1 1 lleligum of jFutute Charles oo ' HAVING thus considered what the re- ligion of the future will not be, let us now consider what its positive elements will be. The new thought of God will be its most characteristic element. This ideal will comprehend the Jewish Jeho- vah, the Christian Universal Father, , the modern physicist's omnipresent and exhaustless Energy, and the bio- logical conception of a Vital Force. The Infinite Spirit pervades the uni- verse, just as the spirit of a man per- vades his body, and acts, consciously or unconsciously, in every atom of it. The twentieth century will accept literally and implicitly St. Paul's statement, " In Him we live, and move, and have 16 'THE KINGDOM OF GOD" our being;" and God is that vital at- mosphere, or incessant inspiration. The new religion is therefore thor- oughly monotheistic, its God being the one infinite force; but thfs~one God is not withdrawn or removed, but in- dwelling, and especially dwelling in every living creature. God is so abso- lutely immanent in all things, animate and inanimate, that no mediation is needed between him and the least par- ticle qf his creation. In his moral at- tributes, he is for every man the multi- plication to infinity of all the noblest, tenderest, and most potent qualities which that man has ever seen or imag- ined in a human being. In this sense every man makes his own picture of j God. Every age, barbarous or civi- lized, happy or unhappy, improving or degenerating, frames its own concep- tion of God within the limits of its own experiences and imaginings. In this 17 THE RELIGION OF THE FUTURE sense, too, a humane religion has to wait for a humane generation. The central thought of the new religion will therefore be a humane and worthy idea of God, thoroughly consistent with the nineteenth-century revelations con- cerning man and nature, and with all the tenderest and loveliest teachings which have come down to us from the past. The scientific doctrine of one omni- present, eternal Energy, informing and inspiring the whole creation at every instant of time and throughout the infinite spaces, is fundamentally and completely inconsistent with the dualistic conception which sets spirit over against matter, good over against evil, man's wickedness against God's righteousness, and Satan against Christ. The doctrine of God's imma- nence is also inconsistent with the con- ception that he once set the universe 18 'THE KINGDOM OF GOD" a-going, and then withdrew, leaving the universe to be operated under phys- ical laws, which were his vicegerents or substitutes. If God is thoroughly im- manent in the entire creation, there can be no " secondary causes," in either the material or the spiritual universe. The new religion rejects absolutely the conception that man is an alien in the world, or that God is alienated from the world. It rejects also the entire conception of man as a fallen being, hopelessly wicked, and tending down- ward by nature; and it makes this em- phatic rejection of long- accepted be- liefs because it finds them all inconsist- ent with a humane, civilized, or worthy idea of God. . If, now, man discovers God through self -consciousness, or, in other words, if it is the human soul through which God is revealed, the race has come to the knowledge of God through knowl- 19 THE RELIGION OF THE FUTURE edge of itself; and the best knowledge of God comes through knowledge of the best of the race. Men have always attributed to man a spirit distinct from his body, though immanent in it. No one of us is willing to identify himself with his body; but on the contrary every one now believes, and all men have believed, that there is in a man an animating, ruling, characteristic es- sence, or spirit, which is himself. This spirit, dull or bright, petty or grand, pure or foul, looks out of the eyes, sounds in the voice, and appears in the bearing and manners of each individ- ual. It is something just as real as the body, and more characteristic. To every influential person it gives far the greater part of his power. It is what we call the personality. This spirit, or soul, is the most effective part of every human being, and is recognized as such, and always has been. It can 20 "THE KINGDOM OF GOD " use a fine body more effectively than it can a poor body, but it can do wonders through an inadequate body. In the crisis of a losing battle, it is a human soul that rallies the flying troops. It looks out of flashing eyes, and speaks in ringing tones, but its appeal is to other souls, and not to other bodies. In the midst of terrible natural catas- trophes, earthquakes, storms, confla- grations, volcanic eruptions, when men's best works are being destroyed and thousands of lives are ceasing sud- denly and horribly, it is not a few espe- cially good human bodies which steady the survivors, maintain order, and or- ganize the forces of rescue and relief. It is a few superior souls. The lead- ing men and women in any society, savage or civilized, are the strongest personalities, the personality being primarily spiritual, and only seconda- rily bodily. Recognizing to the full 21 THE RELIGION OF THE FUTURE these simple and obvious facts, the fu- ture religion will pay homage to all righteous and loving persons who in the past have exemplified, and made intelligible to their contemporaries, in- trinsic goodness and effluent good-will. It will be an all-saints religion. It will treasure up all tales of human