THE SALVATION ARMY Music. GENERAL BOOTH, SALVATION ARMY MUSIC. COMPILED BY GENERAL BOOTH, And containing a Selection of the Most Important and Popular Tunes referred to in "Salvation Army Songs." THE SALVATION ARMY BOOK DEPARTMENT. LONDON: 79-81 Fortess Road, N.W. MELBOURNE : Bourke Street. NEW YORK : 120 West Fourteenth Street. TORONTO : Albert Street. CAPE TOWN : Loop Street. NOTICE. Many of the Songs in this book are COPYRIGHT. and may not be reprinted without permission of the Publisher. PREFACE. THIS book contains a selection from the Music used by The Salvation Army. Among the thousands of songs which are ever upon our people's lips in different parts of the world, some have proved themselves more attractive and more effective than others, and of such I have here brought together those which I think the best. The harmonies have been arranged in the simplest manner, and the more the book is used by young and old alike, both within and without our borders, the better I shall be pleased. Certainly there will be found here every possible variety. The music that has been composed by our own people indicates, I think, clearly enough that we can and do appreciate the sweetest, and purest melodies, while other favourites prove the high value we set on the great and moving harmonies that have come down to us even from the remotest times. It will be seen also that we have not hesitated to adopt strains such as have seldom before been associated with God's service. In no small degree by our own action, it is no longer needful, thank God, to defend the use of what once has been a popular tune of the world for the glory of the world's Saviour. Nothing perhaps has more completely demonstrated the universal mission and success of The Salvation Army than the eagerness with which our tunes have been taken up and appre- ciated by people of every race. Certainly we have had composers of every race amongst us, and have everywhere made use of the most popular national airs, and as we go forward it is reasonable to hope that there may be found or produced three hundred more tunes as generally useful in the next twenty years as those contained in this Volume have proved to be during the past twenty. IV PREFACE. I have of course had to omit from this small Volume many tunes we love, merely that I might not increase the bulk of what I desired to make a handy book. But we have here now a collec- tion which will, I think, be found to be very complete, and which, while containing every variety of truly useful music, shows pretty clearly by its omissions as well as by its contents what I do and what I do not want. Our music cannot be properly used where there is " taste " contrary to the direction God Himself has given to His musicians for all time, " Play skilfully with a loud noise" May none of our musicians ever ape the skill of the world in the production of merely pretty sounds, not only disconnected with the quicken- ing truth of God, but often almost inaudible to those whose hearts they ought to stir. But may there ever be in the soul of every reader of these notes that mighty torrent of love to God and eagerness to save the world which it has been sought to express in this music. And now let me plead with everyone who sees this book to use it well. What can be more sad than to hear those who once sang well sang in the spirit and who though perhaps advanced in musical ability have lost the fire that once made their singing so glad and so powerful ? What can be more horrible than to see people dressed up in the height of the world's fashion, or occupied with the world's prospects, enjoying songs and music that express contempt for the world and delight in God ? What can be more fatal to any soul than to acquire the habit of carelessly singing of the things that have to do with its eternal destiny ? Never, I entreat you, take this book into your hand without prayer that God may keep your heart up to heavenly concert pitch. There is scarcely a tune here that does not carry to some of us most hallowed memories. From the first bright notes we heard from mother's lips in childhood's days, or the quickening strains that caught us at that first Army meeting, or the precious melodies in which we have joined our comrades in days of desperate conflict, to those that have boomed forth PREFACE. V in our greatest demonstrations, there are here put together the tunes that have helped us and others on during The Salvation Army's march to world-wide victory. May the mere memory of past blessings that much of this music will recall prevent backsliding, renew first love and stir up our troops everywhere to more desperate fighting for our Lord. I send these pages forth, therefore, wiih confidence that God's blessing will be upon them. May they help the people in every land to sing more and more the praises of the Lamb that was slain, and to sing in perfect harmony with one another ! May they help to guard our children, and their children too, from all strains and songs and services which will not help them to live lives of holiness. May they spread far and wide the deep, blessed experiences and intense convictions our music has already helped so many millions to realise, and may their influence go on to generations yet to come. I cannot imagine that in Heaven itself we can cease to remember and repeat to each other the strains our souls have revelled in most here below. Till then let us all sing. WILLIAM BOOTH. THE SALVATION ARMY, INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, LONDON, MARCH, IQOO. INDEX TO THE SONGS. NOTE. The first linos of first verses and of choruses are given, the latter in italic type. In the second column of figures the numbers of the same songs and choruses in the New Song Book are given. Page A charge to keep . . 63 Abide with me .... 174 Above the waves . . 9 Alas and did my . . 55 A 11 hail, I'm saved . . 273 All hail the power.. 303 All have need of . . 297 All I have by Thy 201 All I have I am 201 All I have I leave .. 151 A 11 my heart I give 204 All people that on . . 12 A 11 the storms will. . 149 A 11 the world can . . 246 S.B. 441 767 667 6 541 345 865 443 443 381 447 343 845 95 479 26 523 229 789 824 355 716 221 386 820 684 653 251 337 220 13 3 517 735 375 471 588 349 39 288 600 804 91 29 239 366 528 339 518 394 617 597 631 Page. Come, sinners, to . . 187 Come, sinners, to the 2 Come, Thou Fount 155 Come to the Saviour 221 Come, with me visit 100 Come, ye sinners . . 165 Come, ye that love 64 Coming home to-day 213 Commit thou all thy 71 Dark shadows were 188 Dark was the hour 27 Dear Jesus is the One 4 Dear Jesus on .... 222 Dear Lord, and can 8 Death is coming. . . . 128 Depth of mercy .... 76 Down at the cross . . 229 Down in the garden 27 Down where the . . 223 Draw me nearer. . . . 224 Ere the sun goes 225 Even me 139 S.B. 28 22 338 25 346 44 314 116 681 23 8 227 319 130 185 506 8 284 461 133 167 538 364 657 28 409 20 430 494 724 397 397 476 658 445 784 462 506 829 507 575 185 219 312 237 540 273 376 596 Page. Hallelujah, send the 191 Hallelujah, 'tis done 190 Hallelujah to the . . 32 Hallelujah, we are. . 56 Happy day, happy . . 10 Hark, hark, my soul 235 Hark, hear the 172 Hark, listen to the 33 Hark, sinner, while 197 Hark, the gospel . . 162 Hark, the herald . . 87 Hark, the voice of. . 167 Haste away to Jesus 34 Have you any room 150 Have you been to. . 205 Have you not 92 S.B. 248 24:3 339 31& 564 61 532 118 35 805 67 146 34 355 33 283 297 40& 257 657 685 544 204 677 780 328- 593- 40 419- 434 731 461 434 500- 418- 372 405 780. 477 25 321 634 20- 691 626. 175 552 419- 29T 269- 600 All ye that pass by 178 Amen for the flag 202 And above the rest . . 1 He called me out of 192 He lives, I knmo He 135 He pardoned a rebel 237 He wills that I 5 He's the Lily of the 239 Here in the body . . 65 Hiding in Thee 179 Higher than I 179 Ho, my comrades . . 129 Home once more .... 102 Home, sweet home . . 180 How much can you 240 How sweet the name 53 I am a Christian . . 99 / am clinging to the 35 / am coming, Lord. . 66 I am coming to the 77 I am so glad 241 And soon the reaping 16 Angels call the roll 138 Anything for Jesus. .204 Are you washed .... 205 Around the throne 20 A t the cross, at the. . 206 At Thy feet 7 fall.. 208 Away from his home 236 Away, my needless 72 A tcay over Jordan . . 130 Before I got 210 Fight on for Jesus . . 94 For ever here my 23, 42 For ever with the . . 65 For me the Saviour 42 For the Lion of 187 For Thee, dear Lord 35 For you I am 226 Before Jehovah's . . 3 Begone, vain world 211 Behold, behold the 119 Behold the Saviour 22 Blessed and glorious 199 Blessed Jesus .... 166 Blessed Lamb of . . 85 Blessed Lord, in . . 160 Bright crowns there 24 Calvary's stream . . 214 Can a poor sinner. . 215 Canaan, bright .... 216 Christ now sits .... 75 Christians, awake . . 175 Come, all who would 19 Come away, come . . 272 Come,comrades dear 133 Come in, my Lord. . 69 Come, join our .... 270 Come, let us join . . 32 Come, my soul, thy 82 Come, O Thou 117 From every stain . . 65 Full salvation 163 Gentle Jesus, meek 79 Give me a heart like 30 Give me a heart to . . 30 Give me the faith .. 113 Give me the wings 60 Glory, olory . . I am Thine, O Lord 224 / am trusting, Lord 77 / believe Jesus saves 110 I believe we shall win 110 / bring my all to . . 36 I bring my heart to 242 / can, I do believe in 13 / dare Lord 240 Glory, glory, Jesus . . 140 Glory to His name . . 229 God be with you .. 230 God bless our Army 199 God is keeping His 232 God is love, I know 76 God loved the world 39 God of my life .... 15 God's anger now is 256 God's trumpet is . . 184 Gone are the days . . 176 Grace there is 233 Hallelujah, I belong 280 / do believe, I will. . 21 / do believe it 221 I feel like singing. . 37 I have a home .... 253 I have a Saviour . . 226 / have a Saviour . . 48 I have given up all 169 I have. .Saviour's. . 112 I have read of men 227 I hear Thy welcome 66 I heard of a Saviour 237 I heard the voice of 23 / His soldier sure. . 75 Come, shout and . . 220 Come, sing to me of 70 Vlll INDEX TO SONGS Continued. Page. J know I am weak . . 279 I know there's a .. 299 8.B 190 625 762 630 212 493 370 438 249 552 595 759 204 594 276 602 602 490 377 550 273 257 315 260 203 453 409 350 622 245 686 595 619 70 495 4 665 272 63 326 438 247 347 170 8 447 425 166 77 95 844 587 805 165 689 755 324 431 600 Page Life's morn will soon 169 S.B. 626 127 350 138 283 387 360 167 445 399 407 414 60 799 672 698 528 442 444 667 444 695 248 402 760 236 634 322 413 677 254 237 260 233 769 639 610 654 166 555 575 270 342 664 172 1 358 316 330 389 404 396 386 405 384 186 426 3 50S 398 Page wanderer,knowing 47 Oft have I heard . . 36 Oh, disclose thy . . 86 Oh, do not let thy 4 Oh, for a closer . . 62 Oh, for a thousand 31, 46 Oh, glorious fountain 58 Oh, glory, Hallelujah 287 Oh, how happy 193, 195 Oh, I'm climbing up 218 Oh, I'm glad I'm . . 281 Oh, I'm glad there is 14 Oh, I'm happy all . . 193 Oh, Jesus, my Saviour 29 Oh, my heart is full 218 Oh, remember .... 261 Oh, say, shall we . . 291 Oh, tell me no more 177 Oh, tell us why 262 Oh, that's the place 263 Oh, the bitter shame 146 Oh, the blessed 264 Oh, the blood. .cleanses 220 Oh, the blood.. it .. 117 Oh, the blood, .oh, the 264 Oh, the blood, tome. . 54 Oh, the crowning day 265 Oh, the drunkard . . 183 Oh, the Lamb . . 39, 53 Oh, the peace mi/ .. 147 Oh, the prodigal's . . 103 Oh, the voice 64 S.B. 56 418 374 108 194 334 69 70 317 277 811 408 122 69 277 180 450 249 543 247 505 240 597 240 495 580 37 245 491 53 509 48 219 90 653 543 107 589 288 171 644 388 450 125 46 1 2-22 491 284 639 290 499 635 37 332 314 462 145 122 157 Living beneath the . . 248 Lo, He comes .... 164 Long in darkness . . 192 Lord, fill my craving 43 Lord, I come to .... 146 Lord, I hear of 139 Lord, I make a full 248 Lord Jesus, I long 181 Lord, through the.. 217 Love divine, from . . 161 Love of love so 292 Low in the grave . . 285 March on, salvation 93 March on, we briny 250 Marching along .... 270 Must Jesus bear the 2G My all is on the . . 96 My beautiful home 9 My body, soul, and 96 My faith looks up.. 200 My God, I am Thine 191 My God, I know . . 28 My God, my Father 17 My heart is fixed . . 121 My home is in 253 I need Thee every.. 243 I no longer fear 143 I once was very 101 I stand all bewildered 109 1 thirst, Thou 19 J will follow Thee.. 141 I'll drink when I'm 177 I'll gird on my 227 I'll stand for Christ 244 I'm a pilgrim and. . 170 I'm a prodigal come 102 I'm a soldier, and I 83 I'm a soldier bound 144 I'm a soldier, if you 95 J'm a soldier, should 95 J'm believing and . . 78 I'm glad 1 am a . . 94 J'm happy, for with 176 I've found a Friend 238 I've found the ..26,305 I've heard of a 302 I've travelled the . . 189 If so poor a soul . . 84 If the cross we ... . 38 If you want pardon 248 In all my Lord's . . 38 In evil long I took 39 In seasons of grief. . 179 In The Army of 244 In the fight, say . . 258 Is there anybody . . 287 It is the blood that 54 // teas on the cross . , 7 Jerusalem, my happy 20 Jesus came down . . 301 -Jesus comes and . . 103 Jesus died for you . . 40 Jesus, I love Thy . . 25 Jesus, I my cross . . 141 Jesus is my Saviour 263 Jesus is strong to . . 245 -Jesus, Lover of my 79 Jesus, my Saviour . . 27 Jesus, precious 204 -Jesus, Saviour, I am 148 Jesus, see me at Thy 259 -Jesus, the name . . 21 Joy, freedom, peace 246 Joy. oh, joy, behold. . 129 -Joy, there is joy in 2-J6 .all ye nations 87 My Jesus, I love . . 182 My mind upon Thee 254 My rest is in heaven 180 My Saviour suffered 255 My sins are under. . 256 My sins rose as high 302 My soul is now .... 97 Nearer, my God, to 257 Nearer my home . . 68 Never quit the field 300 No mortal eye that 212 No, no, nothing do I 259 No retreating 286 Oh, think of the . . 291 Oh, we are going . . 130 Oh we' 11 Jig fit 262 Oh, what amazing . . 40 Oh, what battles . . 104 Oh, what has Jesus 216 Oh, what shall I do 266 Oh, when shall I . . Ill Oh, when shall my 106 Oh, where do you . . 291 Oh, why wilt thou die 298 Oh, you must be a . . 44 On the cross of 88 Once I heard 267 No, we never, never 232 Now I can read .... 52 Now in a song of . . 1,4 Numberless as the . . 260 O boundless 182 Once I thought I . . 147 Once I was far in . . 222 One sweetly solemn 68 One there is above 126 Only Thee 148 O Calvary, dark 89 O glorious hope .... 135 O happy day that. . 10 O Jesus, how vast. . 186 O Jesus.. Christ .. 134 O Jesus.. hear 114 O joyful sound .... 49 O Lamb of God 208 Lord, I come just 12 O Lord, Thy 14 Onward, upward . . 137 Poor sinner, thy . . 183 Praise God for what 1 Praise God, I'm 319 Praise ye the Lord. . 64 Precious Jesus, oh 140 Prepare me, Lord . . 55 Ready to die 194 Just as you are .... 131 "Lead, kindly Light 271 Lead me. Saviour . . 81 Let earth and 73 Let me hoar Thy . . 173 Let us sing of His. . 110 O Saviour, lam 171 spotless Lamb . . 132 O Thou dear 22 O Thou God of 159 O Thou to whose . . 3 Rejoice, ye saints.. 283 INDEX TO SONGS Continued. Page. S.B. 6 Page. The yellow, red, and 124 8.B. 520 Page. We're bound f 01- ..198 Return, wanderer 44 46 Then awake, happy 234 686 We're marching to. . 67 Rock of Ages 84 173 Then come, oh, come 67 76 We're travelling . . 125 Roll on, dark stream 15 Room for Jesus, King 150 312 34 Then for this awful 69 Then open, open . . 267 There is a better .. 120 222 674 We've 'listed in the 61 Weary souls that . . 85 Weary wanderer . . 172 Sad and weary with 151 381 There is a dwelling 136 352 Welcome home .... Ill Saints of God, lift.. 127 327 There is a fountain 29, 58 69 What a Friend we 158 Salvation Army .... 235 664 There is a happy . . 91 728 What are now those 108 Salvation, oh, the 41, 51 313 There is coming on 265 680 What shall I do 266 Salvation is our 98 573 There is life for a .. 206 106 What sounds are . . 18 Salvation soldiers. . 56 561 There'll be no more 70 631 When fade my 231 Saviour, dear Saviour 254 413 There's a golden day 281 811 When I come to . . . . 143 Saviour, hear me . . 233 376 There' s a golden harp 142 584 When I survey .... 6 Saviour, lead me . . 81 755 There's mercy still. . 47 56 When I'm happy . . 228 Saviour, like a .... 166 735 There's no one like. . 189 203 When Jesus was . . 282 Shall we gather at 152 835 They bid me choose 304 626 When mothers of . . 252 Shall we meet 153 838 They' 11 sinff their .. 60 658 When my heart was 206 Shout aloud 250 598 This is the field 16 789 When our heads are 80 Singing glory . . 20, 37 Sinner for thee 298 716 125 This is why I love . . 156 Thou Christ of 122 225 383 When shall Thy . . 70 When the chariot. . 290 Sinner see yon .... 272 29 Thou Shepherd of. . 108 395 When the mighty . . 185 Sinner thou art . . 213 116 Through the world . . 251 556 When the road we . . 258 Sinner we are sent 157 86 Till we meet 230 829 When the roll is .. 138 Sinner wheresoe'er 207 32 'Tis better on before 45 701 When we gather at 260 Sinners, whither . . 128 130 'Tis the promise of 190 243 When you come to 90 Sins of years are all 293 142 To arms, ye brave . . 144 276 Whene'er we meet . . 123 Sins of years are . . 78 490 To be there 107 637 While here before. . 43 So we'll lift up 41 313 To leave the world 67 591 While He's waiting 292 So we'll stand the . . 52 270 To save a pom- .... 282 9 While shepherds . . 62 Soldier, rouse thee 251 556 To save the world . . 60 611 While the light .... 293 Soldiers fighting . . 273 641 To the front, the cry 286 555 Whiter than snow . . 181 Soldiers of our God 274 536 To the uttermost He 100 346 Whiter than the snow 295 Sometimes I'm tried 48 691 Tossing like a 82 518 Who are these 89 Speak, Saviour .... 173 431 Trim your lamps . . 283 157 Who'll be the next 296 Spirit of faith, come 72 468 True soldiers of the 18 566 Whosoever will may 297 Stand like the 184 548 T 7 A 4n 4tta T f^tfj 1^7 Why are you 245 Steadily forward . . 98 573 j. urn to ifie ^ora . .u i 'Twas a happy day 210 251 Will you be there . . 299 Will you (/o 198 Storm, the forts of . . 274 Strife and sorrow . . 269 Summoned home . . 268 Sun of my soul .... 6 825 825 756 Under the Army faff 284 Up from the grave . . 285 524 799 Will you quit the.. 300 Will you stand for 83 With a sorrow for. . 194 Sweet the moments 154 498 With f reward heart 13 Take all my sins . . 132 426 Victory for me 287 655 With loads of sin . . 278 With my faint 275 Take my life and let 80 781 With my heart so ..170 Tell me what to do 294 380 Washed in the blood 104 589 With steady pace . . 45 Ten thousand 67 75 We. .marching home 142 584 With sword and .... 276 That means me 278 223 We are marching o'er 276 557 With the conquering 105 The angel of the . . 34 The blast of the .. 185 146 140 We are marching on to 60 We. .marching on with234 611 686 Within my heart . . 11 Wonderful.. love .. 301 The cross nme covers 109 493 We are out on the . . 149 845 Would Jesus have 116 The day of victory .. 93 672 We are salvation . . 284 524 Would you know 156 The fag that guides 203 The fountain now is 11 623 392 We are sweeping . . 105 We have no other . . 61 574 313 Ye valiant soldiers 24 The gospel ship . . 165 856 We meet the foes . . 124 520 Yes, dear soul, a 139 The Lamb, the Lamb 255 254 We shall meet our. . 289 827 Yes Jesus can save 291 The Light of the . . 101 212 We shall walk 289 827 The Lord of earth 74 797 We speak of the .. 107 637 The mistakes of my 279 190 We will make the . . 137 Yes, we'll gather at 152 The ransomed of . . 280 596 We'll all shout 195 817 You are drifting to 2 The Saviour laid . . 123 12 We'll be heroes .... 288 560 You must get your 225 The voice of wisdom 209 119 We' 1 1 fight till .... 61 616 You never can tell . . 145 The wounds of Christ 188 23 We'll stand the .... 212 654 Your garments . . 66, 69 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. TUNE A charge to keep 66 Abide with me 177 All I have I am bringing. . 204 Almighty to save 109 Always cheerful 140 Amen for the flag 205 And above the rest 1 Angels call the roll .... 141 Anything for Jesus .... 206 Are you washed 207 Around the throne of God 21 At the cross there's room 209 At the cross, where I first 208 At Thy feet I fall 210 Auld Lang Syne 22 Austria 162 Away over Jordan 133 Be in time 211 Before I got salvation . . 212 Before Jehovah's awful 3 Begone, vain world 213 Behold, behold the Lamb 122 Behold the Saviour 23 Belmont 24 Beyond the river 214 Blessed Lord 163 Boston 2 Bright crowns 25 Bringing in the sheaves 215 Calcutta 164 Calvary's stream now is 216 Can a poor sinner 217 Canaan, bright Canaan . . 218 Charming name 26 Christ for me 124 Christ now sits 79 Christians, awake 178 Cleansing for me 219 Climbing up the golden 220 Conference 27 Confidence 4 Congress 28 Come, comrades dear . . 136 Come on, my partners . . 137 Come shout and sing . . 221 Come to the Saviour. . . . 222 Crown Him 300 Darwells 77 Dear Jesus on Calvary . . 223 Dear Jesus is the One . . 5 Death is coming 131 Depth of mercy 80 TUNB Down in the garden .... 29 Down where the living 224 Draw me nearer 225 Ellacombe 30 Ere the sun goes down. . 226 Ernan G Euphony 116 Evan 31 Even me 142 Falcon Street 67 For ever with the Lord. . 68 For you I am praying . . 227 Gird on the armour .... 228 Give me a heart like 32 Give me Jesus 229 Glory, glory, to the Lamb 143 Glory to His Name .... 230 God be with you 231 God gave His Son 232 God is keeping His 233 God save the King 202 Grace there is 234 Grimsby 33 Guide me, great Jehovah 165 Hallelujah, 'tis done .... 193 Hallelujah to the Lamb 34 Happy song 235 Hark, hark, my soul .... 236 Hark, listen to the 35 Hark, the herald angels 92 Harlan 203 Harwich 181 Haste away 36 He called me out of .... 1 95 He died at his post .... 237 He is bringing to His fold 166 He lives 133 He pardoned a rebel .... 238 He's the Lily of the Valley 239 Helmsley 167 Hiding in Thee 182 Home once more 105 Home, sweet home 183 How much can you suffer 240 Hursley 7 I am clinging to the cross 37 I am coming to the cross 81 I am so glad 241 I believe we shall win . . 1 13 I bring my all to Thee . . 38 TUNB I bring my heart to Jesus 242 I cannot leave the dear old 301 I feel like singing 39 1 I have pleasure in His. . 171 I hear Thy welcome voice 69 I need Thee 24& I will follow Thee, my . . 144 I'd choose to be a soldier 9& I'll drink when I'm dry ISO 1 I'll stand for Christ 244 I'm a soldier, if you want 99- I'm believing 82. I'm glad I'm ready 279 I've found the Pearl .... 302". If the cross 40 In evil long 41 Innocents S3- It was on the cross .... 8- Jesus died for you 42 Jesus is mine 232. Jesus is strong to deliver 245 Jesus, Lover of my soul. . 84 Jordan's flood 94 Joy, behold the Saviour 132: Joy, freedom, peace .... 24& Joy in the S.A 247 Just as I am 134 Land beyond the blue . . 145 Last rose of summer, The 168- Life's morn 172 Lift up the banner 43- Little ship, The 44 Living beneath the shade 248 Lord, fill my craving heart 45 Lord, I make a full 249 Lord Jesus, I long 184 Loved ones gone before. . 146 Lover of the Lord 46 Madrid 117 Majesty 7& Manchester 47 Marching through 250 Marseillaise 147 Mary 48 Men of Harlech 251 Mighty to keep 50 Monmouth 9 Mothers of Salem 252 My all is on the altar 100 My beautiful home 10 My Father knows ] 73 My God, I am Thine 194 ALPHABETICAL INDEX Continued. XI TUNE My home is in heaven . . 253 My Jesus, I love Thee . . 185 My mind upon Thee .... 254 My Saviour suffered on. . 255 My sins are under the . . 256 My soul is now united . . 101 Nativity 51 Nearer, my God, to Thee 257 Nearer my home 71 Never can tell 148 Never mind, go on 258 No home on earth 72 None of self 149 Nothing but Thy blood.. 259 Nottingham 85 Now I can read 54 Numberless as the sands 260 O happy day 11 Saviour, I am coming 174 Oh, how He loves 129 Oh, I'm happy all the day 190 Oh, remember Calvary . . 261 Oh, tell me who's the 2C2 Oh, that's the place 263 Oh, the blessed Lord 264 Oh, the crowning day . . 2C5 Oh, the drunkard may . . 186 Oh, the Lamb 55 Oh, the peace 150 Oh, the prodigal's coming 106 Oh, the voice 56 Oh, turn ye 199 Oh, wash me now 12 Oh, what battles 107 Oh, what shall I do .... 266 Old hundredth 13 On the cross of Calvary. . 93 Only Thee 151 Open and let the Master 267 Poor old Joe 179 Praise 139 Praise God, I'm saved . . 303 Prepare me 57 Promoted to glory 268 Ready to die 197 Remember me 58 Reuben 74 Ring the bell, watchman 269 Rocked in the cradle .... 14 TUNE Rockingham 15 Roll on, dark stream. ... 16 Room for Jesus 153 Rousseau 89 Sad and weary 154 Sagina 118 Saints of God 130 Sandon 270 Saviour, lead me 86 Saviour, like a shepherd 169 Scatter seeds of kindness 175 Shall we gather at the . . 155 Shall we meet 156 Silchester 75 Silver threads 157 Sing redeeming love .... 59 Sinner, see yon light 271 Soldiers, fighting round . . 272 Soon the reaping time . . 17 Sovereignty 119 Spanish chant 90 Speak, Saviour, speak . . 176 Stand like the brave 187 Steadily forward march . . 102 Stella 120 Storm the forts 273 Sweet heaven 274 Sword and shield 275 Take all my sins away . . 135 Take salvation 170 Ten thousand thousand ( ^ That means me 27ti The ash grove S200 The blast of the trumpet 188 The blue bells of Scotland 189 The cross now covers. . . . 112 The day of victory's coming 97 The Eden above . . . . 201 The glorious fountain .... 61 The gospel ship 158 The Judgment Day 62 The Light of the world. . 104 The Lion of Judah 190 The mistakes of my life 277 The ransomed of the Lord 278 The watch o'er the Rhine 19 The wounds of Christ . . 191 There is a better world . . 123 There is a happy land . . 95 There'll be no more sorrow 73 There's mercy still for . . 49 TONE There's no one like Jesus 192 They'll sing a welcome . . 63 This is why I love 159 Thou Shepherd of Israel 111 Thy will be done.. .. 18 To save a poor sinner . . 280 To the uttermost He saves 103 Tossing like a troubled . . 87 Trim your lamps 281 Try again 96 Tucker 125 Turn to the Lord 160 Under the Army flag 282 Up from the grave 283 Victory for me 281 Wareham We are out on the ocean We have no other We shall walk through . . We speak of the realms We'll all shout Hallelujah We'll be heroes We'll fight till Jesus We're marching to Zion We're sure to win We're travelling home . . Weeping Mary Welcome, sweet day .... Welcome to glory Wells What a Friend we have in What, never run away . . What's the news When the chariot Where do you journey . . While He's waiting .... While shepherds watched While the light Whiter than snow Who'll be the next Whosoever will may come Why wilt thou die Will you be there and I . . Will you quit the field . . Will you stand for Christ With the conquering Son Wonderful love Wonderful words METRICAL INDEX. NOTE. As a number of the tunes are available for more than one metre, when the tunes are given elsewhere than in the class to which they specially belong, they are printed in italics. Section A. Long Metre. TURK And above the rest 1 Before Jehovah's throne. . 3 Boston 2 Confidence 4 Dear Jesus is the One 5 Ernan 6 Hursley 7 It was on the cross 8 Monmouth 9 My beautiful home 10 happy day that fixed . . 11 Oh, wash me now 12 Old hundredth 13 Reuben 74 Rocked in the cradle .... 14 Rockingham 15 Roll on, dark stream .... 16 Soon the reaping time. ... 17 The watch o'er the Rhine 19 Thy will be done 18 Wareham 20 ff'/iat. never run away .... 52 ll'ho'll be the next ". 293 Sect. B. Common Metre. A re you washed 207 Around thn throne of God 21 A t the cross 208 Auld lang syne 22 Behold the Saviour 23 Belmont 24 Bright crowns 25 Charming name 26 Conference 27 Congress 28 Crown Him 300 Down in the garden .... 29 f>raw me nearer 225 Ellacombe (double) 30 Evan 31 Falcon Street 67 (live me a heart like Thine 32 Grimsby 33 Hallelujah to the Lamb. . 34 Hark, listen to the 35 Haste away to Jesus .... 3G He pardoned a rebel 238 1 am clinging to the cross 37 I bring my all to Thee . . 38 /: raw net leave the (double) 301 TUNK I feel like singing 39 If the cross we boldly bear 40 In evil long 41 I've found the Pearl 302 Jesus died for you 42 Lift up the banner 43 Little ship, The 44 Lord, fill my craving heart 45 Lover of the Lord 46 Manchester 47 Mary 48 Mighty to keep (double) . . 50 My sins are under the .... 256 My soul is now united 101 Nativity 51 Now I can read my title 54 Oh, the Lamb 55 Oh, the voice 56 Open and let the Master in 207 Prepare me 57 Remember me 58 Sing redeeming love .... 59 Sinner, see yon liyht. . 271 Sweet heaven 274 Ten thousand thousand. . 60 The blast of the trumpet. .188 The glorious fountain .... 61 The Judgment Day 62 There's mercy still (double) 49 They'll sing a welcome . . 63 Tucker 125 We have no other 53 What, never run away . . 52 We'll fight till Jesus 64 While shepherds 65 Sect. C. Short Metre. A charge to keep 66 Falcon Street 67 For ever with the (double) 68 I hear Thy welcome voice 69 Nearer my home 71 No home on earth (double) 72 Reuben 74 Silchester 75 There'll be no more sorrow 73 Welcome, sweet day .... 76 We're marching to Zion. . 70 Sect. D. 5-6's and 2-8's. Darwells 77 Majesty . > 78 Sect. E. 7's (4 lines). Christ now sits 79 Depth of mercy 80 I am coming to the cross. . 81 I'm believing and receiving 82 Innocents 83 Jesus, Lover of my soul . . 84 Nottingham 85 Saviour, lead me 86 Tossing like a troubled . . 87 What a Friend we have in 161 Will you stand for Christ 88 Sect. P. 7's (6 lines). Christ now sits 79 He is bringing to His fold 166 Jesus, Lover of my soul . . 84 Rousseau 89 Spanish chant 90 Wells 91 Sect. G. 7's (8 lines). Hark! the herald angels 92 On the cross of Calvary. . 93 Sect. H. 7's and *'s. At the cross there's room. .209 Jordan's flood 94 Oh, how He lores 129 There is a happy land 95 Try again 96 Sect. I. 7's and 6's. Ellacombe 30 I'd choose to be a soldier 98 I'm a soldier, if you .... 99 My all is on the altar 100 My soul is now united . . 101 Steadily forward march . . 102 The day of victory's coming 97 The Light of the world ..104 To the uttermost He saves 103 Under the Army fag 282 Sect. J. 7's and ll's. Home once mor 105 Oh, the prodigal's coming 106 Oh, what battles 107 With the conquering Son 108 METRICAL INDEX Continued. TUNE Sect. K.-S's (4 lines). Almighty to save 109 How much can you suffer 240 I believe we shall win . . 113 The cross now covers . . 112 Thou Shepherd of Israel 111 Tossing like a troubled . . 87 We speak of the realms . . 110 Welcome to glory 114 Yes, oh, yes 115 Sect. M. 6-8's. Euphony 116 Madrid 117 Monmouth 9 Sagina 118 Sovereignty 119 Soon the reaping time .... 17 Stella 120 Wells 91 Ye banks and braes .... 121 Sect. N. S's and S's. Befeold, behold the Lamb 122 Christ for me 124 Cleansing for me 219 There is a better world. . 123 Tucker 125 We're sure to win 127 We're travelling home . . 128 What's the news 126 Sect. 0. 8's and 4's. Oh, how He loves 129 Saints of God 130 Sect. P. S's and S's. Death is coming 131 Joy, behold the Saviour 132 Land beyond the blue .... 145 Sect. Q. Away over Jordan 133 Just as I am 134 Now I can read 54 Take all my sins away . . 135 [Also any L.M. tune, by re- peating the last two syllables of each verse.] Sect. R. - S's and 6's. Come, comrades dear . . 136 Come on, my partners . . 137 He lives 138 Praise 139 Sect. S. S's and 7's (4 lines). Always cheerful 140 Angels call the roll .... 141 Even me 142 Glory to the Lamb .... 143 I will follow Thee, my . . 144 Land beyond the blue . . 145 Loved ones gone before . . 146 Marseillaise 147 Never can tell 148 None of self 149 Oh, the peace 150 Only Thee 151 Room for Jesus 153 Sad and weary 154 Shall we gather 155 Shall we meet 156 Silver threads 157 The gospel ship 158 This is why 159 Turn to the Lord 160 We are out on the ocean 152 What a Friend we have 161 Sect. T.-8.7.4. Austria 162 Blessed Lord 163 Calcutta 164 Guide me, great Jehovah 165 He is bringing 166 Helmsley 167 Last rose of summer, The 168 Saviour, like a shepherd 169 Take salvation 170 Sect. U. 8's and 7's (8 lines). A Iways cheerful 140 Angels call the roll 141 I have pleasure in His . . 171 / will follow Thee, my . . 144 Life's morn 172 Loved ones gone before . . 146 My Father knows 173 Saviour, I am coming 174 Room for Jesus 153 Scatter seeds 175 Speak, Saviour, speak . . 176 This is why 159 What a Friend ice have . . 161 We are out on the ocean . . 152 Sect. Y. 9's. 1 believe we shall win. . . . 113 Tossing like a troubled. . 87 Yes, oh, yes 115 Sect. W. 10'B. Abide with me 177 Christians awake 178 Ernan 6 Poor old Joe 179 Sect. X. 10's and It's. Hallelujah ! 'tis done. . . . 193 Harwich 181 Hursley 7 I'll drink when I'm dry. . 180 My God, I am Thine 194 Sect. Y. ll's. Hallelujah ! 'tis done . . 193 Harwich 181 Hiding in Thee 182 Home, sweet home 183 I'll drink when I'm dry . . ISO Lord Jesus, I long 184 My God, I am Thine .... 194 My Jesus, I love Thee . . 185 Oh, the drunkard may . . 186 Oh, turn ye 199 Stand like the brave 187 The blast of the trumpet 188 The blue bells of Scotland 189 The Lion of Judah 190 The wounds of Christ . . 191 There's no one like Jesus 192 Sect. Z. 12's. Hallelujah ! 'tis done . . 193 My God, I am Thine 194 Sect. A2. 12's and 9's. Are you washed 207 A t the cross, where I first 208 He called me out of 195 I'll stand for Christ 244 Lover of the Lord 46 Oh, I'm happy all the day 196 Oh, the voice 56 Open and let the Master in 267 Ready to die 197 Sweet heaven 274 We'll all shout Halleluj ah 198 Will you be there and I 296 Sect. B2. 12's and ll's. He died at his post 237 Mothers of Salem 252 Oh, turn (Adeste Fideles) 199 The ash grove 200 The Eden above 201 Sect. C 2 . 6's and 4's. God save the King 202 Harlan 203 Peculiar Metres. All I have I am bringing 204 Amen for the flag 205 Anything for Jesus .... 206 Are you washed 207 At the cross there's room 209 At the cross, where I first 208 At Thy feet I fall 210 Be in time 211 Before I got salvation . . 212 Begone, vain world .... 213 Beyond the river 214 Bringing in the sheaves 215 Calvary's stream 216 Can a poor sinner 217 Canaan 218 Cleansing for me 219 Climbing up the golden . . 220 Come shout and sing . . 222 XIV METRICAL INDEX Continued. Come to the Saviour .... 222 Dear Jesus on Calvary.. 223 Down where the living. . 224 Draw me nearer 225 Ere the sun goes down. . 226 For you I am praying . . 227 Gird on the armour 228 Give me Jesus 229 Glory to His name 230 God be with you 231 God gave His Son 232 God is keeping 233 Grace there is 234 Happy song 235 Hark, hark, my soul .... 236 He died at his post 237 He pardoned a rebel .... 238 He's the Lily 239 How much can you suffer 240 I am so glad 241 I bring my heart to Jesus 242 I need Thee every hour. . 243 I'll stand for Christ 244 I'm glad I'm ready 279 Jeans is mine 232 | Jesus is strong to deliver 245 ' Joy, freedom, peace .... 246 ' TUNE Joy in the S.A 247 Living beneath the shade 248 Lord, I make a full 249 Marching through Georgia 250 Men of Harlech 251 Mothers of Salem 252 My home is in heaven . . 253 My mind upon Thee, Lord 254 My Saviour suffered 255 My sins are under 256 Nearer, my God . : 257 Never mind, go on 258 Nothing but Thy blood . . 259 Numberless as the sands 260 Oh, remember Calvary. . 261 Oh, tell me who's 262 Oh, that's the place 263 Oh, the blessed Lord 264 Oh, the crowning day . . 265 Oh, what shall I do .... 266 Open and let the Master 267 Promoted to glory 268 Ring the bell 269 Sandon 270 Sinner, see yon light .... 271 Soldiers fighting round 272 TUXB Storm the forts 273 Sweet heaven 274 Sword and shield 275 That means me 276 The mistakes of my life 277 The ransomed of the Lord 278 To save a poor sinner . . 280 Trim your lamps 281 Under the Army flag 282 Up from the grave 283 Victory for me 284 Weeping Mary 285 We'll be heroes 286 We shall walk through . . 287 When the chariot 288 Where do you journey . . 289 While He's waiting .". .. 290 While the light 291 Whiter than the snow . . 292 Who'll be the next 293 Whosoever will may come 294 Why wilt thou die 295 Will you be there 296 Will you quit 297 Wonderful love 29S Wonderful words 299 INDEX TO SIXTEEN ADDITIONAL SONGS. TITLES OF TUXES. Covenant 313 Cranbrook 314 Eaton 304 Eden 317 Give to Jesus glory 306 Holly 318 I love Jesus 316 It is well with rny soul 311 Jerusalem 303 Missionary 312 O, for a heart 308 Only trust Him 309 St. Peter's 307 Stand up for Jesus 305 Vain delusive world 310 Whither, pilgrims 315 FIRST LINES. Called from above 314 Come, every soul by siu 309 Come, O my God 304 From Greenland's icy 312 How sweet the name of Jesus 307 I'm a soldier bound 316 0, for a heart whiter 308 O Jesus, Saviour, hear my cry 304 Stand up ! stand up for Jesus. . 305 The love of Christ doth me 317 There is a fountain 313 To save the lost 308 Vain, delusive world, adieu . . 310 When peace like a river 311 Whither, pilgrims, are you 315 Within my heart, O Lord 318 SECTION A.-LONG METRE, 1-20. i. And above the rest. ntf Moderate. t .J=76- ^^ "TTT i. Praise God for what He's done for me! Once I was blind, but now I see; I CHORUS. And a-bove the rest this note shall swell,This note shall swell, this note shall swell, And a- flJJJ-lJlJJJJJJJlJ m ^ 7=^ dh!r XL. b * cres. \ J _ .j ^ ^ -3-^ -d- ^ =1= =F 1 i *T1 (^*- ,tJ W i i i =^ p ttl on the brink of ru in fell, Glo - ry - bove the rest this note shall swell, My Je J J J J J i v J ^ to God ! I'm out .of hell, sus has done all things well. J J V J J ! i -r r r r'i" 1 2 The Lord has pardoned all my sin, And now to praise Him I'll begin ; I never praised the Lord before, But now I'll praise Him more and more. 3 I spurned His grace, I broke His laws, But Jesus undertook my cause; Bad as I was, He cleansed my soul, Healed my disease, and made me whole. 4 Praise God for what He's done for us ! He's turned our hearts to praise Him thus. And now He cries, " Go on, go on ; I'll crown you when your work is done." Another song 'a the above Tune. 1 Now, in a song of grateful praise, To my dear Lord my voice I'll raise ; With all His saints I'll join to tell My Jesus has done all things well. 2 All worlds His glorious power confess, I lis wisdom all His works express ; But oh ! His love what tongue can tell ? My Jesus has done all things well. 3 How sovereign, powerful, and free Has been His love to sinful me ! He plucked me from the jaws of helU My Jesus has done all things well. 4 Though many a fiery, fiaming dart The tempter levels at my heart, With this I all his rage repel My Jesus has done all things well. 2. Boston. Met. J = a, p<6 \ndante. 1 1 | J J 1 ) P 9 f~ 1 r f T ' i^r KH* 1 : r r ' I. Come, sin-ners, to the Ye need not one be gos - pel left be - feast, Let ev' - ry hind, For God hath ^^ ^ J. AAA You are drift -ing, you are drift -ing to your doom, to your doom, You are You are drift -ing, you are drift -ing to your doom, to your doom, Yet theio' fe. I W ^ I fe. te. drift-ing, you are drift-ing to your doom, to your doom ; mer- cv, yet there's mercy still for you. ^g r mr?^ > 2 Sent by my Lord, on you I call, The invitation is to ALL : Come, all the world ; come, sinner, thou ! All things in Christ are ready now. 3 Come, all ye souls by sin opprest, Ye weuiy waj-.uciers after rest, Ye poof, and maimed, and halt, and blind, In Christ a hearty welcome find. 4 My message as from God receive, Ye all may come to Christ, and live ; Oh, let His love your hearts constrain, Nor suffer Him to die in vain 1 5 Mis love is mighty to compel ; His conquering love consent to feel, Yield to His love's resistless power, And fight against your God no u;:-re. 3. Before Jehovah's awful Throne. f ftlaestoso. 1 1 l ^ , 1 Met. ^' 54. 1 ' T M _J i 1 1 - i i J i XL / --*r \ \ *- * ' J -^d 3? h- d J j*^ J * l_ tB ^ ** 2 ** -* * it*" i^ ^ J-* * ~~i H ^ 1 I 1 i. Be - fore Je - ho - vah's aw - fill l j f" throne, Ye J i ] i r r r peo-ples, bow wi J J ^ J ^7 "^ th sa - cred joy ; Know J J J fV * 9 f. * * 5 mt P'' / * r i* ^ \ m f* ^ r/ * _^_L p_ ^ II 1 F ^ ^ 1 m C_ j !__ 1 1 ; S ** / 1 1 r r r ^ ~nr 1 1 ! \i 1 1 | hd J d (fb J * * * j J J f that the Lord is Gc >d a - lone, J ^J *~ J j * 1 He can ere /W\ * f [*?y* * B * i i* r i* ^ ~ i ^ x i i* r 1 r f^ 1 \ aw. ^ ^ ' Know that the Lord is God a j - h-i ,-gJ J i. l 1 - lone ; J, 1 [.I,, '-TT J r *~~3~ -g: -?^-=f -zJ - /m 4. ^ "" FA -^^^ HZ i f^> n Cl-^ r^/ ^^ J r r r r - ate, He can ere - ate, 1 1 II He can ere - ate, and He des - troy. . S .. 9 41 W f~~, (^) f~^ \ 10 ^ r i* i* i r i** r^ n ' S2 r ' L^ 1 L ir ^ i* r 1 ' * }? | 1 1 ' ' 1 1 lie can ere- ate, N He can cre-ate, 1 1 1 2 His sovereign power, without our aid, Made us of clay, and formed us men ; And when, like wandering sheep, we strayed, lie brought us to His fold again. 3 We'll crowd Thy gates with thankful songs ; High as the heavens our voices raise ; And earth, with her ten thousand tongues, Shall fill Thy courts with sounding praise. 4 Wide as the world is Thy command, Vast as eternity Thy love ; Firm as a rock Thy truth shall stand, When rolling years shall cease to move. Another sons' to the above Tune. 1 O Thou, to whose all-searching sight The darkness shineth as the light, Search, prove my heart, it pants for Thee. Oh, burst these bonds and set it free ! 2 Wash out its stain, refine its dross, Nail my affections to the cross ; Hallow each thought, let all within E clean, as Thou, my Lord, art clean ! 3 When rising floods my soul o'erflow, When sinks my heart in waves of woe, Jesus, Thy timely aid impart, And raise my head and cheer my heatt. 4 Saviour, where'er Thy steps I see, Dauntless, untired, I'll follow Thee ! Oh, let Thy hand support me still, And lead me to Thy holy hill ! 5 If rough and thorny be the way, My strength proportion to my day ; Till toil and grief and pain shall cease, Where all is joy and calm and peace. 4. Confidence. Adagio. &: Met, j - 56. f*S I. Oh, do not i r i^V i M i thy Lord de - part, And close thine eyes a - -J J- J. 1 j 3 P / F? ^*- r^r T'r r r - gainst the light; Poor sin ner, bar den not thy heart, Thou wouldst be U J J- j JTJ.J. JT% J. J- i g I - I * | - "TTf 5 f rirj'rU.rVmi jj-^j. j ' P j^jhjj^jgj-j-i^jjij-jjij f I P ^ I T" p ' r^ p ' r^ r I ^ ^ i i i -Tf i saved Why not to - night ? Thou wouldst be saved Why not to - night ? ^ E fLT r Renounce at length thy stubborn will, Thou wouldst be saved Why not to-night ? 4 Our blessed Lord refuses none Who would to Hir.i their souls unite ; Then be the work of grace begun : Thou wouldst be saved Why not to-night? 2 To-morrow's sun may never rise To bless thy long-deluded sight ; This is the time! oh, then, be wise ! Thou wouldst be saved Why not to-night ? 3 Our God in pity lingers still ; Oh, wilt thou thus His love requite? 5. Dear Jesus is the One I love. Modcrato. Met. J 76. i r ri i. Now, in a song of grate-ful praise, CHORUS. Dear Je - sus is the One I love, To my dear Lord my voice I'll Oh, bless His name! He died for J- Z=&tt= raise ; With all Hissaints I'll join to tell My Je - sus has done all things well, me; His blood now cleanses me from sin, Dear )e - sus now He sets me free. > p-tr 2 All worlds His glorious power confess, His wisdom all His works express ; But oh ! His love what tongue can tell ? My Jesus has done all things well. 3 How sovereign, powerful, and free I las been His love to sinful me ! He plucked me from the jaws of hell- My Jesus has done all things well. 6. Ernan. fa-3 (-7 1 1 1 -| j si J '/ ^ | s** F 3 -3. Sz: . & J fl>i tJ & -g- -*- i. He wills that J , , I should A A ho - ly J- -J be; Lp i_^ i That ho - li . J J J T*rJ b O9 -L\?^{5> * * 13 1 -P 1 r r-r~ 5fe long to feel - -*- v^J That full di vine con -J 5bi f5F^ -F-f-F -X '"^. ' 1- ^JTJ-J i, r ^ 9 1 c^ c^ - for - mi -g^rr U: To all my Sa - viour's righ teous will. A J J A J- , E ^5 P- 2 On Thee, O God, my soul is stayed, And waits to prove Thine utmost will-; The promise, by Thy mercy made, Thou canst, Thou wilt in me fulfil. 3 Thy loving Spiiit, Christ, alone Can lead me forth and make me free ; Burst every bond through which I groan And set my heart at liberty. 7. Hursley. Adagio. Met. J = 56. A;l j j -j- i - 1 L^- 1 1" i | J J J 1 ^ r r r i. Sun of my -Jj r ' soul, Tho r^ u Sa - viour J^J- J r-pJ-. dear, J. -i i i-. \ \ \ It is not ^- J- J- ~f r r ^i?4 r P 1 H gs r- h r r \ 2 When the soft dews of kindly sleep My wearied eyelids gently steep, Be my last thought How sweet to rest For ever on my Saviour's breast ! 3 Abide with me from morn till eve, For without Thee I cannot live : Abide with me when night is nigh, For without Thee I dare not die. 4 If some poor wandering child of Thine Have spurned to-day the voice divine, Now, Lord, the gracious work begin ; Let him no more lie down in sin. 5 Watch by the sick, enrich the poor With blessings from Thy boundless store Be every mourner's sleep to-night, Like infant's slumbers, pure and light. 6 Come near, and bless us when we wake, Ere through the world our way we take, Till, in the ocean of Thy love, We lose ourselves in heaven above. f) Largo. 8. It was on the Cross. Met. J- 56. (Sv-Hrrl *=*: ^= ^i^rrT- i -When I sur-vey the wondrous cross, On which the Prince of Glo-ry died, My rich-est g ^,rJ^ = J q ^^z^^ q ^:- i hf- i h^^j^pj^Jr a U (3) & ' * * ' cJ W i .J. J * < .^ H 3 r" r r * r- * gain I count but loss, Ai f(*}j- ^ * * * ^ g? * id pour co n tempt on all my pride. |i J- J J Ji ^ i p * H 5 f P r r r : 1 r r r r i i CHORUS. Allegro moderate. Met. J=?6. J-r-J- -^ * - i ^-v rr 1 r fr It was on the cross He shed His blood, It was there He was A J 2fe /i J Jf^l gain, and He ci fied, cru - ci - fied ; But He rose a A * J - r^4- -\ i . 1 j I i , Z3 1 n *=* ^2 __, -z=b; jy ?T a ^ F lives in my A A ^ heart, Where all is d 4 J- .i peace arjd r r per - feet "-T u love. r* ErlJ f. , =f^ 2 Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast, Save in the death of Christ, my God : All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to His blood. 3 See, from His head, His hands, His feet, Sorrow and love flow mingled down ; Did e'er such love and sorrow meet, Or thorns compose so rich a crown ? 4 Were the whole realm of nature minr, That were a present far too small ; Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, my all 1 p. Monmouth. mp Allegro moderate. Met. J--8o. cres. ^ r rT r T I. Dear Lord, and can it ev er be, A sin - ful man a jd d .<* 0. i J m r/P " I m/ ' '"^" ' ' ! 1 1 II ^ N J *-* ^* Y\r 3 ' \ * r r f^r f r' [*" ^r r r r ^ r- shamed of Thee, A sin ful man a - shamed of Thee? J J J . J J J JTTJ i , | 1 f -^ ^ * ' (<)., b ^-, ^3 -> 1* * p E r^ w'ttk F^ ^+ ^ h-^ ^^ C ,^ a ^^g & W ^cp rrr^- : F ZL r* rrr r- r riTr b A-shamed of Thee, whom an gels praise, Whose glo - ry shines thro J-JJJ. JJ. ^g r Ir i E Ashamed of Thee, whom angels praise, end J. J fy ' 1 days_?_ Whose glo - ry shines through end less days ? J 1 - i -F- 2 Ashamed of Jesus ! that dear Friend, On whom my hopes of heaven depend ! Whene'er I blush, be this my shame, That I no mcie revere His name. 3 Ashamed of Jesus? yes, I may, When I've no sin to wash away, No tears to wipe. no,good to crave, And no immortal soul to save. . 