i^: ST' ■^ILj^ZsTQ THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA BY HENRY R. MUELLER, A. M. Professor of History, Muhlenberg College Sometime University Fellow in History, Columbia University SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE Faculty of Political Science Columbia University NEW YORK 1922 • . . • • • . . ^4 A\ & MY MOTHER PREFACE The study was undertaken as the result of a suggestion from Professor William A. Dunning of Columbia Univer- sity. The original intention of the author was to confine the investigation to the last decade of the existence of the Whig party in Pennsylvania. As the work proceeded, it became necessary to examine portions of the early period of the party. It was soon evident that for the sake of unity and continuity the history of the Whig party in Pennsylvania should be presented from the time of its for- mation until its disappearance. The late Charles McCarthy in his excellent The Anti-Masonic Party and Miss Margue- rite G. Bartlett in The Chief Phases of Pennsylvania Politics in the Jacksonian Period have covered the period in which the Whig party was formed but not with the Whig party as the main interest. Consequently, despite the previous work in the field, the authi-r felt justified in including this mater- ial. Pennsylvania during the period of the Whig party was undergoing an extensive expansion in manufacturing and mining, which tended to draw her to the policy desired by the New England states. On the other hand, conditions similar to those existing on the frontier persisted in the mountain districts of the state until the close of the period. The relatir.n of certain sections of the state to the South through the mercantile interest was close, causing the adoj>- tion of a kindly attitude toward the slave holder. As a result of these conditions, the state, in a measure at least, reflected the sentiments of the different sections of the 253] 7 8 PREFACE [254 couiitty. Consequently, the varied and varying political arg-uments all tind expression in one or the other of the political groups within the state. During the peri Professors William A. Dunning and D. R. Fox for numer- ous suggesticms. which saved the author frc m many a pit- fall. The author wishes gratefully to acknowledge the readiness with which the Historical Society of Pennsylvania and the Library of Congress placed the resources of their manuscript department at his disposal. Chief reliance for newspaper material was placed upon the excellent collection of the Pennsylvania State Library, where innumerable favors were extended by the librarians. The maps were prq)aree injurious, if net fatal to the election of Ritner." * After the gubernatorial election, the electoral ticket for Clay and Sergeant was withdrawn; the National Republi- cans, in the main, vcted for Wirt and Ellmaker, the Anti- Mas<'>nic nominees, who nevertheless, did not carry the 'Henry Clay to Thomas I. Wharton, July 25, 1831 ; Miscellaneous Mss. Collection of the New York Historical Society. * Letter of .Xugust 16. 1832; Publications of the Lancaster County Historical Society, vol. viii, pp. 38-44. Ritner was the Anti-Masonic candidate for governor. For the presidential election the Clay sup- porters proposed a joint electoral ticket, allowing the voters to cast their ballot for cither Clay or Wirt. General R. Rosebury, member of the Anti- Masonic state committee, on July 24, 1832, wrote the chair- man, Joseph Wallace, " I should view defeat under present circum- stances as less likely to prove prejudicial to the cause we are engaged in advocating than success that arises from a union with a party that has nothing in common with us." Wm. McPherson Mss. 259] -^^^^ PERIOD OF SUBORDINATION 13 State/ Although the Anti-Masons did not desire this sup- port, yet they could not deny its existence ; the way was thus open for future joint action, based on their consent. Jackson's determination to ruin the Bank of the United States furnished the two opposition parties within the state the incentive and the opportunity for combining. The with- drawal of funds from the bank by the government caused the officers of the bank to curtail their loans and to draw bills of exchange for short periods only.* The financial flurry and business depression which followed were attri- buted by the bank to the policy of the govemment. Instruc- tions came from Clay, showing how the indignation of the state, in which the bank liad a fair degree of popularity, might be used to political advantage."^ Following his in- structions mass meetings at Philadelphia, Chambersburg, Pittsburgh, York, Easton, Huntingdon, Beaver, Williams- port, Gettysburg, and Chester adopted resolutions, sent committees to Washington to present them to Congress, and, much to his disgust and annoyance, to interview the President on the restoration of the deposits.* The merchants of Philadelphia in openly directing the agitation acted in unison so that on the day of one of the mass meetings " nine-tenths of the mercantile houses were closed." ° Pressure was brought to bear on the directors ^ Nites' Register, vol. xlii, p. 273; vol. xliii, pp. 134, 136. Wirt had beet! unsuccessful in an endeavor to have the Anti-Masons endorse Clay; Kennedy, Memoirs of the Life of lyilliam IVirt, vol. ii, pp. 356. 359. 366, 380, 381. ' Catterall, Second Bank of the United States, pp. 314, et seq. * Clay to Nicholas Riddle, Deccml>€r 21, 1833; McGrane, Correspond- ence of Nicholas Biddle, p. 218. * National Gazette, January 3, February 4, 5, 6. 8. 10, 13. 24, March 10, 11; United States Gazette, January 4, 28, 29, February 4. 5. 26, March 5, 12, 1834. Some of the memorials and reports can be found in Hazard, Register of Pennsylvania, vol. xiii. * National Gazette. March 21. 1834; ef. also Sargent. (»/>. eit., vol. i, p. 262. 14 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [260 of the Girard Bank of Philadelphia, one of the government depositories, because of their contract. A referendum to the stockholders voided the contract, which the directors had made with the government.^ The agitation against the course pursued by Jackson was apparently so effective that the National Gazette, a bank organ, was led to exclaim, " The anti-Jackson sensation extends rapidly. The Stamp Act did not produce more excitement than the Dictatorship does now. President Jackson took a ' responsibility ' much more weighty than he supposed." ^ Within the state the bank supporters looked longingly on the strength of the Anti-Masons. A small anti-bank sec- tion of this party endeavored to throw its support to Jackson in his fight against the bank. Richard Rush, leader of this group, in an open let^ter claimed that if antimasons object to the Lodge that it makes the press dumb, if this be the cornerstone of their cause, can they look with other feelings than those of reprobation on the unwarrantable acts of another powerful institution for stimulating it to NOISE? I would fain persuade myself not.^ When his effort to have the Anti-Masonic party oppose the bank failed. Rush led his wing into the ranks of the Jackson .supporters. From this failure it was evident that the bank partisans might, if they handled the situation astutely, win the support of the rest of the Anti-Masonic party. It was also evident that the bank question was too limited for any determined and continued agitation. Therefore opposition ■ Hazard, Register of Pennsylvania, vol. xiii, pp. 108, igi, 304. The cancellation of this contract was revoked at a later referendum; the bank continued to act as a government depository, ibid., vol. xiv, p. 143- 'March 15, 1834. ' Pennsylvanian, November 30, 1833. 26i] THE PERIOD OF SUBORDINATION I D to " executive usurpation " was stressed as the bond of union for all those unfriendly to the occupant of the White House. The cue for the politicians was again furnished by Clay/ On February 22, 1834, a mass meeting at Philadelphia gave definiteness to the agitation when it resolved that all those opposed to the policy of the President should assemble in convention at Plarrisburg. To clear up the confusion, resulting from the failure to select a date for the conven- tion, " the Democratic members of the Legislature," on March 25, set May 27 as the time of meeting. At a later meeting they requested that double representation be sent in order to impress the pul)lic with the significance of the movement ; it was thus possible to seat delegations from the two anti-Jackson parties, if they chanced to be sent from any one county.* In the early part of April a portion of the Jackson opposi- tion, adopting the name from the nearby states, began to call themselves Whigs. '^ They endeavored to have it ac- cepted as a generic name for all the political opponents of Jackson, sajnng that " the great mass of the opponents of ^ McGrane, op. cit., p. 220, letter of February 2, 1834, to Nicholas Biddle. ^United States Gazette, February 26, April 2; Pcnnsylvama hitclli- ge>uer, .\pril 10, 1834. The use of the term, " the Democratic members of the Legislature," by those who favored the Bank was declared to be deceitful by "the Democratic members of the Legislature" who opposed the bank; Pc'nisylzania Reporter, April 4, 1834. ^Pennsylvania Intelligencer, April 17; United States Gazette, April 5, 16; National Gazette, April 11, 16, 17. 24, 1834. .\pparently the use of the word "Whig" was suggested liy the editor of the New York Courier; it was immediately used to describe the anti-Jackson move- ment in New York, and a little later in Pennsylvania. Pennsyh-ania Inquirer, .'\pril 3, 5, 1834. Sargent, op. cit.. vol. i, p. 261, relying on his memory, incorrectly states that the term was used imlependently in PiTinsylvania. l6 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [262 Federal usurpation, whether Masons or Anti-Masons, are Democratic Whigs; a man may be an Anti-Mason and at the same time a Whig."^ They strove to identify the policy of the federal executive with the despised Federalism, and theirs with the policy of those who struggled for freedom. One of their county meetings Resolved, that we recognize the Democratic doctrines of 1798 and the Democratic Whig principles of 1834, as the resuscitated Whig doctrines of 1776 having for their object the fixing of the boundaries of the various departments of the government, and the deliverance of the people from the usurpations of Royal and Federal power. . . . - The National Republicans w^ere not unwilling to accept the new descriptive title of Whig, but the xA.nti-Masons, al- though willing to have the National Republicans act with them, were not ready to abandon their own party name or organization. Inasmuch as the Anti-Masons were stronger than the National Republicans and had shown remarkable power in the interior counties of the state because of their sectarian appeal, the situation required careful handling. Therefore, when the convention assembled on May 2y, pre- cautions were taken not to ofTend the Anti-Masons, who were present in goodly numbers. It was " Resolved, that this Convention be styled a Convention of Delegates from the Citizens of Pennsylvania opposed to executive usurpa- tion and abuse." ^ It is impossible to classify the delegates 1 Pennsylvania Intelligencer, June 12, 1834. * Ibid., April 24, 1834, for Dauphin county mass convention of April 22. On May 25. at Doylestown, tliere was formed a " Jefferson Demo- cratic Association" of those who opposed Jackson; ibid., June 12, 1834- ' National Gazette, June 3, 1834. For the Anti-Masonic party in Pennsylvania, see McCarthy, " The Antimasonic Party," Report of the American Historical Association, 1902, vol. i, pp. 427-503. 263] ^-^^ PERIOD OF SUBORDINATION 1 7 according to previous political affiliation, but it was claimed that seventy-five of the two hundred and eight in attendance were former supporters of Jackson/ Thaddeus Stevens, Neville B. Craig, Ner Middleswarth, and Joseph Lawrence were prominent Anti-Masons in attendance, the last named being chosen president of the convention. Due to the op- position of this group no new political organization could be attempted, and therefore it was Resolved, that it be earnestly recommended to our fellow- citizens, throughout this commonwealth, along with zeal and energ}' in the great and good cause, to cultivate a spirit of conciliation and mutual respect ; and that it be further earnestly recommended to them, to distinguish with their high appro- bation and confidence, every member of Congress or of the Legislature, by whatever name he may have been chosen, who in his station has faithfully resisted Executive usurpation and abuse, and firmly maintained the rights of the people.- Inasmuch as there were no general officers to be chosen, the question of joint action assumed only local importance. In the districts where the National Republicans had developed strength, particularly in Philadelphia and its environs, the Whigs directed the contest. In the balance of the state control rested with the Anti-Masons, excepting in a few counties, such as Allegheny, where cooperation was refused.^ The election failed to disclose any unusual movement away from the Democratic party despite the strenuous efforts, made in Philadelphia, to stir up enthusiasm ft-r the new party. The A\'^hig city convention had urged the mechanics, manufacturers, merchants, and all others en- ' Pennsylvania Intelligencer, May 29, 1834. * Proceedings of the convention in Niles' Register, vol. xlvi. p. 243. » Pennsylvanian, May 22, 1834 ; Konkle, Life and Speeches of Thomas IVilUams, vol. i, p. 97. l8 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [264 gaged in trade, who are opposed to the odious tyranny of Andrew Jackson, to close their workshops, stores and places of business, on the days of the ward and general elections, at 12 o'clock noon, for the remainder of the day, so that all who are disposed may be enabled to lend their aid in support of the constitution and the law.^ Despite these efforts the Democrats retained control of the legislature, although they carried several districts through the failure of their opponents to cooperate, and they like- wise elected a majority of the Congressmen. The Whigs, in the main, attributed their defeat to the superior organiza- tion of the Democrats, but one Whig editor claimed, " The Jackson men succeeded in some parts of the State in making the question Bank or no Bank, instead of usurpation and Van Buren on the one side, and Democracy and the Con- stitution on the other." ^ Though thoroughgoing coopera- tion had not been attained in tliis election, yet a breach had been made in the isolating wall of Anti^Masonry. The Anti-Masons were not yet, however, ready to join a fusion with the Whigs. This they made evident when " the Democratic Convention opposed to secret societies and political intrigue," meeting at Harrisburg on March 4, 1835, nominated Joseph Ritner for governor.* Ritner was the logical candidate; for, although defeated in the electionsi of 1829 and of 1832, he had shown remarkable strength. He was a Pennsylvania German, with all their characteristic traits and could count on the support of that group within the state. As a young man he had left his native county, Berks, had crossed the mountains, and settled as 1 National Gazette, September 27, 1834. » Pennsylvania Intelligencer, October 17, 1834. The situation in Phila- delphia was tense. Biddle, in fear of personal violence, sent hiS family out of the city. Cattcrall, op. cit, p. 356. 'Pennsylvania Intelligencer, March 5, 9, 13, 1835. Q r-i— CO 00 •A O ■< o 1 s: 'A O 265] THE PERIOD OF SUBORDINATION ir, a farmer in Washington county. For six years, from 1820 to 1825, he had been returned in the annual elections to the house of representatives, cxver which he presided in 1824 and in 1825, being chosen without opposition in the latter year. Although his views on the bank question were not considered by the Anti-Masons when they nominated him, yet they were of such a nature as to prove attractive to the Whigs. During his campaign of 1832 he had written, It is impossible to forget the deplorable condition of the Government, during the late war, for want of such a Bank, and the wretched state of the currency up to the time the Bank commenced operations was no less so. I can scarcely persuade myself, that the man who can oppose re-chartering the Bank, with all these facts staring him in the face, possesses either a sound head, or a good heart.^ With such an opinion on the value of the bank, he was in this respect well-nigh all the Whigs hoped for. Conse- quently demands for a Whig state convention were rebuffed by county conventions, which endorsed the candidacy of Ritner." The Whigs were fully conscious of their num- erical weakness, and one of them stated, " There are not five counties in the State, in which they can poll a larger vote than the Anti-Masons." ^ The Whigs were all the more willing to submit to this disdainful attitude of the > Democratic State Journal, June 20, 1835, reprint of leUer, dated July 7, 1832. * Pennsyhanta IntcUigei'cer, March 13, 30, April 23, June 11, .^u^st 27; United States Gazette, March 14, 18, April 25, May 23, June 20, 24, 1835. » Carlisle Herald, quoted in the Pennsylvania Intelligencer, March 13. 1835. The editor estimated the Whip strenprth to be 30,000. and the Anti-Masonic 60,0000. On the other hand, the United States' CiCLzette claimed the Whig vote totaled 50,000; quoted in the Pennsy- lvania Intelligencer, March 5, 1835. 20 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [266 Anti-Masons, for the Democratic party had spHt into two factions, the one nominating George Wolf for reelection, and the other supporting Henry A. Muhlenberg. This factional fight boded well for the opposition. The struggle in the Democratic ranks had been develop- ing for some years. Fundamentally it was an effort to oust Governor Wolf and his supporters from the offices, which they had been holding for two terms, and to fill them with other Democrats. Involved with this were other issues. In December, 1833, Samuel McKean, a close friend of the govenior, was chosen to represent the state in the United States Senate. Shortly after his election, the news- papers reported that he favored a presidential nominatingi convention to select the candidates for 1836. To clear up all doubts on this question, in an open letter of December 15, 1833, he stated, I am, and always have been, decidedly and unequivocally op- posed to this singular innovation upon the established usages of the democratic party, and adverse to the consummation of the single and especial object intended to be accomplished by it.^ His friendship with Governor Wolf was so close that the opinion, expressed in the letter, was accepted as that of the governor. On December 16, before the letter was pub- lished, certain of the Democratic members of the legislature resolved in favor of a national nominating convention.^ The issue was thus sharply drawn by the " Convention De- mocrats," who were inevitably led by their declaration into opposition to the governor. During 1834 the sentiment of the " Convention Democrats " concentrated on Henry A. Muhlenberg. Muhlenberg came from a powerful family with traditions ' Niks' Register, vol. xlv, p. 295. ' Ibid., vol. xlv, p. 295. 267] THE PERIOD OF SUBORDINATION 21 of leadership among the Pennsylvania Germans and with a penchant for the governorship/ For twenty-seven years he had been the pastor of a large church at Reading, and consequently had a strong following. Failing health made him resign his charge and retire toi a farm. Immediately he was induced to stand for Congress. After his election, in 1829, he resigned from the ministry. In Congress JMuhlenberg heartily endorsed the views of Jackson on the bank, declaring that he was " opposed to the present or any other National Bank." " On the other hand, although Wolf had not opposed Jackson in his struggle with the bank, yet his views and those of Jackson did not coincide, for Wolf, in 183 1 and in 1832, had signed resolutions of the legislature favoring the rechartering of the Bank of the United States.^ On the question of calling a convention to amend the state constitution, Muhlenberg took a positive, favorable stand, but Wolf was evasively non-committal. Both factions were forced to admit that they favored Van Buren for the presidency. On March 4, 1835, the Demo- cratic convention of the state assembled at Harrisburg with the factions of equal strength and with a large number of contesting delegations. After a struggle of several days) the Muhlenberg supporters won a tactical victory in having resolutions adopted, calling for the choice of nev^r delegates to meet in state convention at Lewistown on May 6. Thereupon the Muhlenberg men returned home. The Wolf * His uncle, the Rev. Frederick \. Muhlenberg, was the Federal can- didate in 1793 and in 1796; his cousiti> John A. Schulze, was elected governor in 1823 and in 1826; his father-in-law, Joseph Hiestcr, de- feated in 181 7, was elected in 1820. •Letter of January 26, 1835; Democratic State Journal, April 11, 1835. "Resolutions of April 2, 1831, Session Lazvs, 1830-31, p. 505; resolu- tions of February 10, 1832, ibid., 1831-32, p. 625; resolutions of June 6, 1832. ibid.. 1831-32, p. 644. 22 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [268 supporters met the following clay, filled up their body as well as they could, and placed Wolf in nomination. When the Lewistown convention assembled, there w'as no opposi- tion to the nomination of Muhlenberg/ Feeling between the Democratic factions ran high; the Muhlenberg supporters constantly sneered at Wolf as " the caucus nominee." As was to be expected, the election re- sulted in defeat for the Democrats with Ritner receiving a plurality O'f the votes cast.^ " There has been not only a Ritner current but a Ritner flood," wrote the defeated gov- ernor.^ Control of the legislature was also wrested from the Democrats. The lower house contained twenty-eight Whigs, forty-six Anti-Masons, and twenty-six Democrats; it chose Ner Middleswarth, an Anti-Mason, as its speaker.* The senate remained under the control of the Democrats, who w^ere, however, divided by their factional fight. Tak- ing advantage of this situation, the Whigs and Anti-Masonsi threw their support to Thomas S. Cunningham, a Muhlen- berg man, and elected him speaker.^ This proved to be an extremely wise move, for he and some o^f the other Muhlen- berg men were later won away from the Democratic party. '^ Niks' Register, vol. xlviii, pp. 21, 65, 190. Both the national con- vention and President Jackson carefully avoided acting as arbiters between the factions; ibid., vol. xlviii, pp. 227-29, 344, 378; vol. xlix, p. 27. ' Tlie vote was Ritner 94,023; Wolf 65,804; Muhlenberg 40,586; Smull's Legislative Hand-Book, 1919, p. 719. A Democratic editor estimated that the Anti^Masons cast between 40,000 and 50,000 of Ritner's vote; The Keystone, October 4, 1837. •Governor George Wolf to Lewis S. Coryell, October 16, 1835; Coryell Papers, vol. iii. * National Gazette, March 16, 1836, 5 Pennsylvania Intelligencer, October 22, 1835. states the following as the constituency of the Senate: anti-Van Buren 14; Wolf- Van Buren II ; Muhlenberg- Van Buren 8. For tlie election of the speakers see United States Gazette, December 4, 1835. 269] ^^^ PERIOD OF SUBORDINATION 2;^ Whether the Whigs were promised a state charter for the Bank of the United States in return for their support of Ritner is not clear, but such a measure was discussed immediately after the election/ Although the national charter of the bank was to expire on March 4, 1836, yet the bank did not proceed to wind up its affairs and the price of its stock rose considerably.- When the legislature assem- bled, the speaker of the house appointed committees favor- able to the bank, notifying Nicholas Biddle. president of the bank, of their constituency before publicly announcing them.^ John H. Walker, chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means, and E. F. Pennypacker, chainnan of the Committee on Banks, sent Biddle a joint letter inquiring under what conditions he Avould accept a state charter.* The reply of Biddle on January' 7, 1836, outlined the con- ditions which, with a few alterations, were later incorpor- ated in the act. He urged that action be taken before Fe1> ruary 17, on which date the stockholders were scheduled to take action on the expected charter.^ Absolute secrecy on the proposed action was maintained until January 19, 1836, when Thaddeus Stevens, a member of the Committee on Inland Navigation and Internal Im- provements, introduced a bill, which amongst other things ' National Gazette, October 19, 20, 21, 1835. Biddle had been con- templating a state charter for over a year; McGrane, op. cit., pp. 245, 257- * United States Gazette, November 5, 1835. On January 4, 1836. the price quoted was $1 13^/2 and on February 19, 1836, it was $1313/25 National Gazette, January 4, February 19, 1836. * McGrane, op. cit., p. 257. ^ House Journal, 1836-37, vol. ii, pp. 745, 757; an investigating com- mittee established the fact of the correspondence but did not obtain the letter. * McGrane, op. cit., p. 246; the date of the letter is erroneously given ■as 1835. 24 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [27a provided for a charter for the bank/ The chairman of this committee, WilHam B. Reed, a Philadelphia lawyer, acting as one of the agents of the bank, had written Biddle that to secure votes, " The temptation oif a turnpike, or a few miles of canal and railroad, as a beginning on a favorite route is nearly irresistible." - Stevens claimed credit for evolving the scheme, whereby the state works might be ex- tended and the state debt not increased, a policy to which he thought Ritner was pledged. This was to be accomplished by securing a bonus for the charter from the bank. This bonus could also be used to warrant the repeal of the tax: laws. The sections of the act relating to the repeal of the tax laws were drafted by Stevens, while Reed framed the portions dealing with the extension of the public works and the charter of the bank.^ On January 29, ten days after its introduction, this important measure passed the house.* Its passage in tlie senate was temporarily postponed until a committee investigated charges of bribery. The majority of the committee reported that they believe that a deliberate plan was concoct'ed beyond the limits of Pennsylvania, to control the deliberations of the legislature by the pressure of the people acting under an excitement created by incendiary falsehoods, sent forth upon responsible authority, charging the bank with bribery, and the senate with interested treachery.^ 1 House Journal, 1835-36, vol. i, p. 279. ' McGrane, op. cit., p. 258, letter of December 12, 1835. ' House Journal, 1836-37, vol. ii, pp. 769, et seq. * Ibid., 1835-36, vol. i, p. 407; the vote was 57 to 30; the votes in the negative came from 26 Democrats, 3 Whigs and i Anti-Mason, Penn- sylvania Reporter, February 12, 1836. ^Senate Journal, 1835-36, vol. ii, p. 650. 271] THE PERIOD OF SUBORDINATION 25 After this report had been made, the bill was again taken up, passed, and approved on February 18, 1836/ The title of this measure was, " An act to repeal the state tax on real and personal property, and to continue and ex- tend the improvements of the state by railroads and canals, and to cliarter a state bank, to be called the United States Bank." It repealed the law of March 25, 183 1, which had levied a tax on certain classes of property for the use of the state." This act, which was temporary in nature, would have expired on March 25, 1836, but taxation was tO' cease as of October i, 1835.^ Direct taxation was abominated in the state and its repeal was an effort to win support for the coalition. For its charter of thirty years and exemption from taxa- tion on its dividends, the bank was to pay a bonus of $2,000,000. It was also to pay $500,000 in 1837, and $100,000 annually thereafter for twenty years, to be used by the newly established public school system. The bank could be called on for a permanent loan up to $6,000,000 and for a temporary loan up to $1,000,000 in any one year, both loans to carry a low rate of interest. The bank was also required to subscribe $675,000 to various designated railroads and turnpike companies. Of the $2,000,000, which the state received, all but about $50,000 was im- mediately appropriated ; $600,000 were to be devoted to the pavment of the interest on the public debt; $139,000 were ^ Session Laws, 1835-36, p. 36. At a meeting on February 20, 1S36. the stockholders of the Bank of the United States, incorporated by the United States, transferred all its property and rights to the state chartered bank of the same name. Tliere was no change in the stock- holders, excepting the elimination of the United States. National Gazette, February 2^, 1836; Niles' Register, vol. 1, p. 23. ''Session Laws, 1830-31, p. 206. * This was accomplished by a proclamation of the governor dateJ March 11, 1836; Pennsylvania Intelligencer, March 17, 1836. 26 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [272 granted to turnpike companies; extensions of the state works, including the notorious Gettysburg railroad on which work was ordered to be begun, were to receive $550,000; there were set aside for surveys $12,000, and for repairs and for new equipment on the old works a little over $650,- 000. These various " temptations " had proven " irresis- tible." The bill had been supported in the senate by the anti-Van Buren members and by eight Van Buren men, chiefly Muhlenberg partisans. The support of the Muhlenberg* men seems distinctly strange, for in the last campaign they had accused Governor Wolf of being anti-Jackson in sign- ing tlie bank rechartering resolutions. The views of some of the eight had been decidedly anti-bank. Charles B. Penrose, one of them, had, on March 19, 1834, declared, " I can never lend my aid to a recharter of the present bank, under any circumstance." Another one of them, John Dickey, had, at the same time, stated that he was opposed to a recharter because the bank involved " a dangerous con- centration of the monied power of the country." ^ After the passage of the bill, both Penrose and Dickey tried to justify their vote for the state charter by claiming that they had not changed their views, for the corporation was now not a national but a " new state bank," by no means having the power of the expired national institution." Criticisms by the Washington organ of Van Buren led Penrose to declare that this is not a party question, it is a Pennsylvania question, and nothing but an interference in that question, which belongs exclusively > Pennsylvania Reporter, February 4, 1836. ' Ibid., February 16, for letters of Charles B. Penrose and Jesse R. Burden; letters of John Dickey, Pennsylvania Intelligencer, March 3, September 8, 1836. 273] ^^^^ PERIOD OF SUBORDINATION o-J to us as Pennsylvanians to consider, by the candidate of the National Convention for the Presidency, would induce me to believe that the large mass of Pennsylvania Democracy, which will be found in support of this great State measure, were absolved from their party obligation to support him.^ In a letter of February 22, 1836, addressed to followers in Cincinnati, V^an Buren sharply criticized the state legislature for passing the act.- The letter more deeply offended the eight senators; they placed themselves in opposition to Van Buren and from this time forward identified themselves W'ith the Whigs and Anti-Masons. On March 4 the eight were given a banquet by the opponents of Van Buren and welcomed into the ranks of those w^ho saw " that the only safety for constitutional freedom, is a maintenance of the reserved rights of the states." ^ The legislature, elated by this simple method of procuring funds, proceeded to deal with other banks in a similar man- ner. The Girard Bank desired to increase its capital from $1,500,000 to $5,000,000 in order that it might receive a larger portion of the deposits of the government. Despite a veto by the governor the measure became law; the bank was to have its charter for twenty years, pay a bonus of $250,000, but was not to be exempt from dividend taxa- tion.* The veto by the governor of a measure to increase the capital stock of other banks was effective.^ The bonuses, paid by the banks, cnipled with the repeal of the tax laws, and the distribution of the surplus by the national ' Pennsylvan'xa Intelligencer, February 22, 1836. » Xiles' Register, vol. 1, p. 135. * Pennsylvania Intelligencer, March 8, 1836. * United States Commercial and Statistical Register, vol. i, p. 346; Session Laws, 1835-36, p. 133. * House lournal, 1835-36, vol. i, p. 1443. 28 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [274 government, completely unbalanced the financial sense of the commonwealth. From its dementia the state was to recover only after a long and painful period of impotence.^ The odium for this condition rests squarely upon the coali- tion. In the meantime, agitation for the presidential nomina- tion had been in progress. In Pennsylvania William H. Harrison seemed to be the favorite candidate of those in opposition to the Democrats. He had been suggested in the newspapers immediately after the election of 1834." Newspaper agitation alone would accomplish nothing; so 1 Bishop, " The State Works of Pennsylvania," in Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, vol. xiii, pp. 214, et seq. The intimate connection of the state and the banks is shown by the following figures. From May, 1814, to May i, 1837, the state re- ceived as premiums on bank charters $3,302,586.18 with $2,185,916.67 still receivable; the tax on bank dividends during the same period was $785,804.89; and the dividends, paid on state-owned bank stock, amounted to $5,684,067.00. Proceedings and Debates of the Constitu- tional Convention, 1837-38, vol. i, pp. 495-501. The following table shows how little reliance was placed on taxation : Tax on real Licenses and land and f^es; dividends on personal state-owned stock; property tax on hank dividends 1832 $94,592.34 $422,623.56 1833 226,043.15 540,211.63 1834 219,501.12 294,134.59 1835 208,400.96 299,831.85 1836 224,310.31 356,97348 1837 54.310.00 395,119.58 1838 10,101.28 397,638.67 1839 18,283.29 397,089.79 1840 2,697.86 352,980.01 For the years listed the sums represent the income of the state, witli| the exception that the bonuses from the banks and the sums received from the national government through the distribution of the surplus are not included; House Journal, 1844, vol. ii, p. 420. ' Pennsylvania Intelligencer, December 14, 1834. 2-7-] THE PERIOD OF SUBORDINATION 29 a call, signed by eleven men, who styled themselves the " Democratic Republican Committee," was issued. The call summoned those favoring General Harrison to meet at Harrisburg on December 14, 1835, in order to place him in nomination, to frame an electoral ticket, and to begin the work necessary to secure his election. It was stated that " the Democratic supporters of the present chief magistrate, the Democratic Whigs, and the Democratic Anti-Masons may, without losing their party names, or giving up their party organization, be cordially invited to participate." ^ This convention was not intended to interfere with the Anti-Masonic convention, which met at the same time and at the same place. In fact, when the two conventions met, the Harrison convention waited for the Anti-Masonic body to act; it adjourned from day to day, watched the proceed- ings of the other body, followed it in nominating Harrison and Granger, and adjourned sine die after adopting the electoral ticket formed by the Anti-Masons. It resolved against calling a national convention as " it is a powerful engine, not only in the hands of unprincipled demagogues, to defeat the will of the people, but to enable the Federal Executive to appoint his successor." - In the resolution against the national convention the members of the Harrison body reflected the attitude of the majority of the Anti-Masons within the state with whom they wished to cooperate. \Mien the Anti-Masonic con- vention decided to place a candidate for the presidency in nomination and not to choose delegates to a national con- vention, the organization was split. The presiding officer of the convention, Hamiar Denny, along with Thaddeus Stevens and seven other delegates, left the convention. 1 Pennsylvania Intelligencer, October 29, 1835. * Ibid., December 17, 21, 1835. 30 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [276 They saw the trend toward fusion with the newer organiza- tion and were endeavoring to prevent it.^ In the address caUing a national convention of the Anti-Masons, the sece- ders condemned the attempted amalgamation, in their hour of triumph, with the '' Masonic Whigger>\" - One of the 'There is much truth to the comment of the Harrisburg Chronicle (Van Buren paper), December 21, 1835, that it ''was as much intended to put down Thaddeus S. and a few others, as it was to put up General Harrison." Ritner at this time did not fully trust Stevens, and was evidently bent on placing himself at the head of the Anti- Masonic organization. Stevens had opposed Ritner's nomination for the preceding gubernatorial election ; Hood, " Thaddeus Stevens," in Harris, Biographical History of Lancaster County, p. 578. Tlie struggle broke out in the convention over the seating of James Todd, Ritner's nominee for the attorney-generalship. Todd was applying for the seat of his son, who had resigned. The vote on the question of seating the elder Todd indicated clearly that tlie governor con- trolled the convention. Nor did close relations exist between the; governor and Stevens over legislative matters, inasmuch as the bank bills favored by Stevens had received vetoes. In fact, Stevens had been so much disgusted with the nomination of Ritner that he had not intended to be a candidate for the legislature in the elections of 1835. His friends insisted that the party needed experienced guides and he yielded to this pressure; Thomas Elder to Joseph Wallace, August 3, 1835 ; Wm. McPherson Mss. » Pennsylvania Reporter, January 5, 1836. Stevens' organ, the Gettys- burg Star, April 11, 1836, quoted in the Pennsylvania Intelligencer, April 14, 1836, said that the national convention would " attempt to survive and sustain pure unmixed .Ajiti- Masonry — not to daub overt the foul treacherous doings of the 'base compound' Harrisburg Con- vention;" it would avoid "alike the insidious Masonic Van Buren and the unblushing Masonic Harrison." For their alleged distrust of! Harrison's Anti-Masonry, cf. McCarthy, "The .Anti-Masonic Party," in the Annual Report of the American Historical Association 1902, vol. i, pp. 480, et scq.; Memoirs of John Quincy Adams, vol. ix, p. -zy^)- The seceders were supporters of Webster; for a portion of the correspond- ence with him, cf.. The Writings and Speeches of Daniel Webster, voL xvi, p. 259; vol. xviii, p. 12. After Harrison's election in 1840, thisi group of the Anti-Masons claimed that even in 1836 they had been working to secure his nomination by a national convention ; Joseph Wallace to William H. Harrison, January — , 1841 ; Wm. McPherson Mss. I 2-77] THE PERIOD OF SUBORDINATION 3 1 seceding nine editorially described the Anti-Masonic state convention as a set of political resurrectionists, having dug up the body of old Whiggism, as the devil wanted to get that of Moses ; like vam- pires disturbing the habitations of the living with the odorous remains of the departed — as a last resort to draw a house for the benefit of Mr. Clay. White is to be the Punch of the- puppets and Harrison to be Harlequin of the pantomine ; and poor Antimasonry, unwilling to miss the show but excluded from all the rest of the house, begs for a ticket in the slips among the women of the town.^ The seceders and their supporters met in a so-called national convention in Philadelphia in May, passed strong condem- natory resolutions against the Whigs, but adjourned with- out endorsing Harrison and Granger or placing their own candidates in nomination." The Whigs were-irot a unit in endorsing the work of the Harrisburg convention. For a time the Clay supporters held aloof, declaring that it was not a Whig convention and that consequently they were not bound by its action.^ The prospect of the state being carried by Harrison and the pos- siblity of the election then being thrown into the House of Representatives reconciled them. Stevens was, however, doing everything in his power to make cooperation between the two parties difficult, if not actually imjx>ssible. As chairman of the legislative committee to investigate ' Pittsburgh Times, quoted in the Pennsylvania Intelligencer, April 14. 1836. 2 National Gazette, May 6, 1836. * United States Gazette, December 30, 1835; the leaders in this group were Horace Binney, Jolxn Price Wetherill, Nathan Sargent, and David Paul Brown. 32 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [278 Masonry, he took keen delight in vexing the Whigs/ The result was that many of the Whigs, filled with disgust, ab- sented themselves from the polls in the October election and thus helped encompass the defeat of some of the Anti- Masonic candidates for the legislature. - Although the coalition was defeated in the state election of 1836, it entered the national campaign with increased determination to carry the state through cooperation.^ Van Buren, who had never been a favorite in Pennsylvania, was attacked " as the correspondent of the Pope of Rome — as the fawning sycophantic flatterer of a foreign tyrant — ■ for the base purpose of arraying one religious denomina- tion against the other." * He was further attacked for hav- ing declared in the New York Convention, that a poor man ought not to have a vote. He despises the American mechanics [they ^ McCarthy, op. cit., p. 473 ; cf. also the debate on tlie resolutions in- structing the United States Senators on the expunging resolution, Pennsylvania Intelligencer, March 8, 1836. ^United States Gazette, October 17, 1836, declared that "the pro- scriptive course of the Antimasons, particularly the unfortunate affair at Harrisburg," led to their defeat in Adams, Lebanon, Dauphin, Alle- gheny, and Union counties. It stated that a total of twenty-three seats in the house had been lost by only twelve hundred and fifty- four votes; ibid., October 18, 1836. Stevens was defeated, but by only fourteen votes; American Volunteer, October 14, 1836. Joseph Law- rence, now state treasurer, on October 20, 1836, wrote Lewis S. Coryell, " The abuse heaped upon the Whigs last winter by Stevens cannot be easily swallowed by them." Coryell Papers. 3 United States Gazette, October 22, 1836. * Pennsylvania Intelligencer, September 15, 1S36; the basis of this accusation was a letter of July 20, 1830, written by Van Buren when he was Secretary of State, in which our consul at Rome was authorized to congratulate the Pope on his recent elevation, and to assure him in reply to his inquiry that the Catholics in the L^nited States had the same privileges which those citizens professing another religious belief had. 279] ^^^ PERIOD OF SUBORDINATION 33 said] for he rides in a British coach, made in England, and is accompanied by British servants dressed in livery ! What says the Democracy ? Will they support the Federal Dandy of New York? Or the plain farmer — the veteran Harrison of Ohio? ^ It was felt that the state held the balance in the national election ; consequently the contest was keen. In November, on the same day as the presidential elec- tion, members of a state constitutional convention were to be chosen. One of the Democratic candidates, George M. Dallas, thus outlined the powers of the convention. It may re-organize our entire system of social existence, termin- ating and proscribing what is deemed injurious, and establishing what is preferred. It might restore the institution of slavery amongst us; it might make a penal code as bloody as that of Draco; it might withdraw the charters of the cities; it might supersede a standing judiciar}% by a scheme of occasional arbitration and umpirage ; it might prohibit particular pro- fessions or trades ; it might permanently suspend the privilege of the writ of Habeas Corpus, and take from us (as our late General Assembly made the entering wedge to do) the trial by jury.- In the western part of the state another Democratic candi- date, Judge William Wilkins, declared that the power of the convention was " unlimited and illimitable.'' ^ These statements, used with telling effect against the Democrats as indicating their radicalism, led several of their nominees to the convention to abandon the party.' 1 Pennsylvania Intelligencer, July 28, 1836. ; cf. also ibid., Novem1x;r 3. 1836. - United States Gazette, November 2, 1836; letter to tlic Urailford county committee. * Pennsylvania Intelligencer, November 3, 1836. * Walter Forward came out openly against these contentions and was elected to the convention; United States Gazette, October 28, Nov- ember I, 1836. He worked with tlic Whigs until they broke with Tyler. 34 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [280 The election resulted in a victory for Van Buren and his supporters. Of the one hundred and thirty-three mem- bers of the constitutional convention, the Democrats secured a majority of only one. The Whigs derived comfort from this fact, as it was felt that with so small a majority the Democrats could do little towards putting their radical doc- trines into effect.^ The defeat of Harrison was attributed by the Whigs to the disorganized condition of the parties in the October flection ; they claimed that some of the leading Anti-Masons 3iad openly opposed Harrison and Granger until after the state election. - On May 2, 1837, the constitutional convention assembled at Harrisburg with the Whigs and Anti^Masons now hav- ing a majority of one because of a special election, neces- sitated by the death of a Democratic member-elect. An occupational analysis of the members shows little, if any, difference between the Democrats and their opponents.* Nor, on the other hand, did the Democrats possess any less wealth.* These facts had their effect on the work of the ^Pennsylvania Intelligencer, November 14, 1836. ^ Ibid., November 14; United States Gazette, November 15, 1836. * United States Gazette, June 2, 1837, furnishes a list of the membersi from which the following was compiled. Dem. 0pp. Dem. 0pp. Farmers 27 29 Surveyors 4 o Lawyers 16 24 Artisans 5 i Physicians 6 4 Editor O I Merchants 4 S Gentlemen i o Manufacturers 3 3 Total 66 67 It is well nigh impossible in some cases to discover whether an in- dividual was an Anti-'Mason or a Whig. As nearly as can be ascer- tained, there were fifty-two Anti- T) c s w e % i. "(T V ^ lO 3 -1 o ^ £ -T3' -A •OX) r i o ^z*^. Ji U Zo Jo" H k-. \Z Jk / \ N>V / c ^ -^ -y / c \ ^^mm 28i] THE PERIOD OF SUBORDINATION 35 convention, and in the beginning of the sessions a Whig member wrote that Httle was heard " of radicalism, with re- ference to vested rights, the resumption of private charters and the violation of the compacts of the state with indivi- duals/' ^ In organizing the convention the Whigs and the Anti- Masons closely cooperated, having previously gone into caucus together on the question of organization. John Sergeant, a prominent lawyer and politician of Phila- delphia, was chosen president of the convention.- The refusal of the Whigs to follow Stevens in his proposition to adopt an amendment forbidding the existence of oath- bound societies irritated him.^ Although, in the main, the Whigs and the Anti-Masons worked harmonicKusly together, yet Stevens at times took great pleasure in attacking the Whigs in order that the cooperation might not be too pro- nounced.* The small majority of the combined Whigs and Anti-Masons made their control of the convention pre- body — one from the city of Philadelphia and one from Pittsburg — if. the property of the members of this convention were all to be valued, and di\aded according to the agrarian law, the greater part would be found among those who are called levellers. I am inclined to think, that if a fair valuation of property was made through this convention. the agrarians, as they are termed, would be found to possess more unencumbered real estate, than those who are in such terror lest there should be a division of property." Proceedings and Debates of the Constitutional Convention, 1837-38, vol. vii, pp. 84-85. ' United States Gazette, May 9, 1837. For a severe criticism of the Democratic members see National Gazette, February 26, 1838. ^Proceedings and Debates of the Constitutional Convention, 1837-38, vol. i, p. 12. * Journal of the Constitutional Convention, 1837-38, vol. ii, pp. 489. 550. * Proceedings and Debates, vol. ii, pp. 65, et seq.; a particularly acrimonious verbal clash occurred between Stevens and W'm. M. Meredith, in which the latter temporarily non-plussed Stevens by the sharpness of his attack. Stevens was amongst other things referred to as "the Great Unchained of Adams" county; ibid, pp. 108. ct seq. 36 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [282 carious. Slight defections occurred from both wings. They were caused by personal predilections, professional pursuits, sectional interest, or previous political sympathy, but nevertheless, in the main, the policies of the opposing parties are shown by their votes in the convention. The Democrats favored taking the power of appointing to the numerous state offices away from the governor, and making elevation to these ofiftces depend on the will of the electorate. The Whigs and Anti-Masons did not oppose the election of justices of the peace, aldermen, coroners, prothonotaries, sheriffs and minor officials, but sternly op- posed the proposition to make judges elective in the dis- tricts. The judges of the courts o^f record under the existing constitution were appointed by the governor and held office during good behavior. A compromise was even- tually reached whereby the judges were to hold office for a term of years after appointment by the governor with the consent of the senate, which was to act on nominations! in open executive session.^ The Democrats endeavored to have the restrictions on the suffrage decreased. They succeeded in having the re- sidence requirement lowered, but failed to have the tax- paying qualification removed." Their opponeiits inserted ^ The vote in the committee of the whole was 63 in the affirmative, of which only 10 were Democrats, to 51 in the negative, 46 of which were Democrats; Journal of the Committee of the Whole, p. 181. The report of the committee of the whole was adopted bj^ a vote of 60, of which 6 were Democrats, to 48, only i of w-hich was Whig; Proceed- ings and Debates, vol. v, p. 138. Tlie proposition to have the judges elected by the voters in the districts was defeated by a vote of 62 in the affirmative, in which number were found 12 Whigs and Anti- Masons (consisting of 8 farmers and 4 lawyers), to 64, in which were 13 Democrats (consisting of 4 farmers, 8 lawyers and i mechanic) ; Journal of the Constitutional Convention, vol. ii, p. 367. ' Proceedings and Debates, vol. ii, pp. 470, et seq. ; vol. iii, pp. 159, et seq. 283] THE PERIOD OF SUBORDINATION 37 a clause requiring residence within the district for at least ten days preceding the election. To this provision the De- mocrats objected on the ground that it would bear heavily on the wandering mechanic; the delegates from the moun- tain districts feared that it would tend to check immigra- tion to those sections/ The early efforts of the Democrats to insert the word " white " in the constitutional phrase " every freeman of the age of twenty-one," who had the other qualifications, should have the right to vote, failed through the efforts of the Whigs and the Anti-Masons, aided by a few Democrats." In the closing days of the con- vention party lines were forgotten, prejudice was appealed to, and the clause was altered by the insertion of the word " white " by a large non-partisan vote.^ It was natural that the question of the banks should come to the fore, as the election in many of the districts had been fought exclusively on that issue.* The effort of the Democrats to have the constitution declare that the stockholders of a bank were individually and severally re- sponsible for the obligations of the bank failed.^ The pas- sage of a resolution expressing the opinion that a charter is ^Proceedings and Debates, vol. ix, pp. 320, et seq. The vote was 64 in the affirmative. 6 of which were Democratic, to 60 in the negative, 5 of which were Whig. -Journal of the Committee of the Whole, p. 85; 49 votes, 6 of which were not Democratic, were cast in the affirmative, and 61 in the nega- tive, 12 of which came from Democratic members. ^Journal of the Constitutional Convention, vol. ii, p. 326; the vote on January 20, 1838, was 77 to 45 ; 19 Whigs and .\nti-Masons voted aye and 3 Democrats no. For an excellent summary of the debates on negro suffrage, with no attention, however, paid to political alignment, cf. Olbrich, The Development of Sentiment and Negro Suffrage to i860, pp. 51-70. ♦ Harrisburg Chronicle, November 9, 16, 1836. ^Journal of the Committee of the Whole, p. 217; the vote was 48 to 55; I Whig voted in the affirmative and C Democrats in the negative. 38 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [284 a " contract with the parties to whom the grant is made " led the United States Gazette to exclaim, Agrarianism has this day been most signally rebuked, after one of the warmest contests that has yet been witnessed in this convention. The friends of order, good government and conservative principles, have nobly triumphed, Radicalism has been fairly beaten. It selected the battle ground — it com- menced the conflict — it rallied for the fight, and it now lies bleeding and prostrate ! ^ After a lengthy debate and parliamentary struggle, in which the Whigs and Anti-Masons on on^ occasion were saved from defeat by a tie vote,^ a compromise was made whereby six months' notice of application for renewal or extension of a charter was required, whereby the life of a charter was limited to twenty years, with power to revoke and to alter it resting with the legislature, provided that no injustice would be done thereby to the stockholders.^ The Whigs and the Anti-Masons were more immediately concerned by this legislation than were the Democrats, for they controlled most of the banks within the state.* 'jNovember 24, 1837. The vote on the resolution was 59 to 41, with 2 Democrats in the affirmative and no Whigs in the negative; Journal of the Constitutional Convention^ vol. i, pp. 804, ct seq. ■■' The debate on this proposition began in November, 1837, and con- tinued into January, 1838. The contest was keen on January 12, 1838, when the l)alloting took place. The vote which saved the coalition wa^ 62 to 62; 5 of the Whigs abandoned their party, while 2 of the De- mocrats did the same thing; ibid., vol. ii, p. 254. 3 The vote on the compromise was 86, of which 26 were Whig and Anti-Masonic, to 29; Proceedings and Debates, vol. ix, p. 218. * The Keystone (Democratic), September 7, 13. 1837, maintained that the bankers were " Federalists," i. e. Whigs and Anti-Masons. From( an analysis of the politics of the directors and of the employees of more than half of the banks in the commonwealth, it concluded that there were fourteen politically doubtful, forty-six Democrats, and two hundred and ninety " Federalists " connected with these institu- tions. 285] THE PERIOD OF SUBORDINATION 39 A mild contest developed over the question of the future amendment of the constitution. A proposed article of amendment was required to have a majority in two succes- sive legislatures, and then to be confirmed by the electorate before it would be effective. Efforts to have the majority in the legislature raised to one of two thirds failed.^ By a non-partisan vote, a provision prohibiting the submission of a particular proposed amendment more than once in any five-year period was inserted.^ The Whigs and Anti-Masons, though they had a small majority in the convention, had not been able to control its proceedings, but they had been able to check the more radical tendencies of their opponents. Incensed at the re- fusal of the convention to insert a clause in the constitution prohibiting the existence of oath-bound societies and at the provision limiting the suffrage to " white " males, Stevens and a few other members refused to sign the statement that " the foregoing is the amended Constitution of Penn- sylvania, as agreed to in the Convention." " The Demo- cratic members of the convention signed an appeal to the electorate, urging support of the amended constitution.* As an organization, neither the Whigs nor the Anti-Masons took action for or against the amended constitution; but they acted as individuals in condemning it. John Sergeant, president of the convention, stated in an open letter of ^Journal of the Constitutional Convention, vol. ii. p. 488. The first effort to require a two-third majority vote failed hy 44 to 60, ibid., vol. ii, p. 495 ; the second effort failed by a tie vote of 60 to 60, 2 Anti- Mason farmers voted in the negative and 2 Democratic lawyers in the affirmative, ibid., vol. ii, p. 544. ' The vote was 76, composed of 55 Anti-Masons and Whigs and o£ 19 Democrats, to 45, all Democratic save 2 .\nti-Masonic farmers, ibid., vol. ii, p. 516. 2 Harris, Political Conllict, p. 41. ♦ Pennsylvania Intelligencer, March 7, 1838. 