University of California Berkeley
Indicating those Libraries .which have received sets of the United States Government pub-
lic documents, &c.
This List is invaluable to all who have circulars, pamphlets,
reports, &c., to distribute.
This volume contains articles on the construction, lighting, heating, and ventilating of
Library Buildings ; the arrangement, classification, and catalogues of books : salaries of
librarians ; number of volumes in different languages in public libraries ; number and kind
of books most read ; statistical tables, and in fact every species of information which could
be collected relative to public libraries and institutions.
It is the result of several years' labor, and the examination of all the material collected
by the
Smithsonian Institution anfr datanment gfprtenis at Masjpjjt0n.
E3F~ The whole forms a large octavo volume of 700 pages, printed and bound in the best
Price Three Dollars per Copy.
For copies address the Publishers, or
:F:RO:M: isro. 432
173 & 175 GRAND ST., bet. BROADWAY and BOWERY,
Ic^l, ft^ffyehftlic^, ^ ^fyiiogopfylc^l
Thermometers, and other Meteorological Instruments,
Adopted by and made under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution, is given in the
Annual Report of the Institution for 1855, by Prof. Henry, and will be famished gratuitously,
together with meteorological blanks, &c., on application to the Smithsonian Institution.
t ^mitjjs0ttiatt f notation,
JAMES BUCHANAN, Ex-Officio Presiding Officer of the Institution.
ttOGER B. TANEY, Chancellor of the Institution.
JOSEPH HENRY, Secretary of the Institution.
SPENCER F. BAIRD, Assistant Secretary.
W. W. SEATON, Treasurer.
WILLIAM J. RHEES, Chief Clerk.
JAMES A. PEARCE, I Executive Committee.
JOHN C. BEECKENRIDGE ~~ Vice President of the United States.
ROGER B. TANEY Chief Justice of the United States.
JAMES G. BERRET ,.Mayor of the City of Washington.
JAMES A. PEARCE, . Member of the United States Senate.
JAMES M. MASON . . _.Member of the United States Senate.
STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS, . ~-~ Member of the United States Senate.
WM. II. ENGLISH,.^-,.,............ _......... ....., Member of the House of Representatives.
L. J. GARTRELL ~.,~ ~*~ ,Member of the House of Representatives.
BENJAMIN STANTON , Member of the House of Representatives!.
GIDEON HAWLEY _, Citizen of New York.
RICHARD RUSH ~~..... ~- -~ Citizen of Pennsylvania.
GEORGE E. BADGER ~~r .~.~~ Citizen of North Carolina.
COP.NELIUS C. FELTON ,.-, Citizen of Massachusetts.
ALEXANDER D. BACHE.~..~ ~_~ Citizen of Washington.
JOSEPH G. TOTTEN - Citizen of Washington .
JAMES BUCHANAN President of the United States.
JOHN C. BRECKENRIDGE. Vice President of the United State?.
LEWIS CASS ~ - Secretary of State.
HOWELL COBB-..., . Secretary of the Treasury.
JOHN B. FLOYD...~~- ... Secretary of War.
ISAAC TOUCEY..~.....~ ~ .. Secretary of the Navy.
JOSEPH HOLT.. ,. Postmaster General.
JEREMIAH S. BLACK ~ Attorney General.
ROGER B. TANEY .Chief Justice of the United States.
W. D. BISHOP- Commissioner of Patents.
JAMES G. BERRET ,.,. Mayor of the City of Washington.
ROBERT HARE* Pennsylvania*
BENJAMIN SILLIMAN .....Connecticrri
A. B. LONGSTREET Mississippi.
JACOB THOMPSON Secretary of ttie Interior.
* Deceased.
Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1859, by WHUAM J. RHEES, in the Clerk's Office of th
District Court for the District of Columbia.
The Smithsonian Institution has attained a world-wide reputation, and its
influence and importance are constantly extending. Its publications are found
not only in the public libraries of our own land, but also in those of every other
civilized country. Its correspondents include some of the most distinguished
cultivators of science of the present day, and it is referred to as a center of infor-
mation by those who are interested in the pursuit of knowledge.
Many persons, however, who visit Washington, are but imperfectly acquainted
with the history of Smithson, the great object he had in view, the plans adopted
to carry out his intentions, and the results already obtained. It is for the pur-
pose of furnishing more definite information on these points that this work has
been compiled, from the annual reports of the Secretary, Professor HENRY, to the
3oard of Regents, and other authentic sources.
JAMES SMITHSON, the fouudei
of the Institution which bears his
name and will perpetuate his mem-
ory, was a native of London, Eng-
land. In his will he states that
he was the son of Hugh, first Duke
of Northumberland, and Eliza-
beth, heiress of the Hungerfords,
of Audley, and niece of Charles
the Proud, Duke of Somerset. He
was educated at Oxford, where he
took an honorary degree in 17^6.
He went under the name of James
Lewis Macie until a few years after
he had left the university, when
be took that of Smithson, the
family name of the Northumberlands. He does not appear to have had any
fixed home in England, but travelled much on the continent, occasionally staying
a year or two in Paris, Berlin, Florence, etc. He died at Genoa, in 1828, at an
advanced age. He is said by Sir Da vies Gilbert, President of the Royal Society,
to have rivalled the most expert chemists in minute analysis ; and, as an instance
of his skill, it is mentioned that, happening to observe a tear gliding down a
lady's cheek, he endeavored to catch it on a crystal vessel ; that half of the drop
escaped, but having preserved the other half, he submitted it to close analysis,
and discovered in it several salts. He contributed a number of valuable papers
to the Royal Society, and also to the Annals of Philosophy, on chemistry,
mineralogy, and geology. His scientific reputation was founded on these
branches, though from his writings he appears to have studied and reflected upon
almost every department of knowledge. He was of a sensitive, retiring disposi-
tion; was never married appeared ambitious of making a name for himself.
either by his own researches or by founding an institution for the promotion of
science. He declared, in writing, that though the best blood of England flowed
in his veins, this availed him not, for his name would live in the memory of man
when the titles of the Northumberlands and Percies were extinct or forgotten.
He was cosmopolitan in his views, and affirmed that the man of science is of no
country the world is his country, and all men his countrymen. He proposed
at one time to leave his money to the Royal Society of London, for the promotion
of science, but on account of a misunderstanding with the council of the Society
he changed his mind, and left it to his nephew, and in case o'f the death of this
relative, to the United States of America, to found the Institution which now bears
his name.
The whole amount of money received from the bequest was $515,169 ; and,
besides this, 825,000 was left in England as the principal of an annuity to the
mother of the nephew of Smithson. This sum will also come to the Institution.
The Government of the United States accepted the bequest, or in other words,
accepted the office of trustee, and the Hon. Richard Rush, of Pennsylvania, was
charged with the duty of prosecuting the claim. He remained in attendance on
the English courts until the money was awarded to him. He brought it over in
sovereigns, deposited it in the Mint of the United States, where it was recoined
into American eagles,' thus becoming a part of the currency of the country.
At the time of the passing of the act establishing the Institution, in 1846,
the sum of $'242,000 had accrued in interest, and this the Regents were authorized
.to expend on a building. But, instead of appropriating this sum immediately to
this purpose, they put it at interest, and deferred the completion of the building
for several years, until over $100,000 should be accumulated, the income of
which might defray the expenses of keeping the building, and the greater portion
of the income of the original bequest be devoted to the objects for which it was
desigued. This policy lias been rigidly adhered to, and the result is, that, besides
the original sum, and after all that has been devoted to the building, the grounds,
and other operations, there is now on hand, of accumulated interest, $125,000,
which has been invested in State stocks.
The bequest, in the language of the testator, was " to found at Washington an
establishment, under the name of the Smithsonian Institution, for the increase and
diffusion of knowledge among men." According to this, the Government of the
United States is merely a trustee. The bequest is for the benefit of mankind, and
any plan which does not recognize this provision of the will would be illiberal and
unjust. The Institution must bear and perpetuate the name of its founder, and
hence its operations are kept distinct from those of the General Government, and
all the good which results from the expenditure of the funds is accredited to the
name of Smithson.
It will be observed that the object of the bequest is twofold first, to increase,
and, second, to diffuse, knowledge among men. These two objects are entirely
separate and distinct, and to view the case understandingly the one must not bo
confounded with the other. The first is to enlarge the existing stock of knowledge
by the addition of new truths, and the second, to disseminate knowledge thus
enlarged among men. This distinction is readily acknowledged by men of science,
and in Europe different classes of scientific and other societies are founded upon
it. The will makes no restriction in favor of any particular kind of knowledge,
and hence all branches are entitled to a share of attention. Smithson was well
aware that knowledge should not be viewed as existing in isolated parts, but as a
whole, each portion of which throws light on all the others, and that the ten-
dency of all is to improve the human mind, and to give it new sources of power
and enjoyment. A prevalent idea, however, in relation to the will is, that the
money was intended exclusively for the diffusion of useful or immediately practi-
cal knowledge among the inhabitants of this country, but it contains nothing
from which such an inference can be drawn. All knowledge is useful, and the
higher the more important. From the enunciation of a single scientific truth
may flow a hundred inventions, and the more abstract the truth the more im-
portant the deductions. To effect the greatest good, the organization of the In-
stitution should be such as to produce results which could not be attained by
other means, and inasmuch as the bequest is for men in general, all merely local
expenditures are inconsistent with the will. These were the views expressed by the
Secretary, Professor Henry, and constantly advocated by him. They were not en-
tertained, however, by many, and consequently difficulties have been encountered
in carrying them out. A number of literary men thought that a great library should
be founded at Washington, and all the money expended on it; others considered a
museum the proper object; and another class thought the income should be de-
voted to the delivery of lectures throughout the country ; while still another was
of opinion that popular tracts should be published and distributed amongst the
million. But all these views were advanced without a proper examination of the
will, or a due consideration of the smallness of the income. The act of Congress
directed the formation of a library, a museum, a gallery of art, lectures, and a
building on a liberal scale to accommodate these objects. One clause, however,
gave the Regents the power, after the foregoing objects were provided for, to
expend the remainder of the income in any way they might think fit for carrying
out the design of the testator. The plan they have adopted is to stimulate all
persons in this country capable of advancing knowledge by original research to
labor in this line ; to induce them to send their results to the Institution for
examination and publication; and to assist all persons engaged in original
investigations, as far as its means will allow; also to institute, at the ex-
pense and under the direction of the Institution, particular researches. This
plan has been found eminently practicable, and by means of it the Institution has
been enabled to produce results which have made it favorably known in every
part of the civilized world.
As an evidence of the above assertion, the following facts are given in a late
report of the Eegents to Congress :
" The Institution has promoted astronomy, by the aid furnished the researches
which led to the discovery of the true orbit of the new planet Neptune, and the
determination of the perturbations of this planet, and the other bodies of the
solar system, on account of their mutual attraction. It has also aided the same
branch of science by furnishing instruments and other facilities to the Chilian
Expedition, under Lieutenant Gilliss, and by preparing and publishing an ephe-
meris of Neptune, which has been adopted by all the astronomers of the world.
It has also published maps, and instructions for the observation of eclipses. It
has advanced geography, by providing the scientific traveler with the annual
lists of occultations of the principal stars by the moon, for the determination of
longitude ; by the preparation of tables for ascertaining heights with the barome-
ter; and by the collection and publication of important facts relative to the topo-
graphy of different parts of the country, particularly of the Valley of the Missis-
sippi. It has established an extended system of meteorology, consisting of a
corps of several hundred intelligent observers, who are daily noting the phases of
tt e weather in every part of the continent of North America. It has imported
standard instruments, constructed hundreds of compared thermometers, barometers,
and psychrometers, and has furnished improved tables and directions for observ-
ing, with their instruments, the various changes of the atmosphere, as to tempera-
ture, pressure, moisture, etc. It has collected, and is collecting, from its observers,
an extended series of facts, which are yielding deductions of great interest in regard
to the climate of this country, and the meteorology of the globe.
" The Institution has advanced the science of geology, by its researches and
original publications. It has made a preliminary exploration of the remarkable
region of the Upper Missouri River called the " Bad Lands," and has published
a descriptive memoir on the extraordinary remains which abound in that locality.
It has assisted in explorations relative to the distribution in this country of the
remains of microscopic animals found in immense quantities in different parts of
the United States. It has made important contributions to Lotany, by means of
the published results of explorations in Texas, New Mexico, and California, and
by the preparation and publication of an extended memoir, illustrated with col-
ored engravings, on the sea-plants of the coast of North America. It has pub-
lished several important original papers on physiology, comparative anatomy,
zoology, and different branches of descriptive natural history ; and has prepared
and printed, for distribution to travelers and others, a series of directions for col-
lecting and preserving specimens. It has advanced terrestrial magnetism, by fur-
nishing instruments for determining the elements of the magnetic force, to
various exploring expeditions, and by publishing the results of observations made
under its direction at the expense of the Government.
" The Institution has also been instrumental in directing attention to American
antiquities, and has awakened such an interest in the subject as will tend to the
collection of all the facts which can be gathered relative to the ancient inhabi-
tants of this continent. It has also rendered available, for the purposes of the
ethnologist and philanthropist, the labors of our missionaries among the Dacotahs,
by publishing a volume on the language of this tribe of Indians ; and has done
good service to comparative philology, by the distribution of directions for col-
lecting Indian vocabularies.
" It has established an extended system of literary and scientific exchanges,
both foreign and domestic, and annually transmits between the most distant
societies and individuals thousands of packages of valuable works. It has pre-
sented its own publications, free of expense, to all the first class libraries in the
world, thus rendering them accessible, as far as possible, to all persons who
are interested in their study. No restriction of copyright has been placed on
their republication, and the truths which they contain are daily finding their way
to the general public through the labor of popular writers and teachers. The
distribution of its publications, and its system of exchanges, has served not only to
advance and diffuse knowledge, but also to increase the reputation, and conse-
quently the influence, of our country to promote a kindly and sympathetic feel-
ing between the New World and the Old, alike grateful to the philosopher and
the philanthropist.
" These are the fruits of what is called the system of active operations of the
Institution ; and its power to produce other and continuous results is only limited
by the amount of the income which can be appropriated to it, since each succeed-
ing year has presented new and important fields for its cultivation. All the an-
ticipations with regard to it have been more than realized/'
The following extract from a speech delivered in the House of Representatives,
February 27, 1855, by one of the Regents, Hon. William H. English, of Indiana,
gives an excellent and comprehensive view of the condition of the Institution :
* * * " Look at the financial department, where corruption would most
likely exist, if it existed at all, and you will find the gratifying fact that it has
been so judiciously managed, that, after paying all the current expenses, the funds
and property are this day worth double the amount of the original bequest. Where,
sir, in this age of extravagant expenditures of public money and deficiency bills
will you find a parallel to this ? The Regents are authorized to expend all the
accruing interest ; but so far from doing so, they have, by husbanding their re-
sources, and by constant watchfulness over the disbursements, actually saved the
sum of 8125,000, which they have now on hand to apply as a permanent addition
to the principal. What, then, is the result ? A magnificent building, of ample
dimensions, has been erected, at a cost of 8300,000. Books, apparatus, and other
articles have been provided for the library, museum, laboratory, and gallery of
art, worth 885,000. Lecturers have been employed, original researches have
been made, many valuable and scientific works published and distributed, the
current expenses entirely paid, and yet the principal is increased $125,000^
And of the interest expended, I have yet to hear where one dollar was devoted
to an improper purpose. Does this look as if the Institution was badly managed?
If I am asked what the Institution has done to carry out the object for which it
was designed, I reply (hat it has already done much although yet in its infancy.
The building is just completed, and it is not to be expected that a great establish-
ment, which is to exist as long as this Government itself, is to be built up in a
day. The foundation is being laid deep and wide, and the noble work is grad-
ually but surely advancing."
An act of Congress, dated August 10, 1846, provides " that the President and
Vice-President of the United States, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the
Treasury, the Secretary of War, the Secretary of the Navy, the Postmaster
General, the Attorney General, the Chief Justice, and the Commissioner of the
Patent Office of the United States, and the Mayor of the City of Washington,
during the time for which they shall hold their respective offices, and such other
persons as they may elect as honorary members, be and they are hereby constituted
an l establishment/ by the name of the ' Smithsonian Institution/' for the in-
crease and diffusion of knowledge among men.' 7
The law also provides for a " Board of Regents," to be composed of the Vice-
President of the United States and the Mayor of the City of Washington, during
the time for which they shall hold their respective offices, three members of the
Senate and three members of the House of Representatives, together with six
other persons, other than members of Congress, two of whom shall be members of
the National Institute, in the City of Washington, and resident in the said city ;
and the other four shall be inhabitants of other States, and no two of them from
the same State.
The Establishment exercises general supervision over the affairs of the Institu-
The Board of Regents conducts tho business of the Institution, and makes
annual reports to Congress.
The Secretary of the Institution is elected by the Board. 'His duty is to take
charge of the building and property, discharge the duty of librarian, keeper of
the museum, etc., and has power, by consent of the Regents, to employ assist-
All laws for the protection of public property in Washington apply to the lands,
buildings, and other property of the Institution.
The Smithsonian building stands on a part of a tract of public land denom.
inated "the J/c/-7," and the grounds extend from Seventh to Twelfth streets, east and
west, and from the canal to B street, north and south, comprising about fifty-two
acres. The center of the building is directly opposite Tenth street, and the site
is about twenty feet above the average level of Pennsylvania avenue.
The style of architecture is that of the last half of the twelfth century, the latest
variety of the rounded style, as it is found immediately anterior to its merging into
the early Gothic, and is known as the Norman, the Lombard, or Romanesque. The
semi-circular arch, stilted, is employed throughout in doors, windows, and other
It is the first edifice in the style of the twelfth century, and of a character not
ecclesiastical, ever erected in this country.
The main building has in the center of its north front two towers, of which
the higher reaches an elevation of about 150 feet. On the south front is a
massive tower 37 feet
square and 91 feet high.
On the northeast corner
stands a double coinpanile
tower, 17 feet square and
117 feet high; at the
southwest corner an oc-
tagonal tower, in which is
a spiral stair case. There
are nine towers in all.
The entire length of
the building, from east to
west, is 447 feet. Its
greatest breadth is 160
feet. The east wing is
82 by 52 feet, and 42
feet high to the top ot' its
battlement; the west
wing, including its pro-
jecting apsis, is 84 feet
by 40, and 38 feet high,
and each of the connect-
ing ranges, including its
cloister, is 60 feet by 49
The main building is 205
feet by 57, and, to the
top of the corbel course,
The building is erected in a very substantial manner. The foundation walls
under the main central towers are 12 feet thick at bottom, gradually diminishing
to five feet six inches at the surface of the ground, and are sunk eight feet deep.
The thickness of the walls of the main building above the water table is two feet
and-a-half in the first story, and two feet in the second, exclusive of buttresses,
corbel courses, &c The walls of the wings are two feet thick ; of the central towers
three feet and a half thick in the first story, diminishing to two feet in the highest
story. The roofs are slated. The face of the building is finished in ashlar, laid
in courses from 10 to 15 inches in height, and having an average bed of nine
The material employed is a lilac gray variety of freestone, found in the new red
sandstone formation where it crosses the Potomac, near the mouth of Seneca
Creek, one of its tributaries, and about twenty -three miles above Washington.
When first quarried it is comparatively soft, working freely before the chisel and
hammer } but by exposure it gradually indurates, and ultimately acquires tough-
ness and consistency, that not only enables it to resist the changes of the atmos-
phere, but even the most severe mechanical wear and tear.
The corner-stone of the building was laid with Masonic ceremonies, on the first
of May, 1847, in the presence of President Polk, his Cabinet, and an immense
concourse of citizens and strangers. The Grand Master of Masons, who performed
the ceremony, wore the apron presented by the Grand Lodge of France to Wash-
ington, through La Fayette, and used the gavel employed by Washington when
he laid the first corner-stone of the Capitol of the United States. An oration was
delivered by the Hon. George Mifflin Dallas, the first Chancellor of the Smithsonian
Institution, and now United States Minister to Great Britain. In the course of his
remarks Mr. Dallas said: " When, at no distant day, I trust, it shall be seen
that within the walls of this building the truths of nature are forced by persever.
ing researches from their hidden recesses, mingled with the stock already hoarded
by genius and industry, and thence profusely scattered, by gratuitous lectures or
publications, for the benefit of all when it shall be seen that here universal
science finds food, implements, and a tribune art her spring to invention, her
studio, and her models ; and both shall have throngs of disciples from the ranks
of our people, emulous for enlightenment, or eager to assist then the condition of
our legacy will have been performed, and the wide philanthropy of Smithson have
achieved its aim."
The design, by James Renwick, Jr., of New York, consists of a main center
building, two stories high, and two wings, connected by intervening ranges; each
of these latter having, on the north or principal front, a cloister, with open
stone screen.
The first story of the main building consists of one large room, 200 feet by 50,
and 25 feet high, the ceiling of which is supported by two rows of columns ex-
tending the whole length ; at the middle of the space corresponding to the prin-
cipal entrances are two wing walls, by which, with the addition of screens, the
whole space may be divided into two large rooms, with a hall extending across the
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building between them. This story may be used for a library or a museum, or
for both, as the wants of the Institution may require. It is finished in a simple
but chaste style, and has received general commendation. It is one of the most
imposing rooms in this country, apart even from adaptation to its purposes.
The upper story is divided into three apartments without pillars a lecture-
room in the middle, and two rooms, each 50 feet square, on either side. The
one on the east is for apparatus, and for meetings of societies, committees, &c. ;
that on the west is now occupied by Stanley's Indian Gallery and other collections.
The whole arrangement of the upper part of the building is made with a view
to afford facilities for meetings of associations, which have for their object the
promotion, diffusion or application of knowledge. If at any time the space
now occupied by the lecture-room should be required for other purposes, the seats
and gallery may be removed, and the partition walls, which are unconnected with
the roof, may be taken down, and the whole upper story converted into a large hall.