4 Till then nor is the boasting vain Till then, I'll boast the Saviour slain And oh, may this my glory be, That Christ is not ashamed of me. 10. My Beautiful Home. mf Allegro. sSii? =fc Met. J. = 6o. f pY^r g'^grPr^r i. Above the waves ofeaithly strife, Above the ills and cares of life, Where all is +~3fffl k i t p eace-ful,bright,and fair, My home is there, my home is there. 'JcJ h I -J JsJJM.J.JaJ + .+ SS 1119.1* *p 1*1^ -^T^^; My beautiful =i cnw. J N N N jj^j/jj^^ f^ f x home, my beau-ti-ful home, In the land where the glori-fied ev-er shall ^J^J : ^J^J- | h JJJJ/JJ^J I s ^ P* i f 1 * * *- fl E r Z _ ^-^- beautiful home, beautiful home, . . d' P r g r g r roam; Where an-gels bright wear crowns of light, My home is there, my home is there. Ul 2 Away from sorrow, doubt, and pain, Away from worldly loss and' gain, From all temptation, tears and care, My home is there, my home is there. 3 Beyond the bright and pearly gales, Where Jesus, loving Saviour, waits, Where all is peaceful, bright, and fair, My home is there, my home is there. ii. Happy Day. Met. J zr 103, mf An -: 1 i m I. With - in my heart, O Lord, ful - fil The pur - pose of Thy death and f 2 &>. b^ I* * ^ F- r* ^ r- r-ggggP'riTP -P-k-u ^z E ,* H & r r P -? kk r k k pain, i That all may knowThouliv-est still, In blood-wash'd hearts to rule and reign. i j^ J J ._ g ?t death and pain, ////CHORUS. * ~J iEEj I g 3 ^ n^ The foun-tain now is op - en wide, Oh, plunge me in the cleansirig tide !. A.N J.JJJJ J..L .. And Jlflff J S f^T ^=^f ^ I r^ let me now be pure with - in, Oh, wash me now from ev * ^ j ^> -i: 2 O Lord, I gnze upon Thy face, That suff ring face so marred for me, Touched by "the wonders of Thy grace, My heart in love goes out to Thee. 3 O Saviour, by Thy bleeding form, The world is crucified to me ; Thy loving heart, so rent and torn, Thy suff' ring bids me share with Thee. 4 'Twas on the cross Thou didst redeem My soul from sin and cruel despair ; 'Tis near the cross I would be seen, And welcome every sinner there. I I , Old Hundredth. Maestoso. Met. J = i 3 2 5 * m T-T r r r i i i r i. All peo- pie that on earth do dwell, Sing to the Lord with cheer-ful voice; Him U^i f S " 1 * r r r r T r ' ' ' '. ' r.f serve with fear, His praise forth tell; Come ye be- fore Him and re-joke. Hf-^-y ^ f * 2 The Lord, ye know, is God indeed ; Without our aid He did us make ; \Ve are His flock, He doth us feed ; And for His sheep He doth us take. 3 Oh, enter then His gates with praise ; Approach with joy His courts unto ; Praise, laud and bless His name always. For it is seemly so to do. 4 For why ? The Lord our God is good, His mercy is for ever sure ; His truth at all times firmly stood, And shall from age to age endure. 5 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow Praise Him, all creatures here below ; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host ; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 14. Rocked in the Cradle. nip Moderate. MeL=66. '--- I. O Lord, I come just now to Thee, Bound down bv r* r* r> r* * & j^ > j* ^- fear and doubt and sin ! Thou on ^ "h ^ -*? ^ ^ ' J J ly canst my spir - it _f _P* ^ _P* ^ free, And make me pure and clean with r> 2 My idols now I cast aside, All doubtful things I put away ; My life I place at Thy command, Thy voice in all things to obey. 3 I give myself to Thee to save, And cleanse out all that's wrong in me, That I no other aim may have, But live to serve and honour Thee. Another sons' to the above Tune. 1 With froward heart I went astray, In paths of sin I wandered wide, Till mercy met me by the way, And softly whispered, "Jesus died." 2 Offended at this sudden sound, Indignantly I turned aside, But still the voice was heard around, >nd still it whispered, "Jesus dierl." 3 Then justice crossed my path, and stood Erect and stern to quell my pride, His glittering sword was dipped in blood- Ah, well for me that Jesus died ! 4 " Come forth, thou traitor to the Lord ! '" His voice in thundering accents cried ; Oppressed, I sank beneath the word, And faintly answered, "Jesus died." A da oio. 15. Rockingham. i _L m in - con-stant heart ! Hence J J J i^r ^ feg ^ r r "f . . . I. O Lord, Thy heavenly grace im-part, And nx my U. *3 nip forth my chief de - sire shall be To de - di - cate my - self to Thee. ^- UJ J 1 AJ-.J J J J m ?,^ . r-rf' ^ . g , r^ g . -^ ?- ;/// CHORUS. Allegro moderate. Met. J = 72. W Oh, I'm glad there is cleans-ing in the blood, m the blood, Oh, I'm ^Tr , m the r g gr : : S * J-J * * M * J ' '^ttl -i Pr fj" \ r i r-~i k-i r -f fC/ J sound Thy praise ; My song shall wake wiih ope- ning light, And cheer the dark and W4 j 4444 4-44 4 j j , n n r r r p-q i - **~\ & I ^L. * ' r * i* f* ; r [ 1 ^ 1 1 ! ' m-+\ jiJ? | ^ 1__ i i_i 1 1 n / CHORUS. ^i i i r- frcs^ j J !"^S n rl * m * jf l^ [_ J fists ! at5 J * fr fr\ 2 J J J &Ia F^ i* r ^ 2a H^ C" i r -T i ' T p i si - lent night. Roll on, j Jlj J J ^ J ^^ dark stream, J J -^ J 1^1 I i We fear not thy J J -^ i ^2Vb r r ' ~l*~~ ^ ^ 1* f= r r F 1 ^ I* ' ' i . ' r\ i. Roll on, dark stream, .77" i _j 1 i i ^ 1 i i -- i 1 roll on, dark stream, i ! i L/ , 7 i - L_ J J J * J - h i \\\ c ^ * Eiia *_ J^-^ j * - f-^ ? J-^-J U 1 1 ' 2 When anxious cares would break my rest, And griefs would tear my throbbing breast, Thy tuneful praises, raised on high, Shall check the murmur and the sigh. r r r i 3 When death o'er nature shall prevail, And all the powers of language fail, Joy through my swimming eyes shall break, And mean the thanks I cannot speak. Words of No. /J continued. 2 \Vhate'er pursuits my time employ, One thought shall fill my soul with joy ; That silent, secret thought shall be, That all my hopes are fixed on Thee. 3 Thy glorious eye pervadeth space ; Thou'rt present, Lord, in every place ; And wheresoe'er my lot may be, Still shall my spirit cleave to Thee. 4 Renouncing every worldly thing, Safe 'neath the shelter of Thy wing, My sweetest thought henceforth shall be, That all I want I find in Thee. 17. Soon the reaping time will come. Met. J=r 100. mf Allegro moderate. "f^ , I I I / I J f * r ' r r T I. This is the field,.... the world... be- low, In which the. 7-w- ^ -i PS JL/Tj J i ^t Hip ^ =FT r~r ~r the wheat Sa Sow er came to 'r' sow ; Te T^^ sus, . . J^J- ZJ M5^ri E=^=^ P r* 5 r^ r r r >- tan, the tares For so the word ol God de - clares. J. Pe / CHORUS. r r r r r r^r And soon the reap -ing time will come, And an - gels shout the har -vest-home, And J J J J o i ^ ^ ^ i r r r r soon the reap -ing time will come, And an - gels shout the har - vest -home, n..3.-? . i A A A A A. i 16 S 3 3 rr ve; J 3 - ^ ? i i r bar vest- home, bar- vest-home, And 1^^ ' L^ r an - els shout the har vest home. 2 Most awful truth, and is it so ? Must all the world the harvest know? Must all before the Judge appear? Then for the harvest, oh, prepare ! 3 To love my sins a saint to appear To grow with wheat and be a tare May serve me while on earth below, Where tares and wheat together grow. 4 But all who are from sin set free Their Father's kingdom soon shall see, Shine like the sun tor ever mere ; He that hath ears, then let him hear. i. iny win oe c JO Andante. lone. i Met. " _J^ . 1 i \J , i/ t"l 1 I ~ i -*-^-^ xT n ** 1 1 i-- h 4- i "1 J id K|) " 4 * ,rj j r ^~ ~; * ' 9 >T3 I* J I. My J God, J r my 1 Fa 1 ther, -J- while J- 3 r r I stray Far .- J J r r from my _J^J J (m\* h '1 yfj* , v f > 1*3 F*' ' 52 b 'l -**^~^ A 9 -**^ 9* JP (^ f * ,^ r 1 \~~ ' "3"" 1 1 1 ^ i 1 . Z. i I cres. \f i'/ \ - j | P-1 H * j 1 f r\ 1 wrr\ V ~mt 1 1 1 * Zt~ m fr f 3 IT1 \>ly ^P 9 * r^ ** 1 me J J i ^_J am my -i J home, J r On J T" li C ~~^ fe's rough 1 \ \ way, Oh, J J teach J fe):, 1? ^ _S f^> ~ 52 5 r 1 I r 9- * ~ E ~ -^ i 1 i J I Jl \ \ \ 1 It i ^ * '^i } ^ff fj 1 '*^~ 4W g ^ ff !V Cr I ^_^ Fi r ^ m c - V^ly ^J " 1 J /TL^' 9B f"^J i 22 f \ heart -9- to r saj . . I K d= j i fT^-T-P True sol - diers of the cross we are, For God and souls we march to war ; We fight to f^n* J. r-^s !._._..... our hearts de - sire, To win the world. V^i J J ! I J J J 1 * I ^ . ^ -J . p * l J * ^ 2 i?!\ ?_ ^ * 4 a - tf7 ' 4R ^5 rr^ 9[ r- m 1 e; f I I \ i r^r r ^ r r wounds, then pain Is sweet, and or death is gain. 2 Take my poor heart and let it be For ever closed to all but Thee ! Seal Thou my breast, and let ire wear That pledge of love for ever there. Mow blest are they who still abide Close sheltered in Thy bleeding side ! Who life and strength do thence derive, And for Thee fight, and in Thee live. Another sons; to the above Tune. Come all who would to glory go, And leave this world of sin and woe Forsake your sins without delay ; Believe and you shall win the day. 2 Oh, do not tarry longer where You're sure to die in dark despair : We show to you a better way, In which you're sure to win the day. j In glory now the Saviour waits, And opens wide the pearly gates ; He stands and beckons you away ; Press on and you shall win the day. 4 And when you reach the realms above, Where all is harmony and love, You then shall join the heavenly lay, And si;.g and shout We've won the day SECTION B.-COMMON METRE, 21-65. 21. Around the Throne of God in Heaven. mf Allegro moderate. T Met. ! I , _j 1. . =f= 1 I * I. A - round the throne of God in heaven, Thou-sands of chil - dren stand ; Chil J I I I I I I >l /I J i I -9- -9- -9- -9- -9- -9- -9- - M -9- J-*-*- -&>- * -9- ^ & ^^ \ I _L 1^11 i LJ !r ^^^ w cjf - dren whose sins are all for_-_ given, A ho - ly, hap - py band. 9- i m :- --J / CHORUS. Sing- ing glo - ry, glo - ry, glo - ry, Si-ig glo - ly, glo- ry, glo - ry. JO J* -9- -9- -9- -9-+ -(3- -9- 1 V V J ^ J I J f m r" i r * c^ * LCr * 1 1 r NH^ IfL 2 ...r.r i vi *^ * * * 9 & * 2 Wliat brought them to that world above, That heaven so bright and fair, Where all is peace and joy and love, How came those children there ? 3 Because the Saviour shed His blood To take away their sin ; Washed in that precious purple flood, Behold them white and clean. 4 On earth they sought the Saviour's grace, On earth they loved His name ; So now they see His blessed face, And stand before the Lamb. Another sou? to the above Tune. 1 Jerusalem, my happy home, Xame ever dear to me, When shall my labours have an end, Thy joys when shall I see? 2 Oh, when, thou city God, Shall I thy courts ascend, Where congregations ne'er break up And sabbaths never end ? 2 Jesus, my Saviour, dwells therein In glorious majesty ; And Him, through every stormy scene, I onward press to see. 4 Jerusalem, my happy home, My soul still pants for thee : Then shall my labours have an end, When I thy joys shall sec. 22. Auld Lang Syne. n inf Mode rato. Met. J- 72. J : S ^ ! J ~ |v ^ '* I ^ ' ^ ^ ~f I. Je | i^=F=H U ' - sus, the name high I tj-*- i ix j f i ^ i i~ r~ i ov - er all, In hell, or earth, or sky ; An -*- # -9- -*- J . J -*- -^- -&- ' -*- <*Y " * m 4* * SZ: - / w m Clx .. I , !* ' ^ ' I P~ ^ is I ^-- L -* 4_' IS i I ill ^^ * " W J p ' J * is i I I ' I \ K VM / ^ ^ ^* 4P * idp ^p ? * MU ^* _j I ' gels ^. and men be - fore .*i .-^- -. _^_ ' ^ j* |*~ p^ * Thee fall And dcv - ils fear and fly. . >J- A J.'Jj , j 4: * ff J i e^ [^-/* ** ; ^a ^ is I* 2 ^ ' ' ' i ^ i r^ f r 9 i i* i* r- ' ^ . * ! I i I r r I I _- . | * I I IX | I / CHORUS. I c >^-^ * * ~* o be-lieve, I wi H_*_ g *- * . + \-&-, a-H ^ \ I l^ I I 1 be - lieve, That Je - sus died for me, That /w^ * ff & ' ' ' P t* | 1 C ' " ^ * r r r r o \ c^ ' i* ! ' i >? " ' . J 1 j- ' J 0i J K , I jj {G) j- -* * * Jr _ 0, _j_ g . ^j ^ i i & fcy on the cross He shed His blood From sin to set me free. ^J*T ^* P f F^: mm m ~ m "* 1 ^ 1 p p^ 1 1 ^ 1 p ^^^ -j-| I i 2 Jesus, the name to sinners dear, The name to sinners given ; He scatters all their guilty fear, H2 turns their hell to heaven. 3 Tcsus, the prisoner's fetters break ^ 1 ^ j 1 Power into strengthless souls He speaks, And life into the dead. 4 Oh, that the world would taste and see The riches of His grace ! 3, The arms of love that compass me And bruises Satan's bead ; Would all mankind embrace. 23. Behold the Saviour of mankind. P Adagio, Met. J - 56. ^3 ^- j~\ *-!, J-j ^ E r-Ur ? \ & J SJ [.Be - hold the Sa - viour of How vast the love that Him man - kind Nail'd to the in - clined To bleed and J J J -* r i shame - ful tree ; die for thce ! O Thou dear suf - f 'rincr Lamb of _^j i? '__'^j nr j- r ^ ; 4 J.-?-. 1 ^ ///;/. God, Who gave Thy self for me,. --==)- I | ^=,=e=i- 1 E = me, for me, P Now plunge me J J' J 22: in Thy cleans - ing blood, And make me all like Thee I ! I ^ U_^2 ^_ 2 Hark, how lie groans ! while nature shakes, And eaith's strong pillars bend ; The temple's veil in sunder breaks, The solid maibles rend. 3 'Tis done ! the precious ransom's paid, " Receive my $ ' ul,' ; He cries. See where He bows His sacred head ; He bows His head, and dies. 4 But soon He'll break death's envious chain, And in full glory shine. O Lamb of God ! was ever pain. Was ever love, like Thine? 24. Belmont. . n n>.p Andante. {res. , et< f - r\ u> f \ \ ^ i 1 V f *i i 1 , , 1 J "j"z U. 1 1 ' l 1 m) & i 55 *^ 3 ! J k J J W ^ f 1 1 F ' 3 ' " * ' ^H * r-^^F- J r i r "T" r "^ I. I heard the voice of Je - sus say, "Come tin tc ,. J -^ J- J J " 1 ! J J -^- . - N /\. ii 2 ea c^ * C2 * 2zE> ?i 22 p r SZ " /i r"" - & /5 " W J ^ , 1' IT'^ * W ^_j -^ a VsJ ^, g - 5F 22 w M^e and /"^> rest T -f r V f r down, th DU cr wca + 1 . l ~^~ J u j J 1 n S53 cJ 9 cj * i^x *T tt ^ , ^) P^V? J - i* ^ r 3 one, lay down Thy head up - on ^ 2 I came to Jesus as I was, Wear}*, and worn, and sad : I found in Him a resting-place, And lie has made me glad. 3 I heard the voice of Jesus say, " Behold, I freely give The living water thirsty one, Stoop down, and drink, and live.' 4 I came to Jesus, and I drank Of that life-giving stream ; My thirst was quenched, my soul revived, And now I live in Him. Another song to the above Tune. I For ever here my rest shall be, Close to Thy bleeding side. This all my hope, and all my plea, For me the Saviour died ! '2 My dying Saviour and my God, Fountain for guiit and sin, Sprinkle me ever with Thy blood, And cleanse, and keep me clean. 3 Wash me, and make me thus Thine own, Wash me, and mine Thou art ; Wash me, but not my feet alone, My hands, my head, my heart. 4 The atonement of Thy blood apply, Till faith to sight improve ; Till hope in full fruition die, And all my soul be love. 25. Bright Crowns there are. in f Allegro moderate. ferJ^-1-n HE E-***J*J Met. = TTff ^ ^ - ( c/ i. Ye va-liant sol-diers of the cross, Ye hap-py praying band, Though in this world we : J, JJ JJ J J J J> J JJ..J. J.JJ-J-J- ^ ^f==f- i" iSEfEsEi: j j- 1 ^ ^ J 1-4 _J J =5: lEEn!: 2 P> ^ no r r r i suf - fer loss, We'll reach fair Ca-nr uJ J J I J J 1 oi i r r r r- tan's land,... We 11 reach fair Ca-naan's land. J J . J- J- J- J 1 J ^v* 5 V f w^ J -"" Pfj-ffjp: p- *- . M f m ^ ^ p p- 3SE r i ! r ' i i i U [_|_J_j f= ^U4-J / CHORUS. liright crowns there are, For vou and 5t r r r r Bright crowns, bright crowns there are, there are, Bright crowns laid up on high, For you and me, for ^=J: S f^ Bright crowns there are, me, For you and r r r you and me, There's a crown of vie - to - Egg .There's a crown of vie - to UJ 5 2 All earthly pleasures we'll forsake, While heaven appears in view ; In Jesus' strength we'll undertake To fight our passage through. 3 Oh, what a glorious shout there'll be When we arrive at home ! . Our friends and Jesus we shall see, And God shall say, " Well done ! " 24 26. Charming Name. Met. j^ 96. mf Allegro moderato. 'Tis mu-sic to my -4-r-Kl L- , , i h-H-j- - p *yy^7yN ^ 'Tis I. Je - sus, I love Thy charm - ing name, 'Tis mus-ic to my rj^ i j*j j j _r*j^j j i 1 1 j _n ^ ^ I _ K . ,^i ^< . ^ _ y ... XS -^_ 1 ^ y ^ 1 =gP=Z. ' I* P ^ ! ! 2. Ja 'Tis X^ " 1 <^> 9 \ ^\ i J S_J_2-Z ^ i* pa ' J K 2J c> V;~lJ * 1 -.-2 p f * ' ^ I 1 I mu - sic to ear, 1 f- my ear, 'Tis mu - sic to my car ; j'r > ^^" 1 1 . - 1 J J J 1 | /^A * R ^ ^ flF ^ | f~^J ^1 cy ' 1^^' ** LJ.T1 ^ ^ y^ 3 r^> r* ^.^ ' ' ^ . . IF r ~ * r , , _ , ' mu - sic to my car, Fain would I sound it out so loud That earth and heaven should hear, That That earth and heaven should S rtrr f T earth and heaven should hear, J , That earth and heaven should hear. ? hear, That earth and heaven should hear, That 2 Yes, Thou art precious to my soul, My transport and my trust ; Jewels to Thee are gaudy toys, And gold is sordid dust. The noblest balm of all its wounds, The cordial of its care. 4 I'll speak the honours of Thy name With my last labouring breath ; 3 Thy grace still dwells within my heart, Then, speechless, clasp Thee in my arms, And sheds its fragrance there, The Conqueror of death. 27. Conference. m f s JX TT 7-j ; lllegro moderate. ( j Met. J - 96. FINE. i ^ ^a' ! r r> ; - * M=-d=z*=*=p=-==2=5== i. Must Je - sus bear the cross a - lone, And a No, there's a cross for ev - ! ry one, And th J J J J - J_J J J - 1 the world qo free? :re's a cross for me. 9- 1 J -*- P * p 4 1 r * r i ! ' ! L H 1 j ^_ I^^T"] 4-, . d r- - j 4 * $ -j 1 |- ' p- 1 r ,7 r And tl J i * i r r r r r ' cre' s *x cross for me, And there's * ^~^-T^ 1 1 i *L J J J- J"T^ J -J- J. j J- -TTJ '(I* 4 * "'^ '14 ^' > _ r I s F i * * \ ^ 4j -rrl r r r H 2 The consecrated cross I'll bear Till death shall set me free ; And then go home my crown to wear, For there's a crown for me. 3 Upon the crystal pavement, down At Jesus' pierced feet, Joyful I'll cast my golden crown, And His dear name repeat. 4 O precious cross ! O glorious crown ! O resurrection day ! Ye angels, from the heavens come down And bear my soul away. 28. Congress. f Allegro moderate. 1 ^ti^7"T]^Hr-^ : i r i i T3 Met. J = 1 06. J I ^^t= i. I've found the Pearl of Great-est Price, My heart doth sing for joy, My heart doth a -^S- \ -;-y- IB5 JrJ- g ^ ^ I | | 1^ I I** ^ i | sing for joy ; And sing I must, a Christ I have, Oh, what a Christ have I ! 1 1 Oh, what a Christ have -r (- HI J Oh, what a Christ have I ! Oil, what a Christ have III! * J II s =r=F r- 5 -P HP--P- I ! k k ** Oh,wnat a Christ have I ! Oh, what a 2 My Christ, lie is the Lord of lords, He is the King of kings ; He is the Sun of Righteousness, With healing in His wings. 3 My Christ, He is the Tree of Life, Which in God's garden grows ; Whose fruits do feed, whose leaves do heal, My Christ is Sharon's Rose. P Andante. -Q-rb i i * 29. Down in the Garden. * i Met. Jz=72. s P i. Dark was the hour,Geth-se - ma -ne,Whcn thro' thy walks was heard The low-lv Man of I | I IS IS I || , , S -J J- J.JJ.J. 4 J Jug i vJ-J - I > ..^ |L/^- E ^H*: EPmq i ///CHORUS. ^ '- 1 ^ r> r : "r r FT pv r i (Hr S 2 Ga - li - lee Still plead ing with the Lord. Down in the gar-den, Hear that mournful 2ND Clio. Je - sus,my Sa-viour, Let me weep with ! ^ ' ^ ' ' ' -J J J -J * m -P2I J ^ ^_ mp ^S 1 ^ f ^ ^TT ~ . . . sound; There be- hold the Sa-viour weep- ing, Pray-ing on the cold, damp ground. Thee ; Mer - cy, O Thou Son of Da - vid ! Mer-cy's com-ing down to me. vr-sr-p- >" ^ *?-=?^ + * ' Alone in sorrow see Him bow, As all our griefs He bears ; Not words may tell his anguish now, But sweat and blood and tears. There prostrate on the earth He lie? God's well beloved Son ; But still the fainting Sufferer cries, " Father, Thy will be done !" 4 For me He prays, I hear Him pray, He will my soul receive. Now, Jesus, take my sins away ; Now, Jesus, I believe. 30. Ellacombe. f Alleijro moderato. Met. ! -106. r rr r I. My God ! I know, I feel Tlx-c mine, And will not quit my claim, Ti!I I I I I I & ?=P i I .''- J J . ^= i ' r r i all I li:i\r i-, I-, i in 'I Line, And all re I P-- I MIL j. j ' , * j j. And Cfc^d r r r i* T f^T r r ^f 3 all re - ncucd I ;mi, f am, And n J J. J J J . J. . - ni-ucil I ain ; '1 ill r J J^ h C^s 1 >.' fe . . in * __ A 1 r 1 ri-^f- ' 'i i J. - s * J ' " ' J. , . i. l> HI .n | rl idiiMinl ; I IM'II .!,;,]] in'- Mi;;!. 1 '.'"W, Burn up tl And l,,:il- lln- in' ..... ' I I >h, lli:il it now IKHH IK-J And :ill in Comi Holj ' rho ' foi 'i ii<-- I .iii ; Sjiinf ..I I 31. Evan. 3 Met J = 56. :5 Sz -^ - i. There is a foun- tain filled with blood, Drawn from my Sa-viour's veins ; And JUCU * ^m 3^te ^ ?^p=* ^ ^'g^r te *^ *tr sin - ners plunged be - neath that flood, Lose all their guil ty stains. J ^ J J J* J" J J-. J* J 1 J J , J ' i * CHORUS. Allfgro it^fcnjf(i. Met. ^= 104. =fc Oh, Jc - sus, mv Sa -viour will welcome sinners home, Welcome sinners home, -9- ~&- j J ^ ^ g g g g Wei - come sin- nois liome ; Oh, J -J- Sin - ner, don't de ( r la. P^ ^ The dyin^ ihief rojoiood to see That fountain in his day : And there, have I, though vile as ho, Washed all my sins a \\a_v. , i siiu-o Ity faith I saw the stiv.nn Hi^ (lowing wounds supply, My Saviour's lo\o lias l>eon my And shall he till 1 di<\ 4 Then in a nobler, sweeter song, I'll sing His po\\ei to saw, When this poor lisping, stammeiing tongue Lies silent in the gnuo. s l\-.u dving Lamb, Th\ puvious hloi'xi Shall ne\ev lose- its jxnver Till all the lighting host of Hod In- saxe.l to sin no moio. 32. Give me a heart like Thine. mf Moderate. crcs Met. J = fk ^1 ! V & \ \ i. Give me a heart to praise my God, A heart from sin set free, A A. A. . J. 1 v~ \ \ K fe ! \ ^ 1 heart from sin set free ; A heart that al ways feels the blood So &=3E J: 3E CHORUS. + V \ T free- ly spilt for me. Give me a heart like Thine, Give me a heart like Thine! By Thy IS won- der- ful pow-cr, And Thy grace ev-'ry hour, Give me a heart like Thine! 2 A heart resigned, submissive, meek, My great Redeemer's throne ; Where only Christ is heard to speak, Where Jesus reigns alone. 3 A humble, lowly, contrite heart, Believing, true, and clean : Which neither life nor death can part From Him that dwells within. 4 A heart in every thought renewed, And full of love divine ; Perfect and right and pure and good, A copy, Lord, of Thine. 5 Thy nature, gracious Lord, impart ; Come quickly from above ; Write Thy new name upon my heart, Thy new, best name of Lcve. 33- Grimsby. vtf Allegro moderate*. Met. J..- 104 2K 2K ' ' x*- . ^-; ' ^ ^ . - ' ' " jfk ' ^~ ; 1 rrr~r>~r r-rr T i. Oh, for a thou - sand tongues to sing My great Re - deem - er's 1 J J , J. J.J^J^ ' i 1 ! i m 5 ^M ^--r- J M- praise; The glo - lies of my God...... and King, The glo ries -jQj -- ^J*m 4 .J^J ^. J- i^ev- *f ^ r* *^ ^B "* ! -*^" ^ M ' * 1 1 h 5 C 1 j of mv and King, The tri-umphs of His J.. The F-f giace,of His grace, SE tri - umphs of His grace, A A 1 1 A. The tri - umphs of His grace ! ^J ^ ^ J J^ ^c^ bg- grace,of 1 1 is grace, 2 My gracious Master and my God, | Assist me to proclaim, To spread through all the earth abroad The honours of Thy name. 3 Jesus ! th name that charms our fcai>:, That bids our sorrows cease ; 'Tis music in the sinner's ears ; 'Tis life, and health, and peace. 4 He breaks the power of cancelled sin, He sets the prisoner free : His blood can make the foulest clean, His blood availed for me. 5 See, all your sins on Jesus laid ; The Lamb of God was slain, His soul was once an offering made For every soul of man 34- Hallelujah to the Lamb. mf A lief f o modem to. '-3 US" _ . I. Come, let us join our cheer - ful songs With an-gels round the throne ; Ten J J J * A - - 1 I I thou" - sand thou - sand are their tongues, But all their joys are one. J j j J , J J J J I I i / CHORUS. ^ i / '> h U '1 I i ! 1^ Hal - le - lu - jah to the Lamb Who died on Mount t f 4+ f rr Cal-va-ry ! Hal-le - lu jah ! Hal-le - lu - jah ! Hal-le - lu - jah ! A - men. *': J j J J 2 " Worthy the Lamb that died," they cry, " To be exalted thus ! " " Worthy the Lamb," our hearts reply, " For He was slain for us ! '' Jesus is worthy to receive Honour and power divine ; And blessings more than we can givt, Be, Lord, for ever Thine. 4 The whole creation join in one To bless the sacred name Of Him who sits upon the throng And to adore the Lamb. 35- Hark! listen to the trumpeters. mf Allegro moderato. Met. ^=. 104. =i=* ^= =? C f f\ & =$ T^ 1* i r i. Hark ! lis - ten to the trum-pe - ters, They sound for vol - un - teers, On J=J i m^ t^ "fl^^t^^ ^^^ t 'tC5"^^"u^^ Zi-on's bright and flow'ry mount,and flow'ry mount,and flow'ry mount, On Zi-on's bright and ^ * ^~~^-^ f c c r ^a flow'ry mount, Be-hold the of- fi-cers. Their hor - ses white, theirgarments bright, With arrow and bow they stand, En - list-ing sol-diers for their King, To march to Canaan's land. 2 It sets my heart all in a flame, A soldier I will be ; I will enlist gird on my arms, And fight for liberty. They want no cowards in their band, Who will their colours fly ; But call for valiant-hearted men, Who're not afraid to die. 3 The trumpet sounds, the armies meet, And drive the hosts of hell ; How dreadful is our God in arms, The great Immanuel. Sinners, enlist with Jesus Christ, The eternal Son of God, And march with us to Canaan's land. Beyond the swelling Hood. 33 36. Haste away to Jesus. mf A llegro moderate. Met. J=^ 104. i. The an -gel of the Lord shall stand, While thou-sand thun-ders roar, And J AAAA j J* J n J J J ^ -Jt mp _ swear by heaven's e - ter- nal throne That time shall be no more ; The earth and ev- : rv ii. it,.. . i i i i i i I t I I < -- w ^JE thing therein Shall melt with fer-vent heat, And sin -ners found still in their sins, Will n J J J s :^z ^ =^=5 * r-> have their God to meet. Haste a - way to Je - sus Oh, hear the warning n J * * p-ri; & E Haste a-way ~ m r cry ! Haste a - way to Je - sus, For death is draw -ing nigh. I r * Haste a-way 34 37- I am clinging to the Cross. P Andante, con express Met. = i. For Thee, dear Lord, myspi-rit longs. With earnest, strong de-sire; I seek Thee now with all my I..N j ;;// CHORUS. Allegro moderate. Met. J= 106. heart, I'm wait- ing for the fire. I am cling-ing to the cross, I am clinging to the . -fe? cross, I am cling - ing to the cross,.... .. I am cling-ing to the cross, I am cling-ing to the cross, I am cling-ing, I am cling-ing to the cross, the cross, . fl i ^ m m m j . K at -- -g- -^- -tt- ~g- -^- v U U U U v U k 2 None else my soul can satisfy, Or give the rest I seek ; Thy voice, O Lord, I wait to hear, Now to Thy servant speak. 3 O Lord, in willingness of love I'll tread the cross-bound way ; 'Tis fellowship with Thee I crave, To serve Thee and obey. Words of No. 36 continued. 2 In vain they'll cry for rocks to hide Them from Jehovah's face ; But, cursed by sin, they'll be denied They'll have no hiding-place. Before God's bar we all must go, And hear the sentence given, " Depart, ye cursed, into hell !" Or, " Come with Me to heaven !" 3 When once the Judgment Day is past, 'Twill be in vain to pray ; Wherever then your lot is cast, For ever you must stay. Oh, awful thought ! When time's no more, This is God's firm decree, In happiness or woe you'll dwell Through all eternity! 35 38. I bring my all to Thee. mp Adagio sostenuio. Met. me, . . . = 52. I. Oft have I heaid Thy ten-der voice Call -ing, dear Lord, to me, tome, CHORUS. I bring my all to Thee, dear Lord, I bring my all to Thee, to Thee ; I Ask -ing a quick yet last -ing choice.'Twixt worldly joys and Thee, and Thee ; wish 'twere more, but all my store I bring just now to Thee, to Thee. I hi D Stir- ring my heart's deep foun-tain springs, Breaking the bar-tiers, bar-riers down; bring mv all to Thee, dear Lord, I bring my all to Thee, to Thee; Thou i ^ j yjg & &- I \ -* j j|j jrji^^ Repeat for Chorus. t g g r Bid-ding me rise on faith's strong wings, Cry-ing, " No cross, no crown!" wilt, I feel, Thy pro - mise seal, And give Thy - self to me. 2 And yet, alas, a storm-tossed sea Of care and doubt and fear Still parts me, Saviour, Lord, from Thee, Although Thou art so near. Oh, speak again and bid me come, From every fear set free, Over the self and sin and storm, Over the waves to Thee. Jesus, I dare to trust in Thee, Who maketh all things new, My sins to slay, my tears to stay, My sorrows to subdue. And in the battle's blazing heat, When flesh and blood would quail. I'll fight and tiust and still repeat That Jesus cannot fail. 39- I feel like singing all the time. mf Allegro. Met. J- 116 /w. it f * i 1 1 i =1- III' 1 ' (m " '' J t * * s * 5 5 r r J f r i i r r '^rr ' ' i. I feel like sing - ing all the time, My tears are wiped a - ii Jt - ! J J J i r* 1 , i i i i * -*>--*- J J 1 1 J 1 J - -ar ~ * i = *- F I" F 1 ^ "3 ( i 1 * i* r r r * r i t L H ?v TT S3 . * ^ * * -^ x J ' ' ' J~ sn - r r 1 1 1 3 i - way, For Je sus is a 1 J i ."^" 1 ar 1 i 1 Friend of mine : I'll 4 4 A j. ^fc"\ *f tj. 1 1 i r m ~ P _ [^/* *f j/n t 1 1 V_x T 1 1 ! i j ff CHORUS. J) n$ J PS i _ XL B ^-s ^ d 1 ^- 1 j 1 r -~\ J a r ' " ^~^ *H S ^ ^V J^ u. f serve Him ev - 'ry ^1 ^ ? J j. J^ ^ * -+ day Sing - ing a i ! T t glo - ry, [S i^J & *1 I s * i f :==!= J K J J Sing -ing 1 ! /i '"J 3 V *i * CM") ' ' ' ^5 9 * m- _[. r J d 1=^-H glo - ry, I M I* ^T^^it ^ J ' U 'r' P r r Glo - ry be to f^=H=? r r p God on high ! J ' ^L_ L^>t 1 1 U - _J g * i. i ?-3-= H Sing -ing, 2 When on the cross my Lord I saw, Nailed there by sins of mine, Fast fell the burning tears ; but now I'm singing all the time. 3 When fierce temptations try my heart, I'll sing "Jesus is mine !" And so, though tears at times may start, I'm singing all the time. 4 The melting story of the Lamb Tell with that voice of thine, Till others, with the glad new song, Go singing all the time. 5 The angels sing a glorious song, But not a song like mine, For I am washed in Jesus' blood, And singing all the time. 37 40. If the Cross we boldly bear. -1 1 t-J-^-l 1 i i J 1 1 W~j m=fa=3q ^-^^ 4 i 4 9 * f * * * r * ( ^ ^ ^JO i. In all my Lord's ap - point- ed \vavs, My jour-ney I'll pur - sue ; Hin i J. .^ J. J- J.^J.J-J.J.jJ. J.J X-^ * J ~ f* ^ , ^ lf ^ } , , ^~r r < * r~F~~s *^ * F ^ ;r~ ^ j| . =-^ 1 1 - r F F F 1 1 ! 5~+~^"^ / CHORUS. ill |* I ^ ' J-j fe- - J . ^1 1 g>- ! 9 . * . . ! ^ . ^ d-4 -^H-p-^- ^. ^ i If the c - ross we bold - ly bear, Then a crown we shall j. ^. J. J. -9- -9- -9- JJJ JT3 /WA. 9 + \ iffj' r i r ' W ' i L F F F < F F ' 1 *- i 1 1 III 1 II If the cross we bold - ly bear, Then a crown we r-fl ! * & \' - N fe ^ ^ N fc * 1 t ! f-9 c ^ r ' 9^ g). 1 ^li-* --*-. 9*- f t "^i''\\ T-f ?&-; , +. + ^. - '^ . * + . * ^. \\car. \Vhcnwe dwell with Je- sus there, In the bright for- ev -er-more. -9- -9- -9- -9- -9- -9- ~9- -9- -9- -9- -9 i ~9* ^_ . J^ | j ! &' p~ ^-__^_ _ _CL._ ^f-e- f r Tf r E'g" ^ r^F 11 all shall wear, ^ hen we dwell with Je- sus there, 2 Through floods and flames, if Jesus lead, Hinder me not, for I am bound I'll follow where He goes ; To my Immanuer.s land. Hinder me not, shall be my cry, Tl-frojh earth and hell oppose. : And, when mv Saviour calls me home. 3 Tliioxigh clutics, and through trials too, I'll go at His conraand ; Still this my cry shall be. Hinder me not ; come, welcome d?J I'll gladly go with thee. i. In evil long I took delight XT JJi r J * C/ 1 Z f^^j ^r r^^ 4>? KB- * 4 J \ * * ^K ^Xtl =m m iS* 3* f-* 1" *J -j*- -^- 1 1 ii i T i i I. In ev il long I tcok de - light, Un - awed by CHORUS. Oh, the Lamb, the bleed - ing Lamb, The Lamb of ... J J ! J J _J ! J J J J 553 5 k V *-"^ r ^P * r 9. * ^ j9 ^ i,-' ^B 9 r i^ s* v ' "i zdtzaai j-^3 1 '^<* 1 X "U ^J 1 c - i ^ E2 KZZJB * fen ' tf j 2 * J tr- ^ *f shame or Cal - va | ^^ ^(2> * fear, Till a new ob - ^amb that was slain, ^ J J J ^J 1 ^-4 i ject met my but liv- eth a 1 J- 1 1 M. ^H J . J> J > J > J- -J ^ P - ed to ev - 'ry sin ner's case Who hears the k - ful sound. J j i *-~ - * I/ V r g f CHORUS. you, for you ; r me, for me ; J^J i ? r~c Je - sus died for all man-kind, Bless God ! He died for me J 01 * J ^J h J JJ- J r-g r sir rr g . 2 Poor, sinful, thirsting, fainting souls Are freely welcome here ; Salvation like a river rolls, Abundant, free, and clear. 3 This spring with living water flows, And heavenly joy imparts. Come, thirsty souls, your wants disclose, And drink with thankful hearts. 4 Millions of sinners vile as you Have here found life and peace ; Gome then, and prove its virtues, too, And drink, adore, and bless. 40 43- Lift up the banner on high. mf Allegro moderate. J. : ^>rVMj JlJJJJJlj ff r^t\Fp?w r ! f *tf [ r Met. J 104. r rrrr i. Sal - va - tion ! Oh, the joy - ful sound ! What plea-sure to our ears ! J: m fere" r r m to our ears ! /W * ' f* * ^P =~~F * V C ftf y^'bJzqib i i* f 01 ' CGs sov - 'reign balm for J. . J* J. . J 1 Uf LJ* | ~r- ev - 'ry wound, A J- J. 4 4 n~^ F cor - dial fo - J . r r r our fears. S^Z JB * jiK JH * 4ft 1 r r i* rr f ,.r . . a / CHORUS. } So we'll lift up the banner on high, The sal -vation ban-ner of love; ^We'll oJ* i P : : g f r f^ U : r j i^ _ ' /^; f r r i fight be - neath its col -ours till we die, Then go to our home a - bove. * !S * > | I I J^^PJ 4 J >^J J,J- 2 Salvation ! let the echo fly The spacious earth around ; While all the armies of the sky Conspire to raise the sound. 3 Salvation ! O Thou bleeding Lamb, To Thee the praise belongs ; Salvation shall inspire our hearts, And dwell upon our tongues. mf Allegretto. 44. A Little Ship. Met. J. _ 56. r ; I. For ev - er here my rest shall be, Close to Thy bleed-ing side;.... This M- J* J ^J J J r ' r ^ *- Ff all my hope, and all my plea, For me the Sa - viour died!.... s-z SEE J==F / CHORUS. i ^ iE^ ^h S f=g=r=g^^r g ' r ~err=F?^ For me the Sa - viour died,.... 1-or me the Sa - viour died, This ^ 1 all my hope, and all my plea, Fur me the Sa - viour died !. J r~ j \, i ^_J L J i^ ^^r 2 My dying Saviour and my God, Fountain for guilt and sin, Sprinkle me ever with Thy blood, And cleanse, and keep me clean. 3 Wash me, and make me thus Thine o\\n. Wash me, and mine Thou art ; Wash me, but not my feet alone, My hands, my head, my heart. 4 The atonement of Thy blood apply, Till faith to sight improve ; Till hope in full fruition die, And all my soul be love. 45- Lord, fill my craving heart. mp Moderate. =F= i . ^ == Met. ^ = 72. i 5 1 r r r r r- I. While here be - fore Thy cross I kneel, To me Thy love im - part; With J J J J J A. J ^ m ^m ^=. f - r ff r-F- tftftff cr r a deep, burn - ing love for souls, Lord, fill my crav - ing heart. J J- J tt ^_J. J J J J- : r # CHORUS. Lord, fill my crav-ing heart, Lord, fill my crav-ing heart, With J Jl JJ-J-J-J-J -P P- E Lord, fill my crav-ing heart, Lord, fill my craving heart, /^ (/L iE^ P^^ a deep burn - irg love for souls, Lord, nTl my crav - ing heart. J J J J J J J * p =^J r-^^ 2 Deepen in me Thy work of grace, Teach me to do Thy will ; Help me to live a spotless life, Thy holy laws fulfil. 3 With mighty power my soul baptize, My longing heart inspire, That I may from this moment rise A living flame of fire. 4 I want in this dark world to shine, And ever faithful he, That all around shall know I'm Thine In blest reality. 43 46. Lover 01 the Lord. Met. J =. 84. 1 'r r r cftrr r r r r r r r i. Re - turn, O wan-der - er, re -turn, And seek thy Fa - tiler's face! Those new de- sires which in thee burn Were kin -died by His grace. ^^jj_j^,;j a m ? s * F .i-r-* Father's face ! by His grace. :fc / CHORUS. 3 f f t t t t T^^ Ix V v Oh, you must be a lov - er of the Lord, of the Lord, Oh, you K 5 must be a lov-er of the Lord, of the Lord, Oh, you must be a lov-er of the fc=$ e Lord, of the Lord, Or you can't go to hea-ven when you die AA- 2 Return, O wanderer, return, He hears thy humble sigh ; I Ic sees thy softened spirit mourn, When no one else is nigh. 3 Return, O wanderer, return, Thy Saviour bids thee live ; Come to His cross, and grateful learn How freely He'll forgive. 4 Return, O wanderer, return, Regain thy long-sought rest ; The Saviour's melting mercies yearn To clasp thee to His breast. 47- Manchester. mf Allegretto. liv. JJ Jlj Met J.=:63. 5 ^ fi i t V i "V I \t \ w-..\ w I. With stea-dy pace the pil- grim moves To -wards the bliss -ful shore, And J-J^ JrJ ^ ^ J J J JlJ ./ P S sings with cheer - ful heart and voice, "'Tis bet - ter on be - fore.". J J J =M -p P=T / CHORUS. ** "-^ULl f^r j jj ^iJ^J 'Tis bet- ter on be - fore, 'Tis bet - ter on be fore,. And & ^ mM -^==^i- p IS S r j -r P ' r t sings with cheer - ful heart and voice, 'Tis bet - ter on be - fore M 2 His passage through a desert lies, Where furious lions roar ; He takes his staff, and smiling, says, "'Tis better on before." } When tempted to forsake his God, And give the contest o'er, lie hears a voice which says, " Look up ! 'Tis better on before." 4 When stern affliction clouds his cheek, And death stands at the door, Hope cheers him with her merriest ncte- " 'Tis better on before." 5 And when on Jordan's bank he stands, And views the radiant shore, Bright angels whisper, " Come away ! 'Tis better on before." 45 48. Mary. f Allegro wotlirato. Met. ,' = 92. S3 ^ i r. Oh, for a thott - sand tongues to sing My great Re-dtem-er's rj &. A J , J} J - - m r r m 2 ff F ^r T 1 my praise, My great Re-deem- er's praise; The glo -* J. r ries of ^U-J- * ^ i -pr -pr r. r. *" r" P " J F P God and King, The tri - umphs of His grace, The tri - umphs of His - grace, The tri - umphs of His grace, The tri-umphs of His grace ! 2 My g acious Master and my God, Ass st me to proclaim, To sp ead through all the earth abroad The honours of Thv name. 3 'i MIS ! the name that charms our fears, That bids our sorrows cease ; 'Tis music in the sinner's ears ; 'Tis life, and health, and peace. 4 He breaks the power of cancelled sin, He sets the prisoner free : His blood can make the foulest clean, His blood availed for me. 46 49- There's mercy still for thee. mp Moderate. Met. J= ioe. i I I I I - I I I r I I I W \ ( I. O wand'rer,knowine not the smile Of Te-sus' love-ly face, In darkness liv - in" J I J J J = W=^f=fjEL i P ^ rt? all the while, Re - ject ing of-fer'd grace : To J J. J> J -^^' :e J e-ho-vah's voice doth sound,Thy MI i r* i 3 s ^UU-j i ^r soul He waits to free ; i Thy Sa-viourhath a ran-som found, There's ji T - 4* - j j - -* ^ err waits to free ; mf CHORUS. i i ? 5 *-& -r-^rr^r^ f r r -^ r ^r^-r-r mer-cy still for thee. There's mer-cy still for thee! There's mer-cy still for j. d.jj ;.j ^ thee! Pooi tremblingsoul,IIe'llmaketheewhole,There'smer-cy still for thee! B j. f r r-t'rrr PT forthcc! Though sins of years rise mountains high, Now, lift thy heart in earnest prayer, And would thy hopes destroy, To Him for safety flee ; Thy Saviour's blood can wash away While still the angels chant the strain, The stains, and bring thee joy. "There's mere" ill for thee ! " 47 50. Mighty to keep. j) Andante con es press. Met. J*_ ti2. c p p r P l Cometimesrmtnedwithtoilandcare.SometimesI'mweakand worn, Sometimes it looks so j + j . i*^ dark ev'-rywhere, Instead of the rose, the thorn. These are the times, when tempted sore, A - g g gr gggg voice in my ear doth speak Unsheath thy sword,there's vict'ry before, Thy Saviour is f iZ5c mf CHORUS. // \-/nw is. u o. w w fe. / * . p 1^ P I I* *-]- k k k k k k k k k mighty to keep... I have a Sa-viour who's mighty to keep, Mighty to keep, J~ J r> J* J* J* ^ ? ^ mighty to keep ; I have a Saviour who's mighty to keep, Mighty to keep ever - more. ; r-J * r-f m * r * W i ~ ~ P *1 r r ^ ^ ^~P~ ^ ^ r^ 9 \ v \ "S^ b^ ^ ^ i^ i^ l^ W irf I 1 j j j ' ^K f. f. K. c E L_K r^ i^ i ' PTTV 2 Jesus, I'll trust Thee more and more, Trust where I cannot trace, TWst when I hear the ocean's roar, Trust when the foe I face. Thou wilt be more than life to me, So broad, so high, so deep, Changing the thunder into glee, Able to save and to keep. Allegro moderate. ' 5i. Nativity. Met. ' _ 112. j. jlijjij P r ' r F? i i. O joy ful sound of gos pel grace! Christ shall in me ap =g F 3 ? -ft: / J: = J J-J- F =t P ^ pear, Christ A. A' A in me ap - pear; I, ev - en J J . i g -&-:. p- 1^ I shall be ho ly shall be ho-ly here, I shall be, j . u b ho , , I shall be ho-ly here, ' r sLAAA^. ^1J J. A. ^ ^ 4- I L shall be ho-ly here, I shall be, 2 This heart shall be His constant home ; I hear His Spirit's cry : "Surely," He saith, "I quickly come!" He saith, who cannot lie. i The glorious crown of righteousness To me reached out I view ; Conqueror through Him, I soon shall seize And wsar it as my due. 4 ' fe visits now this heart of mine, He shakes His future home ; Oh, wouldst Thou, Lord, on this glad day, Into Thy temple come ! 5 With me I know, I feel, Thou art ; But this cannot suffice, Unless Thou plantest in my heart A constant paradise. 52. What, never run away? Met. J =_ 96. Ffr f//J tl" / t l~ Uegro mode) N- aw. Sn __ j,, =1=1 1 sa - P fl^j- ^rtrr^r I. To save the world is our de - sire We'll nev - er tire, we'll stand the firej ' J - > J - - K j J-.- 7 /> * y ^1 * ^ ^ r ~ For And F^ J en - - e - mies we nev-er, nev-er run a ! " pray ! way. I a ^~~ *~ 1 Up- -f- 2 - * *~ \ \^ 1 / CHORUS t ^ J3- : f f^ We are march -ing on to con quer all, Be - fore out God the K K J- J- J- J- J- J. J ^ & : f=f : J. Jl J I J world shall fall; We'll face the foe, to bat tie go, And J J . J* J . J* J J tr J1 1 J J J. nev - er, nev- er run a way. What, nev-er run a - way ? No, w fr K -*^ I i^H ^ ^ ^ J^ ~^~ p-; _S J^. * 9 i . J . i ^ ^ * ! * K _- f ^u*ix^i 1^1 rrr^Kri \^ r r v v V nev-er run a -way! What, nev-er run a -way? No, nev-er run a - way ! We'll r*7 CO m i J ? b S fe4=J & ^ i r ^ i i- r : , face the foe, to bat - tie J . J* J . , And nev - er, nev - er run a - way ! j-r\* r H i^-/* ' E- r g|r 'r^S^F izfc 2 Sin's greatest strongholds we'll attack, Our Captain we'll obey ; The foe shall yet be driven back, We'll never, never run away. 3 With holy might the foe we'll smite, The monster sin to slay ; For God we'll fight, we know we're right, We'll never, never run away. 4 Onward we'll march, with flag unfurled, Jesus shall have the sway ; Like Him who died to save the world, We'll never, never run away. 53- We have no other argument. mf Allegro moderate. - - Met. J = ;6. ^ I. Sal - va-tion! Oh, the joy-ful sound! What plea -sure to our ears! A sovereign balm for ev - 'ry wound, A cor - dial for our fears ! ^J J J*/ J J J-J^ J. J p g r r / CHORUS, s J M JJJ J i ^e- =F ^^ We have no oth - er ar - gu - ment, We want no oth - er plea, 'Tis P ^ i ,/ -tit .-- =t-t r r > v v V r quite e - nough that Je - sus died, And that He died for me. * * J J J> J J J -J J ^ -J J ^ 2 Salvation ! let the echo fly The spacious earth around ; While all the armies of ihe sky Conspire to raise the sound 3 Salvation ! Oh, Thou bleeding Lamb, To Thee the praise belongs ; Salvation shall inspire our hearts, And dwell upon our tongues. 54- Now I can read my title clear. mf Allegro moderate. M s I. Now I I'll bid can read my ti - tie clear, ti fare - well to ev - 'rv fear, ev tie clear, Now 'ry fear, I'll *=T -T2 rs ^~ I can read my li -tie clear, ti- tie clear, Now I can read my ti -tie bid fare -well to ev - 'ry fear, ev-'ryfear, I'll bid fare -well to ev - 'ry i* r* sons in the my weep - ing skies. ees. J J: / CHORUS. N ^ -~9 w~^ F F p 1~~ - So we'll stand the storm, For it won't be ve - rv long, We will J * c=z= * ^ (g s k an - chor by - and - by, by -and -by, We will stand the storm, It will m. _ ' * &= m 52 E > I s r not be ve - ry long, We will an - chor by - and 3^-- *r. 1 2 Should eaith against my soul engage, And hellish darts be hurled, Bold I can smile at Satan's rage, And face a frowning world. 3 Though cares, like a wild deluge, come, And storms of sorrow fall ; Soon I shall safely reach my home, My God, my heaven, my all. 4 There I shall bathe my weary soul In seas of heavenly rest, And not a wave of trouble roll Across my peaceful breast. -Or* 55. Oh, the Lamb. inf Allegro mod era to. =S }g6. 3-: T it The i. How sweet the name of Je - sus sounds In a be - liev - er's ear CHORUS, f Oh, the Lamb, the bleeding Lamb, The Lamb of Cal - va - ry, E -0-Hy-J- | /j-/. 1 1 2nd. ^=rr^ . ~t soothes his sor-rows, heals his wounds, And drives a -way his fear. Lamb that was slain,but liv - eth a-gain, To in - ter-cede for 2 It makes the wounded spirit whole, And calms the troubled breast ; 'Tis manna to the hungry soul, And to the weary rest. 3 Dear name ! the Rock on which I build, My Shield and Hiding-place; My never-failing Treasuiy, filled With boundless stores of grace ! 4 Weak is the effort of my heart, And cold my warmest thought, But when I see Thee as Thou art, I'll praise Thee as I ought. 5 Till then I will Thy love proclaim With every fleeting breath ; And may the music of Thy name Refresh my soul in death ! 53 56. Oh, the Voice to me so dear. moderate. Met. J - 96. m i. It is the blood that wash-es white, That makes me pure with - in, That ^E r / m CHORUS. keeps the in - ward wit - ness right, That cleans-es from all sin. Oh, the J J jg j > - - J r r r r ir r f^g =& i=C a -*-r r blood ...... tome so dear, Saving now from guilt and fear, Cleansing and fear, ^ '* r- Oh, the blood . to me so dear, Saving now from guilt and fear. now my heart with - in, ing free from self and sin. . SJ 3 It is the blood that brings us nigh To holiness and heaven, The source of victoiy and joy, God's life for rebels given. Cleansing now my heart with - in 2 It is the blood that sweeps away The power of Satan's rod, That shows the new and living way That leads to heaven and God. 54 mf Largo. O/ j. i cj^ ^J h O.1 C 111 -. Met., i r^tT J-5 6 - (fo ^ (j ' ^ ^ != J J J 9 J -J ^ t - ^ iH ^ r r i r i. Your gar-ments must be For to His throne you'll 1 J J ^ J r r white as have to fl J snow ! Pre - go, Pre - J J r r i r pare to meet your pare to meet your J J- J J. God! God! [(*}. | [7~7 t"I P* -f ' f -f - 9| r r~" r ^~^ (7 * r + U -I p ^ ^ -f- 1* F h - ---, i c i i r I CHORUS. -1 f J H h -4- - | J J J t r '" fa b =^ P ^~ J J 1 *- ^- Zae: g J J - fd VMJ M f3 ff M r ^ w m , r^ . / t r P P sen J j J- .T| J f |* |* 1 . 1 1 1 , J M r n -rh n count - less souls are ga - ther'd in, And -^ ^. J.. J 1 J. 1 J. J. ^ ; rVr r ,'=" yet there's room for more, for more. J J ^- / -J- J i rt*^" * * * F ' F ~ F F F- 1 F F F F h i i F H f^ " I -i I F^F / CHORUS, i I 1 1 ' ' , 1 1 . l_ , pf | 1 * ^. fr | J J' F- J uj J / - gJ J J Then, come, oh, come, and BO! j j j . j* J r j. . ft f rf F If go with me, Where plea sures nev - er f3 O-f- die, And "=n^= =F=^ ir* r i ^ F ~F F F F F F F ' -Ic 1 1 1 F i i i I U "?/ 1 % i 1 1 1 i 1 J)- 1 : i * J _J tfh ^ ^ i j J i - , J. r -J- H you shall wear a star - ry crown, And reign a - bove the -: J f f f F f sky, the sky. ~ r r f P *r r r r r 2 Room for the lame, the halt, the blind, 4 T Oh, yes, there's room for thee ; 'Twas Christ made room for such poor souls, ] V By dying on the tree. 3 Room for the chief of sinners still, 5 T Though plagued with unbelief ; That precious Christ can save thy soul A Who saved the dvinp thief. _j , 1 * ^ H here's room for seeking, sighing souls, Who seek their fears to quell ; /ho know that Christ, and Christ alone, Can save a soul from hell. hen sure I am there's room for me, The worst of Adam's race ; nd so I'll sing in songs of praise, A sinner saved bv rrace. 57 6i. The glorious fountain. rt jl \] > mf Allegretto. Met. J. ^ 60. 