(\^a.Uiu'^^C\,XA /\c^aMrx^ HISTORY PETER THE GREAT, EMPEROR OF RUSSIA. PROM THE FRENCH OF VOLTAIRB. BY SMOLLETT. VOL.1 NEW YORK: LEAVITT & ALLEN. 379 BROADWAY. 1S57. ^ PETER THE GREAT CHAP. L rjiHE DESCRIPTION OF RUSSIA. E empire of Russia is the largest in the whole globe, extending from west to east upwards of two thousand common leagues of France,* and about eight hundred in its greatest breadth from morth to south. It borders upon Poland and the Frozen Sea, and joins to Sweden and China. Its length from the island of Dago, in the western- most part of LJTonia, to its most eaateiu limits, takes in near one hundred and seventy degrees, BO that when it is noon in the western parts of the empire, it is nearly midnight in the eastern. Ita breadth from north to south is three thousand six hundred wersts, which make eight hundred and fifty of our common French leagues. The limits of 'iiis country were so little known in the last century, that, in 1689, when it was re- ported, that the Chinese and the P.ii3?ians ware at war, and that in order to terminate their Qif- ferences, the emperor Camhi on the one hand, anl tlie czars Ivan or John, and Peter, on the other, had sent their ministers to meet an embassy with- in three hundred leagues of Pekin, on the frontiers of the two empires, the account was at first treated as a fiction. The country now comprehended under the name * A French league contains three English miles. 205100.5 4 HISTORY OF of Russia, or the Russias, is of a greater extent than all the rest of Europe, or than ever the Roman empire was, or that of Darius subdued by Alex- ander ; for it contains upwards of one million one hundred thousand square leagues. Neither the Roman empire, nor that of Alexander, contained more than live hundred and fifty thousand each ; and there is not a kingdom in Europe the twelfth part so extensive as trie Roman empire ; but to make Russia as populous, a? plentiful, and as well stored with towns as our southern countrie.-, would require whole ages, and a race of monarchs such as Peter the Great. The English ambassador, who resided at Peters- burg in 1733, and who had been at iMadrid, says, in his manuscript relation, that in Spain, which is the least populous state in Europe, there may be reckoned forty persons to every square mile, and in I'ussia not above five. We shall see in the second chapter, whether this minister was mistaken, Marshal Vauban, the greatest of en- gineers, and the best of citizens, computes, that, in France, every square mile contains two hun- dred inhabitants. These calculations are never very exact, but they serve to shew the amazing disproportion in the population of two different countries. 1 shall observe here, that from Petersburg to Pekin, there is hardly one mountain to be met with in the route which the caravans might take through independent Tartary, and that from Petersburg to the north of France, by the road of Dantzic, Hamburg, and Amsterdam, there is not even a hill of any eminence to be seen. This observa- tion leaves room to doubt of the truth of that ^eory, which makes the mountains to have been formed by the rolling of the waves of the sea, and supposes all that is at present dry land, to have PETER THE GREAT. 5 been for a long time covered with water : but how comes it to pass, that the waves, which, according to the supposition, formed the Alps, the Pyrenees, and Mount Taurus, did not likewise form some eminence or hill from Normandy to China, which is a winding space of above three thousand leagues ? Geography, thus considered, may fur- nish lights to natural philosophy, or at least give room for rational doubts. Formerly we called Russia by the name of Mus- covy, from the city of Moscow, the capital of that empire, and the residence of the grand dukes : but at present the ancient name of Russia prevails. It is not my business in this place to inquire, why the countries from Smolensko, to the other side of Moscow, were called White Russia, or why Hubner gives it the name of Black, nor for what reason the government of Kiow should be named lied Russia, It is very likely that Madies the Scythian, who made an irruption into Asia, near seven hundred years before our vulgar a;ra, might have carried his arms into these regions, as Gengis-Khan and Tamerlane did afterwards, and as probably others had done long before Madies. P^ery part of antiquity is not deserving of our inquiries ; that of the Chinese, the Indians, the Persians, and the Egyptians, is ascertained from illustrious and in- teresting monuments ; but these monuments sup- pose others of a far more ancient date, since it required many ages to teach men the art of trans- mitting their thoughts by permanent signs, and no less time was required to form a regular lan- guage ; and yet we have no such monuments even in this polite part of Tvurope. The art of writing was a long time unknown to all the North : the patriarch Constantine, who wrote the history of Kiow in the Russian language, acknowledges, 6 HISTORY OF that the use of ■aTiting was LOt known in thcsa countries in the fifth century. Let others examine whether the Huns, the Slari, and the Tartars, formerly led their wander- ing and famished tribes towards the source of the Boristhenes ;* my design is to shew what czar peter created, and not to en-'age in a useless attempt, to clear up the chaos of antiquity. We should always keep in mind, that no family upon earth knows its first founder, and consequentlv, that no nation knows its first origin. I use the name of Russians to designate the in- habitants of this great empire. That of Roxola- nians, which was formerly given them, would in- deed be more sonorous, bur. we shall conform to the custom of the language in which we write. News-papers and other memoirs have for some time used the word Russians ; but as this name comes too near to that of Prussians, I sliall abide by that of Russ, which almost all our writers have given them. Besides, it appeared to me, that the most extensive people on the earth ought to be known by some appellation that may distinguish them absolutely from all other nations. t This empire is at present divided into sixteen large governments, that will one day be sub- divided, when the northern and eastern countries come to be more inhabited. • The Boristhenes, or Dnieper, is one of the largest rivers in Europe ; it rises in the Walchonske Forest, runs through Lithuania, the country of the Zoporag Cossacks, and that of the Kagicch Tartars, and falls into the Black Sea near Oczakow. It has thirteen cataracts within a imal! distance. t The reader will easily perceive, that the whole of this paragraph relates only to the French language, for in Engli&b we make no such distinctions in the name of tbeM peoplo. but always call them Russians. PETER THE GREAT. f These sixteen governments, which contain se> »eral immense provinces are the following : — • LIVONIA. The nearest province to our part of the world is that of Livonia, one of the most fruitful in the vhole North. In the twelfth century the inhabi- tants were pagans ; at this time certain merchants of Bremen and Lubeck traded to this country, and a body of religious crusaders, called port-glaives, or sword bearers, who were afterwards incorpo- rated in the Teutonic order, made themselves masters of this province in the thirteenth century, at the time when the fury of the crusades armed the Christians against every one who was not of their religion. Albert, margrave of Brandenburg, grand-master of these religious conquerors, made himself sovereign of Livonia and of Branden- burg-Prussia, about the year 1514. From that time, the Russians and Poles began to dispute for the possession of this province Soon afterwards it was invaded by the Swedes, and for a long while continued to be ravaged by these several powers. Gustavus Adolphus having conquered it, it was then ced#d to the Swedes in 1660, by the famous treaty of Oliva ; and, at length, c/.ar Peter wrested it from these latter, as will be seen in the course of this history. Courland, which joins to Livonia, is still in Tassalage to Poland, though it depends greatly upon Russia. These are the western limits of this empire in Christendom. Of the Govrrnmentu of REVEL, PETERSBURG, and WYBURG. More northward is the government of Revel and Esthonia. Revel was built bj the Danes iathe 8 HISTORY OF thirteenth centurj. The Swedes were in posses- eion of this province, from the time that country put itself under the protection of that crown in 1561. This is another of the conquests of Peter the Great. On the borders of Esthonia lies the gulf of Finland. To the eastward of this sea, and at the junction of the Neva with the lake Ladoga,* is situated Petersbvirg, the most modem and best built city in the whole empire, fcmded by czai Peter, in Bjjite of all the united obstacles which opposed its foundation. This city is situated on the bay of Kronstat, in the midst of nine rivers, by which its different quarters aie divided. In the centre of this city is almost an impregnable fortress, built on an i^land, formed by the main-stream of the river Neva : seven canals are cut from the rivers, and wash the walls of one of the royal palaces of the admiralty, of the dock-yard for the galleys, and of several buildings of manufactories. Thirty-five large churches contribute to adorn the city ; among which five are allotted for foreigners of the Roman Catholic. Calvmist, and Lutheran religions : these are as so many temples raised to toleration, and examples to other nations. 1 heVe are five palaces; the old one, called the summer palace, situated on the river Neva, has a very large and beautiful stone balustrade, which runs all along the river side. The new summer palace near the triumphal gate, is one of the finest pieces of architecture in Europe ihe admiralty buildings, the school for cadets, the imperial college, the academy of sciences, the exchange, and the merchants' ware- houses, are all magnificent structures, and monu- • A collection of water lying between the gulf of Fin. land and lake Onega ; it is the largest, and said to contaiD a greater number of fish than any other in Europe, PETER THE GREAT. 9 merits of taste and public utility. The town-house, the public dispensary, where all the vessels are of procelain, the court magazines, the foundery, the arsenal, the bridges, the markets, the squares, the barracks for the horse and foot guards, con- tribute at once to the embellishment and safety of the city, which is said to contain at present four hundred thousand souls. In the environs of the city are several villas or country-seats, which surprise all travellers by thtir magnificence. There is one in particular which has water-works superior to those of Versailles. There was no- thing of ail this in 1702, the whole being then an impassable morass. Petersburg is considered as the capital of Ingria, a small province subdued by Peter I. Wyburg, another of his conquests, and that part of Finland which was lost, and ceded by the Swedes in 1742, make another govern- ment. ARCHANGEL. Higher up, proceeding towards the north, is the province of Archangel, a country entirely new to the southern nations of Europe. It took its name from St. Michael, the Archangel, under whose patronage it was put long after the Rus- sians had embraced Christianity, which did not happen till the beginning of the eleventh cen- tury ; and they were not known to the other na- tions of Europe till the middle of the sixteenth. The English, in 1633, endeavouring to find out a north-east jtassageto the East Indies, Chancellor, captain of one of the ships fitted out for this ex- pedition, discovered the port of Archangel in the White Sea ; at that time it was a desert place, having only one convent, and a little church, de» dicated o St. Michael, the Archangel. 10 HISTORY OF The Fngiish sailing up the river DNvina,* nr* rived at the midland part of the country, and at lengtb at .Moscow. Here tbey easily made them- selves masters of the trade of Russia, wliich waa removed from the city of Novogorod, where it was carrit^ii on by land to this sea-port, which is inaccessible indeed during seven months in the year ; iiut, nevertheless, this trade proved more beneficial to the empire than the fairs of Novo- gorod, that had fallen to decay in consequence of the \v:iTs with Sweden. The English obtained the pri ilege of trading thither without paying any duiies : a manner of trading which is appa- rently the most beneficial to all nations. The Dutch soon came in for a share of the trade of Archangel, then unknown to other nations. Long before this time, the Genoese and Vene- tians had established a trade with the Russians by the nic ath of the Tanais or Don.t where thej had built a town called Tana. This branch of the Italian commerce was destroyed by the ra- vages of Tamerlane, in that part of the world : but that of Archangel continued, with great ad- vantages l)oth to the English and Dutch, till the time that Peter the Great opened a passage into his dominions by the Baltic Sea. * We mnst not confound this river with another of the same name that runs through Lithuania in Poland, and dividing Livonia and Courland, fails icto the Baltio tt Dunamunder fort, below Riga. t 1 his was Dv the ancients reckoned among; the meet famons ri-^ers in the world, and the boundary between Asia and Europe. It issues from St. John's Lake, not far from Tula, aod after a long course, divides itself iate three arms, and falls into the sea below Aaoph. PETER THE GREAT. il RUSSIAN LAPLAND. Of the Government of Arrhaitget. To the west of Archangel, and within its go- Terninent, lies Russian Lapland, the third part of this country, the other two belonging to Sweden and Denmark. This is a very large tract, oc- cupying about eight degrees of longitude, and ex- tending in latitude from one polar circle to the North Cape.* The natives of this country were confusedly known to the ancients, under the name of troglodytes and northern pigmies ; ap- pellations suitable enough to men, who, for the most part, are not above four feet and a half high, and dwell in caverns ; they are just the same people they were at that time. They are of a tawny complexion, though the other people of the north are white, and for the most part very low in stature ; though their neighbours, and the people of Iceland, under the polar circle, are tall : they seem made for their mountainous country, being nimble, squat, and robust ; their skins are hard, the better to resist the cold, their thighs and legs are slender, their feet small, to enable them to run more nimbly amongst the rocks, with which their province is covered. They are passionately fond of their own country, which none but themselves can be pleased with, and are able to live no where else. Some have aflSrmed, upon the credit of Olaus, that these people were originally natives of Finland, And thai they removed into Lapland, where they di- minished in stature : but why might they not as well have made choice of lands less northerly, where the conveniences of life were to be bad in * A promontory of the island of Maggern in the north of Monraj, and i» the moit northern point in Europe. 12 HISTORY OF greater plentv ? How comes it that they differ so totally from their pretended ancestors in features, figure, and complexion t Methinks we might, with as great reason, suppose that the grass which grows in Lapland is produced from that of Den- mark, and that the fishes, peculiar to their lakes, came from those of Sweden. It is most likely that the Laplanders are, like their animals, the produce of their own country, and that nature has made the one for the other. Those who inhabit the frontiers of Finland, have adopted some of the expressions of their neighbours, as happens to every people : but when two nations give to things of common use, to objects which are continually before their eyes, names absolutely different, it affords a strong presumption, that one of them is not a colony from the other. The Finlanders call a bear Karu, the Laplanders Muriet : the sun in the Finnish language is called Auringa, in the Lap- land tongue Beve. Here is not the least ana- logy. The inhabitants of Finland, and Swedish Lapland, formerly worshipped an idol whom they called lumalac, and since the reign of Gus- tavus Adolphus, to whom they are indebted for the appellation of Lutherans, they call Jesus Christ the son of lumalac. The Muscovite or Mus- sian Laplanders, are at present thought to be of the Greek church ; but those who wander about the mountains of the North Cap^, are satisfied with adoring one God under certain rude forms, as has been the ancient custom of all the nations called N(^mades, or wandering nations. This race of people, who are inconsiderable in numbers, have but very few ideas, and are happy in not having more, which would only occasion them to have new wants which they could not satisfy : at present they live contented, and free^ PETER THE GREAT. 13 from diseases, notwithstanding the excessive coldness of their climate ; they drink nothing but water, and attain to a great age. The cus- tom imputed to them of entreating strangers to lie with their wives and daughters, which they esteem as an honour done to them, probably arose from a notion of the si:periority of strangers, and a desire of amending, by their means, the de- fects of their own race. This was a custom es- tablished amongst the virtuous Lacedemonians, A husband would entreat a favour of a comely young man, to give him handsome children, whom he might adopt. Jealousy, and the laws, pre- vent the rest of mankind from giving their wives up to the embraces of another ; but the Lap- landers have few or no laws, and are in all pro- bability, strangers to jealousy. MOSCOW. Ascending the river Dwina from north to south, we travel up the country till we come to Moscow, the capital of the empire. This city was long the centre of the Russian dominions, before they were extended on the side of China and Persia. Moscow, lying in 55 degrees and a half, north latitude, in a warmer climate, and more fruitful soil than that of Petersburg, is situated in the midst of a large and delightful plain on the river Moskwa, and t\*o lesser rivers, which with the former lose themselves in the Occa, and after- wards help to swell the stream of the Wolga. This city, in the ISth century, was only a col- lection of hats inhabited by a set of miserable wretches, oppressed by the descendants of Gengis Khan. The Kremlin, or ancient palace of the great dakes, was not built till the Hth century; of such modern date are cities in this part of the 14 HISTORY OF world. This oalace was built by Italian archi- tects, as -were several churches in the Gothic taste which then prevailed throughout all Eurojw;. There are two built by the famous Aristotle, of Bo- logna, who flourished in the 13th century ; but thr private houses were no better than wooden huts. The first writer who brought us acquaiutfd with Moscow, was Olearius ; who, in 163r), wett thither as the companion of an embassy from the duke of Holstein. A native of Holstein must naturally be struck with wonder at the immense extent of the city of Moscow, with its five quar- ters, especially the magnificent one belonging to the czars, and with the Asiatic splendour which then reigned at that court. There was nothing: equal to it in Germany at that time, nor any city by far so extensive or well peopled. On the contrary, the earl of Carlisle, who was ambassador from Charles II. to the czar Alexis, in 163:'>, complains i . his relation that he could not meet with any one convenience of life in Mop- cow ; no inns on the road, nor refreshments of any kind. One judged as a German, the otht-r as an Englishman, and both by comparison. The Englishman was shocked to see mosi of the Boy- ards or Muscovite noblemen, sleep upon boards or benches, with only the .skins of animals under them ; but this was the ancient practice of ali nations. The houses, whicii were almost all built of wood, had scarcely any furniture , few or none of their tables were covered with cloth ; there was no pavement in the streets ; nothing agree- able ; nothing convenient ; very few artificers, and those few extremely awkward, and employed only in works of absolute necessity. These people might have passed for Spartans, had they been Bober. But, on public days, the court displays all the PETER THE GREAT. 15 Bplendour cf a Persian monarch. The earl says, he could see nothing but gold and precious stones on the robes of the czar and his courtiers. These dresses were not manufactured in the country ; and yet, it is evident, that the people might be rendered industrious long before that time. In the reign of the czar Boris Godonow, the largest bell was cast at Moscow, in Europe ; and in the patriarchal church there were several ornaments in silver, worked in a very curious manner. These pieces of workmanship, which were made under the direction of Germans and Italians, were only transient efforts. It is daily industry, and the continual exercise of a threat number of arts, that makes a nation flourishing. Poland, and the neighbouring nations, were at that time very little superior to the Russians. The handi- craft trades were not in greater perfection in the north ot Germany, nor were the polite arts much better known, than in the middle of the seven- teenth century. Though the city of Moscow, at that time, had neither the magnificence nor arts of our great cities in Europe, yet its circumference of twenty miles ; the part called the Chinese town, where all the rarities of China are exhibited ; the spa- cious quarter of the Kremlin, where stood the palace of the czars ; the gilded domes, the lofty and conspicuous turrets; and, lastly, the prodi- gious number of its inhabitants, amounting to near 500, ()()(). All this together, rendered Mos- cow one of the most considerable cities in the world. Theodore, or Fccdor, eldest brother to Peter the Great, began to improve .Moscow. He or- dered several large houses to be built of stone, though without any regular architecture. He encouraged the principal persons of his court to J6 HISTORY OF build, advancing them sums of money, and fur- nishing ihem with materials. He was the first who collected studs of fine horses, and made se- veral useful embellishments. Peter, who was attentive to every thing, did not neglect Moscow at the time he was building Petersburg ; for he caused it to be paved, adorned it with noble edi- fices, and enriched it with manufactures ; and, within these few years, M. de Showalow, high chamberlain to the empress Elizabeth, daughter to Peter the Great, has founded an university in this city. This is the same person who furnished me with the memorials, from which 1 have com- piled the present history, and who was himself much more capable to have done it, even in the French language, had not his great modesty de- termined him to resign the task to me, as will evidently appear from his own letters on this sub- ject, which 1 have deposited in the public library of Geneva. SMOLENSKO. Westward of the duchy of Moscow, is that of Smolensko, a part of the ancient Sarmatia Eu- ropea. The duchies of Moscow and Smolensko composed what is properly called White Russia. Smolensko, which at first belonged to the great dukes of Russia, was conquered by the great duke of Lithuania, in the beginning of the fifteenth century, and was retaken one hundre-l years af- terwards by its old masters. Sigismund 111. king of Poland, got possession of it in 1611. 'i'he czar Alexis, father of Peter I. recovered it again in 1654, since which time it has always constituted part of the Russian empire. 1 he panegyric of Peter the Great, pronounced iu the academy of sciences at Paris, takes notice, that before his time the Russians had made no conquests PETER THE GREAT. I7 either to the west or south ; but this is evidently a mistake. Of the Governments of NOVOGOROD and KIOW, or the UKRAINE. Between Petersburg and Smolensk©, lies the province of Novogorod ;* and is said to be the country in which the ancient Sluvi, or Sclavo- nians, made their first settlements. But from wjjence came these Sla>:i, whose language has •pread over all the north-east part of Europe 1 SLa signifies a chief, and blare one belonging to a chief. All that we know concerning these an- cient Slaves is, that they were a race of conquer- ors ; that they buiit the city of Novogorod the Great, at the head of a navigable river ; and that this city was for a long time in possession of a flourishing trade, and was a potent ally to the Hanse Towns. Czar Iwan Wassiliawitsch (or John Basilowitz) made a conquest of it in 1467, and carried away all its riches, which contri- buted to the magnificence of the court of Moscow, till then almost unknown; 'I'o the south of the province of Smolensko, we meet with the province of Kiow, otherwise called the Lessor Russia, lied Russia, or the Ukraine, through which runs the Dnieper, called by the Greeks the Boristhenes. The difference of these two names, the one so harsh to pronounce, and the other so melodious, served to shew us, toge- ther with a hundred other like instances, the rudeness of all the ancient people of the North, in comparison with the graces of the Greek lan- guage. Kiow, the capital city, formerly Kisow, was built by the emperors of Constantinople, who made it a colony : here are still to be seen seve- • GrodjOr gorod.iignifiescil^' in iLe Russian laiiguagp. 18 HISTORY OF ral Greek inscriptions upwards of t« elve hundred years old. 'ibis is the only city of any antiquity iu these countries, where men lived so long to- gether without building walls. Hrre it was that the great dukes of Russia held their residence in the eleventh century, before the Tartars brought it under their subjection. The inhabitants of theUkraine.calledCossacks, are a mixture of the ancient Roxolaniacs, Sar- matiaiis, and I'artars, blended together. Rome and Constantinople, though so long the mistress of other nations, are not to compare in fertility of country with the Ukraine. Nature has there exerted her utmost efforts for the service of man- kind ; but they have not seconded those efforts by industry, living only upon the spontaneous productions of an uncultivated, but fruitful soil, and the exercise of rapine. Though fond, to a degree of enthusiasm, of that most valuable of all blessings, liberty ; yet they were always in sub- jection, either to the Poles or to the Turks, till the year 1654, when they threw themselves into the arms of Russia, but with some limitations. At length thev were entirely subdued by Peter the Great. Other nations are divided into cities and tovtus; this into ten regiments. At the head of which is a chief, who used to be elected by a majority of votes, and is called by the name of Hetman, or Itman. This captain of the nation was not invested with supreme power. At present the itman is a person nominated by the czar, from among the great lords of the court ; and is, in fact, no more that the governor of the province, like governors of the pays d'etats in France, that have retained some privileges. At first the inhabitants of this country were ail either Pagans or Mahometans; but, when PETER THE GREAT. 19 they entered into the service of Poland, they were baptized Cliristians of the Roman commu- nion ; ajd now, that they are in the service of Russia, they belong to the Greek church. Amongst these are comprehended the Zapora- vian Cossacks, who are much the same as our Bucaniers, or freebooters, living upon rapine. They are distinguished from all other people, by never admitting women to live among them ; as the Amazons are said never to have admitted any man. 1 he women, whom they make use of for propagation, live upon other islands on the river; they have no marriages amongst them, nor any domestic economy ; they inroll the male chil- dren in their militia, and leave the girls to the care of their mothers. A brother has frequently children by his sister, and a fa 'her by his daughter. They know no other laws than customs, intro- duced by necessity : however, they make use of some prayers from the Greek ritual. Fort St. Elizabeth has been lately built on the Boristhenee, to keep them in awe. They serve as irregulars in the Russian armies, and hapless is the fate of those who fail into their hands. Of the Governments of BKLGOROD, WORONITZ, and ^ ISCHGOROD. To the noith-east of the province of Kiow, be- tween the boristhenes and the Tanais, or Don, is the government of Belgorod, which is as large as that of Kiow. This is one of the most fniitful provinces of Russia, and furnishes Poland with a prodigious number of that large cattle known bj the name of Ukraine oxen. These two pro- vinces are secured from the incursions of the petty Tartar tribes, by lines extending from the Boristhenes to the Tanais, and well furnished with forts and redoubts. eo HISTORY OF Farther nortliward we cross the Tanais, and come into the government of Worownitz, or Ve- ronise, which extends as far as the bai-.ks of the Palus Ma^otis. In the neighbourhood of the ca- pital of this province, which is called, by the Russians, Woronestch.at the mouth of the river of the same name, which falls into the Don, Peter the Great built his first fleet; an undertaking which was at that time entirely new to the in- habitants of these vast dominions. From thenco we come to the government of Nischgorod, abounding with grain, and is watered by the river Wolga. ASTRACAN. From the latter province we proceed southward to the kingdom of Astracan. 'i'his country reaches from forty-three and a half degrees north latitude (in a most delightful climate) to near fifty, including about as many degrees of longitude as of latitude. It is bounded on one side by the Caspian Sea, and on the other by the mountains of Circassia, projecting beyond the Caspian, along mount Caucasus. It is watered by the great river Woiga, the Jaick, and several other lesser streams, between which, accord- ing to I\Ir. Perry, the English engineer, canals might be cut, that would serve as reservoirs to receive the overflowing of the waters ; and by that means answer the same purposes as the canals of the Nile, and make the soil more fruitful : but to the right and left of the Wolga and Jaick, this fine country was inhabited, or rather infested, by Tartars, who never apply themselves to agriculture, but have always lived as strangers and sojourners upon the face of the earth. The above named engineer, Perry, who was PETER THE GREAT. 21 employed by Peter the Great in these parts, found a vast track, of land covered with pasture, le^- minous plants, cherry and almond trees, and large flocks of wild sheep, who fed in these so- litary places, and whose flesh was excellent. The inhabitants of these countries must be conquered and civilized, in order to second the efforts of nature, who has been forced in the climate of Petersburg. The kingdom of Astracan is a part of the an- cient Capshak, conquered by Gengis-KKan, and afterwards bv Tamerlane, whose dominion ex- tended as far as Moscow. The czar, John Basilides, grandson of John Basilowitz, and the greatest conqueror of all the Russian princes, delivered his country from the Tartarian yoke, in the sixteenth century, and added the kingdom of Astracan to his other conquests, in lr)54. Astracan is the boundary of Asia and Europe, and is so situated as to be able to carry on a trade with both ; as merchandizes may be con- veyed from tlie Caspian Sea, up to this town, by means of tlie Wolga. This was one of the grand schemes of Peter the Great, and has been partly carried into execution. An entire su-burb of As- tracan is inhabited by Indians. OREMBUKG. To the south-east of the kingdom of Astracaa ift a small country, newly planted, called Orem- burg. Ihe town of this name was built in the year 1731, on the banks of the river Jaick. This province is thick covered with hills, that are parts of Mount Caucasus. The passes in these mountains, and of the rivers that run down from them, are defended by forts raised at e()ual dis- tances. In this rtgion, formerly uninhabited, \he Persians come it present, to hide from the if HISTORY OF rapacity of robbers, such of their effects as have CBcapc-d the fury of the civil wars. Tlie ritj of Oreiubiirg is become the asylum of the Persians and their riches, and is grown considerable by their calamities. The natives of Great Bukari come huher to trade, so that it is become the mart of Asia. Of the Government of CASAN, a/(do/ GREAT PERMIA. Beyond the Wolga and Jaick, towards the north, lies the kingdom of Casan, which, like that of Astracan, fell by partition to one of the sons of Gengis Khan, and afterwards to a sou of Ta- merlane, and was at length conquered by John Basilides. It is still inhabited by a number of Mahometan Tartars. This vast country stretches aa far as Siberia ; it is allowed to have been for- merly very flourishing and rich, and still retains some part of its pristine opulence. A province of this kingdom, called Great Permia, and since Solikam, was the staple for the merchandizes of Persia, and the furs of Tartary. i here has been found in Permia a great quantity of the coin of the first Caliphs, and some Jartarian idols, made of gold ;* but these monuments of ancient opulence were found in the midst of bar- ren deserts and extreme poverty, where there were not the least traces of commerce : revolu- tions of this nature may easily happen to a barren countrv, seeing they are so soon brought about in the most fruitful provinces. The famous Swedish prisoner, Strahlemberg, who made such advantageous use of his misfor- tunes, and who examined those extensive coun- tries with so much attention, was the first who • Memoirs of Strahlemberg, confirmed by thoge sent me from Russia. PETER THE GREAT. 23 rave an air of probability to a fact, whicb before had beea always thougbt incredible ; namely, concerning the ancient commerce of these pro- vinces. Piiuy and Pomponius Mela relate, that, in the reign of Augustus, a king of the Suevi made a present to Metellus Celer of some In- dians who had been cast by a storm upon the coasts bordering on the Elbe. But how couJd inhabitants of India navigate the Germanic seas 1 This adventure was deemed fabulous by all our moderns, especially after the change made in the commerce of our hemisphere by the discovery of the Cape of Good Hope. But formerly it was no more extraordinary to see an Indian trading to the parts to the north-west of his country, than to see a Roman go from India by the way of Arabia. The Indians went to Persia, and thence embarked on the Hyrcanian Sea, and ascending the Rha, now the Wolga, got to Great Permia through the river Kama ; from whence they might take shipping again on the Black Sea, or the Baltic. They have, in all times, been enter- prising men. The Tyrians undertook most sur- prising voyages. If after surveying all these vast provinces, we direct our view towards the cast, we shall find the limits of Europe and Asia again confounded. A new name is wanting for a considerable part of the globe. The ancients divided their known world into Kurope, Asia, and Africa; but they had not seen the tenth part of it : hence it hap- pens, that when we pass the Palus Rlieotis we are at a loss to know where Europe ends, or Asia begins ; all that tract of country lying bo- jfond mount Taurus was distinguished by the general appellation of Scythia, and afterwards by that of Tartary. It might not be improper, per- haps, to give the name of Terra; Arctic3>, or «4 HISTORY OF Northern Lands, to the coantry extending from the Baltic Sea to the confines of China ; as that of Terras Australes, or Southern Lands, are to that equally extensive part of the world, situated un- der the Antarctic Pole, and which serves to counterpoise the globe. Of the Governments of SIBERIA, o/i/ze SAMOJEDES, Me 0STIAK3 KAMTSHATKA, 4c. Siberia, with the territories beyond it, extends from the frontiers of the provinces of Archangel, Casan, and Astracaa, eastward as far as the sea of Japan : it joined the southern parts of Russia by Mount Caucasus ; from thence, to the country of Kamtshatka, is about one thousand two hun- dred computed French leagues ; and from south- em Tartary, which serves as its boundary, to the Frozen Sea, about four hundred, which is the least breadth of the Russian empire. This coun- try producevS the richest furs ; and this occasion- ed the discovery of it in the year 1563. In the sixteenth century, in the reign of the cxar, John Basilides, and not in that of Foedor. Johannowitz, a private person in the neighbour- hood of Archangel, named Anika, one tolerably richforhis condition of life and country, took notice that certain men of an extraordinary figure, and dressed in a manner unknown to that country, and who spoke a language understood by none but themselves, came every year down a river which falls into the Uwina,* and brought martins and black foxes, which they trucked for nails and pieces of glass ; just as the first savages of America used to exchange their gold with the Spaniards: he caused them to be followed by his sons and ser- vants, as far as their own country. Theae wero • Memoirs sent from Petersburg. PETER THE GREAT. 8d the Saraojedes, a people who seem to resemble the Laplanders, but are of a different race. They are, like that people, unacquainted with the use of bread ; and like them, they yoke rein-deer to draw their sledges. They live in caverns and huts, amidst the snow ; * but in other respec-ts, nature has made a visible difference between this species of men and the Laplanders. Their upper jaw projects forward, so as to be on a level with their nose, and their ears are placed higher. Both the men and women have no hair in any other part of their bodies, but their heads; and their nipple is of a deep black, like ebony. The Lapland men and women are distinguished by no such marks. By memoirs sent from these coun- tries so little known, 1 have been informed, that the author of the curious natural history of the king's garden, is mistaken, where, in speaking of the many curiosities of human nature, he con- founds the Lapland race with that of the Samo- jedes. There are many more different species of men than is commonly thought. The Samojedes, and the Hottentots, seem to be the two extremes of our continent ; and if we observe the black nipples of the Samojedian women, and the apron wiOi -which nature has furnished the Hottentot females, and which hangs half way down their thighs, we may have some idea of the great va- riety of our animal species, a variety unknown 10 those inhabiting great cities, who are gene- rally strangers to almost every thing that is not immediately within their view. The Samojedes are as singular in their moral as in their physical distinctions ; tliey pay no worship to the Supreme Being ; they border upon Manicheism, or rather upon tJie religion of the * Memoir* lent frond Petersburg. B 26 HISTORY OF wcient Magi in this one point, that they acknow> ledge a good and an evil principle. The horrible climate they inhabit may in some measure excuse this belief, which is of such ancient date, and so natural to those who are ignorant and unhappy. Theft, or murder, is never heard of amongst them ; being in a manner devoid of passions, they are strangers to injustice ; they have no terms in tb^ir language to denote vice and vir- tue, their extreme simplicity has not yet permit- ted them to form abstract ideas, they are wholly guided by pensation, and this is perhaps an in- contestable proof that men naturally love>justice, when not blinded by inordinate passions. Some of these savages were prevailed on to suffer themselves to be carried to Mo^-cow, where many things they saw struck them with admira- tion. Thev gazed upon the emperor as their god, and voluntarily engaged for themselves and countrsmen a present of two martens, or sables, every year for each inhabitant. Colonies were soon settled beyond the Oby,* and the lrtis,t and some forts built. In the year 1595, a Cos- sack officer was sent into this country, who con- quered it for the czar with onlv a few soldiers and some artillery, as Cortez did Mexico -, but he only made a conquest of barren deserts. In sailing up the Obj to the junction of the river Irtis with the Tobnl, they found a petty settlement, which they converted into the town • Called also the Ob, This lar^e river issues from the lake Altin in Calmuck Tartary, in Asia, from whence run- ning north it forms the boundary between Europe and Asia, and after traversin;^ a vast tract of above two thoa- sand mileF, it falls into a hay of the Frozen Sea. + In the Russian language Irtish, This river runs from N. to .S. thron<:h all Russia, and falling into the former **Ter, forniBpart of the boundery between Asia and Europe- PETER THE GREAT. 27 of Tobol,* now the capital of Siberia, and a con- siderable place. Who could imagine (hat this country was for along time tie residence of those very Huns, who under Attila carried their depre- dations as far as the gates of Rome, and that these Huns came from the north of China? The Usbeck Tartars succeeded the Huns, and the Russians the Usbecks. The possession of these savage countries has been disputed with as much murderous fury, as that of the most fruit- ful provinces. Siberia was formerly better peopled than it is at present, especially towards the southern parts ; if we may judge from the rivers and sepulchral monuments. All this part of the world, from the sixtieth de- gree of latitude, or thereabouts, as far as those mountains of perpetual ice which border the north seas, is totally different from the regions of the temperate zone , the earth produces neither the same plants, nor the same animals, nor are there the same sort of fishes in their lakes and rivers. Below the country of the Samojedes lies that of the Ostiaks, along the river Oby. These people have no resemblance in any respect with the Samojedes, save that like them and all the first race of men, they are hunters, fishermen, and shepherds ; some of them have no religion, not being formed into any society, and the others who live together in herds or clans, have a kind of worship, and pray to the principal object of their wants ; they adore the skin of a sheep, be- cause this creature is of all others tlie most ser- viceable to them ; just as the Egyptian husband- men made choice of an ox, as an emblem of the Deity who created that creature for the use of man. * In .he Russian language Toboloky. 28 HISTORY OF The Ostiaks have likewise other idol?, whose origin and worship are as little deserving our no- tice as their worshippers. There were some con- verts to Christianity made amongst them in the year 1 7 1 'J ; hut these, like the lowest of our pea- sants, are Christians without knowing what they profess. Several writers pretend that these people were natives of Great Permia, but as Great Permia is in a manner a desert, how comes it that its inhabitants should settle themselves at such a distance, and so inconveniently 1 This is a difEculty not worth clearing up. Every na- tion which has not cultivated the polite arts, do- serves to remain in obscurity. In the country of the Ostiaks m particular, and amongst their neighbours the Buratcs and Jaka- tians, they often discover a kind of ivory under ground, the nature of which is as yet unknown. Some take it to be a sort of fossil, and others the tooth of a species of elephants, the breed of which have been destroyed : but where is the country that does not afford some natural productions, which at once astonish and confound philosophy. Several mountains in this country abound with the amianthes or asbestos, a kind of incombus- tible flax, of which a sort of cloth and paper is sometimes made. To the south of the Ostiaks are the Burates, an- other people, who have not yet been made Chris- tians. Eastward there are several hordes, whom the Russians have not as yet entirely subdued. None of these people have the least knowledge of the calendar : they reckon their time by snows, and not by the apparent motion of the sun : as it snows regularly, and for a long time every winter, they say, ' I am so many snows old,' just as we say, I am so many years. And here I must relate the accounts given by PETER THE GREAT. %9 the Swedish officer Strahlemberg, who was taken prisoner in the battle of Paltowa, and lived fif- teen years in Siberia, and made the entire toar of that country. He says, that there are still some remains of an ancient people, whose skin is spotted or variegated with different colours, and that he himself had seen some of them, and the fact has been confirmed to me by Russians bom at Tobolsky. The variety of the human species seems to be greatly diminished, as we find very few of these extraordinary people, and they have probably been exterminated by some other race : for instance there are very few Albinos, or White Moors ; one of ihem was presented to the aca- demy of sciences at Paris, which I saw. It is the same with respect to several other species of animals which are rare. As to the Borandians, of whom mention is made so frequently in the learned history of the king's garden, my memoirs say, that this race ol people is entirely unkno%vn to the Russians. All the southern part of these countries is peopled by numerous hordes of Tartars. The ancient Turks came from this part of Tariary to conquer these extensive countries, of which they are at present in possession. The Calmucs and IVIonguls are the very Scythians who, under Ma- dies, made themselves masters of Upper Asia, and conquered Cyaxares, king of the Medes. They are the men, whom Gengis Khan and his sons led afterwards as far as Germany, and was termed the Mogul empire under Tamerlane. These people afford a lively instance of the vicis- situdes which have happened to all nations j some of their hoides, so far from being formi- dable now, are become vassals to Russia. Among these is a nation of Calmucs, dwelling between Siberia and the Caspian Sea, where, in 30 HISTORY OF tiie year 1720, there was discovered a subter- raneous house of stone, with urns, lamps, ear- rings, an equestrian statue of an oriental prince, with a diadem on his head, two women seated on thrones, and a roll of manuscripts, which were sent by Peter the Great to the academy of in- scriptions at Paris, and proved to be written in the Thibet language: all these are striking proofS; that the liberal arts formerly resided in this now barbarous country, and are lasting evidences of the truth of what Peter the Great was wont seve- raJ times to say, viz. that the arts had made the tour of the globe. The last province is Kamtshatka, the most eastern part of the continent. The inhabitants were absolutely void of all religion when they were first discovered. The north part of this country likewise affords fine furs, with which the inhabitants clothed themselves in winter, though they went naked all the summer season. The first discoverers were surprised to find in the southern parts men with long beards, while in the northern parts, from the country of the Samo- jedes, as far as the mouth of the river Amur, they have no more beards than the Americans. Thus, in the empire of Russia, there is a greater number rf different species, more singularities, and a greater diversity of manners and customs, tlian in any country in the known world. The first discovery of this country was made by a Cossack ofiicer, who went by land from Si- beria to Kamtshatka, m 1701, by order of Peter the Great, who, notwithstanding his misfortune at Narva, still continued to extend his care from one extremity of the continent to tie other. Afterwards, in 1725, some time before death surprised him, in the midst of his great exploits, he sent Captain Bering, a Dane, with exprew PETER THE GREAT. 31 orders to find out, if possible, a passage by the sea of Kamtshatka, to the ccast of America. Bering did not succeed in liis first atteirpt ; but the empress Anne sent him out again in 1733. M. Spengenberg, captain of a ship, his associate in this voyage, set out the first from Kamtshatka, but could not put to sea till the year 1739, so much time was taken up in getting to the port •where they were to embark, in buildi .)g and fit- ting out the ships, and providing the necessaries. Spengenberg sailed as far as the north part of Japan, through a streight, formed by a long chain of islands, and returned without having disco- vered the passage. In 1741, Bering cruised all over this sea, in company with De Lisle de la Croyere, the astro- nomer, of the same family of L'Isle, which has produced such excellent geographers : another captain likewise went upon the same discovery. They both made the coast of America, to the northward of California. Thus the north-east passage, so long sought after, was at length dis- covered, but there were no refreshments to be met with in those barren coasts. Their fresh water failed them, and part of the crew perished with the scurvy. 1 hey saw the northern bank of Cali- fornia for above a hundred miles, and saw some leathern canoes, with just such a sort of people in them as the Canadians. All their endeavours however proved fruitless : Bering ended his life in an island, to which he gave his name. The other captain, happening to be closer in with the Californiau coast, sent ten of his people on shore, who ever returned. The captain, after waiting for tuem in vain, found himself obliged to return back '0 Kamtshatka, and De Lisle died as he «'a» going on shore. Such are the disasters that i»ave geneially attended every new attempt upon ?9 HISTORY OF the northern seas. But what advantages maj yet arise from tliese powerful and dangerous dis- coveries, time alone can prove. We have now described all the different pro- vinces that compose the Russian dominions, from Finland to the sea of Japan. The largest parts of this empire have been all united at different times, as has been the case in all other kingdoms in the world. The Scythians, Huns, Massagetes, Slavians, Cimbrians, Getes, and Sarmatians, are now subjects of the czar. The Russians, pro- perly so called, are the ancient Roxolani or Slavi. Upon reflection, we shall find that most states were formed in che same manner. The French are an assemblage of Goths, of Danes called Normands, of northern Germans, called Burgun- dians ; of Franks, Allraans, and some Romans, mixed with the ancient Celtae. In Rome anrt Italy there are several families descended from the people of the Nonh, but none that we know of from the ancient Romans. The supreme pon- tiff is frequently the offspring of a Lombard, a Goth, a Teuton, or a Cimbrian. The Spaniards are a race of Arabs, Carthaginians. Jews, Tyrians, Visigoths, and Vandals, incorporated with the ancient inhabitants of the country. When na- tions are thus intermixed, it is a long time before tbey are civilized, or even before their language is formed. Some, indeed, receive these sooner, others later. Polity and the liberal arts are so difficult to establish, and the new raised structure is so often destroyed by revolutions, that we may wonder all nations are not so barbarous w Tartars. PETER THE GREAT 35 CHAP. II. Continuation of the description of Russia, population fiiiances, armies, customB, religion : state of Russia before Peter the Great. 'PHE more civilized a country is, the better it is peopled. Thus China and India are more populous than any other empires, because, after a multitude of revolutions, which changed the face of sublunary affairs, these two nations made the earliest establishments in civil society : the antiquity of their government, which had sub- sisted upwards of four thousand years, supposes, as we liave already observf^i, many essays and efforts in preceding agt.s. The Russians came very late ; but the arts having been introduced amongst theui in their full perftcdon, it has hap- pened, that they have made more progress in fifty years, than any other nation had done be- fore them in five hundred. The country is far from being populous, in proportion to its extent; but. such as it is, it has as great a number of in- habitants as any other state in Christendom. From the capitation lists, and the register of merchants, artificers, and male peasants, 1 might safely as>er-t, that Russia, at present, contains at least twenty-four millions of male inhabitants : of tliese twenty-four millions, the greatest part are villains or bondmen, as in Poland, several provinces of Germany, and formerly throujihout all Europe. The estate of a gentleman in Russia and Poland is computed, not i)y his increase in money, but by the number of his slaves. The following is a list, taken in 1747, of all the males who paid the capitation or poll-tax : — Merchants or tradesmen 198000 Handicrafts .... .... 1650w B2 S4 HISTORV or Peasants incorporated with the mer- chants and handicrafts 1950 Peasants called Odonoskis, who contri- bute to maintain the militia . . . 430220 Others who do not contribute thereto . 26080 Workmen of different trades, whose parents are not known 1000 Others who are not incorporated with the companies of tradesmen . . . 4700 Peasants immediately dependent on the crown, about 555000 Persons employed in the mines belong- ing to the crown, partly Christians, partly Mahometans and Pagans . . 64000 Other peasants belonging to the crown, who work in the mines, and in pri- vate manufactories 24200 New converts to the Greek church . 57000 Tartars and Ostiaks (peasants) . . . 241000 Mourses, Tartars, Mordauts, and others, whether Pagans or Christians, em- ployed by the admiralty .... 7800 Tartars subject to contribution, called Tepteris, Bobilitz, Sec 28900 Bondmen to several merchants, and other privileged persons, who though not landholders, are allowed to have slaves 9100 Peasants in the lands set apart for the support of the crown 418000 Peasants on the lands belonging to her majesty, independently of the rights of the crown 60500 Peasants on the lands confiscated to the crown 13600 Bondmen belonging to the assembly of the clergy, and who defray other ex- penses 37500 PETER THE GREAT. 35 Bondmen belonging to gentlemen . . 3550000 Bondmen belonging to bishops . . . 116400 Bondmen belonging to convents, whose numbers were reduced by Peter the Great 721500 Bondmen belonging to cathedral and parish churches 2S700 Peasants employed as labourers in the docks of the admiralty, or in otlier public wc^iks, about 4000 Labourers in the mines, and in private manufactures 16000 Peasants on the lands assigned to the principal manufactures 14500 Labourers in the mines belonging to the crown 300 Bastards brought up by the clergy . . 40 Sectaries called Raskolniky .... iii'iOO Total 6646390 Here we have a round number of six millions six hundred forty-six thousand three hundred and ninety male persons, who pay the poll-tax. In this number are included boys and old men, but girls and women are not reckoned, nor boys born between the making of one register of the lands and another. Now, if we only reckon triple the number of heads subject to be taxed, including women and girls, we shall find near twenty millions of souls. To this number we may add the military list, ■which amounts to three hundred and fifty thou- sand men : besides, neither the nobili-ty nor clergy, who arc computed at two hundred thousand, are subject to this capitation. Foreigners, of whatever country or profession, are likewise exempt : as also the inhaLiiant.s uf 56 IIISTOUV OF the conquered countries, namely, Livon;a, Es- thonia, Ingria, Carelia, and a part of Finland, the Ukraine, and the Don Cossacks, the Cal- mucks, and other Tartars, Samojedes. the Lap- landers, the Ostiaks, and all the idolatrous people of Siberia, a country of greater extent than China. By the same calculation, it is impossible that the total of the inhabitants of Russia should amount to less than twenty-four millions. At this rate, there are eight persons to every square mile. The English ambassador, whom I have mentioned before, allows only five ; but he cer- tainly was not furnished with such faithful me- moirs as those with which 1 have been favoured. Russia therefore is exactly five times less po- pulous than Spain, but contains near four times the number of inhabitants : it is almost as popu- lous as France or Germany ; but, if we consider its vast extent, the number of souls is thirty times less. There is one important remark to be made in regard to this enumeration, namely, that out o! six million six hundred and forty thousand peo- ple liable to the poll-tax, there are abuut nine hundred thousand that belong to the Russian clergy, without reckoning either the ecclesiastics of the conquered countries, of the Ukraine, or of Siberia. Therefore, out of seven persons liable to the poll-tax, the clergy have one ; but, nevertheless, they are far from possessing the seventh part of the whole revenues of the state, as is the case in many other kingdoms, where they have at least H seventh of all estates; for their peztsants pay :j capitation to the sovereign ; and the other taxes of the crown of Russia, in which the clei^ ^.ive no share, are very considerable. T\;\» valuation is very different from that of PETER THE GREAT. 3*^ ftll other writers, on the aflFairs of Russia ; so that forpign ministers, who have transmitted memoirs of this state to their courts, have been great!}'- mistaken. The archives of the empire are the only things to be consulted. It is very probable, that Russia has been bet- ter peopled than it is at present ; before the sraall-pox, that came from the extremities of Arabia, and the great pox that came from Ame- rica, had spread over these climates, where they have now taken root. The world owes these two dreadful scourges, which have depopulatec it more than all its wars, the one to Mahomet, and the other to Christopher Columbus. The plague, which is a native of Africa, seldom ap- proached the countries of the North : besides, the people of those countries, from Sarmatia to the Tartars, who dwell beyond the great wall, having overspread the world by their irruptions, this ancient nursery of the human species must have been surprisingly diminished. In this vast extent of country, tnere are said to be about seventy-four ♦.housand monks, and five thousand nuns, notwithstanding the care taken by Peter the Great to reduce their number; a care worthy the legislator of an empire where the human race is so remarkably deficient. These thirteen thousand persons, thus immured and lost to the state, have, as the reader may have observed, seventy-two thousand bondmen to till their lajids, which is evidently too great a num- ber : there cannot be a stronger proof how diffi- cult it is to eradicate abu.^es of a long standing. I find, by a list of the revenues of the empire in 17o5, that reckoning the tribute paid by the Tartars, with all taxes and duties in money, the 8um total amounted to thirteen millions of rubles, which jnakes sixty five millions of French livreb. 38 HISTORY OF exclusive of tributes in kind. This moderate sum was at that time sufficient to maintain three hundred and thirty-nine thousand five hundred, as well sea as land forces : but both the revenues and troops are augmented since that time. The customs, diets, and manners of the Rus- sians, ever bore a greater affinity to those of Asia than to those of Europe: such was the old cus- tom of receiving tributes in kind, of defraying the expenses of ambassadors on their journeys, and during their residence in the country, and of never appearing at church, or in the royal pre- sence with a sword ; an oriental custom, directly the reverse of that ridiculous and barbarous one amongst us, of addressing ourselves to Gcd, to our king, to our friends, and to our women, with an offensive weapon, which hangs down to the bottom of the leg. The long robe worn on public days, had a more noble air than the short habits of the western nations of Europe. A vest lined and turned up with fur, with a long scimar, adorned with jewels for festival days ; and those high turbans, which add to the stature, were much more striking to the eye than our perukes and close coats, and more suitable to cold cli- mates ; but this ancient dress of all nations seems to be not so well contrived for war, nor so con- venient for working people. .Most of their other customs were rustic ; but we must not imagine, that their manners were so barbarous as some writers would have us believe. Albert Krants relates a story of an Italian ambassador, whom the czar ordered to have his hat nailed to his head, for not pulling it cff while he was making his speech to him. Others attribute this adven- ture to a Tartar, and others again to a French ambassador. Olearius pretends, that he czar Michael PETEK THE GREAT. 39 Theodorowitz, banished the marquis of E-xideuil, ambassador from Henry IV. of France, into Siberia ; but it is certain, that this monarch sent no ambassador to INIoscow, and that there never was a marquis of Exideiiil in France. In the same manner do travellers speak about the country of Borandia, and of the trade they have carried on with the people of Nova Zembla, which is scarcely inhabited at all, and the long conversations they have had with some of the Samojedes, as if they understood their language. Were the enormous compilations of voyages to be cleared of every thing that is not true nor use- ful in them, both the works and the public would be gainers by it. The Russiaii government resembled that of the Turks, in respect to the standing forces, or guards, called Strelitzes, who, like the janissaries, some- times disposed of the crown, and frequently dis- turbed the state as much as they defended it. Their number was about forty thousand. Those who were dispersed in the provinces, subsisted by rapine and plunder ; those in Moscow lived like citizens, followed trades, did no duty, and carried their insolence to the greatest excess : in short, there was no other way to preserve peace and good order in the kingdom, but by breaking them ; a very necessary, and at the same time a very dangerous step. The public revenues did not exceed five mil- lions of rubles, or about twenty-five millions of French livres This was suflBcient when czar Peter came to the crown to maintain the ancient mediocrity, but was not a third part of what was necessary to go certain lengths, and to render himself and people considerable in Europe : but at the same time many of tlieir taxes were paid ia kind, according to the Turkish custom, which 40 HISTORY OF is less burthensome to the people than that of paying their tributes in money. OF TFIE TITLE OF CZAR. As to the title of czar, it may possibly come from the tzars or tchars of the kingdom of Casau. When John, or Ivan Basilides, completed tbe conquest of this kingdom in the sixteenth century, which had been begun by his grandfather, who afterwards lost it, he assumed this title, which his successors have retained ever since. Before John Basilides, the sovereign of Russia, took the title of Welike Knez, i. e. great prince, great lord, great chief, which the Christian nations af- terwards rendered bv that of great duke. Czar Michael Theodorowitz, when he received the Holstein embassy, took to himself the follo\\'ing titles : ' Great knez, and great lord, conservator of all the Russias, prince of Wolodomer, Moscow, Xovogorod, &c. tzar of Casan, tzar of Astracan, and Lzar of Siberia.' Tzar was, therefore, a title belonging to these eastern princes ; and, there- fore, it is more probable to have been derived from the tshas of Persia, than from the Roman Caesars, whom the Siberian tzars, on the banks of the Oby, can hardly be supposed to have ever heard. No title, however pompous, is of any conse- quence, if those who bear it are not great and powerful themselves. The word emperor, which originally signified no more than general of the army, became the title of the sovereign of the Roman republic : it is now given to the supreme governor of all the Russias, more justly than to any other potentate, if we consider the power and extent of his dominions. RELIGION. The established religion of this country has, ?ver since the eleventh centurv, been that of the PETER THE GREAT. 41 Greek church, so called in opp.osition to the Latin : though there were always a greater number of Mahometan and Pagan proTinces, than of those inhabited by Christians. Siberia, as far as China, was in a state of idolatry ; and, in some of the provinces, they were utter strangers to all kind of religion. Perry, the engineer, and baron Strahlemberg, who both -esided so many years in Russia, tell us, that they found more sincerity and probity among the Pagans than the other inhabitants ; not that paganism made them more virtuous, but their manner of living, which, was that of the pri- mitive ages, as they are called, freed them from all the tumultuous passions ; and, in consequence, they were known for their integrity. Christianity did not get footing in Russia and the other countries of the North, till very late. It is said, that a princess, named Olha, first in- troduced it, about the end of the tenth century, as Clotilda, niece to an Arian prince, did among the Franks , the wife of Miceslaus, duke of Po- land, among the Poles ; and the sister of the em- peror Henry II. among the Hungarians. Women are naturally easily persuaded by the ministers of religion, and as easily persuade the other part of mamkind. It is further added, that the princess Olha caused herself to be baptized at Constantinople, by the name of Helena ; and that, as soon as she embraced Christianity, the emperor John Zimis- ces fell in love with her. It is most likely that she was a widow ; however, she refused the em- peror. The example of the princess Olha, or Olga, as she is called, did not at first make many proselytes. Her son,* who reigned a long time, • liiG name was SowattoH-slaw. 42 HISTORY OF was not of the same way of thinking ashis mother , but her grandson, Wolodomer. who was born of a concubine, having murdered his brother and mounted the throne, sued for the alliance of Ba- siles, emperor of Constantinople, but could obtain it only on condition of receiving baptism : and this event, which happened in the year 987, is the epocha when the Greek church was first es- tablished in Russia. Photius. the patriarch, so famous for his immense erudition, his disputes with the church of R.ome, and for his misfortunes, sent a person to baptize Wolodomer, in order to add this part of the world to the patriarchal see.* Wolodimer, or Wolodomer, therefore com- pleted the work which his grandmother had be- gun. A Greek was made the first metropolitan* or patriarch of Russia ; and from this time the Russians adopted an alphabet, taken partly from the Greek. This would have been of advantage to them, had they not still retained the princi- ples of their own language, which is the Sclavo- nian in every thing, but a few terms relating to their liturgy and church government. One of the Greek patriarchs, named .'eremiah, having a suit depending before the divan, came to Moscow to solicit it ; where, after some time, he resigned his authority over the Russian churches, and con- secrated patriarch, the archbishop of Novogorod, named Job. This was iu the year 1.588, from which time the Russian church became as inde- pendent as its empire. The patriarch of Russia has ever since been consecrated by the Russian bishops, and not by the patriarch of Constanti- no])le. He ranked in the Greek church next Iff • Tbis anecdote is taken from a private ^IS. entitled, ' The Ecclesiastical Government of Russia." which is lika^ wiK deposited in the public library. PETER THE GREAT. 43 the patriarch of Jerusalem, but he was in fact the only free and powerful patriarch ; and, conse- quently, the only real one. Those of Jerusalem, Constantinople, Antioch, Alexandria, are merce- nary chiefs of a church, enslaved by the Turks r and even the patriarchs of Jerusalem and Antioch are no longer considered as such, having no more credit or influence in Turkey, than the rabbins of the Jewish synagogues settled there. It was from a person who was a patriarch of all the Kussias, that Peter the Great was de- scended in a right line. These new prelates soon wanted to share the sovereign authority with the czars. i'hey thought it not enough that their prince walked bare-headed, once a year before the patriarch, leading his horse by the bridle. These external marks of respect only served to increase their thirst for rule ; a passion which proved the source of great troubles in Russia, as well as in other countries. Nicon, a person whom the monks look upon as a saint, and who was patriarch in the reign ('( Alexis, the father of Peter the Great, wanted to raise his dignity above that of the throne ; for he not only assumed the privilege of sitting by tlie side of the czar in the senate, but pretended that neither war nor peace could be made with- out his consent. His authority was t^o great, that, being supported by his immense wealth, and by his intrigues with the clergy and the people, he kept his master in a kind of subjection. He had the boldness to excommunicate some senators who opposed his excessive insolence; till at last, Alexis, finding himself not powerful enough to depose Lim by his own authority, was obliged to convene a synod of all the bishops. There the patriarch was accused of having received money from the Poles j and being convicted, was deposed, 44 HISTORY OF and confined for the remainder of his days in a monaster^', after which the prelates chose another patriarch in his stead. From the first infancy of Christianity in Russia, there have been several sects there, as well as in other countries ; for sects are as frequently the fruits of ignorance, as of pretended knowledge : but Russia is the only Christian state of any con- siderable ext-ent, in which religion has not excit- ed civil wars, though it has felt some occasional tiunults. The Raskolnikys, who consist at present of about two thousand males, and who are men- tioned in the foregoing list,* are the most ancient sect of any in this country. It was establishe^d in the twelfth century, bv some enthusiasts, who had a superficial knowledge of the New Testa- ment- they made use then, and still do, of the old pretence of all sectaries, that of following the letter, and accused all other Christians of remissness. They would not permit a priest, who had drank brandy, to confer baptism ; they affirmed, in the words of our Saviour, that there is neither a first nor a last, among the faithful ; and held, that one of the elect might kill himself for the love of his Saviour. According to them it is a great sin to repeat the hallelujah three times ; and, therefore, repeat it only twice. The benediction is to be given only with three fingers. In other respects, no society can be more regu- lar, or strict in its morals. They live like the quakers, and, like them, do not admit any other Christians into their assemblies, which is the reason that these have accused them of all the abominations of which the heathens accused the primitive Galileans: these latter, the gnostics, • See page .^5. PETER THE GREAT. 