Ji)e JLectyfe
The optic and acoustic properties of the lecture-room are unsurpassed by any
apartment, intended for the same purpose, in the United States. As has been
observed, it is situated in the second story of the main building; it is one hun-
cRd feet in length, and, by occupying part of the towers, a width of seventy-five
feet has been secured. The ceiling is twenty-five feet high, smooth and unbroken.
with the exception of an oval opening above to admit light on the platform. It
thus powerfully reflects the sound of the speaker's voice to the hearers, and being
so low, this reflection blends with the original sound and simply re-enforces it.
The general form of the room is fan-shaped, the speaker being near the handle
of the fan, on one side of the room. The walls behind and near "him are smooth
lath and plaster, giving a powerful but short resonance, which strengthens
his voice. Not being parallel, they reduce the reverberation, but send the sound
out from the speaker, to increase the volume of his voice until it reaches the fur-
thest part of the gallery. The multitude of surfaces directly in front of the
speaker gallery, pillars, stair-screens, and the seats of the audience prevent
reverberation. The scats are curved, so that each spectator faces the platform ;
and the floor is also curved, so that the back seats rise above the front not
quite so much as is required by thepanoptic curve of Professor Bache, but as much
as the size of the room will allow. The gallery is in the form of a horse-shoe. The
architecture of this room is due to Captain Alexander, of the corps of Topo-
graphical Engineers, who va-
ried the plan until the required
conditions were, as nearly as
possible, fulfilled. The room
will scat fifteen hundred persons,
and when crowded will contain
upwards of two thousand. Prof.
Henry presented a valuable
paper on acoustics to the Ameri-
can Association for the. Advance-
ment of Science, at its meeting
in Albany, August, 1856. It
gives an account of the princi-
ples on which the Smithsonian
lecture-room was constructed,
and the result of the observations
made by Capt. Meigs, Prof.
Bache, and Prof. Henry, in rela-
tion to the new rooms in the
extension of the Capitol. It
was published in the transac-
tions of the Association, and
in the Smithsonian Report for
The room in the second story
of the south tower is used for the
meetings of the Board of Re-
gents. The offices of the Secre-
REOP.XTS- ROOM. tary are in the north tower, im-
mediately in front of the lecture room ; the library is at the west end ; the natural
history department, chemical laboratory, exchange, and publication rooms, at the
east end of the building.
In the room used by the " Regents" and the "Establishment" as a hall for their
meetings, are now deposited the personal effects of James Smithson. Here may be
seen his trunks, umbrella, walking-cane, sword, plume, riding-whip, a set of silver
plate, a miniature chemical laboratory which he used when travelling, thermome-
ters, snuff box, scales, candlesticks, &c.
Hanging in this room is an original painting by Bergham, a rural scene,
the property of Smithson, a marble head of St. Cecilia, by Thorwalsden, &c.
There are also likenesses of Chief Justice Taney, Chancellor of the Institution,
Hon. Richard Rush, of Pennsylvania, and Senator Pearce, of Maryland, distin-
guished alike for their devotion to the interests of the Institution, of which they
have been Regents from its organization, and for their valuable public services.
Jfye JLS
This portion of the establishment has been well filled by purchase, donation,
the copyright law, and exchange. It now contains 25,000 very valuable vol-
umes, and is rapidly becoming of much value in its special sphere of usefulness.
In relation to it, the Secretary, in his report for 1855, says :
" It is the present intention of the Regents to render the Smithsonian Library
the most extensive and perfect collection of transactions and scientific works in
this country, and this it will be enabled to accomplish by means of its exchanges,
which will furnish it with all the current journals and publications of societies,
while the separate series may be completed in due time as opportunity and means
may offer. The Institution has already more complete sets of transactions of
learned societies than are to be found in the oldest libraries in the United States,
and on this point we speak on the authority of one of the first bibliographers of
the day. This plan is in strict accordance with the general policy of the Institution,
viz : to spend its funds on objects which cannot as well be accomplished by other
means, and has commended itself to those who are able to appreciate its merits,
and who are acquainted with the multiplicity of demands made upon the limited
income of the Smithsonian fund. In a letter, after a visit to Washington, the
bibliographer before alluded to remarks : ' My previous opinions as to the judicious-
ness of the system pursued by the Smithsonian Institution, in every respect, were
more than confirmed. I hope you will not change in the least. Your exchanges
will give you the most important of all the modern scientific publications, and
the older ones can be added as you find them necessary. The Library, I think ;
should be confined strictly to works of science/ '
Besides books, the Library contains engravings, maps, music, and other articles
connected with the art of printing. The collection of engravings and works upon
the history of art is believed to be one of the choicest in the country. It was
made by an American gentleman distinguished as a scholar no less than as a
statesman, with a special design of illustrating the process and resources of the
art of engraving, in all its branches, from its early masters to its present time.
This collection contains some of the best works of nearly every engraver of much
celebrity. There is one portfolio of the works of Albert Durer, containing twenty
engravings on copper and two on iron by his own hand and among them most
of his best and rarest works ; about sixty fine copies on copper, including the
famous seventeen by Marc Antonio ; thirteen different portraits of Durer, and a
large number of wood cuts engraved by him or under his inspection. Another port-
folio contains a large collection of the etchings of Rembrandt, including some of
his most beautiful pieces, particulary the " Christ Healing the Sick," an early
and fine impression. There is a portfolio of two hundred engravings and etchings,
by Claude Lorraine, Hollar, and Bega; a portfolio of superb portraits by Nanteuil,
Wille, Edelink, and others, among them a first impression of the " Louis XIV in
armor/' by Nanteuil ; a portfolio of prints from the old Italian masters, comprising
many that are extremely rare ; and another from the old German masters, containing
about one hundred prints, many of them scarce and of great beauty. There are,
besides, five portfolios of sheet engravings, including very choice prints. Among
them are thirty r one which are valued by Longhi at fifteen hundred dollars.
Among the galleries and published collections, are the " Musee Royal," in two
volumes folio, proofs before the letter, a superb copy ; Denon's " Monumens des
Arts du Dessin," in four volumes folio, of which only two hundred and fifty copies
were published ; Baillie's Works, one hundred plates, folio ; Thorwaldsen's
Works, four volumes, folio ; Hogarth's Works, folio, and the German edition in
quarto ; The Boydell Gallery, two volumes, folio ; Boydell's " Shakspeare Gal-
lery," a remarkably good copy, containing many proofs before the letter, numerous
etchings and several progressive plates ; Claude's " Liber Veritatis," an original
copy, three volumes, folio ; The Houghton Gallery, two volumes, folio ; Cham-
berlain's Drawings in the Royal Collection, one volume, folio; Rembrandt's
Drawings, one volume, quarto; Da Vinci's Drawings, one volume, quarto;
" Galerie de Florence ;" Angerstein Gallery ; Ancient Sculpture, by the Dilet-
tanti Society; Perrault's "Hommes Illustres;" Sadeler's Hermits; " Theuer-
dank," a fine copy of the very rare edition of 1519 ; Meyrick's Armor ; Hope's
Ancient Costumes, and more than one hundred volumes besides, mostly in folio
or quarto, either composed entirely of valuable engravings, or in which the text is
published for the sake of the illustrations of fine or decorative art.
The collection of critical and historical works, in the various departments of
the fine arts, comprises several hundred volumes of the best works in the English,
French, German, and Italian languages, including whatever is mostly needed by
the student of art in all its branches.
The Library is open to the public from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. daily, except Sunday.
The busts in the Library represent the Hon. Roger B. Taney, Chief Justice
of the United States and Chancellor of the Institution ; Robert Fulton, Com-
modore Decatur, Joel Barlow, Thomas Jefferson, Daniel Webster, Milton, Thor-
walsden, and Benjamin Hallowell.
The visitor will find in the Reading-room, which adjoins the Library, the
leading periodicals, and particularly the scientific journals published in the world.
In this room may be seen a portrait of Smithson, representing him in the
costume of a student of Oxford, which was probably painted when he was not
more than twenty years of age. This portrait was purchased for thirty guineas,
for the Institution, by the Hon. Abbot Lawrence, from the widow of John Fitall,
a servant of Smithson mentioned in his will. There is also in possession of the
Institution a medallion of Smithson, in copper, taken in after life.
On the west porch, adjoining the Reading-room, are several idols from Central
America, presented to the Institution by E. G. Squier, late United States Minis-
ter to Nicaragua. The largest statue, carved in black basalt, was obtained from
the Island of Momotombita, in Lake Managua, where there was a temple or sacred
place. The figure with the sphinx-like head-dress is also from the same locality.
One or two of the other statues, by the Indians of the Pueblo of Subtiava, near
Leon, having been buried a great number of years, and the locality carefully con-
cealed, they are somewhat mutilated. A small group of these monuments exists
in the depths of the forest midway between Leon and the Pacific, which is still
secretly visited by the Indians for the performance of dances and other rites
pertaining to their primitive religion. The small figure resembling some animal
couchant was, until very recently, preserved on a remarkable rock on the side of
the volcano of Omatepec, and regarded with high veneration by the Indians. It
was only after many years of search that the priests were able to find and remove
it. The granite vase, distinguished by the ornaments called grecques by Hum-
boldt, (and which characterize the ruins at Mitla, in Mexico,) was dug up near
the city of Nicaragua. The spot had been a cemetery of the ancient inhabitants.
Another relic of the same material, and with a like style of ornament, accompanies
the vase, and was found in the same neighborhood. It seems to have been de-
signed as a pedestal for a small statue. There are also several vases, in which
the bones and ashes of the dead were packed after the decomposition of the flesh
or after burning.
The largest and most elaborate monuments in Nicaragua exist in the little
Island of Pensacola, near the base of the extinct volcano of Momobacho. They
weigh a number of tons each, and are distinguished as being wrought from blocks
of sandstone a material which is not found on the island. Two of the statues
of the Smithsonian collection are from the Island of Zapatero, in Lake Nicaragua,
where once existed one of the most imposing aboriginal temples of the country.
Here, among the ruins of the teocalli, or high-places of the former inhabitants,
were found entire statues, besides the fragments of many others, several broken
sacrificial stones, etc.
The Smithsonian Institution is now in possession of the best collection of the
larger North American and European mammalia, both skins and skeletons, to be
found in the United States. In birds it is only second to the collection of the
Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences the latter being without doubt the
most extensive and perfect now extant. Of fish the Smithsonian has a greater
number than is to be found in any cabinet, except that of Professor Agassiz.
It should be understood that the Smithsonian Institution does not enter upon
grounds already occupied, and therefore it is not an object to collect specimens
promiscuously, or those usually found in other museums. Hence the collection of
this Institution is not attractive to the general visitor and curiosity seeker; but the
student of natural history will here find much that will be sought in vain else-
where. Duplicate specimens are often exchanged for those in other collections,
and all the objects are open for the study and examination of those engaged in
this line of research. Applications for such facilities are numerous, and have al-
ways been granted. The preparation of most of the important papers on natural
history published within a few years in this country has been aided in this way
by the Institution.
The act of Congress establishing the Institution provides as follows :
SEC. 6. That, in proportion as suitable arrangements can be made for their reception, all
objects of art and of foreign and curious research, and all objects of natural history, plants,
and geological and mineralogical specimens belonging, or hereafter to belong, to the United
States, which may be in the city of Washington, in whosesoever custody the same may be,
shall be delivered to such persons as may be authorized by the Board of Regents to receive
them, and shall be arranged in such order, and so classed, as best facilitate the exam-
ination and study of them, in the building so as aforesaid to be erected for the Institution ;
and the Regents of said Institution !?hall afterwards, as new specimens in natural history,
geology, or minerology, may be obtained for the museum of the Institution, by exchange of
duplicate specimens belonging to the Institution, (which they are hereby authorized to
make,) or by any donation, which they may receive, or otherwise, cause such new specimens
to be also appropriately classed and arranged.
Under these provisions, tlie Institution has received and taken charge of such
government collections in mineralogy, geology, and natural history as have been
made since its organization. The amount of these has been very great, as all the
United States Geological, Boundary and Railroad Surveys, with the various topo-
graphical, military, and naval explorations, have been, to a greater or less extent,
ordered to make such collections as would illustrate the physical and natural his-
tory features of the regions traversed.
Of the collections made by thirty government expeditions, those of twenty-five
are now deposited with the Smithsonian Institution, embracing more than five-
sixths of the whole amount of materials collected. The principal expeditions thus
furnishing collections are the United States Geological Surveys of Doctors Owen,
Jackson, and Evans, and of Messrs. Foster and Whitney ; the United States and
Mexican Boundary Survey ; the Pacific Railroad Survey ; the Exploration of the
Yellow Stone, by Lieutenant Warren ; the Survey of Lieutenant Bryan ; the
United States Naval Astronomical Expedition ; the North Pacific Behring Straits
Expedition ; the Japan Expedition, and the Paraguay Expedition.
The Institution has also received, from other sources, collections of greater or
less extent, from various portions of North America, tending to complete the
government series.
The collections thus made, taken as a whole, constitute the largest and best*
series of the minerals, fossils, rocks, animals, and plants of the entire continent
of North America, in the world. Many tons of geological and mineralogical
specimens, illustrating the surveys throughout the West, are embraced therein.
There is also a very large collection of minerals of the mining regions of Northern
Mexico, and of New Mexico, made by a practical Mexican geologist, during a period
of twenty-five years, and furnishing indications of many rich mining localities
within our own borders, yet unknown to the American people.
It includes, also, with scarcely an exception, all the vertebrate animals of North
America, among them many specimens each of the Grizzly, Cinniman, and Black
Bears ; the Panther, Jaguar, Ocelot, and several species of Lynx or Wildcat ;
the Elk, the Mexican, Virginian, White-tailed, Black-tailed, and Mule Deer; the
Antelope, Rocky Mountain Goat and Sheep; several species of Wolves and
Foxes, the Badger, Beaver, Porcupine, Prairie Dog, Gopher, and also about seven
hundred species of American Birds, four hundred of Reptiles, and eight hundred
of Fishes, embracing Salmon, Trout, Pike, Pickerel, White Fish, Muskalonge,
Bass, Redfish, &c.
The greater part of the Mammalia have been arranged in walnut drawers,
made proof against dust and insects. The birds have been similarly treated,
hile the reptiles and fish have been classified, as, to some extent, have also been
the shells, minerals, fossils, and plants.
The Museum hall is quite large enough to contain all the collections hitherto
made, as well as such others as may be assigned to it. No single room in the
country is, perhaps, equal to it in capacity or adaptation for its purposes, as, by
the arrangements now being perfected, and denoted in the illustration, it is capa-
ble of receiving twice as large a surface of cases as the old Patent Office hall, and
three times that of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. When
completely fitted, and specimens finally placed, the whole, taken together, will
present a most imposing appearance.
Congress,, in March, 1857, made an appropriation for the construction of suita-
ble cases in the Smithsonian hall to contain the collection of the South Sea Ex-
ploring Expedition and others belonging to the Government. These will soon
be transferred and appropriately arranged. The immense collection already in
the Smithsonian Institution, although accessible to naturalists, and in constant
use by them, has, for want of these cases, not been fully displayed to the
In the Museum hall may be seen a meteorite, the largest specimen in this
country next to the Texas meteorite at Yale College.
It was brought to this country by Lieutenant Couch, of the United States
Army, he having obtained it at Saltillo. It was said to have come from the Sancha
estate, some fifty or sixty miles from Santa Rosa, in the north of Coahuila ;
various accounts were given of the precise locality, but none seemed very satisfac-
tory. When first seen by Lieutenant Couch, it was used as an anvil, and had
been originally intended for the Society of Geography and Statistics in the city of
Mexico. It is said, that where this mass was found there are many others of
enormous size ; but such stories, however, are to be received with many allow-
ances. Mr. Weidner, of the mines of Freiberg, states, that near the southwestern
edge of the Balson de Mapimi, on the route to the mines of Parral, there is a
meteorite near the road of not less than a ton weight. Lieutenant Couch also
states, that the intelligent, but almost unknown, Dr. Berlandier, writes in his
journal of the Commission of Limits, that at the hacienda of Venagas, there was
(1827) a piece of iron that would make a cylinder one yard in length, with a
diameter of ten inches. It was said to have been brought from the mountains
near the hacienda. It presented no crystalline structure, and was quite ductile.
Prof. J. Lawrence Smith, of the Medical Department of the University of
Louisville, gives the following account of this meteorite : " It weighs 252 pounds,
and from several flattened places I am led to suppose that pieces have been de-
tached. The surface, although irregular in some places, is rather smooth, with
only here and there thin coatings of rust, and, as might be expected, but very
feeble evidence of chlorine, and that only on one or two spots. The specific
gravity is 7.81. It is highly crystalline, quite malleable, and not difficult to cut
with a saw. Its surface etched with nitric acid, presents the Widmannstattian
figures, finely specked between the lines, resembling the representation we have of
the etched surface of Hauptinannsdorf iron. Schreibersite is visible, but so in-
serted in the mass that it cannot be readily detected by mechanical means. Hy-
drochloric acid leaves a residue of beautifully brilliant patches of this mineral."
Prof. Smith, in a lecture on meteorites at the Smithsonian Institution, published
in the Annual Report for 1855, advocates the theory of their lunar origin.
The Apparatus-room contains a large and valuable collection of instruments,
prominent among which is the munificent donation of Dr. Robert Hare, of Philadel-
phia, who, when he resigned the Chair of Chemistry in the University of Pennsyl-
vania, which he filled with honor to himself and his country for nearly thirty years,
presented to the Smithsonian the instruments of research and illustration collected
and used by himself during his long and successful scientific career. The gift was
important, not only on account of its intrinsic value, but also as establishing a pre-
cedent which should be frequently observed by others. Besides the above, there is
a full set of pneumatic instruments, of superior size and workmanship, constructed
expressly for the Institution, by Mr. Chamberlain, of Boston; a set of ingenious
instruments for illustrating
wave motion ; a large electri-
cal machine; Page's Electro-
Magnetic instrument, &c.,
There is also in this room a
large Fresnel Lens, such as
is used in light-houses, and
various instruments for the
illustration of light, heat,
sound, dia-magnetism, etc.
The Institution has just
imported from Carlsruhe,
Germany, a HYDRO-ELEC-
TRIC machine which was
constructed byC. Eisenlohr
expressly to order. The
effects which can be pro-
duced by this machine, are
It consists principally of
a tubular steam boiler rest-
ing upon glass columns, to
secure insulation. The
boiler is to be about two-
thirds filled with the purest
water, which is then heated,
and the pressure of steam
required is equal to six at-
mospheres. The steam at
this high pressure is allowed
to escape through very small
openings. The electricity is
thus produced by the friction
of the particles of water
against the inner surface of the orifices of the jet pieces, through which the steam
issues. The least quantity of oil will destroy the friction, and prevent the devel-
opment of electricity. This machine gives a constant succession of sparks, and
charges a battery of sixteen large jars in thirty seconds.
In the apparatus-room, the most prominent object is a large electrical machine
on an elevated platform. This instrument was constructed by Dr. Robert Hare,
of Philadelphia.
Hie &iiieHj of
Besides a library, a museum, lectures, etc., among the earliest plans was
the formation of a Gallery of Art, and, in accordance with this, a large room
was devoted to this purpose. It was also determined that for .the purpose of
encouraging art, artists might exhibit their pictures here free of expense.
The feature of this gallery is the very interesting series of portraits, mostly
full size, of over one hundred- and fifty North American Indians, with sketches
of scenery, deposited by the artist who painted them, Mr. J. M. Stanley. These
portraits were all taken from life, and are accurate representations of the
peculiar features of prominent individuals of forty-three different tribes, in-
habiting the Southwestern prairies, New Mexico, California, and Oregon. The
faithfulness of the likenesses has been tested by a number of intelligent
persons who have visited the gallery, and have immediately recognized among
the portraits those of the individuals with whom they have been personally
acquainted. The artist expended in the work of obtaining these pictures ten
years of his life, and perseveringly devoted himself to the task in the face of diffi-
culties and dangers which enthusiasm in the pursuit could alone enable him to
The catalogue of the pictures will be found in the appendix.
In this room is also deposited a marble statue, a copy of the celebrated work
of art in Rome, the " DYING GLADIATOR." It was executed by an English sculp-
tor, Jno. Gott.
On the grounds near the Institution is a small building resembling a co f tage.
which is the above establishment. It principally consists, to secure an equable
temperature, of an under-ground room, inclosed within two walls, between which
a current of air is allowed to pass, in order to prevent dampness. It has been
supplied with a set of apparatus for determining the continued variations in di-
rection and intensity of terrestrial magnetism. By a very ingenious application
of the photographic process, the invention of Mr. Brooks, of England, the instru-
ments are made to record, on a sheet of sensitive paper moved by clock work,
their own motions. First, to determine the variations of direction of the horizontal
magnet ; a steel bar, strongly magnetized, is suspended by several fibers of un-
twisted silk, so as to have perfect freedom of motion in the horizontal plane, and
from a gas-light, kept perpetually burning, a single ray of light is thrown upon
the concave mirror permanently attached to the magnetic bar, and consequently
oartaking of its movements. This ray of light is reflected and brought to a focus
. f he surface of a revolving cylinder, moved by clock work, on which the photo-
gru .'C paper is placed. When the magnet is at rest, the pencil of light is sta-
tionary, and consequently traces on the moving paper a simple straight line ; but
vs'hen the magnet is disturbed by the terrestrial perturbations, its oscillations are
recorded by the motion of the pencil of light in a curved or zig-zag line.
'JL -egister the intensity or strength of the magnetic force, another bar magnet
is suspended by two parallel silk threads, about an inch apart, descending from
two hooks fastened to the under side of a plate attached to the ceiling, or some
other support. The plate is then made to revolve through an arc of a circle, until,
by the force of torsion, the magnet is deflected from a north and south to an east
and west direction. It is thus kept yi a state of equilibrium between the force of
^rsion of the threads, tending to turn its north end around still further to the
south ; and the magnetism of the earth, on the other hand, tending to bring it
back to its north and south direction. If in this position the magnetism of the
earth becomes stronger, it will prevail, and the north end of the needle will turn
ard the north. If the magnetism of the earth diminishes in intensity, the
f torsion will prevail, and the same end will move toward the south. These
motiou>. as in the case of the other magnet, are recorded by a beam of light on
the paper surface of the revolving cylinder. But, besides the change of direction
of the horizontal needle, a magnet, so supported as to be free to take any position,
is latitude will arrange itself -with its end dipping toward the horizon. The
^mouu^ ol rhis dip, or variation, varies also in different places, and at different
times ; and to record these changes a bar is supported in the direction of the mag-
net north and south, on two knife edges, like the beam of a balance. Any change
which takes place in the position of a magnet thus arranged is recorded by a
mirror attached to the prolongation of the axes on which the bar turns.