3 I. There is a foun- tain filled with blood, filled with blood, filled with blood,There And sin-ners plunged be-neath that flood, be-neath that flood, be-neath that flood, And t \ \ 2nd. -Iff J 1 ? U I ^~fT If. * f -I "1H is a foun -tain filled with blood, Drawn from my Sa-viour's veins ; sinners plunged be-neath that flood, Lose all their guil-ty g stains. r g'r /" CHORUS. -J^^U Oh, glo - ri - ous foun - tain ! Op en for me !. ^ h r* t-g-^r Oh, glo - ri - ous foun - tain J-. J 1 J g r-H~ Op - en now for me! fSj* 1 My Saviour's love has been my theme, And shall be till I die. 4 Then, in a nobler, sweeter song, I'll sing His power to save, When this poor lisping, stammering tongv Lies silent in the grave. 2 The dying thief rejoiced to see That fountain in his day ; And there have I, though vile as he, Washed all my sins away. . 3 E'er since by faith I saw the stream His flowing wounds supply, 62. The Judgment Day. mf Moderato. Met. J=92. /fo- "ft (*. f- j . i f h d J *- . f* j 4- -W-: H m l/ J _*_i _ _(_ -* * ^^ * -^ J 1 i re r f r r -r- r re r r r-f i. Your gar-ments must be white as snow ! Pre - pare to meet your God ! For U J J /J J J j j j i j* j j j j (> ftt ( * -p , r * * ; P * fl)"" ^ ' * J J J J ~^- '-^+ gzEEE| rs r r?rr'rrr to His throne You'll have to go ! Pre - pare to meet youi _!,[ J. / J J. J J J J i. / J J God! r -.- -* . p r ff < ^ -F r~ I r -?*?- 1 r r r / CHORUS. S_iJu_J p p*i I 1 ^ i , i , i ! i I L/ -f Li' M a ' * _| I i J J J J ^ * * J - * J * & , 1 ^ 1 1 > 1 I Then for this aw - fill day pre-pare, Re - \ L_M_J 9 . 9 r- r ' ' c - r jent and turn to God ! His [y- -*-tt fHUjfUIf f r? T-*-- f ' -= ^ > pea P ^ T- n r^^ 1 : - t- 1 1 I 1 >^ ii B! 1 trU "n ^ ^^ 1 g J - * - J J c - rJ . v * . ^ r- c c r r life He gave, He longs i r* i i i 7r\ri-Tr 5 * * * i * r r ' to save, And P r- 5 r r r- wash you in His blood. n i* i* i* i* -* i r- \ ' r t F3~ 2 Get washed irom ev'ry stain of sin ! Prepare to meet your God ! You must this great salvation win ! Prepare to meet your God ! 3 Prepare me now ! prepare me here ! To stand before Thy throne ! That I, without a doubt or fear, May stand before Thy throne I 4 Lord, cleanse my heart and make me purs To stand before Thy throne ! My pride and self and temper cure ! To stand before Thy throne ! 59 63. They'll sing a welcome home. mf Allegro moderato Met. J.= 104. hi I. Give me the wings of faith to rise With-in the veil,and see The saints above, how J ,J J J J ^ ^n^'i": ' m r T r r r r- &=i / CHORUS. j ju J ^ffla^jgf*^ f f l f * 9 9 l & ' U 9* * 9 990 * * ^ =fF great their joys, How bright their glories be. They'll sing their welcome home to me, They'll . JJJ-^JlJ-^. JJJJJJSJJ * m pm^ r rr r ! And the Angels will stand on the Hal-le-lujah strand, And i r*M h r r r> M* i -i rrrrr r -^ M * L^ 1 FINE. % 999 9 x s I 1 I ^^/ \^, sing me a welcome home. Wei - conic, welcome home ! Wei - come, welcome home ! ~s>- m 2 Once they were mourners here below, And poured out cries and tears ; They wrestled hard, as we do now, With sins and doubts and fears. 3 I ask them whence their victory came ; They, with united breath, Ascribe their conquest to the Lamb, Their triumph to His death. 4 They marked the footsteps that He trod ; His zeal inspired their breast ; And, following their redeeming Lord, Possess the promised rest. 5 Our glorious Leader claims our praise For His own pattern given ; While the long cloud of witnesses Shows the same path to heaven. 60 64. We il fight till Jesus comes. .mf Allegro moderate. Met. K>4. ES I r i. We've 'Us - ted in the ho - ly war, While bat - tling for the Lord * A ^.^^.^ A J2. l.JAAA' ^ i Con M> t * i te ^3 ^ J N : J t ^ M^H 1 ' u ! till! -3B L J 1 1 fc -j- J J g ;- We'll fight till Je - sus comes, We'll work till Je- sus comes, We'll (ant *_i * 9 jg y T P i*" P P f P , 3^N ^ -1 k- -\ i 1- : 1 E 1 : E 1 i j We'll fight, we'll fight, We'll work, we'll work, 1 r sng till And then we'll rest at A. >^ A sing, we'll sing, 2 The war is all our souls delight, While battling for the Lord ; We love the thickest of the fight, While battling for the Lord. 3 We want no cowards in our band, While battling for the Lord ; But call for valiant-hearted men, While battling for the Lord. 4 The hottest fight is now begun, While battling for the Lord ; And who will fight and never run ? While battling for the Lord. -, I tell you what I mean to do, While battling for the Lord ; I mean to go to glory too, While battling for the Lord. 65.-V mf Moderato. /hile shepherds watche d. aiet-^JM^ y \ While J shep - herds ^ 1* watch'd their r^J-i fj* ' f flocks by night, All seat ed r" "7^" "^ ^4 * -P P- ~'^=f= i~ ^f^- cres. on the ground, XL' " ' fff\ ' 4 ^-^ H' S * f- m j*^-- ^ , r T i r down, And glo - ry shone a - re ! , I -J- -J- J f * und L. _^_ iSSt ^ 1* r T 1 ^ i :2 - ! 1 r- P r i 1 2 2 " Fear not," said he ; for mighty dread Had seized their troubled mind, " Glad tidings of great joy I bring To you and all mankind." 3 "To you, in David's town, this day Is born of David's line The Saviour, who is Christ the Lord ; And this shall be the sign." 4 " The heavenly Babe you there shall find To human view displayed, All meanly wrapt in swathing bands, And in a manger laid." 5 Thus spake the Seraph: and forthwith Appeared a shining throng, Of angels, praising God, on high, Who thus addressed their song. 6 " All glory be to God on high, And to the earth be peace ; Good-will henceforth from heaven to men Begin, and never cease ! Another song to the above Tune. 1 Oh, for a closer walk with God, A calm and heavenly frame, A light to shine upon the road That leads me to the Lamb ! 2 Where is the blessedness I knew When first I saw the Lord ? Where is that soul-refreshing view Of Jesus and His word ? 3 What peaceful hours I then enjoyed How sweet their memory still ! But now I find an aching void, The world can never fill. a, Return, O Holy Dove, return, Sweet Messenger of rest ! I hate the sins that made Thee mourn. That drove Thee from my breast. 5 The dearest idol I have known, Whatever that idol be, I lelp me to tear it from Thy throne. And worship only Thee. SECTION C. SHORT METRE, Nos, 66-76 66. A charge to keep I have. Allegro moderate. Jf 'is J i J J /[ ft f * ' J -^ J^J-^sL: i J \m \--rn | -*-j F 'r fr 1 ^ rrV-i" 1 f '"f'l; i. A charge to keep I have, A God to glo - ri - fy, A J j f4 J%. J . , j , j , j- A >. J -*L & <9 1 <* i ^^O L^ { ^ 1 f -*=* ~ . \ 1 1 I 1 H~ P i > i A , T^ | J 1 1 m f \ ^ cres ' \ \ \ ,-) _ -^ j- f^ ^ IP \ fa ^ ** * ' 2 * tr- r* i [- r m T r r ' r i r God ,. to glo - ri fy. A ne-ver, A ne-ver, tm\' h - f-^ ^5 F^ P * v?*!/ u ~^L f P (^ f^ ^ . r P~ ^ 1 1 ^^ 1 ' 1 A ne-ver, 1 ^ !~s~ ~ -* r -1 J J J J TC>- _ A! /^ i^ 1 1* A ^T> ~^f ^^ ! P 1 V . a. 3F /TJ f^l vi/ ' r r r r r A ne - ver dy- ing soul to save, And fit it for the sky, J ft JP J- J J 1 1 ^ JJ 1 And 1 1 "^ 1* ' <^ - --^ 5- S S f S IK- fj [ LJ "^ J 1 j p fr p. |- p 1 1: , U I 1 LJ S.^E ^^-H v ' And fit j4, J iJ-Ti JiJ .1 it for the 1 J . r II V-|) . . ff , 4f ^ i| fy -p J III fit it for the sky, And J J J J^ J. fit it foi the r' sky. fry s . J J J- , M M M _?[ S - P- .'i ,^0 ^ =-H tr r rf=&^ \ ' r r r j-T r ^ . F H sky, And fit it for the 2 To serve the present age, My calling to fulfil, Oh, may it all my powers engage To do my RIaster's will ! 3 Ann me with jealous care, sky, And fit it And oh, Thy servant, Lord, prepare A strict account to give ! 4 Help me to watch and pray, And on Thyself rely, Assured, if I my trust betray, /Allegro moderate 67. Falcon Street. Met. m 120. i. Come, ye that love the Lord, And let your joys be known ; Join I 'I., in a song of sweet ac - cord, While ye...^..... sur- round His throne. J- J-'V-J-.-J-J- i i J.J^Z^LJ.JL J -J-- m / CHORUS. 5k r r Pv -* I W I H Praise ye the Lord, Hal - le - lu - jah ! Praise ye the Lord, J^wJ JL. Hal-le-lu-jah! m f=m i* Hal-le-lu-jah! Hal-le - lu -jah ! Hal-le - lu - jah ! Praise ye the Lord! i^4^ Bl ^ 2 Let those refuse to sing Who never knew our God, 1'ut soldiers of the heavenly King Must speak their joys abroad. 3 Soon we shall see His face, And never, never sin ; Then-, from the rivers of His grace, Drink endless pleasures in. 4 Yea, and before we rise To that immortal state, The thoughts of such amazing bliss Should constant joys create. $ The men of grace have found Glory begun below ; Celestial fruit on earthly ground From faith and hope may grew 6 Then let our songs abound, And ev'ry tear be dry ; V.'e're marching through ImmanuePs ground. To fairer worlds on high. 64 68. For ever with the Lord. ntp Andante. ores. Met J = ' rrglJ J|J'J*T"^ ^ -p r i r i. "For ev-erwith the Lord!" A- men! so let it be! Life from the dead is - sent from Him I roam, Yet night-ly pitch my mov-ing tent, A days march near-er .UfcU^L i &=? HjEl c res. ^ 3 f^P^F r 5 f r v i home. Near - cr home, near - er home, A day's march near - er home. \ 4 A i i r 2 My Father's house on high, Home of my soul ! how near, At times, to faith's foreseeing eye Thy golden gates appear. Another I From every stain made clean, From every sin set free ; O blessed Lord, this is the gift That Thou hast promised me. And pressing through the past Of failure, fault, and fear, Before Thy cross my soul I cast, And dare to leave it there. 3 Ah ! then my spirit faints Tc reach the land I love, The bright inheritance of saints, Jerusalem above ! song to the above Trine. 2 A heart by blood made clean, In every wish and thought, A heart that by God's power has been Into subjection brought ; To walk, to weep, to sing, Within the light of heaven ; This is the blessing, Saviour King, That Thou to me hast given. 6S F 6o I hear Thv welcome voice. Met.J 50. -p- f" ll*** " c ' i ' - * J s. gfe K ^ <9 r~- ~l~ - i 1 ^ = g k g^ p^ ^ I I hear Thy wel - come voice That calls me, Lord, to Thee, Fez j j P 5 cleans - ing in Thy pre - cious blood That flowed on Cal - va - ry. / CHORUS F^ -*-? I am com - ing, Lord, X *" Com - ing now to Thee j -J-. J ? *=^ _ y- ^ ^ ^ Thee, I'm com- ing now, Oh, ^ ^ ''Vash me, cleanse me ! N J in the blood, That flowed on Cal - va - ry. ^U 2 Though coming weak and vile, Thou dost my stiength assure ; Thou dost my vileness fully cleanse Till spotless all and pure. 3 Still J esvs c.i'b me on To perfect faith and lov\ To perfect hope, and peace, and trus For earth and heaven above. 4 And He the witness gives To loyal hearts and free, That every promise is fulfillfd, If frith but brings the plea. 66 70. We're marching to Zion. mf Allegretto. Met. . = 66. ^ E m f- r i u, r i. To leave the world below, March upward with our band, And step b~y step we I -*-n ^=? fe '-+- W~ 9 i ^rwru'^r^i k mean u> go, And step by st'ep we mean to go, To Zi - on's hap - py land, To *' " rr % r f CHORUS. r Zi - on's hap - py land.... We're marching to Zi - on, Beau - ti - ful, beau-ti - ful ^ 5E^ 4M* ^ V '^ Zi - on, We're marching The Ar-my to Zi on, That beau-ti - ful, ci - ty of God. A: A *. 2 The city we shall see, The heavenly music hear ; Marching to songs of victory, With all the Army there. 3 The pearly gates are wide, The streets are bright and fair ; We'll march together side by side, Till safely landed there. 4 Beside the crystal stream, Led on by Zion's King, We'll swell the great salvation theme, And songs of victory sing. $ With "blood and fire" unfurled, Marching to victory grand, The Army means to lead the world To Zion's happy land ! 71. Nearer my Home. ai mf Allegretto. / Met. J 112. S i. One sweet-ly so-lemn thought Comes to me o'er and o'er, I'm near - er home to- ife Ff - day, to - day, Than ev - er I've been be - fore I'm near - er home to -day, to / CHORUS. = -FT t \T2 |^i ^ . r^ i i r^r r r ' i M r Near - er my home, Near - er my JL J. J. .Jrr^jL | | ; J'i J ^ daj^Than ev - er I've been be - fore 1 I I I :- - ^ w/ "p gr^-id i'g^ ^^f r f r home, I'm near - er my home to - day Than ev-erl've been be - fore. ^ 2 Nearer my Father's house, Whfere many mansions be ; Nearer the great white throne to-day, Nearer the crystal sea. 3 Nearer the bound of life, Where burdens are kid down ; Nearer leaving the cross tc-day, Nearer gaining the crown. 4 Be near me when my feet Are slipping o'er the brink ; For I am nearer home to-day, Nearer now than I think. 68 72. No home on earth have I. M mf Allegretto. Met. J. =. 72. it 2E3ES f ^ it 7^~C T tr- -r~r ~v I. Come in, my Lord, come in, And make my heart Thy home; Come Mg 4 t j. j^ ^ g FINE. r in and cleanse my soul from sin, And dwell with me a J^ J. i lone ! f c r g i r ! ^ I - self a - lone will make my heaven, Tho' all Thy gifts re - move. 2 Come in, my Lord, come in, Show forth Thy saving power ; Restore, renew, release from sin Oh, save this very hour ! Thy promise now I claim, By faith put in my plea, And trust in that almighty name Immanuel, and Thee. 3 My I ord, Thou dost come in I feel it in my soul ; I hear Thy words, my Saviour-King, " Be ever}' whit made whole ! " Glory to God on high ! Let heaven and earth agree My risen Christ to magnify For lo ! He lives with me. i There'll be no more sorrow there. Met. J.^oo. -fc. Come x - of heaven, When I'm a - bout to die; Sing there, There'll be no more sor - row there,.... IB . songs of ho - ly ec - sta - cy, To waft rny soul on high., heaven a - bove, where all is love, There'll be no more sor - row there. 2 When cold and sluggish drops Roll off my marble brow, Break forth in songs of joyfulness, Let heaven begin below. 3 When the last moments come, Oh, watch my dying face, To catch the bright seraphic glow Which on each feature plays. 4 Then to my raptured ear Let one sweet song be given ; Let Jesus cheer me last on earth, And greet me first in heaven. 74. Reuben. t mf Allegro moderate. Met. J 100. -/-(I H : 4- hr-l ^ ' i -H^d f h s> J ' J J J~ r r i r f r r r \. When shall Thy love con strain, And force me to Thy I I I/"* 1^1 i f ' * r*^ I ^ J ^ _J ^ -- -*- rd . ^ -*- -*- ^ ^4 1 fi*)* "* '""^ * ^ 23 * r~-^ F' J ^p P> ^"(' 1 -f= f= 1 -j 1 -1 mp g r r breast, An 1 force f to Thy breast? When shall my i 70 r* (* ^ '' p ^~+rf F" P J fc 6 i g -X H 1 r t] -^ . " : J\ p - turn a - gain To J P "r her e J J^ i tar J - na 1 c> * rest? 1 ^^* * /V) - - ^ cJ * - p ~r~ r^ r E f^ i i r y 2 Ah ! what avails my strife, My wandering to and fro ? Thou hast the words of endless life : Ah ! whither should I go ? 3 To rescue me from woe, Thou didst with all things part ; Didst lead a suffering life below, To gain my worthless heart. 4 And can I yet delay My little all to give ? To tear my soul from earth away, For Jesus to receive ? 5 Nay, but I yield, I yield I can hold out no more : I sink, by dying love compelled, And own Thee conqueror. mfi Moderato. . 75. Silchester. cres. J. JiJ? 2 Who points the clouds their course, Whom winds and seas obey, He shall direct thy wandering feet, He shall prepare thy way. 3 Thou on the Lord rely, So safe shall thou go on ; Fix on His work thy steadfast eye, So shall thv work be done. 4 No profit canst thou gain By self-consuming care ; To Him commend thy cause, His ear Attends the softest prayer. 5 Thy everlasting truth, Father, Thy ceaseless love Sees all Thy children's wants, and knows What best for each will prove. 76. Welcome, Sweet Day. f) Andante. MeLj = ' |J? fl J-y-f -H j J ' 1 & 2 * 9 J Vy, I A wav. J \ I need less fears, And A .-r J^J J FT ^ S* 4 U L - L-| j 1 i ! I 7l J 1 J i -. i J 1 1 J 1 J-> J j ] p _j J_ j

) 1 t f F- 1 -^- -r r T r ' r F 2 Thrice comfortable hope, That calms my troubled breast ; My Father's hand prepares the cup, And what He wills is best. 3 If what I wish is good, And suits the will divine, By earth and hell in vain withstood, I know it shall be mine. 4 Still let them counsel take, To frustrate His decree ; They cannot keep a blessing back, By heaven designed for me. 5 Here then I doubt no mote, But in His pleasure rest, Whose wisdom, love, and truth and pows Engage to make me blest. Another song to the above Tune. 1 Spirit of faith, come down, Reveal the things of God, And make to us the Godhead known, And witness with the blood. 2 'Tis Thine the blood to apply, And give us eyes to see, Who did for every sinner die Halh surely died for me. 3 Inspire the living faith, Which whosoe'er receives, The witness in himself he hath, And consciously believes. 4 The faith that conquers all, And doth the mountain move, And saves whoe'er on Jesus call, And perfects them in lo\ e. SECTION D. 4-6's and 2-8's, 77-78. 77. Darwells. A M f Allegro moderato* . Met J = 72. I/ r r r"f i j r r'r r'r : " ; rV r '' eel - e - biate with me The Sa - viour of man - kind ; To a - dore the ^ J J ^ J J <|J J J J 1fc J J J r j J ^' r ' " r r r r f: r i rp^:^ u i mfcru. . i , Jfl ~f^ 1 1 1 1 = ' & ' J. J . ... fj all - a - ,xil 0. Ij ^ r r'r r r r'c ton - ing Lamb, And bless the sound of Je - si 5 f* 3 ' as' name. J_, J n ^*$ P ' E f lr * p = 1 ' ? ^ '* 2 Jesus, transporting sound ! The joy of earth and heaven ; No other help is found, No other name is given, By which we can salvation have ; But Jesus came the world to save. 3 His name the sinner hears, And is from sin set free ; 'Tis music in his ears, 'Tis life and victory ! New songs do now his lips employ, And dances his glad heart for joy. 4 Stung by the scorpion sin, My poor, expiring soul The balmy sound drinks in, And is at once made whole. See there my Lord upon the tree ! I hear, I feel, He died for me. 5 Oh, for a trumpet-voice On all the world to call ; To bid their hearts rejoice In Him who died for all ! For all my Lord was crucified, For all, for all my Saviour died ! 73 73. Majesty. Met. J_o8. mf Allegro moderato. i t w n 1* I I. The Lord of earth and sky, The God of A - ges praise ; Who reigns enthroned on J J ! J.-j- J J&-&- ^" I -1 *-' - 1 i P*f ligb, An-cient of endless days; Who reigns enthroned on high, An - cientof end-less I P* * fr fT a ^f%N i days; Who lengthens out our tri - als here, And spares us yet an- oth-er year, Who J J ! J.^J- J J. -* * * +Vfm I I I If lengthens out our tri - als here, And spares us yet an - oth - er year. 2 When Justice bared the sword To cut the fig-tree down, The pity of our Lord Cried, " Let it still alone !" The Father mild inclines His ear, And spares us yet another j-ear. 3 Jesus,. Thy speaking blood From God obtained the grace, Who therefore hath bestowed On us a longer space : Thou didst in our behalf appear, And lo ! we see another year. 4 Then dig about our root., Break up the fallow ground, And let our gracious fruit To Thy great praise abound : Oh, let us all Thy praise declare, And fruit unto perfection bear. /4 SECTION E. 7's. (4 lines), 7988. 79. Christ now sits on Zion's Hill. mf Allegretto. Met. = i las i m-ys r ~nr TT rr -r~r T I. Christ now sits on Zi - on's hill, Pie re - ceives poor J JSff *? t- i >% r -^ "~P ? (~j m $ /" i 0*i i -a j \ ' ' h^-T I \- - I i =F i i ! If ~ .^"-i m m J j r^j ] XL " J r - * - m 4 ej IJTV t 10 f. t^y J *- ^g 2 --^-^ J I - 1 1 1 sin - ners still ; Will - ter H "* J -* ^ Idz F you se - ni - ty J 4 rve this , e - H bless ter - J I ' I ' J - ed King ? ni - ty, J J-' fiaV* 1 22 * i^ 3 p r - P 2 E2TJ , - r* r r /*^) 52 r"^ r ' | i ' i i C E^i 1 1 4 1 1 Kit ' i ;/ CHORUS. 1 | leak y " _i _i ...-, i I ^^~ 1 ^ i ^P ~T2i ^ ^ y y f - -& * ? sure shall be, Hap - py I in e - ^ r j r ter - ni - Kl I -*- j-. ty- E - 1 ty- 1 r* - -f^ 1* p P 1 ^ i* - - 2 I by faith enlisted am' In the service of the -Lamb ; Present pay I now receive : Peace of conscience He does give. 3 What a Captain I have got ! Is not mine a happy lot ? Therefore will I take the sword, Fight for Jesus Christ, my Lord. 4 Let the world their forces join, \Yith the powers of hell combine Greater is my King than they, Surely I shall win the day. ^ Wicked men I will not fear, Though they persecute me here ; Though they may my body kill, Yet 111 be a conqueror still. 6 O my comrades, still fight on, Till the battle you have won ; The great Captain we have chose Sure will conquer all His foes. 8o. Depth of Mercy. mp Andante. i ii l. Depth Can of my mer God cy! His Can there be, wrath for - bear? P / CHORUS. Allegro. Met. ^j. = 66. g r r r still re served for me? \ chief of sin - ners spare?/ God is love ! I know, I feel, M -^J J ^_ J -J =B II II r J J , J^ Fr Y '' f't'^ _^_j_ r i i I -" PvJ li >K '" 1 J 1 1 J i 1 * ^ t ^9} ^ ^ 1 $*! w ^3 i> ^^ ; \ ^ J r r r rr^^- ., - "I 1 ' '1 1 Je sus lives and loves me 1 still ; Je 1 - r J- 1 sus ^* C2 - cJ U * Z.' f"5. m~ \ 1 p ' 1 1 r f* 3 r* " r r Je - - sus lives, n ^ " 1 1 i 1 1 - ! ~ 1 (?H cJ ^ 3 * J" J J J ~ e^-; ?J p- " . . ' P * f * {*> f p^- ^ p U . ' r r r ' nd loves me still * | d J [ r* =^- ; -f 1 [ 1 ^- + 1 ^i_: 2 L_. Je - - sus lives, 2 I have long withstood His grace, Long provoked Him to His face ; Would not hearken to His calls, Grieved Him by a thousand falls. 3 Whence to me this waste of love ? Ask my Advocate above ! See the cause in Jesus' face, Now before the throne of grace. 4 Jesus speaks and pleads His blood ! He disarms the wrath of God ; Now my Father's mercies move, Justice lingers into love. 5 Kindled His relentings are, Me He now delights to spare ; Cries, " How shall I give Thee up?" Lets the lifted thunder drop. 6 There for me the Saviour stands, Shows His wounds, and spreads His hands! God is love ! I know, I feel : Jesus weeps, and loves me still ! 8i. I am coming to the Cross. Met.j= fl Adagio. i. I am com - . ifTg to the cross, 1 am count - - ing all but dross, I am poor, and weak, and blind. I shall Z&L I am coming to the cross, 1 am counting all but dross, coming to the cross, counting all but dross, I am poor and weak, and blind. f CHORUS. Moderate. Met. J= 72. =& z &V E full. sal-va-tion find. I am trast ing, Lord, in Thee, Blessed ^ r ^ ^ I shall full sal-va-tion find. I am trusting, Lord, in Thee, Lamb of Cal-va - ry ; Humbly at Thy cross I bow, Je-sus saves me, saves me > s. h r* I. M., W- & r ^ ^ Blessed Lamb of Cal-va - ry, iz ^ Je-sus... saves me JrJ .J*jr.E ,-JM^ J e - sus saves me, r//. -3-f 1 - 3^ ^_^ , 17^ & & JD ^"^ W i> ^ now ! Je - sus, yes Je-sus saves me, 99' Yes, Jesus, Jesus saves me,saves me now ! J*J* I SJ. ^3 saves me now ! Je-sus... s 2 Long my heart has sighed for Thee, Long has evil reigned within ; Jesus sweetly speaks to me : " I will cleanse thee from all sin." 3 Here I give my all to Thee, Friends, and time, and earthly store, Soul and body, Thine to be, Wholly Thine for evermore. 4 In the promises I trust, Now I feel the blood applied I am prostrate in the dust, I with Christ am crucified. 5 Jesus comes, He fills my soul, Perfected in love I am ; I am every whit made whole, Glory, glory to the Lamb ! 77 82. I'm Believing and Receiving. Allegretto. Met. J=72. m ?Tr r I. Sins of years are washed a - way, Black-est stains be - come as S N * J _^ J J . J* J B W f= J-. M J ^ E g snow ; Darkest night is changed to day, When you to the riv - er go. - 1 - J 1 J* J", J H?g g'|" g g^^ =^ mf CHORUS. S jy-^aife kk kkl k kkk k k I'm be - liev - ing and re - ceiv - ing, While I to the riv - er go ; And my S s s J :\:<\> ;=*: te = rT = rr heart its waves are cleans - ing Whit - er than the driv - en snow. ' J J J. J es r r f=F 2 Doubts and fears are borne along On the current's ceaseless flow ; Sorrow changes into song, When you to the river go. 3 Ease and wealth become as dross, Worthless earth's delight and show ; All your boast is in the cross, When you to the river go. 4 Selfishness is lost in love Love for Him whose love you knew All your treasure is above, When you to the river go. 5 Fighting is a great delight, Never will you fear the foe ; Armed by King Jehovah's might, When you to the river go. 83. Innocents. mf Moderate, - Met. J - i ^E3 Vv J g I=E= ^-1 < K l-^g tr u* i i LJ ' l I. Gen - tie Je - sus, meek and mild, Look up - on a lit - tie child ; J. >J j. /IP^ J. >J j ,,, W Fain I would to Thee be brought Glorious Lord, forbid it not ; In the kingdom of Thy grace Give a little child a place. 3 I shall then show forth Thy praise, Serve Thee all my happy days ; Then the woild shall always see Christ, the Holy Child, in me. 84. Jesus, Lover of my Soul. ^ Andante. Met. J=6o. cres. i. Je-sus! Lover of my soul, Let me to Thy bo-som fly; While the near-er wa-ters roll, While the tempest still is high, While the near-er wa-ters roll, While the tempest still is high 2 Hid me, O my Saviour, hide, Til) the storm of life be past ; Safe into the haven guide, Oh, receive my soul at last ! 3 Other refuge have I none, Hang'-* my helpless soul on The< Leava, ah ! leave me not alone, Still support and comfort me. 4 All my trust on Thee is stayed, All my help from Thee I bring ; I 79 Cover my defenceless head With the shadow of Thy wing. ^ Plenteous grace with Thee is found, Grace to wash away my sin ; Let the healing streams abound, Make and keep me pure within. 6 Thou of life the fountain art ; Freely let me take of Thee ; Spring Thou up within my heart, Rise to all eternity. 85. Nottingham n 11 P Adagio. 1 1 r~ ^-7=f -nJ d Met J 72. ^ J - \ \ I. Take my ^ n 1 1 =r^ life, and -r=Jr- let it j J. i j DC 4- p Con - se - it r / r ^* ' w j =i= =^ ~zJ it~~ i v r* i ^~ r r era ted, j J Lord, to j r ^ Thee; A. ^ r Take my J^/ J &- J J I r i mo - ments fi*~) " ^^*^ f * 1 -f F * ^ f \ ^ E i \ 1 1 ^ Lj /r-* r- J- ^t-5 3 E i J * 1 i i S^ ^ r- H^^ r r rr 3 and my days, Let them flow in cease - less praise. ^~ 4 x^- I - ; . A. r _ - ^ g j J J i ^ i 11 t ' ~\ 11 r 1 LJT fJ P 2 Take my hands, and let them move At the impulse of Thy love ; Take my feet, and let them be Swift and beautiful for Thee. 3 Take my voice, and let me sing Always, only for my King ; Take my lips, and let them be Filled with messages from Thee. 4 Take my silver and my gold, Not a mite would I withhold ; Take my intellect, and use Every power as Thou shall choose. 5 Take my will, and make it Thine ; It shall be no longer mine ; Take my heart, it is Thine own ; It shall be Thy royal throne. 6 Take my love, my Lord, I pour At Thy feet its treasure-store ; Take myself, and I will be Ever, only, all for Thee. Another song to the above Tune. 1 When our heads are bowed with woe, When our bitter tears o'erflow, When we mourn the lost, the dear, Jesus, Son of David, hear. 2 When the heart is sad within With the thought of all its sin, When the spirit shrinks with fear, Jesus, Son of David, hear. 3 Thou our throbbing flesh hast wore, Thou our mortal grief hast borne, Thou hast shed the human tear ; Jesus, Son of David, hear. 4 Thou hast bowed the dying hca< Thou the blood of life hast shed, Thou hast filled a mortal bier ; Jesus, Son of David, hear. 80 P Adagio. 86. Saviour, lead me. I stray, Met. J=S6. way ; & I. Saviour, lead me lest I, lead me lest I stray, Gent-ly lead me all the way, all the way; \V-J* 1 5 \-S I , f3 (*^J * r Lead me, Lead me, Sa - stray ;. ^=J: -r r ' ' r r Saviour, lead me lest I stray, lest 1 stray ; Stray> Gent- ly down the stream of time, stream of time, Sa-viour, lead me lest I stray, lest I stray. - i JL r r Gent-ly down the stream of time, 2 Thou the Refuge of my soul, When the stormy billows roll ; I am safe when Thou art nigh, All my hopes on Thee rely. | | stray. 3 Saviour, lead me, lead at last, When the storm of life is past, To the land of endless day, Where all tears are wiped away. ' 61 87. Tossing like a troubled ocean. Met.j=s6. 1 I. Come, my soul, thy suit pre - pare, Je - sus loves to an - swer prayer; He Him- 'AA ? t= ? self has bid us pray, Therefore will not say thee nay, There-fore will not f CHORUS. Allegro moderate. Met. J 106. ^ c 3- ^ r i-F- say thee nay. Toss-ing like a trou-bled o - cean, Toss- ing like a trou-bled - m tr ^ r ^ r 9 ' b=& o cean, Toss- ing like a trou-bled o - cean, Lean-ing on my Sa-viour's breast. A A A.^ j j j -JP J. j. 2 Thou art coming to a King, Large petitions with Thee bring, For His grace and power are such, None can ever ask too much. 3 .Lord, I come to Thee for rest, Take possession of my breast, Then Thy blood-bought right maintain, And without a rival reign. 4 While I am a soldier here, Let Thy love my spirit cheer ; As my Guide, my Guard, my Friend, Lead me to my journey's end. 88. Will you stand for Christ alone. Met. J-_io6. mf Allegro m&derato. . J I. I'm a sol - dier and I fight For my Sa - viour and the right, In my heart His J J J J J ! ' -* * * i 9 9 presence lives, Per-fect joy and peace He gives. Will you stand for Christ a-lone? Yes.I'll Will you stand for Christ a-lone ? ^ ~ T^ CprEF stand for Christ a-lone. Yes, I'll stand for Christ alone. *=qs ^ -A-JM- ^* 3* stand the strife to the end of life, We shall stand round the great white throne. ^ 2 Though the world may scoff and jeer, I can stand without a fear, Stand and face all earth and hell While of Jesus' love I tell. 3 When my enemies come forth, To attack my soul in wrath, Then I stand my ground and fire, While the hosts of hell retire. 4 When the battle's at its height, And I close my deadly fight, Then with sword in hand I sing Praises to my blessed King. 5 When my fighting days are done And the victory is won, Then a crown of life I'll gain And with Him in glory reign. SECTION F. 7's (6 lines), 89-91. mf> Moderate. 3 89. Rousseau. Met. Jrr6o. i i i I. Rock oJ A - ges, cleft for me, I I I I Let me hide my - self in Thee, J: ^ i ;;// cres. ^^ u3=r Let the wa - ter and the blood From Thy wound-ed side which flowed, J. J- 4 J J J J^J. J- J-' J. J J J J ?^g g U-J-^=F 2 Could my tears for ever flow, Could my zeal no languor know, These for sin could not atone, Thou must save, and Thou alone. In my hands no price I bring, Simply to Thy cross I cling. 3 While I draw this fleeting breath, When my eyes shall close in death, When I rise to worlds unknown, See Thee on Thy Judgment throne, Rock of Ages, cleft for me, I will hide myself in Thee. Another song to the above Time. 1 If so poor a soul as I May to Thy great glory live, All my actions sanctify, All my words and thoughts receive ; Claim me for Thy service, claim All I have and all I am. 2 Take my soul and body's powers, Take my memory, mind, and will, AH my goods and all my hours, All -I know, and all I feel, All I think or speak or do ; Take my heart but make it new ' 3 Now, my God, Thine own I am, Now I give Thee back Thine own ; Freedom, friends, and health and fame, Consecrate to Thee alone ; Thine I live, thrice happy I For souls to fight, for Christ to die, 90. Spanish Chant. ^u mf Moderate. 1 . I , , J TTfT / > J J J 1 3 n j i ^ j j i ^^ m J Er -^ J- * I r i r r r r r r r r r r r i. Bles - sed Lamb of Cal - va ry, Let Thy Spi - rit fall on me ; i j_^ ^=ME^ f J-J-jr-d-p 1 S -* a> 0- f=^ Let the cleans -ing, heal - ing flow Wash and keep me white as snow, ! f-M-t m a mf 2 ^ r r r r r~r^ That hence-forth my life may be rr-r Bright and beau - ti - ful for Thee. J^U J. ^ ^ f : 2 Burn out every selfish thought, Let Thy will in me be wrought ; Fan my love into a flame, Send a Pentecostal rain, That henceforth my life may be Spent in winning souls for Thee. 3 Teach me how to fight and win Perfect vict'ry over sin ; Give me a compassion deep, That will for lost sinners weep, That henceforth my life may prove That I serve Thee out of love. Another song: to the above Tune. 1 Weary souls that wander wide From the only source of bliss, Turn to Jesus crucified, Fly to those dear wounds of His! Sink into the purple flood ; Rise into the life of God. 2 Oh, believe the record true, God to you His Son hath given ! \'c may now be happy too, Find on earth the life of heaven ! Live the life of heaven above, All the life of glorious love. 3 This the universal bliss, Bliss for every soul designed ; God's original promise this, God's great gift to all mankind ; Blest in Christ this moment be, Blest to all eternity. 91. Wells. A m.p Andante. X A L | 1 -- J , hj J | J | met. 9 = oo. 9 j )4 ^rr l^-l 1 c. Oh, dis - close ,J J, J - f - * Thy love - ly face ! (, r J- i S3_4^y )uick en all my ?- --^ -iS 1 - . . f lj*i j *tq SS^g-fU f--p- ' h E ' P*-* -r _^U- "8 (* 1 , ^N -^ droop ing powers , J J J "H f + * 1 s! ^ ivjp r i i Gasps my faint - ing J J / ~^ ^J^ soul for grace, p ^ J r ' ^r ^ 1 ^d (^ 1* ~~T F~ 1 ' ' [^ 1 1 1 - n i I I 1 t cres. r 1 1 1 y - J \ i xT J * -i J ' * ^ ^^ \ * ^J (--? * a> & a & / r r - As a thir ^ rr r * r > F- s - ty land for showers. Lj ^-g j j laste, my Lord, no fr): r ' -|* T 1 t ^ ^ f 7*3 -f p^ -p ^^ 1 1 1 P ii ' i r~ 1 Z==: . ^P- * J J ^1 i J. J.... . ... - .._,- f_ ^ , 9 * & -^-- " J I - -f - more de - lay ; jri J ^. Come, my Sa - viour, come a - way ! f* i * ^ I* ^ 1 --* ^* 2 Dark and cheerless is the morn, Unaccompanied by Thee ! Joyless is the day's return, Till Thy mercy's beams I see ; Till Thou inward light impart, Glad my eyes and warm my heart. 3 Visit, then, this soul of mine, Pierce the gloom of sin and grief ; Fill me, Radiancy Divine ; Scatter all my unbelief : More and more Thyself display, Shining to the perfect day. 86 SECTION G, 7's (8 lines), 92-93. 92. Hark! the Herald Angels sing. A mf Allegro moderate. Met. 1 = 3 >j|J J JJhJ r^ rre r 1 ^ '~n*^ ' i TT~T i. Hark! the her -aid an- gels sing "Glo-ry to the newborn King, Peace on earth and j^ JJ-J-^JJ. g r yf CHORUS. J J J - * - ^ ^ r r ii t. r r T ""' mer-cy mild; God and sin - ners re- con-ciled." Joy- ful, all ye na-tions, rise, jU 3 J= " *= W P ^ n" id: l-i; \tttt\W\i rrr Join the tri-umph of the skies ; With th'angel - ic host pro-claim, Christ is born m g 1 ^ S w r r Beth - le - hem ! Hark ! the her- aid an- gels sing " Glo - ry to the newborn King ! " the J. -9- -9- -9- 4 rrrfiT i 2 Christ, by highest heaven adored, Christ, the Everlasting Lord, Late in time behold Him come, Offspring of a Virgin's womb. 3 Veiled in flesh the Godhead see ! Hail, th' Incarnate Deity ! Pleased as Man with men to dwell, Jesus, our Emmanuel. 4 Hail, the heaven -born Prince of Peace ! Hail the Sun of Righteousness ! Light and life to all He brings, Risen with healing in His wings. 5 Mild He lays His glory by, Born that man no more may die ; Born to raise the sons of earth, Born to give them second birth. 87 93- On the Cross of Calvary. ;;// Andante. J J. J . J J Met. J = 60. I. On the cross of Cal - va - ly, k ^ 1 * '* k k k Je - sus died for you and ^ S ^ mf l k f * me; There He shed His pre - cious blood, That from ^^'=F^= -J^ N K fe ^ =r = J = mp ^ 7-5 JB -^j m ir 1 r ^g g g ^ Oh, the cleans - ing stream does *U we might be free. I* h. J* I : F=5 -f* h> '^ Wf y *r -r flow, "-- And it wash- es white as snow! It was for J-. N N ^ ^ '"P P ^ me that Je - sus died On the cross of Cal - va ry. i^^ ^ f* P* ^ i \ ^ ^^ -2 f i . 88 #*/ CHORUS. O Cal-va - ry, O Cal-va - ry !. O Cal - va - ry, K > S N O Cal-va-ry! It was for P 1 P P* P* rrrg- g m 3tZI r^ me that Je - sus died u-^ h r r* r> i -?- -+--*--*--+- -&- ^ ^r On the cross of Cal - va - ry ! J. J 1 J.. i tij r s P 2 Oh, what wondrous, wondrous love Brought me down at Jesus' feet ! Oh, such wondrous, dying love Asks a sacrifice complete ! Here I give myself to Thee, Soul and body, Thine to be ; It was for me Thy blood was shed On the cross of Calvary. 3 Take me, Jesus, I am Thine, Wholly Thine, for evermore ; Blessed Jesus, Thou art mine ; Dwell within for evermore ! Cleanse, oh, cleanse my heart from sin, Make and keep me pure within ! It was for this Thy blood was shed On the cross of Calvary. 4 Clouds and darkness veiled the skies When the Lord was crucified ; "It is finished !" was His cry When He bowed His head and died. It is finished, it is finished ! All the world may now go free, It was for me that Jesus died On the cross of Calvary. Another song to the above Tune. 1 Who are these arrayed in white, Brighter than the noon-day sun, Foremost of the sons of light, Nearest the eternal throne ? These are they that bore the cross ; Nobly for their Master stood ; Sufferers in His righteous cause ; Followers of the dying God. 2 Out of great distress they came ; Washed their robes by faith below In the blood of yonder Lamb, Blood that washes white as snow ; Therefore are they next the throne ; Serve their Maker day and night : God resides among His own ; God doth in His saints delight. 3 He that on the throne doth reign, Shall His saints for ever feed, With the tree of life sustain, To the living fountains lead ; He shall all their sorrows chase, All their wants at once remove, Wipe the tears from every face, Fill up every soul with love. 80, SECTION H.-7's and 4's, 9496, mf Allegretto. 94. Jordan's Flood. Met. J . ~ 56. I When you come to death's cold flood, How will you do ? How will you do ? You who now ne - gleet your God, How will you do ? How will you do ? , . , * 1-3 .. f=* ^ ^ F F 9 ? be a so - lemn day, When the soul is forced a - way 7 T J J* J ife It will be too to pray How will you do? How will you do? f=" 2 You who laugh, and scoff, and sneer, How will you do ? When in Jordan you appear, How will you do ? Can you then your terrors brave, Say you have no soul to save, When you sink beneath the wave ? How will you do ? 3 You who have no more than form, How will you do ? Can you brave the awful storm ? How will you do ? When the waves of death assail, Every reed and prop will fail, Forms will be of no avail, How will you do ? 4 O backsliders, turned aside, How will you do Whither will you flee to hide ? How will you do ? Conscience will in terror rise, And the worm that never dies, When you sink no more to rise, How will you do ? 5 Soldier, now I'll turn to thee, How will you do ? When thou dost the river see, How will you do ? To the cross I then will cling, Shout, " O death, where is thy sting?" "Victory ! victory ! " then I'll sing That's how I'll do ! 90 95- There is a Happy Land. mf-Moderato. Met - J = 8 4- A tt tf <* J' J J J :3 * 5) _j _j p p HZ 5 5 ^_ d IM i r I. There is a .it -^ J J J "r ! -r "p-r t^r hap py land, Far, far a - way ; J J J fJ J- ^ J. ^' fyffit ( * i* r r r r f <^ 1 _^ 3 ,-_ I it V^~\ 1 f fftJu - i i i ' i 1 k lass ^ - 1 1 h_ -H J- -J J i- j j ^ /_ j -J f5 j f * * s M I f Where saints in Uj*J* ^ J J J J 2 f ^ i j^> ~ ; i f^-j 1 glo - ry stand, Bright, bright as day. J J 1 J J. > I -m 1 * ' 1 ~ ^^ * tS^ji $ ^. .1* * r r \ ' ' .=^rP ' H _.. i i i- i i i i F t?-^ 1 ^ J 1 1 l i -j? tt.+ff| ^ J * j- 4 J J - J J J J J-J-J ' !F r-r r r rr r r ' Oh, how they sweet - ly sing, ' Jitt*^ ~~ 9 -m * r* * f^ j ' 1 Wor-thy is our Sa - viour King ! " J J j4 44 J ^ I* ^ ^2 f ^ '[ 1 ' 1 r r r * r up r r 1 h - I 1 1 -i , i 1 i i i /I it TT ^ * T~ J J g \ i ^ i p ^^ L ! * ^ f" ^ -f -^ 9 J ' ^, "^ W ^- Loud let His j^vj j 4 . . u If ? 1R x ff . r "r "5"T- prais - es ring, Praise, praise for aye ! (^-fffHJ ^ ;? -P f =~ ff ^" 1 i * C ' 2 Come to this happy land, Come, come away ; Why will you doubting stand ? Why still delay? Oh, we shall happy be When, from sin and sorrow free, Lord, we shall live with Thee, Blest, blest for aye ! 3 Bright in that happy land Beams every eye, Kept by a Father's hand, Love cannot die : On, then, to glory run ; Be a crown and kingdom won, And, bright above the sun, We'll reign for aye. 96. Try again. mf Allegro moderate. Met. = sue - ceed - ed yet ? Try, rHffi - 1 1 T] =4=J= ./ -1 i p^P^i n Mer - cy's door is J J J i i o - pen 1 1 ** set ^ r ' > i 7 s Tr ', t ry, 1 ^ -*- -- try a - gain. i 1 * S> 1 P^ f f 1 CJ L f-r- ^rf f^ j j j^j jy * p f * & -+- r i^ r r c/'u/cj Yours is not a sin - gle case, Oth - ers have the same to face II I I I* I I -^- -^- - -- . r * -pi- ^_jil J ...J 1 _l _] , 1 i 1 ' i ^ p J *=J J. ..^|. -.p.. r r ' r All your trust on ^ J J j .9 L- - 1 1 Je - sus p ; ! r- .ace, 1 e? ' -r i i - Try, try, try 1 1 i ^ ^y "T *^ - -*- a gain. -*^ f"*' ' ^ 1 s~~ i Si^f ^ a h ^ jB i r i v^. f 2 Something surely lurks within Try, try, try again ; Some beloved, besetting sin ; Try, try, try again ; Give up every plea beside, " I am lost, but Christ has died ; ' Then the blood will be applied, Try, try, try again. 3 Do you say, " I've tried before?" Try, try, try again ; Never give the conflict o'er, Try, tiy, try again ; Some have been as bad as you, But the Lord has brought them through, It may be the same with you, Try, try, try again. Do you say, " I've tried in vain ?" Try, try, try again ; "As I was I still remain?" Try, try, try again ; Know the darkest part of night Is before the dawn of light ; Press along, you're going right, Try, try, try again. Do you, as the proverb, say, " I shall now be slain ; There's a lion in the way, I shall now be slain ; :) Well, suppose you're saying true, And suppose there should be two, Jesus lives to bring you through, Try, try, try again. 9 2 SECTION I. 7's and 6's, 97104. 97- The day of victory's coming. mf Allegro moderate. cres. Met. J = 88. R-R- i. March on, sal-va-tion sol-diers, March forward to the fight, With Je-sus as our CHORUS. The day of vic-t'ry's com-ing, It's com-ing by - and-by, When to the flag of J'J'J'J J* r r Lead-er, We'll put the foe to flight. Cal - va - ry All na - tions they will fly ; In spite of men and dev-ils, We'll O com-rades in The Ar - my, Let's . k =tz= v v *ff ~v~r fcfc 5fe Repeat for Chorus. v v *-*- ^~\j~t~t~r raise our ban- ner high, For the day of vict'ry's com-ing by- and - by, by- and-by. fight un - til we die, For the day of vict'ry's com-ing by- and - by, by- and-by. U 2 Hell's forces may be mighty A strong opposing band ; Yet never be discouraged, For your captain boldly stand ; With " blood and fire" we'll conquer, Our every foe defy, P'or the day of vict'ry's coming by-and-by. 3 Professors may deride us, And evil things may say, And worldlings point the finger, But who, I ask, are they ? 'Tis not in them we're trusting, But in our King on high, For the day of vict'ry's coming by-and-by. 4 Though some would try to crush us, We're rising every day ; And soon o'er every land and sea Our flag shall have the sway. " Salvation free to all men ! :> Shall be our battle cry, For the day of vict'ry's coming by-and-by. 5 Now you who try to stop us, Pray do it never more ; But show to us your favour By giving of your store ; You who have money, give it, God will your all supply ; For the day of vict'ry's coming by-and-by. 98. I'd choose to be a Soldier. mf Allegro moderate. Met. J 92. I. Fight on, fight on for Je-sus, Ye soldiers of the cross! Lift high His roy-al banner It must not suf- fer loss: From vic-t'ry un - to vic-t'ry His Ar- my shall He lead, Till J J ll l J-J. J J Kl I *2 J p f*=i T r r r ^r m P^ - ' r / CHORUS ^ deed. I'm glad I am a sol-dier, And J -^-J.-h-J^J-J- ?^5^ 2 Fight on ! fight on for Jesus ! The trumpet-call obey ; Forth to the mighty conflict In this His glorious day ! Ye that are men, now serve Him Against unnumbered foes ; Let courage rise with danger, And strength to strength oppose. 3 Fight on ! fight on for Jesus ! Stand in His strength alone ; The arm of flesh will fail you Ye dare not trust your own ; Put on salvation armour, And, watching unto prayer, Where duty calls, or danger, Be never wanting there. 4 Fight on ! fight on for Jesus ! The strife will not be long, This day the noise of battle, The next the victor's song : To him that overcometh, A crown of life shall be, He with the King of glory Shall reign eternally. 94 99- I'm a Soldier, if you want me. mf Allegro moderate. Met. '=92. r r r r I. I'm a soldier, if you want me, Fir Je- sus I will fight; EE \++. * I want to spread sal- Prr^ i i =1- = r will fight, r-g rr rr f va-tion, And put the devil to flight. God finds me am-mu - nition, And blood and fire and r NT T 2* r CHORUS. /r g 2215 * J i i * J J r* * ff7\ E 1 i ^ --r '^ z J i HZ ^3 i* m if * 9 a * . * -. Z2 f a \ j ^^/r r i i f- f- r f i i ^ r * t \ * * skill ; I'm just the sort that's wanted, I know The Ar - my drill. I'm a J-. j J J J -J J i J J.-N-.J> j -j-^ .^. PS s s x ^ Ete r f r P P" 1 r* P ' SZE * ' _ A *"~"i A Hf * ^* ^* * 3E 1 a y^rw* \ist7 d J fr->-M^V J J1^~* |^-Tnrtyirg 5 "r*~r S 4 \ n * i C'l -M c i cc r r -g t- * ' ^Pn r-^p- r soldier,shouldyou want me, You will find me in The Sal- va-tion Ar - my. -va-tion Ar-my. ^1 ^fe ^fcl^kl ^ ^ I _ Ss i J. _r* i^ v J. _Ps J J ^ J J 2 I'm a soldier, if you want me, Firm at my post I'll stay ; Like all true Army heroes, I never run away. The grand Salvation Army Has snatched me from the foe, And now to rescue others, If wanted, I will go. 3 I'm a soldier, if you want me My bounty I have got ; My pension is in heaven, I've there a happy lot. The honours of The Army By battling are won ; I never will cease fighting Till Jesus says, "Well done!" 4 I'll fight to help The Genera!, The officers as well, And every private soldier Who fights to conquer hell. The colours of The Army My dying hand shall wave,, Then Jesus me will welcome In heaven among the brave. 95 ioo. My all is on the altar. mp Andante con moto. Met. < ?, soul, and spi rit, Je - sus, I give to Thee, i I I I i i i I J k" I J -*- <=> . ^) J J J rd * flj. c r? F" p . y =^=p=t^= i r ; ,i(g -ir ni r IGJ^ iii i z. My bo - dy, soul, and spi - j. Thee, to Thee, y i P ^ J- .J J 1 I r i rl 1 1^-^ 1 1 ^-^~ d . d J | j j | ^ i J' . "h^d- 3 c on - se 4" r era - ted off - r i 'ring, Thine 1 ' r r 5 ev - er more tc 1 be I n U j J. 1 1 , gj -* . ^ fi*);, b = p~ f~_^j i* ^ " "^ ^HH* ^2 f 3 P- f 3 * -P f ""v '' 1 nf CHORUS. JiJ.ij J *> ^ -p2 *- i r~* r r i My all is on the al tar, I'm wait - ing for the fire;. J J J J J, J J jy J-u. -- ^ ^H- - ^ : -?T3 =3 r r fire, the fire ; i Wait - ing, wait - ing, wait .X I I ' I'm wait - ing for the fire gz^^r i i *- p ^ ^; 1 -(& * ^S \ \ \ f-* i i 2 O Jesus, mighty Saviour, I trust in Thy great name, I look for Thy salvation, Thy promise now I claim. 3 Oh, let the fire, descending Just now upon my soul, Consume my humble offering, And cleanse and make me whole ! 4 I'm Thine, O blessed Jesus, Washed by I hy precious blood ; Now seal me by Thy Spirit, A sacrifice to God. ioi. My soul is now united. mf Allegro moderate. 3^Eg 23 Met. ^'=-96. m r i ^ i i. My soul is now u - ni - ted To Christ the Liv - ing Vine, His 1 ^ i ^! r r r r rf f r r r ^ r i r / r v- ( >r r / r- grace I long have slight - ed, But now I feel Him mine ; I =i J: ^ was to God a stran ger, Till Je - sus took me in ; ^ J. J. J. J He , J J j J rr -*- i I I I I ^j freed my soul from dan -U-*-~ And par - doned all my sin. 2 Soon as my all I ventured On the atoning blood, The Holy Spirit entered, And I was born of God ; My sins are all forgiven, I feel His blood applied, And I shall go to heaven, If I in Chn'it abide. 