o O CD >- GIFT OF A. F. Morrison ANTWERP. ROYAL MUSEUM. CATALOGUE IV!US>EUIV! OF THE OLD MASTERS Numbers on gold ground. MUS/CUM OF THE MODERN MASTERS Numbers on red ground. MUS/EUM OF THE ACADEMICIANS Numbers on blue ground. SECOND ABRIDGED EDITION. PUBLISHED BY THE BOARD OF MANAGEMENT OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS : 1881. ^ ^'^--^ i (>r. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/cataloguemusaeumOOkonirich CATALOGUE PRINTED BY J. PLASKY. — ANTWERP. ANTWERP ff ROYAL MUSEUM. CATALOGUE MUS/EUM OF THE OLD MASTERS Numbers on gold ground. MUS>EUM OF THE MODERN MASTERS Numbers on red ground. MUS/EUM OF THE ACADEMICIANS Numbers on blue ground. SECOND ABRIDGED EDITION. PUBLISHED BY THE BOARD OF MANAGEMENT OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS 1881. GIFT OF • • » I MUSEUM OF THE OLD MASTERS. ADRIAENSSEN (Alexanueh) , Flem. Sch. 1587-1661 . 1. Dead Nature. Fruits, dead birds and fishes wat- ched by a cat. Presented by the Society. Artibus patricB, AERTZEN (Peter) , Dutch Sch, 1507-1573. 2. Calvary, collection van Ertborn. ANGELIGO (lia), — BEATO FRA GIO- VANNI or ANGELIGO DA FIESOLE , Flor, Sch, 1378-1455. 3. St. Romuald, abbot, founder of the order of Camal- dules, reproaching the emperor Otho III with the murder of Grescencius , a Roman senator, collection van Ertborn, ANTONELLO OF MESSINA. Ven, Sch. 1414 7-1492. 4. Calvary, collection van Ertborn. 5. Portrait, collection van Ertborn. BACKER (Adrian) , Dutch Sch, 1643-1686. 6. Allegorical picture. ivi93587 MUS/'^^'J^.^ 01' 7'HE OLD MASTERS. BAGKHUYZEN (Ludolphus), the elder, ' D^ath SrJi. 1631 'ITOg. 7. Dutch man-of-war Jacob. BERCHEM (Nicholas) Dutch Sch, 1624-1683. 8. Returning from pasture. 9. Consequences of war. collection van den Hecke-Baut de Rasmon. 10. Landscape, figures and animals. BERKHEYDE CGerard-Gerrit) , Dulch Sch. 1645-1698. 11. View of Amsterdam, collection van den Hecke-Baut de Rasmon. BESCHEY (Balthasar), Flem. Sch. 1708-1776. 12. Joseph sold by his brethren. 13. Joseph , Vice-roy of Egypt. 14. Portrait of the painter. 15. Portrait of Martin-Joseph Geeraerts (crayon). Gift of Lady Therese de Bie. . BILTIUS (James), Dutch Sch. 16.. -16.. 16. Cock fight. BOGKHORST (John) , Flem. Sch. 16107-1668. 17. Crowning of the ViriJ^in. NUMBERS ON GOLD GROUND. BOEL (John-Baptist) , the elder. Flem. Sch. 1624-1688-89. 18. Vanitas. BOEL (Peter) , Flem. Sch. 1622-1702-03? 19. Dead Nature. BOEYERMANS (Theodore) , Flem. Sch. 1620-1677-78? 20. The Ambassador. 21. Pool of Belhsaida. 22. The Visit. 23. Antwerp, the nourishing mother of painters. 24. Female Head. BOSCH (Jerome), Dutch Sch. 1450 ?-l 518. 25. Temptation of St. Anthony, collection van Ertbom. BOTH (John & Andrew), Dutch Sch. about 1610?-1650-51. 26. View in Italy. BOUDEWYNS (Adrian-Francis), Flem. Sch. 1644-17.. ? and BOUT (Peter) , Flem. Sch. 1658-17.. ? 27. Villa"-e Feast, collection van den Hecke-Baut de Rasmon, BOUTS (Thierry), the elder, called DIRK VAN HAARLEM , Dutch Sch, 1400-1475. 28. The Blessed Virgin collection van Ertbom. MUS.'EUM OF THE OLD MASTERS. 29. St. Christopher, collection van Ertborn. BRIL (Paul), Flem. Sch. 1556-1626. 30. The Prodigal Son. collection van Ertbom. BRUEGHEL (Peter) , the younger , Flem. Sch. 1564 7-1 637-38. 31. Bearing the Gross. GHRISTUS (Peter), Flem, Sch. 1395 7-1455? 32. St. Jerome, collection van Ertborn. CLOUET (Francis) called JANET, French Sch. 1510-1572 ? 33. Portrait of Francis II, Dauphin of France, collection van Ertborn, GOGX (Gonzalve) called GOGQUES , (Gonzalez), Flem. Sch. 1614-1684. 34. Portrait of a Lady, collection van den Hecke-Baut de Rasmon. GONGNET (Giles), the elder, Fle^n. Sch. 1540-1599. 35. Full length Portrait of Pierson la Hues, drummer of the ancient Guild of Archers^ at Antwerp. 36. St. George. GOSSIERS (John), Flem, Sch. 1600-1671. 37. Adoration of the Shepherds. 38. An Interior. 39. Portrait of a Surgeon (bust). NUMBERS ON GOLD GROUND. k 40. Adoration of the Shepherds. 41. Preparing to scourge the Saviour. GRANAGH (Lukf.) , the elder, Germ. Sch. 1472-1553. 42. Adam and Eve. collection van Erthom, 43. Charily, collection van Ertborn. GRANSSE (JoH^) , Flem.Sch. 1498-15.. ? 44. Arms of the Christus ooghen , Chamber of Rhetoric , of Diest. 45. Arms of the Heybloemken , Chamber of Rhetoric of Turnhout. GUYP (Albert) , Dutch Sch. 1605-1691. 46. The Two Cavaliers, collection van denHecke-Bautde Rasmon. DE BLES (Henry), Flem. Sch. 1480-1550? 47. The Repose in Egypt, collection van Ertborn, DE GLERGK (Henry), the elder, Fiem.Sc/i. 14.. ?-15..? 51. Blazon. — Rebus. 52. Blazon. — Rebus. DE GRAEYER (Jasper), Flem.Sch. 1582-1669. 53. Elijah in the Desert. DE HEEM (John, son of David), Dutch Sch. 1600-1683-84. 54. Flowers and insects. iO MUS/EUM OF THE OLD MASTERS. DEL MONT (Deodat), Flem. Sch. 1581-1644. 56. The Transfiguration. DE MOMPER (Joseph)^ the younger, Flem. Sch. 1559 ?-163'i-35. 57. The Arch-duke Maximilian of Austria, DE MOOR (Charles), Dutch Sch. 1656-1738. r58. The Young Lady with the Bouquet, collection van den Hecke-Baut de Rasmon. DENIS (James) , Flem. Sch. 1614-16.. 62. Portrait of Gregory Martens , Master of the Corpo- ration of St. Luke. 63. Study of the Living ModeL DE PATINIR (JoACuiAj), Flem. Sch. 1490-1548? 64. The Flight into Egypt, collection van Ertbom. DE RYGKER (Abraham), Flem. Sch. 1566-1599. 65. Bight loing of n^ 464. — Portrait of Lewis Glarys , died 26^1^ March 4594. 66. Reverse of right wing. — The Blessed Virgin holding the Infant Jesus (grisaille). 67. Left wing of no 464. — Portrait of Mary le Batteur , wife of Lewis Glarys, died Ipi^ January 1586. 68. Reverse of left wing. — St. Louis, King of France. NUMBERS ON COLD GROUND. '11 DE VLIEGER (Simon), Dutch. Sch. 1612-16..? 69. A calm Sea. collection van den Hecke-BautdeRasmon. DE VOIS (iVDRIAN-ARU) , Dutch. Sch. 1641- ...?.. 70. The Old Woman with the ho[\\e. collection van den Hecke-Baut de Rasmon. DE VOS (Martin), THE ELDER. Flem. Sch. 1531-1603. 71. Christ on the Cross. 72. Triptych. — In the centre. — Triumph of Christ. 73. Right wing. — Baptism of Gonslantine. 74. Left wing. — The Emperor Constantine the Great having a church, dedicated to St. George, built at Contantinople. 75 and 76. Reverse of wings N^ 13 et 14. St. George and St. Margaret. 77. Triptych. — In the centre. — The Incredulity of St-Thomas. 78. i?i^/iUfi/i{/. —Baptism of Christ. 79. Reverse of right wing. — St. Thomas, the Apostle, (grisaille). 80. Left wing. — Beheading of John the Baptist. 81 . Reverse of left wing. — St. Stephen (grisaille). 82. Nativity of Christ. 83. Triptych. — Li the centre, — Render unto Ciesar the thina^s which are Caesar's. i2 MUS/EUM OF THE OLD MASTERS. 