ex- cellence and virtue. It will reverence the discoverers, teachers, martyrs, and apostles of liberty, purity, and right- eousness. It will respect and honor all strong and lovely human beings, seeing in them in finite measure quali- ties similar to those which they adore in God. Recognizing in every great and lovely human person an individual will-power which is the essence of the personality, it will naturally and inev- itably attribute to God a similar indi- vidual will-power, the essence of his in- finite personality. In this simple and natural faith there will be no place for 22 "THE KINGDOM OF GOD" metaphysical complexities or magical rites;"mucE~less for obscure dogmas, the result of compromises in turbulent conventions. It is anthropomorphic; but what else can a human view of God's personality be? The finite can study and describe the infinite only through analogy, parallelism, and simile; but that is a good way. The new religion will animate and guide ordinary men and women who are put- ting into practice religious conceptions which result directly from their own observation and precious experience of tenderness, sympathy, trust, and sol- emn joy. It will be most welcome to the men and women who cherish and exhibit incessant, all-comprehending good-will. These are the " good " people. L These are the only genuinely civilized persons. Compensation? To the wretched, sick, and downtrod- den of the earth, religion has in the past held out hopes of future compen- sation. When precious ties of affec- tion have been broken, religion has held out prospects of immediate and eternal blessings for the departed; and has promised happy reunions in another and a better world. To a human soul, lodged in an imperfect, feeble, or suf- fering body, some of the older religions have held out the expectation of deliv- erance by death, and of entrance upon a rich, competent, and happy life, in short, for present human ills, however crushing, the widely accepted religions have offered either a second life, pre- sumably immortal, under the happiest RELIGIOUS COMPENSATIONS conditions, or at least peace, rest, and a happy oblivion. Can the future re- ligion promise that sort of compensa- tion for the ills of this world, any more than it can promise miraculous aid against threatened disaster? A can- did reply to this inquiry involves the statement that in the future religion there will be nothing "supernatural." This does not mean that life will be stripped of mystery or wonder, or that the range of natural law has been finally determined; but that religion, like all else, must conform to natural law so far as the range of law has been determined. In this sense the religion of the future will be a natural religion. In all its theory and all its practice it will be completely natural. It will place no reliance on any sort of magic, or miracle, or other violation of, or ex- ception to, the laws of nature. It will perform no magical rites, use no occult 25 THE RELIGION OF THE FUTURE processes, count on no abnormal inter- ventions of supernal powers, and admit no possession of supernatural gifts, whether transmitted or conferred, by any tribe, class, or family of men. Its sacraments will be, not invasions of law by miracle, but the visible signs of a natural spiritual grace, or of a natural hallowed custom. It may preserve historical rites and ceremonies, which, in times past, have represented the ex- pectation of magical or miraculous ef- fects; but it will be content with nat- ural interpretations of such rites and ceremonies. Its priests will be men especially interested in religious thought, possessing unusual gifts of speech on devotional subjects, and trained in the best methods of improv- ing the social and industrial conditions of human life. There will always be need of such public teachers and spirit- ual leaders, heralds, and prophets. It 26 RELIGIOUS COMPENSATIONS sliould be observed, however, that many happenings and processes which were formerly regarded as supernat- ural have, with the increase of knowl- edge, come to be regarded as com- pletely natural. The line between the supposed natural and the supposed supernatural is, therefore, not fixed but changeable. It is obvious, then, that the com- pletely natural quality of the future religion excludes from it many of the religious compensations and conso- lations of the past. Twentieth-cen- tury soldiers, going into battle, will not be able to say to each other, as Moslem soldiers did in the tenth century, " If we are killed to-day, we shall meet again to-night in Paradise." * Even now, the mother who loses her babe, or the husband his wife, by a preventable disease, is seldom able to say simply, " It is the will of God! The babe or 27 THE RELIGION OF THE FUTURE the woman is better off in heaven than on earth. I resign this dear ob- ject of love and devotion, who has gone to a happier world/' The ordinary consolations of institutional Christian- ity no longer satisfy intelligent people whose lives are broken by the sickness or premature death of those they love. The new religion will not attempt to reconcile men and women to present ills by promises of future blessedness, either for themselves or for others. Such promises have done infinite mis- chief in the world, by inducing men to be patient under sufferings or depri- vations against which they should have incessantly struggled. The advent of a just freedom for the mass of mankind has