Penrose Flight of fancy THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES FREDERIC THOMAS BLANCHARD ENDOWMENT FUND FLIGHTS O F FANCY. By the Rev d , THOMAS PENROSE, CURATE OF NEWBURY, BERKS. LONDON, Printed: And fold by J. WALTER, Cbaring-Crofs, and J. WILLIS at NewAury. M.DCCO.XXV. 1 36/7. THE HELMETS, A FRAGMENT. 870502 Scene of the following Event is laid in the Neigh- bourhood of Donington Caftle, in a Houfe built after the G ethic Tajle, upon a Spot famous for a bloody Encounter bet-ween the Armies of Charles and the Parliament. 'The Prognoftication alludes to Civil Diffention^ which feme have foretold would arife in England^ in Confequence of the Difputes with America* The HELMETS. -K~j ^WAS midnight every mortal eye was clofed Thro' the whole manfion fave an antique Crone's, That o'er the dying embers faintly watch'd The broken fleep (fell harbinger of Death) Of a fick Boteler. Above indeed In a drear gallery (lighted by one lamp Whofe wick the poor departing Senefchall Did clofely imitate,) paced flow and fad The Village Curate, waiting late to ftirivc The The Penitent when 'wake. Scarce {hewed the ray To Fancy's eye the pourtrayed characters That graced the wall On this and t'other fide Sufpended, nodded o'er the fteepy flair, In many a trophy formed, the knightly groupe Of helms and targets, gauntlets, maces flrong r And horfes' furniture brave monuments Of antient Chivalry. Thro' the ftain'd pane Low gleamed the Moon not bright but of fuch power As marked the clouds, black, threatning over head, Full mifchief- fraught ; from thefe in many a peal Growled the near thunder flafhed the frequent blaze Of lightning blue. While round the fretted dome The wind fung furly : with unufual clank The armour fliook tremendous : On a couch ,...-,. j ?,->j Plac'd in the Oriel funk the Churchman down : 2 For C 7 3 For who, alone, at that dread hour of night, Could bear portentous prodigy ? " I hear it," cries the proudly gilded Cafque (Filled by the foul of one, who erft took joy In flaught'rous deeds) " I hear amidft the gale " The hoftile Spirit fhouting once once more " In the thick harveft of the fpears we'll fhine, " There will be work anon."- " I'm 'wakened too,' Replied the fable Helmet (tenanted By a like inmate) " Hark ! I hear the voice " Of the impatient Ghofts, who {haggling range u Yon fummit, (crown'd with ruined battlements " The fruits of civil difcord) to the din cc The Spirits, wandering round this gothic pile, " All ; [ 8- All join their yell the fong is War and Death There will be work anon." " Call armourers, Ho ! " Furbifh my vizor clofe my rivets up " I brook no dallying" " Soft, my hafty friend,"' Said the black Beaver, " Neither of us twain " Shall fliare the bloody toil War-worn am I, " He'll venerate their ifetM. Yet, more than this, " From our inactive ftation we (hall hear " The groans of butchered brothers, fhrieking plaints cc Of raviflied maids, and matrons' frantic howls, " Already hovering o'er the threatened lands " The famifh'd Raven fnurTs the promifed feaft, " And hoarflier croaks for blood 'twill flow." " Forbid it, Heaven ! " O fhield my fuffering country ! fhield it" prayed The agonizing Prieft. B THE C 3 T1L7 f )l\1 >!< r fcfi ill THE f noi"TOffi i/nf; rnorl /i? ,/ CAROUSAL Of ODIN. T~MLL the honeyed bev'rage high, Fill the Sculls, 'tis ODIN's cry: Heard ye not the powerful call, Thund'ring thro' the vaulted hall ? " Fill the meath, and fpread the board, " Vafials of the griefly Lord." B 2 The [ The portal hinges grate, they come The din of voices rocks the dome. In ftalk the various forms, and dreft In various armour, various veft, With helm and morion, targe and fhield, Some quivering launces couch ^ forae biting maces wield : All march with haughty ftep, all proudly {hake the creft. ; i" 'tr''. 