i t -l \LXJ 1 1 K^ V( lENRY SOTHERAN & C*^ - PIO jtrrtr^ffftt mmnafiffctieiiaasauaK- mimmAMW JVo Division Range Shelf. z<^s A CATALOGUE C'4/ ,', ^^l' .^. BOOKS FOR THE LIBRARY, COMPRISINa A SELECTION OF THE BEST EDITIONS OF STANDAED WORKS, BT ANCIENT AND MODERN AUTHORS, IN ALL DEPABTMENTS OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND ART. ON SALE BY HENEY SOTHEKAN AND CO., 30, PIOO^DILXjY, LONDON", {Opposite St. Jameses Church,) ALSO AT 136, STRAND; and 77, and 78, QUEEN STREET, CITY. 1877. 5Nfi^ vr ^ THE AIM OF THE ADVERTISERS In compiling the present Catalogue, has been to present in the most convenient form such a list of the Best Editions of Standard Works, by Ancient and Modern Authors, and of the most esteemed Works of Reference, as will serve to give a general idea of the extent of their stock, and at the same time assist the Heads of Colleges, Librarians, Founders of Libraries, and others, in selecting Works in the various departments of Literature without difficulty. A large portion of the Books described are new, the bindings being in all cases of a superior class, and of the most appropriate character. In the case of Second-Hand Books, special care is taken to secure good, clean, and serviceable library copies, and only such, under any circumstances, are supplied. For the guidance of Customers residing abroad, the Advertisers think it well to state, that the classes of binding described as new morocco, new calf, new hilf calf, etc. are all of the best workmanship and of elegant design. For Public Institutions and Club Libraries the Advertisers have adopted a specially strong, plain, and serviceable style of binding, in which Books of course are supplied at proportionately reduced prices. All New Books in cloth bindings are supplied with the fullest Discount from the published price. A Monthly Catalogue of New Purchases, entitled SOTHERAN'S PRICE CURRENT OF LITERATURE, which presents each successive Month an entirely fresh collection of Second-hand Books, Ancient and Modern, in all Classes of Literature, in good Library condition, is published at the end of every month. Subscription, 3* per annum. A Specimen number post free. ./■^> ''^>.y^^ AND '609]^,^ 3D SOCIETIES. *. A CATALOGUE OP ^ CHOICE SECOND-H EMBEACING TRANSACTIONS OF LEARNED SOCIETIES, PICTURE GALLERIES, & OTHER BOOKS OP PRINTS^ TOGETHEE, WITH THE BEST LIBRARY EDITIONS OF ANCIENT AND MODERN AUTHORS, SELECTED EEOM THE VERY LARGE STOCK OF NEW AND SECOND-HAND BOOKS ON SALE BY HENRY SOTHEEAN & CO., 33, FIOO^^DIIjIjY, LOMDOJS", (opposite St. James's Chv/rch.) H. S. AND Co. publish on the 25th of every month a Price Current of Literature, containing a selection from their Monthly Purchases of Books, Ancient and Modern, Neiu and Second-hand, in every Class of Literature, which they send Post Free for 3s per annum. ACKERMANN'S (R.) Cambridge University; History of its Colleges, Halls, and Public Build- ings, ivith nearly 100 finely coloured engravings hy Pugin, Mackenzie, Nash, ^c. including Inte- riors and Costumes, 2 vols. impl. 4to. hf. morocco, £3. 3s (pub. £16.) 1815 ACKERMANN'S (R.) Microcosm of London, with 104 COLOURED PLATES by Pugin and RowLANDSON, of the Interiors and Exteriors of the Public Buildings, and of the Manners, Cus- toms, c^'C. of London, 3 vols. impl. 4to. hf. morocco gilt, £4. 4s 1808 ACKERMANN'S (R.) Oxford University; History of its Colleges, Halls, and Public Build- ings, with nearly 100 finely coloured engrav- ings by Pugin, Nash, and others, including Interiors, and the Costumes of the Members of the University, 2 vols. impl. 4to. hf. russia gilt, £3. 3s 1814 ACKERMANN'S (R.) Westminster Abbey; its History, Antiquities, and Monuments, loith 70 FINELY COLOURED ENGRAVINGS from Draw- ings by Pugin, Mackenzie, and others, 2 vols, impl, 4to. hf. russia neat, £2. 15s 1815 ACKERMANN'S (R.) Winchester, Eton, and Westminster ; Historj- of their Colleges, with the Charter-House, the Schools of St. Paul's, Merchant Taylors', Harrow, Rugby, and Christ's Hospital, with 48 finely coloured plates by Pugin, and others, thick impl. 4to. hf. morocco, £2. 2s 1816 ACTON'S (Miss) Modern Cookery in all its Branches, ^vith numerous engravings and wood- cuts, last edition, fcap. 8vo. new cloth, 5s 1875 ADAMS' (F. 0.) History of Japan, to 1871, 2 vols. 8vo. netv cloth, £1. 15s 1875 ADAMS' (H. and A.) Genera of Recent Mol- LUSCA ; arranged according to their Organiza- tion, engravim,gs, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, £3. 15s — Another copy, large paper, with the plates COLOURED, 3 vols. Foy. 8vo. cloth, £8. 10s Fcwi Voorst, 1858 This work contains a description and a figvire engraved on steel of each genus, and an enumeration of the species. ADAMS' (H.) Smaller British Birds, with Descriptions of their Nests, Eggs, Habits, etc. illustrated by 16 finely coloured plates of birds and their eggs, impl. 8yo. cloth extra, gilt edges, 12s 6d ' 1873 ADAMS' (W.) Sacred Allegories: Shadow of the Cross, Distant Hills, Old Man's Home, and King's Messengers, with Memoir of the Author, finely printed, and illustrated hy a series of beautiful engravings by Birket Foster, Cope, Horsley, and others, sm. 4to. morocco super extra, gilt edges, £1. 10s n.d. ADAMS' (W.) Sacked Allegories : Shadow of the Cross. Distant Hills, Old Man's Home, and King's Messengers, illustrated, fcap. 8vo. new calf antique, 9s — or, morocco extra, gilt edges, I2s6d 1871 ADDISON'S (C.) Knights Templars, a History of the Order, tinted plates of Churches, etc. thick 8vo. cloth, 4s 6d (pub. 10s 6d) 1854 ADDISON'S (C.) Temple Church, London, its Monuments, &c. with interesting notices of the Knights Templars, engravings, 8vo. cloth, 8s 1843 1 BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, ADDISON'S (J.) Works complete, Easier- . ville's leautiful Edition, in la/i'ge tyye, ^portrait and engravings hy Qrignion, from Hayman's designs, 4 vols, royal 4to. calf gilt, £4. 10s Bi/rm. 1761 The most sumptuous edition yet published ; it com- prises the Spectator, Tatler, Guardian, Freeholder, Travels, Plays, Poems, &c. ADDISON'S (J.) Works complete, edited with Notes by Bishop Rvrh, portrait, best library EDITION, 6 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, £2. 15s 1811 ADDISON'S (J.) Works complete, in Prose and Verse, with Notes by Bishop Hurd, por- trait, 6 vols, post Svo. new half calf, £1. 12s 6(Z — Another copy, new calf gilt, £2. 6s 1870 ADDISOM'S (J.) Essays from the Spectator, with Explanatory Notes, portrait, thick post 8vo. caZ/ gf^i, 8s 1873 ADOLPHUS' (J.) History of England during the Reign of K. George III. 7 thick vols. Svo. calf gilt, £2. 12s 1840-5 The best history of this interesting period, comprising the fullest accounts of the American and Indian Wars, the French Revolution, &c. -SISOP and Gay's Fables, Stockd ale's fine EDITIONS, in large type, with many engravings hy Blake, Stothard, Landseer, ^c. together 4 vols, roy. 8vo. calf gilt, (moderate copy), £3. 3s 1793 JESOP'S Fables, and those of other eminent Mythologists, with Morals and Reflexions, by Sir Roger L'Estrange, fine portrait of the Author, 2 vols, folio in one, calf, 12s 1699-1704 The "Reflections" introduced into this curious work furnish the author with continual opportunities of libelling his opponents ; and as Hallam says, he was a master of " slang." tESOP'S Fables, from the Greek, by Rev. G. F. Townsend, 114 illiistrations, post 8vo. neiv calf gilt, 9s (1869) .^SOP'S Fables, a new Version chiefly from Original Sources, by James, with 100 illmtra- tions hy Tenniel, post 8vo. calf extra, gilt edges, 8s 6d 1870 ^SCHYLUS'S Agamemnon, and the Bacchanals of Euripides, etc. trans, by Dean Milman, with engravings from tlie Antique, post 8vo. new calf gilt, 1 6s — Another copy, morocco, gilt edges, £1. Is 1865 JESCHYLUS'S Agamemnon, translated from the Greek, illustrated by a Dissertation on Grecian Tragedy, etc. by J. S. Harford, withjme engroA)- ings, post Svo. cloth, 7s 6d 1831 uESCHYLUS'S Tragedies, Oreek, edited with an English Commentary, by F. A. Paley, thick Svo. cloth, 9s 6d (Bibliotheca Classica Edition, pub. 18s) Lond. 1855 AGASSIZ ( L. ) Histoire Naturelle des PoissoNS d'Eau douce de I'Europe Centrale : Embryologie des Salmones par C. Vogt, impl. 8vo. with numerous large plates of the Fish finely coloured, and heightened with silver, hesides many of Emhryology, in 3 folio port- folios, £3. 3s Neuchatel, 1842 AGUILAR'S (Grace) Works, new uniform edi- tion, illustrated, comprising. Home Influence ; The Mother's Recompense ; Woman's Friend- ship ; The Vale of Cedars ; The Days of Bruce ; Home Scenes and Heart Studies ; and The Women of Israel, 7 vols, post Svo. new hf. morocco gilt, £3. n. d. AGRICULTURAL JOURNAL :— i. The Quarterly Journal of Agriculture, from its commencement in May, 1828, to its termination in March, 1843 — including the Prize Essays and Transactions of the Highland So- ciety of Scotland, (published simultaneously) 21 vols, cloth ii. The Journal of Agriculture, a " New Series," and continuation of the preceding work, from July, 1843, to March, 1861, with the Transac- tions of the Highland and Agriculture Society of Scotland, (published simultaneously) 18 vols. hound, new half calf gilt Together 39 thick vols. Svo. illustrated hy en- gravings, £8. 10s (a very nice clean set through- out) (pub. unbound, at nearly £20.) 1828-61 This is a valuable work, containing Papers by the most eminent "Practical Men;" and lis, moreover, not confined exclusively to Scottish Husbandry, Pisciculture, etc. AGRICULTURAL Society of England; Journal of the, complete from the commence- ment to 1874, engravings, 35 vols. Svo. half calf, £8. 8s 1839-74 This w^ork (the early volumes of which are quite out of print) contains the contributions of the most eminent scientific men of the day. All the improvements of modern times, experiments, and their results ; agricultural implements, manures, breeding of stock, &c. are registered in the above valuable series. AIDE-MEMOIRE to the Military Sciences, numerous plates and woodcuts, 3 vols. roy. Svo. cloth, 15s 1853 Comprises Contributions of Officers of the different Services respecting Sapping and Mining, Engineering, Pontooning, Passages of Rivers, and Duties of Officers. AIKIN'S (Lucy) Memoirs of the Courts of Q. Elizabeth, James I. and Charles I. and Life of Dr. Aikin, portraits, 8 vols. Svo. new hf. calf gilt, £2. 2s 1822-33 AIKIN'S (Lucy) Life of Joseph Addison, port 2 vols, post Svo. cloth, 6s 6d (pub. 21s) 1843 AINS WORTH'S (W. H.) Novels and Tales, large type library edition, with numerous full page illustrations hy Cruikshank, Browne, Gil- hert, and Tony Johamnot, 16 vols. Svo. new hf. morocco, £7. n.d. Comprising: — Tower of London; Old St. Paul's; Windsor Castle; Jack Sheppard ; Miser's Daughter; Guy Fawkes; Star Chamber; Rookwood ; Crichton ; Lanca- shire Witches; Spendthrift; Flitch of Bacon; Boscobel ; Auriol; Ovingdean Grange; and Mervjn Clitheroe. AINSWORTH'S (W. H.) Novels and Ro- mances, 16 vols, in 8, thick 12mo. new hf. calf neat, Z\. lis U (1870) AIRY'S (Sir G.) Mathematical Tracts on the Lunar and Planetary Theories, the Figure of the Earth, Precession and Nutation, the Calculus of Variations, and the Undulatory Theory of Optics, second edition improved, Svo. hf. calf, very neat, scarce, 15s Cambridge, 1831 AITKRN'S (W. M.D.) Science and Practice of Medicine, sixth edition, with a steel plate, map, and nearly 200 woodcuts, 2 vols, thick Svo. new cloth, £\. Us %d 1871 "The present work contains information that will not be found in any other manual of m^6\c\n&."—Athenaum. " The book is the most comprehensive of any that have in late years been published on the Practice of Medicine." —British Medical Journal. ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & AITON'S (W.) HoKTUS Kewensis ; a Catalogue of the Plants cultivated in the Royal Botanic Garden at Kew, 5 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, nice copy of the best edition, 14s 1810 A most curious, instructive, and excellent botanical work, which for scientific arrangement and execution, has never been surpassed. A'KEMPIS (T.) Imitation of Christ, trans, from the Latin, with Preface and copious Intro- duction by Dr. T. F. Dibdin, a large and THICK PAPER COPY of this elegant edition, mith the exquisitely heoMtiful portrait of Christ after Quercino, the Last Supper after Da Vinci, and four other highly finished engravings, a. fine large vol. royal Svo. expensively hound in morocco ELEGANT, BROAD LEATHER JOINTS TOOLED UPON, and gilt edges, protected by a loose leather cover, £9. 10s Pickering, 1828 " A peculiar feature in this work, which seems to have escaped the observation of all preceding translators and editors, is the omission of all mention of the Intercestion of the Virgin to obtain forgiveness of sin." — Preface. A'KEMPIS (T.) Imitation of Christ, translated with Introduction and Notes by Dr. Dibdin, 6 beautiful engravings, including Salvator Mundi by Quercino, the Last Supper by Da Vinci, ^c. Svo. cloth, scarce, £1. 5s 1828 A'KEMPIS (T.) Imitation of Christ, hrnid- somely printed within red lines, and illustrated by a series of plwtograjphs from the ivorks of the Great Masters, sm. 4to. new calf antique, carmine edges, £l. 14s — Another copy, new mor. antique, gilt edges, £1. 18s Oxford, (1869) A'KEMPIS (T.) Imitation of Christ, hand- somely printed within red lines, 12mo. nety calf antique, 9s — Another copy, morocco extra, gilt edges, 12s 6d 1872 AKENSIDE'S (M.) Poetical Works, with Memoir by Dyce, an elegant reprint of Picker- ing's Aldine edition, port, large paper, new calf extra, gilt edges, 12s 1866 AKERMAN'S (J. Y.) Ancient Coins of Cities and Princes, Spain, France, and Britain, with 24 plates, geographically a/rranged amd described, Svo. chth, 10s 6d(pub. 21s) 1846 AKERMAN'S (J. Y.) Rare and Unedited Roman Coins; Descriptive Catalogue of, from the earliest period of the Roman Coinage, numer- ous finely engraved Coins on 22 plates, India PROOFS, 2 vols. roy. Svo. large paper, calf gilt, £2. 16s 1834 " This work treats only of such coins as from their rarity or interest are more eagerly sought for than the common types which may be procured at all times." AKERMAN'S (J. Y.) Tradesmen's Tokens, current in London and its Vicinity between 1648 and 1672, described from the originals in the British Museum and private Collections, by J. Y. Akerman, numerous engravings, Svo. cloth, 10s 6d— Another copy, on large paper, roy. Svo. cloth, 14.V 6d 1849 ALBEMARLE'S (Earl of) Marquis of Rock- ingham and his Contemporaries (temp. 1760- 1782), with original Letters and Documents, port. 2 vols. Svo. chth, 7s 6d (pub. 30s) 1852 ALBEMARLE (Earl of) Fifty Years of my Life, port. 2 vols. Svo. calf giU, £l.5s 1876 CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 3 ALBERT (Prince).— Early Years of the Prince Consort (1819-1841), compiled under the direc- tion of the Queen, by Lieut.-General the Hon. C. Grey, vnth two fine portraits, thick Svo. cloth, 7s 6d (pub. 16s) 1867 ALBERT (Prince).— Life of the Prince Consort, by Theodore Martin, Vol. 1 (all yet published) new cloth, 15s 1875 ALCOCK'S (Sir R.) Capital ^f the Tycoon ; a Narrative of a three years' Residence in Japan, with maps and numerous chromolithograph 2)lates and engraA}ings on wood, 2 vols. Svo. hf calf gilt, £\. As 1863 ALDER (J.) and HANCOCK'S Monograph of the British Nudibranchiate MoUusca, com- plete in 7 Parts, illustrated by SO finely executed plates, comprising figures of all the species, many coloured, bound in 1 vol. thick folio, hf. mor. £4. lOs Ray Society, 1845-55 ALEXANDER'S (Sir Wra. £arZ of Stirling) Poetical Works, now first collected and edited with Memoir and Notes, 3 vols, post Svo. new cloth, £\. 10s (330 copies printed) — Another copy, printed on Whatman's paper, large SIZE, 3 vols. impl. Svo. new cloth, £3. 3s (20 copies printed) Glasgow, 1871 For the first time the admirers of the writings of this much esteemed Poet arc enabled to procure the ivhole of his works in a collected form ; the text is reprinted in all cases from the latest editions of acknowledged and ascribed pieces published during the author's lifetime, and the variations of such with the earlier issues of the same, are given in foot-notes throughout the volumes. ALFORD'S (Dean) WORKS ; viz.— Book of Genesis, and part of the Book of Exodus ; a Revised version, with Marginal References and an Explanatory Commentary, Svo. ne^v cloth, 10s 1872 Children of the Lord's Prayer, a Domestic Tale in Verse, with 9 large engravings from designs by F. B. Pickersgill, R.A. royal 4to. cloth extra, gilt edges, 9s 6d (pub. 21s) 1870 Greek Testament, with a critically revised text, a digest of various Readings, Marginal References, Prolegomena, and Commentary, 4 thick vols. Svo. new calf antique, £5. 15s 1866-71 How to Study the New Testament, complete in 3 vols. fcap. Svo. new cloth, 9s 1868 New Testament for English Readers ; the Authorized Version, with marginal corrections of Readings and Renderings, References, and Critical and Explanatory Commentary, 4 vols. Svo. new calf gilt, £3. 10s 1868-70 Poetical Works ; fourth edition, containing many Pieces now first collected, fcp. Svo. nevj morocco extra, gilt edges, lis 6d 1870 Queen's English, a Treatise on common Im- proprieties in Speaking and Spelling, 12mo. new cloth, 4s 1874 The Riviera ; Pen and Pencil Sketches from Cannes to Genoa, illustrated by 12 beautiful chrom/}lithographic plates aad numerout en- gravings on wood from Drawings by the Author, impl. Svo. cloth extra, gilt edges, 17s 6d 1871 ALFORD'S (Dean) Life, Journals and Letters, edited by his Widow, portrait and 2 engrav- ings, Svo. Tiew calf gilt, 12s 6d 1873 BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, ALI PACHA (surnamed the Lion), Portraiture of leading Events of his Life, with 6 richly coloured engravings hy Daveryport, imp. 4to. cloth, 15s (pub. £2. 2s) 1823 ALISON'S (Sir A.) Essays, political, historical and miscellaneous, 3 thick vols. 8vo. cloth, 18s 1850 ALISON'S (Sir A.) History of Europe, from the commencement of the French Revolution, 1774 to 1815, with the Continuation to 1852, portraits, Large Type Library Edition, 23 vols. 8vo. neio calf gilt, £18. 18s 1849-60 ALISON'S (Sir A.) History of Europe to 1852, numerous illustrations, 21 vols, post 8vo. {double columns) hf. calf gilt, £6. 6s 1853 ALISON'S (Sir A.) History of Europe, from 1774 to 1815, numeroibs portraits, Large Type Library Edition, 14 vols. 8vo. neiv calf gilt, £11. lis 1858-60 ALISON'S (Sir A.) History of Europe, from 1774 to 1815, portrait, 20 vols, post 8vo. cloth, £2. 18s (pub. £6.) 1847 ALISON'S (Sir A.) History of Europe ; the Atlas, containing 109 Maps and Plans of Countries, Battles, Sieges, Sea-Fights, by A. Keith Joh>sto>', with a Vocabulary of Mili- tary and Marine Terms, oblong 4to. new calf, £3. 10s n. d. ALISON'S (Sir A.) Lives of Lord Castle- REAGH and Sir Charles Stewart, the Second and Third Marquesses of Londonderry, with Annals of Contemporary Events, in which they bore a part, from Family Papers, 3 vols. 8vo. hf calf gilt, £l. Is (pub. £2. 8s) 1861 ALISON'S (Sir A.) Military Life of John Duke of Marlborough, with maps and plans, 8vo. cloth, 9s (pub. 18s) 1848 ALISON'S (Sir A.) Principles of Population, and their Connection with Human Happiness, 2 vols. 8vo. hf calf gilt, Us (pub. £1. lOs) 1840 ALLEN'S (J.) Battles of the British Navy, new edition enlarged, numerous portraits, 2 vols, post 8vo. new cay" gilt, 18s 6d 1873 ALLEN'S (T.) History of Yorkshire, includ- ing the City of York, illustrated with upwards of 140 highly finished engravings of Public and Private Buildings, India proofs, 3 vols. 4to. hf. morocco, £4. 4s 1828-31 ALLIBONE'S (S. A.) Critical Dictionary of English Literature, and British and Ame- rican Authors, living and deceased, containing over 46,000 articles, with Forty Indexes of Sub- jects, 3 large vols. roy. 8vo. new cloth, £4. 10s 1859-71 Contains a succinct biography of each author of note, with a list of his works, and the judgment of competent authorities upon them. The Index of Subjects is very copious, and the inquirer can find at a glance all the authors of any note, arranged under the subject or sub- jects upon which they have written. AMARANTH (The) ; a Miscellany of Original Prose and Verse, contributed by Distinguished Writers, and edited by T. K. Hervey, ^vith 13 highly finished line engravings after eminent modern painters, imp. 4to. cloth, gilt edges, 10s 6d 1839 Among the contributors are : — Horace Smith, Douglas ]errold, J. S. Knowles, E. B. Barrett, Caroline Bowles ■(Mrs. Southey). T. Hood, W. M. Pracd, A. Cunningham, and the Rev. T. Dale. ALTAR SERVICE BOOKS of the Church of England, elegantly printed on ribbed paper, by Wliittingham, in red and black, vjith woodcut Initials, Rubrics and Mv^ic ; in the same style as Pickering's splendid reprint of the folio Prayer Book, on Large and Fine Paper, one vol. royal folio, and 2 vols, royal 4to. whole bound vellum, £1. 15s (pub. £3. 12s) 1867 The above are admirably adapted for presentation. AMADIS of Gai:l; by Vasco Lobeira, trans- lated from the Spanish Version of G. de Mon- talvo, by R. Southey, a new edition, 3 vols, fcap. 8vo. new calf gilt, £1. 8s 1872 AMERICA.— British Empire in America, containing the Discovery, Settlement, Progress, and State of the British Colonies, with maps, 2 vols. 8vo. calf neat, 10s 6(Z 1741 AMERICA.— Debates in the several State Coii- ventions on the adoption of the Federal Consti- tution as recommended by the general Conven- tion at Philadelphia in 1787 ; with the Journal of the Federal Convention, Luther Martin's Letter, Yates's Minutes, Congressional Opinions, Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions of '98-'99, etc. 2nd ed. with additions, by J. Elliott, 5 vols royal 8vo. calf, £3. 10s Philad. 1861 AMERICA. — Documents relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York, procured in Holland, England, and France, by J. R. Brodhead, Esq. Agent of the Legislature ; edited by E. B. O'Callaghan, LL.D. with coloured facsimile of large old map of America, 10 large thick vols, royal 4to. cloth, £5. 5s Albany, 1856 " Dr. O'Callaghan's zeal and ability in illustrating the history of New York, have for many years been well known among historical students." — Boston Historical Mag. AMERICA. — Don George Juan and Don An- tonio de Ulloa's Voyage to S. America, de- scribing the Spanish Cities, Towns, Provinces, &c. translated from the Spanish, with Notes, by J. Adams, mojps and engravings, 2 vols. 8vo. calf, 8s 6d 1772 AMERICA.— Engineer and Artillery Operations against the Defences of Charleston Harbor in 1863; comprising the descent upon Morris Island, the Demolition of Port Sumter, the Re- duction of Forts Wagner and Gregg, with Observations on Heavy Ordnance, Fortifications, etc. by Q. A. Gillmore, Commanding General, 76 tinted plates and engroAjed views, royal 8vo. cloth, 12s 1865 AMERICA.— General Public Acts of Congress respecting the Sale and Disposition of the Pub- lic Lands, with Instructions issued from time to time, by the Secretary of the Treasury,&c. and otficial Opinions of the Attorney General, plates, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. calf, 10s 6d Washington, 1838 AMERICA. — Historical Collections relating to the American Colonial Church, Virginia and Pennsylvania (1650-1778), edited by W. S. Perry, D.D., finely printed on stout ribbed paper, 2 vols. roy. 4to. cloth, £3. 18s Eartford, Conn., 1870-1 Only sjo copies printed for Subscribers. AMERICA.— History and Topography of the United States of America, edited by J. H. Hin- Toa, illustrated by itpicardsof 60 highly finished engravings cmd maps, 2 vols. 4to. hf morocco, very neat, £1. 5s (pub. £3.) 1830 ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN AMERICA. — Historical Review of the Con- stitution and Government of Pexxsylvama, from its Origin, so far as regards the several Points of Controversy which have arisen be- tween the Governors of that Province and their several Assemblies, 8vo. calf, £1. Is 1759 AMERICA. — History of the Martyrs, epito- mised : A Cloud of Witnesses, or the Sufferers' Mirrour, made up of the Swanlike Songs and other Choice Passages of a great Number of Martyrs and Confessors to the end of the Six- teenth Century, by T. Mall, M.A., one of the Ejected Ministers after the Reformation, 2 vols. 8vo. new panelled calf extra, gilt edges, very fine copy, VERY RARE, £3. 3s Boston, N. E. 1747 Prefixed are Prefaces by J. Flavel and Rev. S. Lee, once Minister of Bristol in New-England. AMERICA. — History of the Republic of the United States of America, as traced in the writings of Alexander Hamilton and of his cotemporaries, by John C. Hamilton, 7 vols. 8vo. new cloth, £4. 10s Philadelphia, 1868 This elaborate work contains a History of the Ame- rican Republic from its foundation to the year 1804, as well as a detailed account of the events v.hich immediately preceded the revolt of the colonists. It is mainly founded upon the MSS. of Alexander Hamilton, many' of which were written on behalf of Washington, of whose statt" he was for a long period a member. The originals are pre- served among the Archives of the United States, and the valuable materials for history that they contain are here first made accessible to the reader. AMERICA. — Journal of the Board of Arts and Manufactures for Upper Canada, edited by Prof. H. Y. Hind, 1861-67, 7 vols. impl. 8vo. hf. morocco, top edges gilt, £1. 5.s Toronto, 1861-7 AMERICA. — Nouvelle Relation contenant les Voyages de Thomas Gage dans la Nouvelle Espagne, ses diverses xVvantures, etc. avec la Description de la Ville de Mexique, curious folding plates and maps, 2 vols. 12mo. calj neat, *8s " Amst. 1695 AMERICA.— Official Report of the Debates and Proceedings in the State Convention, assembled May 4th, 1853, to revise and amend the Consti- tution of the Commonwealth of Massachu- setts, 3 thick vols, royal 8vo. cloth, £1. 4s Boston, 1853 AMERICA. — Proceedings of the British and other Protestant Inhabitants of the Province of QuEBECK, to obtain a House of Assembly [by Baron Maseres], 2 vols. 8vo. hf. morocco, top edges gilt, {with the autograph of the Author), Us 1775 AMERICA.— Public Records of the Colony of Connecticut prior to the union with New Haven Colony, May 1665; published by authority, with Notes by J. Hammond Trumbull, 3 thick vols. 8vo. cloth, £2. 2s Eartford, V. 8. 1850 AMERICA.— The Real Christian, or a Treatise of Effectual Calling, to which is added a few Words concerning Socinianism, by Giles Eir- MiN, Minister in Shalford, Essex, post 8vo. newly hound morocco extra, gilt edges, a heaun tiful specimen of bindvng, 15s Boston, Rogers and Fowle, 1742 " The Author, a Nonconformist divine, a native of Suffolk, emigrated to New England, and practised physic, returned and became minister of Stratford [Shalford ?] Essex : ejected 1663." — Allibone. & CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 5 AMERICA.— Records of the Colony of New PLY3iouTH,in New England, printed [from the original Documents] by Order of the Legisla- ture of Massachusetts, edited by N. B. Shurt- LEFF, M.D., and D. Pulsiver, 12 large vols, in 10, royal 4to. cloth gilt and lettered, £8. 8s Boston, 1855-61 These volumes possess uncommon interest as con- taining the earliest extant records of the oldest English Colony in New England. The able manner in which the volumes are edited, and the very handsome manner in which they are printed, reflect high honour on the intelli- gence, public spirit, and liberality of all concerned in their production. AMERICA, — Report upon the Colorado River of the West, explored in 1857-8, by Lieut. J. C. Ives, pub. by order of the Government, vnth nv/merous well executed engravings, woodcuts, panoramic views, and maps, the Indian portraits COLOURED, 4to. cloth, £1. 4s Washington, 1861 AMERICA.— Reports of the United States Com- missioners to the Paris Universal Exposi- tion, 1867, published by Authority, edited by W. P. Blake, numerous engravings of Works of Art, 6 large vols. 8vo. calf, £1. 12s Washington, 1870 AMERICA. — Statistical Annals, or Views of the Population, Commerce, Navigation, Fishe- ries, Public Lands, Revenues, etc. of the United States, founded on Official Documents, from 1789 to 1818, by A. Seybert, thick 4to. hf. calf, 8s 6d PhiUd. 1818 AMERICA. — Transactions of the New York Agricultural Society, with an Abstract of the Proceedings of the County Agricultural Societies, complete from the commencement. 1841 to I860, with very numerous engravings, 20 vols. 8vo. hf. morocco, £3. 3s Albany, 1842-61 These useful volumes contain most valuable infor- mation upon a variety of subjects relating to farming, including Crops, Cattle, Manures, Agricultural Implements, Grasses, &c. &c. AMERICA. — United States Naval Astrono- mical Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere, 1849-52, Lieut. J. M. Gilliss, Supt. with nume- rous engravings of Indian Remains, Natv/ral History, etc. (^sorne coloured). Vol. 2, 4to. cloth, 10s 6d Washington, 1855 Contents : Journey across the Andes and Pampas of the Argentine Provinces by Lieut. A. Macrae — Minerals by Prof. J. L, Smith — Indian Antiquities by T. Ewbank — Mammals by Baird— Birds by Cassin (the plates by W. Dresser, fnely coloured) — Reptiles, Fishes, and Crustacea by Girard— Shells, by Gould— Dried Plants by Asa Gray — Living Plants and Seeds, by Brackenridge {appropriate name !)— Fossil Mammals, by Wyman— Fossil Shells, by Conrad. AMERICA. — Voyage Historique de I'Ame- RiQUE Meridionale fait par Don George Juan et Don A. de Ulloa, traduit de I'Espagnol (par de Mauvillon), loith numerous folding maps and plans, 2 vols, 4to. old calf, rehacked, 10s 6d Amsterdam, 1752 AMERICA.— Voyages made in 1788-9, from China to the N. W. Coast of America ; with Observations on the probable Existence of a North-West Passage, charts and fine en.gravings, inchiding a large one of two Chiefs, from a drawing by T. Stothard, 2 vols. 8vo. calf neat, 15s 1791 6 BOOKS SUITABLE AMERICAN (The) Angler's Book, embracing the Natural History of Sporting Fish and the Art of Taking them, with Instructions in Fly- fishing, Fly-making, and Rod-making, also Fish- breedirig, vAth 80 woodcuts, thick royal 8vo. cloth, 8s 6d Philad. 1864 AMERICA J^ Archives ; containing a Docu- mentary History of the English Colonies in North America, from the King's Message to Parliament of 7 March, 1774, to the Declara- tion of Independence, 8 large thick vols, folio, halfrussia, £8. 8s Washington, 1837 This valuable work was prepared and published under authority of an Act of Congress. AMERICAN Register, or Summary Review of History, Politics, and Literature, 2 vols. 8vo. half morocco, uncut, top edges gilt, 14s Philad. 1817 ANACH ARSIS' Travels in Greece during the Fourth Century before the Christian Era, translated from the French of the Abbe Bar- thelemy, 7 vols. 8yo. and 4to. atlas of engrav- ings and maps, hf. calf, £\. is 1817 ANCIENT Arms and Armour; Catalogue of the Collection at Uplands, near Fareham, Hampshire, by John Beardmore, M.A. with 17 plates hy Bay and Haghe, exhibiting numerous figures, folio, hf. hound, £1. Is Not printed for Sale, 1844 ANCIENT CLASSICS for English Readers, edited by the Rev. W. Lucas Collins, M.A., 20 vols in 10, 12mo. new calf gilt, £4. 15s 1870-4 Homer's Iliad and Odyssey; Herodotus; Cassar; Virgil; Horace ; ^schylus ; Xenophon ; Cicero ; Sophocles ; Pliny; Euripides; Juvenal; Aristophanes; Hesiod; Plautus and Terence'; Tacitus; Lucian; Plato ; Greek Anthology. ANCIENT Critical Essays upon English Poets and Poetry, edited by Joseph Haslewood (con- taining reprints of the rare works of Putten- ham, Gascoigne, Harvey, Spenser, King James, "Webb, Meres, Harington, Campion, Daniel, and Bolton), 2 vols. 4to. russia, gilt leaves, £2. 12s 1811-15 Of this valuable work only 200 copies were printed ! and, moreover, most of the copies of Vol. 2 were destroyed by fire. Of Puttenham's work, Mr. Gilchrist says, in the " Censura Literaria," that it is on many accounts one of the most curious and entertaining, and intrinsically one of the most valuable books of the age of Elizabeth." ANCIENT Laws and Institutes of England, also Monumenta Ecclesiastica Anglicana, &c. and compendious Glossary, by B. Thorpe, 1840 —Also, Ancient Laws and Institutes of Wales, with English Translation, Glossary, and Indices, by A. Owen, 1841— together 2 vols, folio, c/oth, £2. 18s 1840-41 ANCIENT Spanish Ballads relating to the Twelve Peers of France, mentioned in Don Quixote, Spanish and English on opposite pages, the translations in Verse by T. Rodd, 2 vols, post 8vo. hf. calfqilt, scarce, 10s 6d 1812 ANDERSON'S (C.) Annals of the English Bible from a.d. 1525 to 1844, with Memoirs of Tyndale, his Contemporaries and Successors, and a copious History of the various Transla- tions and Editions, portrait and facsimiles, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, £1. 8s, Pichering, 1845— New Edition, in one vol. 8vo. calf gilt, 14s 1862 This is the best History of the English Bible, gnd of Its gradual diffusion in England and Scotland. FOR THE LIBRARY, ANCIENT and Modern Universal History, from the earliest account of Time, complete, best edition, with numerous engravings and ma/ps, €0 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, £6. 10s 1780, &c. " Consult the volumes of the Universal History, where you will find, either in the text or references, every historical information that can be required."— Prof. Smyth. ANDERSON'S (J.) Royal Genealogies, from Adam to these Times, including the British Isles, thick roy. folio, calf gilt, £2. 2s 1732 "The most useful and valuable work of the kind, and probablv the most difficult and laborious one ever under- taken by author or printer ; it may be considered as an abridgment of Universal History."— Moule. ANDERSONI Selectus Diplomatum et Nu- MisMATDM ScoTiiE Thesaurus, cum Indice Nominum et expositione praecipuarum Famili- arum, cura Ruddimanni, tZiwstrated ly ISO finely engraved plates of Coins, Ancient Charters, Curious Seals, etc. roy. folio, calf (rehachedj, £^- 155 Edin. 1789 ANDERSON'S (J. C.) Croydon Church, Past and Present, comprising Monuments and Anti- quities of the Old Parish Church of St. John the Baptist, at Croydon, in the County of Surrey, which was destroyed by Fire in January, 1867, together Avith a description of the structure re-built during the years 1867-69, after the designs of Sir Gilbert Scott, R. A., illustrated ly 36 exquisite full-page Engravings, and numerous woodcuts of the chaste Decorations, an elegant folio volume, cloth, £3. 13s 6d 1871 A few copies of each part of the work in separate volumes still remain unsubscribed for. I. Monuments and Antiquities of Croy- don Old Church, destroyed by Fire in January, 1867, folio, cloth, £2. 2s 1871 II. The Parish Church op St. John the Baptist at Croydon, as it was re-built during the years 1867-69, after the Design of Sir Gilbert Scott, R.A., folio, cloth, £2. 2s 1871 The letter-press matter of the work embraces an His- torical and Architectural description of the late fabric ; Chapter on Advowson ; List of Rectors and Vicars ; a Chapter devoted to the Parish Register; and an account of the monuments with their inscriptions, interspersed with Biographical Notices of the eminent personages which such commemorate. A thorough description of the Netu Church is comprised in the latter portion of the work. The Illustrations (some of which are coloured by hand) arc executed on steel, wood, and in photo-lithography, they are of the most elaborate character, and relate not only to Croydon Old Church, with its destroyed Monuments, and the interesting debris, Norman, Early English, and Deco- rated, found since the fire ; but also to the grand new struc- ture, and its details, ground plans, etc. ANDERSON'S (J. C.) Early History and Antiquities of Shropshire ; comprising a description of its important British and Roman Remains, its Saxon and Danish Reminiscences, the Domesday SurA'cy of Shropshire, profusely illustrated, roy. 8vo. cloth, £1. lis 6cZ— Ano- ther copy, calf antique, £2. 10s 1864 This fine and valuable volume was published by sub- scription ; very few copies now remain for sale, the impres- sion having been limited. ANDERSSON'S (C. J.) Lake Ngami, or Explo- rations and Discoveries during Four Years' "Wanderings in the Wilds of S. W. Africa, numerous tinted engravings, woodcuts, and map, impl. 8vo. cloth^ 12s (pub. 30s) 1856 ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & ANDRE'S (G.) Coal Mining ; a Practical Trea- tise, illustrated, 2 vols. 4to. new cloth, £3. 1875 ANDREWES' (Bp.) Works complete, both Eng- lish and Latin, including his Sermons, now first collected, with his Life by H. Isaacson, and a Memoir by Sir J. Harrington, carefully edited from the rare original editions, with Indices, &C. 11 vols. 8vo. cloth, £2. 18s (pub. £5. 8s Gd) Oxj. 1854 The best, and in fact the only comhlkte edition. Bp. Andrewes was one of the translators of our autho- rized version of the Bible, and is always ranked among the first scholars of the time. ANDREWS' (H. C.) Botanist's Repository FOR New and Rare Plants, containing coloured Figures of such Plants as have not hitherto appeared in any similar Publication, with Descriptions in English and Latin, uj>- wards of 600 beautifully coloured engra- vings, and Descriptions, 10 vols. 4to. hf. morocco, £6. 10s 1816 In addition to all the essential characters of the plants, botanically arranged, is given, a short history of each, as to its time of flowering, mode of culture, where indigenous, when introduced, and by whom. ANDREWS' (A.) History of British Journal- ism from the Foundation of the Newspaper Press in England to the Repeal of the Stamp Act in 1855 ; with Sketches of Press Celebri- ties, 2 vols. postSvo. chth, 12s 1859 ANGAS' (G. F.) Kaffirs Illustrated, in a Series of Drawings taken among the Amazula, Amaponda, and Amakosa Tribes, with Por- traits of the Hottentots, &c. 30 large plates coloit/red Uke original Drawings, portrait, impl. folio, hf. morocco, £3. 3s (pub. £6. 6s) 1849 ANGAS* (G. F.) New Zealanders Illus- trated, with Descriptions, 60 large and most interesting coloured plates, of marmers cmd customs, Natural History, Landscape Sce- nery, S^c. impl. folio, new hf. morocco, £7. 7s (pub. £10. 10s) 1847 ANGAS' (G. F.) South Australia Illus- trated, with Descriptions, 60 large and most interesting coloured plates of the Scenery, Natives, Natural History, Costume, ^c.''im])\. folio, hf russia, £6. 10s (pub. ^'10. 10s) 1847 ANGLO-SAXON.— Illustrations of Anglo-Saxon Poetry, by J. J. Conybeare; edited with Addi- tional Notes by W. D. Conybeare, royal 8vo. hoards, scarce, £1. 5s 1826 ANGLO-SAXON. — Orosius' History, the Anglo-Saxon Version by King Alfred, with a translation into English (by Daines Bar- rington), and Remarks by Forster, 8vo. hoards, 10s 6d 1773 ANGLO-SAXON.— The Dialogue of Salomon and Satumus, with an Historical Introduction by J. M. Kemble, 8vo. cloth, 1 8s Mfric Society, 1848 ANGLO-SAXON Poems of Beowulf ; the Tra- veller's Song and the Battle of Finnes-Burh, edited, with Glossary and Historical Preface, by J. M. Kemble. 12mo. cloth, (only 100 copies printed), £1. Is Pickering, 1833 ANGLO-SAXON Version of Boethius de Con- solations Philosophise, with an English Trans- lation and Notes by J. S. Cardale, 8vo. cloth, iincnit, sca/rce, £l. Is Pickering, 1829 CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 7 ANNALES Du Musee et de I'Ecole Moderne des Beaux Arts, par Landon, nearly 1800 fine outline engravings of the hest Paintings, ScuVp- tv/re, and Architecture, 29 vols. 8vo. hds. £5. 6s Paris, 1801-12 In this interesting and well-executed work will be found the productions of the principal artists of the time, David, Girodet, Gros, Canova, &c. ANNALS OF England ; an Epitome of English History, from Contemporary writers, the Rolls of Parliament, and other Public Records, library edition, illustrated, 8vo. half hound, 10s 1876 " Without pledging myself to every date or every view that is found in it, 1 still believe it to be the most valuable compendium of our history that we possess."— Prof. Stubbs. ANNALS OF Natural History, or Magazine of Zoology, Botany, and Geology, the Three Series, conducted by Sir W. Jardine, J. P. Selby, Dr. Johnston, Sir W. J. Hooker, R. Taylor, C. Babington, Dr. Gray, and Dr. Francis, from its commencement 1838 to end of 1867 inclusive, with upwards of 1000 coloured and other engravings, 61 vols. 8vo. half calf, gilt, i:28. 10s 1838-67 This valuable work contains contributions by the most eminent naturalists of the present day. ANNALS of the Kingdom of Ireland, by the Four piasters, from the earliest period to the year 1616, in Irish; edited with a Translation and copious Notes, by J. O'Donovan, LL.D,, 7 thick vols. 4to. cloth, £6. 6s Dublin, 1851 " There is no better account to be found of the Early History of Ireland, than is given in these Annals by the four Franciscan Friars." ANNUAL REGISTER (Dodsley's), complete set from its commencement in 1758 to 1874, 119 vols. 8vo. hf calf neat, £32. 10s 1758-1874 An invaluable set of books, comprising a detailed view of the Politics, Literature, Biography, Parliamentary His- tory. Commerce, Statistics, &c. of the past century. All the State Papers of any interest are printed in length. The publication was commenced at the suggestion of the Rt. Hon. E. Burke, who was for some years Editor and principal contributor. ANSPACH'S (Margravine of, the Lady Elizabeth Craven) Memoirs, written by Herself, portraits^ 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 10s 6d 1826 ANSTED'S (Prof.) Ancient World, or Pic- turesque Sketches of Creation, numerous engra/v- ings, post 8vo. cloth, 9s Van Voorst, 1847 ANSTED'S (Prof.) Elementary Course of Geology, Mineralogy, and Physical Geography, second edition, thick post 8vo. neio cloth, 10s 1869 ANSTED'S (Prof.) Geology; Introductory, Descriptive, and Practical, vnth numeroits illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo. chth, 18s 1844 ANTHROPOLOGICAL Society's Publica- tions, containing the Proceedings of the Society and numerous Papers contributed by eminent Scientific Men (as helow), illustrated hy numer- ous engravings, 19 vols. 8vo. new half morocco extra, gilt tops, a fine uniform set, {difflcult to procwre complete), £16. 16s 1863-75 Contents : Anthropological Review, 8 vols. — Anthropo- logical Institute, 4 vols.— Anthropological Memoirs, 3 vols. — Anthropological Works, various, 6 vols, in 4. ANTIQUARIAN Itinerary, with 300 highly finished engravings of Churches, Castles, Seats, ^c. hyStorer and Greig, fine impressions, large PAPER, 6 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, £2. 2s 1815 8 BOOKS SUITABLE TOR THE LIBRARY, ANTIQUARIAN Repertory, by Grose, Astle, i ARCH^OLOGIA Cambrensis; a Record of and other eminent Antiquaries, ruitli upwards of 200 fine and scarce portraits and engravings, BEST EDITION, 4 vols. royal 4to. calf, £3. 3s 1807-9 A most interesting assemblage of Topography, History, Biography, Customs, and Manners, intended to ilhistrate and preserve several valual)le Remains of Old Times. ANTIQUARIAN and Topographical Cabi- net, a Series of Elegant Views of the most interesting Objects of Curiosity in Great Bri- tain, with Descriptions, 500 engravings hy Storer and Greig, 10 vols. 12mo. in 5, half morocco, gilttops, £2. 2s — Another copy, large paper, proof impressions oJ the plates, 10 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, £3. lOs 1807-11 ANTIQUARIAN Etching Club; Publications of the, 5 vols. 4to. boards, £6. 6s Printed for the Memlers, 1849-54 These most interesting volumes contain 322 Engrav- ings from Sketches by members of the above Society. The subjects include Churches, Castles, Halls, and other ancient Buildings, Architectural Details, Bridges, Fonts, Sepulchral Brasses, and other Monuments, Roman, British, and Mediaeval Antiquities, Tavern Signs, Portraits, 8:c. APOLLONII Rhodii Argonautica, Gr. anti- quisuna et optimis cum Commentariis, the rare Aldine Edition, tvith the Anclwr; quite complete, sm. 8vo. morocco extra, gilt edges, beautiful copy, £\. 8s Venetiis, in ^dihus Aldi, 1521 *' Edition belle et rare." — Brunei. APOLLONIUS of Tyre, Anglo-Saxon Version of the Story of, upon which is founded the Play of Pericles, from a MS. in C. C. C. Cam- bridge; with a literal Translation, etc. by B. Thorpe, post 8vo. 3s 6d 1834 ARABIAN Nights' Entertainments, in Arabic — The Thousand and One Nights, BEST edition, 2 vols. 4to. oriental leather binding, £7. 7s Bulak, 1835 The First Bulak edition, very rare. The most com- plete edition published of the Arabian Nights, and that most sought after by scholars desirous of having the Tales in their complete and, so far as possible, original form. ARABIAN Nights' Entertainments, trans- lated by FoRSTER, illustrated by the series of fine engravings from Smirke's celebrated pic- tures, 5 vols. 8vo. calf extra, £3. 3s 1802 ARABIAN Nights' Entertainments, trans- lated with copious Notes by Lane, Knight's Pictorial Edition, containing early impres- sions of the several hundred beautiful engravings by Harvey, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. calf gilt, £5. 5s C. Knight, 1839-41 By far the best library edition of the Arabian Nights. ARABIAN Nights' Entertainments, trans- lated by Lane, Knight's Pictorial Edition, 3 vols. 8vo. new calf gilt, £2. 2s — Another copy, new morocco super extra, gilt leaves, £3. 3s 1865 ARABIAN Nights' Entertainments, illus- trated by upwards oj 100 engravings on wood, 8vo. new calf gilt, lis 6d 1866 ARABIAN Nights' Entertainments, revised with Notes by Rev. G. F. Townsend, illustrated, cr. 8vo. new calf gilt, 8s (1875) ARAGO'S (F.) Popular Astronomy, translated and edited by Admiral Smyth and R. Grant, numerous plates, 2 thick vols. Svo. cloth, £1. Is 855 the Antiquities of Wales and its Marches, and the Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association, several hundred fine engravings, the three series complete to 1870, with Supplementary Vol, 1850, and Gesta Regium Britanniae, 1862 — together 27 vols, calf extra, £26. 10s 1846-70 ARCH^OLOGIA Cantiana; being Transac- tions of the Kent Archseological Society, numer- ous engravings, 7 vols, royal Svo. cloth, £6. 10s 1858-64 Among the contributors are C. Roach Smith, Wyke- ham Martin, E. Foss, R. C. Hussey, R, W. Blencowe, and T. Willement. ARCtljEOLOGIAof the Antiquarian Society of London, complete from its commencement in 1770 to 1874, with Catalogue of Library and Index, many hundred fine engravings, 48 vols. 4to. calf gilt, £46. 10s 1770-1874 Amongst the distingiaished Authors who have con- tributed to this most valuable work are the following :— Dr. Stukeley, Martin Folkes, R. tiough, T. Astle, Sir W. Hamilton, Captain Grose, Sir H. Engletield, Bishop Percy, General Vallancev, S. Lvsons, F. Douce, Sharon Turner, Sir H. Ellis, Rev. R. Ruding, E. Lodge, Sir Humphrj- Davy, Dr. E. D. Clarke, Sir R. C. Hoare, T. Amyot, Sir S. Mevrick, G. Ormerod, J. G. Nichols, Sir H. Nicolas, Sir F.'Madden, ]. M. Kemble. ]. Y. Akerman, T. Wright, I. O. Halliwell-Phillipps, G. F." Beltz, Earl Stanhope, Sir 'F. Palgrave, W. Y. Ottley, J. P. Collier, and Crofton Croker. ARCH^OLOGICAL Album, or Museum of National Antiquities, edited by T. Wright, with 26 fine plates, some in gold and colours, and upwards of 100 woodcuts by F. W. Fairholt, 4to. cloth, 1.5s (pub. £1. 12s) 1845 ARCH^OLOGICAL Association Journal, complete from its commencement in 1845 to 187 4:, several hundred engravings, mo/ay coloured, 31 vols. 8vo. hf. morocco, uncut, gilt tops, £16. 16s 1845-74 Contains the writings and researches of the most emi- nent Archaeologists of the present day, upon the Arts and Monuments of the Early and MiddleAges. ARCH^OLOGICAL Institute, Journal of the British, complete from its commencement in 1844 to the end of 1874, numerous illustra- tions of Antiquities, ^-c. 30 vols. 8vo. newly hf. bound in morocco, gilt tops, edges uncut, £18. 18s 1846-74 The British Archaeological Association was established for the encouragement and prosecution of Researches into the Arts and Monuments of the Early and Middle Ages. It has numbered among its members the most eminent Archaeologists of the day, and the Journal contains in full detail the interesting papers communicated by them to the Association. ARCH AIC A and Heliconia, containing Reprints of Rare Old English Pieces of Prose and Poetry, edited by Park, Sir Egerton Brydges, and Haslewood, 5 vols. 4to. complete, hf. calf gilt, ^no. 10s 1814-15 Only 2SO copies of these rare pieces were privately printed bv Longmans, at £2$. 3s the set in boards. ARCHBOLb'S (J. F.) Justice of the Peace and Parish Officer; with the practice of Country Attorneys in Criminal Cases, comprising the Whole of the Law respecting Commitments, Convictions, Orders, &c. with Forms and a tabular arrangement of Offences and their Punishment ; sixth and enlarged edition, with supplementary vol., 5 thick vols, post Svo. cloth, £2. 2s (pub. £4. 10s 6d) 1859-63 ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & ARCHIE ARMSTRONG'S Banquet or Jests, reprinted from the original editions, together with Arciiy's Dream printed in the year 1641, finely printed on ribbed paper within red rulings, with portrait and elegant woodcut title, post 8vo. neiv cloth, £l. 4s (225 copies printed) — Another edition on Whatman's Paper, post 8vo. neiv cloth, £1. 16s (25 copies printed) Edin. 1872 The Editor, Mr. T. H. Jamiesox, in his Preface re- marks, " This little book has been considered worth republication for two reasons — for its intrinsic value and for its rarity. Although from 1630 to 1660 at least nine editions were issued, so literally have they been de-voured by their admirers, that a copy of any one of them is now quite a rara a"jis, and the curious have to pay a high price for the treasured possession. A more amusing budget of odd stories, clever witticisms, and laughter-moving tales, is not to be found in the Jester's Library." ARCHITECTURE of the Victorian Age; Ex- amples of the, numerous chromoUthographic and other plates of the International Exhibition of 1862, Westminster Memorial Column, Hotels, Shops, etc. with Letterpress, impl. 4to. hf. calf, £\.ls 1862 ARCHITECTURE ; a Treatise on, including the Arts of Construction, Building, Stone Masonry, Arch, Carpentry, Roof, Joinery and Strength of Materials, edited by A. Asiipitel, ilhtstrated by 55 plates of figwres and numerous woodcuts, 4to. new cloth, £1. 5s 1867 The above work contains treatises from the " Encyclo- pjedia Britannica," written by W. Hosking, T. Tredgold, T. Young and J. Robison, together with important addi- tions by R. Stephenson and others. ARCHITECTURE (Ancient and Modern), con- sisting of Views, Plans, Elevations, Sections, and Details of the most remarkable Edifices in the World, edited by J. Gailhabaud, 80 fine engravings, after drawings by distinguished Architects and Artists, vnth ArcluBological cmd descriptive Notices, two Series, 4to. cloth, £1. Is 1844-6 ARCHITECTURE.— A Series of 90 Plates of Designs for Ornamental Cottages and Villas, exemplified in Plans, Elevations, Sections and Details, with Descriptions, by J. White, impl. 4to. hf calf, £1. Is 1852 ARCHITECTURE.— Country Cottaoes, De- signs for an Improved Class of Dwelling for Agricultural Labourers, with full Descriptions, by J. Vincent, second edition, 14 large plates of Elevations, Sections and Details, impl. 4to. cloth, 10s 6d 1861 An entirely new and excellent work for the Country Gentleman, Landlord, and others desirous of ameliorating the condition of the labouring classes. ARCHITECTURE ; Villa and Cottage ; Select Examples of Country and Suburban Residences recently erected, 80 plates of elevo/- tions, ground plans, architectural details, etc. with a full descriptive notice of each Building, folio, new hf. morocco, £3. Blackie, 1874 ARCHITECTURAL Publication Society's Works, from the commencement in 1848, to March, 1867, comprising the Essays and Illus- trations, and Dictionary of Architecure from A. to K., with many hundred fine plates and woodcfids, 38 parts, folio, £10. 10s 1848-67 CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 9 ARCHITECTURE.— Le Moniteur des Archi- tectes ; revue mensuelle de I'Art Architectural ancien et modeme ; nouvelle serie publiee sur la direction de M. A. Normand, 1866-67-68, illus- trated by 217 engrcuvings and litlwgraphs (in colours) of Buildings of every description, in- cluding elevations, ground plans, decorative ornaments, tesselated pavements, etc. etc. ( 1 plate wanting), 3 vols. roy. 4to. hf. morocco extra, gilt edges, £4. 4s 1866-68 ARGYLL'S (Duke oO Primeval M.\n ; an examination of some recent speculations, post 8vo. new calf gilt, 8s 6d 1874 ARGYLL'S (Duke of) The Reign of La^v, post 8vo. new calf gilt, 12s 1870 ARIOSTO'S Orlando Furioso, translated into English Verse, with Notes, by Wm. Stewart Rose, 8 vols, post 8vo. new hf. morocco, £2. 10s (pub. £3. 16s) 1823-31 " Never was such a close, scrupulous fidelity of ren- dering associated with such light-dancing elegance of language. This indeed will be an addition to the standard literature of our country, and will rank with Dryden's Virgil, Pope's Homer, and Car>''s Dante." — Blackwood. ARISTOPHANIS Com(edi^ quaj supersunt cum perditarum fragmentis ; tertiis curis usui scholarum accommodavit additis adnotationc critica summariis descriptione metrica, H. Holden, LL.D. 8vo. calf gilt, £1. Is— Another copy, vellum gilt, carmine edges, £1. 4s 1868 ARISTOTLE ; The Ethics of, with Essays and Notes by Sir A. Grant, third and revised edi- tion, 2 vols. 8vo. nev) cloth, £1. 7s 6d Longmans ARISTOTLE.— Taylor's (T.) Dissertation on the Philosophy of Aristotle, in four books, in which his principal Physical and Metaphysical Dogmas are unfolded, roy. 4to. cloth, 6s 6c? 1812 ARNOLD'S (MATTHEW) WORKS,-viz. Culture and Anarchy, an Essay, post 8vo. new cloth, 6s 1869 Essays in Criticisms, (The Functions of Cri- ticism; The Literary Influence of Academies ; Maurice de Guerin ; H. Heine ; Religious Sentiment, etc.) fcap. 8vo. neto calf gilt, 10* 6d 1876 God and the Bible : A Review of Objections to "Literature and Dogma," post 8vo. new cloth, 7s 6d 1875 Isaiah xl.-lxvi., with the Shorter Prophecies allied to it, arranged and edited with Notes by Matthew Arnold, post 8vo. cloth, 5s 1875 Literature and Dogma ; an Essay towards a better appreciation of the Bible, cr. 8vo. new calf gilt, 12s 6d 1876 New Poems, (Empedocles on Etna, Saint Bran- dan, etc.) 1 2mo. new calf gilt, 7s 6d — Another copy, new morocco, gilt edges, 10s 1868 On the Study of Celtic Literature, 8vo. new calf gilt, 12s 6d 1867 Poems, Narrative, Elegiac, Dramatic and Lyric, 2 vols. sq. 12mo. calf gilt, £1. — Another copy, morocco, gilt edges, £1. 6s 1869 St. Paul and Protestantism ; with an Essay on Puritanism and the Church of England, second edition, fcap. 8vo. neio cloth, 4s Schools and Universities on the Continent, 8vo. new cloth, 9s 1871 10 BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRAHY, ARMS and Armour in Antiquity and the Middle Ages ; also a Descriptive Notice of Modern Weapons, from the French of Lacombe, with Notes by C. Boutell, 71 illustrations, sq. post %vo. calf gilt, ^s ^d 1869 ARMS of the Episcopates of Gt. Britain and Ireland, emblazoned and ornamented by A. H. Wan-en, with Introductory Notice of the Epis- copates and Heraldic Notes by the Rev. John Woodward, a series of elegant 'j)lates, thick 12mo. gilt cloth, 18s 1868 ARNOLD'S (K.) Chronicle, otherwise called the Customs of London (edited by Douce), hoards, 18s 1811 In this curious old Chronicle were first printed many of the City Charters, and, among divers other matters, the original of the " Nutte Browne Maide." ARNOLD'S (Dr. T.) Works, lest large type library editions, 16 vols. 8vo. new tree-calf gilt, fine uniform set, £14. 1840, &c. Comprises— History of Rome, < vols. ; Lectures on Modern History; Sermons, 6 vols.; The Church; Life and Correspondence by Stanley, 2 vols.; and Miscellaneous Works. ARNOLD'S (Dr. T.) Life and Correspon- dence, by A. P. Stanley, portrait, 8vo. new calf gUt, 16s,' 1852— Another edition, 2 vols, post 8vo. new calf gilt, 18s 6d 1874 ART ALBUM (The) Sixteen Facsimiles of Water-Colour Drawings by Cattermole, Cooper, Gilbert, Hunt, Leitch, Thomas, Wai-ren, Weir, etc. engraved and printed in colours hy E. Evans, 4to. cloth, gilt leaves, 10s 6d (pub. 21s) 1861 ART GEMS.— A Series of Thirty High- Class Engravings from Pictures by the most eminent Painters, ancient and modern, produced under the direction of Edouard Lievre ; with Notices of the Artists and their works, roy. 4to. neiu cloth, £2. 2s — Another copy, new morocco extra, gilt edges, £4. 4s 1873 Neither pains nor expense have been spared in the preparation of the plates. The notices of the artists and their works are terse and reliable, and will be found to contain a fund of information in a light and popular form. ART Treasures of the United Kingdom, consisting of Examples from the Manchester Art Treasures Exhibition of 1857, with De- scriptive Essays by Owen Jones, Digby Wyatt, and others, 100 extremely hecmtiful plates, mostly in gold and colours, executed in the highest style of Chromo- Lithography, hy F. Bedford, impl. 4to. calf extra, the sides elaborately tooled and gilt, £9. 9s (pub. £19. 19s) _ 1857-8 ART of Illuminating as practised in Europe from the Earliest Ages, with 102 exquisitely heautiful exam/pies in Gold, Silver, and Colours, d/raw^i from choice specimens of the Vlth to the XVIth Century, consisting of Borders, Initial Letters, and Alphahets executed in the highest style of Chromo-lithogrcuphy hy Tymms, with an Essay and Instructions by Digby Wyatt, sm. folio, cloth extra gilt, £2.*10s (pub. £3. 10s) 1860 ARTHUR (King) The Byrth, Lyp, and Actes of, of his Knyghtes of the Rounde Table, theyr mervyllous Adventures, &c. with Introduction and Notes by R. Southey, 2 vols. 4to. morocco extra, gilt edges, £6. 15s Caxton, 1485 ; rep. 1817 ." Indisputably the best prose Romance the language pan boast,"— Sir Walter Scott. ARTHUR (King) History of, and of the Knights of the Round Table, compiled by Sir Thos. Malory, edited with Introduction and Notes by T. Wright, 3 vols. fcap. 8vo. new calf gilt, £l.8s 1866 ARTHUR. — MoRTE Darthur, with Introduction by Sir E. Strachey, crown 8vo. calf gilt, 7s 6d — Another copy, new morocco, gilt edges, 10s 6cZ 1874 ARTIS' (E. T.) Antediluvian Phytology, illustrated by a Collection of the Fossil Re- mains of Plants, peculiar to the Coal Forma- tions of Great Britain, 24 plates, 4to. hf. rmsia, 14s (pub. 42s) 1825 ARTIST'S (The) Repository and Drawing Magazine, exhibiting the Principles of the Polite Arts in the Various Branches, illustrated hy numerous well-executed engravings, 5 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, £2. 10s n. d. Including Lectures and Instructions in Drawing, Per- spective, Colours, Architecture, &c. The plates are mostly after Eminent Masters, with portraits of Celebrated Pain- ters. ARTS SOMPTUAIRES (Les) ; Histoire du Costume et de l'Ajieublement, et des Arts et Industries qui s'y rattachent ; accompagn^e d'une Introduction generale et d'un Texte explicatif par C. Louandre, with 324 most BEAUTIFUL COLOURED vLA.'i:'e.& of repvesmtations of more than 5000 exquisite objects of Art from the Vth to the XVIIth CentvA^, the wlwle exe- cuted in the highest style of Chromolitho- graphy hy Hangard-Maugc, many being richly FINISHED IN GOLD AND SILVER, 4 VOls. bound in 3 fine large vols, thick 4to. half morocco extra, top edges gilt, £16. 16s Paris, 1858 " It would be impossible to overrate the importance and interest of this grand work— the most complete of the kind that has hitherto appeared, and one that, from its comprehensiveness, constitutes a veritable Encyclopaedia of the Middle Ages." ART UNION JOURNAL, complete from its commencement, 1839 to 1874 inclusive, with the Art Union Illustrated Catalogues of the Great Exhibitions of 1851-53-55-62, 67 and 71, hound separately, several thousand exquisitely heautiful engravings and woodcuts, 36 vols. roy. 4to. new hf. morocco, gilt leaves, a nice set, £46. 10s 1839-74 This exceedingly beautiful and interesting work is very difficult to procure complete as the above. It com- prises the most extensive and elegant illustrations of the modern British School of Painting and Sculpture, and other Fine Arts, ever published. ART Workmanship ; Choice Examples of, selected from the Exhibition of Ancient and Mediaeval Art at the Societ}' of Arts, 61 fme plates drawn and engraved under the superin- tendence of P. De la Motte, roy. 4to. hf. morocco, top edge gilt, £1. 8s 1851 ARUNDELL (Lord) Tradition; principally with reference to Mythology and the Law of Nations, post 8vo. new cloth, 9s 1872 ARUNDELL'S (Rev. T.) Historical Reminiscences of the City of London and its Livery Companies, thick 8vo. cloth, 6s 6d (pub. 15s) 1869 ASCHAM'S (Roger) Whole Works, collected and revised, with the Life of the Author, by the Rev. Dr. Giles, 3 vols, in 4, 12mo. neiv calf gilt, £1. IBs 1865 ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & ASCHAM'S (Roger) English Works, with Notes, and Observations by J. Bennett, and Life by Dr. Johnson, 4to. hf. russia, 18s — Another copy, calf, 14s 1761 Contents :— Atfairs of Germany and the Emperor Charles's Court; Toxophilus; the Schoolmaster, or perfect Way of bringing up Youth, illustrated by Upton; Letters to Q. Elizabeth, and others. ASCHAM'S (Roger) English Works, with his Life by Dr. Johnson, thick post 8vo. calf gilt, £1. Is 1815 Only 2^0 copies of this edition were printed. ASHMOLR'S (E., Windsor Herald) Institu- tions, Laws, and Ceremonies of the Order of the Garter, with numerous fine engravings of Costumes, Ceremonies, Processions, Arms, etc. ly Hollar, folio, calf, £4. 4s 1672 " A laborious and highly valuable work, drawn up with great perspicuity and care." — Lowndes. ASIATIC JOURNAL and Monthly Register for British India and its Dependencies, from its commencement in Jan. 1816 to its termination in April 1845, 72 vols. 8vo. neatly half hound, {not uniform), £4. 10s 1816-45 Contains many valuable contributions by competent writers; including, Original Communications; Memoirs of Eminent Persons ; History ; Antiquities ; Poetry; Natural History ; Geography ; Reviews of New Publications ; Debates at the East-India House; Proceedings at the East-India Colleges of Hertford and Fort William, and Military Seminary; Appointments, Promotions, etc. Births, Marriages, and Deaths. ASIATIC RESEARCHES ; or Transactions of the Society instituted in Bengal, for inquiry into the History, Antiquities, Arts, Literature, &c. of Asia, by the most eminent Oriental Scholars, numerous folded engramngs and maps, with Index, 21 vols. 4to. new hf. russia, neat, vert scarce, £40. Calcutta, 1788-1836 ASIATIC RESEARCHES ; or Transactions of the Society instituted in Bengal for inquiring into the History, Antiquities, Arts, Sciences, and Literature of Asia [by the most eminent Oriental Scholars], with engravings, 12 vols. 8vo. calf mat, £2. 10« 1798 " Full of the most curious and valuable intelligence in every possible form and on every possible subject." — DiBDIN. ASIATIC Society op Bengal (Joltinal of the), complete from its commencement, 1832 to 1859, with many plates and ma/ps, 39 vols. 8vo. and Index vol. hf. russia, very scarce, £47. 10s » Calcutta, 1832-59 A very valuable work on the Antiquities, Literature, Manners, Customs, etc. of India, written by the most eminent Oriental Scholars of the day. ASIATIC Society of Great Britain and Ireland ; Transactions of the, nmnerom engravings, 3 thick vols. 4to. hf. morocco gilt, £2. 15s 1827-35 This work contains Essays on the Historj', Philosophy, Theology, Languages, Geography, Natural Historj', Anti- quities, &c. of the East, by some of the most eminent scholars of the day. ASTLE'S (T.) Origin and Progress of Writing, History of ; also some Account of the Origin and Progress of Printing, new edition, portrait and 31 fine engravings from amcient MS8. In- scriptions, ^c. royal 4to. hf. hovrnd, uncut, £1. 8s 1876 Most valuable for interpreting State Papers, Charters, and other early Documents. CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 11 ASTLEY'S (T.) New General Collection of Voyages and Travels, consisting of the most esteemed Relations which have been hitherto published in any Language, with numerous maps and plates, 4 thick vols. 4to. calf gilt, £1. 5s 1745-7 A work of great value, compiled by John Green, and the original of the Abb6 Provost's collection. ASTROLOGY.— A very extensive Collection of Ephemerides, from the year 1718 to 1839, in- cluding those of Gadbury, Parker, Weaver, Pearse, Partridge, White, etc. ; also Zadkiel's Almanacs from 1834 to 1875, bound (to 1867) in 13 vols, the remainder in Nos. £3. 3s 1718-1875 A set so complete as the above is very difficult to pro- cure ; particularly Zadkiel's Almanacs. ASTRONOMICAL Observations made at the Edinburgh Observatory, from Oct. 1834 to 1870, numerous diagrams, photographs, a/nd plates, some coloured, 3 vols. 4to. and 10 vols . royal 4to. — together 13 vols, hoa/rds, £6. 6s Edin. 1838-71 ASTRONOMICAL Observations made at the RadclifEe Observatory, Oxford, by M. J. John- son, from the commencement of 1840 to 1862 inclusive, and Catalogue of Stars, 23 large vols, impl. 8vo. cloth (presentation copy to Dr. Lee), £1. 14s Oxford, 1842-65 ASTRONOMICAL Society of London ; Me- moirs of the, complete from the commencement of the series, 1822 to 1867, illustrated hy nume- rous engravings, 36 vols. 4to. in 18, new hf. onorocco extra, a fine set, £31. 10s 1822-67 Comprising the most valuable papers read before the Astronomical Society for a period of forty years, in which are included a record of all the important investigations, discoveries, and speculations connected with the science. ATHENIAN Letters during the Peloponnesian War, written by Lord Hardwicke, Hon. C. Yorke, Dr. Birch, and others, map and 14 fine portraits, 2 vols. 4to. hoards, Ss 6d 1810 ATLAS of Ancient Geography, Biblical and Classical, 43 maps, compiled under the Superin- tendence of Dr. W. Smith and G. Grove, folio, new hf. morocco, £5. 5s 1874 " The students of Dr. Smith's admirable Dictionaries must have felt themselves in want of an Atlas constructed on the same scale of precise and minute information with the article they were reading. This want has at length been supplied by the superb work before us It may safely be pronounced — and higher praise can scarcely be bestowed — to be a worthy companion of the volumes which it IS intended to illustrate." ATLAS. — Black's New General Atlas, 57 la/rge coloured maps from the latest Sou/rces, mchidi/ng Physical Geography and the Solar System, and the Flags of all Nations, with Descriptions and Index, royal folio, new hf. mo- rocco, £2. 12s 6(Z 1873 ATLAS.— Johnston's (A. K.) Atlas of Astro- nomy, in a series of 21 coloured maps, enlarged edition, with an Elementary Survey of the Heavens by R. Grant, impl. 4 to. new hf. morocco, gilt leaves, £1. Is 1869 ATLAS.— Johnston's (A. K.) Atlas of Physical Geography, 20 coloured maps, with Descriptive Text, comprising Physical Geology, Topography, Hydrography, Meteorology, and Natural His- tory, impl. 4to. new hf. morocco, gilt leaves, Jgl. Is 1869 12 ATLAS.— Johnston's (A. K.) Handy Royal Atlas of Modern Geography, 45 maps finely engraved and beautifully coloured, with an Alphabetical Index, folio, new hf. morocco, gilt edges, £2. os 1873 ATLAS.— Johnston's (A. Iv.) New Royal Atlas of Modern Geography, 48 large double maps finely engraved and colowred, with Special Index to each map, impl, folio, nexo hf. russia, £5. 5s ' 1876 ATLAS. — Johnston's (A. K.) Physical Atlas of Natural Phenomena, Geology and Orography, Hydrography, Meteorology and Magnetism, Botany, Natural History, Ethnology, and Statistics, neiv and enlarged edition, containing 42 large coloured plates, with copious Letterpress and Index, impl. folio, hf. morocco, £10. 10s 1862 ATLAS. — Philips' Handy General Atlas, .39 coloured maps, with a complete Index by J. Bartholomew, sm. folio, hf. morocco, gilt edges, £l.6s6d 1875 ATLAS. — Spruner (K. von) Atlas Aktiquus, ed. T. Menke, 31 coloured maps, folio, new half russia, £1. 9s n. d. ATLAS. — Spruner's (K. von) Atlas zur Ge- schichte der Staaten Europa's vom Anfange de Mittelalters, bis auf die neueste zeit, 73 colowred maps, obi. folio, new hf. russia, £3. 10s n. d ATLAS.—Spruner's (K. von) Atlas zur Ge- schichte von Asien, Africa, America, und Australien, 18 coloured plates, oblong folio, neiv hf. russia, £l. 4s n. d. ATLAS.— Useful Knowledge Society's Com- plete Atlas of Ancient and Modern Geo- graphy, 230 Modern, Classical, and Celestial maps, including plans of celebrated Cities, with copious Indexes, 2 vols, atlas 4to. neiv half mo- rocco, £9. n. d. ATLAS. — Useful Knowledge Society's Family Atlas, 80 colou/red maps, with copious Alphabetical Index, atlas 4to. new hf. morocco, £2. Us 6d 1872 ATKINSON'S (T. W.) Oriental and Western Siberia, map and coloured plates of Customs, Scenery, <^c. impl. 8vo. cloth, 15s {pub. £2. 2s) 1858 A narrative of Seven Years* Explorations and Adven- ures in Siberia, Mongolia, the Kirghis Steppes, Chinese Tartar>-, and part of Central Asia. ATKINSON'S (T. W.) Travels in the Regions of the Upper and Lower Amoor, and the Russian Acquisitions on the Confines of India and China, luith map, coloured frontispiece, and 82 graphic illustrations, highly finished, impl. 8vo. cloth, 12s (pub. £2. 2s) 1860 ATKYNS' (Sir K.) A>xient and Present State of Gloucestershire, second edition, with map of the county and 72 large engravings of Oentle- oneyi's Seats, Armorial Bearings, ^-c. by Kip, folio, old calf, £\Q. 10s 1768 AUBREY (J.) Letters written by Eminent Persons in the XVIIth and XVIIIth Centuries; also Heame's Journeys to Reading, and Whad- don Hall, and Lives of Eminent Men, by J. Aubrey, now first published from the Originals, with Biographical and Literary Illustrations by J. Walker, 3 vols. 8vo. /;/. calf gilt, 10s 6d 1813 BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, AUBER'S (P.) Rise and Progress of the British Power in India, map, 2 thick vols, royal 8vo. cloth, 10s 6cl (pub. 21s) 1837 AUCKLAND'S (W., first Lord) Journal and Correspondence (official, private, and familiar), with Introduction by the Bp. of Bath and Wells, portrait, 4 vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, £l. Is (pub. £3.) 1861-2 AUDUBON'S (J. J.) Birds of America, 105 plates, comprising 350 figures of Birds, all op the natural size, most beautifully coloured after nature, together with the plants and trees most frequented by them, a magnificent folio volume, measuring 27 BY 40 inches, newly bound in hf. morocco, gilt edges, together with Descriptive text, 7 vols, impl. 8vo. hf. morocco, gilt edges, £40. 1860 The original edition oi the" Birds of America," in 4 vols, issued to subscribers, has now become extremely scarce. The volume described above contains a desirable selec- of about one-third of the birds of the original edition ; in its preparation the original copper-plates were transferred to stone, so that the birds in this edition are facsimiles of those in the former one, while the addition of a beauti- fully tinted background, and a great variety of landscapes, plants and trees, add much to the beauty and interest of the work. The Text comprises a full description of all the birds of America, and is of great interest, not only on account of the description of the birds, but also on account of exciting narratives of personal adventure. AUDUBON'S (J. J.) Life and Adventures, edited by R. Buchanan, loith photographic port. 8vo. cloth, 10s 6cl 1869 AUDSLEY'S (W. and E.) Cottage, Lodge, and Villa Architecture, illustrated by 85 large plates of designs, plans, details, ^-c. with Descriptive Text and an Introductory Essay, large impl. 4to. hf. morocco, £2. 12s n. d. AUGUSTINI (Sancti, Hipponensis Episc.) Opera Omnia, post Lovaniensium Theologorum recensionem, opera et studio Monachorum Ordinis S. Benedicti : editio Parisina altera emendata et aucta, 1 1 large vols. impl. 8vo. in 15, neatly half bound, £9. 9s Paris, Qaume, 1836-9 AUSTEN'S (Jane) Novels, complete, with Me- moir by J. A. Leigh, 6 vols, post 8vo. new hf. morocco, £2. 8s 1873 Comprises: — Sense and Sensibility; Mansfield Park ; Emma; Pride and Prejudice; Northanger Abbey, and Persuasion ; and Lady Susan, and Memoir. AUSTIN'S (J.) Lectures on Jueisprudenck, or the Philosophy of Positive Law, fourth edi- tion, Revised and Edited by R. Campbell, 2 vols. 8vo. new calf gilt, £1. 18s 1875 •' These lectures possess a degree of value, and deserve a position in English literature which it is difficult to rate too highly. With the single exception of Jeremy Bentham, the late Mr. Austin was the only Englishman of any con- siderable ability who ever made the study of jurisprudence proper the object of his life." — Saturday Revieii'. AUSTIN'S (J.) Lectures on Jurisprudence, or the Philosophy of Positive Law, abridged by R. Campbell, post 8vo. cloth, 9s 1875 AVELING'S (J.) History of Roche Abbey, Yorkshire, from its Foundation to its Dissolu- tion, ^neZy prmtecZ, w' Word and Inflection in the Old Testament, with a Gramm. Analysis of each Word, and Lexicogr. lUustr. of the meanings, a complete series of Hebrew and Chaldee Paradigms, with explana- tions, by Prof. B. Davidson, thick sm. 4to. cloth, 18s (pub. 425) 1848 BAILEY'S (P. J.) Festus, a Poem, post 8vo. new calf gilt, ds 1866 BAILEY'S (T.) Annals of Nottinghamshire; History of the County and Borough, map and engravings, 4 vols. roy. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, £1. 16s 1853 BAILLIE'S (Joanna) Dramas, [being additional Plays on the Passions, and other Dramas] , 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, 10s 6cZ 1836 BAILLIE'S (Joanna) Dramatic and Poetical Works complete, with Life, portrait and vig- nette, thick square 8yo. calf gilt, 16s — Another copy, hf. calf, 12s 1853 BAILY'S Magazine of Sports and Pastimes; a complete set, from the commencement in 1860 to August, 1875, with ^ipwards of 200 finely engraved portraits, 26 vols. 8vo. neiv hf. calf gilt, £16. 16s 1860-1875 BAIN'S (Prof.) Mental and Moral Science ; a Compendium of Psychology and Ethics, post 8vo. new cloth, 9s 1872 BAIN (Prof.) On the Emotions and the Will: completing a Systematic Exposition of the Human Mind, 8vo. new cloth, 12s 6d 1875 BAIN (Prof.) On the Senses and the Intellect, third edition, thick 8yo. new cloth, 12s 6d 1868 BAIN (Prof.) On the Study of Character, including an Estimate of Phrenology, 8vo. new cloth, 7s 6d 1861 BAINES' (E.) History of Lancashire, with Biographical Sketches of Eminent Natives of the Shire by W. R. Whatton, new edition, edited by J. Harland, continued and completed by the Rev. B. Herford, la/rge map, 2 vols, thick 4to. new cloth, £2. 12s 6ci— Another copy, LARGE paper, 2 vols. roy. 4to. neiu cloth, £4. 4s 1868-70 In this tieiu edition the many errors of the old arc cor* rected, and the chief events which have occurred since its publication, in connection with the history of the more important parishes and towns, are recorded to the present time. To Vol. I. are added valuable tables of statistics, and a large map of the county reduced from the Ordnance Survey. BAINES' (T.) Explorations in South- West Africa ; a Journey in 1861-62, from Walvish Bay, on the Western Coast, to Lake Ngami and the Victoria Falls, coloured front, maps, and engravings, 8vo. calf gilt, 14s 1864 14 BAKER'S (G.) NoRTHAMPTONsuiiiE ; The His- tory and Antiquities of the County of North- ampton, ilhistrated hy numerous fine engravings of Architectural Antiquities, ^c. 2 vols, royal folio, morocco extra, gilt edges, £15. 15s 1822-30 BAKER'S (H.) Medulla Poetarum Romanorum, or the most beautiful and instructive Passages of the Roman Poets, with Translations in Verse on the opposite pages, large paper, 2 vols, royal 8vo. calf gilt, 10s 6d 1737 BAKER'S (Sir S. W.) Albert N'Yanza, Great Basin of the Nile, and Explorations of the Nile Sources, with nwnerous illustrations, maps, OAid portraits, 2 vols. Svo. calf gilt, £l. 6s — Another edition, 2 vols, post Svo. cloth, 8s 1867 BAKER'S (Sir S. W.) Albert N'Yanza. cheap edition, illustrations, maps, and portraits, post 8vo. new calf gilt, 10s 1870 BAKER'S ( Sir S. W.) Cast up by the Sea, with 10 full page illustrations, post 8vo. new calf gilt, Us 6d 1873 BAKER'S (Sir S. W.) Eight Years in Ceylon, engravings, post Svo. new calf gilt, 12s 1874 BAKER'S (Sir S. W.) Ismailia ; a Narrative of the Expedition to Central Africa for the Sup- pression of the Slave Trade, organized by Ismail, Khedive of Egypt, with maps, portraits, and upwards of 50 Jull-page illustrations hy Zwecker and Bwrand, 2 vols. Svo. cloth, uncut, 15s (pub. 36s) 1874 BAKER'S (Sir S. W.) Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia, and the Sword Hunters of the Hamran Arabs, ports, of the Author and his Wife, and many illustrations, thick 8vo. new calf gilt, 17s 6d 1867 BAKER'S (Sir S. W.) Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia, chea^ edition, maps, and 24 engrav- ings, post Svo. new calf gilt, 10s 1871 BAKER'S (Sir S. W.) Rifle and the Hound in Ceylon, engravings, post Svo. new calf gilt, 12s 1874 BAKER'S (T.) History of the College of St. JoH^f the Evangelist, Cambridge, edited by J. E. B. Mayor, with very copious Indices, 2 vols. Svo. cloth, £1. 1869 BALDWIN'S (W. C.) African Hunting from Natal to the Zambesi, including Lake Ngami, the Kalahari Desert, etc. from 1852-60, port, map, 16 plates and woodcuts, Svo. calf gilt, 145 1863 BALFOUR'S (Prof.) Class Book of Botany, being an Introduction to the Study of the Vege- table Kingdom, upwards of 1800 engravings, thick Svo. cloth, 17s 6d 1870 " One of the most complete and elegant class-books on Botany which has been published." — Lancet. BALFOUR'S (Prof.) Manual of Botany, an Introduction to the Study of the Structure, Physiology, and Classification of Plants, revised edition, with numerous engravings, sq. post Svo. cloth, 10s 6d 1875 BALFOUR'S (Prof.) Outlines of Botany, with numerous ilhistratdons, thick 12mo. cloth, 4s 6d 1868 BALL (R. S.) Experimental Mechanics ; Lec- tures delivered at the Royal College of Science for Ireland, royal Svo. new cloth, 138 6d 1873 BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, BALL'S (S.) Account of the Cultivation and Manufacture of Tea in China: by S. Ball, Inspector of Teas to E. I. Co., woodcuts, Svo. cloth, scarce, 10s 6d 1848 BALLADS ; A Collection op Old ; corrected from the Best and most Ancient Copies, with Introductions, Historical, Critical, or Humour- ous, vjith the 45 plates in facsimile, 3 vols. fcap. Svo. hooA-ds, £1. 6s — Another copy, large PAPER, 3 vols. Svo. boards, £2. 12s 6d Pearson, n. d. BALLADS and Broadsides ; a Collection of 79, printed in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth between the years 1559 and 1 59 7, with an Introduction and Illustrative Notes, post Svo. new hf. morocco, 12s 1867 This is a reprint of the famous collection of rare Bal- lads belonging to the late Mr, G. Daniel, of Canonbury, and which was sold by auction for upwards of ;C7oo. " It may be confidently asserted that the present col- lection is not less interesting and is certainly much more curious than any that have preceded it." BALLARD'S (G.) Memoirs of several Ladies who have been celebrated for their Writings or Skill in the learned Languages, Arts, and Sciences, 4to. calf, 7s Ootf. 1752 "An entertaining work, comprising notices of 63 ladies." — Lowndes. BANCROFT'S (E.) Essay on the Natural His- tory of Guiana in South America, frontis- piece, sm. Svo. hf. calf neat, 9s 1 769 " Besides natural history, this work may be consulted with advantage on the manners, etc. of the natives." Lowndes. BANCROFT'S (G.) History of the Colonization of the United States (to A.D. 1748), luith fine engraved portraits of Capt. John Smith, John Winthrop, Lord Baltimore, Admiral Sir W. Penn, B. Franklin, General Oglethorpe, 8fC. besides spirited etchings, 3 vols. Svo. cloth, 15s Boston, 1848 BANCROFT'S (G.) History of the United States, both Series, comprising the History of the Discovery of the American Continent, and History of the Revolution to the Declaration of Independence, the only complete and author- ized edition, Im-ge type, with portraits, 10 vols, royal Svo. new calf gilt, £8. Ss Boston, 1862-73 BANCROFT'S (H. H.) Indians of the Pacific Seaboards, (The Native Races of the Pacific States of North America,) illustrated by maps, 6 vols, large Svo. cloth, £5. 5s 1875 Comprises: — Wild Tribes, their Manners and C-ustoms, Vol, I ; Civilized Nations of Mexico and Central America, Vol. 2 ; Mythology and Languages of both Savage and Civilized Nations, Vol. 3; Antiquities and Architectural Remains, Vol. 4 5 Aboriginal History and Migrations, Index to the entire work. Vol. 5. BANKS* (T.) Baronia Anqlica Concentrata; or a Concentrated Account of all the Baronies in Fee, also a Glossary of Dormant English, Scotch, and Irish Peerage Titles, 2 vols. 4to. cloth, 15s (pub. £3. 3s) Ripon, 1844 BANKS' (T.) Dormant and Extinct Baronage of England, from the Norman Conquest, with genealogical tables, 4 vols. 4to. hf. calf, £2. 12s (pub. £9. 9s) 1807-37 BARBER'S (T.) Picturesque Illustrations of the Isle or Wight, with Descriptions, map and 40 highly finished engravings of the most beau- tiful scenery, roy. Svo. hf. calf, 7s 6d 1837 ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. BARING-GOULD'S (REV. S.) WORKS,— viz Curious Myths of the Middle Ages, illiis- trated, post 8vo. new cloth, 5s Curiosities of Olden Time, 12mo. new cloth 4s 6d Lives of the Saints, 9 vols. (aU published), post 8vo. new cloth, £2. 12.9 6^ In Exitd Israel; an Historical Novel, 2 vols. post 8yo. new cloth, 1 7s 6d Legends of Old Testament Characters, from the Talmud and other Eources, 2 vols. post Svo. new cloth, 1.3s 6d Lost and Hostile Gospels; and Essay on the Toledotli Gescher and the Petrine and Pauline Gospels of the First Three Centuries, of which Fragments remain, post Svo. new cloth, 6s 6d Origin and Development of Religious Beliefs (Vol. I. Monotheism and Polytheism, Vol. 11. Christianity), 2 vols. Svo. new cloth, £1. 5s Some Modern Difficulties: Nine Lectures, post Svo. new cloth, 3s 6d Yorkshire Oddities: Incidents and Strange Events, 2 vols, post Svo. n&w cloth, 5s BARNARD'S (G.) Brunnens of Nassau, in- cluding Wiesbaden, Schwalbach, Schlangenbad, &c. and the River Lahn, 28 large tinted plates, impl. folio, hf. morocco, £1. 5s (1845) BARNARD'S (G.) Drawing from Nature; a series of Progressive instructions in Sketching, with examples from Switzerland and the Pyre- nees, illustrated hy 18 coloured and lithographic plates and 100 woodcuts, impl. Svo. 16s 1865 Appended to the vol. arc the Author's lectures on Art, delivered at Rugby School. BARNARD (G.) Handbook of Foliage and Foreground Drawing, third edition, post Svo. new cloth, 4s 6d 1875 BARNARD'S (G.) Studies of Trees from Nature, 30 fine plates drawn on stone hy the Autlior, including Foreign and Home Scenes of Interest, with Descriptive Letterpress, impl. folio, hf. morocco, £2. 5s 1868 BARNARD (G.) Theory and Practice of Landscape Painting in Water-Colours, illustrated hy 26 drawings and diagrams w colours, and numerous woodcuts, impl. Svo. cloth extra, gilt edges, 17s 6d 1860 BARONIAL HALLS of ENGLAND, and Ancient Picturesque Edifices, with Descriptions by S. C. Hall, 71 large and finely executed tinted plates of Exteriors and Interiors, from Drawings hy Harding, Cattermole, Prout, Miiller, Fairholt, and other eminent artists, besides numerous elegant woodcuts, large paper, 2 vols, royal folio, hf. morocco, gilt leaves, £6. 6s ; or, new morocco extra, gilt edges, £10. 10s 1858 This is unquestionably one of the most interesting books ever offered to the public. The Drawings are executed in the highest style of the art, by eminent living artists, and comprise the most ancient Castles and Man- sions now existing in England. BARRINGTON'S (Sir Jonah) Historic Me- moirs of Ireland, Secret Records of the National Convention, Rebellion and Union, with Delineations of the Principal Characters, fac- similes of writing, and numerous original por- traits, 2 vols. impl. 4to. hf. calf, £2. 10s 1835 This remarkable work on its first appearance excited considerable sensation, and was officially suppressed. BARRINGTON'S (Sir Jonah) Historic Records and Secret Memoirs of the Union, new edition, with portraits, Svo. chth, sca/rce, 8s 6d 1844: BARROW'S (Isaac, D.D.) Theological Works; (Sermons, Treatises, Dissertations, etc.) edited by the Rev. A. Napier, with Notice of the Author's Life and Academical Times by Dr. W. Whewell, /me po^rtrait and facsimile, 9 vols. Svo. new calf, £5. 5s Cambridge University Press, 1859 " Dr. Barrow must ever be esteemed, in all the sub- jects which exercised his pen, a person of the clearest perception, the finest fancy, the soundest judgment, the profoundest thought, and the closest and most nervous reasoning." — Chalmers Biog. Did. BARROW'S (Isaac, D.D.) Works, both English and Latin, with Life, portrait, 8 vols. Svo. calf, £2. 15s Oxf. Univ. Press, 1830 BARROW'S (Sir J.) Chronological History of Voyages into the Arctic Regions for the Dis- covery of a North- West Passage, &c. from the earliest period, map, Svo. booA-ds, 6s 6(Z IS 1 8 BARROW'S (Sir J.) Travels into the Interior of Southern Africa; with Sketches of the Characters of the Tribes of Inhabitants, &c. coloured plates and mapSy 2 vols. 4to. calf gilt, 18s (pub. £3. 3s) 1801-4 BARRY'S (Sir C.) Life and Works, by the Rev. A. Barry, D.D. with Appendices, portrait and 39 engravings of vieius and plans, thick Svo. cloth, 9s 1867 BARTH'S (Dr.) Travels and Discoveries in North and Central Africa, 1849-55, map and tinted engravings, 5 large vols. Svo. half calf gilt, £2. 10s (pub. £5. 5s) 1857-8 BARTHELEMY (L'Abb6) Voyage du Jeune Anacharsis en Grcce, port, and many maps, complete in 1 vol.* royal Svo. French calf extra, gilt' edges, Ss ed ' Paris, 1836 BARTLETT'S (J.) Familiar Quotations ; an attempt to trace to their source Passages and Phrases in common use, with Appendix and very copious Index, cr. Svo. new calf, 7s 6d 1869 BARTLETT'S (W. H.) Illustrated Works ; comprising, Walks about Jerusalem; Forty Days in the Desert; Footsteps of our Lord; Overland Route; Nile Boat; and Jerusalem Ke- visited, containing nea/rly 300 highly finished, engravings on steel and on wood, 6 vols. impl. Svo. cloth, £3. 3s 185 1-5 BARTLETT'S (W. H.) American Scenery, with Descriptions by N. P. Willis, cmd 120 highly finished engravings of the most beautiful Land, Lake, and River Scenery, 2 vols. 4to. whole hound, gilt edges, £1. 14s 1840 BARTLETT'S (W. H.) Canadian Scenery, with Descriptions by N. P. Willis, 120 beautiful and highly finished engravings from Drawings hy Bartlett, 2 vols. 4to. handsomely bound, gilt edges, £\. 12s 1842 BARTLETT'S (W. H.) Views in Switzerland, consisting of upwards of 120 highly finished engravings, fine impressions, with Historical and Descriptive Letterpress by Dr. Beattie, 2 vols. 4to. hf. morocco, £2. 2s 1836 BARTLETT'S (W. H.) Views on the Danube, upwards of 100 highly finished engravings on steel and on wood, from draivings taken on the spot, with Descriptions and History by Dr. W. Beattie, 4to. hf. morocco, £1. 4s 1844 16 BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, BARTLETT'S (W.H.) Ireland, Scenery and An- tiquities of, with Descriptions by N. P. Willis and Stirling Coyne, 120 highly fmished engravings, 2 vols. 4to. in one, hf. calf gilt, £l. 15s (pub. £3. 3s) Virtue (1838) BARTLETT'S (W. H.) and Brockedon's Views in the Waldenses, or Protestant Val- leys of Piedmont, Dauphiny, &c. portrait, map, and 71 highly finished engravings on steel, fine early impressions, with Descriptive Letterpress by Dr. Beattie, 4to. hf. morocco, £1. 5s 1838 BARTLETT (W. H.) and Dr. H. Stebbing's Christian in Palestine, or Scenes of Sacred His- toiy, historical and descriptive, with nearly 100 highly finished engravings, 4to. cloth, gilt leaves, 18s (1854) BASILII Magni Opera Omnia, Gr. et Lat. cura et studio J. Gamier (et P. Maran), fronts. 3 large thick vols, royal folio, vellum, £4. 1 Os Pa/ris, 1721-30 The Best Benedictine Edition, in excellent library condition ; valued by Lowndes, £g. gs, and in a recent cataloE:ue, ;Cii. n^ BASTIAN'S (H. C.) The Beginnings of Life ; being some Account of the Nature, Modes of Origin, and Transformation of Lower Or- ganisms, illustrated, 2 vols, post 8vo. cloth, £1.4s 1872 BATE (C. S.) and Westwood's (J. 0.) History of British Sessile-Crustacea (Sandhoppers, &c.) luith figures of all the sjpecies, and tail pieces, (uniform with the Stalk-eyed Crustacea by Professor Bell), 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, £2. 10s 1863 BATEMAN'S (T.) Delineations of Cutaneous Diseases, 72 coloured plates, exhibiting the characteristic appearances of the principal Genera and Species comprised in the Classifica- tion of the late Dr. Willan, roy. 4to. hf. mo- rocco, top edge gilt, scarce, £4. 4s 1849 BATES (C. E.) Gazetteer of Kashmir, and the adjacent Districts of Kishtwar, Badrawar, Jamu, Naoshera, Punch, and the Valley of the Kishen Ganga, compiled for political and military Re- ference, folding ma/ps, royal 8vo. cloth, 15s Calcutta, 1873 BATES' (W. H.) Naturalist on the River Amazon ; a Record of Adventures, Habits of Animals, etc. during Eleven Years of Travel, map and illustrations, post 8vo. new calf gilt. Used 1873 BATISSIER (L.) Histoire de I'Art Monumen- tal dans I'Antiquite et au Moyen Age ; suivie d'un Traite de la Peinture sur Verre, illustrated hy numerous engravings and a few colowred plates, iinpl. 8vo. hf. morocco, top edge gilt, 15s Paris, 1845 BATTY'S European Scenery, complete, com- prising France and Gemiany by Capt. Batty, Italy by Miss Batty, Sicily by Major Light, and Switzerland by Major Cockbum, upwards of 300 highly finished line engravings hy Heath, Fin- den, CoRBOULD, &c. fine impressions, 5 vols, impl. 8vo. hf. morocco, gilt tops, £3. 10s (pub. nearly £40.) 1820-3 BAUMGARTEN'S (Prof.) Apostolic His- tory ; being an Account of the Development of the Early Church, in the Form of a Commen- tary on the Acts of the Apostles, 3 vols. 8vo. new cloth, £l. 2s 6d 1863 BAXLEY'S (H. W.) Spain ; Art-Remains and Art-Realities, Painters, Priests, and Princes. Notes of things seen, and opinions formed, during three years' residence in that country, map, 2 vols, post 8vo. cloth, 17s 6d 1875 BAXTER'S British Flowering Plants, with the Scientific and English Names, Descriptions, copious Indexes, &c. 509 colowed pilates, 6 vols. 8vo. cloth, £3. 10s (pub. £9.) Oxford, 1834-43 This is the only work which presents in a moderate compass the whole of the genera of the British Flowering Plants. BAYLE (P.) Gi^uvREs Diverses, 4 vols. La Haye, 1727 — DiCTiONNAiRE, Historiquc et Critique, revu, corrige, et augmente, avec la Vie de I'Auteur, par Des Maize aux, 4 vols. Amst. 1730 — together 8 vols, folio, handsomely hound in calf extra, carmine edges, a fine set, £3. 15s V. y. BAYLE (P.) DiCTiONNAiRE, Historique et Cri- tique, nouvelle edition, augmentee des Notes de Chaufepie, Joly, La Monnoie, Leduchat, Leclerc, Prosper Marchand, &c. (par Beuchot), 16 vols. 8vo. neatly half hound, £7. 18s Paris, 1820 This edition combines with the advantage of being in a more portable form, that of containing ver\' important additions, including an excellent bibliographical notice upon the various editions of Bayle's Dictionary, the additions, suppressions, and alterations in each, etc. BAYLE'S (P.) Historical and Critical Dic- tionary, translated, with Life, by Des Maizeaux, fine portrait, best edition, 5 vols, folio, calf gilt, £5. 5s 1734-8 " Bayle's Dictionary is as a cornucopia of flowers, bright, blooming, and captivating." — Dibdin. BAYLEY'S (J.) Tower of London; History and Antiquities of the, with Biographical Anecdotes of Royal and Distinguished Personages, fine engravings from drawings hy Nash, 2 vols, royal 4to. cloth, £1. 