been delayed for centuries by just this effect of compensatory promises issued by churches. Cfje Jftgfjt against THE religion of the future will ap- proach the whole subject of evil from another side, that of resistance and pre- vention. The Breton sailor, who had had his arm poisoned by a dirty fish- hook which had entered his finger, made a votive offering at the shrine of the Virgin Mary, and prayed for a cure. The workman to-day, who gets cut or bruised by a rough or dirty instrument, goes to a surgeon, who applies an anti- septic dressing to the wound, and pre- vents the poisoning. That surgeon is one of the ministers of the new religion. When dwellers in a slum suffer the fa- miliar evils caused by overcrowding, impure food, and cheerless labor, the modern true believers contend against the sources of such misery by providing 29 THE RELIGION OF THE FUTURE public baths, playgrounds, wider and cleaner streets, better dwellings, and more effective schools, that is, they at- tack the sources of physical and moral evil. The new religion cannot supply the old sort of consolation; but it can diminish the need of consolation, or re- duce the number of occasions for con- solation. A further change in religious think- ing has already occurred on the subject of human pain. Pain was generally regarded as a punishment for sin, or as a means of moral training, or as an ex- piation, vicarious or direct. Twentieth- century religion, gradually perfected in this respect during the last half of the nineteenth century, regards human pain as an evil to be relieved and prevented by the promptest means possible, and by any sort of available means, physical, mental, or moral; and, thanks to the progress of biological and chemical sci- 30 THE FIGHT AGAINST EVIL ence, there is comparatively little phys- ical pain nowadays which cannot be prevented or relieved. The invention of anaesthetics has brought into con- tempt the expiatory, or penal, view of human pain in this world. The younger generations listen with incred- ulous smiles to the objection made only a little more than sixty years ago by some divines of the Scottish Presbyte- rian church to the employment of chlo- roform in childbirth, namely, that the physicians were interfering with the execution of a curse pronounced by the Almighty. Dr. Weir Mitchell, a physi- cian who has seen much of mental pain as well as of bodily, in his poem read at the fiftieth anniversary of the first pub- lic demonstration of surgical anaesthe- sia, said of pain: "What purpose hath it? Nay, thy quest is vain: Earth hath no answer: If the baffled brain Cries, 'Tis to warn, to punish, Ah, refrain ! 31 THE RELIGION OF THE FUTURE When writhes the child, beneath the surgeon's hand, What soul shall hope that pain to understand? Lo! Science falters o'er the hopeless task, And Love and Faith in vain an answer ask." , Cfje Ditrine 3ju0tfce A SIMILAR change is occurring in re- gard to the conception of divine justice. The evils in this world have been re- garded as penalties inflicted by a just God on human beings who had violated his laws; and the justice of God played a great part in his imagined dealings with the human race. A young gradu- ate of Andover Theological Seminary once told me that when he had preached two or three times one summer in a small Congregational church on Cape Cod, one of the deacons of the church said to him at the close of the service, " What sort of sentimental mush is this that they are teaching you at Andover? You talk every Sunday about the love of God; we want to hear about his jus- , tice." The future religion will not un- dertake to describe, or even imagine, $3 THE RELIGION OF THE FUTURE the justice of God. We are to-day so profoundly dissatisfied with human jus- tice, although it is the result of centu- ries of experience of social good and ill in this world, that we may well distrust human capacity to conceive of the jus- tice of a morally perfect, infinite being. The civilized nations now recognize the fact that legal punishments usually fail of their objects, or cause wrongs and evils greater than those for which the punishments were inflicted; so that pe- nology, or the science of penalties, has still to be created. It is only very lately that the most civilized communi- ties began to learn how to deal with criminal tendencies in the young. In the eyes of God human beings must all seem very young. Since our ideas of God's modes of thinking and acting are necessarily based on the best human at- tainments in similar directions, the new religion cannot pretend to understand M THE DIVINE JUSTICE God's justice, inasmuch as there is no human experience of public justice fit to serve as the foundation for a true conception of God's. The new religion will magnify and laud God's love and compassion, and will not venture to state what the justice of God may, or may not, require of himself, or of any of his finite creatures. This will be one of the great differences between the fu- ture religion and the past. Institu- tional Christianity as a rule condemned the mass of mankind to eternal tor- ment ; partly because the leaders of the churches thought they understood com- pletely the justice of God, and partly because the exclusive possession of means of deliverance gave the churches some restraining influence over even the boldest sinners, and much over the timid. The new religion will make no such pretensions, and will teach no such horrible and perverse doctrines. 