/^Wg? 4a/nu' EARTH SCIENCES LIBRARY SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. ISTo. 37. A PRELIMINARY CATALOGUE OF THE SHELL-BEARING MARINE MOLLUSKS AND BRACHIOPODS OF THE SOUTHEASTERN COAST OF THE UNITED STATES, WITH ILLUS- TRATIONS OF MANY OF THE SPECIES, BY WILLIAM HEALEY BALL, A. M., Honorary Curator Department of Mollusks, U. S. National Museum. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT FEINTING OFFICE. 1889. ADVERTISEMENT. The present publication (Bulletin No. 37) is the forty-eighth of a series of papers intended to illustrate the collections of natural history and ethnology belonging to the United States, and constituting the National Museum, of which the Smithsonian Institution was placed in charge by the act of Congress of August 10, 1846. The publications of the National Museum consist of two series the Bulletins, of which this is No. 37, in continuous series, and the Proceed- ings, of which the eleventh volume is now in press. The volumes of the Proceedings are printed, signature by signature, each issue having its own date, and a small edition of each signature is distributed to libraries promptly after its publication. Full lists of the publications of the Museum may be found in the cur- rent catalogues of the publications of the Smithsonian Institution. Papers intended for publication in the Proceedings and Bulletins of the National Museum ;ir,, referred to the > n'uittee on Publications, consisting of the following members : T. H. Bean, A. Howard Clark (editor), Otis T. Mason, John Murdoch, Leouhard Stejueger, Frederick \V. True, and Lester F. Ward. S. P. LANGLEY, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. WASHINGTON, May 27, 1889. A PRELIMINARY CATALOGUE SHELL-BEARING MARINE MOLLDSKS AND BRACHIOPODS SOUTHEASTERN COAST OF THE UNITED STATES, WITH ILLUSTRATIONS OF MANY OF THE SPECIES. WILLIAM HEALEY BALL, A. M., Honorary Curator Division of Mollnskx, I'. 8. National Museum. To which are added twenty-one plates not in the edition of 1889. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1903. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Introduction 7 Bibliography 14 Sketch of general arrangement . 26 List of abbreviations used in the Tables 27 Table I, A. List of Brachiopods 28 Tablell, B. List of Pelecypods 32 Table III, C. List of Scaphopods 76 Table IV, D. List of Pteropods SO Table V, E. List of Gastropods 84 Table VI, F. List of Cephalopods 174 Summary of the tables 176 Explanation of the plates 177 Index. . 203 EARTH SCIENCES LIBRARY PREFACE TO THE REPRINT. Although I have for some time contemplated a revision of this bulle- tin, for which I have accumulated much material, the pressure of other work has prevented this plan from being carried out. Meanwhile the usefulness of the hook as a handy illustrated catalogue has resulted in the complete exhaustion of the original edition, and the reprinting of it from the stereotype plates became necessary. Doctor Agassiz most courteously lent the original drawings of Plates X to XXXVI, which, in the edition of 1889, were printed from the lithographic stones pre- pared for the Blake Report and which are in that form no longer avail- able. To increase the usefulness of the work 21 additional plates from the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, published since 1889, have been added to the 74 originally contained in this bul- letin, making a total of 95 plates, containing about 1,192 figures of 770 species. The defects of a hastily compiled catalogue and the defi- ciencies due to lapse of time and the progress of science, although not to be ignored, it is hoped will be outweighed by the convenience for collectors of a systematic list so abundantly illustrated and to which is added the very considerable amount of information as to distribution in latitude, range in depth and time, etc., which are included in com- pact form in the tables. The reader should note that no change whatever has been made in the text, except the addition of (1 ) this preface; (2) of explanations to the new plates, and (3) a supplementary index of the species repre- sented on the newly added plates, some of which do not occur in the tables. The author will be gratified to receive from any source data or mate- rial useful for correcting or amplifying this list in the still projected future revision. WILLIAM HEALKY DALL. WASHINGTON, D. <_)., February, 1903. 5 INTRODUCTION. This work is intended to assist students of the Mollusca in the United States, by bringing together for their use a large number of excellent figures of species belonging to or illustrating the fauna of the southern and southeastern coasts of the United States, from Cape Hatteras south to the Straits of Florida and west to Mexico, with the adjacent waters. These figures are explained and connected by a catalogue of the mol- lusks known to inhabit that region, either from the presence of authen- ticated specimens in the National Museum or on the authority of repu- table naturalists who have collected in the region and whose specimens have been seen or reliably identified. This catalogue, arranged for convenience in tabular form, includes not only the species which are illustrated on the plates but all other species common to the region, as far as known. Hitherto there has been no catalogue which covered just this ground. There are several catalogues of marine species of particular West In- dian islands. Th -re are several lists of Floridian shells, the fullest and best being that just completed in the Proceedings of the Daven- port Academy of Sciences by Mr. Charles T. Simpson. These all refer, however, to a much more restricted field than the present list, and the nomenclature in some cases is more or less inaccurate, as of course must be the case with all lists, each of which, in spite of its inevitable im- perfections, should show some advance over its predecessors. This is all that the writer would claim for the present catalogue, which, owing to peculiar circumstances, has been rather hurriedly decided upon and rapidly prepared. In order that the number of columns in the table should be com- pressed within the space of two opposite pages and yet admit of the use of brevier type, it has been necessary to limit the number of stations in the geographical series so that each column should represent a stretch of coast and seaward from it the archi ben thai area or continental slope beyond the fifty-fathom line to the oceanic floor. Then various puz- zling questions arose in attempting to decide which column should be used in certain cases; as, for instance, in specimens dredged in the path of the Gulf Stream between Cuba and the Florida Keys. They might with equal propriety be assigned to the ''Florida Keys" or to the "West Indies" column, or to both. In all cases the facts have been 7 8 INTRODUCTION. closely adhered to, as