18s 1825 Only a very limited number of copies printed, and the copper-plates afterwards destroyed. BEALE'S (L.) How to Work with the Micro- scope, unth 67 plates, containing upwards of 400 figures, fourth edition, thick 8vo. new cloth, 17s 6ci 1868 BEATTIE'S (J.) Poetical Works, with Memoir by Dyce, an elegant reprint of Pickering's Aldine edition, portrait, large paper, post 8vo. new calf, gilt edges, 12s 1866 BEATTIE'S (J.) Minstrel, and other Poems, splendidly printed in very large type hy J. Ballantrjne (m competition with Baskerville and Bulmer), on thick pa/per, with fi/nely en- graved port. 4to. russia gilt, 7s 6d Edinh. 1803 BEATTHO'S (Dr. W.) Castles and Abbeys of England from the National Records, Early Chro- nicles, and Standard Authors, both seuies, illus- trated hy iipwards of 400 engravings on steel and wood, 2 large vols. impl. 8vo. cloth, £2. 2s 1851 A beautiful and very interesting national work, illustrating the oldest and most famous of our Castles and Abbeys. BEATTIE'S (Dr. W.) Switzerland, Illustrated in a Series of Views, with Descriptions, iipwards oj 120 highly finished engravings from drawings hy Bartlett, and large map ( ^plates very slightly foxed), 2 vols, 4to, calf extra, gilt edges, £2. 2s 1836 ON SALE BY II. SOTHEKAN & BEATTIE'S (Dr. VV.) Scotland Illustrated in ti vSeries ol' Views, by Allom, Bartlett. &c. with Descriptions, iipwards of 120 highly finished engravings, early impressions, 2 vols. 4to. calf gilt, £1. los Virtiie, 1838 BEATTIE'S (Dr. W.) The Waldenses ; or Protestant Valleys of Piedmont and Dauphiny, illnstrated by 72 beautiful and highly finished engravings after drawings hy Bartlett and BiiocKEDON, thick 4to. calf extra, gilt leaves, £1. Is 1838 BEAUMARCITAIS and his Times : Sketches of French Society in the XVIIIth Century (from unpublished Documents, by L. de Lomenie), trans, by H. S. Edwards, 4 vols, post 8vo. cloth, 106- 6cl (pub. £2. 2s) 1856 " The Life of Beaumarchais, the authorof ' The Barber of Seville,' 'The Marriage of Figaro,' a Speculator, a Diplomatist, a Political intriguer, a Printer (purchaser of Hoiker-vilW s types), is as interesting as any novel." BEAUMONT (F.) and Fletcher's Dramatic Works, with Notes and Biographical Memoir by the Rev. A. Dyce, portraits, best edition, 11 vols. 8vo. calf extra, £12. 12s 1843 BEAUMONT (F.) and Fletcher's Dramatic Works, complete with Explanatory Notes and Introduction by H. We her, portrait, 14 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, £2. 10s Edinh. 1812 BEAUMONT (F.) and Fletcher's Works, com- plete, with Introduction, Congratulatory Verses, &c. edited by Gc. Darlby, portraits, 2 thick vols, roy. 8vo. new calf gilt, £2. 2s (1870) BEAUFOKT (Lady) Egyptian Sepulchres and Syrian Shrines, including a Visit to Palmyra, post 8vo. new calf gilt, 13s 6d 1875 BEAUTIES of England and Wales, or Original Delineations, Topographical, Historical, and Descriptive of each County, by J. Britton, Brayley, and others, with Brewer's Introduc- tion, illustrated hy about 700 engrcuvings of Man- sions, Views, <5-c. andj woodcuts by Bewick, 26 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, £G. 6s 1801-23 A valuable and interesting work; the only one rontaining illustrations of all the Counties of England and Wales. BEAUVOIR'S (Marquis de) Pekin, Jeddo and San Francisco, the conclusion of a Voyage round the World, in company with the Orleans I'rinces, 15 illustrations, post 8vo. cloth, 9s 1872 BECKP^R und Hefner-Alteneck's Kunts- WERKE und Gerathschaften dcs Mittelalters und dcr Renaissance, 216 copperplates, beautifully coloured by hand, many heightened with gold and silver, with Descriptions in German, 3 large vols. imp. 4to. handsomely bound, hf. morocco extra, top edges gilt, £14. 14s (cost upwards of £20.) Frankf. 1852 A remarkably beautiful and interesting work. The plates represent Ivories, Church Relics, Crosses, Jugs in .Stone or Silver, Old Furniture carved in Wood, Ornamental Metal Work, Keys, Drinking Vessels, Combs, Diptychs, ( rucifixes, Shields, Candelabra, Mirrors, Ornaments of cverv kind, Needle Work, etc. BECKETT'S (G. A. a) Comic History of Eng- land, with 10 humourous coloured engravings and 120 woodcuts by Leech, new edition, 8vo. nexo hf. mor. gilt edges, 15s 6d n. d. BECKETT'S (G. A. a) Comic History of Rome, with 10 humourous coloured engravings, and numerous woodcuts by J. Leech, new edi- tion, 8vo. neio hf. morocco gilt edges, Us Gdn.d. CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 17 BECKMANN'S (J.) History of Inventions and Discoveries, translated by .Johnston, enlarged, best edition, 4 vols. 8vo. calf, 18s 1814 BED^E (Ven.) Opera Omnia, 8 vols, folio, vellum, fine copy, £2. 5s Basil. 1563 BED^ (Ven.) Opera Omnia, accompanied by a new English Translation of the Historical Works, and a Life of the Author, by Rev. Dr. Giles, 12 vols. 8vo. cloth, £l. 8s (pub. £6. 6s) 1843-4 " The Venerable Bede,in theVIlIth century, surpasses every other name of our ancient literary annals, and may, perhaps, be reckoned superior to any man whom the world then possessed." — Hallam. BEDFORD'S (John, Foxvrth Duke of) Corres- pondence ( 1 742-1 770), edited, with Introduction, by Lord Russell, portrait, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, £1. Is 1842-6 An historical work of great value, including amongst other interesting matter, a correspondence relating to th(' period from the peace of Aix-la-Chapelle to the death of George II.; details of the intrigues which led to the alliance of the Uuke of Newcastle with Pitt in 1757; and letters on the state of Ireland under the Vicerovalty of the Duke of Bedford. BEETON'S (Mrs.) Book of Household Man- agement, comprising Information on every subject connected with Domestic Econoniy, Cookeiy, etc. numerous coloured plates ami luoodcitts, thick post 8vo. hf. bound, 6s 6d n. d. BEHN'S (Mrs. Aphra) Plays, Histories, and Novels, with Life and Memoirs, portrait aird engravings, 6 vols. fcap. 8vo. hoards, £2. 5s — Another copy, large paper, 6 vols. 8vo. boards, £3. 10s (1724) reprinted 1871 BELANY'S (J. C.) Treatise upon Falconiy, /ront LARGE PAPER, PRIVATELY PRINTED, 8vO. cloth, 6s 6(2 Berwick-tipon-Tvjeed, 1841 BEHMEN'S (J.) Works complete, with Life. portrait and- figures (or plates) illustrating his principles, left by the Rev. W. Law, 4 vols. 4to. calf gilt, sc.\.RCE, £6, 6s 1764-81 BELCHER'S (Sir E.) Last of the Arctic Voyages ; the Expedition in Search of Sir J. Franklin in 1852-4, map and plates, some coloured, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. cloth, £1. Is (pub. £1. 16s) 1855 The descriptions of Natural History are by Sir I. Richardson, Prof. Owen, T. Bell, J. VV. Salter, and L. BELCHER'S (Sir E.) XaiTative of the Voyage of II.M.S. Samarang, employed in Surveying the Islands of the Eastern Archipelago, with Vocabu- laries of Languages, &c. map and tinted plates, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 15s (pub. £1. 16s) 1848 BELCHER'S (Sir E.) Voyage round the World, in H.M.S. Sulphur, from 1836 to 1842, includ- ing details of the War in China, maps and 39 engravings, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 9s (pub. 36.v) 1843 BELCHER'S (Lady) Mutineers of the Bounty and their Descendants in Pitcairn and Norfolk Islands, with illustrations, post 8vo. new calf gilt, 15s 1870 BELKNAP'S (J.) History of New Hampshire, 3 vols. 8vo. hoards, uncut, very scarce, £2. 10s Philadelphia, 1784-92 BELL (Sir C.) The Hand, its Mechanism and Vital Endowments, by A. Shaw, nevj edition, with portrait, woodcuts, cr. 8vo. nev^ calf gilt, 12s 6cJ 1874 2 18 BELL'S (Sir C.) Anatomy of Expression in Painting, illustrated by beautiful copperplate engravings, calf, 4to. (moderate copy), 12s 6d 1806 This celebrated work is acknowledged by Wilkie and many illustrious painters to have deeply inftuenced their own studies and practice in drawing the human figure. BELL'S (Sir C.) Anatomy and Philosophy of Expression as connected with the Fine Arts, third and enlarged edition, with numerous Physiognomical engravings, impl. 8vo. hf. mo- rocco, top edge gilt, £1. 10s, 1846 — Another edition, impl. 8vo. cloth, 13s 6d 1874 BELL'S (J.) New Pantheon ; or Historical Dictionary of the Gods, Demi-Gods, Heroes, and Fabulous Personages of Antiquity, many fine engravings, 2 vols. 4to. in one, calf, £l. Is 1790 The most useful body of Mythology in the language. BELL'S (T.) Monograph of the Testudinata, see Tortoises BELL'S (W. A.) New Tracks in N. America : a Journal of Travel and Adventure whilst engaged in the Survey for a Southern Railroad to the Pacific, 1867-8, large map and numierous fne tinted plates and woodcuts, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 14s, 1869 — Another edition, one vol. 8vo. cloth, 10s 1870 BELL'S (T.) History of British Quadrupeds, including the Cetacea, with nearly 200 beautiful xvoodcuts, 8vo. calf extra, yellow edges, by Bed- ford, SCARCE, £2. 2s 1837 BELL'S (T.) History of British .Quadrupeds, including the Cetacea, new edition, with 200 engravings, 8vo. cloth, £1. 4s 1875 BELL'S (T.) History of the British Stalk-eyed Crustacea, with 174 beautiful woodcuts, 8vo. new cloth, £1. Is 1853 BELL'S (T.) History of British Reptiles, with 50 woodcuts, 8vo. cloth, \Qs 1849 BELLARS (W.) The Fine Arts and their Uses ; Essays on the Essential Principles and Limits of Expression of the various Arts, with especial Reference to their Popular Influence, post 8vo. n&uo cloth, 7s ad 1876 BELLEW (H. W.) Kashmir and IL^shghar : a Narrative of the Journey of the Embassy to Kashghar in 1873-74, 8vo. new cloth, 13s ed 1876 BELLIN, Description Geographique dc la Guy- ANE, le Climat, les Productions de la Terre, et les Animaux, leurs Habitans, etc. charts, plates of Natural History, etc. 4to. hoards, 10s 6d Paris, 1703 BELLS (Church) of Norfolk, where, when, and by whom they were made ; with the Inscriptions on all the Bells in the County, by John L'EsTRANGE, illustrated by 9 plates and 60 ^ooodcuts, roy. 4to. new cloth, £1. 8s Norwich, 1874 BELOE'S (W.) Anecdotes of Literature and Scarce Books, 6 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, £1. 12s 1807-12 A valuable and amusing work, full of interesting ex- tracts from, and accounts of, rare and curious books. BELOE'S (W.) Sexagenarian, or the Recollec- tions of a Literary Life, [with caustic attacks on many of his contemporaries'], 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf neat, 8s 6c? 1818 BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, BELTZ'S (G. Lane. Eerald) Order of the Garter, Memorials of, from its Foundation to the Present, with Biographies of the Knights, and 'many particulars relating to English and French Ilistory, cuts of Arms, thick roy. 8vo. hf. morocco, 6s (pub. 30s) 1841 BEMROSE (W.) Fret Cutting and Perforated Carving, with Practical Instructions, 4to. boards, 4s 6d 1876 BENGEL'S (J. A.) Gnomon of the New Testa- ment, with Original Notes, Explanatory and Illustrative, translated into English, 5 vols. 8vo. £1. 15s 1857-58 BENNETT'S (J.) Billiards, edited by Caven- dish, with upwards of 200 illustrations, 8vo. cloth, gilt edges, 17s 6d 1873 BENNETT'S Ceylon and its Capabilities; an Account of its Natural Resources, Indigenous Productions and Commercial Facilities, vnth ■fine plates, some coloured, royal 4to. ckth, £1. 5s (pub. £3. 3s) 1843 BENNETT'S Fishes of Ceylon, with Descrip- tions, 30 finely coloured engravings of the most remarkable and interesting varieties, royal 4to. cloth, £\. 12s (pub. £6. 6s) 1834 BENTHAM'S (G.) Flora Hongkongensis ; a Description of the Flowering Plants and Ferns of the Island of Hongkong, icith a map of the Island, 8\o. new cloth, ISs dd 1861 BENTHAM'S (G.) Handbook of the British Flora ; a Description of the Flowering Plants and Ferns Indigenoas to, or Naturalized in, the British Isles, ivith several hundred figures of plants, from drawings by Fitch, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, £1. 10s (pub. £3. 10*) 1865 BENTHAM (G.) et Hooker Genera Planta- RUM, ad Exemplaria imprimis in Herbariis Kewensibus servata definita ; volumen prvmum, sistens Dicotyledonum Polypetalarum ordines Lxxxiii ; (Rannnculaceas-Comaceas), thick impl. 8vo. cloth, £2. 2s 1862-7 BENTHAM (G.) and Mueller's Flora Aus- traliensis : a Description of the Plants of the Australian Territory (Ranunculacea; to Anacar- diacew ; Leguminosaj to Combretaceoe ; and Myrtacese to Compositae), 5 vols. 8vo. cloth, £4. 4s 1863-70 BENTHAM'S (J.) Ely Cathedral; History and Antiquities of, edited by Bentham and Stevenson, fine portrait and 50 engravings of monuments, views, ^c. best edition, 2 vols, roy. 4to. calf gilt, £3. 10s 1812-17 This copy contains the Appendix of Charters; and a further Addenda to the History and Antiquities of the Cathedral, frequently wanting. BENTHAM'S (Jeremy) Complete Works, in- cluding his Memoirs and Correspondence, edited by Sir J. Bo-vvring, portrait, 1 1 large vols. 8vo. new cloth, £7. 7s — Another copy, new calf gilt, £9. 9s Edin. 1843 " Bentham, on the all-important subject of Juris- prudence, has discovered and collected knowledge, which will scarcely find its way to the great mass of human intel- lect, perhaps through the course of another century." — Field's Life of Parr. BENTLEY'S (Dr. R.) Works, edited with copious Notes and Indices by the Rev. A. Dyce, 3 vols. 8vo. calf neat, scoA-ce, £1. 10s 1836-38 ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & BENTLEY'S (Dr. R.) Correspondence, edited by C. Wordsworth, with Notes and Index, 2 vols. 8vo. calf neat, 18s 1842 Only 350 copies of this Correspondence were printed. BENTLEY'S (Dr. R.) Life, with an Account of his Writings and Anecdotes of his Contem- poraries, by Bp. Monk, portrait, 4to. hoards, 9s 6d — Another edition, 2 vols. 8vo. calf neat, 14s (pub. £ I. 4s) 1833 " I will venture to pronounce Dr. Bcntley the greatest man amongst scholars."— De Quincey. BENTLEY Ballads ; a Selection of the Choice Ballads, Songs, &c. contributed to Bentlej's Miscellany, edited by Dr. Doran, post 8vo. cloth, 5« 1869 BENTLEY'S Miscellany, complete from its commencement in 1837 to the end of 1868, (termination of the Work), with portraits of the most eminent literary persons of the day, and many engravings by 0. Cruikshank, 64 vols. 8yo. hf. calf gilt, £2i. 1837-68 BENTLEY'S Standard Novels and Romances, containing the celebrated Works of Fiction of the most distinguished Modern Novelists, in- cluding those of Captain Marryat, Bulwer Lytton, Cooper, Theodore Hook, Thomas Hood, Albert Smith, James and Horace Smith, Max- well, Sam. Lover, Mrs. Gore, Mrs. Trollope, Capt. Chamier, Miss Austen, and many others, complete in 123 vols. 12mo. each vol. embellished with front amd vignette, hf. calf, neat, scarce, ^24. 1831, &c. This celebrated Collection of the best works of Modern Fiction, unrivalled for genius and merit, and also for variety, presents a body of Literature of its class the most unexceptionable in regard to refinement, combined with talent, which ever issued from the press. BERANGER'S (P. J. de) CEdvres completes, comprenant : — Les Chansons, 2 vols. ; La Musique des Chansons ; Les Dernicres Chan- sons, de 1834 a 1851 ; et " Ma Biooraphie," avec un Appendice et des Notes, illustrated by portraits, 80 woodcuts, and 76 engravings on steel — together 5 vols, royal 8vo. mottled calf extra, gilt edges, £6. 6s Paris, 1869 BERANGER, Ses CEuvres Completes, nouvelle edition, embellished by numerous clever and spirited full-page illustrations by Grandville, and finely engraved portrait of the author, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. bound morocco, gilt edges, very neat, £1. 18s Pa/ris, 1839 BERENGER'S (R.) History and Art of Horse- manship, with 17 Jv)ie plates, 2 vols. 4to. calf gilt, 15s 1771 BERINGTON'S (J.) Literary History of the Middle Aoes, from the close of the Reign of Augustus to XVth Century, 4to. hoan-ds, 6s 6d 1814 BERKELEY'S (Bp.) Works ; with Prefaces and Annotations by Prof. A. C. Eraser, 3 vols. 8vo. new calf gilt, £2. I2s 6d 1871 BERKELEY'S (Bp.) Life and Letters, with an Account of his Philosophy, by Prop. Eraser, also some unpublished Writings of the Bishop, portrait, thick 8vo. new calf gilt, £1. 1871 BERKELEY'S (Hon. G. F.) Anecdotes op the Upper Ten Thousand: their Legends and their Lives, second edition, 2 vols. 8vo. chth, 7s ed ; or hf. calf, Us 1867 CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 19 BERKELEY'S (Hon. G. F.) My Life and Re- collections, both series, with 2')ortrait, 4 vols. Svo. hf. calf gilt, £1. Ss 1865-6 " The book is full of pleasant stories, all told as easily and clearly as if they were related at a club window, and all with point of greater or less piquancy." — Spectator. BERKELEY'S (M.) British Fungology ; Out- lines of, containing Characters of above a Thousand Species of Fungi, and a Complete List of all that have been described as Natives of the British Isles ; ivith coloured figv/res and Dissections of 170 Species by Fitch, 8vo. cloth, £1.5s I860 BERKELEY'S (M.) British Mosses ; Handbook of, comprising all that are known to be Natives of the British Isles, with 24 plates, exhibiting Tmnerous finely coloured figwres, thick 8vo. cloth, 17s 6c2 1863 BERKELEY'S (M.) Cryptoqamic Botany, In- troduction to, with 170 engravvngs on, wood, thick 8vo. cloth, 14s 1857 BERNARD'S (J. D.) Voyages and Services of the Nemesis from 1840 to 1843, and the com- bined Naval and Military Operations in China, engravings and maps, 2 large vols. 8vo. cloth, 7s 6d (pub. 36s) 1844 BERNATZ (J. M.) Scenes in Ethiopia, com- prising the Lowlands of the Danakil and the Highlands of Shoa, 48 large tinted plates designed from nature, and map, with Descrip- tions and Extracts from a Journal of TraA}el in that country, 2 vols. impl. obi. folio in one large vol. hf bound morocco, £2. 2s (pub. £6. 6s) 1852 These plates are capitally executed, and represent the Grand Scenery, the Manners" and Customs of the Natives, the Animals, Wild Sports, etc. The author was Artist to the British Mission to the Court of Shoa. BERQUIN (A.) CE0VRE8 de ; numerous pretty engramngs, 21 vols. 18mo. neatly hf. bound, £1. Is Paris, 1803 Contents r—L'Ami des Enfans, 7 vols.— L'Ami des Adolescens, 5 vols.— Sandford et Merton, 4 vols.— Le petit Grandisson, 2 vols. — Introduction Familiere k la Connais- sance de la Nature, a vols.— Idylles et Romances, 1 vol. BERRY'S (Miss) Journals and Correspon- dence, from the year 1783 to 1852, edited by Lady Theresa Lewis, second edition, portraits, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, £l. Is (pub. £2. 2s) 1866 BERRY'S (W.) Encyclopaedia Heraldica, or complete Dictionary of Heraldry, with the Sup- plement, TiAmierous fine Heraldic engravings, 4 vols. 4to. hf. russia extra, £6. 6s 1828, ^c. A most valuable work, embracing the essence of Guil- lim, Edmondson, and other heraldic writers, whose works are both scarce and expensive. BERTRAM'S (J. G.) Harvest of the Sea; a Contribution to the Natural and Economic History of British Food Fishes, with 50 illus- trations, of fish groups and fishing scenes, 8vo. new calf gilt, 15s 1868 BETHAM'S (Sir W.) Etritria-Celtica ; Etrus- can Literature and Antiquities Investigated, or the Language of that ancient People compared and identified with the Ibero- Celtic, numerous plates of Etruscan and British Coins, Anti- quities, the Round Towers, ^-c. 2 vols. 8vo. hf. morocco neat, top edges gilt, £1. 18s 1842 BEVERIDGE'S (Bp.) Theological Works complete, 10 vols. 8vo. antique calf, £2. 15s Oxford, 1844 20 J3EVVICK (T.) Collector and Supplement, a Descriptive Catalogue of the Works of T. and J. Bewick, including Cuts in various states, for Books and Pamphlets, with an Appendix of Portraits, Autographs, &c. by the Eev. T. Hugo, necvrhj 300 cuts from Bewick's own blocks, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, £1. Is — Another copy, new hf. mo- rocco., £1. 10s; or, new calf extra, top edges gilt, £1. 18s — The same, large paper, portrait, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. cloth, uncut, £2. 10s 1866-8 BEWICK'S (T.) History of British Land and Water Birds, first edition, with fine im- pressions of the woodcuts, 2 vols. 8vo. calf {notes in manuscript on some of the pages), £3. 10s Neiocastle, 1797-1804 BEWICK'S (T.) History of British Land and Water Birds, with very earhj and fine impres- sions of the woodcuts, 2 vols. 1805 {the title page of Vol. 2 supplied by a neat d/rawing) — General History of Quadrupeds, by Bewick, 1807 ; together 3 fine vols. roy. 8vo. large paper, uniformly bound in morocco, gilt leaves, a fine SET, £15. 15s 1805-7 BEWICK'S (T.) History of British Land and Water Birds, with the two Supplements, con- taining additional Figures, 2 tine vols. impl. 8vo. one of the largest paper copies, hf. bound russia, £10. 10s Neiocastle, 1821 BEWICK'S (T.) History of British Land and Water Birds, complete, with the Supplements, good impressions of the famous woodcuts, 2 vols. 8vo. new hf. mor. top edges gilt, £2. 5s ; or, 2 vols. new calf extra, gilt edges, £2. 10s Newcastle, 1847 BEWICK'S (T.) Land and Water Birds; Wood Engravings, consisting of upwa/rds of 300 Figures of Birds, from the cuts by this talented artist, printed on one side only of each leaf, 4to. hf. russia, uncut, £6. 6s Neiocastle, 1825 BEWICK'S (T.) Figures of British Land Birds ; to which arc added a few Foreign Birds, with their Vulgar and Scientific Names, 133 sheets of woodcuts, comprising as many Birds, accompanied by the famous tail-pieces, all very carefully printed on fine paper, 8vo. calf, £2. 2s Newcastle, 1800 The Foreign Birds, of which figures are given in the present volume, " were originally intended for a general History of Birds, but the design, comprehending a work of too great magnitude, was laid aside." BEWICK'S (T.) General History of Quad- rupeds ; sixth edition, with good impressions of the famous woodcuts, 8vo. hf. russia, £1. 5s Newcastle, 1811 BEWICK'S (T.) Select Fables, with Memoir and Descriptive Catalogue of his Woi-ks, por- trait and upward of 350 woodcuts, including some of his best productions, fine impressions, royal 8vo. large paper, new hf. morocco, top edges gilt, £6. 6s Newcastle, 1820 BEWICK'S (T.) Select Fables of ^sop and Others, with Life of ^sop, and an Essay upon Fable by Goldsmith, reprinted from the New- castle Edition of 1784, with the original WOOD engravings by Bewick, and an Illus- trated Preface by E. Pearson, post 8vo. morocco extra, gilt edges, 15s — Another copy, large paper, elegantly printed, 4to. hf. roxburghe, £1. Is ' (1871) BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, BEWICK Woodcuts : Impressions of upwards of 2000 wood-blocks, engraved for the most part, by Thomas and John Bewick, with an Introduction, a Descriptive Catalogue of the Blocks, and a list of the Books and Pamphlets illustrated, by T. Hugo, finely engraved portrait of T. Beivicli, folio, new cloth, top edge gilt, (pub. £6. 6s) £2. 12s 6d 1870 In this volume will be found the engravings of a large number of the most celebrated works illustrated by these artists, and an unique assemblage of cuts for Private Gentlemen, Public Societies and Companies, Amuse- ments, Newspapers, Shop Cards, Invoices, Bar Bills, and other miscellaneous purposes. In a few cases engravings executed by Bewick's pupils, Lee, Harvey, (llennell, and others, are introduced by way of comparison, and the whole ' being arranged chronologically' show in a marked degree the progress made in wood engraving by these ' Fathers of the Art.' BEWICK'S (T.) Memoirs, written by himself, and including his hitherto unpublished Work on British Fishes, with numerous beautiful wood- cuts by this inimitable Artist, 8vo. cloth, 12s 6d 1862 This volume forms an indispensable accompaniment to "Quadrupeds" and "Birds;" the woodcuts are executed in the same masterly style, and some humourous vignettes are also added. It is highly interesting, and contains the last engraving executed by Bewick. BIART'S (L.) Adventures of a Young Natu- ralist, edited by Parker Gillmore, illustrated by 117 wood engravings, sq. post 8vo. new calf gilt, 12s — Another copy, neio morocco, gilt edges, Us 6d 1870 BIBLIA HEBRAICA, digessit et graviores Lec- tionum Varietates adjecit Johannes Jahn, 4 vols. 4t0. LARGE TYPE, sewed, ONE OF FORTY copies PRINTED ON DuTCII WRITING PAPER FOR PRESENTS ONLY, £3. lOs Viennce ; sumtibus Canonice ClaustroneoburgeTisis, 1806 " The peculiarities of this esteemed edition are that arguments of the chapters are prefixed to each in Latin. Various Readings are given at the bottom of each page,— the books of Chronicles are interspersed and printed in parallel columns with those of Joshua, Samuel and Kings — the Poetical Books are printed in Hemistichs; and at the conclusion are an Index Chronicorum and a Recensio Codicum Hebraicorum." BIBLIA.— Pentateuchus ; Libri Historici ; Pro- phetaB Majores et Minores ; Psalmi ; Jobus ; Salomonis Proverbia ; Ecclesiasticus ; Canticum Canticorum, ex recens. Textus Hebra^i et Ver- sionum Antiq. Latine vers., Notisque philo- logicis et criticis illustrat. a J. A. Dathio, 6 vols. 8vo. half calf neat, carmine edges, 1 6s 6d HalcB, 1781 BIBLE Prints.— Historic Illustrations of the Bible, with Descriptions, Eng. Fr. and Germ, the four series complete, with upwards of 120 highly finished engravings, 4 vols. 4to. in 2, morocco extra, gilt leaves, £2. 12s Fisher, 1840 This elegant and interesting work contains many of the hnest pictures of the Old Masters. The engravings are executed by the most eminent modern Artists. BIBLIA EccLEsiiK PoLYGLOTTA.— The Proper Lessons for Sundays from the Scriptures, and the whole Book of Psalms ; all in Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and English, edited by Dr. Iliff, royal 4to. morocco, gilt edges, only £l. Is — Another copy, cloth, 10s 6cZ (pub. 30s) Bagster, 1843 ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & BIBLE. — The Speaker's Commentary on the Old Testament, with Explanatory and Critical Notes and a He vision of the Translation, by Bishops and Clergy of the Anglican Church, edited by Canon Cook Vol. I. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy Vols. II. and III. Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Samuel, Kings, Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther Vol. IV. Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon Vol. V. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations Vol. VI. Ezekiel, Daniel, the Minor Prophets The 6 vols, bound in 7, royal 8vo. new calf antique, carmine edges, £9. 1872-76 BIBLE. — La Sainte Bible, selon la Vulgate, traduction nouvelle, splendidly printed and illustrated hy 228 full-page illustrations after Gust AVE DoRfi, each page decorated luith a sepa/rate ornamental design, 2 vols, folio, morocco super extra, gilt edges, £15. 15s 1866 BIBLE ; The Holy, Jinely printed in large type, and illustrated with many large and elaborate designs of the most beautiful and sublime cha- racter by Gustave Dor£;, 2 large and splendid vols, folio, handsomely bound in morocco antique, gilt edges, £10. 10s (1867) BIBLE; The Holy, Macklin's Magnificent Edition; printed with exceedingly large and beautiful type by Bensley, and illustroted by the splendid series of engravings by the best English Artists, fine impressions, 6 vols. royal folio, bound in morocco extra, £10. 10s 1806 This splendid edition was published at nearly ;Cioo, without the binding. BIBLE ; The Holy, Handy volume Edition, printed in a type, large, clear, and easy to be read, %oith xupwards of 50.000 references, 11 vols. 32mo. cloth, enclosed in a case, 17 s 6d, or bound in limp roan, gilt edges, enclosed in a case, £1. 6s 6d 1874 BIBLE and Apocrypha, in the earliest English Versions, made from the Latin Vulgate by John WyclifPe and his followers, edited by the Rev. J. Forshall and Sir Frederic Madden, the versions printed in parallel columns, with Glos- sary and Explanatory Notes and References, 4 vols, royal 4to. new tree calf extra, £6. 10s Oxford Univ. Press, 1850 This most valuable edition occupied its Editors no less a period than 32 years, during which they consulted nearly 200 MSS. in the principal libraries in the kingdom. BIBLE.— Clarke's (Dr. Adam) Old and New Testaments, with Marginal Readings, Parallel Texts, Commentary and Notes, maps and tables, 6 large vols. impl. 8vo. new calf, £5. lOs 1854 BIBLE.— Henry's (M.) Exposition of the Old and New Testaments, with the Sacred Text, and Memoirs of his Life, by Sir J. B. Williams, 3 large vols. impl. 8vo. calj gilt, £2. lOs (1860) This incomparable commentary and Exposition has contributed much to diffuse the knowledge of the Scriptures, BIBLE. — Henry (M.) and Scott's Commentary with Observations and Notes from other Authors, Marginal References, &c. mcups and tables, 6 vols, post 8vo. calf, £1. Is Religious Tract Society, 1836 CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 21 BIBLE. — Knight's Pictorial Edition of the Bible, edited by Dr. Kitto, large type, with many hundred woodcuts and fine steel engrav- ings, new edition, with additional Notes, 4 vols, impl. 8vo. new calf extra, £3. 5s 1862 BIBLE.— Scott (T.) The Old and New Testa- ments, with explanatory Notes, practical Obser- vations and copious Marginal References, engravings and maps, 6 vols. 4to. last edition, new calf gilt, £6. 1861 — Another edition, 3 a'oIs. impl. 8vo. new calf, gilt edges, £3. 3s 1855 BIBLE Dictionary — see Dictionaries BIBLIOTHECA Gloucestrensis; a Collection of Scarce and Curious Tracts, relating to the City and County of Gloucester, edited with Notes by Washboum, portraits, the three parts complete, 4to. boa/rds, £1. 16s Gloucester, 1823-5 These curious pieces are chiefly illustrative of the times of Charles I. and II. and Cromwell. BIBLIOTHEQUE Orientale, ou Dictionnaire Universel, contenant tout ce qui fait connoitre les Peuples de I'Orient, par C. Visdelou et A. Ga\a.nd, portradt by Houbr alien, royal folio, half calf, imcut, £1. 4s La Haye, 1779 This volume may be considered as a Supplement to the great work of D'Herbelot. Among other important matters it contains •'Observations sur la Chine, Histoire de la Tartarie, Monument du Christianisme en Chine, Paroles Remarquables et Maximes des Orientaux," &c. BICKERSTETH'S (Rev. E. H.) Yesterday, To-Day, and For Ever; a Poem, in 12 books, fcap. 8vo. new morocco, gilt edges, 12s 1872 BICKHAM'S (G. and J., Calligra^hists) Museum of Arts, or the Curious Repository, containing Universal Penmanship, decorated with Picture- work in each plate; and. The Drawing and Writing Tutor, embellished with numerous large engravings of Portraits and other subjects {some colo^ired), folio, half calf , £1. 5s n. d. BICKMORE'S (A. S.) Travels in the Eastern Archipelago, 1865-6 ; a Popular Description of the Islands, with their Natural History, Geography, Manners, and Customs of the People, &c. with maps and illustrations, 8vo. new cloth, 17s 6d Murray BILLINGS' (A.) Science of Gems, Jewels. Coins, and Medals, Ancient and Modern, neiv edition, revised and corrected, illustrated, roy. 8vo. new cloth, 17s 6d 1875 BILLINGS' (R. W.) Baronial and Ecclesias- tical Antiquities of Scotland, containing 260 plates of Old Abbeys, Castles, Cathedrals, Churches, To^vers, Priories, Universities, Nun- neries, Palaces, ^c. of Baronial and Architectu- ral Antiquity, with descriptive Letterpress detailing the Locality, History, Legends, &c. of each, 4 vols. 4to. half russia, £8. 10s, or neno morocco extra, gilt edges, £12. 12s Another copy, large paper, India PROOFS, 4 vols, royal 4to. new morocco extra, gilt edges, £21. 1856 Mr. James Fergusson, in the new edition of his History of Architecture in all Countries, ■writes of Mr. Billings* work as " that beautiful work by R. W. Billings, entitled the Baronial and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Scotland, which is certainly the most correct and beautiful that has yet appeared on the subject." 22 BILLINGS' (R.)' Brancepeth Church, Dur- ham ; Geometric Tracery of, 20 plates, with descriptions, sm. 4to. hoards, uncut, 7s 6d 1845 BILLINGS' (R.) Carlisle Cathedral; Ar- chitectural Illustrations, History and Descrip- tion of, with 45 plates of the Exterior and Interior Views, Sections, Details, ^c. 4 parts, 4to. hoards, £1. Is 1840 BILLINGS' (R.) Carlisle Cathedral; Illus- trations of the Geometric Tracery, from the Paneling of, 22 plates, and his Geometric Tracery of Brancepeth Church, Durham, 20 plates, 2 vols. 4to. in 1, hoards, 12s 6d (pub. 27s) 1842-5 BILLINGS' (R.) Durham County; Architec- tural Antiquities of, ecclesiastical, castel- lated, and domestic, with 64 highly finished engravings hy Le Keux and others, 4to. hoards, 18s —Another copy, large paper, India PROOFS, impl. 4to. in parts, £2. 2s Durham, 1846 BILLINGS' (R.) Kettering Church, North- amptonshire; Architectural Illustrations of, with 20 fine plates hy 0. Winter, 4to. in port- folio, 7s 6d 1843 BINGHAM'S (J.) Complete Works, with Life and Notes by R. Bingham, last library edition, 10 vols. 8vo. cloth, £3. 3s, or new calf antique, carmine edges, £5. 10s 1855 BINGHAM'S (J.) Origines Ecclesiastics, or the Antiquities of the Christian Church, new edition, with copious Index, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. new hf. calf antique, £1. 8s 1874 BINNEY'S (Rev. T.) Sermons preached in the King's Weigh-House Chapel, London, 1829-69, Second Series, with a Biographical and Critical Sketch by Rev. H. Allon, D.D., portrait, 8vo. new cloth, 10s 1875 BIOGRAFHIA Britannica, or Lives of the most eminent Persons of Great Britain and Ireland, from the Earliest Ages, enlarged by Dr. KiPPis, 5 vols, folio, calf gilt, £2. 5s 1778 " Indispensable in every historical library." — Loiundes. BIOGRAFHIA Dramatica, comprising His- torical and Critical Memoirs and Anecdotes of British and Irish Dramatic Writers and Actors, by Baker, Reed, and Jones, 4 vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 18s 1812 Best Edition, continued and greatly enlarged. BIOGRAPHIE Universelle Ancienne et Mo- derns, ou Histoire par Ordre Alphabetique, de la Vie de tous les Hommes qui se sont fait re- marquer, ouvrage redige par une Societe de Gens de Lettres et de Savants, 52 vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, £7. lOs Pa/ris, 1811-28 " I will let no well-educated young man rest till he secure a copy."— Dibdin. BIOGRAPHICAL Dictionary— see Dictiona- ries BIOGRAPHICAL Magazine, containing Por- traits of eminent and ingenious Persons of every Age and Nation, with their Lives and Characters, 192 miniature portraits finely en- graved hy JSoll, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. calf gilt, £2. lOs 1819-20 BIRCH'S (S.) History of Ancient Pottery, Egyp- tian, Assyrian, Greek, Etruscan, and Roman, coloured plates and woodcuts, thick 8vo. new calf extra, gilt edges, £2. 8s ; or neio rnorocco §^Pra, gilt edges, i^2. I8s 1875 BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, BIRMINGHAM and the Midland Hardware District, " valuable and interesting^' Reports collected by the Local Industrial Committee of the British Association at Birmingham in 1865 edited by S. Timmins, J. P., thick 8vo. cloth, 7s (pub. 16s) 1866 BISCHOFF (J.) History of the WoolleKt and Worsted Manufactures, and the Natural and Commercial History of Sheep, with ilhis- trations, 2 vols. 8vo. new cloth, £1 . 2s n. d. BISSET'S (A.) Essays on Historical Truth, (Is there a science of Government ? Hobbes ; James Mill ; Hume ; Sir W. Scott ; Prince Henry; Sir T. Overbury, etc.) 8vo. cloth, Us 6d 1871 BISSET'S (A.) History of the Commonwealth of England, from the Death of (Charles I. to the Expulsion of the Long Parliament by Cromwell, chiefly from the MSS. in the State Paper Office, 2 vols. 8vo. new cloth, £1. 5s Murray BLAAUW (W. H.) The Barons' War, including the Battles of Lewes and Evesham, (historical and topographical), ivith illustrations, thick small 4to. cloth, 10s 6d (pub. 15s) 1844 BLACK'S (W.) Practical Treatise on Brew- ing ; with Formulai for Public Brewers, and Instructions for Private Families, fifth edition, post 8vo. cloth, 9s n. d. BLACKBURN'S (H.) The Harz Mountains, a Tour in the Toy Country, with 40 capital illus- trations, royal Svo. cloth gilt, 6s (pub. I2s) 1873 BLACKBURNE'S (E. L.) Decorative Paint- ing applied to English Architecture during the Middle Ages ; Sketches, Graphic and Descrip- tive, for a history of, 22 large and heautifully coloured plates, some in gold and colours, impl. 4to. cloth, £1. Is (pub. £2. 12s ed) 1847 BLACKSTONE'S (Su- W.) Commentaries on the Laws of England, adapted to the Present State of the Law, by R. Malcolm Ken-, LL.D., fourth edition, incorporating all the Recent Changes in the Law, 4 vols. Svo. new cloth, £2. 10s 1876 BLACKWALL (J.) Researches in Zoology ; Illustrative of the Structure, Habits, and Eco- nomy of Animals, 2nd edition, 8vo. cloth, 6s 6i 1873 BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE, complete from its commencement, 1817, to June, 1874, with the vol. of Index, 116 vols. 8vo. half calf neat, £24. 1817-74 No magazine has ever enjoyed higher celebrity than "Blackwood's," particularly for the ability of its Novels and Tales ; among the known writers are Bulwer, Alison, Aytoun, Lockhart, Prof. Wilson, S. Warren, and a host of others. BLACKWOOD ; Tales from, complete, 12 vols, in 6, 12mo. new hf. morocco gilt, £1. 6s (1865) BLAINE'S (D. P.) Encyclopedia of Rural Sports, Hunting, Shooting, Fishing, Racing, &c. with upwards of 600 ivoodcuts, thick 8vo. cloth, 17s Gd 185S BLAINE'S (D.P.) Veterinary Art ; a Treatise on the Horse, Neat Cattle, and Sheep, enlarged edition hy Steele, illustrated, 8vQ. cloth, 15s ^ ■ ' (1869) ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 23 BLAKE'S (W.) Poetical Works, Lyrical and Miscellaneous, edited, with a Prefatory Memoir, by W. M. Rossetti, cr. 8vo. new calf gilt, 8s &d ; or new morocco extra, gilt edges, 10s 6d 1875 BLAKE (W.) A Critical Essay, by A. C. Swinburne, with facsimile paintings coloured BY HAND, from the original sketches of Blake and HIS Wife, Svo, new hf. calf, top edge gilt, 12s 6d— Another copy, calf gilt, 16s 1868 " It is In every way worthy of Mr. Swinburne's high fame. In no prose work can be found passages of keener poetry or more finished grace, or more impressive har- mony." BLAKE (W.) Life of, with selections from his Poems, 'and other Writings, by A. Gil- christ, extensively illustrated /rom Blake's own works in facsimile and in photo-litho- graphy (including the whole of the Book of Job and Songs of Innocence), and with a few of Blake's original plates, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, £1. 7s 1863 BLANDFORD'S (W. T.) Observations on the Geology and Zoology of Abyssinia, made during the progress of the British Expedition to that country in 1867-8, mtTi coloured geolo- gical map, 6 coloured plates of Birds, and nu- merous other illustrations, Svo. cloth, 14s 1870 BLOCK (M.) Dictionnaire general de la Politique, par Maurice Block, avec la Collaboration d'Hommes d'Etat, de Publicistes et d'Ecrivains de tons les Pays, 2 large thick vols, royal Svo. hf. morocco neat, 16s Pa/ris, 1863 Among the numerous contributors are some of the best known writers in Europe, including Guizot, Emile de Girardin, Michel Chevalier, Duvergier de Hauranne, Lord Brougham, Sir Stafford Northcote, Casimer Perier, Ernest Renan, etc. etc. BLOMEFIELD (F.) and Parkin's History of Norfolk and the City of Norwich, best library edition, with engravings and pedi- grees, 11 vols. roy. Svo. new hf. morocco extra, top edges gilt, £11. lis 1805-10 BLOOMFIELD'S (Dr.) Recensio Synoptica Annotationis Sacr^ ; a Digest and Synop- tical Arrangement of the most important An- notations on the New Testament, 8 vols. Svo. hf. calf neat, £1. 8s 1826-8 " One of the most important works in Sacred Litera- ture which has been offered to the attention of Biblical Students for many years." — Horne. BLORE'S (E.) Monumental Remains of Noble and Eminent Persons, comprising the Sepulchral Antiquities of Gt. Britain, 30 fine plates, en- graved by Le Keux, Proofs, with Historical and Biographical Descriptions, large paper, 4to. morocco gilt, £1. Ss 1826 BLOUNT'S (T.) Fragmenta Antiquitatis, or Ancient Tenures of Land and Jocular Customs of Manors, &;c. enlarged by Beckwith, 4to. hf. calf, £1. l.')S fpub. £3. 3s) 1816 BLOUNT'S (T.) Jocular Tejiures of Land and Customs of Manors. A new edition, carefully corrected and considerably enlarged, royal Svo. new cloth, £1. 6s 6d — Another copy, on large PAPER, impl. 8vo. new cloth, £2. 12s 6d (1872) BLOXAM'S (C. L.) Chemistry Inorganic and Organic, with Experiments and a companion of Equivalents and MolecuUr Forraulaj, illus- troited, Svo. cloth, 13s 6(? J867 BLUNT (C.) and Stephenson's (R.) Civil En- gineer and Machinist ; Treatises on Civil Engineering, Engineer Building, Machinery, Mill Work, Engine Work, Iron Founding, &c. &c. 4to. and folio atlas of plates, together 2 vols. hf. morocco, £2. 2s (pub. at £7. 7s) (1834) BLUNT'S (REV. J.) WORKS, VIZ. : Essays on Various Subjects, Svo. new cloth, 10s History of the Church in the First Three Centuries, post Svo. calf gilt, 10s On the Right Use of the Early Fathers, thick Svo. cloth, Ss Parish Priest ; His Duties, Acquirements, and Obligations, fifth edition, post Svo. calf gilt, 10s Plain Sermons preached to a Country Con- gregation, 2 vols, post Svo. cloth, 10s Undesigned Coincidences, in the Writings of the Old and New Testament, an Argu- ment for their Veracity, new edition, post Svo. calf gilt, 10s BLUNT (J. H.) Directorium Pastorale; the Principles and Practice of Pastoral work in the Church of England, cr. Svo. new cloth, 6s 6d n. d. BLUNT (J. H.) The Reformation of the Church of England, its Historj', Principles, and Results, (a.d. 1614-1547) thick Svo. new calf 18s 6d 1869 BLUNT (J. H.) University Sermons, post 8vo. new cloth, 5s n. d. BOADEN'S (J.) Life of Mrs. Jordan, with Original Correspondence, and Anecdotes of her Contemporaries, portrait by Romney, 2 vols. Svo. hf. calf gilt, Us 6d 1831 BOADEN'S (J.) Memoirs of J. Philip Kemble, with a History of the Stage from the time of Garrick, portrait, 2 vols. Svo. calf^ 15s 6d— Another copy, hf. calf, 12s 1825 BOADEN'S (J.) Memoirs of Mrs. Siddons, with Anecdotes of Authors and Actors, /me x>of^- 2 vols. Svo. hf. calf gilt, 14s (pub. 2Ss) 1827 BOCCACCIO, II Decamerone, finely printed on Dutch paper, with 100 beautiful but some- what free plates, by Gravelot, Eisen, Cochin, and others, large paper, 5 vols. Svo. French calf, gilt leaves, sca/rce, £10. 10s London, (Pa/ris) 1757 BOCCACCIO'S Decameron, translated from the Italian, with Remarks on the Life and Writings of Boccaccio, portrait, 2 vols. Svo. calf gilt, £1. 8s 1804 BOCCACCIO'S Decameron; Spirit of, compris- ing Three Days Entertainment [or Thirty Novels], translated, selected, connected, and Versified, from the Italian, fine portrait, 3 vols, post Svo. boards, scarce, 10s 6ci 1812 BOGLE and Manning's Mission to the Teshu Lama, and Journey to Lhasa, Edited with Notes, an Introduction and Lives of the Travellers by C. R. Markham, maps amd illustrations, Svo. cloth, 17s 6d 1875 Mr. Bogle and Mr. Manning are the only two English- men who ever crossed the Brahmaputra, in its upper course through Tibet. The Introduction contains a geo- graphical account of ihe region to which the two narratives refer, a history of the people, and also a history of inter- course between India and Tibet, Nepal, Sikkim, an^ Bhutan, LU BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LTBHARY, BOCK'S (Dr. F.) Die Kleinodtex des Heiligen RoEMiscHEN Reiches Deutscher Nation, nebst den Kroninsignien Bdhmens, Ungarns xmd der Lombardei, illustrated hy 46 magni- riCEXT PLATES EXECUTED IN GOLD AND CO- LOURS IN THE HIGHEST STYLE OF CIIROMO- LiTHOGRAPHic ART, Containing 72 representa- tions, the size of the originals, of the superh riisignia of Royalty, comprising Crowns, Scepi- t/res. Crosses, Globes, Swords, Jewellery, Vest- onents, and other Ornaments, of the Vth to the XVth centwry, accompanied by upwards of 270 pages of Text, beautifully printed in a bold type on stout vellum, paper, ivith numerous orna- mental initial letters, and several hundred large and finely engraved woodcuts, thick atlas folio, boa/rds, £8. Ss (pub. £.33.) Wien, 1864 A GEM FOR ANY Art LIBRARY ; and unqucstionablv, onc of the most beautiful works ever published on Antiquarian art. iSotk DES HiLLiGHEN EvANGELii : Prophetien unde Epistelen auer dat ghantze Jaer: mit der Glosen unde Exempelen, an admirably 2^'ri'nted volume of 250 leaves, with engraved title in RED AND BLACK, AND NUMEROUS BEAUTIFUL WOODCUTS, large and small, by Hans Sch(euf- FELEiN and Urse Graaf, folio, bound in vellum, £12. 10s GedrucTct dorch P. van Langendorffto Basel, 1517 A beautifully clean copy of this excessi-vely rare -jolume. The types with which it is printed are the same as those used by P. Schoeffer, at Mayence, in 1492 — and several of the woodcuts were first employed in the " Passionael," published by Sebastian Brandt, 151 1. BOETHII (Hectoris) Scotoru3i Historia a prima Gentis Origine, cum Continuatione J. Ferrerii, editio optima, folio, calf, fine copy, £1. I8s PoA-is, 1574 " Hector Boece is spoken of with great praise by Erasmus and other learned men of his time. BOLINGBROKE'S (Lord) Works complete, with Life by Oliver Goldsmith, much enlarged by more recent information, best edition, por- trait, 8 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, fine copy, £2. 12s 1809 BOLINGBROKE'S (Lord) Life, [with Notices of the Literature of the time], by T. Macknight, thick 8vo. cloth, 7s dd (pub. 18s) 1863 BOLLAERT'S (W.) Wars of Succession of Portugal and Spain from 1826 to 1840; with resume of their Political History to the present time, large maps, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 12s (pub. £1. 10s) 1870 BOLTON'S (J.) Natural History of British Song Birds, with SO beautifully coloured plates of the Birds, Male and Female, the size of Life, in their most natural Attitudes, with their Nests and Eggs, 2 vols, in one, thick 4to. hf. calf gilt, £3. 3s 1854 BOMBET'S (L.) Lives of Haydn and Mozart, with Observations on Metastasio, and on the present state of Music in France and Italy, translated, with Notes, 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 7s Gd 1818 BONFILS (Le Comte dc Lapeyrouse) Histoirede la Marine Fran(;aisc, plans, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. new hf. calf gilt, 15s Paris, 1845 BON Gaultikr's Book of Ballads, with nu- merous illustrations by Boyle, Leech, and, Crow- qxiill, sq. 8vo. new calf gilt, 13s— Another copy, neiv morocco, gilt edges, 18s 6d 1864 BONNECHOSE'S (E.) History of Fr.\nce, to the Accession of Louis Philippe, post 8vo. new calf gilt, lis 1872 BOOK OF Ballads, Ancient and Modern, Historical, Traditional, and Romantic, ilVus- trated with 120 engravings, thick 8vo. neiv mo- rocco extra, gilt edges, £1. Is 1860 This handsome volume is a new edition of Moore's Book of Ballads, witli considerable additions, and a re- arrangement of the pieces in chronological order. It is a very suitable book for presents, and may be had in various handsome bindings. BOOK of British Ballads, comprising the most celebrated Ancient Ballads, Songs, &c. edited by S. C. Hall ; every page embellished, with ENGRAVINGS, after the designs of Cres- wiCK, Gilbert, and others, impl. 8vo. new morocco extra, gilt edges, £l. 18s 1849 IjOOftg oC (ffommon liragrr, comprising the Seven various Editions from Edward VI. to the Pre- sent Time, reprinted in Black Letter, like the originals, in blade and red ink. Together, 7 vols, folio, reZhtm, iincut, £12. 12s (pub. £23.) Pickering, 1844 1. First Praver-Book of Edward VI. Whitechurch, 1549 2. Second Praver-Book of Edward VI. ib. 1552 3. First Prayer-Book of Q. Elizabeth Grafton, 4. K. James's Praycr-Book Barker J. Scotch Praver-Book of Charles I. (Laud's) 6. K. Charles 11. Praver-Book (Sealed Book) 7. Edition of 16O2 adapted to the Present Reign The importance and " ' ISS9 1604 1637 1662 1844 alue of this Series of the Litur- gies of the Church of England are well known; but such is their rarity that in no public or private library can the whole be found together. ISoofe of (UTontmon ^rager, folio, {the title-page ivanting and a few leaves in the Kalendar slightly damaged), rough calf, £1. Is (rare) London, printed by His 3Iajestie's Printers, 1669 ISoofe of Common ^vaytv, according to the Use of the Church of England, splendidly printed by Whittingham in black and red ink on thick vellum paper, embellished with a woodcut title and very nuonerous large orname^ital ca/pitals, thick folio, hf. viorocco extra, gilt top, rough edges, scarce, £1. 6s 1844 This edition, which is adapted from that of 1662 (the last authorized version), to the present reign, was printed to accompany W. Pickering's Series of Early English Liturgies. BOOK of Common Prayer, with the Psalter and Companion to the Altar, splendidly printed ivith large type on drawing piaper, thick 4to. old crimson morocco, with borders, and gilt leaves {not mentioned by Loivndes, formerly priced, £3.) 18s London, Good and Uarddng, 1794 BOOK of Common Prayer, illuminated edi- tion, eoery page surrounded by Engraved Bor- ders, with Ornamental Capitals in Colours, numerous woodcuts afte^' Raphael, etc. and. beautiful plates in gold a/nd colours, by Owen Jones, royal 8vo. morocco, gilt leaves, £2. 2s Hurray, 1845 BOOK of Common Prayer, KnighVs Pictorial edition, vAth several hundred beautiful engra- vings on wood, impl. 8vo. cloth, 15s (1840) This elegant edition comprises copious original Notes, with an introductorv historv of the Liturgy by the Rev. H. Stebbing. and is printed to range with Knight's Pictorial Bible. ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. BOOK OF Common Prater, with the Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies, and the Psalter, every i?agfe sttrrounded hy 'beautiful woodcut "borders, including the Dance of Death, ^-c. by HoLBKix and Albert Dorer, thick post 8vo. new calf antique, 18s 6i 1863 This elegant and interesting volume, which is beanti- fiiUy printed by Whittingham in modern type and ortho- graphy, contains exact facsimiles of all the woodcuts in Q. fJixabeth's Frayer-Book, with several additional cuts. The Prayers are suited to the present reign. BOOK OP Common Prayer, (The Annotated), being an Historical, Ritual, and Theological Commentary on the Devotional System of the Church of England, edited by Rev. J. H. Blunt, impl. 8vo. cloth, £1. lOs 1866 " Whether as, historically, showing how the Prayer- book came to be what it is, or, ritually, how it designs itself to be rendered from word into act, or, theologically, as exhibiting the relation between doctrine and worship on which it is framed, the book amasses a world of informa- tion carefully digested, and errs commonly, if at all, on the side of excess." BOOK OF Family Crests, comprising nearly every Bearing, with its Blazonry, and upiuards of 400 engravings of Crests, ^-c. new edition, much enlarged, 2 vols. 12mo. new cloth, £1. 1875 Last and Best Edition, including a Dictionary and translation of Mottos, Surnames, Glossary' of Terms, &c. BOOK OF Gejis ; from the Poets and Artists of Great Britain, (Chaucer to Tennyson), edited by S. C. Hall, with numerous beautiful engrav- ings after Turner, Landseer, MacUse, Roberts, etc. 3 vols, square Svo. morocco extra, gilt edges, £r). 5s (1867) BOOK of Praise from the best English Hymn Writers, selected and arranged by Sir Roundell Palmer (Lord Selborne), elegant large type edition, Svo. morocco, 16s— Another copy, mo- rocco extra, gilt edges, £1. Is 1864 BOPP'S (E.) Comparative Grammar of the Sanscrit, Zend, Greek, Latin, Lithuanian, Gothic, German, and Sclavonic Languages, translated by Eastwick and Wilson, last edi- tion, 3 vols. 8vo. chth, £1. 15s 1862 BORLASE'S (W.) Natural History and Antiqui- ties of Cornwall, both Works, with maps and numerous plates, best editions, 2 vols, folio, calf gilt, £i. 4s 1758-69 Contains a copious Cornish Vocabulary, Essays on the Druid Superstition and Customs, together with a very complete Natural Historv of the County; its Climate, Rivers, Metals, Birds, Fishes, Inhabitants, &c. illustrated bv many plates. BORN (Ign. a) Testacea Musei C^esarei Vin- DOBONENSis, with 18 plates, exhibiting upicards of 200 LARGE AND BEAUTIFULLY COLOURED FIGURES OF Shells, large thick royal folio, calf gilt, 15s I'SO BORROWS (G.) Popular Works, complete, best edition, 14 vols, post 8vo. hf. calf gilt, £4. 15s 1843-74 Includes, Bible in Spain. 3 vols.; The Zincali, or the (Jvpsies in Spain, 2 vols.; Lavengro the Scholar, the Gypsy and Priest, 3 vols. ; Wild Wales, its people, language, and scencrv, 3 vols. ; Romany Rye, 2 vols. ; Word-Book of the Romany, or English Gyp'sy Language, i vol. BORROWS (G.) Works, chea/p edition, viz. : The Bible in Spain— Zincali, or the Gypsies of Spain— Lavengro, the Scholar, the Gypsy, and the Priest— Romany Rye— Wild Wales : its People, Language, and Scenery— together 5 vols. post Svo. neio hf, calf, £1. IS,'? n. d. BOSSOLI'S (C.) Scenery throughout the Crimea ; within the City and Harbour of Sebastopol, Perekop, Eupatoria, Balaklava, Simferopol, Bakchi-Sarai, Kertch, Fort Arabat, &c. and on the Rivers Alma, Katcha, and Salghir, 52 large and fine lithographic plates beautifully coloured and mounted like original drawings, impl. folio, hf. morocco, gilt edges, £2. 2s 1856 BOS WELL'S (J.) Life of Dr. S. Johnson, with his Tour to the Hebrides, greatly enlarged with Notes by the Rt. Hon. J. Wilson Croker, fine portrait's by Finden, best edition, 5 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, scarce, £4. 10s 1831 BOS WELL'S (J.) Life of Dr. S. Johnson, in- cluding his Tour to the Hebrides, edited by Croker, with portrait and engrwvings by Finden, 10 vols, foolscap Svo. new calf gilt, £3. 7s 6cJ ; or neiv hf. calf gilt, £2. 2s 1868 BOSWELL'S (J.) Life of Dr. Johnson, edited by Croker, with portraits and plates, complete in one large vol. royal Svo. new calf gilt, 15s 1866 BOSWELL'S (J. ) Life of Dr. Johnson, together with a Tour to the Hebrides, new edition, edited with Notes by Percy Fitzgerald, portrait^ :i vols. Svo. new calf, £2. 2s 1874 A REPRINT UK THE URST EDITION, to whicH are added Boswell's Corrections and additions, issued in 1792 ; the variations of the Second F.diiion, with some of the Author's Notes prepared for the third, the whole edited with new notes. BOSWELL'S (J.) Life of Dr. Johnson, with copious Notes, ilhistrated, 4 vols, post Svo. in 2, new hf. calf gilt, 1 2s 6d— Another copy, new calf extra, 17 8 6d (1865) BOTFIELD'S (B.) Notes on the Cathedral Libraries of England, a liandsomely printed volume by Whittingham of Chiswick, impl. Svo. cloth, scarce, £2. 12s Pickering, 1849 BOTFIEIyD'S (B.) Prefaces to the First Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics [and Dic- tionaries, Lexicons, and Grammars], and of the Sacred Scriptures, thick 4to. (756 pages), hf. morocco, uncut, £1. Is (pub. £4. 4s) 1861 "A most important contribution to Literature and to Bibliography. Mr. Bottield's Introduction of 76 pages, written in English, conveys to the reader the clearest notion of the History and Uncertainty of the Early Manuscript Literature, and its transition to the relatively speaking much more critical and certain Printed Literature." BOURNE'S (J.) Works, viz. : Catechism of the Steam Engine, with nume- rous illustrations, thick 12mo. cloth, 5s 1872 Handbook of the Steam Engine, illustrated by 67 woodcuts and numerous tables, thick 12mo. cloth, 7s Sd 1872 Recent Improvements in the Steam Engine in its various application to Mines, etc. loith numerous illustrations, thick 12mo. cloth, 5s 1869 Treatise on the Screw Propeller, Screw Vessels, and Screw Engines, as adapted for purposes of Peace and War, third edition, illustrated by 54 plates and 287 luoodcuts, 4to. n&u) cloth, £2. 12s ed (1870) Treatise on the Steam Engine, in its various Applications to Mines, Mills, Steam Naviga- tion, Railways and Agriculture, illustrated by 37 plates and 546 woodcuts, 4to. ne%v cloth, £1. 15s 1868 BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, 26 BOUCHETTE'S British Dominions in North America, or topographical and statistical De- scription of the Canadas, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, and Cape Breton, with numerous plans and plates h]f L, Haghe, 3 vols. 4to. full calj gilt, £1. Is — Another copy, clothy 168 (pub. £\. As) 1832 Contains much valuable and useful information. The author was Surveyor-General of the Colonies. BOURNE'S (V.) Poetical Works, Latin and English, most of the former having a translation on the opposite page, by Cowper, etc. with Life and Notes by Mitford, fcap. 8vo. calf extra, 8s 6cZ — Another copy, half morocco, 6s 6^ Piclcering, 1840 BOUTELL'S (C.) Heraldry, Historical and Popular, third edition, enlarged, with upioards of 950 illustrations, thick 8vo. cloth, 15s 1864 This edition was carefully revised and corrected throughout, and many additions of the greatest importance made to it. BOUTELL'S (C.) Monumental Brasses of England ; a series of 149 engravings wpon wood from valuable Memorials, with Descriptive Notices, roy. 8vo. cloth, 16s 1849 "The amount of information conveyed in moderate compass, in the above attractive work, renders this collec- tion of examples of Costume, of Decorati'ue Design, and of Heraldry, highly acceptable." — Archceol. Journal, BOWDEN'S (J. W.) Life and Pontificate of Pope Gregory VIL a.d. 1020-1073, 2 vols. 8vo. calf gilt. Is (pub. 21s) 1840 BOWDICH'S (T. E.) Mission from Cape Coast Castle to Ashantee, with Statistical Account of that Kingdom, and Notices of the Interior of Africa, coloured engravings and map, 4to. half hound, 14s — Another copy, half russia, 18s 1819 BOWER'S (Arch.) History of the Popes from the Foundation of the See of Rome to the Present Time, 7 vols. 4to. calf gilt, £2. 2s 1750 " This famous work was written after the author's renunciation of the Catholic Faith, and gave great offence to the Roman Catholics from the freedom of its ex- posures." BOWERS' (G.) Holly-bush Hall, or "Open House" in an "Open Country," 29 plates of hunting sTcetches, with Descriptive Text, oblong 4to. boards, 10s 6d n. d. BOWERS' (G.) A Month in the Midlands, a series of 24 well executed wood engravings, illus- trating the pleasures and incidents in the life of a Fox Hunter during the season, oblong 4to. hf. hound, 9s 1868 BOWERS' (GO Notes from a Hunting Box not in the Shires, illustrated hy a series of clever sketches, oblong 4to. hoards, 12.? Gd 1873 BOWMAN'S jH.) Ecclesiastical Architecture of Great Britain, from the Conquest to the Re- formation; Specimens of, ^vith up^cards of 60 fine plates, many coloured and tinted, (a fexo foxed, and one re-mounted) , royal 4to. hf. calf neat, £1. 4s (pub. £2. 5s) 1846 BOWRING'S (Sir J.) Kingdom and People of Siam, with a Narrative of the Mission to that Country in 1855, coloured portraits and plates, and facsimile letter of the King of Siam, 2 vols, gvo. cloth^ IBs (pub. £1, 12?) J857 BOWRING'S (Sir J.) Visit to the Philippine Islands (their Government, Population, Manners, Customs, Languages, Manufactures, Proverbs, &c.), tinted plates and ivoodcuts, thick 8vo. cloth, 8s 6(2 (pub. 18s) 1859 BOYDELL'S Scenery and History of the River Thames, with 76 large and fine engrav- ings of the most famous Scenery, Seats, Mansions, 4c. on its hanks, beautifully coloured like Drawings, 2 vols, royal folio, hf. morocco, £2. 15s 1794-96 BRACKENRIDGE'S (H. M.) Voyage to South America, performed by order of the American Government in the years 1817 and 1818, 2 vols, 8vo. caZ/ weat, 7s 6cZ 1820 BRADFORD'S (A. B.) American Antiquities, and Researches into the Origin and History of the Red Race, 8vo. cloth, 6s New York, 1841 BRADFORD'S (Rev. W.) Sketches in Spain and Portugal, the Country, Character and Costume, with the Supplement of Militaiy Costumes, 56 FINE coloured ENGRAVINGS, loyal folio, hf. calf gilt, £\. As 1809 BRADLEY'S (Rev. Charles) Sermons, preached in the Parish Church of High Wycombe, sixth edition, 2 vols. 1824 — Parochial Sermons, preached at Glasbury, Brecknockshire, seventh edit. 1837 — Sermons, preached in St. James's Chapel, Clapham, fourth edit. 1836 — together 4 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, 18s 1824-37 BRAND'S (J.) Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; History and Antiquities of, with an Account of the Coal Trade, Icyrge map and numerous fine engravings of huildings, monuments, coins, etc. 2 vols. roy. 4to. calf, £1. 15s 1789 BRANDON'S (R. and J.) Analysis of Gothic Architecture, a series of upwards of 700 Examples of Doorways, Windows, <^c. and Re- marks on the several Details of an Ecclesiastical Edifice, 2 vols, royal 4to. hf. morocco, £2. 18s, 1847 — Another edition, 2 vols, royal 4to. cloth, £2. 10s 1860 BRANDON'S (R. and J.) Open Timber Roofs of the Middle Ages, Perspective and Working Drawings of the hest varieties of Chv/rch Roofs, with Descriptions, 43 plates (some coloured) roy. 4to. cloth, £1. Is (pub. £3. 3s) 1860 BRANDT (S.) Ship of Fools, translated by Barclay, a faithful Reprint of the Pynson edition of 1509, with Introduction, Notes, and Glossary, by Jamieson, nearly 120 quaint and interesting facsimile wood engravings from the Basle edition of 1497, 2 vols, crown 4to. cloth, £3. 3s; or handsomely hound in calf, top edges gilt, uncut, £4. 12s — The same, large paper (a very handsome hook) 2 vols. 4to. cloth, £5. 5s, or calf extra, top edges gilt, £7. 10s 1874 A reproduction of an extremely curious, interesting and once widely popular Satire, under the allegory of a Ship freighted with Fools of all kinds, ranks and professions. The text of Pynson's edition has been printed intact to preserve so interesting a monument of the English Lan- guage. So valuable a contribntion to the illustration of Medijeval Life and Literature— as well as to the history of Early Wood Engraving— has seldom appeared. BRASH'S (R. R.) Ecclesiastical Architec- ture of Ireland, to the close of the Twelfth Century, accompanied by interesting Historical and Antiquarian Notices of numerous Ancient Remains of that Period, with 54 plates, ^to. hf. hound^ 17s 6d }m ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. BRAND'S (J.) Observations on Popular Anti- quities, illustrating the Origin of our Vulgar Customs, Ceremonies, and Superstitions, enlarged by Sir Henry Ellis, best edition, 2 vols. 4to. calf gilt, £1. 8s — Another copy, hoards, 18s 1813 A very entertaining and instructive work. BRAND'S (J.) Popular Antiquities of Great Britain ; edited, with very large Corrections and Additions, by W. C. Hazlitt, with a new and copious Index, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, £2. 2s ; or on LARGE paper, 3 vols. impl. 8vo. new cloth, £i. 1870 BRASSEY'S (T.) Life and Labours (1805-1870) with Appendix of Letters, etc. by Sir A. Helps port, post 8vo. new calf gilt, lis 1874 BRASSEY'S (T.) Work and Wages, Practically Illustrated, 8vo. new cloth, 5s 6(i 1872 BRAY'S (Mrs.) Novels and Romances complete, new illusiyrated edition, portrait and vignette en- gravings hy Stothard, 10 vols. 12mo. new hf. morocco gilt. £1. 15s 1845-6 BRAYLEY (E. W.) and Britton's History of Surrey, including its Antiquities, Topography, Picturesque Beauties, &c. the Geological portion by Dr. Mantell, wiiTi 400 beautiful engravings, 5 vols. roy. 8vo. cloth, £3. 10s — Another copy, India Proofs, large paper, 5 vols, royal 4to. in 10 Divisions, cloth, £7. 7s (pub. £26. 5s) 1841-48 The above is one of the superior copies of this highly valuable County History, printed in a large type and on extra superfine paper. This work is without exception the most beautifully illustrated County History ever published; and it has received the highest encomiums for accuracy and research. It is becoming scarce, . BRAYLEY (E. W.) and Britton's History of the Ancient Palace and late Houses of Parlia- ment at Westminster, illibstrated hy 48 heauti- fully engraved plates, 8vo. hf. russia, 8s Gd 1836 BRAYLEY (E. W.) Brewer and Nightingale's Description of London and Middlesex, Topo- graphical and Historical, with 150 engravings of Churches, Castles, &c. 5 vols. 8vo. boards, £1. Is 1810 BREE'S (C. R.) Exposition of the Fallacies in the Hypothesis of Mr. Darwin, with 34 illustrations, post 8vo. cloth, Us 6(Z 1872 BllEE'S (C. R.) History op the Birds of Europe not observed in the British Isles, xvith 238 large and beautiful coloured plates of Birds and their Eggs, 5 vols. impl. 8vo. new hf. nwr. gilt edges, £5. 5s 1876 BREES' (S. C.) Railway Practice ; Working Plans and Practical Details of Construction in the Public Works of the most eminent Engineers, the four series and Appendix, including an exten- sive series of engravings, 5 vols. 4to cloth, £S. 10s 1838-41 This work may justly be called an Herculean Task, and it is confidently submitted to the profession as a mine of useful practical knowledge that no Engineer, whether the most eminent or just commencing as a student, can possibly do without. BREHM (A. E.) Bird Life: Being a History of the Bird, its Structure and Habits, together with Sketches of 50 different Species, translated from the German by H. M. Labouchere and W. Jesse, roy 8yo. new cloth, £1. Is 1875 27 BREMER'S (D.) Industries of Scotland; their Rise, Progress and Present Position, 8vo. new cloth, 73 6d (pub. 10s Gd) 1869 The latest statistics in the various branches of trade arc given, where considered essential by the author. BRENCHLEYS (J.) Cruise of H.M.S. Curaqoa among the South Sea Islands in 1865, map, colowred plates and numerous wood engravings, impl. 8vo. cloth, £1. 15s 1873 BRENTON'S (Capt.) Naval History of Great Britain, enlarged edition, portraits of Distin- guished Officers, Plans of Battles, 4-c. 2 vols. 8vo. hf. morocco, £1. Is 1837 A standard and esteemed chronicle of the triumphant exploits of the British Navv. BRETT'S (T.) Collection of the Principal Litur- gies used in the Christian Church in the cele- bration of the Holy Eucharist, translated, 8vo. chth, 8s 6d 1838 BRETT (Rev. W. H.) Indian Tribes of Guiana : their Condition and Habits; with Researches into their Past History, Superstitions, Legends, Antiquities, Languages, &c. numerous coloured illustrations and vjoodcuts, 8vo. new cloth, 15s 1868 BREWSTER'S (Sir D.) Letters, on Natural Magic, new Edition, with Chapters on the Being and Faculties of Man, etc. by J. A. Smith, numerous illustrations, post 8vo. cloth, 5s n. d. BREWSTER'S (Sir D.) Martyrs of Science, neiv edition, 12mo. new cloth, 4s 1874 BREWSTER'S (Sir D.) Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Discourses of Sir Isaac Newton, ports. 2 vols. 8vo. chth, £1. Is 1855 BREWSTER'S (Sir D.) More Worlds than One, the Creed of the Philosopher and the Hope of the Christian, new edition, post 8vo. cloth, 4s 1875 BRIDGE-BQILDING.— Description du nouveau Pont de Pierre construit sur la Riviere d'AUier a MouLiNS, avec les Dessins et Details, par De Regemortes, Ingenieur, with 16 fine la/rge folding engravings, exhibiting all the elaborate details oj construction, imperial folio, old red morocco, gilt leaves, pne copy, £1.10s 1771 BRIDGE'S (Rev. G. W.) Annals of Jamaica, 2 thick vols. 8vo. half calf 9s 6d 1827-8 BRIDGEWATER TREATISES, a complete set (including Babbage's Ninth Treatise) of these highly valuable works on the Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God, as manifested in the Creation, 13 vols. 8vo. hj. calf gilt, £4. 4s Pickering, 1835, &c. Contents :— Dr. Chalmers on the Wisdom of God, 3 vols.— Kidd on the Adaptation of Nature to Man— Whewell's Astronomy — Bell on the Hand — Ro^et'a Physiology, a vols. — Buckland's Geology, a vols. — Kirby on the Power and Goodness of God, a vols.— Front's Chemistry— Babbage's Ninth Bridgewater Treatise. BRIGHT'S (J.) Speeches on Questions of Public Policy, edited by J. E. Thorold Rogers, 2 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, £1. 15s 1868 BRIGHT'S (J.) Speeches on the Americam Question, with an Introduction by Frank Moore, portrait, post 8vo. new calf gilt, 6s 1865 BRIGHT'S (Dr.) Travels from Vienna through Lower Hungary ; with Remarks on the State of Vienna during the Congress of 1814, 12 plates amd maps, 4to. calf gilt, 10s 6d (pub. £4. 4s) • ^ im 28 BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, BRITISH ASSOCIATION for the Advance- ment of Science, Reports of their Proceedings and Transactions, from the Commencement in 1831 to 1873 inclusive, several hundred coloured and other engravings, 43 vols. 8vo. boards, £16. 16s 1833-74 BRITISH DRAMA ; Ancient and Modern, [edited by Sir VV. Scott], 8 vols. roy. Svo. russia gilt, £5. 5s 1810-11 A valuable set of books, comprising the best Trage- dies, Comedies, Operas, and Farces in the language ; particularly esteemed for its extensive collection of the Old Dramatists, BRITISH ESSAYISTS, with Prefaces, historical and biographical, by A. Chalmers, and general Index, x>ortraits, 38 vols. 12rao. calf gilt, £5. 10s 1823 Contents : Tatler, Spectator, Guardian, Adventurer, Rambler, Idler, World, Connoisseur, Mirror, Lounger, Observer, and I.ooker-on. BRITISH ESSAYISTS, with Prefaces, biogra- phical, historical, and critical, and notes, by the Rev. R. Lynam, and others, portraits, 30 vols, fcap. 8vo. hf. calf, £2. 2s 1827 BRITISH ESSAYISTS : Spectator, Tatler, Guardian, Rambler, Adventurer, Idler, and Connoisseur, complete in 3 thick vols. Svo. new calf gilt, £1. 18s (pub. 45s) 1861 BRITISH MUSEUM. — Inscriptions in the Cuneiform Character from Assyrian Monu- ments discovered by A. H. Latard, finely executed on nearly 100 pages, impl. folio, hoards, sca/)'ce, 15s 1851 BRITISH NOVELISTS.— Ballantyne's Novelist's Library, edited with Memoirs, Prefaces, and Notes, by Sir Walter Scott, 10 large vols. roy. 8vo. calf, scarce, £5. 15s 1821 Includes the works of Fielding, Richardson, Smollett, Sterne, Walpole, Swift, Mrs. Radcliffe, &c. BRITISH NOVELISTS.— Barbacld's excel- lent edition complete, comprising the works of the most esteemed Novelists, with Biographi- cal and Critical Prefaces, portraits, 50 vols. Umo. calf gilt. £7. 7s 1820 Includes the best novels of De Foe, Fielding, Richard- son, Miss Burney, Johnson, Goldsmith, and Mackenzie. BRITISH POETS, the Aldine Edition, with Memoirs and Notes by eminent Authors, in- cluding Dyce, Mitford, and others, beautifully printed hy Whittingham, on superior toned paper, and embellished with finely engraved Portraits, an entirely new and revised edition, 58 vols. fcap. 8vo. new hf. morocco, top edges gilt, £21. — Another copy, new morocco, gilt edges, £27. 10s 1860 Whether as regards the merits of the editing or the beauty and correctness of the printing, this may be con- sidered as the very best edition of the most eminent British Poets; comprising the following: Akenside, Beattie, Blake, Burns, Butler, Campbell, Chatterton, Chaucer, (Churchill, Collins, Cowper, Dryden, Falconer, Goldsmith, Gray, Kirke White, Milton, Parnell, Pope, Prior, Rogers, Shakespeare, Spenser, Surrey, Swift, The C'ourtly Poets from Raleigh to Montrose, Thomson, Wyatt, Young. BRITISH POETS, from Chaucer and Spenser to Bums and Cowper, including Translations, and Dr. Johnson's Lives, with additional Lives by Singer, the beautiful Chiswick. press edi- tion, in large type, 100 vols, bound in 50, thick 12mo. calf gilt, nice set, £21. JVliittingham, 1822 BRITISH POETS, Pickering's Beautiful Aldine Edition, complete, with Memoirs and Notes, by Sir Harris Nicolas, J. Mitford, A. Dyce, and others, elegantly printed by C. Whittingham, with portraits, 53 vols. fcap. Svo. calf extra, scarce, £24. 10s 1839, &c. Comprises the following: Akenside, Beattie, Burns, Butler, Chaucer, Churchill, Collins, Cowper, Dryden, Fal- coner, Goldsmith, Gray, Kirke White, Milton, Parnell, Pope, Prior, Shakespeare, Spenser, Surrey, Swift, Thom- son, Wyatt, Young. BRITISH POETS, the celebrated Aldine Edi- tion, with Memoirs and Notes by eminent Authors, including Dyce, Mitford, and others, new and cheaper edition, 52 vols. fcap. 8vo. new hf. calf, £7. 7s ; or, new hf. morocco, gilt edges, £8. 10s 1871-73 Contents as above. BRITISH POETS, from Chaucer to Cowper, in- cluding Translations, with Dr. Johnson's Lives of the Poets, and addtional Lives by A. Chal- mers, 21 large and closely printed vols. roy. 8vo. calf gilt, £7. 10s (pub. in boards, £25.) 1810 BRITISH POETS, with Prefaces, Biographical and Critical, and Lives by Samuel Johnson. best edition, fine portraits by Bartolozzi and others, 75 vols. 12mo. calf gilt, £6. 6s 1790 This is a very desirable copy of the best edition of the works of British Poets, BRITISH POETS ; Works of the, including Translations of the Classics, with Prefaces, Biographical and Critical, by Dr. R. Anderson, 13 vols. roy. Svo. calf gilt, £3. 3s 1795 BRITISH PROSE WRITERS, Sharpe's beau- tiful edition complete, rvith numerous pw- traits and vignettes, 25 vols. 18mo. calf neat, £3. 10s 1819-21 This very desirable pocket edition comprises the works of upwards of thirtv of the most favourite British Authors. BRITISH THEATRE, (Dolby's acting edition) containing the best Tragedies, Comedies, Farces, Operas, &c. with Notes critical and explanatory, Descriptions of the Costume and general Stage Business, portraits and plates by Cruikshakk, <^c. 43 vols'. 12mo. calf neat, £9. 9s 1823, ^c. BRITISH THEATRE, Modern Theatre, and Collection of Farces, the Three Series complete, Inchbald's excellent edition, with Biogra- phical and Critical Notes, portraits of eminent Actors in their favowrite cha/racters, 42 vols. 12mo. caZ/gfiZt, £7. 7s 1811 BRITTON'S (J.) Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain, with the Chronological His- tory, Glossary, Indexes, etc. original edition. with upwa/rds of 350 engravings by Le Keux and others, of illustrations of the most curious, beau- tiful, and interesting ancient Edifices, fine impressions, 5 vols. 4to. hf. morocco, gilt edges, £8. 10s 1807-26 BRITTON'S (J.) Cathedral Antiquities of Great Britain, with upwards of 300 fine engrav- ings by Blore, Le Keux, ^-c. excellent impressions, 5 vols. 4to. hf. morocco gilt, £8. 8s 1836 A complete set comprising the Cathedrals of Bristol, Canterbury, Exeter, Gloucester, Hereford, Lichfield, Nor- wich, Oxford, Peterliorough, Salisbury, Wells, Winchester, Worcester and York. BRITTON'S (J.) Hereford Cathedral ; His- tory and Antiquities of, with fine engravings by Le Keux and others, 4to. boards, 12s (pub. 38s) 1831 ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & CO, BRITTON'8 (J.) Bath Abbey Church ; His- tory and Antiquities of, with Biographical Anecdotes of the most distinguished persons interred in that edifice ; and an Essay on Epitaphs, in which its principal Monumental Inscriptions are recorded ; munerous plates, 4 to. hoards 10s 6d (pub. 42s) 1825 BRITTON'S (J.) Chronological History and Graphic Illustrations of Christian Architecture in England, ivith 86 Jme engravings hy Le Keux, etc. of Plans, Sections, Elevations and Vieivs, thick royal 4to. hf. morocco, uncut, to%> edges gilt, £1. Is 1835 BRITTON'S (J.) Dictionary of the Archi- tecture and Archaeology of the Middle Ages, with Biographical Notices of Ancient Architects, 42 fine engravings on steel hy Le KeUX, PROOF 13IPRESSIONS, LARGEST PAPER, thick unpl. 4to. calf, £2. 2s (pub. £7. 7s) 1838 BRITTON'S (J.) Salisbury Cathedral; His- tory and Antiquities of, vnth 31 fine engrcwings hy Le Keuoa and others, of the monuments, exterior and interior views, ornamental details, ^c. LARGE PAPER, foHo, hoards, £1. 16s (pub. £8.) 1814 BRITTON'S (J.) Union of Architecture, Sculpture and Painting, exemplified by a series of Illustrations, with Descriptive Accounts of the House and Galleries of Sir John Soanb, 23 Jme engroAiings, the frontispiece colowred, LARGE PAPER, impl. 4to. hoo/rds, 18s (only 150 copies printed ; pub. ^2. 2s) 1827 BRITTON'S (J.) Winchester Cathedral ; its History and Antiquities, with 30 highly finished engravings, proof impressions, large paper, impl. 4to. cloth, £1. Is — Another copy, largest PAPER, royal folio, hf. hound, £2. 2s 1817 BRITTON'S (J.) Worcester Cathedral; its History and Antiquities, wit/t l(i fine engravings hy Le Keux, and otliers, large paper, impl. 4 to. boards, £1. Is (pub. £:i. 3s) 1835 BRITTON'S (J.) York Cathedral ; History and Antiquities of, with 36 engra/vings of the plans, elevations, exterior and interior views, and details, large paper, folio, morocco, hroad horders of gold and gilt edges, £1.16s 1819 BRITTON ( J. ) and Le Keux's Church Architec- ture of the Metropolis, with Notices of Remark- able Monuments, 59 heautiful engravings, and 54 ivoodcuts, large paper, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. cloth, £1. Is (pub. £5. .5s) 1838 BRITTON (J.) and Pugin's Public Buildings of London ; Illustrations of the, with historical and descriptive Accounts, large paper, with 144 engravings hy Le Keux, proofs on India | paper, and numerous ivoodcuts {slightly foxed), . 2 vols. 4to. cloth, £1. 1 5s (pub. £14. 14s) 1825 j Includes the most ample illustrations and descriptions ■ of St. Paul's Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, late Houses j of Parliament, &c. Some of the beautiful drawings of '. St. Paul's were made by the celebrated comedian, C. J. j Matheius. \ BRITTON (T. A.) A Treatise on the Origin, j Progress, Prevention, and Cure of Diy Rot in } Timber, with Remarks on the Means of Pre- venting Wood from Destruction by Sea Worms, , Beetles, Ants, &c. post 8vo. new cloth, 6s 6d 1875 I 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 29 BROCKEDON'S (W.) Italy, Classical, Histori- cal, and Picturesque, Illustrated and Described, 60 large and heautiful engravings, from drawings hy Turner, Stanfield, Prout, Leitch, Brockc- don, and others, folio, hf. morocco extra, gilt top, £3. 10s (1843) A genuine early copy of this exceedingly beautiful work. BROCKEDON'S (W.) Passes of the Alps, containing 109 heautiful engrcwings hy Finden, Willmore, and other eminent artists ; including Maps of each Pass and a general Map of the Alps bj/ Arro^osmith, with interesting Historical and Descriptive Letterpress, 2 vols. 4to. half morocco, (pub. £10. 10) £2. 10s — Another copy, in fine condition, morocco, gilt edges, £4. 4s 1828 " One of the most valuable and interesting works of modern times. Wc have no hesitation in stating that a work of more uniform excellence has never been published in England. As the ornament of a librarv', or a practical guide over the scene described, it will be found all that can be desired." — Lit. Guzette. BROCKEDONS (W.) Road-Book from London to Naples, with 25 highly finished steel engrav- ings from drawings hy Stanfield, Prout, and Brockedon, original impressions, impl. 8vo. cloth, gilt edges, 10s 6d 1835 BROME'S (R.) Dramatic Works, complete, with the scarce portrait expressly re-engra/ved for this edition, 3 vols. 12mo. hoards, £l. 5s — Another copy, large paper, 3 vols. 8vo. hoards, £2. 5s Pearson, 1872 BROMLEY'S (R. A.) Ilistoiy of the Fine Arts, Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture, deduced from the Earliest Records, through every coun- tiy where those Arts have been cherished, 2 vols. 4to. hf. russia, 16s 1793 BRONTE'S (Misses) Life and Works, new collected edition, illustrated hy woodcut illustra- tions, 7 vols, post 8vo. neio hf. morocco, £2. 1 2s Gd 1876 Comprises: Jane Eyre; Shirley; The Professor; Wuthering Heights; Agnes Grey; , Tenant of Wildfell Hall ; and Life. BROOKE'S (H.) The Fool of Quality, new edition, with Biographical Preface by Canon KiNGSLEY, cr. 8vo. cloth, 5s 1873 BROOKE'S (Rajah) Borneo and Celebes; Narra- tive of Events in, from hLs Journals, by Capt. Mundy, portrait and engravings, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 10s (pub. £1. 12s) 1848 BROOItE'S (Rajah) Private Letters, narrating the Events of his Life, edited by J. C. Templer, 3 vols, post 8vo. cloth, 10s 6d (pub. £1. lis 6d) 1853 BROOKE'S (Rev. Stopford A.) Works, viz. Christ in Modern Life ; Sermons, post 8vo. cloth, 6s 6d " Nobly, fearless, and singularly strong." Freedom in the Church of England ; Ser- mons suggested by the Voysey Judgment^ cr. 8vo. cloth, 3s Sermons, first series, cr. 8vo. cloth, 5s Sermons, second series, cr. 8vo. cloth, 6s Sermons, third series, cr. 8vo. cloth, 6s Theology in the English Poets — Cow- per, Coleridge, Wordsworth, and Burns, post " 8vo. cloth, 7s 6d BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, 30 BROOKS' (S. H.) Designs for Cottage and Villa Architecture, containing 111 plates of Plans, Elevations, Sections, Perspective Views, and Details for the Erection of Cottages and Villas, 4to. cloth, 10s— another copy, half calf, 12s 6d (1840) BROOKS' (S. H.) Select Designs for Public Buildings, containing 90 plates, elevations, perspective views, sections, and details oj Churches, Chapels, Schools, Alms-houses, Gas Worhs, etc. 4to. hf. calf, 12s 1842 BROUGHAM'S (Lord) Works, biographical, critical, historical, and miscellaneous, revised, corrected and enlarged by himself with many new Lives of Philosophers, Men of Let- ters, and Statesmen, 11 vols, post 8vo. neiv half morocco, £3. 10s 1874 BROUGHAM'S (Lord) Contributions to the Edinburgh Review, political, historical, and miscellaneous, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, £1. Is 1856 BROUGHAM'S (Lord) Inquiry into the Colonial Policy of the European Powers, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, 16s — Another copy, hoards, 10s 6d Edin. 1803 A large portion of this very scarce work relates to America, and contains an elaborate resumd of the policy of the Spanish, English, French, and Colonial Governments. BROUGHAM'S (Lord) Lives of Men of Letters and Science, who flourished in the Time of George the HI. numerous fine portraits, 2 vols. 1845; and Sketches of Statesmen who flourished in the Time of George III., with Re- marks on Party and on the French Revolution, numerous fine portraits, 3 vols. 1839-43 — together 5 vols, royal Svo. new tree calf extra, £5. 5s 1839-45 BROUGHAM'S (Lord) Lives of Men of Letters and Science who flourished in the Time of George III., with many fAie steel portraits, 2 vols. rov. Svo. cloth, £\. 10s 1845-6 BROUGHAM'S (Lord) Political Philosophy, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, 15s (pub. 31s 6cZ) 1853 Comprises Principles of Government, Monarchical Government, Aristocracy and Aristocratic GovernmentSj Democracv, and Mixed Monarchy. BROUGHAM'S (Lord) Speeches upon Questions relating to Public Rights, Duties, and Interests, with Historical Introductions, and Dissertation upon the Eloquence of the Ancients, 4 vols. Svo. cloth, ISs (pub. £2. Ss) 1837 BROUGHAM'S (Lord)LirE andTiMES,writtenby himself, 3 vols. Svo. new calf gilt, £2. 2s 1870-71 BROWN'S (J.) The Forester; a practical Treatise on the Planting, Rearing, and general Management of Forest Trees ; fourth edition, enlarged and improved, with nearly 150 wood- cuts, royal Svo. cloth, £1. Is (pub. 31s 6d) 1871 BROWN'S (John, M.B.) Hor^ SubseciV^, complete edition, post Svo. nexo calf gilt, lis 1871 BROWN'S (R. E.) Book of the Landed Estate, containing directions for the management and development of the Resources of Landed Pro- perty, illustrated hy engravings oj Pldns of Cottages, etc. and numerous woodcuts, roy. Svo. half Roxburghe hindimg, 17s Gd 1869 BROWN'S (Capt. T.) Popular Natural His- tory, or the Characteristics of Animals por- trayed in a series of illustrative Anecdotes, with numerous colov/red engravings, 3 vols. fcap. Svo. cloth, gilt edges, 9s 6d n. d. BROWN'S (Capt. T.) Recent Conchology of Great Britain and Ireland; Illustrations of the, second edition, greatly enlarged, with Descrip- tions and Localities of all the Species, Marine, Land, and Freshwater, 62 coloured plates of Land, Marine, and Freshwater Shells, exhibiting many hundred figures, roy. 4to. new hf. mo- rocco, top edges gilt, £2. 12s (pub. £3. 13s 6d) 1844 BROWN'S (Tom) Works in Prose and Verse, Serious and Comical, with his Life and Charac- ter, by J. Drake, plates, 4 vols. sm. Svo. old calf gilt, £2. 2s 1730 The life and popular manners of his time are vividly depicted in the pages of Tom Brown. His genius is acknowledged by Dr. Johnson. BROWNE'S (Prof. H.) Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles, last edition, thick Svo. new calf antique, carmine edges, £1. 1871 BROWNE'S (Dr. J.) British Cicero; a Selec- tion of the most admired Speeches in the English Language, with Historical Illustrations, 3 yoh. Svo. hf calf gilt, lOs 6d 1813 BROWNE'S (M.) Chaucer's England; being Chapters on the Social Condition of the English People in the Age of Chaucer, portrait and illustrations on wood, 2 vols, post Svo. hf. morocco, gilt, 18s 1S69 BROWNE'S (Sir T.) Works complete, Vulgar Errors, Religio Medici, &c. edited with Life and Notes by S. Wilkin, portrait, best edition, 4 vols. Svo. calf gilt, £4. 4s Pickering, 1836 BROWNING'S (R.) MISCELLANEOUS POEMS, viz. : Aristophanes' Apology, including a Tran- script from Euripides, being the last Adventure of Balaustion, 12mo. new cloth, 9s Balaustion's Adventure : including a Tran- script from Euripides, fcap. Svo. new calf gilt, 8s Gd ; or new morocco extra, gilt edges, 12s Gd Dramatis Persons, Poems, post Svo. neio calf gilt, 12s Gd; or neiu morocco extra, gilt edges, 16s Gd FiFiNE AT THE Fair, a Pocm, fcap. Svo. new calf gilt, Ss Gd; or new morocco extra, gilt edges, 12s Inn Album, 12mo. new calf gilt, 10s Gd ; or new morocco extra, gilt edges, 14s Pacchiarotto, and how he worked in Dis- temper, Avith other Poems, 12mo. cloth, 6s Gd Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau, Saviour of Society, a Poem, fcap. Svo. new calf gilt, Ss Gd ; or new morocco extrd, gilt edges, 1 2s Gd Red Cotton Night-Cap Country, or Turf and Towers, 12mo. new calf gilt, 128; or morocco extra, gilt edges, 16s Ring and the Book, a Poem, 4 vols. feap. Svo. new calf gilt, £1. 16s — Another cOpy, neiv morocco extra, gilt edges £2. 5s BROWNING'S (R.) Poetical Works, 7iew edition, 6 vols. fcap. Svo. new calf gilt, £2. 14s — Another copy, new morocco extra, gilt edges, £3. 10s 1874 BROWNING (R.) A selection from the Poetical Works of, new edition enlarged, post Svo. new calf gilt, 14s; or neiv morocco extra, gilt edges, 16s Gd 1875 ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & BROWNING'S (Mrs. E. B.) Poetical Works, (Aurora Leigh, Poems before Congress, Last Poems, Greek Christian Poets), portrait, 5 vols, fcap. 8vo. new calf gilt, £2. 10s — Another copy, new morocco extra, gilt edges, £3. 5s 1875 BROWNING (Mrs. E. B.) A selection from the Poetry of, ^portrait, post Svo. new calf, gilt edges, lis — Another copy, new morocco extra, gilt edges, 16s 6d 1871 BROWNING'S (Mrs.) Aurora Leigh, a Poem, new edition, post 8vo. new calf extra, gilt edges, 14s — Another copy, morocco extra, gilt edges, 16s 6d 1876 BRUCE'S (J.) Travels in Egypt, Nubia, Abys- sinia, &c. to discover the Source of the Nile, 7 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, and 4to. atlas of engravings hy Heath, £1. 12s Edin. 1804 A large portion of this valuable work is devoted to the Natural History of Abyssinia. BRUCE'S (J.) Travels and Adventures in Abyssinia, illustrated, sq. post 8vo. new calf gilt, 8s 6d I860 BRUCKERI (J.) Historia Critica Philoso- phic a mundi incunabilis ad nostram usque setatem deducta, portrait, 6 thick vols. 4to. calf extra, a fine copy, £2. 5s Lipsics, 1767 The result of the labour of fifty years, and a book beyond all praise; it may be said to concentrate all that ever was written on the subject up to the date of its pub- lication. BRUNET, Manuel du Libraire et de l'Ama- teur de Livres, cinquieme edition originale, entierement refondue, et augmentee d'un tiers par I'auteur, with numerous woodcut facsimiles of Devices of Early Printers, <§-c. 6 vols, royal 8vo. new hf. morocco extra, gilt tops, £12. 12s Pa/ris, Didot, 1860-5 This is an entirely new edition of this invaluable bibliographical work, very much enlarged and improved, elegantly printed on fine paper. BRUNEL (Sir M. L) Memoir of the Life of, by R. Beamish, F.R.S., portrait and plates of engineering operations, 8vo. calf gilt, £1. 4s 1868 BRUNSWICK (Charles ex-Buke of) Charles d'Este, ou Trente Ans de la Vie d'un Souverain, 2 vols. 8vo. in one thick vol. half morocco extra, gilt edges, 10s 6d Paris, 1836 A very curious narrative written by the late Duke of Brunswick, who was deposed in the year 1830. BRYANT'S (J.) Ancient Mythology, including a History of the most Ancient Nations, nume- rous fine engravings by Basire, including the ''Marlboro Gem," 3 vols. 4to. calf gilt, £1. 10s 1774 BRYANT'S (J.) Ancient Mythology, with portrait and nea/rly 50 engrdvings, 6 vols. Svo. hf. russia gilt, £l. 16s 1807 An excellent edition, with Life of the Author, Vindi- cation of the Apamean Medal, and copious Index. BRYANT'S (W. C.) Poems, new collected edition, illustrated and nicely printed within red rulings, sq. post 8yo. new morocco extra, gilt edges, 14s 6d 1873 BRYCE'S (J.) The Holy Roman Empire, en- larged edition, -post Svo. new calf gilt, Us 6d 1871 BRYDGES' (Sir E.) Autobiography, Times, Opinions, and Contemporaries, portraits, 2 vols. Svo. cloth, 9s ed (pub. 28s) 1834 CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 31 BRYDGES (Sir E.) Censura Literaria; Titles, Abstracts, and Opinions of Old English Books, with original Disquisitions, Biography, &c. 10 vols. Svo- hf. russia, uncut, £7. 7s 1805-9 BRYDGES' (Sir E.) Restituta ; or Titles, Ex- tracts, and Characters of Old Books in English Literature, revived, 4 vols. Svo. calf gilt, £3. 3s 1814 BUCHANAN'S (F.) Journey through Mysore, Canara, and Malabar, with maps and plates, 3 vols. 4to. hf bound, £l. 15s 1807 This work contains a great deal of curious informa- tion on the Agriculture, Arts, Commerce and Superstitions, of the Hindoos. BUCHANAN'S (R.) The North Coast, a Volume of Original Poems, with numerous beautiful illustrations by eminent artists, en- graved by Dalziel, sm. 4to, cloth extra, gilt edges, 9s I868 BUCHNER (L.) Man in the Past, Present, and Future ; a Popular Account of the Re- sults of Recent Scientific Research as regards the Origin, Position, and Prospects of the Human Race, from the German, Svo. new cloth, 9s 1873 BUCKINGHAM'S (Duke of) Memoirs of the Court of George III.; Court o^ England during the Regency, 181 1-20; Court of George IV. from 1820-1830; Court of William IV.; Court of Q. Victoria, portraits, 10 vols. Svo. hf. calf gilt, £4. 15s (pub. in bds. £7. 10s) 1856-61 BUCKINGHAM'S (Duke of) Private Diary, (including Notices of his Contemporaries, Tra- vels, &c,) portrait, 3 vols, post Svo. cloth, 7s 6d 1862 BUCKINGHAM'S (J. S.) Travels in Mesopo- tamia, with Researches on the Ruins of Nine- veh, Babylon, and other ancient Cities, numerous illustrations, 2 vols. — Travels in Assyria, Media, and Persia, with Researches in Ispahan and the Ruins of Persepolis, en- gra/vings and maps, 2 vols. — together 4 vols. Svo. calf gilt, 16s 1827-30 BUCKINGHAM'S [(J. S.) Travels in Mesopo- tamia, with Researches on the Ruins of Babylon, Nineveh, &c. vrith ma/ps and numerous ilhts- ti'ations, 4to. boards, 10s 6d (pub. £3. 13s 6d) 1827 BUCKLAND (I*.) Log Book of a Fishennan and Zoologist, illustrated, Svo. new cloth, 10s 1875 BUCKLAND'S (F.) Curiosities of Natural History, loith plates, 4 vols. 12mo. new calf gilt, £1. 8s 1873 BUCKLAND'S (Dean) Reliqui^ Diluvian^, or Observations on the Organic Remains con- tained in Caves, Fissures, and Diluvial Gravel, &c. attesting the Action of an Universal De- luge, 27 coloured and other plates, 4to. boa/rds, 16s 1824 BUCKLE'S (H. T.) Histoiy of CiviLizAtioN in England, large type edition, 2 vols. Svo. calf gilt, £2. 15s 1858-61 One of the most remarkable, valuable, and interesting works of the present age., BUCKLE'S (H. T.) History of Civilization in England, cabinet edition, 3 vols. cr. Svo. new calf gilt, £1. 18s 1871 32 BUCKLE'S (H. T.) Miscellaneous and Tost- HOMOus Works, edited with a Biographical Notice by Helen Taylor, 3 vols. 8vo. new calf gUt, £2. 