35 Religious Consolation Do you ask what consolation for hu- man ills the new religion will offer? I answer, the consolation which often comes to the sufferer from being more serviceable to others than he was before the loss or the suffering for which con- solation is needed; the consolation of being one's self wiser and tenderer than before, and therefore more able to be serviceable to human kind in the best ways ; the consolation through the mem- ory, which preserves the sweet fra- grance of characters and lives no longer in presence, recalls the joys and achieve- ments of those lives while still within mortal view, and treasures up and mul- tiplies the good influences they exerted. Moreover, such a religion has no tend- 36 RELIGIOUS CONSOLATION ency to diminish the force in this world, or any other, of the best human imaginings concerning the nature of the infinite Spirit immanent in the universe. It urges its disciples to believe that as the best and happiest man is he who best loves and serves, so the soul of the uni- verse finds its perfect bliss and effi- ciency in supreme and universal love and service. It sees evidence in the moral history of the human race that a loving God rules the universe. Trust in this supreme rule is genuine consola- tion and support under many human trials and sufferings. Nevertheless, al- though brave and patient endurance of evils is always admirable, and generally happier than timid or impatient conduct under suffering or wrong, it must be admitted that endurance or constancy is not consolation, and that there are many physical and mental disabilities and injuries for which there is no con- 37 THE RELIGION OF THE FUTURE solation in a literal sense. Human skill may mitigate or palliate some of them, human sympathy and kindness may make them more bearable, but neither religion nor philosophy offers any complete consolation for them, or ever has. to ' IN thus describing the consolations for human woes and evils which such a reli- gion can offer, its chief motives have been depicted. They are just those which Jesus said summed up all the commandments, love toward God and brotherliness to man. It will teach a universal good-will, under the influence of which men will do their duty, and at the same time, promote their own hap- piness. The devotees of a religion of service will always be asking what they can contribute to the common good ; but their greatest service must always be to increase the stock of good-will among men. One of the worst of chronic hu- man evils is working for daily bread without any interest in the work, and 39 THE RELIGION OF THE FUTURE with ill-will towards the institution or person that provides the work. The work of the world must be done; and the great question is, shall it be done happily or unhappily? Much of it is to-day done unhappily. The new reli- gion will contribute powerfully toward the reduction of this mass of unneces- sary misery, and will do so chiefly by promoting good-will among men. A paganized Hebrew-Christianity has unquestionably made much of per- sonal sacrifice as a religious duty. The new religion will greatly qualify the supposed duty of sacrifice, and will re- gard all sacrifices as unnecessary and injurious, except those which love dic- tates and justifies. " Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." Self-sacrifice is not a good or a merit in itself ; it must be intelligent and loving to be meritori- ous, and the object in view must be 40 "GOOD-WILL TO MEN " worth its price. Giving up attractive pleasures or labors in favor of some higher satisfaction, or some engrossing work, is not self-sacrifice. It is a re- nunciation of inferior or irrelevant ob- jects in favor of one superior object; it is only the intelligent inhibition of whatever distracts from the main pur- suit, or the worthiest task. Here, again, the new religion will teach that happiness goes with dutifulness even in this world. C6e Uplifting 3L : otie of Ctutt) ALL the religions have been, to a greater or less extent, uplifting and in- spiring, in the sense that they raised men's thoughts to some power above them, to some being or beings, which had more power and more duration than the worshippers had. When kings or emperors were deified, they were idealized, and so lifted men's thoughts out of the daily round of their ordinary lives. As the objects of wor- ship became nobler, purer, and kinder with the progress of civilization, the prevailing religion became more stimu- lating to magnanimity and righteous- ness. Will the future religion be as helpful to the spirit of man? Will it touch his imagination as the anthropo- 40 THE UPLIFTING LOVE OF TRUTH morphism of Judaism, polytheism, Is- lam, and paganized Christianity have done? Can it be as moving to the hu- man soul as the deified powers of na- ture, the various gods and goddesses that inhabited sky, ocean, mountains, groves, and streams, or the numerous deities revered in the various Christian communions, God the Father, the Son of God, the Mother of God, the Holy Ghost, and the host of tutelary saints? All these objects of worship have greatly moved the human soul, and have inspired men to thoughts and deeds of beauty, love, and duty. Will the new religion do as much? It is rea- sonable to expect that it will. The sen- timents of awe and reverence, and the love of beauty and goodness, will re- main, and will increase in strength and influence. All the