i MEMCAL SCHOOL LIBRARY OUTLINES OF PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. MORRIS' ANATOMY. 791 Illustrations, Many in Colors. A Complete Text-Book. Edited by HENRY MORRIS, F. R. c.s. , Surgeon to, and Lecturer on Anatomy at, Middlesex Hospital, assisted by J. BLAND BUTTON, F.R.C.S., J. H. DAVIES-COLLEY, F.R.C.S., WM. J. WALSHMAN, F.R.C.S., H. ST. JOHN BROOKS, M.D., R. MARCUS GUNN, F.R.C.S., ARTHUR HENSMAN, F.R.C.S., FREDERICK TREVES, F.R.C.S., WILLIAM ANDER- SON, F.R.C.S., and Prof. W. H. A. JACOBSON. One Handsome Octavo Volume, with 971 Illustrations, 214 of which are printed in colors. Cloth, $7.50; Leather, $8.50; Half Russia, $9.50 *** THIS TREATISE is designed for the use of students, and is a sys- tematic and complete description of all parts of the human body, and includes a thorough Section by Jacobson on Surgical and Topographical Anatomy, with 130 illustrations. Whilst each author is alone responsible for the subject-matter of the article which follows his name, all have combined, by reading proofs, by consultation, etc. , to give uniformity to the work. In no medical text-book of late date is there such a wealth of illus- tration. Recognizing at the outset that this was a most important part of the work in hand, no expense was spared in its development. With very few exceptions, all the illustrations have been drawn and engraved specially for this purpose from original dissections. Colors have been freely used in the printing in order to bring out all important details. "The illustrations are profuse and well executed, numbering in all seven hundred and ninety-one wood-cuts, two hundred and fourteen of which are in colors from origi- nal sketches. While it must be admitted that there can be scarcely anything new in descriptive anatomy, it is refreshing to notice a departure in the arrangement and treat- ment of this subject, which is PRACTICAL, USEFUL, and INTERESTING. In a word, the natural method is adopted, and several new features of illustration are introduced. For instance, the origin and insertion of muscles with exact areas of attachment are noted in ditferent colored outlines, red for the former and blue for the latter. Thus the reader- is enabled at a glance to discriminate in the case of a given bone the difference between the two points, and obtain thereby the direction and extent of action of each muscle. A similar principle is carried out in other parts of the work, which makes the illustrations for the most part unique and invaluable, the schematic drawings especially demanding attention and commendation in this connection. The work as a whole is filled with prac- tical ideas, and the salient points of the subjects are properly emphasized. The surgeon will be particularly edified by the section on the topographical anatomy, which is full to repletion of excellent and useful illustrations." New York Medical Record. #& Descriptive Circular with sample pages and illustrations free upon application. P. BLAKISTON, SON & CO., Publishers, Philadelphia. OUTLINES OF PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY: H fIDanual for Stubents, BY WILLIAM STIRLING, M.D., Sc.D., BRACKENBURY PROFESSOR OK PHYSIOLOGY AND HISTOLOGY IK THE OWENS COLLEGE, AND PROFESSOR IN THE VICTORIA UNIVERSITY, MANCHESTER', EXAMINER IN PHYSIOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITIES OF OXFORD AND EDINBURGH, AND FOR THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS, ENGLAND. Mill) 368 Illustration*. SECOND EDITION, 'REVISED ' AND 'ENLARGED PHILADELPHIA: P. BLAKISTON, SON & CO., 1012 WALNUT STREET. 1894. 4C\ K PRESS OF WM. F. FELL & Co, 1220-24 SANSOW ST., PHILADELPHIA. > 4- PREFATORY NOTE TO THE SECOND EDITION. IN the Second Edition of this Handbook I have endeavoured to introduce a succinct account of the more recent Histological Methods. Most of these I have tested, a matter of no incon- siderable labour. The fruitful methods of Golgi, Ram6n y Cayal, and Ehrlich are fully set forth in the text. I have availed myself freely of the Journals and Text-books published at home and abroad, and more especially useful to me have been the works of Garbini and Ramon y Cayal. For most of the additional illustrations I am indebted to the Gewebelehre of SchiefFerdecker and Kossel. In conclusion, I have to thank my Senior Demonstrator, James A. Menzies, M.B., C.M., for assistance in reading the proof-sheets. WILLIAM STIRLING. PHYSIOLOGICAL LABORATORY, Tiiti OWENS COLLEGE, MANCIJESTEK, PREFACE. THE present work was written primarily to meet the wants of the students attending the course of instruction in "Practical Histology " in The Owens College, but it is hoped that it will be found useful also to students of medicine and science in other colleges and universities. The Exercises printed in small type are intended for Senior Students, and for those attending the course of " Advanced Histology " given in The Owens College. Although a drawing accompanies almost every exercise, still this is not intended to relieve the student from what is a most important part of the training in Practical Histology, viz., that the student should make sketches of his preparations. It serves very little useful purpose to give students sections ready pre- pared, and ask them merely to mount them. Hence, consider- able stress has been laid on methods, as a knowledge of these is, after all, one of the most important parts of a practical training in Histology. Many methods have been tried and found wanting, and accordingly those only are introduced which the author, after experiment, has found to be reliable. The author is indebted to the various Manuals of Histology published in this country, and also to those of Friedlander and Eberth, Stohr, Fol, Kolliker, Martinotti, Francotte, Bolles Lee and Henneguy, Orth, and Edinger, as well as the various Micro- scopical Journals, British and Foreign. Most of the illustrations have been drawn from microscopical preparations made in the class of Practical Histology, but a few VI 11 PREFACE. of them are taken from preparations kindly presented to me by my friend Professor Swaen of Liege. I am greatly indebted to my demonstrator, Arthur Clarkson, M.B., C.M., for a considerable number of the drawings, and also to my pupil, Mr. C. E. M. Lowe, for similar services. A few of the drawings were made by myself. To F. W. Stansfield, M.B., Ch.B. (Viet.), my thanks are due for assistance in reading the proof-sheets. I have also to express my obligations to several scientific in- strument makers and others, including Messrs. Zeiss, Hartnack, Verick, Leitz, Keichert, Jung, Hicks, Eternod, Zimmermann, Hume, Beck, Swift & Son, Gardner, and A. Eraser. Finally, I have to thank my publishers for the liberal manner in which the work is illustrated. WILLIAM STIRLING. PHYSIOLOGICAL LABORATORY, THE OWENS COLLEGE, MANCHESTER, CONTENTS. PART I. CHAP. PAGE I. APPARATUS KEQU1KED . . . . . . I II. THK MICROSCOPE AND ITS ACCESSORIES .....' 5 III. NORMAL OR INDIFFERENT FLUIDS ...... 24 IV. DISSOCIATING FLUIDS 24 V. HOW TO TEASE A TISSUE . . . . . . . .26 VI. FIXING AND HARDENING FLUIDS 2"J VII. DECALCIFYING FLUIDS 36 VIII. PREPARING TISSUES FOR MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION . . 38 IX. EMBEDDING . 40 X. SECTION CUTTING e 48 XI. FIXATIVES . . . , . . . . .60 XII. STAINING REAGENTS . 63 XIII. CLARIFYING REAGENTS ........ 82 XIV. MOUNTING FLUIDS AND METHODS ...... 85 XV. INJECTING BLOOD-VESSELS AND GLAND-TUBES .... 89 XVI. EXAMINATION OF FRESH TISSUES AND FLUIDS .... 92 PART II. LESSON I. MILK, GRANULES, FIBRES, AND VEGETABLE ORGANISMS . . 97 II. THE BLOOD I06 III. HUMAN BLOOD, CRYSTALS FROM BLOOD, AND BLOOD PLATELETS 11$ IV. EPITHELIUM (STRATIFIED) AND ENDOTHELIUM . . . .124 V. COLUMNAR, SECRETOHY, AND TRANSITIONAL EPITHELIUM . . 131 VI. CILIATED EPITHELIUM ........ 135 VII. KARYOKINESIS OR MITOSIS .... . 141 VIII. CELLULAR AND HYALINE CARTILAGE. ..... 146 IX. THK FIBRO-CARTILAGES, WHITE AND YELLOW . . . . 15 1 X. CONNECTIVE TISSUE 1 5 6 XI. TENDON . 163 X CONTENTS. LESSON PAGE XII. ADIPOSE, MUCOUS, AND ADENOID TISSUES PIGMENT-CELLS . l68 XIII. BONE, OSSEOUS TISSUE ........ 174 XIV. BONE AND ITS DEVELOPMENT .,,... 182 XV. MUSCULAR TISSUE ..,,-... . 189 XVI. STRIPED OR STRIATED MUSCLE ,,,... 193 XVII. NERVE-FIBRES ......... 2O2 XVIII. NERVE-CELLS, NERVE-GANGLIA, AND PERIPHERAL TERMINA- TIONS OF MOTOR NERVES . . . . . . -213 XIX. THE HEART AND BLOOD-VESSELS ...... 223 XX. THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM, SPLEEN, AND THYMUS GLAND . 234 XXI. TONGUE, TASTE BUDS, SOFT PALATE ..... 246 XXII. TOOTH, (ESOPHAGUS ..... 251 XXIII. SALIVARY GLANDS AND PANCREAS ..... 256 XXIV. THE STOMACH 266 XXV. THE SMALL AND LARGE INTESTINE - .... 272 XXVI. LIVER ........... 285 XXVII. TRACHEA, LUNGS, THYROID GLAND ..... 294 XXVIII. KIDNEY, URETER, BLADDER, SUPRARENAL CAPSULE . . 303 XXIX. SKIN AND EPIDERMAL APPENDAGES . , . . . 315 XXX. SPINAL CORD 328 XXXI. MEDULLA OBLONGATA, CEREBELLUM, CEREBRUM . . . 347 XXXII. THE EYE .......... 358 XXXIII. EAR AND NOSE . . . . . . . . -371 XXXIV. TERMINATION OF NERVES IN SKIN AND MUCOUS MEMBRANES 376 XXXV. THE TESTIS 381 XXXVI. OVARY, FALLOPIAN TUBE, UTERUS ..... 388 XXXVII. MAMMARY GLAND, UMBILICAL CORD, AND PLACENTA . . 393 XXXVIII. TO MAKE PREPARATIONS RAPIDLY FROM FRESH TISSUES . 396 APPENDIX. A. SOME GENERAL WORKS OF REFERENCE 406 B. TABLES OF MAGNIFYING POWER OF OBJECTIVES AND OCULARS . 408 C. LIST OF MAKERS, BRITISH AND FOREIGN, OF MICROSCOPES, MICROTOMES, CHEMICALS, AND HISTOLOGICAL REAGENTS . 409 D. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, TABLE OF EQUIVALENTS . . .410 INDEX 411 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. 1. English form of slide. (Zeiss.) . 2. Square and round cover-glasses. (Zeiss.) 3. Pinewood cabinet. (Swift.) 4. Paper tray for slides. (Jung.) . 5. Scissors. (Beck.) .... 6. Cover-glass lifter .... 7. Cornet's cover-glass forceps 8. Section-lifter. (Beck.) 9. Leitz's microscope, No. 5. (Leitz.) 10. Zeiss's large stand. (Zeiss.) n. Iris, diaphragm. (Zeiss.) 12. Diaphragms. (Reichert.) . 13. Abbe's condenser. (Swift.) 14. Leitz's IA stand. (Leitz. ) 15. Swift's college microscope. (Swift.) 16. Hartnack's No. III. 17. Zeiss's camera lucida. (Zeiss.) . 18. Abbe's camera lucida. (Zeiss.) . 19. Chevalier's camera lucida. (Fertefe.) . 20. Malassez's camera. (Verick.) 21. Eye-piece micrometer scale. (Zeiss.) . 22. Eye-piece micrometer. (Zeiss.) . 23. Microscope lamp. (Swift.) 24. Dissecting microscope. (Verick.) 25. Reichert's dissecting microscope . 26. Cover-glass tester. (Zeiss. ) 27. Glass-thimble. (Beck.) . 28. Photophore. (Stirling.) . 29. Mayer's embedding bath. (Jung.) 30. Embedding box. (Stirling.) 31. Celloidin embedding box. (Stirling.) . 32. Valentine's knife. (Beck. ) 33. Rutherford's freezing microtome. (Gardner.) 34. Cathcart's freezing microtome. (Fraser. ) 35. Planing-iron. (Reichert.) 36. Malassez's microtome. (Fertc&.) 37. Cambridge rocking microtome 38. Minot's microtome. (Zimmermann.) . 39. Silk band for serial sections. (Zimmermann. 40. Thoma's sledge microtome. (Jung.) 41. Malassez' microtome. (Verick. ) 42. Williams' microtome. (8h0ift.\ . 43. Swift's ether microtome. (Swift.) 44. Ranvier's hand-microtome. (Reichert.) 45. Vulcanite rings. (Eternod.) 46. Ring for stretching membranes. (Eternod.) 47. Ranvier's support. (Ranvier.) . 48. Capped balsam bottle. (5ecA:.) . 49. Turntable. (.Bedfc.) 50. Turntable with slide. 51. Hand-centrifuge. (Muencke.) . 52. Milk globules. .... 53. Potato starch. (Stirling.) 54. Rice starch. (Blyth.) 55. Air, fat granules in water. (Ranvier.) PAGE Xll FIG. 56. 59- 60. 61. 62. 63- 64. 65- 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 7i- 72. 73- 74- 75- 76. 77- 78. 79- 80. 81. 82. 83- 84. 85- 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93- 94. 95- 96. 97- 98. 99. 100. IOI. IO2. I0 3 . 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. no. III. TI2. "3- 114. 115- 116. 117. 118. 119. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Silk, wool, cotton, linen. (Stirling.} Cells from onion -bulb. (Schie/erdecker.) Mould. (Ainsivorth Davis.) .... Yeast-cells. (Landois and Stirling.} . Micrococci. (V. Jaksch.) .... Blood of frog. (Ranvier. ) Amphibian blood-corpuscles. (Landois and Stirling. ) Action of acetic acid on blood. (Stirling.) . Action of water on blood-corpuscles. (Stirling.) . Action of syrup on frog's blood. (Stirling.) . Tannic acid on blood. (Stirling.) Boracic acid on blood. (Stirling.) Blood-corpuscles of lish and bird. (Stirling.) Aniosboid movements of leucocytes. (Landois.) Moist chamber. (Ranvier.) .... Acetic acid on colourless corpuscles. (Stirling.') Human blood. (Ranvier.) .... Human blood. (Landois.) .... Human red corpuscles. (Ranvier.) Copper hot stage. (Stirling.) . ' . Reichert's warm stage. (Reichert.) Crenation of corpuscles. (Stirling. ) . Fibrils of fibrin. (Landois.) .... Rat's haemoglobin. (Stirling.) .... Guinea-pig's haemoglobin. (Landois and Stirling.) Hsemin crystals. ( V. Jaksch. ) . . . ' . Leukenric blood. ( V. Jaksch.) Blood platelets. (Landois and Stirling.) Isolated epithelial squames .... Squames of newt's epidermis. (Stirling.) Hard palate of cat. (Stirling.) Prickle-cells of epidermis. (Stirling.) Isolated prickle-cells. (Ranvier.) Endothelium of central tendon. (Ranvier.) Omentum of young rabbit, silver nitrate. (Stirling ) Omentum of cat, silvered. (Stirling.) Columnar and goblet cells. (Stirling.) Isolated columnar cells. (Stirling.) . Liver-cells. (Cadiat.) .... Transitional cells. (Stirling.) . Gas chamber. (Gscheidlen.) Gas chamber. (Gscheidlen.) Ranvier's moist chamber. ( Verick. ) . Ciliated epithelium. (Stirling.) Frog's ciliated cell. (Ranvier.) Ciliated epithelium, ox. (Stirling. ) . V.S. ciliated epithelium Goblet-cells. (Stirling.) V.S. frog's tongue. (Stirling.) Connective-tissue corpuscle. (Stohr.) Mitosis ...... V.S. epidermis of salamander. (Stirling.) . Mitosis. (Stirling.) .... Cellular cartilage. {Stirling.) . Hyaline cartilage. (Stohr.) Hyaline cartilage of thyroid. (Schie/erdecker.) Costal cartilage. (Stohr.) V.S. articular cartilage. (Stirling.) . Branched cartilage-cells. (Stirling. ) . V.S. intervertebral disc. (Stirling.) . White fibro-cartilage. (Stohr.) T.S. epiglottis. (Ranvier.) Elastic cartilage ear of horse. (Schie/erdecker. ) Transition from hyaline to elastic cartilage. (Schie/erdecker.) PAGE 102 I0 3 104 I0 4 104 I0 7 107 108 108 108 109 109 no in in 112 116 116 116 118 118 119 120 1 2O 120 121 121 I2 3 127 128 128 129 I2 9 130 I 3 2 133 133 *34 136 137 137 i37 138 138 139 139 140 142 143 144 144 146 147 148 149 150 iSi 152 155 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Xlll FIG. PAGB 120. Elastic fibres. (Stohr.) ........ 157 121. T.S. ligamentiim nuchae. (Stirling.} . . . . . .158 122. Elastic fibres. (Stirling.) ....... 158 123. Fenestrated membrane. (Stohr.) ...... 159 124. Areolar tissue. (Schiefferdecker.) ...... 159 125. Omentura of dog. (Schiefferdecker.) ...... 160 126. Hypodermic syringe. (Hicks.) ...... 161 127. Coarsely granular cells. (Stirling.) ...... 162 128. Cell-spaces in areolar tissue. (Stirling.) ..... 162 129. T.S. tendon. (Stirling.) . . . . . . .163 130. L.S. tendon. (Schiefferdecker.) ...... 164 131. Fibrils of tendon. (Stirling.) ....... 165 132. Tendon of rat's tail. (Stirling.) . . . . . 165 133. Tendon cells. (Ranvier.) ....... 165 134. T.S. tendon of rat's tail. (Stirling.) ...... 166 135. Endothelial sheath of tendon. {Stirling.) ..... 166 136. Cell-spaces of diaphragm. (Stirling.) . . . . 167 137. Fat-cells. (Stirling.) ........ 169 138. Fat-cells. (Schiefferdecker.) ....... 169 139. Empty fat-cells. (Stirling.) .... . 170 140. Fat-cells with margarine crystals. . . . .."'. . 170 141. Development of fat-cells. \Stirling.). ..... 171 142. Mucous tissue. (Stirling.) ....... 172 143. Adenoid tissue. (Stohr.) ....... 173 144. Pigment and guanin cells. (Stirling.) ..... 173 145. T.S. metacarpal bone. (Ranvier.) ...... 175 146. T.S. femur. (Ranvier.) ........ 176 147. T.S. dense bone. (Ranvier.) ....... 177 148. L.S. dense bone. (Stirling.) ....... 177 149. T.S. metacarpal bone. (Stohr.) ...... 178 150. T.S. Haversi an canal. (Schiefferdecker.) ..... 179 151. Sharpey's fibres. (Stirling.) ....... 179 152. L.S. injected bone. (Stirling.). ...... 180 153. Cancellated bone. (Stirling.) ....... 180 154. Cancellated bone. (Stirling.) ....... 181 155. T.S. embryonic bone. (Ranvier.) ...... 182 156. T.S. foetal bone. (Stohr.) ....... 183 157. L.S. developing bone. (Stohr.) ...... 184 158. V.S. tibia. (Stir/ing.) 185 159. Developing bone. (Jianvier.) ....... 186 160. Membranous bone. (Stohr.) ....... 186 161. Marrow cell. (Stirling.) ....... 187 162. Isolated smooth muscle. (Landois and Stirling.) .... 190 163. Bladder of frog. (Stirling.) ....... 190 164. T.S. smooth muscle. (Stirling.) ...... 191 165. Cement of smooth muscle. (Stirling.) ..... 191 166. T.S. smooth muscle. (Schiefferdecker.) ..... 192 167. Striped muscle of frog. (Stirling.) ...... 194 168. Muscle of fibrils. (Schteffcr decker.) ...... 195 169. Tendon and muscle. (Landois and Stirling.) .... 196 170. Muscular fibre. (Ranvier.) ....... 196 171. Fibril of hydrophilus. (Ranvier.) . . . . " . . 196 172. Crab's muscle. (Stirling.) ....... 197 173. T.S. muscle. (Krause.) . . . . . . . . 197 174. T.S. muscle. (Stirling.) ...... 197 175. Injected muscle. (Landois and Stirling.) ..... 197 176. T.S. and L.S. injected muscle. (Owsjannikow.) .... 198 177. T.S. injected muscle. (Stirling.) ...... 199 178. Heart muscle. ......... 199 179. T.S. frozen muscle. ........ 199 180. Polariser. (Zeiss.) ........ 201 181. Medullated nerve-fibre. (Stirling.) ...... 203 182. Non-medullated nerve-fibre. (Ranvier.) ..... 204 183. Fresh nerve-libre. (Obersteiner.) ..... . 205 xiv LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. PAGE 184. Nerve-fibre after osmic acid. (Schwalbe.) . , m . . - . 205 185. Frog's nerve-fibre. (Obersteiner.) . . . . . . 206 1 86. Rauvier's crosses. (Obersteiner.) ...... 207 187. Ranvier's cross and Frommann's lines. (Obersteiner.) . . . 207 188. Peripheral nerve-fibre with axis-cylinder ..... 208 189. Intercostal nerve with Ranvier's crosses . . 208 190. T.S. nerve. (Eichhorst.) ....... 209 191. Non-mednllated nerve. (Obersteiner.} ..... 209 192. Sympathetic nerve. (Schieffer decker.) ..... 210 193. Neuro-keratin network. . . . . . . . .210 194. Frommann's lines. (Obersteiner.) ...... 211 195. Nerve-fibre of frog. (Obersteiner.) . . . . . .211 196. T.S. nerve-fibres, osmic acid. (Stirling.) ..... 212 197. Spinal ganglion. (Cadiat.) . . . . . . .214 198. Cells of spinal ganglion. (Obersteiner.) ..... 214 199. Bipolar nerve-cell of skate. . ..... 215 200. Spinal ganglion herve-cell. (Ranvier.) ..... 216 201. Cervical sympathetic ganglionic cell. (Stirling.) .... 217 202. Multipolar nerve-cell of spinal cord. (Obersteiner.) . . . 218 203. Nerves of frog's sartorius. (Mays.) ...... 220 204. End-plates of lizard. (Kiihne.) . .... 221 205. End-plate of lizard. (Stirling.) ...... 221 206. Sympathetic nerve-cell. (Ranvier.) ...... 222 207. Heart muscle. (Stirling.) ....... 224 208. Purkinje's fibres. (Ranvier.) ....... 225 209. Endocardium. (Ranvier.) ....... 226 210. T.S. tricuspid valve. (Ranvier.) ...... 226 211. L. S. human aorta. (Ranvier.) ...... 227 212. T.S. artery. (Stirling.) ....... 227 213. Eudothelium of artery and vein. (Stirling.) .... 228 214. Capillaries. (Obersteiner.) ....... 229 215. Small artery. (Stirling.) ....... 229 216. Arteriole. (Obersteiner.) ....... 229 217. T.S. small artery and vein. (Stirling.) ..... 230 218. Artery of brain. (Obersteiner.) ...... 231 219. Arteriole, silvered. (Ranvier.) ...... 231 220. Capillary, silvered. (Landois and Stirling.) .... 232 221. Developing blood-vessels. (Stirling.) ..... 233 222. L.S. lymph gland. (Ranvier.) . . . . . . 235 223. Lymph sinuses. (Stirling.) ....... 237 224. Central tendon. (Ranvier.) ....... 238 225. Pleural surface of diaphragm. (Stirling.) ..... 238 226. Stomata. (Stirling.) . . . . . . . 239 227. Tonsil. (Stohr.) ......... 240 228. Thymus. (Stirling.) ........ 241 229. Injected thymus. (Cadiat.) ....... 242 230. Elements of thymus. (Cadiat.) ...... 242 231. Human spleen. (Stohr.) ....... 243 232. Elements of splenic pulp. (Stohr. ) . . . . . . 244 233. Reticulum of spleen. (Cadiat.) ...... 244 234. T.S. tongue of cat. (Stirling.) ...... 246 235. Filiform papilla. (Stohr.) ....... 247 236. Fungiform papilla. (Stohr.) ....... 247 237. Crypt of tongue. (Schenk.) ....... 248 238. Injected tongue of cat. (Stirling.) ...... 248 239. Papillae foliatae. (Stirling.) ....... 249 240. V.S. Papillae foliatae. (Stdhr.) 250 241. V.S. tooth . . . . . . .--".. . . 252 242. 243. Enamel prisms. (Landois and Stirling) .... 253 244. T.S. fang of tooth. (Landois and Stirling. ) . . . . 253 245. Development of tooth. (Landois and Stirling.) .... 254 246. Later stage of 245. (Stohr.) ....... 254 247. Later stage of 246. (Stohr. )....... 254 248. T.S. oesophagus. (Stirling.) ....... 255 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. XV FIG. PAGE 249. Lobules of submaxillary gland. (Stirling.) ..... 260 250. Acini of submaxillary gland. (Stirling.) ..... 260 251. T. 8. duct of salivary' gland. (Landois and Stirling.) . . . 261 252. Resting serous gland. (Heidenhain.) ..... 261 253. Human submaxillary gland. (Heidenhain.) .... 262 254. T.S. pancreas. (Stirling.) ....... 263 255. T.S. fresh pancreas. (Heidenhain.) ...... 264 256. V.S. stomach. (Stohr.) ........ 268 257. V.S. mucous membrane of stomach. (Stirling.) .... 269 258. T.S. gastric glands. (Landois and Stirling.) .... 270 259. V.S. pyloric glands. (Heidenhain.) ...... 270 260. T. S. small intestine. (Stirling. )...... 274 261. L.S. Peyer's patch. (Landois and Stirling.) .... 275 262. Injected small intestine. (Stohr.) ...... 276 263. Scheme of 262. (Mall.) . ....... 277 264. Injected villi. (Stirling.) ....... 277 265. Auerbach's plexus. (Stirling.) ....... 278 266. Auerbach's plexus. (Cadiat.) ....... 278 267. Section of 266. (Cadiat.) ..... . 279 268. Meissner's plexus. (Stirling.) ....... 279 269. V.S. duodenum. (Stohr.) ....... 280 270. L.S. large intestine. (Schenk.) ....... 281 271. Lieberkiihn's gland. (Heidenhain.) ...... 281 272. T.S. villus. (Heidenhain.) ....... 282 273. Intestinal villus. (Kultschitzky.) ...... 283 274. Villus absorbing fat. (Stirling.) ...... 283 275. T.S. liver of pig. (Stirling.) ....... 286 276. Liver-cells. (Heidenhain.) ....... 287 277. T.S. portal canal. (Stirling.) ....... 287 278. Human liver. (Stohr.) ........ 288 279. Liver of frog. (Stirling.) ....... 289 280. Injected liver of rabbit. (Stirling.) ...... 290 281. In terlobular bile-duct. (Landois and Stirling.) .... 290 282. Bile-ducts iniected. (Cadiat.) ....... 291 283. T.S. trachea of cat. (Stirling.) . .... 295 284. L.S. trachea of cat. (Stirling.) ...... 296 285. T.S. bronchus. (Stirling.) 296 286. T.S. human bronchus. (Hamilton.) ...... 297 287. V.S. lung and pleura. (Hamilton.) ...... 298 288. Silvered lung of kitten. (Hamilton.) ...... 299 289. Injected lung. (Stirling.) ....... 299 290. T.S. dried lung. (Stirling.) ....... 300 291. T.S. foetal lung. (Stirling.) ....... 300 292. T.S. thyroid gland. (Cadiat.) ....... 301 293. L.S. Malpighian pyramid. ....... 303 294. Scheme of renal tubules. (Klein.) ...... 304 295. Glomerulus. (Stirling.) . . . . .' . . 308 296. Rodded epithelium. (Landois and Stirling.) .... 308 297. Irregular renal tubule. (Landois and Stirling.) .... 308 298. T.S. apex of Malpighian pyramid. (Stirling.) .... 309 299. Blood-vessels of kidney. (Landois and Stirling.) .... 310 300. Henle's tubule. (Landois and Stirling.) . . . . .311 301. Cells from renal tubule. (Landois and Stirling.) . . . 311 302. T.S. ureter. (Stohr.) ........ 312 303. V.S. bladder. (Stohr.) ... . 313 304. T.S. penis. (Stirling.) . . . . . . . .313 305. V.S. suprarenal capsule. (Stohr.) . . . . . -314 306. V.S. skin of palm. (Stirling.). ...... 317 307. Human epidermis. (Ranvier.) . ... . . 318 308. T.S. sweat gland. (Stirling.) ....... 319 309. V.S. hair-follicle. (Landois and Stirling.) ..... 322 310. T.S. hair-follicle. (Landois and Stirling.) ..... 324 311. V.S. injected skin. (Taguschi.) ...... 324 312. T.S. nail. (Landois and Stirling.) ... . . . 326 XVI LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PIG. PAGE 313. Axillary gland. (Landois and Stirling.} ..... 327 314. T.S. spinal cord. (Cadiat.) ..-.-, . . . . . 334 315 T.S. anterior cornu of cord (Obersteiner.) ..... 335 316. T.S. white matter of cord. Obersteiner.) ..... 335 317-20. T.S. spinal cord at various levels. (Obersteiner.) . . 336 321. Neuroglia cell. (Ranvier.) ....... 343 322. L.S. spinal cord to show collateral fibres. (Kolliker.) . . . 347 323. T.S. medulla oblongata. (Ilenle.) ...... 348 324. T.S. medulla oblongata. (Edinger.) ...... 348 325. Leaflet of cerebellum. (Stirling. )...... 350 326. V.S. cerebellum. (Obersteiner.) ...... 350 327. V.S. cerebrum. (Obersteiner.) ...... 352 328. V.S. frontal convolution. (Obersteiner.) ..... 352 329. V.S. injected cerebrum. (Obersteiner.) ..... 354 330. Cell of Purkinje. (Obersteiner.) ...... 356 331. T.S. cerebrum of rat. (Cayal.) ...... 356 332. V.S. cerebrum. (Edinger.) ....... 357 333. V.S. cornea. (Landois and Stirling.) . ... 359 334. Cornea corpuscles. (Ranvier.) ...... 359 335. Nerves of cornea. (Ranvier.) ....... 360 336. V.S. cornea. (Ranvier.) ....... 360 337. Cornea cell-spaces. (Ranvier.) ...... 361 338. V.S. sclerotic and choroid. (Stohr.) ...... 361 339. T.S. sclerotic and cornea. (Landois and Stirling.) . . . 362 340. Lens fibres. (Landois and Stirling.) . ..... 364 341. V.S. retina. (Ranvier.) . . . . . . . 366 342. V.S. cochlea. (Ranvier.) ....... 372 343. V.S. cochlear duct. (Landois and Stirling.) .... 373 344. V.S. olfactory mucous membrane. (Stohr.) ..... 375 345. Olfactory cells. (Landois and Stirling.) ..... 375 346. Tactile cells. (Ranvier.) ....... 377 347. Tactile discs. (Ranvier. )....... 378 348. End-bulb . . . . . . . . . . 378 349. Pacini's corpuscle. (Ranvier.) ...... 379 350. Endothelium of 349. (Stirling.) ...... 379 351. T.S. of 349. (Stirling.) 379 352. Wagner's corpuscle. (Landois and Stirling.) . . . 380 353. Wagner's corpuscle. (Ranvier.) . . . . . .381 354. Organ of Eimer. (Stirling.) . . . . . . .381 355. T.S. testis .......... 382 356. Tubule of testis. (Landois and Stirling.) ..... 382 357. Spermatogenesis of rat. (Stirling.) ...... 386 358. Spermatozoa. (Landois and Stirling.) . . . 387 359. Epididymis. (Schenk.) ........ 387 360. V.S. ovary. (Turner.) ........ 389 361. Ovum .......... 390 362. T.S. Fallopian tube. (Schenk.) ...... 391 363. T.S. fimbriated end of 362. (Stirling.) . . . . .391 364. V.S. uterus. (Stirling.) ....... 392 365. T.S. mamma. (Stirling.) ...... 394 366. T.S. active mamma. (Stirling.) .. . . . . . 394 367. Colostrum. (V. Jaksch.) ....... 394 368. Placental villus. (Cadiat.) . . . . . . -395 [The illustrations indicated by the word " Stohr " are from Stohr's Lehrbuch der Histologie ; by "Cadiat," from Cadiat's Traite d'Anatomie Generate; by "Ranvier," from Ranvier's Traite Technique d 1 Histologie; by "Schenk" from Schenk's Grundriss der normalen Histologie ; by " Obersteiner" from Obersteiner's Anleitung beitn Studium des Baues der nervb'sen Central organe ; by " v. Jaksch," from v. Jaksch's Klinische Diagnostik ; by "Edinger," from Edinger's Zwol/ Vorlesungen iiber den Ban, der nervosen Centralorgane ; by " Landuis and Stirling," from their Text-Book of Physiology ; by " Schie/er decker," from Das Mikroskop, by " Behrens, Kossel, and Schie/er decker."] PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. PART I. I. APPARATUS REQUIRED. THE student of Practical Histology must be provided with the following apparatus: 1. A Compound Achromatic Microscope capable of magnify- ing from about 50 to 300 or 450 diameters linear. 2. Glass Slides. The most convenient size is 3 inches by i inch (or 76 x 26 mm.), with ground edges made of the best flatted crown-glass. About two gross will be required (fig. i). 76X26 M FIG. i. English form of Slide. It is convenient to have two dozen or so of a larger size, 3 inches by j inches. 3. Cover-Glasses. Some are square and others circular (fig. 2). JflG. 2. Square and Round Cover-Glasses, showing the most convenient sizes. The student should be provided with both sorts. Keep the square ones for balsam preparations, and the circles for those that roquire 2 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. FIG 3. Pinewood Cabinet to hold Sixty Slides. ringing, i.e., those mounted in glycerine or Farrant's solution. Only extra-thin covers (or those sold as No. i) should be used. It is well to measure the thickness of the covers, and to use for mounting only those that are less than .006 inch in thickness. Get half-an-ounce of f-inch circles, and the same weight of |-inch squares. It is con- venient to have a few circles and squares somewhat larger, viz., i inch and i^ inch in dia- meter, for mount- ing particularly large sections. When a large num- ber of sections are mounted under one cover-glass, as in serial preparations, it is well to have oblong cover-glasses of a still larger size. 4. A Wooden CaM- net, fitted with trays for holding the mounted specimens. It should be capable of holding at least 60 slides, and the slides should lie on the flat. A convenient form is shown in fig. 3. Some prefer the flat com- pressed paper trays shown in fig. 4. 5. Two Mounted Needles in handles. The student can easily make these himself. Fix a sewing-needle into the end of a pen-holder, allowing only about \ inch of the needle to project. The needles should always be kept bright and polished. A convenient form is to fix a sewing-needle into a strong wooden " crochet " needle. 6. A Dissecting Case, but failing that, a pair of strong forceps, FIG. 4. Paper Tray to hold Slides. APPARATUS REQUIRED. and also a liner pair, the latter with long narrow points ; a stout scalpel. It is well to have a pair curved on the flat (fig. 5.) and a fine pair of scissors, and a straight pair of scissors, and also a It is convenient to have a pair of forceps like those shown in fig. 6 for lifting and applying a cover glass to a preparation, or like those in fig. 7 for hold- ing a cover-glass on which a thin film with bacteria is spread. 7. Camel-Hair Brushes, at least two, the smaller crow-size, and one somewhat larger. 8. A Razor, which is not to he hollow-ground. It must be kept very sharp, and stropped frequently. It is better to have one ground flat on one side. 9. Watch-Glasses. Instead of the ordinary-sized glasses, the student should provide himself with at least four 3 inches in diameter. 10. A Section-Lifter. This may be made by beating out the end of a piece of copper wire ( T ^ inch thick) until a thin plate is formed. FIG. 5. (a.) Scissors curved on the flat ; (ft.) fine straight pair. FIG. 6. Cover-Glass Lifter. The plate is then bent at an angle to the stem. It is better, how- ever, to purchase one made of German silver (fig. 8). 11. Drawing Materials. As great importance is attached in FIG. 7. Cornet's Cover-Glass Forceps. this laboratory and in this course to making drawings of the microscopic objects, each student must provide himself with a drawing-book a quarto, with unruled paper, and containing i 50 pages or thereby, is sufficient. Suitable dfawing-pendlSj including 4 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. an H.B., and a harder one, e.g., H.H.H. ; both must be of a good quality of lead. After a sketch has been made in pencil, the sketches should be coloured. This may be done either with coloured pencils or water-colours. The latter are greatly to be preferred. 12. Slips of white bibulous paper, 3 inches by \ inch, to soak up any superfluous fluid, and to be used for irriga- tion. For irrigation purposes use small triangular slips. 13. Small glass pipettes, which the student should make for himself by heating in a gas-flame and drawing out a piece of narrow glass-tubing at two places, close to each other, leaving a small part of the tube of the original width, which acts as the bulb of the pipette. Several may be made at a time, and their capillary ends sealed in the flame, and kept until they are required. 14. A pair of narrow glass rods drawn to a point to tease tissues in such metallic solutions as gold chloride or silver nitrate, which act on metallic instruments. 15. Labels for the slides. It is well to have a large number of pieces of paper cut, 3 inches by i inch, as temporary labels, on which is written the name of the preparation. Each label is placed under its appropriate slide in a tray. These labels arc merely temporary. This is specially desirable where the slides have to be "ringed," as in this process a permanent label is apt to be displaced or destroyed. In the case of balsam preparations, they may be labelled at once with the small square permanent labels. In every case the preparation should be labelled, s IG 't' 8 '~ an( ^ ^ ne l^bel should bear not only the name of the tissue Lifter, or organ, but the direction of the section and the medium in which it is mounted, and, if desired, the date of mount- ing. Labels are now printed so cheaply, that for half-a-crown a student can have a thousand labels printed with his own name. 16. Reagents. The student should also be provided with the following reagents, placed in a small wooden framework on the work-table. Only those reagents that are most frequently used need be provided for in the framework ; the others can be supplied as required. Small bottles two ounces or thereby not too tall, and provided with a glass rod, are necessary. The glass rod has a bulge at the junction of its upper and middle thirds, and this bulge prevents it from falling into the bottle, and, at the same time, acts as stopper for the bottle. Failing this, a piece of glass rod passed through the cork will answer the purpose. (1.) Normal Saline, or *6 per cent, salt solution. Dissolve 6 THE MICROSCOPE AND ITS ACCESSORIES. 5 gmis. of pure common salt in 1000 cc. of water. As this fluid is apt to undergo change, it should not be kept too long. (2.) Glycerine (either pure or equal parts of glycerine and water). (3.) Balsam, either Canada balsam or dammar (p. 85). (4.) Farrant's Solution (p. 85). (5.) Dilute Acetic Acid (2 per cent.). (6.) Hsematoxylin Solution (p. 68). (7.) Picro-Carmine (p. 66). (8.) Clove-Oil or Xylol. This should be provided with a small brush fixed on the end of a wooden rod perforating the cork. 17. Other Apparatus is required, but in a well-equipped laboratory special articles are supplied as required ; they are referred to in the context. They include a dissecting microscope, photophore, mounting block, warm stage, eye-piece micrometer, lamp, turntable, polarising apparatus, camera lucida, &c., &c. II. THE MICROSCOPE AND ITS ACCESSORIES. 1. An account of the optical principles on which the microscope is constructed is purposely omitted. The compound microscope consists of a stand fixed to a heavy, usually horse-shoe shaped, foot. The stand (fig. 9) carries a stage to support the microscopic preparation, the mirror or arrangement for illuminating the object, together with the body tube ; the latter consists of a long brass tube, or one tube telescoped into another. To the lower end of this tube is fixed a combination of lenses, constituting the lens or objective, while at its upper end is the eye-piece. 2. The tube is blackened inside, and to its lower end is screwed the objective, consisting usually of several lenses screwed together. By means of it a magnified inverted aerial image is produced in the body of the tube. The lenses on the objective should not be unscrewed. At least two objectives are required a low power and a high power. At the upper end of the tube is the ocular or eye-piece, com- posed of two plano-convex lenses, the one next the eye of the observer being called the eye-glass, the lower one the field-glass. The two lenses, with their convex surfaces downwards, are fixed in a brass tube which slips into the upper end of the tube of the microscope. 3. The tube itself is supported in a vertical position on the stand, so that it can be moved upwards and downwards vertically, to bring the objective near to the object, and thus bring the latter clearly into focus. This arrangement is termed the adjustment. The PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. Body. Body tube. mode in which this is accomplished varies. In the cheaper microscopes the tube of the microscope is moved inside another tube fixed to the Eye-piece. stand (fig. 9). This is done by means of the hand, while in the more expensive microscopes there is a rack-and-pinion move- ment for raising or depressing the tube (fig. 10). Usually there are two adjustments one the coarse adjust- ment, whether it be by rotating one tube inside the other or by a rack-and-pinion movement ; it is used to bring the outlines of the object dimly into focus. The other, the fine adjustment, is a fine screw, usually placed at the upper and back part of the pillar of the stand of the microscope. By it the object is brought accurately into focus. 4. The stand is pro- vided with a hori- zontal solid table or stage, placed at a con- venient height, and on which the object to be examined is placed. The stage consists of a flat plate of brass blackened on its under surface, or There are two clips Stage. FlG. 9. Leitz's Microscope, No. V. of a glass plate fixed on a black ground. which are used for fixing a preparation in a definite position on the stafe. It is perforated by a circular aperture in its centre, into THE MICROSCOPE AND ITS ACCESSORIES. 7 which can be fitted diaphragms of different sizes, or a blackened circular brass plate with holes of different sizes from a pinhole to half an inch rotates under the stage, so that the desired size of hole or diaphragm can be brought under the central aperture in the stage. The aperture in the stage must not be too small ; it should be sufficiently large to enable a section of the spinal cord to be seen as a whole. A small aperture is used with high powers and a large aperture with low powers. In the more expensive, and in some oi the cheaper microscopes also, the stand is provided with a joint, so that the microscope can be inclined as shown in fig. 10. 5. Illumination of the Object. Under the stage is placed a mirror, movable in all directions, and which is usually provided with a flat and a concave surface. When it is available, diffuse light never direct sunlight reflected from a white cloud, and a northerly exposure are to be preferred. For ordinary illumination the concave side of the mirror is used. The light is reflected from it, and is transmitted through the hole in the stage, the object on the stage, and the tube of the microscope, to the eye of the observer. The flat mirror is used along with a sub-stage condenser ( 10). 6. Direct and Oblique Illumination. When the light is re- flected from the concave mirror, it strikes the object nearly verti- cally ; this is called direct or central illumination. But sometimes it is of importance to detect very fine variations on the surface of the object; then for this purpose oblique illumination is practised. This may be done by tilting the mirror slightly, so that the rays of light fall somewhat obliquely on the object. In this case there must be no small diaphragm in or under the stage. This may also be done in the more expensive microscopes by introducing a diaphragm which permits light to pass only at its sides, its centre being blocked. This is known as a central stop-dia- phragm, which shuts off all the axial, and transmits only the; marginal rays, causing what is called dark-ground illumination (fig. 12). 7. The Diaphragm, of which there are two forms in common use. The most common form is a blackened metallic plate dine li)'aym perforated with holes of different sizes, placed under the stage, and so arranged as to rotate on a pivot. The edge of the plate usually projects a little beyond the stage, so that it can be readily rotated by the finger, so as to bring the appropriate aperture under the hole in the stage. The diaphragm is usually provided with a slightly projecting pin, which gives a click when the hole in the diaphragm is exactly centred. Another form rylindrn'nl diapliraym consists of a small brass cylinder, into which can be 8 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. fitted small diaphragms perforated by apertures of different sizes (figs. 10, 12). The cylinder, with its diaphragm, is fitted into a slot under the stage. These cylinder diaphragms should be so arranged as to be easily changed. Perhaps the most convenient form of all is the iris diaphragm, which can be adapted to any of the larger microscopes (fig. 14), and in which any size of aperture desired is obtained by turning a small milled head. The new form (fig. u), as made by English makers, Zeiss, and others, and also by Leitz, is an admirable substitute for interchangeable dia- phragms, as by it the aperture can be readily increased or diminished. The smallest aperture is about 0.5 mm., and the largest equal to the full aperture of the con- densing system. The management of the diaphragm is most important in order to obtain distinct definition of an object. The one general rule but one which is very frequently neglected in practice by the student is when employing a low power to use a large aperture, and when employing a high power, a small or medium aperture of the diaphragm. FIG. io. Zeiss's Large Jointed Stand, fitted with draw- When O116 wishes to tube, rack and pinion for the coarse adjustment, a , , . -, , , double nose-piece, and cylindrical diaphragm. Observe a brightly col- oured object with a homogeneous immersion lens the object lying in the tissues, such as stained fungi or mitotic figures then remove the diaphragm and allow a flood of light to reach the sub-stage condenser, which is absolutely necessary in this case. If, however, it be desired to see certain peculiarities of structure as in bacteria on a black background, then use a central stop- diaphragm, i.e., one with a central stop (fig. 12), always with an THE MICROSCOPE AND ITS ACCESSORIES. 9 Abbe's condenser. The object is then seen brilliantly illuminated on a black background. 8. Objectives. For ordinary work every microscope requires to have two objectives of different magnifying powers ; one of these, when used with an ordinary ocular, should magnify about 60-75 FIG. 12. Cylindrical Diaphragms (i, 2, 3), a central stop-dia- phragm (5). FIG. ii. Iris Diaphragm, showing a small aperture. diameters linear. This is spoken of as the low power, and in these pages is indicated by the letter (L). The other should magnify from 350-400 diameters linear, and is called the high power, indicated by the letter (H). If an English make of lens is preferred, let them be an " inch " and a " quarter inch." The term " one-inch objective " has no direct relation to the distance between the object and the lens, but indi- cates that such a lens possesses the same magnifying power as a single lens of one-inch focus. Swift's new high-angled i-inch lens is a very good low-power lens. If Continental lenses be preferred, and if Zeiss's be selected, let them be A and D, equal to -inch and J-inch respectively. Zeiss makes lenses AA andDD of slightly better quality, which cost a few shillings more. If Leitz's lenses be pre- ferred, use Nos. 3 and 7 ; and if Hartnack's, Nos. 3 and 7 3 being the weaker lens. Crouch's lenses are excellent. Lcitz numbers his objectives 1-9, and Zeiss A-F. i and A are the weakest objectives, and the magnifying power increases up to 9 and F. The microscopes of Reichert of Vienna are also excellent. The stands arc all provided with a universal thread or screw, so that the lenses of Zeiss, of English makers, or of others may be adapted to them. For certain special purposes much higher powers are required, but for ordinary work these lenses are sufficient. 3 10 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. The following patterns of microscopes are to be commended : Leitz, Stands J^"os. V., III. 17, IV. 19, V. 23, with objectives 3 and 7. Zeiss, Stands Nos. VI. and VII., with objectives C and E. 9. Eye-Pieces or Oculars. Two eye-pieces are required, one medium length and the other shorter, the latter being the more powerful. The two most useful eye-pieces are Nos II. and IV. of foreign makers (of Leitz, however, I. and III.), or A and C of English makers. English makers speak of a deep and a shallow eye- piece ; the former (IV. or C) is shorter, and is the more powerful ; the latter (II. or A) is longer, and is a weaker eye-piece. It is to be remembered that the eye-piece only magnifies the image of the preparation formed by the objective, and does not magnify the preparation itself. Hence any fault in the lens, and consequently in the image in the tube, is magnified by the eye- piece. Moreover, the field is not so bright as with a weaker eye- piece. Hence it is expedient to use rather a weak eye-piece. There is an exception to this rule in the case of apochromatic lenses (p. 13), which yield a magnification of the object by means of special eye- pieces, without any loss in the brightness or sharpness of the image. These comprise the essential parts of the microscope, but if expense be no objection, the stand may be provided with a hinge- joint, which enables the microscope to be inclined at any angle (figs. 10, 14). In some microscopes the tube can be elongated by a draw- tube (fig. 14), which, when it is elongated, increases the magnifying power of the instrument. It is well to have the draw-tube with a scale engraved on it, as is done in the more expensive instruments. 10. Sub-Stage Condenser. When working with high powers, this is essential, more especially in connection with bacteriological work. Abbe's condenser is by far the most convenient form. Fig. 14 shows one of the more expensive stands fitted with a sub-stage condenser. The essential feature of Abbe's illuminating apparatus is a con- denser system of very short focus, which collects the light reflected by the mirror into a cone of rays of very large aperture and projects it on the object (fig. 1 3). The cone of light is usually reduced by diaphragms of suitable size, or by means of an iris diaphragm. By means of the rack-work the diaphragm can be placed excentrically and oblique illumination obtained. This apparatus can be used for ordinary work, but it is specially useful for the investigation of bacteria. The rays of light from the condenser are brought to a focus in the object, so that an enormous amount of light is concentrated on the object. The angle of aperture of Abbe's condenser is 120. The full aperture of the illuminating cone of rays is only used when observing deeply-stained THE MICROSCOPE AND ITS ACCESSORIES. II bacteria with objectives of large aperture. In every other case A diaphragm of suitable size is introduced so as to diminish the cone of light. When the diaphragm is placed excentrically, oblique illumination is obtained, while, with a central-stop diaphragm all the axial rays are cut off, and dark-ground illumination is obtained. 11. Dry and Immersion Lenses. By the term dry lens is meant one in which air is the medium between the lens and the object, or at least the cover-glass on the object. In immersion lenses some fluid intervenes between the lowest lens of the objective and the cover-glass of the object, and the liquid chosen is water, or a medium of higher refractive index, such as cedar-wood oil, glycerine, or a mixture of fennel and ricinus oils. These oils have nearly the same re- fractive index as the cover- glass. In virtue of their greater refractive power, these liquids, especially the oils, refract more of the rays passing through the object, and cause these rays of light to enter the lens, so that they increase the amount of light transmitted to the eye of the observer. In contrast with dry lenses, they have a larger angle of aperture and a greater resolving power, and are employed only for the highest magnifying powers. Powers above \ of an inch should be oil-immersion lenses. Oil-immersion or homogeneous immersion lenses are to be preferred to water ones. The oil-immersion are fast displacing water-immersion lenses. In using an oil-immersion lens, by means of a glass rod, place a small drop of thick cedar-oil on the cover-glass and a small drop on the lowest lens of the objective, and slowly depress the objective until it touches the cupola of the drop, and focus. Cedar-oil has a refractive index nearly the same as that of crown-glass, so that almost all the rays of light passing through the object reach the lens and pass up the tube of the microscope. Care must be taken that the drop of oil docs not run on to the cement of the preparation, else it will dissolve it. It is better to use marine glue to seal up the preparation, as it is not dissolved by cedar-oil. A very fine FIG. 13. Abbe's Condenser, as made by Zeiss and Swift. (S.) condenser system. Milled bead for throwing the diaphragm out of centre ; (Sp.) mirror. 12 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. FIG. 14. Leitz's Stand la., with a triple nose-piece and Abbe's condenser. THE MICROSCOPE AND ITS ACCESSORIES. .13 linen cloth moistened with benzene may be used to remove the oil from the lens. After use, the cover-glass must be wiped dry, as well as the lens, by means of a clean piece of wash-leather. These lenses are very good, but very dear, and are not required for ordinary work. Latterly, instead of oil, a mixture of glycerine and chloral hydrate has been recommended. The cedar-oil is not so easily removed from the cover-glass. It may be best removed by a well- washed linen rag moistened with benzene. The lens itself must be most carefully cleaned. A lens moistened with glycerine is best cleaned with alcohol. 12. Angle of Aperture. Lenses may be of narrow or wide angle of aperture. The angle of aperture is the angle formed by the outermost rays coming from a luminous point placed in the focus of an object, and which enter not only the lowest lens of the objective, but pass throughout the entire system of the lenses of the objective. Lenses with a large angle of aperture (130 and upwards), therefore, will admit more light, i.e., more of the oblique rays will enter the system of lenses. These lenses are well suited for resolving line lines on the surface of an object, such as the striae on the scales of insects' wings and the markings on diatoms, but those parts of the object superficial to or deeper than the focus are not sharply defined. Such a lens is said to have greater power of resolution. For ordi- nary histological work, a high-power (350-400) lens of medium (8o-ioo) angular aperture is to be preferred, for such a lens has greater penetrating power, i.e., the focal plane is deeper, so that with it one can see with tolerable distinctness parts of the object lying immediately above and below the true focus of the lens. It is to be remembered that the angle of aperture has nothing to do with the magnifying power of the lens. 13. Abbe's Apochromatic Lenses. These are dry or immersion, and are used as high-power lenses when very exact definition is required. They are very expensive, and are constructed of a peculiar kind of glass. These objectives secure the union of three different colours of the spectrum in one point of the axis, i.e., they remove the so-called "secondary spectrum," and they correct the spherical aberration for two different colours. The images projected by them are nearly equally sharp with all the colours of the spectrum. As there is a very great concentration of light by these objectives, they permit of the use of very high eye-pieces, thus giving high magnifying power with relatively long focal length. The natural colours of objects are reproduced unaltered by these objectives. Zeiss has constructed a series of compensating oculars to be used with these lenses. They are classified as i, 2, 4, 8, 12, 18, and 27, according to their magnifying power. The eye-pieces of extremely low power are designated 14 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. (i.) Searchers, which reduce to its lowest limits the available magnification with each objective, thus facilitating the preliminary examination of objects, diminishing the labour of searching for particular parts of the specimen. Thus, No. i enables an objective to be employed with its own initial magnifying power, i.e., as if it were used as a simple lens without an ocular (Zeiss). FlG. 15. New College Microscope, by Swift & Sons Tripod Stand. (ii.) The working eye-pieces begin with a magnifying power of 4. The most useful are 4 and 6. Other eye-pieces arc (iii.) Projection eye-pieces ; but they do not concern us here. 14. In selecting a microscope, there are many points to be attended to. THE MICROSCOPE AND ITS ACCESSORIES. (A.) Mechanical Parts. It should bo quite stable, so that it cannot be readily upset. To this end the stand should be solid, and either of the tripod (fig. 15) or horse-shoe pattern (figs. 9, 10). Very good stands of the tripod pattern are made by Messrs. James Swift & Sons (fig. 15) and Messrs. Crouch. Fig. 1 5 has a glass stage, the body-tube is cloth-lined, which gives a smooth and steady action. The stage should be at a convenient height, so that when the ulnar edge of the left hand is resting on the table, the thumb and fore- finger of the same hand can conveniently grasp find move the slide on the stage. The stage itself should be a little broader than the length of the slide. The slide can be fixed on the stage by means of two brass clips, which are fitted into holes at the two posterior angles of the stage. The pillar of the microscope may be fitted with a joint to enable the instrument to be inclined, if desired; but of course this cannot be used when fluids are being examined ; still in many instances it is convenient (figs. 10, 14). Fig. 16 shows a convenient form made by Hartnack of Potsdam, and one very extensively used by students. Itis highly inconvenient tohave to screw and unscrew a lens every time a change of lens is required. This is obviated by using a nose-piece or revolver (figs. 10, 14), which is screwed to the lower end of the tube of the microscope. The high and low powers are fitted to this frame- work, and can be rotated under the tube as they are required. Xose-pieces are made for attaching two or three (figs. 10, /VKir>r>H'-uoe and tVmvnnn Vio Objectives, and tney can L iidapted to any microscope. One must be cautious in using a nose-piece, and take care to raise the tube high enough to allow the objective to revolve without touch- ing the cover-glass, which is especially apt to happen on using a high power after a low power, the lenses not being of the same length. Test the mechanical parts that they are all solid and work well. "Raise and lower the tube by means of the fine adjustment, and do this to the full extent of the threads on the screw, noting parti- cularly if there is any lateral movement of the tube while this is being done. (B.) Optical Parts. Sec that all the parts arc properly centred by looking through the tube after removal of the eye-piece. Put on FlG. 16. Stand III. of Hartnack, with joint ami condenser. 1 6 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. the high power ; use a medium eye-piece, and focus a microscopic preparation ; any thin section of a tissue will do. The field should be large, well illuminated, and flat. If there are specks in it, clean all the lenses to see that these specks are not due to dust on the lenses. If the centre of a flat object in the field does not come into focus at the same time as the periphery of the object, then the lens should be rejected on account of its spherical aberration. If coloured rings appear in an object, then the lens must also be rejected, as it is not perfectly achromatic. The definition ought to be sharp and distinct. The qualities of a good lens are the following : The definition should be good, i.e., the correction for spherical and chromatic aberration should be perfect. The outlines of objects should be sharply defined and not blurred, and there should be no coloured halos or fringes round the object. If so, the chromatic aberration of the lens is not perfectly corrected. Flatness of field, i.e., all parts of the object in the field at the same time should be seen with equal distinctness, and, of course, this can only be so when the field is flat. If the central parts are sharply focussed, the peripheral parts not, then the field is not flat. Resolving power, which depends on the angle of aperture. This is the power to render visible surface markings, superficial lines, or structural details. -It is better to have a lens of large angle of aperture for this purpose. Penetrating power, or the power to see objects in several planes in the same preparation at the same time. It represents the focal depth of the lens and its power of focussing images from different planes in the vertical range. Narrow angled lenses are more suit- able for this purpose. Working Distance, i.e., the distance between the lens and the object. It has no direct relation to " the focal length of a lens. Wide angle lenses have a shorter working distance than narrow angle lenses. A good lens should combine all the foregoing qualities, but of these qualities definition is all important. 15. Drawing of Microscopic Objects. In this laboratory every student is required to make sketches of his preparations. This is of the utmost importance, not only from the point of view of the student, but also of the teacher. (A.) Freehand Sketching. The student must provide himself with a drawing-booli, (p. 3) and with suitable pencils (H.B. and H.H.H.), and also with either coloured crayous or water-colours. It is far more important that an outline sketch in pencil be made accurately portraying the shape of the object, than that an indifferent sketch should be covered with a smear of colour. It is astonishing how some students, after protesting that they cannot " draw," THE MICROSCOPE AND ITS ACCESSORIES. succeed in delineating their preparations when they have given the matter a fair trial. (B.) Various Forms of Camera Lucida. Sometimes, however, a drawing has to be done to scale, or its outlines and detail* accurately portrayed. There are many devices for this purpose. Some ot these instruments are by no means easy to work with, but they are excellent for tracing the outlines of objects and showing the exact rela- tion of one part to another, and the relative size of the parts of an object. (i.) Zeiss's Camera Lucida (fig. 17). A collar (c) with a vertical rod attached (a), carrying a bar (^) which bears the prism or camera (K). The collar is slipped over the tube of the microscope and the eye-piece inserted. Focus the object, and rotate the prism FIG. 17. Zeiss's Camera Lucida. (c.) until it i -ibnvo tho PVP niopo t,hr> collar; (a.) and (6.) supporting eye-pic ^ , l barg . ^ K ^ camera. prism covers one-half of the latter. The drawing-board is inclined at an angle of 20, and in looking down the microscope the paper and the image of the object are seen simultaneously. (ii.) Camera Lucida (Abbe). This apparatus is made by Zeiss (fig. 1 8). The apparatus is screwed to the tube of the microscope. FIG. iS. Abbe's Camera Lucida. (Sp.) mirror ; (IF.) line of reflected light ; (/.) collar for screwing over eye-piece ; (0.) light to eye of observer ; (>) light reflected on paper. The direction and reflection of the rays from the object and those from the paper are shown in the figure. In all camera-lucida drawings it is important to regulate the brightness of the illumination B 1 8 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. of the paper ; this is effected in this instrument by smoke-tinted glasses, which fit into the prism mounting. In other cases this is done by means of a blackened cardboard shade. (iii.) Chevalier's Camera Lucida (fig. 19). The microscope remains erect, the eye-piece is removed, and in its place is inserted the tube of the camera. Place a sheet of white paper at the side of the microscope, and directly under the horizontal part of the camera. The in- strument itself consists of two tubes at right angles to each other, and at the angle is a prism, which reflects at a right angle in a horizontal direction the light coming vcr ti ca lly from an object on the stage. These horizontal rays have to pass through what is practically an eye-piece of a microscope, and reach a small prism at the free end of the hori- zontal part of the instrument. This prism is so arranged that the rays coming from the object are reflected into the eye of an observer, who, on looking through the prism, sees an image of the object upon the sheet of paper on the table. The observer looks through this prism, but he must so adjust his position as to bring one-half of the pupil over the prism, and thus with one-half of the pupil view the object on the paper, while the other half of the pupil receives the rays of light coming from the pencil and the paper. The distance between the eye of the observer and the paper is about 10 inches. It is by no means so easy to sketch the outline of an object with this camera. The eye should be protected from other rays of light by means of a blackened shade. The difficulty encountered by the student is to see the object and the point of the pencil at the same time. (iv.} Camera of Malassez (fig. 20). This consists of two prisms; one, the ocular prism, is fixed, while the second and larger can be moved round a horizontal axis. This enables the instrument to be used in two different positions of the microscope. If one is examining a fluid, the microscope is erect and not inclined. The instrument is fixed to the upper part of the tube of the microscope. Slip the collar over the tube and insert the eye-piece. The image is projected on the table to the right of the microscope ; but the paper must be placed at an angle, i.e., on an inclined plane, horizontal to the direction of the rays from the camera. This is necessary to avoid one side of the figure being larger than the other. If it be Till: MICROSCOPE AND ITS ACCESSORIES. 20. Malasse/'s Camera placed at a variable angle. desired to incline the microscope at an angle of 45 (fig. 20), the camera is so placed that an image is thrown on paper placed behind the foot of the microscope, the prism being turned to an angle of 45. This camera is particularly easy to work with. It is some- times important not to have too much light on the paper ; this is avoided by using the plane side of the mirror. 16. Magnifying Power of a Microscope. This will vary with the objective and ocular used, and also with the length of the draw- tuhe. The magnification is usually determined when an image is seen at the range of normal distinct vision, i.e., 10 inches or 25 centi- metres. As this is about the height of a Hartnack's stand or Zeiss's stand, supposing these forms of instrument to be used, place a sheet of white paper on the table. Let the microscope be upright, with ocular and lens in place. Supposing we use a No. 7 objective and No. 3 ocular. Begin with the draw-tube in, place a stage-micrometer on the stage of the microscope, and focus the scale upon it. The stage-micro meter is like a glass slide with a fine scale engraved upon it. The English ones are generally subdivided into thousandths of an inch, and the Continental ones into hundredths of a millimetre. Look through the microscope, but keep both eyes open, and part of the scale will be seen on the white paper. With a pencil mark off sny ten interspaces, or use a pair of compasses to measure this distance. Measure off this distance on a millimetre scale, and suppose the distance thus measured be 28 millimetres. This means that .1 millimetre has been magnified to appear equal to 28 millimetres, />., 280 times. The magnifying power for other combinations of lenses should be determined, and a table made for future reference and use. Magnifying Power. This may be increased (a) By using a higher objective. (f>) By using a higher eye-piece. (<) By pulling out the draw-tube and increasing the distance between the objective and the eye-piece. Construct a table according to the following scheme of the 20 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. magnifying powers of the different combinations of the objective and ocular supplied with your microscope : Ocular. Shallow, or A or 2. Deep, or or 4. Dn.w-tubein (^ orD One-surt.mc.or 17. Measurement of the Size of a Microscopic Object. Sup- pose a red blood-corpuscle is to be measured. Keep both eyes open ; with one look down the tube of the microscope, and the other eye will sec an image of the corpuscles on a sheet of white paper placed beside the microscope. With a pencil mark off the outlines of a corpuscle, or a sketch may be made of one with a camera lucida. Remove the preparation, and for it substitute a stage-micrometer, leaving all the other parts, microscope and paper, as they were. On looking down the tube of the microscope, the lines on the micrometer scale are seen. Make a drawing of these lines. This may be kept for future use, but on the scale should be noted the combination of ocular and objective, and the extent to which the draw-tube has been elongated. The distance between the lines on the micrometer scale being known, say T Jo-th of a millimetre, it is easy to calculate what part of the distance between any two lines corresponds to the size of the corpuscle. The most expeditious plan is to use an eye-piece micrometer. A circular flat piece of glass, with a scale ruled on it (fig. 21), is in- serted in the ocular between the field-glass (FG) and the eye-glass (EG) (fig. 22). With this eye- piece focus the scale on a stage-micrometer its markings must be parallel to these in the eye- piece and count the number of divisions of the latter that correspond to one of the former. This must be determined for each combination of lenses w ^h a known length of tube. Suppose the stagc- micrometer to be divided into T ^yths of a milli- metre, and that one of these divisions corresponded to three of those in the ocular, then each of the spaces in the ocular micrometer is equal to - s J-^th of a millimetre, or .0033 millimetre. The histological unit of measurement is loooth part of a milli- THE MICROSCOPE AND ITS ACCESSORIES. 21 metre or micro-millimetre, expressed shortly as a micron, or by the Greek letter //,. Thus, each space of the ocular micrometer is equal to 3-3 //,. With these data it is easy to estimate the size of any object. The object is placed on the stage and focussed, always, of course, with the same combination of lenses and ocular. If other lenses be used, the value of the ocular divisions must be determined for this particular combination. Once determined, they can be noted for future use. 18. Artificial Illumination. White daylight is, of course, to be preferred, but it is not always available. When artificial light has to be used, a gas flame, e.g., an Argand burner, or other artificial light, may be used. An ordinary paraffin lamp with a flat wick and arranged to burn steadily does very well. An unsteady flame is FIG. 22. Micrometer Eye-piece. (EG.) eye-glass ; (FG.) field- glass ; (S.) scale. . 23. Microscope Lamp. very injurious to the eyes. It requires some care to find the exact distance at which the lamp should be placed from the mirror. If very intense light be required to examine a small part of a pre- paration, turn the wick edge on to the mirror. Between it and the mirror place a screen of white paper. If the direct rays from a lamp are used, to correct the yellow rays place a sheet of pale blue glass, or a glass globe containing a weak solution of ammonio- sulphate of copper, between the light and the mirror, or a thin blue glass may be placed on the stage under the preparation. A paraffin- oil lamp may be used. Fig. 23 shows a cheap paraffin lamp sold by Swift & Sons. A remarkably good light is obtained from the 22 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. Welsbach gas-burner, the rays being transmitted through a large globe containing a dilute blue-coloured solution of ammonio-sulphate FIG. 24. Dissecting Microscope by Verick. of copper. The lamp recently constructed by Kochs-Wolz of Bonn consists of a petroleum or gas flame, covered by an opaque chimney FlO. 25. Dissecting Microscope by Reichert. provided with a reflector, which directs the rays of light through a hole in the chimney. Into the hole in the chimney is fitted a glass THE MICROSCOPE AND ITS ACCESSORIES. rod, which, bent in a gentle curve, conducts the light from the flame to the under surface of the stage, the mirror in this case not being used. Perhaps the most useful lamp is that known as the albo-carbon light. It is the one I am in the habit of using when especially in winter good daylight is not available. Ordinary gas is used, but the gas has to traverse a chamber containing naphthaline before it reaches the burner. A very white light is thus obtained, and can be used without the intervention of blue glass or a blue copper solution. If expense be no bar, then a small incandescent electric light is most useful. 19. Dissecting Microscope (figs. 24, 25). This is very useful. The lenses usually employed magnify from 5 to 20 times linear, and are fitted into a framework which can be raised or depressed, so as to bring the object distinctly into focus. 20. Method of Measuring the Thickness of Cover-Glasses. Thick cover-glasses are of no use, and thin ones extra thin, so called are to be pre ferred. A convenient thickness is o. 16 mm. For high powers this 1 is essential, and it is well to measure the thickness of the cover- glasses, and to reject all those above a cer- tain thickness. This is conveniently and rapidly done by means of the instrument FlG . ^. Cover-glass Tester. shown in fig. 26. A clip projecting from the box fixes the cover-glasses, and the thick- ness is given by an indicator moving over a divided circle on the lid of the box. The divisions show hundredths of a millimetre. 21. Camera Obscura Shade. When one has to continue observing a microscopic object for a long time, it is convenient to shade the eyes from all light reaching them, except that transmitted through the eye-piece. This is best done by a blackened screen cither fixed to the microscope or arranged in front of the microscope. 1 Some observers place the microscope in a dark chamber, allowing light to fall upon the mirror through an aperture in its front wall Flbgcl 2 has designed a camera obscura for this purpose. 1 Schieffcrdecker, Archivf. iviss. Mikr., p. 180, 1892. 2 Zoolog. Anzeiger, by V. Cams, p. 566, 1883. 24 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. III. NORMAL OR INDIFFERENT FLUIDS. Not ^infrequently living tissues or fresh tissue elements have to be examined in as natural a condition as possible, and obviously, if a fluid require to be added to it, the fluid must be of such a nature that it will not injuriously affect the tissue or its elements. These fluids are spoken of as indifferent or normal fluids. When fresh, these fluids cause very slight changes in the tissues. Amongst those used are 1. Normal Saline. Dissolve 6 grams of pure sodic chloride in 1000 cc. water. 2. Kronecker's Fluid. It consists of Distilled water . . . . . 100 cc. Sodic chloride . . . . . .6 gram. Soda .... . .06 3. Blood Serum. The blood is allowed to clot, and the serum, after a day or so, is poured away from the clot. In a laboratory provided with a "centrifugal apparatus" any red blood-corpuscles can be got rid of by " centrif ugalising " the serum. This fluid does not keep long, and must be fresh. It has been suggested to add a piece of camphor to it, but this only helps to preserve it for a short time. Iodine is sometimes added to serum to form iodised serum, but this is by no means an indifferent fluid (P- 25). 4. Aqueous Humour. With a narrow triangular knife puncture the cornea of a freshly-excised ox's eyeball and collect the aqueous humour which exudes. If only a small quantity be required, it may be obtained by puncturing the excised eye of a frog with a fine capillary glass pipette (p. 4). 5. Fluid of Kipart and Petit : Camphorated water Distilled water Glacial acetic acid Acetate of copper Chloride of copper It is very useful for examining animal cells. 75 cc. 75 i ,, o. 30 gram. 0.30 IV. DISSOCIATING FLUIDS. These fluids dissolve or soften the cement substance or inter- stitial material, e.g., of epithelium, connective tissue, and thus facilitate the separation of the histological elements from each other. In some cases, in isolating tissue elements, it is well not to have DISSOCIATING FLUIDS. 2$ too much fluid in proportion to the morrel of tissue, else hardening is more apt to take place. 1. Strong Iodised Serum. A strong solution should be kept, which may be diluted as required. To the amniotic fluid of a cow or to blood-serum add crystals of iodine, and keep it in a stoppered bottle. Shake it frequently. At first very little iodine is dissolved, but after a time (15-20 days) the solution becomes much stronger, i.r., it becomes of a deep-brown tint. For dissociating a tissue, a weak iodised serum is used. A little of the strong fluid is added to fresh serum until the latter has a light-brown colour. If an object be placed in the dilute iodised scrum and the brown colour fades, more of the strong solution must be added. In using this fluid, take a very small piece of tissue, the size of half a pea or less, and place it in 5 cc. of the fluid in a glass-stoppered bottle. After a day or two it may be dissociated with needles, but the brown tint must be maintained ; more strong fluid must be added if putrefaction is to be pre- vented. 2. Dilute Alcohol (Ranvier's Alcool au t'wrs). This fluid, devised by Ranvier, and sometimes called "one-third alcohol," is of the greatest possible service, and is one of the best dissociating fluids we possess. Mix i part of 96 per cent, alcohol with 2 parts of distilled water. It dissociates epithelial and other tissues in 24-36 hours. Use a small quantity of the fluid in proportion to the tissue. 3. Chromic Acid. One gram in 1000 of water. This requires two days to a week, according to the tissue placed in it. 4. Potassic Bichromate. Two parts in 1000 of water, >., .2 per cent. It is very useful for dissociating epithelium and the nerve-cells of the spinal cord. It does so in 2-3 days. 5. Ammonium Chromate (5 per cent.). It is used for disso- ciating the " rodded " cells of the renal tubules, cells of salivary glands, Purkinje's fibres of the heart, &c. It acts in 24-36 hours, and the chromate must be well washed out of the tissues if they arc to be preserved. G. Caustic Potash. Thirty to 35 parts in 100 of water. It acts in 20-30 minutes, rapidly destroying connective tissue. Water must not be added to the dissociated tissue, else the tissues are rapidly dissolved. It is used for isolating the fibres of smooth muscle, or heart-fibres. Examine the dissociated tissues in the dissociating fluid. As a rule, tissues so dissociated cannot be preserved, but there are certain exceptions. 7. Dilute Osmic Acid (.1 per cent.). It acts in 24-48 hours according to circumstances, and is well suited for cells containing fat globules. 4 26 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. 8. Landois' Fluid : Neutral ammonium ehromate . . .5 grms. Potassium phosphate Sodium sulphate . . . . ,, Distilled water . . . . 100 cc. This is specially useful for the central nervous system. Small pieces must lie in it for 1-5 days. (See Lesson on Nervous System.) 9. Methyl Mixture or Schiefferdecker's Fluid : Methylic alcohol . . . . 5 cc. Glycerine . . . . 50 ,, Distilled water ..... 100 ,, It is better to prepare it fresh, hut it can he preserved in a glass-stoppered bottle. The methylic alcohol rapidly evaporates. The tissues remain in it for several days, and it is specially useful for the retina and central nervous system. I find that it isolates epithelial cells in one to two days. It acts very much like Ranvier's alcohol. 10. Other fluids are referred to in the text, e.cj., baryta water, and 10 per cent, sodic chloride for tendon. This dissolves the cement substance of epi- thelial cells and the mucinoid cement of connective tissue. 11. Digestion Methods, both gastric and tryptic, FIQ. 27. Glass arc used (see text). Thimble for ^ ie s P ec i a l llses ^ ^ ne above-named fluids are dissociating referred to in text under the tissues or organs, for o\\ss~ue eS which each is specially adapted. General Directions for Dissociating Tissues. Always use a very small piece of the tissue or organ, and place it in a not too large quantity of the dissociating fluid. Small glass thimbles (fig. 27) are very useful for this purpose. V. HOW TO TEASE A TISSUE. To separate by means of needles the elementary parts of a tissue is by no means an easy task. The tissue must be seen distinctly, and the needles must be so used as not to break up the parts, but only to separate them. The process may be done by the unaidod eye or with the aid of a lens or dissecting microscope (figs. 24, 25). The light must be good, and an appropriate background for the object should be selected. If the tissue is colourless, use a black HOW TO TEASE A TISSUE. 27 background, e.re. have some knowledge of the arrange- ment of the parts of the object to be teased, such as the direction of the fibres, itc. Take a small piece only. Always tease one end of the tissue, and fix the latter with one needle while the parts are separated with the other needle. One of the most convenient combinations is that of Kterhod, which combines a photophore with a turntable. The wheel of the latter can be removed, and the block forms not only a photophore, but also a surface on which tissues of different colours can be teased and mounted. VI. FIXING AND HARDENING REAGENTS. Most of the tissues and organs must be hardened in suitable fluids before they can be cut into sections. A large number of fluids of various kinds are used, each organ or tissue requiring its own appropriate fluid. Some organs, ounds. Osmic acid. Running water. Running water. Distilled water. Alcohol (50 p.c.) Alcohol (50 p. c.) Cyanide of Potassiu in. in dark. (iodated). Alcohol (70 p.c.) Alcohol (70 p.c.) Alcohol (50 p.c.). in dark. (iodated). I I Alcohol (70 p. c. ). 36 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. Garbini divides hardening reagents into the two following classes, according as the tissues after hardening stain readily or do not stain readily with carmine : Tissues stain readily after hardening in Vapour of osmic acid. Corrosive sublimate. Picric acid and solutions contain- . in .& it; -. Nitric acid. Silver nitrate (weak solution). Alcohol. ( Chromic acid and its compounds. Tissues stain with dim- | Osmic acid in solution. culty after hardening \ Silver nitrate (strong solution). in | Chloride of gold. L Perch loride of iron. Alcohol, picric acid and its compounds, and nitric acid, coagulate the albumen of the tissues. Chromic acid, or solutions containing it, or its salts form chemical compounds with substances in the tissues. Osmic acid, mercuric chloride, and gold are decomposed when they come in contact with the tissues, and are deposited in the tissues as an inorganic precipitate. VII. DECALCIFYING FLUIDS. General Directions. Use small parts of the tissue or organ, and a large quantity of the decalcifying solution. Renew the latter often. In all cases harden the tissue thoroughly, e.(/., in alcohol or Miiller's fluid, before it is decalcified. After decalcification every trace of the decalcifying fluid must be thoroughly removed by pro- longed washing (for a day or two) in water or other fluid. The tissue is then finally hardened in alcohol. 1. Chromic Acid. .1 to .5 per cent. 2. Chromic and Nitric Acid Fluid. Chromic acid ..... i gram. Water ...... 200 cc. Nitric acid . . . . . 2 ,, 3. Chromic Acid and Hydrochloric Acid Fluid (Bayerl's Fluid}. Chromic acid ..... I part. HC1 . . . . i Water . . . . 100 parts. This is specially good for young bones and for ossifying bone, but it is solely for decalcifying. 4. Saturated Solution of Picric Acid. The solution must be DECALCIFYING FLUIDS. 37 saturated and ke^t saturated. This is done by keeping some crystals of picric acid in the bottom of the bottle. There must be a large volume of fluid, and the bone should be suspended in the fluid. It usually requires a fortnight to decalcify a small bone. Picric acid acts as a fixing, hardening, and staining reagent. After the bone is decalcified it should be washed and kept in spirit not water until no more yellow stain is given up to the alcohol. This rule, however, is not rigidly followed. 5. v. Ebner's Fluid. This fluid prevents the ground substance of bone from swelling up. Sections should be examined in 10 per cent, solution of sodic chloride, if it be desired to see the fibrillar structure of bone, but sections of bone softened in this way may be mounted in other media, if it be desired to see the other details in the structure of bone. (See Bone.) It has the following com- position : Alcohol ..... 500 cc. Water ...... 100 ,, Sodic chloride . . . . 2.5 grams. Hydrochloric acid . . . . 2.5 cc. 6. Picro-Sulphuric Acid or Picro-Nitric Acid (p. 3 1 ). 7. Arsenic Acid. I find that a 4 per cent, solution of this acid rapidly decalcifies a bone at 30 to 40 C. The tissues, after harden- ing in alcohol, are well preserved and stain readily. 8. Chromo-Osmic Acid (Haug). Osmic acid (i per cent.) . . .10 cc. Chromic acid ( i per cent. ) . . . 25 ,, Water .... . 65 Very useful for delicate tissues, e.g., very young developing teeth. Wash in water and harden in 70 per cent, alcohol. 9. Phloroglucin Method. Dissolve with the aid of gentle heat i gram of phloroglucin in 10 cc. pure non-fuming nitric acid. To the red fluid add 100 cc. of 10 per cent, watery solution of nitric acid. The following mixture acts more slowly : Phloroglucin ..... I gram. Nitric acid . . . . 5 cc. Alcohol . . . . . 70 ,, Water . . 30 ;, Phloroglucin itself does not decalcify, it only protects the tissues from the action of the nitric acid. By this method dccalcification ran be done very rapidly, even in a few hours. 1 find that a portion of a human clavicle about an inch in length is softened in 12-16 hours, the outer surface being stained slightly red. Methods. The bone should be cut into short pieces and placed 38 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. in a larye volume of the fluid. If chromic acid be used, the bone must be first hardened in this fluid. Place it in .1 per cent, chromic acid for twenty-four hours , renew the fluid, but use .2 per cent., and after a week use .5 per cent. ; shake the vessel from time to time, to bring new fluid into contact with the tissue. If a more rapid process is desired, after the bone has been two or three days in dilute chromic acid (.2 per cent.), use the chromic and nitric acid fluid. Decalcification requires about fourteen days. To test for the removal of all the salts, push a needle into the bone, or make a section with a blunt razor. Obstruction in either case denotes that the bone has not been sufficiently decalcified. In most cases, the bony tissues should be hardened before they are decalcified. This is specially the case in connection with bone softened in chromic acid. It is better to harden them first in M tiller's fluid, and then to decalcify them in chromic and nitric acid fluid (p. 36). Bone decalcified in chromic acid must be thoroughly washed in running water for many hours to remove all the chromic salts, and is then transferred to 70 per cent, spirit and kept in the dark, other- wise there will be a copious deposit. Renew the spirit, and transfer the tissue to strong alcohol, still keeping it in the dark. If a bone is to be softened in picric acid, it may be placed at once in this fluid, with the precaution indicated at p. 37. It need not be kept in the dark, but it is better to remove as much as possible of the yellow stain by means of alcohol. It decalcifies somewhat more slowly than chromic acid. VIII. METHOD OF PREPARING TISSUES AND ORGANS FOR MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINA- TION. As most of the tissues require to be hardened, and it is frequently impossible to obtain human tissues sufficiently fresh, recourse must be had to the fresh tissues of animals. As frequently as possible, however, human tissues should be secured. Most of the tissues may be obtained from a cat, rabbit, or guinea-pig, and for certain special purposes the dog, frog, newt, and salamander are used. The cat, rabbit, or guinea-pig or, better, all three are killed by chloroform. The animals are placed in an air-tight box a large saucepan does very well along with a sponge saturated with chloroform. Small animals may be chloroformed under a bell-jar. As soon as the animal is dead, open the thorax by a longitudinal incision through the costal cartilages right and left raise the METHOD OF PREPARING TISSUES AND ORGANS. 39 sternum, expose the pericardium, open it, and with a pair of scissors make a snip into the right auricle of the heart, and allow the animal to bleed freely. It is best to begin by removing the brain and spinal cord. They are hardened in Miiller's fluid or potassic bichromate (2 per cent.), and must be placed in a large volume of fluid. A few spinal ganglia should also be found and hardened in the same way. Remove the trachea and lungs, and fill the lungs and trachea of the rabbit with a \ per cent, solution of chromic acid. This is readily effected by tying a funnel into the trachea and pouring in the fluid. By squeezing the lungs gently much air is forced out, and the fluid gradually runs into and distends the lungs, which, when distended, are placed in a large volume of the same fluid. The chromic acid and spirit mixture may be used instead of pure chromic acid. Fill the windpipe and lungs of the guinea-pig with J per cent, silver nitrate. (See Lungs.) Remove the heart, and harden it in alcohol, after washing away any blood with normal saline. The central tendon of the diaphragm may be preserved for silvering. (Lesson IV.) The omentum and mesentery, if desired, are silvered. (Lesson IV.) ( )ppn the abdomen, remove the liver, cut it into small pieces ; harden some pieces in Miiller's fluid, and others in spirit. Take out the tongue and oesophagus ; harden them in Miiller's fluid. Open the stomach and intestine, wash away any food residues by means of normal saline. Harden part of the stomach cardiac and pyloric in absolute alcohol, other pieces in Miiller's fluid, and others in corrosive sublimate, and small pieces in osmic acid. (See Lesson on Stomach and Intestine.) The duodenum and small and large intestine are hardened in the same way, although the bichromate and chromic acid mixture (p. 29) is particularly good for the small intestine. The salivary glands and pancreas are removed and hardened by the methods given under these headings, i.e., small pieces are placed in each of the following solutions : Absolute alcohol, osmic acid, corrosive, sublimate, &c. Remove the lower jaw, cut it into short pieces, place it in .2 per cent, chromic acid for a few days, and then decalcify it in chromic and nitric fluid. This will yield sections of softened tooth. Remove the kidneys, cut one longitudinally and the other trans- versely. Using the kidneys of different animals, harden pieces of each in the following fluids : Miiller's fluid, chromic acid and spirit, 4O PEACTICAL HISTOLOGY. ammonium chromate, and corrosive sublimate. Other methods of preparing the kidney are referred to. (Lesson on Kidney.) The bladder is best hardened in chromic acid and spirit mixture, or in Miiller's fluid. Harden the spleen, without cutting into it, in Miiller's fluid. The suprarenals may be hardened in picro-sulphuric acid. (Lesson on Suprarenal Capsules.) Small lymphatic glands from the region of the neck or sul> maxillary region are hardened in alcohol, while others are injected with silver nitrate and osmic acid. (Lesson on Lymphatics.) If desired, the large nerve-trunks may be removed and hardened as indicated in Lesson on Nerves, or the smaller branches of nerves may be used for showing the effects of the action of certain reagents on nerve-fibres. Remove some of the long bones, leaving in each case the peri- osteum attached to the bone. Cut the bones into pieces about J inch long, and place them for a week in J per cent, chromic acid, and then decalcify them with picric acid, or chromic and nitric acid fluid, or Ebner's fluid. (Lesson XIII.) In every case decalcify the ends of the bones, so as to have a section which will demonstrate the relation between the articular cartilage and the osseous tissue. Place small pieces of striped muscle in J per cent, chromic acid, and other pieces in alcohol. Nerves, with the precautions given in Lesson on Nerves, are hardened in osmic acid, potassic bichromate (2 per cent.), alcohol, or picric acid. For the methods of hardening the eye, ear, nose, see the Lessons on these subjects. The testis very small pieces is best hardened in Flemming's mixture, and larger pieces in Miiller's fluid. For the methods of hardening the ovary, Fallopian tube, and uterus, see the Lessons on these subjects. N.B. Label every bottle, and write on the bottle the name of the hardening fluid used, and the dates on which it was changed. IX. EMBEDDING. This is necessary for many tissues ; the piece of tissue may be either too small to be conveniently held in the hand, or its parts may tend to fall asunder before or after they are cut. There are two methods, one simple embedding, where the tissue is simply iixed or placed in another medium to hold it while it is KM BEDDING. 4! being cut, and the other interstitial embedding, where the sub- stance used for the embedding process is made to penetrate into the interstices of the tissue. A. Simple Embedding. 1. The tissue may be clamped between two pieces of carrot, scooped out to receive it, or in elder pith, or (what is very convenient) between two pieces of amyloid or waxy liver hardened in alcohol. 2. Paraffin. It is sometimes desirable to surround the tissue with paraffin or some such medium. The embedding medium should be about the same degree of hardness as the tissue. Two paraffins are required, a hard paraffin melting at 60 and a soft one at 45 C. For use they may be mixed as follows : T / Hard paraffin I part \ Soft paraffin . . . I ,, rj ( Hard paraffin . . . i ,, ' \ Soft paraffin .... 2 parts. Two parts of the hard paraffin and one of the soft yield a mixture which cuts well when the temperature of the room is 21 C. (70 F.), but a softer paraffin is easily made by mixing two parts of the hard paraffin with one part of chrisma or vaseline. The mixture can be made softer by the addition of a little more vaseline, and harder by adding more paraffin. The paraffin mixture is heated on a water-bath or sand-bath until it melts, but its temperature is raised as little as possible above its melting-point. It is convenient to melt it in a porcelain dish with a wooden handle. The tissue is removecT from alcohol, the surplus alcohol removed by wiping it with blotting- paper, until the surface is dry. It is then placed in melted paraffin, and retained in it until the paraffin solidifies. The melted paraffin can be run into embedding boxes of paper (fig. 30), or the embed- ding L's may be used (p. 44), but this simple method is now but rarely used. It has been almost entirely displaced by the following method. B. Infiltration Method or Interstitial Embedding. 