97 3 By floods and flames surrounded. I jtill my way pursue ; Nor shall I be confounded, With glory in my view : Still Christ is my salvation What can I covet more f I fear no condemnation, My Father's wrath U o'er. 102. Steadily forward march. / A lleg ro moderate. Met. J = 96. $ := t \ m m m t 4 * 7 ^ ^ i * r r w~' F ^ > P ^ ^ I I. Sal - va - tion is our mot - to, Sal - va - tion is our song, And h i* r I s _r* ^ i EEEzi r> i P i V * * V round the wide, wide world We'll send the cry a - long. Yes, S J. fc > J. -f t 1 1 i r- irt ^- U I i ? Je - sus is the sin - nei^s Friend, The Bi - ble tells us so ; Their ^=^T^^ M V V f ^ t' 5 \ ma - ny sins He will for - give, And wash them white as snow. >. J J* i ^CHORUS. S il Stea - di - ly for - ward march ! To Je - sus we will brins; J 1 - - -+ -+ -J- ^ J* -^ ^. -^ ^^. rr .. r I C ' S -tr^f s b C (g F :: g=F ^ > ^ y 1 ==* i=j it 9=5=? P- Sin ners of ev - 'ry kind. -p p pi p p* And He will take them in ^ ^ * 1 fr^E P'^P^ ^ ^ ^ Rich and poor as well, J. J J. J . It does not mat - ter how, J* J 1 . J! J 1 . gr" g J*. ft ^V 7 p ? S 3 fe 1 r f i* ' p ^f 1 M^ V ^, \i * ' g- S ~^- g 1 " 2 Though all the world oppose us, Yet we will never fear, With Jesus as our Leader, His presence ever near ; A wall of fire around us, We'll never doubt His power, But forward go the lost to save Yes, from this very hour. 3 Then forward to the conflict, As through the world we go Rejoicing in the precious blood That washes white as snow. Yes, we will go for Jesus, Although we may be poor, For if in love we do our best Then victory is sure. Another sons; to the above Tune. 1 I am a Christian soldier One of the noisy crew ; I shout when I am happy, And that I mean to do. Some say I am too noisy, 1 know the reason why ; And if they felt the glory They'd shout as well as I. 2 They sing and shout in heaven It is their hearts' delight ; I shout when I am happy, And that with all my might. I've Jesus Christ within me He's turned the devil out ; And when I feel the glory It makes me sing and shout. 3 My sins are all forgiven, Which did as mountains rise ; My title's clear for heaven Yon country in the skies. God's saints are my companions ; I'm bound for endless day ; And though the storms are raging, I'll sail along the way. 4 I'll sail o'er life's rough ocean With glory's port in view, And Calvary's Royal Pilot Will steer the vessel through. I'll shout o'er death's dark river And when I join the throng, For ever and for ever I'll roll the theme along. 99 103. To the uttermost He saves. mp Moderate. Met. < =. 60. 5 JT77T3 r r l. Come, with me vis - it Cal He died from sins to sev v'ry,Where our Re-deem-er died ; er Our hearts and lives com - plete His He JKff J J j- ZE2 J j 1 J ' 1 JH J * B ^ : i-rl r r r blood now fills t saves and keeps 11 J J * ^ r r f r r ie foun - tain, 'Tis deep, 'tis full br ev - er Those liv - ing at II 1 i 1 , ,'tis wide. His feet. 1 SY jt * ^ r o m m f , (^ * * m i* r i 2 _ SS m \ ^ r r r f f 3 r 1 r-i F 3^_ h F ;;z/ CHORUS ^ r r r r 'r CJT^T: ut - ter-most He saves, He saves; Dare you ^ He saves, ^ 3 now be - lieve, And His love re - ceive ? r r r r To the at - ter - most He saves. * I -*--+ prt- 2 I will surrender fully, And do my Saviour's will ; He shall now make me holy And with Himself me fill. He's saving, I'm believing, This blessing I now claim ; His Spirit I'm receiving, My heart is in a flame. I 3 I've wondrous peace through trusting, A well of joy within ; This rest is everlasting, My days fresh triumphs win. He gives me heavenly measure, "Pressed down" and "running o'er ; ' Oh, what a priceless treasure, Glory for evermore ! 104. The Light of the world is Jesus. mf Allegro moderate. Met. 100. ^ I. I once was ve - ry worldly, The same as ma- ny more, But since I've been to ' - P. r j. P. i J\ J* s s s & f f Je - sus He's saved me, I am sure ; And if you're on - ly will - ing To f J f f J J J J J*. J J* T J J J ^ 1 ^^g g g g g r -g ^ / J: * o give up all your sin, My Sa -viour He is wait - ing, I'm sure, to take you in. L& r r g==g u u ^ u ' i* f CHORUS. ^ ^=* "^^" ^ ^^~~"^^"~~^^ I ^P ~ ^~ ^ ^^" The Light of the world is Je - sus, The Light of thewoildis Je - sus! And i $=& rr > - * 5^ ^E F* if youcometoHim, He'll cleanseyoursoulfromsin.The Light of the world is Je - sus ! _f ^ h>>J.*>JLJLJL * ^ i-gig~g~g ^ 2 You want to be made happy, And you wish to be made free, You wish to go to heaven, I'm sure, the same as we ; And hell, you would not share You would its terrors flee, Then if you'll come to Jesus His true light you shall see. mf Moderate. SECTION J. 7's and IPs, 105108. 105. Home once more. Met. ' = 100. g SBE C 5 5 i*~ ^ i 5 5~ I. I'm a pro - di - gal come home, Nev-er more to stray or roam 'Midst the i* h s K i k r* r g g'g g ' " JlJ-JJ-Jj J-3 ' * m * * -* sur-gesand the breakers of the world; And my heart with joy doth bound, Foi I ^ ^ H/^/-, J.nj,JJJ; hjr3 CHORUS. ^~ f ^ ^ ** J^ ^' r ' J * ^ * * -M -m ' LL ^ ^ i iL i^ u r r r -<^-. -+- -*- i know the lost is found I'm a pro -di- gal come to his home once more. Home once more ! A 3 / i r^? .11 < p 1^2 I 1 i f Home once more! A pro-di-gal re-tumed to his homeonce more ; I've left the way of j j j . ; * * * ^ k k U U 1 v sin The dev - il had me in, And, gio - ry be to God ! I am home once more ! J . J* J^ J* J*^^ ^^^^^i I*N i i i g= f r ~ io6. Oh, the prodigal's coming home. Met. ^^ 72. I. je - sus comes and calls for thee, Now He longs to set thee free From the CHORUS. Oh, the pro-di-gal's com- ing home, Com-ing home no more to roam; He is i r> i r j. i h J-J r ccLgg r cr- era - el yoke of sla- ve- ry and sin ; . . . wea-ry wandering far a- way from home, V\ k I " I {T He has called thee oft be -fore, And has He is seeking his Father's face, He is fc opened wide the door, To re - ceive the guil - ty sin - ner long-ing for His grace, Oh, the prod-i-gal's com-inc home, coming home. ^ :r.r sir 2 Thou hast hardened long thy heart, And wouldst not consent to part With thy own besetting sins and idols dear ; But again thy Saviour's voice Bids thee haste to make thy choice, Come, accept His offered grace and pardon here ! 3 Sinner, wilt thou still refuse, And this wondrous love abuse, Till thou hear the Master's voice proclaim, " No room !" Nay, but let the cry be heard " Now to Thee, my loving Lord, Will I hasten as a weary wanderer home ! " Words of No. fOJ continued. 2 My Saviour's voice I hear, With His accents soft and clear, Gently whispering peace and comfort to my soul ; Saying, " Son, be of good cheer, I am with you do not fear," And the angels sing a welcome home once more ! 3 Though storms may beat around, I have full salvation found On the Rock of Ages now I take my stand ; And one Qay I shall be crowned In that land to which I'm bound I'm a prodigal come to his home once more. 4 When my journey here is o'er, And I reach the golden shore, Where the ransomed of the Lord in glory dwell ; Then where friends have gone before, I shall sing for evermore, " A prodigal come to his home once more !" icy. Oh, what battles I've been in. mf Allegro moderate. Met. = 84. * * * M p * & k V x* x< V r F jr^F V i Oh. what bat - ties I've been in, And what con - flicts I have seen, But in J fJE J * r r F * ^ ^ ^p x* I*' U* U 1 dark-ness as in brightness He is mine.He is mine;Oh, what mocking and whatshame I can s t^^-^J J ^ g g r g g'g suf - fer for His name, For in glo - ry as the stars He'll make me shine. ^ S ^ \ jt J: > .*. J_ ss s Washed in the blood white as snow, No-thing am I seek -ing here be s , h te (TA i cficc ccc J a tempo. $ r r g gr r low ; There's no more strife for my soul, I know, And nought can my peace ov-er - throw. r r f g g r rr TX-1X 3 Oh, what mighty wondrous love Brought my Saviour from above, On the cross to shed His blood and die for me ! So I'll serve Him with my might, In His service I'll delight, For the blood from sin's dark bondage sets me free 2 What a sinner I have been, What a Saviour I have seen, P'or He's saved me from my sorrow and my woe ! And, when lost to all around, My Redeemer then I found, And His pardoning love and meicy now I know. 104 io8. With the conquering Son of God. m f . &i 5=5=5 i. We are sweep-ing thro' the land With the sword of God in hand ; We are J h * souls a - bout to die, And we'll force them to be - hold the pre - cious light. \Viththe conquering Son of God, Who has washed us in His blood, Dan - ger | i r-^r^ 1=4=] j j i =4=^ * V| =f^ j j n i F^ E2H r 1 r r g r~~i - ^E r * r -^ ' brav - ing, sin - ners sav - ing, We are sweeping thro' the land. - J J j j ^=^ 5 ^A ^ J H' SZjf. 1 r^~~ i | =fi j * r F~ -p~! 1 2 Oh, the blessed Lord of light, We will serve Him with our might, And His arm shall bring salvation to the poor; 3 We are sweeping on to win Perfect victory over sin, And we'll shout our Saviour's praises evermore ! They shall lean upon His breast, When the strife on earth is done, Know the sweetness of His rest, And some million souls we've won, Of His pardon He the vilest will assure i We'llrejoinourconqueringcomradesgonebefore 105 SECTION K. 8's (4 lines), 109115. iop. Almighty to save. n mf Moderate. | J-fr J- 1 1 5* f 1 ' f / ft I. Oh, when shall my (Ws-ft ^ * S 3 1 J~ -*- -*- -*- soul find her J ^ g= -p- L-J rest, My f-4 r 1 r r==^ r TZ) J ' J 1 J " $ f ^ r ' r ^f strug - glings and wrest - lings be frfc f f F ^ r r r o'er, My . J J -- -*- heart by my ^ r r r i i i i H r r 1 r r r~1 ^h 1 h- 1 : ^ ^ i i J m^ j -| ^d : r S ~~S T r f Sa - viour pos - J J J f sessed, J UJ Be r r r fear - ing an 1 i ---- j d - sin - ning, be fr): I r* E2 p + + f \ ^ * * f _p : f f .C-Tut ^ r r TJ r^ f J i . . r t- ! f r fear - ing and sin - ning, And nng more ? ? = r 2 Now search me, and try me, O Lord : Now, Jesus, give ear to my cry ! See ! helpless I cling to Thy word, My soul to my Saviour draws nigh. 3 My idols I cast at Thy feet, My all I return Thee who gave ; This moment the work is complete, For Thou art almighty to save ! 1 06 4 O Saviour, I dare to be.ieve, Thy blood for my cleansing I see And, asking in faith, I receive Salvation, full, present, and free. 5 O Lord, I shall now comprehend Thy mercy so high and so deep ; And long shall my praises ascend, For Thou art almighty to keep ! no. We speak of the realms of the blest. mf Moderate. Met. ^ = 92. r g-gr 1. We speak of the realms of the bleat, That coun-try so bright and so fair ; And W. ^ J.J J.JJ tfr^-rr fF - CHORUS. i i oft are its glo - ries con-fest,... But what must it be to be there? To be =^ r g'gr ^ p'f'^F 4M* v % T \ \ i* * there ! To be there ! Oh, what must n be to^ be^ there ! !> S I -J- J i* >I * * To oe X^ To be there ! To be there ! To be there ! iy r * _T ^L CO KZ ^^ =1= J. J./ S S 1 -^- g-g'r : r ' r g'gr there ! To be there ! Oh, what must it be * _fc J s A*- J - N -*- * ' to be ^? . there ! f)* ^ * * + \m m S f- . * P V (*'l* - sz. * - * r I*- L. Z \ \ 3 i s & ESESE T=^ To be there ! To be there ! 2 We speak of its freedom from sin, From sorrow, temptation, and care, From trials without and within : But what must it be to be there ? 3 We speak of its peace and its love, The robes which the glorified wear : The songs of the blood-washed above : But what must it be to be there ? 4 Do i nou, Lord, in pleasure or woe, For heaven our spirits prepare ; Then shortly we also shall know And feel what it is to be there. 107 in. Thou Shepherd of Israel. mf Allegretto. Met. J . _ 5< 3 I. Thou Shep-herd of Is-rael and mine, The joy and de-sire of my heart, For ^JJVJ.J. J f f f f 2 ^ ^ ^E^ clo - ser com -mu-nion I pine, I long to re - side where Thou art; The ^ J. J-.J^JV- * ^ pas-ture I lan-guish to find, Where all, who their Shepherd o - bey, Are N N N N S N J *V V V ?> f.\M J* 4? -K N ^ r r r -p- - -^ U v W ^ p p fed, on Thy bo-som re - clined, And screened from the heat of the day. ^ J: -^ -^ L^ .^ '^ 1^ I 2 Ah ! show me that happiest place, The place of Thy people's abode, Where saints in true happiness gaze, And hang on a crucified God. Thy love for a sinner declare, Thy passion and death on the tree, My spirit to Calvary bear, To suffer and triumph with Thee. 3 'Tis there with the lambs of Thy floe! There only I covet to rest, To lie at the foot of the Rock, Or rise to be hid in Thy breast. 'Tis there I would always abide, And never a moment depart ; Concealed in the cleft of Thy side, Eternally held in Thy heart. H2. The Cross now covers my sins. inf Allegretto. Met. ^'. = 56. =3**ffT i t. v f _ rT ' i* 1 u* p> n- i. I stand all be -wil-dered with won -der, And gaze on the o-ceanof love, And i^-~fi~f 1 J- J . C C i* C r B^ !* |*^ ^ -r/JJJ/IJ-j -H J* J JV ^-H j- ** p i* ^ P i* I p p r ' r r -^ ^^ l r T> -f- U t* LX k k^ W 1 u* U ix k k u i ^ T^ ov - er its waves to my spi - rit Comes peace, like a hea-ven-ly dove! m $ ^f ^ / CHORUS. 5fe ^ / 3 r g^g g-t The cross now cov- ers my sins, The past is un-der the blood; I'm -+ r c c c ^^^ = ^^? P^ ^if ^ trust - ing in Je - sus for all, My will is the will of my God. J^- 2 I struggled and wrestled to win it, The blessing that setteth me free ; But when I had ceased from my struggling, His peace Jesus gave unto me. 3 He laid His hand on me, and healed me, And bade me be every whit whole ; I touched the hem of His garment, And glory came thrilling my souL 4 The Prince of my peace is now passing, The light of His face is on me ; But listen, beloved, He speaketh " My peace I will give unto thee." 109 H3. I believe we shall win. mf Allegro moderate. 3 w& 1 ( * - ^ ^ ^ r r--*- -: f f f P~fn ^ ^ u ix u u i i^ f^ W u* r i. Let us sing of His love once a - gain Of the jlove that can nev - er de J P ' ^ * ^ - cay, Of the blood of the Lamb that was slain, Till we praise Him a-gain in that day. <-^> ^ ^ ^ ^ m ^ flWttt V V ' f CHORUS 'i i * I be - lieve, I be - lieve, ^ Je- sus saves, weshallwin And His blood makes me whiter than snow If we fightin thestrengthofourKing ; be be g-srcc'r :cr cci r ^ r ^ r T be-lieve, 1 be-lieve, Je-sus saves, weshallwin, whiter than snow, King, of our King, j- ^j jju lieve lieve Je -sus saves, we shall win And His blood makes me whi - ter than snow. If we fight in the strength of our King. ;-* F- q=f= = r 3 So with banners unfurled to the breeze, Our motto shall " Holiness" be ; Till the crown from His hand we shall i And the King in His glory we see. be-lieve, be-lieve, Je-sus saves, we shall win, 2 There is cleansing and healing for all Who will wash in the life-giving flood ; There- is perfect deliverance and joy To be had in this world through the blood. 114- Welcome to glory. mf Allegro moderate. *1 U -*? Wfcl k^ Met. J - 96. I. Oh, when shall I sweep thro' the gates, The scenes of mor-tal - i - ty o'er? What -fir E : gr E sir r ! r 3 r i s r ' then for my spi - rit a - waits ? Will they sing on the glo - ri - fied shore ? J- S te J >. ^ J- . N -M^: S --p- / CHORUS. -Q r> jy^- ^ ^ ^ __ d^M^ P W elcome home ! Wei-come home ! " A wel - come in glo - ry for I f^ fc I N l!5 ^ V* I r v * \ r Welcome home ! Welcome home ! m all those who love Him; Welcome home ! Welcome home A wel-come for me ! i ^ Welcome home ! Welcome home ! 2 Yes, loved ones who knew me below, Who learned the new song with me here, In chorus will hail me, I know, And welcome me home with good cheer. 3 The beautiful gates will unfold, The home of the blood-washed I'll se"e ; The city of saints I'll behold ; For oh, there's a welcome for me ! 4 A sinner made whiter than snow, I'll join in the mighty acclaim, And shout, through the gates as I go, " Salvation to God and the Lamb.' Ill ii5. Yes, oh, yes ! */> Andante, con mo to. Met. J. = 56. 2=3: BE BE i. I have heard of a Sa - viour's love, And a won-der - ful love it must S rt: * . F ix u> r r r IT i ^U 'Vi* fr^E ^ I ^ mm*** M~~ m ' * mm & & V ^ ^ t* W^ T "" '^ P P But did He come down from a - bove Out of S g c c ^ /CHORUS. ^ mf love and com - pas - sion for me i . Yes, oh, yes I Out of gtf 1SE > f love and com - pas - sion for me A ^ T^ _r^ _^ _^ I ^ -f- -f- Jf- -- -4E. JE- _tf. i - pas - sion for me ! . ^ 2 I have heard how He suffered and bled, How He languished and died on the tree ; But then is it anywhere said That He languished and suffered for me ? 3 I've been told of a heaven on high, Which the soldiers of Jesus shall see ; But is there a place in the sky Made ready and furnished for me ? 4 Lord, answer these questions of mine ; To whom shall I go but to Thee ? And say, by Thy Spirit divine, There's a Saviour and heaven for me. 112 SECTION M. 6-8's, 116121. 1 1 6. Euphony. P Andante. g 1 FT I. Give me the faith that can re - move And sink the moun-tain to a J & J rj J J J. P P -^ ^P^ | | |p pdj= f=F n u I I i i i w / KI n, i i plain ; Give me the child- like pray - ing love, Which longs to build Thy J JJ4.J rJ rJ J. house a - gain ; Thy love let it my heart o'er- power, And all my ^>bb i , i i 1*^ i ^f T P ^ sim - pie soul de - vour, And 2 I would the precious time redeem, And longer live for this alone, To spend and to be spent for them Who have not yet my Saviour known ; And turn them to a pardoning God, And quench the brands in Jesus' blood. 3 My talents, gifts, and graces, Lord, Into Thy blessed hands receive ; And let me live to preach Thy word ; And let me to Thy glory live ; My every sacred moment spend In publishing the sinner's Friend. Enlarge, inflame, and fill my heart With boundless charity divine ! So shall I all my strength exert, And love them with a zeal like Thine ; And lead them to Thy open side, The sheep for whom their Shepherd died 117- Madrid. mf Allegro moderate Met. J =* 84. need just now sup - ply! New power I want, and strength, and light, I That I may con - quer in the fight. Oh, let me have wher- ^ / ^ J-3 E =F ^_ i i go Thy strength to r con - quer ev - 'ry foe ! S.JL J. ^ *=f 2 I need Thy love my heart to fill, To tell to all Thy blessed will, And to the hopeless souls make known The power that dwells in Thee alone ; And then wherever I shall go Thy power shall conquer every foe. 3 Oh, make my life one blazing fire Of pure and fervent heart desire The lost to find, the low to raise, And give them cause Thy name to praise, Because wherever I may go I show Thy power to every foe. 4 Let love be first, let love be last, Its light o'er all my life be cast : Come now, my Saviour, from above And deluge all my soul with love, So that wherever I may go Thy love shall conquer every foe mf Allegro moderato. 118. Sagina. Ji>*. i -I Met. J = 92. afe '" JIJ p--i *- If r I. And can it be that I_ should gain An in - t'rest in_ the_ J. J i 3? ^ f ^ i m a=f i=3 O r- r r i Sa-viour's blood ? Died He for me who caused His pain ? For me who J. J . | J J r^ i* : /--a ^ J J^ ^^ r^r ergs. JLJ.rlhJ J.LJ f i r i i r r i ' i Him to death pur - sued ? A - mazing love ! How can it be, That J- J.J J.J. ..J JJ.J J3 i ^ f 2 " s i Thou,... my God,...shouldstdie.... for me? A - maz - ing love! How J -U J J. ! J J J h I fl ~_\f3 . \\ 4 -F-r- r be, n can it That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me? I 2 Long my imprisoned spirit lay I I woke ; the dungeon flamed with light ; Fast bound in sin and nature's night ; My chains fell off, my heart was fre. Thine eye diffused a quickening ray ; I rose, went forth, and followed np Andante. 1 19. Sovereignty. Met. J = 76. & l. Would Je-sus have the sin - ner die? Why hangs He then on K ! J J rj ^ P %m ~> r yon - der tree ? What means that strange ex - pi - ring cry ? Sin - g > f^r s\>$ I r nr N^I'.'- J sr-r ners, He prays for you and me, Sin - ners, He prays for jfj j.7.i4 ^ F ={^?=cp / Allegro. Met. J = 96. r^^in^jg^ir-^ >* l r g= , J " r'r r you and me. " For - give them, Fa +_ ther, oh, for-give ! Theyknow not ^ * 4 x i^* * ^ E -d r- . g i can - ts i not J ropi see, I am left a - lone with Thee. With Thee all J r J J >J J J J i J J J /> L, * 9. * P r p 2 ^> g?bi r j i*- -^ r/ r --KH 5 ^ '.. -i^ - ^ ^ CHORUS. Allegretto. Met. J. = 66. / Oh, the blood of Je - sus,The precious blood of Je - sus, Oh, the blood of Je - sus, It wash-es white as snow. 4A- h -J-. J K * cp J -hJ / J.-J- J J*J ^ J-J /w^> u r> i * CLi Cxk nr rr r TT r U S ~m~ TT ^ - m * - E 'P*j I need not tell Thee who I am, My misery and sin declare, Thyself hast called me by my name, Look on Thy hands and read it there ; But who, I ask Thee, who art Thou ? Tell me Thy name, and tell me now. In vain Thou struggles! to get free, I never will unloose my hold : Art Thou the Man that died for me? The secret of Thy love unfold : Wrestling, I will not let Thee go, Till I Thy name, Thy nature know. 4 'Tis Love ! 'tis Love ! Thou diedst for me I hear Thy whisper in my heart ! The morning breaks, the shadows flee, Pure universal love Thou art : To me, to all, Thy mercies move, Thy nature and Thy name is Love. 117 121. Ye banks and braes. >tp Allegretto. Met. ^ = 96. 2 r ' I All things are pos - si - ble to him That can in Je - sus' name believe : Lord, J *[ g S I no more Thy truth blaspheme, Thy truth I lov - ing - ly re - ceive ; J- ^ ja f T ^ f m feres. i J: r/V. F r cr g'r I can, I do be - lieve in Thee, All things are pos - si - ble to me ; I I gifcr Tirrf can, I do be - lieve_ in Thee, All things are pos - si - ble to r* r*i N i h rt h 2 The most impossible of all Is that I e'er from sin should cease : Yet shall it be, I know it shall ; Jesus, look to Thy faithfulness ! If nothing is too hard for Thee, All things are possible to me. 3 When Thou the work of faith hast wrought, I here shall in Thy image shine, Nor sin in deed or word or thought ; Let men exclaim, and fiends repine, They cannot break the firm decree ; All things are possible to me. 4 All things are possible to God, To Christ, the power of God in man To me, when I am all renewed, When I in Christ am formed again, And witness, from all sin set free, All things are possible to me. nS SECTION N. 8's & 3's, 122128. 122. Behold, behold the Lamb of God. mp. Moderate. _ jr== Met. ^. = I. Be - hold ! be-holdtheLambof God, On the cross, on the cross. For us He shed His pre-cious blood, On the cross, ^ .'A r f on the cross. Oh, A. hear His all im - por-tant cry, "Why per- ish, blood-bought sin- ner, why?" Draw A AA.A. A AA.A. A AA.A. A A*A g^ = ^ME=Nr err it near and see your Sa - viour die A A* A A A On the cross, on the cross 2 Come, sinners, see Him lifted up, On the cross, on the cross ; He drinks for you the bitter cup, On the cross, on the cross. The rocks do rend, the mountains quake, While Jesus doth salvation make While Jesus suffers for our sake, On the cross, on the cross. 3 And now the mighty deed is done, On the cross, on the cross ; The battle's fought, the victory's won, On the cross, on the cross. To heaven He turns His dying eyes ; "Tis finished !" now the Conqueror cries; Then bows His sacred head and dies, On the cross, on the cross. "9 123- There is a better World. mj Moderate. Met. J = 84. m i. There is a bet-ter 'world, they say, Oh, so bright ! Oh, so bright ! Where i .LJ J.J-^.j- 1 ^i ^ ^ * ^ ^ ^ P b ' ^ 55 r f r f ' r r sin and woe are done a - way, Oh, so bright ! Oh, so bright ! And ' J J i J.^J- J. J> J ^ f=F=F E ESS ^=3^ mf p ^ r r r r r r r mu - sic fills the bal - my air, And an - gels with bright wings are there, And J A A ' J J -r3 J J J J J J J Q ^1 harps of gold and man - sions fair, Oh, so bright ! Oh, so bright ! J. > J ^ ^ 2 No clouds e'er pass along that sky, Happy land ! Happy land ! No teardrops glisten in the eye, Happy land ! Happy land ! They drink the gushing streams of grace, And gaze upon the Saviour's face, Whose brightness fills the holy place, Happy land ! Happy land ! 3 And wicked things and beasts of prey Come not there ! Come not there ! And ruthless death and fierce decay Come not there ! Come not there ! There all are holy, al! are good ; But hearts unwashed in Jesu's blood, And guilty sinners unrenewed, Come not there ! Come not there ! 4 And though we're sinners every one, Jesus died ! Jesus died ! And though our crown of peace is gone, Jesus died ! Jesus died ! We may be cleansed from every stain, We may be crowned with bliss again, And in that land of glory reign, Jesus died ! Jesus died ! 120 mf Allegro moderato. 124. Christ for me. Met. J= 112. i. My heart is fixed, e - ter-nal God, Fixed on Thee, Fixed on Thee; And J. | J. J. J. J- . J. -J- 111 | | | J U. J J J * rflr i 1 r =F= m A fTTJ. ( ( da r | /j J / oaeraw. my tin - chang - i J 4 4 < n g choice L - f^ is mac le, L -P F^ Christ for -F ' me ; He J_ ff*}i- b /i a* 9 a / -f - ?- 7n r r~i ia . - i7 ( ' r 1 h -f =E 1 SEE my t, Priest, and King, Who did for me sal - va-tion bring, And P-J J I -*- -*- -*- -- ^^ e^^ nV. r? 1 while I've breath I mean to sing, Christ for J- J me ! Christ for me ! J. ^= tit It 2 Let others boast of heaps of gold : Christ for me ! Christ for me ! His riches never can be told : Christ for me ! Your gold will waste and wear away, Your honours perish in a day ; My portion never can decay : Christ for me ! Christ for me ! 3 In pining sickness or in health, Christ for me ! Christ for me ! In deepest poverty or wealth, Christ for me ! And in that all important day, When I the call of death obey, And pass from this dark world away, Christ for me 1 Christ for me ! 4 At home, abroad, by night, by day, Christ for me ! Christ for me ! Where'er I preach, or sing, or pray, Christ for me ! Him first, Him last, Him all day long, My hope, my solace, and my song ; I'll send the ringing cry along, " Christ for me ! Christ for me ! " 5 Now who can sing my song and say, " Christ for me ! Christ for me ! My life and truth, my light and way : Christ for me ? " Then here's my heart, and here's my hand, We'll form a brave salvation band, And shout aloud throughout the land, " Christ for me ! Christ for me ! " 125 Tucker Met. J = 66. mp I. Thou Christ of burning, cleansing flame, Send the fire, send the fire , send the fire ! Thy r-ccccc i / l ^T blood-bought gift to -day we claim,... Send the fire, send the fire, send the fire ! Look m =f=F E E E CT down and see this wait-ing host, -1 ^W LJ ** Give us the pro-misedtlo-ly Ghost, We i i EE F 3 ^ ^ rr- gggg'r" ?"g want an - o-therPen-te - cost,... Send the fire, send the fire, send the fire! m H EE 2 God of Elijah, hear our cry, Send the fire ! He'll make us fit to live or die, Send the fire ! To burn up every trace of sin, To bring the light and glory in, The revolution now begin, Send the fire ! 3 'Tis fire we want, for fire we plead, Send the fire ! The fire will meet our every need, Send the fire ! For strength to ever do the right, For grace to conquer in the fight, For power to walk the world in white, Send the fire! 122 126. What's the news ? mf Allegretto. Met. J . = 65. r &'r r [. When-e'er we meet, you al-ways say, "What's the news? What's the news? Pray what's the or - der of the day, What's the news? What's the news?' : Ff= fSf 31 i*\:$* *\w .N ?\^ ^ have got good news to tell! MySa-viour has... done all things r-rc ^ M *^t ror e r Ur "p" r it , _ , , That's the news, That's the news! J.J r & ' r g PGE 2 The Lamb was slain on Calvary, That's the news ! To set a world of sinners free, That's the news ! For us He bowed His sacred head, For us His precious blood was shed ; And now He's risen from the dead, That's the news ! 3 His work's reviving all around, That's the news ! And many have the Saviour found, That's the news ! And since their souls have caught the flame, They shout Hosanna to His name, And all around they spread His fame, That's the news ! Another son? to the above Tune. 1 The Saviour laid His crown aside For the cross ; And there for all the world He died On the cross ; His cheeks were smote, His flesh was torn, His sacred temples felt the thorn, While heaven and earth in darkness mourn Round the cross. 2 Our sins were all upon Him laid On the cross ; For all He hath salvation made On the cross ; His pierced feet, His hands and side Pour forth redemption's healing tide, Life's cleansing fount was opened wide On the cross. 3 Ten thousand foes did Him surround On the cross ; But lo ! He did them all confound On the cross ; His heavenly Father veiled His face, While devils thronged the sacred place, Still He redeemed our fallen race On the cross. 123 r. We're sure to win. mf Allegro moderate. Met. J=88. I We meet the foes of all mankind, And fight to win, and fight to win ! That J J. A^ JiJji 1 RR^ ^ all the wretch-ed, joy may find 1 We fight to win, We fight to win ! i fit ^ t ^ r Though they the slaves of sin may be, And have no hope to be set free, That CHORUS. The yel-low,red, and blue shall fly A - bove our heads un - til we die, With , j 1 J'.JU- J 1 j; j^ . _ c r * f \ * . * \ p ' F 0- *\ \ u -5 r ^ I &-^^ k ^ ^ ^ Repeat for Chorus. ^ they may God's sal - blood and fire, 'neath va - tion see, ev - 'ry sky, We fight to win, we fight to win I We're sure to win, we're sure to win ! 2 Where Satan seems to bear the sway, We stand to win ! We stand to win ! In sore temptation every day, We stand to win ! We stand to win ! Though others may run f o and fro, And to all kinds of fountains go ; Just where the living waters flow, We stand to win ! We stand to win ! 3 And while we fight at His command, We're sure to win ! We're sure to win ! Beneath His flag in every land, We're sure to win ! We're sure to win The yellow, red, and blue shall fly Above our heads until we die, With blood and fire 'nealh every sky ; We're sure to win ! We're sure to win 124 128. We're travelling home to Heaven above. mf Allegro moderato. Met. ^'=84. I. We're trailing home to heaven a - bove, Will you go, will you go? To sing the Sa-viour's dy - ing love,... Will you go, will you go? -J^~ =F= := * m + > V * p m i *r r c 5--? Mil-lions have reached that bliss - ful shore, Their tri - als and their la - hours g ; p * '. f\p \ s * ' f |r ' I ^^ 1 ' U U'S'I' U & P ll U r*s / ^ ^ o'er, And yet there's room for mil-lions more, Will you go, will you go? J^.^J ^ 2 2 We're going to see the bleeding Lamb, Will you go, will you go ? In rapturous songs to praise His name, Will you go, will you go? Our sun will then no more go down, Our moon no more will be withdrawn, Our days of mourning ever gone, Will you go, will you go ? 3 The way to heaven is straight and plain, Will you go, will you go ? Repent, believe, be born again, Will you go, will you go ? The Saviour cries aloud to thee, ' ' Take up thy cross and follow Me, And thou shalt My salvation see," Will you go, will you go ? 4 Oh, could I hear some sinner say, "I will go, I will go ! I'll start this moment, clear the way, Let me go, Let me go ! My old companions, fare you well, I will not go with you to hell ; I mean with Jesus Christ to dwell, Let me go, Let me go ! " 125 SECTION O. 8's and 4's, 129130. 129. Oh, how He loves ! n mp Moderate . Met. J- 92. 5 r- r i r ^ I. One there is a bove all o - thers Oh, how He loves ! His is love be - yond a bro - ther's Oh how He loves ! ^^ J t I T : * ' ^ I J ^~^ r7r r i-E-f- r ' r f j , J j | f, -I i .,, -. ^r , , ^ ^ ^ n r Earth-ly friends may fail and leave us. One day kind, the next de - ceive us ; J J nj ^m F^ $^ ^ 3 mf But this Friend will nev - er leave us Oh, how J" 1 r~rl^ f' : He loves ! h ? 2 Blessed Jesus wouldst thou know Him ? Oh, how He loves ! Give thyself this moment to Him, Oh, how He loves ! Best of blessings He'll provide thee, Nought but good shall e'er betide thee, Safe to glory He will guide thee, Oh, how He loves ! 3 'Tis eternal life to know Him, Oh, how He loves ! Think, oh think, how much we owe Him, Oh, how He loves ! With His precious blood He bought us, In the wilderness He sought us, To His fold He safely brought us, Oh, how He loves ! 4 Let us, then, this love keep viewing, Oh, how He loves ! And, though faint, keep on pursuing, Oh, how He loves ! He will strengthen each endeavour ; And, when passed o'er Jordan's river, This shall be our theme for ever, Oh, how He loves ! 126 130. Saints of God lift up your voices. J ***> (/c/. =i!& - * i [gp*'r ^ 1 ihr r ^ P i | * -j i J-, p G P J i. Saints of God, lift up your voi - ces, Praise ye the Lord ! J *t-JJ ' j J- / 4 . . ^ -^?- fig); yt r F Jt: S ? ' ' H F ^ ( ' 1 1 -p-: f 2 (3} i 1 m W i J r 1 it_^ ' ' *] ^ ' f^j] ^y ! 1 E- ' m 1 tJ i r C r While the host of heaven re - joi - ces, Praise ye the Lord ! M. r r 1 J J i - ^ i M=^ ^ J - =. gg-H i p *- za r~ 1 F- 5 F sr- i iy c? ' Praise Him as ye on - ward go To the realms of end - less glo F g r* J. J. J. -QJ J .D ^ 1 I 1 fcj 1 h 1 /T /* /* -\ hj 1 J ^ 1 * * cJ . [* ^ ! 1 1 d ^^~ ' 2 ^^ 3^! 3 i i p i i _ i u r Let His praise each heart o'er - flow, Praise ye the Lord ! J- J- j i i i -J - J- J . > . J- . b): -T r -^ *L_j_J * f i _^ b - i P^_J 1 1 1 1 1 k- ffiE B 2 For the hope of ev'ry nation, Praise ye the Lord ! He has brought for us salvation, Praise ye the Lord ! Jesus died for you and me, Paid our debt on Calvary's mountain, Every sinner may be free. Praise ye the Lord ! 3 Thousands have in Christ believed, Praise ye the Lord ! And His pardoning love received, Fiaise ye the Lord ! We have joined the happy throng, God is with us, we're His soldiers, Jesus shall be all our song. Praise ye the Lord l 4 Sinners, you may all go with us, Praise ye the Lord 1 Turn from sin, believe on Jesus, Praise ye the Lord ! Now's the time, no more delay, Hasten to the crimson fountain, Will you start for heaven to-day ? Praise ye the Lord ! 5 Hallelujah ! We are rising, Praise ye the Lord ! And the work of God's reviving. Praise ye the Lord ' See our numbers how they swell, Onward ! The Salvation Army Triumphs o'er the powers of hell. Praise ye the Lord ! 127 SECTION P. 8's and 5's, 131132. 131. Death is coming. tnf Moderate. i&.J. .N- J I Met. ^-88. I. Sin - ners, whi - ther would you wan - der? Whi - ther would you stray? I'T cr c'N* i# -J hj- h ' 1 ( 1 ~y ^ p | 1 ' K_J__i i 1 1 i I 9 * i n J J -* = J ^ E ^9) 2 F * * w -5 Sr m . ^ ^-, Oh, re-mem - ber life is hi hi -*- -9- -*--+- -9- -* II ^ ' i slen - der, 'Tis but a short day. 1 m~ I -m -m ~M i n fi?). -r- 1 r ^ =F c r r : i . r ^ < ' r F ' f -f- h 1 a 1 ^ I i ^ ! i V \ v \ i / CHORUS. jTr r r r 1 Death is com ing, ^ J j J sure - 1 J . II 1 1 ' y com - ing, And the Judg - ment Day ; j j A J. ^ J. J. J. -1 ^^ F r r P~ H 1 E E E E h r* ^-H i j 1 -0-^1 ^-.U !V- J 1 1 L_J , 1 p_J J 1 1 . s J I 1 -* t J j ; : J H 13 ^^ Has - ten, sin ner, to th ^ f ' r g r r ' r ' e Sa - viour, Seek the nar - row way ! ^ r r r r . r r r ^^=^fej^^-i 2 Satan has resolved to have you For his lawful prey ; Jesus Christ has died to save you- Haste, oh, haste away ! 3 Listen to the invitation, While He's crying, " come 1 " If you miss this great salvation, Hell will be your doom. 4 Soon you'll see the Lord descending On His great white throne, Saints and sinners all attending To receive their doom. 5 Would you 'scape the awful sentence ? From destruction flee ? Seek the Lord by true repentance Haste to Calvary. 128 132. Joy, behold the Saviour. mf Allegro moderate. Met. J = 1 04. ^ '. % ? c I ; r ?'??? i. Ho, my com-rades, see the mil - lions Dy - ing, soon to die ; J. . J>.J J J m g p =e -P- T=- p PS Fiepds and men and God de - fy J . J J. J J. J ^) End - less ru - in nigh I r / CHORUS Joy! be-hold the Sa - viour! Joy! the mes-sage hear ! ..3 ^3 f i ' Joy! oh, joy! be - hold the Saviour ! Joy ! oh, joy 1 the mes-sage hear ! r r r r F^F as r ir r r r I'll stand by un-til the morn-ing; I've come to save you,do not fear Yes, JJJ.AJ J Bfcfc r ' . *.M fc p g I J J^J.Ji J i Ji J. J j> h . -r <, igE g J S- ' . 9 g+4== r c-gg-g'P I'll stand by un-til the morn -ing, I've come to save you, do not fear, do not fear ! J feJ J-^f -~ J J J . / /. ^/. * ?^3 * ^ ^ ^ 2 See the mighty host advancing, 3 See our glo.ious banner waving I Satan leading on ! Converts' faces glow ; Drink and sin men's souls destroying, Desperate sinners God is saving, Hope will soon be gone. Spite of every foe. 129 SECTION Q., 133135. 133- Away over Jordan. mf Allegro moderate. Met. J_ ^ & 3 T I. Oh, we are go - ing to wear a crown, Oh, we are go - ing to q/JU J.J. j '-' . 3* 2 1 9 fir r 6 g r J * ? wear a crown, Oh, we are go-ing to wear a crown,To wear a star-ry crown. J J[ jyj. 4 -J J J J-^ J J. yf CHORUS. 5E r ' r r ' A - way o - ver Jor - dan, With our. i bles - sed Te - sus, ':-V J ^ j- i ~o G f=T way o ver Jor - dan, To wear a star - ry crown. J J J -J- -I -^ J i ^< . n S 2 You must be saved to wear that crown. 3 You must be cleansed to wear that crown. 4 You must live aright to wear that crown. 5 You must fight the fight to wear that crown. 6 We'll fight the fight to wear that crown. I3C mf Andante. 134- Just as I am. Met. J = 6o. $ i. Just as I am with - out one plea But that Thy blood was shed for t=e =E J: me, And that Thou bid'st me come to Thee, O Lamb of God, I come! JL k. S K J .JgL-J J* yj. J J | JR. -J. ,j r r""r ^ ^4 Chorus for the above Tune, if desired. Moderate. Met. ,J= 104. a - ny poor soul who would have sal-va-tion? Come, and we will help you on your way. 2 Just as I am and waiting not To rid my soul of one dark spot To Thee whose blood can cleanse each blot, O Lamb of God, I come ! 3 Just as I am though tossed about With many a conflict, many a doubt, Fightings within and fears without, O Lamb of God, I come ! 4 Just as I am poor, wretched, blind ; Sight, riches, healing of the mind, Yea, all I need, in Thee to find, O Lamb of God, I come ! $ Just as I am Thou wilt receive. Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve Because Thy promise I believe, O Lamb of God, I come ! 6 Just as I am Thy love I own Has broken every barrier down : Now to be Thine, yea, Thine alone, O Lamb of God, I cotne ! 1 35. Take all my sins away. P Adagio. [gfr , J J j i J J J | r Met. ^ = 48. -&. J J -j-| i "F 7 " * i T. O spot-less Lamb ! I come to Thee, No || | | J j=2. A. f , iL-^ _ J 1 . j . ^ 5 ' r -f*-^ r * -^ 1 i i Ion - ger can I J^J [J 1 , X -f lmL ^=^\ .2 * F ' 1 ' f"^ -f 2 F * FH -ffTTj j ji i j J j J^jfj. JTi. n feJJ^i^J|J. ;=^=* - * & from Thee stay! Break every chain, now set me fe H J J J-J J JiJ-jJ J J free, Take <=> J "i r r r r -=- all my sins a - way ! Jj7iJ J j , ^ n *P r . r f ^ P r P j , ^- V r r : i 1 j p_| | pq 1 i p ;;z/ CHORUS. ft I 1 1 I i -j 1 1 1 ' " mp i 1 i i Jf ft I J . J J ^--r? -J- \ 3 J L_^ rJ . J i pi ^- -^f-s ^ H Vsjy h* ^ f*^ | ^ * r 2 & . Take all my sins a - way, Take rd _i .^. _JL Jt gy ^d. r ' r r * all my sins a - way! O spot -less ! fij. JL A A. i i I 2 \ ~ m ~ ' * ' = J ' ' fi*^"S~F^ 1 I* ^ ^ f^ (^ P f f F^-: : j ^ u 1 1 P- -i- h P- ' * P FH 1 H 1 1 h- J i , -jJMf j- -^ J ^ s> ^ i ^ J J =jj j^Z. ) ^ JK i 1 ^*^ J -p-- i r o Lamb, I come to Thee Take 1 || 1 J 1 _ 1 r * all -* ,- i r' ' my sins a way ! 1 , fe^i p^-s ff^ 2 2 ; ^ 4$M * ^ | *~ ^ ' f \ CD p" p2_- ^ ? P ==== : 1 2 My hungry soul cries out for Thee, Come and for ever seal my breast : To Thy dear arms at last I flee, There only can I rest. 3 Weary I am of inbred sin, Oh, wilt Thou not my soul release t -1 r- r Enter and speak me pure within, Give me Thy perfect peace. 4 I plunge beneath Thy precious blood, My hand in faith takes hold of Thee : Salvation full just now I claim Thy Spirit sets me free. I 3 2 SECTION R. 8's and 6's, 136139. 136. Come, Comrades dear. mf Allegro moderate. Met. & = 96. r r ur tr r _. i. Come, comrades dear, who love the Lord, Who taste the sweets of Je - sus' word, In J J , J J J J J J J J , J J J-J. J J J J J J J J J J J J j .UL r r M 1 r r r ir r r Mr rp f"T i i Qjuj-ir^ f'r "F T : r ' r r r r ' f P rr , Je - sus' ways go on, In Je - sus' ways go on ; . J Our trou-bles and our I J I I I ^ ^ i ^ ~ ~ -eJ *~ Jl r r r r r-? tri - als here Will on - ly make us rich - er there, When we ar-rive at home, When ^ ^ f 1 ^^^^ fe TTTT we ar-rive at home, Will on-ly make us rich - er there, When we ar-rive at home i i i r f r r 2 We feel that heaven is now begun ; It issues from the sparkling throne, From Jesus' throne on high. It comes in floods we can't contain, We drink, and drink, and drink again, And yet we still are dry. 3 And when we come to dwell above, And all surround the throne of love, We'll drink a full supply : Jesus will lead His soldiers forth To living streams of richest worth That never will run dry. 4 And then we'll shine and shout and sing, And make the heavenly arches ring, When all the saints get home. Come on, come on, my comrades, dear, We soon shall meet together there, For Jesus bids us come. 5 "Amen, amen !" my soul replies; I'm bound to meet you in the skies, And claim a mansion there ; Now, here's my heart and here's my hand, To meet you in that heavenly land, Where we shall part no more. 133 137- Come on my Partners. f Moderate. Met. J = 76. 1 d: ife I . O Je - sus, Sa viour, Christ di - vine, When shall I know and (^~j 1 i feel. Thee mine,... With - out I J kN I I J' - J , r? J -*- ,-f- i a doubt or fear, With ^ J^J J. J ^ ^^ i mp cres. ^ rJ ; r out ...... a doubt or fear? J With an-xious, long - ing thirst... I J J J JTJJ r ir r i r :==& PCS: ^ "r F 11 ^ And keep me h mf = i And TTT r r rr r r r r rr r - And keep me ho - ly come To beg Thee make my heart Thy home, And keep me ho - ly here, J. J j j J J J J i M i p ^^ ^ keep me ho - ly here, -J-J ' ~ And keep me ho And keep me ho - ly here. ^ BE =F here, And keep me ho ' frrpr ly here, And keep me ho - ly here. ^ here, And keep me ho - ly here, And keep me ho - ly here. ' 2 I can, I do just now believe, I do the heavenly grace receive, The Spirit makes me clean. Christ takes the whole of my poor heart, No chains shall ever from me part My Lord who reigns supreme. 134 mf Allegro moderate . 138. He lives. Met. = 6. $ = c i. O glo - rious hope of per - feet love ! It lifts me up to things a - It gives my rav-ished soul a taste, And makes me for somemo-ments JJ- J. J , J ^ 5^ ^3? ist time. 2nd time. It bears on ea - gle's wings; With Je - sus, priests and kings. i u-t-s-t- / CHORUS. He lives, He lives, I know that my Re-deem-er lives I He I know He lives, I know He lives, -ar^r f g P P P P lives, He lives, I know that my Re-deem-er lives. A r f P f jt r w r s~ & ? I know He lives, I know He lives, 2 Rejoicing now in earnest hope, I stand, and from the mountain top See all the land below ; Rivers of milk and honey rise, And all the fruits of paradise In endless plenty grow. 3 A land of corn and wine and oil, Favoured with God's peculiar smile, With every blessing blest ; There dwells the Lord our Righteousness, And keeps His own in perfect peace, And everlasting rest. 4 Oh, that I might at once go up ! No more on this side Jordan stop, But now the land possess ; This moment end my legal years, Sorrows and sins, and doubts and fears, A howling wilderness. 5 Now, O my Jesus, bring me in ! Cast out Thy foes ; the inbred sin, The carnal mind, remove ; The purchase of Thy death divide ! Give me, with all the sanctified, The heritage of love I 135 139 Praise. f Allegro moderato. Met. ^ j j j j j j ^^^ r r r r r z ^ = r With King Je - sus as our Lead-er, We shall gain the vie - to J. J 2 From the great white throne eternal, God Himself is looking down ; He it is who now commands thee Take the cross and win the crown ! 3 Onward ! upward ! doing, daring All for Him who died for thee ; Face the foe, and meet with boldness Danger, whatsoe'er it be. '37 141. Angels call the Roll. Moderate. Met. J . = 60. P rr T rc I. When the roll is called in hea-ven, .. And the host.... shall mus-ter * * * m f r r CTP j. j- 3&t r^JJlJ: a IJ II i there, I will take my place a-mong them, And their joys and triumphs share. 5p CHORUS. An-gels call the roll up yon-der, Mus-ter day ... in heaven pro - claim ; Call the J. ^ JTJ ^ f -r^r roll, .... and at the sum - mons I will an - swer to my name. -^^JJ M-J is 2 When the roll is called in heaven, I will answer to my name ; And come forward at the summons, My inheritance to claim. 3 When the roll is called in heaven, To the front I'll make my way, And be welcomed by the Master To the realms of endless day. 138 142. Even me. Met. J =r 80. -&H?fr ^> j * j \'\ ^ i- i . i ~TT i u i i . ~ 77 H , =W ^ r > ^ ^J *! -fl^ -H &= gj r 3 .iriiiii '''rrr I. Lord, I hear of showers of bless-ing Thou art scat-t'ring full and free; jJ,4JjjJjJujJJJJj fm\* h i 1 r r ' ^ <5> m cJ * m c-* 1 i EE EEZod ^2 b b" A. ' ' H 1 ^ H =fe^ -f== : 1- -tS 1 - ^^E 1 H 1 ^l/ ^1- 1 i_i 1 1_| j i_i 1 H 1 i_f_-e 1 h 1 1 I ' I i i I i . i/ L P N 3 t E2 4= -^ -w U -^ S- 1 1- KH fc2= iE gj J ^=ii 3 r r r Showers the thirs - J J. J- - *r r r r r r r r r r r .y soul re - fresh -ing : Let Thy power des-cend on me! J-JjJlJuJjJJ-Jj r E r 3 "" a " 1^'u b i* r) r^ i* a 1 1 r i* L' [/ i r ^? r t i /^j , A ,, 1 1 1 I.I 1 1 I , 1 I ttZEn <^ J f^J i <^ XL 5 K 4 Q r\-x qj CJ ^ M ?i\ ^ (/ ^ J ^fc r^ f5 * a ("^ m /*3 * . r 1 ,^1 r n rrr f E - ven me ! E - ven me ! Let Thy power de - scend on me ! ,1,1,1 I'll J. -e .J-. -^ ^L ^ ^ JL JL j j | j f<*V h L i^ r [-^ -f ::: F- r' 1* -^ *- '"""' 1 p^b'y ' '=i 1 _| 1_ d 1 1 ~3 (* r r r* - ] 1 iHJ 1 1 1 1 1 1 ) 1 " f-* " 2 Come just now, Thou mighty Spirit, Make me feel and make me see ; Send the burning, cleansing lire, Now show forth Thy power in me ! 3 Love of God so pure and changeless, Blood of Christ so rich and free, Grace of God so strong and boundless, Magnify it all in me 1 4 Now Thy full salvation bringing, Draw my heart, O Lord, to Thee ! Whilst the streams of life are springing, Blessing others, oh, bless me ! Another son to the above Tune. 1 Yes, dear soul, a voice from heaven Speaks of pardon full and free ; Come, and thou shalt be forgiven ; Boundless mercy flows for thee even thee. 2 See the healing fountain springing From the Saviour on the tree ; Pardon, peace, and cleansing bringing, Lost one, loved one, 'tis for thee even thee. 3 Hear His love and mercy speaking, " Come and lay thy soul on Me : Though thy heart for sin be breaking, I have rest and peace for thee even thee. 4 Come, then, now to Jesus flying, From thy sin and woe be free : Burdened, guilty, wounded, dying, Gladly will He welcome thee even thee. ^ There, in love for ever dwelling, Jesus all thy joy shall be ; And thy song shall still be telling All His mercy did for thee even thee. 139 143- Glory, glory to the Lamb. mf Allegretto. 3 Met. j 76. i 1 r r r r I. Pre - cious Je - sus, oh, to love Thee! Oh, to know that Thou art . * f ~-\ - r r ,-CJ =*= J JJV j ;JJiJ yr r 5-rr r r c r-prfy- mine ! Je - sus, all my heart I give Thee, If Thou wilt but make it Thine. *J,J ' y.^,J J JV. ! JJ J.J r-g^rr / CHORUS. , - i I P r f g-g'r Glo - ry, glo - ry ! Je - sus saves me, Glo - ry, glo g to the ^=^ fe ii r r V Lamb ! Oh, the cleans-ing blood has reached me, Glo - ry, glo - ry to the Lamb ! J J ^UtU ^ 2 Take my warmest, best affections, Take my memory, mind, and will Then with all Thy loving Spirit All my emptied nature fill. 3 Hold I touch Thy sacred garment, Fearless stretch my eager hand ; Virtue, like a healing fountain, Freely flows at love's command. 4 Oh ! how precious, dear Redeemer, Is the love that fills my soul : It is done, the word is spoken, " Be thou every whit made whok. 5 Lo ! a new creation dawning ; Lo ! I rise to life divine ; In my soul an Easter morning ; I am Christ's and Christ is mine. 140 144- I will follow Thee, my Saviour. Moderate. Met.J = 8 4 . I. Je - sus, I my cross have ta - ken, All to leave and fol-low Thee J J * > J i 5fc J J l l/ />7 * (f tfr^-F F r " c c c Though I be des -pised, for - sa - ken, Thou from hence my all shall be. S S J. J. J" J* J. J J r r ccia^r y^ J , J fcfc = / CHORUS. ^rb h hJ J- ^ f H I i I will fol - low Thee, my Saviour, Thou didst shed Thy blood for me: JJ I J r* J* J J J J And tho' blood for me ; h J J 1 1 | S t y i * K J J N _ \ . ^vVb ~ * o 1 N n -J *J J 1 P-- \*\) mm* m ^-^ J ^^ ~* P~~? ** rj ' 3 riii all the world for - j J J J sake Thee, By Thy J J /J 1 grace I will J J -9- * r bl - low Thee. J J J. ...^.... 2 i i ^": 2 Perish every fond ambition, All I've sought, or hoped, or known Yet how rich is my condition ! God and heaven are still my own ! 