallinger, Frederick W. Nominations for elective office in the United States. N. Y., Longmans, 1897. 290 p. (Harvard University his- torical studies. Vol. 4.) $1.50. C.Cl.J.U.Deming, Horace E. Municipal nomination reform. (Amer. Acad. of Polit. and Social Science. Annals. March, 1905. 25: 203-17.) C1J.U. Meyer, Ernest C. Nominating systems: direct primaries versus con- ventions in the United States. Madison, Wis. The author, 1902. 501 p. $1.50. J.U. Michigan Political Science Association. Papers and addresses on primary reforms, read at the annual meeting of the Michigan Political Science Association. 149 p. (Michigan Political Science Association. Publications. March, 1905. Vol. 6, No. 1.) $1. C.Cl.J.U.Oberholtzer, Ellis P. The referendum in America, together with some chapters on the history of the initiative and other phases of popular government in the United States. N. Y., Scribner, 1900. 430 p. $2. J.U. Ostrogorsfcii, M. The rights of women. A comparative study in history and legislation. London, Sonnenshein, 1893. 232 p. 2s. 6d. CJ.U. Ostr>gorskii, M. Woman suffrage in local government. (Political Science Quarterly, Dec. 1891. 6: 677-710.) ENGINEERING, SANITATION, PUBLIC HEALTH, STREETS. C1J.U. Baker, Moses N. Municipal engineering and sanitation. N. Y., Macmillan, 1902. 317 p. $1.25 net. CCl.J.U.Billings, John S. Public health and municipal government. An ad- dress delivered before the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Phil., 1891. 23 p. Published also as a supplement to the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, February, 1891. C.Cl.J.U.Chapin, Charles V. Municipal sanitation in the United States. Providence, Snow & Farnham, 1901. 970 p. $5. This book, together with Sedgwick's Sanitary science, will probably prove to be the most useful. CJ.U. The City's health. (Municipal affairs, June, 1898. 2: 237-303.) Contents: White, H. Working conditions. Daniel, A. S. Living conditions. Wingate, C. F. Sanitary construction. Folks, H. Public hospitals. White, J. H. Contagion and quarantine. Tsanoff, S. V. Children's playgrounds. CJ.U. Cope, Francis R. A model municipal department. How the Low administration has been caring for the health of N. Y. City. (Amer- ican Journal of Sociology, Jan.-March, 1904. 9: 459-89, 631-71.) 18 L.U. Elliott, Byron K. and Elliott, W. F. Treatise on the law of roads and streets. 2nd ed. Indianapolis, Bowen-Merrill, 1900. 1185 p. $6. CJ.U. Goodhue, William F. Municipal improvements. A manual of th methods, utility, and cost of public improvements, for the munici- pal officer. N. Y., Wiley, 1900. 207 p. $1.75. CJ.U. Hanger, G. Public baths in the United States. (U. S. Bureau of Labor. Bulletin, Sept, 1904. 9: 1245-1367.) J.L.U. Keasbey, Edward Q. The law of electric wires in streets and high- ways. Chicago, Callaghan, 1900. 358 p. $4. L.U. Morrill, William W. Of the law and practice in actions against municipal corporations for negligence in the care of the highways. N.Y., Peloubet, 1887. 281 p. $3.50. J.U. New York, N. Y. Mayor's Committee on Public Baths and Public Comfort Stations. Report on public baths and public comfort sta- tions. N. Y., 1897. 195 p. Contains a chapter: Bibliography. L.U. Parker, Leroy and Worthington, R. H. The law of public health and safety, and the powers and duties of boards of health. Albany, Bender, 1892. 471 p. $5.25. C.Cl.J.U.Sedgwick, William T. Principles of sanitary science and public health with special reference to the causation and prevention of in- fectious diseases. N. Y, Macmillan, 1902. 368 p. $3. J.U. Tillson, George W. Street pavements and paving materials, A C.( 1903) manual of city pavements: the methods and materials of their con- struction. For the use of students, engineers and city officials. N. Y, Wiley, 1900. 532 p. $4. CJ.U. Tolman, Wm. H. Public baths; or, the gospel of cleanness. (Yale Review, May, 1897. 6: 50-62.) C.C1J.U. Waring, George E. Street-cleaning and the disposal of a city's wastes: methods and results and the effect upon public health, pub- lic morals, and municipal prosperity. N. Y, Doubleday & Mc- Clure, 1898. 230 p. $1.25. CJ.U . Waring, George E. Street cleaning in the city of New York, 1895- 97. (Municipal Affairs, June, 1898, supplement. Vol. 2, No. 2. 234 p.) Contents: Observations on street cleaning methods in European cities, Re- view of the general work of the Department of Street Cleaning of N. Y., Report of the snow inspector, The adjustment of labor questions by the committee of 41 and the Board of Conference. FINANCE, TAXATION. C.ClJ.U.Baker, Moses N. Bibliography of uniform municipal accounting. (Conference for Good City Government. Proceedings, 1902. 10: 327-29.) CJ.U. Adams, Henry C. Public debts. An essay in the science of finance. N. Y., Appleton, 1895. 407 p. $2.50. "Municipal indebtedness," p. 343-66. "The most satisfactory treatment of municipal finance for an American." Clow. CJ.U. American Economic Association. Special Committee on Uniform Municipal Accounts. Uniform municipal accounts and statistics. Report. (American Economic Association. Publications, Feb., 1901. 3d series. 2: 254-92.) 19 CJ.U. Blunden, G. H. British local finance. (Political Science Quarterly, March-June, 1894. 9: 78-107, 268-302.) J.L.U. Bronson, Harrison A. The law of recitals in municipal bonds. St. Paul, Keefe-Davidson, 1901. 240 p. $2. CJ.U. Brooks, Robert C. Berlin's tax problem. (Political Science Quar- terly, Dec., 1905. 20: 665-95.) L.U. Burroughs, William H. Public securities. Jersey City, Linn, 1881. 737 p. $5. J.U. Cadoux, Gaston. Les finances de la ville de Paris de 1798 a 1900. Paris, Berger-Levrault, 1900. 821 p. F. 15. CJ.U. Cleveland, Frederick A. Municipal accounts; a first step toward municipal reform. (Political Science Quarterly, Sept., 1904. 19: 391-401.) C.Cl.J.U.Clow, Frederick R. A comparative study of the administration of city finances in the U. S., with special reference to the budget. (American Economic Association. Publications, Nov., 1901. 3rd series. 2: 667-814.) CJ.U. Commercial and Financial Chronicle, State and City Supplement. N. Y., 1891-f. Gives list of bonds of various cities, amount of indebtedness of cities, net value of bonds, etc. C1J.U. Cooley, Thomas M. A treatise on the law of taxation, including the law of local assessments. .Chicago, Callaghan, 1886. 991 p. $6. CJ.U. Curtis, Charles E. Taxation of street railways for purposes of rev- enue and control. (Yale Review, Aug., 1899. 8: 173-201.) ,/ L.U. Dillon, John F. Law of municipal bonds. St. Louis, Jones, 1876. 63 p. $1. J.U. Dubois, Louis Paul. Essai sur les finances communales. Paris, Perrin, 1898. 306 p. F. 3.50. CJ.U. Durand, Edward Dana. The finances of New York city. N. Y., Macmillan, 1898. 397 p. $2. CJ.U. Durand, Edward Dana. Taxation as a partial substitute for bor- rowing to cover the cost of permanent municipal improvements. (American Economic Association. Publications. Feb., 1900. 3rd series. 1: 123-48.) J.U. Eastman, Frank M. The taxation of public service corporations in Pennsylvania. Phil. Bisel, 1905. 46 p. C.Cl.J.U.Ely, Richard T. Taxation in American states and cities. N. Y., Crowell, 1888. 544 p. $1.75. C.Cl.J.U.Fairlie, John A. Municipal finances. (In his Municipal adminis- tration. 1901. Part 3, p. 317-71.) J. Harris, William H. The law governing the issuing, transfer and collection of municipal bonds. Cincinnati, Anderson, 1902. 357 p. $4. C.C1 J.U.Hollander, J. H. The financial history of Baltimore. 397 p. (Johns Hopkins University studies in history and political science. 1899. Extra vol. 20.) $2. CJ.U. Macpherson, Frank H. Municipal accounting. A comprehensive treatise on the subject of municipal accounts. Detroit, Book- Keeper Pub. Co., 1901. 46 p. $3. C.Cl.J.U.Merriam, Charles E. Report on the municipal revenues of Chicago. 20 Chicago, City Club, 1906. 161 p. (Chicago. City Club. Publica- tion No. 2.) Part 2: Revenue systems of American and foreign cities. C.Cl.J.U.National Municipal League. Committee on Uniform Municipal Accounting and Statistics. Report. 1901+. (Conference for good city government. Proceedings. 1901+. Vol. 12+.) J.U. New York. Legislature. Joint Committee on Taxation. Report relative to taxation for state and local purposes. Albany, 1893. 602 p. CJ.U. O'Meara, John J. Municipal taxation at home and abroad. Local government indebtedness and valuation. With statistics relating to the principal municipalities of the world. London, Cassell, 1894. 310 p. $2.75. J. Powell, Henry M. Taxation of corporations in New York for state and local purposes. Albany, Bender, 1905. 286 p. Local taxation, p. 1-128. Special franchise tax, p. 129-39. C.Cl.J.U.Rosewater, Victor. Special assessments. A study in municipal finance. 152 p. (Columbia University. Studies in history, eco- nomics and public law. 1893. Vol. 2.) $1. C.Cl.J.U.Seligman, Edwin R. Essays in taxation. N. Y., Macmillan, 1897. 434 p. $3. C.Cl.J.U.Seligman, Edwin R. The shifting and incidence of taxation. N. Y., Macmillan, 1899. 337p. $3. "Bibliography," p. 317-334. L.U. Simonton, Thomas C. A treatise on the law of municipal bonds of the municipal corporations of the U. S. N. Y., Banks, 1896. 566 p. $5.50. CJ.U. Stokes, Howard K. The finances and administration of Providence. 464 p. (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and politi- cal science. 1903. Extra vol. 25.) $3.50. CJ.U. Tuttle, Leonard. Local option in taxation. (Municipal Affairs. Sept., 1898. 2: 395-410.) Argument for home rule in taxation. CJ.U. Urban taxation. (Municipal Affairs, June, 1899. 3: 269-349.) Contents: Warner, J. D. The Ford bill. Purdy, L. Taxation of personalty. Holt, B. W. The single tax applied to cities. L.U. Welty, D. W. A treatise on the law of assessments. N. Y., Banks, 1886. 631 p. $6. HOUSING. C.Cl.J.U.De Forest, Robert W. ed. The tenement house problem includ- ing the report of the New York state tenement house commis- sion of 1900, by various writers, ed. by Robert W. De Forest and Lawrence Veiller. N. Y., Macmillan, 1903. 2 vol. $6 net. Cl. Glasgow. Municipal Commission on the Housing of the Poor. Report and recommendation together with minutes of evidence and appendices. Glasgow, 1904. 979 p. C.Cl.J.U.Housing Problem. (Amer. Acad of Polit. and Social Science. Annals. July, 1902. 20: 79-149.) Contents: De Forest, Robert W. Tenement house regulation. Addams, Jane. Housing problem in Chicago. Octavia Hill Association, Housing problem in Phil. Paine, R. T. Housing conditions in Boston. Sayles, M. B. Housing condi- tions in Jersey City. 21 CJ.U. Housing problem in cities. (Municipal Affairs, March, 1899. 3: 73-151.) Contents: Working men's hotels, Housing of single women, The bousing prob- lem, Model tenements and suburban homes, A model factory town. CJ.U. Reynolds, Marcus T. The housing of the poor in American cities. 132 p. (American Economic Association. Publications. 1893. Vol. 8.) $1. "Bibliography. Tenement house life and population," p. 127-132. C.Cl.J.U.Veiller, Lawrence. The housing problem in American cities. (Amer. Acad. of Polit. and Social Science. Annals. March, 1905. 