46 and with which the Roman catholics have charg- ed the protestants. They have been frequently accused of cutting the throat of an infant, and drinking its blood ; and of mixing together in their private ceremonies, without distinction of kindred, age, or even of sex. They have been persecuted at tiroes, and then they shut them- selves up in their hamlets, set fire to their houses, and thrown themselves into the tiames. Peter took the only method of reclaiming them, which was by letting them live in peace. But to conclude, in all this vastempiie, there are but twenty eight e})iscopal sees ; and in Peter's time there were but twenty -two. This small number was, })erhaps, one of the causes to which the Russian church owes its tranquillity. So very circumscribed was the knowledge of the clergy, that czar Theodore, brother to Peter the Great, was the first who introduced the custom of singing Psalms in churches. Theodore and Peter, espev-laUy the latter, ad- mitted indifFerently, into thtir councils and their armies, those of the Greek, the Latin, the Lu- theran, and the Calvinift communion, leaving every one at liberty to serve God after his own conscience, provided he did his duty to the state. At that time there was not one Latin church in this great empire of two thousand leagues, till Peter established some new manufactures at As- tracan,when there were about sixty Roman catho ■ lie families, under the direction of the ca|)uchins ; but the Jesuits endeavouring to establish them- selves in his dominions, he drove them out by an edict, published in the month of April, 17 18. He tolerated the capuchins as an insignificant set of monks, but considered the Jesuits as dangerous politicians. The Greek church has at once the honour and 4o HISTORY OF Batisfaction o see its communion extended throughout c.n empire of two thousand leagues in length, while that of Rome is not in possession of half that tract in Europe. Those of the Greek communion have, at all times, been particularly attentive to maintain an equality between theirs and the Latin church ; and always upon their guard against the zeal of the see of Rome, which they look upon as ambition ; because, in fact, that church, whose power is very much circum- scribed in our hemisphere, and yet assumes the title of universal, has always endeavoured to act up to that title. The Jews never made any settlements in Russia, as they have done iu most of the other states of Europe, from Constantinople to Rome. The Russians have carried on their trade by themselves, or by the help of the nations settled amongst them. Theirs is the only country of the Greek communion, where synagogues are not seen by the side of Christian temples. Coneluaion of the State of RUSSIA before PETER the GREAT. Russia is indebted solely to czar Peter for its great influence in the affairs of Europe : being of no consideration in any other reign, since it embraced Christianity. Before '.his period, the Russians made the same figure on the Black Sea, that the Normans did afterwards on the coasts of the ocean. In the reign of the emperor Hera- clius, they fitted out an armament of forty thou- sand small barks; appeared before Constanti- nople, which thev besieged, and imposed a tribute on the Greek emperors; but the grand knez Woiodimar, being wholly taken up uath the care of establishing Chrifltianity in his do- PETER THE GREAT. 47 in'nions, and wearied out with intestine broils in his own family, weakened his dominions by dividing them between his children. They al- most all fell a prey to the Tartars, who held Russia in subjection near two hundred years. At lenotl Join Basilides freed it from slavery, and enlar>jed its boundaries: bat, after his time, it was ruined again by civil wars. Before the time of Peter the Great, Russia was neither so powerful, so well cultivated, so popu- lous, nor so rich as at present. It had no posses- sions in Finland, nor in Livonia ; and this latter alone had long been worth more than all Siberia. The Cossacks were still unsubjected, nor were the people of Astracan reduced to obedience •, what little trade was carried on, was rather to their disadvantage. The White Sea, the Baltic, the Pontus Euxinus, the sea of Azoph, and the Caspian Sea, were entirely useless to a nation that had not a single ship, nor even a term in their language to express a fleet. If nothing more had been wanting but to be superior to the Tartars, and the other nations of the north, as far as China, the Russians undoubtedly had that advantage, but they were to be brought upon an equality with civilized nations, and to be in a condition, one day, of even surpassing several of them. Such an undertaking apj)eared altogether impracticable, inasmuch as they had not a single ship at sea, and were absolutely ignorant of mi- litary dicipline by land : nay, the most common manufactures were hardJy encouraged, and agri- culture itself, that primnm mobile of trade, was neglected. This requires the utmost attention and encouragement on the part of a govornment; and it is to this that the English are indebted, for finding in their corn a treasure far superior to their woollen manufacture. 43 HISTORY OF This gross neglect of the necessary arts, suffi* cieRtly shews that the people of Russia had no idea of the polite arts, which become necessar}', in their tarn, when we have cdtivated the others. Thej might indeed, have sent some of the na- tives to gain instruction among foreigners, but the difference of languages, manners, and reli- gion, opposed it. Besides, there was a iaw of state and religion, equally sacred and pernicious, which prohibited any Russian from going out of his country, and thus seemed to devote this peo- ple to eternal ignorance. They were in posssr.- sion of the most extensive dominions in the uni- verse, and yet every thing was wanted amongst them. At length Peter was bom, and Russia became a civilized state. Happily, of all the great lawgivers who bav3 lived in the world, Peter is the only one whose his- tory is well known. Those of Theseus and Romu- lus, who did far less than him, and of the founders of all well-governed states, are blended with the most absurd fictions : whereas here, we have tba advantage of written truths, which would pass for nctious, were they not so well attested. CHAP. III. The ancestors of Peter the Great. 'T'HE family of Peter the Great have been in possession of the throne ever since the year 1613. Before that time, Russia had undergone revolutions, which h-ad retarded the reform.ation of her police, and the introduction of the liberal arts. This has been the fate of all human socie- ties. No kingdom ever experienced more crueJ troubles. In the year 1.597, -the tyranf. Boris PETER THE GREAT. 4i Godonow assassinated Demetrius (or Demetri, as he was called), the lawful heir, and usurped the empire. A young monk took the name of Demetrius, pretending to be that prince who had escaped from his murderers ; and with the assis- tance of the Poles, and a considerable party (which every tyrant has against him), he drove out the usurper, and seized the crown himself. The imposture was discovered as soon as he came to the sovereignty, because the people were not pleased with him ; and he was murdered. Three other false Demetrius's started up, one after another. Such a succession of impostors, supposes a country in the utmost distraction. The less men are civilized, the more easily they are imposed on. It may readily be conceived, how much these frauds augmented the public confusion and misfortunes. The Poles, who had begun the revolutions, by setting up the first false Demetrius, were on the point of being masters of Russia. The Swedes shared in the spoils on the coast of Finland, and laid claim to the crown. The state seemed on the verge of utter destruc- tion. In the midst of these calamities, an assembly, composed of the principal boyards, chose for their sovereign a yoimg man of fifteen years of age : this happened in 1613, and did not seem a very likely method of putting an end to these troubles. This young man w;is Michael Roma- now,* grandfather to czar Peer, and son to the archbishop of Ilotow, surnamed PliilaTcles, and of a nun, and related by the mother's bide to the ancient czars. • Tbu8 the Russians call this roung man ; but in all French authors we find Romano, tluit lanj^uai^e having u& Burh letter ae the W ; others again cull hira Komatioff. c 50 HISTORY OF It must be observed, that this archbisbop was a powerful nobleman, whom the tyrant Boris had obliged to become priest. His wife, Scheremetow, was likewise compelled to take the veil ; this was the ancient custom of the western tyrants of the Latin church, as that of putting out the eyes was with the Greek Christians. The tyrant Deme- trius made Philaretes archbishop of Rostow, and sent him ambassador to Poland, where he was detained prisoner by the Poles, who were then at war with the Russians ; so little was the law of nations known to the different people of these times. During his father's confinement, young Romanow was elected czar. The archbishop was exchanged against some Polish prisoners ; and, at his return, his son created him patriarch, and the old man was in fact king, under his son's name. If such a government appears extraordinary to strangers, the marriages of czar Michael Roma- now, will seem stil4 more so. The Russian princes had never intermarried with foreign states since the year 1490, or after they became masters of Casan and Astracan ; they seem to have followed the .Vsiatic customs in almost every thing, and especially in that of marrying only among their own subjects. This conformity to the ancient customs of Asia, was still more conspicuous at the ceremonies observed at the marriage of a czar. A num.ber of the most beautiful women in the provinces were sent for to court, where they were received by the grand gouvemante of the court, who pro- vided apartments for them in her own house, where they all eat together. The czar paid them visits, sometimes incognito, and sometimes in his real character. The wedding-day was fixed, without its being declared on whom the choice had fallen. At the appointed time, the happy PETER THE GREAT. 51 she was presented with a rich wedding-suit, and other dresses were given to the rest of the fair candidates, wlio then returned home. There have been four instances of these marriages. In this manner was Michael Romanow es- poused to Eudocia, the daughter of a poor gen- tleman, named Streschneu. He was employed in ploughing his grounds with his servants, when the lords of the bed-chamber came to him with presents from the czar, and to acquaint him that his daughter was placed on the throne. The name of the princess is still held in the highest venera- tion by the Russians. This custom is greatly different from ours, but not the less respectable on that account. It is necessary to observr-, that before Roma- now was elected czar, a strong party had made choice of prince Ladislaus, son to Sigismund 111. king of Poland. At the same time, the pro- vinces bordering on Sweden had offered the crown to a brother of Gustavus Adolphus : so that Russia was in the same situation then in which we have so frequently seen Poland, where the right of electing a king has been the source of civil wars. But the Russians did not follow the example of the Poles, who entered into a compact with the prince whom they elected ; notwithstanding they had smarted from the op- pression of tyrants, yet they voluntarily sub- mitted to a young man, without making any con- ditions with him. Russia never was an elective kingdom ; but the male issue of the ancient sovereigns failing, and six czars, or pretenders, having perished miserably in the late troubles, there was, a.s we have observed, a necessity for electing a mo- narch ; and this election occasioned fresh wars uith Poland and Sweden, who maintained, with 52 HISTORY OF force of arms, their pretended rights tD the crown of Russia. The right of governing a na- tion against its own will, can never be long sup- ported. The Poles, on their side, after having advanced as far as jMoscow, and exercised all the ravages in which the military expeditions of those times chiefly consisted, concluded a truce for fourteen rears. Bv this truce, Poland re- mained in possession of the duchy of Smolensko, in which the Boristhene.s has its source. The Swedes also made peace, in virtue of which they remained in possession of Ingria, and deprived the Russians of all communication with the Baltic Sea, so that this empire was separated more than ever from the rest of Europe. Michael Romanow, after this peace, reigned quietly, without making any alteration in the state, either to the improvement or corruption of the administration. After his death, which happened in 1645, his son, Alexis Michaelowitz (or son of Michael), ascended the throne by hereditary right. It may be observed, that the czars were crowned by the patriarch of Russia, according to the ceremonies in use at Constanti- nople, except that the patriarch of Russia, was seated on the same ascent with the sovereign, and constantly affected an equality highly insult- ing to the supreme power. ALEXIS MICHAELOWITZ. Alexis was married in the same manner as his father, and from among the young women pre- sented, he chose the one who appeared the most amiable in his eyes. He married a daughter of the boyard Mefoslauski, in 1647 ; his second wife, whom he married in 1671, was of the fa- mily of Nariskin, and his favourite Morosow was married to another. 'I'here cannot be a mors PETER THE GREAT. 53 Buitable title found for this favoarite tban that of vizier, for be governed the empire in a despotic manner ; and, by his great power, excited several commotions among the strelitzes and the popu- lace, as frequently happens at Constantinople. The reign of Alexis was disturbed by bloody insurrections, and by domestic and foreign wars. A chief of the Don Cossacks, named Stenko- Rasin, endeavoured to make himself king of Astracan, and was for a long time very formida- ble; but, being at length defeated and taken prisoner, he ended his life by the hands of the executioner ; like all those of this stamp, who have nothing to expect but a throne or a scaflfold. About twelve thousand of his adherents are said to have been hanged on the high road to Astra- can. In this part of tbe world, men being uninflu- enced by morality, were to be governed only by rigour ; and from this severity, frequently carried on to a degree of cruelty, arose slavery, and a secret thirst of revenge. Alexis had a war with the Poles that proved successful, and terminated in a peace, which secured to him the possession of Smolensko, Kiow, and the Ukraine : but he was unfortunate against the Swedes, and the boundaries of the Russian empire were contracted within a very narrow compass on that side of the kingdom. The Turks were at that time his most formi- dable enemies : they invaded Poland, and threat- ened the dominions of the czar that bordered upon Crim Tartary, the ancient Taurica Clierso- nesus. In 1671, tliey took the important city of Kaminiek, and all that belonged to Poland in tbe I'kraine. The Coss:\cks of that country, ever averse to 'Subjection, knew not whether they belonged to tlie Turks, Poland, or Uussia. Sultan Mahomet 1 V. who had conquered the Poles, and 54 HISTORY OF had just imposed a tribute upon them, demanded, with all the haughtiness of an Ottoman victor, that the czar should evacuate his possessions in the Ukraine, but received :is haughty a denial from that prince. Men did not know at that time how to disguise their pride, by an outside of civility. The sultan, in his letter, styled the sovereign of the Russias only Christian Hospodar, and entitled himself 'most gracious majesty, king of the universe.' The czar replied in these terms, ' that he scorned to submit to a Mahome- tan dog, and that his scimetar was as good as the grand seignior's sabre.' Alexis at that time formed a design which seemed to presage the influence which the Rus- sian empire would one day obtain in the ChTJstian world. He sent ambas.^adors to the pope, and to almost all the great sovereigns in Europe, ex- cepting France (which was in alliance with the Turks), in order toestablish a league against the Ottoman Porte. His ambassadors at the court of Rome succeeded only in not being obliged to kiss the pope's toe ; and in other courts they met with only unprofitable good wishes ; the quarrels of the Christian princes between themselves, and the jarring interests arising from those quarrels, having constantly prevented them from uniting against the common enemy of Christianity. In the mean time, the Turks threatened to chastise the Poles, who refused to pay their tri- bute : czar Alexis assisted on the side of Crim Tartary, and John Sobieski, general of the crown, wiped off his countrj''s stain in the blood of the 'J urks, at the famous battle of Choczini,* in 1674, • Or Chotsin, a town of Upper Moldavia in European Turkey, well fortified both by nature aud art, situated oa the Driester, aud subject to the Turks, from whom it B-as taken by the Russians in 1739. PETER THE GREAT. 55 which paved his way co the throne. Alexis dis- puted this very throne with him, and proposed to unite his extensive dominions to Poland, as the Jagellons had done ; but in regard to Li- thuania, the greatness of his offer was the cause of its being rejected. He is said to have been very deserving of the new kingdom, by the man- ner in which he governed his own. He was the first who caused a body of laws to be digested in Russia, though imperfect ; and introduced both linen and silk nu'inufactures, which indeed were not long kept up ; nevertheless, he had the merit of their first establishment. He peopled the deserts about the Wolga and the Kama, with Lithuanian, Polish, and Tartarian families, whom he had taken prisoners in his wars : before his reign, all prisoners of war were the slaves of those to wliose lot they fell. Alexis employed them in agriculture : he did his utmost endea- vours to introduce discipline among his troops, in a word, he was worthy of being the father of Peter the Great ; but he had no time to perfect what he had begun, being snatched away by a sudden death, at the age of forty-six, in the beginning of the year 1677, according to our st)'le, which is eleven days forwarder than that of Russia. F(EDOR. or THEODORE ALEXIOWITZ. Upon the death of Alexis, son of Michael, all fell again into confusion. He left, by his first mar- riage, two princes, and six princesses. Theodore, the eldest, ascended the throne at fifteen years of age. He was a priice of a weak and sickly con- stitution, but of merit superior to his bodily in- firmities. His father Alexis had caused him to be acknowledged his successor, a year before his death : a conduct observed by the kings of France 56 HISTORY OF from Hugh Capet down to Lewis tbe Young, and by many other crowned heads. The second son of Alexis was Iwan, or John, who was still worse treated by nature than his brother Theodore, being almost blind and dumb, very infirm, and frequently attacked with convul- sions. Of six daughters, bom of this first mar- riage, the only one who made any figure in Europe was the princess Sophia, who was remarkable for her great talents ; but unhappily still more so for the mischief she intended against Peter the Great. Alexis, by his second marriage with another of his subjects, daughter of the boyard Nariskin, had Peter and the princess Nathalia. Peier was bom the 3()th of ]May (or the 10th of June new stile), in the vear 167 '2, and was but four } ears old when he lost his father. As the children of a second mar- riage were not much regarded in Russia, it was little expected that he would one dav mount the throne. It had ever been the character of the family of RomLmow to civilize their state. It was also that of Theodore. We have already remarked, in speaking of Moscow, that this prince encouraged the inhabitants of that city to h\ ild a great number of stone bouses. He likewise enlarged that capi- tal, and made several useful regulations in the general police ; but, by attempting to reform the boyards, he made them all his enemies : besides, he was not possessed of sufficient knowledge, vigour, or resolution, to venture upon making a general reformation. The war with the Turks, or rather with the Crim Tartars, in which he was constantly engaged with alternate success, would not permit a prince of his weak state of health to attempt so great a work. Theodore, like the rest of his predecessors, married one of his own sub- jects, a native of the frontiers of Poland ; but hav- PETER THE GREAT. 57 ing lost her in less than a year after their nuptials, he took for his second wife, iu 168i, Martha Matweowna, daughter of the secretary Nariskin.* Some months after this marriage, he was seized with the disorder which ended his days, and died without leaving any children. As the czars mar- ried without regard to birth, they might likewise (at least at that time) appoint a successor without respect to primogeniture. The dignity of consort and heir to the sovereign seemed to be entirely the reward of merit ; and, in that respect, the custom of this empire was much preferable to the customs of more civilized states. Theodore, before he expired, seeing that his brother Iwan was by his natural infirmities in- capable of governing, nominated his younger brother Peter, heir to the empire of Russia. Peter, who was then only in his tenth year, had already given the most promising hopes. If, on the one hand, the custom of raising a subject to the rank of czarina, was favourable to the females, there was another which was no less hard upon them ; namely, that the daughters of the czars were very seldom married, but were most of them obliged to pass their lives in a monastery. The princess Sophia, third daughter of czar Alexis, by his first marriage, was possessed of abilities, equally great and dangerous. Perceiv- ing that her brother Theodore had not long to live, she did not retire to a convent ; but finding her- self situated between two brothers, one of whom was incapable of governing, through his natural inability ; and the other, on account of his youth, • This must certainly be a mistake of M. de Voltaire, or an error in the pres^s ; for the lady here spoken of WM the daughter of Matthias Apraxim, a person on whom Theodore had lately conferred nobility. C2 58 HISTORY OF she conceived the design of j. lacing herself at the head of the empire. Hence, in the last hours of czar Theodore, she attempted to act the part that Pulcheria had formerly played with her brother, the emperor Theodosius. CHAP. IV. JOHN A'SD PETER. Horrible Sedition among the Strelitzes.* 1682. r^ZAR Theodore's eyes were scarcely closed, when the nomination of a prince of only ten years old to the throne, the ex- clusion of the elder brother, and the intrigues of the princess Sophia, their sister, excited a most bloody revolt among the strelitzes. Never did the janissaries, nor the praetorian guards, exercise more horrible barbarities. The insurrection be- gan two days after the interment of Theodore, when they all ran to arms in the Kremlin, which is the imperial palace at Moscow. There they began with accusing nine of their colonels, for keeping back part of their pay. The ministry was obliged to break the colonels, and to pay the strelitzes the money they demanded : but this did not satisfy them, they insisted upon having these nine officers delivered up to them, and condemned them, by a majority of votes, to suflFer the Battogs, or Knout ; the manner of which punishment is as follows : — The delinquent is stripped naked, and laid flat *n his belly, while two executioners beat him ,iPver the back with switches, or small canes, till • Extracted wholly from the memoirs sent from Moscow and Petersburg. PETEBL THE GREAT. 59 the judge, who stands by to see the sentence put in execution, says, * It is enough.' The colonels, after being thus treated by their men , were obliged to return them thanks, according to the custom of the eastern nations ; where criminals, after un- dergoing their punishment, must kiss the judge's hand. Besides complying with this custom, the officers gave them a sum of money, which was something more than the custom. While the strelitzes thus began to make them- selves formidable, the princess Sophia, who se- cretly encouraged them, in order to lead them by degrees from crime to crime, held a meeting at her house, consisting of the princesses of the blood , the generals of the army, the boyards, the patri- arch, the bishops, and even some of the principal merchants ; where she represented to them, that prince John, by right of birch and merit, was en- titled to the em})ire, the reigns of which she in- tended to keep in her own liands. At the break- ing up of the assembly, she caused a promise to be made to the strelitzes, of an augmentation of pay, besides considerable presents. Her emis- saries were in particular employed to stir up the soldiery against the Nariskin family, especially the two brothers of the young dowager cz;irina, the mother of Peter the First. These persuaded the strelitzes, that one of the brothers, named John, had put on the imperial robes, had seated himself on the throne, and had attempted to strangle prince John ; adding, moreover, that the late czar Theodore had been poisoned by a villain, named Daniel Vongad, a Dutch physician. At last Sophia put into their hands a list of forty noblemen, whom she stiled enemies to their corps, and to the state, and as such worthy of death. These proceedings exactly resembled the pro- sctiptions of Sylla, and the Roman triumvirate. 60 HISTORY (^F which had been revived by Christian II. in Den- mark and Sweden, This may serve to shew, that such cruelties prevail in all countries in times of anarchy and confusion. The mutineers began the tragedy with throwing the two knez, or princes, Dolgorouki and IMatheof, out of the palace-win- dows ; whom the strelitzes received upon the points of their spears, then stripped them, and dragged their dead bodies into the great square ; after this they rushed into the palace, where meet- ing with Athanasius Nariskin, a brother of the young czarina, and one of the unclesof czar Peter, they murdered him in like manner ; then break- ing open the door of a neighbouring church, where three of the proscribed persons had taken refuge, they drag them from the altar, strip them naked, and stab them to death with knives. They were so blinded with their fury, that see- ing a young nobleman of the family of Soltikoff, a great favourite of theirs, and who was not in- cluded in the list of the proscribed, and some of them mistaking him for John Nariskin, whom they were in search of, they murdered him upon the spot ; and what plainly shews the manners of those times, after having discovered their error, they carried the body of yoang SoltikofF, to his father to bury it ; and the wretched parent, far from daring to complain, gave them a consi- derable reward for bringing him the mangled body of his son. Being reproached by his wife, his daughters, and the widow of the deceased, for his weakness, • Let us wait for an opportunity of being revenged,' said the old man. These words being overheard by some of the soldiers, they returned furiously back into the room, dragged the aged parent by the hair, and cut his throat at his own door. Another party of the strelitzes, who wero PETER THE GREAT. 61 •couring the city in search of the Dutch physi- cian, Vongad, met with his son, of whom they inquired for his father ; the youth trembling, re- plied, he did not know where he was, upon which they immediately dispatched him. Soon after, a German physician falling in their way, ' You are a doctor,' said they, ' and if you did not poison our master, Theodore, you have poisoned others, and therefore merit death ;' and thereupon killed him. At length they found the Dutchman, of whom they were in quest, disguised in the garb of a beggar; they instantly drag him before the palace. The princesses who loved this worthy man, and placed great confidence in his skill, begged the strelitzes to spare him, assuring them that he was a very good physician, and had taken all possible care of their brother Theodore. The strelitzes made answer, that he not only de- served to die as a physician, but also as a sor- cerer ; and that they had found in his house, a great dried toad, and the skin of a serpent. They furthermore required to have young Nariskin de- livered up to them, whom they had searched for in vain for two days : alleging, that he was cer- tainly in the palace, and that they woul-.' set fire to it, unless lie was put into their hands. The sisterof John Nariskin, and theother princesses, terrified by their menaces, went to acquaint their unhappy brother in the place of his concealment, with what had passed-; upon which the patriarch heard his confession, administers the viaticum, and extreme unction to him, and then, taking an image of the blessed Virgin, which was said to perform miracles, he leads the young man forth by the hand, and presents him to the stre- litzes, shewing them, at the same time, the image of the Virgin. The princesses, who in tears s\ii» 62 HISTORY OF rounded Nariskin, falling upon their kn?es before the soldiers, besought them, in the name of the blessed Virgin, to spare their relation's life ; but the inhuman wretches tore him from their arms, and dragged him to the foot of the stairs, toge- ther with the phvsician Vongad, where they held a kind of tribunal among themselves, and condemned them both eo be put to the torture. One of the soldiers, who could write, drew up a form of accusation, and sentenced the two unfor- tunate princes to be cut in pieces ; a punishment inflicted in China and Tartary on parricides, and called the punishment of ten thousand slices. After having thus used Nariskin and Vongad, tbev exposed their heads, feet, and hands, on the iron points of a balustrade. While this partv of the strelitzes were thus glutting their fury in the sight of the princesses, the rest massacred every one who was obnoxious to them, or suspected by the princess Sophia. This horrid tragedy concluded with proclaim- * iug the two princes, John and Peter, in June, 1682, joint sovereigns, and associating their sister Sophia with them, in the quality of co- regent ; who then publicly approved of ail their outrages, gave them rewards, confiscated the es- tates of the proscribed, and bestowed them upon their murderers. She even permitted them to erect a monument, with the names of the per- sons they had murderetl. as being traitors to their country : and to crown all, she published letters- patent, thanking them for their zeal and fidelity. PETEFy the great. 63 CHAP. V. Administration of the princess Sophia. Extraordi- nary quarrel about religion. A conspiracy. CUCH were tlie steps by which the princess Sophia did in effect ascend the throne of Russia, though without being declared czarina ; and such the examples that Peter the First had before his eyes. Sophia enjoyed all the honours of a sovereign ; her bust was on the public coin ; she signed all dispatches, held the first place in council, and enjoyed a power without control. She was possessed of a great share of under- standing, and some wit ; made verses in the Rus- sian language, and both spoke and wrote ex- tremely well. These talents were set off by the addition of an agreeable person, and sullied only by her ambition. She procured a wife for her brother John, in the manner already described in several exam- ples. A young lady named Soltikoff, of the fa- mily with the nobleman of that name who had been assassinated by the seditious slrelitzes, was sent for from the heart of Siberia, where her fa- ther commanded a fortress, to be presented to czar John at Moscow. Her beauty triumphed over all the intrigues of her rivals, and John was married to hfr in 168-1. At every marriage of a czar we seem to read the history of Ahasuerus, or that of Theodosius the Younger. In the midst of the rejoicings on account of this marriage, the strelitzes raised a new insur- rection, and (who would believe itl) on account of religion! of a particular tenet! Had they been mere soldiers, they would never have !«}- come coutroveriists, but they were also citi- 64 HISTORY OP zens cf Moscow. Whosoever has, or assumes a right of speaking in an authoritative manner to the populace, may found a sect. This has been seen in all ages, and all parts of the world, especially since the passion of dogmatizing has become the instrument of ambition, and the terror of weak minds. Russia had experienced some previous disturb- ances on occasion of a dispute, whether the sign of the cross vras to be made with three fingers, or with two ! One Abakum, who was also a priest, had set up sc:ne new tenets at Moscow, in re- gard to the Holy Spirit ; which according to the Scriptures, enlightened all the faithful ; as like- wise with respect to the equality of the primitive Christians, and these words of Christ : — ' There shall be amongst jou neither first nor last.' Several citizens and many of the strelitzes, em- braced the opinions of Abakum. One Raspop* was the chief of this party, which became consi- derable. The sectaries, at length, entered (July 16, 1682, new stile) the cathedral, where the patriarch and his clergy were officiating ; drove them out of the church with stones, and seated themselves very devoutly in their places, to receive the Holy Spirit. They called the pa- triarch the ' ravenous wolf in the sheepfold ;' a title which all sects have liberally bestowed on each other. The princess Sophia, and the two czars, were immediately made acquainted with these disturbances: and the other strelitzes, who were stauuch to the good old cause, were given to understand, that the czars and the church were in danger. Upon this the strelitzes and • Here M. de Voltaire seems to have greatly mistaken the sense of this word. Raspop not being a proper name, in which sense he takes it, but signifies a degraded priest. PETER THE GREAT. 65 burghers of the patriarchal party attacked the Abakumists : but a stop was put to the carnage, by publishing a convocation of a council, which was immediately assembled in a hall of the palace. This took up very little time, for they obliged every priest they met to attend. The patriarch, and a bishop, disputed against Ras- pop ; but at the second syllogism, they began to throw stones at one another. The council ended wi;h ordering Raspop, and some of his faithful disciples to have their heads struck off; and the s ntence was executed by the sole order of the three sovereigns, Sophia, John, and Peter. During these troubles, there was a knez, named Chowanskoi, who having been instrumental in raising the princess Sophia to the dignity she then held, wanted, as a reward for his services, to have a share in the administration. It may be supposed, that he found Sophia not so grateful as he could wish ; upon which he es- poused the cause of religion, and the persecuted Raspopians, and stirred up a party among the streliizes and the people, in defence of God's name. This conspiracy proved a more serious affair than the tnthusiastic riot of Raspop. An ambi- tious hypocrite always cairies things farther than a simple fanatic. Chowanskoi aimed at no less than the imperial dignity ; and to rid himself of all cause of fear, he resolved to murder the two czars, Sophia, the other princesses, and every one who was attached to the imperial family. The czars and tlie princesses were obliged to re- tire to the monastery of the Holy Trinity, within twelve leagues of Petersburg.* 'I'his was, at the same time, a convent, a palace, and a fortress, * We suppose the author meaiis Moscow. 6b HlSTORi' OF like Mount Cassino,* Corby, t Fulda f Kempten,$ and several others belonging to the Latin church. This monastery of the Trinity belongs to the monks of St. Basil. It is surrounded by deep ditches, and ramparts of brick, on which is planted a numerous artillery. The monks are possessed of all the country round for four leagues. The imperial family were in full safely there, but more on account of the strength, than the sanctity of the place. Here Sophia treated with the rebel knez ; and having decoyed him halfway, caused his head to bf struck off, together with those of .^jj„ one of his sons, and thirty-seven stre- litzes who accompanied him. The body of strelitzes upon this news, fly to arms, and march to attack the convent of Trinity, threatening to destroy every thing that canie in their way. The imperial family stood upon their defence ; the boyards arm their vassals, all ihe gentlemen flocked in, and a bloody civil war seemed on the point of beginning. The patriarch somewhat pacified the strelitzes, who began to be intimidated with the number of troops that were marching towards them on all sides : in short, their fury was changed into fear, and their fear into the most abject submission ; a change com- • Or Cossano, a small town and abbey in the Milanese. Oa the Adda, near this place, an obstinate battle waa fought between the Germans and French, in 17. ">5, when prince Eugene defeated the duke of Vendome. f A town and abbey on the borders of Westphalia, in Germany ; the abbot of which is a sovereign prince, and has a seat in the imperial diet. X Or Fuld, a town and abbey of Hesse, in Germany ; ■itnate on a river of the same name. It is governed by tn abbot, who is a prince of the empire, 9 An imperial city of Suabia, in Germany, situate ov the Ifar PETER THE GREAT. 67 moD to the multitude. Three thousand seven hundred of this corps, followed by their wives and children, with ropes tied about their necks, went in procession to the convent of the Trinity, which three days before they had threatened to burn to the ground. In this condition, these un- happy wretches present themselves before the gate of the convent, two by two, one carrying a block and another an axe ; and prostrating them- selves on the ground, waited for their sentence. They were pardoned upon their submission, and returned back to Moscow, blessing their sove- reigns ; and still disposed, though unknown to themselves, to commit the same crime upon the very first opportunity. These commotions being subsided, the state resumed an exterior of tranquillity; but Sophia still remained possessed of the chief authority, leaving John to his incapacity, and keeping Peter in the subjection of a ward. In order to strengthen her power, she shared it with Prince Basil Ga- litzin, whom she created generalissimo, mmister of slate, and lord keeper. Galitzin was in every respect superior to any person in that distracted court : he was polite, magnificent, full of great designs, more learned than any of his country- men, as having received a much better education, and was even master of the l^atin tongue, which was, at that time, almost entirely unknown in Russia. He was of an active and indefatigable spirit, had a genius superior to the times he lived in, and capable, had he had leisure and power, as he had inclination, to have changed the face of things in Russia. This is the eulogium given of him by La Neuville, at that time the Polisii envoy in Russia; and the encomiums of foreigner* are seldom to be suspected. Thia minister bridled the. insolence of the stBT- 68 HISTORY OF litzes, by distributing the most mutinous of that body among the several regiments in the Ukraine, in Casan, and Siberia. It was under his admi- nistration that the Poles, long the rivals of Rus- sia, gare up, in 1686, all pretensions to the large provinces ofSmolensko and the Ukraine. He was the first who sent an embassy to France, in 1687; a country which had, for upwards of twenty years, been in the zenith of its glory, by the conquests, new establishments, and the mag- nificence of Lewis XIV. and especially by the improvement of the arts, there can be not only external grandeur, but solid glory. France had not then entered into any correspondence with Russia, or rather was unacquainted with that em- pire ; and the academy of inscriptions ordered a medal to be struck to couimemorate this embassy, as if it had come from the most distant part of the Indies ; but notwithstanding all this, the am- bassador Dolgorouski miscarried in his negotia- tion, and even suffered some gross affronts on ac- count of the behaviour of his domestics, whose mistakes it would have been better to have over- looked ; but the court of Lewis XIV. could not then foresee, that France and Russia would one day reckon among the number of their advan- tages, that of being cemented by the closest union. Russia t^as now quiet at home, but she was still pent up on the side of Sweden, though en- larged towards Poland, her new ally, in continual alarms on the side of Crim Tartar v, and at va- riance with China in regard to the frontiers. The most intolerable circumstance for their em- pire, and which plainlv shewed, that it had not yet attained to a vigorous and regular administration, was, that the khan of the Crim Tartars exacted an annual tribute of 6000 rubles, in the nature of that which the I'urk had imposed on the Poles. PETER THE GREAT. 69 Crim Tartary is the ancieut Taurica Cherso- nesus, formerly so famous by the commerce of the Greeks, and still more by their fables, a fruitful but barbarous country. It took, its name of Crimea, or Crim, from the title of its first khans, who took this name before the conquests of the sons of Gengis Khan. To free his country from this yoke, and wipe off the disgrace of such tri- bute, the prime minister, Galitzin, marched in person (1687, 16B8,) into Crim Tartar)% at the head of a numerous army. These armies were not to be compared to the present troops ; they had no discipline ; there was hardly one regi- ment completely armed ; they had no uniform clothing, no regularity : their men indeed were inured to hard labour and a scarcity of provisions, but then they carried with. them such a prodi- gious quantity of baggage, as far exceeded any thing of the kind in our camps, where the great- est luxury prevails. Their vast numbers of wag- gons for carrying ammunition and provisions, in an uninhabitable and desert country, greatly re- tarded the expedition against Crim rartary. The army found itself in the midst of the vast deserts, on the river Samara, unprovided with magazines. Here Galitzin did what in my opinion, was never done any where else : he employed thirty thou- sand men in building a town on the banks of the Samara, to serve as a place for magazines in the ensuing campaign : it was begun in one year, and finii^hed in the third month of the fol- lowing ; the houses indeed were all wood except two, which were brick ; the ramparts were of turf, but well lined with artillery ; and the whole place was in a tolerable state of defence. This was all that was done of any consequence in this ruinous expedition. In the mean while Sophia continued to govern in Moscow, while 70 HISTORY OF John had only the name of czar ; and Petei now at the age of seventeen, had already tbi courage to aim at real S!;vereignty. La Neuville, the Polish envoy, then resident at Moscow, and who was eye-witness to all that passed, pretends that Sophia and Galitzin had engaged the new chief of the screlilzes, to sacrifice to them their young czar : it appears, at least, that six hun- dred of these strelitzes were to have made them- selves masters of his person. The private me- moirs which hate been entrusted to my perusal by the court of Russia, afl5rm, that a scheme had actually been laid to murder Peter the First : the blow was on the point of being struck, and Russia for ever deprived of the new existence she has since received. The czar was once more obliged to take refuge in the convent of the Trinity, the usual asylum of the court when threatened by the soldiers. There he assembled the boyards of his party, raised a body of forces, treats with the captains of the strelitzes, and called in the assistance of certain Germans, who had been long settled in Moscow, and were all attached to his person from his having already slie-R-n himself the encourager of strangers. Sophia and John, who continued at Mo.scow, used every means to engage the strelitzes to remain firm to their interests ; but the cause of young Peter, who loudly complained of an attempt meditated against himself and his mother, prevailed over that of the princess, and of a czar, whose very aspect alienated all hearts. All the acomplices were punished with a severity to which that country was as much accustomed as to tbe crimes which occasioned it. Some were beheaded after undergoing the punishment of the knout or bat- tocks The chief of the strelitzes was put to death in the same manner, and several other PETER THE GREAT. ti •uspected persons had their tongues cut out. Prince Galitzin escaped with his life, through the intercession of one of his relations, who was a favourite of czar Peter ; but he was stripped of all his riches, which were immense, and ba- nished to a phice in the neighbourhood of Arch- angel. La Neuville, who was present at the whole of this catastrophe, relates, that the sen- tence pronounced upon Galitziu was in these terms : ' Thou art commanded, by the most cle- ment czar, to repair to Karga, a town under the pole, and there to continue the remainder of thy days. His majesty, out of his extreme goodness, allows thee three pence per day for thy sub- sistence.' There is no town under the pole. Karga is in the 62d degree of latitude, and only six de- grees and a half further north than Moscow. Whoever pronounced this sentence must have been a very bad geographer. La Neuville was probably imposed upon by a false account. 1689.] At length the princess Sophia was once more sent back to her monastery at Moscow,* after having so long held the reins of government; and this revolution proved, to a woman of her disposition, a sufficient punishment. From this instant Peter began to reign in reality ; his brother John havin;,^ no other share in the government, but that of seeing his name to all public acts. He led a retired life, and died in 1646. * How are we to reconcile this with what the author tells u« in the latter part of the third chapter, where ho •ays, that this princess, ;»erceiTing that her brother Theo- dore was near his end, declined retiring to a convent, a* was the uBoal custom ti the princessea of the imperial family. 72 HISTORY OP CHAP. VI. The reigc of Peter the First. — Beginning of the grand reformation. pETERthe Great was tall, genteel, well-made, with a noble aspect, piercing eyes and a ro- bust constitution, fitted for all kinds of hardship and bodily exercise. He had a sound under- standing, which is the basis of all real abilities ; and to this was joined an active disposition, which prompted him to undertake and execute the greatest things. His education was far from being worthy of his genius. The princess Sophia was, in a peculiar manner, interested to let him remain in ignorance, and to indulge himself in those excesses which youth, idleness, custom, and the high rank he held, made but too allow- able. Nevertheless, he had been lately married, (June 1689) like others of his predecessors, to one of his own subjects, the daughter of colonel La- puchin ; but, as he was young, and for some time enjoyed none of the prerogatives of the crown, but that of indulging his pleasures without re- straint, the ties of wedlock were not always suf- ficient to keep him within just bounds. The pleasures of the table, in which he indulged him- self rather too freely, with foreigners, who had been invited to Moscow by prince Galitzin, seemed not to presage that he would one day be- come the reformer of his country ; however, in spite of bad examples, and even the allurements of pleasure, he applied himself to the arts of war and government, and which, even then, shewed that he had the seeds of greatness in him. It was still less expected, that a prince, who was subject to such a constitutional dread of water, as to subject him to cold sweats, and even PETER THE GREAT. 73 convulsions, when be was obliged to cross asnnall river or brook, should become one of the best seamen in all the north. In order to get the better of nature, he began by jumping into the water, notwithstanding the horror he felt at it, till at length this aversion was changed into a fondness for that element.* He often blushed at the ignorance in which he had been brought up. He learned, almost of him- self, without the help of a master, enough of Ger- man and high Dutch, to be able to write and ex- plain himself tolerably well in both those lan- guages. The Germans and Dutch appeared to him as the most civilized nations, because the former had already erected, in Moscow, some of those arts and manufactures which he was de- sirous of seeing established in his empire', and the latter excelled in the art of navigation, which he already began to look upon as the most necessary of all others. Such were the dispositions which Peter che- rished, notwithstanding the follies of his youth. At the same time, he found himself disturbed by factions at home, had the turbulent spirit of the Btrelitzes to keep under, and an almost uninter- • We find, in the memoirs of count Strahlemberg, a Swedish ofl&cer, who was taken prisoner at the battle of Pultowa, and continued many years at the court of czar Peter, the following account of the true cause of this ex- traordinary kind of hydrophobia. When Peter was about five jears of age, his mother took him with her in a coach for an airing, and having to pass a dam, where there was a great fall of water the child, who was then sleeping in his nurse's lap, was so terrified by the rush- ing of the water (the noise of which waked him sud- denly out of his sleep), that he was seized with a violent fever, and, after his recover^', he retained sucli a dread of that element, that he could not bear the 8i2;ht even of any standing water, much leas to bear n running stream D 74 HISTORY OF mpted war to manage against the Grim Tartars, For thotigh hostilities had been suspended in 1689, by a truce, it had no long continuance. During this interval, Peter became confirmed in his design of introducing the arts into his couctrv. His father Alexis had, in his lifetime, enter- tained the same views, but he wanted leisure, and a favourable opportunity to carry them into execution ; he transmitted his genius to his son, who was more clear-sighted, more vigorous, and more unshaken by difficulties and obstacles. Alexis had been at a great expense in sending for Bothler,* a ship builder and sea captain, from Holland, together with a number of shipwrights and sailors. These built a large frigate and a yacht up.on the Wolga, which they navigated down that river to Astracan, where they were to be employed in building more vessels, for carry- ing on an advantageous trade with Persia, by the Caspian Sea. Just at this time the revolt of Stenko-Rasin broke out, and this rebel destroyed these two vessels, which he ought to }iave pre- served for his O'rni sake, and murdered the cap- tain ; the rest of the crew fled into Persia, from whence they got to some settleal of it ; but it was first to be repaired and rig- gti. Brant, the ship-builder abovementioned, wa*ar as convoy. In England he observed the same manner of living as at Am- sterdam and Saardam ; he took an apartment near the king's dockyard, at Deptford, where he ap- plied himself wholly to gain instruction. The Dutch builders had only taught him their method, and the practical part of shipbuilding. In Eng- land he found the art better explained ; for there they work according to mathematical proportion. He soon made himself so perfect in this science, that he was able to give lessons to others. He began to build a ship according to the English method of construction, and it proved a prime sailor. The art of watchmaking, which was al ready brought to perfection in London, next at- 100 HISTORY OF tracted liis attention, and he made himself com- plete master of the whole theory. Captain Perry, the engineer, who followed him from London to Russia, says, that from the casting of cannon, to the spinning of ropes, there was not any one branch of trade belonging to a ship that he did not minutely observe, and even put his hand to, as often as he came into the places where those trades were carried on. In order to cultivate his friendship, he was al- lowed to engage several English artificers into his service, as he had done in Holland ; but, over and above artificers, he engaged likewise some mathematicians, which he would not so easily have found in Amsterdam. Ferguson, a Scotch- man, an excellent geometrician, entered into his service, and was the first person who brought arithmetic into use in the exchequer in Russia, where before that time, they made use only of the Tartarian method of reckoning, with balls strung upon a wire ; a method which supplied the place of writing, but was very perplexing and imper- fect, because, after the calculation, there was no method of proving it, in order to discover any error. The Indian ciphers, which are now in use, were not introduced among us till the ninth century, by Arabs ; and they dul not make their way into the Russian empire till one thousand years afterwards. Such has been the fate of the arts, to make their progress slowly round the globe. He took with him two young students from a mathematical school,* and this was the beginning of the marine academy, founded after- wards by Peter the Great. He observed and calculated eclipses with Ferguson. Perry, the • These were two Bcholars frcm Christ Church Hospital, commonly called blae coat boys. PETER THE GREAT. 101 engineer, though greatly discontented at not being sufficiently rewarded, acknowledges, that Peter made himself a proficient in astronomy ; that he perfectly well understood the motions of the heavenly bodies, as well as the laws of gravitation, by which they are directed. This force, now so evidently demonstrated, and before the time of the great Newton so little known, by which all the planets gravitate towards each other, and which retain them in their orbits, was already become familiar to a sovereign of Russia, while other countries amused themselves with imagi- nary vertices, and, in Galileo's nation, one set of ignorant persons ordered others, as ignorant, to believe the earth to be immoveable. Perry set out in order to effect a communica- tion between rivers, to build bridges, and con- struct sluices. The czar's plan was to open a communication by means of canals between the Ocean, the Caspian, and the Black Seas. We must not forget to observe, that a set of English merchants, with the marquis of Caermar- then * at their head, gave Peter fifteen thousand pounds sterling, for the permission of vending to- bacco in Russia. The patriarch, by a mistaken severity, had intenlicted this branch of trade ; for the Russian church forbid smoking, as an un- clean and sinful action. Peter, who knew better things, and who, amongst his many projected changes, meditated a reformation of the church, introduced this commodity of trade into his dc- minicns. Before Peter left England, he was entertained by king Willian with a spectacle worthy such a • Tlie czar was particularij' fond of this nobleman, because lie was a great lover of maritime affairs, fre- quently rowed and sailed wiili Lim upon the water, and gave him what information he could concerning shipping. 102 HISTORY OF gaest : this was a mock sea-fight. Little was it then imagined, that the czar would one day fight a real battle on this element against the Swedes, and gain naval victories in the Baltic. In fine, William made him a present of the vessel in which he used to go over to Holland, called the Royal Transport, a beautiful yacht, and magnifi- cently adorned. In this vessel Peter returned to Holland the latter end of 1698, taking with him three captains of ships of war, five and twenty captains of merchant ships, forty lieutenants, thirty pilots, as many surgeons, two hundred and fifty gunners, and upwards of three hundred ar- tificers. This little colony of persons skilful in all branches, sailed from Holland to Archangel, on board the Royal Transport, and from thence were distributed into all the diflferent places where their services were necessary. Those who had been engaged at Amsterdam wen^. by the way of Narva, which then belonged to the Swedes. While he was thus transplanting the arts and manufacture of England and Holland into his own country, the officers, whom he had sent to Rome, and other places in Italy, had likewise engaged some artists in his service. General Sheremeto, who was at the head of his embassy to Italy, took the tour of Rome, Naples, Venice, aiid Malta, while the czar proceeded to \ienna with his other ambassadors. He had now only to view the military discipline of the Germans, after having seen the English fleets, and the dock- yards of Holland. Politics had likewise as great a share in this journey as the desire of instruc- tion. The emperor was his natural ally against the Turks. Peter had a private audience of Leopold, and the two monarchs conferred stand- ing, to avoid the trouble of ceremony. There happened nothing worthy remark during PETER THE GREAT. 103 his stay at Vienna, except the celebration of the ancient feast of the landloid and landlady, which had been disused for a considerable time, and which Leopold thought proper to revive on the czar's 'account. This feast, which l)y the Ger- mans is called Wurtchafft, is celebrated in the following manner : — The emperor is landlord and the empress land- lady, the king of the Romans, the archdukes and the archduchesses are generally their assistants : they entertain people of all nations as their guests, who come dressed after the most ancient fashion of their respective countries : those who are invited to the feast, draw lots for tickets, on each of which is written the name of the nation, and the character or person they are to repre- sent. One perhaps draws a ticket for a Chinese mandarin ; another for a Tartarian nnrza ; a third a Persian satrap ; and a fourth for a Roman se- nator ; a princess may, by her ticket, be a gar- dener's wife, or a milk-maid ; a prince a peasant, or a common soldier. Dances are composed suitable to all those characters, and the landlord and landlady with their family wait at table. Such was the ancient institution ; but on this occasion * Joseph, king of the Romans, and the countess of Traun, represented the ancient Egyptians. The archduke Charles, and the coun tess of Walstein, were dressed like Flemings in the time of Charles the Fifth. The archduchess Mary Elizabeth and count Traun were in the habits of Tartars ; the archduchess Josephina and the count of Workslaw were habited like Persians, and the archduchess Mariamne and prince Maximilian of Hanover in the character of North Holland peasants. Peter appeared in * Le Fort's MSS. and tlioae of Petersburg. lO-i HISTORY OF the dress of a Friesland boor, and all R'bo spoke to him addressed him in that character, at the same time talkiiig to him of the great czar of Muscovy. These are trifling particulars ; but whatever revives the remembrance of ancient manners and customs, is in some degree worthy of being recorded. Peter was ready to set out from Vienna, in order to proceed to Venice, to complete his tour of instruction, when he received the news of a rebellion, which had lately broke out in his do- minions. CHAP. X. A conspiracy punished. — The corps of streliues abolished, alterations in customs, manners, church, and state. r^ZAR Peter, when he left his dominions to set out on his travels, had provided against every incident, even that of rebellion. But the great and serviceable things he had done for his countrv, proved the very cause of this rebellion. Certain old boyards, to whom the ancient cus- toms were still dear, and some priests, to whom the new ones appeared little better than sacrilege, began these disturbances, and the old faction of the princess Sophia took this opportu- nity to rouse itself anew. It is said, that one of her sisters, who was confined to the same monas- tery, contributed not a little to excite these sedi- tions. Care was taken to spread abroad the danger to be feared from the introduction of foreigners to instruct the nation. In short, who would believe, that* the permission which the czar had given to import tobacco into his empire, contrary to the inclination of the clergy, was one • r^ Fort's MSS. PETER THE GREAT. 105 of the chief motives of the insurrection 1 Super- stition, the scourge of every country, yet the dar- ling of the multitude, spread itself from the com- mon people to the strelitzes, who had been scat- tered on the frontiers of Lithuania : they assem- bled in a body, and marched towards Moscow, with the intent to place the princess Sophia on the throne, and for ever to prevent the return of a czar who had violated the established customs,* by presuming to travel for instruction among foreigners. The forces commanded by Schein and Gordon, who were much better disciplined than the strelitzes, met them fifteen leagues from Moscow, gave them battle, and entirely defeated them : but this advantage, gained by a foreign general over the ancient militia, among whom were several of the burghers of Moscow, contri- buted still more to irritate the people. To quell these tumults, the czar sets out pri- vately from Vienna, passes through Poland, has a private interview with Augustus, concerts mea- sures with that prince for extending the Russian • A most extraordinary instance of iLe obstinate at- tachment of the Russians to their old customs, happeoad in the time of the czar Bassilowitz, and undoubtedly in fluenced liim not a iittle in the severity with which he treated his people. The king of Poland, Stephen Battori, havinj^ recovered Livonia, went himself into that province to establish a i ew form of government. According to the constant custom there, when any peasant, all of whom were treated as slaves, had committed a fault, he was whipped with a rod till the blood came. The king was willing to commute this barbarous punishment for one that wa« more moderate ; but the peasants, insensible of the favour designed them, threw themselves at his feet, and intreated him not to make any alterations in their ancient customs, because they Lad experienced, that all innovations, far from procuring them the least redress, had always ma/>c^ This alteration in no wise dimi- nished the obedience due to the sovereign, and yet was the most ready means of conciliating their affections. Every month produced some new change or institution. He carried his at- tention even to the ordering painted posts to be set up in the road between Moscow and Woro- nitz, to serve as mile stones at the distance of every verst ; that is to say, every seven hundred paces, and had a kind of caravanseras, or public inns, built at the end of every twentieth verst. While he was thus extending his cares to the common people, to the merchants, and to the traveller, he thought proper to make an addition to the pomp and splendour of his own court ; for though he hated pomp or show in his own per- son, he thought it necessary in those about him ; he therefore instituted the order of St. Andrew,* in imitation of the several orders with which all the courts of Europe abound. Golowin, who succeeded Le Fort in the dignity of high admiral, was the first knight of this order. It was es- teemed a high reward to have the honour of being admitted a member. It was a kind of badge that entitled the person who bore it to the respect of the people. This mark of honour costs nothing to the sovereign, and flatters the self- love of a subject, without rendering him too powerful. 'I'hese many useful innovations were received • COth Sept. 1698. It is to be observed, that I always Collonr the aew style in my dales. 116 HISTORY OF with applause by the wiser part of the nation ; and the murmurings and complaints of those who adhered to the ancient customs were drowned in the acclamations of men of sound judgment. While Peter was thus beginning a new crea- tion in the interior part of his state, he concluded an advantageous truce with the Turks, which gave him the liberty to extend his territories on another side. Mustapha the Second, who had been defeated by prince Eugene, at the battle of Zeuta, in 1697, stripped of the Morea by the Venetians, and unable to defend Azoph, was obliged to make peace with his victorious ene- mies, which peace was concluded at Carlowiz, (Jan. 26, 1699.) between Peterwaradin and Salankamon, places made famous by bis defeats. Temeswaer was made the boundary of the Ger- man possessions, and of the Ottoman dominions. Kaminieck was restored to the Poles ; the Morea, and some towns in Dalmatia, which had been taken by the Venetians, remained in their hands for some time ; and Peter the First continued ir. possession of Casaph, and of a few forts built in its neighbourhood. It was not possible for the czar to extend his dominions on the side of Turkey, without draw- ing upon him the forces of that empire, before divided, but now united. His naval projects were too vast for the Palus Maeotis, and the settle- ments on the Caspian Sea would not admit of a fleet of men of war : he therefore turned his views towards the Baltic Sea, but without relin- quishing those in regard to the Tanais and Wolga. PiTER THE GREAT. ^117 CHAP. XI. War with Sweden. — The battle of Narva. 1700. A GRAND scene was now opened on the frontiers of Sweden. One of the principal causes of all the revolutions which happened from Ingria, as far as Dresden, and which laid waste so many countries for the space of eighteen years, was the abuse of the supreme power, bv (3harles XI. king of Sweden, father of Charles XII. This is a fact which cannot be too often repeated, as it concerns every crowned head, and the subjects of every nation. Almost all Livonia, with the whole of Esthonia, had been ceded by the Poles to Charles XI. king of Sweden, who succeeded Charles X. exactly at the lime of the treaty of Oliva. It was ceded in the customary manner, with a reservation of rights and privileges. Charles XL shewing Jittle regard to these privileges, John Reinhold Patkul, a gentleman of Livonia, came to Stock- holm in 1692, at the head of six deputies from the province, and laid their complaints at the fool of the throne, in respectful, but strong terms.* Instead of an answer, the deputies were ordered to be imprisoned, and Patkul was condemned to lose his honour and his life. But he lost neiiher, for he made his escape to the country of Vaud, in Switzerland, where he re- mained some lime; when he afterwards was • Norberg, chaplain and confessor to Charles Xll. says, in his history, ' That he had liie insolence lo complain of oppressions, and tiiat he was condemned to lose l>'.s honour and life.' This is speenbak, who commanded there, would not surrender the town, but on condition of being })ermitted to send for two Swec'-isb offi- cers from the nearest post, to examine the breaches (Oct. 16.), in order to bo witnesses for him to the king his master, that eighty-three men, who were all then left of the garrison capa- ble of bearing arms, besides one hundred and fifty sick and wounded, did not surrender to a whole army, till it was impossible for them to fight longer, or to preserve the place. This cir- cumstance alone shews what sort of an enemy the czar had to contend with, and the necessity there was of all his great efforts and military dis- cipline. He distributed gold medals among his officers on this occasion, and gave rewards to aK. the private men ; e.icept a few, whom he pu- 132 HISTORY OF nished for running away during the assault. Their comrades spit in their faces, and afterwards shot them to death ; thus adding ignominy tc punishment. NotebouTg was repaired, and its name changed to that of Shiiisselburg, or the City of the Key ; that place being the key of Ingria and Finland. The first governor was that MenzikofF, whom we -have already mentioned, and who was become an excellent officer, and had merited this honour by his gallant behaviour during the siege. His example served as an encouragement to all who have merit without being distinguished by birth. After this campaign of 1702, the czar resolved that Sheremeto, and the officers who had signa- lized themselves, should make a triumphal entry into Moscow. (Dec. 17.) All the prisoners taken in this campaign marched in the train of the vic- tors, who had the Swedish colours and standards carried before them, together with the flag of the Swedish frigate taken on the lake Peipus. Peter assisted in the prejjarations for this trium- phal pomp, as he had shared in the great actions it celebrated. These shows naturally inspired emulation, otherwise they would have been no more than idle ostentation. Charles despised every thing of this kind, and, after the battle of Narva, held his enemies, (heir eiForts, and their triumphs, in equal contempt. PETER THE GREAT. 133 CHAP. XIII. R«fonDation at Moscow — Further successes. — Founding of Petersburg. — The czar takes Narva, &:c. T^HE short stay which the czar made at Mos- cow, in the beginning of the winter 1703, was employed in seeing all his new regulations put into execution, and in improving the civil as well as the military government. Even his very amusements were calculated to inspire his sub- jects with a taste for the new mannei of living he had introduced amongst them. In this view, he invited all the boyards, and principa lladies of Moscow, to the marriage of one of his sisters, at which every one was required to appear dressed after the ancient fashion. A dmner was served up just in the same manner as those in the six- teenth century* By an old superstitious custom, no one was to light a fire on the wedding-day, even in the coldest season. This custom was rigorously observed upon this occasion. The Russians formerly never drank wine, but only mead and brandy ; no other liquors were permit- ted on this day, and, when the guests made com- plaints, he replied, in a joking manner, * This was a custom with your ancestors, and old cus- toms are always the best.' This raillery con- tributed greatly to the reformation of those who preferred past times to the present, at least it put a stop to their murmurings ; and there are seve- ral nations that stand in need of the like example. A still more useful establishment than any of the rest, was that of a printing-press, for Rus- sian and Latin types ; the implements of which were all brought from Holland. They began by • TakcD from the journal of Peter the Orfaf- 134 HISTORY OF printing translations in the Russian language of several books of morality and polite literature. Ferguson founded schools for geometry, astro- nomy, and na%-igation. Another foundation, no less necessary, was that of a large hospital ; not one of those houses which encourage idleness, and perpetuate the misery of the people, but such as the czar had seen at Amsterdam, where old persons and chil- dren are employed at work, and where every one within the walls is made useful in some way or other. He established several manufactories ; and, as soon as hr had put in motion all those arts to which he gave birth in Moscow, he hastened to Woronitz, to give directions for building two ships, of eighty guns each, with long cradles, or caserns, fitted to the ribs of the vessel, to buoy her up, and carry her safely over the shoals and banks of sand that lay about Azoph ; an ingenious contrivance, similar to that used by the Dutch in Holland, to get their large ships over the Pampus. Having made all the necessary preparations against the Turks, he turned his attention, in the next place, against the Swedes. He went to visit the ships that were building at Olcnita (March 30, 1703.), a town between the lakes Ladago and Onega, where he had established a foundry for making all kinds of arms ; and, when every thing bore a military aspect, at Moscow flourished all the arts of peace. A spring of mi- neral waters, which has been lately discovered near Olonitz, has added to the reputation of that place. From thence he proceeded to Shlussel- burg. wluch he fortified. We have already observed, that Peter was de terrained to pass regularly through all themilitarf PETER THE GREAT. 135 degrees : he had served as lieutenant of. bom- bardiers, under prince jMenzikoft", before that favourite was made governor of Shlusselburg, and he now look the rank of captain, and served under marshal Sheremeto. There was an important fortress near the lake Ladoga, and not far from the river Neva, named Nyantz, or Nya.