a 020 672 Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN / Plans and Eftimates FOR LABOURERS COTTAGES BY LADY CAROLINE KERRISON. ; The white-wafhed wall, the nicely-fanded floor, The varnifhed clock, that clicked behind the door." GOLDSMITH. London: HATCH A RD & Co. 187 Piccadilly, W. MDCCCLXIV. THE following rough Sketches, the refult of fome experience in a country diftrict, are deligned to combine fubftantial comfort to the tenant at a moderate expenfe to the landlord. It is hoped that a coft fo moderate may both enable and induce a greater number of landed proprietors to effect that moft defirable, and, in many cafes, much-needed object improved accommodation for the labourers on their eftates. 1057576 FOUR PLANS OF COTTAGES. Eftimatefor each Dwelling for Labour and Materials, about 100. ESTIMATE FOR PLAN No. 2 DOUBLE DWELLING INCLUDING OUTBUILDINGS. ' d. 52,500 Bricks, at I/, per thoufand . . . . . 52 10 o 2,780 Pantiles, at 7 s. per hundred . . . . . 9 15 8 58 Roof-tiles, id. each . . . . . . 098 534 Paving Bricks, I2J. per hundred . . . . 35 1,400 Floor Bricks, at 4^. per hundred . . . . 2160 44 Loads Sand, at is. . . . . . .480 2 Iron Coppers, Furnace, Grates, 4 Stoves, 2 Iron Sinks,^ Oven, and Door-Frames, Chimney Irons, 2 Cefs-l 6 16 o pools and Drains ..... Cement, if barrels . . . . . . 0129 1 6 Chaldrons Lime, at 1 2 s. . . . . . 9120 Lath, Hair, Nails, and Bricklayer's Labour . 24 4 5 Glazier . . . . . . . . 2106 Paint . . . . . . . . . 500 Carpenter's Work and Timber . . . 73 o o NtJ. f 1 I cr 1 f \ ^fo( /. X ^ lflf >;' /* * t ] #AY , 2*. *s m tf i I 1 I j 4 A 000035350 8