40 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [286 September 10, 1838, that he would oppose its adoption by his vote, and that the same course would be pursued by the other six Whig members in the convention from Phila- delphia/ Anti-Alasonic members of the convention from the interior of the state came out in opposition to rati- fication. » Ex-Governor John A. Schulze, a former Demo- crat, declared that "the work of the good men of the Re- volution will not be laid aside, to take up and adopt the piece of patch-work which was put together by the late generally condemned convention. The Germans of Penn- sylvania will hold fast to what they know to be good." ^ Opposition was aimed at the provision limiting the tenure of the judiciary and at the process O'f amendment. The National Gazette, the organ of the Philadelphia merchants and financiers, was particularly sharp in its criticisms, say- ing, If radicalism does not falter, but boldly marches on as it has done, we may all live to see every principal town in the State with its Tammany Hall, where the divine founder of the Chris- tian dispensation will be represented as having been a living impostor, or at best an allegory ; and where the tenets of pure agrarianism will be asserted, commanding that estates be cut up and parcelled out, according to the clearest definition of equal rights. Mr. Dallas's doctrines will be the text-book for every future attack against the Constitution. That instrument, amended, leaves itself open, to the consummation of any and every political atrocity on its face, and when the public mind is the better inured to the horrible doctrines of the Bradford County Letter, then let us look out for amendments. Amend- ments ! Draughts according to Frances Wright. Legislative speeches on heads from Skidmore Parallels, in reports of com- ^ United States Gazette, September 21, 1838. » Chambersburg Whig, September 28, 1838. 3 United States Gazette, September 7, 1838, letter of August 20, 1838. 287] THE PERIOD OF SUBORDINATION 41 mittees between the tottering condition of the dupHcate curse " banks and Christianity." Once open a sluice in the Con- stitution and the very dregs of RadicaHsm will flow through it, and the embankment will be washed away.^ Despite this vigorous, unorganized opposition the constitu- tion, as amended, was ratified in the fall election of 1838, but by a small majority.- A portion of the Whigs were no less eager than Stevens to prevent their party from cooperating with the Anti- Masons. They claimed that the defeat of Harrison in the presidential election of 1836 had been due to the head- strong Stevens and his followers, who, they asserted, had worked openly for Van Buren.^ Early in 1837 an effort w^as made to form an independent Whig organization in Chester county, where the Anti-Masons were particularly strong, and at the same time to start a movement for an independent state organization; but nothing came of this premature movement.* The Democrats, who in 1837 controlled the lower house of the legislature, investigated the granting of the charter to the Bank of the United States. They could find no evidence of bribery, but they concluded that the bank had violated its charter in several instances. The investigating ' October 11, 1838. ' The governor proclaimed that the constitution had been ratified by a vote of 113,971 to 112,759; Pennsylvania Archives, series iv, vol. vi. p. 440. The corrected returns should be 119.228 for, and 116,076 against; Senate Journal, 1838-39, vol. i, p. 1012. * Pennsylvania Intelligencer, January 26, February 13, March 2, 1837. ^ Ibid., February 13; Pennsylvania Telegraph, March 7, 1837. A con- siderable portion of the dissatisfaction arose over the question of appointment to office. The Pennsylvania Intelligencer, February 2, 1837, claimed, " To be a Ritner man would not do — to be a liberal Anti-Mason would not do — to be a warm Harrison man was heresy, but to bow the knee to Stevens, was the passport to office." 42 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [288 committee, hoAvever, made no recommendations on the ground that the constitutional convention was soon to as- semble and that there the question of the banks and their charters would receive proper treatment. The minority of the committee contended tliat if the charter had been violated, such violations should be referred to the legal authorities of the state for action.^ During this session of the legislature an improvement bill received the veto of Governor Ritner, which proved to be effective. The governor regretted that he was forced to withhold " the Executive approbation from an act which involves no question of constitutional right." He claimed that the bill would squander the funds of the state among' privately owned companies and would thus delay the com- pletion of the state-owned improvements.^ The legislature, incensed at the veto, refused to make provision for the con- tinuation of the work on the public improvements. The Democrats declared that the veto message displayed " the consummate ignorance " of the governor.^ Ritner's sup- porters, on the other hand, claimed that nothing saved the commonwealth from the sack and pillage by the plunder party — rescued it from bankruptcy, and preserved the means of completing the public improvements now progressing, but the bold and inde- pendent stand taken by the Executive. . . . The State would again, as it did a few years ago, truly represent the public goose, plucked as bare as an acorn ; and the people would have the satisfaction of being ground down with taxes ten-fold more odious than before.* ^Pennsylvania Telegraph. March 17, April 3, 1837. ' House Journal, 1836-37, vol i, p. 1053. * The Keystone, April 6, 1837. * Pennsylvania Telegraph, April 5, 1837. ogn] THE PERIOD OF SUBORDINATION 43 Financial pressure, due to the approaching panic of 1837, was causing commercial uneasiness and distress, which, it was asserted, the veto would prevent from being aggra- vated/ With the suspension of specie payment in May, pressure was brought to bear on the governor to have him call a special session of the legislature. In a proclamation of May 20, 1837, the governor called on the banks to do everything in their power to better financial conditions, warning them against violating their charters by increasing the volume of their notes. The governor, however, re- fused to call an extra session, declaring that the financial evils of the country were due to the acts of the federal authorities, and that nothing, which the state could do, would lessen the distress." This proclamation was declared by one of his supporters to be " a state paper, which for manliness of tone and soundness of doctrine, is worthy the independent chief magistrate of this great commonwealth." ^ The politicial campaign of 1837 was listless and color- less. Appeals were made to elect men to the legislature who would support the financial policy of the governor.* Endorsement of the veto of the " i\Iammoth Improvement Bill " was sought. Van Buren's motto was declared to l>e, " Gold for the ofiice-holders — shinplasters for the people! " ^ The election left the upper house in the control of the Whigs and Anti-Masons, but the Democrats secured fifty-six of the one hundred members in the lower house." ' United States Gazette, April 12, 1837. * Pcuiijylvania Archives, series iv, vol. vi, p. 346. 3 Natioual Gazette, May 23, 1837; cf. also ibid., May 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30; Pennsylvania Telegraph, May 23, June i, 8; Pennsylvania Intelli- gencer, May 22, 1837. * National Gazette, October 5, 7, 10; United States Gazette, September 20, October 2; Pennsylvania Telegraph, October 2, 1837. ^Pennsylvania Intelligencer, October 5, 1837. 'Pennsylvania Telegraph, October 19, 1837. 44 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [290 Despite this defeat, the Anti-Masons in the Stevens fac- tion were determined to ignore the Whigs and to continue their independent state and national organization. On May 22, 1837, there had assembled at Harrisburg a state " Democratic Anti-Masonic Convention." It called a! national convention to meet at Washington on the second Monday in September for the purpose of nominating can- didates for the presidency and vice-presidency.^ On Nov- ember 7, 1837, the state committee, which had been ap- pointed at this convention, called a state convention to* meet on March 5, 1838, for the purpose of nominating a gubernatorial candidate.- At the time appointed the con- vention assembled, and, since Stevens and Ritner were re- conciled, without difficulty nominated the governor for re- election.^ Assertions that the W^higs of Philadelphia were hostile to the reelection of Ritner were vigorously denied by them.* The Whig convention of Philadelphia city and county, endorsing the nomination, asserted in the resolutions that his policy of retaining capital within the state, his resistance to schemes of improvident expenditure, and dangerous specula- tion, his statesmanlike admonition in an hour of panic neither to fear nor to hope too much, his spirited defense of the credit of the Commonwealth when assiduously assailed abroad and of the high character of her merchants when calumniated at home, give him a claim to which Philadelphia is not insensible.^ 1 Pennsylvania Telegraph, May 27, 1837. *Ibid., November 15, 1837. *Ibid., March 9, 1838. * United States Gazette, February 10; National Gazette, March g, 15, 22, 1838. ''United States Gazette, March 21, 1838. 2Qi] THE PERIOD OF SUBORDINATION 45 Ritner was endorsed elsewhere by Whig county conven- tions, which pledged party support to him.^ With the approach of the election, the governor deter- mined to win the support of the Whigs through a more conciliatory policy than heretofore pursued. Therefore, he appointed William B. Reed, a JMason and a Whig of Philadelphia, attorney-general of the state." In the first years of his administration the governor had distrusted Thaddeus Stevens, hitherto the well-nigh undisputed leader of the Anti-Masonic forces within the state. The governor intended to break the control of the Gettysburg ironmaster and lawyer. The task of party leadership in the face of the opposition of Stevens was, however, beyond the capacity of the *' Pennsylvania Dutch " farmer, who occupied the highest administrative office in the commonwealth. The elections in the fall of 1836 had been disastrous to the coali- tion, and the defeat in 1837 was a bad omen for Ritner's reelection. Fear of defeat made the governor place his political fortunes in the hands of Stevens. In May, 1838, Stevens was appointed a canal commissioner, and at the first meeting of the new board was elected its president. Immediately he extended the policy of using the public works as the basis of a powerful political machine. Ac- cording to his political opponents, the *' nigral character or religious principles " of bidders for contracts on the public works were investigated before the bid was considered. " A missionar}' fund " was collected from the successful bidders " for the purpose of dift'using useful knowledge among the people." Colonization along the extensions of the public works, more thorough than anything previously attempted, 1 United States Gazette, June 27, 1838. ^Ibid., March 30, 1838. 46 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [292 was resorted to in order to carry doubtful districts in the coming election.^ The national question of the Sub-Treasury Bill was, in the meantime, attracting considerable attention in the state. A resolution, instructing the Senators and requesting the Representatives to oppose this measure and to " vote for such a mode of receiving, keeping, and disbursing the public moneys, as will separate, as far as practicable, the Banks from the Government," was adopted." This resolution, intro- duced into the legislature by a Democrat, was supported by a number of them.'' The two Senators from Pennsylvania, mindful of their pledge to obey instructions, voted against the bill.* When the bill was defeated in the House, the Democratic Representatives from Pennsylvania sup- ported the measure.^ Their vote gave point to the critic- isms directed against David R. Porter, gubernatorial can- didate of the reunited Democratic party. He is a bitter politician of the Sub-Treasury school, with just such a fringe of Conservative pretension on his Radical gar- ments as will enable dexterous friends and anxious relatives to try to cajole the credulous into the hope that he is not in heart as destructive as might be inferred from his acts and expressed opinions. The game by which at the last Governor's election some of our friends were imposed upon cannot suc- ceed again.*' ^ House Journal, 1838-1839, vol. ii, pt. ii, pp. i, ct seq., pp. 372, et seq.; ibid., 1840, vol. ii, pp. 225, et scq. 2 Session Laws, 1837-38, p. 674, resolutions of February ]6, 1838. ' National Gazette, February 20, 1838. Uhid., March 27, 1838. ' United States Gazette, July 4, 1838, for an analysis of the vote. •National Gazette, March 8, 1838; cf. also United States Gazette, September 25, 29, 1838. 293] 'THE PERIOD OF SUBORDINATION 47 Due to the opposition of the Whigs and Anti-Masons, the attempt of the Democrats to pass a bill requiring the resumption of specie pa}Tnent within the state by a fixed date failed/ In the meantime, the financial situation was improving. Representatives of the banks of Philadelphia city and county met on June i, 1838, and, after declaring that the repeal of the specie circular by Congress made re- simiption possible, suggested August i as the date for full resumption of specie payment." The defeat of the Sub- Treasury Bill on June 25 gave the governor his opportunity; so, on July 10, he issued a proclamation requiring the re- sumption of specie payment on August 13.^ On July 23 delegates from banks in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Dela- ware, Virginia, Connecticut, Maryland, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania were represented in a convention at Phila- delphia. They selected the date set by the governor for the resumption of specie payment.'* When the banks re- sumed on the day agreed upon, it was declared that this might " be considered as the victory of the people over the ' bars, bolts, and strong boxes ' of the Sub-Treasuryites, and as the crowning sheaf of Whig triumphs." ^ ^ Chambersburg Whig, March 9; United States Gazette, February 13, 1838. * National Gazette, June 4, July 19, 1836. 3 Ibid., July 14. 1838. The Democratic Press, July 17. 1838, character- ized the proclamation as "one of the most impudent pieces of political humbug, which even these times, so pregnant in charlatanism, have produced." The Upland Union, August 7, 1838. said the proclamation proved the governor to be " the poor dupe of Biddle, Stevens, and Co." * National Gazette, July 26, 1838; the editorial comment was, "After all the Jesuitical attacks made in New York on uur banks, the grand difference between resumption there and hore is, that with die one party it was forced on them to the injury of their debtors and the embarrassment of their mercantile community, and with the other it comes with comparative ease some few months later." ^United States Gazette, August 13. 1838. 48 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [294 Progress in bringing the two factions of the Democratic party together had l.)een made. Ex-Governor Wolf was holding a lucrative federal office. Henry A. Muhlenberg' had gone to Europe as the first American ambassador to Austria. With the leaders thus disposed of, their followers were willing to cooperate.. \Vhen the Democratic con- vention assembled at Harrisburg on March 5, 1838, with- out difficulty it nominated David R. Porter, of Huntingdon county, for governor. Porter came from an eminent family of Scotch-Irish descent. His political activities had been confined to the holding of appointive county offices, to two terms in the house and to one term in the state senate. At one time he had been engaged in the produc- tion of iron but the panic of 181 9 had caused his firm to fail. As the result of his experience, he was distinctly favorable to the principles of a protective tariff. The cam- paign for governor proved to be one of the most virulent ever waged in the state. Ritner, nominated by the Anti- Masons for reelection, was assured of the support of the financial interests of Philadelphia. The struggle therefore developed into an effort to secure control of the interior counties of the state. Vicious attacks, buttressed with af- fidavits, were made against the personal morality of Porter.^ The Democrats sneered at Ritner as " the old Dutch Farmer Governor," and this sneering was used by the Whigs and the Anti-Masons in an endeavor to capture the vote of the " Pennsylvania Dutch." " Ex-Governor Schulze. who had ^Pennsylvania Telegraphy August i, September 5, 12, 19, October 3, 1838. A trial for libel in Lehigh county after the election, in which the affidavit makers were present as witnesses, vindicated Porter; Penn- sylvania Reporter, May 10, 1839. * Pennsylvania Intelligencer, June i, 8, July 20, September 21 ; Harris- burg Chronicle, May 30, 1838, began printing at the head of its editorial column, " Der Joseph Ritner ist der Mann, Dcr unsern Staat regieren kann." Die Harrisburg Morgenrdthe, not to be outdone, carried at its 2C)5] THE PERIOD OF SUBORDINATION 49 I)cen reelected as a Democrat in 1826 with practically no opposition, opposed Porter because he was supported by those favoring Van Buren/ The true issue, the Whigs and the Anti-Masons declared, was Ritner versus Van Buren- ism." It is not surprising that this campaign of bitter denun- ciation and vile calumniation should have its aftermath of disorder. In order to accomplish the election of C. J. Ingersoll in the third congressional district, consisting of a portion of Philadelphia county, the election judges by a vote of ten to six rejected the returns from the entire Incor- porated Northern Liberties, although fraud was alleged to have been committed in only one O'f the seven wards. By rejecting the returns from all the wards of the Incorporated Northern Liberties, Ingersoll was assured of a majority. The Whig judges, incensed at this procedure, refused to sign the returns with the vote of the Incorporated Northern Liberties omitted. They met at a later hour, made out re- turns, which were based on the districts carried by the Whigs and which showed that the Whig candidates to the state senate and house had been elected.^ The Whig re- head, " Fiir Gouvernor David Rittenhaus Porter, der praktische Bauer von Huntingdon County." The Harrisburg Chronicle^ July 23, 1838, declared, " The Germans are decidedly partial to Germans, and dis- like the English particularly when known to be haughty, and aristo- cratic in feeling." ^Nationcl Gazette, September 5, 1838. The Democrats later claimed that Schulze had been influenced by the handsome award for damages he had received from the board of canal commissioners, of which Ste- vens was president; House Journal, 1838-39, vol. ii, part ii, pp. 12, 376. Schulze had, however, broken with the Jackson party on the bank question and had presided at a bank meeting which chose delegates to the Harrisburg convention of May 27, 1834; Pennsylvania Inquirer, April 9, 1834. * United States Gazette, June i, 1838. * House Journal, 1838-39, vol. ii, part ii, pp. 96, et seq. ^O THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [296 turns, hastened to Harrisburg by special courier, were filed in the office of the secretary of the commonwealth before those of the Democratic judges. Wlien the returns of the Whig judges were delivered to the secretar}^, Thaddeusl Stevens was present/ Up to this point the struggle had been between the Whigs and the Democrats of Philadelphia county. The course of events, now directed by Stevens, resolved itself into a con- test for control of the state. If the returns of the Whig judges were accepted, Ritner might have a majority, and thus be governor for another term. Furthennore, the amended constitution, hated by Stevens, might be defeated. In addition, altliough the senate would be controlled by the Whigs and Anti-Masons with or without the two senators from Philadelphia, yet the eight representatives from the county were needed to prevent the Democrats from having a majority in the house. These eight representatives were also needed in the joint session of the two houses when they met for the election of a state treasurer and a United States Senator. Thomas H. Burrowes, secretary of the commonwealth, was also chairman of the " State Committee of Correspon- dence and Vigilance," which was responsible for the con- duct of the governor's campaign. Over his signature, on October 15, there was issued an address to " The Friends of Joseph Ritner." Intimating that extensive frauds had been committed in the election, he urged an immediate in- vestigation, and " until this investigation is fully made and fully determined, let us treat the election of the ninth inst. as if we had not been defeated and in that attitude abide the result." * Following the publication of this pronuncia- 1 House Journal, 1838-39, vol. ii, part ii, pp. 143-44. ' Niks' Register, vol. Iv, p. 205. 2Q7] THE PERIOD OF SUBORDINATION 51 mento, denunciations and threats were loudly and violently made by both sides. Great fears were entertained by the Democrats of the determination of their opponents to de- prive them of their victory/ When the legislature assembled on December 4, the situa- tion was tense. On the basis of either the Whig or Demo- cratic returns, Ritner was defeated and the amended con- stitution adopted. The struggle, therefore, was resolved into one for control of the legislature. Large numbers of the partisans of both sides crowded to Harrisburg. In the lower house, which organized in the morning, two bodies each claiming to be legal were formed. The Cunningham house, named after its speaker, was composed of fifty-two Whigs and Anti-Masons, including the eight contestants from Philadelphia. The Hopkins house had fifty-six mem- bers, including the eight from Philadelphia. Neither house had uncontested seats sufficient to constitute a majority of the full house. The Democrats feared that the Cunningham house might be recognized by the Whi^ senate, which would make it the legal body. Therefore, when, in the afternoon, the senate proceeded to organize itself, the Democrats disturbed its sessions. Their threats of violence caused Charles B. Penrose, speaker of the senate, Thomas H. Burrowes, and Thaddeus Stevens, the last two being present as spectators, to make their escape through a window in a small room in the rear of the speaker's desk.- The three men made their way to the * Gettysburg Compiler, quoted in Pennsylvania Reporter, November 9, 1838. The fears of the Democrats were well-founded, as Stevens later acknowledged that his group practically intended to do what the Democrats claimed they intended to do; Senate Journal, 1838-39. vol. ii, pp. 801-2, 813-15. * Public Ledger, United States Gazette, National Gazette, Pennsylva- nian, December 6, 7, 1838. Stevens' overdrawn account of the aflfain is in the Pennsylvania Telegraph, January 17, 1830. and in the Scnatr 22 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [298 residence of tlie g-ovemor, who was formally notified by Penrose of the disturbance in the senate chamber/ A proc- lamation was issued, which, amongst other things, called on the militia to hold itself " in instant readiness to repair to the seat of government." ' It is not necessary to go into the details of the disorder at the capital, but this disorder led the governor to call out the militia after he had been refused assistance by Captain E. V. Sumner, in command of the federal troops at Carlisle, who claimed that the disturbance appeared " to proceed from political differences alone." ^ The order of Major- General Robert Patterson of the Pennsylvania militia that the troops shoidd '' assemble in winter uniform, with knap- sacks, provided with thirteen rounds of buckshot cartridges and seventeen rounds of ball cartridges " gave the entire episode the sobriquet of " The Buckshot War." ^ With the arrival of the troops on the ninth of December, the senate resumed its sessions. The question of the recogni- tion of one or the other of the twO' houses pressed for at- tention. After the Hopkins house had once been refused recognition by the senate, it received it on December 25, after three members of the Cunningham house had gone over to the rival organization, which then had a majority of the full house consisting of undisputed seats. ^ For all prac- Jonrual, 1838-1839, vol. ii, pp. 799-802. For the details of the disorder at Harrisburg see, McCarthy, op. cit., pp. 495-501 ; McMaster, History of the People of the United States, vol. vi, pp. 501-508. ' The formal notification by Penrose is dated December 4, but internal evidence indicates that it was not written until the following day; Niles' Register, vol. Iv, p. 295. * Ibid., vol. Iv, p. 240. * GDrrespondence in ibid., vol. Iv, pp. 295-97. * The various orders are found in House Journal, 1838-39, vol. ii, part ii, pp. 245, et seq. ^Senate Journal, 1838-39, vol. i, pp. 123, 149. 299] '^^^ PERIOD OF SUBORDINATION DO tical purposes this ended the dispute for control of the state/ The contest had its judicial phase. A number of the Dem- ocrats had been arrested and indicted for rioting-, con- spiracy, and treason. On April i8, 1839, these cases were on trial, but were withdrawn because of defective indict- ments.' When they came up again in the August term, the president judge, James M. Porter, brother of the gov- ernor, quashed the proceedings because of a defect in form.^ When the Twenty-sixth Congress assembled in December 1839, the last phase of the struggle was disposed of. Charles Naylor, relying on the proclamation of election issued on October 31, 1838, which was based on the Whig returns, was present as the Whig claimant. C. J. Ingersoll, armed with a proclamation of election, signed by Governor Porter on November 25, 1839, was also claiming the seat. The struggle for control of the House was sharp and keen, as the two parties were evenly balanced. In the preliminary organization, the claim of Naylor to the seat was recognized as valid. Later he was given an undisputed title to the seat.* ' Stevens for a long time refused to join the house. On May 4. 1839, he wrote, "I have (wnth great reluctance) determined to go into that den of thieves — the ' Hopkins House.' " Letter to Joseph Wallace, Wm. McPherson Mss. When he appeared in order to be sworn in, the house decided that he had resigned and it ordered a new election, which resulted in Stevens' favor. House Journal, 1838-39, vol. i, pp. 922, et seq; National Gazette, May 11, 14, 18, 28; Harrisburg Chronicle, June 19, 29, 1839; Harris, Political Conflict, pp. 59, ct seq. * Pennsylvania Reporter, April 19, 1839; Harris, op. cit., p. 63. * Pennsylvania Reporter, August 30; National Gazette, August 24, 29, 31, September 7, 1839. * National Gazette, December 5, 7, 14, 17, 19, 1839; House Journal. 26th Cong. 1st sess, p. 1300; Reports of the House of Representatives, 26th Cong., 1st sess., no. 588. For the challenging of Naylor to a duel by Charles Ingersoll, son of C. J. Ingersoll, because of his statements in ^4 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [300 The political effects of this struggle were long enduring. The consistent efforts, made: "by the Whigs and Anti- Masons to have the Democrats appear as rebels, had cul- minated in calling out the militia to quell " the insurrec- tion." The outcome of these eft'orts had, however, beeni the reverse of what had been hoped for by Stevens and his followers, for their candidates had not been seated. Thisi gave point to the contention of the Democrats that the mili- tia had been called out to seat the \\h.\.g claimants at the point of the bayonet, but that only the stout and determined resistance of the Democrats, fortunately without bloodshed, had prevented the accomplishing of this unholy purpose. Thus it was quite possible to condemn the coalition as the party of disorder and violence, and the disappearance of the Anti-Masonic member of the coalition did not free the Whigs from odium. The immediate effect of the struggle on the Democrats was to make them more solidly united than they had been previously.^ The effect on the coali- tion was that the ^^^higs were now no longer willing to en- trust their political fortunes to the direction of the remnant of the Anti-Masonic party. In particular they shunned the extremist Stevens, who never rose to great influence in the the press during the congressional hearing, and for the fight between Colonel Pleasonton, bearer of the challenge, and Naylor, and for the subsequent binding of all, by the police, to keep the peace, see National Gazette, March 21, 24, 26, 1840. ^ There is much truth to the comment of John K. Kane, a leading Democrat of Philadelphia, who on December 27, 1838, wrote Lewis S. Coryell. " Whiggery is I presume an inmate of the tomb of the Capuletsi from this time forward in Pennsylvania. It has become ridiculous, a worse epithet for a party even than wicked^ for men are more cheer- fully accounted knaves than fools. Our party has been concentratedv harmonized, confirmed. We shall hear no more of our old domestic squabbles, and more than one excellent man too long estranged from his fellows, has resumed liis natural position among our counsellors and guards." — Coryell Papers, voL iii, p. 80. 3oi] THE PERIOD OF SUBORDINATION 55 Whig party. The Whigs did not hesitate to coalesce with the Anti-Masons, but control from this time rested in the hands of the Whigs. The result of the adoption of this j>olicy was the creation of an independent Whig state organ- ization and the ultimate absorption of the Anti-Masonic party. CHAPTER II Years of Triumph and Tribulation 1 839- 1 843. Even before the debacle of the bizarre " Buckshot War," the Whigs had become weary of Anti-Masonic lead- ership. Prior to the election of 1838 the Whigs in Chester county had resented the treatment received from the Anti- Masons in the distribution of the offices. Their mass meet- ing endorsed Ritner for governor, declared for Clay as the next presidential candidate, and determined tO' support the local coalition nominees for this election. The Whigs were, however, resolved to loose the chains which bind us to the fortunes of anti- masonry, asserting our rights as citizens and organizing as a political party. ... It is too plain that the Whigs are used to give effect to principles which they do not recognize. If it could be conceded that there was, in truth, no difference in principle between the Whigs and Anti-Masons, then indeed we might with propriety rally under the Anti-Masonic banner.^ Circumstances, however, forbade the immediate execution of the desire for independent organization. The Anti-Masons started their presidential campaign of 1840 early. On May 22, 1837, the state Anti-Masonic convention called a national convention to meet at Washing- ton in September of the same year to make nominations for the presidency and vice-presidency." An address of 1 United States Gazette, September 17, 1838. * Pennsylvania Telegraph, May 27, 1837. 56 [302 303] YEARS OF TRIUMPH AND TRIBULATION 57 the state convention urged the Anti-Masons of other states ■to send delegates/ When the convention assembled, itj was poorly attended; twenty-seven of the fifty-three dele- gates came from Pennsylvania and the balance came from Ohio, New York, Massachusets, and Rhode Island. On account of the poor attendance it was decided not to make nominations, but to call another convention to meet at Philadelphia in November, 1838, with the stipulation that no one from an unrepresented state would be nominated.' When this nominating convention assembled on November 13, 1838, delegates from six states were in attendance. William H. Harrison and Daniel Webster were unanimously nominated.^ A small portion of the Whig press gave these nominations a half-hearted endorsement.* The Clay sup- porters recommended that no action be taken by the Whigs, even as individuals, until after the Whig national conven- tion had acted. The editor of the United States Gazette, a Mason, felt that the " Whigs will no longer consent to be mere hewers of wood and drawers of water for a party that turns all victories to its own advantage, and dictates with arrogance to those who number twenty in its ranks to one which the other can muster." ^ Harrison in acknow- ledging the notification of his nomination stated what he considered to be the principles of his candidacy.*^ His ^Pennsylvania Telegraph, June 20, 1837. * Ibid., September 21, 1837. * National Gazette, November 14, 1838. After the nomination of Har- rison and Tyler by the Whigs, Webster withdrew his name. *Ibid., November 15, 17, 1838. * United States Gazette, November 30, 1838. * Niles' Register, vol. Iv, p. 360. Webster thought tliat the only chance of success for the Whigs, and that not a very good one, was in supporting Harrison; The Writings and Speeches of Daniel Webster, vol. xviii, p. 45. Qay claimed that " The mock nomination of the ^8 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [304 nomination indicated that he. and he alone, would be accept- able to the Pennsylvania Anti-Masons, who had controlled the '' national " convention. A caucus of the Whig members of Congress had issued a call for a national nominating convention of Whigs to meet in Harrisburg in December, 1839.^ The call for this convention met with a hearty response from those who were agitating for an independent Whig organization. Plans were made to perfect a state organization of the Whigs before the assembling of the national convention.^ When the Whigs of Philadelphia city and county met in convention on November 30, 1838, they urged a " thorough Whig organization throughout this commonwealth " and recommended that a state convention assemble at Cham- bersburg on June 13, 1839.^ When this convention as- sembled, it was soon evident that it was under the control of the supporters of Henry Clay. They advised the ubiqui- tous Anti-Masons to depart and perfect their own organ- ization. The latter, seventeen in number, then withdrew^ and issued a call for a convention of all anti-Van Buren men to meet at Harrisburg on September 4, 1839.* The convention at Chambersburg claimed that the seceders had withdrawn because of a difference over candidates for the presidency. It stated that the delegates had been selected " to organize the Whig party of the state " which they had done. It asserted that the seceders, on the other hand, had Anti-Masons has fallen still-born, and has produced no material ef- fect even in the Anti-Masonic portion of the state"' of New York; Colton (editor), The Private Corresf^oi'dcnce of Henry Cloy, p. 432. ^Pennsylvania Intelligencer, May 4, 1838, quoting the Boston Atlas. ' National Gazette, February 22, November 38, 1838. * United States Gazette, December i, 1838. * National Gazette, June 18, 20, 27, 1839; in some places the calls for the preliminary conventions had been to Clay men; Chambersburg* Whig, June 28, 1839. 305] YEARS OF TRIUMPH AND TRIBULATION 59 desired to prevent this organization by having the conven- tion adjourn sine die, without declaring a preference for any one for the presidency, and by having it issue a call for an anti-Van Buren convention for that special purpose/ With a break in the opposition to Van Buren, the state would be carried by the Democrats. To prevent this, the anti-Van Buren members of the legislature, led by Charles B. Penrose, speaker of tlie senate and one of the seceders from the Chambersburg convention, endorsed the call for a convention to meet at Harrisburg on September 4, 1839. The call stated that " the interests of the country impera- tively require that the two branches of the anti-Van Buren or Democratic Whig party in this state should be united to reestablish the ascendancy of the Constitution." Nothing was to be done to " interfere in any way with the distinct or independent organization of either of the two great divisions " into which the friends of the constitution were divided." This movement was endorsed in various counties through " Union and Harmony " conventions.^ In the meantime, the supporters of Harrison were stressing the statement that he was the only candidate who could secure the Anti-Masonic vote, thereby preventing the Democrats from carrying the state.* When the state Harrisburg conven- tion met on September 4, it was composed of Harrison men. Clay was lauded as a great leader, but it was asserted tliat Harrison alone would satisfy all the political elements in the state opposed to the Democrats.^ The same cry was * Address in the National Gazette, August 3, 1839. * Harrisburg Chronicle, June 26, 1839. * Chambersburg Whig, August 2, 23; National Gazette, July ir, Sep- tember 7, 10, 1839. * National Gazette, April 25; Chambersburg Whig, June 14, -'8. August 2, 23. 1839. ^ Niks' Register, vol. Ivii, p. 46; address in ibid., vol. Ivii, p. 190. 6o THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [306 eagerly caught up in Ohio and Indiana, where Anti-Masonry had made some progress/ When the \Vhig national convention assembled on De- cember 4, 1839, at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania was repre- sented by delegates from both of the state conventions. The compromise which was effected gave control of the state delegation to the Anti-Masons. Before the assem- bling of the convention, Penrose, who was working with the Anti-Masons in favoring Harrison, assured political leaders in other states that no one else could carry Pennsyl- vania." On the floor of the convention Penrose was the capable and active leader of the Harrison men. Sprague of Massachusetts proposed a cumbersome method of ballot- ing and reporting through committees. On the motion of Penrose the plan after being amended to provide for the unit rule of voting the state delegations was adopted. The scheme gave ample opportunity to exert pressure on the delegates. The result of the manipulation of the delega- tions was the nomination of William H. Harrison and John Tyler, without the formulation of any political principlei.' The result, all the Anti-Masons had hoped for, had been attained largely through the clever leadership of Penrose.* 'Greeley, Recollections of a Busy Life, p. 130; Weed, Autobiography and Memoirs, vol. i, p. 480. * Seward, Life of Seward, vol. i, p. 447. exiles' Register, vol. Ivii, pp. 248-252, for the proceedings of the con- vention; Stanwood, History of the Presidency, vol. i, p. 194. * Sargent, Public Men and Events, vol. ii, pp. 75-96. The Anti-Masons "were adroit enough to get a majority of the Pennsylvania delegation of the wolf-in-sheep's-clothing stripe, and thus cast the vote of the state for Harrison;" ibid., p. 92. The method of voting he charac- terized as " an ingenious contrivance — unknown till then to the most skillful political engineers, and never resorted to since;" ibid., p. 90. Penrose is called " the chief engineer " ; ibid., p. 75. Weed has claimed great credit for himself in securing the nomination of Harrison; Weed^ Autobiography and Memoirs, vol. i, p. 480, vol. ii, p. 76. For an ac- 307] YEARS OF TRIUMPH AND TRIBULATION 61 In the formation of the electoral ticket, which at this time was considered of great importance, the Anti-Masons of the state made another gain. Twenty-three of the thirty electoral candidates, as eventually selected through the cotmty conventions, had been named in May by the Anti- Masons/ In the meantime, the election of 1839, in which the effect of the " Buckshot War " was felt, had resulted favorably for the Democrats. In Philadelphia county, where the dis- pute had originated, the Democratic candidates were trium- phantly elected by a large majority.- The same chastise- ment of the Whigs and Anti-Masons was administered in the rest of the state, with the result that the legislature was fully given into the control of their opponents.^ Conse- quently during the sessions of the legislature the Whigs and .Ajiti-I\Iasons could do little save try to block some of the measures of their opponents and criticize those which were adopted.* When the term of Governor Ritner expired in January 1839, the treasury of the state was empty. It had been the policy cf the coalition to avoid taxation. The bonuses count of the " triangular correspondence " in New York, cf. Wise, Seven Decades of the Union, pp. 165, ct seq. For the activities of Thaddeus Stevens, who was not a delegate, in preventing the nomina- tion of Scott, cf. McClure, Our Presidents and How We Make Them p. 68. 1 The electoral tickets can be found in Chainbersburg Whig, June 14, 1839, and in the United States Gacette, September 18, 1840. For the method of forming the electoral ticket see National Gazette, Feb- ruary 25; Daily Telegraph, January 29; United States Gazette, .\pril 16, 1840. * National Gazette, October 15, 1839. 'Ibid., October 22, 1839, credits the Democrats with sixty-nine of the one hundred members in the lower house. * United States Gazette, January 3, February 5, .\pril 3, 18, 20, June I, 3, 4, 10; Daily Telegraph. February 13, March 4, .\pril 7; National Gazette, January 14. 18, March 12, 1840. 62 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [308 received from the Bank of the United States and from the Girard Bank and the share of the state in the surplus funds of the federal government had been expended on internal improvements and for current expenses. The incoming" administration of Porter made no immediate effort to settle the financial problem; it resorted to borrowing to procure funds for the needs of the state/ The embarrassment of the Bank of the United States in 1839 led the governor, in his message of 1840, to recommend far-reaching legislation to control the banks, to free the state from its dependence on borrowing by returning to some system of taxation to procure fmids for current expenses, and to dispose of the public works." On his recommendation an act was passed which levied a tax on bank stocks, according to the dividend which was declared, on mortgages, on judgment notes, on household furniture above a certain value, on pleasure car- riages, on watches, and finally a one per cent tax was placed on all salaries received from the commonwealth." Drastic as this measure seemed at the time, it was entirely inade- quate and loans were resorted to even in the year of the passage of the act.* Although the amount of money col- ' Worthington, Finances of Pennsylvania, p. 46. * Pennsylvania Archives, series iv, vol. vi, pp. 600, et seq. * Session Laws, 1840, p. 612; Act of June 11, 1840. The bill passed the house by 47 to 41, and the senate by 17 to 15; House Journal, 1840, vol. i, p. 1230; Senate Journal, 1840, vol. i, p. 817. * Worthington, op. cit., p. 54. For the amounts of money raised from 1832 to 1840, cf. supra, p. 28n. The following amoimts were raised after the resort to taxation; House Journal, 1844, vol. ii, p. 420. Tax on real Receipts from and all personal other property sources 1841 $35,224-69 $363,920.52 1842 487,536.56 355,276.63 '843 554,921.26 250,989.62 309] YEARS OF TRIUMPH AND TRIBULATION 63 lected was inadequate, yet a return to taxation had been ef- fected — a policy never again to be abandoned. By subse- quent increases in the rates, the financial rehabilitation of the state was ultimately secured. At the close of the sessions of the legislature the Whig and Anti-]\Iasonic members, or as they chose to call them- selves " The Democratic Republican members of the Legis- lature,'' issued an address in which they criticized the policy of their opponents, on whom they tried to fasten the op- probrious name of " Federalists." Their opponents, they declared, were > breathing nothing but destruction to the banking and credit systems of the Commonwealth. . . . Men of no practical ex- perience in the affairs of life — beardless enthusiasts, full of crude and chimerical notions of reform, and with no better idea of a banking institution than such as might be picked up in the various but unmeaning vocabulary of a village newspaper — tyros in political science whose whole knowledge was confined to the noisy inanities of a town meeting — such were the master spirits whom the fermentation of the political cauldron, and the chances and changes of political life had thrown upon the surface, and invested with the power of legislating upon the rights and property of their fellowmen. The governor had interv^ened. they claimed, in the struggle over the banks and with him they had coo{>erated. The result was the adoption of resolutions whereby the suspen- sion o^ specie payment, which had begim on October 9, 1839, was to be legal until January 15, 1841, but the sus- pending banks were to be called on for a loan to the state. They, as usual, charged extravagance and corruption in the administration of the public works. " Some potent and mysterious influence " was brought to bear on the question with the result that it " was supported by the natural enemieg 54 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [310 of the system and opposed by many of its warmest friends." The value of the state stocks had decreased. Two remedies for this evil were available, but the Democrats had adopted the worse. They had refused to adopt resolutions asking for a distribution oi the proceeds of the public lands to all the states, their rightful proprietors ; by this plan of distribution the commonwealth would ultimately have received one hun- dred and twenty-five millions of dollars. They had, how- ever, adopted a scheme of burdening the people with taxa- tion, which tliey preferred to " the cheap declaration even of an opinion which might be considered offensive at Wash- ington." Their refusal to consider resolutions o', dead, effete, and turned out of all decent society long since. . . . The Banner will find itself just two years too late in its attempt to rake up such feelings." - Such insults led some of the Anti-Masons to consider the revival of an independent state organization for the gubernatorial contest, which was then impending.^ Failing in this endeavor, they succeeded, however, in con- tinuing the organization in some of the counties.* The joint '^Pennsylvania Telegraph, February 17, 20; National Gazette, Feb- ruary 16; Daily Telegraph, February 16, 1841. The Anti-Masons com- plained that they were being discriminated against in the distribution of the offices. Stevens, on March 27, 1841, wrote Webster urging the ap- pointment of Ritner as collector of the port of Philadelphia. " V/hat offence has the interior of Penna. committed against the administra- tion; what crime have the anti-IMasonic counties, every majority county of ours save one, perpetrated, that the rule is to be reversed to their prejudice? What high merit has the city and county of Philadelphia lately exhibited which is to command or to justify their elevation oved all Penna., and their monopoly of the two great offices in the State, contrary to uniform usage? You may not know the fact, which is nevertheless true, that not a single office at Washington or elsewhere has been given to a Penna. Antimason. And yet intelligent honesty will not deny that they form 4/5ths of the Harrison party of thei State. This neglect I cannot suppose to be intentional. But if we are to be denied the collectorship, the accidents adverse to our friends would seem to accumulate with all the certainty of design." Websterj Mss., Lib. of Cong. * United States Gazette, January 14, 1841. Joseph R. Chandler, editor and owner of this journal, had recently been elected grand-master ofi the state Masonic organization; Keystone, January 30, 1841. » Pennsylvania Telegraph, January 20, 30, February 3, 6, 1841. * Particularly in Lancaster, Adams, and Allegheny counties. Ihid.. June 9; Daily Telegraph, February 27, Marcli 3; Keystone, January 30, 1841. 215] YEARS OF TRIUMPH AND TRIBULATION 69 State organization was largely under their control, and they endeavored to use it to advantage. On January 6, 1841, there went forth from the " Democratic Harrison State Committee," of which Thomas H. Burrowes was chairman, a call to " the friends of General Harrison in Pennsylvania " to elect delegates to a state convention to meet in Harrisburg on March 10, 1841, "for the purpose of selecting a candi- date for the office of Governor, to be supported by the De- mocratic party of the State, at the approaching general election." ^ When the convention assembled, it nominated John Banks, the competent, but little-known, president- judge of the Berks-Lehigh-Northampton district, and re- ferred to itself as " the convention representing the great Democratic party which on the 30th of October last achieved a glorious victory in the election of Gen. William Henry Harrison." " On January 15, 1841, the day set by the resolutions of April 3, 1840, the banks of the state resumed specie pay-- ment, which had been suspended since October 9, 1839. At the time it seemed quite possible that the banks might be able to continue meeting all demands for specie payment; but, on February 4, the Bank of the United States, after having paid out six million dollars in specie, was again forced to suspend. Most of the other banks were able to avoid taking this step.^ The banking situation was thus again forced on the attention of the legislature. The Whigs, who, as a result of the election of 1840, were in full control of the legislature, determined to handle the situation in their own way. Without a roll-call a bill, en- titled " An act relating to State Street, in the borough of ^National Gazette. January 11, 1&41. * United States Gazette, \farch 12, 1841. ^ Ibid., March 12, 1841. yo THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [316 Harrisbtirg," had, on February i, passed the senate/ For more than two months, while their opponents tried various measures to secure action on the banking situation, the Whigs allowed this bill to slumber in a committee oi the house. On April 16, by a strict party vote of fifty-four to forty-four, the bill was so amended b)^ the house that it provided for the raising of revenue, the increasing of taxa- tion, the making of many appropriations, the authorizing of a loan to the state, the issuance of " relief notes " by the banks which participated in the loan, and the possible resuscitation of the Bank of the United States.^ The Democrats failed in their effort to have adopted a section requiring Nicholas Biddle to turn over to the assignees of the Bank of the United States the service of sterling silver " presented to him by the directors or self-styled majority of stock-holders of said Bank, as a reward for his alleged meritorious service in conducting the financial operations of said Bank," and compelling the directors personally to pay the difference between the cost of the sendee and its value as bullion.^ The senate refused to accept all the amendments of the house. Efforts to hold the bank for the unpaid portions of its pledge to the public school fund were readily defeated.* On April 30 the report of the con- ference committee was accepted by strict party voting, in the senate by 17 to 14, in the house by 50 to 42. The bill was now entitled " An act to provide revenue to meet the demands on the treasury and for other purposes." ^ On ^Senate Journal, 1841, vol. i, p. 172. * House Journal, 1841, vol. i, pp. 229, 804, 859. "Ibid., 1841, vol. i, p. 810. * Senate Journal, 1841, vol. i, p. 869; the vote was 7 to 20. ^ Ibid., 1841, vol. i, pp. 908, 933; House Journal, 18L41, vol. i, pp. 952, 971. 317] YEARS OF TRIUMPH AND TRIBULATION yi the following day the governor returned the bill with his veto, declaring that " the boon extended to the banks is not only greater than is necessary, but greater than has been asked for by any of these institutions." ^ The day set for the adjournment of the legislature was rapidly approaching. The Whigs had declared their intention, in the event that they would be unable to override the governor's veto, to adjourn without taking any further action on the important measures which were involved in the bill. The contractors on the state works would then be left unpaid and disaster would descend on manv counties. Immediatelv after the receipt of the vetoed bill, the senate passed the measure by a vote of 17 to 8; the refusal of six Democrats to vote assured success.^ In the house victory for the Whigs did not come so easily. After two failures to override the veto, the Whigs, with the assistance of thirteen Democrats, passed the bill, on May 4, by a vote of 62 to 28. The thirteen Democrats asserted that they objected to the bill, but since the suggestions of the governor would not be fol- lowed by the existing legislature they had reluctantly voted for it rather than " behold our Commonwealth become a by-word and reproach among the nations of the earth." ^ The act provided for a further loan to the state up to three million and one hundred thousand dollars, which, with certain exceptions, could be subscribed for by the banks of the state in bank-notes, authorized by the act and issued in denominations of five dollars and less. These " relief notes," redeemable in state stocks, were receivable for debts due to the state* Because of the failure to provide ' Senate Journal, 1841, vol. i, p. 965. ' Ibid., 1841, vol. i, p. 969. ^ House Journal, 1841, vol. i, pp. 971, 101 1, 1047, 1055, io5<> ♦ Session Laws, 1841, vol. i, p. 307. Thirty-three banks accepted, and 72 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [318 for tlie redemption of these " relief notes " through taxa- tion, their depreciation followed.^ The act also provided for the possible resuscitation of the Bank of the United State, or for its liquidation, if revival should prove to be impossible. Liquidation proved to be necessary; conse- quently on September 4, 1841, an assignment of the re- sources of the bank was made.^ The bank had been a Whig organization, and within the state its notes had been an important medium of excliange Now that the notes were not accepted, the criticisms of the Whigs by the De- mocrats were convincing to the holders oi the well-nigh worthless certificates.^ During the sessions of the legislature Governor Porter had vetoed a large number of bills. Following his nomina- tion for reelection at the state Democratic convention of March 4, 1841, the " Harrison Democratic members of the State Legislature," adopting the plan of the year before, issued an address under date of May 5, in which they at- tacked the governor for his abuse of the veto power. They excoriated him for his veto of the bill to relieve the financial stringency, claiming that previous to the veto he had made no suggestions to them as to what would be acceptable. The passage of the l:)ill over his veto had offered reliefi to a large number of men who would otherwise have been made destitute through the failure to provide funds for the eighteen did not ; " Report of the Auditor General," House Journal, 1842, vol. ii, p. 1 18. There were issued $2,220,264 in " relief notes." The auditor-general still annually reports the issues; for tliere are $40,806 of the old issue, and $55,287 of the new issue " in circulation" ; Report of the Auditor-General, 1917, p. 12. ' Worthington, Finances of Pennsylvania, p. 56. * National Gazette, November 30, 1841. » The Keystone, May 18, June 2, 23, August 4, 11, September 8, 22, 27, 1841. The fact that " Ritner's and Stevens' Regulator" had eventually exploded was stressed. 319] YEARS OF TRIUMPH AND TRIBULATION 73 continuance of construction and for the payment of labor already done on the public works of the state. They decried the use of the veto for other than constitutional reasons. Summing up their criticism, they said, At least ten Executive vetoes disfigure the Journals of this session, and in but one of them has the Governor pretended to indicate other than considerations of local expediency, of which the Representatives of the people believed they were the best judges.^ Before election day national affairs attracted attention. The death of Harrison elevated Tyler, whose political viewa had not been fully ascertained when he was nominated for the vice-presidency. In accordance with the call of Har- rison, Congress assembled in special session on May 31. Tyler's message, if not enthusiastically received, was con- sidered at least favorably.^ It seemed to indicate that he would not oppose the will of Congress, but his veto of the " Fiscal Bank Bill," followed by his veto of the " Fiscal Corporation Bill," disrupted the party, and the entire cabinet with the exception of Webster resigned. These vetoes by the Whig President took the edge off of the criticisms of the vetoes by the Democratic governor. The governor was also subjected to criticism Ijy the Whigs as the result of an incident growing out of the cam- paign of 1840. E. W. Hutter and John J. C. Cantine had been editors of a Democratic campaign paper called The Magician. During the heat of the campaign they had printed an article asserting that the Whigs engaged in sacrilegious and blasphemous rites at their political meet- ings. They stated that at the Gettysburg meetings Thad- deus Stevens, officiating as " High Priest," led the out- ^ Niks' Register, vol. Ix, p. 212. • United States Gazette, June 3, 1841. J74 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [320 rageous ceremonies. After the election Stevens sued the editors for libel in his home county, Adams. When the case was on trial, the attorney for the defendants offered as a bar to the proceedings a proclamation, signed January 23, 1 841, by the governor, pardoning the defendants from the charge of libel. ^ The issuance of a pardon before co'n- viction was held by the Whigs to be a perversion of the pardoning power. The virulent attacks on the personal morality of Porter, which had been so common in the election of 1838, were not revived for this election. Charges of maladministration were made instead. It was claimed that there had been an unwarranted increase in the amount of the state debt and that the public works were being mismanaged. Peculation and bribery in the passage of the Bank Act of 1840 were alleged. The sum of ninety-nine thousand dollars was mentioned as having been used by the Bank of the United States for some undeclared and unholy purpose.^ The returns showed the election of Porter by a large majority.^ In the legislature the Democrats gained control of the house, but the senate, due to the large number of hold-overs, remained in the power of the Whigs.* In en- deavoring to account for their defeat the Whig editors) claimed that many who in 1840 had voted for Harrison had left the party because of unfulfilled expectations, which they had anticipated would be realized through a mere change * The proclamation of pardon is in Pennsylvania Telegraph, February 3, 1841. * Ibid., September 18; National Gazette, September 21, 1841. ^Smull's Legislative Hand-Book, 1919, p. 720; David R. Porter (Dem.) 136.504; John Banks (Whig) 113,473; F. J. Lamoyne (Liberty) 762; scattering 23. *■ Pennsylvania Telegraph, December 29, 1841. The senate contained 17 Whigs and 16 Democrats; the house had Z7 VVhigs and 63 Democrats. 