natural human af- fections will remain in full force. The new religion will foster powerfully a 45 THE RELIGION OF THE FUTURE virtue which is comparatively new in the world the love of truth and the passion for seeking it, and the truth will progressively make men free; so that the coming generations will be freer, and therefore more productive and stronger than the preceding. The new religionists will not worship their an- cestors; but they will have a stronger sense of the descent of the present from the past than men have ever had before, and each generation will feel more strongly than ever before its indebted- ness to the preceding. The two sentiments which most in- spire men to good deeds are love and hope. Religion should give freer and more rational play to these two senti- ments than the world has heretofore witnessed; and the love and hope will be thoroughly grounded in and on effi- cient, serviceable, visible, actual, and concrete deeds and conduct. When a 44 THE UPLIFTING LOVE OF TRUTH man works out a successful treatment for cerebro-spinal meningitis a disease before which medicine was absolutely helpless a dozen years ago by apply- ing to the discovery of a remedy ideas and processes invented or developed by other men studying other diseases, he does a great work of love, prevents for the future the breaking of innumerable ties of love, and establishes good grounds for hope of many like benefits for human generations to come. The men who do such things in the present world are ministers of the religion of the future. The future religion will prove, has proved, as effective as any of the older ones in inspiring men to love and serve their fellow-beings, and that is the true object and end of all philosophies and all religions; for that is the way to make men better and happier, alike the servants and the served. 45 THE RELIGION OF THE FUTURE The future religion will have the at- tribute of universality and of adapta- bility to the rapidly increasing stores of knowledge and power over nature ac- quired by the human race. As the reli- gion of a child is inevitably very differ- ent from that of an adult, and must grow up with the child, so the religion of a race whose capacities are rapidly enlarging must be capable of a corre- sponding development. The religion of any single individual ought to grow up with him all the way from infancy to age ; and the same is true of the reli- gion of a race. It is bad for any peo- ple to stand still in their governmental conceptions and practices, or in the or- ganization of their industries, or in any of their arts or trades, even the oldest; but it is much worse for a people to stand still in their religious conceptions and practices. Now, the new religion af- fords an indefinite scope, or range, for 46 THE UPLIFTING LOVE OF TRUTH progress and development. It rejects all the limitations of family, tribal, or national religion. It is not bound to any dogma, creed, book, or institution. It has the whole world for the field of the loving labors of its disciples; and its fundamental precept of serviceable- ness admits an infinite variety and range in both time and space. It is very simple, and therefore possesses an important element of durability. It is the complicated things that get out of order. Its symbols will not relate to sacrifice or dogma ; but it will doubtless have symbols, which will represent its love of liberty, truth, and beauty. It will also have social rites and reverent observances; for it will wish to com- memorate the good thoughts and deeds which have come down from former generations. It will have its saints; but its canonizations will be based on grounds somewhat new. It will have THE RELIGION OF THE FUTURE its heroes; but they must have shown a loving, disinterested, or protective courage. It will have its communions, with the Great Spirit, with the spirits of the departed, and with living fellow- men of like minds. Working together will be one of its fundamental ideas, of men with God, of men with prophets, leaders, and teachers, of men with one another, of men's intelligence with the forces of nature. It will teach only such uses of authority as are necessary to secure the cooperation of several or many people to one end; and the disci- pline it will advocate will be training in the development of cooperative good- will. Cfjtfstian TBrot&er&ooD WILL such a religion as this make progress in the twentieth-century world? You have heard in this Sum- mer School of Theology much about the conflict between materialism and reli- gious idealism, the revolt against long- accepted dogmas, the frequent occur- rence of waves of reform, sweeping through and sometimes over the churches, the effect of modern philoso- phy, ethical theories, social hopes, and democratic principles on the established churches, and the abandonment of churches altogether by a large propor- tion of the population in countries mainly Protestant. You know, too, how other social organizations have, irj some considerable measure, taken the 49 THE RELIGION OF THE FUTURE place of churches. Millions of Ameri- cans find in Masonic organizations, lodges of Odd Fellows, benevolent and fraternal societies, granges, and trades- unions, at once their practical religion, and the satisfaction of their social needs. So far as these multifarious or- ganizations carry men and women out of their individual selves, and teach them mutual regard and social and in- dustrial