84. Right wing. — The Tribute Money. 85. Left wing. — The Widow's Mite. 86 and 87. Reve7\se of wings No 84 et 85. — Abraham at Hebron (grisaille). 88. Tinptych. — In the centre. — St. Luke painting the portrait of the Virgin. 89. St. Francis of Assisi receiving the Stigmata. 90 to 100. Scenes from the life of St. Conrad of Ascoli, a monk of the Order of St. Francis. 90. The Saint Kneeling before the Altar of the Virgin. 91. St. Conrad receives the habit of the order of St. Francis. 92. The Saint and his companion miraculously fed in the desert. 93. The Saint , with his companion , is standing before a burning furnace and takes from it, safe and sound , a child whose mother is kneeling. 94. St. Conrad preaching the faith to the Africans. 95. The Saint healing the infirm and impotent. 96. Death of St. Conrad of Ascoli. 97. A youth raised to life by touching the mortal remains of St. Conrad. 98. A mother presents her dead child to St. Conrad. 99. The child raised to life is offered by its mother to St. Conrad. NUMBERS ON GOLD GROUND. 13 100. Veneration of the lomb of St. Gonrad. 101. Grisaille, To the right, inside a church, at the end of which is seen the statue of the Blessed Virgin with the Child Jesus, a saint appears, surrounded by a halo of glory. To the left , a vast plain where a desperate battle is being fought. 102. Grisaille, — An old man giving alms to three pil- grims. 103. Temptation of St. Anthony. DE VOS (Cornelius). Flem. Sch. 1585? - 1651. 104. Portrait of Abraham Grapheus , the elder , Mes- senger of the Gonfraternity of St. Luke. 105. Ex-voto. — PaneL — Family portraits. 106. Ex-voto. — Panel. — Portraits of a man and a woman kneeling before the altar of the Blessed Virgin. 107. St. Norbert receiving the consecrated Hosts and the sacred vases , hidden during the prevalence of the heresy of Tankelm. 108. Triptych. — In the centre. — The Adoration of the Magi. 109. Right iving.-— Portrait of William van Meer- beeck. 110. Left iving. Portrait of Barbara Kegel e er s , wife of William van Meerbeeck. 111. The Vow to the Virgin. 14 MUSEUM OF THE OLD iMASTERS. DE VRIENDT , (Prangis) , the elder , called FRANS FLORIS , Flem. Sch. 1520? - 1570. 112. Fall of the rebel Angels. 113. Adoration of the Sliepherds. 114. St. Luke. DEWITTE (Jasper), Flem. Sell. 1618-1680-81 . 115. Fortune-tellin-4 MUSEUM OF THE OLD MASTERS. 252. The cure of Tobias, collection Van Erthom. MEMLING (Hans) , Fiem. Sell. 1440 7-1495. 253. Portrait of a Re«^ular Canon of the order of St. Norbert. collection van Ertborn. 254. Portrait of a member of the family of Croy. Collection van Erthom. 255. Double diptych. RigJtt wing. — Front. The Bles- sed Virgin. 256. Left wing. — Front. Portrait of Christian de Hondt, 30^^^ abbot of the Downs, nearFurnes, elected in 1495. Collection van Ertborn. MEMMI (Simon) , or SIMON OF SIENNA. Flor. Sch. 1280-1344. 257. The Annuinciation. — 7^^ Panel. The angel Gabriel. 258. 4*^^ Panel. — The Blessed Virgin praying. 259. S'^ Panel. — The Pierced side. 260. 5'^^ Panel. — The Descent from the Cross. Collection van Ertborn, MOSTAERT (Giles), the elder, Flem. Sch. 1525-1601. 261. The Crucifixion, surrounded by portraits. MOSTAERT (John), ^v;-;^ Dutch Sch. 1474-1555-56. 262. Dei para Virgo, collection van Ertborn. ^■m NUMBERS ON flULD GllOUNl). 25 263. Portrait of a man. collection van Ertbom. 264. Portrait of a woman, collection van Ertbom. MURILLO (BARTHOLEMEW-ESTliBAN) , Sp. Sch. 1618-1682. 265. St. Francis of Assisi. MYTENS (John) , Dutch Sch. 1612-1671-72? 266. Portrait of a lady. PEETERS (BONADVENTURE), Flem. Sch. 1614-1652. 270. View of the town of Middelburg. (a sea piece). Presented by the Society Artibus Patrice. PEETERS (John) , Flem. Sch. 1624-1677. 271. The Scheldt frozen over, in front of Antwerp. PENNEMAECKERS , Flem. Sch. 1600-16.. ? 272. The Ascension. PEPYN (Martin), Flem. Sch. 1575-1642-43. 273. Passage through the Red Sea. 274. Wing. — Preaching of St. Luke. 275. Reverse of preceding wing. — St. Jolm and St. Matthew, with their symbols (grisaille). 276. Reverse cf wing 484. - St. Mark and St. Luke (grisaille.) 26 MUS^UxM OF THE OLD MASTERS. PERIL (Robert) , Flem. Sch. 1480-1485 ?-15.. ? 277. Charles the Fifth and pope Clement YII entering Bologna . February 22"^ 1530. (Engraving on parchment coloured], QUELLIN (Erasmus), the younger, Flem. Sch. 1607-1678. 278. Miracle of St. Hugh of Lincoln. 279. Gratian (Duncardus) Molenaar , (principal founder of the Carthusian nunnery of St. Catherine , in the suburb of Kiel , near Antwerp , ) miraculously saved by St. Catherine. 280. A bishop. 281. Portrait of Gaspard Nemius (Bosch), sixth bishop of Antwerp. QUELiJLIN (John-Erasmuf) , Flem. Sch. 163 i-1... ? 282. The Pool of Bethsaida. 283. Upper part of preceding N". 284. The Martyrs of Gorcum. 285. Same subject. 286. Same subject. 287. Portrait of Auberl van den Eede, eighth bishop of Antwerp. 288. St. Bernard taking the cloth of his order. 289. Christ at the house of Simon the Pharisee. 290. Martyrdom of St. Agatha. NUMBERS ON GOLD GROUND. 27 291. The Nativity. 292. Miracle of St. Hugh , bishop of Lincoln. REMBRAND VAN RYN , Dutch Sch.ieOS-'imQ. 293. Portrait of a lady. 294. The young Fisherman, collection van den Hecke-Baut de Rasmon. 295. Portrait of an old Jew. Collection van den Hecke-Baut dc Rasmon . ROMBOUTS (Theodore) , Flem. Sch. 1597-1637. 296. Christ appearing to St. Augustin under the form of a pilgrim. RUBENS (Peter-Paul), Flem. Sch. 1577-1640. 297. Christ between the two thieves. , 298. Adoration of the Magi. 299. St. Theresa delivering by her prayers , from the flames of purgatory, the soul of Bernardin of Men- doza , founder of a Carmelite convent, at Valladolid. 300. Triptych. — In the centre. — The dead Christ. ^^ 301. Right wing. — The Virgin. 302. Reverse of right wing. — The Saviour (grisaille.) 303. Left wing. — St. John the Evangelist. 304. Reverse of left wing. — The blessed Virgin (gri- saille). 305. Last communion of St. Francis of Assisi. ^(S MUSEUM OF THE OLD MASTERS. ■ '■ z 306. Education of the Virgin. 307. Triptych. — In the centre. The Incredulity of St. Thomas. 308. Right wing, — Portrait of Chevalier Nicholas Rockox , Burgomaster of Antwerp. 309. Reverse of right wing. — Armorial bearings of Nicholas Rockox. 310. Left wing. — Portrait of Adriana Perez, wife of Nicholas Rockox. 311. Reverse of left luing. Armorial hearings of Rockox - Perez. 312. The Virgin with the parrot. 313. The Crucifixion. 314. The Trinity. 315. The Descent from the Cross. 316. A triumphal arch, called after the square of the Mint. — Front view. 317. A triumphal arch, called after the square of the Mint. — Back view. 318. A triumphal car. RUBENS (Peter-Paul), Flem. Sch. 1575-1640. and BRUEGHEL (John) , of Velours, Flem. Sch. 15G8-1625. 