16s 1872 The contents of the three volumes may be classed thus; I. Miscellaneous Works published by the Author during his life-time, consisting of a lecture on the Influ- ence of Women on Knowledge, of a Review of Mr. Mill's work on Liberty, etc. 2. Mr. Buckle's Common Place Book, and 3. Fragments, the most connected portions of which (on the reign of Eli/.abeth) appeared in Eraser's Magazine, after the Author's death. BUFFON, Ses Oeuvres Completes ; avec la Nomenclature Linneenne et la Classification de Cuvier, revues sur I'edition in 4to. de I'lm- primerie Royale,et annotees par M. Flourens,, Secretaire PeiiDetuel de I'Academie des Sciences finely engraved portrait and many coloured PLATES, 12 large vols. impl. 8vo. seiued, £2. 12s Paris, Gamier, s. a. BUFFON'S Natural History, general and particular, translated and considerably enlarged by W. Wood, F.L.S., illustrated with %vpwards of 600 engravings, 20 vols. 8yo. calf gilt, £4. 45 1812 Best Edition of Buffon's valuable work. BUFFON'S Natural History, General and Particular; translated, with Notes and Obser- vations, by W. Smellie, second edition, im- proved, with above 300 copper-plates, 18 vols. 8vo. original calf gilt, £2. 5s 1785 BUILDER (The) an Illustrated Magazine for the Architect, Engineer, Operative, and Artist, with several thousand engravings, complete from its commencement, 1843 to 1875, 33 vols, folio, hf. calf neat, £20. 1843-75 This valuable work contains an immense number of communications of permanent interest and value, by the most eminent authorities. BULL'S (Bp.) Works complete, collected and revised by the llev. Dr. Burton, with Life by Nelson (the only complete edition), 8 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, £3 3s Oxf Univ. Press, 1846 BULWER (H.)— see Lord Dalling BULWER'S (J.) Anthropometamorphosis; Man Transformed, or the Artificiall Changling, historically presented, in the mad and cruell Gallantry, foolish Bravery, ridiculous Beauty, filthy Finenesse, and loathsome Loveliness of most Nations, fashioning and altering their Bodies from the mould intended by Nature, many curious woodcuts (no port, or front.) sm. 4to. old calf gilt, £2. 10s 1653 One of the most amusing and curious old books in the English language. BUNSEN'S^(Baron) Christianity and Man- kind, their Beginnings and Prospects, the complete work, 7 thick vols. 8vo. cloth, £4. 10s 1854 Comprising, Hippolytus and his Age ; Outlines of the Philosophy of Universal History ; Analecta Ante-Niceana. BUNSEN*S (Baron) Egypt's Place in Uni- versal History, translated by C H. Cottrtll, nu/merous engravings of Hieroglyphics, 5 thick vols. 8vo. cloth, £7, 10s 1842-67 BUNSEN (Baron) Memoir of, (1791-1860) drawn chiefly from Family Papers, by his Widow, Baroness Bunsen, with portraits, tinted plates, and woodcuts, 2 thick vols. 8vo. calf gilt, £1. Is (pub. £2. 2s) 1868 BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, BUNSEN (E. de) The Hidden Wisdom of Christ and the Key of Knowledge; or, History of the Apocrypha, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 16s 6d (pub. 28s) 1865 BUNYAN'S (J.) Select Works, with Intro- ductory Lectures on the Pilgrim's Progress by the Rev. R. Maguire ; and a Memoir of the Life and Writings of the Author by Josiah Conder, in large type, illustrated by a series of beautiful steel engravings from original draw- ings by Wa/rren, Melville, and others, 2 large and fine vols. impl. 8vo. hf. bound, 18s n. d. BUNYAN (J.) Pilgrim's Progress, as Origi- nally Published : being a Facsimile Reproduc- tion of the FIRST edition, cr. 8vo. boards, 7s 6cZ ; or, large paper, 8vo. boards, £1. Is 1875 BUNYAN'S (J.) Pilgrim's Progress, with Memoir by Dr. Checxer, fine portrait and several hundred very beautiful woodcuts by Harvey, post 8vo. antique calf, 8s 1874 BUNYAN'S (J.) Pilgrim's Progress, with Memoir and Notes by G. Offor, elegantly printed on thick toned paper with 100 engravings by Dalziel and Watson, sm. 4to. new calf antique, 16s ; or. morocco extra, gilt edges, £1. 5s 1867 BUNYAN'S (J.) Pilgrim's Progress, with Notes by the Rev. T. Scott, numerous beautiful line engravings, after Stothard's designs, sm. 4to. netu morocco, gilt edges, £1. 4s 1859 BUNYAN'S (J.) Pilgrim's Progress, with Life by Southey, Major's fine large type edition, loith portrait, engravings from Mar- tin's pictures, and numerous woodcuts, 8vo. cloth, 15s 1830 BUNYAN'S (J.) Pilgrim's Progress, with Memoir of the Author, numerous illustrations, post 8vo, neio calf gilt, 7s Od n. d. BURCHELL'S (W.) Travels in the Interior of Africa, ivith map, 20 large coloured plates, and nearly 100 engravings on wood, 2 vols. 4to. calf neat, (slightly foxed), scarce, £2. 2s 1822-24 BURCHETT'S (J.) History of the most remark- able Transactions at Sea, from the earliest Times to 1712, containing the most considerable Naval-Expeditions, Sea-Fights, Stratagems, Discoveries, &c., among all Maritime Nations, more particularly Great Britain, charts, thick folio, calf neat, 12s 1720 BURCKHARDT'S (J. L.) Travels in the East; comprising Arabia, Nubia, Syria, and the Holy Land, and Notes on the Bedouins and Wahabys, portrait and maps — also Arabic Proverbs, together 5 vols. 4to. new calf gilt, very scarce, £12. 12s 1819-30 BURCKHARDT (J.) The Cicerone ; or, Art Guide to Painting in Italy, for the use of Travellers, from the Gennan, 12mo. clotlb, 5s 1874 BURGESS (J.) ARCHiEOLOGicAL Survey of Western India : Report of the First Season's Operations in Belgam and Kaladgi Districts, illustrated, 4to. Imlf bound, £2. 2s 1875 BURGH'S (N. P.) Link-Motion and Expansion Gear, practically considered, illustrated by 90 plates, and 229 ivood engravings, small 4to. Jialf morocco, £1. Is 1870 ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN k CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. BURGH'S (N. P.) Boilers and Boiler-Makers; a practical Treatise, including Vertical ; Hori- zontal ; Tube ; Injection ; Marine ; Locomotive, and various other kinds of Boilers, illustrated by 1163 engravings, and 50 folding plates, thick roy. 4to. half morocco, £3. 3s 1873 BURGH'S (N. P.) Modern Marine Engineer- ing, illitstrated hy 36 large folding plates a/ad 240 woodcuts, 4to. cloth, £\. 18s 1869 BURGH'S (N. P.) Slide Rule, practically con- sidered, post 8vo. new cloth, As 6(Z 1875 BURGHLEY'S (Lord) State papers, both series, complete, edited by Haynes and Murdin, 2 vols, folio, calf gilt, scarce, £3. 10s 1740-59 These valuable collections relate to Affairs in the reigns of Henry VIII. Edward VI. Mary and Elizabeth, and comprise original Letters and other authentic Memorials never before published. BURGHLEY (Lord) Memoirs of the Life and Administration of, and of the Times in which he lived, by Dr. Nares, portraits, 3 vols. 4to. half calf neat, £\. 10s 1828-31 " A publication of the highest national interest, and a great and valuable accession to our knowledge of English History, at a period when that history is most important." — Athenceum. BURKE'S (Rt. Hon. E.) Works, including his Speeches and Correspondence, edited by Earl Fitzwilliam and Sir R. Bourke, n£w and handsome edition, 8 thick vols. 8vo. new calf gilt, £7. 7s 1852 This is the last and best edition, containing the whole of the matter contained in the previous edition in 20 vols. BURKE'S (Rt. Hon. E.) Works, complete, in- cluding his Speeches, etc. library edition, in la/rge type, 16 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, £6. 6s 1826 BURKE'S (Rt. Hon. E.) Works, new edition, 6 vols, post 8vo. new calf gilt, £2. 5s— Another copy, new hf. calf gilt, £1. 12s 6d 1869 BURKE'S (Rt. Hon. E.) Correspondence with many Eminent Persons between 1744 and 1797, edited by Earl Fitzwilliam and Sir R. Bourke, portrait, 4 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, £1. 5s 1844 This valuable work contains numerous Historical. and Biographical Notes, and original Letters from the leading Statesmen of the period, and forms an Autobiography of this celebrated Statesman and Writer. BURKE (Rt. Hon. E.) History of the Life and Times of, by T. Macknight [illustrating both his public and private history] 3 thick vols. 8vo. cloth, £1. Is (pub. £2. 10s) 1858 BURKE'S (Rt. Hon. E.) Life and Character; with specimens of his Poetry and Letters, and an Estimate of his Genius and Talents, by Sir J. Prior, port, and facsimile of imriting, 2 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, 15s — Another copy, lialf howid, 9s 6d 1826 BURKE'S (Rt. Hon. E.) Speeches in the House of Commons and Westminster Hall, 4 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, £\. 15s 1816 BURKE'S (J.) Anecdotes of the Aristocracy and Episodes in Ancestral Stor}-, 3 vols, post 8vo. cloth, 15s (pub. £1. lis 6d) ' 1855 Most interesting volumes, containing 150 sterling and captivating Family Episodes and curious Incidents. BURKE'S (J.) Extinct and Dormant Baronet- cies of England ; Genealogical and Heraldic History of, several hundred engromings of Arms, fine portrait of James I. and illuminated title- 2>a<7e, thick 8vo. cloth, 10s 6d (pub. £1. Is) 1841 33 BURKE'S (J.) Book of Orders of Knighthood and Decorations of Honour of all Nations; comprising an Historical Account of each Order, Military, Naval, and Civil, to the present Time: with Lists of the Knights and Companions, &c. 500 facsimile coloured illustrations of the various Insignia, royal 8vo. extra cloth, gilt leaves, £1. 5s (pub. £2. 2s) 1858 This beautiful and interesting volume is the only com- plete work on the subject. BURKE'S (J.) General Armory of England, Scotland, and Ireland (a Dictionary of all British Families, entitled to bear Arms), illuminated title and illu^tratio-ns, thick impl. 8vo. cloth, £1. Is 1842 BURKE'S (J.) Heraldic Illustrations, com- prising the Armorial Bearings of the Principal Families of the United Kingdom, with Annota- tions, 146 plates, comprising upwards of 700 beaur- tifuliy engraved Arms, 3 vols. impl. 8vo. cloth, £3. 10s " 1843-6 A most useful, interesting, and handsomely printed and illustrated work, comprising the Pedigrees of all the Families, Mottoes translated and elucidated, and other curious matter. BURKE'S (J.) Landed Gentry of (ireat Britain and Ireland; Genealogical and Heraldic Dic- tionary of, 2 thick vols, roy 8vo. netv cloth. £2. 12s 6d 1874 BURKE'S (J.) Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland ; Genealogical and Heraldic Dic- tionary of, including the Supplement, 2 thick vols, royal 8vo. cloth, scarce, £2. 2s 185.> This valuable work comprises particulars of 100,000 individuals. BURKE'S (J.) Patrician for 1846-47 and 48, complete, 6 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, £1. 15s 1846-8 Full of interesting and curious Heraldic, Genealogical, Historical, and Literary information. BURKE'S (J.) Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire, with the engraved coats of arms of every family, last edition, very thick roy. 8vo. new cloth, £1. 12s Pvi>lished Anrmally BURKE'S (J.) Rise of Great Families, and other Essays and Stories, 8vo. cloth, 10s 6d 1873 "An exceedingly interesting book, full of both instruc- tive facts and curious anecdotes." BURItE'S (J.) Romantic Records of Distin- guished Families, 2 vols, post 8vo. cloth, 12s 1851 Forming a second series of the " Anecdotes of the Aristocracy." BURKE'S (J.) Royal Descents and Pedigrees of Founders' Kin, a large vol. impl. 8vo. cloth, 18s 1858 BURKE'S (J.) Royal Families of England, Scotland, and Wales, with their Descendants, as well Sovereigns as Subjects, port. 2 vols. impl. 8vo. cloth, £1. 4s (pub. £2. 2s) 1848 BURKE'S (J.) Vicissitudes of Families, re- modelled edition, 2 vols. sq. post 8vo. cloth, 17s 6d 1869 BURKE'S (J.) Visitation of the Seats and Arms of the Noblemen and Gentlemen of Great Britain, both series, with numerous fine tinted plates of Seats, and several hundred engravings of Arms, 4 vols. roy. 8vo. cloth, £4. 4s 1852-4 BURKE'S (P.) Romance of the Forum, or Narratives, Scenes, and Anecdotes from Courts of Justice, BOTH SERIES, 4 vols. post 8vo. chth, £1. 10s (pub. £2. 2s) 1854, &c. 3 34 BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, BURKE'S (P.) Celebrated Trials connected with the Aristocracy in the Relations of Private Life, 8vo. hf. calf gilt, scarce, 15s 1849 BURMEISTER'S (H.) Manual of Entomology, translated, with Additions and Notes by Shuckard, 33 coloured and other engravings, thick Svo. hf. vellum, uncut^ £1. 4s 1836 BURN'S (R.) Rome and the Campagna, an Historical and Topographical Description of the Site, Buildings, and Neighbourhood of Ancient Rome, with 85 illustrations hy Jewitt, and 25 maps and plans, 4to. new calf extra, gilt edges, £3. 15s — Another copy, neaw morocco extra, gilt edges, £5. 5s 1871 The object of the author " in compiling this book has been to present to the student of Ancient Roman history and literature a complete analysis of the latest results of archaeological and topographical investigations in Rome and its neighbourhood." BURNES'S (Sir A.) Travels into Bokhara, from India to Cabool, Tartary, and Persia, and a Voyage on the Indus, portrait, plates, and large map of Central Asia, best edition, 3 vols. Svo. calf gilt, 18s 1834 BURNET (J.) A Treatise on Painting, in four parts, viz. : An Essay on the Education of the Eye, and Practical Hints on Composition, Chiaroscuro, and Colour, illustrated hy one Ivundred and thirty Etchings from celebrated Pictures of the Italian, Venetian, Flemish, Butch and English Schools ; also woodcuts, 4to. hf. morocco, £3. 3s 1860 — Another copy, on large taper, the plates on India paper, roy. 4to. neio hf. morocco extra, top edges gilt (^only 50 copii;s so printed) £6. 10s 1850 " Mr. Burnet has now completed his ' Practical Hints on Painting,' and a more interesting work has never come under our notice. To the professor these remarks must be invaluable ; and the library of no lover of the Fine Arts can henceforth be considered complete without Mr. Burnet's work." — Literary Gazette. " Mr. Burnet writes as an artist on the practice of his art; his illustrations are admirable — an Essay in them- selves." — jlthencEum. BURNET'S (J.) Essay on the Education of the Eye, with reference to Painting, with numerous engravings after Rembrandt, Raffaelle, ^c. on India paper, 4to. cloth, 12s 6d (pub. £1. 5s) 1837 BURNET'S (J.) Landscape Painting in Oil Colours ; the Theory and Practice of, illustrated by mimerous finely engraved examples from the several schools, 4 to. cloth, 18s 1849 BURNET'S (J.) Practical Hints on Composi- tion in Painting, illustrated by examples from the Great Masters of the Italian, Flemish, and Dutch Schools, numerous etchings, 4to. hoards, 10s 6d(pub. 16s) 1830 BURNET'S (J.) Rembrandt and his Works, with critical Examination into his Principles and Practice, 15 fine engravings, 4to. cloth, 16s 6d (pub. 31s 6(Z) ' 1859 BURNET'S (Bp.) History of the Reformation, with Collection of Records, and the Suppressed Passages, new edition, carefully revised by N. Pocock, 7 vols. 8vo. new calf gilt, £6. 1865 BURNET'S (Bp.) History of the Reformation, new edition, with copious Notes and Index, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. hf. morocco, £1. 14s 1850 BURNET'S (Bp.) History of his own Time, with Notes by Lords Dartmouth and Hardwicke, and Dean Swift, with the Suppressed Passages, 6 vols. 8vo. neiu calf extra, £4. Oxford, 1833 BURNET'S (Bp.) History of His Own Time, with the suppressed passages and Notes by Lords Dartmouth and Hardwicke and Speaker Onslow ; also the Remarks of Swift, a large PAPER COPY, 6 vols. roy. Svo. Jine clean copy in the original hoa/rds, uncut, very scarce, £28. 10s Oxford, 1823 Only fifty copies printed on large paper. The above is a most perfect copy of this rare work, containing also the Additional Annotations by Dr. Routh, of which only twenty-five were printed on large paper. BURNET'S (Bp.) History of his Own Time ; new and improved edition, with Historical and Biographical Notes, impl. 8vo. hf. morocco, 17s &d 1857 BURNET'S (Bp.) Exposition of the XXXIX Articles of the Church of England, Svo. cloth, 6s 1847 BURNETT'S (G.) Specimens of English Prose Writers, from the Earliest Times to the close of the Seventeenth Century; with Biographical, Literary, and Bibliographical Sketches, 3 vols, post 8vo. calf gilt, 12s 1807 BURNETT'S (M. A.) Useful and Ornamental Plants, upwa/rds of 250 beautiful and accurate coloured figures of Plants used in the Arts, in Medicine, and for Ornament, with copious Descriptions, 2 vols. 4to. hf. hound, £3. 3s (pub. £5. 5s) 1842 BURNEY'S (Dr. C.) History of Music, from the Earliest Ages; with a Dissertation on the Music of the Ancients, beautiful engravings by Barto- lozzi, 4 vols. 4to. calf gilt, £5. 10s 1776 BURNEY'S (Dr. C.) Present State of Music, in Erance, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, United Provinces ; the Journal of Tours to collect ma- terials for his History of Music, 3 vols. 8vo. calf, 8s 6d 1773-5 BURNEY'S (Dr. C.) Memoirs, arranged from his own MSS. from Eamily Papers, and Personal Recollections, by his Daughter, Madame d'Arblay, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 16s 6d (pub. 31s 6d) 1832 BURNS' (R.) Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dia- lect, LARGE PAPER, impl. 8vo. and accompa- nying 8vo. volume of title pages and imprints, together 2 vols, boards, £2. 2s Kilmarnock, 1867 This is a reprint in facsimile of the Original Kilmarnock Edition of 1786, of which only 50 copies have been printed on large paper. BURNS' (R.) Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dia- lect, with Glossary, facsimile reprint of tlie roA-e First Edition, printed at Kilmarnock in 1 786, together with all his other Poems, accompanied by various Readings and Notes, Nasnvyth and Beugo's portrait, 4 large and handsome vols, royal Svo. new half morocco extra, uncut, top edges gilt, £2. 2s Kilmarnock, 1869-70 This elegant, complete, and authentic edition, which is printed with the identical types employed for the original impression of 1786, is limited to 600 copies. BURNS' (R.) Poetical Works complete, with Glossary, Notes, and Life, by Currie, and Gil- bert Bums : also Cromek's Reliques of Burns, illustrated with Stothard's fine plates, best library edition, 6 vols. Svo. calf, £1. 55 1820 ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & BURNS' (R.) Works and Life, comprising his Poems, Correspondence, etc. with copious Notes, edited by R. Chambers: library edition, in large type, 4 vols. 8vo. in 2, half calf gilt, £1. — Anotlicr copy, new calf gilt, £1. 5s 1856 BURNS' (R.) Works, complete with Glossary and Life by Allan Cunningham, portrait and vignettes, 8 vols, fcap 8vo. half morocco, £1. 15s 1836 BURNS' (R.) Works; Poems, Songs and Letters, edited with Glossary and Memoir by A. Smith, cr. 8vo. new calf gilt, 7s 6(2 — Another copy, morocco, gilt edges, 10s 6d 1870 BURNS' (R.) Poetical Works, arranged in the order of their earliest publication, with a Memoir of the Poet, on a plan now first adopted. New Annotations, Introductory Notices, etc. written expressly for this edition by W. Scott Douglas, Kilmarnock Edition, 2 vols, post 8vo. hf. morocco, top edges gilt, 1 7s 6d Kilmarnoclc, 1871 BURNS' (R.) Poetical Works and Correspon- dence complete, with Life, Notes, and Glossary by Allan Cunningham, portrait and numeroiis engravings hy Bartlett, Allom, S^c. royal 8vo. new calf gilt, £1. 1860 BURNS' (R.) Poems and Songs, illustrated edi- tion, luith numerous very heautiful engravings on wood hy BirTcet Foster, H. Weir, SfC. sm. 4to. ' i8S4 Bischof's (Professor) Elements of Chemical and Physical Geology, translated by Paul and Drummond, 3 vols. I8S4-8 Lehman's (Professor) Physiological Chemistry, translated bv Dr. Dav, 3 vols, and Supplement of Engravings in 4to. ' 1851-3-4 Laurent's (Professor) Chemical Method, Notation, Clas- sification, and Nomenclature, translated by Odling 18SS Gmelin's (Professor) Hand-book of Chemistry, translated by Watts, 19 vols. 1848-70 CAVENDISH'S (G.) Life of Cardinal Wolsey edited, with Notes, by S. W. Singer [including. Who wrote Cavendish's Life of Wolsey? by Hunter, etc.] fine portraits, engravings and fac- similes, Svo. hoards, 12s 6d 1827 CAXTON.— How TO tell a Caxton, with some Hints where and how the same may be found, by W. Blades, illustrated hy 16 plates, displaying the various types used hy Caxton, together with a List of AVorks hitherto discovered, attributed to his Press, fcap. Svo. stiff wrappers, 4s 1870 This interesting little volume contains specimens from " The Recuvell of the Histories of Troye," 1471- "^The Moral Proverbs," 1477. "Tulle of Olde Age," 1481. "Golden Legende," 1483. "Polychronicon," 1482. "Death- bed Prayers," 1484. " Book of Fame," 1844. "The Royal Book," 1485. "The Book of Good Manners, 1485. " Fayts of Armes," 1490. " Year Book," 1481. " L. Gul. de Saona Margarita," 1480. " Fasiculus Temporum," 1464. " Dya- logus Creaturarum," 1480. Also Caxton's Device. Caiton.— The Statutes of Henry VII. in exact facsimile, from the very rare original, printed by Caxton in 1489, edited with Notes and Introduc- tion by John Rae, 4to. hf. Boxhurghe hin^ng, 15s (pub. £1. lis 6d) 1S69 The earliest known volume of printed statutes. Of this facsimile, which is extremely well executed, only 500 copies were printed. CENTLIVRE (Mrs.) Dramatic Works, with a new Account of her Life, facsimile re- print OF THE RARE ORIGINAL EDITION OF 1761, portrait, 3 vols. 12mo. hoards, £1. 5s — Another copy, large paper, 3 vols. Svo. boards, £2. 5s Pearson, 1872 ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. CAYLUS (Le Comte de). Est am pes gravees sur les Desseins du Cabinet du Roy, 201 spirited Etchings, many of a large size after original drawings hy the great Masters, in the French Royal Collection, imperial folio, handsomely hownd in full mssia extra, joints, and gilt edges, £6. 6s Paris, s. a. This rare collection, among others, includes many examples of Landscapes by the Carracci, Titian, Zuccha- rclli, Giorcionc, Domenichino, Guercino, Guido, A. Durer, and Paul Bril ; also Designs {many fcry fine) by Raphael, Tintoretto, Parmegiano, Campagnolla, IVl. Angelo, Pri- matticciOjGobbo, Baroccia, Bandinelli, Mazzola, Zucchero, P. Veronese, L. van Leyden, Breughel, Vandyke, etc. .Most of these are not to be found in any other collections of Engravings. Bryan says " they deserve attention as preserving the subjects of the masterly sketches of the most celebrated Painters. The Arts and Artists (continues he) are under the greatest obligations to Count Caylus : he spent his life and fortune in their service. No man of modern times ever did so much for both." CENTONES. — Revue Analytique des Ouvrages ecrits en Centons depuis les Temps Anciens jusqu'au XlXieme Siecle, par un Bibliophile Beige [O. Delepierre], thick sm. 4to. sewed, 15s (pub. 30s) Lond. 1868 Of this curious work, which is replete with entertaining literary anecdote, only ii2 copies were printed. With the •' learned trifling," of which it preserves all the examples known, many celebrated scholars have relaxed their mind from severer studies ; among whom, in addition to the Ancients, may be mentioned W. Bellenden, F. Dousa, M. Velser, H. Meibomius, Alex. Ross, J. Duport, J. Barnes, P. Daud^, P. L. Gingu^ne. CERVANTES, Don Quichotte, traduit de I'Espagnol par Saint-Maktin, precede d'une Notice Historique sur la Vie et les Ouvrages de I'auteur par Merim^e, 6 vols. 8vo. hf. velhim gilt, £1. Is Paris, 1827 CERVANTES, Don Quichotte, traduit et an- uote par L. Viardot, elegant illustrated EDITION, with several hund/red spirited woodcuts ly the celebrated Tony Johannot, 2 vols, royal Svo. half morocco, gilt leaves, £1.4s Paris, 1836 CERVANTES' Don Quixote, translated by MoTTEUX, with Notes and Life by J. G. Lock- hart, 5 vols, post Svo. hf. morocco, £2. 2s Edin. 1822 " An edition not only infinitely superior to any that has appeared in England, but more complete and satisfactory than any that exist in the literature of Spain." — Blackivood. CERVANTES' Don Quixote, translated by P. Motteux and others, revised by J. Ozell, cwrious plates, 4 vols. 18mo. old calf, 10s 6ci 1749 CERVANTES' Don Quixote, the excellent translation by Jarvis, edited by J. W. Clark, M,A., handsomely printed in large type, and embellished with numerous spirited and elabo- rate illustrations, mamy of them the full size of the page, by Gustave Dor6, royal 4to. new hf. morocco, gilt leaves, £1. 18s 1867 Never has Don Quixote been illustrated with more spirit than by the wonder-working pencil of Gustave Dore. His fancy seems to revel in the adventures of the Knight of the Rueful Countenance. CERVANTES' Don Quixote, translated by Jar- vis, with Life, illustrated edition, with several hundred engravings by Tony Johannot, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. hf. morocco, £2. 2s 1837-9 CERVANTES' Don Quixote, translated by Jarvis, illustrated, cr. Svo, new calf gilt, 7s 6d 1868 41 CEYLON ; A General Description of the Island' Historical, Physical, Statistical ; Containing the most Recent Information, by an Officer late of the Ceylon Rifles, with a map, 2 vols. 8vo. new cloth, £l. 4s 1876 " The physical geography, the meteorology, the ancient, medijeval, and modern liistory, the peculiarities and habits of the people, and the fauna and flora of the island, are treated of in a complete and satisfactory manner, and whoever has to investigate any point connected with Ceylon can no more ignore this work than he can overlook Sir J. Emerson Tennent's." CHAFFERS' ( W. ) Collector's Handbook of Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain, with nearly 3000 marks, cr. Svo. weto chth, 5s 1875 CHAFFERS' (W.) Hall Marks on Gold and Silver Plate, with facsimiles of the stamps of Standard Plate of English and Foreign Manu- facture, roy. Svo. cloth, 10s 6d 1874 Contains also Tables of annual date letters, employed in the principal Assay Offices of Gt. Britain and Ireland. CHAFFERS' (W.) Keramic Gallery ; nearly 600 beautiful photographic illustrations of Rare, Curious and Choice Examples of Pottery and Porcelain, with Historical Notices and Descrij)- tions, 2 vols, royal Svo. neiv cloth, £2. 15s; or new hf. morocco extra, gilt edges, £3. 10s 1872 CHAFFERS' (W.) Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain, with Essay on the Vasa Fictilia of l\ng\a.n(i, illustrated by 3000 woodcuts, fourth edition, revised aud augmented, thick roy. Svo. £1. 15s 1876 CHALMER'S (G.) Caledonia ; or an Account, Historical and Topographical, of North Britain, from the earliest times, map, 3 thick vols. 4to. calf gilt, £8. Ss 1807-24 " It is impossible to speak too highly of the excellencies of this elaborate work, — more elaborate, indeed, and copious, more abounding with original information, than any work in British History or Antiquities which ever came from one author. It will rank with the immortal Britannia of Camden, which it far surpasses in industrj- of research and accumulation of matter." — Quarterly Revieiu. CHALMERS' (Dr. T.) Complete Works, re- vised with Additions by himself, 25 vols. fcap. Svo. cloth, £2. 15s (1835) " Known and prized throughout Europe and America, the works of Dr. Chalmers have taken that elevated place in our permanent national literature which must always command for them the study and admiration of every person." CHAMBERLAINE'S (J.) Imitations of Draw- ings from the Great Masters in the Royal Col- lection, engraved by Bartolozzi and others, 74 fme plates, mostly tinted, including in addi- tion, " Ecce Homo," after Guido, and the scarce series of Anatomical Drawings, hf. morocco, gilt edges, £5. 1796 CHAMBERLAYNE ( J. ) Magna; Britanniaa Notitia, or the Present State of England [in all its departments] ; 1718 — The same, 37th edition, 1748— together 2 vols. Svo. calf neat, 12s 1 718-48 All the editions are necessary in an Historical Library, omissions and additions being made as they were annually published. CHAMBERS' (G.) Astronomy; a Handbook of; Descriptive and Practical, with upwards of 200 illustrations, new edition, thick Svo. calf gilt, £1. 4s 1867 42 CHAMBERS' (R.) Book of Days ; a Miscel- lany of Popular Antiquities in connection with the Calendar, including Anecdote, Bio- graphy, History, Curiosities of Literature, and Oddities of Human Life and Character, nume- rous illustrative woodcuts, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. neiv hf. morocco, £l. 10s (1866) CHAMBERS' (R.) Cyclopjedia of English Literature ; a History of British Authors from the earliest to the present time, with copious selections from their writings, portraits a/nd engravings, 2 vols. impl. Svo. new hf. calf, £1. 2s n. d. CHAMBERS' (R.) Domestic Annals of Scot- land, from the Reformation to the Rebellion of 1745, with illustrations, 3 vols. Svo. new calf gilt, £2. 5s 1859-61 CHAMBERS' (R.) Information for the People, with several hundred illustrations on ^vood, last edition, 2 vols. impl. Svo. neiv hf. calf gilt, £\. 2s n. d. CHAMBERS' (R.) Miscellany of Instructive and Entertaining Tracts, new edition, with numerous engravings, 20 vols, post Svo. in 10, new hf. morocco gilt, £2. 2s 1869 CHAMBERS (R.) Memoir of, with Autobio- graphic Reminiscences of William Chambers, post Svo. new calf gilt, Ss Edin. 1872 CHAMBERS' (Sir W.) Treatise on the Deco- rative Part of Civil Architecture, with Notes and an Examination of Grecian Architecture by J. Gwilt, portrait and 66 fine engrcuvings, 2 vols, impl. Svo. morocco extra, gilt edges, fime copy, £2. 2s, 1825 — Another edition, impl. 4to. cloth, Us, 1836— Also, 4to. hf hound, Ss 6(Z 1862 " The most sensible book, and the most exempt from prejudices, that ever was writen on that science." Walpole. CHANDLER'S (Dr.) Travels in Asia Minor and Greece, maps, 2 vols. 4to. calf gilt, \0s &d 1817 These vahiable and interesting travels were undertaken and published at the expense of the Dilettani Society. They contain very full and accurate descriptions of the Ancient Ruins of Greece and Asia Minor. CHANNING'S (W. E.) Works complete, third edition, with portrait, 6 vols, post Svo. ck)th, £1. Is 1840 CHANNING (W. E.) Memoir of, with Extracts from his Correspondence and Manuscripts, por- traits, 3 vols, post Svo. cloth, 12s 1848 CHAPLIN'S (G. C.) Benedicite ; or the Song of the Three Children, cr. Svo. morocco, gilt edges, 13s 6d — Another copy, calf, 10s 6(Z 1873 CHAPMAN'S (Geo., the Translator of Homer) Comedies and Tragedies, with illustrative Notes, and Life, 3 vols. fcap. Svo. hoards, £l. 5s — Another copy, large paper, 3 vols. Svo. hoards, £2. 5s Pearson, 1873 CHAPMAN'S (G.) Plays ; edited with Notes by R. H. Shepherd, portrait, post Svo. new calf gilt, lOsGd 1874 CHAPMAN'S (G.) Poems and Minor Trans- lations, with an Introduction by A. C. Swin- burne, post Svo. new calf gilt, 10s 6d 1875 CHARLEVOIX'S (Father) History of Para- guay, including the Establishments formed there by the Jesuits, translated from the French, 2 vols. Svo. cay, 12s 1769 BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, CHARLEVOIX'S (Father) Letters to the Dutchess of Lesdiguieres, giving an Account of a Voyage to Canada, and Travels through that vast Coun- tiy, and Louisiana, to the Gulf of Mexico, Svo. calf, 14s (curious and scarce) 1763 CHARLTON'S (Rev. W. H.) Burghly; the Life of Lord Burghley and Notices of his Successors, a Description of Burghley House, its Paintings, Tapestries, etc. portrait and plates, roy. Svo. cloth, 8s 6(Z Stamford, 1847 CHASTELLUX (Marquis de) Travels in North America in 1780-2, translated from the French, I with Notes, maps, 2 vols. Svo. neatly hf. hound, Ss 6d 1787 CHATHAM (Earl of) Anecdotes of the Life of, and the principal events of his Time, with hig Speeches in Parliament, from 1730 to 1778, 3 vols. 8vo. hoards, 7s 6d 1810 CHATHAM'S ( Earl of ) Correspondence, edited from the original MSS. by his Great- Grandsons, facsimiles of autographs, 4 vols. Svo. cloth, 12s 6d — Another copy, hf. calf, IBs (pub. £3. 12s) 1838 " We regard this work as one of the greatest value." Edinburgh Re'vietv. " Never did history offer more instructive lessons for present guidance than are contained in this Correspon- dence." CHATTERTON'S (T.) Works in Verse and Prose, including his Rowley Poems, Glossary, and Life, by Dr. Gregory, engramngs and fac- similes, 3 vols. Svo. calf gilt, £1. 15s 1803 Best Edition, edited by Southey and Cottle, published by Subscription (with list of Subscribers) for Miss Newton, the niece of Chatterton. CHATTERTON'S (T.) Poetical Works, and Letters, with Life, History of the Rowley Con- troversy, and explanatory Notes, facsimiles of the Yellow Roll, and other writings, 2 vols. 12mo. hf. calf gilt, 14s Cambridge, 1842 CHATTERTON'S (T.) Poetical Works, with an Essay on the Rowley Poems, by Skeat, and a Memoir by Bell, 2 vols. cr. Svo. morocco, £l. Is 1871 CHATTO'S (W.) History and Art of Wood-En- GRAViNG, vjith 93 specimens of the Art, Ancient and Modern, selected from " The nhcstrated London News," impl. 4to. cloth, £1. 5s 1848 CHAUB ARD et Bory de St. Vincent, NouveUe Flore du Peloponnese et des Cyclades, 42 plates, some coloured, folio, hoards, £1. 16s Paris, 1838 C]&aiicn*'g (G.) Workes, newly printed, with diners addicions whiche were never in printe before, including the Siege of Thebes by Jhon Lidgate, Monk of Berie, ornamental capitals and arms on title, folio, good tall copy in old stamped calf hinding, (a few MS. Notes on the margin in a very old hand, part of one leaf deficient), £6. 6s J. Kyngston, 1561 CHAUCER'S (G.) Works, both Prose and Poetical, with Three Tales never before printed, and the Author's Life, by J. Urry, with a very extensive Glossary (by Dr. J. Thomas), en- gravings {hut no portraits), thick folio, a la/rge clean copy, calf neat, £l. 15s 1721 CHAUCER'S (G.) Poetical Works, complete ; with an Essay on his Language and Versifica- tion, Notes and Glossary, by Tyrwhitt, roy. Svo. new calf gilt, 1 6s — Another copy, new morocco extra, gilt edges, £1. 3s 1866 ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & CHAUCER'S (G.) Canterbury Tales; with an Essay upon his Language and Versification, an Introductory Discourse, Notes, and a Glos- sary, by T. Tyrwhitt, portrait and heautiful engraving of the Pilgrimage hy Stothard, 5 vols, post 8vo. calf gilty scarce, £3. 3s Pickering, 1822 CHAUNCY'S (Sir H.) Hertfordshire; the Historical Antiquities of, with the Foundation and Origin of Monasteries, Churches, Advow- sons, Tythes, Rectories, Impropriations, and Vicarages; describing those of this County in particular, the several Honors, Manors, Castles, Seats and Parks, of the Nobility and Gentry, etc. faithfully collected from Public Records, Leiger Books, Ancient MSS. Charters, Evi- dences, etc. with portrait, maps, and numerous fine folding engravings of Vieios, Seats, etc. thick folio, newly and handsomely hound in crimson morocco extra, gilt leaves, hy Pratt, £16. 16s 1700 A complete copy of this valuable and rare County History, with all the maps and views, including those generally wanting. CHAUNCY'S (Sir H.) Historical Antiquities of Hertfordshire, with the Original of Counties, Wapentakes, Boroughs, an account of the Abbots of St. Albans, extract from Domesday Book, etc. folding map, portrait, and numerous douhle page engravings, 2 vols. Svo. hf. calf neat, £1. 1.5s 1826 CHEFS-d'CEUVRE de l'Art Antique ; Archi- tecture, Peinture, Statues, Bas-Reliefs, Bronzes, Mosaiques, Vases, Medailles, Camees, Bijoux, Meubles, etc. Texte par MM. Robiou et Lenor- mant, containing 794 beautiful engravings hy the principal Italian artists, exhibiting seve- ral THOUSAND choice specimens of Ancient Art, 7 vols. 4to. hf. morocco, gilt edges, ;£:'10. 10s Paris, 1867 This beautiful work (the illustrations of which are taken chiefly from the Royal Museum at Naples), is in two parts, the first series comprising " Monuments de la Vie des Anciens, texte par M. Robiou," and the second " Monuments de la Peinture ct de la Sculpture," texte par M. F. Lenormant. CHESNEY'S (Col.) Indian Polity ; a View of the System of Administration in India, revised edition, with a onap, Svo. cloth, lis 1872 CHESTERFIELD'S (Earl of) Letters ; includ- ing numerous Letters now first published from the Original MSS. edited with Notes by Lord Mahon, portrait, 6 vols. Svo. bright calf gilt, SCARCE, £6. 6s 1845-53 The Only Complete Edition. " In Lord Mahon's case, the work of * editing' is not confined to putting his name on the title-page, and adding a stray note here and there. He supplies the elucidatory information required by the text, and employs conscientious care in seeing that the text is critically correct." — Athenaum. CHESTERFIELD'S (Earl of) Letters to his Son, edited with Notes and Life, by C. S. Carey, port/rait, 2 vols, post Svo. new calf gilt, 18s 6(Z 1872 CHICHELE. — Stemjiata Chicheleana, a Ge- nealogical Account of the Families derived from Thomas Chichele of Higham Ferrars, frontis- • piece, 4to. hf. bovmd, wncut, 9s 6d 1765 CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 43 CHETHAM Society's Publications : Remaius, Historical and Literary, connected with the Palatine Coimties of Lancaster and Chester, published by the Chetham Society, a complete Set of these valuable works, edited by distin- guished Scholars, to 1873, 95 vols. sm. 4to. chth, £37. 10s Printed for tJie Chetham Society, 1844-73 A most valuable series of books, containing works now first printed, or reprints of rare works of historical or topographical interest. CHILLINGWORTH'S (W.) Works, (Religion of Protestants a Safe Way to Salvation, Ser- mons, tkc.) with Life by Birch, 3 vols. Svo. riew calf gilt, £1. 16s 1838 CHINA Illustrated by T. Allom, vpwards of 1 20 highly finished and beaxitiful engravings of Scenery, Architecture, Marmers, Customs, Cere- monies, ^c. original impressions, with Descrip- tions by Wright, 4 vols. 4to. in 2, hf. morocco neat, £2. 2s — Another copy, 4 vols. 4to. cloth, £1. 6s (1843) CHINESE and English Vocabulary in the Pekin- ese Dialect, by G. C. Stent, Imperial Maritime Customs, thick Svo. hf. bound, £1. Is Shanghai, 1871 CHIPPENDALE'S (F.) Ornamental Designs for Furniture, Frames, and the Decoration of Rooms in the style of Louis XIV. 24 plates, roy. 4to. cloth, 10s 6d (pub. £1. 8s) 1849 CHRISTMAS Carols, ancient and modern, and the Airs to which they were Sung, also Speci- mens of the French Provincial Carols, with Introduction and Notes by W. Sandys, post Svo. half calf gilt, Ss 6d 1833 CHRISTMAS with the Poets ; Songs, Carols, &c. ancient and modem, with 53 beautiful tinted illustrations by Birket Foster, every page surrounded by gold borders and other gold orna- ments, impl. Svo. cloth extra, gilt leaves, 10s 6d 1852 CHRONICLES of England, Scotland, Ire- land, &c. edited by Douce, Sir H. Ellis, Col. Johnes, and others, illustrated by numerous engramings, best editions, 28 vols. 4to. in 27, newly hound in panelled calf gilt, a very fine library set, £52. 10s 1803-27 This extensive series comprises : — Chronicle, 5 Arnold's Chronicle, i vol Chronicle of London, i vol. Fabyan's Chronicle, i vol. Froissart's Chronicle, 4 vols. Grafton's Chronicle, a vols. Hall's Chronicle, i vol. Hardyng's Chronicle, i vol. Holinshed's Chronicle, 6 vols. Monstrelet's vols. Rastell's Chronicle, i vol. Fuller'sWorthies, byNichols, 3 vols. Joinville's Memoirs, 3 vols. in one. Chronicle of the Kings of Britain. CHRONICLE of London, from 1089 to 1483, written in the XVth century, now first printed from the MSS. in the British Museum (ed. by Tyrrell), 4to. morocco, gilt leaves, scarce, £ 1.10s 1827 Only 350 copies of this curious old Chronicle were C'nted. Numerous contemporary illustrations, Royal tters. Poems, &c, are added in the form of an Appendix. CHRONICLE of the Kings of Britain, from the Welsh of Tysilio, with Notes and I)is.ser- tations by Roberts, 4to. hoards, uncut, £1. Is 1811 Includes original Dissertations on the History of Glldas, the authority of Brut, the primary population of Britain, the Ancient British Church, &c. 44 CHRONICLE of the Kings of England, from William the Norman to the Death of George III. written after the manner of the Jewish Historians, with copious Notes, [and curious Anecdotes], 8vo. hoards, 9s 6d 1821 CHRYSOSTOMI (S.) Opera Omnia, Gr.et Lat. Editio Benedictina, Opera et studio Ber- NARDi DE MoNTFAUCON, i^o^'iraii, 13 vols. folio, uncut, £9. 9s Venetiis, 1734 ] Best edition of the entire works of St. Chrysostom. | Dibdin emphatically says — "The various readings, notes, versions, and indexes render it a work perfect in its kind." CHRYSOSTOMI (S.) Homtli^ in Mattii^um, Greece, ad fidem MSS. et Versionum emendavit E. Field, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. cloth, top edges gilt, scarce, £1. Is Cantabrigice, 1839 CHRYSOSTOM (S.) His Liee and Times ; a Sketch of the Church and the Empire in the fourth century, by Rev. W. Stephens, portrait, 8vo. cloth, 12s 6c? 1872 CHURCH'S (J.) Cabinet of Quadrupeds, with Historical and Scientific Descriptions, 84 beautiful engravings by Ihbetson, Scott, TooTcey, ^c. PROOF impressions, 2 vols. folio, large paper, neatly half bound, £1. 16s 1805 These engravings are of a very superior and highly finished character. CHURCH AND the Age ; a Series of Essays on the Principles and Present Position of the Anglican Church, second edition, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, £1. 2s 1871 The Essays are written by the Bishop of Ely, Dean Hook, Professor Burrows, Revs. Dr. Irons, Charles Prit- chard, Dr. Barrv, M. F, Sadler, A. W. Haddan, W. Wal- sham How, St.'john Tyrwhitt, A. Weir, W. D. Maclagan. CHURCHILL'S (C.) Poetical Works, with Notes and Life by Tooke, an elegant reprint of Pickering's Aldine edition, portrait, 3 vols. fcap. 8vo. morocco, gilt edges, £1. 2s 6d Boston, 1854 CICERO'S (M. T.) Life and Letters, containing the Life and Times of Cicero, by Dr. Middleton ; Letters to his Eriends and to Atticus by Melmoth and Heberden, fine port, and front, large royal 8vo. cloth, 10s 1854 CICERO'S (M. T.) Life of, by W. Eorsyth, with 19 illustrations, 8yo. new calf gilt, 15s — Another copy, vellum ca/rmine edges, 18s 6d 1869 CICOGNARA, Storia della Scultura, dal suo Risorgimento in Italia sino al Secolo XIX ; per servire di Continuazione alle Opere di Winckcl- mann e di D'Agincourt, with 180 fine engravings of Sculpture, 3 large vols, folio, boards, uncut, £5. 5s Venezia, 1813-18 " Cet Ouvrage est un des meilleurs que I'ltalie ait produit sur les Beaux Arts." — Brunet. An excellent work : in addition to containing several hundred engravings of the most famous works of Sculp- ture, much of the third volume is devoted to a critical examination of the works of Canova, and to fine plates of them. CIVIL Engineer and Architect's Journal, complete from its commencement, 1837 to 1866, inclusive, with many hund/i-ed engravings of Public and Prvvate Buildings a/nd Works, 29 vols. 4to. hf. calf, £10. 10s 1837-66 This valuable work comprises the most complete register and description of all the great Works in every branch of Engineering and Architecture in all parts of the Kingdom ; with full accounts of all the new Inventions, Patents, and Improvements during the last 30 years ; be- sides an immense quantity of the most useful practical information communicated by eminent Engineers and Architects of the present day. BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, CLARENDON'S (Earl of) History of the Re- bellion and Civil Wars in England, 7 vols. — Life and Continuation of his History, 2 vols. finely printed in large type, 9 vols. roy. 8vo. new tree calf extra, £6. 6s Oxf. 1849 A new edition of this great work, now for the first time carefully printed from the original MS. preserved in the Bodleian library; with the notes of Bishop Warburton subjoined. CLARENDON'S (Earl of) History of the Re- bellion and Civil Wars in England ; with an Historical View of the Affairs of Ireland ; new edition, with the Suppressed Passages, and the unpublished Notes of Bp. Warburton ; ed. by Dr. Bandinel, 8 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, £3. 10s Oxf. 1826 CLARENDON'S (Earl of) History of the Re- bellion and Civil Wars in England, with an Historical View of the Affairs of Ireland, 6 vols. 8vo. calf, £1. 4s Oxf. Clar. Press, 1819 CLARENDON'S (Earl of) History of the Re- bellion and Civil Wars in England, with Life written by himself, New edition, with the Sup- pressed Passages, 56 finely engraved portraits after Vandyke, Lely, etc. 2 vols. impl. 8vo. cloth^ £1. 10s Oxf. Uni/v. Press, 1843 CLARENDON'S (Earl of) History of the Re- bellion and Civil Wars, with his Life and Continuation of the History; also the Sup- pressed Passages, and copious Indexes, thick impl. 8vo. new calf gilt, £1. 6s Oxford, 1843 CLARENDON'S (Earl of) History of the Re- bellion and Civil Wars in England, largest TYPE EDITION, portrait by Fittler, 6 vols, folio, boards, £2. 2s (pub. £16. 5s) Oxf. Clar. Press, 1816 A most valuable and splendid edition, and one of the finest sets of books issued from this press. CLARENDON and Rochester Correspondence, with the Diary of Lord Clarendon, from 1687 to 1690, edited by S. W. Singer, ^^orf raits, en- gravings, and autographs, 2 vols. 4to. hf. russia, £1. Is (pub. £4. 4s) 1828 Containing minute particulars of the Revolution ; and Lord Rochester's Diar\' during his Embassy to Poland, &c. CLARENDON Gallery; Lives of the Friends and Contemporaries of the Lord Chancellor Clarendon, illustrative of Portraits in his Gal- lerj', by Lady Theresa Lewis, with fine portrait, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, 15s 1852 CLARENDON'S (Earl oO Life, in which is in- cluded a Continuation of his History of the Grand Rebellion, written by himself, new edi- tion, with all the Suppressed Passages, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, 16s (pub. 31s ed) Oxf. 1827 CLARENDON'S (Earl of) Life and Adminis- tration ; with original CoiTCspondence and authentic Papers never before published, by T. H. Lister, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, Us (pub £2. 8s) 1838 CLARK'S (E.) Britannia and Conw^ay Tubu- lar Bridges, with general Inquiries on Beams, and on the properties of materials used in Con- struction, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. with atlas folio, con- taining 45 large and finely executed engravings, some coloured, cloth, £1. 16s (pub. £4. 14s 6d) 1850 In compiling this valuable work, Mr. Clark (the Resi- dent Engineer) received great assistance from Mr. Stephen- son under whose sanction and supervision it was published. OK SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & CO., .36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. CLARK'S (H.) Introduction to Heraldry, with 1000 illustrations, new edition, post 8vo. new cloth, 4s 6d ; or with colodred illustrations, new chth, 12s 6d 1866 CLARK'S (W.) History of the British Marine Testaceous Mollusca, distributed in their Natural Order, on the Basis of the Organiza- tion of the Animals ; with references and Notes on every British Species, Svo. cloth, 8s 6d (pub. 15s) 1855 CLARK'S (W., Advocate) Marciano, or the Discovery, a Tragi-Comedy, sm. 4to. hf. morocco, top edge gilt, (only 75 copies privately PRINTED by W. H. Logan) 9s 6d Edin. 1871 This excellent Play— interspersed with pleasing Lyrics — which after the lapse of upwards of two hundred years is now reprinted for the first time, appears to have been the first Play presented after the Restoration. The ori- ginal edition of Edinburgh, 1663, is very rare. CLARK'S (W. T.) Account of the Suspension Bridge across the River Danube, with 37 Jolding plates of drawings and details of this '^ magnificent" Bridge, roy. Svo. cloth, 10s 6d (pub. 32s) 1852 CLARKE'S (Dr. Adam) Succession of Sacred Literature in a Chronological Arrangement of Authors and their Works, from the Invention of Alphabetical Characters, with Continuation by J. B. Clarke, 2 vols. Svo. calf omtique, red edges, 9s ed 1830-32 CLARKE'S (C.) Architectijra Ecclesiastica Londixi, 123 Iwrge andjmeVy engraved views of interiors and exteriors of the Churches of Lon- don, SoutJvwarTc, Westminster, cmd adjoining PoA-ishes, with descriptions, a large vol. royal fol. new hf. morocco, gilt top, £2. 10s 1820 These engravings are from original drawings by John Coney, G. Shepherd, etc. CLARKE'S (Mrs. Cowden) Concordance to Shakspere, a verbal Index to all the Passages in his Dramatic Works, new edition, roy. Svo. neio cloth, £1. 6s ed 1870 CLARKE (D. K.) and Colburn's Recent Prac- tice in the Locomotive Engine, (being a Sup- plement to " Railway Machinery,") comprising the latest English improvements, and a treatise on the Locomotive Engines of the United States, illustrated hy a series of plates and numerous engravings on wood, royal 4to. hf. morocco. Us 6d I860 CLARKE'S (Dr. E. D.) Travels in various Countries in Europe, Asia, and Africa, portrait, maps, and engravings. Best Svo. Edition, 1 1 vols, calf gilt ; also his Life and Remains by Bp. Otter, 2 vols, chth; together 13 vols. Svo. £2. 10s 1816-25 CLARKE'S (Dr. S.) Sermons, published from the Author's MS. by Dean Clarke, with Life by Bp. E.oa.dlej, portrait hy Vertue, 10 vols. Svo. nice old morocco, gilt leaves, £2. 2s 1730 CLAUDE'S Liber Veritatis, a Collection of 300 Prints after the original designs of Claude, in the collection of the Duke of Devonshire, the BriUsh Museum, SfC. engraved hy Eai'lom, in the ')nanner of the originals, choice early im- pressions, 3 vols, folio, russia extra, new morocco hacks, gilt edges, £31. 10s 1777-1819 45 CLAUDE'S Liber Veritatis, a Collection of 300 Prints after the original designs of Claude; in the Collection of the Duke of Devonshire, R. Payne Knight, the British Museum, Sec. engraved by Richard Earlom, in the manner and taste of the Drawings, with a descriptive Catalogue of each Print ; and of the present possessors of many of the Original Pictures, 3 tine thick vols, folio, new half morocco ext/ra, gilt edges, £d. 9s (1831) To this edition has been added a revised list of the plates, with addition of the prices at which the pictures have been sold, and to whom, by the late Mr. .John Smith, the eminent picture dealer. CLAUDE'S Liber Studigrum, consisting of One Hundred large and beautiful Landscapes, Buildings, Compositionh, Studies from Na- ture, Trees, &c. tww fi/nt engraA)ed in fac- simile of the originals in the British Museum, hy F. C Lewis, impl. folio, Mlf morocco, gilt leaves, £4. 4s (pub. £15. 15s) 1840 This fine and interesting volume, by the celebrated engraver, Mr. Lewis, who devoted to its production the greater part of his life, is a necessary accompaniment to the " Liber Veritatis" of Claude, engraved by Earlom. CLAVIGERO'S (Abbe D.) History of Mexico, from Spanish and Mexican Historians, MSS., Paintings, &c. with critical Dissertations on the Land, Animals, and Inhabitants, translated by CuUen, numerous engravings and maps, 2 vols. 4to. calf neat, ISs 1787 CLAYTON'S (J.) Collection of the Ancient Timber Edifices of England, 26 fme tinted plates of celehrated examples, with Descriptions, impl. folio, hf. morocco, £3. 15s 1846 CLERCK (C) Aranei SuECici,cum descriptione et figuris, 6 coloured plates, 4to. calf gilt, lOsGd Stockholm, 1757 CLERISSEAU (C.) Antiquite's de la France, avec texte historique et descriptif par Legrand, (contenant Histoire et Monuments de Nismes) illustrated hy 63 laa-ge and fine engravings, plans, elevations, details, ^c. of the remarkahle remains of Roman Architecture, 2 vols, imperial folio, hf. morocco, £1. 10s Paris, 1804 OLIVE'S (Lord) Life, by the Rev. G. R. Gleig, new edition, cr. Svo. new calf gilt, 7s 6d 1869 CLODE'S (C. M.) Administration of Justice under Military and Martial Law, Svo. chth, 10s 1872 CLODE'S (C. M.) Military Forces of the Crown; their Administration and Government, 2 thick vols. Svo. chth, £1. Is 1869 CLOUGH'S (A.H.) Poems and Prose Remains, with a selection from his Letters, and a Memoir, edited by his Wife, portradt, 2 vols, post Svo. neio morocco, £2. 1869 CLOUGH'S (A. H.) Poems, with a Memoir, 12mo. morocco extra, gilt edges, 14s — Another copy, calf gilt, lOs 6d 1871 GLUTTON'S (H.) Illustrations of the Domestic Architecture of France ; with Historical Descriptions, 16 large and beautiful tinted Drawings on stone of the most famous Remains of the XVth Century, royal folio, ft/, morocco, £1. Is (pub. £3. .3s) 1853 A fine and attractive work; the letterpress is also embellished with numerous woodcuts illustrating the ground-plans, sections, and elevations of the mansions. 46 BOOKS SUITABLE CLUTTEKBUCK'S (R.) History and Anti- quities of Hektfordshire, comprising the entire County ; compiled from the best printed Authorities and Original Records preserved in the public Repositories and private Collections, embellished with highly finished engravings by Le Keux cmd others, of Mansions, Churches, Monumental Effigies, and other Antiquities, Maps, ^c. 3 vols, folio, boards, uncut, £13. 13s (pub. £25. 4s) — The same. 3 vols, full bound morocco extra, gilt leaves, beautiful copy, £18. 18s — Another copy, on large paper, tvith proof impressions of the plates on India paper, 3 vols. roy. folio, elegantly bound in new morocco super extra, gilt edges, £31. 10s Nichols, 1815-27 This valuable County History has long been scarce; Large Paper Copies especially are seldom to be met with. COBBE'S (F.) Darwinism in Morals, and other Essays, reprinted from the Reviews, 8vo. new cloth, 4s ed 1872 COBBETT (Rev. R. S.) Memorials of Twicken- ham, Parochial and Topographical, 8vo. new cloth, 12s 1873 COBBETT'S (W.) Porcupine's Works, com- prising a faithful Picture of the United States of America, with the Manners, Customs, Vir- tues, and Vices of the People, 12 vols. 8vo. hf. bound,£2.lOs 1801 COBBOLD'S (Dr. T. S.) Entozoa ; an Intro- duction to the Study of Helminthology, with reference, more particularly, to the Internal Parasities of Man, with many fine illustrative jilates, large thick imperial 8vo. cloth, 14s (pub. 31s Gd) 1864 COBDEN'S (R.) Political Writings, 2 vols. 8vo. 1868 ; also. Speeches on Questions of Public Policy, edited by John Bright and J. S. Thorold Rogers, portrait, 2 vols. 8vo. 1870 ; together 4 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, £3. 3s 1868-70 COCKBURN'S (Lord) Memorials of his Time, 1779-1830, 1 vol. ; together with Journal, being a Continuation, 1831-54, 2 vols, portrait; 3 vols. 8vo. neiv calf gilt, £2. 2s 1856-74 " It would be impossible to get too much of Henry Cockburn." COCKBURN'S (J.) Swiss Scenery, with De- scriptions, 60 highly finished engravings by Heath, Goodall, and others, fine impressions, impl. 8vo. russia super extra, 16s — Another copy, maroon morocco, gilt edges, 18s 1820 COINS. — NuMMi Veteres Civitatum, Regum, Gentium, et Provinciarum, Londini in Museo R. Payne Knight asservati ab ipso ordine gcographico descripti, vellum paper, roy. 4to. hf. morocco extra, top edges gilt, £1. 5s Lond. 1830 Scarce; a very limited number printed. COKAIN'S (Sir Aston) Dramatic Works; with Prefatory Memoir, Introduction, and Notes, post Svo. cloth, 10s 6d; or, on large paper, 8vo. cloth, 18s 1874 COLBURN (Z.) and Hollet's Peraianent Way and CoAL-BURNiNG Locomotive Boilers of European Railways, v:ith 51 plates by J. Bien, folio, cloth, 15s New Yorlc, 1858 Includes a comparison of the working economy of European and American Lines, and the principles upon which improvements must proceed. FOR THE LIBRARY, COLCHESTER (Lord, Speaker of House of Commons, 1802-17) Diary and Correspon- dence of ; edited by his Son, port. 3 thick vols. Svo. cloth, 7s 6d — Another copy, hf. calf, 15s 1861 Containing many important relations and curious anecdotes nowhere else recorded. COLE'S (J.) History and Antiquities of Eiley, in the County of York, portrait and plates, 8vo. hf. calf, uncut, £1. 15s Scarborough, 1828 COLEBROOKE (T.) Life and Miscellaneous Essays of, the Biography by his Son, Sir T. E. Colebrooke, Bart. M.P., the Essays edited by Prof. Cowell, 3 vols. 8vo. chth, £1. 15s 1873 COLENSO'S (Bp.) Lectures on the Penta- teuch and the Moabite Stone : with Appen- dices, containing — I. The Elohistic Narrative ; II. The Original Stoiy of the Exodus ; III. The Pre-Christian Cross, Svo. cloth, 12s 1873 COLERIDGE'S (H. N.) Introductions to the Study of the Greek Classic Poets, map, 12mo. calf gilt, 5s 1846 COLERIDGE'S (H. N.) Lives of Northern Worthies, edited by his Brother, wdth the Marginal Observations of S. T. Coleridge, 3 vols, fcap. Svo. cloth, 12s 6d Moxon, 1852 COLERIDGE'S (S. T.) Works in Verse and Prose, edited Iby H. and D. Coleridge, very complete set, uniformly printed, with portraits, 19 vols. fcap. Svo. new calf extra gilt, £10. 10s 1853, &c. Poetical Works. Dramatic Works. Aids to Reflection, Lay Sermons. Notes on English Divines. Notes, Theological, Political, and Miscellaneous. Biographia Literaria. The Friend. Essays on his Own Times. Lectures on Shakspcare. Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit. Constitution of the Church and State. COLERIDGE'S (S. T.) Dramatic Works, edited by D. Coleridge, fcap. Svo. new calf gilt, 10s — Another copy, new morocco, gilt edges, 12s 6ri 1868 COLERIDGE'S (S. T.) The Friend ; Essays to aid in the formation of fixed Principles in Politics, MoralSj and Religion, post Svo. iieiy calf gilt, 8s 1866 COLERIDGE'S (S. T.) Literary Remains, collected and edited by H. N. Coleridge, 4 vols. Svo. calf gilt, a fine copy, scarce, £3. 3s Pickering, 1836-39 COLERIDGE'S (S. T.) Osorio : A Tragedy, as originally written in 1797, now first printed from a MS. copy recently discovered, with the Variorum Readings of " Remorse," and a Monograph on the Play by the Author of " Tenn3^soniana," fcap. Svo. boards, 5s — Another copy, LARGE PAPER, Svo. boards, 10s Pearsons, 1874 COLERIDGE'S (S, T.) Poetical Works, with Memoir and Illustrations by W. B. Scott, ilkis- trated, cr. Svo. new calf gilt, 10s — Another copy, new morocco, gilt edges, 12s 6d 1872 COLERIDGE'S (S. T.) Rime of the Ancient Mariner, illustrated by Gustave Bore in his own peculiar and masterly style, folio, cloth, £3. 10s 1876 COLERIDGE'S (S. T.) Rime of the Ancient Mariner, with 20 loA-ge tinted engravings from pictures by Noel Paton, oblong folio, cloth, scarce, £l. Is Art Union, 1863 ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & CO COLERIDGE (S. T.) Specimens of the Table Talk of, x>ort. hy Finden, fcap. 8yo. n&w calf gilt, 7s 6d 1865 COLERIDGE'S (Sara) Memoirs and Letters, edited by her Daughter, portraits, 2 vols, post 8vo. cloth, £1. Is — A cheaper edition, post 8vo. cloth, 6s 1873 " The letters of Sara Coleridge were not acts of authorship, but of friendship; we feel in reading them, that she is not entertaining or instructing a crowd of listeners, but holding quiet converse with some congenial mind." — Preface. COLLECTANEA Archjeologica ; Communi- cations made to the British Arch^ological Association, loith numerous plates and vxjod- cuts, Vol. 1, 4to. cloth, and Vol. 2, parts 1 and 2, sewed, £1. Is 1862-64 Contains papers by B. Botficld, T. Wright, T. J. Petti- grew, J. R. Planch^, Rev. C. Hartshome, C. Davis, G. V. Irving, and others. COLLEGE (Royal) of Physicians of London; the Roll of, [Biographical Memoirs], from 1518 to 1800, compiled from its Annals and other authentic sources, by "W. Munk, M.D., 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 10s ed (pub. 24s) 1861 COLLIER'S (Jeremy) Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain, from the earliest times to the end of the Reign of K. Charles II. ; new etlition, with Life, the Controversial Tracts con- nected with the History, Notes, and Index, by F. Barham, 9 vols. 8vo. cloth, £l. i2s (pub. £4. 14s ed) 1840 COLLIER'S (J. Payne) Bibliographical and Critical Account of the Rarest Books in the English Language, alphabetically arranged, which during the last 50 years have come under his observation, 2 thick vols. 8vo. hf. hd. £2. 5s 1865 A valuable work, comprising notices of many very rare and curious Books. COLLIER'S (J. P.) History of English Dra- matic Poetry to the Time of Shakespeare ; and Annals of the Stage to the Restoration, 3 vols, post 8vo. calf gilt, £2. 2s 1831 COLLIER'S (J. P.) Poetical Decameron, or Ten Conversations on English Poets and Poetry, particularly of the Reigns of Ehzabeth and James I. 2 vols, post 8vo. calf gilt, £1. 4s 1820 COLLINGWOOD'S (Vice- Admiral Lord) Public and Private Correspondence, with Memoirs of his Life by N. Collingwood, portrait, 8vo. calf gilt, 8s 1828 COLLINS' (A.) Peerage of England; Genea- logical, Biographical and Historical, augmented and continued to the present time, by Sir Eger- TON BrYDGES, last AND BEST EDITION, 9 VOls. 8vo. calf neat, £4. 4s 1812 '• Collins," it is said, " dipped even into the Funeral Urn, to stamp his labours with authenticity; and such is the credit they have obtained, that while there remains a spark of veneration for the Ancestry and Actions of our Peerage, his work will be consulted as a faithful history of that splendid part of the British Constitution." COLLINS' (Wilkie) Novels, new iUustratcd Library Edition, ivith several full-page illustra- tions in each vol. 17 vols. post. 8vo. nsw hf. mor. 9ieat, £6. 6s (1874) Comprises :— The Woman in White ; Antonina, or, the Fall of Rome; Basil; The Dead Secret; The Queen of Hearts ; The Moonstone ; Man and Wife ; Hide and Seek, or the Mvstery of Mary Grice ; Poor Miss Finch ; Miss or Mrs.?; The 'New Magdalen; The Frozen Deep; My Miscellanies ; The Law and the Lady ; After Dark ; Arma- dale ; No Name. 16, PICCADILLY, LONDON 47 COLLINS (D.) Account of the Colony of New South Wales, with the Manners, Customs, &c. of the Natives, Vocabularies, &c. numeroiLs en- gravings of Views, Ceremonies, Natural History, 4-c. 4to. calf gilt, £1. Is 1804 COLLINS' (VV., R.A.) Memoirs of the Life of; with Selections from his Journals and Corres- pondence, by his son, Wilkie Collins, port, and 2 illustrations from his pictures, 2 vols, post 8vo. cloth, 8s 6cJ 1848 COLLINSON'S (J.) History and Anitquities of the County of Somerset, with numerous fine engravings of Views, Seats, Antiquities, 3 vols, royal 4to. hf. morocco, russia sides, £7. 10s Bath, 1791 COLMAN'S (G.. the Younger) Broad Grixs, Eccentricities, Poetical Vagaries, and Vagaries Vindicated, illustrated, 12mo. calf gilt, 15s 1804-14 COLMANS' (G., the Younger) Random Records, comprising Anecdotes and Sketches of his Friends and Contemporaries, &c. India proof portrait (foxed), 2 vols, post 8vo. new hf. mor. gilt, 10s 1830 COLTON'S (C.) Lacon, or Many Things in Few Words, addressed to those who Think, new and complete edition, post 8vo. new calf gilt, 8s 1851 COMBES (C.) On Mining; Traite de I'Exploita- tion des Mines, 3 vols. 8vo. with large folio atlas, containing 68 plates, hf. morocco, £2. 2s Liige, 1844 The above work by Prof. Combes, Ingdnieur en Chef des Mines, is one of the best Works ever published on Mining. COMTE'S (A.) System of Positive Polity, or Treatise on Sociology, Instituting the llcligioa of Humanity, Vols. 1, 2 and 3 (all puhlisliedj new cloth, £2. 7s 1875-6 Vol. I. The General View of Positivism, and Introduc- tory Principles. Vol. 2. Social Statics; or the Abstract Theory of Human Order. Vol. 3. Social Dynamics, or the General Theory of Human Progress. To be completed in Four Volumes, published separately, and each forming in some degree an independent treatise'. COMTE'S (A.) Positive Philosophy, Freely translated and condensed by Harriet Martincau, second edition, 2 vols. 8vo. new cloth, £1. Is 1875 COMINES' {P. de) History of Lewis- XI. and Charles VII. of France, translated, with Annotations, folio, calf gilt, 12s 1674 CONDER'S (J.) Modern Traveller, a popular description of the Various Countries of the Globe, uptoards of 150 nmps amd engravings, 33 vols. 18mo. hf. bound, £2. 2s 1830, &c. A valuable and most instructive little work, containing more information on the actual state of the world than perhaps any other work in existence. CONEY'S (J.) Ancient Cathedrals, Hotels dc Ville, and other grand examples of Gothic Architecture in France, Holland, Germany, and Italy, 32 very large and beautiful engravings, atlas folio, hf. morocco, gilt, £3. 10s (pub. £10. 10s) 1842 CONEY'S (J.) Architectural Beauties of Continental Europe, with 28 large etchings of Cathedrals, ^c. in France, Germany, Italy, ^c. and 56 vignettes, roy. folio, nexv hf. morocco, £\. 15s (pub. £4. 10s) 1831 48 BOOKS SUITABLE CONEY'S (J.) Ecclesiastical Edifices op THE Olden Time, 200 fine large engravings and facsimiles of Hollcur's Views of Cathedrals, Monasteries, Abbeys, ^-c of England and Wales, with 1 8 fine plates of Costume, by Finden, 2 vols, roy. folio, hf. morocco, gilt, £4. 15s 1842 These two magniticent volumes embrace the whole of the copper plates which illustrate the eight volumes of the edition of Dugdale's Monasticon. CONQUEST of England ; from Wace's Poem of the " Roman de Rou," translated into Eng- lish Rhyme by Sir A. Malet, with the Franco- Norman text, and the notes of various editors, illustrated by numerous photographs from the Tapestry of Bayeux, 4 to. hf. bound, £1. 4s 1860 Though he has written in a poetical form, his work may be fairly admitted to be invested with the dignity of history. CONSTABLE (Arch.) and his Literary Correspondents, a Memorial by his Son Thomas Constable, portrait, 3 vols, large post 8vo. cloth, £1. 10s 1873 A most interesting work ; one volume is entirely com- posed of Sir Walter Scott's correspondence, and the other two volumes with the correspondence of the most eminent literati of the earlv part of the present centurv. CONSTABLE'S (J.) English Landscape Scenery, comprising 40 beautiful mezzotinto engravings by Lucas, with Descriptions by Leslie, folio, hf. morocco, gilt edges, £2. 10s (pub. £5. 15s) 1855 An exceedingly beautiful volume of Landscapes by tliis eminent Master, well deserving a place besides Claude's Liber Veritatis. CONSTABLE'S (J.) Memoirs, by C. R. Leslie, R.A., including Constable's lectures on Paint- ing, second edition, two portraits and plates, 4to. cloth, 12s 1855 CONSTABLE'S Miscellany of Original and Selected Publications in the various Depart- ments of Literature, the Sciences, and the Arts, several hundred engravings, 80 vols. 18mo. neatly half bound, £9. 10s 1826, &c. A complete set of this instructive and interesting work embracing History, Natural History, Voyages and Travels, &c. CONSTANTINOPLE and the Scenery of the Seven Churches of Asia Minor, illustrated, with Descriptions by Walsh, nearly 100 en- gravings by eminent artists, after Drawings by Allom, 2 vols. 4to. hf. morocco, £1. 14s 1846 CONWAY'S (M. D.) The Sacred Anthology; a book of Ethnical Scriptures, 8vo. cloth, 10s 1875 " He who has once looked into this book shall feel his vision raised and widened, his views modified, as individual charity and sympathy awaken with recognition of the harmony of m.ankind in the great prmciples." Prof. A. IVeher. CONYBEARE'S (J.) Anglo-Saxon Poetry ; Illustrations of, with additional Notes, Introduc- toiy Notices, &c. by W. D. Conybeare, 4to. cloth, uncut, sca/rce, £1. Is 1826 CONYBEARE (W. J.) and Howson's Life and Epistles of St. Paul, illustrated hy numerous highly finished engravings, maps and ivoodcuts, best edition, 2 vols. 4to. new morocco extra, gilt edges, £i. ISs 1869 CONYBEARE (W. J.) and Howson's Life and Epistles of St. Paul, engravings, maps, and woodcuts, 2 vols. sq. 8vo. neio morocco extra, gilt leaves, £2. 5s — Another copy, 2 vols. Svo. newcalfgilt,£l.l'2s 1874 FOR THE LIBRARY, CONYBEARE (W. J.) and Howson's Life and Epistles of St. Paul, with woodcuts and maps, thick post Svo. nevj calf gilt, 14s — Another copy, new morocco extra, gilt edges, 18s 6cZ 1873 COOK'S (Eliza) Poems, selected and edited by the Author, elegantly printed on thick hot- pressed pa/per, ivith portrait and 80 engravings from Drawings by Gilbert, Wei/r, (^-c. sm. 4to. morocco extra, gilt edges, £l. Is 1861 COOK'S (G. W.) History of Party, from the rise of the Whig and Tory Factions in the reign of Charles II. to the passing of the Reform Bill (1666-1832), 3 vols. Svo. hf calf, 18s 1836 COOK (Dr. J.) Styles of Writs, Forms of Pro- cedure, and Practice of the Church Courts of Scotland, revised and adapted to the Present State of the Law of the Church, fou/rth eddtion, Svo. new cloth, 10s 1869 COOK'S (Capt.) Three Voyages round the World, with firae impressions of the large and beautiful engravings by Bartolozzi and others, 8 vols. 4to. and folio Atlas of engravings and charts, calf, £6. 6s 1773-84 COOK'S (Capt.) Three Voyages of Discovery, edited by Barrow, engravings, sq. cr. Svo. neio calf gilt, 8s 1872 COOK'S (Capt.) Second and Third Voyages, 1772-1780, with fine impressions of the large and beautiful engravings by Bartolozzi and others, 5 vols. — Life by Kippis, 1 vol. — together 6 vols. 4to. russia, yellow edges ; also Atlas of Engravings, impl. folio, hf. calf, in all 7 vols. £3. 10s 1777-8S COOK'S (Capt.) Voyage towards the South Pole and round the World, 1772-5, tvith maps and cha/rts, portraits, andj views. 2 vols. 4 to. /;/. calf, \0$6d 1777 COOK'S (G. A.) Topography of Gt. Buitain, or British Traveller's Pocket Directory, being an accurate and comprehensive Topographical and Statistical Description of all the Counties in England, Scotland, Wales, and adjacent Islands, ivith County Maps, 26 vols. 12mo. .com- plete, calf gilt, neat set, £1. 8s n. d. COOKE'S (G. F., Tragedian) Life, including original Anecdotes of his Theatrical Contem- poraries, by W. Dunlap, portrait, 2 vols. Svo. hf calf gilt, lOs ed 1815 COOICE'S (M.C.) Handbook of British Fungi, ■ with full Descriptions of all the Species, and Illustrations of the Genera, with numerous illustrations, 2 vols, post Svo. neit; cloth, £1. 1871 COOKE (M. C. ) Mycographia, sen Icones Fnngorum, Figures of Fungi from all Parts of the World, Part 1, (all out) Geoglossum and Peziza, 20 coloured plates, impl. Svo. sewed, }0s6d 1875 COOKIE'S (W. B.) History and Scenery of the River Tha3ies, from its source to the Nore, illustrated by S4 fine engravings, from Drawings hy Owen, De Wint, and other eminent artists, several additional engravings inserted. thick 4to. hf. morocco. £2. 2s 1825 COOKE'S (W. B.) Picture of the Isle of Wight, illustrated by 36 engravings of the most beautiful and interesting vietcs throughout the Island, 4to, calf gilt, 10s 6d 180S ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & COOKE'S (W. B.) Views of Pompeii, with Descriptions, six large plates in the first style of tinted lithography, impl. folio, sewed, 12s ^d (1830) COOKE'S (W. B.) Views in Rome and of its Surrounding: Scener}-, 30 fine engravings of famous BvAldings and Scenery from draimngs by D. RoiJEUTs, Leitch, C res wick, etc. ori- ginal iinp^ressiona, with Descriptions by Jl. N. Ilnmphreys, 4to. hound, gilt edges, £1. 5s Tilt, 1840 COOKERY ; Modern Domestic ; founded on principles of Economy and Practical Knowledge, and adapted for Private Families, by a Lady, vjoodcuts, post 8vo. new cloth, 4s fid 1865 COOLEY'S (W. D.) Physical Geography ; or, The Terraqueous Globe and its Phenomena, ilhistrated with wood engravings, frontispiece, and 12 maps, 8vo. new cloth, 17s 6(? 1876 COOPER'S (C. P.) Account of the Public Records of Great Britain, and the Publica- tions of the Record Commissioners, 2 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, {hom the "Perkins" collection), scarce, £3. 3s 1832 COOPER'S (J.F.) Novels, uniform edition, with frontispieces, 18 vols, f cap. 8vo. new hf. calf gilt, £3. 5s n. d. Comprising : — The Spy ; Afloat and Ashore ; Lionel Lincoln; Heidcnmaucr; Headsman; Pilot; Homeward Bound ; Red Rover ; Bravo ; Water Witch ; Borderers ; Miles Wallingford; Wyandotte; Deerslayer; Pathfinder j Last of the Mohicans; Pioneers; and Prairie. COOPERI {Bp. of Winchester) Thesaurus Linguaj Romanai et Britannicai ; accessit Dictionarium Historicum et Poeticum, thick folio, calf neat, (dedicated to Bobert Dudley, Earl of Leicester), ISs Lond. 1584 '• This excellent Dictionary was a great favourite with Q. Elizabeth, and was the cause of the author's prefer- ments. It contains many quotations of early English, and is undoubtedly a philological curiosity." CORDINER'S (Rev. J.) Description of Ceylon, an Account of the Country, Inhabitants, and Natural Productions, vjith 23 fine aqiiatinta engravings by Medland, 2 vols. 4 to. calf gilt, 15s — Another copy, morocco extra, £1. Is 1807 CORFIELD'S (W. H.) Utilizatiox of Sewage ; a Digest of facts relating to its Treatment, en- larged edition, 8vo. cloth, 9s 1871 CORNHILL Magazine, complete from its com- mencement in Jan. 1860, to June 1873, edited by W. M. Thackeray and others, with full- page engravings, and woodcuts from designs by celebrated oHists, 27 vols. Svo. hf. morocco neat, £6. 15s 1860-73 CORNWALL'S (Barn) Dramatic Scenes, with lates, with Descriptions, 7 vols, folio, morocco super extra, gilt edges, £10. 10s 1800, &c. A nice original series of these valuable and interestins; works, published at upwards of £30. m boards. COSTUMES of China illustrated, 60 en- gravings of full-length figures representing every class of society with their avocations, etc. from drawings by a native artist, carefully co- loured, -with Descriptions in English and French, folio, (one leaf ^canting) morocco, gilt ednes,£\.Ss 1800 4 50 BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, COSTUMES of the Russian Empire, with De- scriptions, Eng. and Fr., 70 finely coloured engravings, the backgrounds filled in with Scenery, folio, morocco, gilt leaves, £1. 8s 1811 COSTUMES of Turkey, with Descriptions iu English and French, 60 full-length figures care- fully coloured, folio, stam'ped hinddng, gilt leaves, £1. 8s (pub. £4. 4s) 1802 COSTUME.— Fairholt's (F. W.) Costume in England ; a History of Dress from the earliest period, with Glossary of Terms for all articles of use or ornament worn about the person, illustrated by nea/rly 700 engravings on wood, thick Syo. cloth, £1. 5s 1846 A verv comprehensive and interesting work. COSTUME. — Hope's (T.) Costume of the Ancients, 320 engravings of Egyptian, Greeh, and Roman Habits and Dresses, with Descrip- tions, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. cloth, £1. 16s 1641 COSTUME.— Illustrations of English and Foreign Costume, from the Fifteenth Century to the present day, a series o/ 96 full-length Portraits, engraved by Pauquet Brothers, after the de- signs of Albert Durer, Titian, Vecellio, Jost Amman, Holbein, Rubens, Vandyck, Hollar, Bourdon, St. Sauveur, Koning, Lecluse, Dupbe, and the principal Artists of the present age, all delicately and accu- rately coloured, royal 4to. handsomely lialf bound morocco, gilt leaves, £2. 15s — Another copy, whole bound morocco gilt, £3. 10s 1875 COSTUME. — Jacquemin (Raphael) Iconogra- phie generale et methodique du Costume du IVe au XIXe siecle (315-1815) collection gravee a. I'eauforte, d'apres des documents authentiques et inedits, avec introduction et table methodique, 200 beautifully coloured plates, roy. folio, neic hf. morocco extra, top edges gilt, £12. 12s Faris, (1869) These beautifully finished drawings illustrate the various styles of dress common in Europe from the fourth to the nineteenth century. The distinguishing character- istics of the costumes of each period are carefully delineated, and the minutiae of detail in dress and ornament, marking the distinctive features of the various grades of society, duly noted and expressed. The interest of the work is considerably increased by the introduction of Portraits of Sovereigns, Statesmen, IFarriors, and other eminent per- sonages in the costumes of their oivn times. Many of the drawings are of a grotesque and amusing character, de- picting curious and cumbersome garbs, and highly enter- taining incidents. There are also added several gorgeously coloured Oriental costumes. The whole collection forms a choice and elegant series of iWustrations elaborately executed and exquisitely coloured. COSTUME.- Martin's (L. & C.) Civil Costume OF England from the Conquest to the present period, 61 plates, mostly portraits of Royal and Noble Personages, drawn from ancient MSB. Tapestries, ^c. illuminated in gold and COLOURS, 4to. gilt cloth, £2. 8s 1842 COSTUME.— Vecellio (Cesare) Habiti Anti- CHi et MoDERNi di tutto il Mondo, 513 beautiful ( full-length portraits representing the Costumes of all Nations, chiefly from the designs of Titian, 2 vols. 8vo. liandsomely bound in morocco extra, gilt leaves, 43. 3s Paris, Didot, 1860 The above is a new edition of this famous series of Costumes which were designed and partly executed by the great painter Titian. The original edition has become exceedingly rare and dear. These woodcuts are beauti- fully ei^ecuted, and present all the spirit of the originals. TUe JDeacr\ptions are giveo in Italian and French, COSTUME.— Modes et Costumes Historiques dessines et graves par Pauquet d'apres les meil- leurs Maitres de chaque epoque, et les Documents les plus authentiques, ail extensive series of full- length figures, beautifidly engra/oed and co- loured, on 96 plates, thick royal 4to. half morocco, gilt edges, £2. 15s ; or, morocco ext^'a, gilt edges, £3. 15s Powns, 1864 This is one of the most beautiful collections of Cos- tumes ever published. The plates are most artistically executed and coloured, and the volume forms a charming addition to the drawing-room table, as well as being an authentic record of the Costume and Fashion for the last Seven Centuries. COTMAN'S (J.) Architectural Antiquities of Normandy, with historical and descri])- tive Notices by Dawson Turner, 100 large and highly finished etchings, 2 vols. impl. folio in one, hf. morocco, gilt lecwes, £3. 3s (pub. £12. 12s) 1822 COTMAN'S (J.) Sepulchral Brasse3 in Nor- folk and Suffolk, tending to illustrate the Ecclesiastical, Military, and Civil Costume of former ages, with letterpress Descriptions, by Dawson Turner, Sir S. Meyrick, &c. Second Edition, with additional plates, 173 plates, the enamelled Brasses splendidly illuminated, 2 vols, impl. 4to. half bound morocco, £5. 10s — : Another copy on large paper, 2 vols, royal- folio, hf. morocco, £7. 10s 1839' COTMAN'S (J.) Specimens of Architectural Remains in vaiiious Counties of England, but chiefly in Norfolk, 238 highly spirited etchings, printed on sto^it drawing paper, with architectural Descriptions by T. Rickman, and Indexes, (the fi/ve series of etchings), 2 vols.' impl. folio, hf. morocco, gilt tops, uncut, £7. 7s 1838 COTTON'S (H.) Fasti Ecclesi^ HiBERNiCiE ; the Succession of the Prelates and Members of the Cathedral Bodies of Ireland, second and enlarged edition, 5 vols. 8vo. cloth, £2. 15s 1851 COTTON'S (H.) Typographical Gazetteer, first edition, 8vo. boa/rds, vmcui, sca/rce, 8s 6d 182$ Only 250 copies printed. COUCH'S (J.) Fishes of the British Islands, with 183 coloured Engravings, comprising accurate figures of Fishes frora Drawings by the Author, with scientific and popular Descriptions, 4 vols. impl. 8vo. new half morocco extra, gilt leaves, £3. 18s 1866 COURTENAY family.— Cleaveland's Gjk- nealogical History of the Noble and Illus- trious Family of Courtenay, with Tables of Pedigrees, folio, hf. calf, scarce, £2. 12s Oxon. 1735 COURTENAY FAMILY.— De Styrpe et Obi- GiNB DoMUS de Courtenay, qua; coepit a Ludovico Crasso hujus nominis sexto Kran- corum Rege, Sermocinatio; addita sunt Resjjonsa celeberrimorum Enrop;B Jurisconsultorum, with the folding pedigree, thick sm. 8vo. sprinkled calf gilt, red edges, (slightly xvormed at the end). RARE, £3. 3s Po/risiis, 1607 This work was printed for private distribution cnly : a copy has realized /^lo. $s iiy auction. ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 51 COX (G. W.) and Jones' (E. H.) Tales of the COWLEY'S (A.) Works in Prose and Verse, with Notes by Bp. Hurd, and Life of the Author by Dr. Johnson, large paper, por- trait, 3 vols, 8vo. calf gilt, 15s Sharpe, 1809 COAVLEY'S (A.) Works, with the Third Part, containing the Plants, numerous portraits and engravings, 3 vols. Svo. calf, IBs 1710-11 COWPER'S (W.) Works, comprislpo: his Poems, Correspondence, and Translations, Avith Life by SouTHEY, numerous fine steel engravings, 15 vols. fcap. Svo. half calf gilt, £2. 10s — Another copv, cloth, £1. 15s (pub. £3. 15s) 1836 COWPER'S (W.) Poetical Works, with Life and Letters by Hayley, and Private Correspon- dence, edited by Grimshawe, engravings hy Finden, 8 vols. fcap. 8vo. cloth, 15s — Another copy, 8 vols. fcap. 8vo. calf gilt, £2. 2s 1847 COWPER'S ( W.) Poetical Works, Letters, and Life, complete, including his Private Correspon- dence, edited by Carey, illustrated, royal 8vo. new calf gilt, 14s Gd 1875 COWPER'S (W.) Poetical Works; edited with Notes by Benham, cr. 8vo. neiu calf gilt, 7s 6(Z — ^Another copy, neiv morocco, gilt edges, I0s6d 1870 COWPER'S (W.) Life and Posthumous Writings by W. Hayley, with fine large portrait of tJie poet hy Romney, engraved hy W. Blake, 3 vols. 4to. hf. calf neat, 8s 6d — Another copy, LARGE PAPER, 3 vols. roy. 4to. hf. calf, 12s 6d 1803 COWTAN'S (R.) Memories of the British Muse DM, port, of Sir A. Pa/nizzi, Svo. cloth, Us6d 1871 The author of this interesting work is an Assistant in the Library of the British Museum. COX (D. Artist) Memoir, with selections from his Correspondence, and some account of his Works by N. Neal Solly, illustrated hy 22 pliotographs from Drawings hy the Artist's oum hand, impl. 8vo. £1. 10s 1873 COX'S (G. W.) General History of Greece, from the Earhest Period to the Death of Alexander the Great, with a Sketch of the subsequent History to the Present Time, post 8vo. new calf gilt, lis 6d 1876 COX'S (G. W.) Mythology of the Arian Nations, 2 vols. Svo. new cloth, £1. 3s 6d 1871 COX (Rev. G. W.) The Crusades, map, 12mo. new cloth, 2s 6d 1875 COX (G. W.) Tale of the Great Persian War, from the Histories of Herodotus, fcap. Svo. cloth, 3s 1869 COX (G. W.) and Jones' (E. H.) Popular Romances of the Middle Ages, post 8vo. cloth gilt, 9s 1871 Includes the Stories of King Arthur and liis Knights, Merlin, Sir Tristrem. Bcvis of Hamtoun, Guy of Warwick, Roland, Olger the Dane, Havelock, and BcEWulf. COXE'S (P.) Social Day, a Poem, with 32 most heautiful engravings, chiefly hy J. Scott, roy. Svo. (a choice and, clean stihscriber's copy), hoa/rds, uncut, £1. 4« 1823 This work is remarkable for thi exceeding beauty of tlie engravings, which were executed from drawings by many eminent Painters, e.g., Wilkic, Stothard, Smirkc, A. and R. Cooper, Callcott, Constable, Chalon, Warde, &c. Tlie exquisite plate of the " Broken jar," by Wilkie, engraved by Warren, " the first plate executed on steel," and which was nearly five years in the liands of the artist, has alone been sold for £3. 3/, Teutonic Lands, (The Stories of the Vol- sungs ; The Nibelung Story ; Walter of Aqui- taine ; The Gudrun Lay j Grettir the Strong ; Burnt Njal, etc.) post Svo. neio calf gilt, \4s lates and many ii^oodcuts, 8vo. cMh, 17s 6d 1866 CREASY'S (Sir E.) British Constitution; Rise and Progress of the, post Bvo. neiv calf gilt. Used 1864 CREASY'S (E.) Fifteen Decisive Battles of the. World, from Marathon to Waterloo, 8vo. new calf gilt, 15s 1872 CREASY'S (Sir E.) Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World, c/iectp edition, post 8vo. neiv calf gilt, 10s 1873 CREASY'S (Sir E.^ Imperial and Colonial CoxN- stitutions of the Britannic Esipike, includ- ing Indian Institutions, maps, 8vo. neiv cloth, Us 6d 1872 CREASY'S (Sir E.) Me3ioirs of Eminent Etonians ; with Notices of the Early History of Eton College (from its Foundation by K. Hen. VI. to the XlXth Century), cr. 8vo. new calf gilt, 12s 1876 CRESY'S (E.) ENCYCLOPiEDiA of Civil En- gineering, Historical, Theoretical, and Prac- tical, new edition, 3000 vjoodcuts, very thick Bvo. new cloth, £1. 15s 1876 CRESY'S (E.) Practical Treatise on Bridge Building, and on the Equilibrium of Vaults and Arches, 68 large plates, ivith sections, details, and plans, iinpl. folio, hf. russia, £1. Is 1839 CRIPPS' (H. W.) Practical Treatise on the Law RELATING to the Churcii and Clergy, fourth edition, containing the Statutes and Cases to the present time, thick Bvo. cloth, 9s (pub. £1. 10s) 1863 CROLL'S (J.) Climate and Time in their Geolo- gical Relations ; a Theory of Secular Changes of the J^krth's Climate, illustrated, 8vo. £1. 1875 " A work which bears cvcrywlicre the marks of original thought, lal)orious investigation, and acute reasoning. . . . . . It is sure to tind a place in every geologist's librarw" — Scnts7iuin. CROLY'S (Dr.) Poetical Wokks, illusU-ated witlh 20 etchings hy Dagley from Antique Gems, 2 vols, post Bvo. neiv calf gilt, ]os ; or, neiv morocco e^vira, gilt edges, £1. Is (1856) CROMWELLIANA ; a Chronological Detail of Events in which Oliver Cromwell was engaged, from 1642 to his Death, 1658, with a continua- tion of other Transactions to the Restoration, with engravings of CromivelVs Autographs, House, I/ging-in- State, Declaration of Fairfax and others, with their ^'^itographs. folio, neat half r)(.s>/a. £1. ■>s 'Wesimimter, 1810 BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, CROMWELL'S (0.) Letters and Speeches, with Elucidations by Thomas Carlyle, and Supplement, portrait, 3 vols. Bvo. cloth. 18s 1845-6 CROMWELL'S (T.) History and Description of the ancient Town and Borough of Colchester, vMh numeroris plates and portraits, laroi; paper, 2 vols, roval Bvo. hoards. 1.5.^■ (pub. £2. Us) ' 1826 CROMWELL'S (T.) Walks through Islington; an Historical and Descriptive Account, luith 38 engravings hy Storer, post 8vo. cloth, scarce, 8s 6d 1835 CROOKES' (W.) Researches in the Phenomena of Spiritualism, reprinted from the '• Quar- terly Journal of Science," Bvo. neiv cloth, 4s 6ci 1876 CROOKES' (W.) Select :Methods in Chemical Analysis (chiefly Inorganic), ivith 22 woodciit.<, thick post Bvo. cloth, 10s 6cZ 1871 Intended as a Laboratory Companion, and containing information not usually found in ordinary works on Analysis. CROOKES (W.) and Roehrig's (E.) Practical Treatise on Metallurgy, adapted from the last Gennan edition of Kerl's Metallurgy, with 625 woodcuts, 3 thick vols. Bvo. new cloth, £4. 4.^ 1868-70 CROSS' (M.) Selections from the Edinburgh Review, comprising the best Articles in that Journal from its commencement, 4 vols. Bvo. cloth, 15s — Another copy, hf. calf, £l. Is 1833 CROWE'S (E.) History of France, from the earliest times up to the present, 5 vols. Bvo. neiv calf gilt, £5. 10s 1858-68 CROWE (J. A.) and Cavalcaselle's New His- tory of Painting in Italy, from the second to the sixteenth century, 3 vols. 1864-66 ; A His- tory OF Painting in North Italy, Venice, Padua, Vicenza, Verona, etc. from the fourteenth to the sixteenth century, 2 vols. 1871 ; and The Early Flemish Painters ; Notices of their Works and Lives, second edition: — the three worlcs illustrated hy numerous fine engravings, 6 vols. 8vo. neiv tree calf extra, gilt edges, £10. 10s — or neiv morocco extra, gilt edges, ill 3. 13s 1864-72 " No work has yet attempted in the same degree to unfold the history of all the Italian schools, their intricate relations and affinities, the stock whence they descended, the families into which they intermarried, the impulse traceable to the passing visit of one great painter, the mannerism accounted for by the vicinity of one particular picture. None has done such justice to the great men who stand centrally as formers and unitcrs of others." — Eilhi- burgh Review. CROWE (J. A.) and Cavalcaselle's Early Flemish Painieks, their Lives and Works, 15 engravings from their Pictures, post Svo. new calf gilt, 14s 6t? — Another coi)y, new nwrocco extra, gilt edges, 18s 1872 CROWNE'S (0.) Dramatic Wokks ; with Pre- fatory Memoir and Notes, 4 vols, post Bvo. cloth, £2. 2s — or on Large Paper, 4 vols. Bvo. clotli, £3. 12s 1873-74 CRUDEN'S (A.) Concordance to the Old aud New Testaments and the Apocrypha, enlarged and corrected, with Life, bv A. Chalmers, por- irnit. thick 4to. new calf g'lU, £l. 8^ 186.J 0^ SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONl) CUMMING'S (Col. Gordon) W CKUDEN'S (A.) Concordance to the Old and New Testaments and the Apocrypha, edited with Life by Youngmau, portrait, impl. 8vo. neto hf. calf gilt, 12s — Another copv, neio calf gilt, 16s 1868 CRUIKSHANK'S i G.) Comic Almanack, 1835 to 1853, complete, with ^Merry Tales, Humourous Poetry, etc. by Thackeray. Hood, Mayhcw, Albert Smith, Gilbert A'Beckett, ami others, ifith many hundred illustrations hg George Cruikshank, Hine, Landels, etc. 2 thick vols, post 8vo, neiu hf. inorocco neat, £1. Is Hotten, n. d. CRUIKSHANK'S (G.) Exgravei> Works ; A Complete Catalogue of ; iucludhig Etchings on steel, copijcr, etc. and wootlcuts executed between 1805-lj87O, compiled by G. W. Rtid, ^<;^t/l a lai-ge nv.mher of illustrations cliiefly from tJie original plates and blocks, 3 vols, royal 4to. cloth, £12. 12s (1872) CRUIKSHANK'S (G.) Omnibus, edited by Laman Blanchard, with finely engraved portrait of the inimitable Artist, and 100 engravings on steel and wood in his best style, royal Svo. cloth, 10s 6d 1869 CRUIKSHANK'S (G.) Table Book, edited by G. A'Beckett, upwards of 100 engravings on steel and wood in Cruikshanlc's best style, roy, Svo. cMh, 13s ed 1869 CRYSTAL Palace, Sydenham; Photographic Views of, taken during the Progress of the Works by Delamotte, ui'Wards of 160 large AND BEAUTIFIL PHOTOGRAPHS, 2 VOls. impl. folio, in poitfolios, £4. 10s (pub. £12. 12s) 1855 A very fine and interesting work, published for the ( rystal Palace Company, illustrating not only the entire progress of the building, but comprising views of the different Courts, Statues, and other Ornaments, Decora- tions, and Works of Art. CUITT'S (G.) Ruins of the Oldex Time, 73 very beatitiful and elaborate etchings of the finest examples of the Architecture of tlie Middle Ages, and the Fictiiresque Scene^ry of England and Wales, FINE IMPRESSIONS, loith descriptions, roy. folio, hf. morocco, gilt leaves, £3. 3s 1 848 '• These Plates are etched with great freedom, and remind us of the etchings of Rome {by Pirauesi), to which they come nearer than any modern work of British Art." Times. CULLEY'S (R. S.) Handbook of Practical Telegraphy, enla/rged edition, with numerous illustrations, 8vo. cloth, 13s 6tl 1871 CUMBERLAND'S (R.) Posthumous Drama- tick Works, [edited by his daughter, F. W. Janseu], 2 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, 8s 6d 1813 CUMBERLAND and Westmoreland ; History and Topography of the Counties of, by Wright, Gumming, and Martineau, edited l)y W. Whel- lan, thick 4to. /;/. morocco, gilt top, £l. lis 6d 1860 Comprising their ancient and modern history, a general view of their physical character, trade, commerce, manu- factures, agricultural condition, statistics, etc. etc. GUMMING (C. F. G.) From the Hebrides to the Himalayas : A Sketch en Displayed, from the commencement in 1787 to 1864, including the Continiuitions by Sir W. J. Hooker, and the 2 Indexes, with upwards of 5550 beautifully coloured plates, 92 vols. Svo. bound in 67, calf neat, £80. (the original cost vjos nearly £160.) 1787-1864 I'ew works have tended so much as this celebrated one to diffuse a general taste for Botany ; and few long ex- tended works have so well carried out the plans of the intelligent founder, for it was intended not only " to display accurate representations of the most ornamental Foreign Plants, cultivated in the open ground, the (ireen-House, and the Stove, in their natural colours, but also to give full descriptions of each, their places of growth, and Times of ^'lowering, together with the most approved Metho, &c. DANA'S (J. D.) Corals and Coral Islands, illustrated, roy. 8vo. Tiew cloth, 17s 6d, 1872 — A cheaper edition, post 8vo. new calf, 12s 6d 1875 DANA'S (J. D.) Manual of Geology, illus- trated, 8vo. neio cloth, 17s 6d 1875 DANA'S (J. D.) System of Mineralogy ; com- prising the most recent Discoveries, Fifth Edition, rewritten and enlarged, illustrated by upwards of 600 ivoodcuts, very thick roy. 8vo. new cloth, £1. 15s 1875 DANIELL'S (W.) Oriental Scenery and Antiquities, complete, with Descriptions, 150 fine engravings of the Architectwre, Antiquities, amd Landscape Scenery of Hindoostan, 6 vols, folio in three, hf. morocco, uncut, £6. (pub. £18. 18s) 1812-16 DANIELL (W.) and Ayton's Picturesque Voyage round Great Britain, complete, with upwards of 300 plates of Coast Scenery, beautifully coloured in the style of Draw- ings, 8 vols, folio in 4, new hf. morocco gilt, £12. 