TABLES OF ORGANIZATION (BASED ON FIELD SERVICE REGULATIONS, 1914 ; : ORGANIZED MILITIA 1914 PEACE Section VIII TABLES OF ORGANIZATION UNITED STATES ARMY 1914 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1914 ^rf-^-^-^*- U-S . Oj^uul^JL /& ^^~U^^~- o -^UsJtLtS TABLES OF ORGANIZATION (BASED ON FIELD SERVICE REGULATIONS, 1914) ORGANIZED MILITIA 1914 PEACE Section VIII TABLES OF ORGANIZATION UNITED STATES ARMY 1914 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1914 • •-■ • >•' •••»-. •- A3 War Department, Office of the Chief of Staff, Division of Militia Affairs, Washington, D. C, August 27, 1914. The following tables of organization prescribe the peace organization of the Organized Militia of the United States. The war organization of the Organized Militia is prescribed in Section II, Tables of Organization, United States Army, 1914, with the addition of inspectors of small-arms practice authorized for peace. All orders at variance with the organization herein given are revoked. All matters in conflict with these tables that are contained in Regulations of the War Department for the Organized Militia, and in circulars of the Division of Militia Affairs are hereby modified to meet the conditions prescribed. The war strength tables are necessarily based on the maximum war strength authorized by existing law. The peace organization herein outlined permit in every instance ready expansion to war strength. The tables prescribe a minimum strength of organizations. Where desired, States are authorized to organize, recruit, and equip up to the war strength prescribed in Section II, Tables of Organization, United States Army, 1914. The number of rifles and pistols shown is only approximate, and in no sense is to be considered as prescribing the equipment. The various equipment manuals definitely fix the number of rifles and pistols to be supplied. The allowance of transportation for combat trains depends upon the quantity and character of ammunition and special equipment actually required to be with organizations in battle and on the march. (See Field Service Regula- tions.) This allowance varies with the different branches and arms. The transportation allowance for field trains is based on the principle that rations, grain, and other supplies carried in those trains are to be replenished at the same intervals for each branch and arm of the service; the size of the train depending entirely upon the strength of the organizations and the number of animals attached. The transportation allowances for baggage are prescribed in Tables of Organization, United States Army, 1914. Whenever the conditions of the service make it necessary to detach for independent action, companies, troops, batteries, squadrons, or battalions, they may have assigned to them a portion of the regimental field train, or if the dispersion of the division is general, the vehicles and animals of the supply and ammunition trains are available for this purpose. In commands smaller than divisions in time of peace the wagons of the combat train may, when so authorized, be used in carrying such additional baggage for the officers and enlisted men of the organization as is deemed necessary by the commander, or may be assigned to companies, troops, batteries, etc., when these are detached and marching independently from their regiments. vehicles and pack animals assigned to the combat trains will habitually march with the organization to which assigned in the manner prescribed in Field Service Regulations. They will be kept at all times completely supplied with their special equipment, except that the ammunition, if any, to be carried in time of peace will be specified in orders. The wagons assigned to the combat trains and to the ration and baggage section of field trains of organizations will, at all times, have stenciled on both sides of the wagon bed, in black, the following words in 6-inch letters, viz: "Combat train, Inf. (Abbreviation of State)." "Field Train, Ration, Inf. (Abbreviation of State)." "Field Train, Baggage, — — Inf. (Abbreviation of State)." The ambulances and wagons temporarily assigned to each regiment of Infantry, Cavalry, and Artillery in time of peace for the