319. The dead Saviour, with the holy women and St. John standing near, weeping, collection van den Hecke-Baut de Rasmon. NUMr3I«:RS ON GOLD GROUND. 29 RUISDAEL OR RUYSDAEL (lAMEb) , Dutch Sell,. 1625?-1G8I. 320. A Landscape, collection van den Hecke-Baat de Rasmon. RUISDAEL. OR RUYSDAEL (Solomon) , Dutch Sch. 1605 7-1670. 321. Cairn water, collection van den Hecke-Bautde Rasmon, RYGKAERT (David) . the third . Flem.Sch. 1G12-1661-62. 322. The Village Feast. RYSBRAGK(Pkteh), Flem. Sch. 1655 1729? 323. A Landscape. SCH ALKEN (Godfrey), Dutch Sch. 1653-1706. 324. The Two Ages. Collection van den Hecke-Baut de Rasm0n SCHOORL (Ioh>), Dutch Sch. 1495-1562. 325. The CrUC\(iKWr\. Collection van Ertborn. SCHUT (Cornelius). Flem. Sch. 1597-1655. 326. Porzioncula. 327. Beheading of St. George. 328. Purification of the Blessed Virgin. SEGHERS (Daniel), Flem. Sch. 1590-1661. 329. A garland of flowers round a bust of St. Ignatius. 30 MUSrEUM OF THE OLD MASTERS. 330. A garland of flowers round a bust of the Blesse(i Viri^in. 331. A garland of flowers round a bust of St. Theresa. SIBREGHTS (John) , the younger, Flem.Sch. 1627-1703. 332. Miracle of St. Francis of Assisi. SNELLINGK (John), the elder, Flein. Sell. 1544-1638. 334. Christ between the two thieves. Gift of the late M. Peter- Theodore Muons- Van dcr Straelen 18C0. SNYDERS (Francis), Flem.Sch. 1579-1657. 335. Swans and Dogs. Gift of the late Baron Ph. Ant. Joseph de Pret de Terveken 1819. 336. Dead Nature. Gift of the late Baron Ph. Ant. Joseph de Pret de Terveken 1819. SNEYERS (Peter), Flem. Sch. 1681-1752. 337. A mountain Landscape. STEEN (John), Dutch. Sch. 1626-1679. 338. Samson insulted by the Philistines. Collection van den Hecke-Baut de Rasmon. 339. The Village Wedding, STRAMOT (Nicholas), Flem. Sch, flourished in 1692-1694. 340. Portrait of Francis van Sterbeeck , a learned botanist and architect of Antwerp. NUMBERS ON GOLD GROUND. 31 SUSTERMAN(U.MBERT), called LAMBERT LOMBARD , Flem. Sch. 1506-1560. 341. Portrait of a man. Collection van Enhom. TASSAERT (John-Peter), Flem. Sch. 1651-1725. 342. Philosophers. TENGY (John-Baptist J.), Flem. Sch. lived in 1788-1793. 343. A Tempest, collection van den Hecke-Baut de Rasmon. TENIERS (David) , the younger , Flem. Sch. 1610-1G90. 344. Panorama of Valenciennes. Gift of H. M. William i, King of the Netherlands 1823. 345. Flemings carousing. 346. Morning. 347. Afternoon. 348. An old woman. TERBURG (Gerard) , Dutch Sch. 1608-1681. 349. The Mandolin-player. THYS (Peter) , the elder, FZem.Sc/i. 1616-1677-79? 350. Portrait of Henry van Halmale. 351 . Portrait of Maximian Girardi. 352. St. Francis receiving the Indulgence of Porzioncula. 353. Icarus and Daedalus. 3^2 MUS/EUM OF TIIK OLD MASTERS. 354. The Blessed Virgin. 355. Christ appearing to St. John of the Cross. THYS (the DOMINICAN MONK), Flem. Sch 356. The Descent from Ihe Cross. TITIANO VEGELLIO, Ven. Sch. 1477-1575. 357. Pope Alexander YI presenting John of Sforza , a bishop of Paplios, to St. Peter. Gift of h. m. wuuam i, King of the Netherlands 1823. VALENTIN , French Sch. 1600-1634. 358. Card Players, legacij of M. Van den Bosch-Van Cam 1847. VAN ANTONISSEN (Henry). Flem. Sch. (born about the first half of the XVII century). 359. A Roadstead. VAN BAELEN (Henry), the elder, Flem. Sch. ibG0-i6d2. 361. Wing. — Concert of Angels. 362. Reverse of preceding iving. — St. Philips the Apostle (grisaille). 363. Wing. — Concert of Angels. 364. Reverse of preceding wing, — St. Anna , the mother of the Blessed Virgin (grisaille). % NUMBERS ON GOLD GROUND. 33 365. Preaching of St. Jolm the Baptist. VAN BAELEN (Henry), the elder, Flem, Sch. 1560-1632. BRUEGHEL (John) of velours, Flern. Sch. 1568-1625. VRA.NCX (Skbastian), and F I em. Sch. 1573-1647. FRANGKEN (Francis), the younger, Flem. Sch. 1581-1642. 366. Blazon of the Chamher of rhetoric the Violet {de Violiere). VAN BERGEN (Thierry-Dirk), Dutch. Sch. 1645-1689? 367. The young Herdsman, collection van den Heche- Bautde Rasmon. VAN CORTBEMDE (Balthazar), Flem. Sch. 1612-1670? 370. The good Samaritan. VAN COXGYENT (Michael), the younger, Flem. Sch. 1499-1592. 371. Martyrdom of St. Sehastian. 372. Scene from the Martyrdom of St. Geoige. 373. St. George. Reverse of preceding one. 374. Scene Irom the martyrdom of St. George. 375. St. Margaret. Reverse of preceding one. 376. The Triumph of Christ. VAN GRAESBEEGK (Joos) , Flem. Sch. 1608?-about 1662? 377. An Interior. Presented by the society Artibus patrite. 34 MUSEUM OF THE OLD MASTERS. VAN DELEN (Thierry), Flem. Sch. -1G35 7-16.. ? 378. Allegorical picture. VAN DEN BOSSGHE (Baltiiazap) , Flem. Sch. 1681-1715. 379. Reception of tiie Master of the Junior Archers' Guild, John-Baptist del Campo, first Lurgomastei' of Antwerp, from 1707 to 4710, at the liall of the Guild. VAN DEN BROEGK (Crispin), Fiem.Sc/i. 4530 ?-1601 ? 3S0. The Last Judgement. Collection van Enbom. VAN DEN HOEGKE (John) called VAN HOECK, Flem. Sch. 1593-1651. 381. St. Fiancis of Assisi adoring the Child Jesus ^vho is presented to him by the Virgin. 382. Portrait of a young girl, collection van don Hecke-Baut de Rasmon. VAN DER MEIRE (Gerard) , Flem. Sch. 1427 ?-14.. ? 383. Trypiych. — In the centre. — Bearing the Cross. 384. Left wing. — The Presentation. 385. Right nylng. — Jesus in the midst of the Doctors. Collection van Ertborn. 386. The Crucifixion, collection van Ertbom, 387. The Entombment, collection van Ertbom. 388. Diptycli. — i^^ Panel. — Mater Dolorosa. 389. 2"^ Panel. — The Ladv donor, collection van Ertbom. NUMBERS ON tlOLI) GRUIINI). 35 VAN DER NEER (.Vrtus-Aert) , Dutch. Sch. 1619 7-1683? 390. Moonlight : inland waters of Holland. VAN DER VOORT (Michael-Francis) , FLem. Sch. 1714-1777. 391. Allegory (bas-relief, grisaille). 392. Allegory (bas-relief, grisaille). VAN DER WEYDEN (Roger), the elder , FLem. Sch. 1390 to 1400 7-1474 . 393. Triptych. — The Seven Sacraments. Central picture. — The Eucharist. 394. Bight loing. P^ Group. — Baptism. 2"^ Group. — Confirmation. 3'*^ Group. — Confession. 395. Left wing. i^^ Group. — Ordination. ^nd Group. — Marriage. S^d Group. — Extreme Unction. coiiectionvanErtbom. 396. The Annunciation, collection van Ertbom. 397. Portrait of Philip the Good, duke of Burgundy. Collection van Ertbom. VAN DE VELDE (Adrian), Dutch. Sch. 1630-1672. 398. A Landscape, collection van den Hecke-Baut de Rasmon. VAN DE VELDE (William), the younger. Dutch Sch. 1G33-1707. 399. A Sea Piece : calm weather. 36 MUS.EUM OF THb: OLD MASTERS. VAN DIEPENBEEGK (Abraham)], Flem. Sell. 1607-1675. 400. Ecstasy of St. Bonadventure. VAN DYCK (Anthony), Flem. Sell. 1599-1641. 