3 Let the world despise and leave me, They have left my Saviour too ; Human hearts and looks deceive me Thou art not like them, untrue. 4 And while Thou shall smile upon me, God of wisdom, love and mighl, Foes may hate and friends may shun me, Show Thy face and all is bright. 5 Man may trouble and distress me, 'Twill but drive me to Thy breast ; Life with trials hard may press me, Heaven will bring me sw*ster rest 6 Oh, 'lis not in grief to harm me, While Thy love is left to me ! Oh, 'twere not in joy to charm me, Were that joy unmixed with Thee 1 141 dH I45 Land beyond the blue. / Allegro moderate. ^_ Met. J_ 112. M z I. We are march-ing home to glo - ry, March-ing up to man-sions bright, i 4 J> J: P^ Where the gold - en harps are play - ing, \Vhere the saints are robed in white. I I J s arps J if CHORUS. s J J =i e* ' r g-g g'g r r f r r There's a gol - den harp in glo - ry, There's a spot - less robe for you : i j - 1 ^ i*. * ' % ^ m ^V^JiJ When we reach the Hal-le - lu-jah ci - ty, In the land be-yondthe blue. ^ 2 March to swell the Hallelujah chorus, With departed friends to stay ; Sweetest notes of heavenly music Upon golden harps to play. 3 March across death's swelling river- Jesus will the waves divide ; We shall have a Hallelujah heaven, When we reach the other side. 4 Sinners, join our happy Army, March with us to Canaan's shore ; Robes of white and harps of glory, May be yours for evermore ! 142 146. Loved ones gone before. ;/// Andante. Met. ^ =z *E2 JiJ-J-j jhM F rr i. I no long - er fear death's riv - er, Bold - ly I shall breast its tide; I I N I E t P? ^r fir'C r-" r' g r r 3 P r u r r DT From His hand there's nought can sey - er. Who will then be near to guide. J J* J J i SiE ^ ^^ r^ f g rr r r^rr When I come to death's dark riv - er, fe - sus will be there to guide me o'er ; J\J J J J i 35 ? rT ^ S ^F^^ ^ r There where sor - row ne'er can en - ter, I shall meet the loved ones gone be - fore. i g f^ 1 2 Full of joy will be the meeeting With the friends on yonder shore ; There they wait to give me greeting When my fight of faith is o'er. 3 There the heart ne'er feels the sorrow That on earth from parting springs ; No dark fear about to-morrow O'er the soul a shadow brings. 4 For the weary heart there's blessing In the hope of that bright home ; Where the cross we find so pressing, For the crown shall be laid down. 5 Brother, are your sins forgiven ? Fearless can you cross death's tide ? Those whose hearts with guilt are laden Ne'er can reach the other side. 143 147- Marseillaise. f Allegro con spin' to. Met. ,J 120. r i. I'm a sol -dier bound for glo - ry, I'm a sol-dier go- ing home; ^ m Come and h > ^ ^ home,yes,going home ; -yyj j j J.3-J J r j: f - * - - 5*1" rl $r* . 1 * *--? *r i i i i hear me tell my sto V J J J J ry, All who love 1 I N * J : i M a?: ; 1 1 F=^= he Sa - J JL *-^- ^__^_JULj viour, come. 4 J- Nil i f r r I r p r <* i* -f _ , ^ ^ | \ ^-1 r i- T|| 1 r ff CHORUS. fi # tt fe U \ N fc K nij r ,y r j^ &= March f J. J '/-, >- g 1 r i* & * & t > <*--^-^ d-J To arms, to arms, ye brave! See, see... R i^~s P S v R I/ s \> * r . the stan-dard wave ! h 15 rw J-.V S J fe ^-- 1*"' ^T, , Mt =i E - ^C'E r > '" r rr; (-, . 9 * F ^ &- ^ r march on, J. z- irF-r to-ry or death. ^^JJ fe | ~^g^ r ji r r | i r i i i | r~r^ March on, march on, The trumpet sounds, To vie m 2 I will tell you what induced me In the glorious fight to start ; Twas the Saviour's loving-kindness Overcame and won my heart. 3 When I first commenced my warfare, Many said, "He'll run away;" But they all have been deceived In the fight I am to-day. 4 I'm a wonder unto many, God alone the change has wrought ; Here I raise my " Ebenezer," Hither by His help I'm brought. 5 When to death's dark, swelling river, Like a warrior, I shall come, Then I mean to shout, " Salvation !'' And go singing " Glory !" home. 144 148. Never can tell. f A it j -i eyes tnf Allegro moderate. , I I J Met. J = *=*=EN r f r ' f r r r r r r T > _ J. Lis-ten to the in - vi ta - tion: "Come, ye wea-ry, come to Me!' J J J r r'r r r r * * ^ ^ ^-?~ 1 ' ' ' ! ^ Come, and you shall find sal - va - tion ! Will you not to Je - sus flee ? You never can tell when the Lord will ca.ll you, You never can tell when your end will be J* J J Jl J J* -h J* i J f 1 <9 <++J + * \ O 9 ml gg'ggr r E ffi nrr Cast your poor soul in the sin-cleansing fountain, Come and get saved,and hap-py be. J J J , J- JJ. ih V J g ' it 1 r r r g 2 Jesus loves you ; do not tarry ! Hasten to His side to-day, And, by faith on Him relying, All your guilt will roll away. 145 3 Oh, 'tis madness to reject Him ; For, when you are called to die, You will want a loving Saviour, So in time for mercy cry. L 149- None of Self. mp Adagio. i * ter F=1F r r SOI'' ji the bit r shame and That a lime could F^ vain, and proud - ly answered "All of self, and none of Thee! 1^ 2 Vet He found me, I beheld Him Bleeding on the accursed tree, Heard Him pray, "Forgive them, Father," And my wistful heart said faintly "Some of self, and some of Thee!" 3 Day by day His tender mercy, Healing, helping, full, and free, Sweet and strong, and, ah ! so patient, Brought me lower, while I whispered ' ' Less of self, and more of Thee ! " 1 Lord, I come to Thee beseeching For a heart-renewing here, Up to Thee my hands are stretching, After Thee my heart is reaching, Saviour, in Thy power draw near. 2 'Neath the searching light of heaven, Here a deeper truth I see, Though the past was long forgiven, One more chain must yet be riven, Lord, from self I am not free. 4 Higher than the highest heaven, Deeper than the deepest sea, Lord, Thy love at last has conquered ; Grant me now my spirit's longing "None of self, and all of Thee !" Another song to the above Tune. 3 Though Thy light some pain is bringing, Thou art answering my prayer, To Thy promises I'm clinging ; At Thy cross myself I'm flinging, For the blood is flowing there. 4 'Tis the blood oh, wondrous river ! Now its power has touched my scul, 'Tis the blood from sin can sever, 'Tis the blood that doth deliver, Here and now it makes me whole . 150. Oh ! the Peace my Saviour gives ! Met. J = 69. Andante. I. Once I thought I walked with Je-sus, j S r Yet such changeful feelings had, J . J* J* J* J* J - 9 9 * 9 !* ^ g g g J i -p Some-times trusting, sometimes doubting, Some-times joy-ful,sometimes sad. XL ^ : ; m r g : : _ 1 E P^ r g-? ;/ CHORUS. PP? J. JJJ.J. s ff*f* ' r - gyg.^.g^p Oh, the peace my Sa-viour gives, Peace I nev-er; knew be fore ! I > ft h h te I gM J f , G;*tt i . P P r*- r J , h /* J poco rit. J. J jj s ^' r -*- 1 * ^ I* f + f \* \s v And my way has bright-er grown, s ! W Since I learned to trust Him more. .it * *- 3 'irg c g g g ^ 2 But He called me closer to Him, Bade my doubts and fears all cease ; And when I had fully yielded Filled my soul with perfect peace. 3 Now I'm trusting ev'ry moment, Nothing less can be enough ; And my Saviour bears me gently O'er those places once so rough. M7 mp Moderate. 151. Only Thee. Met. J = 60. r i J j j iiT^' 1 J i J .TJ^H I. On - ly Thee, m . 1 r f i r i* c i* r r V i" y soul's Re-deem - er ! Whom have I in heaven be side ? ^ j j j j J./; ,J r ,^ J j , i . 3, . i* r E S. - f j, f fl h i h N c r ^ -H ' ^r i --= ^ i F ! !^ J 1 f* 1 ZIP J . J * . ^ J . Jo * J . J J ^ . j j , EEaca p~~p T P" 1 ~ Who on earth, with ^^ 1. M. J* rFr? love so ten - der, J . J J All my wand'ring steps will guide ? j . ft . J , . J* rJ ^rrt> * * * * ^ Z = r - r I jg= p g i=: 3 r r r ' r "~r r~ [ k 1 U // CHORUS. rp- L -b J > I i f ns-d K J i J . J J n WP r : - ^ : J ^ . 4: ..-*.': ^ \ 3 r t, r On - ly Thee! &lP 1 ?~~^ 1 r t ' u i t p On - ly Thee ! Lov - ing Sa-viour, On - ly Thee ! 4rl -m w ar-s "^ ^ ^ } S! * ' r P p ^H E-f^H ^^ J 2 Only Thee ! No joy I covet But the joy to call Thee mine Joy that gives the blest assurance Thou hast owned and sealed me Thine. 3 Only Thee ! I ask no other, Thou art more than all to me ; Life, or health, or creature comfort- I would give them all for Thee. 4 Only Thee, whose blood has cleansed me, Would my raptured vision see, While my faith is reaching upward, Ever upward, Lord, to Thee. Another song to the above Tune. 1 Jesus, Saviour, I am waiting, Waiting to be cleansed from sin ; Now for Thee my all forsaking, Come and speak me pure within. 2 Jesus, Saviour, I am praying, Praying Thou wilt every day. Never leaving, ever staying, Walk beside me all the way. 3 Jesus, Saviour, I will follow Follow just where Thou shall lead ; Though the path bring pain and sorrow, Yet supply my every need. 4 Jesus, Saviour, I am leaving Leaving all to follow Thee ; Now, by faith, Thy peace receiving, Thou art living one with me ! 148 152. We are out on the Ocean sailing. mf Allegro moderate*. . Met. ^ 96. I. We are out on the o-cean sail - ing, Homeward bound we sweet -ly glide; We are out on the o - cean sail - ing, To a home be yond the tide. J m #*/ CHORUS. We are out on the o - cean sail - ing, To a home be - yond the tide. A jL j J , J . .N J , J J J ^^ F^ T-T f J\ J ' * v- ;% J J J jj-| j j j j ' r r r g ^T r i* r j-d-^- r We are out on the o - cean sail - ing To a home be - yond the tide. LJL 2 Millions now are safely landed, Over on the golden shore ; Millions more are on their journey, Yet there's room for millions more. 3 Come on board and ship for glory ; Be in haste, make up your mind, For our vessel's weighing anchor ; You will soon be left behind. 4 We have kindred over yonder, On that bright and happy shore ; By-and-by we'll swell the number, When the toils of life are o'er. 5 Spread your sails while heavenly breezes Gently waft our vessel on ; All on board are sweetly singing, Free salvation is the song. 6 When we all are safely anchored Over on the shining shore, We will march about the city, And we'll sing for evermore. 149 153- Room for Jesus. mp Mode Met. J = 84. , + l* r 3+~ r L. U* 6 -+- I. Have you a - ny room for Je - sus He who bore your load ci sin? ...... - a F- As He knocks and asks ad - mis - sion, Sin - ner, will you let Him in ? -J -J -J J* J J J- -J- ^ / CHORUS. Room for Je- sus, King of Glo fc ^*T7J ry ! Has - ten now, His word o - bey !. 3 = : H - Room for Je - sus, King of Glo- ry ! Has- ten now, o - bey!.. Room for Je - sus, King of Glo - ry ! Has - ten now, His word o - bey ! e ^r^ifr m ^ Room for Je - sus, King of Glo- ry ! Has- ten now, His word o - bey! s 3 y r P g P i Swing your heart's door wide - ly o - pen! Bid Him en - ter while you may. ^ [> N ^ fe N N V- -J- V V -J-.V -sJ- I J J^-F K K : H r : r r r g * g I : J r II g'r r lr g ^ p ^r^ SI- ^^^ 2 Room for pleasure, room for business ; But for Christ the Crucified Not a place that He can enter. In the heart for which He died ! 3 Have you any time for Jesus, As in grace He calls again? Oh, "to-day" is "time accepted," To-morrow you may call in vain, 4 Room and time now give to Jesus ; Soon will pass God's day of grace ; Soon your heart be cold and silent, And your Saviour's pleadings cease. ISO 154- Sad and Weary with my Longing. mp Adagio. Met. = I. Sad and wea- ry with my long - ing, Filled with shame because of sin; ?3^ $ w T As I am, in con-scious weak - ness, Here I must sal - va - tion win. -fc^- w/CHC)RUS. Moderate. Met. ^ 80. 'gJ he. All I have I leave for Je - sus, I am counting it but dross ; * * * * & ^''-5r 5 r*r-c I am corn-ing to the Mas - ter, I am clmg-ing to the cross cling 2 Oh, the joy of knowing Jesus ! It is dawning on my soul ; I am finding His salvation, And the power that makes me whole. 155- Shall we gather at the River ? nip Moderate. Met. J =. 76. m m i. Shall we gath-er at the riv - er Where bright an- gel feet have trod: J J J. J J J r r c-gg-g With its crys - tal tide for ev - er Flowing by the throne of God ? j j j. J ^ S J J J = S ^=f f CHORUS Yes, we'll gath-er at the riv - er, The beau-ti - ful, the beau-ti - ful riv - er : a ^ zz: . ^ . u* tf Gath - er with the saints at the riv - er, That flows from the throneof God feli4i i* J J J 2 On the margin of the river, Dashing up its silver spray, We will walk and worship ever All the happy, golden day. 3 Ere we reach the shining river, Lay we every burden down ; Grace our spirits will deliver, And provide a robe and crown. 4 At the shining of the river, Mirror of the Saviour's face, Saints whom death will neversevet Raise their songs of saving grace. 5 Soon we'll reach the silver river, Soon our pilgrimage will cease ; Soon our happy hearts will quiver With the melody of peace. 152 156. Shall we meet beyond the River? mp Moderate. Met. ,J = 72. /b V i hj J J - 1 * - J J .J P-J -= 2 ki 22 ^ : ^ r r r r r i. Shall we meet be - yond the riv - er, sm; J J J i * g jtf * i In that bright and r r i hap - py land, T J J 55 b * * m m *> m _i 1 F f r 1 r r r r ' ' ' |^ ^ 1 i i Ep b . M J|J J J J| J-TJJ | r'gr r ' r I* l* r And with the re-deemed for ev - er, r-g r r ' In our Sa - viour's J . J* J ^J T^T U pre - sence stand ? r-g r r mf CHORUS. r^ r r 1 1 f" i i r i i n i h i L/ i " 1 f^ r~^ 1 _J J J . J J > J . J -I - * * * J ! - J J C> - ft f* f F r ' r r i- r Shall we meet be - yond the ri - ver, . J* J ^ ^ g J J . 3:, 9 * * ^ n* P~~l* T~ ' F * j* * Where the sur - ges ^ 2 f "*" f^ cease to roll ? ,J J J n ^ r- g r r Ir r " ' l r - n r n . r ^ 2 Shall we meet in that blest harbour, Shall we listen to their voices, When our stormy voyage is o'er ? And behold them face to face ? Shall we meet and cast our anchor By the fair celestial shore ? 4 Yes, we 11 meet beyond the river, Never to be parted more ; 3 Shall we meet with many loved ones, There we'll praise our Saviour ever Who were torn from our embrace ? On that bright and happy shore. 157- Silver Threads. //> Moderate, con espress. Met. J 72. i 5 'P g r I. Sweet the moments, rich in bless - ing, Which be -fore the cross I spend . f I r ' r. r. r r JL> <-.,., , s - f 2 - r r' Life and health and peace pos-sess - ing, From the sin-ner's dy - ing Friend. J. US J-J* J mf CHORUS. ' ^ 5 i f I love Je - sus, Hal- le - lu jah ! I love Je - sus, yes, I do m J ccccc rt II g'g ^s I love Je - sus, He's my Sa - viour, Je - sus smiles and loves me too. ^ - 1 A i ^^ -i v v * 2 Here I sit, in wonder viewing Mercy's streams in streams of blood ; Precious drops my soul bedewing, Plead and claim my peace with God. 3 Here it is I find my heaven, While upon the Lamb I gaze ; Love I much ? I've much forgiven. I'm a miracle of grace ! 4 Love and grief my heart dividing, With my tears His feet I'll bathe ; Constant still in faith abiding, Life deriving from His death. 5 May I still enjoy this blessing, In all need to Jesus go ; Prove His death each day more healing, And Himself more fully know. 154 158. The Gospel Ship. moderate. Met. J . = t ^ 2 ^ w I. The gos - pel ship a - long is sail - ing, Bound for Ca -naan's peace -ful shore ; CHORUS. Glo - ry, glo - ry, Hal - le lu jah ! All the sail - ors loud - ly cry, =* m^ All who wish to See the bliss - ful go port to glo of glo - ry, Come and wel - come, rich and poor. - ry, O - pen to each faith - ful eye. A za: Thousands she has safely landed Far beyond this mortal shore ; Thousands still are sailing in her, Yet there's room for thousands more. 3 Waft along this noble vessel, All ye gales of gospel grace ; Carrying every faithful sailor To his heavenly landing-place. 4 Come, poor sinner, come to Jesus, Sail with us through life's rough sea ; Then with us you shall be happy, Happy through eternity. Afttthcr st>ng to the above Tune. \ COME, Thou Fount of every blessing, Tune my heart to sing Thy grace, Streams of mercy, never ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise. Glory, glory, Jesus saves me ! Glory, glory to the Lamb ! Oh ! the cleansing blood has reached me, Glory, glory to the Lamb ! 2 Here I raise my Ebenezer ; Hither by Thy help I'm come ; And I hope, by Thy good pleasure, Safely to arrive at home. 3 Jesus sought me when a stranger, Wandering from the fold of God ; He, to rescue me from danger, Interposed His precious blood. 4 Oh, to grace how great a debtor, Daily I'm constrained to be ! Let that grace, Lord, like a fetter, Bind my wandering heart to Thee. 155 159- This is why I love my Jesus. mf Allegro moderate. 'lUilfT UIO. .^i 3^E& Met. J = 84. I. Would you know why I. love Je - sus Why He is so dear to J J J J iJ wny tie is so dear to I .NVJ J J -J- ggr r r r 3 me ? "Tis be-cause my bless- ed Sa - viour From my sins has ran- somed me. J. .N*. 1 I I I . I J /J" ^ ^ r ccr r r r r r / CHORUS. t J: ^ f^ sus, This is _J This is why ^ [^ ^ ^ h [^ I love my Je N J 1 h m ^ This is why I love my Je - sus, This is why I love Him so, This is why I love Him so ; He has par JL doned my trans- rrrrrrrr ^ why I love my Jesus, This is why I love Him so; He has pardoned my transgressions, He has - gres sions, He has washed. J* N !> J t I I T tlT me white as white as snow. m mm *' U* U pardoned my transgressions, He has washed me, He has washed me white as snow. I S 6 i6o. Turn to the Lord. mf Allegro moderate. Met. = r r r I. Sin-ner, we are sent to bid you To thegos-pel feast to-day; Will you slight the in - vi - ta - tion ? Will you, can you, yet de - lay ? m A A A A J_J J . > J h I* h iS N 3 ^g^g- i v <* i* i<> -f- p *- All be-cause we do not car - ly i ^ s ^ "^ w : ^ 1- srr^rnr Ev' - ry-thing to God in prayer ! , > J J> > N J F r 'f ^ 2 Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere ? We should never be discouraged ; Take it to the Lord in prayer. Can we find a friend so faithful, Who will all our sorrows share ? Jesus knows our every weakness Take it to the Lord in prayer. 3 Are we weak and heavy laden, Cumbered with a load of care ? Precious Saviour, still our Refuge Take it to the Lord in prayer. Do thy friends despise, forsake thee ? Take it to the Lord in prayer! In His arm He'll take and shield thee, Thou wilt find a solace there. J 5 8 SECTION T. 8.7.4. 5 162170. 162. Austria. mf Maestoso. Met. = m ? r k ^^i ( I. O Thou God of ev' - ry na - tion, We now for Thy bless-ing call ; Fit us J.J.J.J. j^j j j. j.j>^ j. i.j ^ ^ ^ i g rr for full con - se - cra-tk>n, Let the fire from heav - en fall ; Bless our j.ajjJ3ijJ.jJ^J. J- -J- J- i F F Ar - my ! Bless our Ar - my ! With Thy power bap-tize us all ; Bless our ^a feg m m f == f = i ic= ^ Ar - my ! Bless our Ar - my ! With Thy power bap - tize us i i i h i i i i _-n i i _J J t - T.-^- * J "^ .* ^ J ^ f all. A. ^ 2 Fill us with Thy Holy Spirit ; Make our soldiers white as snow ; Save the world through Jesus' merit, Satan's kingdom overthrow ! Bless our Army ! Send us where we ought to go ! 3 Give us all more holy living, Fill us with abundant power ; Give The Army more thanksgiving, Greater victories every hour. Bless our Army ! Be our Rock, our Shield, our Tower. 4 Bless our General, bless our Leaders ! Bless our Officers as well ; Bless Headquarters bless our soldiers ; Bless the foes of sin and hell ! Bless our Army ! We will all Thy goodness tell 159 163 Blessed Lord, in Thee is Refuge. mf Moderate. cres. Met. '=66. 3 ^ r r r pr ~^~^^~ T~^r i. Bless - ed Lord, in Thee is re fuge, Safe - ty for mj \ \ \ j . J /2 j J r r r r ^ i i ^ i i tretn - bling soul, Power to. J J J J ~tT i ^TT lift my... head when droop - ing, H r r r r^ ^ ,rj J J ^=F ^^ r~r 'Midst the gry bil lows' roll. j. A I will trust Thee, I ^^ W J J i J J j ' i J j=m r r r r y r r r T rr r 'f r~r I will trust Thee, I will trust Thee, All my life Thou shall con - trol. Cfrrf-Z 2 In the past too unbelieving 'Midst the tempest I have been, And my heart has slowly trusted What lay eyes have never seen. Blessed Jesus, Teach me on Thy arm to iean. 3 Oh, for trust that brings the triumph, When defeat seems strangely near ! Oh, for faith that changes fighting Into victory's ringing cheer ! Faith triumphant ! Knowing not defeat or fear. 1CX3 inf Moderate, 164. Calcutta. jLj j ji i J i r ' i^ ^ Met. 4 76. ^ i. Love di - vine, from Te - sus flow- ing, Liv-ing wa - ters rich and free, ^ J J M ^ ^ ^S P HI i^jW ..., r r ' 5 r gr F r Won-drous love, with - out a lim - it, Flow - ing through e - ter - ni - ty. ^ - J gr gL r r r=f 5*F=P -i w m *- P P P' V P t Bound-less o - cean, Bound- less o - cean, I would cast my - self in Thee, w S Thee, I would cast my - self in Thee, I would cast my -self in Thee, I would g g P v in Thee, I would cast my - self in Thee. cast mself in Thee, F 2 Love surpassing understanding, 3 Love that pardons past transgression. Angels would the myst'ry scan, Love that cleanses every stain, Yet so tender that it reaches Love that fills to overflowing To the lowest child of man And invites to drink again Let me, Jesus, better know salvation's plan. I Precious fountain! which toopenChristwasslain. 6l M 165. Guide me, Great Jehovah ! mf Moderate. 5 Met. J 72. I. Hark I the gos - pel news is sound -ing, Christ has suf - fered J J J J J = * I I f n J J *- , * i i (fh ^ * -^ * i $ f 5 c- ' on the tree ; r r r r r r Streams of mer - cy are a - bou * ~X- /* . , nd - ing, f / i^r^ r f~ ' ' 1 r r 1 ^*+ 1 1 p ; 1 1 _______ w/f Jr L 9 9 9 J 9 J P J ^H- -H 1 Pn pEEp ir r -T r Grace for all is rich and free. Now, poor T J V - J J sin - ner, (t\* b 1 P 1 9 + ' L^ jj i ** i* ^ ^ ^*L_g i r*i i i ^rH? d 9 1 -L-ih P^-^r- ~~^ * ' y=F-r f r T r '-f-H=- 'r- 'g p : " Now, poor sin - ner, Look to Him who died for thee. _ ^1 k- " 1 "^ * - r r r r & Hi 2 Oh, escape to yonder mountain ! Refuge find in Him to-day ; Christ invites you to the fountain, Come and wash your sins away ; Do not tarry, Come to Jesus while you may. 3 Grace is flowing like a river, Millions there have been supplied, Still it flows as fresh as ever From the Saviour's wounded side None need perish ; All may live, for Christ has died. 4 Christ alone shall be our portion, Sooa we hope to meet above, Then we'll bathe in the full ocean Of the great Redeemer's love ; All His fulness We shall then for ever prove. 162 i66. He is bringing to His Fold n mf Allegro moderate. ( ( Met. J = 96. -1 -! 1 ! -, ^*.p A J J- - -- ^ J 3 J > * ^H i. Full sal - va - tion ! Full sal - va - tion ! Lo ! the foun - j J. J. / ^ J ^ J. J_^ tain, o f^.^,^* Z * _ f 1 1 m EzIEE: * F ' 1 i f* ^ F ^r- 2 P" J J J I- -4 m J J *___* (2? *,,*' - i i r r i is o pened wide, Streams through ev' - ry land and na j J j J i J. J J. J J tion frVft * _- p B ff 1 1 r+ F*- gg* * r fJ I- -'-- i > r r k_| L-^i_ 1 j-^j . n^'l iJ 1 nr*!!^ J 1 ]/+! 9 J J J 7* ^- * * * *J** ^-. J - 0i v-1) ^ * ' f P - - f-s ^ - e s r r j iii From the Sa - viour's wound ed side (ft\\ tt C -mi r ^" ^r** 1 1 ^ Full sal - va - tion ! (&*-f r ?=^=_^ f__I jj J V ! 1 j i 1 11 ~1 ' ' 1 ijft\ * ^ i^'" " ^ *^ ~ ~H Full sal - va - tion ! Streams an end - less A. J: A + A. j* ,n -1-^^ crim - son A J. tide. A i f f \- ^-T k-H 4^-J i* f F- r 1 2 Oh, the glorious revelation ! See the cleansing current flow, Washing stains of condemnation Whiter than the driven snow : Full salvation ! Oh, the rapturous bliss to know ! 3 Love's resistless current sweeping All the regions deep within ; Thought, and wish, and senses keeping Now, and every instant, clean ; Full salvation ! From the guilt and power of sin. 4 Care and doubling, gloom and sorrow, Fear and grief are mine no more ! Faith knows nought of dark to-morrow, For my Saviour goes before ! Full salvation ! Full and free for eveimore. 16 3 /" Maestoso. 167. Helmsley. Met. ^ . 96. V iM! 5E3 J-*-- J . 1 1 i 1 ^~d ^~ F =:: 1 J I, cJ " i i I. Lo! He comes, with clouds des cend - ing, Thou sand thou - sand saints at tend - ing, t_L 1 ! "' J J I Sr ... f f? f -* -a r:: rd i F 333 h=4 - r r r r ^~' f ^ f ^^ it \ *^H , r r"-' f^- 3 * ottt 1 H 1 1 i 1 J/ tttf X i * " J J ~* J. J 1 J h r^ ^ 2 rr - a * * Once for I fa - voured | 1 sin - ners slain ; . . . . Swell the tri - umph of His train i J. ~^ J J (jp3* Suj ^-5 5- ~^T = ^~ ~f^2 ^ ? ^ It ~f [^ f" 2 1 r 1 r lu jah ! Hal ^ r fei r^n5 le - lu - jah ! God ap - pears on earth to reign. I Is**. J 1 J. Hal ^i 2 Every eye shall now behold Him Robed in dreadful majesty ; Those who set at nought and sold Him, Pierced and nailed Him to the tree, Deeply wailing, Shall the true Messiah see. 3 The dear tokens of His passion Still His dazzling body bean Cause of endless exultation 164 To His ransomed worshippers : With what rapture Gaze we on those glorious scars ! 4 Yea, Amen ! let all adore Thee, High on Thine eternal throne ; Saviour, take the power and glory, Claim the kingdom for Thine own Hallelujah ! Everlasting God, come down ! i68. The Last Rose of Summer. P Adagio. MctJ = 5 6. I. Come, ye sin - ners,drift-ing downwards, Weak and wounded, sick and sore; Je - sus y '.JLJ *:J (^ C tf rea - dy stands to save you, Full of pi - ty, love and power ! He is J. & ^ ^ ^ F fel mp r- , ,:gTp 9 \ a ble, He is a - ble, He is will ing, Doubt no more, He is ? & i r * a - ble, He is a - ble He is will ing, doubt no more. J-^L-Jj. =t ^ u* # 2 Let not conscience make you linger, Nor of fitness fondly dream ; All the fitness He requireth Is to feel your need of Him ; This He gives you ; 'Tis the Spirit's rising beam. 3 Come, ye weary, heavy laden, Bruised and ruined by the fall ; If you tarry till you're better You will never come at all : Not the righteous, Sinners Jesus came to call. 4 Agonizing in the garden, Lo ! your Saviour prostrate lies On the bloody tree -behold Him, Hear Him cry before He dies, "It is finished!" Sinners, will not this suffice ? 165 . Saviour, like a Shepherd lead us. Met. ^ = 84. Moderate. i 3EE* * m. - 1 ^ 2 r > ix ^ i. Sa - viour, like a shep-herd lead us, Much we need Thy ten-d' rest care : J J J * J J. ^^ r r r r ^ ^^? S * " r In Thy plea - sant pas - tures feed us, For our use Thy fold pre - pare. J J J J J J . J - ^ ^^E -+-T- ix Ix ix //// CHORUS. P h m 3 r Bles-sed Je - sus, Bles-sed Je - sus, Thou hast bought us, Thine we are; Bles-sed h h r* h N r* ?^= -Z^- 1 V Je - sus, Bles-sed Je - sus, Thou hast bought us, Thine we are. -J--J-J*-J*-J- | "*JJJ * i 2 Thou hast promised to receive us, Poor and sinful though we be : Thou hast mercy to relieve us, Grace to cleanse, and power to free : Blessed Jesus, Let us early turn to Thee ! 3 Early let us seek Thy favour, Early let us do Thy will ; Blessed Lord and only Saviour, With Thy joy our bosoms fill : Blessed Jesus, Thou hast loved us ; love us still ! 1 66 170. Take Salvation. mf Allegro moderate. Met. J= 104. 9 ft \ I i. Hark! the voice of Je - sus calling "Come, ye guil - ty, come to Me; ? i r I have rest and peace to of - fer ; Rest, thou la - b'ring one, for thee ; m jj e f=f 7-*T S ^ fZ * Crc^r r FE =p Take sal - va - tion, Take sal - va-tion, Take sal - va - tion, &* d: -frfl Take it now and hap - py be, Take it now and hap - py be. A A J. J. j rrTiir r.r r 2 Yes ; though high in heavenly glory, Still the Saviour calls to thee : Faith can hear His invitaton " Come, ye laden, come to Me : Take salvation Take it now and happy be." 3 Soon that voice will cease its calling, Now it speaks, and speaks to thee ; Sinner, heed the gracious message " To the blood for refuge flee : Take salvation Take it now, and happy be." 4 Life is found alone in Jesus, Only there 'tis offered thee Offered without price or money, 'Tis the gift of God, sent free Take salvation Take it now, and happy be. 167 SECTION U. 8's and 7's (8 lines), 171176. 171. I have Pleasure in His Service. f) Andante con express. Met. J 60. I. What are now those burning long-ings, Oh, so strong with - in my breast, Long-ings N > i N J* J* ^l J J J J J sor - row, Tears of bit - ter an-guish fall ; h i* K For I know I once loved Je-sus More than T y T~^f S Repeat for Chonis. S \Tvv r all,yes, more than all! For I know I once loved Jesus More than all,yes,more than all! 2 What are now these doubts that hinder, Fears that point my soul to doom? Darkening tempests o'er me gather, In my heart peace has no room. Can, oh, can I not find refuge Where no terror can appal ? Yes, just now I'll turn to Jesus, And I'll love Him more than all. 3 Wherearenow thosechains that bound me Chains of sin, and self and pride ? Hallelujah ! Jesus broke them When I sought His riven side ; 168 Now a sweeter, nobler bondage Doth my raptured soul enthral, For there's pleasure in His service, More than all, yes, more than all. 4 Where are now the golden fancies That were mine in days of yore ? They are gone like fleeting shadows, And I feel their charms no more ; For I left my idle dreaming ^ When I heard the Master's call, For there's pleasure in His service, More than all, yes, more than all 172. Life's Morn will soon be Waning. nip Andante. Met. J=T i m i ^ *'*. > i M - . " i ^ ^~ I. I have given up all for Je-sus, This vain world is nought to me; All its k JJ JJ.J S -M. J* N I NJ. J* J JM E ggr Eifefc ^ O ' . plea-sures are for- got-ten In re-memb'ring Cal- va - ry. Tho' my friends despise, for - prgu.g g sake me, And on me the world looks cold, I've a Friend that will stand by me When the But my heart will know no sadness When the cir-cr r r year-ly gates un-fold. Life's morn will soon be wan-ing, And the ev'-ningbells will toll; pear-ly gates un-fold. hi 2 When the voice of Jesus calls me, And the angels whisper low, I will lean upon my Saviour, Through the valley as I go ; I will claim His precious promise, Worth to me the world of gold, " Fear no evil, I'll be with thee When the pearly gates unfold." 3 Just beyond the waves of Jordan, Just beyond its chilling tide, Blooms the tree of life immortal, And the living waters glide. In that happy land of spirits, Flowers bloom on hills of gold, And the angels are awaiting Where the pearly gates unfold, 169 173- My Father knows. mf ' Allero moderate. ^^ Met. J = 84. I. I'm a pil - grim and a strang-er, Rough and thorn -y is the road ? r c-g'r-c g FINE. Oft en in the midst of dan - ger, But it Anx - ious cares and thoughts per - plex me, But my leads to God. Fa - ther knows. ,A^ i! ^ i m F Clouds and dark - ness oft dis - tress me, Great and ma h P te & v * i ny are my I f foes, 2 Oh ! how sweet is this assurance, Midst the conflict and the strife ; Although sorrows past endurance Follow me through life, Home in prospect still can cheer me, Ves, and give me sweet repose, While I feel His presence near me, For my Father knows. 3 Yes, He sees and knows me daily, Watches over me in love ; Sends me help when foes assail me, Bids me look above. T Soon my journey will be ended, Life is drawing to a close ; I shall then be well attended This my Father knows. I shall then with joy behold Him, Face to face my Father see, Fall with rapture and adore Him For His love to me ; Nothing more shall then distress me, In the land of sweet repose : Jesus stands engaged to bless me This my Father knows. 174. O Saviour, I am Coming! mp Andante con express. _ N N N s S I Met. J = 66. f ' * * 3 ^ V t I. With my heart so full of sad - ness, I am corn-ing, Lord, to Thee K | ^ 170 m -sr^rVj i C> 22212 -=M I I lx k I k Com - ing now to find Thy glad - ness, And Thy grace so rich and free J J J*. E k y/ -fa 1 ^ N ^ I* v r ~ it ^ j . y j ^ ^ * ^^ t-H |M\ r ! 1 1 II . J 9^ ff i j VMV ^f JF E ujjv A **r^ f ^2 2P * ^P ^E ^E " 9 f~~) Emp - ty is the world's en I 1 1 V lx U U lx ! - joy - ment, Fleet - ing is its glit-t'ring show ; V~* I s ! 1 h N 2^ ^ N 1 J. -*- J J. J 2T-J--2 4_ J s~~*\* 9 y^ S a y^i) * V^* i 1 E CZHH^ZH x i ' r* v^ >l ^ 1 99999 r r r i r r r r r r 1 1 1 1 fc* U IX IX IX A 1 IS K IS w h 1 K iu N iu X U J . J J J L-T J C? f-J J . -^ 3 h 1 55- -ft pKP y ^ * ' ' H ' : ~ 9 2 g i F" 3b:5 IS4J 2 i r~~j ^^ P ^ 2 2 2 3Z3 o J 1 [ When m J- [ see my Sa-viour's bright - ness, All is dark-ness here be - low. f> f* 1 ^, N ^ J J -*- -2^^-^^ ^ 1 999 It jj 9 ^~^ CA i i f^3 - n ^ u r^~r r rr r (^ f ^~ ^ i* r * * - p . ^---fr 5O 3 ^ x x x x 1 i> x * r r 1 ^ mf CHORUS. Allegretto. Met. J. = 72. l-fl p; h-, 1 N 1 hi 1 ' i . 1 , , . fe-, vt^fi J * &* * * f> ' -* J. J. J =a t/ X 1 o 1 " ^ r g ' r ' Sa - viour, I am com |2 m-!. Z-l 9-i. 9_ 2_ r i j lit ing, com - ing, com - ing ! O J I f* -2 - . -2 - . , . J . J ^ f-5 * 1 N J h ^=q= r 'r - f 'r 19) 2 eJ Sa - ^ ^ r g ' r F iour, I am com - ing, I'm com - ing now to J* -M - 2* Thee .... 2 Coming with my heart of sorrow, Coming with my life of care, Coming to the Lord of mercy Coming to the God of prayer ; l D 1 2 f- f- H 1 K * ' ^ * i 1 k- 1 ^ ' * Leaving all the world behind me, Leaving all my doubts and fears, Pressing on to find my Saviour, Who will wipe away my tears. 71 175- Scatter Seeds of Kindness. 1 1 if Allegro Met. J= 116. I. Wea - ry wand'rer, wilt thou While I sing of dy - ing love ? Which did .'iVl'lJ, 1 ,, 1 !! 1 ! 1 ! 1 make the Sa-viour hast-en From the rich-est realms a - bove : In a sta - ble and a AAAA AA.AA AAAA A , , R^ man-ger Did the Prince of Glo- ry lay ; In the world He was a stranger, While He Vr-M A ' r n r r r r ' r r-r r r r'Err r mf CHORUS. w- sought for souls a - stray. Hark ! hear the Sa-viour knocking, Hark ! hear the Sa - viour !> I i i i N .1. ..J. J J J.^.-r^ ^^ *= $ J J J . ^ J ^ r^^^^=F^r^-^ knock-ing, Hark ! hear the Sa - viour knocking ! Wilt thou let Him en - ter now? m r r r'e 2 'Twas on Calvary's rugged mountain Where they nailed Him to a tree ; From His open side the fountain Flows in blood for thee and me. Though thou hast refused an entrance To this Prince of Peace so fair, If thou'lt knock in true repentance Thou shalt find He still is there. 172 176. Speak, Saviour, speak. f) Andante. Met. _ 66. f 1 *ttea-f3 r v * , i. Let me hear Thy voice now speaking, Let me hear and I'll o-bey; While be J- > F ^ f" i ^ fe - . y s i f i* . . r ' * I* i r r* "f ' T *j* ' * fore Thy cross I'm seeking, Oh, chase my fears a - way ! Oh, let the light now m & 1 t Tr^ E^ falling Re - veal my ev' - ry need ; Now hear me while I'm call-ing, Oh, M J-JJ.J.J f= r ?.?-? p i- f~ : =r= ~i~ fi*^ r. r r ^ir ET ^i r ^^.g^picr T ^ CHORUS. + J [;I I ^ ' * ^ 1 speak, and I will heed. h i Speak, Sa-viour, speak ! O - bey Thee I ' ' will i f^^rg ^p fe^ f - Down at Thy Cross I seek From all that's wrong to sev-er. NIIJ i * * ev-er; h ^ ^^ a r Let me hear and I will follow Though the path be strewed with thorns ; It is joy to share Thy sorrow, Thou makest calm the storm. Now my heart Thy temple making, In Thy fulness dwell with me ; Every evil way forsaking, Thine onlv I will be. 173 NOTE. For Tunes of Section V (9's), see Index. SECTION W.-IOs, 177179. 177. Abide with me. a Met.J = 66. =?=F I. A - bide with me ! Fast falls the ev - en tide ; The dark - ness _J , J J J. ^ J J j e r deep - ens, Lord, with me a - bide !. J J When oth - er nelp - era J- J J mr r r n f -. P r' /^ gr T' p TT fail, and comforts flee, Help of the helpless, oh. a bide with me t 2 Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day ; Earth's joys grow dim, its glories pass away ; Change and decay in all around I see : Thou, who changest not, abide with me ! 3 I need Thy presence every passing hour What but Thy grace can foil the tempter's power ? Who like Thyself my Guide and Stay can be ? Through cloud and sunshine, oh, abide with me ! 4 I fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless ; Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness ; Where is death's sting ? where, grave, thy victory ? 1 triumph still if Thou abide with me ! 5 Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes : Shine through the gloom, and point me to the skies : Heaven's morning breaks, and earth's vain shadows flee i In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me I 174 178. Christians, awake. mf Afoderato. Met. J - 88. =1 r r'rrr r * ' x 1 i TIT I. Chris- tians, a - wake, sa - lute the hap -py morn Where -on the Sa-viour of man- <^U-J J J.J. .J JJ B =F*F J J | J eJ l j ^P- f^F f-; ^ , fj i r i kind was born r r - r Rise to a - dore the mys- te - ry of love j. ^ ^=^^ ^fa^ ff Ifn HZ r r'rr r r 3 ? r i Which hosts of an- gels chant-ed from a - bove ; With them the joy - ful I I I tid- ings first be - gun Of God in car - nate and the Vir - gin's Son. l,,i J \ - 1 J f^ 2 Then to the watchful shepherds it was told, Who heard the angelic herald's voice, "Behold, I bring good tidings of a Saviour's birth To you and all the nations upon earth ; This day hath God fulfilled His promised word, This day is born a Saviour, Christ the Lord, '75 179- Poor Old Joe. mp Moderate. I.- = 66 I =* r & * r k k k the I. Gone are the days of wretch-ed - ness and sin, Gone are the days of ^ M g rr conflictsfiercewith-in, Gone far a - way, no more my soul to know; My CHORUS., ^ t- P 5 T r r r f. r t- t- i s? Saviours blood my heart is keeping White as snow. I'm hap-py, I'm hap-py, For with Je - sus now I live, And constant peace, and joy, and corn-fort He doth give. 2 Gone are the days when a Saviour's love I 4 spurned ; Gone are the times when from Calvary's scene I turned ; Gone, to be brought against me never more ! My Saviour's blood has bought my pardon- Safe aci sure. 3 Gone are the doubts of a soul that dare not trust; Gone are the fears of a heart by sorrow crushed ; Gone, by the blood swept far from me away, And now I live in constant rapture Night and day. Come are the joys of a heart in blood washed white ; Come is the peace of a conscience pure and right ; Come to my heart, there for ever to remain, " For me to live is Christ " henceforth, and ' ' Death is gain ! " Come is my King, my heart and life to cheer, Come is my Lord to keep from doubt and fear, Come mine to be while I to Him belong, And He is all my hope and comfort Toy and song ! 176 SECTION X. 10's and ll's, 180181. 180. I'll drink when I'm dry. 11 if Allegretto. Met. _ = 92. i I. Oh, tell me no more Of this world's vain store, The time for such icy* *" f J . yK r^ ^ * 1 p ^ i r r r t r r r re r tri - fles With me is now o'er; A coun- try I've found Where true joys a +4+^-.=^ t f^fr i CHORUS. ? ^ , r r r r '& r - bound, To dwell, I'm de - termined, On that hap - py ground. I'll drink when I'm ^ l J J- J J J,J J ^ J: ff r ^ J J J i J J J; I i || ^T^^^^-^i^-ff- r r r 'r i ^> ' r s rr i r r r dry, I'll drink a sup ply : I'll drink from the foun-tain that nev - er runs dry. *-^ j j.j j * iA ^ ^rrif-grip^ 2 Great spoils I shall win From death, hell, and sin ; 'Midst outward afflictions Shall find Christ within ; What light, strength, and comfort : Go after Him, go ! 3 And when I'm to die, "Receive me," I'll cry, But this I can find, We two are so joined, He'll not live in glory And leave me behind. 4 And now I do care That my neighbours should share These blessings to seek them Will none of you dare ? In bondage, oh why, And death, will you lie ? For Jesus hath loved me, I cannot tell why ; | When Jesus assures you Salvation is nigh? 177 N i8i. Harwich. mf Allegro moderate. Met. J = 84. l/k*? J-. jl H J r- i r^ i ^ . ^ ~~i 1 r~ i J^ CD 4 *- * * i 1 '= * ?-*- T t *- & (**--*- U*d r Uj r j j _) . r r ' I. All ye that pa.<^s by, to je - sus draw nigh ! To i i i 1 1 1 J J 1 -^ m m v - r * fi*' * J^^' -*4 ? ^s r T l"^ 1 o ( |*-jg cres. rr r you is it noth- ing that J J J sus should die ? Your Ran - som and | 1st time. I 2nd time. m^ ? * r sor - row like His. 3-LJ r~r see if there ev - er was sor - row like His jyj Si 2 For what you have done, His blood must atone : The Father has punished for you His dear Son : The Lord in the day of His anger did lay Your sins on the Lamb, and He bore them away. \ For you and for me He prayed on the tree ; The prayer is accepted, the sinner is free. That sinner am I, who on Jesus rely, And come for the pardon God cannot deny. My pardon I claim, for a sinner I am, A sinner believing in Jesus' blest name. He purchased the grace which now I embrace O Father, Thou know'st, He has died in my place ! His death is my plea : my Advocate see, And hear the blood speak that has answered for me ; Acquitted I was when He bled on the cross, And by losing His life He has carried my cause. I 7 8 n * SECTION Yell's, 182192. 182. Hiding in Thee. Sfl Moderate. Ml ' Met. J 92. jc *TJ i i i ~i "k it I * - sea - sons of grief ends of the earth ) J J ^ f-/ ^^-i- \ ^-s4 to my God I'll re - un - to Thee will I pair, When my cry, Lead 1 fdr'F' r r 1 1 ^-"' u ** \ ~~ = ^ == ~i^ r/ #* * ** 1 i i i \ i * 1 vT - <*f * te j. j u *^\ J * f ^* P - \ V>ly ) 2 ~- * cJ 2 2S I heart me / J- is o'er to the J J - whelm - ed with trou ble and care; From the Rock that is ^. ^ J J n f*1-^-^ ^ 1 K^-h 2 4 Ji J ZZZ i*^** * * p}'f- I | ic ^ r r~~ ^ ~P ^ 1 Silx 1[ I - i* r r 1 L. , j - ft " r J i i i v. ' KjdtZStl 1 ^ f^j. n It til', * " L/ * LTl* 1 . 1 P -J ---&-. ^*-^ d J- t& s * ^ 1 j ^ *- ri : J ! ^ *- 3 r r r high - er than I. High - er than I, Hid ing in Thee, I ^ J J A. r High - er than Hid ing in r 1^ * ^- n &*fa\ V : r : ^ ^ - 1 jo - r] t > ^ S" tf * ^- F ~f j 1 r ttn i J | 1 1 I!' 1 1 rr== a i 22 J J ! i , t-ff gj ^1 * < ) -& J 1 J 2 irt} * * 4 gj J I; Thee; ,. A. Lead Thou 1 ^i r i r r me to the Rock that is high blest Rock of A - ges, I'm hid ^ p-p--^ J J J r r r- - er than I. - ing in Thee. J j " ftf\* * -fe ^ JR 3? P - f L^_L 1 r~- T^ E r r r = T f 2 When Satan, my foe, comes in like a flood, To drive my poor soul from the fountain of good, I'll pray to the Saviour, who kindly did die, Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I. 3 When Thou, Lord, shall close my pilgrimage here ; In Jesus' own righteousness may I appear ; In the swellings of Jordan on Thee I'll rely, And look to the Rock that is higher than I. And when the last trumpet shall sound through the skies, And the dead from the dust of the earth shall arise, As I soar in the air to the angels I'll cry, Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I. 179 183. Home, sweet Home. P Moderate con express. Met. J- ^Yfl/ i- J ^ J J v > M i ~zj r~^ ^E ^- ^d f f -& t f * : * f l. My rest is in hea - ven, my rest.... is not 1 ^ J A J J j J J ^ J J iere, Then why should I J. I J J J gs/'%|(* * -P |* ^ ^ !* j* ^ m -T^r-=^=; ^-r-l i a L_H , ^M -4 L_L_ r r ' i Mi. 1 I . M/ 1 J .4 1 M f 1 1 i V i* J***T - IS 1 1 c --' i 9 J /T3tf^7 J'iJ f(D ^ * ? * " ii* i ? ^ J i - mur murwhen tri als are near? Be hushed, m J J J J J J ^ J J , L^ ^ r ' i r i i y sad spi - rit the , J J J J ^ wi_3Jl 1 1 &. 1 ( .^ ^r -^ f L -f- -It | f f , - ^ .-- ^ r D J^J- a i I F worst that can come But short - ens my jour - ney, and hast - ens me home. j J.J.J./JJ j_j jTJ J -^- =-^-F i P > / CHORUS. ^ 3 H ^ * Home, home, sweet, sweet home; There's no friend like jesus,There's no place like home ! J J. J UJ j..i J J.J J =t It is not for me to be seeking my bliss And building my hopes in a region like this; I look for a city which hands have not piled, I pant for a country by sin undefiled. The winds of affliction around me may blow, And dash my lone bark as I'm sailing below ; I smile at the storm, as I lean on His breast, And soon I shall land in the haven of rest. 4 Let trial and danger my progress oppose, They'll only make heaven more sweet at the close ; Come joy or come sorrow, whate'er may befall, One hour with my God will make up for it all. 5 With Christ in my heart, and His sword in my hand, I'll march on in haste through an enemy's land ; The road may be rough, but it cannot be long, So I'll smooth it with hope, and I'll cheer it with song. I So 184. Lord f) Andante, con express. , Jesus, i. i I long. /, M r^ 6a ir^btf <} 1 i a. J * -zd iP i ^- ^H r-- -J * v 1 1C) v 4 J 1 J % 5 - ; f- f- r i I. Lord Je - sus, I I want Thee for j , r 1 ' P c long to ev - er f r be per to live h 1 +- J r r r * * r r feet - ly whole, in my soul ; Break down ev - 'iy J 1 J J J- J J () |j i "1 ^ 9 C_-^ p (5 ^ r i ft 1 .4 fc H * ^^t> 4 * 2 f ' X ^- i i fZ> j | i i f r r i yd- -+^- H-r \ \ "" ! ;// ^ k =zj j v ftq |er* b J J * 9 r~ 1 3 * 3 r r r i i - dol, cast out jgr- J J J J I ev - 'ry foe, J Now r r i r~~^p~ wash me and ' I shall be * -J- * 9 r <=? Z i m * ff ~C En x b h F F f ' r r -\ ^P ~ ( f P ^ i ^ 1 1 PI 1 1 f CHORUS. 1 \ | 1 i p J at t ,i if- f-\ =^- * 4 ^ -5 - jr~ " i i ~r f whit - er than sno -*-- J - i r vv. Whit - er 1 1 than ! r r snow, yes, J whit - er than ^ * < r 5 ' > Z Icy- ry gHH|Z ^ i< 9 F-'-t 9 t z ; r & f* \ \ " x 7 \y ^ T- : h 1 LJ h I = f <* i - 1 *** ^r L 7 jp J ^ =F3 1 1 ^ ^k-9-h 1 J , ^ , 9 -pi- * -f *n-^ H ! snow, Now wash J f- l' me and J J r j shall be r r whit - er i .4. -0 r r than snow. - J J ^H- ' ^ =f= r r UE lef_ W= r 3 '' 1 i 1 1 2 Lord Jesus, let nothing unholy remain, Apply Thine own blood, and remove every stain ; To get this blest washing I all things forego, Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. 3 Lord Jesus, come down from Thy throne in the skies, And help me to make a complete sacrifice ; I give up myself and whatever I know, Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. 4 Lord Jesus, for this I most humbly entreat, I wait, blessed Lord, at Thy crucified feet ; iSl By faith for my cleansing I see Thy blood flow, Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. Lord Jesus, Thou seest I patiently wait, Come now, and within me a new heart create ; To those who have sought Thee Thou never saidst No ! Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. Thy blessing by faith I receive from above, Oh, glory ! my soul is made perfect in love ; My prayer has prevailed, and this moment I know The blood is applied I am winter than snow. 185. My Jesus I love Thee. mf Moderato con express. Met. ^ 96. i i rpp ^=^= i. i i i ' IM r i '^j^ 1 i I. My Je - sus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine,... For Thee all the j,-jjj,-jjjj-gjj-j. jj g^ ^ ^ ^- j-^r^rJ f -"r r r r^-r-r plea - sures of sin I re sign-; My gra - cious Re - deem - er, my J J J J e T ^ ^ *- mp ^^ ^ Sa - viour art Thou, If ev ^J J J. r r r r r er I loved Thee, if ev - er I J J ^ i J TT loved Thee, If ev - er I J J, J J J III i my Je - sus, 'tis now. J.J-J J-^- 2 1 love Thee because Thou hast first loved me, And purchased my pardon when nailed to the tree ; I love thee for wearing the thorns on Thy brow, If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, 'tis now ! 3 I will love Thee in life, I will love Thee in death, And praise Thee as long as Thou lendest me breath, And say, when the death-dew lies cold on my brow, " If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, 'tis now ! " Another son* to the above Tune. I O boundless salvation ! deep ocean of love ! O fulness of mercy Christ brought from above, The whole world redeeming, so rich and so free, Now flowing for all men come roll over me! 2 My sins they are many, their stains are so deep, And bitter the tears of remorse that I weep ; But useless is weeping, thou great crimson sea, Thy waters can cleanseme,come, roll overme! 