purpose of transporting the sick and the camp infirmary will be assigned by the State authorities to ambulance companies and field hospitals of the division sanitary trains when possible, and will be marked with the words "Sanitary Train Division," and the number of the company to which assigned. While temporarily assigned to regiments, ambulances march with the combat train, and the wagons carrying the camp infirmary march with the baggage section of the field train. As the weight of the camp infirmary alone will leave an excess of carrying capacity in this wagon, and as the Field Service Regulations require the baggage of the regimental sanitary detachment to be carried on the baggage section of the field train, the remaining space on this wagon may be utilized in such manner as is deemed best by the regimental commander. The excess wagons in States which are suitable for field service will be assigned by the State authorities to the divisional ammunition, supply, and sanitary trains and will be marked accordingly. By Order of the Secretary of War: W. W. WOTHERSPOON, Major General, Chief of Staff. Official: A. L. MILLS, Brigadier General, General Staff, Chief, Division of Militia Affairs. (3) CONTENTS Page. Table 1. State Headquarters 2. Composition of Divisions and Brigades 8 3. Infantry Division 8 4. Infantry Division, Headquarters 8 5. Infantry Brigade 9 6. Infantry Regiment 1° 7. Cavalry Regiment H 8. Artillery Brigade 12 9. Light Artillery Regiment 12 10. Light Artillery Regiment — Continued 13 11. Light Artillery Battalion 13 12. Light Artillery Battalion — Continued 14 13. Light Artillery Battery 14 14. Light Artillery Battery — Continued 15 15. Pioneer Battalion of Engineers 16 16. Ponton Battalion of Engineers 17 17. Field Companies of Signal Troops 18 18. Commander of Trains 19 19. Ammunition Train 19 20. Supply Train 19 21. Sanitary Train 20 22. Sanitary Units 20 23. Table of Strength of Sanitary Personnel of Separate Units 20 24. Transportation Units, Quartermaster Corps 21 25. Coast Artillery Organizations '■ 22 (5) ' 00 H QD H fc £ o H H O O o ^ 3 M g 1 M O !S a « 81 §S +j bo 9s •I 9 :§£' 4 I ft I ! h a !.0 a as as bs as u 3 ^ 3 h^ ci~* o ® ^ oj ® „m n[3 — *3 ^S O II 11 Is SS; . 8-9 II '«a -sS «a S3 gS §2 «"« tn^'* oj^ 10 05 ^IjuuUiIju! Q J. 4> © ™ 8© S &° £ £ -III ■Sf .§• 3 --!§-! i as =;•; C-CT3 ojS - 13-S-I5 3 § S a o a S3|S g ■2.25.2 t •§■§$1 'g'S>.'2 o (7) Table 2. -Composition of Divisions and Brigades. An Infantry division consists of — Division headquarters. 3 brigades of Infantry. 1 regiment of Cavalry. 1 brigade of Artillery. 1 pioneer battalion Engineer troops. 1 field battalion Signal troops. Trains: 1 ammunition train. 1 supply train. 1 sanitary train. An Infantry brigade consists of — Brigade headquarters. 3 regiments of Infantry. An Artillery brigade consists of — Brigade headquarters. 2 regiments of Field Artillery. Table 3. — Infantry Division. Personnel. Animals. Vehicles. a B be © C eo a a •a s K a OS 8 — 5 Organization. Officers. J j > Enlisted men. ■r. 1 "> D 1 ■ Horses. Mules. With firing battery. i *» 03 1 u Field trains. 11 dd.3 cfr II E-3 E n & | H 3 2 a I 1 a O 1 ■ 1 Q O OS 4» * — « ar> S3 n u - ■* 3 s 3 •0 5 e 1 5 s i 1 i ® — £ C r i so ll 9 M £ g % 3 a K •10 468 51 83 16 8 »4 «4 2 3 39 4 6 1 1 1 •33 8,262 919 1,754 197 163 »65 «40 7 144 16 32 5 4 3 5 3 3 3 f 28 \ »33 8,928 993 1,883 219 176 { »69 1 t 4 4 \ "126 150 34 «22 579 974 618 31 150 4 «68 } • >8 124 X 12 804 104 140 36 28 4 392 392 360 1 90 4 48 5 8 1 39 5 7 1 3 1 1 72 17 28 3 3 »33 7,164 802 f »22 \ 15 1,761 972 9 1 2 "2 4 1 54 153 17 2 25 13 1 36 4 1 1 1,080 16 15 48 78 1,939 50 186 Trains: Commander of trains, military po- 171 »63 »21 >M 126 142 2 / 21 39 93 96 f »23 \ 126 144 4 50 8 38 275 90 .».. Total 638 93 12 10 11,295 486 277 9 12,507 2,564 1,096 129 2,472 269 48 78 246 17 124 189 40 8,152 5,178 1 Does not include aides. ' Detailed from Infantry, Cavalry, and Artillery of division; not included in totals. Table 4. — Infantry Division. Headquarters. • One is a bell horse. Commissioned. I J =3 > 5 Enlisted. i 1 1 be Transportation. 1 ■3 2 I O 1 s S 3 | I i s $ 2 S 3 3 i Infantry. 1 Cavalry.' Hospital Corps. Quarter- master Corps. 3 to j 1 H W i i B B CO i CO & i > * Pk 2 1 CO O § 1 1 2 i bo E ■ J 1 C m u r t 1 3 •3 I "3 B O 1* 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 3 1 2 3 2 1 5 10 33 3 2 3 2 3 2 4 2 5 11 22 l» General staff: • Chief of staff Ik Assistant chiefs of staff 1» I* 1» Ik •> 1' Technical and administration staff: 2 Mk 1* Ik 1' 1 2k \ .... 2 7 33 s 1' If 1 2 8 2» i" 16k 1 1 2 1 12 Total 1 2 1 2 3 6 6 12 3 3 2 2 16 3 1 2 8 2 2 4 4 16 16 1 1 6 4 2 3 45 64 3 56 k Individually mounted on a horse; 1 led horse allowed for field and general officers. • Detailed from Infantry division. » Detailed from Cavalry division. ' Field train. ' Combat train. » Detailed from the division. , « When the Organised Militia is called into the service of the United States, the chief of staff and assistant chiefs of staff will be assigned by the President of the United States. At all other times officers of the line or staff corps with suitable rank shoild be detailed as acting chief of staff and acting assistant chiefs of staff. ' Inspector of small-arms practice (optional). (Not in Inspector General's Department.) • 1 as sanitary inspector. Table 5. — Infantry Brigade. Organizations. Personnel of brigade. Commissioned. Headquarters lh 3 regiments of Infantry (including at- tached sanitary troops) Total . . . Horses, riding. s2t 49 44 Enlisted. !9 2,745 2,754 81 10 2,793 Civil- ian. Mounts. 16 177 l'.K Transportation. Wagons Field train. 4 264 is Other small arms. 11 576 ' 1 brigade adjutant, 1 inspector of small-arms practice, and 1 major, medical corps. It is assumed that the brigade adjutant is a major of the Adjutant General's Department of the State. He mav be a major detailed from the line. 1 Tho personal aides are detailed from the Infantry of the brigade. 3 Detailed from regiments of the brigade See note 5 under "The Infantry regiment." h Individually mounted on a horse; 1 led horse for each field officer. 53094—14 2 10 c w « g H S3 £■ s ! E •jjtup 'samn | oo 00 a 1 •noij -MS uoriej hi | OO oo •notiDOS a3s33«q ui | ■* - is •jpred 'S3[njv j ■a CO — ■JJSJP 'sapiH i* § o •sno8«A\. -< o» o 1 •ssmta Saipia ■ { - *H *)u«d3i9S jajSBUi -joji^nb iBiaami^aH s - •jofum jtnsaSjas |t>irami8aH J3 : i-l ■s .1 1 1 1 3 mox *«• i" d CO CO o •nreidsqo a : -< s(ireaa)n3H pnooes - a C4 *4 ■o •sureoajnsn jsjij CO ^4 s •snrejds;} JS j= N PH] ■SJOfBJ? i • CO • CO «-« laaoioo jauaajnojq * : - •paoioo £ : - 1 | 1 I | o = - ■ X. 1 t i ■ 1 1 f - j § : ■2 : 1 : c. • SI B 1. |: HI m . e i\ 1' «J ll § 1 if 1 fj 6 m 1 I £ a >1 I d = Si P j i J: > 1 J 1 B I 1 A ■1 1 1 1 I 2 ■ 1 i CO '. s ; ■S : ■o : %i 9 - §s s8 §r a* 1 1 ! f 1 i — « i - I|s| Bl c ~ r — MCdd w5S .2 c: 5 rf c.5 e=-- = = i - 83 53 ttcc g ll IffllM § ->© c a a * ^ i s "26 o:-t-;^u Ble-eilllll iii a illMi gra 1 h- .flat ■ 72 o ° a — © ^ C ® M 11 g 3 6 w ►J ill o sis •(SJ9AJ0A9J JO) SIO)S|d i« ■4 mg>*n c5 • *oc M S ! •88D1H i ig" 5 i : II cs-*r 89 •snn3 9inqoBm oiiBmoinv • ■«" -r -f a o ! & 2a •Ump 'seinw :3 : coco coco •uopo9s nojiBj ni . r- • t-r- •nonoos 98B33«q ui .iO iOio 11 i 3 a •JlOBd 1 I to <0<0H •jibjq: . . TtlC* ««£ •sno3BAl H« •** 10 •sasjoqStnpiy; COr-l eoi>»o N I COW O I ■ 1 •TOOl i JS" 5 go ■ m« C4 • cop Sc3 ■69JBAUJ . !(o - : »3 wo** - ' •ssBio-JSin 'seiBAfjj : : •sj9i8dranjx ■ CN SS •&I9U03B\\ ! I« «« •sueippBg . . -C W C9 •SJ9011S9SJ0II . . -C NN ■SjeUIB.J : ; ie< N« •83(000 ' 'c 5 ■ssBio^)Sjg 'ff|uB93.i9g : : rt ■s^nB98aes i9;sBnxi9iiBnb dooix . . .c W(N ■S1UB93.19S 1SJTJ . > .c CSC4 ■jo[bui sjuraSJOs uttipBnbg .p- COCO •loftjra mniQ - • : ^ •treioisntn iBdiotrjjj - : 1 ^^ •J9j9dranjj j9mo - : : ^H»H •nBjojsntnjaiqo - : : M*i ■SlUB93i9S J0I03 '• • • CM ■ ■ M(N •?UB93j9S A\lBSSp3IUI00 IB}U9Un38}I ""« 'iaB93j9S I9;SBUXI9'lJBnb tBja9Un39>J ~~ •jofBtn iuuoKjos [Bin9an895j rtrt •saBiJBuuQjeA c* «N j 1 1 W»x •W.-. CO ■ '. '. c*e> "3 lO •suiBidBqo * «-, •sjuBu9^n9n puooeg It '. IT iOW3 •s}uBn9in9n i&rr j 1 ; • (N ■ ■ ! i-HO M3»0 ■saiBidBO 1 "^ ** ! II i-tO « (D •saofBH | : • • ;C ««•-< ■[9uoioo-}nBa9}n8n h -« •[9UOIO0 ) ^ _- J 3 -a I a ■2 o ne 2 1 5 I § I * Headquarters troop (provisional): Service detachment • (detailed, 4 optional) Machine-gun troop 6 (provisional, detailed, 4 3 5 i I 1 • J ■ f Si 5 1: -- 3 3 1 SSfeSsS E2 g s £ •g ca !§■ H02 i c 8? T3 ft 3 d rt ® g •2 8.-° UP4 Jo as 8 s 3 00 8 CO o 8 eo | c* IN - -> - rt rH " - - N « tot* CO 00 •o to - - - ^ CO CO - .-H rt i- rl !- | c e 1 i I j ! i 4 'l -: M ij - > ': < - 1 c 1] 1 1 :- i: n J c 5 ' HP [ j IJ i 1 ■ ? !i ij 1 I 3 S "8 i3i2o « « s-S s S«.g II ll i3b !&3 §3 c a il e^ si a O © -O c3 M to o go t'i to t* le? 1^8 as 11 is ill as.. t% H -slf ^a fg »es £§ T3 H ( •o* 1 B ■on B.S 3£8 la a J slS ESS a a .a •SoS 3 rt rt «.a III •c-SI Bjfdg" •c.g »i s a F s~.2 5S2-B C ® ftp 00 ° 8 > a £ li- a ■aofSa 3 3 .£S-3* :ga r|5w-gj : s § ?•■* age " fl »- H •>. c O ^- ft ^-o ^ 12 ■ (SJ9A10A9I jo) sjoieid 'sum? if*™S o M M a a — - Eh 1 ■>:■"•,: •jjtua •}JBjp 'S8SJOH =1 ?? •Saipu 'sasjoq 'sjimoK •norp9S ooj^bi in suoSB^i •saSEiiira opal} }Bqtnoo si f B •S33BIJJSD J3TJJO •SUTIO •TOO! •s^jep oBiiriiO TOOX sdio,} jajssjnjsjJBrrft •sdioo lEiidsou •iiain»iv ■streuBaiaffiBA £ S pguotssnmnoo IB}0X •smBidBqo ■sjtrensinsti pnoa9g SO 30 •sjnBMjnainsii.-i •snrejdBj SJOfBH spuoioo lOBnajnojq •s[aao[oo -puatraS jarpBSiig 3 .a Si 5 *w 8 a, h »S5 33 a* S3 .2 o +j © "3 3 ■o 5 ss £■0 |9 if ■ bSs •T.S-* j 33 1 lee* if 8 c •£ £ ~ = — ^ »-"» t- w o) a". *. HUtti Ss3 ©is ©*" Eh a 3 - h « ►J a — H ■5 ■=22S^S^ E* ^ in •„- 3 £ a j gt|S*§f E - ~ I - * = "SI 53 ■SinB93j9g •siBJodjoo fjmeSne, •s9[ia9pjo p9»anoH .2» ■3-3 - s Is 3.1 ge as « o o C =42 •)UB93J9S J9i9dratux •i9!9draru) jaiqo •uBiojsnra iBdpuijj •jofBta uiiua •s^nB93j9s jojoo I « •}ire98j9s AjBssiraraoo [ *•* SJUB93J9S J9}SBUIJ9}JBn?) •UBioisnoijaiqo •aofBui sjireaSjas - •streuBUU9:j9A « •paaotssiioinoD [Bjox •aiBidBqo ■S)HBU9jn91I pU009g •SJUBU9jn9ItJSI!J •saiBjdB.) " •SJOfBK •paoiOD juBuoinoi'i — •|9aoioo 1 J I 1 i o I 3' Hi I II C 03 3350: 13 s a a o O « a 3 rt y a H -a ►3 B •(sjoajoam jo) sioisid 'snus neuis ■Jfoiij •lrttia •3uiP!lI 'Wro- te* •SUOSbAI P19I J •suo8bm XjonBa ■snoSBM 9iOJg ■ff)JBO 199H •suosstuo •suno 'irBjp 'ssinK •SuiptJ 'B9SJ0H •uopoas nonBa ui 'UOI1098 92uS3«q UI •5(0«d 9piK •SutpiH ■uni9i uiix9 ( irBia •?jbjo •6UOiftA\ £WiVQ ■SUOSUM 9JO-Jg BOMBTC ) •Sinpia s MBja •S1JBO I90J 9SJ01I-J ■SU0SSI8J •buuo 8 s S8 WBB 3 o K 5 P ts a < •o 8 M 5. § 55 g " ■0 8 s a a a 3 8 .3 c "H 55 S2S- 8 - •36 a J s* ° a ■*af: - SSa H ■P *• a " i ~ M 03 >*a a £ 3 r^S* H ", •°*e c H 3 S 3 9 feSS r-, O os.tS <-£ C fc. CC g — Vi O C3 *— < H-a.2 |l| J B £ ^-SCh OT - 22 °0 13 f w ■ssa "S* . d that allow with mules assume mental ulance t draft ■aia§ s««;h 00 ^3 1-1 ~~. -* a a "3 "3 £ 1 E s a •a ■ 1 •pa^sit 09 !^ ^ | •sj99aotraBo '1^ J~ ■019 'SJ9AU(T s?S S (n a c 1 •SOIBAJIJ •ssbjo isig 'sgiBAUti •siBiodioo 'S;UB93J9g •SSBp 5SiS *S^UB93j9g 4 . •siBJodioo uossjbo '00 00 ■sjouuno !n •snBjoistiK - 1 •soiutfqDaH icS IN •gopiBqoQia jaiqo |m co •siobqSjos ssopj •siuB83j3S9iq«ig • ec w *SiaB93j9S J8-tSBUIJ9^JBnt> ■CO CO •s^uboSjos isji^ ■ CO CO 5 I CO 'S91BAIJJ •pOlunOUI 'S95BATJJ -h to r- ■SIBJOdlOQ t-.CO "»« -S)OB93j9S i BO IHtApJt CO • CO •siBJ0dJ03 coo 01 •S?aB93j9g 1 B ■si^jodaoo 'S?UB93j9g •s9i[J9pjo p9iunoj«{ CN '• IN 11 s c 31 ga II As * c « 2 p "(UB93J9S J9^9duinJJ, ■j9l9diuiu5jaiqo ■UBiajsniu •jofciu uinaa •ff}UB93j9S JOpj "jaBaSjas a'jbssiuiuio;) •s-jUB93i9s i9-jt;Brai9;aBntt W : p4 •UBioisnui jeiqo •JOfBUI SlUB93i9g * : ^ ■SUBUBOIJ919A 1 8 ■pgnoissiniraoo i«?ox C0"5 00 •utBidBqo ■S}aBU9in9ti pnoo9g CO C O , s^ireu9'jn9Ti isji,j & •su[Bid«3 f-«CO ^J< •sjoCbk _ : - •jaaoioo iaBa9tn9iT; puoioo 1 Battalion headquarters Three batteries Total I I Is •II 14 ks t^r- (STOAJOAM JO) SlOJStd 'SOUS nSmS .2 O 1-4 h < O S o Pi : M : 5 en "5 fi "c rt ■a 8 tc _c 1 o d 3 1 9 M *CS | C ■< j a 3 ~HWi : : : 3 i! i 1 •o^'sjeAiJd : *3 -3 »S O CO to • «t"a : a : : : £ m & o o 1 o 3 •satBAijj : •SSSIO lSJtJ 'S»J«AU«I : 6 so ■ in O •ampia •siBJodioo : •ij«a "SIB •S}HB93J9S •H •ssbxo jsjij 'sinro3j9g : " s ■ i ■sqoSbai pi9i£ i: : | :i ; | •a 3 •s[8Jodjoo uossibj : . — — • • • to = •snoSsJi irawa 'Sjamnio • ■4*4 t«tfH : : : * •suo3ea\ eS&iojs i § ■&arre83j9s r~ >-t r-l ^H w-i *-* ... tc ■s^ooo '• Ico m •SJJBDpSa •a 'SUBtOISTlK N '.'.'. C4 s — a 3 "nossrej ■ « c< Pi •soiuwipaj^ | .-«• ■ ■*• 1 •soiaBqoara jsiqo • »-t ■ f-« A •sntio 'cm N eo i ~ 2 - 's^acaSids sst>K I o -siasaSiss ojqeis 1 i" : - o 8 ! i CD 1 < ■JJBjp 'S9PK : : : 3 . . . n • ■ • ? •S1HB93J9S J8JSBinJ»JJBnt) | • •«-• rH o <-< •sHreaSws isjij « : : : -• •Smpu 'sskioh • w eo o : e- : 8 a « a •S918AJJ.I | i S3 -no; toes nousi nj : : : & III » •p»nmoni 'saisAu,! e*i . . , ! P. i m : S i £ ; _> ' — B : i * m "° 15 4 03 1 s 08 C « a 9 •(SJ9APA9J io) sjoisid 'store jrems o ecr- t-r* r- tc K <* 0' a "5 i •^a •5jBja i i— ■ •3mp[H O CCN WW »0 W IflH W CO ■ijBia «w we* w w to • s S Q .2 g •suottem pieii[ •suoStiAV jSae^^g "" 1 T^ •buoSbai wens rt 1 ^H •S^JBO I99y "snoieeso t-.^! ,-(,_, w CM CO "SUTIO W^, ^.rt ■* § o 8 B D en 1 1 - 3;bjp 'sep^y? •Stiipy 's9sjoh FH 1-* o B ■U0p09S U0J3BJ HI ■uot^oos eStjgSBq uj to 1 03 .O e o O is '21013d OJtlH i S3 o •SnipiH e* U3 ' t- •niB9? BJ?X9 'SJfcia ^ • ■* . *?j«Ja w IN ' s w hi o <£ i 1 1 •eno&BAV. ^jo^g; " : •snoSuM. 9Jo;g - i •BUOIESBO -Ht-l r-li-H "* ( E > ll ■• 2 * 1 1 1 - hi E| j E o | 1.1 11 s J SI 2 S H 3?£ r ■ ^£ "§,1 - > s - B B E .2 - b c 2 % 1 — d .2 B a >. B 1 O i rt o -■a d'd "ot o I- « a I O OH = 5-1 •s « 1 1 h? o « -d i ■ ii ■gq fl £ o3 a .£? ^ «_-_: « j * Ui0!S o '0!o ■2 o o *; o '3 ^ aa* d.03 j"o o 'C o*2 — d'drt d- : ^ ° Where engineer troops of a State are organized as a corps, the company and battalion officers shall belong to the corps and be assigned for duty with the organization. » Owned or hired; for service in the field, and when required for drills, horses and mules may be used interchangeably if prescribed number of either not available. * Two sergeants detailed as color sergeants. I The total number of privates is 126, first and second class; the number of first-class privates may equal, but should not exceed the number of second-class pi ivates. & Battalion adjutant. • Assistant inspector of small-arms practice; one for each separate battalion or for two or more battalions where united for purposes of administration, drill, and instruction. i One map wagon (4-mule). One tool and explosive wagon (4-mule). * When authorized by the Secretary of War, same as prescribed for infantry. • Battalion quartermaster and commissary. '• Two first lieutenants for companies having strength of 68 or more enlisted. II First or second class. 18 Three detailed as horseshoers, 3 as farriers, 3 as saddlers, 9 as drivers, and 3 as mounted orderlies at battalion headquarters. u Companies having enlisted strength of 100 or more will have mounted section as prescribed for pioneer company of the Regular Army. " Tool and explosive, etc. (4-mule). ■» Sanitary combat train. 17 •(J99j) oSpuq jo jjiSnoi ii s |.a ii ii b' 3 s •I«40i « :S m •einin-* 'dojv - * •0|nui^'i o0 X « • C» CO •9inoi-» 'ssaqo • N CI •OTtlUI-fr ( oi;s9Jx • C4 CI •otnoi-t 'aoiaoj • 00 Vj •jq«II 'snojsiAip eSpjjg :* - •R19AI0A3J JO 610)814 * ~3 8 •sema :S I 1 1 & B 1 •3108a :S *? •ijoja 00 ■ 1 > d 1 41 •o •3 •uon -MS UOp^H >o : ia -non -09S 92B33Bg ^H • ft •njuji isquioo C4 ;S M fj § •rattim 3ajpja N • MS r- •s9SJ0q 8njpiH US a" O 1 3 1 § CM i ■a H •Woj, I •ssBp puooos •SSBp JSJIJ •strepjsnN •sjtooo •sisjodjoo ■sjuusSjag •}[ITO3jOS I91S80I -J9ii8nb Ausduioo ja«93a9s isii j; I9&I3S JffJSSUI •joteui 1U893J3S UOlJBWg •6 ■ o & o o •pn°X •sjaBueinon puooag •s}msa9}noii %%m •sniBidBo •JOfBH 1 1 g & Si = ?i D.8 a.*- 56h : ; ; I" r. \ 1 1 | 4 £ -3 •9 5 a s 1 § •- — a 3 S 2 5 £ Ii I © ft 5 i "83 *1« l-i'Sli 18 Table 17. — Signal Corps. field company— type a. Organization and duties. Four wire sections ' . Two radio sections V Total Attached sanitary troops. Personnel. Commissioned. Ik 2' 1» Enlisted. l» It 5>> 2 h Ik 2 It 10 8 k 2 SI 2 } • } > 5" 12 k 24 13' 13 Transportation. Wagons. Field train.' Animals. Mules. M U 8 >1 27 79 1 Enlisted men. Quartermaster Corps, as drivers of the 2 wagons of field train. 1 The peace cadre of a field battalion is 1 field company, composed of 4 wire sections as the cadre for the wire company and 2 radio sections as the cadre for the radio company. ' Four wire carts (2-horse); 1 instrument wagon (4-mule). 4 One wagon radio set (4-horse); 1 instrument wagon (4-mule). 5 Sanitary combat train, k Mounted. FIELD COMPANY— TYPE B. Ik 2k 3 lk 5k cs 10 k 2 } - n }8k 75 65 5 2 12 4 78 FIELD COMPANY— TYPE C. lk 1 lk 3k n 4k 3 } " /Ilk \ 3 }8k 40 32 . , 4 12 41 FIELD COMPANY— TYPE D. lk lk lk 2 1 lk lk 3k 2k { 3 2 3k 4k 2 { 5 2 J: { 10k 15k }Bk 38 29 31 1 ^ 4 16 8 27 1 Total ■ 1 2 3 2 5 8 13 2 29 8 67 58 1 4 1 1 4 16 8 70 FIELD COMPANY— TYPE E. Four pack radio sections and one wagon radio section. } Ik 2k 3 lk 8k f 8 k 13 k \ 2 2 } ■ PS }.k 75 70 2 4 4 12 78 FIELD BATTALION. 1" Ilk 2 »lk ■lk 5k 6k ni I /32k \ «7 /33k i»2 } }8k } 8 k 8 5 75 75 9 1 65 70 '1 »« «2 4 16 4 4 12 10 / 1 "2 3 12 4 5 Ik Ik 2k 2k 3 3 lk lk 10 k 2 13 k 2 } ' } ■ 78 78 Total 1 2 5 8 1 2 13 20 lk 27 4 83 3k 14 163 4 145 5 8 3 3 16 28 12 "1 171 Attached sanitary troops lk k Individually mounted; 1 led horse for maj< > Battalion adjutant and quartermaster. » Acting sergeant major. • Color sergeant • Clerk. » Orderlies. • Drivers. > Shop wagon, X. 1 1 M 10] U ' 1» u >«! Voting )rgam 'our w *wo w Drgani Dne ws Janitar battali ed in; ire ear re cart ed int igonra ycomt on qui i 2 ida ts (2-h s(2-ho d 4 pac dioset at trai irterms toons o orse) v rse) in b raidc (4-hor n. isterse f twoi rtth 20 reserve sectio se); on rgeant pire s« miles (10 m os and o instn :tions( of fiek lies wi 1 wag jment ach. 1 wire; re), on rad wagon one h o sect (4-mu istrum on. le). ent wa gon(4 mule) 19 TRAINS. Table 18. — Commander of Trains. military police and train qtjakds. Remarks. Detailed from the divisional infantry. Detailed from the divisional cavalry. Train guard and military police for ordinary occasions. TRAIN SANITARY DETACHMENT.i Commissioned. Enlisted. Riding horses. Pack mules, sanitary com- bat train. Captain. Lieutenant. Total. First-class sergeant. Sergeant. Corporals and privates. Total. i 1 1 U »3 3 4 1 ' For assignment by commander of trains. Baggage and rations of detachment carried in supply train. ■ Individually mounted on a horse. Table 19. — Ammunition Train. Organization and duties. Headquarters First ammunition company. . . Second ammunition company. Total Commissioned officers. '1 Enlisted men.' Agents. Infan- I Artil- try.' | lery.« 1 1 1 2 2 2 Order- lies and helpers. Reserve ammunition of differ- ent classes carried. a 3 600,000 600,000 1,200,000 2 .2 50,000 50,000 100,000 a i I E 2,544 2,544 5,0 a 8 I I 3J Transportation. Mules. 126 s i a 196 i% 392 I 63 126 ' Detailed from infantry and field artillery of division. 1 Detailed from infantry of division. 1 Detailed from field artillery of division. < Autotruck companies will carry the ammunition reserve of an infantry division. Remarks. — The number of vehicles in the ammunition train is dependent on the number of rifles, machine guns, pistols, and field artillery guns actually with the division for which the reserve prescribed in Section I, Table II, A and B, must be carried. The size of this train may be decreased or increased to meet these conditions. In peace maneuvers, when no reserve ammunition is actually carried, the ammunition train will simply be represented in skeleton. Table 20. — Supply Train. Commissioned officers, Quarter- master Corps. i i i > I % Reserve supplies carried. Number companies.' h si ■a Transportation. Organization and duties. i i ■S a, 1 O 3 o Eh m •1 ** 5 3 I £ Other general supplies (pounds). I a o l ! i a. Mules. I a I ■a 2 1 If I •a M i Q s i i s «i »1 2 M •2 «2 63 63 14 4 10 11 14 7 49 47 39,000 39,000 64,000 64,000 29,720 29,720 12,000 132,720 132,720 12,000 it 1 196 196 63 50 >1 14 Total i 1 2 4 2 78,000 128,000 71,440 277,440 3} 1 142 39 392 50 8 96 i Three autotruck companies will carry the reserve supplies of an infantry division. * Individually mounted on a horse. One led horse for major. * Individually mounted on a mule. * Two firstrclass sergeants. 6 Bell horse. Remarks.— The size of the supply train Is based on furnishing two days' rations and grain for the number of men and animals in the division, together with such other requisites as may be required. The number of wagons in the train may be decreased or increased to meet actual requirements for the total strength present. 20 Table 21. — Sanitary Train — Minimum Strength. Personnel of sanitary train. Transportation. Organizations. Commissioned. Enlisted. Vehicles. Animals. Majors. Captains. First lieuten- ants. Total. Sereeants first class. Sergeants or cor- porals. Privates, first class. Privates. Total. Ambu- lances. Wagons. Pack mules. Riding horses. Draft animals. Director of ambulance companies •1 1 20 1 IS 1 il / 120 \ 8 11 8 6 1 11 } } 2 172 2 99 3 68 3 48 • 2 >20 I •8 i 48 ■I I ' f 27 6 20 88 48 »12 •8 240 il >3 ■12 { 1 15 45 124 96 1 Total strength, sanitary •train of infantry division 6 33 38 17 49 S3 133 275 48 42 8 124 360 1 Individually mounted on horses. Acting cool* included with privates, first class. 8 Carries medical equipment and supplies, dressing station and camp infirmary equipment, and prescribed allowance of baggage and rations. » Carries medical equipment and supplies, equipment for station for slightly wounded, and prescribed allowance of baggage and rations. * Carried medical reserve and prescribed allowance of baggage and rations. Sanitary tram commanded by senior attached medical olficer; connecting agents detailed from attached ambulance companies and field hospitals. Table 22. — Sanitary Units. Commissioned. Enlisted. Vehicles. Animals. Organizations. Majors. Captains or lieu- tenants. Total. BauMuta^ first class. Sergeants or cor- porals. Acting cooks. Privates, first class. Privates. Total. Ambu- lances. Wagons. Pack mules. Riding horses. Draft animals. 15 14 ■3 5 S 4 •2 ! :■ { ;s ■3 3 3 } ' } • { „ ' 5 } « } - 16 12 3 8 2 17 16 8 1 60 32 Field hospital •1 ■ 1 \ 11 -Zi 1 8 1 15 4 Infirmary: One to a regiment. . . Ambulance company— 1 farrier. 1 saddler, 2 musicians, drivers, and artificer detailed from privates (first class) and privates. Field hospital— 2 musicians and drivers detailed from privates (first class) and privates. Sanitary troops serving with mounted commands, all mounted; others marked (■). Table 23. — Strength of Sanitary Personnel of Separate Units. Organization. Captains Sergeants or first or lieuten- oorpor- ants. als. Privates, first class, or privates. Total enlisted. 'g!fe e " M °™' s - For each 2 battalions of Infantry For each battalion of infantry.." For each 2 squadrons of Cavalry For each squadron of Cavalry For each battalion of Field Artfllsry For each 2 batteries of Field A rtillery For each battery of Field Artillery For each company of Engineers For each independent company or troop For each war battalion of signal troops For each company of signal troops (Types B, C, or D). 6 3 14 7 11 8 4 (*) * Two mounts for Cavalry. 21 s a — rt a oj o a^* O c8 rt &> > 3 ■ a :S I 03 < \WL%% c a o i— i I 2 W M & 3 gg g o as a Mti6£»> > is t". fe s "i_ 'u. S3 So fill o v) ca o-^ fe «»£ S eS S 8" a 8-3 3 a a s a 5 p p rt ci c8 © v q © o o o J- i; W « o o o &G< 1 5 1 as g.2 -CXI t I 22 Table 25. — Coast Aetllleby, Oeganized Militia. COAST ARTILLERY CORPS. The Coast Artillery troops of the Organized Militia of each of the States, the Territory of Hawaii, and the District of Columbia, shall be organ- ized into a Coast Artillery Corps, which shall consist of the companies of Coast Artillery of the Organized Militia in each of the States, the Terri- tory of Hawaii, or in the District of Columbia, and the number of colonels, lieutenant colonels, majors, captains, first lieutenants, second lieu- tenants, chaplains, sergeants major, senior grade, master electricians, engineers, electrician sergeants, first class, electrician sergeants, second class, sergeants major, junior grade, master gunners, firemen, and bands shown in the following table: Table showing number of officers, noncommissioned officers, and bands for Coast Artillery Corps consisting of from 1 to 36 companies. 1 2 3 4 t 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 M 27 28 29 30 3! 32 33 :;; 35 M 1 1 3 3 12 3 12 3 12 1 1 1 4 6 6 3 3 4 1 1 1 3 3 13 3 U 3 13 1 1 1 4 8 6 3 3 4 1 1 1 3 3 14 3 14 3 14 1 1 2 4 7 7 3 3 4 1 1 1 3 3 15 3 IS 3 15 1 1 2 5 7 7 3 3 5 1 1 1 4 4 16 4 16 4 M 1 1 2 5 8 8 4 4 5 1 1 1 4 4 17 4 17 4 17 1 1 2 5 8 8 4 4 5 1 1 1 4 4 18 4 18 4 18 1 1 2 6 9 9 4 4 6 1 1 1 4 4 19 4 19 4 19 1 1 2 6 9 9 4 4 6 1 1 2 5 5 20 5 20 5 20 1 2 2 6 10 10 5 6 6 1 1 2 5 5 21 5 21 5 21 1 2 3 7 10 10 5 5 7 1 1 2 5 5 22 5 22 5 22 1 2 3 7 11 11 5 5 7 1 1 2 5 5 23 5 23 5 a i 2 3 7 11 11 5 5 7 1 2 2 6 6 24 6 24 6 24 2 2 3 8 12 12 6 6 8 2 2 2 6 6 25 6 25 6 25 2 2 3 8 12 12 6 6 8 2 2 2 1 D 20 6 M 6 26 2 2 3 8 13 13 6 8 2 2 2 6 6 27 6 27 6 27 2 2 :■; 9 13 13 6 6 9 2 2 2 7 7 2S 7 2S 7 28 2 2 4 9 14 14 7 7 9 2 2 2 7 7 29 7 29 7 29 2 2 4 9 14 14 7 7 9 2 2 2 7 7 30 7 30 7 30 2 2 4 10 IS 15 7 7 10 2 2 2 7 7 31 7 31 7 31 2 2 4 10 15 15 7 7 10 2 2 3 8 8 32 8 32 8 32 2 3 4 10 16 16 8 8 10 2 2 3 8 s 33 8 33 8 33 2 3 4 1 3 8 8 34 8 H 8 34 2 3 4 2 3 8 8 35 8 35 8 35 2 3 S 11 17 17 8 8 11 2 I 1 2 2 8 2 8 2 8 1 2 2 9 2 a 2 •J 1 2 2 10 2 10 2 10 1 2 2 11 2 11 2 11 3 1 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 1 6 1 6 1 1 1 1 7 1 7 1 7 V) Captains, unassigned, for 1 1 2 3 M First lieutenants, unassign- 9 First lieutenants, company . Second lieutenants, unas- 1 2 3 H 9 Second lieutenants, "com- 1 2 3 M 3 Sergeants major, senior 1 1 2 4 4 2 2 2 1 1 3 4 4 2 2 3 1 1 3 5 5 2 2 3 1 1 3 S 5 2 2 3 3 1 2 3 3 1 1 2 ■ 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 11 11 16 1 17 12 Electrician sergeants, first 1 1 IS Electrician sergeants, sec- 16 8 8 11 2 17 8 8 11 2 18 Sergeants major, junior 9 •i 1 12 3 i The lieutenant colonel and sergeant major senior grade authorized for corps of 8, 9, 10, and 11 companies are exceptions and are authorized in time of peace only. Likewise, one of the lieutenant colonels and sergeants major, senior grade, authorized for corps of 20, 21, 22, and 23 companies and corps of 32, 33, 34, and 35 companies, are exceptions and are authorized in time of peace only. » In time of peace one band is authorized for each coast defense command consisting of four or more companies of Coast Artillery. In time of war bands will be accepted in the service of the United States at the rate of one band for each twelve companies of Coast Artillery. COAST DEFENSE COMMANDS. The officers, noncommissioned staff officers, companies, and bands comprising each Coast Artillery Corps of the Organized Militia may be organized into two or more coast defense commands, and the officers, noncommissioned officers, companies, and bands constituting the Coast Artil- lery Corps may be assigned to these coast defense commands at the discretion of the governors of the States, the Territory of Hawaii, or the com- manding general, District of Columbia Militia. The assignment of Coast Artillery troops of the Organized Militia to coast defenses and to batteries thereat will be made by the \V ar Depart- ment. COMPANIES. Companies of Coast Artillery of the Organized Militia will be organized as stated in the following table: When the total enlisted strength of company is from- 65 to 70, Inclusive . . . 71 to 80, inclusive . . . 81 to 90, inclusive . . . 91 to 100, inclusive. . 101 to 109, inclusive . i! 7 8 10 121 - 47-52 53-62 63-72 73-82 83-91 I 65-70 71-80 81-90 91-100 101-109 Note -Minimum authorized peace strength of a company of Coast Artillery of the Organized Militia is 65 enlisted men, as shown in the first line of the foregoing table. The maximum war strength ofacompany of Coast Artillery of the Organized Militia is 109 men, as shown in the last line of the foregoing table. BATED ENLISTED MEN. For each gun company: One plotter; one observer, first class; one observer, second class; two gun commanders; and two gun pointers. For each mortar company: One plotter; one observer, first class; two observers, second class; and three gun commanders. One gun com- mander may be placed in charge of the magazines. 23 Table 25. — Coast Artillery — Continued. Each Coast Artillery band shall consist of: 1 chief musician. 1 chief trumpeter. 1 principal musician. 1 drum major. 4 sergeants. 8 corporals. I cook. II privates. ATTACHED SANITARY PERSONNEL. Majors. Captains and lieu- tenants. Sergeants, first class. Sergeants and corporals. Privates, first class, and privates. For 4, 5, 6, or 7 companies For 8, 9, 10, or 11 companies. . . For 12, 13, 14, or 15 companies. For 16, 17, 18, or 19 companies. For 20, 21, 22, or 23 companies . For 24, 25, 26, or 27 companies . For 28, 29, 30, or 31 companies. For 32, 33, 34, or 35 companies . For 36 companies 1 1-2 1-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 3-7 3-8 3-9 4- 7 8-12 12-20 14-27 18-34 20-40 24-47 28-54 30-60 o THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL PINE OP 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. 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