* It was necessary to make himself master of this place, in order to secure bis conquest, and favour his other designs. He therefore undertook to transport a number of small barks, filled with soldiers, and to drive off the Swedish vessels that were bringing supplies, while Sheremeto had the care of the trenches. ( May 22.) The citadel surrendered, and two Swedish vessels arrived, too late to assist the besieged, being both attacked and taken by the czar. His journal says, that, as a reward for his service, ' The captain of bombardiers was created knight of the order of St. Andrew by admiral Golowin, the first knight of that order.' After the taking of the fort of Nya, he resolved upon building the city of Petersburg, at the mouth of the Neva, upon the gulf of Finland. The affairs of king Augustus were in a despe- rate wav ; the excessive victories of the Swedes in Poland had emboldened his enemies in the op- position ; and even his friends had obliged him to dismiss a body of twenty thousand Russians, that the czar had sent him to reinforce his army. They thought, by this sacrifice, to deprive the malcontents of all pretext for joining the king of Sweden : but enemies are disarmed by force, a show of weakness serving only to n^ake tliein more insolent. These twenty thous^md men, that had been disciplined by Patkul, proved of infinite service in Livonia and Ingria, while Augustus • Some writers call it Nyenschnnla. 136 HISTORV OF was losing his dominions. This reinforcement, and, above all, the possession of Nya, enabled the czar to found his new capital. It was in this barren and marshy spot of ground, which has communication with the main land only by one way, that Peter laid the foundation of Petersburg, in the sixtieth degree of latitude, and the forty-fourth and a half of longitude. The ruins of some of the bastions of Nya was made use of for the first stones of the foundation.* They began by building a small fort upon one of the islands, which is now in the centre of the city. The Swedes beheld, without apprehension, a settlement in the midst of a morass, and inacces- sible to vessels of burden ; but, in a very short time, they saw the fortifications advanced, a town raised, and the little island of Cronstadt, situated over against it, changed, in 1704, into an im- pregnable fortress, under the cannon of which even the largest fleets may ride in safety. These works, which seemed to require a time of profound peace, were carried on ir. the very bosom of war ; workmen of every sort were called together, from Moscow, Astracan, Casan, and the Ukraine, to assist in building the new city. Neither the difficulties of the ground, that was to be rendered firm, and raised, the distance of the necessary materials, the unforeseen obstacles, which are for ever starting up in all great under- takings ; nor, lastly, the epidemical disorder, which carried off a prodigious number of the work men, could discourage the royal founder ; and, in the space of five months, a new city rose from the ground. It is true, indeed, it was little better than a cluster of huts, with only two brick houses, surrounded by ramparts ; but this was • Pelergburg was founded on Whitsunday, the «7th May, 1703. PETER THE GREAT. 137 all that was then necessary. Time and persever- ance accomplished the rest. In less than five months, after the founding of Petersburg, a Dutch ship came to trade there, (Nov.) the captain of which was handsomely rewarded, and the Dutch Boon found the way to Petersburg. While Peter was directing the establishment of this coloDY, he took care to provide every day for its safety, by making himself master of the neighbourins posts. A Swedish colonel, named Croniort, had taken post on the river Septra, and thence threatened the rising city. Peter, without delay, marched against him with his two regi- ments of guards, defeated him, (July 8.) and obliged him to repass the river. Having thus put his town in safety, he repaired to Olonitz,(Sep.) to give directions for building a number of smal] vessels, and afterwards returned to Petersburg, on board a frigate that had been built bj his direction, taking with him six transport vessels, for present use, till the others could be got ready. Even at this juncture he did not forj^et his ally, the king of Poland, but sent him (Nov.) a rein- forcement of twelve thousand foot, a;nl a subsidy in money of three hundred thousand rubles, which make about one million live hundred thousand French livres.* It has been remarked, that his annual revenue did not exceed then five million^ rubles ; a sum, which the expense of his fleets of his armies, and of his new establishments, seemed more than sufficient to exhaust. He had, at almost one and the same time, fortified No- vogorod, Pleskow, Kiow, Smolensko, Azoph, Archangel, and founded a capital. Notwith- standing all which, he had still a sufficiency left to assist his ally with men and money. Cornelius Je Bruine, a Dutchman, who was on his travels, * About sixty thousand pounds sterling. J38 HISTORY OF and at that time iu Russia, and with whom he frequently conversed very freely, as indeed he did with al! strangers, says, that tue czar himseli assured him, that he had still three hundred thousand rubles remaining in his coffers, after all the expenses of the war were defrayed. In order to put his infant city of Petersburg out of danger of insult, he went in person to sound the depth of water thereabouts, fixed upon a place for building the fort of Cronstadt; and, after mak- ing the model of it in wood with his own hands, he employed prince ^lenzikoff to put it in execu- tion. From thence he went to pass the winter at Moscow, (Nov. d.) in order to estaLlish, by degrees, the several alterations he bad made in the Ictws, manners, and customs of Russia. He regulated the finances, and put them upon anew footing. He expedited the works that were carry- ing on in the Woronitz, at Azoph, and in a harbour which he had caused to be made on the Palus MsBotis, under the fort of Taganrock. Jan. 1704.] The Ottoman Porte, alarmed al these preparations, sent an embassy to the czar, complaining thereof: to wh'ch he returned for answer that he was master in his own dominions, as well as the grand seignior was in Turkey, and that it was no infringement of the peace to render the Russian power respectable on the Euxine Sea. March 30.] Upon his return to Petersburg, finding his new citadel of Cronstadt, which had been founded in the bosom of the sea, completely finished, he furnished it with the necessary artil- lery. But, in order to settle himself firmly in Ingria, and entirely to repair the disgrace he had suffered before Narva, he esteemed it necessary to take that city. While he was making prepa- rations for the siege, a small fleet appeared on the lake of Peipus, to oppose his designs. The PETER THE GREAT. 139 Russian half galleys went out to meet them, gave tbem battle, and took the whole squadron, which had on boardninety-eight pieces ol cannon. After this victory, the czar lays siege to Narva both by sea and Jand, (April,) and, which was most ex- traordinary, he lays siege to the city of Derptin Esthonia at the same time. Who would have imagined, that there was a university in Derpt "? Gustavus Adolphus had founded one there, but it did not render that city more famous, Derpt being only known by these two sieges. Peter was incessantly going from the one to the other, forwarding the attacks, and directing all the operations. The Swedish gene- ral Slipeabak was in the neighbourhood of Derpt, with a body of two thousand five hundred men. The besiegers expected every instant when he would throw succours into the place ; but Peter, on this occasion, had recour&e V> a stratagem worthy of more frequent imitation : he ordered two regiments of foot, and one of horse, to be clothed in the same uniform, and to carry the same standards and colours as the Swedes : these sham Swedes attack the trenches, (June '^7.) and the Russians pretend to be put to flight ; the gar- rison, deceived by appearances, make a sally ; upon which the mock combatants join their forces and fall upon the Swedes, one half of whom were left dead upon the place, and the rest made shift to get back to the town. Slipenbak arrives soon after with succours to relieve it, but is totally defeated. At length Derpt was obliged to ca- pitulate, (July ii'3.) just as the czar was prepar- ing every thing for a general assault. At the same time Peter met with a consider- able check, on the siile of his new city of Peters- burg ; but this did not prevent him either from going on with the works of that place, or from 140 HISTORY OF vigorously prosecuting the sieje of Narva. Ithaa already been observed, that he sent a reinforce- ment of troops and money to king Augustus, whea his enemies were driving him from his throne ; but both these aids proved useless. The Russians having joined the Lithuanians in the interest of Augustus, were totally defeated in Courland by the Swedish general Levenhaupt • (July 31.) and had the victors directed their ef- forts towards Livonia, Ksthonia, and Ingria, they might have destroyed the czar's new works, and baffled all the fruits of his great undertakings. Peter was every day sapping the breast-work of Sw^eden, while Charles seemed to neglect ail re- sistance, for the pursuit of a less advantageous, though a more brilliant fanoe. On the 13th of July, 1704, only a single Swedish colonel, at the head of his detachment, obliged the Polish nobility to nominate a new king, on the field of election, called Kolo, near the city of Warsaw. The cardinal -primate of the king- dom, and several bishops, submitted to a Lu- theran prince, noiwith-taading ihe menaces and excommunications of the supreme pontiff : in short, every thing gave way to force. All the world knows in what manner Stanislaus Leczin- sky was elected king, and how Charles XIL obliged the greatest part of Poland to acknow- ledge him. Peter, however, would not abandon the de- throned king, but redoubled his assistance, in proportion to the necessities of his ally ; and, while his enemy was making kings, he beat the Swedish generals one after another in Esthonia and Ingria ; from thence he passed to the siege of Narva, and gave several vigorous assaults to the town. There were three bastions, famous at least for their names, called Victorv, Hoboux, and PETER THE GREAT. 141 Glorj. The czar carried them all three sword- in-hand. The besiegers forced their way into the town, where they pillaged and exercised all those cruelties which were but too customary at that time, between the Swedes and Russians. August 20.] Peter, on this occasion, gave an example that ought to have gained him the af- fections of all his new subjects : he ran every where in person, to put a stop to the pillage and slaughter, rescues several women out of the clutches of the brutal soldiery, and, after having, with his own hand, killed two of those ruffians who had refused to obey his orders, he enters the town-house, whither the citizens had ran in crowds for shelter, and laying his sword, yet reeking with blood, upon the table — ' This sword,' said he, ' is not stained with the blood of your fellow citizens, but with that of my own Boldier.s, which 1 have spilt to save your lives'. CHAP. XIV. Peter theGreat keeps possession of all Ingria.whileCharlee XII. is triumphant in other places. — Rise of Menzikoff. — Petersburg secured. — The czar executes his designs notwithstanding the victories of the king of Sweden.* itn* T^ETKR being now master of all In- l/O-t. J. . /• J 1 . r gna, conferred the government of that province upon Menzikoff; and at the same time gave him the title of prince, and the rank of major-general. Pride and prejudice might, in other countries, find means to gain- say, that a pastry cook's boy should be raised • All the foregoing chapters, and likewise thoee which fellow, are taken from the journals of Peter the Great, and the papers sent me from Petersburg, carefully compared with other memoira. 142 HISTORY OF to be a general and governor, and to princely dignity ; but Peter had already accustonaed his subjects to see, without surprise, every thing given to merit, and nothing to mere nobility. Menzikoff, by a lucky accident, had, while a boy, been taken from his original obscurity, and placed in the czar's family,* where he learnt several languages, and acquired a knowledge of public affairs, both, in the cabinet and field ; and having found means to ingratiate himself with his master, he after- wards knew how to render himself necessary. He greatly forwarded the works at Petersburg, of which he had the direction ; several brick and stone-houses were already built, with an arsenal and magazines ; the fortifications were com- pleted, but the palaces were not built till some time afterwards. • Menzikoff's parents were vassals of the monastery d Cosmopoly : at the age of thirteen, he went to Moscow, and was taken into the service of a pastrj- cook. Hia pmplojment was singing ballads, and crying puffs and cakes about the streets. One da^-, as he was following this occupation, the czar happening to liear him, and to be diverted with one of his songs., sent for him, and asked him if he woald sell his pies and his basket ? The boy answered, that his business was to sell his pits, but he must ask his master's leave to sell his basket ; ^et as every thing belonged to his prince, his majestj- had only to lay his commands upon him. The czar was so pleased with this answer, that he immediately ordered him to court, where Le gave him at first a mean employment ; but being every day more pleased with his wit, he thought fit to place him about his person, and to make him groom of hisbf-dchamber, from whence he craduallj' raised him to tha highest preferBients. He was tall and well shaped. At his first coming into the czar's service, heinlisted in Le Fort's company, and acquired, under that general's inetruciion, such a degree of knowledge and skill, as en- abled him to command armies, and to become one of the bravest and most auccessful generals in Russia. PETER THE GREAT. 143 Peter was scarcely settled in Narva, when b« offered fresh succours to the dethroned king of Poland ; he promised him a body of troops over and above the twelve thousand men he had al- ready sent him, and actually dispatched general Repnin (Aug. 19.) from the frontiers of Lithuania, with six thousand horse, and the same number of foot. All this while be did not lose sight of his colony of Petersburg: the buildings went on very fast ; his navy encreased daily ; several ships and frigates were on the stocks at Olmutz ; these he took care to see finished, and brought them himself into the harbour of Petersburg. Oct. 11.] Each time he returned to Moscow, was distinguished by triumphal entries. In this manner did he revisit it this year, from whence he made only one excursion, to be present at the launching of his first ship of eighty guns upon the Woronitz, (Dec. 30.) of which ship he liiraseJf had drawn the dimensions the preceding year. Blay, 1703.] As soon as the campaign could be opened in Poland, he hastened to the army which he had sent to the assistance of Augustus, on the frontiers of that kingdom ; but, while he was thus supporting liis ally, a Swedish fleet put to sea, to destroy Petersburg, and the fortress of Cronslot, as yet hardly finished. This fleet con- sisted of twenty -two ships of war, from fifty-four to sixty-four guns each, besides six frigates, two bomb-ketches, and two fire-ships. 'Jhe troops that were sent on this expedition, made a de- scent on the little island of Kotin ; but a Russian colonel, named Tolhogwin, who commanded a regiment there, ordered his soldiers to lie down flat on their bellies, while the Swedes were com- ing on shore, and then suddenly rising up, thej tlirew in so brisk and well directed a fire, that the Swedes were put into coDfusion, and forced 144 HISTORY OF to retreat with the utmost precipitation to their ships, leaving behind them all their dead, and upwards of three hundred prisoners. (Juce 7.) However, their fleet still continued hovering about the coast, and threatened Petersburg. They made another descent, and were repulsed as be- fore (June i'5.) : a body of land-forces were also advancing from Wiburn,* under the command of the Swedish general Meidel, and look their route by Shlusselburg : this was the most con- siderable attempt that Charles had yet made upon those territories, which Peter had either conquered or new formed. The Swedes were every where repulsed, and Petersburg remained in security. Peter, on the other hand, advanced towards Courland, with a design to penetrate as far as Riga. His plan was to make himself master or Livonia, while Charles XII. was busied in re- ducing the Poles entirely under the obedience of the new king he had given them. The czar was still at Wilnaw in Lithuania, and his general Sheremeto was approaching towards Mittau, the capital of Courland ; but there he was met by general Levenhaupt, already famous by several victories, and a pitched battle was fought be- tween the two armies at a place called Gema- vershoff, or Gemavers. In all those actions where experience and dis- cipline decide the day, the Swedes, though in ferior in number, had the advantage. The Rus- sians were totally defeated, (June 28.) and lose • M. de Voltaire calls this citj- Wibor.rq, in this and some other places of his history. The French are not always very attentive to the right names of places, bnt iere it is of some consequence. Wibour^ is the capital jf Jutland in Denmark. Wiburn, the cit3' here meant, hi tbe capital of Carelia in Russian Finland. PETER THE GREAT. 145 their artillery. Peter, Tiotwithstanding the loss of three battles, viz. atGeiuavers, at Jacobstadt, and at Narva, always retrieved his losses, and even converted them to his advantage. After the battle of Gemavers, he marched his array into Courland ; came before Mittau, made himself master of the town, and afterwards laid siege to the citadel, which he took by capitu- lation. Sept. 14, 1705.] The Russian troops at that time had the character of distinguishing their successes by rapine and pillage ; a custom of too great antiquity in all nations. But Peter, at the taking of Narva, had made such alterations in this custom, that the Russian soldiers appointed to guard the vaults where the grand dukes of Courland were buried, in the- castle of Mittau, perceiving that the bodies had been taken out o! their tombs, and stripped of their ornaments, re- fused to take possession of their post, till a Swe- dish colonel had been first sent for to inspect the condition of the place ; who gave them a certi- ficate that this outrage had been committed by the Swedes themselves. A rumour which was spread throughout the •whole empire, that the czar had been totally de- feated at the battle of Gemavers, proved of greater prejudice to his affairs, than even the loss of that battle. The remainder of the ancient strelitzea in garrison at Astracan, emboldened by this false report, mutinied, and murdered the governor of the town. Peter was obliged to send marshal Sheremeto with a body of forces to quell thu insurrection, and punish the mutineers. Every thing seemed now to conspire against the czar; the success and valour of Charles XII.; the misfortunes of Augustus ; the forced neutra- lity of Denmark j the insurrection of the ancient G 146 HISTORY OF streiitzes ; the murmurs of a people, seosible of the restraint, but not of the utility of the late re- form ; the discontent of the grandees, who found themselves subjected to military discipline ; and, lastly, the exhausted state of the finances, were suflScient to have discouraged any prince except Peter : but he did not despond, even for an in- stant. He soon quelled the revolt, and having provided for the safety of Ingria, and secured the possession of the citadel of IMittau, in spite of the victorious Levenhaupt, who had not troops enough to oppose him ; he found himself at li- berty to march an army through Samojitia and Lithuania. He now shared with Charles XII. the glorj of giving laws to Poland. He advanced as far as Tikoczin : where he had an interview for the second time with king Augustus ; when he en- deavoured to comfort him under his misfortunes, promising to revenge his cause, and, at the same time, made him a present of some colours, which Menzikoff had taken from the troops of his rival. The two monarchs afterwards went together to Grodno, the capital of Lithuania, where they staid till the 15th of December. At their parting. Peter presented him both men and money, and then, according to his usual custom, went to pa.'S some part of the winter at Moscow, (30 Dec.) to encourage the arts and sciences there, and to enforce his new laws there, after having made a very difficult and laborious campaign. PETER THE GREAT. 147 CHAP. XV. ^^ile Peter i» strengthening his conquests, and im- proving the police of his dominion, his enemy Charles XII. gains several battles: gives laws to Poland and Saxony, and to Augustus, notwithstanding a victory gained by the Russians. — Augustus resigns the crown, and delivers up Patkul, the czar's ambassador. — Murder of Patkul, who is sentenced to be broke upon the wheel. 1706. pETER was hardly returned to Moscow, when he heard that Charles XI [ after being every where victorious, was advancing to- wards Grodno, to attack the Russian troops. King Augustus had been obliged to fly from Grodno, and retire with precipitation towards Saxony, with four regiments of Russian dragoons ; a step which both weakened and discouraged the army of his protector. Peter found all the ad- •vances to Grodno occupied by the Swedes, and his troops dispersed. While he was with the greatest difficulty as- sembling his troops in Lithuania, the famous Schullemburg, who was the last support Augus- tus had left, and who afterwards gained so much glory by the defence of Corfu against the Turks, was advancing on the side of Great Poland, with about twelve thousand Saxons, and six thousand Russians, taken from the body troops with which the czar liad entrusted that unfortunate prince. ScliuUeinburg expected with just reason, that he should be able to prop the sinking fortunes of Augustus; he perceived that Charles Xll. was employed in Lithuania, and tbat there was only a body of ten thousand Swedes under general Renschild to interrupt his march ; be therefore advanced with confidence as far as the frontiers of SiJesia; which is the passage out of Saxony 148 HISTORY OF into Upper Poland. When he came near the village of Fraustadt, on the frontiers of that king- dom, he met marshal Renschiid, who was ad- vancing to give him battle. Whatever care 1 take to avoid repeating what has been already mentioned in the history of Charles XH., I am obliged in this place to take notice once more, that there was in the Saxon army a French regiment, that had been taken pri- soners at the famous battle of Hochsted (or Blen- heim) and obliged to serve in the Saxon troops. I\Iy memoirs say, that this regiment had the charge of the artillery, and add, that the French, struck with the fame and reputation of Charles XII., and discontented with the Saxon service, laid down their arms as soon as they came in sight of the enemy (Feb.), and desired to be taken into the Swedish army, in which they con- tinued to the end of the war. This defection was as the beginning, or signal of a total overthrow to the Russian army, of which no more than three battalions were saved, and almost every man of these wns wounded ; and as no quarter w-as granted, the remainder was cut in pieces. Norberg, the chaplain, pretends, that the Swe- dish word at this battle was, ' In toe name of God,' and that of the Russians, ' Kill all;' but it was the Swedes who killed all in God's name. The czar himself declares, in one of his manifes- toes,* that a number of Russians, Cossacks, and Calmucks, that had been made prisoners, were murdered in cool blood three days after that battle. The irregular troops on both sides had accustomed their generals to these cruelties, than which greater were never committed in the most barbarous times. I had the honour to hear • The czar's manifesto in the LTiraine, I709. PETER THE GREAT. 149 k^g Stanislaus himself saj, that in one of those engagements which were so frequent in Poland, a Russian officer who had formerly been one of his friends, came to put himself under his pro- tection, after the defeat of the corps he com- manded ; and that the Swedish general Steinbock shot him dead with a pistol, while he held hira in his arms. Ihis was the fourth battle the Russians had lost against the Swedes, without reckoning the other victories of Charles XII. in Poland. The czar's troops that were in Grodno, ran the risk of suffering a still greater disgrace, by being sur- rounded on all sides ; but he fortunately found means to get them together, and even to strengthen them with new reinforcements. But necessitated at once to provide for the safety of this army, and the security of his conquests in Ingria, he ordered prince INIenzikoff to march with the army under his command eastward, and from thence southward as far as Kiow. While his men were upon their march, he re- pairs to Shiusselburg. from thence to Narva, and to his colony of Petersburg (August), and puts those places in a posture of defence. From the Baltic he flies to the banks of the Boristhenes, to enter into Poland by the way of Kiow, making it still his chief care to render those victories of Charles, which he had not been able to prevent, of as little advantage to the victor as possible. At this very time he meditated a new conquest ; namely, that of Wibourg, the capital of Carelia. situated on the gulf of Finland. lie went in person to lay siege to this place, but for this time it withstood the power of his arms ; succours arrived in season, and he was obliged to raise the siege. (Oct.) His rival, Charles XII. did not, in Cact, make any couijuests, though he gained so / 150 HISTORY OF manj? battles : he was at that time in pursuit of king Augustus in Saxony, being always more in- tent upon humbling that prince, and crushing him beneath the weight of his superior power and re- putation, than upon recovering Ingria, that had been wrested from him by a vanquished enemy. He spread terror through all Upper Poland, Silesia, and Saxony, King Augustus's whole family, his mother, his wife, his son, and the principal nobility of the country, were retired into the heart of the empire. Augustus now sued for peace, choosing rather to trust himself to the mercy of his conqueror, than in the arms of his protector. He entered into a treaty which de- prived him of the crown of Poland, and covered him at the same time with ignominy. This was a private treaty, and was to be concealed from the czar's generals, with whom he had taken re- fuge in Poland, while Charles XII. was giving laws in Leipsic, and acting as absolute master throughout his electorate. His plenipotentiaries bad uJready signed the fatal treaty (Sept. 11.), by which he not only di- vested himself of the crown of Poland, but pro- mised never more to assume the title of king ; at the same time he recognized Stanislaus, re- nounced his alliance with the czar his benefactor ; and, to complete his humiliation, engaged to de- liver up to Charles XII. John Reinold Patkul, the czar's ambassador and general in the Russian ser- vice, who was then actually fighting in his cause. He had some time before ordered Patkul to be arrested upon false suspicions, contrary to the law of nations ; and now, in direct violation of these laws, he delivered hira up to the enemy. It had been better for him to have died sword-in- hand, than to have concluded such a treaty • a treaty, which not only robbed him of his crown, PETER THE GREAT. 151 and of his reputation, but likewise endangered his liberty, because he was at that time in the power of prince Wenzikoff in Posnania, and the few Saxons that he had with him, were paid by the Russians. Prince Menzikoflf was opposed in that district by a Swedish army, reinforced with a strong party of Poles, in the interest of the new king Stanis- laus, under the command of general Meyerfeld ; and not knowing that Augustus had engaged in a treaty with the enemies of Russia, had pro- posed to attack them, and Augustus did not dare to refuse. The battle was fought near Calish (Oct. 19.), in the palatinate belonging to Stanis- laus ; this was the first pitched battle the Rus- sians had gained against the Swedes. Prince MenzikofF had all the glory of the action, four thousand of the enemy were left dead on the field, and two thousand five hundred and ninety-eight were made prisoners. It is difficult to comprehend how Augustus could be prevailed on, after this battle, to ratify a treaty which deprived him of all the fruits of his victory. But Charles was still triumphant in Saxony, where his very name spread terror. The success of the Russians appeared so incon- siderable, and the Polish party against Augustus was so strong, and, in fine, that monarch was so ill-advised, that he signed the fatal convention. Neither did he stop here : he wrote to his envoy Finkstein a letter, that was, if possible, more shanieful than the treaty itself; for therein he asked pardon for having obtained a victory, * protesting, that the battle had been fought against his will ; that the Russians and the Poles, his adherents, had obliged him to it; that he had, with a view of preventing it, actually made fiome movements to abandon Menzikoff; that 152 HISTORY OF Meyerfeld might have beaten him, had he made the'most of that opportunity; that he was ready to restore all the Swedish prisoners, or to break vith the Russians ; and that, in fine, he would give the king of Sweden all possible satisfaction,' for having dared to beat his troops. This whole aflfair, unparalleled and inconceiv- able as it is, is, nevertheless, strictly true. When we reflect, that, with all this weakness, Augustus was one of the bravest pinces in Europe, we may plainly perceive, that the loss or jireserva- tion, the rise or declme of empires, are entirely owing to fortitude of mind. Two other circumstances concurred to com- plete the disgrace of the king of Poland elector of Saxony, and heighten the abuse which Charles XII. made of his good fortune ; the first was his obliging Augustus to write a letter of congratu- lation to the new king Stanislaus on his election : the second was terrible, he even compelled Au- gustus to deliver up Patkul, the czar's ambassa- dor and general.* It is sufficiently known to all Europe, that this minister was afterwards • The impartiality of an historian obliges us in this place to advertise our readers, tliat it was not the fault of Augustus, that Patkul -was delivered up to the king of Sweden ; Augustus having privatelj' sent orders to the commandant of the fort of Konigstein, where Patkul was then confined, to suffer his prisoner to make his es- cape in time. But the avarice of this officer proved fatal to the life of the unhappj' captive, and to the cha. racter of his own prince ; for while he was endeavour-- ing to make the best bargain he could for himself, the time slipped inconceivably away ; and while they wen yet debating upon the price of the proposed releasement, the guards sent by Charles came and demanded Patkul in the name of their sovereign. The commandant waa forced to obey, and the unhappy victim was delivered up, contrary to the intentions of Aagustua. PETER THE GREAT. 153 brcke alive upon the wheel at Casimir, in the month of September, 1707. Norberij, the chap- lain, confesses that tlie orders for his execution were all written in Charles's own baud. There is not a civilian in all Europe, nay even the vilest slave, but must feel the whole horror of this barbarous injustice. The first crime of this unfortunate man was, the having made an humble representation of the rights and pri- vileges of his country, at the head of six Livo- nian gentlemen, who were sent as deputies from the whole province : having been condemned to die for fulfilling the first of duties, that of serving his country agreeable to her laws. This iniquitous sentence put him in full possession of a right, which all mankind derive from nature, that of choosing his country. Being afterwards made embassador to one of the greatest monarchs in the universe, his person thereby became sacred. On this occasion the law of force violated that of nature and nations. In former ages cruelties of this kind were hidden in the blaze of success, but now they sully the glory of a conqueror. CHAP. XYI. Attempts made to set up a third king of Poland.— Charles XII. sets out from Saxony with a powerful army, and marches throusjh Poland in a victorious man- ner. — Cruellies committed. — Conduct of the czar. — Successfs of the kini; of Sweden, who at length ad- vances towards Russia. 1707 C"'^^^'^^^ ^^^" ^"j^y*^'^ ^^® ^'■"'^^ o' his good fortune in Altranstadt near Leipsic, whiiher the Protestant princes of the German em{)ire repaired in droves to pay homage G -i 154 HISTORY OF to him, and implore his protection. He leceived ambassadors from almost all the potentates in Europe. The emperor Joseph implicitly fol- lowed his directions. Peter then perceiving that king Augustus had renounced his protection and his own crown, and that a part of the Polish na- tion had acknowledged Stanislaus, listened to the proposals made him by Yolkova, of choosing a third king. A diet was held at Lublin, in which several of the pal atir.es were proposed ; and among others. Prince Ragotski was put upon the list ; that prince, who was so long kept in prison, when young, by the emperor Leopold, and who after- wards when he procured his liberty, was his com- petitor for the throne of Hungary. This negotiation was pushed very far, and Poland was on the point of having three kings at one time. Prince Ragotski not succeeding, Peter thought to bestow the crown on Siniauski, grand general of the republic ; a person of great power and interest, and head of a third party, that would neither acknowledge the dethroned king, nor the person elected by the opposed party. In the midst of these troubles, there was a talk of peace, as is customary on the like occasions. Besseval the French envoy in Saxony interposed, in order to bring about a reconciliation between the czar and the king of Sweden. Itwas thought at that time by the court of France, that Charles> having no longer either the Russians or Poles to fight against, might turn his arms against the emperor Joseph, with whom he was not on very good terms, and on whom he had imposed se- veral laws during his stay in Saxony. But Charles made answer, that he would treat with the czar in Moscow. It was on this occasion that PETER THE GREAT. 155 Peter said, ' My brother Charles wants to act the A.exander, but he shall not find a Darius in me.' The Russians however were still in Poland, and were in the city of Warsaw, while the king whom Charles XII. had set over the Poles was hardly acknowledged by that nation. In the mean time, Charles wa.s enriching his army with the spoils of Saxony. Aug. 22.] At length he began his march from Altranstadt, at the head of an army of forty-five thousand men ; a force which it seemed impos- sible for the czar to withstand, seeing he had been entirely defeated by eight thousand only at Narva. Aug. 27.] It was in passing by the walls of Dresden, that Charles made that very extra- ordinary visit to king Augustus, which, as Nor- berg says, ' will strike posterity with admiration.' It was running an unaccountable risk, to put himself in the power of a prince whom he had deprived of his kingdom. From thence he con- tinued his march through Silesia, and re-entered Poland. This country has been entirely ravaged by war, ruined by factions, and was a prey to every kind of calamity. Charles continued advancing with his army through the province of Muscovia, and chose the most difficult ways he could take. The inhabitants, who had taken shelter in the mo- rasses, resolved to make him at least pay for bis passage Six thousand peasants dispatched an old man of their body lo speak to him : this man who was of a very extraordinary figure, clad in white, and armed with two carabines, made a speech to Charles ; but as the standers by did not well understand what he said, they, without any further ceremony, dispatched him in his 156 HISTORY OF harangue, and before their king's face. The pea- sants, in a rage, immediately withdrew, and took up arms. All who could be found were seized, and obliged to hang one another ; the last was compelled to put the rope about his neck himself, and tD be his own executioner. All their houses were burnt to the ground. This fact is attested by Norberg, who was an eye-witness, and there- fore cannot be contradicted, as it cannot be re- lated without inspiring horror. 1708, Feb. 6.] Charles being arrived within a few leagues of Grodno in Lithuania, is inform- ed of the czar's being there in person with a body of troops ; upon which, without staying to deliberate, he takes only eight hundred of his guards, and sets out for Grodno. A German officer, named Mulfels, who commanded a body of troops, posted at one of the gates of the town, making no doubt, when he saw Charles, but that he was followed by his whole army, in- stead of disputing the passage with him, leaves it open, and takes to flight. The alarm is now spread through the whole town ; every one ima- gines the whole Swedish army already entered ; the few Russians who made any resistance, are cut in pieces by the Swedish guards ; and all the officers assure the czar, that the victorious array had made itself master of the place. Hereupon Peter retreats behind the ramparts, and Charles plants a guard of thirty men at the very gate through which the czar had just before entered. In this confusion some of the Jesuits, whose college had been taken to accommodate the king of Sweden, as being the handsomest structure in the place, went by night to the czar, and for this time told the whole truth. Upon this, Peter immediately returns into the town, and forces the Swedish guards. An engagement ensues in the PETER THE GREAT. 167 streets and public places ; but, at length, the whole Swedish army appearing in sight, the czar is obliged to yield to superior numbers, and leaves the town in the hands of the victor, who made all Poland tremble. Charles had augmented his forces in Livonia and Finland, and Peter had every thing to fear, not only for his conquests on this side, together with those in Lithuania, but also for his ancient territo- ries, and even for the city of Moscow itself. He was obliged then to provide at once for the safety of all these different places, at such a distance from each other. Charles couid not make any rapid conquest to the eastward of Lithuania in the depth of winter, and in a marshy country, sub- ject to epidemical disorders, which had been spread by poverty and famine, from Warsaw, as farasMinski. Peter posted his troops so as to com- mand the passes of the rivers, (April 8.) guarded all the important posts, and did every thing in his power to impede the marches of his enemy, and afterwards has.tened to put things in a pro- per situation at Petersburg. Though Charles was lording it in Poland, he took nothing from the czar; but Peter, by the use he marie of liis new fleet, by landing his troops in Finland, by the taking and dismantling the town of Borgau, (May '^2.) and by seizings great booty, was ])rocuring many real and great advantages to himself, and distressing his enemy. Charles, after being detained a long time m Lithuania, by continual rains, at length reached the little river of 15erezine, some few leagues from the Boristheues. Nothing couid withstand his activity : he threw a bridge over the river in siglit of the l^ussians ; beat a detachment that guarded the passage, and got to lloloziii on the river Bibitsch, where tlie rzar Imd posceJ aeon- 158 HISTORY OF siderable body of troops to check the impetuous progress of his rival. The little river of Bibitsch is onlv a small brook in dry weather ; but at this time it was swelled by the rains to a deep and rapid scream. On the other side was a morass, behind which the Russians had thrown up an in- trenchment for above a quarter of a league, de- fended by a large and deep ditch, and covered by a parapet, lined with artillery. Nine regi- ments of horse, and eleven of foot, were advan- tageously posted in these lines, so that the pas- sage of the river seemed impracticable. The Swedes, according to the custom of war, got ready their pontoons, and erected batteries to favour their passage ; but Charles, whose im- patience to engage would not let him brook the least delay, did not wait till the pontoons were ready. ^Marshal Schweriu, who served a long time under him, has assured me several times, that one day that they were to come to action, ob- serving his generals to be very busv in concerting the necessary dispositions, said tartly to them, ' When will you have done with this trifling V and immediately advanced in person at the head of his guards, which he did particularly on this memorable day. He flung himself into the river, followed by his regiment of guards. Their numbers broke the impetuosity of the current, but the water was as high as their shoulders, and they could make no use of their firelocks. Had the artillery of the parapet been but tolerably well served, or had the infantry h\it levelled their pieces in a proper manner, not a single Swede would have escaped. July 2.T.] The king, after wading the river, passed the morass on foot. As soon as the army had surmounted these obstacles within sight of the Russians, they drew up in order of battle, PETER THE GREAT. 159 and attacked the enemies intrenchments seven different times, and it was not tilJ the seventh attack that the Ilussians gave way. By the accounts of their own historians, the Swedes took but twelve field-pieces, and twenty-four mortars. It was therefore evident, that the czar had at length succeeded in disciplining his troops, and this victory of Holozin, while it covered Charles XII. with glory, might have made him sensible of the many dangers he must have to encounter in adventurmg into such distant countries, where his army could march only in small bodies, through woods, morasses, and where he would be obliged to fight out every step of his way ; but the Swedes, being accustomed to carry all before them, dreaded neither danger nor fatigue* CHAP. XVII. Charles XII. croBses the Boristhenes, penetratek into the Ukraioe, but concerts his measures badly. — One of his armies is defeated by Peter the Great ; he loses his supply of provisions and ammunition : advances for- ward through a desert country : his adventures iu the Ukraine. 1708. A T last Charles arrives on the borders of the Boristhenes, at a small town call- ed Mohilow. 'I'his was the important spot where it was to be determined, whether he should di- rect his inarch eastward, towards Moscow ; or southwards, towards the Ukraine. His owif army, his friends, his enemies, all expected that he would direct his course immediately for the • What would those Swedes say, were they living, to se« the pitiful figure their descendants have made iu this 160 HISTORY OF capital of Russia. Which ever way he tool', Peter was following him from Smolensko with a strong army ; no one expected that he would turn towards the Ukraine. He was induceito take this strange resolution by Mazeppa, hetman of the Cossacks, who, being an old man of seventy and without children, ought to have thought only of ending his days in peace : gratitude should have bound him to the czar, to whom he was in- debted for his present dignity ; but whether he had any real cause of complaint against that prince, or that he was dazzled with the lustre of Charles's exploits, or whether, in time, he thought to make himself independent, he betrayed his benefactor, and privately espoused the interests of the king of Sweden, flattering himself with the hopes of engaging his whole nation in a rebellion with himself. Charles made not the least doubt of subduing the Russian empire, as soon as his troops should be joined by so warlike a people as the Cossacks. Mazeppa was to furnish him with what provi- sions, ammunition, and artillery, he should want ; besides these powerful succours, he was to be joined by an army of sixteen or seventeen thou- sand men, out of Livonia, under the command of general Levenhaupt, who was to bring with him a prodigious quantity of warlike stores and pro- visions. Charles was not at the trouble of re- flecting, whether the czar was within reach of attacking the army, and depriving him of these necessary supplies. He never informed himself whether Mazeppa was in a condition to observe his promises ; if that Cossack had credit enough to change the disposition of a whole nation, who are generally guided only by their own opi- nion ; or whether his army was provided with euificient resources in case of an accident ; but PETER THE GREAT. 161 imagined, if Mazeppa should prove deficient in abilities or fidelity, be could trust in his own valour and good fortune. The Swedish army then advanced beyond the Boristhenes towards the Desna ; it was between these two rivers, that he expected to meet with Mazeppa. His march was attended with many difficulties and dangers, on account of the badness of the road, and the many parties of Russians that were hovering about these regions. Sept. 11.] MenzikoflF, at the head of some horse and foot, attacked the king's advanced guard, threw them into disorder, and killed a number of his men. He lost a great number of his own, indeed, but that did not discourage him. Charles immediately hastened to the field of battle, and with some difficulty repulsed the Russians, at the hazard of his own life, by en- gaging a party of dragoons, by whom he was surrounded. All this while Mazeppa did not ap- pear, and provisions began to grow scarce. The Swedish soldiers, seeing their king share in all their dangers, fatigues, and wants, were not dis- pirited ; but though they admired his courage, they could not refrain from murmuring at his conduct. The orders which the king had sent to Leven- haupt to march forward with all haste, to join him with the necessary supplies, were not deli- vered by twelve days so soon as they should have been. This was a long delay as circumstances then stood. However, Levenhauj)t at length began his march ; Peter suffered him to pass the Boristheoes, but as soon as his army was got between that river and the lesser ones, which empty themselves into it, he crossed over after him, and attacked him with his united forces, which had followed \n ditierent corps at equal Id2 HISTORY OF distances from one another. This battle was fought between the Boristhenes and the Sossa.* Prince Menzikoflf was upon his return with the same body of horse, with which he had lately en- gaged Charles XII. General Baur followed him, and the czar himself headed the flower of his army. The Swedes imagined they had to deal ■with an army of forty thousand men, and the same was believed for a long time on the faith of their relation ; but my late memoirs inform me, that Peter had only twenty thousand men in this day's engagement, a number net much su- perior to that of the enemy : but his vigour, his patience, his unwearied perseverance, together with that of his troops, animated by his presence, decided the fate, not of that day only, but of three successive days, daring which the fight was renewed at different times. They made their first attack upon the rear of the Swedish army, near the village of Lesnau, from whence this battle borrows its name. This first shock was bloody, without proving decisive. Levenhaupt retreated into a wood, and thereby saved his baggage. (Oct. 7.) The next morning, when the Swedes were to be driven from this wood, the fig't was still more bloody, and more to the advantage of the Russians. Here it was that the czar, seeing his troops in disorder, cried out to fire upon the runaways, and even upon himself, if they saw him turn back. The Swedes were repulsed, but not thrown into confusion. At length a reinforcement of four thousand dragoons arriving, he fell upon the Swedes a third time, who retreated to a small town called Prospock, where they were again attacked ; they then marched towards the Desna, the R'jssians • In the Russiaji language, Soeza. PETER THE GREAT. 16S *till pursuing them : yet they were never broken, but lost upwards of eight thousand men, seven- teen pieces of cannon, and forty-four colours : the czar took fifty-six officers and near nine hun- dred private men prisoners ; and the great con- voy of provisions and ammunition that were going to Charles's army, fell into the hands of the conqueror. ^ This was the first time that the czar in person gained a pitched battle, agaiusr an enemy who had distinguished himself by so many victories over his troops : he was employed in a general thanksgiving for his success, when he received advice that general Apraxin had lately gained an advantage over the enemy in lugria, (Sept. 17,) some leagues from Narva, an advantage less considerable indeed than that of Lesnau; but this concurrence of fortunate events greatly raised the hopes and courage of his troops. Charles XII. heard of these unfortunate tidings just as he was ready to pass the Desna, in the Ukraine. Mazeppa at length joined him ; but instead of twenty thousand men, and an im- mense quantity of provisions ; which he was to have brought with him, lie came with only two regiments, and appeared rather like a fugitive applying for assistance, than a prince, who was bringing powerful succours to his ally. This Cossack had indeed begun his march with near fifteen or sixteen thousand of his people, whom he had told, at their first setting out, that they were going against the king of Sweden ; that they would have the glory of stopping that hero on his march, and that be would hold himself eternally obliged to them for so great a service. But when they carne v/ithin a few leagues of the Desna, he made them acquainted with his real design. These brave people received his decia- 164 HISTORY OF ration with disdain : they refused to betray a monarch, against whom they had no cause of complaint, for the sake of a Swede, who had in- vaded their country with an armed force, and who, after leaving it, would be no longer able to defend them, but must abandon them to the mercy of the incensed Russians, and of the Poles, once their masters, and dhvays their enemies : they accordingly returned home, and gave advice to the czar of the defection of their chief : Ma- zeppa found himself left with only two regiments, the officers of which were in his own pay. He was still master of some strong posts in the Ukraine, and in particular of Bathurin, the place of his residence, looked upon as the capital of the country of the Cossacks : it is situated near some forests on the Desna, at a great distance from the place where Peter had defeated general Levenbaupt. There were always some Russian regiments quartered in these districts. Prince MenzikofF was detached from the czar's army, and got thither by round-about marches. Charles could not secure all the passes ; he did not even know them all, and had neglected to make him- self master of the important post of Starowdoub, which leads directly to the Bathurin, across seven or eight leagues of forest, through which the Desna directs its course. His enemy had always the advantage of him, by being better acquainted with the country. MenzikofF and prince Galitzin, who had ac- companied him, easily made their passage good, and presented themselves before the town of Bathurin, (Nov. 14,) which surrendered almost without resistance, was plundered, and reduced to ashes. The Russians made themselves mas- ters of a large magazine destined for the use of the king of Sweden, and of all Mazeppa's trea- PETER THE GREAT. 165 sores. TTie Cossacks chose another hetraan, named Skoropasky, who was approved by the czar, who being willing to impress a due sense of the enormous crime of treason on the minds of the people, by a striking example of justice, the archbishop of Kiow, and two other prelates, were ordered to excommunicate Mazeppa pub- licly, (Nov. 22,) after which he was hanged in effigy, and some of his accomplices were broken upon the wheel. In the meanwhile, Charles XII. still at the head of about twenty-five or twenty- seven thou- sand Swedes, who were reinforced by the re- mains of Levenhaupt's army, and the addition of between two or three thousand men, whom Mazeppa had brought with him, and still infa- tuated with the same notion of making all the Ukraine declare for him, passed the Desna at some distance from Bathurin, and near the Bo- risthenes, in spite of the czar's troops which sur- rounded him on all sides; part of whom followed close in the rear, while another part lined the opposite side of the river to oppose his passage. He continued his march through a desert country, where he met with nothing but burned or ruined villages. The cold began to set in at the beginning of December so extremely sharp, that in one of Ins marches near two thousand of bis men perished before his eyes : the czar's troops did not suffer near so much, being better supplied ; whereas the king of Sweden's army, being almost naked, was necessarily' more ex- posed to the inclemency of the weather. In this deplorable situation, count Piper, chancellor of Sweden, who never gave his master other than good advice, conjured him to halt, and pass at least the severest part of the winter in a small town of the Ukraine, called Romna, where 166 HISTORY OF he might intrench himself, and get some provi- sions by the help of Mazeppa ; but Charles re- plied, tiiat — He was not a person to shut him- self up in a town. Piper then intreated him to re-pass the Desna and the Boristhenes, to return back into Poland, to put his trooj'S into winter quarters, of which they stood so much in need, to make use of the Polish cavalry, which was absolutely necessary; to support the king he had nominated, and to keep in awe the partisans of Augustus, who began already to bestir them- selves. Charles answered him again — That this would be living before the czar, that the season would grow milder, and that he must reduce the Ukraine, and march on to Moscow. * January, 1709.] Both armies remained some weeks inactive, on account of the intenseness of the cold, in the month of January, 1709; but as- soon as the men were able to make use of their arms, Charh s attacked all the small posts that he found in his way ; he was obliged to send parties on every side in search of provisions : thra is to say. to scour the country twenty leagues round, and rob all the peasants of their necessary sub- sistence. Peter, without hurrying himself, kept a strict eye upon all his motions, and suffered the Swedish army to dwindle away by degrees. It is impossible for the reader to follow the Swedes in their march through these countries : several of the rivers which they crossed are not to be found in the maps : we must not suppose, that geographers are as well acquainted with these countries, as we are with Italy, France, and Germany : geography is, of all the arts, that which still stands the most need of improvement . and ambition has hitherto been at more pains to • This is acknowledged by Norberg himself, vol. ii. p. 263. PETER THE GREAT. 167 desolate the face of the globe, than to give a do- scription of it. We must content ourselves then wiih knowing, that Charles traversed the whole Ukraine in the month of February, burning the villages wherever he came, or meeting with others that had been laid in ashes by the Russians. He advancing south-east, came to those sandy deserts, bordered by mountains that separate the Nogay Tartars from the Don Cossacks. To the eastward of those mountains are the altars of Alexander. Charles was now on the other side of the Ukraine, in the road that the Tartars take tc Russia ; and when he was got there, he was obliged to return back again to procure subsistence : the inhabi- tants, having retired with all their cattle into their dens and lurking-places, would sometimes defend their subsistence against the soldiers, who came to deprive them of it. Such of these poor wretches, who could be found, were put to death, agreeably to what are falsely called, the rules of war. I cannot here forbear transcribing a few lines from Norberg.* ' As an instance,' says he, • of the king's regard to justice, I shall insert a note, which he wrote with his own hand to colonel Heilmen. * Colonel, • I am very well pleased that you have taken those peasants, who carried off a Swedish soldier; as soon as they are convicted of the crime, let them be punished with death, according to the exigency of the case. ' Charles; and lower down, Budis.' Such are the sentiments of justice and hu- manity shewn by a king's confepsor ; but, had the peasants of the Ukraine had it in their power to • VoL 1 1 . page '^79- 168 HISTORY OF hang up some of those regimented peasants of East Gothland, who thought themselves entitled to come so far to plunder them, their wives, and families, of their subsistence, would not the con- fessors and cliaplains of these Ukrainers have had equal reason to applaud their justice ^ Mazeppa had for a considerable time, been in treaty with the Zaporavians, who dwell about the two shores of the Boristhenes, and of whom part inhabit the islands on that river. It is this di- vision that forms the nation, of whom mention has already been made in the first chapter of this history, and who have neither wives nor families, and subsist entirely by rapine. During the winter they heap up provisions in their islands, which they afterwards go and sell in the summer, in the lif.tle town of Pultowa ; the rest dwell in small hamlets, to the right and left of this river. AH together choose a particular hetman, and this het- man is subordinate to him of the Ukraine. I'he person , at that time at the head of the Zaporavians, came to meet Mazeppa ; and these two barbarians had an interview, at which each of them had A horse's tail, and a club borne before him, as ensigns of honour. To shew what this hetman of the Zaporavians and his people were, I think it not unworthy of history, to relate the manner in which this treaty was concluded. Mazeppa gave a great feast to the hetman of the Zaporavians, and his principal officers, who were all served in plate. As soon as these chiefs had made themselves drunk with brandy, tbey took an oath (without stirring from table) upon the Evangelists, to supply Charles with men and provisions ; after which they .-arried off all the plate and other table-furniture. Mazeppa's steward ran after them, and remon- strated, that such behaviour ill-suited with the PETER THE GREAT 169 doctrine of the Gospels, on which they had so lately sworn. Some of Mazeppa's domestics were for taking the plate away from them by force ; but the Zaporavians went in a body to romplain to 3Iazeppa, of the unparalleled aflfront offered to &uch brave fellows, and demanded to have the steward delivered up to them, that they might punish him according to law. This was accordingly complied with, and the Zaporavians, according to law, tossed this poor man from one to another like a ball, and afterwards plunged a knife to his heart. Such were the new allies that Charles XII. was obliged to receive ; part of whom he formed into a regiment of two thousand men ; the re- mainder marched in separate bodies against the Cossacks and Calmucks of the czar*s party, that were stationed about that district. The little town of Pultowa, with which those Zaporavians carry on a trade, was filled with provisions, and might have served Charles for a place of arms. It is situated on the river Worsk- law, near a chain of mountains, wuich command it on the north side. To the eastward is a vast desert. The western part is the most fruitful , and the best peopled. The Worsklaw empties itself into the Bonsthenes, about fifteen leagues lower down ; from Pultowa, one may go northward, through the defiles, which communicate with the road to Moscow, a pa.ssage used by the Tartars. It is very difficult of access, and the precautions taken by the czar had rendered it almost im- pervious ; but nothing appeared impossible to Charles, and he depended upon marching to Moscow, as soon as he had made hmself master of Pultowa : with this view he laid siege to that town in the beginning of May. H 170 HISTORY OF CHAP. XVIII. Battle of Pultowa. H' [ERE it was that Peter expected him ; he had disposed the several divisions of his army at convenient distances for joining each other, and marching all together against the hesiegers: he had visited the countries which surround the I'kraine ; namely the duchy of Severia, watered by the P'esna, aheady made famous by his vic- tory : the country ol Bolcho, in which the Occa has its source ; the deserts and mountains leading to the Palus Maeotis ; and lately he had been in the neighbourhood of Azoph, where he caused that harbour to be cleansed, new ships to be built, and the citadel of Taganroc to be repaired. Thus did he employ the time tha' passed between the battles of Lesnau and Pultowa, in preparing for the defence of his dominions. As soon as he heard the Swedes had laid siege to the town, he ^:uslered all his forces ; the horse, dragoons, in- fantry, Cossacks, and Calmucks, advanced from diflferent quarters. His army was well provided with necessaries of every kind ; large cannon, iield pieces, ammunition of all sorts, provisions, and even medicines for the sick : this was another degree of superiority which he had acquired over his rival. On the loth day of June, 1709, he appeared before Pultowa, with an army of about sixty thousand effective men ; the river Worsklaw was between him and Charles. The besiegers vvfie encamped on the uorth-weet side of thai r!v< r, iIr- Russians on the south-east. Peter ascends the river above the town, fixes Ins barges, marches over with his army, and draws a long line of intreachments, (July 3.) PEfER THE GREAT. I7i which were begun and completed in one night, in the face of the enemy. Charles might tben judge, whether the person, whom he had so much despised, and whom he thought of de- throning at Moscow, understood the art of war. "This disposition being made, Pe'er posted his cavalry between two woods, and covered it with several redoubts, lined with artillery. Having thus taken all the necessary measures, (July 6.) he went to reconnoitre the enemy's camp, in order to form the attack. This battle was to decide the fate of Russia, Poland, and Sweden, and of two monarchs, on whom the eyes of all Europe were fixed. The greatest part of those nations, who were atten- tive to these important concerns, were equally ignorant of the place where these two princes where, and of their situation : but knowing that Charles XII. had set out from Saxony, at the head of a victorious army, and that he was driving his enemy everywhere before him, they no longer doubted that he would at length en- tirely crush him ; and that, as he had already given laws to Denmark, Poland, and Germany, he would now dictate conditions of peace in the Kremlin of Moscow, and make anew czar, after having already made anew king of Poland. I have seen letters from several public; ministers to their respective courts, confirming this general opinion. The risk was far from being equal between these two great rivals, if Charh s lost a life, which he had so often and wantonly exposed, theri" would after all have been but one hero less in the world. The provinces of the Ukraine, the frontiers of Lithuania, and of Russia, would tht^n rest from their calamities, and a stop would be put to the general devastation which had eo irS HISTORY OF long been their scourge. Poland would, to- gether with her tranquillity, recover her lawful prince, who had been lately reconciled to the czar, his benefactor ; and Sweden, though ex- hausted of men and money, might find motives of consolation under her heavy losses. But, if the czar perished, those immense labours, which had been of such utility to man- kind, would be buried with him, and the most extensive empire ic the world would again re- lapse into the chaos from whence it had been so lately taken. There had already been some skirmishes be- tween the detached parties of the Swedes and Russians, under the walls of the town. In one of these rencounters, (June 27.) Charles had been wounded by a musket-ball, which had shattered the bones of his foot : he underwent several painful operations, which he bore with his usual fortitude, and had been confined to his bed for several days. In this condition he was in- formed, that Peter intended to give him battle ; his notions of honour would not suflPer him to wait to be attacked in his intrenchments. Ac- cordingly he gave orders for quitting them, and was carried himself in a litter. Peter the Great acknowledges, that the Swedes attacked the redoubts, lined with artillery, that covered his cavalry, with such obstinate valour, that, not- withstanding the strongest resistance, supported by a continual fire, the enemy made themselves masters of two redoubts. Some writers say, that when the Swedish infantry found them- selves in possession of the two redoubts, they thought the day their own, and began to cry out — Victory. The chaplain, Norberg, who was at some great distance from the field of battle, amongst the baggage (which wai indeed his PETER THE GREAT. 173 propel place) pretends, that this was a calumny ; but, whether the Swedes cried victory or n»t, it is certain they were not victorious. The fire from the other redoubts was kept up without censing, and the resistance made bv the Russians, in every part, was as firm as the attack of their enemies was vigorous. They did not make one irregular movement ; the czar drew up his army without the intrenchraents in excellent order, and with surprising dispatch. The battle now became general. Peter acted as major-general ; Baur commanded the right wing, Menzikolf the left, and iSheremeto the centre. The action lasted about two hours : Charles, with a pistol in his hand, went from rank to rank, carried in a litter, on the shoulders of his drabans ; one of which was killed by a cannun-ball, and at the same time the litter was shattered in pieces. He then ordered his men to carry him upon their pikes ; for it would have been difficult, in so smart an action, let Norberg say as he pleases, to find a fresh litter ready made. Peter received several shots through his clothes and his hat ; both princes were continually in the midst of the fire, during the whole action. At length, after two hours desperate engagement, the Swedes were taken on all sides, and fell into confusion ; so that Charles was obliged to fly before him, whom he had hitherto held in so much contempt. This very hero, who could not mount his saddle during the battle, now fled for his life on horse- hack ; necessity lent bini strength in his retreat; he suffered the most excruciating pain, which was increased by the mortifying reflection of being vai;quisli{d without resource. The Rus- sian^i reckoned nine thousand two hundred and t^^'ent}'-four Swedes left dead on the field ot 174 HISTORY OF battle, and between two and three thousand made prisoners in the action, the chief of which was cavalry. Charles XII. fled with the greatest precipita- tion, attended by the remains of his brave army, a few field-pieces, and a very small quantity of provisions and ammunition. He directed his march southward, towards the Boristhenes, be- tween the two rivers Workslaw and Psol. or Sol, in the country of the Zaporaviaus. Be- yond the Boristhenes, are vast deserts, which lead to the frontiers of Turkey. Norberg affirms, that the victors durst not pursue Charles ; and yet be acknowledges, that prince Menzikoff appeared on the neighbouring heights, (.'ulv 12.) with ten thousand horse, and a considerable train of artillery, while the king was passing the Boristhenes. Fourteen thousand Swedes surrendered them- selves prisoners of war to these ten thousand Russians ; and Levenhaupt, who commanded them, signed the fatal capitulation, by which he gave up those Zoporavians who had engaged in the service of his master, and were then in the fugitive army. The chief persons taken pri- soners in the battle, and by the capitulation, were count Piper, the first minister, with two secretaries of state, and two of the cabinet; field marshal Renschild, the generals Leren- haupt, Slipenbak, Rozen, Stakelber, Creuiz, and Hamilton, with three general aides-de- camp, the auditor-general of the army, fifty- nine staff-officers, five colonels, among whom was the prince of Wirtemberg ; sixteen thou- sand nine hundred and forty-two private men and non-commissioned officers : in short, reck, oning the king's own domestics, and others, the conqueror had no less than eiglUeen thousand PETER THE GREAT. 175 teven hundred and forty-six prisoners in his power; to whom, if we add nine thousand two hundred and twenty-four slain in battle, and nearly two thousand that passed the Boristhenes with Charles, it appears, plainly, that he had, on that memorable day, no less than twenty-seven thousand eflfective men under his command.* Charles had begun his march from Saxony with forty-five thousand men, Levenhaupl had brought upwards of sixteen thousand out of Livonia, and yet scarce a handful of men was left of all this powerful army ; of a numerous train of artillery, part lost in his marches, and part buried in the morasses; he had now remaining only eighteen brass cannon, two howitzers, and twelve mor- tars; and, with inconsiderable force, he had un- dertaken the siege of Pultowa, and had attacked an arni}^ provided with a formidable artillery. Therefore he is, with justice, accused of having shewn more courage than prudence, after his leav- ing Germany. On the side of the Russians, there were no more than fifty-two officers and one thousand two hundred and ninety- three private men killed ; an undeniable proof, that the dispo- sition of the Russian troops was better than those of Charles, and that their fire was infinitely su- perior to that of the Swedes. We find, in the memoirs of a foreign ministei to the court of Russia, that Peter, being informed of Charles's design to take refuge in lurkey, wrote a friendly letter to him, iiitreating him not to take so desperate a resolution, but rather to • The Memoirs of Ptter llie Great, by the pretended boyard I wan Nestesuranoj-, printed at Amsterdano, in 17S0, eay, that the king of Sweden, before lie passed the Boristhenes, sent a general officer with proposals of peace to the ciar. Tl-.e four volumes of these MemoiJi are either a collection of untruths and absurdities, or uijmpilationfi from common newspapers. 176 HISTORY OF trust himself in his hands, than in those of the natural enemy of all Christian princes. Me gave him, at the same time, his word of honour, not to detain him prisoner, but to terminate ali their diflferences by a reasonable peace. This letter was sent b} an express as far as the river Bug, which separates the deserts of the Ukraine from the grand seignior's dominions. As the messenger did not reach that place till Charles had entered Turkey, he brought back the letter to his master. The same minister adds further, that he had this account from the very person who was charged with the letter.* This anecdote is not altogether improbable ; but I do not meet with it either in Peter's journals, or in any of the papers entrusted to my care. What is of greater importance, in relation to this battle, was its being the only one, of the many that have stained the earth with blood, that, instead of producing only de- struction, has proved beneficial to mankind, by enabling the czar to civilize so considerable a part of the world. There have been fought more than two hun- dred pitched battles in Europe, since the com- mencement of this century to the present year. The most signal, and the most bloody victories, have produced no other consequences than the reduction of a few provinces ceded afterwards by treaties, and retaken again by other battles. Armies of a hundred thousand men have fre- quently engaged each other in the field ; but the greatest efforts have been attended with only slight and momentary successes ; the most trivial causes have been productive of the greatest ef- fects. There is no instance, in modern historyj of any war that has compensated, by even a • This fact is likewise found in a. letter, primed bftforethe Anecdotes of R'a3sia> p. 23- PETER THE GREAT. 