32 1 ] YEARS OF TRIUMPH AND TRIBULATION 75 of administrations. Neglect of the former Anti-Masons in the distribution of the patronage accounted for a great deal of coolness in certain sections of the state/ The former Anti-Masonic press attributed the defeat, which they had been expecting, to slurs which had been made against them. They claimed that their party had redeemed the state, and that of the 140,000 votes, cast for Harrison, 120,000 had been Anti-Masonic. Despite their numerical strength they had not been appointed to office. The anti-masons were represented as unpopular," vulgar, and inefficient. The gentlemen whigs and the 5 o'clock converts were the meritorious and able candidates for office. They found favor with the present administration; and were ap- pointed to all offices from which locofocos could be spared.- Both Whigs and Anti-Masons agreed in tlius accounting for the hea\y less in the counties which had been strong- holds of the latter. The problem of the financial rehabilitation of the state was still unsolved. The governor therefore took up the question in his annual message recommending that in ad- dition to disposing of the state-owned stocks the public works be sold, claiming that they could not be administered as economically under governmental as under private con- trol.^ Nothing came of his recommendation as attention was directed to other financial problems. Resolutions, from a mass meeting in Philadelphia, urging repudiation of the ^National Gazette, October 17; United States Gazette, October 15, 23, 1841. * Gettysburg Star quoted in Pennsylvania Telegraph, November 3, 1841. Ex-Governor Ritiier, one of the few Anti-Masons nominated, had been rejected by the Senate of the I'nited States because of alleged "incurable blindness"; Pennsylvania Telegraph. September 22, 1841. ^Pennsylvania Archives, series iv, vol. vi, p. 831. -6 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [322 State debt met with immediate non-partisan condemnation/ The state was, however, on the verge of bankruptcy, and interest on the state debt was not met promptly when it fell due on February- i, 1842. Beginning on January 29, there had been a run on the Bank of Pennsylvania, the state depository and disbursing agent. The run on the bank; had followed the closure of the Girard Bank a few daysl previously. The other banks of Philadelphia had refused to render either of them any assistance. The governor, who chanced to be in Philadelphia at the time, had an in- jimction issued against the Bank of Pennsylvania forbid- ding it to pay out further moneys. This action guaranteed the funds of the state, enabling the Bank of Pennsylvania to begin paying the interest on the public debt on February 14, a delay of two weeks. ^ Thus the banking question again assumed importance. The Democrats brought in their bill to remedy tlie! banking ills, which to their mind consisted in the participa- tion of the state as a partner in various private corporations. They, therefore, called for a " total divorce between Bank and State." ^ The bill readily passed the house, although the section ordering immediate resumption under threat of forfeiture of charter received considerable opposition. The senate amended the bill slightly. A conference between the two houses adjusted the differences, and the measure received the signature of the governor on March 12, 1842.* Although the act was not strictly a party measure, yet it ^ North American, January 7, 8; The Keystone, January 15, 1842. '^ North American, January 31, February i, 2, 3, 4, 7, 12, 14, 15; 1842. It was not until April 17, 1843, that resumption was effected; ibid., April 18, 1843. ' The Keystone, February 5, 1842. * Session Laws, 1842, p. 68. 323] YEARS OF TRIUMPH AND TRIBULATION yy received severe criticism from the Whigs, particularly from those in Philadelphia, one of whose editors exclaimed, Some think our resumption bill should be called a bill to relieve our country banks, break down those of our city, and help the New York brokers; others think it should be called a bill to establish a state currency, with relief notes as a basis ; others insist it should be called a bill to postpone indefinitely specie payment. Were we called upon ourselves to christen it, we should call it a bill to lose all the benefits which it sought, and realize all the evils it would shun; or, if that won't do, then call it a bill, composed of party springs, to catch political wood cock.^ In the meantime, the charges that the Bank of the United States had resorted to bribery to secure the passage of the resolutions of April 3, 1840, were being investigated." The Handy Investigation, as it was called because George Handy, one of the directors of the bank, had acted as its agent, began on February 14. In order to relieve Handy from the danger of a criminal prosecution, w^hich might be based on his testimony before the committee, the legislature adopted a joint resolution authorizing the attorney-general to issue a )iolle prosequi, if such suit were brought against Handy.^ Handy claimed that Daniel M. Brodhead, " a constant borer at Harrisburg, for many years past, on be- half of Banks and other corporations," had acted as the intermediary between him and the governor. A letter from J. Solms, president of the Moyamensing Bank of Phila- ^ North American, March 11, 1842; cf. also ibid., March 15, 18, 19; United States Gazette, March 9, 1842. *" Report of the joint committee of investigation, appointed by the legislature of Pennsylvania, to investigate whether corrupt means had been used to procure legislation favorable to the hanks frmn 1S36 to 1841." Senate Journal, 1842, vol. ii. * Session Laws, 1842, p. 479. -8 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [324 delphia, to George Handy was produced, stating tliat Solms would again pay his respects to the governor and would " talk in the Indian language." Many letters in code were submitted at the investigation. In one to an undisclosed addressee, possibly Handy, Solms wrote, To-morrow, I expect to hear from you respecting business in the lumber way, which is plenty, cheap now, and will sell. People will build in hopes of better tim.es, however you are more sanguine than I am in that business way. — They may not sell as low as you think. Persons in desperate circumstances take care of themselves when they are pressed ; in obtaining time they believe to weather the storm. ^ The letters furnished the political opponents of the gover- nor the opporttmity of lampooning him as an Indian chief, particularly as a " Kickapoo," and of manifesting great in- terest in the lumber market.^ The incomplete investigation failed to establish the fact that either the governor or any member of the legislature had received any of the $131,175, placed at the disposal of Handy.^ The committee, both in the majority and in the 1 House Journal, 1842, Appendix, pp. 461, et scq. ^ Pennsyhania Telegraph, April 20, 27, May 4; North American, April 6, 8, August 4, 6, 1842. A portion only of the Democratic press! defended the governor; The Keystone, April 13, A'lay 10, June 22, July 13, 18, 1842. When charges were made against the governor, he ordered the attorney-general to commence a criminal prosecution of Handy so that the entire matter might be investigated, claiming that the resolution ordering a nolle prosequi would not be violated thereby; Pennsylvania Archives series iv, vol. vi, p. 900. The anti-administration papers claimed that he was trying to stifle the investigation. The gov- ernor did not appear before the committee, altliough it had resolved that "if he were desirous of appearing before them to testify they would have no objections to hear him;" The Keystone, July 13, 1842. * Miners' Journal, March 11, 1843, thought it "but proper to infer that he shared the proceeds." 325] YEARS OF TRIUMPH AND TRIBULATION yg minority reports exonerated them, claiming that the money had been lavishly spent on " borers." Attacks on the gov- ernor were continued in the next legislature ; but the efforts to impeach him were easily defeated/ M. B. Lowry, one of the Democratic members of the investigating committee, took a view of the situation, which reflected the opinion of many members of the party. It is a striking fact, and one which strongly illustrates its enormous wickedness, that the very individuals who by fraud and corruption brought it [the Bank of the United States] into a Pennsylvania Institution after the Union had rejected it have turned abruptly round and charged their own high offences upon the Democratic Party which from principle and sound policy has uniformly contended in opposition to it. The under- signed however conceives this a fruitless task, and thinks that these men will have to share the responsibility of its rise and downfall among themselves, the verdict of an impartial poster- ity will say, the Whig party created it, its advocates and agents plundered its stockholders and creditors, and the Democratic party has had neither part nor lot therein.- That the Whigs, in the main, were responsible for the evils in the banking system can not be denied. The final failure of the Bank of the United States and the passage of various! bank acts by the Democrats during their long period of power removed the question from political strife. Further- more, the tariff was rising to a position of great impor- tance, directing attention away from state to national politics. The question of the pa\Tnent of the interest on the state debt required attention; for the legislature had adopted a ^Public Ledger, January 16; United States Gazette, January 9, 19; North American, March 8, 13, 1843. * House Journal, 1842, Appendix, p. 187. So THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [326 joint resolution to aid the contractors on the state worksl by appropriating for their benefit the money which had previously been set aside to pay the interest/ To preserve the remnant of the credit of the state, the act of July 2y, 1842, was passed. The semi-annual payment of the in- terest was due on August i, but no funds were available. The act authorized the payment of the interest in six per cent scrip due in one year. A certain percentage of the claims of the contractors, some of which were dated before May II, 1 84 1, was to be paid. The sale of the state-mvned stock in private corporations was authorized. The gov- ernor was given authority to receive bids for the sale of the public works. Retirement of the scrip was provided for by the levy of a small tax on real and personal pro- perty.' It was hoped that this measure would prove to be a temporary expedient, but recourse had to be had to scrip on the interest dates in 1843 3.nd in 1844.^ Another matter of state importance was the veto by the governor of the apportionment bill, which had been passed as a result of the districting act of Congress, based on the census of 1840. The governor claimed that the pro- portion in the districts was not equal and that the minority * Session Laws, 1842, p. 486, resolutions of April 7, 1843. ^ Ibid., 1842, p. 441. The Pennsylvania Telegraph, August 17, 1842, said, " No one voted for the tax bill but loco focos, the city Whigsi and a few western members, who were representing the interests of the ' domestic creditors '. The bill was so log-rolled, that these latter could not help voting as they did, although in every instance where a tax was proposed by itself, without the condition annexed of a dis- posal of the public works, they opposed it." The state-owned stock could not be sold because of restrictions in the act; no adequate bids for the state works were received. ' Worthington, Sketch of the Finances of Pennsylvania, p. 57. A total of $4,502,824.01 was issued in this scrip. Under the acts of April 29, 1844, and April 16, 1845, $4,360,494.39 were funded; Report of the Auditor-General, 1882, p. 233. 227] YEARS OF TRIUMPH AND TRIBULATION gl party was favored ; he said, " I assure the world, that no apportionment will ever receive my sanction, which in any degree, is designed to steal power from the many, and con- fer it upon the few." ^ Due to the failure of the legisla- ture to pass an act satisfactory to the governor, no election for Congressmen was held this year. In December, 1841, interest was directed to national affairs by the assembling of Congress in its regular session. The reference by the President in his message toi the bank- ing question attracted slight attention." More concern was felt in the state over the disposal of the tariff question. On March 25, 1842, the President submitted a message to Congress relative to the funds at the disposal of the Treas- ur)^^ His proposal to repeal the land-distribution act, passed at the recent extra session of Congress, and to apply the funds thus released to the pa3^ment of the interest and of the debt of the federal government was condemned. It was declared, The true question at issue is not whether the general govern- ment, or the States, shall have the avails of these lands, but whether the old States shall share them with the new ; or whether the new shall have the whole; that is the question. For the old States to vote for a repeal of the Land Bill would be the most suicidal act that they could possibly commit."* While the W'higs of the state condemned the proposal to repeal the distribution act, the proposal to increase the tariff ^ Fennsylvania Archives, series iv, vol. vi, p. 9144. In McClure, Old Time Notes of Pennsylvania, vol. i, p. 69, it is stated that Porter vetoed the bill because it made the election of two of his friends im- possible. * Richardson, Messages and Papers of the Presidents, vol. iv, p. Sz- * Ibid., vol. iv, p. 106. * North American, March 28, 1842. 82 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [328 rates was heralded gladly. " A tariff is sufficient, and that we must have, repeal or no repeal." ^ A tariff bill, which proposed to raise the rates above twenty per cent and at the same time continue the provisions of the distribution act, was returned on June 29 with a presidential veto.- The President felt that a temporary revenue measure was overthrowing a permanent com- promise. His use of the veto was condemned by the Whigs ; for, although its exercise was constitutional, he had ad- vanced no constitutional argument for its use.^ It was pointed out that the President was now in full and complete harmony with the policy of the Democrats.* Another tariff bill, similar to the preceding one save in a few minor matters, was returned on August 9 with a veto message, which virtually repeated the previous arguments in its in- sistence on the non-inclusion of the distribution provisions in the tariff measure.^ The veto was declared to be " anl act of madness " on the part of " his Accidency," who cared little how much the coimtry suffered. The manufacturers of the country are crushed, our commerce broken up, our shipping rotting in the docks, and ruin and con- sternation spread abroad upon the land : and all this done in the mad hope of retaining a station which would never have been accorded to him at the hands of the people." An analysis of the vote on the bill, in its passage through the » United States Gazette, March 29, 1842. * Richardson, op. cit., voL iv, p. 180. ' United States Gazette, July i ; North American, July i, 1842. * North American, July 2, 1842. •Richardson, op. cit., vol. iv, p. 183; reference of this message to a committee, which reported condemnatory resolutions, led to a pro- test from the President; ibid., vol. iv, p. 190. ^United States Gazette, August 11, 1842. 329] YEARS OF TRIUMPH AND TRIBULATION 83 House, which was to receive the signature of the President, shows that it was primarily a Whig measure, but that more Whigs voted in the negative than Democrats voted in the affirmative. It was not distinctively a sectional measure, for as many votes south of the Mason and Dixon line were cast for it, as votes north of the line were cast against it. Ten Whigs and ten Democrats from Pennsylvania voted for it, while three Whigs and five Democrats did not vote.^ In Pennsylvania the question of the tariff was not yet a! party issue, although the Whigs were asserting that it was.^ The act was generally received with favor although it was recognized that it lacked permanency. The tariff Whigs( were urged to be conciliatory to the distribution Whigs, who were to be congratulated for yielding and sacrificing their provision.^ Before the adjournment of Congress, " Vetoes No. 5 and 6 " were received. The former on the land-distribu- tion bill had been expected, but the latter, coming unex- pectedly, was condemned as an unwarranted interference in a matter which affected merely the organization of Con- gress.* The supporters of Tyler, few in number though they were, were active in tr^'ing to get the aid of the Democrats for their leader. At Philadelphia, on the Fourth of July, 1842, a delegation was sent from the Tyler banqueters to carry a toast to Democratic banqueters. The Democratsl replied in their toast that they " sought no alliance but look! for the justice of our cause for success. Truth is mighty and will prevail." '^ At a Fourth of July dinner at the ^ North American, August 26, 1842. » Pcnnsylvauia Telegraphy September 14. tRj? * Ibid., August ji ; North American, .August 25, 1842. * North American, September 3, 1842. » Ibid., July 7 ; United States Gazette, July 6, 1842. ^4 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [330 White House nearly forty Democrats were present. One of these, C. J. Ingersoll, a Philadelphia Congressman, was credited with the toast, " Veto and Ditto." ^ The Demo- crats were making it evident that they were willing to en- courage disaffection in the Whig party, willing to profit by the resulting split, but unwilling to follow Tyler. The patronage was also, of course, being used for the purpose of developing a Tyler following. Secretary of the Treasury Walter Forward had in April asked Jonathan Roberts, collector of the custom duties at Philadelphia, tO' remove a certain number of employees. Roberts asked for and was granted a conference on the question of the removals. His refusal to comply with the request was followed in Sep- tember by his own removal.^ Following these events came the election of 1842, at which only members of the state legislature were to be chosen, and which in consequence failed to attract much attention, altliough the next legislature was tO' choose a United States Senator to succeed James Buchanan. The Whigs had no one for whom to work up enthusiasm, while the Democrats sneered at the possibility of the state being represented by " Thaddeus Stevens, Joseph Ritner, Thomasi H. Burrowes or some other of the back window heroes of the Buckshot War." ^ The tariff could not be used as an issue, for its effects were not yet felt and the state Demo- crats had supported the measure. The failure of the Demo- crats to support the distribution bill was condemned, as now the taxpayer would be forced to bear still heavier burdens.* The ensuing election gave control of both housesi • United States Gazette, July 8, 1842. 'Correspondence in the North American, September 13, 15, 17, 1842. * The Keystone, September 28, 1842. -* United States Gazette, October 7, 1842. 33 1 ] YEARS OF TRIUMPH AND TRIBULATION 85 by safe majorities to the Democrats/ The United States, Gazette felt called upon gloomily to insist that the election indicated that the people of the state had declared against a tariff.^ ' Upon the assembling of the legislature the financial situa- tion was reviewed by Governor Porter in his message. As previously, so now, he urged greater recourse to taxation in order that the state might have at its disposal adequate funds to be used for the reduction of the state debt. Howe\'er, he now recommended a specific measure to con- sist of a levy of a few cents a ton on the iron ore and coal mined within the state, assuming that this would not be heavy enough to cause increased importations.^ The Whigs directed their objections to this feature of the mes- sage. The North American contended that since the Penn- sylvania delegation in Congress had exerted itself " to have a duty laid upon foreign Coal and Iron, it seems hardly consistent to tax these same articles so as to make foreign competition the more easy." * The whole proposition met with the hearty condemnation of the Miners' Journal which held that coal and iron were already highly taxed as land. Furthermore, the state debt was due to the construction of the internal improvements, which were of little value to the mining interests, for of the million tons of coal shipped in 1842 from the Schuylkill, Lehigh and Lacka- wanna regions only one fifth was carried on the state works. ^ The efforts which were made to pass a bill laying a ton- ^ Ibid., January 4. 1843; the Democrats had nineteen of the thirty- three senators and sixty-one of the one hundred representatives. * Ibid., October 31, 1842. ^Pennsylvania Archives, series iv, vol. vi, pp. 920, et seq. < January 5, 1843. •January 14, 1843. 86 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [332 nage tax on coal and iron ore met with insurmountable op- position. Consequently scrip, as in 1842, had to be relied on to provide funds for the pa)Tnent of the interest on the public debt.^ The governor recommended that the state debt be decreased by the proceeds from the sale of the state- owned stocks in various corporations. Without much dif- ficulty, an act authorizing their sale was passed. Pur- chasers were allowed to make payment with the certificates of debt, which had been issue by the auditor-general. The result was that little money found its way into the state treasury, although the debt was somewhat reduced by the redemption of the certificates. - Within the state the Democratic party underwent the same experience that the Whig party had undergone nation- ally, in that the executive whom it had elected was not in harmony with the Democratic legislature. Early in Jan- uar}', the sheriff of Philadelphia died. Governor Porter appointed his own son to fill the vacancy, which appoint- ^ Worthington, Finances of Pennsylvania, p. 57. ' In his message of 1842, Governor Porter stated that the par value of the state-ou'ned stock was $6,134,074.45. The market value of it had been steadily decreasing. A share of stock in the Bank of Penn- sylvania, par value $400, sold in 1839 ior $496, in 1840 for $410, in 1841 for $412, and in 1842 for $160; in 1843 the state disposed of its shares, for prices ranging from $140 to $187.25. From June to October, 1843, sales of state-owned stocks were held. For the stocks, which proved saleable, $1,319,730.65 were received; stocks with a par value of $1,986,797.56 could not be sold. Pennsylvania Archives, series iv, vol. vi, pp. 821-839; House Journal, 1844, pp. 28-46. Under the authority of the act of June 12, 1878, the amount of state-owned stock was reduced to a par value of $501,454.62; Rcfiort of the Auditor- General, 1882, p. 238. The greater portion of this still remains un- sold; the auditor-general today reports state-owned stock to a par value of $432,884.62; ibid., 1917, 9. 31. The state-constructed and state- owned canals and railroads had cost $35,096,671.18. When they were sold, under authority of the acts of May 16, 1857, and April 21, 1858, only $10,981,500 were received for them; ibid., iS^o, p. 114. ^33] YEARS OF TRIUMPH AXD TRIBULATION 87 ment openly started the breach between the governor and his party.^ The rearrangement of his cabinet by President Tyler widened the breach when he appointed James M. Porter, a brother of the governor, ad interim Secretary of War. Of the sixty-nine Democratic papers in the state all save twelve, which were controlled either by his appointees or by his brother, abandoned the governor.- The Penn- sylvanian was particularly sharp in its criticisms, saying, Were the people to be purchased thus, they would sell them- selves cheaply indeed. This junction of the two administra- tions, with all the influences they can bring to bear, will neither transfer the people on the one hand to sustain Mr. Tyler for the presidency nor governor Porter for the vice-presidency, nor will it serve to distract and divide the party in 1844. Such chaffering and peddling, first of the offices of the people them- selves, for the benefit of two famUies, will create an emotion of just anger not easily to be tranquilized." Charges of an endeavor to establish Porterism as the equal and partner of Tylerism abounded. A strong point of attack on Porter vvas his unabated use of the veto. An ajct dividing the state into congressional districts, which he approved, w^as secured after several vetoes.* His veto of the bill, providing for the election of the canal commissioners by the legislature, was effective • The Pentisylvamaii, which was attacking Porter, was answered by the Spirit of the Times, which on February 15, 1843, said "that this whole estabhshment with the Brokers, Auctioneers, BulHes, Pawn- brokers,' Lawj'crs, Job Printers, and others who have control over it, are about to make one grand leap — to turn a complete somersault — and come down in the middle of the Whig Senate camp." * The Keystone, May 10, 1843, quoted in Miles' Register, vol. Ixiv, p. 179- ' Quoted in Niles* Register, vol. Ixiv. p. 44. *!iession Laws, 1843. p. ii5- 88 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [334 despite the fact that a number of the Democrats combined with the Whigs in an effort to overcome it. The governor maintained that " the election or appointment of the Canal Commissioners belongs only to the Executive or to the people, and cannot be vested in the Legislature without a gross usurpation of power." ^ A bill providing for their election by the people became effective despite the opposition of the governor.- Not only the governor but also the De- mocracy was condemned for beginning the experiment of arraying the nominally poor against the ostensibly rich. The former being a majority in the American, as in every other nation, it was prudently determined to win their affections. The hue and cry against aristocracy was suc- cessful, so far that the polity, stigmatized as aristocratic, was abandoned for a succession of schemes, all opposite in their nature, but all acceptable, under the name of democratic.^ The " temperate conservatism " of the Whigs was needed to save the country " when innovation is stalking so fiercely abroad." ' The elections to be held in the fall of 1843 were of un- usual importance, for, in addition to members of the state legislature. Congressmen and, for the first time, canal com- missioners were to be chosen. Into the election the Whigs made efforts to prevent the presidential question from en- tering. It was quite probable that Clay would be the choice of the Whig national convention, called for May 3, 1844. He had been endorsed as the preference of the state at a mass convention held at Harrisburg on February 22, 1843.^ 1 Pennsylvania Archives^ series iv, vol. \ i, p. 979. 'Session Laws, 1843, p. ^37- * North American, April 15, 1843. * Ibid., March 16, 1843. * Pubht Ledger, February 24, 1843. 335] YEARS OF TRIUMPH AND TRIBULATION 89 There existed some fear that McLean might be used " by the remnants of the New York dique, which made a stalk- ing horse of the manly form of Scott" in 1839, and thus Clay might be defeated/ Tyler caused little concern, for his attempts to control the Whig party had failed dismally, and his advances to the Democrats were being scorned.^ Tyler was declared to stand in such poor favor that the reception accorded him by the people in his journey to the dedication of the Bunker Hill monument was characterized as " cool and dignified." ^ On the other hand, some of the former proscriptive leaders of the x\nti-Masonic party, who had not been ad- mitted to a position of influence in the Whig ranks, threat- ened trouble. They too had held a state mass convention and had declared themselves favorable to Scott. To use the committee, appointed at this convention, would dis- credit their movement. They therefore resorted to the committee, which in 1841 had had charge of the campaign of Banks for governor and which was subject to their in- fluence. This committee on May 17, 1843, issued a call for a convention of the ''Democratic Harrison Party" to assemble on September 6 to make nominations for canal commissioners.* This was an effort to block the endorse- ment of Qay by the Whigs and, at the same time, to disrupt the organization which had been perfected at the Clay con- vention of February 22.^ ^ United States Gazette, May 12, 1843. '^ North American, May 12, 1843. 'Ibid., June 14, 1843. ^Pennsylvania Tclegraf^h, July 4, 1843. 5 Egle, Notes and Queries, 1896, p. 146; in a letter, dated May 20, 1843, to John Strohm, John A. Fisher condemned Uie movement " in toto, and see in it, if assented to, or recognized by us, the virtual triumph of that cUque of boW, bad men whose motto is rule or ruin." ^O THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [336 The directing genius of this movement to block the en- dorsement of Clay was Thaddeus Stevens, who in 1842 had moved to Lancaster from Gettysburg. In Lancaster and Allegheny counties, the proscriptive Anti-Masons had been maintaining an independent organization. On August 30, 1843, the "Anti-Masonic and Whig" convention for the county met at Lancaster to choose delegates for the state convention of September 6. The delegates chosen at this county convention were instructed to withdraw, if the Stevens delegation, which had been chosen at an " Anti- Masonic " county convention, received any recognition at the state convention.^ At the state convention the committee on contested delegations rejected Stevens and his associates.' This faction, however, ran its own ticket in Lancaster county. The same thing was done also in Allegheny county, from which no contesting delegation had, however, been sent to the state convention.'' In the other counties of the state the former Anti-Masons gave the Whig party their undivided allegiance, and the effort to revive political Anti-Masonry for the elections of this year failed. In the election campaign no distinctive issue was raised. The more effective organization of the Democrats gave them the three canal commissioners by a majority of over fourteen thousand in a total vote of two hundred and seven thousand.* The Democrats now held twenty-two of the thirty-three seats in the sitate senate, and fifty-eight of the one hundred in the house.^ Sufficient importance had not * United States Gazette, September i ; Public Ledger, September 2, 1843- ^ North American, September 9, 1843. * Daily Forum, quoted in Niks' Register, vol. Ixv, p. 169, for the re- turns from these two counties. *l\orth American, October 24, 1843. ^Public Ledger, January 2, 1844. 337] YEARS OF TRIUMPH AND TRIBULATION 91 been attached to the election by the Whigs, as was shown by the fact that in some districts of Schuylkill county bal- lots for the Whig candidates had not been printed.' The Democrats secured only twelve of the twenty-four Congress- men, inasmuch as the Whigs had combined with dissatisfied Democrats in some of the congressional districts and had elected volunteer Democrats, who expressly declared for a protective tariff. y . I'^'sf^ ^Miners' Journal, October :S, 1843. CHAPTER III Texas and the Tariff 1 844- 1 846. As soon as the elections of 1843 were past, plans were made for the ensuing presidential campaign. The Demo- crats of the state, imder the control of Buchanan, pledged their support to him. But on December 19, 1843, before the meeting of the state convention, Buchanan in a letter, published in the Lancaster Intelligencer, withdrew his name as a candidate for the presidency.^ He did this because he received no support in other states, the majority of which were already pledged to Van Buren." The sentiment of tJie Democracy in the state was by no means strongly in favor of Van Buren, nevertheless the Democratic state conven- tion, at Harrisburg on March 4. 1844, pledged its delegates to him for the presidency and to R. M. Johnson for the vice-presidency. After a sharp contest the convention nomi- nated Henry A. Muhlenberg, the anti-Wolf Democratic candidate in 1835, for governor.* On August 10, before the election, Muhlenberg died suddenly at his home in Read- ing. The Democratic state central committee reconvoked the convention, which, on September 2, nominated Francis R. Shunk, who had been the opponent of Muhlenberg at the first convention.* Shunk was the inevitable choice of ^ Moore, The Works of James Buchanan, vol. v, p. 437. "^ Ibid., vol. vi, p. I. * Public Ledger, March 6, 7, 8; North American^ March 8, 1844. * Fublic Ledger, August 15, September 4, 1844. 92 [.338 339] TEXAS AND THE TARIFF 93 the Democrats at their second convention. His friend- ship with the Porters tended to hold that faction to the party. Furthermore, the party owed him a debt of gratitude for the firmness displayed during the Buckshot War, when as clerk of the house he had been the chief instrument in thwarting the machinations O'f the Whigs and Anti-Masons. He was strongly opposed to special grants, and consequently would continue the policy of his predecessor. A contem- porary eulogist stated, The tendency of capital to accumulate in the hands of the few, the power which it always wields, the antagonism between it and labor, and the encroachment of the former on the just rights of the latter, even under the best administration of the most equitable laws, he regarded as one of the dangers of republics.^ Such views appealed particularly to the masses in the in- terior of the state. Shunk had, however, continuously held public office since early manhood. His opponents sharply contrasted his career with that of their non-office- holding candidate. On December 8, 1843, there appeared a call, signed by the members of the Harrison state central committee, for a " Democratic Harrison Convention " to meet at Harrisburg* on March 4, 1844.- The committee appointed in 1841 to conduct the election for governor was the only anti-De- mocratic state organization which had any regularity to its existence. Since that year, there had been no general state election save that for canal commissioners. The only other way in which a call for a state convention might come would be from the members of the legislature. As this • DeWitt, A Discourse on the Life and Character of Francis R. Shunk, late Governor of Pennsylvania, delivered August 9, 1S4S, p. 23. * North American, December 11, 1843. 94 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [340 body did not assemble until January, the call might have come too late for the convention to meet at the customary time. Furthermore, the name of Harrison still had an attraction for many former Anti-Masons. Some of them, led by Thumas H. Burrowes, were not reconciled to the disappearance of political Anti-Masonry, and were threatening trouble. In November, 1843, they questioned Clay about his views on Masonry and about his membership in that organization. Clay replied that he " became a mason in early life, from youthful curiosity and a social disposi- tion," but that he never took any high degrees, that he wasi not a member at the time, and that he never voted for any- one because he was a Mason. ^ Nothing definite came from this agitation, but fear of the Anti-Masons led to the sug- gestion that inasmuch as " Harrisonism in Penna. ... is per se strong " it would be well to identify the Whig cause in the state with it. Care should be taken to fill the Har- rison counties with Whig almanacs and songs and to im- press upon the voters " that if it is not for Harrison they are fighting, it is against Harrison's enemies. If we can even to a tolerable extent raise this feeling, and then add to it a personal enthusiasm for Mr. Clay, and tariff prin- ciples, our course is far from impro|)itious." It might be " expedient to take up the Harrison Electoral ticket defying* our adversaries to do the same." " The Anti-Masonic ir- reconcilables made no headway with their movement, which practically marked the end of their efforts to form an in- dependent party by breaking away from the Whigs.' ^ Niles' Register, vol. Ixv, p. 244. . 2 William B. I\ced to John M. Clayton, December 18, 1843; Claytoa Papers, Lib. of Cong. * The decadence of the power of the Anti-Masons is illustrated in Allegheny county. In the congressional election of 1843, the straight Anti-Masonic candidate received over 2200 votes. In a special election 341 ] TEXAS AND THE TARIFF 95 When the " Democratic Harrison State Convention," as some of the former iVnti-Alasons called it, or the " Whig " state convention, as the resolutions had it, met, no great opposition to the endorsement of Henry Clay as the next presidential cajididate developed. It took twenty-two bal- lots, however, to select Joseph Markle, of Westmoreland in March, 1844, the same individual received only 6co votes ; Niles" Register, vol. Ixvi, p. 80. Thomas H. Burrowes, who had been chair- man of the Harrison state central committee in 18140 and who hadi been active in trying to keep Anti- sustain your rights as Americans, firmly but moderately." ^ The meeting led to rioting between the Natives and the Irish, which continuing for several days resulted in the destruction of several Catholic churches and other property * The first Native American meeting in Philadelphia county had been held at Germantown as early as 1837 ; but this movement soon died. Scharf and Westcott, History of Philadelphia, vol. i, p. 663. * Native American, May 25, 1844. » United States Gazette, March 18, 1844. * North American, March 14, 1844. * Native American, Daily Sun, American Advocate, and Native Eagle and Advocate were all daily papers, sold for a penny to large numbers of workingmen. ^Native American, May 4. 1844. Kensington had I)een the scene of previous conflicts between tlie Irish and otlier members of the com- munity. The first clash came in 1828, and another in 1843; Scharf and Westcott, History of Piladclphia, vol. i, pp. 623, 661. ''Native American, May 6, 1844. I06 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [352 and the loss of a number of lives. In the early part of July, rioting of several clays' duration again occurred, but this time in Southwark. The animus of the rioters wasi directed against a Catholic church in which stored firearms were discovered/ The movement now became fully iden- tified with anti^Catholicism, thus attracting support which it would not otherwise have secured." The trials of the rioters, extending well into October, helped keep interest in Nativism alive. An organization in Philadelphia city and county was perfected; nominations for Congress, for the state legislature, and for county and city officers were made. It was deemed inexpedient to attempt the organization of the state this year for the election of governor and canal commissioner.^ Outside of Philadelphia, the only other county in the state in which the Native Americans perfected an organiza- > An excellent account of the riots is given in Scharf and Westcott, op. cit., vol. i, pp. 664, et seq.; cf. also Public Ledger, Daily Chronicle, Spirit of the Times, North American, Native American, Daily Sun, May 7-13, July 6-10, 1844. The various newspapers show their party affiliation as follows: the Native press exonerated their followers from all blame ; the Democratic papers condemned tlie Natives for causing the riots; the Whig sheets attempted to distribute the onus» for the disturbances but placed the greater portion of it on the Irish. After the Soulhwork riots, a large number of citizens, regardless of party affiliation, signed an address to the governor pledging their support to him in an endeavor to check all future disturbances; Public Ledger, July 12, 1844. ' " It will be seen that such a contest involves an issue purely ROMAN CATHOLIC on one side and AMERICAN on the other. .... There is no other question before the people. Let us decide it then, as becomes the descendants of George Washington," declared the Daily Sun, (September 30, 1844. » Native American, August 5, 16, 1S44. The official title of the party •was "The Native American Republican Party." The American Ad- vocate, August II, 1844, urged that the "half and half" principle be adopted in naming candidates from the old parties in order toi attract voters from them. 353] TEXAS AND THE TARIFF 107 tion, made nominations, and polled a respectal)le vote was Lancaster/ In this county, Anti-Masonry had been parti- cularly strong because of its appeal to the numerous reli- gious sectarians. Even after the abandoning of the state organization, Anti-Masonry had continued in this county. A new political movement with a religious appeal attracted some Anti-Masons who had not identified themselves with the "Anti-Masonic and Whig" party." Little was ac- complished in Allegheny county where an endeavor was also made to form a Native American party out of the unab- sorbed Anti-Masons.^ In the western portion of the state this element joined the newly formed Liberty party, which ran congressional candidates in the western districts.* Although the Native Americans had no candidate of their own for governor, yet they did not fail to make them- selves felt in the election. The Democratic candidate had written a letter, in which he intimated that he favored the ^Native American, June 10, July 18; Daily Sun, July 13, 1844. The Native vote polled in Lancaster county was 2,500 out of a total of more than 14,500; North American, October 28, 1844. ^ The leaders in the movement in Lancaster county were E. C. Reigart, who in 1843 questioned Clay on his views on Masonry, and George Ford, one of the committee which called the "Democratic Harrison Convention" of 1844. Other Anti-Masons, Thomas H. Burrowes and his brothers, Samuel Parke, ex-member of the legislature, and John C. Van Camp, chairman of the county committee in 1840, joined the Democrats. Thaddeus iStevens for a time deliberated over the course he would pursue; the Anti-Masonic party had disappeared, the Dem- ocrats were impossible, the Natives at best problematical, and the newly formed Liberty party was considered temporarily too extreme, so he held aloof until September when he came out openly for Clay. * Native American, August 10, 1844. * No candidate was run in the i8th congressional district, composed of Fayette, Greene, and Somerset counties. Candidates were run in Philadelphia and Chester counties, where many Quakers lived, but the vote polled was not large. Public Ledger, September 26, Octol>cr 2, 1844. Io8 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [3^4 exclusion of the reading of the Bible from the public schools. His participation in the dedication of the Roman Catholic cathedral at Pittsburgh was also construed to his disadvan- tage. This agitation on the religious question was quickly adopted by the Whigs/ The excitement displayed in this election, according to the Public Ledger, exceeded that in the election of 1840, when the Democrats had not been so active as the Whigs.^ It was particularly evident in Philadelphia, where the Oc- tober elections were based primarily on the Native American movement, but did not extend to other portions of the state. An address of the Whig state central committee declared that if the Democrats are successful, the odious sub-Treasury scheme, dividing the offices from the people — taking care of one and letting the others take care of themselves, will be revived. The war is to be renewed against the currency — against commerce — against a protec- tive tariff — against the distribution amongst the States of the proceeds of the public lands — against commercial credit — against manufactories, etc. In Pennsylvania no favorable change is proposed. The Whigs proposed to better the financial condition of the state: i. by the sale of the public works on advantageous terms, thereby lowering the indebtedness of the state; 2. by a change of men and measures, tliereby stopping the cry of bribery and corruption ; 3. by the distribution of the money from the sale of the public lands; 4. by retaining the present tariff, which was giving protection to home industries; 5. by fewer changes in legislation affecting commerce; 6. by • Pittsburgh Daily Morning Post, October i ; American Advocate, October 5; North American, September 20, 25, October 5, 1844. ' September 2, 1844. 355] TEXAS AXD THE TARIFF 109 ail equitable mode of taxation/ These were the points which the Whigs stressed during the campaign. The elections on October 8 demonstrated that the state was controlled by the Democrats and that the Natives had de\'eloped unexpected strength in Philadelphia county. Shunk defeated Markle, the Whig candidate for governor, by a majority of four thousand votes.' Of the twenty-four Congressmen from the state, twelve were returned by the Democrats, ten by the Whigs, and two by the Natives. Encroachment on the Democratic majority in the state legis- lature came through the Natives, who secured one senator and seven representatives at the expense of the Democrats, and one representative at the expense of the Whigs. ^ The vote for Congressmen in Philadelphia city and county was much greater than in 1843, with the returns indicating that the Native American party was built up largely from Whig material.* The Spirit of the Times, the leading Demo- cratic paper in Philadelphia, asserted that more than two- thirds of the new party consisted of \Vhigs, and that it was nothing but the Whig party in disguise.^ Some of the Whig papers openly gloried in the triumph of the Native Americans.® > Printed in the United States Gazette, July 17, 1844. * Smull's Legislative Hand-Book, 1919, p. 720; Francis R. Shunk (Dem.) 160.322; Joseph Markle (Whig) 156,040; F. J. Lamoyne (Liberty) 2,566. The fact that Markle was a " fast friend of Stevens " lost him votes from the Clay men ; Hood, " Thaddcus Stevens " in Harris, Biographical History of Lancaster County. *.\orth American, October 28, 1844. Lewis C. Levin and John H. Campbell were returned respectively from the first and third congres- sional districts. The total vote polled by the Natives in the congres- sional districts is given as 19,192. For a characterization of Levin cf. McQure, Old Time Notes, vol. i, p. P9. * Public Ledger, October 10, 11, 12, 1844. * October 10, 1&44. 6 On November 11, 1844, the Xorth American openly endorsed the no THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [3-6 The Whigs were not greatly discouraged by the defeat of their gubernatorial candidate and entered the presidential campaign with zeal. They pointed out the fact that the majority which Shunk received was less than that received by Porter in 1841. In 1840 the adverse total against the Whigs in the congressional districts had been ii,0(X), yet they had carried the state for Harrison. These com- parisons, unfavorable to the Democrats, were declared to be an " omen for November." ^ It was also stated that Markle did not develop the anticipated strength because he came from a strong opposition county and had been little heard of previously. The tarifif, it was asserted, had not been the issue for it had not been shown that Shunk was opposed to the protective principle. Concerning the hos- tility of Polk to a protective tariff, however, there could be no doubt; consequently, the Whigs would carry the state.^ Assuming the aggressive on the tariff dispute, the Whigsl charged that large sums of gold were being raised in Eng- land, particularly in Manchester, to spread the doctrine of free trade in the United States.^ The Democrats were ac- cused of having called the tariff of 1842 " the Black Tariff,'^ until they discovered that the object of their attack was held in high favor in Pennsylvania.* Indeed, the most difficult thing to believe was declared to be the report that some banners, flown in the interior of the state, bore the wordsl •' Polk, Dallas and the Tariff of 1842." ' Native American cause. After the lapse of several months it again supported the Whig party. The Harrisburg Telegraph advised " poli- ticians who are looking to their own advancement to be cautious how they make themselves obnoxious to this growing party." Quoted in Native American, October 12, 1844. ^ North American, October 14, 1844. * United States Gazette, October 16, 1844. ^ Daily Forum, October 9, 1844. * North American, October 17, 1844. ^ Ihid., October 26, 1844. 357] TEXAS AND THE TARIFF III The Demccrats did net shrink now from the tariff as the campaign issue. They continued to use the letter from Polk to Kane contrasting, with telling effect, its statements! with the utterances of Clay. The letter of McCandless to the Clarion county meeting was chiefly relied on in the western portion of the state. Since the contest would be close, efforts were made to capture the vote of abolitionists in the state. An alleged statement by Clay that he would not sign a bill abolishing slavery in the District of Columbia was used by the Democrats for this purpose. A letter from James G. Birney, the Liberty candidate, saying he preferred Polk to Clay was given due publicity.^ This was soon fol- lowed by another letter, later proven to be a forgery, in which Birney stated that he had always been a Democrat." The Catholics were held to the Democracy by a quotation from the Tennessee Whig, an authoritative Clay organ, to the effect that " There can be no peace until the Catholics are exterminated from this country." ^ Attacks on Freling- huysen because of his prominent position in the Bible Society were frequently made. The vote polled in the November election was much larger than the vote cast in October; both parties shared in the increase, but the Democrats retained their majority.* The Whigs carried Philadelphia county, normally a Democratic stronghold, through the addition of the Native American vote.' The only other county in which a change of political * Spirit of the Times, October i6, 1844. * North American, October 31, 1844. ' Spirit of the Times, October 26, 1844. * SmnU's Legislative Hand-Book, 1919, p. 715; James K. Polk (Dem.) 167,447; Henry Clay (Whig) 161,125; James G. Birney (Liberty) 3,100. ' Some felt that the Native Americans cost Clay the election. Louis- ville Journal, quoted in Public Ledger, October _'0, 1845, " Rut for the 112 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [338 alignment took place was Mercer, which was carried by the Democrats because of the large number of votes cast for the Liberty party. The deciding issue in the campaign, however, had been the tariff. Governor Porter in his last annual message in 1845 put it : I hazard nothing in asserting that neither of the presidential candidates could have hoped, for a moment, to get a majority of the votes in this state, had not his claims been based upon the assurance that he was friendly to the continuance of the present tariff laws, substantially as they stand. ^ The Whigs had not proven to the electorate that Polk wasi opposed to the tariff of 1842. On December 9, 1844, the " Committee on Organization of the Clay Club " issued an address on the recent elections. They charged that in the Whig counties the increase over 1840 was normal, but that in some of the Democratic coun- ties, chiefly in the northern tier, there was an abnormal De- mocratic but onlv a normal Whig increase. '& Is it by accident that the illegitimate increase in the vote of the State is ALL IN THE LOCOFOCO COUNTIES, and ALL ON THE LOCOFOCO SIDE? Is it by accident that the increase in the Whig vote is the exact ratio of the increase of the poptdation, and that the Locofoco vote EXCEEDS THAT RATIO BY ALMOST TEN THOUSAND? Is it by accident that the Locofoco gain in the Whig counties is met by a corresponding loss in the Whig vote, and that a Whig gain in the Locofoco counties is answered by a STILL LARGER GAIN FOR THE LOCOFOCOS? Native American movement, the Whigs vi^ould have been victorious in the Presidential elections of last fall." Cf. Barnes, Memoir of Thurlow Weed, p. 134; Colton, Private Correspondence of Henry Clay, pp. 495, 497. > Pentisylvania Archives^ series iv, vol. vi, p. 1072. o H o cq « a o Jr. U Q 359] TEXAS AND THE TARIFF I13 In Pike county, it was claimed, more votes were cast in 1844 than there had been male inhabitants of twenty-one years and over in 1840. The committee asserted that at least 10,000 illegal votes had been cast in the state. Clay was declared to have been elected President and Markle governor. The committee, however, departed from the precedent established in 1838 in not urging a course of action to secure the offices which they claimed.^ It is not difficult to account for the failure of Clay to carry the state. His personality, in the first place, did not appeal strongly to the rural voters, a thing which was neces- sary if the normal Democratic majority in the state was to be overcome. Furthermore, in the past he had been Jackson's opponent, and the name of Jackson was still one to conjure with in the commonwealth. In the Whig party itself, a large element, composed of former Anti-Masons, distrusted Clay. This element had controlled the opposition to the Democracy in 1836 and nominated Harrison as the candidate of the state. It had been particularly influential in 1839 in blocking the nomination of Clay by the Whig national convention. This element had, in large measure, opposed Masonry on religious grounds, and for the same reason it could well find cause for complaint in Clay's duel- ling and gambling. Politically organized, there was no such thing as Anti-Masonry, but the sentiment for the old principles still prevailed. The position of Clay on the tariff was not proven to be essentially different from that of Polk. In addition, the cooperation of the Whigs and Native Americans tended to repel whatever Catholic sup- port the Whigs had previously had. Furthermore, Fre- linghuysen, the Whig candidate for the vice-presidency, was especially distasteful to the Catholic voter. Due to this ^ Penttsyhania Telegraph, December 18, 1844- 114 ^^^ IVHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [360 combination of circumstances, the Democrats, by a small majority, secured the electoral vote of the state. ^ When the state legislature met in January, 1845, the senate contained twenty-one Democrats, eleven Whigs, and one Native, and the house consisted of fifty-two Democrats, forty Whigs, and eight Natives. On joint ballot the Dem- ocrats had seventy-three of the one hundred and thirty- three votes. ^ On January 14 the legislature reelected Daniel Sturgeon to the United States Senate. Each of the three parties strictly supported its caucus nominee, but some indication of Democratic disaffection was manifested, for of the seventy-one votes cast in the caucus Sturgeon received only forty-two.* When the electoral college met in December to cast the vote of the state for Polk, all save one of its members united in an address to the President-elect reconjmending James Buchanan for Secretary of State.* To give added weight to their proceeding, no further solicitations for office were allowed, in the hope that if their recommendation were adopted, other offices would be more easily secured.' In due course of time, the secretaryship was offered to and accepted by Buchanan." Buchanan, however, served duringthe balance 1 B. W. Richards, November 18, 1844, to John McLean, Richard Peters, December 6, 1844, to McLean, McLean Papers^ Lib. of Cong.; Wm. D. Lewis, November 30, 1844, to Henry Clay, Colton, Private Lorrespondetice of Henry Clay, p. 511. * North American, January 3, 1845. 'Public Ledger, January 13, 14, 15, 1845. ♦Letter of the electors to Polk, December 5, 1844; Polk Papers, Lib. of Cong. 5 Letters of J. W. Forney, E. W. Hutter, Henry Walsh, December 4, J. M. G. Lescure, December 5, 1844, to Buchanan, Buchanan Mss. These men though not members of the electoral college engineered the affair, cooperating with Dr. Geo. F. Lehman who was a member. • Moore, The Works of James Buchanan, vol. vi, pp. i lO, et seq. 361] TEXAS AND THE TARIFF I15 of the Twenty-eighth Congress as United States Senator. On March, 5, 1845, he tendered his resignation to the gover- nor, who on the eighth forwarded it to the legislature/ To fill the vacancy the senate made thirty nominations and the house fifty. The correspondent of the Public Ledger thought that the contest lay between C. J. Ingersoll and Simon Cameron.^ It was evident that the election would be based on the tariff. On March 12, the Democrats held a caucus which only forty-eight of the seventy-three members attended. On the sixth ballot G. W, Woodward received twenty-five votes and was declared to be the nominee of the caucus. No votes at the caucus were cast for Cameron.^ In the meantime, the Whigs were pursuing a policy which had been urged upon them for filling the full-term senator- ship. They were planning to throw their votes to a Demo- crat, who would pledge himself to support the Tariff Act of 1842 and who had enough Democratic votes to enable him to secure the election with Whig and Native American as- sistance. On March 12 eleven Whigs addressed a letter to Cameron, in which they pointed out the fact that although they were of the minority party yet they might be able, by proper combination with some Democrats, to elect the Senator. They, therefore, asked him the following ques^ tions : Are you in favor of the tariff of 1842; and if elected to the United States senate, will you sustain it without change? Are you in favor of the distribution of the proceeds of the sales of the public lands; and if elected will you support this measure? To both of these questions Cameron on the same day re>- * Public Ledger, March 10, 1845. * Ibid., March 12, l^, 1845. * Ibid., March 14, 1845. Il6 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [362 plied in the affirmative/ This occurred before the Demo- crats held their caucus and accounts for the absence of the Cameron supporters. } The following day Cameron was elected on the sixth ballot. The Whigs and Native Americans did not vote for Cameron on the first five ballots, insisting that his strength be revealed. On the final ballot the vote was for Cameron sixty-seven, Woodward fifty^ve, and scattering six. The vote for Cameron came from forty- four Whigs, sixteen De- mocrats, seven from the senate and nine from the house, and from seven Natives. On the decisive ballot three Whigs and one Native did not vote.