182 186. Oh, the Drunkard may come. ip Andante con mo to. % Met. J - 69. j-jiu in i f i Poor sin - ner, thy Sa - viour is wait - ing for thee Is drunk - ard may come, and the swear - er may come, Back J3 J J. B x Ix I ""V I ^ ^ ! wait - ing to see ff from sin thou wilt flee ; His love is so bound-less, so sli - dersand sin - ners are all welcomehome; If you will but re- pent, and be c p rw i r P=E^= i=ft ^ full, and so free Then why not come home while He's wait -ing for thee? Oh, the washed in the blood, For ev - er and ev - er you will dwell with the Lord. tt -F-t^tv 9=9 2 The Lord is now looking, poor sinner, for thee ; He knows thy poor soul is in great misery ; From sin, fear, and death He would fain set thee free : Come now to thy Saviour, He's waiting for thee. 3 The Lord who has bought thee has waited so long, Oh, haste thee at once, or thy chance will be gone ; Then ever in darkness, shut out thou must be For ever from Jesus, who now waits for thee. The second song of No. 185 conlimted. 3 O ocean of mercy, oft longing I've stood On the brink of thy wonderful, life-giving flood ! Once more I have reached this soul-cleansing ! sea, I will not go back till it rolls over me. 4 The tide is now flowing, I'm touching the wave, I heai ihe loud call of "The Mighty to Save;" My faith's growing colder delivered I'll be I plunge 'neath the waters, they roll over me. 5 And now, Hallelujah ! the rest of my days Shall gladly be spent in promoting His praise, Who opened His bosom to pour out this sea Of boundless salvation for you and for me ! 183 187. Stand like the Brave. spirito. i Met. ^~ 104. r r i" i" i. God's trum - pet is sound - ing, " To arms !" is the call, More war-riors are J.J | J J J.JJ J J ^ want ed to help on the war ; My King's in the bat - tie, He's ^ J J J A-A. ? EE F=F ^ f r f J r-rT-^r-r^f call -ing for me, A. sal I J I 4*4 va - tion sol - dier for Te - sus I'll be. J :E y-y- ~^w a RFF ^ ^ ' !^J ^ X ^^ \ Stand like the brave, Stand like the brave, Stand likethebrave, With thy faceto the foe. 2 On land and on water my colours I'll show, Through ten thousand battles with Jesus I'll go; In danger I'm certain He'll take care of me, His blood and- fire soldier for ever I'll be. 3 When foes persecute me I'll not be dismayed, Sin, death, hell and fiends shall not make me afraid ; From fearing and doubting I'm fully set free, j A salvation soldier for God I will be. 184 4 I'll fight to the last with the Lord's sword and shield, And count it an honour to die in the field ; In death and the grave there is victory for me, A salvation soldier in glory I'll be. $ The war will go on till the world is pos- sessed, The Salvation Army Jehovah has blessed : More heroes of faith on the roll we shall see, The Salvation Army's the Army for me. 188. The Blast of the Trumpet. ;;//" Moderate. , H h 1 F^ f i Met. ^'=84. 1 I*"* 1 jf \i\y~f~t 1 ^J c? j j ^ a J J F h ^ ^ 4 J ^ sH " / err r I. The blast of the trum - i h* pet, f^j so j loud a jra. ^ + nd J_ " I* 1 t v > .__ 1 2 '/ I " > '' ** L. ' i ^- C: ^. ;VJi \ i n 1 - ^ K ! I i ' L- 1 I/ . I/ i i cj j ^ J jL. 9 h * )r jSI-T i ft* *-H w ^ Ti jt _ 2 i( ? f. f. H 5 F * r=> 1* r 1 -f-f- ^t 1 1 1 1 1 \f "if > i I H 1 J J d d=^- 1 <|g_i i J d 1 ' * r ? * / f-^M **r -f S * ' h eJ r rise, all ye bo Li - on ot J 1 J -* J nd - slaves, A - u - dah shall L J. J. 1 tir ~7\ 1 wake from your dream ! Be break ev' - ry chain, And J. A A LJ-.J i IT sbjj r r r^= r r r r r~ r t- L _| 1 1 1 P/J ; [S ^ f i i ' L_I | | 1__| j i ! iii' \ ^ -J J d J ^ ft - * _ f. + m. ^-3 . lieve, and the r r light and t r r ^ -P- r he glo - ry shall stream. give us th{ : vie - tory a - gain and a - gain. ' J J fn\* -S- S S -V , S * F ^ P" tT t~r i +r r LJ ' 1 M \ F 1 il_) 1 * E J 1 jaHt r ' 2 The world will oppose you, and Satan will rage : To hinder your coming they both will engage ; But Jesus, your Saviour, hath conquered for you, And He will assist you to conquer them too. 3 Though rough be the fighting, and troubles arise, There are mansions of glory prepared in the skies ; A crown and a kingdom you shortly shall view The laurels of vict'ry are waiting for you. 187 191. The Wounds of Christ. Met. j= Adagio. E 2 KT t r r r r I. Dark shadows were fall -ing, My spi - rit ap-pall-ing, For hid in my heart sin's deep And when I was weeping, The past o'er me creeping, I j.J J.JJ J*.JW s r ... if g I u ' r 3e=s= r- k crim - son stain lay, heard of the blood that could wash sin a - way. 23 ffi^E CHORUS. Moderate. Met. J = J-rJ- ^ ^^ Tf The wounds of Christ are o - pen, Sin - ner, they were made for thee ; The J -* ; Ig- -^- fey si J | J- J J J J * I? .rg !* P ^ F _ wounds of Chiist are I "* l j^.- ^T -^ fej TT , ^ *] r r pen, There for re - fuge flee. I i JS i 2EE r 2 It soothes all life's sorrows, I 3 The current's first waking, It smoothes all its furrows, Was when Christ was taking It binds up the wounds which transgression has A world's shame and sorrow through death and made ; the grave ; It turns night to morning, And angels were scheming So truly adorning To make known the meaning The spirit with joy when all other lights fade. ; To the hearts of all nations His power to save. 188 192. There's no one like Jesus. mf Allegro. Met. J* i\6. I eg? * Ix vr\ i. I've tra-velled the rough paths of life in my day, But Je - sus, He met me up ^2 m * F f ^ ( w-r ^ f - on the broad way ; He par-doned my sins, and my soul He set free, And the J: JJ-^ / : * & + $m- ' & F F 5- '.I! ^ ^ IX k IX I pi ^S J J^ J^l J J J J II J / CHORUS. f i broad way to death has no charms now foi me. There's no one like Je -sus can ^ II I 9^ P g-g r cheer me to - day, His love and His kind - ness can ne'er fade a - way ; In i ^tt J /l/J^-j^ * ^ S 2i 2B win- ter, in sum-mer, in sun-shine, in rain, My Saviour's af-fections are always the same. ^ v rf ^ "f. r ' *, r r. * ^ i r i* * t r * ~w^ I? E^ k t^ ? T* 1 x 1 ?* i ^ 2 The joys of this world I have left far behind, They brought only sorrow and care to my mind ; The heart that was once in such misery and pain, To-day is rejoicing in Jesus's name. 189 SECTION Z. I2's, 193194. 193. Hallelujah! 'tis done. mf Allegro. Met. 9 104. @ E^ -*3- ^=^- r r r r r I. 'Tis the pro-mise of God full sal - va - tion to give Un - to iii i J. A. A. A id A i i j I CHORUS. / J\ J ^ * :;s i him who on A A A Je sus, His Son, will be J. V 4 A J. A lieve. Hal - le - rrc/ir r I - jah ! 'tis done ! I be - lieve on the Son ; I am J. J. & | ist time. \ 2nd time. ^ . T? saved by the blood of the cru - ci - fied One ; cru - ci - fied One J J / -^ i i J ^ ^ i J^ J ^ 2 Though the pathway be lonely and dangerous too, Surely Jesus is able to carry me through. 3 Many loved ones have I in yon heavenly throng They are safe now in glory, and this is their song ; 4 Little children I see standing close by their King, And He smiles, as their song of salvation they sing. 5 There are prophets and kings in that throng I behold, And they sing as they march through the streets of pure gold. 190 I94- My God, I am Thine. mf Allegro. Met. J= 104. n p J j ^ CLP f" T r I. My God, I am i S h J J J BF^S Thine ; What a com fort 1 J di - J (()* C ^ ^"^ '""' ^ 4? 2 K f- 1 Vj^x * V * ^ ^ L^ v *'* f^ 1 ^* -^ *T j g > "" 1 "'' - j ^ ' P 1 * ' I cres. EN J h j"i J J ' =^= r ff * d H r^ =F r r ~r 9 ^ a 2 S~ ^ vine ; What a bless - ing to r r r know that my J J. J. J. J e - sus is i A A i mine. A /SB~V cJ m m m m a L~J' +T I I 1 r ^ t Si^~ > L i 1 i* 9 1* 1* F^ /CHORUS., I JV>.J Hal - le - lu - iah ! send the glo - ry ! Hal - le - lu - iah ! A - men JJ. J- ^ V-^rft r r-g ^ 4 Hal - le - lEElIEEES ^ i r r r lu - jah ! send the glo - ry ! Re - vive us gain. 2 In the heavenly Lamb thrice happy I am, And my heart it doth dance at the sound of His name. 3 True pleasures, abound in the rapturous sound, And whoever has found it has paradise found. 4 My Jesus to know, and to feel His blood flow, 'Tis life everlasting, 'tis heaven below. 5 Yet onward I haste to the heavenly feast, That, that is the fulness, but this is the taste. 6 And this I shall prove, till with joy I remove To '.he heaven of heavens in Jesus' love. 191 SECTION A2. I2's and 9's, 195198. 195. He called me out of Darkness. mf Allegro mode r a to. Mw= . n I s >J J*- 3i Met. ,' - 88. I. Long in darkness and doubt did I wander from God, Just the slave of my-self and of U ^r gg t f = g^g-F-* i* * Ix 'ix ^ =F=? ! -i* *- IX X 1 And I saw not the hell at the end of the road, Nor the r> s j i* _h J * i* i N > i J* _r r and of sin, g g /CHORUS. Allegro. Met. J= 112. - * dan - ger I dai - ly was in. He called me out of darkness in - to m^ x Ix I r? Hi Out of dark - ness ^2: ifeae 3- m ~ light, in to light r U* ^ Ix Ix ix U out of darkness in - to light, in - to light ; He 3^ fe? -fr-te I^^J. Jj.^li^^ z: g-gr r'r' called me out of dark-ness in - to light, in - to light, The wondrous light of God g-g' r'r-g p* - 1* 2 Oh, the world of the future was nought to my heart, And the claims of my God I ignored ; I Q2 While in no life but this had my soul any part, Till I knelt at th-> feet .f my Lord. 196. Oh, I'm happy all the day. mf Allegro moderate. Met. .J 92. t^:..* * I* *z*^. 5 r P 5 1 c* r 5 5 r u I. Oh, how hap-py are they who the Sa-viour o- bey, And have laid up their trea- sure a- tr k r & - bove, up a-bove; Tonguecan nev-er ex - press tfie sweet com -fort and peace Of a. For my Saviour He has washed me in His all a- ton-ing blood, And I ^ a ^ ^s^ p r f * * r F- in i ^ jj i j^^F H>- ^ ^ FINE. / S 3 ^ r L L-U rr soul filled with Je - sus' great love. hope to see Him washing ma-ny more. Oh, I'm hap - py all the day, Now my >>>>ii r> > f f ^ ^ ^ i Sa-viour I o - bey, And I nev-er mean to grieve Him an- y more, an -y more. l -*- K * , -*--*----*--*- K S - - - - - ^ ' f^S^ 2 That sweet comfort is mine ; now the favour divine I've received through theblood of the Lamb, With my heart I believe, and what joy I receive, What a heaven in Jesus's name ! 3 'Tis a heaven below, my Redeemer to know ; The angels can do nothing more Than fall at His feet, and the story repeat, And the Lover of sinners adore. 4 Jesus all the day long is mv Sun and my Song, Oh, that all His salvation might see ! He doth love me, I cry, He did suffer and die, To redeem such a rebel as me. 193 197- Ready to die. mf Allegro moderate. Met. J = 88. ^ s 5 & f- > t i. With a sor - row for sin must re - pen - tance be - gin, Then sal - J J J e*5^zr ^ r=F 2 ^ S r c g gj" p - va - tion of course will draw nigh ; But till washed in the blood of the .. J > J* J *E J. j. h N. J j* J* J / J r r ^=tc t-r * cru - ci - fied Lord, You will nev - er be rea - dy to die. * J h ^ J " - - * / CHORUS. 1 1 P^-h LL- And we'll 2 That sweet comfort is mine ; now the favour divine I've received through thebloodof the Lamb, With my heart I believe, and what joy I receive, What a heaven in Jesus's name ! 3 'Tis a heaven below my Redeemer to know ; The angels can do nothing more Than fall at His feet, and the stoiy repeat, And the Lover of sinners adore. 4 Jesus all the day long is my Sun and mv Song, Oh, that all His salvation might see ! He doth love me, I cry, He did suffer and die, To redeem such a rebel as me. 5 Oh, the rapturous height of the holy delight Which I feel in the life-giving blood ! Of my Saviour possest, I am perfectly blest, As if filled with the heaven of God. '95 SECTION B2. I2s and Ms, 199201. 199. Oh, turn ye, oh, turn ye. in f Allegro moderate. ' Met. J = . S ^J^J^W^ f 1 r I. Oh, turn yc, oh, turn ye, for why will ye die, When God in great i J - 1 i i J rJ J J >NJ j . A J J 3 a ^ *-%- f=f ^fe= r r T t- r r \ \ ( mer - cy is draw - ing so nigh ? Now Je - sus in - vites you, the i i i ^=^A ^ ^ 5 I t/CJ. sa^ ^C ^ I j : ^ J ^ I ^ * l^ T r f^r r r i i i Spi - rit says "Come!" And an gels are wait >J J J /^ ! J rJ J J. f ^l J ^ * .a EJS j, and an gels are ' >< F i i 1 v- m. f.. wait - ing, And an gels are wait - ing to wel - come you home ! J ) J J ?z 5 *t 2 How vain the delusion that while you delay Your heart may grow b Mtei by staying away ! Come wretched, come starving, come just as you be, While streams of salvation are flowing so free. g In riches, in pleasure, what can you obtain To soothe your afflic !on or banish your pain, To bear up your spirits when summoned to die, Or take you to Christ in the clouds of the sky? Why will you be starving and feeding on air ? There's mercy in Jesus, enough and to spare ; If still you are doubting, make trial and see, And prove that His mercy is boundless and free. 196 The Ash Grove* mf Allegro moderate. j I i { j yj-nri ^ J y 1* !"^U Met. = ^= TT .-I a m r r r I. Hark, sinner! while God from on high doth en- treat thee, And warnings wi'.h accents of J J J, J J ^ ,J J J ,J J J-J- i i rrr'r r r Ff=F /I 'a l 'J 1 B| -f-^" laSZz * 02 f^) - . - _ ^ P ' r i" i i r i r i i i _| p_. mer- cy do blend ; Give ear to His voice, lest in judg-ment He meet thee, The J J. j j J J J i J J J - ./j J J /Si)* jt if * i P ^ i -) p-*- 1 # ^i ^^ r r i ~T3 1 r ^ r ** r -fT^ HE 2 ! =f=H F ~f r 1" r~Ti iiuj' ri^rrr^f- har-vest is pass-ing, the sum-mer will end. Give ear to His voice, lest in J J J J ^ ^ judgr.-.;nt He meet thee, The har-vest is passing, the sum-mer will end. I I I I ! I ! I ms 'f 2 How oft of thy danger and guilt He hath told thee ! How oft still the message of mercy doth send ! Haste, haste, while He waits in His arms to enfold thee The harvest is passing, the summer will end. 3 Despised and rejected at length He may leave thee ; What anguish and horror thy bosom will rend ! Then haste thee, O sinner, while He will receive thee ; The harvest is passing, the summer will end. 197 2oi. The Eden above. mf Allegretto. cres. Met J = ' i i LJ r ^ P I. We're bound for the land of the pure and the ho - ly, Ye wan - d'rers from God in the broad road of fol - ly, The Oh, .J3. ^=L J - -,- V ? ^ home of the hap - py, the king - dom of love ; say, will you go to the E - den a - bove. J. E^ E ^ 4E // CHORUS. cres. ^^ I ^^^ u ^^ S ^ ff Will you go? Will you go? Will you go?. -J*' J 8 J -J*- -J* ' Will you m m r go ? Oh, say, will you go i to the E j den bove ? ^ -^- -- A = P 2 In that blessed land neither sighing nor anguish Can breathe in the fields where the glorified rove ; Ye heart-burdened ones, who in misery languish, Oh, say, will you go to the Eden above ? 3 Each saint has a mansion, prepared and all furnished, Ere from this small house he is summoned to move ; Its gates and its towers with glory are burnished, Oh, say, will you go to the Eden above ? LAST CHORUS. We will go, we will go, we will go, we will go, O yes, we will go to the Eden above. 198 SECTION C2. b's and 4's, 202203. 202. God save the King. f Maestoso. ^ i Met. J r- 76 f 1 r r r =f t. God bless our Ar - my brave, Soon shall our co J. ^ J . J J fe i j j j .j. / -j *- i :d=d= rt&rr O'er land and sea. Clothe us with righ - teous-ness, Our faith - ful i j. j. J. -T4 444 ^EEEEd i 1 P 5 ^ EF^^^r^ sol - diers bless, And crown with great sue - cess Our Ar - my brave. j.. j? j. JL u. ^, , NJ j>a 2 The " blood-and-fire " bestow, Go with us when we go To fight for Thee ; Still with our Army stay, Drive sin and fear away, Give vict'ry day by day On Israel's side. 3 God bless our General, Our Officers as well, God bless them all. Oh, give us power to fight, To put all hell to flight, Let vict'ry still delight Our Army brave. Another song to the above Tune. 1 Blessed and glorious King ! To Thee our praise we bring, For this glad hour. Thou God of peace and love, Thou Christ enthroned above, Spirit whose fruit is love, Display Thy power ! 2 Our General spare and bless, Give joy and happiness, And every good. Direct and safely lead, Supply his daily need For thought and word and deed Most gracious God ! 3 Grant to Thy people all, Thy grace for every call, In this our day ! That heart and life may be In joyful harmony, United close with Thee, Life, Truth and Way. 4 Help by Thy Spirit's sword, The true and living word Souls to inspire ! With hearts from sin set free, With lips new touched by Thee Let us for ever bo All flames of fire 1 199 203- Harlan. mp Adagio. Met. J = 66. i. My faith looks up to Thee, Thou Lamb of Cal - va - ry, . X J J H i i 3E^ 3 ^ rrr t^-r- '-F Now near me while I pray, Take all my I I I J- -J J- 111 ^44 -_- ^ 4 J Sa - viour di - vine ; rrrrr ^ t4 -^ I I I ^ I I 1 I guilt a -way; Oh, let me from this day Be whol - ly Thine! i- way I s I J: K 3=B ^r 2 May thy rich grace impart Strength to my fainting heart, My zeal inspire. As Thou hast died for me, Oh, may my love to Thee Pure, warm, and changeless be, A living fire ! 3 While life's dark maze I tread, And griefs around me spread, Be Thou my Guide ; Bid darkness turn to day, Wipe sorrow's tears away, Nor let me ever stray From Thee aside. 4 When ends life's transient dreain, When death's cold, sullen stream Shall o'er me roll, Blest Saviour, then in love Fear and distrust remove, Oh, bear me safe above, A ransomed soul ! 200 SECTION D2._ PECULIAR METRES, 204301. 204. All I have I am bringing to Thee. nip Andante. Met.,.*- i i Iflrfr -P fN^f 3fc=pt=Z I. All I cave by Thy blood Thou dost claim, Bles - sed m/CHOKUS.All I have I am bring - ing to Thee, All I J 1 > 3 J m 3 ^=f Lord, who for me once was have I am bring- ing to Now Thine own In Thy steps will give Thee, I will fol - low, come ^5 ^ dim. * * Repeat for Chorus. know Thou wilt take me, Though long Thou hast plead - ed in vain, joy or come sor - row, Dear Sa - viour I will fol - low Thee. ^ >J C v \ t t t t ^ 2 With my all at Thy cross, Lord, I part, See, I bring Thee my rnind and my heart ; Here's my body and spirit, My all Thou shall have it, I'll live for Thy glory alone. 3 All I have it shall be nothing less- All I have Thou shall own, Lord, and bless ; Loss and pain shall not hinder ; I'll keep back no longer From being Thine fully, my Lord. 4 Days of darkness there may be for me, Rough and steep, too, my pathway may be ; But the joy or the sorrow That comes with to-morrow, Will just be the fittest for me. 5 Though by darkness my future is veiled, Here's my all, for Thy love has prevailed ; I no longer will doubt Thee, I know Thou dost save me, My life shall be wholly for Thee. 205- Amen for the Flag. ./ 1'i vaci ' Met. J= H2. i. A - men for the flag to The Ar - my so dear, 'Tis th? ^^-/J /J.J ^/J i* f " r -r r r- ^ -Q-i- 3 flag for all lands and all seas ; The flag that is mak - ing hell's ? EE E 1 fr- ESE= ^^ F & le gions to fear, The flag both for war and for peace. The j V s J* J ^_J j* f .J / _!> I J ?^E ^=t 2 ^^ "^ * ~t IP r r r r^ flag that will ev er in bat - tie look bright, The flag that will |S ^ ^ k I ^f u* > r ^ x \vave till the wrong is put right, The flag that shall tri umph with I >> I > > J N h I J?j^ i I "^ * * I F^ 202 if^~r~ ^g i :z= r A sal va - tion might, Is the flag of The Sal - va - tion Ar my, ^ ^ .J. 1 1 r g g / CHORUS. I U* The flag ^ that guides poor sin - ners on the way, The S f > *=^ ^=? ^ ^ -^r^^ r- ^ r r flag that leads to end - less day, The flag that fills all c hell with dis - may, Is the flag of The Sal va - tion Ar - my. i z ^ 2 The flag for all people, for conquest and song, The banner of blood and of fire ; The flag for the brave, nobly marching along, The flag that is leading us higher. The flag and the music that cheers up the way, The flag that will conquer, oppose it who may, The flag that is giving to Jesus the sway, Is the flag of The Salvation Army. 3 The flag ever bringing salvation to view,. The flag that the holy will fly ; The crest and the yellow, the red and the blue, The flag we will wave till we die. The flag that will gather wherever it waves, The flag that keeps winning thebattlesitbraves,. The flag to be waved by the side of our graves, Is the flag of The Salvation Army. 203 206. Anything for Jesus. Hip Allegro moderate. i i 5 Met. J=--92. rfc 3E~ I I f=T I Te-sus, precious Sa- viour. Thou hast saved my soul, From sin's foul cor - rup - tion J. J J. ^L . J. J.. .Uj J-J. J J. ^=^ i i ra-T-P- , , w. i p i j r r r atj rr ' r r r f"r made me ful - ly whole ; Ev' - ry hour I'll serve Thee, what-e'er may be - fall, I I J J ^ ---*----* -*- ^ ,-*- + + -*.-- 4 A , J -+- 'f S , <=!-* -, r r r r mf CHORUS. F ^ f y rrrPT^. Till in heaven I crown Thee Iving and Lord of all. a ^ f All my heart I give Thee, \An - y- thing for Je - sus, -J.-J- -&. -^, r -- I* r ^ I I ^B ' \\' m m ~m m I J ^ ! r r r i r ^ !^ ^Ir--!!; r r r i'tf z= p = l 3 ^2: IT day by day, come what may; All my life I give Thee, dy-ing men to save. I will dare, and not fear ; An-y-thing for Je - sus, I will glad-ly dare. J--JJ = 5^ 2 From the lowly manger I will follow Thee, In the desert and the strife near Thee I will be ; E'en the sufferings of the cross I will gladly bear, If with Thee in heaven I a crown may wear. 3 In the toils and conflicts faithful I will be, All things I will gladly bear, they'll be good for me To be a saviour of mankind, slaves of sin to bring, Give uie holy courage, mighty, mighty King. 204 207- Are you washed? f Allegro moderate. Met. J = 84. 3 3 i. Have you been to Je-sus for the cleansing power? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Are you J J I .^,J ^^ i 999 f * * * f <* / CHORUS. 9 9 9 ' g g 1 f r S * ^ 9- rrtHi f r r *t- rf i - ful-ly trusting in His grace this hour?Areyouwashedinthebloodofthe Lamb? Are you i f i i * . ^ - fT z F5 : *. i ^ i r- washed in the blood i Inthesoul-cleansingbloodof theLamb ? PJM JJ-i ^ Nj ^ - fe j Are your i^-i- ^^ Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? K r garments spotlessPAre thev white as snow? Areyou washed in the blood oi the Lamb ? - 8 >M /-J - d 9=* ^^E r r g g g c 2 Are you walking daily by the Saviour's side ? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb ? Do you rest each moment in the Crucified ? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb f 3 When the Bridegroom cometh, will your robes be white- Pure and white in the blood of the Lamb ? \Vill your soul be ready for the mansion bright, And be washed in the blood of the Lamb ? 205 208. At the Cross. -Q- mf Moderate. Met. J = 76. m $ r r-v ^ ' * Pi i. When my heart was so hard Thai I ne'er would re - gard CHORUS. At the cross, at the cross, Where I first saw the light, ^ P* J* h I N fe ! i The sal - And the N 1* z T cres. ^-^ Js ! I* S ^ g g' r g g held up to my sight, To the cross when I my heart rolled a - way ; It was there by came faith In my I re - :e: v ^ ^ ^H ^ dark - ness and shame, It was there where I first saw the light, ceived my sight, And now I am hap - py all the day. ^^^ 2 For my blindness I thought That no power could have wrought Such a marvel of wonder nnd might : But 'twas done, for I felt At the cross as I knelt That my darkness was turned into light. 3 Then the gloom had all passed, And, rejoicing at last, I was sure that my soul was made right ; For my Lord I could see In His love died for me On the cross where I first saw the light Another song to the above Tune. 1 There is life for a look at the Crucified One ; There is life at this moment for thee ; Then look, sinner look unto Him and be saved Unto Him who was nailed to the tree. 2 Oh, why was he there as the Bearer of Sin, If on Jesus thy sins were not laid ? Oh, why from His side flowed the sin- cleansing blood, If His dying thy debt has not paid ! 3 It is not thy tears of repentance, or prayers, But the blood that atones for the soul ; On Him then who shed it thou mayest at once Thy weight of iniquities roll. 4 His anguish of soul on the cross thou hast seen, His cry. of distress thou hast heard ; Then why, if the terrors of wrath He endured, Should pardon to thee be deferred ? 206 209. At the Cross there's Room. f) Andante* con mo to. Met. ^ 92. fcmL^U^J=j=j 3E^=^ --^~v- ^ , ^ _^^^._^ fjf&. p=^- r - r - p I. Sin - net, where - so - e'ei thou art, At the cross there's room !' J J J J JJ J J jj 1 [^ ). rf7~t* s"t ' >^ i ar~ ->6- -^ : - -4 - 4 ^ i T* p. -r , IL ' X ~\)\p C) ~^ J : * | , -^ ^- S . ; ^R ^~ ! ' ^ 2^ 1^ i* j| ^j " ^^ ~ J r fa f f r * r Tell the bur - den of thy heart, At the cross th< JJ^JJJJ J-J-rJ :re's i^ r room ! J p)- rfc^ ^ * (^ P a B ^~|7 ?*^ * 1 ^~ ?"3 d r^ 1 1 ' ' 1 r _J i - V Lv? 1 1 ^ 2 ^J= C^ ^ " ~" ~ ^ ' r -* r * i r r r r r Tell it in tny Sa-viour's ear, Cast a - way thy ev ^J ^ iifj J i^ir ^liV T - 'ry r fear; 1 ^^^p^ p |- p i i \ i p r n K, 1 ! 1 i ! ' -g^> r) - r > r J J | ,J J - -d jjjEE d' 1 1 ' On - ly speak and He will hear ; At the c _ j^j. r j ^i j. j j r r r - ross there's room. 1 73 i ^ L^^^L _ _= m &>- -7T3-T 2 Haste thee, wanderer, tarry not ; At the cross there's room. Seek that consecrated spot ; At the cross there's room. Heavy laden, sore oppressed, Love can soothe thy troubled breast ; In the Saviour find thy rest ; At the cross there's room. 3 Thoughtless sinner, come to-day ; At the cross there's room. Hark ! the Bride and Spirit say, At the cross there's room. Now a living fountain see, Opened there for thee and me, Rich and poor, for bond and free, At the cross there's room. 4 Blessed thought 1 For every one, At the cross there's room. "Love's atoning work is done ; At the cross there's room. Streams of boundless mercy flow, Free to all who thither go ; Oh ! that all the world might know, At the cross there's room. 207 mp Adagio. 2io. At Thy feet I fall. id: Met. J= 56. 3 u* i*. U t- k ' r- r- i i^ I. O Lamb of God ! Thou won- der - ful Sin - bear - er, Hard af-terThee my -0 0-* -~s m f. m ^ J J; "*' ~*~ * J_ ^r flE ? ^ C '5 - u * - cres. m p ,~ g ~ r ~ ^ r E r TI, - i u ^ i u^ U U U U i soul doth fol-low on; As pants the hart for streams in des - erts drea - ry, So As pants the hart J j _hJU. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ CHORUS. w/ Moderato. Met ^^ pants rny soul for Thee, O Thou life - giv - ing One. At Thy feet I ^ m i i i i i i i i ... Yield thee up my all, To suf fer, live, or die, For my Lord cm -'ci - fied. '^L^AJ^A &Y.. I* ^ T^^r 2 I mourn, I mourn the sin that drove Thee from me, And blackest darkness brought into my soul ; Now I renounce the cursed sin that hindered, And come once more to Thee to be made fully whole. 3 Come, Holy Ghost, Thy mighty aid bestowing, Destroy the works of sin, the sejf, the pride ; Burn, burn in me, my idols overthrowing : Prepare my heart for Him for my Lord crucified. 208 2ii. Be in Time. mf Moderate. Met. ^'.1=84. f 3gS I. The voice ot wis - dom cries,... Be in time, I^~J" J- ; J 1 J. J> J . J h i 1 -J* ^T*'* C* ^ s m \ [>* i * > f E r p f *W_*- / I*J L) ^ * r L rffcfr l : -* J J r* i ^ m F- 2 * . * f f y * ^ r j jp ; 9 tiir.e ! The voice ot wis - dom cries,. j- j^ ^ j* j- / j. I r ^ Be in J J - . --- time ! /,,v -i ff ^ ^ at i^riy* | w^ *" j ^ ^ r - * 'r v^ ^ *- ' 1 ^ i ^* F^ 1 u 1 1 -^ iA_J J J* J. -r \ Ht- -p -, g f ^\ P * ^~ ~^f ^ ^ |* f r z ' r ... J i* ' * 9 a J IX X 1 ^ | To give up ev - 'ry sin In j . JL JL J* J ^.. ^ - Y -f -W- - f ' !*- car - nest -JR. ^ -^- -i now be p r j * i* J> ^ I? ^ =sd 5 n i k_ y i i K P l* . ; i B3 i^^ l^J -d i^-* s^ J^~>^P i F^ i E= _ 5.^ y ** ^ i p r_ v \ l i U t gin, The night will soon set fxzp ^ ^ ^ > in, Be in r r I. >- -*- . 1 time. /* i . E i * = n (& f^~ f f f 1 i jj-H-- 5 r r \- -F ^d I 2 Ye aged sinners, hear, Be in time, be in time ; Your sands are running fast, Harvest will soon be past, Your die will soon be cast, liC in time. i Though late, ye may return, Be in time, be in time ; Though late, ye may return, You're not too old to learn, While the lamp holds out to burn, Be in time. 4 Ye who are young in years, Be in time, be in time ; Ye say you're in your bloom And far from the dark tomb, Bat mind, your day will come, Be in time. 5 Backslider, dost thou hear ? Be in time, be in time ; Thy sinful course forsake, Thyself to prayer betake, Thy deathless soul's at stake, Be in time. 209 212. Before I got Salvation. mf Allegro. & Met. ^ .- 100. *-*r I. Be - fore I got sal-va-tion I was sunk in de-gra-da-tion, And from my Sa-viour J: ^ ^ wandered far a - stray ; But I came to Calv'ry's mountain, Where I fell in-to the fountain, And J* s .Ntyj.-M-^ / CHORUS. f.Afff -&- K iT w r- r- w r- r- r- W \ ~~^ ^ XXX from my heart the bur-den rolled a - way. 'Twas a hap-py day, and no mistake, When -J J* f f^ ( r r r ^=1 u ^ u i^ ], g g c g^rrrg Je-sus from my heart did take The load of sin that made it ache, And filled my soul with jo;'. g EEEEppEp ' g p g ---- ix k L^ 2 Since I have been converted And the devil's ranks deserted, I've had such joy and gladness in my soul ! For Jesus I've been fighting, And in the war delighting, And now I'm pressing on towards the goal. 3 If faithful to my Saviour, I shall enjoy His favour, And He will keep me safely to the end ; And when I cross the river, I'll live with Him for ever. And one eternal day of glory spend, 213- Begone, vain World. nf Allegretto. Met. J . = i JrJ i"iJ / f i. Be - gone, vain world! Thou hast no charms for me, J: V . A. My ^ ^EE ? PI iE P r cap - tive soul. has long been held by thee : ATA -' Mr p r , JH-J^pHE:*^ f f. f ff I * * y I ft I v^V r g r g'r g f lis - tened long To thy vain song, And thought thy mu - sic sweet, And m r c cr CTr^f i l 2 What are thy charms, could I command the whole ? Thy mingled sweets could never feed a soul. A nobler prize Attracts mine eyes, Where trees immortal grow, A fruitful land where milk and honey flow. 3 My soul, through grace, on wings of faith shall rise Towards that dear place where my possession lies ; That sacred land At God's right hand, My dear Redeemer's throne, Where Jesus pleads, and makes my cause His own. 211 214- Beyond the River. Met. ^ 104. nif Allegro. I ist. \ \ 2nd. : | p* j J J J * * *+ p +** t f U* I t-i$l I. No mortal eye that land hath seen, Beyond, beyond the ri - ver ; Its smil-ing valleys, hills so green, Beyond, beyond the N , I I I ! ^ \ I i ri - ver. I is fj i rfr'Fr' rprjrrTr shores are com-ing near-er, The skies are grow-ing clear - er. Lach day it seem-eth I jJ. I I ji. I I A. / CHORUS. J : i i?- dear-er, That land beyond the ri-ver. We'll stand thestorm, we'll stand thestorm, Its I i i M. A jsi j -h- ^ i -^T f f 3 a, -. i : ^T 1 ^ ijp r >r f r rTir r r F rage is al-most o - ver ;We'llanchorin theharboursoon,Inthat land beyond tlie ri -ver. f ^F 5 2 No cankering care, no mortal strife, Beyond, beyond the river ; But happy, never-ending life, Beyond, beyond the river. Through the eternal hours, God's love in heavenly showers Shall water faith's fair flowers, In the land beyond the river. 3 That glorious day will ne'er be done, Beyond, beyond the river ; When we've the crcwn and kingdom \von ; Beyond, beyond the river ; There is eternal pleasure, And joys that none can measure, For those who have their treasure In the land beyond the river. 4 When we shall look from Zion's hill, Beyond, beyond the river ; With endless bliss our hearts shall thrill, Beyond, beyond the river ; There angels bright are singing, There golden harps arc ringing, We ne'er shall cease our singing, In the land beyond the river. 212 2IS Bringing in the Sheaves. mf Allegro moderate. ^ ^ . . Met. J = 76. S S S ~fe I , rr j- j j=j o * m ^ 3S m i. Sin-ner, thou art speeding, Down to death, unheed - ing. Hear the Sa-viour pleading, -^ J . J I ~q s ix Ix ix i^ I -^ F C C tt r PP SE ^^ Haste, oh, haste a - way ! From His mer - cy turn - ing, Dy - ing love still spurn-ing, I Pfy r r r "^ ? ^~T r ' J4Nl / CHORUS. r v.' n VJ iv u o. i^ i^ 1 Ov-er thee He's yearning, Oh, get saved to-day ! Coming home to-day, Coming home to-day, Coming home to-day, Coming home to-day, h > K j j N > N R J ^ J* _h_ _fc_l J* J* J*. J J fn^rrx^ r \ * <** *r* ">r. r ?' Z\ \* ix-v-g-p- XX 1 X 1 iX iX & \ ist. ^ 5fc -* n. t- Sin- ners and backslid - ers are com-ing home to - day. Glo- rv, Hal- le - lu - jah ! They're com- ing home to- dav. ^ 2 From thy bondage freeing, Tenderly He's calling, Precious blood still falling, Sinner, 'tis for thee ; Kneel, with all thy sorrow, Rise to fight and follow, Don't wait till to-morrow, Do it here to-day. 3 Often He has called thee To accept salvation, Often He has waited At ihv heart's closed door ; Outside still He's standing ; Now His Spirit's striving, Will you heed His knocking- Let Him in to-day ? 4 Pardon's day is passing, See, the light is going, I leaven's doors are closing, Mercy will be gone. This grand chance is flying, Scon thou wilt be dying, Saints of God are crying, " All mav come to-day !" 2i6. Calvary's Stream is flowing so free. mf Allegretto.. Met.J.=66. } f* f* h _h K j* L^ i i i'w^ ^ 3 SH i. Cal-va-ry's stream now is flow- ing so free, Flow-ing so free, flow-ing so free, > _h _f* _h N _h NJ fe |s_J_ _J*_J*_J*_J_ h IS I* I 2E r r r 5^5 F i FINE. * Cal -va-ry's stream now is flow-ing so free, Flow-ing, yes, flow-ing for thee SI r-r s ix ix eg c g Te - sus my Sa-viour has died on the tree, Died on the tree, died on the tree ; v < v ^ < ... i^ r^ r^ r^ ^ > w frjL 4. A 4. JL JL S N ^ BE ^rr r r r r r ^=r. r r ^> ixixixixlxixllxlxlx-H 3=* D.C.for Chorus. ~ Je - sus my Sa-viour has died on the tree, Died on the tree for thee. i *i r r 5 r r ?. f ? i* ilC C C ^ ^ ^ | IX IX IX- TX IX- XXX' 2 Oh, look away to the sin-cleansing stream, Flowing for thee, flowing for thee ; Come to its waters, and make thy heart clean, Flowing, yes, flowing for thee ; Oh, come believing, and wash in its waves, Flowing for thee, flowing for thee ; Prove how completely this blest river saves, Flowing, yes, flowing for thee. thee, for thee. Why wilt thou linger? Come now to this stream, Flowing so free, flowing so free ; Come, thou art welcome, there's no price to bring, Flowing, it's flowing so free ; Every stain can this river remove, Flowing so free, flowing so free ; How it releases from sin come and prove, Flowing, yes, flowing so free. 214 2iy. Can a poor Sinner come to Jesus? Met. J.-84. mf Allegro moderate. i i. Can a poor sin- ner come to Je - sus? Can he come, can he come? J. 1 i as /CHORUS. i f Can he come just now? Yes, oh, He can come just J. J ^_^J _j _ n _ ^F P ^F __ . - ^^ >K BCS ^ now. W 7 hile the pre cious blood is flow- ing, While the pre-cious blood is JrJ i J* - -' '-' ^ "^ j < ^ ^ ^ > ^ p i^ p p ^ r P i* ir C r Clru 1 u li 3* 1x- s flow - ing, While the pre - cious blood is flow -ing, He can come just now. ri J- V- s ^ ^ 2 Can a poor drunkard come to Jesus ? Can he come, can he come, Can he come just now ? 3 Can a backslider come to Jesus ? Can he come, can he come, Can he come just now ? 4 Can a poor prodigal come to Jesus i Can he come, can he come, Can he come just now ? 2i8. Canaan. Oh, what has Je - sus done for me? He came from the land of Ca He groaned and died up - on the tree That I might go to Ca j. j A 3 A 2^ ^ *a^=j^ mf ^F^T ^ A glorious crown ap- pears in view, In that bright land of Ca - naan ; A u E m ^? FINE. ^\ -1 E3E * j * < * J> | * J r* W^=f^ =^-MM ' r [ r r r rr r - palm of roy - al vie - t'ry too; Come, let us go to Ca - naan. Ca - naan is a 1 ap - py place : Oh, will you go to Ca - naan. J j * . jL A J. ^ E ^ ^ . "(^ ^ ^ ~-^-i & f- 1 fejl C * * F 1 ^ F 1 P i~ z E r~1 *9m^ " i* i* LJ 1 i ^ ,. r 1 if CHORUS. r\ li 1 1 J \ | // /^.^ jt ff e? 9 rJ 9 *- J J ' J ' J J Pi Ca - naan, brigh r j r r ' t Ca - naan, The i ^ * * I r p glo - rious land ot ; * t i* i* ,^Cj r r Ca - naan ! Oh, i i <^> _fL -4 ^I'.>_f_ * P_ -^ * f-^ r r r r ? 9 *- When I shall join that blessed throng, In the glorious land of Canaan, I'll sing the great Redeemer's song, With the happy saints in Canaan ; How I've escaped the pains of hell, And landed in fair Canaan ; The boundless joys no tongue can tell, Of our Father's house in Canaan. 3 Come, sinners, turn and go with me, For Jesus waits in Canaan, With angels bright, to welcome thee To all the joys in Canaan. Come freely to salvation's streams, And fight your way to Canaan ; Where everlasting glory beams, In that bright land of Canaan. 8 219. Cleansing for Me. mf Moderate,. ^ , h h I > Met. J = 3 i -9 & ^ i - ^-J^-J-d- 33 -F=F v r ^S- ^ x- ix i k k i - - | k k I i I. Lord, through the blood of the I^amb that was slain, Cleans -ing for ir.e, From all the guilt of my sins now I claim Cleans -ing from Thee, hj* J J PS Si 'i '-'fr r* W^-m- -p- h L 1 N |S . /i N IS i 1 N N ^ 4- J -J- J J : * * j a f J- j /M\ r gj . ^ ^~ * ~^)~~\ Vsly r i J l cleans - cleans - j ing ing for from me ; Thee. Sin - ful and black though the past .j - J* J* ! > - h J rnay have N r been, fefcYl? jH f. fm ^^ 91 -^ i h |* ^P .A . 9 * <# ^ "2?H i i ' i F3 ^ /"-^ 1 L* Q X x 1 1 ^2 a /^> \ 1 \ 5 ^ -PM> I i i Ma - ny the crush -ing de - feats I have seen, Vet on Thy prom-ise, O -J- J* J* l s h J ^ s J J J j I J^ Jt s ^ 5r!r i* ^ E '-^ k rb- ^ r r r v II > k Lord, now I lean, Cleans - ing for k. - I me, cleans - ing for me. u ^R=p 2 From all the sins over which I have wept, Cleansing for me ; Far, far away, by the blood current swept, Cleansing for me ; Jesus, Thy promise I dare to believe, And as I come Thou wilt surely receive ; That over sin I may never more grieve, Cleansing for me. 3 From all the doubts that have filled me with gloom, Cleansing for me ; From all the fears that would point me tfl doom, Cleansing for me ; Jesus, although I may not understand, In childlike faith now I put forth my hand, And through Thy word and Thy grace 1 shall stand, Cleansed by Thee. 217 220. Climbing up the Golden Stair. mf Allegro moderate. Met. ' = 96. 1 r i. Oh, my heart is full of mu sic and of glad - ness, As on * * * *= P E ' P E P r J J J J J- J^fa^, I l 5 P P P" wings of love and faith I up - ward fly ; Not a y y up - ward fly ; sha - dow - cloud my Sa viour's face ob " * scur - ing, While I'm i PP s 3 ^T Oh, Fm climb - ing to mv home - stead in the sky. 1 climb - ing up the gold - en stair to glo ^. ^ |S . ^ ^ s N I V !? "b i^ U '# U gr ry, Oh, I'm j- J. J r ^ ' g i climb - ing with my gold - en crown be * h fc h ---*- -+--+- J J. - fore A A S \sttime. f ES I ' g c g r climb - i the light, I am climb - ing day and night, I shall 4 r r r- 3^ shout with all my might when I get there ; P ft I* _fe J\ -r J*. ,fe Oh, I'm I get there ; ^wrf //; -N -h -^ -1" -& J: .J 5 J: J?JX JJ. J ;_ ' ^ i ^ I ^ ^ I ^ ^ 3r Mh^t-f 2 Every day it seems I want to love Him better, Every day it seems I want to serve Him more, Every day I strive to climb the ladder faster, Every effort brings me nearer Canaan's shore. 3 Oh, the joy of getting others to climb with me ! Lost, despairing, broken-hearted, all may corns ; Calvary-love has made the stair a very wide one ; Sinner, lay your burden down and hasten home. 219 221. Come, Shout and Sing. mf Allegro moderate. Met. J = 84. ^ k k k -ar -pr TF k k k I. Come, shout and sing, make hea - ven ring With prais - es to our King, Who .-> rf S Wf 3 bled and died, was cru - ci-fied That He might pardon bring; His blood doth save the soul, Doth r f* f - frf^ + + k g- 1 ^ r r 'r r ^ ^N^ |* N J E- J rJ * * h J- J y ; . ! ^^ ir ^ cleanse and make it whole The blood of Je - sus clean - scs white as snow. IS I * N w . X-* J. J -* 1 A- ^ ^ ? err v i? -}- f CHORUS. -U*4-J^- I S -* s *- Oh, the blood of Je - sus clean -ses whi:e as snow, Yes, I know! The h ft h . J . -' fc s JUXJL^ -* ^ 9 o- r r r r =f= ^ ^- ^^ i JUU^J T - k k k k blood of Je - sus cleanses white as snow, Yes, I know I bless the happy day, When He CU_B r -* u -^- -^- -^- ^ ^ . ^ ^ . ^ p P : g r : -f^=^g ix g i x I k g- m &* r rr r < > * L^ ^ ^f 1^ washed my sins a - way, The blood r* J* \ N N ^ of Je - sus clean - ses white as snow. N N N S -J* J* *=: ^ u i u 3 At trumpet's sound we stand our ground, And tell to those around, Who have been long, with shackles strong, By sin and Satan bound, Salvation God has sent For all who will repent The blood of Jesus cleanses white as snow. 2 Come, join our band, and make a stand To drive sin from our land ; " To do or die," our battle cry ; We fight at God's command. With banner wide unfurled, We tell to all the world, The blood of Jesus cleanses white as snow. 222. Come to the Saviour. mf Allegro moderate. , p j K K Met. J = ^ m i. Come to the Sa - viour, Come to the Sa - viour, Thou CHORUS. I do be - lieve it! I do be - lieve it! I'm n J -^ J m veal His won- drous love, And to Lord has par-doned me, Hal - le 111 pen a foun - tain for sin. jah to Je - sus' name ! 2 Why dost thou linger? Why dost thou linger Oh, when wilt thou haste to be saved ? Thy time is flying fast, And thy day will soon be past ; Oli, arouse thee, and come and be saved ! 3 Pardon is offered, Pardon is offered, A pardon full, present, and free ; Thy mighty debt was paid When on Calvary Jesus died To atone for a rebel like thee. 223. Dear Jesus of Calvary. mf A llegro modem to . Met. 9 --=. 104. /J- b i * * J - 1 3 * * J icri * ' f^ J J J J * f 1 F \ J * * 99 m t ~3 * i. Dear Je sus, on Cal J J ^- va - ry, Dear Je - sus, on ~2 5 * i ^. '' '^ ^ CJJU {~7 z m [*..,!*... p_ -^ P-- ^ 1 1 i t ' |pr 1 1 i lu 1 1 cr - . h 1 L/J*_fc_U -/i S H i, asziHc i J X k * a * fc> g 1 ' * g 1 f-* 9 V *^ M ,- n * * i ,*/** r y *- 1 x- k > Cal - va-iy, And II J h I s ' -9- -0- -9- -- ^ 1 y * ^ ^ P ^ ^ ^ ^ F III k Ix ! 1 U I i died for you, And He died for me, And F f e died for us ^ () , r r f r ? ' - *^ ^~^~ ^ * v ^ >> r ' r r r~r -H 1 1 ^ * V- 8 1 1 ] 1 k 1 k k 1 i -1 I I IN w JA, i^ i J II i ! XT- J i _^ J c 2 * m j I(h J t m J m 4 - ~ ( ^5 r3 \A) 9 * M f- J <***. 2 ZZZZ3EZZ3L_ ' j -p- ^f r r all .. .. Dear J i i ! Ix Ix e - - sus, on Cal - v'rv, And He c i-^N n n i i ^ J* 1 * J* JJ-+-J J ^ -*--- -f V i led for all. ~ J J -J- J- *- *-*--^ ? 1 1 ba SHr^ -]H V k- 2 I lay my sins on Jesus. 3 I now believe on Jesus. 4 I cast my care on Jesu a . 5 Oh, when shall I see my Jesus ? 6 I soon shall reign with Jesus. 224, Down where the Living Waters flow. mf Allegro moderato. ^ Pi & ft- iE^ Met. J ^ 104. i Ix k U ^ f > > p ^ p i. Once I was far in sin, But Je - sus took me in, NisNs! . FPhhl i 222 * r g g' Down where the liv - ing wa - ters flow ; 'Twas there J f : fJ ve me sight, And wa- ters flow ; ' ^. . f let me see the light, Down where the liv - ing wa - ters flow. j i* feJ'J'-fJ^J M u u u u p i f^ 1 / CHORUS. 5& J J^.J 8 Down where the liv- ing wa-ters flow, Down where the tree of life does g c c c ;i ^ 5E 5^ f^ I'm liv grow; i ing in the light, For life does grow ; m i ^ J p Je - sus now I fight, Down where the liv - ing wa - ters flow J J J J J . J /. j f=ff f - " i " r "^ 2 With Jesus at my side, I need no other guide, Down where the living waters flow ; He is my Hope and Stay, He saves me every day, Down where the living waters flow. 3 When righting here is o'er, I'll rest for evermore, Down where the living waters flow ; I'll join the blood-washed throng, And sing the angels' song, Down where the living waters flow. 223 225. -Draw me Nearer. nip Andante con express. Met. J- 66. 5 > J . ft * 4- - * r r r k * i. I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice, And it told Thy love to N * o.i: ? ? frifFTTmri^^ s'g 'r ' ' u * " ' ' v -*- I- !- >*> Ei I i J J-v J J ' j'C 'r r r crr^r r i me ; But I long to rise in the arms of faith, And be clos - er drawn to Thee ! i ivt^iii^^iii^n *** mf CHORUS. i" /, J J j r IT r h u-; rr+r^^^sW?^ P ? k ^ V t r r* sb =} -J k k^T ^ ^ I ^ r^~ i i i Draw me near-er, near-er, nearer, blessed Lord, To the cross where Thou hast fc I I* -J- -J- r r r r + i IX ^ >* U* ^_J_JS_^ I W ^S ^ ^ -a r r r f died ! Draw me near-er, near-er, nearer, blessed Lord, To Thy precious bleeding side ! N ^ N s r ft i i J ?? -^-^ J* J^ J -g-'-^J. -J J r M r r j . * J ? i^ ^ ;- ; > k k ^i tr-* 2 Consecrate me now to Thy service, Lord, By the power of grace divine ; Let my soul be washed from its every stain, And my will be lost in Thine ! 224 226. Ere the Sun Goes Down. mp Moderate. Met> = 84 m J J J f * 'i =^) f 1 1 J*f * P * 1 i i. You must get your sins for - given, Ere the sun, ere the sun goes down ; If you & f - i " tf \ . J i J i A J h*-2^=*r I m J J sz& wish to go to heaven, When the sun, when the sun goes down. Oh, now to God be g r r r J-JJ-J- J. r~r m f=r cry - ing, For your time is quickly fly - ing, In the grave you'll soon be ly-ing, When the j j / j i ; j . r p i rr CHORUS. down, r * *H I I I k 1 sun goes down. Ere the sun,erethesungoesdown,goesdown,Erethesun,erethe sun goes j down, -J-^ iii K ix i i i down, goes down, Oh, sin- ner, come to Je - sus, Ere the sun goes down. fe?=^ ^ tM t= 2 Every chance will soon be past, Even this may be the last ; If this orier be rejected, And salvation still neglected, Death will come when least expected, When the sun goes down. 225 2 227. Fcr y u * am Praying. mp Allegro moderate, con express. s: f I. I have a Sa- viour, He's plead - ing in glo ry, A dear lov-ing now He is watch - ing in ten der-ness o'er me, J J J II 2nd time. F Sa - viour, though earth friends be few, And And oh, that my Sa - viour were J A A A. A&J. A. | | | | | | J J. J^J J J . J i ^ P ;/ CHORUS. f r ' r r r ' r =f your Sa - viour too ! For you I am pray - ing, For you I am m f m 3 r F pray - ing, For you I am pray - ing, I'm pray - ing for you. m J ^j^ ^ 2 I have a Father : to me He has given A hope for eternity, blessed and true ; And soon He will call me to meet Him in j heaven, cut oh, may lie lead you to go with me too ! i i iiave a peace : it is calm as a river A peace that the friends of this world never knew ; 225 My Saviour alone is its Author and Giver : And oh, could I know it was given to you ! When Jesus has found you, tell others the story, That my loving Saviour is your Saviour too ; Then pray that your Saviour may bring them to glory, And prayer will be answered 'twas answered for you ! 228. Gird on the Armour. mf Allegro moderate. Met. * = 96. i. I have read of men of faith Who have bravely fought till death, Who now the f f V # V I* F ' i* Wf= &- \- 22: ^N= 'g'F r gs"c g g'g- crown of life are wear -ing; Then the thought comes back to me, Can I not a sol-dier be en - e - mymayknow,Whereso-ev-er I may go, e s e^ CHORUS. L. n. i ,-'>. J J./iJ J "ii ;g r Like to those mar-tyrs bold and dar - ing. That I am fight-ing for Je - ho - vah. I'll gird on my ar-mour and rush to the field, De - ter- mined to con-quer, and ne - ver to yield; So the -- . ^ -*- ^U j- j. ^ J- h fe I ifl 1^ F 2 I, like them, will take my stand With the sword of God in hand ; Smiling amid opposing legions ; I the victor's crown will gain, And at last go home to reign In heaven's bright and sunny regions. 3 I will join at onoe the fight, Leaning on my Saviour's might, Who's strong and mighty to deliver ; b^> & -* r W~ From my post I will not shrink, Though of death's cup I should drink- Hell to defeat is my endeavour. 4 Will you not enlist with me And a valiant soldiei be ? Vain 'tis to waste your time in slumber ; Jesus calls for men of war Who will fight and ne'er give o'er, Routing hell's hosts in fear and wonder. 227 229. Give me Jesus. Met. J~ 56. 2 j ; J f J ;==g= g i* g ' g ; I. When I'm hap - py hear me sing, When I'm hap - py hear me sing, ip - py i - I s *r *.* J* i . i H ^ r M ' i - : F - s- mHJ:Jj JJ J J J:/ff^ 5^^ i ^rfTrrT^' ' ^ When I'm hap- py hear me sing, Give me Je - sus, Give me Je - sus, Give m h h J.----, J.J- I J\ 1 J^ ' E E r ' r e r r r Je - sus, You mav have all the world, Give me Je ^zz^ 2 When in sorrow hear me sing, When in sorrow hear me sing, When in sorrow hear me sir.g, Give me Jesus. 3 When I'm fighting hear me sing, When I'm fighting hear me sing, When I'm fighting hear me sing, Give me Jesus. 