177 better good, for the many evils it has occHsioned: but, from the battle of Pultowa, the greatest em- pire under the sun has derived its present happi- ness and prosperity. CHAP. XIX. Consequences of the battle of Pultowa. — Charles Xll. takes refuge among the Turks. — Augustus, whom he had dethroned, recovers his dominions. — Conquests of Peter the Great. 1709. 'T'HE chief prisoners of rank were now presented to the conqueror, who ordered their swords to be returned, and invited them to dinner. It is a well known fact, that, on drinking to the officers, he said, ' 'I'o the health of my masters in the art of war.' How- ever, most of his masters, particularly the subal- tern officers, and all the private men, were soorj afterwards sent into Siberia. 'Ihere was no car- tel established here for exchange of prisoners be- tween the Russians and Swedes ; the czar, in- deed, had proposed one before the siege of Pul- towa, but Charles rejected the offer, and his troops were in every thing the victims of his in- flexible pride. It was this unseasonable obstinacy that occa- sioned all the misfortunes of this prince in Tur- key, and a series of adventures, more becoming a hero of romance than a wise or prudent king ; for, as soon as he arrived at Bender, he was ad- vised to write to the grand-vizier, as is the custom among the Turks ; but this ho thought would be demeaning himself too far. The like obstinacy embroiled him with all the ministers of the Porte, >ne after another, in short, he knew not bov H 2 178 HISTORY OF to accommoaate himself either to times or cir- cumstances.* The first news of the battle of Pultowa pro- duced a general revolution in minds and affairs in Poland, Saxony, Sweden, and Silesia. Charles,' while all powerful in those parts, had obliged the emperor Joseph to take a hundred and five churches from the catholics in favour of the Sile- siaus of the confession of Augsburg. The ca- tholics then no sooner received news of the de- feat of Charles, than they repossessed themselves of all the Lutheran temples. The Saxons now thought of nothing but being revenged for the extortions of a conqueror, who had robbed them, according to their own account, of twenty-three millions of crowns. The king of Poland, their elector, immediately protested against the abdication that had been extorted from him, and being now reconciled to the czar (Aug. 3.), he left no stone unturned to reascend the Polish throne. Sweden, overwhelm- ed with consternation, thought her king for a long time dead, and in this uncertainty the se- nate knew not what to resolve. Peter in the mean lime determined to make the best use of his victory, and therefore dis- patched marshal Sberemeto with an army into Livonia, on the frontiers of which province that general had so often distinguished himself. Prince Menzikoff was sent in haste with a nume- rous bivdy of cavalry to second the few troops left in Poland, to encourage the nobles who were in • La Motraye, in the relation of his travels, quotes a letter froai Charles XIT. to the grand vizier; but this letter is false, as are most of the relations of that mer- cenary writer ; and Norberg himself acknowledges that the king of Sweden never could be prevailed on lo writa to the grand vizier. PETER THE GREAT. 179 the intferest of Augustus to drive out his competi- tor, who was now consiklered in no better light than a rebel, and to disperse a body of Sw^edes and troojts that were still left in that kingdom under the command of general Crassau. The czar soon after sets out in person, marches through the province of Kiow, and the palatinates of Chelm and Upper Volhinia, and at length ar- rives at Lublin, where he concerts measures with the general of Lithuania. He then reviews the crown troops, who all take the oath of allegiance to king Augustus, from thence he proceeds to Warsaw, and at Thera enjoyed the most glorious of all triumphs (Sept. 18.), that of receiving the thanks of a king, whom he had rei'istated in his dominions. There it was that i^ concluded a treaty against Sweden, with the kings of Den- mark, Poland, and Prussia (Oct. 7.): in which he was resolved to recover from Charles all the conquests of Gustavus Adolphus. Peter revived the ancient pretensions of the czars to Livonia, Ingria, Carelia, and part of Finland ; Denmark laid claim to Scania, and the king of Prussia to Pomerania. Ihus had I'harles XIL by his unsuccessful va- lour, shook the noble edifice that had been erected by the ])rosporous bravery of his ancestor Gusta- vus Adolphus. The Polish nobility came in on all sides to renew their oatis to their kmg, or to a«k pardon for having deserted him ; and almost the whole kingdom acknowledged Peter for its protector. To the victorious arms of the czar, to these new treaties, and to this sudden revolution, Stanislau* had nothing to oppose but a voluntary resigna- tion : he published a writing called Universale, in which he declares himself ready to resign thfl crown, if the republi : required it. laa HISTORY of peter, having concerted all the necessary mea- sures with the king of Poland, and ratified the treaty with Denmark, set out directly to finish his negotiation with the king of Prussia. It was not then usual for sovereign princes to perform the function of their own ambassadors Peter was the first who introduced this custom, which has been followed by very few. The elector of Bran- denburg, the first king of Prussia, had a con- ference with the czar at ]Marienverder, a small town situated in the western part of Pomerania, and built by the old Teutonic knights, and in- cluded in the limits of Prussia, lately erected into a kingdom. This country indeed was poor, and of a small extent ; but its new king, when- ever he travelled, displayed the utmost magni- ficence ; xvith great splendour he had received czar Peter at his first passing through his domi- nions, when that prince quitted kis empire to go in search of instruction among strangers. But he received the conqueror of Charles XII. in a still more pompous manner. (Oct. 20.) Peter for this time concluded only b. defensive treaty with him which afterwards, however, comDleted tlie rum of Sweden. Not an instant of time was lost. Peter, ns^ ing proceeded with the greatest dispatch in his negotiations, which elsewhere are wont to take up so much time, goes and joins his army, then before Riga, the capital of Livonia ; he began by bombarding the place (Nov. 21.), and fired off the three first bombs himself ; then changed the siege into a blockade ; and, when well assured that Riga could not escape him, he repaired to his city of Petersburg, to inspect and forward the works carrying on there, the new buildings, and finishing of his lieet ; and having laid the keel of a ship of fifty-four guns, (Dec. ?.) vvith PETER THE GREAT. 181 Lis own hands, he returned to Moscow. Here he amused himself with assisting in the prepa- rations for the triumphal entry, which he ex- hibited in the capital. He directed everj thing relating to that festival, and was himself the principal contriver and architect. He opened the year 1710 with this solemnity, 60 necessary to his subjects, whom it inspired with notions of grandeur, and was highly pleas- ing to every one who had been fearful of seeing those enter their walls as conquerors, over whom they now triumphed. Seven magnificent arches were erected, under which passed in triumph, the artillery, standards, and colours, taken from the enemy, with their officers, generals, and mi- nisters, who had been taken prisoners, all on foot, amidst the ringing of bells, the sound of trum- pets, the discharge ofahundred pieces of cannon, and the acclamations of an innumerable concourse of people, whor-e voices rent the air as soon as the cannon ceased firing. The procession was closed by the victorious army, with the generals at its head; and Peter, who marched in his rank of major-general. At each triumphal arch stood the deputies of the several orders of the state ; and at the last was a chosen band of young gentlemen, the sons of boyards, clad in Roman habits, who presented a crown of laurels to their victorious monarch. This public festival was followed by another ceremony, which proved no less satisfactory than the former. In the year 1708 happened an ac- cident the more disagreeable to Peter, as his arms were at that time unsuccessful. .Mattheof, his ambassador to the court of London, having had hisaudience of leave of queen Anne, was arrested for il( l)t, at the mit of some English merchanta, anl carried before a justice of jeace to give bo- 182 HISTORY OF curity for the monies he owed there. The mer- chants insisted that the laws of commerce Ought to prevail before the privileges of foreign minie- ters ; the czar's ambassador, and with him all the public ministers, protested against this proceed ing, alleging, that their persons ought to be al- ways inviolable. The czar wrote to queen Anne, demanding satisfaction for the insult offered him in the person of his ambassador. But the queen had it not in her power to gratify him ; because, by the laws of England, trades- men were allowed to prosecute their debtors, and there was no law that excepted public ministers from such prosecution. The* murder of Patkul, • The czar, says the preface to lord Whitworth's ac- count of Prussia, who had been absolute enough to civilize savages, had no idea, could conceive none, of the privileges of a nation civilized ia the only rational manner bj-lawg and liberties. He demanded immediate and severe pu- nishment of the offenders : he demanded it of a priuci-ss, whom he thought interested, to assert the sacredness of the persons of monarchs, even in their representatives ; and he demanded it with threats of wreaking his ven- geance on all English merchants and subjects established in his dominioas. In this light the menaces were formi- dable ; otherwise, happily, the rights of the whole people were more sacred here than the persons of foreign minis- ters. The czar's memorials urged the queen with the satisfaction which she herself had extorted, when only the boat and servants of the earl of Manchester had been insulted at Venice. That state had broken through the fundamental laws, to content the queen of Great Britain. How noble a picture of government, when a monarch, that can force another nation to infringe its constitution, dar« not violate his own r One may imagine with what diffi- culty our secretaries of state must have laboured through all the ambages of phrase in English, French. German, and Kuss, to explain to Muscovite ears and Muscovite under- standings, the meaning of indictments, pleadings, preoe- dfiQis, -uries, and verdicts; and how impatiently Peter ina« PETER THE GREAT. 183 the czar's ambassador, who had been executed the year before by the order of Charles XII. had encouraged the English to shew so little regard to a character which had been so cruelly profaned. The other public ministers who were then at the court of Loudon, were obliged to be bound for the czar's ambassador; and at length all the queen could do in his favour, was to prevail on her parliament to pass an act, by which no one for the future could arrest an ambassador for debt ; but after the battle of Pultowa, the Eng- lish court thought proper to give satisfaction to the czar. The queen made by a formal embassy an ex- have listened to promises of a hearing next term ? With what astonishment must he have beheld a p;reat queen, en- gaging to endeavour to prevail on her parliament to pass an act to prevent any such outrage for the future ? What honour does it not reflect on the memory of that princess to own to an arbitrary emperor, that even to appease him «he dare not put the meanest of her subjects to death un- oondemned bj' law ! — There are, says she, in one of her dispatches to him, insuperable difficulties, with respect to the ancient and fundamental laws of the government of our people ; which we fear do not permit so severe and rigorous a sentence to be given, as your imperial majesty at first seemed to expect in this case ; and we persuade ourself, that j'our imperial majesty, who are a prince famous for clemency and exact justice, will not require us, who are the guardian and protectress of the laws, to inflict a punishment upon our subjects, which the law does not impower us to do. Words so venerable and heroic, that this broil ouf^ht to become liistor)-, and h« exempted from the oblivion due to the silly s-quabblea of ambassadors and their privileges. If Anne deserved praise for her conduct on this occasion, it reflects still greater glory on Peter, that thil fcocious man should listen to these details, and had moderation and juati'-e CQOQgh to be persuaded by the reason of them. 184 HISTORY OF case for what had passed. IMr. Whitwonh,* th* person charged with this coiiimissio.i, began bis harangue with the following words. — (Feb. 16.) ' Most high and mighty emperor." He told the czar that the person who had presumed to arrest his ambassador, had been imprisoned and ren- dered infamous. There was no truth in all this, but it was sufficient that he said so, and the title of emperor, which the queen had not given Peter before the battle of Pultowa, shewed the con- sideration he had now acquired in Europe. This title had been already granted him in Holland, not only by those who had been his fellow-workmen in the dock-yards at Saardam, and seemed to interest themselves most in his glory, but likewise by the principal persons in the slate, who unanimously styled him emperor, and made public rejoicings for his victory, even m the presence of the Swedish minister. The universal reputation which he had acquired by his victory of Pultowa, was still further in- creased by his not suffering a moment to pass without making some advantages of it. In the first place, he laid siege to Elbing, a Hans town of Regal Prussia in Poland, where the Swedes had still a garrison. The Russians scaled the walls, entered the town, and the garrison surren- dered prisoners of war. (Mar. 11.) This was one of the largest magazines belonging to Charles XII. The conquerors found therein one hundred and eighty-three brass cannon, and one hundred and fifty-seven mortars. Immediately after the reduction of Elbing, Peter re-marched from Mos- cow to Petersburg (April 2.) ; as soon as he ar- rived at this latter place, he took shij.pinsf under his new fortress of Cronslot, coasted along the ♦ Afterwnrds created lord Wlutworth. by kia^ George I PETER THE GREAT. 185 shore of Carelia, and notwithstanding a violent storm, brought his fleet safely before VViburg, the capital of Carelia in Finland ; while his land- forces advanced over the frozen morasses, and in a short time the capital of Livonia beheld itself closely blockaded (June 23.) : and after a breacn was made in the walls, Wiburg surrendered, and the garrison, consisting of four thousand men, capitulated, but did not receive the honours of war, being made prisoners notwithstanding the capitulation. Peter charged the enemy with several infractions of this kind, and promised to set these troops at liberty, as soon as he should receive satisfaction from the Swedes, for his com- plaints. On this occasion the king of Sweden was to be consulted, who continued as inflexible as ever; and those soldiers, whom, by a little con- cession, he might have delivered from their con- finement, remained in captivity. Thus did king William 111. in 169.T, arrest marshal Boufflers, notwithstanding the capitulation of Namur. There have been several instances of such violations of treaties, but it is to be wished there never had been any. After the taking of this capital, the blockade of Riga was soon changed into a regular siege, and pushed with vigour. 'Ihey were obliged to break the ice on the river Dwina, which waters the walls of the city. An epidemical disorder, which had raged some time in those parts, now got amongst the besiegeis, and carried off nine thousand ; nevertheless, the siege was not in the least slackened ; it lasted a considerable time, but at length the garrison capitulated i^ July 15. ) ; and were allowed the honours of war ; but it was stipulated by the capitulation, that all the hivo- nian officers and soldiers should enter into the Russian service, as natives of a country that had 186 HISTORY OF been dismembered from that ernpire, and usurp- ed by the ancestors of Charles XIL But the Li- Tonians were restored to the privileges of which his lather had stripped them, and all the officers entered into the czar's service : this was the most nobl^e satisfaction that Peter could take for the n\urder of his ambassador, Patkul, a Livo- nian, who had been put to death, for defending those privileges. The garrison consisted of near five thousand men. A short time afterwards the citadel of Pennamund was taken, and the be- siegers found in the town and fort above eight hundred pieces of artillery of different kinds. Nothing was now wanting, to make Peter en- tirely master of the province of Carelia, but the possession of the strong town of Kexholm, built on an island in the lake of Ladoga, and deemed impregnable ; it was bombarded soon after, and surrendered in ashort time. (Sep. 19.) The island of Oesel in the sea, bordering upon the north of Livonia, was subdued with the same rapidity. (Sep. 23.) On the side of Esthonia, a province of Livonia, towards the north, and on the gulf of Finland, are the towns of Pernau and Revel : by the re- duction of these Peter completed the conquest of all Livonia. Pernau surrendered after a siege of a few days (Aug. '.\'>.), and Revel capitulated (Sep. 10.) without waiting to have a single can- non fired against it ; but the besieged found means to escape out of the hands of the conquerors, at the very time that they were surrendering them- selves prisoners of war : for some Swedish ships, having anchored in the road, under favour of the eight, the garrison and most of the citizens em- barked on board, and when the besiegers entered the town, they were surprised to find it deserted. When Charles XIL gained the victory of Narva PETER THE GREAT. 187 tittle did he expect that his troops would one day be driven to use such artifices. In Poland, Stanislaus finding his party entirely ruined, had taken refuge in Pomerania, which etill belonged to Charles XII. Augustus resumed the government, and it was difficult to decide who had acquired most glory, Charles in dethroning him. or Peter in restoring him to his crown. The subjects of the king of Sweden were still more unfortunate than that monarch himself. The contagious distemper, which had made such ha- vock over Livonia, passed from thence into Swe- den, where, in the city of Stockholm, it carried off thirty thousand persons : it likewise desolated the provinces, already thinned of their inhabit- ants ; for during the space of ten years succes- sively, most of the able-bodied men had quitted their country to follow their master, and perished *in foreign climes. Charles's ill fortune pursued him also in Pome- rania : his army had retired thither from Poland, to the number of eleven thousand ; the czar, the kings of Denmark and Prussia, the elector of Han- over, and the duke of Holstein, joined together to render this army useless, and to compel gene- ral Crassau, who commanded it, to submit to neutrality. The regency of Stockholm, hearing no news of their king, and distracted by the morta- lity that raged in that city, were glad to sign this neutrality, which seemed to deliver one of its provinces at least from the horrors of war. The emperor of Germany favoured this extraordinary convention, by which it was stipulated, that the Swedish army then in Pomerania should not march from thence to assist their monarch in any other part of the world ; nay, it was furthermore re- solved in the German empire, to raise an army Ut enforce the execution of this unparalleled con* 188 HISTORY OF vention. The reason of this was, that the empe- ror of Germany, who was then at war with France, was in hopes to engage the Swedish army to enter into his service. This whole negotiation was carried on while Peter was subduing Livonia, Esthonia, and Carelia. Charles XII. who was all this tinoe at Bender, putting every spring in motion to engage the divan to declare war against the czar, received this news as one of the severest blows his unto- ward fortune had dealt him : he could not brook, that his senate at Stockholm should pretend to tie up the hands of his army, and it was on this occasion that he wrote them word, he would send one of bis boots to govern them. The Danes, in the mean time, were making preparations to invade Sweden ; so that every nation in Europe was now engaged in war, Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Germany, Holland, and England, were contending for the donanions left by Charles II. of Spain; and the whole North ■was up in arms against Charles XII. There want- ed only a quarrel with the Ottoman empire, for every village in Europe to be exposed to the ra- vages of war. This quarrel happened soon after- wards, when Peter had attained to the Eummit of his glory, and precisely for that reason. CHAP. XX. Campaign of Pruth. CULTAN Achmet III. declared war against Peter I. not from any regard to \he king of Sweden, but, as mav readilv be supposed, merely from a view to his own interest. The Khan of the Crim Tartars could not without dread, be- PETER THE GREAT. 189 hold a neighbour so powerful as Peter T The Porte had, for some time, taken umbrage at the number of ships which this prince had on the Palus Mffiotis, and in the Black Sea, at his for- tifying the city of Azoph, and at the flourishing state of the harbour of Taganroc, already become famous ; and, lastly, at his great series of suc- cesses, and at the ambition which success never fails to augment. It is neither true, nor even probable, that the Porte .should have begun the war against the czar, on the Palus Maeotis, for no other reason than because a Swedish ship had taken a bark ou the Baltic, o;i board of which was found a letter from a minister, whos.? name has never been mentioned. Norberg tells us, that this letter contained a plan for the conquest of the Turkish empire ; that it was carried to Charles XII. who was then in Turkey, and was by him sent to the divan ; and that immediately after the receipt of this letter, war was declared. But this story carries the mark of fiction with it. It \vas the remonstrances of the khan of Tartary, who was 'more uneasy about the neighbourhood of Azoph, than the Turkish divan, that induced this latter to give orders for taking the field.* • The account this chaplain gives of the demands of the grand seignior is equall)' false and puerile He says, that sultan Achmct, previous to his declaring; war against the czar, sent to that prince a paper, containing the conditions oQ which he was willing to grant him peace. These conditions, Norberg tells us, were as fol- lows : ^fhat Peter should renounce liis alliance with Aogiistus. reinstate Stanislaus in the possession of the crown of Poland, restore all I.ivonia to Charlen XII., and pay that prince the value in ready money of what he had taken from him at the battle of Pultowa ; and. lastly, that the cz.ar should demolish his newlybuiU city of Pe 190 HISTORY OF It was in the month of August, and before the czar had completed the reduction of Livonia, when Achmet 111. resolved to dechire war against him. Tbe Turks, at that time, could hardly have had the news of the taking of Riga; and, there- fore, the proposal of restoring to the king of Sweden the value in money, of the eSVcts he had lost at the battle of Pultowa, would have been the most absurd thing imaginable, if not exceeded by that of demolishing Petersburg. The behaviour of Charles XII. at Bender, was suffi- ciently romantic ; but the conduct of the Turkish divan would have been much more so, if we sup- pose it to have made any demands of this kind. Nov. 1710.] The khan of Tartary, who was the principal instigator of this war, paid Charles a visit in his retreat at Bender. They were con- nected by 'he same interests, inasmuch as Europe makes part of the frontiers of Little Tartary. Charles and the khan were the two greatest suf- ferers by the successes of the czar ; but the khan did not command the forces of the grand seig- nior. He was like one of the feudatory princes of Germany, who served iu the armies of the empire with their own troops, and were subject to the authority of the emperor's generals for the time being. Nov. 29, 1710 ] The first step taken by the divan, was to arrest Tolstoy, the czar's ambas- sador at the Porte, in the streets of Constanti- nople, together with thirty of his domestics, who, with their master, were all conhnedin the prison lereburg.' This piece was forged by one Brazej, a half- starved pamphleteer, and antbor of a work entitled. Me- moirs, Satirical, Historical, and Entertaining. It was from this fountain Norberg drew his intelligence; and howcTer he may have been the confessor of Charles XII. he certainly does not appear to have been his confidant. PETER THE GREAT. 191 of the Seven Towers. This barbarous custom, at which even savages would blush, is owing to the Turks having always a number of foreign ministers residing amongst them from other courts, whereas they never send any in return. They look upon the ambassadors of Christian princes in no other light than as merchants or consuls ; and, having naturally as great a con- tempt for Christians as they have for Jews, they seldom condescend to observe the laws of na- tions, in respect to them, unless forced to it ; at least, they have hitherto persisted in this barba- rous pride. The famous vizier, Achmet Couprougli, the same who took the island of Candia, under Maho- met IV., insulted the son of the French ambas- sador, and even carried his brutality so far as to strike him, and afterwards to confine him in prison, without Lewis XIV'., proud and lofty as he was, daring to resent it, otherwise than by sending another minister to the Porte. The Christian princes, who are so remarkably deli- cate on the point of honour amongst themselves, and have even made it a part of the law of na- tions, seem to be utterly insensible on this head in regard to the Turks. Never did a crowned head suffer greater af- fronts in the persons of his ministers, than czar Peter. In the space of a few years, his ambas- sador at the court of London was thrown into jail for debt, his plenipotentiary at the courts of Poland and Saxony was broke upon the wheel, by order of the king of Sweden ; and now his minister at the Ottoman Porte was seized and thrown into a dungeon at Constantinople, like ;i common felon.* • The new vizier embraced every opportaniiy of nfTroDtini; the czar, io the persou of his >'.a\oy, and par. 192 HISTORY OF We have already observed, in the first part of this history, that he received satisfaction from queen Anne, of England, for the insult offered to his ambassador at London 'J'he horrible af- front he suffered, in the person of Patkul, was washed away in the blood of the Swedes slain at the battle of Pultowa ; but fortune permitted the violation of the law of nations by the Turks to pass unpunished. Jan. 1711.] The czar now found himself ob- liged to quit the theatre of war in the west, and march towards the frontiers of Turkey. He be- gan by causing ten regiments, which he had in Poland, to advance towards Moldavia. t He then ordered marshal Sheremeto to set out from Livonia, with his body of forces ; and, leaving prince Menzikoff at the head of affairs at Pe- tersburg, he returned to IMoscow, to give orders for opening the ensuing campaign. Jan. 18.] He now establishes a senate of re- gency : the regiment of guards begin their march, he issues orders for all the young nobility to fol- low him to the field, to learn the art of war, and ticularly in giving the French ambassador the preference. It was customary, on the promotion of the grar.d vizier, for all the foreign ministers to 'equest an audience of congratulation. Connt Tolstoy was the first who de- manded that audience ; but was answered — That the precedence had always been given to the ambassador of France : whereupon Tolstoy informed the viaier — That te must be deprived of the pleasure of waiting on him at all: which, being maliciously represented, as express- ing the utmost contempt cf his person, and the khan of Tartary being at the same time instigated to make several heavy complaints acrainst the conduct of the Russians on the frontiers, count Tolstoy was immediaieiy committed to the castle of tbe Seven Towers. t It is very strange that so many writers always con- found Walachia and Moldavia together. PETER THE GREAT. 193 places some of them iu the station of cadets, and others in that of subaltern officers. Admiral Apraxin goes to Azoph to take the command by sea and land. These several measures being taken, the czar publishes an ordonnance in Mos- cow for acknowledging a new empress. This was the person who had been taken prisoner in Marienburg, in the year 1702. Peter had, in 1696, repudiated his wife Eudoxia Lopoukin (or Lapouchin) by whom he had two children. 'Jhe laws of his church allow of no divorces ; but, had they not, Peter would have enacted a new law to permit them. The fair captive of Marienburg, who had taken the name of Catherine, had a soul superior to her sex and her misfortunes. She rendered herself so agreeable to the czar, that this prince would have her always near his person. She accompanied him in all his excursions, and most fatiguing campaigns : sharing in his toils, and softening his uneasiness by her natural gaiety, and the great attention she shewed to oblige him on all occasions, and the indifference she ex- pressed for the luxury, dress, and other indul- gences, of which the generality of her sex are, in other countries, wont to make real necessities. She frequently softened the passionate temper of the czar, and, by making him more clement and merciful, rendered him more truly great. In a word, she became so necessary to him, that he married her privately, in 1707. He had already two daughters by her, and the following year she bore him a third, who was afterwards married to the duke of Holstein.* • This duke of Holstein, at the time he married the daughter of Peter I. was a prince of very inconsiderable power, though of one of t.'ie most ancient houses in Ger- maoy. Ilia ancestors had been strijiped of great part of 194 HISTORY OF March 17, 1711.] The czar made this private inaniage known the very day he set out with her to trr the fortune of his arms against the Turks. The several dispositions he had made seemed to promise a successful issue. The hetman of the Cossacks was to keep the Tartars m awe, who had already began to commit ravages in the Uk- their dominions by the kings of Denmark ; eo that, at the time of this marriage, he found himself srreaily cir- cumscribed in point of possessions ; bat, from this epoch of his alliance with the czar of Muscovy, «-e may date the rise of the ducal branch of Holsiein, which now fillg the thrones of Russia and Sweden, and is likewise in pos- session of the bishopric of Lubec, which, iu all probabi- lity, will fall to this house, notwithstanding the late election, which at present is the sutject of litigation, the iss'ie of which will, to all appearance, terminate in favour of the prince, son to the present bishop, through the pro- tection of the courts cf Vienna and Petersburg. The empress Catherine, who now sits on the throne of Russia is herself descended from this aujrtist house, by the side of her mother, who was sister to the king of Sweden, to the prince-bishop of Lubec, and to the famous prince George of Holstein, whose achievements made so msch noise during the war. This princess, whose name was Elizabeth, married the reigning prince of Anbak Zerbst, whose house was indisputably the most ancient ; and, in former times, the most powerful in all Germany, since they can trace thoir pedigree from the dukes of Ascanis, who were formerly masters of the two electorates of Sax- ony and Brandenburg, as appears by their armorial bear- ings, which are, quarterly, the arms of Saxony and Bran- denburg. Of this branch of Zerbst there is remaining onlj' the present reigning prince, brother to the empresi Catherine, who, in case he should die without issue, wiU succeed to the principality of Yevern, in East f riesland ; from all which it appears already, that the family of Hclstein is at present the most powerful in Europe, a« being in possession of three crowns in the Korth. — [Since the above was written important changes havotaken place.] PETER THE GREAT. 195 raine. The main body of the Russian army was advancing towards Niester, and another body of troops, under prince Galitzin, were in full march through Poland. Every thing went on favourably at the beginning : for Galitzin having met with a numerous body of Tartars near Kiow, who had been joined by some Cossacks and some Poles of king Stanislaus' party, as also a few Swedes, he defeated them entirely, and killed near five thou- sand men. These Tartars had, in their ma«ch through the open country, made about ten thou- sand prisoners. Is has been the custom of the Tartars, time immemorial, to carry with them a much greater number of cords than scimitars, in order to bind the unhappy wretches they surprise. The captives v/ere all set free, and those who had made them prisoners were put to the sword. The whole Russian army, if it had been assem- bled together, would have amounted to sixty thousand men. It was t*o have been farther aug- mented by the troops belonging to the king of Poland. This prince, who owed every thing to the czar, came to pay him a visit at Jaroslaw, on the river Sana, the 3d of June, 1714, and pro- mised him powerful succours. War was now declared against the Turks, in the name of these two monarchs : but the Polish diet, not willing to break with the Ottoman Porte, refused to ra- tify the engagement their king had entered into. It was the fate of the czar to hav«, in the king of Poland, an ally who could never be of any ser- vice to him. He entertained the same hopes of assistance from the princes of Moldavia and Wa- lachia, and was, in the like manner, disappointed. These two provinces ought to have taken this opportunity to shake off the 'I'urkish yoke. These countries were those of the ancient Daci, who, together with the Gepidi, with whom they were 196 HISTORY OF intermixed, did, for a long time, di-rur't the Roman empire. They were at leiij^tii subdued by the emperor Trajan, and Constaniine the First made them embrace the Christian religion. Dacia was cue of the provinces of the eastern empire ; but shortly after these very people contributed to the ruin of that of the west, by serving under the Odoacers and Theodorics. They afterwards continued to be subject to the Greek empire ; and when the Turks made ihem- se ves masters of Constantinople, were governed and oppressed by paiticular princes; at length they were totally subjected by the Padisha, or Tu'kish emperor, who now granted them an in- vestiture. The Hospodar, or Waiwod, chosen by the Ottoman Porte to govern these provinces, is always a Christian of the Greek church. Tho Turks, by this choice, give a proof of their tolera- tion, while our ignorant declaimers are accusing them of pei-secution. The prince, nominated, by the Porte, is tributary to. or rather farms these countries of the grand seignior ; this dignity being alwavs conferred on the best bidder, or him who makes the greatest presents to the vizier, in like manner as the Greek patriarch, at Constanti- nople. Sometimes this government is bestowed on a dragoman, that is to say, the interpreter to the divan. These provinces are seldom under the government of the same Waiwod, the Porte choosing to divide them, in order to be more sure of retaining them in subjection. Demetrius Can- temir, was at this time ^Vaiwod of Moldavia. This prince was said to be descended from Ta- merlane, because Tamerlane's true name waa Timur, and Timur was a Tartarian khan ; and so, from the name Tamurkau, say they, cwne the family of Canterair. Bassaraba Brancovan had been invested ic**^ PETER THE GREAT. 197 the principality of Walachia, but had not found any genealogist to deduce his pedigree from the Tartarian conqueror. Cantemir thought the time now come to shake off the Turkish yoke, and render himself independent by means of the czar's protection. In this view he acted in the very same manner with Peter as Mazeppa had done with Charles XII. He even engaged Bassaraba for the present to join him in the conspiracy, of which he hoped to reap all the benefit himself: his plan being to make himself master of both provinces. The bishop of Jerusalem, who was at that time at Walachia, was the soul of this conspiracy. Cantemir promised the czar to fur- nish him with men and provisions, as Mazeppa did the king of Sweden, and kept his word no better thin he had done. General Sheremeto advanced towards Jassi. the capital of Moldavia, to inspect and occasion- ally assist the execution of these great pro- •ects. Cantemir came thither to meet him, and was received with all the honours due to a prince : but he acted as a prince in no one cir- cumstance, but that of publishing a manifesto against the I'urkish empire. The hospodar of Walachia, who soon discovered the ambitious views of iiis colleague, quitted his party, and re- turned to his duty. I'he bishop of Jerusalem dreading, with reason, the punishment due to his perfidy, fled and concealed himself: the people of Walachia and Moldavia continued faitliful to the Ottoman Porte, and those, who were tohav« furnished provisions for the Russian army, carried them to the Turks. The vizier, Baltagi Mahomet had already crossed the Danube, at the head of onfe hundred thousand men, and was advancing towards Jassi, along the banks of the river Prutli (formerly iho 198 HISTORY OF Hierasus), whicli falls into the Danube, and which is nearly the boundary of Moldavia and Bessarabia. He then dispatched count Ponia- towsky,* a Polish gentleman, attached to the for- • This same count Poniatowsky, who was at that time in the service of Charles XII. died afterwards castellan ofCracovia, and first seDator of the republic of Poland, after having enjoyed all the dignities to which a noblbman of that country can attain. His connexions with Charles XII. during that prince's retirement at Bender, first made tim taken notice of; and, it is to be wished, for the honour of his memory, that he had waited till the conclusion of a peace between Sweden and Poland, to be reconciled to ' king Augustus ; but following the dictates of ambition, rather than those of strict honour, he sacrificed the in- terests of both Charles and Stanislaus, to the care of his own fortune ; and, while he appeared the most zealous in their cause, he secretly did them all the ill services he could at the Ottoman Porte : to this double dealing he owed the immense fortune of which he was afterwards possessed. lie married the princess Czartoriski, daugliter of the castellan of Vilna, a lady, for her heroic spirit, worth}' to have been born in the times of ancient Rome : when her eldest son, the present grand chamberlain of the crown, had that famous dispute with Count Tarlo, pala* tine of Lublin ; a dispute which made so much noise in all the public papers in the year 1742, this lady, after having made him shoot at a mark every day, for three weeks, in order to be expert at firing, said to him, as he was mount- ing his horse, to go to meet his adversar}' — ' Go, mv son ; but, if you do not acquit yourself with honour in this affair, never appear before me again.' This anecdote may ierre as a specimen of the character of our heroine, i he family of Czartoriski is descended from the ancient Jagel- lins, who were, for several ages, in lineal possession of the crown of Poland ; and is, at this day. extremely rich and powerful, by the alliances it has coinracied, but they have never been able to acquire popularity ; and so long as count Tarlo ^^^who was killed in a duel with the young count Poniatowsky) lived, had no influeuce in the die- tinea, i;r lesser assembly of the statos, because Tarlo, PETER THE GREAT. 199 uineBof the king of Sweden, to desire that prince to make him a visit, and see his army. Charles, whose pride always got the better of his interest, would not consent to this proposal : he insisted that the grand vizier should make him the first visit, in his asylum near Bender. When Ponia- towsky returned to the Ottoman camp, and en- deavoured to excuse this refusal of his master, the vizier, turning to the khan of the Tartars, said, ' This is the very behaviour I expected from this proud pagan.' This mutual pride, which never fails of alienating the minds of those in power from each other, did no service to the king of Sweden's affairs ; and indeed that prince might have easily perceived, from the beginning, that the Turks were not acting for his interest, but for their own. While the Turkish army was passing the Danube, the czar advanced by the frontiers of Poland, and passed the Boristhenes, in order to relieve marshal Sheremeto, who was then on the banks of the Pruth, to the southward of Jassi, and in danger of being daily surrounded by an army of ten thousand Turks, and an army of Tartars. Peter, before he passed the Boristhenes, was in doubt whether he should expose his be- loved Catherine to these dangers, which seemed to increase every day ; but Catherine, on her side, looked upon this solicitude of the czar, for her ease and safety, as an affront offered to her love and courage ; and pressed her consort so strongly on this head, that he found himself under a ne- cessity to consent that she should pass the river with him. The army beheld her with eyes of joy who was the idol of the nobles, and a sworn enemy to the Czartorisli family, carried every tiling before him, and nothing was done but according to his pleasure. 200 HISTORY OF and admiration, marching on horseback at the head of the troops, for she rarely made use of a carriage. After passing the Boristhenes, they had a tract of desert country to pass through, and then to cross the Bog, and afterwards the river Tiras, now called the Niester, and then another desert to traverse, before they came to the hanks of the Pruth. Catherine, during this fatiguing marv"h, animated the whole army by her cheer- fulness and affability. She sent refreshments to such of the oflBcers who were sick, and extended her care even to the meanest soldier. July4, 1711.] At length the czar brought his army in sight of Jassi. Here he was to establish his magazine. Bassaraba, the hospodar of Wa- lachia, who had again embraced the interest of the Ottoman Porte, but still, in appearance, con- tinued a friend to the czar, proposed to that prince to make peace with the Turks, although he had received no commission from the grand vizier for that purpose. His deceit, however, was Boon discovered ; and the czar contented himself with demanding only provisions for his army, which Bassaraba neither could nor would furnish. It was very difficult to procure anv supplies from Poland ; and these, which prince Cantemir had promised, and which he vainly hoped to procure from Walachia, could not be brought from thence. These disappointments rendered the situation of the Russian army very disagreeable ; and, as an addition to their aflflictions, they were infested with an immense swarm of grasshoppers, that covered the face of the whole country, and devoured, or s-poiled, every thing where they alighted. Thev were likewise frequently in want of water during their march through sandy de- serts, and beneath a scorching sun : what little they could procure, they were obliged to have PETER THE GREAT. ?01 brought in vessels to the camp, from a consider- able distance. During this dangerous and fatiguing march, the czar, by a singuhir fatality, found himself in the neighbourhood of his rival and competitor, Charles ; Bender not being above twenty-five leagues from the place where the Russian army was encamped, near Jassi. Some parties of Cos- sacks made excursions even to the place of that unfortunate monarch's retreat ; but the Crim Tar- tars, who hovered round that part of the country, sufficiently secured him from any attempt that might be made to seize his person ; and Charles waited in his camp with impatience, and did not fear the is:>ue of the war. Peter, as soon as he had established some ma- gazines, marched in haste with his army to the right of the river Pruth. His essential object was to prevent the Turks, who were posted to the left, and towards the head of the river, from, crossing it, and marching towards him. This effected, he would then be master of Moldavia and Walachia : with this view, he dispatched general Janus, with the vanguard of the army, to oppose the passage of the Turks ; but the ge- neral did not arrive till they had already began to cross the river upon their bridges ; upon which he was obliged to retreat, and his infantry was closely pursued by the Turks, till the czar came jp in person to his assistance. The grand vizier now marched directly along the river towards the czar. The two armies were very nnequal in point of numbers : that of the Turks, which had been reinforced by theTartarian troops, consisted of nearly two hundred and fifty thou- sand men, while that of the Russians hardly amounted to thirty-five thousand. There was indeed a considerable body of troops, headed by It 202 HISTORY OF general Renne, on their march from the other side of the Moldavian mouutains ; but the Turks bad cut off all communication with those parts. The czar's army now began to be in want of provisions, nor could, without the greatest diffi- culty, procure water, though encamped alaverj small (iisumce from the river; being exposed to a furioiii discharge from the batteries, which the grand vizier had caused to be erected on the left ^ide of the river, under the care of a body of troops, that kept up a constant fire against the Russians. By this relation, which is strictly circumstantial and true, it appears that Baltagi Mahomet, the Turkish vizier, far from being the pusillanimous, or weak com- mander, which the Swedes have represented him, gave proofs, on this occasion, tiiat he perfectly ■well understood his business. The passing the Pruth in the sight of the enemy, obliging him to retreat, and harassing him in that retreat ; the cutting off all communication between the czar's army, and a body of cavalry that was marching to reinforce it ; the hemming in tbis army, without the least probability of a retreat ; and the cutting off all supplies of water and pro- visions, by keeping it constantly under the check of the batteries on the opposite side of the river, were manoeuvres that in no ways be- spoke the unexperienced or indolent general. Peter now saw himself in a situation even worse than that to which he had reduced his rival, Charles XII. at Pultowa ; being, like him, surrounded by a superior army, and in greater want of provisions ; and, like him, having con- fided in the promises of a prince, too powerful to be bound by those promises, he resolved aoon a retreat : and endeavoured to return to- PETER THE GREAT. 203 wards Jassi, in order to choose a more advan- tageous situation for his camp. JuJy'20, 1711] He accordingly decamped under favour of the night; but his array bad scarcely begun its march, when, at break of day, the Turks fell upon his rear ,: but the Preobrazinski regi- ment turning about, and standing firm, did, for a considerable time, check the fury of their onset. The Russians then formed themselves, and made a line of intrenchments with their waggons and baggage. The same day (July 21.) the I urks returned a^in to the attack, with the "whole body of their army ; and, as a proof that the Russians knew how to defend themselves, let what will be alleged to the contrary, they also made head against this very superior force for a considerable time, killed a great number of their enemies, who in vain endeavoured to break in upon them. There were in the Ottoman army two officers belonging to the king of Sweden, namely, count Poniatowsky and the count of Sparre, who had the command of a body of Cossacks in that prince's interest. My papers inform me, that these two generals advised the grand vizier to avoid coming to action with the Russians, and content himself with depriving them of supplies of water and provisions, which would oblige them either to surrender prisoners of war, or to perish with famine . other memoirs pretend, on the contrary, that these oflScers would have per- suaded Mahomet to fall upon this feeble and half-starved army, in a weak and distressed con- dition, and put all to the sword. The first of these eeems to be the most prudent and circum- Bpect ; but the second is more agreeable to the character of generals who had been trained up under Charles XII. S04 HISTORY OF The real fact is, that the grand vizier fell upon the rear of the Russian army, at the dawn of day, which was thrown into confusion, and there remained only a line of four hundred men to confront the Turks. This small body formed itself with amazing quickness, under the orders of a German general, named Alard, who, to hia immortal honour, made such rapid and excellent dispositions on this occasion, that the Russians withstood, for upwards of three hours, the re- peated attack of the whole Ottoman army, with- out losing a foot of ground. The czar now found himself amply repaid for the immense pains he had taken to inure his troops to strict discipline. At the battle of Marva, sixty thousand men were defeated by only eight thousand, because the former were undisciplined ; and here we behold a rear-guard, consisting of only eight thousand Russians, sus- taining the efforts of one hundred and fifty thousand Turks, killing seven thousand of tbem, and obliging the rest to return back. After this sharp engagement, both armies in- trenched themselves for that night : but the Russians still continued enclosed, and deprived of all provisions, even water ; for notwithstand- ing they were so near the river Pruth, yet they did not dare approach its banks ; for as soon as any parties were sent out to find water, a body of Turks, posted on the opposite s-hore, drove them back by a furious discharge from their cannon, loaded with chain shot : and the body of the Turkish army, which had attacked that of the czar the daj before, continued to play upon them from another quarter, with the whole force of their artillery. The Russian army appeared now to be lost be- yond resource, by its position, by the inequality PETER THE GREAT. 206 of numbers, and by the want of provisioas. The skirmishes on both sides were frequent and bloody : the Russian cavalry being almost ail dismounted, could no longer be of any service, unless by fighting on foot: in a word, the situa- tion of affairs was desperate. It was out o! their power to retreat, they had nothing left but to gain a complete victory ; to perish to the last man, or to be made slaves by the infidels. All the accounts and memoirs of those times unanimously agree, that the czrar, divided within himself, whether or not he should expose his wife, his army, his empire, and the fruits of all his labours, to almost inevitable destruction ; re- tired to his tent, oppressed with grief, and seized with violent convulsions, to which he was naturally subject, and wliich the present despe- rate situation of his affairs brought upon him with redoubled violence. In this condition he remained alone in his ten.t, having g'uven posi- tive orders, that no one shonld be admitted to be a witness to the distraction of his mind. But Catherine, hearing of his disorders, forced her way in to him ; and, on this occasion, Peter found how happy it was for him that he had permitted his wife to accompany him in this ex- pedition. A wife, who, like her, had faced death in its most horrible shapes, and had exposed her per- son, like the meanest soldier, to the fire of the Turkish artillery, had an undoubted right to apeak to her hushand, and to be heard. The czar accordingly listened to what she had to say, and in tho end suffered himself to be persuaded to try and send to the vizier with proposalt of peace. It has !.een a custom, from time immemorial, thruughout the East, that when any people ap« 206 HISrORY OF ply for an audience of the sovereign, or his re- presentative, they must not presume to approach them without a present. On this occasion, therefore, Catherine mustered the few jewels that she had brought with her, on this military tour, in which no magnificence or luxury were admitted ; to these she added two black foxes' skins, and what ready money she could collect ; the latter was designed for a present to the kiaia. She made choice herself of an officer, on whose fidelity and understanding she thought she could depend, who, accompanied with two servants, was to carry the presents to the grand vizier, and afterwards to deliver the money in- tended for the kiaia into his own hand. This officer was likewise charged with a letter from marshal Sheremeto to the grand vizier. The memoirs of czar Peter mentions this letter, but they take no notice of the other particulars of Catheriue's conduct in this business ; however, they are sufficiently confirmed by the declara- tion issued by Peter himself, in ITi^S, when he caused Catherine to be crowned empress, wherein we find these words : — ' She has been of the greatest assistance to us in all our dangers, and particularly in the battle of Pruth, when our army was reduced to twenty-two thousand men.' If the cz:ir had then indeed no more men capa- ble of bearing arms, the service which Catherine did him, on that occasion, was fully equivalent to the honours and dignities conferred upon her. The MS. journal of Peter the Great observes, that on the dav of the bloody battle (on the 20th July), he had thirty-one thousand five hundred and fifty-four foot, and six thousand si.t hundred aad ninety-two horse, the latter almost all dis- mounted ; he must then have lost sixteen thou- sand two hundred and fortv-six men in that en- PETER THE GREAT. 207 gagement. The same memoirs affirm, the loss sustained hy the Turks greatly exceeded that of the Russians ; for as the former rushed upon the czar's troops pell-mell, and without observ- ing any order,' hardly a single fire of the latter missed its effect. If this is fact, the affair of • he iOth and i'lst of July, was one of the most bloody that had been known for many ages. We must either suspect Peter the Great of having been mistaken, in his declaration at the crowning of the empress, when he acknowledges ' his obli^'ations to her of having saved his army, which was reduced to twenty-two thou- sand men,' or accuse him of a falsity in his journal, wherein he says, that the day on which the above battle was fought, his army, exclusive of the succours he expected from the other side the Moldavian mountains, amounted to thirty- one thousand five hundred and fifty-four foot, and six thousand six hundred and nine two horse. According to this calculation, the battle of Pruth must have been by far more terrible than the historians or memorials have repre- sented on either side. There must certainly be some mistake here, which is no uncommon thing in the relation of campaigns, especially when the writer enters into a minute detail of cir- cumstances. The surest method, therefore, on these occasions, is to confine ourselves to the principal events, the victory and the defeat ; as we can very seldom know, with any degree of certainty, the exact loss on either side. IJut however here the Russian army might be reduced in point of numbers, there were still hopes that tlie grand vizier, deceived by their vigorous and obstinate resistance, might be in- duced to grant them peace, upon such terms as might be honourable to his master's arms, and 808 HISTORY OF at the same time not absolutely disgraceful to those of the czar. It was the great merit of Catherine to bdve perceived this possibility, at a time when her ccnsort and his generals expected nothing less than inevitable destruction. Norberg, in his History of Charles XII. quotes a letter, sent by the czar to the grand viiier, in which he expresses himself thus : — ' If, con- trary to my intentions, I hive been so unhappy as to incur the displeasure of his highness. I am ready to make reparation for any cause of com- plaint he may have against me ; I conjure you, most noble general, to prevent the further effu- sion of blood ; give orders, I beseech you, to put a stop to the dreadful fire of your artillery, and accept the hostage I herewith send you' This letter carries all the marks of falsity with it, as do indeed most of the random pieces of Norberg: it is dated 11th July. N. S. whereas no letter was sent to Baltagi Mahomet till the 21st, N. S. neither was it the czar who wrote to the vizier, but his general Sheremeto : there were no such expressions made use of as — ' if the czar has had the misfortune to incur the dis- pleasure of his highness ;' such terms being suit- able only to a subject, who implores the pardon of his sovereign, whom he has offended. There was no mention made of any hostage, nor was any one sent. The letter was carried by an officer, in the midst of a furious cannonade on both sides. Sheremeto, in his letter, only re- minded the vizier of certain overtures of peace that the Porte had made at the beginning of the campaign, through the mediation of the Dutch and English ministers, and by which the divan demanded that the fort and harbour of Taganroc should be given up, which were the real subject* of the war. PETER THE GREAT. 209 fist July, 1711.] Some hours elapsed before the messenger received an answer from the grand vizier, and it was apprehended that he had either been killed by the enemy's cannon, or that they detained him prisoner. A second courier was therefore dispatched, with duplicates of the for- mer letters, and a council of war was immedi- ately held, at which Catherine was present. At this council ten general officers signed the follow- ing resolution : — ' Resolved, If the enemy will not accept the conditions proposed, and should insist upon our laying down our arms, and surrendering at dis- cretion, that all the ministers and general officers are unanimously of opinion, to cut their way through the enemy sword in hand.' In consequence of this resolution, a line of in- trenchments was thrown round the baggage, and the Russians marched some few paces out of their camp, towards the enemy, when the grand vizier caused a suspension of arms to be proclaimed between the two armies. All the writers of the Swedish party have treated the grand vizier as a cowardly and infa- mous wretch, who had been bribed in sell the honour of his master's arms. In the same man- ner have several authors accused fount Piper of receiving money from the duke of Marlborough, to persuade the king of Sweden to continue the war against the czar ; and have laid to the charge of the French minister, that he purchased the peace of Seville for a stipulated sum. Such ac- cusations ought never to be advanced but on very strong proofs. It is very seldom that a mi- nister will stoop to such meannesses, which are always discovered, sooner or hiter, by those who have been entrusted with the payment of the money, or by the public registers, which never 210 HISTORY OF lie. A minister of state stands as a public objecf to the eyes of all Europe. His credit and influ- ence depend -wholly upon his character, and he is always sufficiently rich to be above the temp- tation of becoming a traitor. The place of viceroy of the Turkish empire is so illustrious, and the profits annexed to it, in time of war, so immense, there was such a pro- fusion of every thing necessary, and even luxuri- oas, in the camp of Baltagi Mahomet, and, on the other hand, so much poverty and distress in that of the czar, that surely the grand vizier was rather in a condition to give than to receive. Tht trifling present of a woman, who had nothing tc send but a few skins and some jewels, in com- pliance with the established custom of all courts, or rather those in particular of the East, can never be considered in the light of a bribe. The frank and open conduct of Baltagi Mahomet seems at once to give the lie to the black accu- sations with which so many writers have stained their relations. Vice chancellor Shaffiroflfpaid the vizier a public visit in his tent :' every thing was transacted in the most open mantier, on both sides ; and indeed it could not be other- wise. The very first article of the negotiation was entered upon in the presence of a person wholly devoted to the king of Sweden, a do- mestic of count Poniatowsky, who was himself one of that monarch's generals. This man served as an interpreter, and the several articles were publicly reduced to writing by the vizier's chief secretary, Hummer EfFendi. Moreover, count Po- niatowsky was there in person. The present sent to the kiaia was offered probably in form, and every thing was transacted agreeable to the ori- ental customs. Other presents were made by the Turks in return : so that there was not the least PETER THE GREAT. 211 appearance of treachery or contrivance. The mo- tives which determined the vizier to consent to the proposals offered him, were, first that the body of troops under the command of general Renne, on the borders of the river Sireth, in Moldavia, had already crossed three rivers, and were actually in the neighbourhood of the Danube, where Renne had already made himself master of the town and castle of Brahila, defended by a numerous gar- rison, under the command of a basha. Secondly, the czar had likewise another body of troops ad- vancing through the frontiers of Poland ; and, lastly, it is more than probable that the vizier was not fully acquainted with the extreme scarcity that was felt in the Russian camp. One enemy seldom furnishes another with an exact account of his provisions and ammunition ; on the con- trary, either side are accustomed rather to make a parade of plenty, even at a time when they are in the greatest necessity. There can be no arti- fices practised to gain intelligence of the true state of an adversaiy's affairs, by means of spies, between the Turks and the Russians. The dif- ference of their dress, of their religion, and of their language, will not permit it. i'hey are, moreover, strangers to that desertion which pre- vails in most of our armies ; and, consequently, the grand vizier could not be supposed to know the desperate condition to which the czar's army was reduced. Baltagi, who was not fond of war, and who, nevertheless, had conducted this very well, thought that his expedition would be sufficiently successful, if he put his master in possession of the towns and harbours which made the subject of the war, stopt the progress of the victorious army under Uenne, and obliged that general to qmt the banks of the Danube, and return back 212 HISTORY OF into Russia, and for ever shut the entrance of the Falus Mffiotis, the Cimmerian Bosphorus, and the Black Sea, against an enterprising- prince ; and, lastly, if he avoided taking these certain advantages, on the hazard of a new battle (in which, after aM, despair might have got the bet- ter of superiority of numbers). The preceding day only he had beheld his janissaries repulsed with loss ; and there wanted not examples ol many victories having been gained by the weaker over the strong. Such then were Mahomet's reasons for accepting the proposals of peace. His conduct, however, did not merit the appro- bation of Charles's officers, who served in the Turkish army, nor of the khan of Tartary. It was the interest of the latter, and his followers, to reject all terms of accommodation which would deprive them of the opportunity of ravaging the frontiers of Russia and Poland. Charles XIL desired to be revenged on his rival, the czar : but the general, and the tirst mihister of the Ot- toman empire, was neither influenced by the pri- vate thirst of revenge, which animated the Chris- tian monarch, nor by the desire of booty, which actuated the Tartar chief. As soon as the suspension of arms was agreed to, and signed, the Russians purchased of the Turks the provisions, of which they stood in need. The articles of the peace were not ^signed at that time, as is related by La Motraye, and which Norberg has copied from him. The vizier, among other conditions, demanded that the czar should promise not to interfere any more in the Polish affairs. This was a point particularly in- sisted upon by count Poniatowsky ; but it was, in fact, the interest of the Ottoman crown, thai the kingdom of Poland should continue in its then defenceless and divided state j accoidingly PETER THE GREAT. 213 this demand was reduced to tliat of the Russian troops evacuating the frontiers of Poland. The khan of Tartary, on his side, demanded a tribute of forty thousand sequins. This point, after being long debated, was at length given up. The grand vizier insisted a long time, that prince Cantemir should be delivered up to him, as Patkul had been to the king of Sweden. Can- temir was exactly in the same situation as Ma- zeppa had been. ihe czar caused that hetman to be arraigned and tried for his defection, and afterwards to be executed in effigy. The Turks were not acquainted with the nature of such pro- ceeding ; they knew nothing of trials for contu- macy, nor of public condemnations. The affixing a sentence on any person, and executing him in effigy, were the more unusual amongst them, as their law forbids the representation of any human ikeness whatever. The vizier in vain insisted on Cantemir's being delivered up ; Peter pe- remptorily refused to comply, and wrote the fol- lowing letter with his own hand, to his vice-chan- cellor Shaffiroff. ' I can resign to the Turks all the country, as far as Carlzka, because 1 have hopes of being able to recover it again ; but 1 will, by no means, vio- late my faith, which, once forfeited, can never be retrieved. I have nothing I can properly call my own, but my honour, if 1 give up that, I cease to be longer a king.' At length the treaty was concluded, and signed, at a village called Falksen, on the river Pruth. Among other things, it was stipulated, that .-Vzoph, and the territories belongi:ig thereto, should be restored, together witli all the ammunition and artillery that were in the place, before the czar made himself master thereof, in 1596. That the harbour of Taganroc, in the Zabach Sea, should 814 HISTORY OF be demolished, as also that of Samara, on the river of the same name ; and several other for- tresses. There was likewise another article added, respecting the king of Sweden, wl)ich ar- ticle alone, sufficiently shews the little regard the vizier had for that prince ; for it was therein stipulated, that the czar should not molest Charles, in his return to his dominions, and that after- wards the czar and he might make peace with the other, if they were so inclined. It is pretty evident by the wording of this ex- traordinary article, that Baltagi .Mahomet had not forgot the haughty manner in which Charles XII. had behaved to him a short time before, and it is not unlikely that this very behaviour of the king of Sweden might have been one inducement with Mahomet to comply so readily with his ri- val's proposals for peace. Charles's glory de- pended wholly on the ruin of the czar : but we are seldom inclinable to exalt those who express a contempt for us : however, this prince, who refused the vizier a visit in his camp, on his in- vitation, when it was certainly his interest to have been upon good terms with him, now came thither in haste and unasked, when the work which put an end to all his hopes was on the point of being concluded. The vizier did not go to meet him in person, but contented himself with send- ing two of his bashas , nor would he stir out of his tent, till Charles was within a few paces of him. This interview passed, as every one knows, in mutual reproaches. Several historians have thouglit, that the answer which the vizier made to the king of Sweden, when that prince reproached him with not making the czar prisoner, when he might h.ave done it so easily, was the reply of a weak man. * If I had taken him prisoner,' said PETER THE GREAT. 215 Mahomet, ' who would there be to govern hi» domiuions V It is very easy, however, to comprehend, that this was the answer of a mau who was piqued with resentment, and these words which he added — ' For it is not proper that every crowned head should quit his dominions' — sufficiently shewed that he intended to mortify the refugee of Bender. Charles gained nothing by his journey, but the pleasure of tearing the vizier's robe with his spurs; while that officer, who was in a condition to make him repent this splenetic insult, seemed not to notice it, in which he was certainly greatly su- perior to Charles. If any thing could have mad'e that monarch sensible, in the midst of his life, how easily fortune can put greatness to tlie blush, it would have been the reflection, that at the bat- tle of Pultowa, a pastry-cook's boy had obliged his whole army to surrender at discretion ; and iu this of Pruth a wood-cutter was the arbiter of his fate, and that of his rival the czar : for the vizier, Baltagi Mahomet, had been a cutter of wood in tiie grand seignior's seraglio, as his name implied ; and, far from being ashamed of that title, he gloried in it : so much do the manners of the eastern people differ from ours. When the news of this treaty reached Constan- tinople, the grand seignior was so well pleased, that he ordered public rejoicings to be made for a whole week, and Mahomet, the kiaia, or lieu- tenant general, who brought the tidiniis to the divan, was instantly raised to the dignity of bou- iouk imraour, or master of the horse : a certain proof that the sultan did not think himself ill perved by his vizier. Norberg seems to have known very little of the Turkish government, when he says, that ' the grand ueignior was obliged to keep fair with 216 HISTORY OF Baltagi ISIahomet, that vizier having rendered himself formidable.' The janissaries indeed have often rendered themselves formidable to their sultans ; but there is not one example of a vizier, who has not been easily sacrificed to the will or orders of his sovereign, and Mahomet was in no condition to support himself by his own power. Besides, Norberg manifestly contradicts himself, by affirming in the same page, that the janissaries were irritated against INIahomet, and that the sultan stood in dread of his power. The king of Sweden was now reduced to the necessity of forming cabals in the Ottoman court ; and a monarch, who had so lately made kings by his own power, was now seen waiting for audi- ence, and offering memorials and petitions which were refused. Charles ran through all the ambages of intrigue, like a subject who endeavours to make a minister suspected by his master. In this manner he acted against Mahomet, and against those who succeeded him. At one time he addressed him- self to the sultana Valide by means of a Jewess, who had admission into the seraglio ; at another, he employed one of the eunuchs for the same purpose. At length he had recourse to a man who was to mingle among the grand seignior's guards, and, by counterfeiting a person out of his senses, to attract the attention of the sultan, and by that means deliver into his own hand a me- morial from Charles. From all these various schemes, the king of Sweden drew only the mortification of seeing himself deprived of his thaim ; that is to say, of the daily pension which the Porte of its generosity had assigned him for his subsistence, and which amounted to about one tfaoosaud five hundred French livres.