^ The Whigs claimed that the pledges which had been secured from Cameron made the election their triumph. The policy of Woodward was declared to be favorable to " Free Trade, anti-Distribu- tion, and opposed to any change of the laws which now virtually surrender our government to the mercy of foreign pauper immigrants, although at one time he had previously denounced the present system." ' A leading Democratic paper declared that the defeat of Woodward was due to his hostility to a protective tariff.* On IMarch 14 the Woodward supporters in the legisla- ture appointed a committee to prepare an address, which 1 Niks' Register, voL Ixviii, pp. 262, et seq., for the letters. 2 House Journal, 1845, vol. ii, pp. 529, et seq. For a fantastic account of how religious prejudices were appealed to in order to secure votes for Cameron, cf. McClure, Old Time Notes, vol. i, p. 98. Cameron had evidently been laying his plans long ahead, for in a postscript to a letter of February 8, 1845, to Buchanan, he said, " I will tell you one of these days in confidence who will succeed you in the Senate." Buchanan Mss. Savidge, Life of Benjamin Harris Brewster, p. 71. gives an account of the disgust of Buchanan when he was told by 'Cameron that he intended to succeed him. * North American, March 17, 1845. * Spirit of the Times, July 16, 1846. 363] TEXAS AND THE TARIFF II7 stated how Cameron violated party custom in securing his election. Furthermore, the suspicion of bribery was not absent; for, the activity of Cameron inevitably suggested corruption, just as the mention of corruption inevitably suggested Cameron. At an adjourned meeting on April 12, letters from Dallas and from Buchanan on the election of Cameron were read. After protracted debate on the address the meeting adjourned without taking any definite action. Due to the impending close of the legislature, no further meetings were held. Nevertheless, the officers of these meetings presented an address to the public, in which they condemned Cameron and his supporters, declaring that his election was a Whig victory. The letters of Dallas and Buchanan were also published. Dallas censured those who refused to support the caucus nominee, but he did not pass judgment on Cameron because he was elected a member of the body over which Dallas was to preside. Buchanan, between whom and Woodward an estrangement had been developing, hoped that a remedy might be found to prevent the occurrence of a similar election in the future. He, how- ever, declined to join in the criticism of Cameron, whose election was an act of the state government, while he was now associated with the federal government.^ During the last session of the Twenty-eighth Congress attention was again directed to the question of the annexa- tion of Texas. The plan to secure this by joint resolution was declared to be the abnegation of all the forms of the Cc nstitution. The contemplated creation of five or six: slave states from this region was regarded "as the per- petuity of the slave power of the South over the free in- stitutions of the North." The Native Americans, in parti- cular, it was urged, should oppose the making of thousands * Procedure, address and letters in Miles' Register, vol. Ixviii, p. 136. Il8 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [364 of foreigners citizens by the stroke of the pen.^ One Whig editor declared, " If the free States permit this stupendous fraud, they will discover, when too late, that they have forged fetters for themselves, and sacrificed the interests of northern industr}-- to the ignis fatuus of free trade." * After the passage of the resolution, the North American declared that the bond of silence on slavery was now broken. " Put down by force, we shall not be expected to keep quiet from courtesy." " After stressing the illegality of the method pursued in securing annexation, the Miners* Journal continued, There is no disguising it, the scheme of annexation origin- ated in avarice and lust of dominion of power, and has been accomplished in direct contempt and violation of the Con- stitution, in disregard of the just claims of Mexico, and in utter disrespect of the wills and wishes of two-thirds of the people in half of the States. We have not only done a wrong to Mexico, by playing the part of a highway robber, towards her, but have encroached upon the common rights of the great Commonwealth of Nations.* The Whigs of the state viewed the annexation with mis- giving as they feared that the tariff might suffer as a result. The Natives, who in 1844 had succeeded in organizing only for elections in a few counties, prepared for a wider extension of their movement. On February 22, 1845, a ^ North American, January 28, 1845. • United States Gazette, February 3, 1845. 'North American, March 3, 1845; analysis of the vote, ibid., March 6. 1845. * March 8, 1845. The Public Ledger (Ind.) viewed the whole affair with pleasure. Its circulation was by far the greatest of any paper in the state, and the workingmen were its chief readers. On October I, 1845, its leading editorial was headed, "The Continent, the Whole G^ntinent, and Nothing but the Continent." 365] TEXAS AND THE TARIFF II9 State convention of Native Americans assembled at Harris- burg. Seventy- four delegates, who came from Phila- delphia and twelve other counties, were in attendance, but nine of the counties were represented by only one or two delegates. The convention passed resolutions demanding a probationary period of twenty-one years for all f jreigners before admitting them to citizenship, and condemned religious creeds which favored a union of church and state.'' On August 7 a nominating convention assembled at Har- risburg and placed Robert H. Morton before the public as the candidate for canal commissioner.^ The Democrats nominated their candidate for canal commissioner in a regular convention. The Whigs, how- ever, were in a great state of disorder, with strong indications that the organization might be discontinued, particularly in Philadelphia where the Native Americans had made such inroads on their party. They held no nominating convention this year, and it was not until the middle of September that the Whig state central committee of the year before selected Captain Samuel D. Kams as the candidate.' This action met with the appr wal of the Whigs. A fourth candidate for this office was furnished by the Liberty party. There was no issue raised for the campaign, although the Spirit of the Times, a Dem >cratic paper, declared that the election was based on the questicn of the disorders of the year before.* As a result of the election the Natives did not return a member to the legislature, thereby losing their * Public Ledger, February 24, 26, 28, 1845. * North American, Aupust 9, 1845. 'United States Gazette, March 5, IQ, April 23; ibid., Septemher 10, 1845, for the addres.s of the committee on September 15. ♦October 14, 1845. I20 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [366 eight men in the house. The next legislature would con- tain in the senate eighteen Democrats, fourteen Whigs, and one Native, and in the house sixty-seven Democrats and thirty-three Whigs/ The Natives charged that the Whigs had supported tlie successful Democratic ticket in Phila- delphia city and county in return for the clerkships.^ The Democratic candidate for canal commissioner received 4,500 more votes than his opponents.^ This election in an off year clearly indicates the strength of the Democratic control of the state. With the approach of the opening of Congress, the Dem- ocracy of the state feared that the national party might attempt to alter the tariff rates. Immediately, it took steps to prevent this alteration. The Morning Ariel, a Democratic paper of Philadelphia, said, "If such an attempt is made, we shall oppose it." * The movement to indicate in immistakable terms the attitude of the state culminated in a call, by the Democratic leaders, for a state tariff con- vention.^ The Whigs in general favored the convention, but some urged the Whigs not to attend the convention since " A locofoco convention will exert tenfold more influence on our locofoco president and his cabinet than a mixed convention." * On November 12 the convention assembled at Hollidaysburg with ex-Governor Porter in the chair. ^ North American, October 28, 1845. ^ Daily Sun, October 16, 1845. * North American, October 31, 1845, gives the official returns as fol- lows: Bums (Dein.) 1 19.510; Karns (Whig) 89,118; Morton (Nat Am.) 22,434; Latimer (Liberty) 2,851. * September 6, 1845. f- Daily Commercial Journal, October 21, 1845, for the preliminary meeting. * Pittsburgh Gazette, October 23, 1845, quoted in Niles" Register, vol. Ixix, p. 142. 367] TEXAS AND THE TARIFF I2i The resolutions favored the tariff of 1842 because it was a revenue tariff/ The Whigs, however, were not satisfied with the resolutions. R. M. Riddle, one of the secretaries of the convention, wrote that the Democrats attempted to reconcile their wishes with the policy of the administration. Furthermore, " the Democrats were so strongly in the majority, that even moves to amend grammatical blunders were swept doAvn — ^and the party lines inflexibly drawn, even against the crossing of a ^ or the dotting of an i." ~ At the national capital the President was preparing hisi first message to Congress. As early as September 29, 1845, Buchanan had informed Polk that he could not control the Pennsylvania Democrats if Polk intended to ask for altera- tions in the tariff of 1842.^ When on November 11 Sec- retary of the Treasury Walker read to the cabinet his re- port to Congress, Buchanan opposed his recommendation for the elimination of specific duties and for the substitu- tion of ad valorem duties.* Nevertheless, the President embodied this recommendation of Walker in his message.* One of the Whig editors characterized the message as " a middling affair, .... excellent in nothing but its piety, and interesting only for the position of its author." * The North American in reiterating the Whig position said, A tariff of revenue, a tariff of protection, a tariff with in- cidental protection, and a dozen other titles, have been mouthed so often by political orators, that most men shrink from the task of splitting the hairs which divide them. The real ques- ' Resolutions quoted in Niks' Register, vol. Ixix, p. 181. ''Daily Commercial Journal, November 16, 1845. » Folk's Diary, vol. i, p. 46. * Ibid., vol. i, p. 94. 5 Richardson, Messages and Papers of the Presidents, vol. iv, p. 406- * Daily Commercial Journal, December 8, 1845. 122 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [368 tion is — shall our domestic manufactures be protected by our revenue laws, or not? It is of little importance by what title the protection is given.^ The efforts made to impress Congress with the attitude of the state on the tariff question were continued. The legislature adopted resolutions instructing the Senators and requesting the Representatives to oppose all " attempts to alter or modify " the existing tariff act.* On the passage of these resolutions the Whigs refused to vote because there had been added clauses against a national bank, against the distribution of the proceeds from the sale of the public lands, and for the separation of the government from all banking institutions.^ The fact that the legislature had adopted these resolutions w^ith practically no opposition led one of the leading Democratic papers to exclaim that " in Pennsylvania the tariff has never been a party question." * Efforts to make the hostility of the state to tariff alteration impressive continued. The Pennsylvania Representatives at Washington, under the leadership of the Whigs, organ- ized an exhibition of American manufactures " to be com- pared with the British manufactures sent from Manchester, and now being exhibited in the room of the ' committee on post office and postroads,' to influence the action of Con- gress in relation to the proposed modification of the tariff." * ' December 8, 1845. * Session Laws, 1846, p. 511. ' House Journal, 1846, vol i, pp. 183, 227, 274, 520, 671 ; Senate Journal, 1846, vol. i, pp. 58, 186, 780. The questions involved in the second part of the resolutions did not come before Congress ; consequently, there was no clash between Cameron's election pledge and the instruc- tions of the legislature. * Democratic Union, quoted in Niks' Register, vol. Ixix, p. 336. The senate had just unanimously passed the tariff portion of the resolutions. * Address of March 24, 1846, in Niles" Register, vol. Ixx, p. 51. 369] TEXAS AND THE TARIFF 1 23 The efforts of Pennsylvania to stay the passage of the tariff bill were of no avail, for on July 3, 1846, it was adopted by the House. The North American gave an analysis of the vote and said, Sir Robert Walker's Free Trade Bill for reducing the revenue and destroying the industrial pursuits of our country passed the House of Representatives, by the aid of 113 Democratic and I Whig vote. It was resisted by 71 Whigs, 18 Democrats, and 6 Native Americans, in all 95. Either New York or Ohio could have saved the bill, but Party triumphed over Country. But 4 Democratic votes from New York were obtained, and none from Ohio, after all its blustering against the bill.^ That the bill was a Democratic measure was clearly shown by the vote. The Whigs maintained that the Democratic Representatives from Pennsylvania had been forced to follow their lead in opposing the bill.^ > July 7. 1846. » Daily Commercial Journal, July 10, 1846. Of the twelve Democratic Representatives from Pennsylvania, David Wilmot alone voted for the bill. On December 2, 1845, Wilmot had endorsed the views 06 Polk, which were to be embodied in the message; Polk's Diary, vol. i, p. no. Wilmot had been elected as a free-trade candidate from a district in the northern tier of counties. In defending his course, the leading Democratic paper of the district proposed "the Divorce of Pennsylvania from Massachusetts ; " Bradford Reporter, August 26, 1846. It also claimed that " the ' cotton lords ' have waxed rich upon the industry of the land; capital has accumulated capital, and bloated wealth has added to its riches. But we ask the Farmers of Bradford, has it added to your purse or your provisions?" ibid., July 15, \8.\6. When Wilmot discovered the hostility of the other Democrats from Pennsylvania to alterations in the tariff schedules, he wrote John Laporte on December 15. 1845, " I learn by letter that Miller speaks unfavourably of the President's views upon the subject of tbe Tariff. This if so is disgraceful. I have no charity for those who knowing the right will not or dare not pursue it. If I am to stand entirely alone on that question, receiving no countenance or support or encour- agement from any quarter, I shall look out sharply for myself." Ms. letter in the Society Collection, Mist. Soc. of Penna. 124 ^^^ WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [370 The fact that the bill had passed the House did not deter the Democrats of the state from declaring that it would be defeated in the Senate. They urged the people of the state to continue voicing their opposition to altering the law.^ When it became evident that there might be a tie-vote in the Senate, necessitating a decision by the Vice-President, they assured the citizens of the state that the bill would be defeated. Defeat of the bill depended then on the capacity in which the Vice-President voted. It was argued that according to the Constitution he would vote as a Senator; consequently he would be bound to vote with Pennsylvania, from which state he came. If the Senate were equally divided, they argued, he could not urge that a majority was against Pennsylvania, which had spoken unanimously in adopting resolutions against the proposed bill. If the Vice- President voted for the bill, he would nullify one of the votes of Pennsylvania in the Senate and give her " a bill that will do her more harm than a short war with Great Britain. For the bill of Mr. McKay makes a long and blasting war upon the workingnien of our country." If the Vice-President did not vote as a Senator, he would vote as the " Representative of the People." The bill would then become law " without the vote of the Senate, but merely upon the Representative vote of Mr. Dallas, if he does not vote as a Senator." ^ Other Democratic papers were not so certain that the interests of the state were secure merely because one of the citizens of the state chanced to be Vice-President.^ ^American Sentinel, July 13, 1846; for summaries of the action taken by mass meetings in the state, cf. Niles' Register, vol. Ixx, p. 309. 'American Sentinel, July 15, 1846. 3 Spirit of the Times, July 22, 1846. In its issue of July 21 it warned the South of a rebellion at the ballot box if the bill passed. "There 371 ] TEXAS AND THE TARIFF 125 The Whig Senators, much to his embarrassment, forced the Vice-President to cast a ballot for the engrossing of the bill, whereby he saved the measure from defeat/ The attack on Dallas by the majority of the Democratic papers of the state for his vote was terrific. One of his former supporters said, Should Mr. Dallas live to the age of Mathuzalah, he will never be able to make ample atonement for his severe on- slaught upon the home industry of Pennsylvania. Farewell to all vice-presidents for the future from Pennsylvania. — We have had enough of one to last us, while all who live now shall continue to breathe the breath of existence in our land.- Another Democratic journal cried aloud, " The Old Key- stone has been blasted by the ingrate hand of a treacherous son ! " It shouted " REPEAL is the word ! Take it up De- mocrats! echo it iron men! echo it miners and laborers; shout it mechanics! There shall be no rest, no reposing until the British Tariff Bill is repealed ! " ^ Buchanan in two are times when wrongs make rebellions sacred ; there are occasions when submission is dishonorable. Think not because we have borne long and patiently we will Ijear the ass' load forever." ' For the method in which this was accomplished, although their other plans failed, cf. The IVritings and Speeches of Darnel Webster, vol. xvi, p. 459. For Dallas* defense see his letter in the Pentusylva- nian, August 5, 1846. * American Sentinel, July 29, 1846. Hostility to Dallas was intense. He was burned in effigy in Philadelphia and elsewhere; Pennsy Iranian, July 31 ; United States Gazette, August 7, 1846. * Spirit of the Times, July 29, 30, 1846. Dallas of course had his supporters. A list of voters, in the Pennsyhanian, .Xugust S, 1846, who congratulated him upon his vote, contains the name of Wm. D. Kelley, later because of his extreme views in favor of protection known as " Pig Iron " Kelley. At this time Kciicy was a free-trader ; Kelley, Speeches, Addresses and Letters on Industrial and Financial Ques- tions, p. vi. 126 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [^y2 letters to John W. Forney, who had recently acquired the Pennsylvanian, indicating a plan to offset the disastrous effect of the passage of the act on the Democracy of the state, declared, " Repeal is not the word, but modification. A protective Tariff is not the word; but a revenue Tariff with sufficient discriminations to maintain our home in- dustry." ^ The cry of " repeal " was, however, eagerly caught up and was written into the resolutions of Demo- cratic mass meetings in all parts of the state.* The Whigs did not, as did the Democrats, attribute the odium for the passage of the bill to the Vice-President. They criticized their jx)litical opponents, particularly those from the South, for the passage of the act. One editor complained, The South enters into a political contest with the feelings engendered at the race course, and having wagered upon a chance, urges it to the uttermost, careless of consequences. The repeal of the Tariff may ruin the country, but what matter, if the gamesters of the South, who now stake negroes, and anon wager the rights of a people, win the game? The South itself will suffer from the derangement of our policy — but it will win the race. That the triumph is appreciated is manifest from the epileptic glee of the Union.^ The fact that many Democratic banners in the state had proclaimed for the tariff of 1842 was bitterly recalled.^ The Whigs declared that all attempts to secure a com- • Moore, The Works of James Buchanan, voL vii, pp. 43, 46. Thia suggestion was followed by Forney, and adopted gradually by other Democratic editors ; Pennsylvanian^ August 4, 5, 8, 10, 1846. •Some of the resolutions in the North American, August 21 ; United States Gazette, September 2, 1846; NUBS' Register, vol. Ixx, p. 405. * North American, July 11, 1846. *Ihid., July 14, IS; United States Gazette, July 9, 30, 1846. 373] TEXAS AND THE TARIFF 1 27 promise tariff should be rejected, as this plan involved a surrender of principle/ It was declared that the new tariff would bear most heavily on the small capitalist, who would soon be forced to abandon his business." The act; was characterized as being thoroughly British and as being of especial benefit to the Duke of York in the operation of his large coal mines in Nova Scotia, since the products of these mines could now be sold in New England to the ex- clusion of anthracite coal from the Pennsylvania mines unless the wages paid the miners were reduced.' In fact, it was noted that miners were leaving Pennsylvania, bound for the coal fields of Nova Scotia.* In the act the Whigs saw the triumph of the South, and in the triumph of the South they saw the victory of slave over free labor. The Daily C ommercial Journal asserted, The perpetuity of the slave institution depends upon its success in overthrowing and destroying free labor. With this view was the Tariff of 1846 framed, and no act was ever better fitted to accomplish its aim. From one end to the other, it is a bill, not alone to protect slave capital, but to war upon free labor. If the act of 1842 was unconstitutional, as the people of the South claimed, because of its protective features, so was the act of 1846; " both acts are protective — ^but that of '42 encouraged free labor — this of '46 protects slave labor." '' The North American in a series of editorials * North American, July 25, 1846. 'Daily Commercial Journal, July 20, 1846. 'North American, August 3; United States Gazette, July 10, August 19, September 24, 26, 29, 18416. * United States Gazette, September 30, 1846. ••August 6, 1846. 128 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [374 maintained that slave and free labor were antithetical in the same country/ In one of them it said, Our duty is now a plain one — the North must take care of herself. She must become the unflinching advocate of free- dom and — since Northern industry stinks in Southern nostrils — the hearty hater of slave labor. Pennsylvania has stood too long the champion of the South. She must now become the unceasing, sleepless sentinel of freedom. She is now spit upon and scorned, and in her hour of distress and dismay, let her learn that the hand that has wronged her can be extended in friendship no more.^ This triumph of the South over the North had come as! the result of the annexation of Texas, it was felt, for " by the aid of Texas Senators," the South has " cursed us with Free Trade." ^ The fact that the act would have been defeated in the Senate without tlie votes of the two Senators from Texas, always remained to the protectionist 'August I, 5, 6, 10, 1846. * August 5, 1846. ^Daily Commercial Journal, August 6, 1846. A correspondent, " X ", in the United States Gazette, July 31, ironically stated that Texas would be of great value since it had cost so much. " The coal and iron interests of Pennsylvania too may be prostrated by the repeal of that Tariff — and the diminished revenue arising from such repeal way and most certainly will render it necessary to lay a United States tax to meet the increased expenditures of the govern- ment. — ^But what of all this? ' Issachar is a strong ass crushing down between two burdens,' and we Pennsylvanians have always, as in duty bound, most patiently followed the illustrious example. * Huzza for Polk, Dallas and the Tariff of '42.' " The Pennsylvania Telegraph, July 29, 1846, complained, " Pennsylvania gave her vote in favor of the annexation of Texas, which added two Free Trade Senators to the United States Senate, by whose votes the Tariff of 1842 has been repealed, and this free trade system introduced, prostrating her energy, destroying her manufactures, and her iron and coal interests. She built the gallows to hang herself, and her neck is now in the noose." 375] TEXAS AND THE TARIFF 1 29 Whigs a reminder of the injustice caused by the ad- mission of that state into the Union/ The course of the administration in the peaceful settle- ment of the Oregon question met, in general, with the ap- proval of the Whigs.^ Some of them felt that the former enthusiasm for Oregon had been feigned. One of them said, " The Administration but pretended its zeal for the * whole of Oregon,' to secure the assistance of its Northern friends in the cause of annexation and the crusade against the Tarifif." ' The veto of the River and Harbor Bill was declared to be another blow at the North, although it also seriously affected the West and the Southwest.* The Whig nominee for canal commissioner in 1845 ^^^ been nominated by the Whig state central committee, which had kept itself in existence from the year before. After the election of 1845 this committee considered its labors as more than completed and made no arrangements for its successor. Therefore, on January 13, 1846, the Whig members of the state legislature met and appointed a com- mittee of three to prepare a call for a convention to meet on March 1 1 for the purpose of nominating a candidate for canal commissioner.^ According to call the convention assembled and on the third ballot nominated James M. Power of Mercer county.® On March 4 the Democratic convention renominated William B, Foster.' The Native ^ Cf. the message of Governor Johnston in 1850 in reply to the resolutions of Georgia and Virginia on the compromises of 1850; House Journal, 1850, vol. ii, pp. 419, et seq. * North American, June 12, 13, 1846. * Daily Commercial Journal, Jime 18, 1846. * Ibid., August 6, 1846. ^ Ibid-, January 20, 1846. ^Public Ledger, March 13, 1846. Ubid., March 6, 1846. 130 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [375 American convention of February 24 placed Robert H. Morton before the people as its candidate/ William L. Elder received the nomination of the Liberty party. The Whigs fought the campaign of 1846 on the question of the tariff and on that question alone. Itj was not necessary to argue the advisability of a pro- tective tariff. It was necessary merely to state that the Tariff Act of 1842 had been repealed, and that too by the Democrats, who in 1844 had made loud protestations that their party would be the only one to preserve the act of 1842. A corollary to the statement that the act had been repealed was that the country was being ruined thereby. Although the Tariff Act of 1846 was not to go into effect until De- cember, its effects, it was claimed, were already in evidence. Shortly after the passage of the act, pig iron had dropped four to five dollars a ton, and wool two cents a pound.^ Factories began to curtail their production." It was noted that furnaces in the Schuylkill district were closing and that the shipment of coal was decreasing.* The closing of a bale-rope factory in Philadelphia was referred to as " The Dallas Night Cap " and the decrease in the shipment of coal as " The Free Trade Blight." ' The attempt of the Democrats to prove that the Whigs were endeavoring to create a panic met with little success." The argument of the Democrats that the Tariff Act of 1846 protected the agriculturalist, while the act which had been repealed had 1 Public Ledger, February 26, 1846. * Butler Whig, August 5, 1846. The decline in prices was constantly- stressed by the United States Gazette, August 3, 5, 22, 1846. » United States Gazette, July 31, 1846. * Miners' Journal, August i ; North American, September 18; United States Gazette, August 28, 1846. ^ North American, September 28, 1846. * Pennsylvanian, July 30, 31, August i, 4, 7; United States Gazette, August 4, 5, 1846. 377] TEXAS AND THE TARIFF 131 not done so, attracted slight attention.^ Their effort to prove this because of the sHght rise in the price of foodstuffs was, inconsistently, declared by the Whigs to be illogical in- asmuch as the act had not yet gone into effect.* It was con- tended that on election day the American workingmen iii Pennsylvania would demand " An American Protective System; the Repeal of Walker's British Bill; No Special Legislation for Cotton Growers; Protection of Free White Labor above that of Southern Slave Labor; No Sub- Treasury Rags; and a Currency the same for the Rich and Poor." ' In the early part of 1846 it seemed possible that the state might be divided politically into two sections because of the railroad question. The people of Pittsburgh wanted a charter granted to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad for the construction of a branch line to Pittsburgh. The citizensj of Philadelphia, fearing that some of the western trade might be diverted, opposed the grant. They favored the construction of a railroad from Harrisburg to Pittsburgh, which would then have an all-rail connection wth Phila- delphia. The citizens of western Pennsylvania were paci- fied by a charter to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com- pany, contingent, however, upon the failure of the new" railroad, the Pennsylvania, to secure the required capital by a specified day. In the meantime, they secured a modi- fication of an existing charter and under its provisions pro- ceeded to construct the desired outlet for Pittsburgh.'' One '^ Fennsylvanian, July 30, August i, 1846. * Daily Commercial Journal, September 28, 1840. * North American, October 10, 1846. On August 6 it called the act of 1846 " the late proclamation of war against the laborers of the North." On August 10 it claimed that the administration journals were rais- ing "the banner of Slavery against Freedom — the South against thd North — the whip and shackle against the loom and shuttle." * Public Ledger, January 14, February 18, 25, 27, \rarch 5, 6, .Vpril 13, \fay 6, July 8. 14; Daily Commercial Journal, March i, 19, 20, 23, 25, 27, April 9, 24, 28, October 22, 1846. 132 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [378 of tlie Democratic journals of Philadelphia attempted to make this an issue in raising the cry, " Power and Pitts- burgh! Foster and Philadelphia!"^ In the election for municipal officers of Philadelphia city, the question arose whether the city as a corporation could subscribe to the stock of the Pennsylvania Railroad." A " Railroad " and an " Anti-Railroad " ticket were formed from men of the three parties. The candidates were pledged for or against the subscription. Although only Whigs were elected to the select comicil, yet those whose names were on the " Railroad " ticket received a thousand more votes than the other Whig candidates.' The Whigs made nominations in all the congressional dis- tricts, save in that represented by Wilmot, where they en- dorsed a tariff Democrat. The Natives ran candidates inl eight of the eleven districts in the southeastern portion of the state and also a candidate in the Allegheny district. In five of the congressional districts of western Pennsyl- vania and in the four Philadelphia districts, the Liberty party had candidates.* The four Philadelphia Congress^ men were all elected by minorities; the Natives and the Whigs secured one each and the Democrats the otlier two. Of the remaining twenty Congressmen of the state the De- mocrats secured only five. In the Twenty-ninth Congress! the Democrats had controlled twelve of the twenty-four members from the state, in the coming Congress they would have only seven. ^ David Wilmot, who alone of the Pennr * Daily Keystone and People's Journal, October 13, 1846. 2 United States Gazette, June 18, October 9, 1846; Binney, Life of Horace Binncy, pp. 246, ct seq. ^Public Ledger, October 10, 15, 1846. * Ibid., October 8, 13, 1846. ^ Election returns from the Pennsylvania quoted in Niks' Register, vol. Ixxi, p. 150. 379] TEXAS AND THE TARIFF I33 sylvania delegation in Congress had voted for the Tariff Bill of 1846, was returned.^ The election to the legisla- ture resulted favorably for the Whigs, for they would con- trol eighteen of the thirty-three senators and fifty-six of the one hundred representatives.^ The Whig candidate for the office of canal commissioner was elected by a plurality of more than 7,500." He was the only canal commissioner the Whigs elected. The vote cast at this election was small, which may in some degree be accounted for by the inclement weather,'* The small vote was, however, chiefly due to the disgust of the electorate. The total vote was approximately 20,000 less than in 1845 when there had been no congressional elections. The Whig vote was about 7,500 more than in 1845, the Native American about 7,000 less, and the Demo^ crats registered a loss of more than 20,000. Many of the strongest Democratic counties were in this election carried by the Whigs, clearly indicating disgust with the course pursued by the Democracy on the tariff. The election also showed that the Native American party could not hope to assume any dignity even in state politics. Over 14,000 of their 15,000 votes came from Philadelphia city and county; the balance came from a few strong Whig counties.'' * Ex-Governor Porter was alleged to have said that Wilmot's district went for free trade because " in that region of country the only thing the people manufactured were shingles, and they stole the lumber to make them, ai>d the only protection they wanted was pro- tection from the officers of justice!" North American, November ift, 1846. * Public Ledger, January 6, 1&47. •Official returns: Power (Whig) 97,963; Foster (Dem.) 89,064; Morton (Nat, Am.) 15,424; Elder (Liberty) 2,028; ibid., October 27, 1846. * Pennsylvanian, October 16, 1846. * The Natives reelected Levin to Congress, but elected no member of the legislature. 134 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [380 When the legislature met in January, 1847, it was fully under the control of the Whigs. They were urged to ex- l>editc business, to make the session short, and to grant no charters, which would, at any rate, be vetoed by the Demo- cratic governor/ On March 3, 1847, the governor signed a bill affecting the status of slaves within the state. The act made kidnaping a high misdemeanor and provided heavy penalties therefor. Judges were authorized to issue writs of habeas corptis and to inquire into the cause of imprison- ment of any human being within the commonwealth. It denied the use of the state jails for the detention of captured fugitive slaves. It repealed the portions of the sojourning act of March i, 1780, which had allowed slaves to be brought into and retained within the commonwealth for a period of six months. The act also permitted slaves to be witnesses in judicial proceedings.* The bill passed both the senate and the house without a roll-call and re- ceived the signature of the Democratic governor.^ It was claimed that the act was made necessary by the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in the case of Prigg V. Pennsylvania, whicli had been handed down in 1842. The decision held that the state act of March 25, 1826,* which provided for state assistance in the rendition of fugitive slaves, was unconstitutional on the ground that the rendition of fugitive slaves was a subject for exclusive ^ North American, October 27, 1846. * Session Laws, 1847, p. 206; the act was entitled " An act to prevent kidnapping, preserve the public peace, prohibit the exercise of certain powers heretofore exercised by judges, justices of the peace, alder- men and jailors in this commonwealth, and to repeal certain slave laws." Cf. Turner, The Negro in Pennsylvania, pp. 227-249, for the history of the rendition of fugitive slaves from the state. * House Journal, 1847, vol. i, pp. 76, 207, 355, 394; Senate Journal 1847, vol. i, pp. 217, 312. 343. * Session Laws, 1825-26, p. 15a 38i] TEXAS AND THE TARIFF 135 federal legislation/ It must be borne in mind that the act of March 3, 1847, was passed five years after the decision of the Supreme Court, and that it followed hard on the passage of the Tariff Act of 1846. The act must, therefore, be considered as the reply of the state to the repeal of the Tariff Act of 1842. The support of the Tariff Act of 1842 had been non-partisan, so the adoption of the act of March 3, 1847, was not a party measure. The passage of the act together with the fact that the Democrats in this legislature joined in endorsing the Wilmot Proviso indicates how complete the disorganization of the Democracy within the state was as a result of the passage of the Tariff Act of 1846. From this disorganization the)^ were to recover, however, before the end of the year. The repeal of the Tariff Act of 1842 had given the Whig party of the state a moment of triumph, but it made the party anti-slavery. » 16 Peters 539. CHAPTER IV A Political Interlude 1 847- 1 848. The war with Mexico called attention to the question of slavery in the territory, which it was assumed would be acquired. Although the war was in progress during the political campaign of 1846, yet none of its issues entered directly into the struggle, which was fought on the repeal of the Tariff Act of 1842. Although the Whigs of the state questioned the justice of the course of the President in asserting that the Rio Grande was the boimdary of the United States, yet, when the assertion of this claim led to war, they urged all to join in the defense of their country. One of their leading journals in Philadelphia said, The war was uncalled for, but being declared, there is but one duty for every man who claims the name of American (and is not conscientiously scrupulous on the subject of arms), he must aid to carry on that war with vigor, that its termin- ation may be the more speedily secured. Our country, our whole country, and nothing but our country, when she is en- dangered by a war, no matter how that war happened. But let us not, in our enthusiasm, forget the high duties of patriots and men. Let us not fall into the miserable error of supposing that success in a campaign, is a justification of war.^ • United States Gazette, May 27, i&4i6; ibid., May 8, 11, 12, 13, 16, 19, 20, June 3, July i, November 24, December 10; Daily Commercial Journal, May 13; North American, November 25, December 17, 18; Pennsylvania Telegraph, June 3, 17, 1846. 136 [382 383] ^ POLITICAL INTERLUDE 1 37 Opposition to the annexation of any territory, even that of California, was freely voiced. The people inhabiting thisl area were declared to be unfit to become citizens of the United States/ A Pittsburgh journal condemned the war and urged the hastening of peace. The spoliation of Mexico has assumed the attitude of a wrong ; and whether in nations or individuals, wrong if persisted in cannot prosper. Let peace be concluded with Mexico — on no grinding terms either, but such as it would become the gener- osity of a great nation to grant to a prostrate though gallant foe.^ The insistence of the Whigs upon inquiring into the causes of the war led to their being charged by the Democrats with a lack of patriotism and to their being branded Federa- lists; both of which charges they, of course, vigorously denied.^ ' On August 8, 1846, a two-million-dollar appropriation bill for the purpose of conducting preliminary peace nego- tiations with Mexico passed the House of Representa- tives, although the Wilmot Proviso had been attached to it. Not a dissenting vote from Pennsylvania was cast against the measure.* The bill was before the Senate when Congress adjourned. The comments on the bill, made ^ North American, June 6, 12, 1846. ^ Daily Commercial Journal, July 25, 1846. ^Ibid., June 8; North American, November ll, 13, 25, 28, December 18, 22, 1846, January 22, February i, 1847. In its issue of November II, 1846, the North American printed a fictitious address signed by twenty-eight leading Democrats. The address stated that the signers, old Federalists, have secured control of the Democratic party and they now ask for the support of all former Federalists. The allcsecf signers from Pennsylvania are James Buchanan, William Wilkins, iRichard Rush, John M. Read, Henry D. Gilpin, John K. Kane, and Ellis Lewis. ^ ( I * House Journal, 29th Congress, 1st session, p. 1284. 1^8 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [384 by the Whig press, were criticisms on the purpose of the ap- propriation and not on the proviso/ When it became evident that the acquisition of territory would be one of the results of the war, the adoption of the proviso, not as a Whig but as a Northern measure, was advocated.^ A resolution^ adopted by the state legislature on January 22, 1847, i^" structed the Senators and requested the Representatives " to vote against any measure whatever, by which territory will accrue to the Union, unless, as a part of the fundamental law upon which any compact or treaty for this purpose is based, slavery or involuntary servitude, except for crime, shall be forever prohibited." ^ The adoption of this reso- lution was not a partisan measure, for it passed the house by a vote of 96 to o, and the senate by a vote of 24 to 3.* During the second session of the Twenty-ninth Congress another appropriation bill, but for three million dollars, to conduct preliminary peace negotiations was introduced. When the Wilmot Proviso was attached in the House to this bill, the North American was led to exclaim, " The Freedom Proviso has again been attached to the Bribery Bill." ' Five of the Pennsylvania Democrats in the House voted against the adoption of the proviso.® When the bill was returned to the House with the proviso rejected by the Senate, the House failed to sustain its former vote. Amongst those who changed their votes were three Demo- ^ North American, August 17; Daily Commercial Journal, August II, 1846. The latter paper said Polk had started to conquer a peace but now he proposed to buy one. 'North American, January 18, 1847. * Session Laws, 1847, p. 489. *This resolution was introduced by a Democrat. House Journal, 1847, vol. i, p. 143; Senate Journal, 1847, vol. i, p. up. ^February 10, 1847. • Analysis of vote in North American, February 19, 1847. 385] ^ POLITICAL INTERLUDE 1 39 crats from Pennsylvania.^ The defeat of the proviso was attributed to the failure of the Democrats to stand by their previously expressed opinion.^ The Twenty-ninth Con- gress, it was stated, had been particularly under the con- trol of the South. " Every measure of the North and West was strangled either by the votes of Congress or the Executive Veto." ' The shifting of the Democracy in Pennsylvania from support of to opposition to the Wilmot Proviso has been mdicated by the voting in Congress. Definite argument against the measure was furnished in a letter from Buchanan to the Democrats of Berks county, who on August 28, 1847, were holding a Harvest Home Festival at Reading. Buchanan urged the extension of the Missouri Compromise line through the territory which might be acquired from Mexico. He had previously advocated the plan at cabinet meetings, winning the President to its support. He claimed that the nature of the region and the type of immigrants who would be attracted to the area would be a bar to slavery; consequently it was unwise to agitate for the pro- viso.'' Dallas in a speech at Pittsburgh took position with Lewis Cass and others and advocated " leaving to the people of the territory to be acquired the business of settling the matter for themselves." '^ The anti-slavery Whigs con- sidered the proviso the means of deciding the conflict be- tween free and slave labor. At this time there occurred at the Tredegar Iron Works, Richmond, Virginia, a strike * Analysis of vote in Miles' Register, vol. Ixxii, p. 18. * North American, March 15, 17; Lancaster Union and Tribune, March 23, 1847. * Daily Commercial Journal, March 6, 1847. * Moore, Works of James (■lucfuman, vol. vii, p. 385; Polk's Diary, vol. ii, pp. 308-9, 334-5- * Public Ledger, September 29, 1847. I^o THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [386 because of the introduction of slave labor into several de- partments of the plant. This strike in the home of slave labor was held clearly to illustrate the inherent conflict be- tween free and slave labor/ On the question of the tariff the Democrats were taking new ground. In the election of 1846 they had been com- pletely disorganized and had had no defense against the attacks of the Whigs. Now they were beginning to argue that the Tariff Act of 1846 was an excellent one.^ The basis for this claim was the high prices obtained for foodstuffs, as a result of the failure of the crops in Europe. The exten- sion of the railroads and the substitution of solid for plate rails were beneficial to the iron industry.^ To the charge ^ Daily Commercial Journal, June 8, 1847; the proceedings and com- munications of the strikers are in the Richmond Enquirer, May 29, 1847. The Whigs declared the proviso was nothing new as it contained Jefferson's anti-slavery resolutions of 1784; North American, August 13, 1847- ' Even the Spirit of the Times, which the year before had shouted, "Repeal is the word," took this position; September 6, 11; York Gazette, October 5, 1847. The Whigs in the legislature had not been able to have resolutions, favoring the restoration of the tariff of 1842, adopted. The Whig majority of the special committee in the senate, to which was referred so much of the governor's message as related to the tariff, reported as follows to the senate: "' Polk, Dallas, Shunk, and the Tariff of 18142!' was their battle cry in our State, and (ad- mitting that no frauds were committed at the polls) the people of Pennsylvania decided in favor of the Ekmocratic candidates. But their vote was for Polk, Dallas, Shunk, and the tariff of 1842. The tariff was as much a part of the ticket voted, as if it had been printed on it, and but for it the then candidates, whose names were thus con- nected witli it, would now be in the obscurity of private life." Senate Journal, 1847, vol. i, p. 252. The Democratic minority reported, " I£ 'Polk, Dallas, Shunk, and the tariff of 1842', were in any instance adopted as the ' battle cry ' of the democracy, it was rather as idle bravado than the deUberate manifestation of political sentiment." Ibid., p. 427. 3 Jesse Miller, November 9, 1846, to Buchanaji, Buchanan Mss; R. I. Arundel, October 15, 1847, to John McLean, McLean Papers, Lib. of Cong.; Daily Commercial Journal, October 28, November 22; Spirit of the Times, September 11, 1847. 387] A POLITICAL INTERLUDE I4I that their dire predictions of 1846 had not materialized, the Whigs replied that the Democrats had made the same pro- phecies/ The fact that prices were high could not be denied and warnings of a dismal future received little at- tention. Although the four parties made nominations for gov- ernor and canal commissioner, yet the contest lay between the Democrats and the Whigs. For governor the Whigs nominated James Irvin and for canal commissioner Joseph H, Patton. Irvin was extensively engaged in the iron in- dustry in Centre county, was a strong advocate of a pro- tective tariff and consequently would appeal to the like- minded individuals of the state. Originally a Democrat, he had left that party as the result of Jackson's attack on the bank. He had been elected to the Twenty-seventh and the Twenty-eighth Congresses and had supported the Tariff Act of 1842. The Democrats renominated Governor Shunk and for canal commissioner they nominated Morris Longstreth. The contest was more bitterly personal than any which had recently preceded.* Behind these recrimina- ' Daily Commercial Journal, June 4, 1847. * The Democrats made the following charges against Irvin : he is, " i. An Aristocratic Iron Master! 2. The Father of the Bankrupt Law! 3. The Advocate of Taxing Tea and Coffee! 4. The Reviler of General Jackson! 5. The Friend of Thaddeus Stevens! 6. The Supporter of the Buckshot War! 7. The Advocate of the Gettysburg Railroad! 8. The Worshipper of a United States Bank! 9. The Trumpeter of his own Acts of Charity! 10. An Old-school, Anti-war Federalist! " quoted from the Bedford Gazette in the North American, August 19, 1847; other Democratic attacks American Volunteer^ Sep- tember 16; York Gazette, October 5; Spirit of the Times, October 12; Lancaster Intcllignicer, August 24. September 21, 1847. For Whig attacks cf. North American, April 7, 8, May 18, 25, June 10. 22, July 2, 3, September 11, 16, 17, 23, 25, 27, October 2, 6; Miners' Journal. March 20; Butler Whig, May 26; Daily Commercial Journal, September 27, 28, 29, 30, 1847- J42 ^^^ WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [388 tions was the effort of the Whigs to make the tariff and the Wihnot Proviso the issues of the campaign.^ In this they failed, and Shunk was reelected by a plurality of more than 18,000 votes.^ The total vote was 42,000 less than in 1844, but 80,000 more than in 1846. The decline in the vote of the Native American party continued. The legis- lature did not pass into the hands of the Democrats; they secured control of the house, but the senate, due to hold- overs, remained Whig.^ In the main, the Whigs contended that the victory of their opponents was temporary and indecisive. " It has been induced by the false confidence in the high prices for produce consequent ujkmi the famine in Europe," said one.* A leading Democratic journal in the eastern portion of the state declared, " The sovereign people have recorded their verdict upon the War with Mexico, the Tariff of '46, the Sub-Treasury, as well as Federal treason to our native land ! " ' Despondently a Whig paper in the western part of the state replied, " It is even so. Pennsylvania adheres to Polk, Dallas, and Buchanan — repudiates the Wilmot Proviso, though introduced by one of her own represen- tatives — adheres to tliis wicked war of conquest and land * Daily Commercial Journal, September 20, October 12; North Ameri- can^ June 12, July 3, 17; York Gazette, October 5, 1847. * S mull's Legislative Hand-Book, 1919, p. 720; the official returns for governor were: Francis R. Shunk (Dcm.) 146,081; James Irvin (Whig) 128,148; E. C. Reigart (Nat. Am.) 11,247; F. J. Lamoyne (Liberty) 1,861; scattering 6. A number of former Anti-Masons! sup- ported Reigart in preference to Irvin. 3 North American, January 4, iSqB. In the senate were 19 Whig^, and 14 Democrats ; in the house 36 Whigs, and 64 Democrats. Wm. F. Johnston, a former Democrat, was .sent, by a small majority, to the senate from a normally Democratic district. * Ibid., October 16, 1847. * Spirit of the Times, October 15, 1847. 389] ^ POLITICAL INTERLUDE 143 robbery — and covers with its large popular sanction even the enormous maladministration of this war, which it ap- proves." ^ The Whigs had failed in raising these issues, for they had determined to conduct a quiet campaign, with the result that the Democrats polled a larger percentage of their full strength.^ Attention for some time had l>een directed to the presi- dential election of 1848. The news had scarcely reached the country that General Taylor had won several battles from the Mexicans before he was placed in nomination for the presidency by a mass meeting at Trenton, New Jerse}^^ As his military success continued, he became a stronger and stronger presidential possibility; but it was not knwvn to what party he professed to belong. There was no doubt but that Buchanan would again endeavor ta secure the endorsement of the state for the presidential nom- ination at the next Democratic national convention. There was, however, a strong faction in the state, led by Simon Cameron, ex-Governor Porter, ex-Secretary of War J. M. Porter, Reah Frazer, and Henry A. Muhlenberg, which oposed Buchanan's control of the Democracy in the state. They decided, inasmuch as the nature of Taylor's politics was not known, to avail themselves of his growing popu- larity to overthrow Buchanan. Taylors military achieve- ments would make him all the more attractive, as General Scott was frequently mentioned for the Whig nomination. On April 25, 1847, Cameron wrote a letter to the editor of the Norristoivn Register, in which he stated his belief that Taylor was a Democrat.* To give defmiteness to the move- ^ Daily Commercial Journal, October 21, 1847. * Pennsylvania Inquirer, October 20, 1847 ; McClure, Old Time Notes, vol. i, p. 171. * Miles' Register, vol. Ixx, p. 256. * Republished in the Daily Commercial Journal, June 4, i847- 144 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [390 ment, a convention assembled early in July at Harrisburg; a " Democratic Taylor Central Committee " was appointed to organize the movement/ It decided to hold a Demo- cratic Taylor mass meeting at Harrisburg on September 24, 1847. The mass meeting enthusiastically endorsed Taylor for the presidency.' In the meantime, the Native Americans had assembled at Pittsburgh on May 11, 1847, i^ what they grandiloquently called a national convention.* Letters had previously been written to leading politicians asking them whether they would accept the nomination of the party for the presidency, if it were unanimously given them. The recipients of this offer either rejected it or neglected to answer the letter making it.* At this convention no nomination was made, and an adjournment was made to Philadelphia, where the convention was to reassemble on September 10. In the interval between the two conventions, the president of the ^Pennsylvania Inquirer^ July 31, August 6, 1847. On the committee were the following prominent Democrats : Seth Salisbury, John M. jRead, Richard Vaux, Simon Cameron, Ellis Lewis, George Kremer, H. B. Wright, and Henry A. Muhlenberg. i Evening Bulletin, October 6, 1847. * Daily Commercial Journal, May 12, 1847. Delegates from Pennsyl- vania, New York, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, and Massachusetts were said to be present ■* Peter Sken Smith acted as chief interrogator. On March 16, 1847, h€ wrote John McLean, who replied that he considered such an early nomination of doubtful value; McLean Papers, Lib. of Cong. On March 19 a letter was sent to Henry Clay, who on April 2 refused to consider the offer. On March 26 Commodore Charles Stewart de- clined the offer in Smith's letter of March 18. On May i Smith re- ceived a reply from Ogden Edwards stating that he considered the time inauspicious for a nomination. Letters published in the Daily Commercial Journal, September 15, 1847. On April 24, John C. Cal- houn was sent one of these letters, which he apparently nevei* answered; Report of the American Historical Society, 1899, vol. ii, p. 1 1 16. 391 ] ^ POLITICAL INTERLUDE I45 convention inquired of General Taylor whether he would accept the nomination if it were tendered him. On July 13 Taylor replied, in his usual form, that he would yield to the wishes of the people/ Upon the reassembling of the convention at Philadelphia, General Taylor was " pro- posed " as the " People's Candidate " for the presidency and General H. A. S, Dearborn was nominated by the Native Americans for the vice-presidency.^ The Native Americans were now in a position to cooperate with the Taylor De- mocrats or any other group favoring Taylor for the presi- dency. On February 22, 1848, there assembled at Harrisburg a " Peoples' Convention," over which James M. Porter pre- sided. The members of the convention were chiefly Native Americans and anti-Buchanan Democrats. An electoral ticket pledged to Taylor was reported and a central com- mittee was formed.^ But the hopes of the Taylor Demo- crats were soon blighted ; on the same day, at a Whig cele- bration at Philadelphia, Taylor's letter of August 3, 1847, to Joseph R. Ingersoll was read. In this letter Taylor endorsed Ingersoll's statement on the floor of Congress that Taylor was " a Whig — not indeed an ultra-partisan Whig — ■ but a Whig in principle." * The Democrats in the Taylor movement individually began immediately to reject him on the ground that he had declared that he was not a Democrat.^ After the nomination of Taylor by the Whigs, this prior endorsement of Taylor by these Democrats was given due publicity by the Whigs.' ^ Daily Commercial Journal, September 15, iR.{7. * American Press and Republican, September 18, 1S47. * Public Ledger, February 2Z, 25, 1848. * Xilcs' Register, vol. Ixxiii. p. 407. ' Letter of Henry A, Muhlenberg', datcfl March 2. iS|S in the Daily Commercial Journal, March 15, 184S. * Ibid., November 6, 1848. 146 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [392 The Whigs of the eastern portion of the state were like- wise considering Taylor as a favorite candidate for the pre- sidency. On April 10, 1847, he was endorsed for that office by a convention of the " Democratic Whigs of the City and County of Philadelphia." ^ No further action was taken this year. At the Buena Vista Festival of February 22, 1848, at Philadelphia, at which Taylor's letter declaring that he was a Whig was read, one of the speakers after condemning Clay for his Lexington speech said he had three reasons for urging his audience to support Taylor; they were, " i. Because he is honest and capable; 2. because he is a Whig; 3. because he can be elected." " In the western part oi the state, Scott and Clay appealed more to the Whigs than did Taylor ; and huge mass meetings endorsing the one or the other of them were held.^ On March i, 1848, the .Allegheny county convention instructed its delegate to the national convention to support Clay.* Itl was not, however, until April 10 that Clay announced that he would allow his name to be presented to the Whig national convention.