1. Embedding in Gum. The tissues after being hardened must have all their alcohol removed by prolonged soaking in water. They are then transferred to gum mucilage, or a mixture of gum and syrup, in which they can be preserved until they are required for freezing, if freezing is to be the process used for cutting the sections. Tissues saturated with and embedded in gum mucilage may be hardened in alcohol and then cut. The sections are placed in water, which dissolves out the gum. 2. Saturation with, or Infiltration with, and Embedding in Paraffin Interstitial Embedding. In this ease the embedding 42 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. medium is made to penetrate into the tissue, and when it sets, it thus supports all its component parts. This method is extremely valuable, especially for brittle and friable tissues, and is largely used. More- over, the tissues once embedded can be kept in a box, each duly labelled, for any length of time. Make a mixture of two parts of hard paraffin and one part of soft ; place the mixture in a small copper pan or capsule in a hot- air oven, kept at a constant temperature by means of a gas regu- lator. The gas supply must be so arranged that the thermometer FIG. 29. Mayer's Paraffin Embedding Bath, as made by Jung of Heidelberg. steadily registers at most i C. above the melting-point of the paraffin. Or the paraffin may be melted and kept melted in a little copper vessel, placed in a hot- water bath, kept at a constant temperature, as shown in fig. 29. The temperature is kept con- stant by means of a gas regulator, R Z is for filling the instru- ment with water ; a, 7>, c, are embedding vessels and pots. The tissues to be saturated and embedded should not be large, and they must be thoroughly dehydrated ; keep them, therefore, several hours in absolute alcohol. Place them direct into tur- pentine, creosote, benzol, toluol, or xylol- some use chloroform, bu'3 EMBEDDING. 43 turpentine, toluol, or xylol is to be preferred. The turpentine or xylol penetrates into the tissue, displaces the alcohol, and makes the tissue itself transparent. If the tissue be very small, this will be done in an hour or so ; if it be larger, of course a longer time will be required. Thus the time may vary, according to the size and nature of the tissue, from, one to six hours. Transfer the specimens from the clarifying medium, and place them in the melted paraffin, where they may remain 2-10 hours, according to the size and nature of the tissue. By the end of that time they will be thoroughly impregnated or saturated with the paraffin. For delicate tissues, however, it is better not to transfer them direct from the clarifying medium to pure paraffin, but to place them first of all in a mixture of toluol and paraffin, or turpentine and paraffin, for an hour or two. In the thermostat at 5o-55 C. the toluol gradually evaporates, so that nearly pure paraffin remains, and the saturation with paraffin has been accomplished more gradually. The object is then finally placed in pure paraffin for several hours. Some prefer chloroform as a clarifying agent and as a solvent for paraffin instead of toluol or turpentine. Objects transferred from absolute alcohol at first float on the surface of the chloroform, but as the latter penetrates them and displaces the alcohol they sink. They are then embedded in a chloroform paraffin mixture and finally in pure paraffin. The time (in hours) required for immersion in the several fluids for pieces of tissue of various sizes is approximately as follows (Bohm and Oppel) : Small Objects less than 1 mm. diam. Objects about 5 mm. diam. Larger Objects about 5 mm. diam. Very large Objects. Absolute alcohol Toluol or turpentine 2 * 6 2-3 24 3-4 ( A longer time, } but at the ex - \ pense of their quality. Objects are now placed in the thermostat or bath. Toluol or turpen- ) tine-paraffin ( Paraffin . 1 i 4 2 6 3-4 Objects may remain longer in the paraffin without damage, provided they have been completely dehydrated. /)/| PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. The method of interstitial embedding is particularly useful for tissues stained "in balk" or en masse. The tissues or organ may be stained before the process is begun, or sections may be cut and stained afterwards. To Stain "in bulk" before embedding. Pieces of the tissue a few millimetres square are placed in borax-carmine or Kleinen- berg's logwood for 10-24 or 48 hours, according to the size and nature of the tissue. If they be placed in borax-carmine, the pieces are transferred to acid alcohol for 24 hours, and then transferred to various strengths of alcohol, and finally to absolute alcohol, by which they are completely dehydrated. The tissues stained with Kleinenberg's logwood are well washed in spirit, and transferred to absolute alcohol to be dehydrated. These dehydrated stained masses are then placed in turpentine or xylol, and then in melted paraffin, as described above. Process of Embedding in Paraffin. This is the same both for the simple and the saturation methods. Use embedding |_'s, which consist of two L-shaped pieces of lead about \ inch high, the long arm about 2 inches long and the short one |- inch. Their inner surfaces are moistened with glycerine, and the L's themselves are placed on a piece of glass, coated with glycerine, to enable the paraffin to separate easily, with the long limb of the one in contact with the short limb of the other, thus making a rectangular box, the size of which can be increased as required. Fill the trough with melted paraffin. Take the tissue if for simple embedding direct from alcohol ; dry its surfaces with bibulous paper, to remove any alcohol which would prevent the paraffin from adhering to it; pour the melted paraffin into the trough, transfix the tissue with a fine pin, plunge it into the paraffin just when the latter begins to set at the edges, move the tissue in the still fluid paraffin to one end of the trough, and hold it there until the mass sets around it. If the tissue has been previously saturated with paraffin, the trough is filled as before, and the tissue, saturated with paraffin, is taken, by means of a hot needle, from the fluid warm paraffin, and fixed in the trough in the same way as described above. It is not always necessary to transfix the tissue with a pin or needle, but it is' sometimes convenient to do so. Insert the needle in the direction of the cutting plane, thus indicating afterwards (when the mass is set) the direction in which the section is to be cut. A little paraffin may be poured into the trough, and when it just begins to set, the tissue is laid on it, and another layer of melted paraffin is poured over it as soon as its surfaces are set. Place the whole under the tap, and allow cold water to run over it to EMBEDDING. 45 / c d FIG. 30. Embedding Box. accelerate the cooling, as paraffin cooled rapidly is more homogeneous and cuts better than when it is cooled slowly. In about half-an- hour the paraffin has set, and can be removed from the mould. Embedding Boxes (fig. 30) may be used. These are readily made from a rectangular piece of writing-paper B' C? d' D' folded to the size required. The paper is first folded along the lines aa' and bb' t then along cc' and dd' t always folding the paper towards the same side. The diagonals AA'-DD' are indented by means of a! * r *7 \Q>' the point of a lead pencil, or the paper is folded along these lines. These corners are then bent up between the fore-finger and thumb, and then bent round, so as to be applied to the sides AB and CD of the oblong, and are fixed there by turning down the flaps/''. Embedding in Paraffin. The f olio wingscheme shows the stages : (1.) Harden, either from the first or subsequent to other agents in absolute alcohol. (2.) Xylol or turpentine (24 hours). (3.) In warm paraffin fluid at 50 C. (1-12). (4.) Embed and allow paraffin to cool. (">.) Cut sections, and in some cases fix them on slide with a fixative (p. 60). (6.) Remove paraffin by turpentine or xylol. (7.) Alcohol to remove xylol. (8.) Add water and then stain, &c. 3. Embedding in Celloidin. This method is specially valuable where the parts of an organ when cut into sections are apt to fall asunder. It is specially valuable in such as those of the ovary, central nervous system, retina, &c. Celloidin is a form of mtro-cellulose or pyroxylin, or solidified collodion, and is sold in two forms, one in tablets and the other in cuttings. E. Schering's is the best, and the form sold in " cuttings " is to be preferred. Do not let its solution dry, as it is then difficult to redissolve it. This method was invented by Duval, who used collodion, and improved by Schiefi'erdecker. Prepare the solutions of celloidin by dissolving the latter in equal parts of absolute alcohol and 4 6 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. --o ether. The first, or weaker solution, is made of a thin consistence like collodion duplex, the other is made stronger, until it has a thick syrupy consistence. The hardened tissue is placed for some time in absolute alcohol, and then for several days, or until it is completely saturated, in a mixture of equal parts of "absolute alcohol and ether. After this it is placed in a glass-stoppered bottle in the thin solution of celloidin until it is completely saturated with it (23 days). Transfer the tissue to syrupy celloidin, and let it remain there for several days until the tissue is thoroughly infiltrated with celloidin. Some use three strengths of celloidin solution : (1.) A thick syrup consistence. (2.) One part of (1) diluted with 2 vols. of ether. (3. ) One part of (2) diluted with 2 vols. of ether. After thorough infiltration the tissue has to be embedded. For this purpose make a paper box (fig. 30) ; or use a pill-box, or embed it on a cork, thus. Take a cork corresponding to the size of the object, roughen one end of it, and surround it with a piece of paper fastened by a pin (fig. 31). Moisten the roughened surface with absolute alcohol, and on it place the tissue infiltrated with celloidin, and surround the latter with the thick solution of celloidin. Allow it to stand until the cel- Uloidin begins to harden on the surface. This takes place in less than an hour. Place the box or cork, as the case may be, in 80 per cent, alcohol for 24-48 hours, which hardens the celloidin to such a consistence that it can be cut like a stiff cheese, but the sections must be cut with a knife wetted with 70 per cent. alcohol. It is immaterial which microtome is used, as long as the knife is moistened with not too strong alcohol. The sections may be transferred to alcohol or water, and stained with any suitable dye. Some dyes stain the celloidin, especially the aniline dyes, and others do riot. A section after being stained may be mounted in glycerine or balsam, but in the latter case absolute alcohol cannot be used to dehydrate them, as celloidin is soluble in this fluid. Alcohol (95 per cent.) must therefora be used for this purpose. Moreover, the sections must be clarified by origanum or bergamot oil not by oil of cloves, which has a solvent action on the celloidin and mounted in balsam. (See also Clarifying Reagents.) Objects embedded in celloidin may be kept ready for cutting for an indefinite time in 75-80 per cent, alcohol. FIG. 31. Embedding Paper Box with Weight for Cel- loidin with a lead " Sinker." EMBEDDING, 47 In cutting sections embedded in celloidin, the knife must be so placed as to cut with as much of the blade as possible. The hardened celloidin is fixed to a piece of cork, which is clamped in the microtome. If, however, it be desired to cut sections embedded in celloidin by the freezing method, the following procedure must be adopted. After the tissue embedded in celloidin has been hardened in alcohol, whereby it becomes not only " hardened " but somewhat milky in appearance, the alcohol must be got rid of, which is done by keeping it in running water for twenty-four hours, when it is transferred to a freezing mixture of gum and syrup (p. 49). This freezing fluid gradually penetrates the cheesy-like mass, and dis- places the water. Such a preparation can be frozen in an ordinary microtome. For embedding and cutting in celloidin, the following are the stages : (1.) Organ hardened, either at first or subsequently, in absolute alcohol. (2.) Then in a mixture of equal parts of absolute alcohol and ether (1-2 days). (3.) In dilute celloidin mixture (1-5 days). (4.) In thick celloidin mixture (1-5 days). (5.) Object placed on cork and exposed to air to dry. (6.) Then in 80 per cent, spirit (i day). (7.) Cut sections. (8.) Stain and \vash them. "(9.) Dehydrate them in 96 per cent, alcohol (and perhaps 1-2 minutes in absolute alcohol). (10.) Clarify with origanum oil, xylol, cedar orbergamot oil. (11.) Mount in balsam. Suppose a piece of the human spinal cord is to be embedded in celloidin. After being hardened properly it is transferred from absolute alcohol to ether, for not more than twenty-four hours. It is then placed for 6-8 days in solution of celloidin (3), in solution (2) four or live days and in solution (1) two or three days. It is then embedded in celloidin as described above, and when it begins to harden by evaporation of the ether and alcohol it is transferred to 80 per cent, alcohol for three or four days, which finally hardens it, but it must be completely covered with spirit. If it is to be preserved for some time before it is cut, keep it in 70 per cent, alcohol. Sections of an organ embedded in celloidin may also be clarified by means of creosote, or a mixture of i part of creosote and 3 of xylol, which, however, must be quite water-free. 4 8 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. Scheme for Infiltration and Embedding (Bohm and Oppel). 90 per cent, alcohol. Staining in bulk, e.g., borax carmine or hsematoxylin, and washing out the surplus stain. Absolute alcohol. Toluol or turpentine. Toluol or turpentine-paraffin. Paraffin, embedding. g I 5 Ether. Celloidin solution, No. 3. Celloidin solution, No. 2. Celloidiu solution, No. I. Embedding. 80 per cent alcohol. Object ready to be cut into sections. X. SECTION CUTTING. 1. With a Razor. It is absolutely essential to have a sharp razor if sections are to be cut by hand, and it is well that the student should practise this method. Moisten the blade of the razor with 90 per cent, alcohol, and place some alcohol in. an oblong glass vessel. Dip the cutting blade or razor into the alcohol after every third or fourth section. Grasp the razor tightly with the right hand, so that its blade is horizontal, its edge directed to the operator, whose fingers are pressed against the SECTION CUTTING. 49 back of the blade, the back of the hand being directed upwards. The razor is made to glide thrdugh the tissue, cutting as thin sections as possible, which are placed in alcohol. The tissue to be cut may be embedded in any of the ways already described, and it is held in the left hand while being cut. A razor ought to be sharp and free from notches in its cutting edge. A razor with notches in its edge causes striated bands in the section. Notches can readily be detected by drawing the razor across one's nail or over a piece of cardboard. In sharpening the razor use a soft hone moistened with water, then lay the razor flat on the hone and draw it diagonally from heel to point, with the edge forwards. The razor must be frequently stropped to keep it sharp, and it should not be hollow-ground ; it is better to be flat on one side. 2. Valentin's Knife (fig. 32) consists of two parallel blades, which can be placed at a greater or less distance from each other by a FIG. 32. Valentin's Knife. means of the screw (a). The blades are first set apart at the required distance \ the thickness of the section depends on the distance between them. The knife was formerly much used by pathologists for making sections of fresh organs. It is now rarely used. 3. Microtomes. For many purposes some form of freezing microtome will be found most convenient for teaching purposes ; where a large number of sections is required it is indis- pensable. Preparation of Hardened Tissues for Cutting by Freezing. In order to secure the full advantages of cutting sections by freez- ing, the tissues must be previously soaked in and saturated with proper " freezing fluids." If the tissues be kept in alcohol, first remove all the alcohol by soaking them for twenty-four hours in running water. After this the tissue is soaked in gum mucilage, or, what is preferable, a mixture of gum and syrup. The best receipt is that of Hamilton. .Make a syrup of 28.5 grains of pure cane-sugar in 30 cc. of water ; boil and saturate it with boracic acid. Allow it to cool and filter. Place 45.6 gnuns of gum acacia in 2400 cc. of cold water, allow it to "dissolve, saturate, it with boracic acid by boiling, and filter. PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. Freeziny Fluid. Take of the syrup ,, ,, mucilage water 4 parts. 5 ' " Boil and saturate while hot with boracic acid. Filter through muslin. The tissues are soaked for twenty-four hours or longer in this fluid, i.e., after removal of all alcohol from them. The longer they are kept in it the better ; in fact, tissues may be kept permanently ready for freezing in this fluid. Rutherford's Ice-Freezing Microtome (fig. 33). By means of a finely-graduated screw a brass plug can be raised or lowered inside. FIG. 33. Rutherford's Freezing Microtome adapted for Freezing with Ether. a brass cylinder. At the top of this cylinder is a stage or plate (B). The plug has a small flattened brass knob screwed into it, so as to catch the frozen mass, and prevent it from being detached (K). Practically this is the arrangement of the microtome devised by the late A. B. Stirling, curator of the Anatomical Museum of the University of Edinburgh. To this arrangement Professor Ruther- ford added an ice-box (C), which surrounds the upper part of the SECTION CUTTING. 51 brass cylinder or well. This box is provided with an exit-tube (H), to allow the water resulting from the melting of the ice to escape. The size of the cylinder varies from 1-2 inches in diameter, but for most purposes one with a diameter of i inch will be found sufficient. The ice-box is covered on the outside with a thick layer of gutta-percha. Professor Hamilton, of Aberdeen, first suggested the addition of a glass top to be screwed upon the plate of the instrument. By far the most convenient cutting tool for use with this micro- tome is an ordinary planing-iron fitted with a handle, as recommended by Delepine (fig. 35). Above all, the tissue must have been properly hardened, and previously steeped in a freezing fluid, either gum mucilage or gum and syrup, after removal of all alcohol from it (p. 50). In using this instrument, screw the plug down to the necessary depth, thus making a well of the required depth at least half the depth of the cylinder and into the well drop a few drops of glycerine, or put a little lard round the line of contact of the plug and the cylinder. This is to prevent any of the fluid passing down between the plug and the cylinder. Fill the ice-box with a mixture of pounded ice and salt, and pack it well around the central brass cylinder. Keep a cork in the exit tube H, and only allow the fluid to flow away when it accumulates in large amount. In a short time the temperature of the plug is greatly reduced. Pour into the well a little mucilage (BP), sufficient to form a layer about J- inch thick, and allow this to freeze. The piece of tissue taken from the freezing mixture is lifted with a pair of forceps, and put into the well, so that it touches and adheres to that part of the well farthest away from the operator. AVhen the tissue is fixed, fill up the well with mucilage and cover it with a piece of sheet india-rubber, and keep the latter in position by a weight. This is to prevent the entrance of the freezing mixture into the well. Supposing the tissue to be frozen, the operator seizes the elevating scre\v P with his left hand, and in his right holds the planing iron, which is fixed in a wooden handle. With the left hand the operator turns the screw, i.e., elevates the tissue, while as rapidly as he chooses with his right hand the planing iron, firmly pressed on the glass plate at (about) an angle of 45, is pushed rapidly forwards and drawn backwards, and in a few seconds twenty or thirty sections accumulate on the upper surface of the planing iron. By means of a large camcl's-hair brush they are transferred to a large quantity of water, whereby the gum contained within them is dissolved and the sections themselves uncurl. One $2 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. cannot cut all tissues with equal rapidity. In the case of many tissues and organs (as elastic tissue, lung, kidney, &c.), after they are completely frozen, a quarter of an hour will suffice, if a planing iron be employed, to cut more than a thousand sections. This, however, cannot be done with sections of the cerebrum, cerebellum, or spinal cord. With these and with some other organs it is better to cut each section singly. I'IG. 34. CaMicart's Freezing Microtome. If one has several tissues to cut, the one tissue can be embedded above the other in the instrument at the same time. This instrument, however, has other advantages, as it can bo used also as an ether-freezing microtome. Place the tissue, previously saturated with the freezing fluid, upon the zinc plate Z, and cover it with mucilage. By means of an ether-spray producer N, direct a spray of anhydrous ether from the bottle against the under surface of the zinc plate Z. In order to economise ether, any non-volatilised is collected and returned by the tube T to the bottle 0. SECTION CUTTING. 53 h'\ 111 using the instniment in this way, however, the piece of tissue must he thin, not more than 5-7 mm. in thickness, or thereby. Gathcart's Freezing Microtome (fig. 34). The instrument is screwed to a table by means of a clamp (C). Fix by means of gum the tissue to be frozen, not more than i cm. thick, upon the zinc plate. Fill the bottle with ether and put the spray apparatus under the zinc plate. Work the spray apparatus until the mucilage and tissue arc frozen. Sections are cut by means of a flat knife pushed along on the glass supports (GG), the tissue being raised by the large milled head placed underneath (M). The sections are removed from the knife by means of a camel's-hair pen- cil, and placed in water. Fig. 35 shows Gathcart's micro- tome clamped to a table, and the method of cutting sections by means of a planing iron. The planing iron is used in exactly the same way as for Rutherford's microtome. Roy's Microtome (Freezing), Modified by Malassez (fig. 36). This instrument is extremely convenient, the cutting instrument being an ordinary razor.- Instead of ether, Malassez uses chloride of methyl, which is preserved in a stout metallic flask. A stream of the methyl chloride is directed against the under surface of the plate on which the tissue to be frozen is placed. It freezes much more rapidly than with ether. Cutting a Continuous Series of Sections in Paraffin. For this purpose the "rocking microtome" (fig. 37) of the Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company, or Minot's microtome, is most useful. Embed the tissue in paraffin in the usual way ; place the razor in position, and fix the embedded tissue to the end of the brass cap on the, horizontal bar. Move the brass cap, with its adherent em- bedded tissue, forwards, until it touches the knife-edge. The FIG. 35. Showing how to use a Planing Iroii for Cutting Sections. 54 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. horizontal bar has an axle which moves in a V-shaped pivot. At FIG. 36. Malassez's Modification of Roy's Microtome for Freezing. the end of the instrument is a knobbed bar, Avhich depresses and FIG. 37. Cambridge Rocking Microtome. raises the horizontal bar, and at the same time moves a toothed SECTION CUTTING. 55 wheel, which is pushed round by a small eatch, whereby the Lai- bearing the pivot is raised. At the same time the embedded tissue in paraffin on the horizontal bar is brought down into contact with the edge of the razor. The piece of paraffin should have its sides squared, and the two faces looking upwards and downwards should be coated with soft paraffin, i.e., with a low melting-point (48 C.). This is to enable the one section to adhere to the other. On working the instru- ment, the sections come off in " chains " or ribbons, and can be caught upon a plate of glass. If the sections tend to curl up, they may be " flattened " by being placed in not too warm water. Minot's Microtome. In this microtome, which is one of the best microtomes yet invented for embedded tissues, as shown in fig. 38, the knife is fixed while the embedded tissue in paraffin fixed FlG. 38. Minot's Microtome. to a circular disc, is moved vertically upwards and downwards by means of a wheel. The embedded tissue is fixed to a disc which can do moved around three axes, and thus the tissue can be cut in any desired plane. The thickness of the sections is regulated by a special toothed-wheel mechanism, which is so arranged that sections PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. can be out varying from ^, ^ T J T5> TH* to TO mm - Instead of the knife supplied with the apparatus, a razor may be used. The sections can be received on a silk ribbon, as shown in fig. 39. This is clamped to the apparatus. The sections are received on the ribbon, which is rotated by means of a milled head. Jung's or Thoma's Microtome. In this instrument the tissue to be cut is fixed in a clamp, the knife is fixed in another heavy clamp which moves on planed sur- faces. After each section the tissue is pushed up an inclined plane by means of the milled head on the extreme right of the figure (fig. 40). Malassez's Modification of Roy's Microtome (fig. 41). Some- times it is desired to cut sections of a tissue while it is under fluid, e.g.) alcohol. This can be done as shown in fig. 41. move on its base, and can be placed FIG. 39. Silk Band for Catching the Chain of Serial Sections made by Minot's Microtome. The microtome is made to FIG. 40. Thoma's Sledge Microtome, as made by Jung. vertically in such a way that the razor and the piece of tissue to be cut come to lie in a vessel filled with alcohol. SECTION CUTTING. 57 FlO. 41. Malassez' Modification of iloy's Microtome for Cutting Sections under ft fluid FlG. 42. --Williams' Ice-Freezing Microtome. 58 PllACTICAL HISTOLOGY. Williams' Freezing Microtome (fig. 42). This consists of a wooden, non-conducting tub for holding the freezing mixture. Vertically in the centre of this rises a brass cylinder, into whose upper end the roughened brass plate on which the tissue is frozen can be screwed. The lid of the box is formed by a glass plate fitted FIG. 43.' Swift's Ether-Freezing Microtome. into a framework or kind of cap for the tub. In the centre of the glass plate is a circular hole into which the freezing-plate projects. In this instrument the tissue remains fixed, while the knife or blade is depressed by the movement of a screw. The knife or razor is fixed in a brass tripod frame-work or knife-carrier. CUTTING SECTIONS. 59 In using the instrument, fill the tube with the freezing mixture of ice and salt, and when the central brass pillar becomes sufficiently cooled, pour on it a little mucilage, and when this is frozen place on it the tissue, which, must not be more than i cm. in thickness, and pencil some mucilage on it. When it is solid, the knife in the tripod is used to cut the sections ; and as the front leg of the tripod consists of a screw, this is turned, and thus the cutting edge is brought to touch the tissue. Swift's Freezing Microtome (fig. 43). A modification of the previous instrument is shown in fig. 43, which is adapted for freezing with ether. Hand-Microtome (fig. 44). When only a few sections are required, this instrument, invented by Ranvier, is extremely convenient. The FIG. 44. Ranvier's Hand-Microtome. tissue is embedded in the well of the instrument in paraffin or elder pith, and sections made by means of a razor, as shown in the figure. The tissue is gradually raised by means of the milled head. Section-Flatteners. Sometimes the sections saturated with paraffin when cut exhibit a great tendency to curl up. This can partly be avoided by pressing the section as it is cut gently ngainst the knife, by means of a camel's-hair brush. Several section- flatteners attached to the cutting-knife have been used for this purpose. Take a wire i mm. in diameter, heat it in a flame, and bend it twice at right angles, the distance between the angles being about an inch. The free ends are then bent round in the form of a hook. These hooks serve to fix the frame on the back of the razor, forming, as it were, a spring-clip. The part of the wire between the right angles is so arranged that it lies parallel to, and about one-hundredth of an inch from, the edge of the knife. In 60 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. cutting, the section has to pass between the spring and the knife> and is thus largely prevented from curling up. Curled-up paraffin sections may be made to uncurl by being placed in water at about 40 C. (Gaskell). Cutting a Continuous Series of Sections in Celloidin. The tissue, embedded in celloidin, is clamped in a microtome, e.g., that of Jung, and section after section is made. The knife must pass at an acute angle through the celloidin, and must be moistened with 80 per cent, alcohol. This is easily effected from a wash-bottle Schanze of Leipzig supplies such a bottle provided with a valve, which facilitates the outflow of a gentle stream of alcohol upon the cutting blade. Weigert's method of arranging and fixing the sections on a slide is the best. Each section in celloidin as it is made is laid upon a narrow strip of curl-paper by means of a camel's-hair pencil. The curl-paper is kept moist by being placed on a plate covered with blotting-paper well moistened with 80 per cent, alcohol. The sections are laid upon the curl-paper in the order desired. A slide is coated with a layer of thin collodion, and when it is dry, the celloidin sections on the curl-paper are transferred to it. This is done by lifting up the curl-paper, and placing it, sections lower- most, upon the coating of collodion on the slide. Press on the whole with a piece of dry blotting-paper. The sections adhere to the slide, and the curl-paper is removed. Dry the sections with blotting-paper, and pour over them a layer of thin collodion. They are now permanently fixed, and can be stained on the slide in any way that may be desired. This is an extremely convenient method for serial sections of the central nervous system. XL FIXATIVES AND SUBSEQUENT TREATMENT OF SECTIONS. Further Treatment of Sections. This depends on how the sections have been made, and whether they have or have not been previously stained. Paraffin sections must be freed from paraffin. If they are unstained, they must bo stained. In most cases it is found advantageous to fix paraffin sections to the slide by means of a "fixative." Many sections can thus be fixed on one slide, and treated simultaneously. The series of events will then be for unstained paraffin sections : (1.) Fixation on a slide. (2.) Removal of paraffin. (3.) Staining the section. (4.) Mounting the specimen. FIXATIVES AND SUBSEQUENT TREATMENT OF SECTIONS. 6 1 To Fix Paraffin Sections on a Slide. There are several "fixa- tives" for serial sections, but the following will be found the most useful. (1.) Collodion and Clove-Oil. Mix one part of collodion with three parts of clove-oil. By means of a brush paint a thin layer on a slide, and on it place the sections. Heat gently over the flame of a lamp, to fix them firmly and drive off the clove-oil. (2.) Albumen and Glycerine (P. Mayer}. Mix filtered fresh white of egg with an equal volume of glycerine, add a little car- bolic acid or morsel of thymol to prevent putrefaction. White of egg filters very slowly. A very thin layer is painted on the slide, and made smooth by means of a clean glass rod, which is thus prepared to receive the sections. The sections are flattened on the albuminised surface by means of a fine brush, care being taken that no air-bubbles remain under the sections. Warm the slide to a temperature just sufficient to coagulate the albumen (70 C.). This may also be done by holding the slide for a few seconds over a jet of steam. Such substances as acids and alkalies which dissolve the albumen must not be applied to the sections, nor must the sections be stained with such substances as picrocarmine, which also dissolve the albumen. (3.) Method of Gaule. This method depends on capillary attrac- tion. The slide is moistened with water or weak spirit, and on this the paraffin sections are carefully spread out. The surplus spirit or water is removed by blotting-paper, and the slide placed in a thermostat at 50 C. for twenty-four hours. Sections so dried are heated for a moment above the melting-point of the paraffin, and are then firmly fixed on the slide. To Remove Paraffin from the Sections. Sections of tissues soaked and embedded in paraffin and fixed on a slide are placed in turpentine, toluol, or xylol. The extraction of the paraffin requires some time, and takes place more rapidly when the temperature is raised. The slides may be fitted into a zinc framework and lowered into a bath of turpentine or toluol. Clove-oil must not be used if collodion and clove-oil have been used as a fixative. In that case clarify with creosote and turpentine. The turpentine dissolves out the paraffin. After this, if the tissue has been previously stained in bulk, before it was embedded, drive away the turpentine with xylol or clove-oil, and mount the section in balsam. If, however, the sections are from an unstained tissue, after dissolving out the paraffin with turpentine, the latter must bo displaced by absolute alcohol, and the slides are passed through alcohols of various strengths and then into water, i.e., provided the 62 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. sections are to be stained in a watery solution of a dye. The sections are then coloured in situ on the slide. If the sections are to be mounted in balsam, they must go through the same process in the reverse order, viz., increasing strengths of alcohol a clarifying agent, clove-oil, or xylol and finally they are mounted in balsam. Scheme for the Further Treatment of Paraffin Sections. Paraffin section. Fixation on slide. Toluol or turpentine. Absolute alcohol. Staining, if not previously stained. Wash to remove surplus stain. Absolute alcohol. Clove oil. Toluol or turpentine. Balsam. STAINING REAGENTS. 63 XII. STAINING REAGENTS. Staining. This process depends on the fact that different tissues, or different parts of the same tissue, have an affinity for certain dyes, and not for others. Thus some dyes stain only the nuclei, others however may cause a uniform stain, all the tissues being of the same colour. By using some decolorising reagent, it is possible to remove the stain from certain parts of the preparation, leaving other parts stained. A thin section of a tissue or an organ, as a rule, when examined shows but little differentiation of its several parts. Only in cases where pigment is naturally present is this difference very marked. Some substances when applied to the section stain one part and leave other parts unaffected, thus enabling one to differentiate more easily the several parts of a section. Those substances which stain the nuclei chiefly have been called nuclear stains. The section is placed in a weak solution of the dye, e.y., haematoxylin ; and after it seems to be sufficiently stained, the surplus dye is removed by thoroughly washing the section in water or alcohol, a part of the dye remaining united with the chromatin of the nucleus and colouring the latter. Such stains may also colour to a less degree some other parts of the section. Amongst nuclear stains are carmine, hsematoxylin, and some of the aniline colours. "When a section is stained, it is called Section Staining, but the tissue may be stained in bulk before the sections arc made (p. 44) staining in bulk. A. Carmine and its Compounds. Carmine. In order to obtain a strong solution of this dye, certain solvents require to be employed. It is readily soluble in ammonia, yielding an ammoniacal solution, which may be made strong or weak. The ammoniacal solution may be diluted to any extent required with water, and practically the best results are obtained by allowing sections to remain for a long time (24-48 hours) in a weak solution. 1. Strong Ammoniacal Carmine Solution. Eub up in a mortar 2 grams of pure carmine with a few drops of water, add 5 cc. of strong liquor ammonise, mix thoroughly, and add 100 cc. of water. Place the whole in a bottle, and after a day or so any undissolvcd carmine is filtered off and the clear fluid kept as a stock solution. This solution may he diluted to any required extent. If it smell Strongly of ammonia, the excess of ammonia must be allowed to evaporate. When the solution becomes neutral it is very liable to undergo putrefaction, but this may be avoided by placing a small piece of thymol in it to preserve it. 64 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. 2. Frey's Carmine. Ordinary carmine has two drawbacks : it is apt to undergo putrefaction, and as the ammonia escapes the carmine is precipitated. Carmine . . . . .0.3 gram. Distilled water . . . . 30 cc. Dissolve the carmine in the water, adding ammonia drop by drop until solution is complete. Then add Glycerine . . . . 30 cc. Alcohol . . . . 4 ,, and shake the mixture. Keep it in a stoppered bottle. It has no advantage, as far as coloration is concerned, over ordinary carmine, but it can be kept for a long time unchanged. 3. Alcoholic Borax Carmine (Grenacher). Carmine ...... 3 grams. Borax . . . . . . 4 Water . . . . . . . 100 cc. Dissolve the borax in the water and add the carmine, which is quickly dissolved, especially with the aid of gentle heat. Add 100 cc. of 75 per cent, alcohol, and filter. 4. Watery Borax-Carmine. Rub up in a mortar 8 grams borax with 2 grams carmine, and add 15000. water. After twenty-four hours decant and filter. Tissues to be stained in bulk e.g., after hardening with corrosive sublimate are placed for twenty-four hours or longer in this fluid. They are then transferred to acid alcohol (i per cent. HC1 in 70 per cent, spirit for twenty-four hours), and then into alcohol. If it be desired to stain in bulk without bringing the tissue into contact with water, then use : 5. Carmine-Solution (P. Mayer). For staining in bulk, and also for sections, Mayer recommends the following : Suspend 4 grams carmine in 15 cc. water, and then add 30 drops hydrochloric acid, gently heating the mixture. Add 95 cc. alcohol (85 per cent.) and boil. Neutralise with ammonia and on cooling filter. 6. Borax Carmine (Grenacher). Carmine ..... I gram. Borax ...... 2 grams. Distilled water . . . . . 200 cc. The borax dissolves the carmine. The whole is placed in a porcelain capsule and heated to boiling, when the fluid becomes of a dark-purplish or bluish-red. Add a few drops of 5 per cent, acetic acid, until the colour becomes more like that of carmine dissolved in ammonia. Let it stand for twenty-four hours, and STAINING REAGENTS. 65 filter. Add a drop or two of carbolic acid to preserve it. This gives a diffuse stain, so that the sections have to be treated with acid alcohol (p. 65). 1 The original receipt is Carmine . . . . .5 to .75 gram. Borax . . . . . 2 ,, Water ..... 100 cc. Alcohol (70 per cent.) . . . 100 ,, Borax-carmine is chiefly used for staining tissues "in bulk." Small pieces of tissue, to J-inch cubes or larger, may be left in it for days, and they do not become over-stained. It gives by itself a diffuse stain ; hence to get its effect concentrated upon the nuclei, for which it has a special affinity, the pieces of tissue must be placed for twenty-four hours or thereby in 70 per cent, alcohol containing i per cent, of hydrochloric acid. Acid Alcohol. This is called acid alcohol, and is prepared thus Hydrochloric acid . . . I cc. Alcohol . . . . . . 70 ,, Water . . . . . 30 ,, When tissues are placed in the acid alcohol, they change in colour to a bright scarlet. A certain amount of the surplus carmine is extracted, but the nuclei become intensely stained. This method is particularly valuable for a large number of organs, and especially where nuclear staining is desired. 7. Alum Carmine. Dissolve 5 grams of potash-alum in 100 cc. water. Add i gram carmine, and boil for a quarter of an hour. Make up the bulk with water and filter. Add a drop of carbolic acid to preserve it, as fungi rapidly form in it. It has the advati tage of not over-staining tissues left in it for a long time. 8. Lithium Carmine (Orth). Carmine . . . . .2.5 grams. Saturated solution of lithium carbonate . 100 cc. Dissolve the carmine in the cold saturated solution of lithium carbonate ; solution occurs very quickly. It gives a diffuse stain, to nearly all tissues very rapidly, and the sections must, therefore, be transferred, without previous washing in water, to acid alcohol (p. 65). They can then be mounted in glycerine or balsam as desired. The nuclei are stained a brilliant red. It cannot be used for sections fixed on a slide by means of white of egg. Application. (1.) Stain (2-3 minutes). (2.) Washout surplus dye in acid alcohol (\-i minute), i.e., in loo cc. of 70 per cent, spirit + I cc. HC1. (3.) Remove all acid by prolonged washing in water. (4.) Alcohol, oil, balsam. 1 Archivf. Mik. AnaL, vol. xvi. p. 3G3. 66 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. 9. Picro-Lithium armine. This is even preferable to the fore- going, because, in addition to staining nuclei red, it stains certain other parts yellow. Lithium carmine . . . . . 50 cc. Saturated solution of picric acid . . . 100 ,, Mix the two slowly. If, after trying it, one or other colour is too pronounced, add a little more of the other. The sections are to be treated with acid alcohol like the fore- going. The acid alcohol, however, ultimately extracts the picric acid. This is avoided by not leaving them too long in acid alcohol. If the picric stain be removed, it may be restored at once by dipping the section in absolute alcohol to which a little picric acid has been added. 10. Picro-Carmine. This most valuable reagent was introduced by lianvier, and has the great advantage of giving a double stain without the use of acid or alkali. (a.) Jtanvier's method of preparing it is as follows : To a saturated watery solution of picric acid add a saturated ammoniacal solution of carmine until precipitation just appears, i.e., until satura- tion. The fluids must be well mixed. Leave it exposed in shallow vessels to crystallise, but protect it from the dust. Crystals are deposited, and also some amorphous carmine. After several weeks, when its bulk is reduced to one-third, decant the liquid, filter, and evaporate it to dryness on a water-bath. Redissolve it and the crystalline deposit in water, filter, and evaporate to dryness. The brown powder so obtained is dissolved in the proportion of i per cent, in water. This fluid, prepared in this way, gives very satis- factory results. (b.) Stdhr's Method. A very good solution is obtained by this method. To 50 cc. water add 5 cc. liquor ammonise and i gram carmine, which is rapidly dissolved. After complete solution, add 50 cc. of a saturated solution of picric acid. Set the mixture aside for two or three days in a large open flat evaporating dish, and after this time filter. To the filtrate add a drop of chloroform to prevent the formation of fungi. Precautions. Preparations stained with picro-carmine are not liable to be over-stained, and may be mounted in Fax-rant's solution or glycerine acidulated with formic acid (i per cent.) [formic acid sp. gr. 1. 1 6]. In staining sections with picro-carmine, cover the section with picro-carmine, and after a few minutes remove the surplus pigment. On no account should the section le jtlaced hi water. Water rapidly extracts the picric acid and leaves the preparation stained with the carmine only. Add a drop of Farrant's solution or formic glycerine, STAINING REAGENTS. 6 7 and cover. Such sections improve with keeping, and the surplus picro-carmine is really an advantage, for, after a time, the nuclei become more differentiated red, and other parts yellow. If it be desired to mount sections stained with picro-carmine in balsam, the alcohol through which they are passed, or the clove-oil, must contain some picric acid to restore the yellow colour. 11. Carmine and Dahlia Fluid ( Westphal}. Dissolve i gram of carmine in 2.5 per cent, of alum. Take of this Alum carmine . Glycerine Sat. sol. of dahlia in absolute alcohol Acetic acid 100 cc. 100 100 20 ,, This fluid is specially useful (" Mastzellen ") of the liver. 12. Cochineal (Csokor). Powdered cochineal Alum . Water . for staining the granular cells 50 grama. 5 500 cc. Dissolve the alum in the water, add the cochineal (Coccus cacti), and boil. Evaporate down to two-thirds of its original volume. Filter. Add a few drops of carbolic acid to prevent the formation of fungi. This is an excellent nuclear stain, especially for the central nervous system. It stains nuclei of a violet-red and does not overstain, so that sections may be left in it for many hours. It, however, does not stain well objects that naturally stain with difficulty. Application. (1.) Stain for an hour or more. (2.) Wash in water. (3.) Alcohol, oil, balsam. 13. Indigo Carmine (MerJceT). Solution A. Carmine . Borax Water . Solution B. Indigo carmine Borax Water 2 grams. 8 1 30 cc. 8 grams. 8 130 cc. Keep the solutions separate (B is apt to develop a precipitate). When required, mix equal volumes of A and B. The mixture undergoes a change within a week, and hence it is better to make it fresh when required. Sections must remain in it at least twenty- four hours with advantage longer but the results are certainly satisfactory. The stained sections are placed for half-an-hour or 68 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. thereby in a saturated solution of oxalic acid, which extracts the superfluous pigment. Mount sections in Farrant's solution or balsam. (See Stomach.) B. Haematoxylin and Logwood. Hsematoxylin. This substance was introduced to the notice of histologists by Bohmer. It is one of the most valuable nuclear staining reagents we possess, and this is specially the case when its violet-blue stain is set off by contrast with a ground stain of eosin, picric acid, or other appropriate dye. 1. Hsematoxylin (Bdhmer). Make a solution containing Hsematoxylin ..... i gram. Absolute alcohol . . . . 100 cc. Make a second solution of Alum ...... 5 grams. Distilled water . . . . . 100 cc. Add drop by drop the first solution to a little of the second until a deep- violet colour is obtained. The fluid is placed for fourteen days in an open vessel, protected from dust, and exposed to the light and air, when it becomes of a bluish tint. This fluid is said to " ripen." Oxidation processes take place whereby the hsemato- xylin is converted into hamatein. Filter. Add a fragment of thymol to preserve it. It stains tissues in 5-15 minutes. It is sufficient to make a saturated solution of the crystals of haernatoxylin in a small quantity of absolute alcohol. Add a few drops to a i per cent, solution of alum, which yields a light violet- coloured fluid. Expose the fluid to light and air, when it becomes blue. It is well to prepare this fluid several weeks beforehand to enable it to " ripen." The ordinary manipulative procedure for hsematoxylin staining is as follows : (1.) Stain the section (2-10 minutes). (2.) Wash in distilled water. (3.) Allow section to remain 12-24 hours in distilled water. (4.) Remove water with alcohol, add ethereal oil, balsam. Bohmer's hsematoxylin is well adapted for staining sections. It is best adapted for tissues hardened in sublimate, alcohol, picric or nitric acid, and not so good for those from chromium salts or osmic acid. Sections to be stained with it before being placed in the dye are better to be placed first in water or in i per cent, alum solution. If taken direct from alcohol they may contain a deposit after being stained. After staining, the sections are thoroughly washed in ordinary water. Haematoxylin stains the chromatin of the nuclei STAINING REAGENTS. 69 a (loop blue, and other parts of some tissues light blue, e.g., the matrix of hyaline cartilage. 2. Strong Nucleus- Staining Hsematoxylin (Hamilton). Ha-matoxylin Alum Glycerine Distilled water 12 grams. 50 65 cc. 130 Boil, and while hot add 5 cc. liquid carbolic acid. Allow the mixture to stand in the sunlight for at least a month. 3. Delafield's Hsematoxylin. To 100 cc. of a saturated solution of ammonia alum add drop by drop a solution of i gram hsematoxylin dissolved in 6 cc. absolute alcohol. Expose to the air and light for a week. Filter. Add 25 cc. glycerine and 25 cc. of methylic alcohol. Allow it to stand exposed to the light for a long time. Filter. This solution stains extremely rapidly, and may be greatly diluted when it is used. It keeps for a very long time, and stains well even tissues which have been hardened in chromic or osmic acid. 4. Kleinenberg's Hsematoxylin. (i.) Make a saturated solution of calcium chloride in 70 per cent, alcohol. Shake it well, and allow it to stand. Decant the saturated solution, add alum to excess, shake it well, allow it to stand for a day or so, and filter. (2.) Make a saturated solution of alum in 70 per cent, alcohol. Filter. (3.) To one volume of the filtrate from (i) add eight volumes Of (2). (4.) To (3) add drop by drop a saturated solution of hsematoxylin in absolute alcohol, until it becomes of a decided purple colour, but not too dark, as the solution becomes darker by keeping and exposure to light. It should be prepared at least a few months before it is wanted. It may be diluted to any extent by adding the mixture (i) or (2). As it contains much spirit, sections placed in it must be covered, i.e., protected from evaporation, else the spirit will rapidly evaporate. This logwood stain is particularly valuable when it is required to stain a tissue or an organ " in bulk." This a diluted solution will do in 24-48 hours, provided the pieces be not too large. 5. Acid Hsematoxylin (Ehrlicli). Haematoxylih ..... i gram. Absolute alcohol . . . 30 cc. To the solution add Glycerine . . . . . 60 cc. \ Saturated Distilled water . . . . . 60 ,, /with alum. Glacial acetic acid . . . 3 70 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. Dissolve the hsematoxylin in the alcohol, add the glycerine and water, and then the acid. At first the solution is light-red, but when it has been exposed to the air for 2-3 weeks it gets bluish. It does not over-stain, and the tissues stained with it, when exposed to the light, become violet or bluish tinted. It may be used either for sections or for staining in bulk, and in the latter case it does not tend to over-stain. Application. Sections from alcohol (1.) Stain (3-5 minutes). (2.) Wash in alcohol (90 per cent.). (3.) Alcohol, oil, balsam. Garbini finds it better to place the sections after staining in (2.) Distilled water. (3.) Solution of carbonate of lithia (.25 per cent.). (4.) Alcohol. 6. Glycerine Hsematoxylin (Renaut). Saturate perfectly neutral glycerine with potash-alum, and to it add drop by drop a saturated solution of hsematoxylin in 90 per cent, alcohol, until a deep-violet tint is obtained. About one-fourth part of the haematoxylin solution has to be added. Let it stand exposed to the light for weeks, and filter. 7. Eosin Hsematoxylin (Renaut).- Add drop by drop a con- centrated watery solution of eosin to 200 cc. of glycerine saturated with potash-alum. Filter. Add drop by drop an alcoholic solution of hsematoxylin. Expose to light for weeks, and filter. 8. Heidenhain's Hsematoxylin. (1.) This is used for staining in bulk. Prepare J per cent, watery solution of hsematoxylin, which must not be kept too long. Boil the hsematoxylin in water and allow it to cool. Place the hardened tissue in this dye for 24-48 hours. (2.) Transfer it for 24 hours to .5 per cent, watery solution of yellow chromate of potash (24-48 hours). This causes dark clouds in the fluid, so that the chromate must be frequently changed. (3.) "Wash carefully in water. The tissues are then hardened in alcohol, and may be embedded in paraffin. It is best adapted for objects hardened in absolute alcohol, e.g., salivary glands, pancreas (Lesson XXIII.), or in picric acid. Besides tinting the nuclei a greyish-blue, the protoplasm of the cells has a fine steel-gray tint, but the sections must not be too thick. STAINING REAGENTS. 71 9. Hamatein. It is well known that a solution of hsematoxylin (C 16 H 14 O 6 ) after being prepared must stand some time to " ripen " before it is ready for use. The substance ultimately formed chiefly by the action of the air is hamatein (C 16 H 12 6 ), which occurs in commerce in the form of a brown powder which is soluble in alcohol or water. P. Mayer recommends the following solution of this body in alum or Ham-alum : l (.) Hamatein . . . . i gram. Alcohol (90 per cent.) . . -5 cc - Dissolve by heating. (6.) Alum ..... 50 grams. Distilled water .... 1000 cc. Mix the fluids (a) and (b). Allow the mixture to settle, and use the clear supernatant fluid as a stain. If it be too strong, dilute with distilled water, or, better still, with alum solution. I have used this extensively during the last year for staining in bulk, and find it to be an excellent dye. Logwood. Staining solutions were formerly, and sometimes are, made from logwood chips. 10. Logwood (Mitchell's). The tannic acid is removed. Place finely-ground logwood (2 oz.) in a funnel; pack it well, and allow water to percolate through it until it flows away with but little colour. Allow the water to drain away ; spread the logwood on a board to dry. Dissolve alum (9 oz.) in 8 oz. of water. Moisten the dry logwood, pack it again tightly into a funnel, and pour on the alum solution. Close the lower end of the funnel, and allow the alum solution to extract the dye from the logwood for forty-eight hours. Allow the coloured fluid to flow off, and percolate 4 oz. of water through the logwood in the funnel. Add a few drachms of glycerine and rectified spirit. Dilute largely when using, so that staining will take place slowly. 11. Other solutions of hsematoxylin, including Weif/ert's, are referred to in the text. (Lessons on Central Nervous System and Salivary Glands.) General Statement regarding Hsematoxylin. Hsematoxylin is specially useful for staining tissues hardened in chromic acid. Ehrlich's haematoxylin is much to be commended. In all cases it is better to clarify sections stained with hsematoxylin by means of xylol not clove-oil before mounting in balsam. Haematoxylin and logwood are amongst the best nuclear stains we possess, and the tissues which stain best are those hardened in alcohol ; but those also from Miiller's fluid stain well. With those 1 Zeitsch.f. wiss. Mik., viil p. 341. 72 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. hardened in watery solutions of chromic acid it is otherwise. It is sometimes very difficult to get them to stain. This may sometimes be effected by soaking the sections previously in a dilute solution of sodic carbonate. They are also very valuable in double and treble staining. In the case of preparations stained by haematoxylin or logwood, over-staining may be got rid of by placing the sections in dilute acetic acid. This will rapidly extract the surplus stain, but at the same time, if allowed to act too long, it will make the remaining part red. Great care should be taken afterwards by thorough washing of the sections in water to remove every trace of the acid. C. Eosin. 1. Eosin. This substance is readily soluble in alcohol and water. Make a 5 per cent, watery solution. It gives a beautiful diffuse rosy hue, and stains very quickly, in a minute or two. The stronger solution can be diluted as required. It forms one of the best ground-stains in contrast to logwood or one of the numerous aniline dyes. When using it as a double stain, e.r/., logwood and eosin, stain the section first of all in logwood, and if it is to be mounted in balsam, clarify with clove-oil in which a little eosin has been dissolved. Sections stained with it can be mounted in balsam, Farrant's solution, or glycerine. It is a specific stain for the haemoglobin of red blood-corpuscles, as it stains it, even after hardening in chromic salts, a copper-red colour, while it also stains the granules of certain leucocytes of the blood of a reddish tint. It is used very extensively, and in a very dilute solution is a good stain for cartilage and striped muscle. D. The Aniline Dyes. Watery or alcoholic solutions of the aniline dyes stain sections with great rapidity. The word "stain" is perhaps not quite the right word to use. It is rather a process of imbibition than staining proper. One of the difficulties in using aniline dyes is the rapidity with which sections have to be transferred from one liquid to another. They are not used for staining in bulk. After staining and dehydrat- ing, it is best to clarify the sections (except in special cases) with cedar or bergamot oil or xylol. The sections are mounted in balsam, not in glycerine, as the latter dissolves the dyes. They are amongst the most valuable so-called staining reagents we possess, and although many of them do riot yield permanent preparations the colour fading after a time still the results obtained by their use are so important that it behoves the student to use them frequently. It is most important that they should be obtained from reliable sources. STAINING REAGENTS. 73 The aniline colours are divided by Elirlich into ariil, L//xic, and neutral compounds. Of the three, the basic colours are most used, us 11 icy are excellent nuclear stains. Some of them have special affinities for certain tissues, and, as is well known, they are of the utmost value in bacteriological investigations. They may be kept in drop bottles. All of them are soluble in alcohol, and most of them in water ; and so powerful are they, that usually a i per cent., or even a much weaker solution, suffices to stain tissues in a few minutes. Some of them, according to Ehrlich's researches, stain better when they arc mixed with a mordant. Aniline-Oil and Aniline- Water (Khrlich's Method). Shake up excess of pure aniline-oil with excess of water, and allow it to stand. The most of the oil sinks to the bottom. This solution should not be kept too long ; in fact, it is better to make it fresh. Filter a little of the aniline-water into a watch-glass. To the fluid in the watch-glass add ten or twelve drops of a concentrated alcoholic solution of any of the aniline dyes it is desired to use in this way. Very few of the preparations stained by aniline dyes can be pre- served in glycerine or Farrant's solution. A 50 per cent, solution of acetate of potash keeps their colours well, but it is a medium which it is difficult to keep tightly under the cover-glass. Many of them can be preserved in balsam, but most of them must be kept away from the action of acids. In a few cases the colour is partly extracted and fixed with dilute acids, but in such cases the free acid must be removed from the section before it is finally mounted. For convenience these colours may be grouped as follows : (A.) Violet Aniline Colours. Methyl Violet. Dissolve 2 grams in TOO cc. and filter. This gives a 2 per cent solution, which may be diluted as required. A o. i per cent, solution is, in many cases, sufficient. It does best for porous textures. Sections are left to stain in it for several hours, washed with water, and then with alcohol, until no more colour comes away, and mounted in balsam. It stains intercellular sub- stances but slightly, while cells, and especially their nuclei, are stained by it. Gentian Violet always answers very well for staining cell-nuclei, but it seems to be better for hardened preparations than the previous dye. Dahlia is used in the same way as the preceding. (B. ) Blue (and Purple) Aniline Colours. Aniline Blue. Make a i per cent, watery solution, adding a few drops of absolute alcohol. This is useful for the glands of the stomach and for a double stain with safranin. Methylene Blue. Make a saturated watery solution. Rectified spirit may be added to make it keep. It is not very largely used 8 74 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. in bacteriology, e.f/., for the tubercle bacillus, but largely for double- staining of tissues, in contrast to red. It stains axis cylinders of nerve fibres. (See Nervous System and Epithelial Cement.) Sections to be mounted in balsam are best clarified by cedar-oil. Better results are obtained by using a very dilute solution made as follows (Garbini) : Add 10 drops of a saturated alcoholic solution to 100 cc. of a solution of caustic potash (i in 10,000). Leave the sections to stain (12-24 hours). Leave them in absolute alcohol (6-8 hours), and then in oil of cloves (2-4 hours) xylol xylol-balsam. Spiller's Purple. Use Spiller's purple No. i. Hub up 2 grams in a glass mortar with 10 cc. of alcohol, and add 100 cc. of distilled water. It is used as a double stain, and for staining the fibrin in coagulated blood. The stain requires to be pretty deep, as it is washed out by alcohol. If a section stained by it is to be mounted in balsam, use cedar-oil to clarify it. (C.) Green Aniline Colours. Amongst these are iodine green, methyl green (i per cent.), aniline green, and aldehyde green. Iodine-Green is used as a 5 per cent, filtered watery solution. It stains nuclei and developing cartilage green, and makes a good contrast stain. It is not very readily extracted by spirit, and does not soon fade. Methyl-Green. This is a nuclear stain. Make a i per cent, solution in distilled water, and add 25 cc. of absolute alcohol. Belgian observers, more particularly Carnoy, use this for fresh tissues in the following manner : Methyl-green ..... i gram. Glacial acetic acid . . . I cc. Distilled water . . . . .100,, Add a few drops of this liquid to a watch-glassful of an indifferent fluid, e.g.) normal saline. The others will be referred to in the text. (D.) Red Aniline Colours. They are very numerous. Rosaniline Acetate, Sulphate, and Hydrochlorate (Magenta). The term fachsin is sometimes applied to the one, sometimes to the other, but the acetate is more soluble in water. They give a rather diffuse stain, but .) Or use a concentrated alcoholic solution in 40 per cent, alcohol ( = 2-2 i per cent.). Application." (1.) Stain (5 minutes). (2.) Wash out in strong spirit. (3.) Alcohol, oil, balsam. It does not tend to over-stain. It is a nuclear stain, and the nuclei 7 6 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. are brown, and the protoplasm light brown. Such preparations are well adapted for photographic reproductions. Some use a solution in 70 per cent, alcohol. Vesuvin is much more soluble, and is used in the same way as Bismarck brown. (F.) Other Aniline Dyes. Aniline Blue-Black. This has a remarkable power of staining nerve-cells, as shown by Sankey. It is best adapted for staining fresh nerve-tissues, although it is also used for staining in bulk. It has little power of diffusing through them. (Lessons on Central Nervous System.) TABLE showing some of the Aniline, Dyes in most Common Use, arranged according to their Colour. Red. Green. Blue. Yellow. Violet. Brown and Black. Safrauin. Methyl- Methylene Orange. Methyl- Bismarck Eosin. green. blue. violet. brown. Fuchsin. Iodine Aniline Violet Nigrosin. Ponceau green. blue. BBBBB. Aniline BE. Aldehyde Quinoline. Dahlia. blue-black. green. E. Metallic Substances. 1. Nitrate of Silver. This substance possesses the property of forming a compound with intercellular substance, which darkens, and becomes brown or black, on exposure to light. It is unequalled for the study of the cement substance of epithelium and endo- thelium, and for the cell-spaces of the cornea, and connective tissue generally. The tissue, however, must be fresh the fresher the better. Use a glass or horn rod to manipulate the tissue in the fluid, not metallic instruments. Make a i per cent, solution, i.e., i gram of silver nitrate is dissolved in 100 cc. of distilled water. This is kept as a stock. A J or J per cent, solution is the strength usually employed. If it be desired to " silver " a part of the omentum or mesentery, this membrane should be pinned out with hedgehog spines, without being stretched, on a piece of flat cork with a large hole in it, so that the solution can get to both sides of the membrane. A very convenient plan is to pass the membrane over a porcelain or ebonite ring, and fix it with another ring in the manner in which a skin is fitted on a drum (figs. 45 and 46). Lave the membrane gently in distilled water to remove any STAINING REAGENTS. 77 chlorides, and place it in a dilute solution of the reagent (J-J-J per cent.). The tissue soon 5-10 minutes becomes white, and as soon as it looks grayish remove it and wash it in distilled water. Place it in ordinary water, and expose it to good daylight, when it rapidly becomes brown. It can then be preserved in spirit until it is required. A membrane may be stained in situ, e.g., the central tendon of the diaphragm of a rabbit, or the mesentery, e.g., of a frog. Open the abdomen, irrigate _ === _ the membrane by allow- ^^s^ .^^L B ing distilled water to fall on it from a pipette. This removes all sub- stances that might com- bine with the silver and give rise to illusive ap- pearances. Drop on the ^j'-i^HJ^ "" Wf W C silver solution by means of a pipette. Treat t-he membrane as in the FIG. 45. A. Vulcanite rings used for stretching a mem- bratie which is to be silvered ; B. Conical rings, the one inside the other ; C. A single ring. previous case. 2. Negative Method (Recldingh ausen). This is the usual method by which the intercellular cement substance is stained black a weak solution being used as for the study of endothelium. The membrane ought to be kept stretched, e.g., over the mouth of a porcelain capsule. The following modification j, is recommended by Thanhoffer, and it works well. After the membrane is exposed to the w ' action of silver nitrate, it is washed with a 2 per cent, solution of acetic acid. 3. Positive Method (77^-) is specially designed for showing lacunae and lymphatic cavities, e.g., the lymphatics of the skin and cornea. Place the tissue for several hours in i per cent. AgN0 3 in the dark, wash in water, transfer in dark to 3-5 solution of sodic chloride. Wash in water, expose to light. The spaces are found fdled with black granules. Examine in glycerine. Sometimes silver nitrate is us"ed in a solid form, e.g., for the cornea. This will be referred to afterwards in treating of the cell- spaces of the cornea itself. (Lesson on Eye.) Silver preparations show the cement substance of epithelium 7 8 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. stained black as " silver lines," and they may be mounted in glycerine or balsam, either unstained or after staining with logwood, picro-carmine, or other dye as desired. In order to stain the lining endothelium of the vascular system, a solution of silver nitrate is used. The special precautions required are referred to in the text. (Lesson on Blood-Vessels.) 4. Golgi's Method. In this method parts of the central nervous system hardened in potassic bichromate are treated for many days with silver nitrate or mercuric chloride to demonstrate the processes of nerve-cells. (Lesson on Nervous System.) 5. Nitrate of Silver and Osmic Acid (Golf/i). This is specially useful for the nervous system. Place a fresh nerve of a rabbit just killed in Potassic bichromate (2 per cent.) . "* .10 parts Osmic acid (1 per cent.) . . . 2 ,, for an hour ; tease the nerve, and let it remain in the mixture for another hour. Transfer for 8 hours to .5 per cent, silver nitrate and then to alcohol. B. Gold Chloride. Gold Chloride. This substance has rendered particular service, especially in connection with the terminations of nerves. It is used as \-2 per cent, watery solution. Various methods are employed, according to the end desired. 1. Acetic Acid Method. Place a small piece of perfectly fresh tissue, 2 mm. cubes, e.g., hyaline cartilage or a small cornea, in i per cent, solution in a glass thimble for half-an-hour, keeping it in the dark all the time. These small glass thimbles are particularly use- ful, and are better to be somewhat broader relatively than those shown in fig. 26. The tissue will become yellow ; wash it thoroughly in distilled water, and expose it to bright daylight in distilled water slightly acidulated with acetic acid. In a day or two it will become of a purplish or violet-brown colour. Sections can then be made and mounted in glycerine. 2. Loewit's Method. To one part of formic acid (sp. gr. 1.16) add two parts of distilled water. Place small pieces of the fresh tissue (1-2 mm. in thickness), e.g., tendon from a rat's tail, in this mixture for J-i minute, until they become somewhat transparent; transfer them to a glass thimble or watch-glass containing i per cent, gold chloride for 15-20 minutes, i.e., until they have become yellow throughout. During this process, the tissue should be exposed to light as little as possible. Place the tissue in formic acid (i 13), and keep it in the dark for twenty-four hours. Afterwards place it for twenty-four hours in pure formic acid, and keep it also in the STAINING REAGENTS. 79 dark. Wash it thoroughly with water, and mount in glycerine or balsam. 3. Ranvier's Lemon-Juice Method. The fresh tissue is placed for c^io minutes in the freshly expressed and iiltered juice of a lenion, until it becomes transparent. Rapidly wash it in distilled water, transfer it to i per cent, gold chloride solution for from ten minutes to one hour; the time depends on the tissue under investi- gation. Wash with water and place the tissues in 50 cc. of water containing two drops of acetic acid, and expose them to light, when reduction takes place. Or the tissue may be placed in formic acid (1:3) after being treated with lemon-juice and gold chloride, and kept in the dark for twenty-four hours. The latter plan is in many cases to be preferred, especially where the retention of the super- ficial epithelium is not desired. 4. Boiled Gold Chloride. For some purposes, especially for studying the terminations of the nerves in sensory surfaces, this method of Ranvicr has yielded me the best results. Make as required fresh a mixture of four parts of gold chloride (i per cent.) and one part of formic acid. Boil the mixture and let it cool. Place the fresh tissues (small pieces) in it for ten minutes to one hour. Wash in water, and place in formic acid (1:4 water), and keep in darkness, where the reduction takes place. 5. Rapid Reduction of Gold Chloride. A tissue may be left in gold chloride (i per cent.) for half-an-hour or more, and then trans- ferred to a strong solution of tartaric acid and heated to 45 or 50 C., when it rapidly becomes of a purplish-brown colour, usually in the course of a quarter of an hour. Although it has been stated that for gold chloride preparations the tissues should be fresh, Drasch, in his researches on the nerves of the intestine and those of the circumvallate papillae, points out that he obtained the best results with tissues twenty-four hours after death ; the tissues, however, must have been kept cool. Any one who has had the privilege of studying the preparations of Drasch cannot but have been impressed with the beauty of speci- mens prepared by his method. 6. Gold Chloride and Chromic Acid (Kolossow). Place the tissues for 2-3 hours, according to their size, in i per cent, gold chloride acidulated with hydrochloric acid (i-ioo). Wash the tissues with water, and keep them in the dark in chromic acid (5*0 ^ wo P er cen k) f r 2 ~3 days. Wash out the chromic acid thoroughly. 7. Method of Ciaccio is good for the termination of nerves in cornea and muscles. Place a small piece of tissue, not more than 2 cubic mm. in size, in fresh juice of lemon (5 minutes) : wash ; place in SO PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. i per cent, solution of chloride of gold and cadmium (30-60 minutes) in the dark. Wash ; then in i per cent, formic acid (24 hours) in the dark, and then for 12 hours in sunlight. Finally for 24 hours in pure formic acid. Wash. Tease and mount in glycerine. F. Double, Treble, or Multiple Stainings. It is possible to stain a section so that the several parts of it may be differently stained. This may be done either by staining succes- sively with different stains, or by mixing the dyes in one fluid, and staining the section with the mixture, whereby one part takes up one of the dyes and another part one of the other dyes. Thus one gets an elective and differential stain. It is possible thus to combine a nuclear stain with one which stains only the protoplasm of the cells, such as eosin or orange. Amongst double stains are the following : 1. Picro-carmine (p. 66), one of the most valuable we possess, and which we owe to Ranvier ; and Picro-litho-carmine. If the section is to be mounted in glycerine or Farrant's solution, do not wash it 'in water. If it is to be mounted in balsam, the alcohol in which it is washed should contain picric acid the same result is obtained by using clove-oil with picric acid dissolved in it other- wise only a carmine stain is obtained. 2. Carmine and Aniline Blue. Stain a section in borax-carmine, and then in very dilute aniline blue, specially useful for the glands of the fundus of the stomach. In other tissues the nuclei are red and the perinuclear parts blue. 3. Hsematoxylin and Eosin. Hsematoxylin is a nuclear stain, the sections are first stained in it, and then in eosin, which stains the general protoplasm of the cell. (See also p. 72.) 4. Aniline-blue and Safranin (Garbini).-The section is trans- ferred from water. Manipulation. Aniline-blue sol. (.5 per cent.), 2-4 minutes. Wash in water. Lithium carbonate (.5 per cent.), a few minutes. Hydrochloric acid (.5 per cent.), a transparent blue colour is produced. Wash in water. Safranin (i per cent.), 10 minutes. Dehydrate in methylic alcohol. Clarify in oil of cloves (2 parts) and cedar-oil (i part). Xylol-balsam. This is especially useful for some of the salivary glands thus in the sub-maxillary one set of cells is red, the other blue ; in the stomach the parietal cells are red and the inner blue ; the epithelial STAINING REAGENTS, 8 1 cells of the villi are blue, the goblet cells reddish ; in a hair-follicle the sheath of Henle is an intense red, and the sheath of Huxley blue. 5. Ehrlich-Biondi-Heidenhain Stain. Saturated watery solution of orange . 100 cc. ,, ,, ,, acid fuchsia . 20 ,, ,, ,, methyl-green . 50 To get complete saturation it is necessary to have an excess of the crystals for several days. Each fluid is saturated separately. Before use, the solution is diluted in the proportion of i in 100 with water, and then on the addition of acetic acid must be bright red. It is better to obtain the mixture from Dr Griibler. Application. (1.) Harden the organ in corrosive sublimate. (2.) Stain sections in the dilute solution (12-24 hours). (3.) Wash quickly in 90 per cent, alcohol. (4.) Dehydrate in absolute alcohol. (5.) Xylol-balsam. It is especially useful for sections containing many leucocytes, and is best used for paraffin sections fixed on a slide. Red blood- corpuscles are stained red, resting nuclei blue, mitotic figures and nuclei of leucocytes green-violet. General Remarks on Staining. Filter the staining fluid. When possible, use a weak solution of the dye, and thus let the sections stain slowly in a fairly large amount of the fluid. Place a piece of blotting-paper on the inside of a large watch-glass, pour some of the diluted stain into the watch-glass, and place the sections in it. The sections should lie as flat as possible, and not overlap each other. The sections may be moved gently in the fluid by means of a needle. Cover the watch-glass with another glass of the same size, or set it aside in a moist chamber, e.g., on a plate covered by a bell-jar, with a piece of moistened blotting-paper attached to the inside of the jar (fig. 47). After staining, the sections are to be carefully washed in distilled water to remove any trace of surplus dye (except in the case of picro-earrnine). Sections stained with hsematoxylin should be washed for a long time in water before they are mounted in glycerine or Farrant's solution. Be careful not to over-stain the tissue, except in those cases where the excess can be again removed, e.g., with the aniline dyes by means of alcohol or acid alcohol. All acids should be removed from the sections before they are placed in the dye. It is convenient on many occasions that the student should rapidly stain his sections on a slide, but he should also be taught y F 82 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. to practise the slower method of staining sections in very dilute solutions of a dye. There is one method of staining sections which may be profitably impressed upon the student, viz., that so strongly insisted upon by Ranvier. Suppose any delicate object isolated epithelial or other cells to be mounted in a watery medium ; a drop of a solution of picro- carmine is placed at one side of the cover-glass. As the fluid evaporates at one side of the cover- glass the picro-carmine slowly diffuses under the cover-glass and stains the preparation. Ex- posed to the air, the preparation would soon become dry. This must be corrected. This is best done by placing the slides to be stained in this way on a stage with several shelves (fig. 47), the whole being placed on a plate moistened with a few drops of water and covered by a bell-jar. This forms a moist chamber. After the cells are stained, glycerine may then be applied at the side of the cover-glass, with the same protective precautions, so that the preparation can be finally mounted and preserved in glycerine. FIG. 47. Support of Ranvier for Holding Slides Placed under a Bell-Jar. XIII. CLEARING OR CLARIFYING REAGENTS. Glycerine, Farrant's Solution, and Glycerine Jelly. When any one of these reagents is used for mounting preparations, no other clarifying substance is used. Balsam Preparations. When a preparation is to be mounted in balsam, be it Canada balsam or dammar, some clarifying reagent has to be added to the preparation before the balsam is applied. Before applying the balsam the tissues must have been rendered transparent. CLEARING OR CLARIFYING REAGENTS. 83 The following substances are most commonly used : Oil of cloves, a mixture of creosote and turpentine, turpentine, creosote, xylol, cedar-oil, bergamot oil, lavender oil, origanum oil, &c. Oil of Cloves has this advantage, that it clarifies rapidly and does not evaporate, so that sections may be left exposed to the air in it for some time. It renders the sections very hard. It, however, is not so satisfactory for aniline dye specimens, as it is apt to abstract their colour. Moreover, it becomes yellow with age. Creosote is specially useful for preparations which one does not desire to harden in alcohol ; do not use metallic instruments. Creosote and Turpentine. When the fluids are mixed a cloudi- ness appears, but this disappears on keeping. It is much cheaper than clove-oil, but it rapidly evaporates (one part creosote to four of turpentine). Xylol is perhaps the best, and is specially useful with aniline dyes. In these cases the balsam Canada or dammar should also be dissolved in xylol. Cedar- Wood Oil clarifies very slowly. It does not, however, abstract the aniline dyes, and is used for special purposes, as indi- cated in the context. Origanum Oil is used for clarifying sections embedded in celloidin. Xylol- Aniline Oil. Equal parts of xylol and aniline are used for clarifying sections under certain conditions without the previous use of alcohol. (Weigert's method, Lesson III.) Carbolic Acid and Xylol. A mixture of i part of carbolic acid and 3 of xylol is used to clarify celloidin sections (p. 47). The section can be taken from 70 per cent, alcohol, and does not require to be further dehydrated. To remove the water from the mixture, keep in the bottom of the bottle containing it a thick layer of previously-heated copper sulphate. General Remarks. Although several essential oils are used for clarifying purposes, it is not immaterial which one is used. Thus clove-oil may be used for clarifying sections stained with animal or vegetable dyes (carmine), while it is inapplicable for aniline staining, as it dissolves aniline dyes. In many cases the result may be obtained more gradually by using a mixture of half alcohol and half essential oil. Moreover, clove-oil dissolves celloidin, so that it cannot be used when the section fixed on the slide contains either celloidin or collodion. Oil of bergamot does not dissolve celloidin. 8 4 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. Scheme for Staininy (Garbini). Object. In alcohol (70 p.c.). Carmine. Acid alcohol. Alcohol (70 p.c.). Embedding. Alcohol 90 p. Alcohol (absolute). Oil of cloves. Balsam. Sections in celloidin. Sections in paraffin. Turpentine. Absolute alcohol. Alcohol (70 p.c.). Carmine. Hsematoxylin. Aniline dye, Acid alcohol. Acid alcohol. Water. Water. Carb. of Lithia. Absolute alcohol. Oil of cloves or bergamot oil. Xylol. Balsam, MOUNTING FLUIDS, AND METHODS. 85 XIV. MOUNTING FLUIDS, AND METHODS. The fluid chosen will depend on the nature of the tissue and other circumstances. 1. If a section is to be mounted direct from water, glycerine, Farrant's solution, or glycerine jelly may be used. 2. If a section is to be mounted in balsam, it must have every trace of water removed by alcohol, and the alcohol must be dis- placed by one of the clarifying reagents xylol, clove-oil, &c. already mentioned. Glycerine. Pure glycerine is only used for such tissues as have been previously hardened. In the case of tissues delicate tissues which have not been previously hardened or fixed the direct application of pure glycerine would injure them. In this case, the best way is to mount the object in normal saline, and at one edge of the cover-glass to place a drop of a mixture of equal parts of glycerine and water. Put the preparation in a plate covered by a bell-jar an extempore moist chamber. The glycerine slowly penetrates as the water evaporates. Some tissues are rendered too transparent by glycerine, and, moreover, it is very difficult to seal up and keep tight glycerine preparations. Glycerine and Formic Acid. This is sometimes used, especially for picro-carmine preparations. It is made by adding formic acid to dilute glycerine (i per cent.). Farrant's Solution. This is for many preparations far more serviceable than glycerine, as it does not render some tissues so transparent as glycerine, and the preparations can be easily sealed up or " ringed." Preparation (Hamilton's receipt}. Make a saturated solution of arsenious acid in water by boiling. After standing for twenty- four hours filter. Take equal quantities of water, glycerine, and arsenious water, and to the mixture add picked gum-arabic. Let the latter dissolve until a thick syrupy fluid is obtained, which takes about a week at an ordinary temperature;, but it must be stirred frequently. Filter slowly through filter-paper, which must be fre- quently changed. Glycerine Jelly. Melt it in hot water, place a drop on the soction, apply a cover-glass, and gently press it down. It gelatinises in a few minute?. Canada Balsam. Place some Canada balsam in a capsule or wide-mouthed bottle near a fire or in a warm chamber (65 C.) until it becomes hard. Let it cool. This dry balsam is to be dis- solved in some medium. Some use chloroform, others brn/ol, others a mixture of both, or turpentine as a solvent. In any case, 86 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. FlG. 48. Capped Bottle for Balsam. the solvent is added until a fairly thin fluid is obtained. Perhaps the best solvent of all is xylol. It requires nearly twice its volume of xylol. Filter through paper. The balsam should be kept in a " capped " bottle (tig. 48) instead of a stoppered one. If it gets too thick, add a little xylol. Dammar Lac (Klein). Gum dammar . . i oz. Gum mastic . . . ^ ,, Turpentine . . 2 ,, Chloroform . . 2 ,, Dissolve the dammar in the turpentine, and filter ; the mastic in the chloroform, and filter. Mix the two solutions and filter again. There must be no moisture in the bottles, and the mixture must be kept in ' capped " bottles, else the chloroform will evaporate. Xylol-Balsam. Dry ordinary Canada balsam in a sand-bath, to drive off all the moisture, and until it becomes vitreous. If it be spread out in a thin layer in a tin vessel, this is usually accomplished in two hours or so, but the balsam must not be overheated or change its colour and become brown. Dissolve the dried balsam in an equal volume of xylol. Perhaps this is the best form of balsam to use. Balsam, when prepared, should be kept in a glass bottle with a ground-glass cap. To Place a Section on a Slide. By far the most convenient method is to place the section in a basin of water. Hold the slide perpendicularly by the edges in the left hand, plunge the slide into the water until it is about three-fourths immersed, and with a mounted needle pull the section on to the slide, and at the same moment raise the latter out of the water. The section adheres to the glass, and if it be folded at one end, dip this end in the water, when it floats out quite flat. Do nob attempt to spread out the folds on the slide by means of a needle. Hold the slide vertically to allow the water to drain off, and remove with a rag or well-washed cloth the remainder of the water close up to the section. It may be stained on the slide. After the staining is complete, remove the surplus dye by means of bibulous paper, taking care, however, that the section itself does not adhere to the absorbent paper. MOUNTING FLUIDS, AND METHODS. 8/ If the section is to be mounted in glycerine or Farrant's solution, add a drop of either of these reagents and apply a cover-glass. // the section is to be mounted in balsam, remove as much as possible of the surplus water or dye, as the case may be, and pour methylated spirit upon the section. Allow it to remain on the section for a minute or so, and drain it off at one end of the slide. Apply fresh methylated spirit again, and finally absolute alcohol. This is done to secure complete dehydration. The frequent and prolonged application of strong spirit removes all the water. Remove as much of the spirit as possible, but do not allow the section to dry. It is now ready to be cleared up. With a brush insinuate a drop of the clarifying reagent clove- oil or xylol uwler one corner of the section, and allow the xylol to How under the whole of the section. It will gradually diffuse into the tissue ; and if the process be watched under the microscope with a low power, the section will be seen to become gradually more transparent, while the spirit will be seen os fine globules driven out into the essential oil. The success of the process depends on complete removal of the water by spirit, and the complete removal of the latter by the essential oil used as the clarifying re- agent. If any opacity remains, and it looks milky or like an emulsion, there has been either water or spirit, or both, left in the section. More of the essential oil is placed on the section, so that it is completely bathed in it and rendered quite clear by it. Pour off the superfluous oil, remove the surplus close up to the edge of the section, add a drop of balsam, apply a cover-glass, and the process is complete. In some cases it is convenient to put the drop of balsam on the cover-glass, and then to invert this on the clarified preparation. In all cases where it is directed to mount in balsam, this process must be gone through, viz. (1.) Stain the section. (2.) Wash it in water. (3.) Treat the section with strong alcohol (96 per cent.) to remove water (3-5 minutes). (4.) Absolute alcohol (3-5 minutes). (5.) Clarify with an essential oil to remove all the alcohol. (C>.) If the section be not on a slide already, place it on a slide by means of a lifter. Remove surplus oil with blotting-paper. (7.) Add balsam, cover the section with a cover-glass. (8.) If desired, the hardening of the balsam may be hastened by gently wanning the preparation on a water-bath. Sometimes it is not convenient to stain, dehydrate, and clarify a section on a slide. In this case the sections are stained, dehydrated, 88 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. and clarified in watch-glasses, the sections being transferred from one fluid to the other, and finally to the slide by means of a " lifter " (P. 3). Sometimes the one method is adopted, sometimes the other. To Clean a Microscopic Preparation. Any excess of balsam round the edge of a preparation may be moved with a cloth dipped in benzol. In the case of a preparation mounted in glycerine^ any excess of the latter must be removed with great care, otherwise the cement will not adhere to the glass. With preparations mounted in Farrant's solution, leave them in an airy dry place for ten days or longer ; this gives the medium time to harden at the edges, and fixes the cover-glass pretty firmly to the slide. Place the slide in a basin of water, and with a camel's-hair brush brush away from the edge of the cover-glass every trace of the medium. There is no fear of disturbing the cover-glass. Lave the slide in fresh water, and then wipe it thoroughly dry. It is better to wash a number of slides at a time. To cement or " Ring" the Specimens. Balsam Preparations need not be touched. They keep perfectly without being covered in by coating the edge of the cover-glass with an adhesive and resistant cement. If it be desired to cement them, a thin coating of Hollis's glue must first be applied, and after it is dry the cement is laid on as directed for preparations mounted in Farrant's solution. To Ring a Slide. The slide should be fixed on a turntable, the centre of the circular cover-glass corresponding to the centre of the brass disc of the table. The slide is fixed in position by means of two brass clips (figs. 49, a, 1>, 50). For Farrant's preparations or (jlycerine preparations, lay on a ring of white zinc cement with a goafs-hair brush. The disc FIG. 49. Turntable for Ringing Slides. FIG. 50. Showing how slide is to be centred on the Turntable. is made to revolve with the fore-finger of the left hand, but not too quickly, and a coating of the cement is laid on evenly. The fore- finger is applied to the smaller disc (<}. INJECTING BLOOD-VESSELS AND GLAND-TUBES. 89 The turntable should be heavy and mounted on a pin-point centre-piece. The brushes must not be too large, and should be washed immediately after use in the same fluid as is used to dis- solve the cement. Thus, for zinc-white the brush is to be washed in benzol or xylol, and for gold-size in turpentine, and for Farrant's solution in water. White Zinc Cement. Dissolve 3 oz. of dammar in 3 oz. of benzol, and add 200 grains of finely-ground oxide of zinc. Mix the whole thoroughly, and strain through several folds of muslin. It is perhaps more convenient to purchase the cement. Mounting Block. It is important that the section be placed in the centre of the slide. As a guide for this purpose, cut a piece of paper the size of the slide, and draw diagonal lines from corner to corner of it ; they will intersect in the centre. Or the piece of paper may be gummed by means of Hollis's glue between two slides. XV. INJECTING BLOOD-VESSELS AND GLAND-TUBES. Transparent Injection Masses. At the present time, histologists use transparent injections, consisting of a vehicle which may be water, glycerine, or gelatine and a colouring matter. Most commonly gelatine is used as a vehicle. The colouring matter of most red injections is carmine. In this case, the secret is to have the mass as neutral as possible. 1. Carter's Carmine Injection. Carmine Strong solution of ammonia Glacial acetic acid Solution of gelatine (i to 6 water) Distilled water 1 dr. 2 fl. drs. 86 mins. 2 oz. it,. Rub up the carmine with a little water in a mortar, add the remainder of the water, and then add the ammonia, and stir until the carmine is dissolved. Add the glacial acetic drop by drop, stirring thoroughly. Add the gelatine solution, and stir briskly. 