401. The Crucifixion. 402. Portrait of John Malderus, fifth bishop of Antwerp. 403. Christ taken down from the Cross. 404. The Entombment. 405. Portrait of Ciosar-Alexander Scai^lia. 406. The Crucifixion. VAN DYCK (Anthony) , Flem. Sell. 1599-1641 and FYT (John), Flem. Sell. 1609-1661 407. Portrait of a young ^irl. Collection van den Hecke-Baui de Rasmon. VAN EHRENBERG (William), Flem. Se/i. 1630-1675-77. 408. Caricina before the Idng of Ethiopia. VAN ES OR VAN ESSEN (James) , Flem. Sell. 1606-1665-06. 409. Table with fruit etc. VAN EYGK (John) , Flem. Sell. 1390-1440. 410. St. Bai'bara. collection van Ertborn. 411. The Blessed Virgin. Collection van Ertborn. 412. The Blessed Virgin, St. George and St. Donatus Collection van Ertborn. NUMBERS ON GOLD GROUND. 37 ADORATION OF THE MYSTIC LAMB. Altar screen composed of i^ Pictures : iV°s 413 to 424 consecutively. — Ancient copy after the brothers Van Eyck. A. Lower row. 413. Centre. — Adoralion of the Mystic Lamb. 414. Right wing. — Group of hermits coming to adore the Lamb. 415. Bight wing. — Group of pilgriais coming to adore the Lamb. 416. Left wing. — Christians coming to adore the Lamb. 417. Left wing. —The good judges coming to adore the Lamb. B. Upper row. 418. Centre. — God the Father. 419. Centre. — On the right. — St. John the Baptist. 420. Centre. — On the left. — The Blessed Virgin. 421. Left wing. — Choir of angels playing upon instru- ments to the glory of the Eternal. 422. Right wing. — Adam (the Fall of man). 423. Left wing. — Choir of angels singing the praises of the Eternal. 424. Left wing. — Eve (the Fall of man). VAN HEMESSEN OR HEMISSEN. (John), REAL NAME. (SANDERS (.Iohn) , Flem.Sch. 14...7-156. ? 425. Conversion of St Matthew. Collection van Ertbom, ,*^8 MUS/EU-M OF THE OIJ) MASTERS. VAN HUYSUM (Justus), Dutch Sch. 1659-1716. 427- Bouquet of flowers. VAN KESSEL (John), of Antwerp , Flem. Sell. 1626-1678-79. 428. Concert of birds. VAN KESSEL (John) the Dutchman , Dutch Sch. 1648-1698. 429. A Landscape. Collection van den Hecke-Baut de Rasmon. VAN LINT (Petf.r) the elder , Flem. Sch. 1C09-1690. 430. St. Catharine. 431. Portrait of cardinal-dean Ginnasio. Giftoftheiaie colonel Bernard Rottiers. 432. The Ford. 433. St. Christopher. 434. Miracle of St. John of Capistran. 435. A Saint of the order of St. Francis. VAN LOON (Theodori.) , Flem. Sch. 1595?-1678? 436. Assumption of the Ble:^sed Virgin. Presented by the society Artlbus Patriot. VAN MIERIS (Wn.LiAM), Dutch Sch. 1662-1747. 437. The Fishmonger. Collection vanden Hecke-Bautde Rasmon. VAN MINDERHOUT (Henry), Dutsck Sch. 1632-1C90. 438. A sea- port in the Levant. NUMBERS ON COLD GROUND. 39 VAN MOL (Peter) , Flem. Sell. 1599-1650. 439. Adoration of the Magi. VANNIEULANT (WiLUAAi), Flem. Sell. 1584-1635. 440. A. View of Rome. VAN NOORT. (Lambert), Flem. Sch. 1520? -1571. 441. The Sibyl of the church of Christ. 442. The Agrippina Sibyl. 443. The Sibyl of the Hellespont. 444. The Sibyl of the Delphi. 445. Sibyl holding the lance and sponge. 446. Sibyl bearing the column. 447. Sibyl holding the cup. 448. The Nativity. 449. Christ washing his disciples' feet. 450. The Last Supper. 451 . The Agony in the garden. 452. The Crowning with thorns. 453. Bearing the Cross. 454. Calvary. 455. The Entombment. 456. The Resurrection 457. VAN OPSTAL (Jasper-James) the younger. Flem. Sell. 1654-1717. Portrait of Andrew-Eugene van Valckenisse, Se- cretaryofthe city of Antwerp. 40 MUSEUM OF THE OLDxMASTERS. _ 458. Portrait of John-Charles-Nicholas van Hove , master of the corporation of St. Luke and of the chamber of rhetoric the OHve Branch {Olijftakj. VAN ORLEY (Bernard) , Fle7n. Sc/i. 1488-90-1542. 459. The Child Jesus. Collection van Ertbom. 460. Portrait of a man. Collection van Ertbom. 461. Right panel, — Portrait of a man. collection vanErtbom. 463. Left panel. — Portrait of a womdin. Collection van Ertbom, VAN ORLEY (Bernard) , Flem. Sch. 1488-1490-1542 and DE PATINIR (Joachim), Flem. Sch. 1490-1524. 463. The Madona. Collection van Ertboim. 464. Adoration of the Magi. VAN ORLEY (Richard), Flem. Sch. 1652 ?-1732 ? 465. Pope Innocent II returning to Rome. VAN OSTADE (Adrian), i)i(fc/i. SC/1.1610-1G85. 466. The Smolder, collection van den Hecke-Baut de nasmon VAN OSTADE (Isaac), Dutch Sch. 1617-1651? 467. Winter; landscape and figures. VAN PENNE (John) , Dutch Sch. 1652 ?-i7..? 468. The Crumpet maker. NUMBERS ON GOLD GROUND. 41 VAN STALBEMT (Adrian) , Flem. Sch. 1580--1662. 469. Landscape and figures. Presented by the Society Artibus patriae . VANTHIELEN (John-philip), Flem. Sch. 1618-1667. 470. A Garland of flowers. 471. A Garland of flowers. VAN TULDEN (Theodore) , Flem. Sch. 1607 ?-1676 ? 472. Triumphal arch, calledafter Philip I. —Front vieiy. 473. Triumphal arch, called after Philip I. — Back view. 474. Portrait of Benedict Van Tulden. VAN UDEN (Luke) , the younger , Flem. Sch. 1595-1672-73. 475. View of the Abbey of St. Bernard , on the Scheldt , near Antwerp. 476. The Watermill : landscape. VAN UDEN (Luke), the younger, Flem. Sch. 1595-1672-73 a.nd VAN HEGEMORTER (Peter-John), Flem. Sch, 1755-1830. 477. Landscape, collection van den Hecke-Baut de Rasmon. VAN UTRECHT (Adrian) , Flem. Sch. 1599-1652-53. 478. Dead nature. 42 MUSEUM OF THE OLD MASTERS. i. VAN VEEN (Otiiu) , Flem. Sch. 1558-16-:9. 479. Zacchcous in the fig-tree. 480. Calling of St. Matthew. 481. Act of charity of St. Nicholas. 482. St. Nicholas saving his flock from the famine. 483. Portrait of John Mira^us , fourth bishop of Antwerp (bust). 484. St. Paul before Felix , at Ciesarea. VAN VERENDAEL (Nicholas) , Flem. Sch. 1C40-1691. 485. The Eucharist. VERBEEGK (Francis-Xavier-Henry) , Flem. Sch. 168C-1755. 487. Visit paid to the Fencers' Guild, by its Master, and J. B. Vermoelen, abbot of St. Michael, its patron. VERBRUGGEN (Jaspar-Peteh), the younger. Flcin. Sch. 1G64-1730. 490. Flowers. VERHAEGHEN (Peter-Joseph), Flem. Sch. 1720-1811. 491. Hagar and Ishmael , sent away by Abraham. VIGTOORS(JoHN), Dutch Sch. 1CC0?-1G70. 494. A Village Wedding. CollcctiGn van den Hecke-Baul de Rasmon. NUMBKRS ON GOLD GROUND. 43 VINCKEBOONS (David) , Flem. Sch. 1578-1629. 495. Flemish Kermesse , or Feast. WANS (John -Baptist-Martin) , Flem. Sch. 1628-16..? 496. A Landscape. WEENIX (.Iohn-Baptist), Dutch. Sch. 1621-1660. 497. View of a sea-port in Italy. Collection van den Hecke- Baut de Rasmon. WILDENS (John), Flem. Sch. 1584-1653. 498. Holy Family , by Theodore Rombauts , Landscape by John Wildens. WILLAERTS (Adam), Flem. Sch. 1577-16^0. 499. Festival given at Tervueren , by the arch-duke Albert and the arch-duchess Isabella. WOUWERMAN (Philip), Dutch Sch. imo-^ms. 500. Horsemen halting. 