12s 1814-25 This beautiful and interesting work is unique of its kind. It delineates the whole coast round Great Britain, giving vivid representations of the scenes most conspicuous tor boldness and picturesque beauty. CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 5 j DANIELL'S (W.) Animated Nature, being Picturesque Delineations of the most interesting- Subjects from all branches of Natural History, 125 Jmehj executed mezzotinto engravings, with letterpress descriptions, 2 vols, small folio, half morocco extra, gilt edges, £3. 3s 1807-12 DANIELL'S (W.) Rural Sports, Hunting, Hawking, Fowling, Shooting, Angling, &c. with the Supplement, nearly 100 very beani- tiful engravings of Animals of the Chase, Game, ^c. by J. Scott and Landseer, fine impres- sions, 4 vols. 4to. hf. morocco, £4. 4s 1807-13 DANSEY'S (W.) HoR^ Decanic.*: Rurales, or a History of Rural Deans, with Remarks on the Rise and Decay of Rural Bishops, second edition, 2 vols. sm. 4to. booA'ds, 12s 6cZ 1844 DANTE'S Divina Cosimedia ; Inferno, Purga- torio, and Paradiso, trans, into English Verse, with Essay, Notes, and Illustrations, by H. Boyd, /me port, by Stothard, 3 vols, royal 8vo. LARGE paper, boards, 10s 6d 1802 DANTE'S Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise, translated by Gary, with Notes and Life, lan'ge type, library edition, 3 vols. 8vo. new hf. morocco, scarce, £1. 4s (pub. £1. 16s) 1819 DANTE'S Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise, translated by Gary, portrait, post 8vo. neiv calf gilt, 8s — Another copy, morocco, gilt edges, 10s 6c? 1876 DANTE'S Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise, translated by Longfellow, post 8vo. new calf gilt, 12s 1874 DANTE'S Inferno, translated into English, with Notes by the Rev. H. E. Gary, and illus- trated with the famous series of 76 illustrations by G. DoRfi, folio, morocco super extra, gilt edges, £3. 15s — Another copy, hf. morocco, gilt edges, £2. 10s 1866 The Purgatory, wniform in size cmd binding at same price. DANTE ; A Shadow of, an Essay towards studying Himself, his World, and his Pilgrim- age, by Maria Francesca Rossetti, with jive remarkable illustrations, cr. 8vo. cloth gilt, 9s 1871 " The ' Shadow of Dante' is a well conceived and inviting volume, designed to recommend the Divma Com- media to English Readers, and to facilitate the study and comprehension of its contents." DANTE and His Circle ; with the Italian Poets preceding him (1100-1200-1300), a Collection of Lyrics edited and translated by D. G. Ros- setti, post 8vo. new morocco, gilt edges, 18s— Another copy, mor. extra, gt. edges, £1 . 2s 6d 1874 D'ARBLAY'S (Madame) Diary and Letters com- plete, including the period of her Residence at the Court of Queen Charlotte, poHraits, 7 vols. 12mo. cloth, £2. 2s 1854 D'ARBLAY (Madame) Diary and Letters, edited by her Niece, Charlotte Barrett, new edition revised, with portraits, 4 vols. 8vo. new calf gilt, £2. 12s 1876 ''INIiss BuRNEv's Diary: sparkling with wit, teeming with lively anecdote and delectable gossip, and full ol sound and discreet views of persons and things." [D'ARGENVILLE] Abroge de la Vie des plus Fameux TEiyTR^s,ivith earliest impressions of the numerous fine portraits of Painters, 3 vols. 4to. French calf gilt, very neat, £1. Is Paris, 1746-62 56 BOOKS SUITABLE DARU (Comte) Histoire tie la Rkpublique de Vemse, illustrated hy 7 ports, and 2 Jdstoric scenes, 12 vols. 8vo. in 4, calf gilt, £1. 18s Brux. 1840 " Wc have had occasion to subject his volumes to a rigid scrutiny, and we have risen from the comparison of his labours with those of earlier authors under a strong conviction of his industn,-, accuracy, and good sense." Quarterly Rei'ieiv. DARWIN'S (Prof.) WORKS— viz. : Descent of Max, and Selection in Relation to Sex, with illustrations, 2 vols, post 8vo. neiv calf gilt, £l. 10s, 1871 — A cheaper edition, post 8vo. new calf gilt, 12s 6d 1875 Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, illustrated hy photographs and ivoodcuts, post 8vo. neiv calf gilt, 15s 1872 Geological Observations made during the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle, map, 8yo. new cloth, 10s n. d. Insectivorous Plants, illustrated, post 8vo. neto cloth, lis 6d 1875 MovE:\rENTS and Habits of Climbing Plants, illustrated, post 8vo. new cloth, 5s 1875 Naturalist's Voyage Round the World in H.M.S. '' Beagle," new edition, post 8yo. new calf gilt, 12s 6d 1873 On the Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection, revised edAtion, post 8vo. nei'j calf gilt, 1 1 s 6(1 1872 On the various Contrivances by which British and Foreign Orchids are Fertilized by Insects, and on the good eifects of Inter- crossing, engravings, post 8vo. neiv cloth. 7s 6d 1872 Structure and Disteibution of Coral Reefs, revised edition, plates, cr. 8vo. neio cloth, 6s 6d 1874 Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, illustrated, 2 vols. 8vo. neiv calf gilt, £l. 15s, 1868— A cheaper edition, 2 vols, post 8vo. new calf gilt, £1. 5.v 1875 DASCHKAW'S (Princess, Lady of Honour to Catherine II.) Mesioirs, written by herself, including much very singular matter relating to the Russian Court, edited by Mrs. Bradford, portraits, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, scarce, 15s (pub. 28s) 1840 DASENT'S (G. W.) Tales from the Fjeld ; a Second Series of Popular Tales from the Norse of P. Chr. Asbjornsen, post 8vo. new cloth, 95 1874 " These new tales from the Norse arc as pleasant and easy reading, both for young and old, as the old tales from the same source : and when we have said so much, we do not know that we can add anything more in recommenda- tion of the book to the readers, except that it is enriched by a beautiful frontispiece bv (ieorge Howard." — limes. D'AUBIGNE'S (J. M.)' History of the Refor- 3IATION of the Sixteenth Century, trans, by II. White, revised and enlarged by the Author, library edition, large type, 5 vols. 8vo. clotli, £1. 18s (pub. £4.) Edin. 1853 D'AUMALE (Le Due) Histoire des Princes de CoNDE, pendant les XVIe et XVIIe Siecles, 2 Ji7iely engraved portraits, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. morocco, 10s 6(Z Paris, 1863 DAVENANT'S (Sir W.) Dramatic Works ; with Prefatory Memoir and Notes, 5 vols, post 8vo. chth, £2. 12s 6d; or, on large paper, o vols. Svo. chth, £4. 10s 1872-74 FOR THE LIBRARY, DAVID (F. A.) Antiquit6s Etrusqles, Grcc- qups et Romaines, avec leurs explications par d'Haucarville, 360 fine plates of Ancient VoLses, Pottery, ^-c. many of them coloured, 5 vols, sm. 4to. large paper, hf. hound, £2. 2s Paris, 1785 DAVIDSON'S (B.) Concordance of the Hebrew and Chaldee Scrij)tures, revised and corrected, roy. 8vo. nevj cloth, £2. 12s Od 1876 DAVIDSON'S (Dr. S.) Introduction to the New Testament, c(jntaining an examination of the most important Questions relating to the Authority, etc. of the Canonical Books, 3 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, £l. IGs— Another copy, chth, £1. Is 1848 Contains an examination of the most important ques- tions relating to the authority, interpretation, and integritv of the canonical books, with reference to the latest enquiries. DAVIDSON'S (Dr. S.) Introduction to the Old Testament, Critical, Historical, and Theological, containing a Discussion of the most important questions belonging to the I several Books, 3 vols. Svo. cloth, £1. 5s 1862 ! DA VIES' (C. M.) History of Holland and I the Dutch Nation, from the Xth to the XlXtli ; Centmy, including an Account of the Munici- j pal Institutions, Commercial Pursuits, and Social Habits of the People, &c. 3 vols. Svo. hf. I calf gilt, £1. 10s 1841 A valuable historical work, compiled chiefly from Ori- ginal Documents and State Papers. DAVIES' (E.) Celtic Rksearches on the Ori- gin, Traditions, and Language of the Ancient Britons, with Sketches of Primitive Sociery, 1804; and, Mythology and Rites of the British Druids, with Appendix of Ancient Poems and Extracts, 1809 — together 2 vols, roy. Svo. calf, £2. 10s 1804-9 DAVIES' (T.) Dramatic Miscellanies ; con- sisting of Critical Observations on Plays of Shakespeare and others. Anecdotes of Dramatic Poets, Actors, etc. port, of Betterton, 3 vols. pt)st Svo. old calf, 8s 6d--Another copy, hf. morocco, 10s (id 1785 D'AVILLIER (Baron Ch.) Spain (a picturesque Tour), illustrated hy 240 fine wood engroAjings, all after drawings hy the celebrated artist, Gus- tave DoRf;, the text translated by J. Thomson, F.R.G.S., impl. 4to. new morocco extra, gilt edges, £5. 5s (1875) "Author and artist are happily mated in the Baron Ch. D'Avillier's magnificent ' Spain.' . . It is a delightful volume." — Graphic. DAVIS' (F.) History of Luton, with its Hamlets, etc. plates of vieivs, Svo. new half russia, t»p> edges gilt, 7s 6d Luton, 1855 DAVIS' (J.) Tracks of M'Kinlay and Party across Australia ; with a View of the recent Australian Explorations of M'Douall Stuart, Burke, Wills, and others, by VV. Westgarth, mcqy and coloured engravings, thick Svo. neiv calf gilt, 18s 1863 DAVIS' (Sir J. F.) The Chinese, a General Description of the Empire of China and its In- habitants, ivoodcuts, 2 vols, post Svo. hf. calf gilt, Ss 6d 1836 DAVIS' (Dr. N.) Visit to the Ruined Cities of Nlmidia and Carthaginia, illustrated, Svo. new cloth, 13s 6d 1862 ON SALE BV H. SOTHERAN & DAVIS' (Dr. N.) Carthagk and her Remains ; an Account of the Excavations on the Site of the Phcenician Metropolis in Aftica, conducted under the auspices of H. M.'s Government, vnth map, platis, and numerous illitstrations, thick 8vo. calf gilt, 15s 6d, 1861 DAVY'S (Sir II.) Works, edited with Life by his brother, poriA'ait, 9 vols, post 8vo. calf, £^. 10s 1839-40 Contains, Consolation in Travel, Salmonia, Agricultu- ral Lectures, Elements of Chemical Philosophy, Researches on Nitrous Oxide, Karly iSIiscellaneous Papers, &c. DAVY'S (Sir H.) Consolation in Travel, or Last Days of a Philosopher, woodcuts, fcap. Svo. nevj calf gilt, 7s 6cl 1853 DAVY'S (Sir II.) Salmonia, or Days of Fly- Eishing, with numerous engravings, fcap. Svo. nevj calf gilt, 7s 6d 1 869 DAVY'S (Sir H.) Life, by Dr. J. A. Paris, portrait after Lawrence, 4to. calf extra, 10s 6d 1831 DAWKINS'CW. B.)Cave Hunting; Researches on the Evidences of Caves respecting the Early Inhabitants of Europe, loith coloured plate and ivoodcuts, 8vo. neiv cloth, 17s 6d 1874 "The mass of information he has brought together, with the judicious use he has made of his materials, will be found to invest his work with much of new and singular value." — Saturday Rcvieic. DAWSON'S (J. W.) Acadian Geology ; the Geological Structure, Organic Remains, and Mineral Resources of Nova Scotia, New Bruns- wick, and Prince Edward's Island, enlarged edition, with geological nrnp and illustrations, thick 8vo. cloth, 15s 1868 DAWSON'S (J. W.) Story of the Earth and Man, with 20 illustrations, cr. Svo. new cloth, 6s 6d 1875 DEAKIN'S (R.) Florigrapiiia Britannica, or Engravings and Descriptions of the Flowering Plants and Ferns of Britain, loith 1,625 accurate representations of Plants, 4 vols. Svo. new cloth, £\. 8s — Another copy, the figures coloured, 4 vols. Svo. hf. morocco^ gilt edges, £3. 3s 1857 The contents of these volumes are arranged in classes and orders according to the Unnsean method, but a synop- sis of the Natural System is also added, so that the student is enabled to study according to both methods. DEAN'S (G. A.) The Culture, Management, and Improvement of Landed Estates, ^vith numer- ous illustrations, those of Grasses and Insects ta1:en from Natv/re, roy. Svo. neio cloth, £1. 6s 6d 1872 DECAISNE, Naudin and Hemsley's Handbook of Hardy Trees, Shrubs, and Herbaceous Plants, with a Glossary of Terms, numerous illustra- tions, Svo. new cloth, 17s 6d 1873 Contains Descriptions, Native Countries, etc. of a selection of the best species of Hardy Trees, etc. in culti- vation, together with cultural details, comparative hard- ness and suitability for different situations. DE CANDOLLE (A. P.) Prodro»ius Syste- MATis Naturalis Regni Vegetablls, sive Enumeratio contracta Ordmum, Generum, Spe- (•ierumque Plantarum, hucusque cognitanim, juxta Methodi Naturalis Norraas digesta, 17 vols. Svo. in 20, hf. calf gilt, a fine set, £12. 12s Paris, 1824-73 CO., 30, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 57 DECLOUX ct Doury, Histoire Archeolo- GiQUE, descriptive et graphique de la Sainte- Cuapelle du Palais, vHth 25 la^rge and elabo- rate plates, five of which shelving the Architectu- ral Details are engraved, four of Stained Glass are coloured, and the remaining 16 of Decora- tions are splendidly executed in gold and colours, folio, hf. moroccoy top edges Eng- lish Lexicon to the New Testament,' iiejo edition, thick 8vo. cloth, 17 s Gd ' IsEi GREEK.— YoxGE's (C. D.) English-Greek Lexicon, new edition, sm. 4to. clotli, £1. lOs (1872) HEBREW.-Gesenius' ( W. ) Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Scriptures, latest edition by Dr. Tregelles, sm. 4to, hf. morocco, £1. 5s (1867) IRISH.— O'Brien's (J.) Irish-English Dic- tionary, second edition, revised and correctevol.s. 12mo. new calf antique, £1. 7s 6d 1876 DRESSER'S (C.) Principles of Decorative , Design ; illustrated by coloured plates and '< numerous designs and diagrams, sm. 4to. chth, 6s 6d 1873 DRUMMOND'S (H.) Histories of Noble Bri- ^ TiSH Fabiilies ; with their Genealogies, and Biographical Notices of the most distinguished i Individuals in each, compiled and edited by II. , Drnmraond, Esq., 72 fine portraits, {many full ' length), most beautifully coloured like j MINIATURES, THE CoATS of ArM8 EMBLAZONED, | and numerous colowred and other engravings of > Monuments, Seals, ^c. 2 handsome vols. impl. folio, hf. inorocco, gilt tops, £12. 12s (pub. | £25. 4s) Pickering, 1846 i This splendid and valuable historical work (of which | but a very limited number were printed) is executed in the i same sumptuous style as the " Litta Famiglie Italiane," j and includes Histories of the Noble Families of Ashburn- ' ham, Arden, Compton, Cecil, Hardy, Bruce, Perceval, j Dunbar, Hume. Dundas, Drummond, and Neville. | DRUMMOND'S (H.) Speeches in Parliament, i and some miscellaneous Pamphlets, edited with | Introductory Notice by Lord Lovaine, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 7s (pub. £1. Is) 1860 ' These volumes comprise Speeches and Pamphlets on } many important subjects debated in Parliament, amongst , which are :— Representation of the People, 1859— Marriage ! Law Amendment Bill (Deceased Wife's Sister) — National j Education— Tenants' C^ompensation (Ireland) Bill— Eccle- 1 siastical Revenues (Ireland)— Navigation Laws— Poor Law ', in Ireland, etc. etc. DRUMMOND'S (Hon. W. H.) African Sport, j — The Large Game and Natural History of ! South and South-East Africa, ilkistrated hy \ woodcuts and coloured a/nd tinted sketches, 8vo, ' chth, 17s 6d 1875 Contains : 6. Leopards, 7. Hunting with Dogs. 8. Game Birds. 9. Anecdotes of Antelopes. 1. BuflFalo. 2. Rhinoceros, 3. Eland. 4. Elephant. 5. Lions. DRUMMOND'S (Sir W.) Academical Ques- i tions, Vol. I. 4to. (all published) calf gilt, : yellovj edges, very scarce, £1. 10s 1805 DRUMMOND'S (Sir W.) Origines ; or Remarks I on the Origin of several Empires, States, and I Cities, map, 4 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, £2. 10s 1824 ; A work of great research and erudition, important to j the Student of Eastern Historv 67 DRYDEN'S (J.) Miscellany Poems, containing Variety of new Translations of the Ancient Poets, with Original Poems, by the most eminent Hands, fronts. 6 vols. 12mo. oldcalfgilt, 14s 1716 DRYDEN'S (J.) Poetical Works, including Tales and Translations, with Life by Johnson, and Notes by Warton and others, portrait and vignette, royal 8vo. neiu calf gilt, 16.9 — Another copy, new morocco extra, gilt edges, £1. 3s 1862 DRYDEN'S (J.) Poetical Works, with Me- moir and Notes by W. D. Christie, cr. 8vo. new calf giU, 7s 6d— Another copy, new morocco, gilt edges, 10s 6d 1870 DUBLIN REVIEW, complete from its com- mencement, 18.36, to Oct. 1873, 73 vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, imijorm, scarce, £30. 1836-73 Cardinal Wiseman contributed many able articles to this Review. DUCANGE, Glossarium Medij? et iNriM^E Latinitatis, auctum a Monachis Ordinis S. Benedicti, cum Supplementis integris Carpen- terii, et Additameutis Adelungii et aliorum, digessit Henschel, with plates of Coins, Mono- grams, <^c. 8 large vols. 4to. mottled csilf extra, £16. 16s Pa^ris, Didot, 1840-50 The present edition of this work is more complete than the preceding one, and the Supplements are incorporated. The seventh vol. contains the French Glossary, revised and completed ; the highly important Table of Teclinical Terms , omitted in the previous editions, and here doubled in ex- tent ; a Table of Foreign Wonls ; Dissertations from Join- ville and Villchardouin ; and a Dissertation on Byzantine Coins. DUCAREL (A. C.) Antiquites Anglo-Nor- mandes, tradultes de I'Anglais, par A. L. Lechaude d'Anisy, numerous plates (some on India paper), and facsimiles of the famous Bayeuaf Tapestry, large paper, 4to. hf. calf antique, £1. 10s Caen, 1823 At the end of the volume are added 24 plates of Views, Antiquities, &c. from the Mdmoires de la Soci(5td dcs Anti- quaries de Normandie. DU CHAILLU'S (P.) Explorations and Adven- tures in Equatorial Africa ; the Manners and Customs of the People, and the Chace of the Gorilla, nujup and illustrations, thick 8vo. cloth, 10s 6d 1861 DU CHAILLU'S (P.) Journey to Ashango Land ; and further penetration into Equatorial Africa, with map and 23 plates, 8vo. calf gilt, 14s 6d 1867 DRURY'S ( D. ) Illustrations of Foreign i DUFF'S (Capt. Grant) History of the Mah- Entomology, wherein are exhibited upwards of 600 exotic Insects of the East and West Indies, China, New Holland, North and South America, Germany, &c. very few of which are figured in any other work ; new edition, with additions and Scientific Indexes, by J. O. Wkst- wooD, 150 plates, coloured, 3 vols. 4to. Iialf morocco, uncut, £3. 10s (pub. £5. 5s) 1837 "This exquisite work of Drury displays the complete insect in a degree of perfection that leaves nothing to be desired." -5/r James E. Smith. DRYDP^N'IS (J.) Works complete, with Notes, and Life of the Author, by Sir Walter Scott, BEST edition, portrait, 18 vols. 8vo. calf neat, scarce, £12. 12s 1821 DRYDEN'S (J.) Works complete, with Notes, historical, critical, and explanatory, and Life by Sir Walter Scott, portrait, 18 vols. 8yo. calf neat, £8. 8s 1808 BATTAS, la/rge map and plates, 3 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, SCARCE, £3. 3s 1826 DUFF'S (J.) History of the Mahrattas, map and engravings, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, very SCARCE, £3. 10s 1826 DUFFERIN'S (Earl) Letters from High Lati- tudes ; an Account of a Voyage in 1856 to Iceland, Jan Mayen, and Spitzbergen, with 24 engravings, post bvo. neiu calf gilt, 12s 1867 DUFTON'S^(W.) Practical Billiards, second edition, illustratedj by 61 diagrams and 32 wood- cuts, 8vo. new chth, 6s 6d 1874 DUGDALE (T., Antiquarian) Cariosities of Gt. Britain : England and Wales delineated. Histo- rical, Entertaining, and Commercial, alphabeti- cally arranged, loith numerous steel engravings of Castles, Mansions, Abbeys, Churches, Seats, Views, &c. 11 vols. 8vo. cloth, 15s (1830) 5 * 08 J)UGDALE'S (Sir W. ) Axciknt Usage in Bbauing Arms ; also a Discourse touching the Office of the Loi'cl Chancellor, greatly enlarged by Banks, engravings of arms, royal folio, hoa/rds, £\.\s "1812 To this excellent edition is added, " Honores Angli- cani," or the Titles of Honour of the English Nobility. DUGDALE'S (Sir W.) Antiquities of War- wickshire, enlarged and continued by Dr. Thomas, numeroits fine engravings hy Hollar, and max>s, 2 vols, folio, newly bound in full russia, gilt edges ; a vert fine copy or this valuable and rare work, £36. lUs 1730 DUGDALE'S (Sir W.) History of St. Paul's Cathedral ; xvith numerous fine engravings, including the splendid x>ortrait of the author, hy Hollar, folio, morocco, gilt leaves, £2. 10s 1658 DUGDALE et Dodswortii, Monasticon An- GLiCAXUM, 3 vols. 1682-61-73 — also the English J^>dition, with continuation by Stevens, 3 vols. 1718-23 — the two works, with fine impressions of the engravings of Cathedrals, Ecclesiastical Costume, c^-c. ^-c. hy Hollar and King, together 6 vols, folio, elegantly hound in new crimson morocco super extra, gilt edges, £30. v. d. To this excellent edition are added, Catalogues of all the Bishops of the several Dioceses, and other additions by an eminent hand, DUGDALE'S (Sir W.) Monasticon Angli- CANUM ; new edition, greatly enlarged by Caley, Ellis, and Bandinel, with 250 fine engravings and woodcuts, 8 large vols, folio, /)/. morocco, top edges gilt, £31. 10s 1846 '• A magnificent national uork ; it may be honestly avowed that the Annals of the Press in no country through- out Europe can l)oast of a nobler performance, whether on the score of accuracy and fulness of intelligence, or the splendour of paper, type, and graphic embellishments." DiBDIN. DUGDALE'S (Sir W.) Monasticon Angli- CANUM, abridged in English ; to which are added two additional Volumes by Capt. John Stevens, ^vith numerous engravings of Cathedral and Collegiate Churches, Habits of the Eeligious and Military Orders, etc. hy Hollar and King, 3 vols, folio, in the original russia extra, tastejully gilt on hach and sides, gilt edges, a very fine copy, £6. 6s 1718-23 "An excellent epitome."— LowNin:?. DUGDALE'S (Sir W.) Origines Juridicales ; or Historical Memorials of the English Laws, Courts of Justice, Eorins of Tryal, &c. with a Clironologie of the Lord Chancelors, Lord Treasurers, Judges, Attorneys and Serjeants- in-Law, second edition, numerous fine portraits hy Fcuithorne, etc. and several hundred coats of arms, folio, calf gilt, \the title and a few leaves repaired), £2. 10s 1671 DU HALDE'S (Pore) General History of China, containing a Geographical, Historical, Chrono- logical. Political, and Physical Description of the Empire of China, Chinese Tartary, Corea, and Thibet, the Customs, Manners, Ceremonies, Religion, Arts and Sciences, curious maps and cojyperplates, 4 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, 16s 1741 DUKE'S (T. F.) Antiquities of Shropshire, from an old MS. of Edw. Lloyd ; revised and enlarged from private and other MSS. with engraving!^ of Amis, Seals, etc. roy. 4to. boards, £2. 2>- Shrevjshmj, J844 BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, DUMAS' (A.) Novels and Tales, uniform edition, 19 vols. fcap. 8vo. hf. calf, £4. 1874 Comprising:— The Three Musketeers; Twenty Years After; Dr. Basilius ; The Conspirators; Queen's Neck- lace; Countess de Charny ; Nanon ; Two ])ianas ; Monte Christo; Memoirs of a Physician; .^scanio; Taking the Hastile; Chicot the jester ;'Vicomte de liragelonne ; The Chevalier de Maison Rouge ; The Twin Captains ; The Half Brothers; Marguerite de Valois: The I'dack Tulip; Captain Paul ; The Page of the Duke of 8a\ oy ; The Forty-tive Guardsmen ; Isabel of Bavaria; Beau Tancred ; Regent's Daughter; Pauline; Catherine Blum ; Ingenue; Russian Gipsey; and Watchmaker. DUMAS (A.) Life and Adventures of, by Percy Fitzgerald, 2 vols. 8vo. hf calf, 16s 1873 " More amusing volumes than these it would be difli- cult to find." DUNBAR'S (W.) Poetical Works, now first collected, with Notes and Life by D. Laing, 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth, £2. 2s Edin. 18.34 Dunbar's writings exhibit a remarkable versatilitv of genius, from grave to gay, from witty to severe ; as' an author he is considered one of the greatest of Scotland's Poets. DUNCAN (Major F.) The Royal Artillery, their Origin and History, compiled from the Ori- ginal Records, second edition, portraits, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, £1. 5s 187.'} " It is fortunate that the Royal Artillery have found a historian so capable of appreciating the past, so thoroughly imbued with the spirit of progress, and so gifted with the power of expression. The book is extremely interesting, and worthy of a place in all libraries, both public and private." — -Times. DUNCAN'S (H., D.D.) Sacred Philosophy of the Seasons, illustrating the Perfections of God in the Phenomena of the Year, 4 vols. 12mo. calf gilt,SsGd Edin. \ 837 DUNCOMBE (T. Slingsby, M.P.) Life and Cor- respondence of, by his Son, (including his complicity in Louis Napoleon's Escape, his Heir- ship to the Duke of Brunswick, etc.) portrait, 2 vols. 8yo. cloth, 7s 6d (pub. at 32s) 1868 DUNCUMB'S (J.) History and Antiquities of Herefordshire, portraits and engravings, 2 vols. roy. 4to. /;/. russia gilt, £5. 5s 1804-12 This valuable History (the only one of this County) was published under the patronage and at the expense of the Duke of Norfolk. DUNDONALD'S (Earl of, Lord Cochrane) Auto- biography of a Seaman, being an Account of his own Life, portrait, 2 vols, with the com- pletion by his Son and H. R. F. Bourne, 2 vols. — together 4 vols. 8vo. neiv hf. calf gilt, £2. 2s 1860-69 DUNLOP'S ( J.) History of Fiction ; a critical and analytical account of the most celebrated Prose Works of Fiction, from the earliest Greek Romances, to the Novels of the present age ; third edition, roy. 8vo. cloth, 9s (pub. 15s) 184.) This pleasant and esteemed work gives an analytical account of the principal romances and works of fiction of all ages and countries, from the earliest writers of Greece and Rome (Heliodorus, I-ongus, Apuleius, &c.), down to the age of Boccaccio and Bandello, in Italy ; Cervantes, in Spain ; Rabelais, Le Sage, and La Fontaine, in France ; and Fielding and Smollett, in England ; with especial at- tention to the ancient Romances of Chivalry, Heroic and Pastoral Romances, etc. DUNLOP'S (J.) History of Roman Litera- ture, from its earliest period to the Augustan Age, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, scarce, £2. 10s 1824-8 DUPPA'S (R.) Life of Michael Angelo, por- trait, 3 large folding plates, and far^imile of writing, 8vo. hoards,^ 5s 6/Z 1816 ON SALE BY H. SOTHKRAN & DURAND (J.) Precis dcs Le9on8 cl'Architecturc donuees a I'Ecole Royale Polytechnique ; suivi de la Partie Graphique des Cours d 'Architecture, royal 8vo. witli larjje vol. of plates, halj houiid morocco, £1. lUs Liege, 1841 DURER (Albert) Designs fortlic Prayer Book, portraits and iipivards of 50 heaidijul orna- mental arabesque designs executed by the pe^i, and irrintcd witli coloured inlcs, folio, half calf , £1.5s 1817 DURER (Albert) La Vik di: la Sainte Vierge ;NL\rik, en vingt Gravures sur Bois par Albert ])urer, Nuremberg Anno 1511, decrite en Vers Latins par Chelidonius; reproduction precede de P. W. Van de Weijer, avec une Introduction de C Rueleus, 20 large facsimiles, finely executed in litliography, of the famons originals, royal 4to. sewed, £1. Is Utrecht, s.d. The above work is one of the linest productions of the incomparable Albert Diircr ; and his grand woodcuts have been most skilfully reproduced in facsimile by the process of photo-lithographv. DURER (Albert) History of the Life of, with a translation of his Letters and Journals, and some account of his Works, by j\Irs. C. Ileaton, with 31 illustrations, mostly specimens of his ivorks, 10 of them reproductions by the autotype process, royal Svo. cloth extra, gilt leaves, £l. Is 1871 D'URFEY'S (T.) Wit and Mirth, or Pills to Plrge Melancholy ; l)eing a collection of the best Merry Ballads and Songs, Old and New, fitted to all Humours, having each their proper Tune for either Voice or Instrument ; a fac- simile reprint of the rare original edition, with port, and music, large paper copy, 6 vols. sm. 4to. boards, uncut, £4. 4s 1719-20 {Reprint, 1872) D'Urfey's Tory Songs did much to strengthen the Royal cause, and his Protestant lays helped to bring Popery into disrepute. "' I myself remember (says Addison in the * (Guardian') King Charles leaning on Tom D'Urfey's shoulder more than once, and humming a song over with him. It is certain that monarch v.as not a little supported by •' Joy to great Caesar," which gave the Whigs such a blow as ^hey were not able to recover that whole reign. My friend afterwards attacked Popery with the same suc- cess, having exposed Bellarmine and Porto-Carrero more than once, in short satirical compositions which have been in evcrv body's mouth." DYER'S (G.) History of the University and College of Cambridge, with Notices of the Founders and Eminent Men, nutnerous highly finished en- gravings by Greig, 2 vols. Svo. in one, lialf calf gilt, 10s 6d 1814 DYER'S (T. F.) British Popular Customs, Present and Past ; Illustrating the Social and Domestic Manners of the People ; arranged ac- cording to the Calendar of the Year, thick 8vo. cloth, 9s 1876 DYER'S (T. H.) Ancient Athens ; its History, Topography, and Remains, illustrated by 23 woodcuts of Plans, etc. roy. 8vo. ne^o morocco extra, gilt edges, £2. 10s — Another copy, calf extra, gilt edges, £1. 18s 1873 Intended for the reader who may wish to gain a general knowledge of the origin and progress of tlTe city, and a satisfactory idea of its buildings, monuments, and works of Art." — t'REKACE. DYER'S (T. H.) History of the Kings of Rome ; with a Prefatory Dissertation of its Sources and Evidence, 8vo. new cloth, 13s 6d 1868 CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 69 I DYER'S (T. H.) History of the City of Rome; its Structures and Monuments, from its Foun- 1 dation to the end of the Middle Ages, maps, 8vo. new calf gilt, 18s — Another copy, calf extra, I gilt edges. £1. 5s 1865 I DYER'S (T. U.) History of Modern Europe, I from the Fall of Constantinople in 1453, to the I War in the Crimea in 1857, 4 vols. 8vo. new calf I gilt. £3. 1861-4 I DYER'S (T. H.) Pompeii; its History, Buildings, and Antiquities, with maps and nea/rly 300 en- gravings, thick post Svo. new morocco extra, gilt edges, £1. 4s — Another copy, caJfgt. 18s 6d n. d. DYER'S (T. H.) Pompeii ; its History, Build- ings, and Anticjuities, neio edition, revised and enlai'ged, neiv calf gilt, cr, Svo. 12s ; or neio mo- rocco extra, gilt edges, ]Ss 1875 EADIE (Dr. J.) The English Birle : an Ex- ternal and Critical History of the various Eng- lish Translations of Scripture, with Remarks on the Need of Revising the English New Testa- ment, 2 vols. Svo. neiv cloth, £1. 4s 1876 EARLY English Prose Romance.*;, with Bib- liographical and Historical Introductions, edited by W. J. Thoms, second edition, enlarged, 3 vols, post Svo. half bound, uncut, 18s 1858 EARLY Popular Poetry of England; Re- mains of the, Collected and Edited, with Intro- ductions and Notes, by W. C. Hazlitt, illustrated by momy curious woodcut facsimiles, 4 vols. 1 2mo. half morocco, gilt tops, £\. 12s 1 864 EAST Anglian (The), or Notes and Queries on Subjects connected with the Counties of Suflfolk, Cambridge, Essex, and Norfolk, from 1858 to 1868, edited by S. Tymms, illustrations, .3 vols. Svo. cloth, SCARCE, £1. 10s Lowestoft, 1858-68 EASTLAKE'S (C. L.) Contributions to the Literature of the Fine Arts, with a Memoir of the Author, and Selections from his Corres- pondence, by Lady Eastlake, 2 vols. Svo. neio cloth, £l. 1874 EASTLAKE'S (C. L.) Hints on Household Taste in Furniture, Upholstery, and other Details, illustrated by 33 plates, some coloured, and many woodcuts, sq. 8vo. nexo cloth, 12s 1874 EASTLAKE'S ((^. L.) History of the Gothic Revival ; an Attempt to show how the Taste for MediiL'val Architecture has since encouraged and developed, with 48 beautiful engravi/)igs on loood, large sq. Svo. cloth gilt, £l. 6s 6d 1872 EASTLAKE'S (C. L.) Materials for a History of Oil Painting, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, £1. Gs 1847-69 EATON'S (J.D.) Musical Criticism and Biogra- phy, selected and edited by his Sons, post Svo. new cloth, 6s 6d 1872 ECCE DEUS ; Essays on the Life and Doctrine of Jesus Christ, by Dr. Parker, Svo. cloth, 9s 1867 ECCE HOMO ; a Survey of the Life and Works of Jesus Christ (by Professor Seeley), Svo. cloth, 9s 1865 ECCE HOMO ; or a critical enquiry into the History of Jesus Christ, (by Houston), Svo. hf. calf, scarce, ISs 1813 For writing this book the author was fined £200. and placed in the pillory. ■0 BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, ECKARDT (Dr. J.) Modern Russia; compris- ing : — Russia under Alexander II., Russian Communism, The Greek Orthodox Church and its Sects, the Baltic Provinces of Russia, 8vo. new cloth, 9s n. d. EDEN'S (Hon. Miss) Portraits of the Princes and People of India, 18 fine large lithographic plates, COLOURED LIKE DRAWINGS, andmounted on cardboards, impl. folio, in a portfolio, £1. 10s 1844 EDEN'S (Sir F. M.) State of the Poor, a His- tory of the Labouring Classes in England from the Conquest, 3 vols. 4to. hj. calf gilt. £3. 3s 1797 EDGE WORTH'S (Miss) Tales and Novels, complete, with highly finished frontispieces and vignettes, 18 vols. fcap. 8vo. /if. calf gilt, £3. 15s 1832 Includes, Moral Tales, Popular Tales, Belinda, Castle Uackrent, Irish Bulls, Self-JustiHcation, Tales of Fashion- able Life, Patronage, Ormond, &c. EDGEWORTH'S (Miss) Tales and Novels (new edition), with frontispieces and engraved titles, 10 vols. fcap. 8vo. neto hf. morocco, £2. 10s 1857 Includes, Moral Tales, Popular Tales, Belinda, Castle Rackrent, Irish Bulls, Self-Justification, Tales of Fashion- able Life, Patronage, Ormond, and Helen. EDGEWORTH'S (R. L.) Memoirs begun by him- self, and concluded by his Daughter, Maria Edgeworth, ^ort. 2 vols, 8vo. hf. calf neat, Is 6d 1820 EDINBURGH Cabinet Library, a complete set of this highly instructive and interesting publication, comprising the best series of Modern Voyages, Travels, Biography, History, &c. numerous maps and engravings, 38 vols. 12mo. hf. morocco, £6. 10s 1832, etc. Well edited and thoroughly reliable Works. EDINBURGH Review ; a complete set of this celebrated periodical from its commencement in 1802 to end of 1874, with 4 Indexes, in all 144 vols, half calf, £18. 18s 1802-74 EDMONDSON'S Complete Body of He- raldry, with a copious Glossaiy of Technical Terms, numerous engravings, 2 vols, royal folio, in the original tree calf, £4. 4s 1780 EDWARDES' (Major) Year on the Punjaub Frontier in 1848 and 4:9, portraits and en- gravings, the costumes beautifully coloiwed, 2 large vols. 8vo. cloth, 12s (pub. £1. 16s) 1851 EDWARDS' (Amelia B.) Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys ; a Midsummer Ramble in the Dolomites, with map, 9 full-page ilhistrations and 18 woodcuts, sq. 8vo. cloth, 17s 6cl 1873 "A delightful book. It describes with much tact and good sense a corner of Europe which, though onlv three days' journey from London, may, with very little exaggera- tion, be defined as consisting of untrodden peaks and un- frequented \a.\\tys."— Examiner. EDWARDS' (Bryan) History of the British West Indies, fifth ed. with Additions, large maps and engravings, 5 vols. 8vo. full calf extra, and Atlas of Plates and Maps, in 4to. half calf gilt, £1. 15s 1819 " Obtain by all means the Historj- of fhese Islands by Bryan Edwards, the 'facile princcps' of writers in his de- partment." — DlIlDIN. EDWARDS' (E.) Pree Town Libraries ; iheir Formation, Management, and History ; in Bri- tain, Prance, America, &c. with Notices of Book-Collectors, and of the places of deposit of their surviving Collections, thick 8vo. cl. 17s 6cZ 1869 EDWARDS' (E.) Memoirs of Libraries, in- cluding a Handbook of Library P^conomy, tvith numerous engravings of Early MSS. facsimiles of types, loolibinding, Sj-c. 2 large vols. 8vo. cl. £2. 2s 1859 This important work occupied upwards of thirteen years in preparation. Neither France nor Germany can boast of a work treating the subjects with a similar com- prehensiveness, and in England it has certainly had no predecessor. EDWARDS' (Sydenham) Botanical Register of Exotic Plants and Shrubs, cultivated in British Gardens, continued by Dr. Lindley, loith nearly 3000 beautifully coloured engrav- ings, 30 vols. roy. 8vo. hf. hd. uncut, £15. 15s 1815-44 This tine and valuable work was published, without the binding, at upwards of 70 guineas. EGERTON'S (F. H. ninth and last Earl of Bridgewater) Life of Thomas Egerton, Lord Chancellor of England, (died March, 1616-17) thick 4to. (508 pages, complete as far as printed) hf. hound, uncut, scarce; thelate G. Ormerod\s copy, ivith hooTc-plate, £1. 10s Paris, Didot, 1812 An important and interesting volume, including copies of Original Letters of the most illustrious and celebrated persons of the time, English, French, Spanish, etc. selected from the family collection at Ashbridge. At p. 188 of this volume the noble author, in giving a list of some of the documents preserved in that ancestral mansion, mentions his having left instructions for the appointment of a librarian there, and for facilities being given for an exami- nation of the papers." ELEANOR (Queen) ; Memorials of, illus- trated by Photography ; with a short Account of their History and present condition ; edited by J. Abel, with 8 very large and finely exe- cuted photographs of the Crosses, Tombs, ^c. impl. folio, sewed, £1. 4s 1864 ELDON'S (Lord) Public and Private Memoirs, with his select Correspondence ; by Horace Twiss, portraits and vieics, .3 vols. 8vo. cloth, 10s 6d 1844 ELEGANT Extracts in Prose, Verse, and Epistles, the Three Series complete, Sharpe's beautiful edition, with numerous engravings by Westall, Heath and others, 18 vols. 18mo. morocco extra, gilt edges, £3. 3s 1810, &c. ELEGANT Extracts in Prose, Verse, and Epistles, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. tree- calf extra, a choice copy, £1. 10s 1822-24 ELGIN'S (Earl of) Mission to China and Japan in 1857-58 ; Narrative of, by his Private Secretary, L. Oliphant, fine coloured and tinted plates from Drawings and Photographs, 2 thick vols, 8vo. hf. calf gilt, £1. Is (pub. at £2. 2s) 1859 ELGIN'S (Earl of) Letters and Journals, edited by T. Walrond, with Preface by Dean Stanley, 8vo. doth, 12s 1873 " No description can do justice to the masterly way in which these very interesting private letters are arranged and connected by a running narrative, with which the only fault that we can find is that it is too ehort." — Times. ON SALE BY 11. SOTHEKAN & CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. ELGIN Marbles from the Parthenon at Athens, with descriptions by La\NTence, 50 fine etchings of tJw most beautiful and least rmitilated Speci- mens, oblong folio, hf. russia, uncut, 15s 1818 ELIOT'S (George) Novels, neiv edition, with il- lustrations, 7 vols, in 6, post 8vo. new hf. calf gilt, £1. 18s (1870) Comprises : Adam Bcdc, Mill on the Floss, Scenes of Clerical Life, Silas Marner, Felix Holt, Romola, and Middlemarch. ELIOT'S (George) The Legend of Jubal, and other Poems, 12mo. new cloth, 5s 1875 ELIOT'S (George) The Spanish Gipsy, a Poem, in Five Books, with Notes, 12mo. new calf gilt, lis 6d — Another copy, nwrocco extra, gilt edges, 16s 1875 ELLET (C, C. E.) The Mississippi and Ohio Kivers ; containing Plans for the Protection of the Delta from Inundation, and Investigations of the Practicability and Cost of improving the , Navigation of the Ohio and other Rivers by Reservoirs, plates, roy. 8vo. cloth, 10s 6d Philad. 18.53 ELLICOTT'S (Bp.) Critical and Grammatical Commentary on St, Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians, 8vo. cloth, 7s 6d Galatians, with a revised translation, 8vo. cloth, 7s Gd Pastoral Epistles of St. Paul, 8vo. cloth, 9s Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon, 8vo. cloth, 9s Thessalonians, 8vo. cloth, 6s Gd ELLICOTT'S (Bp.) Destiny of the Creature, and other Sermons, fcap. 8vo. new cloth, 4s Gd • 1866 ELLICOTT'S (Bp.) Historical Lectures on the Life of our Lord, 8vo. neiv cloth, 10s 1867 ELLIOT (Sir H. M.) The History of India, as told by its own Historians, edited and continued by Professor John Dawson, G vols. 8vo. new cloth, £5. 1869-74 ELLIOTT'S (E. B.) Hor^ ApocALYPTiCiE ; a Commentary on the Apocalypse, including the Prophecies of Daniel, &c. enlarged, with In- dices, BEST edition, engvavings, 4 vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, £1. 8s 1847 ELLIS'S (G.) Specimens of Early English Metrical Romances, chieHy of the early part of the 14th Century, with Historical Introduc- tion, 3 vols. — Also, Specimens of the Early English Poet.s, with an Historical Sketch of the Rise and Progress of the English Poetry and Language, 3 vols. — together 6 vols, post 8vo. calf extra, gilt edges, £2. 10s 1811 ELLIS'S (Sir H.) Original Letters illustrative of English History, with Notes and Illustra- tions ; THE Three Series complete, engra- vings and facsimiles, 1 1 vols, post 8vo. new hf. morocco extra, top edges gilt, £4. 4s — Another copy, new calf extra, gilt edges, £5. 10s 1824-46 " With delight we recommend them for curious illus- tration ; corrections of long received historical theories ; development of famous characters ; discovery of new and important facts : — in short, for everjthing that renders such a collection interesting in a country that is keenly alive to the value of such researches." ELLIS'S (Mrs.) Social Distinctions ; or Hearts and Homes, with nv/msrov^ beautiful engravings by E. Wa/rren, 3 vols. 8vo. calf giltj 12s Gd (pub. 30s) 1847 71 ELPHINSTONE'S (Hon. M.) History of Indli ; Hindu and Mahometan Periods, map, last edi- tion, 8vo. new calf gilt, £1. Is 1866 ELSLEY and Slade's Annotations on tlie Four Gospels and the Acts, map and plates, fowth edit^mi, 3 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, 8s Gd 1821 EMERSON'S (R. W.) Works complete, com- prising Essays, Lectures, Poems and Orations 2 vols, post 8vo. neio calf gilt, IBs 1868 EMERSON'S (R. W.) Letters and Social Aims (Essays on Poetry, Elotiuence, The Comic, Inspiration, Immortality, etc. etc.) post 8vo. neiy cloth, 7s Gd 1876 " His method of work is that of great thinkers. Gradually he absorbs and assimilates whatever science or histor>' can furnish, and slowly and reflectively he gives us the result of his thoughts." — Athenaum. EMY (A.) Traite de l'Art de la Charpen- terie, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, accompanied by the Atlas of 157 plates, exhibiting all the details of tlie Art, folio, hf. calf neat, £2. 10s Lie'ge, 1841-2 A most elaborate and valuable work. ENCYCLOPEDIA Britannica ; a Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and General Literature, Ninth Eddtion, now in course op publication, Vols. 1-4 (A — Can) now ready, the other vols, to follow in rapid succession. Subscribers' names received. I. Cloth, pvhUshers* binding, £1. 5s per volume. II. Half bound movocco, £1. 12s Gd „ „ III. Half bound rvssia, £\. \^s „ ,, IV. Wlwle bound i/ree-calf gilt, £2. ,, „ " On the appearance of the first two volumes of this (the ninth) edition of the Encydopcedia Britannica we took the opportunity of giving a short account of the rise and growth of the work, and we felt ourselves justified in con- gratulating the editor of the present re-issue on the manner in which he had commenced the task imposed upon him. " We are happy to be able to certify, after a tolerable close inspection of the contents of the'volume (III.) now before us, that the promise of the work is.being fulfilled." T'he Times. ENCYCLOPEDIA Britannica ; a Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Manufactures, Commerce, History, Geography, Biography, and General Literature, illustrated with upwards of Five Tlxousamd engravings on wood and steel, eighth edition, 21 vols, and vol. of Index, 4to. dcth, £12. 12s ; or hf. mmocco, £18. 18s 1855-62 ENCYCLOPEDIA Mbtropolitana, or Uni- versal Dictionary of Knowledge, an entirely Original Work, by the most eminent writers, with 600 plates, and Index volume, 29 vols. 4to. cloth, £8. 8« 1845 Amongst the contributors are Prof. Air>-, Dr. Arnold (including his Histor>' of Rome), Babbage, Bp. Blomfield, S. T. Coleridge, Prof. De Morgan, T. L. Donaldson, Bp. Hampden, Sir John Herschel, Rev. T. H. Home, Capt. Kater, Dr. Lafdner, Dr. Richardson (including the whole of his great English Dictionary), Dr. Roget, Bp. Stanley, Justice Talfourd, and Archbp. Whately (including his Logic, and Rhetoric). ENCYCLOPEDIA. — Chambers's Encyclo- pedia ; a Dictionary of Universal Knowledge for the People, illustrated with maps and nume- rous wood engravings, now complete, with a Supplement and Index, 10 vols. roy. 8vo. new hf. morocco, £5. 6« ; or new tree-calf extra, £7. 7s 1874 This is one of the cheapest and most complete Ency- clopjedias ever published. 72 BOOKS SUITABLE F ENCYCLOPAEDIA. — English Cyclopaedia ; a New Dictionary oi" Universal Knowledge, by the most eminent writers of the day, conducted by Charles Knight, illustrated with several thousand engravings, complete, with Supple- ments, 12 vols. 4to. new hf. russia, £13. ISs Another copy, new cloth, £10. 10.s 1854-GO Comprises: Geography, 4 vols. — Natural History, 4 vols. — Biography, 6 vols, — Arts and Sciences, 8 vols. ENCYCLOPEDIA. — Penny CycLOPiEDiA of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Know- ledge, the Articles contributed by the most emi- nent Authors ; complete with the Supplement, written up to the present day, under the superin- tendence of Mr. C. Knight, with many thousand woodcuts, 30 vols. sm. folio, in 16, hf. calf, £5. 10s 1833-46 The above constitutes an entirely new edition of this valuable Cyclopedia, of the merit of' which it is sufficient to say that no work of its class has enjoyed a wider sale Ccrtainlv none is better its clas: more extended celebrity, adapted to general use, ENCYCLOPiEDIA.— Rees' Cyclopaedia, or Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Literature, complete, tvith upwards of 600 en- gravings, 45 vols. 4to. hf. russia gilt, £5. 5s 1819-56 ENCYCLOPiKDIA of Aechitecttjre, Histori- cal, Theoretical, and Practical, by J. Gwilt, neiv edition, enlarged by Papworth, illustrated hy upivards of 1600 w codcuts, \ery thick 8vo. neio hf. russia, £2. I2s 6d 1876 ENCYCLOPEDIA of Chronology ; Histori- cal and Biographical, by Woodward and Cates, thick royal 8vo. new hf. morocco, £2. 2s 1872 ENCYCLOPEDIA of Domestic Economy, by Webster and Parkes, comprising such sub- jects as arc most immediately connected with Jlousekeeping, nearly 1000 engravings on wood, thick 8vo. cloth, 15s 1861 — See also Cyclopaedias and Dictionaries. ENDERBIE'S (P., of Lantarnam) Cambria Triubipiians, or Britain in its perfect Lustre, shewing the Origen and Antiquity of that Illus- trious Nation ; the Succession of their Kings and Princes, from the First to King Charles ; the Description of the Countrey, etc. with nu- merous engravings of Arms, and cm Index, large PAPER, royal folio, hf. russia, very neat, uncut, £2. 2s 1661, rep. 1810 The original edition, of which this is an exact fac- !>imile reprint, was accounted among the scarcest of Eng- lish books; and has produced at sales upwards of £ig. ENGEL'S (C.) Music of the most Ancient Nations, particularly of the Assyrians, Egyp- tians, and Hebrews, with 96 engravings of Mtisical Instruments, Music, etc. 8vo. clotli, 9s 1870 The work has special reference to recent discoveries in Western Asia and in F^gypt. ENGINEER and Machinist's Assistant ; a Series of Plans, Sections, and. Elevations, of Stationary, Marine, and Locomotive Engines, Water AVheels, &c. taken from Machines of Approved Construction, with detailed Descrip- tions, &c. improved edition, with 133 engravings and numerous woodcuts, 2 vols, folio, hf. mo- rocco, £2. 10s 1853 OR THE LIBRARY, ENGINEERING ; an Illustrated Weekly Jour- nal, conducted by Zeraii Colblrn, complete from its commencement in 1866 to Dec. 1875, illustrated hy many hundred engravings, 20 vols, folio, hj. calf neat, £24. lO.s 1866-75 Complete sets of this valuable periodical are irry scarce. ENGLEFIELD'S (Sir IT. C.) Isle op Wight ; a description of its principal Picturesque Beau- ties, Anti<{uities, and Geological Ph(^nomena ; with additional Observations on the Strata ot the Island, and their Continuation in the adja- cent parts of Dorsetshire, by T. Webster, with 50 fine engravings hy G. wiid W. Cool-e, inchul- ing a colour eJ^ geological map, a large thick vol. roy. 4to. calf, £1. 12s Buhner, 1816 ENGLEFIELD'S (Sir II.) A Walk through Southampton, including a Survey of its Anti- quities, with Notes by J. Bullar, engravings and woodcuts, additional ^^lates inserted^, sni. 4to. cloth, 10s 6d 1841 ENGLISH Historical Society's Publica- tions, complete, ^».el|/ printed., with facsimiles of MSS. etc. 29 vols. 8vo. in 24, calf neat, top edges gilt, £16. 16s— Another copy, in the ori- ginal hoards, £12. 1838-56 Only a limited number of these valuable old Chronicles and Histories were printed. Their national importance cannot be overrated, containing as they do a greater mass of information on our early history than can be obtained in any other works, and edited as they are by some of the most 'eminent scholars of the present day. ENGLISH Poetry ; 1001 Gems, Selected and Arranged by Dr. C Mackay, printed on thick toned paper, xoith numerous illustrations hy Millais, J. Gilbert, Birhet Foster, and others, thick royal 8vo. calf extra, gilt edges, £1. Is; or, morocco extra, gilt edges, £1. 5s 1872 ENGLISH Prose ; a Thousand and one Gems, selected and arranged by Dr. C. JNIackay, post 8vo. neiv calf gilt. Is 6d ; or, new morocco extra, gilt edges, 10s 6cl n. d. ENGLISH Rogue (The) Described in the Life of M BRITON Latroon, a Witty Extravagant ; being a Compleat Histoiy of the most Eminent Cheats of Both Sexes, frontispiece, large PAPER, 4 vols. 8vo. hoards, £2. 10s n.d. ENGLISH Sacred Poetry of the XVI. XVIL XVIII. and XlXth Centuries, edited by the Rev. R. Aris Willmott, elegantly printed, with heautiful engravings from designs hy Holman Hunt, Gilbert, Wolf, and other artists, sm. 4to. new morocco extra, gilt edges, £1. 10s 1863 ENGLISHMAN'S Greek Concordance of the New Testament, including the Proper Names, with Indexes, Gr.-Eng. and Eng.-Gr., fourth edition, roy, 8vo. neio cloth, £1. 15s 1864 ENTICK'S (J.) Naval History, or compleat View of the British Marine, both the Royal Navy and Merchant's Service ; with Lives of Admirals and Navigators, Accounts of Naval Expeditions and Sca-Fights, Laws and Regula- tions of the Navy, and Management of the Royal Y^ards and Docks, map and eyigrav- ings, thick royal folio, calf gilt, 10s 1757 ERSKINE'S (Lord) Speeches, new edition, re- printed from that 0/ 1810, with a Memoir of the Author by Edward Walford, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 12s 6d 1870 N ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN EPISODES of Insect Life (by Miss Budgen), edited and revised by the Rev. J G. Wood, printed 07i> fine paper, xuith upwards of 100 illus- trations most tastefully drawn and beautifully coloured, sm. 4to. cloth extra, gilt edges, £1. 4s 1867 " We have seldom been in company with so entertain- •-•& '■' o"i AWCETT'S (Prof.) Economic Position of the British Labourer, fcap. 8vo. new cloth, 4s 6d 1874 FAWCETT'S (Prof.) Pauperism, its Causes and Remedies, cr. 8vo. new cloth, 4s 6aps, revised edition, fcap. Svo. new cloth, 5s n. d. FREEMAN'S (S.) Observations on the Mecha- nism of the Horse's Foot, its natural Spring explained, and a mode of Shoeing recommended, loith a double set of the fine engravings, one coloured and the other plain, 4to. cloth, 10s 6d 1796 FRENCH'S (B. F.) Historical Collections of Louisiana and Florida, including Transla- tions of Original MSS. relating to their Dis- covery and Settlement, with Historical and Biographical Notes, rov. Svo. cloth, l'2s 6d New Yorl; 1869 CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 79 ERE RE'S (John Ilookham) Works iji Verse and Prose, now lirst collected, with a Prefatory Memoir by his Nei)hews, W. E. and the Rt. Hon. Sir Bartlc Frere, fine portrait, 2 thick vols. 8vo. cUth, (scarce), £1. 15s 1872 FRERE'S (John Ilookham) Works, in Verse and Prose, with a Memoir, p)orts. second edition, revised, with Additions, 3 vols, post Svo. neio calf gilt. £1. 16s 1874 Comprises his Contriljutions to the Microcosm and Anti-Jacobin ; his important Translations of the Achar- nians, Knights, Birds, Frogs, and Peace of Aristophanes; Theognis Kestitutus; Wuistlecraft; Translations from the Cid, and Miscellanies. " Hut Mitchell's merits are nothing to those of the late Mr. Hookham Frere, who in his old age, among his orange trees at Malta, translated four of the plays [of Aristu- I'UANE.s] with a skill, grace, relish, and completeness bevond all rivalry, FRESENIUS (C. R.) Qualitative Chemical Analysis, ninth edition, translated from the fourteenth Gennan edition, by A. Vacher, Svo. new cloth, 10s 6d ' 1876 FRESHFIELD'S (D. W.) Italian Alps; Sketches in the Mountains of Ticino, Lombardy, the Trentino and Venetia, post Svo. nevj cloth, 15s 1875 FRESHFIELD'S (D. W.) Travels in the Cen- tral Caucasus and Bashan, including Visits to Ararat and Tabreey and Ascents of Kazbek and Elbruz, cr. Svo. ne%v cloth, los 1872 FROISSART'S (J.) and Monstrelet's Chro- nicles of England, France, Spain, and Countries adjacent, translated by Col. Johnes, 24 vols. Svo. and 2 quarto atlases of engravings and battles, calf gilt, £7. 15s 1808-10 FROISSART'S (J.) Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and adjacent Countries, trans- lated and enlai'gcd with Life, Sec. by Col. Johnes, 120 woodcuts, 2 thick vols, royal Svo. new half morocco, gilt edges, £1. 17s 6d 1868 FROME'S (Lieut.-Gen.) Method of Conducting a Trignometrical Survey, for Maps, Plans, i Military Reconnaissance, &c. with Problems in I Geology and Practical Astronomy, revised by Captain Warren, 16 plates and woodcuts. Svo. cloth, 10s 6(Z 1873 FROSTS (C.) Town and Port of Hull ; Notices relative to the early History of the, from Ori- ginal Records and 5lSS. engravings, including amcient Plan from Cottonian M88. 4to. 10s 6d 1827 FROUDE'S (J. A.) History of England, from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Q. Elizabeth, 12 vols. Svo. neiv calf gilt, £11. lis 1870 FROUDE'S (J. A.) History of England, cabinet edition, 12 vols. cr. Svo. new calf gilt, £5. 15s; or, new hf. calf gilt, £4. 10s 1870 FROUDE'S (J. A.) Short Studies on Great Subjects, 2 vols. Svo. new calf gilt, £1. 12s 1868-71 FROUDE'S (J. A.) Short Studies on Great Subjects, cabinet edition, 2 vols. cr. Svo. new calf gilt, 18s ed 1872 FROUDE'S (J. A.) The English in Ireland in the Eighteenth Century, 3 vols, Svo. nexv calf gilt, £2. 14s 1872-74 80 BOOKS SUITABLE FKY'S (Eliz.) Memoir of the Life of, with Extracts from her Journals and Letters, edited by her Daughters, portraits, 2 yoIs. 8vo. cloth, 9s 6d 1847 FliY'S (Eev. J.) Short History of the Church of Christ, from the close of the Sacred Narrative to our own Time, Svo. hf. calf neat, 7s 6d (pub. 12s) 1825 FULLER'S (T.) Church History of Britain, from the Birth of Christ, edited by J. S. Brewer, best library edition, vols. Svo. new calf gilt, £3. lOs Oa?/. 1845 FULLER'S (T.) Church History of Britain, new edition, with Rreiace and Notes by J. Nichols, 3 vols. cr. Svo. calf antique, carmine edges, £1. 10s 1868 GAGE'S (J.) History and Antiquities of Suf- folk, Thingoe Hundred, illustrated by upwards of 80 finely-executed Views of Churches and Seats, plates of Seals, Antiquities, ^c. large paper, a line thick vol. impl. 4to. cloth, uncut, £3. 3s (pub. £7. 7s) 1838 A valuable and important work, founded on authentic materials. GAILHABAUD (J.) Monuments Anciens et Modernes ; collection formant une Histoire de I'Architecture dcs differeuts Teuples, a toutes les Epoques, uptvards of 400 fine plates of Vieivs, Interiors, Exteriors, and Ground Plans, etc. 4 vols. 4to. seived, £8. 10s 1870 Comprises Archaeological remarks hy A. Berty, Em. Breton, De Caumont, Girault de Prangey, Langlois, Raoul- Kochctte, Viollet le Due, and others. GALE'S (T.) Court of the Gentiles, a Dis- course on the Original and Use of Human Learn- ing, the four parts, 4 vols. sm. 4to. calf, fine copy, scarce, £2. 2s 1672-77 " A learned and elaborate work, the leading object of which is to trace all human learning to the ancient Scrip- ture and the Jewish." GALE et Fell, Scriptores Rerum Britannica- rum Veteres, complete, 3 vols, folio, a good sound copy in russia, gilt edges, £4. 10s 1684-91 This valuable work comprises : — Ciildas, Eddius, Nen- nius, Ran. Higden, Will. Malmesb., Anon. Malmesb., Ramesicnsis Hist., Eliensis Hist., T, Eliensis, ]. Walling- t'ord, Radulphus Dicetus, De Fartitione in Schiras, Sec, l'"ordun Scoti Chronicon, Alcuinus, Ingulphus, P. Bles- ensis, Chron. de Mailros, Annales Burtonenses, Hist. Croy- land, Continuatio, &c. GALERIE Complcte des Tableaux des Pein- ture les plus celebres de toutes les Epoques, ou recucil des plus belles compositions tirees des Saintes Ecriturcs, de I'Histoire Anciennc, et autres objets, comprising 1300 plates, beauti- fully engraved in outline, with Life of each Fainter, by Lamdon, 12 vols. roy. 4to. in 7, newly hf. bound in morocco, gilt edges, £12. 12s Paris, Didot, 1863, etc. This beautiful publication is the only one that contains in a single work the chefs-d'oeuvre of all the Cjreat Masters whicli are preserved in different Cjalleries of Europe. GALERIE des Peintres Elamands, Hollan- DAis et Allemandes, par le Brun, 201 beau- tifxd engravings from the Celebratedj Pictures, brilliant Original Impressions, 3 vols, folio in 2, onottled calf exka, gilt edges, a fine copy, £21. 10s 1792-96 This beautiful work is one of the most interesting of its class, and exhibits nearly all the best pictures of these schools, with the History, Description, and mercantUe value of each. FOR THE LIBRARY, GALERIE des Marbuks de Drksde.— Recucil des Marbres Antiques (jni so trou vent dans la Galerie du Roy de Pologxk a Drosde, portrait of the King, a7id 230 large line engravings of Statues, fink iMPRES8iONs,'iin])l. folio, old calf gilt, red edges, by DeRome, rake. £5. 15s Dresden, 1733 GALERIE des Tableaux du Due d'Orleans, publiee par Vatout et Quenot, 150 large and. exceedingly beautiful lithographic plates of tJie splendid piictures in the Palais Pioyal, India I'ROOFS, Avith Descriptions, largk paper. 2 vols. impl. folio, in one thick vol. sumptuoushj bound in red morocco, super exU'a, the sides richly ornamented xcith gold tooling and varie- gated leathers in the Grolier style, tooled, leather joints and gilt edges, by Lortic, a splendid SPECIMEN OF HIS SKILL, £12. 1 2s Par. (1825-9) This fine and interesting work was published at upwards of £}o. Large paper copies are very scarce. GALERIE. — Cabinet de Crozat ; Recueil d'Estampes d'apres les plus beaux Tableaux qui sont dans le Cabinet du Roi, dans celui du Due d' Orleans, &c. ; containing 182 splendid engravings, of celebrated Pictures, many of which, am: now in this country, fine impressions. 2 vols. impl. folio, green morocco extra, gilt edges, fine copy, £\iS. \C.s Paris, 1763 A very tine work ; the engravings are executed in the most finished style by Cochin, Simonneau, Le Sueur, Ravenet, and others: the Descriptions are by Alariette. GALERIE. — Musee Franqais, oii Collection des Tableaux, Statues, et Bas Reliefs qui com- posent la Collection Nationale, with upwards of 300 fine engravings, good impressions, 4 vols, atlas folio, bound in morocco extra, gilt leaves and borders, with joints, £34. Paris, n. d. GALERIE. — Musee Napoleon, ou Galerie com- plete du Musee Central de France, par une Societe d'Amateurs et d'Artistes ; publiee par Filhol, CONTAINING 792 BEAUTIFUL ENGRA- VINGS, by the best Fr&tich Artists, of Paintings by the Great Masters, Ancient Sculpture, <|c. fine original invpressions, 1 1 vols, imperial 8vo. (quite complete), fall bound rtissia, gilt leaves, very neat, £15. 1 5s Paris, 1814-37 This tine work is the only one which contains engra- vings of all the Magnificent Paintings and Sculptures. &c. concentrated by Bonaparte from Italy, Spain, and other countries, before they were again dispersed ; i.e. restored to their rightful owners". The present copy contains the sup- plementary -uol. not ii\ways found with the work, entitled " Mus6e Royal de France, ou Collection des Chefs-d'oeuvre de Peinture et Sculpture dont il s'est enrichi dcpuis la Restauration. GALERIE. — Musee Royal, par Laurent, wjj- wards of 150 fine engravings, of the famous Paintings not included in the Mv.sp'e Franr^ais, 2 vols, atlas fol. mor. £28. (pub. £100.) Par. 1820 These two works (the Musee Franc^ais and Musee Royal) are unciuestionably the grandest productions of modern times, exhibiting' such Paintings as can never agam be brought together. GALLERY,— British Gallery of Pictures, a selection of the most admired productions of the Modern School from the Galleries and Pri- vate Collections of Great Britain, 50 line engra- vings, India paper, executed in the highest style of the art by the most eminent engravei's, with descriptive letter-press, atlas folio, morocco super extra, gilt edges, an elegant volume, £12. 12s n. d. Contains engravings after Cooper, Creswick, Etty, Faed. I'rith. Goodall, Landseer, LinneH, MacUse, Paton,, Wilkie, and other celebrated Artists, ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 81 GALLERY of the Old Gekman and Flemish Masters, fokmerly at Stuttgart, in the possession of the Brothers Boisseree, now re- moved to Munich, comprising 118 large and mag- nificent plates, engraved in Litliography, heigh- tened hij tints, and so admirably executed as to l)e scarcely distinguishable from the most perfect line engravings ; mounted on drab coloured droAving paper, elephant folio size, new half morocco extra, gilt edges, a superb volume, £16. 16s Mwnich, 1821-36 This grand work is the atlmiration of the most fasti- dious connoiseurs. GALLERY of British and Foreign Portraits, with Memoirs by distinguished Biographers, 168 Jine portraits heautifully engraved on steel, ori- ginal impressions, 7 vols. impl. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, £4. lOs C. Knight, 1833-8 A very interesting scries, engraved in the highest style of the Art, in the same manner as Lodge's Portraits, to which it forms an excellent companion, the portraits being different. GALLERY. — British Schools of Art; a series of 90 fine engravings in line by the first artists, with Descriptions by H. Murray, F.S.A., 2 vols, folio, hf. calf, £2. 15s Virtue ^ Co., n.d. The names of the painters include those of Mulready, Sir E. Landsecr, D, Roberts, Stothard, Sir T. Lawrence, C. Stantield, and many others equally eminent in their several schools. GALLERY.— Cabinet Gallery of Pictures, with Biographical and Critical Descriptions by Allan Cunningham, 72 highly finished engra- vings by Heath, Worthington, ^c, from the best Pictures of the Great Masters, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. cloth, £1. 4s Major, 18.34 Contains some choice specimens of Titian, Claude, Vandyke, Teniers, Salvator Rosa, Rubens, Poussin, Mu- riilo, Cuyp, Rembrandt, Canaletto, P. Veronese, and of modern masters. GALLERY. — Catalogue of the Angerstein Collection of Pictures, with a finished Etching of each, and historical and biographical Notices in French and English by J. Young, 41 choice engravings on India paper, large paper, impl. 4to. hf russia, £1. Is 1829 GALLERY. — Coesvelt's (W. G.) Picture Gallery, with an Introduction, and copious Description of each Picture, by Mrs. Jameson, 90 beautiful outline engra/uings, hy F. Joubert, after pictures by the Great Masters, on India paper, royal 4to. netc hf. morocco extra, gilt edges, only £1. 10s (pub. £5. 5s) 1836 This celel)rated and choice collection, to visit which again and again, one very competent to estimate their merits (Mrs. Jameson) said was "a delightful privilege," was the result of more than thirty years research, princi- pally made in countries 'subject to the revolutionary dis- asters which overwhelmed the South of Hlurope. But for this calamity many of the best pictures could never have been exported, nor even displaced. GALLERY.— DuLWiCH Gallery, a Series oj 50 beautifully coloured plates, from the most celebrated Pictures in this remarkable collection, executed by R. Cockburn (Custodian) mounted on tinted card-board in the manner of Draw- ings, impl. folio, in portfolio, with morocco bach, £14. 14s n. d. This is one of the most splendid and interesting of the British Picture Galleries, and till of late years w^s (juite unattainable. GALLERY. — Finden's (E. and W.) Royal Gallery of British Art, 48 large and exqui- sitely beautiful line engravings after Turner, Collins, Redgrave, Cooper, Linton, Land- seer, Newton, Reynolds, Eastlake, Wilkie, Maclise, and other celebrated artists, accom- panied by Descriptions, atlas folio, half morocco extra, gilt edges, £10. 10s (1849) GALLERY— Forster's (E.) British Gallery of Engravings from Pictures of the Italian, Flemish, Dutch, and English Schools, in the possession of the King, and Noblemen and Gen- tlemen of the United Kingdom, 52 large and HIGHLY finished ENGRAVINGS by Sharp, Fit- tier, Schiavonetti, Bromley, Burnet, Englehea/rt, and others, with Descriptions in English and French, royal folio, morocco, extra, with broad borders of gold and gilt leaves, £4. 4* 1807 GALLERY. — Houghton Gallery, formerly in the possession of Lord Orford, now in the im- perial Gallery at St. Petersburg, 130 large and very beautiful engravings by Ecurlom, Heath, d^c. from famous pictures by the Great Masters, 2 vols, atlas folio, hf. bound, £16. 16s 1788 This collection has always passed amongst connois- seurs for one of the first in Europe. GALLERY. — Munich Gallery, Collection of the Principal Pictures of the Pinacothck in Munich, 204 large and very beautifully ea;e- cutedUthogra/phic plates, by Strixner,Pilsty, Hohe, Selb, and Flachnennekker, after the famous paintings of the Old Masters of vari- olic Schools, the whole on India paper, mounted on cartridge paper, atlas folio size, and bound in 2 vols, new hf. morocco, gilt edges, £28. Munich, 1817-36 This splendid work is executed in the finest style of the lithographic art. The Gallery, as is well known, contains a most magnificent collection of the paintings of the Old Masters. GALLERY. — National Gallery of Pictures, engraved by the Associated P^ngravers, 29 large and exceedingly beautiful line engrcuvings after Correggio, Van Dyck, P. Veronese, Claude, Rubens, Rembrandt, cfc. fine original impres- sions, nearly equal to proofs, with Descriptions in English and French, atlas folio, hf morocco extra, £5. 1840 These splendid engravings are by Brunet, Doo, Finden, Le Keux, Pye, and others, and are the largest yet taken from these celebrated pictures. GALLERY. — National Portrait Gallery of Illustrious and Eminent Persons of the XlXth Century, with Memoirs by Jerdan and Stebbing, IS4: finely engraved portraits, 5 vols. impl. 8vo. hf calf gilt, £3. \0s 1830-4 Uniformly printed, and forming a most desirable con- tinuation to Lodge's portraits. GALLERY. — Sammluxg Alt- ober- uxd nie- derdeutscher Gemalde; cine Auswahl pho- tographischer Nachbildungen aus der ehemaligen Boisseree- 'schen Gallerie, 88 beautifully ex- ecuted Photographs of the principal Paintings in this celebrated Collection, mounted on cardboard, folio size, and bound in red morocco, gilt leaves, £5. 5s (pub. £10. 10s) Miinchen, 1862 The Boisseree collection of Paintings is now absorbed in the " Pinakothek" or Royal Gallery at Munich. It con- sisted of 320 subjects, from which the above 88 have been selected, as forming in themselves almost a complete his- tory of German and Flemish Art. A copious and illustra- tive treatise on the same subjects by J. A. Messmer, fornas part of the work. 82 GALLERY.— Royal Gems from the Galleries of KuRoi'E, 60 higJdy finished and beautiful engravings on steel, from yyictiwcs hy Siii ]). WiLKiE, Ward, Vandyke, Delaroche, and other distinguished painters, ancient and modern, with Notices, biographical, historical and descrip- tive, by S. C. Hall, fol. hf. calf gilt, £2. 2s n. d. GALLERY. — Selected Pictures from the Galleries and private collections of Great Britain ; consisting of one hmidred and fifty Masterpieces of Modern Art, executed in the highest style of line engraving by the most eminent Engravers of the Day, with de- scriptions by S. C. Hall, Esq., F.S.A., &c, — I. Proofs before Letters, imperial folio, each plate printed on India paper, and accom- panied by a descriptive page of Letterpress, 150 plates, four neat portfolios, £21. (pub. £50.); bound in 4 volumes, new morocco super extra, gilt edges, £42. ; also half morocco extra, gilt edges, £31. 10s IL Artist's proofs, atlas folio, also on India PAPER, and of which only a fexv copies were printed, in four neat portfolios, £31. 10s (pub. ;^105.) ; in 4 vols, whole morocco super extra elegant, gilt edges, £55. ; also neio hf. morocco extra, gilt edges, £45. (1872) H. S. & Co., having purchased the remaining copies of the above grand work, are enabled to offer a few copies only, at the greatly reduced prices affixed. GALLERY.— Stafford's (Ma-rquis of) Magnifi- cent Collection of Pictures, 300 splendid line engravings after celebrated Paintings by Great Masters of English, French, Italian, German, Dutch, and other Schools, executed by the most eminent engravers, with Descriptions by Ottley and Tomkins, 4 vols. impl. 4to. in 2, morocco, gilt edges, £6. I8s 1818 GALLERY.— Turner Gallery, a Series of 60 large and highly-finished line Engravings, after the most famous Paintings of J. M. W. Turner, R.A., with Memoir and Descriptions by R. N. Womum, India proofs, royal folio, new half morocco extra, gilt edges, £6. 6s ; or, full bound morocco elegant, gilt edges, £8. 8s — Another copy. Artist's proofs ; atlas folio size, large paper, neiv half morocco extra, gilt edges, £14. 14s; or, full bound morocco elegant, gilt edges, £17. 17s 1875 These latter copies are uniform in size with the Musce Francais,&nd the other great English and Foreign Galleries of Engravings. The work contains the choicest produc- tions of Turner's unrivalled pencil, including manv fine specimens of Landscape and Marine Scenery not engraved in any other work. GALLERY.— Vernon Gallery op British Art, a collection of 152 splendid Engravings, including the most important productions of Turner, Landseer, David Roberts, Stan- field, Webster, Callcott, Collins, Cres- wiCK, Macllse, and others, engraved in the highest style of art by Willmore and other first class engravers, brilliant original India proofs before letters, with the addition of ETCHINGS to many of the plates, largest PAPER, atlas folio, unbound, £47. 10s 1849-53 Choicer and more genuine impressions than the above could not be desired. Comprises some of the choicest works of Turner, Callcott, Collins, Cooper, Etty, Landseer, Leslie, Mulreadv! ^'ewton, Roberts, Stanfield, Stothard, Wiikie, and others BOOKS SUITABLE TOR THE LIBRARY, [GALT'S (J.)] Memoirs of George the III. his Court and Family, fine ports. 2 vols. 8vo- /)/. calf gilt, 7s 6(Z (pub. £1. 8s) 1820 A pleasantlv-written historv. GALTON'S (E.) Vacation Tourists and Notes of Travels, 1861, 1862-3, ^cith maps,2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 10s 6d Camb. 1862-4 GALTON'S (F.) Art of Travel, or Hints on the Shifts and Contrivances available in Wild Countries, fourth and eoilarged edition, with woodcuts, fcap. 8vo. cloth, 6s 6d 1872 GALTON'S (F.) English Men of Science, their Nature and Nurture, 8vo. new cloth, 7s 1875 GALTON'S (F.) Hereditary Genius ; an In- quiiy into its Laws and consequences, 8vo. new cloth, 10s 1871 GAL'ION'S (F.) Meteorographica, or Methods of Mapping the Weather, ^vith upwards of 600 diagrams, 4to. new cloth, 7s 1873 GAMGEE'S (J.) Treatise on Horseshoeing and Lameness, illustrated by 55 ivoodcuts, 8vo. cloth, 9s (1868) GANOT'S (Prof.) Elementary Treatise on Phy- sics, Experimental and Applied, j^/t/i edition enlarged, by E. Atkinson, illustrated by a co- lowed plate andj 668 woodcuts, thick post 8vo. new cloth, 12s 6cZ 1872 GANOT'S (Prof) Natural Philosophy for General Readers and Young Persons, translated and edited by E. Atkinson, post 8vo. nevo clotK 6s Gd 1875 GARDINER'S (S. R.) History of England under the Duke of Buckingham and Charles I. 1624- 1628, maps, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, £1. Is 1875 GARDNER (J.) Household Medicine ; con- taining a Familiar Description of Diseases, their Nature, Causes, and Symptoms, the most ap- proved Methods of Treatment, and Rules for the Management of the Sick Room adapted for Family Use, sixth edition, revised and enla/rged, ivith numerous illustrations, 8vo. neio cloth, 10s 1871 GARDNER'S (Rev. J.) Faiths of the World, an Account of all Religions and Religious Sects, compiled from the latest and best Authorities, and illustrated from authentic and trustworthy sources, numerous plates, 2 thick vols. impl. 8vo. hf. morocco, £2. 5s (1858-60) GARDNER'S (T.) Historical Account of Dun- wicH, Blithburgh, and Soutii'\vold,Suffolk, with Remarks on some Places contiguous thereto, with Engravings of Seals and other Antiquities, 4to. calf, (the map in cloth) £1. 5s 1754 GARRICK'S (D.) Dramatic Works complete, 3 vols. sm. 8vo. calf, 10s Gd 1798 GARRICK'S (D.) Corhespondence with the most celebrated Persons of his time, both na- tives and foreigners ; now first published from the Originals, with Notes and Memoir, fme portrait, 2 vols. roy. 4to. boards, £1. Is 1831 This interesting work contains upwards of two thou- sand letters, comprising much of the secret history, scandal, &c. of the time in which Garrick lived. GARRICK'S (D.) Life, from original Family Papers, and numerous published and unpub- lished sources, by Percy Fitzgerald, fronts. 2 thick vols. 8vQ. cloth, 18s (pub. £1. 16s) 1868 / ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONBON. GASKELL'S (Mrs.) Novels, uniform edition, complete in 7 vols, post 8vo. new half morocco, £2. '2s 1874 Comprises : — Wives and Daughters — Sylvia's Lovers —A Dark Night's Work— The Grey Woman— Ruth- Cousin Phillis— Lizzie Leigh — Mary Barton — Cranford— North and South — Life of Charlotte Bronte, etc. GATTY'S (Mrs.) British Sea-Weeds, drawn from Prof. Harvey's '* Phycologia Britannica," 80 plates, containing 384 colov/red figures, with Descriptions, an Amateur Synopsis, Rules for Laying out Seaweeds, etc. 2 vols. impl. 8vo. neiu hf. morocco, gilt edges, £2. 88 1872 GATTY'S (Mrs.) Pauables from Nature, the Four Series complete, vjith many beautiful illus- trations by Cope, Calderon, Hunt, and others, sm. 4to. morocco super extra, gilt edges, £1. 18s 1867 GAUCHEREL (L.) Examples de Decoration' Appliques a I'Architecture et a la Peinture, de- puis I'Antiquite jusqu'a nos jours, 120 beauti- fully engraved plates of examples of Ancient, Mediceval, and Modern Decorative Art, impl. 4to. boards, £2. 12s 6cZ Paris, 1857 GAY'S (J.) Fables, with Life, Stockdale's fine edition, printed in la/rge type, 70 plates by Blake, Audinet, Wilson, ^c. 2 vols. impl. 8vo. calf, £2. 10s 1793 GAY'S (J.) Fables ; with Memoir, Introduction, and Annotations, by O. F. Owen, numerous illustrations by W. PIarvey, sq. post 8vo. calf extra, gilt edges, 10s Gd (1869) GAZETTEER.— Brookes' (R.) General Ga- zetteer, or Geographical Dictionary, enlarged by FiNDLAY, maps, last edition, thick 8vo. new hf. morocco, 15s 1876 (rAZETTEER. — Imperial Gazetteer, a gene- ral Dictionary of Geography, Physical, Political, Statistical, and Descriptive, edited by Blackie, with 800 engra/oings, maps, etc. Complete with Supplement, 2 large and thick vols. impl. 8vo. new hf. russia, £4. 10s 1868 GAZETTEER. — Johnston's (A. Keith) Dic- tionary of Geography, Descriptive, Physical, Statistical and Historical, forming a complete GENERAL GAZETTEER of thc WORLD, nClU edi- tion,\evj thick 8vo. new hf. russia, £1.1 6s 1864 GAZETTEER :— Sharp's British Gazetteer, or Topographical Dictionaiy of the British Islands, &c. comprising Concise Descriptions of about 60,000 places, seats, &c. 2 thick vols. 8vo. cloth, £1. 8s (pub. £2. IGs) 1852 GEDDES'S (Michael) Tracts, 7 vols, post 8vo. old calf gilt, £ 1 . Ss 1 694-1 7 1 5 Includes: The Expulsion of the Moriscoes; The In- quisition in Portugal ; A Spani^sh Martyroj^ogy ; numerous A and Ethiopia, etc " Robert Southey greatly admired Geddcs, and fre- quently quotes his works." GELL and Gandy's Pompeiana ; the Topogra- phy, Edifices, and Ornaments of Pompeii, first edition of the Original Series, containing the Result of the Excavations previous to 1819, with nearly 100 beautiful line engravings by Qoodall, CooTce, Heath, Pye, ^c. impl. 8vo. mo- rocco extra, gilt edges, £2. 5s — Another copy on large paper, ^vith fine impressions of the iplates^ thick 4to. calf, gilt leaves, £4. 10s 1817-19 . cry Assembly, and the" History of the Churches of Malabar he Topo_-< J Pompeii, '^ GELL and Gandy's Po«peiaxa, ov the graphy, Edifices, and Oman>ents of Pbmpeii, Original Series, containing tKe^Result of |be Excavations previous to 1819, ncW aB4 elegant /^^ cdiiion, ivith upivards of 100 beautiful hne^ en- ' , gravings by Qoodall, Coolie, Beath, Pye, ^. several of which are additional, complete In one vol. 8vo. new cloth, 12s 1874 GELL'S (Sir W.) Pompeiana ; the Topography, Edifices, and Ornaments of Pompeii, the result of Excavations since 1819, with portrait and 87 highly finished engravings, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. cloth, £1. 16s 1835 "I leave Topography to classic Gelir* — Byron's Eng- lish Bards. GEMS. — Description des Principales Pierbes GravIies du Cabinet du Due d'Orleans, par Le Chau et Le Blond, with 1 73 finely executed plates of Oems, and numerous beautiful vig- nettes, by St. Aubin, excellent impressions, 2 vols, folio, hf. nwrocco, top edges gilt, uncut, £3. 10s PaHs, 1780-4 GEMS. — PoNiATOWSKi Gems, Photographic Facsimiles of this Famoas Collection of Antique Gems, collected by the Kings of Poland and the late Prince Poniatowski, nearly 500 2>latc8 executed in the first style of PJwtographic Art, with Descriptions by J. Prendeville and the late Dr. Maginn, 2 thick vols. 4to. hf. morocco, gilt edges, scarce, £6. 6s 1859 Of this beautiful work only 75 copies were executed. GEMS. — Tassie's Descriptive Catalogue (in Eng- lish and French) of his extensive Collection of ancient and modern Gems, from the most cele- brated Cabinets, 57 plates, containing several Imndred neatly engra/ved gems, 2 vols. 4to. hf. calf neat, £1. 58 1791 GEMS.— WoRLiDGE, Collection choisie de Desseins tires de pierres precieuses antiques, ' pour la pluspart dans la possession de la noblesse de ce royaume, graves dans le gout de Rem- brandt, 180 beautiful engravings, fine im- pressions, 2 vols. 4to. morocco, £5. 5s Londres, 1768 These engravings, masterpieces of their kind, have all the appearance of highly finished India Ink drawings, the above copy contains the two extra plates of Hercules and the Medusa's Head, and List of Subscribers. GEMS of English Art of this Century ; 24 Pic- tures from National Collections, beautifully printed in colours by Leighto.v Brothers, with Illustrative Text, by F. T. Palgrave, morocco super extra, gilt edges, £2. 2s 1869 The " Gems of English Art" here reproduced are from the celebrated paintings of Landscer, Leslie, Newton, Mul- ready, Callcott, Maclise, Stanticld, Roberts, Wilkie, Tur- ner, Ward, Hering, West, Eastlake, and others. GEMS of the Art Treasures Exhibition at Manchester, 1857, in two Series, viz. : — Ancient and Modern Painters, nearly 200 large Photographs, splendidly executed, by Caldesi and Montecchi, and Howlett, mounted on cardboards, in S parts, royal folio, {as pub- lished) £10. 10s CoVnaghi The above work comprehends some of the finest Pic- tures, l>oth ancient and modern, in existence, selected from the collections of Her Majesty, and the Nobility and Gentry of this countrv, ' ^ • 6* 84 BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, GEMS of EuROPBAN Art, the Best Pictures of the Best Schools, with Descriptions by S. C. Hal], 90 large and heautiful line engravings hy first-rate artists, 2 vols. impl. 4to. morocco extra, gilt edges, £3. 10s 1846 A beautiful drawing-room table book of a superior class, comprising the finest pictures by Wilkie, Callcott, Delaroche, and other modern painters, as well as by Murillo, Claude, and other old masters. GEMS of Modern Belgian Art ; a Series of 16 exquisitely beautiful Carbon-Photographs from the Pictv/res of eminent Living Artists, with Remarks on the Works selected, and an Essay on the Schools of Belgium and Holland, by W. B. Scott, 4to. morocco super extra, gilt edges, bevelled boards, £2. 2s 1872 GEMS of Modern German Art ; a Series of 16 exquisite Carbon-Photographs, from the Pictures of eminent Modern Artists, accompanied by Remarks on the Works selected, and an Essay on the Schools of Germany by W. B. Scott, morocco super extra elegant, gilt edges, £2. 2s 1873 The selection of Gems, includes representative pictures by Riedel, Cornelius, Overbeck, Hildebrandt, Lessing, Ben- demann, Rethel, Steinle, Kindler, Vautier, Menzel, Knaus, Hess, Kaulbach, Piloty and Richtcr. GENT'S (T.) Ancient and Modern History of RippoN, Yorkshire, with Poetry, &c. numerous curious cuts, 8vo. hf. russia, scarce, (wants plan) £1. Is Yorl, 1733 Includes Descriptions of Beverley, Pontefract, Wake- field, Leeds, and Knaresborough. GENT'S (T.) History of Kingston upon Hull, with the rare folding plans and other engravings, 8vo. calf gilt, scarce, £1. 14s York, 1735 GENT'S (T.) History of the famous City of York, ancient and modern, including the Cathedral, and Descriptions of noted Towns in Yorkshire, folding plates, sm. 8vo. calf, £1. 5s 1730 GENTLEMAN'S Magazine, complete from its commencement in 1731 to June 1868, with the 5 SCARCE index VOLUMES, many hundred por- traits and engravings, 229 vols. 8vo. neatly hf. bound, £45. 1731-1868 A most valuable book of reference, comprising Local History, Historical Events, Family History, Biography, &c. for above a century and a quarter. GENTLEMAN'S Magazine ; Walker's Selection of Curious Articles from the, 4 vols. Svo. calf gilt, £1. 6s 1809-11 This interesting series was first suggested by Gibbon : it comprises an infinite variety of historical, antiquarian, and literarv articles. GEOGRAPHICAL Society of London (Royal) Journal of the ; complete from the commence- ment in 1830 to 1872 (including Index and Catalogue of Library), numerous engravings and maps, 44 vols. Svo. hf. bound, £15. 15s 1832-72 This valuable work contains the best and most authentic Accounts of the Various Parts of the world, written by Eminent Men of the present dav. GEOLOGICAL Society; Transactions of the, BOTH series complete, from the commence- ment in 1807 to 1846, numeroiis coloured, avd other engravings and maps, 12 vols. 4to. half morocco, £20. 1811-46 Includes the researches and writings of Conybeare, Buckland, MacCulloch, Phillips, Babington, and other eminent Geologists, GEOLOGICAL Society's Journal, complete from its commencement in 1845 to 1874 inclu- sive, %vith numerous plates, maps, etc. 30 vols. 8vo. new hf. calf gilt, scarce, £21. IDs 1845-74 GEORGE III., Correspondence of, with Lord North, 1768-1783, edited from the originals, with Introduction and Notes, by W. B. Donne, 2 thick vols. Svo. cloth, 10s 6d (pub. 32s) 1867 GEORGE III., HIS Court and Eamily, a His- tory of the Public and Private Life of that Monarch [by John Ga'lt:'], numerous portraits, 2 vols. Svo. new hj. calf gilt, 12s dd 1820 GEORGE IV. — Diary of the Times of K. George the Fourth, interspersed with Original Letters from Queen Caroline and from other distinguished Persons, edited by Lady C. Bury, Miss Sheridan, and John Gait, 4 vols. Svo. hf. calf fl. Ss 1838 A most interesting and amusing miscellany of secret history and suppressed papers, with an abundance of anecdote and information. GEORGE IV.— Huisii's Memoirs of George IV. descriptive of the most interesting Scenes of his Public and Private Life, numerous fine por- traits, 2 vols. Svo. hf. calf gilt, scarce. 18s 1830 GEORGIAN ERA ; comprising Memoirs of the most Eminent Personages who have flourished in Great Britain from the Accession of George I. to the Death of George IV. portrait, 4 vols, post Svo. cloth, 12s ed (pub. £2. 2s) 1832-6 This work is entirely novel in its plan, embodying an immense amount of personal anecdotes. GESTA RoMANORUM ; or. Entertaining Stories invented by the Monks as a Fireside Recreation, and commonly applied in their Discourses from the Pulpit, new edition, with an Introduction by T. Wright, large paper, 2 vols. Svo. boa/rds, £1. 5s n. d. GIBBON'S (E.) Decline and Fall of the Ro- man Empire, with Notes by Milman and Guizot ; edited by Dr. Smith, maps, 8 vols. Svo. new calf gilt, £4. 14s 6d 1862 GIBBON'S (E.) Decline and Fall of the Ro- man Empire, with variorum Notes, portrait, 7 vols, post Svo. ne^v calf gilt, £2. 10s ; or, new hf calf gilt, £\.\Ss 1869 GIBBON'S (E.) Decline and Fall of the Ro- man Ejipire, with Life by Chalmers, portrait, very thick Svo. new calf gilt, 15s 1862 GIBBON'S (E.) Decline and Fall of the Ro- man Empire, with Life, portrait and map, genuine large type trade edition, 8 vols. Svo. hf. calf gilt, £2. 2s 1828 GIBBON'S (K.) Miscellaneous Works, with Memoirs of his Life and AVritings, and Notes by Lord Sheflfieid, ^sort. 5 vols. Svo. calf,£l. 15s 1814 Includes his Correspondence with many eminent per- sons. Journal of his Studies, Remarks on the Books read. Antiquities of the House of Brunswick, and numerous Dissertations, historical, geographical, and critical. GIBSON'S (Bp.) Codex Juris Ecclesiastici Anglicani, or the Statutes, Constitutions, Canons, Rubricks, and Articles of the Church of England, methodically digested, with a Com- mentary, historical and juridical, best edition enlarged, 2 thick vols, folio, calf, £3. 3s Oxford, 1761 " Bv much the most y?iluable wor}; on this subject." ' ' ' "• • ■ |3p_ Watson, ON SALE BY It. SOTHERAN & GIBSON'S (W. S.) History of the Monastery founded at Tynemoutu, in the Diocese of Durham, fineUj printed, with etched views and woodcuts; the large Capitals elegantly rubri- cated AND EMBLAZONED, coloured facsimiles oj Seals and Documents, and an elaborate frontis- piece richly illuminated, 2 vols, royal 4to. half morocco, uncut, £4. 4s W. Pickering, 1846 Of this sumptuously executed work a very limited number were printed, and published by the late Mr. Pickering at six guineas each. GILBART'S (J. W.) Works on Banking, Logic, and Miscellaneous Subjects, new amd thoroughly revised edition, portrait^ 5 vols. 8vo. chth, £3. 3s 1865-71 This new library edition of Mr. Gilbart's well-known works comprises : — -The Principles and Practice of Banking, History and Principles of Banking, Logic of Banking, Lectures and Essays, and Logic for the Million. Political Economists of every school, even while dissenting from some of Mr. Gilbart's conclusions, unite in praising the clear and com- prehensive form in which his ideas are expressed. GILBERT'S (J.) History of the City of Dub- lin, map, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, £l. 5s 1854-9 " The author's research and reading are beyond dis- pute." — Athenaum. GILLRAY'S (J.) Celebrated Caricatures, comprising the best Political and Humourous Satires of the Reign of Geo. III. 1779-1810, 600 LARGE and highly spirited engravings printed from the original plates, a splendid vol. ATLAS folio, hf. morocco extra, gilt leaves, £6. 6s 1850 GILLRAY'S (J.) Works ; with the History of his Life and Times, upwards of iOO full-page and other illustrations, thick 4to. cloth extra, gilt edges, £1. 6s ; or, in morocco extra, £2. I5s 1875 Gillray is undoubtedly the prince of English Caricatu- rists, and is considered by many as superior even to Hogarth. GILLY'S (Rev. W. S.) Narrative of an Excursion to the Mountains of Tiemont, and Researches among the Vaudois, or Waldenses ; with copies of ancient MSS. and other interesting Docu- ments, illustrating their History and Manners, large maps and plates, 4to. calf gilt, nice copy, 15s 1824 GILPIN'S (Rev. W.) Works on Picturesque Scenery in England, Wales, and Scotland, with fair impressions of tlie numerous celebrated aqua-tinta engravings^ 12 vols. 8vo. grained russia, £3. 3s 1786-1809 "Gilpin's Picturesque Tours display a deep and sin- cere feeling of the beauties of nature; a pare taste and sound judgment; and are written in a style appropriate to the subject and worthy of the matter." — Lowndes. GIRALDI Cambrensis Itinerarium Cambria;, seu labor. Balduini per Walliam Legationis accur. Descr. cum Annott. D. Poweli, port, and engravings by Basire, 180+ ; and Giraldus Cambrensis' Itinerary of Abp. Baldwin through Wales, A.D. 1188, trans., with historical and topographical Illustrations, and Life, by Sir R. Colt Hoare, 59 fine engravings, 2 vols. 1806 — together 3 vols, royal 4to. fine uniform copy in calf gilt, £4. 4s 1804-1806 " (iiraldus is the oldest topographer of Wales : every- where quoted by Camden as an author of undoubted credit and reputation."— NicoLso,\. CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 85 GILBERT (J.) and Churchill's (G. C.) The Dolamite Mountains ; Excursions through Tyrol, Carinthia, Camiola, and Friuli, with nu- merous illustrations, square or. Bvo. new cloth. Us 6d 1864 GLADSTONE (Rt. Hon. W. E.) Ecce Homo, cr. 8vo. neto cloth, 5s 1874 GLADSTONE'S (Rt. Hon. W. E.) Financial Statements of 1853, 60, 63-65, together with Speeches on Tax-Bills and Charities, 8vo. cloth, 10s 1869 GLADSTONE (Rt. Hon. W. E.) Homeric Syn- chronism ; an Inquiry into the Time and Place of Homer, post 8yo. new cloth, 5s 1876 GLADSTONE'S (Rt. Hon. W. E.) Juventds MuNDi, the Gods and Men of the Heroic Age, post 8vo. neiu calf extra, gilt edges, IGs 1870 GLADSTONE'S (Rt. Hon. W. E.) Rome and the Newest Fashions in Religion j three Tracts, 8vo. new cloth, 6s 6d 1876 GLADSTONE'S (Rt. Hon. W. E.) The State in its Relations with the Church ; fourth and en- larged edition, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 18s 1841 GLAISHER'S (J.) Travels in the Air ; a Popular Account of Balloon Voyages and Ventures ; with recent attempts to accomplish the Navigation of the Air, with 138 illust/rations, roy. 8vo. new cloth, £1. Is 1873 OErlanbiUa (laart^olomaeug dc) Bt ^roprietatU tug UU'Uin, folio, 525 pages, calf extra, gilt leaves, £5. 5s s. I. et a. Without place, date, signatures, catchwords, or pagi- nation. This very curious work is a general history of Nature, composed by Bartholomew de Glanvil, an English Minorite, of the family of the Earls of Suffolk, in the year 1360. He is called the English Pliny. Among other very curious subjects his treatise upon Music is particularly interesting and valuable, on account of the description which the author gives of that science during the dark ages. Mr. Douce is of opinion that Shakespeake was ex- tremely well acquainted with this book. GLAPTHORNE'S (H.) Plays and Poems, now first collected, with illustrative Notes, and a Me- moir of the Author, 2 vols. fcap. 8vo. boards, 17s 6d — Another copy, large paper, 2 vols. 8vo. hoards, £1. 10s Pearson, 1874 " Henry Glapihorne is one of the least known of our neglected dramatists. His plays posses passages of great poetical beauty, written with vigour of thought and fervour of imagination. They are of extreme raxity."— Re Irospec tizre Revieiu. GLASS-PAINTING.— An Inquiry into the Dif- ference of Style observable in Ancient Glass Paintings, especially in England ; with Prac- tical Hints on Glass Painting (by Winston), with 75 plates, many beautifully coloured, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, scarce, £1. 5s Oxford, 1847 GLEIG'S(G.R.) Essays, biographical, historical, and miscellaneous, contributed chiefly to the Edinburgh and Quarterly Reviews, 2 vols. 8vo. calf, 10s 6d (pub. 21s) 1858 GLEIG'S (G. R.) Life of Wellington, port, by Lawrence, thick post 8vo. new calf gilt, 9s 1867 GLEIG'S (G. R.) Memoirs of Warren Hast- ings, first Gov. Gen. of Bengal, including his Journals and Letters, now first published from the originals, fine portrait, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, 12s (pub. £2. 5s) 1841 "A sterling book, in which affairs of national impor- tance are mingled with details of personal difficulties and dangers." — Lit. Ga%. 86 BOOKS SUITABLE GLOBE EDITIONS of Standard Works, heautifully printed on toned paper, cr. 8vo. new calf gilt, 7s 6d ; or new morocco extra gilt edges, I2s6d Arthur. — Sir Thomas Malory's Book of King Arthur and of his Noble Knights' of the Round Table. Burns' (R.) Poetical Works and Letters. Cowper's (W.) Poetical Works. De Foe's (D.) Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, edited by H. Kingsley. Dryden's (J.) Poetical Works. Goldsmith's (Dr.) Miscellaneous Works. Horace's Works trans, by ]. Lonsdale and S. Lee. Pope's (A.) Poetical Works. Scott's (Sir W.) Poetical Works. Shakespeare's (W.; Complete Works, edited by Clark and Wright. Spenser's (E.) Complete Works, edited by R. Morris. Virgil's Works trans, by Lonsdale and Lee. GLOSSARY of Architecture, comprising all the Terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic Architecture, fourth edition, illustrated hy 1100 finely executed engravings hy Jeioitt, and others, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, £2. 15s Parker, 1845 Fourth Edition, much enlarged and improved. This Is by far the most comprehensive and explicit work on the subject, indispensable to the master and amateur, and equally adapted to the comprehension of the workman. GLOSSARY of Ecclesiastical Terms, by- various "Writers, edited by the Rev. Oruy Shipley, M.A., thick post 8vo. cloth, 15s 1871 This useful work contains explanations of Words used in Theology, Liturgiology, Ecclesiastical Chronology, and Law, Gothic Architecture, Christian Antiquities and Sym- bolism, &c. &c. together with some account of the Mystical Titles of our Lord, Emblems of Saints, Church Books, Furniture, Ornaments, and Work. GLOSSARY of Terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian and Gothic Architecture, abridged from the larger work, by J. H. Parker, new edition, with 440 woodcuts, 12mo. new cloth, 6s 6d 18G6 GLOUCESTERSHIRE.— Bibliotheca Glou- CESTRENSis; a Collection of Scarce and Curious Tracts relating to the County and City of Glou- cester, edited with Notes by Washbourn, 3 vols. 4to. in 1, hf. calf gilt, £l.8s Gloucester, 1823-5 These curious pieces are chiefly illustrative of the times of Charles L and IL and Cromwell. GLOVER (S.) History, Gazetteer, and Direc- tory of the County of Derby, edited by Thos. Noble, woj) and numerous engravings, 2 thick vols. 8vo. cloth, 16s 6d Derby, 1829 GODWIN'S (Catherine G.) Poetical Works, edited, with Sketch of her Life, by A. C. Wigan, handsomely printed in large type, illustrated hy portrait and 39 engravings on wood after B. Foster, Harvey, Corhould, and others, 4to. cloth extra, gilt edges, 6s (pub. 21s) 1854 GODWIN (G.) and Britton's Churches of London, a History and Description of; with Biographical Anecdotes of Eminent Persons, Notices of Remarkable Monuments, etc, with numerous highly finished engravings hy Le Keux, from drawings hy R. W. Billings, 2 vols. 8vo. new hf. morocco, gilt leaves, i!l. Is — Another copy, cloth, 1 2s 1838 Several of the Churches herein mentioned have been since destroyed for City improvements. GODWIN'S (W.) Life of Chaucer, with Memoirs of his Kinsman John of Gaunt Duke of Lan- caster, and Sketches of the Manners, Opinions, Arts, and Literature of the XlVth Century, /iwe iarge x>ortradtf 2 vols. 4to. hf. calf gilt, lOs 6d 1803 FOR THE LIBRARY, GODWIN'S (W.) History of the Common- wealth of England, from its commencement to the Restoration of K. Chai-les II. 4 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, £1. 12s 1824 GOETHE'S (J. W. von) Saemmtliche Werke, with a long Biographical and Critical Introduc- tion by K. Goedeke, elegantly printed in a clear and handsome type, 36 vols. 8vo. in 18, now calf gilt, £8. 8s — Another copy, neiv hf. vellum, gilt, £7. 10s StiittgaH, 18G6-8 GOETHE'S (J. W.) Works; including his Novels, Dramas, Tales, and Autobiography, portrait, 7 vols, post 8vo. new hf. calf gilt, £1. 18s 1871 GOETHE'S (J. W.) Characteristics, by Von Muller, translated with Notes by Mrs. Aus- tin, portrait and engravings, 3 vols, post 8vo. hooA'ds, 10s 6d (pub. £l. lis Od) 1833 GOETHE'S (J. W.) Faust ; a Tragedy, trans- lated in the Original Metres, by Bayard Taylor, 2 vols, post 8vo. neiv cloth, £1. 3s 6(Z 1871 " It can be safely maintained that the rich and varied music of ' Faust' has never before been as faithfully re- presented to English ears." — Saturday Review. GOETHE'S (J. W.) Theory of Colours, trans- lated with Notes by Sir C. L. Eastlake, ivitJ}, plates, some coloured, 8vo. cloth, 15s 1840 GOETHE'S (J. W.) Life and Works, with Sketches of his Age and Contemporaries, by G. H. Lewis, portrait, new edition, enlarged, 8vo. new calf gilt, 18s 6(Z 1876 GOETHE. — The Story of Goethe's Life by G. H. Lewis, abridged from the larger work, portrait, post 8vo. new calf gilt, 1 Is 6d 1873 " I have detached from my Life of Goethe a continuous narrative, which will present the outward events of an ever- memorable career, and indicate the leading characteristics of an immortal genius." — Preface. GOLDSMID'S (Col. Sir F. J.) Telegraph and Travel ; a Narrative of the Formation and Development of Telegraphic Communication between England and India, under the orders of H.M. Government ; with incidental Notices of the Countries traversed by the Line, maps and numerous illustrations, thick 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 15s 1874 GOLDSMITH'S (0.) Works, edited by P. Cun- ningham, large type, vignettes, best library cd. 4 vols. 8vo. new calf gilt, £2. 8s, or new mo- rocco extra, gilt edges, £3. 16s 1854 GOLDSMITH'S (O.) Works, a finelly illus- trated edition ; Vicar of Wakefield, Select Poems, and Comedies, with Introduction, Notes, and Life by Dr. Waller, with numerous large and spirited woodcuts, impl. 8vo. cloth, gilt leaves, 9s Cassell, 1874 GOLDSMITH'S (O.) Miscellaneous Works, with Biographical Introduction by Prof. Mas- son, cr. 8vo. new calf gilt, 7s 6d — another copy, new morocco, gilt edges, 10s 6d 1871 GOLDSMITH'S (0.) Poetical Works, with Memoirs and Notes by B. Corney, illustrated hy 38 beautiful engravings by members of the Etch- ing Club, sq. 12mo. new mor. extra, gilt edges, 18s 6d 1868 GOLDSMITH'S (0.)^ Poetical Works, with Memoirs by Prof. Spalding, printed on toned paper, with engr(Wingb, fcap. 8?o. morocco, gilt edges, lOs 6d 1875 6n 6ale by H. SOTHERAN k GOLDSMITH'S (0.) Vicar of Wakefield, finely printed, and illustrated hy plates printed IN OIL COLOURS, sq. post 8vo. new calf extra, gilt edges, lOs 6d 1871 GOLDSMITH'S (O.) Life and Times by John FoKSTER, NEW EDITION, with portraits and illustrations, 2 vols. Svo. new calf gilt, £1. 10s 1871 GOLDSMITH'S (0.) Life and Times, by John Forster, cheaper edition, l2mo. new calf gilt, 10s 1875 " A biography of the poet, executed with a spirit, a feeling, a grace, and an elegance, that leave nothing to be desired ." — Wash i NdTON I rvi n g. GOLDEN TREASURY SERIES, uniformly printed with Vignette Titles hy Sir Noel Taton, W. Holman Hunt, J, E. Millais, etc. 18mo. new morocco, gilt edges, Qs, or neio morocco extra, gilt edges, 10s 6d Bacon's (Lord) Essays and Colours of Good and Evil. Ballad Book (The) Edited by W. Allingham Book of Golden Deeds of all Times and all Countries Book of Golden Thoughts Book of Praise ; edited by Lord Selbome Book of Worthies ; edited by Miss Yonge Bunyan's (J.) Pilgrim's Progress Burns' (R.) Poetical Works, 2 vols. Cavalier and his Lady (The) Selection from the Works of the first Duke and Duchess of Newcastle Children's Garland from the best Poets, edited by C. Patmore Db Foe's (D.) Adventures of Robinson Crusoe DeuteschLyrik; Golden Treasury of the best German Lyrical Poems Fairy Book (The) the best Popular Fairy Stories, selected by Miss Muloch Golden Treasury of the best Songs and Lyri- cal Poems in the English Language ; edited by F. T. Palgrave Guesses at Truth, by the Brothers Hare Hughes' (T.) Tom Brown's School Days Jest Book (The) edited by Mark Lemon La Lyre Francaise, edited by G. Masson Milton's (J.) Poetical Wprks ; edited by Prof. Masson, 2 vols. Plato, the Republic of ; trans, by Davies and Vaughan Scottish Song; a Selection of the Choicest Lyrics of Scotland, edited by M. C. Aitkin Song Book (The) Words and Tunes from the best Poets and Musicians, edited by J. HuUah Sunday Book of Poetry for the Young (The) Edited by C. F. Alexander Theologia Germanica, trans, by S. Wink- worth GOLOWNIN'S (Capt.) Narrative of his Captivity in Japan, during 1811-13, with Observations on the Country and People, 3 vols. Svo. cloth, 9s 1824 GOODMAN'S (Bp.) Court of Kino James I. with Letters illustrative of the Personal History of the most distinguished Characters in his Court and that of his Predecessors, now first pub. edited by Brewer, 2 fine portraits, 2 vols. 8vo.in one, hf.calfgilt, 10s 6d (pub. £1.85) 1839 Abounding in anecdotes of the most celebrated persons of the period. CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 87 GOODWIN'S (Dr. T., the Puritan) Complete Works ; with General Preface by Dr. J. C. Miller, and Memoir by Dr. R. Halley, 12 vols. Svo. gilt cloth extra, red leaves, £2. 2s Edvn. 1861 GOODWIN'S (F.) Domestic Architecture ; Designs for Mansions, Villas, and other Resi- dences, wuth Observations on the appropriate choice of Site, etc. many plates, 2 vols. 4to. cloth, £2. 2s 1843 GORDON'S (Lady Duff) Last Letters from Egypt ; to which are added Letters from the Cape, with a Memoir by her Daughter, post 8vo. new cloth, 7s 6d 1875 GOSSE'S (P. H.) Works :— Aquarium (The) ; an Unveiling of the Won- ders of the Deep Sea, illustrated, second edi* tion, post Svo. new cloth, lis 6d 1856 Assyria ; her Manners and Customs, Ai-ts and Arms, Restored from her Monuments, map and 157 woodcut illustrations, thick post Svo. neiv cloth, 7s 1857 Birds of Jamaica ; Description of, Svo. cloth, 8s 6d 1847 British Sea-Anemones and Corals, History of, loith 12 coloured plates exhibiting figwres of the species cmd principal varieties, beautifully grouped, Svo. new cloth, 17s 6d (1866) Canadian Naturalist, Conversations on the Natural History of Lower Canada, 44 en- gravings, post Svo. neiv cloth, 10s 1840 Evenings at the Microscope ; or Re- searches among the Minute Forms of Animal Life, numerous illustrations, post Svo. new calf gilt, 8s 6d (1868) Introduction to Zoology, numerous illustra- tions, 2 vols. 12mo. new cloth, 6s 6d 1867 Land and Sea illustrated, cr. Svo. new cloth, 3s n. d. Life ; A Series of Illustrations of the Divine Wisdom in the Forms, Structure, and In- stincts of Animals, illustrated, cr. Svo. new cloth, 3s n. d. Naturalist's Rambles on the Devonshire Coast, with 28 colowred and other plates, thick post Svo. cloth, 10s 6d 1863 Naturalist's Sojourn in Jamaica, with nu- merous illustrations of Scenery and Natural History, many of them colowred, thick post Svo. cloth, 9s 6(Z 1851 Omphalos ; an Attempt to untie the Geological Knot, with 26 woodcuts, post Svo. new cloth, 9s 1857 Popular British Ornithology, roith 20 ac^ curately coloured plates, sq. 12mo. new cloth, 6s 6d 1853 Romance of Natural History, First and Second Series, illustrated, cr. Svo. Tiew cloth, 6s " '^- d. Tenby, a Sea-Side Holiday, with 24 coloured plates of Marine Natural History, post Svo. new cloth, 17s 6d 1856 Year (A.) at the Shore, illusi/rated hy 36 co- lowred plates, sq. 12mo. cloth, 63 1865 68 BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRAUY, GORDON (G.) The Pinetum ; being a Synopsis of all the Coniferous Plants at present known, with Descriptions, History, and Synonyms, and a Comprehensive Systematic Index, 2nd edition, considerably enlarged, and including the former Supplement ; to which is added an Index of Popular Names, English and Foreign, 8vo. new cloth, 15s 1875 GOSCHEN'S (G. J.) Theory of the Foreign Ex- changes, eighth edition, Svo. cloth, 5s 1875 GOSSELIN (P.) Recherches sur la GIjogra- PHiE Systematique et Positive des Anciens, 4 vols. 1797-1813 ; ct La Gi^:ographib des Grecs Analts^e, one vol. 1790 ; mimerous maps, together 5 vols. 4to. old calf gilt, £1. Is Pa/ris, 1790-1813 From the library of the late H. T. Buckle, with book- plate. GOSTLING'S (W.) Walk in and about the City of Canterbury, with many Observations hitherto unpublished, numerous plates, 8vo. old russia gilt, 10s Gd Cant. 1777 GOUFFE'S (J.) Book of Preserves, containing instructions for Preserving Meat, Fish, Vege- tables, and Fruit, the preparation of Terrines, Galantines, Liqueurs, Syrups, etc. woodcuts, 8\o. half hound, 9s 1871 GOUFFE'S (J.) Royal Cookery Book (le Livre de Cuisine) comprising Domestic and high-class Cookery, translated by A. Gouffe, illustrated hy 16 la/rge coloured plates and 161 woodcuts, a large roy. Svo. vol. cloth extra, gilt leaves, £l.l5s 1868 GOUFFE'S (J.) Royal Cookery Book, com- prising Domestic and High -Class Cookery, Household Edition, illustrated hy numerous ivoodcuts, roy. 8vo. half hound, 9s 1869 GOUGH'S (R.) British Topography, an his- torical account of what has been done for illustrating the Topographical Antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland, curious facsimiles of old maps, ^-c. 2 thick vols. 4to. calf gilt, £1. 4s 1780 This work contains an account of all Books, Prints, Drawings, &c. illustrating the various counties, till the period of its publication. GOUGH'S (R.) Sepulchral Monuments of Great Britain, applied to illustrate the Families, Manners, and Arts from the Norman Conquest to the XVIIth Century, nuraerous fine engravings, 5 vols. impl. folio, hf. russia gilt, A FINE COPY, £65. 1786-96 A large portion of this national work having been destroyed by fire at the printer's warehouse, very few copies are found complete. So fine a copy as the above is arely procurable. GOULBURN'S (Dr.) Pursuit of Holiness ; a Sequel to " Thoughts on Personal Religion," sm. 8vo. new calf antique, 8s 6d ; or^ new mo- rocco, gilt edges, 10s 6d 1874 GOULBURN'S (Dr.) Thoughts on Personal Religion, fcap. 8vo. new calf antique, 8s 6d — Another copy, new morocco, gilt edges, 10s 6d 1874 GOURLAY'S (R.) Statistical Account of Upper Canada; compiled with a view to a Grand System of Emigration, maps, 3 thick vols. 8vo. half calf, 168 1822 GOWER'S (J.) CoNFESSio Amantis, edited and collated with the best MSS. by Dr. Pauli, finely printed in large antique type hy Whittingliam, 3 vols. 8vo. new calf extra, gilt edges, £2. 5s 1857 A beautiful edition of these famous old metrical tales which delighted the readers of the Middle Ages : the first edition was printed by Caxton. GRAEVII (J. G.) Thesaurus Antiquitatum Roman arum, portrait and plates, 12 toIs. folio, hf. vellum gilt, a fine copy, £3. 5s Traject. 1694 GRAFTON'S (K.) Chronicle, with his Table of the Bailiffs, Sheriffs, and Mayors of London, from 1189 to 1558, 2 vols. 4to. calf gilt £2. 2s 1809 GRAHAM'S (Dr.) Domestic Medicine, de- scribing the Symptoms, Causes and Treatment of Diseases, with a Domestic Materia Medica, and copious collection of Prescriptions, &c. last and best edition, thick Svo. new chth, 13s 6d 1864 GRAHAM'S (J. M.) Historical View of Litera- ture and Art in Great Britain, from the Accession of the House of Hanover to the Reign of Queen Victoria, second edition, Svo. cloth, 7s 6d (pub. 12s) 1872 GRAHAM'S (T.) Elements of Chemistry; including the application of the Science in the Arts, numerous illustrations, second edition, 2 vols. Svo. hf. calf neat, 16s 6d 1850-8 GRAINGE'S (VV.) History and Topogi'aphy of Harrowgate, and of the Forest of Knares- BOROUGH, Svo. new cloth, 9s 1872 GRAMMONT (Count) Memoirs of, by A. Hamilton ; translated, with Notes and Illustra- tions, upwards of 60 portraits of the Beauties and other celehrities of the Court of Charles II. 2 vols, royal Svo. morocco, gilt leaves, £2. 10s 1828 GRAMMONT (Count) Memoirs of, by A. Hamilton ; edited with Notes by Sir W. Scott, new edition, with 64 portraits, thick Svo. new morocco extra, gilt edges, £1. 8s 1876 GRANT'S (Capt. J. A.) Walk across Africa; or Domestic Scenes from my Nile Journal [in the company of Capt. Speke], large map, Svo. chth, 9s (pub. 15s) 1864 GRANT'S (J.) Summary of the History of the English Church, and of the Sects which have departed from its Communion ; with Answers to each Dissenting Body on its pretended Grounds of Separation, 4 vols. Svo. calf gilt, £1. Is (pub. 36s) 1811 GRANT'S (Mrs. of Laggan) Letters from the Mountains, Correspondence with her Friends, 1773-1803, sixth edition, with Notes by J. P. Grant, 2 vols. ; also Memoirs and Corres- pondence of Mrs. Grant, 1803-1838, second edition, port. 3 vols. — together 5 vols, post Svo. cloth. Us (pub. £2. 12s 6d) 1845 GRANTHAM'S (J.) Iron Ship Building, with Practical Examples and Details, in 24 plates^ together with a volume of Descriptive Text, and General Remarks, for the use of Ship- owners and Ship-builders, 4to. £1. 15s 1868 Fifth edition. The plates of the present work have been prepared, and the subjects drawn, in elevation, plan, and detail to a scale useful for immediate practice. ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & GKATTAN'S (Rt. Hon. H.) SpEtcuES in the I Irish and in the Imperial ParHament, edited by his Son, portrait, 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, £1. 14s 1822 | GRATTAN'S (Rt. Hon. H.) Life and Times, by his Son, H. Grattan, ports. 5 vols. Svo. cloth, £1. 10s (pub. £3. 10s) 1839 GRAVES (J.) and Trim's Cathedral Church of St. Canice, Kilkenny ; its History, Architecture, and Antiquities, ivith 56 woodcut illustrations, 4to. cloth, £1. Is Dublin, 1857 GRAY'S (H.) Anatomy, Descriptive and Sur- gical, fifth edition, with an Introduction by T. Holmes, with nearly 400 woodcut illusi/rations, thick impl. 8vo. new cloth, £1. 4s 1869 GRAY'S (Mrs.) History of Etruria, 3 vols, post 8vo. cloth, £1. Is (pub. 36s) 1843-68 GRAY'S (Mrs.) Tour to the Sepulchres of Etruria in 1839, numerous plates (^some co^ loured), thick post 8vo. calf gilt, 12s 6d (pub. 21s) 1841 GRAY'S (S. O.) British Seaweeds ; an Intro- duction to the Study of the Marine Alg^ of Great Britain, Ireland, and the Channel Islands, 16 coloured plates, post 8vo. new cloth, 9s 1871 GRAY'S (T.) Works, with Life by Mitford, Reprint of Pickering's Aldine edition, portrait, 5 vols. fcap. Svo. new calf extra, gilt edges, £2. 2s 1868 The most complete edition, containing many pieces never before printed. GRAY'S (T.) Poetical Works, with Letters and Memoirs of his Life by Mason, portrait, 4 vols, post 8vo. original calf, 10s Gd 1778 GRAY'S (T.) Poems and Letters, beautifully printed in Lcwge Type on Thick Toned Paper, and illustrated by Portrait of the Author and PJwtographic Views, 4to. bound in smooth calf extra, gilt edges by Riviere, £1. 10s Chiswick Press, 1863 GRAY'S (T.) Poetical Works, with Life by Mitford, portrait, sm. Svo. morocco, gilt edges, 10s 6d 1862 GRAY'S (T.) Correspondence with W. Mason and Rev. Dr. J. Brown, from the Original MSS. edited by the Rev. J. Mitford, second edition, enlarged, Svo. hf. calf gilt, 7s Gd 1855 GRAZEBROOK'S (H. S.) Heraldry of Wor- cestershire ; being a Roll of the Arms borne by the several Noble, Knightly, and Gentle Families which have had property or residence in that County, from the earliest period to the present Time, with Genealogical Notes, collected from the Heralds' Visitations, Ancient MSS. Church Monuments, and other authentic sources, 2 vols. sm. 4to. cloth gilt, £l. 4s (pub. 42s) 1873 GREAT Battles of the British Army, (to the Abyssinian Wai*,) coloured illustrations, post Svo. new calf gilt, 9s (1873) GREEN'S (A. H.) Geology for Students and General Readers, Part 1, Physical Geolog}% post Svo. new cloth, 10s 6d 1876 GREEN'S (Mrs. E.) Lives of the Princesses of England from the Norman Conquest, por- traits, 6 vols, post Svo. hf. morocco gilt, £2. 5s — Another copy, calf extra, £2. 18s 1849-55 A desirable accompaniment to Miss Strickland's Queens. CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. S9 GREEN'S (J. R.) Short History of the Eng- lish People, toith coloured maps. Genealogical Tables, and Chronological Annals, post Svo. new calf gilt, 12s Gd 1875 «« We know of no record of the whole drama of Eng- lish history to be compared with it. We know of none that is so distinctly a work of genius."— PaW Mall Gazette. " It stands alone as the one general history of the country, for the sake of which all others, if young and old are wise, will he speedily and surely set 3isidc."— Academy. GREEN'S (J.) Stray Studies from England and Italy, post Svo. new cloth, Is 1876 GREEN'S (V.) Worcester ; History and Anti- quities of, with portrait, and numerous engroA)- ings of Views of the Cathedral and otlier edifices, fine impressions, 2 vols. 4to. hf. calf, £1. Is 1796 GREENE (R.) and Peele's Dramatic and Poetical Works, with Memoirs and Notes, by Dyce, roy. Svo. new calf gilt, £1. Is 1861 GREGG'S (J.) Commerce of the Prairies, or the Journal of a Santa Fe Trader during Eight Expeditions across the Great Western Prairies, and a Residence in N. Mexico, map and en- gravings, 2 vols, post Svo. hf. calf gilt, 10s Gd 1844 GREGORY'S (Dr.) Treatise on Mechanics, Theoretical, Practical, and Descriptive, with 45 folded plates, 3 vols. Svo. hf. calf, 12s Gd 1826 GREGSON'S (M.) Portfolio of Fragments relative to the History and Antiquities, Topo- graphy and Genealogies of the County Pala- tine and Duchy of Lancaster, new edition, edited with Additions by J. Harland, illustrated by several hund/red engravings of Views, Seats, Arms, ^c. folio, cloth, £2. 10s — Another copy on large paper, (only a very limited number printed), folio, cloth, £3. 10s 1869 This is substantially a reprint of the very scarce edition of 1834, with the addition of a copious general Index, and also of a special Index to the Coats of Jrm(, which is the largest collection in print of the Arms of Lancashire families, and which, by this addition, is now made of easy access and of real service to the student of Lancashire family history. GRENVILLE Papers. — Correspondence and Diaries of Rich. Grcnville, Earl Temple, and of the Rt. Hon. G, Grenvillo, their Friends and Contemporaries, ed. from the original MSS. by W. J. Smith, 4 vols. Svo. new calf, £2. 5s (pub. £S. 4s) 1852-3 GRESHAM (Sir T.) His Life and Times, in- cluding Notices of many of his Contemporaries, by J. W. BuRGON, fine portrait, engravings, and vjoodcuts, 2 vols. Svo. hf. calf neat, 10s 6tZ 1829 GREVILLE (C. F.) A Journal of the Reigns of George IV. and William IV. edited by Henry Reeve, 3 vols. Svo.neio calf gilt, £1. lis Gd 1875 GREVILLE'S ( R. K. ) Cryptogamic Flora, comprising the Principal Species found in Great Britain, inclusive of all the New Species recently discovered in Scotland, with 360 beautifully COLOURED PLATES, 6 vols. royal Svo. new half morocco, gilt leaves, £7. 7s (pub. £16. 16s) 1823-8 This, though a complete work in itself, forms an almost indispensable Supplement to the several editions of Soiverby's English Botany, which do not comprehend Crypto- gameous Plants. '*A truly admirable work, which may be honestly designated as so excellent, that nothing can be found to compete with it in the whole range of Indigenous Botany." Loudon's Gardener's Magazine. 90 BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, GREY'S (Sir G.) Two Expeditions of Discovery in Nohtu-West and Western Australia, with Observations on the Condition of the Aborigines, &c. numerous engravings and maps, 2 vols. 8vo. clotli, 16s (pub. £2. 'Is) 1841 GREY'S (Earl) Colonial PoLicr of Lord John Russell's Administration from 1846 to 1852, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 5s 6(Z (pub. £1. 8s)— Another copy, calf, 10s 6cZ 1853 " A handbook of modern colonial policy, which no person desirous of understanding the state and future pro- spects of our Colonies can omit to read." — Edin. Revieiv. GREY'S (Earl) Correspondence with King William IV. and Sir Herbert Taylor, from 1830-32, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 15s n.d. GREY'S (Earl) Parliamentary Government and Reform; with Suggestions for the Improve- jnent of our Representative System, second edi- tion, 8vo. cloth, 6s n.d. GRIFFITH (J. W.) and Henfrey's Micrographic Dictionary, a Guide to the Examination of the Structure of Microscopic Objects, dilates, and upwards of 800 woodcuts, last edition, thick 8vo. cloth, £2. 5s 1875 GRIFFITH'S (S. Y.) Historical Description of Cheltenham and Vicinity, embellished with nearly 100 highly finished engravings on steel, large paper, thick 4to. hf. hound, 12s Gd Cheltenham, 1826 GRIGOR'S (J.) Arboriculture ; a Practical Treatise on Raising and Managing Forest Trees, and on the Profitable Extension of the Woods and Forests of Great Britain, 8vo. new cloth, 9s Edin. 1868 A work full of information, comprising the experience acquired during the labours of nearly half a century. GROSE'S (F.) Antiquities of England and Wales, Avith the Supplement, New Edition, fine iinpressions of the numerous engravings of Castles, Abbeys, ^-c. 8 vols. impl. 8vo. calf, £4. 4s 1787, cfc. GR()SE'S (F.) Antiquities of Ireland, the original large and thick paper edition, with hrilUant impressions of the 266 fine en- gravings, (a feu) slightly discoloured), and De- scriptions by E. Ledwich, 2 thick vols, royal 4to. hf. morocco, £2. 5s 1794-5 GROSE'S (F.) Military Antiquities, respect- ing a History of the English Army from the Conquest to the present Time ; also Treatise on Ancient Armour and Weapons, with original impressions of the numerous engravings, 3 vols. 4to. calf gilt, arms on sides ; fine copy, £2. 15s 1786-88 GROSE'S (F.) Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue (or Slang Dictionary), second edition, enlarged, 8vo. hj. calf gilt, 7s (id 1788 GROSE'S (F.) Provincial Glossary, and Col- lection of Local Proverbs and Popular Super- stitions, new edition, corrected, 4to. boards, 6s 6d 1811 GROTE'S (G.) Aristotle; edited by Profs. Bain and Robertson, 2 vols. 8vo._ new calf gilt, £2. 2s — Another copy, vellum gilt, carmine edges, £2. 7s 6d 1872 GROTE'S (G.) History of Greece, fourth edi- tion, la/rge type, with maps, 1 2 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, £10. 10s 1854 GROTE'S (G.) History of Greece ; from the Earliest Period to the Close of the Generation contemporary with Alexander the Great, ivith portrait, maps, and plans, 10 vols. 8vo. neiy calf qilt, £8. 1874 GROTE'S (G.) History of Greece, cabinet edition, 12 vols. cr. 8vo. nexo calf gilt, £5. 15s; or new hf. calf gilt, £4. 10s 1869 •' A great literary undertaking, equally notable, whether we regard it as an accession to what is of standard value in our language, or as an honourable monument of what English Scholarship can do." — Athenaeum. GROTE (G.) Fragments on Ethical Subjects, being a Selection from his Posthumous Papers, 8vo. new calf gilt, 12s 6(Z 1876 GROTE'S (G.) Minor Works; with critical Remarks on his intellectual character, Writings and Speeches, by A. Bain, portrait, Svo. new calf gilt, 18s 1873 GROTE'S (G.) Plato and the other Companions of Sokrates, 3 vols. 8vo. nexo calf extra, £2. 12s dd — Another copy, new vellum gilt, carmine edges, £2. 18s 1875 "The great work of Mr. Grote, which contains excel- lent analyses of the Dialogues, and is rich in original thoughts and observations."— Jowett. GROTE'S (G.) Personal Life, compiled from Family Documents, Private Memoranda, and Original Letters to and from various friends, portrait, 8vo. new calf gilt, 16s 1873 " Mrs, (jrote is the best biographer we have had since Bos well." — Athenceum. GROTE'S (Mrs.) Life of Ary Scheffer, the Painter ; with Observations on the general Cha- racteristics of his Style, Svo. cloth, 5s 6(i 1860 GROVE (F. C.) The Frosty Caucasus; an Account of a Walk through part of the Range, and of an Ascent of Elbruz in the Summer of 1^1 ■\:, illustrations engraved by Whymper,^ost Svo. neiv cloth, 12s iid 1875 GROVE'S (W. R.) Correlation of Physical Forces, fifth ecZiizow, augmented by a Discourse on Continuity, Svo. new cloth, 12s 6cZ 1874 GRUNER'S (L.) Die Basreliefs an der Vor- derseite des Doms zu Orvieto, 80 beautifully engraved plates on India paper, with Descrip- tions in German and French by E. Braun, oblong folio, in cover, £4. 4s Leipzig, 1858 GRUNER'S (L.) Specimens of Ornamental Art, selected from the best models (Raphael, &c.) 80 large plates, splendidly executed (the greater part in gold and colours), atlas folio, hf. morocco extra, gilt leaves, with Descriptions in 4to. £12. 12s 1850 A more magnificent volume than the above has never been produced in any country. GUEST (Lady Charlotte) The Mabinogion from the Llyfr Coch o Hergcst and other Ancient Welsh MSS. with English Translation and Notes, with numerous woodcuts and facsimiles of the old Welsh and other MSS. complete in 3 vols, royal Svo. handsomely bound in hf morocco, gilt, top edges gilt, £6. 6s — Another copy, on LARGE PAPER, 3 vols. impl. Svo. morocco extra, gilt edges, £14. 14s, very scarce, only a feio so printed 1849 One of the most important additions to the literary Archaeology of Wales which the present century has pro"- duced. GUEST'S (E.) Ilistoiy of English Rhythms, 2 vols. Svo. /(/. calf neat, £l. Is Pickering, 1838 ON SALE BY H. SOTHEKAN & CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. GUHL (E.) and Koner's (W.) Life of the Greeks and Romans described from Antique Monuments, translated from the third German edition by F. Hueffer, vnth 543 ivoodcuts, royal 8vo. neiv cloth. 17s 6d 1875 GUICCIARDINI'S (F.) History of Italy, from the Yeai- 1490 to 1532, translated by A. P. God- dard, 10 vols. Svo. hf. russia, £1. Is 1753 GUILLEMIN'S (A.) The Forces of Nature ; a popular introduction to the study of Physical Phenomena, translated from the French and edited with Additions and Notes, by J. Norman LocKYER, illustrated ly 11 coloured plates and 455 woodcuts, thick royal 8vo. cloth extra, gilt edges, £1. 6s 6d 1873 " This book is a luxurious introduction to the study of the physical sciences. . . . The method of pictorial illustration, accompanied as it is by descriptions of sin- gular clearness, makes the experiments as easy to under- stand as though they were actually performed before the reader." GUILLEMIN'S (A.) The Heavens ; an Illus- trated Handbook of Popular Astronomy, edited by LocKYER and revised by Proctor, nur>ierous illustrations, Svo. now calf, 15s 1876 GUILLEMIN'S (A.) The Sun; translated from the French by Dr. Phipson, numerous illastra- tionsy post Svo. new calf gilt, 10s Gd 1870 GUILLIM'S (J.) Display of Heraldry, fifth edition, much enlarged ; also a Treatise of Honour, Military and Civil, with numerous elaborate engravings and ivoodcuts of Heraldic Bearings, folio, calf gilt, £2. 2s 1679 GUINOT (E.) a Summer at Baden-Baden; profusely illustrated hy ivell executed steel en- gravings and woodcuts of Picturesque Scenery, Bivilditigs, etc. hy Tony Johannot, Lami, FRAN9AIS, Daubigny, etc. also coloured plates of Military Costume, a large vol. royal Svo. in ornamental wra/pper, 2s 3cZ «. d. An interesting account of this famous place of resort at a very reduced price. GUIZOT'S (F.) Historical Works, translated by Scoblc, fine large type library editions, 16 vols. Svo. new hf. calf gilt, uniform, £9. 9s 1854, &c. Comprising History of Charles I. and the English Revolution, Oliver Cromwell and the English Common- wealth, Richard Cromwell and the Restoration, History of Civilization, Shakspeare and his Times, Corneille and his Times, Memoirs of Sir Robert Peel, History of his own Times. GUIZOT'S (F.) Meditations on Christianity and on the Religious Questions of the Day (I. The Essence, II. Present State, III. Rela- tion to Society and Opinion), 3 vols, post Svo. cloth, 18s Murray GUIZOT (F.) On the Fine Arts, their Nature and Relations, translated by G. Grove, with 17 beautiful engravings by Scharf, from Pictures by Baffaelle, Carracci, ^c. sq. 8yo. cloth, 12s 1853 GYLL'S (J. W. J.) History of the Parish of Wraysbury, Ankerwycke Priory, and Magna Charta Island, with the History of Horton, and the Town of Colnbroke, Bucks, map, pedigrees, ^c. 4to. cloth, uncut, 16s 1862 HABERSHON'S (M.) Ancient IJalf-Timl>ered Houses of England, loith numerous fine plates, including Details, etc. with Descriptions, impl. 4to. hf. calf gilt, £2. 2s 1836 91 HAECKEL (E.) The History of Creation ; or, The Development of the Earth and its Inha- bitants by the Action of Natural Causes: A Popular Exposition of the Doctrine of Evolu- tion in General, and that of Darwin, Gouche, and Lamarck in Particular, the Translation revised by Professor Lankester, 2 vols, post Svo. new cloth, £1. 7s 1875 HAINES' (H.) Manual of Monumental Brasses, comprising an elaborate Introduction to their Study, and a List of those remaining in the British Isles, with 200 fine illustrations (valuable for Costume, Arms, <^c.) 2 vols. Svo. cloth, Xl.ls 1861 HAKEWILL'S (A. W.) General Plan and Exter- nal Details, with Picturesque Illustrations of Thorpe Hall, Peterborough, 12 plates, folio, cloth, 10s Gd (pub. £1. Is) 1852 HAKEWILL'S (J.) History of Windsor, and its Neighbourhood, witlu 35 fine engraA}ings of the Castle, 4c. by Landseer, Cooke, and others, royal 4to. /(/. bound, 12s 6d, 1813 — Another copy, LARGE PAPER, impl. 4to. boards, £\. 8s 1820 HAKEWILL (J.) and Turner's Picturesque Tour of Italy, with classical Descriptions, 63 highly fvnished and beautiful engravings by Cooke, Qoodall, H. Moses^ ^c. from Drawings by J. M. W. Turner andHakewill, proof impres- sions, {slightly foxed), large PAPEu.impl. 4to. cloth, £1. 5s (pub. £10. 10s) — Another copy, in fine condition, russia super extra, £3. 3s 1820 This beautiful work illustrates the classical Tours of Addison, Eustace, and Forsyth. HAKLUYT'S (R.) Principal Navigations, Voyages and Discoveries of the English Nation, reprinted from the rare edition of 1599, with Additions, selected and edited by G. Woodfall, 5 vols. 4to. calf gilt, oiULY 250 copies printed, £16. 16s 1809-12 HAKLUYT Society's Publications, a com- plete set of these esteemed works, from the commencement to 1873 inclusive, comprising valuable Early Voyages, Travels, and Geogra- phical Records, 48 vols. Svo. cUth, £31. 10a 1847-73 HALES' (W.) New Analysis of Chronology and Geography,' History and Prophecy, best edition, 4 vols. Svo. calf gilt, sca/rce, £1. 16s 1830 " Not only is this work the most elaborate system of Chronology extant in our language, but there is scarcely a difficult text in Scripture which it does not illustrate." HALIBURTON'S (Judge) Humourous Works, best library editions, engravings, 23 vols, post 8vo. hf. calf gilt, £8. 8s 1843, &c. Comprises, Sam Slick the Clockmaker, Sayings and Doings, 3 vols. — The Attach^, or Sam Slick in England, both series, 4 vols. — Nature and Human Nature, 3 vols. — The Old Judge, 2 vols. — Traits of American Humour, 3 vols. — English in America, 2 vols. — Americans at Home, 3 vols. — Letter Bag of the (jrcat Western — The Season Ticket— and Sam Slick's Wise Saws and Modern In- stances, 2 vols. HALL'S (Capt. Basil) Fragments of Voyages and Travels, the Three Series, roy. 8vo. calf gilt, 10s 6d 1860 HALL'S (Rev. R.) Works complete, with Life by Dr. O. Gregory, and Observations on his Character as a Preacher, by John Foster, best edition, 25orfrai*, 6 vols. Svo. calf, £1. 10s 1853 9^ BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, HALL'S (Bp.) WoKivS complete, with Life, a translation of all his Latin Pieces, Glossary, and Notes, by the Rev. P. Hall, portrait, 12 vols: 6vo. calf gilt, £3. 12s Oxford, 1837 HALL'S (Bp.) Works complete, new edition, edited by the Rev. Dr. Wynter, 10 vols. 8vo. new calf gilt, £5. 10s 1863 HALL'S (E.) Chronicle, containing the History of England, Henry IV. to Henry VIII. edited by Sir H. Ellis, roy. 4to. calf gilt, £1. 4s 1809 HALL'S (S. C.) Book of South Wales, the Wye and the Coast, elegantly printed and illus- trated with 250 engravings of Scenery, Castles, Seats, 4-c. thick sm. 4to. cloth, 12s 1861 HALL'S (S. C.) Book of the Thames ; from its Rise to its Fall, with 1 5 beautiful Photographic illustrations, and upwards of 100 woodcuts, roy. 8vo. cloth, 17s 1869 HALL'S (S. C.) Ireland, its Scenery, Legends, Tales, &.C. with 500 beautiful engravings on steel and ivood, by Creswick, Harvey, and others, 3 vols, royal 8vo. neiv hf. morocco gilt, £2. 18s (1857) HALL'S (S. C.) Midsummer Eve; a Pairy Tale of Love, profusely illustrated after the exquisite designs of Maclise, Cresivick, Weir, Kenny Mea- dows, and others, sq. 8vo. cloth, 10s %d 1848 HALL'S (S. C.) Sketches of Irish Charac- ter, with numerous highly finished engravings and woodcuts after Maclise, Franklin, <^c. sq. 8vo. new cloth, 6s Gd 1874 HALLAM'S (A. H.) Remains in Verse and Prose, with a Preface and Memoir, portrait, 12mo. new calf gilt, 8s 1869 HALLAM'S (H.) Historical Works, large type library edition, complete, 9 vols. 8vo. new calf gilt, £6. 10s 1867-73 Comprises : — View of the Slate of Europe during the Middle Ages ; Introduction to the Literature of Europe and Constitutional History of England, from Henry VII. to George II. HALLAM'S (H.) Historical Works, cabinet edition, complete , 10 vols. cr. 8vo. new hf. calf gilt, £3. — Another copy, new calf extra, £4. 1864-72 Comprises : — Views of the State of Europe during the middle Ages ; Introduction to the Literature of Europe and Constitutional History of England from Henry VII. to George II. HALLAM'S (H.) Constitutional History of England, from the Accession of Henry VII. to the Death of George II. 3 vols. 8vo. neiv calf gilt, £2. 5s, 1867 — Cabinet edition, 3 vols. cr. 8vo. new calf extra, £1. 4s 1870 HALLAM'S (H.) Introduction to the Litera- ture of Europe, in the XVth, XVIth, and XVIIth Centuries, porU-ait, 3 vols. 8vo. new calf gilt, £2. 10*, 1873 — Cabinet edition, 4 vols, cr. 8vo. new calf extra, £1. 12s 1870 HALLAM'S (H.) View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages, 3 vols. 8vo. new calf gilt, £2. 5s — Cabinet edition, 3 vols. cr. 8vo. neiv calf extra, £1. 4s 1868 HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS' (J. O.) Ancient Survey of Pen Maen Mawr, N. Wales, from the Original MS. of the time of Charles I. post 8vo. cloth, (only 3o COPIES printed), 12s 6d 1859 '• Chiefly valuable for the very curious and graphic account it affords of the ancient remains on Penmacn- mawr." — Preface. HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS' (J. O.) Catalogue of Proclamations, Broadsides, Ballads, and Poems, presented to the Chetham Library, Manchester, finely printed, thick paper, 4to. cloth, £1. 5s 1851 Only loo copies privately printed. HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS' (J. 0.) Description of Ancient and Modern MSS. in the Ply- mouth Library, thick 4to. cloth, 18s Privately Printed, 1854 Only So copies printed. Included are — I. Notices of Dr. S. Forman, with Extracts from his Metrical Autobio- graphy. II. The Generall, a Tragi-Comedy, attributed to Shirley, now first printed from the original MS. III. A Poem by N. Breton, (in Six Cantos), now first printed from an early MS. IV. Mother Shipton's Prophecy, curious ivoodcuts. V. Love's Victorie, an unpublished Drama of the 17th century, Extracts from. VI. Notes of two rare Tracts on Witches, -with ivoodcuts. HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS' (J. 0.) Litera- ture of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, illustrated by Reprints of very- Rare Tracts, edited by J. O. Halliwell- Phillipps, roy. 4to. cloth, {large and thick paper, only 25 copies so printed), 18s 1851 HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS' ( J.O.) The Castle op Love, a Poem, by Robert Grosseteste, BishoD of Lincoln, now first printed from inedited MSS. of the XlVth Century, edited with Preface, by J. 0. Halliwell-Phillipps, royal 4to. cloth, (only 100 copies printed,) 10s U 1849 " This piece," says Warton, " professes to treat of the Creation, the Redemption, the day of Judgement, the Joys of Heaven, and the Torments of Hell : but the whole is a religious Allegory, and under the ideas of Chivalry the fun- dairiental article's of Christian belief are represented. It has the air of a system of divinity written by a Trouba- dour." HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS' (J. O.) The The- atre " Plats" of three Old English Dramas: The Battle of Alcazar [attributed to Peele], Frederick and Basilca, and the Dead Man's Fortune, facsimiled from the rare originals, written on pasteboard for the use of the Actors, and containing their names, impl. folio, hf. bound, £1. 4s For Private Circulation, 1860 The original " Plats" of old Plays are of extraordmary rarity : it is believed that not more than one or two others exist besides those here given in facsimile, and the last two of the above named Plays themselves are lost. The Plat of the third is remarkable as containing the earliest notices of Burbage as an actor. That of the first is of interest, as furnishing us with the names of some of the principal actors in Alleyn's company. HAMILTON'S (F.) Account of the Fishes found in the River Ganges and its Branches, 4to. with oblong folio Atlas of 39 finely executed plates, 2 vols, boards, £1. 4s Edin. 1822 HAMILTON'S (Sir F. W.) The Grenadier Guards ; their Origin and Histoiy from Docu- ments in the State Paper Office, War Office, etc. with portraits and illustrations, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, £1, Us 6d 1874 " The industry of the author has been extraordinary ; and his diligent examination of our own archives, and even those of foreign countries, has enabled him to put together a narrative rich in most curious details, and sin- gularly complete." HAMILTON'S (Sir W.) '^gyptiaca, or some Account of the Antient and Modern State of Egypt, roy. 4to. grained calf, with folio Atlas, containing 25 Etchings from Original Drawings taken on the spot by C. Hayes, 12s 6d 1809 (' \ n ON SALE BY H HAMERTON'S (P. G.) WORKS :— Chapters on Animals, illustrated by 20 ex- quisite etchings hy J. Vetrassat and Karl BoDMER, sq. 8vo. cloth extra, 10s 6d 1873 Etcher's Handbook, giving an Account of the Old Processes and of Processes recently discovered, illustrated by 6 etchings, 12mo. 4s 6d 1871 Etchings and Etchers, new edition, illustrated hy 12 hecmtiful full-page etchings, thick 8vo. neiv cloth, 17s 6d 1876 Intellectual Life (The) (a Series of Letters on the right direction of Intellectual energy) a finely etched portrait of Da Vinci, post 8vo. new calf gilt, lis 6d 1873 Painter's Camp in the Highlands ; and Thoughts about Art, 2 vols, post 8vo. cloth, 17s 6d — new and [cheaper edition, fcap. 8vo. cloth, 5s 1866 Painting in France after the Decline of Clas- sicism, an Essay, with 14 exquisite Photo- graphic illustrations, 4to. cloth extra, gilt leaves, 17s 6d 1869 Round My House; Notes of Rural Life in France in Peace and War, post 8vo. new cloth, 6s ed 1876 Sylvan Year (The). Leaves frrom the Note- book of Raoul Dubois, unth 20 etchings hy the author and other artists, 8vo. neiv cloth, 10s 6d 1875 Thoughts about Art ; with Notes and an Introduction, post 8vo. new calf gilt, 12s 1873 Unknown River (The) An Etcher's Voyage of Discovery, with 37 illustrations on India paper, etched from naturehy the author, impl. 8vo. cloth, 12s 6d 1870 HAMILTON'S (Sir W.)P>iscus8ions on Philo- sopHT and Literature, Education, and Univer- sity Reform, enlarged in Notes and Appendices, Svo. new calf gilt, £1. 4s 1853 HAMILTON'S (Sir W.) Lectures on Meta- physics and Logic, edited by Manscl and Veitch, 4 vols. Svo. new calf gilt,' £3. 3s 1876 HAMILTON'S (Sir W.) Memoirs by Professor Veitch, port 8vo. hf. calf, 10s 6d 1869 HAMILTON'S (W., of Bangow) Poems and Songs ; edited, with several unpublished Pieces, illustrative Notes, and Life, by J. Paterson, printed on fine hlue paper, with portrait, post Svo. hf. morocco, uncut, gilt top, 12s 6d Min. 1850 HAMLEY'S (E. B.) Operations of War, Ex- plained and Illustrated, 17 folded maps and plans, third edition, sm. 4to. cloth, £1. 4s 1872 In this Edition a new Chapter on the Campaign of Metz and Sedan has been added, the Chapter on Contem- porary Tactics has i)ecn entirely rewritten, and the work revised throughout with special reference to the experience of the late War. HAMMOND'S (Dr. H.) Works, Complete, (Practical Discourses, Defence of the Church of England, Paraphrase and Annotations on the New Testament, &c.) 4 vols, folio, calf, £2. 2s 1684-9 ♦'Hammond's works," says the Rev. T. Hartwell Home, "are in great and growing reputation." HAMMOND'S (Dr. H.) Paraphrase and Annota- tions upon all the Books of the New Testa- ment, 4 thick vols. Svo. caljneat, 1 8s Oxf. 1^45 SOTHERAN & CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDOK Nli( // 4 /> ^ WigtiUty- ^. B. Wo^ ?, and C. 'tqftWipt, illus- ( ) of 70 full-pag^ Jei^glKwings '' 36 vols. I 41 vols. I 25 vols. 217 vols. HAMPSHIRE; A Gene^^ Hist^rV/oj, in- cluding the Isl^ of WARD, T. C. Wilks, trated with upivards comprising portraits, maps, views, antn(\ etc. 3 vols. 4to. Iialf morocco, gilt edges, £4 — Another copy, large paper, the plates on India paper, complete in 3 handsome ioViff volumes, half morocco, gilt tops, edges wncnt, £12. 12s (1870) This exceedingly interesting and valuable County History was commenced by the late B. B. Woodward, F.S.A., formerly librarian to Her Majesty at Windsor Castle, and after his decease was completecl by the Rev. T. C. Wilks, The portion relating to the Isle of Wight was supplied by Mr. C. Lockhart. The work contains, in ample detail, the history, antiquities, and peculiarities of every place of importance in the county, with numerous references to family history, anecdotes and biographies of distinguished natives and residents, and accounts of local manners and customs. It supplies what has long been wanted, a good and reliable history of this county, and is indispensable to every topographical librarj-. HANSARD'S PARLIAMENTARY DE- BATES, with the Parliamentary History, complete from the commencement to 1 873, in- clusive, viz : Parliamentary History from the Earliest Period (1066) to 1803 Parliamentary Debates, from 1803 to 1820, First Series Ditto, Ditto, from 1820 to 1830, Second Series Ditto, Ditto, from 1830 to end of \ 1873, Third Series j in all 319 vols, royal Svo. newly half hound, uniform throughout, £115. v. d. A set of books invaluable to the politician, comprising as it does the Parliamentary Debates which have taken place in both Houses of Parliament, from the beginning of the present century. HANSARD'S (G. A.) Book of Archery, its complete History and Practice, ivith 39 heauti- ful line engravings after designs hy Stephanoff, Svo. cloth gilt (pub. £l. Us 6d) €s 6d — Another copy, calf gilt, 10s 6d 1841 HANSERD Knollys' Society's Pcblications, complete, comprising the Works of early English and other Baptist Writers, 10 vols. Svo. cloth, scarce, £2. 10s Printed for the members only, 1847-54 A valuable set of books, comprising : — Tracts on Liberty of Conscience and Persecution, 1615-1661. Broadmead Lectures, 1640-1688. Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, with collations and In- troduction by G. Offor. Roger VVilliam's Bloudy Tenent of Persecution Dis- cussed, 1644. ]. Canne on Necessitie of Separation from the Church. *rhe Dutch Martyrology, transl, by Underbill, 2 vols. Du Veil's ICxposition of the Acts of the Apostles. Records of the Church of Christ at Fenstanton, Warboys, and Hexham. Confessions of Faith, and other Public Documents of the XVIIth Century. HARDING'S (J. D.) Elementary Art, or the Use of the Chalk and Lead Pencil Advocated and Explained, 24 line plates, comprising some heautiful studies of trees, landscapes, ^c. impl. 4to. cloth, £1. 15s 1838 HARDING'S (J. D.) Guide and Companion to the " Lessons on Art," ivith 15 fine tinted draw- ings (m stone, impl, Svo. cloth, Ss Gd 1855 94 HARDING'S (J. D.) Lessons on Akt, compvis- injj^ MU rrogrcissivc Lessons on Drawing, &c., with plates to each, inipl. 4to. halj hound, £2. 2s (pub. £3. 3s) 1849 HARDING'S (J. D.) Picturesque Selections, a Collection of 30 heav.tijul plates of Landscapes, Buildings, ^-c drawn on stone hy the Artist, printed in facsimile of the originals, and mounted on tinted paper, a large and handsome vol. impl. folio, hf morocco, £3. 10s 1861 This is a remarkablj' l^eautiful work by the eminent painter, Mr. Harding, "'whose airn has been to give every lithograph the freedom and the force, in short, the indivi- duality, of an original Drawing in Black and White Chalk, upon tinted paper." HARDIN GE'S (G.) Miscellaneous Worics, in Prose and Verse [including Shakesperian Criticism], edited with a Memoir, b}-- John '^ichoils, fine portrait, 3 \oh. 8vo. hf. morocco, I2s6d 1818 HARDWICKE'S (Lord Chancellor) Life (1690- 1764) with his Correspondence, Diaries, Speeches, and Judgments, by Harris, portrait and facsimile of writing, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, 7s 6d 1847 This work contains many important particulars relating to the Roman Catholics, HARDYNG'S (J.) Chronicle, [in Verse] with Grafton's Continuation, [in Prose], contain- ing the History of England from the Earliest period to the 34th year of Henry VIII. edited by Sir H. Ellis, 4to. calf, very neat, 18s 1812 HARE'S (Rev. A. W.) Alton Village Ser- mons, new edition, 2 vols. fcap. 8yo. cloth, 9s 1872 HARE'S (Rev. A. W.) Sermons to a Country Congregation, eighth edition, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, 12s 1871 HARE'S (A. J. C.) Cities of Northern and Central Italy, ivith map and numerous wood- cut illustrations, 3 vols, post 8vo. new cloth, £1. 17s 6d 1876 Intended as a Companion to all those parts of Italy which lie between the Alps and the districts described in • Days near Rome.' The volumes are sold separately. Vol. I. On the Rivieras and m Piedmont, and Lombardy. Vol. II. In Venetia, Parma, the Emilia, the Marche, and Northern Tuscany. Vol. III. Florence, Siena, and other Towns of Tuscany and Umbria. " The author of ' Walks in Rome' has now given us a delightful commentary on the topography, the paintings, andthe sculptures of Northern and Central Italy A work which deserves to live, and will live." HARE'S (A. J. C.) Days near Rome, tvith up- ivards of 100 illustrations, 2 vols, post 8vo. new cloth, £1. 1875 '* Henceforward it must take its place as a standard work indispensable to every intellectual student." — Times. HARE'S (A. J. C.) Memorials of a Quiet Life, 2 vols, and supplementary vol. consisting of .'57 photographs, together 3 vols, post 8vo. cloth, £\.l^sU 1873-76 HARE'S (A. J. C.) Walks in Rome, 2 vols, post 8vo. n&w cloth, lis 6ci 1875 HARE'S (A. J. C.) Wanderings in Spain, illustrated, post 8vo. new cloth, 9s 1875 "The ideal book of travel in Spain, which exactly anticipates the requirements of everybody who is fortunate enough to be going, and ably consoles those who are not, by supplying the imagmatioh from the daintiest and most jleliciyus of its stores,"— .S'^et/fl for, BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, ! HARE'S (A. and J. C.) Guesses at Truth, loith portrait, new edition, fcap. 8vo. morocco, gilt leaves, 10s 6(Z — Another copy, new calf gilt, 7s 6cZ 1871 HARE'S (T.) Election of Representatives, ParliamentaiT and Municipal, post 8vo. new cloth, 6s ' 1873 To this edition are added the "Appendices on the preferential and cumulative vote." HARLEIAN MISCELLANY ; a Collection of Scarce, Curious, and Entertaining Pamphlets and Tracts, as well in Manuscript as Print, selected from the Library of the Earl of Oxford, best edition, with the Supplement and large Additions and Notes by T. Park, 10 vols. roy. 4to. calf, a good copy, £16. 16s 1808-12 HARLEIAN MISCELLANY ; a Collection of Scarce, Curious, and Interesting Pamphlets and Tracts, with Notes by Malham, 12 vols. 8vo. calf neat, £r). \0s ' 1808-11 " This valuable political, historical, and antiquarian work, an indispensable auxiliary in the illustration of the Literature, Manners, &c, of the British, contains between 6oo and 700 rare and curious tracts."'— Lovvnu*s, HARRIS' (G.) The Theory of the Arts ; or Art in relation to Nature, Civilization, and Man; comprising an Investigation, Analytical and Critical, into the Origin, Rise, Province, Prin- ciples and Application of each of the Arts, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 10s (pub. 21s) 1869 HARRIS' (J.) Complete Collection of Voyages and Travels, comprising above Six Hundred authentic Writers, numerous engravings, best edition, 2 thick vols, folio, calf neat, £1. 16s 1764 A valuable collection, including Hakluyt, Purchas, Ramusio, De Bry, Herrera, and others who have written respecting various parts of Asia, Africa, America, and Europe. HARRIS* (J.) On Centrifugal Force and Gravitation, mimerou^ plates of Diagrams, 8 parts ; also Theology and the Science of Government, 2 parts — together 10 parts 8vo. neio cloth, 10s 6d 1873-4 Contents : Attractive Force and Tangential Motion — Planetary Axis of Rotation, etc, — Neighbouring Stellar System— Cometarv Orbit of Revolution — Undulatoiy and other Theories of Light— Review of Macaulay's F.ssay on Gladstone on Church and State— Review of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. HARRIS' (Moses) English Insects, Exposition of, with curious Observations and Remarks, 51 plates, containing several hundred Insects ACCURATELY COLOURED, 4to. hf hound, uncut, 1.5s 1782 " A beautiful work ; in great estimation." — Loivndes. •' Moses Harris is justly quoted as one memorable in the annals of British Entomology, and as having contri- buted more perhaps than any other individual to tlie know- ledge of the British Lepidop'terous \v\sects."~Retros. Rci'. HARRIS' (T. W.) Entomological Corres- pondence, edited by S. II. Scudder, portrait and x)lates containing numeo'ovsfigv/res, roy. 8vo. cloth, lOs Gd Soc. of Natural History, Boston, Mass. 1869 HARRIS' (Sir W.) Game and Wild Animals of Southern Africa, delineated from Life in their native bannts, with Sketches of the Field Sports, 30 large and finely coloured plates, with numerous vignettes, impl. folio, hf. morocco extra, gilt leaves, £5. 5s (pub. £10. lO^f) 184P ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN k CO., 3G, PICCADILLY HARRIS' (Sir VV.) Highlands of Ethiopia, [Abyssinia], including Eighteen Months' Resi- dence at the Court of Shoa, &c. map and tinted plates, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, 12s (pub. £2. 2s) 1844 HART'S (G.) The Violin, its famous Makers and their Imitators, with numerous wood en- gravings from photographs of the works of Stradinarius, Guanerius, Amati, and others, 8vo. new cloth, 10s 6d 1875 HART'S (Capt. P. D.) Architectural Illus- trations of the Principal Mahometan Build- ings of Beejapore, edited by James Fergus- son, 73 fine photographic drawi/ags of Elevations, Sections, Details, Vieios, etc. impl. folio, hf. mo- rocco, gilt edges, £5. 10s 1859 "This fine book was executed under the direction of Sir Bartle Frere. It describes the famous tombs : the Goi Goomu%, the Ibrahim Roxah, the Jumma Musjeed, the Meh- turee Mehal, the Taj Botvree, and the ylshar Moorbaruck, some of the most remarkable domical buildings to be found in any part of the world. HARTLEY (W. N.) Air and its Relations to Life : Being, with some Addition, the Sub- stance of a Course of Lectures delivered in the Summer of 1874 at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, 12mo. new cloth, 5s 1875 HARTWIG'S (G.) AVORKS :— serial World ; a Popular Account of the Phenomena and Life of the Atmosphere, il- lustrated by 8 large tinted plates cmd numer- ous woodcuts, 8vo. neio calf gilt, £1. 4s n. d. Harmonies of Nature, or the Unity of Crea- tion, icith numerous engravings, 8vo. new calf gilt, £1. 4s 1866 Polar World ; a popular Description of Man and Nature, in the Arctic and Antarctic Regions, illustrated hy 8 chromolithographic plates, 3 maps and numerous woodcuts, thick 8vo. new calf gilt, 15s 1869 Sea and its Living Wonders, from the German, with map, 12 tinted pilates, and numerous engravings, thick 8vo. new calf gilt, 15s 1863 Subterranean World, illustrated with three maps, and numerous fine engravings on ivood, 8vo. new calf gilt, 15s 1871 Tropical World, a Popular Scientific Account of the Natural History of the Animal and Vegetable Kingdoms in the Equatorial Regions, upward^ of 250 tinted plates and woodcuts, thick 8vo. new calf gilt, 15s 1863 HARVEY'S (W. H.)PnYC0L0GiA Australica; or History of Australian Seaweeds ; a series of 300 beautifully coloured plates, comprising Figures and J3escriptions of the Marine Algaj of N. S. Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, S. Australia, and W. Australia, with a Synopsis of all known Australian Alga?, 5 vols, royal 8vo. cloth, £6. 10s 1858 Each species detailed in the above is given on a sepa- rate plate, accompanied by ample magnified delineations of fructification and structure, embodying a variety of most curious and remarkable forms. HARVEY'S (W. H.) Phycologia Britannica, or History of British Sea Weeds, containing Figures, generic and specific Characters, Sy- nonymes and Descriptions of all the Species of the British Alga;, nearly 400 beautifully coloured plates, 4 vols, royal 8vo. hf. mo- rocco extra, (filt edges, scarce, £7, 10« 1846-51 LONDON. 95 HARVEY'S (W. H.) Manual of the British Marine Alo>e, containing descriptions of all the known British Species of Sea Weeds, 27 plates, some coloured, 8vo, cloth, 17s Gd 1849 HASKRICK'S (E. C.) The Secrets of the Art of Dyeing Wool, Cotton, and Linen, with up- wards of 200 housted specimens, and Descrip- tions, 8vo. bound, £2. 12s Cambridge, U. 8. 1869 HASKOLL'S (\V. D.) Examples of Bridges and Viaducts ; from the contract-working drawings and admeasurements of select works ; second edition, enlarged, with upwards of 550 Estimates, illustrated with 46 plates of details, folio, 7i./. morocco, £2. 5s 1867 HASLEM'S (J.) Old Derby China Factory; the Workmen and their productions; contain- ing Biographical Sketches of the chief Artist Workmen, the various Marks used, facsimiles copied from the Old Derby Pattern Books, the original Price List of more than 400 Figures and Groups, etc. coloured plates, impl. 8vo. chth, £\. 6s6d 1876 HASSALL (A. H.) Food and its Adultera- tions, and the Methods for their Detection, illusti'ated by upwards of 200 wood engra/vings, post 8vo. new cloth, £1. 1876 HASSALL'S (A. H.) History of the British Fresh-Water Algve, including Descriptions of the Desmidaj and Diatomaca;, with iqnvards of 100 coloured plates, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, £3. 10s 1845 HASSALL'S (A. II.) Microscopic Anatomy of the Human Body, in Health and Disease, illustrated with 69 coloured engravings, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, £2. 10s 1849 HASTE D'S (E.) History of Kent, its Ancient and Present State, Civil and Ecclesiastical, from Public Records and other Authorities, second and best 8vo. edition, illustrated tvith inaps, views, plates of antiquities, ^c. 12 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, £6. 15s 1797-1801 HASTINGS (WARREN) Speeches of the Mana- ger and Counsel in the Trial of Warren Hast- ings; edited by E. A. Bond, of the British Museum, and published by the authority of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, 4 thick 8vo. vols, new cloth, £1. 10s (pub. £^.) 1859 The most complete record published of this great trial. The speeches of Prosecutors and Counsel for the Defence, including those of Burke, F"ox, Sheridan, Pelham, Law, Plumer and Dallas, are printed as nearly as possible in the original words as they have been preserved. The general introduction comprises a short narrative of the series of events which form the foundation of the charges the speeches referred to, and in each volume is given a sum- mary of proceedings on the Trial, with a view to show the immediate connection of the speeches throughout, HATSELL'S (J.) Precedents of Proceedings in the House of Commons, with Observations, 4 vols. 4to. in 2, best edition, very scarce, calf gilt. £i. 4s 1818 HAWKER (Col.) Instructions to Yoimg Sports- men in all that relates to Guns and Shooting, with engravings, last and best edition, thick 8vo. hf. bound, 15s 1859 HAWKINS' (Sir J.) History of Music from the earliest times, numerous portraits, airs, and engravings of ancient musica^l instruments, .O vols. 4to. calf gilt, £7. 7^ |776 96 BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, HAWEIS (Rev. II. R.) WORKS :— Ashes to Asiies: A Cremation Prelude, post 8vo. new cloth, is 6d 1875 Mcsic AND Morals, (1. PTiilosoxiMcnl ; Music, Emotion, and Morals. 2. Biographical; Amb- rose to Mendelssohn. 3. Instrumental; Violins, Pianofortes, and Bells, 4, Critical; Music in England), post Svo. neiv calf gilt, 12s 1875 Speech in Season, post Svo. new calf gilt, 12s ed 1875 Thoughts for the Times, post Svo. new calf gilt, lis 6d 1S74 " Mr. Haweis writes not only fearlessly, but with remarkable freshness and vigour. In all that he says we perceive a transparent honesty and singleness of purpose." ■^Saturday Revietv, HAWKINS' (Sir J.) History of the Science and Practice of Music, new edition, with the Author's Posthumous Notes, upwards of 200 ivoodcuts of Musical Instruments, etc. also 3Iusical Examples, and facsimiles of Old Manu- scripts, 2 large vols. impl. Svo. cloth, 18s 1875 HAY'S (R.) Illustrations of Cairo and Egypt, .30 large and fine tinted Drawings on Stone, of the most famous Architecture, Scenery, ^c. impl. fol. hf. morocco, £1. 4s (pub. £4. 4s) 1840 A finely executed and interesting volume, introducing many famous Buildings, Mosques, Temples, Street Scenes, &c. and the manners, customs, ceremonies, commerce, costume, &c. of the various classes of society. HAYDN'S (J.) Book of Dignities, containing the Names and Dates of all the Official Person- ages of the British Empire, from the Earliest Period, thick Svo. hf. hound, 15s 1851 HAYDON'S (B. R.) Lectures on Painting and Design, folding plates, drawn hy himself, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, £1. Is 1846 Subjects: Origin of the Art, Anatomy the Basis of Drawing. The Skeleton, Muscles, Figure, Composition, Colour, Taste, Ancient and Moderns, Fuseli, Wilkie, Fresco, Elgin Marbles, Beautv, &c. HAYDON (B. R.) Correspondence and Table Talk, with a Memoir by his Son, Frederick Wordsworth Haydon, with facsimile illustra- tions from his Journals, 2 vols. Svo. cloth, £l. 1876 "There can, we think, be no question of its interest in a purely biographical sense, or of its literary merit. The letters and table talk form in themselves a most valuable contribution to the social and artistic history of the time, and would be very welcome even without the memoir." — Pall Mall Gazette. "One of the most moving histories that has been published in modern days. . . Haydon's case has never before been fairly laid before the public. . . Charming correspondence and still more charming table-talk." — Morning Post. HAYDON'S (B. R.) Life, (1786-1846), from his Autobiography and Journals, edited and com- piled by Tom Taylor, 3 vols, post Svo. cloth, 12s 6(2 18.53 A curious piece of psychological revelation, an inter- esting picture of artist life, and, altogether a most alluring biographv. HAYLEY'S (W.) Life, and Posthumous Writ- ings of William CowPER,with an introductorj' Letter to Earl Cowper, fine portraits, engraved hy W. Blake, 3 vols. 4to. and the Supplement, together 4 vols. 4to. old tree calf, 9s Chichester, 1803-6 HAYWARD'S (A., Q.C.) Biographical and Critical Essays reprinted from Reviews, with additions and corrections, ^/(ree scries, 5 vols. Syo. cloth, £2. 5s 1 858-74 HAZARD'S (S.) Annals of Pennsylvania, from the Discovery of the Deleware, 1609- 1682, thick roy. Svo. cloth, 6s Gd Philadelphia, 1850 HAZARD'S (S.) Cuba with Pen and Pencil; ncAV edition, %vith numerous illustrations, royal Svo. cloth, 9s 6cZ (pub. 15s) 1873 HAZLITT'S (W.) Complete Works, edited by his Son, elegant edition, 15 vols. 12mo. calf gilt, £5. 7s 6d 184.5; etc. Comprising : Table Talk; Plain Speaker ; Lectures on Dramatic Literature; on p:nglish Comic Writers; on English Poets ; Characters of Shakspeare's Plays ; Criti- cism on Art; English Stage; the Round Table; Spirit of the Age; Thoughts and Maxims; and Sketches and Essays. HAZLITT'S (W.) WORKS:— Essays on the Eine Arts, edited by W. C. Hazlitt, fcap. Svo. new cloth, 4s 6d n. d. Lectures on the English Poets, and the English Comic Writers, new edition, post Svo. new calf gilt, 8s 1869 Lectures on the Literature of the Age of Elizabeth and Characters of Shakespeare's Plays, post Svo. new calf gilt, Ss 1870 Literary Remains, with a Notice of his Life by his Son, and Thoughts on his Genius and Writings by Bulwer and Talfourd, portrait, 2 vols. Svo. boards, 15s 1836 Plain Speaker, post Svo. neiv calf gilt, 9s n. d. Sketches and Essays, and Winterslow, post Svo. neiv calf gilt, Ss n. d. Table Talk ; Essays on Men and Manners, new edition, post Svo. neio calf gilt, Ss 1869 The Round Table. — Northcote's Conversa- tions and Characteristics, post Svo. new calf qilt, 9s 6d 1871 HAZLITT'S (W. C.) Bibliography of Old English Literature ; a Handbook to the Popular, Poetical and Dramatic Literature of Great Britain from the Invention of Printing to the Restoration, thick Svo. half morocco, £l.6s6d 1867 HAZLITT'S (W. C.) History of the Venetian Republic ; her Rise, her Greatness, and her Civilization, maps and portraits, 4 vols. Svo. new hf. calf gilt, £2. 2s 1860 The publication of this work has thrown much new light upon the history of the Venetian Republic. The author has not only thoroughly digested the information contained in previous works upon the same subject, but has made good use of entirely fresh materials, discovered by his own researches in the archives of Venice, Vienna, and London. HEAD'S (Sir G.) Tour in Modern Rome during many Days, 3 large vols. Svo. cloth, 10s 6d (pub. £1. 16s) 1849 A very valuable work, giving an elaborate account of evcrv part of Rome, its Buildings, Antiquities, Treasures of Art, &c. HEARD (Rev. J. B.) The Tripartite Nature of Man, Soul and Body, post Svo. new cloth, 5s 1875 IlEARNE. — Reliqui^ Hearnian^, the Re- mains of Thomas Ilearne, from his MS. Diaries, edited with Notes, by Dr. Bliss, port. 2 vols. Svo. hf. calf, uncut, (only 150 copies printed), £2. 2s Oxf. 1857 A very interesting work to the lovers of biographical minutiae, of personal anecdote, and of historical and anti- (juarian gossip, and forms an indispensable accompani- ment to the works of Hearne. ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & HEARNE (T.) and Byrne's Antiquities of Great Britain, 84 fine engravings of Monasteries, Cas- tles, and Churches in England and Scotland, fine impressions, with Descriptions in French and English, 2 vols, oblong folio, morocco extra, gilt edges, £3. 10s 1807 These fine plates contain the most accurate delinea- tions of the ancient architectural grandeur of Great Britain, accompanied by original Antiquarian Notices. HEATH'S (J. B.) Account of the Worshipful Company of Grocers of the City of London, with Memoirs of Distinguished Members, 8vo. hoards, scarce, 8s 6d Not Published, 1829 IIEATON'S (Mrs.) Concise History of Paint- ing, illustrated hy 12 permanent photographs, from famous paintings and sculpture, thick post 8vo. calf extra, gilt edges, £1. — Another copy, morocco extra, gilt edges, £1. 4s 1873 HEBER'S (Bp. of Calcutta) Life and Works ; Journeys in India, Letters and Life, by his Widow, with his Correspondence, Unpublished Poems, Tour in Norway, History of the Cossacks, Scc.fine engravings hy Finden, 4 vols. 4to. cloth, £1.4s 1828-30 HEBER'S (Bp.) Journeys through India, from Calcutta to Bombay, and to Madras and the Southern Provinces, with his Letters, edited by his widow, loood engravings, 3 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, \5s {pub. £2. 2s) 1832 HEBER'S (Bp.) Poetical Works, new edition, portrait, fcap. 8vo. new calf gilt, 8s 1870 HECKETHORN (C. W.) Tho Secret Societies of all Ages and Countries, 2 vols, post 8vo. cloth, 17s 6d 1875 HEEREN'S (A. H. L.) Historical Works, complete, translated from the German, with Life and Notes, best library edition, maps, 9 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, £3. 10s Oxford, 1833 These valuable works comprise Asia, Africa, Europe and its Colonies, Ancient Greece, Historical Treatises, and Manual of Ancient History. HEEREN'S (Prof.) Historical Works, trans- lated from the German, comprising Asia, Africa, Europe, and its Colonies, Ancient Greece and Historical Treatises, and Manual of Ancient History, 6 vols. 8vo. cloth, £l. 10s (pub. £7.) 1857-66 " We look upon Heeren as having breathed a new life into the dry bones of Ancient History, His work is as learned as a professed commentary on the ancient histo- rians and geographers, and as entertaining as a modern book of travels." — Edinburgh Re'vlew. HEINE (Helnrich) Life, Work, and Opinions, by W. Stigand, 2 vols, post 8vo. cloth, 18s 1876 HEFELE'S (Bp.) History of the Christian CoDNCiLS, from the Original Documents, to the Close of the Council of Nicjua, a.d. 325, trans- lated from the German, second edition, 8vo. new cloth, 10s 1871 HELFENSTEIN'S (J.) Comparative Gram- mar of the Teutonic Languages ; being at the same time a Historical Grammar of the English Language, 8vo. new cloth, 15s 1870 HELMHOLTZ (H. F.) On the Sensations of Tone as a Physiological Basis for the Theory of Music, translated from the third German edi- tion, with additional Notes and Appendix, by A. J. Ellis, 8vo. new clothe £1.105 1875 CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 97 HELMHOLTZ'S (H.) Popular Lectures on Scientific Subjects, translated by E.Atkin- son, with a Preface by Prof. Tyndall, ilhts- trated, 8vo. new cloth, 10s 6d 1873 HELPS' (SIR ARTHUR) WORKS :— Brevia ; Short Essays and Aphorisms, second edition, post 8vo. new cloth, 5s 1871 Casimir Maremma, second edition, post 8vo. ne^u cloth, 5s 1873 Companions of my Solitude, fcap. 8vo. new calf gilt, 8s 6d — Another copy, new morocco, gilt edges, 10s 6(Z 1869 Conversations on War and General Culture, post 8 vo. clot/i, 5s 1871 Essays Written in the Intervals of Busi- ness, with an Essay on Organization in Daily Life, 12mo. new calf gilt, 8s iid 1870 Friends in Council ; a Series of Readings and Discourses thereon, both series, 4 vols. fcap. 8vo. new calf gilt, £1. 12s — Another copy. new morocco, gilt edges, £2. 2s 1869 Ivan de Biron, or the Russian Court in the middle of the last century, post 8vo. cloth, 5s 6d 1874 Life of Columbus, the Discoverer of America, map, post 8vo. new calf gilt, 9s 6d 1867 Life of Hernando Cortes, 2 vols, post 8vo. new cloth, 12s 6d 1871 Life of Las Casas, "the Apostle of the Indies," map, post 8vo. neiu calf gilt, 9s 6d Life of Pizarro, with some Account of his Associates in the Conquest of Peru, post 8vo. new calf gilt, 9s 6d 1869 OuLiTA the Serf, fcap. 8 vo. new cloth, 4s6d 1875 Realmah, post 8vo. new cloth, 5s 1869 Social Pressure, post 8vo. neiv cloth, 5s 1875 Some Talk about Animals and their Masters, 12mo. cloth, 6s 6d 1873 Spanish Co.mquest in America, and its Rela- tion to the History of Slavery, and to the Government of Colonies, with maps, 4 vols. 8vo. new calf gilt, £3. 3s 1855-61 Thoughts upon Government, post 8vo. new cloth, 8s 1872 HEMANS' (Mrs.) Poktical Works, complete, with Life by her Sister, portrait and front. 7 vols, fcap.' 8vo. calf gilt, £2. lOs— Another copy, new morocco extra, gilt edges, £3. 10s 1839 HEMANS' (Mrs.) Poetical Works, complete, with Notes and contemporary Criticisms, por- trait, royal 8vo. new calf gilt, 13s 6d; or new morocco extra, gilt edges, £1. Is 1874 HEMANS' (Mrs.) Poetical Works, with Me- moir and explanatory Notes, portrait and illus- trations, cr. 8vo. new morocco exi/ra, gilt edges, IGsdd n. d. HENDERSON'S (Dr. A.) History of Ancient and Modern Wines ; with their Management, Preservation, etc. niomerous beautiful vignettes, hy W. Harvey, chiefly jrom the Antique, 4to. calf gilt, £1. Is (pub. £2. 2s) 1824 " The beautiful vignettes and tail-pieces in Dr. Henderson's work, drawn and mostly engraved by Mr. Harvey, may be considered as the ground-work of his reputation as a designer." — Jackson's fFood-Engraving. HENFREY'S (A.) Elementary Course of Botany, structural, physiological, and syste- matic, revised edition, with upwards of 500 woodcuts, thick post 8vo. cloth, 10s 6d 1870 7 98 BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, HENTZNER'S (P.) Travels in England during the Reipjn of Q. Elizabeth, translated by- Horace "Walpole ; also Sir R. Naunton's Court and Favourites of Q. Elizabeth, 11 por- traits and views, 8vo. morocco, gilt edges, £\. Is 1797 HERALD.— Botany of the Voyage of H.M.S. Herald under the command of Capt. Kellett, during the years 1845-51, by Dr. Seeman, published under the authority of the Admiralty, with 100 plates ly Hooker and Fitch, a large thick vol. royal 4to. new cloth, £1. 15s (pub. £5. 10s) 1855 HERALD.— Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Herald, under the command of Capt. Kellett, during the years 1846-51 ; published under the authority of the Admiralty, edited by Prof. E. Forbes : Fossil Mammals, Reptiles, and Fish, by Sir J. Richardson, with 33 fine plates, mostly large and folding, roy. 4to. new cloth, 18s (pub. £2. 2s) 1854 HERALD and Genealogist, (Essays in Ar- mory, Family History and Genealogy, Docu- ments, Biography, Heraldic Notes and Queries, &c.) edited by J. G. Nichols, with numerous illustrations on wood, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, £1. 8s 1863-6 HERALDRY (British) Glossary of Terms used in ; with a Chronological Table illustrative of its Rise and Progress, with many finely exe- cuted woodcuts, 8vo. hf. morocco, scarce, 18s 1847 HERBERT'S (G.) Works in Verse and Prose, finely printed in large antique type hy Whitting- ham, with portrait, 2 vols. 8vo. new calf gilt, £1. 10s 1859 This edition contains the Proverbs, and many pieces never before printed, with Notes by S. T. Coleridge, and Life by Barnabas Oley. HERBERT'S (G.) Works, in Prose and Verse, edited by Rev. R. A. Willmott, illustrated, fcap. 8vo. new calf antique, 9s 1865 HERBERT'S (G.) The Temple, Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations, frontispiece, fcap. 8vo. new calf gilt, 7s 6cJ — Another copy, morocco, gilt leaves, lOs 6d 1857 HERBERT'S (Lady) Cradle Lands, Travels in the East, with illustrations and coloured fron- tispiece, impl. 8vo. gilt cloth, 10s ed (pub. 21s) 1867 HERCDLANEUM et Pomp6i ; Recdeil G^Nii- RAL des Peintures, Bronzes, Mosaiques, etc. decouverts jusqu'a ce jour et reproduits d'apres tons les ouvrages publics jusqu'^ pre- sent, avec un Textc explicatif par M. Barre, with 700 fine engravings, 8 vols. impl. 8vo. Prench hoards, lettered, £4. 15s Paris, Didot, 1863 This is the most complete v\-ork on the discoveries at'Herculaneum and Pompeii, exhibiting all the paintings, bronzes, miniatures, &c. hitherto published in rare or ex- pensive works, with the addition of many others which nave not previously appeared. tiERIOT'S (G.) Travels through the Canadas, containing a Description of the Scenery of the Rivers and Lakes, the Products, Commerce, and Inhabitants, and a View of the Manners and Customs of the Indian Nations of N. and S. America, map and 27 large a7id fine aquatinta etigravvngs, thick 4to. calf extra gilt, lis 1807 HERD'S (D.) Ancient and Modern Scottish Songs, Heroic Ballads, etc. reprinted from the edition of 1776, with an Appendix containing the pieces substituted in that of 1791, 2 vols, post 8vo. new cloth, 12s — Another copy, large PAPER, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. morocco, gilt tops, uncut, £1. 10s ; or, morocco super extra, gilt tops, uncut, £3. 10s Glasgow, 1869 A most exact and at the same time beautifully exe- cuted facsimile reprint of what Sir Walter Scott has termed "the first classical collection of Scottish Songs and Ballads." The value of this reprint is much enhanced by an Appendix "containing the pieces substituted in the edition of 1791 for omissions from that of 1776. The im- pression is limited to 350 copies. HERODOTUS, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis Variorum, Var. Lect. suisque Adnotationibus illustravit ScHWEiGH^usER, portrait, 6vols, "Svo. in 12, vellum gilt, fine copy, £l 12s Argent. 1816 HERODOTUS ; a New English Version, with Notes by G. Rawlinson, assisted by Sir H. Rawlinson, and Sir J. G. Wilkinson, maps and illustrations, last edition, 4 vols. 8vo. new calf gilt, £3. 3s — Another copy, new white vellum gilt, carmine edges, £3. 12s 6d 1862 The Notes illustrate the history and geography of Herodotus, from the most recent sources of information, and embody the chief results, historical and ethnographi- cal, which have been obtained in the progress of cuneiform and hieroglyphical discovery. HERRICK'S (R.) Poetical Works, with a Bio- graphical Preface [ed. by T. Maitland], finely printed hy Whittingham, fine portrait, 2 vols, fcap. 8vo. calf extra, scarce, £l. 8s Pickering, 1825 HERRICK'S (R.) Hesperides ; Poems and other Remains now first collected, with Life, new edi- tion, with emendations by W. C. Hazlitt, port. 2 vols. fcap. 8vo. new calf gilt, 16s — Another copy, large paper, 2 vols, post 8vo. new mo- rocco, gilt edges, £1. 8s 1869 HERSCHEL'S (Sir J.) Familiar Lectures on Scientific Subjects, with illustrative diagrams, post Svo. new calf gilt, 9s 6d 1867 HERSCHEL'S (Sir J.) Outlines of Astro- nomy, eleventh edition, revised and corrected, with p)^0'tes and woodcuts, large sq. Svo. new calf gilt, 16s 1871 HERSCHEL'S (Sir J.) Physical Geography, folding plates, thick post 8vo. cloth, 4s 6d 1862 HERSCHEL (Mrs. C.) Memoir and Corres- pondence, by Mrs. John Herschel, with por- traits, 8vo. neiv cloth, 10s 1876 HERTSLET (E.) Map of Europe by Treaty : showing the various Political and Territorial Changes Avhich have taken place since the General Peace of 1814, with numerous ma/ps and notes, 3 vols. 8vo. new cloth, £4. 1875 HERTSLET'S (L.) Complete Collection of the Treaties and Conventions between Great Britain and Foreign Powers, 12 vols. Svo. in 9, calf neat, £12. 12s 1840-71 The Foreign Treaties are accompanied by English translations. At the end of the last volume is an indfx of subjects to the entire series. HERVEY'S (T. K.) Illustrations of Modern Sculpture, with Descriptions in Prose and Verse, 18 highly finished engravings hy the hest artists, from choice Works of Canova, Flaxman, Baily, Westmacott, etc. India proofs, impl. 4to. neat hoards, Us (pub. £1 . 5s) 1834 ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. HERVES (F.) Residence in Greece and TuKKEY, -with a Journey through Bulgaria, Servia, Hungary, and the Balkan, ports, and plates, 2 Yols. 8vo. hf. calf, 7s 6d (pub. 31s 6cZ) 1837 HESSEY'S (J. A.) Sunday ; its Origin, History, and Present Obligation, (Bampton Lectures, 1860) ; second edition with Index, thick 8vo. cloth, 8s 6d (pub. 16s) 1861 HEWITT'S (J.) Ancient Armour and Weapons in Europe ; from the Iron Period of the North- em Nations to the end of 17th Century, with 2.50 illustrations from Contempora/ry Monuments, 3 vols. 8vo. gilt cloth, £2. 2s 1860 A very elegant and erudite performance. HEWITSON'S ( W, C.) Eggs of British Birds ; Illustrations of the, 131 beautifully coloured i'Lates, exhibiting several hundred figures, ac- companied by Descriptions of the Eggs, Nests, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, £4. 1846 HEWITSON'S (W. C.) Exotic Butterflies ; Illustrations of New Species of, with complete Descriptions, Vols. 1 and 2, 4to. containing 120 plates, exhibiting several hundred beautifully coloured Figures, m^st delicately fitmhed; half hound, ( not uniform) £6. 10s Van Voorst, 1856-61 "This valuable work is above all praise. Mr. Hewit- son has done his work admirably, and bestowed great pains upon the excellent and accurate descriptions of the lepi- dopterous insects which are so graphically and beautifully delineated." HEY'S (Mrs.) Sylvan Musings, or the Spirit of the Woods ; Descriptions, in Prose and Poetry, of various Trees and Shrubs, with 23 plates of Foliage most beautifully coloured after Natv/re, 8vo. calf gilt, I2s 6d 1849 HEYWOOD'S (T.) Dramatic Works (1600- 1655), now first collected, with Illustrative Notes and Memoir of the Author, 6 vols. fcap. 8vo. hoards, £1. 15s — Another copy, large paper, 6 vols. 8vo. £3. 10s Pea/rson, 1874 " Hey wood should be known to his countrymen as he deserves." — C. Lamb. HIERONYMI (Sancti) Opera Omnia, cum Notis et Scholiis variis , item Lectionibus D. Erasmi, M. Victorii, F. Duca;i, et aliorum, 11 vols, folio in 4, vellum, £2. 15s Fra/ncof. 1684 HIERONYMI (Sancti) Epistol^, the capitals rubricated, and numerous manuscript notes in a very old hand on the ma/rgins, {a portion of the top margins stained by damp, and 6 leaves repaired, fol. 29 of Vol. 2 supplied in well exe- cuted facsimile, otherwise a good sound copy), 2 vols. roy. folio in one, calf gilt, rare, £2. 10s Venet. ap. A. de Toresanis de Asula, 1488 HIND'S (H. Y.) Explorations in the Interior of the Labrador Peninsula, the Country of the Montagnais and Nasquapee Indians, numerous tinted illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 12s (pub. 32s) 1863 HITTORFF (J. J.) et Zanth, Architecture MODERNE DE LA SiCILE, OU rCCUCil dcS plus beaux Monumens Religieux, et des Edifices publics et particuliers les plus remarquables de la Sicile, with 76 beautifully executed engravings of Buildings, with the Details, Ornaments, Mo- saics, Bas-Reliefs, Paintings, s illustra- tions, 18mo. neio cloth, 4s 1875 HYDE (T.) Syntagma Dissert ationum qnas olim auctor doctiss. separatim edidit : access, nonnulla ejusd. Opuscula hactenus inedita, cum Append, de Lingua Sinensi, a G. Sharp, fine portrait cmd plates, 2 vols. 4to. calf, 1 8s Oxonii,Typ. Clar. 1767 IDILLI Varii di Autori Italiani (Capponi. Marino, Chiabrera, Gigli, Verdizotti, Stradiotii, and others), sm. 12mo. calf extra, gilt edges, 10s 6d Venetia, 1616, ^c. A collection of 13 separately published and rare pieces, from John Hunter's library; afterwards R. Heber's, with MS. note by him. IHNE'S (W.) History of Rome (The Regal Period ; The Early History of the Republic ; The Conquest of Italy; and The Struggle for the Ascendancy in the West), 2 vols. Svo. new cloth, £1. 5s 1871 " The present work is intended to give the history of Rome in the light of present historical science. It ad- dresses itself not so much, or not exclusively, to scholars who are themselves engaged in the same field, as to culti- vated readers who take an interest in the ever young and fresh history of Rome. "—Preface. ILLINGWORTH'S (Rev. C) Topographical Account of the Parish of Scampton, and of Roman Antiquities discovered there, with Antiquities of the Family of Bolle, map, por- traits, a/nd engravings, 4to. boards, 7s 6d 1810 ILLUMINATING ; Art of, as practised in Europe from the Earliest Times, with 100 very beautiful examples in Gold, Silver, aud Co- lours, d/rawn from choice specimens of the Vlth to the XVIth Centuries, consisting of richly exe- cuted Borders, Initial Letters, am,d Alpliabets, in the highest style of Chromo- Lithography by Tymms, with an Essay and Instructions by Digby Wyatt, roy. 4to. chth, £2. lOs (pub. 70s) I860 One of the most beautiful and interesting works ever produced. ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, a com- plete set of this valuable and interesting work from its commencement to June 1874, 64 vols, folio, cloth, gilt edges, (pubUsher's binding), £18. 18s 1842-74 The above is a desirable and clean set of this valuable pviblication. So cheap a copy is seldom offered for sale. ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS Alman- acs, from 1845 to 1875 inclusive, containing numerous interesting Articles, and an immense number of illustrations, {many coloured), 31 parts impl. 8yo. sewed, as published, £1. 12s 1845-75 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ZOOLOGY; 88 plates, comprising hundreds of figures engramed by J. W. Lowry and T. Landseer, from drawings by Sowerby, Pyne, C. Landseer, and others, with Descriptive Letter-press according to Cu^aer, and Anecdotes from the works of recent Natu- ralists, folio, cloth, gilt edges^ 16s 6^. ]85J ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & ILLUSTRATIONS to the Book of Beauty and the Amulet, 39 exquisitely beautiful engravings, after drawings by F. Stone, Chalon, Parris, Newton, Lawrence, McClise, Mnlready (" The Forgotten Word''), etc. India rROOFS, on folio paper, hf. bound (a charming assemblage of Fe- inale Beauty), £1. 5s 1833, etc. INDIA ; Glossaiy of Judicial and Revenue Terms and Useful Words occurring in Official Docu- ments, from the Arabic, Persian, Hindustani, Sanskrit, Hindi, Bengali, and other Languages, compiled by Wilson, 4to. cloth, £1. 4s 1855 INDIAN (The) Alps, and How We crossed Them ; being a Narrative of Two Years' Resi- dence on the Eastern Himalaya, and Two Months' Tour into the Interior, by a Lady Pioneer, illustrated by herself ^ roy. 8vo. cloth, £\. 15s 1876 " It is scarcely too much to say that the narrative of the ' Lady Pioneer' equals in interest the descriptive por- tions of ' Dr. Hooker's delightful ' Himalaya Journals.' The authoress's descriptions of sunrises and' sunsets, and other aerial phenomena of the Himalaya are singularly felicitous." — Times. INDIAN Criminal Codes, comprising the In- dian Criminal Law and Procedure ; with Rulings of all the High Courts of India and the chief Courts in the Punjab, Oudh, and Central Pro- vinces, illustrated by Decisions from the existing Body of the Law in England ; with Notes, Rules, Regulations, &c. very thick 8vo. (1000 pp.) 18s 1872 INDUSTRIAL Mandfactdbes. — Les Grands UsiNES ; etudes industrielles en France et a I'etranger, par Turgan, extensively illustrated by fine large woodcuts exemplifying^ the processes of va/rious mamufactwres, 8 vols, in 4 splendid vols. impl. 8vo. calf gilt, £3. 10s Par. 1870-1 INGELOW'S (Jean) Poems, both Series, 2 vols, fcap. new morocco, gilt edges, 18s 6d — Another copy, new morocco extra, gilt edges, £1. Is 1872 INGELOW'S (Jean) Poems ; a new edition, with nea/rly 100 illustrations from drawings by emi- nent artists, sm. 4to. morocco extra, gilt edges, £1. 14s 1867 INGHIRAMI, MoNDMENTi Etruschi, with up- ivards of 700 fine plates, mostly coloured, in imitation of the Vases, Bronzes, Frescoes, ^c. 10 vols, royal 4to. hf. calf gilt, £12. 12s Fiesolani, 1821-6 This splendid work was published at nearly go guineas, and as only 300 copies were printed, they can seldom occur for sale. A copy, unbound, was lately priced ^"18. i8j. INGLIS' (H. D.) Spain ; with Introductory Chapter on the present Political State of the Peninsula, fine engravings of the Alhambra by Finden, 2 vols, post 8vo. calf gilt, 7s &d 1837 INGOLDSBY Legends; or Mirth and Marvel, with Notes Introductory and Illustrative, the library edition, with humourous plates by Cruik- shanh cmd Leech, 2 vols. 8vo. new calf gilt, £1. 12s — Another copy, new morocco extra, gilt edges, £2. 8s 1870 INGOLDSBY Legends, with plates by Cruik- slmnk and Leech, complete, 2 vols, post 8vo. new calf extra, £1. 10s 1870 INGOLDSBY Legends, with numerous plates by Cruikshank, Leech, am,d Tenniel, sm. 4to. nev) rmrocco extrcky gilt edges, £1. 15s 1870 CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 107 INGOLDSBY Legends, a New Edition, printed in large type on superior paper, 3 vols. 12mo. new hf. calf, 15s ; or calf gilt, £\. Is 1875 INGOLDSBY Legends ; the carmine edition, printed within red lines, and ilhistrated by Cruikslumk and Leech, thick post 8vo. calf gilt, 14s 6d — Another copy, morocco extra, gilt edges, 18s 1870 INGOLDSBY Legends, complete in 1 vol. with illustrations, thick post 8vo. neio calf gilt, 9s 6d 1872 INGRAM'S (J.) Memorials of Oxford, histo- rical and descriptive accounts of the Colleges, Halls, Churches, &c. with 99 beautiful and highly finished engravings by Le Keux, from drawings by Mackenzie, proofs, besides many fine woodcuts, a large paper copy, 3 vols. 4to. hf. calf, £S. 15s 1834-7 INNES' {A. T.) Law of Creeds in Scotland ; a, Treatise on the Legal Relation of Churches in Scotland, Established and Not Established, to their Doctrinal Confessions, 8vo. neio cloth, 12s (Jd 1867 INNES' (Cosmo) Lectures on Scotch Legal Antiquities (Charters; Parliament; The Old Church ; Old Forms of Law ; Rural Occupa- tion, and Student's Guide BooLs), 8vo. new cloth, 9s 6(Z 1872 INNES' (Cosmo) Scotch Surnames. — Concern- ing some Scotch Surnames, finely printed on thick paper within "rnled ma/rgins, sm. 4to. new cloth, 4s 6d 1860 INNES' (Cosmo) Sketches of Early Scotch History and Social Progress, Church Organi- zation, and the University Home Life, 8vo. new cloth, 13s 6d 1861 INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE SERIES ; each work complete in one volume, post 8vo. cloth Amos (S.) on the Science of Law, 4s 6d Bagehot's (W.) Physics and Politics, 3s 6d Bain's (A.) Mind and Body, .3s 6d Benenden's (M. Van) Animal Parasites and Messmates, 4s 6d Blasnerna's (P.) Theory of Sound in its rela- tion to Music Cooke's (J. P.) The New Chemistry, 4s 6d Cooke's (M. C.) Fungi ; their Nature, Influ- ences, Uses, &c. 4s 6d Draper's (J. W.) The History of the Conflict between Religion and Science, 4s 6d Lommel (Dr. E.) on the Nature of Light, 4s 6d Marey's /E. J.) Animal Mechanism, 4s 6d Maudsley's (Dr. H.) Responsibility in Mental Disease, 4s 6d Pettigrew's (Dr. J. B.) Animal Locomotion, 4s 6d Schmidt's (O.) The Doctrine of the Descent and Darwinism, 4s 6d Smith (Dr. E.) On Foods, 4s 6c? Spencer (H.) On the Study of Sociology, 4s 6d Stewart (Dr. B.) On the Conservation of Energy, 4s 6d Tyndall(J.) On the Forms of Water in Clouds and Rivers, Ice and Glaciers, 4s 6d VoGEL (Dr. H.) On the Chemical Effects of Light, and Photography, 4s 6d Whitney (W. D.) On the Life and Growth of Language, 4s 6c^ BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, 108 INTELLECTUAL OBSERVER; a Review of Natural History, Microscopic Research, and Re- creative Science ; the articles contributed by the most eminent writers of the day, from the com- mencement in 1862 to end of 1867, illusiyrated hy many plates in colours and tints, and nu- merous engravings on wood, 12 thick vols. Svo. hf. calf gilt, very neat, £3. 3s 1862-67 IRELAND'S (S.) New and Complete History OF THE County of Kent, from the Earliest Records to the present time, with upwards of 100 highly finished engravings of Chv/rches, Seats, Fuhlic Buildings, S^-c. large paper, 4 thick vols, royal Svo. coXf gilt, £2. '2s (pub £6.) 1828 IRELAND'S (S.) Picturesque Views on the Severn, with Descriptions by T. Harral, up- wa/rds of 50 engravings of Scenery and Buildings, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. hoards, 10s 6d (pub. £2. 12s) 1824 IRISH ARCH^OLOGICAL and Celtic Society's Publications, from the commence- ment to 1864, with numerous engravings of Antiquities, <^c. 26 vols, small 4to. cloth, and one vol. Svo. hoards [all published), £16. 16s Dublin. 1841-64 This Society was instituted for the preservation of the monuments illustrative of Irish history, and for the publi- cation of the historic, bardic, ecclesiastical, and topogra- phical remains of Irish literature, especially such as are extant in the'.Irish language; accurate English translations and annotations are added. IRVING'S (Rev. E.) Collected Writings, (Discourses, Lectures, Homilies, etc.) Edited by the Rev. G. Carlyle, 5 vols. Svo. new cloth, £2. 10s 1864 "The greatest preacher the world has seen since Apostolic times." IRVING'S (Rev. E.) Eor the Oracles of God, four Orations ; for Judgment to Come, an Argument, in nine Parts, Svo. calf gilt, 7s 6(Z 1824 IRVING'S (Rev. E.) Life (1792-1834), illustrated by his Journals and Correspondence, by Mrs. Oliphant, portrait, 2 vols. Svo. hf. calf, 12s 6d 1862 •• Mrs. Oliphant's ' Life of Edward Irving,' supplies a long felt desideratum. It is copious, earnest, and eloquent." Edinburgh Rez'iezu. IRVING'S (J.) Annals of our Time; a Diurnal of Events, Social and Political, Home and Foreign, from the Accession of Queen Victoria, June 20, 1837, to the Peace of Ver- sailles, Feb. 28, 1871, Svo. cloth, 13s 6d— Supplement, bringing the work down to March, 1874, Svo. cloth, 3s 9d 1875 " If Mr. Irving's object has been to bring before the reader all the most noteworthy occurrences which have happened since the beginning of Her Majesty's reign, he may justly claim the credit of having done so most briefly, succinctly, and simply." — Times. IRVING'S (J.) History of Dumbartonshire, Civil, Ecclesiastical, and Territorial, with Genea- logical Notices of the Principal Families, second edition, large map, portraits and plates, thick 4to. hf. mor., top edge$ gilt, £2. 2s Dumbarton, 1860 IRVING'S (W.) Complete Works, Library edition, with portrait and frontispieces, 10 vols, large post Svo. new hf, morocco gilt, £4. 4s 1866 Containing Salmagundi, Knickerbocker, Sketch Book, Lives of Columbus and his Companions, Mahomet and his Successors, and Oliver Goldsmith, Bracebridge Hall, Newstead and Abbotsford, Tales of a Traveller, Tales of the Alhambra, Conquest of Granada, Conquest of Spain, Conquest of .Florida, Astoria, Tour on the Prairies, and Adventures of Captain Bonneville. IRVING'S (W.) Complete Works ; including the Life of George Washington, frontispiece, 14 vols. cr. Svo. new hf. morocco, £3. 10s 1870 IRVING'S (W.) History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus, map, 4 vols. Svo. calf gilt, 15s 1828 ISAACSON'S (H.) Saturni EPHEMERinEs.or a Chronological Series of the Foure Monarchyes, with an Abridgment of the Annual Memorable Passages in them, frontispiece by Marshall, folio, calf, 15s 1633 Highly praised by the old writers. ITALIAN Scenery, representing the Manners, Customs, and Amusements of the different States of Italy, 32 large coloured engravings from drawings by P. Van Lerberghi ; the Narra- tive, in French and English, by Buooaiuti, folio, morocco extra, gilt leaves, £2. 2s 1823 JACKSON and Chatto's History of Wood* Engraving ; including a Treatise on Wood Engraving, historical and practical, Neio Edi- tion, with an additional Chapter on the Artists of the Present Day, illustrated by 4 45 fine wood engravings (145 of which are now first added), onany of ivhich are elaborate facsimiles of some of the most scarce and beautiful prints, including Albert Durer's, imperial 8vo. half morocco, top edges gilt, £1. 165 (pub. 52s 6cZ) 1861 " The ' History of Wood Engraving' is a noble volume, unique in its way, and no library will be complete without it. Mr. Jackson's reputation rests upon a tirm basis — his name is attached to some of the brightest and best of the modern engravings. He is one of the pupils of Bewick, and follows in the steps, and supports the reputation, of his celebrated master." JACKSON (Sir George) Diaries and Letters from the Peace of Amiens to the Battle of Tala- vera, edited by Lady Jackson, 2 vols. Svo. new half calf gilt, 16s 1872 JACKSON'S (T.) Works complete, with Life and copious Index, 12 vols. Svo. calf gilt, £4. 4s Oxf. Univ. Press, 1844 Jones of Nayland speaks of Jackson's works as " a magazine of theological knowledge, everywhere penned with great elegance and dignity, so that his style is a pat- tern of perfection." JACOB'S (W.) Precious Metals ; an historical Inquiry into their Production and Consumption, 2 vols. Svo. cloth, scarce, 9s 1831 JACOB'S (W.) Travels in the South of Spain, in Letters written a.d. 1809-10, plates, 4to. calf gilt, 10s 6d 1811 JAIIN'S (Dr. J.) History of the Hebrew Common- wealth, from the Earliest Times to the Destruc- tion of Jerusalem, a.d. 72 ; with Continuation to Adrian, tr^vnslated hy Stowe, 2 vols. Svo. hf. cloth, Is 1829 ON SALE BY H. SOTIIfiRA]^ & JACQUEMONT (Victor) Voyage dans L'Inde, pendant les annees 1828 a 1832, embellished tvith 300 fine plates of Views, Portraits, Natural History (mamy of which are finely coloured), maps, cJyarts, etc. 6 large vols. impl. 4to. neatly half hound morocco, uncut, scarce, £25. Paris, Didot, 1841-44 This fine and important work — which Brunei charac- terizes as " cette ciirieuse relation" — was published under the auspices of Mons. Gui/.ot. The author visited the whole of India, and has wonderfully enriched our know- ledge of its Manners, Customs, Languages, &c. while his contributions on the Geology. Botany, and Animals of the various Countries are very extensive and accurate. JAMES ir ; Life of, collected out of Memoirs writ of his own Hand, together with his Advice to his Son, and his Will ; published from the original Stuart MSS. in Carlton House, by the Rev. J. S. Clarke, 2 vols. 4to. hf. calf gilt, neat, 18s 1816 " Of the greatest importance for the History of Charles II. and James II, containing much curious information nowhere else published." JAMES Vlth's Essayes of a Prentise in the Divine Art of Poesie, with Prefatory Memoir by R. P. Gillies, sm. 4 to. hf, morocco, top edges ailt, 16s Edin 1814 Only igo copies printed, in imitation of the rare im- pression " imprinted at Edinburgh by T. Vautroullier, 1584." JAMES' (G. P. R.) Book of the Passions, a scries of Tales, illustrated by 16 splendid engravings from drawings by Corbould, Ste- %>lianoff, etc. roy. 8vo. calf, gilt leaves, 10s 6(Z (pub. 21s unbound) 1839 JAMES' (G. P. R.) Life of Edward the Black Prince, and of various events connected there- with, map, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 8s 1836 JAMES' (G. P. R.) Life and Times of Louis XIV. numerous portraits, 4 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, neat, 12s 6cl (pub. £2. 16s) 1838 JAMES' (G. P. R.) Life of Henry IV. King of Erance and Navarre, portrait, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, 12s 6cl(pub. £1. 16s) 1847 JAMES' (G. P. R.) Memoirs of Great Com- jianders, coloured plates, thick post 8vo. new calf gilt, Os (1872) JAMKS' (Sir H.. Director of the Ordnance Survey) Abstracts of the Principal Lines of Spirit Levelling in England and Wales, ma^ and sepor- rate vol. of plates, together 2 vols, royal 4to. cloth, 18s 1861 JAMES' (W.) Naval History of Great Britain, from 1793 to IS20, loith portraits, and Diagrams of the Actions, 6 vols, post 8vo. new hf. morocco gilt, £2. 5s ; or new calf gilt, £3. 1860 JAMESON'S (Mrs.) Legends of the Madonna, one vol. ; Legends of the Monastic Orders, one vol. ; Sacred and Legendary Art, 2 vols. ; History of Our Lord, as exemplified in Works of Art, 2 vols. — together 6 vols. 8vo. illustrated by 80 etchings and 721 wood engravings from Paintings, Mosaics. Ancient Ivory Carvings, etc. new calf extra, gilt edges, £S. 8s — Another copy, new morocco extra, gilt edges, £10. 10s 1865-70 JAMESON 'S:;(Mrs.) Common Place-Book of Thoughts, Memories, and Fancies, with illu^- trations and etchings by the author, post 8vo. calf gilt, I2s C)d 1855 CO., 36, I'ICCAI^ILLY, LONDON. 109 JAMESON'S (Mrs.) Characteristics of Women, moral, poetical, and historical [from Shakes- peare's Heroines], tvith numerous illustrations from the Author^s designs, 2 vols, post 8vo. cloth, 15s, 1858 — Another edition, post 8vo. neio calf gilt, 10s 1870 JAMESON'S (Mrs.) Companion to the Private Galleries in London, frontispiece, post 8vo. cloth, 5s (pub. 15s) 1844 Includes Her Majesty's, the Rridgewater, Sutherland, Grosvenor, Lansdowne, Sir R. Peel's, and S. Roger's Galleries. JAMESON'S (Mrs.) Handbook to the Public Galleries of Art in and near London, with bio- graphical Notices, 2 vols, post 8vo. cloth, 10s Gd 1842 Comprises, National Gallery, Windsor Castle, Hamp- ton Court, Dulwich Gallery, Soane's Museum, and Barry's Pictures. JAMESON'S (Mrs.) History of our Lord, as exemplified in Works of Art, ivith 31 etchings and 281 wood engravings from Paintings, Mo- saics, Ancient Ivory Carvings, ^c. 2 vols. 8vo. new calf extra, gilt edges, £3. 3s — Another copy, new morocco extra, gilt edges, £3. 15s 1865 JAMESON'S (Mrs.) Legends of Monastic Orders, as Represented in the Eine Arts, illustrated with 3 maps, 2 chromolithographs, and numerous engrav- ings, taken from the MSS. of the XIII. and XIV. centwries. Large Paper, in one vol. impl. Svo. morocco extra, gilt edges, £3. 10s — Another copy, hf.mor. top edge gilt, £1. 18s Paris, Didot. 1874 Joinville's Chronicle is one of those works which are expected to be found in every library worthy of the name. The present edition is the most complete and satisfactory that has yet been issued. It comprises the original text, a translation into modern French, 32 elucidatory essays, and a glossary of the old French words. JONES (Dr. Bence) The Royal Institution, its Founders and its First Professors, post Svo. neio cloth, 10s 6(Z 1872 JONES' (Owen) Alhambka ; Details and Orna- ments from the, 50 large and elaborate plates, richly executed in gold and colours, impl. folio, hf morocco, £3. 3s 1845 JONES' (Owen) Alhambra ; Illustrations of the Palace of the, comprising Picturesque Views of this famous ancient Building, its Apartments, Courts, Gardens, Details, Orna- ments, &c. with Descriptions, a large paper COPY of the genuine, original, and best edition, 100 very large and elaborate plates, the greater NU3IBER MOST SUMPTUOUSLY EXECUTED IN GOLD AND COLOURS, the otherS on India Paper, 2 vols, elephant folio, half morocco, gilt edges, £24. (pub. £36. 10s) 1842-5 This is one of the most sumptuous works ever executed in any country; and is of equal interest to the Ama- teur, the Architect, the Sculptor and the Decorator, for nothing can exceed the number, variety, and beauty of the Ornaments. JONES' (Owen) and Goury's Views on the Nile, from Cairo to the Second Cataract, with Descriptions, 39 large and fine plates coloured like drawings, and mounted on 31 sheets of cardboard, impl. folio, in a portfolio, scarce, £6. 15s (pub. £10. 10s) 1843 Books suitable for the libraky, 112 JONES' (Owen) Grammar of Ornament, 101 la/rge and exquisitely coloured plates, executed in Chromolithography, comprising 3000 examples of the decorations of all ages and nations, with descriptive Lettei-press, impl. folio, half morocco, gilt leaves, original edition, vert scarce, £14. 14s 1866 A splendid book of Designs, selected from the best works of all styles. JONES' (Owen) Grammar of Ornament, cheap edition, comprising 3000 examples of the Deco- rations of all ages and nations, with descriptive letterpress, illustrated with woodcuts, impl. 4to. cloth, gilt leaves, £4. 4s 1865 JONES (T. Rymer) WORKS ; viz. :— Animal Creation ; a popular introduction to Zoology, with 500 illmtrations, sq. post Svo. new calf gilt, 12s 6d 1872 Aquarian Naturalist, a Manual for the Sea- Side, ivithfine coloured plates, thick post 8vo. new cloth, 15s 1858 Mammalia ; a popular introduction to Natural History, with 200 illustrations, sq. post 8vo. new calf gilt, l'2s 6d (1871) Natural History of Birds, a popular intro- duction to Ornithology, ivith 200 illustrations, post 8vo. new calf gilt, 12s 6d 1872 Outline of the Organization of the Animal Kingdom, and Manual of comparative Ana- tomy, fourth edition, with 571 engravings, thick Svo. cloth, £l. 6s 6cZ 1871 JONES' (T.) Brecknockshire ; Histor}^ of the County of Brecknock ; with maps, numtrous engravings from Sketches hy Sir R. Colt Hoare, and coloured plates of the arms, 3 vols. roy. 4to. hf. morocco gilt, £8. 10s 1805-9 JONES' (W., of Nayland) WORKS', Theological, Philosophical, and Miscellaneous, portrait a')id engravings, best edition, 12 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, £2. 2s 1801 ' "A man of quick penetration, extensive learning, and the soundest piety : he had, beyond any other man I ever knew, the talent of writing upon the deepest subjects to the plainest understanding."— Bp. Horslev. JONES' (Sir W.) Works complete, with Life hy Lord Teignmouth, portrait and plates, 13 vols. Svo. cal/ gfiZt, £3. 3s 1807 JONSON'S (Ben) Works, with Notes, Critical and Explanatory, and a Biographical Memoir, by W. GiFFORD, edited with Intmduction and Appendices, by Lieut.-Col. F. Cunningham, 9 vols, large 8vo. new hf. calf, £6. 10s ; or neio tree calf gilt, £7. 7s; on Large Paper, (of which only a few have been printed), 9 vols, impl. Svo. V. bound, £12. 12s 1875 This new edition, which is very handsomely printed on tine paper, by Whittingham and Wilkins, contains not only all the original Notes, Emendations, etc., of " The Ablest of Modern Commentators" — as Gifford has been truly designated — but various new ones by the present accom- plished Editor, Lieut.-Col. Cunningham. JONSON'S (Ben^ Dramatic and other Works, complete, with Life and Notes by Gifford, portrait, 9 vols. Svo. calf gilt, £7. 7s 1816 JONSON'S (Ben) Dramatic Works and Poems, complete, with Life by Gifford, and Glossary, portrait and vignette, thick roy. Svo. neiu calf gilt, £1. Is 1869 JONSON'S (Ben.) Works, with a plate to each Play, 6 vols. Svo. calf neat, 12s 6d 1716 JONSON'S (Ben) Works, collated with all the former Editions, and corrected, with Notes cri- tical and explanatory, by P. Whalley,yinepor- trait by Vertue, and plates of characters by Guernier,7 vols. Svo. old calf neat, £1. 10s 1756 JOSEPHUS' Works, translated by Whiston, containing both the Antiquities and the Wars of the Jews, with 52 ivood engravings, 2 thick vols. Svo. new calf gilt, £1. 4s — Another copy, new hf. calf, £1. Is 1874 JOSEPHUS' Works ; Antiquities of the Jews, &c. portrait and map, 4 vols. Svo. hf. calf neat, £1. Is 1825 JOSEPHUS' Works, a new translation by the Rev. Dr. Traill, with Life, edited with Notes by Isaac Taylor, upivards of 70 highly finished en- gravings, impl. Svo. nev) calf extra, gilt edges, £1. 15s 1868 JUKES' (J.B.) Student's Manual of Geology, new edition, with many illustrations, thick post Svo. new cloth 1876 JUNIUS' Letters, including those under other Signatures, and his Private Letters to Woodfall, with preliminary Essay (by Dr. Mason Good), and Notes, facsimiles, best edition, 3 vols. Svo. calf, £1. 4s 1814 JUNIUS' Letters, including those under other Signatures, and his Private Letters to Woodfall, with Notes, and new evidence as to the Author- ship by J. Wade, facsimiles, 2 vols, thick 12mo. new calf gilt, 15s 1850 JUSTINI Martyris Opera : item Athenagorai, Theophili, Tatiani, et Hermite Tractatus aliquot, Gr. et Lat. portrait by Kilian, folio, calf neat, 18s Colonice, 1686 JUSTINIAN'S Institutes, with English Intro- duction, Translation, and Notes, by T. C. San- dars, third edition, Svo. neiv cloth, 15s 1865 JUVENALIS et Persii Satyrs, finely printed by Baskerville, 4to. ruled with red lines, mo- rocco, gilt leaves, broad borders of gold, 16s 6d 1761 JUVENALIS Satire, with a Literal English Prose Translation and Notes by J. D. Leavis, Svo. new cloth, 12s 1873 K^MPEER'S (Dr. E.) History of Japan; its Government, Temples, Palaces, Castles, Natural History, Customs, Manufactures, &c. and Descriptions of Siam, translated by Scheuchzer, with Life and the two Appendixes, the second one containing an Account of a Voyage to Japan, in 1673, numerous maps and curiom engravings, 2 vols, folio, calf, £2. 10s 1728 '• This work, ihighly valued for its accuracy and (idelitv, continues to be the best account extant of Japan." KANE'S (Dr.) Arctic Explorations, the Second Grinnell Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin, 1853-5, upwards of 300 engrav- ings, 2 vols. Svo. cloth, £1. Ss 1856 KANE'S (Dr.) Biography, by W. Elder, por- traits and plates, Svo. cloth, 6s Philadelphia, 1868 KANE'S (Dr. R.) Industrial Resources of Ireland, second edition improved, maps, post Svo. cloth, 75 Gd Dublin, 1845 KANT (I.) The Metaphysic of Ethics, trans- lated by J. W. Semplc, third edition, edited by H. Caldekwood, D.D., cr. Svo. new cloth, 5s 1869 ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. KAYE'S (J. W.) Lives of Indian Officers, Illustrative of the History of the Civil and Military- Service of India, 3 vols. cr. 8vo. new cloth, 15s 1869 KAYE'S (J. W.) Sepoy War in India; History of the, 1857-1858. Vols. 1, 2, and 3, thick 8vo. new cloth, £2. 7s 6d 1875 KAYE'S (J. W.) Sir John Malcolm ; Life and Correspondence of, from unpublished letters and journals, portraits, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 10s 6d (pub, 26s) 1856 KAYE'S (J. W.) War in Afghanistan ; His- tory of the, from unpublished Letters and Jour- nals of Political and Military Officers, &;c. new edition, 3 vols. fcap. Svo. new chth, £1. Is 1872 KEAN'S (Edmund) Life, from various Published and Original Sources, by F. W. Hawkins, 2 vols. Svo. cloth, 15s 1874 KEATS' (J.) Poetical Works, vnth. Memoir by Lord Houghton, portrait, post 8vo. neiv calf gilt, 9s 6d — Another copy, new onor. extra gilt edges, 14s 1869 KEATS' (J.) Poetical Works ; with Memoir by Lord Houghton, illustrated by 120 beautiful designs by Scha/rf, 8vo. new morocco extra, gilt edges, £1. 1866 KEATING'S (W. H.) Narrative of an Expedition to the Source of St. Peter's River, Lake Winne- peek, etc. with an Appendix on the Natural History of the country, large map and engrav- ings, 2 vols. Svo. boards, 6s (pub. 28s) 1825 KEBLE'S ( J. ) Poetical Works, complete in 3 vols. 12mo. morocco, gilt edges, I. The Christian Year, 9s 6d. II. Lyra Innocentium, 10s ed. HI. The Psalter in English verse, 12s 1872 KEBLE'S (J.) Poems on Miscellaneous Subjects, p^'inted on toned paper, thick 12mo. morocco, gilt leaves, 12s 1872 KEBLE'S (J.) Christian Year ; Thoughts in Verse for the Sundays and Holy-days, fh-st eddUon, 2 vols. fcap. Svo. boards, 7s 6d 1827, reprint 1868 KEBLE'S (J.) Christian Year, elegantly printed within red lines and illustrated by 62 engravings after eminent Artists, sm. 4to, morocco extra, gilt edges, £1. 4s — Another copy, morocco antique, gilt edges,£l. 8s, 1874 — Another edition, illustrated by 40 illuminated Miniatures from Manuscripts of the lith and I5th centv/ries, sm, 4to, morocco antique, elegant, £2, 12s 6d 1875 KEBLE'S (J,) Christian Year, elegantly printed and ilkistrated by a series of Photographs, sq, cr, Svo, morocco antique, gilt edges, £1. Is 1873 KEBLE'S (J,) Memoir, by Sir J, T, Coleridge, third edition, with Additions, 2 vols, post Svo. new calf gilt, ISs 1870 KEELING'S (W.) Litdrgi^ Britannic-e, or the Several Editions of the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England ; also the Liturgy of the Church of Scotland ; arranged to slioiv their respective variations, second EDITION, Svo, cloth, scarce, £ 1. 85 Piclcering, 1851 113 KEIGHTLEY'S (T.) Fairy Mythology, illus- trative of the Romance and Superstition of various Countries, frontispiece by CruikshanJi, poHt 8x0. new calf gilt, 9s 1860 KEITH'S (Dr.) Evidence of the Truth of the Christian Religion derived from the literal Ful- filment of Prophecy, thick 8vo. new calf gilt, £1. Is 1873 KELHAM'S (R.) Dictionary of the Norman or Old French Language, to which are added the Laws of William the Conqueror, with Notes, Svo. calf very scarce, £1. 4s (1779) KELHAM'S (R.) Domesday Book Illustrated ; an Account of that Ancient Record, translation of the difficult Passages, Abbreviations, &c. Svo. calf, very scarce, £l. Is 1788 KELLY'S (M., of the King's Theatre) Reminis- cences, including a period of Half a Century, with Original Anecdotes of many distinguished Versons, portrait, 2 vols. Svo. hf. calf gilt, 15s 1826 KEMBLE'S (J. M.) Saxons in England, a His- tory of the English Commonwealth till the Nor- man Conquest, 2 vols. Svo. cloth, very scarce, £2. 8s 1849 KEMBLE (J. M.) State Papers and Corres- pondence illustrative of the Social and Political State of Europe from the Revolution to the Accession of the House of Hanover ; with His- torical Introduction, Biographical Memoirs and Notes, thick Svo. calf gilt, 5s 6d 1857 KEMBLES; Lives of the, bj Percy Fitzgerald, author of the "Life of David Garrick," &c. 2 vols. Svo. cloth, 15s 1872 KEMP'S (E.) How TO Lay out a Garden, a Guide in choosing, forming, or improving an Estate, THIRD edition enlarged, with 250 woodcuts, Svo, new cloth, 15s 1864 KEN'S (Bp,) Christian Year, or Hymns and Poems for the Holy Days and Festivals of the Church, beautifully printed in antique type, each page surrounded by an elaborate woodcut border, roy, Svo, new mor. gilt edges, £1. 16s 1868 KEN'S (Bp.) Christian Year, thick fcap. Svo. new antique morocco, gilt edges, 16s — Another copy, antique calf, ca/rmine edges, 12s 6d 1868 KENNEDY'S (Lieut.-Col. Vans) Researches into the Nature and Affinity of Mythology, 4to. cloth, scarce, £1. 4s 1831 KENNETT'S (Bp.) Parochial Antiquities, greatly enlarged from the author's MS. notes, by Bandinel, portrait, best edition, 2 vols. 4to. new hf. russia, £1. 12s 6(Z ^ Oxford, 1818 Comprises the History of Ambrosden, Burcester, and adjacent parts, in Oxford and Bucks, with an excellent Glossary of Anglo-Saxon and other obsolete words. KENRICK'S (J.) Ancient Egypt under the Pharaohs ; a History deduced from the com- bined labours of travellers and artists, inter- preters and critics during the first portion of the present century, plates of Hieroglyphics, 2 vols. Syo. cloth, £}. 1850 KENRICK'S (J.) The Egypt of Herodotus; or the Second and part of the Third Books of his History, Greek, with Notes, Svo. cloth, 5s 6d (pub, 1 2s) 1841 KENRICK'S (J.) Essay on Prim^.val His- tory, post Svo. cloth, 5s 1846 8 114 KENT ; The Domesday Book of, in Facsimile, with Extension, Translation, Notes, and Appen- dix, by the Rev. L. B. Larking, heoAitifully printed, folio, new hf. morocco, uncut, £4. 14s 6d 1869 Besides a Facsimile of the portion of the Great Domes- day Book relating to Kent, beautifully executed by Mr. F. G. Netherclift, and occupying 28 pages, this handsome volume contains the Latin text of the same printed in Roman type and with the Abbreviations extended, also an English Translation, Concordance, Glossary, Notes, and Indices. It is a most important contribution to the His- tory of the County. KENYON.— Life of Lloyd, First Lord Kenyon, Lord Chief Justice of England, by the Hon. G. T. Kenyon. portraits, Svo. new cloth, 12s 1873 KEPPEL'S (Capt.) Rajah Brooke's Expedition to Borneo, for the Suppression of Piracy, in H.M.S. " Dido," with Extracts from his Jour- nal, third edition, enlarged and continued by W. Kelly, 6 maps and 11 tinted plates, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 8s (pub. £1. 12s) — Another copy, calf gilt, lis 1847 KERR'S (R.) Collection of Voyages and Travels, forming a complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, from the Earliest Ages, best EDITION, with maps and charts, 18 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, £4. 4s 1824 Kerr's Collections contain a great variety of very cu- rious and interesting early voyages and travels of rare occurrence, or only to be found in expensive or voluminous collections. KERR (R.) The Gentleman's House ; or How to Plan English Residences, from the Parson- age to the Palace, with Tables of Accommoda- tion and Cost, and a series of selected Plans, with numerous illustrative woodcuts and ground plans, thick 8vo, new cloth, £1. 1873 A much esteemed and thoroughly practical work. KIDDER (Rev. D. P.) and Rev. J. C. Fletcher's Brazil and the Brazilians, portrayed in His- torical and Descriptive Sketches, illustrated hy 150 engravings, thick 8vo. cloth, 12s 6cZ (pub. 21s) Philadel. 1857 KILDARE (Earls of) and their Ancestors, from 1057 to 1773, by the Marquis of Kildare, with Addenda, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 14s Dublin, 1858-62 KILLEN'S (D.) Ecclesiastical History of Ireland, from the Earliest Period to the Pre- sent Time, 2 vols. 8vo. new cloth, £1. Is 1876 KING'S (C. W.) Antique Gems and Rings, illustrated by 66 plates, containing representa- tions of several hundred gems, and by numerous woodcuts in the text, 2 vols. impl. Svo. new cloth gilt, £1. 15s 1872 This work is based upon the author's earlier works on Gems, and in addition to what was most valuable in them, contains the results of subsequent years of study and research. The illustrations are said " to comprise the largest and most comprehensive series ever presented at one view." KING'S (C. W.) Early Christian Numisma- tics, and other Antiquarian Tracts contributed to the Archaeological Journal and other papers, Svo. new cloth, 15s 1873 KING'S (C. W.) Gnostics and their Remains, Ancient and Mediaeval, illustrated by 13 en- araved plates of gems. etc. roy. Svo. cloth, lOs- 6d J864 BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, KING'S (C. W.) Handbook of Engraved Gems, with Notes and copious Index, and many en- graved plates of Gems, Svo. new cloth, 9s 1866 KING'S (C. W.) Natural History of Precious Stones and of the Precious Metals, new and re- vised edition, illustrated, post Svo. neiu cloth, 5s 1870 KING'S (E.) Munimenta Antiqua, or Obser- vations on Ancient Castles, and the Progress of Architecture in Great Britain, 166 fine en- gravings, 4 vols, royal folio, hf. morocco, £5. 10s (pub. £18. 18s) 1799-1806 A most important and valuable historical work, illus- trative of EVKRv County in the Kingdom, and necessary for every good library. Hibbert's copy sold for ;Ci9.;i9J, North's for ;Ci9., Nassau's ;C20. los, Sir M. Sykes' for £25. KING (T. H.) The Study-Book of Medieval Architecture and Art ; a Series of Working Drawings of the Principal Churches of the Middle Ages, in Germany, Belgium, and France; whereof the Plans, Sections, Elevations and De- tails are drawn to uniform scales from actual measurement. To which are added. Illustra- tions of remarkable Chalices, Cups, Iron- work, Stained Glass, Tombs, &c. in all between three and four thousand subjects, engraved on Four Hundred Copper Plates, with Descriptions by George J. Hill, MA. I. — Four Volumes 4to. neatly hf. hound mo- rocco, top edges gilt, £9. 9s (pub. £12. 12s) II. — Four Volumes, 4to. with Proof Impres- sions OP THE Plates on India Paper, hf. hound morocco, top edges gilt, £12. 12s (pub. £16. 16s) 1868 KING, FiTZROY, and Darwin's Voyage of Dis- covery Round the World, in the Adventure and Beagle, including the Geology and Natural History, large maps and charts, and upwards of 60 fine engravings hy Landseer, 4 vols. Svo. cloth, £2. 10s 1839 KINGLAKE'S (A. W.) Eothen, or Traces of Travel in the East, frontispiece, post Svo. neio calf gilt, lOs ed 1864 KINGLAKE'S (A. W.) Invasion of the Crimea; its Origin and an Account of its Progress down to the Battle of Inkerman, 5 vols. Svo. new calf gilt, £4. 4s 1863-75 KINGSBOROUGH'S (Lord) Antiquities of Mexico, comprising Facsimiles of Ancient Mexican Paintings and Hieroglyphics, preserved in the Royal Libraries of Paris, Berlin, Dresden, Vienna, and the Vatican at Rome, and various others, the greater part inedited. Also the Monuments of New Spain, by M. Dupaix, illustrated hy upwards of 1000 finely co- loured and highly inter estingjplates, from the originals, 9 vols. impl. folio, hf. morocco, top edges gilt, £50. 1830-48 This is one of the Superior Copies of this Magnificent fVork, having all the plates beautifully coloured in exact imita- tion of the original Paintings and Monuments ; it was published at nearly ^^200. KIRBY'S (W.) History, Instincts, and Habits of Animals, edited with Notes by T. Rymer Jones, ^voodciijts, 2 vols, post Syo, new cloth, 8s 6d 1862 ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & KINGSLEY'S (Canon) WORKS:— At Last, cr. 8vo. cloth, 5s Alton Locke, cr, 8vo. cloth, 4s Glaucus, cr. 8vo. cloth, 4s Hereward the Wake, cr. Svo. cloth, 5s Heroes (The) 16mo. cloth, 4s IIypatia, cr. 8vo. cloth, 5s Lectures delivered in America in 1874, (Westminster Abbey; The Stage as it once was ; The First Discovery of America ; etc.) post 8vo. chth, 4s Gd On the Ancien Re'gieme, cr. Svo. cloth, 5s Poems, including Andromeda, Saints' Tragedy, Songs, Ballads, etc. fcap. Svo. n&io calf gilt, 9s 6d ; or, new morocco, gilt edges, 1 2s 6d Prose Idylls, cr. Svo. cloth, 4s Roman and the Teuton : A Series of Lectures delivered before the University of Cambridge, new edit. witVi Preface by Prof. F. Max Miiller, post Svo. new calf gilt, 10s Saints' Tragedy, fcap. Svo. cloth, 4s Selections from his Writings, cr. Svo. cloth, 5s Two Years Ago, cr. Svo. cloth, 5s Water Babies, cr. Svo. cloth, 4s Westminster Sermons; preached at West- minster Abbey and at the Chapels Royal — together with a Paper read at Sion College, in 1871, Svo. cloth, 9s Westward Ho ! cr. Svo. cloth. 5s Yeast, cr. Svo. cloth, 4s KIRBY (W.) and Spence's Introduction to En- tomology, or the Natural History of Insects, coloured plates, 4 vols. Svo. calf gilt, £1. Ss 1828 " No work in the English language has done more than Kirhy and Spence's learned and popular Introduction to spread the taste for the Natural History of Insects." KIRBY (W.) and Spence's Introduction to En- tomology, cheap edition, post Svo. new calf gilt, 9s 6d 1870 KIRK'S (J. F.) History of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, with portraits, 3 vols. Svo. cloth, £1. Is (pub. 45s) 1863-68 KIRKPATRICK'S (Col.) Account of the King- dom of Nepaul, with Observations made during a Mission in 1793, large map and fine engrav- ings, roy. 4to. calf extra, 12s 1811 KITTO'S (Dr.) Daily Bible Illustrations, being original Readings for a Year on Sacred Histoiy, Biography, Geography, Antiquities, etc. with Illustrations, new a/tid enlarged edition, 8 vols, post Svo. new calf gilt, £4. 10s ; or, new half calf gilt, £3. 10s 1866 KITTO'S (Dr.) History of Palestine, from the Patriarchal Age to the Present Time, illustrated, post Svo. new calf gilt, 9s 6d (1861) KITTO'S (Dr.) Scripture Lands, a Series of Historical, Geographical, and Topographical Sketches, with Biblical Atlas of 24 fimely en- graved maps, crown Svo. new calf gilt, 9s 1866 KITTO (Dr.) see also Cyclopedia. KNAPP'S (J.) Journal of a Naturalist (a series of charming essays), with plates and woodcuts, post Svo. hf. calf gilt, 6s 6cl 1829 KNIGHT'S (C.) Half Hours with the Best Authors, new edition, portraits, 2 vols. Svo. new calf 18s Gel 5 or, neio hf. calf, 14s 6dJ 1868 CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 115 KNIGHT'S (C.) Gallery of Useful and Fine Arts, with 4000 engravings, 2 vols, folio, half calf, £1. los 1850 A valuable and interesting work. Vol. I, contains the Useful Arts, and Vol. II. the Pine Arts, giving representa- tions of each from their earliest appearance to the present time. KNIGHT'S (C.) Half Hours with the Best Authors, with Critical Notices, portraits and illustrations, 4 vols, post Svo. new calf gilt, £1. 16s — ^Another copy, new hf. morocco gilt, ^1. Ss (1872) KNIGHT'S (C.) Knowledge is Power, a view of the Productive Forces of Modern Society, and the Results of Labour, Capital and Skill, numerous woodcuts, cr. Svo. new calf gilt, 9s 1866 KNIGHT'S (C.) Land we Live in ; a Pictorial and Literary Sketch of the British Empire, by C. Knight, Miss Martineau, G. Dodd, and others, with several hund/red fine engravings on steel amd wood, 4 vols. impl. Svo. in 2, cloth, £\. 10s Orr amd Co. n. d. KNIGHT'S (C.) Old England, a Pictorial Mu- seum of National Antiquities, Regal, Ecclesias- tical, Baronial, Municipal, and Popular, with vpwa/rds of 3000 engravings, some colou/red, 2 vols, folio, hf. calf, £2. 2s 1845 The engravings embrace Druidical Remains, Cathe- drals, Churches, Castles, Mansions, Sepulchral Monu- ments, Portraits, Arms, Coins, Medals, Autographs, Cos- tumes, &c. KNIGHT'S (C.) Once upon a Time, (a series of interesting Essays on Literature, Topography,' Manners, &c.) numerous illustrations, fcap. Svo. new calf gilt, Ss 6d 1865 KNIGHT'S (C.) Pictorial History of Eng- land, being a History of the People as well as a History of the ffingdom, by C. Knight, Prof. Craik, C. Macfarlane, &c. upwoA-ds of 2000 engravings, 8 vols. impl. Svo. hf. calf £3. 15s 1838 Very early original copies are scarce; the impressions of the engravings are far superior to those usually seen. KNIGHT'S (C.) Popular History of England, an illustrated History of Society and Govern- ment, from B.C. 55 to a.d. 1849, with an Appen- dix of Annals to 1861, numerous engravings on steel and wood, 8 vols. Svo. new calf gilt, £5. 5s; or, new hf. calf gilt, £4. 4s 1856-62 KNIGHT'S (C.) Pictorial History of London, ancient and modern, with nearly 700 engravings of Buildings, Antiquities, Costumes, Cv/riosities, 4-c. 6 vols. impl. Svo. in 3, new calf gilt, £2. 10s —Another copy, new hf calf gilt, £2. 1851 KNIGHT'S (Gaily) Ecclesiastical Architec- ture of Italy, from the time of Constantine to the Fifteenth Century, with an Essay and Descriptions, 80 large, beautiful, and highly interesting views of Cathed/rals and Churches in Italy, several of the plates richly illuminated in gold and colours, 2 vols. impl. folio, hf. mo- rocco, £^. 10s 1842-44 This beautiful and valuable work was executed at the expense of the late Mr. Gaily Knight. The plates ar§ arranged chronologically. 3* 116 KNrGHT'R (Gaily) Saracenic and Norman Remains to illustrate the Normans in Sicily, 30 COLOURED and tinted drawings on stone, imp], folio, hf. morocco, £2. 5s (pub. £5. 5s) 1849 Includes the most famous old buildings in Palermo, Messina, Cefalii, Syracuse, &c. KNORR et WALCH, Recueil des Monumens des Catastrophes que le Globe Terrestre a essuies, portraits, and 272 fine coloured engravings of Fossil Remains, &c. 4 vols, folio, old russia gilt, yellow edges, fine copy, £9. 10s Nuremh. 1776, ^c. A grand and esteemed work, and Knorr's chef d'awvre. It contains a vast collection of illustrations of Fossil Shells, Fish, Vegetables, and Minerals, drawn the natural size, and coloured with great accuracy. KNOWLES' (J.) Naval Architecture ; a Treatise on Ship-Building, Theoretical and Practical, and an Appendix containing the Principles and Practice of Constructing the Royal and Mercantile Navies, 4to. illustrated ly 12 engravings, and a series of 39 very large folded plates, bound in one vol. large impl. folio, together 2 vols. hf. hound, £1. 16s (pub. £6. 6s) 1822 KNOWLES' (S.) Dramatic Works, new edition, complete, portrait, 2 vols, in one, post 8vo. new calf gilt, 12s 1874 KNOWSLEY MENAGERIE.— Gleanings from the Menagerie at Knowsley Hall, the Seat of the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Derby ; Hoofed Quadrupeds in a series of 59 large and well- executed lithographic plates, some in colours, from Draiuings by W. Hawkins, accompanied by Lord Derby's Notes on the Habits of the Ani- mals, and Descriptions by J. E. Gray, 1850 ; also Gleanings from the Menagerie and Aviary, a series of 17 most beautifully co- loured plates, /rom Drawings by Lear, with Descriptions by J. E. Gray, 1846 — together 2 vols. impl. folio, cloth, scarce, £12. 12s Privately printed, Knowsley, 1846-50 KONINCK (L. de) Recherches sur les Animaux FossiLES, Monographic des Genres Productus et Chonetes, 20 tinted plates, representing several hundred specimens, roy. 4to. stiff covers, £1. 5s LiSge, 1847 KORAN of Mohammed, translated from the Arabic by G. Sale, with explanatory Notes from eminent Commentators, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, 15s, 1825 — Another edition, 8vo. new calf gilt, 12s 6d 1867 KORAN. — Penrice's ( J. ) Dictionary and Glossary of the Koran, with Grammatical References and Explanations, 4to. new cloth, 17s 6d 1873 KOTZEBUE'S (A.) Russian Voyage of Discovery into the South Seas and Beering's Straits for the purpose of exploring a North-East Passage, colov/red engravings arid maps, 3 vols. 8vo. hf calf gilt, 16s 1821 KRAFFT (J.) Traite sur 1'Art de la Char- pente, third edition, enlarged by Thiollet, upwards of 1 50 plates of plans, sections, eleva- tions, etc. of xoorhs executed in France, 2 vols. impl. folio, boards, £3. 10s Fa/ris, 1840 BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, KRAFT (J. C.) Plans, Coupes, et Elevations de diverses Productions de I'Art de la Chai-pente, executees tant en France que dans les Pays Etrangers, with several hundred fine engravings, with elaborate details, of all kinds of Erections, a tine large thick vol. imperial folio, full bound russia, ivith joints and gilt leaves, £1. 12s PaWs, 1805 KUGLER'S (F.) Handbooks of Painting; Italian Schools, edited by Eastlake, 2 vols. 1869 — German, Flemish, and Dutch Schools, by Dr. Waagen, 2 vols. 1860— Early Flemish Painters, by Crowe and Cavalcaselle, 1857 — and Memoirs of Early Italian Painters, by Mrs. Jameson, 1868 ; together 6 vols, post 8vo. new morocco extra, gilt edges, £S. ; or, tree calf extra, gilt edges, £6. 6s 1857-69 KUGLER'S (F.) Handbook of German, Dutch, and Flemish School of Painting, edited with Notes by Dr. Waagen, second edition, illus- trated, 2 vols, post 8vo. morocco extra gilt edges, £2. 18s — or, tree calf extra, gilt edges, £2. 1861 KUGLER'S (F.) Handbook of Italian Paint- ing, translated and edited with Notes, by Sir C. Eastlake, with upwards of 100 engravings, 2 vols, post 8vo. morocco extra, gilt edges, £3. 3s ; or, tree calf extra, gilt edges, £2. 7s 6d 1867 LABARTE'S (M. J.) Arts of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, as applied to the Decora- tion of Furniture, Arms, Jewels, etc. translated from the French, with upwards of 200 woodcuts, 8vo. cloth, sca/rce, £1. Is 1855 " As a broad view of the domestic arts of the Middle Ages this Handbook will be found extremely useful and satisfactory." LAB ARTE (J.) Histoire des Arts Industriels au Moyen Age, et a I'Epoque de la Renaissance, deuxieme edition, containing 85 engravings on wood and 81 plates, many of which are beauti- fully printed in colours, heightened with gold and silver, 3 vols. 4to. hf. morocco, top edges gilt, £11. lis Far is, 1872 LABOR DE'S (L. de) Journey through Arabia Petr^a to Mount Sinai, and the Excavated City of Petra, the Edom of the Prophecies, with map and numerous plates and woodcuts, 8vo. cloth, 5s 6i— Another copy, hf calf, 8s 6d 1836 LACROIX'S (P.) Beautifully Illustrated Works, viz. : — I. The Arts, II. Manners, Customs and Dress, III. Military and Religious Life. In the Middle Ages and at the period of the Renaissance. IV. The xviiith Century (France, 1700- 1789). Its Institutions, Customs, and Cos- tumes. together, 4 vols. impl. 8vo. illustrated by 69 full-page plates, chromolithographs in gold and colours, and upwards of 1500 beautiful engravings on wood, whole bound morocco super extra, gilt edges, £9. 9s 1874-76 The above /oM?" works are uniform in style and may be had separate at proportionate prices; they form an in- teresting series of books in illustration of the Mediaeval and Renaissance periods j the first comprises the Arts, the second Manners, Customs, and Costumes, the third the Military and Religious characteristics of the people; the fourth, the Institutions, Customs, and Costumes of France, 1 700- 1 789. ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & LA FONTAINE (J.) Fables Choisiks mises en Vers, avec la Vie de I'Autcur par De Monte- nault, splendidly printed with 276 large and heautifid engravings hy Cochin amd others ajter the spirited and masterly designs of Oudry, excellent early impressions, 4 large vols, folio, old mottled calf extra, gilt edges, £28. 10s Paris, 1755 One of the finest works of the kind ever published. The tigures of Animals designed by the eminent painter OuuRY have always been esteemed for their correctness and vigour, which/with the skill displayed in the group- ings, have combined to place this interesting work at the head of its class as a delineation of the Animal Tribe stimulated by Human Passions. LA FONTAINE (J.) Ses Fables, illustrees par Gustave Dore, ivith 580 illustrations, of ivhich 80 full-page ones me printed wpon India paper, 2 large and splendid vols, folio, printed on extra superfine paper, morocco super extra, gilt edges, £16. 16s Paris, 1867 This is perhaps the most charming work of M. Gustave Dore. Only a small number of copies have been printed of this edition. LA FONTAINE ( J. ) Ses Fables, avec les dessins de Gustave Dore, handsomely printed in large type, and illustrated hy 580 en- gravings, of which 80 are full-page ones, thick impl. 4to. hf. morocco extra, £2. 15s 1867 LA FONTAINE'S (J.) Fables, translated into English Verse, by W. Thornbury, finely printed in large type, with 580 splendid illustra- tions hy Gustave Dord, of ivhich 80 are full-page ones, a thick handsome volume, large 4to. new hf. morocco extra, gilt edges, £1. 18s 1868 LAHARPE (J. F.) Ltcee, ou Cours de Litte- RATURE, Ancienne et Moderne, with General Index, 14 vols, post 8vo. hf. morocco, gilt edges, £l.8s Paris, 1825 *• Most parts of the Cours de Litter ature may be com- pared to the works of the great artists: they strongly attract the attention of all men ; all feel a delight in con- templating them, and true judges are never weary of studying and examining them." LAING'S (M.) History of Scotland, from the Union of the Crowns to the Union of the King- doms, with preliminary J^isscrtation on the Murder of Darnley, 4 vols. 8vo. calf, £1. 10s 1819 LAING'S (S.) Chronicle of the Kings of Nor- way, or Heimskringla, from the Earliest Period to the Twelfth Century, from the Icelandic of Snorro Sturleson, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, scarce, £l.8s 1844 " We owe all that is rational, certain, and connected in the ancient history of these vast countries? to the writings of Snorro Sturleson." LAING'S (S.) Notes of a Traveller on the Social and Political State of France, Prussia, Switzer- land, Italy, and other parts of Europe, during the present Century, 8vo, cloth, 5s 6d 1842 LAING'S (S.) Observations on the Social and Political State of the European People in 1 848 and 1849, 8vo. cloth, 5s (pub. 14s) 1850 LAING'S (S.) Tour in Sweden in 1838, com- prising Observations on the Moral and Political State of the Swedish Nation, 8vo. cloth, 5s — Another copy, hf. calf, 7s 6 d 1839 CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 117 LAIRD and Oldfield's Narrative of an Expedi- tion into the Interior of Africa by the Niger, in 1832-4, ivith several interesting views, 2 vols. Svo. hf calf neat, 8s 6d 1837 LAMARTINE (A. de) ses (Edvres, 14 vols. Paris, 1849— and Histoire des Girondins, illustrated by a series of fine portraits, 8 vols. Paris, 1847 — the heautifd large type lihrary editions, together 22 vols. roy. 8vo. calf extra, a HANDSOME SET, £6. lOs Po/ris, 1847-49 LAMARTINE (A. dc) Ses CEuvres Completes, a fine large type library edition, embellished ivith finely engraved portraits and other illustrations, 12 large vols. roy. 8vo. hf, morocco gilt, £2. 2s Paris, 1836-40 LAMARTINE (A. de) Histoire des Girondins, a beautifully executed libra/ry edition, in large print, 8 vols. 8vo. bright calf gilt, £2. 2s Pmis, 1847 LAMARTINE (A. de) Twenty-five Years of ray Life, and Memoirs of my Mother ; translated by Lady Herbert, 2 thick handsome vols, post 8vo. new hf. calf gilt, 10s 6cJ (pub. 24s) 1872 " In this outpouring of the writer's heart the man him- self is revealed, and his whole nature comes out in its living simplicity. Lamartine's books are all full of genius, but nowhere else has he shown us so much of his heart. There is a grace, a gaiety and a frankness in these pages which give them a peculiar charm." LAMB'S (C.) Works and Correspondence COMPLETE ; with an Essay on his Life and Genius, by T. Purnell, 4 vols, post 8vo. new morocco, gilt edges, £2. 15s; or, new calf gilt, £2. 5s 1874 LAMB'S (C.) Works ; Poems, Essays of Elia, Letters, and Final Memorials by Judge Talfourd, portrait, 4 vols. fcap. 8vo. cloth, 18s 1855 LAMB'S (C.) Works, including his most in- teresting Lettei-s, collected and edited, with Memorials, by Judge Talfourd, portrait, roy. 8vo. new calf gilt, 16s 6cZ 1865 LAMB'S (C.) Essays of Elia and Eliana, por- trait, cr. 8vo. new calf gilt, 8s 1867 LAMB'S (C.) Specimens of English Dramatic Poets, who lived about the time of Shakspeare, thick post 8vo. calf gilt, 6s 1808 LAMB (C. and M.) Tales from Shakespeare, with T^velve Illustrations in Permanent Photo- graphy from the Boydell Gallery, 8vo. new calf gilt, 12s 6d ; or, morocco extra, gilt edges, 17s 6d 1876 LAMB (C. and M.) Their Poems, Letters, and Remains ; now first collected ; with Reminis- cences and Notes by W. Carew Hazlitt, em- bellished hy Portrait, numerous facsimiles amd illustrations of their favourite Haunts in London and the Suburbs, large paper, 4to. hf. bound, Roxbv/rghe style, 12s 6d (pub. 21s) 1874 LAMBARDE'S (W.) Perambulation of Kent, conteining the Description, Hystorie, and Cus- tomes of that Shire, portrait, 8vo. cloth, 6s 6d Chatham, 1826 LAMONT'S (J.) Seasons with the Sba-Horses; Sporting Adventures in the Northern Seas, map and engravings, 8vo. cloth, Is 6d (pub. 18s) 1861 118 BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, LANCASHIRE and Cheshire, past and present; a History and Description of, from the earliest Ages to 1867, by T. Baines, F.S.A., with nu- merous illustrations from the original Drawings hy H. Warren, R.A., and a series of Portraits, all finely engraved hy Le Keux, and other emi- nent artists, on India Paper, 4 large vols. 4to. cloth, gilt edges, £3. 3s 1867 This elegant and painstaking work is enriched by an " Account of the Rise and Progress of Manufactures and Commerce, of Civil and Mechanical Engineering in the above Districts," by Sir W. Fairbairn, F.R.S. The En- gravings are of great excellence. LANCASHIRE.— Pedigrees of the Families of the County of Lancashire, compiled by J. Foster, and Authenticated by the Members of each Family, with heraldic illustrations hy J. Forbes-Nixon, impl. 4to. wew cloth, £2. 2s (pub. £3. 3s) 1873 "These Pedigrees difFer from those in ' Burke's Landed Gentry,' inasmuch as they are not condensed, but for the most part extracted in full from the old County Histories, which are now comparatively unobtainable. In some in- stances the larger ones contain several families ; and as in all cases the younger branches of each family are repre- sented as fully and in the same manner as that of the head of the family, considerable additional interest is naturally acquired." LANCET (The) ; a Journal of British and Foreign Medicine, Physiology, Surgery, Che- mistry, &c. complete from its commencement to the end of 1873, 45 vols. 8vo. and 60 vols. impl. 8vo. together 105 vols. hf. calf neat, £18. 18s 1823-73 LANDON (C. P.) Annales du Musee et de I'Ecole Moderne des Beaux Arts, with nea/rly 1800 heautiful outline engravings of famous Paintings, Sculpture, and Architecture, 30 vols. 8vo. hoards, uncut, £7. 10s Paris, 1801-13 LANDON'S (Miss) Poetical Works, with Me- moir and Illustrations by W. B. Scott, illus- trated, cr. 8vo. new calf gilt, 8s 6d — Another copy, new morocco extra, gilt edges, 12s (1872) LANDOR'S (W. S.) Works and Life, a new library edition, with portrait and illustrations, 8 vols. 8vo. new calf gilt, £7. 1876 Contents: — Life ; Imaginary Conversations; Sovereigns and Statesmen, Boccacio and Petrarca, Greeks and Romans, Shakespeare, Literary Men, Famous Women, Pericles and Aspasia, Miscellaneous Conversations, and Dialogues in Verse : Poems; Criticisms, and Index. LANDOR'S (W. S.) Works ; Imaginary Con- versations, Pericles and Aspasia, Minor Prose Works, &c. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. new calf gilt, £1. 12s 1868 LANDOR'S (W. S.) Biography, by John Forster, portrait and frontispiece, 2 vols, thick post 8vo. cloth, 16s 1869 LANDSCAPE ANNUALS, from 1830 to 1836 inclusive, with upwards of 1 60 highly finished engravings hy the best artists, from Drawings hy David Roberts, Prout, Harding, kcfine impressions on India paper, 7 vols, royal 8vo. large paper, morocco, gilt leaves, £7. 7s (pub. £18. 7s 6d) 18.30-36 This beautiful work preserves the best Pictures of David Roberts, and the other eminent painters; it com- prises Roscoe's Tourist in Switzerland, France, Italy, Granada, and Andalusia. LANDSEER'S (J.) Sab^kan Researches, includ- ing Lectuies on the engraved Hieroglyphics of Chaldea, Egypt, and Canaan, with engravings of antiquities, . 10s / MAUNDER'S TREASURIES :— ] Treasury of Bible Knowledge, calf gilt, 9s 6d ' Treasury of Biography, calf gilt, 9s 6d Treasury of Botany, 2 vols, calf gilt, 19s Treasury of Geography, Physical, Historical, Descriptive and Political, calf gilt, 9s 6d Treasury of History, calf gilt, 9s 6d Treasury of Knowledge ; English Dictionary, Classical Dictionary, Law Terms, Gazetteer, etc. calf gilt, 9s 6d Treasury of Natural History, with 900 wood- cuts, calf gilt, 9s 6d Treasury of Science and Literature, calf gilt 9s 6d MAURICE'S (F.D.) Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy, new edition, with Preface, 2 thick vols. 8vo. new cloth, £1. Is 1873 MAURICE'S (F.D.) Social Morality; twenty- one Lectures delivered in the University of Cambridge, cr. 8vo. new cloth, 9s 1869 MAURICE'S (T.) History of Hindostan, its Arts and its Sciences, as connected with the History of the other Great Empires of Asia during the most ancient Periods, numerous plates, 2 vols. 4to. russia, 12s 6d n. d. MAURICE'S (T.) Indian Antiquities, or Dis- sertations relative to the Topography, Theology, Laws, Literature, &c. of Hindostan, compared throughout with those of Persia, numerous en- gravings, 7 vols. 8vo. calf, neatly gilt, £1. Is 1809 MAURY'S (M.) Physical Geography of the Sea, and its Meteorology ; new and enlarged edition by the author, charts, <^c. post 8vo. new cloth, 5s 1868 MAXWELL'S (J. C.) Treatise on Electri- city and Magnetism, illustrated by 20 plates of diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. neio cloth, £1. 6s 6d 1873 MAXWELL'S (W. H.) Irish Rebellion in 1798, History of the, wath Memoirs of the Union and Emmett's Insurrection, 27 sx)irited engravings by G. Cruilcsliank, and portraits, cr. Svo. new cloth, 6s 6d 1866 MAY'S (Sir T. E.) Constitutional History of England, since the Accession of George III. 1760-1860, 2 vols. 8vo. neto calf gilt, £2. 2s, 1863 — The cabinet edition, 3 vols. cr. 8vo. neiv calf gilt, £1. 10s 1872 MAY'S (Sir T. E.) Democracy in Europe ; a History, 2 vols. Svo. neiv cloth, 1876 MAY (Sir T. E.) On thk Law, Privileges, Proceedings, and Usage of Parliament, sevent/t edition, revised and enlarged, thick 8vo. new calf gilt. £2. 2s 1873 This edition comprises every alteration in the law and practice of Parliament, and all rriaterial precedents relating to puhlic and private business, since the publication of the previous edition. BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, 138 MAYHEW'S (E.) Illustrated Horse Doctor, with the latest mode of Treatment, and all the requisite Proscriptions in plain English, neiv edition, upivards of 400 engravvngs, 8vo. new cloth, \5s6d 1876 MAYHEW'S (E.) Illustrated Horse Manage- ment ; its Anatomy, Medicine, Shoeing, Teeth, Eood, Vices, Stables ; also Comments on Grooms, Dealers, Breeders, Breakers and Trainers, Car- riages and Harness, wew edition, with 400 wood' cuts, thick Svo. neiv cloth, 10s 1876 MAYHEW'S (H.) London Labour and the London Poor, including the portion relating to Prostitution, and those who will not work, with numerous portraits and Street Scenes from daguerreotypes, 4 vols. 8vo. neiv hf. calf gilt, £1. 12s 1861-62 MAYO (Earl oQ Sport in Abyssinia ; or. The Mareb and Tackazzee, illustrated, post 8vo. new cloth, 10s 1876 MEADOWS' (T.) TnE Chinese and their Re- bellions, viewed in connection with their National Philosophy, Ethics, Legislation, &c. with an Essay on Civilization, maps, thick 8vo. cloth, 9s ad (pub. 18s) 1853 ME ARES' (J.) Voyages made in 1788-9, from China to the N.W. Coast of America ; with Observations on the Probable Existence of a North-West Passage, cliarts and fine engravings, including a large one of two Chiefs, from a d/raw- ing hy T. Stothard, 2 vols. 8vo. calf neat, 15s 1791 MECHANICS' Magazine, Museum, Register, and Gazette, complete from its commencement to 1858 inclusive, numerous portraits and en- gravings, " 69 vols, in 49, 8vo. hf. calf, neat set, £5. 5s 1823-58 An indispensable work to a good reading library, com- prising notices of all the scientific improvements and discoveries of the present age. MEDHURST'S (Dr.) China, its state and Pros- pects, with especial reference to the spread of the Gospel, Notices of Antiquities, Population, Literature, &c. engravings, 8vo. cloth, 7s 1857 MELLING, Voyage Pittoresque dans les PYRli;NEES Fran9aises et dans les Departements adjacents, avec un Texte contenant, outre ritineraire de toute la Contree, les Eaits geolo- giqucs, les Etablissements Thermaux, I'lndus- trie, le Commerce, les Costumes, etc. 72 large AND fine engravings, impl. oblong folio, hf. morocco, top edges gilt, £2. 15s Pa/ris, 1826-30 MEN of the Time : a Dictionary of Contem" PORARiEs, containing Biographical Notices o^ Eminent Characters of both Sexes, new edition, revised and brought down to the present time, by T. Cooper, thick post 8vo. new calf gilt, 18s 6d 1876 MENDELSSOHN.— My Recollections of Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, and his Letters to me, by E. Devrient, translated by N. Macfarren, portrait, post 8vo. neiv hf. calf gilt, 7s 6d n. d. MEREDITH'S (L.) My Home in Tasmania, during a Residence of Nine Years, with illus- trations, 2 vols, post Svo. new hf. calf gilt, 9s 6d 1852 MEREDITH'S (L.) Some of my Bush Friends in Tasmania, with 14 beautiful coloured plates of N^ative Flowers, Berries, and Insects, ^c. and elegant borders surrounding the Descriptions and Poetry, folio, hf. hound morocco, gilt leaves, £1. 8s (pub. £2. 2s) 1860 One of the most beautiful books ever published on Flowers, Berries, Insects, &c. "'The plates and border- ings will satisfy the most fastidious eye. It is a triumph of florid taste and lithographic skill." — Athenaum. MEREDITH (Owen)— see Lytton (Lord). MERRIFIELD'S (Mrs.) Original Treatises dating from the Xllth to the X Vlllth Centuries on the Arts of Painting in Oil, Miniatures, Mosaic, and on Glass, with translations, prefaces, and notes, 2 vols. Svo. cloth, 16s (pub. £1. 10s) 1840 MERIVALE'S (C.) Conversion of the North- ern Nations (Boyle Lectures, 1865), 8vo, new cloth, Is 1865 MERIVALE'S (C.) Conversion of the Roman Empire, (Boyle Lectures, 1864), Svo. new cloth. Is 1865 MERIVALE'S (C.) Fall of the Roman Re- public, a short History of the last Century of the Commonwealth, post Svo. new calf gilt y lis 1870 MERIVALE'S (C.) History of the Romans under the Empire, complete, library edition, 7 vols. Svo. calf gilt, £7. 7s 1850-63 MERIVALE'S (C.) History of the Romans under the Empire, cabinet edition, with map, S vols, post Svo. new hf. calf, £3. — or new calf calf gilt, £3. I6s 1872 " It displays a happy combination of scholarship with- out pedantry, erudition invigorated by originalfty, and thoughtful reflection condensed in pure and nervous language." — Athencenm. MERIVALE'S (H.) Historical Studies, Svo. new cloth, 10s 6d 1865 MERIVALE'S (J. H.) Poems, original and trans- lated, new and corrected edition, with some additional pieces, 2 vols. fcap. Svo. hf. morocco, 7s 6d 1844 MERLIN (R.) Obigine des Cartes a Jouer ; Rechcrches nom-^elles sur les Naibis, les Tarots, et sur les autres especes de Cartes, with 74 plates exhibiting upivards of 600 specimens, mostly little known or new, 4to. hf. morocco, gilt top, £1. 18s Paris, 1869 METZ'S (C. M.) Imitations of Ancient and Modern Drawings, with an Account of the Artists in English and French, a series of 115 fine large tinted plates, atlas folio, hf. bound, £4. 10s 1798 Contains facsimiles of the following masters : — Da Vinci, Durer, Michael Angelo, Titian, Raphael^ Holbein, Cellini, Parmigiano, Veronese, Vandyk, Rubens, &c. MEUBLES d'Art, ffiuvres Decoratives Choisies, dans les Collections Celebres, impl. folio, in portfolio, £2. 2s n. d. This volume contains 30 examples of the best furni- ture existing in the most celebrated collections. Cabinets, Mirrors, Clocks, Vases, Couches, Tables, Bedsteads, &c. &c. of the most exquisite taste and workmanship are ad- mirably delineated and carefully described. To all who are fond of artistic furniture, this work will be of the greatest use and interest. ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 139 METEYARD (Eliza^ A Group of Englishmen (1795 to 1815), beins^ Records of the younger Wedgwoods and their Friends, embracing the History of the Discovery of Photography, and a Facsimile of the first Photograph, 8vo. cloth, 10s 1871 METEYARD (Eliza) The "Wedgwood Hand- book : A Manual for Collectors, treating of the Marks, Monograms, and other Tests of the Old Period of Manufacture, including the Cata- logues, with prices, obtained at various Sales ; together with a Glossary of Terms, new cloth, 9s 1875 MEYER'S (H. L.) British Birds and their Eggs ; a complete History and Description of, illustrated by 422 finely executed plates OF Birds and of their Eggs, beautifully coloured after Nature, complete, 7 vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, £10. 10s (pub. £18. 18s) 1853 This beautiful jJublication is the only complete History of British Birds and their Eggs with coloured Plates. A GENUINE EARLY COPY. MEYRICK'S (Sir S.) Ancient Arms and Ar- mour; (History of), as it existed in Europe, but particularly in England, from the Norman Con- quest to the Reign of Charles II. new and greatly improved edition, edited by Albert Way, with 100 jplates splendidly illuminated in gold and silver, 3 large vols. impl. 4to. hf. tnorocco, gilt leaves, Jt9. 9s (pub. £21.) 1844 Best Edition of this valuable work, corrected and en- larged throughout. MEYRICK'S (Sir S.) Ancient Arms and Ar- mour, Engraved Illustrations of, 154 highly finished etchings, containing several hundred specimens of the celebrated collection at Goodrich Court, with historical and critical Disquisitions, by Meyrick, 2 vols. impl. 4to. hf. morocco gilt, £4. 4s (pub. £11. lis) 1854 Sir Walter Scott justly describes this collection as "the incomparable Armoury." The above work is an essential companion to the former one : the first containing the history of Arms and Armour, and the second, beautiful engravings of all the details. MICHAEL ANGELO'S Works ; 60 /me outUne engravings of Sculpture, Painting and Archi- tecture ; 'most of them originally engraved for Duppa's Life, but some never published, roy. 4to. chth, 15s (pub. £3. lis) 1863 This forms an admirable series of plates to illustrate Harford's, Vasari's, and every other life of Michael Angelo. MICHAEL ANGELO'S Life, by J. S. Harford, with translations of many of his Poems and Letters ; also Memoirs of Savonarola, Raphael, and Vittoria Colonna, second edition, with a Chronological List of Michael Angelo's Works, and a General Index, 21 steel engravings, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 12s 6d (pub. £l. 5s) 1858 MICHAEL ANGELO'S Life and Works, by C. H. Wilson, partly compiled from that of Gotti, portroAt and illustrations, roy. 8vo. neto cloth, £1. 2s 1876 MICHAELIS' (J. D.) Commentaries on the Laws of Moses, translated by Dr. A. Smith, 4 vols. 8vo. boards, 18s 1814 MICHAELIS' (J. D.) Introduction to the New Testament, translated with Notes by Bp. Marsh, 6 vols. 8vo. boa/rds, £1. Is 1823 MICHELET'S (J. D.) WORKS :— The Bird ; new and revised edition, with 210 illush-ations by Giacomelli, roy. 8vo. new calf gilt, 18s 6d 1870 The Insect, translated from the French, ilhts- trated by 140 engravings from designs by Giacomelli, royal 8vo. new calf gilt, 18s 6d 1875 The Mountain, translated from the French, with upwards of 60 illustrations, impl. 8vo. new calf gilt, 18s 6d 1872 Nature ; or the Poetry of Earth and Sea, with upwards of 200 illustrations, impl. 8vo. new calf gilt, £1. 1872 MICHELET (J.) SEs (Euvres, elegantly printed, 3 vols. impl. 8vo. calf gilt, yellow edges, £1. 158 Brux. 1840 MICROSCOPICAL Society's Quarterly Jour- nal, edited by E. Lankester and G. Busk, complete from its commencement in 1853 to 1868, nwmerous engravings, 16 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, £16. 16s 1853-68 MIDDLETON'S (T.) Dramatic and other Works, npw first collected with Life and Notes by Rev. A. Dyce, portrait, 5 thick vols, post 8vo. booA-ds, SCARCE, £5. 5s 1840 " Pre-eminently beautiful, many portions only inferior to Shakespeare." MIGNARD (B. R.) Guide des Constructeurs, ou Traite complet des Connaissances Theoriques et Pratiques relatives aux Constructions ; Ouv- rage utile a toutes les personnes qui s'occupent du Batiment, tels que MM. les Architectes, les Maitres Ma9ons, (iharpentiers, etc. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. bound, and atla»s folio volume oX 87 plates, hf. bound, together 3 vols. £1. Is Ports, 1847 MIGNET (F.) Negociations relatives a la Suc- cession d'Espagne, sous Louis XIV., ou Cor- respondance, Memoires, et Actes Diplomatiques concernant les pretentions et Tavenement dc la Maison de Bourbon au Trone d'Espagne, accora- pagnes d'un Texte Historique et d'une Intro- duction, 4 vols. 4to. lialf calf gilt, French style, red edges, £1. 5s , Paris, 1835-42 MlGNET'S (F. A.) History of Mary Queen of Scots, portrait, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 10s 6d (pub. £1. 8s) 1851 MlGNET'S (F. A.) History of Mary Queen of Scots, cheap edition, portraits, post 8vo. new calf gilt, 10s 1863 MILITARY History of Prince Eugene of Savoy, and the (>reat Duke of Marlborough, with full descriptions of the Battles, Sieges, &c. numerous fine engravings of battles, 2 vols, folio, calf gilt, a nice copy, £1. 15s 1736 MILIZIA'S (F.) Lives of Celebrated Archi- tects, Ancient and Modern, translated with Notes, and additional Lives, by Mrs. E. Cresy, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 9s Sd 1826 MILL'S (J.) Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human Mind, new edition, Edited with Notes by J. S. Mill, A. Bain, A. Findlater, and G. Grote, 2 vols. 8vo. new cloth, £1. 3s 6d. 1869 MILL'S (J.) History of British India, fifth edition, with Notes and Continuation by Horace H. Wilson, 10 vols, post 8vo. in 9, hf. morocco, £2. 10s n. d. 140 B06KS SUITABLE MILL'S (J.) History of British India, with a Continuation to 1835, by H. U. Wilson, Prof. of Sanscrit at Oxford, best library edition, large tijpe, 6 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, £6. 6s 1848 This work is not only the best History of British India, but the only one calculated to give to the general reader a clear and connected view of India and Anglo-Indian affairs. It is said to have been the beginning of sound thinking on the subject of India, and to be " one of those rare works destined for immortality," MILL'S (John Stuart) WORKS :— AuGusTE CoMTE and Positivism, second edition, 8vo. new cloth, 5s 1866 Autobiography, 8vo. new calf gilt, 12s ed 1873 Considerations on Represextative Govern- ME^T,8\o. cloth, scarce, 12s 1865 Dissertations and Discussions, political, philosophical, and historical, 4 vols. 8vo. new calf gilt, £3. 3s 1876 Essay on Liberty, post 8vo. cloth, 6s 6d 1869 Essays on Religion, (Nature ; the Utility of Religion and Theism) 8vo. new calf gilt, 15s 1874 Essays on some Unsettled Questions of Politi- cal Economy, 8vo. cloth, 5s 6d 1875 Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy, and of the Principal Philo- sophical Questions discussed in his writings, 8yo. new calf gilt, £1. 1867 Inaugural Address, delivered at the Uni- versity of St. Andrews, 8vo. neiv cloth, 4s 6d 1867 Irish Land Question ; chapters and speeches on, post 8vo. cloth, 2s 6^ 1870 Principles of Political Economy ; with some of their applications to Social Philoso- phy, seventh edition, 2 vols. 8yo. new calf gilt, £1. 17s 1871 Principles of Political Economy, people's edition, post Svo. neio calf gilt, 9s 1868 Subjection of Women, post 8vo. cloth, 4s Gd 1869 System of Logic, ratiocinative and inductive, eighth edition, 2 vols. 8vo. new calf gilt, £1. 13s 1876 Utilitarianism, reprinted from Fraser's Maga- zine, 8vo. new cloth, 4s 6d 1871 MILL'S (Dr. W.) Works (Sermons on the Temptation of Christ ; Nature of Christianity, etc. ; Application of Pantheistic Principles ; Pearson's Analysis of the Exposition of the Creed, edited by Dr. Mill), 4 vols. 8vo. cnlf gilt, £l.\fis Camh. 1844-55 MILLER'S (Hugh) Popular AVorks; compris- ing Geological Researches, Tales and Sketches, Historical and Biographical Essays, etc. 13 vols, crown Svo. hf. calf gilt, £4. 4s 1869 includes: The Testimony of the Rocks, The Old Red Sandstone, Footprints of the Creator, The Cruise of the Betsey, My Schools and Schoolmasters. Sketch Book of Popular Geo"- logy. First Impressions of England and its People, Scenes and Legends of the North of Scotland, Tales and Sketches, The Headship of Christ, Essays, Edinburgh and its Neigh- bourhood Geologically considered, and Leading Articles. MILLER'S (Hugh) Life and Letters, by Peter Bayne, portraits, 2 vols. Svo. cloth, 13s 6d 1871 FOR THE LIBRARY, MILLER'S (Joaquin) Life amongst theMoDOCS; Unwritten History, 8vo. half morocco gilt, 10s 6d 1873 MILLER'S (J. F.) CiMELiA Physica ; Figures of Rare and Curious Birds, Quadrupeds, &c. together with the most elegant Plants, with Descriptions by Dr. G. Shaw, 60 large and FINELY coloured plates, engravedj and coloured from the subjects themselves, roy. folio, hf. bound, £1. 12s 1796 MILLER'S (W. A.) Elements of Chemistry; Theoretical and Practical, new edition revised by Prof. Macleod, with numerous illustrations, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, £2. 10s 1872 MILLIN (A. L.) 'Antiquites Nationales, ou Recueil de Monumens pour servir a I'Histoire generale et particuliere de I'Empire Franyois, tels que Tombeaux, Inscriptions, Statues, Vitraux , Fresques, etc. loith several hundred fine engrav- ings of Early Paintings, Inscriptions, Tombs, Monuments, 5 vols. 4to. russia, marbled leaves, fine set, £3. 3s Paris, 1790-98 This interesting work preserves the remembrance of many National Monuments destroyed during the French Re-vo- lution. It may be considered a Supplement to the Monar- chie Francaise of Montfaucon. MILLS' (C.) W'oRKS, complete set of these stan- dard and interesting works, engravings, 7 vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, £l. 14s 1818-29 Comprises, History of the Crusades, Chivalry, and Muhammedanism j and Travels of Theodore Ducas.' MILMAN'S (Dean) Historical Works, com- plete, lo^rge type Library Edition, 15 vols. 8vo. cay gilt, £12. 12s 1863-64 Comprises: History of Christianity, 3 vols.— History of Latin Christianity, 9 vols. — History of the Jews, 3 vols'. MILMAN'S (Dean) Historical Works, com- plete, cabinet edition, contents as above, 15 vols, cr. 8vo n&w hf.calf, £b. or new calf gilt, £7. 10s 1872 MILMAN'S (Dean) Annals of St. Paul' Cathedral, portrait and 13 engravings and facsimiles, 8vo. new calf gilt, £1. Is or new morocco extra, gilt edges, £1. 10s 1869 MILMAN'S (Dean) Character and Conduct of the Apostles considered as an Evidence of Christianity, 8vo. new cloth, 9s Murray MILMAN'S (Dean) History of Savonarola, Erasjius, and other Essays, 8vo. new cloth, 12s 6d 1870 MILMAN'S (Dean) Martyr of Antioch : a Dramatic Poem, Svo. boards. As 6cZ 1822 MILMAN'S (Dean) Poetical Works, portrait, and fronts. 3 vols. 12mo. morocco, gilt edges, £l.lls6ci 1840 MILNER'S (J.) History of the Church of Christ, enlarged by Dean Milner, new edition, revised throughout by Rev. T. Granthajm, 4 vols. Svo. new calf gilt, £\. 14s 1847 MILNER'S (Rev. T.) Descriptive Atlas of Astronomy and of Physical and Political Geography, with descriptive letterpress, royal 4to. neatly hf. bound, marbled leaves, 8s Gd (pub. 355) n. d. This capital Atlas contains four plates of Astronomy, sixteen of Physical Geography, and 53 of Political Geogra- phy, besides many woodcuts in the letterpress, which extends to 112 pages. The maps of Phvsical and Political Geography were constructed or carefully revised and cor- rected by A, Peterman. ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & CO MILNER'S {Rev. T.) Gallery of Nature ; a Pictorial and Descriptive Tour through Crea- tion, revised edition, loith maps and engravings on steel, and several hundred woodcitts, thick impl. 8vo. new calf gilt, £1. 4s— Another copy, neio inorocco extra. £\. 16s (1860) This work is intended to furnish a very general view of the leading appearances of Physical Nature — the economy of the heavens and of the earth — with incidental notices of the progress of discovery, and pictorial representations of remarkable phenomena and interesting localities. MILTON'S (J.) Works in Verse and Prose, printed from the Original Editions, with Life by J. Mitford, elegantly printed hy C. Wkit- tingham, portrait and jacsimile of writing, 8 vols. 8vo. new calf gilt, £7. 15s 1867 MILTON'S (J.) PoETtCAL Works, with Notes of various Authors, Life and Illustrations, by Todd ; second edition, enlarged, with extensive Verbal Index to the whole of Milton's Poetry, por- trait, 7 vols. 8vo. calf giU,nice copy, £2. 10s 1809 MILTON'S (J.) Poetical Works, with Notes of Various Authors, and Life by Newton, edited by E. Hawkins, with additional engraved illus- trations, hy Westall and Stothard, taken from Sharpens Edition, 4 vols. 8vo, hf. calf gilt, £1. 4s 1824 MILTON'S (J.) Poetical Works, printed from the Original Editions, with Life by Mitpord, portrait and facsimile. 2 vols. 8vo. new calf gilt, £1. 8s ; or, new morocco, gilt edges, £2. 2s 1873 MILTON'S (J.) Poetical Works, edited with Notes and Life by Sir E. BrydgeSj^nepZatesby Turner, thick 8vo. new mor. gilt edges, £1. 4s ; or, neio morocco extra, gilt edges, £1. 7s (1862) MILTON'S (J.) Poetical Works, Edited with Introduction, Notes, and an Essay on Milton's English, by Masson, 3 vols. 8vo. neiv calf gilt, £2. 12s fid 1875 MILTON'S (J.) PoeticalWorks, with Introduc- tion and Notes by Masson, (Golden Treasuiy Series), 2 vols. fcap. 8vo. neiv calf gilt, 15s; or, new morocco extra, gilt edges, £l. Is 1875 MILTON'S (J.) Poetical Works, with Memoir and Notes, Chandos Edition, printed on toned paper within red lines, illustrated, thick crovvn 8vo. neiv morocco extra, 16s 6d , n. d. MILTON'S (J.) Poetical Works, with Memoir, etc. by J. Montgomery, Copious Indexes and Variorum Notes, portrait and 120 illustrations hy W. Harvey, 2 vols, post 8vo. new calf gilt, 18s ; or, morocco extra, gilt edges, £1. 6s 1861 MILTON'S (J.) Paradise Lost, with Life, and Notes by various Commentators, edited by Bp. Newton, fine edition, in large type, with fine portraits hy Vertue, and Hayman's plates, 2 vols. 4to. russia extra, gilt leaves; £l. 8s 1749 MILTON'S (J.) Paradise Lost,' printed in Large Type and Illustrated with the Fine Designs of Dore, edited, with Notes and a Life of Milton, hy R. Vaughan, D.D., folio, morocco extra, gilt leaves, £3. 15s (1874) This is a most magnificent, and in every respect a very remarkable volume. The Designs by Gustave Dor^ fully sustain his high reputation; and it is difficult to say whe- ther his power of delineating the sublime or the pathetic is most conspicuous. MILTON'S (J.) Prose Works, New Edition, with Notes by J. A. St. John, 5 vols, post 8vo. new calf gilt, £\. 18s 1868 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 141 MILTON'S (J.) Paradise Lost, printed inlarge type, and illustrated hy 24 splendid mezzotint engravings hy J. Martin, impl. 8vo. hf. morocco, gilt top, £2. 2s, 1849 — Another edition, impl. 8vo. cloth, 1 2s 6d 1858 MILTON'S (J.) Life, narrated in connexion with the political, ecclesiastical, and literary History of his Time (1608-49), by D. Masson, ports. 3 vols, thick 8vo. (all puhlished), new cloth, £2. 4s 1859-73 " Each succeeding volume of Professor Masson's long labour impresses us more deeply than its predecessor witli admiration of his unwearied perseverance and wide and minute industry." — Athenceum. MINSHEU'S (J.) Guide into the Tongues, their Etymologies, Derivations, &c. in Nine Lan- guages, second edition, folio, old calf rehacked, 10s 6(Z 1627 MINSTRELSY Ancient and Modern; with an Historical Introduction and Notes by William Motherwell, New Editi-an, frontispiece and vignette-title, small 4to. half-Boxhurgh hinding, 10s 6d ; or, LARGE paper, 4 to. half-Roxhargh hinding, £l. Is 1873 MIRROR for Magistrates, edited with Histori- cal Notes, &c. by Haslewood, 3 vols. 4to. full hound in calf antique, £7. 7s (only 150 copies printed) 1815 The popularity of this work, and its influence on our National Poetry throughout the reigns of Elizabeth and James I. were very considerable. The excellent notes of the editor render this edition most valuable and interesting. MITCHELL'S (Major) Expedition into the Inte- rior of Tropical Australia, numerous tinted plates and woodcuts, 8vo. cloth, 8s 6dl (pub. £1. Is) 1848 MITCHELL'S (Major) Three Expeditions into the Interior of Eastern Australia, map and tinted plates, 2 vols. 8vo. chth, 10s 6d — Another copy, hf. calf, 16s dd 1838 MITCHELL'S (J.) Manual of Practical Assaying, fourth edition, edited by W. Crookes, illustrated, thick 8vo. new cloth, £1. 6s 6d 1873 MITFORD'S (Miss) Our Village, Sketches of Rural Character and Scenery, hoth series, 2 vols, post 8vo. neiv calf gilt, 15s 6cZ 1865 MITFORD (Miss) Life of, related in a selection from her Letters to her Friends, including inter- esting Notices of eminent Individuals, edited by the Rev. A. G. L'Estrange, 3 vols, post 8vo. cloth, 7s 6d (pub. 31s 6d) 1870 MITFORD'S (W.) History of Greece, with his final Additions and Corrections, and Memoir by Lord Redesdale, carefully revised by W. King, BEST edition, large type, with portrait, 8 vols. 8yo. calf gilt, £]. 8s 1838 MOGGRIDGE (J. T.) Harvesting Ants and Trap-door Spiders ; with Supplement, 8vo. new cloth, lis 6d 1875 MOHR (E.) To the Victoria Falls of the Zambesi, translated by N. D'Anvers, illustrated hy a map, 4 chromo-lithographs, and numerous ivoodcuts, 8vo. new cloth, £1. 1876 " A book which has invested with a literary charm the wonders of the African wonderland." Pall Mall Gazette MOIR'S (D. M. Delta) Poetical Works ; edited, with a Memoir of the Author, by T. Aird, fine portrait, 2 vols. fcap. 8vo. cloth, 7s (pub. 14s) 1860 142 BOOKS SUITABLE MOLESWORTII'S (Rev. W. N.) History of England from 1830 to the Resignation of the Gladstone Ministry, loA'ge type library edition, 3 vols. 8vo. new calf gilt, £2. 8s 1874 MOLESWORTH'S (W. N.) History of Eng- land from the year 1830 to 1870, Cabinet Edi- tion, 3 vols, post 8vo. new calf gilt, £1. 10s 1871 " A book honestly written, in which facts are plainly — and I believe truly — stated, and a work which would give great information to all the young men of the country, if they could be prevailed upon to read it." — John Bright. MOLIERE (J. B. de) ses CEuvres completes, nouvelle edition, collationnee sur les textes ori- ginaux ; precedee de I'Histoire de sa Vie par Taschereau, portrait and engravings on India PAPER after Vernet and Desenne, large paper, 6 vols, royal 8vo. mottled calf, super extra, gilt edges, £5. 10s Paris, Fume, 1863 MOLlfcRE'S Dramatic Works, rendered into English by Henri van Laun, with a Prefatory Memoir, Introductory Notices, Appendices and Notes, illustrated hy a portrait and 33 beautiful etchings by M. Ad. Lalauze, 6 vols, large 8vo. Tiew cloth, £5. 5s — On large paper, elegantly printed ; with India proof impressions of the etchings, 6 vols, royal 8vo. new cloth (only 150 so done), £9. 1875-77 More than a century having elapsed since the last edi- tion of MoLicRE in English was issued in this country, it has been thought desirable to supply the want in our literature by an entirely new translation of all his Dramatic works. Mr. Henri "van Laun, whose rendering of M. Taine's History of English Literature received such high com- mendation, having undertaken the work of Translating and Editing, has endeavoured to give not only a faithful English translation of the great Dramatist, but has also sought as far as possible to preserve the spirit and brilliancy of the original, MOMMSEN'S (T.) History of Rome, from the Earliest Period to the End of the Republic, translated with the Author's sanction, and Ad- ditions by Prof. Dickson, with a Preface by Dr. ScHMiTz, large type library edition, 4 vols. 8vo. new calf gilt, £4. 4s 1868 " We wish to place on record our opinion that Dr. Mommsen's is by far the best history of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Commonwealth." — Times. MOMMSEN'S (T.) History of Rome, from the Earliest Period to the End of the Republic, translated with the Author's sanction, and Ad- ditions by Prof. Dickson, 4 vols, post 8vo. neiv calf gilt, £3. n. d. MONASTIC Ruins of Yorkshire, illustrated by Views, Plans, Sections, and Details from Drawings by W. Richardson, Architect, with Descriptions by Archd. Churton, numerous la/rge and fine tinted drawings on stone, proof im- pressions, the initial letters coloured, 2 splendid vols. impl. folio, new hf. morocco, ^eiO. 10s (pub. in parts at £18. 18s) 1843 This grand work of art comprises large views of the following splendid ruins : — Rievaulx, Bolton, Roche, Whitby, Byland, Fountains, Kirkstall, Kirkham, Selby, Mount Grace, St. Mary (York), GuisboroOgh, Bridlington, Old Malton, Jerveaulx, Sallay, Monk Bretton, Coverham, Egglestone, Easeby, Grey Friars, Howden, Marrick, Nun Monkton, Ellerton, Rosedale, &c. MONBODDO'S (Lord) Antient Metaphysics, or the Science of Universals, and a Dissertation on Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy, 6 vols. 4to. half morocco, top edges gilt, scarce, £6. 10s 1779-96 FOR THE LIBRARY, MONBODDO (Lord) Of the Origin and Progress of Language, second edition, enlarged, 6 vols. 8vo. calf, £1. Is Edin. 1774-92 MONEY'S (J. W. B.) Java ; or, How to Manage A Colony, showing a practical solution of the questions now affecting British India, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, scarce, 15s 1861 MONGREDIEN'S (A.) Trees and Shrubs for English Plantations : a selection and de- scription of the most ornamental Trees and Shrubs which will flourish in the open air in our climate, with illustrations, 8vo. new cloth, 13s 6d 1870 MONOGRAMS and Cyphers; 66 plates, con- taining nearly 800 figures, on India Paper, designed by H. Renoir, and Alphabetically arranged, 4to. cloth, £1. 5s Fullarton, n. d. MONSTRELET (E. de) Les Chroniques de France, d'Angleterre, et de Bourgogne, avec les continuations jusqu'en 1516, edition revue par Denis Sauvage, 3 vols, folio in 2, calf, (rebacked,) £2. 2s Pa/ris, 1603 " Revised and corrected by a copy in the Royal Library, with introductions, notes, and copious tables."— Brunet. MONSTRELET'S (E. de) Chronicles of Eng- land, France, Spain, etc. in continuation of Froissart's, transl. by Johnes, with upwards of 100 woodcuts, 2 large vols. roy. 8vo. neiv hf. morocco, gilt edges, £1. 17s 6d 1867 MONTAGU'S (Lady Mary W.) Letters and Works, edited by Lord Whamcliffe, portraits, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, £1. 4s 1837 MONTAGU'S (Lady Mary W.) Letters and Works, edited by Lord Whamcliffe, third edi- tion, with Notes and new Memoir by W. Thomas. portrait, 2 vols. 8vo. new calf gilt, £l. 7s 1861 MONTAIGNE'S (M.) Works, Essays, Letters, &c. translated with Notes from all the Com- mentators, by Hazlitt, portrait, roy. Svo. new calf gilt, 18s 1865 MONTAIGNE'S (M.) Essays, beautifully printed, and re-edited, cr. 8vo. new calf gilt, 10s 6d 1866 MONTAIGNE (M.) the Essayist, a Biography by Bayle St. John, portrait and plates, 2 vols, post 8vo. cloth, 8s ed (pub. £l. Is) 1858 MONTFAUCON (B. de) L'Antiquit^ Ex- PLiQufiE et representee en Figures, avec le Supplement, original and best edition, with upwards of 1200 engravings of Antiquities, com- prising many thousand figv/res, 15 vols, folio, calf gilt, £10. 10s Ports, 1719-57 This celebrated work is one of the corner-stones of a good library, and is particularly valuable to Arch^olo- GisTs, Artists, Numismatists, and others, as it brings together and represents in one plate (or more) all the famous remains of Antiquity of the same kind, whether Statues, Busts, Bas-reliefs, Coins, Medals, etc. ; so that, for instance, all the noted Statues of Venus are exhibited' together. Each object has a reference to the collection in which it is preserved. The copious descriptions are in French and Latin. MONTFAUCON'S (B. de) Antiquity Ex- plained, and represented in Sculptures, trans- lated by Humphreys, with the Supplement, 400 fine engravings representing several thou- sand objects of Antiquity, complete, 6 vols, royal folio, calf gilt, £7. lOs 1721-5 ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & MONTFAUCON'S (B. de) Collection op Regal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of France (containing all the 300 plates of the 5 vols, with an abridged letterpress), 2 vols, folio in one, nissia, rehacked in morocco, £4. 15s 1750 A most valuable collection of Antiquities and Costume. MONTGOMERY'S (A.) Poetical Works (in the Scottish dialect), with Life and illustrative . Notes by D. Irving, thick paper, 8vo. hoards, scarce, (only 250 copies printed) , £l. 5s Edin. 1821 " The poems of Montgomery display an elegant and lively fancy. He was the author of the ' Cherrie and the Slae/ and other esteemed productions." MONTGOMERY'S (J.) Poetical Works, complete, portrait a/nd vignette, sq. Svo. new calf gilt, 12s 6(Z 1860 MONTGOMERY'S (J.) Poetical Works, complete, portrait, 4 vols. fcap. Svo. new calf gilt, £\. 4s 1856 MONTGOMERY'S (J.) Poems, edited by Will- mott, with 100 most beautiful wood engravings, from designs by Qilbert, Wolf, Birket Foster, and other a/rtists, sm. 4to. new morocco extra, gilt edges, £1. 5s 1860 MONTGOMERY (J.) Memoirs of the Life and Writings of, including Correspondence, Re- mains, and Conversations, by Holland and Everett, 7 vols, post Svo. cloth, 16s (pub. £3. 13s ed) 1854-8 MOODY'S (F. W.) Lectures and Lessons on Art ; an Introduction to a practical and com- prehensive scheme, illustrated by 25 plates to illmtrate composition and other mM,tters, Svo. new calf extra, gilt edges, 12s 6d 1873 MOORE'S (T.) Poetical Works, with Notes and Introduction, portrait and plates, 10 vols, fcap. Svo. morocco extra, gilt edges, £5. 5s; or new calf gilt, £4. 4s 1869 MOORE'S (T.) Poetical Works, comprising : Lalla Rookh, National Airs, Legendary Ballads, Songs, etc. with Memoir by Dr. Waller, beauti- fully printed on fine paper, portrait and nu- merous fine steel engravings and woodcuts, thick 4to. morocco extra, gilt edges, £1. 6s (1870) MOORE'S (T.) Poetical Works, with Intro- duction and Notes, portrait, roy. Svo. calf gilt, £1. Is; or new morocco, gilt edges, £1. Ss 1865 MOORE'S (T.) Poetical Works, complete, printed in ruby type, with portrait, thick post Svo. new moi'occo, gilt edges, 1 4s 6d ; or, new calf gilt, lOs ed 1867 MOORE'S (T.) Irish Melodies, illustrated by Maclise, every page ornamented with exqui- sitely beautiful engravings, sm. 4to. Wjorocco super extra, gilt edges, £2. 12s 6d 1866 The entire text of this elegant edition is engraved and printed on thick paper. MOORE'S (T.) Irish Melodies, illustrated by Maclise, every page ornamentid with beautiful engravings, sq. 12mo. new morocco extra, gilt edges, 18s 6d 1866 MOORE'S (T.) Irish Melodies, cr. Svo. new calf gilt, 7s; or, new morocco extra, gilt edges, 10s 6d 1865 MOORE'S (T.) Lalla Rookh, frontispiece by Maclise, cr. Svo. new calf gilt, 7s ; or, new mo- rocco, gilt leaves, 10s 6d 1865 CO.. 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 143 MOORE'S (T.) Lalla Rookk, elegantly printed, xoith 69 very beautiful engravings by Dalziel and Tenniel, and 5 illuminated pages op Persian Design in gold and colours, thick small 4to.neto morocco extra, gilt leaves, £1. 18s 1863 MOORE (T.) Beauties of, a Series of nearly 50 Portraits of his Principal Female Characters from Paintings by Frith, Ward, Elmore, Egg, Hart, Stone, Warren, etc. executed expressly for the Work, engraved by Finden, beautiful impressions of the plates, imperial 4to. hjf. morocco, gilt leaves, £1. 5s n. d MOORE'S (T.) Memoirs of the Life of the Rt. Hon. R. Brinsley Sheridan, lao-ge type, fine port, by Reynolds, and facsimile of writing, 2 vols. Svo. hf calf gilt, Ss 6cZ 1825 MOORE'S (T.) Memoirs, Journals and Corres- pondence, edited by Lord John Russell, com- plete, with copious lndie^,portraits and vignettes, 8 vols, post Svo. If. calf, £2. 10s 1853-6 An exceedingly interesting work, abounding with Anecdotes and Sketches of the principal literary and poli- tical persons of the present century. MOORE'S (T.) Memoirs, Journal, and Corres- pondence ; edited and abridged from the jWst edition by Lord John Russell, jfwe portrait, sq. Svo. calf gilt, 10s 6d i860 MOORE'S (T.) Ferns of Gt. Britain, edited by Dr. Lindley, with 51 large and beauti- fully coloured plates, comprising most accu/rate figures of all the species, printed from the plants themselves, by H. Brad- bwry, roy. folio, hf. morocco, gilt leaves, very scarce, £9. 1857 [MORE (Dr.H.)] Enthusiasmus Triumphatus, or a Discourse of the Nature, Causes, Kinds, and Cure of Enthusiasme, written by Philo- philus Parresiastes, and prefixed to Alazono- mastix his Observations and Reply, fcap. Svo. panelled calf extra, 15s London, 1656 MORE'S (Hannah) Works; Stories for the Middle Ranks of Society, and Tales for Common People ; Coelebs in search of a Wife ; Female Education ; Christian Morals ; Essay on St. Paul ; Practical Piety ; Sacred Dramas ; Moral Sketches ; etc. with a Memoir and Notes, jme portrait, 11 vols. 12mo. new hf. calf, £1. 15s; or, new calf extra, £.3. 1854 MORELL'S (J. D.) Elements of Psychology, containing the Analysis of the Intellectual Powers, post Svo. new cloth, 6s 6d 1871 MORELL'S (J. D.) Introduction to Mental Phi- losophy, on the Inductive Method, Svo. new cloth, 10s 1871 MORELL'S (J. D.) Historical and Critical View of the Speculative Philosophy of Europe in the Nineteenth Century, second and en- larged edition, 2 vols. Svo. cloth, £1. 5s 1847 " For the first time, England receives a History of Philosophy in which the most recent speculations of Ger- many ind of France are taken up conjointly. . . The great characteristics of the work are thoroughness, con- ciseness, precision, and clearness." MORESBY (Capt. J.) New Guinea and Poly- nesia Discoveries, and Surveys in New Guinea and the D'entrescasteaux Islands : A Cruise in Polynesia and Visits to the Pearl Shelling Sta- tions in Ton-es Straits of H.M.S. " Basilisk," mapsandilhistrations, Svo. new cloth, 12s 6(i 1876 144 MORFIT'S (Prof C) Practical Treatise on the Manufacture of Soaps, withmtmerous wood- cuts in the text, ani large and elaborate working drawings. 8vo. cloth, £2. 2s 1871 Mi^GAN'S (Lady) Memoirs: Autobiography, Diaries, and (Correspondence, second edition, revised, [of this entertaining " Collection of Reminiscences,"] by W. H. Dixon, fine ports. 2 thick vols. Svo. cloth, 9s 6d (pub. 26s) 1863 MORGAN (W.) and Creuze's Papers on Naval Architecture, and other Subjects connected with Naval Science, ivith 19 plates, 3 vols. Svo. cloth, very scarce, £2. 2s 1827-30 MORIER'S (J.) Two Journeys through Persia, Armenia, and Asia Minor, numerous fine coloured and other engravings of antiquities, vieivs, costume, ^c. 2 vols. roy. 4to. calf extra, £2. 8s (pub. £6. 6s) 1812-18 These scarce and valuable volumes include an account of the Embassies of Sir Harford Brydges and Sir Gore Onseley to the Court of Persia. MORLEY'S (H.) English Literature; a First Sketch of, thick post Svo. new calf gilt, 12s 6d 1873 MORLEY'S (H.) English Writers, prior to Chaucer, and from Chancer to Dunbar, with a sketch of the four periods of English Literature, 3 vols. Svo. new cloth, £1. Ss 1864-67 MORLEY'S (II.) Memoirs of Bartholomew Fair, with upwards of 80 curious woodcuts of rema/rlidble Characters, Views, etc. many from rare originals, engraved in facsimile hy Dalziel, thick Svo. chth, scarce, ISs 1859 A book full of curious information, not only on Bar- tholomew Fair, Smithfield, and its vicinity, but on our old Sports, Customs, &c. MORLEY'S (H.) Tables of English Litera- ture ; containing 20 Charts, roy. 4to. new cloth, 10s 1872 MORRIS' (F. O.) Ancestral Homes of Britain ; 40 coloured ilUistrations containing examples of the noblest Castles, Halls and Mansions in Eng- land, with Biographical and Historical Notices, roy. 4to. cloth extra, gilt edges, £1. 6s 6d 1867 MORRIS' (F. O.) Castles and Halls of Eng- land (a second series of the * Ancestral Homes of Britain), 40 coloured illustrations, with Bio- graphical and Historical Notices, roy. 4to. cloth extra, gilt edges, £1. 6s 6cZ 1870 MORRIS' (F. O.) British Birds ; History of, with 360 accuA'ate and beautifully coloured plates of Birds, 6 vols. impl. Svo. neiv hf. morocco, gilt edges, £6. 10s 1860 A beautiful Ornithological work, exhibiting all the varieties of Birds, from the lordly Eagle to the tiny Wren, very truthfully drawn, and coloured to nature. MORRIS' (F. O.) British Birds ; History of, illustrated by vp^vards of 300 becmtifully coloured full-page plates, 8 vols, post Svo. hf. morocco extra, gilt edges, £3. 15s n. d. MORRIS* (F. 0.) British Birds' Nests and Eggs, described, with 223 coloured plates of Nests and Eggs, 3 vols. impl. Svo. new hf. mo- rocco, gilt edges, £3. 5s 1874 MORRIS' (F. O.) British Game Birds, and Wild Fowl, with Descriptions, 60 beautif^d and accwately coloured engravings, 4to. cloth, £1.5* 1855 BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, MORRIS' (F.O. 'I British Butterflies; History of, with 71 colowed 'plates, containing several hundred figures oj Butterflies in their various transformations, impl. Svo. new hf. morocco, gilt edges, £1. Is 1870 MORRIS (F. O.) British Moths; Natural His- tory of, accurately delineating every known species, with the English as well as the Scientific Names, accompanied by full descriptions, illus- trated by 2,000 exquisitely coloured Agures; 4 vols. impl. Svo. neio hf. morocco, gilt edges, £5. 10s 1874 MORRIS' (W.) WORKS: Defence of Guenevere, and other Poems, new edition, post Svo. new cloth, 6s 6d 1875 Earthly Paradise, a Poem, nicely printed on ribbed paper, 4 vols, post Svo. morocco, gilt edges, £3. 10s — Another copy, morocco, super extra, gilt edges, £4.10« 1871 Life and Death of Jason, a Poem, fifth edi- tion, post Svo. new morocco extra, gilt edges, 16s 6d 1870 Love is Enough, or the Freeing of Phara- mond ; a Morality, sq. post Svo. neiv clothy 6s 6d 1873 Story of Grettir the Strong ; translated from the Icelandic of the Grettis Saga by \Y. Morris and E. Magnusson, cr. Svo. new cloth, 6s 6(Z 1872 Story of the Volsungs aud Niblungs; with songs translated from the Elder Kdda, by W. Morris and E. Magnusson, cr. Svo. new cloth, 13s 1872 MORRISON (Rev. R.) A View of China for Philological Purposes ; a Sketch of Chinese Chronology, Geography, Government, Religion and Customs, designed for the use of persons studying the language, 4to. rus&ia, 10s 6^ 1817 MORTON'S (J. C.) Farmer's Calendar ; describing the work to be done on various kinds of Farms during the year, illustrated, Svo. hf. bound, 12s 6d 1869 MORYSON'S (Fynes) Itinerary : containing his Ten Yeeres travell through the twelve Do- minions of Germany, Bohmerland, Switzerland, Netherland, Denmarke, Poland, Italy, Turky, England, Scotland, and Ireland, woodcuts, folio, (the title page and a few leaves mended) ^ panelled calf gilt, £3. 3s 1617 " We speak advisedly, and within bounds, when we assert that Fvnes Moryson's work need not dread a com- parison with anv other book of travels, so far as amusing and instructive 'details regarding manners and the state of societv are concerned. He was quick at obsenation, and had the faculty of selecting the most characteristic particu- lars of each nation, and of giving them with graphic force and liveliness. — Retrospecti-ve Re-vie-w. MOSE LEY'S (Prof. H.) Mechanical Principles of Engineering and Architecture, with illus- trations on wood, thick Svo. cloth, 10s 6rf (pub. 24s) 1843 MOSES' (H.) Collection of Antique Vases, Al- tars, Paterae, Tripods, Candelabra, Sarcophagi, &c. with Historical Essays (by the Rev. H. Baber), 1 70 finely executed platzs by H. Moses, several in colours, sm. 4to. hf. calf, 15s 1814 A capital selection from the best English and Foreign collections, made under the Direction of Thomas Hope, Esq. forming a series of available models for Sculptors, Painters, Gold and Silversmiths, etc. and interesting illus- trations for the classical scholar. ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. MOSHEIM'S (J. L.) Ecclesiastical History, Ancient and Modcra, translated from the Latin by Dr. Murdock and W. Soames, edited and brought down to the present time by W. Stubbs, M.A., best edition, 3 vols. 8vo. new calf gilt, £1. 17s 6d 1863 MOSHEIM'S (J. L.) Ecclesiastical History, ancient and modern, translated with Notes by Dr. Murdock, editetl and enlarged by H. Soames, 4 vols. Svo. hoards, 15s 1851 " Mosheim's compendium is excellent, the Method admirable; in short the only one deserving the name of ecclesiastical historv." — Bp. IVarburton. MOTLEY'S (J. L.) Works, Large Type Library Edition ; History of the United Netherlands, 4 vols., Rise of the Dutch Republic, 3 vols., and Life and Death of John of Barnevelde, 2 vols., together 9 vols. 8vo. new calf gilt, £7. 10s 1867-74 MOTLEY'S (J. L.) Works, Cabinet edition, Contents as above, 9 vols. or. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, £3. 7s 6d, or new calf extra, £4. 4s 1875 MOTLEY'S (J. L.) History of the United Netherlands, from 1584 to 1619, with a de- tailed Account of the Spanish Armada, portraits, 4 thick vols. 8vo. neiu calf gilt, £3. 1.3s 6d 1867 MOTLEY'S (J. L.) History of the United Netherlands, cabinet edition, with map a/nd portraits, 4 vols. cr. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, £1. 10s, or new calf gilt, £2. 1869 MOTLEY'S (J. L.) Life and Death of John of Barnevelde, Advocate of Holland ;,with a view of the Primary causes and movements of the Thirty Years' War, illustrated, 2 vols. 8vo. new calf gilt, £1. 16s 1874 "These two volumes make a work in themselves; they form also the natural sequel to the other histories already published by the author." M0TLP:Y'S (J. L.) John of Barneveld; cabinet edition, illustrated, 2 vols, cr. 8vo. new hf. calf, 15s, or neio calf gilt, £1. 1875 MOTLEY'S (J. L.) Rise of the Dutch Republic a History ; new library edition in large type, 3 vols. 8vo. new calf gilt, £2. 2s 1874 " How surprising (exclaimed Washington Irving to N. P.Willis) that so young a man should jump at once, full grown, to fame, with a big book, so well studied and complete !" MOTLEY'S (J. L.) Rise of the Dutch Re- public, cabinet edition, 3 vols. cr. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, £1 2s %d; or new calf, gilt, £1. lOs 1869 MOTLEY'S (J. L.) Rise of the Dutch Repub- lic, new edition, in one vol. post 8vo. new calf gilt, 10s 6cZ ; or calf extra, gilt edges, 1 2s 6d 1 873 MOULE'S (T.) Bibliotheca HsRALDicAMagnaj Britannia, an analytical Catalogue of Books on Genealogy, Heraldry, Knighthood, Ceremonies, and Nobility, portrait, thick roy. 8vo. calf gilt, £1. Is 1822 MOYEN AGE (Le) ET LA RENAISSANCE : HisroiRE et Description des Moeurs et Usages, du Commerce et de I'Industrie, des Sciences, des Arts, des Litteratures et des Beaux- Arts en Europe, a.d. 500-1600, par P. Lacroix et F. SERft, illustrated by several hundred en- gravings, many of which are splendidly executed in colours, gold and silver, copied from originals in Public and Private Collections, 5 vols. 4to. new hf. morocco, gilt tops, £21. Paris, 184:8, 4-c. One of the most beautiful as well as intrinsically valu- able and interesting works ever published. Besides the larfre coloured plates the text is profusely and elegantly illus- trated by several hundred engrafings on •wood. 145 MOULE'S (T.) English Counties Delineated, or a Topographical Description of England and Wales, with a complete set of Cou/nty Maps, vignette views, Armorial Decorations, ^c. 2 vols. 4to. hf. calf, 18s 1837 MOULE'S (T.) Heraldry of Fish ; Notices of the principal Families bearing Fish in their Arms, nwmerous engrcuvings on wood, 8vo. cloth, 15s 1842 MOXON'S Series of Popular English Poets. Edited by W. M. Rossetti, each with eight illustrations, cr. 8vo. new morocco, gilt edges, 10s 6d per vol. ; or, in morocco extra gilt edges, 12s 6d per vol. The Series includes— Byron. Coleridge. Humourous Poems. Longfellow. Burns. American Poems. Scott. Tupper. Mrs. Hemans. Shelley. Milton. Thomson. Moore. Campbell. Miscellaneous Poems. Pope. Hood. Hood. Second Series. Keats. Cowper. Wordsworth. MUDIE'S (R.) British Birds ; the Feathered Tribes of the British Islands, numerous coloured figures, 2 vols, post 8to. new calf, gilt edges, £1. 6s 1853 MUDIE^S (R.) Hampshire, its past and present condition and future prospects, with nearly 150 highly finished engravings, including Views in the Isle of Wight, 3 vols. impl. Svo. cloth, £1. 15s (pub. £5. 5s) (1840) The third volume is devoted entirely to the Isle of Wight and the Channel Islands. MUELLER'S (C. O.) Ancient Art and its Re- JiAiNS ; a manual of the Archasology of Art ; enlarged by Welcker, transl. by John Leitch, thick 8vo. chth, 10s 6d (pub. 18s) 1852 MUELLER'S (C. O.) Dorians; History and An- tiquities of the Doric Race, translated by Tutt- nall and Sir G. C. Lewis, maps, 2 vols. 8vo. boards, lis O.vford, 1830 "There is hardly a publication in existence which throws so much light'on the dim regions of fable and my- thologv, and on the annals of earlv Greece." MUELLER (Dr. J.) The Christian Doctrine OF SiN,jtranslated from the Fifth German Edition by the Rev. W. Urwick, M.A., 2 vols. Svo. new cloth, 17s 6d 1868 " This work, majestic in its conception and thorough in its execution, has long been verj' influential in German theology, and we welcome this new and admirable trans- lation." — London Quaiterly Reiiietu. MUELLER'S (K. O.) History of the Literature of Ancient Greece, completed by Prof. Donald- son and Sir G. C. Lewis, portrait, 3 vols. Svo. tieio calf gilt, £2. 5s 1858 MUELLER'S (Max) Chips from a German ' Workshop ; Essays on the Science of Religion, Mythology, Traditions, and Customs, Litera- ture, Biogi-aphy, and Antiquities, 4 vols. Svo. neiv calf gilt, £3. 12s 1868-76 MUELLER'S (Max) History of Ancient Sans- krit Literature so far as it illustrates the Primitive Religion of the Brahmans , second and revised edition, Svo. cloth, scarce, £1. 12s 1860 MUELLER'S(Max)lNTRODUCTioN to the Science of Religion ; with a Lecture on the Philosophy of Mythology, and an Essay on False Analogies in Religion, cr. Svo. neio cloth, 9s 1873 MUELLER'S (Max) Lectures oa the Science of Language, delivered at the Royal Institu- tion in 1861 and 186.3, both series, woodcuts, 2 vols. Svo. neiv calf gilt, £2. 5s 1862-64 10 146 BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, MUELLER'S (Max) Lectures on the Science of Language, cabinet edition, 2 vols. cr. 8vo. new calf gilt, £ L 3s 1871 MUELLER'S (W.) Francis the First, Sketches of the Age of ; 26 large and fine tinted draw- ings on stone of splendid Architecture and Pictwfesqm Old Buildings in France, impl. folio, hf. morocco, £1. 16s (pub. £4. 4s) 1841 MUIR'S (W.) Life of Mahomet and Histoiy of Islam to the Era of the Hegira, mwps, 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, £1. 16s 1858-61 Contains also introductory chapters on the original sources for the biography of Mahomet, and on the pre- Islamite history of Arabia. MULOCH'S (Miss) Novels, uniformly printed, with engraved frontispieces, 16 vols, post 8vo. hf. calf gilt, £5. 10s n. d. Comprises ;— John Halifax Gentleman, A Noble Life, A Life for a Life, Agatha's Husband, Mistress and Maid, The Woman's Kingdom, Olive, A Brave Lady, Christian's Mistake, Ogilvies, Nothing New, Hannah, The Head of the Family, Studies from Life, AWoman's Thoughts about Women, and The Unkind Word. MUNDEN'S (J. S. the famous Comedian) Memoirs, by his Son, portrait, post 8vo. cloth, 8s 6d 1844 MUNDY'S (Lieut.-Col.) Our Antipodes ; Resi- dence and Rambles in the Australasian Colonies, with a Glimpse of the Gold Fields, tinted plates, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, 10s 6d (pub. £2. 2s) 1852 — Another edition, thick 8vo. cloth, 6s 6d 1855 MUNRO'S (Sir;T.) Life, by the Rev. G. R. Gleig, revised eddtion, cr. 8vo. new calf gilt, 7s 6d 1870 MURCHISON'S (Sir R.) Geology and Palae- ontology of Russia in Europe and the Ural Mountains, assisted by E. de Verneuil and Count A. von Keyserliug, large coloured maps, and nu/merous geological plates, 2 thick vols. 4to. cloth, scoA'ce, £4. 15s 1845 MURCHISON'S (Sir R.) Siluria ; a History of the Oldest Rocks in the British Isles and other Countries, with the Origin and Distribution of Native Gold, etc. fifth edition, including " the Silurian System,'' ma/p and 200 illustrations, ^vo. new calf gilt, £\. Is 1874 MURCHISON'S (Sir R.) Life,_ based upon his Journals and Letters, with Notices of his Scien- tific Contemporaries, by Prof. Geikie, por- traits, 2 vols. 8vo. new cloth, £1. 6s 1874 " He (Prof. Geikie) has so blended personal narrative with scientific details as to render the results equally fascinating to the general reader and to the professed man of science. To the latter it presents a clear and concise history of the rise and progress of paljeozoic geology in Britain ; to the former, a spirited account of a Varied and most remarkable YiiQ."— Times. MURPHY'S (A.) Works, chiefly Dramatic, with the Gray's Inn Journal, etc. portrait, 7 vols. 8vo. calf, 10s 6(Z 1786 MURPHY'S (J. C.) Arabian Antiquities of Spain, 100 very large highly finished line en- gravings of the Remains of Architectwre, Sculp- ture, Paintings, Mosaics, SfC. of the Spanish Arahs, atlas folio, hf. morocco extra, gilt leaves, £6. 10s (pub. £42.) 1813 A most splendid work, which cost upwards of ten thousand pounds in its production. It illustrates the Alhambra, the Mosque and Bridge at Cordova, and other famous Buildings. MURRAY'S (A.) Geographical Distribution of Mammals, illustrated hy upwards of 60 co- loured maps and colov/red plates, 4to. cloth, £1. 7s (pub. £.3. 3s) 1866 MURRAY (A. and R.) Ship Building in Iron and Wood, and Steam Ships, second edition, 4to. n^io cloth, 9s 1875 MURRAY'S (A.) History of the European Languages, or Researches into the Affinities of the Teutonic, Greek, Celtic, Sclavonic, and Indian Nations, 2 vols. 8vo. hoa/rds, scarce, 18s 1823 MURRAY'S (A. T.) Manual of Mythology, second and enlarged edition, with 45 plates, post 8vo. new calf gilt, I4s6d 1874 Comprises : — Greek and Roman ; Norse and Old Ger- man ; Hindoo and Egyptian Mvthology. MURRAY'S (Hugh) Historical Account of Dis- coveries and Travels in Asia and Africa, from the earliest periods, maps, 5 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, Us Bdin. 1817-20 " I strongly recommend these volumes to a place in every library." — Died in. MURRAY'S (J.) Handbooks to the English and Welsh Cathedrals, %oith numerous heau- tiful illustrations on wood, 7 vols, post 8vo. new morocco extra, gilt edges, £7. 10s 1861-73 Comprises : — Bristol, Gloucester, Here- ford, Worcester, Lichfield, 1 vol. Chichester, Canterbury, Rochester, Winchester, Salisbury, Exeter, Wells, 2 vols. Oxford, Peterliorough, Nor- wich, Ely, Lincoln, i vol. Durham, Chester, Manches- ter, York, Ripon, Carlisle, 3 vols. Llandaff, St. David's, St. Asaph, and Bangor. MURRAY'S (J.) Ho3ie and Colonial Library, complete, comprising History, Biography, Voy- ages and Travels, &c. by distinguished Authors, numerous engravings, 37 vols. sq. 12mo. hf calf gilt, £9. 9s 1848, Sec. MUSARUM DELICI^; or the Muses Re- creation — Wit Restor'd, in severall Select Poems, not formerly publish't — Wits Recrea- tions, selected from the finest fancies of Moderne Muses, with a Thousand Out-landish Proverbs, new edition, with Additional Notes, Indexes, &c. engravings, large paper, 2 vols, small 4to. hoards, £1. 10s n. d. MUSEUM WoRSLEYANUM ; a Collection of An- tique Basso-Relievos, Busts, Statues, and Gems, with Views in the Levant, alove 150 beautiful engravings, 2 vols, folio, morocco extra, gilt leaves, £4. — Another copy, /(/. morocco extra, gilt leaves, £3. (pub. £12. 12s) 1824 This splendid collection was formed 1785-7, by Sir Richard Worslev, and is preserved at Appuldercombe, in the Isle of Wight, the seat of the Earl of Yarborough. MUSEUM of Natural History, a popular Account of the Structure, Habits, and Classifi- cation of Quadrupeds, Birds, and Reptiles, by Sir John Richardson, W. S. Dallas, and others, loith many fine colon/red and otTier en- gravings, 5 parts, imperial 8vo. cloth, 18s 1860 MUSEUM of Painting and Sculpture, a Col- lection of the principal Pictures, Statues, &c. in the Galleries of Europe, 17 vols. sm. 8vo. cloth gilt, £8. 10s (pub. £17.*17«) 1828 This interesting work contains 1200 outline engrav- ings, executed in a masterly style, and will be found extremely useful as a book of reference to the amateur and print collector. MUSICAL Library; a Selection of the best Vocal and Instrumental Music, both English and Foreign, edited by W. Ayrton (of the Opera House), comprising upwards of 400 pieces of Music by the most eminent composers, finely printed ivith onetallic Type, 8 vols, folio in 4, hf hound, £1. 18s (C. Knight, 1843; 1862 By far the best collection ever offered in the same com- pass; comprehending many of the most admired English Songs, Glees, Madrigals, &c. ON SALE BY II. SOTHEKAN & CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. MUSPRATT'S (Dr.) Chemistry, Theoretical, Practical, and Analytical, as applied and relat- ing to the Arts and Manufactures, loith 32 portraits on steel, and several Imndred wood engravings, 2 thick vols. impl. 8vo. hf. morocco extra, £2. I8s 1860 MYERS' (P. V. N.) Remains of Lost Empires : Sketches of the Ruins of Palmyra, Nineveh, Babylon, and Persepolis, with some Notes on India and the Cashmerian Himalayas, illus- trated, Svo. new cloth, 13s 6(£ 1875 MYTTON (John, Esq.) Life of, by Apperley ; with Notices of his Hunting, Shooting, Driving, Racing, Eccentric and Extravagant Exploits, with numerous spirited colodred illus- trations Ijy H. Aiken and Ratlins, royal 8vo. new cloth, £1. Is 1851 NALSON'S (J.) State Papers ; an Impartial Collection of the Great Affairs of State, from 1639 to the Death of Charles I., taken from authcntick Records, fronts. 2 thick vols, folio, calf, 18s 1682 '• Written in defence of the King in opposition to Rushwortii, and full of vastly curious and valuable authentic pieces." NAPIER (Adml. Sir C) Life and Correspon- dence of, by Major-Gen. E. Napier, portrait, 2 vols. Svo. cloth, 12s 1862 NAPIER (Sir C. J.) The Colonies ; treating of their Value generally, of the Ionian Islands in particular, Svo. hf. russia, 9s 6d 1833 NAPIER'S (Sir C. J.) Defects, Civil and Mili- tary, of the Indian Governsient, edited with Preface, by Sir W. Napier, Svo. cloth, 5s 1857 NAPIER'S (Sir C. J.) Lights and Shades of Military Life, Svo. clotJi, 9s 6d 1850 NAPIER'S (Sir C J.) Life and Opinions, [including his brilliant career in India, &c.] by Lieut.-Gen. Sir W. Napier, 2^ortraits, 4 vols, post Svo. cloth, £1. 4s 1857 " This shall be the story of a man who never tarnished his reputation by a shameful deed : of one who subdued distant nations by his valour, and then governed them so wisely that English rule was reverenced and loved where before it had been feared and execrated." — SirW. Nai'ier. NAPIER'S (II. E.) Florentine History, from the earliest Authentic Records to the Accession of Ferdinand the Third, 6 vols, thick post Svo. new hf. calf gilt, £1. 10s (pub. £2. Us) 1846-47 "It is for such independence of judgment and such honesty in expressing it that we value and recommend this Floreri line History." — yithericetwi. NAPIER'S (J.) Manual of Dyeing and Dyeing Receipts, comprising a System of Elementaiy Chemistry as applied to Dyeing, new edition, Svo. cloth, 17s 6d 1876 NAPIER'S (M.) Memorials and Letters of Grahame of Clayerhouse, 3 vols. Svo. chth, £1. 15s ' 1859-62 NAPIER'S (M.) Montrose and the Covenant- ers, illustrated from Original Documents hitherto Unpublished, 2 vols. Svo. hoa/)'ds, Us (pub. £1.4s) 18.38 •• James, first Marquiu of Monttose> is the only man in the world who has ever reminded me of that description of heroes who are no longer to be found except in the lives of Plutarch."— Cardinal de Retz. NAPERUS (Joannes, Merch/istoni Boa-o) Db Arte LooiSTiCA, 4to. hf. morocco, uncut, 15s Edin. fBannatyne CUib), 1839 The above celebrated author was the inventor of Logarithms. 147 NAPIER (John) Life, Writings, and Inventions of, by the Earl of Buchan and Dr. W. Minto, ivith fine portrait, and plates, 4to. calf, 12s Perth, 1778 NAPIER (John) Memoirs of ; his Lineage, Life, and Times, with Histoiy of the Invention of Logarithms, by Mark Napier, fhie portraits, including Mary Q. of Scots when young, etc. facsimiles of MSS. Seals, etc. 4to. cloth, £1. 10s (pub. £3. 3s) 1834 NAPIER'S (Sir W.) English Battles and Sieges in the Peninsula, port/rait, post Svo. new calf gilt, 12s 6d; or, new calf extra, gilt edges, 14s 6(2 1873 NAPIER'S (Sir W.) Histoiy of Sir Charlea Napier's Administration of Scinde and Cam- paigns in the Cutchee Hills, maps and tinted plates, Svo. new cloth, 10s 6d 1857 NAPIER'S (Sir W.) History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France from 1807 to 1814, large type library eddtion with plams of battles, 6 vols. Svo. new calf gilt, £6. Gs 1838-40 "Sir William Napier's History is worthy of the trans- actions it records, and the skill and heroism it celebrates. Perhaps no military history of equal excellence has ever been written, and it is doubtless destined to descend to a late posterity." NAPIER'S (Sir W.) History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France, plans, 6 vols, post Svo. new calf gilt, £3. 7s Gd ; or, new lialf morocco, £2. 15s 1876 NAPIER'S (Sir W.) Life and Letters, edited by H. a. Bruce, portraits, 2 vols, post Svo. cloth, 12s 1864 NAPOLEON I.— Forsyth's (W.) Captivity of Napoleon at St. Helena ; History of the, from the Letters and Journals of Sir Hudson Lowe, portrait and map, 3 vols. Svo. half calf gilt, ISs (pub. £2. 2s unbound) 1853 Containing a large number of curious facts relating to Napoleon, hitherto unknown : and disproving many of the statements and accusations of the Emperor and his companions in exile. NAPOLEON I. — Confidential Coirespondenco with his brother Joseph King of Spain, trans- lated with Notes, 2 vols. Svo. cloth, 125 (pub. £1. 8s) 1855 NAPOLEON I.— Histoire de I'Empereur Napo- leon, par Laurent de I'Ardeche, illustrated edi- tion, with several hundred spirited engravings by Horace Vernet, a large vol. roy. Svo. wea% halfboimd and gilt, 12s Paris, 1840 NAPOLEON I., Histoire de ; par De Norvins j second edition, corrected and enlarged, with maps, plaTis, portraits, and other engravings, 4 vols. 8vo. morocco gilt, 12s Pa/ris, 1828 NAPOLEON L, History of, by G. M. Bussey ; PICTORIAL EDITION, with several himd/red fi/ne looodcuts from the spirited designs of the famous painter, Horace Vernet, 2 large vols. impl. Svo. hf. russia, top edges gilt, £1. Is (pub. 42s) 1840 NAPOLEON I., History of, reprinted from the "Family Libraiy," with illust/rations by G. Cruikshank, thick post Svo. neiv calf gilt, 10s 6d 1867 NAPOLEON I. ; Journal of his Private Life and Conversations at Saint Helena, by Las Cases, map, 4 vols. Svo. calf gilt, £1. 8s 1823 10 * us BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, NASH'S (J.) Mansions of England in the Olden Time, consisting of One hundred and four Views, depicting the most Characteristic Features of the Domestic Architecture of the Tudor Age, and also Illustrating the Costumes, Habits, and Recreations of our Ancestors ; faithfully reproduced exactly half size of the original work, and executed in the highest style of Litliography, 4 vols. impl. 4to. cloth, £6. 6s Bound in one vol. morocco extra, emhlematically tooled, inlaid with colowreA leather, forming an elegant table hook, £8. 8s A few copies only for sale. Coloured and Mounted, in imitation of the Original Drawings, 104 plates in 4 handsome portfolios, with descriptive text, £21. hound in hf. crimson morocco extra, gilt edges, £35. elegantly hound in crimson morocco super exU-a, elaborate gold tooling on side, and gilt edges, each plate ca/refully mounted on linen guards, 4 vols, of plates and one vol. of Descriptive Text, FORMING A MAGNIFICENT WORK OF FIVE VOLUMES, IMPERIAL FOLIO SIZE, £45. The great and unlooked-for success of the new edition of this famous work has induced the Proprietors to prepare for sale a limited number of copies Coloured by Hand in the best style, and Mounted on Cardboard. These copies, although now issued at one-half the price of the former publication, will be found on inspection to be in no way inferior, every care having been taken to ensure faithful copies of the Original Sketches, which were drawn and coloured on the spot, with all but the finish of a picture. The figures introduced, both as regards their costume and occupations, are all from authority ; and the object of their introduction has been not merely an eye to pictorial effect, but a desire to identify the edifices they are intended to illustrate with the characters and habitsof a people that have now passed away, and to represent, in its various peculiarities, " the very age and body of the time " NAPOLEON I. — Vie de Napoleon, redigee par une Societe de Gens de Lettres, sur les Docu- mens dictes et corriges a Ste. Helene par Napo- leon meme, with 144 well executed lithographic plates of Battles, etc. 2 vols, oblong sm. folio, hf hound, £1. Is Brux. 1827 NAPOLEON I. ; Memoirs of, by Bourriene, with an Account of the important Events of the 100 days, of his surrender to the Englisb,andof his residence and death at St. Helena, portraits and plates, 4 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, £1. 4s 1836 NAPOLEON I. ; Life of, by Hazlitt, large type library edition, 4 vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, £2. 2s 1830 NAPOLEON I.— Mitchell's (Lieut.-Col.) The Fall of Napoleon ; an Historical Memoir, 3 vols, post 8vo. cloth, 7s 6d 1845 NAPOLEON I.— O'Meara's (Dr.) Napoleon in Exile, or a Voice from St. Helena; the Opinions and Reflections of Napoleon on his Life and Government, in his Own Words, por- traits, 2 vols. 8vo. hds. 6s 6d (pub. £l. 8s) 1822 NAPOLEON I.— RoviGo's (Duke of) Memoirs, written by himself, illustrative of the History of the Emperor Napoleon, 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, 18s 1835 NAPOLEON.— Segur's (Gen. Count) History of Napoleon's Expedition to Russia, in 1812, with map and plates, 2 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, 8s 1825 NAPOLEON et ses Contejiporains : Gravures representant de Traits d'Heroisme, de Gen6- rosite, de Popularite, avec Texte publiee par A. de Chambure, large paper, nearly 50 highly finished engravings, on India paper, a fine large vol. royal 4to. hf. morocco extra, £1. 10s Paris, 1824 NAPOLEON HI., Life of, from State Records, Unpublished Family Correspondence, and from Personal Testimony, by Blanchard Jerrold, with portraits and facsimiles, 4 vols. 8vo. neiv cloth, £3. 1875 '• Mr. Jerrold's work is as interesting as any French romance, while it contains as large an amount of political philosophy as could be expected from a Thiers or a Guizot." — Morning Post. NARES' (Prot. E.) Elements of General History, ancient and modern, with a Table of Chronology and a comparative View of Ancient and Modem Geography, tenth ed. 2 vols. 8vo. hf calf gilt, 6« 1831 NARES' (R.) Glossary ; or Collection of Words, Phrases, Names, and Allusions to Customs, Proverbs, &c. illustrative of early English Authors, particularly Shakespeare and his Contemporaries, 4to. calf gilt, very scarce, £1. 5s 1822 An indispensable help to the understanding of our old Dramatists, Poets, and Medijeval Writers. NARES' (R.) Glossary of Words, Phrases, Names, and Allusions to Customs, Proverbs, &c. illustrative of English Authors, particularly Shakespeare and liis Contemporaries, new edition, enlarged by J. O. Halliwell-Phil- lips, and T. Wright, 2 vols. 8vo. neiv half morocco, £1. 6s 1876 An enlarged and improved edition of this valuable and hitherto scarce and expensive work. [NARES'] Heraldic Anomalies, or Rank Con- fusion in our Orders of Precedence, with Dis- quisition on all the Existing Orders of Society, 2 vols, post 8vo. tree calf, 12s n. d. A very amusing work, containing some curious infor* mation. NASH'S (F.) Picturesque Views of Paris and its Environs, 57 highly finished engravings by Cooke, Qoodall, and others, original impressions, with Descriptions in English and French, 4to. russia, borders of gold on the sides, gilt edges, 18s 1820 NASH'S (J.) Architecture of the Middle Ages, 26 large and fine plates, coloured like DRAWINGS and mounted on thick cardboards^ impl. folio, in a portfolio, hf. morocco, £4. 10s (pub. £10. 10s) 1838 These tine plates represent picturesque Edifices in England, France, and Belgium. NASH'S (J.) Illustrations to Bunyan's Pil- grim's Progress, 30 fine compositions in colours in facsimile of the Original Draw- ings, each mounted on fine cardboard, royal folio size, and enclosed in a portfolio, £5. 5s n. d. The beautiful Original Drawings are in the possession of William Leaf, Esq., of Streatham. NASH'S (T.) History and Antiquities of Wor- cestershire, with the Appendix, second edi- tion, with additions, map and numerous por- t/raits and engrawings, including the Domesday Book of the County, 2 vols, folio, calf, £li. 14s 1799 ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN k NASMYTH (J.) and Carpenter (J.) The Moon, considered as a Planet, a World, and a Satellite, second edition, with 24 illustrations, 4to. new cloth, £1. 5s 1874 " Though we differ on many fundamental points from Messrs. Nasm> th and Carpenter, yet it is impossible not to feel that in this admirable work they have given a great stimulus to the study of the physical configuration of the lunar surface, and that they have adopted tne right method of ensuring steady progress in the future." — Saturday Re-vieiv. NATIONAL Review (The), complete from its commencement in July 1855 to April 1864, 18 vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, £5. 10s 1855-64 NATTES' (J. C.) Scotia Depicta, 50 fine en- gravings of Castles, Seats, Towns, Antiquities, Scenery, <^c. hyFittler, with Descriptions, oblong folio, hf calf, 18s 1804 NATLTtAL HISTORY REVIEW, and Journal of Zoology, Botany, Geology, and Palaeontology, from the commencement in 1853 to 1865, loith many engravings, 12 vols. 8vo. hf. calf neat, (not quite uniform), £5. 5s 1854-65 Includes the Transactions of the Irish Natural History Societies, and contributions from the most eminent Natu- ralists of the day. NATURAL Philosophy (Library of Useful Knowledge), written by the most eminent Au- thors, 4 vols. 8vo. chth, 16s 1829 NATURE PICTURES, a series of 30 very ex- quisite engravings, drawn on wood by J. H. Dell, and engraved by R. Paterson, India PROOFS, royal folio, large paper, new hf. mo- rocco, gilt edges, £2. 2s 1871 No description can realize the force, truth, and beauty of the designs, or the exquisite skill with which the en- graver has transferred them to the wood. They have indeed the effect of highly finished Etchings. NATURE-PRINTED British Sea Weeds, a History, accompanied by Figures and Dissec- tions, of the Algae of the British Isles, by W. G. Johnstone and A. Croall, 300 beautifully coloured plates printed from the Plants themselves, 4 vols, royal 8vo. hf. morocco extra, gilt leaves, £5. 5s (pub. £8. 8s) 1859-60 These elegant and valuable works represent with the fidelity and beauty of Nature herself, the Sea Weeds and Ferns of Great Britain. NAVAL HISTORY.— Biographia Navalis, or impartial Memoirs of the Lives and Characters of Officers of the Navy of Great Britain, from 1660 to the present time, with portraits a7vd other engravings hy Bartolozzi, etc. 6 vols. 8vo. hf. calf neat, 18s 1794-6 NAVAL HISTORY of Britain, from the earliest period to 1756, compiled from the Papers of the Hon. Capt. G. Berkeley, plates of Sea- Cha/rts, Heads, Engagements, ^c. royal folio, calf neat, 9s 6d 1756 NEALE'S (J. P.) Seats of Noblemen and Gen- tlemen in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, with nearly 900 highly finished engra/oings, 1 1 vols. roy. 8vo. hf. morocco, £12. 12s (pub. £27. 10s) 1818-29 NEALE (J. P.) and Le Keux's Views of the most interesting Collegiate and Parochial CHURCHES in Great Britain, including Screens, Fonts, Monuments, &c. 98 beautiful engravings, India proofs, with Historical and Architectural Descriptions, large paper, 2 vols. 4to. in one, hf. morocco, gilt top, £1. 8s 1824-5 CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 149 NEALE (J. P.) and Le Keux's Westminster Abbey, its History and Antiquities, with Lives of the Abbots and Deans, by Brayley, 61 fine engravings of the splendid Architecture, Monu- ments, ^c. proofs, largi; paper, 2 vols. impl. 4to. cloth, uncut, £3. 3s 1818-2:J NEANDER'S (A.) Works, transl. from the German by ToiTcy, Ryland, &c. revised by Morrison, 16 vols, post 8vo. new hf. calf, £4. 4s 1858-69 Comprises, History of the Christian Religion and Church ; History of the Planting and Training of the Christian Church by the Apostles; Antignostikus, or Spirit of TertuUian ; Life of Jesus Christ NEANDER'S (A.) General History of the Chris- tian Religion and Church, 9 vols. 8vo. new cloth, £2. 3s 6d 1847-55 This is the only Library- Edition of Neander published in this country. NEBEL (C.) Voyage Pittoresque et Archeolo- gique dans la partie la plus interessante du Mexique, illustrated with 50 beautiful litho- graphic plates of Antiquities, Architectwe, Scenery, and Costume, many beautifully co- loured, impl. folio, hf. bd. calf extra, £2. 12s Faris, 1836 NELSON'S (Lord) Dispatches and Letters, edited, with Notes, by Sir Harris Nicolas, fine portrait, 7 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, £2. 2s — Another copy, half bound, £1. 10s ; or, cloth, £1. is 1845-6 The most genuine and true portrait of a great public character which the public has ever seen." — The Times. NELSON (Lord) Life of, edited from his own MSS. by Clarke and M'Arthur, printed by Bensley, with a series of fine engravings by Heath, Fittler, Sjx. from Pictures by West^ Westall, and other Painters, 2 large vols. impl. 4to. hf calf gilt, £1. Is 1809 NELSON (Lord) Life of, byR. Southey, autji were offered for sale. The very few copies now remaining have been secured by the advertisers. PORTRAITS of Conservative Statesmen, with Genealogical and Historical Memoirs, both series, 72 finely engraved portraits from o/uthentic Pictures, original impressions, 2 vols, folio, hf calf, £1. 8s (1840) PORTRAITS. — Iconographie des Contem- PORAiNS depuis 1789 jusqu'a 1820, comprising 100 well executed lithographic portraits of cele- brated French Statesmen, Generals, and Men of Letters, accompanied by facsimiles of autograph letters, 2 \ols. foUo, half bound, £2. 10s Paris, n. d. PORTRAITS. — IcoNOGRAPHiA Scotica ; or Portraits of Illustrious Persons of Scotland, from the most authentic Paintings, etc. with their Lives, Anecdotes, References, etc. by John Smith, 20 finely engrawed plates, impl. 8vo. boards, 10s 6d (1798) PORTRAITS.— Three Hundred French Por- traits, representing Personages of the Courts of Francis I., Henry II., and Francis II., by FRANCIS CLOUET [or JANET], Painter to the French Court ; auto-lithographed from the original chalk drawings at Castle Howard, Yorkshire, by Lord Ronald Gower (^a Trustee of the National Portrait Gallery), 2 large and splendid vols, atlas 4to. bound in gilt cloth, £6. 6s 1875 The above invaluable collection of authentic Portraits, executed in a masterly style, was made by Francis Clouet, generally known by his sobriquet of JANET. They are now for the first time published, and in the exact style of the originals. They form an appropriate accompaniment to Holbein's Portraits ok the Court of Henry VIII., the persons represented being contemporary. POSTE'S (B.) Britannic Researches ; or New Facts and Rectifications of Ancient Bri- tish History, 8vo. cloth, 9s 6d 1853 " Displays a great deal of painstaking research, and argues topics with much acuteness and ability." Athenauin, POTTER'S (J.) Remains of Monastic Archi- tecture in England, 100 large plates, compris- ing Views, Elevations, Sections, Ornaments, <^c. of BuildAvas and Tintern Abbeys, and Wenlock Priory, royal folio, hf. inorocco, top edges gilt, £3. 12s (pub. £4. 14s 6c?) n. d. (1845) POTTER'S (T. R.) Charnwood Forest ; His- tory and Antiquities of, with Appendix on Geology, Botany, and Ornithology, nvmie- rous tinted plates, 4to. cloth, 10s 6d 1842 163 POTTERY.— Histoire et Fabrication de la Por- CELAiNE Chinoise, trad, du Chinois par S. Julien, Notes et Additions par A. Salvetat, et Memoire sur la Porcelaine du Japon trad, du Japonais par Dr. HofEmann, curious plates of the Chinese modes of Mam,ufactvA'e, a large vol. royal 8vo. hf. morocco, £1. Is Pa/ris, 1856 POUCHET'S (F. A.) The Universe ; or the Infinitely Great and the Infinitely Little, new edition, illustrated by 4 coloured plates and 343 engravings on wood, impl. 8vo. new calf gilt, £1. 18s, 1871— A Cheaper Edition, 8vo. n&iv calf gilt, 17s 6d 1874 Quite as interesting and instructive a volume on Na- tural History, suitable for presentation, as can well be conceived. The author in his preface remarks, " my sole object in writing the work is to inspire and extend to the utmost of my power a taste for natural science." POULSON'S (G.) Beverlac; or Antiquities and History of Beverley, Yorks., the Provostry, and College of St. John's, the Minster, and the Church of St. Mary, &c. numerous engravings on India paper, 2 vols. 4to. in one, large PAPER, hf. calf neat, £1. 8s (pub. £2. I65) 1829 POULSON'S (G.) H0LDERNE88, Yorkshire, His- tory and Antiquities of, including the Abbeys of Meaux and Swine, and the Priories of Nun- keehng and Bnrstall, compiled from Charters, Records, &c. with above 200 engravings and, woodcuts of Views, Churches, Monumental Effi- gies and Brasses, facsimiles of Cha/rters, Deeds, ^c. 2 vols. 4to. cloth, £1. 4s — Another copy, hf. calf, £1. 15s (pub. £4.) 1840 POWNALL (T., Qov. of S. CaroUna) The Ad- ministration of the British Colonies, 2 vols. 8vo. calf, 12s J. Walter, 1765-74 This able writer protested against the War with Ame- rica, and predicted the consequences. He is among those to whom the authorship of the Letters of Junius has been attributed. POYNDER'S (J.) Literary Extracts from English and other Works collected during Half a Century ; with some original matter. Both Series complete, 3 thick vols. 8vo. cloth, 18s (pub. £2. 10s) 1847 PRACTICAL MECHANIC'S JOURNAL, an Encyclopaedia of Mechanics, Engineering, and Practical Science, from the commencement in April 1848 to March 1856, containing 187 en- gravings and nearly 4000 woodcuts of Machinery and Indentions in tlie Useful Arts, with digested Index, 8 vols, 4to. new cloth, £2» 2« (pub. £5. 12s) 1848-56 PRAED'S (W. M.) Poems (containing all his graceful Poetical Pieces, celebrated Charades, etc.) now first collected, with a Memoir by Rev. Derwent Coleridge, port. 2 vols. fcap. 8vo. new calf gilt, 17s; or, morocco extra, gilt edges, £1. 4s 1864 PRATT'S (Anne) Flowering Plants and Ferns of Great Britain, a series of 313 beau- tifully coloured full page engromngs, in which are comprised figures of 1468 species, with ex- planatory text and indices, 6 vols. 8vo. new cloth, £2. 15s; or, new hf. morocco, £4. 15s (1874) The method of classification adopted in this work is that which is termed the Natural System, in which the whole Vegetable Kingdom is divided into three great classes. English, rather than Latin, terms have in all cases been used by the writer, so as to adapt the book to the use of the unscientific. 11* 164 BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, PRATT'S (Anne) Ferns of Great Britain and their Allies, the Club-Mosses, Tepperworts, and Horsetails, with 41 beautifully coloured plates, royal 8vo. chth, gilt leaves, 10s 6d 1875 PRATT'S (Anne) Our Native Songsters, illustrated by 73 coloured jplates, new cloth, 6s 6d n. d. PRATT'S (Anne) Wild Flowers, illustrated by Pen and Pencil, with nearly 200 coloured illus- trations, 2 vols. sq. 12mo. new cloth, 13s Gd (1857) PRESCOTT'S (W. H.) Historical Works, complete, new library edition, in large type, with portraits, 11 vols. 8vo. new calf gilt, £7. 7s V. d. Comprises : — Reigns of Ferdinand and Isabella, 3 vols.; Conquest of Mexico, 2 vols. ; Conquest of Peru, 2 vols. ; Reign of Philip II. 3 vols.; Robertson and Prescott's Charles V. 2 vols. PRESCOTT'S (W. H.) Historical Works, cabinet edition, 15 vols. cr. 8vo. new hf. calf gilt, £4. 18s; or, new calf extra, £6. 10s 1859 PRESCOTT'S (W. H.) Historical Works, cheap edition, ivith portraits, 6 vols, post 8vo. new hf. morocco, £2. 2s; or, new calf gilt, £2. 12s 6d (1868) PREVOST (L'Abbe) Histoire GENi^^RRALE des VOYAGES, ou nouvelle Collection de toutes les Relations dc Voyages par Mer et par Terre, publiees jusqu'a present dans les differentes Langues de toutes les Nations, port, and a pro- fusion [of plates, large maps, etc. 19 vols. 4to. hf. bound, very neat, £4. 4s Paris, 1746 Included in this extensive and generally well-executed •work, is a translation of the valuable " Collection of Voyages and Travels," edited by John Green, and pub- lished by Astley, in 4 vols. 4to. 1745-7. PRICE'S (Lake) Bull Fights of Spain, 26 la/rge and beautiful tinted lithographic Drawings, representing the most remarkable Incidents in the Arenas of Madrid, Seville, and Cadiz, with Descriptions by R. Ford, impl. folio, hf. morocco, £2. 2s (pub. £4. 4s) 1852 PRICE'S (Lake) Views of Venice, its most Picturesque Buildings, Splendid Interiors, &c. 26 loA'ge and beautiful tinted Drawings on Stone by Nash, impl. folio, hf. morocco, £2. 2s (pub. £4. 4s) 1843 PRICE'S (Rev. T., Carnhuanawc) Literary Re- mains, portrait and illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 10s 6d Llandovery, 1854 PRICE (Sir U.) On the Picturesque, enlarged with an Essay on Taste, &c. by Sir T. D. Lauder, 60 engravings on ivood by Stanley, thick 8vo. cloth, 12s 1842 PRICE'S (W.) Travels through Persia, Armenia, and Asia Minor, the Journal of Sir Gore Ouseley's Embassy to the Court of Persia, with Dissertations on the Ruins of Persepolis, 39 fine plates of Antiquities, Inscriptions, ^c. 2 vols, oblong folio in one, boards, lOs 6d 1832 PRICHARD'S (J. T.) India ; the Administra- tion of, from 1859 to 1868, the first Ten Years of Administration under the Crown, 2 vols, 8vo. cloth, 15s (pub. 21s) 1860 PRICHARD'S (Dr.) Eastern Origin of Celtic Nations, proved by a Comparison of their Dia- lects with the Sanscrit, Greek, Latin, and Teu- tonic Languages, enlarged and continued by Dr. Latham, thick Svo, neiv cloth, 13s Gd 1857 PRICHARD'S (Dr.) Natural History of Man ; comprising Inquiries into the Modifying Influ- ence of Physical and Moral Agencies on the different Tribes of the Human Family, 4th edition, enlarged, by E. Norris, with 62 colowred plates engraved on steel, and 100 engrawings on xvood, 2 vols, royal 8vo. cloth, £1. 12s 1855 Tliis is the great Text Book of Ethnologists. PRICHARD'S (Dr.) Researches into the Physi- cal History of Mankind, enlarged edition, ^oith numerous coloured plates, 5 vols. Svo. calf gilt, £5. 5s 1851 PRICHARD'S (Dr.) Six Large Coloured Ethno- graphical Maps, illustrative of " The Natural History of Man" and " Researches into the Phy- sical History of Mankind," with Explanations, roy. folio, boa/rds, 10s 6cZ (pub. 24s) 1848 PRIDEAUX (Dean) The Old and New Testament connected in the History of the Jews and Neigh- bouring Nations, portrait and maps, 2 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, 14s Oxf. Univ. Pr. 1838 PRIESTLEY'S (Dr.) Theological and Miscel- laneous Works complete, edited with Life and Notes by Rutt, 26 vols. Svo. hf. calf neat, £4. 10s 1817-32 Only 250 copies printed, and sold at 13 guineas each ; this is the only complete uniform edition. PRINCE'S (J.) Worthies of Devon, compris- ing the Lives and Fortunes of the most famous Divines, Statesmen, Warriors, Physicians, Authors, etc. new edition, cnlargGd,fineportraits, and many engravings of Arms, thick 4to. russia gilt, (some pages somewhat stained), £2. 12s 1810 PRINCE'S (P.) Parallel History ; an outline of the History and Biography of the World, contemporaneously arranged, second edition, 3 thick vols. Svo. half calf, £1. 10s 1842 PRIOR'S (M.) Poetical Works, with Life and Notes by Mitford, Reprint of Pickering's beauti- ful Aldine edition, portrait, 2 vols. fcap. Svo. oiew morocco, gilt edges, 14s 1860 PROCESSION OF Pope Clement VII. and the Emperor Charles V. after the Coronation of Bologna, 1530, designed and engraved b|/ Nicho- las Hogenbero, a series of 40 large and spirited engravings, introducing Portraits ; re- produced in facsimile, besides other embellish- ments, with an elaborate Historical and Bio- graphical Introduction by Sir W. Stirling Maxwell, impl. folio, hf. bound, uncut, £6. 6s Edin. 1875 A reproduction of a very fine and interesting work, and also one of great rarity. The present re-impression is strictly confined to 250 copies, and no more can be produced. The introduction by Sir W. S. Maxwell is copious and important. PROCLUS'S Works; the Theology of Plato, Elements of Theology, and Providence and Fate, &c. translated with Notes by Taylor, 2 vols. roy. 4to. cloth, 18s 1867 PROCTER'S (Miss) Legends and Lyrics, with an Introduction by Charles Dickens, new edition, with Additions, illustrated by 20 beautiful full- page woodcuts by Tenniel, Watson, and other eminent artists, and fine x>ortrait, sm. 4to. mo- rocco extra, gilt edges, £1. ISs 1872 ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & PROCTER'S (Miss) Legends and Lyrics ; with an introduction by C. Dickens, portrait, 2 vols, fcap. 8vo. new morocco, gilt edges, £1. 4s, or new calf gilt, 18s 6cJ 1872 PROCTER'S (E.) History of the Book of Com- mon Prayer, with a Rationale of its Offices, post 8vo. new cloth, 9s 1872 PROCTOR'S (R. A.) WORKS.— Borderland of Science, portrait, or. 8vo. new cloth, 9s 1874 Essays on Astronomy; preceded by a Sketch of the Life and Works of Sir John Herschbl, with 10 plates and 24 woodcuts, Svo. new cloth 10s 1872 Expanse of Heaven (The) A series of Essays on the Wonders of the Firmament, front, cr. 8vo. cloth, 5s 1873 Light Science for Leisure Hours; Familiar Essays on Scientific Subjects, Natural Pheno- mena, etc. 2 vols, post 8vo. cloth, 12s 6(Z 1873 Moon (The) Her Motions, Aspect, Scenery, and Physical Condition, illustrated hy 3 lunar photograpJis, and numerous plates, charts, etc. post 8vo. cloth, 12s 6d 1873 Orbs around Us (The) a Series of Familiar Essays on the Moon and Planets, Meteors and Comets, etc. post 8vo. cloth, 6s 6d 1875 Other Worlds than Ours; the Plurality of Worlds studied under the light of recent Scientific Research, 14 illustrations, some coloured, post Svo, new cloth, 9s 1872 Our Place among Infinities : Essays con- trasting our Little Abode in Space and Time with the Infinities around us, to which are added Essays on Astrology and the Jewish Sabbath, post 8vo. cloth, 5s 1875 Saturn and its System ; containing discus- sions of the Motions and Telescopic appearance of the Planet Saturn, its Satellites and Rings, the Habitability of Saturn, etc. 14 engrav- ings, 8vo. neio cloth. Us 6d 1865 Science Byeways: A Series of Familiar Dis- sertations on Life in other Worlds, Comets, and the Sun ; the North Pole Rain ; Danger from Lightning; Growth and Decay of Mind; the Brain and Mental Feats; Automata, &c, post Svo, chth, 9s 1875 Star Atlas for the Library, the School, and the Observatory, 12 circula/r maps, with 2 Index plates, post Svo. cloth, 4s 6cZ 1872 Transits of Venus : A Popular Account of Past and Coming Transits, from the first observed by Horrocks, a.d. 1639, to the Tran- sit of A.D. 2012, with 20 plates, (12 coloured) and til woodcuts, post Svo. cloth, 7s 6d 1875 Sun (The) Ruler, Fire, Light, and Life of the Planetary System, second edition, with 10 plates (7 coloured) amd 107 woodcuts, post Svo. cloth. Us ed 1873 Universe (The) and the Coming Transits, Researches into, and New Views respecting, the Constitution of the Heavens, etc. numei'~ ous Cliarts and Diagrams, Svo. new cloth, 13s 6d 1874 CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON 165 PRONY, Nouvelle Architecture Hydrau- lique, contenant I'Art d'elever I'Eau au moyen de diffe rentes Machines, de construire dans ce fluide, de le diriger, et generalement de I'Appli- quer, de diverses, Manieres, aux besoins de la Societe, with numerous la/)'ge folding plates, 2 large vols, royal 4to. half morocco, scarce, ISs 1790 PRO PERTH Carimina, recensuit et illustravit KuiNOEL, 2 vols. Svo. calf gilt, IBsLipsim, 1805 An elegant and excellent edition, with the Variorum Notes, (including those of Vulpius and Barth) together with part of Burmann's Commentary. PROSE and Prose Writers of Britain from Chaucer to Ruskin, selected with Notes by R. Demaus, post Svo, new calf gilt, 1 Is 6d 1860 PROSPERI AQUITANI (S. a.d. 444) Opera Omnia, et S. Asterii Episcopi Amaseaj Homiliae, best edition, 2 vols, folio in one, calf antique, A FINE COPY, £1. Is Bassani, 1782 PROUT'S (S.) Hints on Light and Shadow, Composition, etc. as Applicable to Landscape Painting, Illustrated by 20 large plates contain- ing Numerous Examples, folio, cloth, 15s 1876 PROVERBS ; Handbook of, comprising the whole of Ray's Work, with large Additions, Local and Foreign Proverbs, etc. cr. Svo. hf. hound, 4s Gd 1867 PROVERBS and Proverbial Phrases (Eng- lish) collected from the most Authentic Sources, Alphabetically arranged and Annotated, with a Literary and Bibliographical Introduction, Svo. new cloth, £\. Is— Another copy on large PAPER, imp. Svo. neto cloth, £1. 15s 1874 PRUDENTir (Aurehi) Opera Omnia, nunc primum cum Codicibus Vaticanis collata, proefa- tione, variantibus, lectionibus, notis ac rerum verborumquc indice locupletissimo aucta et illustrata (stud. Jos. Teolii,) 2 vols. 4to. vellum, gilt edges, 18s Parmcs, 17S8 PRYNNE'S (W.) Brief Register, Kalendar, and Survey of the several Kinds, Forms of all Parliamentary Writs, the four p.vrts, complete, 4 vols, sm, 4to. new calf gilt, fine copy, £4. 10s 1659-64 A book di great value and historical importance. PRYNNE'S (W.) The Soveraigne Power of Parliaments and Kingdoms, in foure parts, with an Appendix, portrait inserted, cBt. 40, sm. 4to. antique calf, 15s 1643 PUBLIC Works of Great Britain, Railways, Viaducts, Engines, Cast Iron Bridges, Iron and Gas Works, Canals, London and Liverpool Docks, &c. with Descriptions and Specifications, by F. W. Simms, C.E., 153 sheets of elaborate engravings, (some colowred), thick impl. folio, hf morocco, £2. 10s Weale, 1846 A noble work; the drawings and engravings were executed by eminent artists, and no expense was spared in rendering it highly essential for practical use; as also an ornamental volume of the greatest engineering works in the kingdom. PUFENDORF'S (Baron) Law op Nature and Nations, translated by Basil Kennett, with corrections, notes, and table, folio, calf, 10s 6d 1729 166 PUGIN« {A. W.) Apology for the Revival of Christian Architecture in England, with 10 plates etched by the author, sm. 4to. cloth, gilt edges, 12s 1843 PUGIN'S (A. W.) Chancel Screens and Rood LoPTS, their Antiquity, Use, and Symbolic Significations, with 14 ilhistratvve plates of figiires, 4to. cloth, lOs 6d 1851 PUGIN'S (A. W.) Floriated Ornaments, 31 plates in gold and colours, royal 4to. half morocco, top edges gilt, £1. 10s 1849 PUGIN'S (A. W.) Glossary of Ecclesiastical Ornament and Costume, illustrated by 73 plates, ALL printed in gold and colours, and numerous beautiful woodcuts, third edition, enlarged and revised by the Rev. Bernard Smith, M.A., royal 4to. hf. morocco, £5. 5s 1868 This valuable work includes extracts from the works of Durandus, Georgius, Bona, Catalan!, Gerbert, Martene, Molanus, Thiers, Mabillon, Ducange, &c. by the Rev. B. Smith, of Oscott College. PUGIN'S (A. W.) Gothic Architecture, Ex- amples of, from Antient Edifices in England, Plans, Elevations, Sections, and Parts at large, with Descriptions by E. J. Willson, 224 fine engravings by Le Keux, 3 vols, royal 4to. cloth, £3. 3s (pub. £12. 12s) 1838 PUGIN'S (A. W.) Gothic Architecture, Specimens of, selected from various ancient edifices in England, nmnerous plates, Plans, Elevations, etc. with Descriptions by Wilson, 2 vols. roy. 4to. hf bound, £1. 12s (1821) PUGIN'S (A. W.) Gothic Ornaments, selected from Ancient Buildings in England and Erance, 91 plates drawn by Harding, exhibiting nu- merous specimens of every description of Decora- tive Detail from the Xlth to the XVIth Century, roy. 4to. hf. morocco, £2. 18s 1854 PUGIN (A. W.) and Britton's Illustrations of the Public Buildings of London, with Account of each Edifice, second ed. enlarged by Leeds, with upwards of 100 fine engravings, proofs, LARGE PAPER, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. hf. morocco, gilt tops, £2. 5s 1825 PULPIT (The) comprising Sermons by the most eminent living Divines, complete from its commencement in 1823 to the end of 1858, 74 vols. 8vo. cloth, £12. 10s 1824-59 PUNCH ; a complete set of this famous Jour- nal from its commencement in 1841 to June 1874, ivith thousands of humourous engravings by Leech, Doyle, Tenniel, and others, 67 vols. 4to. in 34, an original set throughout, hf morocco, £21. 1841-74 PUTTRICH'S (L.) Monuments of Medieval Architecture in Saxony: Denkmale der Baukunst des Mittelalters in Sachsen, with necvrly 4:00 fine plates oj the Cathedrals, Ab- beys, Churches, Feudal Castles, and other old Buildings of interest, including plans, monu- ments, fonts, antiquities, decorations, ^c. India .PROOFS, the 5 parts complete in 4 thick vols, impl. 4to. newly hf. bound in red morocco, gilt tops, u/ncut, £14. 14s Leipzig, 1836-52 One of the most splendid and elaborate archa;ological works which the German press has produced. Volume $ contains a history of the development of Architecture in Saxony from the Xth to the XVth centurj^, BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, PUSEYS (Dr.) WORKS— Church of England (The) a portion of Christ's Holy Catholic Church, 8vo. cloth, 6s 6d Consecration Sermons, 8vo. cloth, 6s 6d Daniel the Prophet, nine Lectures, 8yo. chth, 9s Eirenicon, three parts, 8vo. cloth, 1 7s 6d History of the Councils of the Church, a.d. 51-381, 8vo. cloth, 9s Commentary on the Minor Prophets, 5 parts, 4to. £1. Is Oxford Sermons, 8vo, cloth, 6s Real Presence of the Body and Blood of Christ, 8vo. cloth, 6s 6cZ Parochial Sermons, 4 vols, post 8vo. cloth, £1. Lenten Sermons, 8vo. cloth, 5s PUYSEGUR (Marq. de) Art de la Guerre, par Principes et par Regies, with portrait and numerous fine la/rge engravings of Military Evolutions, Plans of Battles, etc. 2 vols. roy. folio in one large vol. russia gilt, £l. Is Paris, 1748 PYNE'S (C.) Mountains and Lakes of Swit- zerland AND Italy, a series of 64 Picturesque Views after original sketches, with Notes by the Rev. Jerome J. Mercier, 4to. new cloth, £1. 15s 1871 The chromolithographs in this volume have been ex- ecuted by Messrs. Hanhart in a most superior manner; they are wrought into the work in the form of Vignettes, and are in perfect harmony with the beautiful toned paper and faint ink with which the text is printed. PYNE'S (J. B.) Lake Scenery of England, containing 25 plates, accurately coloured after the original Drawings, and mounted on card- board, with gilt borders, also Woodcuts in the descriptive Text, folio, in a handsome cloth binding, elaborately gilt, £2. 12s 6d 1870 This volume comprises the most interesting scenery of the Lake District, viz. : — Coniston, Windermere, Rydal Water, Grasmere, Brothers* Water, Hawes Water, and Watergill Force, Langdale Pikes, Thirlemere and Wythe- burn, Ulleswater and Gowbarrow Park, Wast Water, The Vales of Ennerdale and Buttermere, Ennerdale Lake, But- termere, Crummock Water, Lowes Water, The Derwent River and Borrowdale, Derwent Water, The Druidical Circle near Keswick, Bassenthwaite Lake, Vale, and Vil- lage, The Vale of Keswick, and the River Greta, Skiddaw. PYNE'S (W. H.) History of the Royal Resi- dences, with 100 richly coloured engrav- ings, facsimiles of the original drawings, by C. Wild, Cattermole, Stephanoff, and others, 3 vols, impl. 4to. morocco gilt, £6. 6s 1819 This splendid work illustrates the following Palaces : — Windsor Castle, St. James' Palace, Carlton House, Ken- sington Palace, Hampton Court, and Buckingham House. PYNE (W. H.) Rustic Figures in Imitation of Chalk, 35 plates of full length figu/res, roy. 4to. hf bound, 9s 6d 1817 PYNE'S (W. H.) The Twenty-ninth of May ; rare doings at the Restoration, 2 vols. 12mo. new hf. calf gilt, 9s [containing much plecbsant information on Old English Dramatists strations, cr. Svo. chth, 6s 6d 1871 RALSTON'S (W.) Russian Folk- Tales, inclu- ding Mythology, Magic and Witchcraft, Ghost Stories and Legends, 8vo. new chth, 10s 1873 RALSTON'S (W.) Songs of the Russian Peo- ple, as Illustrative of Slavonic Mythology and Russian Social Life, second edition, 8vo. chth, 10s 1872 •' Mr. Ralston's works are, for us English, standard works." — Athenaum. RAMSAY'S (Allan) Poetical Works, with Selections from the Scottish Poets before Bums, edited by C. Mackay, illustrated hy 47 engrav- ings, 2 vols. 4to. new cloth extra, £1. 15s — Another copy, new hf. mxirocco extra, gilt edges, £2. 15s n. d. This elegant edition contains a new Life of Ramsay, and an Essay on his Genius and Writings by W, F. Tytler, Lord Woodhouselee, The selection comprises the Poetical Works of Hector Macneill, Hamilton of Bangour, Robert Fergusson, aud John Lapraik, as well as a Series of An- cient Ballads and Songs of the North of Scotland, and the whole of the Tea-table Miscellany. RAMSAY'S (Allan) The Tea-Table Miscel- lany ; A Collection of Choice Songs, Scots and English, ehgantly printed, 2 vols, post Svo. chth, £1. Is — on large paper, 2 vols. 4to. chth, £2. 2s Ohsgow, 1871 During the Author's lifetime, no less than fourteen editions of the " Tea-Table Miscellany" were issued from the press ; this neiu edition is reprinted from thp latter of these •verbatim, and in a manner to do hopgur to th^ Author, . .. BOOKS SUIT^VBLE FOR THE LIBRARY RAMSAY'S (Allan) The Ever-Green, a collec- tion of Scots Poems, wrote by the Ingenious before IGOO, with Glossary, 2 vols. 12mo. calf, scarce, 16s Edin. 1761 Includes Hardyknute, Christ's Kirk on the Green, Cherrie and the Slae, etc. RAMSAY'S (D.) History of the Revolution in South Carolina, maps, 2 vols. 8vo. old calf, £\. Is Trenton, 1785 RAMSAY'S (G.) Enquiry into the Principles of Human Happiness and Human Duty, Svo. cloth, 7s 6d Pidcerina, 1843 RAMUSIO (G. B.) Navigationi et Viaggi, Tnwps and plates, 3 vols, folio, vellum neat, (Vol. 3 stained at end) £2. 2s Venetia, Qiunta, 1588, 1574, 1565 " Ramusio's collection of Voyages and Travels, the most perfect work of that nature in any language whatso- ever : containing all the discoveries to the East, West, North, and South; with full descriptions of all the countries discovered." — John Locke. RANDALL'S (S. S.) History of the Common School System of the State of New York, from its Origin in 1795 to the present time, Vieivs of Schools, roy. Svo. cloth, I2s Gd 1871 RANDOLPH'S (T.) Poems and Plays, now first collected, with an account of the Author, edited by W. C. Hazlitt, portrait, authogra^hs, etc. fcap. Svo. hoards, 10s n. d. RANKE'S (L.) Historical Works, translated by Sir A. and Lady Duff Gordon, Mrs. Kerr, and Mrs. Austin, best Library editions, 10 vols. Svo. new hf. calf gilt, £4. 10s 1847-9 Comprises, H'story of the Popes of Rome, 3 vols. — History of the Reformation, 3 vols. — History of Prussia, 3 vols. — History of Servia, i vol. KANKE'S (L. von) History of England, prin- cipally in the seventeenth century, 6 vols. Svo. new calf gilt, £4. 10s 1875 " It will be a happy day for English historical study if it is clearly understood' that not to have read and digested this book deprives a writer of any claim to be heard on the period of which it treats." — Academy. " The title but imperfectly represents the scope of the work, which really embraces 'the entire period of English histor>', beginning with the conquest by Caesar and ending at the accession of George the Third."— Daily Nt'ws. RANKINE'S (Prof.) WORKS :— Manual of Applied Mechanics, vrith nu- merous illustrations, revised edition, post Svo. new cloth, 10s 6d 1876 Manual of Civil Engineering, with numerous engravings, revised edition, thick post Svo. new cloth, ISs 6d 1876 Manual of Machinery and Mill-work, with numerous illustrations, thick post Svo. new cloth, 10s Gd 1869 Manual of the Steam Engine and other prime Movers, with numerous engrmings, revised edition, thick post Svo. cloth, 10s Gd 1873 Mechanical Text-Book, post Svo. new cloth. Is Gd 1875 Useful Rules and Tables for Architects, Builders, Carpenters, Engineers, &c. post Svo. new cloth, Is Gd 1873 RAPIN'S (P. de T.) History of England, with Tindal's (N.) Continuation and Medallic History, upwards of 100 portraits am,d engra/u- ings, beautiful impressions, 5 vols, folio, calf gilt, £i. 4s 1732, &c. "The historian Rapin is remarkable for his imparti- ality and candpur." — Lowndes. RAPER'S (H.) Practice of Navigation and Nau- tical Astronomy, tenth edition, large roy. Svo. hound, 10s Gd 1870 RASSAM'S (H.) Narrative of the British Mis- sion to Theodore, King of Abyssinia, with map, plans, and engravings, 2 vols. Svo. cloth, 16s (pub. £1. Ss) 1869 RAWLET'S (Rev. J., of Newcastle-upon-Tyne) PoETiCK Miscellanies, with fine portrait hy White, 12mo. morocco extra, gilt leaves, a nice copy, 10s Gd Lond. 1721 RAWLINSON'S (G.) Seven Great Monar- chies of the Ancient Eastern World, with illustrations, 5 vols. Svo. new calf gilt, £5. 5s — the same, vellum gilt, ca/rmine edges, £G. Gs 1871-73 Comprises the History, Geography, and Antiquities of Chaldaea, Assyria, Babylon, Media, Persia, and Parthia. RAWLINSON'S (G.) Sixth Great Oriental Monarchy ; or the Geography, History, and Antiquities of Parthia, mwp and illustrations, Svo. new calf gilt, £1. ; or, vellum gilt, carmine edges, £1. 4s 1873 RAWLINSON'S (G.) Seventh Great Orien- tal Monarchy, the Geography, History, and Antiquities of the Sassanian or New Persian Empire, illustrated hy numerous plates, wood- cuts and maps, Svo. new calf gilt, £1. 10s; or, new vellum gilt, £1.15s 1876 RAWLINSON'S (Sir H.) England and Russia in the East ; a series of Papers on the Political and Geographical Condition of Central Asia, map, Svo. new cloth, 10s 1874 "A valuable contribution to the modern history of Central Asia from one who combines the attributes of a scholar, a diplomatist, and a politician." — Times. RAWLINSON'S (R.) Designs for Factory, Furnace and other Tall Chimney Shafts, 25 fine large plates of original designs, in which the forms of the IufBiA^ Tower, t/ie Eastern Minaret, and Italian Campanile, are intro- duced, impl. folio, cloth, £l. 18s (1859) Architects, Engineers, and Manufacturers, requiring tall Chimneys, will alike find useful hints both for design and for construction in this book. RAY Society's Publications, complete from the commencement in 1844 to 1S7B, illustrated ivith many coloured and other engravings, 48 vols, comprising 26 in Svo. cloth, and 22 in folio, sewed, nearly equal to new, an exceedingly valuable and interesting set of hooks, £31. 10s 1844-73 RAYNAL (G. T.) Histoire Philosophique et Politique des Etablissemens et du Commerce des Europeens dans les deux Indes, fine port. 1 vols. Svo. French calf gilt, 12s Geneve, 1780 READE'S (C.) Novels and Tales, with illus- trations, new edition, 12 vols, post Svo. new hf. calf, £2. 18s n. d. Comprising : Never Too Late to Mend — Peg Wofflng- ton — Course of True Love — Christie Johnstone — Love Me Little, Love Me Long — Foul Play, Autobiography of a Thief — Cloister and the Hearth — The Double Marriage — Griffith Gaunt— Put Yourself in His Place— Hard Cash. READE'S (Winwood) African Sketch Book, maps and illustrations, 2 vols, cr, Svo. cloth, 14s 1873 READE'S (Winwood) The Martyrdom of Man (Chapters on War, Religion, Liberty, and In- tellect), post Svo. 6s Gd 1876 ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & READE'S (Winwood) Savage Africa ; a Nar- rative of a Tour in Equatorial, South-Western and North-Western Africa, illustrated, 8vo.. chth, 17s 6d 1874 With Notes on the Habits of the Gorilla ; On the existence of Unicorns and tailed Men ; On the Slave- trade; On the Origin, Character, and Capabilities of the Negro, and on the fnture Civilization of Western Africa. READE'S (Winwood) Story of the Ashantee Campaign, post Svo. new chth, 9.9 1874 REDOUTE, Les Roses, avec le Textepar Thory, 180 MOST beautifully coloured engrav- ings OF Roses of their natural sizes, 3 vols, folio, morocco super extra, richly gilt, gilt edges, a fine specimen of rich binding, £S. 10s Paris, Didot, 1817-24 The original magnificent Edition of this most beau- tiful work, published at £24. REDGRAVE'S (R. and S.) Century of Pain- ters of the English School ; with Critical Notices of their Works, and an Account of the Progress of Art in England, 2 thick vols. 8vo. new calf gilt, marbled leaves, £1. 12s 1866 REED'S (E. J.) Our Iron-Clad Ships ; their Qualities, Performances, and Cost ; with Chap- ters on Turret Ships, Iron-clad Rams, etc. illus- trated, 8vo. cloth, 10s 1869 REED'S (E. J.) Shipbuilding in Iron and Steel ; a practical treatise giving full details of Construction, processes of Manufacture, Building Arrangements, etc. illustrated, thick Svo. cloth, £1. 5s 1876 REEVE'S (J.) History of the English Law, from the time of the Romans to the end of the Reign of Elizabeth, new edition, with numerous Notes, and a Dissertation by W. F. Finlason, 3 vols. 8vo. new cloth, £1. 15s 1869 REEVE'S (L.) CoNCHOLOGiA Systematica ; or complete system of Conchology, illustrated by 300 coloured plates, 2 vols. 4to. cloth, £9. 9s (1866) REEVE'S (L.) Elements of Conchology, com- prising the Physiological History of Shells and their Molluscous Inhabitants, their Structure, Geographical Distribution, Habits, &c. with 62 coloured plates, exhibiting many figures, by Sowerby, ^-c. 2 large vols, royal Svo. cloth, £2. 16s 1860 REEVE'S (L.) Land and Freshwater Mol- LUSKS indigenous to, or naturalized in the British Isles, with engrcwings of each Species, by Sowerby and Jewitt, Svo. cloth, 9s 1863 REGNAULT (M. V.) Cours Elementaire de CHIMIE, vjith numerous illustrations, sixth edition, 4 vols. 12mo. hf. calf, 1.5s Pa/ris, 1868 RELTON'S (H. E.) Sketches of Churches, nearly 50 Views of Churches in various Counties in England, with Descriptions, 4to. red morocco extra, gilt edges, £1.8s 1843 RENNELL'S (Major) Treatise on the Comparative Geography of Western Asia, 2 vols. Svo. hf. calf gilt, 10s 1836 RENNIE'S (D. F., M.D.) Peking and the Pekingese during the first year of the British Embassy at Peking, plan of Peking and illus- trations, 2 vols, post 8vo. cloth, 10s 6of— Another copy, new hf. caff gilt, 15s 6d 1865 RENNIE'S (J.) Insect Architecture, enlarged by the Rev. J. G. Wood, ^vith 200 illmtra- tions, post Svo. new calf gilt, 9s 1869 CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 169 RENNIE'S (Sir J.) Plymouth Breakwater ; an Historical, Practical, and Theoretical Ac- count of, ivith 25 large plates of Charts, and Plans of Elevations and Sections of Lighthouses, Diving Bell Apparatus, and Machine for Cutting off Piles under Water, ^-c impl. folio, hf. morocco, £2. 2s 1848 RENNIE'S (Sir J.) Theory, Formation, and Con- struction of British and Foreign Harbours, Docks, and Naval Arsenals, %vith 123 large and elaborate engravings, and portrait of the author, 2 large vols. impl. folio, hf. morocco, £15. 15s Weale, 1854 This great work comprises plans and details of every description of the most celebrated British and Foreign Docks, Harbours, etc. from the earliest period, including all recent improvements. The impression was limited to ajo copies. REPTON'S (H.) Landscape Gardening and Landscape Architecture, with numerous Addi- tions by Loudon, 250 illustrations, thick Svo. cloth, 14s (pub. 30s) 1840 RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW, consisting of Criticisms upon. Analyses of, and Extracts from. Curious, Useful, and Valuable Books, complete, 16 vols. 1820-28 ; also the New Series by T. Wright and others, 2 vols. 1853 — together 18 vols. Svo. new half morocco extra, top edges gilt, scarce, £14. I4s 1820-53 RETZSCH'S (M.) Illustrations to Shake- speare's King Lear, 13 beautiftd outline plates, with Text in English, French, Italian, and German, royal 4to. cloth, 8s 6d Leipzig, 1838 RETZSCH'S (M.) Illustrations to Romeo and Juliet, 13 outline plates, Avith descriptions in English and German, 4to. sewed, 7s 6d Leipzig, 1836 RETZSCH'S (M.) Illustrations to Shake- speare's Merry Wives of Windsor, 13 beautiful outline plates, with Elucidations in German by Dr. Ulrici, and English translation, 4to. cloth, 8s 6d Leipzig, 1844 REVELEY'S (H.) Notices illustrative of the Drawings and Sketches of some of the most distinguished Masters in all the principal Schools of Design, Svo. chth, 7s 6d 1820 REYNAUD (L.) Tratto di Architettura, contenente nozioni generali sui principii della costruzione e sulla storia dell' arte, con Anno- tazioni per cura di L. Urbani, illustrated by 94 large plates containing several hundreds of figures, thick royal folio, hf. morocco, top edge gilt, £2. 2s Venezia, 1857 REYNOLDS' (F. Dramatist) Life and Times, with Anecdotes of his Contemporaries, portrait, 2 vols. Svo. boards, 6s 6d — Another copy, hf. calf, 12s 6cZ (pub. £l. Ss) 1827 REYNOLDS (Sir J.) Life and Times of, (1723- 1792) with Notices of some of his Contempo- raries, by C. R. Leslie, R.A. and Tom Taylor, portraits and illustrations, 2 thick vols. Svo. hf. calf £1. 4s 1865 REYNOLDS (Sir J.) Life of, comprising original Anecdotes of many of his distinguished Con- temporaries, and a brief Analysis of his Dis- courses, by J. Northcote, port. 2 vols. Svo. hf. calf gilt, 10s Gd 1819 170 BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, REYNOLDS' (Sir J.) Literary Works ; Dis- courses on Painting, Tour through Holland and Flanders; Commentary on Du Fresnoy's Art of Painting, etc. with Life by Malone, 2 vols. 4to. in the original imitation morocco binding, £1. Is, 1797 — Another edition, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, 18s 1819 REYNOLDS' ( Bp. of Norwich, 1599-1676) Works now first collected, with Life by Alex. Chalmers, portrait, best edition, 6 vols. 8vo. calf, £1. 6s 1826 •' The works of Bp. Reynolds form a most valuable accession to our stores of sound and masculine theology." RHIND'S (W.) History of the Vegetable Kingdom ; embracing Descriptions of the Plants most interesting from their uses to Man and the Lower Animals, revised edition with Supplement, 45 plates, some coloured, and seve- ral hundred woodcuts, thick roy. 8vo. new calf gilt, £1. 10s 1868 RICH'S (C. J.) Journey to the Site of Babylon and Persepolis, with two Memoirs on the Ruins, and the Topography of Ancient Babylon by Major Rennell ; published by his Widow, engravings of inscriptions, 8vo. cloth, scarce, 6s (pub. 21s) 1839 RICARDO'S (D.) Works, (Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, Tracts, Essays on the Funding System and on Parliamentary Reform, and Speech on the Ballot), with a Notice of his Life and Writings by J. R. McCulloch, 8vo. new calf gilt, £1. Is 1852 RICHARDSON'S (C. J.) Observations on the Architecture of England during the reigns of Elizabeth and James I. nearly 60 plates, from original drawings, royal 4to. hf. bound, £1. 10s (pub. £i. 4s) 1837 RICHARDSON'S (C. J.) Picturesque De- signs for Mansions, Villas and Lodges, with Decorations internal and external, suitable to each style, illustrated by 500 original engravings, thick royal 8vo. cloth, 13s (pub. £2. 2s) 1866 These " Picturesque Designs" consist of plans, the majority of which have been already carried into execu- tion. They are carefully selected from a large collection of similar subjects, the result of many years' professional practice. RICHARDSON'S (C. J.) Studies from Old English Mansions, with their Furniture, Gold and Silver Plate, &c. the four series complete, 140 large tinted plates of old existing Monu- ments, many finely coloured, 4 vols. impl. 4to. cloth, £4:. 4s 1841-8 RICHARDSON'S (G.) New Vitruvius Bri- tannicus; with Descriptions in English and French, 72 large engravings of Splendid Public and Private Buildings in Great Britain, impl. folio, hf. bound, £1. Is 1802 This fine work exhibits the Ground Plans, Elevations, &c. of the most magnificent buildings erected in various parts of Great Britain during the last century. RICHARDSON'S (J.) Works ; The Theory of Painting, Art of Criticism, the Science of a Connoisseur, &c. with numerous Portraits of famous Painters, 4to. calf gilt, 18s 1792 This work forms a continuation to Walpole's Anec- dotes of Painters and Engravers. RICHARDSON'S (S.) Works ; Pamela, Clarissa Harlowe, and Sir Chas. Grandison, with Life by Mangin, port. 19 vols, post 8yo. calf gilt, gQurce, £Q.Qs 1811 RICHARDSON'S (J.) Travels in the Great Desert of Sahara, in 1845-6, including a De- scription of the Oases and Cities of Ghat, Gha- dames, and Mourzuk, plates and ma/ps by Wyld, 2 vols. 8vo. calf extra, 12s (pub. 28s) 1848 RICHTER-ALBUM, eine Auswahl von Holz- schnitten nach Zeichnungen von LudwigRichter, in Dresden, with a splendidly etched portrait of the author, and upwards of 300 illv^in'ations by this distinguished a/rtist to various popular works, 2 large vols. 8vo. gilt cloth, £1. Is Leipzig, 1855 RICHTER'S (J. P.) Flower, Fruit, and Thorn Pieces, or the Married Life, Death, and Wedding of Firmian Stanislaus Siebenkas, transl. by Noel, 2 vols, post 8vo. cloth, sca/rce, 18s 1845 RICK MAN'S (T.) Gothic Architecture, or an Attempt to discriminate the Styles of Archi- tecture in England from the Conquest to the Reformation, sixth edition, enlarged, by J. H. Parker, with several hundred fine woodcuts and engravings, tliick 8vo. cloth, £1. 10s 1862 RICORD (Dr. P.) Traite complete des Mala- dies Veneriennes ; Clinique Iconographique de I'Hopital des Veneriennes, recueil d'Obser- vations, suivies de considerations pratiques sur les Maladies qui ont ete traitees dans cet Hopi- tal, with 50 la^ge and finely coloured PLATES, impl. 4to. hf. morocco gilt, scarce, £4. 4s Pa/ris, 1851 RIDDELL'S (R.) Carpenter and Joiner, Stair Builder, and Hand-Railer, 33 plates of examples, with Descriptive Text, 4to. cloth, £1. 4s (1868) RIDPATH'S (Rev. G.) Border History of England and Scotland, from the Earliest Times to the Union, last edition, revised by his Brother, 4to. hf. russia, 14s Berwick, 1848 An authentic, valuable, and highly interesting work, comprising the Transactions of the Two Nations with each other. Accounts of Remarkable Antiquities, Anecdotes of the most considerable Families, Distinguished Characters, etc. RIG-VEDA ; The Hymns of the, in the Samhita and Pada Texts, without the Commentary of Sayana, edited by Prof. Max Miiller, 2 vols. 8vo. sewed, £2. 12s ed 1873 RITSON'S (J.) Annals of the Caledonians, Picts, and Scots, and of Strathclyde, Cumber- land, Galloway, and Murray, 2 vols, post 8vo. cloth, £1. 4s Edin. 1828 RITSON'S (J.) BiBLIOGRAPHIA POETICA ; a Catalogue of Engleish Poets of the Xllth to the XVIth Centuries, with a short Account of their Works, post 8vo. calf extra, 18s 1802 RITSON'S (J.) Caledonian Muse ; a Chrono- logical Selection of Scottish Poetry from the earliest Times, post8vo. calf extra, 14s 1821 RITSON'S (J.) English Anthology, with Notes and Glossaiy, vignettes by StothoA'd, 3 vols, post 8vo. calf gilt, £1. 15s 1793 RITSON'S (J.) English Songs (select Collection of), with their Original Airs ; and additional Songs and Notes by T. Park, woodcuts, 3 vols, post 8vo. calf gilt, £1. 18s 1813 RITSON'S (J.) Letters, edited from the Ori- ginals, with Memoir by Nicolas, 2 vols, post 8vo. half calf , 18s — Another copy, 2 vols, calf gilt, £1, Is 183Q ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & BITSON'S (J.) Robin Hood, a collection of all the Ancient Poems, Songs, and Ballads extant relating to this celebrated Outlaw, with Anec- dotes of his Life, vignettes, 2 vols, post 8vo. cloth, scarce, £2. 2s Pickering, 1832 RITSON'S (J.) ScoTisH Song, [sic] >vith the Music, and an elaborate Historical Essay, Notes, and Glossary, elegant engravings after Stotliard, Allen, etc. 2 vols. 12mo. calf neat, £2. 2s 1714 [for 17941 RITSON'S (J.) ScoTisH Songs, with Music, and an Historical Essay on Scotish Song, (edited by J. Alexander), portrait and 6 engravings, printed on rihhed paper, 2* vols, post Svo. new cloth, £l. 5* — Another copy on large paper, heautijully printed, the plates on India paper, 2 vols. 4to. new cloth, £3. Ss Glasgow, 1869 In this, the second edition of " Ritson's Scotish Songs," the orthography of the Ballads has been carefully adhered to, while a number of typographical errors in the songs have been corrected, and blanks in the Music and Glossary supplied. The impression of the work was limited to 500 s)nall and go large paper, and is very handsomely printed. RITTER'S (Carl) Comparative Geography of Palestine and the Sinaitic Peninsula, translated and adapted for the use of Biblical Students by W. L. Gage, 4 vols. Svo. new cloth, £1. 7s 1866 RITTER'S (H.) History of Ancient Philoso- phy, translated from the German by Morrison, 4 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, scarce, £4. 4s Oxford, 1838 ROBERTS' (D.) Views in the Holy Land, Syria, Egypt, Nubia, Arabia, &c. 250 exqui- sitely BEAUTIFUL PLATES, with Historical Descriptions by Croly and Brockedon, 4 vols, atlas folio, hf. morocco, gilt lea/veSf £22. (pub. £48.) 1847 Among the many splendid works published during the present century, the above has always held a prominent position. It is valued no less for its artistic execution, than for the deep and absorbing interest which attaches in^the present day to the subjects which it delineates. To the Oriental traveller it is a valuable reminiscence of the spots that he has visited, and to those who are strangers to the East it presents a faithful picture of the existing state of the Bible lands. ROBERTS' (D.) Sketches in the Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt, and Nubia, up- wards of 250 very Ijeautiful plates in double tints, executed in the highest style of art by Louis Eaghe, with Descriptions by Dr. Croly, 6 large vols. impl. Svo. bound in 3, morocco extra, gilt edges, £6. 6s 1855 ROBERTS' (D.) Picturesque Sketches in Spain, 26 large cmd beautiful lithographic en- gravings, finished in tints to resemble drawings, impl. folio, hf. morocco, £2. 2s 1837 ROBERTS (D.) Life of; compiled from his Journals and other sources by J. Ballantyne, portrait, with etchings a/nd facsimiles of pen and ink sketches by the great Artist, 4to. cloth, 16s — Another copy, large paper, roy. 4to. chth, £1. 4s 1866 ROBERTSON'S (F. W.) Expository Lectures on St. Paul's Epistles to the Corinthians, post Svo. new calf gilt, 9s 6d 1872 ROBERTSON'S (F. W.) Lectures and Ad- dresses on Literary and Social Topics, cr. Svo. new calf gilt, 9s 6d 1874 ROBERTSON'S (F. W.) Life and Letters, neiv edition, edited by Rev. S. A. Brooke, port. p(j. 8vo. oalf antique, carmine edges, 16s 6(^ 1872 CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 171 ROBERTSON'S (F. W.) Sermons, preached at Trinity Chapel, Brighton, 4 vols. cr. Svo. new calf antique, carmine edges, £l. 14s; or, new morocco, gilt edges, £2. 1872 ROBERTSON'S (F. W.) Life and Letters, wew edition, edited by Rev. S. A. Brooke, portrait, 2 vols, post Svo. new calf gilt, 16s 6(Z 1873 ROBERTSON'S (Rev. F. W.) Life and Letters, People's edition, sq. 8V0. OMtique calf, carmine edges, 10s 6d 1872 ROBERTSON (J.) Clavis Pentateuchi, siye analysis Vocum Hebraicorum suo ordine in Pentateucho Moseos occurrentium, una cum Versione Latina et Anglica, ex recens. King- hornii, thick Svo. boards, scarce, 10s 6d 1824 " A useful book for a learner, and even to the more advanced scholar." — Lowndes. ROBERTSON'S (J. C.) History of the Chris- tian Church, from the Apostolic Age to the Pontificate of Gregory the Great, a.d. 590 — Second Period, from a.d. 590 to the Concordat of Worms, a.d. 1123 — Third Period, from a.d. 1122 to A.D. 1517, 4 vols. Svo. new calf antique, £4. 10s 1873 ROBERTSON'S (J. C.) History of the Chris- tian Church, Cabinet eddUon, 8 vols, post Svo. calf gilt, £ A. 4s 1874 "'Robertson's Church History is written by a man who understands the bearings of his subject, and exhibits more than ordinary skill in the construction of his mate- rials ; but the features we select for special commendation are his candour, honesty, and independence." — Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology. ROBERTSON'S (J. C.) How shall we conform to the Liturgy of the Church of England ? post Svo. new calf gilt, 12s 6d 1869 ROBERTSON'S (Dr.) Works complete, with Life, the elegant " Oxford Classic Edition," portraits by Worthington, 8 vols. Svo. cloth £1. 16s Pickering, 1825 ROBERTSON'S (Dr.) Historical Works, com- plete, with Life by Dugald Stewart, portrait, 6 vols. Svo. calf gilt, £2. 2s 1851 ROBERTSON'S (Dr.) Historical Works, with Life by Dugald Stewart, port. 10 vols. Svo. calf gilt, 15s Cadell, 1821 ROBERTSON (Dr.) and Prescott's History of the Reign of Charles V., with an Account of the Emperor's Life after his Abdication, impor- tant Additions, and a new Index, handsomely printed in la/rge type, portrait, 2 vols. Svo. new calf gilt, £\. 2s 6d 1857 ROBINSON'S (E.) Biblical Researches in Palestine, Mount Sinai, and Arabia Petraea, with numerous maps and plans, 3 vols. Svo. cloth, £1. 4s 1841 ROBINSON'S (E.) Biblical Researches in Palestine, including his Second Travels, best edition, enlarged, map, 3 vols. Svo. calf gilt, £2. 7s 6d 1867 ROBINSON'S (Henry Crabb) Diary, Remi- niscences, and Correspondence, selected and edited by T. Sadler, 2nd edition, elegantly printed on toned paper, portrait, 3 vols. Svo. new calf gilt, £2. 2s— A Cheaper Edition (abridged), 2 vols, post Svo. new calf gilt, £1 . Is 1 869 " Irresistible, to be attended to whether you will or no ; and worth the attention, because brimful of anecdote, in- cident, learning, quaint talk, profound thought, sublime philosophy, childlike fun, bold speculation, and religious feeling, lovely in its conception s^nd practice," 172 BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, ROBINSON'S (E.) Physical Geography of the Holy Land, post 8vo, cloth, 9s 1865 ROBINSON'S (J. C.) Italian Sculpture of the Middle Ages, and Period of the Revival of Art, 50 large and heautiful photographs of the finest examples in the South Kensington Museum, atlas folio, /;/. morocco, uncut, £3. 3s (pub. £6. 6s) 1862 The examples of Italian Sculpture represented in the above volume are chiefly from the Campana Collection, and include various works of (ihiberti, Donatcllo, and Michael Angelo. The Photographs were executed by C. Thurston Thompson, under the direction of Mr. Robinson. Descriptions of the Sculptures will be found in the *' Cata- logue of the Italian Sculpture Collection." ROBINSON'S (P. F.) Designs for Gate Cot- tages, Lodges, and Park Entrances, in various styles, from the humblest to the castel- lated, 48 fine plates ly Harding, Allom, <^c. 4to. hf. morocco, 16s (pub. £2. 2s) 1837 ROBINSON'S (P. F.) Designs for Ornamental Villas, 96 plates of Views, Elevations, Sections, tfc. Third Edition, with Descriptions, royal 4to. hf. morocco, 15s (pub. £4. 4s) 1836 ROBINSON'S (P. F.) Designs for Farm Build- ings, 56 fine plates of Farm Houses, LahovA'ers' Cottages, Bourns, Stabling, ^c. 4to. hf. morocco, lis (pub. £2. 2s) 1837 ROBINSON'S (P. F.) Ornamental Cottages and Villas ; a new series of Designs, with Estimates of the probable cost of Erection, 56 plates with views hij Harding and Allom, roy. 4to. hf. morocco, (pub. £2. 5s) 18s 1838 The above forms a sequel to the works entitled " Rural Architecture " and " Designs for Ornamental Villas." ROBINSON'S (P. F.) Village Architecture, a series of 41 designs for the Parsonage, Church, Inn, School- House, ^c. with descriptive Letter- press, roy. 4to. hf. mor. 15s (pub. £1. 16s) 1837 ROBINSON'S (W.) WORKS :— Alpine Flowers for English Gardens, with 70 illustrations, cr. 8vo. cloth, 10s 1875 Gleanings from French Gardens ; compris- ing an Account of such features of French Horticulture as are Avorthy of adoption in British Gardens, ivith 95 engravings, sq. post 8vo. new cloth, 5s 1869 Hardy Flowers ; Descriptions of upwards of 1300 of the most Ornamental Species, new edition, sq. 16mo. new cloth, 6s Gd (pub. 18s) 1875 Parks, Promenades, and Gardens of Paris, described and considered in relation to the wants of our own Cities and of Public and Private Gardens, with upwards of 400 illus- trations, thick 8vo. cloth, scarce, £1. 10s 1869 Subtropical Garden ; or Beauty of Form in the Flower Garden, illustrated, cr. 8yo. cloth, 6s 6d 1871 Wild Garden ; or our Groves and Shrub- beries made beautiful, post 8vo. cloth, 5s 1870 ROBINSON'S (Dr. W.) History and Antiquities of the Parish of Edmonton, Middlesex, map, portraits and plates, 8vo. hf. calf neat, 10s 6d 1819 ROBINSON'S (Dr. W.) History and Antiquities of Hackney, Middlesex, with large geological and other maps, and nume^-ous engraved Views, Portraits, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. in one, cloth, scarce, £1. 4s (pub. £2. 5s) 1842 ROBSON'S (E. R.) School Architecture ; being Practical Remarks on the Planning, Designing, Building, Furnishing of School Houses, with 300 illustrations, 8vo. cloth, £1. 6s Gd 1875 •' The book is an admirably complete manual of its subject The chapters on ' Warming and Venti- lation* and on 'School Furniture and Apparatus' will be profitably studied." — Spectator. ROBSON'S (T.) British Herald ; Dictionary of Armorial Bearings and History of Heraldry, many hundred coats of arms, 3 vols. 4to. calf neat, £3. 15s (pub. £10.) 1830 ROBY'S (J.) Legendary and Poetical Remains, with his Literary Life and Character, by his Widow, finely engraved portrait, thick post Svo. cloth, 6s (pub. IDs 6d) 1854 ROBY'S (J.) Traditions of Lancashire, loth series. Fourth Edition, illustrated hy numerous beautiful engravings of Scenery, Antiquities, <^c. hy Finden, India proofs, large paper copy, 2 vols. 4to. new cloth, £3. lOs, ISGI— Fifth Edi- tion, 2 vols, post 8vo. neiv calf gilt, £\. 1872 This new edition of the " Traditions of Lancashire" comprises a verbatim reprint of both series of the original edition, consisting of forty tales, with the addition of three stories from the " Legendary and Poetical Remains" of the same author, together with a memoir and portrait. ROCHE LA CARELLE (Baron F. de la) His- toirc du Beaujolais et des Sires Beaujeu, suivie de I'Armorial de la Province, illustrated hy map, 2olates, and armorial hearings, 2 vols. impl. Svo. sewed, £1. 5s Lyon, 1853 ROCK'S (Dr.) Hierurgia, or the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, with Notes and Dissertations eluci- dating its Doctrines and Ceremonies, with nume- rous illustrative engravings, 2 vols. 8yo. calf gilt, scarce, £1. 8s 1833 ROCK (Dr.) On Textile Fabrics ; A De- scriptive Catalogue of the Collection of Church Vestments, Dresses, Silk Stuffs, Needlework and Tapestries in the South Kensington Museum, royal Svo. luxlf morocco, £\. 6s Gd n. d. ROCKY Mountain Saints : A full and com- plete History of the Mormons, from the First Vision of Joseph Smith to the Last Courtship of Brigham Young, by T. Stenhouse, 25 years a Mormon Elder and Missionary, and Editor of the "Salt Lake Daily Telegraph," illustrated hy 24 engravings, a ^wrtrait of Brigham Young and autographic letter ; also numerous woodcuts, thick Svo. new cloth, 7s Gd (pub. 16s) 1873 A comprehensive and interesting history, including the Story of the Hand-Cart Emigration, the Mormon War, the Mountain-Meadow Massacre, the Reign of Terror in Utah, the Doctrine of Human Sacrifice, the Political, Domestic, Social, and Theological Influences of the Saints, the Facts of Polygamy, the Colonisation of the Rocky Mountains, and the Development of the great mineral wealth of the territory of Utah. ROEBUCK'S (J. A., M.P.) Histoiy of the Whig Ministry of 1830, to the Passing of the Reform Bill, 2 vols. Svo. cloth, 5s Gd (pub. 2Ss) 1852 ROGERS' (H.) Essays, selected from Contribu- tions to the Edinburgh Review, 3 vols. 12mo. calf £1. Is 1855 [ROGERS' (H.)] Eclipse of Faith ; or a Visit to a Religious Sceptic ; with the Author's Defence, or Rejoinder to Prof. Newman, 2 vols, post 8yo. cloth, 8s (pub. 1 3s) 1852-4 ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 173 ROGERS' (J. E. Thorol(l) A Complete Collec- tion of the Protests of the Lords, with Historical Introductions, edited from the Journals of the Lords, 3 vols. 8vo. ne%o cloth, £1. I5s 1875 ROGERS' (S.) Italy and Poems ; the heautiful illustrated edition,' with upwards of 1 00 ex- quisitely finished line engravings, after drawings by Turner and Stothard, 2 vols. Svo. morocco extra, gilt edges, £3. 3s 1859-60 ROGERS' (S.) Poetical Works, with some particulars of his Life, by his Nephew, Samuel Sharpe, new edition, elegantly printed on LARGE and THICK PAPER, and illustrated by 128 EXQUISITE STEEL ENGRAVINGS Jrom the designs of J. M. W. Turner and Thomas Stot- HARD, thick 4to. neiv morocco super extra, gilt edges, £3. 3s 1869 A splendid edition, containing all the Poetical Works of Ro(;krs. ROGERS' (S.) Poetical Works, complete, loith portrait and illustrations, post Svo. neiv morocco extra, gilt edges, 12s 6cJ 1867 ROGERS' (S.) Table Talk, Recollections of ; to which is added Porsoniana [by the Rev. A. Dyce], third edition, post Svo. cloth, 6s (pub. 10s 6d) 1856 ROGET'S (P. M.) Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases, classified and arranged so as to facilitate the Expression of Ideas and assist in Literary Composition, enlarged edition, post Svo. new calf gilt, 14s 6d 1871 ROLLIN'S (C.) Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Baby- lonians, Medes, Persians, Macedonians and Grecians, engravings and maps, 6 vols. Svo. calf gilt, £1. 18s 1850 ROLLIN'S (C.) Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Baby- lonians, ^Medes, Persians, Macedonians and Grecians, engravi/ngs ami maps, 6 vols. Svo. calf gilt, £1. Is 1828 ROLT'S (R.) Lives of the Principal Reformers, both English and Foreign, from a.d. 1360 to 1600, three parts complete, 21 fine large mezzo- tint portradts, beautiful impressions, royal folio, calf gilt, 18s 1759 ROMANCE of HISTORY, viz. :— England, by H. Neele, acit/i 21 illustrations, post Svo. new calf, 9s France, by Leitch Ritchie, ioith21 illusti-ations, post Svo. neiv calf, 9s India, by Rev. H. Gaunter, illu^rated, post Svo. new calf, 10s 6d Italy, by C Macfarlane, loith 21 illustrations, post Svo. new calf, 9s Spain, by T. de Trueba, with 21 illustrations, post Svo. new calf, 9s The series of 5 vols, in new half calf, £1. 15s V. d. ROME, Views and Ruins in, and its Vicinity, 62 finely coloured plates of Vicivs executed from drawings made upon the spot, with De- scriptions in English and French, large paper, roy. fol. hf morocco, gilt edges, £1. 16s (1796) ROMER'S (A.) Natural History; Anecdotal and Descriptive, with 8 coloured plates and woodcuts, post Svo. new calf gilt, 10s 6d 1S72 ROMILLY (Sir S.) Memoirs of the Life of, written by himself, with a Selection from his Correspondence, edited by his Sons, portrait ami facsimile, 3 vols. 8vo. boards, 10s 6d (pub. 30s) 1840 ROSCOE'S (H. E.) Spectrum Analysis; a course of Six Lectures, with Appendices, colov/red -plates and illustrations, Svo. new cloth, 17s 6d 1873 ROSCOE'S (T.) Spanish, Italian, and Ger- man Novelists, the Three Works complete, 11 vols, post Svo. new hf. morocco, £5. 5s 1826-36 The most interesting and valuable translations from the best authors, both ancient and modern, accompanied by critical and biographical notices. ROSCOE'S (T.) Wanderings in North and South Wales, with the Scenery of the Wye, 100 highly finished engravings, 2 vols. sq. post Svo. new morocco extra, gilt edges, £2. 2s 1862 ROSCOE'S (W.) Life of Lorenzo de Medici, new and much improved edition, by T. Roscoe, Svo. calf gilt, 12s 1846 ROSCOE'S (W.) Life and Pontificate of Leo X. revised by T. Roscoe, best edition, 2 vols. Sv0.cay.7iZt, £1. 5s 1846 ROSCOE'S (W.) Life, by his Son, Henry Roscoe, portraits, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 7s — Another copy, calf gilt, 9s 1833 *• Mr. Henry Roscoe has performed his task with great modesty, taste, and judgment." — Edinburgh Re'vieiv. ROSE'S (Rt. Hon. G.) Diaries and Correspon- dence, including Original Letters of the, most distinguished Statesmen of his day, edited by L. V. Harcourt, portrait, 2 vols. Svo. hf. calf, 12s Gd 1860 ROSINI (G.) Storia della Pittura Italiana esposta coi Monumenti, illustrated by over 350 i^lates, 7 vols. Svo. and one vol. royal folio, con- sisting of 248 most beautiful engravings, to- gether 7 vols. Svo. hf. morocco, top edges gilt, and one vol. royal folio, morocco extra, gilt edges, £18. 18s Fisa, 1839-47 A CHOICE COPY OK THE ORIGINAL AND BEST EDITION. As a history of the fine arts, it ranks above Agincourt, Winckleman, Cicognara or Canina. ROSSINI and Ricciardelli's Views in Rome, also various other Views in Italy, (a few coloured), in all 103 engravings, lithographs, ^c. oblong folio, half vellum, £1. 10s v. d. ROQUEFORT (B. de) Poesie de Marie de France, ou Recueil de Lais, Fables, et autres Productions de cette femme cclebre, frontis- pieces, 2 vols. ^vo. russia extra, gilt edges, £\.\s Pmis, 1820 ROSS (Capt. J.) Voyage of Discovery for the purpose of exploring Baffin's Bay and inquiring into the Probability of a North- West Passage, charts and coloured plates, thick 4to. calf gilt, 10s ed 1S19 ROSSE'S (J. W.) Index of Dates, comprehend- ing the principal Facts in the Chronology and History of the World, from the earliest to the present time, alphabetically arranged, fcap. Svo. neiv cloth, 9s 1858 ROSSETTI'S (C.) Commonplace ; and other Short Stories, post Svo. cloth, (is 6d 1871 ROSSETTI'S (D. G.) Poems, with Sonnets and Songs, post Svo. neiv morocco, gilt edges, 18* 6d 1870 174 KOSSETTI'S (C.) The Prince's Progress, and other Poems, ivith 4 illustrations, fcap. 8vo. new 77wrocco, gilt edges, 12s 1876 " Miss Rossetti's poems are of the kind which recalls Shelley's definition of Poetry as the record of the best and happiest moments of the best and happiest minds." — Saturday Revieiv, ROSSETTI'S (M. F.) Shadow of Dante ; being an Essay towards studying Himself, his World, and his Pilgrimage ; illustrations, Second Edit. or. 8vo. new cloth, 9s 1871 ROSSINI ; The Life of, by H. S. Edwards, jpor- trait, 8vo. new hf. calf gilt, 8s 6d ; or, new calf gilt, 10s 6cJ 1869 ROTTIERS (Col.) Description des Monumens de Rhodes, 4to. with ollong folio Atlas of 75 illustrative plates, some coloured, 2 vols, hoards, 12s BruxelUs, 1828-30 ROUSSELET'S (L.) India and its Native Princes ; Travels in Central India and in the Presidencies of Bombay and Bengal, carefully revised and edited by Lieut. Col. C. Buckle, and containing .316 most beautifully executed ilhistrations and 6 mcvps, a large and splendid volume, royal 4to. crimson morocco super extra, elegant, gilt edges, £5. 5s 1876 "Nothing can be clearer than M. Rousselet's descrip- tion of the countries and people he visited during these five years, and we seem ourselves to be living among them, as they pass in his vivid pages in stately splendour under our eyes. The book is superbly illustrated also, and with remarkable accuracy, for every face in it is a likeness which any Anglo-Indian will at once recognise." ROUSSEAU (J. J.) Ses CEuvres, an elegamtlg printed edition on vellum paper ; with portrait finely engraved hy St. Aubin, 20 vols. sm. 8vo. in full calf gilt, a nice set, £3. 10s Paris, Didot, 1801 ROUTH (M. J.) Scriptorum Ecclesiastico- RUM Opuscula praecipua qua^dam (Polycarp, Hippolytus, Tertullian, Cyprian, &c.) with An- notations, 2 vols. 8vo. cf. gt. 12s 6d Oxonii, 1840 ROUTLEDGE'S (R.) Discoveries and Inven- tions of the 19th Century, numerous ilhistra- tions, thick 8vo. new calf gilt, 15s 1876 ROWS Roll with Armorial Bearings ; this Roll was laburd and finished by Master John Rows of Warrewyk ; with Introduction by W. Courthope, 32 plates of Arms, Armow, Cos- tume, etc. beautifully illuminated in gold and colours, roy. 4to. hf. morocco, £3. 15s Pichering, 1845, (published 1859) Only loo copies of this splendidly printed and highly curious Pictorial History of the Earls of Warwick, are now (1859) first published from the original MS. Roll of the XVth Century, with historical iq^oduction and de- scription of the Plates ;.by W. Courthope of the Heralds' College. ROYLE (Dr.) On the Productive Resources of India, impl. 8vo. cloth, scarce, £1. Is 1840 RUBENS' Illustrations of the Bible, 40 large a/nd oiiost beautiful plates, executed in the most perfect style of Photography, impl. folio, hand- somely bound in cloth, £3. 15s Brussels, 1858 This is one of the most beautiful works ever produced by the Photographic Art. The plates are devoted to those grand [compositions of Scripture History, in the delinea- tion of which Rubens is without a rival. RUBENS.