4 When I'm dying hear me sing, When I'm dying hear me sing, When I'm dying hear me sing. Give me Jesus. 228 230. Glory to His Name. Allegro moderate. I > Met. J = < - ' i. Down at the cross where my Saviour died, Down where for cleansing from sin I cried i I J ,fe J J J* J J J J J> - -. :: t; r fk^ g-J J*. /j J^^^ Oy^V ' 9 9 J . ^TF 3* . JM j.j^j fr '"'* rr 3 i i F^ i There to my heart was the blood ap - plied, Glo - ry to His name ! J J- J*J E m -+ 9 3 r- *-r * pN^^=fcg ^ r c-gr ^-g- 4=HZ?2: / CHORUS. T^ Glo - ry to His name, Glo - ry to His name!. ^EE ^ ^.i^ g:^^ : d\*.~ i- \ t jf- 5 g r r f- i -p-" r r* Now to my heart is the blood ap -plied, Glo - ry to His name! T- : r-f^-r r 1 2 I am so wondrously saved from sin, Jesus does always abide within ; There at the cross where He took me in, Glory to His name ! 3 Oh, ptccious fountain, that saves from sin ! 1 am so glad I have entered in ! There Jesus saves me and keeps me clean, Glory to His name ! 4 Come to this fountain, so rich and sweet, Cast thy poor soul at the Saviour's feet. Plunge in to-day, and be made complete, Glory to His name ! 231. God be with you. mp Moderate. Met. ^=72. ;.,N K V N ^V N U ^s? i^ :g g: r I. God be with you till we meet a -gain ! By Hi JVJ J ide, up - hold you, ^ A A. * m + * * f=?= ^ F > xxx ItJ.JJJjJUE W/CHORUS. ^^ P k> V r p l ^ z & r f r cr* With His sheep se - cure - ly fold you God be with you till we meet a - gain ! Till we o + r F -^- ^ meet! Till we meet! Till we meet at Je - sus' feet; Till we r s e F +=^ Te- sus' feet ; Till we meet ! Till we meet, we meet ! r meet! Till we meet! God be with you till we meet a - gain! h *J J"J> J J J N ^ J* ^ ^ N ^-^ Z ^P Till we meet ! we meet ! 2 God be with you till we meet again ! "Neath His wings securely hide you, Daily manna still provide you God be with you till we meet again ! 3 God be with you till we meet again ! When life's perils thick confound you, Put His loving arms around you God be with you till we meet again ! 4 God be with you till we meet again ! Keep love's banner floating o'er yon, Smite death's threatening wave before ynu- God be with you till we meet again ! 230 232. Jesus is mine. (GOD GAVE HIS SON FOR ME.) Met. J = 6o. zj * j 1 n j^^HM-^ J jT ^ * -J-J-: J. J *' 73 f^ { S 2 - * i- f | I. When fade my jijt J r 3 earth - ly joys ; Je - sus is J J J J J -& mine ! I * . +_ * d -1 ^^x-rr^ 5J ^ f. ~f i " -F*-H tt 4 * r* L* PI \ ulijf w/ s ! 1 c ^^^ 1 l^^^l ^ I 1 Vi '"^ i , 0! 9 i i M * M feM J J ^ - ^ * ^ ^ * w nJ ' TT^ When break earth's a* J i r 3 ten - der ties ; Te sus is J N 1 1 r mine ! 1 rt>r j * j i * . KZZff LCJ' ft iff ff 2 p> m m eJ M '2. 31 i* r f \ r tf p- I* " \/ i* r^ \ 1 ' o 4 it ^ 1 1 I J r \ W 1 - j j J j* N H p * 9 ' i i Though dark this ^.j; it . J J , i ' ; r r r ^ r if wil - der - ness, Though here no rest - ing place, J.^ f J J J J . . h J . ^-firff-^- r* F r "= m ~1 \^ "5 I l I ' r r I F r I rl L * I rf>ttJ r^ " I | 1 1 Je - sus will ^ t J .T3 J-3 sure ly ble * | : * 9 P r T ss ; Je - sus is i * * r mine ! ._cJ (- i 2 Tempt not my soul away ; Jesus is mine ! He's my unfailing stay ; Jesus is mine ! Perishing things of clay, Born but for one brief day, Turn not my heart away ; Jesus is mine ! 3 Farewell ye dreams of night; Jesus is mine ! Lost in this dawning light ; Jesus is mine ! i r p d ^ All that my soul has tried Left but a dismal void : Jesus has satisfied ; Jesus is mine ! 4 Farewell, mortality ! Jesus is mine ! Welcome, eternity ! Jesus is mine ! Welcome, O loved and blest ! Welcome, sweet heaven of rest t Welcome, my Saviour's breast ! Jesus is mine! 231 233- God is keeping His Soldiers Fighting. mf Allegro moderate. M et. J = 100 . f (- r ? i. God is keep-ing His soldiers fight-ing, Ev-er- more we shall conquerors be; All the 1=21 i J?JJ J AJ-^* i ^ tel / N = f^ ^fr'freTO^ gt host of hell are u - nit-ing,But we're sure to have vie - to-ry. Though AJSUU&ftLJ 4 A [jRM i iJ". sf f'ff ff\fj f *? ii* <*' " *\ Sr* Though to beat us they've been * fT g | i J. 1 > I J. | ff d J ^ I J. N* * ' ^ ^ ^ g .?(( 1 i Cl i j^ ^ ^ - ' ' I I f ~* try-ing,Our coloursstillareflying, And our flag shall wave for ever, For we never will give in. I J I ^* JnW^fa,^, P. P / CHORUS. I /^/ time. I No we won't, no we No, we nev - er, nev-er, nev-er will give in, No we won't! No, we won't! ir^ ft +* f X IgU'gixpiU'g 1 1 3 S. 5ii:r No we won't ; For we mean to have the vie -to-ry foi ev Nfe! ffe h Jfc J* fc N ' k' ' J* ^ 9- ' ~- -9- 'iij* J . S tf 1 . er! -i m ^^ r^-g 2 We will follow our conquering Saviour, From before Him hell's legions shall fly ; Our battalions shall never waver, They're determined to conquer or die. From holiness and heaven We never will be driven ; We will stand our ground for ever, For we never will give in. 252 234- Grace there is my every Debt to pay. Adagio. Met. ,J'= 56. I. Saviour, hear me, while be - fore Thy feet I the re-cord of my sins re- peat, Canst Thou still in mer - cy think of me, Stoop to set my shackled spi - rit free, k k k k k /j/ tune. Stained with guilt, my-self ab - hor - ing, Filled with grief, my soul out - pour - ing ; , J. = CHORUS. Moderate. Met. J = 72. Raise my sinking heart and bid me be Thy child once more? Grace there is my ev'ry debt to pay, j] |JJ|I777T"H,J7JJM -a 1 g g 9 * * ^ \~^-^ffm ~-^- ^ As we glad -ly march a - long. > 6? We are iHr &2^J .* J *> * &. Shout for joy, shout for joy, march a-lo 2 We are marching onward, singing as we go, j 4 We are marching on, our Captain, ever near, Tothepromised land where living waters flow, Come and join our ranks as pilgrims here below, Come and work till Jesus calls. 3 In the open air our Army we prepare, As we rally round our blessed standard there, AndtheSaviour'scross wegladly learn to bear, While we work till Jesus calls. Will protect us still, His guiding voice we hear; Let the foe advance, we'll never, never fear, But we'll work till Jesus calls. We aie marching on and pressing towards the prize, To a glorious crown beyond the glowing skies, To the radiant fields where pleasurenever dies, And we'll work till Jesus calls. mf Moderate. 236. Hark, hark, my Soul. Met. J. = 66. I. Hark, hark, my soul, what war - like songs are swell - ing, How grand the truths.... those burn - ing strains are tell ing r"' r r* -*- -m- . -m- -m- -f L-J > FS-I Pr Through all the land and on from door to Of that great war till sin shall door; e no more. Sal va - tion Ar - my, Ar - my of God On - ward to con - quer the - quer the u I I* -*- -+'-+- world with fire and blood, On - ward to con - quer the world with fire and blood. h t-N 2 Onward we go, the world shall hear our singing, Come, guilty souls, for Jesus bids you come ; And through the dark its echoes loudly ringing, Shall lead the wretched, lost, and wandering home. 3 Far, far away, like thunder grandly pealing, We'll send the call for mercy full and free : And burdened souls by thousands humbly kneeling, Shall bend, dear Lord, their rebel necks to Thee. v Conquerors at last, though the fight be long and dreary, Bright day shall dawn and sin's dark night be past ; Our battles end in saving sinners weary, And Satan's kingdom down shall fall at last. 235 237- He Died at his Post. nip Adagio. Met. J.= 52. J - h |J.J ^ m Ajp-tT-r -* i I. A - way from his home and the friends of his youth, He hoist- ed the i -* ; * < -i 9- . P rrp-rp-s-p- * i* k ^ nt . * S 3 ^=^ ^T k v i | p i stand - ard of mer - cy and truth ; For the love of his Lord, and to ii ^ ^ g U"g 'f r gr^ P^ -Pv NJIZ^ seek for the lost, i i h r Hs- g g r- Soon 3 a - las ! was his fall, but he died at his i i = , J -.e^-ff- i r P :si ^ ^ 1* r " i - post ; Soon, a - las ! was his fall, but he died at his post. -J- i**i N i fr 2 The strangers they wept that, in life's bright- est bloom, One gifted so highly should sink to the tomb ; For in ardour he led in the van of the host, And he fell like a soldier he died at his post. 3 He wept not himself that his warfare was done, The battle was fought, and the victory won ; j 5 But he whispered of those whom his heart loved the most, " Tell my comrades from me that I died at my post." 236 Victorious his fall, for he rose as he fell, With Jesus, his Master, in glory to dwell ; He has passed o'er the sea, he has leached the bright coast, For he fell like a wauior he died at his post. And can we the words of our comrade forget" Oh no, they are fresh in our memory yet ; An example so sacred can never be lost, We will fall in the fight, we will die at our post. 238. He Pardoned a Rebel like Me. P Adagio. mf Met. J 66. ^ ^ r r r r I. I heard of a Sa-viour whose love was so great That He laid down His I J. J 1 5 i^ ^ TTf^T^ life on the tree;. J J J 8 Pff =H=J T J = r-r-r The thorns they were pierced on his beau- ti - ful J J J- J J J J J J PF ^ P F ^^&- * Allegretto. Met. J = 96. FINE, wz/" CHORUS. P i e^r ^ He pardoned a J J J J P- brow, To par- don a reb - el like me. , f= irat & ^=t fefe 1 12 r 'H* * ' I T i i reb - el like me, like me, He pardoned a reb - el like me, like me ; The J J J J J J J J J J E rr-r+r^r+F F 2 They tell me He wept over sinners one day, Saying: "Oh, that your Saviour you knew ! How oft would I gather you under My wing, And pardon poor rebels like you." 3 Oh, that love so amazing, it broke my hard heart, And brought me, dear Jesus, to Thee ; And I know when I came, Thou didst not cast me out, But didst pardon a rebel like me. 4 Oh, 'tis true, that poor sinners of all kinds He saves, And you He will not cast away ; He waits in His mercy sweet peace to bestow, So come to the fountain to-day. 237 239- He's the Lily of the Valley. mf Moderate. Met. J - 96. J*. j > J * NL EEE >= I. I've found a Friend in Je - sus, He's ev' - ry - thing to me, He's the S N S f N N J N _T* _P* _f* ; g g g c r c s s s 2 Fair - est of Ten Thousand to my soul ; The Li - ly of the Val - ley, in jUU, to my soul ; k fc I* f f & & & ^ !x ^ t- ^ ^ T T ' Him a - lone I see All I need to cleanse and make me ful - ly whole ; In L I W W ^ fc, w ^ W I I L 1 4 f ^ u u ^ cres. ^^ U 1 U* p-^ sor-row He's my Corn-fort, in trou-ble He's my Stay, He tells me ev'-ry i 5 -ft p f ' f f- -gi V * '& IX ^ care on Him to roll ; He's the Li - ly of the Val - ley, the ^^ p |~^ *rH ^ H ^ P ' F ' ^^ ^ ^ i L, i*.. r x uJ ] y ^ on Him to roll ; 2 3 8 k k V Bright and Morn-ing Star, He's the Fair - est of Ten Thou- sand to my soul. / CHORUS He's the Li- ly of the Val - ley, The Bright and Morn -ing Star, He's the J? J>1 tlt't i Tg'C'E g ^ Fair - est of Ten Thousand to my -soul, 'jS the Li - ly of the g-U-U-i of Ten Thou- sand to my soul, Val -ley, The Bright and Morning Star, He's the Fair-est of TenThousand to my soul. 2 He all my griefs has taken, and all my sorrows borne ; In temptation He's my Strong and Mighty Tower ; I've all for Him forsaken, I've all my idols torn From my heart, and now He keeps me by His power. Though all the world forsake me, and Satan tempt me sore, Through Jesus I shall safely reach the goal. 3 He'll never, never leave me, nor yet forsake me here, While I live by faith and do His blessed will ; A wall of fire about me, I've nothing now to fear ; With His manna He my hungry soul shall fill ; Then sweeping up to glory, I'll see His blessed face, Where rivers of delight shall ever roll. 239 240. How much can you Suffer for Jesus? mf Moderate, con es press. Met. ^ 104. -K N- ^ N. S S tt < v V l*t E I. How much can you suf - fer for Je sus ? ~ ~, ~ In His ser-vice how much will you ^Ep=^ lx -ix ix ^ i* U* I jx ! 1C=>2 =s=s * l^^pk^^LJk^kll p lose ? At His cross will you still kneel a- dor-ing, And the cross which He gives you re (j*^ ~ M * + f * * R^V- r r gglLLuUG^ I "I 5*8? /CHORUS. r r i* ^ > ^ ^- S ^itt^ ^^ i fuse ?. I U I I U I dare, Lord, I dare, Lord, I dare do all for J\ J. J J J J / I > I J 1 ^^tJ r c u n H^^-gt- rit. f Thee; I dare, Lord, I dare, Lord, I dare do all for Thee. * J: 'J ^ ~*r ^^: 35 ^ r| r-c ! ir g'r g 2 How much will you suffer for Jesus ? There are plenty His wonders to praise ! Dare you face the legions of hatred, And His down-trodden banner uprais ? 3 How much will yoa suffer fcr Jesus? For the hate of His cause is the same ; Would you seek to gain by His sufferings, Whilst shirking a share in His shame ? 4 How much will you suffer for Jesus, On the way to the crown He will give ? There are cruel deceivers and slanderers : A life on these terms can you live ? 240 241. I am so Glad. mf Allegro moderate. Met. J. = 66. gjpff=JE=ft=fc-f-f ^mn '*- ~m~ x k ^ r I. I am so glad that our Fa- ther in heaven Tells of His love in the Book He has given : JJJ'IJJJJ^ 3s; h h h h=fr PT Won-der- ful things in the Bi - ble I see, This is the dearest that Je - sus loves me. 3ri#: 9 9* ?????? / CHORUS. te h i K u u J I L H^ r- Tirbr- f^TT )ves me, Je sus loves me, Je - sus loves me, V V I am so glad that Je - sus loves me, ^ s s E ^ 1 r -V *- h N 3^ m ^ I am so glad that Je - sus loves me, <== ^y 4z: Je - sus loves ev - en me p N N I N 2 Jesus loves me, and I know I love Him : Love brought Him down my poor soul to redeem ; Yes, it was love made Him die on the tree : Oh, I am certain that Jesus loves me ! 3 If one should ask of me, how can I tell- Glory to Jesus, I know very well : God's Holy Spirit with mine doth agree, Constantly witnessing Jesus loves me. Oh, if there's only one song I can sing, When in His beauty I see the great King, This shall my song in eternity be, " Oh, what a wonder that Jesus loves me ! " In this assurance I find sweetest rest, Trusting in Jesus, I know I am blest ; Satan, dismayed, from my soul now doth flee When I just tell him that Jesus loves me. 241 242. I bring my Heart to Jesus. Met. ^. = 69. r r f -+- p -m- -s-- -*- -*- --~~~ p p p -* : ^ikLj^rrikf LJ I. "I bring my heart to Je - sus, with its fears, With its hopes and 7" r r k . feel - ings, and its tears ; Him it seeks, and find - ing, it is blest z^-J-.-pJ I ' t *^TW*-*^=?- =p==i=^^ = k = F=g __JC A Him it loves, and lov - ing, is at rest. Walk-ing with my Sa-viour, heart in heart, A J*A* J < I Nil I K I ^=^ ^ i ^xzr-g-yp * T- i -- : -r- r * i k r i 6> I None can part, Walk-ing with my Sa-viour, heart in heart, None can part. i_J*U gi*if^ ^ ^ 2 I bring my life to Jesus, with its care, And before His footstool, leave it there. Faded are its treasures, poor and dim ; It is not worth living without Him, More than life is Jesus, love and peace, Ne'er to cease. ? I bring my sins to Jesus as I pray, That His blood will wash them all away. 'Vhile I seek for favour at His feet, And, with tears, His promise still repeat. He doth tell me plainly Jesus lives And forgives. j 4 I bring my all to Jesus ; lie hath seen How my soul desireth to be clean ; Nothing from His altar I would keep, To His cross of suffering I would leap, And the fire descending, brings to me Liberty, 243- I need Thee every Hour. ft Adaoio. Met. J - 66. sfe I. I need Thee ev' - ry hour, Most gra \ I K f J* J. II cious Lord ; No :t 3 ten - der voice like Thine Can peace af - ford. vif CHORUS. i I need Thee, oh, I need Thee ; Ev' - -J J-. l J. A. J ry hour I - , ik_ - j _ J EE?=^g=js; ^r r f r i ^^JTJU-iJ need Thee ! Oh, bless me now, my Sa - viour ! I come to Thee. A J- i k > i i i i i 1-^*1 i . -^ ^^ 2 I need Thee every hour ; Stay Thou near by ; Temptations lose their power When Thou art nigh. 3 I need Thee every hour, In joy or pain ; Come quickly and abide, Or life is vain. 4 I need Thee eveiy hour ; Teach me Thy will ; And Thy rich promises In me fulfil. 243 244- I'll Stand for Christ. mf Allegro moderate. Met. J = loo. i_j> j-+- ;. jtj JiiM^Jj. M-Jjg^fejj^jE I In The Ar - my of Je - sus I've ta - ken my stand, To fight 'gainst the fcr - ces of ' * J J\ 9^' -*^^ r 9*-*-* ~ ' *-. , '? 't\~t-49^ =5==5 =f =p^ -p-& -*-? ' ^: 3r ^ =3U=~===ab -9- ' f -9- f- u & r -9* sn, \ s s y & I ^ "p. To the res - cue we go, Sa - tan's power to o'erthrow, And His ~S i ^-J*J ^. ^=^ f CHORUS. ^ T?T~Tf cap - lives to Je - sus we'll win. I'll stand for Christ, I'll stand for Christ, For Christ a- J: at J J 1 -5--ac tern !g=R-vnsF =s= g ^-^- ^^^^3^^=i=^ S S ^ t=*Jq lone, forChrist a-lone,A-mid the tern- pest, tern pesl and the storm, and the storm. Whereje-sus + s s > >= t^+* ^t ^-^~ tt A mid the tempest and the storm, and the storm. N N i za*z i -999*-r leads, where Je-sus leads, I'll fol-low on, I'll fol-low on, I'll stand, I'll stand for Christ a - lone. rzfy^j ' V-X-^^-b -^- J 1 J* J-- J- J- J-._s s_s>./ J. . -p-y ^ * > i f : i* f f r^ r ?~F ====: -U-^-U-^ i -I lx Ix Ix Ix ^ -^-^ 2 V/e go forth not to fight 'gainst the sinner, ' 3 Jesus pitied our race, and He died inour place, but sin, To save a lost world was He slain ; The losl and ihe outcast we love ; But He rose and now lives, and His pardon The claims of our King before them we bring, He gives And we urge them His mercy to prove. Unto those who will call on His name. 244 24S Jesus is Strong to Deliver. Hip Allegretto. cres. Met. J . = 56. 3E m F f : e I. Why are you doubting and fear ing? W 7 hy are you still un - der sin? J N J fc fc. IS- te ^-^ ^=* 3-j-y gJ g f f <*=?=* v > r ^ c ^ ^ k ^ > Have you not found That His grace doth a-bound ? He's migh-ty to save, let Him in ! . ^ J'J J S r r r rr CHORUS. r/Varir. Met. J. = 66. *-^ r- ^ :d=F^ S 3 ! e-sus is strong to de -liv - er ! Migh-ty to save! migh-ty to save! -i> i* i>.NJ. J. ^- h ^ ' f r f i rdt -f^-*-=&= m T=T je -sus is strong to de - liv er I Je sus is migh-ty to save! ^^*^^* t *.l. *+ * I s * * Jr*. 2 You say, " I am weak, I am helpless ; I've tried again and again ! " Well, this may be true, But 'tis not what you do Tis He who's the " Mighty to Save ! " 3 When in my sorrow He found me, Found me, and bade me be whole : Turned all my night Into heavenly light, And from me my burden did roll ! 4 When in the tempest He hides me, When in the storm He is near, All the way 'long He carries me on, Now I have nothing to fear ! 245 246. Joy, Freedom, Peace. Met.j = 6o. $) Andante. I. Joy, free-dom, peace, and cease -less bless -ing, All, all foi thee, If, while your weak-ness still con - fess - ing, L_J_J.- * ' To your Redeemer you flee. All the world can ne'er console thee Cannot bring thee r <* r f joy; -s>- . Je - sus a lone can sat - is - fy thee, He will thy sor- row de - stroy. ' >-J- J * s . J* LLJLJ *-? r - 1 * -*-~-* ~-r<3^ 2 y N J JJJ K J fr JN^J-JJ^J-J 9>~W W> \ ~9 * \ * * #~-* * - T~ Look up to Je - sus who died on the tree To purchase a full sal - va - tion. Cleansed in the blood that flowed from His side, En - joy- ing a full sal - va - tion. ji-^-^Ejs. i m ^ =?*-?- -^ ~r If you want liberty, shout and be free- Enjoying a full salvation. 4 If you want holiness, cling to the cross, Counting the riches of earth as dross ; Down at His feet you'll be cleansed and made free Enjoying a full salvation. 2 If you want Jesus to reign in your soul, Plunge in the fountain, and you shall be whole ; Washed in the blood of the crucified One Enjoying a full salvation. 3 If you want boldness, take part in the fight ; If you want purity, walk in the light ; ^2: 249. Lord, I make a Full Surrender. mf Allegro moderato. Met. 9 96. 5 -4- j 1 -, * ~w 22 EB f s^ ^p^'r r ' r f f / ' p^p-y^rr^ i. Lord, I make a full sur - ren - der, All I have I yield to Thee; J_ ' P : J-^_J- r r r 5 @ F For Thy love so great and ten der, Asks the gift of me -J J J T T ^=r --t 248 cres. -{M I j r m LJ_ I OJ-^J I ( /f b * * * --= = = ' * ' -+1 \My ^E 4 ;p m m m m m m m m V,Z JK2Zi , ^ r r Lord, I -^ r- r bring ^ i i i j i i i i T i r my whole af - fee - tion, Claim it, take it for Thine own ; U J J ^DJ j J J * J- ^j . _^ _ pj>_ ^ta^ rl m m m i* r I* TI'I' 1 1 i* :* i* r * /\ "'/ i i , Ik 1 i 1 L^ l 1 '11 | i \ \ \ \ ^ | ^ J -J- -~i j 1 i 1 J J. ^- -^-^-- r ~ ^-P I 1* 1* a * J i ^ ^ . . r -^ j p r r Safe - ly kept . J J j i r f f- ~i r r ^ r by Thy pro - tec - tion, Fixed on Thee a - lone. j n/3J j J J J J J- ((*) 17 ^ * * * * * M r f I s 1^ s ! _ 1 a m f M \ \ "-- ' r" r^ f^ \ \ m + + -* \ / CHORUS. OH ' -T1 \ ' 1 i L-J^LJ J J*n ^ == r~ i i / ^ S r-Z^ ^ : -* z & * j * ? t*-*--s -^ i - H ^v-^ 1* p- r F ^ s ^ Try f f-f ?-3~irii~ ^~H ^-ly * I L_ 1 i L r ^ *ts 2 Glo - ry, glo - A A A . ~W ~W ~W~ ! i **i i i i uj |^r | ry, Hal - le - lu - iah ! I have given my all to God ! A A A A A A A A A j > -*- -^ ~m- f ' ~mr -*- ' . fe^-fr r r r i - -^ -?- =& -\ ?-s- t^tj 1 1 1 1 -p j= ^ _p_ -i i | 1 ^ ^ r r ^ PJ 1 \ i i i rs i 1 1 * J +- -A J 1 And I J -r- now f- have r rr T "f r "5 ^ full sal - va - tion Through the pre - cious blood. lj * * 22 1*1* + rr r* S^Z b ^ ^ _ ^ ^ ^ r... -^... x^ ' 2 Lord, my will I here present Thee Gladly, now no longer mine ; Let no evil thing prevent me Blending it with Thine. Lord, my life I lay before Thee, Hear, this hour, the sacred vow ! All Thine own I now restore Thee, Thine for ever now. 3 Blessed Spirit, Thou hast brought me Thus my will to Thee to give ; For the blood of Christ has bought me, And by faith I live. Show Thyself, O God of power, My unchanging, loving Friend ; Keep me, till in death's glad hour, Faith in sight shall end. 249 250. Marching through Georgia. f Allegro. Met.J. = 96. ^~J^ I. Shout a-loud sal - va-tion, and we'll have an- oth- er song, Sing it with a^ spi-rit that will SI s, : N I N I S start the world a - long; Sing it as our comrades sang it many a mil-lion strong, As Sound our Saviour's prai-ses o - ver ev-'ry land and sea, As A J ^ I N I SI f-ffHW FINE. ,HORUS. March on ! march on ! . c they were marching to glo - we go marching to glo - J..J.. -J.J.J 1 J March on ! march on ! We bring the ju bi fl^/yjvfi^ Fight on ! Fight on -j"T^ J lee ;. Fight on ! fight on ! Sal - va-tion makes us free; We'll ; J- 7-Tf- r r r 2 How the anxious shout it when they hear the joyful sound ! How the weakest conquer when the Saviour they have found ! How our grand battalions with conquering power abound, As we go marching to glory. 3 " Oh, they're helpless nobodies," our enemies make boast ; They forget that with us comes the Almighty Holy Ghost, And unseen battalions of the glorious heavenly .host, As we go marching to glory. 250 251. Men of Harlech. h toif Con sptrito. Met. J n 2. & re rrrr r rr I. Sol-dier, rouse thee! War is rag-ing, God and fiendsare bat-tie wag- ing, Eve -ry ransomed Dare ye still lie fond-lydreammg, Wrapt in ease and worldly scheming, Whilethemul-ti - ! S ! I s I i I iJ: ?^ ^ r y CHORUS. power engaging, Break the tempter's spell. - tudes are streaming Downwards in - to hell ? Thro' the world resounding, Let the gospel sounding, Jii ^ kin Jt J -P I J*iJ J I J I I ; J J i |i ^^_l^ ^ *-^-M- m Summon all,at Jesus'callHis glo- rious cross surrounding. SonsofGod,earth'stri-flesleaving, mt Be not faithless but be-liev-ing, ToyourconqueringCaptaincleaving,Forward in the fight. J- rj ^M I r rtTrCrcf'r-pr-g'rr ' r 1 ^^ 2 Lord, we come, and from Thee never Self nor earth our hearts shall sever ; Thine entirely, Thine for ever, We will fight and die. To a world of rebels dying, Heaven and hell and God defying, Everywhere we'll still be crying, * Will ye perish why ? " 3 Hark ! I hear the warriors shouting, Now the hosts of hell we're routing ; Courage ! onward ! never doubting, We shall win the day. See the foe before us falling, Sinners on the Saviour calling, Throwing off the bondage galling Join our glad array. 251 mf Moderato. 252. Mothers of Salem. -^ mm ^ *T i. When moth- ers of Sa - lem Their chil -dren brought to Je sus, The ^ r r jyij /-'\^np fT r ? -5- r ^ stern dis - ci - pies drove them back, And bade them de - part ; - - ^ But h s?; SE ^: -> ^ / J_ ^3E t t f V & & r Je - sus saw them ere they fled, And sweet ly smiled and kind ly said, *~$ t t I I T~ r r r 2 " For I will receive them, And fold them in My bosom ; I'll be a Shepheid to these lambs, Oh, drive them not away ! For if their hearts to Me they give, They shall with Me in glory live : Suffer little children to come unto Me." 3 How kind was our Saviour To bid those children welcome ! But there are many thousands who Have never heard His name; The Bible they have never read, They know not that the Saviour said, "Suffer little children to come unto Me." 4 Oh, soon may the heathen Of every tribe and nation Fulfil Thy blessed word, and cast Their idols all away ! Oh, shine upon them from above, And show Thyself a God of love . Teach the little children to come unto Thee. 252 253- My Home is in Heaven. mp Andante con moto. i Met. J = 72. i -> rf-f- tr i. I have a home that is fair - er than day, And my dear Saviour has shown me the way I h h J^ , v v ' Jz i r P r "P" cres. J '-J n Jj jj" j Oft when I'm sad and temp - ta - tions a-rise, I look to my home far a - way. j.j*.jyL.j j i* r r 1 1 H* P '> I a* 1 1 -(I* ' ?. P ? ^ P i k~ / CHORUS. J*. J h 1^ J ^ My home is in heaven, there is no parting there, All will be hap-py, glorious, bright and fair ; jjj-ji j jsjgnjj J.JSJU j. f^s-r^ ^?=ifc ^ *- ^ There'll be no sor - row, there'll be no tears, In that bright home far a - way. N fe I N fe it !> I IN i k. w W J: i. r t't r r ~W~' 2 Friends I shall see, who have journeyed before, And landed safe on that beautiful shore ; I shall see Jesus, that will be my joy, In that bright home far away. 3 Oh, who will journey to heaven with me } Jesus has died that we all may go free ; Come, then, to I lim who has purchased for you A crown in that home far away. 254- My Mind upon Thee, Lord. mp Moderate. I..: n Met. ^-84. ~B " r I. My mind up - on Thee, Lord, is stayed, My all up - on Thy And since, in sin - gle - ness of aim, I part wilh all Thy ^ i :fe zrd J'J JlJ w/ CHORUS. Allegretto. Met. J . = 60. i 3 " f" V al - tar laid, Oh, hear my prayer ! power to gain, O God, draw near ! Sa-viour, dear Sa-viour, draw S N N N K fc fi-tr - r^^l HIT r r~e=r r- r ' r r : F ^ ^ ^ 3^ 5: t i t r near - er, Hum - ble in spi - rit I kneel at Thy cross ; 1 ^ I s ft J J ^ N S S Speak out Thy wishes still clear - er, And I will o - bey at all cost. .. J -*r r r 2 By every promise Thou hast made, And by the price Thy love has paid For my release, I claim the power to make me whole, And keep through every hour my soul In perfect peace. 3 And now by faith the deed is done, And Thou again to live hast come Within my heart. And rising now with Thee, my Lord, To lose the world I can afford, For mine Thou art. 254 255- My Saviour Suffered on the Tree. inf Allegro, ma non Met. ^ 66. ? I. My Sa-viour suf - fered on the tree, Glo- ry to the bleed ing Lamb ! Oh, i r -*- -*>- J: J. JM. J. & H r i r g-^ x k I / J . J j J| vT^JEfl U, ^ ^ ^F ~" i 3 T come and praise the Lord with me, Glo - ry to the bleed - ing Lamb! _JJ> J^J.J^J.. ' I* 1 -* r-*, I** w-_ g -F r <*- ' i/ ^~ /" CHORUS dim. J .N ^Sp^R^^ * ~ ^ -^-- K . s g 1 : ~" i^ ^ g ^ g y ^=g love the sound of Je -sus' name, It ^'* y & The Lamb, the Lamb, the bleed-ing Lamb! I I f J = ^^ ^ =F / J -N J f f^CJ-F sets my spi - rit all in a flame, Glo - ry to the bleed - ing Lamb ! N N N i I IS l V ^ r* i i ^ \ t r ~" if ^=g :=!* r E r P 2 He bore my sins and curse and shame, Glory to the bleeding Lamb ! And I am saved through Jesus' name, Glory to the bleeding Lamb ! 3 I know my sins are all forgiven, Glory to the bleeding Lamb ! And I am on my way to heaven, Glory to the bleeding Lamb ! 4 And when the storms of life are o'er, Glory to the bleeding Lamb ! I'll sing upon a happier shore, Glory to the bleeding Lamb ! 5 And this my ceaseless song shall be, Glory to the bleeding Lamb ! That Jesus tasted death for me, Glory to the bleeding Lamb ! 255 db 256. My sins are Under the Blood. mf Moderate. Met. J = fi -a^-il,,J J Ug y-feg * -^j IT >k ^ I. God's an - ger now is turned a - way, My sins are un-der the blood; My /i J .N S / g / CHORUS dark -ness He has turned to-day, My sins are un-der the blood. my sins N sins are un-der the blood; My -* * *- ^l* F nX- sins, my sins, are un der the blood, My guilt is gone and my soul is free ; My peace, my peace, is made with God, For the Lord has par - doned me 2 My doubts are gone, the past forgiven, My sins are under the blood ; My title's clear, I'm bound for heaven, My sins are under the blood. 3 How sweet the Lord's alone to be, My sins are under the blood ; What joy to know He cleanses u e, My sins are under the blood. 4 When sorrow's waves around me roll, My sins are under the blood ; In perfect peace He keeps my soul, My sins are under the blood. 5 In every step His hand doth lead, My sins are under the blood ; And He supplies my every need, My sins are under the blood. 257. Nearer, my God, to Thee. Adagio. Met.J =5 6- (ffvV J " ~J J~ _| J J J i i j i 1 "**! r r r i. " Near - er, my ^ J J f f r God, to Thee- J J J -*& * *- f- ' i - Near - er to J J J Thee ! " 1 >ft(* r^ P P P r r r 1 r r r j~T J i -H 1 F-f- i 1 i r ! *! ?! [_ ~^ E ^, j j - -c*i : p r > i i E'en though it r r r be a cross J f J rJrf r that rais - eth J J J me ; tit)' it ^ i* 1 ' i* 1 F F S JM? j 1 r r r I r r p f- 1 TT*-^ ^-*- 1 ' J 1 3 1 J l -i i Still all my song shall be, "Near - e r, my God, to Thee . J J J J ^ A A ^ ^ J _^ SSZM Z3. + jf j^ r-> f ' ll r^*7 fej* # 9 /^TJ \ r r ^ U 1 P F 3 1 f^ -J F 1 : r r r * 7 , 1 i 1 1 1 n fm ^=J * =^= I 1 cJ 1 J J |- <9) s* * m 3- ^r; 7*J _ J T r p -*- f 1 r ]*- T "P"' Near - er, my God, to Thee Near - er to Thee." I j J i J I ! 1 J J i , J ... L^ ff . . H*- ri l-^~ F r T 1 ! 1 \ i 1 r 2 Though like a wanderer, the sun gone down Darkness come over me, my rest a stone ; Yet, in my dreams I'd be Nearer, my God, to Thee nearer to Thee ! 3 There let my way appear steps unto heaven : All that Thou sendest me in mercy given ; Angels to beckon me Nearer, my God, to Thee nearer to Thee ! 4 Then with my waking thoughts bright with Thy praise, Out of my stony griefs Bethel I'll raise ; So by my woes to be Nearer, my God, to Thee nearer to Thee ! 5 And when on joyful wing, cleaving the sky, Sun, moon, and stars forgot, upward I fly, Still all my song shall be, "Nearer, my God, to Thee nearer toThec i" 257 258. Never mind: Go on! Ttif Allegro. Met. ^104. i < i & - m * s *- i. In the fight, say, does your heart grow wea - ry? Do you find your Lay a - side all fear, and, on - ward press - ing, Brave - ly fight, and ifel *r* ^ J: H*^ path is rough and thor - ny, And a - bove the sky is dark and stor - my ? God will give His bless - ing ; Though the war at times may prove dis - tress - ing, SKI I J-- -* i " * r ,. -' f CHORUS. 3 ^ F* Nev-er mind : go on ! Nev-er mind : go on ! When the road we tread is rough, Let us bear in mind, In our Saviour strength enough We may al-ways find ; Though the fighting may be tough, S j[f Go on, go on to vie - t'ry. i Let our mot - to be, * * J Go on, go on to vie - t'ry. J 1 J J* J*. -? ^ J r r , r r s r 259- Nothing but Thy Blood can save Me. mp Adagio. Met. ^ 52. 3 r v\ r I. Je - sus, see me at Thy feet, Nothing but Thy blood can save me. Thou a - lone my need canst meet, Nothing but Thy blood can save me. .J frf\T m & / CHORUS. ^-j^- =r T- -r No ! No ! Northing do I bring, But by faith I'm cling - in ' p ^^ To Thy cross, O Lamb of God ! No-thing but Thy blood can save J- J --L-. SI K E ^ 1^=? -V V 2 See my heart, Lord, torn with grief, .Nothing but Thy blood can save me ; Me unpardoned do not leave, Nothing but Thy blood can save me. 3 Dark, indeed, the past has been, Nothing but Thy blood can save me ; Yet in mercy take me in, Nothing but Thy blood can save me. 4 As I am, Oh, hear me pray, Nothing but Thy blood can save me ; I can come no other way, Nothing but Thy blood can save me. All that I can do is vain, Nothing but Thy blood can save me ; I can ne'er remove a stain, Nothing but Thy blood can save me. Lord, I cast myself on Thee, Nothing but Thy blood can save me ; From my guilt, oh, set me free, Nothing but Thy blood can save me. Words of No. 2 Faithful be, delaying not to follow Where Christ leads, though it may be through sorrow ; If the strife should fiercer grow to-morrow, Never mind : go on ! Cheerful be, it will your burdens lighten, One glad heart will always others brighten, Though the strife the coward's soul may frighten , Never mind : go on ! 258 continued. 3 When down-hearted, look away to Jesus, Who for you did shed His blood most precious ; Let us say, though all the world should hate us, Never mind : go on ! Do your best in fighting for your Saviour, For His sake, fear not to lose men's favour, If beside you should a comrade waver, Never mind : go on ! 259 =^ 260. Numberless as the Sands. mf Allegro moderate. fe Met. J = 96. i P f * t f f ' W * i. When we gath - er at last o - ver Tor - dan, And the r. * J * * J J 5fe -* s *- E ^s aH r- g- g r ^ -fertb- J ~^-^J AJI J- ^ J l J ^^ S T" &' %~ ^' % ran- somed in glo - ry we see, As the num - ber - less sands on the mm ^r ~? k \-V ^ S^ a W m m M m . ~ Per f g r sea - shore, What a won der - ful sight that will be. j ^ J J* j J te J. / CHORUS. -Q W+Ji a -*-*--*- -^- ^- ^^ ^ Num -ber -less as the sands on the sea - shore, Num -ber -less as the J J.JiJ P^= 'CL 7 h u^ r c g g J: ^^ sands on the shore, on the shore ; Oh, what a sight 'twill be When The ^r c : g V ' * JF i 260 Ar - my we shall see, Num- ber -less as the sands on the sea - shore. i i 1 . J5 : g g g C* ^2= 2 When we see all the saved of the ages, Who from sorrow and trials are free, Meeting there with a heavenly greeting What a wonderful sight that will be ! 3 When we stand by the beautiful river, 'Neath the shade of the life-giving tree, Gazing over the fair land of promise What a wonderful sight that will be ! a, When at last we behold our Redeemer, And His glory unclouded we see, While as King of all kingdoms He reigneth What a wonderful sight that will be ! P 261. Oh, Remember Calvary. ^ f> Adagio. , """ , Met.J = 5 6 fc ill iii I I i ! J J J nd=d=^ ^ \ I. Oh, re -mem -ber Cal - va - ry, Oh, re -mem -ber Cal - va - ry, ^ AjAA Oh, re - mem - ber Cal - va - ry, A A A ^TT r And take my sins a - way. "> m ^r^ 6 Me, with all my sins, I cast On my atoning God. 7 Tell me now, in love divine That Thou hast pardoned me. 8 Yes, I can, I do believe, That Thou dost pardon me. 9 Thou art ours, and we are Thine Through all eternity. 2 I the chief of sinners am, But Jesus died for me. 3 Speak, and let the lost be found, And let the dying live. 4 Friend of sinners, spotless Lamb, Thy blood was shed for me. 5 Turn and look upon me r Lord, And break my heart of stone. 261 262. Oh, tell us Why you call Yourselves an Army? mf Allegro moderate. Met. ^ = 84. p faf-rr* ' g ''on. Oh, tell us why you call yourselves an Ar-my Are you sol-diers? Do you .Oh, yes, we are the true Sal - va - tion Ar-my, We are sol-diers, and we =*=- m ^t irix- V If ix ^= PP- -#- fe ^ pi * :}]4 * -- fight? Are you sol-diers? Do you fight? fight i We are sol-diers, and we fight. Our Leader is the Lord of Hosts, 'Tis in His strength our Ar-my boasts ;We'll drive the devil from these coasts.Trustjng Je-sus, we shall 3 i V f. v^s^- W *El f CHORUS. Allegro. Met. ^'. = JTJ?]^ m % ^ r &' win, Trusting Je- sus, we snail win. Oh, we'll fight the fight for God and right, We w PV , J* J* J h I Nfe | \ Jg. JL *. JL ^J. ^. ^ $ 1 S g'grTgU-H - ^ J JJIJI J:J Jl f Mygl^gl nev-er will give in; And trusting in our Saviour'smight.The Ar-my'sbound to win S 2 I low do you know the Saviour leads the Army? Is He with you ? Are you sure ? Oh, yes, we feel the Saviour leads The Army, He is with us, to be sure ! 'Twas Jesus made us hate the wrong, 'Tis Jesus fills our hearts with song, Jesus will lead us all along, Trusting Jesus we shall win. 263. Oh, that's the Place. inf Allegro moderato. Met. J - 96. cres. I. Je-sus is my Saviour, this I know, burdened, filled full of woe, Seeking from my sin to part, a^^JJU k/J'J'-M Graciously He heard me when I prayed, Drew me to His riv-en side^ Thereby faith I washed.and so wassaved,His Ik Ik H ps / CHORUS U* ^ I l^ '5 f i blood was there ap - plied. Oh, that's the place where I love to be, For migh-ty wonders ^M & g * \ r r there I see; Would you be blest, then come, live with me, At the cross of Je - sus. j j j .jj-jg. J.JJ./J .j jj i, I, i 2 There I came to Jesus, bound and sad, Liberty I claimed from my sin ; Readily He gave it, and oh, so glad Was my heart then made by Him ! Fetters which had bound me He destroyed, Blessed is the spot to me, Where I knelt to thank Him, overjoyed To find my soul was free ! 263 mf Allegro. 264. Oh, the Blessed Lord. Met. J - 96. E ^ rr r cc'riT if X I I l^^l II 1^ If I ^ r- '"-'' '"^ I. Oh, the bless -ed Lord, He has saved my soul From the world and the dev-il, and He's Oh, this poor old heart, That was full of sin, He has made quite new, and has J J J ^U ? i'J J J $ isi i i i made me whole; And my heart it's kept So en - tered in ; And my soul I know Is white and clean, For to ready to go For to M & /CHORUS. ride up in the cha - riot in the morn, ride up in the cha riot in the morn. jw j* / -P P P p r- Oh, the blood of Je - sus, J. J* J* J* J J* r r r -F= ^ 1 ^^ ' P r C P ^ ^ ^ if r Oh, the blood of Je - sus, Oh, the blood of Je - sus clean- ses white as snow : J^W ^ Oh, the blood of Je - sus, Oh, the blood of Je-sus, Ye^, it cieans-es white as snow. i m &=% V '*> V V > 2 Oh, the blood I know, Has washed white as snow From the depth of my heart I can tell you so And I shan't have a fear When the trumpet I hear, For I'll ride uo in the chariot in the morn. F* Oh, it's nice to be sure That your heart is pure, And that He a crown will give us if we to the end And to know that He abides [endure ; In our hearts, and ever guides Till we ride up in the chariot ir> ihe morn. 264 265. Oh, the Crowning Day is coming. mf Allegro moderate . Met. ^ 96. I. There is om-ing on a great day of re - joic- ing, When all the ransomedshallga-ther their All earth's sorrow and its sin thendis-ap-pear-ing, Ev-e- ry heart will the JJ- J^f & i II *****. / CHORUS. E 35 U- Lord as King to crown ; Sa - viour then own. J* J J" te J J- -J. J J AJ^I Oh, the crown-ing day is * J^ J* N JJ/.J<| J J J ^rv r ; : /i//^i com- ing, Hal - le - lu - jah ! Oh, the crowning day is com-ing, Praise the Lord! For out I h tN '- * -9- 4 i ^E ^ J/^.JJ-^.,* g 1 U- ^ . Saviour King shall reign, He shall have His own again, Hal-le - lu - jah 1 Hal-le - lu - jah ! 2 From far distant lands battalions now are marching, Who will have part in the honours which Jesus will bestow ; God be praised for all the souls that now are starling, Swelling the hosts that to victory go. 3 For the grand review, my comrades, we shall gather, With all the brave and the true we shall pass before the King ; Oh, what joy 'twill be for us then to remember That we the world for our Lord helped to win. 4 There, are many who would tell us we are dreaming, Thinking that Jesus shall reign o'er the nations of trie world ; But with steadfast faith we still fight on unheeding, Safe from the taunts that against us are hurled. 266. Oh, what shall I do be Saved. mp Adagio. Met. J = 56. ^: I. Oh, what shall I do to be saved From the sor - rows that A A A A. J N r* E i ^ bur den my soul ? Like the waves in the storm When the winds are at A A A A A A A A A J jt- grp^ ^ F CHORUS. Moderate. mf Met. ^ = 72. 3 war. Chill - ing floods of dis - tress o'er me roll. A A A AA.J What shall I 4=^ i f 3 do? What shall I do? Oh, what shall I do to be saved? r J 4 A A 2 Oh, what shall I do to be saved, When the pleasures of youth are all fled, And the friends I have loved From the earth are removed, And I weep o'er the graves of the dead ? 3 Oh, what shall I do to be saved, When sickness my strength shall subdue, Or the world in a day, Like a cloud, rolls away, And eternity opens to vi?w? 4 O Lord, look in mercy on me ! Come, come, and speak peace to my soul ! Unto whom shall I flee, Blessed Lord, but to Thee ? Thou canst make my poor broken heart wholr: \ That will I do ! that will I do ! To Jesus I'll go and be saved ! 266 267. Open, and let the Master in. mf Moderate. Met. J = 88. * 2 * 1 ^=^F i. Once Iheardasoundatmyheart'scloseddoor.Andwasrousedfrommyslumber of sin: It was J J S~ ^ 4*-t*- r r r * fefe * CHORUS. # S r 2 Je-sus knocked, He had knocked be-fore ; Now I said, " Blessed Mas-ler, come in ! " Then J -~- ^^ ^^^ r r r s E 'f c r r r i pen, i gj g^- ^^ u* C u* pen, o - pen to Him,,~. , , , , ., . , ^ O-pen,and let the Mas-ter in! for your ^ pi * P en > ill iw SI t-ti o-pen to Him, o -pen to Him, let Him in ; i ^ v ' ^ * ' r . r t> ^ heart will be bright with a heaven- ly light, If you'll on - ly let the Mas-ter in. . J h K I , , ^^ - "* J J es ^^ r r r ^ ^ |^ ' *> ^ ^ IX j He restores my soul, He renews my youth, And gives triumph in answer to prayers. 4 He will feast me still with His presence dear, And the love He so freely hath given ; While His promise tells, as I serve Him here, Of the banquet of glory in heaven. 2 Then He spread a feast of redeeming love, And He made me His own happy guest ; In my joy I thought that the saints above Could be hardly more favoured or blest. \ In the holy war with the foes of truth, He's my Shield ; He my table prepares, 267 268. Promoted to Glory. bde Lento sostenuto. P ==. ^ Met. J- 52. r r 1. Sum - moned Home, the call has sound - ed, Bid -ding a sol - dier his 2. Once the sword, but now the seep - tre, Once the fight, now the J J . JL ^i-* fa\>\ , . J j * ^ . *' t ^ J ' k J^ J j ^ tf r ' war - fare cease ; rest and fame, J O J 1 1 1 And the song of Bro - ken ev - 'iy j n*- j" an - gels re - sound - earth - ly fet - t J J\ h J ed, er, /fcV h * i 9 S P r Zm I L^*i " r^ 1 P r \ \ 9 9 tt~"i* f B SZE h i - r.^r.r sfe ^^ / J: ^^? Wel - comes a war-rior to e - ter - nal peace. Praise the Lord! From Now the glo - ry for the cross and shame ; Once the loss of ^ earth all ly for Strug Je - V * gles A com - rade has found sus, But now the e ter - nal lease. gain. -J- 5 ^ 268 f Death has lost its sting, the grave its vic-to-ry; Con-flicts and dan - gers are Trials and sor-rows here have found their mean -ing, Mys-ter- ies their ex -plan- J . J* fc < 5 ff 5 s ? r See him hon-oured at the throne of glo - ry, Safe, for ev - er in the sun - light gleam - ing 3 j. urn 4 4 -f-f-JtJt 4 ^^ m m ^CHORUS, m .M j j r r Crowned by the hand of Je Of His e - ter - nal Sal ho va J ^ a ' \ Strife and sor - row r&prrrf* i i r'^ r called to go from the ranks be - low, To the con - q'ring host a - bove. J i i j j i V V ' j* 269 269. Ring the Bell, Watchman. mf Allegro moderate. , ^ negro muur.ruut. ^ ^ J J ftm . * * PL Met. ^ = 96. ^ * 4 J gy \ - J'W tt? l*r* I. Come, join our Ar-my, to bat- tie we go, Je-sus will help us to conquer the foe De i> * J --^=t AJUJ h fc J h * I. h ' * ' - . * . * e '. q f fending the right and op- posing the wrong, The f Sal- vation Ar - my is marching a-long. f CHORUS. n. J j r* ft i i r ^ ^rT^y C ^ w f^Fff 2 ^ I Marching a- long, marching a-long, The Sal- va-tion Ar- my is marching a-long JiJLL^J^.^^.. f = E fF Soldiers of Je- sus, be valiant and strong, The Sal- vation Ar- my is marching a-long. ^ 2 Come, join our Army, the foe must be driven ; To Jesus, our Captain, the world shall be given ; If hell should surround us, we'll press through the throng. The Salvation Army is marching along. 3 Come, join our Army, the foe we defy, True to our colours, we'll fight till we die ; ' Saved from all sin" is our war-cry and sonp. The Salvaticn Army is marching along. 270 270. Sandon. Andante con express. 5 / Met. J = 65. f r rr r ^ r X. Lead, kind - ly Light, a - mid th'en - cir - cling gloom, Lead Thou me A j. j A A. j Jl j IS g): ^ 4 ^ i i ii ii. , 7 -J^-*r = 3d g JE ^ . j j i H 4- -^ -j- f) s'-* ~ * % u f- 1 ^ \ ^ r - r r r r* r " ^^ T~ . on 1 The night is dark, and I am far from home, Lead J. ! 1 ! J J- J- J -J- ^. , i ^ i ^ ^ _ r*s ' W: . L_ I 1 i i d r F- 1 r i i cres. A Jl I i /K ff 1 1 ^t. F I ' J cJ -j * J J J i Thou me J- 1 (^^ * 1 on ! Keep Thou my i | - 1 feet ; I do not ask to fM\* "t ' -t- p r* C> if ^ p 9 F -^ r~r^ r' ' f J | t F r 1 1 ' r H 1 1 ' H 1 ' 1 ^^=^ ^ r r * see The dis tant scene,.... one step e nough for me. W m j j j j. j. I was not ever thus, nor prayed that Thou | 3 So long Thy power hath blest me, sure it still Shouldst lead me on ! I loved to choose and see my path ; but now Lead Thou me on ! I loved the garish days, and, spite of fears. Pride ruled my will : remember not past years. Will lead me on O'er moor and fen. o'er crag and torrent till The night is gone, And with the morn those angel faces smii Which I have loved long since, and lost awhile 271. Sinner, see yon Light. mf Allegro modernto Met. J 92. Sinner, see yon light, Shining clear and bright From the cross of Cal - va - ry, Where the I I I N N I I I I I I I* h -J- J--*- JV -J- j v j> j -J- J- v- -J- J . J-J. rrrir"frJ F^F -F-F- f=F E^g fei 3 1 Sa - viour died, And from His side Flowed the blood that sets us free. J JL J. JL J J J hJ? J J. j J. J.. \ r** r ^ r ' ! El ^ F F F F F F \- > U -i F f=^-J 1 f I i F 4- F ' eL -^ LJ / CHORUS. Come a - way, come a - way, ( 1 |*. fc I N h J 1 1 I mf /P JlJ 1 -^- cz - J^^ y , A J- '<^ c Ita- ^ * 1^ f^ b r r .p + sr- -et_j?-!-2 -^-. F f m . t Come a -way, come a -way, To the cross for re-fuge flee; See the 1* fc 1 " J , J J j j j j j j / j. (tfftf 2 ^ -i- F ^ .T- Z F-H^ . f CHORUS. ^ i ^ 3 1 f ^T hail, all hail ! J J J J J J tr^ Oh, come and join our conquering band. All i^ ^ ^^ 1 r T r r All hail, I'm saved, all hail, I'm saved ! ^5^ ZJ r^ ^f-s ^ 2 *-^ J_ ^ >*- y~ r f" r c r ; p- hail, All hail ! We'll con - quer if we die. J J J J J nJ ^ J3 J . / J . J 1 J . V*r> ^ m ff \r r * * r- e r- e 1 rf*- hail, I'm saved, all hail, I'm saved ! 2 Gird your sword, on God rely, Fight for your Lord, And your every foe defy, Fight for your Lord. j In the name of Christ your Friend, Fight for your Lord, With the powers of hell contend : Fight for your Lord. 273 Fight the fight of faith with me, Fight for your Lord, Jesus gives the victoiy, Fight for your Lord. " Be thou faithful," hear Him crv Fight for your Lord, <- In My service fight and d ; e." Fight for your Lord. 273- Storm the Forts of Darkness. f Con spirito Met. J= 112. '. i "T'crTTfT 3 i. Soldiers of our God, a-rise!The day is drawing nearer ; 5haketheslumberfromyoureyes,Thelightisgrowingclearer. Sit no longer i - dly by I , , I > I I I M I I I LI* m 'f :|l rP r 3^^ -^ rsrr *rr > While the heedless millions die ; Lift the blood-stained bannerhigh, And takethefield for Je - sus. & M^JJ J j JLf j jjr). .? ^ HI i ir>rir-.;;=p ;/z/ CHORUS. ! 3^??? : ^ Storm the forts of darkness, bring them down.bring them down ! Storm the forts of darkness, bring them K fc 33 J. -ff*^ down, bring them down [Pulldown the devil's kingdom,Where'erheholds dominion; Storm the forts of J* .* * * ^F ^S ^PfT 1 ;;/f P:^Z: darkness.bring them down. Glo - ry.honourto the Lamb, Praise and power to the g^' I*-"' ^ , ' t?* ~ ix ^ i ^ ^ ' rrr * i g bringthemdown. tan< 1^ ^ IX ^ 274 41 3& i j: % r Lamb 'ggg Glo - ry, honour, Praise and power, Be forev-er to the Lamb. *-r 4, A rCCPEg- to the Lamb ; 2 See the brazen hosts of hell, Art and power employing ; More than human tongue can tell, Blood-bought souls destroying. Hark ! from ruin's ghastly road, Victims groan beneath their load, Forward, O ye sons of God, And dare or die for Jesus. 