501. Horsemen halting. Collection van den Hecke-Baut de Rasmon. WYNANTS (John), Dutch. Sch. (Livedin the middle of the iV^ century) and VAN DE VELDE (Adrian), Dutch Sch. 1639-1672. 502. Landscape and figures, collection van den Hecke-haut de Rasmon. 44 MUSEUM OF THE OLD MASTERS. 503. Landscape and cattle. YKENS (Peter) , Flem, Sch. 1648-1695-96. 504. Portrait of John-Baptist Greyns, Master of the corporation of St. Luke and of the Chamber of rhetoric the Olive Branch (Olijftak). 505. St. Catharine contending with the philosophers. YKENS (Peter) , Flem. Sch, 1648-1695-96. 506. Portrait of Stephen-Cornelius Tanssens de Hujoel , Master of the Corporation of St. Luke and of the Chamber of rhetoric the Olive Branch {Olijftak), Frame carved by De Wree, (John-Baptist), the elder. Flem. Sch. 1635 ?-17..? ZEGERS (Gerard), Flem, Sch. 1591-1 6M. 507. St. Louis of Gonzaga. 508. Marriage of the Blessed Virgin. 509. Ecstasy of St. Theresa. 510. Christ returning from Hades. 511. St. Clara adoring the Infant Jesus. 512. The Blessed Virgin giving the scapulary of Mount Carmel to St. Simon Stock. 513. St. Norbert assuming the habit of his order. ZIESEL (George-Frederick) , Fletn. Sch. 1756-1809. 514. Bouquet of flowers, collection van den Hecke-Baut de Rasmon. NUMBERS ON GOLD GROUND. 45 PICTURES. BY UNKNOWN MASTERS OF XIV CENTURY. SCHOOL OF COLOGNE. 515. St. Lienard or St. Leonard, collection van Ertbom. FLEMISH SCHOOL. 516. The Crowning of the Virgin, collection van Ertbom. 517. The Virgin and Child. Collection van Ertbom. 518. The Donors, collection van Ertbom. DUTCH SCHOOL. 519. Calvary, collection van Ertbom. ITALIAN SCHOOL. 520. Madonna, collection van Ertbom. PICTURES BY UNKNOWN MASTERS OF XV AND OF THE BEGINNING OF XVI CENTURY. SCHOOL OF ALBERT DURER. 521. '' Mater dolorosa. '' collection van Ertbom. 46 jMUS/Eum of THh: old masters. GERMAN SCHOOL. 522. Portrait of a gentleman (bust). CoUeciion van Ertbom. 523. Triptych. — Central panel. — The Blessed Virgin. 524. Right wing. — The Donor. 525. Left iving. — The lady-Donor, collection van Ertbom. SCHOOL OF THE LOWER RHINE. 526. Portrait of a gentleman (hn^i), collection van Ertbom. 527. The Resurrection. Collection van Ertbom. FLEMISH SCHOOL. 528. " Ecce Homo. " Collection van Ertbom. 529. Archer s' meeting and festival in the XV century. 530. Double diptych. Right wing. Revehe of n^ 255. — " Salvator mundi ". 531. Left wing. — Reverse of n^ 956. — Portrait of a Cistercian Abbot. Collection van Ertbom. 532. Preparing for the Crucifixion. Collection van Ertbom. 533. The Prayer. 534. The Assumption. Reverse of tlie preceding. Collection van Ertbom. 535. The Blessed Virgin. Collection van Ertbom. 536. Baptism of Chl'ist. Collection van Ertbom. 537. Portrait of a gentleman (bust). Collection van Ertbom. 538. Portrait of Philip the Good {husi),CoUection van Ertbom. 539. Portrait of a ^en[\emixn {husi). Collection van Ertbom. 540. Portrait of John the Fearless , duke of Burgundy (half length). Collection van Ertbom. NUMBERS OX GOLD GROUND. 47 541. Portrait of a Canon, collection van Ertbom. 542. A man praying, collection van Ertbom. 543. Portrait of a gentlemen, collection van Ertbom. (Probably portrait of the Duke of Anjouby Glouet Francis called Janet, French. Sch. 1510-1572?) 544. A ^Viini \\Vai\inQ. Collection van Ertbom. 545. Portrait of Gabriel Gambry (bust). Collection van Ertbom . 546. Portrait of a gentleman (bust). Collection van Ertbom. 547. Portrait of Francis SonniuS. Collection van Ertbom, 548. " Mater Dolorosa. ^' collection van Ertbom. 549. Portrait of William I, prince of Orange-Nassau. Collection van Ertbborn. 550. Blazon of the Giiamber of rhetoric den Dloeyenden Wyngacri , of Berthem , near Antwerp. 551. Blazon of the Ghamber of rhetoric het Jennetten Bloemken, called d'Ongheleerde, of Lierre. 552. Blazon of the Ghamber of rhetoric de Lelie-bloeme, of Diest. 553. Blazon of the Ghamber of rhetoric den Groeyenden Boom 5 of Lierre, 554. Blazon. — Rebus. 48 MUS.EUM OF THE OLD MASTERS. t 555. Blazon. — The Trinity. 556. Holy Family, collection van ErWom. DUTCH SCHOOL. 557. The Virgin and Child Jesus appearing to the emperor Constantine the Great. coUcction van Ertbom, 558. The Blessed Virgin. coiiecUon van Enbom. 559. Portrait of a gentleman (bust), collection van Ertbom. DUTCH OR GERMAN SCHOOL. 560. Portrait of a lady, collection van Ertbom. SCHOOL UNKNOWN. 561. Triptych. — In the centre. — The Blessed Virgin. 562. Right wing. — St. Christopher. 563. Left wing. — St. George. Collection van Ertbom. 564. Portrait ofagentleman(bust). collection van Ertbom. SCHOOL OF QUENTIN MASSYS. 565. Christ taken down from the cross, collection van Ertbom. 566. A girl teasing an old man (bust), collection van Ertbom. 567. A banker (bust), collection van Ertbom. 568. Bearing the Cross. Collection van Ertbom. SCHOOL OF JOHN OF MAUBEUGE. 569. Bearing the Cross, collection van Ertbom. NUMBERS ON GOLD GROUND. 49 570. TheBlessed Virgin prayin^(busl). collection van Ertbom. SCHOOL OF JOHN MOSTAERT. 571. The Entombment. Collection van Ertbom, WESTPHALIAN SCHOOL. 572. Ecce Homo, collection van Ertbom. PICTURES BY UNKNOWN MASTERS OF THE END OF XVII CENTURY. FLEMISH SCHOOL. 573 The Entombment. 574. Portrait of Wiliam Lucas, or Luycx , a Canon of the cathedral of Antwerp. 575. Portrait of a gentleman (bust). 576. Triptych.— Central 2ianel.-^Preach\r^^o^S\.E\oY, bishop of Noyon and the apostle of Antwerp. 50 MUSEUM Oir THE OLD MASTERS. 577. Right wing. — Charity of St. Eloy , towards pri- soners. 578. Reverse of right wing. — St. Eloy in his workshop (grisaille). 579. Left wing, — Charity of St. Eloy, towards the maimed. 580. Reverse of left wing. — St. Eloy being consecrated bishop of Noyon (grisaille). PICTURES BY UNKNOWN MASTERS OF XVII CENTURY. FLEMISH SCHOOL. 581. Christ crucified between the two thieves, collection van den Hecke-Baut de Basmon. 582. Portrait of a gentleman. 583 to 594. Twelve portraits of gentlemen (busts). 595. Portrait of a gentleman (bust). 596. Portrait of a gentleman (bust). 597. Portrait of a gentleman (bust), 598. The Entombment. 599. St. Agnes and St. Dorothy. 600. Pastoral (busts). NUMBERS ON GOLD GROUND. 51 601. Death of Abel. 602. Vanitas. 603 to 608. Six figures, painted and cut out, repre- senting: 1. Clemency, 2 Piety, 3 Force, 4. Jus- tice , 5. Peace. 6. Temperance. 609. Portrait of a chaplain of the corporation of St. Luke. 610. The Amphitheatre , a lecture on anatomy. 611. *' Deipara Virgo. " 612. The Crucifixion. DUTCH SCHOOL. 613. Winter. ITALIAN SCHOOL. 614. The Ascension. SCHOOL OF REMBRAND VAN RYN. 615. Bust of an old gentleman, collection van den Hecke-Baut de Rasmon. PICTURE BY AN UNKNOWN MASTER OF XVIII CENTURY. 