— Twelve Heads drawn on Stone by J. S. Davis, from the Original Sketches by Rubens, in the possession of R. D. Chantrell, Esq., with Descriptions, folio, m wrapper, 8s 6d (pub. 25s) 1830 BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, RUMFORD'S (Count) Complete Works, with a Memoir and Notices of his Daughter by G. E. Ellis, New Edition, published by the " Ameri- can Academy of Arts and Sciences," nu/merov£ plates and woodcut illustrations, 5 vols, royal 8vo. new cloth, £3. 17s 6d 1876 RUMP ; or an exact collection of the choycest Poems and Songs relating to the late Times, by the most eminent Wits from 1639 to 1661, large paper, 2 vols. 8vo. boards, £1. 5s n. d. RURAL CHURCHES, their Histories, Architec- ture, and Antiquities, by Sidney Corner, 18 large coloured illustrations from paintings by the author, folio, cloth, lOs 6d 1869 The Churches are selected from the Counties of Kent, Middlesex, Essex, Devon, Surrey, Lincoln, Cumberland, Bucks, Northampton, Isle of Wight, Hereford, Carnarvon, Leicester, Bedford, Gloucester, and Warwick. RUSH'S (R., American Blinister) Residence at the Court of London, from 1819-25, edited with Notes, by his Son, 8vo. neiv hf. calf gilt, ,7s 6d (pub. 16s) 1873 RUSHWORTH'S (J.) Historical Collec- tions of Private Passages of State, Weighty Matters in Law, and Remarkable Proceedings in Parliament, portrait and plate of the Battle of Naseby, best edition, 8 vols, folio, calf, £4. 4s 1721 " Full of vastly curious and valuable matter." Bp. Warburton. RUSKIN'S (Prof.) Lectures on Art, delivered before the University of Oxford in Hilary Term, \9>10,9,yo. new calf gilt, lis &d 1870 RUSKIN'S (Prof.) Modern Painters, new edi- tion, with 84 engravings on steel, and 216 on loood from dA'awings by the Author, 5 vols. impl. 8vo. ti&uo calf gilt edges, £20. — Another copy, new morocco extra, gilt edges, £23. 1873 RUSKIN (Prof.) Stones of Venice, new edition, with 53 plates and numerous woodcuts, 3 vols, impl. 8vo. new calf extra, gilt edges, £8. 10s — — Another copy, new tnorocco extra, gilt edges, £10. 1873 RUSSELL'S (Earl) Essays on the Rise and Pro- gress of the Christian Religion in the West of Europe, from the Reign of Tiberius to the end of the Council of Trent, 8vo. cloth, Is &d 1872 RUSSELL'S (Earl) History of the English Go- vernment and Constitution, 8vo. cloth, 8s 1865 RUSSELL'S (Eai'l) History of the principal States of Europe from the Peace of Utrecht, best edition, 2 vols. 4to. boards, 18s 1824-9 RUSSELL'S (Earl) Life and Times of C. J. Fox, (including many extracts from his speeches), portrait, 3 vols, post 8vo. hf. calf, £\. Is 1866 In the history of the life of the great leader who took so prominent a part in the main discussions of the House of Commons, from 1775 to 1806, there is necessarily much that is instructive and interesting, and which throws addi- tional light on this important period of our history-. RUSSELL'S (E.) Recollections and Suggestions} a Survey of the principal Points of Foreign and Domestic Policy, from 1813 to 1873, thick 8vo. clotli. Is 6(Z 1875 RUSSELL'S (T.) History of Modern Europe, with an Account of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, a View of the Progress of Society, etc. best edition, 4 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, £2. 2s 1850 ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 175 RUSSELL'S (Earl) Selections from his Speeches, 1817-41, and from his Despatches, 1859-65, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, Us 1870 RUSSELL'S (P.) Account of Indian Serpents, collected on the Coast of Coromandel, with Re- marks on their Poisons, etc. portrait^ and nea/rly \0Q fine large coloured engravings, 2 vols. impl. , folio, new hf. onorocco gilt, A fine copy, £8. 8s 1796-1801 RUSSELL'S (W. H.) British Expedition to the Crimea, revised and enlarged edition, with portrait, numeroibs large maps and woodcuts, thick 8vo. hf.calf, scarce, 16s 6d 1858 RUSSELL'S (W. H.) Diary in the East during the Tour of the Prince and Princess of Wales, with tinted illu,strations and woodcuts, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 8s (pub. 21s) 1869 RUSSELL (W. H.) My Diary in India in the Year 1858-9, new ed. post 8vo. new cloth, 6s 6d 1875 RUSSELL'S (W. H.) My Diary North and South, with large folding map of the author's route, 2 vols, post 8vo. cloth, 10s 6d 1863 RUSSELL'S (Scott) Modern System of Naval Architecture, containing 167 Line Engrav- ings, nmny very large, ct/nd 724 pages of Descrip- tions, 3 splendid vols, of the largest folio size, hf morocco, £10. lOs (pub. £42.) Day ^ Son This grand work by Mr. Scott Russell, the eminent Shipbuilder, is thus divided: I. Naval Design; II. Practi- cal Shipbuilding ; III. Steam Navigation. RUTTER'S (J.) Delineations of Fonthill and its Abbey, (the Seat of W. Beckford), 28 fine engravings, including coloured plates of the Interiors, with Descriptions, large paper, impl. 4to. hf. hound, 12s 1823 RYE'S (E. C.) British Beetles; an Introduc- tion to the Study of our Indigenous Coleoptera, with 16 colov/red'^ engravings, cr. 8vo. new cloth, 9s (1866) RYE'S (W. B.) England as seen by Foreigners in the days of Elizabeth and James I. comprising Translations of the Journals of the two Dukes of Wii-temberg in 1592 and 1610 ; both illustra- tive of Shakespeare, with Extracts from the Travels of Foreign Princes and others, copious Notes, and an Introduction, with etchings, thick sm. 4to. half morocco, 12s 1865 RYMER et Sanderson, Fs engravings, 6 vols. Svo. hf. morocco, top edges gilt, £10. 10s 1848-68 Privately Printed, for subscribers only, and very seldom to be found complete. " How many thanks are due from all historical and antiquarian enquirers to Mr. Roach Smith for his public- spirited labours ! Fortunately he needs no other memorial than this his greatest work, to attest his labours and services."— Leicester Chronicle. 186 BOOKS SUITABLE SMITH'S (Rev. G.) China ; an Exploratory Visit to each of the Consular Cities of China, and of the Islands of Hong Kong and Chusan, Unted plates, 8vo. cloth, 5s (pub. 14s) 1847 SMITH'S (G.) Assyrian Discoveries; An Account of Explorations and Discoveries on the Site of Nineveh, during 1873 and 1874, with photogra- phic and woodcut illustrations, 8vo. new cloth, Us 1875 SMITH'S (G.) Assyrian Eponym Canon; contain- ing translations of the Documents, and an account of the evidence on the comparative Chronology of the Assyrian and Jewish King- doms from the death of Solomon to Nebuchad- nezzar, 8vo. cloth, 7s 6d 1875 SMITH'S ( G. ) Chaldean Account of Genesis, containing the description of the Creation, the Fall of Man, the Deluge, the Tower of Babel, the Times of the Patriarchs, and Nimrod ; Babylonian Fables, and Legends of the Gods ; from the Cuneiform Inscriptions, illtistrated, 8vo. cloth, I3s 6d 1875 SMITH'S (G.) History of Delaware County, Pennsylvania, with an Account of its Geology, and Catalogues of its Minerals, Plants, Quad- rupeds and Birds, with maps, plans, and 20 full page engravings, roy. 8vo. cloth, 10s 6d Phdl. 1862 This work was written under tlie direction and appoint- ment of the Delaware County Institute of Science. SMITH'S ( J.) Catalogue Raisonne of the Works of the most eminent Dutch, Flemish, and French Painters, with Biographical Notices, and the Prices at which the Pictures have been sold, (complete set with the Supplement), port- rait, 9 vols. impl. 8vo. cloth, scarce, £14. 14s 1829-42 This elaborate work of Mr. Smith, the eminent Picture Dealer, is indispensable to the collector of Paintings. SMITH'S (J.) Domestic Botany ; an Exposi- tion of the structure and classification of Plants, and of their uses for Food, etc. 16 coloured plates om,d rmmerous woodcuts, thick post 8vo. cloth, 13s 6ci 1871 SMITH'S (J.) Voyage and Shipwreck of St. Paul, ma/ps and illustrations, post 8vo. new calf gilt, 1 6s — Another copy, morocco extra, gilt edges, 18s Gd 1866 SMITH'S (J.) Select Views in Italy, 72 fine line engravings by Byrne, Landseer, Pouncy. <^c. fme impressions, with topographical and histo- rical Descriptions in English and French, 4to. morocco extra, gilt leaves and borders, £l. 16s 1817 SMITH'S (J.) HiSTORiA FiLicuM: an Exposition of the Nature of Ferns, post 8vo. new cloth, 10s 6d 1875 SMITH'S (J.) Memoirs, Letters, and Comic Mis- cellanies in Prose and Verse, edited by his brother Horace Smith, portrait, 2 vols, post 8vo. cloth, 6s 6d (pub. 21s) 1841 SMITH'S (J. T.) Ancient Topography of London, embracing Specimens of Sacred, Pub- lic, and JDomestic Architecture from the earliest period to 1666, 32 fine large etchings of Old Buildings (some no longer existing, and some never before published), roy. 4to. hf. morocco, IBs 1815 FOR THE LIBRARY, SMITH'S (J. & H.) Rejected Addresses, with Biographies of the Authors, and Additional Notes, portrait, and illustrations by Cruik- shank, fcap. 8vo. new calf gilt, 8s 1869 SMITH'S (J. T.) Antiquarian Ramble through the Streets of London, with Anecdotes of their more celebrated Residents, edited by C. Mackay, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, lis 6d (pub. £1. 8s) 1846 SMITH'S (J. T.) Antiquities of Westminster, the Old Palace, St. Stephen's Chapel, (the late House of Commons), &c. 246 engravings (some coloured, and including the stone plate) of Topographical Objects (of which 122 no longer remain), with copious Descriptions and MSS. impl. 4to. calf gilt, £1. 10s 1807 SMITH'S (P.) History of the Ancient World, from the Earliest Records to the Fall of the Western Empire, illustrated by maps and plans, 3 vols. 8vo. new calf gilt, £2. 5s 1873 " The author's points of transition are well chosen, and his wide and various panorama of principalities, powers, and dominions clearly arranged. In all that relates to the oriental empires and African kingdoms or republics, his work is far in advance of any Ancient Historj' in our language." — Saturday Re'vie'w. SMITH'S (Dr. rye) Scripture Testimony to the Messiah, second ed. 3 vols. 8vo. boan'ds, 10s 6(Z 1829 An inquiry with a View to a satisfactory Determina- tion of the Doctrine taught in the Holy Scriptures concern- ing the Person of Christ. SMITH'S (R. A.) Air and Rain; the beginning of a chemical Climatology, with 8 illustrations, 8vo. cloth, £1. 1872 SMITH'S (Capt. R. B.) Italian Irrigation ; a Report (Historical and Descriptive, and Prac- tical and Legislative) on the Agricultural Canals of Piedmont and Lombardy, 2 vols. 8vo. and Atlas of Plans in folio, cloth, £1. 8s 1852 SMITH'S (Sydney) Works, including his Con- tributions to the Edinburgh Review, libra/ry edit/ion in large print, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, 18s 1839 SMITH'S (Sydney) Works including his Con- tributions to the Edinburgh Review, portrait and vignette, thick sq. 8vo. new calf gilt, £1. 4s 1854 SMITH'S (Sydney) Works ; ti&w eddtion, thick sq. post 8vo. new calf gilt, 10s 1869 SMITH'S (Sydney) Wit and Wisdom, the most memorable Passages in his Writings and Con- versation, cr. 8vo. neiv calf gilt) 8s 1869 SMITH (Sydney) Memoir of, by his Daughter, Lady Holland ; with his select Letters, edited by Mrs. Austin, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 16s (pub. 28s) 1855 SMITH (Sydney) Memoir of, by his daughter, Lady Holland, cheo^p edition, post 8vo. calf gilt, 10s 1874 SMITH'S (Rev. T.) History and Origin of the Missionary Societies, containing Accounts of the Voyages, Travels, Labours, etc. of the various Missionaries, with engravings, 2 thick vols. 8vo. /laZ/ caZf, 8s 6c? 1824-6 SMITH'S (Adm. Sir W. S.) Life and Correspon- dence, by J. Barrow, fine plate of Sir Sidney at the Breach of Acre, and plans, 2 vols. 8vo. half calf, 105 ed (pub. ^1. 8s) 184§ ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & SMITH'S (Dr. W.) Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, 3 vols. — Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geo- graphy, 2 vols. — Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, one vol. — Dictionary of the Bible, 3 vols, with many hundred en- gravings, together 9 thick vols. 8vo. calf antique, ca/rmme edgesy ^£16.; or, new calf gilt, £14. 14s 1863-70 Each work may also be had separately ; for particulars see Dictionaries. SMOLLETT'S (F.) Works, with Memoirs of his Life, to which is prefixed a view of the Com- mencement and Progress of Romance, by John Moore, M.D,, edited by James P. Browne, M.D. (Edin.) 8 vols. 8vo. hf. Roxhurghe binding, top edges gilt, £3. 10s — Another copy, new calf gilt, £5. 10s — The same, elegamtly printed on large and thick paper, {only 26 copies so printed), 8 vols. impl. 8vo. hf. Boxbu/rghe bind- ing, £12. 12s — Another copy, morocco super extra, elegant, gilt edges, £28. 1872 SMOLLETT'S (T.) Works complete, with Me- moirs of his Life and Writings by Dr. Moore. portrait, 8 vols. 8vo. hf. calf neat, £2. 10s 1797 SMOLLETT'S (T.) Works, with Memoir of his Life and Writings, by Anderson, portrait, 6 vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, £2. 2s 1817 SMOLLETT'S (T.) Works, with Life by Roscoe, complete in one vol. thick roy. 8vo. with mamy humourous illustrations by Q. Cruikshanh, new hf. morocco, 16s 6d — Another copy, new calf gilt, £1. (1870) SMYTH'S (Admiral) ^des Hartwellian^, or Notices of the Manor and Mansion at Hartwell, (^interleaved with writing paper and bound in calf), with Addenda, 2 vols. 1851-64 ; also the Cycle of Celestial Objects continued at the Hartwell Observatory to 1859, one vol. illus- trated by numerous plates, woodcuts, facsimiles of letters, etc. — together 3 vols. 4to. (one in calf, and 2 in chth), £6. 15s Pri/ntedfor Private Circulation, 1861-64 SMYTH'S (Admiral) Descriptive Catalogue of a Cabinet of Roman Family Coins belonging to the Duke of Northumberland, 4to. cloth, 18s Privately printed, 1856 Presentation copy from the Duke to Leonard Horner. SMYTH'S (Admu-al) Cycle of Celestial Ob- jects, for the use of Naval, Military, and Private Astronomers, with illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, a cleam copy, scarce, £4. 4s 1844 SMYTH'S (Admiral) Sailors' Word-Book ; an Alphabetical Digest of Nautical Terms, revised by Sir E. Belcher, 8vo. cloth, 12s 1867 SMYTH'S (Coke) Sketches in the Canadas, 25 very la/rge and comprehensive views of Cana- ddcm Scenery, j-c. coloured like the original Drawings and mounted on ca/rdboa/rd, impl. folio, in a portfolio, £3. 10s (pub. £10. 10s) 1840 SMYTH'S (G. L.) Biographical Illustrations of St. Paul's Cathedral and Westminster Abbey, royal 8vo. calf gilt. Is (pub. 10s 6d) 1843 SMYTH'S (Piazzi) Teneriffe; an Astronomer's Experiment, or Specialities of a Residence above the Clouds, with 20 beautiful Photo-Stereo- graphs, thick post 8yo. cloth, 10s 6d (pub. 21s) 1858 CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 187 SMYTH'S (Prof. W.) Lectures on Modern History, from the Irruption of the Northern Nations, 2 vols. ; and Lectures on the French Revolution, 3 vols. — together 5 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, £2. 2s 1843 No historical works have ever given more enlightened and perspicuous views of the course of great events than these celebrated Lectures. SOLIS (A. de) Historia de la Conquista de Mexico ; with la/rge folding engravings cmd maps, folio, cloth, 9s Amberes, 1704 SOLIS (A. de) History of the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards, translated by T. Townsend, fine portrait by Vertue, and engravings, folio, calf, 12s 1724 SOMERS' (Lord) Collection of Scarce and Valuable Tracts on the most interesting Subjects relating to English History, &c. edited by Sir Walter Scott, 13 vols. 4to. calf gilt, £18. 18s 1809-15 Best edition; with considerable additions by the Editor. " In no collection of the least historical pretence let these Tracts be found wanting." — Dibdin. SOMERVILLE'S (Mrs.) Connexion of the Phy- sical Sciences, revised edition, post 8vo. neio calf gilt, 12s 6d 1858 SOMERVILLE'S (Mrs.) Molecular and Mi- croscopic Science, with numerous woodcut illustrations, 2 vols, post 8vo. cloth, 14s 1869 SOMERVILLE'S (Mrs.) Personal Recollec- tions from Early Life to Old Age ; with Selec- tions from her Correspondence, edited by her Daughter, portrait, cr. 8vo. cloth, 10s 1874 SOMERVILLE'S (Mrs.) Physical Geography, revised edition by Bates, ^^ortrait, post 8vo. new calf gilt, 12s 6d 1870 SONGS of England and Scotland, edited with Introduction and Notes by Peter Cunningham, frontispieces, 2 vols. fcap. 8vo. cloth, 6s 6d 1835 SONGS OF Scotland, Ancient and Modern ; with an Introduction and Notes, Historical and Critical, and Characters of the Lyric Poems, by Allan Cunningham, 4 vols, post 8vo. boards, uncut, £2. 16s 1825 SOTHEBY'S (S. Leigh) Principia Typogra- PHiA; the Block Books, or Xylographic Delineations of Scripture History, issued in Holland, Flanders, and Germany, during the XVth Century, exemplified and considered in connection with the Origin of Printing, with facsimile engravings of rare Original Block Books, Early Types, Paper Marks, ^c. 3 thick vols. impl. 4to. /)/. bound, wncut, £7. 7s 1858 One of the most important works on the History of Early Printing ; only 220 copies were executed. SOTHEBY'S (S. Leigh) Ramblings in the Elu- cidation of the Autograph of Milton, with 2 photographic portraits of Milton, 27 finely executed plates of autographs, also some facsi- miles of Sonnets, Inscriptions, <^c. of surprising exactness by the processes of the Electro Print- ing Block Company, impl. 4to. hf. morocco, £1. Is (pub. £3. 3s) 1861 This is a highly interesting and valuable accession to our knowledge of the writings of Milton. The plates are not confined to simple autographs, but comprehend com- plete Sonnets, MS. Poems, full pages of Prose Writings, Signatures of distinguished literary and scientific Men, and curious Documents; also nearly 300 pages of text, comprising a fund of curious inforrnatlon and research, 188 BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, SONNINI'S (C. S.) Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt, undertaken by order of the Old Govern- ment of France, translated by Dr. H. Hunter, with fine portrait, views, plans, plates of Anti- quities, <^c. 3 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, 10s 6d 1799 SOUTH'S (Dr. R.) Sermons complete, including Posthumous Discourses, and Memoir of his Life, best edition, 5 vols. 8vo. hoards, £1. 6s Oxf. 1842 " The sermons of this wittiest of English Divines will always rank among the standard productions of the Eng- lish Church." — Retrospecti've Re-oienv. SOUTHESK (Earl of) Saskatchewan and the Rocky Mountains : A Diary and Narrative of Travel, Sport, and Adventure during a Journey through the Hudson's Bay Company's Terri- tories in 1859 and 1860, with maps and illus- trations. 8vo. new cloth, 15s 1875 SOUTHEY'S (R.) Poetical Works, collected by himself, plates ly Finden, 10 vols. fcap. 8vo. new calf gilt, £4. ; or, new morocco, gilt leaves, £5. 5s 1853 SOUTHEY'S (R.) Poetical Works, complete, portrait and vignette, thick roy. 8vo. new calf gilt, £1. Is ; or new morocco extra, gilt edges, £1. 8s 1871 SOUTHEY'S (R.) Book of the Church, post Svo. new calf antique, 8s (1870) SOUTHEY'S (Dr. R.) Common-place Book, containing Choice Passages from English Authors, translations of interesting extracts from Portuguese and Spanish Authors, Analy- tical Readings, Original Memoranda, &c. syste- matically arranged. Edited by his son-in-law, J. W. Warter. Second Edition, with four elaborate Indexes, portrait, 4 vols, thick sq. 8vo. new hf. calf, £2. ; or, new calf gilt, £2. 10s (1850) "An English worthy, doing his duty for fifty noble years of labour; day by day storing up learning; day by day working for scant wages; most charitable out of his small means; bravely faithful to the calling which he had chosen ; refusing to turn from his path for popular praise or prince's favour;— I mean Robert Southey." Thackeray's George III. SOUTHEY'S (R.) Doctor, new edition complete in one vol. 8vo. port, new calf gilt, 16s 6cZ 1865 SOUTHEY'S (R.) History of Brazil, map, 3 vols. 4to. sprinkled calf gilt, very scarce, £3. 3s 1810-19 The title is not commensurate with the bearing and extent of this valuable work, which comprises the Rise and Progress of all the European Colonies from the Andes to the Atlantic, and from the Plata to the River Amazon. SOUTHEY'S (R.) History of the Peninsular War in Spain and Portugal, 3 vols. 4to. calf gilt, £l.5s 1823-32 SOUTHEY'S (R.) Joan of Arc, Ballads, Lyrics, and Minor Poems, illustrated by Qilbert, post 8vo. morocco extra, gilt edges, 12s 6d (1869) SOUTHEY'S (R.) Letters; Selections from, edited by his Son-in-Law, J. W. Warter, 4 vols, post 8vo. cloth, 10s 6d 1856 " Southey's Letters show his true character." W. S. L.WDOR. SOUTHEY'S (R.) Lives of British Admirals, comprehending the Naval History of England, continued by Robert Bell, vignettes by Finden, 5 vols. fcap. 8vo. cloth, 18s (pub. 30s) 1833 SOUTHEY'S (R.) Specimens of the Later English Poets, with Preliminary Notices, 3 vols, post 8vo. hf. morocco, 15s 1807 SOUTHEY'S (R.) Sir Thomas More ; or Col- loquies on the Progress and Prospects of Society, engravings from d/rawings by Westall, 2 vol's. 8vo. cloth, 7s 6d 1831 SOUTHEY'S (R.) Life and Correspondence, edited by his Son, Cuthbert Southey, portrait, 6 vols, post 8vo. hf. calf neat, £1. 10s 1849 " The value and variety of its contents can hardly be indicated within any reasonable limits." SOUTHEY'S (T.) Rise, Progress, and Present State of Colonial Sheep and Wools, 8vo. cloth, 10s 1851 SOUTIIGATE'S (H.) Many Thoughts of Many Minds ; selections from the Writings of the most celebrated Authors, analytically arranged, First Series, new edition, sq. 8vo. calf gilt, 18s 6cZ ; or, morocco extra, gilt edges, £1. 4s — Second Series, sq. 8vo. calf gilt, 18s 6(2; or, morocco extra, gilt edges, £l. 4s 1872 SOWERBY'S (G. B.) Conchological Illus- trations, or Coloured Figures of all the hitherto Unfigured Shells, complete in 200 parts, 8vo. comprising several thousand figures of Shells, ALL beautifully coloured, £3. 3s (pub. £15.) 1841-45 SOWERBY'S (G. B.) Conchological Manual, with an Introduction explaining the General Principles of Conchology, fourth and enlarged edition, nearly 700 engraved illustrations, beau- tifully coloured, 8vo. cloth, £l. 4s 1852 SOWERBY'S (G. B.) Illustrated Index of Bri- tish Shells, containing figures of all the recent Species, with names and other informa- tion, 24 large plates, containing several hundred coloured figures of Shells, impl. 8vo. cloth, gilt edges, £1. 6s 1859 SOWERBY'S (J.) British Mineralogy, com- plete, with 550 finely coloured plates, 5 large vols. roy. 8vo. calf gilt, £6. 6s (pub. £17. 15s) 1804-17 SOWERBY'S (J.) Genera of Recent and Fossil Shells, upwards of 270 plates, con- taining many hundn-ed coloured figures of shells, with Descriptions and Index, 2 thick vols. 8vo. new half morocco gilt tops, £5. 15s (pub. £12. 12s) 1820-5 SOWERBY'S (J.) English Botany, or Coloured Figures of British Plants, with their essential Character, Synonyms and Places of Growth, new edition, edited by J. T. Syme and Mrs. IjSinkester, with 1824 large coloured plates, each comprising many figures, 1 1 large thick vols, royal 8vo. cloth, £18. — Another copy, new hf. morocco, top edges gilt, £22. 10s 1863-72 " Nothing can exceed the beauty and accuracy of the coloured figures. They are drawn life-size — an advantage which every young amateur will recognize who has vainly puzzled over drawings in which a celandine is as big as a. poppy : they are enriched with delicate delineations of fruit, petal, anther, and any organ which happens to be remark- able in its form. ; and not a few plates are altogether new. . . . A clear, bold, distinctive type enables the reader to take in at a glance the arrangement and divisions of everv page. And Mrs. Lankester has added to the technical de'- scription by the editor, an extremely interesting popular sketch, which follows in smaller type. The English, French, and German popular names are given. Medical properties, superstitions, and fancies, and poetic tributes and allusions ioWovf"— Guardian. ON SALE BY SOTHERAN & CO., 36, PiCCADtLLif, LONDON. SOWERBY'S (J.) English Botany, or Coloured Figures ol" all the Plants natives of Great Britain, with their Essential Characters, Syno- nyms and Places of Growth, and occasional Remai'ks by Sir J. E. Smith, with the Supple- ment, 2960 COLOURED PLATES, 40 vols. Jlf. cdlf gilt, £30. 1790-1849 The great work on English Botany, still unrivalled for accuracy and beauty. The above is a' complete set, newly bound in the best stvle. at a verv low price. SOWERBY'S (J. E.) British Wild IFlowers, described by C. Johnson, loith 1780 coloured figwes, thick 8vo. new cloth, £2. 12s 6d 1874 SOWERBY'S (J. E.) Ferns and Fern Allies of Great Britain, 81 coloured engravings, with Descriptions, Synonyms, etc. by C. John- son, 8vo. new cloth, £1. Is 1855 SOWERBY'S (J. E.) Useful Plants of Great Britain ; capable of Application as Food or Medicine, or in the Arts, by C. Johnson, with 300 illustrative figures coloured, roy. 8vo. neiv • hf. morocco, gilt edges, 18s 6d n. d. SOWERBY (J. E.) and Johnson's Grasses of Great Britain, Illustrated and Described, with Observations on their Natural History and Uses, vjith 144 coloured plates, 8vo. new cloth, £l. 2s 1868 SPANHEMII (F.) Opera Omnia, I. Geographia, Chronologia et Historia Sacra et Ecclesiastica ; II. Miscellanea ad Sacram Antiquitatem et Ecclesite Historian! ; III. Opera Theologica, jJortrait andj map, 3 vols, folio in 2, vellum, £1. 5s Lugd. Bat. 1701 SPARKS' (Jared) Life of General Washington, with his Diaries and Speeches, portraits, 2 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, £1. Is (pub. 28s) 1839 SPARRMAN'S (Dr. A.) Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, towards the Antarctic Pole, and Round the World, but chiefly into the Country of the Hottentots and Caffres, map and plates, 2 vols. 4to. calf gilt. Us 6d 1785 This work contains the best account of the Hottentots and Caffres ever published. SPECTATOR, Tatler, and Guardian, with Historical and Biographical Prefaces, by A. Chalmers, fine large type, library edition, 12 vols. 8vo. calf gilt £3. 10s 1822 SPECTATOR, with Biographical and Critical Preface, and explanatory Notes, 4 vols, post Svo. neiv hf. calf gilt, £1. 4 s ; or, new calf gilt, £l.Us6d 1867 SPECTATOR, with Biographical Notices of the Authors, portraits, roy. Svo. neio calf gilt, 12s 6c/. 1867 SPECTATOR, neioediiiow, with Notes and Index byH. MoRLEY, cr. 8vo. new calf gilt, 7s 6d (1872) SPEECHES by Eminent British Statesmen, best editions, 61 vols. Svo. a very fine set, calf extra, yellorv edges, £55. 1836, &c. Contents :— Bright, Hrougham, Burke. Campbell, Cobden, Curran, Canning, Drummond, Erskine, Fox, Grattan, Horsley, Huskisson, King, Macaulav, Peel, Phillips, Pitt, Romilly, Shell, Sheridan, Wellington and Windham. SPEKE'S (Capt.) Journal of the Discovery of the Source of the Nile, with maps and numerous illustrations of the Natives, Animals, Scenery, . 15s 17 62-1 SI 6 '• It is," (says Eustace in his Classical Tour), "a work of surprising exactness, presenting to the eye in one group a collection of the noblest specimens of Grecian Art and of Attic taste now existing." STUART and Revett's Antiquities of Athens, edited by Kinnard, with Supplement by Cockerell, Kinnard, and Donaldson, fme im- pressions of the numerous plates, 4 vols, royal folio, russia gilt, rehacked with morocco, £0. 10s 1825-30 STUART'S (J.) Picturesque Tour through part of Europe, Asia, and Africa, containing ]lcmarks on the Present State of Society, Re- mains of Ancient Edifices, &c. with illustrations, sm. 4to. calf, gilt edges, 7s Gd 1793 STUART-GLENNIE'S (J. S.) Pilgrim-Memories, or Travel and Discussion in the Birth-Countries of Christianity, with the late H. T. Buckle, thick 8vo. cloth, 9s Gd 1875 STUBBS' (G.) Anatomy of the Horse, 24 iine copper-plate engravings on a very la/rge scale, ini])erial folio, n&iv cloth, 16s (pub. £4. 4s) 1853 The author was the celebrated painter of animals; and he particularly excelled (says Bryan) in the Anatomy of the Horse. The above line old work, of which the plates were etched by himself, is indispensable to artists. STUBBS' (W.) The Constitutional History of England in its Origin and Development, 2 vols, post 8yo. new cloth, £1. 1876 STUBBS' (W.) Select Charters and other Illustrations of English Constitutional History from the Earliest Times to the Reign of Ed- ward I. cr. 8vo. new cloth, 7s 1875 STUDENT'S Manuals of Geography, His- tory, Law, etc. etc. profusely illustrated, post 8vo. n&LV cloth, each 6s 6d, or in new calf gilt, . llsGd The series comp^nses : — Bevan's Ancient Geography, edited by Dr. Smith. Sevan's Modern Geography; Mathematical, Physical and Descriptive. Blackstone's Commentaries, abridged by Dr. Kerr. Fleming's Manual of Moral Philosophy. Gibbon's History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, abridged by Dr. Smith. Hume's History, abridged and continued to the present time. Manual of Old Testament History, edited by Dr. Smith. Manual of New Testament History, edited by Dr. Smith. Marsh on the English Language, with Additional Lectures by Dr. Smith. Shaw's Manual of English Literature, with Notes. Shaw's Specimens of English Literature, edited by Dr. Smith. Smith's History of Greece to the Roman Conquest. Ancient History of the East. LinnELL's History of Rome. Hallam's History of Englaad. Hallam's History of the Middle Ages. JERvis' History of France. "Smith's Ecclesiastical History. STURMY'S (Capt. S.) The Mariner's Maga- zine, containing the Art of Navigation, Theo- retical and Practical, Gauging of Vessels, Gun- nery, Artificial Fireworks, Astronomy, Art of Dialling, Fortification, &c., large and very finely engraved portrait of tiik author, hy AH (A. Hertoclcs?), elaborate front, by T. Cross, and diagrams, folio, calf neat, £1. 5s 1669 STURT'S (Capt. C.) Expedition in Central Australia, during 1844 to '46, with Notice of the Province of South Australia, coloured plates and engravings on steel, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 1 Ss (pub. £1.1 6s) 1849 STYFFE'S (K.) Iron and Steel ; their Elasti- city, Extensibilit}', and Tensile Strength, trans- lated with an original Appendix by C. P. Sand- berg, illustrated by 9 large plates, 8vo. new cloth, 10s 1869 SUCKLING'S (Sir J.) Plays, Poesis, and Letters, with Memoir, Portrait, facsimile of writing, and Appendix of Tracts relating to the Poet, 2 vols, post 8vo. boards, 1 5s n. d. SUE'S (Eugene) Mysteries of Paris, (the only authorised translation), illustrated edition, several hundred engravings, 3 vols, royal 8vo. hf. calf gilt, £1. 1.5s 1845 SUFFOLK Correspondence. —Letters to and from the Countess of SufFollc and the Hon. G. Berkeley, 1712 to 1767, with Notes by G. W. Croker, portrait, 2 vols. 8vo. in one, n&w hf. calf, 8s U 1824 This interesting correspondence comprises letters from Pope, Young, Swift, Duchess of Marlborough, Law (the Financier;, &c. SUGDEN'S [E., Lord St. Leonards] Treatise of the Law of Vendors and Purchasers of Estates thirteenth edition, thick royal 8vo. cloth, 7s (pub. 30s) 1857 SULLY'S (Duke of ) Memoirs (1570-1610), in- cluding a History of the Life and Reign of Henry the Great, and the Trial of Ravaillac for his Murder, revised edition, with a copious Index, portraits, 5 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, 18s 1819 ON SALE BY SOTPIERAN & SUNDAY LIBRARY for Ilouscliold Reading. A Series of Original Works by Eminent Authors, s Hllitsi/fated, cr. 8vo. cloth, each vol. 4s Vol. I.— The Pupils of St. John the Uivine, by C. M. YONGE. Vol. II.— The Hermits, bv Canon Kixgsley. Vol. III. — Seekers after Ood, by Canon Parrar. Vol. IV. — England's Antiphon, by George Macdonald, LL.D. Vol. v.— Great Christians of France, St. Louis and Calvin, by M. GuizoT. I Vol. VI. — Christian Singers of Germany, by Catherine I' WixK worth. Vol. VII. — Apostles of Mediaeval Europe, by the Rev. G. F. Mallear, D.D. Vol. VIII.— Alfred the Great, by Thomas Hughes. Vol. IX.— Nations Around, bv Miss Kearv. Vol. X.— St. Anselm, bv the Very Rev. W. R. Church, M.A. Vol. XI. — Francis of Assisi, by Mrs. Oliphant. Vol. XII.— Pioneers and Founders, by C. M. Yunge. Vol. XIII. — Angdlique Arnauld, Abbess of Port Royal, hy Frances Martin. SUPERNATURAL Religion; an Inquiry into the Reality of Divine Revelation, revised edition with a new Preface, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, £1. 1875 " The book proceeds from a man of ability, a scholar, and reasoner, whose discussions arc conducted in a judicial m e thod . ' ' — Athen aum. " VVe give a hearty welcome to this learned and able work The masterly examination of the evidences for the antiquity of the Christian Scriptures in these volumes, so far as we know, is an unparalleled specimen in the English language." — Spectator. SURREY'S (Earl of) Poetical Works, with Memoir, an elegant reprint of Pickering's Aldine edition, ijortrait, large paver, post 8vo. new morocco, extra gilt edges, 14s 1866 SURREY (Earl of) and Wyatt's (Sir Thomas) Works, edited with Lives, Notes, Dissertation and Glossary, by Dr. Nott, portraits and fac- similes, 2 vols. 4 to. calf, 18s 1815 " The Sonnets of the elegantly romantic Surrey are dis- tinguished for simplicity, purity, and sweetness of expres- sion, by unatlected tenderness and sentiment, and by vivid powers of description." — Drake. SURTEES Society's Publications complete from its commencement, 54 vols. 8vo. cloth, very scarce, £.35. 1835-70 Very scarce, onfy loo copies printed for sale. The Surtees Society's Publications comprise inedited MSS, illustrative of the moral, the intellectual, the reli- gious and the social condition of those parts of England which constituted the Ancient Kingdom of Northumber- land. SURTEES (R.) and Raine's History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Dur- ham, compiled from Original Records and MSS. numerous fine engravings of Buildings, Seals, Arms, and Portraits, 5 vols, royal folio, hf. morocco, £31. 10s 1816-52 SUSSEX Arch^ologtcal Collections, illus- trating the History and Antiquities of the County, published by the Sussex Arch^olo- GiCAL Society, from its commencement in 1846 to 1874, numerous engravings, some coloured, 26 vols. 8vo. cloth, £15. 15s 1848-74 Among the contributors to this valuable work are J. Britton, M. A. Lower, L. V. Harcourt, F. Dixon,W. Cooper, Rev. E. Turner, and J. R. Daniel-Tyssen. SUTHERLAND (first Duke of) Memoir of, by Jas. Loch, M.V., fine portrait and plate, royal 4to. cloth, 8s (Sd Lond., 1834 Privately printed : not published. CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 195 SVOBODA'S (A.) The Seven Churches op Asia, with Introduction by the Rev. H. Tristram, Historical Notes, and Itinerary, illustrated, hy 20 full 2^age photogravus, talcen on the spot, 4to. cloth extra, gilt edges, £1. 5s (pub. £2. 2s) 1869 SWAINSON (C. A.) The Nicene and Apostles' Creed : their Literary History ; together with an Account of the Growth and Reception of the Sermon on the Faith commonly called " The Creed of St. Athanasius," 8vo. neiv cloth, 13s 6d 1875 SWAINSON'S(W.).ExoticConchology, edited by Sylvanus Hanley, 48 large plates, containing 94 colowed pictures of rare, beautiful, or unde- scrihed Shells, 4to. /(/. morocco, gilt leaves, £2. 2s 1841 SWAINSON'S (W.) Zoological Illustrations, or Figures and Descriptions of new, rare, or in- teresting Animals, both series complete, with 318 FINELY coloured plaies of Birds, Butterflies, and Shells, 6 vols. roy. 8vo. hf morocco, £8. 8s (pub. £16. 16) 1820-33 A copy of the earliest issue, in which especial care was given to the colouring of the plates. SWAN'S Views or the Lakes of Scotland, with historical and descriptive Illustrations by J. M. Leigh ton, 52 highly finished engravings after the beautiful drawings of John Fleming, brilliant India proofs, thick folio, large paper, hf. morocco, scarce, £5. 5s Glasgow, 1834 One of the most beautifully engraved series of views ever produced. SWARBRECK'S (S.) Sketches in Scotland, 26 large tinted draivings on stone of the finest Buildings and Scenery, impl. folio, hf. morocco, £1. 5s (pub. £4. 4s) 1845 SWEET'S (R.) Britistt Flower Garden ; con- taining figures and descriptions of the most orna- mental and curious Hardy HerbaceoIjs Plants, the two series, with 712 beautifully coloured illustrations, 7 vols. roy. 8vo. hf. calf £6. 15s 1823-25 A complete and original copy of this valuable and interesting publication. SWEET'S (R.) CisTiNiE, or Rock Rose ; the Natural Order of Cistus, or Rock Rose, illustra- ted by Coloured Figures and Descriptions of all the Species, 112 beautifully coloured en- gravings, roy. 8vo. boards, £1. 15s 1825-30 SWEET'S (R.) Flora Australasica, or hand- some and curious Plants of New Holland, with 56 beautifully coloured plates, roy. 8vo. Imlfcalf £l. 8s (pub. £3. 15s) 1827-8 SWEET'S (R.) Geraniums, with their Scientific and English Names, and Mode of Culture, 500 fim,e coloured plates, complete, 5 vols. roy. 8vo. cloth, £4. 10s, or hf. morocco, £5. 15s (pub. £19.) 1820-30 SWIFT'S (Dean) Works, complete, greatly en- larged, with Life and Notes by Sir Walter Scott, second edition ; portrait and engravings, 19 vols. 8vo. calf gilt; neat set, scarce, £12. 1824 SWIFT'S (Dean) Works, complete, greatly en- larged, with Life and Notes by Sir Walter Scott, portrait and engravings, 19 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, £7. 10s 1814 13 ♦ 196 BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, SWIFT'S (Dean) Works, complete, with Life by T. RoscoK, portrait, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. new hf. morocco, £1. 8s ; another copy, new calf gilt, £\. 16s * 1870 SWIFT'S (Dean) Poetical AVorks, an elegant reprint of Pickering's Aldine edition, with Life by Mitford, and Notes, j^orf. 3 vols. sm. 8vo. new morocco, gilt edges, £l. 4s 1859 SWIFT'S (Dean) Gulliver's Travels to Lilli- put, Brobdingnag, Laputa, and Houyhnhnms, portrait, maps, and plates, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. calf, £l.4s 1726 SWIFT'S (Dean) Gulliver's Travels, with Life, Notes, and Essay on Satirical Fiction, by Dr. W. C. Taylor, illustrated edition, with up^cards of 400 beautiful woodctits after the masterly designs of Grand ville, roy. 8yo. cloth, scarce, 18s 1840 SWIFT'S (Dean) Gulliver's Travels into several Remote Nations of the World, with a Life of the Author, numerous illustrations, 8vo. neiu calf gilt, 10s 18G4 SWIFT.— Letters written by Dean Swift and several of his Friends, from 1703 to 1740, with Notes by Dr. Hawkesworth, 3 vols. 1766 — Life of Dean Swift, by T. Sheridan, 1787— together 4 vols. 8vo. nexv hf. calf gilt, 16s 6d 1766-87 SWINBURNE'S (A. C.) WORKS :— Atalanta in Calydon, a Tragedy, post 8vo. new cloth, 5s 1875 Bothwell ; a Tragedy, 2 vols, post 8vo. new calf gilt, £1. 2s 1876 Chastelard, a Tragedy, fcap. 8vo. wciy cloth, 6s * 1868 Erechtheus ; a Poem, post Bvo. new cloth, 5s 1876 " Matured thought and ripened power arc brought to the task of reclothing old fables . . . Our extracts, copious as they are, fail to convey an idea of the sustained strength and beauty of the entire work, which we are inclined to rank as Mr. Swinburne's masterpiece." — y^llienceuni. Essays and Studies, post 8vo. wetc cloth, 10s 1876 George Chapman : a Critical Essay, post 8vo. cloth, 6s 1875 Poems and Ballads, fcap. 8vo. neiv calf gilt, 12s, or new morocco, gilt edges, 14s 1868 Queen Mother and Rosamond, fcap, 8vo. new cloth, 4s Gd 1868 Songs before Sunrise, post Bvo. neio calf gilt, 1 4s Gd, or neiv morocco, gilt edges^ 1 8s 6d 1871 Songs of Two Nations, post 8vo. neiv cloth, 5s 1875 William Blake, a Critical Essay, loith fac- simile paintings coloured by hand, from the original sketches of Blake and iiis Wife, Bvo. neiv hf. calf, top edge gilt, 12s 6d, or neiv calf gilt, I6s 1868 " It is in every way worthy of Mr. Swinburne's high fame. In no prose work can be found passages of keener poetry or more finished grace, or more impressive harmony. Strong, vigorous and musical, the style sweeps on like a river." SWINBURNE'S (II.) Picturesque Tour through Si'AiN, 20 engravings by Watts, Medland, and others, ivith Descripdions in French and English, oblong roval folio, hf. calf, 12s 1810 SYKES' (J.) Local Records, or Historical Register of Remarkable Events which have occurred in Nortliumberland and Durham, New- castle-upon-Tyne, and Borwick-upou-Twced, from the earliest period, with Biograpliics of deceased Persons of Talent, Eccentricity, &c. 3 vols. Bvo. half hound, £l. 16s "Newcastle, 1833 ; reprint, 1865 SYKES' (J.) Local Records ; or, Historical Register of Remarkable Events which have oc- curred in Northumberland, Durham, Newcastle- upon-Tyne, aud Berwick-upon-Tweed, 1832 to 1857 — being a Supplemental Volume, by J. Latimer, Bvo. cloth, 6s 6d (pub. 13s 6cZ) Neivcastle, 1857 SYMES' (P.) British Song-Birds, their Habits, Incubation, and Treatment, rvith 15 coloured iolaies, Bvo. new calf eatra, gilt leaves, £1. Is — (scarce) Edin. 1828 SYMOND'S (J. A.) An Introduction to the Study of Dante, post 8vo. new cloth, 6s 6cZ 1872 SYMOND'S (J. A.) Sketches in Italy and Greece, post Bvo, new cloth, Is 6. 18s 1787 TATTAM (H.) Lexicon JGgyptiaco-Latinum, ex veteribus Linguaj yEg\'ptiacie Monumentis et ex Operibus La Crozii, VVoidii, et Aliorum, thick Svo. hoards, 15s 1835 TAULER (Dr. Strasbourg, temp. 1340), Life of, with Twenty-five of his Sermons, trans, by Winkworth, with Prefiicc by Rev. C. Kingsley, finely printed, antique type, sm. 4to. stamped calf, 12s 1857 TAYLORS (G. L.) Autobiography of an (JCTOGENARiAN ARCHITECT, a rccord of Studics at Home and Abroad, during 65 Years, com- prising the Cathedrals of England, France, and Italy, and the 'Temples of Rome, Greece, and Sicily, with incidents of Travel, etc. illustrated by an extensive series of finely executed engrav- ings and photo-lithographs, many very large, including Vieivs, Buildings, Details of Architec- ture, Ground Plans, Statuary, Mo/ps, etc. 2 vols, royal 4to. cloth, £\. 16s (pub. £3. 3s) 1870-2 TAYLOR'S (Sir II.) Philip vax Artevelde, a Dramatic Romance, 12mo. new calf gilt, 9s; or ncio morocco extra, gilt edges, 12s 1872 TAYLOR'S (Isaac) Ancient Christianity and the Doctrines of the Oxford Tracts for the Times, with the Supplement, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 14s 1844 TAYLOR'S (I.) WORKS :— Fanaticism, new and revised edition, 12mo. cloth, OS 1866 History of the Transmission of Ancient Books to Modeni Times, Svo. bds. very scarce, 8s 6d 1827 Natural History of Enthusiasm, Svo. boards, 6s 6d 1830 Physical Theory^ of Another Life, handsome library edition, printed in large antique type, by Whittingham, Svo. cloth, 8s, 1858 ; neiv edition, post 8vo. cloth, 4s Gd 1871 I'rocess of Historical Proof exemplified and explained, Svo. bds. 7s 6d 1828 The Restoration of Belief, neiv edition enlarged, post 8vo. ne^u cloth, 7s 1884 Wesley' and Methodism ; a History of the Founders, Substance, and Form of Methodism, portrait, post Svo. cloth, 5s 1851 TAYLOR (I.) Ei-RuscAN Researches, includ- ing Ethnographic Notes on the Etruscan People; Etruscan Mythology, Numerals, Epitaphs, etc. with a Glossary of Etruscan Words, 6 vjoodcut illustrations, Svo. new chth, 12s 1874 CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 197 TAYLOR'S (I.) Words and Places; Etymo- logical Illustrations of History, Ethnology', and Geography, enlarged edition, post Svo. cloth, 5s 1875 TAYLOR'S (Jeremy) Whole Works, with Life, by Bp. Heber, neto edition, revised by Eden, 10 vols. Svo. new calf antique, carmine edges, £1. Is 1854 '• As long, probably, as Englishmen retain a taste for elevated thought, pure aspiration, and quaint imagery clothed in rich and ornate diction, so long will Jeremy Taylor retain his high place in our literature." — Quarterly R e'vieiu. TAYLOR'S (Jeremy) Works, with Life and Critical Examination of his Writings by Bp. Heber, 15 vols. Svo. old tree calf, £3. 5s 1822 TAYLOR'S (Jeremy) Holy Living and Holy Dying, printed in la/rge antique type by Whit- tingham, 2 vols. Svo. new calf antique, £1. 6s ; or new morocco, gilt edges, £l. 16s 1857 TAYLOR'S (Jeremy) Holy Living and Holy Dying, post Svo. new calf antique, 8s 6cl 1867 TAYLOR'S (Jeremy) Worthy Communicant; a Discourse of the Nature, Effects, and Bless- ings of the Lord's Supper, printed in large antique type, 8vo. new calf antique, carmine edges, 15s 1S53 TAYLOR'S (J. of Norwich) Hebrew Concor- dance, adapted to the English Bible, after the manner of Buxtort', fine piortrait by Houbralcen, 2 thick vols. roy. folio, calf, very scarce, £1. 10s 1754 " One of the most laborious and most useful works ever published for the advancement of Hebrew know- ledge, and the understanding of the Old Testament in the original language." — Horxe. TAYLOR'S (R.) Index Monasticus ; or the Abbeys and other Monasteries, Alien Priories, Friaries, Colleges, Collegiate Churches, and Hospitals, with their dependencies, formerly established in the Diocese of Noravich and the ancient Kingdom of East Anglia, with Appendix, plate, 3 maps, and numerous ivood- cuts of the arms of Religious Houses, folio, cloth, £1. Is 1821 TAYLOR'S (S.) Sound and Music: a Non- Mathematical Treatise on the Physical Consti- tution of Musical Sounds and Harmony, in- cluding the chief Acoustical Discoveries of Professor Helmholtz, post Svo. netv cloth, 7s 1873 TAYLOR'S (W., of Norwich) Historic Survey of German Poetry, interspersed witli various translations, 3 vols. Svo. 7)/. calf neat, 12s Gd 1828-30 TAYLOR'S (W. C.) House of Orleans ; Me- moirs of the, including distinguished Characters during the XVIIth and XVlIlth Centuries, fine portraits, 3 vols. Svo. cloth, 15s 1849 TEGETMEIER (W. B.) Pigeons; their Struc- ture, Varieties, Habits, and Management, with coloured representations of the different varieties, dravjn from life by Harrison Weir, and nv/me- rou3 woodcuts, impl. Svo. hf. bound, 9s (1872) TEGETMEIEK'S (W. B.) Poultry Book; comprising the Breeding and Management of Profitable and Ornamental Poultiy, enlarged edition, illustrated by 30 full-page coloured plates and numerou^s xcoodcuts, impl. Svo. hf. bound, 175 6d 1873 198 BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY, TEGOBORSKI'S (M. L. dc) Commentaries on the Productive Forces of Russia, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 10s (')d 1855 TELFORD'S (T. C. E.) Life, written by himself, containing a Description of his Works in Engi- neering, &c. edited by J. Rickman, thick 4to. and atlas folio of 83 large engravings of Engi- neering and Architecture, 2 vols. hf. russia, £.3. 3s (pub. £5. .5s) 1838 TEMMINCK (C. J.) Monographies de Mam- MALOGiE, on description de quelqnes genres de Mammiferes, dont les especes out ete observces dans les differens musees de I'Europe, illustrated with 70 Osteological lolates, many folding, 2 vols. royal 4to. mottled calf, Fre^ich style, £2. 2s Paris et Leiden, 1827-41 Intended as a supplement to existing works on Natural History, and especially to Baron Cuvicr's " Kechcrches sur les Ossemens fossiles." TEMPLE'S (Sir W.) Works complete, with Life and Character of the Author, best lihra/ry edition, 4 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, £1. 8s 1814 " Sir William Temple was the first writer who gave cadence to English prose." — Dr. Johnson. TENISON'S (Lady Louisa) Castile and Anda- LuciA, or Observations made during a Two Years' Residence, with 24 beodttifiil tinted lithographic drawings of Scenery, Manners, cj'-c. and 20 xvoodcuts, a large vol. impl. 8vo. cloth gilt, 15s (pub. £2. 12s Q>d) 1853 TENNENT'S (Sir J. E.) Cejlon : an Account of the Island, its Natural History, Antiquities, and Productions, maps and engravings, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, £1. 14s (pub. £2. 10s) 1859 TENNENT'S (Sir J. E.) History of Modern Greece, from its Conquest by the Romans, n.c. 146, to the present time, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf neat, 10s 6(Z 1835 TENNIEL'S (J.) Cartoons from Punch, com- prising 216 o/ the large full-page spirited plates by this talented Artist, stmclc off upon tinted droAoing paper, ivith portrait, impl. 4to. hf. mo- rocco, £2. 2s (1874) TENNYSON'S (A.) Poetical Works, complete, library edition, elegantly printed on ribbed paper, portrait, 6 vols, large post 8vo. calf extra, gilt edges, £5. 10s— The same, onorocco extra, gilt edges, £6. 6s; or morocco super extra, £8. 8s 1872 TENNYSON'S (A.) Poetical Works, collected edition, 12mo. 9 vols, new calf gilt, £3. 10s; or new morocco extra, gilt edges, £5. v. d. Contents :— Poems ;' Idvlls of the King; Gareth and Lynette; The Holy drail arid other Poems ; Enoch Arden, etc.; Maud, etc.; Princess; In Memoriam; Oucen Marv. TENNYSON'S (A.) Poetical w5rks, with mimerous beautiful wood engravings, from de- signs by Stanfield, Creswick, Maclise, Mil- LAis, and others, sm. 4to. new morocco extra, gilt edges, £2. 2s (1870) TENNYSON'S (A.) Idylls of the King, complete^ containing Enid, Vivien, Elaine, and Guinevere, splendidly printed and ilhist^-ated with 36 large and most beautiful full-page line engravings from original dA-moings by Gustave Dore, folio, new morocco extra, gilt edges, £6. 6s 1868 " The sweetness, the grandeur, and the grace of old British Fable are apparent in these designs; and in the company of poet and artist we may live in romance, and feel the knightly pulses of our own mystic ^iixiod."— London Review. TENNYSON'S (A.) Poetical Works, Autl^r's Edition, printed in Clear Type on Superfine Paper with frontispieces, 5 vols, crown 8vo. neiv calf gilt, £2. 15s — Another copy, tree calf extra, gilt edges, £3. 15s; or morocco extra, gilt edges, £5. 5s 1875 TENNYSON'S (A.) Poetical Workh, 12mo. edition, vi/. : — Poems, calf, 9s 6d; or morocco, 12s 6d Enoch Arden. etc. calf, 7s 6d; or morocco, 10s 6d Idylls of the King, collected edition, calf, 10s 6d ; or morocco, 13s 6d Enid, Vivien, Elaine, and Guinevere, in one vol. calf, 8s Gd ; or morocco, 1 Is 6tl Holy Grail, etc. calf, 8s Gd ; or morocco, UsGd Gareth and Lynette, calf, Is ; or morocco, 10s In Memoriam, calf, 8s ; or morocco, lis Maud, etc. calf, 7s Gd ; or morocco. Is Gd Princess (The), calf, 7s Gd; or morocco, 10s Gd Queen Mary, a Drama, calf, 9s Gd; or morocco, 12s Gd An Unique Series of the TENNYSON-DORfi ILLUSTRATIONS ; the complete set, numbering 30, of *' signed " en- graver's proofs on India paper, colombier folio size, mounted in 4 portfolios, £21. ; or in an atlas folio scrap-book, half morocco, gilt edges, £30. n. d. The series comprising Elaine, Enmd, Vivien, and Guinevere, consists of 36 plates, engraved on steel in the highest style of art, by the most eminent living Engravers: the present unique copies are the very first irnpressions on India Paper, known as Engraver's Proofs, struck oft in large colombier folio size, and are equally adapted for framing or the portfolio. As a guarantee that these sets are of the very first im- pression, each plate bears the stamp of the Printsellers' Association ; also the signature of the Poet, the Painter, and the Engraver, which are afllxed to no others. Not having been printed for sale, they have never been published, and can be had only of the advertisers. TERENTII CoM(EDi.«3, Baskerville's -finely printed edition, royal 4to. calf gilt, 10s Gd Birminghamioi, 1772 TEXT BOOKS OF SCIENCE, Mechanical and Physical, adapted for the use of Artizans and of Students in Public and Science Schools, illxis- trated by woodcuts, 12mo. cloth, as follows : — Anderson's Strength of Materials, 3s Armstrong's Organic Chemistry, 3s Barry's Railway Appliances, 3s Bloxam's Metals, 3s Goodeve's Mechanics, 3s Mechanism, 3s Griffin's Algebra and Trigonometry, 3s Notes on the same, with Solutions, 3s Jenkin's Electricity and Magnetism, 3s Maxwell's Theory of Heat, 3s Merrifield's Technical Arithmetic, 3s Key, 3s Miller's Inorganic Chemistry, 3s Preece and Sivewright's Telegraphy, 3s Shelley's Workshop Appliances, 3s Thorpe's Quantitative Analysis, 4s Thorpe and Muir's Qualitative Analysis, 3s Watson's Plane and Solid Geometry, 3s ON SALE BY II. SOTHERAN & CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 199 TERTULLIANI Opera 0»inia, juxta Concc- tionem Pamelii, De la Cerda, 'Ambianensis, Jligaltii, etc. fideliter castigata : quorum Scholiis adj. sunt Notaj ex Salniasio, Rhenano, Heraldo, Mercerio, Lupo, aliisque desumpta? ; item Au- thoris Vita, Doctrina, et Scripta, folio, vellum, (comer of a few leaves of Index damaged), £l.ls Ven. 1701 TEXIER (Charles) and Pullans' Byzantine Aechitecture, illustrated by Examples of EdLfices erected in the East during the Earliest Ages of Christianity, with Historical and Archieological Descriptions, com'prising 70 most highly finished lithographic Drawings, some il- luminated, also nv/merous wood engravings, thick folio, cloth extra, gilt edges, £2. 10s (pub. £6. 6s) 1865 THACKERAY'S (F.) Researches into the Eccle- siastical and Political State of Ancient Britain under the Roman Emperors, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 7s (pub. £1. Is) 1843 THACKERAY'S (Miss) Novels, new uniform edition, nicehj printed, 8 vols, post 8vo. new hf. morocco gilt, £3. 5s 1876 C'ontents. Old Kensington — Five Old Friends — Blue- beard's Keys— Village on the Cliff— To Esther— Elizabeth- Miss Angel. "Tales over which Miss Thackeray has cast the golden cloud of her soft imagination. No one paints a sense of sweet awe so vividly as she ; no one gives the thrilling surprises of life with a truer touch." — Spectator. THACKERAY'S (W. M.) Works, complete ; New Uniform and Standard Edition, printed on toned paper, ivith illustrations hy the Author, 22 vols. 8vo. neiu hf. morocco extra, £10. 10s; new calf gilt, £13. 13s; or neu- tree calf extra, gilt edges, a very fine set, £16. 16s (1869) Comprises Vanity Fair, 2 vols. — Newcomes, 3 vols. — Adventures of Philip, 2 vols. — Pendennis, 2 vols. — P2smond, 3 vols. — Virginians, 2 vols. — Miscellaneous Writings, 10 vols. THACKERAY'S (W. M.) Works, new edition, ivith frontispieces, complete in 12 vols, post 8vo. neio hf. morocco, £4. 4s; or neio calf gilt, £5. 5s 1871-2 Comprises Vanity Fair— Pendennis— The Newcomes— Esmond and Barry Lyndon— The Virginians— The Adven- tures of Philip— Paris, Irish and Eastern Sketches— Hog- garty Diamond, Yellowplush Papers and Burlesques — The Book of Snobs, and Sketches of Life and Character — Roundabout Papers and Lectures — Catherine, etc. and Christmas Books. THACKERAY'S (W. M.) The Orphan of Pim- Lico ; a Moral Tale of Belgravian Life, and other Sketches and Fragments, with Notes by Miss Thackeray, illustrated hy numerous sketches by the Author, 4to. hf. hound, 17s 6d 1875 THACKERAY'S (W. M.) William Pitt, Earl of Chatham ; History of, containing his Speeches, Correspondence, &c. portrait, 2 vols. 4to. new hf calf gilt, 18« (pub. £3. 12s) 1827 THACKERAYANA.— Notes and Anecdotes; illustrated by hundreds of Sketches by W. M. Thackeray, depicting Humourous Incidents in his School Life, and favourite Scenes and Characters in the Books of his Eveiy-day Read- ing, thick 8vo. cloth extra, top edges gilt, 9s 1875 THEATRE (The English) a collection of Tra- gedies and Comedies from the most celebrated Authors (including Shakespear), fronts. 26 vols. 12mo. calf neat, £3. 10s 1731-3 THEATRUM Machinarum Universale ; of Keurige Ver/ameling van Verscheide grotc en zeer fraaie, Waterwerken, Schutsluizen Water- keringen, Ophaal en [Draaibruggen, met haer Gronden, Opstallen en Doorgesnedcns, Door Tilcman Van Der Horst, et J. Policy and J. Schenk, with ahove 50 Zorgre plates, impl. folio, hoards, 15s Amsterdam, 1757 THEODORETI {Episcopi Cyrensis) Opera Om- nia, Gr. et Lat, cura et studio J. Sirmondi, 5 vols, folio, in monastic binding, oaken hoards, covered with stamped calf, and with brass clasps, £6. 6s " Lutetice Parisiorum, 1642-8 THEOLOGIA Germanica ; translated by Susanna Winkworth, with a Preface by the Rev. C Kingsley, fcap. 8vo. new morocco, gilt edges, 10s 6d 1857 THEOLOGICAL Library, comprising Biogra- phies of Reformers and Martyrs, History of the Church, &c. portraits, 19 vols. 12mo. calf gilt, a nice set, £1. I65 1832, &c. Includes Le Bas' Lives of Cranmer, Wiclif, Jewel and Laud, Scripture Biography, and Biography of the Early Church, Russell's History of the Church of Scotland, Smedley's History of the Reformed Religion in France, Shuttleworth's Consistency of Revelation, Neander's Life of St. Bernard, etc, THIERS' (L. A.) History of the French Re- volution, with Notes by Shoberl, engravings, 5 vols. 1838; and History of the Consulate and the Empire of France under Napoleon, tlie only authorized English translation, 20 vols, bound in 10, 1840-62 — together 25 vols. 8vo. in 15, new calf gilt, £8. 15s — Another copy, new hf calf gilt, £1. Is 1838-62 THIERS' (L. A.) History of the French Re- volution, by Shoberl, new edition, with ports, and plates, 5 thick vols, post 8vo. new hf. calf gilt, £2.; or, neio calf gilt, £2. 10s 1854 THIERS' (L. A.) Consulate and Empire of France under Napoleon ; History of the, the authorized English translation, 20 vols. 8vo. in 10, new calf gilt, £5. 10s — Another copy, new hf calf gilt, £4=. 10s 1862 " This great work deserves to be ranked as the Fore- most Historical Production of the Aoe. M, Thiers indeed throws a fascination over every subject he touches. The translation is a perfect reflex of the original, and rendered with fidelity and spirit." — Umtei) Service Gaz. THIERRY'S (A.) History of the Conquest of England by the Normans ; with its Causes from the earliest Period and its Consequences to the present Time, translated from the French, 3 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, 12s 6d 1825 THIRLWALL'S (Bp.) History of Greece, neio library edition, ivith maps, 8 vols. 8vo. cloth, £1. 153 1845, etc. THOMAS' (F. S.) Hand-Book ;to the Public Records, with Introduction, containing a Brief Outline of the History of the Public Records, colowred plates, thick roy. Bvo. cloth, 10s Gd 1853 The above is " intended to exhibit the various classes of records and documents, and much information is con- tained therein, analytically and alphabetically arranged under the courts and departments to which they respec- tively belong," THOMAS' (F. S.) PIiSTORiCAL Notes of Eng- lish History, from Henry VIII. to Queen Anne, 2 vols. Scottish and Irish History, 1500 to 1625, with list of Treaties, one vol. — together 3 vols. roy. 8vo. cloth, £1. 5s 1856 200 THOMPSON'S (R.) Gardener's Assistant ; a Guide, Practical and Scientific, to the formation and management of the Kitchen, Fruit, and Flower Garden, with 12 coloured plates and numerotbs woodcuts, impl. 8vo. neio cloth, £1. 6.S 6d (1868) Contains also treatises on the cultivation of Conserva- tory, Grccn-Housc, and Stove-Plants, with a copious ("aiendar of (hardening Operations. THOMSON (A., of Banchory) IIis Memoirs, by Professor Smeaton, portrait, thick 8vo. cloth Ss 6(Z 1869 THOMSON'S (C. W.) Depths of the Sea ; an Account of the general results of the Dredging Cruises of H.M.SS. "Porcupine and Lightning" in 1868-09-70, under the scientific direction of Dr. Carpenter, J. G. Jeffreys and Dr. W. Thomson, illustrated hy 94 looodcuts and 8 waps a7id plates, thick 8vo. new cloth, £1. Gs Gd 1873 THOMSON'S (D.) Fruit Culture; Handbook of, under Glass,'iZZiis-3q), coloured; Remarks on Illuminations in some Irish Biblical MSS., by Dr. J. H. Todd, (plates 40-46), coloured. VEUILLOT (L.) Jesus-Christ, avec une etude sur I'Art Chretien par E. Cartier, illustrated 1)1/10 beautiful chromolithographic plates and 180 highly finished woodcuts, many full page size, impl. Svo. morocco extra, gilt edges, £3. \5s Paris, 1875 VIEILLOT (L. P.) Histoire Natdrelle des O18EATJX de rArneri(|ue Septentrionalc depuis Saint-Domingue jusqu' a la Baie d'Hudson, contenant un grand nombre d'Espcces decrites ou figurees pour la premiere fois, with numerous finely engraved plates, (a few slightly inlced) , 2 vols, roy, folio, hf. morocco, top edges gilt, £2. 2s Far. 1807 VICTOIRES, Conquc'Tes, Desastres, Revers et Gucrres Civiles des Fran^-ais, de 1792 a, 1815, par une Societe de Militaires ct de Gens de Lettres (le General Beauvais, Ic Lieut-General Thie- liault, M. Parisot, etc.) ivith numerous plans of Battles, Sieges, etc. Vols. 1-27, calf gilt, Vol. 28 (la Guerre d'E.spagne), sewed, £2. 2s Paris, 1818-25 VINCE'S (Prof.) Complete System of Astro- nomy, second edition, with Additions and Cor- rections, plates, 3 vols. 4to. calf gilt, antique style, nice cofvi, £1. 15s 1823 Vl()LLET-LE-i)UC'S (E.) Annals of a For- tress, illustrated by 8 designs in colour, and 85 fine ivoodcuts, 8vo. cloth, 12s 6d 1875 "The design of the book is of that striking simplicity which, when directed to the right end, is indicative of true genius He, in fact, has made of his history of the art of fortification at once a \aluable handbook and a very charming romance A work that combines amuse- ment with instruction in a very rare degree." Pall Mall Gazette. VIOLLET-LE-DUC (E.) Dictionnaike Rai- soNNE DE l'Arciiitecture Franqaise du Xle au XVIe Siecle, well printed on fine paper and illustrated by many thousand beautifully executed engravings of the Exteriors and Inte- riors of Cathedrals and Public buildings in full detail, Plans of Fortifications, Heraldic Orna- ments, Scrdpti(/res, c^c. fonning the best Ency- clopedia of Architecture ever published, 10 vols, roy. 8vo. /)/. mor. extra, top edges gilt, £12. 12s Paris, 1858-68 VIOLLICT-LE-DUC (E.) Dictionnaire Raisoune du MobilicrFranvaisde I'epoque carlo vingienue a la renaissance, illustrated by hmidreds of wood- cut illustrations, vols. roy. Svo. new hf. morocco, top edges gilt, £12. 12s Paris, 1808-75 VIOLLET-LE-DUC (E.) Essai sur l'Archi- TRCTiJUR MiLiTAiRE au Moycu Age,mtft, many beautiful and elaborate engravings, a large vol. impl. Svo. hf morocco extra, top edges gilt, £1. Is Paris. 1854 VIOLLET-LE-DUC'S (E.) Habitations of Man in all Ages, translated by B. Bucknall, with numerous illustrations, Svo. new cloth, 10s 1870 VIRGILII Opera, with a Commentary by Prof. Conington, Pi vols. Svo. vellum gilt, carmine edges, £2. 18s — Another copy, new calf gilt. £2. 12s 6(2 1872 VIRGILII Opera. Var. Lect. et perpetua Anno- tatione illust. C. G. Heyne; accerl. Index ubcr- rimus, 4 vols. Svo. hf. vellum, £1. Is (pub, £4. 4s) Lond. Priestley, 1821 VIRGILII Opera, Notis ex editione Heyniana excerptis illusttata ; acced. Index Maittairianus, thick roy. Svo. large paper, hf.hd. russia, 16s (pub. 28s) Lond. Pickering, 1830 " An excellent edition, with Notes selected from various Commentators." — Lowndes. VIRGIL'S Works, in English Prose, with Intro- duction, Analysis and Index by Lonsdale and Lee, cr. Svo. calf gilt, 7s 6d ; or, morocco, gilt edges, 10s 6d 1873 VIRGIL'S ^neid ; translated into English Verse, by Prof. Conington, post Svo. new calf gilt, 12s 6(2 ; or, morocco, gilt edges, 16s 1870 VIRGIL'S iENEis, translated into Scottish Verse, by Gawin Douglas (Bp. of Dunlceld, 1515J, with copious Glossary and Life, folio, calf, very scarce, £2. 2s Edin. 1710 VIRGIL'S iENEiD, the First Four Books, in Eng- lish Heroic Verse, with other Translations and Poems, by Richard Stanyhurst, 4to. \_only 50 copies reprinted, and edited by J. Maidmenf], cloth, £1. Is Edin. 1836 A most singular version in English Hexameters. Southey observes (in his Omniana): "As Chaucer has been called the well of English undetiled, so might Stanihurst be denominated the common seiver of the language. He is, however, a 'very entertaininfi;, and to a philologist, a -very iristructi-ve ivriter. His version of the First Four Books of the /Eneid is exceedingly rare, and deserves to be reprinted for its incomparable oddity." VIRGIL'S ^NEiDS ; done into English Verse by W. Morris, sq. post Svo. new tree calf extra, gilt edges, £1. Is ; or, morocco extra, gilt edges, £1. 7s 1870 VISHNU PuRaNa, a system of Hindu Mythology and Tradition, translated from the original Sanskrit, and illustrated by Notes chiefly de- rived from other Puranas by Prof. 11. 11. Wilson, 3 vols. Svo. cloth, £2. 4s 1804-69 VISIONS of Tuxdale, with Metrical Moraliza- tions and other Fragments of Early inedited Poetry, with Introduction by Tlrnbull, gro- tesque front. Svo. cloth, rare ; (only SO copies printed), 10s 6(1 Edin. 1843 Of this Legend, so popular in the Middle Ages, no English version has heretofore been printed. VITRUVIUS' Civil Architecture, comprising the Public and Private Edifices of the Ancients; translated, with Introduction, containing an Historical View of the Rise and Progress of Architecture among the Greeks, by W. Wil- KiNS, with 41 fine engravings, a large vol. impl. 4to. hf. bound, uncut, £1. 4s (pub. £0. Cs) 1812 c L: ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LO^^ON. ^t W 'MtM/iiis of IriJii/^^ V the fiu^iq and -< VTTRUVII Architectura, textu ex recensione Codicum emendato, cum Exercitationibus No- tisqne novissimis J. Poleni, et Commentariis Variorum additis nunc primum studiis S. Stra- Tico, with numerous plates, 8 vols. impl. 4to. seived, £1. 10s Utini, 182.5-30 "Cette ddition, la plus complete et I'un des plus belles que Ton ait donndes de Vitruve, est le fruit des longues recherches, d'abord de Poleni, et ensuite dn Comte Stratico. Ce dernier n'a pas assez vdcu pour voir la publication de ce grand ouvrage ; mais il a trouve des editeurs eclairds et soigneux." — Brunei". VITRING-^ (C.) CoMMENTARius in librum Pro- phetiarum Jesaiai, cum prolegomenis ; editio nova prioribus accuratior, 2 vols, folio, Dutch vellum, £l. 10s Leovardice, 1724 VIVIAN'S (G.) Scenery in Portugal and Spain, 33 large and beautiful tinted Drawings on Stone hy L. Haghe, impl. folio, hf. morocco, £1. 5s (pub. £4. 4s) 1839 VOLTAIRE'S (F.* Works, translated from the French, with Notes, Historical and Critical, by Smollett, Franoklin, and others, 38 vols. 12mo. calf neat, £7. 10s 1761 VOLTAIRE'S (F.) Philosophical Diction- ary, translated from the French, port, and front, hy Btotliard, 6 vols. fcap. 8vo. hoards, scarce, £1. 4s J. and H. Leigh Hunt, 1824 VOYAGES and Travels, a Collection of Modern and Contemporary, with numerous large folding and other Maps, Plans, and Elustrations of Scenery, Costume, etc. 11 vols. 8vo. neatly hound, £1. 16s R. Phillips, 1805-10 Contains : Translations of Foreign Voyages and Travels; Original Voyages and Travels never before pub- lished ; and Analyses of New Voyages and Travels pub- lished in England. VOYAGES, Discoveries, and Travels, in ]<]uropc, Asia, Africa, and America, by English and Foreign Authors, maps, ploAis, and mime- rous engravings, 7 vols. 8vo. calf neat, £l. 5s J. Knox, 1767 WAAGEN'S (Dr.) Treasures of Art, and Galleries and Cabinets of Art in Great Britain, being an Account of the Chief Collections (both ])ublic and private), of Paintings, Drawings, Sculptures, Illuminated MSS. &c. 4 vols. 8vo. £3. 10s 1854-7 WALES. — A Collection of Views of Noblemen's and Gentlemen's Seats, Towns, Castles, Churches, Monasteries, and Romantic Places in N. and S. Wales, 48 plates, principally from drawings hy Sir R. C. Hoa/re, engrcuved hy the most eminent artists, oblong 4to. morocco extra, gilt edges, £1. 8s 1792 WALES. — Leges Wallic^e, Ecclesiasticaj et Civiles, Iloeli Boni et aliorum Walliic Princi- ])um, Wallice et Latine, cum Notis et Glossario Gul. WoTTONi, adjuvante Mose Gulielmio, LARGE PAPER, roy. folio, Calf gilt (with List of Suhscrihers), 18s Londini, 1730 "The author of the above work, when la years and months old (in Jan. 1679), was made Bachelor of Arts, he then being acquainted with twelve languages." — See Nichols's Literary Anecdotes, f'ol. 4, WALES, History of, by Caradoc of Llancarvan, translated by Powell, augmented by C. Wynne ; revised, with a collection of Topographical Notices, bv li. Llwyd, thick 8vo. hoards, 1.5s 1832 WALKER'S (J.) TTistorical Bards, with Observa<(ioiij on Musical Instruments of -tieAiJpient engravings and music, 4 to. inolSlM'^Qo ixii/iiis of iRiSH/p riq and Trie If gilt^\< Jbhf ,^17 86 "A work of great taste and ingenuity." — sA:fR. WALKER'S Original, new eddtio'n, edited Dr. Guy, F.R.S., 8vo. cloth, 10s (Jd I87t This Work has been compared to the " Spectator^" ^ "Tatler," and "Guardian." It treats of the Arts of' Dining, Travelling, and attaining High Health, and on Religion, Morals and Manners, and contains a series of Essays, based on inquiry and experience on Dole-giving and iPoor Laws and the means of improving the condition of the Poor and Destitute. WALKER (Dr. J.) The Theology and Theo- logians of Scotland, chiefly of the Seven- teenth and Eighteenth Centuries, 8vo. new cloth, 5s 1865 WALKER'S (J.) Account of the Numbers and Sufferings op the Clergy, the Heads of Colleges, Fellows, &c. who were sequestered during the Rebellion, folio, calf neat, 18s 1714 WALL'S (W.) History of Infant Baptism, with Gale's Reflections and Wall's Defence, edited by the Rev. Dr. Cotton, 4 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, £1. 8s 1844 WALLACE'S (A. R.) Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection ; a series of Essays, second edition, cr. 8vo. cloth, 7s 1871 WALLACE'S (A. R.) Malay Archipelago ; the Land of the Orang-Utan, and the Bird of Paradise, illustrated hy ma/ps, plates, and ivood- cuts, post 8vo. neiv calf gilt, lis 6d 1872 WALLACE'S (A. R.) Travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro ; with an Account of the Na- tive Tribes, and Observations on the Climate, Geology, and Natural History of the Amazon Valley, with map and frontispiece, 8vo. cloth, 15s 1875 WALLACE'S (W.) Lead Ore in Veins ; the Laws which regulate its Deposition, illustrated by an examination of the Geological structure of the Mining districts of Alston Moor, large map and 2 1 2^lates and plans foi' the most part coloured, 8vo. cloth, 12s (pub. 2.5s) 18G1 WALLICH, PLANTiE Asiatics Rariores, or Descriptions and Figures of East Indian Plants, with 300 most beautifully coloured en- gravings, 3 vols. impl. folio, newly hf. hound morocco extra, top edges gilt, £10. 16s (pub. £25. 4s unbound) 1830-2 A most valuable work, and one of the most beautiful of all the Botanical works published in this or any other country. WALLINGTON'S (N.) Historical Notices op PivENTS occurring chiefly in the Reign of Charles I., edited from the Original MSS. Avith Notes and Illustrations, 2 vols, post 8vo. new hf. calf gilt, 12s 6cZ 1869 WALLON (II.) Jeanne d'Arc, Edition illustrec d'apros les Monuments do I'Art depuis le Quinzieme Siecle jusqu' a nos Jours ; emhel- lisJied hy 14 splendid Chromos and 200 en- gravings, impl. 8vo. half hound, and gilt with appropriate devices on sides and insides, £1 . 1 Os ; or new morocco extra, gilt edges, £3. 10s — Another copy, on large and fine paper, new inorocco extra, gilt edges, £5. 5s Paris, Didot, 1876 208 BOOKS SUITABLE WALMSLEY'S (H. M.) Wild Sports and Savage Life in Zulu Land, ilhistrated, 12mo. nexo calf gilt,Ss6d (1873) WALPOLE'S (Hon.F.) The Ansayrii (or Assas- sins), with Travels in tlie Further East, in 1850-1; including a Visit to Nineveh, jjwi. and plates, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, 10s GJ (pub. 36s) 1851 WALPOLE'S (Horace) Wouks, original edi- tion, numerous fine portraits and engravings by Jleath, ^-c. 8 vols, royal 4to. hf. calf, with new morocco hacks, and contents lettered, neat, £5. 15s 1798 Comprises Royal and Noble Authors, Anecdotes of Painting, Catalogue of Kngravers, Castle of Otranto, De- scription of Strawberry Hill, Historic Doubts, Correspon- dence, Miscellanies, Memoirs of the last ten years of the Keign of George II. Letters to Montagu, Cole, and Hertford. WALPOLE'S (H.) Works, best librakv KDITION, uniformly printed, with portraits, 25 vols. 8vo. newly hound calf gilt, fine uniform set, £14. 14s 1840-59 Contents : Letters, new collected edition, 6 vols. : Let- ters to Mann, 4 vols. ; Correspondence with the Countess of Ossory, 3 vols. ; Correspondence with Mason, 2 vols. ; Memoirs of the Reign of George H. 3 vols.— George IIL 4 vols. ; Walpole's Last Journals, by Doran, 2 vols. ; Me- moirs by Warburton, 2 vols. WALFOLE (H.) and Vertue's Anecdotes of Painting in England, and Catalogue of En- glish Engravers, with Lives and Notes, ^iwc im- pressions of the numerous heautiful portraits, 5 vols. sm. 4to. calf neat, £5. 10s Straiuherry Hill, 1762-71 Rare Strawrkkrv Hii.l Edition; this fine set com- prises the scarce fourth •volume of Anecdotes, which was also printed at Strawberry Hill nearly ten years subse- (juently. WALPOLE'S (H.) Anecdotes of Painting in England, with some account of the principal English Artists, and incidental Notices of Sculptors, Carvers, Enanicllers, Architects, Medallists, etc. Also, a Catalogue of Engravers who have been born or resided in England, with Additions by the Kev. J. Dallaway, new edi- tion, revised, with additional Notes by 11. N. WoRNUM, ii^wards of 150 portraits and pilates, 3 vols. 8vo. nc^v calf, £2. 2s ; or neiv morocco extra, gilt edges, £3. 3s (1874) "An admirable publication; quite a treasure, — beau- tiful alike in paper, printing, and engraving, and truly ex- cellent in everything which depended upon the talents and exertions of its editor,"— Literary Ga-x.ette. WALPOLE'S (IL) Koyal and Noble Authors of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Memoirs of; with Lists of their Works, enlarged and con- tinued by T. Park, with 150 fine portraits, ORIGINAL brilliant IMPRESSIONS, 5 Vols. 4tO. LARGE PAPER, full hound russia,marhled leaves, £S. 10s 1806 ••There is an irresistible charm in all the writings of Horace Walpole. We own that we expect to see fresh Humes and fresh Burkes before we again fall in with that peculiar combination of moral and intellectual qualities to which his productions owe their extraordinary popularitv." —Edinb. Rei'ieiu. WALPOLE'S (Rev. R.) Memoirs relating to European and Asiatic Turkey ; and Travels in various Countries in the East, edited from ^Manuscript Journals, many fine plates, 2 vols. 4to. calf, 18s (pub. £6. 6s) 1817-20 Among the contributors to this valuable collection are Dr. Sibthorpe. Col. Leake, Dr. E. D. Clarke, Capt. Light, \)r. Hume, Mr. Morriti, Lord Aberdeen, C. R. Cockerel 1, etc. The information is very various, classical, antiqua- rian, on natural history, manners, religion, etc. FOR THE LIBRARY, WALPOLE'S (Horace) Entire Correspon- dence, Chronologically arranged, with the Prefaces of Mr. Croker, Lord Dover, and others, the Notes of all previous Editors, and additional Notes by Peter Cunningham, with a General Index, and numerous fine portraits engraved on steel; complete in 9 vols. 8vo. new calf gilt, £6. 6s 1876 ji " Read, if you have not read, all Horace Walpole's W Letters, wherever you can find them ; — the best wit ever H published in the shape of Icn&r?.."— Sydney Sviltli. WALSH'S (J. H. Stoneiienge) British Rural Sports; re-edited throughout by "Stoneheuge" and the Members of the Field Staff, 8vo. ne\o cloth, 17s f>d 1876 WALSH (J. IT.) On the Dog in Health and Disease, with the Modes of Breaking and Using him for Hunting, Coursing, Shooting, &c. /?7ie plates, 8vo. new cloth, 6s 6d (1872) WALSH'S (J. H.) The Greyhound ; the Art of Breeding, Rearing, and Training Greyhounds for Public Running ; their Diseases and Treat- ment, numerous illustrations, sq. 8vo. hf. rrw- rocco, 12s 6cZ 1875 WALSH'S (J. II.) Hints to Sportsmen on Guns and Shooting ; and Instructions relating to Dogs, Ponies, Ferrets, etc. numerous ilhistra- tions, ])0st 8vo. hf. hound, 5s n. d. WALSH'S (J. II.) The Horse, in the Stable and Field : his varieties, management in health and disease, Anatomy, Physiology, &c. with 170 en- gravings, thick 8vo. new cloth. 10s 6ci 1873 WALSH'S (J. H.) Manual of British Rural Sports; Shooting, Hunting, Coursing. Fishing, Hawking, Racing, Boating, Pcdestrianism, &c. ivith numerous engravings, new edition, entirely revised, thick 8vo. new cloth, 17s 6d 1876 WALSH'S (J. II.) Manual of Domestic Eco- nomy, suited to incomes from £150 to £1500 a year, ilhtstrated hy coloured plates and nu- merous wood engravings, very thick cr. 8vo. cloth, Us6d 1874 Contains upwards of 2800 articles on the following subjects: i, The Practice of Economy; 2, The House and its accessories; 3, Furniture and Furnishing; 4, Domestic Servants ; j, The Supplies of the House ; 6, On the main- tenance of health; 7. The Nursery; 8, Horses and Car- riages; 9, Social duties of Heads of Families; 10, The Domestic treatment of disease. WALSH'S (Rev. R.) Notices of BR.^ziLin 1828 and 1829 (with remarks on the Mines and Mining), maps and plates, 2 vols. 8yo. cloth, 6s 6d 1830 WALTER'S (Rev. H.) New History of England, in which it is intended to consider Men and Events on Christian Principles, map, 7 vols, post 8vo. cloth, 10s 6d (pub. £2. 12s) Rivingtons, 18.37 This is an excellent History of England, and particu- larly adapted to be put into the hands of the youth of both WALTON'S (E.) The Bernese Oberland ; twelve Scenes among its Peaks and Lakes, heautifully executed in imitation of the original draivings, iinpl. 4to. cloth. +"2. 17s 6cl 1874 WALTON'S (E.) The Camel ; its Anatomy, Proportions, and Paces, 94 finely executed ^plates, some in colours, with Descriptions, impl. folio, cloth, gilt edges, £2. 10s 1865 Contents : The Skeleton, the Muscles, the Tendons, Proportions, the Paces, [""ootprints left upon the Sands, Feet of the Camel, Positions, and the Ear. I ON SALE BY H. SOTHERAN & CO., 30, PICCADILLY, LONDON. WALTON'S (E.) Clouds, their formation and combinations, 46 new and enlarged ^Zates of cloud formations, reproduced hy the autotype process from the original d/rawings, 4to. cloth, £3. 1875 " His observations ought to have the result he intends they should have— that of assisting students who desire to represent those forms of clouds we so often see to a better knowledge of that which is beautiful in Nature and perfect in Art." — ^rt Journal. WALTON'S (E.) The Coast of Norway, Scenes among its Ejords and Islands, from Christiania to Haramerfest, 12 large and exqui- site chromolithographs in exact imitation of the original drawings, with Descriptions by Rev. T. G. Bonne Y, impl. 4to. cloth, £3. 10s 1872 WALTON'S (E.) English Lake Scenery, the illustrations in imitation of the original draw- ings, with Descriptive Text by Kev. T. G. Bonney, irapl. 4to. cloth, £2. 17s 6d 1876 WALTON'S (E.) Flowers from the Upper Alps, with Glimpses of their Homes, 12 fac- simile reproductions of exquisite water-colour drawings, each one giving a separate flower with appropriate scenery ,im])\. 4to. cloth, f:l. 15s 1874 "The chromo-lithographs are more refined than usual in colour. . . . Mr. Walton's book reminds us plea- santly of many a coloured moraine where the beauty of the flowery foreground is even more singular than that of the mountain crests." — Saturday Re^oieiv. WALTON'S (E.) Peaks and Valleys of the Alps ; a series of 21 large and exquisite Chromolithographs, beautifully coloured in exact imitation of the original water-colour drawings, with Descriptive Text by Rev. T. G. Bonney, impl./fol. half ho^md morocco, £4. 4s (pub. £8. 8s) 1867 WALTON'S (E.) Peaks in Pen and Pencil for Students of Alpine Scenery, edited by T. G. Bonney, 26 large and fine drawings reproduced in Autotype, with Descriptions, atlas 4to. new cloth, gilt leaves, £3. 10s 1872 This beautiful volume consists of a series of outline sketches, together with notes and hints upon mountain drawing to help the student to a truthful delineation of some of the grandest scenes in Nature. WALTON'S (E.) VioyETTES; Alpine and Eastern, 24 beautiful chromolithographs in imi- tation of the original drawings, with Descriptive Text by Rev. T. G. Bonney, 4to. cloth elegcmt, £3. 10s 1874 WALTON (I.) and Cotton's Complete Angler, edited with Original Memoir by Sir Harris Nicolas, illustrated with upwards of 50 beauti- ful engravings, on India paper, from Designs by Stotiiard and Inskipp, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. new half morocco, gilt tops, £3. 3s 1860 Re-issucof Pickering's splendid edition, handsomely printed on vellum paper by Whittingham, and beautifully illustrated. WALTON (I.) and Cotton's Complete Angler, with Lives and Notes by Sir J, Hawkins, sixth edition, plates, 8vo. morocco, gilt leaves, 10s 6d 1797 WALTON (I.) and Cotton's Complete Angler, with Lives of the Authors and Notes by Sir J. Hawkins, and additional Notes by the present Editor (Sir H. Ellis), portraits and beaidiful engravings, 8vo. calf gilt, 12s 6d Bagster, 1815 Among the engravings are seven charming ones frorr^ ylrawings by the now eminent painter Linnell. 209 j WALTON (I.) and Cotton's Complete Angler, i with Lives of the Authors and Notes, Histo- : rical and Practical, edited by E. Jesse, portraits and numerous engravings on \oood, post Svo. morocco, 12s 6(i; or with additional steel en- gravings, new morocco extra, gilt edges, 16s 6d 1861 WALTON'S (I.) Lives of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, Herbert, and Sanderson, with Notes, and Life of the Author, by T. Zouch, fine por- traits, 4to. hf. morocco, top edge gilt, £1. Is York, 1796 WALTON'S (L) Lives of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, Herbert, and Sanderson, to which is added Love and Truth ; with Notes and Life ' by Zouch, portrait, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 9s 1817 WANDERINGS of a Pilgrim in Search of the Picturesque, during Four and Twenty Years in the East ; with Revelations of Life in the Zenana (by Fanny Parkes), 50 fine coloured and other engravings of Buildings, Antiquities, Cos- tume, imal8 ; a descriptiou of every living- creature mentioned in the Scriptures, with 24 full-page engravings and 60 woodcuts, 8vo. new calf gilt, 18s 6d ; or, neiv morocco, gilt edges, £1. 4s 1874 Homes without Haxds ; a Description of the Habitations of Animals, ivith 21 full^age engra/vings and numerous woodcuts, 8vo. new calf gilt, 18s 6d; or, neio morocco, gilt edges, £1.4s 1869 Insects Abroad, a Popular Account of Fo- reign Insects, their Structure, Habits, and Transfonnations, illustrated hy 600 engravings, thick 8vo. calf gilt, 1 8s 6d ; or, new morocco, gilt edges, £1. 4s 1874 Insects at Home ; a Popular Account of British Insects, their Structure, Habits, and Transformations, illustrated hy upwards of IQO figures, thick 8vo. new calf gilt, 18s 6d ; or, new morocco, gilt edges, £1. 4s 1872 Man and Beast, Here and Hereafter, post 8vo. new calf gilt, 10s (id 1876 Natural History ; the illustrated edition, complete, comprising Mammalia, Birds, In- sects, Reptiles, Fishes, Molluscs, etc. ; also the Natural History of Man, illustratedhy several hundred engramngs on woodhy Dalziel, 5 vols, roy. 8vo. new calf gilt, £6. (5s — or new hf. morocco extra, gilt edges, £5. 10s 1869-74 Natural History ; The new illustrated edition, with 600 engravings on wood, impl. 8vo. new calf extra, £1. 6s 1874 Natural History ; The Popular edition, il- lustrated, post 8vo. new calf gilt, 12s 1875 Out of Doors; a Selection of Original Articles on Practical Natural History, engravings, post 8vo. calf gilt, 12s 1874 Strange Dw^ellings ; being a description of the Habitations of Animals, post 8vo. new calf gilt, 12s 1871 WOOD'S (J. G.) Miscellaneous Works, each with coloured plates; viz. Common British Beetles, 12mo. cloth, 3s ; Common British Moths, 12mo. cloth,3s: Common Objects of the Country, 12mo. cloth, 3s ; Common Objects of the Mi- croscope, 12mo. cloth, 3s ; Common Objects of the Sea-Shore, 1 2mo. cloth, 3s ; Fresh and Salt Water Aquarium, 12mo. cloth, 3s; Our Garden Friends and Foes, post 8vo. cloth, 6s 6d ; Our Domestic Pets, 12mo. cloth, 3s v. d. WOOD'S (R.) 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Index Entomologicus ; a com- plete Illustrated Catalogue of the Lepidopterous Insects of Gt. Britain ; with their Localities, &c. New Edition, continued to the present Time, with extensive Supplement containing all the new Species of Moths and Buttei-flies, and 180 New Figures, by J. 0. Westwood, in all 2000 beautifully coloured figures, royal 8vo. new hf. morocco, £3, 3s 1854 This beautiful work has been revised and enlarged throughout by that eminent entomologist, Mr. Westwood. It is the most complete coloured Illustrated work on British Moths and ButterHies, and indispensable to those forming collections. WOOD'S (W.) Index Testaceologicus ; an Illustrated Catalogue of all known Shells, British and Foreign, New Edition, thoroughly revised by S. Hanley, ivith 3000 figu/res, beauti- fully COLOURED after Nature, royal 8vo. new hf. morocco, £2. 12s 6(2 1850 " This beautiful and valuable work is indispensable to all collectors of shells. The plates have been coloured with scrupulous i3i\thhi\ness."—ylthenceum. WOOD'S (W.) Zoography, or the Beauties of Nature displayed from the Animal, Vegetable and Mineral Kingdoms, illustrated hy 60 fine engramngs, with characteristic Scenery, hy W. Daniell, 3 large vols, impl. 8vo. hf. russia neat, uncut, £1. 4s 1807 Laroe Paper, original copy, with the first impressions of the plates. WOOLNOTH'S (W.) Graphical Illustrations of Canterbury Cathedral ; from Drawings by T. Hastings, 20 highly finished engravings, witli History and Descriptiou, 4to. hf. morocco, 14s — Another copy, large paper, the plates on India paper, impl, 4to. boards, £l, 4s 1816 WOOSTER'S (Dr.) Alpine Plants; coloured plates of the most striking and heautiful of the Alpine Flowers, with descriptions, 2 vols, impl, 8vo. new cloth, £1. 16s 1872-74 WORDSWORTH'S (Dr. C.) Ecclesiatical Biography, or Lives of Eminent Men con- nected with the History of Religion in England, [by the best Authors], 4 vols. 8vo, third ed. enlarged, hf. calf gilt, £1. Is 1839 WORDSWORTH'S (Dr, C.) Christian Insti- tutes, a Series of Discourses and Tracts by the most eminent Divines of the English Church, 4 vols. 8vo, hf. calf neat, 16s 6d 1839 WORDSWORTH'S (Bp.) Athens and Attica i being Notes of a Tour, engravings, maps, and plans, post 8vo. new calf gilt, 10s 6cZ— Another copy, neio morocco extra, gilt edges, 15s 1869 WORDSWORTH'S (Bp.) Greece, Pictorial, Descriptive, and Historical, with 350 engravings on wood and 28 on steel, impl. 8vo. neio morocco extra, gilt edges, £2. 25 1869 ON SALE B^ II. SOTliERAN &c WORDSWORTH'S (W.) Poetical Works, com- plete, last edition, portrait, 6 vols. fcap. 8vo. new calf gilt, £2. 12s — Another copy, new mo- rocco extra, gilt edges, £3. 10s 1870 WORDSWORTH'S (W.) Poetical Works, complete in one vol. impl. 8yo. portrait, new calf gilt, £1. Is — or new morocco exti'a, gilt edges, £1. 10s 1869 WORDSWORTH'S (W.) Poetical Works, with Memoir, Notes, etc. Chandos Edition, por- trait and illustrations, post 8vo. morocco extra, gilt edges, 16s6cl (^874) WORDSWORTH'S (W.) Prose Works, Politi- cal, Ethical, -ZEsthetical, Literary, and Critical, edited with Notes by the Rev. A. B. Guosart, 3 vols. 8vo. neiu calf gilt, £2. 12s 6(2 1876 WORNUM'S (R. N.) Epochs of Painting ; a Biographical and Critical Essay on Painting and Painters, with 40 engravings, thick 8vo. new calf extra, gilt edges, £1. 6s 6(i— or morocco gilt edges, £1. 10s 1864 WORSAAE'S (J. A.) Account of the Danes and Norwegians in England, Scotland, and Ireland, engravings, 8vo. cloth, sca/rce, 12s 1852 WREN'S (Sir C.) Churches erected in London and Westminster, illustrated by J. Clayton, 60 large plates of Groundplans, Elevations, Sections, Details, and Ornaments, of the 46 Churches, with Scales of sizes from actibal admeasurement, impl. folio, hf. mor. £2. 2s (pub. £4. 14s Gd) 1848 WRIGHT'S (A.) Court Hand Restored ; or Student's Assistant in Reading Old Deeds, Charters, Records, &c. &;c. 27 pkites, 4to. cloth, 12s 6d fpub. £1. 6s) 1846 WRIGHT'S (J.) Rutland, History and Anti- quities of, collected from Records, ancient MSS. &c. rimp and engravings of Arms, Antiquities, ^c. folio, old calf neat, very scarce, £2. 2s 1684 Contains various manuscript Additions and Corrections to the Pedigrees and other subjects, by an apparently com- petent hand ; also two engravings, Monument and Seat of the Earl of Harborough. WRIGHT'S (L.^ Illustrated Book op Poul- try, with Practical Schedules for Judging, con- structed from actual Analysis of the best modeni decisions, illustrated hy 50 coloured Portraits op Prize Birds, painted from life, thick 4to. cloth extra, gilt edges, £ 1 . 6s 6d 1873 WRIGHT'S (T.) Biographia Britannica Litteraria, or Biography of Literary Characters of Gt. Britain and Ireland, in Chronological Order 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 15s (pub. 24s) 1842-6 This valuable work, which comprehends the Anglo- Saxon and the Anglo-Norman Periods, was published under the superintendence of the Council of the Royal Societv of Literature. WRIGHT'S (T.) Caricature History of the Georges; or Annals of the House of Hanover, compiled from the Squibs, Broadsides, Window Pictures, Lampoons, and Pictorial Caricatures of the Tinie, illustrated hy nearly 400 engravings, frontispiece coloured, thick post 8vo. neiv cloth, 6s 6ct (1867) WRIGHT'S (T.) History of Caricature and Grotesque in Literature and Art, with many inost humourous illustrations, from a variety of sources hy Fairholt, thick sq. 8vo. new calf gilt, 18s, or nevj hf. calf gilt, 14s 1863 CO., 36, PICCADILLY, LONDON. $19 AVRIGHT'S (T.) Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon, a Histoiy of the Early Inhabitants ot Britain, numerous fine engravings and map, carefully revised and enlarged, post 8vo. new calf gilt, 18s 1875 A work of great research, and containing a vast amount of valuable information in a small compass, with a carefully compiled Index. WRIGHT'S (T.) England under the House of Hanover, illustrated from the Caricatures and Satires of the Day, with several hundred engrav- ings on steel and wood after Hogarth, Gillray, and other popular Caricaturists, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, scarce, £1. 8s 1848 An Illustrated History of British Caricature and Poli- tical Satire daring the reigns of the Georges. WRIGHT'S (T.) History of Domestic Man- ners and Sentiments in England during the Middle Ages, tvith numerous quaint engravings from the Illuminations in Contemporary MSB. 4-c. hy Fairlwlt, thick sq. 8vo. hf. morocco, 14s 1862 WRIGHT'S (T.) Queen Elizabeth and her Times, Original and Private Correspondence of Lord Burghley, Earl of Leicester, Walsingham, Sir C. Hatton, Sec. portrait, 2 vols. 8vo. hoards, 12s (pub. £1. 8s) 1838 WRIGHT'S (T.) Womankind in Western Europe from the earliest times to the seven- teenth century, illuminated title, 10 chromoli- thographic plates, and numerous woodcuts, sm. 4to. new morocco extra, gilt edges, £1. Is 1869 " It is something more than a drawing-room ornament. It is an elaborate and careful summary of all that one of our most learned antiquaries, after years of pleasant labour on a very pleasant subject, has been able to learn as to the condition of women from the earliest times." WRIGHT'S (T.) History and Topography of Essex ; comprising its Ancient and Modern Histor}', Physical Character, Productions, Agricultural Condition, Statistics, etc. large map . and 100 heautiful engravings hy Bartlett, etc. 2 thick vols. 4to. /;/. calf gilt, £1. 16s (pub. £4. 4s) 1836 WRIGHT'S (T.) History op Scotland, from the earliest Period to the Present Times, with a Survey of the Religious History of Scotland Essays on the National Music, early Poetry, and Art, illustrated hy an extensive series of Historical, Scenes, Views, and Portraits, 3 vols, imperial 8vo. in 6 Divisions, cloth, £1. 8s (pub. £2. lis) n.d. WYATT'S (Sir T.) Poetical Works, with Memoir, an elegant reprint of Pickering's Aldine edition, large paper, post 8vo. new morocco extra, gilt edges, 12s 6cZ 1866 WYATT (Digby) An Architect's Note-Book, in Spain, principally illustrating the Domestic '^ Architecture of that Country, with 100 of the Author's Sketches reproduced hy the autotype process, sra. 4to. cloth, £1. Is (1872) •' Sir Digby is seen at his best in the production of such works as this. His taste, learning, and descriptive power are fully and profitably displayed, and his readers can hardly fail, however accomplished they may be, to find much that is valuable as well as agreeable in his pages." — yUherioeum. WYATT'S (Digby) Fine Art; A Sketch of its History, Theory, Practice, and Application to Industry, S\o. new calf gilt, 16s 1870 A course of Lectures delivered at Cambridge in 1870. 220 il. SOtHERAI^ . 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