^ Previously, however. Clay had alien- ated many of his admirers by delivering on November 13,. 1847, "^vhat was popularly known as his Lexington speech. Li it he condemned the President for pursuing a policy which had caused the war and for conducting it without properly consulting Congress. The war was declared to be one not of defense but one of aggression. If Mexico were conquered, what then? To the forcible annexation of territory, even in the shape of an indemnity, he was op- ^ North American, April 12, 1847. "^Public Ledger, February 24, 1848. 'Ibid., February 29; Daily Commercial I ournal, February 3, 24, 1848. ^ Daily Commercial Journal, March 2, 1848. '^ North American, April 13, 1848, for Qay's letter to the public. 393] ^ POLITICAL INTERLUDE i^y posed. If the people of the United States desired it, CaH- fomia, including the Bay of San Francisco, should be pur- chased. The purposes of the war should be proclaimed by Congress and the war should be continued only until these aims had been accomplished. Throughout the speech there was an insistence on the Whig principle that the Executive be controlled by Congress.^ Whig opinion on the speech was divided. On December 6, 1847, a large mass meeting in Philadelphia adopted the resolutions which Clay had pro- posed in his speech,- but the mass meeting of February 22, 1848, declared that the speech had made him a presidential impossibility. One of his ardent admirers in the western part of the state affirmed that the movement in his favor had been ended, for " our conviction is that this speech settles the point — that Mr. Clay cannot be nominated as the Whig candidate — or, if nominated, that he could not be electdd." " On March 15, 1848, the W hig state convention assembled at Harrisburg. Its duties were to nominate a candidate for canal commissioner, to select senatorial delegates to the national convention, and to form an electoral ticket. On the second ballot Ner Middleswarth, a former leader of the Anti-Masons, was chosen as the standard bearer. The con- vention refused to take even a vote on its preference of a presidential candidate, consequently it refused to instruct the senatorial delegates. It resolved, '' That the Whig can- didate for the Presidency, to be worthy of the support of the Whig party, must be known to be devoted to its prin- ciples, willing to become their exponent and champion, and ^ Tlie speech is reported in full in Pe'Utsylvania Telegraph, November 30, 1847; extracts and the resolutions are in Sargent, Life an J Public Services of Henry Clay, pp. 105, et seq. * Evening Bulletin, December 7, 1&47. » Daily Commercial Journal, December 2, 1847. 148 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [30^4 prepared to carry them faithfully out in the execution of his official duties." In another resolution they expressed their belief that such a candidate would be nominated and to him they pledged the support o'f Pennsylvania/ Many doubts still existed as to the Whig orthodoxy o^f Taylor and these resolutions were an attempt to meet the situation. These doubts wTre somewhat quieted by the publication of his letter of April 22, 1848, to J. S. Allison in which he stated that he was a Whig but not an ultra Whig." The Whig national convention had been called, by caucuses of the Whig members of Congress on January 27 and February 3, 1848, to meet at Philadelphia on June 7.' The convention nominated Taylor and Fillmore, but adopted no resolutions.* On nO' ballot did Taylor receive a majority of the votes from the Pennsylvania delegates, but they naturally pledged their united support to him.^ Inasmuch as the Whigs had nominated Taylor, the way was open for them to secure the votes of the Native Americans for tlieir candidate. Prior to the national con- vention the " Whig Rough and Ready Club of the City and County of Philadelphia " had been formed.® After the nomination of Taylor, the name was changed to the " National Rough and Ready Club." It was resolved, ' Proceedings in the Public Ledger, March 16, 17, 1848. * Daily Commercial Journal, May 6, 1848. ^ North American, February J, 1848. * Proceedings in Public Ledger, June g, 10, 1848. The nominations split the Whig party in Massacliusetts and for a time threatened to do the same thing in New York. No opposition to the nominations developed in Pennsylvania. ^ Pennsylvania's vote on the various ballots was i. Taylor 8; Clay 12; Scott 6. 2. Taylor 9; Clay 7; Scott 10. 3. Taylor 12; Clay 4; Scott 10. 4. Taylor 12; Gay 4; Scott 10. 8 North American, March 27, 1848. 2^2 ] A POLITICAL INTERLUDE 1 49 " That the friends of Taylor and Fillmore be invited to join the Club at its meetings, and become members, to aid in promoting the election of Zachary Taylor, of Louisiana, and Millard Fillmore, of New York." ^ In counties other than Philadelphia, where the Native Americans had effected an organization, the same policy of conciliation was pursued by the Whigs. As a result the Native Americans did not form a ticket for either local or state offices." Before tlie fall elections it was necessary toi make ncjmina- tions for governor. Governor Shunk was sluwly dying. On Sunday, July 9, the last day on which he could do so in order to make an election possible that year, the governor resigned.^ The Whigs immediately charged their opponents with thrusting themselves on the dying man in order to secure the resignation.* Some of the Whigs also raised the question of whether it would be possible to have a legal election this year because of certain technicalities and ambi- guities in the law. William F. Johnston, speaker of the senate, who had become acting governor, did not lend him- self to the schemes of postponing the election to the follow- 1 Pennsylvania Inquirer, June 21, 1848. * In printing the list of candidates, which it supported, the American Press and Republican (Native American), September 9, 1848, ct scq., made the following distinctions: i. "The People's Candidate for Presi- dent, Endorsed by the Whig National Convention " — Genniary 19, 1847, giving his views on the Wilmut Proviso i;i the Public Ledger, September I, 1848. 1^4 ^^^^ WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [400 Whigs republished for distribution in Pennsylvania. The pamphlet was entitled, " A Statement proving Millard Fill- more, the Candidate of the Whig Party for the Office of Vice President, to be an Abolitionist, by a Review of his Course in the 25th, 26th, and 27th Congress. Also, show- ing General Taylor to be in favor of extending the Ordin- ance of 1787 over the Continent, beyond the Rio Grande j in other words to be in favor of the Wilmot Proviso." ^ The strong Whig counties of Allegheny and Lancaster were completely under the control of the free-soil element. In Allegheny county, Moses Hampton secured the Whig* renomination to Congress only by pledging himself de- finitely to support the Wilmot Provisos." In Lancaster county Thaddetis Stevens through the adroit manipulation of the Native American delegates to the " Rough and Ready County Convention " secured his nomination as the congressional candidate.^ This nomination was tantamount to an election. His anti-slavery views were well known and pronounced. The abolition leaders in the county, how- ever, addressed a letter to both Stevens and Emanuel Schaeffer, the Democratic candidate, and asked the follow- ing questions : 1. If elected to a seat in the Congress of the United States will you vote for and support at all times the principles of the Jeffersonian Ordinance of 1787 in their application to the whole of our newly acquired territories, so far as the same may be necessary to exclude slavery and involuntary servitude from them forever ? 2. If elected will you support a bill for the extinction of this 'Reprinted entire in the Daily Commercial Journal, September 12, 1848. ^ Ibid., May 10, 18, 19; June 9, 26, July 28, 1848. * Public Ledger, August 17, 21, 24; American Press and Republican, August 26; Lancaster Intelligencer, August 29, 1848. 401 ] A POLITICAL INTERLUDE I 55 institution (Slavery) wherever Congress possesses Constitu- tional jurisdiction over it? The Democratic candidate replied that the people of each, state and territory had the right of controlling and of checking the advance of this institution. Stevens answered both questions in the affirmative and requested the com- mittee to consider his answers '' as expressing merely opin- ions and feelings long enteiiained, and not as pledges, given for the occasion I will further add, what, perhaps, your letter does not require ; that I will vote for no man for any office, who I believe would interpose any official ob- stacles to the accomplishment of these objects." '^ In all of the congressional districts the Whigs nominated candidates, and did not endorse any tariff Democrats, as they had done in 1844. In two of the Philadelphia districts, however, they endorsed two of the nominees of the Native Americans in return for their acceptance of the balance of the W'hig ticket." The Democrats used the Ten Hour Law in an appeal to the factory workers. This law of ^March 28, 1848, declared that a legal day's work in the textile mills in the state consisted of ten hours of labor. Trouble had developed in some mills over the enforcement of the law. Although there was no large gain as a result of this appeal, yeit, inasmuch as the election was close, the defeat of Middleswarth, Whig candidate for canal commissioner, was partly due to his opposition in the senate to this bill.^ * Correspondence in the Lancaster Intelligencer, September 26, 1848. * Public Ledger, September 28, 1848. The Whigs endorsed Congress- man L. C. Levin for reelection and John S. Littell, a former Whig. A few Whigs, who were opposed to Levin, nominated their own can- didate. ^ Parke, Historical Gleanings, p. 78; Public Ledger, July 7. 15. 25, September 19, 1848. McClure, Old Time Notes, vol. i. p. I77. attributes iMiddlcswarth's defeat to his opposition to the law. For the act, see Session Laivs, 1848, p. 278. 1^6 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [402 It is difficult, on the basis of the returns, to state definitely who carried the October elections. The Whigs secured the greater portion of the offices, but the Democratic majority seems to have been about 3,000. Of the twenty-four Con- gressmen, fourteen Whigs, one Native American-Whig, eight Democrats, and one Free Soil Democrat, David Wil- mot, were elected.^ In the eleventh district, a mining! region, the Democrats had nominated two candidates, with the result that the Whig ha.d been elected by a very small plurality.' W^ilmot had been elected by a huge majority.^ On joint ballot the Whigs would contrcl the legislature, assuring the election of a Whig Senator. In the senate the Whigs had twenty-one of the thirty-three members; the house contained fifty Democrats, forty-five Whigs, and five Native Americans, who had been elected in Philadelphia county with the assistance of the Whigs.'' The early returns for govenior and canal commissioner indicated that the Whigs had elected both of them. It soon was evident, however, that Middleswarth had been defeated. For a period of ten days, it was doubtful whether Johnston or Longstreth had been elected governor, but then it became clear that Johnston had been chosen by a majority of over two hundred votes. ^ The Democratic candidate for canal ^Public Ledger, October 20, 1&48. 2 H. B. Wright, in a letter of October 16, 1848, to Buchanan, attri- buted his defeat in this district to the " amalgamation of AboHtion- ists — free-soil men — the Beaumont and Collings men on Butler the federal candidate." Buchanan Mss. The split in the party was due to the " rotten " delegate system to the county convention. " Free Trade has got its quietus — and hereafter men must learn wisdom," said the leading county paper, the Lxizerne Democrat, October 11, 1848. 3 Public Ledger, October 22, 1848. *Ibid., October 21, 1848. * SrnuU's Legislative Hand-Book, 1919, p. 720; the official returns were William F. Johnston (Whig) 168,522; Morris Longstreth (Dem.) 168,225; scattering 72. 403] ^ POLITICAL INTERLUDE I :>/ commissioner secured a majority of over three thousand. The vote for commissioner as compared with that for gov- ernor showed a decline in the Whig vote of 4,400 and in the Democratic vote of 1,100. The larger falling off in the Whig total than in the Democratic represented the refusal of the factory workers and of the free-soil Democrats to support Middleswarth. The former had been antagonized by his opposition to the Ten Hour Bill. In Allegheny county alone, he lost over 600 of the factory workers' votes. In Wilmot's district, he lost over 425 of the free-soil votes which had been cast for Johnston. This defection is not so noticeable in the southeastern part of the state. ^ Painter, the successful candidate, received the votes of the Taylor Democrats, since he had been one of those who had worked for Taylor, being a signer of the resolutions of June 26, 1847-^ ; The election of Johnston by so small a majority indicated that there had not been a political upheaval in the state. Johnston had been a Democrat, but had abandoned that party after its tariff pledges of 1844 had been violated. Support came to him from similarly minded Democrats. The manner in which the death chamber of Governor Shunk had been entered by the politicians disgusted a number of the voters. In his tour of the state Johnston liad made many friends. He argued the tariff question closely and con- sequently secured the normal Democratic counties of Schuyl- kill, an iron- and coal-producing area, and of Wash- ington, a wool-growing region. The tact that the Native Americans did not liave an independent state ticket assured him of their support. The Free Soil Democrats did not have a state ticket and his views on the Wilmot Proviso ' Senate Journal, 1849, vol. ii, p. 347. * Pennsylvania Telegraph, July n, October 31, 1&48. 158 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [404 were acceptable to them. In Wilmot's district, although he received a minority of the votes cast, yet he secured 1,250 more votes tlian did the Whig candidate for Congress. Since the majority of Johnston was so small, any and all of these elements were decisive factors. The election of Johnston, their first governor, highly elated the ^Vhigs, for it also presaged the election of Taylor in November.^ For the first time, the election for President was to occur on the same day in all parts of the Union. It had become quite clear that New York and Pennsylvania would detenuine the election. The Whigs were certain that they would carry the former because of the wide breach in the Democracy of the state. Their efforts were conse- quently concentrated on Pennsylvania, where both partiesl more systematically used the customary campaign methods." The result of the efforts to obtain a full vote was the polling oi the largest vote hitherto cast. Taylor secured a plurality of 13,500 over Cass, and a majority over Cass and Van Buren of 2,250 in a total vote of over 368,000.^ The reason for their defeat, said the chairman of the Democratic state central committee, was due to " Taylor- ism, and ' nothing else.' This is Jacksonism and Harrison- ism over again." * The recession from high prices for agricultural products, which had prevailed during the past two years because of the failure of crops in Europe and. ' Nathaii Sargent, October 12, 1848, to J. R. Chandler, " Only think of a WHIG governor of Pa. ! Hurrah ! Hurrah ! ! Hurrah ! ! ! " Society Collection, Hist. iSoc. of Penna. * E. W. Hutter, chairman of the Democratic state central committee, on October 31, 1848, wrote Buchanan that the Whigs had an " oceam of money." Their committees of visitation were actively engaged in house to house canvasses; Buchanan Mss. * S mull's Legislative Hand-Book, 1919, p. 715, gives the official returns, as Taylor 185,513; Cass 171,976; Van Buren 11,263. ^ E. W. Hutter, November 8, 1848, to Buchanan; Buchanan Mss. QO T OO 405] ^ POLITICAL INTERLUDE 1 39 because of the repeal of the British Corn Laws, helped the Whigs in their argument on the tariff. One of the Demo- cratic leaders in the mining region attributed the result of the election " to gimpoAvder and the Tariff ! which of these had the greatest influence — it will be hard to ascertain." According to him, the Democrats in the coal and iron dis- tricts could not be controlled. " They said it was bread and they would not stand to principle." ^ 1 H. B. Wright, November 13, 1848, to Buchanan ; also J. W. Forney to Buchanan, November 11, 1848; Buchanan Mss. CHAPTER V The Slavery Question in State Politics 1849-1851. Upon the assembling of the state legislature in 1849, ^^^^ Whigs without any trouble secured control of the senate. In the house the Democrats had exactly one half of the one hundred members, the Whigs forty-five and the Native Americans five. On the first ballot for speaker none of the Native Americans voted for the Whig candidate, but on the second ballot two did so. Twenty-one ballots were cast without an election. On January 5 one of the Native Americans announced that if three votes would break the deadlock, he with two other Native Americans would change their vote in order to prevent a further waste of time. On the next ballot William F. Packer, a Democrat, was elected with fifty-two votes. ^ By casting their votes as a unit, the Democrats elected the other officers of the house. On joint ballot, however, the Whigs and Native Ameri- cans had a majority, and were able on the third ballot to elect James Cooper to the United States Senate. Cooper had been appointed attorney-general by the governor, but an estrangement had been developing. It was increased by the refusal of the governor to favor any of the candidatesi for Senator.- The Whigs because of the failure of the 1 Public Ledger, January 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1849. "^ House Journal, 1849, vol. ii. p. 74; Public Ledger, January 11, 1849; McClure, Old Time Notes, vol. i, p. 180. i6o [406 ^oy] THE SLAVERY QUESTION IN STATE POLITICS i6i Native Americans to cooperate lost a number of the state offices. For state treasurer they nominated a member of the legislature and secured his election by his own vote, an action which they endorsed at a subsequent caucus of their party/ It was assumed that Pennsylvania would be represented in the cabinet of President Taylor, inasmuch as it had been influential in securing his nomination and election. The same problem confronted Taylor that had worried Harrison. The two branches of his supporters in the state made a choice difficult.^ The Whig Congressmen from Pennsyl- vania, willing to aid Taylor with unsought advice, at a caucus recommended Andrew Stew^art for the Treasurv De- partment.^ Stewart came from western Pennsylvania and was known to be in favor of sweeping changes in the tariff and in the sub-treasury system. His views on these ques- tions made him acceptable to the northern but unacceptable to the southern supporters of Taylor. As a result. Stewart was rejected and William 'M. ^Meredith, a Philadelphia la^v}'er, was given the portfolio. The distribution of the federal patronage caused trouble, inasmuch as both Governor Johnston and Senator Cooper were striving to control the Whig party in the state. The governor requested the national leaders to allow no nomi- nations in Pennsylvania to be made which were hostile to him, as this would disrupt the party.'* In compliance with ^ House Journal 1849, vol. ii, p. 165; Public Ledger, January 16. 17, I&49. - Charles B. Penrose, January 2, 1849, and John M. Kennedy, .\o- veinber 26, 1848, to J. J. Crittenden; Crittenden Papers, Lib. of Cong. \Vm. D. Lewis, December 18, 1848, and E. C. Reigart, February 19, 1849, to John M. Clayton; Gayton Papers, Lib. of Cong. * Public Ledger, January 22, 24, 25, 26, 1849. MVm. F. Johnston, January 17, 1849, to J. J. Crittenden ; Crittenden Papers, Lib. of Cong. 1 62 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [408 his request, William D. Lewis was appointed collector of the port of Philadelphia, one of the most remunerative of- fices within the state. The collector had great power in appointing subordinates. The appointment of Lewis was declared to be unfair to the " Working Whigs." ^ It in- dicated clearly that the national administration was favor- ing Johnston rather than Cooper. The former was sup- ported by the free-soil element in the party and, conse- quently, those who opposed this policy turned tO' Cooper^ Cooper was dissatisfied with the neglect of his wing of the Whig party and with the refusal of Lewis to appoint his followers to subordinate positions in the customs house. Despite the strenuous opposition of Cooper, confii-matiort of the appointment of Lewis was secured, but not until September 18, 1850.^ The governor and the senate of the legislature were Whig, but the house was under the control of the Demo- crats. It was, therefore, impossible for the Whigs to adopt any distinctively Whig measures. Acting upon the sug- gestion of the governor, a sinking fund for the state debt was established, but as a non-partisan measure.^ There was consequently nothing in the acts of the administrationt which conld be used as an issue. The Democrats were the first tO' hold their state conven- tion, which assembled on July 4 at Pittsburgh and placed John A. Gamble in nomination for the canal commissioner- ship.* The Whigs met at Harrishurg on August 16 and • Daily News, June 23, July 3, 1849. 'Senate Executive Journal, vol. viii, p. 233. The vote on confirma- tion v^-as 36 to 7. Cooper was the only Whig who voted against it. 'Message of January 6, 1849; Pennsylvania Archives, series iv, voL vii, p. 322. * Daily Commercial Journal, July 6, 7, 1849. 409] ^^^ SLAVERY QUESTION IN STATE POLITICS 163 nominated Henry M. Fuller.' The Democrats at their con- vention rejected the national plank of 1848 on the slavery question and now took a position virtually the same as that of the Whigs. The Native Americans did not hold a state convention, but in some of the counties they endorsed Kimber Cleaver.- Unless the A\'higs could secure the sup- port of the Native Americans, they could not elect the canal commissioner nor the county officials in Philadelphia. The Native Americans were dissatisfied with the distribution of the patronage, as many of them felt that only the friends of Congressman Levin were favored.^ Furthermore, as a body they felt that they had been slighted. Their endorse- ment of Taylor had come first in point of time, and they felt that in the distribution of the federal jxitronage they* in turn should have come first. The Whigs were ready to continue the alliance with the Native Americans in Philadelphia county but they were opposed to abandoning their own organization and forming the '' Taylor Republican Association." * The *' Rough and Ready City and County Convention," meeting in the latter part of August and in the beginning of September, made nominations for the county offices.^ In this joint organiza- tion of the Whigs and Native Americans, the anti-Levin Native Americans refused to participate and named their own candidates.® About half of these candidates were endorsed by the joint organization. When the elections ^Pennsylvania Inquirer, August 18, 1849. 'Public Ledger, September 26, 1849. »A. D. Chaloner, .\ugust 18, 1849, to T. ^f. Clayton; Clayton Papers, Lib. of Cong. * Daily News, July 6, 10, 11, 24, 1849. ^ Prnnsyhania Inquirer, August 24, September 6, 11. 12, 15. .849. • Public Ledger, September 5, 1849. 1 54 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [410 were held, those candidates who had been endorsed by both bodies were elected. The candidate of the exclusive Native Americans for county auditor showed unusual strength and was elected. The returns clearly indicated that the so-called " Rough and Ready " party had more sup- porters than the exclusive Native American, which polled an average of only 2,000 votes but which had nevertheless de- cided the election. This led the Whigs to determine that in the future they would have an exclusively Whig ticket.^ In Philadelphia city, ordinarily a Whig strong- hold, a combination of dissatisfied Whigs, Democrats, and Native Americans elected Joel Jones mayor on the " Inde- pendent People's Ticket." " Throughout the state the election was remarkable for the apathy displayed and for the lack of partisan zeal.^ When the President made a tour of the state, an endeavor was made to convert it into a Whig procession and to impressi upon him the need of protection to the industries of the state. The President, however, refused to consider hisi tour as anything but non-partisan in nature.* During the campaign the Whigs reiterated the claim that they were the free-soil party but asserted that need for the \Vilmot Pro- viso was " now a thing of the past : it has ceased to be neces- sary, and dies with the exigency that created it." ^ They generally kept this issue in the background and confined their ' Daily News, October 13, 1849. Compare the following returns for the influence of the Native American vote : for treasurer — Wagner (iRough and Ready; Native) 21,265; Thomas (Dem.) 19,514; for register — Vinyard (Rough and Ready) 18,446; Bunton (Dem.) 19.735; Bonsall (Nat. Am.) 2,828. 'Public Ledger, September 4, 11, 25, Octolier i, 6, 12, 1849. ^Ibid., October 8, 1849. * Ibid., August 11-27, 1849. '^ Daily News, May 24; Miners' Journal, April 28, 1849. 41 1 ] THE SLAVERY QUESTION IN STATE POLITICS 165 discussions to the tariff. The reference by the Washington Union to the " periodical ' pig iron ' clamor raised by the iron masters of Pennsylvania " was resented/ The failure of the tariff of 1846 to give protection to industry when prices were low was attributed to. its ad valorem schedule and was declared to be reason for changing to specific rates.^ That the method of levying the duties was causing un- employment was shown by the fact that large orders for railroad iron were being placed with British firms.^ Be- cause of the low prices which were prevailing, it was re- ported, the Hudson River Railroad had found it profitable to pay Peter Cooper of Trenton, New Jersey, $54,000 for the cancellation of a contract made several years pre- viously.^ Henry AI. Fuller, Whig candidate for canal com- missioner, claimed on good authority that in the period 1842 to 1846 seventy-five iron furnaces had been erected west of the mountains in Pennsylvania, but from 1846 to 1849 only three had been erected.' In an address to the Whig young men of Pennsylvania, it was asserted that less pro- tection was required now because of the protection which had been previously given, and that if the policy of pro- tection were continued, less and less would be required until the country ultimately could without danger be placed on a tariff revenue basis.® The fate of the tariff was said to depend on Pennsylvania/ The Democrats tried, as much as possible, to avoid the ' Miners' Journal, September .29, 1849. 2 Daily News, June 28, 1849. * Daily Commercial Journal, April 13, 1849. * Daily News, August 28, 1849. * Pennsylvania Inquirer, September 4, 1849. ^ Ibid., August 31, 1849. '' Miners' Journal, September 22, 1849. j56 the whig party in Pennsylvania [412 tariff question/ They appealed to the workingman by as- serting that the Ten Hour Law of March 28, 1848, which declared ten hours of labor constituted a legal day's work in the textile mills of the state, was an exclusively Demo- cratic measure. They raised this issue particularly in Alle- gheny county where the year before there had been rioting over the enforcement of the law. In this county the Whig press attacked the law because of its inequitable operation even within the state, and because of its consequent mani- fest unfairness to the local capitalist.- The Whig press was compelled by the Democrats to take strong ground against the law, and asserted that a man coiild not possibly do as much work in ten as he could in twelve hours. The agri- culturists were appealed to by the statement that the law in order to be equitable would have to apply to them too.^ In the election the county was retained by the Whigs, but the Democrats succeeded in electing one of the four as- semblymen.* The state election resulted in the choice of a Democratic canal commissioner.^ The legislature came fully under the control of the Democrats, who now had seventeen of the thirty-three senators, and fifty-nine of the one hundred re- presentatives. * This control was of importance as it was the duty of this legislature to reapportion the state. The free-soil Whigs claimed that they had been defeated " not > Pittsburgh Gazette, September 6, 1849, for the proceedings of the Allegheny county Democratic convention. * Daily Commercial Journal, January- February, 1849. * Pittsburgh Gazette, July 24, 25, 1849. Attacks on the law were coii'- tinued after the election; ibid., November 22, 1849; February 27, 1850, * Daily Commercial Jottrnal, October il, 16, 1849. » Official returns in Public Ledger, October 25, 1849. ^Pennsylvania Inquirer, October 19, 1849. 413] THE SLAVERY QUESTION IN STATE POLITICS 167 through weakness, but through a reprehensible indiffer- ence." ^ The supporters of Senator Cooper, on the other hand, asserted that the overthrow was due to appointing" " Parlor Politicians " and not " Working Whigs " to office."^ The election illustrated, just as did the election of 1847, the fact that the Democrats due to their superior organiza- tion could wrest the control of the state away from the Whigs in the year following a disastrous defeat. Although the Democrats had a majority in both houses of the legisla- ture, yet they were not to control the organization of the senate. On the seventh ballot for speaker of the senate, the WTiigs voted for Valentine Best, a Democrat who had not attended his party caucus. On the following ballot he voted for himself and was elected. The Whigs received their reward in obtaining the chief senate offices.^ It was with an endeavor to influence the new Congress! that an iron masters' convention was held at Pittsburgh in November, 1849. The ad valorem duties of the tariff of 1846, with the sliding scale of low rates for declared high values, were attacked on the ground that they made fraud possible. The convention asked for a " duty of $10 per ton on Pig Iron, and $20 per ton on common bar, and a corres- ponding increase on all other iron and manufactories of iron, in proportion to cost of make." The largest number of the delegates came from western Pennsylvania, but there were representatives present from other states. The con- vention was not distinctively Whig, and yet Colonel Mc- Candless, a leading Democrat of western Pennsylvania, refused to address the convention, claiming that his views ^Fittsburgh Gazette, October 17, 1849. ' Daily News, October 16, 1849. 'Public Ledger, January 2. 3, 5. 1850; McClure. Old Time Notes, vol. i, p. 185. l68 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [414 on the subject of protection were different from those of the great majority of the delegates in the convention/ The control of the Thirty-hrst Congress was in doubt." The struggle over the election of the Speaker of the House indicated that the chief issue before Congress would be the question of the extension of the slave area, as involved in the admission of California as a state and in the erection of new territories. After many unsuccessful ballots the House chose Howell Cobb. Many of the Pennsylvania Whigs considered him the least objectionable of the southern Democrats because he had voted to add the anti- .'ilavery provisions of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 to the Oregon Bill. One free-soil Whig paper declared, Oregon free, and California once admitted as a free State, the Free Seller will have nothing left to contend for, and the Wilmot Proviso, having performed its office, ceases to be an issue before the country. . . . We lose nothing as friends of freedom in the new territories by the election of Mr. Cobb to the Speakership.^ In his message of January 6, 1849, Governor Johnston urged the legislature to adopt resolutions opposing thei further extension of slavery. The senate by a vote of 30 to 2 passed such resolutions, on which, however, the house took no action.^ In February, 1850, the legislatures of ^Public Ledger, November 26, 27, December 20, 22; Pittsburgh Gazette, November 22, 2^, 24, 1849. 2 All the states did not hold their congressional elections in 1848. Only 138 of the 231 Congressmen were chosen in that year. The Whigs, therefore, lost the advantage which would have come to them from having the elections in the same year as the successful presi- dential election. 8 Daily Commercial Journal, December 24, 1849. * Senate Journal, 1849, vol. i, p. 375 ; House Journal, 1849, vol. i, pp. SI, 669. 415] THE SLAVERY QUESTION IN STATE POLITICS 169 Georgia and Virginia passed resolutions asserting that the northern states in not aiding in the rendition of fugitive slaves were not living up to the compromises of the Consti- tution. They denied that Congress had the power to in- terfere with slavery in the District of Columbia or in the new territories. In a strong message to the legislature the governor vigorously denied that Pennsylvania had not been living up to the compromises of the Constitution. That Pennsylvania had always been opposed to the extension of slavery was shown to be true. Furthermore, he claimed that although the interests of Pennsylvania had often been injured by slavery, nevertheless Pennsylvania had remained faithful to the compromises.^ This message offended the Democrats so deeply that the house refused to order its printing for distribution.- In April the house by a strict party vote decided to repeal the act of March 3. 1847, which refused the use of the state jails for the detention of fugi- tive slaves. The senate, however, took no action on the bill.^ This act for the first time was being considered as a party issue. The message of the President en the admission of Cali- fornia was declared by the Whigs to meet with general ap- proval in the North, but not so his views on the formation! of the new territories. This region, it was said, had been declared by Mexico in 1829 to be free soil, and consequently slavery could be introduced only by a positive act of Con- gress or of the states to be erected there. The policy of " non-intervention " would keep the area free, and there- fore there was no longer need to agitate for the Wilmot Proviso.* This attitude was more clearly reflected in the ^ House Journal, 1850, vol. ii, pp. 419 ct scq. * Ibid., vol. i, p. 727. 'Ibid-, vol. i, pp. 495, 845; Senate Journal, 1850, vol. i, 916. * Pittsburgh Gazette, January 28, 1850. lyo THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [416 Pennsylvania house of representatives, where efforts were made to repeal the resolutions of 1847 "^ favor of the Wilmot Proviso/ It was stated that if this policy should be adopted, the South would make concessions on the tariff, internal improvements, and land distribution." The attitude of the orthodox Democracy on the slavery issue was reflected in a mass meeting in Philadelphia on February 22, 1850. The meeting, sponsored by the sup-* porters of James Buchanan, deprecated all disunion talk and agitation, and abandoned the " no extension of slavery " plank of the state convention of 1849. It resolved that " the people o^f the separate territories, when politically! organized, . . . have then exclusively the right to- prohibit or allow slavery in such territories." The Wilmot Pro- viso was declared to be the same ancient, aristocratic, pernicious and pestilent political heresy, (ever repudiated and denounced by the Democratic party of the Union), which seeks by means of an implication of power of Congress, gradually to undermine State sover- eignty, destroy legislation in the respective States, consolidate the Union, and establish on the ruins of States Rights, a central sovereignty, easily controlled or managed by the few at the expense of the many.^ The other resolutions recommended the passage of a fugi- tive slave law and endeavored to assuage the South which was talking of disunion. This position was comliatted by the free-soil Democrats at a mass meeting at Philadelphia on March 13, 1850. They decried the abandoning of the party position of 1849, which they declared was the policy not only of the state ' Public Ledger, January 24, 1850. * Ibid., February 19, 1850. ^ Ibid., February 23, 1850. 417] THE SLAVERY QUESTION IN STATE POLITICS 171 Democracy but also of the state. John M. Read, the prin- cipal speaker, forcefully emphasized this fact. Free soil was required for free labor, he contended, as was proven by the absence of immigration to the South. ^ These mass meetings were held chiefly as replies to the call for the Nashville convention and the subsequent dis- union discussion. The Whig journals of the state, relying on the coolness and firmness of the President, refused ta become excited over the disunion agitation. One of them said, " The chivalry of the South have dissolved the Union any day these three months, yet it stands firm and we can- not, for the soul of us, feel it is in any more danger to-day than it was yesterday." " Another of the journals claimed that the Nashville convention, called by a " Southern junto, who are desirous of dissolving the Union, unless they can force the North into a cowardly compliance with their un- righteous and unjust demands, is likely to prove a complete failure." ^ When the convention adjourned without ac- complishing anything. F. J. Grund, the Washington corres- pondent of the independent Public Ledger, called it humbug No. 3. The first humbug was the \\'ilmot Proviso; the second humbug was Col. Jeff. Davis' Proviso, (the Missouri Compromise line, with a positive recognition of slavery south of it), and the third is the attempt of a handful of enthusiasts in favor of Niggerdom to present an ultimatum to the Congress of the United States ! " In the meantime, the question of the admission of Cali- '^ Public Ledger, March 14, 1450; Read's speech in full in ibid., April 4. 1850. * Daily Commercial Journal, March 8, 1850. * Pittsburgh Gazette, April 5, 1850. * June 12, 1850. Proceedings of the Nashville Convention in ibid., June 4-14, 1850. 172 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [418 fornia and the organization of the neAV territories was closely followed by the public as it was discussed in Con- gress. The Whigs of Pennsylvania resented the fact that these two questions had been joined. One of them put it, " The free State of California, with as just a right of admission as any State in the Union, is to be made the pack horse to carry' slavery into the new territories, pro- vided nature and their present inhabitants will let it gd there." ^ It was again mildly asserted that the Whigs would have to insist on the Wilmot Proviso or some other compromise.^ The continued agitation of the South Caro- lina leaders led one editor wearily to express the hope that there might be found a way to let her " slip quietly and peacefully out of the Union. Since the days of her Revo- lutionary deeds, she has been but a pest and a nuisance; and the Union could well spare her, and Texas to boot." ^ The passage of the series of bills in September was considered to settle the question of the extension of slaver}^ in the negative.* The Whigs of Pennsylvania were from the opening day of Congress eagerly watching the apparently interminable struggle over the slavery question in the hope that it would soon be ended so that the tariff might receive some atten- tion. Constantly they pointed out the inadequacy of the existing rates, and claimed that idle mills and workingmen rioting because of reduced wages were the result of the lack of protection to industry.^ This state of affairs was ' Pittsburgh Gazette, April 22, 1850. ^ Daily News, Maj' 27, 1850. ^ Daily Commercial Journal, August 8, 1850. *Ibid., September 14, 1850. ^ Ibid., March 9; Pittsburgh Gazette, May 3; Daily News, May 3, 1850. The Public Ledger, May 18, 1850, said that of the 121 Hve furnaces in western PeniTsylvania, with a total capacity of 96,600 tons per annum, only 59 with a capacity of 47,200 tons per annum were in blast. 419] THE SLAVERY QUESTION IN STATE POLITICS 173 attributed not so much to the low rates as to the ad valorem principle on which they were based/ Merchants, farmers, and the manufacturing class all felt the absence of protec- tion. Overproduction, if it existed, as the Democrats claimed it did, existed according to the Whigs only in the British mills and certainly not in the American." As the session dragged on, the hope of the Whigs in Pennsylvania that the tariff would be favorably altered changed to dis- gust that nothing was being done. An editor of western Pennsylvania thus voiced his disapproval at the continued neglect, While our leading statesmen are willing to risk their reputation, for wisdom and consistency, by concocting unpalatable, if not disreputable, compromises, because a few dissatisfied spirits have blustered about disunion, they seem to care nothing for the desires and demands and necessities of hundreds of thous- ands of toiling freemen — which the present policy is fast im- poverishing. ... Is it not time for this struggle to cease, and for some useful legislation to be entered upon? ^ The hope that the tariff might l)e considered at this session of Congress was crushed when the southern Whigs joined the Democrats in voting to postpone the question of ^Pittsburgh Gazette, April 9; Daily News, April 17, 1850. ^ Daily Commercial Journal, August ", 1850. * Pittsburgh Gazette^ May 13, 1850. On May 31, 1850, Congressman Moses Hampton, of the Allegheny district, tendered his resignation. In his letter to the Whig county convention, he said. " But we do not admit that the slave holding states are the only sufferers by a want of proper legislation for the protection of property, for I will venture to say. that the State of Pennsylvania alone has lost more in a pecuniary point of view, within the last four years, by tlie repeal of the tariff of 1842, than the value of all the slaves that have ever escaped from all the slave holding States, since the formatinn o{ the I'nion." Daily Commercial Journal, June 6, 1850. I-_j. THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [42O amending the tariff until after the settlement of the slavery- issue/ The state parties, in the meantime, were making prepa- rations for the elections of that year. The Democratic state convention met at Williamsport on May 29, 1850, and on the twenty-sixth ballot nominated \V. T. Morrison for canal commissioner." Prior toi the assembling of the Whig state convention on June 19, the county conventions of the Whigs called for changes in the existing tariff and for no further extension of slavery.^ Joshua Dungan was nomi- nated by the W^higs for canal commissioner. Congress had as yet taken no final action on any of the measures before it. The convention urged speedy action on the tariff and submitted the following resolution. The Whigs of Pennsylvania desire to present the question to the present Congress, whether their action on the subject is to be controlled by the wishes of the British Minister, or the voice of the Northern freemen of the American Union. The Whigs declared that they were " opposed as they have ever been, to the extension of slavery," and that they stood " neither on the Baltimore Platform nor the Nash- ^ Public Ledger, August 19, 1850; Toombs was' reported to have said privately that the " reason for his vote was the opposition of some of the leading Whigs to the settlement of the slavery question on equitable terms." * Ibid., May 31, June 3, 1850. At this convention Cameron was ac- cused of attempting to bribe delegates. Pamphlet, Report of the Pro- ceedings of the Williamsport Convention. * The York county resolutions commended the governor for his sturdy defense of the state against the attacks in the Georgia and Virginia resolutions, and they joined the Franklin county Whigs in condemning the lower house of the legislature for refusing to publish his message. This refusal was " only another indication of the willingness of that party in the North to submit to the requisitions of their Southern allies." Pittsburgh Gazette, June 3, 1850. ^.21] THE SLAVERY QUESTION IN STATE POLITICS 175 ville Platform, nor any other local or temporary structure, but .... on the great structure of the Constitution." ^ Their position on the slavery question was now diametrically opposed to the position of the Democrats, who in their state convention had rejected their state resolution of the year before and had endorsed the national plank of 1848. The state election attracted little attention, as. the session of Congress had been so long that only a short period of time intervened between adjournment and election day. The fact that the acts of Congress were compromises made it impossible to use them in the campaign. The nipture in Wilmct's district, which had developed in 1848 over the endorsement of Van Buren. was healed by the withdrawal both of Wilmot and of his rival and the subsequent nomina- tion of Galusha A. Grow, w4io w^as Wilmot's law partner and had been adopted as a compromise candidate at his in- sistence. The views of Grow on the slavery question were as radical as those of Wilmot.' The majority of the Whig candidates for Congress had free-soil proclivities;^ but the Whig state central committee in discussing the issues of the election did not introduce the slaver)^ question. The elec- tion was declared to be of great importance because the new! legislature w'ould choose a federal Senator and reapportion the state. Efforts should be made to secure the Congress- men for the Whigs since the tariff needed revision and since the Democrats, although business was depressed, were op- posing any alteration in the tariff schedule on the ground that it would be inexpedient to make changes.* ^Public Ledger, June 20, 21, 1850. 2 Ibid., October 8. 1850. Grow acknowledged " the constitutional power of Congress to prohibit by positive law, the extension of slavery into the territories of the nation " and recognized " the necessity for the exercise of this power." DuBois and Mathews, Galusha A. Grow, pp. 67, ct seq. ' List of the candidates in Public Ledger, October 8, 1850. * Daily Commercial Journal. September 16, 1850. 176 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [422 Before election day, but after the death of President Tay- lor, the " Rough and Ready County Convention " of Phila- delphia converted itself into the " Whig County Conven- tion," an act which clearly illustrated the recession of the Native .American movement/ In tlie first congressional district the Whigs threw their influence to Levin, the Native American candidate, who had maintained considerable strength in this district. A faction of the Whigs, led by Senator Cooper and Josiah Randall, were opposing the leadership of the party by the governor. This faction nominated a Whig candidate for Congress in the first dis- trict, who diverted votes from Levin and secured the elec- tion of the Democratic candidate.^ The Native Americans; in the main supported the Whig nominees, but an inde- pendent faction polled about 250 votes. ^ Despite this op- position the Whigs as usual secured most of the offices in Philadelphia city and county.* ^ Daily News, August 15, 1850. 2 Wm. D. Lewis, September 21, 1850, James E. Harvey, October 14, 1850, to Thomas Corwin ; Corwin Papers, Lib. of Cong. Public Ledger, October i, 12, 1850. ^ Daily News, October 12, 1850. Early in 1850, there occurred a new outbreak of anti-Catholicism, but this time in Pittsburgh. A certain man, by the name of Barker, was placed in jail as the result of his vehement anti-Catholic street preaching. This detention was consid- ered to be persecution, with the result that Barker was nominated for mayor as the " Anti^Catholic and People's Candidate." Largely through the votes of the Whigs he defeated both his Whig and Democratic opponents. After being pardoned by Governor Johnston and after being released from jail, he served his term as mayor. Pittsburgh Gazette, January 9, 10; Daily Commercial Journal, January 11, 1850. * Horn R. Kneass, Democrat, was returned as elected district-attorney of the county of Philadelphia. His opponent, Wm. B. Reed, appealed to the courts. The court decided that Reed had been duly elected ; 2 Pars. Eq. Cos. 553. Judges Wm. D. Kelley and King, Democrats, as the result of this decision were rejected by their party, but Camp- bell, who dissented, the following year received a nomination to the 423] THE SLAVERY QUESTION IN STATE POLITICS 177 The election for state officers showed a Democratic majority of about 13,500.* The Whigs secured only nine of the twenty-four Congressmen, and controlled neither of the two houses of the legislature. Consequently, a Democratic Senator, Richard Brodhead, was chosen to re- present the state at Washington.^ The constitutional amend- ment to make the judges of the supreme court of the state elective by the people was adopted by a large majority.* In contrasting this election with the one of 1848, the large decrease in the number of votes cast is at once noticeable. The loss to both parties was great but was much greater for the Whigs, who were unable to hold the vx)ters who had been attracted in 1848 by the candidacy of General Taylor. As previously mentioned, the distribution of the federal patronage in Pennsylvania caused a division in the Whig ranks. Senator Cooper, who was dissatisfied with the reception of his suggestions to William D. Lewis about mert to be appointed to subordinate positions in the customs house, attempted to block the confirmation of Lewis' nomi- nation to the collectorship of the port of Philadelphia. The appointment had barely been made, when charges of fraud were presented against Lewis.* Gk)vernor Johnston, a supreme court of the state. The following year Kelley was nominated by the Whigs to be President Judge of the county. Despite the bitter attacks of the Democrats and of a few Native Americans, he was easily elected. Public Ledger, October 11, 1851. Subsequently Kelley changed from a free-trader to a high protectionist. ' Public Ledger, October 24, 1850. * Ibid., January 2, 15, 1851. * House Journal, 1851, vol i, p. 403; the vote for the amendment was 144,594, against it 71,005 * Pamphlet by \Vm. D. Lewis, A brief Account of the lltforts of Sena- tor Conprr . ... to prevent the Confirmation of ITm. D. Lewis: also, Preliminary Reply of Mr. Levin to Senator Cooper; \-ariou3 letters in the Corwin Papers, Lib. of Cong. 178 T^i^ WHIG PARTY I.\ PENNSYtyANlA [424 supporter of Lewis, strongly opposed the efforts which were being made to secure his removal, which was being advocated, he felt, " for no other reason than the gratifica- tion of a few gentlemen who have private griefs against the present incumbents." ^ The result of the charges was an ofticial investigation, which failed to establish any guilt on the part of Lewis." The outcome of the investigation was that the state administration, e\'en though it had strong free-soil tendencies, rather than the supporters of Senator Cooper would receive the aid of the national administration in controlling the state party. Randall, one of Cooper's chief co-workers, sadly acknowledged defeat as follows. If the administration continue to give the Free Soil party of Pennsylvania their support and patronage, time will develop what course we shall take, whether we shall raise the standard of opposition or retire and ground our arms — but in no event could we unite with Seward, Clayton, Johnston & Co. Respect to ourselves — to you — and our other friends — and the prin- ciples which you and we have so triumphantly maintained would forbid so unholy a combination.-'' Johnston, on the other hand, had been waiting for the decision of the administration before deciding on his course of action. It was not until after Corwin's letter of April 16 exonerating I^wis had l>een published that he aimounced his intention to stand for reelection as the Whig candidate. Had he refused to be the Whig candidate, his refusal ' Wm. F. Johtiston, April 11, 1851, to Millard Fillmore; copy in the Corwin Papers, Lib. of Cong. * Letter of Thomas Corwin, Secretary of the Treasury, in the Public Ledger, April 18, 1851. 'Josiah Randall, April 30, 1851. 10 Webster; Websfr Papers, Lib. of Cong. 425] THE SLAVERY QUESTION IN STATE POLITICS ijg would have meant the shortening of the life of the Whig party within the state. When the Whig state convention met at Lancaster on June 24, it unanimcaisly nominated Johnston for reelection on the first ballot. John Strohm, whose vote in the senate in 1838 had been instrumental in ending the Buckshot War by securing the recognition of the Hopkins house, wa^^ selected as the party candidate for canal c>vmmissioner. The convention also selected candidates ior the state supreme court, one of whom was Richard Coulter, a member of the existing bench. Coulter had been proposed to but not accepted by the Democratic convention to nominate judicial candidates. The resolutions, which were adopted by a vote of 92 to 27, clearly indicated that the Whigi party was under the control of the free-soil element. The resolutions advocated a thoroughgoing revision of the tariff. The convention refused to endorse the recent c^^m- prcmises of Congress and merely " Resolved, that the ad- justment measures of the last Congress shall be faithfully obser\'ed and respected by the Whigs." The twenty- ser\'eT» members voting in the negative wished to endorse the compromises in unmistakably strong language. Some members of the convention, refusing to vote on the resolu- tions, opp-vsed them l>ccau>e of their free-soil expressions. One of them, ex-Congressman Ogle, said that he was " against slavery in any shape, and especially against that slavery which three thousand alx>litionists in Pennsylvania would establish in regard to politics and politicians in the State!" The convention indicated that its choice for the next presidential candidate was General Winficld Sc >tt. In a speech immediately following his nominatioai. Gover- nor Johnston, in outlining his views cm the slaver\' ques- tion, said that he would not have voted for either the Texa^^ Boundan,' Bill or the Fugitive Slave Bill but, since they l8o THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [426 were the law of the land, these two measures would have to be respected. He, however, insisted that the}' needed amendment/ The Democrats held two conventions, the one to nominate the usual state officers and the other to select candidates for the supreme court. The first convention, which met at Reading on June 4, was completely under the ojntrol of the Buchanan forces. William Bigler was nominated for governor and Seth Clover for canal ci mmissioner. Bigler was not a novice in state pohtics, having served two terms in the senate and having held a number of appointive offices. His career had been an upward struggle from obscurity and poverty to prominence and wealth. The early death of his father, caused by a fruitless effort to gain a livelihood from a wild tract in Mercer county, terminated his brief school career. He served an apprenticeship of three years on the Centre Democrat under his brother John, who later was chosen the first governor of California in the same year his erstwhile apprentice was elected governor of Pennsyl- vania. Bigler after serving his apprenticeship borrowed money to purchase a second-hand press and haJf-wom type. With this equipment, in 1833, he moved to Clearfield ccmnty to establish the Clearfield Democrat, " as he used afterwards* in a jocular spirit to characterize it, an eight-by-ten Jackson paper, to counteract the influence of a seven-by-nine Whig paper which had preceded him into that mountainous re- gion." ^ After a few years, he sold the paper, became in- terested in the lumber business, and soon was one of the largest prixiucers of timber on the West Branch of the ' Public Ledger, June 25-30, 1851. Stevens' control of the Wliig party in Lancaster county was weakened. His vote in 1850 had been smaller! than in 1848. This year the county convention did not elect him a delegate to the state convention. Pittsburgh Gazette, June 19, 1851. » Armor, Lives of the Governors of Pennsylvania, p. 414. ^7] ^^£ SLAVERY QUESTION IN STATE POLITICS jgi Susquehanna River. The pc-n'c-fion of wealth did not diminish his ardor for the Demxrracy, nor was the nature of his business such as to influence him to favor a prctective tariff. On the slavery question, his views had shifted with those of his party, and he was in full sympathy with the action of the conventii>n. The resolutions urged the repeal c>f the state statute of March 3, 1847, which forbade the use of the state jails for the detention of fugitive slaves. The compromise measures of 1850 were fully endorsed, but on the tariff question am ambiguous resolution was adopted.^ On June 1 1 a different set of delegates assembled at llarrisburg to nominate candi- dates to the supreme court. Amongst the five nominees was James Campbell, of Philadelphia, who was ch >sen despite strenuous objections.' A group uf leading Democratic law- yers of Philadelphia declared that he was mentally incapable of performing the duties of a justice of the state supreme court, that his endorsement at the Philadelphia county primary had been secured by fraud, and that he had been endorsed in large measure because he was an Irishman and a Catholic.^ In the campaign of this year the Whigs attempted to make the tariff the chief issue. Constantly they referred to the depressed condition of the iron industry-. They could not Ignore the question of the compromises, so they generally adopted the position which had been taken by Governor Johnstc-n that the law must be obeyed as long as it re- mained on the statute books but that these measures taught to be amended.