6' : "";''1b^ . The feaft begins, the Scull goes round, Laughter ftiouts the fliouts refound. - The guft of War fubfides E'en now The grim Chief curls his cheek, and fmooths his rugged " brow> '' ' ' " Shame to your placid front, ye Men of Death !" Cries Hilda with difordered breath. 3 Hell Hell ecchoes back her fcoff of fhame To th' inactive rev'ling Champion's name. " Call forth the Song," (he fcream'd; the Minftrels came The theme was glorious War > the dear delight Of fhining bed in field, and daring moft in fight* \ " Joy to the Soul," the Harpers fung, " When, th' embattled ranks among, " The fteel-clad Knight, in vigour's bloom, (" Banners waving o'er his plume) " Foremoft rides, the flower and boaft " Of the bold determined hoft t" With greedy ears the Guefts each note devoured, Each ftruck his beaver down, and grafped his faithful fword. The [ 14 3 The Fury mark'd th' aufpicious deed, And bad the Scalds proceed. cc Joy to the Soul ! a joy divine ! " When conflicting armies join ; " When trumpets clang, and bugles found ; " When ftrokes of death are dealt around ; " When the fword feafts, yet craves for more; " And every gauntlet drips with gore." ' viaor^r-/ mi^ The charm prevailed, up rufti'd the maddened throng, Panting for carnage, as they foam'd along, Fierce ODIN's felf led forth the frantick band, To fcatter havock wide o'er many a guilty land. MADNESS. C MADNESS. the clarion, fweep the firing, Blow into rage the Mufe's fires ! All thy anfwers, Eccho, bring, Let wood and dale, let rock and valley ring, 'Tis Madnefs felf infpires. Hail, ' t l6 Hail, awful Madnefs, hail I Thy realm extends, thy powers prevail, Far as the Voyager fpreads his Ventrous fail. Nor beft nor wifeft are exempt from ibee? Folly Folly's only free* Hark \ To the aftonifhed ear The gale conveys a ftrange tumultuous found. They now approach, they now appear,-* ^ Phrenzy leads her Chorus neat, And Daemons dance around* . N x ," - Pride Ambition idly vain, Revenge, and Malice fwell her train, Devotion warped Affe&ion croft L Hope in Difappointment loft And [ '7 ] And injured Merit with a downcaft eye, (Hurt by neglect) flow {talking heedlefs by. Loud the fhouts of Madnefs rife, , Various voices, various cries, Mirth unmeaning caufelefs moans, Burfts of laughter, heart-felt groans All feem to pierce the fkies. Rough as the wintry wave, that roars On Thules defart fhores, Wild raving to the unfeeling air, The fetter 'd Maniac foams along, (Rage the burthen of his jarring fong) In rage he grinds his teeth, and rends his ftreaming hair. C No No pleafing memory left forgotten quite All former fcenes of dear delight, Connubial love 'parental joy No fympathies like thefe his foul employ, - -- But all is dark within, all furious black Defpair. Not fo the love-lorn maid, By too much tendernefs betrayed ; Her gentle breaft no angry paffion fires, But flighted vows poffefs, and fainting, foft defires. t 3bi&fy ?i-bi> e'&uXt nO She yet retains her wonted flame, All but in reafon, ftill the fame. Streaming eyes, Inceffant flghs, 7 Dim C *9 ] Dim haggard looks, and clouded o'er with care, Point out to Pity's tears, the poor diftra&ed fair. Dead to the world her fondeft wifhes croft, She mourns herfelf thus early loft. Now, fadly gay, of forrows part flie lings, Now, penfive, ruminates unutterable things. She ftarts flie flies who dares fo rude On her fequefter'd fteps intrude ? *Tis he the Momus of the flighty train Merry mifchief fills his brain. Blanket-robed, and antick crown'd, The mimick monarch flaps around ; Big with conceit of dignity he fmiles, And plots his frolicks quaint, and unfufpeded wiles. C 2 Laughter [ 20 ] Laughter was there but mark that groan, Drawn from the inmoft foul ! " Give the knife, Demons, or the poifoned bowl,