274. Sweet Heaven. mp Moderate , con express. Met. J = 60. 1st tit fie.- i. With my faint, weary soul, To be made ful-ly whole,AndThyper-fectsal-va-tionto see, With my heart all a-glow To be washed white as snow, I am J //J =>r/ time.- //J JJi mf CHORUS. ^ d. zpjp^: ^ 3=3 ggr gg r com-ing,dearSa-viour,to Thee. I'm coming, :t I . J I'mcoming, dear Sa-viour,toThee,Withmy J-Ji _ f Cr \ i \ 1"*- r r ^ f^- JU^ 3^ J S JJ J" Jl J ^ r g g g r heait all a-glow To be washed white as snow, I am com-ing,dear Sa-viour, to Tnee. ^rtr r=c=F=c^ -j b*-k-i t?-pr 2 Oh, how long I have tried To resist nature's tide ! All in vain have I sighed to be free ; In myself all undone, 'Neath the waves sinking down, I am coming, dear Saviour, to Thee. 3 I Thy promise believe, That in Thee I shall live, Through Thy blood shed so freely for me; To obtain a pure heart And secure the good part, I am coming, dear Saviour, to Thee. 275 mf Allegro. 275- Sword and Shield. J.jj. J J: Met. J=96. I 1 r'g r g r- ' m I. We are march - ing o'er the re - gions Where the sla - ve N. J-.J.U J < N > of sin IS I i S t * ' r g ' r g r i i, i r * \ 3= ^T-^ m o^- Is en -forced by hell - ish le - gions, But we'll fight and we shall win. = J..^ V-^j - r *- 3t A. J * *^H I *~ 5 A P J 1 ^ J ff H r r Step by s 4 J ' S- :ep we ^ J 'r g ~ march a - ong ; Nev - er daun ^^ - ted, fear - ing * - N J* /*A L. 1 2 11 Eil i ^^ f f iK! b ti 1 _ "^ r r * g P j i * * * . 4 1 j J J 1 i j = > X {y^ J J : 5~ *~ J j > J ==t^ 1 1 eJ none ; True ^. 1 -* lib - er - J J i ty from self J J J and Sa - tan Is * J t]J . ^ r i ' our song. J 1 ^-t? f=r-i 5 - I* ~r f * "l* ^ I 7 * x-s r^ ' f CHORUS. E ^ # ile the With sword and shield we'll take the field, We're not a - fraid to die, While the hfeN fci^fc Rhfch r - r r <> ^ 276 stan-dard of the cross is wav - ing o'er us ; We raise on high our bat - tie cry, And fe * ^ m all hell's pow'rs de - fy, Scat - tered by our ranks, the foe falls down be - fore us. jJ(*p f *0\ |* i f'ifrJ* f ' - ^ mf i r r " " , , , March on ! Heed not the can - non's roar ; i ^ E f= cannon s roar : 3 J=^ * = 1 E f on ! There's a crown when the bat - tie's o'er. P r r p ^f=^ \^ v v 2 Have you heard the voice of weeping ? Have you heard the wail of woe ? Have you seen the fearful reaping Of a soul that sinks below ? Rouse, then, who by Christ are freed, Heed, oh, heed, the world's great need, To save the lost, like Him who saved you, Forward speed ! 3 In the darkest hour remember Him who on the cross has died ; So that every captive's fetter Might be broken, cast aside ! Grip your weapons, soldiers brave, Forward, dying souls to save ! Fight on, untif in every land Your colours wave ! '77 276. That means Me. mf Allegro moderate, i N ^ N ^ Met. J = 96. ^ *0 E tr ** P ^ r k i u 1 ik ik ,lx k- ix Sx Ix I. With loads of sin up-onme, a life made black by guilt, I scarcely dared to hope that 'twas for Z^t 5^ 5 36 ^yj g -CM?- me the blood was spilt ; But I opened up the Bible, where I rejoiced to see That' 'Whoso-ev-er will may come,"and that means me. That means me, that means me,"Whosoever will may come, "that means me; I ^ af*V J-J J J i \^jHr ~\S |y> ^ A^4-t:| %_ :^^^ ^^ s IS N Ix ix am so ve-ry glad, because the Master said, "Whosoever will may come,"and that means me -*-*> 2 Oh, what a mighty blessing that Jesus made it plain, And didn't say it was for James or John, or any other name ; 'Twas but one word, "Whosoever," for simple folks to see, And even I can understand that that means me. 3 I came to Him so guilty, I came with all my sin, Oh, freely He did pardon me, He quickly took me in ; ''Twas that blessed "Whosoever" that did it, I can see Wherever "Whosoever" comes, that that means me. 4 Now, sinner, come to Jesus, the promise is for you, The word-is, " Whosoever," and what you have now to do Is to come this very moment, and He will set you free, For "Whosoever" means you, too, as it meant me. 278 277- The Mistakes of my Life. nip Adagio. Met. J^ 88. i. The mis-takes of my life have been many, The sins of my heart have been more, And I N. >A-J V-j ? i f.r r r m i K f r C i -=n v 11 ^ scarce can see for weep - ing, JU. But I'll knock at the o - pen door. #*/ CHORUS. as the dear Saviour now bids me come in, I'll en-terthe o - pen door. * ^ 2 I am lowest of those who love Him, I am weakest of those who pray ; But I come as He has bidden, And He will not say me nay. 5 My mistakes His free grace will cover, My sins He will wash away ; And the feet that shrink and falter Shall walk through the gates of day. 4 The mistakes of my life have been many, And my spirit is sick with sin, And I scarce can see for weeping, But the Saviour will let me in. 279 278. The Ransomed of the Lord. ;_/ Allegro moderate. Met. ^ \Q\. IW =(* frj f I. The ran-somed of the Lord are a h I s f* p i N hap - py band, Though de J J E c r g g i r :=HJSNP^P- =* r r r r j r j i i i i t^& k_> i* ' I k j ; g i r j * *-^+- .^ f i J U- k - spised they are strong, Hal-le - lu - jah ! They are bound to re - cruit as they - -^"~i ^ & & r f r f Tr tr march a - long, Will you come and J J ^ join us ? Hal - le - lu ^ * J jah! i E --f ^"CHORUS Hal - le - lu - jah ! Hal - le - lu - jah ! I be - long to The Ar-my, Hal - le - lu - i i 1 *^ uN.>i i^J^ ^^^l* +--+--&--*- j?J>J J ! -9- -+- -+- -+ + -+-+ i i 5 -r-r- =P ^ : c-^ 2 King David, though he sat upon a throne of state, Was a soldier of this band, Hallelujah ! And the beggar, who lay at the rich man's gate, Was a warrior in this band, Hallelujah ! 3 The three Hebrew worthies who would not deny their God Were all soldiers in this band, Hallelujah ! And Daniel, who with lions never lost a drop of blood, Was a member of this band, Hallelujah ! 4 The woman who was cured of her issue of blood, Was a soldier of this band, Hallelujah ! She spent all her money, but found no good, But she found it in the Saviour, Hallelujah ! 280 279- I'm Glad I'm Ready! mf Allegro moderato. Met. ,^ = 92. 3> 3 /. J>i J J J i. There's a gold -en day, And 'tis not far a - way, When the Prince of all the Then the hosts shall raise Loud their voi - ces in praise, While with " Righ-teous-ness of tt"\(t(tt!\W ^y/ij ftiJg ^ . ^ r 4 -+ 4\ 4 4 ^^ . a> earth shall no long- er de- lay, But shall send forth the call To the na-tions all For the saints" the Bride her -self ar - rays ; And with rap- turous song They will march a-long To the r g-gr e-eir si Royal Marriage Supper of the Lamb I Lamb ! Oh, I'm glad I'm ready! OhjI'mglad I'm ready ! -P--5 Rea-dy with the "wed-ding garment " on I Fighting till I join the hap-py throng 1 gggggggg 2 There's a cross you must bear, And a robe you must wear, If the glories of the marriage supper you would share ; You must be quite sure That for Him you'll endure Till the royal marriage supper of the Lamb ! There must not one stain On your garment remain If you wish to seek the favour of the Bride- groom to gain ! For no sin shall enter in To the palace of the King At the royal marriage supper of the Lamb ! 281 280. To Save a Poor Sinner. 'P And'-nte. -*-- Met. ^ - 76. & I i fg - 9 & S * * * I g r * m r + ^ I. When Je-sus was born in the man- ger, The shepherds came thi-ther to see,.... For the J^j- r r r i "-"i ^=^ 5 2=z?z an - gels proclaimed that a Sa-viour was born, To save a poor sin-ner like me I* P ' f CHORUS. To save a poor sinner! To save a poor sinner! To save a poor sin-ner like me; P'or the ^ 5 N j an -gels proclaimed that a Sa-viour was born, To save a poor sin-ner like me. 2 He was wounded for our transgressions, Acquainted with sorrow was He ; In the garden He prayed, and sweat great drops of blood, To save a poor sinner like me. 3 He was brought to Pilate for judgment, He was sentenced to hang on a tree ; " It is finished ! " He cried, when He suf- fered and died To save a poor sinner like me. Death's barriers could not hold Him, He burst them asunder for thee ; On the third day He rose, in spite of His foes, To save a poor sinner like me. 28i. Trim your Lamps. Met. J= 104. mf Vivace. pTPb,. .1 I I I JJl I fUH?V, I ^ J J ^ = 2=f -fT I. Re-joiee, ye saints, the time draws near, When Christ will in the clouds ap- pear, And J.J J J J J J J J .J trr / CHORUS -* *- for His peo - pie call. . ^ * Trim your lamps and be rea - dy, Trim your g g'r lamps and be rea- dy, Trim your lamps and be rea-dy for the midnight cry, For the J: m m m r g g r"r r~> ^ I *"> I J I ... .'i mid-night cry, for the midnight cry, Trim your lamps and be rea-dy for the midnight cry. I f * 2 The trumpet sounds, the thunders roll, The heavens passing as a scroll, The earth will burn with fire. 3 Poor sinners then on earth will cry While lightning's flashing from the sky, " O mountains, on us fall ! " 4 Yes, sinners then on earth will burn, To ashes will their bodies turn ; The saints will shout with jov. 5 Then on a sea of glass shall stand King Jesus, with His conquering band, Safe housed above the fire. 6 Come, buy your oil, before too late, And ready for the Bridegroom wait, And watch to enter in. 7 Come, soldiers, all, and let us try To warn poor sinners, and to cry, " Behold, the Bridegroom comes!' mf Allegro. 282. Under The Army Flag. i Met. + = 92. m TTT U> p U C lx I. We are sal-va-tion sol-diers of ev' - ry class and grade.Whilst fight-ing for King fe ff ? C I iw LJ ^~~-E r r r 3- U l> 2t ^ 2 r p e- sus we nev - er feel "a - fraid; We fight Be -neath our Ar - my Flag,and /j *,-tj> ix ir'^C t t 5 \*~~^ P j^* "^ p*- -*- P^ nev- er,nev-er yield We fight be- neath our Ar- my Flag in the barracks,street,or field. ^ ^ ^ * r - r r r=]g^g: i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^~ / CHORUS. _ _ ^ fc- | 1st time. ^ IB ' x 1 k* ^ Un-derThe Ar-my Flag we'll fight our way to glo- ly, Under The Ar- my Flag we'll Un-derThe Ar-my Flag we'll tell sal - va-tion's b4^ ^ P^ ^ 1 1 2nd tune. ^H^ 9 m- ^=^ con-quer or we'll die; sto-ry, For" Victory and Sal- vation!" shall be ourbat-tle cry. ^ f 2 The world may jeer and scorn us, yet still we onward go, We never shrink from danger, though Satan is our foe ; We march along 1 in Jesus' name Jesus who reigns on high And " Victory tlirough His precious blood ' " shall be our battle cry. 284 283. Up from the Grave. Modfrato. SEi s i n^ a .** i I I JU JJlJ Met. J = 88. i I. Low in the grave He lay, Je - sus my Sa-viour! Wait -ine;thecom-ingday, Je - sus my J J J i e T rrTf^ r ^"CHORUS. Allegro. Met. J= 112. JUEMU s* Lord. Up from the grave He a - rose, j _h_nJ /J ^ ^-f*[ ^ With a migh-ty tri-umph o'er His JUU^.-^ zg^zrj P IX gzj = f He a-rose, jai J J jjtf/t-j 1^ ^ P * O ' f p T\*S \* \ ^pl i U P U r r egg' r foes ; He a - rose a Victor from the dark do main, And He lives for ev-er in my fJWt ^ IX giix g! 1 F f= lie a-rose, : ff P heart to reign. He a - rose ! He a - rose ! Hal-le - lu-jah ! Christ a - rose ! ^y r-g He a-rose ! lie a-rose ! 2 Vainly they watch His bed Jesus, my Saviour ! Vainly they seal the dead Tesus, my Lord ! 3 Death cannot keep his prey- Jesus, my Saviour ! He torfe the bars away Jesus, my Lord ! 285 / Con Spirito. 284. Victory for Me. Met. J = 104. I. To the front ! the cry is ring - ing, To the front ! your place is there: . .4- K K N N K jL jfj \AA ^ F W-9- 55'r r r * ^ t ttr m f= In the conflict men are want - ed, Men of hope, and faith and prayer, and faith and prayer. r cg'r r r-c > tL PHP* Self - ish ends shall claim no right From the bat - tie's post to take us, J. =t ^E^E^ ri mf cres. J J 1 -|J. JJ |I|J. SSJ^M^l i Jr , ,_. - j L ^ K S~~J.-. A ^ ^ A ^^ .-**Q. _ f 1 Fear shall van - ish in the fight, For tri - um-phant God will make us. jj ff ^f CHORUS. i 3 I ' I No re - treat- ing, Hell de - feat - ing, Shoulder to shoulder we stand ; J J J I . J J-. J ^ & F 286 we stand ; /W^ 1 1 J J * 3 H"**" -iS 1 ^f * - C-L - S pT y-^i ,J f P - r r i r ' r r God look down, With glo- ry crown Our con-q'rin | i -. i , ! J J ^ -M -^ I b g p-J Ml'l. s . * Vic-t ^ - 'ry for ^^ me, J- a m 1 52 2 2 [J- +r J jy i ts ~ r- . 22 -p ' r-' , r? r . i ' i through the blood of Christ my Sa-viour, Vic - t'ry for me, Through the pre-cious blood. ^U ^ 2 To the front ! the fight is raging, Christ's own banner leads the way, Every power and thought engaging, Might divine shall be our stay. We have heard the cry for help From the dying millions round us, We've received the royal command From our dying Lord who found us. 3 To the front ! no more delaying, Wounded spirits need thy care ; To the front ! thy Lord obeying, Stoop to help the dying there. Broken hearts and blighted hopes, Slaves of sin and degradation, Wait for thee, in love to bring Holy peace and liberation. 285. Weeping Mary Met. J - 76. i. Is there a- ny-bo-dy here like weep-ing Ma - ry? Call to my Je-sus,andHe'lldrawnigh. /CHORUS. 1A-J J-J ffl?W ^ Oh, Glo-ry, Glo-ry, Glo-ry, Hal- le-lu - jah ! Glo-ry be to God who rules on high! J. j 5 ^ 2 Is there anybody here like sinking Peter ? Call to my Jesus and He'll draw nigh. 3 Is there anybody here like blind Bartimeus? Call to my Jesus and He'll draw nigh. 4 Is there anybody here like doubting Thomas ? Call to my Jesus and He'll draw nigh. 5 Is there anybody here that wants Call to my Jesus and He'll draw nigh 287 286. We'll be Heroes. f Maestoso. ^ 3t & r r & r I. We'll be he - roes, We'll be he - roes When the bat - tie is Jf J - r=F 3 f grows, Will our A J J- j rage J J=^ ^ ^^^ ^ =R cou - rage By the cross, ^ By the cross. P * J m -:rfr: ^ 2 We shall conquer, we shall conquer Through the blood of the Lamb ; And we ne'er will retreat, though we die, Till the conquest we've won, By the cross We are rising, we are rising, And the foe shall be driven ; As warriors brave, let us sing, We have victory and heaven, By the cross. 4 When we're dying, when we're dying In the arms of His love, On the wings of faith we'll ascend To the palace of God, By the cross. 288 287. We shall Walk ^through the Valley. Met.J= 5 6. dagio. 3 3= r r "0 cr c'f f r i. We shall meet our loved ones chere, ov- er there, Where no eye e'er sheds a ' J J J -* - ^r-r " t " r r r r-r i s JJjjJiJ tear, sheds a tear, For Je - sus Him-self shall be our Lea - der, As we * t m ~!~2 M tt walk through the val - ley in peace, iu peace. We shall walk through the val i ^ sha - dow of death, We shall walk through the val - ley in peace, in peace ; N I S I N N J _> > J > "^ f+tm \r\ v \ v v t=#t I ^ I n r 1 1 r t ? 2 We shall see our Saviour there, Where no eye e'er sheds a tear, Free from sorrow, grief and care, As we walk through the valley in peace. 3 We shall sing His praises there, Where no eye e'er sheds a tear ; Who has saved and cleansed us here, As sve walk through the valley in peace. 4 We shall reign as victors there, Where no eye e'er sheds a tear \ For we'll fight and conquer here, As we walk through the valley in peace. 5 We shall meet the sinners there, Vvhere no eye e'er sheds a tear ; Vhom we led to Jesus here, As we walk through the yaller in peace. 289 288. When the Chariot is Lowering. y ;/;/ Lento. ^ -MM- Met. J = 60. 5 ZTrTTT rr CP I. When the cha - ri- ot is lower - ing, And the an -gels are hov-er-ing, Will He take me JaW i ^r^a 2E iJ: J Jr^ E ^f = 3 r r r r r r r in? When the lisrht - ning is flash- ing, And the thun-der is crash-in h N 1 * ^ J . Moderate. Met. J =$ f-r 4 r r pr-'r ^ r ^r sin, May I, may I have no sin ? When the chariot's low-er- ing, if j?jg H 5^ ^ *. J ^ *^ *.*lgJ r-gr pg^'ef 5 . r F=F r&rrV As the angels are hov- er- ing, He will take me in. Te i ^ sus, Te - sus, can AJFfA i " ^ =w r r r r r sr'f f^ wash a - way my sin ; Je A A sus, Sa - viour, I know He'll take thee in. E r'r r cr- r ' r r rr 2 On the resurrection morning, As the bright day is dawning, Saints will wait for me. Then we'll stand by the river Near the throne, no more to sever, Ever, ever His face to see. 3 When the wicked are flying, And the backsliders are crying, lie will call my name. If I keep up my fighting, And in Jesus delighting, I in heaven with Him shall reign. 290 289. Where do you Journey? mp Adagio. Met. ^= 104. ? ;: ; j* V tf 4w- F^r^ ^^ r * g ' * * '* * * P 5~ ^ ^ c TH*~^ ^ * ^ ^ ^ ^ I. Oh, think of the claims of your Sa-viour ! Oh, think of the path that He trod, How And though far in sin you have wandered, Left vir- tue and goodness and right ; Though _fe_ft_Jl^ftft_jV^ J N -ft b _ft- " wea - ry He was, and for - sa - ken, ... To bring guil-ty re - bels to God ! tal-entsyou've wasted and squan-dered, Yet Je - sus can save you to - night. r^.v,*. *. ** * * ' i * *> J i : J>^ g * grfg^ ^ ^ ^ E: y. ^=qg ^^- ft ^ . . ^ F F- F * -m -m hi ^ L* ^ F hr * ? Yes, Je - sus can save you to - night, Yes, Je - sus can save you to - night! For- sake the broad way of de - struc-tion,... For Je - sus can save you to - night! r r w r- 2 No matter what kind of transgressor, No sinner's admitted on high ; Unless a salvation possessor, No hope will you have when you die. Give heed to the blest invitation, And overboard cast self and pride, For sinners of every nation There's pardon with Christ crucified. Another song to the above Ttin i Oh, where do you journey, my brother ? Oh, where do you journey, I pray ? Where do you journey, my sister ? For stormy and dark is the way. We're journeying onward to Canaan, Through suffering, and trial, and care, And when we get safely to glory, Oh, say, shall we meet you all there ? CHORUS. Oh, say, shall we meet you all there? And when we get safely to glory, Oh, say, shall we meet you all there ? 2 Oh, what is your mission, my brother, What is your mission below ? What is your mission, my sister, As journeying onward you go ? Our mission is practising mercy, Sweet charity, patience, and love, And following the footsteps of Jesus, That lead to the mansions above. 2 9 I ntj 290. While He's Waiting. Met. J = 6g. >K ff /t i J ^ ^ i s ' . i i* lift ' ' m 2 M ^ ^ X^~ t^J S32 i i ^^ P E_ ^"^ f^s ^y p 1 |^|^. I. Love of love so won - drous, Rich and fi'ee ! _ J i J J. J -d. J. j i fc ^ i* i* /**!> ^T_> J,^-. (TV (J. v * \~~ h SZZZE H i \" I d ! n r~~ Now the King of Glo - ry A par - don of - fers thee ! =s E P F nif CHORUS Moderate. Met. ^ So. * 1 J ' 4, i j 1 i ! i 1 1 ^-*r * S ~J -* . ; - _^ ^- r S* r While I , J le's wait - ing, J ^ ^ 1 r r f r plead - ing, knock - ing, -J- J- J ^ Let Him ^ ! i in! 1 SSS- H * B 2E J2 2 |E ^^ rJ j^A i i r T- F 2 r 3 1~ -f B /IY^- - [- -j ^ . * * * ^ * 1 $7 ^p J. r 5 r r r i While He's wait - ing, plead - ing, knock- ing, Let Him f* J ^ h^ i jt ^5 ---*- ^d. _W_V in! );S * P E^f- * f ^ f" ' r 2 For thy heart He's waited Days and years ; And thy sins, long hated, Have caused Him bitter tears. 3 Canst thou leave His pardon Still unknown? And forget the mercy That towards thee He has shown ? 4 Soon the day is coming When alone Trembling or rejoicing- You must His Kingship own. 5 Ah ! His love, so tender, Asks thee " come ! " And thy life, so slender, Bids thee for safety run. 291. While the Light from Heaven. mp Moderate. Met. ^ = 80. 3 S E F^^PP^F i. Sins of years are all numbered, Blackest stains brought to light, Bro-kenpledg-es un - A A, f fct = ^ r r F^ cov ered, None es - cape from His sight. Unwashed hearts are re - ject - ed, Guil - ty h & I I I I A~ ^m =Z ^ fefei PP^ ^=T -r souls rise a - lone, When you stand in the light of His great Judgment throne. ^ i* J* ^ /" CHORUS. A J Jr., j*i J j ist time. a/?^ /// -i s=? ; 3: ^ ^ g free From this ter - ri - ble bond - age with - in?. c ir c'E r __ _ u. # . - ^ ^ I , , Is there no de - live-ranee for me ? Must I al - ways have sin dwell with- r g f * r r r -~r~ P - r u g u bM U ' i =v 294 CHORUS. ter than the snow, 6 I ms r? *%=?* in ? Whi - ter than the snow, Whi - ter than the snow, r e r ^E Whi ter than the snow ! Whi-ter than the snow, Whi-ter than the snow! Wash me in the blood of the _fc> JSJ 9 + t m + gg-gr r l;'gr. g ^^ Lamb g Lamb, of the Lamb, And I shall be whi - ter than snow, than snow. J. ^. ^ J J e c-g r g-g 2 Will my Saviour only pass by, Only show me how faulty I've been ? Will He not attend to my cry ? Can I not at this moment be clean ? Blessed Lord, almighty to heal, I know that Thy power cannot fail ; Here and now I know yes, I feel, The prayer of my heart does prevail. 3 Now I know to me Thou wilt show What before I never could see ; Now I know in me Thou wilt dwell, And united to Thee I shall be. The light of Thy smile is on me, Thy love to my- heart is made known ; Now the face of my God I shall see, And His power in my life shall be shown. 2 9 3. Who'll be the Next? ^ mp Moderate. Met. J = i er I. Who'll be the next to fol -low Je-sus? Who'll be the next His cross to bear? J .EAI J J J J ^J J J J r r ! i dt /. ** i Someone is read -y, Some-one is wait-ing ; Who'll be the next a crown to wear? J J*.J*J r E ~ P E E^ W/'CHORUS. ^ Bi ^ J h fe I rffF Who'll be the next ? Who'll be the next? Who'll be the next to fol-low Je-sus? J J".J>J J JUJ J J J ^ r r r r r r r r- Who'll be the next to fol -low Je - sus now? Fol - low Je - sus now? J> J J i g^ 2 Who'll be the next to follow Jesus? I 3 Who'll be the next to follow Jesus? Come and bow art His precious feet? Who'll be the next to praise His name? Who'll be the next to lay every burden Who'll swell the chorus of free redemption ? Down at the Father's Mercy-seat? Sing, Hallelujah ! Praise the Lamb? 4 Who'll be the next to follow Jesus, Down through the Jordan's rolling tide ? Who'll be the next to join with the ransomed Singing upon the other side ? 296 294- Whosoever Will may Come. mf Allegro moderate. Met. ^' 104. 2C-25-P J W * * * j - i j j i j 9 j * ^ tt I , * *- J <^ *L - - * m J tTTTTTTT c - r r r r I. All have need of God's sal - va - tion, If with Him they'd live for w . 1)t JJ* J J J J J J // J J J J ev er, But a *^ f ' I** i^ i (^"tfri * ^- P- f r f r r = r u u T Cff rf. m r. K K i ^ *=* r r ^=^ 1 M i j J.; *>r r r r pro - mise He has , fit j . J J r r ^ c *.., i, b i > s> i * ^ m * U 1 U | O^-| writ - ten "who - so - ev - er." h i in r i^,j ' i * J t . f-v* ~- ' n ^ t[ r r r r / CHORUS. I r r ^g i r r ' u ' g r^r jl -q J" J*. J . f i hi f i-". i >. ^i rn~\ T w 4 . ~& ^ * m ^1 . ^ -* ' ^ ^ j-^- Who-so - ev - er will L__kj may come, And who comes to Him shall nev-er Dis-ap : I**- f^ir-fr -f\z *:1 f t/ gv! H J P 1 i r r 1 ^*~~^ /k- f : * f J. -d * J- J + Jr . ^j STvT*- - point - ed turn a tt J . f J .-- ' T~ 't't - way, Praise the . h J . J* . h Lord ! its " who - so ,J. J-J- f\ ev - er ! " ES ffl r ' f ' rl 2V - 1 + C2. * mf_ mf. a If. "9. * f V I" - | t, U 2 And this word it reaches nations, Not the rich, or learned, or clever Only shall by Him be rescued, Oh, praise God ! it's "whosoever." For the poor and broken-hearted Thprp's a Vinnr-. nnrl tViov nr>frl nr>vpr V \ i Have a fear about their coming, For the Book says " whosoever." 4 To all kingdoms and all peoples 'Tis the same, and shall be ever, There's no diff'rence in the message, 297 295- Why wilt thou Die? P Adagio. iJiU J J J i I TT d IT- S ** m * m _i rf _l Met. J= 52. /[TV Y * * cJ * * e r r r r r r r i. Sin - ner, for thee, A par - don is fr< J J ~^- -**- -*- -* -*' < :e, Though dark thy ca - ^ 4 1 ' ' 1 1 i i r r r ' ' "" i 11! r I ' r Q ./ tt -J J * J I 1 J -j K) * = * ?5 ! a tj ree r may have been ; Thy bur - den shall , J. A 4 ^ ^ ^ P i> 1 iff roll From thy guil - ty J. * * * * fc);ji p r r T * * f ^: h r ( i i i i i -(==- 1 1 1 f i i CHORUS. Met. J = 72. mf i Moderate. , Ms- 5? K N 1 J f* 3 1 J 1 lil\ ^ J J->T J jJ ^ ^ J . J - ^- 5BBa f PJ? ' r T i" r r g ' i soul, When the light of His face thou hast s< ^-^ p . i i i .. r^ . * ^ * 1 :en. Oh, why wilt thou [(*)* C T" 7 ! ^ * * ^~~ ^ = ; ^ P 'ta-' 1 v~ v ' -f- r r , F f 1 a <#;. /k '' 4-; J ^ H 1 K J 1 s J J. r fr-j io\ <^ * m * * . f 5 m - Xii ^_! 1 + + 1 ^-i 1 jj j r i r die ? Why wilt thou die ? Sin - ner, -J-. Ill 1 N J. sin - ner, why ? /-' ^ mmm ej . ^ r^ * (^TT ^ ? . * ^ r^* r* 1* 2 Tired of thy sin And sorrow within, Thy soul longs to find its true joy The joy that thy King In mercy doth bring Thy sorrow and sin to destroy. 3 Death is at hand, Thy life to demand, Make haste, now, thy Saviour to find No longer delay, Thou'rt passing away, And Satan thy soul waits to bind. 4 Awful despair Thy bosom will tear, When heaven for thee has no room- For ever shut out In darkness and doubt, Then hell everlasting thy doom. 298 296. Will you be There, and I? mf Moderato. Met. J = , ^ J J3I/J. S ^^ : >f_J_.* | lp i i :p i. I know there's abrightand a glo-riousland A - way in the heav - ens high, Where J J* - -=- jj j -J Hf-g-5-P-g-l^^ @ i n^i I F^ 1 1 KE^-l F ^'! >DFI r-c'g r rr^r iTI" i ^ all the redeemed shall with Je - sus dwell Will you be there, and I ? I ^g ati ^ t ^ p / CHORUS. s r c r LJ I If- - 1 fl Will you be there, and I Will you be there, and I ? i J^ JL g ^J Where J_ P ^ ^^ and I? W - g ' r r r all the redeemed shall with Je - sus dwell Will you be there, and I ? J3J J m ^ 2 In robes of white, o'er streets of gold, Beneath a cloudless sky, They'll walk in the light of their Father's love Will you be there, and I ? 3 From every kingdom of earth they'll come, To raise their anthems high ; Their harps will never be there unstrung Will you be there, and I ? 4 If we find a loving Saviour now, And follow Him faithfully, When He gathers His children in that bright home, Then you'll be there, and I ! Yes ! you'll be there, etc. 299 297- Will you Quit the Field ? f Con spirito. Met. J 1 20. ' ist rime. J. o r s ^ ^ ' v ix ^"~ f. Will you quit the field ? Will you ev - er yield ? Nev-er, nev-er, Will you bold - ly fight, And de-fend the right ? k h Hi -XM: w/ CHORUS. JT''J* f r " -3 ^ nev-er ! FT=^= ?* r r r "- r i Yes, for ev-er ! Nev-er quit the field till the 4z= F -^ J J Ji> i foe is slain, Nev - er quit the field, oh, nev - er, nev - er yield ! _fc _N A _^ J N 1^ S S I r ^ r '& ^g^ s E -d-^> B 3^ (0)- s* 1 '*';* i* ' ^t~F ii ix Ix Nev-er quit the field till we vie - Cry gain, Nev-er, nev-er, nev-er! 2 When the foe is near Will you have a fear ? Never, never, never ! Will you take your stand With faith's sword in hand ? Yes, for ever ! 3 Will you cease to sing Praises to your Kinf ? Never, never, never ! Bravely ev'ry day, Will you march away ? Yes, fur ever ! 300 mp Adagio. 298. Wonderful Love. Met. J . = 5^ mp *-!- y-8- I. Je - sus came down my ran-som to be, Oh, it was won-der- ful love!.... For -fui j\ m & 7 f< g v v -3 JJ^J" J JJJJ I ! * J /J 'fig p FS k^u*i ix u out of the Fa - trier's heart He came, To die for me on a cross of shame, To J'J'J* i i=t E c tr c I f P r i; I r E E g E I r : ^=^ ^ lAJj -^F r - 'C's -r set me free He took the blame, Oh, it was won-der-ful love!.... J ^J ^JV > J h ;///" CHORUS. Allegro moderate. Met. ^'=126. ^^ ^ 1 y^* rTr rgr T r r'P : 'rrrr -rTrrT" Wonderful, won-der-ful, wonder-ful love, Coming to me from hea-ven a - bove, J.AI J.JJ ijj J. J44.^ J- JJJ J i E r ^Ov /I Fill-ing me, thrilling me through and through, Oh, it was won-der-ful love ! ^~rirT 2 Clear to faith's vision, the cross reveals Beautiful actions of love ; And all that by grace e'en I may be When saved, to serve Him eternally. He came, He died, for you, and me, Oh, it is wonderful love ! 3 His death's a claim, His love has a plea, Oh, it is wonderful love ! Ungrateful was I to slight Thy call, But, Lord, now I come, before Thee fall, I give myself, I give up all, All for Thy wonderful love. 301 299. Wonderful Words of Life, Met.j. = 66. mf Allegretto. I. I'veheaidofa Saviour whose love was so strong, He loved a poor sin-ner like me; He turned His back on the glo - rifled throng To save a poor sin-ner like K"" S N ^ S N J r:r me. The angels they sang Him from glo-ry, I'm glad that they told me the sto - ry ; He CHO. sins rose as high as a mountain, They all dis-ap-pearedin the fountain ; He came from on high, to suf - fer and die, To save a poor sin-ner like me, put my name down for a pal- ace and crown, Bless His dear name, I'm free! He He 1 rrr fr r* p ^ r V * k> V I M CHORUS. I ^ came from on high, to suf- fer and die, To save a poor sin-ner like me. My put my name down for a pal-ace and crown, Bless His dear name, I'm free! re g r r r r This wonderful Saviour took such a low place, To save a poor sinner like me ; His heart overflowing with wondrous grace, To save a poor sinner like me ; Was born in a stable and manger, In His own world was a stranger, With all things did part to win my hard heart. And save a poor sinner like me. This Jesus had nowhere to -lay His head, To save a poor sinner like me ; He was a Lamb to the slaughter led, To save a poor sinner like me, Midst darkness my Saviour is dying, " 'Tis finished ! " I hear Jesus crying ; My soul may go free, He died on the tree, To save a poor sinner like me. 302 f Maestoso. 30O. Crown Him. i Met. = i J i i r f r r r I. All hail the power of Je - sus' name ! Let an - gels prostrate fall, Bring forth the roy-al J.14J. jjj-u j j /i, . j ^4 i i r fei> w v '-S' S*- ^"^' ' ^ I P P \fir3 -^r~ '""' ^^ Q * - V^iy 1 ^ /r^ : 3 r C3T r u~ f r i i ' ' i r r * di - a - dem, And crown Him, crown Him, crown Him, crown Him Lord of all ! J T H j -H J i J J 4 4 J J J J J . /.v u r r i* 5 ^ -^ ' j 3 *!? L^' f P r i* ^ 1 ;"^> r EZ ^b ' LJ Lfr r- -^ l -4^ 1=^ = E 1 1 _j . fet J-r^-^ I I rr'r r r r-r r r i And crown . Him Lord of all, And crown Him Lord of all, And A i And crown Him Lord of all. And crown Him Lord of all, And g * ***' ^ 7T> fT3 *- -f f ' > b r 1 ' j. ' r* i ' _^ cJ_ 3 1 crown Him 1 Lord r l of all, And f 1 crown Him t=p=p Lord of / -7373^ -J- 4 - ^ J J rtl J J J J. (^L-b 1 \L ttz: ' r r r r r ^ L^-EL q 2 Let every kindred, every tribe, All nations great and small, To Him all majesty ascribe, And crown Him Lord of all ! 3 Ye sinners lost of Adam's race, Partakers of the fall, Come and be saved by Jesus' grace, And crown Him Lord of all ! 4 Crown Him, ye martyrs of our God, Who from His altar call ; Extol the power of Jesus' blood. And crown Him Lord of all 5 Oh, that with yonder sacred throng We at His feet may fall, Join in the everlasting song, And orown Him Lord of all 1 5C3 301. I cannot Leave the Dear Old Flag. Met. J. = 66. mf Allegretto. m I ist time. S At ss Kfr-ft-r ^ (. They bid me choose an eas - ier path, And seek a light - er cross, They bid me min - gle with heaven's gold, A lit - tie of I J JJ J P J , S J J.JTJ ^HH i r E r E T | .?#,^J J J $ F F rr r s f=5 die!... I can - not leave the ^ ^ dear old flag, 'Twere bet-ter far to die! J J*J- s N | J_ I r^r g b~r^ ^ ' r ^ r g r g'i ' 2 They say the fighting is too hard, That health will surely fail, That dreadful is a pauper's lot, They'd have such fears prevail. But, oh, how can I quit my post, While millions sin-bound lie? I cannot leave the dear old flag ! 'Twere better far to die ! 3 They say I can a Christian be, And serve God quite as well, And reach heaven just as surely by The music of church-bell ! But, oh, the drum and clarion-call Of band make my pulse fly ! I cannot leave the dear old flag 'Twere better far to die ! 302. I've Found the Pearl mf Allegro moderate. Met. J = ' i, I've found the Pearl of Greatest Price, My heart doth sing for joy My heart doth sing for J J J te IS -r joy ; And sing I must, for Christ I have, And sing I must, for Christ I have, Oh, 2 My Christ, He is the Lord of Lords, He is the King of Kings ; He is the Sun of Righteousness, With healing in His wings. 3 My Christ, He is the Tree of Life, Which in God's garden grows ; Whose fruits do feed, whose leaves do hd, My Christ is Sharon's rose. 4 Christ is my meat, Christ is my drink, My medicine and my health : My peace, my strength, my joy, my crown, My glory and my wealth. j Christ is my Father and my Friend, My Brother and my Love ; My Bread, my Hope, my Counsellor My Advocate above. 6 My Christ, He is tne hea^.n of heavens, My Christ, what shall i call ? My Christ is first, my Christ is last, My Christ is all-in-all. 305 303. Jerusalem. Allegro moderato. Met. 9 104. ft #u f \ ' h ' ' ' i i 1 1 1 1 Jr ^H 3 J t ^ i ^3 * i? ""? J J * * * //|V 1 \ J ^~, i p , *^ 9 * 4* s-j - f ^M"' \^ tf * /*"^ 1 * A /*^D G-' m i* i* ' Come, O my u . J J.J* God, the prom - r^' J-r-d r^ T r r r r ise seal, This moun-tain sin re 1 J 1 J. J J rl <-d . J__3L_JL_Jf /W^* ** "C j K ^ pj'tt-^it/ 4 r* 3 r ' r 1' 1 EZ _/^ P r 4 ^~x " ftr, L 1 i ' H 1 "|| 1 P J ~ IL U 1 *#/ 1 n tt Sii. L.J -== T^^ J J^^ ! i*^ i y ft ti ZZZEZZB ^ m _i 1 |H Jr J ^^ ' * tr r * j J J 4 J /Vl\ 1 ^.-j ^ ^ r r 2 I S ' f J Tr* \My ^"^^ a ^ . ~ - move ; Now in my j_ J. J. J- gasp ing soul re y^A TI.. i L ^* TT^ 1 Tr f*"-^ * (^ ^^ 1 i ^--^ f*^J M iT3 S3 ^ ' J 4y t j I C tr^J. -j 1 1 1 1 J L/ |M ^TT *r ^ ] I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 r^ 5 Ti ^J ^3 _1 CT) S * z * + =3 J J J- - s : ^ r-^ J * ^~ . veal The -* * o- \ \ vir - tue of Thy J J J J --p ?--*-? 3 3 S ' ^ r r love, The vir - tue of Thy >^A i* ff -- ' 1 [^y* if T^** ^-^ * f* f* i* m m m m ^^/ "2 ^ ' iT ' ' \ \ * ' n tt fin i The /fej I 1" vir -tue of Thy love, The y tt>^ ^V i i <^J ! i ! rS i 1,1 II /W--?R-J^- Eg -^-^- y 1 * +-*-* ^ 1 i H ^1 & * \--t& *-U ^ 1 ^r love, The vir - tue, The ' 1 1 I s | , .. n. r~^-c-^ E n H irT~rf r i. Stand up! stand up for Je - sus ! Ye sol - diers of the cross; Lift J J J J J i i i i BSE 232 Z ^ ^2 ^* ^* ^ ^ 55 b * ' . ^ m m r * i^' 11 II X 1 ' ' S 1 1 1 1 i i i f \ ^ i m \ \ j i f b * * J * J -sl 3 J J. ^ * A f^ P P m i r r SZ 5 m m r I I r r-j i 1 i 1 1 P^ II cres. 1 u 1 ^ i 1 r \ ' \ J _^J ^J ^ |fP ^ 1 _i i 1 i 1 r\ 5 B^ * ^F J ^P CX ^F 9 a rt\ *^ ^^ m, m 9 v4-/ ^p ri* i^ 3 i* i* i* * f^> . * 1 vie - ,, J r r i r * r t'ry un - to vie - t'ry, His Ar - my J* J J J J ^ f J 1 1 He shall lead, Till n?75 \} (^ " -+*-+* -* *- i* (^ ' !* ^tei^ FT ^eJ * ^ i W 1 1 '1 _ntd L , i IS 1 \i i P | J 1 -* 3 =i 1 =d 1 _i i 1 ii ^j^-P- -^ 9 9 & -A 9 1 ^ h^ ~i^ Vsiy * ' ev - c r i 'ry foe is van quish'd, And Christ t J J J J - J H r ^' is Lord in - deed. - - . J. ^\\) * ! r PC -P- ]S - }S =3t 3: I. To save the lost the Sa-viour came, It was for them in i . I s h r i h ^-j^ +-. 9 9 9 ^_ 9 O? -. E3 '$tr-r-e=tt=z=r-r-r =* b^ hrf =rf 1 1 h* h-r, b< V=S^!- 5-C-C * (res. -N S ^ q^Fl: ^-J-^: ^==t ^- ^-^^ ^ ^EE^ :=_ P _ mer - cy He gave His life, the news pro-claim, And give to Je - sus glo-ry ! * . I * ^^ I h h ^trrir^F^ . JL -P P- ^g mf CHORUS. ^ Mr-pr-pr- Give to Je - sus glo ry ! Give to Je - sus glo - ry ! Pro-claim re - BE :^ r-r-r=Ff x x ix T :^= 5 -m mm> -i 1 1 . -^ x v * i -r* -* - Bp ^6 demp - tion's wondrous tale, And give to Je J ^ ^ ^ J ^ ^ ^ X] sus glo - ry ! 2 What matchless grace, how rich, how free ! Our Saviour calls all to Him ; A Saviour He to all would be, Oh, give to Jesus glory ! 3 In every land where man is found Let us make known the story Of love divine, its praises sound, And give to Jesus glory ! 4 There pardon is for all who come Their sins confessing truly ; Then pardon claim, O guilty one, And give to Jesus glory ! 309 307. St. Peter's mf Allegro moderate. ifcb i . * -J 1 i- Met. J 72. ^ ^^^=j==^=M=fc^ f^TT^fT^Tr^TT^F^T 5 I i. How sweet the name of Je - sus sounds In a be-liev-er's ear; It J J J J J :t= soothes his sor - rows, heals his wounds, And drives a - way his fear. 2 It makes the wounded spirit whole, And calms the troubled breast ; 'Tis manna to the hungry soul, And to the weary rest. 3 Dear Name ! the Rock on which I build, My Shield and Hiding-place ; My never-failing Treasury, filled With boundless stores of grace ! 4 Weak is the effort of my heart, And cold my warmest thought ; But when I see Thee as Thou art, I'll praise Thee as I ought. 5 Till then I will Thy love proclaim With every fleeting breath ; And may the music of Thy name Refresh my soul in death ! 308. O for a heart that is whiter than snow. inp Moderato con express. I. O for a heart that is whi - ter than snow, Kept, ev - er i i . J. -J- - J J. :mf: m 5 1 1- r=f -f -- Jllp ^ -I 1 kept 'neath the life - giv - ing flow, Cleans'd from all pas - sion, self- J J J J uJ J J J -^ -~ / i i uiin. , , y j J _i i j _, m P n^~j- ~"jfrp J-~t] i l ~Ti =:=:= F =:i i - vine, to whom else shall I go? J J J J J J. I ^ ;-i--i Thou who didst die, J J ,' cw. __rj_-i__i n . f ^-J = i = J dim. P^= mp - r in*^ . Give me a heart that is whi - ter than snow I J J J J J J- J J j i 1 ^T 3~~ 1 F 2 O for a heart that is whiter than snow ! Calm in the peace that He loves to bestow ; Daily refreshed by the heavenly dews, Ready for service whene'er He shall choose. 3 O for a heart that is whiter than snow ! With the pure flame of the Spirit aglow ; Filled with the love that is true and sincere, Love that is able to banish all fear. 4 O for a heart that is whiter than snow ! Then in His grace and His knowledge to grow 1 Growing like Him who my pattern shall be, Till in His beauty my King I shall see. 309. Only trust Him. Moderate. cres. Met. J =^ 88. m r ' I. Come, ev' - ry soul by sin oppressed, There's mer-cy with the Lord, And I \ I i i I i I i -J. V.J * *d= ^^ - 8 ' ' P r r r He will sure - ly give you rest, By trust - ing in His word. J- >J. J, J-.'JJ i ! I J* J. J- J t-^-7-^ p ^ ^-1 J . J . ^ . ^2 F / CHORUS. ^ __i_^ ^->-g==^i= r j i i j g~ j ^ 1 * r r i^Tr ?Vr ' ' ^' : On - ly trust Him ! On - ly trust Him ! On - ly trust Him now ! i ni i i j J. J A. r . * J t , t f t ^ ^^^I^VI r r r -p- r f ?' t r r . He will save you ! He will save you ! He will save you now ! J. JJ J ' KJ J ' t ^^ r ' r r 2 For Jesus shed His precious blood Rich blessings to bestow ; Plunge now into the crimson flood That washes white as snow. 3 Yes, Jesus is the Truth, the Way, That leads you into rest ; Believe on Him without delay, And you are fully blest. 4 Come then, and join the holy band, And on to glory go, To dwell in that celestial land Where joys immortal flow. 312 3io. Vain, delusive world adieu ! P Adagio. |^ ~ Met. cres. I. Vain, de - lu-sive world,a - dieu, With all..... of crea-turegood; On- ly Je - sus I pur - J J J . J J h * . * _ p re. ^ ^ ^ r -y ^ ^^ - ^ ^ a n .~^ 11^ i j-HgB^f^^^^z^fap^^ -M^-g-jLgdgrfiVizgzE z=fc=^=^E^u ^ V g=d v-gs- -T~5 i */" U k I - sue, Who bought me with His blood ; All thy plea-sures I for- go, I tram-pie I i rj L h j. . j* ^ J * I - p I g g t2=d:=iz^=:J==J=: _zitrig_* ?L_ r^VJ 8 ^ 2 Other knowledge I disdain, 'Tis all but vanity : Christ, the Lamb of God, was slain, He tasted death for roe. Me to save from endless woe, The sin-atoning Victim died ; Only Jesus will I know, And Jesus crucified. 3 Turning to my rest again, The Saviour I adore ; He relieves my grief and pain, And bids me weep no more. Rivers of salvation flow From out His head, His hands, His side; Only Jesus will I know, And Jesus crucified. Here will I set up my rest ! My fluctuating heart From the haven of His breast Shall never more depart. Whither shall a sinner go? His wounds for me stand open wide ; Only Jesus will I know, And Jesus crucified. 313 311. It is well with my soul. P Andante. Met. J 84. ^ -i^ ?=r p rr r I. When peace, like a riv - er, at - tend - eth my way, When sor - rows, like J J J EE: = mf \cres. a ^ r 3=2: f 1 sea bil - lows, roll ; What - ev - er my lot, Thou hast taught me to V (f P=P S i 3 CHORUS. It is well. know, " It is well, it is well with my soul." It is 4 A f -P-P- ^ A with my soul,. ^r _J 1. well with my soul, It is well, it is well with ray soul. | j. 4 J i ^ ^ A j i i hi 2 Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come, Let this blest assurance control, That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate, And hath shed His own blood for my soul. 3 For me be it Christ, be it Christ, hence to live ! If Jordan above me shall roll ; No pang shall be mine, for in death as in life, Thou wilt whisper Thy peace to my soul. 4 But, Lord, 'tis for Thee, for Thy coming we wait, The sky, not the grave, is our goal ; O trump of the angel ! O voice of the Lord ! Blessed hope ! blessed rest of my soul ! 312. Missionary. mf Allegro moderate. ' I 1 Met. J = i r I. From Green-land's i - cy moun - tains, From In - dia's cor - al strand, Where I Af - ric's sun - ny foun - tains Roll down their gold - en sand, From J I I I , I J I -J- -J- J. J I tf -*- -*- -&- . - L-I c^; -4- .-r-J ! J-r-J 1- -d =tqcs mf ~| "| "I =g=zz=^d r many an an - cient riv ? ^^ f ST pal - my piain, They S er, From many J. -J J EE^= -J-T- I call us to de - liv i r=r er Their land from er - ror's chain. ^*_^_J_1 J ^ 2 Can we, whose souls are lighted With wisdom from on high, Can we, to men benighted, The Lamp of Life deny ? Salvation 1 O salvation ! The joyful sound proclaim, Till each remotest nation Has learnt our Saviour's name. 315 313- Covenant. ;/// A.legro moderate. Met. .J 92. I. There is a foun-tain filled with blood, Drawn from my Sa - viour's veins ; And * I* -1 J J-..J.J. J | - g^j sin - ners plung'd be - neath that flood Lose all their guil - ty stains. Lose i i -p p^ = *=*- F=F all their guil - ty stains, . J-. / J J- | ! \}*- Lose all their guil - ty stains ; And 4 za=n -P-2. P S^_P=HJ=^ i >- 2 The dying thief rejoiced to see That fountain in his day ; And there have I, though vile as he, Washed all my sins away. 3 E'er since by faith I saw the stream Ilis flowing wounds supply, My Saviour's love has been my theme, And shall be till I die. 4 Then in a nobler, sweeter song, I'll sing His power to save, When this poor lisping, stammering tongue Lies silent in the grave. 5 Dear dying Lamb, Thy precious blood Shall never lose its power, Till all the righting host of God Be saved to sin no more. / Allegro, 314. Cranbrook. Met. J-T 104. m 4=* =H < irSH PSE j_^. r i ^ 3^=|. v - I. Called from a - bove, I rise And wash a way my I '-* H I I ! I &*J= fW-:-7T-" ^~r~ ^ ^ -f^. _P J . _h J" J* .^J* .Jl. "VJ* *> i SE*SEg3 -- ==i= := IP ix k i time. time. izz f the bet - ter land ; k K N I the bet- ter land. JS IS l ! 2 Tell us, pilgrims, what you hope for, In that far-off better land ? Spotless robes and crowns of glory, From a Saviour's loving hand. We shall drink of life's clear river, We shall dwell with God for ever, (repeat) In that bright and better land. 3 Fear ye not the way so lonely, Ye, a little feeble band ? No, for friends unseen are near us, Angels bright around us stand. Another Song 1 Hark ! the gospel news is sounding, Christ has suffered on the tree ; Streams of mercy are Abounding, Grace for all is rich and free. Now, poor sinner, come to Him who died for thee. 2 Oh ! escape to Calvary's mountain, Refuge find in Him to-day ; Christ invites you to the fountain, Come and wash your sins away : Do not tarry : come to Jesus while you may. k . k Christ, our Leader, walks beside us, He will guard, and He will guide us, (rep.} Going to the better land. 4 Pilgrims, may we travel with you To that bright and better land ? Come and welcome, come and welcome, Welcome to our pilgrim band. Come, O come, and do not leave us ; Christ is waiting to receive us, (repeat) In that bright and better land. to the above Tune. 3 Grace is flowing like a river, Millions there have been supplied ; Still it flows as fresh as ever From the Saviour's wounded side ; None need perish all may live, for Christ has died. 4 Christ alone shall be our portion Soon we hope to meet above ; Then we'll bathe in the full ocean Of the great Redeemer's love ; All His fulness we shall then for ever prove. 318 3i6. I love Jesus. mf Allegro moderate . Met. r=72. I'm a sol-dier bound for glo ry, I'm a sol - dier go -ing home ; Come and S. !-v K- CHORUS. / ~4 hear me tell my sto - ry, All who love the Sa - viour come. I love i i J*. J* J. J. J o > l/~* > J* I s & m I 1= Je - sus, Hal - le - lu - jah ! I love Je - sus, yes, I do, I do ; I love JL -J- -J-l-J? -J- -J- i s -J. r * r* * i k - T T - r 11 1 ^ J^ J 9 ^~i rrr 1^~; * m ri i~7T^| j j J2 -?-r-tt ij r*rr- V, F=>^S- Je - sus, He's my Sa - viour, Je - sus smiles and loves me too. | J ^f.J -J. J. J 3 3^1^ I I i^S ^ =^5^ 2 I will tell you what induced me In the glorious fight to start : 'Twas the Saviour's loving kindness Overcame and won my heart. 3 When I first commenced my warfare, Many said, " He'll run away ; " But they all have been deceived In the fight I am to-day. fr 1 4 I'm a wonder unto many, God alone the change has wrought , Here I raise my " Ebenezer," Hither by His help I'm brought. 5 When to death's dark, swelling river, Like a warrior I shall come, Then I mean to shout " Salvation ! " And go singing " Glory ! " home. 319 317- Eden. mf Allegretto. Met. J -/6. hi 1 1 1 1 i u , y U Q IS \ ; J 1 1 2t|u2_tJ * * J ^ -m d V- * J rl 1 vj) 4- ^ ji i -j ' x. The J_ love of Christ d Dt h ~l me con - r- J T strain To i ^ 1 fa& (?"'$ f* 3 P - V' U u,^ /I ( ^ * i ur- H - seek f- -=r i the wan d'ring souls J^,J J_ h ^~ ^ ^~ =EEt I I I of men, With i 'a - -S f 1^ ' g? r r r i^ i en trea - ties, tears, to save vfrfr J To T~ 3jL-tt T~ 2 -1 1 1 snatch them J -s fro ' ^f g 2 ^^-b->> ^ > - ^ 2 For this let men revile my name ; No cross I shun ; I fear no shame ; All hail reproach, and welcome pain ; Only Thy terrors, Lord, restrain. 3 To Thee I all my powers present, That for Thy truth they may be spent Fulfil Thy sovereign counsel, Lord ; Thy will be done, Thy name adored. 4 Give me Thy strength, O God of power, Then winds may blow, or thunders roar, Thy faithful witness will I be; 'Tis fixed ; I can do all through Thee. 3i8. Holly. Met. J = 8o. fcfy>-& _! _| _j_ 1 J 7 -^ ^, 9 * S i. With - 1 in my U J heart, i O Lord, ful J J ' <~3 7T3 t*3 fil fm\' n 4* c*s 1 SEE v 7* & ii f r-^ S~~) \ ?TV 1 SZJi -i * ' f r , 1 9 J | i i E I -9 b 1 1 1 i ""= r H . ^-H 1 . i -* xL IT n ^J U ' ^s - 1 1- -3- -H H r^^. _J rt\ ECZZS o j of 1 Sj J 4 4. m z c * S 1 g 1 | 1 The pur - pose Thy J ^H i^H" death and J J pain, ft*)* b ^^ jiW i* 1 ItE^'t^u ^ ^^ e ^ 5 f- 1 E^ 7 i ^ H fjj^jg D 1 1 1 I [/ ,7' ] i d -a 3^ r- - i * 1 That all may know >v 1 Thou liv - est still, 55 P * ^* -f- a & =^r i i t r ~~T 1 === PI -J _1 ^j ^ ^ c: ) * i j 1 g w x^~J 1 j^-j r r -r In blood - wash'd j ^i__i. hearts r F F to rule and l -K i reign. (i*V ^ m m E ' ^ 1 5 2 O Lord, I gaze upon Thy face, That suffering face so marred for me ; Touched by the wonders of Thy grace My heart in love goes out to Thee. 3 O Saviour, by Thy bleeding form, The world is crucified to me ; Thy loving heart, so rent and torn, Thy suffering bids me share with Thee. 4 'Twas on the cross Thou didst redeem My soul from sin and cruel despair ; "Tis near the cross I would be seen, And welcome every sinner there. 321 319. Praise God! I'm saved! (THE ARMY DOXOLOGY.) Met J = 88. n # fM ttstoso. m ^m \ i i 1 i t rj i gJ -J .J. J. (flv ft ( \ } _cJ iJ d_:^ * p XJ2 - 1 ' 1 Praise God! I'm saved! Praise God! I'm saved ! All's *)i ft lift / i 2 3 S gj , f 1 , j r . W 5 1-* j n f /"*3 ' 1 1 cres. r r i/ Ripi j J z 1 j fn\ ' t* ft I* flm ^km f^ff- m f i ** ^^ ^ C-} * \^) r \fP *5P M P t) 1 1 l^l *~ I^J 1 1 well, all's well, all's well, all's well, He sets me free. *f "* "*" "*" <3 . 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