* In the meantime, G.A-emor J. hnston was * Pubhc Ledger, Jun€ 5, 6, 1851. * Ibid., June 12, 13, 1851. * Ibid., May 31, 1851. * Pittsburgh Caeette, June ig, 1851 ; Pennsyh-ania Inquirer, Aatrust 22, 1851. In some of the cotinties, where the fre«-soil «U-ment was l82 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [428 withholding his signature to a bill repealing the sections of the act of March 3, 1847, which forbade the use of the state jails for the retention of captured fugitive slaves. The Democrats were trying to make his refusal to sign the bill the issue of the campaign/ The Wh'gs showed that this act of March 3, 1847, had passed the legislature with- out a roll-call and had been signed by a Democratic gov- ernor. Amongst those in the senate when the bill had passed without objection was William Bigler, now the De- mocratic candidate for governor. With this reply the Whigs answered the criticisms of their opponents and con- tinued to discuss the need of tariff reform and the value of the state sinking fund, which had been inaugurated by Johnston. The Whigs were making headway with their campaign arguments, when, on September n, occurred the Christiana riot. This event completely changed the issue and put the Whigs on the defensive. In order to understand properly the manner in which the Christiana riot influenced the election, it will be necessary to review^ the enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Law of particularly ^■trong. the attacks on slavery by the Whigs were severe. In Beaver county they resolved, "That on the subject of slavery v/e maintain the position we have always occupied, looking upon it as an institution at variance with religion, the rights of man, and civil liberty, as well as subversive of the best interests of those among whom it exists; and therefore we cannot help expressing our dissatis- faction with the provisions of the fugitive slave law." Pittsburgh Gazette, June 27, 1851. 'On May 5, 1851, Bigler wrote Buchanan, "What will Gov. Johnston do with the repealing section? If he signs it, the Liberty men in the West will not touch him but will bring a man of their own into the field. If he refuses to sign it, he cannot maintain h mself with a certain class of Whigs. This is his dilemma. Our course is to sustain the letter and spirit of the Compromise. If Gov. J. refuses to sign the bill now in his hands, this will be the grjat issue." Buchanan Mss. See also tlie proceedings of a Democratic mee.ing at which Bigler stressed this point; Public Ledger, August 4, 22, 1851. 429] T^i^ SLAVERY QUESTION L\ STATE POLITICS 183 1850 within the state. The law had scarcely been enacted bef<->re an excnJus of negroes to the north was noticed, even thcrse who for years had lived in certain communities near the Mason and Dixon line left their old abodes.' One month after the passage of the act, on October 18, 1850, the first case before a federal court came up for decision in Philadelphia bef c-re Judges Grier and Kane, who detennined that the alleged fugitive slave should be tried before the United States Circuit Court and not before the commis- sioner. The fugitive was ordered to be released on the technical ground that ownership was not legally established by the claimant, who had failed properly to authenticate the will under which he was executor and residuary legatee. The decision seemed to indicate that the law would be strictly applied against the claimant.^ Although the fugi- ^ Fublic Ledger, September 25, October 2; Pittsburgh Gazette, Sep- tember 24, 1850; cf. also Fred Landoi>, "Negro Migration to Canada," Journal of Segro History, January, 1920; Siebert, Underground Rail- road, p. 249. A comparison of the census returns of 1850 and 1800 show's an increase in the negro population of the state, which ia equaled by the increase in the neighborhood of Philadelphia. Around Pittsburgh and in the counties along the Maryland border, there was! a marked decrease, which is balanced liy the increase in the counties of the interior, particularly in those near llarrisburg. * Ex parte Garnet. Fed. Cases 5243; Public Ledger, October 19, 185a There had been an earlier case under the new law, which had resulted in the remanding of the negroes. Three negroes escaped from Vir- ginia taking some horses to aid them. They were pursued by their" owners and overtaken at Harrisburg. Since they could not be detained in the county jail ars fugitive slaves, they were charged with larceny, and held on the order of a justice of the peace. On a writ of habeas corpus they were, on .August 24. 1850, brought before the Dauphin county court. They were ordered to be released on the ground that the warrant of arrest did not state where the crime had been com- mitted and that the ownership of the property alleged to have been stolen was not sufficiently averred. The court intimated that the negroes might be seized as escaped slaves. Commonwealth t'. Wilson et a!., I Phila. Rep. 80. The su'^ge^tion of the court was adopte.l 1 8^ THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [430 tive in this case was freed, yet misunderstandings of the decision prevailed. The doubt as to the fairness of proce- dure Judge Grier tried to remove by a public letter in which he stated that under the law the alleged fugitive slave was granted the same protection accorded a white man who was threatened with extradition. For both men the only question involved was one of identity.^ While the case had been in progress, threats of violence had been heard. Judge Grier made it understood that he was determined to carry the case through, even though it might be necessary to call on the President for a thousand soldiers.* At times, however, the apprehension of the fugitives was prevented,^ and opposition to the law was freely and openly expressed, chiefly by the Whigs.* On November 18, 1850, as the negroes were leaving the jail. Rioting followed during whichj one of the slaves escaped. The owners, the other two slaves, andl several of the crowd were imprisoned for rioting and bound over foil an appearance at the next session of the Court of Quarter Sessions ; Public Ledger, August 25, 26, 27, 185a On September 30, without any excitement, the slaves were handed over to their owners under the authority of the new law; ibid., October i, i8sa A verdict of "not guilty" was returned in the case of the owners and assistants; G>m- monwealth v. Wm. Taylor et ai, 4 Clark (Pa.) 48a 1 Public Ledger, October 28, 1850. * Ibid., October 19, 1850. ^ The failure to capture a party of thirteen escaped negroes because of the intervention of the citizens of Wilkes-Barre is noted; Public Ledger, October 21, 1850. * The Pittsburgh Gazette, October 20, 1850, held the law to be " mor- ally void, although legally binding," and it resisted " not the con- stitutional requirement, but the unncces.^ry and d«grading encroach- ment upon the rights and feelings of the people of the free States, in enforcing its claims." Thaddeus Stevens, in a case before the United States District Court, was reported to have urged citizens to aid escaping slaves, to have called the law " hateful," and to have appealed to the " higher law." For this speech he was taken to task by hia fellow counsel in the case, Wni. B. Reed; Daily News, October 24, 1850. The Daily News, Senator Cooper's organ, upheld the law; October 23, 24, 1850. ^31 ] THE SLAyERY QUESTION IN STATE POLITICS 185 Judge Kane of the United States District Court charged his grand jury to be on the watch for those who were ob- structing the operation of the law. But, he cautioned them, " I would distinguish liberally, and I would have you to distinguish between mere extravagance of diction and the endeavor by threats or force to obstruct the execution of the laws of the country." ^ Three days later a large Union meeting was held at Philadelphia, at which resolutions cal- ling for the repeal of the act of March 3, 1847, and for hearty support of the compromises were adopted. Thid meeting, sponsored only by the Democrats and by the anti- Johnston Whigs, was of great service in the South in quiet- ing the fear that the Fugitive Slave Law would not be en- forced in Pennsylvania.^ The next case under the law was tried before Commis- sioner Ingraham at Philadelphia in December, 1850, and caused much unfavorable comment. An alleged fugitive slave, Adam Gibson, on insufficient testimony and after aii imperfect hearing, was placed in the custody of the agents of the claimant to be conveyed to him in Marj'land. When the negro was taken to his alleged owner, the reception of the negro was refused because he was not the runaway slave. Although many persons had been attracted to the trial of the negro, yet there had been no attempt made to» block the proceedings by a rescue. On the return of the negro to Philadelphia, not only the commissioner but also the law received a vast amount of harsh criticism.* In March, 1851, Price, the agent in the Gibson case, was sen- tenced by a state court to a term of impris 4iment for eight ' PubHc Ledger, November 19, 1850. * Ib^d., November 22, 185a * Itnd., December 23, 24; even the Daily News, December 24, 1850, attacked the " new judge in Israel." l86 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [432 years in the Eastern Penitentary for the technical kidnap- ing of a child bom in Pennsylvania, who had been spirited away with its mother, an escaped slave. For being impli- cated in the same case, George Alberti received a ten years' sentence.^ The conviction and the sentencing of these two men was used by the southern newspapers to prove to their readers that the people of the North were unwilling to abide by the recent compromises.^ After the conviction of Alberti and Price, Governor John- ston requested Governor Lowe of Maryland to extradite J. S. Mitchel, the owner of the woman. This request was refused.^ In the meantime, attacks on the statute of March 3, 1847, continued, and urgent demands for its repeal were made.* In a special message to the legislature Governor Johnston defended the act and replied to the criticisms of Governor Ijdwq. The dispute between Maryland and Pennsylvania involved the question of the freedom of child- ren bom in a free state of a slave mother. The common law, which Maryland followed, held that a child so bom was slave, while Pennsylvania by statute had declared that the child was free. Thc«e, who opposed the act of March 3, 1847, claimed that a great deal of misunderstanding would be averted by its repeal. The agitation for the re- peal of the act finally resulted in the passage of a bill to accomplish this. The bill was passed just before the close ■ Commonwealth v. Alberti et al., 2 Pars. Eq. Cas. 495 ; Public Ledger^ January 6, March 6, 1851. In 1850, in Cumberland county, a kidnapper had been convicted under the act of 1847, the constitutionality of which had been upheld, although it ran counter to the common law principle of partus scquitur vcntrem; 4 Clark (Pa.) 431. * Public Ledger, September 9, 1851. ^ Ibid., March 10. 1851 ; cf. message of Governor E. L. Lowe of Mary- land on January 7, 1852, for his views on the trial of Alberti; Mary- land Legislative Documents, 1852, pp. 33-40. * Mass meeting of anti-Jolinston Whigs, Philadelphia, F'ebruary 27, 1851 ; Pubti<- Ledger, F"ebruary 28, 1851. 433] ^^^^ SLAVERY QUESTION L\ STATE POLITICS iSy of the legislative sessioti, and Governor Johnston was with- holding his signature, for which he was being attacked dur- ing the course of the campaign. The chief criticism against the Fugitive Slave Law wxs because of the creation of the special tribunals/ So intense was the opposition to this feature of the law, particularly after the hasty decision in the Gibson Case, that Judge Kane of the United States EHstrict had the cases arising within the next few months after that decision brought from tlie commissioner before him on writs of habeas corpus.- In all the cases, although there was always con- siderable excitement, there w^as no attempt at a rescue, whether the alleged fugitive were remanded or set free.^ Then occurred the Christiana riot in Lancaster county on September ii, 1851, which resulted in the death of Edward Gorsuch, the owner of the alleged fugitives, and the wound- ing of his son.* This portion of the state, lying close to the Maryland border, was a refuge for fugitives. It had also been the scene of several recent " kidnaping " expeditions and feeling against the " slave-catchers " wa^ running high.^ The riot was immediately seized upon by ^ Message of Governor Johnston of January 8, 1851 ; Public Ledger, January o, 1851. This annual message has been omitted from the Pcnnsyhvnia Archives. 'Summary of three cases in May, The Fugitive Slaie I.atv and its Victims; for other cases r/. Public Ledger January 25, -.7, -.»8, Feb- ruary 7, 8, 10, March 8, 10. 11, 12, 13, 14, 1S51. * In addition to the references in the note above cf. Public Ledger, December 17, 1850; I-Vbruary 14, March 14, April 24. July 3, 2^. August 19, 1851. * Hensel, The Christiana Riots and the Treason Triols of iSf,i; Public Ledger, September 12-18, 1851. ^ Heiisel. o/>. cit., pp. 16, et scq.; Public Ledger, Janua-y 21. March 19, 185 1. The people of the neighborhood in a mt-etm:^ had rc^olvrd to refuse to assist in enforcing the law and to aid all fug lives in escaping; quoted from the Lancaster Examiner by the Public Ledger, September 18. 1851. 1 88 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [434 the Democrats as proof of their claim that the Whigs — for this was one of their strongholds — were encouraging resis- tance to the enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Law. The resistance had led to the murder of an individual relying on the law to recover his property. On September 14 the leading Democrats of Philadelphia issued a call for a mass meeting to be held on the seven- teenth to take action on the recent resistance to the laws', and to prevent another outbreak. They also issued an open letter to the governor stating that the memorialists were " not aware that any military force has been sent to the seat of the insurrection, or that the civil authority has been strengthened by the adoption of any measures suited to the momentous crisis." The governor, who was in Phrla- delphia on the following day, issued a proclamation, pre- viously prepared, offering a reward for the arrest of those guilty of the murder. In reply to the open letter, the gov- ernor denied that there was an insurrectionary movement in Lancaster county and said that he would not excite the public by marching troops into that county. Those guilty of the crime of murder and of resistance to the law would be punished. He asked for the cooperation of the memorial- ists, " as citizens of Pennsylvania, not only to see that the law is enforced, but to add to the confidence which we all feel in the judicial tribunals of the land, by abstaining from undue violence of language, and letting the law take its course." That evening the Whigs held a previously sche- duled mass meeting, at which the governor defended hial course in withholding his signature from the repealing bill. To the governor's letter and to his speech the Democrats rejoined, The purpose of our communication has been entirely miscon- ceived by you. The crime which had been perpetrated in our 435] 7"H£ SLAVERY QUESTION IN STATE POLITICS 189 immediate neighborhocxl was treason, in preventing, by armed resistance, the enforcement of a law of the United States. Our purpose was to request your attention to this fact and not to censure the local police of a county, as you suppose. They also accused the governor of tardiness in issuing his proclamation. The signers declared their belief that resis- tance to the law would again be attempted and that his letter would encourage this lawless design. *' We understand it as a declaration of your opinion that there should be no change in the course of the State government, and that no public measures of State are required in order to prevent the recurrence of the late bloody outrage." ^ The Demcn crats relied exclusively on this riot in the closing days of the campaign for their election material. In addition to their correspondence with the governor, the Democrats made effective use of a letter from the Reverend Gorsuch, son of the murdered man, in which charges of neglect of duty were made against Governor Johnston. Judge Kane of the United States District Court gave strength to tlie Democratic contention that treason had been committed when his charge to the grand jury on September 29 included a discussion of that crime." With this crime the men, who had been arrested for being implicated in the riot, were charged. Although the trials did not cc/me until after the election, nevertheless, the charge of the judge and the indictments were used by the Democrats as election material to prove the depravity of the Whigs.' The Whigs ^ GDrrcspondence in Hensel, op. rj<., pp. 145, et seq.; Public Ledger, September 15, 16, 17, 1851. 'Charge to the grand jury in 2 li^all. Jr. 134. * For the trials cf. United States z: llanway, 2 IVall. Jr. 130, in which the jury after an ab>ence of twenty minutes returned a verdict of " not guilty" on the diarge of treason. This was the leading case an'! the others were dismissed by writs of nolle prosequi. A certain indi- I^ THE WHIG PARTY IN FEWNSYLVANIA [436 vigorously denied that they were responsible for the riot and that they were a party of disorder. One of their- papers put it: The Whigs of Pennsylvania, with Governor Johnston at their head, are a Union loving, law abiding, and mob hating people, and they hurl back with scorn, the base and contemptible innuendoes of their opponents. If ever the true patriots of Pennsylvania have to weep over outraged laws, violated en- gagements, and connivance with rapine and murder, they will find the actors in the tragedy, not among the Whigs, but in that party which has always justified wrong when it led to aggrandisement, and which is now even reeking with the blood of its Cuban victims.^ On October 14 the election was held with a very heavy vote being polled. The vote for governor exceeded the vote of 1848 for the same office by 29,400 votes but fell 2,500- short of the vote cast for President in the same year. Bigler received 8,455 more votes ^-than Johnston, who in 1848 had had a majority of about 300. The increased vote of this year was distributed 18,000 to Bigler, 9.500 t.> Johnston, and 1.900 to Qeaver.^ The Demc<:rats increased their majorities in the greater niunber of the counties which they ordinarily carried. It was chiefly in the northern counties, comprising the area in which the influence of Wil- mot was strong, that the Democrats lost votes. The free- soil men preferred Johnston to Bigler. In Lancaster vidua!, Samuel Williams, was tried for obstructing the enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Law on the ground that he brought news of the coming of Gorsuch. A verdict of "not guilty" was rendered; 5 Clark (Pa.) 155. Cf. a'«o Public Ledger, 'anuary 13, February 6, 1852. ^Pittsburgh Gazette, September 22, 1851. * S mull's Legislative Hand-Book, 1915, p. 720. gives the returns Bigler (Dem.) 1S6.489; Johnston (Whig) iA034; Cleaver (Nat. Am.) 1.850; scattering 67. H & O c l-l o E-t » o E- a a 1(5 o o 437] T^E. SLAVERY QUESTION IN STATE POUTICS 191 county, where the riot occurred, and in the nearby Whig counties of Chester, Dauphin, Delaware, and Lebanon, the Whigs increased their majorities. In the nearby Dem.j- cratic counties of Berks, Bucks, Montgomery, and York, the Democratic vote was increased. The returns in the rural districts indicate that the election had little effect on the customary party allegiance. In Philadelphia city and county, where the riot was particularly used by the Demo- crats to depict the Whigs as a party of lawlessness and where there was fear that southern trade might be lost if the Fugitive Slave Law was to be thus nullified, the Whigs lost 2,200 votes to the Demc-crats and to the Native Americans. The improved condition of business also cost the Whigs votes in the counties where the tariff appeal luid been efficacious in securing votes from the Democrats. The mining county of Schuylkill, a Democratic region, which in 1846 and in 1848 had been carried by the Whigs on the tariff issue, now returned to the Democracy. Johnston's majority of 700 in 1848 was now converted into a minority of the same amount in this county. In the other mining counties, which were normally Democratic, the majorities against the Whigs were increased. The Democrats elected four of the five judges of the supreme court of the state. The defe^ited Democratic can- didate, James Campl)ell. lost by 3,000 votes to Richard Coulter, who received 7,000 less votes than the lowest sik:- cessful Democratic judge. Giulter had been on the l>ench. and after having been refused a nomination by the Dem'>- crats had received one from the Whigs. The Catholicism i>f Campbell along with his alleged incompetency lost him 4,000 votes in Philadelphia and .Mleghaiy counties alone.' The 'Official vote in the Public Ledger, October 31. 1851. Campbell was taken care of the following year by being appointed Pos'maslcr-GeiHTal bv Pit-rce. 1^2 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [438 Democrats in carrying the state elected the canal commis- sioner, the auditor-general, and the surveyor-general. The state senate would contain sixteen Democrats, sixteen Whigs, and one Native American; the house would have fifty-five Democrats, forty Whigs, and five Native Ameri- cans. Had the Whigs and Native Americans combined on all the candidates in Philadelphia, their control of the house would have been assured.^ The Whig party in the South rejoiced at the defeat of Governor Johnston.^ This rejoicing irritated the supporters of the governor within the state. One of them claimed that the southern Whigs seemed to be demented on the question of slavery, and were apparently unwilling to show any tolerance for differences of opinion. "If such an absurd course is to be pursued, there is an end of all future cooperation. What hope can southern Whigs have of Penn- sylvania hereafter, when they are loud in rejoicing over the defeat of Governor Johnston, who received the votes of over 178,000 Whigs! " This rejoicing, it was noted, was not confined to Alabama and to Mississippi, but even the Whigs of Baltimore were claiming that the election of Bigler was a triumph for the national Whig administration.' This state of internal bickering boded no good for the coming presidential campaign. ^Public Ledger, October 24, 1851. One wing of the Native Americans had held a convention at TIarrisburg on July 24, but this small body- split on the question of the advisability of nominating state officers. The seceders insisted on making nominations for governor and canal commissioner but made none for the supreme court; ibid., July 29, 1851. They continued the fight against an alliance with the Whigs in their county convention; ibid., August 12, 1851. *Cole, The Whig Party in the South, p. 226; message of Governor Lowe of Maryland on January 7, 1852; Maryland Legislative Docu- ments, 1852, p. 40. 8 Pittsburgh Gazette, November 13, 1851. CHAPTER VI The Whig Party Marks Time 1852-1853. In the organization of the legislature the Whigs secured the speaker of the senate because of the refusal of several Democrats to vote, but the Democrats easily maintained control of the house. ^ On January 8, 1852, immediately after the organization of the legislature, Governor Johnston returned to the senate the bill repealing the sixth section of the act of March 3, 1847. His refusal to sign the bill had been used effectively by the Democrats in the last campaign. In his veto message the governor discussed the history of the passage of the act, contending that the act was based on the interpretation of the Constitution of the United States made by the federal Supreme Court.' The senate could not pass the measure over the veto of the governor, whose term was about to expire. In his inaug- ural message of January 20, 1852, Governor Bigler urged the legislature to repeal the obnoxious sections of the act of March 3, 1847,* and. in compliance with his request,, an act rej)ealing the sections, which forbade the use of the state jails for the detention of fugitive slaves, was passed.* Before the passage of the repealing act. partly to right an ' Public Ledger, January 7, 8, 1852. 2 Pennsyli-ania Archives, series iv, vol. vii. pp. 491, et scq. 3 Ibid., series iv. vol. vii, pp. 519, et seq. * Sission Laws, 1852, p. 295. 4391 19.^ 1^4 T^ii^ WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [440 alleged wrong and partly to mollify the South, Governor Bigler pardoned George Alberti, who had been convicted of kidnaping under the statute of March 3, 1847/ The effect of the defeat of the Whigs in 1851 was felt in the spring municipal elections of 1852. Tlie election of a Democratic mayor on Januar)' 13 in the Whig city of Pittsburgh led to the warning that " this abandomnent of Whig nominees, by known Whigs, must stop here, or the party fails utterly, for all good ends." ^ The defeat of the Whig candidate was due to many \Miigs supp<.)rting Mayor Barker, who wus running for reelection on the Anti- Catholic ticket.^ As was the custom, the state conventions were held in March. The Democrats, despite the strenuous opposition of Simon Cameron, endorsed Buchanan for the presidency, and nominated William Seabright for canal commissioner,* Before the election another convention was necessitated by the death of Seabright. This convention met on Sep- tember 5 and nominated William Hopkins, who had been the speaker of the successful house in the Buckshot War.^ The Whigs in their convention reaffirmed their action of the year before and endorsed Scott for the presidency'. As their candidate for canal commissioner they selected Jacob Hoffman.'' The control of the WTiig party within the state was not wrested from the free-soil element. On the other hand, the Democrats did not waiver from their opposition to the free-soil agitation. '^Keystone, February 10. 1852. * Daily Commercial Journal, January 14, 1852. 3 Public Ledger, Jarmary 15, 1852. ■• Jbtd., March 5, 6, 1852. * Ibid; Sei)tember 6, 1852. « Ibid., March 26, 1852. 44 1 ] THE WHIG PARTY MARKS TIME 195 It was not in the state but in the national party that the breach in the Whig ranks assumed alarming propor- tions. A caucus of the Whig Congressmeti, according to party custom, drew up and issued the call for the national convention. When the caucus met this year, an eff(3rt was made by the southern members to have the caucus ass\mie the new duty of deciding the " principles " by which the party would be guided at the coming election. The " prin- ciples " were to be an unqualified endorsement of the com- promise measures. At the first session of the caucus no action was taken. At a subsequent session the assumption of the power to declare "principles" was rejected by a vote of 46 to 21. The vote was largely on a sectional basis, although seven southerners voted against the measure and seven northerners for it. Senator Cocper of Pennsyl- vania was the only Whig from that state who favored the proposition. The opposition to the adoption of " princi- ples " was led by Thaddeus Stevens and by several North Carolina Whigs.* After their defeat in the congressional caucus, eleven of the southern WTiigs issued an address in which they pledged themselves not to support the candidate of the Whig national convention unless the Comprc^mises of 1850 were specifically endorsed. They declarearty.^ In reply to this address, the Daily Commercial Journal rellected the attitude of the state Whig party, in saying, The yearly exactions and demands of the South are no longer tolerable, and our only defence and substantial reliance is, a Northern Party. We can elect Scott without the aid of the South, and there never will be harmony and repose, in the relations of the two ' Public Ledger, April 12, 21, ^. 20, 185-2. *lbid., April 29. 1852. 196 7"H£ IVHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [442 wings of the party until we show these disorganizers not only that we can do without them, but that wc mean to carry our man in spite of them. There has been always a " Southern Whig Party," whilst we could boast only of "A Whig Party of the Northern States." The remedy for this state of things is a " Northern Whig Party," and the defiant attitu-de of the Southern Whigs sug- gests this as the proper time for an application of the remedy.^ The state Whigs were still rankling under the gloating of the southern Whigs over the defeat of Johnston a few months before. At a caucus, held the day before the assembling of the national convention at Baltimore, the southern Whigs in- timated that in return for a resoiution in the convention affirming the finality of the Compromises of 1850 they would favor resolutions endorsing a protective tariff and the improvement of the rivers and harbors.* The conven- tion, before it balloted for a candidate, adopted its plat- form. A tariff of specific duties was endorsed, and the appropriation of money for the improvement of rivers and harbors was advocated. The last resolution dealt with the compromises, which were declared to be " a settlement in principle and substance of the dangerous and exciting ques- tions which they embrace," and which would be maintained " as essential to the nationality oi the Whig party and the integrity of the Union." ' The free-soil element of Peim- sylvania, controlling the delegation of the state, selected ex- Governor Johnston as the state member of the committee on resolutions. The vote of the state delegation for tha ' May 3, 1852. -Public Ledger, June 17, 1852; the friends of Webster, in particular, were said to favor these measures, * Stanwood, History of the Presidency, vol. i, p. 252. 443] ^^£ IVHIG PARTY MARKS TIME I97 resolutions was twenty-one in favor and six in opposition. On the fifty-third ballot Scott was nominated for the pre- sidency; he received twenty-six and Fillmore one of the votes from the Pennsylvania delegates. The nomination of William A. Graham of North Carolina for the vice- presidency caused no struggle.^ The Whigs of the South, not satisfied with the resolutions, awaited Scott's letter of acceptance before taking further action. Its contents, when published on June 24, did not please them ; so on July 3 they issued a manifesto in which they declared Scott to be " the favorite candidate of the Free Soil wing of the Whig party," and they regarded it "as the highest duty of the well v^shers of the country everywhere, whatever else they may do, to at least withhold from him their support. This we intend to do." ^ The most ardent admirers of Scott in Pennsylvania, professing to feel no alarm over this manifesto, declared that the signers came from states which at best would give Scott no support. " We believe," declared one editor, " General Scott will never feel the op- position of these gentry, and we are not sorr>' that their treason i-s, at length, fully unmasked." ' Prior to the Whig convention, the Democrats had placed their candidates in nomination. Thriaighout the balloting the Pennsylvania delegation supported Buchanan ; but it socm became evident that neither he, nor Cass, nor Douglasi could be nominated. On the thirty-fourth ballot a few votes were cast for Pierce, and on the forty-ninth a break- occurred in his favor and he was nominated. The Buchanan supporters were somewhat mollified by the nomination of W^ R. King, one of Buchanan's most intimate friends,. ^ PubHc Ledger, June 17-22, 1852. *Jbid., June jo, July 8, 1852. 'Daily Commercial Journal, July 7, 1852. 1^8 THE WHIG PARTY IS PENNSYLVANIA [ ; ^ ; far the vnce-presidency/ After the nominalicms were known, the Whigs raised the cry " Who is Franklin Pierce ? " They contended that Pierce was not to be blamed for his obscurity but that the Dem<:x:rats were to be cen- sured for nominating a man of such unknown qualities.^ On July 6 the Native America.ns, who in 1848 had Cfx>p- erated with the Whigs, held a national cmveiition at Tren- ton. They decided to cliange the party name from " Native American " to " .American." Daniel Webster and George C. Washington were placed before the public as their nominees.^ Strong (fbjections were made to these nomi- nations particularly by the anti-Levin branch of the party.* The failing health of Webster remrwcd him as a po.>sil>ility, so in the election the Native Americans voted for Jacob Broom of Philadelphia and Reyncll Coates of New Jersey, who were placed in n ;mination by the executive committee after the death of Webster and the declination of Washing- ton.^ In the Philadelphia distriots and in four other di.s- tricts of the state, the Native Americans ran congressional candidates.^ In August there assembled at Pittsburgh the national ci in- vention of the Free Soil Democracy. The convention nominated John P. Hale and George W. Julian. Prior to the national convention, there had been a .state mass con- vention of the " friends of freedom " to prepare for the ' Public Ledger, June 2-7, 1852. ''Daily Commercial Journal, Jiinc 28, l8>i. ^Public Ledger, ]\x\y 7, 1852. In order to avoid confusing them with the Know-Nothings or Americans they will l>e referred to by their older designation. * letter of Peter Sken Smith in ibid., Augu.st .-50, i8.!U. ^Ibid., October 30, 1852; C O. Paullin. "The National Ticket of Broom and Coate-s, 1852." in 7"/t^ American Historical Review, vol. XXV, pp. 689-691, July, 1920. •^ Public Ledger October 12, 1852. 445] ^^^ WHIG PARTY MARKS TIME 199 national convention. At one of its later meetings the state convention nominated a state ticket/ The convention re- commended that congressional candidates be run in each district, but only in the three districts at the headwaters of the Ohio was this done in Pennsylvania. The vote of the party in the state was much smaller than in 1848, parti- cularly in Wilmot's district.^ In the Whig counties it suc- ceeded in retaining its small following. The Whigs raised the question of the tariff as the big issue of the campaign, but met with little success.' The Whig cry for Pennsylvania was said to be " Scott, Graham and a Tariff with specific Duties." * The stressing of the deceit of the Democracy in 1844 had tio practical effect.' In both parties there was an apathy towards the campaign which had not been in evidence in preceding presidential elections. The Public Ledger, an independent paper, said, We see here and there, especially in the great cities, almost daily attempts to hold " mass meetings." But though these meetings are crowded to suffocation in the newspapers, very ^ F lib lie Ledger, .August 11-14, 1852. ' Wilinot realized that the Whig party is " now substantially a Free Soil party and would resist any further aggression of the slave power; but if they succeed in electing a president they would be pro-slavery, as is the Democratic party. So long as they are out they will be an anti-slavery party. . . . There will be an organized political nucleus for the Free-Soil elements of the free States to fall back upon in this contest. We Free-Soilers of the northern counties will therefore probably vote for Pierce in this election, not because we believe in him, but because in our judgment it is the wisest course to prepare for the conflict which must come upon the extension of slavery in this country." Quoted in DuBois and Matthews, Galusho. A. Grotv, p. 94. * Daily Commercial Journal, July 21, 23, 24, .Vugust 4; Public Ledger, .September 2, 1852. * Daily Commercial Journal, June 26, 1852. * Ibid., .\ugnst 27. 1852. 200 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [4^5 few attend them bodily. They seem to think that a meta- phorical attendance will do as well for the cause, whatever it be, and much better for themselves.^ On October 12 the state elections were held with the Democrats receiving twenty thousand more votes than the Whigs.' The legislature would be divided in control due to hold-overs in the senate which would contain seventeen Whigs, fifteen Democrats, and one Native American; the house would be made up of sixty-two De- mocrats and thirty-eight Whigs. The Democrats elected sixteen of the twenty-five Congressmen and the Whigs nine. If the Whigs and Native Americans had combined in three of the Philadelphia districts, the fusion candidates would have been elected. In the Beaver-Lawrence-Mercer dis- trict in western Pennsylvania the Whig candidate for Con- gress was defeated because of the large number of vote3 cast for the Free Soil nominee.^ The Whigs claimed that their defeat in the state election was due to the " stay-at-home " v(3te. In the presidential election, tliey affinned, they would be successful, if they could induce these men to go to the polls. Increased votes ' September 9, 1852. •The official returns for canal commissioner are given in the Public Ledger, October 28, 1852; Hopkins (Dem.) 171,551; Hoffman (Whig) 151,601; Wyman (Free Soil) 3,843; McDonald (Nat. Am.) 8,187. Judge Coulter of the state supreme court had died in April. George Woodward had been appointed to fill the vacancy. Later he was nominated by the Democrats and defeated Joseph Buffington, the Whig nominee, by 172,619 to 153,715. 'Jbid., October 16, 1852; the beginning of a reaction against the control of the free-soil t-lcmcnt is seen in the Whig party, particularly in Lancaster county. The " Silver Greys " succeeded in ousting the " Wooly Heads"; they nominated Isaac Hiestcr for Congress. Stevens' activity as counsel for the defense in the trial of the Christiana rioters helped in his overthrow from leadership; ibid., August 23, October 11, 1852. 447] ^^£ WHIG PARTY .\fARKS TIME 201 had been secured in 1840 and in 1848 by party activity and the elections had been won. What was to prevent the same result from being attained now? ^ The introduction of the temperance question in some of the local elections had worked to the disadvantage of the Whigs, who were always affected by the introduction of these extraneous issues.^ In the presidential campaign the Democrats made free use of the attacks on Scott by the southern Whigs.^ In a speech at Greensburg Buchanan devoted himself to the question of the advisability of raising the commanding general of the army to the presidency. The views of Scott, as given in a letter of October 25, 1841, were criticized as showing hisi incompetency.* The course of the Whigs in endorsing Governor Johnston's withholding his signature to the bill repealing the act of March 3, 1847, was condemned.* The Democrats by these criticisms made the Whigs abandon the issue of the tariff of 1846 as the main question and forced them to reply to their attacks. The election was carried by Pierce with a majority of i Daily Commercial Journal, October 15, 1852; address of the Alle- gheny County Scott Club, ibid., October 22, 1852L 'Ibid., October 13, 16, 1852. •The pamphlet, IVhig Testimony against General Scott, was widely circulated. * Moore, Works of James Buchanan, vol. viii, pp. 460, et seq- Thia letter of Scott had been sent by him to various Whij; leaders in the North after the party broke with Tyler; copies in the Ewing Papers and in the .McLean Papers, Lib. of Cong. .\t the same time, Scott was actively corresponding with Thaddeus Stevens, who wa<; hopingf to restore the .\nti-Masons to power under the possible leadership of Scott; letters of Stevens to Scott, October 20, 1841, February 15, 1&43, of Scott to Stevens, November i, 4, 21, 1841, May 5. -August 2. 1842; Stevens Papers, Lib. of Cong. "Daily Commercial Journal, October 4; Public Ledger, October 8, 1852. 202 2"^^£ ^HIG PARTY IS PENNSYLVANIA [448 9,000 votes over his three opponents within the state.' Ujx)n the defeat of Scott, the Daily C ommcrdal Journal remarked, F'or the sake of conciliating the South, tlie Whigs of the North admitted into their platform of principles an element which was distasteful to the mass of the Whigs of the North, and, as the sequel has shown, lost to the cause northern Whig States. The South was imperative in exacting the admission of this element of discord ; and after securing its admission, the States of the South — the Whig States — have refused to sustain either platform or candidate, and we are covered with defeat. This is the point of difficulty, in submitting with good grace and comfortable temper, to the defeat of Scott and Grahani. For our own part, patience and our capacity of endurance have been wholly exhausted in the labor of standing by the South, to witness the South stand by and succor and give victory to our opponents. We will no more of it.* The statements of R. M. Riddle, editor of the paper, that the party ought to be dissolved did not meet with hearty approval even in the western part of the state. One of the leading W^higs of Butler county t(X>k issue with him and maintained that it was necessary for the Whigs to hold to their old policies.^ Judge II. M. Brackenridge of Alle- gheny comity felt that the North and not the South was to blame fc^r the estrangement between the two sections. The abolitionists and the free-soilers were the ones who were threatening to break up the Whig party. This was shown ^ SmuU's Legislative Hand-Book, 191Q, p. 715, gives the returns as Pierce (Dem.) 198,562; Scott (Whig) 179,104; Hale (Free Soil Dem.) 8,495; Broom (Native American) 1,678. ' November 4, 1852. ' Letter of Samuel A. Purviance to R. M. Riddle, November 15. 1852; Daily Commercial Journal, November 22, 1852. s m ^ 1 n 1 . / ^^ /^\ > ^ " — -13 / f^ R) / C^ k s f U / r\i ^K « ^■'^ \\ cQ / ^ Asd/^ t\ 449] 7'i/£ IVHIG PARTY MARKS TIME 203 by tlie fact that the South had favored a protective tariff before the passage of the Missouri Compromise Act; with the passage of this act had begun the agitation against slavery with the resuhant objection of the South to a pro- tective tariff.* William D. Le\vis. a leader of the free^ soil wing in Philadelphia, wrote after the election, We are told in the good book that " whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth," which of course it would be impiety to doubt. It is clear then that the Whig party must stand high in his favor, for he has recently given it such a chastening as I hope he may deem sufficient to purify its rebellious blood for all time.- After the elections the discouragement and despair of the Whigs was pronounced and profound. A ray of light pierced the darkness when the Pittsburgh Whigs defeated the Democratic ma>x)r who was up for reelection.^ What- ever doubt existed as to the continued existence of the Whig party was removed when the Whig state central committee, meeting at Harrislmrg on February 16, issued a call for a state conventiv>n to meet at Lancaster in March.* The most significant act of the convention was the appoint- ment of a large central committee of fifty-five, which in- dicated a determined effort to effect a thoroughgoing re- ^^vif^cation of the state Whig party." ITie .spirit shown at the convention soon slumpeil. At another state con- vention, meeting in Augu.st at Huntingdon, for the pur- ' Letter to R. M. Riddle ; ibid., November 22, 1852. = Letter of November 13, 1852, to J. M. Clayton; Qayton Papers. Lib. of Cong. 3 Daily Commercial Journal. December 30, 1852, January 10, 12, 1853. The .An ti -Catholic party had disappeared and so there was nothing to divert Wliig votes away from their candidate, R. M. Riddle. * f Pennsylvania Telegraph, February 19, 1853. ''Ibid., March 26, June i; Daily Sews, May 14. 1853. 204 ^^^ WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [450 pose of nominating a candidate to succeed Judge Gibson on the supreme court, only a few counties were represented.^ This lack of interest and this apathy continued throughout the campaign of 1853.^ ^^ could be attributed in part to the fact that only minor officers were to be elected, but the in- difference, more pronounced than usual, indicated party disintegration. Nevertheless, an assertion by Horace Gree- ley that the Whig party was dead was vigorously denied.' Elections in Tennessee, Kentucky, and other southern states were taken as denials of his claim.* Without success the Whigs endeavored to raise an issue on the question of the sale of the public works. They had been characterized by a leading Democrat as "a lazarre house of corruption " and by a Whig as " an infirmary for broken down politicians." * This question had been lightly touched upon in the first Whig convention, but was stressed in the second.' The Democrats, however, did not oppose the demand for the sale of the public works, and, consequently, there could be no issue raised on this ques- tion.' Although the Whigs were insisting on the sale of « Pennsylvania Telegraph, August 3, 31. 1853. * Ibid., October 19, 1853. * Daily Nezvs, \Lay 20, 26, 1853. * Evening Bulletin, August 15, 1853. * Pennsylvania Telegraphy April 9, 1853. * Ibid., August 31, 1853. ' The following year the act of April 27, 1854, authorized the offering at auction of the main line of the public works ; but no bids were received. On December 20, 1855, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company made an offer for the main line. Under the authority of the act of May 16, 1857, which, in the main, followed the offer of the Pennsyl- vania Railroad Company, an auction was held on Tune 25. 1857. at which the main line was purchased by the railroad. The lateral canals were sold under authority of the act of -A.pril 21, 1858. This ended state ownership of internal improvements other than roads. Bishop, " State Works of Pennsylvania," in Transactions of the Con^ ncct:cut Academy of Arts and Sciences, vol. xiii, pp. 254. et seq. 45 1 ] THE WHIG PARTY MARKS TIME 205 the public works as a means of relieving the state from its tremendous financial burden, which had been incurred through the construction of these works, yet they tried to get support in certain sections of the state because they had favored local extensions.^ The beginning of a demand that the tonnage tax on freight hauled by the Pennsylvania Railroad be repealed was heard.' The campaign became complicated by the appearance of many local issues. For a time the question of a loan of two million dollars by Philadelphia county to the Sunbury and Erie Railroad threatened to become an issue in Phila- delphia,' but attention was soon diverted to the movement for the consolidation of Philadelphia city and county. Al- though both the Whig and the Democratic county conven- tions declared for consolidation, yet a ticket was formed from the nominees of both parties, who were known to be particularly favorable to consolidation. As was usual under such circumstances, the result favored the Democrats.* In many of the counties the temperance question assumed such large proportions as to be alarming to the old parties. The Whigs generally endorsed candidates, who were pledged ' Pennsylvania Telegraph, September 28, 1853, * Daily News, March 16, 1853. ^ The city councils had made provision for a loan of two million dol- lars, but since the conditions had not been met by the railroad, the loan had not been made. The contemplated loan hy the county was to take the place of the loan by the city, which eventually made the loan and thereby quieted the agitation over the question of the legality of the loan by the county. The city had previously subscribed four million dollars to the Pennsylvania Railroad, one half million to the Hemp- field Railroad, and one half million to the F.aston and Water Gap Railroad. Evening Bulletin, March 4, 7, 8, 11, 14, 1853; January 9. 1854. * Daily News, September 30, October 17; Public Ledger, Octol)er 15; Evening Bulletin, October 15. 1853. 2o6 T'/ZE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [^32. to the refonn. If they failed to do this, an indq>eiideTit nomination would be made by the reformers. As a result of the injection of this question into coimty politics, the Democrats secured ten members of the l(jwer house and two in the upper from what were ordinarily Whig dis- tricts.' The election of 1853 resulted in an easy victory for the Democrats. No issue of either state or national significance was involved and the election was based on party solidarity. In fact, the Whig party was politically bankrupt. Even though the anti- free-soil branch of the state Whig party admitted that the old issues had been settled, yet they in- sisted that there was need of it since " the distinctive prin- ciple or feature of the Whig party is what it has ever been, a coiiservative opposition to the rank radicalism and Jacob- inism which has ever been a distinguishing feature of Loco- focoism." ' Others of the Whig party hailed the defeat as a good omen, claiming that it f>ortended the disappear- ance of partizanship, because all the old questions had been settled. One of them declared that " no cohesive principle exists any longer between partizans, except the memory of past animosities and the prospect of future s^xrils." ^ Al- though the apparent collapse of the Whig party was noted, yet no such similar breakup of the Democratic party was evidenced to cheer the Whigs. The passage of the con- » Daily News, October 21 ; Peiuisyh'onui Telegraph, October 19, Nov- ember 16; Westmorelan-d Intelligencer, October 20, 1853. The Whigs now lost control of the senate, which contained 18 Democrats, 14 Whigs, and i Native American ; the house contained 71 Democrats, 25 Whigs, and 4 Native Americans; Pennsykania Telegraph, No- vember 2, 1853. The vote for canal commissioner v. as Forsyth (Dem.) 152,867, Pownall (Whig) 117,937; Morgan (Native American) 7,764; Mitchell (Free Soil) 3,579; Public Ledger, October 27, 1853. '^ Daily News, October 25, 1853. * Evening Bulletin, October 15, 1853. 453] T^^^ IVHIG PARTY MARKS TIME 207 solidation act, signed by the governor on Fcbraary 2, 1854, brought the question of the reorganization of the Whig party to the fore, at least so far as Philadelphia city and county were concerned.^ ^Session Laws, 1854. p. 21; Daily Xews, January 12, 18, February 4, 1854. CHAPTER VII The Disappearance of the Whig Party 1854-1856. In the early part of 1854 there was a recrudescence of anti-Catholic sentiment, which was closely associated with intense hatred of foreigners. Heretofore, candidates in local elections had been defeated by an appeal to religious prejudices, but now the agitation was to assume state- wide proportions. In the past few years there had l^een a number of causes to increase the fear felt because of the alarming" number of immigrants. In the election of 1852 assertions were made that the Democrats put up placards urging the Catholics to vote for Scott, with the anticipated result that many Protestants, generally Whigs and native-born, had rejected him but no foreign- or native-born Catholics had been attracted to him.^ The opposition, partly anti-Catho- lic, which had prevented the elevation of Campbell to the supreme court of the state, was deeply offended when Pierce made him Postmaster-General.* The tour of Bedini, the nuncio of the Pope, in the latter part of 1853 and in the be- ginning of 1854, led to rioting in various cities of the United States. The anti-Catholic element occasionallv condemned the rioters, but universally condemned the nuncio as the cause of the disorder. In order not to offend their sup- porters of German ancestry, the Whigs declared that it was • Pennsylvania Telegraph, November 10, 17, 1852. ^Public Ledger, January 4; Evening Bulletin, March 8, 1853. 208 (454 455] -^^^ DISAPPEARANCE OF THE WHIG PARTY 209 only the Irish Catholics who did not condemn Bedini.^ This anti-Catholic sentiment, sedulously aroused this year by the Whigs, was to prove of temporaiy advantage but of ultimate discomfiture to them. The four parties within the state in their conventions! made nominations for the elections, which were of import- ance as a governor was to be chosen. As usual, the struggle would lie between the Whigs and the Democrats, although the Native American nominations would draw some votes away from the Whigs and the nomination of David Wilmot as the gubernatorial candidate O'f the Free Soil Democracy would harm the orthodox Democracy. The Whigs, led by the free-soil element of their party, placed James Pollock, of Northimiberland county, in nomination for the gover- norship; the Democrats nominated Governor Bigler for re- election. The Whig candidate stood in many wavs in sharp contrast to the Democratic nominee. Pollock, pre- sident judge of the eighth district, had been graduated from Princeton with the highest honors; Bigler had a meager common-school education. Pollock had served three terms in Congress, representing a nomially Demo- cratic district ; Bigler had held none but state offices. Pol- lock was born of native American parents of Scotch-Irish descent; Bigler's parents were of German descent. Con- sequently, as the Know Nothing movement developed, its adherents supported Pollock rather than Bigler. The consideration of the Kansas-Nebraska Bill by Con- gress raised an issue which was eagerly seized by the Whigs.^ Their state convention, on March 15. Resolved, that those provisions of the Kansas and Nebraska ^Evening Bulletin, February 2, 13, 15. 1854. '^ Daily Netvs, January 30, February 17; Pennsylvania Telegraph, February 17, 1854. 2IO THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [4^5 Bill now before Congress, which affect and repeal the Missouri Compromise, are a deliberate breach of plighted faith and public compact, a high-handed attempt to force slavery into a vast territory now free from it by law, a reckless renewing of a quieted agitation, and therefore meet the stern, indignant and unanimous condemnation of the Whig party/ This question was vigorously pressed and suggestions were made that Pollock withdraw in favor of Wilmot, but the proposition was promptly rejected.^ Pollock, in reply to a letter from opponents of the Kansas-Nebraska Bill, placed himself in their ranks. ^ The letter attracted the leaders of the Free Soil Democracy, who' opened a correspondence with him. The result was the withdrawal of the nomina- tion of Wilmot and the pledging of their support to Pollock.* This act was significant, indicating the coalescing of free- soil sentiment into one party. Wilmot had in 1848 bolted the regular Democratic organization and had supported Van Buren. In 185 1 he had supported Bigler and in 1852 Pierce, not because he favored them, but because he feared that, if the Whig party came into power, it would cease to be free-soil. He was preparing for the dissolution of the Whig party on the slavery question. The accession of Wil- mot to the support of Pollock startled many of the Whigs, ^Pennsylvania Telegraph, March 18, 1854. The Whig press was almost unanimous in condemning the measure. Even the Daily News, February 17, 1854, which in 1850 had condemned Governor Johnston for not endorsing the compromises of that year, declared itself emphatically against the repeal of the compromises of 1820. It; asserted that if those of 1820 were not binding, neither were those of 1850, and that " the real friends of the measures of 1850 will be the first to sound the tocsin for their repeal." ^ Daily News, April 22; Pennsylvania Telegraph, April 29, 1854. * Pennsylvania Archives, series iv, vol. vii, p. 784, for letter of June 19, 1854. * Westmoreland Intelligencer, September 7, 1854. 457] THE DISAPPEARANCE OF THE WHIG PARTY 2II who, recalling Wilmot's vote in favor of the Tariff Act of 1846, declared that they wanted no fusion with free traders/ The tariff could not, however, be raised as an issue, and emphasis during the campaign was placed on the Kansas- Nebraska measure. The Whig state central committee, imder the leadership of A. G. Curtin, declared that " never, in the history of Pennsylvania, was there a clearer and stronger line drawn — never a more distinct definition of principle." ^ Bigler, however, even after his recovery from an illness which prevented him from being active in the early days of the campaign, refused to discuss the slavery question.^ In its final address, issued on October 5, the Whig state central committee, referring to this attitude on the part of the Democratic candidate, said, " The Nebraska question/ — the great issue between the propagandists of, slavery and the defenders of human liberty — is ignored." * In addition to the support of the abolitionists. Pollock was assured the support of another reform element within the state. The electors were to vote on the question of whether the state ought to adopt a stringent liquor law. The reply of Bigler to an inquir}- was considered inadequate, while the answer of Pollock was deemed satisfactory; conse- quently Pollock was endorsed. ° The opposition to the Catholics and to the foreign-bom was taking definite shape in the organization of secret poli- tical societies. This was an independent movement and was not connected with the remnant of the former Native American organization. Tn Philadelphia a celebration be- ^ Daily News, August 25, 1854. ^Ibid., July 20, 1854- * Evening Bulletin, October 7, 1854. ~ * Daily News, October 9, 1854. ^Pennsylvania Archives, series iv, vol. vii. p. 783. 212 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [458 cause of the consolidation of the city and county, planned for Washington's birthday, 1854, was postponed until March 10. In the parade were a large number of "American" organizations, composed of native-born citizens, who had " organized within a few years." Several delegations of " Know Nothings," as they were called because of their ostentatious reticence, were in line/ That these new organizations were working in secret for political power and that they w^ere rapidly developing strength was shown in a non-partisan election for school directors in Lancaster city on May 3. Two men, not avowed candidates, received sixl hundred votes, while the two defeated candidates, who were Catholics, received only sixty votes. ^ A still more import tant indication of the strength of the movement was given in the election for mayor of the enlarged city of Philadel- phia on June 6. In this election Robert T. Conrad and a preponderantly Whig council with other Whig officials were elected by the votes of the Know Nothings, receiving a majority of more than eighty-five hundred.