It is proposed to keep these instruments constantly in operation, for the purpose
of comparing results with observations of a similar character in different parts
of the work 1 and also for the purpo? i furnishing a standard to . hich the ob-
servations ade at various points } ; o Coast Survey, and the differ, it scientific
. which are now in - .ross in the western portions of th United
-iy be referred, and v a which they may be compared.
On account of the delicate and peculiar nature of the apparatus employed, the
Magnetic Observatory is not accessible to the public.
Observations are made at 7 A. M., 2 and 9 P. M. every day, of the barometer,
thermometer, psychrometer, the direction of the wind, clouds, amount of rain, etc.
These observations are carefully computed, together with those received from the
Smithsonian corps of observers in every part of the country ; and the material
is thus accumulating for a valuable work on the meteorology of the United States.
Blanks, instructions, and tables are furnished gratuitously to persons who will
make observations. Instruments are supplied when requested, but at the expense
of the parties ordering the income of the Institution being, as yet, insufficient
to meet such and other like desirable outlays.
The instrument noticed in the hall, near the entrance, is a Sulphuric Acid Bar-
ometer, constructed by James Green, 173 Grand st., N. Y., expressly for the In-
The glass tube is 240 inches long, and f ths of an inch in diameter, and is enclosed
in a cylindrical brass case of the same length, and 2 inches diameter. The glass
tube is secured in the axis of the brass case by a number of cork collars, placed
at intervals, which while they prevent all lateral displacement of the tube, enable
it to be moved upwards and downwards for the adjustment of the zero-point.
The reservoir consists of a cylindrical glass bottle of four inches in diameter,
with two openings at the top ; one in the^ axis to admit the lower end of the long
tube, which is tapered to about one-half of the general diameter, the other to
transmit the varying pressure of the atmosphere.
The scale for reading the elevation is divided into inches and tenths, and by
means of a vernier, moved by a rack and pinion, the variations can be measured
to a hundredth of an inch, and estimated to a still smaller division.
The drying apparatus, placed between the external air and the interior of the
reservoir, consists of a tubulated bottle with two openings, containing chloride of
calcium, and connected with the reservoir by an india-rubber tube, by which ar-
rangement the air is deprived of its moisture.
To ascertain the temperature of the column of the liquid, two thermometers are
attached, one at the top and the other near the bottom.
The advantages of the use of sulphuric acid are
1st. That it gives off no appreciable vapor at any atmospheric temperature;
and 2nd. That it does not absorb or transmit air.
A full account of this instrument is given in the proceedings of the American
Association, for the advancement of science, published by Jos. Lovering, Cam-
bridge, Mass., 1857, p. 135.
On the top of the high tower of the Smithsonian building, and also on the
grounds connected with it, may be seen a number of RAIN GAGES.
Several forms of this instrument have been used, but the one which has been
found the best, under all circumstances, is shown in the annexed fi gure.
It consists of
1. A large brass cylinder a, b, c, c?, two
inches in diameter, to catch the rain.
2. A smaller brass cylinder e, f y for
receiving the water, and reducing the
diameter of the column, to allow a greater
accuracy in measuring the height.
3. A whalebone scale s, s, divided by
experiment, so as to indicate tenths and
hundredths of an inch of rain.
4. A wooden cylinder w, w y to be in-
serted permanently in the ground for the
protection and ready adjustment of the in-
To facilitate the transportation, the
larger cylinder is attached to the smaller
by a screw-joint at e.
This instrument is made by James Green, New York, and is sold for $3 00.
Several hundred of these gages have been distributed by the Institution and U.
S. Patent Office.
On one of the towers may be seen an ANEMOMETER, or self-registering in-
strument, for denoting the direction and velocity of the wind. This apparatus
was constructed for the Institution, by Dr. Charles Smallwood, of Montreal, pre-
cisely like one he has in use at his observatory in that city.
The system of international exchange, planned and perfected by the Smith-
sonian Institution, has become very important in its results. In fact, it is now
the principal medium of communication between the scientific and literary associa-
tions of the Old and New World. Lately the number of societies availing them-
selves of these facilities has largely increased including, among others, nearly
all the State Agricultural Societies of America, publishing transactions. This
result has been produced by circulars which the Institution issued, to make
this system more generally known Copious returns are being constantly re-
ceived from the societies abroad ; and an intercourse is thus established which
cannot fail to produce valuable results, both in an intellectual and moral point
of view. The packages from the Smithsonian are admitted duty free to all
parts of the Continent of Europe a certified invoice of contents by the Sec-
retary being all that is required to pass them through the Custom Houses. On
the other hand, all packages addressed to the Institution arriving at the ports
of the United States, are admitted, without detention, duty free. Thus it will be
observed that the system of exchange is the most extensive and efficient that has
ever been established in any country. Its effects on our national character and rep-
utation can scarcely be too highly estimated ; for its influence, though silent, is
felt in every part of the globe where science and literature are cultivated.
Several of the ocean steam navigation and a portion of our inland forwarding
and transportation companies, in acknowledgment for the benefits they have re-
ceived, as also to mark their high appreciation of the efforts of the Institution
to promote knowledge, have carried the freight to and from Washington free of
charge. We are pleased to record this fact, so honorable to the parties interested,
and trust all their co-laborers will speedily follow their excellent example.
In the first report presented by Professor Henry to the Regents, he urged as a
leading feature of the operations of the Institution, the publication of memoirs and
periodical reports, the result of the labors of those engaged in original research.
The advantages of this plan were stated as follows :
" In the first place it will serve to render the name of the founder favorably
known wherever literature and science are cultivated, and keep it in continual re-
membrance with each succeeding volume, as long as knowledge is valued. A
single new truth, first given to the world through these volumes will forever
stamp their character as a work of reference. The contributions will thus form
the most befitting monument to perpetuate the name of one whose life was de-
voted to the increase of knowledge, and whose ruling passion, strong in death,
prompted the whole bequest intended to facilitate the labors of others in the same ,
" Again, the publication of a series of volumes of original memoirs will afford
to the Institution the most ready means of entering into friendly relations and
correspondence with all learned societies in the world, and of enriching its library
with their current transactions and proceedings. But perhaps the most important
effect of the plan will be that of giving to the world many valuable memoirs,
which, on account of the expense of the illustrations, could not be otherwise pub-
lished. Every one who adds new and important truths to the existing stock of
knowledge, must be of necessity, to a certain degree, in advance of his age. Hence
the number of readers and purchasers of a work, is often in the inverse ratio of
its intrinsic value, and consequently authors of the highest rank of merit, are
frequently deterred from giving heir productions to the world on account of the
pecuniary loss to which the publication would subject them. When our distin-
guished countrymen, Bowditch, contemplated publishing his commentaries on La
Place, he assembled his family and informed them that the execution of his design
would sacrifice one-third of his fortune, and it was proper that his heirs should be
consulted on a matter which so nearly concerned them. The answer was worthy
the children of such a father. ' We value/ said they, t your reputation more
than your money.' Fortunately in this instance the means of making such a sac-
rifice existed ; otherwise one of the proudest monuments of American science could
not have been given to the world. In a majority of cases, however, those who are
most capable of extending human knowledge are least able to incur the expense of
its publication. Wilson, the American ornithologist, states in a letter to Michaux,
that he has sacrificed everything to publish his work. 1 1 have issued/ says he,
* six volumes, and am now engaged on the seventh ; but as yet I have not received
a tingle cent of the proceeds/ The following remarks, which are directly to this
point, occur in an address on the subject of natural history, by one of the most
active cultivators of this branch of knowledge : ( Few are acquainted with the fact
that from the small number of scientific works sold, and the great expense of the
plates, our naturalists not only are not paid for their labors, but suffer pecuniary
loss from their publications. Several works on the different branches of zoology,
now in the course of publication, will leave their authors losers by an aggregate
of $15,000. I do not include in this estimate works already finished one, for
instance, the best contribution to the natural history of man, extant, the publica-
tion of which will occasion its accomplished author a loss of several thousand dol-
lars. A naturalist is extremely fortunate if he can dispose of two hundred copies
of an illustrated work, and the number of copies printed rarely exceeds two hun-
dred and fifty."
The Smithsonian publications are presented to learned societies, public libraries,
and other institutions in all parts of the world, and can be purchased by indi-
viduals, at about the cost of paper, printing, and binding. If circumstances
admitted, the Regents would give a much more extended circulation to their
publications ; but their limited means prevent it. The fact must not be lost sight
of that this is only one of their many operations. The cost of the publication by
government of the Patent Office Report is more than quadruple the whole in-
come of the Smithsonian Institution. Each memoir is printed separately, and
with a separate title and paging, so that it can be distributed to persons most in-
terested in its perusal as soon as it comes from the press, without waiting for the
completion of the volume to which it belongs. In this way the author is enabled
to present a full account of his discoveries to the world, with the least possible
delay ; while, by the rules of the Institution, he is allowed to publish an abstract
of his paper in the proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement
of Science, or in those of any properly organized society. The number of copies
of the Smithsonian publications distributed is greater than that of the transactions
of any scientific or literary society ; and, therefore, the Institution offers the best
medium to be found for diffusing a knowledge of scientific discoveries. Every
memoir published is issued with the stamp of approval of a commission of compe-
tent judges ; and, in order to secure a cautious and candid opinion, the name of
the author, and those of the examiners are not made known to each other unless
a favorable report is given ; and in this case, the names of the commission are
printed, as vouchers for the character of the memoir, on the reverse of the title
page. This plan secures an untrammeled expression of opinion, while it induces
caution on account of the responsibility which it involves.
The following rules have been adopted for the distribution of the quarto vol-
umes of the Smithsonian Institution :
1. They are to be presented to all learned societies which publish transactions,
and give copies of these in exchange to the Institution.
2. To all foreign libraries of the first class, provided they give in exchange their
catalogues or other publications, or an equivalent in their duplicate volumes.
3. To all the colleges in actual operation in this country, provided they furnish
in return, meteorological observations, catalogues of their libraries and their stu-
dents, and all other publications issued by them relative to their organization and
4. To all States and Territories, provided there be given, in return, copies of
all documents published under their authority.
5. To all incorporated public libraries in this country, not included in any of
the foregoing classes, containing more than 7000 volumes ; and to smaller libra-
ries, where a whole State or large district would be otherwise unsupplied.
6. Separate memoirs are sometimes presented to minor institutions.
There is one part of the Smithsonian operations that attracts no public atten-
tion, though it is producing, it is believed, important results in the way of diffusing
knowledge, and is attended, perhaps, with more labor than any other part. This
is the scientific correspondence of the Institution. Scarcely a day passes in which
communications are not received from persons in different parts of the country,
containing accounts of discoveries, which are referred to the Institution, or asking
questions relative to some branch of knowledge. The rule was early adopted to
give respectful attention to every letter received, and this has been faithfully ad-
hered to from the beginning up to the present time.
These communications relate to a great variety of subjects. Any topic which
strongly excites the attention of the public at a given time, such as the announce-
ment in the papers of a wonderful discovery, or an important invention which
promises to introduce extensive changes in the useful arts, is sure to bring upon
the Institution an increase of labor in the way of correspondence. The ordinary
inquiries addressed to the Secretary relate to the principles of mechanics, electri-
city, magnetism, meteorology, names of specimens of plants, minerals, insects, and,
in short, to all objects or phenomena of a remarkable or unusual character.
Requests are frequently made for lists of apparatus, for information as to the
best books for the study of special subjects, hints for the organization of local
societies, &c. Applications are also made for information by persons abroad rela-
tive to particular subjects respecting this country. When an immediate reply
cannot be given to a question, the subject is referred, by letter, to some one of the
Smithsonian co-laborers, and the answer is transmitted to the inquirer, either
under the name of the person who gives the information or under that of the In-
stitution, according to the circumstances of the case. In relation to this subject
we quote from a recent report of Prof. Henry.
" There is no country on the face of the earth in which knowledge is so gener-
ally diffused as in the United States ; none in which there is more activity of
mind or freedom of thought and discussion, and in which there is less regard to
what should be considered as settled and well-established principles. It will not,
therefore, be surprising that the Institution should be called upon to answer a
great number of communications intended to subvert the present system of science,
and to establish new and visionary conceptions in its stead, and that numerous
letters should be received pertaining to such objects as the quadrature of the
circle, the trisection of the angle, the invention of self-moving machines, the
creation of power, the overthrow of the Newtonian system of gravitation, and the
establishment of new systems of the universe.
" Many of these communications are of such a character that, at first sight, it
might seem best to treat them with silent neglect ; but the rule has been adopted
to state candidly and respectfully the objections to such propositions, and to en-
deavor to convince their authors that their ground is untenable.
"Though this course is in many cases attended with no beneficial results, still
it is the only one which can be adopted with any hope of even partial' good. In
answering those who persist in declaring that the present received laws of mechan-
ical action are erroneous, and that they have discovered new and more correct
generalizations, they are requested to prove the truth of their assertions by pre-
dicting new and important phenomena, the existence of which may be immedi-
ately tested either by experiment or observation. It is not enough that the new
system explains facts which we know, for this would be merely exhibiting old
knowledge under a new form, but it should point out in the way of deduction
new facts which have hitherto escaped the eye of the observer or the scrutiny of
the experimenter.
" It is to be regretted that so many minds of power and originality in our
country should, from defective scientific training, be suffered to diverge so widely
from th$ narrow path which alone leads to real advance in positive knowledge.
Providence, however, seems in some measure to vindicate the equality of its dis-
tributions, by assigning to such, a double measure of hope and self-esteem, which
serves them instead of success and reputation."
"The faithful attention to the correspondence of the Institution, imposes a serious
labor on the Secretary and his assistants. Beside the correspondence above men-
tioned, there is that which relates to the reception and publication of the me-
moirs ', to the lectures ; to particular branches of research ; to the almost innu-
merable inquiries as to the character of the Institution ; to applications for its
publications ; to the printing, engraving, binding, transportation, payment of ac-
counts ; and to the exchanges of the " Contributions to Knowledge/ 7
" All the letters received are bound in volumes, and a copy of every answer is
carefully preserved, the whole thus forming a permanent record of all the trans-
actions of the Institution, as well as a history of the topics of scientific interest
which have particularly occupied the public mind during any given period. The
exposition of this labor, which has been increasing from year to year, will be a
sufficient answer to the question which is sometimes asked, as to what the ofiicers
of the Institution find to do/'
With reference to this part of the operations of the Institution, the Secretary
has presented the following views in his reports :
" Public lectures have become one of the characteristics of the day, and next to
the press perhaps tend, more than any other means of diffusing knowledge, to
influence the public mind. The liberal price paid by the Lowell Institute, and
some of the associations in our large cities, induces men of reputation to devote
themselves to the preparation of popular lectures. In some parts of the country
a number of adjacent cities or villages enter into an arrangement by which the
same lecture may be repeated, in succession, at each place ; and in this way the
amount paid becomes sufficient to call forth the best talent. Popular lectures ap-
pear better adapted to present literary and historical facts, and to give informa-
tion relative to subjects of art and of morals, than to impart a knowledge of scien-
tific principles. These require more attention and continuous thought than can
be generally expected from a promiscuous audience. Hence the scientific lecturer
frequently aims at a brilliant display of experiments, rather than to impress the
mind with general principles.
" Local lectures are too limited in their influence to meet a proper interpretation
of the will of Smithson ; yet they were ordered by Congress-, and are calculated
to do more good in this city than in any other part of the Union.
" In selecting lecturers, the consideration of mere popular effect has not been re
garded. The persons chosen have been such as to give weight to the lecture, and
to reflect credit on the Institution. The object has been to give instruction rather
than amusement to improve the public taste rather than to elicit popular ap-
plause. The Institution, to be respected, must maintain a dignified character,
and seek rather to direct public opinion than to obtain popularity by an opposite
" The moral effect which the lectures have on the city of Washington cannot be
otherwise than beneficial. When the weather is favorable, the room is every
evening crowded before the hour of commencement with an intelligent audience.
The lecturers have generally been persons from a distance, who have expressed
surprise to find such a large and respectful attendance in a city which is com-
monly thought to be exclusively devoted to politics and amusement. The plan of
inviting gentlemen of reputation and influence from a distance, renders the Smith-
sonian operations familiar to those best qualified to appreciate their value, and
best able to give a correct account of the character of the Institution in their own
districts of country, as well as to vindicate its claims to the confidence and
friendly regard of the public. The results of this course, and the distribution of
the volumes of Contributions to colleges and public libraries, it is hoped, will so
establish the Institution in the good opinion of the intelligent and influential part
of the community, that it may bid defiance to the assaults of those who are ignorant
of its true character, or are disappointed in not sharing its honors without the
talents or the industry to win them."
In the report of the Committee on Or-
ganization, of the first Board of Regents,
January 25, 1847, the nature of the
duties of the Secretary are set forth, and
the importance of his position duly con-
sidered. It is stated that inasmuch as
the Chancellor being a Regent, can re-
ceive no salary for his services, it results
almost necessarily that the Secretary
should become its chief executive officer.
The charter seems to have intended
that he should occupy a very responsi-
ble position ; granting as it does to the
Secretary, in conjunction with the Chan-
cellor, the power to determine the ne-
cessity and the amount of appropriations
made for the purposes of the Institution.
The Committee stated that in their opinion "upon the choice of this single
officer, more probably than on any one other act of the Board, will depend the
future good name, and success, and usefulness of the Smithsonian Institution."
One of the first resolutions adopted by the Board of Regents was the following :
"Resolved, That it is essential for the advancement of the proper interests of
the trust, that the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution be a man possessing
weight of character, and a high grade of talent ; and that it is further desirable
that he possess eminent scientific and general attainments ; that he be a man
capable of advancing science and promoting letters by original research and effort,
well qualified to act as a respected channel of communication between the Insti-
tution and scientific and literary individuals and societies in this and foreign
countries : and, in a word, a man worthy to represent, before the world of science
and of letters, the Institution over which this Board presides."
It was with these feelings and opinions that the Board of Regents selected
Professor JOSEPH HENRY, of the College of New Jersey, Princeton, to fill the
office of Secretary. He accepted the appointment, entered at once upon his labo-
rious and responsible duties, and has since given to them all his time and
The views he held were not at first generally understood, but they are now
appreciated and concurred in by those who have examined the subject, and who
believe that Smithson did not intend to limit the influence of his bequest to one
locality or nation, but designed, as is well expressed in the words of John Quincy
Adams, " to spread the benefits to be derived from the Institution not only over
the whole surface of this Union j but throughout the CIVILIZED WORLD."
The grounds around the building were laid out by the distinguished horticul-
turist and landscape gardener, Downing, but he died while engaged in the prose-
cution of his plans.
"We are indebted to the editor of the " Rural New Yorker," for the following
remarks relative to this subject, and for the representation of the marble monu-
ment recently erected to his memory :
When the sad tidings of the death of Andrew Jackson Downing was announced,
many hearts were stricken, and many countenances saddened. Every lover of rural
life and rural taste, felt that a friend, a brother, and a leader had fallen. The homes
of hundreds, from the foundation stone to the gable point, spoke of the departed
even the trees and flowers of the garden, told a tale of sadness. The furniture in
our parlors, the books in our libraries, spoke too plainly to our wounded hearts
of the loved and lost. Scarcely a city or village in our country but presented
some monument of his skill and taste, something to remind the people how great
and irreparable was their loss cottages whose simple yet elegant adornings taught
how truly taste may be independent of wealth ; windows tempting the eye from
loveliness within, to the glorious prospect without ; stately trees that seemed to
guard like sentinels the sacred precincts of home, and village churches whose walls
and spires spoke of religion to the heart.
It was at once proposed, in all parts
of the country, by Horticultural and
other Societies, that some suitable monu-
ment should -be erected to the memory
of Mr. Downing, and in 1852, the
American Pomological Society ap-
pointed a committee to superintend this
work. The design adopted by the com-
mittee was furnished by Calvert Vaux,
of Newburgh, N. Y., the late partner
of Mr. Downing, and the work executed
by Robert Launitz, an eminent sculptor
of New York. The monument was
erected in the grounds of the Smithson-
ian Institution, at Washington, and it is
worthy of remark, that Mr. Downing
was engaged in laying out and beautify-
ing these grounds at the time of his death.
The committee made their final report
at the Pomological meeting in Sep-
tember, 1856. The funds were supplied
by friends of Mr. Downing, in Philadel-
phia, Newburgh, Boston, Washington,
Louisville, Buffalo, and Rochester.
The principal design of the monument "
consists in a large vase resting on a ped-
estal, the whole executed of the finest
Italian marble. The pattern of the vase
is taken from an antique of the chastest
school. The vase is four feet in height, DOWNING MONUMENT.
and measures three feet in diameter on its upper rim. The body is ornamented
with rich arabesque; acanthus leaves surround the lower part. The handles
rest on heads of satyrs, (the tutelar gods of groves and woods.) The pedestal,
resting on a carved base, and being surmounted with a carved cornice, has on each
side deep panels, relieved by carved mouldings. Each of the panels contains
an inscription ; that upon the Northern Front reads as follows :
Was erected by his Friends
Who died July 28, 1852, aged 37 years.
He was born, and lived,
And died upon the Hudson River.
His life was devoted to the improvement of the national taste
in rural art,
an office for which his genius and the natural beauty amidst
which he lived had fully endowed him.
His success was as great as his genius, and for the death of few
public men,
was public grief ever more sincere.
When these grounds were proposed, he was at once
called to design them ;
but before they were completed he perished in the wreck of the
steamer Henry Clay.
His mind was singularly just, penetrating, and original.
His manners were calm, reserved, and courteous.
His personal memory
belongs to the friends who loved him ;
his fame to the country which honored and laments him.
Inscription upon the Southern Front :
" The taste of an individual,
as well as that of a nation, will be in direct proportion to the
profound sensibility
with which he perceives the beautiful in natural scenery."