25: 248-72.) LEGISLATURE, MAYOR, PUBLIC OFFICERS. U. Bayles, George J. Office of mayor in the U. S. A study in ad- ministrative law. Newark, Plum, 1895. 74 p. C.C1J. U.Bradford, Gamaliel. Our failures in municipal government. (Amer. Acad. of Polit. and Social Science. Annals. May, 1893. 3: 691-702.) Favors concentration of power in mayor, specially as relates to finances. CJ.U. Durand, Edward Dana. Council government versus mayor govern- ment. (Political Science Quarterly, Sept-Dec., 1900. 15: 426-51, 675-709.) Favors an increase in powers of council. CJ.U. Fairlie, John A. American municipal councils. (Political Science Quarterly, June, 1904. 19: 234-51.) C.Cl.J.U.Fairlie, John A. Municipal organization. (In his Municipal ad- ministration. 1901. Part 4, p. 375-431.) CJ.U. Greenlaw, Edwin A. Office of mayor in the United States. (Mu- nicipal Affairs, March, 1899. 3: 33-60.) L. Hill, Edward J. Municipal officer of Illinois. Chicago, Myers, 1873. CJ.U. James, Edmund J. The city council of Berlin. (American Journal of Sociology, Nov., 1900. 6: 407-15.) L.U. Mechem, Floyd R. A treatise on the law of public offices and offi- cers. Chicago, Callaghan, 1890. 751 p. $6. C.Cl.J.U.Municipal councils. (Conference for good city government. 1896. 4: 236-66.) Contents: Williams, H. W. The reform of our municipal councils. Capen, S. B. Shall we have one or two legislative chambers? Butler, J. A. A single or a double council? Pryor, J. W. Should municipal legislators receive a salary? POLICE, MUNICIPAL LIABILITY. L.U. Beach, Charles F., jr. Law of contributory negligence. 3rd ed. revised by J. J. Crawford. N. Y., Baker, Voorhis, 1899. 702 p. $6. C.Cl.J.U.Fairlie, John A. Police administration. (In his Municipal admin- istration. 1901. Chap. 8, p. 126-49.) J.U. Freund, Ernst. .The police power, public policy and constitutional rights. Chicago, Callaghan, 1904. 819 p. $6. C.Cl.J.U.Goodnow, Frank J. Police administration. (In his City govern- ment. 1904. Chap. 9, p. 204-47.) J.L.U. Horr, Norton T. and Bemis, A. A. A treatise on the power to enact, passage, validity and enforcement of municipal police ordi- nances. Cincinnati, Clarke, 1895. 312 p. $4. L.U. Jones, Dwight A. Law of negligence of municipal corporations. N. Y., Baker, Voorhis, 1892. 588 p. $6. 22 J.U. Lee, W. L. M. A history of police in England. London, Methuen, 1901. 416 p. 7s. 6d. C.J.U. Moss, Frank. State oversight of police. (Municipal Affairs, June, 1899. 3: 264-68.) CJ.U. Municipal electric fire alarm and police patrol systems. 33 p. (U. S. Census Bureau. 1904. Bulletin 11.) CJ.U. Police. (Encyclopedia Britannica. 9th ed. 1885. 19: 332-44.) L.U. Williams, Waterman L. The liability of municipal corporations for tort; treating fully municipal liability for negligence. Boston, Lit- tle, Brown, 1901. 345 p. $3.50. RELATIONS TO STATE. CJ.U. Bernheim, A. C. The relations of the city and the state of New York. (Political Science Quarterly, Sept., 1894. 9: 377-402.) C.C1 J.U. Commons, John R. State supervision for cities. (Amer. Acad. of Polit. and Social Science. May, 1895. 5: 865-81.) Argues for a state municipal board. C.J.U. Goodnow, Frank J. The relations of city and state. (Municipal Affairs, Dec., 1897. 1: 689-704.) Favors a municipal government board. C.J.U. Goodnow, Frank J. Municipal home rule. A study in administra- tion. N. Y., Macmillan, 1897. 283 p. $1.50. The best treatise on relation of state and city. CJ.U. Goodnow, Frank J. Municipal home rule. (Political Science Quar- terly. March, 1906. 21: 77-90.) J.U. Grant, John H. State supervision of cities. (Michigan Political Science Association. July, 1896. 2: 158-97.) C.Cl.J.U.Holls, Frederick William. State boards of municipal control. (Conference for good city government. 1896. 4: 226-35.) CJ.U. Home Rule Problems. (Municipal Affairs. March, 1902. 6: 198- 260.) Contents: Agar, John G. Legislative interference in New York. Woodruff, Clinton R. The Pennsylvania rippers. Ford, Guy S. Rural domination of cities in Connecticut. Maltbie, Milo R. Home rule in Ohio. Crafts, Clayton E. Local self-government in Illinois. Hotchkiss, Willard E. Kaiser vs. the Berlin Council. C.J.U. Ivins, William M. Municipal government. (Political Science Quarterly, June, 1887. 2: 291-312.) Discussion of relations between state and city. CJ.U. Jenks, J. W. A state municipal board. (Municipal Affairs, Sept., 1898. 2: 411-32.) Favors a state board for cities of the 2nd and 3rd class as proposed by com- missions on 2nd and 3rd class cities in N. Y., 1896. CJ.U. Maltbie, Milo R. City-made charters. (Yale Review, Feb., 1905. 13: 380-407.) Argument that city should be permitted to make its own charter. C.Cl.J.U.Oberholtzer, Ellis P. Home rule for American cities. (Amer. Acad of Polit. and Social Science. Annals. May, 1893. 3: 736-63.) CJ.U. Parsons, Frank. The city for the people; or, the municipaliza- tion of the city government and of local franchises. Phil., Taylor, 1901. 704 p. $1. "Home rule for cities," p. 387-468. Favors municipal ownership. 23 CJ.U. Woodruff, Clinton R. A freer city: a plea for municipal home rule. (Yale Review, Feb., 1904. 12: 360-71.) PUBLIC UTILITIES, MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP. J. U. S. Library of Congress. Select list of books on municipal affairs, with special reference to municipal ownership. Comp. under the direction of A. P. C. Griffin. Wash., 1906. 34 p. Of value mainly as a check-list. CJ.U. American Economic Association. Committee on Public Finance. The relation of modern municipalities to quasi-public works, being a report of the Committee on Public Finance to the Council of the American Economic Association. 87 p. (American Economic As- sociation. Publications. 1888. Vol. 2.) Contains papers by Henry C. Adams, George W. Knight, Charles Moore, and Frank J. Goodnow. C.Cl.J.U.Bemis, Edward W., ed. Municipal monopolies. A collection of papers by American economists and specialists. N. Y., Crowell, 1899. 691 p. $2. CJ.U. City Monopolies. (Municipal Affairs. March, 1902. 6: 68-123.) Contents: Street railway franchises in New York. Municipal electric light- ing in Chicago: editorial, Haskins & Sells' Accountants' report, economic and social factors by John R. Commons. Magrini, Effren. Milan street railways. CJ.U. Commons, John R. The day labor and contract systems on mu- nicipal works. Yale Review, Feb., 1897. 5:428-45.) CJ.U. Commons, John R. The physical vigor of public employees. (Yale Review, Feb., 1902. 10: 416-23.) CJ.U. Commons, John R. Wages in municipal employment. (Quarterly Journal of Economics, May, 1902. 16: 433-50.) CJ.U. Conn. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Private and municipal owner- ship. Electric plants, gas works, water works. (Conn. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Report, 1899. 15: 15-88.) J.U. Cummins, James S. State and territorial general statutes relating to the use of streets and highways by street railway, gas, water and electric light companies. Chicago, Byllesby, 1905. 268 p. C.C1 J.U.Darwin, Leonard. Municipal trade; the advantages and disadvan- tages resulting from the substitution of representative bodies for private proprietors in the management of industrial undertakings. London, Murray, 1903. 464 p. 12s. net. C.Cl.J.U.Fairlie, John A. Recent extensions of municipal functions in the U. S. (Amer. Acad. of Polit. and Social Science. Annals. March, 1905. 25:299-310.) C.U. Foote, Allen R. Law of incorporated companies operating under municipal franchises. Cincinnati, Clarke, 1892-93. 3 vols. $10 net. CJ.U. Foote, Allen R. Municipal public service industries. Chicago, Other Side Publishing Co., 1899. 337 p. $1. Contents: Part 1. How should the franchise question be settled? A paper sub- mitted to the League of Illinois Municipalities, March 1, 1899. Part 2. Powers of municipalities: a discussion. A paper submitted to the Commercial Club, In- dianapolis, December 8, 1898. Part 3. Cost of service to users and taxpayers. A paper submitted to the National Conference of Mayors and Councilmen, at Col- umbus, Ohio, September 28, 29, 30, and October 1, 1897. CJ.U. Forrest, J. D. A new plan for the control of quasi-public works. (American Journal of Sociology, May, 1898. 3: 837-47.) Favors "management by disinterested trustees of institutions endowed for the purpose of rendering the public service at cost." 24 J.U. Glasgow. Handbook on the municipal enterprises. Glasgow, An- derson, 1904. 147 p. J. Great Britain. Local Government Board. Municipal corporations (reproductive undertakings). Return of the reproductive under- takings carried en by municipal boroughs, brought up to the 31st day of March, 1902. London, 1902. 141 p. (Great Britain. Par- liament. Sessional papers, 1902. 398.) J.U. Great Britain Parliament. Report from the joint select commit- tee on municipal trading. London, 1903. 462 p. (Gt. Brit. Parlia- ment. H. of C. Reports, 270.) 4s. Also in H. of L. Reports. 172. Report of a similar joint committee on Municipal trading was made in 1900. C.Cl.J.U.Howe, Frederick C. The city, the hope of democracy. N. Y., Scribner, 1905. 319 p. $1.50 net. "Attempt at the economic interpretation of the city," Pref. Advocates municipal ownership. .CJ.U. Howe, Frederic C. Municipal ownership in Great Britain. (U. S. Bureau of Labor. Jan., 1906. 62: 1-123.) CJ.U. Illinois Bureau of Labor Statistics. Private and municipal owner- ship of gas works, water works, and electric and power plants. (Illinois Bureau of Labor Statistics, Report, 1898. 10: 1-41, 139- 234.) C.J.U. Investigation of municipal and private distribution of water, gas, and electricity, conducted by the different Bureaus of Statistics of Labor in the U. S. Discussion, led by Carroll D. Wright, Elroy M. Avery, and John H. Gray. (American Economic Association, Economic studies. Feb., 1898. Vol. 3, No. 1. Supplement, p. 57-79). James, Edmund J. Municipal ownership of quasi-public utilities. Address before the Merchants' Club of Chicago. Chicago, 1901. CJ.U. Kansas. Bureau of Labor and Industrial Statistics. Water, elec- tric-light and gas plants. (Kansas. Bureau of Labor and Industrial Statistics. Report, 1897. 13: 83-113.) CJ.U. Maltbie, Milo R. Municipal functions; a study of the development, scope, and tendency of municipal socialism. (Municipal Affairs, Dec., 1898. 2: 577-814). Comparison of European and American cities. CJ.U. Meyer, Hugo R. Municipal ownership in Great Britain. (Journal of Political Economy. Sept., 1905. 13: 481-505.) CJ.U. Michigan. Bureau of Labor and Industrial Statistics. Statistics of electric lighting, gas and water plants in Michigan. (Mich. Bu- reau of Labor and Industrial Statistics. Report, 1897. 15: 183-98.) CJ.U. Municipal Ownership and operation. (Municipal Affairs, Dec., 1902. 6: 509-865). Contents: Editorial; Problem of municipal ownership; Municipal operation needed to correlate local franchises; Municipal operation in U. S., Europe, Great Britain, Germany; Municipal electric lighting; Municipal gas lighting; Municipal ownership of telephones; Municipal street railways; City owning and leasing; Massachusetts' experience; City ownership of water supply; Public control of cor- porations; Regulation and taxation; Taxation of franchises; Labor clauses in fran- chises; Referendum and initiative; Proceedings of the National Convention on municipal ownership and public franchises. Papers read at the National convention upon municipal ownership and public franchises held in N. Y City Feb. 25, 26, 27, 1903. 