616. Portrait of Pope Pius VI. MUS/EUM OF THE OLD MASTERS. PICTURES. --COPIES. AFTER JAMES DE WITTE. 617. The young draughtsman. AFTER ANTHONY VAN DYCK. 618. St. Peter. 619. St. Paul. 620. Portrait (half-length) of the Infanta Isabella-Clara- Eugenia. KERRICKX (William) Flem. Sch. 1652-1719. 624. Maximilian-Emnnanuel of Bavaria , governor of the Spanish Netherlands. (Bust in marble). QUELIiIN (Artus) , the elder , Flem. Sch. 1609-1668. 625. Louis of Benavides , marquis of Caracena , gover- nor-general of the catholic Netherlands. (Bust in marble). 626. St. Sebastian. (Statue in wood). VAN BAURSCHEIT (Joun-Peter) , the elder, Flem. Sch. 16C9-1728. 627. Philip V, King of Spain and the Indies. (Bust in marble"). NUMBERS ON COLD GROUND. 53 "WILLEMSENS (Lkwis), Ff em. Sc/i. 1630-1702, 630. Portrait of John-Dominic of Zuniga and Fonseca , count of Monterey and of Fuentes , gouvernor of the Spanish Netherlands. (Bast in marble). 631. Peter- Paul Rubens. (Ancient bust in terra cotta). Legacy of the late M. J. -A . Nottebohm 1866. ANCIENT MONUMENTS. XV CENTURY. 634. St. Luke. (Statuette.) XVI CENTURY. 635. Portrait , carved in medallion , of Abraham Ortelius (Ortels) , the celebrated geographer. 54 MUSEUM OF THK OLD MASTERS. END OF XVI OR BEGINNING OF XVII CENTURY. 636. A bust. 637. A bust. 638. The chair of Rubens. 639. Table of names of masters , princes and deacons of the Corporation of St. Luke, from 1454 till 1794. It may be remarked that this table is far from agreeing with the official registers of the Guild, preserved in the archives of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, at Antwerp. This table comes from the old Academy. -*>#^^»-s«<^ — NUMBERS ON GOLD GROUNh. 55 SUPPLEMENT. DE RUNG (Peter) , Flem.Sch. XVII century. 641. Fruits, etc. RUISDAEIi or RUYSDAEL (James) , Dwec^. Sc/i. 1625 ?-i68 1. 646. The Waterfall, a landscape in Norway. SNYDERS (Francis) , Fiem. Sch. 1597-1657. 647. Display of a great variety of fishes , life size. Legacy of the late M, Mao:. Van den Bergh. iSlS, BRAKENBURG (Richard) , Dutcii. Sch. 1650-1702. 649. Flemish Kermesse or feast ; interior of an inn. RUBENS (Peter- Paul) , Flen^. Sch. 1577-1 64^. 650. Portrait of Gaspard Gevartius (Gevaerts). Left to the Musseum by the lateM.-P.A.-L.-J. Gill6s de s' Gravenwesel, undei leserre of the usufruct iu favour of Lady Gill^s de s' Gravenwesel, Countess of Brouck- hoven de Bergeyck, who, renouncing the usufruct, immediately presented the picture. (Nt»vember 1874.) 651. Portrait of a nobleman. 652. Christ baptized in Jordan. Legacy of J. De Bom 1876. DECKER (Conrad) , Dutah. Sch. 16.. -16.. 653. Landscape. Legacy of J. De Bom. 1S16' 56 MUSi^UM OF THE OLD MASTERS. , • , *- D'HONDEGOETER (Melchior) , Dutch. Sen. 1636-1695. 654. Animals. HOBBEMA (Meindf.rt) , Dutch, Sch. 1638- 655. The Water Mill. View taken in Gueldres. VAN AELST (William) , Dutch. Sch. 1620-1679. 656. Fruit , etc. VAN MUSSGHER (Michael) , Dutch. Sch. 1645-1705. 657. Luncheon in the open air, a family picture. Legacy o^ i¥. James Blomaerts, 1875. DEL GAMPIDOGLIO (Michael Angelo). (nttrihiited to). Horn, Sch . lived in 1600. 658. Fruit. Gift of the Society Artibus Patrku 1878. DROOGHSLOOT (Jofe^h Cornelius), Dutch. Sch. Lived in i62ft. 659. The halt and lepers at Bethsaida. Gi/t of the Society Artibus Patriae. 1878. FRANCK (FRA^•cls), Flem. Sch. ltOO-1667. 660. Family portraits in a picture Gallery. Gift of the Society Artibus Patriae 1878. GYSELS (Pkteh), Flem. Sch. 1621-1690-91. 661. Dead nature (Picture known Ly the name of coffin of Peter Gysels)." NUMBERS ON GOLD (UIOUNL). 57 MYTENS (Oamkl), Dutch. Sell. 1636?-1688. 662. Portrait of a lady. TENIERS (David), theyoungkk. FLem. Sck. 1G10-1690. 663. Landscape. BERGHEM (Nicholas), Dutcli. Sck. 1624-1683. 664. Landscape. Figures and aniinals. Given bij the heirs, and in execution of the wishes of the late ckevalier Jules van Havre, a member of the Board , who died at Antwerp the 27'" December 1878. RUISDAEL or RUYSDAEL (Solomon) , Dutch. Sch. H)\b'!-i<610. 665. The Ferry. Landscapeot the inland waters of Holland. BREEMBERG (Bahtholomew), Dutch. Sch. 1620-1 6o0. 666. The death of Ahel. DE HEEM (John), son of David. Dutch. Sch. 1600-1683-84. 667. Dead Nature. TENIERS (Davu>), the younger. Flem. Sch. 1610-1690. 668. The Singer. DU JARDIN (Charles) , Dutch Sch, 1625?~1678. . ^ 669. Italian land^ape wilh figures and animals. 58 MUSEUM OF THE OLD MASTERS. VANDER NEER (Eglon-Henhy), Dutch. Sch. 1643-1703. 670. The visit. POURBUS (Francis) , {attributed to) Flem. Sch. 1540-1580. 671. Portrait of Prince Alexander Farnese (bust). BROUWER (Adrian). F/em. Sc/i. 1608-1640. 672. The game of cards. NEEFS (Peter) , the elder , . Flem. Sch. 15707-1651? 673. Interior of a Church, figures by Gonzales Coques. Flem. Sch. 1614-1684. TENIERS (David), the younger Fiem. Sc/i. 1610-1690. 674. The Duet. VAN HUGTENBURG (John) , Dutch. Sch. 1646-1733. 675. The horrors of War. "WEENIXOTohn), Dutch. Sch. 1644-1719. 676. Dead nature. "WOU WERMAN (Philip) , Dutch. Sch. 1619-1668. 677. Coursing. NUMBERS ON GOLD GROUND. 59 BRUEGHEL (John) , surnamed " de velours. " Flem. Sch. 1558-1625. 678. Flowers. RUISDAEL or RUYSDAEL (James) , Dutch. Sch. i625?-l681. 679. Marine. — Storm. QUELLIN (A.RTHUR) , the elder , Flem. Sch. 1609-1668. 680. Roman charily, (group in marble). UNKNOWN, Dutch. Sch. 17*" century. 681 . Portrait of a lady. VAN POELENBURG (Cornelius), Dutch. Sch. 1586-1667. 682. Landscape and figures. -*>»«M<€<^ % MUSi^UM OF THE MODERN MASTERS. BEAUFAUX (POLYDORE) Belg. Sch. 1829- 1. Solome wacthing the beheading of St. -John the Baptist. BEERNAERT (Miss Euphrosine) , Belg. Sch. 2. The Oaksof Waldau. Gueldres, Landscape. CLAYS (Paul-John -Charles) , Belg. Sch. 1817-.... 3. Marine. Lull during stormy weather. Neighbourhood of Dordrecht. COL (John David), Belg. Sch. 1822- 4. Shaving day. DAVID (James Louis), French Sch. 1748-1825. 5. Head study. DE BRAEKELEER (Ferdinanp) , Belg. Sch. 1792- 6. The Spanish fury at Antwerp in 1576. 62 MUSEUM OF THE MODERN MASTERS. 7. Count Frederic de Merode, dying at Malines in 1830 , from the wound he received at the combat of Berchem , near Antwerp. {History of the Belgian Revolution.) DE BRAEKELEER (James John), Belg. Sch. 1823- 8. Baron Gustavo Wappers , historical painter, Director of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, at Antwerp. (Bust in marble.) (Director 1840-1853). DB GAISNE (Henry) , Belg. Sch. llQ9ASb2. 9. M.di{er Dolorosa. Gift of M. P. DeCaisne. i861. DECKERS (John Francis) , Belg. Sch. 1835. 10. Bacchus at Nurse. (Group in marble.) DE GUYPER (John Baptist) , Bolg, Sch. 1807-1852. . 