" Open wide, therefore,
the doors of your libraries and picture galleries,
all ye true republicans !
Build halls where knowledge shall be freely diffused among men,
and not shut up within the narrow walls of
narrower institutions.
Plant spacious parks in your cities,
and unclose their gates as wide as the gates of morning to the
whole people."
[Downing 's Rural Essays.
Upon the Eastern Front is inscribed :
" Weep no more,
For Lycidus your sorrow is not dead,
Sunk though he be beneath the wat'ry floor,
So sinks the day-star in the ocean bed,
And" yet anon repairs his drooping head,
And tricks his beams, and with new spangled ore
Flames in the forehead of the morning sky ;
So Lycidus sunk low, but mounted high
Through the dear might of Him that walked the waves."
Upon the Western Front is this Inscription :
I climb the hill from end to end,
Of all the landscape underneath
I find no place that does not breathe
Some gracious memory of my friend.
' Tis held that sorrow makes us -wise,
Yet how much wisdom sleeps with thee,
Which not alone had guided me,
But served the seasons that may rise ;
And doubtless unto thee is given
A life that bears immortal fruit,
In such great offices as suit
The full grown energies of Heaven.
And love will last as pure and whole
As when he loved me here in time,
And at the spiritual prime
Re-waken with the dawning soul.
On the Base of the Pedestal is the following :
Was erected under a resolution passed at Philadelphia,
in Sept., 1852, by the
of which Mr. Downing was one of the
original founders.
The whole monument with its granite plinth is nine feet four inches in height,
and cost $1,600.
From the top of the highest tower, a magnificent, and by far the finest view of
Washington and surrounding country is presented to the spectator. The city ex-
tends from northwest to southeast about four miles and a half; and from north-
east to southwest about two miles and a half. Its circumference is fourteen miles.
The avenues, streets, and open spaces, contain 3,604 acres, and the public reserva-
tions 513 acres. The city is encompassed by a fine range of hills, forming a
natural amphitheatre and covered in part with trees and underwood.
The following are the principal objects that present themselves to the view :
On the west is seen the Washington Monument, which has now reached a height
of 175 feet. Further on, is seen the National Observatory, which is two miles
from the Capitol. Georgetown, with its churches, college, &c., are seen in the
distance to the northwest, and nearer are the President's House, the Treasury
Department with its colonnade, on the right, and " Winder's building" used by
the Pension Office and by bureaus of the War and Navy Departments, to the left.
Columbia College may be seen on one of the most commanding eminences of
the hills at the north of the city, and a little to the east the marble tower of the
new U. S. Military Asylum is plainly visible. The tall and beautiful steeple of
the 5th Baptist Church, and also the spire of the Catholic Church, will be ob-
served in the north.
The observer will recognize the Patent office and General Post office to the
The City Hall and Unitarian Church, both of yellow color, and Trinity Epis-
copal Church, built of red sandstone similar to that used in the Smithsonian edi-
fice, are at the northeast.
Directly east is the Capitol of the United States, its magnificent proportions and
commanding position constituting it the most prominent as it is the most inter-
esting object in the landscape.
At the southeast are seen the ship houses and tall chimneys of the Navy Yard,
and more towards the south on the neck of land at the junction of the Anacostia
or East branch with the Potomac, are the Arsenal and the Penitentiary.
The Potomac river lies along the south of the city, and adds greatly to the
beauty of the view- Alexandria, a city of 10,000 inhabitants, can be seen about
six miles to the south.
At the southwest is the Long Bridge which connects Washington with Virginia,
and on the commanding position, elevated more than 200 feet from the river is
Arlington, the residence of George Washington Parke Custis, Esq.
The collection embraced in this Catalogue comprises accurate portraits painted
from life, of forty-three different tribes of Indians, obtained at the cost, hazard,
and inconvenience of a ten years' tour through the South-western Prairies, New
Mexico, California, and Oregon. The descriptions are by Mr. Stanley himself.
1. CO-WOCK-COO-CHEE, OR WILDCAT. (Painted Dec. 1842.)
A Seminole Chief, and one of the most celebrated of his tribe ; possessed of much vanity
and an indomitable spirit, he has won for himself an exalted name and standing among his
At the outbreak of the Florida war, he was a mere boy; but he shouldered his rifle, and
fought with so much courage and desperation, that he was soon looked up to as a master-
spirit. This gathered a band of warriors about him, who adopted him as their chief leader.
At the head of this party he became a formidable enemy of the United States troops, and
gave them much trouble during that campaign, and probably would never have fallen into
the hands of the whites, had he been able to procure food and ammunition for his band :
being reduced to a state of starvation, he was obliged to surrender, and, by treaty stipula-
tions with the United States Government, was with his people removed west of the Missis-
2. AL-LECK TUSTENUGGEE. (Painted Dec. 1842.)
This chief is at the head of the Mikasukie band, and during the Florida war was one of
the most active among the Seminoles.
3. NOKE-SUKE TUSTENUGGEE. (Painted Dec. 1842.)
A Seminole Sub-chief of the Mikasukie band. A warrior of distinction, and Al-leck Tus-
tenuggee's aid.
(Painted Dec. 1842.)
Cudjo is a negro Interpreter, who served the United States during the Florida War ; an3
Geo. W. Clarke is Seminole Agent.
A Seminole Mikasukie Sub-chief, and one of the most distinguished warriors of his tribe.
He is six feet three inches in height, and well proportioned, and is esteemed one of the best
ball players among his people. His countenance indicates any thing but intelligence or
shrewdness ; on the contrary, it exhibits evidence of a capacity to commit any act, however
cruel and atrocious, at the bidding of his chief.
6. CHO-CO-TE TUSTENUGGEE, (Painted Dec. 1842.)
A Sub-chief, of some note as a warrior, bnt abandoned and dissipated ; he is painted in
the costume in which he presented himself, with a bottle of "fire water" in his hand. He
possesses au amiable disposition, and is passionately fond of joking, which has acquired for
him the celebrity of punster to the band.
7. HAL-BURTA-HADJO, OR ALLIGATOR. (Painted Aug., 1843.)
A Seminole Chief, celebrated for his prowess as a warrior. His name has been frequently
before the public, as the instigator and perpetrator of many atrocious murders, during the
Florida campaign. He has suffered much from sickness since his removal, and looks de-
jected and careworn.
8. COT-SA OK TIGER. (Painted Dec., 1843.)
A Seminole Warrior, and son of Alligator.
9. SEM-I-WOC-CA. (Painted Sep., 1843.)
Represented as about crossing a small stream, with a corn-basket under her arm. She is
attired in the costume peculiar to the Creek and Seminole women. Their dress consists of
calico, of a coarse, cheap kind, worked to the depth of from twelve to fifteen inches from
the bottom with different colors, in various devices.
The artist found it exceedingly difficult to get the women of this tribe to sit for their pic-
tures, owing to the opposition of their chiefs, who do not consider them worthy of such an
10. OPOETH-LE-YO-HOLO. (Painted July, 1843.)
Speaker of the Upper Creeks. This man holds the rank of principal counsellor, or
speaker of the councils, over which he presides with great dignity. His influence is so
great, that questions submitted to the council are generally decided according to his will ;
for his tribe consider him as the organ of their chief, and suppose he only speaks as he is
11. OPOETH-LE-YO-HOLO. (1843.)
Represented in the manner in which he paints himself when going to war. One would
hardly recognize this celebrated chief in this disguise. He insisted on being thus painted,
and it was with difficulty that he was afterwards induced to wash his face, and sit for a
portrait which his friends would be able to recognize. See No. 10.
12. A CREEK BUFFALO DANCE. (Painted Aug., 1843.)
This dance is enacted every year during the season of their busk, or green-corn dances ;
and the men, women, and children all take an active part in the ceremony. They invest
themselves with the scalp of the buffalo, with the horns and tail attached, and dance about
in a circle, uttering sounds in imitation of the animal they represent, with their bodies
in a half-bent position, supporting their weight upon their ball-sticks, which represent the
forelegs of the buffalo.
13. TUSTENUGGEE EMATHLA. (Painted June, 1843.)
This is a fine looking man, six feet and one inch in height, and well proportioned, of
manly and martial appearance and great physical strength, and is well calculated to com-
mand the respect of a band of savage warriors. He is generally known by the name of
Jim Boy. Tustenuggee means " warrior;" and Emathla, " next to the warrior."
He is and always has been a firm and undeviating friend of the whites : he led a party
of seven hundred and seventy-six warriors to Florida, and endeavored, first as mediator, to
induce the Seminoles to abandon the bloody and fruitless contest in which they were en-
gaged, but was unsuccessful.
14. TO-MATH-LA-MICCO, OR THE LITTLE KING. (Painted June, 1843.)
Principal Chief of the Upper Creeks. Distinguished only as a warrior, he was elected to
the chieftainship through the instrumentality of Opoeth-le-yo-holo, who has great influence
over him. He is painted in the attitude of holding a red stick, which is invariably carried
by him during the ceremonies of the busk or green-corn dance. It is emblematical of the
red-stick or late Creek war.
Possessing no merit as an orator or counsellor, his will is easily swayed by his speaker.
He is mild and amiable in his disposition, and much beloved by his people.
This is the great Medicine or Mystery Man of the Creeks ; his fields of corn are cultivated
by the people of the town in which he resides, and a salary of five hundred dollars per
annum is allowed him from the treasury of the nation, for his services.
They suppose him to be indued with supernatural powers, and capable of making it rain
copiously at will.
In his town is a building of rather a singular construction, used during their annual busk
or green-corn dances as a dancing-house. It is of a circular form, about sixty feet in
diameter and thirty feet high, built of logs ; and was planned by this man in the following
manner :
He cut sticks in miniature of every log required in the construction of the building, and
distributed them proportionately among the residents of the town, whose duty it was to cut
logs corresponding with their sticks, and deliver them upon the ground appropriated for
the building at a given time. At the raising of the house, not a log was cut or changed
from its original destination ; all came together in their appropriate places, as intended by
the designer. During the planning of this building, which occupied him six days, he did
not partake of the least particle of food.
16. TAH-COO-SAH-FIXICO, OR BILLY HARDJO. (Painted Aug., 1843.)
Chief of one of the Upper Creek towns. He is a merchant or trader among his people ;
also, has an extensive farm and several negro slaves, which enable him to live very com-
fortably. He is much beloved and respected by his people. The dress in which he is painted
is that of a ball-player, as they at first appear upon the ground. During the play they
divest themselves of all their ornaments, which are usually displayed on these occasions, for
the purpose of betting on the result of the play : such is their passion for betting, that the
opposing parties frequently bet from five hundred to a thousand dollars on a single game.
17. CHILLY McINTOSH. (Painted June, 1843.)
An Upper Creek Chief. This man is a brother of Gen. Mclntosh, who was killed some
years since by his people, for negotiating a treaty with the United States Government, con-
trary to the laws of his country. Chilly was pursued by the same party who massacred his
brother, but succeeded in making his escape by swimming a river, which arrested his pur-
18.-KEE-SEE-LAH AND AII-SEE-HEE. (Painted Aug., 1843.)
Daughters of Opoeth-le-yo-holo. The latter is commonly denominated the Young Queen.
The remaining figure on the right is a half-breed and the wife of a white trader.
19. COO-WIS-COO-EE, OR JOHN ROSS. (Painted Sept., 1844.)
Principal Chief of the Cherokees. Mr. Ross has been for a number of years at the head
of his people, which fact is sufficient evidence of the high estimation in which they hold
him as a man capable of discharging the responsible duties devolving upon the office. Mr.
R. is a man of education, and as a statesman would do honor to the legislative halls of any
country. His hospitality is unbounded; from his soft and bland manners, his guests are at
once made to feel at home, and forget that they are far from the busy scenes of civilization,
and surrounded by the red men of the forest. His house is the refuge of the poor, starved,
and naked Indian ; when hungry, he is sure to find at the abode of this exemplary man some-
thing wherewith to appease his hunger, and if naked, a garment to cover his nakedness,
Of his private and political history much might be said ; but we leave it to those who are
more competent to the task, and able to do him that justice due to so eminent a man.
20. KEETH-LA, OR DOG. (Painted 1844.)
Commonly called Major George Lowry, Second or Assistant Chief of the Cherokees; an
office which he has filled for a number of years with much credit to himself and the entire
satisfaction of his people. He is about seventy years of age, speaks English fluently, and is
an exemplary Christian.
He is painted in the attitude of explaining the wampum, a tradition of the manner in
which peace was first brought about among the various Indian tribes. (See No. 27.)
21. STAN WATIE. (Painted June, 1843.)
A highly gifted and talented Cherokee. This man is a brother of Boudinot, who was mur-
dered some years since for his participation in negotiating with the United States the New
Echota treaty, (which has caused so much internal dissention among the Cherokees,) con-
trary to the laws of his country. Stan Watie was also one of the signers of that instrument,
but has thus far escaped the horrible death that befell his brother. He is reputed to be
one of the bravest men of his people. During the session of the International Council, at
Tah-le-quah, in June, 1843. he sat for his portrait; he was surrounded by hundreds of his
enemies at the time, but did not manifest the least symptoms of fear during his sojourn. A
biography of this man's life would form a very interesting volume.
22. THOMAS WATIE. (Painted 1842.)
Brother of STAN WATIE, a fine-looking man, but abandoned and dissipated. He is a
printer by trade, and speaks English fluently, and writes a good hand.
This man was one of the signers of the first treaty made with the Cherokees by the United
States Government, during the administration of General "Washington.
24. OH-TAH-NEE-UX-TAH, OR CATCHER. (Painted 1844.)
A Cherokee Warrior.
25. CHARLES McINTOSH. (Painted 1842.)
A Cherokee half-breed, about twenty-three years of age, little known among his people
until December, 1842. He then distinguished himself by killing a man upon the Prairies,
by the name of Merrett, an escaped convict from the jail at Van Buren, Arkansas, who with
his brother was under sentence to the State Prison, had escaped, and fled to the Prairies,
where they carried on a sort of land piracy, robbing and murdering all travellers whom
chance threw into their power.
26. WE-CHA-LAH-NAE-HE, OR THE SPIRIT. (Painted 1844.)
Commonly called John Huss. A regular ordained minister of the Presbyterian denomi-
nation, and speaks no English. He is a very pious and good man.
This council was conven3d by John Ross, at Tah-le-quah, in the Cherokee Nation, in the
month of June, 1843, and continued in session four weeks. Delegates from seventeen tribes
were present, and the whole assemblage numbered some ten thousand Indians
28. THREE CHEROKEE LADIES. (Painted 1842.)
29. TWO CHEROKEE GIRLS. (Painted 1842.)
Gov. P. M. Butler and party on their return from the council with the wild Indians.
34. ISH-TON-NO-YES, OR JAMES GAMBLE. (Painted 1843.)
Chickasaw Interpreter. A young man of education, and speaks English fluently.
35. WA-BON-SEH, OR THE WHITE SKY. (Painted June, 1843.)
Principal Chief of the Prairie Band of Potowatomies, residing near Council Bluffs. This
chief is a bold and sagacious warrior, but possesses no merit as an orator ; his will is sub-
mitted to his people through his speaker, a man possessed of great powers of oratory.
Many of his war exploits are of a thrilling and exciting nature.
36. OP-TE-GEE-ZHEEK, OR HALF-DAY. (Painted June, 1843.)
Principal Speaker and Counsellor of the Potowatomies. This man is justly celebrated
for his powers of oratory. By his dignity of manner, and the soft and silvery tones of his
voice, he succeeds admirably in gaining the most profound attention of all within hearing.
At the council which he attended in the Cherokee nation he attracted universal attention,
both from his eloquence and the singularity of his dress, the style of which he probably ob-
tained from the Catholic missionaries residing upon the frontier.
37. NA-SWA-GA, OR THE FEATHERED ARROW. (Painted 1843.)
Principal Chief of a band of Potowatomies, residing on the waters of Little Osage Elver ;
he is distinguished as a bold warrior.
38.-T-THOMAS HENDRICK. (Painted 1843.)
Principal Chief of the Stockbridges. Of this tribe but few are living, and they have
united themselves with the Delawares, with whom they cultivate the soil in common. This
man speaks good English, and is very affable in his manners.
39. JIM GRAY. (Painted 1843.)
Principal Chief of the Munsees, a small tribe residing among the Delawares.
40. SHAB-A-NEE. (Painted 1843.)
An Ottawa Chief. This man is well known throughout the northern part of Michigan and
Illinois, his people having formerly occupied and owned the soil in that region. During the
late war he was one of the most prominent actors, and one of Tecumseh's counsellors and
aides-de-camp. He says he was near Tecumseh when he fell, and represents him as having
been stabbed through the body with a bayonet by a soldier : he seized the gun with his left
hand, raised his tomahawk, and was about to dispatch him, when an officer, wearing a chapeau
and riding a white horse, approached him, drew a pistol from his holster, and shot him. He
and the remaining few of his people reside with the Potowatomies, near Council Bluffs, on
the Missouri.
A Chippewa Chief. This man is chief of a small band of Chippewas, residing in Poto-
watomie country ; these are more advanced in civilization than those living on the Northern
Lakes ; they are not unlike the Potowatomies in their manners and customs.
42. CAPT. KETCHUM. (Painted 1843.)
A Delaware Chief.
43. SECOND EYE. (Painted 1843.)
A Delaware Chief.
Commonly called Jim Second Eye, Head War-Chief of the Delawares.
Some years since, a small band of Delawares, while on a hunting and trapping expedition
on the upper Missouri, were surprised by a large party of Sioux, who fell upon them and
murdered all but one of the party, who succeeded in making good his escape and return to
his people. Second Eye immediately started with a small force to avenge the death of his
warriors ; after traveling several weeks, they fell in with the identical party who committed
the depredation. The Sioux, anticipating an attack, retreated to a deep ravine in the moun-
tains in order to defend themselves more advantageously. Second Eye, perceiving the many
disadvantages under which he labored, but having an indomitable spirit, determined to sur-
mount all obstacles, and obtain that vengeance which the death of his warriors loudly called
for. He waited until all was quiet within the ravine, raised the war-whoop, rushed madly
upon them, and massacred the whole party ; he having with his own hands cut off the heads
of sixteen Sioux, which he threw to his warriors to scalp.
He speaks some English, and is frequently employed by the United States and Texas as
a " runner" to the wild Indians, with whom he carries on a very successful trade. He de-
rives his name of Long Traveler from the fact that he has crossed the mountains to Oregon,
and has visited Santa F6, California, and the Navahoe Village.
45. AH-LEN-I-WEES. (Painted 1843.)
A Delaware Warrior of distinction in his tribe.
46. CAPT. McCALLAH. (Painted 1843.)
Principal Chief of the Texan Delawares. This man is very influential among his people ;
he also exerts a great influence over the wild Indians, and his presence is considered indis-
pensable at all councils convened either by the United States or Texas, for the purpose of
negotiating treaties.
Second or Assistant Chief of the Texan Delawares, and Principal Orator and Counselor.
48. WAH-PONG-GA, OE THE SWAN. (Painted 1843.)
Principal Chief of the Weeahs. Once a powerful tribe, but now reduced to the small
number of two hundred warriors. They formerly resided in Indiana, and are at present
located with the Piankeshaws, about forty miles south of Fort Leavenworth, on the Missouri.
49. QUAH-GOM-MEE. (Painted 1843.)
Principal Chief of the Shawnees.
50. SHAC-EE-SHU-MOO. (Painted 1843.)
An hereditary Shawnee Chief.
A son of Tecumseh. He has none of the extraordinary traits of character for which his
sire was celebrated, and is of very little note in his tribe ; he was in the battle in which his
father fell.
52. KEOKUK. (Painted May, 1846.)
Head Chief of the Sacs and Foxes. Keokuk is in all respects a magnificent savage. Bold,
enterprising, and impulsive, he is also politic, and possesses an intimate knowledge of human
nature, and a tact which enables him to bring the resources of his mind into prompt ope-
ration. His talents as a military chief and civil ruler are evident from the discipline which
exists among his people.
This portrait was painted in the spring of 1846, on the Kansas River, where he, with his
people, were temporarily residing after their removal from the Desmoines River.
53. SAC CHIEF, AND FOX BRAVE. (Painted May, 1846.)
54. KEP-PEO-LECK, OE RED WOLF. (Painted May, 1846.)
55. SAC WAR CHIEF, IN WAR PAINT. (Painted May, 1846.)
56. WIFE AND DAUGHTER OF BLACK HAWK. (Painted May, 1842.)
57. MEDICINE DANCE OF THE SACS. (Painted May, 1846.)
The Medicine Dance of the Sacs is performed once every year, for the purpose of initia-
ting the mystery or medicine-men into this sacred custom of their tribe.
58. THE CHIEFTAIN'S GRAVE. (Painted, Jan. 1851.)
A form of burial practised by many tribes inhabiting the borders of Missouri and Iowa.
The flight of a Mountain Trapper from a band of Black-Foot Indians, constitutes an in-
cident in the life of Capt. Joe Meek, the present marshal of Oregon Territory. He was a
native of Ohio, and early in life enlisted in the service of the American Fur Company as a
trapper; in which service he spent eighteen years in the Rocky Mountains.
This picture represents one of the many thrilling incidents in his life, characteristic of the
trapper and pioneer. Finding himself pursued by a large party, he hoped, by the aid of a
well-bred American horse, to escape a personal encounter; but the Indians taking advan-
tage of the broken country, soon overtook him, and were showering their arrows at him
while in full pursuit, using their horses as a shield. Joe, reserving his fire for a favorable
moment, selected the war-chief who was foremost, and, with well-directed aim, hit both
horse and rider, which caused them to abandon the pursuit.
Joe was one of the early pioneer residents of Oregon, and one of its first representatives
under the provisional government.
60. THE TRAPPER'S ESCAPE. (Painted 1851.)
Joe is seen in the middle ground of the picture, waving his gun in exultation at his lucky
(Painted 1852.)
A composition characteristic of Indian warfare.