cooperation, they approach the field and functions of the religion of the ? uture. The Spiritualists, Christian Scientists, and mental healers of all sorts manifest a good deal of ability to draw people away from the traditional churches, and to discredit traditional dogmas and formal creeds. Neverthe- less, the great mass of the people re- main attached to the traditional churches, and are likely to remain so, partly because of their tender associa- tions with churches in the grave crises 50 CHRISTIAN BROTHERHOOD of life, and partly because their actual mental condition still permits them to accept the beliefs they have inherited or been taught while young. The new religion will therefore make but slow progress, so far as outward organiza- tion goes. It will, however, progress- ively modify the creeds and religious practices of all the existing churches, and change their symbolism and their teachings concerning the conduct of life. Since its chief doctrine is the doc- trine of a sublime unity of substance, force, and spirit, and its chief precept is, Be serviceable, it will exert a strong uniting influence among men. Christian unity has always been longed for by devout believers, but has been sought in impossible ways. Au- thoritative churches have tried to force everybody within their range to hold the same opinions and unite in the same observances, but they have won only 51 THE RELIGION OF THE FUTURE temporary and local successes. As freedom has increased in the world, it has become more and more difficult to enforce even outward conformity; and in countries where church and state have been separated, a great diversity of religious opinions and practices has been expressed in different religious or- ganizations, each of which commands the effective devotion of a fraction of the population. Since it is certain that men are steadily gaining more and more freedom in thought, speech, and action, civilized society might as well as- sume that it will be quite impossible to unite all religiously-minded people through any dogma, creed, ceremony, observance, or ritual. All these are divisive, not uniting, wherever a reason- able freedom exists. The new religion proposes as a basis of unity, first, its doctrine of an immanent and loving God, and secondly, its precept, Be serv- CHRISTIAN BROTHERHOOD iceable to fellow-men. Already there are many signs in the free countries of the world that different religious de- nominations can unite in good work to promote human welfare. The support of hospitals, dispensaries, and asylums by persons connected with all sorts of religious denominations, the union of all denominations in carrying on Asso- ciated Charities in large cities, the suc- cess of the Young Men's Christian As- sociations, and the numerous efforts to form federations of kindred churches for practical purposes, all testify to the feasibility of extensive cooperation in good works. Again, the new religion cannot create any caste, ecclesiastical class, or exclusive sect founded on a rite. On these grounds it is not unrea- sonable to imagine that the new religion will prove a unifying influence, and a strong reinforcement of democracy. Whether it will prove as efficient to 53 THE RELIGION OF THE FUTURE deter men from doing wrong and to en- courage them to do right as the prevail- ing religions have been, is a question which only experience can answer. In ;hese two respects neither the threats tor the promises of the older religions have been remarkably successful in soci- ety at large. The fear of hell has not proved effective to $eter men from wrongdoing, and heaven has never'yet been described in terms very attractive to the average man or woman. Both are indeed unimaginable. The great geniuses, like Dante and Swedenborg, have produced only fantastic and in- credible pictures of either state. The modern man would hardly feel any ap- preciable loss of motive-power toward good or away from evil if heaven were burnt and hell quenched. The prevail- ing Christian conceptions of heaven and hell have hardly any more influence with educated people in these days than 54 CHRISTIAN BROTHERHOOD Olympus and Hades have. The mod- ern mind craves an immediate motive or leading, good for to-day on this earth. The new religion builds on the actual experience of men and women, and of human society as a whole. The motive powers it relies on have been, and are, at work in innumerable human lives; and its beatific visions and its hopes are better grounded than those of tradi- tional religion, and finer, because free from all selfishness, and from the im- agery of governments, courts, social distinctions, and war. Finally, this twentieth-century reli- gion is not only to be in harmony with the great secular movements of modern society democracy, individualism, so- cial idealism, the zeal for education, the spirit of research, the modern tendency to welcome the new, the fresh powers of preventive medicine, and the recent advances in business and industrial 55 CHRISTIAN BROTHERHOOD ethics but also in essential agreement with the direct, personal teachings of Jesus, as they are reported in the Gos- pels. The revelation he gave to man- kind thus becomes more wonderful than ever. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. sasa Tel. No. 642 LD2lA-20rn-3,'73 (Q8677slO)476-A-31 General Library University of California Berkeley , * u> YB 22095 15973 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY