l'- -- Chicago, II. ^rdinances, local ^ lavs, etc,; ^*-~ [Miscellaneous publications] JMISC. PUBS.] ORDINANCES GOVERNING 15he DEPARTMENT WEIGHTS AND MEASURES THE CHICAGO CODE OF 191 1,, PASSED MARCH 13, 1911 AND AMENDMENTS, TO DECEMBER 4 1911. my PETER ZIMMER INSPECTOR OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES CHICAGO, ILL. COMPILED AND ARRANGED BY W. F. CLUETT. Chief Deputy - .cy & Cc ORDINANCES GOVERNING 15he DEPARTMENT */ Weights and Measures THE CHICAGO CODE OF 191 1 PASSED MARCH 13, 1911 AND AMENDMENTS, TO DECEMBER 4 1911 PETER ZIMMER INSPECTOR OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES CHICAGO, ILL. COMPILED AND ARRANGED BY W. F. CLUETT. Chief Deputy Clohesey & Co. Printers <40to 102 North Fifth Avenue ORDINANCES GOVERNING THE Departments of Weights and Measures CHAPTER XIV. BREAD. 187. Special requirements.] All bread, made or procured for the purpose of sale, sold, offered or exposed for sale in the city of Chicago, shall be made in a clean and sanitary place, of good and wholesome flour or meal, and shall contain no deleterious substance or material. 188. Loaves weight labels.] Every loaf of bread, made or procured for the purpose of sale, sold, offered or exposed for sale in the city of Chicago shall weigh a pound avoirdupois (except as hereinafter provided), and such loaf shall be considered to be the standard loaf in the city of Chicago. Bread may also be made or procured for the purpose of sale, sold, offered or exposed for sale in half, three-quarter, double, triple, quadruple, quintuple or sex- tuple loaves, and in no other way. Every loaf of bread, made or procured for the purpose of sale, sold, offered or exposed for sale in the city shall have affixed thereon in a conspicuous place a label at least one inch square, or if round, at least one inch in diameter, upon which label there shall be printed in plain type, the letters and figures of which shall be printed in black ink upon white paper from type not smaller or making a less conspicuous letter than the type commonly known as twelve point full face square Gothic capital letters and figures (being substantially such type as is de- scribed in Specimen Book Number 9 of Barnhart Brothers & Spindler, as twelve point Lining Gothic Title Number 82, capital letters and figures, and in the Specimen Book of 1906 of the Amer- ican Type Founders Company as twelve point Lining Gothic Number 520, capital letters and figures, or similar type), the weight of the loaf in pound, pounds or fraction of a pound avoir- dupois, whether the loaf be a standard loaf or not. The business name and address of the maker, baker or manufacturer of the loaf shall also be printed plainly on each label. 189. Scales weighing.] Every maker, baker or manufacturer of bread, every proprietor of a bakery or bakeshop, and every seller of bread in the city of Chicago shall keep scales and weights, suitable for the weighing of bread in a conspicuous place in his bakery, bakeshop or store, and shall, whenever requested by the buyer and in the buyer's presence, weigh the loaf or loaves of bread sold or offered for sale. 190. Penalty.] If any person, firm or corporation shall make or procure for the purpose of sale, sell, offer or expose for sale, within the city of Chicago, any bread which is not made of good and wholesome flour or meal, any bread which contains a dele- terious substance or material, any bread the loaf or loaves of which are not standard, half, three-quarter, double, triple, quad- ruple, quintuple or sextuple loaves, as defined in section 188, or any bread which is not made in a clean and sanitary place, or shall make or procure for the purpose of sale, sell, offer or expose for sale, within the city of Chicago, any standard loaf or loaves of bread which do not weigh one pound each, or any bread the loaf or loaves of which do not weigh as much as the weight marked thereon, or any bread the loaf or loaves of which do not have affixed thereon the label marked as hereinbefore provided, con- trary to the provisions of this chapter, such person, firm or cor- poration shall be fined not less than ten dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. 191. Exemptions.] The provisions of this chapter, other than the provisions of section 187 and section 190 (so far as section 190 relates to violations of section 187), shall not apply to crackers, pretzels, biscuits, buns, scones, rolls or loaves of fancy bread weighing less than one-fourth of a pound avoirdupois, or to what is commonly known as "stale bread," sold as such, provided the seller shall at the time of sale, expressly state to the buyer that the bread so sold is stale bread. CHAPTER XVIII. COAL, CHARCOAL, COKE AND FIREWOOD. ARTICLE I. COAL, CHARCOAL AND COKE. 740. Measure prescribed.] In the sale of coal, the hundred weight shall consist of one hundred pounds avoirdupois, and twenty such hundred weight shall constitute a ton. 741. Delivery ticket requirements verifying weight.] Any person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of selling coal, charcoal or coke in the city, to be delivered in said city, shall pro- vide the driver of the wagon or conveyance with a delivery ticket bearing the name of the person, firm or corporation selling such fuel, showing the net weight of the fuel and the name and address of the purchaser of said fuel, or person, firm or corporation to whom same is to be delivered, which said delivery ticket shall be delivered by the driver in charge of the wagon or conveyance to the purchaser, or his agent or representative, or to the person to whom delivery is to be made, at the time of the delivery of the fuel. In the event that coal, charcoal or coke is sold or offered for sale by a peddler, such peddler shall deliver to the purchaser or intending purchaser, or his agent or representative, or the person to whom delivery is to be made, or to the inspector of weights and measures of the city of Chicago, upon his demand, a delivery ticket bearing the name of such peddler, his license number and showing the net weight of the fuel so sold or offered for sale. Every such person, firm or corporation shall, on demand of the inspector of weights and measures of the city of Chicago, or any of his deputies, or the purchaser or intending purchaser or his agent or representative, or the person to whom the delivery is to be made, produce and deliver said ticket to said officer or to his deputies, or to the purchaser or intending purchaser, or his agent or representative, or to the person to whom the delivery is to be made, and whenever said officer or any of his deputies, or the purchaser or intending purchaser, or his agent or representative, or the person to whom delivery is to be made, shall demand that the said weight shown by said ticket be verified, it shall thereupon become the duty of the person, firm or corporation delivering such fuel to convey the same forthwith to some public scale selected by the inspector of weights and measures of the city of Chicago, or any of his deputies, or the purchaser or intending purchaser of the fuel being delivered, or his agent or representative, or the per- son to whom delivery is to be made, in the particular locality where the coal, charcoal or coke is to be delivered or to any pri- vate scale in the particular locality where the owner thereof shall consent to such use, and permit the weighing of the coal, charcoal or coke, together with conveyance and equipment, for the purpose of ascertaining the gross weight thereof, and shall, after the deliv- ery of such fuel, return forthwith with the conveyance and equip- ment used in the delivery of such coal, charcoal or coke to the same scale and permit the weighing of said conveyance and equip- ment for the purpose of verifying the net weight of the coal, char- coal or coke, as shown by the said ticket ; provided, however, that if such person, firm or corporation requests the privilege or re- weighing said ccal, charcoal or coke, conveyance and equipment on another and different scale from that selected by the inspector of weights and measures of the city of Chicago, or any of his deputies, or the purchaser or intending purchaser, or his agent or representative, or the person to whom delivery is to be made, said inspector of weights and measures or his deputy, or the purchaser or intending purchaser, or his agent or representative, or the per- son to whom delivery is to be made, shall consent to such weigh- ing on some other scale in the particular locality. Every person, firm or corporation selling or offering for sale coal, charcoal or coke in the city shall sell the same by avoirdupois weight, except where otherwise provided by contract. 742. Penalty.] Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of section 741, or who shall refuse or neglect to comply with any of the provisions thereof, shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each offense, and any person, firm or corporation delivering or attempting to deliver coal, charcoal or coke within the city of a quantity less than that called for by the delivery ticket, as provided for in section 741 5 aforesaid, shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. Any person, firm or corporation selling and delivering or at- tempting to deliver coal, charcoal or coke within the city of Chicago, who shall provide the driver or person in charge of the wagon or conveyance used in the carrying thereof, or the person making or attempting to make the delivery thereof, with a ticket or memorandum which does not correctly give the information required to be given by virtue of section 741, or with a ticket or memorandum which does not give the result of the actual weigh- ing of such coal, charcoal or coke, and any such driver and any such persons making or attempting to make delivery of any coal, charcoal or coke, who shall produce, deliver, offer or tender any ticket or memorandum which does not correctly give the informa- tion aforesaid, or does not give the result of the actual weighing of such coal, charcoal or coke, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. ARTICLE IV. FIREWOOD. 752. One hundred and twenty-eight cubic feet to constitute a cord.] Whenever any firewood shall be contracted for or sold or delivered, or offered for sale or delivery, within the city of Chi- cago, one hundred twenty-eight cubic feet shall constitute a cord. 753. Penalty.] Any person, firm or corporation selling, offer- ing for sale, delivering, or attempting to deliver, any less number of cubic feet of firewood to the cord than one hundred twenty- eight cubic feet, shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. 754. Memorandum required contents.] Any person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of selling firewood in the city, to be delivered in said city, shall provide the driver of the wagon or conveyance with a delivery ticket bearing the name of the per- son, firm or corporation selling such fuel, and showing the quan- tity of the fuel, the name and address of the purchaser of the same, or the person, firm or corporation to whom such fuel is to be de- livered, which said delivery ticket shall be delivered by the driver in charge of the wagon or conveyance to the purchaser or his agent or representative, or to the person to whom delivery is to be made at the time of the delivery of the fuel. 755. Penalty.] Any person, firm or corporation selling and de- livering, or attempting to deliver, firewood within the city of Chi- cago, who shall provide the driver or person in charge of the wagon or conveyance used in the carrying thereof, or the person making or attempting to make the delivery thereof, with a ticket or memo- randum which does not correctly give the information required to be given by virtue of the preceding section of this article, or with a ticket or memorandum which does not give the result of the actual measurement of such firewood, and any such driver and any such persons making or attempting to make delivery of any fire- wood, who shall produce, deliver, offer or tender any ticket or memorandum which does not correctly give the information afore- said, or does not give the result of the actual measurement of such firewood, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. CHAPTER XXXVII. HAY, GRAIN, STRAW AND MILL-FEED. 1151. Weighing required memorandum to purchaser.] All hay and straw of every kind and nature whatsoever sold to be deliv- ered in wagon-load lots or in amounts less than wagon-load lots within the city of Chicago or sold elsewhere to be delivered in wagon-load lots or in amounts less than wagon-load lots within the city of Chicago, and all grain and mill-feed sold and delivered in wagon-load lots or in amounts less than wagon-load lots with- in the city of Chicago, or sold elsewhere to be delivered in wagon- load lots or in amounts less than wagon-load lots within the city of Chicago, for use as feed for animals, before the delivery thereof, shall be weighed on scales which have been inspected and sealed by the inspector of weights and measures of the city of Chicago, and in case such hay, straw, grain or mill-feed is delivered in wagon-load lots, a written or printed memorandum showing the date of the weighing, the gross weight, the tare and the net weight of such hay, straw, grain or mill-feed, the name of the seller thereof, the number of the wagon or other conveyance (if such wagon or conveyance be numbered), and the name of the teamster driving the wagon, or the person in charge of any other conveyance, shall be delivered to the purchaser by the seller, or his authorized agent, at the time of the delivery thereof and be- fore such hay, straw, grain or mill-feed, or any part or portion thereof, is removed from such wagon or other conveyance. In case such hay, straw, grain or mill-feed is delivered in less than wagon-load lots, but in a lot of more than one bale, bag, parcel or package, said memorandum shall show the date of the weigh- ing, the net weight of the goods so delivered, the number of such bales, bags, parcels or packages so delivered, the name of the seller thereof, and if there be goods of different kinds in such load or lot, the memorandum shall also show the net weight of each kind of goods so delivered, and such memorandum shall be delivered to the purchaser by the seller or his authorized agent at the time of the delivery thereof and before such hay, straw, grain or mill- feed, or any part or portion thereof, is actually placed in the pos- session of the purchaser. In case such hay, straw, grain or mill- feed is delivered in quantities of one bale, bag, parcel or pack- age said memorandum shall show the date of the weighing, the net weight of such hay, straw, grain or mill-feed so delivered and the name of the seller thereof, and such memorandum shall be deliv- ered to the purchaser by the seller at the time of the delivery threof, and before such bale, bag, parcel or package is actually placed in the possession of the purchaser. In case no person is present to receive such hay, grain, straw or mill-feed, then the memorandum hereinbefore provided for shall be posted conspicu- ously at the place of delivery. No load or lot of hay, straw, grain or mill-feed shall be delivered in the city the net weight of which is less than the amount shown by such memorandum. 1152. Weighing re-weighing.] Any person in charge of a wagon, or other conveyance used for delivering any such straw, hay, grain or mill-feed within the city of Chicago shall at the re- quest of the inspector of weights and measures or any of his deputies, or at the request of the purchaser or intending purchaser of any such hay, straw, grain or mill-feed, at any time after the weighing thereof, produce and deliver said memorandum for the inspection of such inspector of weights and measures, his deputy 01 the purchaser or intending purchaser and shall upon request of the inspector of weights and measures, his deputy or the purchaser or intending purchaser, go to a scale which has been duly inspected and sealed by the inspector of weights and measures and which is located in the particular locality where the delivery is to be made, and which shall be designated by said in- spector of weights and measures, his deputy or the purchaser or intending purchaser and there weigh such hay, straw, grain or mill-feed about to be delivered, together with the wagon, or other conveyance (in case such hay, straw, grain or mill-feed is deliv- ered in wagon-load lots) used for the delivery of the same for the purpose of ascertaining the gross weight thereof, and shall, after the delivery of such hay, straw, grain or mill-feed return forth- with, with the wagon, or other conveyance (in case such hay, straw, grain or mill-feed is delivered in wagon-load lots) and there weigh such wagon or other conveyance for the purpose of verify- ing the net weight of such hay, straw, grain or mill-feed as shown by said memorandum ; provided, however, that if the seller of such hay, straw, grain or mill-feed or the driver of the wagon or the person in charge of any other conveyance or the person making the delivery requests the privilege of re-weighing such hay, straw, grain or mill-feed on another and different scale from that selected by the inspector of weights and measures or by his deputy, or by the purchaser or intending purchaser, said inspector of weights and measures or his deputy, or the purchaser or intending pur- chaser, shall consent to such re-weighing on some other scale in the particular locality where such delivery is to be made. 1153. Avoirdupois weight prescribed.] For the purpose of Com- puting the weight of any such hay, straw, grain or mill-feed sold and delivered or sold elsewhere to be delivered within the city of Chicago avoirdupois weight shall be used, and one hundred pounds shall be and constitute an hundred weight and twenty such hun- dred weight or two thousand pounds avoirdupois shall consti- tute a ton. 1154. Violations of foregoing provisions penalty.] Any person, firm or corporation who shall deliver or attempt to deliver any such hay, straw, grain or mill-feed within the city of Chicago sold to be delivered in wagon-load lots or in amounts less than wagon- load lots within the city or sold elsewhere to be delivered in wagon-load lots or in amounts less than wagon-load lots within said city without having weighed such hay, straw, grain or mill- feed as hereinbefore provided or without having in the possession of the person in charge of the wagon or other conveyance, or the person making the delivery, at the time such delivery is being made, a memorandum as hereinbefore provided, or who shall fail to deliver by the person in charge of such wagon or other con- veyance or the person making the delivery at any time after the weighing of the produce being delivered, when demanded by the inspector of weights and measures or by any of his deputies, or by the purchaser or intending purchaser, the memorandum here- inbefore provided for, or who shall fail to deliver to the purchaser or his authorized agent, or to post such memorandum, as herein- before provided, before the removal of such hay, grain or mill- feed from the wagon or other conveyance, or who shall sell and deliver or attempt to deliver within the city of Chicago, or deliver or attempt to deliver a load, lot or bale, bag, parcel or package of any such hay, straw, grain or mill-feed sold elsewhere to be de- livered within said city, which does not weigh as much as the amount shown on such memorandum, or any driver of a wagon or person in charge of any other conveyance or any person making the delivery of any such hay, straw, grain or mill-feed, who shall fail, neglect or refuse to deliver to the purchaser or his authorized agent, or to post such memorandum as hereinbefore provided, be- fore the removal of such hay, straw, grain or mill-feed from the wagon or other conveyance, or who shall, on the request of the inspector of weights and measures or any of his deputies, or the purchaser or intending purchaser, refuse to produce and deliver said memorandum as hereinbefore provided, shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. 1155. False or fraudulent memorandum penalty.] Any person, firm or corporation, selling and delivering or attempting to deliver in wagon-load lots or in amounts less than wagon-load lots or selling elsewhere and delivering or attempting to deliver in wagon- load lots or in amounts less than wagon-load lots, any such hav, straw, grain or mill-feed within the city of Chicago, who shall pro- vide the driver of a wagon, the person in charge of any other con- vevance or the person actually making or attempting to make the deliverv thereof with a false or fraudulent memorandum, instead of such a memorandum as is hereinbefore provided for. or a memo- randum which is not the result of the actual weighing of the goods so sold and delivered, or attempted to be delivered, and any driver of a wagon or person in charge of anv other conveyance or other person making the delivery of any such hay, straw, grain or mill- feed, who shall have in his possession or who shall, upon request, produce or deliver anv false or fraudulent memorandum or any memorandum which is not the result of an actual weighing- of the 9 produce so being delivered, shall be fined not less than fifty dol- lars, nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. 1156. Railways, elevators and warehouses memorandum to con- signee fee penalty.] All railway companies and also all persons, firms or corporations operating elevators or warehouses, main- taining in the city of Chicago delivery team track yards equipped with scales shall, upon the delivery by them of any such hay, straw, grain or mill-feed to the consignee, or to the person having an order from the consignee for the delivery of such hay, straw, grain or mill-feed where such hay, straw, grain or mill-feed is re- moved from such yards in wagon-load lots or in amounts less than wagon-load lots, weigh the same and deliver to the driver of the wagon, or the person in charge of any other conveyance furnished by the consignee or by the person having his order, a memoran- dum of such weighing, which memorandum shall comply with all the requirements of section 1151 of this chapter, and in addition thereto shall show the name or the initials of the railroad company or of the elevator or warehouse issuing such memorandum and the location of the scale upon which such hay, straw, grain or mill- feed is weighed. For such weighing and for the issuing of said memorandum a fee not exceeding ten cents for each load or part of a load so weighed may be charged and collected. Any person, firm or corporation violating the terms of this section shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. CHAPTER XXXVIII. ARTICLE XII. 1265. Name of bottler to appear on cap of bottle.] It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to sell or offer for sale within the city of Chicago any milk or cream in any bottle or glass jar unless such bottle or glass jar shall have indelibly indi- cated upon the cover or cap thereof, in a legible and conspicuous manner, the name of the person, firm or corporation bottling said milk or cream in such bottles or glass jar ; and it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to sell or offer for sale any milk or cream within the city of Chicago in any such bottle or glass jar which has blown into it, or otherwise indicated thereon, the name of any person, firm or corporation other than or different from that which is indicated on such cover or cap. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this section shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. 10 CHAPTER XXXVIII. ARTICLE XIII. 1296. Ice to be weighed when sold avoirdupois weight pre- scribedexception.] Every person or corporation selling ice or offering ice for sale shall, at the time of delivery of any ice sold, weigh the quantity of ice delivered, and for that purpose shall be provided with a steel-yard balance or other apparatus for weighing such ice, which shall have been duly adjusted and sealed by the inspector of weights and measures in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance ; and all ice sold within the city shall be sold by avoirdupois weight unless it is otherwise specifically agreed upon between the buyer and seller. Any person or corporation selling or offering for sale ice within the city, or delivering ice to any person within the city, who shall violate any of the provisions of this section, shall be fined not less than five nor more than fifty dollars for each offense. CHAPTER XXXVIII. ARTICLE XVI. 1325. Meats to be sold by weight exceptions.] All meats sold at any place of business licensed under the provisions of this article, except shanks, offal, heads and plucks, poultry and wild game, shall be sold by weight, and shall be weighed in a scale, by weights or a beam, properly sealed; and in case any fraud shall be committed in the weight of any meat, and in case any meat, except as aforesaid, shall be sold without being weighed as herein directed, the person selling the same shall be fined the sum of five dollars for each offense. CHAPTER LXXIX. ARTICLE II. 2614. No charge in case of breakdown.] In case any automo- bile, autocar or other similar vehicle shall, while conveying for hire or reward any passenger or passengers, become disabled, or shall break down so as to be unable to convey such passenger or passengers to his or their destination, and such disablement or breaking down cannot be remedied so that such vehicle shall be enabled to proceed within fifteen minutes from the time such vehicle shall have become disabled, or shall have stopped, no fare shall be charged or collected for any service rendered or distance traveled up to the time of such stoppage, disablement or break-down ; pro- vided, however, that if any such passenger or passengers elect to remain in such vehicle and desire to be conveyed to their destina- tion thereby, after such break-down or disablement shall have been remedied, in such event full rates for the distance traveled shall be charged as if no break-down or stoppage had occurred, or if such vehicle was employed by the hour, the time of stoppage shall be deducted from the time charged for. 11 ARTICLE V. TAXICABS. 2651. Taximeter and taxicab defined.] For the purpose of this article, the term "taximeter," whenever used herein, shall be held to embrace and mean and is hereby defined to mean, any in- strument or device attached or to be attached to a public vehicle designed or intended to measure the distance traveled, to record the time said vehicle is in waiting, and to record the fare or charge therefor ; the term ''taxicab," all public vehicles propelled by power other than muscular power, to which is attached a taximeter. 2652. Requirements as to taximeter.] As amended June 19, 1911. The dial of such taximeter shall show but one tariff, which shall be registered in accordance with the rates prescribed in section 2658. Each taximeter shall be equipped with a flag at least three inches by two inches in size, either painted red or bearing thereon in letters of at least one inch in height the word "VACANT" or the words "FOR HIRE." The flag post of such flag shall be kept up or towards a vertical position when the taxicab is for hire, and when such taxicab is engaged in the service of a passenger or passengers, said flag post shall be kept down or towards a hori- zontal position. All taxicabs used for the purpose of conveying passengers within the city of Chicago shall have the tires inflated with not less than the following number of pounds of air pressure: For three-inch tires, 50 pounds ; for three and a half inch tires, 60 pounds ; for four-inch tires, 70 pounds ; for four-and-a-half- inch tires, 80 pounds ; for five-inch tires, 90 pounds ; for five-and- a-half-inch tires, 100 pounds. 2653. Inspection of taximeters.] It shall be the duty of the inspector of weights and measures to examine, inspect and seal at least once in every six months, in the manner hereinafter set forth, all taximeters used in the city of Chicago ; provided, however, that in the event complaint is made to said inspector of weights and measures that any taximeter registers improperly or inaccurately, then it shall be the duty of the said inspector of weights and measures immediately to examine and inspect said taximeter com- plained of; and if said taximeter does not properly and accurately register, indicate or display the time consumed by the taxicab while in waiting, the distance traveled and the amount of fare to be de- termined and charged therefor, then and in that event it shall be un- lawful for the owner or person in charge of such taxicab to permit its use until such taxicab is equipped with a taximeter approved by said inspector. 2654. Testing of taximeters.] As amended June 19, 1911. Every taximeter shall be tested by running the taxicab to which it is attached over a course of a standard mile in length or by a me- chanical test to prove the accuracy of the register thereof. Both of the foregoing tests may be made in the discretion of the said inspector of weights and measures. 12 In order to determine whether such taximeter correctly reg- isters "waiting time," it shall be the duty of said inspector of weights and measures to test such taximeter by comparing the time recorded as shown by the fare computed on the dial there- of with the standard time. It shall be the duty of any person, firm or corporation, own- ing, controlling or operating a taxicab to deliver either the taxi- cab together with the taximeter, or the taximeter detached there- from, to the inspector of weights and measures, or any of his deputies, for the purpose of making the aforesaid test upon de- mand ; provided, however, such person, firm or corporation may, if desired, be present at the time such test is made. 2655. Taximeter to be tested before using changing taximeter from one taxicab to another.] No person, firm or corporation own- ing or operating any taxicab shall offer or let the same for hire or icward anywhere within the city of Chicago, unless the taximeter placed, attached or installed thereon has been inspected and tested by said inspector, and no such person, firm or corporation shall detach any certified or inspected taximeter from any taxicab and attach the same to any other taxicab, the front wheels of which are of different diameter from those with reference to which said taxi- meter was originally tested, unless a new inspection or certification is had on such taximeter. 2656. Taximeter where attached light reflected on dial.] As amended June 19, 1911. Every taximeter shall be connected with and operated from the front wheel or axle of the taxicab to which it is attached. Each taxicab shall, during the period between sun- set and sunrise, be equipped with a light which shall be so reflected upon the dial of the taximeter as to enable the passenger or pass- engers engaging and using such taxicab to read the figures indi- cated thereon. Every taximeter hereafter placed on a taxicab shall be so ar- ranged that the dial thereof is in plain view of the passenger while riding in such taxicab. 2657. Inspector of weights and measures to seal and keep record of taximeters fee for inspection.] It shall be the duty of the inspector of weights and measures to seal all taximeters found accu- rate and correct and to keep a record of the number of each taxi- meter and the date of the inspection thereof in the books of his office. The fee to be charged for the inspection of each taximeter i? hereby fixed at the sum of one dollar and fifty cents ; no charge shall be made for additional inspections unless the taximeter regis- ters incorrectly or inaccurately, in which case an inspection fee of one dollar and fifty cents shall be charged. 2658. Rates of fare.] As amended June 19, 1911. No person, firm or corporation, owning, operating or controlling any taxicab shall let the same for hire or reward for a fee or charge to be fixed and determined by the hour or fraction thereof, but the fare de- 13 manded or received shall (excepting for waiting time as herein provided for) be computed by the distance traveled and shall not exceed the following rates: For the first one-half mile or traction thereof, for one person, 50 cents. For each one-fourth mile thereafter, 10 cents. For each additional person for the whole journey, 20 cents. Every passenger upon any taxicab shall be allowed to have conveyed with him upon such vehicle, without charge therefor, his ordinary light traveling baggage in an amount not to exceed in weight fifty pounds. A fee of twenty cents may be charged for conveying a trunk. For each four minutes of waiting, 10 cents. Waiting time shall include the time during which the taxicab is not in motion, beginning with its arrival at the place to which it has been called, or the time consumed while standing, at the direction of the passenger, but no charge shall be made for time lost for inefficiency of the taxicab or its operator, or for time consumed by a premature arrival in response to a call ; provided, however, that no operator or driver of any taxicab which has responded to the call of a prospective passenger shall throw down or place in a recording position the aforesaid flag attached to the taximeter until at least eight minutes waiting time have elapsed or been consumed. 2659. Passenger to have opportunity to examine charge indi- cated on taximeter.] As amended June 19, 1911. It shall be the duty of the operator or driver of every taxicab, at the termination of his services, to throw the flag to the non-recording position on the taximeter and call the passenger's attention to the amount registered. The taximeter shall not be changed until after the fare is paid or a charge ticket therefor made out and delivered to the person hiring such taxicab. 2660. Tampering with taximeter prohibited penalty.] As amended June 19, 1911. No driver or operator of any taxicab shall permit any person to ride thereon or therein without the consent of the owner thereof, when the aforesaid flag is up or toward a vertical position, and no person shall tamper with, break or mutilate any taximeter with the intention of causing the same to register improperly or incorrectly or inaccurately, and no driver of any taxicab shall charge more for the use of said taxicab than is shown to be due by the taximeter thereon. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be subject to the payment of a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each offense. 2661. Rates of fare to be posted in taxicabs.] There shall be affixed on the inside of each taxicab in a conspicuous place and in such manner that the same may be easily and conveniently read, 14 by any person riding in such taxicab, a card upon which shall be printed in plain, legible type the rates of fare provided for in this article. 2662. Penalty.] Any owner, agent, employe, driver or operator operating or driving any taxicab upon the streets, alleys or public places of the city for hire or reward, to which is attached a taxi- meter which registers improperly or incorrectly, or who violates any of the provisions of this article, or who neglects or refuses to com- ply with the same, where no other penalty is provided, shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each offense, and every such owner, agent, employe, driver or operator shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for every day such fail- ure, neglect or refusal shall continue, and no person shall in any way or manner disturb, hinder or molest the inspector of weights and measures or any of his deputies in the performance of their duties, as hereby imposed upon them, under a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each offense. CHAPTER LXXXIV. WEIGHERS. 2817. Appointment.] The mayor shall from time to time appoint so many and such persons to be city weighers as he may think proper, and he may remove them. 2818. Bond license fee.] Every city weigher shall execute a bond to the city, in the sum of one thousand dollars, with sureties to be approved by the mayor, conditioned for the faithful perform- ance of his duties, and shall pay to the city collector the sum of ten dollars per annum upon each of his scales as and for an annual license fee or permit. 2819. Scale how provided.] Each of said weighers so appoint- ed shall provide his own scales, which shall be of the most approved pattern in use, and shall locate them and keep them properly adjusted and repaired at his own expense. 2820. Adjustment and sealing.] It shall be the duty of the weighers so appointed to have their scales adjusted and sealed by the inspector of weights and measures at least once in every three months, and oftener if required. It shall further be their duty to weigh any coal, hay or any other article, when so requested by the person bringing the same. 2821. Deputy weighers.] The weighers so appointed shall have power to appoint all necessary deputies to attend such scales, and the official bond of such weighers shall be holden and answerable for the acts of such deputies. 2822. Attendance.] Such weighers shall, either in person or by such deputy, be present at their individual scales during all reason- able hours each day, Sundays and public holidays excepted. 2823. Charges for weighing inhibition.] City weighers shall 15 be allowed to charge and receive ten cents for every load or part of a load, or any article of any kind or nature whatsoever, weighed by them, and shall keep an account of the weight of every such load, and shall furnish to the person having such load weighed a certifi- cate for each load, which certificate shall contain the gross and net weight of each load weighed by them. No person other than a city weigher, his agent or employe, ap- pointed in the manner hereinbefore provided, shall be allowed to charge or to receive any fee or reward for weighing a load or a part of a load or any other article of any kind or nature, and no such person shall by himself, his agent or employe, issue or furnish for a fee or other reward any certificate or memorandum showing the gross and net weight of any load or portion of a load or other article of any kind or nature whatsoever weighed by him. 2824. Records to be kept.] The said city weighers shall sever- ally provide themselves with, and each shall keep a book in which he shall enter the amount of each load, and the name of each person for whom, and the date when the same was weighed ; and when the vehicle and load shall be weighed together, the city weigher's certifi- cate shall state the gross weight thereof, and upon the sale or deliv- ery of such load, the vehicle shall again be weighed, without charge, by the city weigher who weighed the original load, and thus the net weight of the load ascertained. 2825. Weight of vehicles.] In no case shall any city weigher state in his certificate the weight of any vehicle which may have been weighed with any load, until such city weigher shall have ascertained the weight of such vehicle by actually weighing the same on his said scales. 2826. Certificate not to be altered.] No person shall alter any certificate of any city weigher, or use or attempt to use the same for any other load or parcel than the one for which the same was given, nor, after the weighing and before the sale and delivery of any load or parcel, diminish the quantity thereof. 2827. Examination of books.] The inspector of weights and measures, his deputies, and members of the department of police, shall be permitted at his or their pleasure to examine the books required as aforesaid to be kept by the city weigher. 2828. Street scales prohibited exception.] No person shall use or keep any scale within the city for weighing any substance or thing for the public, for fee or reward, except city weighers who shall have complied with all of the provisions of this chapter, and no person shall use or keep any scale in any public place, street or alley within the city unless duly authorized so to do by the city council. 2829. Penalty.] Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each offense. 16 CHAPTER LXXXV. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. 2830. Office created appointment.] There is hereby created the office of inspector of weights and measures. He shall be ap- pointed by the mayor by and with the advice and consent of the city council. 2831. Bond.] Said inspector shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, execute a bond to the city, in the sum of five thousand dollars, with sureties to be approved by the city council, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of his office. 2832. Annual and semi-annual inspections.] It shall be the duty of said inspector to inspect and examine once in each year all weights, measures, scale beams, patent balances, steelyards and other instruments used for weighing and measuring in the city, ex- cept track scales and scales of a capacity of three tons or upwards, which shall be inspected once in every six months, and to stamp with a suitable seal all weights and measures and scales so used which he may find accurate, and deliver to the owner thereof a cer- tificate of their accuracy. Any person or persons who shall wilfully remove, destroy or in any manner erase any stamp or seal of in- spection from any scale, weight or measure shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. 2833. Register report.] It shall be the duty of the said in- spector to make a register of all the weights, measures, scale beams, patent balances, steelyards and other instruments used for weigh- ing, inspected and sealed by him, in which he shall state the names of the owners of the same, and whether they are conformable to the standard of the state. 2834. Report violations for prosecution.] It shall be the duty of the said inspector of weights and measures to report forthwith to the prosecuting attorney of the city the names and places of busi- ness of all persons violating any of the provisions of this chapter, and of all persons making use of any fraudulent or unsealed weights or measures, gauges or balances. 2835. Inspector not to vend.] It shall not be lawful for the said inspector to vend any weights, measures, scale beams, patent bal- ances, steelyards or other instruments to be used for weighing, or to offer or expose the same for sale, or be interested directly or in- directly in the sale of the same in the city, under a penalty of fifty dollars for every such offense. 2836. Inspection condemnation adjustment seizure.] Said in- spector shall examine and inspect and seal all weights, measures, scale beams, patent balances, steelyards and other instruments used for weighing at the stores and places where the same may be used ; but, in case they, or any of them, shall not be conformable to the standard of this state, they shall be marked "condemned," and the owner thereof shall within ten days thereafter have the same prop- 17 erly adjusted and sealed, under a penalty of not more than ten dol- lars, and the inspector may, at any time after the expiration of the time aforesaid, seize and destroy any and all such condemned weights, measures, scale beams, patent balances, steelyards and other instruments used for weighing found in use. 2837. Fees limitations.] It shall not be lawful for the said inspector to make charges for inspecting and examining weights, measures, scale beams, patent balances, steelyards or other instru- ments used for weighing more than once in each year (except charges for inspecting and examining track scales and scales of a capacity of three tons and upwards, which shall not be made more than once in every six months), unless such weights, measures, scale beams, patent balances, steelyards or other instrument used in weighing and measuring shall be found to be not conformable to the said standard. 2838. Report to comptroller.] The inspector of weights and measures shall pay over to the city collector each day all fees, charges, moneys, emoluments or valuable consideration of any kind whatsoever collected or received by him by reason of or for or on account of the performance by him of the duties of his office ; and each such payment shall be accompanied by a report in writing or directed to the city comptroller and verified by affidavit of the said inspector, which said report shall show in detail all fees, charges, moneys or valuable consideration of any kind paid to or collected or received by said inspector during the day preceding the day of such report : and such report shall be made daily and shall accom- pany each daily payment as hereinbefore provided for. 2839. Fees for inspection.] The inspector of weights and meas- ures shall demand and receive for the use of the city, before the delivery of the certificate provided for in and by section 2836 of this chapter, the following fees: For inspecting and sealing scales of the capacity of 40,000 pounds and upwards, each $3.50 For inspecting and sealing scales of the capacity of 24,000 pounds up to 40,000 pounds, each 1.50 For inspecting and sealing scales of the capacity of 6,000 pounds up to 24,000 pounds, each 1.00 For inspecting and sealing scales of the capacity of 2,500 pounds up to 6,000 pounds, each 50 For inspecting and sealing scales of a capacity of 240 pounds up to 2,500 pounds, each 35 For inspecting and sealing scales of the capacity of 2 pounds up to 240 pounds, each 20 For inspecting and sealing hopper scales, each 1.25 For inspecting and sealing two-bushel, one-bushel and one- half-bushel measures, each 05 For inspecting and sealing any other dry measure, each 05 18 For inspecting and sealing every automatic weighing machine or every instrument or device of a capacity of less than three tons used for weighing or measuring any person or animal, for hire or reward, each 50 For inspecting and sealing liquid measures of the capacity of one gallon and upwards, each 10 For inspecting and sealing any other liquid measures, each. . . .05 For inspecting and sealing yard measures, each 05 For inspecting and sealing any linear measure, for each 3 feet. .05 In every case where said inspector may, at the request of the owner or person in possession, charge or control of any scale, weight or measure, employ labor or material in making such scale, weight or measure accurate, he shall charge and receive from such owner or person, for the use of the city, a just and reasonable com- pensation for such labor or material. 2840. Resignation or removal.] Whenever the inspector of weights and measures shall resign, be removed from office, or re- move from the city, it shall be his duty to deliver to the city comp- troller all the standard beams, weights and measures in his pos- session. 2841. Official standard of weights and measures.] The comp- troller, at the expense of the city, shall procure correct and ap- proved standards of weights and measures, of the standard adopted by the state of Illinois, with their necessary subdivisions, together with the proper beams and scales, for the purpose of testing and proving the weights and measures of said standard used in the city. 2842. Inspection obligatory.] Every person using weights, meas- ures, scale beams, patent balances, steelyards, or any instrument, in weighing or measuring any article intended to be purchased or sold in the city, or any article weighed or measured for shipping or re- ceiving purposes, or in weighing or measuring any person or animal, for hire or reward, shall cause the same to be inspected and sealed by the inspector of weights and measures in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. 2843. Peddlers and hawkers.] All itinerant peddlers and hawk- ers using scales, balances, weights or measures shall take the same to the office of the inspector of weights and measures, before any use is made thereof, and have the same sealed and adjusted annual- ly ; and any such person failing to comply with the provisions of this section shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense, and a separate and distinct offense shall be regarded as having been committed each and every day such person shall use such scales, balances, weights or measures without having the same adjusted and sealed as hereinbefore pro- vided. Any itinerant peddler or hawker found using any ice scale shall be subject to a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each offense. 19 2844. Deceit or fraud in regard to measurement or weight of commodities.] All corn in the ear, potatoes, coal, large fruits, coarse vegetables and all bulky articles sold or offered for sale by dry measure shall be sold by heaped measure, and all commodities sold lv heaped measure shall be duly heaped up in said measure in the form of a cone, the top of the outside measure by which the same shall be measured to be the limit of the base of such cone, and such cone to be as high as the nature of the article to be measured will admit the cone to be heaped. Any person or corporation who shall sell or offer for sale any commodity or article of merchandise of any kind whatsoever, whether sold by dry measurement, liquid measurement, lineal meas- urement, superficial measurement or cubic measurement, or by weight, or by any unit of enumeration used in determining or meas- uring quantity, in quantities of less weight or measure or enumera- tion than the weight or measure or enumeration represented by the vendor or his agent or employe upon such sale or offer for sale, or who shall sell or offer for sale any commodity in any receptacle con- taining a less quantity than it is represented at the time of such offer or sale to contain, or any article measured by dry measure that shall not be a heaped up measure in accordance with the provisions of this section, or who shall sell or offer for sale any article of dry measurement, in other than a legal dry measure, or any article of liquid measurement, in other than a legal liquid measure, or in any measure which has not been inspected and sealed by the inspector of weights and measures in accordance with and pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. "2844A. Vegetables, Fruits, Vegetable Products and Other Com- modities to be Sold by Avoirdupois Net Weight or Numerical Count.] As passed Dec. 4, 1911. All vegetables, fruits and vege- table products, meats and nonliquid animal products, butter, cheese and other similar dairy products, sold or offered for sale within the city of Chicago, for delivery within the said city, shall, in the absence of a contract or agreement in writing to the contrary, signed by the parties thereto, be sold by Standard Avoirdupois Net Weight or by numerical count. Provided, however, that seeds, grain, flour, meal and other cereals or cereal products and vege- table roots which by common custom in the city of Chicago are sold by the bunch, and commodities in original packages, shall not be included in the provisions of this ordinance. The term 'Original Packages' as herein used, shall be taken to mean pack- ages in which commodities have been packed before shipping by the grower, producer or original packer, thereof, and the con- tents of which have not been disturbed or diminished, except for the purpose of ripening, or of replacing spoiled goods." Any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00), nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each of- fense. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect on and after the first day of January, A. D. 1912. 20 "2844B. Repacking Fruit and Vegetables.] As passed Dec. 4, 1911. Any person, firm or corporation selling or offering for sale any fresh or green fruit, or vegetables, which have been emptied from and repacked in barrels, boxes, baskets or other receptacles, shall clearly stamp or write on such barrels, boxes, baskets or other receptacles upon the outside thereof, and in a conspicuous place thereon, the words 'Repacked By/ and following such words the name of the person, firm or corporation so repacking the said fruit or vegetables." Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each of- fense. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect on and after the first day of January, A. D. 1912. 2844C. Regulating Sale of All Fresh Berries, Cherries, Currants and Other Small Fruit.] As passed Dec. 4, 1911. All fresh ber- ries, cherries, currants and other small fruits, sold or offered for sale in the city of Chicago shall, in the absence of a special agreement in writing signed by the parties thereto to the contrary, be sold by Standard Avoirdupois Net Weight, numerical count or in uniform size baskets, boxes or other receptacles containing one quart, one pint or one-half pint standard dry measure, or multiples thereof, and in no other way, and the said receptacles shall be uniformly and evenly filled throughout. Said baskets, boxes or other re- ceptacles in which or out of which, such berries, cherries, currants and other small fruits are sold or offered for sale shall not be re- quired to be tested and sealed, but the inspector of weights and measures, or any of his deputies, may at any time test the capacity of the basket, box or other receptacle in which, or out of which said berries, cherries, currants or similar small fruits are sold or offered for sale. Any person, firm or corporation selling or offering for sale any berries, cherries, currants, or other small fruits in any basket, box or other receptacle, that is of a capacity different from that here- inbefore provided, or in any basket, box or other receptacle that is not uniformly and evenly filled throughout, shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) nor more than one hundred dol- lars ($100.00) for each offense. 2845. Sale of milk or cream in bottles.] As amended and passed November 20, 1911. No person or corporation shall sell or offer for sale within the city of Chicago any milk or cream in bottles, or in glass jars, unless each of said bottles or glass jars in which said milk or cream is sold or offered for sale shall have blown into it, or otherwise indelibly and permanently indicated thereon in a leg- ible and conspicuous manner the capacity thereof ; and the inspector of weight? and measures of the said city of Chicago shall have the right at any time to examine any bottle or glass jar in which milk or cream is sold or offered for sale in the city of Chicago, or which is used by any person or corporation for the purpose of containing milk or cream to be sold or offered for sale, in order to ascertain 21 whether such bottle or jar is of a capacity not less than that which it purports to be; and, subject to the provision at the end of this section, if any such bottle or jar is of a less capacity than that which it purports to be, or if any such bottle or jar shall not have blown into it or otherwise indelibly and permanently indicated thereon in a legible and conspicuous manner its capacity as afore- said, the person or corporation selling or offering for sale milk or cream in any such bottle or jar, or having in his or its possession any such bottle or jar to be used or which has been used for the purpose of containing milk or cream to be sold or offered for sale in said city of Chicago, shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense ; and, also subject to the provisions at the end of this section, each and every bottle or glass jar found in the possession of any person or corporation used or to be used, or which has been used by such person or cor- poration for the purpose of containing milk or cream to be sold or offered for sale in the city of Chicago, which shall be found to be of a less capacity than that blown into same or otherwise so in- delibly and permanently indicated thereon, or which shall not have blown into it or otherwise indelibly and permanently indicated thereon in legible and conspicuous manner and capacity as afore- said, shall constitute a separate and distinct offense on the part of such person or corporation. "Provided, That the test of forty-eight bottles or glass jars to be used for milk or cream sold or offered for sale containing milk by any person or corporation shall be taken by said inspector, and this ordinance shall be construed as having been complied with if such number of bottles or glass jars contain the full capacity herein re- quired ; provided, however, that bottles or jars marked 'quarter pint' shall contain not less than thirty (30) drams; 'half pint' not less than sixty-two (62) drams; 'pint' not less than one hundred and twenty-five (125) drams; 'quarts' not less than two hundred and fifty (250) drams; 'three pints' not less than three hundred and seventy-nine (379) drams; 'two quarts' not less than five hundred and six (506) drams ; and provided, further, that no bottle or glass jar shall be considered a legal measure except for the distribution of milk or cream to consumers." 2846. Certificate required.] Any person who shall, in weighing or measuring any article for purchase or sale, or for weighing in or weighing out, within the city, use any weight, measure, scale beam, patent balance, steelyard or other instrument, or who shall maintain or operate any weight, measure, scale beam, patent balance, steel- yard or other instrument, whether automatic or otherwise, used for the purpose of weighing or measuring any person or animal, for hire or reward, which has not been sealed or for which the afore- said certificate has not been obtained from the inspector, as required by this chapter, shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars for each offense. 2847. Incorrect or faulty measures or scales.] If any person shall use, maintain or operate in the city, in weighing or measuring 22 as aforesaid, any weight, measure, scale beam, patent balance, steel- yard or other instrument, which shall not be conformable to the standard of this state, or shall use in weighing, as aforesaid, any scale beam, patent balance, steelyard or other instrument, which shall be out of order or incorrect, or which shall not balance, he shall be fined for every such offense not less than twenty-five dol- lars nor more than one hundred dollars. 2848. Refusal to exhibit.] No person shall refuse to exhibit any weight, measure, scale beam, patent balance, steelyard or other in- strument, to said inspector for the purpose of being so inspected and examined, under a penalty of not less than twenty-five dollars for each offense. 2849. Interference with officer.] No person shall in any way or manner obstruct, hinder or molest the inspector of weights and measures in the performance of his duties, as hereby imposed upon him, or refuse to weigh or measure any article of merchandise or any other commodity whatsoever, in order that the said inspector of weights and measures may ascertain the weight or measure of any article of merchandise, or any other commodity whatsoever, which may be sold or offered for sale, under a penalty upon every such person of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. 2850. General penalty.] Any person or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter, where no other pen- alty is provided, shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. AN ORDINANCE Relating to the purchase of articles of merchandise and commodi- ties, as passed July 17, 1911. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago : Section 1. Any person, firm or corporation measuring or weigh- ing any article of merchandise or commodity by dry liquid, lineal or superficial measurement, or by any unit of enumeration used in determining or measuring quantity, or by weight, for the purpose of purchasing such article or commodity, who shall falsify the measure or weight of such article or commodity by representing the measure or weight of the same to be either more or less than the true measure or weight thereof, shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and due publication. 23 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 000 787 489 4