62. TECHONG-TA-SABA OR BLACK DOG. (Painted 1843.)
Principal Chief of the Osages. A man six feet six inches in height, and well proportioned,
weighing some two hundred and fifty pounds, and rather inclined to corpulency. He is
blind of one eye. He is celebrated more for his feats in war than as a counselor ; his
opinions are, however, sought in all matters of importance appertaining to the welfare of
his people. The name Black Dog was given to him from a circumstance which happened
when on a war expedition against the Comanches. He, with his party, were about to sur-
prise their camp on a very dark night, when a black dog, by his continued barking, kept
them at bay. After several ineffectual attempts, being repelled by the dog, Techong-ta-saba
became exasperated, and fired an arrow at random, hitting him in the head and causing in-
stant death. By this name he is familiarly known to the officers of the army and white
traders in that section of country
63. SHU-ME-CUSS, OR WOLF. (Painted 1843.)
A nephew of Black Dog, and a warrior of distinction among his people.
64 CROW-SUN-TAH, OR BIG SOLDIER. (Painted 1843.)
An Osage Chief and Brave ; is about seventy years of age, vigorous and active. He
together with a number of his tribe, were taken to France some years since by a 11 American
citizen for the purpose of giving exhibitions of their various dances.
65. NE-QUA-BA-NAII. (Painted 1843.)
An Osage Warrior.
66. CHA-PAH-CAH-HA, OR EAGLE FEATHER. (Painted 1843.)
An Osage Warrior. His head-dress is composed of the skin from the head of a buffalo,
with the horns attached.
67. THE OSAGE MIMIC. (Painted 1843.)
This picture is painted from an incident that took place in my studio at Tah-le-quah, in
the Cherokee nation, during the session of the International Council, in 1843.
I was often absent for a short time, sketching, and listening to the various speeches made
in council. My door being of rather a rude construction, fastened only by a common wooden
latch, all Indians who chose had free ingress. Among those who paid me frequent visits,
was an Osage boy, about seventeen years of age, by the name of Wash-cot-sa, an hereditary
chief, possessed of an amiable disposition and inquiring mind. He seemed to observe every
thing going on in my studio, and would endeavor to imitate any thing done by me. On one
occasion I had been absent for a short time, and during the interim he and one of his com-
panions sauntered in ; and finding themselves alone, he concluded to try his hand at painting.
He assumed the palette and brushes, placed his subject in a favorable position, and had
made some few chalk -marks upon the canvass, when I entered ; he immediately discovered
me, and, dropping the palette and brushes and pointing to the canvass, said it was pe-shee
very bad. I endeavored to induce him to return to his work, but to no purpose.
68. AN OSAGE SCALP-DANCE. (Painted 1845.)
All tribes of wild Indians scalp their captives, save the women and children, who are
treated as slaves, until ransomed by the United States Government.
On returning from the scene of strife, they celebrate their victories by a scalp-dance.
The chiefs and warriors, after having painted themselves, each after his own fancy, to give
himself the most hideous appearance, encircle their captives, who are all placed together.
Thus stationed, at a tap on their drums they commence throwing themselves into attitudes
such as each one's imagination suggests as the most savage, accompanied by yells, for the
purpose of striking terror into the hearts of their captives.
This picture represents the scalp-dance of the Osages around a woman and her child ;
and a warrior in the act of striking her with his club, his chief springing forward and ar-
resting the blow with his spear.
69. KI-HIOCA-TE-DAH, OB PASSING CHIEF. (Painted 1843.)
Principal Chief of the Quapaws. Once a very powerful and warlike tribe, but now reduced
to a small number ; they reside with the Senecas. This chief is represented by the agent
as being a very good man, and possesses the entire confidence of his whole people.
It was with much difficulty that I induced this chief to sit for his portrait. I was anxious
to paint one of his warriors upon the same canvass with him ; to this he objected, saying
that they were no good, and that chiefs only were worthy of such a distinguished honor ; he
insisted on being painted in the act of shaking hands with me, so that when the Great Father
(the President of the U. S.) saw it, he might know that he was a friend of the white man.
He is a great warrior, his arms bearing evidence of this fact, having been pierced with balls
and arrows in several places from the hands of the Sioux. He was very particular as to the
correct imitation of the painting on his blanket, which is to him the history of his war ex-
ploits. The hands represent the scalps taken from the heads of his enemies. I tried re-
peatedly to get some of his warriors to sit, but they could not be induced to do it without
the consent of their chief. Such was their fear of him, that they dared not enter my of sdio
while he was present without his invitation.
71. KA-SA-ROO-KA, OB ROARING THUNDER. (Painted 1842.)
Principal Chief of the Wichetaws. or Pawnee Picts.
72. NASH-TAW, oa THE PAINTER. (Painted 1842.)
Second Chief of tt- Wichetaws or Pawnee Picts, and a brother of Ka-sa-roo-ka,
Wife of Nashtaw, and Child.
74. BIN-TAH, THE WOUNDED MAN. (Painted 1843.)
Principal Chief of the Caddoes. He derived his name from the fact of his having been
wounded in the breast by an Osage ; he wears a piece of silver suspended from his nose, as
an ornament.
75. AH-DE-BAH, OR THE TALL MAN. (Painted 1843.)
Second or Assistant Chief of the Caddoes. Painted in the act of striking the drum.
76. SE-HIA-AH-DI-YOU, THE SINGING BIRD. (Painted June, 1843.)
Wife of Ah-de-bah, seated in her tent. A view on Tiwoccany Creek, Texas.
77. HA-DOON-COTE-SAH. (Painted 1843.)
A Caddo Warrior.
78. JOSE MARIA. (Painted 1844.)
Principal Chief of the Anandarkoes. This Chief is known to the Mexicans by the name
of Jose* Maria, and to the Caddoes as lesh. He has fought many battles with the Texans,
and was severely wounded in the breast in a skirmish with them.
Principal Chief of the Wacoes. This man is justly celebrated for his powers of oratory,
being probably one of the greatest natural orators now living among the Indians. At the
council held upon the River Brazos, he was the principal speaker ; and by his dignity and
grace of manner succeeded in gaining the attention and respect of these wild and untutored
sons of the forest, whose implicit confidence he enjoys.
80. CHO-WE, OR THE BOW. (Painted 1843.)
Principal Chief of the Natchitoches. This man had a brother killed by the Texans, some
four or five years since, while on a hunting expedition, whose death he afterwards avenged
by taking the scalps of six Texans.
Principal Chief of the Towocconies, and acknowledged Chief of the allied tribes of Texas.
82. KO-RAK-KOO-KISS. (Painted 1844.)
A Towoccono warrior.
A Keechie Woman, wife of Ko-rah-koo-kiss.
84. KOT-TAN-TEEK. (Painted 1844.)
Principal Chief of the Keechies.
85. A BUFFALO HUNT. (Painted 1845.)
On the South-western Prairies.
Second Chief of the Hoesh Band of Comanches, and head war-chief of all the Comanchcs.
This Chief wa.s painted at a council of the wild Indians on the head-waters of Red River.
One of the principal warriors of the Hoesh Band, or Honey -Eaters.
88 WIFE OF PO-CHON-NAII-SHON-NOC-CO. (Painted 1844.)
Head Chief of the Ta-nah-wee Band of Comanches.
90. NAII-MOO-SU-KAH. (Painted 1844.)
Comanche Mother and Child.
A Sleeping Warrior. Landscape on the head-waters of Red River.
92. -A COMANCIIE GAME. (Painted 1844.)
This game is played exclusively by the women. They hold in their hand twelve sticks
about six inches in length, which they drop upon a rock ; the sticks that fall across each
other are counted for game : one hundred such counts the game. They become very much
excited, and frequently bet all the dressed deer-skins and buffalo-robes they possess
93. JOSE MARIA VIGIL ZUAZO. (Painted 1852.)
95. JUAN ANTONIO VIGIL. (Painted 1852.)
96. JOSE AHAYEA. (Painted 1852.)
97. JOSE 'DOMINGO HERURA. (Painted 1852.)
98. BLACK KNIFE. (Painted 1846.)
An Apache Chief, reconnoitring the command of General Kearney on his inarch from
Santa Fe to California.
99. VIEW ON THE GILA RIVER. (Painted 1851.)
" About two miles from camp, our course was traversed by a seam of yellowish-colored
igneous rock, shooting up into irregular spires and turrets, one or two thousand feet in
height. It ran at right angles to the rkrer, and extended to the north and south, in a
chain of mountains, as far as the eye could reach.
"One of these towers was capped with a substance many hundred feet thick, disposed in
horizontal strata of different colors, from deep red to light yellow. Partially disintegrated,
and lying at the foot of the chain of spires, was a yellowish calcareous sandstone, altered
by fire, in large amorphous masses. In one view could be seen clustered the Larrea Mex-
icanna, the Cactus, (King) Cactus, (Chandelier) Greenwood Acacia, Chamiza, Prosopis Odo-
rata, and a new variety of Sedge."
" For a better description of the Landscape, see the sketch by Mr. Stanley." Lieut. Col.
W. Emory 1 's report to the Secretary of War.
100. PIMO CHIEF. (Painted 1846.)
101. PIMO SQUAW. (Painted 1846.)
103. SHASTE SQUAW. (Painted 1847.)
A slave to the Clackamus Indians.
104. ENAH-TE, OB WOLF. (Painted 1848.)
A young Umpqua Warrior.
105. TE-TO-KA-NIM. (Painted 1848.)
Klameth Chief.
106. ENISH-NIM . (Painted 1848.)
Wife of Te-to-ka-nim.
107. YELSTO. (Painted 1848.)
A Callapooya.
108. STOMAQUEA. (Painted 1848.)
Principal Chief of the Chinooks.
109. TEL-AL-LEK. (Painted 1048.)
Chinook Squaw.
110. QUATYKEN. (Painted 18W.)
111. DR. JOHN MCLAUGHLIN. (Painted 1848.)
Former Chief Factor of the Hon. Hudson's Bay Company, and founder of Oregon City.
112. QOV. P. S. OGDEX. (Painted 1848.)
Hon. Hudson's Bay Company, Oregon.
113 OREGON CITY. (Painted 1848.)
114. WA-SHA-MUS. (Painted 1847.)
Principal Chief of the Willamette Falls Indians.
115 MARY AND ACHATA. (Painted 1847.)
Willamette Falls Squaws. This group belongs to the great family of Chinooks, or Flat-
116 WILLAMETTE FALLS. (Painted 1848.)
117 CASINO. (Painted 1848.)
This Chief is one of the Tlickitack Tribe, and the principal Chief of all the Indians in-
habiting the Columbia River, from Astoria to the Cascades. In the plenitude of his power
he traveled in great state, and was often accompanied by a hundred slaves, obedient to his
slightest caprice. The bands over whom he presided paid him tribute on all the furs and
fish taken, as also upon the increase of their stock, to support him in this affluence.
He was the petted chief of the Hudson's Bay Company, and through him they are un-
doubtedly much indebted for the quiet ascendancy they always maintained over these
It is said that on visiting Fort Vancouver, his slaves often carpeted the road, from the
landing to the fort, with beaver and other furs, a distance of a quarter of a mile ; and that
on his return, the officers of the Hudson Bay CoApany would take the furs, and carpet the
same distance with blankets and other Indian goods, as his recompense. He is now an old
man, having outlived his prosperity and posterity, to see a once numerous people reduced
to a few scattered lodges, which must soon disappear before the rapidly growing settlements
of the adventurous pioneers.
118. PEO-PEO-MUX-MUX, OR YELLOW SERPENT. (Painted 1847.)
Principal Chief of the Walla- Wallas, commonly called by the Hudson's Bay Company,
Serpent Jaune.
Principal Chief of the Cayuses, and one of the principal actors in the inhuman butchery
of Wailetpu. Was hung at Oregon City, June 3d, 1850.
120. SHU-MA-HIC-CIE, OR PAINTED SHIRT. (Painted 1847.)
One of the chief Cayuse Braves, and son of Te-lo-kikt, and one of the active murderers of
the Mission family.
Cayuse Brave. The great ringleader and first instigator of the Wailetpu massacre was
hung at Oregon City, June 3d, 1850.
Cayuse Brave and son of Tum-suc-kee. This man, though young, was an active partici-
pator in the massacre of Dr. Whitman, and committed many atrocities upon the defenceless
captives. He escaped the ignominious death which awaited those not more guilty than
Massacre of Dr. Whitman's family at the Wailetpu Mission, in Oregon, 29th of November,
Abduction of Miss Bewley from Dr. Whitman's mission.
.28. TIN-TIN-METZE. (Painted 1847.)
A Nez Perce" Chief.
129. KEOK-SOES-TEE. (Painted 1847.)
A Pelouse Brave.
This beautiful cascade is situated about nine miles from the junction of the Pelouse with
Snake River, and is estimated at three hundred feet in height. According to an old tra-
dition, the Great Spirit caused this barrier to rise, to prevent the salmon from passing to a
band of Indians living on its head-waters, with whom he was displeased.
139. SE-LIM-COOM-CLU-LOCK, OR RAVEN CHIEF. (Painted 1847.)
Commonly called Ugly Head. Principal Chief of the Spokanes, or Flat-Heads, residing on
the waters of the Spokane River.
140. KWIT-TEAL-CO-KOO-SUM. (Painted 1847.)
Big Star Chief, a medicine-man of the Spokanes. Whenever a person is sick, this tribe
supposes that the spirit has left the body, and hovers invisibly in the air, until it can be
charmed or brought back through the agency of the medicine-man. To accomplish this
end, the patient is placed in a sitting posture, enveloped in a buffalo-robe, or other covering,
having only the top of the head exposed.
The medicine-man then commences dancing and singing around the patient, gesticulating
mysteriously, and often clutching in the air with his hands, as if in the act of catching
something. The spirit is supposed to be attracted by the chant, and to hover near the
aperture at the top of the lodge ; and the dance is often continued for an hour before it
can be caught. It is then pressed and rubbed, as the medicine-man pretends, through the
patient's skull, whose recovery, if not soon effected, he supposes to be thwarted by his
having caught the spirit of some other person ; and it then becomes necessary to undo his
work by setting it at liberty, and repeating the performance until the right spirit is caught.
Spokane Chief.
Spokane Brave.
143. PA-SE-LIX.
Spokane Squaw.
145. HI-UP-EKAN.
Stony Island Brave.
Stony Island Squaw.
Stony Island Brave.
148. WAH-PUXE.
Chief of the Priest's Rapid.
An Okanagan Medicine-man.
Okanagan Squaw.
152. J. M. STANLEY, THE ARTIST. Painted by A. B. Moore, 1851.
CREEKS 10-18
SHAWNEES , 49-51
OSAGES 62-68
PIMOS 100-101
KLAMBTHS 105-106
CHINOOKS 108-109
CLACKMUS 110-113
CAYUSES 119-127
PELOUSES 129-138
SPOKANES 139-144
2. SHING-YAW-BA-WUS-SEN, The Figured Stone
3. MISH-SHA-QUAT, The Clear Sky Chippeway Chief.
Painted by C. B. King from a drawing by Lewis, 1827.
4. PE-A-JUK A Chippeway (King from Lewis, 1827.)
6. AM-EIQUON, Wooden Ladle (King from Lewis, 1826.)
7. MO-NEE- KAW, He who goes under ground
9. TU-GO-NIS-CO-TE-YEH, Black Fox Cherokee Chief (King, 1828.)
10. EESH-TAH-HUM-LEAH, Sleepy Eye Sioux Chief, from the band called the Sipsetongs.
11. MOOS-E-OM-O-NEE, The Walking Iron Wah-pee-ton Sioux (By S. M. Charles, 1837.)
12. LA-KEE-TOO-ME-RA-SHA, Little Chief Pawnee (King, 1837.)
13. WAH-RO-NE-SAH, The SurrounderOtoe (King, 1837.)
14. WAH-KE-ON-TAW-KAH, Big Thunder Chief of the MedanaKanton Sioux. ..(King, 1837.)
15. HAW-CHE-KE-ONG-GA, He who kills Osages Missouri (King, 1837.)
16. O-WAN-ICK-KOH, Little Elk Winnebago (A. Ford from Lewis, 1826.)
18. , Chippeway Chief (King from Lewis, 1827.)
19. GA-DE-GE-WE, Spotted Second Chief of the Chippeways, 54 years old (King, 1835.)
20. WAA-KANN-SEE-KAA, Rattlesnake Winnebago (Ford from Lewis, 1826.)
21. NAA-GAR-NEP, The one who sits at the head Chippeway Chief.. (King from Lewis, 1827.)
22. [See 42.] GENERAL PUSH-MA-TA-HA Choctaw Chief
23. MENAWEE A great Warrior and Creek Chief
This chief commanded the party that killed Gen. Mclntosh, and was one of the few that saved themselves
from the defeat at the Horse-shoe, by swimming the river, after being badly wounded in the head.
24. MISTEPE Yoholo Mice's son, a Creek (King, 1825.)
25. NAA-SHE-O-SHUCK, Roaring thunder Sac of Mississippi, son of Black Hawk.
(King, 1837.)
26. YOOSTO, Spring Frog
27. YOHOLO-MICO Creek Chief M (King, 1825.)
28. A Creek warrior
29. - A Chippeway Chief (King from Lewis, 1827.)
30. I-AU-BEANU A Chippeway (King from Lewis, 1826.)
31. PAH-GUE-SAH-AH Son of Tecumseh (Shaw.)
33. [See 77.] KEOKUK, Watchful Fox Chiocook Sac
34. PAW-A-SHICK, To dash the icater off A Fox Chief (Cooke, 1837.)
35. COL. JOHN STEDMAN or STIDHAM King, 1825.)
36. WEA-MATLA Seminole War Chief (King, 1826.)
37. KEE-SHESWA, The Sun Fox warrior (King.)
* These Paintings are arranged on the east and southeast walls of the Picture Gallery.
38. TAH-RO-HOTJ, Plenty of meat loway (King, 1837^
39. AP-PA-NOOSE-O-KE-MAW, A chief when a child Sac (Cooke, 1837.)
40. CA-TA-NE-CAS-SA, Black Hoof Shawnee Chief.
41. PAH-SHE-PAH-HOW, Stabber First Chief of the Sankys ; a Sac (King.)
42. [See 22.] GENERAL PUSH-MA-TA-HAW Choctaw Chief.
44. KAI-POL-E-QUAH, White-nosed Fox A Fox Chief
45. ZE-WA-DIN, The North TFtwZ Chippew ay Chief.. (King from Lewis, 1827.)
46. WA-CHA-MON-NE, Partisan loway (King, 1837.)
47. WHESH-LAUB, The Sweet (King from Lewis, 1826.)
48. TIA-MAH, The bear whose scream makes the rocks tremble Fox Chief.
49. WAU-TOP-E-NOT, The Eagle's Bill Fox (King from Lewis, 1826.)
50. NAHETLUC-HOPIE, Little Doctor Creek Chief (King, 1825.)
The red spots on his dress mark the balls that he received when he was surprised in his hut. The three
lower balls were lower than marked in the picture. The paint on the face is commemorative of the
same event, as the blood ran from his nostrils and mouth.
51. COOSA-TUSTENUGGA Creek Chief (King, 1825.)
52. KEE-ME-ONE, Rain A Chippeway (King, 1827.)
53. OpOTHLE-YoHOLO Principal Chief of the Creek deputation to Washington in 1825.
(King, 1825.)
54. AT-TE-COURE, The Young Reindeer Chippeway Chief (King from Lewis, 1827.)
55. O-TYA-WA-NIM-EE-HEE, Yellow Thunder Chippeway Chief (King from Lewis, 1827.)
56. A-NA-CAM-O-GUSH-IA Chippeway Chief from Rainy Lake (King from Lewis, 1827.)
57. WAA-KAWN, The Snake Winnebago (Ford from Lewis, 1826.)
58. HOO-WAU-NEE-KAW, Little Elk Winnebago orator of the Car-ray-mau-nee family.
59. O-CHEE-NA-SHINK-KAA, The man that stands and strikes Winnebago.
(Ford from Lewis, 1826.)
60. PA-SHE-NINE, The good marksman Chippeway Chief (King from Lewis, 1827.)
61. WA-HE-KANS-HE-KAI Winnebago (King from Lewis, 1826.)
62. WADTZ-HE-DOO-KAANA Chief of the Winnebagos ,....(Ford from Lewis, 1826.)
63. MI-CO-A-NA-PAS Second Chief of Seminoles ; owns 70 slaves (King.)
64. NO-WAY-KE-SUG-GA, He who strikes two at once Otoe (King, 1837.)
65. WAI-KEE-CHAI, Crouching Eagle Sanky Chief ; Fox (King.)
66. CAW-TAA-WAA-BEE-TA, The Snagled Tooth .'
67. YAHA-HAJO, Mad Wolf Creek Chief (King, 1825.)
68. FOLKE-TUSTE-NAJO, Craggy Black Clay Seminole War Chief (King, 1826.)
69. JOHR RIDGE Cherokee Chief. Secretary to the Creek delegation to Washington, 1825.
70. SELOTA Creek Chief; a distinguished warrior ; fought under General Jackson.
(King, 1825.)
71. TUSKIE-HU-TUSTENUGGE, Little Prince Creek Chief (King, 1825.)
72. JACK-O-PA, The Six Chippeway Chief (King from Lewis, 1827.)
74. LE-SHAW-LOO-LA-LE-HOO, Big Chief Pawnee Loup (King, 1837.)
75. NAU-KAW, Wood Of the Cor-ray-mau-nee family. Principal Chief of Winnebago dep-
utation, 94 years old
76. DON VINOENTE GUERRERO, former President of the Mexican Republic a distinguished
77. [See 33.] KEO-KUK, Watchful Fox First Chief of Sankys (King, 1829.)
79. PEE-CHE-KER, Buffalo Chief of Chippeways
80. APAULI-TUSTENUGGE Creek Chief. (King, 1825.)
81. MOU-KA-USH-KA, Trembling Earth Sioux of Missouri ; died in Baltimore Oct. 25, 1837
(Cooke, 1837.)