* The grand • About seventy pounds sterling. PETER THE GREAT. 217 viiier, instead of remitting this allowance to him a« usual, sent him an order, in the form of a friendiy advice, to quit the grand seignior's dominions. Charles, however, was absolutely determined not to depart, still flattering himself with the vain hope, that he should once more re-enter Poland and Russia with a powerful army of Turks. Every one knows what was the issue of his inflexible boldness in the year 1714, and how he engaged an army of janissaries, Spahis, and Tartars, with only himself, his secretaries, his valet de chambre, cook, and stable men ; ihat he was taken prisoner in that country, where he had been treated with the greatest hospitality ; and that he at length got back to his own kingdom in the disguise of a courier, after having lived five years in 1 urkey : from all whirh it remains to be acknow edged, that if there was reason in the conduct of thia extraordinary prince, it was a reason of a yery different nature to that of other men. THB HISTORY PETER THE GREAT, EMPEROR OF RUSSIA. fROM THE FRENCH OF VOLTAIRI. BY SMOLLETT. VOL. II NEW YORK: LEAVITT & ALLEN 379 BROADWAY. 1857. THE HISTORV OF PETER THE GREAT. CHAP. XXL Conclusion of the Affairs of Pruth. TT is necessary in this place to repeat an event already related in the History of Charles XH. It happened during the suspen sion of arms which preceded the treaty of Pruth, that two Tartarian soldiers surprised and took prisoners two Italian officers belong- ing to the czar's army, and sold them to an officer of the Turkish janissaries. The vizier being informed of this breach of public faith, punished the two Tartars with death. How are we to reconcile this severe delicacy with the violation of the law of nations in the person of Tolstoy, the czar's ambassador, whom this very 218 HISTORY OF vizier caused to be arrested iu the streets of Con- stantinople, and afterwards imprisoned in the CJistle of the Seven Towers 1 There is always some reason for the contradictions we find in the actions of mankind. Baltagi Mahomet was in- censed against the khan of Tartary, for havin>j opposed the peace he had lately made, and was resolved to shew that chieftain that he was hi* master. The treaty was no sooner concluded, than the czar quitted the borders of the Pruth, and returned towards his o-wn dominions, followed by a body of eight thousand Turks, whom the vizier had sent as an army of observation to watch the motions of the Russian army during its march, and also to serve as an escort or safeguard to them against the wandering Tartars which infested those parts. Peter instantly set about accomplishing the treaty, by demolishing the fortresses of Samara and Kamienska ; but the restoring of Azoph, and the demolition of the port of Taganroc, met with some difficulties in the execution. According to the terms of the treaty it was necessary to dis- tinguish the artillery and ammunition which be- longed to the Turks in Azoph before that place was taken by the czar, from those which had been sent thither after it fell into his hands. The governor of the place spun out this affair to a tedious length, at which the Porte was greatly incensed, and not without reason : the sultan was impatient to receive the keys of Azoph. The vizier promised they should be sent from time to time, but the governor always found means to delay the delivery of them. Baltagi Mahomet lost the good graces of his master, and with them his place. The khan of Tartary and his other enemies made such good use of their interest with the sultan, that the grand vizier was deposed, PETER THE GREAT. 219 •everal bashaswere disgraced at the same time ; but the grand seignior, well convinced of thia minister's fidelity, did not deprive him either of his life or estate, but only sent him to IMytilene to take on him the command of that island. This simple removal from the helm of afiFairs (Nov, 1711,), and the continuing to him his fortunes, and above all the giving him the command in Mytilene, sufficiently contradicts all that Norberg has advanced, to induce us to believe that this vizier had been corrupted with the czar's money. Norberg asserts furthermore, that the Bostangi basha, who came to divest him of his office, and to acquaint him of the grand seignior's sentence, declared him at the same time, ' a traitor, one who had disobeyed the orders of his sovereign lord, had sold himself to the enemy for money, and was foand guilty of not having taken proper care of the interests of the king of Sweden.' In the first place, this kind of declarations are not at all in use in Turkey : the orders of the grand seignior always being issued privately, and exe- cuted with secresy. Secondly, if the vizier had been declared a traitor, a rebel, and a corrupted person, crimes of this nature would have been instantly punished with death in a country where they are never forgiven. Lastly, if he was punish- able for not having sufficiently attended to the interests of the king of Sweden, it is evident that this prince must have had such a degree of in- fluence at the Ottoman Porte, as to have made the other ministers to tremble, who would con- sequently have endeavoured to gain his good graces ; whereas, on the contrary, the hasha Jussuf, aga of the janissaries, who succeeded Mahomet Baltagi as grand vizier, had the same sentiments as his predecessor, in relation to Charles's conduct, and was so far from doing him 220 HISTORY OF any service that be thought of nothing but bow to get rid of so dangerous a guest ; and when count Poniatowsky, the companion and confidant of that monarcii, went to compliment the vizief on bis new dignity, the latter spoke to him thus . * Pagan, I forewarn thee, that if ever 1 find thee batching any intrigues, I will, upon the first notice, cause thee to be thrown into the sea with a stone about thy neck.' This compliment count Poniatowsky himself relates in the memoirs which he drew up at my request, and is a sufiicieut proof of the little in- fluence his master had in the Turkish court. All that Norberg has related touching the aflfairs of that empire, appear to come fiom a prejudiced person, and one who was very ill informed of the circumstances he pretends to write about. And we may count among the errors of a party-spirit and political falsehood^, every thing which this writer advances unsupported bv proofs, concern- ing the pretended corruption of a grand vizier, that is, of a person who had the disposal of up wards of sixty millions per annum, without being subject to the least account.* I have now be- fore me the letter which count Poniatowsky wrote to King Stanislaus immediately after the signing the treaty of Pruth, in which he upbraids Bal- tagi IMahomet with the slight he shewed to the king of Sweden, bis dislike to the war, and the unsteadiness of bis temper ; but never once hints the least charge of corruption : for he knew too well what the place of grand vizier was, to enter- tam an idea, that the czar was capable of setting a pnce upon the infidelity of the second person in the Ottoman empire. Schaffirow and Sheremeto, who remained at * French money, which is always counted by livrea and makes about three millions sterling. PETER THE GREAT. 221 CouBtantinopIe as hostages on the part of the era? for his jie-formance of the treaty, were not used in the nianner they would have been if known to have purchased this peace, and to have joined with the vizier in deceiving his master. They were left to go at liberty about the city, escorted by two companies of janissaries. The czar's ambassador Tolstoy having been re- leased from his confinement in the Seven lowers, immediately upon the signing of the treaty of Pruth, the Dutch and English ministers inter- posed with the new vizier to see the several arti- cles of that treaty put into execution. Azoph was at length restored to the Turks, and the fortresses mentioned in the treaty were de- molished according to stipulation. And now the Ottoman Porte, though very little inclinable to interfere in the differences between Christian princes, could not without vanity behold himself made arbitrator between Russia, Poland, and the king of Sweden ;and insisted that the czar should withdraw his troops out of Poland, and deliver the Turkish empire from so dangerous a neigh- bour; and, desirous that the Christian princes might continually be at war with each other, wished for nothing so much as to send Charles home to his own dominions, but all this while had not the least intention of fumisliing him with an army. 1 he Tartars were still for war, as an artificer is willing to seize every opportunity to exercise his calling. The janissaries likewise wished to be called into the field, but more out of hatred against the Christians, their naturally restless disposition, and from a fondness for ra- pine and licentiousness, than from any other motives. Nevertheless, the English and Dutch ministers managed their negotiations so well, tha^. they prevailed over the opposite party : the 99S HISTORY OF treaty of Pruth was confirmed, but with the atl- dition of a new article, by which it was stipulated that the czar should withdraw his forces from Poland within three months, and that tlie sultan should immediately send Charles XII. out of his dominions. We may judge from this new treaty whethei the king of Sweden hu.d that interest at the Porto ■which some writers would have us to believe. He was evidently sacrificed on this occasion bj the new vizier, basha Jussuf, as he had been be- fore by Baltagi Mahomet. The historians of his party could find no other expedient to colour over this fresh affront, but that of accusing Jussuf of having been bribed like his predecessor. Such repeated imputations, unsupported by any proofs, are rather the clamours of an impotent cabal, than the testimonies of history ; but faction, Twhen driven to acknowledge facts, will ever be endeavouring to alter circumstances and motives ; and, unhappily, it is thus that all the histories of our times will be handed down to posterity so altered, that they will be unable to distinguish truth from falsehoods. CHAP. xxn. Marriage of the czarowitz. — The marriage of Pet«r and Catherine publicly Bolemnized. — Catherine Qndi her brother. n^HIS unsuccessful campaign of Pruth proved more hurtful to the czar than ever the battle of Narva was ; for after that defeat he had found means not only to retrieve his losses, but also to wrest Ingria out of the hands of Charles XII. ; but by the treaty of Falksten, in which he con* sented to give up to the sultan his forts and bar* PETER THE GREAT. 223 boars on the Palus Maiotis Le for ever lost his projected superiority in the Black Sea. He had besides an infinite deal of work on his hands ; his new establishments in Russia were to be per- fected, he had to prosecute his victories over the Swedes, to settle king Augustus firmly on the Polish throne, and to manage affairs properly with the several powers with whom he was in alliance ; but the fatigues he had undergone having impaired his health, he was obliged to go to Carlsbad* to drink the waters of that place. While he was there he gave orders for his troops to enter Pomerania, who blockaded Stralsund, and took five other towns in the neighbourhood. Pomerania is the most northern province of Germany, bounded on the east bj Prussia and Poland, on the west by Brandenburg, on the south by INIecklenburg, and on the north by the Baltic Sea. It has changed masters almost every century : Gustavus Adolphus get posses- sion of it in his famous thirty years war, and it was afterwards solemnly ceded to the crown of Sweden by the treaty of Westphalia: with a re- servation of the little bishopric of Camin, and a few other small towns lying in Upper Pomerania. The whole of this province properly belongs to the elector of Brandenburg, in virtue of a family compact made with the dukes of Pomerania, whose family being extinct in 1637, consequently by the laws of the empire the house of Branden- burg had an undoubted right to the succession; bat necessity, the first of all laws, occasioned this family compact to be set aside by the treaty of Osnaburg ; after which, almost the whole of Pomerania fell to the lot of the victorious Swedes, The czar's intention was to wrest from Sweden * A town io Bohemia famoo« for iu mineral tprlog* M4 HISTORY OF Jtll the provinces that crown was possessed of in Germany ; and, in order to accomplish hifl design, be found it necessary to enter into a confederacy with the electors of Hanover and Brandenbarg, and the king of Denmark. Peter drew up the several articles of the treaty he projected with these powers, and also a com- plete plan of the necessary operations for ren- dering him master of Pomerania. In the meanwhile he went to Torgau, to be present at the nuptials of his son the czarowitx Alexis with the princess of Wolfenbuttel (Oct. 23, 1711.), sister to the consort of Charles VI. emperor of Germany ; nuptials which, in the end, proved fatal to his own peace of mind, and to the lives of the unfortunate pair. The czarowitz was born of the first marriage of Peter the Great to Eudocia Lapoukin, to whom he was espoused in 1689: she was at that time shut up in the monastery of i^usdal; their son Alexis Petrowitz, who was born the 1st of March, 1690, was now in his tweaty-second year: this prince was not then at all known ia Europe ; a minister, whose memoirs of the court of Russia have been printed, says in a letter he writes to his master, dated August 2.j, 1711, that ' this prince was tall and well made, re- sembled his father greatly, was of an excellent disposition, very pious, had read the Bible five times over, took great delight in the ancient Green historians, appeared to have a very quick apprehension and understauding, was well ac- quainted with the mathematics, the art of war, navigation, and hydraulics •, that he understood the German language, and was then learning the French, but that his father would never suffer him to go through a regular course of study.' Thie character h very differen* frcrm tf.i' PETER THE GREAT. 225 which the czar himself gives of his son some time afterwards, in which we shall see with how mucli grief he reproaches him with faults directly op- posite to those good qualities, for which this minister seems so much to admire him. We must leave posterity, therefore, to deter- mine between the testimony of a stranger, who may have formed too slight a judgment, and the declaration of a parent, who thought himself under a necessity of sacrificing the dictates of nature to the good of his people. If the minister was no better acquainted with the disposition of Alexis than he seems to have been with his out- ward form, his evidence will have but little weight; for ho describes this prince as tall and well made, whereas the memoirs sent me from Petersburg say, that he was neither the one nor the other. His mother-in-law, Catherine, was not pre- sent at his nuptials ; for though she was already looked upon as czarina, yet she had not been publicly acknowledged as such : and moreover, as she had only the title of highness given her at the czar's court, her rank was not sufficiently settled to admit of her signing the contract, or to appear at the ceremony in a station befitting the consort of Peter the Great. She therefore re mained at Thorn in Polish Prussia. Soon after the nuptials were celebrated, the czar sent the new-married couple away to VVolfenbuttel (Jan. 9, 171'2), and brought back the czarina to Pe- tersburg with that dispatch and privacy which he observed in all his journies. Feb. 19, 1711'.] Having now disposed of his son, he publicly solemnized his own nuptials with Catherine, which had been declared in pri- vate before. This ceremony was performed with as much magnificence as could be expected in a K 2 2*6 HISTORY OF city but yet in its infancy, and from a revennc exhausted by the late destructive war against the Turks, and that which he was still engaged in against the king of Sweden. The czar gave orders for, and assisted himself in, all the prepa- rations for the ceremony, according to the usual custom ; and Catherine was now publicly de- clared czarina, in reward for having saved ber husband and his whole army. The acclamations with which this declaratioa was received at Petersburg were sincere : the applauses which subjects confer on the actions of a despotic sovereign are generally suspected ; but on this occasion they were confirmed by the united voice of all the thinking part of Europe, who beheld with pleasure, on the one hand, the heir of a vast monarchy with no other glory than that of his birth, married to a petty princess ; and, on the other hand, a powerful conqueror, and a law-giver, publicly sharing his bed and his throne with a stranger and a captive, who had nothing to recommend her but her merit : and this approbation became more general as the minds of men grew more enlightened by that sound philosophy, which has made so great a progress in our understandings within these last forty years : a philosophy, equally sublime and discerning, which teaches us to pay only tlie exterior respect to greatness and authority, whil»- we reserve our esteem and veneration for shining talents and meritorious services. And here I think myself under an obligation to relate what I have met touching this marriage in the dispatches of count Bassewitz.aulic coun- sellor at Vienna, and long time minister from Holstein at tl.e court of Russia ; a person of great merit, and whose memory is still held in the highest esteem in Germany. In some of hi? PETER THE GREAT. 227 letters he speaks thus : ' The czarina had not only been the main instrument of procuring the czar that reputation which he enjoyed, but was likewise essentially necessary in the preservation of his life. This prince was unhappily subject to violent convulsion fits, which were thought to be the effects of poison which had been given him while he was young. Catherine alone had found the secret of alleviating his sufi'crings by an unwearied assiduity and atteiaion lo what- ever she thought would please liira, and made it the whole study of her life to preserve a health 30 valuable to the kingdom and to herself, inso- much, that the c^ar finding he could not live without her, made her the companion of his throne and bed.' I here only repeat the express words of the writer himself. Fortune, which has furnished us with many extraordinary scenes in this part of the world, and who had raised Catherine from the lowest abyss of misery and distress to the pinnacle of humaa grandeur, wrought another extraordinary incident in her favour some few years after hei marriage with the czar, and which I find thus related in a curious manuscript of a person who was ut that time in the czar's service, and who speaks of it as a thing to which he was eye- witness. An envoy from king Augustus to the court of Peter the Great, being on his return home through Courland, and having put up at an inn by the way, heard the voice of a person who seemed in great distress, and whom the people of the house were treating in that insulting manner which is but too common on such occa- sions : the stranger, with a tone of resentment^ made answer, that they would not dare to use Lim thus, if he could but odco get to the speech SS8 HISTORY OF of the czar, at whose court he had perhaps more powerful protectors than they imagined. The envoy, upon hearing this, had a curiosity to a&k tlie man some questions, and, from cer- tain answers he let fail, and a close examination of his face, he thought he found in him some re- semblance of the empress Catherine ; and, wheu he came to Dresden, he could not forbear writing to one of his friends at Petersburg concerning it. This letter, by accident, came to the czar's hands, who immediately sent an order to prince Repnin, then governor of Riga, to endeavour to find out the person mentioned in the letter. Prince Repnin immediately dispatched a mes- senger to Mittau, in Courland, who, on inquiry, found out the man, and learned that his name was Charles Scavronsky; that he was the son of a Lithuanian gentleman, who had been killed in the wars of Poland, and had left two children then in the cradlo, a boy and a girl, who had neither of them received any other education than that which .simple nature gives to those who are abandoned by the world. Scavronsky, who had been parted from his sister while they were both infants, knew nothing further of her than that she had been taken prisoner in Marienburg, in the year 1704, and supposed her to be still in the household of prince Menzikoff, where he ima- gined she might have made some little fortune. Prince Repnin, agreeable to the particular orders he had received from the czar, caused Scavronsky to be seized, and conducted to Riga, under pretence of some crime laid to his charge ; and, to give a better colour to the matter, at his arrival there, a sh.ira information was drawn up against him, and he was soon after sent from thence to Petersburg, under a strong guard, with orders to treat him well upon the road. PETER THE GREAT. 229 When he cama to that capital, he was carried • to the house of an officer of the emperor's palace, named Shepleff, who, having been previously instructed in the part he was to play, drew se- veral circumstances from the young man in re- lation to his condition ; and, after some time, told him, that although the information, which had been sent up from Riga against him, was of a very serious nature, yet he would have justice done him ; but that it would be necessary to pre- sent a petition to bis majesty for that purpose ; that one should accordingly be drawn up in his name, and that he (Shepleff) would find means that he should deliver it into the czar's own hands. The next day the czarcame to dine with Shep- leff, at his own house, who presented Scavronsky to him ; when his majesty, after asking him abundance of questions was convinced, by the natural answers he gave, that he was really the czarina's brother ; they had both lived in Livonia, when young, and the czar found every thing that Scavronsky said to him, in relation to his family affairs, tally exactly with what his wife had told him concerning her brother, and the misfortunes which had befallen her and her brother in the earlier part of their lives. The czar, now satisfied of the truth, proposed the next day to the empress to go and dine with him at Shepleff's ; and, when dinner was over, he gave orders that the man, whom he had ex- mained the day before, should be brought in again. Accordin^'Iy he was introduced, dressed in the pame clothes he had wore while on his journey to Riga; the czar not being willing that he should ajtpear in any other garb than what his unhappy circumstances had accustomed him to. He interrogated him again, in the presence of U30 HISTORY OF his wife ; and the MS. adds, tbat, at the end, he turned about to the empress, and said these very words : — ' This man is your brother ; come hither, Charles, and kiss the hand of the empress, and embrace your sister.* The author of this narrative adds further, that the empress fainted away with surprise ; and that, when she came to herself again, the czar said, ' There is nothing in this but what is very natural. This gentlemen is my brother in-law ; if he has merit, we will make something of him ; if he has not, we must leave him as he is.' I am of opinion, that this speech shews as much greatness as simplicity, and a greatness not very common. My author says, that Scavronsky remained a considerable time at Sheplefl~s house ; that the czar assigned him a handsome pension, but that he led a very retired life. He carries his relation of this adventure no farther, as he made use of it only to disclose the secret of Catherine's brother : but we know, from other authorities, that this gentleman was afterwards created a count ; that he married a young lady of quality, by whom he had two daughters, who were mar- ried to two of the principal noblemen in Russia. I leave to those, who may be better informed of the particulars, to distinguish what is fact in this relation, from what may have been added ; and shall only say, that the author does not seem to have told this story out of a fondness for enter- taining his readers with the marvellous, since his papers were not intended to be published. He is writing freely to a friend, abouta thing of which he says he was an eye-witness. He may have been mistaken in some circumstances, but the fact itself has all the appearance of truth ; for if this gentleman had kr-iown that his sister was raised to so great dignity and power, he would PETER THE GREAT. 231 not certuinly have remained so many years with- out having made himself known to her. And this discovery, however extraordinary it may seem, is certainly not more so than the exalta- tion of Catherine herself; and both the one and the other are striking proofs of the force of des- tiny, and may teach us to be cautious how we treat as fabulous several events of antiquity, •which perhaps are less contradictory to the com- mon order of things, than the adventures of this empress. The rejoicings made by the czar Peter for his own marriage, and that of his son, were not of the nature of those transient amusements which exhaust the public treasure, and are presently lost in oblivion. He completed his grand foundry for cannon, and finished the admiralty buildings. The highways were repaired, several ships built, and others put upon the stocks ; new canals were dug, and the finishing hand put to the grand warehouses, and other public buildings, and the trade of Petersburg began to assume a flourishing face. He issued an ordinance for removing the senate from Moscow to Petersburg, which was executed in the month of April, 1712. By this step he made liis new city the capital of the em- pire, and early he employed a number of Swedish prisoners in beautifying this city, whose foun- dation had been laid upon their defeat. CHAP. XXIII. Taking of Stetin. — De8cent upon Fialaod. - -Event of the year 1712. i TDKTFR, now seeing himself happy in his own family, and in his state, and successful in his war against Charles XII. and in the several ne- 232 HISTORY OF gotiations which he had entered into with other powers, who were resolved to assist him in driv- ing out the Swedes from the continent, and coop- ing them up for ever within the narrow isthmus of Scandinavia, began to turn his views entirely towards the north-west coasts of Kurope, not laying aside all thoughts of the Palus iMjeotis, or Black Sea. The keys of Azoph, which had been so long withheld from the basha, who was to have taken possession of that place for the sultan, his master, were now given up ; and, notwith- standing all the endeavours of the king of Sweden, the intrigues of his friends at the Otto- man Porte, and even some menaces of a new war on the part of the Turks, both that nation and the Russian empire continued at peace. Charles XII. still obstinate in his resolution not to depart from Bender, tamely submitted his hopes and fortunes to tke caprice of a grand vizier ; while the czar was threatening all his provinces, arming against him the king of Den- mark, and the elector of Hanover, and had al- most persuaded th« king of Prussia, and even the Poles and Saxons, to declare openly for him. Charles, ever of the same inflexible disposi- tion, behaved in the like manner towards his enemies, who now seemed united to overwhelm him, as he had done in all his transactions with the Ottoman Porte ; and, from his lurking-place in the deserts of Bessarabia, defied the czar, the kings of Poland, Denmark, and Prussia, the elector of Hanover (soon afterwards king of England), and the emperor of Germany, whom he had so greatly offended, when he was travers- ing Silesia with his victorious troops, and who now shewed his resentment, by abandoning him to bis ill fortune, and refused to take under hia PETER THE GREAT. 233 protection any of those countries, which as yeC. belonged to the Swedes in Germany. 1711:!.] It would have been no difficult matter for him to have broken the league which wai forming against him, would he have consented ti cede Stetin, in Pomerania, to Frederick (the first!, king of Prussia, and elector of Brandenburg who had a lawful claim thereto ; but Charles did mt then look upon Prussia as a power ot any consequence : and indeed neither he, nor any other person, could at that time foresee, that this petty kingdom, and the electorate of Bran- denburg, either of which were little better than de- serts, would one day become formidable. Charles therefore would not listen to any proposal of ac- commodation, but determined rather to stake all than to give up any thing, sent orders to the re- gency of Stockholm, to make all possible resist- ance, both by sea and laud : and these orders were obeyed, notwitlistanding that his dominions were almost exhausted of men and money. The senate of Stockholm fitted out a fleet of thirteen ships of the line, and every person capable of bearing arms came voluntarily to offer their ser- vice : in a word, the inflexible courage and pride of Charles seemed to be infused into all his sub- jects, who were almost as unfortunate as their master. It can hardly be supposed, that Charles's con- duct was formed upon any regular plan. He had still a powerful party in Poland, which assisted by the Crim i'artars, might indeed have desola- ted that wretched country, but could not have re- placed Stanislaus on the throne ; and his hope of engaging the Ottoman Porte to espouse his cause, or convincing the divan that it was their interest to send ten or twelve thousand men to the assis .ance of his friends, under pretence that 2S4'^ HISTORY OF the C7.ar was supporting his ally, Augustus, in Poland, was vain and chinaericah Sep. 171/2.] Nevertheless, he continued still at Bender, to wait the issue of these vain pro- lects, while the Russians, Danes, and Saxons, were overrunning Pomerania. Peter took his wife with hiin on this expedition. The king of Denmark had already made himself master of Stade, a sea-port town in the duchy of Bremen, and the united forces of Russia, Saxony, and Denmark, were already before Stralsund. Oct. 17l'J.] And now king Stanislaus, seeing the deplorable state of so many provinces, the impossibility of his recovering the crown of Po land, and the universal confusion occasioned by the inflexibility of Charles, called a meeting ot the Swedish generals, who were covering Po- merania with an army of eleven thousand men, as the last resource they had left in those pro- vinces. When they were assembled, he proposed to them to make their terms with king Augustus, offering himself to be the victim of this recon- ciliation. On this occasion, he made the follow- ing sj)eech to them, in the French language, which he afterwards left in writing, and which was signed by nine general officers, amongst whom happened to be one Patkul, cousin-german to the unfortunate Patkul, who lost his life on the wheel, by the order of Charles XII. ' Having been hitherto the instrument of pro- curing glory to the Swedish arms, I cannot think of proving the cause of their ruin. I therefore declare myself ready to sacrifice the crown, and my personal interests, to the preservation of the sacred person of their king, as I can see no other method of releasing him from the place where bo now is.' PEIER THE GREAT. 235 Having made this declaration (which is here given in his own words), he prepared to set out for Turkey, in hopes of being able to soften the inflexible temper of his benefactor, by the sacri- fice he had made for him. His ill fortune would have it, that he arrived in Bessarabia at the very time that Charles, after having given his word to the sultan, that he would depart from Bender, and having received the necessary remittances for his journey, and an escort for his person, took the raad resolution to continue there, and opposed a whole army of Turks and Tartars, with only his own domestics. The former, though they might easily have killed him, contented them- selves with taking him prisoner. At this very juncture, Stanislaus arriving, was seized himself; 80 that two Christian kings were prisoners atone time in Turkey. At this time, when all Europe was in commo- tion, and that France had just terminated a war equally fatal against one part thereof, in order to settle the grandson of Lewis XIV. on the throne of Spain, England gave peace to France, and the victory gained by Rlarshal Villars at Denain in Flanders, saved that state from its other enemies. France had been, for upwards of a century, the ally of Sweden, and it was the interest of the former, that its ally should not be stript of his possessions in Germany. Charles, unhappily, was at such a distance from his dominions, that he did not even know what was transacting in France. The regency of Stockholm, by a desperate effort, ventured to demand a sum of money from the French court, at a time when its financea were at so low an ebb, that Lewis XIV. had hardly money enough to pay bis household ser- rants. Count Sparre was sent with a commission 2S6 HISTORY OF to negotiate this loan, in which it was not to \ts supposed he would succeed. However, on his nrrival at Versailles, he represented to the mar- quis de Torci the inability of the regency to pay the little army which Charles had still remaining in Pomerania, and which was ready to break up and dispute of itself on account of the long arrears due to the znen ; and that France was on the point of beholding the only ally she had left, deprived of those provinces which were so necessary to preserve the balance of power; that indeed his master, Charles, had not been altogether so at- tentive to the interests of France in the course of his conquests as might have been expected, but that the magnanimity of Lewis XIV. was at least equal to the misfortunes of his royal brother and ally. The French minister, in answer to this speech, so effectually set forth the incapacity of his cosirt to furnish the requested succours, that count Sparre despaired of success. It so happened, however, that a private in- dividual did that which Sparre had lost all hopes of obtaining. There was at that time in Paris, a banker, named Samuel Bernard, who had ac- cumulated an immense fortune by making remit- tances for, the government to foreign countries, and other private contracts. This man was in- toxicated with a species of pride very rarely to be met with from people of his profession. He was immoderately fond of every thing that made an eclat, and knew very well, that one time or another the government would repay with interest those who hazarded their fortune to supply its exigencies. Count Sparre went one day to dine with him, and took care to flatter his foible so well, that before they rose from table the banker put six hundred thousand livres * into his hand ; * About fifty thousand poouds sterling. PETER THE GREAT. 237 and then immediately waiting on the marquis Ae Torci, he said to him — ' 1 have lent the crown of Sweden six hundred thousand livres in your name, which you must repay me when you are able.' Count Steinbock, who at that time commanded Charles's army in Pomerania, little expected so seasonable a supply ; and seeing his troops ready to mutiny, to whom he had nothing to give but promises, and that tlie storm was gathering fast upon him, and being, moreover, apprehensive of being surrounded by the three different armies of Russia, Denmark, and Saxony, desired a ces- sation of arms, on the supposition tliat Stanislaus' abdication would soften the obstinacy of ('harles, and that the only way left him to save the forces under his command, was by spinning out the time in negotiations. He therefore dispatched a courier to Bender, to represent to the king of Sweden the desperate slate of his finances and affairs, and the situation of the army, and to ac- quaint him that he had under these circumstances, found himself necessitated to apply for a cessation of arms, which he should think himself very happy to obtain. The courier had not been disp itched above three days, and Stanislaus was not yet set out on his journey to Bender, when Steinbock received the six hundred thousand iivres from the French banker above-mentioned ; a sum, which was at that time an immense treasure in a country so desolated. Thus unexpecltdly rein- forced with money, which is the grand panacea for all disorders of state, Stf inbock found means to revive the drooping spirits of his soldiery ; he supplied them with all they wanted, raised new recruits, and in a short time saw himself at the head of twelve thousand men, and dropping his former intention of procuring; a suspension ol 238 HISTORY OF arms, he sought only for an opportunity of en* gaging the enemy. This 'w as the same Steinbeck, who in the year 1710, after the defeat of Pultowa, had revenged the Swedes on the Danes by the eruption he made into Scania, where he marched against and engaged them with o.ly a few militia, whom he had hastily gathered together, with their arms elung round them with ropes, and totally defeated the enemy. He was, like all the other generals of Charles XII. active and enterprising , but his valour was sullied by his brutality : as an instance of which, it will be suflBcient to relate, that hav- ing, after an engagement with the Russians, given orders to kill all the prisoners, and per- ceiving a Polish officer in the service of the czar, who had caught hold on king Stanislaus' stirrup, then on horseback, in order to save his life, he, Steinbock, shot him dead with his pistol in that prince's arms, as has been already mentioned in the life of Charles XII. and king Stanislaus has declared to the author of this History, that had he not been withheld by his respect and gratitude to the king of Sweden, he should im- mediately have shot Steinbock dead upon the spot. Dec. 9, 1712.] General Steinbock now march- ed by the way of Wi&mar to meet the combined forces of the Russians, Danes, and Saxons, and soon found himself near the Danish and Saxon army, which was advanced before that of the Russians about the distance of three leagues. 'J he czar sent three couriers, one after another, to the k'ing of Denmark, beseeching him to wait his coming up, and thereby avoid the danger which threatened him, if he attempted to engage the Swedes with an equality of force ; but tie Danish monarch, not willing to share with any PEfER THE GREAT. ^39 cue the honour of a victory which he thought ■ore, advanced to meet the Swedish general, ■whom be attacked near a place called Gadebusch. This day's affair gave a further proof of the»na- tural enmity that subsisted between the Swedes and Danes The officers of these two nations fought with most unparalleled inveteracy against each other, and neither side would desist till death terminated the dispute. Steinbeck gained a complete victory before the Russian army could come up to the assistance of the Danes, and the next day received an order fnm his master, Charles, to lay aside all thoughts of a suspension of arms, who, at the same time, upbraided him for having entertained an idea so injurious to his honour, and for which he told him ae could make no reparation, but by conquering or perishing. Steinbockhad happily obviated the orders and the reproach by the victory he had gained. But this victory was like that which had for- merly brought such a transient consolation to king Augustus, when in the torrent of his misfortunes he gained the battle of Calish against the Swedes, who were conquerors in every other place, and which only served to aggravate his situation, as this of Gadebusch only procrastinated the ruin of Steinbock and his army. When the king of Sweden received the news of Steinbock's success, he looked upon his affairs as retrievjed, and even flattered himself with hopes to engage the Ottoman Porte to declare for him, who at that time seemed disposed to come to a new rupture with the czar : full of these fond ima- ginations, he sent orders to general Steinbock to fall upon Poland, being still ready to believe, upon the least shadow of success, that the day of Narva, and those in which he gave laws to his 840 HISTORY OF enemies, were again returned. But unhappily he too soon found these flattering hopes ntterly blasted by the affair of Bender, and his own cap- tivity amongst the Turks. The whole fruits of the victory at Gadebusch were coufined to the surprising in the night-time, and reducing to ashes, the town of Altena, inha- bited by traders and manufacturers, a place wholly defenceless, and which, not having been in arras, ought, by all the laws of war and na- tions, to have been spared ; however, it was utterly destroyed, several of the inhabitants pe- rished in the flames, others escaped with their lives, but naked, and a number of old men, wo- men, and children, perished with the cold and fatigue they suffered, at the gates of Hamburg. Such has too often been the fate of several thou- sands of men for the quarrels of two only ; and this cruel advantage was the only one gained by Steinbock ; for the Russians, Danes, and Saxons pursued him so closely, that he was obliged to beg for an asylum in Toningen, a fortress in the duchy of Holstein, for himself and army. This duchy was at that time subjected to the most cruel ravages of any part of the North, and its sovereign was the most miserable of all princes. He was nephew to Charles XII. and it was on his father's account, who had married Charles's sister, that that monarch car- ried his arms even into the heart of Copenha- gen, before the battle of Narva, and for whom he likewise made the treaty of Travendahl, by which the dukes of Holstein were restored to their rights. This country was in part the cradle of the Cimbri, and of the old Normans, who overrun the province of Neustria, in France, and conquer- ed all England, Naples, and Sicily ; and yet, at PETER THE GREAT. 241 this present time, no state pretends less to make conquests than this part of the ancient Cimbrica Chersonesus, which consists oniy of two petty duchies ; namely, that of Sleswic, belonging in common to the king of Denmark and the duke of Hoistein, and that of Gottorp, appertaining to the duke alone. Sleswic is a sovereign prin- cipality ; Hoistein is a branch of the German empire, called the Roman empire. The king of Denmark, and the duke of Hol- stein-Gottorp, were of the same family ; but the duke, nephew to Charles XII. and presumptive heir to his crown, was the natural enemy of the king of Denmark, who had endeavoured to crush him in the very cradle. One of his father's bro- thers, who was bishop of Lubec, and administra- tor of the dominions of his unfortunate ward, now beheld himself in the midst of the Swedish army, whom he durst not succour, and those of Russia, Denmark, and Saxony, that threatened his coun- try with daily destruction. Nevertheless, he thought himself obliged to try to save Charles's army, if he could doit without irritating the king of Denmark, who had made himself master of his country, which he exhausted, by raising con- tinual contributions. This bishop and administrator was enlircly governed by the famous baron Gortz, the most artful and enterprising man of his age, endowed with a genius amazingly penetrating, and fruit- ful in every resource : with talents ocjual to the boldest and most arduous attempts ; he was as insinuating in his negotiations as he was liardy m his projects ; he had the art of pleasing and persuading in the highest degree, and knew liow to captivate all hearts by the vivacity of his genius, after he had won them by the softness ol hia eloquence. He afterwards gained the aama Li e4fi HISTORY OF ascendant over Charles Xll. which he had then over the bishop ; and all the world knows, that he paid wilh his life the honour he had of govern- ing the most ungovernable and obstinate prince that ever sat upon a throne. Gortz had a private conference with general Steinbock,* at which he promised to deliver him up the fortress of Toningen.t without exposing the bishop administrator, his master, to any dan- ger : and, at the same time, gave the strongest assurances to the king of Denmark, that he would defend the place to the uttermost. In this man- ner are almost all negotiations carried on, affairs of state being of a very different nature from those of private persons ; the honour of ministers con- sisting wholly in success, and those of private persons in the observance of their promises. General Steinbock presented himself before Toningen : the commandant refused to open the gates to him, and by this means put it out of the king of Denmark's power to allege any cause of complaint against the bishop administrator ; but Gortz causes an order to be given in the name of the young duke, a minor, to suffer the Swedish army to enter the town. The secretary of the cabinet, named Stamke, signs this order in thci name of the duke of Holstein : by this means Gortz preserves the honour of an infant who had not as yet any power to issue crders; and he at once serves the king of Sweden, to whom he was desirous to make his court, and the bishop ad- ministrator his master, who appeared not to have consented to the admission of the Swedish troops. The governor of Toningen, who was easily gaic- • Private memoirs of Bassowitz, Jan. 21, 1712. t A town of Sleswic; in Denmark, situated on the rive: E^der, fourteen miles from the German Ocean, haviQR • rcry commodious harbour. PETER THE GREAT. S43 ed, delivered up the town to the Swedes, and Gortz excused himself as well as he could to the king of Denmark, by protesting that the whole had been transacted without his consent. The Swedes retired partly within the walls, and partly under the cann in of the town : but this did not save them : f jr general Steinbock was obliged to surrender himself prisoner of war, to- gether with his whole army, to the number of eleven thousand men, in the same manner as about sixteen thousand of their countrymen had done at the battle of Pultowa. By this convention it was agreed, that Stein- bock with his officers and men might be ransomed or exchanged. The price for the general's ran- som was fixed at eight thousand German crowns ;* a very trifling sum, but which Steinbock however was not able to raise ; so that he remained a prisoner in Copenhagen till the day of his death. The territories of Holstein now remained at the mercy of the incensed conqueror. The young duke became the object of the king of Denmark's vengeance, and was fated to pay for the abuse which Gortz had made of his name : thus did the ill fortune of Charles Xll. fall upon all his family. Gortz perceiving his projects thus dissipated, and being still resolved to act a disiiiii;ui.>hed part in the general confusion of affairs, recalled to mind a scheme which he had formed to establish a neutrality in the Swedish territories in Germany. The king of Denmark was ready to t;»ke pos- session of I'oningen ; George.ehclor of Hanovcl, was about to seize Bremen and Verden, vtiih the city of Stade ; the new-made king of Prussia, * About twelve tundred paunds sterlmg. 244 HISTORY OF Frederick William, cast his views upon Stetin, and czar P#ter was preparing to make himself ma.ster of Finland ; and all the territories of Charles XII. those of Sweden excepted, were going to become the spoils of those who wanted to sh^re them. How then could so many dif- ferent interests be rendered compatible with a neutrality 1 Gortz entered into negotiation at one and the same time with all the several princes who had any views in this partition ; he continued night and day passing from one pro- vince to the other ; he engaged the governor of Bremen and Verden to put those two duchies into the bands of the elector of Hanover by way of sequestration, so that the Danes should not take possession of them for themselves : he pre- vailed with the king of Prussia to accept jointly with the duke of Holstein, of rhe sequestration of Stetin and Wismar, in consideration of which, the king of Denmark was to act nothing against Holstein, and was not to enter Toningen. It was most certainly a strange way of serving Charles XII. to put his towns into the hands of those who might choose if they %vouid ever re- store them ; but Gortz, by delivering these places to them as pledges, bound them to a neutrality^ at least for some time ; and he was in hopes ta be able afterwards to bring Hanover and Bran- denburg to declare for Sweden : he prevailed on the king of Prussia whose ruined dominions stood in need of peace, to enter into his views, and in short he found means to render himself necessary to all these princes, and disposed of the possessions of Charles Xll. like a guardian, who gives up one part of his ward's estate to preserve the other, and of a ward incapable of managing his affairs himself ; and all this with- out any regular authority or rommission, or othcs PETER THE GREAT. 245 •warrant for his conduct, than full powprs given him by the bishop of Lubec, who had no authority to grant such powers from Charles himself. Such was the baron de Gortz, and such his actions, which have not hitherto been sufficiently known. There have been instances of an Oxen- stiern, a Richlieu, and an Alberoni, influencing the aftairs of all parts of Europe ; but that the privy counsellor of a bishop of Lubec should do the same as they, without his conduct being avowed by any one, is a thing hitherto un- heard of. June, 1713.] Nevertheless he succeeded to his wishes in the beginning ; for he made a treaty with the king of Prussia, by which that nlonarch engaged, on condition of keeping Stetiu in sequestration, to preserve the rest of Pome- rania for Charles XII. In virtue of this treaty, Gortz ma7 Icnburg, almost at open war with his subjects, v\-ere suin-^ to Peter the Great to take them under his protection. The king of Poland, elector of Saxony, was desirous to have the duchy of Cour- land annexed to Poland ; so that, from the Elbe to the Baltic Sea, Peter the First was considered as the support of the several crowned heads, as Charles XII. had been their greatest terror. Many negotiations were set on foot after the leturn of Charles to his dominions, but nothing had been done. That prince thought he could raise a sufiBcient number of ships of war and pri- vateers, to put a stop to the rising power of the czar by sea ; with respect to the land war, he de- pended upon his own valour ; and Gortz, who was on a sudden become his prime minister, persuaded him, that he might find means to de- fray the expense, by coining copper money, to be taken at ninety six limes less than its real value, a tKing unparalleled in the histories of any state ; but in the month of April, 1715, the v^ first Swedish privateers that put to sea were taken by the czar's men of war, and a Russian army marched into the heart of Pomeratfia. 'Ihe Prussians, Danes, and Saxons, now sat down with their united forces before Stralsund, and Charles XII. beheld himself returned from his confinement at Demirtash and Demirtoca on the Black Sea, only to be more closely pent up on the borders of the Baltic. *\Ve have already shewn, in the histor)' of this extraordinary man, with what haughty and un- embarrassed resolution he braved the united forces of his enemies in Stralsund ; and shall therefore, in this place, only add a single circum- stance, which, though trivial, may serve to shew the peculiarity of his characte •. The greatest part of his officers having beer either killed or f58 HISTORY OF wounded during the siege, the duty fell bard upon the few who were left. Baron de Reichel, a colonel, having sustained a long engagement upon the ramparts, and being tired out by re- peated watchings and fatigues, had thrown him- self upon a bench to take a little repose ; when he was called up to mount guard again upon the ramparts. As he was dragging himself along, hardly able to stand, and cursing the obstinacy of the king his master, who subjected all those about him to' such insufferable and fruitless fa- tigues, Charles happened to overhear him. Upon which, stripping off his own cloak, he spread it on the ground before him, saving, ' My dear Reichel, you are quite spent : come, I have had an hour's sleep, which has refreshed me, I'll take the guard for you, while you finish your nap, and will wake you when I thick it is time ;' and so saying, he wrapt the colonel up in his cloak ; and, notwithstanding all his resistance, obliged him to lie down to sleep, and mounted the guard himself. It was during this siege that the elector of Hanover, latel v made king of England, purchased of the king of Denmark the province of Bremen and Verden, with the city of Stade. (Oct. 1715.) which the Danes had taken from Charles XII. This purchase cost king George eight hundred thousand German crowns. In this manner were the dominions of Charles bartered away, while he defended the city of Stralsund, inch by inch, till at length nothing was left of it but a heap of niins, which his officers compelled him to leave ; (Dec. 1713.) and, when he was in a place of safety, general Ducker delivered up those ruins to the king of Prussia. Some time afterwards, Ducker, being presented to Charles, that monarch reproached him with having capitulated with his enemies ; whee PETER THE GREAT. 259 Ducker replied, ' I had too great a regard for your majesty's honour, to continue to defend a place which you was obliged to leave.' How- ever the Prussians continued in possession of it no longer than the year 1721, when ttey gave it up at the general peace. During the siege of Stralsund, Charles received another mortification, which would have been still more severe, if his heart had been as sensi- ble to the emotions of friendship, as it was to those of fame and honour. His prime minister, count Piper, a man famous throughout all Europe, and of unshaken fidelity to his prince (notwith- standing the assertions of certain rash persons, or the authority of a mistaken writer) : this Piper, I say, had been the victim of his master's am- bitiou ever since the battle of Pultowa. As there was as that time no cartel for the exchange of prisoners subsisting between the Russians and Swedes, he had remained in confinemect at Moscow , and though he had not been sent into Siberia, as t-he other prisoners were, yet his situ- ation was greatly to be pitied. The czar's finances at that time were not managed with so much fidelity as they ought to be, and his many new establishments required an expense which he could with difiiculty answer. In particular, he owed a considerable sum of money to the Dutch, on account of two of their merchant-ships which had been burnt on the coast of Finland, in the descent the czar had made on that country. Peter pretended that the Swedes were to make good the damage, and wanted to engage count Piper to charge himself with this debt : accordingly he was sent for from Moscow to Petersburg, and his liberty was offered him, in case he could draw upon Sweden letters of exchange to the amount of sixty thousand crowns. It is said he actually HGO HISTORY OF did draw b.lls for this sum upon his wife at Stock holm, but that she being unable or unwilling to take them up, they were returned, and the king of Sweden never gave himself the least concern about paying the money. Be this as it may, count Piper was closely confined in the castle of Schlus- selburg, where he died the year after, at the age of seventy. His remains were sent to the king of Sweden, who gave them a magnificent burial ; a vain and melancholy return to an old servant, for a life of suffering, and so deplorable an end ! Peter was satisfied with having got possession of Livonia, Esthonia, Carelia, and Ingria, which he looked upon as his own provinces, and to ■which he had, moreover, added almost all Fin- land, which served as a kind of pledge, in case his enemies should conclude a peace. He had married one of his nieces to Charles Leopold, duke of Mecklenburg, in the month of .April of the same year, (1715.) so that all the sovereigns of the north were now either his allies or his creatures. In Poland, he kept the enemies of king Augustus in awe; one of his armies, con- sisting of about eight thousand men, having, without any loss, quelled several of those con- federacies, which are so frequent in that country of liberty and anarchy : on the other hand, the Turks, by strictly observing their treaties, left him at full liberty to exert his power, and execute his schemes in their utmost extent. In this flourishing situation of his affairs, scarcely a day passed without being distinguished by new establishments, either in the navy, the army, or the legislature : he himself composed a military code for the infantry. Nov 8] He likewise founded a naval academy at Petersburg ; dispatched Lange to Chma and Siberia, with a commission of trade ; set mathe- PETER THE GREAT. 201 maticians fo work, in drawing charts of the whole empire ; built a summer's palace at Peters- hoflF ; and at the same time built forts on the banks of the Irtish, stopped the incursions and ravages of the Bukari * on the one side, and, on the rther, suppressed the Tartars of Kouban. iri5.] His prosperity seemed now to be at its zenith, by the empress Catherine's being de- livered of a son, and an heir to his dominions being given him, in a prince born to the czarovvitz Alexis ; but the joy for these happy events, which fell out within a few days of each otlier, was soon damped by the death of the empress's son; and the sequel of this history will shew us, that the fate of the czarowitz was too unfortunate, for the birth of a son to this prince to be looked upon as a happiness. The delivery of the czarina put a stop for some time to her accompanying, as usual, her royal consort in all his expeditions by sea and land ; but, as soon as she was up again, she followed bim to new adventures. CHAP. XXVI. New travels of the czar. "'^T^ISIMAR was at this time besieged by the czar's allies. This town, ivhich belonged of right to the duke of Mecklenburg, is situated on the Baltic, about seven leagues distant from Lubec, and might have rivalled that city in its extensive trade, being once one of the most con- siderable of the Hans Towns, and the duke of Mecklenburg exercised therein a full power of • Inhnbitantsnf a fiuiall town oflluncrarian Dalmatia« with a harbour, from wlience llio neighbouring sea take^ the name of Golfo di Hickanna. 969 HISTORY OF protection, rather than of sovereignty. This was one of the German territories yet remaining to the Swedes, in virtue of the peace of Westphalia : but it was now obliged to share the same fate with Stralsund. The allies of the czar pushed the siege with the greatest vigour, in order to make themselves masters of it before that prince's troops should arrive ; but Peter himself coming before the place in person, after the capitulation. (Feb. 1716,) which had been made without his privacy, made the garrison prisoners of war. He was not a little incensed, that his allies should have left the king of Denmark in possession of a town which was the right of a prince, who had married his niece ; and his resentment on this occasion (which that artful minister, de Gortz, soon after turned to his own advantage) laid the first foundation of the peace, which he meditated to bring about between the czar and Charles XII. Gortz took the first opportunity to insinuate to the czar, that Sweden was sutiiciently humbled, and that he should be careful not to suffer Den- mark and Prussia to become too powerful. The czar joined in opinion with him, and as he had entered into the war, merely from motives of policy, whilst Charles carried it on wholly on the principles of a warrior ; he, from that instant, slackened in his operations against the Swedes, and Charles, every where unfortunate in Ger- many, determined to risk one of those desperate gtrokes which success only can justify, and car- ried the war into Norway. In the meantime, Peter was desirous to make a second tour through Europe. He had under- taken his first, as a person who travelled for in- struction in the arts and sciences : but this second he made as a prince, who wanted to dive into the secrets of the several courts. He took the czarina PETER THE GREAT. 2G3 with him to CopenLigen, Lubec, Schwerin, and Nystadt. He had an interview with the kin.; of Prussia at the little town of Aversborg, from thence he and the empress went to Hamburg, arid to Altena, which had been burned by the Swedes. and which they caused to be rebuilt. Descend- ing the Elbe as far as ^tade, they passed throuj^h Bremen, where the magistrates prepared a firt- work and illuminations for them, which formed, in a hundred diflfc>reat places, these words — ' Our deliverer is come amongst us.' At length he ar- rived once more at Amsterdam, (Dec. 17, 1716,) and visited the little hut at Saardam, where he had first learned the art of ship-building, about eighteen years before, and found his old dwelling converted into a handsome and commodious house, which is still to be seen, and goes by the name of the Prince's House. It may easily be conceived, with what a kind of idolatry he was received by a trading and sea- faring set of people, whose companion he had heretofore been, and who thought they saw in the conqueror of Pultowa, a pupil who had learned from them to gain naval victories ; and had, after their example, established trade and navigation in his own dominions. In a word, they looked upon him as a fellow-citizen, who had been raised to the imperial dignity. The life, the travels, the actions of Peter the Great, as well as of his rival, Charles of Sweden, exhibit a surprising contrast to the manners which prevail amongst us, and which are, perhaps, rather too delicate ; and this may be one reason, that the history of these two famous men so much excites our curiosity. The czarina had been left behind at Schwerin indisposed, being greatly advanced in hei preg- nancy ; nevertheless, as soon as she was able to 264 HISTORY OF travel, she set out to join the czar in Holland., but -was taken in labour at Wesel, and there de- livered of a prince, (Jan. 14, 1717.) who lived but one day. It is not customary \\-ith us for a lying-in-woman to stir abroad for some time ; but the czarina s^t out, and arrived at Amsterdam in ten days after her labour. She was very de- sirous to see the little cabin her husband Lad lived and worked in. Accordingly, she and the czar went together, without any state or attend- ance, excepting only two servants, and dined at the house of a rich shipbuilder of Saardam, whose name was Kalf, and who was one of the first who had traded to Petersburg. His son had lately arrived from France, whither Peter was going. The czar and czarina took great pleasure in hear- ing an adventure of this young man, which 1 should not mention here, only as it may serve to shew the great difference between the manners of that country and ours. Old Kalf, who had sent this son of his to Paris, to learn the French tongue, was desirous that he should live in a genteel manner during his stay there ; and accordingly had ordered him to lay aside the plain garb which the inhabitants of Saardam are in general accustomed to wear, and to provide himself with fashionable clothes at Paris, and to live, in a manner, rather suitable to his fortune than his education ; being safl5- ciently well acquainted with his son's disposition to know, that this indulgence would have no bad effect on his natural frugality and sobriety. As a calf is in the French language called veau, our young traveller, when he arrived at Paris, took the name of De Veau. He lived iu a splendid manner, spent his money freely, and made several genteel connexions. Nothing is more common at Paris, than to bestow, without PETER THE GREAT. 265 reserve, the title of count and marquis, whether a person has any claim to it or not, or even if he is barely a gentleman. This absurd practice has been allowed by the government, in order that, by thus confounding all ranks, and consequently humbling the nobility, there might be less danger of civil wars, which, in former times, were so frequent and destructive to the peace of the state. In a word, the title of marquis and count, with possessions equivalent to that dignity, are like those of knight, without being of any order ; or abb6, without any church preferment ; of no con- sequence, and not looked upon by the sensible part of the nation. Young Mr. Kalf was always called the count de Veau by his acquaintance and his own ser- vants : he frequently made one in the parties of the princesses ; he played at the duchess of Berri's, and few strangers were treated with greater marks of distinction, or had more general invitations among polite company. A young nobleman, who had been always one of his com- panions in these parties, promised to pay him a visit at Saardam, and was as good as his word : when he arrived at the village, he inquired for the house of count Kalf; when, being shewn into a carpenter's work-shop, he there saw his former gay companion, the young count, dressed in a jacket and trowsers, after the Dutch fashion, with an axe in his hand, at the head of his father's workmen. Here he was received by his friend, in that plain manner to which he had been ac- customed from his birth, and from which he never deviated. The sensible reader will forgive this little digression, as it is a satire on vanity, and a jianegyric on true manners. The czar continued three months in Holland, during which he passed his time in matters of a M 26& HISTORY OF more serious nature than the adventure just re- lated. Since the treaties of Nimeguen, Ryswic and Utrecht, the Hague had preserved the repu- tation of being the centre of negotiations in Eu- rope. This little city, or rather village, the most pleasant of any in the North, is chiefly inhabited by foreign ministers, and by travellers, who corae for instruction to this great school. They were, at that time, laying the foundation of a great re- volution in Europe. The czar, having gotten ^intelligence of the approaching storm, prolonged his stay in the Low Countries, that he might be nearer at hand, to observe the machinations going forward, both in the North and South, and pre- pare himself for the part which it might be ne- cessary for him to act therein. CHAP. XXVII. Continuation of the Travels of Peter the Great. — Con- spiracy of baron Gortz. — Reception of the czar in France. XJE plainly saw that his allies were jealous of his power, and found that there is often more trouble with friends than with enemies. Mecklenburg was one of the principal subjects of those divisions, which almost always subsist between neighbouring princes, who share in con- quests. Peter was not willing that the Danes should take possession of Wismar for themselves, and still less that they should demolish the for- tifications, and yet they did both the one and the other. He openly protected the duke of Mecklenburg, who had married his niece, and whom he re- garded like a son-in-law, against the nobility of the country, and the king of England as openly PETER THE GREAT. 267 protected these latter. On the other hand, he was greatly discontented with the king of Poland, or rather with his minister, count Flemming, who wanted to throw off that dependance on the czar, which necessity and gratitude had imposed. The courts of England, Poland, Denmark, Holstein, Mecklenburg, and Brandenburg, were severally agitated with intrigues and cabals. Towards the end of the year 1716, and begin- ning of 1717, Gortz, who, as Bassewitz tells us in his Memoirs, was weary of having only the title of counsellor of Holstein, and being only private plenipotentiary to Charles XII. was the chief promoter of these intrigues, with which he intended to disturb the peace of all Europe. His design was to bring Charles XII. and the czar together, not only with a view to finish the war between them, but to unite them in friendship, to replace Stanislaus on the crown of Poland, and to wrest Bremen and Verden out of the hands of George I., king of England, and even to drive that prince from the English throne, in order to put it out of his power to appropriate to himself any part of the spoils of Charles XII. There was at the same time a minister of his own character, who had formed a design to over- ^vrn the two kingdoms of England and France : this was cardinal Alberoni, who had more power at that time in Spain, (ban Gortz had in Swe- den, and was of as bold and enterprising a spirit as himself, but much more powerful, as being at the head of affairs in a kingdom infinitely more rich, and never paid his creatures and deuendants in copper money. Gortz, from the borders of the Baltic Sea, poon formed a connexion with Alberoni in Spain. The cardinal and he both held a correspondence with ail the wandering English who were in the £66 HISTORY OF interest of the house of Stuart. Gortz made visits to every place where he thought he was likely to find any enemies of king George, and went successively to Germany, Holland, Flan- ders, and Lorrain, and at length came to Paris, about the end of the year 1716. Cardinal Albe- roni began, by remitting to him in Paris a mil- lion of French livres, in ord^er (tc use the cardi- nal's expression) to set fire to the train. Gortz proposed, that Charles XII. should yield up several pla:^es to the czar, in order to be in a condition to recover all the others from his enemies, and that he might be at liberty to make a descent in Scotland, while the partisans of the Stuart family should make an effectual rising in England : after their form^ r vain at- tempts to effect these views, it was necessary to deprive the king of England of his chief sup- port, which at that time was the regent of France. It was certainly very extraordinary, to see France in league with England, against the grandson of Lewis XIV., whom she herself had placed on the throne of Spain, at the expence of her blood and treasure, notwithstanding the strong confederacy formed to oppose him ; but it must be considered, that every thing was now out of its natural order, and the interests of the regent not those of the kingdom. Alberoni, at that time, was carrying on a confederacy in France against this very regent.* And the • The conspiracy carried on in France by cardinal Alberoni, was discovered in a xery singular manner. The Spanish ambassador's secretary, who used frequently to go to the house of one La FoUon, a famous procures* of Paris, to amuse himself for an hour or two after the fatigues of business, had appointed a youug nymph, whom be was fond of, to meet him there at nme o'clock in the evening-, but did no: come to her till near twe PETER THE GREAT. 269 foundations of this grand project were laid al- most as soon as the plan itself had been formed. Gortz was the first who was let into the secret, and was to have made a journey into Italy in disguise, to hold a conference with the pretender, o'clock in the morning. The lady, as may be supposed, reproached liim with the little regard he paid to her charms, or his own promise ; bat he excused himself, by Baying, that he had been obliged to stay to finish a long dispatch in ciphers, which was to be sent away that very night by a courier to Spain : so saying, he undressed and threw himself into bed, where he quietly fell asleep. In pulling oflfhis clothes, he had, by accident, dropped a paper out of his pocket, which, by its bulk, raised in the nymph that curiosity so natural to her sex. She picked it up, and read it partly over, when the nature of its con- tents made her resolve to communicate them to La Fol- lon : accordingly, she framed some excuse for leaving the room, and immediately went to the apartment of the old lady, and opened her budget. La Follon, who was a woman of superior understanding to most in her sphere, immediately saw the whole consequence of the afifair ; and, after having recommended to the girl, to amuse her gal- lant as long as possible, she immediately went to waken the regent, to whom she had access at all hours, for mat- ters of a very different nature to the present. This prince, whose presence of mind was equal to every exigency, im- mediately dispatched different couriers to the frontiers ; in consequence of which, the Spanish ambassador's mes- senger was stopped at Bayonne, and his dispatches taken from him ; upon deciphering of which, the^' were found exactly to agree with the original delivered to the regent by La Follon ; upon this the prince of Cellamar, the Spa- nish ambassador was put under an arrest, and all his papers seized ; after which be was sent under a strong guard to the frontiers, where they left him to make the best of hU way to his own country. Thirs an event, which would haye brought the kingdom of France to the verge of destruction, was frustrated by a TOtary of V^enus, and a prieAUeaa of the temple of pleasure. 870 HISTORY OF in the neighbourhood of Rome ; froa- thence he was to have hastened to the Hague, to have an interview with the czar, and then lo have settled every thing with the king of Sweden. The author of this History is particularly well informed of every circumstance here advanced, for baron Gortz proposed to him to accompany him in these journies ; and, notwithstanding he was very voung at that time, he was one of the first witnesses to a great part of these intrigues. Gort2 returned from Holland in the latter part of 1716, furnished with bills of exchange from cardinal Alberoni, and letters plenipoten- tiary from Charles XII. It is incontestable that the Jacobite party were to have made a rising in England, while Charles, in his return from Nor- way, was to make a descent in the north of Scotland. This prince, who had not been able to preserve his own dominions on the continent, was now going to invade and overrun those of big neighbours, and just escaped from his prison in Turkey, and from amidst the ruins of his own city of Stralsund, Europe might have beheld him placing the crown of Great Br tain on the head of James II. in London, as he had before done that of Poland on Stanislaus at Warsaw. The czar, who was acquainted with a part of Gortz's projects, waited for the unfolding of the rest, without entering into any of his plans, or indeed knowing them all. He was as fond of great and extraordinary enterprises as Charles XII. Gortz, or Alberoni ; but then it was as the founder of a state, a lawgiver, and a sound poli- tician ; and perhaps Alberoni, Gortz, and even Charles himself, were rather men of restless souls, who sought after great adventures, tban persons of solid understanding, who took their measures with a just precaution ; or perhajos. PETER TF^E GREAT. 271 after all, their ill successes may have subjected them to the charge of rashness and impradence. During Gortz's stay at the Hague, the czar did not see him, as it would have given too much umbrage to his friends the stales -general, who were in close alliance with, and attached to, the party of che king of England ; and even his mi- nisters visited him only in ])rivate, and with great precaution, having orders from their master to hear all he had to offer, and to flatter him with hopes, without entering into any engage- ment, or making use of his (the czar's) name in their conferences. But, notwithstanding all these precautions, those who understood the nature of affairs, plainly saw by his inactivity, when he might have made a descent upon Scania with the joint fleets of Russia and Denmark, by his visible coolness towards his allies, and the little regard he paid to their complaints, and lastly, by thi? journey of his, that there was a great change in affairs, which would very soon manifest itself. In the month , of January, 1717, a Swedish packet-boat, which was carrying letters over to Holland, being forced by a storm upon the coast of Norway, put into harbour there. The letters were seized, and those of baron de Gortz and some other public ministers being ojjened, fur- nished sufficient evidence of the projected revo- lution. The court of Denmark communicated these letters to the English ministry, who gave orders for arresting the Swedish minister, Gillem- bourg, then at the court of Loudon, and seizing his papers ; upon examining which they disco- vered part of his correspondence with the Ja- cobites. Feb. 1717.] King George immediately wrote to the states-general, requiring them to cause tlie person of baron Oortz to be arrested, agreeable «7« HISTORY OF to the treaty of union subsisting between Eng- land and that republic for their mutual security. But this minister, who had his cieatures and emissaries in every part, was quickly informed of this order; upon which he instantlv quitted the Hague, and was got as far as Arnheim, a town on the frontiers, when the officers and guards, who were in pursuit of him, and who are seldom accustomed to use such diligence in that country, came up with and took him, toge- tiier with all his papers: he was strictly confined and severely treated ; the secretary Stank, the person who had counterfeited the sign manual of the young duke of Holstein_, in the affair of Toningen, experienced still harsher usage. In fine, the count of Gillembourg, the Swedish envoy to the court of Great Britain, and the baron de Gortz, minister plenipotentiary from Charles XII. were examined like criminals, the one at London, and the other at Arnheim, while all the foreign ministers exclaimed against this violation of the law of nations. • This privilege, which is mucn more insisted upon than understood, and whose limits and ex- tent have never vet been fixed, has, in almost every age, received violent attacks. Several mi- nisters have been driven from the courts where they resided in a public character, and even their persons have been more than once seized upon, but this was the first instance of foreign ministers being interrogated at the bar of a court of justice, as if they were natives of the country. The court of London and the states-general laid aside all rules upon seeing the dangers which menaced the house of Hanover ; but, in fact, this danger, when once discovered, ceased to be any longer danger, at least at that juncture. The historian Xorbergmusi have been Tcry ill PETER THE GREAT. 273 informed, and have had a very indifferent know- ledge of men and things, or at least have been slrans^ely blinded by partiality, or under severe restrictions from his own court, to endeavour to persuade his readers, that the king of Sweden had not a very great share in this plot. The affront offered to his ministers fixed Charles more than ever in his resolution to try every means to dethrone the king of England. But here he found it necessary, once in his life time, to make use of dissimulation. He dis- owned his ministers and their proceedings, both to the regent of France and the states general; from the former of whom he expected a subsidv, and with the latter it was for his interest to keep fair. He did not, however, give the king of England so much satisfaction, and his ministers, Gortz and Gillembourg, were kept six months in confinement, and this repeated insult animated in him the desire of revenge. Peter, in the midst of all these alarms and jea- lousies, kept himself quiet, waiting with patience the event of all from time ; and having esta- blished such good order throughout his vast do- minions, as that he had nothing to foar, either at home or from abroad, he resolved to make a journey to France. Unhappily he did not un- derstand the French language, by which means he was deprived of the greatest advantage he might have reaped from his journey ; but ho thought there might be something there worthy observation, and he had a mind to be a nearer witness of the terms on which the rei;ent stood with the king of England, and wheilier that prince was staunch to his alliance. Peter the Great was received in France as such a monarch ought to be. .Marshal Tess^ was sent to meet him, with a number of the principal M 2 £74 HISrORY OF Jords of the court, a company of guards and the king's coaches ; but he, according to his usual custom, travelled with such expedition, that he •was at Gournay when the equipages arrived at Elbeuf. Entertainments were made for him in every place on the road where he chose to par* take of them. On his arrival he was received in the Louvre, where the royal apartments were prepared for him, and others for the priuces Kourakin and Dolgorouki, the vice-chancellor Shaffiroff, the ambassador Tolstoy, the same who had suffered in his person that notorious viola- tion of the laws of nations in Turkey, and for the rest of his retinue. Orders were given for lodg- ing and entertaining him in the most splendid and sumptuous manner : but Peter, who was come only to see what might be of use to him, and not to suflfer these ceremonious triflings, w'hichwerea restraint upon his natural plainness, and consumed a time that was precious to him, went the same night to take up his lodgings at the other end of the city in the hotel of Les- digui^re, belonging to marshal Villeroi, where he was entertained at the king's expense in the same manner as he would have been at the Louvre. The next day (May 8, 1717.) the re- gent of France went to make him a visit in the before mentioned hotel, and the dav afterwards the young king, then an infant, was sent to him under the care of his governor, the marshal de Villeroi, whose father had been governor to Lewis XIV. On this occasion, they, by a po-' lite artifice, spared the czar the troublesome re- .■^traint of returning this visit immediately after receiving it, by allowing an interview of two days for him to receive the respects of the several corporations of the city ; the second night he vent to visit the king: the household were all PETER THE GREAT. 275 nndei a?ms, and they brought the young king quite '•> the door of the czar's coach. Peter, sur- prised and uneasy at the prodigious concourse of people assembled about the infant monarch, took him in his arms, and carried him in that manner for some time. Certain ministers, of more cunning than un- derstanding, have pretended in their writings, that marshal de Villeroi wanted to make the young king of France take the upper hand on this occasion, and that the czar made use of this stra- tagem to overturn the ceremonial under the ap- pearance of good nature and tenderness ; but this notion is equally false and absurd. The natural good breeding of the French court, and the re- spect due to the person of Peter the Great, would not permit a thought of turning the honours in- tended him into an aflfront. The ceremonial consisted in doing every thing for a great monarch and a great man, that he himself could have de- sired, if he had given any attention to matters of this kind. The journeys of the emperor Charles IV. Sigismund, and Charles V. to France, were by no means comparable, in point of splendour, to this of Peter the Great. They visited this king- dom only from motives of political interest, and at a time when the arts and sciences, as yet in their infancy, could not render the era of their journey so memorable : but when Peter the Great, on his going to dine with the duke d'Antin, in the palace of Petitbourg, about three leagues out of Paris, saw his own picture, which had been drawn for the occasion, brought on a sudden, and placed in a room where he wa^, he then found that no people in the world knew so well how to receive such a guest as the French. He was still more surprised, when, on going to see them strike the medals in tlie long gallerj 276 HISTORY OF ef the LouTTe, where all the king's artists are sc handsomely lodged; a medal, which they were then striking, happening to fall to the ground, the czar stooped hastily down to take it up, when he beheld his own head engraved thereon, and on the reverse a Fame standing with one foot upon a globe, and underneath these words from Virgil — • Vires acquirit eundo ;' an allusion equally delicate and noble, and elegantly adapted to his travels and his fame. Several of these medals in gold were presented to him, and to all those who attended him. Wherever he went to view the -works of any artists, they laid the master-pieces of their performances at his feet, which they be- sought him to accept. In a word, when he visited the manufactories of the Gobelins, the workshop of the king's statuaries, painters, goldsmiths, jewellers, or mathematical instrument-makers, ■whatever seemed to strike his attention at any of those places, were always offered him in the king's name. Peter, who was a mechanic, an artist, and a geometrician, went to visit the academy of sciences, who received him with an exhibition of every thing they had most valuable and curious ; but they had nothing so curious as himself He corrected, with his own hand, several geographi- cal errors in the charts of his own dominions, and especially in those of the Caspian Sea. Lastly, be condescended to become one of the members of that academy, and afterw^ards continued a correspondence in experiments and discoveries ■with those among whom he had enrolled himself as a simple brother. If we would find examples of such travellers as Peter, we must go back to the times of a Pythagoras and an Anacharsis, and even they did not quit the command of a mighty empire, to go in search of instruction. PETER THE GREAT. 277 And here we cannnct forbear recalling to the mind of the reader the transport with which Peter the Great was seized on viewing the monument of cardinal Richelieu. Regardless of the beauties of the sculpture, which is a master-piece of its kind, he only admired the image of a minister who had rendered himself so famous throughout Europe by disturbing its peace, and restored tc France that glory which she had lost after the death of Henry IV. It is well known, that, em- bracing the statue with rapture, he burst forth into this exclamation — ' Great man ! I would have bestowed one half of my empire on thee, to have taught me to govern the other.' And now, before he quitted France, he was desirous to see the famous ra::dame de Mainteuon. whom he knew to be, in fact, the widow of Lewis XIV". and who was now drawing very near her end ; and his curiosity vvas the more excited by the kind of conformity he found between his own marriage and that of Lewis ; though witli this difference between the king of France and him, that he hud nublickly married an heroine, whereas Lewis X1V\ had only privately enjoyed an ami- able wife. The czarina did not accompany her husband in this journey : he was apprehensive that the excess of ceremony would be troublesome to her, as well as the curio.sity of a court little capable of distinguishing the true merit of a woman, who had braved death by the side of her husband both by sea and land, from the banks of the Prutb to the coast of Finland. «78 HISTORY OF CHAP. XXVIII. Of the retam of the czar to his dominions. — Of hit politics and occupations. ^FHE behaviour of the Sorbonne to Peter, when he went to visit the mausoleum of cardinal Richelieu, deserves to be treated of by itself. Some doctors of this university were desirous to have the honour of brin-^ing about a union be- tween the Greek and Latin churches. Those who are acquainted with antiquity need not be told, that the Christian religion was first intro- duced into the west by the Asiatic Greeks : that it was bom in the east, and that the first fathers, tlie tirst councils, the first liturgies, and the first rites, were all from the east ; that there is not a single title or oflice in the hierarchy, but was in Greek, and thereby plainly shews the same from whence they zxe all derived to us. Upon the division of the Roman empire, it was next to im- possible, but that sooner or later there must be two religious as well as two empires, and that the same schism should arise between the eastern and western Christians, as between the followers of Osman and the Persians. It is this schism which certain doctors of the Sorbonne thought to crush all at once by means of a memorial which they presented to Peter the Great, and effect what Pope Leo XL and his successors had in vain laboured for many ages to bring about, by legates, coimcils, and even money. These doctors should have known, that Peter the Great, who was the head of the Russian church, was not likely to acknowledge the pope's autho- rity. They expatiated in thei;- memorial on the liberties of the Galilean church, which the czar gave himself no corcern about. J'hey asserted PETER THE GREAT. 279 that the popes ought to be subject to the councils, and that a papal decree is not an article of faith : but their representations were in vain ; all they got by their pains, was to make the pope their enemy by such free declarations, at the same time that they pleased neither the czar nor the Russian church. There were, in this plan of union, certain poli- tical views, which the good fathers did not under- stand, and some points of controversy which they pretended to understand, and which each party explained as they thought proper. It wao concerning the MolyGhost, which, according to the Latin church, proceeds from the Father and Son, and which, at present, according to the Greeks, proceeds from the Father through the Son, after Laving, for a considerable time, proceeded from the Father only : on this occasion ihey quoted a passage in St. Epiphanius, where it is said, ' That the Holy Ghost is neither brother to the .">on, nor grandson to the Father.' But Peter, when he left Paris, had other busi- ness to mind, than that of clearing up passatjes m St. Epiphanius. Nevertheless, he received the memorial of the Sorbonne with his accustomed affability. That learned body wrote to some of the Russian bishops, who returned a polite an- swer, though the majorpartof them were offended at the proposed union. It was in order to remove any apprehensions of such a union, that Peter, some time afterwards, namely, in 17 lo, when he had driven the Jesuits out of his dominions, in- stituted the ceremony of a burlesque conclave. He had at his court an old fool, named Jotof, who had learned him to write, and who thought he had, by that trivial service, merited the highest honours and most important posts : I'eter, who aometimes softeneil the toihi of government, by 280 HISTORY OF indulging bis people in amusements, which befit- ted a nation as yet not entirely reformed by his labours, promised his -wiiting-^naster, to bestow on him one of the highest dignities in the world ; accordingly, he appointed him knez papa, or supreme pontiff, with an appointment of two thousand crowns, and assigned him a house to live in, in the Tartarian quarter at Petersburg. He was installed by a number of buffoons, with great ceremony, and four fellows who stammered were appointed to harangue him on the acces- sion. He created a number of cardinals, and marched in procession at their head, and the whole sacred college was made drunk with brandy. After the death of this Jotof, an ofl5cer, named Buturlin, was made Pope : this ceremony has been thrice renewed at Moscow and Petersburg, the ridiculousness of which, though it appeared of no moment, yet has by its ridiculousness confirm- ed the people in their aversion to a church, which pretended to the supreme power, and whose church had anathematized so many crowned heads. In this manner did the czar revenge the cause of twenty emperors of Germany, ten kings of France, and a number of other sovereigns j and this was all the advantage the Sorbonne gained from its impolitic attempt to unite the Latia and Greek churches. » The czar's journey to France proved of more utility to his kingdom, by bringing about a con- nexion with a trading and industrious people, than could have arisen from the projected union between two rival churches , one of which will always maintain its ancient independence, and the other its new superiority. Peter carried several artificers with him out of France, in the same manner as he had done out of Elns^land i for every nation,, which he visited PETER THE GREAT. §81 thought it an honour to assist him in hi? (ie&ign of introducing the arts and sciences into his new- formed state, and to be instrumental in this species of new creation. In this expedition, he drew up a sketch of a treaty of commerce with France, and which he put into the hands of his ministers at Holland, as soon as he returned thither, but it was not signed by the Frencli ambassador, Chateauneuf, till the l^th August, 1717, at the Hague. 'I'his treaty not only related to trade, but likewise to bringing about peace in the North. The king of France and the elector of Brandenburg accepted of the office of mediators, which Peter offered them. This was sufficient to give the king of England to understand, that the czar was not well pleased with liim, and crowned the hopes of baron Gortz, who from that time, left nothing undone to bring about a union between Charles and Peter, to stir up new enemies a^^ainst George I. and to assist cardinal Alberoni in his schemes in every part of Europe. Gortz now paid and received visits publicly from the czar's ministers at the Hague, to whom he declared, that he was in- vested with full power from the court of Sweden to conclude a peace. The czar suffered Gortz to dispose all his bat- teries, without assisting therein himself, and was prepared either to make peace with the kmg of Sweden, or to carry on the war, and continued still in alliance with the kings of Denmark, Po- land, and Kussia, and in appearance with the elector of Hanover. It was evident, that he had no fixed design, but that of profiting of conjunctures and circum- stances, and that his main object was to complete the general establishments he had set on foot. He well knew, that the negotiations and intereeta S83 HISTORY OF of princes, their leagues, their friendships, theix jeaJousies, and their enmities, were subject to change with each revolving year, and that fre- quently not the smallest traces remain of the greatest efforts in politics. A simple manufac- tory, well established, is often of more reai ad- vantage to a state than twenty treaties. Peter having joined the czarina, who was waiting for him in Holland, continued his travels with her. They crossed Westphalia, and anived at Berlin in a private manner. The new kin^ of Prussia was as much an enemy to ceremonious vanities, and the pomp of a court, as Peter him- self ; and it was an instructive lesson to the eti- quette of Vienna and Spain» the punctilio of Itaiy, and the politesse of the French court, to see a king, who only made use of a wooden elbow- chair, who went always in the dress of a com- mon soldier, and who had banished from bis table, not only all the luxuries, but even the more moderate indulgences of life. The czar and czarina observed the same plain manner of living ; and had Charles been with them, the world might have beheld four crowned heads, with less pomp and state about them than a German bishop, or a cardinal of Rome. Never were luxury and effeminacy opposed by such noble e.tamples. It cannot be denied, that if one of our fellow- subjects had, from mere curiosity, made the fifth part of the journeys that Peter I. did for the good of his kingdom, he would have been considered as an extraordinary person, and one who chal- lenged our consideration. From Berlin he went to Dantzic, still accompanied by his wife, and from thence to Mittau, where he protected his niece, the duchess of Courland, lately become a Madow. He visited all the places he had con- PETER THE GREAT. 283 quered, made several new and useful regulations in Petersburg ; he then goes to Moscow, where he rebuilds the bouses of several persons that had fallen to ruin ; from thence he transports himself to Czaritsin, on the river Wolga, to stop the incursions of the Cuban lartars, constructs lines of communication from the Wolga to the Don, and erects forts at certain distances, be- tween the two rivers. At the same time he caused the military code, which he had lately composed, to be printed, and erected a court of justice, to examine into the conduct of his minis- ters, and to retrieve the disorders in his finances ; he pardons several who were found guilty, and punishes others. Among the latter was the great prince Menzikoflf himself, who stood in need of the royal clemency. But a sentence more severe, which he thought himself obliged tc utter against Lis own son, filled with bitlernes*" those days, which were, in other respects, covered with so much glory. CHAP. XXIX. ProceedingB against prince Alexis Petrowitz. DETER the Great, at the age of seventeen, haa married, in the year 1689, Eudocia Theodora, or Theodorouna Lapoukin. Bred up in the pre- judices of her country, and incapable of sur- mounting them like her husband, the greatest opposition he met with in erecting his empire, and forming his people, came from her : she was, as is too common to her sex, a slave to supersti- tion ; every new and useful alteration she looked ttpon as a species of sacrilege ; and every foreigner, whom the war employed to execute his great de- 284 HISTORY OF signs, appeared to Iier no better than as corrop'- tors and innovators. Her open and public complaints gave encon- ragemeat to the factious, andthjse who were the advocates for ancient customs and manners. Her conduct, in other respects, by no means made amends for such heavy imperfections. The czar was at length obliged to repudiate her in 1696, and shut her up in a convent at Susdal, where they obliged her to take the veil under the nama of Helena. The son, whom he had by her in 1690, was bom unhappily with the disposition of his mother, and that disposition received additional strength from his very first education. My memoirs say, that he was encrusted to the care of superstitious men, who ruined his understanding for ever. 'Twas in vain that they hoped to correct these first impressions, by giving him foreign precep- tors ; their very quality of being foreigners dis- gusted him. He was not bom destitute of genius ; he spoke and wrote German well ; he had a tolerable notion of designing, and understood something of mathematics : but these very me- moirs affirm, that the reading of ecclesiastical books was the ruin of hiin. The young Alexis imagined he saw in these books a condemnation of every thing which his father ha I done. There were some priests at the head of the malcon- tents, and by the priests he suflfered himself to be governed. They persuaded him that the whole nation looked with horror upon the enterprises of Peter; that the frequent illnesses of the czar promised but a short life ; and that his Kon could not hope to please the nation, but by testifying his aversion for all changes of custom. These murmurs, and these counsels, did not break out into an open PETER THE GREAT. 285 faction or conspiracy , but every thing seemed to tend that way, and the tempers of the people were inflamed. Peter's marriage with Catherine in 1707, and the children which he liad by her, began to sour the disposition of the young priiice. Peter tried every method to rechiim him : he even placed him at the head of the regency for a year ; he sent him to truvei ; he married him in 1711, at the end of the campaign of Pruth, to the princess of Brunswick. 'Jhis marriage was attended with great misfortunes. Alexis, now- twenty years old, gave himself up to the debauchery of youth, and that boorishness of ancient manners he so much delighted in. 'J'hese irregularities almost brutalized liim. His wife, despised, ill-treated, wanting even necessaries, and deprived of all comforts, languished away in disappointment, and died at last of grief, the first of November, 171.T. She left the prince .■Mexis one son; and ac- cording to the natural order, this son was one day to become heir to the empire. Peter per- ceived with sorrow, that when he should be no more, all his labours were likely to he destroyed by those of liis own blood. After the death of the princess, he wrote a letter lo his son, equally tender and resolute : it finished with these words : ' I will still wait a little time, to see if you will correct yourself; if not, know that 1 will cut you off from the succession, as we lop off a useless member. Don't imagine, that 1 mean only to intimidate you ; don't rely upon the title of being my only sou ; for if I spare not my own life for my country, and the good of rny people, how shall I spare you 1 I will rather choose to leave my kingdom to a foreign^-r who deserves it, than to my own son, who makes himself unworthy of it.' This is the letter of a father, but it is still more ?86 HISTORY OF ih' letter of a legislator ; it sbews us, besides that the order of succession was not invariably established in Russia; as in other kingdoms, by those fundamental laws which take away from fathers the right of disinheriting their children ; and the czar believed he had an undoubted pre- rogative to dispose of an empire which he had founded. At this very time the empress Catherine was brought to bed of a prince, who died afterwards in 1719. Whether this news sunk the courage of Alexis, or whether it was imprudence or bad counsel, he wrote to his father, that he renounced the crown, and all hopes of reigning. * I take God to witness,' says he, ' and 1 swear by my soul that I will never pretend to the succession. I put my children into your hands, and I desire only a provision for life.' The czar wrote him a second letter, as fol- lows :* — 'You speak of the succession, as if I • As these letters and answers afford the most strikinjj evidence of the czar'ft prudence, and the prince's insin- cerity, and will convey to the reader a clear idea of the ground* and motives of this extraordinary transaction, we have inserted the following translation of them. The lirst letter from the czar to his son, is dated the £7th of October, 1715, and displays a noble spirit of religior., with the most ardent desire of leaving a successor who should perpetuate his nanoe and glory to future ages ' Son,' says the czar to him, ' you cannot be igaoratit of what is known to all the world, that our people groaned under the oppression of the Swedes, before the beginning of this present war. By the usurped possession of many of our maritime ports, so necessary to our state, they cut us ofiF from ail commerce with the rest of mankind ; and we saw, with deep regret, that they had even cast a mist over the eyes of persons of the greatest discernment, who tamely brooked their slaverj-, and made no complainu to «. You know how much it cost us at the beginning of PETER THE GREAT. 287 fitood in need of your consent in the disposal thereof. I reproached you with the aversion you this war, to make ourselves thoroughly experienced, and to stand onr ground in spite of all the advantages which oorirreconcileable enemies gained over us. The Almighty alone has conducted us by his hand, and conducts us still. We submitted to that probationary state with resignation to the will of God, not doubting but it was he who made us pass through it : he has accepted our submission ; and the same enem^-, before whom we were wont to tremble, LOW trembles before us. These are efiTccts, which, under Gods's assistance, we owe to our labour, and those of our faithful and affectionate sons, and Russian subjects. But while I survey the successes with which God has blessed ourai-ms, if I turn m3' eyes on the posterity that is to suc- ceed me, my soul is pierced with anguish ; and I have no en- joyment of my present happiness, when 1 carry my views into futurity. All my felicity vanishes away like a dream, since you, my son, reject all means of rendering yourself capable of governing well after me. Your incapacity is voluntary ; for you cannot excuse yourself from want of genius : it is inclinatioa alone you want. Far less can you plead the want of bodily strength, as if God had not furnished you suflBcientl3' in ihat respect : for though your constitution be none the strongest, it cannot be reckoned weak. Yet you will not so much as hear of warlike exercises ; though it is by those means we are risen from that obscurity in which we were buried, and have made ourselves known to the nations about us, whose esteem we now enjoj'. I am far from desiring you to cherish in yourself a disposition to make war for its own sake, and without just reasons: all I demand of you is, that you would apply yourself to learn the military art; because, Krithout uijderstanding the rules of war, it is impossible \o be qualified for government. 1 might set before your eyes many examples of what I propose to yon ; but shall onl^- mention the Greeks, with whom we are united by the same profession of faith. Whence came the declen- sion of their empire, but from the neglect of arms } Sloth and inaction have subjected them to tyrants, and that davery ocder which thej have groaned. Yoa are mtiol: 266 HISTORY OF have shewn to all kind of business, and sigriified to you, that I was highly dissatisfied with your mistaken if you imagine it is enough for a prince that he have good generals to act under his orders : no, my son, it is upon the chief himself that the eyes of the world are fixed ; they study his inclinations, and easily slide into the in:iiation of his manners. My brother, during his reign, loved magnificence in dress, and splendid equipages, and horses ricklj- caparisoned ; the taste of this country was not much formed that way ; but the pleasures of the prince soon became those of the subjects, who are readily led to imitate him both in the objects of his love and disgust. If people are so easily disengaged from things that are only for pleasure, will they not be still more prone to forget, aud in process of time wholly to lay aside the use of arms, the exercise of which grows the more irksome the less they are habituated to them ? You have no in- clination to learn the profession of war ; yon do not apply yourself to it; and consequently will never know it. How then will you be able to command others, and to judge of the rewards which those subjects deserve who do their duty, or of the punishment due to such as fall short of obedience ? You must judge only by other people's eyes ; and will be considered as a young bird, which reaching out its beak, is as ready to receive poison as proper nourishment. You say, the iufirm state of your health makes you unfit to bear the fatigues of war ; but that is a frivolous excuse. 1 desire you not to undergo the fatigues of that profession, though it is there that all great captains are begun ; but I wish you had aa inclination to the military art; and reason may give it 3'ou, if you have it not from nature. Had you once this inclination, it would occupy your thoughts at all times, even in your hours of sickness. Ask those who remember my brother's reign : his state of health was much more infirm than your's ; he could not manage a horse of never so little mettle, nor hardly mount him: yet he loved horses, and perhaps there never will be in the countrj' liner stables -han his. Hence you see, that success does not always depend upon personal labour, but upon the inclination. If you think that there are princes, whose affairs fail not PETER THE GREAT. 289 conduct in general ; but to these particulars you iiave given me no answer. Paternal exhorta- ersons who had beer, his counsellors, and also PETER THE GREAT. 295 to fulfil the oath he had made of renouncing the succession. It seemed difficult to reconcile this exclusion of the czarowitz from the succession, with the other part of the oath, by which the czar had bound himself in his letter, namely that of loving his son better than ever. Perhaps divided be- tween paternal love, and the justice he owed to himself and people, as a sovereign, he might limit the renevi-al of his affection to his son in a con- vent, instead of to that son on a throne : per- haps, likewise, he was in hopes to reduce hira to reason, and to render him worthy of the suc- cession at last, by making him sensible of the loss of a crown which he had forfeited by his own indiscretion. In a circumstance so uncommon, so intricate, and so afflicting, it may be easily supposed that the minds of both father and son were under equal perturbation, and hardly con- sistent with themselves. The prince arrived at Moscow on the 13th of February. N. S. 1717; and the same day went to throw himself at his father's feet, who was re- turned to the city from his travels. They had along conference together, and a report was im- mediately spread through the city, that the prince and his father were reconciled, and that all past transactions were buried in oblivion. But the next day, orders were issued for the regiments of guards to be under arras at break of day. and for all the czar's ministers, boyards, and coun- sellors, to repair to the great hall of the castle : as also for the prelates, together with two monks of St. Basile, professors of divinity, to assemble. in the cathedral, at the tolling of the great bell. The unhappy prince was then conducted to the great castle like a j)risoner, and being come in his father's presence, threw himself in tearn nt 296 HISTORY OF his feet, and presented a writing, containing a confession of bisfaults, declaring himself unworthy of the succession, and imploring only that his life miglit be spared.* The czar, raising up his son, withdrew with him into a private room, where he put many ques- tions to him, declaring to him at the same time; that if he concealed any one circumstance relating to his elopement, his life should answer for it. The prince was then brought back to the great hall, where the council was assembled, and the czar's declaration, which had been previously prepared, was there pubLcly read in his pre- Bence.t • The prince's renunciation was couched in the fol- /owing terms : — ' I, the undernamed, declare upon the holy gospel, that on account of the crimes I have com- mitted against his czarish majesty, my father and bo- vereijn, as set forth in his manifesto, I am, through my own fault, excluded from the throne of Russia. There- fore I confess and acknowledge that exclusion to be just as having merited it by my own fault aud 'iuworihiness,: and I hereby oblige myself, and swear in the presence of Almighty God, in unity of nature, and trinity of persons, as my supreme Judge, to submit in all things to my father's will, never to set up a claim or pretension to the succession, or accept of it under any pretext whatever, acknowledging my brother Peter Petrowitz as lawful successor to the crown. In testimony whereof, I kiss the holy cross, and sign these presents with my own hand. 'ALEXIS.' t As this extraordinary piece cannot fail of being in- teresting to most part of our readers, we have ventured to subjoin the whole of it in a note, our author fcavin|f on)»; given some few extracts. The Czar's Declaration. Peter 1. by the grace of God, czar, emperor of Russia, ^1'. to all our faithful subject*, ecclesiastical, militar/,»nastice and equity refuse to deliver him to his father, or have any difference with us on that account. Our en- voys, upon their arrival at Naples, having desired to deliver to him our letter, written with our hand, sent us word, that he did rufuse to admit them ; but that the emperor's viceroy had found means, by inviting him to his house, to present them to him afterwards, much against his will. He did then, indeed, receive our letter, containing our paternal exhortation, and threatening our curse, but with- OQt shewing the least inclinatioi to return ; alleging still a great many falsities and calumnies against us, as if, by reason of several dangers he had to apprehend from us, he could not, nor would not return ; and boasting, that the emperor had not only promised to defend and pro- tect him against us, but even to set him upon the throne of Russia against our will, by force of arms. Our en- voys perceiving this evil disposition, tried all imaginable ways to prevail with him to return, they intreated him, they expatiated by turns upon the graciousness of our assurances towards him, and upon our threats in case of disobedience, and that we would even bring him away by force of arms ; they declared to him that the emperor would not enter into a war with us on his account, and many other such-like representations did they make to him. But he paid no regard to all this, nor shewed any inclination to return to us, until the imperial viceroy, convinced at last of his obstinacy, told him in the em- peror's name, that he ought to return ; for that his im- perial majesty could cot by any law keep him from ua, tior, during the present war wiih Turkey, and also in Italy PETER THE GREAT. 303 the czar had just cause for discontent against his wife, who was at the same time his subject. The with Spain, embroil himself with U8 upon his account. When he saw how the case stood, fearing he should be deliTered up to us, whether he would or not, he at length resolved to return home ; and declared his mind to our envoys, and to the imperial viceroj' : he likewise wrote the same thing to us, acknowledging himself to be a cri- minal, and blameworthy. Now although our son, by so long a course of criminal disobedience agairist us, his fa- ther and lord, for many years, and particularly for the dishonour he hath cast upou us in the face of the world, by withdrawing himself, and raising calumnies against us, as if we were an unnatural father, and for opposing his sovereign, hath deserved to be punished with death ; yet our paternal affection inclines us to have mercy upon him, and we therefore pardon bis crimes, and exempt him from all punishment for the same. But considering his un- worthiness, we cannot in conscience, leave him after us the succession to the throne of Russia ; foreseeing that, by his vicious courses, he would entirel3' destroy the glory of our nation and the safety of our dominions, which, through God's assistance, we have acquired and established by incessant application ; for it is notorious and known to every one, how much it hath cost us, and with what efforts we have not only recovered the provinces which the enemy had usurped from our empire, but also conquered several considerable towns and sountries, and with what care we have caused our people fc be instructed in all sorts of civil and military sciences, to the glory and advantage of the nation and empire. Now, as we •bould pity our states and faithful subjects, if, by such a taccesBor, we should throw them back into a much worse condition than ever they were yet ; so, by the paternal authority', in virtue of which, b3' the laws of our empire, any of our subjects m»y disinherit a son, and give his Buccession to such other of his sons, as he pleases ; and, in quality of sovereign prince, iu consideration of the safety of our dominions, we do deprive our said soa .Alexis, for his crimes and unwoniiiness, of the succession after us to the throne of Russia, ereD though there should 304 HISTORY OF czarowitz, on the coutrary, had abandoned hie pnncess for a young woman, hardly known to any one, and who had no other merit but that of per- sonal cuarms. So far there appears some errors of a young man, which a parent onght to re- primand in secret, and -which he might have pardoned. The czar, in his maiiifesto, next reproaches his son with his flight to Vienna, and his having put himself under the emperor's protection ; and adds, that he had calumniated his father, by tell- ing the emperor that he was persecuted by him ; and that he had compelled him to renounce the succession; and, lastly, that he had made inter- cession with the emperor to assist him with an armed force. Here it immediately occurs, that the emperor not remain one single person of our faniilj after us. And we do constitute and declare successor to the said throne after us, our second son Peter, though yet verj' young, having no successor that is older. We lay upon our said son Alexis our paternal curse, if ever at any time he pretends to, or reclaims, the said succession ; and we desire our faithful subjects, whether ecclesiastics or secu- lars, of all ranks and conditions, and the whole Russian nation, in conformity to this constitution and our will, to acknowledge and consider our said son Peter, appointed by our constitution, to confirm the whole by oath, before the holy altar, upon the holy gospel, kissing the cross; and all thobe who shall ever, at any time, oppose this our will, and who, from this day forward, shall dare to con- sider our son Alexis, as successor, or to assist him for that purpose, declare them traitors to us and their country. And we Lave ordered that these presents shall be every where published and promulgated, to the end that no per- •on may pretend ignorance. — Given at JIoscow, the third of February, 1718. Signed with cur hand, and with our seal. ' PETER.' PETER THE GREAT. 305 could not. with any propriety, have entered into a war with the czar on such an occasion ; nor could he have interposed otherwise between an incensed fatlier and a disobedient son, than by his good offices to promote a reconciliation. Ac- cordingly we find, that Charles VI. contented himself with giving a temporary asylum to the fugitive prince, and -eadily sent him back on the first requisition of the czar, in consequence of being informed of the place his son had chosen for his retreat. Peter adds, in this terrible piece, that Alexis had persuaded the emperor, that he went in danger of his life, if he returned back to Russia. Surely it was in some measure justifying these complaints of the prince, to condemn him to death at his return, and especially after so solemn a promise to pardon him ; but we shall see, in the course of this history, the cause which afterwards moved the czar to denounce this ever-memorable sentence. For the present let us turn our eyes upon an absolute prince, pleading against his son before an august assembly. — ' In this manner,' says he, ' has our son re- turned ; and although, by his withdrawing him- self and raising calumnies against us, he has deserved to be punished with death, yet, out of our paternal affection, we pardon his crimes ; but, ctmsidering his unworthiness, and the series of his irregular conduct, we cannot ul conscience leave him the succession to the throne of Russia; foreseeing that, by his vicious courses, he would, after our decease, entirely destroy the glory of our nation , and the safety of our dominions, which we have recovered from the enemy. ' Now, as we should pity our states and our faithful subjects, if, by such a successor, we should throw them back into a much worse condition o06 HISTORY OF than ever they were yet ; so, by the paternal au- thority, iind, in quality of sovereign prince, in consideration of tbe safety of our dominions, we do deprive our said son Alexis, for his crimes and unvvorthirjess, of the succession after us to our throne of Russia, even though there should not remain one single person of our family after us. * And we do constitute and declare successor to the said throne after us, our second son, Peter,* though yet very young, having no succes- sor that is older. ' We lay upon our said son Alexis our pater- nal curse, if ever at any time he pretends to, or reclaims, the said succession. ' And we desire our faithful subjects, whether ecclesiastics or seculars, of all ranks and condi- tions, and the whole Russian nation, in confor- mity to this constitution and our will, to acknow- ledge and consider our son Peter, appointed by us to succeed, as lawful successor, and agreeably to this our constitution, to confirm the whole by oath before the holy altar, upon the holy gospel, kissing the cross. ' And all those who shall ever at any time op- pose this our will, and who, fiom this day for- ward, shall dare to consider our son Alexia as successor, or assist him for that purpose, declare them traitors to us and our country. And we have ordered that these presents shall be every where published and promulgated, to the end that no person may pretend ignorance.' It would seem that this declaration had been prepared beforehand for the occasion, or that it had been drawn up with astonishing dispatch : • This was the son of the empress Catherine, who died April 15, 1719- PETEIl THE GREAT. 307, for the czarowitz did not return to Moscow till the 13th of February, and his renunciation in favour of the empress Catherine's son is dated the 14th. The prince on his part signed his renunciation, whereby he acknowledges his exclusion to be just, as having merited it by his own fault and unworthiness ; ' And I do hereby swear,' adds he, ' in presence of God Almighty in the Holy Trinity, to subrai*^ in all thmgs to my father's will,' Slc. These instruments being signed, the czar went in procession to the cathedral, where they were read a second time, when the whole body of clergy signed their approbation with their seals at the bottom, to a copy prepared for that pur- pose.' No prince was ever disinherited in so authentic a manner. There are many states in • At tho same time confirming it by an oath, the form of which was asfollowt* : ' I swear before Almighty God, and upon his holy i^ospel, that whereas our most gracious sovereign, the czar Peter Alexiowitz, has caused circular letters to be published through his empire, to notify thai he has thought fit to exclude Ins son, prince Alexis Pe- trowitz, from the throne of Russia, and to appoint for his successor to the crown his second son, the prince royal Peter Petrowitz ; I do acknowledge this order and regu- lation made by his majesty in favour of the said princ« Peter Petrowiiz, to ho just and lawful, and entirely con- form and submit myself to the same ; promising always to acknowledge the said prince royal Peter Petrowitz for big lawful successor, and to stand by him on all occa- sions, even to the loss of my life, against all such as ■hall presume to oppose the said succession ; and that 1 nev*r will, on any pretence whatsoever assist the prince Alexi<» Petrowitz, nor in any manner whatsoever contri- bate to procure him the succession. And this I so- lemnly promise by my oath on the joly gospel, bi«<)ifig th« holy crost thereupon.' 308 HISTORY OF which an act of this kind \^ luld be of no vali- ility ; but ia Russia, as in ancient Rome, every father has a power of depriving his son of his succession, and this power was still stronger in a sovereign than in a private subject, and especi- ally in such a sovereign as Peter. But; nevertheless, it was to be apprehended, that those who had encouraged the prince in his opposition to his father's will, and had advised him to withdraw himself from his court, might one day endeavour to set aside a renunciation which had been procured by force, and restore to the eldest son that crown which had been vio- lently snatched from him to place on the head of a younger brother by a second marriage. In this case it was easy to foresee a civil war, and a total subversion of all the great and useful pro- jects which Peter had so much laboured to esla- blish ; and therefore the present matter in ques- tion was to determine between the welfare of near eighteen millions of souls (which was nearly the number which the empire of Russia contained at that time), and the interest of a single person incapable of governing. Hence it became ne- cessary to find out those who were disaffected, and accordingly the czar a second time threat- ened his son with the most fatal consequences if he concealed any thing : and the prince was obliged to undergo a judicial examination by hia father, and afterwards by the commissioners ap- pointed for that purpose. One principal article of the charge brought against him, and that which served chiefly to his condemnation, was, a letter from one Beyer, the emperor's resident at the ccart of Russia, dated at Petersh'.iicj, after the flight of the prince. Thia letter makes mention of a mutiny in the Russian army then assembled at Mecklenburg, and thai PETER THE GREAT. 809 several officers talked of clapping up Catherine and her son in the prison where the late empress, whom Peter had repudiated, was then confined, and of pla:ing the czarowitz on the throne, as soon as he could be found out and brought back. These idle projects fell to the ground of themselves, and there was not the least appr-ar- auce that Alexis had ever countenanced them. The whole was only a piece of news related by a foreigner ; the letter itself was not directed to the prince, ana he had only a copy thereof trans- mitted him while at Vienna. But a charge of a more grievous nature appear- ed against him, namely, the heads of a letter written with his own hand, and which he ha.l sent, while at the court of Vienna, to the senators and prelates of Russia, in which were the fol- lowing very strong assertions : — ' The continual ill-treatment which I have suffered without hav- ing deserved it, have at length obliged me to consult my peace and safety by flight. I have narrowly escaped being confined in a convent, by those who have already served my mother in the same manner. I am now under the protec- tion of a great prince, and I beseech vou not to abandon me in this conjuncture.' The expression, in this coujunctiire, which might be construed into a seditious meaning, ap- peared to have been blotted out, and then in- aerted again by his own hand, and afterwards blotted out a second time : which shewed it to be the action of a young man disturbed in bin mind, following the dictates of his resentment, and repenting of it at the very instant. There were only the copies of these letters found ; they were never sent to the persoiis they were designed for, the court of Vienna having taken care to stop tliem ; a convincing proof that tli* 310 HISTOR\ OF emperor never intended to break with the czar, or to assist the son to take up arms against his father. Several -witnesses were brought to confront the prince, and one of them, named Afanassief, de- posed, that he had formerly heard him speak ihppe words, — ' I shall mention something to the bishops, who will mention it again to the lower clergy, and they to the parish pjiests, and the crown w ill be placed on my head whether I will or not.' His own mistress, Aphrosyne, was likewise brought to give evidence against him. The charge, however, was not well supported in all its parts; there did not appear to have been any regular plan formed, any chain of intrigues, or any thing like a conspiration or combination, nor the least shadow of preparation for a change in the government. The '-vhole affair was that of a son, of a depraved and factious disposition, who thought himself injured by his father, who fled from him, and who w ished for his death ; but this son was heir to the greatest monarchy incur hemisphere, and in his situation and place be could not be guilty of trivial faults. After the accusations of his mistress, another witness was brought against him, in relation to the former czarina his mother, and the princess jMary his sister. He was char^ied with having ironsulted the former in regard to his flight, and of having mentioned it to the princess Mary. The bishop of Rostow, who was the confidant of all three, having been seized, deposed, that the two princesses, who were then shut up in a con- vent, had expressed their wishes for a n-volu- tion in affairs that might restore them their li» berty, and had even encouraged the prince, hf clieir advice, to withdra.v himseh" out of th<" PETER THE GREAT. 311 kingdom. The more natural their resentment was, the more it was to be apprehended. We shall see, at the end of this chapter, what kind of a person the bishop of Rostow was, and what had been his conduct. The czarowitz at first denied several facts of this nature which were alleged against him, and by this very behaviour subjected himself to the punishment of death, with which his father had threatened him in case he did not make an open and sincere confession. At last, however, he acknowledged several disrespectful expressions against his father, which were laid to his charge, but excused him- self by saying, he lr>d been hurried away by passion and drink. The czar himself drew up several new interro- gations. The fourth ran as follows : — ' When you found by Beyer's letter that there was a mutiny among the troops in Mecklenburg, you seemed pleased with it ; you must certainly have had some reason for it ; and 1 imagine you woald have joined the rebels even during my life-time V i'his was interrogating the prince on the sub- ject of his private thoughts, which, though they might be revealed to a father, who may, by his advice, correct them, yet might they also with justice be concealed from a judge, who decides only upon acknowledged facts. The private sentiments of a man's heart have nothing to do in a criminal j)roce8s, and the ])rince was at liberty either to deny them or disguise them, in such manner as he should think best for his own safety, as being under no obligation to lay open his heart, and yet we find him returning the following answer : ' If the rebels had called upon me during your life-time, 1 do verily be- 318 HISTORY OF lieve 1 should have joined them, supposing I had found them suflBciently strong.' It is hardly conceivable tliat he could have made this reply of himself, and it would be full fts extraordinarv, at least according to the custom In our part of the world, to condemn a person for confessing that he might have thought in a certain manner in a conjuncture that never happened. To this strange confession of his private thoughts, which had till then been concealed in the bottom of his heart, they added proofs that rould hardly b« admitted as such in a court of justice in any other country. The prince, sinking under his misfortunes, and almost deprived of his senses, studied within himself, with all the ingenuity of fear, for what- ever could most effectually serve for his destruc- tion ; and at length acknowledged, that in pri- vate confession to the archpriest James, he had wished his father dead ; and that his confessor made answer, ' God will pardon you tins wish •. we all wish the same.' The canons of our church do not admit of proofs resulting from private confession, inas- much as they are held inviolable secrets between God and the penitent : and both the Greek and Latin churches are agreed, that this intimate and. secret correspondence between a sinner and the Deity are beyond the cognizance of a temporal court of justice. But here the welfare of a kingdom and a king were concerned. The arch- priest, being put to the torture, confirmed all that the prince had revealed ; and this trial fur- nished the unprecedented instance of a confessor accused by his penitent, and that penitent by bis own mistress. To this may be added another singular circumstance, namely, the archbishop PETER THE GREAT. 313 of Rezan having been involved in several accu- sations on account of having spoken too favour- ably of the young czarowitz in one of his sermons, at the time that his father's resentment first broke out against him ; that weak prince de- clared, in his answer to one of the interroga- tions, that he had depended on the assistance of that prelate, at the same time that he was at the head of the ecclesiastical court, which the czar had consulted in relation to this criminal pro- cess against his son, as we bhall see in the course of this chapter. There is another remark to be made in this ex- traordinary trial, which we find so very lamely related in the absurd History of Peter the Great, by the pretended bojar Nestersuranoy, and that is the following : Among other answers which the czarowitz Alexis made to the first question put to him by his father, he acknowledges, that while he was at Vienna, finding thai he could not be admitted to see the emperor, he applied himself to count Schonborn, the high chamberlain, who told him, the emperor would not abandon him, and that as soon as occasion should offer, by the death of his father, that he would assist him to recover the throne by force of arms. ' Upon which,' adds the prince, ' I made him the following answer : " This is what I by no means desire : if the emperor will only grant me his protection for the present, I ask no more." ' This deposi- tion is plain, natural, and carries with it strong marks of the truth ; for it would have been the height of madness to have asked the emperor for an armed force to dethrone his father, and no one would have ventured to have made such an absurd proposal, either to the emperor, prince Eugene, or to the council. This deposi- O 314 HISTORY OF tion bears date in the month of February, and four months afterwards, namely, after the lat of July, and towards the latter end of the proceed- ings against the czarowitz, that prince is made to say, in the last answers he delivered in writ- ing :— ' Being unwilling to imitate my father in any thing, I endeavoured to secure myself the suc- cession by any means whatever, excepting such as were just. 1 attempted to get it by a foreign assistance; and, had I succeeded, and that the emperor had fulfilled what he had promised me, to replace me on the throne of Russia even by force of arms, I would have left nothing undone to have got possession of it. For instance, if the emperor had demanded of me, in return for his services, a body of my own troops to fight for him against any power whatever, that might be in arms against him, or a large sum of money to defray the charges of a war, I should have readily granted every tbing he asked, and should have gratified his ministers and generals with magnificent presents. I would at my own ex- pense have maintained the auxiliary troops he might have furnished to put me in possession of the crown ; and, in a word, I should have thought nothing too much to have accomplished my ends.' This answer seems greatly strained, and ap- pears as if the unhappy deponent was exerting his utmost efforts to appear more culpable than he really was ; nay, he seems to have spoken absolutely contrary to truth in a capital point. He says the emperor had promised to procure him the cro.vn by foree of arms. This is ab- solutely false : Schonborn had given him hopes that, after the death of his father, the emperor might assist him to recover his birth-right ; but the emperor himself never made him any pro- PETER THE GREAT. 315 mise. And lastly, the matter in question wa« not if he should take arms against his father, but if he should succeed him after his death! By this last deposition he declares what he believes he should have done, had he been ob- liged to dispute his birth-right, vrhich he had not formally renounced till after his journey to Vienna and Naples. Here then we have a second deposition, not of any thing he had al- ready done, and the actual commission of which, would have subjected him to the rigorous in- quiry of the law, but of what he imagines he should have done had occasion offered, and which consequently is no subject of a juridical inquiry- Thus does he twice together accuse himself of private thoughts that he might have entertained in a future time. The known world does not produce an instance of a man tried and condemned for vague and inconsequential notions that came into his head, and which he never communicated to any one ; nor is there a court of justice in Europe that will hear a man accuse himself of criminal thoughts ; nay, we believe that they are not punished by God himself, unless accompanied by a fixed resolu- tion to put them in practice. To these natural reflections it may be an- swered, that the czarowitz had given his father a just right to punish him, by having withheld the names of several of the accomplices of hig flight. His pardon was promised him only on condition of making a full and open confession, which he did not till it was too late. Lastly, after so public an affair, it was not in human nature that Alexis should ever forgive a brother in favour of whom he had been disinherited ; therefore, it was thought better to punish one guilty person, than to expose a whole nation to 316 HISTORY OF danger, and herein the rigour of justice and rea- sons of state acted iu concert. We must not judge of the manners and laws of one nation b^- those of others. The czar was possessed cf the fatal, but incontestable right of punishing his son ■with death, for the single crime of having withdrawn himself out of the kingdom against his consent ; and he thus explains himself in his declaration addressed to the prelates and others, who composed the high courts of justice. ' Th.ugh, according to all laws, civil and divine; and especially those of this empire, which grant an absolute jurisdiction to fathers over their children (even fathers in private life) we have a full and unlimited power to judge our son for his crimen according to our pleasure, without asking the advice of any person whatsoever; yet, as men are more liable to prejudice and partiality in their own affairs, than in those of others, and as the most eminent and expert physicians rely not on their judgment concerning themselves, but call in the advice and assistance of others ; so we, under the fear of God, and an awful dread of offending him, in like manner make known our disease, and apply to you for a cure; being ap- '^'ehensive cf eternal death, if ignorant perhaps I f the nature of our distemper, we should attempt to cure ourselves ; and the rather as in a solemn appeal to Almighty God, I have signed, 3wom» and confirmed a promise of pardon to my son, in case he should declare to me the truth. ' And though he has violated this promise, by concealing the most important circumstances of his rebellious design against us ; yet that we may not in an) thing swerve from our obligations, we pray you to consider this affair with seriousness and attention, nnd report what punishment he deserves without favour or partiality either to him PETER THE GREAT. 317 or me ; for should you apprehend that he deserves but a slight punishment, it will be disagreeable to me. I swear to you by the great God and his judgments, that you have notliing to fear on this head. ' Neitlier let the reflection of your being to pass sentence on the son of your prince have any in- fluence on you, but administer justice without respec* of persons, and destroy not your own souls and mine also, by doing any thing to injure our country, or upbraid our consciences in the great and terrible day of judgment. ' The czar afterwards addressed himself to the clergy,* by another declaration to the same pur- pose; so that every thing was transacted in the most authentic manner, and Peter's behaviour through the whole of this afi'air was so open and • His declaration to the clergy concluded in this man- ner : — ' Though this affair does not fall within the verge of the spiritual, but of the civil jurisdiction, and we have this day referred it to the imperial decision of the secular court, but remembering that passage in the word of God, which requires us on such occasions to consult the priests and elders of the church, in order to know the will of Heaven, and being desirous of receiving all possible in- structions in a matter of such importance, we desire of you, the archbishops, and the whole ecclesiastical state, as teachers of tlie word of God, not to pronounce judg- ment in this case, but to examine and give us your opinion concerning it, according to the sacred oracles, from whom we ma3' be best informed what punishment my son de- serves, and that j-ou will give it us iu writiog under yoar hands, that being properly instructed herein, we may lay no burthen on our conscience. We therefore repose our confidence in you, that, as guardians of the divine laws, as faithful pastors of the Christian flock, and as well affected t3ward8 your country, you will act suitable to your dig- nity, conjuring you by that dignitj', and the holiness ot your function, to proceed withou: fear or dissimulation. 318 HISTORY OF andisguised, as shewed him to be fully satisfied of the justice of his cause. On the first of July the clergy delivered their opinion in writing. In fact, it was their opinion only, and not a judgment, which the czar required of them. The beginning is deserving the atten- tion cf all Europe. * This affair (say the prelates and the rest of the clergy) does in no wise fall within the verge of the ecclesiastical court, nor is the absolute power invested in the sovereign of the Russian empire subject to the cognizance of his people ; but he has au unlimited powrr of acting herein as to him shall seem best, without any inferior having a right to intermeddle therein.' Afier their preamble they proceed to cite several texts of scripture, particularly Leviticus, wherein it is said, ' Cursed be he that curseth his father or mother ;' and the gospel of St. Matthew, which repeats this severe denunciation. And they concluded, after several other quotations,* with these remarkable words : • Besides the particular passages in holy writ cited on this occasion, which were, Levit. sx. 1, 9- Dent. xxxi. Matt. TX. 1. Mark vii. 9. Rom. i. 28. Ephes vi. 1. those from the constitutions of the empire were as follows : * If any person, by any ill design, forms any attempt against the health of the czar, or does any thing to his prejudice, and is found inclined to execute his pernicious designs, let hioi be put to death, after he is convicted (hereof.* Stat.l. ' la like manner, if any ODt, during the reign of his czarian majesty, through a desire \o reign in the empire of Russia, and put the czar to death, shall begin to raise troops with this pernicious view ; or if any one shall form an alliance with the enemies of his czarian majesty, or hold a correspondence with th^m, or assist ihemlo arrije at the goTernment, or raise any other disorder ; if any one declare it, and the truth be found out upon such declara- UoQ, lei the traitor suffer death npon conviction of tlM PETER THE GREAT. 319 • If his majesty is inclinable to puuish the of- fender according to his deeds and the measure of his crimes, he has before him the examples in the Old Testament ; if on the other hand, he is in- clined to shew mercy, he has a pattern in our Lord Jesus Clirist, who receives the prodigal son, when returning with a contrite heart, who set free the woman taken in adultery, whom the law sentenced to be stoned to death, and who prefers mercy to burnt-oflferings. He has likewise the example of David, who spared his son Absalom, who had rebelled against and persecuted him, saying to his captains, when going forth to the fight, " Spare my son Absalom." The father was here inclinable to mercy, but divine Justice suf- fered not the offender to go unpunished. ' The heart of the czar is in the hands of God ; let him take that side to which it shall please the Almighty to direct him.' This opinion was signed by eight archbishops and bishops, four archpriests, and two professors of divinity ; and, as we have already observed, the metropolitan archbishop of Rezan, the same treason.' Stat. 2. From the military laws the following citations were made ; chap. 3. art. 19- ' If any subject raises men, and takes up arms against the czanan ma- jesty ; or if any person forms a design of takin;; his majesty prisoner, or killing him ; or if he offers any violence to him; he and all his abettors and adherents shall be quar- tered, as guiltj' of treason, and their goods confiscated.' To which article ilie following explanation was added: 'They also shall suffer the ssme punishment, who, though thejr have not been able to execute their crime, shall be nonvictcd of inclination and desire to commit it ; and like- wise, those who shall not have discovered it when it came to their knowledge,' chap. 26. an. 37- ' He who forms a design of co.TQmitiing any treason, or any other matter of the like nature, shaU be punished with the same ca punishmeats as if he bad actually executed hia deeigs.' S20 HISTORY OF with whom the prince had held a correspondence, was the first who signed. As soon as the clergy had signed this opinion, they presented it to the czar. It is easy to per- ceive that this body was desirous of inclining his mind to clemency ; and nothing can be more beautiful than the contrast between the mercy of Jesus Christ, and the rigour of the Jewish law, placed before the eyes of a father, who was the prosecutor of his oAvn son. The same day the czarowitz was again exa- mined for the last time, and signed his final con- fession in writing, wherein he acknowledges him- self ' to have been a bigot in his youthful days, to have frequented the company of priests and monks, to have drank with ihem, and to have imbibed from their conversations the first impres- sions of dislike to the duties of his station, and even to the person of his father.' If he made this confession of his own accord, it shews that he must have been ignorant of the mild advice the body of clergy, whom he thns accuses, had lately given his father ; and it is a still stronger proof, how great a change the czar had wrought in the manners of the clergy of his time, who, from a state of the most deplorable ignorance, were in so short a time become capa- ble of drawing up a writing, which for its wis- dom and eloquence might have been owned, without a blush, by the most illustrious fathers of the church. It is in this last confession that the czarowitz made that declaration on which we have alreadj commented, viz. that he endeavoured to secure to himself the succession by any means what- ever, except such as were just. One would imagine, by this last confession, that the prince was apprehensive he had not rea- PETER THE GREAT. 