2. Ranvier's Method. The following method yields excellent results. Mix 2-5 grms. of pure carmine with a little distilled water in a stoppered bottle, and add ammonia solution, drop by drop, until the carmine, is dissolved, which occurs when the liquid becomes transparent. Shake up the liquid to get it homogeneous. Weigh 5 grms. of dry Paris gelatine (Coignet's), and place it in distilled water for one hour. At the end of this time it is swollen up and soft. Remove it from the water, wash it in water, and 9O PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. place it in a beaker in a water-bath. When the gelatine is dissolved by the water which it has absorbed, add to it stirring vigorously the solution of carmine, which yields an amrnoniacal solution of carmine in gelatine. When the carmine mixture is on the water-bath make a solution of Distilled water ..... 2 parts. Glacial acetic acid i part. Pour the acid drop by drop into the mass, stirring thoroughly all the time with a glass rod. The acid is to neutralise the excess of ammonia. This requires great attention. It is by the odour that one recognises when the fluid is neutralised. As the acid is added the ammoniacal odour diminishes, and there is at last a faint acid odour. This is the moment to stop adding the acid. Towards the end of the operation it is best to dilute the acid somewhat. Filter the mass through new flannel. 3. Carmine Gelatine Mass (Carter'*) (Fearnley's method). Carmine Strong ammonia Glacial acetic acid Coignet's French gelatine Water 3 grams. 6 cc. 6 7 grins. 80 cc. Cut up the gelatine into small pieces and place it in 50 cc. of the water to swell up, i.e., for four or five hours. Rub up the carmine in a mortar with a little water and add the ammonia. Let it stand for two hours and then pour it into a bottle, rinsing the mortar with the remainder of the water. Place the swollen- up gelatine, and any remaining water unabsorbed by it, on a water-bath until it melts. To the dark purple carmine fluid add the acid (a few drops at a time), mixing the two thoroughly, and as soon as the fluid changes to a crimson stop adding the acid. To the melted gelatine add the crimson carmine little by little and keep stirring all the time. This mass may be kept in a cool place for a long time if its surface be covered with methylated spirit. Before using it, dissolve it on a water-bath, and filter it through fine flannel wrung out of hot water. The best gelatine to use is French gelatine Coignet's. 4. Blue Mass. The mass is made with gelatine coloured with soluble Prussian blue or Briicke's blue. It is very difficult to obtain a pure sample of Briicke's blue, but this can now be had from Dr. Griibler of Leipzig. Use a saturated watery solution of Briicke's blue. Weigh 5 grms. of gelatine, and treat it exactly as described INJECTING BLOOD-VESSELS AND GLAND-TUBES. gi for the carmine mass of Ranvier. Take 125 cc. of the blue solution and heat it on a water-bath, and when the gelatine is fluid and still on the water-bath, add the warm blue solution in a small quantity at a time and stir briskly. The glass rod should show no granules on it when it is withdrawn from the mass. Filter the mass through new flannel. Even the best gelatine gives a precipitate at first, but it disappears with heat. Other injection masses are used, e.g., a watery solution of Briicke's blue, or gelatine and silver nitrate. These are referred to in the text. Brass Syringe. Many good injections have been made with a brass syringe. ' The syringe should have a long barrel, and be warmed by repeatedly sucking up hot water before the injecting fluid is drawn into it. When the injection mass is forced into the blood-vessel, the pressure should be applied steadily, and should not be so great as to rupture the small blood-vessels. When the blood-vessels of an animal are to be injected, deeply narcotise an animal with chloroform, e.g., a rabbit or a rat ; make a vertical incision through the skin from the lower part of the neck to the ensiform cartilage, cut through the sternal cartilages, turn up the breast-bone, and pull the sides of the thorax apart to reveal the contents of the chest. Open the pericardium and make a snip into the right ventricle. Tie a ligature round the upper part of the sternum to prevent escape of the injection through divided vessels. Wash the blood out of the chest. Snip off the apex of the heart, whereby the cavity of the left ventricle is opened into. Insert a cannula into the left ventricle and push its nozzle into the aorta. Tie it firmly into the aorta with a stout thread. Place the animal in a bath in warm water at 40 C. If "a syringe is to be used, by means of a pipette fill the cannula with the injecting mass, and attach the syringe and force the mass onwards into the blood-vessels. This is done by slow, steady pressure. It takes fifteen or twenty minutes to make a good injection. Any sudden increase of pressure is apt to cause rupture of blood- vessels and consequent extravasation of the injection mass. We can judge when a part is well injected by the colour of semi-trans- parent parts, such as the gums or the skin. They must be deeply coloured by the injection mass if the injection is successful. Continuous Air Pressure. Most frequently injections are now made by continuous air pressure. The apparatus used should consist of a tin trough sufficiently large to contain the animal to be injected, and contain sufficient water to cover it. The water is kept at 40 C. by moans of a gas-burner or spirit-lamp. In the same trough are placed the injection masses in Wolffs bottles. Each Wolff's 92 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. bottle is connected to a large air-chamber into which water can flow from the water-tap, and thus compress the air. The pressure within this cylinder can be registered by means of a manometer. The com- pressed air acts on the surface of the injection mass in the Wolffs bottle, and forces it through a tube which is attached to the cannula fixed in the aorta. The large cylinder for the compressed air may be made of tin, or one of the large stone jars used by spirit merchants, or a carboy may be used. After the tissues are injected, they should be cooled rapidly by being placed in running water. After the mass is completely set the injected organs are cut into small pieces and hardened in alcohol. The methods of interstitial injection of fluids and the puncture methods are referred to in the text. XVI. EXAMINATION OF FRESH TISSUES AND FLUIDS. In examining a fresh tissue or organ snip off a small part with scissors and tease it in normal saline, or one of the indifferent fluids mentioned in Chapter III. A convenient plan with some organs, e.f/. t lymphatic gland or liver, is to make a fresh cut and scrape the surface with the blade of knife, and then examine the scrapings. If it be desired to study the tissue elements, it may be placed in one of the macerating media mentioned in Chapter IV., the parti- cular fluid selected depending, of course, on what object is sought to be obtained. If it be desired to render certain parts of the tissue more trans- parent, it may be examined in glycerine. Again acetic acid (1-2 per cent.) may be added to a fresh tissue. It has the double action of making connective tissue swell up and become transparent, thus making nuclei more evident, while it also shrivels the latter somewhat. Albuminous granules are dis- solved by it, while oil globules are not, so that it may be useful occasionally in determining the nature of the granules in proto- plasm. Elastic fibres are not affected by it, and thus can readily be distinguished from the white fibres of connective tissue. Groups of micro-cocci are also not affected by it. The tissue may be stained by acetic fuchsin. This is made as follows : To a 2 per cent, solution of acetic acid add sufficient fuchsin to give a saturated red colour (Kahlden). This reagent not only makes the nuclei visible, but it stains them as well. Sometimes a weak watery solution of iodine makes the outlines of EXAMINATION OF FRESH TISSUES AND FLUIDS. 93 tissue elements more distinct. It is used in the form known as Lugol's Solution diluted with water. Iodine . Potassic iodide . Water . part. 2 100 Weak-Alkalies (1-3 per cent.) dissolve most tissues with the exception of elastic fibres, pigment, fat, and bacteria. The vapour of osmic acid or the fluid itself (i per cent.) may be used. It blackens fatty particles. Finally, the tissue may be stained by means of a watery solution of methyl-green, methyl-violet 5B, acetic fuchsin, or methylene-blue in the form of Loffler's Methylene-blue. Concentrated alcoholic solution of metliyleiie blue . 30 cc. Caustic potash (o. 10 p. c.). . . . .100,, Scheme for Liviny or Fresh Objects. Harden the pieces ( IV.). Stain in bulk. Embed ( IX.). Make sections. Fix on slide ( XL ). Stain the sections ( XII.). Clarify sections ( XIII.). Mount sections. 94 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. Fresh Fluids with Suspended Particles. In the examination of a fluid for suspended particles, e.g., bacteria, such as cells, membranes, &c., especially if these be few in number, it is well to place it in a Fro. 51. Hand Centrifuge made by Muencke, Luisen-strasse, 58, Berlin, N. It costs 3, 10s. conical glass and allow the deposit to subside. It can then be removed with a glass pipette. Centrifugal Apparatus. To collect the sediment or suspended particles, a centrifugal apparatus is most useful. By means of it the deposit can readily be collected at the bottom of a test-tube. EXAMINATION OF FRESH TISSUES AND FLUIDS. 95 Fig. 5 1 shows a form of hand-centrifuge devised by Litten l and Muencke of Berlin. The figure is reduced to ~ the natural size. One revolution of the wheel R its teeth fit into the thread of the vertical axis S causes 50 revolutions of the disc M with the 4 glass tubes G. The wheel can readily be turned 100 times per minute, .which gives 5000 revolutions per minute for the disc. Fig. II. shows the disc in full rotation, and fig. III. the form of glass vessel used. By means of this instrument, corpuscles of light specific gravity, such as blood-corpuscles, albumen, micro-cocci, as well as crystals, e.g. oxalates, can readily be obtained in the form of a sediment, and it is therefore especially useful for the investigation of the deposits in urine and exudations. It is also very useful for obtaining tubercle bacilli from sputum. Synoptical Statement. Processes required for Preparing a Specimen for Microscopic Ex- amination, e.g., the Spinal Cord of a Dog or Cat (Garbkii). Cut the cord into pieces about 2 centimetres in length, wash them in normal saline to remove all blood. Place them in 1. Bichromate of potash (2 p.c.) Wash in running water 3. Alcohol (50 p.c.) 4. (70 p.c.) 5. ,, (90 p.c.) 6. ,, (absolute) 7. In xylol or chloroform 8. In paraffin on warm bath 9. Embed in paraffin. 10. Cut sections with microtome, and fix them on a slide with fixative. 11. Remove paraffin by washing in toluol or turpentine, and then in absolute alcohol to remove essential oil. 10 days 12 hours i day 4 days i day i day 12 hours 6-8 hours bb Harde | 12. Place in 70 p.c. alcohol. 13. Stain in strong carmine or hsematoxylin (5-15 minutes). 14. Wash in water, then in 70 p.c. alcohol, and de- hydrate in absolute alco- hol (5-10 minutes). I i to fl 5 3 12. Place in distilled water. 13. Pour on a few drops of the aniline dye (3-5 minutes.) 14. Wash in water and then in absolute alcohol until the section has the de- sired tint. 1 Deutsch. med. Wochensch., No. 23, 1891. 96 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. 15. After removing surplus alcohol, pour on a few \ Dehydra- drops of essential oil (origanum, xylol). V tion and 16. Kemove oil and mount in xylol-balsam. j mounting. N.B. In making a balsam preparation, the sections must always pass through four groups of fluids. Watery liquid Alcohol Essential oil Balsam. i __ _ 2 <-- - 3 - - 4 Never take an object from one group to another of the series without passing it through the intermediate group; it must be passed from the ist to the 4th, and on the return from the 4th to the ist. PART II. LESSON I. MILK, GRANULES, FIBRES, AND VEGETABLE ORGANISMS. 1. Examine the Microscope, the objectives, and the eye-pieces. (a.) Select the objective and ocular required. For a high power (H), if a Zeiss' microscope be used, select the objective D and the ocular 2 ; if Hartnack's, the objective No. 7 and the eye-piece III. See that the lenses are clean. Place the ocular in the tube, and screw the H lens to the lower end of the tube, and leave it half an inch above the level of the stage. For a low power (L) use No. 2 ocular of Zeiss or III. of Hartnack, and objective A or No. 3 respectively. In using a low power, the lens must be i^ inches above the stage to begin with. (/;.) With the microscope in front of you, with high-power lens on it, arrange the concave side of the mirror under the stage so as to reflect a beam of light up the tube of the microscope into the eye, looking in at the ocular. Turn the sub-stage diaphragm until a small aperture in it is under the aperture in the centre of the stage. If any specks are visible on looking through the microscope, rotate the ocular ; if they move, of course they are on the ocular itself. Clean the outer surfaces of the lenses of the ocular with a piece of clean wash-leather, which should be kept tied to the microscope and used for no other purpose than cleaning the lenses. Replace the ocular, and if specks are still present and move when the ocular is moved, they must be on the inner surface of the eye-glass or field- glass of the latter. This is easily determined by rotating the eye- glass of the ocular alone, while looking through the microscope, and observing if the specks do or do not move with it. Clean the inner surfaces of these lenses. A general dimness indicates that the objec- tive itself is dirty. The light used should not be direct sunlight, but preferably light reflected from a white cloud. 10 G 98 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [l. The rule with regard to the use of the diaphragm must never be neglected, viz., to use a small aperture with a high power, and a large aperture with a low power. 2. Clean a Slide and Cover-Glass. (a.) The Slide. Seize the slide by its edges with the thumb and forefinger of the left hand, dip one half of it into water, withdraw it, and with a clean old handkerchief rub both wetted surfaces at once until they are clean and dry. Reverse the slide, still holding- it by its edges, and dip the other end in water, and clean its surfaces as before. Lay the slide upon some clean, suitable background, white or black paper, or on the photophore. (/;.) The Cover-Glass. Sometimes the covers have a thin film on them ; this may be got rid of by placing them in strong sulphuric acid, and subsequently removing every trace of acid by water. Dip the cover-glass in water, take it between two folds of a handkerchief held between the thumb and forefinger of the right hand, and rub both surfaces at once. After it is cleaned, do not lay it flat, but tilt it up against some convenient object. The first lesson is devoted to the examination of a few simple objects some of which are occasionally found as foreign bodies in microscopical preparations with a view to familiarise the student with the use of the microscope. 3. Milk. By means of a glass rod, place on the centre of the slide a small drop of milk diluted with three or four volumes of water. To find the centre of the slide, use the mounting block (P- 89). Apply a Cover-Glass. Seize the cover-glass by the edge by means of a pair of forceps with broad points. The pattern shown in fig. .6 is convenient. The edge of the cover-glass opposite to the forceps is allowed to touch the slide close to the drop of fluid, the edge opposite being gradually and evenly lowered by depressing the forceps until the fluid touches the under surface of the cover-glass. By lowering the cover-glass thus gently and obliquely the entrance of air-bubbles is avoided. Place the object on the stage right under the lens. Focut tJte Object (H). The objective is still half an inch above the stage. While looking into the eye-piece of the microscope, seize the tube of the latter between the thumb and adjoining fingers of the right hand, and with a screwing or twisting movement of the tube from left to right, gradually depress the tube until the outlines of the object are indistinctly seen. This is the coarse adjustment. The focussing process is facilitated by keeping the slide and object moving slightly. This can readily be done by moving the slide with the thumb and forefinger of the left hand, the ulnar margin of the palm conveniently resting on the table. I] MILK, FIBRES, VEGETABLE ORGANISMS. 99 Now use the fine adjustment, and bring the outlines of the object in the field sharply into view. It is of the greatest importance that the student should be taught to describe the objects which he sees, and also to make sketches of them. To facilitate the description of isolated objects, the follow- ing heads may be adopted : Shape. Border. Surfaces (upper and lower). Size. e. Colour. /. Transparency and relation to light. g. Contents. li. Effects of reagents. In the object under examination there is a large number of. minute bodies floating in a fluid. Describe the appearance of the floating particles under the following heads : (a.) Shape. The milk globules (fig. 52) are spherical, as can be shown by touching the edge of the cover-glass with a needle, and then observing them as they rotate in the field of the micro- scope. Moreover, if one be focussed, its outline comes gradually into focus, and dis- appears gradually, while optically with regard to light these bodies behave as globules, and not as discs. (6.) Border. Smooth and regular. (-".) Surftiws. Elevate the objective by means of the fine adjustment until the, upper sur- face of the globules comes into view ; depress it again slowly and then examine the globule throughout its entire thickness, until its under surface is brought into view. Both surfaces are smooth. (d.) tiize. The globules are not all of the same size. If desired, measure their actual size (p. 20). (e.) Colour. The smaller ones appear colourless, but some of the larger may havQ tb Ifyhfttfkey* Jre transparent, because the outline of a subjacent one cah be eeli Ih'rough a globule FIG. 52. Milk Globules, x 400. IOO PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [l. lying over it. Notice also the highly refractile character of each globule, characteristic of an oil droplet (iig. 55, 3). (g.} Contents. They appear homogeneous and uniform, and no included body is to be seen. Each globule is, in fact, a globule of oil. (h.) Effects of reagents. To one side of the cover-glass apply a drop of acetic acid. To the opposite edge of the cover-glass apply the apex of a triangular piece of blotting-paper. The blotting- paper sucks up some of the milk, and the acid runs in at the opposite side to supply its place. This is the process of irrigation. Move the slide to bring into focus a part of the field which has been acted on by the acid, and note that the corpuscles, instead of floating about singly as before, are now aggregated into small groups. The acid seems to have altered the surfaces of the globules, so that they adhere to each other. The acid is said to act on the casein envelopes of the globules, and to soften or dissolve them. This preparation is not to be preserved. Make sketches of these objects before and after the action of reagents. 4. Potato-Starch Granules. With the blade of a knife gently scrape the surface of a freshly-cut raw potato ; place the matter so obtained in a drop of water on a slide. Remove any coarse fragments, and apply a cover-glass. Focus the object (H). (.) Observe that the granules (fig. 53) -are ovoid bodies of unequal size, not equal at the two ends, clear, and with a sharp outline. Near the smaller end of each granule notice a small spot, the " nucleus " or liilum, round which are concentric layers, giving rise to the appearance of fine concentric lines arranged with relation to the nucleus. The lines are more numerous on one side of the liilum than the other. Sketch two or three of the granules. (!>.} Irrigate the corpuscles with a diluted solu- tion of iodine in iodide of potassium. Each g ranu ^ e becomes blue as the iodine reaches it. This is due to the formation of iodide of starch. If the iodine be too strong the granules appear black. 5. Rice-Starch (H). Examine a little rice-starch in the same way. Notice the much smaller irregular granules. Each granule is polygonal, mostly five or six sided. The granules are stained blue by iodine (fig. 54). Make sketches of the starch corpuscles. 6. Gamboge and Brownian Movement (H). Rub up a small piece of solid .gamboge in water, until the Jatter, has a faint yellow appearance. Place $ $*%> oft a siUfle^ cover, -ah& cxaTiiine. (a.) Observe 'granules of 'various "sizes 'and shapes floating in the I.] MILK, FIBRES, VEGETABLE ORGANISMS. 101 field. The larger ones appear coloured yellow, but the finer ones cannot be seen distinctly as yellow bodies. (/>.) Note the finer granules, which exhibit a slow dancing movement. They are never at rest. This is called Brownian movement, and appears to be due to inequalities of temperature in different strata of the fluid. This movement is exhibited by all finely- divided particles suspended in a fluid, e.g., China ink, Berlin blue, provided the particles be small enough, and the fluid in which they arc suspended be not too viscid. The fine granules in salivary corpuscles ex- hibit this movement. (Lesson IV. 1, d). 1. Air-Bubbles in Gum or Water (H). Make a solution of gum FIG. 54 . Rico- Starch. 55- i- Bubble of air in water (A) when the lower surface is in focus ; (I',) Middle, and (C) Upper surface of focus. 2. Bubble of air in Canada balsam. 3. Globule of oil in water IO2 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. tl. mucilage and shake it up in a test-tube with air until it forms fine bubbles. Place a drop of it with its included bubbles on a slide, cover, and examine. (a.) Observing larger and smaller bubbles, especially note how the appearance of the bubble varies with the elevation or depres- sion of the lens. Sketch these appearances. When the tube is depressed, the bubble has a small, clear centre, and a wide, black, sharp, refractile margin (fig. 55, A), because so much of the light is refracted by the air, and does not pass through the bubbles of air into the lens. Study the appearance of the bubble when the centre and then the upper surface are in focus (B, C). The student will have an opportunity by-and-by of observing the appearance of a bubble of air in Canada balsam (fig. 55, 2), and an oil globule in water (fig. 55, 3). 8. Cotton Fibres (H). Place a few fibres of cotton-wool in water, cover, and examine. (a.) Observe the fine translucent flattened threads, which are really tubes, each looking as if twisted on itself at intervals (%. 56). (l>.) Remove the cover-glass and the water, add a drop of iodine ; cover and examine ; note that the fibres are yellowish ; add a drop of strong sulphuric acid or a drop of the following mixture : Glycerine 2, water i, and sulphuric acid 3 parts. At the edge of the cover-glass suck it through \vith blotting-paper, and note that the fibres become bine. They are composed of cellulose, which does not give a blue with iodine alone, but with iodine and sulphuric acid. 9. Linen Fibres (H). -Examine /*.. Linen. Cotter* n FIG. 56. Fibres of Silk, Wool, Cotton, and Linen. (a.) Observe the cylindrical or flattened translucent fibres with no twist ; but they have a few markings on them here and there, and at these points the fibre is generally slightly thicker. They are in reality tubes with" thick walls (fig. 56). 10. Wool (H).-^Examine in water. (a.) Observe the cylindrical fibres with numerous zigzag trans- verse lines due to the epithelial covering of the fibre (fig. 56). It is convenient to examine dyed wools also, as some of these exhibit the zigzag imbricate scales even better tharwundyed wool. I.] MILK, FIBRES, VEGETABLE ORGANISMS. 103 11. Vegetable Cells forming a Membrane. With a pair of forceps peel off a thin layer of the covering of a fresh onion bulb. Examine it either in. water or in water after staining with a solution of iodine (H). Observe the cells (fig. 57) with well-defined walls, X Fro. 57. Cells from bulb of a fresh onion forming a membrane. M, cell membrane ; N, nucleus seen from the surface; Nn, nucleolus; V, vacuoles, x 240. and united to each other by the edges to form a membrane the exeentrically placed spherical nucleus and the granular ccll-con- tents. 12. Cells with sinuous margins, and containing chlorophyll granules, may be studied in a leaf of the Duckweed or Lemna minor, also the reaction for cellulose (sulphuric acid and then tincture of iodine = blue) in the same plant. - 13. The currents in protoplasm are well seen (H) in CJiam ml- '/a/v'x, which is so common in our streams. Vegetable Micro- Organisms. These are frequently found in microscopic preparations, while others are the cause of various diseases. They are usually classified as follows: 1. Mouldy 2. Saccharomi/cetes (yeast-like organisms). 3. Schizomycetes (bacteria-like organisms). 14. Penicillium (H). This mould is readily found on starch- paste or on Mailer's fluid preparations which have been left stand- IO4 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [I. ing uncovered. Place a little on a slide, add a drop of water, cover, and examine. (a.) Observe the stems, consisting of narrow, clear, oblong cells, joined end to end, and on the summit of each are several rows of small spores. The rootlets or mycelium consist of elongated chains of narrow oblong cells. The mycelium is composed of much-branched liyphce. The cells, elongated and narrow, composing these are separated from each other by numerous partition walls (fig. 60, e). The walls consist of cellulose and contain protoplasm with vacuoles. (b.) Search for one of the hyphas which bear on their free ends a brush-like group of cells, some of Gonkiiophore wn i cn become constricted to form chains of spherical bearing stylo- dylogonidia (fig. 58). The ripe stylogonidia have a onTh^Hyphre green colour, and they give the mould its green ? i m 6 " * C * J appearan ce. 15. Yeast (H). Place some German yeast in sugar and water ; keep it for several hours in a warm place. Examine a drop of the fluid. (a.) Observe the small oval yeast-cells, each with an envelope, a large clear vacuole, and granular proto- plasm. (6.) Search for one budding, and notice the small faintly granular bud adhering to and projecting from the mother-cell (figs. 59, 60, /). Each yeast plant is a single cell or It is composed of a transparent thin delicate envelope or cell-wall, composed of cellulose. When the cell is ruptured the empty cell-envelope may be seen in the field. Within is granular protoplasm, containing, as a rule, a clear space or vacuole. Some W ^f7 '"*$>& cells contain a nucleus. ^ $*K*&^*& '$ (c.) Stain the preparation with a watery solution of magenta. Note that all the cells do not stain equally well. The buds on the side are stained of a deep red, a^nd to a less extent the Yeast-Cells; g. Bacilli and Micro- protoplasm of most of the Cells. 16. Micrococci and Bacteria ( H). Set aside a solution of peptone or a watery extract of a piece of flesh for some time, until a scum forms on the surface due to putrefaction. Place a little of the scum on a slide, cover, and examine. FIG. 59. Yeast-Cells, a. b and c Budding. morphological unit. I.] MILK, FIBRES, VEGETABLE ORGANISMS. 10$ (a.) Observe groups of small round specks, often held together by a homogeneous medium. These are micrococci (fig. 60, d). (&.) Small elongated rod-like bodies, each moving across the field in a zigzag like manner. These are bacteria (fig. 60, g). N.B. In all cases sketches must be made of the objects examined. This holds good for this and all suwading lessons. 17. Determine the magnifying power of the microscope. Do this according to the method described at p. 1 9. ADDITIONAL EXERCISES. 18. Staining of Fission Fungi or Schizomycetes. They stain readily with aniline dyes, especially basic aniline colours. Scrape off a little of the coating which accumulates on the surface of the molar teeth, press it between two cover- glasses, so as to make cover-glass preparations. Glide the one glass off the other. Place the cover-glasses, film surface downwards, in a I per cent, solu- tion of methyl-violet, gentian-violet, or methylene-blue contained in a watch- glass. Heat the watch glass and its contents over a gas-flame until a faint cloud of vapour rises ; allow it to cool, and in 5-10 minutes or so the colora- tion is complete. Remove the cover-glasses, wash them in water, and place them in absolute alcohol. Remove the cover-glasses and allow them to dry in the air and mount in xylol balsam. A moist cover-glass preparation from absolute alcohol may be clarified with xylol. (.) Observe many epithelial cells coloured, but so are the organisms. If it is desired to ha v e only the organisms coloured, the stained cover-glasses are taken direct from .he staining solution, or laved in absolute alcohol and placed in a solution of iodine composed of i part iodine, 2 parts potassic iodide, and 300 water, in which they are kept for a few minutes. Transfer them to and wash them in absolute alcohol until nearly all colour is gone, and clarify with xylol. Only the organisms are of a dark-blue tint ; the other tissues are decolorised or nearly so. This is Gram's method. Stain bacteria from a putrefying proteid fluid, e.g., peptones 01 meat- extract, in the- same way. 11 IO6 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [ll. LESSON II. THE BLOOD. UNDER the microscope blood is seen to consist of a clear, transparent fluid, the plasma or liquor sanguinis, in which are suspended the blood-corpuscles. The blood-corpuscles are of two kinds, the red or coloured, and the white, pale, or colourless. Besides these, i-here fall to be examined the blood-plates, or, as they are also sailed, blood-tablets or platelets. ( Blood-plasma. Blood \ ( Red. I Corpuscles < White. ( Platelets. BLOOD-CORPUSCLES OF AMPHIBIANS. (A.) Coloured Corpuscles of Amphibians (Newt or Frog). After destroying the brain of a newt or frog, a drop of blood may be obtained from the cut end of the tail of the former, or from the cut surface after amputation of the foot of the latter. 1. Bed Corpuscles (H). Place a small drop of blood in the centre of a perfectly clean slide and cover it at once with a cover- glass. Examine it with a high power. To avoid the pressure of the cover-glass, a short length of a hair may be placed in the blood droplet before the cover-glass is applied. (a.) Observe the coloured and colourless corpuscles, the former much more numerous than the latter (fig. 61). (b.) Study the red corpuscles. Observe that they are very numer- ous, elliptical in outline when seen on the flat, slightly yellowish in colour ; their border or contour is. even and well denned. Select one seen on edge, and note that it is a thin ellipse, pointed at the ends, becoming gradually thicker in the centre, so that it is a bi-convex elliptical disc. Sometimes one corpuscle can be seen overlying a subjacent one, in which case the outline of the latter can be dis- tinctly seen through the former, indicating that the corpuscles are transparent (fig. 61). Notice within each corpuscle a lighter oval, central area, indicating the existence of an elliptical, colourless, II.] THE BLOOD. 107 elongated, granular-looking included body the nucleus. The long axis of the colourless nucleus coincides with the long axis of the corpuscle. At first, the nucleus may not be very distinct, but after a time it becomes distinctly visible, and it can be readily made so by the action of certain reagents, especially weak acids. Small vacuoles frequently appear in the body of the corpuscle, more especially in frogs that have been kept some time. In others there may be seen a faint radiate striping of the corpuscles as if there were fine folds in it due to partial drying. * The yellow colour is due to the presence of haemoglobin, which is enclosed within, the meshes of a colourless stroma or delicate framework. If the blood be taken from a frog which has been kept through- out the winter, vacuoles may be seen in the hemoglobin of the red corpuscles (fig. 61, v). They are rapidly produced in frogs after the injection of ammonium chloride. Sketch two or three corpuscles, both red and white ; the red cor- puscles both on the flat and on edge, and two overlapping each other. 2. Acetic Acid. To the edge of the cover-glass of the same preparation apply a droj) of dilute acetic acid (i per cent. i cc. glacial acetic acid to 99 cc. of normal saline solution). The acid runs in under the cover- glass, but if it does not, apply a small tri- angular piece of blotting-paper to the opposite edge of the cover-glass. Let one of the angles of the blotting-paper touch the fluid under the cover-glass, and it will suck up some of the blood, and thus cause the acetic acid to run in at the opposite side. This is known as the process of irrigation. Move the slide, and find a part of the object which lias been acted on by the dilute acid. (a.) Observe that the red corpuscles, or at least most of them, become spherical and decolorised, the nucleus becomes very distinct FIG. 61. Blood of Frog. a. Red corpuscle seen on the flat ; b. In Profile ; c. Three- quarter face ; some of the red corpuscles show the presence of vacuoles (v) ; n. Colourless corpuscle at rest; m. One with amoeboid processes ; p. Fusiform cell, probably from the vascular wall. FIG. 62. Amphibian Coloured Blood-Corpuscles seen on the Flat and on Edge, X 1000. 1 08 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [n. and granular, while the outline of the corpuscle may become very indistinct (fig. 63). The nucleus appears somewhat shrunken or shrivelled. If the corpuscles are roughly treated, the nucleus may be seen placed excentrically, or even extruded from the corpuscle. The acid acts on the haemoglobin, forming a new compound, which diffuses out of the corpuscles and stains the surrounding plasma a faint yellow. The nucleus in some of the corpuscles may absorb some of the yellow pigment, and become stained thereby, especially if a strong solution of acid has been used. The action on the colourless corpuscles is referred to at p. 112. 3. Dilute Hydrochloric Acid, i per cent. (H). (.) To a fresh drop of blood add, as before, a drop or two of dilute hydrochloric acid. Watch diligently one or two of the red corpuscles. They gradually enlarge, become spherical, and may all of a sudden burst and discharge their contents, the nucleus coming clearly into view during the process. After the rupture, the residue of the stroma of the corpuscles may be seen in the field. In other cases the corpuscles become clear, globular, and transparent, with FIG. 63. Frog's Red Blood - Corpuscle acted on by Dilute A.cetic Acid, x 300. FIG. 64. Action of Water on an Am- phibian Coloured Blood-Corpuscle. FIG. 6 5 . Action of Syrup on Frog's Red Blood - Cor- puscle, x 300. here and there fine shreds stretching between the nucleus and the surface of the spherical corpuscle. 4. Water (H). To a fresh preparation of blood apply a drop of water to the edge of the cover-glass, and notice its effects upon the corpuscles. (a.) The water rapidly diffuses into the corpuscles and renders them spherical, while at the same time it decolorises them, the haemoglobin diffusing outwards into the plasma, and staining it slightly yellow. The nucleus also becomes spherical. Thus the outline of the corpuscles becomes very faint in the field of the microscope, the corpuscles themselves now almost consisting of a nucleated stroma (fig. 64). 5. Strong Syrup (H). Place a small drop of blood on a slide and near it a drop of syrup ; mix the two with a needle, and apply a cover-glass. (a.) Observe that some of the red corpuscles are rapidly shrivelled and puckered, especially when seen on edge, owing to fluid passing out of them by exosmosis (fig. 65). Some of them II.] THE BLOOD. log may present here and there a reddish tinge. All tire corpuscles are not affected equally or at the same time. The same effects ar& produced by strong saline solutions. 6. Tannic Acid (H). On a slide mix a drop of blood with a drop of tannic acid, using a relatively large drop of the acid fluid ; wait for about a minute, and then apply a cover-glass. (a.) Observe that some of the corpuscles become globular, while the haemoglobin passes out of the corpuscles at one or more spots, and appears on the surface in the form of one or more small granular buds (fig. 66, c). Sometimes the bud or buds are small. At others the bud may be as large as the remainder of the corpuscle, which has become smaller and partly decolorised. In other cases it may be collected around the nucleus (Robert*). The tannic acid causes a separation of the haemoglobin from the stroma. The solution of tannic acid is made by dissolving 2 grains of tannic acid in i oz. of boiling water, and allowing it to cool. FlQ. 66. Actio-i of Tannic Acid FIG - 6 7 .-Action of Boracic Acid on a Frog's Red Blood-Corpuscle. 7. Boracic Acid. Mix a drop of newt's or salamander's blood with a 2 per cent, solution of boracic acid, which takes a short time to act on the corpuscles and produce its effects. (a.) Observe that the haemoglobin is collected around the nucleus, so that the presence of the latter is obscured, but in many of the corpuscles fine threads of haemoglobin remain attached to the circumference of the corpuscle, so that the retracted haemoglobin may have a stellate form, while the rest of the corpuscle is colour- less. To the latter Briicke gave the name Oikoid, to the former Zooid (fig. 67). If these corpuscles are acted on for twenty-four hours with i per cent, osmic acid, they are " fixed," and may be mounted permanently in glycerine-jelly. 8. Magenta. Mix a drop of blood and a drop of the special magenta fluid (p. 74) on a slide, cover, and examine. (a.) Observe that the nuclei of the corpuscles, both red and white, are stained of a brilliant red, although the surrounding part of the corpuscle is not so stained, unless the magenta be in great excess. All the corpuscles are not stained equally brightly. On the edge of some of the corpuscles at one or more points will be found small coloured spots or thickenings. HO PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [ll. 9. Osmic- Acid and Picrocarmine (H). This preparation is best made by mixing a few drops of blood with an equal volume of i per cent, osmic acid in a small tightly-corked tube, or by exposing a thin film of blood to the vapour of a 2 per cent, solution of osmic acid. After two to four hours pour off the supernatant fluid and cover the residue of corpuscles with picrocarmine. After twenty- four hours the picrocarmine can be poured off, and a little of the deposit placed on a slide and mixed with glycerine-jelly dissolved by heat, and covered (p. 85). (a.) Observe that the nuclei of the corpuscles are bright-red, and the perinuclear part of the corpuscles yellow. Within the granular- looking nucleus, with a. good lens, may be seen a network of fibrils. This preparation is permanent, and must be sealed up or " ringed " after the manner described at p. 88. 10. Blood of Bird (H). Mount a drop of fresh blood. (a.) Observe the red corpuscles, which are elliptical, biconvex, nucleated bodies, but smaller in size and more ^pointed than amphibian corpuscles (fig. 68). These corpuscles behave towards reagents as those of amphibians. 11. Blood of Fish (H). Mount a drop of fresh blood, which is readily obtained from a gold-fish or salmon, but the blood coagulates rapidly. J2.) Observe the red corpuscles, which are elliptical, biconvex, nucleated, but the ends are not so pointed as in the bird, while, like the bird's corpuscles, they are smaller than those of amphibians (fig. 68, F). The blood must be quite fresh. In both cases a few colourless corpuscles may be noticed. FIG. 68.-Red Blood-Corpuscles of Fish (F) and ( B .-) T ke White C r ~ Bird (B), x 45 o. puscles of the Frog or Newt. 12. White Corpuscles. In a fresh preparation of blood (taking care to place a hair under the cover-glass) search for the colourless corpuscles, of which there are several varieties. They are much less numerous than the red. (a.) Observe that there is: (i.) The finely granular form, con- sisting of a nucleated mass of protoplasm larger than a red corpuscle (fig. 6 1, m). (ii.) The coarsely granular variety may be found. In it the granules are large and refractive, and often lying at one side of the corpuscles, (iii.) A third variety, much smaller than the others, may be found (iig. 61, k). II.] THE BLOOD. Ill (b.) In all the varieties, by careful observation, may be detected a nucleus, which in some is irregular or subdivided. The surface of these corpuscles is sticky, as can readily be shown by giving the cover a push with a needle, when the coloured corpuscles will be seen to glide over each other, while some of the colourless ones will be seen adhering to the glass ; and even if a coloured one impinges on them, they are rarely displaced by the impact, so firmly do they adhere to the glass. 13. Amoeboid Movements of the White Corpuscles. Select one of the large finely granular corpuscles, and at once make a sketch of its outline ; in a minute or two make another sketch, and do this every few minutes. Thesketches will vary, because the corpuscle has slowly changed its shape, even at the ordinary temperature. A process of its protoplasm may bo extruded on one side, while a part of the corpuscle may be drawn in at another. The corpuscle, therefore, exhibits spontaneous irregular and indefinite movements, constitut- ing what is known as amoeboid movements. It may even be seen to change its place, and thus exhibit locomotion. In the coarsely (jranular form, if one be found, the processes are not so pointed, while the granules may be seen to pass suddenly FIG. 69. Showing thn Amreboid Movements of Colourless lllood Corpuscles. FIG. 70. Ranvier's Moist Chamber. .II11MI potash until the mixture contains at least corpuscle surrounded by blood- I per 1000 of the salt. This prevents coagula- plates. tion of the blood. On placing such blood in a centrifuge, when the corpuscles subside a film of grayish material accumulates on their surface, which consists chiefly of blood-plates. A drop of this spread on a slide, dried, and stained with a watery solution of methyl-violet 5 B and mounted in balsam, yields permanent preparations of these bodies (Moser}. 20. Blood-PlateletsDry Method (H). Clean a slide thoroughly ; sterilise it in the flame of a Bunsen-burner, and allow it to cool. Obtain a drop of blood from the finger in the usual way ; get a drop on the slide, and with the edge of another slide rapidly spread the drop of blood as a thin film on the sterilised slide. Move the slide to and fro in the air until the film of blood dries. The whole process should not occupy more than four seconds. Cover the dry film with a cover-glass and seal the latter at the corners with paraffin. (a.) Observe the coloured blood-corpuscles, which for the most part retain their shape, and between them the blood-platelets or, as Hayem calls them, the hnematoblasts. They are readily seen thus in human blood. The white corpuscles are somewhat altered in shape. 21. Weigert's Method of Staining Fibrin. Embed a thrombus or a piece of lung affected with acute croupous pneumonia in celloidin, and make a section. Float the section from water on to a slide. Stain it for ten minutes or so with a drop of the following fluid : Gentian violet (5 per cent.) . . 4400. Aniline oil ..... i ,, Alcohol (96 per cent. ) . . 6 , , Remove the stain by pressing on the section two or three plies of blotting- paper, or, better, unsi/ed printing-paper. Add a drop of iodine in iodide of potassium (iodide of potassium 5 per cent, and saturated Avith iodine). This quickly decolorises most of the stained parts. Remove the iodine with blot- ting-paper in the same way as before. Pour on the section a mixture of equal volumes of xylol and aniline oil, moving the mixture over the preparation. Remove ihis and apply a fresh supply of the xylol-aniline oil mixture. This removes all the water. As long sis there is a trace of whiteness in the section it still contains water. After all the water is removed, dry the preparation with paper as before, to 124 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [ill. remove as much aniline oil as possible. Wash the preparation several times with xylol to remove the last traces of the aniline oil and mount in xylol- balsam. The stages are as follows : 1. Harden in alcohol. 2. Stain 5-15 minutes in concentrated aniline water solution of gentian violet. 3. Dry with blotting-paper. 4. Apply iodine solution (2-3 mins.). 5. Dry with blotting-paper. 6. Decolorise and wash in aniline-xylol. 7. Remove the latter and mount in xylol-balsarn. (a.) Observe the threads of fibrin very fine and numerous stained a beau- tiful violet. 22. Solvent Action of Serum. Place some blood of a rabbit or guinea-pig in a drop of blood serum of a dog. The red corpuscles are completely dis- solved in a few minutes. The blood-corpuscles of a pigeon or frog are similarly but more slowly dissolved, except the nuclei. This property of dog's serum is set aside by previously heating the serum to 5o-6o C. for about half-an-hour. LESSON IV. EPITHELIUM (STRATIFIED) AND ENDOTHELIUM. Epithelium presents the following general characters : 1. It is always disposed on surfaces. 2. The cells are united by cement. 3. There are no blood-vessels within the cells. Varieties of Epithelium. 1. Squamous. 2. Columnar. 3. Secretory. 4. Transitional. 5. Ciliated. Squamous Epithelium may occur either in a single layer, or in several layers ; in the former case it is sometimes called endothelium. in the latter it is said to be stratified. (A.) In a single layer it lines serous and synovial membranes, heart, blood- and lymph-vessels, air-cells of lung, pigmentary layer of retina, posterior surface of cornea, anterior surface of iri ;, membranes of brain and spinal cord, surfaces of tendons and tendon sheaths, &c. IV.] EPITHELIUM AND ENDOTHELIUM. 125 As endothelium, it consists of a single layer of flattened squamous transparent cells united to each other at their edges by means of a cement substance. (B.) As stratified squamous epithelium, it covers the skin (epi- dermis), and lines the following cavities and surfaces : mouth, pharynx (lower half), oesophagus, conjunctiva, over anterior surface of cornea, vagina, and lower half of cervix uteri, and entrance of urethra. I. Isolated Squamous or Scaly Epithelium Cells. With the finger-nail or a small section-lifter gently scrape the inner surface of the lip, place the scrapings on a slide, add a drop of saliva, skimming off any air-bubbles with a needle, cover, and examine. 1. Squames (H). (a.) Observe large flat plates or squames floating in the field, either singly or in groups ; the cells of the latter may be united by their edges, or by their edges and surfaces. Select a single squame seen on the flat. IS T ote its large size, being five to ten times broader than a red blood-corpuscle ; its polygonal shape ; the colourless, transparent, and, it may be, slightly granular body of the cell, and the small oval excentrically-placed nucleus. (b.) On some of the cells fine lines may be seen, some of them due to folds, but most of them to facets, indicating that the cell has been overlapped and slightly indented by its neighbour. Select a group of cells where the cells can be seen adhering to each other by their edges and surfaces, as the squames occur in several layers. It is well also to look for a cell seen edgeways, to observe that it is really a flat plate (fig. 84). (c.) Not unfrequently fungi, such as bacteria, may be seen adhering to the squames. (d.) Salivary Corpuscles may be seen. They are sharply-defined spherical cells, pro- vided with a membrane, and about the size FlG 84 ._c e iis of stratified of a colourless blood-corpuscle. They contain fine granules, which in the fresh condition of the corpuscles may be seen to exhibit Hrownian movement (Lesson I. 6). Each cell may contain one small, spherical, excentrically-placed nucleus, or sometimes two nuclei may be present. They seem to be leucocytes distended with fluid. 2. Magenta. Irrigate the preparation with a watery solution of magenta (p. 74), which stains deeply the nuclei of the squames and salivary corpuscles, while tho po,ri-nuclear parts of these cells are less deeply stained. As the magenta contains alcohol, the latter Sqnamous Epithelium de- tached from the Month. s. Salivary corpuscles. 126 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [iV. precipitates the mucin of the saliva either in the form of fine threads or in membranes, which are stained red by the magenta. 3. Epidermis of Newt Superficial Layers of Stratified Epithe- lium (L and H). Keep a newt or frog for a day or two in a small quantity of water, and do not change the water. Very soon the super- ficial layers of squames will be " cast " as thin membranes. Take these, and harden them in absolute alcohol. Stain a thin piece in hsematoxylin, and mount it in balsam. (a.) Try to get a layer sufficiently thin, so that the cells are only one layer thick. Note the polygonal, large, nucleated cells united to each other by their edges by means of a clear cement substance (fig. 85). (b.) The nucleus is usually ex- centric, and surrounded by slightly granular material. In the nucleus are usually two or three nucleoli, and sometimes an intra-nuclear plexus of fibrils is visible, especially in the cells of the deeper layers. Sometimes granules of the pigment melanin are seen in the cells, especi- ally from a dark-pigmented newt. 4. V.S. of Stratified Epithelium. FIG. 85. Superficial Layer of Squames This may be conveniently ex- cast from the Epidermis of a Newt. , ,.J . - i A.* Alcohol and luematoxyiin, x 300. ami ned either in a vertical section of the skin of the palm of the hand, or a similar section of the mucous membrane covering the hard palate of a cat or the conjunctiva on the cornea. The skin must have been previously prepared by being hardened in absolute alcohol or chromic acid and spirit mixture (p. 29), while the mucous membrane may be hardened in the chromic acid and spirit or Miiller's fluid. If the mucous membrane of the hard palate be taken, stain it with picro-carmine and mount in Farrant's solution. Or the mucous membrane may be stained in bulk in borax carmine, embedded and cut in paraffin. In the latter case the sections are best mounted in balsam. (a.) Examine it first with (L). Observe the epithelium arranged in many layers, covering a connective-tissue basis the latter stained red and projecting in the form of fine papillae into the epithelial layer (fig. 86). Neglect the connective-tissue basis meantime. (b.) (H) Select a thin part of the deeper layers of the epithelium near the papillae, and note that the cells there arc somewhat small and cylindrical, with their nuclei stained red. Study the change EPITHELIUM AND ENDOTHELIUM. 12' in the form of the cells towards the free surface of the epidermis (tig. 86), where they become corneous and less granular. (c.) Note in the deeper layers of the epithelium prickle-cells. Adjacent cells are connected by very fine processes or " intercellular bridges." The fine spaces between the bridges are called "intercellular channels." When these are broken across and the cells isolated, the cells present the appearance of being beset by very fine processes, and hence they are called " prickle-cells." (//.) The cells vary in their shape and characters from below upwards. It will be easy to detect the horny layer above, composed of many layers of flattened, hardened cells. This forms a fairly well-marked layer, the cells being clearer than those situated more deeply ; the nuclei are less conspicuous, and the cells generally stain yellowish with picro-carmine. 5. Non-Corneous Stratified Epithelium from F i "" 8 6.-v.s. MUCOUS the (Esophagus (H). Macerate the mucous membrane of the oesophagus of a calf or other animal for a week in y 1 ^ per cent, bichromate of potash. This "dissociates" the epithelial cells, so that when the surface is scraped, one obtains isolated cells. Make a cover-glass preparation (p. 114), and stain it in aniline- water-gentian- violet, i.e., gentian-violet solution dropped into aniline water (p. 73). Dry and mount in balsam. (a.) Observe the isolated squamous cells, each with a small ex- centrically-placed nucleus stained of a violet tint. Numerous facets are seen in the cells, and their shape both on the flat and on edge can be carefully studied. (b.) If desired, stain some in picro-carmine. This is best done by keeping them in the picro-carmine on a slide placed under a bell-jar, with water to prevent evaporation, i.e., in a moist chamber. 6. Horny Epidermis. Macerate a shred of epidermis in 35 per cent, caustic potash. After a time it is softened and can be broken u I ) with needles. The cells fall asunder and swell up in the fluid, and appear as spheroidal cells with a membrane, but no nucleus is visible. Examine them in the potash solution. No water must be uddcd, else the cells are dissolved. 7. Prickle Cells (H). Place for twenty-four hours in i per cent, osmic acid a small piece of the palmar surface of the skin less than one-eighth of an inch cube from a freshly-amputated finger. Make vertical sections by freezing, or after embedding in Membrane of Hard Palate of Cat. Epi- dermis with cor- neous and deeper layers with prickle cells. Below, con- nective tissue of the mucous mem- brane with a papilla. Chromic acid and spirit, picro - car- mine, Farrant's solution. 128 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [IV. paraffin, and mount the former in Warrant's solution and the latter in' balsam. (ti.) Observe the prickle-cells in situ, i.e., polygonal cells in the deeper layers of the rete mucosum, with fine processes connecting adjoining cells, leaving thus a system of fine spaces between the cells (fig. 87). The fine fibres which pass from cell to cell form "inter- cellular bridges," and when these bridges arc broken across they give the appearance as if the cells were beset with fine prickles. 8. Isolated Cells from th9 Different Layers of the Epidermis (H). It is usual to macerate very small pieces of any membrane covered with stratified epithelium in g- or $ per cent, of potassic bichromate, which usually takes more than a week to dissociate the cells. Fm. 87. Prickle-Cells from the Deeper Layers of the Epi- dermis of the Palm, showing intercellular bridges and channels. Osmic acid. FIG. 88. Prickle Cells Isolated from the Human Epidermis by means of Iodised Serum. n. Prickles ; d. Space between nucleus and cell- body, x 800. A much speedier method is that of Schiefferdecker. Make a watery extract of " pancreaticum siccum " of Dr. Witte of Rostock. Filter, and in the filtrate place a small fragment of fresh skin or the pad from the upper jaw of a sheep. Place the fluid near the fire or in an oven at 40 C. Within four hours, the epidermis can be detached, and its cells fall readily apart. Preserve it in a test- tube in a mixture of equal parts of water, alcohol, and glycerine. It forms a deposit at the bottom of the tube. A little of the deposit is mounted in glycerine or Farrant's solution, covered and examined. It may be stained with picro-carmine or methylene-blue. (a.) Observe numerous cslis of different shapes, some flattened, others cubical, and many "prickle-cells" (fig. 88). Many of the cells exhibit facets where they have been pressed against each other. 9. Isolated Prickles and other Cells from the Pad of a Sheep's Mouth (H). Isolated by means of "pancreaticum siccum" (v. supra). Many of the somewhat cubical-shaped cells show tho " prickles " beautifully. These cells may be stained with an aniline dye or picro-carmine, and some of them show two nuclei. IV.] EPITHELIUM AND ENDOTHELIUM. 129 Peritoneal Surface of the Central Tendon of the Diaphragm of a Rabbit. Silvered. /. Lymphatic slit ; t. Tendon ; c. Ordi- nary endothelial cells ; n. Islands of small cells. 10. Endothelium of Central Tendon of Diaphragm. Mount in balsam a small piece of the central tendon of the diaphragm of a rabbit stained in silver nitrate (Method, P- 77). (.) Observe the polygonal areas which map out the outlines of the single layer of squames covering the surface of the tendon. These areas are bounded by brown or black lines, the so-called " silver lines " (fig. 89). As a rule, no nucleus is visible in the cells, but it may be brought into view by staining with logwood and mounting the preparation in Canada balsam. (b.) Amongst these may be seen small groups or islands of smaller granular cells. In some specimens stomata surrounded by granular or germinal cells may be seen. jio._8 9 . Endothelium of the These stomata open into a plexus of lym- phatic capillaries in the substance of the tendon (Lesson on Lymphatics). 11. Omentum of Young Rabbit (L and H). Mount in balsam a small piece of the silvered omentum of a young rabbit (one week old) (Method, p. 77). (a.) Observe a thin fibrous membrane mapped into polygonal areas some of them with more or less sinuous outlines by means of black "silver lines " (fig. 90). , The omental mem- brane composed of connective tissue is covered on both sur- faces with a continu- ous layer of endo- thclium. (/>.) Raise the lens by means of the fine adjustment until the upper layer of squames conies distinctly into view ; then depress the lens and focus through the thickness of the. membrane to bring into view the. layer of squames covering the deeper surface, and note that the outlines of 13 I FIG. QO. Omentum of a Young linhhit stained with Silver Nitrate (x 300), showing the epithelium on the upper and under surfaces ; the outlines of the latter faintly indicated. Some holes are also seen in it. 130 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [IV. the cells do not correspond with those of the upper layer. In focussing through the membrane, note the plexus of elastic fibres in it. (c.) To see the nuclei of the endothelial cells, stain another piece of the silvered omentum in logwood and mount it iti balsam. The omentum of a young rabbit is chosen because it is nearly a complete membrane with few fenestrse or holes in it. 12. Omentum of Cat (L and H). Mount in balsam a small piece of the silvered omentum of a cat (Method, p. 77). In cutting the omentum into small pieces, the easiest way is to spread it out, or rather float it out, on a sheet of paper, and then cut the paper and omentum into pieces of the necessary size. The pieces are thus less liable to fold up, and are more readily manipulated on the slide. (a.) (L) Observe a mesh work of trabecula3 (T) bound- ing open polygonal spaces (tig. 91, 111). In the larger tra- beculse may be seen blood- vessels (c), an artery or a vein, or both, surrounded here and there by groups of large clear cells fat-cells (/). All the trabeculse are com- pletely covered with endo- thelial cells, whose outlines, mapped out by silver lines, can J ust be recognised. (&.) (H) Select a large Silver lines, and a. Nuclei of theendothelmm; ', \./ ,, . m. Meshes; b. Nuclei of the connective-tissue Strand With a blood-VCSSel 111 FIG. Qi.-Omentum of Cat Silvered. T = Trabe- cula, with c. Blood-vessel; /. Fat-cells; s. xic silver nitrate and hacmatoxylin ' it (T). Focus the silver lines (s) on its upper surface, and gradually depress the lens until the fibrous tissue composing the strand comes into view, and, still lowering the lens, bring the endothelium on the under surface into view. (c.) Select a fine trabecula, and note the silver lines on it; also observe the fibrous tissue of which it is composed. (tL) If desired, a preparation may be stained with logwood to reveal the nuclei of the cells of the endothelium (a), as well as those of the fibrous tissue composing the membrane (l>). The nuclei of the endothelial cells are superficial, and usually spherical (a) ; those of the connective-tissue corpuscles are in the substance of the membrane, and arc usually more flattened and somewhat oval (b). EPITHELIUM AND ENDOTHELIUM. ADDITIONAL EXERCISES. 13. Pogiel's Methylene-Blue Method. Place any fresh membrane, e.g., omentum, mesentery, capsule of kidney, in a 4 per cent, solution of methylene- blue in normal saline. Allow it to stain for ten minutes or so. Wash it twice in a saturated watery solution of picrate of ammonia and examine in glycerine. The outlines of the cells are stained of a purplish colour. This method may be used instead of the silver method to demonstrate the existence of endo- thelium on any surface, e.g., on tendons (rat) in blood- or lymph-vessels. It is also used to demonstrate lymph-spaces. 14. Sections covered by or consisting of epithelial cell structures may be stained in a weak watery solution of benzo-azurin. This stain is not removed by alcohol, and the sections can be mounted in balsam. Or benzo- purpnrin (B. ) may be used. This gives a reddish stain, any excess being removed by alcohol rendered feebly alkaline, e.g. , by lithium carbonate. Benzo-azurin stains connective tissue of a bright blue. LESSON V. COLUMNAR, SECRETORY, AND TRANSITIONAL EPITHELIUM. Columnar Epithelium lines the mucous memhrane of the ali- mentary canal from the cardiac orifice of the stomach onwards; the greater part of the ducts of the glands opening into it ; other gland ducts. II. Columnar Epithelium. Slit open the small intestine of a rabbit or a cat t ;w*tf killed. Wash the mucous surface with normal saline to remove any adherent particles. 1. Fresh Condition (H). With a scalpel gently scrape the mucous surface and transfer what is on the scalpel to a drop of normal saline solution on a slide. Diffuse the scrapings in this fluid, and t< prevent the pressure of the cover-glass, place in the iluiil a hair half-an-inch in length. This preparation is not to he preserved. (.) Observe numerous columnar epithelial cells, a few isolated, but most of them adhering together. Side View of the Cells. Select an isolated cell, notice its columnar form, usually tapering to a blunt point at one end, while the body of the cell is faintly granular, and contains a clear oval nucleus. The free, broad end is covered wilh a highly retractile disc seen on edge as a narrow retractile band with fine vertical striae in it (fig. 92). 132 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY fv. Many more or less complete villi may be seen. Along the edge of the villus, covered by its layer of columnar cells, the clear disc is readily seen, and by focussing the surface of a villus the nucleated mosaic formed by the ends of the cells, with the rounded mouths of the goblet-cells, come into view. (ft.) If the animal was killed whilst its food was undergoing digestion, refractive fatty granules may be seen in the protoplasm of the cells. (c.) End View of the Cells. Move the preparation until a fragment of detached epithelium is seen showing the free ends of the cells directed towards the observer (fig. 92, d). (d.) Note in such a group of cells the polygonal outlines of the ends of the cells, and in each polygonal area a large rf spherical nucleus, which appears almost FIG. 92. a, b. Isolated Columnar to fill the area. A nucleolus can often Epithelial Cells from the Small ^ TT _ j ^ i Intestine of Cat ; c. Goblet-cell ; L Ln - Ild y lj d. Ends of columnar cells and the rounded opening of a goblet-cell. open mouths of goblet -cells -T-I * n ^ * j_i directed towards observer. Focus carefully and notice the appear- ance of the goblet-cell. When the open mouth is in focus, it is seen as a circle of small diameter, and on depressing the tube the broad part of the cell comes into view (fig. 92, d). (e.) Amongst the cells may be found isolated goblet-cells (fig. 92, c). Each cell has an open mouth, while the lower part of the cell contains a nucleus embedded in a small quantity of protoplasm. 2. Isolated Columnar Epithelium of Newt (H). Mount in glycerine a small quantity of isolated columnar cells which have been dissociated by maceration in dilute alcohol and subsequently stained with picro-carmine. Place a short length of hair under the cover-glass. The small intestine of a rabbit may be used, but far larger cells are obtained from the intestine of a newt. Macerate the whole intestine in dilute alcohol for twenty-four hours and stain in bulk in picro-carmine for at least another twenty-four hours. On scraping the mucous surface, the cells are detached and diffused in formic glycerine. (a.) Observe the large, tall, columnar cells, often tapering to a point at their lower end, the red-stained nucleus, and the clear striated disc. The nucleus usually exhibits a distinct nucleolus (fig. 93), and sometimes two nuclei are present. Sometimes two nucleoli are seen in a nucleus, and the cell itself may be branched at its fixed extremity. If the intestine of a newt be macerated for twenty-four hours in COLUMNAR EPITHELIUM. 133 5 per cent, ammonium chromate, then the nuclei and cell-body show a distinct h'brillar structure. III. Glandular Epithelium occurs in the secretory glands, e.g., liver, pancreas, salivary, gastric, intestinal, and other glands. Neces- sarily it must vary very greatly in shape and in its functions. 3. Secretory or Glandular Epithelium of Liver. With a clean scalpel scrape the cut surface of the liver of an animal just killed, e.g., a rat. Place the scrapings in dilute alcohol (twenty- four hours), pour off the alcohol and cover it with picro-carmine (twenty-four hours). Liver-Cells (H). (a.) Examine the isolated cells in glycerine with the usual precautions. Observe the cubical cells, which may be isolated or adhering in groups of two or three. The granular FIG. 93. Isolated Columnar Epithelial Cells from the Newt's Intestine. Dilute alcohol and picro-car- mine, x 300. FIG. 94. Isolated Hepatic Cells, d. With two nuclei ; b. Oil-drops ; c. Isolated nucleus of a cell. Teased fresh. protoplasm is stained yellowish, and each cell has a spherical bright- red nucleus. The protoplasm may contain globules of oil, and occasionally two nuclei may be seen in a cell, especially in the liver- cells of a young rat (fig. 94). (/>.) If the cells be much broken up, liberated nuclei and granules of oil, and sometimes red blood-corpuscles, are seen in the field. ((-.) Acetic acid clears up the protoplasm, makes the nucleus more distinct ; it does not affect any fatty particles, but merely makes them more evident. Sulpho-cyanide of potassium (5 per cent.) is an excellent medium for maceration of the liver-cells. The plexus of fibrils in the nuclei is thus rendered visible. IV. Transitional Epithelium occurs in the urethra, urinary bladder, ureters, and pelvis of the kidney. It is confined to the gcnito-urinary mucous membrane; It consists of several (2-3-4) layers of cells. The superficial cells are large and flattened (especially if the bladder has been kept distended), often with two nuclei, and with depressions on their under surface produced by the large rounded ends of the cells of the next layer. The cells of the 134 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [V. next layer are somewhat pyriform (fig." 95, ?>), while the deepest layers are composed of smaller polyhedral cells. 4. Transitional Epithelium of Bladder (H). Place the dis- tended bladder of a frog or cat in dilute alcohol for twenty-four hours, stain it en masse for the same time in picro-carmine, scrape off a little of the mucous surface and diffuse it in glycerine, add a hair and cover. The cells may also be macerated by using instead J per cent, bichromate of potash solution. (a.) Observe various forms of cells, some of them more or less flattened with facets on their surfaces (fig. 95, a, a'), others elongated with finger-shaped processes (6), some pear- Fie. 95 . isolated Transi- shaped, and others cubical. All arc tional Cells from the rmplpqfp/l Bladder of a Guinea-pig, nucleated. ^ a. A superficial ceil seen 5. To Distend a Frog s Bladder. By means of a pin transfix the skin at the the deeper layers. Dilute margins of the anus, and tie round the pin alcohol and picro-car- ,-r -, *, , i mine, x 3 oo. a thread so as to completely occlude the aperture. Open the abdomen, make a slit into the rectum, and from the latter, after removing its contents, inject dilute alcohol (p. 25) into the bladder. When the bladder is distended, ligature it, cut it out, and suspend it in its inflated con- dition in dilute alcohol for twenty-four hours. If the bladder of a cat or guinea-pig be used, it is distended from the urethra with dilute alcohol, and suspended for twenty-four hours in a large volume of the same liquid. ADDITIONAL EXERCISES. 6. To Silver the Free Ends of Columnar Epithelium. A small piece of the mucous surface of the small intestine of a cat is washed in distilled water, and then placed for ten minutes in a ^ per cent, silver nitrate solution, and silvered in the usual way (Method, p. 77). After hardening in alcohol, if the epithelium be detached and mounted in glycerine, it is easy to obtain a view of the free ends of the epithelial cells, with the cement substance between them indicated by "silver lines," and also to see the open mouths of the goblet-cells. The view obtained is that shown in fig. 92, d. N.B. Other preparations of these, forms of epithelium will be obtained in sections of the organs in which they occur. VC.] CILIATED EPITHELIUM. 135 LESSON VI. CILIATED EPITHELIUM. Ciliated Epithelium occurs in the nasal mucous membrane (except that of the olfactory region), the cavities accessory to the nose, the upper half of the pharynx, the Eustachian tube, larynx, trachea, and bronchi, the uterus (except the lower half of the cervix), Fallopian tubes, vasa efferentia to lower end of epididymis, the ventricles of the brain, and the central canal of the spinal cord. V. Ciliated Epithelium. A ciliated cell may be any shape, but usually it is 4 more or less columnar. Only the cells of the super- ficial layer bear cilia. The bunch of cilia are directly continuous with the protoplasm of the interior of the cell, and are planted on a clear disc, which is said to be composed of small "knobs " placed side by side to form a bright refractile disc ; a cilium being attached to each knob. The deeper cells may be pyriform or polyhedral, accord- ing to the situation from which the epithelium is obtained. Goblet- cells may be found between the superficial ciliated cells. 1. Ciliary Motion in the Frog (H). After pithing a frog, gently scrape the roof of its mouth with a scalpel, and diffuse the scraping in a drop of normal saline, add a short piece of hair, and cover. (a.} Notice groups of cells with cilia on their free surface. The cilia bend quickly, at the rate of ten to twelve times per second, with a whip-like motion in one direction, and then rapidly unbend, thus creating currents in the liquid, and thereby moving the corpuscles, granules, or other free particles that may be present. They bend more rapidly in one direction than the other. All the cilia covering one surface are not in motion at one time, but the movement passes from cell to cell in a wave-like form. If a portion of cell with cilia attached is in view, the fragment of the cell may be seen to be moved in a definite direction by the vibratile motion of its own cilia. Cilia detached from a cell cease to move. 2. Ciliary Motion in the Mussel (L and H). Open a salt-water mussel, collect the salt w r ater which escapes, cut out a fragment of one of the flattened yellow gills, and place it in a drop of salt water. By means of two needles separate slightly the bars which compose the gills, cover and examine. (a.) (L) Observe the bars with their free rounded ends and their surfaces beset with a fringe of moving cilia, which cause the particles suspended in the fluid to be carried along in a definite direction. 136 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [vi. (&.) (H) Select a single, cilium observe that it is a clear homo- geneous tapering filament, placed on a clear band which covers the cells on the surface of the bar of the gill. Notice how the cilium bends more at the top than base, and how it straightens itself again. The movement may go on for several hours. The backward move- ment is less rapid than the forward stroke. 3. Heat (H). By means of a camel-hair brush run a ring of oil Fia. 96. Slide with a King of Glass Tube fixed to it, for Studying the Action of Chloroform on Cilia. round the preparation (2), and put it aside for an hour or so, until the ciliary motion becomes slower. (a.) Place the slide on a hot stage (fig. 75) and gradually apply heat. As the cilia are warmed they move more quickly; but if the temperature be too high, of course the proteids are coagulated and the cells killed. If, while the cilia are moving rapidly, the source of heat be removed, as the preparation cools the cilia gradually move more and more slowly. Use the hot stage described in Lesson III. 5. But in using it, put the preparation of cilia on a cover-glass moistened with a drop of sea-water, and invert the cover-glass over the aperture in the hot stage, so that the drop of fluid and cilia hang in the little circular cavity. 4. Weak Alkalies. To a preparation in which the cilia move languidly, apply a drop of -J per cent, solution of caustic potash. This immediately revives their action for a short time ; but as the alkali penetrates into the cells, it ultimately kills them. 5. Chloroform (L and H). Place a fragment of a mussel's gill in a drop of salt water on a cover-glass. Put a small drop of chloroform in a glass cell and place the cover-glass on the cell, with the drop of fluid hanging into the latter, as shown in fig. 96. (a.) (H) Observe the movement of the cilia, and, as the chloroform vapour diffuses into the drop of water and acts on the cilia, how they move slower and slower. If the action of the chloroform be pushed too far, their movement will be arrested. If the action of the chloroform be not too prolonged, and the preparation removed and freely exposed to the air, the cilia may begin to move again. 6. Action of Gases on Ciliary Motion, e.g., Carbon Dioxide. Carbonic acid is generated in the usual way in a flask containing VI.] CILIATED EPITHELIUM. 137 marble and dilute hydrochloric acid, and by means of a caoutchouc tube it is conducted to a glass gas-chamber (fig. 97, C), over which the preparation of cilia on a cover-glass is inverted. If it be preferred, the following moist chamber, by Ranvier, for studying the action of gases may be used. It consists of a brass box FIG. 97. Gas-Chamber for Studying the Action of Gases on Cilia. A. Inlet ; B. Outlet-tube; C. Glass gas-chamber. about the size of a microscopical slide, and perforated at the centre by an aperture 2 cm, wide, which is closed below by a plate of glass. FIG. 98. Ranvier's Moist Chamber for Applying Gases to a Preparation. Iii the centre of the aperture is fixed a plate of glass (fig. 98, a), less in diameter, thus leaving a circular trench all round (b). Moreover, the height of this circular plate of glass is less than the height of the brass box by at least -iV-h inm - ^ ne k x is perforated by two tubes, through which the gases can be conducted to the preparation, which is placed between the top of the circular glass disc and the cover-glass which covers in completely the aperture in the brass box. In this way the gas or vapour can be applied, to a preparation still in a normal fluid medium. (a.) If carbon dioxide be used, observe that it rapidly arrests the movement of the cilia and renders the cells granular, probably from the precipitation in them of paraglobulin. Ciliated Cells from tlie Mucous Membrane of the Hani Palate and (Esophagus of the Frog. Dilute alcohol and pirro-carniine, x 303. 138 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [VI. Fl0 :.. I f x> ;7: I 11 B P lat 4.? d Cihated Cell from the 7. Isolated Ciliated Epithelium and Goblet-Cells (Frog) (H). Scrape off a little of the epithelium from the mucous membrane of the palate of a frog, which has been macerated for twenty-four hours in dilute alcohol and after- wards stained by picro-carmine. Before staining, it is advisable to place the isolated cells for several hours in | per cent, osmic acid. Diffuse the cells in glycerine., put in a hair, cover, and examine. (a.) Observe an isolated ciliated cell ; it is short and columnar, perhaps tapering or divided at one end, while the other end is beset with cilia, resting on a clear, transparent, refractile disc ; the protoplasm is granular, and encloses an oval red-stained nucleus with one or two bright excentrically-placed nucleoli (fig. 99). Besides the ciliated cells, there are others without cilia, oval or elongated, pointed at one end. These are from the deeper layers of the ciliated surface (fig. 102). (&) Numerous goblet or chalice cells will also > ' .. of a Frog, be seen, ihey are cup-shaped cells, with an open niouth, and containing mucigen. There is a small amount of protoplasm at one end of the cell the end by which it is fixed which encloses a spherical, oval, or compressed nucleus. The goblet-cells may be seen in two conditions, some clear with their mucigen discharged, and others full of granules or " loaded " with mucigen. The cells may also be isolated or dissociated by macerating the membrane in iodised serum (p. 25). A cell isolated in this way, and magnified 1000 diameters, is shown in fig. 100. 8. Isolated Ciliated Cells (Mammal). Use the trachea of a cat or other mammal, and macerate small pieces in dilute alcohol (twenty-four hours). Stain it in bulk in picro-carmine. The isolated cells are examined in glycerine or glycerine-jelly. If the trachea of the ox be used, observe (a.) The tall narrow ciliated cells (fig. 101), each with its cilia and clear disc. The ends of the cells may be pointed or branched. Amongst these may be seen oval or battledore-shaped cells (a), the younger cells which exist in the deeper layers of the mucous membrane. p. Clear Nucleus ; in. Irregular extre- mity. Iodised serum, X 1000. . ioi. Ciliated Cells from Tra- chea of Ox. a. Cell from the deeper layers. Dilute alcohol and picro-car- mine, x 300. VI.] CILIATED EPITHELIUM. 139 9. Ciliated Epithelium (|_ and H). Mount a vertical section of the respiratory mucous membrane of the septum of the nose of a cat or other animal. The tissue has been previously hardened in Miiller's fluid, or in chromic and spirit fluid, or, what is better, a saturated watery solution of corrosive sublimate for two or three hours. In the last case, every trace of the metallic salt must be removed by prolonged and frequent washing with alcohol. Stain the section with logwood and mount it in balsam ; or picro-carmine can be used. (a.) Observe several layers of cells (fig. 102), but only the super- ficial layer of cells is furnished with cilia, which are placed on a clear disc on the free end of the cell. Notice the shape of the cells in the subjacent layers. Those of the lowest layers are nearly spherical, while in the intermediate layers they are more elongated, Disc. Intermediate FIG. 103. Various Forms of Forms. Goblet-Cells from the Mucous Membrane of the Hard Palate Deepest Layer aiul (Esophagus of the Frog, of Cells One of the cells shows mucus exuding from the open mouth of the cell. Dilute alcohol FIG. I02.-V.S. of Ciliated Epithelium. and picro-carmine, x 300. and are described as battledore-cells, arranged in between the others. They replace the ciliated cells when the latter are shed. 10. Isolated Goblet-Cells (H). These are readily obtained by macerating the stomach of a frog in dilute alcohol for twenty-four hours. Scrape the surface and diffuse the cells in glycerine. They may be stained with picro-carmine, or they may be diffused in salt solution and stained with methyl-violet, but the latter preparation cannot be preserved in glycerine. Numerous goblet-cells will be found in 7. (a.) Observe the isolated cells (fig. 103). Each cell is filled for more than three-fourths of its capacity with mucus, while at the lower tapering end there is a nucleus embedded in a small quantity of protoplasm. Sometimes a plug of mucus may be seen exuding from the, open mouth of a cell. (l>.) With a high power the interior of the upper part of these cells may be seen to contain a fine network of fibrils. In the meshes is a substance, mucigen, and when this is acted on by water it yields mucin. In a certain sense these bodies are unicellular muciparous glands. 140 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [VI- ADDITIONAL EXERCISES. 11. Cover-Glass Preparation of Goblet-Cells. Place the oesophagus or stomach of a frog in dilute alcohol for twenty-four hours. Scrape the mucous surface and compress the scrapings between two cover-glasses. Separate the cover-glasses, allow the film adhering to each glass to dry, and then stain it with eosin or aniline-water-methyl-violet, or safraniii-0. Wash off the surplus stain with absolute alcohol, allow the film to dry, and mount it in xylol-balsam. Perhaps a better plan still is to stain the cover-glass preparations for twenty-four hours in Ehrlich-Biondi fluid. It is prepared thus : Ehrlich-L'iondi Fluid. Saturated watery solution of orange . ,, acidfuchsin . ,, ,, methyl-green . 100 cc. 20,, 50 The solutions used, however, must be saturated. When used as a staining agent, this strong fluid is diluted with about forty volumes of water. (a.) Observe the goblet-cells with their characters retained intact. In the Ehrlich-Biondi preparation the protoplasm is stained red, the nuclei and nucleoli bluish. 12. Cover-Glass Preparation of Ciliated Epithelium. The mucous mem- brane of the oesophagus of a frog is placed for twenty-four hours in dilute alcohol. A cover-glass preparation is made of the epithelium, and stained as described under 11, with methylene-blue, safranin-0, gentian-violet, or Ehrlich-Biondi fluid, and mounted in xylol-balsam. 13. T.S. Tongue of Frog (H). By means of hedgehog-spines, pin out the tongue of a frog on a thin layer of cork with a small hole in it. Harden it for two hours in a saturated watery solution of corrosive sublimate ; remove every trace of the sublimate by prolonged washing in alcohol not water. Stain in bulk in picro-carmine or borax-carmine. Make transverse sections best by the paraffin infiltration embedding method (p. 41) and mount the sections in balsam. (a.) Observe the fibro-muscular basis of the tongue ' covered on the surface with ciliated epithelium cells; between the ciliated cells the goblet-cells, each with an open mouth and its plexus of fibrils with muoigen in its meshes (fig. 104). (b.) Observe, too, how the expanded ovoid goblet-cells compress the ciliated FIG. ,04-V.S. Ciliated Epithelium of C , ells *1 cause the latter to have a peculiar Frog's Tongue. TO. Muscular fibres, shape, a broad expanded top and a narrow Corrosive sublimate and picro-car- body. carmine, x 250. ( r . ) The young cells at the base of the ciliated cells. If the specimen be stained in picro-carmine and mounted in balsam, the yellow colour of the picric acid can be retained by putting a little picric acid into the alcohol used to dehydrate it, or by picric acid placed in the clove-oil or xylol used to clear up the section. VII.] MITOSIS OR KARYOK1NESIS. LESSON VII. STRUCTURE OF CELLS MITOSIS OR KARYO- KINESIS. Structure of the Animal Cell. To see all the structures in an animal cell is by no means easy. Speaking generally, the tissues of the articulata, amphibians, and reptiles yield the largest tissue elements for examination. The cells may be examined in the fresh condition or after "fixing," hardening, and staining. In Fresh Condition. Examine a teased preparation in an indifferent fluid, e.g., normal saline, the liquid of Ripart and Petit (p. 24), or in solution of methyl-green (p. 74). The preparation may be sealed up with paraffin wax (p. in) and examined after some time. After Hardening. The best osmic acid "fixing" fluids for this purpose are the fluids of Flemming, Rabl, and Fol, and the best stains safranin and gentian-violet. Mount in xylol-balsam. To see the finer details an oil-immersion lens and Abbe's con- denser must be used. Mitosis or Karyokinesis. By these terms is meant the remark- able series of phenomena which take place in cells animal and vegetable when they undergo a process of indirect division. In this connection it is important to remember the constitution ' of a cell and some of the terms which have been applied by different authors to its several parts. A cell may or may not possess a dis- tinct cell- wall, but the cell-body appears to be made up of two substances, which Flemming names as follows : One composed of threads, seldom forming a network, and called by him cyto-mitoma or mitoma (/xtVos, thread), also called spongioplasm, and the other, homogeneous and lying in the meshes of the latter, is the paramitoma or hyaloplasm. The cell-contents are generally described as consisting of a finely-granular soft substance, the so- called pr<>tt>i>1 the Bponfjioplasm of some other authors, while the interfilar mass corresponds to the p closely pressed together, and united by a very the Ear of a small amount of matrix or intercellular substance (m). 5co'hox 250. By focussing, rows of them in several planes may be seen. Usually no nucleus is visible in the cells. If desired, a section can be stained with hsematoxylin and mounted in balsam. VIII.] CELLULAR AND HYALINE CARTILAGE. 14? II. Hyaline Cartilage. This consists of cells or corpuscles em- bedded in a hyaline matrix. 2. Cartilage of Newt (L and H). Snip off a small piece of the thin cartilage of the sternum of a freshly-killed newt, and with a scalpel scrape away any librous tissue or muscle adhering to it. Mount it in normal > saline solution or J per cent, solution of alum. \ (a.)Observe a homogeneous matrix (fig. no, m\ like ground glass, in which are embedded m-~-^ here and there cartilage-cells or corpuscles ('). The matrix is comparatively small in amount, and hyaline. v'Cy (?>.) Each corpuscle consists of a spherical mass of transparent, finely-granular cell-sub- , k - stance (c). Sometimes the protoplasm con- *tftS. 5 iSSix?* tains refractile granules of oil, and in it is Body of cartilage-cell ; , , , . , , , , , , n. Nucleus, x 250. placed a spherical, clear, granular nucleus (n), Near the margin of the preparation may be seen cavities or capsules from which the cell-contents have fallen out ; others where the cell-contents have shrunk from their capsule ; while at other places the cells completely fill the spaces in which they lie. On focussing through the thickness of the tissue, the cells are seen to be two or more layers deep, i.e., in a section of moderate thickness they lie in several planes. The cells may lie singly or in groups. 3. Effect of Acetic Acid (H). Irrigate with a 2 percent, solution of acetic acid. (a. ) Observe that the nucleus becomes more distinct and granular, the cell-contents clearer, and the cell shrinks from its capsule, so that a space is left between the capsule and the irregular shrunken cell- contents. 4. Action of Gold Chloride (H). Mount in Farrant's solution a section of articular cartilage from the head of the femur of a fivshly-killed frog which has been stained by the gold chloride method (p. 78). If the gold be reduced by formic acid the bone is thereby softened, so that both bone and cartilage can be cut together in a freezing microtome. (a.) Observe the matrix faintly stained, and the corpuscles or cell-contents, but not nucleus, stained of a purple hue. The cell- contents have shrunk very little. Here and there an empty cartilage-capsule may be seen. The gold chloride has a special affinity for the protoplasm of the cartilage-cells, so that they stand out distinctly in contrast to the less-stained matrix in which they lie embedded. This preparation represents, as it were, the " positive picture," in contrast to that obtained by the use of silver nitrate, \vhii-h yields the "negative picture" (p. 77). 148 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [VIII. As a general rule, it may be stated that gold chloride stains the cellular elements, whilst silver nitrate stains the cement substance, e.g., connective tissue, cornea, &c. 5. Costal or Tracheal Cartilage (L and H). With a razor make a thin transverse section of a fresh rib cartilage or tracheal cartilage, e.g., of a dog, cat, or rabbit, and examine the section in normal saline. (a.) (L) Observe the circular or oval outline of the section surrounded by the perichondrium firmly adherent to the cartilage, which consists of cells embedded in a hyaline matrix (fig. 1 1 1, Pch). Chb FIG. in. Hyaline Cartilage. T.S. Human thyroid hardened in alcohol, x. Fibrous matrix ; Chb. Cartilage-capsules ; Pch. Perichondrium. (ft.) (H) Observe that the cells are smaller and flattened near the periphery, fusiform farther in, oval or spherical nearer the centre of the section. They may lie singly, or in groups, or in rows. (c.) The matrix is generally hyaline, but in some places it may be fibrous (figs, in, x, and ii2,/). (d.) Around each cell, or, it may be, each group of cells (fig. 112, 3 or 2), look for a cartilatje-capsule (fig. in). It is firmly united to and continuous with the matrix ; but by tilting the mirror slightly, so as to modify the light, it may be seen distinctly as a VIII.] CELLULAR AND HYALINE CARTILAGE. 149 well-defined membrane bounding the cell-cavity. Not unfrequently several so-called " daughter-cells" may be seen within one capsule. 6. Hardened Costal Cartilage. Mount a transverse section of costal cartilage which has been hardened in a saturated solution of picric acid. The picric acid is removed by washing in alcohol. (a.) Stain a section with picro-carmine and mount it in Farrant's solution. (/>.) Stain a section in haonatoxylin and mount it in balsam. The matrix is stained of a light blue, and the corpuscles of a deeper tone. (c.) A very good stain for hyaline cartilage is MerkePs indigo-carmine stain (p. 67). The preparation can be X J mounted in balsam, and is not too transparent. (d.) Carmine. Place a similar section for twenty- four hours in a strong solu- tion of ammoniacal carmine (p. 63). Wash away the surplus carmine, and allow a drop of strong glacial acetic acid to fall on the section. After a minute or so, wash the section thoroughly in water to remove all the acid, and mount it in Farrant's solution. Observe the same arrangement of the cells as before, but the cells are stained red while the matrix is colourless. The connec- tive-tissue corpuscles of the perichondrium are also red. Round each cartilage-cell is a thin outline deeper stained than the rest, indicating the presence of a cartilage-capsule. 