^ " This earth- quake shake." wrote a Democrat to Buchanan, " alarms us in the fate of Governor Bigler." * 1 Evening Bulletin, March 10, 1854. ^Inland Daily, May 9; Pennsylvania Telegraph, May 10, 1854; Judge A. L. Hayes to Buchanan, May 8, 1854, Buchanan Mss. 3 Daily News, June 8, 1854; in its issue of May 31, 1854, this journal contended that the Germans were going" with the Democracy and had made the contest one of "Lager Beer and Vaux versus Temperance and Conrad." The Evening Bulletin, June 7, 1854. claimed that the election was a rebuke of the state and of the national administrations for having taken up Campbell. " The weakness on foreign questions, the bullying on home questions, the indecencies of the Nebraska legislation, the base resort to all sorts of demagogue tricks, the traffic in offices to secure votes, the filibustering inclinations and the general unfitness for the control of a great nation " have all contributed to the merited defeat. < Daniel T. Jenks, June 9, 1854; Buchanan Mss. 459] THE DISAPPEARANCE OF THE WHIG PARTY 213 The Democrats sharply attacked the Whigs for organiz- ing the Know Nothings, whose principles, particularly of religious intolerance, were shown to be contrary to those of the founder of the commonwealth. Pollock, they declared, had been initiated into the order and full details of the cere- mony were printed/ To show the inconsistency of the movement, assertions were made that Thaddeus Stevens, leader of the former i\nti-Masons, had taken the oath of secrecy and had been duly inducted into the mysteries of the society." To the attacks of the Democrats the sup- porters of the movement replied that the Jesuits, a Catholic organization, had been the originators of secret religious societies with a political purpose.^ The omnipresence of re- presentatives of the " Most Holy Order of Jesus " was vividly depicted for the doubtful. According to one journal, The help in your kitchen, and the girl in your nursery, are Jesuits. The fellow who blacks your boots is one of the same Order : but he don't like " saycret societies," and he declaims against " Know Nothings " with a volubility that defies the oral peculiarities of a Billingsgate fish woman. At the very time he is doing this, he is peering into your private affairs — telling Bishops and Priests what you eat for breakfast, dinner, and supper ; how you do the business in which you are engaged ; what vour income is, and how vou manage to live.'' 't>^ The Democrats were determined to root out the intluence of the Know Nothings within their own party. Candidates in Philadelphia were questioned as to their possible mem- ^ Pamphlet, To the Thinking Voter of Pennsylvania. * Forney, Address on Religious Intolerance and Political Proscription, p. 47; £>ai73i News, September 30, 1854. ^Pennsylvania Telegraph, June 14; Daily News, July 25, 1854. ♦ Pennsylvania Telegraph, June 14, 1854. 214 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [460 bership in the new organization.^ Mott, Democratic can- didate for canal commissioner, was endorsed by the Know Nothings, but it was vigorously denied that he was there- fore a member of that society.- The Whigs declared that the Know Nothings drew their members from all the old parties, and that consequently they could not justly be con- demned for the movement.^ In the elections for Congress the issue was sharply and clearly drawn on the Kansas-Nebraska Act. In strong, normal Democratic districts the Whigs threw their influence to " Independent Democrats," who pledged themselves to work for the repeal of the measure. The Whigs as a body stood bound in opposition to the act. In Lancaster county, a stronghold of the Whigs, where two years before the "" Silver Greys," so called because they favored the slave- holder, had secured control of the party organization, an independent Whig, run by the Stevens " Wooly Head " faction, which leaned towards abolition, was elected with the help of the Know Nothings.* In the second con- gressional district of Philadelphia, Joseph R. Chandler wasi refused a nomination for reelection because he was a Catho- lic.^ The reasons openly avowed were that he had not op- posed the establishment of a branch mint at New York, which was detrimental to Philadelphia, that he had voted for the subsidy to the Collins steamship line, a New York corporation, and that his actions at the Vatican during a recent visit had been unseemly. ° The friends of Chandler placed him in nomination as an independent Whig candidate 1 Evening Bulletin, September 12, 1854. ' Daily News, August 30, 1854. ' Ibid., October 4, 1854. ■* Evening Bulletin, October 28, 1854. ^ Ibid., September 6; Daily News, September 28, 1854. * Daily News, October 2, 1854. o o > » •/I 4^ 46l] THE DISAPPEARANCE OF THE WHIG PARTY 2 1 D but he was easily defeated/ In the fourth congressional district, also in Philadelphia, pressure was brought to bear on the Whig nominee, whO' withdrew in favor of the Native American candidate, Jacob Broom, presidential candidate in 1852, who was duly elected. In the first district, although the Native American candidate withdrew, the Whig was defeated.' Of the twenty-five Congressmen-elect twenty- one were anti-Nebraska men, composed of fourteen Whigs, one " Independent " Whig, one Native American, and five Democrats; this gave the administration only four De- mocratic supporters from the state. ^ The general election for state officials resulted in the choice of James Pollock, Whig, for governor, of Henry S. Mott, Democrat, for canal commissioner, and of Jere- miah S. Black, Democrat, for judge of the supreme court. The total vote was approximately 370,000, of which the Democrats controlled 167,000, the Whigs 83.000, and the Know Nothings 120,000.^ The Know Nothing vote was well diffused throughout the state, and differed from the nativist vote of 1844 i^i this respect. Although not inde- pendently organized, the Know Nothings by selecting can- didates from the nominees of the major parties secured their election. The result was a legislature of a peculiar 1 Evemng Bulletin^ September 12, 16, 19, October 28, 1854. ^ Daily News, October 9, 1854. ^Evening Bulletin, October 21, 1854. * Official returns for governor in Smull's Legislative Hand- Book. 1919, p. 720, James Pollock (Whig and American) 203.822; William Bigler (Dem.) 166.991; B. Rush Bradford (Nat. Am.) 2,194; scattering 23- Official returns in Evening Bulletin, October 26, 1854, for canal commissioner, Henry S. Mott (Dem.) 274,074; George Darsie (Whig) 83,331; B. M. Spicer (Nat. Am.) 1,244; for supreme court judge, Jeremiah S. Black (Dem.) 167,010; Thomas H. Baird (Nat. Am.) 120,596; Daniel Smyser (WTiig) 73,571; for prohibition 158.342, against 163.510. 2i6 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [462 complexion. There were twenty-five Democrats in the lower house, thirteen Democratic-Americans, three inde- pendent Democrats, and one Temperance-Democrat, a total of forty-two. The Whigs had fifty-three members, com- posed of thirty-six Whigs, fifteen Whig-Americans, and two Temperance- Whigs. There w^ere also four Americans and one Temperance- American.^ This legislature well illus- trates the cross currents of politics in the state as the re- sult of the advent of the Know Nothings. Certainly it cannot with justice be claimed that the Democratic defeat was due exclusively to either the Know Nothing movement or the anti-Nebraska agitation, although either one of them in- dependently would have accomplished the overthrow of the Democrats in 1854. There was no doubt but that the Whigs were badly disorganized. The question, however, of the disposition of the 83,000 Whigs remained to be solved. The governor-elect realized that the old parties were decadent and looked to the organization of a " liberal, tolerant, high-minded and truly American party." He viewed the victory as the " vindication of great American principles, too long the sport of demagogues and too often overthrown by influences foreign to the best interests of our Country." " When the legislature assembled, some of the difficulties of organizing the society, which had worked in secret, into a political party came into evidence. On February 9, 1855, a caucus of the Know Nothings or Americans, as they were now called, was held to place a candidate for the United States Senate in nomination. Ninety-one members of the > Evening Bulletin, October 21, 1854. It now became customary to call the Know Nothings by the name of Americans; they will be re- ferred to hereafter as such. 2 Letter from James Pollock, October 30, 1854, to John M. Clayton ; Clayton Papers, Lib. of Cong. 463] ^^^^^ DISAPPEARANCE OF THE WHIG PARTY 217 legislature, considerably more than avowed themselves) Americans, attended. The voting was by ballot and not viva voce. On the sixth ballot one more vote than members attending was cast, and Simon Cameron was within one vote of having a majority. Thirty-two members then with- drew, declaring that they would not abide by the decision of the caucus. On the next ballot Cameron received the nomi- nation of the remainder of the caucus.^ The nomination was widely condemned, regardless of party affiliation. The seceding members in an address, justifying their with- drawal, affirmed, But what we say unto one we say unto all, invite us not in to partake of a buzzard's feast. Ask us not to support a nomin- ation brought about, as we believe, by the concentrated and cohesive power of public plunder, and the superadded element of shameless and wholesale private bribery.- Inasmuch as Cameron did not control a majority of the votes of the members of the legislature, and inasmuch as the opposition could not concentrate on one candidate, the election was postponed until the following year.^ Successful efforts to organize the Know Nothings, or the Americans, on a national scale were made. The slavery question, which had split the Whig party, was to have the same effect on the newer organization. This was evidenced when the national council assembled in June. The resolu- tions, which were adopted, declared in Article XII that the National Council has deemed it the best guarantee of com- mon justice and of future peace, to abide by and maintain the existing laws upon the subject of Slavery, as a final and con- CiUsive settlement of that subject, in spirit and in substance. ^ Daily News, February 12, 15, 1855. * Pennsylvania Telegraph, February 21, 1855. ^ Daily News, March 14, 15, 1855. 2i8 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [464 And regarding it their highest duty to avow their opinions upon a subject so important, in distinct and unequivocal terms, it is hereby declared as the sense of this National Council, that Congress possesses no power, under the Constitution, to legis- late upon the subject of Slavery in the States where it does or may exist, or to exclude any State from admission into the Union, because its Constitution does or does not recognize the institution of Slavery as a part of its social system ; and ex- pressly pretermitting any expression of opinion upon the power of Congress to establish or prohibit Slavery in any Territory, it is the sense of the National Council that Congress ought not to legislate upon the subject of Slavery within the Territory of the United States, and that any interference by Congress with Slavery as it exists in the District of Columbia, would be a violation of the spirit and intention of the compact by which the State of Maryland ceded the District to the United States, and a breach of the National faith/ Fifteen members of the council, led by ex-Governor John- ston of Pennsylvania, withdrew, protesting against the in- troduction of the slavery question and maintaining that its introduction was contrary to the principles of the American party, and that, if the question were to be disposed of, the Missouri Compromise should have been endorsed." When the convention itself met, fifty-four delegates from twelve ^ Eveniitg Bulletin, June 15, 1855. * Pennsylvania Telegraph, June 20, 1855; the delegates came from Pennsylvania, Illinois, New Jersey, Vermont, Delaware, and Connec- ticut. The Indiana delegates issued a separate protest. The same journal, on June 27, 1855, approved of the course adopted, saying, "To exact a National sentiment in favor of a sectional institution — and that institution slavery — is simply an absurdity. . . . Philadelphia and New York may cry 'Peace! Peace!' — but until you concede freedom to Kansas and Nebraska, and restore the Missouri Compro- mise, the masses from the interior will respond 'no peace!' Plat- forms may be reared as high as heaven, and numerous as the stars, but if constructed of Kansas timber, the parties occupying them would do well to dispose of their estates and appoint executors." 465] ^^^ DISAPPEARANCE OF THE WHIG PARTY 219 New England and western states withdrew because of the introduction of this question/ The bolters from the Phila- delphia convention met at Cincinnati on November 21, 1855, according to call. A motion to expunge Article XII, how- ever, was not adopted and no definite action was taken." The fight on Article XII was carried by ex-Governor Johnston into the Pennsylvania convention of the Ameri- can party, which assembled at Reading on July 2. The -convention was under the control of the free-soil element, and Article XII failed of adoption by a vote of 30 to 143. On the other hand, the strong free-soil report of the major- ity of the platform committee was rejected by a vote of 89 to 104, and the milder minority report was accepted by a vote of 133 to 53. The substitute for Article XII stated that the slavery question should not have been brought up in the National Council, but now that this question had been forced upon the attention of the party the state convention felt compelled to declare that the repeal of the Missouri Compromise was " an infraction of the plighted faith of the nation " and that the compromise should be restored. Seventy-three of those supporting the minority report were eastern delegates. Of those who opposed it because of its mildness thirty were western delegates and twenty-three eastern. This action of the state convention led to the withdrawal of ten Philadelphia delegates, for whom the platform was too radical. This group had been endeavor- ing to block the free-soil element, continued their efforts, and in the election of 1856 merged with the Democrats.^ The formation of the Republican party had, in the mean- ^ Ibid., June 20; Daily Xezvs, June 14, 1855. The bolters came from Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Massachusetts. New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Iowa, and Wisconsin. * Pennsylvania Telegraph, September \2, Xoveml>er 28, 1855. ■» Ibid., July 1 1 ; Daily \'cu-s, July 9, .\ugust 27, 1855. 220 ^^HE WHIG PARTY IX PENNSYLVANIA [466 time, been under way within the state. On November 27, 1854, a local organization was eftected in Wilmot's dis- trict/ which was followed by similar movements in other portions of the state.^ The strength of the new party came from the dissatisfied free-soil element of the older parties. Many " old line " Whigs, however, barred by the religious proscription of the American party, distrusted the radicalism of the Republican party, and consequently attempted to fuse the local Whig organization with the Democrats, in the hope that the new parties might be overwhelmed.^ The fusion nominees of the conservative Whigs and of the De- mocrats were barely defeated in the May municipal elec- tions in Philadelphia by the combined effcrts of the radical Whigs and Americans.* In July, 1855, attention was strikingly attracted to the slavery question by the imprisonment of Passmore Wil- liamson in the Moyamensing Jail, Philadelphia. William- son was a Friend and acted as secretary of the Pennsylva- nia Abolition Society. He had encouraged a female slave with her two children to abandon their owner, whO' was on his way through the city to New York where he intended to embark for Nicaragua to take up his duties as consul. Upon the failure of Williamson to produce the escaped slavesi when a writ of alias habeas corpus was served on him by order of Judge Kane of the United States District Court, he was adjudged guilty of contempt of court, and was im- prisoned until such time as he should purge himself of the contempt. By one trial or another the case was kept 1 Daily News, December 4, 1855. ^Pennsylvania Telegraph, March 21; Evening Bulletin, August 31, 1854. ' Address of the Whig committee of correspondence, Daily News, August 31, 1855. *Ibid., April 3, 10, 25, May 4, 11, 1855. 467] THE DISAPPEARANCE OF THE WHIG PARTY 221 prominently before the public from July 18, the date of the escape, until November 3, when Williamson was re- leased/ During the time of his imprisonment the state or- ganization of the Republican party was being effected." At the state mass convention, which met at Pittsburgh on Sep- tember 5, strong anti-slavery resolutions were adopted. The candidate for canal commissioner proposed by the committee was set aside by the convention and amidst great enthusiasm Passmore Williamson was nominated. This action was strenuously opposed by Alex. K. McClure, Theophilus Fenn, and others, who hoped to nominate an individual acceptable to the less radical Whigs, who were soon to meet in state convention.^ In all the counties of the state a political realignment was necessary for the election of 1855. The Democrats absor- bed a large number of Whigs who were alanned at the radicalism of the new parties. In practically every county of the state the Democrats ran their ticket. In a majority of the counties the American party had assumed control of the old Whig organizations, but in former Whig strong- holds the Whig party maintained an indq^endent existence. In the western portion of the state and in the northern tier of counties, where the Liberty and Free Soil parties had existed, and in the counties around Philadelphia, where '^Evening Bulletin, July 19, 20, 21, 27. 28, August i, 9, 29, 30, 31. September i. 3, 8, 10, 28, 29, October 8, 9, 12, November 3,7, 1855. United States ex rel. John H. Wheeler v. Passmore Williamson, 5 Clark 365,377; Passmore Williamson's Case, 26 Pcnna. 9; Williamson V. Lewis 39 Peuua. 9; Hildreth, Atrocious Judges, pp. 389-432, "Case of Passmore Williamson." 2 On August 8, 1855, thirtj'-two representatives from ten counties had assembled at Reading and issued the call for the mass convention ; Daily News, August 13, 1855. '^Jbid., August 29, Septembers; Evening Bulletin, September 6, 1855. 222 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [468- Friends were numerous, the Republican party succeeded in. organizing/ The only general official to be elected this year was the canal commissioner, for which office all the parties made nominations. Of the opposition to the Democrats, the Native Americans, meeting on June 7, were the first to nominate. They were followed on July 2 by the Ameri- cans, on September 5 by the Republicans, and on Sep- tember II by the Whigs.' There assembled for the Whig* convention fifty-nine delegates, some of whom had been, active in the Republican convention, but the remnant of the Whigs had no cohesive principle. The report of the committee on resolutions decried proscription, condemned the slavery course of the federal administration, favored the restoration of the Missouri Compromise, opposed filibuster- ing, proposed the modification of the Fugitive Slave Law* and a provision for jury trial for the alleged fugitive slave, and advocated the sale of the state-owned public works; but this report was tabled and no resolutions were adopted.* With four opposing party candidates in the field, it wasi evident that the Democrats would have no difficulty in elect- ing their candidate, so efforts were made to effect some sort of cooperation. On September 27 the state central com- mittees of the Whig, the American, and the Republican parties met at Harrisburg. Each committee then with-* drew its party nominee, and the joint committee thereupon 1 Daily Neivs, June 2, 14, 28, 29, July 16, 20, 211, 26, 28, 31, August 3, 4, 6, 9), II, 13, 15, 20, 22, 23, 27, 29, 30, 31, September 3, 5, /, 8, II, 12, 13, 17, 19, 20, 21, October 4, 5; Evening Bulletin, August 29, September 5; Pennsylvania Telegraph, July 4, 11, August i, 8, September 5, 1855. * Daily News, June 11, July 9, September 8; Pennsylvania Telegraphy July II, September 19; Evening Bulletin, September 7, 12, 1855. ^Pennsylvania Telegraph, September 19; Evening Bulletin, September 12, 1855. •: 469] ^^^ DISAPPEARANCE OF THE WHIG PARTY 223 nominated Thomas Nicholson as the " Union '' candidate for canal commissioner/ Although their opponents agreed on a " Union " can- didate, nevertheless, the Democrats succeeded in electing their nominee, but only by a plurality." In the senate there would be seventeen Democrats, fourteen Americans, one Republican, and one Whig hold-over; in the house there would be sixty-five Democrats, twenty-one Americans, nine Republicans, five anti-Democratic fusionists, and no Whigs.* The election did not indicate the strength of the Demo- crats, but clearly showed that the opposition had proceeded only a short way towards cooperation. The Republicans in particular were severely criticized by the Americans, whom they were beginning to replace.* In summing up the reasons for their failure to defeat the Democrats, one journal said. Our contemporaries are busily engaged in hunting for explan- ations of our late defeat in Pennsylvania, — one attributes the result to the Liquor League, another to the withdrawal of Williamson, — a third to the Foreign Protestant vote, — a fourth to disaffected Whigs, — a fifth to the anti-Nebraska position of the Order, — a sixth to the secrecy and exclusiveness of the ^ Daily News, September 20, 26, October i, 8; Pennsylvania Telegraph, October 3, 1855. George Darsie, who had been president of the Re- publican convention, denied that Williamson's name had been with- drawn. 2 Pennsyhania Telegraph, October 24, 1855, gives the official returns : Plumer (Dem.) 161,281; Nicholson (Union) 149,745; Williamson (Rep.) 7.224; Martin (Amer.) 678; Cleaver (Nat. Amer.) 4,056; Hen- derson (Whig) 2,293. * Evening Bulletin, October 20, 1855. ^Pittsburgh Times, quoted in Pennsylvania Telegraph, October 10, 1855. The Daily News, November 10, 1855, called the Republican party "a miserable failure" and accused it of "rushing into a wild abolition crusade against the South."' 224 ^^^ WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [470 Americans, — and the Pennsylvanian and the Washington Union to the popularity of Pierce, Campbell and the Nebraska infamy.^ The movement for cooperation was continued when the state legislature assembled. On February 13, 1856, the AVhig, American and Republican members issued a call for a " Union Convention " tO' meet at Harrisburg on March 26; the delegates to this convention were to be selected in county " Union Conventions." ^ According to the call the conventon assembled and determined to effect a thorough- going scheme of cooperation for the coming state election. This was made evident in the nice distribution of the nomi- nations; for auditor-general Davison Phelps, an American from the western portion of the state, was nominated, for surveyor-general Bartholomew Laporte, a Republican from the northern portion, and for canal commissioner Thomas E. Cochran, an " old line " Whig from the eastern section.' W^ith these nominees the " Union " organization conld at the same time make sectional and political appeals. The convention practically marked the end of the Whig party as a state organization, for it lost its identity. Efforts to throw the remaining Whig county organiza- tions to one of the other parties continued. In the greater portion of the counties independent organizations had been abandoned for the election of 1855. T" the western por- tion of the state the Whigs had, in the main, fused with the Americans, who were now in turn being absorbed by* the Republicans.* In Philadelphia the Whig organization ^ Pennsylvania Telegraph, October 10, 1855. "^Carlisle Herald, March 19, 1856. ^Public Ledger, March 27, 28; Harrisburg Telegraph, March 28, April I, 1856. * Daily Nczvs, February 25. 1856. 471 ] THE DISAPPEARANCE OF THE WHIG PARTY 225 had been continued by those who were bitterly opposed to the proscript^ve American's. They forced out of their county convention all who were suspected of being affiliated with the American movement. In the spring of 1856 they formed an independent ticket for the municipal elections, but later withdrew it. Lack of strength and lack of interest led them on April 24 definitely to abandon their existence as a party.^ Their support was then given to the Demo- crats whose ticket they helped elect." This marked the end of the last local organization within the state. Although the Whig party had disappeared as a state and as a local organization, yet its existence as a national or- ^ Ihid., March 10, 15, 19, 25, 28, April i, 25, 1856. This movement in Philadelphia was led by Josiah Randall and WilHam B. Reed, who were oflfended by the anti-Catholic policy of the American party. Reed on February 7, 1856, wrote to Buchanan, " I have been all my life as you know a Whig, and if I do mark my old age by a con- version or apostacy it will be a very disinterested one. This has come to pass mainly through the growth of this miserable business of Know Nothingism which has corrupted and destroyed the party I once belonged to. Mingled with this is a conviction, the fruit of slow reflection, that the Democratic party is now and is likely to continue the conservative party of the nation. So much for myself — about which it is hardly worth while to say so much." Reed mentioned the fact that other "old line Whigs" were adopting the same course; Buchanan Mss. In Lancaster county Isaac Hiester, who in 1852 had defeated Stevens and the " Wooly Heads" and had reestablished the "Silver Greys" in control of the county Whig organization but had again lost it in 1854 through the Know Nothing movement, now went over to the Democrats; Ilarrisburg Telegraph, March 4. 1856. Ben- jamin H. Brewster complained to Buchanan on October 16, 1858, that these acquisitions had all deserted by that date. " They never in- tended to stay. They all wanted to be captains in our common picbiaii ranks and as we had not commissions for them they have deserted.'' Buchanan Mss. • The Republicans made nominations for the municipal elections in Philadelphia but they received little supi>ort. The vote for mayor was Vaux (Dem.) 29,534; Moore (.Amer.) 25.445: Tliomas (Rep.) 280; Daily News, April 11, 16, May 9, 1856. 226 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [472 ganization terminated only with the presidential election. The American party was the first to make its nominations. Trouble had arisen in the party because of two articles in its platform of 1855. Article VIII, dealing with the Catholic question, deeply offended the Louisiana delegation, while Article XII, dealing with the slaver}^ question, led toi the withdrawal from the organization of a large number of northerners. On February 18, 1856, the National Council met at Philadelphia and repealed the platform of 1855. In the new series of resolutioils the slavery question was carefully avoided.^ In the nominating convention, which met on February 22, 1856, the slavery question was again raised by contesting delegations from Pennsylvania. The " Edie " delegates, chosen at the Reading state conven- tion of the year before, who were free-soil in their tenden- cies, were seated because of the regularity of their selection.- The " Hunsecker " delegation, chosen by the bolters from the state convention, although pro-slavery, was rejected. The discussion of the resolutions led to the temporary withdrawal of a large number of southern delegates, while the nomination of Fillmore and Donelson led to the per- manent withdrawal O'f northern delegates. A portion of the Pennsylvania delegation, led by ex-Governor Johnston, joined with other northern seceders in issuing a pronunci- amento justifying their action and looking for cooperation with the Republicans. They condemned the platform of their party and insisted on the restoration of the Missouri Compromise.^ The state council of the American party, as a result of these withdrawals, now came under the con- trol of those who had been defeated in the state convention ^ Ibid., February 20, 21, 22; Public Ledger, February 20, 21, 22; Har~ risburg Telegraph, February 22, 1856. ' Daily News, February 23, 25, 26, 27 ; Public Ledger, February 23, 25, 26, 1856. 473] T^E. DISAPPEARANCE OF THE IVHIG PARTY 227 of the year before and who were intent on molHfying the South/ When the council met on May 13 at Harrisburg, the seceders from the Philadelphia convention were con- demned and the nominations of Fillmore and Donelson endorsed." The Republican party was completing its preparations for participation in the national elections. On February 22, 1856, a preliminary- mass convention of the party was held at Pittsburgh. The expectation of some form of co- operation with the American party was not realized ; for the latter party proceeded, without consulting the Republicans, to make its own nominations. Consequently, the Repub- licans called a nominating convention to assemble on June 17 at Philadelphia.^ Five days before the date set for the assembling of this convention, there met at New York the seceders from the American convention, who called them- selves the " North Americans." An invitation had been extended them to cooperate with the Republicans. A com- mittee was appointed to proceed to Philadelphia, after an informal ballot had disclosed the fact that their preferences were Banks and Johnston.* The Republicans treated with this committee very informally. Fremont and Dajiiom were the Republican nominees.^ Following this action. Banks withdrew his name as the potential candidate of the " North Americans." The committee upon its return to New York complained of the treatment which they had received, but recommended that their party endorse the Republican nominees. The convention then nominated 1 Daily News, February 27, 1856. ' Harrisburg Telegraph, May 15, 1856. ^ Ibid., February 26, March 4, 1856. * Daily News. June 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 1856. * Harrisburg Telegraph, June 19, 26, 1856. 228 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [474 Fremont and Johnston/ Later in the campaign, on August 29, Johnston withdrew, and thereupon the support of the " North Americans,"' with the exception of a smaH group, was given to the RepubHcan party." On September 17 there gathered at Baltimore a Whig national convention for which somehow or other delegates from twenty-one states had been selected. They claimed to be " old line '' Whigs, who assembled to reaffirm the faith, but many avowed Americans were in attendance. The con- vention placed Fillmore and Donelson in nomination.^ This action attracted little attention, although in Philadelphia a mass meeting was held to celebrate the event. ^ In the in- terior of the state the Whig remnant had joined in endor- sing Fremont and Dayton as the " People's Candidates " and were forming " Union '' tickets.''^ In the spring campaign of 1856, the Democrats O'f Penn- sylvania indiscriminately attacked both the Americans and the Republicans, particularly after the formation of the state " Union " ticket. The chief organ of the state party said that the national American convention was " composed of flesh, fish, fowl and small beer, the latter ingredient forming the largest part of the pot poiirri. . . . No part of the assemblage knows what it wants, but the negro portion, and they go for Nigger first, last and all the time." '^ When ^ Daily News, June 21, 1S56. t ^ Harrisburg Telegraph, September 11, 1856; the New Jersey and five other delegates nominated Robert F. Stockton and Kenneth Raynor, Daily News, June 17, 18. July 10, 1856. Johnston's letter of with- drawal in Evening Bulletin, September 15, 1856. 'Daily News, September 18, 19, 1856. * Ibid., September 22, 1856. ^ Harrisburg Telegraph, July 17, August 7, 14, 28, September 4, 11, 1856. ^ Daily Pcnnsylranian, February 21, 1850. 475] ^^-S DISAPPEARANCE OF THE WHIG PARTY 229 the Democrats carried the mayorahy election of Philadel- phia in May, this journal gloried at the defeat of the " Dark Lantern Party" and at the discomfiture of the "Nigger Worshippers." ^ When it became evident that the Ameri- cans and the Republicans were not cooperating in the national campaign, the Democrats, changing tlieir tactics, attacked primarily the Republicans, striving to prove them as unpalatable to the Americans as to the Democrats. If cooperation should be achieved by the Republicans and by the Americans, the Democrats might lose the state and the election; otherwise, their candidate was fairly sure of suc- cess. ; In adopting the policy of attacking the Republicans most bitterly, the Democrats avoided being too ofifensive to the Americans. They asserted that Fremont was a Catholic, and, despite the denials of his supporters, repeated the charges. They pointed out how distasteful it was to see clerg}Tnen. like Henry Ward Beecher and Theodore Parker, take an active part in politics. The formation of German Republican clubs was mentioned again and again, in the hope that their organization would disgust the ardent Americans." The Democrats not only strove to keep the Republicans and Americans apart, but renewed their efforts! to capture more of the votes of the " old line " Whigs. In past elections they had secured a number from thisi group, by painting the Americans, who referred to their party as " Sam," as the party of proscription. After the preliminary plans for cooperation in the presidential elec- tion had been perfected, one editor stated that '* Sam haa ^ Daily Peunsylvanian, May 8, 31, 1856. * Ibid., September 20, 27, October 25; Ilarrisburg Weekly Telegraph, September 25, October 9, 23; Bedford Gazette, July 25, August 22,. September 19, October 3, 10, 1856. 030 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [476 yielded to Sambo." ^ Repeatedly they made the claim that Fremont was a sectional candidate, favored abolition, and ■that disunion would follow his election." The sneer of Thaddeus Stevens, that " The cry of ' The Union is in danger ' is the argument of fools to an audience of idiots," Vf^s declared to be characteristic of " that bold, daring, con- scienceless demagogue." Many evils had descended upon the state in the past because the opposition party had yielded ±0 his leadership, and now he was unfurling the banner of ■disunion for them.^ If disunion came as a result oi the election of Fremont, as the Democrats asserted it surely would, then, they continued, the profitable trade of Philadelphia with the South would be lost. In fact, the trade of some Philadelphia merchants in that area was already being tam- ■pered with. According to a card, published by Morris L. Hallowell and Company, who had an extensive southern trade in dry goods and clothing, " systematic and pertina- cious efforts " were made in the South to divert trade away from them " by appeals to the prejudices of buyers on the score of unsound political sentiments of some of the mem- "bers of our firm." The firm held " in especial contempt that •class of dealers in our city who ' sell their principles with their goods.' " In order that there might be no mistaking their position they concluded their card as follows : The members of our firm, entertaining a wide difference of views on various topics, and as many opinions on the Slavery Question as there are members of it, are fully united on one point namely : that where any one presumes to demand as a preliminary to purchasing from us, that he shall know our • Daily Pennsylvanian, October 4, 1856. * Ibid., September 6, 13, 16, October 2, 7, 1856. ^Ibid., October 7, 1856. 477] ^^'^^ DISAPPEARANCE OF THE WHIG PARTY 031 opinions on Slavery, or any other mooted question in Religion or Politics, he shall be informed . . . that he cannot purchase from us for cash or upon any terms, until he shall have amply apologized for the insult/ Stories were assiduously circulated that if Buchanan should be defeated, the South would refuse to pay the sixty million dollars, which it owed to the merchants and manufacturers! of Philadelphia.' That Philadelphia merchants, manufac- turers, and workingmen were dependent for their prosperity on continued amicable relations with the South, which, in turn, were dependent upon the election of Buchanan, was the gist of this Democratic argument. Queries to manufac- turers brought out the extent of the southern trade. Rich- ard Morris and Son, engine-makers, said. " The South is decidedly our best customer ; " to it they annually sent $300,000 worth of commodities, but to the New England states nothing. Bailey and Brothers, jewellers, thought that Avithout their southern trade their sales would drop off one-half ; they sold nothing to the New England states. Dunlap and Brothers, coach makers, claimed that their business with the South was ten times as large as that with New England. They said, " Should difficulty occur with the South, we will be compelled to close part of our factor}'' and discharge half of our men." From a scrutiny of these and other facts, the editor of the Democratic Daily Penn- sylvanian concluded that the main source of the great wealth and prosperity of Phila- delphia, and indeed of all the Northern States, is the trade of the slaveholding States — this it is that builds up and sustains the cities and towns of the North — builds up and sustains our ' Evening Bulletin, August 23, 1856. * Ibid., September 30, 1856. 232 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [^^g commerce and our manufactures, and gives to the real estate in and about Philadelphia its present increased value. Will you, workingmen, mechanics, manufacturers, mer- chants, or property-holders, strike it down, as is proposed by Black-Republican leaders, either by a dissolution of the Union, or by endangering its peaceful continuance? or by alienation of the friendly feeling of the Southern States ? Will you destroy or jeopard it that the three or four millions of negro slaves in these States may be set free, let loose upon the country, to come upon you, the people of Pennsylvania, to fill your cities, towns, and country, with paupers and crime, as is now exhibited in St. Domingo and Jamaica, to take the place of you, white workingmen, mechanics, and manufacturers, or to become your equals and companions ? Ask the Judge Kelleys and the Speaker Banks', and all their Fremont Abolition lead- ers and their Fillmore aiders and abettors, these questions.^ The Democrats asserted that, if Buchanan should be elected, it " will have been the work of the conservative men O'f the country, including many of the mercantile classes." The Republicans urged the voters not to forget that Buchanan was one of the authors of the Ostend Manifesto, and that if he were true to its doctrines, war would inevit- ably follow. Naturally, in that event, the merchants would be the first to suffer.^ The Republicans tried to appeal to the workingmen by reviving the stale charge that Buchanan favored a daily wage of ten cents for them.^ Little advan- tage was derived from this line of attack. The Democrats fully realized that of their two opponents Fremont w^as the more formidable, and constantly referred to him as " The Abolition Candidate." * One editor from ^ October ii, 1856. '^Evening Bulletin, October 28, 1856. 3 Harrisburg Weekly Telegraph, September 25, October 9, 1856. * Daily Fennsylvanian, October 2, 7, 1856. 4;79] ^^^ DISAPPEARANCE OF THE WHIG PARTY 233 the western portion of the state said the true issue was, " Is a white man as good as a black man? '' ^ The Dem- ocratic state central committee, under the leadership of John W. Forney, declared the negro in the North was nowhere the equal of the white man and asked, " Why- is it that Abolitionism does not begin at home and reform these things ? " ' The Republicans did not shirk from meet- ing these attacks, admitting that the " extension or non-ex- tension [of slavery] is the sole issue," but denied that the question of interference with it where it existed was in- volved.^ In June Buchanan had been nominated at Cincinnati as the Democratic candidate for the presidency. With two opponents in a normally Democratic state, it was quite evident that the Democrats would be victorious. Despite the proposal that a " Union " electoral ticket be formed, the American party held a state convention to form a Fillmore and Donelson electoral ticket.* This proved to be the chief obstacle in the way of thoroughgoing cooperation. How- ever, on October 7, 1856, the " Union" state central com- mittee, appointed at the March convention to secure the election of the state officers there nominated, called a con- vention of all the Buchanan opponents to meet on October 21. They proposed, in their call, a plan of proportional cooperation, whereby the voters were to vote for the same twenty-six electors and the twenty-seventh elector, who was to head the list, was to be either Fillmore or Fremont according to the preference of the voter. In the event that the " Union " ticket should be elected, the twenty-seventli ^Bedford Gazette, August i, 1856. * Daily Peunsyh-auian, August 30, 1856. 3 Evening Bulletin, November i, 1856. * Dai7;y News, August 7, 1856. 234 ^^-S WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [480 elector would be lost but the other twenty-six electors were to vote for Fillmore and for Fremont according to the proportion of votes which they had received as the twenty-seventh elector/ Before the convention met, the state election was held and the Democrats were victorious by a small majority of two thousand." This defeat acted as an incentive for the adoption of the proposed plan. The electoral ticket which was thus formed was endorsed by the Republican and the " North American " committees, but by only six, a minority, of the Fillmore and Donelson com- mittee.® The views of both the Republicans and Democratic parties were most assiduously spread throughout the state both before and after the state elections on October I4- The intensity of the campaign increased prior to the presi- dential election. The Democrats claimed that the Repub- licans in secret conclave in New York city had raised $ioo,cxxD to be used in the state.* They themselves ap- parently had a large fund at their disposal. Into each one of the twenty-eight senatorial districts of the state, they sent speakers, either from beyond the state or from some other portion of the state. For two weeks prior to the elec- tion, some sixty men were kept busy with itinerant speech- making."' In no preceding campaign had the state been so thoroughly covered by any political party. J Carlisle Herald, October 15, 1856. 2 Harrisburg Weekly Telegraph, October 30, 1856 ; the vote for canal commissioner was George Scott (Dem.) 212,925; Thomas Cochran ("Union") 210,172. ^Ihid., October 22, 1856. * Daily P ennsylvanian , October 18, 1856; for the gathering of funds in other states to be used in Pennsylvania, see Rhodes, History of the United States, vol. ii. pp. 230-231. ^Ibid., October 18, 1856. &3 a. 5 !2! H o CO 481] THE DISAPPEARANCE OF THE WHIG PARTY 235 Amidst great excitement, the election was held on Novem- ber 4. The returns indicated that Buchanan, due to the failure of some of the Americans to cooperate with the Republicans, carried the state by a comfortable plurality of 27,000. Of the popular vote he received 230,686. As the twenty-seventh elector on the " Union " ticket, Fremont received 147,286 and Fillmore 55,852 votes; but the first elector on the " Union " ticket received 203,534. For the independent American electoral ticket 26,337 votes were cast. Buchanan thus had a majority of only 815 votes. Had there been a thoroughgoing cooperation, it is probable that Buchanan would not have carried the state. In that case, he would not have had a majority of the votes of the electoral colleges, and the choice of a President would have devolved upon the national House of Representatives.^ ^ The state electoral returns are in Legislative Documents, 1857, pp. 666-677. CHAPTER VIII Characteristics of the Whig Party The Whig party, both in its national and in its state or- ganizations, was peculiarly one of ccmpromise and conces- sion. Policies were announced, adhered to for a time, and, on the threat of internal opposition, modified and ultimately abandoned. While the shifting of parties on alleged prin-" ciples is a common phenomenon of politics, yet possibly na party was ever so thoroughly committed to it as was the Whig. In a measure, it was inevitable that this should be so. Its great leader and idol, Henry Clay, had earned for himself, because of his compromising and compounding on the tariff issue in 1833, the title of " The Great Pacificator." A willingness to compromise on other issues marked his later career, culminating in the series of laws adopted in 1850, none of which definitively answered the questions which had been raised. With Clay and other leaders willing to abandon avowed principles and unwilling to adhere to de- finitely announced policies, the parly wandering after the will-o'-the-wisp of immediate gain finally lost all. The existence of the Whig party was not, however, with- out some advantage to the country. Its policy of political opportunism afforded ample time for the divergent senti- ments in the sections to crystallize, showed the futility of efforts to compromise on fundamental principles, and proved the incompatibility of membership which was not founded on homogeneity. For, the accessions, which came to the Whig party as the result of its compromising, prevented 236 [482 483] CHARACTERISTICS OF THE WHIG PARTY 237 the party from becoming homogeneous, which in turn forced it on to other compromises. At the elections for the presidency in 1844 and in 1852, at which the party en- deavored to enunciate principles, the Whigs suffered defeat. In its two successful elections, the candidates, made palat- able by a certain amount of military glory, were nominated without platforms. Within the state, the lack of homogeneity and its accom- panying evils were strikingly in evidence. At the forma- tion of the party, the National Republicans, who had a strong following only in and around Philadelphia, con- verted themselves into the Whig party, accomplishing the transformation largely throughout a mere change of name. The Anti-Masons, who had more supporters in the state than the National Republicans, controlled the opposition ta the Democracy in the interior counties. By holding them- selves aloof and by not joining the new Whig organization, they compelled the WHiigs to be pretentiously conciliatory to them, and thus secured the direction of the opposition to the Democracy for the entire state until after the Buckshot War. Consequently, the Whigs during this period found themselves committed to a policy with which they were not in sympathy. Only the collapse of political Anti-Masonry relieved the Whigs from their embarrassing situation; but the sentiment for Anti-Masonry persisted and sporadically continued to vex the Whigs. Political like-mindedness, the basic principle of all effective party organization, was con- sequently missing amongst the Whigs. Another p ilitical element, coming early to the Whigs, but not numerically as important as the Anti-Masons, was from the '' Convention Democrats." Although numerically few, yet they exercised, temporarily at least, an influence on the Whigs out of pro- portion to their strength. But in the It^ig run they lost their power, because, on account of their small numl)ers, the pos- 238 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [484 sibility of their withdrawal from the party caused no great alarm to the Whigs. ^ The lack of homogeneity is possibily best seen in the readiness with which defections occurred from the ranks of the Whigs. The sudden spread of the Native American movement in 1844, particularly in Philadelphia city and county, caused the Whigs great concern, for the new party was composed largely of former Whigs and the movement was symptomatic of what might recur at any moment. The defeat of Clay and the remarkable strength of the Native Americans left the Whigs so badly disorganized that disinte- gration of the party threatened for a time in the early part of 1845. The failure of the Native American movement to assume national proportions led to its gradual decadence within the state, removed the possibility of its achieving even an effective state organization, and left a mere local party^ but strong enough, if not cooperating with the Whigs, to prevent them from carrying the elections. Efforts to wins back the former Whigs through coalition and then amalga- mation were made, but without a great deal of success. The nomination of Taylor in 1848 made it possible for the Native Americans to cooperate with the Whigs without feeling that they were abandoning their party. Many Native Americans and a few Taylor Democrats w^ere thus definitely won to the party. A number of irreconcilable Native Americans by maintaining an independent organization after the election of Taylor and by refusing to cooperate caused the defeat of Whig candidates, and constantly through their existence threatened a revival of active Native Americanism. With the appearance of the Know Nothing movement in 1854, the Whig party, as a national organization, was well 1 For a keen analysis of the Whig party in another state, see Fox, The Decline of Aristocracy in the Politics of New York, pp. 409, ct seq. 485] CHARACTERISTICS OF THE WHIG PARTY 239 on its \vay to decay. The readiness with which Whigs went off and joined the new organization precluded the possibiHty of a rejuvention of the Whig national party. The blighting effect was first evidenced in the state party. As a state organization, the Whigs had weathered the stormy defeats in the gubernatorial election of 1851 and in the presidential election of 1852. In the former election, Free Soil Democrats had supported Johnston, but the fol- lowing year refused their votes to Scott. After the latter election, statements that the party was dead abounded; but the state organization, weakened as it was, nevertheless showed some signs of vitality in the election for canal com- missioner in 1853. Prospects for a revival of the party were fairly bright in 1854, but were soon lost to view be- cause of the dazzling brilliancy of the Know Nothing move- ment. Unmistakable evidence was now at hand that the Whig party could not recover its lost glory, and that within a short period of time the party would completely disappear. The instability of the Whig constituency, in part acquired and held as the result of frequent compromising and vacil- lating, was its chief element of weakness. At any moment, disaffection might lead large or small groups out of the party. The Native American and the Know Nothing move- ments illustrate the danger from this source. The Liberty party in the forties and the Temperance movement in the fifties carried away in local elections a number of Whigs. A problem, consequently, constantly facing the Whigs was how to prevent the disaffection and how to win back the disaffected. At times the efforts of the Whigs were success- ful. But the shifting of the members of the party almost en masse to the Know Nothings left only a feeble minority of the Whigs, making futile efforts to maintiiin the "Id or- ganization. The absence of common definite political i)rin- ciples had worked itself out to its logical conclusion. The 240 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [486 Whig party of the state in its effort to absorb so^ many heterogeneous elements had constantly been suffering from acute political indigestion, which had regularly caused it discomfort and ultimately brought it to an untimely end. Throughout its career, the Whig party was a minority party in the state, but a minority party of sufficient strength to cause the opposition considerable alarm. Rarely did it succeed in carrying an election. Two of its five electoral tickets, the one in 1840 by a majority of less than 350, and the other in 1848 by a majority of 2,400 and a plurahty of 13,500, were elected. Of their gubernatorial candidates, the Whigs succeeded in electing only William F. Johnston, in 1848, and that by a narrow majority of 225. Ritner, the Anti-Masonic candidate in 1835, was supported by the Whigs and was elected as the result of the split in the Democratic party. The election of James Pollock in 1854, the W^hig nominee, was made possible only because of the support of the Know Nothings and was by no means an indication of Whig vitality. The political upheaval in 1846 made the election of a Whig canal commissioner a cer- tainty, just as the election of 1848 made the choice of a United States Senator by the Whig legislature an actuality. The weakness of the party made impossible the appearance of a powerful office-holding Whig, capable of using the pat- ronage to build up a strong political machine. For a time. Governor Johnston offered some hope, but his leadership was immediately threatened by Senator Cooper and the free-soil tendencies of the governor alienated s}Tnpathizers with the South. The southerners themselves tried to pre- vent the use of the federal patronage toi strengthen the posi- tion of the governor. His defeat for reelection in 185 1 eliminated the strongest leader the party had developed in Pennsylvania and left it with a discredited head. At the formation of the Whig party, there seemed to be ^7] CHARACTERISTICS OF THE WHIG PARTY 24I presented an issue which would sharply divide Whigs from Democrats. The hostihty of President Jackson to the Bank of the United States and the means used by him to crush it lent themselves readily to political agitation. Although en- thusiasm for the bank was connected with cries of " execu- tive usurpation," nevertheless progress, sufficient to carry the election, was not made. The election of Ritner in the following year prevented the elimination of the banking question, for the bank received a state charter. At best, it was hoped that this would be a mere temporary expedient, and, at worst, not wholly undesirable; for, if the Whigs should be successful in the presidential election of 1836 or of 1840, the state charter might be converted into a national one. Two features of the act granting the state charter proved to be extremely disadvantageous to the state. The repeal of the direct taxes, intended to be nothing more than a beautiful gesture to attract attention to the Whig- Anti-Masonic coalition, resulted in the temporary financial bankruptcy of the state. The lavish expenditure of the money received for the charter secured the needed votes to obtain the passage of the bill, but did not bring the hoped- for permanent support. The act, however, pledged the state to construct extensions of the public works which burdened it by their unprofitableness. The continued ex- istence of the dreaded money mcMiopoly, now a state cor- poration, did not tend to assuage the fears of the people of the interior of the state. The business depression begiiming in 1837 and the numerous suspensions of the banks kept the question of finance prominently in the fr.reground for a number of years. The Whigs attempted to avoid respon- sibility for the plight in which their policy had put the state. It was only after the final failure of the Bank of the United States and the recovery of the country from the industrial depression that other issues demanded more attention. 242 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [488 In the early forties, the question which, so far as the state was concerned, attracted most attention was the tariff. Between the two parties there was no line of de- marcation on this issue. The Tariff Bill of 1842, although not conceding all that the ardent protectionists demanded, did not receive an adverse vote from a Pennsylvania Con- gressman in its passage through the house. In the election of 1844 both parties claimed to be the ardent friends and guardians of this measure. Widely separated positions were taken on the question of the annexation of Texas, with the Democrats favoring and the Whigs opposing it. The admission of Texas was an accomplished fact before the tariff received consideration. When the bill of 1846 pas- sed the Senate, the two Senators from Texas made the passage of the bill possible by their votes. No extensive argument was required to convince the Whigs of the state that the tariff had been tampered with on the insistence of the slave-owners that less protection was needed. For a time, even the Democrats, stimned by the passage of the bill, joined in the retaliatory action of the state against slavery. They participated in the passage of the act of March 3, 1847, forbidding the use of the state jails for the detention of captured fugitive slaves, and in adopting re- solutions endorsing the Wilmot Proviso. By the election of 1848 the Democrats of the state had partially recovered from their panic and willingly followed the national party in the pro-slavery principles which it enunciated. The national Whig party failed to adopt a platform for this election ; consequently it was possible for the state parties to take individual lines of departure. In Pennsylvania, the Whig party, continuing its opposition to the extension of slavery, was completely under the control of the free-soil element. Although all the elements of decay were present in the national Whig party in the election oi 1848, yet they 489] CHARACTERISTICS OF THE WHIG PARTY 243 did not become fully manifest until the succeeding election. By that time, it was evident that the state parties had wandered so far apart that no common meeting ground could be agreed upon, and that the scattering of the member- ship must follow. The efforts of the American party to frame a platform acceptable to the divergent elements were likewise unsuccessful. With the appearance of the Repub- lican party and its adoption of understandable principles, new life was infused into the opposition to the Democracy. One naturally expects to find the wealthy merchants and manufacturers rallying to the Whig standard. Thomas P. Cope, whose commercial ventures were made in all parts of the globe and who founded one of the first regular lines of packets between the United States and Europe, and John Price Wetherill, who left " a large fortune, prdmbly near a millioTf," made in manufacturing, assume positions of leadership in the ranks of the party in Philadelphia. The leaders of the Philadelphia Bar, John Sergeant and Horace Binney, closely associated with the mercantile and the vested interest classes, occasionally found time to leave their lucra- tive practice and accept political ofifice. That the Whigs* were in control of the banking interests of the state was the conclusion reached by an analysis of the officials of these institutions made by a Democratic journal. The majority of the manufacturers of iron took their stand in the Whig ranks ; occasionally, however, due to the avowetl protective tariff principles of the Democracy, a manufac- turer, who started life as a Democrat, did not abandon his party upon the acquisition of wealth. In the thinly settled mountainous districts, the halting policy of the Democracy on the tariff question was early and consistently condemned. One of their journals criticized Governor W(>lf. a Demo crat. as follows : 244 ^^^^ WHIG PARTY IX PENNSYLVANIA [490 See his annual message to tlie Legislature in favor of tienry Clay's "American System," the " Protective Tariff," so called, which extorted from the working people $35,000,000 a year, and lavished a great part of it upon favorites, and the rank aristocracy of the cities, under the name of protection.