321 dered himself sufficiently criminal in the eyes of his judges, by his former self-accusations, and that, by giving himself the character of a dissem- bler and a bad man, and supposing how he might have acted had he been the master, he was care- fully studying how to justify the fatal sentence which was about to be pronounced against him, and which was done on the jth of July. This sentence will be found, at length, at the end of this volume ; therefore, we shall only observe in this place that it begins, like the opinion of the clergy, by declaring, that ' it belongs not to sub- jects to take cognizance of such an affair, which depends solely on the absolute will of the sove- reign, whose authority is derived from God alone;' and then, after having set forth the se- veral articles of the charge brought against the prince, the judges express themselves thus : ' What shall we think of a rebellious design, al- most unparalleled in history, jqined to that of a horrid parricide against him, who was his father in a double capacity?' Probably these words have been wrong trans- lated from the trial printed by order of the czar ; for certainly there have been instances in history of much greater rebellions ; and no part of the proceedings against the czarowitz discover any design in him of killing his father. Perhaps, by the word parricide, is understood the deposition made by the prince, that one day he declared at confession, that he had wished for the death of his father. But, how can a private declaration of a secret thought, under the seal of confession, be a -double parricide ? Be this as it may, the czarowitz was unani- mously condemned to die, but no mention was made in the sentence of tiie nianner in which be was to puffer. Of one hundred and forty four O L' 322 HISTORY OF judges, there was not one who thought of alessei punishment than death. Whereas, an English tract, which made a great noise at that time, ob- serves, that if such a cause had been brought be- fore an English parliament, there would not have been one judge out of one hundred and forty-four, that would have inflicted even a penalty. There cannot be a stronger proof of the differ- ence of times and places. The consul Maniius would have been condemned by the laws of Eng- land to lose his own life, for having put his son to death : whereas he was admired and extolled for that action by the rigid Romans : but the same laws would not punish a prince of Wales for leaving the kingdom, who, as a peer of the realm, has a right to go and come when he pleases.* A criminal design, not perpetrated, is not punishable by the laws in England t or France, but it is in Russia. A continued formal and repealed disc^bedience of commands would, amongst us, be considered only an error in con- duct, \\hich ought to be suppressed ; but, in Rus- sia^ it was judged a capital crime in the heir oi a great empire, whose ruin might have been the consequence of that disobedience. Lastly, the czarowitzwas culpable towards the whole nation, by his design of throwing h hack into that state of darkness and ignorance, from which his father had so latelv delivered it. ;5uch was the acknowledged power of the czar, that he might put his sou to death for disobedj- "nce to him, without consulting any one ; nev»^r- • M. de Voltaire is mistaken in this point ; for, by onr laws, no peer of the realm can absent himself from ihr service of the parliament during its session, without th« liberi/ of the Icir.q: or the house. •t This is another mistake ; for it is death by oor law 10 compass or imagine the death of the sover«ig». PETER THE GREAT. 323 theless, he submitted the affair to the judgmeat of the representatives of the nation, so that it ■was in fact the nation itself who passed sentence on the prince ; and Peter was so well satisfied with the equity of his own conduct, that he volun • tarily submitted it to the judgment of every other nation, by causing the whole proceedings to be printed and translated into several languages. The law of history would not permit us to dis- guise or palliate aught in the relation of this tragic event. All Europe was divided in its sen- timents, whether most to pity a young prince, prosecuted by his own father, and condemned to Jose his life, by those who were one day to have been his subjects ; or the father, who thought himself under a necessity to sacrifice his own son to the welfare of his nation. It was asserted in several books, published on this subject, that the czar sent to Spain for a copy of the proceedings against Don Carlos, wlio bad been condemned to death by his father, king Philip II. But this is false, inasmuch as Don Carlos was never brought to his trial : the con- duct of Peter I. was totally different from that of Philip. The Spanish monarch never made known to the world the reasons for which he had confined his son, nor in what manner that prince died. He wrote letters on this occasion to the pope and the empress, which were absolutely contradictory to each other. William prince of Orange accused Philip publicly of having sacri- ficed his son and his wife to his jealousy, and to have behaved rather like a jealous and cruel hus- band, and an unnatural and murderous father, than a severe and upright judge. Philip suffered this accusation against him to pass unanswered: Peter, on the contrary, did nothing but in the eye of the wo:ld ; he openlj declared, that he pre- 3S4 HISTORY OF ferred his people to his own son, submittei his cause to the judgment of the principal persons of his kingdom, and made the whjle world the judge of their proceedings and his o^-n. There was another extraordinary circumstance attending this unhappy aflfair, which was, that the empress Catherine, who was hated by the czarowitz, and whom he had publicly threatened with the worst of treatment, whenever he should mount the throne, was not in any way accessary to his misfortunes ; and was neither accused, nor even suspected by any foreign minister residing at the court of Russia, of having taken the least step against a son-in-law, from whom she had so much to fear. It is true, indeed, that no one pretends to say she interceded with the czar for his pardon : but all the accounts of these times, and especially those of the count de Bassewitz, agree, that she was greatly aflfected with his misfortunes. I have now before me the memoirs of a public minister, in which I find the following words : • I was present when the czar told the duke of Holstein, that the czarina Catherine, had begged of him to prevent the sentence passed upon the czarowitz, being i ublicly read to that prince. • Content yourself,' said she, ' with obliging him to turn monk ; for this public and formal con- demnation of your son will reflect an odium on your grandson.' The czar, however, would not hearken to the intercession of his spouse ; he thought there was a necessity to have the sentence publicly read to the prince himself, in order that he might have no pretence left to dis; ute this solemn act, in which he himself acquiesced, and that being dead in law, he could never after claim a right to the PETER THE GREAT. 323 Nevertheless, if, after the death of Peter, a formidable party had arose in favour of Alexis, would his being dead )n law have prevented him from ascending the throne 1 The prince then had his sentence read to him : and the memoirs I have just mentioned observe, that he fell into a fit on hearing these words : ' The laws divine and ecclesiastical, civil and tuilitary, condemn to death, without mercy, those vrhose attempts against their father and their sovereign have been fully proved.' These fits it is said, turned to an apoplexy, and it was with great difficulty he was recovered at that time. Afterwards, when he came a little to himself, and in the dreadful interval, between life and death, he sent for his father to come to him : the czar accordingly went, acd both father and son burst into a flood of tears, llie unhappy culprit asked his offended parent's forijiveness, which be gave him publicly : then, being in the agonies of dealh, ext'reme unction was administered to him in the most solemn manner, and soon after be ex- pired in the jire.sence of the whole court, the day after the fatal sentence had been pronounced upon him. His Ixxly was immediately carried to the cathedral, where it lay in state, exposed to public view for four days, alter vhich it was in- terred in tlie church of tlie citadel, by the side of his late princess; the czar and czarina assisting at the funeral. And here 1 think myself indispensably obliged to imitate, in some measure, the conduct of the crar ; that is to say, to submit to the judgment of the public, the several facts which J have re- lated with t.ie most scrupulous exactness, and not only the facts themselves, but likewise the va- rious reports which were propagated in relatioa to them, by author* oi the fir«t credit. Lamberti, sue HISTORY OF the most impartial of any -writer on this subject and at the same lime the most exact, and who has confined himself to tlie simple narrative of the original and authentic pieces, relating to the af- fairs of Kurope, seems in this matter to have de- parted from that impartiality and discernment for which he is so remarkable ; for he thus expresses himself. ' The czarina, ever anxious for the fortune of her own son, did not suffer the czar to rest till she had obliged him to commence the proceed- ings against the czarow-itz, and to prosecute that unhappy prince to death : and, what is still more extraordinary, the czar, after having given him the knout * -which is a kind of torture^ with his 0T\Ti hand, was himself his executioner, by cutting off his head, -which was afterwards so artfully joined to the body, that the separation could not be perceived, when it was exposed to public view. Some little time afterwards, the czarina's son died, to the inexpressible regret of her and the czar. This latter, whu had beheaded his own son, coming now to reflect, that he had no suc- cessor, grew exceedingly lil-tempered. Much about that time also, he was informed, that his spouse, the czarina, was engaged in a secret and criminal correspondence with prince Menzikoff. This, joined to the reflection, that she had been the cause of his putting to death with his own hand his eldest son, made him conceive a design to strip her of the imperial honours, and shut hei up in a convent, in the same manner as he had done his first wife, who is still living there. It "was a custom with the czar to keep a kind ol diary of his private thoughts in his pocket book, and he had accordingly entered therein a memo- randum of this his intention. The czarina having found mea:;s to oaia over to her interest all tha PETER THE GREAT. 327 pnges of the czar's bed-chamber, one of them finding his pocket-book, which he had carelessly left on the table, brought it to Catherine, who upon reading this memorandum, immediately sent for prince Menzikoff, and communicated it to him, and, in a day or two afterwards, the czar was seized with a violent distemper, of which he died. Jhis distemper was attributed to poison, on account of its being so sudden and violent, that it could not be supposed to proceed from a uatural cause, and that the horrible act of poison ing was but too frequently used in Russia.' These accusations, thus handed down by Lam- berti, were soon spread throughout Europe; and, as there still exist a great number of pieces, both in print and manuscript, which may give a sanc- tion to the belief of this fact to the latest poste- rity, I think ii is ray duty to mention, in this place, what is come to my knowledge from un- exceptionable authority. In the first place, then, I take it upon me to declare, that the person who furnished Lam- berti with this strange anecdote, was in fact a native of Russia, but of a foreign extraction, and who himsflf did not reside in that country, at the time this event happened, having left it several years before. I was formerly acquainted with him ; he had been in company v-ith Lamberti, at the little town of Nyon,* whither that writer had retired, and where I myself have often been, 'J'his very n>an declared to me, that he bad never told this story to Lamberti, but in the light of a report, which had been handed about at that time. This example may suffice to shew, how easy it * Or Kions, the capital of MoDtauban, in Dauphiue, in France, situate on the river Aigues, over which is a briilge, said to be a Roman work. 328 HISTORY OF was in former times, before the art of printing was found out, for one man to destroy the repu- tation of another, in the minds of vsliole nations^ by reason that manuscript histories were in a few hands only, and not exposed to general exami- nation and censure, or of the observations of con- temporaries, as they now are. A single line in Tacitus or Sallust, nay, even in the authors of the most fabulous legends was enough to render a great prince odious to the half of mankind, and to perpetuate his name with infamy to successive generations. How was it possible that the czar could have beheaded his son with his own hand, when ex- treme unction was administered to the latter in the presence of the whole court ? Was he dead when the sacred oil was poured upon his head 1 When or how could this dissevered head have been rejoined to its trunk 1 It is notorious, that the prince was not left alone a single moment, from the first reading of his sentence to him to the instant of his death. Besides, tins story of the czar's having had re- course to the sword, acquits him at least of hav- ing made use of poison. I will allow, that it is somewhat uncommon, that a young nian in the vigour of his days should die of a sudden fright, occasioned by hearing the sentence of his own death read to him, and especially when it was a sentence that he expected ; but, after all, physi- cians will tell us that this is not a thing impos- sible. If the czar dispatched his son by poison, as so many authors would persuade us, he by that means deprived himself of every advantage he might expect from this fatal process, in convincing all Europe that he had a right to punish every delinquent. He rendered all the reasons for pro- PETER THE GREAT. S29 nouncing the condemnation of the czarowitz sus- pected ; and, in fact, accused himself. If he was desirous of the death of his son, he was hi pos- session of full power to have caused the sentence to be put in execution : would a man of any pru- dence then, would a sovereign, ou whom the eyes of all his neighbours were fixed, have taken the base and dastardly method of poisoning the person, over whose devoted head he himself al- ready held the sword of justice ? Lastly, would he have suffered his memory to have been trans- mitted to posterity as nn assassin and a poisoner, when he could so easily have assumed the cha- racter of an upright though severe judge 1 It appears then, from all that has been deli- vered on this subject in the preceding pages, that Peter was more the king than the parent ; and that he sacrificed his own son to the sentiments of the father and lawgiver of his country, and to the interest of his people, who, without this wholesome severity, were on the verge of re- lapsing again into that state from which he had taken them. It is evident that he did not sa- crifice this son to the ambition of a step-mother, or to the son he had by her, since he had often threatened the czarowitz to disinherit him, be- fore Catherine brought him that other son, whose infirm infancy gave signs of a speedy death, which actually happened in a very short time afterwards. Had Peter taken this important step merely to please his wife, he must have been a fool, a madman, or a coward ; neither of which, most certainly, could be laid to his charge. But he foresaw what would be the fate of his es- tablishments, and of Ids new-born nation, if he had such a successor as wouKl not adopt hia views, 'ihe event has verified this foresight • the Russian empire is become famous and re* 330 HISTORY OF special fe throughout Europe, from which it was before eiuirely separated ; whereas, had the czarowitz succeeded to the throne, every thing would have been destroyed. In fine, when this catastrophe comes to he seriously considered, the compassionate heart shudders, and the rigid applauds. This great and terrible event is still fresh in the memories of mankind ; and it is frequently spoken of as a matter of so much surprise, that it is absolutely necessary to examine what con- temporary writer? have said of it. One of these hireling scribblers, who has taken on him the title of historian, speaks thus of it in a work which he has dedicated to count Bruhl, prime ministe) to his Polish majesty, whose name indeed may seem to give some weight to what he advances. ' Russia was convinced that the czarowitz owed his death to poison, which had been given him by his mother-in-law.' But this accusation is overturned by the declaration which the czar made to the duke of Holstein, that the empress Catherine had advised him to confine his son in a monastery. With regard to the poison which the empress is said to have given afterwards to her husband, that story is sufficiently destroyed by the simple relation of the affair of the page and pocket-book. What man would think of making such a memo- randum as this, ' I must remember to confine my wife in a convent V Is this a circumstance of so trivial a nature, that it must be set down lest it should be forgotten ? If Catherine had poisoned her son-in-law and her husband she would have committed crimes; whereas, so far from being suspected of cruelty, she had a remarkable cha- racter for lenity and sweetness of temper. It may now be proper to shew what was 'be PETER THE GREAT. 331 first cause of the behaviour of the czarowitz, of his flight, and of his death, and that of his ac- complices, who fell by the hands of the execu- tioner. It was owing then to mistaken notions in religion, and to a superstitious fondness for priests and monks. That this was the real Bource from whence all his misfortunes were de- rived, is sufficiently apparent from his own con- fession, which we have already set before the reader, and in particular, by that expression of the czar in his letter to his unhappy son, ' A corrupt priesthood will be able to turn vou at pleasure.' The following is, almost word for word, the manner in which a certain ambassador to the court of Russia explains these words. — Several ecclesiastics, says he, fond of the ancient bar- barous customs, and regretting the authority they had lost by the nation having become more civi- lized, wished earnestly to see prince Alexis on the throne, from whose known disposition they expected a return of those days of ignorance and superstition which were so dear to them. In the number of these was Dozitbeus, bishop of Ros- tow. This prelate feigned a revelation from St. Demetrius, and that the saint had appeared to him, and had assured him as from God himself, that the czar would not live above three months ; that the empress Eudocia, who was then confined in the convent of Sii8dal(and had taken the veil under the name of sister Helena), and the prin- cess iJary the czar's sis'.er, should ascend the throne and reign jointly with prince Alexis. Eu- docia and the princess Mary were weak enough to credit this imposture, and were even so persuaded of the truth of this prediction, that the former quitted her habit and the convent, and throwing aside the name of sister Helena, reassumed th« 332 HISTORY OF imperial title and the ancient dress cf the czar- ina's, and caused the name of her rival Catherine to he struck out of the form of prayer. And when the lady abbess of the convent opposed these proceedings, Eudocia answered her haughtily — That as Peter had punished the streliizes who liad insuited his mother, in like manner would prince Alexis punish those who had offered aH indignity to his. She caused the abbess to be confined to her apartment. An officer named Stephen Glebo was introduced into the convent; this man Eudocia made use of as the instrument of her designs, having previously won him over to her interest by heaping favours on him. Glebo caused Dozitheus's prediction to be spread over the little town of Susdal, and the neighbourhood thereof. But the three months being nearly ex- pired, Eudocia reproached the bishop with the czar's being still alive, ' My father's sins,' an- swered Dozitheus, ' have been the cause of this : he is still in purgatory, and has acquainted me therewith.' Upon this Eudocia caused a thou- sand masses for the dead to be said, Dozitheus assuring her that this would not fail of having the desired effect : but in about a month after- wards, he came to her and told, that his father's head was already out of purgatory ; in a month afterwards he was freed as far as his waist, so that i"hen he only stuck in purgatory by his feet ; but as soon as they should be set free, which was the most difficult part of the business, the czar would infiillibly die. The princess Marv, persuaded by Dozitheus, gave herself up to him, on condition that his father should be immediately released from pur- gatory, and the prediction accomplished, and Glebo continued bis usual correspondence with the old czarina. PETER THE GREAT. 333 It was chiefly on the faith of these predictions that the czarowitz quitted the kingdom, and re- tired into a foreign country, to wait for the death of his father. However the whole scheme was SCO a discovered ; Dozitheus and Glebo were seized ; the letters of the princess Mary to Dozi- theus, and those of sister Helena to Glebo, were read in the open senate. In consequence of which, th« princess Mary was shut up in the for- tress of Schusselbourg, and the old czarina re- moved to another convent, where she was kept a close prisoner. Dozithous and Glebo, together with the other accomplices of these idle and su- perstitious intrigues, were put to the torture, as were likewise the confidants of the czarowitz's flight. His confessor, his preceptor, and the steward of his household, all died by the hands of the executioner. Such then was the dear and fatal price at which Peter the Great purchased the happiness of his people, and such were the numberless ob- stacles he had to surmount in the midst of a long and dangerous war without doors, and an un- natural rebellion at home. He saw one half of his family plotting against him, the majority of the priesthood obstinately bent to frustrate his designs, and almost the whole nation for a long time opposing its own felicity, of which as yet it was not become sensible. He had prejudices to overcome, and discontents to sooth. In a word, there wanted a new generation formed by his care, who would at length entertain the proper ideas of happiness and glory, which their fathers were not abl* to comprehend cr support. 334 HISTORY OF CHAP. XXX. Works and eatablishments in 1718, and the following years. THROUGHOUT the whole of the fcregoing dreadful catastrophe, it appeared clearly, that Peter had acted only as the father of his country, and that he considered his people as his family. The punishments he had been ob- liged to inflict on such of them, who had endea- voured to obstruct or impede the happiness of the rest, were necessary, though melancholy sa- crifices, made to the general good. 1718.] This year, which was the epoch of the disinheriting and death of his eldest son, was also that of the greatest advantage he procured to his subjects, by establishing a general police hitherto unknown ; by the introduction or im- provement of manufactures and works of every kind, bv opening new branches of trade, which now began to flourish, and by the construction of canals, which jo ned rivers, seas, and people, that nature had separated from each other. We have here none of those striking events which charm common readers ; none of those court-in- trigues which are the food of scandal and malice, nor of those great revolutions which amaze the generality of mankind ; but we behold the real springs ot public happiness, which the philo- sophic eye Jelights to contemplate. He now appointed a lieutenant-general of police over the whole empire, who was to hold his court at Petersburg, and from thence pre- serve order from one end of the kingdom to the other. Extravagance in dress, and the still more dangerous extravagance of gaming, wer« PETER THE GREAT. 335 prohibited under severe penalties ; schools for teaching arithmetic, which had been first set on foot in 1716. were now established in many towns in Russia. The hospitals, which had been began, were now finished, endowed, and filled with proper objects. To these we may add the several useful esta- blishments which had been projected some time before, and which were completed a few years afterwards. The great towns were now cleared of those innumerable swarms of beggars, who will not follow any other occupation but that of importuning those who are more industrious than themselves, and who lead a wretched and shame- ful life at the expense of others : an abuse too much overlooked in other nations. The rich were obliged to build regular and handsome houses in Petersburg, agreeable to their circumstances, and, by a master-stroke of police, the several materials were brought car- riage free to the city, by the barks and waggons which returned empty from the neighbouring provinces. Weights and measares were likewise fixed upon an uniform ])lan, in the same manner as the laws. This uniformity, so much, but in vain desired, in states that have for many ages been civilized, was established in Russia without tiie least difficulty or murmuring ; and yet we fancy that this salutary regulation is impracticable amongst us. The prices of the necessaries of life were also fixed ']"he city of Petersburg was well lighted with lamps during the night ; a convenience which was first introduced in Paris by Louis XIV., and to which Rome is still a stranger. Pumps were erected for supplying water in case* of fire ; the streets were well paved, and rails 336 HISTORY OF put up for the security of foot passengers : in a word, every thing was provided that could mi- nister to safety, dec-ency, and good order, and to the quicker dispatch and convenience of the inland trade of the country. Several privileges were granted to foreigners, and proper laws enacted to prevent the abuse of those privileges. In consequence of these useful and salutary re- gulations, Petersburg and Moscow put on a new face. The iron and steel manufactories received ad- ditional improvements, especially those which the czar had founded at about ten miles distance from Petersburg, of which he himself was the first superintendant, and wherein no less than a thousand workmen were employed immediately under his eye. He went in person to give di- rections to those who farmed the corn-mills, powder-mills, and mills for sawing timber, and to the managers of the manufactories for cordage and sail-cloth, to the brick-makers, slaters, and the cloth-weavers. Numbers of workmen in every branch came from France to settle under him ; these were the fruits he reaped from his travels. He established a board of trade, which was composed of one half natives, and the other half foreigners, in order that justice might oe equally distributed to all artists and wc;krr>?i\, A Frenchman settled a manufactory for making fine looking-glass at Petersburg, with the assist- ance of prince Menzikoff. Another set up a loum for working curious tapestry, after the manner of the Gobelins ; and this manufactory still meets with great encouragement. A third succeeded in making of gold and silver thread, and the czar ordered that no more than four thousand marks of gold or silver should be expended iu PETER THE GREAT. 337 these works in the space of a year ; by this means to prevent the too great consumption of bullion in the kingdom. He gave thirty thousand rubles, that is, about one hundred and fifty thousand French livres,* together with all the materials and instruments necessary for making the several kinds of woollen stuffs. By this useful bounty he was enabled to clothe all his troops with the cloth made in his own country ; whereas, before that lime, it was purchased from Berlin and other foreign king- doms. They made as fine linen cloth in Moscow as in Holland ; and at his death there were in that capital and at .Taroslaw, no less than fourteen linen and hempen manufactories. It could certainly never be imagined, at the time that silk sold in Europe for iis weight in gold, that one day there would arise on the banks of the lake Ladoga, in the midst of a frozen region, and among unfrequented marches, a mag- nificent and opulent city, where the silks of Persia should be manufactured in as great per- fection as at Ispahan. Peter, however, under- took this great phenomenon in commerce, and succeeded in the attempt. The working of iron mines was carried to their highest degree of perfection ; several other mines of gold and silver were discovered, and the council of mines was appointed to examine and determine, whe- ther the working of these would bring in a profit adequate to the expense. But, to make so many different arts and ma- nufactures flourish, and to establish so many various undertakings, it was not alone suflficient to grant patents, or to appoint inspectors : it wa« • Ai tweufj-four to the pound sierliiig. P 338 HISTORY OF necessary that our great founder should behold all these pass under his own eye in their begin- nings, and work at them with his own hands, in the same manner as we have already seen him working at the construction, the rigging, and the sailing of a ship. When canals were to be dug in marshy and almost impassable grt>unds, he was frequently seen at the head of the workmen digging the earth, and carrying it away himself. In this same year (1718) he formed the plan of the canal and sluices of Ladoga : this was intended to make a communication between the Neva and another navigable river, in order for t*he more easy conveyance of merchandize to Petersburg, without taking the great circuit of the lake Ladoga, which, on account of the storms that prevailed on the coast, was frequently im- passable for barks or small vessels, Peter levelled the ground himself, and they still pre- serve the tools which he used in digging up and carrying off the earth. The whole court fol- lowed the example of their sovereign, and per- sisted in a work, which, at the same time, they looked upon as impracticable ; and it was finished after his death : for not one of his pro- jects, which had been found possible to be ef- fected, was abandoned. The great canal of Cronstadt, which is easily drained of its waters, and wherein they careen and clean the men of war, was also began at the same time that he was engaged in the proceed- ings against his son. In this year also he built the new city of Ladoga. A short time afterwards, he made the canal which joins the Caspian Sea to the giilf of Finland and to the ocean. The boats, after sailing up the Wolga, came first to the commu- nication of two rivers, which he joined for thai PE'J'ER THE GREAT. 339 purpose; from thence, by another canal, they enter into the lake of llmen, and then fall into the canal of Ladoga, from whence goods and merchandizes may be conveyed by sea to all parts of the world. lu the midst of these labours, which all passed under his inspection, he carried his views from Kamschatka to the most eastern limits of his empire, and caused two forts to be built in these regions, which were so long unknown to the rest of the world. In the meantime, a body of engineers, who were draughted from the marine academy established in 171*), were sent to make the tour of the empire, in order to form exact charts thereof, and lay before mankind the immense extent of country which he had civilized and enriched. CHAP. XXXI. Of the trado of Rnssia. 'T'HE Russian trade without doors was m a manner annihilated before the reign of Peter. He restored it anew, after his acce.^sion to the throne. It is notorious, that the current of trade has undergone several changes in the world. The south part of Rust«ia was before the time of Ta- merlane, the staple of Greece, and even of the Indies ; and the Genoese were the principal fac- tors. The Tanais and the Boristhenes were loaded with the productions of Asia : but when Tamerlane, towards the end of the fourteenth century, had conquered the Taurican Cherso- nesus, afterwards called Crimea or Crim Tartary, and when the Turks became masters of Azoph, this great branch of trade was totally destroyed. Peter formed the design of reviving it, by get* 340 HISTORY OF ting possession of Azoph ; but the unfortunate campaign of Pruth wrested this city out of his hands, and with it all his views on the Black Sea : nevertheless he had it still in his power to open as extensive a road to commerce through the Caspian Sea. The English who, in the end of the fifteenth, and beginning of the sixteenth century, had opened a trade to Archangel, had endeavoured to do the same likewise by the Cas- pian Sea, but failed in all their attempts for this purpose. It ha<» been already observed, that the father of Peter the Great caused a ship to be built in Holland, to trade from Astracan to the coast of Persia. This vessel was burnt by the rebel Stenkorazin, which put an immediate stop to any views of trading on a fair footing with the Persians. The Armenians, who are the factors of that part of Asia, were received by Peter the Great into Astracan : every thing was obliged to pass through their hands, and they reaped all the advantage of that trade ; as is the case with the Indian traders, and the Banians, and with the Turks, as well as several nations in Christen- dom, and the Jews : for those who have only one waj of living, are generally very expert in that art on which they depend for a support ; and others pay a voluntary tribute to that knowledge in which they know themselves deficient. Peter had already found a remedy for this inconvenience, in the treaty which he made with the sophi of Persia, by which all the silk, which was not used for the manufactories in that king- dom, was to be delivered to the ."Armenians of Asiracan, and by them to be transported into Russia. The troubles which arose in Persia soon over- turned this arrangement ; and in the course of PETER THE GREAT. 341 this history, we shall see how the sha, or em- peror of Persia, Hussein, when persecuted by the rebels, implored tiie assistance of Peter; and how that monarch, after having supported a difficult war against the Turks and the Swedes, entered Peisia, and subjected three of its provinces. But to return to the article of trade. Of the Trade with China. The undertaking of establishing a trade with China seemed to promise the greatest advan- tages. Two vast empires, bordering on each other, and each reciprocally possessing what the other stood in need of, seemed to be both under the happy necessity of opening a useful correB- pondence, especially after the treaty of peace, so solemnly ratified between these two empires in the year 1639, according to our way of reckoning. The first foundation of this trade had been laid in the year 165:5. There was at that time two companies of Siberian and Bukarian families settled in Siberia. Their caravans travelled through the Calmuck plains ; after they had crossed the deserts of Chinese Tartary, and made a considerable profit by their trade ; but the troubles which happened in the country of the Calmucks, and the disputes between the Rus- sians and the Chinese, in regard to the frontiers, put a stop to this commerce. After the peace of 16^9, it was natural for the two great nations to fix on some neutral place, whither ail the goods should be carried. The Siberians, like all other nations, stood more in need of the Chinese, than these latter did of them ; accordingly permission was asked of the emperor of China, to send caravans to Pekin, which was readily granted. This happened in the beginning of the present century. 842 HISTORY OF It is worthy of observation, that the erajJeror Camhi had granted permission for a Russian church in the suburbs of Pekin ; which church was to be served b}' Siberian priests, the whole at the emperor's own expense, who was fo indul- gent to cause t^is church to be built for the ac- conamodation of several families of eastern Si- beria ; some of whom had been prisoners before the peace of 1680, and the others were adventurers from their own country, who would not return back again after the peace of Niptchou. The agreeable climate of Pekin, the ob'.ij^ing manners of the Chinese, and the ease with which they found a handsome living, determined them to spend the rest of their days in China. The small Greek church could not become dangerous to the peace of the empire, as those of the Jesuits have been to that of other nations ; and moreover, the emperor Camhi was a favourer of liberty of con- science. Toleration has, in all times, been the established custom in Asia, as it was in former times all over the world, till the reign of the Roman emperor Theodosius I. The Russian families, thus established in China, having in- termarried with the natives, have since quitted the Christian religion, but their church still subsists. It was stipulated, that this church should he for the use of those who come with the Siberian caravans, to bring furs and other commodities wanted at Pekin. The voyage out and home, and the stay in the country, generally took up three years. Prince Gagarin, governor of Siberia, was twenty years at the head of this trade. The jaravaiis were sometimes very numerous; and ic was difficult to keep the common people, who inade the greatest number, within proper bounds. They passed through the territories of a Laman PETER THE GREAT. 34S priest, who is a kind of Tartarian sovereign, resides on the sea-coast of Orkon, and has the title of Koutoukas : he is the vicar of the grand Lama, but has rendered himself independent, by making some change in the religion of the coun- try, where the Indian tenet of metempsychosis is the prevailing opinion. VVe cannot find a more apt comparison fAr this priest than in the bishops of Lubeck and Osnaburg who have 'shaken off the dominion of tlie church of Rome. The cara- vans, in their march, sometimes committed de- predations on the territories of this Tartarian prelate, as they did also on those of the Chinese. This irregular conduct proved an impediment to the trade of those parts ; for the Chinese threat- ened to shut the entrance into their empire against the Russians, unless a sto|> was put to these disorders. The trade with China was at that time verv advantageous to the Russians, who brought from thence gold, silver, and pre- cious stones, in return for their merchandize. The largest ruby in the world was brought out of China to prince Gagarin, who sent it to prince MenzikofF; and it is now one of the ornaments of - the imperial crown. The exactions put in practice by prince Ga- garin were of great prejudice to that trade, which had brought liim so much riches ; and, at length, they ended in his own destruction ; for he was accused before the court of justice, established by the czar, and sentenced to lose his head, a year after the condemnation of the czarowitz, and the execution of all those who had been his accomplices. About the same time, the emperor Camhi, per- ceiving his health to decay, and knowing, by experience, that the European mathematician* were much more learned in their art than those ot 344 HISTORY OF his own nation, thought that the European physi- cians must also have more knowledge than those of Pekin, and therefore sent a message to the czar, by some ambassadors who were returning from China to Petersburg, requesting him to send him one of his physicians. There happened at that time to be an English surgeon at Petersburg, who offered to undertake the journey in that character ; and accordingly set out in company with a new ambassador, and one Laurence Lange. who has left a description of that journey. T.'iia embassy was received, and all the expense of it defrayed with great pomp, by Camhi. The surgeon, at his arrival, found the emperor in perfect health, and gained the reputation of a most skilful physician. The caravans who fol- lowed this embassy made prodigious profits ; but fresh excesses having been committed by this very caravan, the Chinese were so offended thereat, that they sent back Lange, who was at that time re- sident from the czar at the Chinese court, and with him all the Russian merchants established there. ' The enriperor Camhi dying, his son Yontchin, who had as great a share of wisdom, and more firmness than his father, and who drove the Jesuits out of his empire, as the czar had done from Russia in 1718, concluded a treaty with Peter, by which the Russian caravans were no more to trade on the frontiers of the two empires. There are only certain factors, dispatched in the name of the emperor or empress of Russia, and these have liberty to enter Pekin, where they are lodged in a vast house, which the emperor of China formerly assigned for the reception of the envoys from Corea : but it is a considerable time since either caravans or factors have been sent from Russia thither so that the trade is now in a de- clining way, but may possibly soon be revived. PETER THE GREAT. S45 Of the Trade qf PETERSBURG, and the othtr ports of the RUSSIAN EMPIRE. There were at this time above two hundred foreign vessels traded to the new capital, in the space of a year. This trade has continued in- creasing, and has frequently brought in five mil- lions (French money) to the crown. This was i^reatly more than the interest of the money which this establishment had cost. This trade, however, greatly diminished that of Archangel, and was precisely what the founder desired ; for the port of Archangel is too dangerous, and at too great distance from other ports : besides that, a trade which is carried on immediately under the eye of an assiduous sovereign, is always the most advantageous. That of Livonia continued mill on the same footing. The trade of Russia in general has proved very successful ; its ports have received from one thousand to twelve hundred vessels in a year, and Peter discovered the happy expedient of joining utility to glory. CHAP. XXXII. Of the laws. TT is well known, that good laws are scarce, and that the due execution of them is still more so. The greater the extent of any state, and the variety of people of which it is composed, the more difficult it is to unite tlicm by the same body of laws. The father of czar Peter formed a digest or code under the title of Oiilngenia, which was actually printed, but it by no meanti answered the end intended. Pi 546 HISTORY OF Peter, in tbe course of his travels, had collected materials for reparing this great structure, which Tras falling to decay in many of its parts. He gathered many useful hints from the governn^entg of Denmark, Sweden, England, Germany, and France, selecting from each of these different nations what he thought most suitable to his own. There was a court of boyards or great men, who deteniuned all matters en dcrnin- ressort. Rank a:ul birth alone gave a seat in this assembly ; but the czar thought that knowledge was likewise requisite, and therefore this court was dissolved. He then instituted a procurator-general, assist- ed by four assistors, in each of the governments of the empire. These were to overlook the con* duct of the judges, whose decrees were subject to an appeal to the senate which he established. Each of those judges was furnished with a copy of the Oiil'if^enia, with additions and necessary alterations, until a complete body of laws could be formed. It was forbid to these judges to receive any fees, which, however moderate, are always an abusive tax on the fortunes and properties of those concerned in suits of law. The czar also took care that the expenses of the court were moderate, and tbe decisions speedy. The judges and their clerks had salaries appointed them out of the j)ublic treasury, and were not suffered to purchase their offices. It was in the year 1718, at the very time that he was engaged in the process against his son, that he made the ciiief part of these regulations. The greatest part of the laws he enacted were borrowed from those of the Swedes, and he made no difficulty to admit to places in hs courts of judicature such Swedish prisor.ers who were well •versed K! ihe laws cf their own country, and who. PETER THE GREAT. 347 having learnt the Russian language, were willing to continue in that kingdom. The governor of each province and his assistors had the cognizance of private causes within such government ; from them there was an appeal to the senate ; and if any one, after having been con- demned by the senate, appealed to the czar him- self, and such appeal was found unjust, he was punished with death : but to mitigate the rigour of this law, the czar created a master of the re- quests, who received the petitions of those who had affairs depending in the senate, or in the in- ferior courts, concerning which the laws then in force were not suflBciently explanatory. At length, in 1722, he completed his new code, prohibiting all the judges, under pain of death, to depart therefrom in their decrees, or to set up their o>yn private opinions in place of the general statutes. This dreadful ordonnance was ])ublicly fixed up, and still remains in all the courts o' judicature of the empire. He erected every thing anew ; there was not, even to the common aflPairs of society, aught but what was his work. He regulated the degrees between man and man, according to their posts and employments, from the admiral and the field- marshal to the ensign, without any regard to birth. Having always in his own mind, and willing to imprint it on those of his subjc'cts, that services are preferable to pedigree, a certain rank was likewise fixed for the women ; and she who took a seat in a public assembly, that did not properly belong to her, was obliged to pay a fine. By a still more useful regulation, every private soldier, on being made an officer, instantly became a gentleman ; and a nobleman, if his character had been impeached in a court of justice, waa degraded to a plebeian. 348 HISTORY OF After the settling of these several laws and re- gulations, it happened that the increase of towns, wealth,- and population in the empire, new under- takings, and the creation of new employs, neces- earilv introduced a multitude of new affairs and unforeseen cases, which were all consequences of that success which attended the czar in the ge- neral reformation of his dominions. The empress Elizabeth completed the body of laws which her father had begun, in which she gave the most lively proofs of that mildness and clemency for which she was so justly famed. CHAP. XXXIII. Of Religion. AT this time Peter laboured more than ever to reform the clergy. He had abolished the patriarchal office, and by this act of authority had alienated the minds of the ecclesiastics. He was determined that the imperial power should be free and absolute, and that of the church re- spected, but submissive. His design was, to es- tablish a council of religion, which should always subsist, but dependent on the sovereign, and that it should give no laws to the church, but such as should be approved of by the head of the state, of which the church was a part. He was as- sisted in this undertaking by the archbishop of Novogorod, named Theophanes Procop, or Pro- copowitz, i. e. son of Procop. This prelate was a person of great learning and sagacity : his travels through the different parts of Europe had afforded him opportunities o( remarks on the several abuses which reign PETER THE GREAT. 349 amongst them. The czar, who had himself been a witness of the same, had this great advantage in forming all his regulations, that he was pos- sessed of an unlimited power to choose what was useful, and rejoct what was dangerous. He la- boured, in concert with the archbishop, in the years 1718 and 1719, to effect bis design. He established a perpetual synod, to be composed of twelve members, partly bishops, and partly archpriests, all to be chosen by the sovereign. This college was afterwards augment*'d to four- teen. The motives of this establishment were ex- plained by the czar in a preliminary discourse. The chief and most remarkable of these was, ' That under the administration of a college of priests, there was less danger of troubles and in- surrections, than under the government of a sin- gle head of the church ; because the common people, who are always i)rone to superstition, might, by seeing one head of the church, and another of the state, be led to believe that they were in fact two different powers.' And here^ upon he cites as an example, the divisions which 80 long subsisted between the empire and the papal see, and which stained so many kingdoms with blood. Peter thought, and openly declared, that the notion of two powers in a state, founded on the allegory of the two swords, mentioned in the apostles, was absurd and erroneous. This court was invested with the ecclesiastical power of regulating all penances, and examining into the morals and capacity of those nominated by the court to bishoprics, to pass judgment en dernier ressort in all causes relating to religion, in which it was the custom formerly to appeal ta the patriarch, and also to take coguizance of the 350 HISTORY OF revenues of monasteries, and the distribution of alms. This synod had the title of most holy, the same which the patriarchs were wont to assume, and in fact the czar seemed to have preserved the patriarchal dignity, but divided among four- teen members, who were all dependant on the crown, and were to take an oath of obedience, which the patriarchs never did. The members of this holy synod, when met in assembly, had the same rank as the senators ; but they were like the senate, all dependant on the prince. But neither this new form of church administra- tion, nor the ecclesiastical code, were iu full vi- gour till four yea;s after its institution, namely in 1722. Peter at first intended, that the synod should have the presentation of those whom they thought most worthy to fill the vacant bishop- rics. These were to be nominated by the em- peror, and consecrated by the synod. Peter frequently presided in person at the assembly4 One day that a vacant see was to be filled, the synod observed to the emperor, that they had none but ignorant persons to present to his ma- jesty : ' Weil, then,' replied the czar, ' you have only to pitch upon the most honest man, he will be worth two Inarned ones.* It is to be observed, that the Greek church has none of that motley order called secular abbots. The petit collet is unknown there, otherwise than by the ridiculousness of its character, but by another abuse (as every thing in this world must be subject to abuse) the bishops and prelates are all chosen from the monastic orders. The first monks were only laymen, partly devotees, and partly fanatics, who retired into the deserts, where they were at length gathered together by St. Basil, who gave them a body of rules, and PETER THE GREAT. 351 then they took vows, and were reckoned as the lower order of the church, which is the first step to be taken to arise at higher dignities. It was this that filled all Greece and Asia with monks. Russia was overrun with them. 1 hey became rich, powerful, and though excessively ignorantj they were, at the accession of Peter to the throne, almost the only persons who knew how to write. Of this knowledge they made such an abuse, when struck and confounded with the new regu- lations which Peter introduced in all the depart- ments of government, that he was obliged in 1703 to issue an edict, forbidding the use of pen and ink to the monks, without an express order from the archimandrite, or prior of the convent, who in that case was responsible for the behaviour of those to whom he granted this indulgence. Peter designed to make this a standing law, and at first he intended, that no one should be admitted into any order under fifty years of age ; but that appeared too late an age, as the life of man being in general so limited, there was not time sufficient for such persons to acquire the necessary qualifications for being made bishops ; and therefore, with the advice of his synod, he placed it at thirty years complete, but never under; at the same time expressly prohibiting any person exercising the profession of a soldier, or an husbandman, to enter into a convent, with- out an immediate order from the emperor, or the synod, and to admit no married man upon any account, even though divorced from his wife ; unlese that wife should at the same time embrace a religious life of her own pure will, and that neither of them had any children. No person in actual employ under government can take the habit, without an express order of the state foi ikat purpose^ Every monk ia obliged to work 352 HISTORY OF with his own hands at some trade. The nuna are never to go without the walls of their con- vent, and at the age of fifty are to receive the tonsure, as did the deaconesses of the primitive church ; but if, before undergoing that ceremonj, thev have aa inclination to marry, they are not' only allowed, but even exhorted so to do. An admirable regulation in a country where poi- pulation is of infinitely greater use than a mo- nastic life. Peter was desirous that those unhappy fe- males, whom God has destined to people a kingdom, and who, by a mistaken devotion, an- nihilated in cloisters that race of which they would otlierwise become mothers, should at least be of some service to society, which they thus injure ; and therefore ordered, that they ahould all be employed in some handy works, suitable to their sex. The empress Catherine took upon herself the care of sending for several handicrafts over from Brabant and Holland, whom she distributed among these convents, and, in a short time, they praduced several kinds of work, which the empress and her ladies always wore as a part of their dress. There cannot perhaps be any thing coneeived more prudent than these institutions ; but what merits the attention of all ages, is the regulation which Peter made himself, and which he ad- dressed to the synod in 172-k The ancient ec- clesiastical institution is there very learnedly ex- plained, and the indolence of the monkish life admirably well exposed \ and he not only re- commends an application to labour and industry,, but even commands it ; and that the principal occupation of those people should be, to assist and relieve the poor. He likewise orders, that :iick and infirm soldiers shall he quartered in tisA PETER THE GREAT. 353 convents, and that a certain number of monks shall be set apart to take care of them, and that the most strong and healthy of these shall culti- vate the lands belonging to those convents. He orders the same regulations to be observed in the monasteries for women, and that the strongest of these shall take care of the gardens, and the rest to wait on sick or infirm women, who shad be broughi from the neighbouriuj^ country into the convents for that purpose. He also enters into the minutest details relating to these ser- vices ; and lastly, he appoints certain monaste- ries of both sexes for the reception and education of orphans. In reading this ordinance of Peter the Great, which was published the 31=t January, 17'J4, one would imagine it to have been framed by a minister of state and a father of the church. Almost all the customs in the Russian church are different from those of ours. As soon as a man is made a sub-deacon, we prohibit him from marrying, and he is accounted guilty of sacrilege if he proves instrumental to the population of his country. On the contrary, when any one has taken a sub-deacon's order in Russia, he is obliged likewise to take a wife, and then may rise to the rank of priest, and arch-priest, but he cannot be made a bishop, unless he is a widower and a monk. Peter forbid all parish-priests from bringing up more than one son to the service of the church, anleas it was particularly desired by the parish- ioners ; and this he did, lest a numerous family might in time come to tyrannize over the parish. We may perceive in these little circumstances re- lating to church-government, that the legislator had always the good of the state in view, and that he took every precaution to make the clergy 554 HISTORY OF properly respected, with out being dangerous, acd that they should be neither contemptible nor powerful. In those curious memoirs, composed by an of- ficer who was a particular favourite of Peter the Great, I find the following anecdote : — One day a person reading to the czar that number of the English Spectator, in which a parallel is drawn between him and Lewis XIV. '1 do not think,' said Peter, ' that I deserve the preference that is here given me over that monarch ; but I have been fortunate enough to have the superiority over him in one essential point, namely, that of having obliged my clergy to live in peace and submission ; whereas mv brother Lewis has suf- fered himself to be ruled bv his.' A prince, whose days were almost wholly spent in the fatigues of war, and his nights in the com- piling laws for the better government of so large an empire, andm directing so many great labours, through a space of two thousand leagues, must stand in need of some hours of amusement. Diver- sions at that time were neither so noble or elegant as they now are, and therefore we must not wonder if Peter amused himself with the entertainment of the sham conclave, of which mention has been already made, and other diversions of the same stamp, which were frequently at the expense of the Romish church, to which he had a great dis- like, and which was very pardonable in a prince of the Greek communion, who was determined to be master in his own dominions. He likewise gave several entertainments of the same kind at the expense of the monks of his o'wn country ; but of the ancient monks, whose follies and bigotry he wished to ridicule, while he strove to reform tlie new. We have already seen that previous to hispob* PETER THE GREAT. 355 lisliiag bis church-laws, he created one of his fools pope, and celebrated the feast of the sham con- clave. This fool, whose name was Jotof, was between eighty and ninety. The czar took it into bis head to make him marry an old widow of his own age, and to have their nupiia!s publicly so- lemnized ; he caused the invitation to the mar- riage guests to be made by four persons who were remarkable for stammering. The bride was con- ducted to church by decrepit old men, four of the most bulky men that could be found in Russia acted as running footmen. The music were seated in a waggon drawn by bears, whom they every now and then pricked with goads of iron, and who, by their roaring, formed a full base, per- fectly agreeable to the concert in the cart. The married couple received the benediction in the cathedral from the hands of a deaf and blind priest, who, to appear more ridiculous, wore a large pair of spectacles on his nose. The pro- cession, the wedding, the marriage-feast, the un- dressing anil putting to bed of the bride and bride- groom, were all of a piece with the rest of this burlesque ceremony. We may perhaps be apt to look upon this as a trivial and ridiculous entertainment for a great prince ; but is it more so than our carnival ? or to see five or six Imndred persons with masks on their faces, and dressed in the most ridiculous manner, skipping and jumping about togetlier, for a whole night in a large room, without speak- ing a word to each other ? In fine, were the ancient feasts of the fools and the ass, and the abbot of the cuckolds, which were formerly celebrated in our churches, much superior, or did our comedies of the foolish mo- ther exhibit marks of a greater genius? 356 HISTORY OF CHAP. XXXIV. The congress of Aland or Oeland. Death of Charles Xr I., Sec. The treatv of Nystadt. T^HESE immense labours, this minute review of the v/hole Russian empire, and the melan- choly proceedings against his unhappy son, were not the only objects which demanded the atten- tion of the czar ; it was necessary to secure hira- aelf without doors, at the same time that he was «ettling order and tranquillity within. The war with Sweden was still carried on, though faintly, in hopes of approaching peace. It is a known fact, that in the year 1717, car- dinal Alberoni, prime minister to Philip V. of Spain, and baron Gortz, who had gained an en- tire ascendant over the mind of Charles XII. had concerted a project to change the face of affairs in Europe, by effecting a reconciliation between this last prince and the czar, driving George I. from the English throne, and replacing Stanislaus on that of Poland, while cardinal Alberoni waa to procure the regencv of France for his master Philip. Gortz. as has been already observed, had opened his mind on this head to the czar him- self. Alberoni had begun a negotiation with prince Kourakin, the czar's ambassador at the Hague, by means of the Spanish ambassador, Baretti Landi, a native of Mantua, who had, like the cardinal, quitted his ovna country to live in Spain. Thus a set of foreigners were about to overturn the general system, for masters under whose dominion they were not born, or rather for them- selves. Charles XII. gave into all these project*, and the czar contented himself with examining them in private. Since the year 1716 be had PETER THE GREAT. 357 made only feeble efforts against Sweden, and those rather with a view to oblige that kingdom to purchase peace by restoring those places it had taken in the course of the war, than with an intent to crush it altogether. The baron Gortz, ever active and indefatiga- ble in his projects, had prevailed on the czar to send plenipotentiaries to the island of Oeland to set on foot a treaty of peace. Bruce, a Scotch- man, and grand master of the ordnance in Russia, and the famous Osterman, who was afterwards at the head of affairs, arrived at the place ap- pointed for the congress exactly at the time that the czarowitz was put under arrest at Moscow. Gortz and Gillembourg were already there on the part of Charles XII. both impatient to bring about a reconciliation between that prince and Peter, and to revenge themselves on the king of Eng- land It was an extraordinary circumstance that there should be a congress, and no cessation of arms. The czar's fleet still continued cruising on the coasts of Sweden, and taking the ships of that nation. Peter thought by keeping up hosti- lities to hasten the conclusion of a peace, of which he knew the Swedes stood greatly in need, and which must prove highly glorious to the con- queror. Notwithstanding the little hostilities which still continued, every thing bespoke the speedy approach of peace. The preliminaries began by mutual acts of generosity, which produce stronger efl^ecls than many hand-writings. The czar sent back without ransf)m marshal Erens- child, whom he had taken prisoner with his own hands, and Charles in return did the same bv Trubetskoy and Gallowin, who bad continued pri- soners in Sweden ever since the battle of Narva. The negotiations now advanced apace, and a •J58 HISTORY OF total change was going to be made in the afikirt of the North. Gortz proposed to the czar to pot the duchy of !Mecklenburg into his hands. Duke Charles, its sovereign, who had married a daughter of czar John. Peter's elder brother, was at vari- ance with the nobility of the country, who had taken arms against him. And Peter, who looked upon that prince as his brother-ia-law, had an army in Mecklenburg reaSy to espouse his cause. Thf king of England, elector of Hanover, declared on the side of the nobles. Here was another opportunity of mortifying the king of England, by putting Peter in possession of Mecklenburg, who, being already master of Livonia, would by this means, in a short time, become more powerful in Germany than any of its electors. 1 he duchy of Courland was to be given to the duke of ^leclc- lenburg, as an equivalent for his own, together with a part of Prussia at the expense of Poland, who, was to have Stanislaus again for her king. Bremen and Verden were to revert to Sweden ; but these provinces could not be wrested out of the hands of the king of England but by force of arms ; accordingly Gortz's project was (^as we have already said) to effect a firm union between Peter and Charles XII., and that not only by the bands of peace, but by an offensive alliance, in v/hich case they were jointly to send an anny into Scotland. Charles XII. after having made himself master of Norway, was to make a des- cent on Great Britain, and he fondly imagined he should be able to set a new sovereign on the throne of those kingdoms, after having replaced one of his own choosing on that of Poland. Car- dmal Alberoni promised both Peter and Charles to furnish them with subsidies. The falj of the king of England would, it was supposed, draw vith it that of his ally, the regent of France, PETER THE GREAT. 359 wbo being thus deprived of all support, was to fall a victim to the victorious arms of Spain, and the discontent of the French nation. Alberoni and Gortz now thought themselves secure of totally overturning the system of Europe, when a cannon ball from the bastions of Frede- ricksbal in Norway confounded all their mighty projects. Charles XII. was killed, the Spanish fleet was beaten by that of England, the con- spiracy which had been formed in France was dis- covered and quelled, Alberoni was driven out of Spain, and Gortz was beheaded at Stockholm; and of all this formidable league, so lately made, the czar alone retained his credit, who by not having put himself in the power of any one, gave law to all his neighbours. At the death of Charles XII. there was a total change of measures in Sweden. Charles had governed with a despotic power, and his sister Ulrica was elected Queen on express con- dition of renouncing arbitary government. Charles intended to form an alliance with the czar against England and its allies, and the new government of Sweden now joined those allies against the czar. The congress at Oeland, however, was not broken up ; but the Swedes, now in league with the English, flattered themselves that the fleets of that nation sent into the Baltic would procure them a more advantageous peace. A body of Hanoverian troops entered the dominions of the duke of Mecklenburg (Feb. 1716.), but were soon driven from thence by the czar's forces. Peter likewise had a body of troops in Poland, which kept in awe both the party of Augustus, and that of Stanislaus ; and as to Sweden, he had a fleet always ready, either to make a des- cent on their coasts, or to oblige the Swedish 360 HISTORY OF government to hasten mitters in tbe congress. This fleet consisted of twelve large ships of the line, and several lesser ones, besides frigates and galleys. The czar served on board this fleet as vice-admiral, under the command of admiral Apraxin. A part of this fleet signalized itself in the be- ginning against a Swedish squadron, and, after an obstinate engagement, took one ship of the line, and two frigates. Peter, who constantly en- deavoured, bv everr possible means, to encou- rage and improve the navy he had been at so much pains to establish, gave, on this occasion, sixty thousand French livres* in money among the officers of this squadron, with several gold medals, besides conferring marks of honour on those who principally distinguished themselves. About this time also the English fleet under admiral Norris came up the Baltic, in order to favour the Swedes. Peter, who well knew how far he could depend on his new navy, was not to be frightened by the English, but boldly kept the sea, and sent to know of the English admiral if he was come only as a friend to the Swedes, or as an enemy to Russia? The admiral returned for answer, that he had not as yet any positive orders from his court on that head : however Peter, not- withstanding this equivocal reply, continued to keep the sea with his fleet. The English fleet, which in fact was come thither only to shew itself, and thereby induce the czar to grant more favourable conditions of peace to the Swedes, went to Copenhagen, and the Russians made some descents on the Swedish coast, and even iu the neighbourhood of Copen- hagen, (July 1719.) where they destroyed some copper mines, burnt about fifteen thousand hooses, • About three thousand pounds sterling. PETER THE GREAT. 361 and did mischief enough to make the Swede* heartily wish for a speedy conclusion of the peace. Accordingly the new queen of Sweden pressed a renewal of the negotiations ; Osterman hina- self was sent to Stockholm, and matters con- tinued in this situation during the whole of the pear 1719. The following year the prince of Hesse, husband to the queen of Sweden, and now become king, in Tirtue of her havin g yielded up the sovereign power in his favour, began bis reign by sending a minister to the court of Petersburg, in order to hasten the 80 much desired peace ; but the war was still carried on in the midst of these negotiations. The English fleet joined that of the Swedes, but did not yet commit any hostilities, as there was no open rupture betwet^n the courts of Rus- sia and England, and admiral Norris even offered his master's mediation towards bringing about a peace ; but as this offer was made with arms in hand, it rather retarded than facilitated the nego- tiations. The coasts of Sweden, and those of the new Russian provinces in the Baltic, are so situated, that the former lay open to every insult, while the latter are secured by their diflScult ac- cess. This was clearly seen when admiral Nor- ris, after having thrown off the mask, (June 1720.) made a descent in conjunction with the Swedish fleet on a little island in the province of Estho- nia, called Narguen, which belonged to the czar, where they only burnt a peasant's house ; but the R\is8itins at the same time made a descent near Wasa, and burnt forty-one villages, and up- wards of one •housand houses, and did an infinite deal of damage to the country round about. Prince Galitzin boarded and took four Swedish frigates, and the English admiral seemed to have tome only to be spectator of that pitch of glory 362 HISTORY OF to which the czar had raised his infant navy ; for he had but just shewn himself in those seas, when the Swedish frigates were carried in triumph into the harbour of Cronslot before Petersburg.