7. Fat in Cartilage-Cells (H). Place a section of costal cartilage (preferably made from a piece of costal cartilage taken from a person over fifty years of uge) in i per cent, osrnic acid for an hour, wash it in water, and mount in Farrant's solution. (a.) Observe in some of the cells small and somewhat larger aek spots, which are globules of oil blackened by the osmic FIG. ii2. T.S. Human Costal Cartilage, z. Cell shrunk from the wall of its cavity, h ; i. Two cells ia one cartilage-capsule, k; at a; is the commencement of a separation wall ; 2. Five cartilage-cells within one capsule, but the lowest cell has fallen out of its cavity ; 3. Car- tilage-capsule cut obliquely, so that it appears thicker at one side ; 4. Cartilage-capsule not opened into ; g. Hyaline matrix ; /. Fibrous matrix, x 300. black acid. 8. Eosin (H). -Stain with a watcrv solution of eosin a section 150 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [vni. of human costal cartilage from an adult. The section becomes uniformly red. Wash it in dilute acetic acid and mount it in Farrant's solution. (a.) The cells are more deeply stained than the matrix, and numerous cells will be seen in groups or in rows due to the pro- liferation of cartilage-cells. The cartilage-capsules are usually more deeply stained than the surrounding matrix. Look for a part of the matrix which has become fil>rous. It is deeply stained. If the mirror be slightly tilted, or the light shaded from the pre- paration by the hand, the cartilage- capsules are usually distinctly seen. 9. Articular Cartilage. Decalcify the head of a long bone (e.fj., the femur) of a cat or other animal in picric acid Hyaline or chromic and nitric acid, with the Cartilage. p rocau tions indicated at p. 37. When it is thoroughly decalcified, make by freezing vertical sections, so as to in- clude the encrusting cartilage and the subjacent cancellous bone. Place some sections in i per cent, osmic acid for twenty-four hours, and stain others in picro-carmine. Mount examples of both in glycerine-jelly, as glycerine or Farrant's solution makes the tissues rather too transparent. (a.) (L) Observe the layer of en- crusting cartilage fixed upon the can- cellated bone beneath (fig. 113), a bold, irregular, wavy line separating the cartilage from the bone, but the one dovetails into the other. In the FIG. n 3 . v.s. Articular Cartilage, cartilage notice two areas, an upper and Chromic and nitric fluid. Picro- } ,, V. val ; ' mft fwC . carmine. ne, \\itn a nyai nx, an< a lower, narrower one, with a more granular matrix. The latter is the zone of calcified cartilage. A fine wavy delicate line indicates where the hyaline matrix ends and the calcined matrix begins. In the matrix note the cartilage-cells, flattened at the circumference i.e., next the joint cavity in small groups deeper down, and in vertical rows in the substance of the cartilage. (/>.) (H) Study the shape of the cells from the free or joint surface downwards. At the circumference they are flattened or fusiform, and deeper down they are more or less polyhedral and arranged in vertical rows. Some of the cells may be somewhat shrunk within their Calcified Cartilage. Bone. VIII. CELLULAR AND HYALINE CARTILAGE- capsules. A row of cells may be seen partly in the hyaline and partly in the calcified matrix. Note the finely granular character of the calcified matrix. (''.) Observe the bone with its lamellse and bone-corpuscles, and its open meshes containing bone-marrow. 10. Cartilage of Cuttlefish (H). Mount in Farrant's solution a section of the cephalic car- tilage of a cuttlefish. The cartilage must have been hardened previously in picric acid, alcohol, or osmic acid. (a.) Stain a section in picro-carmine. Observe that the cells lie in groups of three or four, and from the periphery of the group processes are given off which anastomose with processes from adjoining groups of cells (fig. 114). Eosin and Hsematoxylin. Stain a section slightly with a dilute solution of eosin and after- wards with dilute hsematoxylin. Mount in Farrant's solution. The matrix is reddish, and the cells and their processes purplish in hue. FIG. 114. Branched Cartilage-Cells of the Cartilage of Loligo. Picric acid, eosin, aud logwood. ADDITIONAL EXERCISE. 11. Silver Nitrate and Cartilage Matrix (H). Rub a piece of solid silver nitrate upon the cartilaginous end of the freshly-excised femur of a frog. Kxpose the cartilage in water to sunlight. It rapidly becomes brown. Make a thin surface section with a razor, and mount it in Farrant's solution. (a.} Observe the matrix stained brown, and a large number of unstained spaces apparently empty. The latter are the cavities in which the cells lie, but the cells themselves are too transparent to be readily seen. This picture is the reverse of that obtained with gold chloride (p. 147). LESSON IX. THE FIBRO-CARTILAGES (WHITE AND YELLOW). III. Fibro-Cartilages. A. White Fibro-Cartilage. 1. Intervertebral Disc. Decalcify in chromic and nitric acid fluid (p. 37) or picro-sulphuric arid (24 hours) an intervertehral disc 152 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [IX. and its adjacent pieces of bone (rabbit or cat). By freezing make vertical sections to include the disc and its adjacent bones ; place the sections for twenty-four hours in i per cent, osmic acid, wash them thoroughly in water, and mount in Farrant's solution or glycerine- jelly. ' (a.) (L) Observe the decalcified bones, and between them the disc (fig. 115). The bone consists, for the most part, of cancellated bone, and the disc stretches between the two plates of denser bone which cover the ends of the vertebrae. A thin layer of hyaline cartilage exists on the surface of the bodies of the vertebrae. (b.) The disc itself is of considerable thickness, and consists of many parallel bundles, between which, and at right angles to them, are other bundles cut transversely, the fibres of adjoining bundles being arranged some- times in a zigzag fashion (fig. 115). In these bundles are carti- lage-cells, more numer- ous in the central bundles and fewer in the outer ones. In the centre of the disc may be seen a more pulpy tissue, the re- mains of the chorda dorsal is. (c.) Externally on both sides is a ligament of connective tissue which passes from one vertebra to the other. It gradually shades into the fibres of the disc. (d.) (H) Observe the fibres, with a greater or less number of large oval cells lying between them. The fibres can perhaps be traced into the matrix of the bone. (e.) The cells oval and with a hyaline capsule are most numer- ous in the central part of the disc, and usually there is no difficulty in seeing groups of cells in the hyaline cartilage forming a thin coating on the bone. The boundary-line between the disc and the bone is never straight, but wavy. This can readily be made out by tilting the mirror slightly. 2. "White Fibro-Cartilage (H). Snip off a small piece of the intervertebral disc of an ox or sheep or man, after hardening a small portion for a day in a saturated solution of picric acid or spirit, or FIG. 115 V.S. Intervertebral Disc of Cat. B. Bone ; D. Disc. Chroino-nitric acid fluid and osmic acid, x 15. IX.] THE FIBRO-CARTILAGES. 153 picro-sulphuric acid (twenty-four hours). The hardening is com- pleted in the various strengths of alcohol. Tease it with needles in Farrant's solution. (a) Observe the fibrous matrix, consisting of very fine, wavy unbranohod fibrils (fig. 116), and between them oval nucleated cells, each one with a distinct thick hyaline capsule. In some of the latter, concentric rings indicating the deposition of successive capsules, may be seen. (b.) The bundles of fibres run in various directions, and each fibril is unbranched. The cells with thick capsules are not very numerous, and lie either singly or in groups of two or three between the fibres. 3 V Another Method. The cells' of this cartilage do not liu-< ; u> stain very readily, but the follow- FIG. 116. From Human Intervertebral Disc. ., , . , ,, m. Matrix or fibrous ground-substance; ing method gives good results : c . Cartilage-cell ; k. Capsule surrounded -Harden the cartilage-small j[J* S^!? x ""* pieces for a day or so in Kleinenberg's fluid (p. 30), and after washing the pieces free from the picro-sulphuric acid, place them for several days in borax- carmine, and stain them en masse. Concentrate the pigment in the cells by placing the pieces in acid alcohol for twenty-four hours (\\ 65). Sections can be "made either by freezing or embedding in paraffin. The cells are stained bright red. B. Yellow Fibro-Cartilage. (i.) Harden the epiglottis of a sheep, dog, or cat for forty-eight hours in absolute alcohol. (ii.) Harden a part of .the ear of a pig in a saturated solution of picric acid for twenty-four hours. Wash away the picric acid with alcohol, and in the various strengths of alcohol complete the hardening. By freezing make sections of the epiglottis and ear. 4. Epiglottis. Stain a section in picro-carmine and mount it in Farrant's solution. (.) (L) Neglecting the stratified epithelium and glands which are present, observe the perichondrium (fig. 1 1 7, c,/), embracing the mass of cartilage, and firmly adherent to the latter, which has a fibrous, yellow-stained matrix, studded with cells stained red embedded in it. The mass of cartilage may appear to be interrupted. or it may even be perforated. (b.) (H) Observe the perichondrium, composed of connective 15 154 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [IX. tissue, with numerous elastic fibres ; the latter can be traced into, and become continuous with, the elastic fibres of the matrix (iig. 117, e, /). The matrix consists of fine branched and anastomosing fibres of elastic tissue, stained yellow with picric acid. Where the fibres are cut transversely, they appear as yellow dots or granules. In addition to these, however, there are numerous granules of elastin scattered in the matrix. In this meshwork notice the nucleated cells stained red. Each cell has a capsule, but near the perichondrium they are smaller and flattened (/), while in the substance of the carti- lage they are larger, oval, or spherical (?). 5. Acid Fuchsin Method. Stain a section with a watery solution of acid fuchsin. Wash the section for a long time in absolute alcohol and mount in balsam. The network is intensely red, and the other parts uncoloured. 6. Double Staining of the Epi- glottis. (i.) Stain a section Avith picro-carmine, and then faintly with logwood. Mount in balsam. To preserve the yellow colour of the fibrils, the clove-oil, with which the section is cleared up, must be made yellowish by dissolving in it a little picric acid. The fibres are yellow, the cells red, and the nuclei purplish. (ii.) Stain another section with ,.- ,~ >, .- , ,, ~ dilute eosin-hsematoxylin, and mount Elastic fibres ; i. Superficial layers of it in Farrant's solution or balsam. The cells take the logwood tint, and Alcohol and picrb- the fibres the colour of eosin. 7. Ear of Pig or Horse. Stain a section in picro-carmine, and mount it in Farrant's solution. (L and H) Observe the skin, its glands and muscles. Neglect these, and note the perichondrium enclosing the cartilage with a characteristic arrangement of the cells. The cells near the surface are small, flattened, and parallel to it, while those in the centre are larger and arranged across the long axis of the section. n FIG. 117 T S. Epiglottis Fat-cells in perichoudrimn f a Dog. c smaller cells ; r. Layer of larger cells with elastic grannies, l.\ f. Pericliondrium. carnune. IX.] THE FIBRO-CARTILAGES. 155 Between the cells is a matrix, which may be partly hyaline and partly yellow fibrous. 8. Transition of Hyaline to Elastic Cartilage (H). Dissect out the arytenoid cartilage of an ox or sheep. Harden and pre- serve it in alcohol. Cut sections through the part where the hyaline cartilage merges into the elastic variety. This is quite visible to the naked eye, the elastic part being more opaque and yellowish white in tint. Stain a section with picro-carmine, and . 1 18. Elastic Cartilage Ear of Horse, hardened in alcohol. El. Elastic fibres cut in various directions ; K. Nucleus of cartilage-cell ; Knh. Contour of cartilage-cell cavity ; Knh'. Empty cartilage capsule ; Knz. Cartilage-cell. FIG. ng. Elastic Cartilage developing in Hyaline Cartilage in Arytenoid Carti- lage of a Calf, x ioo. The clear spaces indicate the position of the cells, the shadow part the hyaliue matrix. mount it in Farraiit's solution. On making a section of such a cartilage in the fresh condition, one part has the pale-bluish colour of hyaline cartilage, and the other part is very faintly yellow. (a.) At one part observe hyaline cartilage, whose matrix gradually becomes fibrous. At first only a few scattered granules of elastin are seen, then the hyaline matrix is traversed by elastic fibres, and gradually the matrix loses its hyaline character, and becomes distinctly fibrous. Around each cell there is a clear area hyaline devoid of fibres (fig. 119). 156 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [X. LESSON X. CONNECTIVE TISSUE. THE group of Connective Tissues includes cartilage, ordinary connective tissue (with adipose tissue), adenoid or retiform tissue, mucous tissue, bone and dentine, (i) These all subserve more or less mechanical functions in the organism; (2) they all have much in common in structure, i.e., they are composed of cells, and an intercellular matrix, but usually the development of the matrix exceeds that of the cells ; and (3) they are all developed from the mesoblast of the embryo. ORDINARY CONNECTIVE TISSUE. It consists of the following structural elements : A. Structural Elements. -r,.-, ( White or gelatinous. Fibres. | Ye]lQw or & elastic> f fl. Flattened or lamellar cells, called also fixed oon- j j nective-tissue corpuscles. 5 j Fixed . . { 2. Granular cells (eosinopliilous cells ?). 1,1 j 3. Vacuolated or plasma cells of Waldeyer. ^o I I .Clasmatocytes of Ranvier (?). I Migratory. Wandering cells or leucocytes. B. Arrangement qf these Elements. (a.) Areolar, e.g. , subcutaneous and submucous tissues. (6.) Bundles in parallel groups, e.g. , tendon (with parallel fibres) and fasciae (fibres crossing at right angles), (o.) Fenestrated fibrous membranes, e.g., omentum. (d.) Compact bundles crossing in all directions, e.g., skin. The lamellar cells are flattened or winged plates which lie on the bundles of fibrils. They have a large oval nucleus lying in a clear plate. The granular cells, or " Mastzellen " of Ehrlich, are often found near blood-vessels, and in the -fat present in areolar tissue, in the submucous tissue of the intestine, and in Glisson's capsule. The cells are often spherical, and the granules are numerous and proteid in nature, and stain with aniline dyes, e.g., cosin, hence the term sometimes applied to them "eosinopliilous cells." The plasma cells were formerly confused with the foregoing, X.] CONNECTIVE TISSUE. 157 but in the plasma cells the protoplasm is vacuolated, and the vacuoles contain fluid. They sometimes have short processes. What the relation of the clasmatocytes to these other cells may be is so far not determined ; nor, indeed, do we know the relation between the granular and the plasma cells. The migratory cells are identical with the white blood-cor- puscles or lymph-corpuscles, and may therefore be regarded as an adventitious element. Yellow or Elastic Fibres occur in the ligamentum nuchse of animals (large fibres) ; lig. subflava ; stylo-hyoid ligament ; con- nective tissue generally ; in the walls of the air-tubes and lungs ; the larger blood-vessels, especially arteries ; the vocal cords and some ligaments of the larynx ; many organs, e.g., spleen. 1. Yellow or Elastic Fibres Thick Fibres (H). Tease out in water a fragment of the ligamentum nuchse of an ox ; cover and examine it. It can be mounted in Farrant's solution. (a.) Observe the broad fibres with a definite outline, yellow in colour, refracting the light strongly, branching and anastomosing, and some- times curling at their ends where they are broken across (fig. 120, /). A small quantity of white fibrous tissue will be found between and supporting the ill .res (/,). (/>.) Measure the size of one of the larger fibres. They are about 7_8 /A (;nWth m ch) in diameter. ((-.) Irrigate with acetic acid. The fibres are not affected, and no nuclei are revealed in them. They consist of the substance elastin, which is unaffected by acetic acid. Make longitudinal and transverse sections of the ligamentum nuchse (hardened in alcohol). Stain both in picro-carmine and mount in Farrant's solution. The connective tissue is thereby stained red, and the elastic fibres yellow. 2. L. S. Ligamentum Nuchae (H). Observe the fibres (yellowish), with a small amount of connective tissue (red) between them. The FIG. 120. f. Elastic fibres from the undue ; f>. Fine white fibrous tissue, x 300. 158 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [X. lil)res ; c. Connective-tissue between them; n Nuclei of connective-tissue cor- puscles. Alcohol and borax- carmine, x 300. fibres are broad with well-defined margins, have a feeble yellow tint, and are transparent. They branch and anastomose, and where ruptured curl up at their ends. 3. T.S. Ligamentum Nuchse of Ox (H). Observe the polygonal ends of the broad fibres yellow and nearly as broad as, or broader than, a coloured blood-corpuscle, sometimes single, mostly in groups of three or more (fig. 1 2 1, a) homogeneous throughout. A small amount of connective tissue (c) (red) between the groups. 4. Another section may be stained with a watery solution of magenta and mounted in Farrant's solution. The fibres are stained red, but the pigment is ap6 to diffuse into the Farrant's solution. 5. A good plan is after hardening the ligamentum nuchse in alcohol to stain it in borax-carmine for several days, with the precautions stated at p. 65. Transverse sections show the white fibrous tissue between the elastic fibres, with its nuclei stained red (fig. 121, n). 6. Fine Yellow Elastic Fibres (H). Harden the mesocolon or mesentery of a young rabbit in Flemming's fluid, and stain it in methyl-violet as directed under Lesson X. 14, ^^^^^^^^^ or stain it with magenta, when the elastic fibres are stained red ; or with safranin after hardening in chromic acid. (a.) Observe the network of fine elastic fibres. Many of the fibres have a diameter equal to one-sixth, or less, of that of a coloured blood-corpuscle (i p. or TT^.^Q- inch Mesocolon of Rabbit, in diameter). The fibres branch and anasto- J lemming s fluid and j i r 1 1 j? safranin. mose, and by carefully focussing, one can observe that the fibres do not all lie in the same plane (fig. 122). 7. Fenestrated Membranes (H). Sometimes the elastin is so arranged as to form sheets or plates of elastic tissue, e.g., in the large arteries ; at other times these are perforated with holes, and are called fenestrated elastic membranes. With a pair of forceps tear off a little of the endocardium from a sheep's heart, spread it on a slide, and treat it with caustic potash. Or use the basilar artery, slit it up and scrape away the outer coats, and use caustic potash as before. (a.) Observe near the margin of the preparation the elastic membrane with holes in it (lig. 123). X.] CONNECTIVE TISSUE. 159 8. White Fibres of Areolar Tissue (H). Dissect off a thin lamella from an intcrmuscular septum, or remove a little of the subcutaneous tissue of a rabbit or rat. Place it on a dry slide, and rapidly spread it out into a tli in film, but do not let it become dry, which can easily be avoided by breathing on the ] (reparation. This is known as the "half-drying" or "semi- desiccation method," and is a very useful one, especially for sections containing much con- nective-tissue. Place a drop of iim-iivil Qilinp enliitmn rm fhr* FIG. 123. Network of Thick Elastic Fibres. n. Pa*siiiff into a fenestrnted membrano. COVer-glaSS illld apply it to the Human endocardium. Fresh and preparation. (a.) Observe the unbranched white fibres, wavy in their course, EL- Bilgf Bilgf Bdgf Lc Lc FIG. 124. Areolar Tissue from Intermiiscnlar Tissue of a Oalf, x 200. I'.dirf. ( 'ouuective- tissiie fibres, i.e., bundles of fibres ; Bdgz. Connective-tissue cells ; EIF. Elastic fibres ; Lc. Leucocytes. with a faint, ill-defined outline, crossing each other in various directions. They are colourless, of feeble refractive power, and i6o PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [X. transparent. The fibres are striated longitudinally, and are seen to be made up of excessively delicate fine unbranched fibrils. The fibres vary from 6 /u to 8 /* in diameter (-^^-^^ inch). They may be round or flattened, and are of indefinite length. Amongst the white fibres may be seen a few fine elastic fibres (E1F), recog- nised by their sharper contour, and by the fact that they branch and anastomose. . They run between, but never in the white fibres. It is not often that the corpuscles are visible without the action of special reagents. The corpuscles are best seen in young animals (fig. 124, Bdgz). (b.) Irrigate with a 2 per cent, solution of glacial acetic acid ; observe that the white fibres swell up, become clear, gelatinous, and homogeneous ; the elastic fibres being unaffected, come clearly into view. The latter have a sharply- defined outline, branch and anasto- mose, and sometimes curl at the ends. The corpuscles, or at least their nuclei, come into view. Observe the oval or fusiform nuclei of the fixed connective - tissue corpuscles (Bdgz) they may be surrounded with some soft protoplasm and the much smaller compound nuclei of the wandering cells or leucocyte* (Lc). In the rat especially one is very likely to find the very granular nucleated cells known as granular cells. They frequently lie along the course of the small blood- vessels. Do not preserve this specimen. If the areolar tissue be taken from the sub-arachnoid space of the brain and treated with dilute acetic acid, the fibres lose their librillated structure, nuclei appear, and the fibres themselves may be seen to swell up here and there, while they are constricted at irregular intervals by a thin fibre. This is due to these fibres being partly embraced by connective-tissue cells, which have long branches which partly encircle the fibre. 9. Fenestrated Fibrous Tissue (L and H). Harden the omentum of a dog or cat in Miiller's fluid. Stain a piece in logwood, and mount in balsam. Note the meshes bounded by areolar tissue. The fibrils which compose the fibres are readily seen, and sometimes an cnclotliolial cell may be seen partially detached (fig. 125, E'), for the omentum Flo. 125. Omentum of Dog. E', E". Par- tially detached endothelial cells. E. Nuclei of endothelial cells, x 130. X.] CONNECTIVE TISSUE. 161 lying in a serous cavity is covered with endothelium. The nuclei on the surface are the nuclei of endothclial cells, and those in the sub- stances of the trabeculffi belong to connective-tissue cells. ADDITIONAL EXERCISES. 10. Martinotti's Reaction for Elastic Fibres ( H ). Harden elastic tissue, e.g., ligamentum nuchse, or an organ containing elastic fibres, e.g., skin, artery, lung, trachea, in .2 per cent, chromic acid for three weeks. Cut sections and place them for twenty-four to forty-eight hours in a saturated alcoholic solution of safranin-0. Wash them in acid alcohol (p. 65), and then in absolute alcohol, to remove the surplus dye ; clear in xylol, and mount in xylol-balsam. (a.) All the elastic fibres, and they alone, are now either purplish, or, if the fibres be fine, black. This is a most excellent method for differentiating elastic fibres. The one thing of importance is to secure a good sample of safranin ; some samples are quite inactive. 11. Elastic Fibres (ffcrxheimer's Method). Place the sections containing elastic fibres in an alcoholic solution of hjematoxylin, to which is added a few drops of a saturated solution of lithium carbonate. Stain them for a few minutes. Place them for five to twenty seconds in tincture of perchloride of iron, which rapidly decolorises all except the elastic fibres, which remain bluish or blackish. Wash in water and mount in balsam. This method is admir- ably adapted for demonstrating the longitudinal layer of elastic fibres in the trachea and bronchi. 12. Violet-B Method. Cut out the hyaloid mem- brane of a frog's eye, or a piece of the omentum of a young rabbit, or the suspensory ligament of the liver of a rabbit. In normal saline pencil away the epi- thelium covering the membrane. Stain the section with violet-B (i gram violet- B in 300 cc. of normal saline). This stains the cells and the elastic fibres. The preparation cannot be mounted in glycerine or Farrant's solution, as these dissolve out the dye, but a strong solution of common salt may be used (,V. Mayer). 13. Areolar Tissue Permanent Preparations. (i.) By means of a hypodermic syringe (fig. 126) make an interstitial injection of silver nitrate (i : 1000) into the subcutaneous tissue of a dog or rabbit. In this way an artificial cedema is produced and the tissues are " fixed." With a pair of scissors curved on the flat, snip out a little of the now cedematous connective tissue and stain it with picro-carmine. It requires some time to stain, and the preparation should be left for ten to twelve hours in a moist chamber .^fig. 70), and then the picro-carmine is slowly displaced by acid glycerine, i.c., glycerine slightly acidulated with formic acid. In this way the FIG. 126. Hypodermic Sy- ringe for making a Sub- cutaneous or Interstitial Injection. 1 62 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [X. various elements fibrous and cellular are usually brought distinctly into view (Ranvier}. (ii.) An excellent plan is to inject picro-carmine interstitially, and to leave the bulla several hours before snipping out a small part of it and mounting it in formic glycerine, hi this preparation connective-tissue fibres with con- strictions at intervals are frequently seen. (iii.) A fibre may be stained with acid haernatoxylin and mounted in gly- crrine (p. 69). 14. Coarsely Granular Cells (" Mastzcllen " of Ehrlicti). Place part of the omentum of a young rabbit or the fat from around the kidney of a rat or rabbit in a watery solution of gentian-violet, to which a filtered watery solu- tion of aniline-oil has been added. Heat the whole in a capsule until the vapour begins to rise, and allow it to cool. After staining for twenty-four hours, remove the tissue and wash it in acid alcohol until most of the blue is gone. Dehydrate it in absolute alcohol, dear with xylol, and mount it in xylol-balsam. (H) Search for a blood-vessel, and along its course will be found large oval cells crowded with numerous granules stained blue (fig. 127). These cells are found also apart from the blood- vessels. 15. Gentian-Violet and Carmine Preparation. The preparation may be double stained, thus : After washing in acid alcohol, stain the prepara- tion in lithium-carmine for a few minutes, and again extract with acid alcohol. Mount as before in balsam. Observe the granules of the cells, blue as before, the nucleus red. All the other nuclei in the field are now red. 16. Clasmatocytes. Ranvier 1 has given the name clasmatocyte (tc\d(ru,a, fragment, KVTOS, cell) to cells which can be seen in thin connective-tissue mem- branes of vertebrates. In Triton cristatus these cells may be I mm. in length. Stretch a membrane, e.g., the omenturn of a mammal or mesentery of a small reptile on a slide. Fix its elements by dropping on it a drop of I per cent, osmic acid, and then stain it with methyl-violet-BBBBB (i part) dissolved in distilled water (10 parts). Examine the preparation in the fluid or in water. Large branched cells are seen stained of a bluish tint. At the extremities of the branches are small islands or granulations similarly tinted, and it is for this reason Ranvier has given them this name. 17. Cell-Spaces in Areolar Tissue (H). From a freshly-killed rabbit snip out a small piece of the subcutaneous tissue as free from fat as pos- sible. Spread it upon a dry slide, and drop on it FIG. 128. Cell-Spaces in Areo- from a pipette a half per cent, solution of silver lar Tissue. Silver nitrate, nitrate. Allow the silver to act for ten to twelve minutes, remove it, cover the film with glycerine and expose it to light. It rapidly becomes broun. It is better to use con- nrctive-tissue from a calf, but the layer used must not be too thin. (a.) If successful, note a brownish ground the cement substance and in it clear branched spaces corresponding in shape to the fixed connective-tissue cor- puscles. These are the cell-spaces (fig. 128). 1 Comptcs Rcndus, vol. 110, p. 165, 1890. FIG. 127. Coarsely Granular Cells, the " Maslzellen " of GcTinnn authors, from Rat. /. Fat cells ; v. Vein ; in. " ^lastzelleii.' XI.] TENDON. 18. Perioesophageal Membrane of Frog. To Rnnvier 1 we owe our know- ledge of the value of this membrane. The oesophagus is surrounded by a lymph- sac, which is separated from the pleuro-peritoneal cavity by an excessively thin membrane. The sac is readily distended by insufflation, after pulling out the oesophagus through the mouth by means of a hook. This membrane is covered 011 both surfaces by epithelium which can be stained with silver nitrate ; its texture consists of fine connective-tissue with elastic fibres, but containing clasmatocytes, and in it are also to be found blood-vessels and non-medullated nerves. Treat it as described in 16, to see the clasmatocytes. By the same pro- cess the non-mt'dullated. nerve fibres and elastic fibres will also be stained. LESSON XI. TENDON. Tendon is composed of white fibres arranged longitudinally and parallel to each other. The fibres are arranged in bundles, the tendon-bundles, which are held together by a slieath and sepia of connective-tissue. The fibres are united to each other by a cement substance, and on the- primary bundles of the fibres are placed the tendon-cells, which vary in their shape and arrangement in different tendons. It is supplied by few blood-vessels, and con- tains only a few elastic fibres. Tendon. Harden a small tendon of a man, calf, dog, or cat, in Miiller's fluid, alcohol, bichromate of potash, and com- plete the hardening in alcohol. By freez- ing, make transverse and longitudinal sec- tions, or use the celloidin method. Tendons cannot be cut after being embedded in paraffin, they become too hard. 1. T.'S. Tendon (L). (a.) Stain a sec- tion in picro-carmine, and mount it in Warrant's solution. Observe the sheath (fig. 129, #), composed of connective tissue arranged circularly, sending septa (/) into the substance, of the tendon, thus breaking it up into polygonal areas of different sizes, which are filled by the cut ends of the longitudinally-arranged iibn-s. 1 CoMjiffs lli-mtiis, vol. Ill, p. 863, 1890. FIG. 129. T.S. Tendon. s. Slieath, with b. Blood-ves- sel ; t. Trabeculsc or septa ; c. l.ranchfd spaces in the tendon for tendon-cells; I. Matrix or cut ends of the fibres, x 50. 164 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XI. (b.) The branching stellate spaces, interfascicular spaces (fig. 129, c), between the fasciculi or bundles of fibres. If these spaces contain air, they appear somewhat dark. These spaces can readily be seen as branched dark spaces if a transverse section is made by means of a knife, not a razor of a small tendon dried at the ordinary temperature. (c.) (H) Observe the cut ends of the fibres (I), which appear almost homogeneous, but amongst them here and there may be seen a few dots, which are the transverse sections of elastic fibres. and the branched tendon- spaces (c), some of them with a nucleated branched cell. 2. L.S. Tendon. Stain a section with logwood, and mount it in balsam. (H) Observe the longitudinal arrangement of the fibres, and between them rows of fusiform tendon - cells, or rather the long fusiform nuclei of the tendon cells arranged between the fibres. The other parts of the cell become too trans- parent to be seen (fig. 130). Sometimes a L.S. of one of the septa may be seen. 3. Fibrils in Tendon (H). Macerate a tendon from the tail of a rat for twenty-four hours in a satu- rated solution of picric acid, or for 34 hours in baryta water. Tease a small part, and examine it first in water. Mount it in Farrant's solution. This is apt, however, to render the fibrils too transparent. Perhaps a better method is to place the fine tendons for twenty-four hours in equal parts of i per cent, osmic acid and i per cent, silver nitrate. Mount a teased preparation in Farrant's solution. (.) Observe the isolated fibrils (-^-Q^-Q-Q inch in diameter), exces- sively fine; wavy, and unbranched (fig. 131). 4. Tendon of Eat (Gold Chloride Method). Kill a rat, cut off its tail, forcibly rupture the tail, when a long leash of fine white FIG u Rows of nuclei of tendon-cells. XL] TENDON. 165 glistening threads or tendons will be obtained. Prepare the tendons by one of the gold chloride methods. One of the best methods is the lemon-juice method of Ranvier (p. 79), but the boiled formic acid and gold method also yields excellent results. It is to be re- membered that it is not necessary to use gold chloride to demonstrate the tendon- cells ; this can be done by hsematoxylin. With regard to the action of gold chloride, my experience leads me to believe, that in order to see the rows of tendon-cells with their lateral protoplasm expansions, the lemon-juice method is very good; while the old acetic acid method makes the fibres less swollen up, and on teasing they are readily isolated, thus enabling one to see cells either singly or in rows clasping them. . Not un- frequently isolated tendon-cells are to be seen in the field of the microscope. Tease a small part of the gold tendon in Farrant's solution. (a.) (H) The fibres are swollen up and transparent, and lying 011 them are rows of tendon-cells (fig. 132, b, b) stained of a violet tint. Each cell is somewhat oblong with a distinct nucleus, and . i3i. Fibrils of Tendon of Rat Isolated by Picric Acid, x 300. li.. i 52. Gold Chloride, Tendon, Tail of Rat. a. Tendon - cells seen on edge and embracing a fibre; bb. On the fiat, the cells with a ridge. FIG. 133. Tendon-Cells, Tail of Rat. c. Cells ; p. Lateral prolongation or expansion uf the cell protoplasm ; . Nucleus ; a. Stripe or ridge. bears a flattened wing-shaped expansion (fig. 133). Along the colls is usually to be seen a stripe or ridge (fig. 133), produced by the cells being compressed between several adjoining fibres. This ridge may be seen to be interrupted in some of the cells. The nuclei of the adjacent cells may be seen to be close together. 1 66 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XL (b.) If a side view of the cells is obtained (fig. 132, a), they partially clasp the fibre, but never envelope it completely ; in this respect these cells differ from endothelium. 5. T.S. of Gold Tendon (H). Kemove the skin from the tail of a young rat, cut out a piece of the tail a quarter of an inch in length with its tendons, and subject it to the gold chloride process (p. 79). When, after reduction, it has become purple or brownish, decalcify the bone, harden it in alcohol, and make transverse sections. Mount one in balsam. (a.) Many tissues will be seen, including muscle, nerve, fat, and bone. Neglecting these, observe the small rounded areas at the circumference, the transverse sections of the small tendons, each surrounded by its own sheath of connective tissue (fig. 134, t). In each observe the branched stellate spaces (fig. 134, c), frequently anastomosing with each other. These interfascicular spaces are ..I FIG. 134. T.S. of a small Ten- don, Tail of Kat. t. Sheath ; c. Interfascicular spaces with tendon -celU. Gold chloride. thellal Cells on the Sur- face of a Tendon, Tail of Rat. Silver nitrate. purplish in colour ; they contain the tendon-cells, and also a purplish deposit due to the gold chloride acting on the lymph which they contain in the fresh condition. 6. Endothelial Sheath of Tendon (L and H) Silver a leash of the fine tendons from the tail of a rat. Mount a short length of one of them in balsam. (a.). Observe the tendon made up of parallel fibres, and note on their surface a single layer of endothelium. The squamesare large, polygonal, and mapped out by "silver lines," but no nuclei are visible. 7. Fresh Tendons and Acid Logwood (H).- Place three or four tendons (rat's) i| inch long, on a dry slide, and fix their ends with paraffin, so as to keep them extended. Make a solution of acid logwood by adding one part of i per cent, glacial acetic acid to three parts of. logwood solution. This solution is red. Place a drop of it on a cover-glass, and lay it on the tendons. The acid brings into view rows of narrow, granular, nucleated cells between XI.] TENDON. 167 the fibres of the tendon, while at the same time the logwood stains them. Instead of acid logwood use picro-carmine or acid hsema- toxylin (p. 69). Displace the dye with water and mount in glycerine. The tendons are purposely taken longer than the breadth of the cover-glass, so that they may remain stretched. 8. Fresh Tendon. On a black surface, tease in normal saline a small piece of any tendon of a calf. Observe the fibres and fibrils, but no cells are visible. Irrigate the preparation with 2 per cent, acetic acid. The mass becomes clear and transparent to the naked eye, and now under the microscope one sees the fusiform nucleated cells singly or in line in order between the swollen-up fibres. The preparation may be stained with magenta, which brings into clearer view the cells, and any elastic fibres present, ADDITIONAL EXERCISES. 9. Tendon of Eat (Dogicl's Method). Very good preparations are obtained by placing the fresh tendons for several days the longer the better in Grenadier's alum-carmine (p. 65). This fluid stains but slowly. The cells, however, are stained, and if a tendon be teased, isolated cells, and cells on the fibres are easily seen. It is a good method for showing the relations of the cells to the fibres. 10. T.S. Tail of Rat (Corrosive Sublimate and or ax- Carmine). Harden short lengths of the tail of a rat, the skin being first removed, in corrosive sublimate for three hours or so. Remove every trace of the mercuric salt by prolonged washing in alcohol. Stain the tissue in bulk in borax-car- mine, and then decalcify it in dilute hydrochloric acid. Make transverse sections, after embedding it by the interstitial method in paraflin. Sections may also be made by freezing, but they are apt to fall asunder. This method also yields beautiful preparations, comparable to those by the gold chloride methods. The transverse .sections of the tendons are very characteristic. 11. Dried Rat's Tendons. A very convenient method is to dry the tendons of a rat's tail, keeping them extended during the process. After drying, they can then be used at any time. By acting on them with dilute acetic acid they swell up slowly, and the rows of cells are thereby revealed. The cells after washing away the acetic acid can be stained with picro- rnrmine, and the preparation mounted in dilute glycerine. '12 Cell-Spaces (Saft-CaiMcten) in Central FlQ . I36 ._ C ell-Spaces in the Cen- Tendon (Silver Method). Place the central tral Tendon of the Diaphragm tendon or the whole diaphragm for five minutes of Rabbit. I Lymphatic ; s. in a per cent, silver nitrate. Remove it, and Cell-spaces. Silver nitrate, with a camel's-hair pencil brush both surfaces of the tendon to remove the endothelium. Replace it in the silver solution for fifteen minutes. Remove it ; wash it in water, and expose it to light to 1 68 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XII. reduce the silver. One piece may be mounted in balsam ; another piece should be stained with acid logwood or picro-lithium carmine (in this case use dilute hydrochloric acid), and mounted in balsam. (a.) Observe a large number of clear, branched anastomosing spaces, sur- rounded by brown areas of ground-substance. The former are the cell-spaces and Saft-Cancilchcn, or juice-canals, and some of the latter may be seen to communicate with the lymphatics (fig. 136). (b.) In the stained specimen, stained nuclei are seen in the spaces, i.e. , the nuclei of the cells which occupy these spaces. 13. Cell-Spaces (Iron Sulphate Method}. Using the fresh central tendon of the diaphragm of a mouse or guinea-pig or rat, place it for a few minutes in I per cent, sulphate of iron. Pencil away the surface endothelium, and leave it in the iron solution for five to seven minutes. Remove it, wash it, and place it in i per cent, ferricyanide of potash, in which it becomes blue. Mount it in Farrant's solution or balsam. In this preparation the cell-spaces and juice- canals are again clear, but the ground-substance is blue. 14. Cell-Spaces in Kat's Tendon. The fine tendons are placed in silver nitrate (| per cent.) for two minutes, and then the epithelium is brushed off by a camel's-hair pencil. Five or six sweeps of the brush usually suffice. The tendons are stained for other ten minutes in silver, washed, and exposed to light in alcohol. Rows of clear, somewhat quadrangular spaces in a brownish matrix are obtained. LESSON XII. ADIPOSE, MUCOUS, AND ADENOID TISSUES- PIGMENT CELLS. ADIPOSE TISSUE (FATTY TISSUE). Adipose Tissue. A fat-cell consists of a membrane enclosing a globule of oil, which pushes the oval flattened nucleus (surrounded by a small amount of protoplasm) to one side, so that it lies close under the cell-wall. Size, 40 //, to 80 p (^-Q-^-Q inch). Fat-cells are arranged in groups, which form lobules, and these again form lobes. Each lobule has an afferent artery, one or two efferent veins, and a dense network of capillaries between the fat- cells, each capillary surrounding one or more fat-cells. It is to be remembered that cells in connective tissue containing fat may have a two-fold origin. Fat may be formed in ordinary connective-tissue cells, but there are other cells of a connective- tissue nature, which seem to be more specifically fat-cells. During development this tissue is formed at certain parts, e.g., in the groin, axilla, and neck, and presents a grayish-yellow appearance in the form of lobules, surrounded by connective-tissue readily seen in a young animal. The cells at first contain granules. The XII.] ADIPOSE TISSUE. 169 fat-cells derived from this tissue form lobules, and are supplied with blood-vessels very much as a gland is supplied with blood; so that each lobule is provided with an artery, vein, and capillaries. 1. Fat-Cells. Cut out a small piece of the omentum of a cat, selecting a piece that con- tains a little fat, and mount it in normal saline. (ti.) (L) Observe the large, highly refractive fat-cells arranged singly or in groups (fig. 137). (b.) (H) The large fat-cells of variable size FIG. 137. Fat-CeiK some some of them polygonal highly refractive contents, but no nucleus visible; connective- tissue passing between some of the cells. showing a Nucleus. The central one shows crystals of margarine, X ioo. Place mil part of the omen- 2. Action of Osmic Acid (H) tum of a cat or embryo ox in ] per cent, osmic acid for an hour. Wash it thoroughly, and mount in Farrant's solution. (fi.) (L) Observe the fat-cells, which first be- come brown and ulti- mately quite black. The fat-cells are in groups, and their relations to the blood-vessels can also be seen in fig. 138. 3. Membrane and Nucleus of Fat-Cells (H). Place a piece of the omentum or subcu- taneous adipose tissue in absolute alcohol for several days, and after- wards in ether for a day or two ; or the tissue may be boiled for a few minutes first in alcohol and then in ether. Transfer a small piece to hsematoxylin and allow it to stain for several hours. Wash it in water and place it in absolute alcohol. Extract it with turpentine, clear it up with clove- oil, and mount it in balsam. 16 B FIG. 138. Fat-Cells stained with Osmic Acid from lh: Omentum of an Embryo Ox. A. The fat-cells in groups or lobules, blackened by the osmic acid, and showing their relation to the blood-vessels; 11. a-c fat-cells in different stages of development. PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XII. (a.) Observe the collapsed membrane of the fat-cells, with a small oval blue-stained nucleus immediately under the cell-wall. A small quantity of protoplasm surrounding the nucleus may be visible. 4. Or harden a small piece of the omentum of a rat or other animal in absolute alcohol. Select a piece which contains some fat. Stain it for twenty minutes in lithium-carmine, then place it in acid alcohol (i per cent, hydrochloric acid in 70 per cent, alcohol) ; place it in absolute alcohol ; clear it up with clove-oil or xylol, and mount in Canada balsam. (a.) Observe the envelopes of the fat-cells and the nuclei of the fat-cells, the latter stained bright red (fig. 139). Other red-stained nuclei are visible, but they are the nuclei of blood-capillaries between the fat-cells. 5. Margarine Crystals (H). Place a small piece of fat for forty- eight hours in glycerine. Tease a piece in Farrant's solution. (a.^ Notice the large cells some of them with granular contents, FlO. 139. Empty envoi opes of Fat-Cells. Alcohol and ether. PlG. 140. Fat-Cells containing Crystals of Margarine. others with a stellate arrangement of needle-shaped crystals of margarine (figs. 137 and 1 40). If the star of crystals really palmitic and stearic acids be broken up, then the needle-shaped crystals are distributed throughout the cell. 6. Blood- Vessels of Adipose Tissue (L and H). Make a rather thick section of a mass of adipose tissue in which the blood-vessels have been injected. This can be done by injecting the blood-vessels of a rabbit with a carmine-gelatine mass. As the fat is very soft, the best method of obtaining such sections is to saturate the tissue with paraffin and cut it in paraffin. Mount sections not too thin in balsam. A section which has been saturated with paraffin and cut in this substance must have the paraffin removed by soaking in XII. ADIPOSE TISSUE. 171 turpentine or xylol, which dissolves out the paraffin ; the section is afterwards mounted in balsam. (L) Observe the very vascular small lobules, composed of fat-cells. To each lobule there passes one artery, and from it emerge one or two veins. (H) Observe the loop of capillaries round each fat-cell or around several fat-cells. 7. Development of Fat-Cells. These may be studied in the subcutaneous tisyie of a newly-born rat, or in the omentum of a newly-born rabbit. Stain a small piece of any of these tissues in osmic acid. (a.) (L) Observe the fat-cells in groups surrounded by connective tissue. (b.) (H) Observe the shape of the cells, with small globules of oil black scattered throughout the protoplasm, the nucleus pushed to one side in the more developed fatty cells by a globule of oil, which is stained black (figs. 138, 141). 8. Atrophic Fat-Cells. These are readily obtained from the yellow bone-marrow of an old person who has died from some wasting disease, or from the sub-pericardial fat of a person who has died from phthisis. (H) Observe the envelope of the fat-cell, now no longer completely filled with fat, but containing a little protoplasm and some serous fluid. 9. Injection Method. By means of a hypodermic syringe, inject under the skin of a dog or cat silver nitrate (i in 1000), which c.-iuscs a local oedema and isolates the elements of the areolar tissue, including the fat-cells (JRanvur). FIG. 141. Developing Fat-Cells from the Subcutaneous Tissue of a Foetus. Osmic acid. MUCOUS TISSUE. Mucous Tissue. In the embryo it exists under the skin ; it forms Wharton's jelly of the umbilical cord, and in the, adult it forms the. vitreous humour. It is essentially an embryonic tissue. 10. Mucous Tissue (H). Harden the umbilical cord of a three- inonths foetus in Mailer's fluid and then in alcohol. J\ lake trans- verse sections by freezing, and stain them in picro-cannine or h;eni;itoxvlin or gentian-violet. Mount in Warrant's solution. (a.) Observe the large, branched, granular, nucleated cells, which 172 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XII. FIG. 142. Mucous Tissue of Umbilical Cord of Fretus. MUller's lluid and logwood, x 300. anastomose with each other. Between the cells is a fluid which contains mucin, and according to the stage of development of the cord, there, is a grejitoror less number of fibres. The older the cord, the more the fibres increase in num- ber, and its characters approach those of ordinary connective- tissue. A better view of the finer processes is obtained by examining the. tissue in normal saline (fig. 142). ADENOID TISSUE. Adenoid, Ketiform, or Re- ticular Tissue consists of a re- ticulum or network of fine fibrils, which run in all directions, forming a meshwork in several planes. Some regard it as made up of branched corpuscles, the processes of which anastomose. In the meshes are leucocytes or lymph-cells, which usually occur in such numbers as to obscure the presence of the fine meshwork in which they lie. It is very widely distributed, e.g., in lymphatic glands, simple and compound, tonsils, solitary glands, and Peyer's glands ; in the bronchial, pharyngeal, nasal, intestinal mucous membrane, spleen, thymus, and a few other situations. 11. Adenoid Tissue of Lymphatic Glands. This may be pre- pared in several ways. (i.) Harden an abdominal lymphatic gland of a calf or kitten for two weeks in MUller's fluid. Make sections, and shake up one in a test-tube with some water ; this dislodges the lymph corpuscles, and in places leaves the fine reticulum visible. (ii.) A better plan is to inject into a fresh lymph gland a J per cent, solution of osmic acid, or J per cent, solution of silver nitrate. In either case an oedema is produced which separates the parts and reveals the network. The injection is made by means of a hypo- dermic syringe (fig. 1 26). The syringe is filled with the solution, and the sharp nozzle is thrust into the gland, and the contents of the syringe rapidly injected haphazard into the organ. It passes in, and forms, as it were, an oedema, and separates, and at the same time hardens, the constituent parts of the organ. This is the method of interstitial injection, one which is frequently employed. (iii.) The gland may be hardened for twenty-four hours in picric XII.] ADENOID TISSUE. 173 acid, and the sections stained with eosiii-hsematoxylin and mounted in balsam. (H) Observe some parts crowded with lymph corpuscles, but where these are wanting, note the very fine network of fibres, with nuclei here and there at the points of intersection (fig. 143). The lymph corpuscles may be got rid of by applying to a fresh preparation a dilute solution of caustic potash which dissolves them. 12. Pigment-Cells and Guanin-Cells. These may be studied by pinning out on a frog-board one of the webs between the toes of a frog (Lesson XIX. 11, e). (r/.) (Land H) Observe large, branched, corpuscles loaded with Leucocyte FIG. 143. Adcm^d Tissue. Human lymphatic glunil. Picric acid and eosiu-heematoxylin. FlG. 144. Pigment and Gnanin-Cells of Frog. A Contracted: B,C. Partially relaxed pigment-cells. G Guairin cells. black granules of melanin (fig. 144, B), also smaller black spots, which are cells with their processes retracted. Every intermediate stage between these two states may be seen. A permanent preparation is readily made by stripping off the skin from the web of the toe of a dead frog, hardening it in alcohol, and mounting in balsam. The web should be fixed in an extended position before it is placed in the alcohol. In such a preparation, not only will pigment-cells be found, but guanin-cells also, i.e.., small oval cells filled with white refractive granules of guanin (fig. 144, G). To see the guanin-cells turn off the light reflection from the mirror, when the granules in the guanin- cells will appear bright and refractile on a black ground. For pigmcnted connective-tissue corpuscles from the choroid, see Lesson on Eye. 1^4 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XIII. ADDITIONAL EXERCISE. 13. Mucous Tissue. Many branched cells are seen in a T.S. of the tail of a tadpole, young triton, or salamander, hardened in I per cent, osmic acid and cut in paraffin. It is also to be found under the skin of the flanks in frogs at the breeding season. It gives good preparations when stained with methyl-violet-5B (S. Mayer). LESSON XIII. BONE, OSSEOUS TISSUE, &c. THE essential elements of osseous tissue, of which bone consists, are a calcined fibrous matrix or ground-substance, with cells or bone-corpuscles embedded in it; the latter are lodged in spaces called lacunw. A bone, however, is a complex organ. The follow- ing scheme may facilitate the comprehension of its minute structure : BONE. In a longitudinal section of a long bone, observe with the naked eye Periosteum covering the bone. Compact or dense bone, the substantia dura (with Haversian canals). Cancellated or spongy bone, the substantia spongiosa (with Haversian spaces and cancelli). Medullary cavity with marrow. Histologically dry compact bone shows [Peripherie or circumferential. 2| | Haversian or concentric. ce 'i Intermediary, interstitial or ground. [Perimedullary, ^ ( white. Sharpey s perforating fibres j yellow> HAVERSIAN SYSTEM. Dry bone. Recent bone. ( Blood-vessels, connective tissue, Haversian canal . . . . lymphatics, osteoblasts. i Between the lamellae, branched Iaraell8e ' ' ' bone-corpuscles. Lacunae Canaliculi j Processes of bone-corpuscles | and lymph. Lymph. XIIL] BONE, OSSEOUS TISSUE, ETC. 175 f i. External layer, fibrous, with the larger blood- vessels. Periosteum J \ 2. Internal or osteogenic layer, with finer blood- vessels, numerous elastic fibres, and blasts, and sometimes osteodasts. Osteodasts or myeloplaxes of Robin. Blood-vessels, nerves, and lymphatics. , . ( i. Endochondral in cartilage. * \ 2. Intra-membranous or periosteal. 1. T.S. of Dense or Compact Bone. It is better to buy a pre- pared transverse section of the shaft of a small, dry, long bone. In it most of the smaller spaces, being filled with air, appear black. (a.) (L) Observe the medullary cavity, bounded by a ring of bone, less dense internally. (b.) Sections of tubes which appear round, or oval Haver- sian canals surrounded by con- centric lamellae (fig. 145, c), and between these lamellae are lacunae (e), with fine channels passing from them the canaliculi. Some lamellae are arranged parallel to the circumference of the bone the peripheric (a) while others of larger radius are incomplete, and jnmmed in between the Hayersian system : they are inter- mediary (jl). Around the medul- lary canal are the perimedullary lamellae (b). (c.) (H) Observe the shape of the lacunae flattened branched spaces with their numerous ' * -~" " - 1^ wavy branching canaliculi, and ^^^^^^^ ^-^* how adjoining canaliculi anasto- *^ IM< iso by traversing the lameike FlG - MS- T.S. Human Metacarpal Bone. /(> \ A , ,, o. Peripherie lamelle ; A. Perimedullary (fig 8 - r 45> I47> e )' Afc tne 0ter lamelhu; ft Ilaversian canals snr- part of each Hayersian system roded ^r their Hftrerriwi tanelto ; ,. , " ' '' Intermediary lamella?; e. Lacuiiai, some 01 the canaliculi of the x 20. I7 6 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [xnt. outermost row of lacunae will be found to form loops and open into the lacunae from which they arose : these are recurrent canaliculi (fig, 147, a). The canalicular system is for the distribution of lymph to all the parts of the calcined fibrous matrix. Notice also that the intermediary lamellae are parts of circles with a much larger radius than those of the Haversian system. Each Haversian canal, with its system of lamel- lae, lacunae, and canali- culi, forms a Haversian System. The greatest diameter of the lacuna) is about 14 p. ( T Vo iw'h)- (d.) The lamellae in a Haversian system on transverse section appear as thin concentric bands, a clear transparent one alternating with one which looks more granular. These are not due to different kinds of lamellae, but in the clear ones one FIG. 146. T.S. The Shaft of a Human Femur. Haversian canals; s. Haversiau lamellae; si. In looks upon the long axis of the fibrils composing the lamella, and in the others upon the ends of the fibrils. 2. L.S. of Dense Bone, prepared in the same way. (a.) (L) Observe Haversian canals running chiefly in the long axis of the section, with here and there oblique, short, junction canals. Near the surfaces some open externally, and others com- municate with the medullary cavity. The lamellae of any Haver- sian system run parallel to its own Haversian canal. In the system of canals each 20-100 ^ wide the canals frequently divide dichotomously, and ultimately form a network in the com- pact bony substance. (b.) If the section be near the surface of the bone, so as to include the peripheric lamellae, canals for blood-vessels, perforating the lamellae and not surrounded by lamellae as in the Haversian systems, may be seen. They are called Volkmann's canals, and contain the perforating vessels. They are connected with the Ilaversian canals proper. They are well seen in sections of the femur of a guinea-pig, but, unlike Haversian canals, they are not surrounded by Ilaversian or concentric lamellae. (c.) (H) Observe the flattened oval lacunae with their canaliculi; XIII.] BONE, OSSEOUS TISSUE, ETC. 177 their arrangement, as well as that of the lamellae (fig. 148). If a canal be viewed carefully many fine dots will be seen in it. These are the openings of the canal iculi. 3. T.S. Decalcified Shaft of a Bone. The bone, cut into short lengths, must be decalcified in picric acid or chromic and nitric fluid, with the precautions laid down at p. 38. AVhen sufficiently FIG. 147. T.S. Shaft of Human Femur. 77. Haversian canals ; c. Lacunae with bone-corpuscles ; a. Lacuna) j,- IG> I4 8. L.S. Dense with recurrent canaliculi ; s. Intermediary lamella? with (] r y bone, x 40. Sharpey's fibres, h; p. Large fibres of Sharpey in inter- mediary lamella; ; I. Confluent lacunre. These Ranvier supposes are bone-corpuscles and lacuna 1 undergoing atrophy, x 300. soft ascertained by pricking it with a pin it is hardened in alcohol in the usual way. Sections are best made by freezing. (i.) Stain a section in picro-carmine and mount it in glycerine- jelly. Glycerine or Farrant's solution tends to make the prepara- tion rather too transparent. (ii.) Place some sections in i per cent, osmic acid for twenty -four hours and mount them in glycerine-jelly. (a.) (L) Observe the periosteum (fig. 149), embracing and adherent to the bone. In the bone itself the lacunae, and especially the canaliculi, are no longer black, and are not so visible as in the non-decalcified bone. Each lacuna contains a highly refractive, branched, nucleated, and stained corpuscle. Bone-Corpuscles. Observe their arrangement following that of 17 M t;8 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XIII. the lamellae, but the latter are not so distinct as in dry bone. Several lamellse lie between two consecutive rows of bone-corpuscles. The Haversian canab contain blood-vessels, connective tissue, and other cells, or osteoblasts. (6.) (H) The periosteum consists of an external layer stained red, and composed chiefly of white fibrous tissue. Attached to it may be found small fragments of striped muscle. The internal layer contains many elastic fibres, and, especially in young bones, there may be seen one layer or more of flattened or cubical cells, Periosteum. Peripherie lamellse. Huversiau canals. Haversian lamella). Interstitial lamellae. Perimedullary lamellae. Marrow. FIG. 149. T.S. Part of a Human Metacarpal Bone, x 50. marrow. Dilute nitric acid. . Haversian space with called osteoblasts (fig. 156, c). The latter may be seen not only under the periosteum, but also passing along with blood-vessels into the Haversian canals. Fibres may be seen passing from the deep surface of the perios- teum into the bone the perforating fibres of Sharpey. (c.) Observe the lamellae, but their outline is not very distinct, while the canaliculi will not be distinctly visible, being indicated by fine lines traversing the lamellse. The bone corpuscles are nucleated refractive cells, each lying in a lacuna. In such a preparation, one cannot make out that they send processes into the canaliculi. (d.) Select a large Haversian canal and study its contents. Note the presence of an artery and vein with very thin walls, and the cavity lined by osteoblasts (fig. 150, Obi.), and the remainder filled ii}) with medullary tissue. 4. Perforating Fibres. (i.) From a membrane bone of the skull (e.g., the parietal or frontal bone, which has been softened in 2 per cent, hydrochloric acid or in v. Ebner's fluid (p. 37) XHL] BONE, OSSEOUS TISSUE, ETC. 179 t and from which the acid has been removed by steeping in water, and subsequently in spirit) with forceps remove the periosteum, and tear off a thin lamella of osseous tissue. Place its under-surface uppermost on a slide in water or v. Ebner's fluid. (H) Observe fine tapering fibres like nails perforat- ing fibres projecting from ^ z - the surface. Some aper- tures may be found from which corresponding fibres v x,-^ _^-- / ; have been withdrawn. . . - ' (ii) These are far better FlG . I50 ._ T . S . of alarge Hav.rsia^anal with its developed 111 the bones of Soft Parts. Femur of a Doff, x 130. A. Aitcry; i v 1 n f -U- j Q (i. V. Vein ; Kz. Bone-cells ; M. Medullary tissue ; the skllll Of birds. Soften O bl. Osteoblast ; pkl. Osteoclast. the vault of the skull of a fowl in v. Ebner's fluid and harden in alcohol. Make not too thin sections, and with needles tear the lamellae asunder. Examine it in v. Ebner's fluid. Or make sections of a human frontal bone softened in dilute hydrochloric acid, and examine it in water. (H) Numerous perforating fibres passing between the separated lamellae, and, it may be, the sockets from which they have been withdrawn, will be seen (fig. 151). In some of the sections branched perforating fibres are visible. The important point is to make the sections as S \ I I 1 nearly as possible parallel 1 v / V^ the course of the fibres. The < preparation is apt to be made '> ij^ / "r^'^-^&r- too transparent by Farrant's solution, so that the fibres are not SO distinctly seen in this *'W. 151. Sharpey's Perforating Fibrus. medium as in water or v. Ebner's fluid. Observe that there are no Sharpey's fibres in the Haversian systems. 5. Blood- Vessels of Bone (L). These are not easily injected. Inject with a fluid carmine mass (p. 89) the posterior half of the body of a rabbit. Do this from the alxlominal aorta. Or use the injection fluid mentioned at p. 181. It requires considerable pressure to cause the injection to traverse the blood-vessels of bone. Therefore clamp the inferior vena cava to prevent the exit of the injection mass. Decalcify the injected bone, and afterwards make i8o PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XIII. V B T.S. and L.S. The sections, however, must not be too thin. L.S. tire the most instructive, and are mounted in glycerine-jelly. (a.) Observe that the blood- vessels lie in the Haversian canals, and follow the arrange- ment of the latter (fig. 152). If the marrow of the bone be preserved, fine blood-vessels may be seen in it. Perhaps "perforating vessels' 7 lying in Volkmann's canals may be noticed, especially in transverse sections. 6. Cancellated Bone (L and H). In the vertical section of the head of a long bone showing articular cartilage a view of the open lattice-work will be ob- tained (Lesson XIV. 3). Or a T.S. may be made across the head of a long bone ' e ' ff '> a femur, preferably of a young animal. Stain a section in haematoxylin, picro-carmine, or COsin-logWOOd, and mount it ill <" r lycerine-ielly. (a.) (L) Note the network of osseous trabeculse (fig. 153) bounding the spaces or cancelli. In the latter lies red marrow, and on their walls are osteoblasts. In the centre of some of the trabeculse may be seen a deeper stained irregular bar, the remains of calcined carti- lage (fig. 153, CC). On the calcified cartilage is deposited osseous tissue. (6.) (H) In each trabecula note the fibrous matrix and the bone-corpuscles. In the interior of some of the tra- beculse the remains of un- absorbed calcified cartilage. Note also how the osseous tissue with spherical bulgings advances upon the calcified cartilage. By carefully shading the light, it will be seen that a more or less FIG. I52.-L.S. Injected Bone. P. Perios- teum ; B. Bone; V. Blood-vessels. FlG. 153. Cancellated Bone. C. Canceling; T. Trabecula; CC. Calcified cartilage; B. Bone ; 0. Osteoblast. XIII.] BONE, OSSEOUS TISSUE, ETC. 181 spherical mass of osseous tissue surrounds, and in fact is formed V.y, each bone-corpuscle (fig. 154). There are thus spherical masses cell-territories, as it were and in the centre of each a bone-corpuscle. 7. Fibrillar Structure of LamellsB (H). De- calcify a bone in v. Ebner's fluid (10-15 percent, sodic chloride and 1-3 per cent, hydrochloric acid). Either this fluid or that given at p. 3 7 may be used. Scrape i'i- off a thin lamella and examine it in water. (H) Observe the fibres of which it consists. They are com- posed of fibrils arranged in bundles. They are best seen near the edge. Fibres in different planes cross each other at a right or obtuse angle. [ 54; -Simi'.lPartof Fi CC. Calcified L S- !53> cartilage; B. Bone; O. Osteoblast; BC. Bone- corpuscles. ADDITIONAL EXERCISES. 8. Blood-Vessels of Bone. These may be injected from the descending aorta of a rabbit with a saturated and filtered watery solution of Briickc's IVrliii blue. One must remember that the injection often fails. Inject from the abdominal aorta, after a time using pretty high pressure. It is well to ligature the inferior vena cava after some injection has flowed from it. Decalcify the bone in chromic acid. The sections may be stained with very dilute fuchsin. 9. Decalcified Bone. Make a T.S. of dense bone rather a thick section steep it in alcohol, transfer it to a slide, and mount it in glycerine-jelly, or in a mor.-el of dry Canada balsam. In the latter rase the slide must be heated to melt the balsam. Examine it at once, when the lacunae and canaliculi will be seen black on a clear ground. They still contain air, hence their black appearance. Gradually, however, the jelly penetrates into the canalicular system, and ibis characteristic appearance vanishes, but it is an instructive exercise for students to perform this experiment. Afterwards the lamella 1 remain quite distinct in the preparation, there are also faint indications of the canaliculi. 10. Bone in Polarised Light. Examine a non-decalcified transverse section of the shaft of a long bone in polarised light (Lesson XVI. 16). When the Nicols arc crossed, each llaversian system has a bright cross on a dark ground, while ihe lamellse are alternately bright and dark. The crosses arc also seen in decalcified bone, so that they arc produced by the organic basis or ossein of the bone. 1 82 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XIV. LESSON XIV. BONE AND ITS DEVELOPMENT. BONE is developed either in connection with cartilage or membrane. The former is called endochondral and the latter intramem- branous ossification. With the exception of a part of the skull its sides and vault and nearly all the facial bones, all the bones are laid down in hyaline cartilage. 1. Development of Bone T.S. of Fostal Bone. Decalcify the shaft of. the femur or other long bone, e.g., the radius and ulna, FIG. 155. T.S. Radius and Ulna of an Embryo Dog. I- Interosseous ligament ; p. Peri- osteum ; me. Medullary cavity ; insp. Subperiosteal tissue; lo. Osseous trahecuhu ; n. Point where the ligament enters the bone ; n'. Union of ligament with the perios- teum. Observe that at first the interosseous membrane is inserted into a depression in the bone ; when the membrane becomes ossified a ridge is formed. of a newly-born kitten in picric acid (p. 37). Make transverse sections, and stain them with picro-carmine. Mount one in Far rant's solution. (a.) (L) Observe the periosteum (fig. 156, a, &), composed ex- ternally of connective tissue, with fusiform corpuscles stained red. Under this, one or more layers of cubical or somewhat flattened nucleated cells, osteoblasts (<"). They pass into and line the Haver- sian spaces, thus reaching the cancelli and medullary cavity, which XIV." BONE AND ITS DEVELOPMENT. they also line, so that every spicule or surface of young bone is covered by them. From them the bone-corpuscles are formed. (b.) The osseous tissue is stained red, and forms an anastomosing series of trabeculae bounding large spaces Haversian spaces- containing blood-vessels and marrow, and lined by osteoblasts. Processes from the trabeculse project into the deeper layer of the periosteum. At this stage a concentric arrangement of the lamellae leading to the formation of Haversian systems has not yet taken place. In the bone matrix, the bone-corpuscles (/), irregular, re- fractive, nucleated cells, each lying in a lacuna. (c.) (H) Under the periosteum and in the spaces may be seen larger multinucleated cells. Osteoclasts or Myeloplaxes (fig. 1 56, If). The cells are much larger than the osteoblasts, con- tain many nuclei, and lie in little depressions of the bone eroded by themselves. These depres- sions are called Howship's lacunas. These cells are con cerned in the removal of bone. 2. Intra-Cartilaginous For- mation of Bone (L and H). Decalcify in picric acid the pha- langeal bones of a four-months footus. Make longitudinal ver- tical sections, stain in picro- carmine, and mount in Farrant's solution. (a.) (L) At the head of the bone observe a mass of hyaline cartilage (fig. 157), and lower down bone, and where the two are continuous an irregular festooned margin, the line of ossification. (b.) The cartilage at the upper part is hyaline, with the cells small, and arranged singly or in groups, while deeper down the cartilage-capsules are beginning to be arranged in rows, and below this are larger cartilage-capsules with clearer contents, and a some- what refractive matrix between them. (f.) Under this, the line of ossification, with its festooned margin, are spicules of calcified cartilage passing downwards towards the medullary cavity. In the bony part, the primary medullary spaces, with their osteoblasts, blood-vessels, osteodasts, and tho. newly-formed hone deposited on the calcified cartilage. (d.) Tho first none is formed under the, periosteum (fig. 157), by means of the subperiosteal osteoblasts. As these osteoblasts FIG. 156. T.S. Fcctal Bone of Kitten, a, b. Superficial and deep layers of perios- teum; c. Layers of osteoblasts, with Ic. Osteoclasts ; m. Matrix of bone ; I. Lacunae, with bone-corpuscles. 1 84 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XIV. become embedded in the bone matrix they become bone-corpuscles. This piece of bone is perforated by blood-vessels, which pass into the primary medullary spaces in the hollowed-out cartilage. (e.) (H) Examine the several parts. Search for an osteoclast lying in a little cavity Howship's lacuna and notice that while the margins of the trabeculae, covered by recently-formed bone, are stained of a deep red colour by the carmine, no such red stain Osteogenic tissue Emloclionclral bone Blood-vessel Perichondral bone Enlarged cartilage-capsules Enlarged cartilage-capsules. ^7 Calcified cartilage in the form of Pointed processes projecting into the Primary medullary spaces. Perichondral bone. Fro. i 57 . Dorso-palmar Longitudinal Section of the Second Phalanx of the Finger of a Four-Months Foetus. is seen where the osteoclast is embedded. It, in fact, is eroding or eating away bone. 3. Epiphysis and Epiphys'al Cartilage (H and L). Make longitudinal vertical sections of a young rabbit's femur or tibia to show the cpiphysial cartilage. Stain it in picro-carmine and mount in glycerine-jelly ; or, better still, double stnin it in hsema- toxylin and picro-carmine or haematoxylin and eosin. In the last case the cartilage will be blue, the rest red or copper-red. The method of double staining is particularly valuable for the study of bone development. (a.) (L) Observe the thin layer of encrusting cartilage on the head of the bone (fig. 158, (7), and under it the cancellated bone of the head of the tibia. This cartilage is continuous below with (/>.) A broad layer of cartilage between what is to be the head XIV. BONE AND ITS DEVELOPMENT. I8 5 of the bone the epiphysis (E) and the future shaft or diaphysis of the bone (Z>). (<.) In the epiphysial cartilage (EG) the vertical rows of carti- lage-cells, smaller above, and larger and more quadrilateral below (fig. 158 and iig. 159, C). (d.) The shaft with longitudinal spaces the primary medul- lary spaces (fig. 158, MS) bounded by trabeculse of calcined cartilage partly covered by bone (fig. 159, b). The spaces con- tain young marrow (c). (e.) (H) Study specially the cells of the epiphysial cartilage (fig. 159, 0), and notice that the cells and capsules are smaller above and larger below zone of enlarged cartilage-capsules. Some of the enlarged cartilage- capsules of the lowest row may be seen opening into the primary medullary spaces. The line of ter- mination of these spaces is called the line of ossifica- tion. The bone grows in length by the proliferation of the epiphysial cartilage- cells. (/'.) Bounding the pri- mary medullary spaces, directive trabeculse of cal- cified cartilage (//) with a deposit of bony matter on them. Note specially the osteoblasts (p) partially em- bedded in the osseous matter which they themselves secrete or form. When they become embedded in the osseous products of their own activity, they are then called bone-corpuscles. Note also that the bone on the cartilage is bounded by convex surfaces which fit into corresponding depressions in the cartilage. On the larger trabecnlse may be found osteoclasts cavities Howship's lacunae which they have spares themselves are filled with red marrow vessels (v). 4. Intra-Membranous Formation of Bone (H and L). Take the parietal bone of a foetus when the parietal bone is only partially ossified; scrape off the periosteum from a part near the periphery of the ossified part; stain in picro-carmine and mount in Far- rant's solution. (a.) Observe at one part the fibrous matrix, and shooting from FIG. 158. V.S. Head of Tibia of a Young Rabbit, greatly reduced to show details. C. Encrust- ing cartilage ; E. Epiphysis ; EC. Epiphysial cartilage ; D. Diaphysis ; p. Periosteum ; MS. Primary medullary spaces. lying in little eroded. The (c) and blood- 1 86 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [xiv. it calcified fibres of connective tissue, these covered with osteo- blasts (fig. 1 60). Marrow of Bone. It fills the medullary cavity of long bones, the cancelli of spongy bone, and it occurs in some of the larger Haversian canals. There are two varieties, yellow and red, the difference in colour being due to the former containing a large amount of fat-cells. Yellow marrow occurs in the medullary cavity or canal and the larger cancelli of long bones. Besides a small amount of connective tissue and blood- vessels, it consists principally of fat-cells. Bed marrow (H) occurs in the spongy tissue at the ends of long bones, in the short bones of the hands and feet, flat c. Epiphy- b ones O f the skull, epiphyses of sial-cartilage ; 0. Bone; a. Row of carti- i i -i lage-cells; b. Cartilaginous trabeculre; m. long bones, clavicle, ribs, and Primary medullary space; n. Osseous ii moflnllarv rinal of tho deposit; V. Directive cartilaginous trabe- m l Jliary canal < culne ; p. Bone-corpuscle being embedded long bones of SO111C animals, e.^lla 11 . . 11- T guinea-pig, rat, rabbit. It con- sists of delicate connective tissue with blood-vessels and numerous cells of several varieties, (i.) Medullary or Marrow Cells (fig. 161, a, b, c). They arc the most numerous, and are nucleated cells, not unlike large leucocytes. They are spherical, with finely granular protoplasm and a spherical pale nucleus. Sometimes they contain two nuclei. Examined quite fresh in serum, no nucleus is visible, but it is revealed by the action of acetic acid or dilute alcohol. The proto- plasm of some of them contains numerous highly refract! le granules, and that of others some brownish granules. There is also a smaller FIG. 159. L.S. Head of a Metacarpal Bone of Rabbit, aged three months. in the osseous matrix Injected blood-vessel, c. Marrow-cells ; v. 240. Connective tissue bundle? Osteoblasts. Calcined. Non-calcified. FIG, 160. Surface Section of a Parietal Bone Human Embryo x 240. XIV.] BONE AND ITS DEVELOPMENT. 187 variety of corpuscle. They exhibit amoeboid movements under proper conditions. (2.) Cells with Budding Nuclei (fig. 161). Far less numerous, but easily distinguished, are large finely granular cells, each with a single large, often twisted, nucleus, which in some looks as if it were composite, in others it would seem to consist of several parts united by some substance like the nuc- leus itself. There is very great variety in the shape of those nuclei, which are visible in the $ fresh condition of the * cell. These cells are fi ' not amoeboid (fig. 161. //, i). (3.) Myeloplaxes. - These are larger than the, foregoing, consisting FIG. 161. Cells from the Red Marrow of the Tibia of a ^f o ^,, Q l-,r mlo-r. Young Rabbit, a, b, c. Marrow-cells examined in iciy gra normal saline ; rf, e. Marrow-cells after dilute alco- protoplasm with liumer- ho1 ? /. 9- After dilute alcohol; h, i Large cells i . / n .. \ with budding nuclei ; m. Myeloplaxes. x 300. ous nuclei (fig. 161, m). What relation there is between (2) and (3), or if there is any relation at all, is entirely unknown. (4.) There are to be found cells smaller than but not unlike (i), with a homogeneous protoplasm which has a reddish tint and a spherical nucleus. Some of them have a small bud at the side (fig. 1 6 1, /, g). They are regarded as cells from which coloured blood-corpuscles are formed. They are regarded by Bizzozero as similar to the nucleated red blood-corpuscles of the embryo. (5.) Always a few fat cells. (6.) Numerous red blood-corpuscles from the blood-vessels in the red marrow. (7.) Sometimes osteoblasts may be detached along with the other constituents of the marrow. Lay open a rib or a long bone of a guinea-pig or rabbit ; remove a little of the red marrow and diffuse it in blood-serum or normal saline. With a high power search for examples of each of the foregoing kinds of cells, from it the red marrow The vertebra of a calf may be used, and is readily expressed by squeezing it in a vice. The, nuclei in some of the cells are best revealed by the action of dilute alcohol. 5. Red Marrow. (i.) Squeeze out some of the, red marrow from a rib of a guinea-pig or rat; shake it in a test-tube containing 1 88 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XIV. normal saline tinged with methyl-green, aldehyd-green, or aniline- green. The marrow will fall as a precipitate. Examine a little of this in normal saline. Stain some in picro-carmine, and mount in dihite glycerine. (H) Observe the various forms of marrow and other cells met with, the nuclei tinged red. The large myeloplaxes with numerous nuclei have their protoplasm green and the nuclei red. The fat-cells are quite green. (ii.) Place some of the red marrow for 12-24 hours in dilute alcohol, mount and stain the cells with picro-carmine. In this way the nuclei of all the cells are stained red, their protoplasm yellowish, while nucleoli are revealed. (iii.) Harden some of the red marrow in Hayem's fluid for twenty-four hours. Wash the deposit, stain (picro-carmine) and mount a little in glycerine. This is a good hardening medium for this purpose ; the red blood-corpuscles can be readily distinguished, while the nuclei in all the cells are distinct. 6. T.S. Red Marrow. Small pieces of the ribs of a young rabbit are placed in the following fluid for one day : Sodic sulphate . . . 2.5 grams. Mercuric chloride . . 0.25 ,, Water . . . 500 cc. Rinse in water, and transfer to picric acid to decalcify the bone. The tissue can then be soaked in gum, then hardened in alcohol and sections cut. Sections may be stained with eosin and logwood. The eosin stains any cells containing haemoglobin of a reddish-orange tint. ADDITIONAL EXERCISES. 7. Cover-Glass Preparation of Red Marrow (H). As described for blood, get a thin layer of red marrow on a cover-glass and stain it for twenty-four hours in Biondi's fluid (p. 140). Dry cover-glass preparations may also be stained with methylene-blue, eosin-harnatoxylin. or methyl-green. Mount the cover in xylol-balsam. If desired, clear it up with oil of cloves in which a little eosin is dissolved, and remove the clove-oil by xylol. This method yields excellent preparations. 8. Squeeze on a slide a little of the red marrow from the rib of a young rabbit. Squeeze a little between two cover-glasses to get in a thin film, find expose the latter for a minute or two to the vapour of osmic acid. Stain it with picro-caruiine and mount it in glycerine. XV.] MUSCULAR TISSUE. 189 LESSON XV. MUSCULAR TISSUE. Muscle histologically occurs in two varieties (i.) Non-striped; (2.) Striped. Non-striped muscles are involuntary, \vhile striped muscles, as a rule, are voluntary ; but the heart-muscle is an exception, for though striped it is involuntary. Non-Striped (smooth, involuntary). Occurs in the outer coats of the lower half of oesophagus ; muscular coat and muscularis mucosse of stomach and intestines ; villi ; ureter, bladder, and urethra ; pelvis and capsule of kidney ; trachea (trachealis muscle) ; bronchi ; oviduct ; uterus ; iris, ciliary muscle ; erector pili muscles of skin, sweat glands ; coats of blood- and lymph- vessels ; capsule and trabeculse (lymphatics, spleen), and ducts of some glands, sali- vary, bile-ducts, &c. It consists of nucleated elongated fusiform contractile cells, held together by a clear cement. The cells taper towards their extremities, and although they appear homogeneous in reality they seem to consist of longitudinally arranged fibrils held together by a sarcoplasm, or at least a transparent material. The nucleus is oval or rod-shaped. Some state that the cells have an elastic sheath. Each cell is from 4 to jo /* GroVrr- 25*00 inch ) in breadth and 40-200 //, (^-^ inch) in length. 1. Non-Striped Muscle (H). Place thin strips of the muscular coat of the intestine for forty-eight hours in a 25 per cent, solution of nitric acid, which softens the connective tissue and renders the tissue yellow. Wash it thoroughly in water. Tease a small part in glycerine or Fun-ant's solution. Or macerate a small piece of intestine in | per cent, bichromate of potash for 48 hours. Cells can then be readily isolated. (a.) Select an isolated fibre. It is spindle-shaped, elongated, or fusiform, tapering to both ends, and in its centre there is an oval nucleus, distinguished by its being rather more refractive than the rest of the cell (fig. 162). At the poles of the nucleus there may b<- a few granules. It is very difficult to stain these cells after the action of nitric acid, but this may be done with magenta, provided the nitric acid be entirely washed out of the tissue beforehand. Each cell is said to have a sheath, but that cannot be seen in fibres prepared in this way. 190 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XV. FIG. 162. Isolated Smooth Muscular Fibres, acid, x 300. 2. Muscle-Cells from the Frog's Bladder (|_ and H). Distend the frog's bladder with dilute alcohol thus. Transfix the skin on each side of the anus with two pins, and tie round them a thread so as to occlude the anus ; open the abdomen, make a slit into the large intestine, clear out any residues it may contain, and inject dilute alcohol through the intestine into the blad- der. When the latter is full, ligature it at the neck, and suspend it for twenty-four hours in a large quantity of dilute alcohol. Then open the bladder, and with a camel's- hair brush pencil away all the lining epi- thelium. Stain a portion of the bladder in logwood and mount it in balsam, or stain in picro-carmine and mount it in Farrant's solution. (a.) Observe the thin membrane, traversed in every direction by thicker or thinner tra- beculaB of smooth muscle (fig. 163, a). The trabeculae consist of numerous long fusiform Nitric nucleated cells (c) the nuclei, long, narrow, and oval. Some of the cells are triradiate (/;). These are what S. Mayer has called atypical cells. Oval nuclei with blunter ends are seen in the fibrous covering of the bladder (d). They are the nuclei of connective-tissue ceils. 3. T.S. Non-Striped Muscle (H). This is obtained by mak- ing transverse sections of the circular muscular coat of the small intestine (cat), previously hardened in chromic acid and spirit, or Miiller's fluid. Stain a section in haBmatoxylin and mount in balsam. (a.) Observe polygonal areas of unequal size, mapped out from each other by a refractive (fig. 164) cement substance. Each area corresponds to the transverse section of a tibre. Some of the areas contain a nucleus (n), others not. Sur- rounding groups of these areas are fine septa of connective tissue (s), which map out the fasciculi or bundles of cells. The fibres are arranged in bundles or fasciculi, each surrounded by an envelope of FlG. 163. Bladder of Frog. a. Large strands of smooth muscle ; b. Triradiate, and c. Fusiform muscle-cells ; d. Nuclei of con- nective-tissue corpuscles. XV.] MUSCULAR TISSUE. lyi connective tissue. The fasciculi are large or small according to the number of fibres entering into their composition. (b.) In some preparations one can see intercellular bridges between adjacent cells, like those that occur in squamous epithelium. 4. L.S. of Non-Striped Muscle (H). This may be obtained by making a longitudinal section of the longitudinal coat of the in- testine, but it is better to strip off a thin lamella of this coat from the intestine of a rabbit hardem-d in spirit or Muller's fluid. Stain in hsematoxylin and mount in balsam. (.) Observe the oval fusiform nuclei (fig. 164, n) lying in narrow fusiform areas the cells. The boundary-lines between the cells FIG. 164. estim A. T.S. non-striped muscle, in- testine of cat ; B. Longitudinal strip of intestine of rabbit; c. Cell; n. Nucleus; s. Septum of connective tissue. Chro- mic and b chromate fluid, hsematoxylin. are usually not well defined. 5. Cement Substance of Non- Striped Muscle (H). With dis- tilled water wash out the contents of the small intestine of a freshly-killed rabbit, or the large intes- tine of a frog. Tie one end of the gut, and fill it with .5 per cent, solution of silver nitrate, and tic the other end of the gut. Suspend the whole in J per cent, solution of silver nitrate for ten minutes or so. Slit up the gut along the line of attachment of the mesentery. Wash it in water and expose it to light. It soon becomes brown. Lay it on a glass plate, mucous surface uppermost, and with a scalpel* scrape away all the mucous and submucous coat, which is very easily done, especially if the intestine has been macerated for about twenty-four hours in water. There remain only the muscular and thin serous coats. Harden in alco- hol. Snip out a piece, dehydrate com- pletely in absolute alcohol, and mount in FIG. 165. Cement Substance of L i Smooth Muscle, Intestine of Rabbit. Silver nitrate. (a.) Observe the narrow elongated fusiform areas bounded by silver lines (fig. 165) ; they indicate the outline of the fusiform cells. On focussing upwards and down- wards, notice the longitudinal and circular direction of the fibres crossing each other. In this preparation also many lymphatic paths lined by sinuous epithelium may be seen. They are recog- PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XV. nised by the dilatations in their course, and by the character of the endothelial cells lining them. By focussing deeply, the silver lines of the endothelium of the serous membrane may be seen. 6. Methylene-Blue Method (S. Mayer). Into the blood-vessels of a cat e.g., from the aorta inject the following solution : Methylene-blue (S. Mayer's) 1 i gram. Normal saline ....... 300 cc. After an hour or so, open the abdomen ; the intestines appear blue ; cut out a portion of the muscular coat and place it in the following mixture : Picro-Grlycerine Mixture. IOO CC. 100 ,, Saturated watery solution ammonium picrate Glycerine ...... On teasing a small piece of the muscular coat in the same mixture, isolated muscle cells are readily found, the nucleus being stained of a faint rosy-pink. ADDITIONAL EXERCISES. 7. FibriUar Plexus in Muscle-Cells (H). Kill a newt, open its abdomen, and pin out its intestine and mesentery on a thin piece of cork with a hole in it corresponding to the mesentery. Place it for twenty-four hours in a 5 per cent, solution of am- monium chromate. After this wash away all the chromate, stain a piece of the mesentery in logwood, and mount it in balsam. (a.) In the membrane observe narrow strands of non-striped muscle composed of very large fusiform cells. In the large nuclei a plexus of fibrils, while a leash of line fibrils will be seen in the perinucloar part stretching from the poles of the nucleus to the ends of the fibre. 8. Fibrils in Smooth Muscle. These may be seen for a short time by macerating small pieces of the. stomach of a frog for twenty-four hours in dilute alcohol, or in 8-10 per cent, of sodic chloride (Enyel- mann).' 2 9. Isolated Smooth Muscle-Cells. To get these cells quickly macerate a small piece of the muscular coat of the stomach, intestine, or bladder in 33 per cent, caustic potash for 15-20 mins. Tease and observe in the same solution. Water must not be added, else the effect of weak caustic alkalies is produced, viz., solution of the cells. 1 To be obtained from Dr. Grubler, Leipzig, or Bindscheidler & Busch, Basel. ' 2 Pfliiger's Arch., xxv. FlQ. 1 66. T.S. Smooth Muscle of a Cat's Intes- tine. Chromo - acetp - osmic acid. Shows in- tercellular bridges, and at a an artificial slit, X 1000. XVT.] STRIPED OR STRIATED MUSCLE. 193 10. Grooving on Smooth Muscular Fibres. Harden the muscular coat of the small intestine of a cat in chromic and bichromate fluid or in Flemming's fluid. Stain and cut sections in paraffin. (H) Observe the polygonal areas, but note that fine intercellular bridges connect adjacent cells (fig. 166). The surface of each cell seems to be grooved with canals, but what these canals contain is not known. In each cell the cut ends of fine fibrils are seen. LESSON XVI. STRIPED OR STRIATED MUSCLE. Striped Muscle sometimes called voluntary or skeletal muscle occurs in the muscles of the skeleton, pharynx, upper half of the oesophagus, diaphragm, the sphincter of the bladder, external anal sphincter, and the muscles of the outer and middle ear. The muscular fibres of the heart are also striped, but they are involuntary. A Muscular Fibre is cylindrical in form, and tapers at its extremities. They vary in breadth from 10 to 50 fi. (^Vo" TSTT inch), but they are broadest in the muscles of the extremities. The fibres are i to i^- inches in length. A muscular fibre consists of the following parts : (i.) Sarcolemma, or sheath. (2.) Sarcous substance, which is transversely striated. ( 3 . ) Muscle-corpuscles. 1. The Sarcolemma (H). (i.) To avoid the effect of the con- tractility of the muscle, kill a frog several hours before it is required. Dissect out the sartorius muscle, because it is com- posed of parallel fibres. Tear off a thin strip, and with needles tcaso it in iU*ti1lnd water. (a.) Observe the cylindrical shape of the fibres, marked trans- versely by alternate light and dim stripes. Run the eye along the edge of a fibre, and perhaps a clear, transparent bulla or bleb will be seen. If so, it is the Sarcolemma raised from the subjacent sarcous substance by water diffusing into the fibre (Hg. 167, A). (/A) The surcolenima is a clear, transparent, colourless, homo- geneous clastic membrane, forming a tubular sheath for the sarcous substance. It is allied to, but not identical with, elastic tissue. It is much tougher and less easily ruptured than the sarcous sub- .stancc which it contains. (ii.) A much better plan is the following: Tease out a few 18 N 194 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [xvr. fresh muscular fibres on a slide in normal saline, and across the direction of the fibres place a hair. Cover, and press the cover-glass down firmly on the fibres. The hair ruptures the sarcous sub- stance, which retracts and leaves the tougher unbroken sarcolcrnma between the ends of the ruptured fibre. Remove the hair, and the now empty sarcolemma will be seen (fig. 167, C). (iii. ) Another excellent method is to leave the muscle in a saturated solution of ammonium carbonate. The sarcolemma will FlQ. 167. A. Striped muscle of frog, sarcolemma raised' in the form of a bleb; B. Ruptured fibre with sarcolemma ; C. Fibre ruptured by a hair ; D. Effect of acetic acid on a muscle-fibre ; E. Muscle-discs. Ammonium carbonate. be seen raised for long distances from some of the fibres, with a little of the sarcoglia sometimes adhering here and there to its under-surface. 