11. Matthews-Ignatius Van Br6e , historical painter , Direc- tor of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts at Antwerp , (Statue in marble.) (Director 1827-1839.) DE KEYSER(N.igaise),. Belg. Sch. 1813- 12. Portrait of Madame Adelaide-Marie-Colette Ghislaine Baroness Baut deRasmon, Dowager of M^ Charles- Jacques van den Hecke. DELL' ACQUA (C^sar), Belg. Sch. 1821-.... 13. The Bride's Jewels. A Venetian lady of the XIV^^^ cen- tury. NUMBERS ON RED GROUND. 63 DENIS (Simon-Alexander- Clement) , Flem. Sch. 1755-1813. 14. Water-fall , Gift oj the Author. 15. Landscape, Gift of the Author. 16. Evening, — Landscape, Gift of Ihe Author, DE VIGNE (Paul) , Belg. Sch. 1843- 17. Dominica. (Statue in marble). DUGAJU (Joseph) , Belg. Sch. i82Z-.... 18. Leopold II , King of the Belgians , (Statue in marble). ELIAERTS (John Francis), Belg. Sch. 1761-1848. 19. Bouquet of flowers. GEEFS (Joseph) , Belg. Sch. iSOS- 20. The Chevalier Florent Van Ertborn , Burgomaster of Antwerp , (bust in marble). GEERTS (Charles Henry) , Belg. Sch. 1807-1855. 21. Quentin Matsys. (Statue in French stone). GEETS (William), Belg. Sch. 1838- 22. Exorcism of Johanna of Castile, surnamed Johanna the Maniac. GROENENDAEL (Camilius) , Belg. Sch. 1785-1834. 23. Portrait of M. Van Donick. Legacy of Madame Van Bre- dael, nie Anne-Marie Van Donick.i815. (34 MUS/EUM OF THE MODERN MASTERS. 24. Portrait, of Madame Van Doniclv. Legacy of Madame Van Bredael , nee Anne-Marie Van Donick ^ i815. HERREYNS (William James) . Flem.Sch . 1743-1827. ^ 25. Portrait of Joseph Ghesquiere , formerly a Jesuit and one of the Bollandists of tlie Abbey of Tongerloo. 26. Portrait of James de Bue, formerly a Jesuit and one of the Bollandists of the Abbey of Tongerloo. 27. Portrait of Godefrey Hermans , 44^^ ^^(\ ]ast Abbot of Tongerloo. 28. Portrait of the Priest John-James de Brandt. Gift of M. J. Van Ouwenhuysen-Herreyns . 1841. 29. Christ giving up the ghost. KOEKOEK (Bernard-Cornelius), Dutch. Sch. 1803-1862. 30. Landscape in the neighbourhood of Gleves. L AMORINIERE (J ohn-Peter-Francis) , Belg. Sch. 1828. 31. The Prinse-Vtjver lake, \ie\v \ixken in the grounds of Ml" de Jonge van Eilemeet , Island of Walcheren. LE FEVRE (Robert), French. Sch. 1756-1831. 32. Portrait of John-Francis VanDael , Flower Painter. LENS (Andrew-Corn'elius) , Flem. Sch. 1739-1822. 33. The Annunciation. NUMBERS ON RED GROUND. 65 34. Portrait of Peter-Francis Martenasie , Engraver , former Director of the Academy of Antwerp. 35. Allegorical picture. TjEYS , BARON (Henry) , Belg. Sch. 1815-18C9. 36. Rubens going to a festival which is offered to him in the Garden of the Corporation of the Arquebusiers at Antwerp. LIES (Joseph). Belg. Sch. 1821-1865. 37. The prisoners of War. 38. The Enemy approaching. M ARINUS (Ferdinand-Joseph-Bernard) , Belg. Sch. 180S- 39. Episode of the inundation of the Meuse in 1872.-, View of Poilvache. MINGUET (Andrew-Joseph) , Belg. Sch. 1818-1860. 40. Interior of the Cathedral of Bruges. MUNTHE (Louis)-; Germ, Sch. 1841. 41. Winter Landscape. OMMEGANGK'(Balthasar-Paul). Flem. Sch. 1755-1826. 42. Sheep _in a mountainous landscape. 43. The Y or d. Collection van den Hccke-Baut deRasmon. 66 MUS.EUM OF THE MODERN MASTERS. i 44. Landscape and animals. OOMS (Charles), Belg, Sch. 484o- 45. Philip II, King' of Spain , paying the last homage to his brother Doa Juan of Austria , accompanied by his Secretary Antonio Perez , by Cardinal Granvelle , by the Duke of Alva and other notabilities. PEGHER JULES-ROMAIN) , Belg. Sch. 1830 46. p. p. Rubens. Bust in Marble : ordered by the town to be placed in the Mussem on the occasion of the festival of the third centenary of the birth of the master. August 1877. PIERON (Gl'Stavus-Louis-Mar\) , Belg. Sch. 4824-1864. 47. Landscape. Farm near Merxem , neighbourhood of Antwerp. 48. The pool ; landscape. SAMAIN (Louis), Belg. Sch. 1834 49. The Watch. (Statue in marble). SMITS (Francis-Mark), Belg. Sch. 1760-1833. 50. Portrait of William James Herreyns, painter of history , Director of the Royal Academy of fine Arts at Antwerp. (Director 1800-1827). NUMBERS ON RED GROUND. ()7 VAN ASSGHE (Henry) , Belg. Sch. 1774- 18il. 51. The thunderbolt. Landscape. Collection van den Hecke- Baut de Rasmon, Van BREE (Matthew-Ignatius) , Belg. Sch. 1773-1839, 52. Death of Peter- Paul Rubens. Gift of uis Majesty wiiuami King of the Xetherlonds. 1829. 53. Rubens, Peter Paul. (Bust in terra cotta). VAN BRIBE (l^HiLip). Belg. Sch. 1 786-1 87i. 54. Abdication of Charles V. VAN DER OUDERAA (Peter) , Belg. Sch. 1841- 55. The judiciary Reconciliation. VAN DER VEN (John- Anthony) , Dutch. Sch. 1800-1866. 56. William James Heri-eyns, Director of the Royal Aca- demy of Fine Arts at Antwerp (1800-1827). (Bust in marble). (Reproduction in marble of the bust in stone executed by J. A. Van derVen, miS21).GiftofM. Constcmt Van Ouwenhuysen , ISli). VAN GEEL (John Francis), Belg. Sch. 175G-1830. 57. Boreus carrying ofTOrithyia. (Group in French stone). VAN HUFFEIi (Peter), Belg. Sch. 17G9-1844. 58. Portrait of the First Consul , Napoleon Bonaparte. Collection van den Hecke-Baui de Rasmon. HH MUSEUM OP THR MODERN MASTERS. VAN KUYGK (John Louis), Belg. Sch. 1821-1871. 59. Leaving for the fields. VAN LERIUS /'.JOSEPH), Belg. Sch. 1823-1876. 60. The devoted ness of Lady Godiva; Leofiic, count of Mercia, oppressed his vassals, the inha- bitants of Coventry. Lady Godiva his wife implores his pity. The fierce count ansvversher: would you for the love of your subjects , go naked through the streets of Coven- try ? — The inhabitants, warned, and recognizing the devotion of Lady Godiva, withdrew into their houses , doors and windows closed. None saw the Lady Godiva. — History o( England. Saxon legend XI^^ century. VAN LUPPEN (JoSEPHUS), Belg. Sch. 1834.- 61. Flanders. Landscape. VAN REGEMORTER (Ignatius- Josephus-Peter), Belg. Sch. 1785-1873. 62. Dispute at a ganae of cards. VAN YSENDYCK (Amhony), Belg. Sch. 1801-1875. Portrait of Matthew-Ignatius Van Bree , painter of history and Director of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, at Antwerp. (Director i827-d 839). VERBOECKHOVEN (Charles-Louis), Belg. Sch. ihOi- 64. Marine : Rough Sea. Collection van den Hecke-Baut de Has- 63. NUMBERS ON RED GROUND. 69 VERBOECKHOVEN (Charles- Louis) , Belg, Sch, 1802-.. . . .and VERBOECKHOVEN (El'GENe-Josepi!), Belg. Sch. 1798-4881. 65. Marine. Rising Sea. collection van den Hecke-Baut de Bus- men . VERLAT ( Michael-Charles- M.\ry) , Belg. Sch. \%2h- 66. Portrait of Joseph Lies, historical painter. 67. The mother of the Messiah accompanied by the four Evangelists. 68. The defence of the herd. VERSGHAEREN (Jean-Anthony), Belg. Sch. 1803-1863. 