* On this occasions methinks the English did too much if they came only as mediators, and too little if as enemies. Nov. 17'20.] At length, the new king of Sweden demanded a cessation of arms ; and as he found the menaces of the English had stood him in no stead, he had recourse to the duke of Orleans, the French regent ; and this prince, at once an ally of Russia and Sweden, had the honour of effecting a reconciliation between them. (Feb. i7'/l.) He sent Campredon, his plenipotentiary, to the court of Petersburg, and from thence to that of Stockholm. A congress was opened at Nystadt,+ but the C2ar would not agree to a cessation of arras till matiers were on the point of being concluded and the })lenipotcn- tiaries ready to sign. He had an army in Fin- land ready to subdue the rest of that province, and his fleets were continually threatening the Swedish coasts, so that he seemed absolute master of dictating the terms of peace ; accord- ingly they subscribed to whatever he thought fit to demand. By this treaty he wa« to remain in perpetual possession of all that his arms had conquered, from the borders of Courland to the extremity of the gulf of Finland, and from thence again of the whole extent of the country of Kex- • The czar celebrated this victory by a naval triamph ut Petersburg, caused a gold medal lo be struck to per- petuate the glory of the action, presented prince Galitzia with a aword set with diamonds, and distributed a large •am of money among the officers and sailors who bad given such signal proofs of their valour. t A iutle to vn of the Eothnick gull" in Isorth FinlaBc) PETER THE GREAT. 363 holm, and that narrow slip of Fiuland which stretches out to the northward of the neighbour- hood of Kexholm ; so that he remained master of all Livonia, Esthonia, Ingria, Carelia.with the country of Wybourg, and the neighbouring isles, which secured to him the sovereignty of the sea, as likewise of the isles of Oessel, Dago, Mona, and several others : the whole forming an ex- tent of three thousand leagues of country, of un- equal breadth, and which altogether made a large kingdom, that proved the reward of twenty years' immense pains and labour. The peace was signed at Nystadt the lOtli September, 1721, N. S. by the Russian ministei Osterman, and general Bruce. Peter was the more rejoiced at that event, as it freed him from the necessity of keeping such large armies on the frontiers of Sweden, as also from any apprehensions on the part of England, or of the neighbouring states, and left him at full liberty to exert his whole attention to the model- ling of his empire, in which he had already made so successful a beginning, and to cherish arts and commerce, which he had introduced among his subjects, at the expense of infinite la- bour and industry. f In the first transports of his satisfaction, we find him writing in these terras to his plenipo- tentiaries ; ' You have drawn up the treaty as if we ourself had dictated and sent it to you to offer the Swedes to sign. This glorious event shall be ever present to our remembrance.' All degrees of people, throughout the Russian empire, gave proofs of their satisfaction, by the most extraordinary rejoicings of all kinds, and particularly at Petersburg. The triumphal fes- tivals, with which the czar had entertained hia people during the course of the war, were no- 364 HISTORY OF thing to compare to these rejoicipgs for (he peace, which every one hailed with unutterable satia« factioE. Th° peace itself was the most glorious of all his triumphs ; and what pleased more than all the pompous shows on the occasion, was a free pardon and general release granted to all prisoners, and a general remission of all sums due to the royal treasury for taxes throughout the whole empire, to the day of the publication of the peace. In consequence of which a mul- titude of unhappy wretches, who had been con- fined in prison, were set at liberty, excepting only those guilty of highway-robbery, murder, or treason.* • Notwithstanding the great rejoicings made on this oc- casion, Peter was no«-ays inattentive to the aflfairs of state ; but held frequent councils thereon : and being desirous, as Lis son Peter Peirowitz was dead, to settle the sncces- 8ion on a prince who would follow his maxims, and pro- secute the great designs which he had begun for civilizing his people, he ordered public notice to be given, on the £3d of February, to all his subjects inhabiting the city of Moscow, to repair the next daj' to Castle-church ; which they having done, printed papers were delivered to them all, signifj ing, ' That it was his imperialmajesty's pleasure, that every man should swear, and give under his hand, that he would not only approve the choice his majesty would make of a successor, but acknowledge the person he should appoint as emperor and sovereign.' An order was likewise published a few days after at Petersburg, requirinjr the magistrates and all persons to subscribe the same declaration ; and all the grandees of the empire wer« commanded, on pain of death and confiscation, to repair to Moscow by the latter end of March for that purpose, except tliose inhabiting Astracan and Siberia, who, \iving at too great a distance, were excused from giving their personal attendance, aad permitted to subscribe before their respective governors. This oath was readily taken by all ranks and degrees of the people, who were well PETER THE GREAT. 365 It was at this time that the senate decreed Peter the titles of Great, Emperor, and Father cf his Country. Count Golofkin, the high chan- cellor, made a speech to the czar in the great catJiedral, in the name of ail the orders of the 6tate, the senators crying aloud, Long live our emperor and faiher ! in which acclamations they were joined by the united voice of all the people present. The ministers of France, Germany, Poland, Denmark, and the states-general, waited on him, with their congratulations, on the titles lately bestowed on him, and formally acknow- ledged for emperor him who had been always publicly known in Holland by that title, ever since the battle of Pultowa. The names of Fa- ther, and of Great, were glorious epithets, which no one in Europe could dispute him ; that of Emperor was only a honorary title, given by custom to the sovereigns of Germany, as titular kings of the Romans ; and it requires time be- fore sucli appellations come to be formally adopt- ed by those courts where forms of state and real glory are different things. But Peter was in a short time after acknowledged emperor by all the states of Europe, excepting only that of Po- land, wliich was still divided by factions, and the pope, whose suffrage was become of very little significance, since the court of Rome had lost its credit in proportion as other nations became more enlightened. assnred that their emperor would mak« choice of on* who was every wa3' won h J of the succesaion, and capable of 6upf»orii:ifj the dignity intended for him : but they were still in the dark as to the identical person, though it was generally believed to be prince Nari^kin, who wa« nearly related to the emperor, and allowed to have all the qnalitifs requisite for his successor : but a little tinM fhf v/1 tlirm, that tb's conjecture was groundless. 366 HISTORY OF CHAP. XXXV. Couqueats in Persia. T^HE sita\tion of Russia is such, as necessarily obliges her to keep up certain connexions with all the nations that lie in the fifth degree of north latitude. When under a bad administra- tion, she was a prey by turns to the Tartars, the Swedes, and the Poles ; but when governed by a resolute and vigorous prince, she became formi- dable to all her neighbours. Peter began his reign by an advantageous treaty with the Chinese. He had waged war at one and the same time against the Swedes and the Turks, and now pre- pared to lead his victorious armies into Persia. At this time Persia began to fall into that de- plorable state, in which we now behold her. Let us figure to ourselves the thirty years' war in Germany, the times of the league, those of the massacre of St. Bartholomew, and the reigns of Charles VI. and of king John in France, the civil wars in England, the long and horrible ravages of the whole Russian empire by the Tartars, or their invasion of China ; and then we shall have some slight conception of the miseries under which the Persian empire has so long groaned. A weak and indolent prince, and a powerful and enterprising subject, are sufficient to plunge a whole nation into such an abyss of disasters. Hus sein, sha, shaic, or sophi of Persia, a descendant of the great sha Abbas, who sat at this time on the throne of Persia, had given himself wholly up to luxury and eflFeminacy : his prime minister committed acts of the greatest violence and in- justice, which this great prince winked at, and this gave rise to forty years' desolation and blood- shed. PETER THE GllEAF. 367 Persia, like Turkey, has several provinces, all governed in a different manner ; she has subjects immediately under her dominion, vassals, tribu- tary princes, and even nations, to whom the court was wont to pay a tribute, under the name of subsidies ; for instance, the people of Daghestan, who inhabit the branches of mount Caucasus, to the westward of the Caspian Sea, which was formerly a part of the ancient Albania ; for all nations have changed their appellation and their limits. These are now called Lesgians, and are mountaineers, who are rather under the protec- tion, than the dominion, of Persia ; to these the government paid subsidies for defending the frontiers. At the other extremity of the empire, towarde the Indies, was the prince of Candahar, who com- manded a kind of martial militia, called Aghwans. This prince of Candahar was a vassal of the Per- sian, as the hospodars of Walachia and Moldavia are of the Turkish empire : this vassalage was not hereditary, but exactly the same with the ancient feudal tenures established throughout Europe, by that race of Tartars who overthrew the Roman empire. 'J'he Aghwan militia, of which the prince of Candahar was the head, was the same with the Albanians on the coasts of the Caspian Sea, in the neigbourhood of Daghestan, and a mixture of Circassians and Georgians, like the ancient .Mamelucks who enslaved Egypt. The name of Aghwans is a corruption ; Timur, whom we call Tamerlane, had led these people into India, and they remained settled in the province of Candahar, which sometimes belonged to t\n- Mogul empire, and sometimes to that of IVrsia- It was these Aohwans and Lesgians who begar the revolution. Mir-Weis, or Meriwitz, intendant of the pro- 368 HISTORY OF vince, whose office was only to collect (he tributes, assassinated the prince of Candahar, armed the militia, and continued master of the province till his death, which happened in 1717. His brother came quietly to the succession, by paying a slight tribute to the Persian court. But the son of Mir- Weis, who inherited the ambition of his father, assassinated his uncle, and began to erect him- self into a conqueror. This young man was called Mir-Mahmoud, but he was known in Europe only by the name of his father, who had begun the re- bellion. Mahmoud reinforced his Aghwans, by adding to them all the Guebres he could get to- gether. These Guebres were an ancient race of Persians, who had been dispersed by the caliph Omar, and who still continued attached to the re- ligion of the Magi (formerly flourished in the reign of Cyrus), and were always secret enemies to the new Persians. Having assembled his forces, Mahmoud marched into the heart of Persia, at the head of a hundred thousand men. At the same time the Lesgians or Albanians, who, on account of the troublesome times, had not received their subsidies from the court of Persia, came down from their mountains with an armed force, so that the flames of civil war were lighted up at both ends of the empire, and extended them- selves even to the capital. These Lesgians ravaged all that country which stretches along the western borders of the Caspian bea, as far as Derbent, or the Iron Gate. In this country is situated the city of Shamache, atjout lifteen leagues distant from the sea, and is Kaid to have been the ancient residence of Cyrus, and by the Greeks called Cyropolis, for we know nothing of the situation or names of these coun- tries, but what we have from the Greeks ; butM the Persians never had a prince called Gym*, PETER THE GREAT. 369 much less had they any city called CyropoJis It i^ much iu the same manner that the Jews, who commenced authors when they were settled in Alexandria, framed a notion of a city called Scythopolis, which, said they, was built by the Scythians in the neighbourhood of Judea, as if either Scythians or ancient Jews could iiave given Greek names to their towns. The city of Shamache was very rich. The Armenians, who inhabit in the neighbourhood of this part of the Persian empire, carried on an immense traffic there, and Peter had lately esta- blished a company of Russian merchants at his own expense, which company became very flourishing. The Lesgians made themselves masters of this city by surprise, plundered it, and put to death all the Russians who traded there under the protection of shah Hussein, after hav- ing stripped all their warehouses. The loss on this occasion was said to amount to four millions of rubles. Peter upon this sent to demand satisfaction of the emperor Hussein, who was then disputing the throne with the rebel Mahmoud, who had usurped it, and likewise of IMahmoud himself, 'ihe former of these was willing to do the czar justice, tlie other refused it ; Peter therefore resolved to nght himself, and take advantage of the di.stractiona in the Per.'^ian empire. Alir-Mahmoud still pushed bis conquests in Persia. The soj)hi hearing that the emjiero^ of Russia was prejiaring to enter the Caspian Sea, iu order to revenge the murder of his Mjhjects at Shamache, made private apjilicati(;n to him, by jueans of an Armenian, to take upon him at the same lime the deff-nre of Persia. Peter had for a considerable time formed <^ urojert to mak? himself master of the Caspi:ui 370 HISTORY OF Sea, by ntians of a powerful naval force, and to turn the tide of commerce from Persia and apart of India through his own dominions. FTe had caused several parts of this sea to be sounded, the coasts to be surveyed, and exact charts made of the whole. He then set sail for the coast of Persia the 15th day of May, 172'.^. Catherine accompanied him in this voyage, as she had done in the former. They sailed down the Wolga as far as the city of Astreican. From thence he hastened to forward the canals which were to join the Caspian, the Baltic, and the Euxine seas, a work which has been since executed in part under the reign of his grandson. While he was directing these works, the neces- sary provisions for his expedition were arrived in the Caspian Sea. He was to take with him twenty-two thousand foot, nine thousand dra- goons, fifteen thousand Cossacks, and three thou- sand seamen, wlio were to work the ships, and occasionally assist the soldiery in making descents on the coast. The horse were to march over land through deserts where there was frequently no water to be had, and afterwards to pass over the mountains of Caucasus, where three hundred men are sufficient to stop the progress of a whole army ; but the distracted condition in which Persia then was, warranted the most hazardous enterprises. The czar sailed about a hundred leagues to the .southward of Astracan, till he came to the little town of Andrewhoff. It may appear extraordi- nary to hear of the name of Andrew on the coasts of the Hyrcanian Sea ; but some Georgians, who were formerly a sect of Christians, had built this town, which the Persians afterwards fortified ; but it fell an easy prey to the czar's arms. From thence he continued advancing by land into the PETER THE GREAT. 371 province of Daghestau, and caused manifestoes to be circulated in the Turkish and Persian lan- guages.* It was necessary to keep fair with the Ottoman Porte, who reckoned among its sub- jects, not only the Circassians and Georgians, who border upon this country, but also several powerful vassals, who had of late put themselves under the protection of the grand seignior. Among others there was one very powerful, named Mahmoud d'Utmich, who took the title of sultan, and had the courage to attack the czar's troops, by which he was totally defeated, and the story says, that his whole country was made a bonfire on the occasion. Sept. 14, 1722.] In a short time afterwards Peter arrived at the city of Derbent, by the Per- sians and Turks called Demir Capi, that is, the Iron Gate, and so named from having formerly had an iron gate at the south entrance. The city is long and narrow, its upper part joins to a rocky branch of IMount Caucasus, and the walls of the lower part are washed by the sea, which in violent htorms make a breach over them. These walls might jjass for one of the wonders of an- tiquity, being forty feet in height, and six in breadth, defended with square towers at the dis- tance of every fifty feet. The whole work seems one uniform piece, and is built of a sort of brown free-stone mixed with pounded shells, which • These be published and distributed along the bor- ders of the Caspian Sea, therein declaring — That h« came not npoa the frontiers of Persia, with an intention of reducing any of the provinres of that kingdom to bis obedience, but only to maintain the lawful possessor of them on bis throne, and to defend him jjowerfully, toge- Mrilh his faithful subjects, against the tyranny of Mir IVlahmoud, and to obtain satisfaction from him and his Tartars, fur the robberies and mittchiL-fs which they had ooinmitted in the Russian empire. 372 HISTORY OF served as mortar, so that the whole forms a mass harder than marble. The city lies open from the sea, but part of it next the land appears impreg- nable. There are still some ruins of an old wall like that of China, which must have been built in the earliest times of antiquity, and stretched from the borders of the Caspian Sea to the Pon- tus Euxiuus ; and this was probably a rampart raised by the ancient kings of Persia against those swarms of barbarians which dwelt between those two seas. According to the Persian tradiiion, the city of Derbent was partly repaired and fortified by Alexander the Great. Arrian and Quintus Cur- tius tell us, that Alexander absolutely rebuilt this city. They say indeed that it was on the banks of the Tanais or Don, but then in their time the Greeks gave the name of Tanais to the river Cy- rus, which runs by the city. It would be a con- tradiction to suppose that Alexander should build a harbour in the Caspian Sea, on a river that opens into the Black Sea. There were formerly three or four other porta in different parts of the Caspian Sea, all which were probably built with the same view ; for the several nations inhabiting to the west, east, and north of that sea, have in all times been barba- rians, who had rendered themselves formidable to the rest of the world, and from hence princi- pally issued those swarms of conquerors who sub- jugated Asia and Europe. And here I must beg leave to remark, how much pleasure authors in all ages have taken to impose upon mankind, and how much they have preferred a vain show of eloquence to matter of fact. Qaintus Curtius puts into the mouths of Scythians an admirable speech full of moderation and philosophy, as if the Tartars of those regiont PETER THE GREAT. 373 had been all so many sages, and that Alexander had not been the general nominated by the Ureeks against the king of Persia, sovereign of the great- est part of southern Scythia and the Indies. Other rhetoricians, thinking to imitate Qiiintus Cur- tius, have studied to make us look upon those savages of Caucacus anJ its dreary deserts, who lived wholly upon rapine and bloodshed, as the people in the world most remarkable for austere virtue and justice, and have painted Alexander, the avenger of Greece, and the conqueror of those who would have enslaved him and his country, as a public robber, vvho had ravaged the world without justice or reason. Such writers do not consider, that these Tar- tars were never otlier than destroyers, and that Alexarider built towns in the very country which they inhabited •, and in this respect 1 may ven- ture to coaipare Peter the Great to Alexander , like him he was assiduous and indefatigable in his pursuits, a lover and friend of the useful arts ; he surpassed him as a lawgiver, and like him endeavoured to change the tide of commerce in the world, and built and repaired at least as many towns as that celebrated hero of antiquity. On the approach of the Russian army, the governor of Derbent resolved not to sustain a siege, whether he thought he was not able to de- fend the place, or that he preferred the czar's protection to that of the tyrant Mahmoud ; brought the keys of the town and citadel (which were silver) and presented them to Peter, whose army pea':eably entered the city, and then en- ramped on the sea- shore. riie usurper, Mahmoud, already master of great part of Persia, in vain endeavoured to pre- vent file czar from taking possession of Derbent : he stirred up the neighbouring Tartars, and 374 HISTORY OF marched into Persia to the relief of the place ; but, too late, for Derbent was already in the hands of the conqueror. Peter hov/ever was not in a condition to push his successes any further at this time. The ves- sels which were bringing him a fresh supply of provisions, horses, and recruits, had been cast away near Astracan, and the season was far spent. He therefoie returned to Moscow, Jan. 5. which he entered in triumph ; ajid after bis arri- val (according to custom) gave a strict account of his expedition to the vice-czar Romadanowski, thus keeping up this extraordinary farce, which, says his eulogium, pronounced in the academy of sciences at Paris, ought to have been performed before all the monarchs of the earth. The empire of Persia continued to be divided between Hussein and the usurper Mahmoad. The first of these thought to find a protector in the czar, and the other dreaded him as an avenger, who was come to snatch the fruits of his rebellion out of his hands. Mahmoud ex- erted all his endeavours to stir up the Ottoman Porte against Peter, and for this purpose sent an embassy to Constantinople, while the princes of Daghestan, who were under the protection of the grand seignior, and had been stript of their territories by the victorious army of Peter, cried aloud for vengeance. The divan was now alarmed for the safety of Georgia, which the Turks reckon in the number of their dominions. The grand seignior was on the point of de- claring war against the czar, but was prevented by the courts of Vienna and Paris. The empe- ror of Germany at the same time declared, that if Russia should be attacked by the Turks, he must be obliged to defend it. The marquis de Uonac, the French ambassador at Constantinople, PETER THE GREAT. 375 made a dextrous use of the menaces of the Im- perial court, aud at the same time insinuated, that it was contrary to the true interest of the Turkish empire, to suffer a rebel and an usurper to set the example of dethroning sovereigns, and tliat the czar had done no more than what the grand seignior himself ought to have done. During these delicate negotiations, Mir Mah- moud was advanced to the gates of Derbent, and had laid waste all the neighbouring country in order to cut off all means of subsistence from the Russian army. That part of ancient Hyrcania, now called Ghilan, was reduced to a desert, and the inhabitants threw themselves under the pro- tection of the Russians, whom they looked upon as their deliverers. In this they followed the example of the sophi himself, i hat unfortunate prince sent a formal embassy to Peter the Great, to request his as- sistance ; but the ambassador was hardly de- parted, when the rebel, Alir Mahmoud, seized on Ispahan and the person of his master. Ihamaseb, the son of the dethroned sophi, who was taken prisoner, found means to escape out of the tyrant's hands, and got together a body of troops, with which he gave the usurper battle. He seconded his father's entreaties to Peter the Great for his protection, and sent to the ambas- sador the same instructions which Shah Hussein nad given him. This ambassador, whose name was Ishmael Beg, found that his negotiations had proved suc- cessful, even before he arrived in person ; for, on landing at Asiracan, he learnt that general Matufkin was going to set out with fresh recruits to reinforce the army in Daghealan. The dey of Baku or Baclin, whiih with the Persians givea to the Ca-^pian Sea the name of the Sea of Bai ou. 376 HISTORY OF was not yet taken. The ambassador therefore gave the Russian general a letter for the inha- bitants, in which be exhorted tliem in his mas- ter's name to submit to the emperor of Russia. The ambassador then ])roceeded to Petersburg, and general Matufkin departed to lay siege to the city of Bachu. (Aug. 17-23.) The Persian ambassador arrived at the czar's court the verr day that tidings were brought of the reduction of that city. Baku is situate near Shamacbe, but is neitner so Well peopled, nor so rich as the latter. It is chic fly remarkable for the naptba, with which it furni.shes all Persia. Never was treaty so speedily concluded as that of Ishmael Beg. (Sept. 1723.) Czar Peter promised to march with his forces into Persia, in order to revenge the death of his subjects, and to succour Thama- seb against the usurper of his crown, and the new sophi in return was to cede to him, not only the towns of Bachu and Derbeut, but likewise the provinces of Ghilan, Mazanderan, and As- terabath. Ghilan is, as we have already observed, the ancient South Hyrcania ; Mazanderan, which joins to it, is the covmtry of the Mardi, or Mar- dians ; and Asterabath borders upon Mazan- deran. These were the three principal provinces of the ancient Median kings ; so that Peter be- held himself, by the means of arms and treaties, in possession of the original kingdom of Cyrus. It may not be foreign to our subject to observe, that by the articles of this convention, the prices of necess.Hries to be furnished to the army were settled. A camel was to cost only sixty franks (about twelve rubles) a pound of bread no more than five farthings, the same weight of beef about six. These prices furnish a convincing proof of PETER IHE GREAT. 377 the plenty he found in these countries, that pos- sessions in land are of the most intrinsic value, and that money, which is only of nominal worth, was it that time very scarce. Such was the deplorable state to which Persia was then reduced, that the unfortunate sophi Thamaseb, a wanderer in his own kingdom, and flying before the face of the rebel, Mahmoud, who had dipt his hands in the blood of his father and his brothers, was necessitated to entreat the court of Russia and the Turkish divan to accept of one part of his dominions to preserve for him the rest. It was agreed then, between czar Peter, sultan Achmet III. and the sophi Thamaseb, that the first of these should keep the three provinces above-named, and that the Porte should have Casbin, Tauris, and Erivan, besides what she had already taken from tlie usurper. Thus was this noble kingdom dismembered at once by the Russians, the Turks, and the Persians them- selves. And now the emperor Peter might be said to extend his dominions from the furthest part of the Baltic Sea, beyond the southern limits of the Caspian. Persia still continued a prey to viola- tions and devastations, and its natives, till then opulent and polite, were now sunk in poverty and barbarism, while the Russian people had arisen from indigence and ignorance to a state of riches and learning. One single man, by a resolute and enterprising genius, had brought his country out of obscurity ; and another, by his weakness and indolence, had brought destruction upon his. Hitherto we know very little of the private cala- mities which for so long a time spread desolation over the face of the Persian empire. It is said, that shah Hussein was so pusillanimous as to place 378 HISTORY OF Avith his own hands the tiara or crown of Persia on the head of the usurper Mahnioud, and also that this Mahmoud afterwards went mad. Thus the lives nf so many thousands of men depenij on the caprice of a madman or a fool. I'hey add furthermore, that AJahmoud, in one of his fits of frenzy, put to death with his own hand all the sons and nephews of the shah Hussein to the number of a hundred ; and that he caused the gospel of Sr. John to be read upon his head, in order to punfv himself, and to receive a cure for his disorder. These and such like Persian fables have been circulated by our monks, and after- wards printed in Paris. The tyrant, after having murdered his uncle, was in his turn put to death by his nephew EshreflF, who was as cruel and bloody a tyrant as Mab- moud himself. Shah Thamaseb still continued imploring the assistance of Russia. 'I'his I'hamaseb or shah Thomas, was assisted and afterwards replaced on the throne by the famous Kouli Khan, and was again dethroned by the same Kouli Khan. The revolutions and wars which Russia bad afterwards to encounter against the Turks, and in which she proved victorious, the evacuating the three provinces in Persia, which cost Russia more to keep than they were worth, are events which do not concern Peter the Great, as they did not happen till several years after his death ; it may suffice to observe, that he finished bis mi- litary career by adding three provinces to bis empire on the part next to Persia, after having just before added the same number on that side next to Sweden. PETER THE GREAT. 379 CHAP. XXXVI. Of the Coronation of the Empress Catherine I. and the Death of Peter the Great. T)ETER, at his return from his Persian expe- dition, found himself in a better condition than ever to be the arbiter of the North. He now openly dechired himself the protector of Charles XII. whose professed enemy he had been for eighteen years. He sent for the duke of Holstein, nephew to that monarch, to his court, promised him his eldest daughter in marriage, and began to make preparations for supporting him in his claims on the duchy of Holstein .Sleswick, and even engaged himsoif so to do by a treaty of alliance, (Feb. 17^4.) wiiich he con- cluded with the crown of Sweden. He continued the works he had begun all over his empire, to the further extremity of Kamt- shatka, and for the bettc-r direction of them, es- tablished an academy of sciences at Petersburg. 'Ihe arts began now to flourish on every side : manufactures were encouraged, the navy was augmented, the army well provided, and the laws properly enforced. He now enjoyed his glory in full rej)Ose ; but was desirous of sharing it in a new manner with her who, according to his own declrtration, by remedying the disaster of the cam])aign of Pruth. had been in some measure the instrument of his acquiring that glory. Accordingly, the coronation of his consort Catherine was performed at Moscow, in pre- sence of the ducliess of (^ourland, his eldest bro- ther's daughter, and the duke of Holstein, hi>i in- tended son- in law. (May 28. 17^4.) 'Iho de- 580 HISTORY OF claration which he published on this occasion merits attenlion : he therein cites the examples of several Christian princes who had placed the crown on the beads of their consorts, as likewise those of the heathen e-mperors, Basilides, Justi- nian, Heraclius, and Leo, the philosopher. He enumerates the services Catherine had done to the state, and in particular in the war against the Turks, — ' Where mv army,' says he, ' which had been reduced to 22,000 men, had to encounter an army above 200,000 strong.' He does not ear, in this declaration, that the empress was to suc- ceed to the crown after his death ; but this cere- mony, which was altogether new and unusual in the Russian empire, was one of those means by which he prepared the minds of his subjects for 8uch an event. Another circumstance that might perhaps furnish a stronger reason to believe that he destined Catherine to succeed him on the throne, was. that he himself marched on foot before her the day of her coronation, as captain of a new company, which he had created under the name of the knights o^^" the empres-i. When they arrived at the cathedral, Peter him- self placed the crown on her bead ; and when she would have fallen down and embraced his xnees, he prevented her ; and. at their return from the church, caused the sceptre and globe to be car- ried before hc^r. The ceremony was altogether worthy an emperor • for on every public occasion Peter shewed as mv.ch pomp and magnificence AS he did plainness and simplicity in his private manner of living. Having thus crowned his spouse, he at length determined to give his eldest daughter, Anna Petrowna, in marriage to the duke of Holstein. This princess greatlv resen.»t>led her father in tho face, was very majestic, and of a singular beauty PETER THE GREAT. r,8l Slip was betrothed to the duke of Hoi stein on the ?4th of November, 1724, but with very little ceremony. Peter having for some time past found his }iealth greatly impaired, and this, to- gether with some family uneasiness, tliat perhaps rather increased his disorder, which in a short time proved fatal, permitted him to have but very little relish for feasts or public diversions in this latter part of his life. •The empress Catherine had at that time a young man for the chamberlain of her household, whose name was Moens de la Croix, a native of Russia, but of Flemish parents, remarkably hand- some and genteel. His sister, madame de Bale, was bed-chamber-woman to tlie empress, and these two had entirely the management of her household Being both accused of having taken presents, they were sent to prison, and afterwards brought to their trial by express order of the czar ; who, by an edict in the year 1714, had forbidden any one holding a place about court to receive any present or other gratuity, on pain of being declared infamous, and suffering death ; and this prohibition had been several times renewed. The brother and sister were foimd guilty, and received sentence, and all those who had either purchased their services or given them any gra- tuity in return for tlie same, were included therein, except the duke of Holstein and his minister count Bassewitz : as it is probable that the pre- sents made by that prince, to those who had a share in bringiiig about his marriage with the czar's daughter, were not looked upon in a cri minal light. Moens was condemned to be beheaded, and his sister (who was the empress's favourite) to re- ceive eleven strokes of the knout. The two sons • Memoirs of Basnewitz. SSe HISTORY OF of this lady, one of \vhom was an officer in the household, and the other a page, were degraded, and sent to serve as private soldiers in the army in Persia. These severities, though they shock our man- ners, were perhaps necessary in a country where the observance of the laws is to be enforced only by the most terrifying rigour. The empress soli- cited her favourite's pardon ; but the czar, of- fended at her application, peremptorily refused her, and, in the heat of his passion, seeing a fine looking-glass in the apartment, he, with one blow of his fist, broke it into a thousand pieces ; and, turning to the empress, ' Thus,' said he, ' thou seest I can, with one stroke of my hand, reduce this glass to its original dust.' Catherine, in a melting accent, replied, ' It is true, yoa have de- stroyed one of the greatest ornaments of your palace, but do you think that palace is the more charming for its loss V This answer appeased the emperor's wrath ; but all the favour that Catherine could obtain for her bed-chamber-woman was, that she should receive only five strokes of the knout instead of eleven. I should not have related this anecdote, had it not been attested by a a public minister, who was •^ye-witness of the whole transaction, and who, by having made presents to the unfortunate brother and lister, was perhaps himself one of ihe principal causes of their disgrace and sufferings. It was this affair that emboldened those who judge of every thing in tlie worst light, to spread the report that Catherine hastened the death of her husband, whose choleric disposition filled her with apprehensions that overweighed the grati- tude she owed him for the many favours he had heaped upon her. These erne sut^picions were confirmed by PETER THE GREAT. 383 Catherine's recalling to court her won.an of the bed-chamber immediately upon the death of the czar, and reinstating her in her former influence. It is the duty of an historian to relate the public reports which have been circulated in all times in states, on the decease of princes who have been snatched away by a premature death, as if nature was not alone sufficient to put a period to the existence of a crowned head as well as that of a beggar ; but it is likewise the duty of an historian to shew how far such reports were rashly or un- justly formed. There is an immense distance between the mo- Uientary discontent which may arise from the morose or harsh behaviour of a husband, apd the desperate resolution of poisoning that hus- band, who is at the same time our sovereign and benefactor in the highest degree. The danger attending such a design would have been as great as it was criminal. Catherine had at that time a powerful party against her, who epoused the cause of the son of the deceased czarowitz. Nevertheless, neither that faction, nor any one person about tiie court, once suspected the czar- ina ; and the vague rumours which were spread on this head were founded only on the mis- taken notions of foreigners, who were very im- ])erfectly acquainted with the affair, and who chose to indulge the wretched pleasure of accus- ing of lieinous crimes those whom they thought interested to commit them. B>it it was even very doubtful whether this was at ail the case with Catherine. It was far from being certain that she was to succeed her husband. She had been crowned indeed, but only in the character of wife to the reigning sovereign, and not as one who waa to enjoy the sovereign authority after his death. Peter in his declaration, had only ordered this 384 HISTORY OF coronation as a matter of ceremony, and not aa conferring a righ* of governing. He therein only cited tlie examples of emperors, who had caused their consorts to be crowned, but not of those who had conferred on them the royal authority. In fine, at the very time of Peter's illness, several persons believed that the princess Anna Petrowna would succeed him jointly with her husband the duke of Holstein, or that the czar would nomi- nate his grandson for his succei^sor ; therefor*-, so far from Catherine's being interested in the death of the emperor, she rather seemed con- cerned in the preservation of his life. It is undeniable, that Peter had, for a consi- d«rable time, bet^n troubled with an abscess in the bladder, and a stoppage of urine. The mineral waters of OInitz, and some others, which he had been advised to use, had proved of very little ser- vice to him, and he had found himself growing sensibly weaker, ever since the beginning of the year l7!i;4. His labours, from which h would not allow himself any respite, increased his dis- order, and has with a pomp becomiag the greatest monarch that Russia, or perhaps any other country, had ever known ; and thou<;h there is no court of Europe where splendour and magnificence is carried to a greater height on these occa- sions than in that of Russia, yet it may with great truth be said, that she even surpassed herself in the funeral hoiiotirs paid to her great Peter. She parcliased the most precious kinds of marble, and einpltj^'c-d some of the ablest sculptors of Italy to erect a mausoleum to this hero, which Oiighl, if possible, transmit the remembrance of his ?reat actions to the most distant ages. Tsot satis- fied with this, she caused nmeJal to be struck, worthy of the ancients. On one side was represented the bust of the late crupiror, with these words — ' Peter the Great, Emjertr and Sovereign of all Russia, horn Muy SO, 1672. On the reverse was '.he empress sitting, with the crown on her head, the globe and sceptre by her side on a table, and before her were a sphere, sea charts, plans, mathematical instruments, arras, anJ a caduceus. At distances, in ihn e different places, were represented an edifice on the sea coast, with a platform before it, a ship and galley &t sen, and the late emperor in liie clouds, sup- ported by fcttruity, looking on the empress, ond shewiug her with his right hand all the treasures he had left her, with these word.*, ' Behold wljat I iiaveleft you.' In the exergue, ' Deceased 28 Junuarj', 17?5.' Several ot these medals she ordered to be struck in gold, to tb4 weight of fifty ducats, and distributed amoi g the foreign R 386 HISTORY OF It has been thought, and it has been assert- ed in pnnt, that be had appointed his wife C» miniaterfi, and all the grandees of the empire, aa a testi. moDj of her respect aud gratitude to the memory of hei late husband, to whose generosity she took a pleasure ii owning herself indebted for her present elevated station, Mottley gives us the following, as the czar's epitaph : Here lieth, All that could die of a mau immortal, PETER ALEXIOWITZ: It is almost superfluous to add, Great Emperor of Russia .' A title, Which, instead of adding to his glory, Became glorious by his wearing it. Let antiquity be dumb, Not boast her Alexander, cr her Caesar. How easy was victory To leaders who were followed by heroes ! And whose soldiers felt a noble disdain At being thought less vigilant than their generals! But he, Who in this place first knew rest. Found subjects base and inactive, Uuwarlike, unlearned, uniractable; Neither covetous of fame, nor fearless of danger; Creatures with the names of men, But with qualities rather brutal than rational ! Yet, even these He polished from their native ruggedness; And, breaking oat like a new sun. To illuminate the minds of a people. Dispelled their night of hereditary darknes* ; And, by force of his invincible influence, Taught them to conquer Even the conquerors of Germany. Otb«r princes have commanded victorious armies; This commander created them. Blush, O Art! at a hero who owed thee nothinf EjoI*. Nature ! for thine was this prodigj'. PETER THE GREAT. 387 therine to succeed him in the empire, by his last will, but the truth is, that he never made any will, or at least none that ever appeared ; a most astonishing negligence in so great a legislator, and a proof that he did not think his disorder mortal. No one knew, at the time of his death, who was to succeed him : he left behind him his grandson Peter, son of the unfortunate Alexis, and his eldest daughter Anna, married to the duke of [Jolstein. There was a considerable fac- tion in favour of young I'eter ; but prince Men- zikoff, who had never had any other interests than those of the empress Catherine, took care to be beforehand with all parlies, and their de- signs ; and accordingly, when the czar was upon the point of giving up the ghost, he caused the empress to remove into another apartment of the palace, where all their friends were assem- bled ready : he had the royal treasures conveyed into the citadel, and secured the guards in his interest, as likewise the archbishop of Novogo- rod ; and then they held a private council, in presence of the empress Catherine, and one I^Iacarof, a secretary, in whom they could con- fide, at which the duke of Holstein's minister as- sisted. At the breaking up of this council, the empress returned to the czar's bed-side, who soon after yielded up the ghost in her arms. As soon as his death was made known, the principal senators and general officers repaired to the palace, where the empress made a speech to them, which prince Menzikoft' ansv/ered in the name of all present. The empress being withdrawn, they proceeded to consider the proper forms to be ob- served on tl»e occasion, when Theophaues, arch- bishop of Pleskow, told the assembly, that, ua 388 HISTORY OF the eve of the corouation of the empress Catherine, the deceased czar had declared to him, that his sole reason for placing the crown on her head, was, that she might wear it after his death ; upon which the assembly unanimously signed the proclamation, and Catherine succeeded her husband on the throne the verj- day of his death. Peter the Great was regretted by all those whom he had formed, and the descendants of those who had been sticklers for the ancient cus- to:iiS soon began to look on him as their father ; foreign nations, who have beheld the duration of his establishments, have always expressed the highest admiration for his memory, acknowledg- ing that he was actuated by a more than common prudence and wisdom, and not by a vain desire of doing extraordinary things. All Europe knows that though he was fond of fame, he coveted it only for noble principles ; that though he had faults, they never obscured his noble qualities, and that, though, as a man, he was liable to errors, as a monarch he was always great : he every way forced nature, in his subjects, in him- self, by sea and land : but he forced her only to render her more pleasin-g and noble. The arts, which he transplanted with his own hands, into r^3untries, till then in a manner savage, have flourished, and produced fruits which are lasting testimonies of his genius, and will render his memory immortal, since they now appear as na- tives of those places to which he introduced them. The civil, political, and military go- vernment, trade, manufactures, the arts and the sciences, have all been carried on, according to his plan, and by an event not to be paralleled m history : we have seen four women succes- sively ascend the throne after him, who have raAintained, in full vigouti all th? great designs PETER THE GREAT. 389 be accomplished, and have completed those which he had begun. The court has undergone some revolutions since his death, but the empire has not suffered one. Its splendour was increased by Catherine 1. It triumphed over the Turks and the Swede* under Anna Petrowna ; and under Elizal)eth it conquered Prussia, and a part of Pomerania ; and lastly, it has tainted the swi-f^ts of peace, and has seen the arts flourish in I'uiness and security in the reign of Catheriue the Second.* Let the historians of that nation enter into the minutest circumstances of the new creation, the wars and undertakings of l*eter the Great : let them rouse the emulation of their countrymen, by celebrating those heroes who assisted this * The digtingui^hed regard which this princess shews for the arts and sciences, aud her endeavours to attract the great geniuses of all nations to reside in her dominions, by every possible encouragement, affords the strongest presumptions, that in hiir reign we shall see a second age of Louis XIV. and of this we have had a recent proof, in the obliging letter which this august princess wrote with her own hand to M. d'AIembert, and the choice she has since made of M. Duplex, a member of the roj'al academy of sciences at Paris, when the before- mentioned gentleman thought fit to decline the gracious offers she made him. In which choice slie has shewn that it is not birth nor rank, but true merit and virtue, which she considers au the essential qualidcations in a person to whom she would conCde the most sacred of all trusts, that of the education of ihe grand duke, her son. What then may not be expected from the admi- nistration of a sovereign so superior to vulgar prejudice' And especially' when assisted by a Woronzoff and a Oa- litiin. both the proft-ssed friends and patrons of literatar« and the fine arts, which they thenselves have not dis- dained to cultivate, when business and the weighty af- fair* of state have allowed them a few moments leisurat ?90 HISTORY OF monarch in ais labours, in the field, and in the cabinet. It is sufficient for a stranger, a disin- terested admirer of merit, to have endeavoured to set to view that great man, who learned of Charles XII. to conquer him, who twice quitted his dominions, in order to govern them the better, who worked with his own hands, in almost all the useful and necessary arts, to set an examp.e of instruction to his people, and who was the founder and the father of his empire.* • The following anecdote, communicated by a noble- man of the strictest probity, who was himself an eye-wit- ness of the fact, will give us a clear in8i<,'ht into the cha- racter and disposition of Peter I. In one of the manj plots which was formed against the life and government of this monarch, there was among the number of those seized a soldier, belonging to his own regiment of guards. Peter being told by his officers that this man had always behaved extremely well, had a curiosity to see him, and learn from his own mouth what might have been his inducement to be concerned in a plot against him; and to this purpose he dressed himself in a plain garb, ftnd so as not to be known by the man again, and went to the prison where he was confined, when, after soma conversation, '1 should he glad to know, friend,' said Peter, ' what were your reasons for being concerned in an at- tempt against the emperor your master, as I am certain that he never did you any injury, but on the contrary, has a regard for you, as being a brave soldier, and one who have always done your duty in the field ; and there- fore, if you were to shew the least remorse for what you have done. I am persuaded that the emperor would for- give you : but before I interest mj'self in your behalf, you must tell me what motives you had to join the muti- neers ; and repeat to you again, that the emperor is natu- rally so good and compassionate, that I am certain he will give you your pardon." ' 1 know little or nothing of the emperor," replied th« soldier, ' for I never saw him but at a distance ; but he coDdt tion that j-ou would confess all the circumstances of youi flight, and whatever relates tliereto ; but if j'ou concealed any part thereof, j-ou should answer for it with your life; and, as j'ou have already made some confessions, it is ex- pected of you, for our more full satisfaction, and your own safety, to commit the same to writing, in such order as shall in the course of your examination be pointed out to you.' And at the end, under the seventh question, there was again written, with his czarish majesty's own hand: ' Declare to us, and discover whatever hath an^' relation to this affair, though it be cot here expressed, and clear yourself as if it were at confession ; for if you conceal any thing that shall by any other means be afterwards disco- vered, do not impute the consequence to us, since 3'ou have been already' told, that in such case the pardon granted you should be null and void.' Notwithstauding all which, the answers and confessions of the czarowitz were delivered without any sincerity ; he not only concealing many of his accomplices, but also the capital circumstances relating to his own transgressions, particularly his rebellious design in usurping the throne even in the life-time of his father, flatteriig himself that the populace would declare in his favour ; all which hath since been fully discovered in the criminal process, after he had refused to make a discovery himself, as hath ap- peared by the above presents. Thus it hath appearedby the whole conduct of the czar- owitz, as well as by the confessions which he both deli- vered in writing, and by word of mouth, particularly', that be was not disposed to wait for the succession in the man- ner in which his father had left it to him after his death, according to equity, and the order of nature which God has established; but intended to take the crown off the head of his father, while living, and set it upon his own, not only by a civil insurrection, but by the assistance of ■ foreign force, which he had actually requested. PETER THE GREAT. 396 fheczarowitz has hereby rendered himself unwortlqr vif the clemencj- and pardon, promised him by the empe- ror hisfather ; and siuce tlielaws divine and ecclesiastical, civil and milltarj-, condemn to death, without mercy, not only i«Lose whose attempts against their father and sove reign have been proved bj' testimonies and writings ; but even such as liave been convicted of an intention to rebel, and of having formed a base design to kill their sovereign . and usurp the throne; what shall we think of a rebellious design, almost unparalleled in history, joined to that of a horrid parricide, against him who was his father in a dou» ble capacity ; a father of great lenity and indulgence, who brought up the czarowitz from the cradle with more than paternal care and tenderness ; who earnestly endeavoured to form him for government, and with incredible pains, and indefatigable application, to instruct him in the mi- litary art, and qualify him to succeed to so great an empire? with how much stronger reason does such a design dfl serve to be punished with death ? It is therefore with hearts full of aflBiction, and eyes streaming with tears, that we, as subjects and servants, pro- nounce this sentence; considering that it belongs not to U8 to give judgment in a case of so great importance, and especially to pronounce against the son of our most pre- cious sovereign lord the czar. Is'evertheless, it being hit pleasure that we should act in this capacity, we, by these presents, declare our real opinion, and pronounce this •entence of condemnation with a pure and Christian con- science, as we hope to be able to answer for it at the just, awful, and impartial tribunal of Almighty God. We submit, however, this sentence, which we nowpass, to the sovereign power, the will, and merciful revisal of his czarish majesty, our most gracious sovereign. THE PEACE OF NYSTADT. In the name of the Most Holy and andivided Trinity. Bi it known by these presents, that whereas a bloody, lon^.and expensive war has arisen and subsisted for se. reral years past, between hia late majesty king Charles 396 HISTORY OF XII, of glorious memory, king of Sweden, of the Goths, and Vandals, &c. &c. his successors to the throne of Swe- den, the lady Ulrica queen of Sweden, of the Goths and Vandals, &c. and the kingdom of Sweden, on the one part; and between his czarish majesty Peter the First, emperor of all the Ilussias, &c. and the empire of Russia, on the other part; the two powers have thought proper to exert their endeavours to find out means to put a period to those troubles, and prevent the further etfusion of so much in- nocent blood ; and it has pleased the Almighty to dispose the hearts of both, powers, to appoint a meeting of their ministers plenipctentiarj-. to treat of, aod conclude a firm, sincere and lasting peace, and perpetual friendship be- tween t'he two powers, their dominions, provinces, coun- tries, vassals, subjects, and inhabitants ; namely', Mr. John Liliensted, one of the most honourable privj'-council to his majesty the king of Sweden, his kingdom and chancery, and baron Otto Reinhold Stroemfeld,intendant of the cop. per mines and iiefs of Dalders, on the part of his said ma- jesty ; and on the part of his czarish majesty, count Jacob Daniel Bruce, his general adjutant, president of the colleges of mines and manufactories, and knight of the order of St, Andrew and the White Zagle, and Mr. Henrj- John Frederic Osterman,one of his said majesty's privy-coun- sellors in his chancery : which plenipotentiary ministers, being assembled at Nystadt, and having communicated to each other their respective commissions, and imploring the divine assistance, did enter upon this important and salutary enterprise, and have, by the grace and blessing of God, concluded the following peace between the crown of Sweden and his czarish majesty. Art. 1. There shall be now and henceforward a perpetual and inviolable peace, sincere union, and indissoluble friend- ship, between his majesty Frederic the First, king of Swe- den, of the Goths and Vandals, his successors to the crowi and kingdom of Sweden, his dominions, provinces, coun- tries, villages, vassals, subjects, and inhabitants^ as well within the Roman empire as out of said empire, on the one side ; and his czarish majesty Peter the First, em- peror of all the Russias,&c, his successors to the throne of Russia, and all his countries, villages, vassals, subjects, p.nrt inhabitants, oa the other side; in surh wise, that Inf PETEIl THE GREAT. 397 the future, neither of the two reconciled powers shall com- mit, or suffer to be coMmitted, any hostility, either pri- rately or publicly, direcv^y or indirectlj', nor shall in any wise assist the enemies of each other, on any pretext whatever, not contract any a.Uiance with them, that may be contrary to this peace, but nhall always maintain and preserve a sincere friendship towards each other, and as much as in them lies, support their mutual honour, advan- tage and safety ; as likewise prevent, to the utmost of their power, any injury or vexation with which either of the reconciled parties may be threatened bj' any other power. Art. 2. It is further mutually aj^reed upon betwixt the two parties, that a general pardon and act of oblivion for all hostilities committed during tlie war, either by arms or otherwise, shall be strictly observed, so far as that nei- ther partj' shall ever henceforth either call to mind, or take vengeance for the same, particularly in regard to persons of state, and subjects whc have entered into the service of either of the two parties during the war, and have thereb3- become enemies to the other, except onljr the Russian Cossacks, who enlisted in the service of the king of Sweden, and whom his crarish majesty will not consent to have included in the said general pardon, not- withstanding the intercession made for them by the king of Sweden. Art. .3. All hostilities, both b^* sea and land, shall ceasa both here and in the grand duchy of Finland in fifteen days, or sooner, if possible, after the regular exchange of the ratifications ; and to this intent the conclusion of the peace shall be published without delay. And in case that, after the expiration of the said term, any hostilities should be committed by either partj-, either by sea or land, in any manner whatsoever, through ignorance of the cou- elusioa of the peace, such offence shall by no means pre- judice the conclusion of said peace ; on the contrary, each ■ball make a reciprocal exchange of bo'h men and effects that may be taken after the said term. Art. 4. !lis majesty the king of Sweden does, by the present treaty, as well for hims<l«liiaiid«^ or paid; but those who in either of these cases PETER THE GREAT. 403 have the ailministr;ition of the said effects, shall be obliged to do homage to his czarish majesty-. This likewise ex tends to all those who remain in his czarish majestj-'s do- minions, and who shall have the same liberty to dispose of their effects in Sweden, and in those countries which have been surrendered to that crown by this peace. Moreover, the subjects of each of the reconciled powers shall be mutually supported in all their lawful claims and demands, whether on the public, or on individuals within the dominions of the two powers, and immediate justice shall be done them, so that every person may be reinstated in the possession of what justly belongs to bim. Art. 13. All contributions in money shall from the sign- ing of this treaty cease in the grand duchj' of Finland, which his czarish majesty by the fifth article of this treaty cedes to his Swedish majesty and the ivinf.;dom of Sweden ; on the otlier hand the duchy of Finland shall furnish his czarish majesty's troops with the necessary provisions and forage gratis, until thej* shall have entirely evacuated the said duchy, on the said footing as has been practised here- tofore ; and his czarish majesty shall prohibit and forbid, nnder the severest penalties, tlie dislodging any ministers or peasants of the Finnish nation, contrarj' to their incli- nations, or that the least injury be done to them. In con- sideration ofwiiich, and as it will be permitted his cTiarish majesty, upon evacuating the said countries and towns, to take with him his great and small cannon, wiin their car riages and other appurtenances, and the magazines and other warlike stores which he shall think fit. The inha- bitants shall furnish a sufficient number of horse and wag- gons OS far as tlie frontiers; and also, if the whole of this cannot be executed according to the stipulated terms, and that any part of such artillcrj*, &c. is necessitated to be left behind, then, and in such cases, that which is so left •hall be properly taken care of, and afterwards delivered to his czarish majesty's deputies, whenever it shall be agreeable to them, and likewise be transported to the fron- tiers in manner as above. If his czarish majesty's troops ■hall havefound and sent oi>! of the country any deeds or papers belonging to tlie grand duchy of Finland, strict eearch shall bem3dcfor the sirae.and all of them tliatcaa 404 HISTORY OF be founij shall oe faithfully restored to deputies of hia Swedish majesty. Art. 14. All the prisoners on each side, of whatsoever nation, rank, and condition, shall be set at liberty imme- diately after the ratification of this treaty, without any ransom, at the same time eyery prisoner shall either pay or give sufficient security for the payment of all debts by them coatracted. The prisoners on each side shall be fur- nished with the necessary horses and waggons gratis dnr- ing the time allotted for their return home, in proportion to the distance from the frontiers. In regard to such pri. Mners, who shall have sided with one or the other party, or who shall choose to settle in the dominions of either cf the two powers, they shall have full liberty goto do with- out restriction : and this liberty shall likewise extend to all those who have been compelled to serve either party during the war, who may in like manner remain where they are, or return home ; except such who have volunta- rily embraced the Greek religion, in compliance to his czarish majesty; for which purpose each party shall order that the edicts be published and made known ia their re- spective dominions. Art. 15. His majesty the king, and the republic of Po- land, as allies to his czarish majesty, are expressly com- prehended in this tr«aty of peace, and have equal right thereto, as if the treaty of peace between them andthe crown of Sweden had been inserted here at full length: to which purpose all hostilities whatsoever shaU cease m general throusrhout all the kingdoms, countries, and patrimonies beloacingto the two reconciled parties, whether situated within or out of the Roman empire, and there shall be a solid acd lasting peace established between the two afore- said powers. And as no plenipotentiary on the part of his Polish majesty and the republic of Poland has assisted at this treaty of peace, held at Nystadt, and that conse- quently they could not at one and the same time renew the peace by a solemn treaty between his majesty' the king of Poland and tke crown of Sweden, his majesty the king of Sweden does therefore engage and promise, that he will send plenipotentiaries to open the conferences, so soon as a place shall be appointed for the said meeting, in order to conclude, through the mediation of his cxarsh PETER THE GREAT. 406 maietty.a laslinj; peace between the two crowns, pro- vided nothing is therein contained which may be pre- judicial to the treaty of perpetual peace made witli his czarish majesty. Art, 16. A free trade shall be regulated and established as soon as possible, which shall subsist both by sea and laud between the two powers, their dominions, subjects, an J !riJi-3ibitant8,by meansof a separate treaty on this head, to the qood and advantage of their respective dominions ; and in the mean time the subjects of Russia and Sweden ■hall have leave totrade freely in the empire of Russia and kingdom of Sweden, so soon as the treaty of peace is ra- tided, at'ter paj'ing the us lal duties on the several kinds of merchandise; so that the subjects of Russia and Sweden sliall reciprocally enjoy the same privileges and prerogatives as are enjoyed by the closest friends of either of the said states. Art. 17. Restitution shall be made on both sides, after the ratiticatio;i of the peace, not onh- of the magazines which ^^•e^e before the commencement of the war esta- blished iii certain trading towns belongitjg to the two powers, but also liberty shall be reciprocally granted to the subjects of his czarish majesty and ihe king of Sweden to establish magazines in the towns, harbours, and other places subject to both or either of the said powers. Art. 18. If any Swedish ships of war or msrchant ves- sels shall have the misfortune te be wrecked, or cast away by stress of weather, or any other accident, on the coasts and harbours of Russia, his czarish majesty's subjects shall be obliged to give them all aid and assistance in their power to save their rigging and efTects, and faith- fullj' to restore whatever may be drove on shore, if de- manded, provided they are properly rewarded. And the subjects of his majest3- the king of Sweden shall do the same in regard to such Russian sliipsand efTects as may have the misfortune to be wrecked or otherwise lost on the coasts of Sweden ; for which purpose, and to prevent all ill treatment, robbing, and plundering, which com monly happens on such melancholy occasions, his czar- ish majesty and th« king of Sweden will cause a most ri- gorous prohibitioii tube issued, and all whoshall be found traDSgres'ing in tliis point shall be punished on the spot. 405 UlSTORY OF Art. 19. And to piaveDt all possible cause or occasion oI'misunderstandiiiK between the two parties, in relatiot to sea affairs, they have concluded and determined, that finy Swedish ships of war, of whatever number or size, ihat shall hereafter pass by any of his czarish majesty's forts or castles, shall salute the same with their cannon, which compliment shall be directly returned in the same man- ner by the Russian fort or castle : and, vice versa, any Russian ships of war, of whatever number or size, that shall hereafter pass by any fort or castle belongicp to his Swedish majesty, shall salute the same with a discharge of their cannon, which compliment shall be instantly re- turned in the same manner by the Swedish fort ; and iu case any one or more Swedish and Russian ships shall meet atsea,orin any harbour or elsewhere, they shall sa'.uie each other with a common discharge, as is usually practised on •uch occasions between th-- ships of Sweden and Denmark. Art. 20. It is mutually agreed between the two powers, no longer to defray the expenses of the ministers of the two powers, as have been done hitherto ; but their repre- sentative ministers, plenipotentiaries, and envoys, shall hereafter defray their own expenses and those of their own attendants, as well on their journey as during their stay, and back to their respective place of residence. On the other hand, either of the two parties, on receiving timely notice of the arrival of an envoy, shall order that their subjects give them all the assistance that may be necessary to escort them safe on their journey. Art 21. Ilis majesty the king of Sweden does on his part comprehend his majestj- i\e king of Great Britain in this treaty of peace, reserving only the differences sub- sisting between their czarish and his Britannic majesties, which they shall immediately endeavour to terminate iu a friendly manner ; and such other powers, who shall be named by the two reconciled parties within the space of three months, shall likewise be included in this treaty of peace. Art. 22. In case any misunderstanding shall hereafter arise between the states and subjects of Sweden and Rns- sia, it shall by no means prejudice this treaty of perpetual peace ; which shall nevertheless always be and remain m fall foro^ agreeable to its intent, and commissaries sbal PETER THE GREA V, 407 without delay be appointed on each side to inquire into and •dJDBt all diBputes. Art. 23. All those who have been guilty of high trea- son, murder, theft, and other crimes, and those who de- serted from Sweden to Russia, and from Russia to Sweden, either singly or with their wives and children, shall be immediately sent back, provided the complaining party of the country from whence they made their escape, shall think fit to recal them, let them be of what nation soever, and in the same condition as they were at their arrival, together with their wives and children, as likewise with all they had stolen, plundered, or taken away with them in their flight. Art. 24. The exchange of the ratification of this treaty of peace, shall be reciprocally made at Nystadt within the space of three weeks, after the daj' of sig ->ing the same, or sooner, if possible. In witness whereof, two copies of this treaty, ekactlj' corresponding with each other, have been drawn up, and confirmed by the plenipotentiary mi- nisters on each side, in virtue of the authority tliey have received from their respective sovereign.s ; which copies they ha^e signed with their own hands, and sealed with their own seals. Done at Nystadt. this 30tli day of Au- gust m the y«>ar of our Lord 1721. O. S. Jean I.iliensted. Otto Reinhold Stroemfeld. Jacob Daniel Bruce. Henry-John-Frederic Ostermau. Ordinanct of the Emperor Peter I. for the crowning of the Empress Catherine. We, Peter the First, emperor and autocrator of all the Ruv 6>as, &c. to all our oflScers ecclesiastical, civil, and mili- tary, and all others of the Russian nation, our faithful subjects. No one can be ignorant that it has been a constant and invariable custom amoni; the monarchs of all Christian states, to caitsf their consorts to be crownerl.and thnttbs same is a» present practised, and hatb fieqviently been in &jrmer times by those emferon who proftssed the holy 408 HISTORY OF PEl ER THE GREAT. faith of the Greek charch ; to wit, by the emperor Ba?U Ijdes, who caused his wife Zenobia to be crowned ; the emperor Justinian, his wife Lucipina; the emperor Hera- cliua, his wife Martina : the emperor Leo, the philosopher, his wife Mary ; aod many others, who have in like man- ner placed the imperial crown on the head of taeir con- sorts, and whom it would be too tedious here to enumerate. It is also well known to every one how much we have exposed our person, and faced the greatest dangers, fol the good of our country during the one and twenty years' course of the late war, which we have by the assistance of God terminated in so honsurable and advantageous a manner, that Russia hath never beheld such a peace, nor ever acquired so great glory as in the late war. Now the empress Catherine, our dearly beloved wife, having greatly comforted and assisted us during the said war, and also m several other our expeditious, wherein she volun- tarily and cheerfully accompanied us, assisting us with her counsel and advice in every exigence, notwithstanding the weakness of her sex, particularly in the battle against the Tuiks, on the hanks of the river Pruth, wherein our army was reduced to twenty thousand men, while that cf the Turks amounted to two hundred and seventy thousand, and on which desperate occasion she sismalized herself in a particular manner, by a courage and presence of mind superior to her sex, which is well known to all our army, and to the whole Russian empire: therefore, for these rea- sons^ and in virtue of the power which God has given us, we have resolved to hoaour our said consort Cath^rina with the imperial crown, as a reward for her painful ser- vices ; and we propose, God willing, that this ceremony stall be peiformed the ensuing winter at >loacow. And we do hereby give notice of this our resolution to all who are faithful subjects, in favour of whom our iscyi- tial affection ii unalterable. B 000 002 689 8 J