2. Muscle-Corpuscles, or Nuclei (H). Tease a piece of a fresh frog's muscle, and irrigate it with 2 per cent, acetic acid. I have often found the nuclei beautifully stained in a piece of muscle that has been in ammonium carbonate and then in picro-carmine. (a.) Observe the sarcous substance becoming swollen up and more homogeneous, while a number of fusiform, somewhat shrivelled or shrunken nuclei, with their long axis in the long axis of the fibre, come distinctly into view. They are now slightly more refractive than the altered sarcous substance, hence they are seen with greater distinctness. Focus carefully, and note that these nuclei lie not only under the sarcolemma, but also in the substance of the fibres. Had a mammalian muscle been used instead of one from an amphibian in the case of most muscles the nuclei would have been found directly under the sarcolemma only. The presence of the nuclei is merely revealed by the action of the acid, which alters the refractive index of the sarcous substance, and thus brings the nuclei into view (fig. 167, D). Sometimes faint longitudinal striation is exhibited by such a fibre. 3. Isolated Muscular Fibres. (i.) Pith a frog, and plunge it in a beaker of water at 55 C. Leave it in the water, and allow the xvr.] STRIPED OR STRIATED MUSCLE. 195 water to cool gradually (Ranrier\ It will now be found that the fibres of any muscle can be dissociated with great ease ; the muscles to be preserved in 70 per cent, alcohol until they are required. By careful manipulation very long fibres may be isolated from the sartorius. These muscular fibres exhibit the ordinary characters of striped muscle. This is by far the easiest method of obtaining isolated fibres. (ii.) Place small pieces of a fresh muscle in the following mixture. Nitric acid saturated with potassic chlorate. There must be crystals of the latter in the fluid. The tube or , vessel is speedily filled with yellow 'i^3Sl nitrous fumes. It is usually advised ^3^-' : to leave the muscle several hours in this fluid. I find, however, if this be done, that the muscle is dissolved. Half an hour is usually sufficient. With glass rods remove the now softened orange-coloured muscle, and place it in water. It becomes whitish. Shake it in a tube with water. The fibres fall asunder quite readily, and after having all the acid removed by prolonged washing, they can be stained and mounted. 4. Fibrillse of a Muscular Fibre (H). Place a frog's or mammal's muscle in water (two hours), and after- wards in dilute alcohol for twenty-four hours. Tease a small fragment of the now softened muscle in glycerine, or tease a fresh muscle of a calf in white of egg. If a fibre be split up, bundles of fibrils may be seen as in fig. 168. Select a fibre, and note that at its free end it splits up longitudinally into a large number of very fine fibrils or fibrillae, each of which is transversely striated like the original muscular fibre. Much larger fibrils are obtained from the muscles of insects, e.g., Hydrophilus or Dytiscus (fig. 171). 5. Muscle-Discs (H). The usual directions for obtaining these are to place dead muscle for several days in dilute (.2 percent.) hydrochloric acid. The, muscular fibre then cleaves transversely. I have not found this to be a very satisfactory method. A much better plan is to place small pieces of the muscle in a saturated solution of ammonium carbonate for several hours. FIG. Lped lar Fibre of a Calf, teased in white of egg, and showing iso- lated bundles of fibrils, x 200. 196 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [xvi. (a.) Not only will the sarcolemma be seen, but inside it, here and there, the sarcous substance will be seen cleft transversely into discs (fig. 167, E). 6. Ending of Muscle in Tendon. This is readily seen by taking the lower end of the sartorius with its tendon from a frog treated as in Lesson XVI. 3, (i.), and which has been afterwards placed in 70 per cent, alcohol. Tease out the muscular fibres, when their conical ends will be seen ending abruptly, and the small tendons beginning as abruptly (fig. 169). 7. Crab's Muscle (Sarcous Substance) (H). Plunge the living muscles of a crab or better still, use a stag-beetle into absolute alcohol for twenty- four hours. Stain a fragment in dilute eosin-liaema- toxylin, and mount it in Farrant's solution or balsam. In the latter case the clarifying reagent must contain a little eosin to restore the eosin colour to the pre- paration. (a.) Observe the fibre striped as in x fig. 170, with alternate light and dim discs, the dim discs (a) stained of a logwood tint, while the light discs are of a faint eosin tint. (b.) In the light disc (b) observe a fine line or series of dots running transversely, sometimes called Dobie's line or intermediate 6 line (figs. 170, I, 171, c), dividing the light disc into two equal parts, these ad- hering to the ends of the dim disc. They are then called lateral discs. (c.) The dim disc may exhibit slight vertical stria- tion, indicating a tendency 72 to cleave longitudinally. If transverse cleavage be as- sociated with simultaneous Fl Q f FIG. 170. Muscular Fibre of longitudinal cleavage, small Hydrophilus. a. Great Adductor of Rabbit 4. \ 4. i Dim, c. Light Living and Extended, a. elements are Obtained, disc; b Inter- Dim disc; b. Light disc; which were called "sarcous "^ picroc-i?- mineand formic glycerine. FIG. 169. Rela- tion of a Tendon T. to its Muscu- lar Fibre, the lat- ter with a Coni- cal Termination. .# 171. Fibril Muscle of elements " by Bowman, profile. Examined in its /,/ \ Nuclei may be seen. own juice, x 300. v / ., * .. A similar preparation of an insect's muscle may be stained in picro-carmine Tease it so XVI.] STRIPED OR STRIATED MUSCLE. 197 as, if possible, to isolate a fibril. Mount in formic glycerine. The FIG. 172. Crab's Muscles, partly schematic. A. Non-stretched ; B. Ex- tended ; A'. Fibrils ; D. Dim ; L. Light stripes. . , 73 ._T.S. Muscle, with its Sheaths. P. Perimysium ; E. Endomysium. dim disc is stained red (fig. 170, a), and if the fibre be stretched Or"' XT^'/VN, "-' /Q^r-N V N FIG. 174.^. T.S. muscle fibres of newt ; B. Of mammal; C. T.S. muscular fibres (mammal), with endomysium: b. Blood- vessel: /''. Fasciculus: P. Perimysiurn. FlQ. 175. Capillary Plexus in Muscles. a. Artery; v Vein; e. Capillaries, x 250. tli P. details of its structure can be better seen, especially if a very high objective be used (fig. 171). 1 S 8 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XVI. 8. T.S. of Muscle. Make transverse sections of a small mamma- lian muscle which lias been kept stretched and hardened in 0.5 per cent, chromic acid and afterwards in alcohol. Stain one in logwood and mount it in Canada balsam. (a.) (L) Observe the sheath of connective tissue or perimysium surrounding the whole muscle, and that from it septa pass between groups or fasciculi of the muscle-fibres, and also a small amount between the muscle-fibres, forming the endomysium (figs. 173, 174). The ends of the muscular fibres somewhat polygonal or rounded, with stained nuclei (one, two, or three) immediately under the sarcolemma. In amphibian muscles (fig. 174, A) and in a few mammalian muscles, e.#., the semi-tendinosus of the rabbit, nuclei also occur within the sarcous substance. (6.) (H) The ends of the fibres appear finely dotted with clear inter- spaces, the dots corre- sponding with the ends of the bundles of fibrils or muscle - prisms or sarcostyles, while the clear areas are due to what is called sarcoglia. 9. L. S. Injected Muscle (L). Make a longitudinal section of an injected muscle, i.e., parallel to the direction of its fibres. It is better to inject the whole of the posterior half of the body, e.g.) of a rabbit, from the aorta. The injected bone will yield injected muscle. FIG. 176. T.S. and L.S. Injected Striped Muscle. and 2. T.S. Muscular fibres ; 3. L.S.; a. Arteries. preparation made for Mount it in balsam. (a.) Observe the elongated quadrilateral meshes of capillaries between the muscular fibres, but outside the sarcolemma, and that capillaries run between the fibres with short transverse connecting branches. Trace their origin from an artery and their termination in a vein (fig. i 75). 10. T.S. Injected Muscle. Mount, either strained or unstrained, XVI.] STRIPED OF STRIATED MUSCLE. igg ill balsam. In this the cut ends of the capillaries between the fibres will be seen (figs. 176, 177). It is to be noted that there is a difference in the T.S. of con- tracted and uncontracted muscles (Spatlahnlz). Beautiful figures are given in. 1 11. L.S. Bed Muscle of Rabbit Injected (L). Use the semi- tendinosus or soleus of a rabbit. This shows the same general arrangement of the blood-vessels, but some of the transverse branches and some of the veins have small dilatations or ampullae upon them, while the capillaries are usually more tortuous than those of the pale muscles. CARDIAC MUSCLE. 12. Harden small pieces of the heart in 20 per cent, nitric acid (forty-eight hours), or 2 per cent, potassic bichromate or ammonium chromatc for thirty-six to forty-eight hours. Tease a small piece in Farrant's solution. Small pieces of muscle cardiac placed fresh in picro-carmine for several days show the structure well when mounted in glycerine. Kid. 177. -T.S. Muscle In- jected. M. Muscle, with n. Nuclei, ft. l.lood- vessel (capillaries). FIG. 178. Muscular Fi- bres of the Human Heart. Firs. 179. -T.S. of a Fresh Fro/en M oscu- lar Fibre, showing Cohnheim's areas. (a.) Observe the faintly transversely -striated fibres made up of short quadrilateral pieces with short oblique processes, which join other muscular fibres. The muscle-cells branch and anastomose. A rather indistinct line of clear cement joins the ends of adjacent cells. (/;.) There is no sarcolemma, but a well-defined nucleus lies in the substance of the fibre, while the transverse striation is much less 1 " Die Vertheilung d. Blutgcfiisse iin Muskcl," Abhand. d. math. phys. $la$scd. k. Sciehsig. Gesdl. d. Wissensch., 1888. 2OO PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. fxvi. distinct than in skeletal muscles (fig. 178). In a transverse section of a cardiac muscle the nucleus lies in the centre of the fibre, and radiating from it are fine lines (fig. 207) ; an appearance somewhat similar to this is shown in T.S. of insects muscles. ADDITIONAL EXERCISES. 13. T.S. Frozen Muscle (H). With a freezing microtome make a transverse section of a muscle taken from a recently-killed animal. (a.) The ends of the fibres are mapped out into a large number of small polygonal areas Cohnheim's areas separated from each other by a clear net- work of lines. The darker areas correspond to the ends of a bundle of fibrils the so-called muscle-prisms, while the clear material between them is the sarcoglia (fig. 179). 14. Living Muscle (H). Remove, with as little injury as possible, some of the muscular fibre from the leg of a water-beetle (Dytiscus or Hydrophilns), place the muscle on a slide without the addition of any other fluid, and cover it. Examine it as quickly as possible, and with the highest available objective. In insects' muscles there is far more protoplasmic matter or sarcoplasm between the muscle prisms or sarcostyles than there is in vertebrate muscle. (a.) Observe the alternate cross stripes, some of which will be distinctly seen, while at other parts they may be very close together, or the fibre may exhibit contraction waves. The dim disc or band may exhibit slight longitudinal striation, while a dotted line Dobie's line will be seen running across the bright or light disc, dividing it into two so-called lateral discs. The nuclei, surrounded by a small quantity of protoplasm, may be visible. 15. Crab's Muscle (Methyl-Violet). Stain a fragment of a crab's muscular fibre (hardened in alcohol or M filler's fluid and spirit, p. 29) with methyl-violet as described for fibrin (Lesson III. 18). Decolorise it with Lugol's solution of iodine in iodide of potassium, clarify it in aniline-oil and xylol, and mount it in balsam. Use all the precautions detailed under Weigert's method for fibrin. In successful portions, the dim disc, and it alone, will be obtained of a deep violet. Do this with a contracted fibre, one extended, and one relaxed. In the extended fibre observe that it is chiefly the light disc which has been elongated by the extension (fig. 172, B). In the contracted muscle, the discs are closer together and narrower, while the fibre is broader at the contracted part. 16. Polariscope. An ordinary microscope can be fitted with a polariscope, which consists of two Nicol's prisms ; one is placed below the object, and is called the polariser (fig. 180), while the other, the analyser, is placed above the ocular. The light reflected from the mirror as it passes through the polariser is polarised. With the analyser in position, look into the ocular, and slowly turn the analyser. The best forms are provided with a graduated circle to indicate the extent of the rotation. There are two positions of the analyser in which the field is quite dark, caused by the polarised rays being cut of}'. This occurs when the planes of polarisation of the two prisms are at right angles to each other, i.e., when the Nicols are crossed. Between these two positions of the analyser a greater or less amount of polarised light is transmitted. Certain transparent histological preparations when placed on the stage of the micro- XVI.] STRIPED OK STRIATED MUSCLE. 201 scope are dark when the Nicols are crossed, others under the same conditions cause the light to reappear, and appear bright on a dark field. They are said to be doubly refractive. The dim disc is doubly refractive or anisotropous, while the light disc is singly refracted, and is isotropous. Either a preparation of fresh muscle or a balsam preparation may be used. It is well to take a muscle which has broad and distinct stripes to see the phenomena, one set of bands bright and refractive, and the others dark on a dark ground, i.e., with crossed Nicols. Instead of a glass-cover slip, cover the preparation with a thin slip of mica, or place a thin plate of gypsum under a preparation of striped muscle. The field shows various colours, red, pink, green, &c., according to the thickness of the mica plate, the position of the Nicols, and the relation of the axis of the mica to that of the Nicols. Suppose the general tint of the field to be pink, then any doubly refractive substance assumes a tint complementary to the pink, i.e., of a greenish hue. On turning the analyser, the tint of the field varies, FIG. 180. A. Polariser to fit into Zeiss's large stand in a frame under Abbe's condenser ; B. Section of A showing arrangement of the prisms. and with it the colour of the anisotropous substance, while the isotropous sub- stance, being singly refractive, and having no effect on the direction of the polarised ray, has the same colour as the field. The doubly refractive property is possessed by bone (p. 181), smooth muscle, and the white fibres of connective tissue. 17. Obliquely striated Muscle of Anodon. Place a wedge between the partially opened valves of Anodon, the fresh-water mussel, so as to put the fibres of the posterior adductor on the stretch. The whole animal may then be placed in dilute alcohol, or I per cent, potassium bichromate, for two days. On teasing a portion, isolated fibres showing oblique striation are obtained. Or the muscle may be examined fresh in sea-water or in the blood of the animal. Retro-lingual Membrane of Frog (Ranvier). 1 Under the tongue of the frog is a lymph-sac which is separated from the buccal cavity by a thin membrane. It contains striped muscular fibres which anastomose with each other, thus forming a plexus in this respect presenting a peculiarity. Cut off the head, pull out the tongue, and remove the membrane. It can be floated in salt solution to see it. Place the membrane for twenty-four to forty-eight hours in dilute alcohol, then pencil away the epithelium, and place it for twenty - 1 Comptes Retidus, 1890. 19 202 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XVII. four hours in dilute methyl-violet-sB. Wash and mount in glycerine. The elastic fibres are stained of a bright blue, and they seem to spring from the ends and sides of the muscular plexus also stained blue. The elastic fibres arc fixed to the sarcolemma which, however, is not stained by the methyl- violet and the union is a very firm one. Thus the muscular fibres divide, and arc in elastic sheaths connected with elastic fibres. Ranvier has used the same membrane for studying the changes which take place in a striped muscular fibre during contraction. LESSON XVII. NERVE-FIBRES, NERVE-FIBRES are of two kinds, medullated and non-medullated ; the former are found chiefly in the white matter of the nerve- centres and the cerebro-spinal nerves, while the latter occur in large numbers in the sympathetic system. I. Medullated Nerve-Fibre. The essential part is the axis- cylinder, a soft, transparent rod or thread running from end to end of the fibre, and composed of primitive fibrils. It is covered by the myelin, or white substance of Schwann, or medullary sheath, which envelops the axis-cylinder everywhere except at the termina- tion of the fibre and at the nodes of Ranvier (fig. 181). The myelin gives the nerve-fibre its highly refractive appearance and its double contour, and it can be shown to consist of a gtroma or network of fibrils of a peculiar chemical substance called neuro- keratin, enclosing a semifluid fatty-like substance, containing, amongst other chemical substances, protagon, a complex phos- phorised fat. Histologically it consists of cylinder-cones or medul- lary segments, whose ends are bevelled and fit one into the other, but separated from each other by oblique clefts or incisures. Outside the medullary sheath is a thin, transparent, tough elastic sheath, the primitive sheath, sheath of Schwann, or neurilemma. It is not present in all nerve-fibres, being absent from the fibres of the central nervous system. Between the axis-cylinder and the myelin is a thin layer of matter, called by Kiihne axilemma. By others it is regarded as an albuminous cement. At fairly regular intervals about i mm. along the course of a fibre are constrictions, the nodes of Ranvier, where the myelin is absent, so that the neurilemma appears to produce a constriction at these points. The part between any two successive nodes of XVJL] NERVE-FIBRES. 203 Ranvier is an interannular segment, or internode, and about the centre of this, under the neurilemma, is a flattened oval nucleus nerve-corpuscle surrounded by a small quantity of protoplasm, and lying in a slight depression of the myelin. Nodes of Ranvier are absent from the nerve-fibres of the brain and spinal cord. Osmic acid blackens the myelin ; silver nitrate produces the so-called Ranvier's crosses. The manner of their production is given in the text. Nerve-fibres do not, as a rule, branch except towards their terminations. The fibres vary greatly in diameter, some being only half as broad as a red blood-corpuscle (4 p, ^-^tr inch), others as broad (8 ^ -g-^Vo" inch)? and others broader still; so that they vary in diameter from -g 2 /A to 20 /JL. 1 II. Non-Medullated Nerve - Fibres. f They occur specially in the sympathetic S system, but are also present in the cerebro- | spinal nerves. Each fibre consists of a | bundle of fibrils enclosed in a transparent c structureless sheath. Some observers doubt the existence of this sheath. The fibres are somewhat flattened ; they branch and anastomose, and in their course are oval nuclei (fig. 182). As they have no myelin, they are not blackened by osmic acid, so that this reagent serves to distinguish the two kinds of fibres. Nerve-trunks consist of bundles or funi- culi of nerve-fibres, each bundle containing a greater or less number of fibres. Several bundles are held together by a common connective-tissue sheath the epineurium. The sheath around each funiculus is com- posed of lamellated connective tissue, covered on both surfaces by endothelial cells, and is called the perineurium or lamellated sheath. Lymph spaces exist between the lamellae. Delicate fibrils of connective tissue lie between the nerve- * IG ' .Node of Uanvier. Primitive sheath. .Nerve corpuscle. . Axis-cylinder. White substance of Schwann. Node of "llunvier. PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XVII. fibres, and constitute the endoneurium. The larger blood- and lymph-vessels lie in the epineurium and A perineurium, while the endoneurium sup- ports the few capillaries which are distri- buted to the nerve-fibres (fig. 190). The term Sheath of Henle is applied to the prolongation of the perineurial sheath usually a single lamella around a small branch, or even one or two nerve-fibres. The following statement may facilitate the study of the parts to be investigated : NERVE-FIBRES. I. Medullated (chiefly in cerebro-spinal system). II. Non-Medullated (sympathetic or fibres of Remak). A. Medullated Nerve Fibre consists of ( i . ) Primitive sh eatk, sheath of Schwann (or neurilemma). (2.) Nerve-corpuscles occur under the primitive sheath in each inter- annular segment. (3 . ) W h ite substance of Schwann, myelin, or medullary sheath (with cylin- der cones and incisures). It contains a net-work of neuro- keratin. (4.) Axis-cylinder, composed of primi- tive fibrils (surrounded by a sheath called the axilemma). (5.) Nodes of Ranvier and internodal or interannular segments between two successive nodes. Ranvier 's crosses and Frommanris lines, tained by using nitrate of silver. Sheaths of a Nerve-Trunk. Epineurium, perineurium, and endoneurium. B. Non-Medullated Nerve-Fibres consist of FIG. 182. Non-Meduiiated Nerve-Fibre, vagus of Dog. b. Fibrils ; n. Nucleus ; p. Protoplasm surrounding it. (i.) A bundle of fibrils, usually enclosed in !2.) A transparent sheath or neurilemma (?). 3.) On the fibres are oval nuclei. XVII.] NERVE-FIBRES. 205 1. Medullated Nerve-Fibres (H). Select a small nerve, e.g., the sciatic or one of its branches, of a frog. Cut out half an inch of it, and place it on a dry slide, but add no fluid. Fix one end of the thread by pressing on it with any thin blunt object, e.g., the flat surface of a mounted needle, and fray out the opposite end in a fan-shaped manner with a mounted needle, so as to isolate some nerve-fibres. To prevent it from drying, breathe on the specimen from time to time. Add a drop of normal saline, cover, and ex- amine (fig. 183). (a.) Observe highly refractive medullated nerve-fibres of vari- able size, some as broad as a red blood-corpuscle and others nar- rower. Each fibre has a dmille contour, i.e., two thin lines on each side of the centre. The double contour may be inter- rupted here and there. The double contour is due to the white substance of Schwann, medullary sheath, or myelin. (!>.} In the centre a clear bright rod, the axis-cylinder. (c.) Outside the myelin is a thin transparent sheath, primi- tive sheath or neurilemma, scarcely to be detected as such unless the fibre is ruptured or the sheath raised from the myelin, or stretching as a funnel-shaped prolongation from the end of a torn fibre. (d.) Selecting a fibre isolated for a considerable distance, trace its outline, and observe at intervals slight constrictions nodes of Ranvier where the myelin is absent. (e.) A small quantity of delicate connective tissue endoneurium with, perhaps, a capillary and a few blood-corpuscles between the fibres. (/.) The myelin tends to exude from the ruptured ends of the fibres, and appears as highly refractive spherical droplets myelin drops often with concentric markings, but there is no nucleus in them (fig. 183, I). The myelin drops exude more rapidly in a preparation irrigated with i per cent, acetic acid, or 2 per cent. caustic soda, or even with distilled water alone. to. 183. Fresh Nerve -Fibre Ex- amined in Nor- mal Saline. a. A short piece of the axis-cylinder projecting ; I. Myelin drops. FIG. 184. Nerve- Fibre of Frog. a. Ilanvier's node ; b. Nucleus ; ?'. Inci- sures ; m. Myelin blackened. Osmic acid, x 400. 2O6 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XVII. Stain the preparation with picro-carmine, and note that this reagent diffuses into the fibres at their cut ends and at the nodes of Ranvier. It stains the axis-cylinder red, and also the nerve-nuclei or corpuscles which iie J ust un der the neurilemma. 2. Nerve-Fibres in Osmic Acid (H). A nerve- fibre is rapidly blackened by osmic acid, as can be shown by applying a drop of i per cent, solution to a fresh nerve, but for good permanent preparations it is well to stain the nerve after the action of the osmic acid. Place a small piece of nerve in a small glass thimble along with 2 cc. of .5 per cent, osmic acid. Cork the thimble, and after twenty-four hours thoroughly wash the preparation ; tease it a little, and place it for twenty-four hours in a solution of picro-carmine. In fact, if it be left for days in this dye it is better, as the fibres can then be more readily dissociated. Tease a small fragment, and mount it in glycerine acidulated with formic acid. (a.) Observe in each fibre the myelin stained black. Search for a node of Ranvier, a narrow constriction, and note .that the myelin is absent at the constriction, although the axis-cylinder and neurilemma are pre- sent (figs. 184, a, 185). Find the next node, and, between the two adjoining nodes, the stretch of nerve the internodal or interannular segment (fig. 181). (6.) In the interannular segment, just under the neurilemma, and lying in a slight depression of the myelin (lig. 184, 6), a red-stained oval nucleus sur- rounded by a small quantity of protoplasm, and about midway between the two nodes (fig. 185, n). The axis-cylinder stained red, and continuous throughout the fibre. (c.) In the myelin what look like oblique slits incisures running obliquely outwards from the axis-cylinder to the neurilemma (fig. 185, i). They correspond on each side, and break up the myelin Fl Fibre 85 '~(Osmfc into a number of short lengths cylinder cones- Acid), a. Axis- the bevelled end of one cylinder-cone fitting into the cylinder; r. Node -,11 n i i c Ji i v i of iianvier ; . in- oppositely bevelled end oi the next cylinder-cone. cleS^'w "prokt Many cones lie in an internode. piasn'; s. Neuri- (cZ.) Some of the fibres are broad, and others narrow, about half the breadth of the others. (e.) Some fibres are not blackened by osmic acid at all. They XVIL] NERVE- FIBRES. 2O7 FIG appear as flattened bands with oval nuclei at intervals in their course. They are non-medullated nerve-fibres, which, as they have no myelin, are not blackened by the osmic acid. (/.) A small quantity of connective tissue and capillaries. To get a good view of the incisures and nodes, the best plan is to stretch the sciatic or other nerve of a frog on a match before placing it in osmic acid. In this way the fibres are kept straight, and the cylinder-cones pulled asunder as far as possible, thus making the incisures wide and distinct. 3. Ranvier's Crosses (H). Rapidly tease out on a dry slide one of the branches of the sciatic nerve (frog), and stain it for five minutes with .3 per cent, solution of silver nitrate. Wash off the silver, apply a drop of glycerine, and expose it to daylight. It rapidly becomes brown. (a.) Observe the fibres, but at each node will be seen a brownish- hlack cross (fig. 186); the silver nitrate diffuses into the nerve-fibre only at the nodes, stains tho cement joining one internode with another, thus making the trans- verse bar of the cross, and as it diffuses along the axis-cylinder it stains some cement substance on the latter, and thus makes the vertical bar of the cross. Occasionally a number of transverse (fig. 187) lines Frorcmann's lines are seen on the axis-cylinder, i.e., on the vertical bar of the cross (p. 210). Place a sciatic nerve of a frog for twelve hours in i per cent. AgN0 3 , and keep it in the dark. Wash and harden in absolute alcohol, and mount in balsam. The crosses and lines are then seen with great dis- tinctness. 4. Endothelial Cells of the Perineurium. Intercostal, or other Small Nerve. (i.) It is well also to stain with silver nitrate one of the small intercostal nerves of a rat or some other small nerve. Stain the whole nerve in silver nitrate. (ii.) Open the abdomen of a frog, remove the abdominal viscera, so as to expose the nerves coining from the vertebral canal. Pour on the nerves .3 per cent, silver nitrate. After three minutes, cut out the nerves and place them for half an hour in fresh .3 per cent. AgNO r Wash in distilled water, tease a piece in glycerine, and expose it to light. (a.) The crosses are seen as before, but above them is the lO. 186. Nerve with Ranvier's Crosses. Silver nitrate, x 30. 187. Nerve- Fibre. . Node and cross of Ban- vier with Fro- mann's lines, x 200. Silver nit- rate. 208 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XVII. endothelial sheath of the nerve-fibre, composed of polygonal squamcs (fig. 189). 5. Axis-Cylinder. Harden for two or three days a nerve in chromate of potash, tease a piece, and stain it in carmine. Observe the axis-cylinder stained red (fig. 188). Or treat a fine nerve for four days to a week in -^ per cent, chromic acid or -^ per cent, bichromate of potash. On teasing long stretches of isolated nerve axis-cylinders are readily found. 6. T.S. of a Nerve. Select a rather large nerve, e.g., the human sciatic, and harden about an inch of it in picric acid for forty-eight hours, or in 2 per cent, ammonium bichromate for two weeks. Wash out the bichromate. Complete the harden- ing in alcohol. Sec- tions may be made, and stained with logwood or carmine, but they are very apt to fall to pieces. It is prefer- able, therefore, to stain the hardened tissue "in bulk." Place it in borax carmine for three days, then trans- fer it to acid alcohol, and pass it through absolute alcohol and turpentine, and embed it in paraffin. Cut sections, when the paraffin keeps all the parts in their places. Fix a section on a slide with white of egg, remove cylinder; 6. Ran- a }} t] ie paraffin by placing the slide in turpentine, Nucleus, c'hro- clear it up in clove-oil, and mount in balsam. (.) (H) Select a bundle. Observe the perineurium, made up of several concentric lamellae with nuclei between them. The cut ends of the fibres varying in diameter. (r.) Xote in each fibre the section of the stained axis-cylinder. Surround- ing this a clear trans- parent ring, indicating the position of the myelin. which has been dissolved out in the process of pre- paration. (d.) Outside this a thin circle the primitive alieath. Between the nerve-fibres a small quantity of connective tissue or endonemium. Non-Medullated Nerve- Fibres. FIG. 190. T.S. of Several Funiculi of the Median Nerve, p. Perineurium ; ep. Epineurium ; ed. En- doneurium. 7. Non-Medullated or Sympathetic Nerve - Fibres. (i.) These are readily found in the large splenic nerve of the ox, or in a portion of the sympathetic nerve of the thoracic or abdominal chain. The nerve has a pretty thick sheath. Cut this open, and cut off a small piece. Tease it in normal saline. The process of teasing is greatly facilitated by placing the nerve for twenty-four hours in dilute acetic acid (5 drops in 100 cc. water). (H) Observe that there are very few medul- lated fibres, the great majority being non- medullatod (iig. 192). Their outlines are not very distinct ; they arc faintly striated longi- tudinally, and have oval nuclei at intervals. They may be stained with picro-carmine. (ii.) Place the cervical sympathetic nerve of a rabbit in .25 per cent, osmic acid for twenty-four hours. Wash it in water, and stain it for several hours in picro-carmine. Tease a fragment in glycerine. (iii.) Or tease the vagus of a rabbit upon a dry slide, taking care that the nerve does not become dry. Cover it for 5-10 minutes O FIG. 191. Non-Medullater Nerve - Fibres, Sympa- thetic Nerve of Rabbit, x 200. 2IO PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [xvn with i per cent, osmic acid, wash away the osmic acid, add picro- carmine, and place the whole for 24-48 hours in a ruoist chamber a, FIG. 193. Neuro- 192. Part of the Human Sympathetic Nerve in keratin Network Osmic Acid. There are two medullated fihres in a Medulluted amongst Remak's flhres, x 350. Externally the Nerve-Fibre, epineurium, Epn; mF. Medullated fibres with Ranvier's nodes; K. Nuclei of Remak's fibres; inlF. Remnk's fibres ; K'. Nucleus of medullated fibre ; Bz. Connective-tissue cells. (fig. 47), and afterwards displace the picro-carmine by glycerine, as recommended at p. 82. (H) Observe a few small medullated fibres (blackened by Os(> 4 ), and numerous non-medullated fibres, some of which may bo seen to branch. Note the oval nuclei on the fibres (fig. 191). If the part be taken from near a ganglion, often nerve-cells may be seen. ADDITIONAL EXERCISES. 8. Neurokeratin Network and Axis-Cylinder. Place the fresh sciatic nerve of a frog in a dilute solution of ferric chloride consisting of Liquor ferri perchloridi . . . . I part Distilled water or spirit .... 3-4 parts. XVII.] NERVE-FIBRES. 211 Leave it in this fluid for three or four days. Wash every trace of the iron salt out of the preparation, and preserve it in alcohol. Place small pieces of the nerve several days in a saturated solution of dinitrosoresorcin in 75 per cent, alcohol. Tease a fragment, dehydrate it with alcohol, clarify with xylol, and mount in balsam (Plainer). This is an excellent method. (a.) Ohserve the axis-cylinder stained green. It can be seen with the utmost distinctness passing from one internode to the next one, and across the nodes of Ranvier, which are particularly sharply denned. In the myelin, a network of fibres the neurokeratin network stained green. The axis- cylinder appears as distinct as in fig. 193. (ft.) Klihne and Ewald's Method. 1 Harden a nerve for twenty-four hours in absolute alcohol. Boil it in absolute alcohol, and extract it with ether. To remove everything except the network, a teased preparation is digested in pan- creatic juice. (c.) Heidenhain's hoematoxylin (p. 70) may be used to stain nerve-fibres. It stains the axis-cylinder and the neuro- keratin network. 9. Frommann's Lines and Ranvier's Crosses (H). Place a fresh nerve in .c-i per cent, silver nitrate for forty-eight Vlf . ,,. 11 i i t t-ir i A i -T IG. IQ4- rioni- hours, and keep it in the dark. Wash it in water, and mann s Lines expose it to light for 2-3 days in equal parts of formic acid, on an Axial water, and glycerine, and preserve it in glycerine. Tease Cylinder, a piece in glycerine. (a.) Observe the crosses of Ranvier sharply denned, and on the axis-cylinder well-defined transverse markings, extending for a long distance along the axis-cylinder. Frommann's lines. If an axis-cylinder be dislodged from its fibre, a biconical swelling may be seen (a). It corresponds to that part of the axis-cylinder opposite a node of Ranvier (fig. 194). 10. Axis-Cylinder (a.) Action of Collodion (H). Tease a fresh sciatic nerve of a frog without adding any fluid. Add a large drop of collodion and apply a cover-glass, or tease a fresh nerve in chloroform. Examine quickly, as the preparation soon spoils. The neurilemma is distinct, the myelin is transparent and finely granular, while the axis- cylinder appears as a dark cylindrical rod often with a curved course in the centre of the fibre, and it may even project beyond the end of the fibre. (ft.) Isolated axis-cylinders are readily obtained from the central nervous system after maceration of the white matter of the cord in methyl-mixture (p. 26), or Miiller's fluid or ammonium chromate. 11. Schwann's Sheath. Macerate a peripheral nerve for several days in ammonium chromate (i : 3000). The myelin is dissolved while the neurilemma and axis-cylinder remain (Schiefferdccl-cr}. 12.' T.S. Nerve, Osmic Acid (H). Stretch a nerve on a piece of wood, and place it wood and all for two days in .5 per cent, osmic acid, or, better still, in Flemming's mixture for one day. On the second day, add a little more osmic arid to Flemming's mixture, and harden the nerve for another day. It is better to embed the nerve in paraffin and make transverse sections. The section.? are fixed on a slide by a fixative, 1 K Mint's Untersuch. , Heidelberg, 1878. FIG. i9v Periphe- ral Nerve-Fibre of Frog. a. Lon- gitudinal fibrillne in axis-cylinder ; b. T.S. of nerve- fibre. Osmic acid and Bismarck brown, x 1000. 212 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XVII. the paraffin is extracted by turpentine, and the sections mounted in balsam. They may be stained with a watery solution of Bismarck brown. Instead of this, after fixing the nerve in osmic acid, and hardening in 90 per cent, alcohol, place it for 24-48 hours in a strong saturated watery solution of acid fuchsin (S.N. 30), wash in alcohol, embed and cut in paraffin. The ends of* the fibrils on the axis-cylinder are stained red (fig. 195). (a.} Note the axis-cylinder in the centre surrounded by a dark ring (figs. 195, 196, b), the myelin blackened by the Os0 4 . If the section of a nerve- fibre is through incisures, the double contour of the myelin may be seen sometimes with a narrow black edge, at others with a broad black edge externally. (ft.) If a piece of the nerve be placed for forty-eight hours in a solution of Bismarck brown, and then teased, the appearance shown in fig. 195, a, is obtained, when the axis-cylinder presents a longitudinally striated appearance. 13. Size of Nerve-Fibres. The osmic acid method has yielded the best results. Some of the fibres are broad, and others are narrow or fine. Thus the anterior roots of the upper cervical nerves, and the third cranial nerve, contain only broad nerve-fibres, while the second and succeeding thoracic nerves contain broad and fine fibres (fig. 196). In nerves going to muscles there are many large and few small medullated fibres, while in nerves going to viscera the fine medullated fibres are far more abundant than the broad fibres. FlG. 196. A. T.S. of the anterior root of a spinal nerve below the first dorsal nerve. B. T.S. of a part of a cervical nerve. Osmic acid. 14. Living Nerve-Fibres are readily studied in the inflated lungs of a newt or frog. The frog's lung is best kept inflated by Holmgren's apparatus. 1 Nerve-fibres are also readily seen in the tongue of a frog arranged as for studying the circulation of the blood (Lesson XIX.). 15. Marchi's Method for Degenerated Fibres. Harden a nerve in Miiller's fluid for eight days and then in the following fluid : Marchi's Fluid. Miiller's fluid ... 2 parts. Osmic acid (i per cent) . . I part. Embed in celloidin and mount in warmed balsam. It is well not to employ balsam dissolved in chloroform, as then the darkened parts lose their dark colour. The degenerated parts of nerve-fibres are black. This method is particularly useful for degenerations in the nerve-centres before sclerosis has 1 Beitrage z. Awit. u. Fhys., C. Ludwig, gewidmet, Leipzig, 1874, p. cxvi. XVII.] NERVE-FIBRES. 2 1 3 set in, but it is also applicable to nerve-fibres that have undergone degenera- tion, e.g., after section of a nerve, constituting Wallerian degeneration. It will also detect any degenerated fibres in an ordinary nerve. 16. Isolated Schwann's Sheath. Place a stretched nerve of a frog in the following lluid for twenty-four hours in the dark : Boveri's Fluid. Silver nitrate ( i per cent.) . . . 10 cc. Osmic acid (i per cent.) . . . 10 ,, Wash it in water, and place for twenty-four hours in very dilute caustic potash (2-3 drops of a concentrated solution in 15 cc. water). Tease in glycerine. The axis-cylinder shrinks and Schwann's sheath may be traced as a continuous sheath without any interruptions at the nodes. 17. Nerve-Fibres of the Spinal Cord. These are devoid of Schwann's sheath, but they possess both Ranvier's nodes and incisures of Lantermann. Boveri's fluid may stain both. It is evident then that these two structures have no relation to Schwann's sheath, but are related entirely to the myelin. The cylinder-cones are readily isolated by Schiefferdecker's methyl-mixture (p. 26). 18. Degeneration of Nerve-Fibres. This is readily studied in the rabbit. The skin is first disinfected with solution of corrosive sublimate, and then the median and ulnar nerves are exposed on the inner aspect of the upper arm, the nerves divided, and the wound sealed with collodion (C. Huber). 1 In different animals the nerves are excised 2, 3, 4, . . . 8 or 10 days after the operation. The excised nerves are kept extended on wood and fixed for twenty-four hours either in Hermann's fluid (Lesson XXXV.) or the picro- osniium mixture of Benda, prepared by saturating a I per cent, solution of osniic acid with picric acid and filtering. They are then washed in water and hardened in alcohol. The sections are stained with safranin and light-green. Besides showing the usual degeneration phenomena, they show mitotic division of the nuclei of Schwann's sheath, showing that these proliferate. LESSON XVIII. NERVE -GANGLIA, NERVE -CELLS, AND PERI- PHERAL TERMINATIONS OF MOTOR NERVES. Spinal Ganglia. Harden a spinal ganglion of a cat or dog in 2 per cent, ammonium bichromate for three weeks, and subse- quently in alcohol. Make transverse and longitudinal sections of the ganglion, stain with logwood or carmine, and mount in balsam. 1. L.S. Mammalian Spinal Ganglion (L). (<.<.) Note the cap- 1 Archivf. mik. Anat., xl. p. 409, 1892. 2I 4 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XVIII. sule (fig. 197, c) surrounding the ganglion; nerve-fibres (a) enter the ganglion at one end and leave it at the other. They run in groups, chiefly through the central part of the ganglion, so that they are cut in different planes. (6.) Numerous spherical cells (tig. 197, b) lying singly or in groups between the nerve-fibres, but chiefly towards the surface. (c.) (H) Select a single ganglion-cell; note its spherical shape, FIG. 197. L.S. Spinal Ganglion, a. Nerve-fibres; b. Nerve-cells ; c. Capsule of the ganglion. its granular contents, and single, large, distinct, excentrically-placed nucleus, often with one or more distinct nucleoli (fig. 198). The nucleus has a well-defined nuclear membrane. (d.) Around each cell is a capsule, which is lined by a single layer of flattened cells, but only the nuclei of these cells are seen. The cell-substance is frequently somewhat re- tracted from the capsule, so that a space may intervene between the two. In a T.S. of such a ganglion, notice the capsule of the ganglion sending in coarse septa, the nerve- cells near the circumference, and the nerve-fibres chiefly in the centre. 2. Isolated Cells of a Spinal Ganglion (Mammal) (H). Into a dorsal ganglion of a young rabbit make an interstitial injection of osmic acid (2 per cent.). Tease a small piece in picro-carmine and mount the preparation in , . ,. n j i i i glycerine. bometimes a cell with its single process may be found. The cells are unipolar. It is more difficult to find the connection of the issuing axis-cylinder with a nerve- fibre, forming what Ranvier has described as T-shaped nerve-fibres, but with care such processes can be found. plasm shrunk from the Capsule, x 200. XVIII.] NERVE-GANGLIA, NERVE-CELLS, ETC. 215 3. Spinal Ganglion of Frog. These ganglia lie under cover of the small white calcareous sacs situated on each side of the verte- bral column, which are seen at once when the abdominal cavity is opened and the abdominal viscera removed. Remove the white chalky mass, and the greyish semi-transparent small ganglion will be seen. With sharp-pointed forceps it is not difficult to tear away the capsule of the white calcareous mass. These sacs contain arra- gonite ; some of the crystals are large, but the smaller arragonite particles when examined in water exhibit Brownian movement. Treat it in the same way as directed for the frog's Gasserian ganglion. (H) In a carefully-teased specimen (use a dissecting microscope, p. 22), it is by no means difficult to find large unipolar cells, each cell with a distinct hyaline capsule, and the cell itself with a relatively large nucleus and well-defined nucleolus. Moreover, the continuation of the body of the cell with a nerve-fibre is not difficult to establish. The methylene-blue method may be used (p. 222). 4. Spinal Ganglion of a Skate. Make an interstitial injection of osmic acid (2 per cent.) into such a ganglion. Stain a piece in picro-carmine and tease it in glycerine. Bipolar cells are readily found. Each cell shows a distinct capsule enclosing a nucleated cell with a pole at either end continuous with a nerve-fibre (fig. 199). 5. GaSSerian Ganglion. FIG< I99 ._ B ipolar Ganglion Cell of the Spinal (a.) The Gasserian ganglion Ganglion of a skate, of a sheep does very well ; harden it in the same way as for spinal ganglia or in Miiller's fluid. The same general arrangement of fibres and cells is seen, only the cells are larger, and their protoplasm frequently contains granules of a yellow pigment. Very instructive results are obtained by double-staining it with eosin and haematoxylin, first with hsemato- xylin and then with eosin, or use eosin-haematoxylin, and mount in balsam. The nuclei are blue, the other parts reddish. If a cell be isolated after interstitial injection of osmic acid, as recom- mended for spinal ganglia, the cells have the form shown in fig. 200. (6.) A fresh ganglion may be teased in salt solution. The large spherical cells are readily isolated, but they usually shell out of their capsule. Stain them with magenta solution. 6. Gasserian Ganglion of Frog. Destroy the brain and spinal cord of a frog, remove the lower jaw, divide the skull into two longi- tudinally by a vertical incision. Tear off the mucous membrane covering the roof of the mouth. From a foramen just behind the 216 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XVIIT. eyeball there issue a few fine threads, branches of the fifth nerve. Scoop out the brain. These threads are readily recognised by being usually somewhat pigmented. With a pair of scissors make a snip in the base of the skull at right angles to the cut already made. Turn up the bone, and on the fifth nerve, which runs towards the foramen behind the eyeball, will be found a small oval swelling surrounded by a tough capsule. Divide the latter and remove the ganglion. I have usually found that the little ganglionic swelling is somewhat pigmented. At any rate, it is easily found by tracing the fifth nerve backwards. The nerve is accompanied by an artery. Tease the ganglion in .25 per cent, osmic acid, and let it stain in this fluid for two hours. Stain it for several hours in picro-carmine (under a moist - chamber, p. 82), tease a fragment in glycerine. Try to find a cell with its single pro- cess prolonged into a nerve-fibre. In most of the cells, however, the process is apt to be detached. 7. Sympathetic Ganglia (Frog). Lying in contact with the spinal column of the frog is a FIG. 200. Nerve-Ceil row o f sma ]i semi-transparent ganglia, the sym- from Rabbit's Spinal Ganglion, pathetic chain, and between them and the roots ceii^ca^uie^n 6 ^ ^he spinal nerves pass fine nerve filaments. Nucleus of nerve- Open the abdomen of a freshly-killed frog, re- flbre ; a. Nerve- ,-, . , ,. , , , i i* . j_-i i fibre; Fibre di- move the intestinal tract and liver, cut through the peritoneum above the kidneys, raise the kidneys and excise them. There will be seen the white nerves issuing from the cord. Between these and the sympathetic ganglia fine nerves run transversely. Cut out the sympathetic ganglia and treat them with chloride of gold by the method (p. 79, 3) ; or cut out the aorta and the adjacent tissues, and subject them to the gold chloride method. After the piece of tissue has acquired a purplish colour, examine it with a low power to find nerve-cells. The nerve-cells may be isolated or arranged in groups. It requires great care to get a satis- factory preparation. Note the pyriform shape of the cell, each with a large nucleus, the cell-substance continued into a straight process, which may be seen to be encircled by a spiral process. The body of the cell is surrounded by a well-marked capsule, which is con- tinued over the cell-processes, and has nuclei on its inner surface. 8. Sympathetic Ganglion (Mammal) (H). Harden the first thoracic sympathetic ganglion or the superior cervical ganglion of a man or rabbit in 2 per cent, ammonium bichromate (2-3 weeks), viding at e at. a node of Ranvier, T-shaped fibre. XVIII.] NERVE-GANGLIA, NERVE-CELLS, ETC. Capillary; V. Vein; K. Capsule; N ' Nerve - cell > x 3- and subsequently in alcohol. Make transverse sections. Stain in picro-carmine or a watery solution of nigrosin (several hours), and mount the former in Farrant's solution, and the latter in balsam. (a.) Observe the fibrous capsule of the ganglion ending in septa, and numerous bundles of non-medullated nerve-fibres cut obliquely or transversely. A few blood-vessels. (/>.) The nerve-cells, each with a capsule, showing nuclei. The nucleated cell substance is frequently somewhat shrunk from its capsule, and at one side it usually contains some yellowish-brown pig- ment granules, especially if the human cervical ganglion be used. It is difficult to see the process, which becomes continuous with a nerve-fibre, but with care it may be seen passing out of one or more of the cells (fig. 201). (c. ) The veins have long fusiform dilatations upon them ; this is not unfrequently seen in teased prepara- tions of a human ganglion, but can only be fully demonstrated in an injected specimen of the ganglion. 9. Isolated Multipolar Nerve-Cells of the Spinal Cord. There are several ways of preparing these. (i.) Cut out a small part of the anterior cornu of the spinal < 4 .ml of an ox, calf, sheep, or other animal, and place it in very dilute chromic acid (.01 per cent.) or .2 per cent, potassium bichromate for a few days, and do not change the fluid. Wash, and place it for twenty-four hours in strong carmine solution (p. 63). Place a little of the red pulp on a slide, and, with the aid of a dissecting microscope, try to isolate one or more multi- polar nerve-cells. (ii.) Or, what is a better method, take small fragments of the anterior cornu of the spinal cord of an ox or calf, and place them in dilute alcohol for forty-eight hours or longer. After this time we can see better the distinction between the grey and the white matter. Shake the fragments in the dilute alcohol, and allow the debris to subside. Pour off the alcohol, and "fix" the cells with .25 per cent, osmic acid (one hour); pour this off, and stain the cells for forty-eight hours with picro-carminc. Pour off the picro- carmine and replace it by glycerine-jelly. When the glycerine- jelly is warmed, a drop of the fluid placed on a slide is almost certain to contain one or more isolated multipolar nerve-cells. With a low power find a cell. PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [xvul. (a.) (H) Observe the large size of the cell (100 ^, ^Jo" inch, and therefore visible to the naked eye), with numerous processes branched processes which run in all directions (fig. 202). The processes branch ; and then branch again and again to form a fine protoplasmic system of processes the protoplasmic processes. One process is always un- branched, it is by no means difficult to see the axis-cylinder process which becomes continuous with, or in fact is, or be- comes, the axis-cylinder of a nerve-fibre (fig. 202, a). (b.) The multipolar cell itself has no cell- wall, and it contains a large, con- spicuous, spherical, nucleo- lated nucleus, the latter with a distinct envelope. The protoplasm is fibril- lated, and the fibrils may be seen to stretch into the branched processes. Some- times the cells contain pigment (fig. 202, I). 10. Cover-Glass Preparation of multipolar Nerve-Cells. (i.) From a perfectly fresh cord of a sheep or ox snip off a small piece of the anterior cornu; press it between two cover-glasses, so as to form a thin film. Separate the cover-glasses and allow the film adhering to each to dry. Float the cover-glass film surface downwards on a concentrated watery solution of methylene-blue for several hours. Wash the cover-glass in water mixed with alcohol, drain it, allow it to dry, and mount it in xylol balsam ; the cover-glass can be passed through absolute alcohol, cleared with xylol, and mounted in xylol balsam. The multipolar nerve-cells are all deeply stained blue (T/tanko/er). (ii.) If the use of aniline colours be objected to, the following method gives good results : For three or four days macerate a small part of the grey matter of the anterior cornu in 20 cc. of water, containing i gram of each of the following : Neutral ammonium chroma te, potassic phosphate and sodic sulphate (Landois' fluid, p. 26), and then stain it in bulk for 24-48 hours in equal parts of the above solution and strong ammoniacal carmine. FIG. 202. A Multipolar Nerve-Cell from the An- terior Coruu of the Grey Matter of the Human Spinal Cord. a. Axis-cylinder process ; b. Pig- ment, x 150. XVIII.] NERVE-GANGLIA, NERVE-CELLS, ETC. 2IQ Squeeze a little of the red pulp between two cover-glasses, and treat it as recommended for the methylene-blue preparation. It would bo difficult to get preparations that surpass in beauty those prepared by the methylene-blue method of Thanhoffer. (iii.) Make a cover-glass preparation from a fresh spinal cord. Heat one of them by passing it two or three times through the flame of a Bunsen-burner. Thereby the proteids are coagulated and partially charred. In some of these preparations good views of the blood-vessels may also be obtained. (a.) Observe especially in the methylene-blue preparation the large cells with numerous branched processes ; some of them are very long, and each shows distinct fibrillation. (/>. ) The unbranched axis-cylinder process. (e.) The body of the cell, nucleated and nucleolated, with its cell- contents, traversed by blue-stained fibrils, running in certain definite directions through the cell. Other forms of nerve-cells are referred to under Cerebrum and Cerebellum. ADDITIONAL EXERCISES. 11. Motor Nerves to Muscles. (i.) If the skin over the sternum of a small frog be divided longitudinally, on raising the skin a small thin muscle musculus cutaneus pectoris will be seen running from the skin to the sternum. Keep the muscle stretched and " fix " it by pouring on it a little osmic acid. Cut out the muscle, and after dehydrating, mount it in balsam. It is apt to darken on exposure to light. ( L) Observe the nerve is black sending branches over the muscular fibres ; trace these onwards over the muscular fibres until a single nerve-fibre is found. (H) Note that when a nerve-fibre divides, it does so always at a node of Ranvier. The nerve-fibre can be traced to a muscular fibre, but it apparently stops abruptly, because the myelin stops where the nerve pierces the sarco- lemma. Other methods are required to see the termination within the sarco- lemma. (ii.) May's Method. Select a thin muscle, e.g., the cutaneus pectoris, sartorius, mylo-hyoid, &c., and place it in water containing 2 per cent, glacial acetic acid for twelve hours. Make fresh the following mixture : | per cent, potassio-gold chloride . . . I cc. 2 ,, osmic acid . . . . . I ,, 2 ,, glacial acetic acid . . . 50 ,, and place the muscles in it for 2-3 hours. Then transfer them to the following mixture : Glycerine . . . . . . . 40 cc. Water 20 ,, Hydrochloric acid (25 per cent.) . . . . I ,, for several hours. They become very transparent, and can be investigated in glycerine or Farrant's solution. 220 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XVIII. 12. Nerves of Frog's Sartorius. Suppose the sartorius to be selected. A beautiful view of the distribution of the motor nerves black is obtained (fig. 203). The single nerve-trunk enters the muscle on the median aspect and on its imder surface about the level between the middle and lowest thirds, Several large brandies usually two run nearly parallel towards both ends of the muscle two longer, towards the upper end of the muscle A and two or three shorter, towards its lower end, the latter following a slightly more oblique course. Numerous branches form elongated quadrilateral meshes. At two points in the muscle, towards its ends, there are more fine branches than elsewhere. The fibres form plexuses and divide. Note specially that the knee and pelvic ends are devoid of nerve-fibres. 13. Motor Nerve-Endings. (i.) Take a thin muscle, e.g., the eye-muscles or intercostal muscles of a small mammal, the thin leg muscles of a lizard, or the thin cutaneous muscles which pass between the skin and the wall of the chest in snakes, and stain them with gold chloride by the formic acid gold chloride method (p. 79). They must remain in the gold solution about one hour. The gold may be reduced, either in water acidulated with acetic acid, by exposure to the light, or in the dark, in 25 per cent, formic acid. (H) Tease a piece of the purplish- violet muscle in glycerine, and search for a purple nerve-fibre termination in an arborescent branched end-plate lying on the sarcous substance of the muscle (fig. 204). Nuclei are present in the protoplasm of the end-plate. (ii.) Golgi's Method. Place the muscles of a newly- killed lizard for a minute or two in a .5 per cent, solution of arsenic acid, and directly afterwards in a solution of .5 per cent, solution of chloride of gold and potassium for 1 5-20 minutes, and reduce the tissue in sunlight in a I per cent, solution of arsenic acid. Instead of the above gold solution, use the following mixture, devised by Kiihne : Arsenic acid (.5 per cent.) . . . . 60 cc. Osmic acid (2 per cent.) . . . 3 ,, Chloride of gold and potassium (i per cent.). 12 ,, The tissue is then placed in I per cent, arsenic acid, and reduced by exposure to sunlight. The process may be greatly hastened by doing the reduction process at a temperature of 50 C., but it must be done in the direct rays of the sun. The pieces of tissue can be preserved in the following fluid, devised by Mays : Glycerine . . . . . . . 60 cc. Arsenic acid ( I per cent.) . . . .10,, Methylic alcohol . . . . .10,, Water . . . . . . . 20 ,, In working with solutions of gold, do not use steel instruments. They must be either glass, platinum-iridiurn, or the substance known as " nickeline." In birds, reptiles, and mammals the nerve-fibres terminate in " end-plates," which are disc-shaped bodies lying under the sarcolernma, i.e., they are hypo- lemmal in position, 40-60 /u, long and 40 ^ broad. They consist of a finely granular protoplasm with nuclei. As the gold chloride stains only the axis- FlG. 203. Distribu- tion of Nerve- Fibres in the Frog's Sartorius. A. Upper, B. Lower end ; aa and bb. Numer- ous fine branches ; P. Pelvic end, and A'. Knee end, with no nerve-fibres. XVIII.] NERVE-GANGLIA, NERVE-CELLS, ETC. 221 cylinder, one sees its branched arborescent terminations in the protoplasm (tig. 205). A good plan to see the unaltered end-plates is to examine the Nerve-fibre. End-plate. Muscle nucleus. FIG. 204. Termination of a Xerve-Fibre in End-Plate of a Lizard's Muscle. muscle in a freshly-prepared I per cent, solution of sulphate of iron or ammonio- sulphate of iron (Kiihnc, Mays}. 14. Frog's Motor Nerve-Endings. There is no " end-plate," as in mamma- lian muscles, but the axis-cylinder splits up into bayonet-shaped branches under the sarcolemma. The myelin is continued up nearly to the sarcolemma, but as the nerve-fibre perforates the sarcolemma and becomes hypolemmal, the myelin stops, so that within the sarcolemma the branches are pale, and consist of branches of the axial- cylinder only. The gold method (p. 79) may be used. A simple method is to stain a small piece of a fresh muscle (e.g., sartorius, near its middle, not at the ends) with Delafield's logwood. It stains the hypo-sarco- lemmal nerve-terminations. The mode of terminal ion of nerves in sensory surfaces will be found under Skin, Eye, and the sense-organs generally. 15. Terminations of Nerves in Tendon. This is best shown by one of the gold- chloride methods. Perhaps the following by Manfredi is the best : Place the tendinous ends of the gemelli muscles of a rabbit (or the enucleated eyeball with its muscles attached) in Potass bichromate (2 per cent.) . for 3 days. Acetic or arsenic acid (i per cent.) . ,, 30 mins. Gold chloride ( i per cent.) ... ,, 30 ,, Wash and leave exposed in sunlight in I per cent, arsenic acid until it assumes a violet-blue colour. 16. Pyriform Nerve-Cells (Frog). These are most readily found in the ganglion of the vagus as it issues from the skull. Pith a frog, distend the (esophagus by pushing a small test-tube into it, place the frog on its belly, relleet the skin over the shoulder-blade, divide the trapezius and remove the fore-limb. The vagus will be seen coming out, along with the glosso-pharyn- geal, through a large foramen immediately in front of the occipital condyle. Clear away the muscles from the region of this foramen, snip and excise a Fro. 205. End-Plate of a Lizard's Muscle. One end -plate seen in profile, the other from above, with a nerve - fibre axis - cylinder terminating in it. Gold chloride, Golgi's method. 222 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XVIII. small part of the bone, so as to trace the nerve as far Lack as possible. Its greyish gelatinous semi-transparent ganglion is seen. Remove the nerve with the ganglion and place it for twenty minutes in I per cent, osmic acid and then stain it in picro-carmine. Tease a small piece in glycerine, and it is by no means difficult to find pyriform cells, each with a large nucleus, usually near the broad end of the cell. The protoplasm frequently contains large refractile granules. The straight process from the cells is readily seen, and with care the spiral process also can be seen. The methylene-blue method (p. 192) shows very well the straight and the spiral fibre. Place the fresh tissue in the methylene fluid. 17. Isolated Cells of Sympathetic Ganglion (Mammal). (a.) Tease a sym- pathetic ganglion best done after maceration for 24 hours in weak acetic acid (2 drops to 100 cc. water). To isolate a cell showing its connection with a nerve-fibre requires much patience. (b.) Place a small piece of the superior cervical ganglion of a rabbit in per cent, osmic acid for 2-3 hours. Leave it in water for a day or two to macerate, and then tease it in diluted glycerine. A better plan is to make an interstitial injection of the osmic acid. It requires to be carefully teased to get isolated cells showing several nerve-fibres passing off from them. (H) Note the spherical cell, with a nucleated capsule. It gives off many pro- cesses, each of which becomes continuous with a nerve-fibre, i.e., it is multipolar. These cells in the rabbit usually contain two nuclei (fig. 206). (c.) Double Impregnation Method of Ramon y Cayal. It is better to use the sympathetic ganglia, e.g., G. stcllatum of embryos (dog, rabbit), or those of new-born animals. The fresh ganglion is placed in Golgi's bichromate-osmic acid fluid (3 days), then wash it with distilled water and after- wards with .75 per cent, silver nitrate. Leave it for 1-2 days in fresh silver nitrate (75 P er cent.). AVash it again, and place it again in osmico-bichromate mixture (4- 4! days), and then again in silver nitrate. Sometimes even a ''treble impregnation " is useful. This process "intensivo" or " impregnacion doble " we owe to R. y Cayal, who has obtained good results with it, and so has L. Sala, 1 whose paper 1 contains figures of his results and a resume the literature. He finds that the cells are multipolar with a single unbranched process and numerous branched protoplasmic processes. 18. Methylene-Blue Method. This is an admirable method, and depends on the fact that this substance stains blue the axis-cylinders or fibrils of nerves in vivo. It is applicable for studying the terminations of nerve-fibres in any tissue where they terminate, and also for the connection between nerve- fibres and nerve-cells. When injected into the blood-vessels of an animal, it FIG. 206. Isolated Nerve-Cell from Superior Sympathetic Ganglion of a Rabbit. /. Remak's fibres; n'n'. Nuclei of these libres ; nn. Nuclei of cell. 6f 1 Archiv ital. de Biologic, 1893, p. 439. XIX.] THE HEART AND BLOOD-VESSELS. 223 acts on the nerves, and on the latter being exposed to the air they become blue. It may also be applied to fresh tissues. Inject some of the following solution into the blood-vessels : Methylene-blue I gram. Normal saline .... 300 cc. Or introduce a 3 per cent, solution, or even the solid substance, into the 'lymph-sac of a frog. After an hour or two, expose a muscle to the air, or use the cornea, or any other tissue with nerves in it, and on examining it under the microscope the nerves will be found stained blue. To preserve such specimens, mount them in a solution of picrate of ammonia and glycerine (p. 192). Fresh tissues, e.g., cornea or a thin muscle, may be immersed in a weak solution of methylene-bliie with the sjime result. 1 The methylene-blue method may boused for the study of nerve terminations in any organ, e.g., the sense organs, and in arteries one can see most beauti- fully the plexus of non-medullated fibres in the muscular coat. 19. Nerve-Cells of Crayfish. Select a small individual and inject into its abdominal cavity I to 2 cc. of a 0.2 per cent, solution of methylene-blue. After 8 or 10 hours, remove the chitinous covering over the ganglia ted nerve- cord and expose the latter in a vessel, which admits air and yet prevents evaporation. In 24 hours or so excise a ganglion and observe it in a drop of glycerine tinged with picrate of ammonia (Ketzius). LESSON XIX. THE HEART AND BLOOD-VESSELS. Heart. The wall of the heart consists of (i.) Pericardium; (2.) Myocardium ; (3.) Endocardium. The pericardium covering the heart is a serous membrane composed of fibrous tissue, with numerous elastic fibres, and covered on its free surface by serous endothelium. It is sometimes called epicardium. The fibrous tissue is continuous with that which invests the bundles of muscles of the myocardium itself. Under- neath the epicardium are the blood-vessels, nerves (ganglia), and the lymphatics. The myocardium is composed of striated muscular fibres, whose characters have been described already (Lesson XVI. 12). The iibres are arranged in bundles separated from each other by a greater or less amount of connective tissue, in which run the blood- vessels and nerves. The endocardium in structure resembles the pericardium, but it is thinner. It consists of a fibrous basis, with elastic fibres covered by a single layer of endothelium. It contains a few smooth muscular iibres. An artery consists of three coats : (i.) Tunica intima, or inner coat, composed of a single layer 1 S. Mayer, Zcitsch. f. wiss. Mikrox., vi. 422, 1889, gives numerous references. 224 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XIX. of endothelium resting on an elastic lamina composed of elastic networks, or an elastic membrane. In many arteries, however, there is a layer of connective tissue between the epithelium and the elastic lamina the sub-epithelial layer. (2.) Tunica media, or middle coat, consists of a varying number of layers of circularly-disposed, short, smooth, muscular fibres ; but in most arteries, and chiefly in the large ones, it is intermixed with elastic fibres or laminae. (3.) Tunica adventitia, composed of fibrous tissue with elastic fibres, the latter especially numerous near the middle coat. There are, however, great variations in structure in arteries, according to their size and other conditions. Veins. Speaking broadly, the veins have the same general structure as the arteries. They are, however, much thinner, and some of them have valves. They consist of three coats ; the inner coat is thinner than in arteries, and the elastic lamina thinner FIG. 207. A. Fibres of the heart cut longitudinally ; B. Transverse sections of the heart-fibres ; c. Cell ; n. Nucleus ; a. Connective tissue ; v Vein. and often incomplete. The shape of the endothelial cells is different (fig. 213, V). The middle coat is also thinner, and has less muscular and elastic tissue, and relatively more connective tissue. The outer coat is relatively very strong, and is composed of fibrous tissue, which sends processes into the middle coat. There are, however, great variations in the structure of veins. Capillaries. They form networks of fine tubes of uniform diameter, sufficient to allow blood-corpuscles to pass along them freely in single file. The arrangement of the network varies in different tissues. The walls, when examined fresh, appear to be homogeneous, but they are composed of flattened epithelial cells or endothelial cells united to each other by their edges by cement substance, which is blackened by silver nitrate. 1. Heart. Harden small pieces of the heart (human) in alcohol. Stain a small piece in bulk in borax-carmine, and then place it for twenty-four hours in acid alcohol. It is best to cut sections by the paraffin method and mount them in balsam. A very instructive XIX.] THE HEART AND BLOOD-VESSELS. 225 preparation is to make a transverse section across both ventricles of the heart of a small mammal, e.g., guinea-pig. This is best done in a heart stained in bulk. Sections may be cut by means of a freezing microtome, and then stained with picro-carmine, and mounted either in Farrant's solution or balsam. In both cases it is well to include a section of the peri- cardium and also of the endocardium. Transverse sections of the papillary muscles are very instructive. (a.) (L) Observe the branched and anastomosing fibres, but in addition some of them will be cut obliquely, and others trans- versely, with the nuclei stained (comp. p. 199). (b.) (H) The faint transverse striation, short branches, absence of sarcolemma, the nucleus in the substance of the fibre, and the indistinct cement substance (fig. 207). (c.) The fibrous character of the pericardium, which sends fine septa between the bundles of muscular fibres. If the pericardium be not included in the section, still connective tissue will be seen between the bundles of fibres, especially in transverse sections of these (fig. 207, B). 2. Purkinje's Fibres (H) occur under the endocardium in the heart of the sheep and some other animals. Open a ventricle of a sheep's heart, observe the network of fine glistening lines ; strip off the endocardium, snip out a little piece of the heart-muscle, and place it for thirty-six hours in dilute alcohol or 5 per cent, ammonium chromate for two days. Tease a very small piece in picro-carmine, and mount in glycerine. (a.) Search for isolated polygonal cells, each with usually two nuclei, and the edges only of the cells striated. These are heart-cells ap- FlG . 2oS ._^ injVs Fibres . Dilute parently arrested in the process of alcohol, x 300. striation (fig. 208). 3. Endocardium (H). Harden a part of the ventricle of the human heart in alcohol or potassic bichromate. Make sections tc include the endocardium. (a.) Observe oval nuclei on the surface, the nuclei of the endo- thelial cells. Under this a superficial layer of fibrous tissue (fig. 209, a), with a few smooth muscle-cells (?/), and underneath this fibrous tissue the basis of the membrane (tc). (b.) Outside this is the myocardium (me). 4. T.S. Heart-Valve (H). Harden a cusp of a human tricuspid 21 P 226 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XIX. valve in chromic and spirit fluid (two weeks), make transverse sections, stain in logwood, and mount in balsam. Alcohol does well as a hardening re- agent, and the sections can then be readily stained in picro-carmine. (a.) On the surface, toward the auricle (A), note a superficial layer of lamellated connective FIG. 209. Endocardium of Left Ventricle (Human), fjccmp whir-h iq rovprprl a. Superficial layer ; ml. Smooth muscular fibres ; l U6 W tc. Fasciculated fibrous tissue; inc. Muscle of With eildofclielium (ll. heart, x 150. 2IOj an j_ underneath this a fibrous basis with elastic fibres (re). (b.) If the section passes through the insertion of one of the chordae tendinese, it presents the appearance shown in fig. 210, ct. 5. Aorta. (i.) Make transverse (and longitudinal) sections of the human aorta, or of that of an ox, which has been hardened in alcohol, or, preferably, in 2 per cent, potassic bichromate (ten days). Stain a section in picro-carmine, and mount it in glycerine. (ii.) Another good method is to slit up any large artery, pin FIG. 210. T.So of the Cusp of the Human Tricuspid Valve, vertical to the axis of the cusp. A. Auricular, B. Ventricular surface; a. Superficial lamellated layer of the auricular, and a', of the ventricular surface; ct. T.S. of one of the chorda; tendineee, where it is inserted into the valve ; re. Fibrous tissue, the basis of the valve, x 100. it, inner surface upwards, upon wood. The pins must be close together to prevent too great shrinking of the tissue. Place it in a dry, well-aired place, say near a fire, so that it dries within a few hours. Make transverse sections with a sharp razor. This is best done by making a slit in a cork and clamping the dried membrane in the slit. Place the sections in water; they swell up greatly. Remove them, glycerine. stain with picro-carmine, and mount in formic XIX.] THE HEART AND BLOOD-VESSELS. 227 Fio. 211. L.S. Human Thoracic Aorta. A. In- ternal, E. Middle, and .C. External coat, x 20. Drying, picro-carmiue, and acid glycerine. (a.) (L) Observe the subdivision into three coats (fig. 211), the tunica intima (inner), media (middle), and adventitia (outer). (b.) (H) The inner coat is lined by a layer of squames, whose nuclei may be detected as slight oval swellings (not seen in the dried specimen). Under this several layers of yellow elastic membrane, with a small amount of pink-stained connective tissue between them. The outermost layer of elastic membrane is generally thicker than the others, and marks the outer limit of this c coat. (c.) The middle coat, composed also of numerous elastic laminae, stained in this case bright yellow, and between them patches of smooth muscle with a somewhat brownish tint, and some connective tissue stained pink. The colour of these two tissues is quite distinct. (d.) The outer coat, composed of white fibrous tissue (pink), some elastic laminae, and a few smooth muscular fibres. It is obvious, therefore, that elastic tissue enters largely into the structure of the larger arteries. 6. Fenestrated Membrane of Henle. Tear off a thin lamella from the inner surface of a large artery, e.g., the aorta of a sheep. Irrigate it with acetic acid, or place it in 35 per cent, caustic potash, and mount it in Farrant's solution. (H) Observe the elastic laminae, some of them with holes in them (fig. 123). These laminae tend to curl up at their edges. (See also Lesson X. 7.) 7. T.S. Medium Sized Artery, e.g., the femoral artery of a child, prepared and stained as the aorta. (a.) (L) No te the three coats. (b.) (H) The inner coat, with its endothelium and internal elastic lamina. In many arteries a layer of sub-epithelial connective tissue lies between the endothelium and the elastic lamina. The elastic lamina is thrown into folds in an empty artery owing to the contraction of the middle coat (fig. 212). (c.) The middle coat is composed of several layers of smooth muscle arranged circularly. In a Canada balsam preparation the nuclei stand out distinctly. Amongst the muscle-fibres are twisted elastic fibres (fig. 212). M. FIG. 212. T.S. Artery. 7. Tunica intima ; M. Media ; E. Externa. 228 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XIX. (d.) The outer coat, chiefly composed of white fibrous tissue intermingled with elastic fibres, some of which are cut trans- versely. The elastic fibres are more numerous towards the inner part of this coat. Here and there a section of a blood-vessel may be seen. 8. Endothelial Lining of Veins and Arteries. Cut open the external jugular vein of a rabbit just killed. Pin it to a piece of cork inner surface uppermost by means of hedgehog-spines. Wash the internal surface with distilled water, and then apply to it for five minutes J per cent, solution of silver nitrate. "Wash off the silver, place the vein in water or alcohol and water, and expose it to light. Do the same with any large artery. (A.) Snip out a small portion of the vein, and mount it in balsam, inner surface uppermost. (H) Observe the "silver lines," indicating the existence of a layer of polygonal squames composing part of the inner coat. The FIG. 213. A. Epithelial lining of an artery of a calf, and V. of the jugular vein of a rabbit. The arrows show the direction of the blood-stream. Silver nitrate. long axis of the squames lies across the long axis of the vein itself (%. 213, V). By focussing through the thickness of the wall, narrow fusiform areas, bounded by black lines, may be seen, indicating the existence of the smooth muscular fibres in the middle coat. (B.) With a razor shave off a thin layer from the brown inner coat of the artery. Mount it in balsam. (H) Observe the elongated lancet-shaped endothelial cells (fig. 213, A); the long axis of each cell in the long axis of the tube. The variation in the shape of the epithelial lining of vessels seems to have relation to the velocity of the blood-stream in these vessels. 9. Pia Mater, Capillaries, Small Arteries, and Veins (H). Carefully remove a small piece of the pia mater from the brain of a sheep recently killed. Lay it on a glass plate, outer surface XIX. THE HEART AND BLOOD-VESSELS. 229 lowest. With a camel's-hair pencil dipped in normal saline solution brush away all the brain matter, leaving a somewhat villous-looking surface. Cut out a small part of the membrane, and mount it in normal saline. (a. ) Find a capillary, note its diameter, uniform calibre, and oval nuclei bulging slightly into the lumen of the tube. The rest of the wall is homogeneous (fig. 214). Trace it backwards until the small artery or arteriole with which it is continuous is found. (b.) A small artery or arteriole with a thin outer coat, and a middle coat composed of a single layer of smooth muscular fibres arranged circularly FIG. 214. Capii- ,, laries of Brain, (fig, 2l6;. fresh, x JOG. (c.) Select a small vein which is somewhat thinner than the corresponding artery ; the muscular coat is very i m perfect. Irrigate with 2 per cent, acetic acido Nuclei wherever present come distinctly into view. (. fol. et circurnvall. d. Kaninchens," Abhand. d. math. -phys. Classe d. K. Sachs. Gesell. d. Wisaensch. . Bd. xxiv. XXII.] TOOTH. 2$I ADDITIONAL EXERCISES. Glands of Tongue or Palate. Harden the tongue or soft palate of a rabbit in 3 per cent, nitric acid for 1-2 hours. Wash out all the acid and stain the sections with methylene-blue. Wash out the blue with alcohol until only the glands remain blue. Mount in xylol-balsam. Terminations of Nerves in the Lingual Papillae and Glands. These maybe studied by staining small pieces of the tongue of mouse or rat by Golgi's silver nitrate method (p. 78), or by the rapid hardening method (bichromate of potash and osmic acid, Lesson XXVI. 14). The nerve in the papilke contains nerve-cells which are in connection with the nerve-fibres. The nerve-fibres form a plexus of fibres outside the basement membrane of the serous gland acini epilemmal plexus and one within this membrane amongst the secretory cells hypo- leminal plexus (Fusari and Pancud). 1 LESSON XXII. TOOTH (ESOPHAGUS. TOOTH. THE chief mass of a tooth consists of dentine. It is capped by enamel, and the root or fang is invested by a layer of bone, the crusta petrosa. All three tissues are calcified, and contain calcic phosphate. The enamel, however, is an epithelial structure, and consists of modified and calcified epithelial cells, while the dentine and crusta petrosa belong to the connective tissue group. Unsoftened Tooth. This is one of the few preparations which had better be bought. 1. Longitudinal Section of a Dry Tooth (fig. 241). (a.) (L) Observe the crown and fang, and, connecting the two, the neck. (/>.) The dentine surrounding the pulp cavity, the enamel covering the dentine of the crown, and the crusta petrosa or cement covering the dentine of the fang. The wavy black lines in the dentine or dentinal tubules are really tubules filled with air, hence they appear black. Note their direction from the pulp cavity towards the outer margin of the dentine. Quite at the apex of the crown of the tooth they run vertically ; in the fang they run nearly horizontally, and in the part of the dentine intermediate between 1 Ardiiv. ital. dc Biol. t xiv. p. 240, 1891. 252 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXII. ...RM. PC both they gradually become more and more oblique from the centre of the crown. Arched or curved lines incremental lines or Schreger's lines may sometimes be seen crossing the course of the dentine tubules. (c.) The enamel covering the dentine on the crown of the tooth; somewhat brownish-coloured con- centric lines may be seen in it. (d.) (H) The enamel consists of striated prisms, hexagonal when seen in transverse section (fig. 243)- The dentinal tubules lie in a homogeneous matrix, and are wavy tubes, which divide di- chotomously, and give off lateral branches which anastomose with other lateral branches from ad- jacent tubules. At the outer part of the dentine are irregular inter- globular spaces, which appear black when they contain air (fig. 244). The crusta petrosa consists of bone a thin layer composed of lamellae and bone-corpuscles, but no Haversian canals (fig. 244). FIG. 241. V.S. Tooth in Jaw. E. Enamel; O Sryftpnpfl Trmth tnlnr>f fVm D Dentine; P.M. Periodontal mem- . *> brane; P.O. Pulp cavity ; c. Cement ; jaw oi a small mammal, e.g., a cat, and decalcify a short length J inch of the lower jaw in chromic acid and nitric acid. It will take two or three weeks to remove all the bone-salts, and the decalcifying fluid must be frequently renewed. The tooth is sufficiently soft to be cut when a needle can be pushed into it. Make vertical sections through the whole jaw and a tooth in situ. Stain one section in picro-carmine, another in osmic acid (twenty- four hours), and mount both in Farrant's solution or in glycerine- B. Bone of lower jaw ; V. Vein ; a. Artery ; N. Nerve. (a.) (L) Observe the tooth in the alveolus or depression of the jaw in which it is fixed. The enamel has disappeared. The bone of the jaw with its periosteum, lining the alveolus and forming there the periodontal membrane (fig. 241, P.M.). (b.) Next the latter on the fang the cement (C), the dentine, XXII.] TOOTH. 253 pulp-cavity and its contents. If the section passes directly through the middle of the tooth, the orifice in the fang of the tooth may be seen. (c.) (H) The dentinal tubules, not so distinct as in the dry tooth. r FIG. 242. Enamel Prisms. FIG. 243. Their Hexa- gonal Ends. FIG. 244. T.S. Fang of Tooth, a. Crusta pet- rosa, with bone-corpuscles ; b. Dentinal tubules ; c. Granular or interglobular layer. If they are cut obliquely, they appear merely as tailed dots in a homogeneous matrix. (d.) The pulp-cavity contains blood-vessels and fine connective tissue, but next the dentine there is a layer of large cubical cells odontoblasts which give off fine processes which enter the den- tinal tubules the fibres of Tomes. They are best seen, however, in a tooth which has not yet cut the gum. 3. Development of Tooth. Without entering into all the details of the development of the teeth, the following directions will suffice as to the method of preparing sections so as to show the various stages. What may be called the first stage that shown in fig. 245 is to be obtained from the lower jaw of a sheep's embryo 7 cm. in length. At this stage only a very little bony matter exists. Harden the whole jaw in corrosive sublimate and decalcify in dilute hydrochloric acid. Stain in bulk in borax-carmine, embed in paraffin, and make T.S. across both rami of the jaw and the tongue. ( )r harden and decalcify at the same time the jaw of a fretal kitten by placing small pieces containing embryonic teeth in Flemming's fluid. This yields excellent results, the tissues are thereby suffi- ciently differentiated and may be cut in paraffin. The second stage, fig. 246, is obtainable from the upper jaw of an embryo sheep 1 5 cm. long. It is treated in the same way. The third stage, fig. 247, is obtained from the lower jaw of a dog six days old or thereabout. 254 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXIL With a high power it is easy to observe the structure of the .& Epithelium. FIG. 245. Diagram of Early Stage of the Development of a Tooth, a. Epithelium of dental ridge on lower jaw ; b. Portion of epithe- lium about to be modified into enamel (enamel organ); c. Beginning of germ of den- tine in the tooth papilla ; d. Lamination of corium about to form tooth sac. FlG. 246. Lower Jaw of Human Foetus at 4th Month, x 40. i. Dental ridge; 2* Stalk of enamel germ ; 3. Enamel organ ; a. Peri- pheral cells ; b. Germ pulp ; c. Cylindrical cells of enamel ; 4. Papilla. several parts, and to see the odontoblasts lining what is to be the Dental Sac. (Outer layer ] (inner lay Dentine. ~t f Odontoblasts. PapittaA Spherical elements __ v. with blood-vessels. Bone of the lower jaw.- Peripheral flat^ cells. Enamel pulp. , Enamel cells. ( or! ' an ' Enamel. FIG. 247. T.S. Lower Jaw of New-Born Dog, x 40. The dental sac is shown only in the left side. The tissues originating from connective tissue are shown on the left, and those of epithelial origin on the right. pulp-cavity. If the latter happen to be partially detached, their XXII.] (ESOPHAGUS. 255 processes fibres of Tomes may be seen partially withdrawn from the dentiiial tubules in which they lay. (ESOPHAGUS. The (Esop-agus consists from within outwards of (i.) Mucous coat, composed of stratified squamous epithelium, into which project small simple papillae from the corium or con- nective-tissue basis of the membrane. At the. outer part of the eoriimi is a narrow layer of smooth muscular fibres muscularis mucosse arranged for the most part longitudinally. (2.) Submucous coat, consisting of connective tissue and the larger blood-vessels and some nerves. In those animals (e..) Within each lobule aggregations of acini or alveoli, which make up the smaller lobules. The shape of the lobule depends on the way it has been cut. Branches of the finer gland-ducts few 1 Archivf. mik. Anat., 1884, p. 468, and 1886, p. 383. 260 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY [XXIIL FlG. 249. Small Lobule of a Sub-Maxillary Gland, Dog. L. Lobule ; D. Duct. Osmic acid. between the lobules. Some of the acini appear to be crowded with cells inside the basement membrane. The gland-ducts have a distinct lumen. (c.) (H) Although numerous acini are visible, only those that have been cut across so as to show the lumen are satisfactory; the others appear merely to be filled with cells, and vary much in size, accord- ing to the plane of section through the alveolus. Each aci- nus has a clear, trans- parent basement mem- brane, and inside, and on it, is arranged the secretory epithelium. (d.) The mucous cells form a single layer, and are large, clear, cubical cells. Each has a nucleus which is usually flattened and placed near the attached end of the cell. In borax-carmine pre- parations, the nucleus, surrounded by granular protoplasm, is stained red, while the rest of the cell appears clear, and traversed, it may be, by fine threads or fibrils. In reality, the coil-substance consists of a network containing a clear substance muci- gen. (c.) The demilunes lie singly next the basement membranes. Two or three may be seen in the section of each alveolus as more granular deeply- stained bodies, sometimes with two nuclei. As their name indicates, they are somewhat half- moon shaped, but they send processes between the mucous cells. As they are deeply stained by pigments and also darkened by osmic acid, their shape and distribution are readily recognised. (/.) The lumen of each acinus is a small more or less regular FlG. 250. Sub-Maxillary Gland, Dog, showing Duct Communicating with an Alveolus by a Narrow Ductule. The alveoli with mucous cells and dense demilunes. Osmic acid and hasmatoxylin, x 300. XXIII.] THE SALIVARY GLANDS. 26 1 space in the centre of the acinus, "but many acini may be so divided as not to show it. It is difficult to find the connection between the lumen of an acinus and a duct (fig. 250). (g.) Duct. This is best studied in a transverse section of one of the finer ducts lying within the lobules or the larger ones in the septa (fig. 251). The wall consists of circularly disposed connective tissue, and is lined by a single layer of tall, narrow, cylindrical epithelium. The outer part of each cell is distinctly striated or "rodded," and the spherical nucleus is placed about the middle of the cell. N. B. The student should compare with this FIG 251 -T.S. Salivary 111 i- -i ! Duct showing only a section of a gland hardened in osmic acid or the "Rodded" Epi- Flemming's fluid, or one stained by Heidenhain's ^ m Linin * ** method. 3. Sub-Maxillary Gland of Cat. In some of the acini there may be a nearly complete layer of demilune cells between the base- ment membrane of the acinus and the lining layer of mucous cells. B. Serous Salivary Glands Methods. Use the parotid of any mammal rabbit, cat, or dog or the sub-maxillary gland of a rabbit. Harden small parts of the gland in the same way and by the same means as for mucous glands. A saturated watery solution of mercuric chloride is to be pre- ferred to picric acid for serous glands. I find that Flemming's mixture is specially good for the sub-maxillary gland of the rabbit. Sections are made and stained the hardened gland stained " in bulk " just as for mucous glands. 4. T.S. Parotid Gland. (a.) (L) Observe the capsule, septa, lobes, and lobules as in the mucous glands, but the alveoli or acini are smaller. More sections of gland- ducts will also be seen. // \ /i_i\ r\\~ TJ. FIG. 252. Resting Serous Gland, Babbit. (5.) (H) Observe an acinus. It Alcohol and carmine. is lined by a layer of polyhedral cells, leaving a very small lumen. The cells are very granular, with a spheroidal nucleus placed near the centre of the cell (fig. 252). Numerous sections of ducts, some cut transversely, others longitudi- nally. They are like those of mucous glands. 5. Fresh Serous Gland. Tease a fragment of a parotid gland in normal saline, and observe how the cells are crowded with granules. 262 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXIII. j. 253. Human Sub-Maxillary Gland. On the right groups of mucous, and on the left of serous alveoli, x 300 C. Muco-Salivary Glands, e.g., sub-maxillary of man or retro- lingual of the dog, are treated as the other salivary glands. 6. Human Sub-Maxillary Gland. (L and H) Observe'that some of the acini are like those of mucous glands, and others like serous acini, while some of the acini contain both mucous and serous cells. Acini, serous and mucous, may be found lying side by side (fig. 253). 7. Dog's Sub-Maxillary Gland (Double-Staining). (i.) Stain alcohol-hard- ened sections, first in a watery solution of aniline green and subsequently in eosin. An easier plan is to stain first in aniline green, ' rapidly dehydrate the section in alcohol, taking care that all the green is not washed out of the gland-cells, and clarify with clove-oil in which is dissolved some eosin. Mount in balsam. The mucous cells are green, the demilunes pinkish, and the nuclei generally are green. The cells of the ducts are green, and the interlobular connective tissue pinkish, (ii ) Stain sections in aniline blue, to which is added a saturated watery solution of picric acid. Mount in balsam. The cells of the acini are blue, while the ducts are yellowish -green. (iii.) Schiefferdecker's method is also to be recommended. Add a few drops of a 5 per cent, alkaline alcoholic solution of eosin to a watch-glassful of alcohol. Allow the sections to stain in this for half an hour or so, and place them for a few minutes in i per cent, watery solution of aniline green, and mount in balsam. (iv.) The sub-maxillary gland of a dog or guinea-pig hardened in picric acid or HgCl 2 , if stained with aniline blue and safranin, shows the demilunes red and the mucous cells blue in balsam preparations. THE PANCREAS. The pancreas is a compound tubular gland, and resembles the serous salivary glands in the arrangement of its capsule, lobes, lobules, and duct, with its branches. The epithelium of its ducts, however, is not so distinctly striated, and in a section, as a rule, XXIII.] THE PANCREAS. 263 not many ducts are visible. Curious groups of cells, "inter-tubular cell clumps," each supplied by a glomerulus-like tuft of capillaries, lie in the interlobular septa or amongst the acini. The alveoli, tubular or flask-shaped, with a very small lumen, consist of a base- ment membrane lined by a single layer of columnar or pyramidal cells, each showing two zones ; an outer zone nearly homogeneous, and staining with logwood and some other dyes, and an inner zone crowded with "granules." The spherical nucleus lies about the middle of the cell. Sometimes sections of Pacinian corpuscles and groups of nerve-cells are found in the pancreas. This gland, like other glands, should be examined in different phases of physiological activity. One, the active state ("dis- charged "), when the gland is removed from the body (rabbit) two or three or four hours after a full meal ; and the other, the passive, or better, the resting state ("charged" or "loaded"), when the pancreas is not secreting actively, which can be secured by allowing an animal to fast for fourteen hours (dog or rabbit). The human pancreas is rarely satisfactory. Methods. (i.) One of the best methods of fixing the pancreas is i per cent, osmic acid or Flemming's mixture (24 hours). It is then to be thoroughly washed and hardened, first in 75 per cent., and afterwards in absolute alcohol. In such a preparation the " granules " are usually well preserved, and they stain deeply with saf- ranin. (ii.) Apiece hardened in absolute alcohol and stained in bulk in borax- carmine or Heidenhain's logwood (p. 70), and afterwards cut in paraf- fin, shows well the general arrangement. (iii.) Fix a small piece in corrosive sublimate, and, after the Usual pro- FIG. 254. T.S. Pancreas, Dog. A. Acinus ; C. Capsule; cautions, Stain the sec- D - Duct - Corrosive sublimate and picro-carmine, . \ . . X 300. tions with picro-carmine. Mount the osmic acid sections in glycerine, and the stained ones in Farrant's solution or balsam. 8. Resting Pancreas. (a.) (L) Observe the capsule (thinner), septa (thinner), lobes, and lobules, as in salivary glands. This arrangement is well seen in the carmine specimen (fig. 254, C). (b.) (H) In the osmic acid preparation observe the alveoli (fig. 264 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXIII. 254, A), with a basement membrane lined by a single layer of columnar cells, tapering somewhat at their central ends, leaving a small irregular central lumen. (c.) In each cell a crowd of dark "granules," occupying about the inner two-thirds of each cell, while the outer third or zone is comparatively homogeneous and free from granules (tig. 254). The nuclei of the cells are apt to be obscured by the presence of the granules. In the borax-carmine preparation the nuclei and granules are stained red ; the outer zone, about one-third, is also stained red, the inner two-thirds being either not stained or only faintly so, and granular, but the granules are not so sharply denned as in the osmic acid preparation. (d.) The ducts (few), lined by a single layer of columnar epithe- lium, with very faint longitudinal striation (fig. 254, D). 9. Active Gland (H). The cells of the alveoli are less granular, so that each cell shows an outer zone with no granules, occupy- ing about one-half of the cell, and an inner granular zone with granules, which, however, are not nearly so numerous as in the resting alveoli. The nucleus (sometimes with a nucleolus and accessory nucleoli) is distinct, and near the centre of the cell. It is to be noted, however, that all the alveoli are not in the same phase. pj HH9^ 10- Fresh Pancreas. A very good view of the I : J% granular character of the inner zone of the pan- Vj ^j' Iv-^ pf creatic cells is obtained by examining a piece of fresh pancreas e.g. ox teased in normal saline. FlG 'Acini~of a Fre&h It is easy to observe the difference between the Pancreas outer homogeneous zone and the inner granular one. Many of the granules are liberated in the process (fig. 255). 11. Injected Pancreas (L). Study a section with its blood- vessels injected. It is very vascular, and in the inter-tubular cell clumps are groups of capillaries. It is best injected with a Berlin- blue gelatine mass from the thoracic aorta. C ADDITIONAL EXERCISES. 12. Active Mucous Gland. The student should examine a section of a sub- maxillary gland (dog), which has been in action for several hours. He cannot without a license prepare such a gland for himself. It is prepared, however, by stimulating at intervals for several hours the chorda tympani of a dog. In this way the gland is kept secreting, or it may be stimulated by injecting XXIIL] THE! PANCREAS. 265 pilocarpin. It is then removed from the body and hardened in one of the ways stated on p. 258. It is essential that the active and non-active glands be hardened in the same way, so as to show that such differences as exist are not due to the method of hardening. (H) Observe that the mucous cells are not so clear as in the passive gland, but are more granular and smaller, while in stained sections part of their cell- substance is stained by the pigments, and thus there is less difference between the demilunes and the mucous cells. The nuclei become more spheroidal. All the acini in the section are not necessarily in the same phase of activity, so that the appearances in any two acini may not be identical. 13. Isolated Mucous and Demilune Cells. (i.) Place fragments of a fresh dog's sub-maxillary gland in 5 per cent, ammonium chromate (4-6 days). Tease a small piece in the same fluid. Note the isolated mucous cells, each with its fibrillar network, spherical nucleus embedded in protoplasm, and what was the attached end of the cell prolonged into a process. (ii. ) The cells, membranes, &c., are readily isolated in 33 per cent, caustic potash. 14. Mucous Granules. The mucous granules are readily seen by "fixing" a small piece of the gland with the vapour of osmic acid (Langley}.* 15. Salivary Glands of Cockroach. It is better to use the species Peri- plancta amcricana. Kill the animal with chloroform. Pin it out on its back on a cork plate and make the dissection in normal saline. On cutting open the thorax longitudinally one sees the intestinal tract, and on each side of this, lying on the wall of the latter, are the flattened salivary glands. They can readily be removed. They may be examined fresh, or stained in picro- carmine, or exposed to the vapour of osmic acid, and mounted in glycerine. They show well the general arrangement of ducts and lobules. Each duct is lined by a spiral chitinous fibre like the tracheae. 16. Terminations of Nerves in Serous Glands. The rapid hardening method of Golgi (Lesson XXX.) as directed for the pancreas has been used by Fusari and Panasci ' 2 for the nerve terminations in the serous glands of the tongue of the rat, rabbit, and cat. The terminal fibrils form an epilemmal plexus, i.e. , outside the basement membrane, and other fibrils pass between the gland cells, i.e., are hypolemmal. Fusari's paper is accompanied by a plate. 17. Gland-Ducts. Sometimes on using Golgi's method one gets the lumen of the ducts black. If this happens, then an excellent view is obtained of their course and connections. 18. Fresh Pancreas. In the rat and rabbit the pancreas is spread out in lobules in the mesentery, and if a piece of this containing a thin part of the pancreas be stretched on a ring of cork the granules can be seen in the fresh alvi-olar cells. Osmic acid does not alter the granules much, but alcohol does. 19. Changes in Pancreas Cells may be seen in frogs one fed say three or four days previously, and the other a few hours before it is required. 20. Rodded Structure in Cells. Macerate a small piece of fresh pancreas in 5 per cent, ammonium chromate for 2-3 days ; tease and examine in the same fluid. The outer part of some of the cells will be found to be " rodded." 21. Outer and Inner Zones of Pancreas Cells. (a.) Use the pancreas of a starving animal. To stain the outer zone, use ammoniacal or borax-carmine, and for the granules of the inner zone stain a section (fixed on a slide) with metliyl-green-fuchsin-S solution made by mixing methyl -green (i per cent.) 60 cc. with fuchsin-S solution (i per cent. ) 20 cc. Stain lor 10 minutes. Wash quickly in water. Mount in balsam. The granules are red, and the outer zone clear. [Fuchsin-S is acid-fuchsin. ] For preparations from Flemming's 1 Journal of PJt ?/.s?Ww/?/, vol. x. p. 433. 2 Arcliiv. ital. dc J! /'<>/., xiv. p. 240, 1891. 24 266 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXIV, fluid, stain with safranin and wash with alcohol containing picric acid. The safranin stains the granules. (b.) A pancreas fixed in Flemming's fluid or sublimate is beautifully stained by means of the following modification by Oppel of Bioudi's fluid : Meth yl -green ( I per cent.) . . . 120 cc. Eosin(i percent.) .... 2 ,, Acid-fuchsin (i per cent.) . . . 40 ,, Absolute alcohol 3 . . . 40 ,, The granules are red and the nuclei green. 22. Terminations of Nerves in Pancreas. By means of Golgi's rapid hardening method (Lesson XXX.) i.e., osmico-bichromate fluid and then silver nitrate Ramon y Cayal and Sala, 1 and more recently Erik Miiller, 2 have traced the terminations of nerve-fibres in the pancreas (dog, rabbit). Numerous nerve-fibres enter the pancreas along its ducts, and terminate in a rich plexus of fibrils around the individual acini. The nerve-fibres which surround the acini are derived from two sources, some fibre fibrils are branches of Remak's fibres, and others are processes of very characteristic cells, which R. y Cayal calls "visceral sympathetic ganglion cells." These cells send off processes which are arranged as part of the "peri-acinous" plexus, and some of them penetrate between the gland-cells. Miiller finds that the fibrils lie in relation with the secretory cells. LESSON XXIV. THE STOMACH. THE walls of the stomach, like the intestine, are composed of four coats, named from within outwards (i.) Mucous coat, i.e., the glandular coat. (2.) Submucous, composed of loosely-arranged connective tissue, the larger blood-vessels, lymphatics, and nerves. (3.) Muscular, composed of three layers of non-striped muscle (a.) longitudinal, (b.) circular, (c.) oblique. In some situations only two layers exist. (4.) Serous, from the peritoneum. The mucous coat is lined by a single layer of tall, narrow, cylin- drical mucous cells in reality mucus-secreting goblet-cells for they have open mouths and contain mucigen. The cardiac portion of the mucous membrane is composed of tubular glands fundus glands placed side by side. Several gland-tubes may open into 1 Termination de los nervios y tubos glandulares del pancreas de los verte- Irados, Barcelona, 1891. a Archivf. mik. Anat., xl. p. 405, 1892. XXIV.] THE STOMACH. 267 one common duct. The duct is short, and is lined by cells like those covering the surface of the stomach. The secretory part of each gland is lined throughout by a layer of polyhedral or short columnar, granular, nucleated cells, called chief, principal, inner, or adelomorphous cells. At intervals between these and the base- ment membrane of the gland are large, ovoid, conspicuous, granular cells outer, parietal, delomorphous, or oxyntic. The lumen of the gland is small and ill-defined. The pyloric mucous membrane is beset with pyloric glands, which have a long duct or neck, and are usually branched at their lower ends. The duct is lined by a layer of cells like those lining the stomach, and the secretory part by a single layer of short, finely granular, short columnar cells. The lumen is well-defined. There is more connective tissue between the glands than in the cardiac portion. Masses of adenoid tissue are not unfrequently seen between the bases of the pyloric glands. Methods. (i.) Select a cat or dog that has hungered for two days. Kill the animal, open the stomach, and place small parts of the cardiac and pyloric ends (all the coats) in equal parts of chromic acid (J per cent.) and spirit (7-10 days). Change this fluid w r ithin twelve hours. Complete the hardening in alcohol. (ii.) Place small pieces of the cardiac and pyloric mucous mem- brane (J inch cubes) in i per cent, osmic acid (24 hours). Wash well and harden in alcohol. (iii.) Fix pieces of the pyloric and cardiac mucous membrane in mercuric chloride (2-3 hours). Take care to remove all the salt by prolonged washing in alcohol. Perhaps this is one of the best methods to use. (iv.) Absolute alcohol is also a good hardening medium. To bring out all the chief characters of the glands, some sections are to be stained in logwood and mounted in balsam. The sections may be cut by freezing or in paraffin, after staining in bulk. Stain otkers in picro-carmine, and mount in Farrant's solution ; others in dilute carmine (24 hours). Stain others with i p.c. watery solution of aniline-blue (Nicholson's No. i) for twenty minutes. AVash in glycerine and water, and mount in Farrant's solution. For other methods (p. 271). 1. V.S. Cardiac End. (a.) (L) Observe the relations, relative thickness, and structure of the several coats. The mucous coat, with its gastric or cardiac glands, or glands of the fundus, set vertically like so many tubes in a rack (fig. 256). The glands are simple tubular glands, and some of them have several secretory parts opening into one duct ; at their bases is delicate connective tissue, adenoid tissue, and blood-vessels. Below the closed ends of the glands, in the cat, a clear homogeneous layer of condensed 268 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [xxiv. connective tissue, and under this two or three thin layers of non- striped muscle the muscularis mucosse. The clear layer of con- densed tissue is not present in the rabbit, dog, or man. (6.) The submucous coat, composed of loose connective tissue, with large blood-vessels and a few fat-cells. If the mucous membrane be folded and rugaB are present, the connective tissue will be seen to run up into the folds. (c.) The muscular coat consists of two or three layers of smooth muscular fibres. The appearance varies according to the manner in which the plane of the section cuts them, for the stomach has an outer longitudinal and an inner circular, and in some places an oblique muscular coat. (d.) Outside all a thin layer peritoneum or serous coat con- sisting of fibrous tissue covered by a layer-of endothelium. (e.) (H) Study specially the mucous coat. Observe the columnar epithelium lining the stomach, and dipping into the mouths and lining the ducts, which are slightly funnel-shaped. The cells are tall and narrow, and if the section be not too thin, the ends of them may be seen as 111 i i i G i very small, clear, sharply-defined, polygonal areas. As they secrete mucus, they have been called mucous cells. The upper two-thirds or so of the cell is much clearer than the lowest third, which tapers somewhat, and is more granular. Each cell contains an oval nucleus in its lowest third, i.e., near its attached end. (/.) Select a fundus gland (fig. 257). Trace its duct down- wards, and note that perhaps it is common to two secretory portions. In the true secretory part, note the large ovoid, border, parietal, or outer cells, lying next the basement membrane, ovoid in shape, granular in appearance, and containing an ovoid nucleus. They do not form a continuous layer, but bulge out the basement membrane here and there. At the upper part of the gland-tube the parietal cells are smaller, and placed nearer each other, while towards the fundus or base of the gland they are larger and further Serosa. !_ _____ / ^, -^I____ FIG. 256. V.S. Wall of Human Stomach. E. Epithelium ; G. Glands ; Mm. Mus- X is- XXIV.] THE STOMACH. 269 apart, the interval between any two being occupied by the inner or central cells. The parietal cells are deeply stained by aniline-blue and carmine, and osmic acid, while in a logwood-stained section the inner cells are usually more deeply stained. Observe a continuous layer of cells inner, central, or chief lying internal to the parietal cells. They are smaller, and belong more to the columnar type of cell, but they are not of uniform height throughout ; thus they are shorter over a parietal cell, and larger between two parietal cells. Each cell contains a spherical nucleus. The lumen of the gland-tube is very narrow. The secretory part is much longer than the duct. (fj.) Arrange the preparation so that the lower ends of the glands come into view. Note their closed extremities, and if the granular epithelium have shrunk somewhat, the basement membrane of each gland-tube may be seen ; very probably transverse or oblique sections of the lower part of the gland will be found (lig. 257). (It.) At the bases of the gland-tubes, but outside their basement membrane, note the delicate connective tissue or adenoid tissue, with a number of leucocytes. If the section be from a cat's stomach, a clear homogene- ous layer runs outside this. (i.) Outside this the muscularis mucosaB composed of at least two layers of non-striped muscle arranged in opposite directions. Especially in a balsam specimen, fine strands of muscular fibres are always to be seen passing from the muscularis mucosa3 in- wards towards and between the glands, t'sually these fine strands pass inwards between groups of glands. In the osmic acid preparations, the parietal cells are much darker than the central cells. (./.) There is nothing particular to note in the structure of the other coats. 2. T.S. Fundus Glands. Make a section parallel to the surface of the mucous membrane, stain with logwood, or picro-carmine and aldehyde-green, or use an osmic acid preparation. (H) Observe that all the gland-tubes are not cut at the same level ; some are divided through the duct, others through the secretory part of the tube. In the latter observe the large parietal FlO. 257. V.S. Mucous Mem- brane of the Stomach, Cat. Osmic acid. 2/0 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [xxiv. FIG. 258. T.S. Duct of Gland of Fundus. a Chief, h. Parietal cells ; r. Adenoid tissue c. Capillaries. cells few in number and inside these a complete layer of inner cells bounding the small lumen of the tube (fig. 258). The glands are arranged in groups as shown by the connective tissue sur- rounding several tubes. This is very marked in the pig. 3. Fresh Fundus Glands. From the m u c o u s membrane of the sto- mach of a newly- k i 1 led guinea-pig make a thin verti- cal section with scis- sors, and tease it in normal saline to isolate some of the glands. This animal is selected because its gland-tubes are short, but a rabbit does very well. The elevations of the base- ment membrane due to the bulging of the parietal cells are usually well seen. 4. V.S. Pyloric Mucous Membrane (fig. 259). (a.) (L) Observe the same arrangement of coats as in the cardiac end ; but the muscu- lar coats are thicket- ; the mouths of the gland- tubes are wider and longer, the secretory part more branched and shorter than in the cardiac portion. There is also much more connective tissue between the glands. (&.) (H) The wide mouth of the glands, lined by narrow columnar epithelium, the secretory part consists of several tubes opening into one gland-duct. The secretory part lined by a single layer of cells, somewhat cubical, but there are no parietal cells. (c.) There is much more connective tissue between the tubes. A mass of adenoid tissue solitary follicle may be seen in the deeper part of the mucous coat. In some cases its pointed apex may be seen reaching nearly to the surface of the mucous membrane. 5. Osmic Acid Preparations. Few reagents are so good for 259. V.S. Pyloric Mucous Membrane. D. Duct ; S. Secretory part of gland ; C. Connective tissue. XXIV.] THE STOMACH. fixing the cells of the glands of the mucous membrane (mount in Farrant's solution). In sections of the fundus, the outer cells are more deeply stained, and so are readily distinguished. The columnar cells lining the ducts of the cardiac and pylofic glands may be blackened by the osmic acid where they contain mucigen. 6. Blood- Vessels of the Stomach. Make Y.S. of an injected stomach embedded in paraffin. Mount in balsam. They must not be too thin. Note the large vessels in the submucous coat, and from them smaller vessels proceeding vertically upwards, splitting up into capillaries between the tubules, and forming a capillary network round the mouths of the glands. Beautiful plates by Mall. 1 7. Pyloro-Duodenal Mucous Membrane. It is well to have a section through the pyloric valve to include the mucous membrane on its gastric and duodenal boundaries. To ensure this, the mucous membrane or entire thickness of the stomach must be pinned out on cork before it is hardened by any of the methods, e.y. t sublimate (p. 267). It is treated like the sections of the stomach, and does best when stained with eosin-hsematoxylin. On one side of the thickened pyloric valve the increased thickness being due chiefly to an increase of the circular muscular fibres one sees the pyloric structure, and on the other that of the duodenum. The tubular glands of the stomach are confined to the mucous membrane, but the acini of Brunner's glands lie in the submucous coat of the duodenum. 8. Junction of (Esophagus and Stomach. Similar preparations may be made. The transition from the cesophageal mucous mem- brane with stratified epithelium and few glands in the oesophagus to that of the stomach with its columnar epithelium and mucous glands is sudden and abrupt. ADDITIONAL EXERCISES. 9. Double-Staining the Stomach. Harden the stomach in Miiller's fluid, and stain (24 hours) the sections in indigo-carmine (p. 67) ; afterwards extract 1 the excess of pigment by steeping them for half an liour in a saturated solution of oxalic acid. Mount in Farrant's solution or balsam. The parietal cells aro grey or blue, the central ones coloured, but with red nuclei, and the smooth muscle blue with red nuclei. 10. Ehrlich-Biondi Fluid. Stain in this fluid sections of the mucous meni' brane fixed in sublimate (saturated in .6 per cent. NaCl). If the fluid be kept for some time, an additional quantity of acid-fuchsin must be added to it. The parietal cells are red and their nuclei bine ; the chief cells are scarce!) stained at all, but their nuclei are faintly blue. Yacuoles may be seen in some of the outer colls. 11. Aniline-blue and Safranin. Sections of the cardiac end fixed in J Vessels and Walls of Dog's Stomach, John* 7/^>/.-///.v Ifosp. Rrp., vol. i. 1893. PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. mercuric chloride are stained with aniline-blue and then with safranin. In balsam preparations the parietal cells are pale blue, the inner cells red. 12. Isolated Cells of Gastric Glands. Macerate fragments of the gastric mucous membrane of a newt in 5 per cent, ammonium chromate (24-48 hours). Stain in picro-carmine, and tease in glycerine. Numerous isolated cells from the ducts and secretory parts of the glands are obtained. LESSON XXV, THE SMALL AND THE LARGE INTESTINE. SMALL INTESTINE. IT has four coats mucous, submucous, muscular, and serous. Study specially the mucous coak In man, in certain parts, there are permanent folds of the mucous membrane valvulse con- niventes and everywhere the surface is beset with small conical elevations villi. At the bases of the villi is a layer of simple tubular glands Lieberkiihn's glands embedded in an adenoid tissue matrix. Underneath this is the muscularis mucosse, usually consisting of three thin layers of smooth muscle. A villus (.5-3 mm. long) consists of a central core, enclosing a lacteal, and covered by a single layer of columnar epithelium with goblet-cells (Lesson V.). The body of a villus consists of a tissue like adenoid tissue with leucocytes and other cells. The central lacteal is really a lymphatic, and begins by a closed extremity. Several strands of smooth muscle pass from the muscularis mucossB into the villus, and reach its upper extremity. It is very vascular, and the blood-vessels are distributed immediately under the epi- thelium. The mucous membrane also contains solitary follicles, and in some situations Peyer's patches, the latter are most abundant in he ileum. Methods. Make transverse sections of the small intestine of a cat or dog hardened in a mixture of potassic bichromate and chromic acid ; Klein's fluid ; i per cent, chromic acid ; Kleinen- berg's fluid ; or mercuric chloride. (i.) Stain a section in hsematoxylin and mount it in balsam, or stain another in picro-carmine and mount it in Farrant's solution. (ii.) All the parts and their relations are best preserved by staining in bulk in borax-carmine and cutting in paraffin, or embed in paraffin, cut, fix on a slide, and then stain. XXV.] SMALL INTESTINE. 273 (iii.) Cut sections by freezing and place some in i per cent, osmic acid (24 hours). This sharpens the outlines of many of the structures. (iv.) It is convenient in teaching to give a complete transverse section of the small intestine of a small animal, e.g., mouse or kitten. In herbivora the wall of the gut is very thin. Stain in bulk and cut in paraffin. Flemming's fluid is an excellent " fixing " reagent both for the small and large intestine. Stain the sections in safranin. 1. T.S. Small Intestine (L). Observe the serous, muscular, submucous, and mucous coats (fig. 260). (a.) In the mucous coat, the surface beset with small conical projections villi which, if they are contracted, exhibit wrinkles on their surface. At the bases of the villi a single layer of simple test-tube-like glands glands of Lieberkunn or intestinal glands, embedded in an adenoid tissue matrix. Outside this the muscu- laris mucosae. (b.) The submucous coat, composed of fibrous tissue with nerves and blood-vessels. (c.) The muscular coat, composed of two layers, an outer longi- tudinal and an inner circular layer. In the cat, the latter is much thicker than the former. ('/.) The serous coat. (e.) (H) Study a villus. Observe the single layer of granular nucleated columnar epithelium covering it, each cell with its free end covered by a clear disc, with vertical strise (fig. 260). The succession of these free clear borders looks like a clear hem round the circumference of the villus. Occasionally leucocytes may be seen between the cells. (/'.) The goblet cells, chalice, or calictform cells scattered among the former (fig. 260). They may be seen from the side, or their open rounded mouths may be directed toward the observer. When seen from the side, they are ovoid, with a larger and clearer upper part containing mucigen, and a smaller, lower, granular, nucleated part (Lesson V.). Sometimes a plug of mucus may be seen protruding from the mouth of a cell. It is stained blue with logwood and brown with Bismarck brown. If the mucous glands be active and the fresh tissue be fixed in osmic acid, then the plug of mucus is black. (g.) In the centre of the villus a vertical space, the radicle of a lacteal, with a thin nucleated wall. The substance of the villus consists of adenoid tissue beset with leucocytes. Close under the epithelium, perhaps, sections of capillaries, and a little farther in one or more strands of non-striped muscle, which can be traced to the apex of the villus, and downwards to the muscularis mucosse (fig. 260, MM). (h.) The glands of Lieberkuhn lined by short columnar nucleated 25 S 274 PKACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXV. cells, the nucleus near the attached end of the cell. There is a gradual transition from these cells to those covering the villi. A clear border may be seen on their free ends. Bizzozero has called these "protoplasm cells" to dis- tinguish them from the goblet-cells which lie amongst them. Goblet-cells, however, are far more abundant in the large intestine. The lumen of each gland is distinct, and, especially if the lining cells be raised slightly, the basement membrane of the gland-tube may be seen. Between the gland-tubes numerous leucocytes and adenoid tissue ; in fact, the glands are set in a mesh work of this tissue. (i.) The muscnlaris mucosse sends deli- cate processes into the villi. This is best recognised in balsam specimens, by the arrangement of the fusiform nuclei of the smooth muscle cells. (/.) A solitary gland or a Peyer's patch may be cut, but it is better to have special preparations for these. 2. Peyer's Patches or Agminated Lymph Follicles. (i.) Make V.S. through a hardened Peyer's patch (sublimate or alcohol). Stain with eosin and hsemato- xylin and mount in balsam. (ii.) Fix a Peyer's patch of a rabbit or guinea-pig in Flemming's fluid. Fix a sec- tion on a slide and stain it first in i per cent, aniline-blue (watery). Wash out fn i per cent, ammonia, then in .5 per cent. HC1, and stain in safranin (Garbini). in balsam. (L) Observe a group of oval or roundish masses of adenoid tissue crowded with Mount FIG. 260. T.S. Small Intestine (Cat). V. Villi ; LG. Lieber- kiilm's glands; MM. Mus- cularis mucosse ; C and L. Circular and longitudinal fibres of muscular coat; s. leucocytes confined to one side of the gut. The conical apices of some of them may be seen projecting upwards quite to the mucous surface, covered only by a layer of columnar epithelium. Between the epithelial cells may be seen colourless corpuscles which have wandered from the adenoid mass. The lower ends of the masses usually pass down into the submucous coat. No villi exist over the apices of these masses of adenoid tissue if they project well into the mucous layer. If, however, they do not, but exist merely as rounded masses of XXV.] SMALL INTESTINE. 275 Villi with epi- thelium. adenoid tissue in the submucous coat, then they present the appear- ance seen in fig. 261. A solitary follicle exactly like one of the numerous follicles which compose a Peyer's patch may be seen (fig. 262). 3. Blood Vessels of the Small Intestine. Make a pretty thick transverse section of a well-injected small in- testine (cat). Cut in paraffin and mount in balsam. (L) The mucous coat is the most vascular part ; the larger vessels lie in the submucous coat, and few vessels in the muscular coat. (H) An artery runs to the upper part of each villus and gives off a plexus of capil- laries ; a vein on the opposite side. A .rich ^. plexus of capillaries < between Lieberkiihn's 2 glands. If the section pass through a solitary J follicle, note that the -~ capillaries pass into it and form loops (fig. 262). The general distribu- tion of the blood-vessels is shown in fig. 263, which shows how the FlG. 261. Longitudinal Section through a Peyer's Patch OUS COats. of the Small Intestine of a Dog. 4. Surface View of Injected Villi. To see the general arrangement of the blood-vessels in the mucous membrane, inject the blood-vessels of a rabbit with a red gelatine mass. Mount in balsam a part of the wall of the small intestine, placing the mucous surface uppermost. (L) Xote the villi, and trace the artery to its origin from a larger artery in the submucous coat (fig. 264) The artery runs on one Circular muscle. Longi- tudinal muscle. 2/6 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXV. side of the villus quite to the apex of the latter, and the vein a wider vessel descends on the opposite side. There is a dense plexus of capillaries (C) placed close under the epithelial covering. The best figures of the blood-vessels of the intestine are to be found in Mall's paper. 1 5. Nerve-Plexuses in Intestine. (a.) Gold Chloride Method. Wash the small intestine of a rabbit with normal saline, fill it with Villi with Solitary blood-vessels. follicle. - Muscular coat. Fia. 262. Mucous Membrane of Small Intestine (Kabbit), Injected, showing villi and a solitary follicle, x 50. lemon-juice or 5 per cent, arsenic acid, and leave it in lemon-juice or acid for five minutes. Allow the juice to escape, wash the gut in water, fill it with i per cent, gold chloride, and place it in J per cent, gold chloride solution (30 mins.). Wash it in water, and keep it in the dark in 25 per cent, formic acid (48 hours). It is now easy to separate the coats of the intestine from each other. Wash in water to remove all the acid, and with a pair of forceps strip off the longitudinal muscular coat (Auerbach's plexus adheres to this) ; it separates quite easily from the circular coat. Preserve what remains. Mount a small part of the longitudinal muscular coat in Farrant's solution. (1.) Methylene-Uue Method (p. 284). 1 " Die Blut- u. Lymph-wege im Diinndarm des Hundes," AWiand. d. math.- phys. Classe d. K. Sachs, Gesell. d. Wissens., Bd. xxiv., 1887. XXV.] SMALL INTESTINE. 2/7 Villi. Glands. 6. Auerbach's Plexus lies between the muscular coats, but when they are separated it usually adheres to the longitudinal coat. The general arrangement of the plexus can be seen with the naked eye (fig. 265). (L) The polygonal mesh work of purplish stained fibres, with slight swellings at the points of intersection (fig. 266). (H) The meshes are so large that only a part of them comes into the field of view at once. Note the non- medullated nerve-fibres, and at the nodes, groups of nerve-cells. From the plexus numerous fibres are given off to supply the smooth muscle of the intestine. 7. Ganglionic Cells. In a vertical section of the gut (prepared as in 1) look for groups of ganglionic cells in the submucous coat and others be- tween the t\vo layers of muscular fibres (fig. 267). 8. Meissner's Plexus. Spread what remains after removal of the longitudinal muscular coat on a slip of glass, mucous surface FIG. 263. Scheme of the Distribution of Blood-Vessels in the Small In- testine of a Dog. 3/.3f . Muscularis mucossc. Fio. 264. Injected Villi of Small Intestine of Rabbit, seen from above and laterally. A. Artery; V. Vein; C. Capillary network. uppermost. With a knife gradually scrape away the mucous coat. 2/8 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [xxv. With care observing the preparation from time to time under a low power of the microscope the progress of the process of denu- dation can be easily observed. By and by the plexif orm arrangement of Meissner's submucous plexus will be seen. Mount in Farrant's solution (fig. 268). (L) Observe the large wide meshes of the plexus. Compare the general arrange- ment of the plexus with that of Auer- bach's plexus. The fibres are finer, and the groups of nerve-cells smaller. (H) Note the ganglionic nerve-cells at the nodes (fig. 268). 9. Brunner's Glands. These glands are confined to the duodenum. Proceed exactly as recommended for the small in- testine. Stain a section with logwood and use eosin as a counter stain. This gives excellent results. Perhaps the best method is to slit up the duodenum longitudi- FlG. 265. Auerbach's Plexus (Rabbit). Lemon-juice and gold chloride, x 8. PIG. 266. Auerbach's Plexus (Dog). nally, pin it out on a cork plate, and fix it in mercuric chloride (an hour at 40 C. in a thermostat, or 24 hours at ordinary tempera- XXV.] SMALL INTESTINE. 279 ture). The surplus HgCl 2 is extracted with water at 30 and afterwards with alcohol at 40 C. It is then removed from the cork plate and hardened in alcohol. Embed and cut in paraffin. Kuczynski 1 has investigated these glands in a great number of FlQ. 267. Awerbach's Plexus in Section, a. Ganglionic cells ; b. Nerve-fibres ; c. Circular, ami (2. Longitudinal muscular fibres. animals and man, and tried a great variety of stains. Kleinenberg's fluid is also very good as a fixing reagent. (L and H) Note villi, Lieberkiihn's glands and the usual intes- tinal coats. In the submucous coat, which is thick, are the acini Fio. 268. Meissner's Plexus Intestine (Rabbit). Lemon-juice and pold chloride. of Brunner's glands (fig. 269), each composed of a basement mem- brane lined by cubical or short columnar cells. A duct from each 1 Internat. Monats. f. Anat. u. Phys., vii., 1890, 419. 2 80 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [xxv. gland perforates the muscularis mucosse, passes up between the intestinal glands, and opens on the free surface at the bases of the villi. It has a distinct lumen, and is lined by low cubical epithelium. ' 10. Fresh Villus. Pre- ferably that of a mouse. Examine in normal saline. LARGE INTESTINE. Methods. Prepare it in the same way as the small intestine, .and make vertical transverse sections. The details of the structure will necessarily vary with the animal used, but perhaps the cat is as convenient an animal as any to employ. I can strongly recommend Flemming's fluid. Sections to be stained with safranin. 11. T.S. Large Intestine (fig. 270). As the large intestine is wide, it is necessary in making the section to select a portion of the great gut which shows the longitudinal coat. In man, the coat is not a continuous one, the longitudinal fibres being grouped for the most part into three flat bands of fibres. (L) Beginning from without inwards, observe four coats. In the muscular coat, note the peculiarities of the longitudinal coat and the thick well-marked continuous circular coat. There is nothing special about the .submucous coat, unless it be the exist- ence of solitary follicles, which, however, arc not confined to the large intestine. The mucous coat is characterised by negative characters. There are no villi. It may exhibit folds, into each of which there runs a projection of the submucous coat. Lioherkiilm's glands, cut vertically, and some of them obliquely or horizontally. (H) In the mucous coat the glands of Lieberkiihn, larger than those of the small intestine, and lined by cells protoplasm cells with nuclei near their attached ends. Amongst them are very many goblet-cells (fig. 271). Serous coat. FIG. 269. V.S. Duodenum of Cat. c, I. Circular and longitudinal layers of muscle; Lg. Lieber- kiihn's glands ; JSg. Bruuner's glands ; g. Ganglion-cells ; v, Villi. Muscular coat. LonjritiKli- Jial fibres. FIG. 270. L.S. Large Intestine. 12. Vermiform Appendix (Rabbit). This is instructive on account of the lymphatic follicles it contains and the micro-organisms contained in these follicles (p. 284). Fix it in mercuric chloride and treat it as recommended for the other parts of the intestine. The lymph-sinuses are readily injected by the "puncture" method with watery solution of Berlin-blue. Fix in Muller's fluid and harden in alcohol. The lymph follicles are arranged in two or three rows, the one inside the other, but the innermost layer does not project beyond the level of the mucous membrane. The apices of the inner row are covered only by cylindrical epi- thelium. let-ceils. 2S2 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [xxv ADDITIONAL EXERCISES. 13. T.S. Villus. Stain a hardened mucous membrane (with villi) of a dog or cat "in bulk" in borax-carmine or Kleinenberg's logwood, embed and cut T.S. in paraffin, fix on a slide, remove the paraffin with turpentine, clarify with clove-oil, and mount in balsam. Many of the villi will be cut obliquely. (H) Observe the lacteal (L) in the centre, and round it the structure of the stroma of the villus, with several groups of non-striped muscle-cells (m) close to and surrounding the lacteal. In some animals (dog) there is a double row of these smooth muscles (fig. 272). The capillaries immediately under the epithelium (c), the smooth muscular fibres parallel to the lacteal, and the stroma composed of anastomosing fine trabeculae with parenchymatous cells and leucocytes make up the elements present in the core of a villus. Great differences exist in the rela- tive size of the stroma and lacteal in villi. In the dog and cat the lacteal is relatively small, and the stroma abundant ; in the rabbit the lacteal is very large, and the stroma scanty. 14. Non-Striped Muscle in Villi. The method of Kultschitzky enables the course of the fibres to be more clearly traced. Harden (for twenty- four hours) a piece of dog's small in- testine in the following fluid : A saturated solution of potassic bichro- mate and copper sulphate in 50 FIG. 272. T.S. Villus (Dog). L. Lacteal m. Muscle ; c. Capillaries, x 400. cent, alcohol (in the dark), to which, immediately before using, is added 5-6 drops (to 100 cc.) of acetic acid. The preparation and fluid must be kept in the dark. Complete the hardening in absolute alcohol. Make sections, and stain them in acid chloral-hydrate carmine, which is made as follows : Chloral hydrate, 10 grams; hydrochloric acid (2 per cent.), 100 cc. Add to this dry carmine (.75 to 1.5 gram), according to the strength of stain desired. Boil for one and a half hours, preventing evaporation by means of a cooling apparatus. Allow it to cool and filter. If the preparations stained with this dye be washed in 2 per cent, alum, the nuclei and other tissues become violet. Sections stained thus show the course of the smooth muscle -from the muscularis mucoscs obliquely between Lieberkiihn's glands into the villi, where they are arranged in several bundles near the lacteal. They curve as they ascend in the villus, the concavity looking outwards, and are fixed or inserted close under the epithelium. They pass quite to the apex of the villus, becom- ing thinner as they go, where they each split up into a pencil of fibres, the fibres being inserted close under the epithelium. 15. Heidenhain's Method. Harden small pieces of the small intestine, e.g., dog or cat (24 hours), in a .5 solution of common salt saturated with mercuric chloride. Place it for twenty-four hours in alcohol 80, 90, and 95 per cent., and finally in absolute alcohol. Saturate with xylol, embed in paraffin, and cut thin sections, which are fixed on a slide with a "fixative." After the paraffin has been got rid of by turpentine or xylol, and the turpen- tine displaced by alcohol, the sections are stained on the slide with Ehrlich- XXV.] LARGE INTESTINE. 283 Biondi's fluid (p. 81), diluted with 40 or 50 volumes of water. It requires 10 12 hours to stain the sections, which are then mounted in balsam. This preparation is particularly valuable for studying the various forms of cells that occur in the stroma of a villus. 1 16. Absorption of Fat. (i.) Feed a frog on fat bacon ; after two days kill it, and tease a portion of the mucous membrane of the intestine in normal saline, or dissocinte it in dilute alcohol. Observe the isolated columnar cells crowded with fine granules of oil, which are blackened on the addition of osmic acid. (ii.) A better plan is to stain the mucous membrane in osmic acid (24 hours), and embed it in paraffin. It is to be remembered,, however, that steeping the FIG. 273. -Villus of Dog's In- testine, with Lacteal and Non- Striped Muscle. L. Lacteal, x 250. FIG. 274. Section of Intestine of Frog. Absorption of fat. Osmic acid. mass or sections of it in paraffin discharges in part the black colour of the fatty granules (p. 33). (iii. ) Feed a rat on bread and fat of bacon ; kill it four hours afterwards by means of curare. Harden the small intestine in Os0 4 . (H) Observe the projections like folds of the mucous membrane. The columnar cells covering them are crowded with blackened particles fatty granules blackened by osmic acid (fig. 274). 17. Tubular Glands of the Intestine. In studying these, different fixing fluids are used according to the animal selected (Bizzozero). 2 Amongst the best fixing reagents are saturated watery solution of picric acid or picro- siiljilinric acid (2 days), and wash in water (i day), subsequently hardening in alcohol. This is suitable for the rectum of the mouse and dog. For the duodenum, either alcohol or Flemming's fluid, or Hermann's fluid (Lesson XXXV.). They are stained in safranin (1-2 hours), washed (10-15 sees.) in absolute alcohol, and then stained in luematoxylin. Cleared in bergamot oil and mounted in balsam. Safranin stains the nuclei of the cells, but not the mucin. The latter is stained by the logwood, and one can trace it from the goblet-cells passing into the lumen of the tubule. Mitosis may be observed both in the protoplasmic and goblet cells. 1 Pfliigers Archiv, Supp. Bd., 1888. 2 Archivf. mik. Anat., p. 325, 1892. 284 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXV. The mucus in the fresh goblet-cells occurs in the form of granules. This is best seen in a fresh preparation teased without the addition of any fluid, or at most in Miiller's fluid. In sections fixed in Flemming's fluid and stained with safranin, the goblet-cells are reddish. The network in these cells may be stained with Bismarck-brown. According to Bizzozero, the epithelial investment of the villi is not renewed by the proliferation of the cells covering it ; but by the proliferation and upward growth of the cells lining Lieberkuhn's follicles. 18. Terminations of Nerves in Stomach and Intestine. Besides the gold- chloride method (Drasch, 1 nerves of the duodenum), and the methylene-blue methods as used by Aronstein, 2 Golgi's silver method has been recently applied by Erik M tiller 3 for this purpose. The method used was Golgi's "rapid method" (Lesson XXX.), i.e., osmico-bichromate solution and subsequent staining with silver nitrate. The nerve- fibres become black, and numerous communications are found to exist between the plexuses of Auerbach and Meissner. A very large number of nerve-fibrils enter the villi, and are dis- tributed in them, reaching to the cylindrical epithelium covering them. They end free and have not b.een seen to end in or between the cylindrical cells. Some end in the smooth muscular fibres of the villi. Other fibrils surround the gland tubes. It is said that branched cells, like nerve-cells, lie in the villi (R. y CayaT). 19. Methylene-Blue. Immediately after death inject into the thoracic aorta of a guinea-pig or rabbit the following fluid: I gram methylene-blue BX in 300 cc. normal saline. Open the abdomen and expose the gut to the air for 2-3 hours. Place a thin piece of the wall of the small intestine in picrin-glycerine of S. Mayer (p. 192) and search for the red dish- stained nerve plexus (S. Mayer). If a piece of the gut be teased in picrin-glycerine, it is easy to isolate blood- vessels with their nerves. It is to be noted that methylene-blue not only stains the axis-cylinders of nerves, but also the cement of epithelial cells, so that in some respects it acts like silver nitrate. 20. Vermiform Appendix (Rabbit}. Fix in Flemming's fluid, Fol's solution, or absolute alcohol. A. For Mitosis. (i.) Stain the sections (5-10 mins. ) in Gentian-violet ..... i gram. Absolute alcohol . . . . 15 cc. Aniline oil . . . . . 3 ,, Water 80 ,, (2.) Wash in absolute alcohol. (3.) Immerse (30-40 sees.) in i per cent, chromic acid. (4.) Again absolute alcohol (30-40 sees.); and (5.) in chromic acid. Then in absolute alcohol to remove all surplus dye. Balsam. In this way the chromatin of the nuclei is stained. B. For Micro- Organisms. Stain as above in (i). (2.) Absolute alcohol (5 sees.). (3.) Weak iodine solution, i.e., Gram's method (p. 105) (2 mins.). (4.) Then alternately chromic acid and alcohol as above. Balsam (Bizzozero). The secret of getting good preparations is to wash them well in absolute alcohol until all surplus dye is removed. 21. 'Peyer's Patches and Phagocytosis. (a.) Harden a Peyer's patch (rabbit) in absolute alcohol, cut sections in paraffin, and stain them in alum- carmine, or in addition with gentian-violet by Gram's method (p. 284) 1 Sitzb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissenscli., Bd. 81, iii. Abth., Wien, 1880. 2 Aunt. Anzeigcr, Bd. ii., 1887. 3 Archivf. mik. Anat., Bd. xl., 1892. XXVI.] LIVER. 285 (Ruffer 1 }. (H)- In the sections numerous small leucocytes will be found to have wandered from the lymph follicles between the epithelial cells. There are always to be seen several much larger cells mono-nucleated in the lymph follicles. The smaller forms which may be mono-nucleated or poly -nucleated have been called microphages, and the largest macrophages because both are capable of taking up bacteria dead and alive into their protoplasm and changing them by a process of intnicellular digestion. Transition forms between microphages and macrophages of leucocytes may be found. In a preparation stained by Gram's method the bacilli which are found in the lymph-cells, but not in the epithelial-cells are stained deep blue-violet. (b.} Sections of glands fixed in sublimate may be stained with Ehrlich- Biondi lluid and the same kinds of lymph-cells as occur in lymph-glands are found. 2 The most numerous are (i) small lymph-cells with a nucleus (stained green) surrounded by a small quantity of rose-coloured protoplasm. (2.) Larger cells with rose-red protoplasm. (3.) Granular cells which seem to correspond to eosinophilous cells. (4.) Cells undergoing degeneration ; and (5.) Phagocytes. LESSON XXVI. LIVER. IT is composed of a large number of lobules (i mm. (^ inch) in diameter), held together by a greater or less amount of connective tissue. Each lobule practically resembles its neighbour, and is composed of a mass of polyhedral or cubical liver-cells which have in relation with them blood-vessels and bile-ducts. The liver is covered by a capsule, which sends processes into the organ at the portal fissure, forming Glisson's capsule, which lies between the lobules in the portal canals, and surrounds the portal vein, bile-duct, and hepatic artery. The liver is supplied with blood by the vena portse and hepatic artery ; they enter at the portal fissure, and the former divides into branches v/hich ramify between the lobules, constituting the interlobular veins. From these veins capillaries pass into and traverse the substance of the lobules, and converge to a veinlot in the centre of each lobule the central or intralobular veins or rootlets of the hepatic vein, which form sublobular veins, and these in their turn form the hepatic vein which carries the blood from the liver to the inferior vena cava. The substance of each lobule between the capillaries is composed of liver-cells (20 /*, Yo-Vtf inch in diameter), which form anastomosing columns, being more radiate next the centre of the lobule. Between the liver-cells, 1 Quart. Jour. Micr. Sci., xxx. p. 481. 2 Hoyer, Archivf, mik. Aiiat., xxxiv., 1889. 286 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXVI. but always separated from the blood-capillaries by hepatic cells or part of a cell, is a fine polygonal plexus of channels the bile capillaries, which become continuous with interlobular bile-ducts at the margin of the lobule. The smaller interlobular bile-ducts unite to form larger bile-ducts, which are lined by columnar epi- thelium, and in the walls of the largest of them are mucous glands. The hepatic artery supplies chiefly the connective tissue between the lobules, and accompanies the branches of the bile-duct and portal veins, so that these three structures lie together in portal canals. Methods. Harden portions of the liver of a, e.g., pig, rabbit, cat, and man in Miiller's fluid or 2 per cent, potassic bichromate (10-14 days). If it be desired to retain the chromatin fibrils in the liver- cells avoid the chromic acid salts. Use sublimate, and then gradually increasing strengths of alcohol. Cut sections parallel to the surface of the organ, and others at right angles to it, the latter to include the capsule. The sections can be stained in haematoxylin and mounted in balsam ; or picro-carmine, or picro-lithium carmine, and Farrant's solution may be used. Staining in bulk and cutting in paraffin is also good. If unstained sections are mounted, the out- lines of the tissues will be much better defined if they be soaked in i per cent, osmic acid (24 hours) previous to being mounted in Farrant's solution. 1. Liver of Pig 275. Liver of Pig, showing Lobules. P.O. Portal (Hcematoxylin and .Ba/- canal, containing Me-duct, hepatic artery, and por- sam or PicrolitUum tal vein (P. V.) S. Septa ; S. V. Sublobular vein ; /. V . . intraiobuiar vein. Carmine, or Methylene- Blue). (a.) (L) Observe the polygonal lobules (fig. 275) mapped out from each other by a network of septa of connective tissue, or Glisson's capsule (fig. 275, S). In the centre of each lobule a small thin- walled vein, a rootlet of the intraiobuiar or hepatic vein (I.V.). (b.) At the periphery of each lobule sections of branches of the portal or interlobular vein ; if possible, find a transverse section of the latter, and it will be found to be accompanied by similar sec- tions of the bile-duct (one or more) and hepatic artery (fig. 277, XXVI.] LIVER. 28; P.V.). Branches of all three structures always run together in the portal canals, and are surrounded by Glisson's capsule. (c.) Capillaries for the most part empty running from without inwards in each lobule. Radiating from the hepatic veinlet columns of liver-cells, forming a network of secretory cells intertwining with the capillary plexus within the lobule. (d.) (H) The columns of hepatic cells radiating from the hepatic veinlet, composed of polygonal or cubical cells, with granular con- tents and an excentrically-placed spherical nucleus. At the outer part of the lobule the network of cells is more polygonal, correspond- ing to the arrangement of the capillaries. Between the columns of cells, capillaries, sometimes with a few blood-corpuscles. The however, are not as distended as normal. Transverse FIG. 276. Columns of Liver-Cells from a Starving Dog. FIG. 277. T.S. Portal Canal with Glisson's Capsule enclosing Portal Vein (P.V.), Bile-duct (B.D.), and Hepatic Artery (H.A.). The slit is a lymphatic. C. Capillaries. I.e. Liver-cells. branches running between adjoining capillaries, and the whole interwoven with the cellular network. In a hsematoxylin-stained section, note that the nuclei of the liver-cells are stained to a less degree than the other nuclei. The nuclei of the cells of the connective-tissue, bile-ducts, and capillaries are more deeply stained. In the picro-lithium preparations, the cells are yellowish with nuclei red, but of different shades of the same. With the low power find a portal canal with its contents ; fix them under the microscope and examine with (H). (e.) One or more sections of interlobular bile-ducts, lined by a single layer of shorter or taller columnar cells; outside them con- nective tissue, disposed circularly and continuous with that of Glisson's capsule (fig. 277). A section of a branch of the hepatic artery and the largest opening of all of the portal vein. Some slits may be seen in Glisson's capsule ; they are lymphatics. 288 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXVI. 2. Liver of Rabbit. It is convenient to study this liver, because in some respects it shows a transition between that of the pig and man, as it occupies an intermediate place with regard to the demar- cation of its lobules. In it the lobules are not nearly so well defined by connective tissue as in the pig or camel, while their separation from each other is more definite than in man. 3. Human Liver. Hsematoxylin, balsam. (L) Observe the greater fusion of the lobules. Practically, the arrangements of blood-vessels and cells in other respects is the same as in the rabbit's liver (fig. 278). If the liver is anaemic, the intra- Intralobular vein. Bile ducts. Interlobular veins. FlG. 278. Section of Human Liver, showing Liver Lobules and the Radiate Arrange- ment of the Hepatic Cells from the Centre of each Lobule, x 20. lobular blood-capillaries are narrow, and the liver-cells appear to compress and narrow them. 4. Liver of Frog or Newt. Harden a small piece in absolute alcohol or J per cent, osmic acid (24 hours). Stain the mass "in bulk" in Kleinenberg's logwood or borax-carmine, and mount in balsam. Mount the osmic acid sections in Farrant's solution with- out staining, or stain them in safranin (48 hours). (a.) (L) Observe the anastomosing system of gland-tubes made up of hepatic cells. Between them the narrower blood-capillaries, many of them filled with blood-corpuscles. Here and there black patches of pigment melanin especially in winter frogs (fig. 279). (/;.) (H) Each cell is polygonal, with a large spherical nucleus ; the contents may be more or less granular, according to the phase XXVI.] LIVER. 28g FIG. 279. Liver of Frog. C. Capillaries. Osniic acid, x 300. of secretory activity of the cells. In some conditions the granules within the cells may be arranged next the capillary ; in others they are more regularly scattered throughout the cell substance. Tha cells are arranged round the bile-capillaries. This is best seen in transverse sections of the latter, which appear as very small circular apertures bounded by four or five cells (tig. 279). When the tubes are cut longitudinally, the bile capillaries are seen to pursue a zigzag course between the cells, but this will be better seen in injected specimens. ('.) The blood-capillaries with their nucleated blood-corpuscles, and note that there is always a cell or part of a cell between the blood-stream with its wide lumen, and the bile-channels with very narrow lumina. Any fatty granules present in the osmic acid section are black. 5. Blood- Vessels of the Liver Opaque Injections. Mount in balsam a section of a pig's liver, with the P.V. injected with a red opaque mass, and the H.V. with a similar yellow mass. The light from the reflector must be turned off, and light focussed on the preparation by a condenser (fig. 1 6). (a.) (L) Observe the polygonal lobules, the branches of the portal veins around the periphery of the lobules, and sending fine branches into the latter. In the centre of the lobules the hepatic veinlets yellow, with capillaries converging to them. The capil- laries within the lobules partly filled with red and partly with yellow mass, connecting the portal and hepatic venous systems. (I>.) Sometimes a longitudinal section of a lobule may be seen. Trace the veinlet to a larger branch under the lobule, i.e., to a sublobular vein. The sublobular veinlets lie between the lobules, but they differ from branches of the portal vein in not being accom- panied by a branch of the hepatic artery and bile-duct. 6. Transparent Injections Liver of Pig. Mount in the same way a transparent injection of the liver of a pig. P.Y. blue, and II. V. red. (".) (L) The hepatic veinlet in the centre of the lobule. If cut transversely, it is circular ; if obliquely, oval ; and if the lobule be cut longitudinally, it appears as a central channel joining a sub- lobular vein. Trace outwards from this a radially-arranged capillary network, with its cross-branches, right out to the outer part of each 26 T 290 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXVI. lobule. Notice that the shape of the mesh work of capillaries is different at the centre and periphery. Between the lobules and outside each lobule branches of the portal vein. 7. Liver of Rabbit, Injected (fig. 280), e.g., a section with its blood-vessels injected with different colours, e.g., P.V. red (carmine gelatine) and H.Y. blue (Berlin-blue gelatine). Also a section where all the blood-vessels are injected with a mass of one colour. In a double injection the red and blue masses do not always occupy the area corresponding to the blood-vessel into which they were injected, but with care such a piece can be found in an injected liver. The arrangement of the blood-vessels corresponds to that seen in the uninjected specimens, only in the former the blood- vessels are more prominent than the cells. (a.) (L) Observe the in terlobular* veins round the periphery of the lobule, the central or intralobular vein, and the plexus of Fibrous wall. FIG 281. .uiterlobular Bile-Duct. FIG. 280. Injected Blood- Vessels of a Lobule of a Rabbit's Liver. capillaries connecting the two. The capillaries converge towards the centre of the lobule, where the meshes are more elongated. At the periphery of the lobule the capillary mesh work is more polygonal. Very instructive also are those with only one set of vessels injected, e.g., portal or hepatic. They serve to show the capillaries belonging to each area within a lobule. 8. Injected and Stained Section. A beautiful preparation is obtained by staining a section (blue injection) with picro-lithium carmine. In it the vessels are blue, the cells yellow, and the nuclei of the latter red. 9. Bile-Ducts. Mount in balsam a section of a rabbit's, or, better still, a guinea-pig's Iryer in which the bile-ducts have been injected with a concentrated watery solution of Berlin-blue. It is very XXVI.] LIVER. 2 9 I difficult to get a perfect injection, but it is easy in the guinea-pig to inject the large bile-ducts. They are injected from the common bile-duct after ligature of the cystic duct. Sometimes it is better not to clamp the cystic duct, as after the gall-bladder is full it acts as a reservoir, and prevents too great pressure, causing extravasations of the injection fluid. (a.) (L) Large Bile-Ducts. Numerous sections of these lying in portal canals between the lobules. Each is provided with a fibrous coat containing circular, smooth, muscular fibres, lined by columnar epithelium. In the walls of the largest ducts are mucous glands, which open into the bile-duct. (?>.) (H) The bile- capillaries within the lobules appear as a fine hexagonal network of , blue lines between the "* BMBMBMflMW * surfaces of the hepatic cells (fig. 282). If cut transversely, they appear as mere blue specks between adjacent cells. They are not to be con- founded with the blood- capillaries, which are much wider, and are arranged in a different way. (c.) The columnar epi- thelium lining the interlobular bile-ducts and their fibrous walls (fig. 281). 10. Auto-Injection of Bile-Ducts. Place a piece of indigo- carmine, about the size of a split pea, under the skin of the fore- arm of a pithed (brain-destroyed) frog. Tie the slit to prevent its escape. After twenty-four hours the whole frog will appear quite blue. Kill it, rapidly remove the liver, cut it in small pieces, and place it at once in absolute alcohol, which fixes the blue colour. After it is hardened, cut sections and mount in balsam. (a.) (H) The blood-vessels are yellow, with gland-tubes between, but the bile-capillaries are bine. They can be seen as blue zigzag fine streaks between the cells when the tubes are cut longitudinally, and as very small dots when cut transversely. A thin section gives a clear view of the relation of blood-capillaries, cells, and bile- capillaries. -B.C. FIG. 282. Lobule of Rabbit's Liver. Vessels aixt bile- ducts injected. P.V. Portal, and H.V. Hepatic vein ; B.D. Bile-duct, and B.C. Bile-capillaries. 292 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXVI. A good plan is to clarify an unstained section with clove-oil con- taining eosin. The cells are stained red, and form a sharp contrast to the blue. A watery solution such as picro-carmine cannot be used to stain the cells, as it rapidly extracts the blue from the bile- channels. 11. Fresh Liver-Cells. Scrape the surface of a fresh liver, and .observe in normal saline. (H) Observe the pale, nucleated, polygonal, or cubical faintly- granular cells, of ten containing small refractive oil globules. Often the cells are broken up. There are always many blood-corpuscles in the field (fig. 94). ADDITIONAL EXERCISES. - 12. Connective-Tissue Stroma. With a camel's-hair brush pencil away as many as possible of the hepatic cells from a thin section of any properly hardened liver. The connective-tissue network may be afterwards stained with picro-lithium carmine or eosin. 13. Intralobular Connective Tissue. Various methods have been adopted to show the existence of connective tissue within the liver lobules and between its cells. The following methods reveal a network of black fibrils continuous with the interlobular tissue, and traversing as a network the substance of the lobule. This method is also useful for showing the trabeculse of the spleen, and the fibrillar structure in the splenic corpuscles and lymph-glands generally. (a.) Bohm's Method. (1. ) Harden small pieces (.5 cm. cube) in 0.5 per cent, chromic acid (2 days). (2.) Silver nitrate .75 per cent. (3 days). (3.) Wash in distilled water, harden, cut, and mount in balsam. (&.) Oppel's Method is available for liver hardened in alcohol. (1.) Yellow chromate of potash 10 per cent, (i day). (2.) Silver nitrate, large volume, .75 per cent. (2 days). Much silver chromate is formed, so that the silver must be frequently renewed. (3.) Wash in water, harden in alcohol, sections, balsam. By either method the liver cuts readily on freezing, but hand sections, I think, are best. Paraffin embedding is not to be recommended. 14. Bile-Capillaries (Bohm). Golgi's method. (1.) Harden (3-4 days) small pieces of the liver (.5 cm. cube) in Bichromate potash solution (3 per cent.) . 4 vols. Osmic acid (i per cent.) .... I vol. (2.) Place in 0.75 per cent, silver nitrate (2 days). (3.) Wash in distilled water, harden in alcohol. (4.) Sections. Balsam. XXVI.] LIVER. 293 The bile-capillaries appear as a black polygonal network on a yellow ground. It is rare, I find, to have the whole thickness of the tissue equally well stained. Only a thin layer on the surface shows the capillaries well, but the result is excellent. I find that the sections keep for a long time if they are mounted under a cover-glass. 15. Glycogen in Liver-Cells. (a.) The animal must be well fed, e.g., rabbit, with carrots, and six hours or so thereafter it is killed. As glycogen is soluble in, or is at least extracted from, the liver by water, small pieces of the liver must be hardened in alcohol. In a section placed in a weak iodine solution or Lugol's solution (p. 93), the glycogen granules in the cell protoplasm are stained of a port-wine colour. In sections of liver sometimes one sees vacuoles from which the glycogen granules have been washed out. (b. ) Harden the liver of a well-fed frog in osmic acid, make thin sections, and irrigate with iodine. The granules of glycogen in the hepatic protoplasm are stained brownish. 16. Reactionfor Iron( Tizzoni's). (.) Select the liver of a young animal, and harden it in alcohol. Place sections in the following fluid, which should be freshly prepared : Water 90 cc. aer Hydrochloric acid (25 per cent.) Ferricyanide of potash (i : 12) Mount in balsam. Particles of free iron are coloured blue. Particles of free iron are seen in the spleen, liver, and kidney by this reaction. (b.) Zaleski. 1 Harden the liver in 65 per cent, alcohol, then in 96 per cent, alcohol to which a few drops of sulphuretted hydrogen ara added. After 24 hours the iron granules assume a green colour. 17. Injected Human Liver. (a.) For a double injection, and in order to save injection-mass, the plan recommended by Orth is excellent, viz., to pass an elastic catheter as far as it will go into one of the branches of the portal vein, and through it to make the injection. The hepatic vein is treated in the same way. Sections of a well-injected part may be afterwards stained with picro-lithium-carmine. (?>.) In a way a natural injection of the liver is obtained by hardening a human liver which is congested, and contains a large amount of blood. Such livers are apt to show pigmentation of the liver-cells and other changes due to disease. 18. Pigment in Liver. The presence of pigment in the liver-cells or capil- laries is a matter of considerable importance in regard to the question of the destruction of blood-pigment in this organ, or whether the liver acts as a trap for pigment already altered by its passage through the spleen or gastro- mesenteric capillaries. 2 In winter frogs the liver contains a large amount of black pigment, which lies in the blood-capillaries. 19. Granular Cells of Ehrlich. Harden the liver (ox, pig) in absolute alcohol. Place sections for 24 hours in Westphal's fluid (p. 67), wash in absolute alcohol (4-6 hours) until all is clear, only the granular cells remaining stained. Balsam. The granular cells ( ' ; Mastzellen ") are reddish violet, and lie in the interlobular connective tissue. 1 Zcitsch./. Phys. Chem., xiv. p. 274, 1890. 2 W. Hunter, Brit. Mcd. Jour., Nov., Dec. 1892. 2 4 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXVII. LESSON XXVII. TRACHEA LUNGS THYROID GLAND. THE trachea, a fibro-muscular tube, the wall of which contains 16-20 C-shaped pieces of hyaline cartilage held together by a fibrous membrane. Behind, the rings are deficient, and the trachea is membranous, and there it is strengthened by smooth muscle tracJiealis muscle which stretches between the ends of the carti- lages. It is lined by a mucous membrane, which is united to the outer fibrous coat by a submucous coat. The mucous coat consists from within outwards of (i.) Stratified, columnar, ciliated epithe- lium; (2.) Basement membrane; (3.) A basis of connective tissue with capillaries, and infiltrated with adenoid tissue ; (4.) A layer of elastic fibres arranged longitudinally. Outside this is a loose sub- mucous coat, in which lie the acini of the glands. The intra-pulmonary bronchi are lined by stratified ciliated epi- thelium resting on a basement membrane. Outside this is a basis of fibrous tissue, with numerous longitudinally-arranged elastic fibres, and some adenoid tissue. Outside this, again, is a com- pletely circular layer of smooth muscle bronchial muscle. Then follows the submucous coat with its vessels, glands, and in some animals (cat) masses of adenoid tissue. Most externally is the fibrous coat, in which are embedded several pieces of hyaline cartilage of irregular shape. As the bronchi pass into the lung, they divide and form smaller and smaller tubes, until they end in terminal bronchi or bronchioles. Each bronchiole, with thin walls, no glands or cartilage, and the epithelium cubical and non- ciliated, opens into several wider expanded parts infundibula or alveolar passages which are beset with air-cells or alveoli. The alveoli are spherical or polygonal vesicles, which open by a wide opening into the infundibula ; the air-vesicles, however, do not open into each other. The air-cells are lined by a layer of squames large, flattened, irregular plates with small granular cells here and there between them. Blood- Vessels. The branches of the pulmonary artery accom- pany the bronchial tubes, and finally terminate in a rich capillary plexus over and outside the basement membrane of the air-vesicles. The blood is returned by the pulmonary veins. The bronchial vessels seem to supply chiefly the connective tissue along the bronchi and in the septa. Numerous ganglia exist in the intra- pulmonary nerves. Lymphatics are numerous. XXVII.] THE RESPIRATORY ORGANS. 29$ THE RESPIRATORY ORGANS. Methods. (i.) Place small portions of the trachea of a cut and the human trachea in .2 per cent, chromic acid (10-14 days) or sub- limate, and harden afterwards in gradually increasing strengths of alcohol. (ii.) Fill the lungs of a cat with .2 per cent, chromic acid, and after closing the trachea suspend them in a large quantity of the same fluid. After two days cut them into small portions and keep them (14-20 days) in fresh chromic acid solution and complete the hardening in alcohol. (iii.) Harden small parts of the human lung as fresh as possible in the same fluids. (iv.) Fix: the trachea in Flemming's fluid, harden in alcohol, and stain with safranin. Admirable for epithelium. Trachea. Make transverse sections across the trachea of a cat, and also longitudinal vertical sections, so as to include the cartilage of two or three rings. This is best done by staining in bulk and cutting in paraffin. If done by freezing, stain T.S. and L.S. sections in hsematoxylin, and mount in balsam ; others in picro-car- mine, and mount in Farrant's solution. 1. T.S. Trachea (fig. 283). (a.) (L) Observe internally the mucous coat, outside it the submucous coat, and external to this an incom- plete ring of hyaline cartilage embedded in the outer or fibrous coat. The fibrous coat becomes continuous with the sub- mucous coat. (h.) (H) The fibrous coat of connective tissue, and embedded in it an incomplete ring of hyaline cartilage. Notice the arrange- ment of the cartilage cells in the latter. The ring is deficient posteriorly, but bridging ovef the gap and extending between the ends of the cartilage there is a transverse band of smooth muscle, the frachealis muscle. Outside it are muscular fibres cut trans- versely. The coats just inside the muscle are apt to be thrown into folds in a trachea detached from all its surroundings. Sections of nerves perhaps with ganglionic cells may be seen near the muscle. 83 __ TA ^^ ot KiUen> x 15 . 2 9 5 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXVII. (c.) The submucous coat, composed of more open connective tissue, and continuous with the former. In it are the acini of mucous glands ; but as the glands are more abundant in the spaces between the cartilages, their distribution is better seen in a longi- tudinal section. It is rare to find a duct, as they pierce the mucous coat obliquely, and open on its inner sur- face. (d.) The mucous coat, composed of fibrous tissue covered FIG. 284. L.S. Mucous Membrane of Trachea of Cat. by stratified ciliated epithelium. Under the epithelium is a longi- tudinal layer of elastic fibres, which are therefore cut across trans- versely. Within this, a basis of connective tissue infiltrated with adenoid tissue, and internal to this again a structureless basement Bronchia! Muse/e. Bronchia/ flrfery. Garfitcge Gfaiicf acini &. c/ucf: FlG. 285. T.S. Intra-Pulmonary Bronchus of Cat. PA and PV. Pulmonary artery and vein ; bv. Bronchial vein; V. Air-vesicles. membrane, best seen in very thin sections, and best of all in a human trachea. Besting on the basement membrane is the ciliated epithelium. It occurs in several layers, but only the superficial layer of cells is ciliated. In the lower layers of cells three or four A XVI I.] THE RESPIRATORY ORGANS. 297 layers -some are pear-shaped and the lowest more oval. Very frequently a thin layer of mucus is adherent to the cilia. The arrangement of the cells of the mucous layer is the same as in the bronchus (fig. 286). 2. L.S. Trachea (fig. 284) (L and H). Compare these with the previous section. The coats are the same, but several oval pieces of hyaline cartilage are seen one after the other embedded in the fibrous coat. The elastic fibres are now seen arranged longitudi- nally. The acini of the mucous glands are most numerous in the interspaces between the cartilages, and amongst the acini may be seen leucocytes and some adenoid tissue. If a gland-duct be found, it opens by a funnel-shaped expansion on the free surface of the mucous membrane. If it be desired to study the glands, use hcematoxylin and eosin as stains. 3. T.S. Human Trachea (L and H). Observe the general similarity to the previous prepara- tion. Here, however, the glands are well-developed ; the basement membrane is well marked, and in picro-oarmine specimens is stained red. Some of the superficial epi- thelial cells are apt to be detached. 4. T.S. Intra-Pulmonary Bron- chus. (a.) (L) Observe the fibrous coat, and outside it the vesicular tissue of the lung. In the fibrous coat two or three pieces of hyaline cartilage. The submucous coat, with its glands (fig. 285). (b.) Inside this a complete ring of smooth muscle bronchial muscle perforated here and there by the ducts Of .the glands. Immediately Fw inside this, in the mucous coat, several layers of longitudinal elastic fibres cut transversely. Most in- ternal, ciliated epithelium, like that lining the trachea, and resting on a basement membrane. The mucous membrane is frequently thrown into ridges or folds. (c.) In the fibrous coat, external to the cartilages, search for sections of two large vessels the pulmonary artery and vein and of small branches the bronchial vessels. Also several sections of nerves; in the course of some of them may be found ganglionic cells. 27 Membrane of Human Bronchus, a. Mucus ; b. Ciliated cells ; c. Deep cells; d. Base- ment membrane ; e. Longitudinal elastic fibres ; /. Bronchial muscle ; g. Connective tissue, with leucocytes and pigment. 298 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXVII. (d.) (H) Study specially the mucous membrane. Note the epithelium, basement membrane, and the longitudinal layer of elastic fibres under it (fig. 2 86). 5. Vesicular Structure of the Lungs. Make sections of a lung hardened by the freezing method. Let the sections be cut so as to include the pleura and subjacent lung. Stain in haematoxylin, and mount in balsam. (a.) (L) Observe the pleura, with its two layers, the deeper Fro. 287. V.S. Human Luuff. p. Pleura; a. Epithelium of a bronchus ; b. Blood-vessel; c. Pulmonary vein ; *. Interlobular septum, continuous with deep layer of pleura; v. Air-vesicles ( x 50 and reduced |). layer sending fine septa interlobular septa into the lung between its alveoli (fig. 287). (b.) The alveoli or air-cells cut in every direction; some appear as an open network, and others with a base. The outline of the alveoli may be somewhat irregular, according to the extent of dis- tension of the lung. Here and there, between groups of alveoli, may be seen a wide passage the infundibulum. XXVII ] THE RESPIRATORY ORGANS. 299 (c.) (H) In each alveolus stained oval nuclei, belonging to the squamous epithelium lining it, but the outline of the squames them- selves cannot be seen. Sections of the capillaries on the wall of the alveolus and their nuclei stained. In the thin walls, separating ad- joining alveoli, fine elastic fibres, 6. Respiratory Epithelium of the Alveoli. (i.) Remove the lungs from a young kitten, and fill them with a \ per cent, solution of silver nitrate. Run in the fluid from a pipette pro- vided with a bulb on its stem. Pump the lungs from time to time to remove as much air as possible. After half an hour replace as much as possible of the silver solution by means of alcohol. Tie the trachea, and suspend the lungs in alcohol till they are hardened. Cut sections by freezing, mount in Farrant's solution, and expose the sections to light. They become brown. Fia Sections can be stained in hsematoxylin or picro-oarmine. (ii.) Fill the lungs with .25 per cent. AgN0 3 , and suspend them in .5 per cent. AgN0 3 (1-2 hours). Diffusion takes place. Cut into pieces and place in alcohol (80 per cent.). (H) Select an alveolus which is so divided as to have a base, and observe the silver lines showing the boundary-lines of the squamous epithelium which lines it. At the junction-points of some of these are groups of two or three small, polyhedral, granular cells stained deep brown (fig. 288). 7. Blood-Vessels of a Mammalian Lung. Mount in balsam sections of an injected lung. (L and H) Observe the alveoli, each beset with a dense plexus of capillaries (fig. 289), and especially where the edge of an alveolus is seen, the wavy course of the capillaries passing from one side to the other of the inter-vesicular septa. Search for the termination of a branch of the pulmonary artery and the commencement of the pulmonary vein. 288. Alveoli of Lung of Kitten, Silvered, a, b. Squames ; d. Granular cells ; c. Young epithelium-cell ; e. Alveolar wall. FlG. 289. Capillaries of Human Lung, Injected, x 90. 300 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXVII. 8. Fresh Lung. Tease a small piece of lung in normal saline. It is difficult to get rid of all the air, but this may be done by beating the tissue with a needle. (H) Observe the large number of fine elastic fibres, which branch and anastomose. They can be rendered more evident by running in dilute caustic potash (2 percent.) under the cover. This destroys to a large extent the other elements. 9. Dried Lung. (i.) With a dry razor make thin sections of a dried and distended lung. Examine the section in water, taking care that it does not curl up, which it readily does. Get rid of the air-bubbles by pressing on the section with a needle, (ii.) Make rather thick sections parallel to the pleura, and examine them by reflected light. A very good idea of the air-vesicles is thus ob- tained. (a.) (L) Observe the air-vesicles, and the thin partitions between them. Also sections of the infundibula or alveolar passages. Connective-tissue septa may be seen. Of course the finer details of structure cannot be made out (fig. 290). 10. Foetal Lung. This serves very well for showing that a lung FIG. 290. T.S. Dried Lung. a. Vesi- cles ; 1. Infundibula. FIG. 291. T.S. Foetal Lung, showing a Bronchus Terminating in Air- Vesicles, x 75 B. Epithelium lining an alveolus, x 300. Miiller's fluid and hwmatoxylin. is made up of lobules. Harden in Miiller's fluid (14 days) the lungs from a human foetus (12 cm. in length). Cut sections and XXVII.] THYROID GLAND. 301 stain them either in hasmatoxylin or picro-carmine. Stain in bulk and cut in paraffin. (.) (L) Observe the pleura sending well-marked septa into the lung, thus denning the lobules, which are polygonal, about i mm. in diameter, and separated from each other by connective tissue. (/;.) In each lobule sections of bronchi, which can be seen occasionally to terminate in several vesicles, thus presenting a very gland-like arrangement (fig. 291). Many of the alveoli are cut across, and appear like sections of tubes lined by columnar epithe- lium. There is much embryonic connective tissue between the alveoli. (H) Select an alveolus, and note that it is lined by a layer of low, columnar, granular epithelium, while individual alveoli are separated from each other by much embryonic connective tissue, with numerous cells, and as yet few or no elastic fibres. THE THYROID GLAND. Methods. (i.) Harden pieces of the human thyroid, or the complete thyroid of a cat or dog, in M tiller's fluid (3 weeks) and then in alcohol. Sections are stained with hsematoxylin and mounted in balsam. Or stain in bulk and ^ - . -V^ w >' cut in paraffin. (ii.) Fix in Flem- ming's fluid (1-3 hours), and stain wash thoroughly, alcohol with Ehr- lich-Biondi fluid, or stain with Heiden- hain's logwood. 11. T.S. Thyroid Gland. (.) (L) Composed of small polygonal lobules united to each other by loose connective tissue. In each lob- ule a iarije number FIG. 292. T.S. Thyroid Gland, a. Closed vesicle. of completely closed acini held together by loose connective tissue. (/;.) (H) The spherical acini (tig. 292), bounded by a basement membrane, are lined by a single layer of low cubical epithelium, and contain a homogeneous fluid. This fluid, however, is often of a 3O2 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [xxvu. colloid nature, and is then a pathological product. It is stained hy logwood. Numerous sections of blood- and lymph-vessels outside the basement membrane of the acini. 12. Injected Thyroid (thickish section in balsam). (L) Numer- ous large vessels in the connective tissue, with a plexus of capil- laries over the acini, but outside their basement membrane. ADDITIONAL EXERCISES. 13. Lung of Newt. (i.) This is an elongated sac, and is of comparatively simple structure. Fill a lung with gold chloride (.5 per cent.), and suspend it in a few cc. of the same Huid for twenty minutes. Reduce the gold by exposure to sunlight in water feebly acidulated with acetic acid. Mount a portion of the thin wall in glycerine. (a.) (L) Observe islands or small groups of epithelial cells. They lie in the intercapillary spaces. The capillaries are wide, and form an anastomosing network. Outside this capillary layer is a layer of smooth muscle, and one of fibrous tissue. (ii.) If the gold chloride be reduced by formic acid (25 per cent, in the dark), the epithelium lining the lung is shed, and then the nerves to the lung with many ganglia in their course can be seen. 14. Lung of Frog. (i.) Fill a lung with dilute alcohol, suspend it in the same fluid (twenty-four hours), lay open the lung and pencil away the inner lining epithelium and mount in Farrant's solution. (a.) (L.) Observe the large, coarse, but short primary septa, which project inwards from the wall of the lung towards the large central cavity. From them secondary septa pass to form a trabecular arrangement, thus giving the interior of the lung a honeycomb-looking appearance. The trabeciilae consist chiefly of smooth muscle. (ii.) The nerves of the frog's lung are readily demonstrated by the gold chloride formic acid method and the methylene-blue method. The numerous ganglionic cells in the course of the nerves have a straight and a spiral process. 15. Elastic Fibres in Trachea and Lung. (i.) Stain a longitudinal section of the hardened human trachea according to the method described in Lesson X. 10. The elastic fibres become black. (ii.) Use the safranin method (Lesson X. 9). This shows beautifully the arrangement of the fibres, now of a purplish or black tint. 16. Elastic Fibres in the Lung. (i.) I have devised the following two methods, which give good results: Make sections of a dried and distended lung, stain, a section in dilute magenta, and allow the section to dry com- pletely on a slide ; add balsam and cover. The elastic fibres are red, and their arrangement can be seen with the utmost distinctness. (ii. ) Or. stain a section in methyl-violet, and clarify it wit i the aniline-oil and xylol mixture (p. 123). XXVIII.] KIDNEY, 303 Cortex. LESSON XXVIII. KIDNEY URETER BLADDER KIDNEY. IF a kidney be divided longitudinally, one distinguishes a cortical and a medullary part, the latter consisting in different animals of one or more pyramidal 6 portions the pyramids of Malpighi whose apices project into the pelvis of the kidney, while their bases are surrounded by cortical substances. The medul- lary portion is subdi- vided into the boun- dary or intermediate zone and the papillary portion (iig. 293). The kidney is covered by a loosely adherent cap- sule. .It is a compound tubular gland, consist- ing of numerous urini- ferous tubules closely packed together with very little connective tissue between them, the connective tissue carrying the blood-ves- sels, lymphatics, and nerves. The urini - ferous tubules pursue a straight course in the medulla, but they ex- hibit a contorted or convoluted arrangement straight tubules the Boundary or Omarginal zone. Fid. zy i. L.S. of n Pyramid of MalplgbL /'/'. Pyramids of Kerrein ; HA. Branch of renal artery with an in- terlobular artery; R\'. Lumen of a renal vein re- ceiving an interlubular vein ; VR. Vasu recta; PA. Apex of a renal papilla; l>b. Embrace the bases of the lobules. in the cortex, although bundles of medullary rays or pyramids of Ferrein pass into the cortex from the medulla (fig. 293). Each uriniferous 34 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXVIII. tubule consists of a basement membrane lined by a single layer of epithelium. The tubules alter their character and course in dif- ferent parts of the organ. The tubules begin in the cortex in a Sub-cap- sular layer. 12. Junc- tional tu- bule. ii. Convolu- ted tubule. 10. Irregu- lar tubule. A. CORTEX. 3. Proximal convoluted tubule. p. Ascend- ing tubule. 2. Neck. 4. Spiral ".ubule. * ^ i. Capsule and glome- rulus. 7 and 8. Ascending part of Henle's loop. 5. Descending limb of Heule's tubule. 6. Henle's loop. 15. Discharging tubule. C. PAPILLAKY ZONK. FIG. 294. Diagram of the Course of Two T'rmiferous Tubules. globular dilatation the Malpighian capsule which encloses a tuft of vessels the glomerulus (fig. 294). The capsule leads into a narrow neck, which passes into the first or proximal convoluted XXVIII.] KIDNEY. 305 tubule, which in turn is continued into the spiral tubule. After this it narrows suddenly and runs into the medulla as the descend- ing tubule of Henle, where it forms a narrow loop loop of Henle and passes in the reverse direction towards the cortex as the ascend- ing tubule of Henle. In the cortex it has a zigzag course irregular tubule and again becomes wider and convoluted second or distal convoluted tubule which leads into a straight tube junctional tubule which joins a straight or collecting tubule. This passes Tabular View (after Schdfer) of tie Parts, Situation and Epithelium of a Uriniferous Tubule. Portion of Tubule. Kind of Epithelium (always in a single layer). Situation of Tubule. I. Capsule . . . Flattened, reflected over Labyrinth of cortex. glomerulus 2. First convoluted Cubical, rodded cells, which ) i tube interlock 3. Spiral tube . . Like last, but "rods "very Medullary ray of distinct cortex. 4. Descending limb of Henle's tube Clear flattened cells Boundary zone and partly in papillary zone. 5. Loop of Henle . Papillary zone of medulla. 6. Ascending tube Cubical, rodded, sometimes Medulla and medul- of Henle imbricated lary ray of cortex. 7. Irregular zigzag Cells cubical, very "rodded," Labyrinth of cortex. tube lumen small 8. Second convoluted Like those of (2), but longer > tube and more refractive 9. Junctional tube . Clear, flattened, cubical cells Labyrinth passing to medullary ray. 10. Straight or col- Clear cubical and columnar Medullary ray and lecting ttibe cells medulla. ii. Duct of Bellini . Clear columnar cells Opens at apex of papilla. straight through the cortex and medulla, receiving other similar tubes as it goes; and becoming wider, it opens as a discharging tubule (duct of Bellini) en the apex of a Malpighian pyramid. The tubes are lined throughout by a single layer of epithelium, which, however, changes its characters in the different parts of the tube. The Malpighian capsule is a globular expansion (200 /*.), composed of a basement membrane lined by a single layer of squamous epi- thelium. In the convoluted tubules, proximal and distal, the epithe- U 30(5 HlACTlCAL HISTOLOGY. [XXVIII. lial cells are somewhat cubical, but their outlines are not well denned. They each contain a spherical nucleus, and their proto- plasm is "rodded," especially at the outer part. In the spiral tubule the cells are not unlike those of the convoluted tubule, but they are not so tall, and therefore leave a more distinct lumen, and they are not so markedly "rodded." In the descending part of the loop and the loop itself very narrow (10-15 /x,) the cells are clear and flattened, with a bulging opposite the nucleus, and these projections alternate with those on the opposite side of the tubule. The ascending limb (30 p wide) has somewhat cubical cells, which leave a regular lumen. They are striated, and often present an imbricate arrangement. The irregular or zigzag tubule bends on itself with sharp angles, and is wide, with an irregular lumen. Its cells stain deeply with staining reagents, and are conspicuously striated in their outer part. The second or distal convoluted tubule is like the proximal. The junc- tional and collecting tubules are lined by low, columnar, clear, trans- parent cells with small nuclei. The cells do nob stain readily. In the discharging tubules the cells have the same general character, but they are taller and more columnar. Fig. 294 shows the general arrangement of the tubules, and from it it is easy to see in what part of the kidney each kind of tubule is placed. Blood- Vessels. The renal artery enters the kidney, splits into branches which run towards the cortex, and at the junction of the cortex and medulla form incomplete arterial arches (fig. 293). From these arches arise the radiate or interlobular arteries, run- ning in the cortex between two medullary rays in a radial direction towards the surface. They give off at intervals on all sides short, slightly-curved vessels vasa afferentia which run without branch- ing to end within the Malpighian capsules, and there form the glomeruli. The vas efferens comes out of the Malpighian capsule close to where the afferent vessel enters it and at the pole opposite to the origin of the uriniferous tubule. The efferent vessel splits up into capillaries, which ramify amongst the tubules of the cortex. The blood is returned from the cortex by interlobular veins (fig. 293), which run alongside of the corresponding arteries. The medulla is supplied by leashes of vessels vasa recta which for the most part proceed from the arterial arches. The vasa recta are pencils of arterioles (10-15), splitting up into capillaries which ramify between the tubules of the medulla ; the medulla, however, is not so vascular as the cortex. The blood is returned by corre- sponding veins. The connective tissue is very scanty in the cortex, but abundant in and near the apices of the Malpighian pyramids. Methods. (i.) Harden small pieces in a 2 per cent, solution of potassic bichromate (1820 days) or Miiller's fluid. Corrosive XXVIII.] KIDNEY. 3O7 sublimate is also very good, and so is alcohol. The pieces should not be large, and should be cut according as a longitudinal or trans- verse section is desired. Stain and cut in bulk in paraffin. In all cases the pieces should include both the cortical and medullary portions, and should not be more than half-an-inch in thickness. (ii.) Place small pieces in boiling water and then complete the hardening in Miiller's fluid or alcohol. (iii.) To fix the epithelium use Flemming's fluid, e.g., for mouse's kidney. Make radial sections from the cortex to the apex of a Malpighian pyramid. For a general view stain a section in haematoxylin and mount it in balsam. Another one should be stained in picro- carmine or picro-lithio-carmine and mounted in Farrant's solution. For unstained sections, steeping them for twenty-four hours in i per cent, osmic acid before mounting them in Farrant's solution is excellent. The best way is to begin with a section of the entire kidney of a small animal, such as- a mouse, rat, or guinea-pig. In this way a good view is got of the entire organ in section. 1. Radial Section of Kidney of a small mammal. (a.) (L) Observe the capsule ; it is thin and apt to fall off; the cortical and medullary portions of the parenchyma. The medulla, composed of straight tubules of different sizes, and running radially from the pelvis of the kidney outwards. (b.) Trace some of the straight tubules outwards through the intermediate layer, in bundles the pyramids of Ferrein or medul- lary rays into the cortical layer (fig. 293, PF). Many medullary rays pass from a Malpighian pyramid, and they run radially out- wards in the cortex nearly to its outer part although they do not reach the surface becoming narrower as they are traced outwards. (c.) In the cortex, between every two medullary rays, are con- voluted tubes, twisted and cut in every direction, and two rows of glorneruli, enclosed in their capsules the labyrinth. Here and there a glomerulus may have fallen out, and the space it occupied be left as a round aperture. The regular arrangement of the glorneruli will only be seen provided the section runs parallel to the course of the medullary rays. The glomeruli are confined to the cortex, but none of them reach quite to the capsule. ( A\ voluted Tubules of a Kidney, x 300. ^ /, Vr , m , , (/..) Irregular Tubules. Here and there in the cortex may be seen zigzag portions of tubules of unequal width, and usually more deeply stained than the rest, and the epithelium dis- tinctly rodded (fig. 297). (<).} Note the small amount of connective tissue between the tub- ules of the cortex. It is best seen just outside the Malpighian capsules. It is far more abundant in the medulla, (h.) In the medulla, the straight tubes, which are largest and widest where they are about to open on the apex of a Malpighian pyramid discharging tubules but it is not so easy to get a section showing this, as from their radial arrangement they are apt to be cut obliquely. The collecting and dis- charging tubes have a wide lumen, and are lined by a layer of clear columnar cells with ovoid "tmdei. Trace the straight tubules out- wards towards the surface ; they become smaller, still their lumen FlG 296. Rodded Epithelium of a Convoluted Tubule. Ammonium ehromate. FlG. 207. Irregular Tubule, Kidney of Dog. Muller'B fluid. XXVIII.] KIDNEY. 309 remains distinct, and they are lined by clear nucleated short columnar or cubical epithelium. (i.) In the medullary rays in the intermediate layer very narrow tubes the descending portion of the looped tubule of Henle (fig. 300), not unlike fine capillaries may be seen, and also the wider, more deeply stained ascending portion of the same tubule. 2. T.S. of the Apex of a Malpighian Pyramid (Hcematoxylin and Balsam}. (a.) (L and H) Observe the large amount of connective tissue between the tubules. The large collecting tubules are cut across, so that their large lumina and the clear columnar epithelial cells lining them are distinctly seen (fig. 298). Not infrequently the epithelium falls out, and then the connective tissue appears as a network with round or oval holes. 3. T.S. Medullary Ray. Sec- tions should be cut in various direc- tions and at different levels in the cortex. One of the most instructive is to cut a section across the direc- tion of the medullary rays. In it will be seen groups of transverse sections of the various tubes col- lecting, ascending, and descending portions of the looped tubule of Henle which make up a medul- lary ray. Between the rays there are sections of glomeruli and con- voluted tubules. Blood- Vessels of the Kidney. The sections should be cut from a kidney injected with carmine gelatine or Berlin-blue gela- tine ; they should be radial, not too thin ; best from the kidney of a small mammal, and mounted in balsam. In injecting a kidney do not use too great pressure, as otherwise the glomerular capillaries are apt to burst, and the injection-mass passes into the tubules. When the stellate veins on the surface are seen to be well injected, one may infer that the mass has traversed the glomerular capillaries. In a small animal inject from the aorta, in a large one from the renal artery. 4. T.S. Injected Kidney. (a.) (L) Between the cortex and the medulla, i.e., in the boundary or intermediate layer, sections of the larger branches of the renal artery and vein will be seen (fig. 293, KA), i.e., along the "line of vascular supply." From FIG. 298. T.S. Apex of a Malpighian Pyramid. A. Large collecting tub- ules; B, C, D. Wide and narrow rts of Henle' a tubule; E, F. -vessels. 310 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXVIII. these the interlobular arteries and veins (tig. 299, a), running out- wards in the middle between every two medullary rays (fig. 293). From these are given off on all sides, at short intervals along the course of the vessels, short arteries - the vasa afferentia. Each vas afferens, after a very short course, runs to a Malpighian capsule, and splits up into capillaries to form the glomerulus. (b.) If the capsule is cut at the level where the artery enters, the short and narrower efferent vein or vas efferens will be seen coming out at the same pole, and after a similar short course breaking into a network of capillaries, which sur- rounds the tubules of the cortex. Around the convoluted tubules the meshes of the network are some- what polygonal, but in the medul- lary rays in the cortex they are more elongated. (c.) From this capillary network arise' short veins, which join the interlobular veins (fig. 299). Quite at the upper end of the inter- lobular artery a few branches are given off, which end directly in this capillary network without the intervention of glomeruli. Under the capsule the small veins are arranged in a stellate manner, con- stituting the venae stellatte (fig. 299, S). (d.) Passing again to the "line of vascular supply," the short vessels which break up into leashes Fia. 299. Blood-Vessels of the Kidney. O r bundles of small blood-vessels med^nal'^Inteflobufar^rtefy ; i. (fig- 299, r), the Vasa recta (arteriffi Vas afferens;. 2 Vas efferens; r e. Tec fa venaS rectae), which rim be- Vasa recta; FF. Interlobular vein ; s. Origin of a stellate vein ; i, i. BOW- twecn the medullary rays into the man's capsule and glomerulus; P. ^n.lnWi WI-.OT-G fViov fnrrn nn Apex of papilla ; c. Capsule of kid- medulla, where they lorm an ney; e. Vasa recta from lowest vas elongated capillary meshwork be- efterens. J XXVIII.] KIDNEY. 3 1 i tween the straight tubules of the medulla. The medulla is not so vascular as the cortex, and it has no glomeruli. 5. Injected and Stained T.S. Kidney. A not too thin injected section say injected with a blue mass may be stained with picro- carraine, which makes the tubular structures more distinct by staining their nuclei. 6. Fresh Kidney Glomeruli and Basement Membranes of Tubules. Expose a fresh kidney to the air for a day or two according to the temperature. Cover it to prevent evaporation. Tease part of the medulla and cortex in normal saline. (a.) (H) Observe the long, partly empty, structureless, basement membranes of the tubules, often exhibiting folds ; also isolated cells of the tubules. (b.) Isolated glomeruli, consisting of several tufts of capillaries. The nuclei of their cells are revealed by dilute acetic acid. (c.) Narrow tubules, not unlike blood-capil- laries, but they possess a wall lined by a layer of squames, the nucleated part of .the squames alter- nating on opposite sides of the tubule. These are the descending part of the looped tubule (fig. FIG. 3 oo. Part of De- scending Looped n T i j. i /* n * ^ -^'0- , m -L , Tubule of Heule. 7. Isolated Cells of the Different Tubules. Place very small pieces (size of a -split-pea) 24-48 hours in a 5 per cent, solution of neutral ammonium chromate. Wash in water, and tease small fragments in a 50 per cent, solution of potassic acetate, or, without washing, tease a fragment in the chromate solution. (a.) (H) Note specially the cells of the con- voluted tubules and those of the ascending limb of Henle's loop. They show the " rodded " char- acter of the outer part of the protoplasm. Ad- joining cells tend to interlock with each other (% 3 0- FIG. ooi.- Isolated 8. Isolated Tubules. Place small pieces (size ceils from COM vo- c \ n ,i i j n . , ^ luted Tubules, i. or a pea) 01 the kidney ot a mouse, tortoise, or on the flat with guinea-pig (3-4 hours) in pure hydrochloric acid cesses- C 2 "on e^ige or 40 per cent, nitric acid (2-4 hours), wash in and '" i-odded." water and leave them in water for 18-24 hours. ^ ui They swell up, and their constituents readily fall asunder. Place a fragment in water slightly tinged with iodine and gently tap the glass slide, or stain with dilute acid-fuchsin. This is sufficient to cause the tubules to fall asunder. (L and H) In a part from the cortex search for a convoluted tubule still connected with its capsule, the twists on the tube itself, 3 I2 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXVIII. and the transition to the narrow part of the looped tubule of Henle. This is perhaps easiest to obtain from a mouse's kidney. Isolated straight tubules from the medullary part. To preserve this prepara- tion, suck away the fluid and gently replace it with glycerine. Ureter and Bladder. Harden small pieces in Mtiller's fluid (14 days) or in corrosive sublimate (5-6 hours), and then in gradually increasing strengths of alcohol. Make transverse sections of the one and vertical sections of the other. Flemming's fluid for epithelium. Stain in haematoxylin and mount in balsam ; and others in picro-carmine and mount in Farrant's solution. Or stain in bulk in borax-cai-mine and cut in paraffin. The ureter of a cat or monkey does very well, and it is well to use the contracted bladder of a small mammal. 9. T.S. Ureter (fig. 302). (a.) (L) Externally is a thin fibrous "Adventitia. FIG. 302. T.S. Lower Part of Human Ureter, e. Transitional epithelium ; s. Sub- mucosa ; I and r. Longitudinal and circular smooth muscular fibres ; t. Tunica propria. Miiller's fluid, x 15= coat or adventitia, consisting of connective tissue with the large vessels and nerves. (b.) The muscular coat consists of an outer layer of smooth muscle arranged circularly, and inside this a longitudinal coat arranged in bundles, the latter, of course, divided transversely. In the lower part of the ureter there is an incomplete longitudinal muscular coat outside the circular coat. (c.) The submucous coat is thin, and passes gradually into (d.) The mucous coat, which is thrown into ridges or folds, and is lined by transitional epithelium. XXVIII.] KIDNEY. 313 Cylindrical cells. Leucocyte. FlG. 303. V.S. Epithelium of the Mucous Membrane of a Human Bladder. Muller's fluid, x 560. (e.) (H) The transitional epithelium, and the variation in the shape of the cells arranged in several layers, from the free mucous surface outwards. 10. V.S. Bladder (fig. 303). (a.) (L) Most ex- ternally a thin fibrous coat, in some places covered by a serous coat. (b.) The muscular coat, composed of longitudinal and circular smooth fibres. Usually there is an outer and an inner longitudinal layer with a circular layer between. The appearance of these layers will depend on the plane of the sec- tion. The submucous and mucous (H) coats are like those of the ureter. (c.) (H) The transitional epithelium and the great variety in the shape of the cells from below upwards. Occasionally amongst the epithelial cells are leucocytes (tig. 303). It is important to observe that the thickness and shape of the lining transitional epithelium will necessarily vary with the state of distension or contraction of the bladder. 11. T.S. Penis, e.g., of a monkey or other small mammal. Harden it in alcohol or fix in Flemming's fluid. Make T.S. and stain with safranin. (a.) (L) It consists of the two corpora cavernosa, placed dor- sally, one on each side of the middle line, and inferiorly the cor/tuft i.) The epidermis, composed entirely of stratified epithelial cells. Proceeding from the outside (fig. 307), observe (i.) The stratum corneum, of variable thickness, consisting of many layers of flattened or slightly fusiform, clear, non-nucleated cells united to each other. As the cells are seen on edge, they are very thin. Those on the surface are about to be shed, and consist of keratin. (ii.) The stratum lucidum, a thin, narrow, clear, homogeneous layer, composed of two or more layers of flattened cells, containing sometimes a rod - shaped nucleus. The cells do not stain well with dyes. The eleidin granules seem to become fused together and form the basis for cornification, as the cells are changed and become corneous. (iii.) The stratum granulosum, a somewhat thicker layer, com- posed of ovoid cells two or three rows deep. Each cell is distinctly granular, and usually this layer stands out deeply stained, because its granules of eleidin or keratohyalin are stained with the car- mine. The cells, like the foregoing, are devoid of "prickles." (iv.) The stratum Malpighii, several layers of more plastic cells. At the lowest part, where they rest on the papillae of the true skin, the cells prickle-cells are smaller and columnar in shape (with oval, vertically-placed nuclei), but above this they become more spheroidal or polygonal, and each one is distinctly nucleated. FIG. . 306. V.S. Skin of Palmar Surface of Finger. F. Fat ; P. T.S. Pacinian corpuscle. PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [xxix. Stratum corneum. (c.) The cutis vera. The papillae, conical elevations projecting into the Malpighian layer. Tliey consist of compact fibrous tissue. The rest of the skin consists of bundles of white fibrous tissue interwoven with networks of elastic fibres, and at its lower part masses of fat-cells. The connective tissue and fat-cells below become continuous with the subcutaneous tissue, which is of a more open texture ; but there is a gradual transition from the one to the other. The nuclei of the connective tissue corpuscles appear as red oval dots. In sections of the sudoriferous glands, their coils (in the deeper layers of the corium), their ducts running vertically through the skin, and a corkscrew passage in the epidermis may be seen. In some of the papillae observe a touch-corpuscle (p. 320), and in the subcutaneous tissue occasion- ally sections of Pacinian bodies (p. 320). (<#.) (H) Observe in the epi- dermis the shape and characters of the successive layers of epi- thelium. In the Malpighian layers, "prickle-cells," i.e., cells connected with each other by fine "inter-cellular bridges," are better studied in an osmic acid section (fig. 97). (See also Lesson IV.) (i. ) In the stratum Malpicjliii the lowest cells are arranged in a single layer of elongated, some- w i. ni - Pn l lirnTinT , r( A\~ If. T<7 ,.\ W J iat C ells V " 12 J*/ with large OVal nuclei SlUTOlinded by granular protoplasm. The lower ends of the cells frequently exhibit processes which fit into the derm is. The remainder of the cells of this layer are irregularly cubical, and exhibit prickles (Lesson IV., and p. 127). In the dark races the particles of melanin, which give the dark colour to the skin, are present in the cells of this layer, especially in the deepest layer of cells. Nuclei are sometimes seen in process of division. (ii.) The cells of the stratum yranulosum are arranged in two or more layers, and are flattened horizontally, so that they are lozenge- FlG. 307. V.S. Human Epidermis with Terminations of Nerve - Fibrils. n. Nerve; d. Dennis; 6. Branches of XXIX.] THE SKIN. 319 shaped, devoid of prickles, and are crowded with granules of eleidin. a substance, apparently one of the stages on the way to the hotly keratin. These cells stain deeply with picro-carmine, haematoxylin, and osmic acid. They are soluble in caustic potash, and in this respect differ from keratin. (iii.) The stratum Iwidum is composed of two or more layers of flattened transparent cells, with no prickles, and free from granules, but with a horizontally-placed, rod-shaped nucleus. They do not stain readily. (iv.) The stratum corneum or horny layer consists of horny sijuames composed of keratin (Lesson IV.). (e.) The sweat-glands are most numerous in the palm of the hand and sole of the foot. Each gland is a simple tube coiled up at its lower extremity into a coil -^ inch in diameter. To see their whole course coil and duct the sections must not he too thin, and should be parallel to the course of the gland. The coil of the gland lies in the subcutaneous tissue. The secretory part of the tube consists of a basement membrane lined by a single layer of nucleated transparent cubical or columnar cells surrounding a small but distinct lumen. Between the epithelium and the basement membrane is a longitudinally- disposed layer of smooth muscular fibres. The coil also contains a part of the sudoriferous canal or duct (fig. 308). The latter is narrower than the secretory part, and consists of a base- ment membrane lined by several layers of polyhedral cells. There is no muscular layer, but internal to the .,, ,. if.'. FIG. ^08. Section of Part of Coil of a Sweat- opithelial lining there is a Glar ? d . . Duct; s. Secretory part, x 3 oo. delicate membrane or cuticle. Trace the coil into its duct, which runs vertically through the cutis vera with a slightly wavy course. It has a basement membrane lined by two or three layers of short cubical cells, which, if traced upwards, become continuous with those of the Malpighian layer of the epidermis, looking like a funnel-shaped expansion. The lumen of the duct is distinct. The bwrnent membrane becomes continuous with the altered superficial layer of the corium just under the epi- dermis. The lumen of the duct is continued upwards in a corkscrew spiral through the epidermis. A complete view of its course is only obtained in a thickish section. In a thin section the twistings are of course divided. 32O PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. fxXIX. 2. V.S. Skin of Negro (H). Harden in alcohol, and stain the sections slightly in eosin. Mount in balsam. Observe the granules of melanin in the deepest layers of the epidermis. 3. V.S. Skin of Finger (Double Stained). Stain a section first in methyl-green iodide and clarify it with clove-oil coloured with eosin. Wash out the clove-oil with xylol and mount in balsam. The stratum corneum is green, and so are the nuclei of the other epidermic and connective-tissue cells. 4. Prickle-Cells and Touch-Corpuscles. Place in i per cent, osmic acid or Flemming's fluid (24 hours) a very small piece of fresh skin from the palmar surface of a finger. Wash it well in water and complete the hardening in alcohol. Make V.S. and mount in Farrant's solution. Or cut in paraffin, stain in safranin, and mount in balsam. (a.) (H) Observe the various layers of the epidermis, but in the Malpighian layer note the prickle-cells. The cells appear to bo joined by their edges by fine striae, the striae leaving small spaces between them (fig. 97). The striae are fine " intercellular bridges," stretching from one cell to another, and it is only when the epi- dermis is dissociated and the bridges broken that these cells appear as cells beset with fine spines, and hence they were called " prickle- cells." (b.) In a papilla search for a Wagner's touch-corpuscle (fig. 351). It is an oval body, with its long axis in the long axis of the papilla, but they are not present in all papillae (fig. 350). They consist of a fibrous-looking material, with flattened nuclei arranged trans- versely. To their lower end passes a medullated nerve-fibre, which usually twists round the corpuscle before it enters it. The ultimate distribution of the nerve is best seen in a gold chloride preparation (Lesson XXXIV.). 5. V.S. Foetal Skin for Sweat-Glands and Pacinian Corpuscles. Harden the skin of the tips of the ringers of an infant in alcohol and make V.S. Stain with hgematoxylin and eosin. (.) (L) Observe the general arrangement already described, but the sweat-glands are much more closely placed than in adult skin, and there is less intervening connective tissue. A child at birth has its full complement of sweat-glands, and hence they must be more crowded together than in the adult. (b.) In the subcutaneous tissue are lobules of fat and sections of Pacinian corpuscles (Lesson XXXIV. 5). The latter appear to con- sist of concentric laminae surrounding a central core. (c.) (H) Observe two or three layers of more or less cubical cells lining the duct of the gland, while the true secretory portion is lined by a single layer only of low, clear, columnar cells. Hair Follicles. To see their structure, harden the scalp in XXIX.J THE SKIN. 321 alcohol. V.S. must be made parallel to the course of the hair- follicles, which requires some care. Others are made across the follicles at different levels ; but in this case care must be taken not to make the section parallel to the surface of the skin, but at right angles to the course of the hair-follicle. If an oblique section be cut, the hair-follicles are cut at different levels. Harden a small piece of the human scalp (2 cm. square) in Miiller's fluid and afterwards in alcohol. Stain a section in log- wood, or first with logwood and then with picro-carmine. Mount in balsam. 6. V.S. Hair-Follicle. (a.) (L) and (H) Observe the very thin epidermis, the thick cutis vera, and deep down the subcutaneous masses of fat; the hair- follicles, running obliquely through the skin, each one with a lair in it. At the lower part the hair has a bulbous end implanted on a papilla ; the various coats of the hair- follicle, some continuous with the corium, and others with the epidermis. The following scheme shows the layers of the hair- follicle ; Coverings of a Hair- Follicle from Without Inwards. ., , f (a.) Longitudinally-arranged fibrous tissue. 1. Fibrous layers . | ^ CircSlarly-arringed sgindle-cells. 2. Glass-like or hyaline membrane. ( (a.) Outer root-sheath. ( Henle's layer. 3. Epitheliallayers < (b.} I Inner root-sheath, -j Huxley's layer. ( (c.) Cuticle of the hair. ( Cuticle of root-sheath. 4. The hair. (b.) Dermic Coverings. (i.) (a.) The outer fibrous sheath denser than and continuous with the corium. The fibres run for the most part longitudinally, (b.) The inner fibrous sheath of fibrous tissue has a more circular arrangement and is seen as fibres cut across transversely, with a few nuclei interspersed. (2.) The hyaline or basement membrane, clear, structureless, and well marked. It separates the dermic from the epidermic coverings of the hair. (3.) The Epidermic Coverings. (a.) The outer root-sheath the most obvious part of the covering consisting of several layers of nucleated cubical cells, continuous with and resembling those of the Malpighian layer. (b.) The inner root-sheath, much narrower and paler, consisting of three layers of cells of different characters, is present only in the lower part of the follicle, i.e., below the sebaceous gland. (4.) The hair with its cuticle. (a.) At its lowest part the bulbous enlargement of the hair, with 29 X 322 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXIX. the papilla of the hair follicle (fig. 309) projecting into it, and con- tinuous with the corium. (b.) The sebaceous gland or glands. In a balsam preparation FIG. 309. V.S. Hair-Follicle of Human Scalp, i and 2. Outer and inner fibrous sheaths of hair-follicle ; 3. Hyaline layer ; 4. Outer, and 5 and 6. Inner root-sheaths ; p. Root of hair, with its papilla; A. Arrector pili muscle; C. Ciitis vera,- a. Subcutaneous tissue, with fat lobules; b. Epidermis (horny layer); d. Rete Malpighii ; g. Blood- vessels ; v. Lymphatics of papilla ; h. Fibrous part, i. Medulla, k. Cuticle of hair ; K. Sweat-gland and its coil. its acini are yellowish and clear, opening by a duct into the hair- follicle at about its upper third (fig. 309, T). (c.) The arrector pili muscle (smooth muscle) stretching ob- XXIX.] THE SKIN. 323 liquely from the deeper part of the hair-follicle to the upper part of the corium (fig. 309). 7. T.S. of Hair-Follicles (Scalp). (a.) (L) In the human scalp the hair-follicles are arranged in groups of three or four, with interweaving strands of connective tissue between them. The various coverings dermic and epi- dermic can now be distinctly seen, especially if the section be through the lower half of the hair-follicle. (6.) (H) Observe both V.S. and T.S. to see the structural ele- ments forming the outer coverings of a hair-follicle. (i.) The inner root-sheath consists of an outer layer of cells, clear and non-nucleated Henle's layer and an inner nucleated layer Huxley's layer. Both are best seen in T.S. (c.) The hair has a cuticle, while the hair itself may or may not have a medulla. Carefully compare the structures of the hair-follicle in the T. and V. sections. (d.) The sebaceous gland, its acini lined by cubical cells, contain- ing fat, and rendered clear by the balsam. The epithelium of the duct continuous with that of the outer root-sheath. 8. Sebaceous Glands. (a.) Harden the alae of the nose of a new-born child in corrosive sublimate. (6.) Or the ala of nose or adult scrotum in picro-sulphuric acid (2-3 hours). Stain all with haematoxylin. Large sebaceous glands opening free on the surface without any hair-follicle are found. In other situations they open into the neck of a hair follicle. They are saccular glands with oval alveoli, which lead into a short duct. The alveoli are lined by a layer of polyhedral cells, and internal to this are larger cells containing fatty matter. The sebaceous secretion is formed by these cells undergoing disintegration, and liberating the fatty matter they have formed. They are developed from the outer root-sheath. In balsam they are clear, but in water they appear dark and granular. 9. Human Hair (H). Place it in water, cover, and examine. A rod-shaped body covered by a single layer of thin, non-nucleated transparent imbricate scales arranged transversely cuticle. In some hairs it is seen merely as fine, more or less transverse, irregular, or wavy lines joining each other. These indicate where the one cell overlaps the other. The substance or cortex of the hair, composed of horny, fibrous substance hair fibres finely striated longitudinally, with, in some hairs, fine pigment-granule? scattered along the course of the hair between the hair-fibres. In some hairs a darker central core or medulla composed of polyhedral cells. 324 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXIX. 10. Elements of a Hair (H). Place a small piece of a hair in a drop of strong sulphuric acid. Cover and press lightly with a needle. Be careful to avoid letting a drop of the acid fall on the brasswork of the microscope. The hair splits up longitudinally into what look like fibres, but by gentle tapping on the cover they split into cells, so that a hair is composed of epithelial cells joined together, having previously undergone conversion into keratin. 11. Babbit's Hair (H). Mount in balsam. This hair contains one or more rows of cubical cavities containing air. The cavities appear black, and are surrounded by a small quantity of cortex. 12. Wool (Lesson I. 10). FIG. 310. T.S. One-half of a Hair in its Follicle ; a. Outer, c. Inner fibrous sheath ; b. Blood-vessels ; d. Hya- line layer; e. Outer, /, g. Inner root-sheath (/. Henle's layer, g. Huxley's layer) : h. Cuticle ; I. Hair. FIG. sii.-V.S. Injected Skin, Palmar Surface of Finger. Blood- Vessels of the Skin. V.S. of a piece of skin cut from a limb injected with a gelatine mass. They must not be too thin. After injection the skin is hardened in Miiller's fluid and afterwards in alcohol (three weeks). Mount (balsam) a section of the palmar surface of a finger, and one from the general surface of the body. A good injection-mass is a watery solution of china-ink. It is rubbed down on a hone until a moderately thick black solution is obtained, so that when a drop is placed on blotting-paper it holds together, and no grey ring is formed round the drop. It has this XXIX.] THE SKIN. $25 advantage, that it is not changed by exposure to light, hut the tissue must be hardened before sections are cut. 13. V.S. Injected Skin, e.y., Palm. The section should be cut in paraffin, and include the subcutaneous tissue (fig. 311). (a.) (L) The arteries of the skin are branches of the larger arteries in the subcutaneous tissue. A branch may be seen running towards the surface. In its course it gives off three independent sets of branches, which end in capillaries : (i.) The lowest to the groups of fat-cells, where it forms a net- work of capillaries around and between the fat-cells. (ii.) The short branch to the coil of a sweat-gland, forming a rich network of capillaries between the coils of the tube. (iii.) The highest is from the terminal branches of the artery, and splits up into capillaries, which form a network chiefly in the upper part of the corium, and from this branches pass which form capillary loops in the papilla? of the skin. From it also proceed branches to the hair-follicle and its sebaceous gland. (l>.) The vein arises from the capillaries of the papillae and the branches of the arteries to the upper part of the cutis, and in its course running near the corresponding artery it collects the veinlets from the coil and masses of fat. For blood-vessels of skin see W. Spatleholz. 1 14. Under-Surface of Epidermis. Separate by one of the follow- ing methods the epidermis from the cutis, most easily done in the foetus: (a.) Use a foetus that has died and been macerated in utero. (b.) Place pieces of skin in J-J per cent, acetic acid (1-3 days^, adding a drop or two of chloroform to prevent putrefaction (Phttippson). (r.) Macerate at 40 C. preferably foetal or young skin pinned out on cork in 6 per cent, (or weaker) wood vinegar for 1-2 days. The epidermis separates rapidly (Loewy). 2 After the epidermis peels off, in all cases turn its deeper surface upwards, and stain it for 3-4 minutes with a watery solution of Pxx'hmer's logwood (p. 68). Wash and mount in balsam, pre- ferably without a cover-glass. (L) Observe a system of septa crossing each other, and forming longitudinal and transverse ridges, which project into the cutis. They form, as it were, the negative picture ; the papillae of tho cutis vera represent the positive image. Part of the cells lining the sweat-glands and hair-follicles may also be pulled out, and are turned toward the observer. Figures of the arrangement of these septa are given in the papers of Blaschko and Loewy (pp. 316, 325)- 1 Archiv f. Anat. v. Phys., Anat. Abth., 1893. 2 Arckwf, ntik. Anat., xxxvii. p. 159, 1891. 326 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXIX. THE NAILS. The body of tlie nail rests on the nail-bed, the root of the nail on the matrix, and the part at the root and sides from which the nail springs is the nail-groove. The body of the nail is made up of numerous clear horny cells, each containing a rod-shaped nucleus. The nails are really the stratum lucidum, the stratum corneum being absent, and this rests on the Malpighian layer like that of the epidermis. The corium or nail-bed, on which the nail rests, is beset with very vascular longitudinal ridges, papillae being absent. Harden the nail of a child and its sub- jacent bed in alcohol. Make T. and L. sec- tions. Stain in hse- matoxylin (balsam) or picro - carmine (Far- FlG. 312. T.S. Through Half the Nail. Injected, a. Nail *.<-' a onln+irm\ substance; b. More open layer of cells; c. Stratum rail A? S Malpighii; d. Transverse sections of ridges; e. Nail- 15. T.S. Nail (L projecting over the nail; and H). Observe the substance of the nail (fig. 312), and under it a series of transverse sections of the ridges of the corium of the nail-bed projecting into the epidermis. Under this the dense fibrous matrix. 16. L.S. Nail. Observe the same general arrangement, but note that no papilla-like sections of ridges are to be seen. ADDITIONAL EXERCISES. 17. Elastic Fibres in the Skin. (i.) Those resist gastric digestion ; hence, add some pepsin to .2 per cent, of hydrochloric acid. If small pieces of skin he partially digested in artificial gastric juice at 4OC., part of the connective tissue is dissolved and the elastic networks remain. (ii.) Herxheimer's Method. (1.) Harden in Miiller's fluid. (2.) Stain 3-5 minutes in Hfematoxylin. i grnm. Absolute alcohol ... 20 cc. Water . . . 20 ,, Sat. sol. lithic carb. . i , XXIX.] THE NAILS. 327 (3.) Extract (5-15 sees.) with official perchloride of iron solution. (4. ) Wash in water. (5.) Alcohol, oil, balsam. The elastic fibres are bluish-black or black, and the surrounding tissue light bine. What Herxheimer described as "spirals" in the lower layer of the epidermis are spiral fibrils proceeding from the lowest layer of the cells of the epidermis, as shown by Kronmayer (p. 327). (iii.) Unna's Method. Place sections of the skin for 12-24 hours in the following mixture : Orcein . . . .0.5 gram. Absolute alcohol . . . 40 cc. Water . . . . 20 ,, Hydrochloric acid . . .20 drops. The sections arc afterwards decolorised in very dilute I1C1 containing some alcohol. A full account of the arrangement of the elastic fibres is given by Lenthoefer. 1 18. Sweat-Glands of Axilla. Make V.S. of the skin of the axilla hardened in alcohol. Stain in hrematoxylin, or stain in bulk and cut in paraffin. The sweat-glands, and particularly the coils, are very large. In these glands it is easy to see the smooth muscular fibres outside the lining epithelium of the secretory part of the coil (fig. 313). 19. Development of Hairs. Make V.S. of the skin of a foetus at the fourth to the fifth month, after being hardened in Miiller's fluid (12-15 days) an d then in alcohol. Stain a small piece " in bulk " in borax-car- mine, and cut in paraffin. The sections may also be stained subsequently with methyl-green. Mount in balsam. 20. Double-Staining of Hair-Follicles. (.) Make V. FIG. 313. T.S. Socre- and T. sections, and stain some with eosin and hfemato- tory Part of Sweat- xylin, and others first with picro-carmine (12 hours) and Nuclei of smooth then with methyl-green iodide. The latter preparation muscle. is specially beautiful, and both T.S. and L.S. should be stained by this method. The scalp is best hardened in potassic bichromate. Harden other pieces in alcohol. Methyl -green stains the inner root-sheath green. (b.) Stain with aniline-blue and safranin. Henle's sheath is rosy, Huxley's blue. (c.) Or stain in safranin in a weak alcoholic solution of picric acid. 21. Tactile Hairs. Harden the skin containing the large tactile hairs of a rabbit or cat in alcohol or Miiller's fluid. Make T.S. and L.S. Outside the sheaths of the hair-follicle, already described, there is a large blood-space traversed by tnibeculse, and thus presenting the characters of cavernous tissue. 22. Nail (double-stained}. Picro-carmine and methyl-green. 23. Blood-Pigment in Hair (H). Examine in normal saline one of the large " feelers" from the lip of an albino rabbit (S. Mmjer}. At some part of the hair in its centre a red pigment 'hremoglobm may be seen. 24. Fibrillation of Protoplasm of Epithelial Cells (Kronmayer}.* By means of Weigert's fibrin-staining method (Lesson III. 20) Kronmayer has demon- 1 Topographic d. Elastisclicn Geuv.be, Leipzig, 1892. - "Die Protoplasmafaserung d. Epithelzelle," Archiv f. mik. Anat., xxxix. p. 141, 1892. 328 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXIX. strated the passage of the fibrils of one epithelial cell into adjacent epithelial cells, thus giving rise in the intercellular spaces to the appearances known as "intercellular bridges " (p. 128). The fresh skin of the sole of the foot or palm of the hand is hardened in absolute alcohol. Failing this, use part of an epithelionia. It may be stained with alum-carmine or borax-carmine, and then embedded and cut in paraffin. The sections must be very thin (at least 0.005 mm.), and in order to obtain these the knife must be placed obliquely and the sections cut from the epithelial surface towards the cutis vera. The sections are placed in a watch-glass and xylol added to dissolve the paraffin. Add fresh xylol, pour it off', and then slowly add absolute alcohol. Gradually add water until the sections float flat on the surface. They are then carefully transferred to a slide, and by the aid of a pad of filter-paper gently fixed on the same. The sections so fixed are stained on the slide. The best staining reagent is methyl- violet-6B, prepared as follows : Mix equal parts of aniline- water and a saturated watery solution of methyl -violet. Pour a few drops of this fluid on the section fixed on the slide, and in five minutes lave the section in water. Decolorise (few seconds) in iodine solution (p. 93). Wash in water. Remove the water by pressing blotting-paper on the section, and then flood it with aniline-xylol (aniline oil, I : xylol, 2). This mixture extracts the surplus dye very rapidly, so that the preparations must remain but a few seconds therein. The march of events, supposing one wishes to stain the cell nuclei before staining the protoplasm fibrils, is as follows the cells being previously hardened : (i.) Alum-carmine. (2.) Wash in water (HCl-alcohol, absolute alcohol). (3. ) Methyl-violet-aniline-water. (4. ) Wash' in water. (5.) lodo-potassic-iodide fluid. (6.) Wash in water. (7.) Aniline-xylol. (8.) Xylol-balsam. LESSON XXX. SPINAL CORD. THE spinal cord, like the brain, is invested by three membranes, named, from without inwards, dura, arachnoid, and pia mater. The pia mater closely invests the cord, and sends processes into its substance as well as into its fissures. The cord itself is composed of white matter externally and grey matter internally. Running along the cord anteriorly and posteriorly are the anterior and posterior median fissures; the former is the wider, the latter rather a groove than a fissure. The two fissures do not meet in the middle line, but they serve to divide the cord incompletely into two lateral halves, which are united across the middle line by a com- XXX.] SPINAL CORD. 329 missure, composed anteriorly of white fibres crossing from one side of the cord to the other white commissure ; and posteriorly of grey matter posterior commissure. In the middle of the latter is the minute central canal, lined by columnar ciliated epithelium. In each half of the cord is a crescent-shaped mass of grey matter as seen in transverse section, the two masses connected across the middle line, and presenting more or less the form of an H, with the extremities of its vertical limbs turned outwards. Its extremities are the anterior and posterior cornua. The anterior cornua are generally wider and shorter than the posterior, which are narrow, and come nearer the surface of the cord. The nerve-roots arise from the cornua, the anterior root by several bundles from the anterior cornu, and the posterior root by a single bundle from the posterior one. In this way, and by the existence of the fissures, each half of the white matter of the cord may be conveniently described as divided into an anterior, lateral, and posterior column, or more correctly into an antero-lateral and a posterior. The anterior cornu contains numerous large multipolar nerve-cells arranged in groups. Each cell is continuous, through its axis- cylinder process, with a nerve-fibre. The arrangement and number of cells, however, vary in different parts of the cord. There are no large nerve-cells only small fusiform ones and some small isolated or " solitary " cells in the posterior cornu, which is capped by a peculiar greyish matter the substantia gelatinosa of Rolando. The white matter is composed of medullated nerve-fibres small and large arranged for the most part longitudinally, so that in a transverse section, when stained with carmine, they appear like clear rings with a central, red-stained spot the axis-cylinder. In Pal's method the myelin is stained, and so they appear as blackish circles with a clear centre. The nerve-fibres, and grey matter as well, arc supported by a peculiar sustentacular tissue neuroglia composed of glia-cells (p. 343), and both are supplied by blood- vessels, the grey matter, however, being far more vascular than the white. The grey matter, besides blood-vessels, lymphatics, glia-cells, nerve-cells, and their numerous processes, also contains nerve-fibres. The nerve-cells vary in size, shape, and other characters in the different parts of the cord. Golgi speaks of two types of nerve-cells in the spinal cord. Type i, or Motor Type, corresponding to the multipolar cells of the anterior cornu. In these one process retains its individuality, and passes directly to become an axis-cylinder of a medullated motor nerve-fibre in the anterior root. This axis-cylinder process gives off a few secondary lateral processes or collaterals, which divide and enter into the formation of the nerve-complex in the grey matter. The protoplasmic processes subdivide, and also form part of the 33O PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXX. same grey complex, but they do not unite with fibres from adjoining cells or with nerve-fibres. Type 2, or Sensory Type. Also multipolar, smaller cells, with no axis-cylinder process. All the processes subdivide into finer pro- cesses, lose their individuality, and pass in toto into the nervous complex, or diffuse nervous network in all strata of the grey matter of the cord. These cells are therefore connected only indirectly with nerve-fibres, i.e., through the intervention of the grey nervous network ; and it is only in this indirect way that they come into relation with contact, not actual union with the branches of axis-cylinders of the nerve-fibres of the posterior root. Arrangement of Nerve-Cells. In the grey matter of the anterior cornu, the large multipolar nerve-cells cells of the anterior cornu are arranged in groups varying in different parts of the cord. Many of their axis-cylinder processes pass out as axis-cylinders into the nerves of the anterior root on the same side of the cord. These cells are in relation with the fibrillar nerve-endings of the fibres of the pyramidal tracts, and also with the collateral fibres of the pos- terior root-fibres. In the upper dorsal and lower cervical regions is a group of nerve-cells intermedio-lateral tract lying well for- ward in a projecting part of the grey matter known as the lateral cornu (fig. 317, Til). In the middle of the crescent is the middle cell group. At the base of the posterior cornu, on its inner aspect, is a group of large cells best marked in the thoracic region Clarke's column (figs. 318, 319, CO/). The axis-cylinder pro- cesses of the cells of Clarke's column pass into and become the nerve-fibres of the direct cerebellar tract (p. 331). The cells of the posterior cornu are small, and for the most part isolated. Diffuse Nervous Grey Network. The network or complex of nervous fibrils in the grey matter of the cord is formed by (i.) the fibres and their branches of the 2nd type of nerve-cells (p. 330) ; (2.) the fibrils and prolongations of the protoplasmic fibres of the ist type; (3.) the lateral branches of the axis-cylinder processes of the ist type ; (4.) the fibrils produced by the terminal arborisations of the axis-cylinders entering the cord by the posterior roots. Thus it is evident that some nerve-fibres spring from the cord directly from nerve-cells, and others indirectly from the nervous complex in the grey matter. Thus they are different, both morpho- logically and physiologically. By several lines of research- including the facts of development, experimental and pathological evidence the anatomical columns of the cord can be shown to be further subdivided. By these methods it is found that the posterior column consists of a narrower internal part, the postero-internal or postero-mesial column, or funiculus gradlis or column of Goll, and an outer, postero-lateral tract or XXX.] SPINAL CORD. 331 ftifucttltis cuneatuSj or column of Bur dad i. In the upper part of the cord these two tracts are mapped off from each other by a septum of connective tissue (fig. 317). Tlic postero-wtfrnal tract is composed chiefly of rather small fibres, derived from the fibres of the posterior roots and fibre of the pos- tero-lateral column. They end above in grey matter in the nucleus gracilis of the bulb. The postero-lateral trad is chiefly composed of nerve-fibres of the posterior roots which run in it a certain distance before they pass into the grey matter and Goll's column. They end in grey matter in the cord and in the nucleus cuneatus of the bulb. In the postero-lateral column is a small zone which undergoes descending degeneration, but only for a short distance, after section of the cord the so-called comma trad. LixMuer's Tract, or " marginal bundle" lies near the entrance of the posterior roots, either in the lateral column or postero-external column. It is derived directly from the fibres of the posterior roots. ^ It undergoes ascending degeneration. The antero-lateral column contains a large tract the crossed pyramidal tract which lies external to the posterior half of the grey matter, and in the greater part of its course is separated from the surface of the cord by the direct cerebellar tract. It consists of fibres descending from the central areas (motor,) of the cerebral cortex, which have crossed at the decussation of the pyramids in the bulb. It consists of moderately large and some small fibres. Its fibres end by breaking up into fibrils, which form arborisations around the nerve-cells in the anterior cornu. It gradually diminishes in size as it passes down the cord, and can be traced as far as the origin of the 3rd or 4th sacral nerve, where it reaches the surface. The direct pyramidal tract or column of Turck bounds the anterior median fissure, and consists of fibres coming from the motor areas of the cerebral cortex, which do not cross at the bulb. This tract gets smaller, and gradually disappears about the mid- dorsal region. Its fibres perhaps cross in the cord. These two arc descending tracts. Beginning at the lower dorsal region, and increasing in size as it passes upwards, is a tract lying external to the crossed pyramidal tract the direct cerebellar or dorso-lateral tract which con- sists of large fibres derived from the cells of Clarke's column, which pass up to the cerebellum, and enter it on the same side by its inferior peduncle or restiform body. Near the surface of the cord, and lying more anteriorly, is a tract which extends ventrally into the anterior column the antero-lateral awndinrj tract of Gowers. Sometimes the term ventro-lateral is applied instead of 332 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXX. antero-laterul. It enters the cerebellum by the superior cerebellar peduncle. In the dog, as a result of excision of one-half of the cerebellum, a circumferential tract, occupying three-fourths of the surface of the antero-lateral tract the antero-lateral descending cerebellar tract has been mapped out. The remainder of the antero-lateral column is spoken of as the antero-lateral ground bundle. As regards the results of degeneration following section or lesion of the cord, those parts that undergo degeneration above the lesion are called "ascending tracts"; and "descending tracts," are those nerve-fibres that degenerate below the lesion or seat of section. The parts which may undergo these respective degenerations are : ( Direct pyramidal tract. Descending \ Crossed pyramidal tract. degeneration 1 Autero-lateral descending cerebellar tract (limited). I Com ma tract. ( Goll's column. Ascending \ Direct cerebellar tract. degeneration, j Tract of Gowers. L Tract of Lissauer. It will thus be seen that in the antero-lateral columns there are some nerve-fibres which do not undergo degeneration. Course of Fibres of Nerve-Roots. The fibres of the anterior roots arise in several bundles from the axis-cylinder processes of the multipolar nerve-cells in the anterior cornu. The fibres of the posterior roots enter the cord by a single bundle, but each one is an axial cylinder process of a nerve-cell in the corresponding spinal ganglion. They pass into the postero-lateral column, some pass into the posterior cornu, and a few small fibres form the marginal bundle (p. 331). Many fibres pass up in Goll's column, and the postero-external tract to end in terminal arborisa- tions of fibrils around nerve-cells in the bulb, the fibres of Goll's column in arborisations around the cells of the nucleus gracilis, and those of the postero-external tract in the nucleus cuneatus. After entering the cord, the fibres in the posterior columns bifurcate, one branch passes upwards and one downwards (fig. 322). Collateral fibres are given off from the original fibre, and also from its branches,- which enter the grey matter and end by terminal arbori- sations of fine fibrils which come into relation but not direct union with the nerve-cells of the grey matter, notably with the colls of Clarke's column. THE SPINAL CORD. It is convenient to begin with the cord of a small animal, e.//., a cat or dog, but the student must also be provided with sections of XXX.] SPINAL CORD. 333 the human cord. The same methods are applicable to both. Remove the whole length of the spinal cord from a cat, taking care not to squeeze or crush it in the process. Make transverse cuts into it about f of an inch apart, and suspend it in a tall vessel in a large quantity of Miiller's fluid, or 2 per cent, ammonium or potassium bichromate. Keep it in a cool place in the dark. Bichromate of ammonium hardens the cord very slowly indeed. In fact, to get a properly hardened cord months are required. To test if the cord is properly hardened, cut a section of the cord taken from the ammonium bichromate fluid, place it in water, and if it curls up, it is not properly hardened. It ought to remain flat. The process may be expedited by hardening first for 4 or 5 weeks in the bichromate, and completing the hardening for 2-3 weeks in J per cent, chromic acid. Change the hardening fluid on the second day, and repeatedly thereafter. After 4-5 weeks, when it becomes tough, wash it, and harden in the various strengths of alcohol, beginning with 50 per cent. If, however, the spinal cord is to be used for Weigert's haematoxylin stain, it must not be washed in water, but placed in alcohol direct from the Miiller's fluid or potassic bichromate. T.S. are made from the cervical, dorsal, and lumbar regions. They may be made by means of the freezing microtome, the cord having been previously saturated in the sugar and gum mixture ; or small pieces of the cord may be stained in borax-carmine (i week), and then cut in paraffin. Or they may be embedded and cut in celloidin, and afterwards stained (p. 60). The paraffin' sections are fixed to a slide by a "fixative/' the paraffin removed by turpentine or xylol, the sections clarified by clove-oil, and mounted in balsam. Sections, if made by freezing, may be stained with carmine, hsematoxylin, aniline-blue-black, safranin, methylene- blue, or by other methods. 1. T.S. Spinal Cord of Cat (L) and (H). Speaking broadly, the same general arrangement obtains as in fig. 314. Suppose it to be the dorsal region, and the cord to be stained in carmine and mounted in balsam, observe : (a.) (L) The nearly circular outline of the section, covered externally by the pia mater, composed of two layers. From its under surface septa run into the white matter of the cord, and some of them carry blood-vessels, and processes pass into the fissures of the cord. (/>.) The anterior and posterior median fissures. The anterior fissure is wider and better marked. In it run both layers of the pia mater. The posterior fissure appears as a septum due to the prolongation of the inner layer of the pia mater into it, the outer layer of the pia runs over the fissure. The 334 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXX. cord is thus almost completely divided into two symmetrical halves (fig- 314). (c.) If the section is made at the level of the origin of the nerve-roots, these may be seen. The mode of origin of some of the fibres of these roots can always be seen. The anterior root passes A.M.F P.M.F FlG. 314. T.S. Lower Dorsal Cord, Human. A. L, P. Anterior, lateral, and posterior columns; A.M.F , P.M.F. Anterior and posterior median fissures; a, b, c. Nerve- cells of the anterior horn; d Posterior cornu and substantia gelatinosa; e. Central canal ; /. Veins , g. Origin of anterior nerve-root ; h. Posterior nerve-root ; i. White, and j. Grey commissures ; if. Reticular formation. out of the cord in several bundles, while the posterior root enters the cord in one compact bundle. (d.) The white matter externally, and the grey matter internally, the latter deeply stained. The origin of the nerve-roots dividing the white matter into the anterior, lateral, and posterior columns, but owing to the anterior root leaving the cord in several bundles, there is not an exact anatomical limitation of the anterior from the lateral column. (e.) The grey matter, deeply stained a crescentic mass in each half of the cord, with a broader anterior cornu, with numerous XXX.] SPINAL CORD. 335 large multipolar nerve-cells, arranged in groups which does not reach the surface of the cord, and a posterior cornu with a few small nerve-cells which conies to the surface, and is prolonged into the posterior root. At the hinder part of the posterior cornu, an oval, deeply stained part, the substantia gelatinosa. A neck connecting the two cornua. There is also a group of nerve-cells placed laterally in the grey matter, the vesicular column of Clarice (fig. 318). In the anterior horn, note especially the entrance of the fibres of the anterior nerve-root and the large multipolar nerve-cells (fig. 315). (/.) Connecting the two halves of the cord, the anterior and posterior commissures, running between the grey matter of opposite sides, and in the middle between them the central canal, which is surrounded externally by a deeper stained layer of neuroglia. (g.) In front of the anterior grey commissure is the anterior white commissure, with large medullated fibres crossing each other at an angle. (h.) (H) The pia mater surrounding the white matter. The cut ends of the medullated nerve-fibres of various sizes. In the centre of each circular area the stained axis-cylinder, surrounded by a concentric clear area the white substance of Schwann (fig. 316). In a preparation hardened in chromic acid not infrequently a number of concentric lines are seen in the myelin. Between the fibres here and there the neuroglia, composed of glia cells. On the surface of the cord there is a thin layer, in which the fibrils of the neuroglia can readily be seen. tions, as fine septa, of the deeper part of the pia into the siibstance of the cord. The larger septa carry blood-vessels. The nerve-fibres of the antero-lateral columns are generally larger, i.e., broader, than those of the posterior column, while those FIG. 315. Entrance of Anterior Root into the Anterior Cornu of Lumbar Region, i. Part of anterior white column ; 2. Anterior grey matter with four multi- polar cells ; a, a'. Two rootlets, x 30. FIG. 316. T.S. White Matter of Cord. a. Peripheral layer ; b. Septum ; c. Branched glia-cell ; the remainder nerve-fibres, small and large, x 150. Note also the prolonga- 336 PEACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXX. of the column of Goll are remarkable for tlieir small size. Measure the sizes. (i.) The anterior cornu, with large multipolar nerve-cells arranged FIG. 317. T.S. of Human Spinal Cord, Level of Sixth Cervical Nerve. Prm. Middle cervical process of the anterior cornu ; Til. Lateral horn. FIG. 318. At the Level of the Third Dorsal Nerve. in groups, chiefly in the anterior and lateral parts of the cornu. Each cell has numerous processes, a spherical well-defined nucleus with a membrane and a nucleolus (fig. 202). Owing to the method 319. At the Twelfth Dorsal Nerve. CCl. Clarke's column. FlG. 320. Level of Fifth Lumbar Nerve. m. Median group of nerve-cells of anterior-cornu ; Iv, Id, and c. Latero- ventral, latero-dorsal, and central groups of cells, x 5. of hardening, all the cells are somewhat retracted, each cell ap- parently lying in a cavity. (j.) Trace medullated nerve-fibres across the white commissure XXX.] SPINAL CORD. 337 from the grey matter of one side to the white matter of the opposite side. (A-.) The posterior cornu. Note the absence of large cells. Only a few small fusiform nerve-cells are seen. Some of the fibres of the posterior root pass into the posterior cornu; some pass directly through the substantia gelatinosa, and others sweep with a curve through the posterior column before they enter the grey matter. The grey matter generally is traversed by fine fibrils, and has a somewhat finely granular appearance. (I.) The central canal, lined by a single layer of columnar ciliated epithelial cells. The cilia may be wanting. Near it sec- tions of blood-vessels. In the grey matter observe the plexus of fine fibrils and numerous axis-cylinders. (Multipolar nerve-cells, Lesson XVIII. 9.) 2. T.S. Human Spinal Cord in several Regions. Stain sec- tions with carmine or lithium-carmine, hsematoxylin, or aniline blue-black, and mount in balsam. Mount sections from the cervical enlargement (fifth nerve) and lumbar enlargement, and compare them with the dorsal section. With the naked eye (and L) observe : (a.) The cervical and lumbar sections (figs. 317, 320) are not only larger, but the amount of grey matter is greater than in the dorsal region. Note the large expanded anterior cornu with numerous nerve-cells. In the lumbar region the grey matter is large in amount, the white matter smallest. The white matter is more abundant in the douiftl region and most abundant in the cervical region. This can, to a certain extent, be determined by the amount of white matter lying between the grey matter and the pia mater. There is a gradual transition from the one region of the cord to the other. (b.) In the cervical region note a thin septum, which dips into the white matter and divides its posterior column into a smaller internal part the postero-intemal column or column or fasciculus of GoU, and a larger external or lateral part the postero-external column, or fasciculus cuneatns. The grey matter, containing some nerve-cells, also projects into the white matter about midway between the anterior and posterior cornua, forming the inter mcdio- lateral tract. (c.) In the dorsal region, observe a group of nerve-cells at the inner part of the neck of the grey matter. It lies behind the plane of the central canal column of Clarke, or posterior vesicular column (ii-. 319, cat). In sections of the cord at different levels it is important to note the sectional area of the different columns. Thus, Coil's column is largest in the upper cervical region, and diminishes from above 30 Y 338 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [ xxx - downwards. The increase or decrease in the sectional area of some other columns can only be made out by a study of degenerated or developing cords. 3. L.S. of Cord (Antero-posterior direction). Stain as for T.S. (L and H.) (a.) Observe the longitudinally-arranged nerve-fibres in the white matter of the anterior and posterior columns. In the anterior cornu the rows of multipolar nerve-cells. (b.) The anterior roots passing obliquely through the anterior column. (r,.) The posterior cornu, with its gelatinous substance and nerve- fibres passing into and through it. 4. Weigert's Hsematoxylin Method. 1 The myelin of medul- lated fibres is stained of a deep blue-black tint, while degenerated parts are not so stained; they are lighter just in proportion to the disappearance of medullated fibres. The spinal co^d, or the brain, is hardened for four to six weeks in Miiller's fluid, and the hardened pieces are placed direct into 70 per cent, alcohol, and must not be washed with water. Keep in the dark. Next day add 90 per cent, alcohol, and harden completely in 95 per cent, or absolute alcohol. Instead of Miiller's fluid, Erlicki's fluid may be used. This is best done by keeping the fluid at the temperature of the body in a warm chamber, when the hardening process is completed in a few days ; but the results are not so satisfactory as in the case of a cord hardened in the ordinary way. Small pieces of the hardened tissue are placed in^a half-saturated solution of neutral acetate of copper (i.e., a saturated solution is mixed with its own volume of distilled water), where they remain for three to five days. They are then transferred direct to 90 per cent, alcohol, and can then be cut in alcohol, or the pieces can be embedded in celloidin and then cut (p. 47). (A. ) The sections are placed for two or three hours in a few cc. of Weigert's heematoxylin, in which they become black. Weigert's Hsematoxylin. Hrematoxylin . . . . . I pram. Alcohol absolute . . . . 10 cc. Cold saturated solution of lithium carbonate I ,, Distilled water . . . 90 Dissolve the haematoxylin in the absolute alcohol, add the water and boil. After it is cool, add the lithium carbonate. The time which the sections remain in this fluid depends on what it is 1 Fortschrit. d. Mcd., 1884 and 1885; Zeits. f. wissensch. MLTc., 1884 and 1885. XXX.] SPINAL CORD. 339 desired to show. Two hours or so are enough for the cord, but if the fine plexuses of medullated fibres described by Exner in the cerebral cortex are to be well seen, let them stain for twenty- four hours. After they are sufficiently stained, throw the watch- glass and the stained sections into a large basin of distilled water. Remove the sections from the water at once, and place them, for about half an hour or more, in the following mixture : Potassic ferricyanide . . . 2.5 grams. Borax . . . . . 2 ,, Water ..... 100 cc. This fluid decolorises and differentiates the black sections. The grey matter becomes of a brown or light-yellow tint, and should remain so while the white matter becomes violet. The sections must remain in the decolorising fluid until the deep blue or violet- coloured medullated nerve-fibres are seen. This can readily be determined after a little practice. The sections are then washed in water in which they can be kept for a considerable time transferred to 90 per cent., and finally to absolute alcohol, clari- fied by xylol or origanum oil, and mounted in xylol-balsam. This method stains the medulla or myelin of the nerves especially of the central nervous system of a deep blue or violet tint, while the nerve-cells, neuroglia, and axis-cylinders are not stained. The method, however, may be combined with staining methods. After the organ is hardened in the chromium salt and alcohol, small pieces are embedded in celloidin and cut in a microtome. The sections are placed in 80 per cent, spirit not water. The celloidin enables the sections to be readily handled and transferred to a slide. They are then stained in the special haematoxylin fluid already described. If a series of sections is to be mounted on the same slide, see the method described at p. 60. The sections are clarified in origanum oil or a mixture of xylol and carbolic acid (p. 83). Mounted in balsam. This method is also applicable to the spinal ganglia. (B.) Freezing Method. The piece of cord or brain, after harden- ing in M tiller's fluid, is placed in spirit and transferred to a mixture of equal parts of absolute alcohol and ether, and then embedded in celloidin. The embedded tissue is placed for forty-eight hours in Erlicki's fluid, to get rid of the spirit, and they are then placed in the following mixture, and kept in stoppered bottles in a warm chamber at 38 C. for two or three days : Cupric sulphate . .... 0.5 gram. Potassic bichromate .... 2.5 grams. Mucilage of syrup and gum . . . 100 cc. Sections are cut in a freezing microtome and received into Krlicki's fluid, washed in methylated spirit, stained in the hamiatoxyliii fluid, 340 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXX. decolorised by the ferricyanide mixture, clarified, and mounted in balsam (Hamilton). Stages of Weigert's Method. (1.) Harden nervous system in Miiller's fluid. (2. ) Harden in alcohol without previous washing in water. (3. ) Embed in celloidin. (4.) Place celloidin block in a half-saturated solution of copper acetate (24-48 hours). (5.) Alcohol, 70 per cent. (24 hours). (6.) Cut sections and stain them in Weigert's hfematoxylin (24 hours). (7.) Wash in water. (8.) Partially decolorise in ferricyanide fluid until grey matter becomes yellow. (9.) Wash in water, dehydrate in absolute alcohol, clarify in xylol, and mount in xylol-balsam. Pal's method is referred to on p. 343, but the following combina- tion of the Pal and Weigert method gives good results : 5. Modified Weigert-Pal Method. (i.) Harden in Miiller's fluid and then in alcohol, without wash- ing pieces in water. (ii.) Embed and cut sections in celloidin. (iii.) Wash in water and transfer to Marchi's fluid (5-10 hours), (iv.) Wash and transfer for 10-16 hours to Kultschitzky's Hsematoxylin. Hfematoxylin ..... i gram. Absolute alcohol .... 2-5 cc. Dissolve, and to the fluid add Acetic acid (2 per cent.) . . . 100 cc. The sections become black. (v.) Bleaching process (a.) Wash in water and bleach for 5 mins. in .2 per cent, permanganate of potash. Wash again, and transfer to (b.) Pal's solution (p. 344), in which they are rapidly (5-10 mins.) bleached, the medullated fibres alone remaining black. (vi.) Wash in water, dehydrate in alcohol, balsam, oil (xylol), balsam (Schafer). 6. Weigert-Stained Cord. (a.) (Land H) Observe the medulla of the medullated nerves, stained purplish. There are so many fine medullated nerve-fibres revealed in the grey matter that it is impos- sible to reproduce their complexity in a woodcut. The nerve-cells are not specially in evidence, although they can be stained with picro-carmine. XXX.] SPINAL CORD. 34! Formerly Weigert used acid-fuchsin for staining the medullated nerve-fibres of the central nervous system, but this method is now given up in favour of the haematoxylin copper method. 7. Neuroglia (H). Stain in safranin (24 hours) thin sections of the white matter of the cord hardened in M tiller's fluid, partially decolorise in absolute alcohol, and mount in balsam. (a.) Observe the branching neuroglia-cells between the white nerve-fibres (fig. 316, c). The connective-tissue elements have a tint more towards the violet, and are thus differentiated from the nervous elements. The network of neuroglia-fibres is readily seen near the surface of the cord. 8. Blood- Vessels of the Spinal Cord. Mount a transverse sec- tion of the cord, with its blood-vessels injected. Cut the cord in paraffin. The sections must be rather thick (L and H). Inject the animal, e.g., cat or rabbit, from the aorta with a blue or red mass. Harden in alcohol. (a.) Observe the greater vascularity of the grey matter as com- pared with the white. A blood-vessel may be seen running into the anterior median fissure, and at the bottom of it dividing, and giving a branch to each mass of grey matter. (b.) The dense plexus of capillaries in the grey matter. Branches of blood-vessels passing into the cord along the roots of the nerves and along the larger septa, which pass from the pia mater into the cord. 9. Nerve-Fibres of the Spinal Cord (H). Crush a piece of the white matter of the cord, either fresh, or after maceration in ^ per cent, bichromate of potash, between a cover-glass and a slide. (a.) Observe the nerve-fibres, many of them with lateral bulgings, or presenting a beaded or moniliform appearance. This is due to the fact that these nerve-fibres are devoid of a primitive sheath. (6.) Droplets of "myelin" with concentric markings are seen in the field. 10. Nerve-Fibres of the Spinal Cord (H). By means of a hypodermic syringe make an interstitial injection of I per cent, osmic acid into the white matter of the antero-lateral column of the spinal cord of an ox. Tease a piece in glycerine. (a.) Observe tubes of different sizes, many varicose, with incisures and cylinder- cones, but no primitive sheath 11. Staining the Cord. To stain sections the following dyes may be used : (i.) Ordinary carmine, picro-carmine, or acid-carmine. In using the last, use a very dilute (scarcely coloured) solution, and let the sections remain in the solution for 1-2 weeks. (2.) These stains may be combined with hsematoxylin. (3.) Benzo-azurin. (4.) Aniline-blue soluble in water but insoluble in spirit. (5.) The same 342 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [xxx. blue with eosin or Magdala-red. If (5) be used the axis-cylinders are blue, the myelin rose, and there is also a sharp distinction in colour between the nerve-cells and glia-cells. (6.) AVatery solution of Congo-red. The sections are dipped for a moment into very dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid (i drop to 10 cc. water). They become blue. (7.) Weigert's hamiatoxylin-copper. (8.) Golgi's silver and mercuric-chloride method. The M tiller's fluid should contain 33.5 grams of potassic bichromate to i gram of sodic sulphate. (9.) Golgi's silver method and sections stained by Magdala- red (Lavdowsky). 12. Tracts in the Spinal Cord. These are made out histo- logically by studying (a.) embryonic cords in mammals from the 5th to the Qth month. These sections are stained either by Weigert's method (p. 338) or by the modified Pal method. A T.S. of the cord of a human foetus just before birth shows the nerve-fibres in the pyramidal tracts still devoid of myelin, and thus they are easily mapped out from the other parts of the cord which are already medullated. (b.) The degeneration changes resulting after hemi-section or section of the cord. Section of the cord is practised say 6-10 days before the cord is required. Parts of the cord above and below the seat of injury are hardened for 10 days or so in Miiller's fluid. Thin pieces are then placed for several days in Marchi's fluid (P- 347)- Sections are mounted in balsam. All the nerve-fibres which have undergone degeneration are stained black ; healthy .nerve- fibres are yellowish (p. 347). Or instead, Weigert's process may be used, as then the degenerated tracts remain unstained owing to the absence of myelin. ADDITIONAL EXERCISES. 13. Dry Preparation. Stain a T.S. with metliylene-blue (i per cent). Wash it, and allow it to dry on a slide. Add a drop of balsam. This shows very well the general characters of the cord ; the multipolar nerve-cells arc somewhat shrunken, but still they and their processes are well stained. 14. Sections in Ehrlich-Biondi's Fluid. Place sections in tins fluid (p. 81) well diluted (i : 40), and heat them in a watch-glass until vapour is just given off. Mount thern in balsam, clarifying either with xylol or aniline-oil and xylol (Lesson III. 16). The glia-fibrils are violet in tint, and so is the con- nective tissue generally ; the nuclei of the glia-cells bluish, the myelin orange, the axis-cylinder somewhat violet The cells in the grey matter have a pleasant violet tint. Benzo-azurin can be used in the same way. 15. T.S. Cord. Eosin and Logwood. The neuroglia-cells, connective- tissue, and epithelium of the central canal have a logwood tint, the other parts are rosy. XXX.] SPINAL CORD. 343 16. Staining the Cord in Bulk in Aniline Blue-Black. Small pieces of the cord are placed iu the following fluid for a day or two : Aniline blue-black . . .2 grams. Water. . . . 60 cc. Alcohol . . . . 40 ,, Mount the sections in balsam. 17. Transverse Markings on Axis-Cylinders and Nerve-Cells. Place small pieces of a perfectly fresh cord in I per cent, silver nitrate solution, and keep them in the dark for forty-eight hours, renewing the fluid several times. Wash the pieces and place them, exposed to light, in the following mixture : Formic acid ( I part), amylic alcohol (i part), and water (100 parts), for 5-7 days. Tease a fragment in glycerine and observe the alternate brown and clear markings on the axis-cylinders (Fronimaim's lines) and on the nerve-cells (JaJcimovitch). 1 18. Isolated Neuroglia-Cells. (a.) These are obtained by the interstitial injection of osmic acid into the white matter of the cord (Lesson XXX. 10.) A small piece is teased and stained with picro-carmine. (H) Observe the branched cell, with a granu- lar body and long processes (fig. 321). It re- quires considerable care to dissociate such a cell, and it must usually be looked for and isolated with the aid of a dissecting microscope (p. 22). (b.) In sections of the cord prepared by Golgi's method, neuroglia-cells may be stained along with the nerve-cells, and on other occa- sions they may be the only elements on which the silver or mercury takes effect. Note that each cell gives off many very fine processes. F IG> 32I . isolated Neuroglia-Oll Some of the latter may be seen to become of Spinal Cord of Ox. n. Nu- (c.) Isolated glia-cells may be found after maceration in Landois' fluid (p. 26), and subsequent staining with Magdala- red. 19. Isolated Nerve-Cells of the Cord. The best dissociating reagents are dilute alcohol or Landois' fluid (3-4 days, p. 26). A staining fluid may be added to the dilute alcohol, and thus dissociation and staining go on simul- taneously. With cells either nerve or glia isolated by Landois' fluid, it is better to stain after maceration. The best stains are Magdala-red, methyl- blue II. (0.5-1 per cent., 5-10, drops added to 10 cc. of the macerating fluid). Lavdowsky' 2 uses a "semidesiccation method" like that used for connective tissue ; the isolated cells are allowed to become nearly dry, and then alcohol is slowly added to remove the remainder of the water (see also Lesson XVIII.). Or after maceration shake the tissue in a very small quantity of water in a test- tube, and place it in a watch-glass, add 6-10 drops of glycerine and a little picro-carmine, and dry the whole over a sulphuric acid desiccator. This removes all the water, and one has then the cells stained in glycerine ready to be mounted. 20. Pal's Method of Staining Nerve-Fibres. This method requires consider- able care. Harden the cord or brain in Miiller's fluid, makeT.S., and place them in alcohol. Stain iu .75 per cent, watery solution of hnematoxylin con- 1 Journ. de TAnat. ct de la Phys., xxiv. p. 142, 1888. 2 Archivf. mik. Anat., xxxviii. p. 264. 344 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [xxx. taining some alcohol and a few drops of a saturated solution of lithium carbonate (6-10 hours). They are then "differentiated" in per cent, solu- tion of permanganate of potash (10-15 seconds), and subsequently in the following mixture : Oxalic acid . . . I gram. Potassic sulphite , . i ,, Distilled water . . 200 cc. When the grey and white matter are differentiated, the sections maybe stained in carmine, safranin. or alum -carmine, and mounted in balsam. Stages of Pal's Method. (1.) Harden in Miiller's fluid. (2.) Cut sections and stain in Weigert's hsematoxylin (24-48 hours). (3.) Wash in water to which 1-2 per cent, lithium carbonate is added. Thi sections must be deep blue. (4.) Differentiate the sections in 0.25 per cent, potassic permanganate solu- tion (20-30 sees. ) till grey matter becomes yellow. (5.) Transfer to oxalic acid solution (few sees.). (6.) Wash in water, and dehydrate in alcohol, xylol, balsam. This method can be done rapidly. Only the nerve-fibres are stained ; the intervening parts may be stained subsequently with picro-carmine. 21. Vessale's Modification of Weigert's Method. l (1.) Harden in Miiller's fluid and afterwards in alcohol. (2.) Stain celloidiu sections (3-5 mins.) in I per cent, hfematoxylin dissolved in warm water. Allow it to cool. The sections become black. (3. ) Place in saturated filtered solution of neutral copper acetate (3-5 mins.) and then lave in water. (4.) Differentiate in a solution Borax ... 2 grams. Potassic ferridcyanide . 2.5 ,, Water , . . 300 cc. Ganglion-cells, glia-cells, and degenerated parts soon become decolorised, only the medullated fibres remain dark-violet. (5.) Wash thoroughly in water. They may be stained with alum- carmine as a contrast stain. (6 ) Absolute alcohol. Xylol-carbolic acid (3 : i), remove surplus with bibulous paper. Balsam. 22. Kulschitzky's Method for Medullated Fibres. 2 (1.) Harden in Miiller's or Erlicki's fluid (1-2 mins.), then wash in water (1-2 days). Alcohol. Make sections in celloidin. (2.) Stain (1-3 hours) in his acid haernatoxylin (p. 342). (3.) Differentiate (2-3 hours) in Sat. sol. lithium carb. . . 100 cc. Ferridcyanide of potash ( i per cent.) 10 ,, (4. ) Wash thoroughly in water. Balsam. 23. Golgi's Silver Methods 3 (a. ) Slow Method. Small parts of the cord or 1 Zeit. wiss. Mikros., vii. p. 517, and Archiv. itol. de Biol. t xv. p. 158, 1891. 2 Annt. Anzeig., iv. p. 519, 1890. 3 Sulla, fina anatomia degli organi centrali del sistema iiervoso, Milano, 1886. XXX.] SPIXAL CORD. 345 brain, after being hardened in 2 per cent, potassium bichromate for 3-4 days, are then transferred to a stronger solution, say 3 per cent., for 4 days. In- crease successively the quantity of the bichromate until 4-6 per cent, is reached. It takes 30-50 days, according to temperature or other circum- stances, to get the tissues properly hardened. The hardened parts are then transferred for 24-48 hours to .5-. 7 5 per cent, silver nitrate. It is better to place them first of all in a small quantity of silver nitrate, and to wash them in this fluid. The fluid becomes of a dark orange tint from silver chromate. Place the pieces in fresh silver nitrate. Harden in alcohol. Make hand sections, clarify them in the usual way, and mount in balsam, but do not apply a cover-glass. (b.) Rapid Method. Make the following mixture : Osmico- Bichromate Mixture. Potassic bichromate (3 per cent.) . . 20 cc. Osmic acid (i per cent.) . . . 5 ,, Place small pieces of the fresh organ in 15 cc. of this fluid for 2-3 days, and then place them in the silver solution (.5-1 per cent.; for 1-2 days. I have found the cells of the cerebral cortex stained black two or three hours after immersion of the organ in silver nitrate. This is an excellent method, specially useful for young or embryonic nervous system, as the fluid penetrates more readily where the myelin is scanty. It is very capricious in its action. Sometimes only small parts are stained. The nerve-cells and their processes, and nerve-fibres without myelin, and axis cylinders are stained black. (c. ) Medium Method. Small pieces of the fresh tissue are placed for 3-5 days in 3 per cent, potassic bichromate ; then 3-4 days in the osmico-bichromate mixture as above, and then in silver nitrate. It is not a matter of indifference which method is used. Golgi's method only stains certain elements nerve-cells, neuroglia-cells, and sometimes blood-vessels. Thus, by the rapid method, in the case of the cerebellum, the parallel fibres and the granular layer are the chief parts stained; Purkinje's cells stain best by the slow method. As a general rule, the axis cylinders and their processes stain best by means of the rapid and medium methods, the slow method, as a rule, staining best the protoplasmic processes. The rapid silver method has been extensively used by Golgi and his pupils, by Kb'lliker, but above all by Ramon, y Cayal. The black deposit Golgi calls a " black reaction." 24. Golgi and Mondino's Sublimate Method. Small pieces of the central nervous system, after hardening in bichromate of potash, are placed in a watery solution (.25 per cent.) of corrosive sublimate. The volume of fluid must be large, and renewed frequently, j,.e., as often as it is yellow. After 10-15 days the reaction has occurred in small pieces ; but it is better to expose the pieces longer than this to the action of the salt ; in fact, prolonged im- mersion rather improves it. The tissues may remain for months in the fluid without disadvantage. The sections must be very thoroughly washed, else, after being mounted, needle-shaped crystals of the sublimate are apt to form. The sections are mounted in balsam or glycerin ; only they are mounted with- out a cover-glass. In Golgi's silver method the cells, and in some preparations the blood- vessels as well, are opaque and black. Sometimes the body of the cell and its finest ramified processes can be seen with the utmost sharpness. The silver is deposited only on the cells and their processes, not on the nerve-fibres. The sections, however, are often dotted over with a black metallic deposit. In the mercury preparations, if the cells do not appear to be very black, they may be darkened by washing them in sodic sulphite. 31 346 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXX. The sublimate may act on (a.) the ganglionic cells, (5.) the neuroglia cells, and (c. ) the blood-vessels. The best results with these methods are obtained with the cerebral cortex. The sections can be stained afterwards by the usual methods, and particularly by Magdala-red. The parts acted on by the sublimate are white by reflected light, and appear black by transmitted light, because they are opaque. Golgi 1 finds that for the study of the diffuse network in the central nervous system, by this method the best results are obtained when the " metallic white " is converted into a metallic black. For this purpose he uses the "fixer" employed for. fixing positive photographs on aristotypic paper. (A.) Water. . ' . . . I litre. Hyposulphite of soda . . . 175 grains. Alum . . . . 20 ,, Ammonium sulphocyanide . .10,, Chloride of sodium . . . 40 Leave the mixture for 8 days and then filter. (B.) Water, . . . . 100 cc. Gold chloride. . . i gram. For the toning and fixing fluid, mix of A . . . . 60 cc. B 7 Procedure. (1.) Wash in distilled water. (2.) Immerse sections (1-2 mins.) in the above mixture. The sections become black. (3.) Prolonged washing in water. (4.) (Optional.) Faint coloration of the sections with acid carmine. (5.) Wash again, then mount in balsam. 25. Double Impregnation Method of Eamon y Cayal. 2 Morsels of tissue are placed in the dark in the osmico-bichromate mixture as for Golgi's rapid method (2-3 days), and then they are gently washed and placed in .$-.75 per cent, silver nitrate (1-2 days). They are retransferred for 3-4 days to the osmico-bichromate fluid (3-4-5 days), and then again to silver. They are then hardened in alcohol and cut. This method certainly gives good results in some cases, and is very useful for the brain and embryo preparations. 26. Embryo Cords. (a.) Harden the spinal cord of an embryo chick at the 9th day as above. Remove as much as possible of the surrounding vertebral column before placing it in the osmico-bichromate mixture. (L) Observe the axis-cylinders of the fibres of the anterior roots springing from the axis-cylinder processes of the multipolar branch cells of the anterior cornu, themselves black. Note that the fibres of the posterior root enter the cord and split up into fibrils. (b.) Collateral Fibres. Harden the spinal cord of an embryo mammal (e.g., sheep, 20-25 cm. long) or embryo of chick in the above fluid, and make L.S. in the line of entrance of the posterior roots. The sections need not be very thin, but one may have to make several preparations before one gets a satisfac- tory result. (H) Note that when a fibre of the posterior root enters the white matter of the cord it divides, sending one branch upwards and one dowmvards (fig. 322), which run for a distance more or less longitudinally, but many enter the 1 Archiv. ital. de Biologic, xv. p. 462, 1891. * Internat. Monatsch. f. Anat. u. Phys., vi. p. 170. XXX.] SPINAL CORD. 347 grey matter, and end free in fine branches without forming connections with nerve-cells. The fibres give off at right angles to their course fine fibrils collaterals which enter the grey matter, divide into fibrils, and end free. 27. Degeneration of the Cord (a. ) Method of March! for degenera- tion, in central nervous system or in nerves (Lesson XVII.) : (1.) Harden very small pieces of a nerve or spinal cord either of which is undergoing degenera- tion in Miiller's fluid for at least 8 days. (2.) Place for 6 days in the follow- ing : Miiller's fluid . . 2 parts. Osmic acid (i per cent.) I part. (3.) Wash in water, harden in alcohol. (4.) Embed and cut in celloidiu. All degenerated parts appear black, all the others light grey or yellowish (see p. 212). (6.) Wcigert's hsematoxylin method FIG. 322. L.S. of the Cord of the Cervical may be used for the same purpose. Region of an Embryo Sheep (22 cm long), rp, J i i C1 to show division of posterior roots after The degenerated fibres are unstained, entering the spinal cord. i.e., on differentiating the section the degenerated purls rapidly give up their stain, and thus appear unstained. LESSON XXXI. MEDULLA OBLONGATA CEREBELLUM- CEREBRUM. MEDULLA OBLONGATA OE BULB. THE medulla oblongata is hardened in the same way as the cord. T.S. are made at different levels, and stained in the same way as the cord (L and H). 1. T.S. Decussation of Pyramids. 348 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXXI. (a.) Observe the shape of the cord, the decussation of the anterior pyramids, i.e., bundles of fibres are seen coming from the lateral column of one side, and running inwards and towards the middle line, thus separating somewhat the anterior from the posterior corima (fig. 323). They actually pass to the anterior pyramid of the opposite side of the medulla. (b.) At the anterior part, on each side of the anterior median fissure, sections of the anterior pyramid. ((.) At the posterior part, a small part of the posterior cornu extending backwards as the nucleus of the clava in the FIG. 323.-T.S. Medulla Obiongata through funiculus gracilis. Another mass Decussation of Pyramids. D.Py. An- OI grey matter in the IliniCUlus terior pyramid ; Fa. Anterior Cornu ; Ng. Nucleus of the funiculus gracilis ; g. Substantia gelatinosa ; XI. Spinal 2. T.S. Of Oil Vary Bodies (L and H). Observe the folded mass of grey matter, with many multipolar nerve-cells, constituting the olivary nucleus (fig. 324); the complex of fibres, horizontal, vertical, and those cut longitudinally, constituting the formatio reticularis ; the much altered arrangement of the grey matter, which appears in the floor of the fourth ventricle ; and, according to the level at which the section is made, there may be met with the origin of certain of the cranial nerves (fig. 324). Of course sections should be made from higher levels in the medulla, and also through the pons. If a student has the requisite time, it is best to make a series of sections from below upwards, fixing them in order on slides. The two following tables show, the one the fissures, areas, and mouldings to be noted on the medulla oblongata, and the other the grey matter of the cord and medial a oblongata. .FIG. 324. T.S. Medulla Oblongata at the Level of the Olivary Body ; partly Diagrammatic. XXXI.] MEDULLA OBLONGATA. 349 Objects seen on the Surface of the Medulla Oblongata. ( Anterior median. A. Fissures. -I Posterior median. iTwo lateral. I. Anterior area (between A B. Areas. rior area | Anterior pyramids . .M. F. and | Decussat i of 1)yramids . ^^2?. iQUroyboay. and fillet. 3. Posterior- area. C. External Arcifonn Fibres. ( Restiform body. Lower l Fuuiculus of Rolando and its tubercle. Part. ) Funiculus cuneatus and its tubercle. ( Fuuiculus gnicilis and its clava. F1 r f f Urth ventricle ' Table of Grey Matter of the Medulla Oblongata. CORD. MEDULLA. , Nucleus lateralis. Anterior part of formatio reticularis. Nucleus of the fasciculus teres. Nucleus of Rolando. Posterior part of formatio reticularis. ( Nucleus of the funiculus gracilis (clava). -I Nucleus cuneatus. 1 Nucleus on floor of fourth ventricle. ^Hieel! Cornu ' (Base Grey Matter of the fHead Spinal Cord. Po8terior Neck 1 Comu - 'iBase I I Grey in the Medulla. Nucleus of external arciform fibres. CEREBELLUM. Methods. The cerebellum is hardened in the same way as the cord. It is advantageous, however, to wash out the hlood-vessels of the whole brain with Miiller's fluid, and afterwards to distend them with the same fluid. If ammonium bichromate be used (2 percent.), the pieces harden quicker than in the case of the cord. For the application of Golgi's method, see p. 345- 3. V.S. Cerebellum, i.e., including the grey and white mattr- 350 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXXI. cut at right angles to the direction of the folds. Stain it with carmine, aniline blue-black, or, better still, first with logwood and then with eosin. Mount in balsam. The best way for the student is to stain a small piece of the cerebellum in bulk in borax- carmine for two or three days, or longer, and then embed and cut in paraffin. In this way there is no fear of the sections break- ing up, and the relative positions of the several parts are accurately maintained. In making sections of the cerebellum, it is important, if one wishes to see the wide expanse of the protoplasmic processes of Purkinje's cells, to make sections across the direction of the laminae. If made in the direction of the laminae the leash of protoplasmic processes appear quite narrow (fig. 330, B). The protoplasmic processes, or dendrites, as they have been called by His, spread out in planes transverse to the direction of the lamella?, hence the necessity for the above precaution. Suppose a hsematoxylin-eosin specimen to be prepared. (a.) (L) Observe the primary and secondary convolutions (fig. 325). In each leaflet from within outwards, the white matter, FIG. 325. Leaflet of the Human Cerebellum, x 10. FIG. 326. Cortex of the Cerebellum, x 90. . Outer; b. Inner or granular layer: p. Cells of Purkinje. composed of medullated nerve-fibres, and outside this the grey matter, composed of two layers, viz. : (i.) The nuclear layer, composed of many layers of small nuclei stained blue eacli surrounded by a very small quantity of protoplasm. (ii.) The outer layer of the cortex, thicker than (i.), with a somewhat granular appearance, and containing branches of Purkinje's cells and some small branched angular nucleated cells (fig. 326). XXXI.] CEREBELLUM. 351 Numerous blood-vessels enter the surface of the cerebellum from the pia mater covering it. (b.) At the boundary-line between (i.) and (ii.) a row of large cells Purkinje's cells each with a somewhat oval or globular body, with a single central process, which becomes continuous with a nerve-fibre, although this is not seen in this preparation. Each cell gives off a peripheral process, which immediately branches, the larger branches running laterally for a short distance, arid each branch divides again and again, the fine branches protoplasmic processes or dendrites running vertically through the outer layer of the cortex nearly to its free surface. The branched arrangement of these fibres has been compared to the antlers of a stag. By means of the rapid Golgi method, a basket-shaped complex of fibrils can be seen round the basis of Purkinje's cells. (c.) (H) The granular or nuclear layer, with two kinds of nuclei or rather cells. The most numerous are small and granular, and arranged in groups ; they are stained violet by the haematoxylin. The others (larger and spherical, with a nucleolus) are the nuclei of small ganglionic nerve-cells. They are stained reddish. Amongst the granules may be seen medullated fibres stained reddish. The more recent methods of Golgi and Ramon y Cayal show that these two kinds of cells correspond to nerve-cells. The small cells have an axis-cylinder and several protoplasmic pro- cesses, while the large cells in some respects resemble small 1'urkinje's cells. 