69. Portrait of William James Herreyns , historical pain- ter, Director of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts at Antwerp. (Director 1800-18^27.) VINGK (Francis-Hubert) , Belg. Sch. 1827.- 70. The Confederates before Margaret of Parma. WAPPERS (GusTAvus), Baron , Belg. Sch. 1803-1874. 71. Young mother playing with her child. 72. The brothers De Wit at the moment when the people entere their prison. 70 MUS.'EUM OF TMK MODERN MASTERS. i WIERTZ (Anthony), Belg. Sch. 1806-1865. 73. The Greeks and Trojans fighting for the body of Patro- Cles. Legacy of J. De Bom. 1876. DE BRAEKELEER (Adrien), Belg. Sch. 1818-.. 74. The farrier. PLUMOT (Andrew), Belg. Sch. 1829-.. 75. Crossing the bridges, STOBBAERTS (Iohn-Baptist), Belg. Sch. 1838-.. 76. The first hay cart. MOLS (Robert), Belg. Sch. 1848-.. 77. Dead nature. — Flowers. Gift of Mr and Mrs. Fellx Grlsar- Govaerts. 1879. VAN HOVE (Edmund), Belg. Sch. 1851-.... 78. Head of Si. John the Baptist. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Felice Grisar-Govaerts. 1879. DE BLOCK (Eugene), Belg. Sch. 1812-.... 79. Leaving school. ASSELBERGS (Alphonsk) , Be'g. Sch. 1839-.... 80. A pool in the C:\inpine. NUMBERS ON RED GROUND. 71 BOURGE (Heinry), Belg.Sch.iS26- 81. The return. CARPENTIER (Evariste) , Belg. Sch. 1845-.... 82. Episode of the Vendean Insurrection 1795. GOOSEMANS (Joseph-Theodore) , Belg. Sch. 1828- 83. A winter day in the Gampine. DE SGHAMPHELEER (Edmund) , Belg. Sch. 1824-.... 84. Souvenir of Gouda. SCHAEFELS (Henry), Belg. Sch. 1827-.... 85 The Algesiras at the battle of Trafalgar. DE BRAEGKELEER (Iames-John), Belg. Sch, 1823-.... 86. Van Kuyck (Louis) , Painter of animals. (Bust in marble). Gift of the Artistic, Literary and Scientific Society at Anttuerp. 1880. PEGHER (.lULES-ROMAlN), Belg. Sch. 1830-.... 87. Van Lerius Joseph , historical painter. Professor at the Royal Academy of fme Arts at Antwerp (1854- 1876). (Bust in marble). — Presented by the Misses J. T, and L. Van Lerius, sisters of the late profes- sor. 1880. MUSEUM OF THE ACADEMICIANS. The Musfleum of the Acauemicians instituted in 1851 , is for- med solely of works ordered of EtTective Members of the Academical Body of Antwerp. BOURLA (Peter-Bruno) , Belg. Sch, 1783-1866. ARCHITECT. 1. Frame containing the architectonic plans and designs of the Royal Theatre , at Antwerp. 2. His portrait , by F. De Brinjcker ^ of Antwerp. Delg, Sch. 1816-.... DE BAY (John-Baptist-Joseph), Belg. Sch. 1779- i 863. STATUARY. 3. The young girl with the shell ; {statue m marble). 4. His bust , in marble , by his so}i. French. Sch. 1802. DE BRAEKELEER (Ferdinand), Belg. Sch. l'^92-.... GENRE PAINTER. 5. The Village-School. 74 MUSEUM OF THS ACADEMICIANS. 6. His portrait , Ly himself. DE GALAME (Alexander), Swiss. Sell. 1815-1864. LANDSCAPE PAINTER. 7. The Wetterhorn , view of the Rosenlaui road in Bernese Oberland. 8. His portrait, by Chevalier Rudio , of Geneva, DE KEYSER (Nicasius) , Belg. Sch. 1813-.... HISTORICAL PAINTER. 9. Charles the Fifth, after the taking of Tunis, deli- vering the Christian slaves whom he found in irons. 10. His portrait, by himself. DE LA ROCHE (Hippolytus called Paul), French. Sch. 1797-1856. HISTORICAL PAINTER. 11. His portrait, by F. Portaels, of Brussels. Beig.Sch. 1820-.., DYCKMANS (Joseph-Laurencic), Belg. Sch. 1811-.... GENRE PAINTER. 12. A blind man. NUMBERS ON BLUE GROUND. 75 GEEFS (William), Belrj. Sell. 1806-.... STATUARY. 13, Genevieva of Brabant, with the child and the doe. (Group in marble). 14. His bust, in marble , by himself. INGRES (JoilN-DOMINIC-AUGUSTUS) , French. Sch. 1781-1867. HISTORICAL PAINTER. 15. His portrait , by himself. KISS (Augustus-Charles-Edward) , Germ. Sch. 1802-1865. STATUARY. 16. An Amazon defending herself against a tiger which has sprung at the breast of her horse. {Group in marble). 17. His bust , in marble , by himself. MADOU (John-Baptist) , Belg. Sch. 1796-1877. GENRE PAINTER. 18. Gallantry. A young man offers a young girl a collar, which he has just chosen from a hawker's stock. 76 MUSyEUM OF THE ACADEMICIANS. 19. His portrait, By ALRohert, of Brussels. Beig. Sch. isn-. . NAVEZ (Francis-Joseph) , Belg. Sch. 1787-1859. HISTORICAL PAINTER. 20. The Holy Family. 21. His portrait, by himself. OVERBECK (John-Frederick), Germ. Sch. 1789-1869. HISTORICAL PAINTER. 22. The Saviour miraculously escaping from the Jews who have led him from the synagogue to the top of the mountain , intending to cast him into the abyss. 23. His portrait, by C. Hoffmayin . historical pai)tter , at Rome. RAUCH (Christian -Daniel) , Germ. Sch, 1777-1857. Statuary. 24. Victory, winged and seated , throwing the crown of laurel. — - Statue in marble ordered of M^" Ranch and executed , after his death, by his pupil , M** Hugo Haegen , professor , at Berlin after the model made by the master for the Mus3eum of Antwerp. NUMBERS ON BLUE GROUND. 77 25. His bust in marble, by E.Rietschel Germ. Sch. 1804-18. . . . ROBERT-FLEURY (Joseph-Nicholas), French. Sch. 1797. HISTORICAL PAINTER. 26. The body of Titian laying in state , in the Baberigo palace at Venice , where he died of the plague , in 1576 , at the age of nearly 100 years. 27. His portrait, by himself. ROELANDT (Louis-Joseph-Adrian) , Belg. Sch. 1786-1864. ARCHITECT. 28. Frame containing the architectonic plans and designs of the palace of justice at Ghent. 29. His portrait, by L. de Winne. BeigSch. 1821-I880, SUYS (Tilman-Francis), Belg Sc/i. 1783-1861. ARCHITECT. 30. Frame containing the plans, sections and elevations of the church of St. Joseph , in the Leopold quarter, at Brussels. 31. His \)ov[raiijby Al. Robert, of Brussels. Belg. Sch.isii'.... MUS/EUM OF THE ACADEMICIANS. VERBOECKHOVEN (Eugenius-Joseph) , Flem. Sell. 1768-1881. LANDSCAPE AND ANLMAL PAINTER. 32. Starting for the rnarket„ 33. His portrait, by himself. V. CORNELIUS. (Peter), Germ. Scli. 1787-1867. HISTORICAL PAINTER. 34. Cartoon representing : Hagen entrusting his trea- sures to the nymphs of the Rhine; an episode from the poem the Niebelungen, 35. His portrait, htj Oscar Begas, of Berlin. Germ. SchASbO-.., V. SGHADO^W-GODENHAUS ([rederick- WlLLlAij), DaROxN , Germ . Sch. 1789-1862. HISTORICAL PAINTER. 36. Charity. 37. His Portrait, by Ed. Bendemann , director of the ^ Academy of Diisseldorf. Germ. Sch. i8i7-.... "WAPPERS (Egidius-Charles-Gustavus), Baron^ Flern. Sch. 1803-1874. HISTORICAL PAINTER. 38. The Shulamite : Who is this that cometh up from NUMBERS ON BLUE GROUND. 79 the wilderness, leaning upon her beloved? — Can- tides. 39. His portrait, by himself. ACHENBAGH (A?-»>oi<^<*— 5^ -S: ''K' ^ -Q Pamphlet Binder Gaylord Bros.. Inc. Stockton, Calif. T.M.Reg-US.Pat Off- YB 0^4 ! Moass r.