25 C.Cl.J.U.Municipal Ownership and public franchises. (Amer. Acad. of Polit. and Social Science. Annals. Jan., 1906. 27: 1-233). Contents: Glasgow's experience with municipal ownership and operation; The water, gas, and electric supply of London; Municipal ownership and operation of street railways in Germany; Transportation facilities and street railway traffic in London; The movement for municipal ownership in Chicago; Street railway franchises in Mass. ; The gas, electric light, water, and street railway services in N. Y. City; Madrid, its government and municipal services; The problems of city government from the administrative point of view; Home rule charter movements in Missouri; Baltimore under its new charter; Significance of the recent reform movement in Philadelphia; Municipal progress, 1904-1905; The relation of the American municipalities to the gas and electric light service, a symposium; Consti- tutional limitations, relating to cities and their affairs. C.Cl.J.U.Municipal Ownership Reports from U. S. Consular officers, 1897- 1905. (U. S. Dept. of Commerce and Labor. Monthly Consular reports. May, 1905. No. 296, p. 284-336). Similar material may also be found in the later consular reports. J.U. Municipal socialism, a series of articles reprinted from the Times. London, The Times office, 1902. 88 p. Contents. The socialist idea. The increase in local burdens. Local rates and commercial enterprises. Municipal versus private trading. The question of efficiency. Municipalities and direct labour. A socialist regime at West Ham. "A municipal Mecca" [Battersea] A triumph of democracy. The position at Birmingham. Municipal enterprise at Glasgow. Where municipal management does not pay. The housing question: Municipal enterprise. Private enterprise. Conclusions and recommendations. C.J.U. Myers, Gustavus. The history of public franchises in New York City. N. Y., Reform Club, 1900. p. 73-206. 50 cts. Reprinted from Municipal Affairs, March, 1900. CJ. Nebraska. Bureau of Labor and Industrial Statistics. Private and municipal ownership of water works, electric light and power plants and gas works. (Nebraska. Bureau of Labor and Industrial Sta- tistics. Report, 1897-98. 6: 493-572.) C.J.U. New York. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The ownership and operation of electric light and power, gas and water plants. (N. Y. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Report, 1897. 15:497-601.) Cl. Ontario, Canada. Legislative Assembly. Select Committee. Mu- nicipal trading and municipal ownership or operation of public utilities. Toronto, Cameron, 1903. 246 p. C.J.U. Parsons, Frank. The city for the people; or, the municipalization of the city government and of local franchises. Phil., Taylor, 1901. 704 p. $1. "Home rule for cities," p. 387-468. Favors municipal ownership. C.J.U. Public Services. (Municipal Affairs, March, 1900. 4: 3-228). Contents: Public ownership and the social conscience, Shall American cities municipalize? Municipal telephones in Amsterdam, Street railways in British towns, Glasgow's municipal tramways, Syracuse water supply, History of public franchises in N. Y. City, Municipal ownership of docks in N. Y. City, Street rail- way problem in Milwaukee, Boston municipal subway, Skaneateles water works co. C.J.U. Ripley, William Z. The capitalization of public service corpora- tions. (Quarterly Journal of Economics, Nov., 1900. 15: 106-37). C.J.U. Robbins, Hayes. Public ownership versus public control. (Ameri- can Journal of Sociology, May, 1905. 10: 787-813). C.J.U. Rowe, Leo S. The socialistic municipalities of northern France. (Yale Review, Feb., 1899. 7: 363-74). 26 J. Seabury, Samuel. Municipal ownership and operation of public utilities in New York city. N. Y., Municipal ownership publish- ing co., 1905. 202 p. 25 cts. J. Shaw, George Bernard. The common sense of municipal trading. Westminster, Constable, 1904. 120 p. 2s. 6d. CJ.U. Stewart, Ethelbert. Rates of wages paid under public and private contract. (U. S. Dept. of Labor. Bulletin, Nov., 1896. 1: 721-53). Investigation and comparison made in the cities of Baltimore, Boston, New York, and Philadelphia. CClJ.U.Tremain, Henry E. Franchises or monopolies; their public owner- ship and operation. (Amer. Acad. of Polit. and Social Science. Annals, Nov., 1899. 14: 310-26.) CJ.U. U. S. Industrial Commission. Report on transportation. Vol. 9. Wash., 1901. 1152 p. Contains: Bemis, Edward W. Public utilities, p. 86-103. Foote, Allen R. Uni- form public accounting, p. 103-23. Adams, Alton D. Municipal electric plants, p. 275-85. Adams, Charles F. Street railroads of Mass., p. 824-30. Jackson, James F. Boston street railways, etc., p. 841-48.) C. Virginia. Bureau of Labor and Industrial Statistics. Statistics of private and municipal water, gas and electric light plants. (Vir- ginia Bureau of Labor and Industrial Statistics. Report, 1899. 32: 1-44.) Electricity, Gas, Lighting. CJ.U. Adams, Alton D. Municipal gas and electric plants in Massachu- setts. (Political Science Quarterly, June, 1902. 17: 247-55). Baltimore Municipal Lighting Commission. Preliminary report. Baltimore, 1900. 20 p. Gives statistics of larger cities. Review by A. R. Foote in Municipal Affairs. March, 1900. 4: 232-35. C.ClJ.U.Bemis, Edward W. Gas. (In his Municipal monopolies, 1899. p. 587-628). C.ClJ.U.Bemis, Edward W. The latest electric light reports. (In his Muni- cipal monopolies, 1899. p. 183-285). Appendix: Validity of electric light comparisons, by F. A. C. Perrine, p. 286-96. CJ.U. Bemis, Edward W. Municipal ownership of gas in the United States. 185 p. (American Economic Association. Publications. 1891. Vol. 6). CJ.U. Brooks, Robert C. The municipal gas works of Berlin. (Yale Re- view, Feb., 1906. 14: 361-73). J. Brown, Ernest C., comp. Brown's Directory of American Gas Companies. Gas statistics. N. Y., Progressive Age, 1902-}-. $5 per year. C.Cl.J.U.Commons, John R. Municipal electric lighting. (In Bemis, Ed- ward W., Municipal monopolies, 1899. p. 55-180). CJ.U. Gray, John H. Competition and capitalization as controlled by the Mass. Gas Commission. (Quarterly Journal of Economics, Feb., 1901. 15: 254-76). CJ.U. Gray, John H. The gas supply of Boston. (Quarterly Journal of Economics, July-Oct., 1898; April-Nov., 1899. 12: 419-46; 13: 15-44, 292-313; 14: 87-120). CJ.U. Gray, John H. The gas commission of Massachusetts. (Quarterly Journal of Economics, Aug., 1900. 14: 509-36). 27 CJ.U. Gray, John H. The relation of the gas supply to the public. (Muni- cipal Affairs, June, 1898. 2: 183-94). "In the main the same as the address given by Professor Gray at the meeting of the American Economic Association, Dec., 1897." CJ.U. James, Edmund J. The relation of the modern municipality to the gas supply. (American Economic Association. Publications. May- July, 1886. 1: 47-122). J.( 1894+) Mass. Inspector of Gas Meters and Illuminating Gas. Annual re- U. port. Bost., 1862+. No. 1+. J.U. Mass. Board of Gas and Electric Light Commissioners. Annual (ll,14+)report. Bost, 1886+. No. 1+. The various hearings before state and city committees give additional informa- tion. Mass. General Court. Report of committee to investigate charges against certain gas companies; with evidence. Bost., 1893. (House document, 1008). Out of print. "Veritable mine of information." Gray. CJ.U. Municipal Gas for New York; a discussion; Edward M. Grout, affirmative; Allen R. Foote, negative. (Municipal Affairs, June, 1897. 1: 225-300). CJ.U. Municipalization of electric lighting and power, by R. R. Bowker and J. R. Commons. (Municipal Affairs, Dec., 1897. 1: 605-73). Cl. N. Y. Legislature. Joint Committee to Investigate the Gas and Electric Light Situation in the City of New York. Report. Albany, 1905. 100 p. Cl. N. Y. Legislature. Joint Committee to Investigate the Gas and Electric Light Situation in the City of New York. Testimony taken before the Joint Committee. Albany, 1905. 4 vols. CJ.U. Public Lighting. (Municipal Affairs, Sept., 1900. 4: 520-613). Contents: State control of corporations, Public supervision in Mass., Gas lighting in Great Britain, Municipal lighting in a typical German city Halle, Public gas works in Italy, Municipal electric lighting in Detroit. C.ClJ.U.Rowe, Leo S. The municipality and the gas supply. (Amer. Acad. of Polit. and Social Science. Annals. May, 1898. 11: 301-23). Review of the causes which led Philadelphia to relinquish the municipal opera- tion of its gas works. CJ.U. U. S. Bureau of the Census. Central electric light and power sta- tions. 1902. Washington, 1905. 175 p. CJ.U. U. S. Commissioner of Labor. Water, gas, and electric light plants under private and municipal ownership. 983 p. (U. S. Commis- sioner of Labor. Annual report. Vol. 14. 1900.) Telephones. Cl. New York, N. Y., Merchants' Association. Inquiry into telephone service and rates in New York city. N. Y., 1905. 57 p. C.Cl.J.U.Parsons, Frank. The telephone. (In Bemis, Edward W., Munici- pal monopolies, 1899. p. 299-361). CJ.U. U. S. Bureau of the Census. Telephones and telegraphs. (U. S. Bureau of the Census. Bulletin 17. 1905. 49 p.) Transportation. J. American Street Railway Investments. A supplement to the Street Railway Journal. Published Annually. N. Y., 1894+. $5 per year. Arranged by states. Gives statistics for various cities. 28 .ClJ.U.Bemis, Edward W. Street Railways. (In his Municipal monopo- lies, 1899. p. 505-83). L.U. Booth, Henry J. A treatise on the law of street railways. Phil., Johnson, 1892. 749 p. $6. CJ.U. Commercial and Financial Chronicle. Street railway supplement. N. Y., 1895+. CJ.U. Curtis, Charles E. Street railways and their relation to the public. (Yale Review, May, 1897. 6: 17-36). CJ.U. Curtis, Charles E. Taxation of street railways for purposes of revenue and control. (Yale Review, Aug., 1899. 8: 173-201). CJ.U. Hopkins, William R. The street railway problem in Cleveland; a statement of existing conditions and a discussion of the policy which the city should pursue with regard to its street railways. (American Economic Association. Economic studies. Dec., 1896. 1: 289-376). C1J. Interborough Rapid Transit Co. The New York subway. N. Y., 1904. 150 p. CJ.U. James, Edmund J. Street railway franchises in the city of Berlin. (Journal of Political Economy, March, 1901. 9: 260-71). J.U. Mass. General Court. House. Special Committee on Street Rail- ways. Report of the Special Committee appointed to investigate the relations between cities and towns and street railway compan- ies. Bost., 1898. 296 p. "Most valuable contribution which has appeared in recent years." L. S. Rowe. J.U. Mass. Rapid Transit Commission. Report, April 5, 1892. Bost., 1892. 296 p. J.U. N. Y. Legislature. Assembly. Special Committee to Investigate the Question of Municipal Ownership of Street Railroads. Report and testimony. Albany, 1896. 