82. A-MISK-QFEW, The Spoon Menomina War Chief (King.)
83. A Chippeway Chief. (King from Lewis, 1827.)
84. OLOE, Ox Mahara
85. TO-CA-COU, He that gives the first wound Sioux of Missouri (Cooke, 1837.)
86. HA-SA-ZA, Elk's Horn Sioux of Missouri (Cooke, 1837.)
87. AMMOI, He that comes for something Yancton Sioux (King, 1837.)
88. MAH-XE-HAH-NAH, Great Walker loway Chief (King.)
89. PES-KE-LECARO Chief of the Republican Panis
90. AU-PANTAX-GA, Big Elk Mohas Chief; a great orator
91. MAN-CHOUSIA, White Plume Kansas Chief. (King.)
93. IS-CA-TA-PE, Wicked Chief Great Panis (King.)
94. CHOU-CAPE-OTOS, Half Chief . (King.)
95. A-SHE-AU-KOU, SunfishSa.G Chief (King, 1837.)
96. MAR-KO-ME-TA, Bear's Oil '
98. [See 143.] RED JACKET Seneca Chief (King, 1828.)
99. TEUS-QUA-TA-WA, Open Door
100. (Cooke.)
101. NE-O-MOU-NE, Walking Rain loway (King, 1837.)
102. WAA-PUA-TAA, Playing Fox Prince of the Foxes (Ford from Lewis, 1826.)
103. NAU-CHE-WING-GA, No Heart loway (King, 1837.)
104. PEE-MASH-KA, Fox winding in his course Chief of the Foxes ; (King;)
105. WAH-BAWN-SEE, Causer of Paleness Principal Chief of the Potawotamies. (King, 1835.)
106. WA-PELLA, The Prince fox (King, 1837.)
107. HOLATO-MICO, Blue King Seminole War Chief. (King, 1826.)
108. WE-KE-ROO-TAU, He who exchanges ,
109. COR-BA-MAP-PA, Wet Mouth Chippeway Chief (King from Lewis, 1827.)
110. MA-HOXG-GA Osage (King, 1830.)
111. HEHO-TUSTEMJGGE, Deer Warrior Seminole Partisan War Chief (King, 1826.)
112. ES-ME-BOIN Chippeway Chief (King from Lewis, 1827.)
113. CUT-TAA-TASE-TIA Fox (Ford from Lewis, 1826.)
114. PA-NAN-SE, Shedding ElkS&c (King, 1827.)
115. CATOOUSE Chippeway Chief (King from Lewis, 1827.)
116. A Sioux Chief
117. O-KEE-MA-KEE-GUID, The chief that speaks A Chippeway
118. GOVERNOR HICKS Head Chief of the Seminoles (King, 1826.)
119. WAA-XA-TAA Grand Chief of the Sioux (King, 1826.)
120. KIS-TE-KOSH, One leg off Fox brave (Cooke, 1837.)
121. A Fox Chief (King from Lewis, 1826.)
122. OCAN-GEE-WACK Chippeway Chief (King from Lewis, 1827.)
123. KAI-KEE-KAI-MAIH, All fish Chief of Sankys (King.)
124. OCHIO-FIXICO, (war name,) CHARLES CONXELLO, (English name) Creek Chief.
(King, 1825.)
125. SHE-TAH-WAH-COE-WAH-MEXE, The sparrow that hunts as he walks A Sioux (King.)
126. TSHI-ZHUN-KAU-KAW, He who runs with the deer Of the Day-kau-ray family. Winne-
bago Chief
127. WAU-KAUN-HAH-KAW, Snake Skin Of the Day-kau-ray family
129. NO-DIN, Wind Chief of Chippeways (King.)
130. CHOU-MAN-I-CASE Otoe, half chief; husband of Eagle of Delight
131. RANT-CHE-WAI-ME, MA-HA-KA, Female Flying Pigeon, Eagle of Delight
132. WA-EM-BOUSH-HAA Chippeway from Sandy Lake
133. MUCH-A-TAI-ME-SHE-KA-KAIK, Black Hawk (King, 1837.)
134. IOWAY
135. MAJOR TIMPOOCHY BARNARD A Creek Chief (King, 1825.)
136. MAUCH-COO-MAIM loway (King from Lewis, 1826.)
137. KI-HE-GA-MAW-SIIE-SHE, Brave Chief Omahaw. (King, 1837.)
138. LEDAGIE Creek Chief (King, 1835.)
139. WE-KE-ROO-TAW, He who exchanges Otoe (King, 1837.)
140. KAA-KAA-HUXE, Little Crow (King from Lewis, 1826.)
142. TOMA-HAKE-TAKE, The warrior who speaks first (1826.)
143. [See 98.] RED JACKET Seneca Chief.
144. KEOKUK, Watchful Fox, and Mu- SEN-WONT, son of Keokuk, Long-haired Fox.
(King, 1827.)
146. CHIPPEWAY SQUAW AND CHILD (King from Lewis, 1827.)
147. TSCHUSICK (King, 1827.)
M. GUIZOT, the celebrated statesman of France, painted by Healy.
The Paintings in the Apparatus Room are rough sketches to illustrate lectures. The
largest represents an ancient Indian mound near Marietta, Ohio ; another the Mosque of
St. Sophia, at Constantinople ; another the English Houses of Parliament ; and scenes in
Egypt, Turkey, &c., &c.
Museums are collections of miscellaneous objects and relics capable of illustrating the
distant or the past. The word is of Greek origin, and literally signifies a place sacred to
the Muses the patron deities among the ancients of the various arts and sciences.
The British Museum, the largest in the world, was opened to the public on the 15th of
January, 1759, and is therefore a century old. It has been the recipient, however, of im-
mense donations from the Government, and numerous bequests from individuals.
The collection now in the Smithsonian Institution is of very recent origin, and is remark-
able for its extent and value, considering that no special appropriation has ever been made
by the Government for its increase. All that has been done has been to pay the necessary
expenses of keeping it in order, and for the preservation of the specimens. The objects
have been chiefly collected under the direction of the officers of the various Exploring and
Surveying Expeditions, and have formed only an incidental part of their duties. A large
number, however, have been presented by the correspondents of the Institution.
The collections made by the U. S. Exploring Expedition under Capt. Wilkes, U. S. N.,
1838-42, are supposed greatly to exceed those of any other of similar character ever fitted
out by a foreign government, no published series of results comparing at all in magnitude
with that issued under the direction of the Joint Library Committee of Congress.
A full list of all the Expeditions from which specimens have been received will be found
in the Smithsonian Report for 1858, (page 52,) copies of which are furnished gratuitously
by the Secretary to those specially interested in the subject.
In the arrangement of the specimens, strict scientific accuracy has been sacrificed to
convenience, and this remark will apply to this work, which is intended only for the popu-
lar reader. Catalogues which will give descriptions and scientific names of all the articles
of natural history, will be published in due time by the Institution. The student will find
in the volumes of the Report of the Pacific Railroad and Mexican Boundary Surveys, espe-
cially, accurate accounts of most of the specimens here exhibited.
The notes in relation to the specimens are from the highest authorities the reports of
the various Expeditions having been consulted, as well as the guides to the British Museum,
&c., &c.
On entering the hall, turn to the left, and examine
This contains a number of interesting animals. No. 41 is the Prairie Wolf or Coyote,
from the Colorado.
These animals are able to mate an incredible amount of noise, -which has no resemblance to the bark of a dog.
They sneak about during the day, but at night there are no bounds to their impudence. They will steal pro-
visions literally from under your nose. They do not attack men unless wounded.
Nos. 42, 43, 44, Foxes. ..45, Wolf.. .46, Common Fox. ..47, Jackall...48, Chili Fox. ..49 and 50,
California Porcupine. ..51, Arkansas Fox. ..52, Egyptian Porcupine. ..53, Fox. ..54, Cross
Fox. ..55, Cross Fox from Salt Lake. ..56, Prairie Wolf, Platte River. ..57, Fox of Tierra del
Fuego, very bold and fierce. ..58, Fox. ..59, Gray Wolf.. .60, Gray Wolf, Platte River, the
common Wolf of North America. .61 and 66, Peccaries or Mexican Hogs. This animal is rarely
found alone. It emits an odor like that of the skunk. ..62, 63, 64, and 65, Ant Bears, or
Ant-eaters, from the Cape of Good Hope, etc.
The Ant-eaters are remarkable for their long cylindrical tongues, covered with a glutinous saliva, by means
of which they entrap and devour the insects upon which they live. The tongue is nearly twice the length of
the whole head and muzzle together, and when not extended is kept doubled up in the mouth, with the point
directed backward. It is very slothful and solitary. The female bears but a single young one at a birth. They
are Very rare, and seldom seen even in their native regions. The Indians eat their flesh.
Fishes. Among these are the Sticklebacks, which the California Indians catch in sum-
mer, and dry for winter use.. ..Trout, or River Bass.. ..Sun fishes.
Upper Shelf. The many-colored Wrens of Chili. ..The Diamond Bird, very valuable on
account of its skin. ..Robins from Australia. ..Blue Birds from India... Red-crested Manakin
of Brazil. In the middle of the shelf is the Superb Warbler of Australia.. .The Gold-crested
Wren... The Black Cock and the Crowned Cock of Malacca.
Middle Shelf. Cocks from Malacca. Notice especially the Wild or Jungle Cock of Asia.
Lower Shelf. The Silver Pheasant of China.
This Pheasant is remarkable for the extraordinary leugth of its tail feathers, which no visitor can fail to
admire. This noble bird is considered a rarity even in Pekin, its native district being one of the coldest and
most mountainous provinces of China.
English Pheasants. ..Australian Turkeys. ..The Argus Pheasant of Malacca. ..The Lyre-tailed
Pheasant of Australia. ..The Helmeted Hornbill...The Rhinoceros Hornbill of Malacca.
This strange horny excresence is in reality extremely light, being cellular. The Horn bills feed on mice, small
birds, reptiles, &c., which, throwing them in the air and catching them in the throat, they swallow whole.
Against the Wall. Fishes from California, Mexico, &c.
EAST SIDE Upper Shelf. Pigeons and Doves.
WEST SIDE Middle Shelf. Here are some of the choicest specimens in the whole Museum,
nnd worthy of special attention. The rare Birds of British Guiana, South America :
Among these, No. 6, the Bearded Manakin. ..9, Black Headed Creeper. ..5, Mocking Bird...
11, King Humming Bird. On another stand, notice No. 4, the Bell Bird, the rarest in the
collection. ..No. 5, the Quya....No. 12, Female Amethyst Humming Bird with nest....
No. 11, the Tucan... The Emerald, Sapphire, Longbill, and other Humming Birds.
There is no group of birds so interesting to the ornithologist or to the casual observer as the humming birds;
at once the smallest in size, the most gorgeously beautiful in color, and almost the most abundant in species of
any single family of birds. They are strictly confined to the continent and islands of America, and are most
abundant in the Central American States. There are believed to be nearly 400 species. Their food consists
almost entirely of insects. The humming, from which they derive their name, is produced by the whirring of
the wings.
Middle Shelf. The celebrated BIRD OP PARADISE from New Guinea. ..The Blue-Headed
Shrike or Butcher Bird from the Philippine Islands. ..Blue-Backed Shrike from India...
Burmese Shrike from Malacca. ..Cayenne Shrike. ..Brazil Shrike... Black-throated Shrike from
Feejee Islands. ..The Common Jay, &c.
Many years ago, when rice was dear in Eastern China, efforts were made to bring it from Luzon, where it was
abundant. At Manilla there was, however, passed a singular law, to the effect that no vessel for China should
be allowed to load with rice unless it brought to Manilla a certain number of cages full of the little ' butcher
birds," we.l known to ornithologists. The reason for this most eccentric regulation simply was that the rice in
Luzon suffered much from locusts, and these locusts were destroyed in great numbers by butcher birds. In
our sublime and superior common sense such a law appears trivial. Yet if we could calculate the vast amount
of money annually lost to this country by insects, caused by the wanton and wicked destruction of birds, it
might not seem so very trifling after all. It might be even found to be advantageous to import or raise
large quantities of insectivorous birds.
EAST SIDE Lower Shelf. Regent Oriole of Australia. ..Red-breasted Meadow-Lark of
Chili. ..Black Cassican of Tierra del Fuego... Australian Shrike of New South Wales, &c.
WEST SIDE. Cassicans, Crows, and Meadow-Larks from Brazil and Australia. The beauti-
ful 1 black birds at the north end are the Satin Birds.
EAf.T SIDE. Humming Birds from Chili, Brazil, &o.
WEST SIDE Upper Shelf. Kingfishers frjm the Sandwich and Cape de Verde Islands,
Australia, Malacca, Brazil, &c...Goat Suckers or Night Jars. ..Great Ibyan of Brazil.
The Kingfishers, of all British birds, have the most brilliant plumage. The classic name of this beautiful
bird was Halcyon, and the phrase "Halcyon Days," as applied to times of unusual prosperity, is said to have
been derived from the notion, for which there was no foundation, that the bird hatched its eggs in a floating
nest, and that during its incubation there was always a calm at sea.
WEST SIDE Middle Shelf. Blue-winged Thrush. ..Sunbirds, representing in the Old World
the Humming Birds of the American Continent.
Of this group, distinguished by their long, slender bills, and by the curious structure of their tongues,
which are long, and usually divided into threads or filaments like a brush, it has been remarked that it is among
the most interesting of the animal world. Among those in the case may be enumerated the Hoopoes and Sun-
birds, the males of which have beautiful plumage, and sing agreeably; they are most common in the warm
regions of the Eastern Hemisphere; the Honey-Eaters of Australia, whose tongue is terminated by a bunch of
delicate filaments, admirably adapted for licking up the sugared sweets of the flower-cups; and the Creepers,
Nut-hatchers, Wrens, and other small birds that feed on insects, chiefly obtained by striking the bark of trees.
But far the most interesting of the tenuirostres are the exquisite little Humming Birds.
EAST SIDE. Megalophus of Brazil, very curious.... Fly Catchers. ..Bird of Paradise....
the Rifle Bird, &c.
Lower Shelf. Thrushes and Wrens from all parts of the world.. ..Red Toucan of Brazil,
very rare... Green and Blue Tanagers.
Parrots, inhabitants of all parts of the world except Europe. ...Parroquets, Cockatoos,
(large white birds;) Aracans, Toucans, Cuckoos, from New South Wales and Brazil princi-
pally. ...The Funereal Cockatoo is dressed in mourning suit. The Woodpecker of Brazil, on
the middle shelf, west side, is worthy of notice, also the Toucans and Aracans. On the
lower shelf are Trogons...Tamatia...Barbets, or Puff Birds.
CASE 10.
Fishes, mainly collected by Pacific Railroad and Mexican Boundory Expeditions.
CASE 11.
Kites... Hawks. ..Buzzards.. ..Falcons, the most courageous in proportion to their size of all
birds of prey.
The most remarkable is the Peregrine Falcon, formerly used in the sport of hawking. These falcons were
very expensive; the use of them was permitted only to persons of rank, and to injure one of their nests, even on
one's own grounds, was a crime severely punishable- Their power of wing is almost incredible. A case is re-
corded of a falcon flying 1.350 miles in 24 hours, or nearly sixty miles an hour. When flown at a heron or any
other bird, their plan was to chase the bird, mount above it, and then swoop down upon it. To do this in. a
proper manner they required training.
The beautiful birds at the north end with long tails are the Peacock Trogons. At the same
end, east side, is the Caracara Eagle. On the lower shelf are Owls from Australia, Brazil,
&c. The one with wings extended, is from Malacca.
CASE 12.
Table Case, between Cases 11 and 13, is filled with Eggs of Eagles, Hawks, Owls, Wood-
peckers, Cuckoos, &c.
CASE 13.
Fishes. Observe the singular Hippocampus^ or Sea-Horse, from Ofa Point Comfort, Va.
Also the same from California.
At the EAST EXD OF THE HALL we see two cases containing Birds and Animals, mounted
by the skilful taxidermist, J. G. Bell, of N. Y., and exhibited by him at the World's Fair,
as specimens of his art.
The DOOR leads to the taxidermist's or preparation room, where Mr. C. Drexler is en-
gaged in mounting animals for the Smithsonian Museum. Any persons having a pet bird
or animal which they desire to preserve, can have it beautifully mounted by Mr. Drexler,
at a moderate charge.
Ball struck by lightning.
This ball was attached to the top of a lantern placed on the top of the old dome of the Capitol, in which it was
proposed to use the Drummond light for illuminating the city. The experiment failed, and a stroke of
lightning left its mark on this ball, which is here exhibited.
Cinnabar or Vermilion, the ore from which mercury or quicksilver is obtained.
This specimen, from California, weighs 400 pounds, is very rich in mercury, and was exhibited in the World's
Fair as a rample of the mineral wealth of the Pacific State. The mines of Almaden, in Spain, are the most cele-
brated. Mercury boils at 670 and becomes solid at 40 below zero.
CASE 14.
We have here a great collection of Rattlesnakes. Every species may be seen, and from
all parts of the country.
It was proposed, in the early days of our history, to adopt the rattlesnake as our national emblem, but the
eagle was selected in preference.
Window between Cases 14 and 15. Specimens of American Woods.
Table Case. Specimens of Palaeontology, or fossil remains of plants and animals dug
out of the earth.
These singular and interesting fossils are from Nebraska, a district called " Mauvaises Torres" or Bad Lands.
The valley is 90 miles in length and 30 in breadth. Its most depressed portion is 300 feet below the general
level of the surrounding country. All over the surface thousands of abrupt, irregular, prismatic, and columnar
masses are standing, extending to a height of one or two hundred feet. It resembles a large city. It is an im-
mense cemetery of extinct animals, the bottom of what was once an extensive lake. The specimens are Mam-
malia, and Chelonia or Turtles. There are two remarkable species of Rhinoceros differing from any remains of
this animal found in other parts of the globe. These are the first discovered in America. A full description of
these fossils has been written by Dr. Jos. Leidy, of Philadelphia, and published in the Smithsonian Contributions
to Knowledge.
CASE 15.
CASE 16.
EAST SIDE Upper Shelf. The most prominent object is (No. 43) the Bald Eagle or
White-headed Eagle. It has its wings extended.
Benjamin Franklin thus speaks : " For my part, I wish the Bald Eagle had not been chosen as the represent-
ative of our country. He is a bird of bad moral character ; be does not get his living honestly. You may have
seen him perched on some dead tree, where, too lazy to fish for himself, he watches the labors of the Fishing
Hawk ; and when that diligent bird has at length taken a fish, and is bearing it to his nest for the support of its
mate and young ones, the Bald Eagle pursues him and takes it from him. With all this injustice, he is never
in good case, but like those among men who live by sharping and robbing, he is generally poor. Besides he is
a rank coward ; the little King-Bird, not bigger than a Sparrow, attacks him boldly, and drives him out of the
district. He is therefore by no means a proper emblem for the brave and honest Cincinnati of America, who
have driven all the King-Birds from our country."
Next in order are Duck Hawks... Black-capped Hawks... Prairie Falcons. ..Pigeon Hawks...
Sparrow Hawks.
The Sparrow Hawk was in high estimation among the Egyptians; and their god Osiris was worshipped under
this name.
Middle Shelf. No. 39, The Golden Eagle, or the Ring-tailed Eagle.
The Golden Eagle is held by the American Indians, as it is by almost every other people, to be an emblem of
might and courage ; and the young Indian warrior glories in his eagle plume as the most honorable ornament
with which he can adorn himself. A warrior will exchange a valuable horse for the tail-feathers of a single
Swainson's Hawk. ..Brown, Baird's, Red-shouldered, Red-bellied, Broad-winged Hawks.
Lower Shelf. OWLS, rapacious nocturnal birds, inhabiting all parts of the world except
Australia. There are specimens of the Barn, Prairie, Burrowing, Pigmy, Short-eared,
Long-eared, Saw-whet, Snowy, Great Horned, Mottled, Great Gray, Barred, Sparrow, and
other Owls.
The Burrowing Owl is the constant companion of the Prairie Dog, (see case 30,) and lives in perfect harmony
with him in his underground quarters.
" Looking at some of these wise-looking birds, with their big round heads, docked bodies, and goggle eyes, one
could almost believe the story of the cockney sportsman, who, having shot something that he saw flying over-
head, as he and a companion were passing through a churchyard in the evening, cried out in horror as he picked
it up fluttering beside a tombstone, " Oh, Jack, I have shot a cherub!"
CASE 16.
WEST SIDE Upper Shelf. Blue-backed, Sharp-shinned, and other Hawks.... The Bald
Middle Shelf. American Bald Eagle. ..Western Red-tailed Hawk, the most abundant
species west of the Rocky mountains. ..Rough-legged Hawk. ..Black, Marsh, and Sparrow
Hawks. ..The Golden Eagle, very rare. This bird preys on lambs, fawns, &c,
Lower Shelf. Turkey Buzzard... Mexican, White-tailed, Swallow-tailed, Marsh, Fish,
and other Hawks. ..Mississippi Kite. ..Black Kite. ..Gray Sea Eagle... Northern Sea Eagle...
the California Vulture, the largest species in Western United States.
Four of these Vultures were seen to drag off the body of a grizzly bear weighing 200 pounds, a distance of
six hundred feet. It is inferior in size only to the gigantic Condor of South America.
CASE 11.
CASE 18.
EAST SIDE Upper Shelf. Red and yellow-shafted Flickers. ..Chuck-Will's- Widow...
Whip-poor-will. ..Wood, and other Pewees... Olive-sided and other Fly-Catchers, which catch
their insect prey flying. ..King Birds.
The Scissor-tail or Swallow-tailed Fly-Catcher or the Texas Bird of Paradise, is an exquisitely beautiful and
graceful bird.
Middle Shelf. Swallows. ..Thrushes... Warblers. ..Stone Chat, &c.
Lower Shelf. Finches... Sparrows... Cross-bills... Oregon Snow-Bird. ..Buntings.
WEST SIDE Upper Shelf. Cuckoos. ..Woodpeckers. ..Sapsuckers... Humming Birds.
The feathers of the Red-shafted Woodpecker are highly prized by the Indians on account of their beauty and
rarity. They ornament their head dresses with them.
Middle Shelf. Warblers. ..Red Birds. ..Tanagers. Notice especially the California Ant-
eating Woodpecker.
Found in every portion of the country. They are very gay and sociable, and make a great deal of noise. In
the fall this species has the curious and peculiar habit of laying up provisions against the inclement season.
Small 'round holes are dug in the bark of the pine and oak, into each one of which Ls inserted an acorn, and so
tightly is it fitted or driven in that it is with difficulty extracted. The bark ol the pine trees, when thus filled,
presents at a short distance the appearance of being studded with brass headed nails. Stowed away in large
quantities in this manner, tLe acorns not only supply the wants of the Woodpeckers, but the Squirrels, Mice,
and Jays avail themselves likewise of the fruits of its provident labor. The nest is hollowed out from the
body of a tree or some decayed branch, and varies from 6 inches to 2 feet in depth. The eggs, 4 or 5 in number,
of a pure white, are placed at the bottom of this cavity, resting on the soft bed of dust and chips which
have there fallen during the labor of excavation.
Lower Shelf. Nut-hatchers. ..Titmice. ..Wrens. ..Shrikes, or Butcher-Birds.
They derive their name from the manner in which they treat the insects, young frogs, &a, DJI which they
feed, often impaling them on thorns, and tearing them to pieces at their leisure.
Sky-larks. ..Grosbeaks. ..Finches. ..Creepers.
CASE 19.
CASE 20.
EAST SIDE Upper Shelf. Cardinal Grosbeaks.
The Cardinal Grosbeak is also called the " Red Bird" and the " Virginia Nightingale." With the most
brilliant plumage, it unites the sweetest song.
Middle Shelf. Partridges... Prairie Hens... Ptarmigans.
Large numbers of Ptarmigan are sent from Norway to London every winter. The birds are caught in snares,
and kept in a frozen state for the dealers. One dealer will buy and sell 50,000 Ptarmigans in a season.
Lower Shelf. Golden Plovers, or Bull-heads... King Plover. ..Piping Plover. ..The largest
is the Black-bellied.
These birds prefer bare places, ropose on the ground, and never perch at night or roost on trees. Inhabits the
entire American continent.
Kill-deer, one of the few birds of our country known to all classes and ages of the
WEST SIDE Upper Shelf. Jays. ..Crows... Ravens.
The Raven is the largest bird of the crow kind. It is found in all climes, and its age is said at times to reach
one hundred years. It sustains equally the warmth of the sun at the equator and the cold of Iceland ; it feeds
on everything, and is highly venerated in some countries.
Orioles. ..Arctic Blue Bird.
Middle Shelf. Cock of the Plains, or Sage Cock. ..Oregon Cocks... Grouse.
Lower Shelf. Snipes... Buff-breasted Sandpiper, a little bird of remarkable and handsome
plumage. ..Marbled Godwit, a great favorite with sportsmen for shooting.. .Long-billed Cur-
lew, abundant in. every part of the United States,
CASE 21.
Reptiles. ..Notice tbe Mexican Horned Frog.
This curious animal will live for months without food. Quite recently there were two live specimens received
at the Smithsonian Institution, in a letter from Huntsville, Texas. When taken out of the envelope, they ap-
peared flattened and lifeless, but a few moments in the fresh air made them very lively, and they can now be
seen in the taxidermist's room.
CASE 22.
EAST SIDE. Upper Shelf. Sea Ducks.
Middle Shelf. River Ducks. ..Mallard, or Green Head. ..Black Duck, the largest, and
finest for eating... Pintail, Sprigtail, English, Blue- winged, Green-winged, Red-breasted
Teals. ..Sora... Common Rail, or Ortolan.
The most abundant and most universally known bird of its genus, inhabiting the United States, and every-
where known as the " Bail." The specimens from California are precisely identical with others from the banks
of the Delaware river.
Lower Shelf. Wild Turkeys... Mexican Turkeys.
Among the most beautiful of known birds. The feathers exhibit reflections of metallic bronze, gold, green,
and blue.
WEST SIDE Upper Shelf. Shoveller. ..Spoon-bill Bald-pate. ...American and English
Middle Shelf. Teals.
Lower Shelf. White Crane. ..Whooping Crane.
The White Crane is one of the rarest birds to be found in collections.
Sand-hill or Brown Crane, or Stork, from California.
In the early settlement of that country, one of these cranes sold from $16 to $18 in the San Francisco market,
to take the place of the turkey at the Christmas dinner.
CASE 23.
Here are also the Hyla, or Tree-Frogs, which have the power of walking; on polished surfaces, and of attaching
themselves by their feet to, and walking with their bodies suspended on the under side of. the smoothest leaves.
CASE 24.
EAST SIDE Upper Shelf. The Gulls. ..The Laughing Gull... Franklin's Rosy Gull....
Hooded, Bonaparte's, Kittiwake, and Yellow-billed Gu'ls.
The most beautiful are known by the dark-colored hood or cowl which envelopes the head in summer.
Middle Shelf. Fishing Ducks. ..Goosander... Sheldrake, or Fish Ducks. ..Red-breasted
Merganser... Smew.
Lower Shelf. American Geese... Canada Goose... Hutchins' Goose... Brant.
WEST SIDE Upper Shelf. The Terns. ..Marsh, Caspian, Royal, Elegant, Cabot's, Havell's,
Sooty, Arctic, Roseate, and other Terns,
Mostly found on the sea-coast and bays, are much on the wing, and are remarkable for their easy and buoyant
The Frigate Pelican, or Man-of-War Bird.
Its power of flight is not excelled by any other bird . Very tyrannical.
Middle' Shelf . Fishing Ducks.
Lower Shelf. Rough-billed and Brown Pelicans. The American Swan, equally abund-
ant on all parts of the continent. The young bird is brown. ...Trumpeter Swan, very large
and powerful. ..Cormorants.
PELICAN. "In the Gulf of California, a small black gall follows the pelican incessantly on its flight, and as
th< lat*er plunged into the sea after fish, the gull would immediately alight by its side. The pelican, emprging
from vufc water to discharge the fluid collected in the gular sac, would drop its bill, when the fish partially pro-
truding from between its mandibles, the gull would seize upon one and drag it out, as his share ol the booty.
Although this feat is of hourly occurrence, the pelican never offers the least resistance, or shows any anger or
impatience at the intrusion or impudence of his little neighbor, who, like a tax-gatherer, follows him through
life, an evil inevitable."
CASE 25.
CASE 26.
This case contains a number of interesting specimens. No. 67, Alligator from Florida...
68, Sea-cow from the Amazon river. ..69, 70, 71, 75, 79, Sea-Leopards, or Seals.
The brain of the seal is well-developed, and the degree of sagacity and attachment shown in domestication for
they are very easily tamed, and taught to perform tricks is. evidence of superior intelligence. Cuvier tells
offtieal who would raise himself erect, and take a staff in his flippers, like a sentinel. At the word of command,
he would lie down on his right side or his left, according to order, or tumble head over heels. He gave a paw
when requested, like a dog, and protruded his lips for a ki>s.
The Roman Emperor Augustus always earned the skin of a sea-leopard as a protection against lightning.
Nos. 72, 73, 76, Albatrosses, the largest sea-birds known.
They will swallow a salmon of 4 or 5 pounds -weight. They never attack other sea-birds.
" If the Eagle is called the king of birds, the Albatross ought to be called the queen, so queen-like and stately
is her course on the wing, and so dignified, mild, and unfearing is her expression when captured. When on the
wing it is the very beau-ideal of beauty and grace. This glorious bird is the most beautiful and lovable object
of the animate world which the adventurer meets with in all the South Pacific." Rev. H. T. Cheever.
No. 74, Saw-fish. ..No. 78, Skull of a Sea Leopard. ..No. 80, American Beaver, a splendid
specimen of this interesting animal, whose habits and history are familiar to all.. ..No. 81 is
a part of a tree cut by the Beaver. ..No. 82, Porpoise or Sea Hog.
Porpoises swim in shoals and drive the mackerel, herrings, and salmon before them, pursuing them up the
bays, with the same eagerness as a pack of dogs after a hare. In some places they almost darken the sea as they
rise above water to take breath. In fine weather they leap, roll, and tumble about in the most sportive manner.
The oil procured from the fat surrounding the body of the Porpoise is of the purest kind, and the skin, when
tanned and dressed, is used for wearing apparel, and for coverings for carriages. As an article of food, the flesh
is highly esteemed. It is the great dainty of the Greenlanders, and he quaffs its oil as the most delicious of
The large fish near the east side of the case is a STURGEON, and the one near it, with the
fin on. its lack, is a SHARK, both caught in the Potomac river.
Case of specimens of Silver, Lead, and Copper Ores, from the mines of the Sonora Ex-
ploring and Mining Company, Tubac, Gadsden's Purchase, New Mexico... Specimens from
the mines of New Granada. ..Gold, Silver, Galena, &c., from various parts of the world.
Raised Model, representing the Geology of Switzerland.
The large case contains a magnificent and unique collection of Birds' Nests and Eggs...
Notice especially in the upper part, the Oriole Nests. ..Marsh Wren Nests. ..The green eggs
of the Catbird. ..Eggs of Chuck- Will's- Widow.. ..Humming Birds' Nests, very rare and
valuable. These nests readily bring a high price at any time... .Night Hawk's Eggs. ...In
the lower part, the Pelican Nest and Eggs. ..Loon Eggs.. .Alligator and Ostrich Eggs. ..The
largest egg is that of the Giant Fossil Bird, of Madagascar.
Though probably extinct, the species may be in existence in the unknown interior of the Island, as is be-
lieved by the natives. This egg is 12}^ inches long by % inches wide, the shell one-tenth of an inch thick.
Notice in this part of the hall the Meteorite described on page 23 of this volume.
Next visit the WEST END OF THE HALL, and commence on the south side at
CASE 28.
No. 1, Wolverine or Glutton, from Salt Lake, very fierce and cunning. ..No. 2, Jaguar, or
American Tiger.
The following narrative shows the character of this animal : " In 1825, near Santa Fe, N. M., a lay brother,
after having made confession and concluded his prayers, entered the sacristy. There he was terror-stricken on
opening the door and seeing himself face to face with a Jagnar. In a moment the poor man was in the clutches of
the beast, which dragged its victim into a back corner to finish the bloody work. The guardian of the convent
hearing the noise hurried to the room, and had scarcely become aware of what had happened when the animal
leaped upon his second victim and despatched him. After a while several other men attempted to open the bloody
sacristy, but not without meeting a similar fate, for the first one opening the door was immediately slain. After he
had killed four victims, the roaring of the Jaguar attracted the people of the convent, and by boring a hole in the
door they finally succeeded in shooting the dreadful monster. The convent where this occurred is on the banks of
the Rio Bravo, which, after freshets, overflows the islands in front of the town, and all the animals living in the
thickets are driven up. This animal entered the garden of the convent, and thence, by a small door accidentally
left open, the sacristy."
No. 3, Three American Wild Cats, from the Sonorian Mountains near Fort Yuma...4,
Young Black Bear, from Warsaw, Illinois. ..5, Red Wild Cat, from Washington Territory...
6, Canada Lynx, from Medicine Bow Creek, near Fort Laramie...7, Grizzly Bear, from
Medicine Bow Creek, near Fort Laramie...8, Skin of Bush Goat, of Africa. ..9, Skin of Red
Buck Deer, of Africa. ..10, Black Orang-Outang, of Africa, female. ..11, Skull, hand, and
foot of the Chimpanzee, of Africa. ..12, Rope made from grass on the Gold Coast of Africa...
13, Sankywin Monkey, from Demarara, Guiana. ..14, Hooraway Monkey, from Demarara,
Guiana...l5, Ground Monkey. ..16, Ring-tail Monkey. ..17, Ground Monkey.
CASE 29.
Fishes from the China seas.
CASE 30.
EAST SIDE Upper Shelf. Bats, from New South Wales, &c... Sloth, from British Guiana,
rare. ..Gophers, of California, etc., very destructive to the products of the farm and garden...
Salamanders. ..Prairie Dogs.
These are almost the only inhabitants of the high, dry prairie land destitute of every form of vegetation ex-
cept grass. A Prairie Dog, however, is always fat. They are known to all western travelers, and found in im-
mense numbers on the overland route to California.
Middle Shelf. Common Mink, the pest of farmers one has been known to kill 30 chickens
in a night. Weasels. ..Pine Martens, or American Sable.
The Ornithorynchus Paradoxus, or Duck Bill.
This is an extraordinary animal, and when it was first described, and even after its skin was received in Eng-
land, naturalists hesitated to believe in its existence. It is a native of Australia, where it is called Water-mole.
It lives almost entirely in the water.
Lower Shelf. Kaccoons.... Opossums. ...Skunks. ...Wood-Chucks. ...Ground Hogs. ...Musk
Rats, found over the whole country.
WEST SIDE Upper Shelf. Vats.
Middle Shelf. Musk-Rats. ..Weasels. ..Armadillos.
The Armadillo is gifted with extraordinary strength sometimes elevating a weight placed on his back of an
100 pounds. It rolls itself up like a ball, and sleeps nearly all day. It is much sought for as food. It is inoffen-
sive, and can be handled with impunity. Armadillos never attempt to bite, nor has nature given them any
other means of defence than the ease and rapidity with which they avoid danger by burrowing. Their food
consists of fallen fruits, roots, and worms; but they do not reject carrion, and have been known to penetrate
into human graves.
Lower Shelf. Bassaris Astuta, Civet Cat.
Called Squirrel Cat by Texans. Lives among rocks and trees. It is easily tamed, and makes a mild and play-
ful pet. It is something between fox and raccoon sole representative in the New World of the genets, civets,
ichneumons, &c., of the Old.
CASE 31.
Window Case. Woods collected by Exploring Expedition.
CASE 32.
Upper Shelf.... Squirrels of various kinds.
Middle Shelf. Hares. ..Rabbits. ..Prairie Dogs. ..Mice. ..Moles. ..Rats.
Lower Shelf. Badgers... Ground Hogs... Beaver.
The Agouti of the West Indies is the largest quadruped indigenous to these islands. They live exclusively on
Hoary Marmots. ..W r ood Chucks. ..Civet Cats, &c.
CASE 33.
Window Case. Plaster Casts or Medallions.
CASE 34.
This is one of the most complete and beautiful collections extant, and has been arranged by Prof. J. D. Dana, of
Yale College.
Middle Shelf. Crystals of Sulphur, Feldspar, and Lava, from the craters on the Sand-
wich Islands, collected by the Exploring Expedition.
In procuring these specimens there was great risk. The persons walked over a crust of only two or three in-
ches of black lava, beneath which was a mass which lighted a pole instantaneously when pierced through it.
CASE 35.
Sepia, or Cuttle-Fish... Nautilus, and other Mollusks.
Window Case. Woods.
CASE 36.
Every branch of Coral may be considered as a tree or plant, all the buds of which are animated polypes.
As to the true nature of these extraordinary substances, naturalists are not altogether agreed. They are
usually placed in the animal kingdom, and erected into a distinct class of radiata, called Porifera, analogous in
some respects to the zoophyta. What is seen here is, however, only the skeleton of the living being, which is
but a thin gelatinous substance.
CASE 37.
Palaemons... Prawns or Shrimps. ^.Galatheidae, a group of Crustaceans.
Window Case. Woods.
CASE 38.
Corals and Sponges.. ..Notice the Sea Mushroom.
It has a beautiful stony cell, consisting of a thick round plate several inches in diameter, with numerous thin
vertical plates rising from it, and radiating from its centre.
The Brain-stone, so called from its resemblance to the human brain.
Some of the coral reefs are known to be one thousand miles long and more than three hundred broad.
CASE 39.
Crustacea... Dromidise, &c.
CASE 40.
Crustacea. ..Ocypodes, &c.
CASE 41.
Fishes. ..Abranchiates, &c.
CASE 42.
Window Case. Plaster cast of Old Sarum, Wiltshire, England. ...Relics from Nicaragua.
The small figure representing an animal couchant was regarded with great veneration by the Indians. See
page 19.
CASE 43.
Exotic Birds.
CASE 44.
Fishes, Bonaparte Collection.
Window Case. Stone Sphynx from Egypt, presented to E. DeLeon, Consul General o.f
the U. S., by the British Consul General.
CASE 45.
Wild Muscovy Duck... Black- winged Goose of Chili. ..Sandwich Island Goose... Loggerhead,
Antarctic, Upland, Bustard Geese. ..Black Swan of Australia. ..Penguins. ..King Penguin is
a great thief.
They occupy the same place in the southern hemisphere that the Auks do in the northern.
Penguins are said to unite in themselves the qualities of men, fowls, and fishes. Like men, they are upright;
like fowls, they are feathered ; and like fish, they have fin-like instruments that beat the water before, and
serve for all the purposes of swimming. From 30 to 40,000 Penguins have been seen at a time. They are arranged
when on shore in as compact a manner and in as regular ranks as a regiment of soldiers, and are classed with the
greatest order, the younger birds being in one situation, moulting birds in another, setting hens in a third, and
so on. They will stand still and be knocked down without making any effort to escape.
It is much like the Penguin. Whilst at rest it h as the singular habit of resting on the top of its bill, which is
its most characteristic position. The natives hunt it for its skin for dresses.
Window Case. Woods.
CASE 46.
Exotic Birds. .. Ducks. ..Gannetts... Booby. ..Frigate Pelican, or Man-of-War Bird.
The Booby is so stupid that he will sit still and be knocked on the head on the shore or a ship. They are
much persecuted by the Man-of-War Bird.
CASE 48.
Fishes, Paraguay Expedition.
CASE 49.
Birds from Sandwich Islands, Tierra del Fuego, Chili, &c... The Oyster-Catcher. ..Noddy.,.
Wandering Albatross... Stormy Petrels, or Mother Carey's Chickens.
CASE 50.
Serpents and Reptiles.
CASE 51.
The Ibis.
The red bird is the Scarlet Ibis, worshipped by the Egyptians, one of the most celebrated birds of antiquity.
New Holland Crane. ..Brazilian Cranes... Tookaroo, a rare species of Crane.
CASE 52.
Reptiles from Brazil, and from the Paris Museum.
Between Cases 52 and 53. The identical dress worn by Dr. E. K. KANE, the celebrated
American Arctic Explorer, and brought by him to this Museum. We quote the following
from the account of his travels :
"The clothing or personal outfit demands the nicest study of experience. Rightly clad, ha is a lump of de-
formity, waddling over the ice, unpicturesque, uncouth, and seemingly helpless. The fox-skin jumper, or kape-
tah, is a closed shirt, fitting very loosely to the person, but adapted to the head and neck by an almost air-tight
hood, the nessak. Underneath the kapetah is a similar garment, but destitute of the hood, which is a shirt. It is
made of bird skins, chewed in the mouth by the women until they are perfectly soft, and it is worn with this
unequalled down next the body. More than 500 auks have been known to contribute to a garment of this de-
scription. The lower extremities are guarded by a pair of bear-skin breeches, the nannooke. The foot gear con-
sists of a bird-skin sock, with a padding of grass over the sole. Outside of this is a bear skin leg.
In this dress, a man will sleep upon his sledge with the atmosphere at 93 below our freezing point. The only
additional articles of dress are, a fox's tail held between the teeth to protect the nose in a wind, and mitts of
seal-skin well wadded with sledge straw."
Dr. Kane, however, had to add to the dress described " furs and woolens, layer upon layer, inside, like the
shards of an artichoke, till he was rounded into absolute obesity."
CASE 53.
No. 18, Big Horn, or Mountain Sheep.
Found on rocky sierras and other places where the want of water forbids the existence of every other
No. 19, Mountain Sheep, from Fort Tejon, Cal...No. 20, Kangaroo, U. S. Exploring Ex-
pedition. ..No. 21, Guanaco or Llama a young one of No. 25. ..No. 22, Virginia Deer, from
Medicine Bow. ..No. 23, Black-tailed Deer, from California. ..No. 24, Black-tailed Deer, from
Oregon. ..No. 25, Guanaco or Llama. ..No. 26, Black-tailed Deer, from California. ..No. 27,
Prong-horn Antelope, from Yellowstone River. ..No. 28, A young Elk...Nos. 29 and 30, Vir-
ginia Deer. ..No. 31, Patagonia Deer...Nos. 32, 33, 34, 35, Musk Deer, from New Holland...
No. 36, Kangaroo. ..No. 37, Antelope, from Cape of Good Hope...Nos. 38, 39, 40, Musk Deer.
CASE 54.
Serpents and Reptiles from South America, Central America, and the North Pacific.
Next examine the large table case in the middle of the west end of the room, in which is
a fine collection of Sea-esgs and Star-fishes. Notice particularly the specimens at the
east end with their curious teeth... Echinidse, or Sea Urchins or Sea Eggs.
These are found generally on sandy shores, and prefer quiet and secluded pools. Some make excavations in
solid rock. Their food consists of sea-weeds and small crustace*.
The Star-fishes.
Their structure is that of a number of tough, leathery rays diverging from a central disk. In this disk is the
mouth, which opens into a stomach filling the disk and branching off into the raya. The various forms are innu-
merable. They are found in every climate.
The most interesting, however, are the comatula. or sea-wigs, They have a branch-like structure, like that of
a gorgon's head; but what makes them peculiarly interesting is, that they ere the recent representatives of a
tribe of sea-animals now all but extinct, although found in immense abundance in a fossil state. These curious
animals of a former era are called crinoideae, and they were so numerous that Prof. Forbes says the remains of
their skeletons constitute great tracts of the dry land as it now appears.
The structure of the shell of the echinus, which consists of a number of pentagonal pieces fitting together, the
method by which it is increased by a calcareous secretion from the body of the animal, and the mechanism by
which the spines are attached, are subjects of great admiration among naturalists. The interior structure is
very simple, consisting only of a powerful and muscular mouth armed with strong teeth, and of an intestinal
tube wound twice round the inside of the shell.
All are not of a globular shape. Some are so depressed as to be popularly known as Sea-Pancakes.
Lizard-tailed Star-fishes, or Brittle Stars.
In the lower part of the case are fine specimens of Turtles.
They have the faculty of falling to pieces, or at least of throwing off the ends of their rays when siezed or oth-
erwise alarmed.
EAST END, NORTH SIDE. Geological and Mineralogical collections, not yet arranged
for public exhibition.
CASE 63.
SOUTH SIDE. Human Skulls from the Feejee Islands, New Zealand, California, Mexico,
North American Indians, &c. One of the Skulls is of Vendovi, the Feejee Chief and Mur-
There are 150 skulls in this case, which is one of the most interesting in the collection, and calculated to ex-
cite feelings very different from those experienced in examining any other specimens.
Window Case. Skull of an Elephant.
The other cases in this gallery are devoted to Skulls and Skeletons. They are not ar-
ranged for exhibition.
The large mounted skeletons in the windows are those of the Ostrich and the Lama.
One of the most extensive and curious ethnological collections in the world. Passing to
the eastern extremity of the gallery commence at
CASE 70.
Specimens from the North American Indians, including Head Dresses. ...Canoes....
Feather Blankets Water-Baskets Indian Cradles Water-Bottles of the Utahs
Indian Pillow, stuffed with Buffalo hair. ..Bows and Arrows... Pipes, &c., &c.
Among the most interesting articles are specimens of the Calumets or Pipes of Peace, and the Wampum Belts.
The bowls of these pipes are always made of one particular kind of stone of a cherry red color, brought from a
quarry which the Indians believe consists of a huge army of Red Men whom the Great Spirit turned at once
into stone. The shaft is usually young ash. Wampum is the Indian name for ornaments manufactured by
the Indians of parti-colored shells, which they get on the shores of fresh-water streams, and file and cut into
bits of half an inch in length, and perforate, giving to them the shape of pieces of broken pipe stems, string on
deer sinews and wear on their necks, or weave ingeniously into war belts. Wampum was used as a circulating
medium instead of coin.
CASE 71.
Collections made by the U. S. Exploring Expedition in the Feejee Islands... Cannibal
Cooking Pots.
The Feejees are Cannibals. The flesh of women is preferred to that of men, and that part of the arm above
the elbow and the thigh are regarded as the choicest parts. So highly do they esteem this food, that the
greatest praise they can bestow on a delicacy is to say that it is as tender as a dead man.
Vessel for mixing oil. ..Fishing Nets of twine, from the bark of the Hibiscus. ..Flute of
Bamboo, and other musical instruments. ..Paddles. ..Mask and Wig worn' in dances. ..War
Conch, blown as the sign of hostilities. ..Fishing Spears. ..War Clubs... Feejee Wigs.
The usual sign of mourning is to crop the hair, and as they are very vain, and the hair takes a long time
to grow again, they use a wig as a substitute.
Native Cloth, worn as a turban on the head.
None but Chiefs are allowed to wear this. The more the hair is distended, the greater is their pride. Bar-
bers are very important personages, and are employed on all occasions.
Between Cases 71 and 72. Feejee Spears. ..Feejee Drum.
Made of a hollow trunk of a tree. It is sounded by beating on the inner side with a mallet. It is said its
sound may be heard from seven to ten miles.
CASE 72.
Feejee Islands. Likus, or Petticoat worn by the Feejee Women... Sunshades, made of a
single Palm-leaf.. .Pillow of Wood. ..Basket. ..Shell Ornaments, made of Trochus Shell...
Armlets. ..Necklaces. ..Headbands of Feathers. ..Baskets. ..Fans of Cocoa-nut leaves. ..Native
Cloth, from bark of Paper Mulberry. ..Floor Mat, from the leaves of the Pandanus... Neck-
lace of human teeth. ..Fish Vertebrae... Braided Cord of the husk of the Cocoa-nut. ..Feejee
Oracle, kept in the Temple and consulted by the Priests.
This Oracle is generally covered with scarlet and white seeds stuck on with gum. It is hollow, has an ear on
one side, and a mouth and nose on the other.
The figure like an idol, with a wooden plate at the top and hooks at the feet, is a contri-
vance used by the Feejees to save provisions from the attacks of the Feejee rat, which is a
great pest. ..Sea-slug, or Biche de Mer, a great article of trade. ..Model of Canoe, showing
the peculiar style of construction with the outrigger.. ..Hair combs, pins, &c.
The mode of wearing the comb is an indication of rank. None but the king wears it in front. The lower orders
wear it behind the ear.
Whale's tooth... Female Dress.
The usual price of a wife is a whale's tooth, and this once paid, the husband has the entire right to the person
of the wife, whom he may even kill and eat if he feels so disposed.
The women's dress is quite becoming and graceful. It is a kind of fringe made of cocoa-nut leaves, cut intc
slips about a foot long, and tied by one end to a string, which goes around the middle. It has a light ant'
elegant appearance, and yields to any portion of the body, yet never becomes entangled or out of order.
CASE 73.
Samoan or Navigator Islands. Specimens of Tapa, or native cloth.
The tapa is often printed in colors. The natives form tablets of pieces of large cocoa-nut leaves. One sideo
the tablet is kept smooth and even, and upon this cocoa-nut fibres are sewed, so as to form the required pattern
which is, of course, raised upon the surface of the tablet. These tablets are wet with a piece of cloth well soakei
in the dye, after which the tapa, which for this purpose is well bleached and beautifully white, is laid upon them
and pressed into close contact. The dye is made from herbs and roots, and is of various colors.
Fishing Nets. ..War Clubs. ..Shell-bead Necklaces. .. Flute... War Conchs... Fans. ..Baskets...
Pillows of Bamboo. ..Paddles. ..Spears made of iron wood, pointed with the sting of the ray-
fish, which, on breaking off in the body, causes certain death. ..Bows and Arrows used for
catching Lupi, or Pigeons.
Much time is devoted to capturing and taming these birds, which maybe seen in almost every house, and evep
in their canoes, where perches are erected expressly for them.
Among the mats are some of as fine texture and as soft as if made of cotton. These are solely possessed by
the chiefs, and are considered as their choicest treasures, and are so much coveted that wars have been made to
obtain possession of them.
CASE 74.
Sandwich Islands. Tonga or Friendly islands. Pieces of the rock on which Capt. Cook,
the celebrated navigator, was killed. ..Adzes of Cassus Shell. ..War Clubs. ..Native Cloth...
Pestles for pounding Kalo... Quoits. ..Fans. ..Raw Cotton, raised in Hawaii. ..Shells and Feath-
ers worn as ornaments. ..Fishing-lines and Hooks. ..Gourd Shells. ..Bowls in which Ava, the
national drink, is prepared.
The avals a root of a pungent and intoxicating nature. Young girls chew it up and spit it into a wooden
bowl; afterwards a small quantity of water is added to it, the juice is strained into cups made of cocoa-nutshells,
and all drink it. No business is done in the day till the king drinks his ava.
Bowls from which the food called Poi is eaten.
Kalo is the invaluable article of food. It is the bread of the Islanders. When made into pot, it is the national
dish. The kalo is cooked, then pounded up, water added, and a paste formed, which is allowed to ferment, and
js eaten with one or two fingers, according to its consistency.
Native Pelava, from human hair, and sea-horse tooth, a neck ornament. ..Combs. ..Feather
Cape worn on public occasions by King Kamehameha when a youth. Presented by him to
Com. Bolton in 1839.
The birds "Oo," from which these splendid feathers were taken, have but two feathers of the kind, one under
each wing. It is a very rare species, peculiar only to the higher regions of Hawaii , and is caught with great care
and much toil. Five of these feathers wero valued at $1.50. It is computed that a million dollars were expended
on the manufacture of a cloak like this for Kamebameha. The bunches of feathers are still received in payment
of a tax to the king. They are afterwards made up into head-bands for the ladies, but few can afford to wear
them. Mantles of these feathers are not now to be seen, the cost and labor of procuring them being so great.
Specimens of these birds can be seen in Case 5.
Feather Staff, an ensign of rank. ..Wooden Dishes of curious forms. ..Canoes. ..Combs...
Cinctures, the dress worn by women of Tongatabu.
CASE 75.
Kingsmill, Marquesas, and Washington Islands. These are included in what is known
as Micronesia. Native Ropes from the bark of the Cocoa-nut. ..Wooden, Pearl, and other
Fish-hooks. ..Breast Plate. ..Shell Adzes, from Disappointment Islands... Cuirass of Rope...
Beads of Wood and Shell.
Long strings of beads or braided hair are worn round the body at times a hundred fathoms in length.
The hair is taken from female slaves. The beads are manufactured by the old men who are beyond doing any
other labor made of cocoa-nut and shell, ground down to a uniform size.
Ear rings worn by the Chiefs of the Marquesas. ...File or Rasp of Shark's skin. ...A Vir
gin's Head band. ..Wooden Dish like a boat, from Raraka... Spears. ..Helmet of a skin of Por-
cupine Fish. ..Images of green stone.
Around the necks of the Chiefs is hung their " HEITIKI," made of a stone of a green color, which isheld very
sacred, and which, with their <{ MEARA," a short cleaver or club, is handed down from father to son. This Heitiki
has some resemblance to a human figure sitting with crossed legs.
Weapons armed with Shark's teeth. ..Pieces of wood worn in dances. ..Cap of Pandanus
leaves... Mats,
Made from the leaves of the Pandanus. the yellow from the young leaves, and the brown from the old; which
are prepared by beating them with a mallet to render them pliable. To the yellow mats, the greatest atten-
tion is paid. Oil impregnated with the odor of the flowers of the Pandanus, and the distilled water, are highly
esteemed, both for their color and their medicinal use as stimulants.
Stilts used bj Marquesas Islanders... Beautifully carved Adzes and Clubs.
CASE 76.
New Zealand. Paddles. ..Spears. ..Blanket Mats woven by hand... Baskets... Dressing-box
of a Chief ...Prow of a War Canoe.
This was considered very sacred, and obtained with great difficulty. It belonged to the chief Kiwikiwi.
Shell and Wood Fish-hooks... Tinder-box... Flaxen Yarn.
The manufacture of the hemp is altogether performed by the women.
War Cloak of dog-skin, called "Topuni." This was worn by Pomare, the chief.... Stone
Adzes. ..Chisel of Tortoise Shell... Cincture and Ornament of human hair...Flute.Mats of
all kinds. ..Bows and Arrows.
CASE 11.
Deception Island South Shetland. Mats, blankets, &c.
CASE 78.
Egyptian Mummies.
Mummies were embalmed in Egypt in several ways, the most perfect of which was to draw the brain through
the nostrils, partly with a piece of crooked iron, and partly by the infusion of drugs. They then with a knife
make an incision in the side, through which they extract the intestines; these they cleanse thoroughly, washing
them with palm wine, and afterwards covering them with aromatics. They then fill the body with powder of
pure myrrh, cassia, and other perfumes. Having sewn up the body, it is covered with natron (a kind of soda)
for the space of seventy da?s. It is then washed, closely wrapped in bandages of linen previously dipped in gum,
and returned to the relations, who enclose it in a case of wood made to resemble a human figure. The utmost
care was taken to affix marks to each mummy, by which it might be known again.
These specimens are 3,000 years old.
CASE 79.
Mummy from Oregon of a child... Peruvian Mummies, from Arica.
Believing, as they did, in immortality and the resurrection of the body, the Peruvians were very careful in
burying their dead. They had a mode of embalming peculiar to themselves, which consisted of exposing the
body to the intense cold of the high peaks of the mountains till it became quite dry and withered. Then, if the
deceased were an Inca, he was buried with great state in his family tomb. He retained his proper apparel, and
his treasures were buried w thbim.
The custom of the Peruvians to bury their treasures with them, made the discovery of a tomb of some
consequence to the early Spanish settlers. In 1576, a Spanish soldier, says Prescott, found in one such tomb, af-
terwards visited by Baron Humboldt, a mass of gold worth a million of dollars ! The tombs in Central America
are now being searched for golden images and treasures in the same manner.
CASE 80.
New South Wales. Weapons. ..The Boomerang, a flat stick, three feet long, two inches
wide, by three-fourths of an inch thick, curved or crooked in the centre, forming an obtuse
This possesses the peculiar property, owing to its shape, of returning to the spot from which it was thrown, If
the object aimed at was missed.
The Womerah, a throwing stick, about three feet long, with a hook at the end for throw-
ing spears and darst, with which the Australians hit a mark 200 feet distant. ..Shields made
of thick bark of the gum tree.
Theee are called hiclemara, are of a peculiar oval shape, about three feet long by six or eight inches wide, with
a handle.
Curious Carved Figure from the root of a tree.
The New Zealanders have no images of worship, and no temples. The numerous grotesque images sculptured
by the people are not regarded as representations of divinities. These images are often placed on the roofs of
houses as decorations.
Mask worn by tiie South Sea Islanders.
Siamese Shirt, a net work of grass, which prevents the outer dress from touching the
The Clearance of Brig Argyle, of Baltimore, at Canton, 1889 a fair specimen of a Chi-
nese business paper. ..Chinese Umbrellas... Hat of Leaves. ..Shoes taken from the feet of a
Chinese Woman, at Macao, by Dr. Wessels, 1830.
All Chinese Women pride themselves on their goat-like hoofs, and have contempt for a natural foot. It is
difficult for strangers to get a sight of these deformities.
Chinese work in Stone House, Boat, &c... Chop-sticks, used to eat food.
In China, the poorer classes eat boiled rice only, mixed with dried fish. Dogs and cats are considered delica-
cies above the reach of the poor. Rats, mice, and other vermin are eagerly sought after.
Chinese Fans. ..Compass. ..Japanese Crape, Silk, Cotton. ..Cloak of Kangaroo Skin, worn
by the natives of New Holland. ..Cord from Kangaroo Hair. ..Japanese Gold and Silver
Coins. The smallest coin is called "Cash," in value one-twelfth of a cent. ..Japanese Letter
and Book, said to be an interesting novel.
Reading is a favorite occupation with both sexes, and books innumerable, profusely illustrated, are printed.
Japanese Pills.
MEDICINE. The famous Dosia Powder, which, when introduced into the ears, nostrils, and mouth of a rigid
corpse, renders the limbs perfectly flexible.
CASE 81.
WEST SIDE. East Indies. Model of a Malay Prao, or armed vessel, used by the Pirates
of Borneo. The Malays are mostly seamen. ..East Indian Arrows, poisoned with gum of
the Upas. ..Malay Blow-Pipe, a long tube employed for projecting poisoned arrows... Arrows
with Flint Heads, from Tierradel Fuego... Malay Daggers, great variety. ..Bows. ..Paddles...
Shields. ..Spears. ..Coins from the East Indies. ..Harp from Sooloo.
EAST SIDE. Leaf from a Brahmin's Book. ..Leaf from a Siamese Book. ..Ordinary Walk-
ing Dresses of the ladies of Lima, Peru.
However fitted this dress may be to cover intrigue, it is certainly not adapted to the display of beauty. A more
awkward and absurd dress cannot well be conceived. It is by no means indicative of the wearer's rank, for fre-
quently this disguise is ragged and tattered, and assumed, under its most forbidding aspect, to deceive or carry on
an intrigue, of which it is almost an effectual cloak. In this dress it is said a wife will pass her own husband
when she may be walking with her lover, and the husband may make love to his wife, without being
aware it is she.
Chilian Poncho, the common Pading Cloak of the Spanish Americans. ..Chilian Bridles,
Stirrups. ..Mexican Matchlock Gun. ..Mexican Spurs. ..Head-dress of Atahualpa... Earthen
Ware of the ancient Peruvians Jars, Bottles, &c. from the Temple of Pachacamac, near
Lima. ..Belts of Bark Cloth, from the Ascension Islands.
CASE 82.
WEST SIDE. Siam. EAST SIDE. Japan. Dresses, very handsome... .Gongs. ...Drums...
Flutes. ..Photograph of his Majesty, PHRA BARD SONDETH PHRA PARAMENDR, MNHA MONG-
KUT PHRA CHOMKLAN CHAUYDHUA, the Major King of Siam and its dependencies, ..Swords...
Daggers... Trays for fruit inlaid with Pearl.
The Japanese have the orange, lemon, fig, plum, cherry, and apricot.
Tea-service. ..Shears. ..Fans. ..Cloths... Silk. ..Loo-Choo Pipes, ..Cups and Saucers... Chow
Chow or Refreshment Boxes. ..Tobacco.
The Loo-Cboo islands belong to Japan. Tobacco is raised extensively, and smoking is a universal habit. Saki
is an intoxicating and strong liquor, distilled from rice, which is used as a drink. At a Loo Choo dinner there
are 24 courses, soup constituting eight.
Window Case. A Chinese Plow.
The plowing is done while the fields are flooded, and is only intended for breaking up alluvial ground. It is
drawn by the water ox or buffalo, the beast of burden in China.
CASE 83.
Japan. Silks, Crapes, &c., of every variety.
The silks are equal to any in the world. The finest are made by criminals of high rank, who are confined upon a
small, rocky, and unproductive island, and made to support themselves by their labor. These silks cannot b*
exported. All their silks and calicoes are uniformly 18 inches in width.
They have no sheep or goats, and do not make woolen fabrics.
Waiters. ..Small Porcelain Polls . .Mirrors. ..Domestic Utensils : bowls, jars, cups, shovels,
ladles. ..Magnificent Spears. ..Swords; mountings of gold ; scabbards of shark's skin...Biche
de Mer... Mats... Nails... .Needles... Saws... .Chisels. ..Planes.... Agricultural Implements. ..Ja-
panese Shells. ..Japan Printing Implements, Blocks, Ink, &c.... Paper from the bark of the
Mulberry, exceedingly soft and flexible, used for handkerchiefs. It endures folding, and
lasts longer than ours. ..Models of Japanese Sanctuary, Houses, &c.
They upe no glass for windows, but oiled paper or cloth.
Umbrellas made of Bamboo, and covered with a vegetable oil.
These are perfectly water proof, and can be used for a long time without injury.
All the articles of superior quality are put by the Japanese" merchants into boxes of white cedar. Inferior
articles are wrapped in paper.
The Japanese possess one art in which they excell the world this is in lacquering wood work. In this op-
eration they select the finest wood of fir or cedar to be covered with varnish which is made from the gum of
the rhu* oemiao, a tree abundant in their country.
The Japanese also excell all other nations in the quality of their porcelain and swords.
They do not know how to cut or polish precious stones, but have a substitute, called syakfdo in which vari-
ous metals are so blended and combined that they resemble fine enamel. This is used for ornamenting
girdle clasps, sword hilts, boxes,
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Organ Accordeons, Martin's celebrated and other Guitars, Violins, Tenor Viols, Violincellos,
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77,000 issued in seven months! The unprecedented sale of this book has induced the publisher to add some
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The PAIN KILLER is by universal consent allowed to have won for itself a reputation
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The ingredients which enter into the PAIN KILLER, being PURELY VEGETABLE,
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This medicine, so justly celebrated for the cure of BO many of the afflictions incident to
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In any attack where prompt action upon the system is required, the PAIN KILLER is
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It is, in truth, a FAMILY MEDICINE, and should be kept in every family for immediate
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Obtain a copy of the PEOPLE'S PAMPHLET, which contains full directions for ueing
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To those who have so long used and proved the merits of our article, we would say that
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PRICES, 121 cents, 25 cents, 50 cents, and 1$ per Bottle.
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Has the Depository in this city of the Publications of the American Bible Society ; Meth-
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And those who are to fill these professions hereafter SCHOOL CHILDREN you daily have
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task. If you would be relieved of much of the annoyance that you now experience in
writing, procure the
The following from the Boston
Traveler and Daily News speaks of
the quality distinctly enough to
make further commendation unne-
cessary :
We wish to call the attention of our
readers to this Pen. We have given
it a thorough trial, and do not hesi-
tate to recommend it as the very
best article that we have ever held
between our thumb and finger. It
is as soft as a quill, and yet suifi-
ciently firm, and it makes, when
necessary, the finest hair line. It
is a satisfaction to work with it;
and if our paragraphs are ever in-
correct or dull, or our spelling bad,
it will not be this Pen's fault.
Boston Traveler, Jan. 14.
This favorite and purely American
Pen appears to be coming into uni-
versal use, and is likely soon to dis-
place the foreign article altogether.
We have never used a metallic Pen
of so much delicacy and elasticity,
that runs so smoothly, lasts so long,
or front which the writing fluid
flows so exactly in the right quantity,
They are now used at most of the
Government offices, and the sale, we
are pleased to know, it enormously
large and increasing.
The following letter, the original
of which we have seen, from one
who well understands the use of the
pen, is a high commendation.
Daily News, Jan. 25.
Letterirom Jas. Buchanan.
Tuesday, Jan. 20, 1857.
MY DEAR SIR : Many thanks for
the box of Washington Medallion
Pens. I find them better than most
of the English Pens I have used,
and I heartily wish the manufac-
turer success. The facts you state
are quite interesting, and I shall
retain them in my memory. I had
not the most remote idea that we
paid England $1,000,000 annually
for steel pens.
Yours, very respectfully,
Of the Washington Medallion,
Pen Co., 58 Cedar St., N. Y.
These Pens have been used for
more than a year in the Smith-
sonian Institution, and give entire
If you have any curiosity
to try these PENS, enclose two
stamps to the
HWIi0n |ltn Co.,
Patron's Ticket of the first series of 100,000 gross has been drawn. The number is
83,384. On presentation of the ticket bearing that number at the Office of the Company,
58 Cedar street, New York, the holder will receive ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS. The second
series is now being issued.
Foreign Books and Periodicals
Between 9th and 10th Streets,
S. E. Corner Seventh and F streets,
N. E. Corner Fourth and Vine Sis.,
Hon. JOHN MCLEAN, U. S. Supreme Court, Hon. SAMUEL INQHAM, Ex-Gov. Conn., Comm'r of Customs.
Messrs. GALES A SEATON, Washington, D. C. Hon. J. H. B. LATROBE, Baltimore, Md.
lillllffi AB& flmMIOBIB.
$tj}0ol mtfr Collegiate fei 00fes,
The undersigned, formerly an Examiner of Patents, and a member of the Board
of Appeals under the late Commissioner of Patents, Hon. JOSEPH HOLT, having
RESUMED the practice of his profession, attends to procuring American and Euro-
pean Patents.
Inventors can also have their inventions examined prior to making an applica-
tion/or a patent , by sending a pencil sketch, &c.,for a fee of five dollars.
Counsellor at Law and Advocate in Patent Cases,
Having had twenty years' experience in building and operating machinery for manufacturing Cotton, Silk
Wool, Steam Engines, Printing Calico,