4. Blood- Vessels of the Cerebellum. These are injected when the blood-vessels of an animal are injected from the aorta with a Berlin-blue or carmine-gelatine mass. Mount an unstained sectin in balsam (L and H). (a.) Observe the vascular pia mater sending at intervals long or medullary branches through the cortex to the medulla, and short or cortical branches which break up into a rich plexus of capil- laries in the cortex, so that the latter is far more vascular than the white matter. Each vessel is surrounded by a perivascular lymph- space. CEREBRUM. Methods. Harden it in the same way as the cord and cerebellum. For Golgi's methods (p. 345). If Weigert's method is used, the sections must remain for twenty- four hours in the hamiatoxylin solution in order to see the plexus of medullated fibres in the superficial layers of the cortex, and three, hours for the fibres which ascend between the pyramidal cells of the cortex cerebri. 5. V.S. Cerebrum. Make V.S. through the central part of the 352 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXXI. brain of a small animal. In the case of a human brain, select the ascending parietal or ascending frontal convolution. Make V.S. either by freezing or in paraffin after staining in bulk in borax- carmine. Other sections may be stained in aniline blue-black, and all are mounted with balsam. "With the naked eye observe the shape of the convolution, the grey matter outside, of a certain thickness (y^-i in. thick), and deeply stained, and inside it the white matter less deeply stained. (L and H) (a.) Observe the white matter, composed of medul- lated fibres, with leucocytes here and there between them. (b.) Outside this the grey matter, composed of several layers, recognised by the arrangement and shape of the cells present in it. FlG. 3 2 7- y.S. of Cortex of the Ascending Frontal Convolution, i.e., a Motor Area. Carmine, FlQ. 328. V.S. Middle Frontal Convolution. Carmine, x 20. It will depend very greatly upon the plane of the section whether the student sees all the layers in any single section. They are usually in a five-layer type, but the relative thickness of the layers varies in different parts of the cerebrum. A. Arrangement of Nerve-Cells. (c.) The layers from the surface inwards are : (i.) The narrow outer or first layer (or finely-granular or mole- cular layer) consists of a network of fibrils with a very few small cells. Chiefly neuroglia cells, mostly vertical to the surface. By Golgi's method, it can be shown to contain a layer of medul- lated fibres just under and parallel to the pia, and also some branched non-medullated fibres. It also contains a few small nerve-cells with two or more axis-cylinder processes. The latter details can only be detected in a preparation made by Golgi's XXXI.] CEREBRUM. 353 method. In it may be seen sections of blood-vessels passing from the pia. (ii.) The second layer, or layer of small pyramidal cells, is usually narrow, with several rows of small pyramidal cells, the peripheral processes of the latter pointing towards the surface of the convolu- tion. It passes gradually into (iii.) The third layer, or layer of large pyramidal cells, which is much thicker than the others, and contains large pyramidal cells, each with a peripheral process, which can sometimes be traced outwards for a considerable distance. The axis-cylinder process gives off several collaterals, and can be traced into a medullated fibre of the white matter. The cells, however, may be cut obliquely, and then they appear triangular. Usually the cells are larger in the deeper layers, and become smaller in the outer layers. (iv.) Tk& fourth layer, or layer of irregular or polymorphous cells. This is a narrow layer of small, usually angular but irregularly- shaped cells. They lie between the nerve-fibres which pass into the cortex. In the motor areas of the frontal and parietal convolu- tions large pyramids arranged in groups or nests may be found between these cells. (v.) T\\Q, fifth layer, or layer of fusiform cells, also a narrow layer, with a few fusiform cells with nerve-fibres between them. This layer abuts on the white fibres of the medulla, and may in some regions be fused with the previous layer. In the grey matter superficial to the island of Reil, it exists as a separate layer consti- tuting the clanstrum. Not unfrequently in bichromate and chromic acid preparations, the place of the pyramidal cells is partly represented by clear spaces, produced by vacuolation of the cells. It is by no means easy to distinguish a nerve-cell from a neuroglia-cell in the cere- brum. Usually the glia-cell nuclei are smaller. Between the rows of cells may be seen fine longitudinal striation, indicating the exist- ence of nerve-fibres in the grey matter. The structure of the cortex is not identical, although similar, throughout. In the motor areas especially, i.e., in the ascending frontal, ascending parietal, and part of the marginal convolutions, the pyramidal cells are usually larger than in those areas which are described as sensory e.g., the occipital, temporo-sphenoidal, or even in the anterior part of the frontal. It is advisable, therefore, to provide the student with sections from these different areas. There is no abrupt transition between oiK 1 , type of cortical structure and another. B. Course of White Fibres in the Cortex Cerebri. This cannot be made out in sections prepared as above. All that can be seen is that fine strands radii of medullated fibres pass from the white Z 354 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [xxxi. centre at intervals into the grey matter, and run outwards as medullary rays between the nerve-cells. By other methods it can be shown that some of them become continuous with axis-cylinder processes of the pyramidal and polymorphous cells, while, as shown in fig. 331, others end in free arborisations. Tracing the fibres the other way, i.e., as axial-cylinder processes of pyramidal cells, it has been shown by other methods that some of them chiefly from the large pyramids of the motor areas pass into the white matter, enter the corona radiata, and pass through the inner and anterior two-thirds of the posterior division of the internal capsule to enter and form the pyramidal tracts. They constitute the projection fibres, and end in free arborisations in relation with the multi- polar nerve-cells of the anterior cornu of the grey matter of the cord. The so-called commissural or callosal fibres, which join opposite halves of the brain, pass into the corpus callosum either directly or by collateral fibres (fig. 331) and pass to the opposite side to end as FIG. 329. Injected Cerebral Cortex of Dog. i. Layer with few vessels ; 2. Layer of large pyramidal cells ; 3. Deepest layers of cortex ; 4. Medulla. free arborisations in the grey matter there (fig. 331, /). Others are said to join the antero-posterior fibres (fig. 331, B) or association fibres, which run between grey matter in different parts of the same hemisphere. 6. V.S. Middle Frontal Convolution (fig. 328). Compare this with that from a motor area, and note the absence of the very large pyramidal cells. In the gyms hippocampi or uncinate gyrus there are other peculiarities, its grey matter consisting of numerous conical cells with very long processes. It is hardened in the same XXXI.] CEREBRUM. 355 way. The peculiar shape of the cells in this region is best shown by the "double-impregnation" method of Ramon y Cayal (p. 222). 7. Blood- Vessels of the Cerebrum (L and H). Make rather thick sections of an injected brain, and mount them in balsam. They are best embedded and cut in paraffin. The whole head should be injected from the aorta. (a.) (L) The larger vessels in the pia mater send into the cerebral cortex two sets of arteries : those that perforate the grey matter and proceed to supply the medulla the long or medullary arteries ; and a more numerous, shorter set, that ramify chiefly in the grey matter the short or cortical arteries. The grey matter is much more vascular than the white, and the vessels are surrounded by pori vascular sheaths (fig. 329). (/A) Study the arrangement and relative vascularity of the capil- lary plexus in the cortex. At the surface it is less dense, and it is most dense in the region of the large pyramidal cells. The best resume of the researches of Golgi, R. y Cayal, and Kolliker is given by Waldeyer, 1 whose papers contain numerous woodcuts showing not only the histological results, but their bearing on physiological problems. ADDITIONAL EXERCISES. 8. Cerebellum in Osmic Acid. Place very small pieces of the grey matter (i unn. cubes) in i per cent, osmic acid (24-48 hours) as recommended for the cerebrum (Lesson XXXI. 13). Wash in water and harden in alcohol. In the sections note the medullated fibres in the granular layer, but none of them pass into the outer layer of the cortex. 9. Cerebellum in Ehrlich-Biondi's Fluid. Stain sections in this fluid as directed under Spinal Cord (Lesson XXX. 13) and mount in balsam. The outer grey layer and the medulla are red, the granular layer violet. In the latter can be seen the two kinds of cells, one stained red, the other violet. 10. Purkinje's Cells by Golgi's Method (p. 344). (a.) The easiest method is the slow silver nitrate one (p. 344). If the preparation is successful, one is rewarded by the beauty of the preparation. It is almost impossible to reproduce the complexity of the processes of Purkinje's cells (fig. 330). They are stained black, the nerve-fibres may or may not be stained. The sections are mounted in balsam without a cover-glass. The much-branched proto- plasmic processes, or dendritcs, are shown in fig. 330, A, as they appear when a section is made across the lamina?, and in B when the section is in the direction of the laminae. The dendrites do not anastomose with each other, and all lie in one plane in the transverse direction of the leaflet. (b.) Fibres in Cerebellar Grey Matter. By using the rapid hardening method of Golgi and Cayal many other details may be made out, but not all necessarily in one section. Round the body of each cell of 1'urkinje is a plexus of fibrils basket-work of fibres produced by the division or arbori- 1 Deutsche med. WocJwnsch., Nos 44, 45, 46, 47, 1891. 356 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXXI. sation of the axis-cylinder processes of nerve-cells lying in the molecular layer of the grey matter. The dendrites are in part also invested by a basket- work due to the arborisa- tion of fibres proceeding from the medulla i,c., fibres which do not ter- minate in the cells of Purkinje. Some of the cells of the granular layer are nerve-cells with protoplasmic and axis- cylinder processes. The small nerve-cells, by far the most numerous, give axis - cylinder processes which run out into the molecular layer, where they divide and become continuous with a fibre running at right angles to it. In the molecular layer there is an arrange- ment of nerve-fibres run- Fia. 330. Cell of Purkinje. Corrosive sublimate. A. Seen wing more or less parallel on the flat, and B, from the side, x 120. to the surface of the leaflets, and joined here and there by the axis-cylinder processes of the nerve-cells of the granular Kia. 331. Scheme of T.S. of Cerebrum of New-born Rat, prepared by Cayal's Double- impregnation Method. ^.Corpus callosum ; e. Lateral ventricle ; B. antero-posterior, or association fibres arising from large pyramidal cells ; a. Large pyramidal cells whose axis-cylinder processes pass into the antero-posterior layer; b. Fibre of corpus cal- losum bifurcating ; c. Callosal fibre ; d. Callosal fibre arising from a pyramidal cell ; e. Axis-cylinder process descending obliquely to enter the corpus callosum ; /. Final ramification of a callosal fibre in the grey matter of the cortex ; h. Collateral fibre from a large pyramidal cell ; i. Fusiform cells with axis-cylinder processes passing into outer layer of cortex ; j. Final ramification of a callosal fibre arising in opposite side of cortex. XXXI.] CEREBRUM. 357 layer already described. If the cerebellar lamina be cut in a direction trans- verse to the course of these fibres, then they merely appear as black dots. My experience leads me to believe that this system is best demonstrated by the rapid Gclgi method. 11. Cerebrum by Golgi's Method (see Lesson XXX. 19). Do the same as for the cord and cerebellum. Either the AgN0 3 or HgCl. 2 methods may be adopted. In the latter case the best results are obtained by keeping the por- tions of the brain for months in the mercuric-chloride solution. I have usually got good results with the brain of the rat or rabbit. In all cases mount the sec- tions in balsam without a cover-glass. In new-born animals better results are obtained especially with the rapid method (osmico-bichromate method, p. 345) than with adult brains. Fig. 331 shows some of the results which may be obtained in a T. S. of the brain of a new- born rat. The results have been pieced together from a study of many sections. By the rapid Golgi method it is easy to obtain beauti- ful preparations showing the pyramidal cells of the cortex with their apical, lateral, and axis-cylinder pro- cesses ; in fact, I have often obtained such in the superficial sections after a few hours' immersion in silver n itrate. For the cornu ammonis cells the double- impregnation method of K. y Cayal is excellent. Some- times, however, one gets the blood-vessels stained. 12. Cerebrum by Weigert or Weigert-Pal's Method (see Lesson XXX. 4). This method reveals the exist- ence of medullated fibres in the cerebral cortex arranged according to the scheme shown in fig. 332. -At the lower part of the grey matter a large number of fine medullated nerve-fibres enter it radii which run outwards in the cortex as medullary rays. Between the latter is an inter-radial plexus, and above them is a supra-radial plexus, and quite under the pia are tan- F gential fibres. On the boundary-line between the supra- radial plexus and the inter-radial plexus is a white stripe, visible to the naked eye, especially well marked in the cuneus. It has been called the stripe of Genuari, Baillarger, and also of Vico d'Azyr. 13. Medullated Nerve-Fibres in the Cortex Cerebri. Place very small pieces of the outer part of the cortex in i per cent, osmic acid (24 hours). The pieces must be black throughout. Make thin sections, place one on a slide, add a drop of ammonia ; the section swells up and the medullated fibres become distinct. Expose the section to the vapour of osmic acid, i.e., place the section on a slide over a glass thimble filled with osmic acid and cover the whole with a bell-jar. After half an hour or less the "fixation" is complete. This is Exner's method as modified by Ranvier. Preserve in glycerine. Observe the narrow medullated nerve-fibres between the nerve- cells"; the nuclei only of the latter are distinctly seen. Hypophysis Cerebri or Pituitary Body. 14. Hypophysis Cerebri. This consists of two parts, the one derived from the brain, a continuation of the infundibulum ; the lower part is derived from 332. V.S. Cortex Cerebri. The right side drawii from a Weigert's lijema- toxylin preparation, and the left from a Golgi's sublimate one. On the ri^ht the mednllated fibres, and on the left only the nerve- cells are shown. There are really more cells than shown in the draw- ing. 358 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXXII. an inflexion of the embryonic mucous membrane of the mouth. Harden in Miiller's fluid, stain sections in picro-carmine, and mount in balsam. Observe sections of closed gland-tubes or alveoli almost completely filled with cubical, somewhat granular, or clear cells. A lumen is rarely visible. The communica- tion between the mouth and the lower part of the gland is cut off in the pro- cess of development. LESSON XXXII. THE BYE. Methods. (i.) Enucleate the eyeball of a rabbit or cat ; remove any adhering fat and muscles. With a sharp razor make a single cut at the equator of the eyeball, and suspend it in 200 cc. of .25 per cent, chromic acid. After twenty-four hours cut the eye into an anterior and a posterior half, and place them for several days in new fluid. Wash and harden in the dark in gradually increasing strengths of alcohol. The eye hardened in this way may be used for preparing sections of some of its parts. (ii.) Harden the other eyeball for two or three weeks in Miiller's fluid, after cutting into it in the same way as above. Complete the hardening in alcohol. It is well to have sections of the cornea of several animals, e.g., the pig and ox. THE CORNEA. Make Y.S. from a cornea hardened in Miiller's fluid or Flemm ing's fluid. Stain with picro-carmine and mount in Farrant's solution, or in haematoxylin and mount in balsam. Stain the one fixed in Flemming's fluid with safranin. A good method is to stain it in bulk in borax-carmine. Eosin-hsematoxylin is a good stain. 1. V.S. Cornea (L. K). (a.) Observe the anterior or conjunctival epithelium, consisting of several layers of stratified epithelium. The most external cells are flattened ; those of the middle layers are more oval or rounded, many of them with finger-shaped processes dipping down between the deeper rows of cells. The cells in the lowest layer are columnar, and placed perpendicularly upon the cornea, resting on (&) (% 333)- (b.) The narrow, clear, transparent layer anterior elastic lamina ; this is best marked in the human eyeball. (c.) The substantia propria, or body of the cornea, composed of XXXII.] THE EYE. 359 layers of transparent fibrous tissue arranged in laminae. The laminae, while arranged in the main parallel to each other, have connecting processes joining adjacent laminae. Between the laminae oval spaces, and in each space a nucleated cornea corpuscle (fig. 333> <"), which, as seen on edge, is thin and flattened. The processes of these corpuscles are best seen in gold specimens. (fl. ) The posterior elastic lamina, or membrane of Descemet, a well-marked, thin, transparent, hyaline lamina, with sharply defined outlines, and covered posteriorly by (e.) The posterior epithelium, consisting of a single layer of large flattened nucleated cells, seen in profile. They are apt to be displaced if the section be roughly handled. If the posterior elastic lamina be broken across, it is apt to curl up. It stains readily with carmine. FlQ. 333. V.S. Cornea, a. Epi- thelium ; h. Anterior elastic lamina; c. Cornea! corpuscles; I. Lamclhc of cornea ; ft-rf, Siilistantia propria; d. Des- cemet's membrane; and e. Its epithelium. FIG. 1*10. 334 Corneal Corpuscles, and a few Nerve-Fibrils of Frog. Gold chloride. 2. Nerves of the Frog's Cornea. In a pithed frog, squeeze the head to make the eyeball project, and with a sharp razor cut off the cornea. Wash it in normal saline, treat it with gold chloride by the lemon-juice method (p. 79). After impregnation with the gold solution, with scissors make three snips into its margin, dividing it into three sections, so that it may He flat on a slide. Mount in Farrant's solution. (a.) (L and H) Observe the branching cornea corpuscles, arranged in many layers, one under the other, readily seen by raising or depressing the lens (fig. 334). The numerous processes given off from ,the cells anastomose with similar processes from 360 PKACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXXII. adjoining cells, not only in the same plane, but with cells lying in planes above and below them. (6.) The Nerves. If a part of the sclerotic is adherent to the cornea, the fine medullatcd nerve-fibres, deeply stained, are seen in the sclerotic and passing into the cornea, where they lose their myelin and become non-medul- lated. The larger non- medullated fibres have nuclei in them, and unite with other fibres to form a coarse plexus the ground or primary nerve plexus. (c.) From this plexus finer bundles of fibrils proceed to form a finer jftG. 335 . Sub-Epithelial Nerve-Flexus, Cornea of plexus, and from the Frog. n. Non-medullated nerve with nerve- i ff nr T1 , irn oT>rma fiVmilo fibrils ; a. Nerve-fibrils, x 300. often with varicose swel- lings running chiefly in the planes of the laminae are seen.^ (d.) (H) Fine fibrils are seen in the larger branches of the non- medullated nerves (fig. 335). If the cornea of a rabbit be used, then tangential thin sections must be made and mounted in Farrant's solution or balsam. 3. Inter-Epithelial Ter- mination of the Nerve- Fibres. The cornea of a rabbit is stained in i per cent, gold chloride (25-30 minutes) and reduced in slightly - acidulated water (acetic acid) by exposure to light (p. 79). The lemon- Fia. 336. v.s. Cornea of Frog. n. Nerve-fibres ; juice and formic-acid method a. Perforating fibrils; r. Nucleus ;#&. Inter- , i i , 4 i epithelial plexus of fibrils. Gold chloride. Dltlfit not be used, as the formic acid removes the epithelium. Make V.S. either by freezing or free hand and mount them in glycerine (L and H). (a.) Observe sections of the lamellae and corneal corpuscles, and between these, parts of the primary nerve-plexus cut across, more or less obliquely, the branches being finer towards the anterior XXXII.] THE EYE. 36: elastic lamina, Bundles of fine fibrils the rami perforantes perforate this membrane and spread out under the anterior epi- thelium to form the sub-epithelial plexus, from which fibrils proceed to form a plexus of fine varicose fibrils the epithelial plexus between the epithelial cells, where they terminate in fine points, forming no connection with special end-organs (fig. 336). 4. Cell-Spaces in the Cornea (Silver Method) (L and H). Pith a frog, scrape off the corneal epithelium, and rub the surface of the cornea with solid silver nitrate. After 20-30 minutes, excise the cornea, mount it in glycerine, and expose to light. (a.) The general substance of the section is stained brown, and in it are clear branching spaces, each one corresponding in shape to that of FIG 337 Cornea of Frog with Cell- Spaces, s Cell-spaces. Solid silver nitrate, x 300. Sclerotic. Lam. supra-choroidea. Layer of large vessels. Z...^L.:_.~ .Limiting layer. -i^v'S .Chorio-capillaris. gnSr "Hyaline membrane. Pigment layer of retina. FlO. 338. V.S. Part of Sclerotic ami the Choroid. g. Large vessels; p. Pigment-cells; c. T.S. of capillaries, x 100. a cornea corpuscle (fig. 337). The branches of adjoining spaces anastomose, so as to form a system of juice-canals, not only with 32 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXXII. spaces in the same plane, but also with the spaces in lower and deeper planes. 5. Iron Sulphate Method (Lesson XI. 13). The matrix is blue and the spaces are clear and not stained. THE SCLEROTIC, CHOROID, AND CILIARY REGION. 6. Sclerotic and Choroid (L.H.). From an eye hardened in Miiller's fluid and stained in bulk in borax-carmine cut sections in paraffin to include the sclerotic and choroid. Observe (i.) The sclerotic (fig. 338). (a.) Composed mainly of bundles of white fibrous tissue crossing each other in several directions. PIG. 3 r, 9 .- Horizontal Section of Anterior Quadrant of Eyeball. /. Conjivn Sclerotic; h. Iris; ?. Llfj. ixjct.inat.iini irilis; k. Canal of Schlernm ; I. Long m. Circular fibres of ciliary muscle ; n. Ciliary process ; o. Ciliary part of reti f. Conjunctiva; s. \\ ; 1. Longitudinal ; part of retina. (/>.) A narrow layer, the lamina supra-choroidea. (2 ) Inside this a section of the choroid composed of the follow- ing layers from without inwards (a.) Layer with large vessels and numerous branched pigment- cdls. This forms by far the thickest layer. (b.) Limiting layer. XXXII.] THE EYE. 363 (c.) The chorio-capillaris, containing numerous sections of capil- laries. (d.) A basement or hyaline membrane. (e.) Pigment-cells containing melanin. 7. Pigment-Cells of the Choroid (L.H.). From the inner cho- roidal surface of an eye hardened in Miiller's fluid or spirit, scrape off a little of the black pigment layer and mount it in balsam. (a.) Observe the branched pigmcnted cells, filled with brown or black granules of melanin. The nucleus contains no pigment granules. If the granules be discharged from the cells and float in a watery fluid, they exhibit Brownian movement. The nucleus stains readily with hsematoxylin. 8. Ciliary Region, Ciliary Muscle, and Iris. Make a meri- dional section through the corneo-scleral junction of a hardened eye (Miiller's fluid), e.g., of an ox, cat, or rabbit, so as to include the ciliary muscle and the iris Stain the section in haematoxylin or eosin-hsematoxylin, and mount in balsam ; or it may be stained in picro-carmine and mounted in Farrant's solution. To preserve all the parts exactly in position cut it in celloidin, or stain in bulk and cut in paraffin. Fix the sections on a slide by a fixative. (a.) Observe the cornea passing into the sclerotic, and near it an opening, the canal of Schlemm (fig. 339). (b.) From the angle of the iris and cornea, running in a fan- shaped expansion, the radiating fibres of the ciliary muscle, con- sisting of non-striped muscle. The circular fibres cut transversely inside the radiating fibres are not so well marked as in the human eye. (c.) The membrane of Descemet splits up into fibres, some of which curve into the iris, others spread into the ciliary processes. This region constitutes the ligamentum pectinatum iridis. ((?.) The pigmented folds or ciliary processes. A layer of black pigment-cells continuous with those of the retina continued over these processes, and inside the pigment a clear unpigmented layer of columnar epithelium. (e.) The iris, composed of five layers from before backwards. (i.) A layer of emloilidiuin continuous with that covering the posterior surface of the cornea (fig. 339, r). (2.) The anterior boundary layer, chiefly consisting of branched connective tissue-cells. (3.) The vascular layer, or body of the iris, composed of a stroma of connective tissue with numerous sections of blood-vessels and branched pigment-cells, and at its deeper part transverse sections of the circular smooth muscular fibres, which constitute the circular muscle or sphincter ]>upilhB of this organ. It is doubtful if a dilator pupillae exists in man. (4.) The posterior liyaline layer, of an elastic nature. 3^4 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXXII. (5.) Two layers of pigment-cells the uvea the outlines of the cells difficult to define, and continuous with the epithelium of the pars ciliaris retinae. (6.) Blood- Vessels. A large number of blood-vessels and nerves pass into the iris, but their distribution must be studied by the methods already described for such purpose*. THE LENS. The lens is developed by the inflection of part of the epiblast, so that it consists of modified epiblastic epithelial cells invested by a transparent capsule. The capsule of the lens is a clear trans- parent elastic membrane, not unlike a basement membrane, but is less resistant to acids than the latter. Immediately on the inner surface of its anterior part is a layer of clear flattened epithelial cells hexagonal and nucleated the remains of the original cells. Tracing these cells towards the margin of the lens they become narrower and more cylindrical, until further on they gradually pass into lens fibres. Posteriorly there are no epithelial cells between the lens and its capsule, the lens fibres resting directly on the capsule itself. The lens fibres are modified epithelial cells, the fibre constituting the principal part of the cell. The cells are long, soft, hexagonal prisms united to each other by more or less toothed edges. The superficial fibres are longer and larger than the deeper ones, and contain, or have on their surface, nuclei lying on the part that corresponds to the equatorial (nuclear) zone of the fibre. No nucleus is visible in the central fibres. 9. Methods. Harden in its capsule, the lens of a cat or rabbit, in Miiller's fluid (2-3 weeks) ; do not place it in spirit, but cut it in a freezing microtome, or cut in cel- loidin. Paraffin is not suitable. Stain the sections in eosin and mount in Farrant's solution. Make meridional and equatorial sections. T.S. Lens (a.) (LH.). Observe the hyaline capsule if present and just under its front part a layer of epithelial cells, which, when traced outwards, are seen to rapidly elongate into lens-fibres (p. 364). Nuclei may be seen on some of the fibres. (I.) T.S. of the fibres are hexagonal (fig. 340, B). 10. Isolated Lens Fibres Methods. (a.) Place the lens of a frog or fish in a 10 per cent, solution of sulphocyanide of potas- FlG. 340. A. Fibres of the lens : B. T.S. of the same. XXX II.] THE EYE. 365 slum (2436 hours). Tease out a fragment of the softened lens in glycerine. (/>.) Or use dilute sulphuric acid (4-5 drops to 5 cc. of water for 24-36 hours). Wash in water to remove the acid. Stain in carmine or liseinatoxylin. (c.) Methyl-green feebly acid, does well for fresh-teased fibres, but the preparations do not keep. The nuclei on the fibres may be seen in this preparation. (H) (a.) Observe the flattened bands with serrated edges; the teeth dove-tail into each other. The teeth may be seen from the side or directed to the observer. RETINA. Methods. (i.) With a sharp razor cut the eye of a cat, rabbit, pig, or other animal into an anterior and posterior half. Place the posterior half in 2 per cent, potassic bichromate, or in a mixture of Miiller's fluid and spirit (two weeks), and complete the hardening in spirit. (ii.) Stain "in bulk" in. borax-carmine for several days the whole posterior segment of the hardened eyeball, then place it for a day in acid alcohol, and embed in paraffin and cut sections. Per- haps celloidin is to be preferred if the sclerotic be thick. Fix the sections on a slide and mount in balsam.* In this way the whole structure of the retina is preserved in its relations to other struc- tures. (iii.) The same process may bo adopted with the posterior seg- ment of the eyeball hardened in i per cent, osmic acid. (iv.) Harden the retina in a 3 per cent, solution of nitric acid (i 5-20 mins.). Wash out the acid, stain in bulk, and make sections. Stain with eosin and methylene-blue. (v.) For small eyes, such as those of a lizard, it is sufficient to expose the whole unopened eyeball to the vapour of osmic acid for several hours, and then to stain the eyeball in bulk in borax-carmine. Embed in paraffin and cut sections of the whole eyeball. Or, expose the eye of a frog or triton to osmic acid vapour (10 mins.). Place in 40 per cent, alcohol (4-6 hours) ; divide eyeball by incision parallel to edge of cornea ; bichromate of ammonia (3 per cent.) for 5-10 hours; wash in water; alcohol; borax-carmine; embed and cut in paraffin. (vi.) Make sections of an eyeball hardened in Muller's fluid and stain them in eosin-hsematoxylin. The latter stains the granular layers of the retina, while the other parts are rosy in tint. (vii.) Methylene-Blue Method. This is done cither by injecting methylene-blue (i in 300 normal saline) into the blood-vessels of an animal just killed, and waiting two or three hours thereafter, or by placing the fresh retina in the same fluid and observing with the 366 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [xxxii microscope the coloration of the nervous elements, especially the cells in the retina. Mount in picrate of ammonia and glycerine (p. 192). 11. V.S. Retina. (L) Beginning from within, i.e., next the vitreous, observe (fig. 341) (a.) The internal limiting membrane, and springing from it by wing-shaped expansions the fibres of Miiller, which run vertically outwards through the layers of the retina to the outer limiting membrane. (b.) The fibrous layer, composed of the non-medullated fibres of the optic nerve. The fibres are medullated in the optic nerve, but they lose their medulla as they enter the retina. The layer is thinner in the anterior part of the retina. Some of the nerve-fibres end in the ganglionic cells of the next layer, but others pass outwards to the inner molecular layer to end by terminal arborisations there (shown by Golgi's method). (v.) The ganglionic or nerve-cell layer, consisting of a single row of large multipolar nerve-cells, each cell with a large conspicuous nucleus. Each cell gi vos on? (i-) one thick process, which is and cones; le, li. Exter- may divide into several processes which ' pass towards and ramify by terminal pb Basal plexus ; cb. Bipolar arborisations in the layer external to this, cells; CM. Unipolar cells ; bi. ... . J . Internal basal cells ; pc. Cere- and (ll.) OI1C 11116 axis-Cylinder process towards the optic nerve -fibre layer, where it becomes continuous with a nerve-fibre. Between the nerve-cells, or in close relation to them, sections of the ami'granular layers; C. Cellular larger blood-vessels. layer; ^.Fibrous layer. (d.)The internal molecular layer appears to consist of fine fibrils or granules. It is not unlike the grey matrix of the cerebrum, and is traversed by the fibres of Miiller and also by fibres of the optic nerve, and processes of the cells of the ganglionic and inner granular layers* (e.) The internal nuclear layer,- deeply stained, and consisting of several rows of large spherical oval nuclei. Some of the granules, however, by other methods can be shown FIG. bral plexus ; nerve-cells ; fo. Fibres of optic nerve. On.the left the initials of the usual names for these layers ; R C. Rods and cones ; EN., EG., and IN., IG. Ex- ternal and internal nuclear XXXII.] THE EYE. 367 to be bipolar cells with large nuclei. The processes extend into the inner molecular layer and end in arborisation, and by Golgi's method the opposite processes have been traced outwards as far as the external limiting layer. Other branched cells supposed to resemble neuroglia cells lie amongst these cells. (/.) The outer molecular layer is thin, and is composed of the terminal arborisations' of processes from the rods and cones and inner granular layer. (g.) The external nuclear layer consists of many more rows of nuclei than in (*). They are the nuclei of the rod and cone fibres. (/>.) The external limiting membrane, cut across, and therefore appearing as a thin clean-cut line. (/.) The layer of rods and cones. The rods are more numerous than the cones, and the latter are shorter than the former. Each rod and cone consists of an outer and an inner segment. (/) A layer of hexagonal pigment-cells, somewhat flattened, which sends pigmented processes or filaments between the rods and cones. The length and condition of these processes depends upon the influences to which the eye has been exposed before death (P- 37)- The pigment granules, some of which are crystalline, exist chiefly in the inner part of the cells, and may extend into the cell processes which pass between the rods and cones. (H) Study the successive layers. Although the layer of rods and cones and external nuclear layer have been described as separate layers, in reality they should be studied together. Each rod is continued inwards by a tapering fibre the rod-fibre ; in the course of the latter is an oval nucleus, the fibre itself ending in an arborisation in the outer molecular layer. Each cone is similarly prolonged into a cone-fibre thicker than the rod-fibre which also has an enlargement in it containing a nucleus. The cone-fibre ends like the rod-fibre in the outer molecular layer. These two kinds of nuclei intercalated in the course of the rod and cone fibres make up the external nuclear layer, which as the rods and cones are merely modified epithelial cells must be regarded as epithelial in their origin. In a freshly -teased retina the nuclei of the rod-fibres are marked by alternate transverse light and dim stripes. Each rod arid cone consists of two segments. The outer segment of the rods is clear hyaline and transparent, and striated trans- versely, and readily breaks up into transverse discs. During life the external segments of the rods contain the visual purple. The inner segment is wider, granular and striated longitudinally. The cones also consist of a shorter tapering outer segment transversely striated, and an inner bulging larger, longitudinally striated, segment which is continued through the external limiting membrane into the cone-fibre. 3^8 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. f XXXII. The outer segments are stained black by osmic acid, and the inner segments red by carmine. Study successively the other layers to make out some of the details already described on p. 366. 12. Ketina of Frog. (i.) Place the posterior segment of the eyeball, with its vitreous humour removed, in i per cent, osmic acid (24 hours) ; wash well, and tease a fragment of the now blackened retina in glycerine. Observe (a.) The rods, each with an outer and inner segment; the outer segment, however, is blackened by the osmic acid, and usually shows a tendency to split transversely. (b.) In the cones there is a small refractive oil globule between the outer and inner segments. It first becomes brown, and then black, in osmic acid. In some animals, e.g., some birds and reptiles, the oil globule is pigmented, the pigment being held in solution by the fat of the globule. (c.) Numerous pigment cells, each consisting of a rather thick body, part of which contains the nucleus and is non-pigmented, while the other half is pigmented, and sends numerous fine pro- cesses between the outer segments of the rods. (d.) Other parts of the retina are also isolated, e.g., the nuclei of the nuclear layer and the limiting membranes. (ii.) Fix the whole eyeball in osmic acid, and make V.S. of all the coats after embedding in paraffin or celloidin. 13. Cones. To see large cones, place the fresh eye of a cod in 2 per cent, potassic bichromate (2-3 days) or osmic acid (24 hours), or isolate them by dilute alcohol. 14. T.S. Optic Nerve (L and H). Place the optic nerve in 2 per cent, ammonium bichromate (2-3 weeks) or in Flemming's mixture (10-20 hours). Make T.S. Stain in hsematoxylin, picro-carmine, or safranin, or by Weigert's method. Mount in balsam. Double- stain some in picro-carmine and haematoxylin. (a.) Observe the sheaths, thick and well-marked, sending septa into the nerve, and thus breaking it up into small bundles of nerve- fibres, each surrounded by a fibrous sheath. In the larger septa are blood-vessels. The anastomosing septa form a kind of alveolar system, so that a section of this nerve is readily distinguished. (b.) The nerve-fibres are all medullated, but they possess certain peculiarities. They are without sheath of Schwann, and the fibrous tissue runs parallel with the nerve-fibres. (c.) As to the sheaths, one is continuous with the dura mater; under it is a space, the subdural space ; inside is a prolongation of the arachnoid with subarachnoid space, and a thin continuation of the pia mater. If desired, make L.S. This enables one to note the structure of XXXIT.] THE EYE. 369 the nerve-fibres and the arrangement of the connective tissue. An interstitial injection of osmic acid is a good method for isolating the structural elements. 15. Blood- Vessels of Eyeball. It is not difficult to inject from the aorta with a carmine-gelatine mass the blood-vessels of the eye- ball of an animal. Select an albino rabbit. Sections are mounted in balsam. One-half of the injected eyeball of an albino rat mounted in balsam shows the connections, distribution, and arrangement of the blood-vessels. 16. The eyelids. Harden the eyelids of an infant in corrosive sublimate or .25 per cent, chromic acid (3 or 4 days) and then in alcohol, or in alcohol alone. Make sections, vertical to its surface and transverse to its long axis, which must be rather thick, and mounted in balsam to show the general arrangement of the parts. Finer sections are stained in haematoxylin or picro-carmine. Be- sides the sections of hair-follicles, connective tissue, and orbicularis muscle, note the Meibomian glands. ADDITIONAL EXERCISES. 17. Fibrils of Cornea. (a.) Macerate the cornea in lime-water, baryta- water, or dilute potassic permanganate, (b.) A better method is to dry the cornea, make T.S., allow them to swell up in water, and stain with picro- carmine. 18. Epithelium of Lens. Use a small lens (frog or rat), ami place it for a few minutes in AgN0 3 (i : 300). Expose to light in glycerine, and examine. Note on the anterior surface (.) silver lines bounding polygonal areas cor- responding to the inter-epithelial cement. (J.) Black granular converging lines corresponding to the cement between the crystalline fibres (best seen on posterior surface). 19. Other Methods for the Retina. By the usual methods of hardening the retina, it is impossible to make out the connections between its several elements. The two methods which have quite recently yielded the best results apart from the direct use of osmic acid are the methods of Golgi and Ehrlich's- mel.hylene-blue method. (a.) Golgi's Methods. Ramon y Cayal has made a large number of prepara- tions both by the silver method (p. 344) and the rapid osmico-bichromat", method (p. 345), especially on the retina of birds. In this way he lias shown that the protoplasmic processes of the nerve-cells of the ganglioiiic layer ramify in the inner molecular layer, and end in terminal arborisations in several planes in this layer. Several varieties of nerve-cells with extensive terminal arborisations in the other layers of the retina are also described by him. The following medium method gives good results : (1.) Place the retina and sclerotic in weak osmico-biahromate fluid (osmic acid, i per cent.), 2 cc., bichromate of potash (3 per cent.), 20 cc., for 24 hours. (2.) Transfer to i per cent, silver nitrate (24 hours). (3.) Auain for 24 hours, as in (i). (4.) Again for 24 hours in silver. 33 2 A 3/0 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXXII. (b.) Methylene-Blue Method. Dogiel 1 by means of this method finds that in man there are more nervous elements present than one has been in the habit of supposing. He arranges the nervous elements (in three layers) and other layers as follows : Membrana limitans Pigment epithelium (I). externa. > Neuro-epithelial layer (II). External reticular) g! 1 ij 6 ? 1 ie ^ cells ("fe^ > ^" ^ u ^ er ganglionio Bipolar nerve-cells (c). Inner reticular layer. . Layer of spon gio- Middle ganglionic layer. blasts of W. Miiller. Inner ganglionic layer. C. Layer of nerve-fibres. D. Membrana limitans intern a. > The neuro-epithelial layer embraces the layer of rods and cones and subjacent external nuclear layer. What he calls the outer ganglionic layer corresponds to the inner nuclear layer, and contains three varieties of nerve-cells. The middle ganglionic layer corresponds to a layer of cells of which there are several varieties lying on the confines between the internal granular (reticular) layer and the internal nuclear layer. These cells were called spongioblasts by W. Miiller, but according to Dogiel, they are nerve-cells. The inner ganglionic layer corresponds to the cellular layer. 20. Epithelium of the Eetina. Harden the eye of a frog in picro-sulphuric acid (24 hours), stain in bulk in borax -carmine, and make vertical sections after embedding in paraffin. 21. Isolated Elements of the Eetina. (a. ) Macerate the retina in Schieffer- decker's fluid as described for the isolation of the cells of the cord ( Lesson XXX. ), using the sulphuric acid method to remove the water. (b.) For M tiller's fibres 10 per cent, chloral hydrate is good. 22. Retina of Frog in Light and Darkness. (a.) Keep one frog in abso- lute darkness for thirty-six hours. Kill it in the dark, and harden the eye in alcohol, (b.) Place another frog in direct sunlight for a few hours ; kill it, and harden the retina in alcohol. Sections are made and stained with picro- carmine. The pigment-cells covering the rods of the retina in (a) jire retracted, while those in (b) are pushed out between the segments of the rods. 23. V.S. Macula Lutea. Secure a human eye as fresh as possible. Harden it, and make sections through the macula lutea, and observe the peculiarities of its structure. There are no rods in the fovea centralis, while the cones are long and narrow. The other layers are reduced to a minimum at the fovea centralis, but at the margins of the fovea they are thicker. There are a large number of ganglionic bipolar cells. 24. V.S. Entrance of Optic Nerve. Make from an eyeball stained in bulk in borax-carmine a section longitudinally through the optic nerve to include its entrance into the eyeball. Observe the lamina cribrosa, i.e., the felt- work of fibrous tissue of the sclerotic, perforated by the fibres of the optic nerve. 25. Eye of Triton Cristatus. Excise one eyeball, pin it to the under surface of a cork, and fix the cork in a glass thimble containing a little osmic acid. In ten minutes or so the retina is "fixed," owing to the tenuity of the sclerotic. Divide the eyeball into two by a cut at the equator, place the posterior half in dilute alcohol (6 to 10 hours), and then in picro-carmine for 1 Archivf. inik. Anat., xxxviii. p. 317, 1891. XXXIII.] EAR NOSE. 3/1 the same period. Fix it finally in osmic acid, embed and cut it in soft paraffin. The retina of this animal is particularly serviceable, because its structural elements are so large. 26. Lachrymal gland is treated precisely in the same way as the serous salivary glands (Lesson XXIII. ). LESSON XXXIIL EAR NOSE. EAR. 1. Membrana Tympani (H). Fix it in osmic acid and mount in Farrant's solution. Observe the radiate yellow-looking fibres, and also fibres disposed circularly, the latter best developed near the periphery of the membrane. The thin epithelial coverings on the two surfaces of the membrane can be seen, and so can a few fine blood-vessels. 2. Ceruminous Glands of the Meatus. Harden in absolute alcohol a portion of skin from the external auditory meatus, pre- ferably from a new-born infant. Make rather thick sections, stain in haematoxylin and mount in balsam. Observe the Ceruminous glands, which in some respects are like the sweat-glands. They have a narrow duct and a coil, the latter lined by a single layer of cubical cells, and the former by several layers of cells, as in a sweat- gland. In the secretory part smooth muscular fibres lie between the epithelium and the basement membrane. The lumen of the secretory part is very wide, and the lining cells have a clear cuti- cular disc, and contain a yellowish pigment and fatty granules. THE COCHLEA. Methods. (i.) In a freshly-killed rabbit or guinea-pig, inject, by means of a hypodermic syringe, osmic acid (i p. c.) through the membrana tympani into the middle ear. Cut away the lower jaw, so as to expose the large spherical osseous bulla. Open the bulla, cut away its walls, and expose the middle ear. On the inner wall of the latter are seen the turns of the cochlea. Cut away the surrounding parts from the osseous cochlea, and place the latter in Miiller's fluid (a week), after opening one of the turns, to allow the hardening fluid to penetrate. It is better to do this under fluid, to prevent air entering, as the perilymph escapes. Decalcify in chromic 372 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXXIII. and nitric acid fluid, and harden in the dark in alcohol. Stain the softened cochlea in bulk in borax-carmine. Embed in paraffin, and cut sections from base to apex of the coiled tube. Fix on a slide, and mount in balsam. Use the other decalcified cochlea, stained as above, and cut it in celloidin. (ii.) The following is a better method (Ranvier), and preserves the finer structures in situ. Open the bulla of a guinea-pig, and cut out the inner ear. Make an opening or two in the turns of the cochlear tube, and place it in 1-2 cc. of i per cent, gold chloride. Add to the gold solution from time to time a few cc. of the follow- ing mixture : i per cent, gold chloride and a fourth part of formic acid, boil, and allow the mixture to cool. Leave the cochlea in the gold (20-30 minutes), remove it, wash, and expose it to light in FIG. 342. V.S. Cochlea of Guinea-Pig. V. Scala vestibuli ; T. Scala tympani ; VT. There the two communicate ; C. Cochlear canal or scala media ; R. Reissner's membrane ; t. Membrana tectoria. water slightly acidulated with acetic acid (1-2 drops to 20 cc. water). After 2-3 days harden it in alcohol and decalcify it in picric acid. Embed in gum and harden in alcohol, or embed it in celloidin and make sections parallel to the axis of the cochlea. (iii.) After removing the inner CT, open its osseous canal under osmic acid .2 per cent, and leave it in this fluid for 10-12 hours. Wash in water and decalcify in chromic acid, 2 per 1000. (iv.) After treating the cochlea with osmic acid and hardening it in alcohol, the following decalcifying fluid may be used : i cc. of a i per cent, solution of chloride of palladium, 16 cc. of hydrochloric acid, and 1000 cc. of water. 3. V.S. Cochlea, parallel to its axis. (a.) (L) The turns of the cochlear tube cut across (fig. 342), each tube divided by a transverse partition the lamina spiralis into XXXIII.] THE COCHLEA. 373 an upper scala vestibuli and a lower compartment scala tym- pani ; the central column or modiolus ; the last is osseous and contains channels for nerves and vessels. The lamina spiralis is partly osseous, viz., that part next the modiolus, and partly mem- branous, viz., that part next the wall of the cochlea; the latter part is the membrana basilaris. The osseous portion terminates in a crest the crista spiralis and its free end is scooped out into a groove sulcus spiralis. (!>.) From the upper surface of the lamina spiralis ossea there runs to the wall of the cochlea a thin membrane membrane oi FIG. 343. Scheme of the Canalis Cochlearis and the Organ of Corti. N. Cochlear nerve ; t. Inner row, and p. Outer rows of hair-cells; n. Nerve-fibrils terminating in p\ a. Supporting cells for p\ d Cells in the sulcus spiralis ; G aud //. Epithelial cells ; o. Membrana reticularis ; z. Inner, and y. Outer Rod of Corti. Reissner which completely shuts off a small three-sided cavity from the scala vestibuli. This is the ductus cochlearis, canalis cochlearis, or scala media. It is bounded by the wall of the cochlea, the membrane of Reissner and its base is formed by the outer part of the osseous and the whole of the membranous spiral lamina. The latter is called the basilar membrane. This cavity contains a fluid, the endolymph, and into it pass the cochlear branches of the auditory nerve to end in a complex structure organ of Corti which rests on the basilar membrane. (c.) Note in the scala media a membrane membrana tectoria 374 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXXIII. which arises from the lamina spiralis ossea, and spreads over so as partially to cover the organ of Corti. The organ of Corti con- sists of two rows of pillars inner and outer the rods of Corti which meet above, forming arches, and leave a three-sided tunnel between them. Internal and external to these are rows of cells, some of them provided with fine bristles hair-cells constituting the cells of Corti and Deiters. Some of these cells are the actual terminal end-organs of the cochlear nerve, and others are susten- tacular in function. The scala vestibuli and scala tympani com- municate at the apex of the cochlea, as shown in fig. 342, V.T. (H) Observe the rods of Corti, the inner more numerous than the outer, and how the head of the one lies over the head of the other. The rods vary in length and span, in different parts of the cochlea.- Internal to the inner rods is a single row of hair- cells, and external to the outer rods are several rows of hair-cells. Between the latter are supporting cells, and beyond them are columnar epithelial cells (fig. 343). The rods and hair-cells are covered by a special membrane, seen in section, which is perforated by the upper ends of the hair-cells membrana reticularis the basilar membrane terminating towards the wall of the cochlea in a fibrous expansion, the spiral ligament. The student must give considerable time and attention to the subject if he wishes to get preparations showing the structure of all the parts. It is difficult to keep the parts from falling asunder, and if the ear be not properly decalcified, bubbles of gas are discharged within the cochlea, which rupture the finer parts ; hence arises the necessity for opening the cochlea and fixing the parts with a " fix- ing" medium previous to decalcifying it. 4. Semicircular Canals. Fix the membranous semicircular canals, and their ampullae, of a skate in Flemming's or Fol's fluid. Harden in alcohol. In the ampullae are the terminations of the audi- tory nerve in the crista acustica. Make T.S. of the canals and V.S. of the crista acustica ; in the latter case take care to include the entrance of the nerve- fibres. The preparation of suitable specimens to stain the termination of the nerves in the crista acustica presents very considerable difficulties. The student may have to repeat the process several times if he wishes to get typical specimens. THE NOSE. 5. Olfactory Mucous Membrane. Divide longitudinally the head of a freshly-killed rabbit. Place small pieces of the olfactory mucous membrane readily recognised by its brownish colour in dilute alcohol (2 hours), and then in i per cent, osniic acid XXXIIL] THE NOSE. 375 (24 hours). Harden in alcohol, make V.S., stain with haematoxylin, and mount in balsam. (a.) (L) Observe on the surface the row of columnar epithelial cells with oval nuclei, and under these numerous rows of cells with spherical nuclei. At the base of the latter a row of more granular- looking basal cells (fig. 344). The basis of the mucous membrane composed of connective tissue with sections of numerous glands Bowman's Glands. Sections of blood-vessels and branches of the non-medullated olfactory nerve may also be seen. 6. Isolated Olfactory Cells. Place small pieces of the olfactory FIG. 344. V.S. Olfactory Region (Rabbit), s. Disc on cells ; zo and zr. Zones of oval and round nuclei ; b. Basal cells ; dr. Part of Bowman's glands ; n. Branch of olfactory nerve. .FIG. 345. Olfactory Cells. N. Ilumau; n. Frog ; E. Sup porting cell. mucous- membrane in dilute alcohol (24 hours). Fix the membrane in i per cent, osmic acid (5 minutes). Stain the pieces in bulk in picro-carmine (24 hours). Scrape off a little of the stained and softened epithelial covering and mount it in glycerine. (H) (a.) Observe the olfactory cells as very narrow, cylindrical, elongated cells with a large spherical nucleus, much broader than the body of the cell. The free surface carries fine cilia, but they are apt to be displaced in the process of teasing the tissue (fig. 345). (/>.) Supporting cells, not unlike columnar epithelium, but they have a large oval nucleus (fig. 345, E). They have a long central 376 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXXIII. process. The free surface of the cell is covered by a clear hem, but its exact constitution and significance are unknown. (c.) There may also be found large granular polygonal cells derived from Bowman's glands their acini and ducts. ADDITIONAL EXERCISES. Olfactory Bulb. 1. This is a very complicated structure, and has been investigated recently by Golgi and K. y Cayal. The bulb of a new-born animal is hardened by Golgi's rapid method and sections made. It contains a layer of white ncrve- fibres, and under this large nerve-cells mitral cells and one remarkable arrangement known as olfactory glomeruli, which are nests of fibrils, formed partly by the terminal arborisations of the processes of mitral cells and by non- medullated nerve-fibres of the olfactory nerve, which are passing onwards to terminate in tlie olfactory epithelium. 2. Olfactory Eegion by Golgi's Method. The mucous membrane of the ol factory region is placed for 7 days in Golgi's osmico-bichromate fluid, then in silver nitrate, and hardened in alcohol. One often fails, but if a successful preparation be obtained the ends of the olfactory nerve are seen passing into the olfactory cells. 3. T.S. Nose. Harden the whole nose of a mouse in Miiller's fluid, stain in bulk in borax-carmine, and make T.S. across the whole organ to show its walls, septum, turbinated bones, respiratory and olfactory regions. In such animals as possess a well-developed organ of Jacobson study it. In it also, if a young animal, will be found beautiful sections of developing tooth. LESSON XXXIV. TERMINATION OF NERVES IN SKIN AND SOME MUCOUS MEMBRANES. Sensory nerve-fibres terminate in the skin and mucous mem- branes in three ways : (I.) Free nerve-endings, i.e., by intra-epidermic fibrils. (II.) In special terminal corpuscles. (III.) In neuro-epithelial cells, i.e., specially modified epithe- lial cells, as the rods arid cones of the retina, the auditory hairs in the ear, the inner cells of taste-buds and olfactory cells. I; Free nerve-endings occur especially in stratified epithelium, e.g., in the skin, mouth, and cornea (Lesson XXXII.). The norve- fibres lose their myelin and primitive sheath, and the axis-cylinder XXXIV.] NERVES OF SKIN. 377 splits up into fine fibrils, which penetrate into the epithelial layer and run between the epithelial cells, and sometimes anastomose with each other, to end in free points which do not form connec- tions with any structure in the epidermis. In the skin these fibrils are confined to the rete Malpighii, and do not reach the stratum granulosum. I. V.S. Skin (gold). Use boiled gold chloride and formic acid (p. 372). Take very small pieces (2 mm. cubes) of the palmar skin of the fingers or toes, preferably from a new-born child or a young infant; cut away all the adipose tissue, and place the pieces in the gold mixture for at least one hour. Then place the tissue in slightly acidulated water, and expose to sunlight until the gold is reduced. Harden in alcohol, and mount the sections in formic glycerine. (H) Observe the blackened fine nerve-fibrils. Some of them beaded, running between the epithelial cells (fig. 336). II. Terminal Corpuscles. They are very varied in their form, and include the following : A. Simple tactile cells. B. Compound tactile cells. C. End-bulbs with many modifications. D. Touch-corpuscles. A. Simple Tactile Cells V.S. Skin (gold) (H). Treat very small pieces of the human skin (volar surface of finger or toe) or the snout of a pig by the boiled gold formic acid method. (a.) Observe a nerve-fibre ((ig. 346, n) passing towards and entering the epidermis, where it is non-medullated and splits into fibrils, which ter- minate in oval, nucleated, tactile discs or menisci (m), each of which lies under a tactile cell (a). The cells are 6-12 /x in length, and lie in the deeper FIG. ^.-Tactile Cells Snout of Pig . Xcrve- . , . fibre ; a. Tactile cell ; m. Tactile disc. part of the epidermis. B. Compound Tactile Cells, called also Grandry's and Merkcl's Corpuscles, consist of two or more cells (15 p. x 50 //.) piled one on the other ; between each two cells is a disc or plate tactile disc which is connected with the axis-cylinder of a nerve. The cells have a large pale nucleus, and the whole is surrounded by a fibrous capsule. The nerve loses its myelin after it passes into the organ, 378 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXXIV. FIG. 347. Tactile Corpuscles, Bill of Duck, A. With three, and B. With two tactile cells. The axis-cylinder terminates in the tactile disc (black). and its sheath becomes continuous with the fibrous cupsule. So far these structures have been found only in the bill and tongue of birds, e.g., duck. They lie in the corium, close under the epi- dermis (fig. 347). 3. T.S. Tongue or Bill of Duck (G-randry's Corpuscles) (L and H). Harden in i per cent, osmic acid small pieces of the marginal part of the tongue or the sieve-like structure on the edges of the mandibles of a duck. Treat other small pieces by the boiled gold chloride method. (a.) Observe the tactile cells and discs as in fig. 347. C. End-bulbs are small, oval, or cylindrical bodies of various shapes. A nerve-fibre enters one pole, and as it does so it loses its myelin and terminates in a softer granular inner core. The bulb- which may be cylindrical in shape consists of a tough fibrous cap- sule continuous with the sheath of eg, the nerve ; and a softer inner core in which the axis-cylinder ter- minates. Such bodies are found in the connective tissue of the mucous membrane of the mouth and conjunctiva. It is not difficult to isolate them from the conjunc- tiva of a calf (fig. 348). They lie in the sub - epithelial connective tissue. Certain special forms of them occur in the genital organs, e.g., clitoris, and in connection with joints. A special form is known as Pacinian corpuscles. 4. Pacinian Corpuscles (Cat). These are elliptical transparent bodies (2-3 mm. long and i mm. thick), readily found in the meso-colon and mesentery of a cat. They consist of many concentric fibrous laminae, arranged like the coats of an onion, surrounding a central core, which is continuous with the axis-cylinder of a nerve. The lamella are lined on both surfaces by endothelium, which can be stained with silver nitrate (fig. 350). The capsules are closer together near the centre than they are at the periphery. Examine one fresh in normal saline, and "fix" another with osmic ocid and mount it in Farrant's FIG. 348. End-Bulb from Human Con- junctiva, a. Nucleated capsule ; l>. Core; c and d. Nerve terminating ind. XXXIV.] NERVES OF SKIN. 379 solution. A medullated nerve-fibre surrounded by perineurium passes to each corpuscle. The lamellae of the perineurium become FIG. 349. Pacini's Corpuscle, from Mesen- tery of Cat. c. Capsules ; d. Endothe- lial lining separating the latter; n. Nerve ; /. Funicular sheath of nerve ; m. Central mass ; n'. Terminal fibre ; and a. Where it splits up into finer fibrils. Examined in fresh normal saline. FIG. 350. Endothelium of Lamellae of a Pacinian Corpuscle. Silver nitrate. continuous with the lamellae of the corpuscle, and the nerve still provided with its my el in and sur- rounded by its endoneurium pierces the lamellae and reaches the central part of the corpuscle. The endoneurium seems to form a soft core round the axis- cylinder, which usually splits up at the further end into a tuft of fibrils (fig. 349)- 5. T.S. Pacinian Corpuscles. They lie in the subcutaneous tissue. In a V.S. of foetal skin from the palmar surface of a digit (Lesson XXIX. 5) it FIG. 35 i.T.s. Pacinian Corpuscle, . i , i IT . i T 1 Foutal Skin. is easy to find these bodies cut obliquely or transversely. Fig. 351 shows their appearance when cut trans- versely. Harden the skin in alcohol or osmic acid. Stain in picro- carmino or hsematoxylin. 6. Herbst's Corpuscles (H) are modified Pacinian corpuscles, occurring in the mucous membrane of the tongue of the duck. They lie in the corium, just under the epidermis. Harden the tongue or bill as for tactile corpuscles (p. 378), or use absolute alcohol, and stain the tissue in bulk with borax-carmine. Mount in balsam. 380 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXXIV. (a.) FIG. 352 H Observe the same general arrangement as in Pacinian cor- puscles. These bodies, however, are more elongated, and the axis-cylinder in the centre is bordered by a row of nuclei. D. Touch-Corpuscles of Wagner or Meissner. These are elliptical bodies (40-1 50 fji long and 30-60 p. broad), which occur in the papillae of the skin, especially in the volar side of the fingers and toes. A nerve-fibre passes to each corpuscle, which has a fibrous sheath. Owing to the way in which the divisions of the nerve twist round the corpuscle, they have an irregular transversely striated appearance. The nerve-fibre enters the corpuscle, and its branches take a coiled course round the j corpuscle. 7. V.S. Skin (Touch-Corpuscles). (i.) Make vertical sections of skin (palmar 1 surface of digit), harden in alcohol, stain them in haematoxylin or safranin, and mount in balsam (fig. 352). (ii.) Treat skin by the boiled gold chloride method to see the terminal branches and distribution of the nerve T In some situations tlie corpuscles are compound. The following Table shows the modes of termination of nerve-fibres in sensory surfaces : V.S. Skin, Palm of .,, . ,, , tc . x 6. Papilla of cutis ; within the corpuscle (fig. 353). and S touch-corpuscle ; g. Cells of I. II. III. IV. Free nerve-end- Simple tictile- Cylindrical end-bulbs Neuro - epithe- ings (cornea, cells (human (conjunctiva). lium (retina, skin). skin). Herbst's corpuscles internal ear, Compound tac- (tongue of duck). olfactory re- ti 1 e-c ells Pacinian or Vater's gion of nose, (birds, e.g., corpuscles(deep pail and organ of duck's bill of skin, mesentery taste). and tongue . of cat, and near joints). Genital corpuscles (clitoris). Wagner's touch -cor- puscles (papillae of skin). XXXIV.] NE11VES OF SKIN. 3 8l ADDITIONAL EXERCISES. 8. Tactile Hairs and Nerves to Hair- Follicles. These are to b studied by the boiled gold chloride method. 1 FIG. 353. Wagner's Touch-Corpuscle, Skin of Hand. n. Nerve ; a. Ter- minations of n. Gold chloride. FIG. 354. Organ of Eimer, Nose of Mole. n. Nerve ; e. Epi- thelium. Gold chloride. 9. Organ of Eimer. Prepare the nose of the mole by the gold chloride method. In sections study the termination of the nerve-fibrils in the structure known as the organ of Eimer (fig. 354). LESSON XXXV. THE TESTIS. THE framework of the testis (fig. 355) consists of a strong, tough, fibrous capsule the tunica albuginea which is covered externally by endothelium reflected from the serous membrane the tunica vaginalis. At the back part of the organ, the tunica albuginea is prolonged for some distance (8 mm.) into the gland to form the corpus Highmori or mediastinum testis. From the under surface of the tunica albuginea septa or trabeculse pass towards the corpus Highmori, and thus subdivide the gland into compartments or lobules (about 120 in number), with their bases directed outwards and 1 Hoggan, Jour, of Anat. and Phys., 1892. 382 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXXV. Septa. Tunica albuginea. Cavity of tunica vaginalis. Outer layer of tunica vaginalis. Vas deferens cut. Spermatic vein. FIG. 355. T.S. of Testis. their apices towards the corpus Highmori. The tunica albuginea consists of dense fibrous tissue, but it is of looser texture internally, where it has numerous vessels and lymphatics. This inner layer is sometimes called the tunica vasculosa, and is continuous with the septa. Each lobule contains 2-8 seminal tubules. These convoluted tubules (800) begin by a blind extremity, and are of considerable length (30-50 cm.) and of nearly uniform diameter (.3 mm. or 140 JJL). The tubules of any one compartment unite at acute angles to form a small Arteries. Corpus Epididy- Highmori mis. number ot much narrower straight tubules (20-25 //,) tubuli recti which pass into the mediastinum and there form a network of inter-communicating tubules of irregular diameter (24-180 //,) rete testis (fig. 356). From this proceed 1215 wider ducts vasa efferentia which are straight at first, but some become convoluted and form a series of conical eminences coni vasculosi which together form the head of the epididy- mis. The epididymis, consist- ing of a single convoluted tube (600 cm., or 20 feet long), is continued into a thick-walled muscular tube vas deferens (60 cm., or 2 feet long) which conducts the secretion to the urethra, and is, in fact, the excretory duct of the testis. The seminiferous tubules consist of a thick membrane composed of flattened nucleated cells, arranged like membranes and lined internally by a base- ment membrane. The latter is lined by several rows of cubical cells, which differ much in appearance, according to the functional activity of the organ. In the resting condition, End of con- voluted tube. Rete Testis. FIG. 356. Convoluted and Straight Tube of Testis. XXXV.] THE TESTIS. 383 the tubes are lined by several layers of more or less cubical cells, whose nuclei stain more or less deeply with staining reagents. In an active gland in some tubules some of the clear cubical cells of the outer row of cells lining epithelium contain nuclei under- going mitotic division. The rows of cubical cells internal to these have a radiate arrangement, and are separated into groups by larger structures, sometimes called spermatoblasts, and by other observers sustentacular cells, which grow up between the smaller cells, and at their upper ends are connected with the spermatozoa. Inside the layer of lining epithelial cells are several rows of larger cells spermatogenic cells with nuclei showing different stages of mitosis. Next the lumen, which is always well defined, in some of the tubules are spermatozoa in different stages of development. In others, however, not so far advanced, the inner row of cells consists of small protoplasmic cells the true spermatoblasts as from these cells the spermatozoa are developed. The developing spermatozoa rest by means of their heads on the sustentacular cells. The sper- matozoa are arranged in tufts or groups, with their tails towards the lumen. The spermatozoa gradually develop from the true spermatoblasts and pass towards the lumen, and as they are set free new spermatoblasts are formed by the mitotic division of the spermatogenic cells. The straight tubules are lined by a single layer of flattened epithelium ; the rete testis has no basement membrane, but it also is lined by a single layer of flattened epithelium. The vasa efferentia and the tube of the epididymis have smooth muscular fibres in their walls, and are lined by columnar ciliated epithelium, the cilia being very long. The interstitial tissue of the testis between the tubules is very loose in texture and laminated, and has numerous lymphatic slits. In some animals (rat, boar) are numerous polyhedral, nucleated, sometimes pigmented, cells, the remains of the cells of the Wolman bodies. The vas deferens consists of a fibrous coat investing an outer thick layer of smooth muscle arranged longitudinally ; inside this is a thick layer of smooth muscle arranged circularly ; inside this again is a submucous coat of connective tissue. In some parts of the tube there is a layer of smooth muscle arranged longitudinally just internal to the circular coat. Then follows the mucosa lined by columnar non-ciliated epithelium. Methods. (i.) Harden the fresh testis in M tiller's fluid (2 weeks). If it be large, cut it into small pieces. The capsule exerts considerable pressure on the gland substance, so that when the testis is cut into, the latter projects somewhat. Complete the hardening in alcohol. Corrosive sublimate is a good hardening reagent. Stain 384 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXXV. sections in hsematoxylin or picro-carmine, and mount in balsam. The hardened testis of a small animal, e.g., rat, should also be st'ained in bulk in borax-carmine or Kleinenberg's logwood, and cut in paraffin, so as to include the body of the testis and the epididymis. Mount in balsam. (ii.) Harden very small pieces of the testis of a freshly-killed rat or mouse in Flemming's mixture and stain the sections in safranin. A very small testis is taken, as Flemming's fluid only penetrates a few mm. into the tissue. This is for the study of spermatogenesis. (iii.) Harden the testis of a frog in absolute alcohol and stain it in bulk in Kleinenberg's logwood. (iv.) Harden the testis of the dogfish in Flemming's fluid and stain the sections in hsematoxylin or safranin. This, as shown by Swaen, is an excellent object for the study of spermatogenesis. (v.) Harden the testis of a mouse, salamander, or frog in the following fluid 1 in which platinic chloride is substituted for the chromic acid in Flemming's chromo-aceto-osmic acid mixture : Hermann's Fluid, Platinic chloride (i per cent.) , 15 parts. Osmic acid (2 per cent. ) . . 4 ,, Glacial acetic acid I part. The above is used for the tissues of mammals ; but if a salamander testis is used, then take only 2 parts of the osmic acid. After 2-3 days the details of the cells are better brought out than with Flemming's solution. Complete the hardening in alcohol. Make sections in paraffin, fix them on a slide with albumin fixative, and stain for 24-48 hours in the following safranin fluid : Safranin I gram. Alcohol . . . 10 cc. Water . , , 90 ,, After staining, wash in water, acid-alcohol and alcohol, but do not remove all the surplus safranin. Then stain for 3-5 minutes in a gentian-violet solution. Decolorise the sections by means of Gram's method (p. 105), i.e., after washing in alcohol, place them for 13 hours in the following fluid Iodine I gram. Potassic iodide . . .2 grams. W uter .... 300 cc. until they are quite black, and then differentiate them in alcohol. Mount in balsam. 1. T.S. Testis (Rat}. (a.} Observe the thick, tough, fibrous tunica albuginea with sections of large blood-vessels and lymphatics 1 Archiv f. mik. Anat., xxxiv. p. 58. xxx v.j THE TESTIS. 385 in its deeper part. From its under surface septa pass into the gland at fairly regular intervals, thus dividing it into a series of compartments or lobules. At the upper and back part is the nitrous septum corpus Highmorianum or mediastinum testis. Many of the septa are connected with it. (k,) In the lobules lie twisted or convoluted tubules the semi- niferous tubules which converge towards the mediastinum arid form near it a number of straight tubes the tubuli recti which in their turn unite and form the rete testis in the mediastinum, and from this proceed the vasa efferentia, which run to join the canal of the epididymis (fig. 356). (c.) The tubules in a state of activity are distinguished from the resting ones by the intensely stained heads of the young spermatozoa. An active tubule is lined by several rows of poly- gonal cells, some of which are larger than the others. Embedded amongst the cells, near the lumen of the tube, are bunches or tufts of spermatozoa, best seen in longitudinal sections of the tubes. The heads are directed towards the wall, and the tails towards the lumen of the tube. (d.) In some animals the interstitial tissue between the tubules is chiefly formed by thin flattened membranes of connective tissue ; but in others, e.g., boar, the matrix consists of numerous pigmented, polygonal, very granular cells interstitial cells. 2. Spermatogenesis (Rat}. In order to see the structure of the seminiferous tubules to the best advantage, harden small pieces of the testis of a rat, or a guinea-pig, as directed under v. and ii. (p. 384). To keep the parts together, cut in paraffin. The best stain is safranin. Fix a thin T S. of a tubule under a high power. (a.) Observe the rather thick wall wembrana propria of the tubule, composed of flattened cells, perhaps of a connective tissue nature. This is lined by three or more layers of glandular cells, which vary in appearance according to their condition of physio- logical activity. In a state of rest each tube is lined by several layers of large polygonal cells placed one inside the other. (/>.) In an active gland, known by the evidences of division of cells and by the development of spermatozoa (fig. 357), there is an outer layer of cubical-looking cells, and internal to it several layers of round or ovoid cells, which are called spermatogenic cells. In the latter may be seen nuclei undergoing mitotic division. The lining epithelial cells seem to divide ; one part of each cell passes into the second layer of cells, and becomes a sperm atogen or sper- matogenic cell, while the remainder of the original cell enlarges and grows up as a sustentacular cell. The spermatogenic cells divide and redivide by mitosis, and yield the small daughter-cells or 34 2 B 386 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [xxxv. spennatoblasts of the innermost layer. The latter, arranged in groups, gradually elongate, and from them the groups of spermatozoa are formed. Each group rests on and is connected with a susten- tacular cell ; hence arose the old view that these sustentacular cells produced the spermatozoa, and for this reason they were formerly called spermatoblasts. The nucleus of a daughter-cell forms the head and body of the spermatozoon, while the tail is formed within the protoplasm, but it is connected with the nucleus, and in its development grows out and forms a cilium. 3. Isolated Cells from the Tubules. Macerate small frag- ments of the testis in dilute alcohol 10-12 hours. Tease a small fragment in glycerine. Observe the various forms of cells iso- lated. 4. Spermatozoa (H). Make a cut into the epididymis of a testis removed from a rabbit as soon as possible after death. A milky F IG - 357. Tubules of Testis of Rat, showing Spermatogenesis. A. Less advanced stage: B and C. More advanced stages. A and =T.S.; C=L.S. Memmiug's fluid and safranin, x 300. juice exudes. Place a little of this on a slide and dilute it with normal saline. (a.) The spermatozoa, each one with a head and a long vibratile tail or cilium. By the side-to-side movement of the tail the whole spermatozoon is moved onwards in a zigzag course. (b.) Add a drop of distilled water. The movements are arrested. The spermatozoa are slowly killed. They may be readily preserved by smearing a little of the milky juice from the epididymis upon a slide and allowing it to dry. It is then covered and sealed. 5. Spermatozoa of Newt and Frog (H). The testis of a newt is teased in a mixture of alcohol and glycerine. (H) Observe the pointed head, body, and long tail of each sper- matozoon. There is an intermediate part, which is best seen in a stained preparation. From it springs a filament which appears to be prolonged as a spiral filament around the cilium or tail. The XXXV.] THE TESTtS. 3*7 spiral filament is in reality the optical expression of a thin membrane attached in a spiral direction to the cilium. Mount the spermatozoa of a frog. The male frog is easily known by the wart on his thumb. Open the abdomen, and low down in the hollow on each side of the vertebral column is an oval, kidney- shaped, whitish body the testis. It is to be treated like the testis of other animals. At certain seasons of the year no spermatozoa are to be found. The cells are in a resting phase. 6. Human Spermatozoa. Mount in glycerine some spermatozoa obtained from a spermatocele (tig- 358). Observe the head (&), long tail (/), and middle piece (ra). 7. Cover-Glass Preparations (H). Compress a small piece of the testis of a newt or frog between two cover-glasses. Separate them, and allow the film on them to dry. Stain one in methylene-blue, and the other for twenty- four hours in Ehiiich-Biondi's fluid. Dry and mount in balsam. (a.) In the methylene-blue specimen only the heads of the spermatozoa are stained. In the other, the head of the spermatozoon is stained one colour, while the tail and the intermediary or Fl(i junction piece is of a different hue. 8. Testis of Salamander. Fix the testis (in September or October) in Hermann's fluid, and stain as directed Blood-vessel, at p. 384. The bundles of ripe spermatozoa are very marked. The body of each spermatozoon is red- dish, its head bluish-violet, the middle piece also of the same colour, while the tail is brownish - violet. In Hermann's paper figures will be found showing the remarkable stages of de- velopment of the bodies of the spermatozoon from the nucleus of the sperm a- tids. Numerous mitotic figures may be seen. 9. Epididymis (L and H). Prepare like the testis. T.S., stain in hajmatoxylin and mount in balsam. 33 8.-Spernia- to/oa. i 2. Human. T.S. Tubule. Ciliated ',! epithelium. FlQ 359- T.S. Tubules of Epididymis. Make 388 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [xxxvi. (a.) Observe numerous sections of the twisted tube of the epididymis (fig. 359); each tubule has a fibrous wall, and is lined by a single layer of tall, slender, columnar ciliated epithelial cells. Each cell is provided with a fringe of long cilia. The lumen is wide and distinct} and may contain a confused mass of spermatozoa. At the bases of the cells are sometimes seen small cells, and in pigmented animals pigment granules are not unfrequently seen in the connective-tissue stroma supporting the tubule. There is a fair amount of connective-tissue stroma between the tubules, and in it are blood-vessels, lymphatics, and nerves. 10. T.S. Vas Deferens. Harden it like the epididymis, make T.S., stain, and observe the arrangement of its parts as described at p. 383. LESSON XXXYI. THE OVARY FALLOPIAN TUBE UTERUS. THE OVARY. THE ovary consists of a stroma, covered on the surface with a single layer of short columnar or germinal epithelium. Embedded in the stroma are numerous Graafian follicles in all stages of ripe- ness. Each Graafian follicle contains one ovum. The unripe follicles, with primitive ova, form a superficial layer close under the surface, while the more mature ova and follicles lie deeper. The coverings of the follicle and the structure of a ripe ovum are given at p. 389. Methods. Select the ovaries of small animals, e.g.) mouse, rat, as they can be better "fixed" than large ones. (i.) Harden the ovary of small animals in toto in Mtiller's fluid (2 weeks), and then in alcohol. Make two or three transverse cuts in the human ovary before hardening it in the same fluid. (ii.) Picro-sulphuric acid, for a day, is also a good hardening reagent. Complete the hardening in alcohol. The pieces had better be stained in bulk in borax-carmine, or Kleinenberg's logwood, and embedded and cut in paraffin, or embedded and cut in celloidin. (iii.) For small ovaries use Flemming's fluid, embed and cut in paraffin. Stain with safranin. For obtaining a general view, the sections must be pretty thick, xxxvi.] THE OVARY\ FIQ. . 360. T.S. Ovary. Graaflan follicle ; e. Germ epithelium; i. Large 2. Middle-sized, and 3. Small (/. Membrana granulosa ; 8. otherwise the follicles are cut -into, and the ova are apt to fall out. Thin sections must also be made. 1. T.S. Ovary (fig. 360). (a.) (L) The body of the ovary, covered on its surface by a single layer of short, columnar, nucleated cells - the germinal epi- thelium. (/>.) The substance or stroma, composed of con- nective tissue with numer- ous blood-vessels, and in some places smooth muscu- lar fibres. The connective tissue is denser, and is arranged in several layers, near the surface. (c.) Lying in the stroma the Graaflan follicles. Near the surface is a layer of smaller unripe ova <>ya; *. Ovum . ... * f Stroma. primitive ova (40 /*) while the riper and larger follicles are situated deeper in the stroma. Each follicle contains an ovum, but if the section be thin the ovum may drop out and leave only the follicle and its coverings. (d.) If the ovary be from an adult animal, a corpus luteum may be found. Its appearance will depend upon whether it has been recently formed or not, and whether the animal was recently preg- nant. If it is of some standing, it is large and more or less spherical in outline, occupying a considerable part of the stroma, with an umbilicus-like centre and radiating lines of connective tissue. Be- tween these are numerous large granular cells. In a recent one there may be a yellow pigment lutein staining the scar. (e.) (H) The germinal epithelium, and under it the tunica albuginea, composed of two or more layers of connective-tissue lamellae with fusiform cells crossing each other. It gradually passes into the stroma. (/.) The Coverings of the Follicle. Select a well-developed or nearly ripe ovum (.5-5 mm. in diameter). Outside is the theca folliculi, composed of two layers, an outer one fibrous the tunica fibrosa and inside it a layer with blood-vessels the tunica propria. Inside this several layers of cubical cells, constituting the membrana granulosa. From this there projects a mass of cells at one part, forming the cumulus or discus proligerus. The cells are continued as the tunica granulosa around the ovum. 39O PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. [XXXVI. Between the tunica and membrana granulosa is a space which encloses a fluid in the large follicles the liquor folliculi. (.) Treat the other part by placing it direct into .5 per cent. AuCl 3 (half an hour) ; wash in distilled water ; place in a saturated solution of tartaric acid at 50 C. until the gold becomes reduced (p. 79). ('.) A cornea may be placed fresh in dilute methylene-blue (i : 300 normal saline). Mount in picrate of ammonia glycerine (p. 192). 2. Corneal Lymph-Spaces. Remove the eyelids, expose the surface of the other cornea, scrape olf the epithelium, and rub it XXXVIII.] FRESH TISSUES. 397 with solid silver nitrate. Cut out the cornea and expose it to light in water (p. 77). 3. Tendons. These are hest made from the tarsal tendons, which can readily be snipped off in considerable lengths. (a.) Fibrils. Tease a piece in baryta-water and mount in glycerine. (b.) Tendon Cells. (i.) Add dilute acetic acid to bring into view the rows of cells, then wash with water, and after all the acid is removed stain with logwood or picro- carmine. (ii.) Also tease a piece in normal saline con- taining a trace of methyl-violet. (c.) Silver one of the tendons to show the endothelium cover- ing its surface (p. [66). (7.) Place a fresh tendon in ammoniacal carmine (10-15 nains.), wash and place in very dilute Delafield's logwood (10-15 niins.). Wash, tease; and mount in balsam. The tendon cells are red, their nuclei blue, and the tendon fibres rosy. 4. Aponeurosis. The best is the femoral. (a.) Kernove the membrane and stretch it on a slide by the "semi-desiccation" method (p. 159), and after it is fixed to the slide apply a drop of acid methyl-green, or normal saline with methyl-violet. The nuclei are thereby stained, and the crests and ridges of the cells are made visible. (?>.) It may be fixed rapidly on a slide with absolute alcohol and stained with logwood. Or osmic acid may be used to fix it. (c.) Show the effect of acetic acid. 5. Areolar Tissue. (a.) Dissect out some from the inter- muscular septa of the leg muscles. Stain with methyl-violet in normal saline. This stains the cells. Or use acetic-fuchsin (p. 92). 6. Yellow Elastic Fibres. These are found in the septa between the lymph-sacs. Cut out a septum, fix it on a slide by "semi- desiccation," and then add acetic acid. Or make another prepara- tion and stain it with a weak solution of methyl-violet- 56 (p. 93). 7. Pigment-Cells. (a.) These are found in the web of the frog's foot. Stretch the web between the toes, harden it in absolute alcohol for an hour or so, peel off the skin, and mount it in balsam (P- I73)- (b.) Or use the mesentery, or almost any blood-vessel ; add dilute acetic acid and mount in glycerine. 8. Hyaline Cartilage. (a.) Use either the episternum, scraping off the perichondrium, or make a section of the articular cartilage on the femur or tibia. Stain in hamiatoxylin. Or, before cutting, the cartilage may be hardened for an hour in absolute alcohol 39^ . PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. fxxxvin. (b.) A silver nitrate preparation may also be made (p. 151). 9. Endothelium of Mesentery. Place pieces of mesentery in AgX0 3 (.25 per cent.) for half an hour, wash in distilled water and expose to light in 50 per cent, alcohol. Part may be afterwards stained in hsematoxylin. 10. Endothelium of Great Lymph-Sac. Open the abdomen from the front along the middle line, turn aside the intestines, and note the kidney. A thin membrane or septum stretches from this to the abdominal wall. With a fine pipette filled with silver nitrate solution perforate this membrane and allow silver nitrate to flow into the great lymph-sac. Expose the membrane to light, and then examine in glycerine to see endothelium and stomata (p. 239). One-ha^f may be stained with hsematoxylin to show the nuclei. Or expose the septum from behind as directed at p. 238. 11. Adipose Tissue. Use the yellow-coloured fat bodies found in the abdominal cavity. (a,) Tease a piece in glycerine. (b.) Use osmic acid (p. 169). See also other methods in Lesson XII. 12. Striped Muscle. In this one must demonstrate (a.) Sarcolemma (p. 193). (/>.) Nuclei, e.g., by acetic acid (p. 194). (c.) Sarcous substance with its cross stripes. Harden for half an hour in alcohol and stain with hasmatoxylin or picro- carmine, or both. Mount in glycerine. Osmic acid also "fixes" the stria tion. (d.) Fibres may be isolated by means of 33 per cent, caustic potash, but they must be examined in the same solu- tion. 13. Cardiac Muscle. Isolated cells are obtained by the 33 per cent, caustic potash method. The fresh tissue teased, stains well in picro-carmine. 14. Smooth Muscle. Use (a.) Frog's bladder (p. 190). In addition, spread out the bladder on a slide, expose it to the vapour of glacial acetic acid, wash away the epithelium, stain with violet-B, and mount in picrate-glycerine (S. Mayer). (6.) Intestine. The muscular coat alone is to be used, after scraping away the mucous coat. Treat it as above. 15. Epithelium. Scrape any epithelial surface, diffuse the scrapings in normal saline and examine fresh, and seal up with paraffin wax. Squamous. Use cornea. Columnar. Use intestine. Ciliated. Mucous membrane of palate. xxxviii.] FRESH TISSUES. 399 . Stain others with acid methyl-green or picro-carmine. Make cover-glass preparations (p. 140). Before staining pass the cover-glass three times through the flame of a Bunsen-burner. 16. Medullated Nerve-Fibres. Expose the sciatic nerve. (a.) Tease out a few fibres and show them fresh in normal saline. Seal up the preparation with paraffin wax. (b.) Tease a piece in i per cent, osmic acid, cover with a watch- glass, and after half an hour mount in glycerine. This blackens the myeline. A part of this may be stained in picro-carmine (p. 206). (c.) Tease a piece in .5 per cent, silver nitrate for Ranvier's crosses (p. 207). (.) Cells of sympathetic (p. 216) or (f.) Cells of spinal ganglia, or other ganglia (p. 215). ( 271. methods for, 267. nerves of, 284. pyloric end, 270. Stomata, 239. Stratified epithelium, 126. Striped muscle, 193, 398. Anodon's, 201. cardiac, 199. crab's, 196, 200. discs, 195. fibrillse of, 195. frozen, 200. injected, 198. isolated fibres, 194. living, 200. red, 199. sarcolemma, 193. tendon of, 196. Sublingual gland, 259. Submaxillary glands, 259, 262, 264. Suprarenal capsule, 314. nerves of, 315. Sweat-glands, 319, 327. Sympathetic nerve-fibres, 209. ganglia, 216. nerve-cells, 222. Cayal's method, 222. Syringes, 91. TACTILE cells, 377, 381. disc, 377. hairs, 327. Taste-buds, 249. Teasing, 26. Tendon, 163, 397. nerves in, 221. Terminal corpuscles, 377. Testis, 387. Thymus gland, 241. Thyroid gland, 301. Tizzoni's reaction, 293. Tongue, 246. circulation in, 234. frog's, 140. gland of, 251. injected, 248. nerves of, 251. papillae of, 246. Tonsils, 239. Tooth, 251. development of, 253. softened, 252. Touch-corpuscle, 380. Trachea, 294. Transitional epithelium, 133. Tubules isolated of kidney, 311. UMBILICAL cord, 395. Unna's method, 327. Ureter, 312. Uterus, 392. INDEX. 410 VALENTIN'S knife, 49. Valves of heart, 225. Vas deferens, 388. "Vegetable cells, 103. Veins, 224, 230. Vermiform appendix, 281, 284. Vessale's method, 344. Vesuvin, 76. Villus of intestine, 272, 280, 282. injected, 275. Volkmann's canals, 176. Von Ebner's fluid, 37. WAGNER'S touch-corpuscles, 380. Warm stages, 117. Weigert's hsematoxylin, 338. method for staining central ner- vous system, 338. Weigert-Pal method, 340. Weights, 410. Welsbach light, 22. Westphal's fluid, 67. Wharton's jelly, 171. White nbro-cartilage, 152. zinc cement, 89. Wool, 102, 324. Works of reference, 406. XYLOL, 83. balsam, 86. YEAST, 104. Z KISS'S lenses, 409. Zinc cement, 89. Zooid, 109. Catalogue No. 8. December, 1895. CLASSIFIED SUBJECT CATALOGUE OF MEDICAL BOOKS AND Books on Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Chemistry, Hygiene, Etc., Etc., PUBLISHED BY P. BLAKISTON, SON & Co., Medical Publishers and Booksellers, 1012 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. SPECIAL NOTE. The prices given in this catalogue are absolutely net, no discount will be allowed retail purchasers under any consideration. This rule has been established in order that everyone will be treated alike, a general reduction in former prices having been made to meet previous retail dis- counts. 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