2 vols. CJ.U. Speirs, Frederic W. The street railway system of Philadelphia; its history and present condition. (Johns Hopkins University. Studies in historical and political science. March-May, 1897. 15: 85-273). CJ.U. U. S. Bureau of the Census. Street and electric railways 1902. Washington, 1905. 439 p. Contents: Letter of transmittal. Part 1, by Edward D. Durand: Scope and method of investigation; Comparison with census of 1890; Traffic; Capitalization; Financial operations; Employees, salaries, and wages; Interurban railways; eco- nomic, financial, and social features; Consolidation of street railways; Franchises, public regulations, and public ownership; Street railways in European countries. Part 2, by Thomas C. Martin: History and development of electric traction; Roadbed, track, and electric construction; Cars and miscellaneous equipment; Interurban railway construction and equipment; Power houses, equipment, and out- fit. CJ.U. Weyl, Walter E. Street railway employment in the U. S. (U. S. Bureau of Labor. Bulletin, March, 1905. 10: 550-644). Water Works. C.ClJ.U.Baker, Moses N. Water works. (In Bemis, Edward W., Munici- pal monopolies, 1899. p. 3-52). CJ.U. Baker, Moses N., ed. The Manual of American water works. Con- taining the history and descriptions of the water works of the United States and Canada, and water rates charged in over 1,250 cities and towns. N. Y., Engineering News, 1889-1897. 4 vols. $3 per vol. Latest vol. supersedes the earlier. CJ.U. Mason, William P. Water supply. N. Y., Wiley, 1902. 448 p. $4. Statistics and comparisons of various cities are given. New York, N. Y. Merchants' Association. Inquiry into the condi- tions relating to the water supply of the city of New York. N. Y., Blanchard, 1900. 627 p. CJ.U. U. S. Commissioner of Labor. Water, gas, and electric light plants under private and municipal ownership. 983 p. (U. S. Commis- sioner of Labor. Annual report. Vol. 14. 1900.) INDIVIDUAL STATES. Connecticut. J.C.U. Conn. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Municipal statistics. (Conn. Bureau of Labor statistics. Report. 1904. 20: 47-203). C.J.U. Conn. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Private and municipal owner- ship. Electric plants, gas works, water works. (Conn. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Report, 1899. 15: 15-88.) Illinois. C.C1. Greene, Evarts B. The government of Illinois; its history and ad- J.U. ministration. N. Y., Macmillan, 1904. 296 p. 75 cts. Chap. 7, The local governments. Chap. 8, The local governments of Cook Co. L. Hill, Edward J. Municipal officer of Illinois. Chicago, Myers, 1873. CJ.U. Illinois. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Private and municipal owner- ship of gas works, water works, and electric and power plants. (111. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Report, 1898. 10: 1-41, 139-234.) CJ.U. Illinois. General Assembly. Annotated statutes of the state of Illi- nois in force May 1, 1896. Embracing the revision of 1874, and all general statutes enacted since such revision, so far as in force. Ed. by Merritt Starr and Russell H. Curtis. Second edition. Chi- cago, Callaghan, 1896. 3 vols. $18. J.U. Illinois. General Assembly. The revised statutes of the state of Illinois, 1903. Comprising the "Revised statutes of 1874," and all amendments thereto, being all the general statutes of the state in force on the first day of January, 1904. Comp. and ed. by Harvey B. Kurd. Chicago, Chicago Legal News Company, 1904. 2121 p. $5. J.U. Illinois. General Assembly. Laws of Illinois relating to cities, vil- lages, and incorporated towns, in force July 1, 1901. Compiled and published by James A. Rose, secretary of state. Springfield, Phillips, 1902. 432 p. C.J.U. Shaw, Albert. Local government in Illinois. (Johns Hopkins Uni- versity. Studies in historical and political science. First series, 3: 1-19). 30 cts. First pub. in the Fortnightly Review. 30 Indiana. J. Indiana. General Assembly. The municipal law of Indiana, includ- ing all statutes of the state appertaining to cities and towns; with notes of decisions, and a complete list of forms. Third edition. By W. W. Thornton. Cincinnati, Anderson, 1899. 784 p. U has Indiana code, 1905. Kansas. CJ.U. Kansas. Bureau of Labor and Industrial Statistics. Water, elec- tric light and gas plants. (Kansas. Bureau of Labor and Indus- trial Statistics. Report, 1897. 13: 83-113.) Massachusetts. CJ.U. Adams, Alton D. Municipal gas and electric plants in Massachu- setts: (Political Science Quarterly, June, 1902. 17: 247-55). CJ.U. Gray, John H. Competition and capitalization as controlled by the Mass. Gas Commission. (Quarterly Journal of Economics. Feb., 1901. 15: 254-76). CJ.U. Gray, John H. The gas commission of Massachusetts. (Quarterly Journal of Economics, Aug., 1900. 14: 509-36.) J.U. Mass. Board of Gas and Electric Light Commissioners. Annual (ll,14+)report. Bost., 1886+. No. 1+. The various hearings before state and city committees give additional informa- tion. Mass. General Court. Report of committee to investigate charges against certain gas companies; with evidence. Bost., 1893. (House document, 1008.) Out of print. "Veritable mine of information." Gray. J.U. Mass. General Court. House. Special Committee on Street Rail- ways. Report of the Special Committee appointed to investigate the relations between cities and towns and street railway compan- ies. Bost., 1898. 296 p. "Most valuable contribution which has appeared in recent years." L. S. Rowe. J. Mass. Inspector of Gas Meters and Illuminating Gas. Annual re- 1894-f port. Bost., 1862-f. No. 1+. U. J.U. Mass. Rapid Transit Commission. Report, April, 5, 1892. Bost., 1892. 296 p. Michigan. CJ.U. Bemis, Edward W. Local government in Michigan and the north- west. 25 p. (Johns Hopkins University. Studies in historical and political science. 1883. First ser. Vol. 5.) 25 cts. J.U. City Government in Michigan. 59 p. (Michigan Polit. Science Assoc. Vol. 1. No. 6. Dec, 1895.) Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Jackson, Saginaw, Detroit. CJ.U. Michigan. Bureau of Labor and Industrial Statistics. Statistics of electric lighting, gas and water plants in Michigan. (Mich. Bu- reau of Labor and Industrial Statistics. Report, 1897. 15: 183-98.) C1J.U. Wilcox, Delox F. Municipal government in Michigan and Ohio. Columbia University. Studies in history, economics, and public law. 1896. 5: 319-498.) 31 Nebraska. CJ. Nebraska. Bureau of Labor and Industrial Statistics. Private and municipal ownership of water works, electric light and power plants and gas works. (Nebraska. Bureau of Labor and Industrial Sta- tistics. Report, 1897-98. 6: 493-572.) New York. J. Bridge, Charles F. The charters of the cities of the second class as amended to the close of the legislative session of 1904. Albany, Bender, 1904. 207 p. $2.50. CJ.U. New York. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The ownership and opera- tion of electric light and power, gas and water plants. (N. Y. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Report, 1897. 15: 497-601.) J.U. N. Y. Legislature. Assembly. Special Committee to investigate the Question of Municipal Ownership of Street Railroads. Report and testimony. Albany, 1896. 2 vols. J. Powell, Henry M. Taxation of corporations in New York for state and local purposes. Albany, Bender, 1905. 286 p. Local taxation, p. 1-128. Special franchise tax, p. 129-39. Ohio. Cl.J.U. Foote, Allen R. Constitutional municipal government. A series of articles for the consideration of the Legislature of the State of Ohio, in connection with the report of the Ohio Municipal Code Commission. Chicago, Public Policy, 1900. 156 p. Reprinted from The Citizen, Columbus, and The Commercial Tribune, Cincin- nati. Appendix contains full text of bills, p. 113-156. Cl.U. Ohio. General Assembly. An act to provide for the organization of cities and incorporated villages. Passed Oct. 22nd, 1902. Cin- cinnati, Rosenthal, 1902. 88 p. M. Ohio. General Assembly. Municipal code, passed by the 75th General Assembly in extraordinary session. Columbus, Heer, 1902. 155 p. U has in session laws, Cl.U. Ohio Municipal Code Commission. The revised municipal code of Ohio, prepared by the Ohio Municipal Code Commission. Co- lumbus, Heer, 1899. 260 p. To "be transmitted by the Governor to the next general assembly for its con- sideration." Pref. Cl.J.U. Wilcox, Delox F. Municipal government in Michigan and Ohio. (Columbia University. Studies in history, economics, and public law. 1896. 5: 319-498.) CJ.U. Woodruff, Clinton R. Municipal government in Ohio. (Yale Re- view, Aug., 1903. 12: 121-40.) Pennsylvania. J.U. Eastman, Frank M. The taxation of public service corporations in Pennsylvania. Phil., Bisel, 1905. 46 p. C.J.U. Gould, E. R. L. Local government in Pennsylvania. (Johns Hop- kins University. Studies in historical and political science. 1883. First series. 3: 20-37.) 32 Virginia. C. Virginia. Bureau of Labor and Industrial Statistics. Statistics of private and municipal water, gas and electric light plants. (Vir- ginia. Bureau of Labor and Industrial Statistics. Report, 1899. 32: 1-44.) Wisconsin. J. Wisconsin. Legislature. Laws of Wisconsin relating to the or- ganization and government of cities and the powers and duties of city officers and of common councils. Ed. by Charles E. Esta- brook. Madison, 1900. 321 p. $3. INDIVIDUAL CITIES. Baltimore. Cl. Full Text of the new charter bill. (In Morning Herald, Feb. 9th, 1898.) C. New Charter of Baltimore city. Bait., 1898. 340 p. U has in session laws. Cl.M. New Charter of Baltimore city. Rev. ed., containing amendments and new laws passed by Maryland Legislature of 1900. Baltimore, Sun Printing Co., 1900. 352 p. U has in session laws. C.C1. J.U.Reynolds, William, Baltimore under its new charter. (Amer. Acad. of Polit. and Social Science. Annals. Jan., 1906. 27: 168-79.) Baltimore. Municipal Lighting Commission. Preliminary report. Baltimore, 1900. 20 p. Gives statistics of larger cities. Review by A. R. Foote in Municipal Affairs. 4: 232-35. C.C1. J.U.Hollander, J. H. The financial history of Baltimore. 398 p. (Johns Hopkins University. Studies in historical and political science. 1899. Extra vol. 20.) $2. C.J.U. Thomas, Thaddeus P. The city government of Baltimore. 51 p. (Johns Hopkins University. Studies in historical and political science. 1896. 14th ser. No. 2.) Boston. C.Cl.J.U.Bugbee, James M. The city government of Boston. 60 p. (Johns Hopkins University. Studies in historical and political science. 1887. 5th series. Vol. 3.) 25 cts. C.J.U. Gray, John H. The gas supply of Boston. (Quarterly Journal of Economics, July-Oct, 1898; April-Nov., 1899. 12: 419-46; 13: 15-44, 292-313; 14: 87-120.) J.U. Matthews, Nathan. The city government of Boston, A vale- dictory address to the members of the City Council, January 5, 1895. Boston, 1895. 289 p. Charter, 1822, p. 164; Charter, 1854, p. 167; Amendments, 1885, p. 168. Buffalo. J. Charter of the city of Buffalo, constituting chapter 105 of the Laws of the state of New York, passed in 1891, with all amend- ments and revisions up to and including the acts of the legislative session of 1896. Compiled by Mark S. Hubbell. Buffalo, 1896. 425 p. U has in session laws. Chicago. Titles on Chicago are given at end of list. Cleveland. C.J.U. Hopkins, William R. The street railway problem in Cleveland, a statement of existing conditions, and a discussion of the policy which the city should pursue with regard to its street railways. (American Economic Association. Economic studies. Dec., 1896. 1: 289-376.) C.J.U. Orth, S. P. The Cleveland plan of school administration. (Po- litical Science Quarterly. Sept., 1904. 19: 402-16.) Denver. Cl. Proposed charter of the city and county of Denver. To be voted on Sept. 22, 1903. Denver, 1903. 102 p. Not adopted. Cl.M.U. Charter of the city and county of Denver, framed by the Second Charter Convention, Feb. 6, 1904. To be voted on March 29, 1904. Denver, 1904. 139 p. Adopted. Detroit. U. Charter of the city of Detroit with amendments thereto and the acts of the legislature relating to or affecting the city of Detroit. Compiled under the direction of Timothy E. Taisney. Detroit, Smith Press, 1904. 664 p. C1J.M. Charter of the City of Detroit and acts of the Legislature, relating to the several boards, commissions, and courts of the City of De- troit. Detroit, 1893. 445 p. Cl.U. Laws enacted by the Legislature 1895-1901 affecting the munici- pality of Detroit. Detroit, 1895-1901. 4 vols. in 1. Galveston. Cl. Charter of the city of Galveston as passed by the 28th Legislature of Texas and approved March 30, 1903. Galveston, Clarke & Courts, 1903. 65 p. Grand Rapids. Cl. Revised Charter of the city of Grand Rapids, approved March 25, 1897, and other municipal acts, with amendments passed by the Legislature of 1899 and 1901. Grand Rapids, Seymour & Muir, 1901. 495 p. Cl. Proposed Revised Charter for the city of Grand Rapids, prepared by the committee on charter amendments appointed May 2nd, 1904. Grand Rapids, 1904. 162 p. Houston. U. Charter of the city of Houston as passed by the 29th Legislature 1905. Houston, Coyle, 1905. 42 p. 34 Kansas City. Cl. New Charter of Kansas City framed by the thirteen freeholders and submitted for adoption at a special election called to be held on March 7, 1905. Kansas City, Burnap, 1905. 247 p. Rejected. C.C1. J.U.Peters, James W. S. Home rule charters movements in Missouri, with special reference to Kansas City. (Amer. Acad. of Polit and Social Science. Annals. Jan., 1906. 27: 155-67.) Los Angeles. Cl.U. Charter of the city of Los Angeles as adopted Jan., 1889, and amended Jan., 1903. Los Angeles, Southern California Print. Co., 1903. 103 p. Manila. C.J.U. Plehn, Carl C. Municipal government in the Philippine Islands. (Municipal Affairs, Dec., 1901. 5:793-801.) Review of the general municipal code (1901) and the charter of Manila. Milwaukee. J.U. Charter of the City of Milwaukee. Being chapter 184, laws of 1874, as amended by subsequent acts of the Legislature to and including the acts of 1891, and general laws operating as amend- ments thereto, up to and including those passed by the Legisla- ture of 1895. Compiled by Charles H. Hamilton. Milwaukee, Keogh, 1895. 389 p. $4. Minneapolis. Cl. Charter of the city of Minneapolis, drafted and proposed by the Minneapolis Charter Commission, Jan. 6, 1898. Minneapolis, 1898. 74 p. Not adopted. Cl. Proposed new charter. (In Minneapolis Journal, July 3, 1900.) Not adopted. Cl. Proposed City Charter which will be submitted to the people at the general election in 1904. (In Daily Times, Dec. 14, 1903.) Not adopted. New Haven. Cl. Charter of the city of New Haven, Conn., and special acts. New Haven, 1901. 139 p. U. has 1905 ed. New Orleans. C.Cl.J.U.Howe, William W. Municipal history of New Orleans. 33 p. (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science. 7th series, vol. 4.) 50 cts. Cl.U. Manual of the city of New Orleans, comprising city charter of 1896, as amended in 1898, 1900 and 1902. Extracts from the con- stitution of 1898 and acts of the legislature of 1900 and 1902 rela- tive to city affairs. New Orleans, 1903. 313 p. New York. Cl.U. Ash, Mark. ed. The Greater New York Charter. Annotated. N. Y., Baker, Voorhis & Co., 1901. $6.50. Cl. Brooklyn Daily Eagle, comp. The charter of the city of N. Y., with amendments of 1901, 1902 and 1903. Brooklyn, Daily Eagle, 1903. 180 p. 50 cts. CJ.U. Goodnow, Frank J. The charter of the city of New York. (Po- litical Science Quarterly, March, 1902. 17: 1-23.) Cl. N. Y. Charter Revision Commission. Report to the governor, with proposed amendments to the Greater N. Y. charter. Dec. 1, 1900. N, Y., Martin B. Brown Co., 1900. 814 p. J. New York City Club. The New York City charter bill. Text of the difference between the bill as proposed by the Charter Revision Commission and bill as passed by Legislature, 5th April, 1901. 2d ed. N. Y. City Club, 1901. 104 p. J.U. Thomson, John C. The Greater New York Charter of 1901, to- gether with constitutional provisions affecting the city; provisions of the charter of 1897, continued until changed by the Board of Al- dermen; the tenement house law; the building code; and the co- lonial charters. With notes. N. Y., Lawyers' Co-operative Pub- lishing Co., 1901. 1218 p. CJ.U. Bernheim, A. C. The relations of the city and the state of New York. (Political Science Quarterly, Sept., 1894. 9: 377-402.) CJ.U. Coler, Bird S. Municipal government as illustrated by the charter, finances and public charters of New York. N. Y., Appleton, 1900. 200 p. $1. Contents: 1. The city charter. 2. Public charity. 3. Charity regulated. 4. Income and expenses. 5. Water supply. 6. Transportation. 7. City develop- ment. 8. The Church in politics. 9. Political machines. CJ.U. Cope, Francis R. A model municipal department. How the Low administration has been caring for the health of N. Y. city. (Amer- ican Journal of Sociology. Jan.-March, 1904. 9:459-89, 631-71.) CJ.U. De Forest, Robert W. ed. The tenement house problem, includ- ing the report of the New York state tenement house commission of 1900, by various writers, ed. by Robert W. De Forest and Law- rence Veiller. N. Y., Macmillan, 1903. 2 vol. $6 net. C.Cl.J.U.Durand, Edward Dana. The finances of New York City. N. Y., Macmillan, 1898. 397 p. $2. C.Cl.J.U.Godkin, Edwin L. The problems of municipal government. (Amer- ican Acad. of Polit. and Social Science. Annals. May, 1894. 4:857-882.) Sketch of municipal history of New York City. C1.J. Interborough Rapid Transit Co. The New York Subway. N. Y., 1904. 150 p. CJ.U. Municipal gas for New York; a discussion; Edward M. Grout, affirmative; Allen R. Foote, negative. (Municipal Affairs, June, 1897. 1: 225-300.) C.C1. J.U.Myers, Gustavus. The history of public franchises in New York city. N. Y., Reform club, 1900. p. 73-206. 50 cts. Reprinted from Municipal Affairs, March, 1900. Cl. N. Y. Legislature. Joint Committee to Investigate the Gas and 36 Electric Light Situation in the City of New York. Report. Albany, 1905. 100 p. Cl. N. Y. Legislature. Joint Committee to Investigate the Gas and Electric Light Situation in the City of New York. Testimony taken before the Joint Committee. Albany, 1905. 4 vols. Cl. New York, N. Y., Merchants' Association. Inquiry into telephone service and rates in New York city. N. Y., 1905. 57 p. New York, N. Y. Merchants' Association. Inquiry into the condi- tions relating to the water supply of the city of New York. N. Y., Blanchard, 1900. 627 p. J. Seabury, Samuel. Municipal ownership and operation of public utilities in New York city. N. Y., Municipal ownership publish- ing co., 1905. 202 p. 25 cts. C.J.U. Waring, George E. Street cleaning in the city of New York, 1895- 97. (Municipal Affairs, June, 1898, supplement Vol. 2, No. 2. 234 p.) For contents see same title under heading Engineering. Olympia, Wash. M. Charter and ordinances of the city of Olympia, Wash. Comp. by P. D. Moore. Olympia, Blankenship-Satterlee, 1904. 424 p. General state law for cities of 3rd class, approved 1890, as amended 1901. Omaha. U has in session laws the new charter of Omaha, Neb. Philadelphia. C.J.U. Allinson, Edward P. & Penrose, Boies. The city government of Phiadelphia. 72 p. (Johns Hopkins University studies in histori- cal and political science. 1887. 5th series. Vol. 1-2.) 50 cts. C.J.U. Allinson, Edward P. & Penrose, Boies. Philadelphia, 1681-1887. A history of municipal development. 392 p. (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science. 1887. Extra vol. 2.) $3. C.C1. J.U.Branson, Walter J. The Philadelphia nominating system. (Amer. Acad. of Political and Social Science. Annals. July, 1899. 14:18-37.) M.U. Bullitt bill, as adopted by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, June 1, 1885. Philadelphia, Dunlap Printing Co., 1902. 33 p. Cl. has ed. of 1885. Cl.U. Digest of laws and ordinances concerning Philadelphia, 1701- 1904, comp. by William Findlay Brown. Philadelphia, Bayne, 1905. 1815 p. C.Cl.J.U.Rowe, Leo S. The municipality and the gas supply. (Amer. Acad. of Polit. and Social Science. Annals. May, 1898. 11:301-23). Review of the causes which led Philadelphia to relinquish the municipal opera- tion of its gas works. C.J.U. Speirs, Frederic W. The street railway system of Philadelphia; its history and present condition. (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science. March-May, 1897 15; 85-273.) $1. 37 Portland, Ore. Cl.U. An act to incorporate the city of Portland. Approved Jan. 23, 1903. Salem, Whitney, 1903. 172 p. Cl. Portland Charter Board. Proposed charter of the city of Port- land. Drafted by the Charter Board. To be voted on in June, 1902. Portland, 1902. 168 p. Providence, R. I. M. Charter and special laws governing the city of Providence. Prov U. idence, Snow & Farnham, 1901. 420 p. Charter of 1866, as amended and consolidated by acts of the General Assembly from 1866 to 1900 inclusive. Cl. New city charter. Document presented to the Common Council (In Providence Journal, Nov. 22, 1898.) Not adopted. C.Cl.J.U.Stokes, Howard K. The finances and administration of Providence. 464 p. (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and politi' cal science. 1903. Extra vol. 25.) $3.50. St. Joseph, Mo. Cl.M. General Ordinances of the city of St. Joseph (a city of the 2d U. class), together with the laws of the state of Missouri of a gen- eral nature applicable to the city of St. Joseph. St. Joseph, Combe Printing Co., 1897. 764 p. St. Louis. U. Revised ordinance, city of St. Louis, approved April 7, 1893. In connection with which are published the scheme of separation of the county and city of St. Louis, the charter of the city, Chester H. Krum, reviser. St. Louis, Nixon-Jones, 1895. 1483 p. Cl. has code of 1901. M.C1.U. Scheme of separation between St. Louis city and county and the charter of the city of St. Louis, with all amendments and modifi' cations to May 1, 1902. St. Louis, Woodward & Tiernan, 1902 258 p. St. Paul. M. Municipal code of the city of St. Paul, comprising the laws of the U. state of Minnesota relating to the city, rev. by Daniel W. Lawler. St. Paul, Herald, 1896. 390, 35 p. Cl. Charter of the city of St. Paul. 2d ed. St. Paul, Pioneer Press, U(190S) 1902. 125 p. San Francisco. Cl.J.M. Charter of the city and county of San Francisco, prepared by the U. Board of Freeholders elected 1897. Ratified 1898. In effect 1900. Comp. by J. Richard Freud. San Francisco, Star Press, 1900. 186 p. U. has also amendments made in 1902. C.J.U. Moses, Bernard. The establishment of municipal government in San Francisco. 83 p. (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science. 1889. 7th series. Vol. 2-3.) 50 cts. 38 Seattle. Cl.M. Charter of the city of Seattle, adopted March 6, 1900. Seattle, U.(1904)Lowman & Hanford, 1900. 132 p. Washington. CJ.U. Meriwether, C. Washington city government. (Political Science Quarterly, Sept., 1897. 12:407-19.) CJ.U. Porter, John A. The city of Washington. 55 p. (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science. 1885. 3rd ser., vol. 11-12.) 50 cts. Cl.U. Tindall, William. Origin and government of the District of Co- lumbia. Wash., 1903. 224 p. CJ.U. U. S. 56th Cong., 2d sess., 1900-1901. An act to establish a code of law for the District of Columbia. March 3, 1901. (In U. S. Congress. Statutes at large of the United States. Washington, 1901. p. 1189-1436.) CJ.U. U. S. Senate. Committee on the District of Columbia. The im- provement of the park system of the District of Columbia. Ed, by Charles Moore. Wash., 1902. 179 p. (57th Cong. 1st session. Senate Report No. 166.) CHICAGO General. CJ.U. Andreas, Alfred T. History of Chicago. From the earliest period to the present time. Chicago, A. T. Andreas Co., 1884-1886. 3 vol. $14. C.C1 J.U.Chicago. Citizens' Association. Annual report. Chicago, 1874 -f. No. 1+. J. Chicago. Citizens' Association. Bulletin. Chicago, 1901+. No. 2+. Chicago. .City Council. Proceedings. Chicago, 1861 +. J.(1861+)C.(1864+)U.(1870+)C1.(1867-85,1887+) J. Chicago. Civic Federation. Annual report. Chicago, 1900-f . No. 1+. Cl. Chicago. Corporation Counsel. Opinions. Chicago, 1872+. U has 1898+ Chicago Daily News almanac and year book. Chicago, 1885-f. CJ. Chicago. Department of Public Works. Mayor's annual message U.(2+) and the annual report of the Department of Public Works to the City Council of the City of Chicago. Chicago, 1876-f . No. 1+. CJ.U. Chicago. Municipal Library and Bureau of Statistics. City of Chi- cago statistics. Chicago, 1901+. Vol. 1+ . Cook Co. Board of Commissioners. Official proceedings. Chicago, 1871+. J.(1871-74,84-85,86+)C.(1871-72,73-77,78-80,82+) C.ClJ.U.Gray, John H. Greater Chicago. (Amer. Acad. of Polit. and Social Science. Annals. March, 1901. 17:291-98.) C.Cl.J.U.Grosser, Hugo S. The movement for municipal ownership in Chi- cago. (Amer. Acad. of Polit. and Social Science. Jan. 1906. 17:72-90.) C.C1J.U. Grosser, Hugo S. Municipal problems of Chicago. (Amer. Acad. of Polit and Social Science. Annals. March, 1904. 23:281-96.) C.C1 J.U.Hull-House maps and papers. A presentation of nationalities and wages in a congested district of Chicago, together with comments and essays on problems growing out of the social conditions. N. Y., Crowell, 1895. 230 p.. $2.50. Contents: Addams, J. Prefatory note. 1. Holbrook, A. S. Map notes and comments. 2. Kelley, F. The sweating-system. 3. Kelley, F. & Stevens, A. P. Wage-earning children. 4. Eaton, I. Receipts and expenditures of cloakmakers in Chicago. 5. Zueblin, C. The Chicago Ghetto. 6. Zeman, J. H. The Bohe- mian people in Chicago. 7. Mastro-Valerio, A. Remarks upon the Italian colony in Chicago. 8. Lathrop, J. C. The Cook County charities. 9. Starr, E. G. Art and labor. 10. Addams, J. The settlement as a factor in the labor move- ment. Appendix, Hull-House: a social settlement. C1J.U. James, Edmund J. The opportunity of Chicago to become a great city. World Review, 1901. Vol. 1, No. 1, p. 10-12; No. 2, p. 10-13; No. 3, p. 10-13; No. 4, p 106-9.) Contents: The present crisis, The street car situation in Chicago, How a similar city solved a more difficult problem, What should be the street car policy of Chicago for the immediate future? C.J.U. Moses, John, & Kirkland, Joseph, editors. Aboriginal to metropol- itan. History of Chicago, Illinois. Chicago, Munsell, 1895. 2 vols. $25. C.Cl.J.U.Riley, Thomas J. The higher life of Chicago. Chicago, University of Chicago, 1905. 136 p. 75 cts. Contents. Pt. 1. The educational interests of Chicago. Pt. 2. The moral and social interests of Chicago. Pt. 3. The aesthetic and religious interests of Chicago. Pt. 4. Appendix: tab. 1. Women's clubs in Chicago, tab. 2. Social settlements in Chicago, tab. 3. Charities in Chicago. C.Cl.J.U.Sparling, Samuel Edwin. Municipal history and present organiza- tion of the city of Chicago. 113 p. (Wisconsin University Bulle- tin, No. 23. Economics, Political Science and History series, vol. 2, No. 2.) 75 cts. Charters, Ordinances. C1J.U. James, Edmund J. The charters of the city of Chicago. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1898-99. Pt. 1-2. (Chicago Univer- sity. Studies in political science.) $1. Pt. 1, The early charters, 1833-37. Pt. 2, The city charters, 1838-51. No more published. C. Chicago. Common Council. Charter of the city of Chicago and amendments, with rules of council and ordinances. Chicago, Dem- ocrat Office, 1849. 116 p. C.J. Chicago. Common Council. The revised charter and ordinances of the city of Chicago. Arranged, revised and published by George Manierre. Chicago, Daily Democrat, 1851. 256 p. Supplement published in 1853. C.J. Chicago. Common Council. The charter and ordinances of the City of Chicago, (to Sept. 15, 1856, inclusive,) together with the acts of the General Assembly relating to the city and other mis- cellaneous acts, with an appendix. Compiled, revised and codified by George W. and John A. Thompson. Chicago, D. B. Cooke & Co., 1856. 574 p. C.J. Chicago. Common Council. Laws and ordinances governing the 40 City of Chicago, January 1, 1866, with an appendix, containing the former legislation relating to the city. Compiled and arranged by Joseph E. Gary. Chicago, E. B. Myers & Chandler, 1866. 691 p. C.C1.J. Chicago. Common Council. Laws and ordinances governing the city of Chicago. Compiled and arranged by Murray F. Tuley Chicago, Bulletin Printing Co., 1873. 730 p. C. has 1877 ed. of municipal code. C.J. Hyde Park. Laws and ordinances governing the Village of Hyde Park, together with its charter and general laws affecting munici- pal corporations; special ordinances and charters under which cor- porations have vested rights in the village. Revised and arranged by Consider H. Willett. Hyde Park, 1876. 395 p. J. Lake View. Laws and ordinances governing the town of Lake View, Cook county, Illinois, together with its charter, and amend- ments thereto. Lake View, Sinclair, 1879. 218 p. C.J. Chicago. City Council. The municipal code of Chicago, compris- ing the laws of Illinois relating to the city of Chicago, and the or- dinances of the City Council, codified and revised by Egbert Jam- ieson and Francis Adams. Chicago, Beach, Barnard, 1881. 859 p. Supplements published in 1883 and 1887. C.C1. J.U.Chicago. City Council. Laws and ordinances governing the City of Chicago, as in force April 2, 1890. Compared and revised by Jonas Hutchinson and M, W. Robinson. Chicago, E. B. Myeri & Co., 1890. 1395 p. Supplement published in 1894. C.C1. J.U.Chicago. City Council. The revised code of Chicago. Chicago, Conkey, 1897-1898. Cl.J.U. Chicago. City Council.. The revised municipal code of Chicago of 1905, rev. and codified by Edgar B. Tolman. Chicago and Rochester, Lawyers' Co-operative Pub. Co., 1905. 979 p. $6. Cl.U. Illinois General Assembly Senate. A bill to amend "An act to provide for the incorporation of cities and villages." Spring- field, 1905. 8 p. Fixes term of Mayor of Chicago at 4 years; governs use of public money, etc. Charter, Proposals for. Cl.U. Chicago Civic Federation. Chicago and the constitution. Re- port to the Civic Federation. E. Allen Frost, Robert McMurdy, Harry S. McCartney, Committee. Chicago, Barnard & Miller, 1902. 54, 62 p. Cl. Chicago Civic Federation. Constitutional changes required by Chicago and Cook Co. For Civic Federation of Chicago. Report by H. S. McCartney, Enoch J. Price. Chicago, Barnard & Miller. 28 p. CI.J. Chicago New Charter Convention. Proceedings of the Chicago New Charter Convention. Chicago, 1902. 19 p. J. Chicago Real Estate Board. Report of Committee on Constitutional revision. Chicago, 1902. 8 p. Supplement to The Call board bulletin. J. Chicago Real Estate Board. Constitutional Revision. Issued by the Chicago Real Estate Board. Chicago, 1902. 36 p. Supplement to The Call board bulletin. 41 Charities. CJ.U. Bicknell, Ernest P. Problems of philanthropy in Chicago. (Amer. Acad. of Polit. and Social Science. Annals. May, 1903. 21: 379-88.) J.U. Chicago Bureau of Charities. Annual report of the Chicago Bu- reau of Charities. 1896-7+. No. 3+. J.U. Chicago Bureau of Justice. First-seventeenth annual report. 1888- 1904. Chicago, 1889-1905. In 1905 the Bureau of Justice united with the Protective Agency for Women and Children to form the Legal Aid Society of Chicago. J. Chicago Charities Directory. A descriptive exhibit of the philan- thropic, social and religious resources of the city of Chicago. Chi- cago, Charities Directory Association, 1905. 371 p. CJ.U. Kelsey, Carl. The Juvenile court of Chicago. (Amer. Acad. of Polit. and Social Science. Annals. March, 1901. 17:298-304.) Civil Service. CJ.U. Chicago. Civil Service Commission. Annual report. Chicago. 1895+. No. 1+. CJ.U. Chicago. Civil Service Commission. Laws, rules and regulations governing examinations, appointment, promotion and removal in the classified service. Instruction to applicants. In effect, August 26, 1895. Chicago, 1895. 76 p. Cl. Cook Co. Civil Service Commission. Civil service act, rules, etc. Chicago, 1904. 46 p. Education, Libraries. CJ.U. Andrews, E. Benjamin. The public school system of Chicago. (Education, Dec., '99-Jan., '00. 20:201-7, 264-69.) C.C1.J. U.Chicago. Board of Education. Directory of the public schools of the city of Chicago, 1904-5. Chicago, 1904. CJ. Chicago. Board of Education. Proceedings of the Board of Edu- cation of the City of Chicago. Chicago, 1871-f . U. has 1871-75, 88+. Chicago. Board of Education. Public schools of the City of Chi- cago. Annual report of the Board of Education. With supple- ments. Chicago, 1854+. No. 1-f. J.U. Chicago. Board of Education. Rules and regulations. Chicago, 1896. 49 p. C. has 1904 ed. J.U. Chicago. Educational Commission. Report. Chicago, 1899. 248 p. William R. Harper, Chairman. Appendix J. Bibliographical references on city school systems. Appendix K. A proposed school law for Chicago. CJ.U. Chicago Public Library. Annual report of the Board of Direc- tors of the Chicago Public Library. Chicago, 1873+. No. 1-f. CJ.U. Chicago Library Club. Libraries of the city of Chicago. With an historical sketch of the Chicago Library Club. Chicago, Chicago Library Club, 1905. 50 cts. 109 p. J.U. Chicago Permanent Vacation School and Playground Committee of Women's Clubs. Report. Chicago, 1898+. No. 1+. 42 J.U. Clark, Hannah B. The public schools of Chicago. A sociological study. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1897. 117 p. 50 cts. Finances, Taxation, Accounts. J.U. Chicago. City Comptroller. Abstracts of receipts, appropriations and expenditures of the City of Chicago. Chicago, 1900+ . Cl.J.U. Chicago. City Council. Committee on Revision of Accounts. Re- port on the special assessment accounts of the City of Chicago October 9, 1871, to April 30, 1901. Haskins & Sells, certified public accountants. Chicago, Higgins, 1903. 40 p. J.U. Chicago. City Council. Committee on Revision of Accounts. Re- port relating to system of municipal accounts for the City of Chi- cago. Dated Nov. 20, 1901. Haskins & Sells, certified public ac- countants. Chicago, 1901. 96 p. . Supplemental report. Ordinances. Chicago, 1901. 77 p. . Letter transmitting report relating to system of munici- pal accounts for the City of Chicago, the necessary ordinances, and other data. Chicago, 1901. 63 p. Reprint of report on municipal electric lighting is given in Municipal Affairs, vol. 6, p. 87-108. Reviewed by John R. Commons, Municipal Affairs, vol. 6, p. 109-15. Chicago. Department of Finance. Annual report. Finances of the City of Chicago. Chicago, 1859-f . No. 3+ . C. (3,7,15+) J. (31,33-39,41-42,44+) Cl. Chicago Citizens' Association. Finances of the city of Chicago and constitutional amendments. Chicago, 1896. 8 p. C.J.U. Commons, John R. Taxation in Chicago and Philadelphia. (Jour- nal of Political Economy, Sept., 1895. 3:434-60.) C.J.U. Merriam, Charles E. Report on the municipal revenues of Chicago. Chicago, City Club, 1906. 161 p. (Chicago. City Club. Publi- cation No. 2.) Part 1: Development of Chicago revenue system since 1871. Part 2: "Rev- enue systems of American and foreign cities. Part 3: The revenues of Chicago. C.J.U. Real Estate valuation supplement. (The Economist, Chicago April 1, 1905. 33: 477-524.) 25 cts. Published annually as the April supplement to the Economist. Gives valua tions of real estate in Chicago for the purposes of taxation. C.J.U. Whitten, Robert H. The assessment of taxes in Chicago. (Jour- nal of Political Economy, March, 1897. 5:175-200.) Gas, Electricity, Lighting. C1J. Arnold, Bion J. and Carroll, Wm. Report upon the reduction of rates of the Chicago Edison Co. and the Commonwealth Electric Co., submitted to the committee on gas, oil and electric light of the Chicago City Council. Chicago, 1906. 12 p. C.C1. J.U. Chicago. City Council. Report of the Committee on gas, oil and electric light, Jan. 29, 1906. Chicago, Higgins. 59 p. Reprint from Council proceedings. Discussion as to price to be paid for gas in Chicago. Statements of Edward W. Bemis and others. Comparative tables, comp. bjf Hugo S. Grosser. C.U. Chicago. Department of Electricity. Annual report. Chicago, J.(4+) 1897+. No. 1+. 43 CJ.U. Meyers, William J. Municipal electric lighting in Chicago. (Polit- ical Science Quarterly, March, 1895. 10:87-94.) CJ.U. Municipal electric lighting in Chicago; editorial; accountants' re- port, Haskins & Sells; economic and social factors, John R. Com- mons. (Municipal Affairs, Maich, 1902. 6: 87-115.) Harbors. C1J.U. Chicago. Harbor Commission. Report. Chicago, Higgins, 1905. 61 p. CJ.U. U. S. House. Committee on interstate and foreign commerce. Report on Chicago river tunnels, obstructions to navigation, etc. 20 p. (U. S. 58th Cong. 2d sess. Report No. 1855.) Housing. Cl J.U. City Homes Association. Tenement conditions in Chicago. Report by the Investigating Committee of the City Homes Association. Text by Robert Hunter. Chicago, 1901. 208 p. CJ.U. Embree, Frances B. Housing of the poor in Chicago. (Journal of Political Economy. June, 1900. 8:354-77.) CJ.U. Wald, Sadie T. Chicago housing conditions. 1904-5. (Charities, Jan. 6, 1906. 15:455-61.) Parks. C. Chicago. Commissioners of Lincoln Park. Annual report. Chi- cago, 1879+. J. has 1894 +. U has incomplete. C.C1.J. Chicago. South Park Commissioners. Report to the Board of County Commissioners of Cook County. Chicago, 1872-j-. J.U. Chicago. South Park Improvement Association. Report of the committees on finance, landscape architecture, streets and alleys improving, of the South Park Improvement Association. Chicago, 1901+. J.U. Chicago. Special Park Commission. Report to the City Council of the City of Chicago. Adopted Feb. 4, 1901. Chicago, 1901. 23 p. C.C1. J.U.Chicago. Special Park Commission. 1905. Report to the City Council of Chicago on the subject of a metropolitan park system. Report compiled by Dwight Heald Perkins, 1904. Chicago, Hart- man, 1905. 149 p. J.U. Chicago. Special Park Commission. Annual report municipal playgrounds and park extension, for 1905. Chicago, 1906. Vol. 1. Chicago. West Chicago Park Commissioners. Annual report. Chicago, 1869+. No. 1+. C.(l-27,29-|-)Cl.(3-4,6-15,18-19,21-24,27+)J.(l-4,6-15,18+) CJ.U. Foreman, Henry G. Chicago's new park service. (Century Mag- azine, Feb., 1905. 69:610-20.) CJ.U. Perkins, Dwight H. A metropolitan park system for Chicago. (World To-day, March, 1905. 8:268-74.) CJ.U. Zueblin, Charles. Municipal playgrounds in Chicago. (American Journal of Sociology, Sept. 1898. 4:145-58.) Police. J.U. Chicago. Police Department. Book of rules and regulations of 44 the Department of Police of the City of Chicago. Adopted and in force, May 1, 1905. Chicago, 1905. 163 p. Chicago. Police Department. Report. Chicago, 1872+ . C(1872-78,82,84+)J.(1877,1904+) J.U. Illinois. General Assembly. Senate. Senate report on the Chicago police system as made by the Committee of Investigation appointed by the 40th General Assembly, special session, 1897-98. Spring- field, 111., 1898. 22 p. C.Cl.J.U.Piper, Alexander R. Report of an investigation of the discipline and administration of the Police Department of the City of Chi- cago. Chicago, City Club, 1904. 49 p. (Chicago. City Club. Publication No. 1.) Saloons. C.J.U. George, John E. The saloon question in Chicago, by John E. George. N. Y., Macmillan, 1897. 57-110 p. (American Economic Association. Economic studies. Vol. 2, No. 2.) 50 cts. C.J.U. Melendy, Royal L. The saloon in Chicago. (American Journal of Sociology, Nov., 1900-Jan., 1901. 6:289-306, 433-64.) Sanitation. Public Health. C.J.U. Chicago. Department of Health. Biennial report. Chicago, 1867-98. No more published. J. Chicago. Department of Health. State of Chicago's health. Bul- letin of the Health Department. Chicago, 1902+. No. 1+. J.U. Chicago. Department of Health. Vital statistics of the City of Chicago for the years 1899 to 1903, inclusive. Chicago, 1904. 128 p. Previous reports published as part of the Biennial report of the Department of Health. J.U. Chicago. Board of Trustees of the Sanitary District. Drainage channel and water way, a history of the effort to secure an effective and harmless method for the disposal of the sewage of the City of Chicago and to create a navigable channel between Lake Michi- gan and the Mississippi River. By G. P. Brown. Chicago, Don- nelley, 1894. 480 p. C.J.U. Chicago. Board of Trustees of the Sanitary District. Proceed- ings. Chicago, 1890-f. Cl. has 1890-92, 1894-98, 1900+ . C.J.U. Chicago. Citizens' Association. Committee on Smoke. Reports. Chicago, 1889. 37 p. C.J. Chicago. Citizens' Asociation. Sewerage Committee. Report. Chicago, 1880. 16 p. J. Chicago. Department of Public Works. Report to the City Coun- cil on garbage collection and disposal. Chicago, 1905. 12 p. U. Thurston, Henry W. The fight for life in Chicago; a sketch of the sanitary history of the city. Chicago, Board of Education, 1901. 52 p. Streets. Cl.J.U. Alvord, John W. A report to the Street Paving Committee of the Commercial Club on the street paving problem of Chicago. Chicago, Donnelley, 1904. 33, 24 p. Contains an opinion by John S. Miller on maintenance and repair of Chicago streets. 45 J. Selfridge, Harry G. Suggestions on the problem of cleaning the streets of Chicago. Written for the City Homes Association. Chicago, City Homes Association, 1901. 11 p. Transportation. J.U. Arnold, Bion J. Notice to bidders. Condensed specifications and forms of proposals relating to the construction and operation of a municipal street railway for the city of Chicago. Chicago, 1905. 120 p. Cl.J.U. Arnold, Bion J. Report on the engineering and operating features of the Chicago transportation problem submitted to the Committee on Local Transportation of the Chicago City Council. Chicago, 1902. 310 p. Atlas pub. separately. J.U. Arnold, Bion J. Report upon methods for increasing the capacity and reducing the noise of the Union Elevated Railroad of Chicago, submitted to the Committee on Local Transportation of the Chi- cago City Council. Chicago, 1905. 54 p. Cl. Chicago. City Council. Pending ordinances for the Chicago City Railway Co., the West Chicago Street Railroad Co., and the North Chicago Street Railroad Co. with report thereon by the Committee on Local Transportation. Dec. 5, 1905. Chicago, 1905. Various paging. C.C1. J.U.Chicago. City Council. Special Committee on the Street Railway Franchises. Report of the Special Committee of the City Council of Chicago on the Street Railway Franchises and Operations to January 1, 1898. Chicago, 1898. 313 p. Known as the Harlan report. J.U. Chicago. City Council. Special Committee on Local Transporta- tion. Report of the Special Committee on Local Transportation to the City Council of the City of Chicago, outlining the provisions of a street railway franchise renewal ordinance. Chicago, 1901. 10 p. J.U. Chicago. City Council. Committee on Local Transportation. Sug- gested outline of street railway franchise renewal ordinance, to- gether with a discussion of some of the features thereof. Prepared for the Committee on Local Transportation by the secretary. Chi- cago, 1901. 24 p. George C. Sikes, Secretary. Cl. Chicago. Civic Federation. The street railways of Chicago. Chi- cago, 1901. 160 p. J.U. Chicago. Street Railway Commission. Report of the Street Rail- way Commission to the City Council of the City of Chicago. Chi- cago, 1900. 136 p. J. Dalrymple, James. Report on Chicago street railways. (Street Railway Journal. March 17, 1906. 27: 422-27.) Also published in Chicago daily newspapers. Also given with additions and notes in Chicago City Council. Proceedings, March 12, 1906, p. 2876-91. (C.C1. J.U.) Cl.J. History and statistics of Chicago street railway corporations. Chi- cago 1896. 52 p. Published as supplement to The Economist. Later statistics of Chicago street railways are given in the Investors' Manual, published annually. 46 CJ.U. Illinois. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The street railways of Chicago and other cities. Published by the Campaign Committee of Committee of One Hundred against the Humphrey Bills. Spring- field, 1897. 73 p. "From annual report of George A. Schilling, Secretary Illinois Bureau of Labor Statistics." CJ.U. Investors' Manual. 134 p. (The Economist, Chicago. May, 1905. Vol. 33.) $1. Published annually as the May supplement to the Economist. Of special value for its information in regard to the Chicago street railway companies. C.ClJ.U.Sikes, George C. The street railway situation in Chicago. (Con- ference for good city government. Proceedings. 1902. 10:175-93.) Historical. CJ.U. Street Railways of Chicago. (Municipal Affairs, June, 1901. 5:439- 594.) Contents: Report of Civic Federation committee. Maltbie, M. R. Analysis of financial operations. Bard, E. F. Accountant's report. J. U. S. Supreme Court. Decision in regard to Chicago street rail- ways. (Street Railway Journal. March 17, 1906. 27: 435.) Tunnels. J.U. Chicago. Department of Public Works. Engineering Commission. Report of the Commissioner of Public Works, Chicago, on the tunnels of the Illinois Tunnel Company by the Engineering Com- mission, appointed July 6, 1905. Chicago, Stevens, Maloney, 1905. 18 p. Water Works. CJ. Chicago. Citizens' Association. Report on the north-west water tunnel. Chicago, 1897. 27 p. C1J. Chicago. Commission on high-pressure water systems. Report. Chicago, 1905. 95 p. AUTHOR INDEX In all cases where a title is repeated, reference.is made to the^first entry only. Abbott, H. S. Adams, A. D.. Adams, C. F . . Adams, F Adams, H. B. 9 27 27 41 IS Adams, H. C 19,24 Addams, J 9,21,40 Adler, H. M 14 Agar, J. G 23 AUinson, E. P 37 Almy, F 16 Alvord, J. W 4\ American, S 10 Amer. Acad. of Polit. & Social Science. 7 Amer. Economic Assoc 7, 19, 24 Amer. Journal of Sociology 7 Amer. Street Rail way Investments 29 Andreas, A. T 39 Andrews,E. B 42 Arnold, B. J 43, 46 Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society .... 16 Ash, M 36 Atkinson, M 15 Avery.E. M 25 Baker, M. N 18,19,29, Baltimore Municipal Lighting Com- mission 27 Bard, E. F 47 Bayles, G. J. 22 Beach, C. F 9,22 Beitler, A. M 16 Bell.J 15 Bemis, A. A 22 Bemis, E. W 9, 24, 27, 29. 31, 43 Bernheim, A. C 23, 36 Bicknell.E. P 42 Billings.J. S 18 ck. M Block,., Blomfield, R Blunden.G. H Booth, H.J... Bowker, R. R Bradford, G... Branson, W. J Bridge, C. F. Bronson, H. A Brooklyn Daily Eagle 9i22 18 32 20 36 Brooks'. R . C ".*... . .".. .'.".'.I'.'.... 7, 13, 18 Brown, E. C 27 Brown, G. P 45 Brown.W.F 37 Bryce, J 9 BugbeeJ.M 33 Bureau of Charities, Chicago 42 Bureau of J ustice, Chicago 42 Burroughs, W. H 20 Butler, J. A 22 Butler, N. M 17 Cadoux, G 12 Canadian Municipal Journal 7 Capen, S. B 22 .Carroll, W 43 Census Bureau 8,11,16,23,28,29 Chancellor, W. E 17 Chapin, C. V 18 Charities 7 Chicago, Board of Education 42 Chicago, Board of Trustees of Sanitary District 45 Chicago, Bureau of Charities, 42 Chicago, Bureau of J ustice 42 Chicago, Citizens' Association 39, 43, 45, 47 Chicago City Comptroller 43 Chicago, City Council 39, 4L 43, 40 Chicago, City Homes Association ., 44 Chicago, Civic Federation 39, 41, 46 Chicago, Civil Service Commission 42 Chicago, Commission on High Pres- sure Water System 47 Chicago, Commissioners of Lincoln Park 44 Chicago, Common Council 40, 41 Chicago, Corporation Counsel 39 Chicago, Daily News Almanac 39 Chicago, Dept. of Electricity, . 43 Chicago, Dept. of Finance 43 Chicago, Dept, of Health 45 Chicago, Dept. of Public Works 39, 45, 47 Chicago, Educational Commission 42 Chicago, Engineering Commission 47 Chicago, Harbor Commission , 44 Chicago Library Club 42 Chicago, Municipal Library 39 Chicago, New Charter Convention 41 Chicago, Permanent Vacation School Committee 42 Chicago, Police Dept 44,45 Chicago, Public Li brary Chicago, Real Estate Board 41 Chicago, South Park Commissioners. . . 44 Chicago, South Park Improvement As- sociation 44 Chicago Special Park Commission Chicago, Street Railway Commission.. 46 Chicago, University 7 Chicago, West Chicago Park Commis- sioners 44 Citizens Association,Chicago 39, 43, 45, 47 City Homes Association, Chicago . .... 44 Civic Federation, Chicago 39 41 46 Civil Service Commission, Chicago .... 42 Civil Service Commission, Cook Co 42 Clark, H.B Clement,E.W 15 Cleveland, F. A 20 Clow,F.R 8,20 Coler, B. S 10. ^6 Columbia University 7 Commercial and Financial Chronicle.. 20, 29 Commission on High Pressure Water Systems, Chicago 47 Commons 7 Commons, J R 18, 23, 24, 27, 28, 43 Conference for Good City Govt 7 Conn. Bureau of Labor Statistics 24 Consular Reports 26 Cook Co. Board of Commissioners 39 Cook Co. Civil Service Commission 42 Cooley, T. M. 20 Cope, F. R X 8 County Council 's Year Book n Crafts, C. E 2 ^ Crane.W jg Crawford, A. W 16 Cummins, J. S 24 Curtis, C. E 20,29 Curtis.R.H 36 Dallinger, F. W. 18 22,24 28.' 32 23 9 44 3 22 41 Dalrymple, J 46 Daniel, A. S 18 Darwin, L 24 De Forest, R. W 21 Deming, H. E 10,18 Detroit Public Library 7 Dillon, J. F 9,20 Dolman, F. L 13 Donald, R 14 Dubois, L. P 12 Durand, E. D 20,22,29 Eastman, F. M 20 Eaton, D. B 9 Eaton, 1 40 Economic Studies 7 Economist, Chicagp 43. 46. 47 Educational Commission, Chicago.... 42 Elliott, B.K 19 Elliott, C.B 9 Elliott, W.F 19 Ely, R. T 9,20 Embree, F. B 44 Engineering Commission, Chicago 47 Estabrook. C, E 33 Evarts, Wm. M io Fairlie, J. A 8. 9, io, 20, Folks, H Foote, A. R 24,27, Ford.G. S Ford,H.J Foreman, H. G Forrest, J. D Freud, J. R Freund, E Frost, E. A Gary, J. E 41 Geddes, P 15,16 Gelling, B. R 12 George, J. E 45 Gessing, R . 12 Glasgow, Munic. Commission on Hous- ing of Poor 15 Godkin, E.L 30 Gomme, G. L 13 Goodhue, W.F 19 Goodnow, F. J 9, io, 13, 22,23, 24, 36 Gould. E. R. L 32 Grant, J. H 23 Gray, J. H ... 25,27,28,39 Great Britain. Local Govt. Board.... 14 Great Britain. Parliament. Committee on Municipal Trading 14 Greene, E. B 30 Greenlaw, E. A 22 Grosser, H. S 17,39,40,43 Grout, E. M 28 Hamil ton, C. H 35 Hanger, G 19 Harbor Commission, Chicago 44 Harland, J. M...., 46 Harper.W.R 42 Harris, W. H 20 Hartshorne, C. H 14 Haskins & Sells 24, 43, 44 Henderson, C. R ID Hill, E.J 22 Hirst,F. W 14 Holbrook, A. S 40 Hollander, I. H 20 Holls.F.W Holt,B. W 21 Hopkins, W. R 20 Horr,N.T Hotchkiss, W. E Howe, F. C io. 14 Howe.W. W 35 Hubbell, M.S Hull House $ Hunter, R Kurd, H.B 30 Hutchinson, J 41 111. Bureau of Labor Statistics 25, 47 111. General Assembly 30 41 111. General Assembly, Committee to investigate Chicago Police Indiana General Assembly... Industrial Commission , Interborough Rapid Transit Co Investors'. Manual Ivins, W. M... 45 3i 27 29 47 23 ackson JF 27 ames, fc. J io, 13, 25, 28, 40 amieson, E... enks.J.W oerns, W. G, "..".!'.."..' '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 17 ohns Hopkins University Studies. . . ones, D. A ournal of Political Economy'.'.!.".'. '.'.'.. Kan, Bureau of Labor Statistics Keasbey, E. Q... Kelley, F.... ... Kelsey, C.. Kirkland, J ....'..".'.'..".'.' Knight, G. W ..'I!., Krum,C. H 3 g Labor Bureau 8 28 Lalor.J. i ..;...'.*.*.*.'.".'.'. 'io Lathrop,). C 40 Lawler,D. W 38 League of Amer. Municipalities 8 Lee, W. L. M 2 1 Leidig, E Lethaby, W. R .'."!'..'.'!!.'." 16 Library of Coneress 24 M Library of Congress Local Govt. Board.Great Britain ^ London. County Councils 14 London Manual 1,1 London Times McCartney, H. S... McKay, K W McMurdy. R Macpherson, F. H.., McQuillin, E.. MacVf 14 14 41 12 41 20 10 10 24 14, 23, 25, 47 15 40 29 40 MacVeagh, F Magrini, E Maltbie, M. R Manchester Municipal Code Manierre, G Martin, T. C . Mason, W. P Mastro-Valerio, A Mass. Bpard of Gas and Electric Light Commissioners Mass. Board to Investigate Unemployed Mass. General Court. Committee on Gas Companies Mass. General Court. Committee on Street Railways Mass. Inspector of Gas Meters Mass. Rapid Transit Commission... Matthews, N Mechem, F. R Melendy, R. L Merchants' Assoc., N. Y Meriwether, C Merriam.C. E 20 Meyer, E. C 18 Meyer, H. R Meyers, W. J Mich. Bureau of Labor Statistics 25 Mich. Political Science Assoc 8, io, 18 Minneapolis Charter Commission 35 Moore, C 17,24 Moore, P. D Morrill. W. W i g Moses, B 38 Moses, J 40 Moss, F Municipal Affairs g Municipal Engineering 8 Municipal Journal 8 Municipal Journal and Engineer 8 Municipal Year Book io Municipal Year Book, Great Britain. . 14 Myers, G 2 6 50 National Conference Charities and Corrections 16 , 10, 21 26 26 36 36 29 28 29 21 10 19 28,30 8 12 i5 18, 23 21 32 32 21 12, 26 \l 21 I( j> 11,28 8 37 44 1 3 I H 21 41 22 21 8 43 14 22 3 17 17 10 26 17 4i 17 3o 21 17,28 16 21 27 15 19 12 46 21 14, 30 27 I 47 21 15 Smith, J. A 44 44 40 29 40 30 II 40 27 21 46 % 34 33 40 $ 3i 45 10 19 14 39 41 % 18 41 21 8,28 28,29 28,30 39 26 44 27 24 17 47 7 22 27 44 3 21 II 17 21 29 J5 ii 18 18 43 12 31,32 41 22 5 17 ii 16 18 ' 3 1 13 24,32 19 25 13 8 17 4<> 40,44 South Park Commissioners, Chicago... South Park Improvement Assoc. Chi- National Convention Upon Municipal Ownership National Municipal League Sparling S E. Nebraska Bureau of Labor Statistics.. N. Y. Bureau of Labor Statistics N. Y. Charter Revision Commission.. . N Y. City Club Speirs.F. W Starr, E. G Starr, M Steffens L N. Y. Inter borough Rapid Transit Co. N. Y. Legislature, Committee on Gas Stevens, A P Stewart, E N. Y. Legislature, Committee on Street Rail roads Stokes, H. K. Street Railway Commission, Chicago. Taisney, T. E ... N. Y. Legislature, Committee on Tax- Thomas, T. P N. Y. Legislature, Tilden Commission. N Y. Mayor's Committee on Public Baths Thompson, G. W Thompson, J. A Thomson, J. C N Y. Merchants' Association N Y State Library Thornton, W. W. . Thurston, H. W Tilden Commission , New Zealand Registrar General's Office Oberholtzer E P Tillson, G. W Times, London Tindale, W Octavia Hill Assoc Tolman, E. B Ohio General Assembly... . Ohio Municipal Code Commissi >n O'Meara J J Tolman, W H . . Tremain, H. E ... Tsanoff, S. V Ontario Legislative Assembly Orth S P Tuley, M F Tuttle, L Ostrogorskii, M Paine R T .. U S. Bureau of the Census. 8, n, 16, 23 U. S. Commissioner of Labor U. S. Congress Parker, L Parsons, F Pennsylvania, University U. S. Dept. of Commerce.Consular Re- ports Perkins, D. H U. S. House Committee on Inter-state Commerce Peters, J. W. F Piper, A. R U.S. Industrial Commission Piehn C C U. S. Senate, Committee on District of Columbia U S Supreme Court Political Science Quarterly Porter,]. A Portland, Charter Board Powell, H M University of Chicago Veiller L Price, E. T Prvor, J W... Virginia, Bureau of Labor Statistics. . . Wald S T Purdy, L Quarterl y Journal of Economics Real Estate Valuation Supplement. . Redlich, J Reynolds, M. T Reynolds, W Ricardo, H Rice.J. M Richardson A C Waring G. E Warner A G... Warner J D Weber, A. F Webster, W. C Welty, D. W Weyl.W.E Whelen, F Whinery, S Richards n, C Riley.T. I Ripley, W. Z Robbins, H Robinson, C. M Robinson, M. W Rollins, F White, H White, J.H Whitten.R.H Wickett, S M Wilcox, D. F 8,10,11, Willett, C.H Williams, H W Williams W T Rose, J. A Rosewater, V Williamson, E. E Wilson, G.S Sanderson, T. J C Wilson, W Wines F H ... . Wingate C F Sayles, M. B Wisconsin Legislature. Seabury, S, Wisconsin University Seager, J Woodhead H Sedgwick W T Woodruff C R .. . n 23, Seine, Departement Worthington, R. H Selfridge, H. G Wright C D Seligman, E R Wuttke R Shaw, A 10, 12, Yale Review Shaw, G. B Shortt, A Youne 1 T Sikes, G. C Zeman, J.H... Simon ton, T. C Siosteen, G. .. Zueblin,C n, 51 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. OCT 21 ' REC'D LD NOV9 1956 REC'D LD DEC 2 50m-7,'16