^ In 1846, a Democrat from this section was the only one of the Rqjresentatives from the state who dared vote for the Tariff Bill of 1846. Despite his vote, or possibly be- cause of it, he was triumphantly reelected. The evaluation of the property in the counties of the state for the purposes of taxation gives interesting informa- tion on the prosperity of the Whig counties. The data for 1 85 1, when there were sixty-four counties, seventeen of which w^ere normally Whig, is somewhat fuller tlian tliat for other periods." Philadelphia city, in addition to the seventeen counties, w^as regularly carried by the Whigs and the county by the Democrats, where the Whigs, how- ever, ahvays showed considerable strength. The statistics for the county and the city are unfortunately not separated. Although Philadelphia city and county contained less than eighteen per cent of the population, yet they possessed almost twenty-eight per cent of the evaluated property of the state. Omitting Philadelphia city and coimty and arranging tlie other counties of the state according to popu- lation, it is seen tliat fifteen of the first thirty-three counties are normally Whig. If they are arranged according to the evakiation of their property thirteen of the first thirty-three are Whig. A difference is noted, for in the second classi- fication the Whig counties are nearer the head of the list. The seventeen Whig counties — Philadelphia city and county are omitted — contained somewhat more that thirty- ^ Democratic State Journal, May 11, 1835, quoting Wilkesbarre Farmer. » House Journal, 1852, vol. ii, pp. 136-137. ^^^l] CHARACTERISTICS OF THE WHIG I'ARTY 245 five per cent of the population but a tritie less than furty- three per cent of the wealth. If Philadelphia city and/ county are included, the Whig counties contained somewhat over fifty-eight per cent of the population and over eighty- one per cent of the wealth. The Whigs were thus in con- trol of the more prosperous counties of the state. In the more prosperous of the normal Democratic counties, with the exception of Berks, the Whigs possessed a strong fol- lowing, at times well over forty per cent of the voters. Fertile Berks, settled by Germans, was the fourth coimty of the state in population and in wealth. The voters had been won over early by the Democratic-Republican party, later worshipped Andrew Jackson, and the imj)erturl>able " Pennsylvania LXitch " farmers never failed to roll up large Democratic majorities. The voters, due to the absence of a sectarian appeal, had been untouched by the Anti-Masonic movement and consecjuently remained true to their Democratic faith. The conclusion is almost inevitable that although the Whig party did not include all the people of wealth in the state, yet the vast majority of those pos- sessing vested interests felt that the Whig party offered them more protection than did the opposition party- From the foundation of the Whig party, the Democrats claimed that the policy of their opponents was to favor the wealthier classes. One of their journals at the capital as- serted. The Whig, resting government on wealth, lays the foundation of a monied aristocracy ; Democracy, resting government on the intelligence and morality of the masses, establishes the supremacy of the people, and opens the way to the principality of virtue.^ At its foundation, the Whig Party, particularly in the ^Democratic State Journal, December 8. 1835. 246 THE WHIG PARTY IN PENNSYLVANIA [492 counties of the interior, claimed for itself true democratic principles, in some instances, as has been seen, asserting tliat the party was based on the foundations laid by Jefferson. During the first decade of its existence, these claims gradu- ally disappeared. The statement of the Peniisyhania Tele- graph, that " Whig policy is democratic without being re- volutionary; conservative in opposition to agrarian," ^ may be taken as a typical view of themselves during the second decade. The tendency to stress the fact that the party was conservative appeared more strongly with the passage of time. When the death rattle was in the throat of the Whig party, one of the more consen^ative of the Whig journals said, in reply to the assertions that the Whig party was dead, Indeed, not only is the Whig party still alive, but, in one sense at least, it can never die. A party composed of similar ma- terials to that which rallied around Clay and Webster must always exist in this country under one name or another. For it is the representative of the more highly educated, the more prudent, and the wealthier classes, combined, if you will, with the more aristocratic. Thousands, who start life as Demo- crats, end by deserting to this party, because, with age, the illusions of youth disappear, and faith grows cold. The editor thought that the Whigs had been in the minority because the country was young, but as it grew older the Whigs would predominate." Hardly had these predictions been made, when many of the conservative " old line " Whigs, alarmed at the radicalism of the new American and the newer Republican parties and realizing that their old organization had passed on to its political rew^ard. found refuge in the ranks of the Democrats because they con- sidered it the only conser^'ative party. 1 August 3, 1847. 'Evening Bulletin, August 15, 1853. I. CRITICAL BIBOjIOGRAPHY i Manuscripts Papers of Nicholas Biddle; Library of Congress. Valuable for the political activities of the bank officers and agents. Papers of Nicholas Biddle; Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Con- cerned primarily with the business of the bank. Papers of James Buchanan ; Hist. Soc. of Penna. A large and valuable collection of letters from the leading Democrats of the state and many drafts of letters from Buchanan. Papers of Lewis S. Coryell ; Hist. Soc. of Penna. Letters from many anti-Buchanan Democrats. Papers of Edward McPherson; Lib. of Cong. A few letters from Whigs which are of value. Papers of William McPherson; Hist. Soc. of Penna. Chiefly letters to Joseph Wallace, for a time chairman of the state Anti-Masonic party, which show the trend of that party during the period 1S32 to 1&44. Papers of Joseph Ritner ; State Library of Pennsylvania. Chiefly petitions, of little value. Papers of John Sergeant; Hist. Soc. of Pemia. Nothing of value for this period. Society Collection; Hist. Soc. of Penna. Isolated letters of consider- able value. Papers of Thaddeus Stevens; Lib. of Con^. Contain some material of value. Papers of Governor George Wolf; State Lib. of Penna. Chiefly petitions and memorials of no great value. Papers of Governor George Wolf; Hist. Soc. of Penna. A few Democratic letters of value. Published Works .\nd Correspondence Kelley, William D.. Speeches, Addresses and Letters on Industrial and Financial Questions. Philadelphia, 1872. The introduction is the most valuable portion of the volume. ^ The critical Iiibliography is limited to Pennsylvania material, inas- much as many biblingraphies on the .v^em-ral fuld are available. .\ non-critical bibliography of other cited materi.il i-; added. 493] -M7 248 BIBLIOGRAPHY [494 McGrane, Reginald C, editor, The Correspondence of Nicholas BiddU dealing unth National Affairs, 1807-1844. Boston, 1919. Very valuable for the activity of the bank officials in the early years of the party. Moore, John Bassett, editor. The Works of James Buchanan com- prising his Speeches, State Papers, and Private Correspondence. 12 vols. Philadelphia, 190S-1911. Extremely valuable for the hght thrown on the Whig party by the activities and views of the leader of their opponents. Documents Laws of Pennsylvania, 1834-1856. Harrisburg, 1834-1856. Journals of the Senate of Penmylvania, 1834-1856. Harrisburg, 1834- 1856. Journals of the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania. Harris- burg, 1834-1856. Executive Documents of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, 1843-1856. Harrisburg, 1843-1856. Legislative Documents of Pennsylvania, 1854-1856. Harrisburg, 1854- 1856. Pennsylvania Archives, series iv, " Papers of the Governors." 12 vols. Harrisburg, 1900-1902. The collection is incomplete and unsatis- factory. Proceedings and Debates of the Convention of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to propose Amendments to the Constitution, com- menced and held at Harrisburg, an the second day of May, 1837. 14 vols. Harrisburg, 1837- 1839. Journal of the Convention of the State of Pennsylvania to propose Amendments to the Constitution. 2 vols. Harrisburg, 1837-1838. Minutes of the Committee of the Whole, of the Convention of the State of Pennsylvania, to propose Amendments to the Constitution. Bound with the Journal of the Convention. Clark, John A., Pennsylvania I^aw Journal Reports, containing Cases decided by the Federal and State Courts of Pennsylvania. 5 vols. Philadelphia, 1872-73. Volumes iv and v contain cases on the constitutionality of the .^ct of March 3, 1847, and others involving interference with the enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Law. The Federal Cases, comprising Cases argued and determined in the Circuit and District Courts of the United States, from the earliest times to the beginning of the Federal Reporter. Case No. 5243, a Pennsylvania case, is the first one arising under the Fugitive Slave Law. 31 vols. St. Paul, 1894-98. Parsons, A. V., Select Cases in Equity and at Law, argued and de- termined in the Court of Common Pleas of the First Judicial Dis- 495] BIBLIOGRAPHY 249 trUt of Pennsyhvitiia from 184^51. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1888. Con- tains the proceedings in the trial of George Alberti for kidnaping. Reports of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Volumes xxvi and xxxix contain cases arising out of the detention of Passmore Williamson. Reports of the Supreme Ccyurt of the United States. 16 Peters for Prigg V. Pennsylvania. Wallace, Henry E., Philadelphia Reports, or Legal Intelligencer con- densed; containing the Decisions published in the Legal Intelli- gencers. Volume i (Philadelphia, 1856) for the trial of escaped negroes at Harrisburg. Wallace, John William, Cases in the Circuit Court of the United States for the Third Circuit. 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1849-71. The treason trials, arising out of the Christiana riot, are in volume ii. Smull's Legislative Hand-Book and Manual of the State of Pennsyl- vania, 1919. Harrisburg, 1919. Newspapers 1 a. independent Public Ledger, Philadelphia. 1836-1857; Hrst. Soc. of Penna, ; State Lib. ; N. Y. Pub. Lib. The Register of Pennsylvania, devoted to the Preservation of Facts and Documents, and every other Kind of Useful Information re- sp^ct\ng the State of Pennsylvania, edited by Samuel Hazard, Philadelphia, 1828-1835. Hazard's United States Commercial and Statistical Register, con- taining Documents, Facts, and other Useful Information, illustra- tive of the History and Resources of the American Union, and of each State, Philadelphia. 1839-1842. Morning Chronicle, Pittsburgh. 1842-1856; Pittsburgh Carnegie Lib. Anthracite Gazette and Schuylkill County Advocate, Pottsville. May- Dec, 1847; Lib. of Cong. B. ANTI-MASONIC, WHIG, AND AMERICAN Butler County Whig, Butler. 1846-1851, N. Y. Hist. Soc.; 1846-185^ Pitt. Car. Lib. Carlisle Herald, Carlisle. 185^-1856, Lib. of Cong. Franklin Whig, Chambersburg. 1835- 1840. State Lib. Franklin Repository, Chambersburg. 1834- 1840, State Lib. 1 The arrangement is alphabetical according to the place of publi- cation. 250 BIBLIOGRArHY [^^5 Repository and Whig, Chambersburg. 1842, State Lib. ; 1854, Hist. Soc. of Peniia. Germantown Telegraph, Germantown. 1834-1856, Hist. Soc. of Penna. Westmoreland Intelligencer, Greensburg. 1850-1856, State Lib. Daily Ainerican, Marrisburg. Dec. 1850-May 1851, State Lib. Clay Bugle, Harrisburg. Jan. -Oct., 1844, State IJb. tlarrisburg Chronicle, Harrisburg. 1834-1840. State Lib. Old Warrior, Harrisburg. 1844, State Lib. Pennsylvania Intelligencer, Harrisburg. 1834- 1844, State Lib. Fennsylvania Telegraph, Harrisburg. 1834-1856, S^ate Lib.; 1851-1853. Lib. of Gong. Whig State Journal, Harrisburg. 1851-1853. State Lib. The Watchman, Harrisburg. June-Oct., 1841, State Lib. Inland Daily, Lancaster. 1854, State Lib. Lancaster Examiner and Herald, Lancaster. Jan. -June, 1847, Lib. of Cong. Lancaster Union and Tribune, iLancaster. 1847, Lib. of Cong. Lebanon Courier, Lebanon. 1850-1856, Hist. Soc. of Penna. Daily Chronicle, Philadelphia. 1840-1843, 1&45-1846. Hist. Soc. of Penna. Daily Forum, Philadelphia. A few numbers, 1843-1844, N. Y. Pub. Lib. Evening Bulletin, Philadelphia. 1847-1848, Lib. of Gong.; 1850-1856. State Lib. National Gazette, Philadelphia. 1834-1841, State Lib.; Lib. of Cong. North American, Philadelphia. 1839-1856, Hist. Soc. of Penna.; 1840- 1856, Lib. of Cong.; 1847-1855, State iLib.; 1855-1856, N. Y. Pub. Lib. Pennsylvania Inquirer, Philadelphia. 1833-1834, State Lib.; 1834, 1840- 1846, 1850, 1852, Hist. Soc. of Penna.; 1&45-1852, Lib. of Cong. Daily News, Philadelphia. 1849-1850, 1853-1856, Lib. of Gong. United States Gazette, Philadelphia. 1834-1838, 1840-1841, 1844-1847, State Lib.; 1842-1844, Lib. of Gong. Daily Commercial Journal. Pittsburgh. 1845-1850, 1852-1853, Lib. of Gong. Pittsburgh Daily Dispatch, Pittsburgh. 1847-1850, 1855-1856, Pitt. Car. Lib. Pittsburgh Daily Gazette, Pittsburgh. 1834-1856. Pitt. Car. Lib.; 1849- 1851, Lib. of Cong. Pittsburgh Evening Telegraph. Pittsburgh. 1847-1848, Pitt. Car. Lib. Pittsburgh Mercury, Pittsburgh. 1835-1842, Pitt. Car. Lib. Miners' Journal, Pottsville. 1841-1850, Hist. Soc. of Penna.; 1842-1843, 1845-1856, Lib. of Cong. ^97] BIBLIOGRAPHY 25 1 C DEMOat,\TIC Der Friedcnsbote, AUentowni. 1834-1843, Hist. Soc. of Ptaina. Dcr Lecha Patriot, Allentown. 1841-1856, Hist. Soc. of Penna. Lehigh Reporter, Allentown. 1846-1848, Hist. Soc. of Penna. Bedford Gazette, Bedford. 1834-1856, State Lib. Perry County Democrat, Bloomfield. 1841-1847. Hist. Soc. of Penna. Perry County Standard, Bloomfield. 1844-1846, Hist. Soc. of Penna. American Volunteer, Carlisle. 1835-1851, State Lib.; 1846-1848, 1852- 1856, Lib. of Cong. Upland Union, Chester. 1834- 1843, State Lib. Doylestown Democrat and Bucks County Gazette, Uoylestown. 1847. State Lib. Easton Daily Express, Easton. 1856, Hist. Soc. of Penna. Republican Compiler, Gettysburg. 1847-1848, Lib. of Cong. Greensburg Democrat, Greensburg. 1854- 1856, State Lib. American Herald, Greensburg. 1854-1856, State Lib. Democratic State Journal. Harrisburg. 1835-1837, State Lib. Democratic Union. Harrisburg. 1843-1849, State Lib.; 1843-1845, Hist. Soc. of Penna.; 1845-1848, Lib. of Cong. Harrisburg Argus, Harrisburg. 1845-1848, Lib. of Cong. Die Harrisburger Morgenrothe, Harrisburg. 1834-1840. State Lib. The Keystone, Harrisburg. 1836-1843, 1848-1856, State Lib.; 1839- 1843, Lib. of Cong. Morning Herald and Harrisburg Daily Herald, Harrisburg, 1853-1856, State Lib. Pennsylvania Reporter, Harrisburg. 1834-1846, State Lib.; 1836-184.^ Hist. Soc. of Penna.; 1837-1840, Lib. of Cong. Pennsylvania Stoats Zeitung, Harrisburg. 1843-1848, State Lib. State Capital Gazette, Harrisburg. 1839-1843, State Lib. Lancaster Intelligencer, Lancaster. 1834-1852, State Lib.; 1847-1848, Lib. of Cong. Lancastcrian and Chronicle of the Times, Lancaster. 1848-1855. State Lib. Lebanon Advertiser, Lebanon. 1849-1856, State Lib. Lewisburg Chronicle, Lewisburg. 1851-1856, Hist. Soc. of Penna. The Advocate, Lewistown. 1840-1843. State Lib. Lezi'istou'n Republican and Mifflin County IVorkingmen's Adi'ocate, Lewistown. 1840-1844, State Lib. Manayunk Courier, Manayunk. 1848, Hist. Soc. of Penna. Marietta Advocate and Farmers' and Mechanics' Intelligencer. Marietta. 1834-1835, State Lib. Crawford Democrat and Sorthzvcstern Advertiser, Nfeadville. 1835- 1847, State Lib. 252 BIBLIOGRAPHY [^C^g Crawford Messenger, Meadville. 1834-1835, State Lib. Juniata Register, Mifflintown. 1849- 1851, State Lib. Tuscorora Register and Juniata County Inquirer, Mifflintown. 1852- 1855, State Lib. Norristozvn Register, Norri'Stown, 1843M1849, 1854-1856, Hist Soc. of Penna. ; 1847-1848, Lib. of Cong. Sorristown Watchman, Norristown. 1849-1851, Hist. Soc. of Penna. American Advocate, Philadelphia. 1844-1845, N. Y. Pub. Lib. American Courier, Philadelphia. 1847-1852, Lib. of Cong. American Sentinel, Philadelphia. 1840-1847, State Lib.; 1845-1846, Lib. of Cong. Daily Keystone and People's Journal, Philadelphia. 1845-1847, Lib. of Cong. Daily Register, Philadelphia. 1851, Hist. Soc. of Penna. Democratic Argus, Philadelphia. 1843-1844, Hist. Soc. of Penna. The Pennsylvanian, Philadelphia. 1834-1856, Lib. of Cong.; Hist. Soc. of Penna.; 1846- 1856. State Lib. Spirit of the Times, Philadelphia. 1838-1845, 1847-184Q, State Lib.; 1842, 1844-1845, Hist. Soc of Penna.; 1845-1848. Lib. of Cong. Der Freiheits Freund, Pittsburgh. 1844-1856, Pitt. Car. Lib. The Morning Ariel, Pittsburgh. 1845, Lib. of Cong. Pittsburgh Post, Pittsburgh. 1842-1856, Pitt. Car. Lib.; 1845, 1847-1848, 1853- 1856, Lib. of Cong. Pottsville Emporium, Pottsville. 1847-1848, Lib. of Cong. Alt Berks, Reading. 1841-1844, Hist. Soc of Penna. .Democratic Press, Reading. 1835- 1840, State Lib. Der Liberate Beobachter, Reading. 1839-1856, Hist. Soc of Penna. Reading Gazette, Reading. 1843-1848, State Lib. Bradford Reporter, Towanda. 1845- 1847, 1850- 1852, State Lib. The American Republican and Chester County Democrat, West Chester. 1 847- 1 848, Lib. of Cong. Lucerne Democrat, Wilkes-Barre. 1847-1848, Lib. of Cong. Republican Farmer and Democratic Journal, Wilkes-Barre. 1835-1847, State Lib. York Gazette, York. 1847-1848, Lib. of Cong. D. N.MIVE AMERICAN American Press and Republican, Lancaster. 1846-1848, Lib. of Cong. Native American, Philadelphia. 1844, N. Y. Hist. Soc Native Eagle, Philadelphia. A few numbers in 1845-1846, N. Y. Pub. Lib. The Sun, Philadelphia. 1846-1847, 1851-1852, Hist. Soc of Penna.; 1849-1850, Lib. of Cong. ^g^j BIBLIOGRAPHY 253 Pamphlets and Speeches ^ Meredith, William M., An Oration delivered by request before the IVhigs of Philadelphia, on the fourth of July, 1834. Philadelphia, 1834- Proceedings of a Convention of the Delegates from the Citisens of Fennsylvania, opposed to Executive Usurpation and Abuse, which assembled at Harrtsburg^ May 27, 1834. Harrisburg, 1834. Proceedings of the Democratic State Convention^ which assembled at Lezi-istown, on Wednesday, May 6, 1835. Harrisburg 1S35. Proceedings of the Democratic Republican Convention of Young Men of the State of Pennsylvania, held at Harrisburg, July 4, 1836. Harrisburg, 1836. Opinion of the Hon. John Fox, President Judge of the Judicial Dis- trict composed of the Counties of Bucks and Montgomery, against the Exercise of Negro Suffrage in Pennsylvania. Harrisburg, 1838. Appeal of Forty Thousand Citizens, threatened with Disfranchise- ment, to the People of Pennsyhania. Philadelphia, 1838. Burden, Jesse R., Retnarks of Dr. /. R. Burden, of Philadelphia Co., in the Senate of Pennsylvania, on the Abolition Question, Febrtt- o^y, 1^3^- ^^Iso his I'aleditory Address as Speaker of the Senate, April, 1838. Philadelpliia, 1838. Sergeant, John, Speech of John Sergeant on the Judicial Tenure, delivered in the Convention of Pennsylvania on the yth and 8th November, 1837. Philadelphia, 18^^. Proceedings of the Whigs of Chester County, favourable to a distinct Organisation of the Whig Party. West Giester, 1838. Proceedings of a Convention of Democratic Young Men, Delegates from the Citizens of Pennsylvania, in favour of the Re-election of Joseph Ritncr, and opposed to Martin Van Buren and the Sub- Treasury. Assembled at Reading, June 4, 18.^8. Reading, 1S38. A candid Statement of th^ Philadelphia County Ticket. (Harrisburg, 1839) Penrose. Charles B., Address of the Hon. Charles B. Penrose, Speaker of the Senate; and the Speeches of .Messrs. Fraley {City), /ri7- liams, Pearson, and Penrose, delivered in the Senate of Pennsyl- vania, on the Subject of the Insurrection at Harrisburg, at the Meeting of the Legislature in December, 1S3S. Harrisburg. 1S30. The Buckshot War; or the last Kick of .Inli-.Masonry. .-i Burlesque Medley — poetic, prosaic, humorous, satirical, etc., by Peleg Stur- tevant. Harrisburg, 1839. Address of the Democratic Whig .Association of the City and County ^ Arranged rhronologically. 254 BIBLIOGRAPHY [5OO of Philadelphia, to the People of Pennsylvania. April, 1839. Phila- delphia, 1839. Proceedings of the Democratic Whig State Conveiition; held in Cham- bersburg, Pa., on the 13th and 14th of June, J839. Chambersburg, 1839. The Democratic Medley, or Sayings and Doings, with the History of one Day, to which it added the Whigs' Light-House, and a Trip through the Custom-House and Post-OfUce. Calculated for the Meridian of Philadelphia, by a Member of the Democratic Party. Philadelphia, (1839)- Address of Citizens of Bradford County, formerly opposed to Martin Van Buren, showing why they now prefer him to Gen. Harrison. Towanda, 1840. Proceedings of the Democratic State Convention. (Harrisburg, 1840.) Miner, Charles, An Address, delivered at the Democratic Whig Festival, at Wilkes-Barre, Penn., December 4, 1840. In honour of the Elec- tion of Gen. IV m. Henry Harrison. Wilkes-Barre, 1841. To the Democratic Party of Pennsylvania on the next Presidential Election, by Anthony IVayne. Philadelphia, 1841. Hare, Robert, A brief E.rposition of the Injury done to the Com- munity, and especially to the Poor, by the Prohibition of Bills under Five Dollars, while such Bills are permitted to circulate in adjoining States. In a Letter to William B. Reed, Esq., also a subsequent Letter, on the late Failure to resume Specie Payments. To which is annexed a Scheme for a National Currency. Phila- delphia, 1841. Ritner, Joseph, Vindication of General IVashington from the Stigma of Adherence to Secret Societies by Joseph Ritner To- gether ivith a letter to Daniel IVebster and his Reply. Boston, 1S41. The Life of General Markle. Philadelphia, 18144. Das Leben Generals Joseph Markle. Philadelphia, 1844. Address of the Democratic Hickory Club, for the City and County of Philadelphia, recommending Martin Van Buren as tJie Presidential Candidate for 1844. Also the Letter of Mr. Van Buren to the State Convention of Indiana. (Philadelphia, 1844.) A few Remarks in behalf of the Tariif and Currency, with a brief Comparison of the Merits of the two Candidates for the Presi- dency, by a .Mechanic. Philadelphia, 1844. One Thousand Dollars Reward! To be paid if the Quotations are not those of Polk on the Tariff. Philadelphia. (184-}). A fetv plain Facts, addressed to the People of Pennsylvania, by a Citizen of Pennsylzvnia. Philadelphia, 1844. Report of the Discussion at Pottsville, August 10, 1844, betzveen J. G. Clarkson and F. Jl'. Hughes, on the course of Henry Clay and J. K. Polk, relative to the Protective System, etc. Philadelphia, 1844^ -Oi] BIBLIOGRAPHY 255 Causes of the Kensington Riots explained, in a Series of Letters to the Hon. Daniel O'Connell, by a Pennsylvanian — a Dutchman. Philadelphia, 1845. A full and coynplete Account of the late awful Riots in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, (1844). The full Particulars of the late Riots, ufith a View of the Burning of the Catholic Churches, St. Michael's and St. Augustine's. Philadelphia, (1844)- A brief View of the Origin and Object of the Native American Party; by a Native American. Philadelphia, 1844. Preamble and By-Laws of the Native American Central Executive Committee of the City of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1844. Address of the American Republicans of the City of Philadelphia to the Native and Naturalised Citizens of the United States. Phila- delphia, 1844. Moore, Justus E., The Warning of Thomas Jefferson: or a brief Ex- position of the Dangers to be apprehended to our civil and re- ligious Liberties, from Presbyterianism. Philadelphia, 1844. Arguments proving the Inconsistency and Impolicy of granting to Foreigners the Right of Voting; abstracted from a Pamphlet pub- lished in the Year iSio; by a Disciple of the IVashington School. Philadelphia, 1844. Pumroy, John N., A Defence of our Naturalization Laws, xvith a friendly IVarning to Members of the Native American Party. Philadelphia, 1844. Street Talk about a Ordinance of Councils, Passed the nth July, 18-14, organizing a Military Force for the Government of Philadelphia, Philad'elphia, 1844. Proceedings of the Native American State Convention held at Harris- burg February 22, 1845. Philadelphia, 1845. An Address to the Mechanics and Laboring Men, who are natiz'c born Citizens of the United States, with Reasons zvhy they ought to tvithhold their Support from Men who seek foreign Aid. To- gether unth the Principles of the Native American Party, as adopted by the National Convention on the 4th of July, 184^. ( Philatnsy!--ania. (Philadelphia. 1R54.) The Modern Battle of the Kegs; by the Poet Laureate of the Knozv- Nothings. Phihidelphia. 1854. Encroachn:cnts of the Rowan Catholic Hierarchy on the ciz-il and re- ligious Liberties of People in Europe, Asia, Africa, and .4merica. Philad<'lphia. (1854)- To the Democratic Members of the Legislature of Pennsyh\inia. (Philadelphia, 1854.) 258 BIBLIOGRAPHY [304 The Ritual of the Order of Know-N othings zvith the Initiation Oaths taken by Jatnes Pollock, now Governor of Pennsylvania. (Phila- delphia, 1855.) Laurens, J. Wayne, The Crisis: or the Enemies of America unmasked. Philadelphia, 1855. Denig, John, The Know Nothing Manual, or, Book for America no. i, in whi^li the Native American Platform and Principles as adopted by the Know Nothings are set forth and defended together with Dissertations on Romanism. Harrisburg, 1855. Forney, John Wien, Address on religions Intolerance and political Proscription, delivered at Lancaster, Pa., on the Evening of the 24th of September. Washington, 1855. Narrative of the Pacts in the Case of Passmore Williamson. Phila- delphia, 1855. The great Fraud by zvhich Pennsylvania is sought to be abolitionizcd in October and November. The Abolition State Ticket and the Abolition Electoral Fillmore Ticket. (Philadelphia, 1856.) Randall, Josiah, Speech of Josiah Randall, Esq., of Philadelphia, de- livered at Chambersburg, August 6, 1856, at the request of the Democratic State Convention, of Pennsylvania. In the Democratic Hand-Book for 1856. An Appeal for the Union by a Philadelphia Whig. (Philadelphia, 1856.) Mr. Buchanan's Low Wage Doctrine. Philadelphia, (1856). .Address of the State Central Democratic Committee to the People of Pennsylvania. (Philadelphia, 1856.) Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Democratic State Convention held at Harrisburg, March 4, 1856. Philadelphia, 1856. Reed, William B., Appeal to P ennsylva^iia. A Speech of Wm. B. Reed delivered at a meeting of Friends of Buchanan and Breck- enridge at Somerset, Pa., September 24, 1856. (Philadelphia, 1856.) History of the Rise, Progress and Downfall of Know-N othingisnt in Lancaster Co.; by two e.vpelled Members. Lancaster, 1856. Case of Passmore Williamson. Philadelphia, 1856. Works by Contemporaries Forney, John W., Anecdotes of Public Men. 2 vols. New York, 1873. Sketches originally published in the newspapers; contains charac- terizations of some value. Harris, Alexander, A Review of the Political Conflict in America, from the Commencement of the Anti-Slavery Agitation to the Close of Southern Reconstruction ; comprising also a Resume of the Career of Thaddcus Stevens: being a Survey of the Struggle of Parties, which destroyed the Republic and virtually monar- 505] BIBLIOGRAPHY 259 chizcd its Government. New York, 1876. Material on the early career of Stevens is of value. Hildreth, Richard, Atrocious Judges. New York, 1856. The appendix contains the proceedings in the case of Passmore Williamson. Lee, John Hancock, The Origin and Progress of tlie American Party in Politics. Philadelphia, 1855. A publication intended to make converts for the cause. McClure, A. K., Old Time Notes of Pennsylvania. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1905. Of considerable value for the closing years of the Whig party. McClure, A. K., Our Presidents and How IVc Make Them. New York, igo2. Popular presentation based on recollection. McClure, A. K., Recollections of Half a Century. Salem, 1902. Dis- connected sketches, a few of which are of value for this study. Parke, John E., Recollections of Seventy Years and Historical Glean- ings of Allegheny, Pennsylvania. Boston, 1886. Some material on social conditions. Sargent, Nathan, Public }fen and Events from the Commencement of Mr. Monroe's Administration, in 1S17, to the Close of Mr. Fillmore's Administration, in 1S53. 2 vols. Philadelphia. 1875. The recollections of a veteran Whig correspondent at Washing- ton; of more value for national than for state politics. Smedley, R. C, History of the Underground Railroad in Chester and the Neighboring Counties of Pennsylvania. Lancaster, 1883. The activities of the abolitionists in southeastern Pennsylvania are described; an account of the Christiana riot by a man of the vicinity. Biographies Armor, William C, Lives of the Governors of Pennsylvania zi'ith the incidental History of the State, from 160Q to 1873. Philadelphia. 1872. Brief sketches of value. Binney, Charles Chauncey, The Life of Horace Binney with Selections from his Letters. Philadelphia, 1903. Biography of a lawyer oc- casionally politically active. Callender, E. B., Thaddeus Stevens: Commoner. Boston, 1882. The pioneer biography ; contains some source quotations on his early political career. Clayton, Mary Black, Reminiscences of Jeremiah Sullivan Black. St. Louis, 1887. Little of value for this period. Curtis, George Ticknor, Life of James Buchanan. 2 vols. New York. 1883. .\x\ effort to depict Buchanan as a statesman, with little attention to him as a politician. DuBois, James T, and Mathews, Gertrude S.. Galusha ./. Grou.-, 26o BIBLIOGRAPHY [506 Father of the Homestead Law. Boston, 1917. Valuable for liglit thrown on political conditions in tlie northern tier of counties. Egle, William H., Andrew Gregg Curiin, his Life and Services. Phila- delphia, 1895. Concerned with later career of subject. Haxris, Alex., A Biographical History of Lancaster County: being a History of early Settlers and eminent Men of the County; and also much other unpublished historical Information^ chiefly of a local Character. Lancaster, 1872. Contains an article on Stevens* by one of his law students. Jones, Charles Henry, The Life and Public Services of J. Gla^ucey Jones. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1910. The career of an ardent Buchanan supporter of Berks county, the stronghold of the Dem- ocratic party. Konkle, Burton Alva, The Life of Chief Justice Ellis Lewis, 1798-1871, of the First Elective Supreme Court of Pennsyh^ania, Phila- delphia, 1907. Throws no light on the political situation. Konkle, Burton Alva, Life and Speeches of Thomas JVilUams, Orator, Statesman and Jurist, 1806-1872. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1905. Contains a little material of value for this study. Meigs. William M., The Life of Charles Jared Ingersoll. Philadelphia, 1897. The biography of a leading Democrat of Philadelphia. McCall, Samuel W., Thaddeus Stevens. Boston, 1899. Weak on the early career of Stevens. Savidge, Eugene Coleman, Life of Benjamin Harris Brewster unth Dis- courses and Addresses. Philadelphia, 1891. Throws some light on the activities of tlie Democrats during this period. Simpson, Kenry, Tlic IJves of Eminent Philadclphians, now deceased, collected from original and authentic Sources. Philadelphia, 1859. Cood brief sketches. Woodburn, James Albert, Tl'c Life of Thaddeus Std'ens, .4 Study in American Political History, especially in the Period of the Ciinl War and Reconstruction. Indianapolis, 1913. The best biography of Stevens, but containing Uttle on the early period of his life. Critical Works on Pennsylvania Bartlett, Marguerite G., The Chief Phases of Pennsylvania Politics in the Jacksonian Period. Allentown, 1919. Contains some material on the constitutional convention of 1837- 1838. Bishop, Alvard Longley, " The State Works of Pennsylvania," in the Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, vol. xiii, November, 1907. An excellent treatment of the subject, Hensel, W. U., The Christiana Riot and the Treason Trials of 1851. An Historical Sketch. Lancaster, 191 1. A painstaking study of the disturbances; contains some of the source material. 507] BIBLIOGRAPHY 261 McCarthy, Charles, "The Anti-Masonic Party: a Stu<)y of Pohtical Anti-iVlasonry in the United States, 18(27-1840." In the Annual Re- port of the American Historical Association, IQ02, vol. i, pp. 365- 574. Washington. 1903. A masterly study of one branch of the future Whig party. Scharf, J. Thomas, and Wescott, Thompson, History of Philadelphia, J609-1SS4. 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1S84. Contains much valuable material on Philadelphia politics. Swank, James M., Progressive Pennsylvania. A Record of the re- markable Industrial Development of the Keystone State, and with some Account of its early and its later Transportation Systems, its early Settlers, and its prominent Men. Philadelphia, 1908. Ex- cellent for its information on the industries of the state. Turner, Edward R., The Negro in Pennsylvania. Slavery — Senitude — Freedom. 1639-1861. Washington, 191 1. Throws light on the status of the negro. 'Worthington, A. B., " Historical Sketch of the Finances of Pennsyl- vania, in the Proceedings of the American Economic Association, May, 1B87. An excellent summary of the finaoicial legislation of the state. II, BlBLIOGR.\PHV OF CiTF.D MATERIAL, OtHER ThAN THAT OF Pennsylvania manuscripts Miscellaneous Manuscript Collection of the New York Historical Society. Contains a few isolated letters of value. Papers of John M. Qayton; Library of Congress. .\ number of letters of importance. Papers of Thomas Corwin; Lib. of Cong. Of value in connection with the dispute over William D. Lewis and the coUectorship of the port of Philadelphia. Papers of John J. Crittenden; Lib. of Cong. Contain some letters from the conservative Whigs of the state. Papers of Thomas Ewing; Lib. of Cong. Of little value for this study. Papers of John McLean; Lib. of Cong. Of considerable value for the anti-slavery branch of the Whig party in the state, particul.irly from the western portion. Papers of James K. Polk; Lib. of Cong. Of value for his canrpaign, but, in the main, the material can be better obtained from the Buchanan Papers. Papers of Daniel Webster; Lib. of Cong. A num1)cr of imi)ortant letters from .Anti-Nfasonic Whigs. 262 BIBLIOGRAPHY [508 COLLECTED WORKS, DIARIES AND CORRESPONDENCE Adams, Charles Francis (editor), Memoirs of John Qu'mcy Adams, cOjiiprising portions of his Diary from lygs to 1848. 12 vols. Philadelphia, 1874-1877, "Correspondence of John C. Calhoun," Report of the American His- torical Association, 1899, vol. ii. Washington, 1900. Colton, Calvin (editor), The Private Correspondence of Henry Clay. New York, 1855. Diary of James K. Polk. 4 vols. Chicago, igio. Writings and Speeches of Daniel Webster (National Edition). 18 vols. Boston, 1903. DOCUMENTS House Journal, 26th Congress, ist Session. Washington, 1840. Maryland Legislative Documents, 1852. Annapolis, 1852. Reports of tile House of Representatives, 26th Qmgress, ist Session. Washington, 1840. Richardson, James D., Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents, 1789-1897. Washington, 1896-1899. Senate Executive Journal, vol. viii. Washington, 1887. NEWSPAPERS Niles' Weekly Register, Baltimore; i833-i8.:i9. Richmond Enquirer, Richmond ; 1847. ACCOUNTS BY CONTEMPORARIES Barnes, Thurlow Weed, Memoirs of Thurlow Weed. Boston, 1884. (Elliott, R. S., Notes taken from Sixty Years. St. Louis, 1883. Greeley, Horace, Recollections of a Busy Life. New York, 1872. May, Samuel, Jr., The Fugitive Slave Law and its Victims. New York, 1861. Weed, Harriet A. (editor), Autobiographv of Thurlow Weed. Boston, 1883. Wise, Henry A., Seven Decades of the Union. Philadelphia, 1876. BIOGRAPHIES Kennedy, John P., Memoirs of the Life of William Wirt. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1849. Sargent, Epes, Life and Public Services of Henry Clay. New York, 1848. -09] BIBLIOGRAPHY 263 Seward, Frederick \\'., JVilliam II. Sczvard: an Autobiography fro»v iSoi to 1834, with a Memoir of his Life, and Selections from his Letters. 3 vols. New York, 189 1. Tyler, L. G., Letters and Ti}nes of the Tylers. 2 vols. Riclimond, 1884. OTHER WORKS Catterall, Ralph C. II., The Second Bank of the United States. Chicago, 1903. Cole, Arthur Charles, The Whig Party in the South. Washington, 1913. Fox, Dixon Ryan, The Decline of Aristocracy in the Politics of A'cii' York. New York, 19 19. Landon, Fred, " Negro Migration to Canada," Journal of Negro History, January, 1920. McMaster, John Bach, History of the People of the United States. 8 vols. New York, 1883- 1912. Olbrich, Emil, The Development of Sentiment on Negro Suffrage to i860. Madison, 1912. Paullin. C. O., "The National Ticket of Broom and Coates, 1852." 'The American Historical Review, vol. xxv, July, 1920. Rhodes, James Ford, The History of the United States. 8 vols. New York, 1892- 19 19. Siebert, Wilbur H.. The Underground Railroad. New York, 1898. Stanwood, Edward, History of the Presidency. 2 vols. Bo-iton, 1912. INDEX Adams, Charles Francis, 151 Albert!, George, 185-6, 194 Allegheny county, 107, 154 Allison, J. S., 148, 152 American party : see Know Noth- ings Anthracite furnaces, lOO Anti-Masonic party, organized, ii ; refuse to cooperate with the National Republicans. 12; main- tain in-dependent organization, 16; reject fusion with the Whigs, 18; state convention, 1835, 18-19; nominate Harrison for presidency, 1836, 29; oppose national convention, 29; policy in constitutional convention, 35- 41 ; control coalition with the WTiigs, 20, 29, 41, 56, 237; con- trol broken, 54-55; Buckshot War, 49-55; state convention, 1838, 57-5S; activity in WTiig national convention, 1839, 60 61; address in 1840, 63-64; re- sent sneers of Whigs, 68-69; attempts to revive party, 1843, 90-91 ; persistency of party sentiment, 94, and note Bailey and Brothers. 231 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 131-32 Bank Act of 1836, 23-28; of 1840, 62-63; of 1841, 69-72; of 1842, 76-77 Bank of Pennsylvania, 76 Bank officials, politics of, 38 Bank of the United States, Jack- son's opposition to, 13 ; ques- tion of, 1834, 15-18; obtains state charter, 23-26; suspends specie pa>'Tncnt, 63, 69; pro- \-ision for resuscitation. 70; liiiuidatinn, 72; officials accused 511] of bribery, 74; Handy Bribery Investigation, 77-79; effect oi failure of, on Whig party, 79 Banks, John, 69, 74 Banks, Nathaniel P., 227 Barker, Mayor of Pittsburgh, I76n., 194 Bedini, Cardinal, 208-9 Beecher, Henry Ward, 229 Berks county, 139, 245 Best, Valentine, 167 Biddle, Nicholas, 23, 70 Bigler, John, 180 Bigler, William, Democratic nomi- nee for governor, 1851, 180; elected, 190-192; signs bill re- pealing Act of March 3, 1847, 193; pardons Alberti, 194; gubernatorial candidate, 1854, 210-11 ; defeated, 215 Binney, Horace, 31 n., 243 Birney, James G., lii Black, Jeremiah S.. 215 Bonuses, paid by the banks, 25-2;^ Brackenridge, H. M., 202 Brewster, Benjamin H., 225n. " Borers ", activity of, in bar-k bribery, 77-79 Brodhead, Daniel M., 77-79 Brodhead, Richard, 177 Broom, Jacob, 198, 215 Brown, David Paul, 3in. Buchanan, James, " Ten Cent Jimniie", 'X4 ; withdraws as presidential candidate, 1843, 02; activity in campaign of 1844. 103; recommended for secre- taryship of state by the electoral college, 1 14-5; tariff of iS4f>, 121; a former Federalist, I37n.; on slavery in new territory, 139; opposifiom to leadership by. 143, 194; endorsed for prciidaicy, 1852, 194; not nominated. 197; -^5 266 INDEX [512 activity in campaign of 1852, 201 ; nominated for presidency, 1850, 2:^3; attacks on, 232-33; elected, 235 Buckshot War, 49-55, 61 Bufiington, Joseph, 2O0n. Burrowes, Thomas H., 50, 51, 84, 94, 95n., lojn. Butler, W. O., 152 Calhoun, John C, I44n. California, admission of, 170-72 Cameron, Simon, elected to Senate, 115-17; favors Taylor, 143; suspicions of bribery, 116, 17411., 217; opposes Buchanan, 143, 194; senatorial candidate, 1855. 217 Campbell, John H., iCKjn. Campbell, James, 181, 191 Canal Commissioners, made elec- tive. 88 Cantine, John J. C, 73 Cass, Lewis, 139, 151. 153, 158, 197 Catholics, Roman, Native Ameri- can attacks on, 104-6, 11 1; opposition to, in Pittsburgh, 17611., 194, 203n.; in Phila- delphia, 181 ; Know Nothing! attacks, 208-9. 211-13 Chandler, Joseph R., 214 Chester county, 56 Christiana Riot, 187-190 Clarion county, 103 Clay, Henry, and the National Republican party, 12; suggests conciliatory attitude towards Anti-Masons, 12 ; uses bank sentiment for political agitation, 13: not nominated, 1839, 5S-60; endorsed, 1843, 88; questioncdi on Masonry, 94; on annexation of Texas, 97-98; presidential candidate, 1844, 98; reasons for failure to carry state, 1 12-14; Native Americans and, I44n.; effect of Lexington speech, 146- 47; favored for presidency, 1 8 -8, 147; as a compromiser and its effect, 236 Cleaver, K"mber, 163, 190 Clover, Scth, 180 Coates, Reynell, 108 Cobb, Howell, 168 Cochran, Thomas E., 224 Compromises of 1850, 195-96 Conrad, Robert T., 212 Constitution of 183S, ratification! of, 41 Constitutional Convention of 1837- 3S, elections for, 33-34; con- stituency of, 34-36; work of, 36-41 " Convention Democrats," 20, 237- Convention of iron masters, 1849, 167-68 Cooper, Peter, 165 Cooper, James, chosen to Senate, 160 ; strives to control Whig state party, 161-62; opposes the governor, 176; favors adoption of " principles " by congres- sional caucus, 195 Cope, Thomas P., 243 Coryell, Lewis S., 32n. Corwin, Thomas, 178 Coulter, Richard, 179, 191 Craig, Neville B., 17 Cunningham, Thomas S., 22, 51 Curtin, A. G., 211 Daily Coniiiicrcial Journal, at- tacks slavery, 127; favors for- mation of a " Northern Whig Party," 195 ; blames South for •defeat of Scott, 202 iDallas, George M., on the powers of the constitutional convention, 33; unorthodox views on the bank, 104 ; on Cameron's elec- tion, 117; vote on the Tariff Rill of 1846, 124-26; favors *" non-intervention " policy on slavery, 139 Darsie, George, 223n. Davis, Jefferson, 171 Dayton, William L., 227 .Dearborn, H. A. S., 145 Democratic party, factional fight, 1835, 20-22; policy in the con- stitutional convention, 35-41 ; effect of Buckshot War on, 54- 55 : disrupted by the Porters, 86-88; attack the Kno-w Noth- ings, 213-214; see: Elections Denny, PLirmar, 29 Dickty, John, 26, 27 Donclson, A. J.. 227, 228 'Douglas, Stephen A., 197 513] INDEX 267 Dungan, Joshua, 174 Dunlap and Brothers, 231 E^ton and Water Gap Railroad, 205n. " Kdie " delegates. 226 Elder. William, 130 Election of 1834. 17; of 1835, 22; of 1836. 31-34; of 1837, 43; of 1838. 49-55; of 1839, 61; of 1840, 55-66; of 1841, 74-75; of 1842. 84-85 ; of 1843, go-91 ; of 1844. 109- 1 14; of 1845, 119-20; of 1846. 129-33; of 1847, 141-4^; of 1848, 156-59; of 1849, 163- 67; of 1850, 177; of 1851, 190- 92; of 1852, 200-02; of 1853, 206-07; of 1854, 214-16; of 1855. 223; of 1856, 235 EUmaker, Amos. 12 Fcnn, Theophilus, 221 Fillmore, Millard, 148, 197, 227- 2S, 235 Forney, John W., 1140.. 126, 233 Forward, Walter, ;isn., 84 Foster, William B., 129 The Forum, 104 Frazer, Reah, 143 Free Soil Democracy, 151, 210 Frelinghuysen, Theodore. 98, in Fremont. John C. 227, 235 Fugitive Slave Law, enactment, 179; enforcement in the state, 182-87 Fuller, Henry M.. 163, 165 Gamble. John A., 162 Germans, 40, 48, 208-09. 245 Gettysburg Railroad. 26 Ciettysburg Star and Banner, 68 Gibson. Adams, fugitive slave case, 185-8.) Gibson. I. B., 204 Gilpin, Henry D., I37n. Girard IJank, 14, 27 Gorsuch. Kdward, 187 (.-raham, William A., 197 Granger, I*'rancis. 29 Greeley, Horace, 204 (j'rier, Robert C., 183. 184 Grow, G^lu^ha :\., 175 Grund. F. J.. 171 Hale. John P., 198 Hallowell. Morris L.. and Co., 230 Hampton. Moses, 154, I73n. I landy, George, 77 Harrison, William H., state fav- orite for the presidency, 1836, 28-29; defeated, 1S36, 34; state convention of supporters. 1839. 59; nominated by national Anti- Masonic convention, 1838. 57- 58; nominated by na.ional Whig convention, 1S39. 60; elected, 6s-t6; formation o£ cabinet, 66-68; persistence of sentiment for, 94 Hcmpfield Railroad, 205n. Hicster, Isaac, 20on., 225n. Hiester, Joseph. 2ln. Hoffman. Jacob, 104 Hopkins, William. 51, 194 " Hunseckcr " delegates, 226 H utter. E. W. 73-74, ii4n. Ingersoll. Charles J.. 34n., 49. 53- 84. q8, 115 Ingersoll, Joseph R., 145 Ingraliam. Commissioner E. D., 185-85 Interest on state debt, paid in scrip, 75-76, 80 Inte nal improvements, and the Bank of the Cniteti States, 25; sale recf)mmended, OJ, 75; value of, 86n. : sale of, 204n. Irish, 105-06, 208 Iron, tax suggested on ore, 85; activity in iron business, lO^ ; effect of tariff of 1846 on, 130. 140, 165 Irvin, James, 141 Jackson, Andrew. 11, 13 Johnson, R. M.. 92 Johnston, William F., elected by Whigs to state senate. I42n. ; acting governor, 140; Whig can- didate for the governorship, 1848. 149-50; campaign, 152; election, 156-57; message of 1850, I29n. ; renomin.itcd, 1S51, 170; on the Christiana Riot. 188-89: defeated. IOOQ2: vetoes bill repealing .'\ct of March 3, 1847. i';3; in National Whig convention. 1X52. 196-97; bolts 268 INDEX national American council, 1855, 218; in state American conven- tion, 1855, 219; leader of free- soil " \orlh Americans," 226; nominated for vice-presidency, 227; withdraws, 228 Jones, Joel, 164 Julian, George W., 198 [514 letter on former fugitive Kane, John K., Polk's tariff to, 102-03; P'ederalist, I37n. ; on slave cases, 183-85; charges grand jury on treason, 189-90; and Passmore Williamson, 220- 21 Kansas-Nebraska Act, 209, 210, 214 Karns, Samuel D., 119, 12011. Kellcy, William D., i2Sn., I76n. Kensington Riot, 105-06 Kent, Chancellor James, 99n. Kidnaping Act of March 3, 1847, passed, 134-35 ; house repeals, i6c;; Democrats resolve for its repeal, 181 ; in gubernatorial campaign, 1851, 181-82; repealed, ^183 King. William R., 197 Know Nothings, formation of, 208-00; first elections, 212; vote in i8si, 215-16; national or- ganizati )T effected, 217-18; dis- rupted, 217-20; in the election, of 1856, 234-35; effect of party on the Whigs, 238-39 Kremer George, I44n. LamojTie, F. J., i4:2n. Lancaster county, 107, 154 Lancaster city, 203, 212 Lancaster Intelligencer, 92 I--and-Distribution Act, 81 Laporte, Bartholomew, 224 Lawrence, Joseph, 17, 32n. Lehman, Dr. George F., ii4n. I^scure, J. M. G., Ii4n. Levin, Lewis C., I55n;., 163, 176 Lewis, Ellis, 137, I44n. Lewis, William D., 162, 177, 203 LilxTty party, 107, 239 Littcll. John S., I55n. Longstreth, Morris, 141, 150, 156- 57 Lowe, E. L., Governor of Mary- land, 186 Lowry, M. B., 79 McCandless, Wilson, 103, 11 1, 167 McClure, .Mex. K., 221 McKean, Samuel, 20 McLean, John, 89, I44n. Markle, Joseph, 95, 96, 109 Meredith, William. 35n., 161 Mexican War, attitude of Whigs towards, 136-37 Middleswarth, Ner, 17, 22, 147, 155-56 Miners' Journal, 85, 1 18 Missouri Compromise, 218, 222, 226 Mitche!, J. S., 186 Morning Ariel, 120 Morehcad, J. M., 152 Morris and Son, 231 Morrison, W. T., 174 Morton, Robert H., 119, 130 Mott, Henry S., 214, 215 Muhlenberg, Frederick A., 21 n. Muhlenberg, Henry A., leader ofi Democratic faction, 1835, 20- 23; gubernatorial candidate, 22; defeated, 22; ambassador to Austria, 48; gubernatorial can- didate, 1844, 92 ; death, 92 Muhlenberg, Henry A. (Jr.), 143, 144 Nashville Convention, 171 National Republicans, 12, 16, 237 Native -Ajnericans, organized, 104- 08; local victories. 109; state organization, 1 18-19; endorse Taylor, 144-45; fuse with Whigs, 148-49; remnant of, 1852, 198; effect on Whig party, 238 National Gazette, 14, 40 Naylor, Charles, 53 Negro migration, 183 Nicholson, Thomas, 223 Norristozvn Register, 143 North American, on tonnage tax, 85 ; on annexation of Texas, 96, 118; on Tyler convention. 98; proposes impeachment of Tyler, 99; on the tariff, loi, 121, 123; on slave labor, 127; on Wilmot Prbviso. I'^S 515] INDEX 269 " North Americans," Ogle, Charles, 179 Oregon question, 129 227 Packer, William F., 160 Panic of 1837, 43 Parke. Samuel, I07n. Parker, Theodore, 229 Patterson, Major-General .Robert, 52 Patton, Joseph H., 141 Pennsylvania Inquirer. 153 Pennsylvania Railroad, 131, 132, 204n., 205 Pennsylvania Telegraph, 246 Pntnsylvanian. 87, 126, 251 Pennypacker. E. F.. 23 Penrose, Qiarles B., favors state charter for Bank of the United States, 26: joins Whigs, 27; during Buckshot War, 51-55; ini national Whig convention, 59- 61 Phelps, Davison, 224 Philadelphia, bank sentiment, 13 ; Native American movement, 104-07. 133, 144; effect of tariff of i8i6. 130: Liberty party in, 132; Buena Vista Festival, 146; "Rough and Ready Club," 148; Whigs and Native Americans cooperate, 144. 148, 155; effect of consolidation, 205 ; anti- Catholic sentiment, 104-07, 181, lOi, 208; Know Nothing move- ment, 211. 214; enforcement of Fugitive Slave Law, 1S2-86, 220- 21 ; trade with the South, 230- Pierce, Frajiklin, 197, 198, 201 Pike county, 113 Pittsbureh, railroad question in, 131; Dallas at, 139; anti-Cath- olic sentiment, I76n.. 194; elects Democratic mayor, 194; Whigs regain, 203 Polk, James K., 98, 102-03, 112, 114, 121 Pollock, James. Whig guberna- torial candidate, 1854, 209; Free Soil Democrats endorse, 210; Temperance men endorse, 211; Know Nothings endorse, 213; elected, 215 Porter, David R., Democratic gubernatorial candidate, 1S38, 48; attacks on his morality, 4S ; elected, 51; on the banks, 62; extensive use of the veto, 72- 7Z ; accused of accepting bribe, 74; reelected, 74, implicated in Handy Investigation, 77-79; disrupts Democratic party, 85- 88; on the tariff, loi ; in tariff convention, 1846, 120; favors Taylor, 143 Porter, James M., 53, 87, 143, 14S Power, James M., 129 Price, J. F.. 185, 186 Prigg v. Pennsylvania, 134 Publie Ledger, on election of 1844. 108; on senatorial election. 1845. 115; on political campaigning, 152; on Nashville Convention, 171 ; on election of 1852, 199 Randall, Josiah. 66n.. 176, 225n. Raynor. Kenneth. 228n. Read, John M., I37n., I44n., 171 Reed. William B., and state charter for the bank, 24; attorney- general, 45; on Harrison senti- ment, 94; joins Democrats, 225n. Reigart, E. C. lOTn., I42n. "Relief notes," 69-72 I^'publican party, formed in state, 219-20; perfects organization, 227-28; "Nigger Worshippers," 229; attacks on Cuchanan, 232 Riddle, R. M., 121. 202. 203n. Ritner. Joseph, gubcrnatori.il can- didate, 185;, 18; on the bank, 10; elected, 22; vetoes bank charter bills, 27; opposes Stevens, 30n. ; vetoes improve- ment bill, 42; on the panic of 1837, 43; renominated, 4.^ ; re- conciled to Stevens, 44-45; Buckshot War, 50-55; defeated for governor, 51; Senate re- jects him for office, 75n.; sug- gested for Senate. 84 Roberts, Jonathan, 84 Rosebury, R. I2n. Rush, Richard, 14, I37n. Salisbury, Seth, I44n. Siirgent, Nathrm, 3in. Schaeffer. Kinaiuicl, 154 Schulzc, John A. 2in.. 40. 48 270 INDEX Scott, Winfield, favored for pre- sidency, i^, 146, 179, 194; nomi- nated, 197; campaign, 201-02 Seabright, William, 194 Sergeant, John, president of con- stitutional convention, 35 ; op- poses adoption of constitution, 39; suggested for cabinet, 67; leading Whig, 243 Shunk, Francis, Democratic nomi- nee for governor, 1844, 92-93; elected, 109; renominated, 1847, 141 ; resignation, 149 "Silver Greys," 200n., 2*14, 225n. Slavery question, see : Christiana Riot; Compromises of 1850; Fugitive Slave Law ; Kidnap- ing Act ; Kansas-Nebraska Act ; Missouri Compromise; Texas; Wilmot Proviso Smith, Peter Sken, i44n. Solms, J., yj Southwark Riot, 106 Specie payment, suspended, 47, Spirit of the Times, 109, 119 State-owned stock, value of, 86n. Stevens. Thaddeus, in Harrisburg convention, 1834, 17; and state charter for Bank of the United States, 23-24; alleged hostility to Harrison, 34, 41 ; leads Anti- Masonic faction, 2Q-30; opposes fusion with the Whigs, 30-32, 35, 44; in constitutional conven- tion, 35 ; opposes adoption of constitution, 39; reconciled to Ritner, 44-45; P.uckshot War, 50-55 ; suggested for Harrison's cabinet, 67; lil>el suit. 73; suggested for Senate, 84; in political quandary, 1844, i07n. ; opposes Clay, 1843, go; attempts to revive Anti-Masonry. 90; con- gressional election. 1848, 154-55; control in Lancaster county weakened, i8on. ; on Fugitive Slave I^aw, i84n. ; leader of " Wooly Heads,'' 2O0n., 214; an alleged Know Nothing, 213; re- gains control of county, 225n. Stewart, Andrew, 161 Stewart, Charles, I44n. Stockton. Rol>ert F., 2-28n. Strohm, John, 179 [516 Sturgeon, Daniel, 114 Sub-Treasury System, opposed by Whigs, 46, 108 Sumner, Captain E. V., 52 Sunbury and Erie Railroad, 205 Supreme Court Judjgcs elective, Tariff, Tyler and the, 82-83; of 184:2, passed, 99 ; views on, 100- i; failure to alter, 101-2; issue in 1844, 102-3, 110-12; as party issue, 242; attempts to prevent alteration, 120-125; of 1846, pas- sage, 121-26; effects of passage, 126-31 ; Democrats begin to de- fend, 140-41; issue in 1848, 153; agitation for revision, 1850, 172- 74 Taxation. repealed, 1836, 25 ; amounts raised by, 28n., 62n; restored, 62-63; resorted to to deem scrip. 80; proposed ton- nage tax, 86 Taylor, Zacharj', effect of victor- ies, 143 ; Democrats consider as presidential possibility, 143-44; Native Americans and, 144-45 ', not an " ultra-partisan Whig," J45; nominated by Whigs, 148; accepts Charleston Demo- cratic nomination, 152; elected, 158 Temperance question, 201, 205, 2I1I, 216, 239 Ten Hour Law, 155, 157, 166 Texas, treaty of aimexation, 96- 99; resolutions of annexation, 1 17-18; effect on state Whigs, 242 Todd, James, 3011. Treason trials of 1851, 189-190 Tredegar Iron Works, 139-40 Tyler, John, nominated for vice- presidency, 60; opposes Whig- policies, 73; use of veto, 82, 83; no support, 89; candidate for presidency, 1844. 98-99; with- draws, 99; impeachment urged, 99 " LTnion " candidates, 223. 224 " Union " electoral ticket, 233-34 United States Gazette. 38, 57, 97 :I7] INDEX 71 Van Buren, Martin, unpopular irj state, 32 ; carries election, 1836, 34; defeated, 1840. 65-66; en- dorsed as presidential candidate, 1844, 92; on annexation of Texas, 97-98; Free Soil can- didate, 1848, 151 ; vote for in 1848. 158 Van Camp, John C, lO/n. Vaux, Richard, I44n. Walker, John II., 23 Walker, Robert J., 121 Wallace. Joseph, i2n Walsh, Henry, ii4n. Washington, George C, 19S Webster, Daniel, 57, 73, 198 Wetherill, John Price, 3in., 243 Whig party, formation of, 15-17; slow growth, 17-19; support Ritner, 19 ; favor state charter for the Bank of the United iStates, 23; forced to favor Harrison, 1836, 31 ; policy in constitutional convention, 35-41 ' endorse Ritner, 1838, 44; Buck- shot W'ar, 49-55 ; form state organization, 56; national con- vention, 1839, 58, 60-61 ; ad-' dress of 1840, 63-64; oppose tonnage tax, 85 ; conservatism) of, 88, 225n., 243-46; opposes annexation of Texas, 96-97; urges impeachment of Taylor, 99; on Mexican War, 136-27; becomes free-soil, 135; "poli- tically bankrupt," 206; dissolu- tion, 221-35 ; " old line " Whigs, 229: characteristics of, 236-46; party of compromise, 236; lacks homogeneity, 236-38; effect of Know Nothings on, 238-39; a minority party, 240; no clearly defined policy, 241-43; consti- tuency of. 243-44; see: Elections Williams, Samuel, iQOn. Williamson, Passmore, 220-21 Wiikins, William, 33, 97, 137 Wilmot, David, favors tariff of 1846, I23n.; reelected to Con- gress, 132, 156; leader of Free Soil Democrats, 151 ; withdraws from candidacy, 1850, 175; on, Whig party, I99n. ; gubernator- ial candidate of Free Soil Dem- ocrats, 1854, 209; withdraws, 210; forms Republican party, 220 Wilmot Proviso, introduced, 137; in 29th Congress, 138; Whigs and Democrats in state endorse, 138; Democrats begin to oppose, 139; campaign issue, 142, 153, it>4. 170. 242 Wirt, William, 12 Wolf, George, 20, 22, 48 Woodward. G. W^, 115, 2O0n. " Wooly Heads," 200n., 214, 225n. Wright, Hendrick B., 100, I44n.. I56n., I59n. VITA The author was bom at Marietta, Peiinsylvania, July 21, 1887; educated in the public schools of Philadelphia and Lancaster, Pennsylvania; attended Franklin and Marshall, 1905-1907, and Muhlenberg Colleges, 1907-1909; A. B., Muhlenberg, 1909; taught at Great Barrington, Massa- chusetts, and at Allentown, Pennsylvania, 1909-1914; post- graduate student at Columbia University, 1914-1917; A. M., Columbia, 1915; President's University Scholar. 1915- 191 6; University Fellow in American History, 1 916- 191 7; served with the 306th Field Artillery, 1917-1919; attended the Sorbonne, March- June, 1919; instructor of History and Political Science, Carleton College, 19 19-1920; pro- fessor of History, Muhlenberg College, 1920-. ?"ii^ CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Jv^^"^ ^Oz Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 1 -month loons may be renewed by colling 642-3405 6^month loons moy be rechorged by brfngmg books to Crculot,on Renewols ond rechorges moy be mode 4 doys prior to due dote m. '^"^ m 3 1 m^^'^^ STAMPED RFi niy I n^r. '-"DIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA RFPi^Fi fv FORM NO. DD6, 40m, 3/78 BERKELEY, CA 94720 'P^S w "f BmEuy im^ A!, ,„,,„ ill