in leaving blank tbe " Georgia" column when specimens had been collected only in South Carolina and East Florida, with no data for the intermediate stretch of coast. This will show the real gaps in our knowledge of the distribution, and it is to be hoped will stimulate local students to fill them up. The extreme northern and extreme southern range are generally given. When a species has been obtained off shore, smd at one locality only, the extreme is usually noted in one column only, with a leaning toward the northern column when the species is supposed to be a south- ern form and to the southern column when it is thought to extend from the colder area. These assignments must often be conjectural, but when clearly understood they should not be in any way misleading. There are many unidentified species from this region in the National collection, a large proportion of which may prove to be new. In such cases the insertion of their distribution, as far as known, may lead to fuller investigation by collectors, though no specific name can be ap- plied to them in the catalogue. When a species whose name appears in one of the cited publications is not found in this catalogue, or is not cited from the locality to which the published authority refers it, the reader may infer that either the prior identification is here regarded as inaccurate, or, more generally, that the prior name is not entitled to be used. In many cases the full explanation for such changes will be found in the Report on the Blake Mollusca, but in the present catalogue it has been quite impracticable, as well as undesirable, to attempt any syn- onymy. The writer has attempted to steer a middle course between overdiv- ision of large natural groups and the conservatism which confounds unlike things together. It is not to be expected that his decisions will be universally acceptable or satisfactory, since there are " many men, many minds" in biology as well as worldly affairs. In practice, to be a good systematic malacologist requires much study and a wide knowledge of the literature. It is no longer possible in systematic conchology for a student to acquire facility without a good library and long practice. One may be a good naturalist and do valu- able work for science, however, without being a systematist, and the field of work is so vast that the earnest worker may keep himself em- ployed in almost any district south of Sandy Hook. The writer has found a reasonable amount of subdivision of the familiar genera of use in clear thinking and in endeavoring to formulate accurately the facts of nature. Subgenera and sections have therefore been introduced into the catalogue, to be used or discarded as the reader may prefer. Some groups have been pretty thoroughly investigated and the sub- divisions may be named with confidence, and have therefore been inserted. In other cases a thorough revision is yet to be made and the subdivisions can not be named with confidence, and, therefore, are to a INTRODUCTION. great extent omitted. This list approximately represents our present knowledge, both in its acquirements and its defects, and is intended as a help toward something better and not in any sense as a finality in nomenclature or distribution. We may now proceed to an explanation of the form and scope of the Tables. Taking the columns serially, the first carries a serial number useful for check-list and exchange purposes. Then follows the name and authority. Then comes a column referring to the number of the plate or plates, and another for the numbers of the figures. As the figures on most of the plates are drawn to very different scales, a column is inserted, giving the maximum length ; axial in Gastropods, antero-pos- terior in Pelecypods, of the specimen in millimeters. One millimeter is practically one twenty fifth, or four one-hundred ths, of an inch, so that for those unaccustomed to the metric system there is little diffi- culty in reducing the millimeters to fractions of an inch. When no dimension is given in the column it will be understood that the figure, if any, is of the size of nature ; or that its magnification or diminution is stated on the plate itself, or represented there by a line or other conventional sign. The next column states the range in depth as far as known of each species in the form of a fraction, the least depth forming the numerator and the greatest observed depth the denominator. Where a zero occurs it indicates that the species is found at low- water mark. The maximum and minimum are selected from the whole range, domestic or exotic, recorded for the species in question. When no depth is stated it will be understood that the species is supposed to inhabit the shallow water near shore or between tides. This is succeeded by a column in which the extreme northern limit, locality, or region of the species referred to is recorded. When this relates to a locality within our special region there will seem sometimes to be a discrepancy ; as, for instance, when a species appears as present in the " Hatteras " column, while in the "northern extreme" column Charleston, S. C., will be found. But, as will be immediately shown, Hatteras in the heading of the column does not mean a locality but a district, extending from Savannah, Georgia, to Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, so that the discrepancy is only apparent. In the off-shore dredgiugs it has been practicable sometimes to give only the latitude, or a general term such as u Arctic seas," to indicate the northernmost distribution of a species, since there has been no adjacent landmark to cite for northern limit. When a species has its northern limit on the rich archibenthal grounds off Block Island and the Vineyard, or Nan- tucket, I have indicated this by " Ehode Island" in the column, since this sufficiently guides foreign students who might be puzzled by the other names so much less apt to be found on small-scale maps of our eastern coast. The data for such species will be found chiefly in the 10 INTRODUCTION. papers on material gathered by the U. S. Pish Commission, contributed by Prof. A. E. Verrill to the Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Sciences, to the American Journal of Science, and to the Reports of the U. S. Fish Commissioner for 1871-'72 and 1883. Then follow ten columns, each representing a district, as follows : 1. New Jersey (N. J.). This includes the coast aud adjoining archibentlial area from the entrance of Chesapeake Bay to Sandy Hook at the south point of entrance to New York Bay and Harbor. 2. Virginia (Va.). This includes the coast, etc., from Cape Hatteras, North Caro- lina, to the month of Chesapeake Bay. 3. Hatteras (Hat.). This district extends from the month of the Savannah River, Georgia, to Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, with the adjacent archibenthal area. 4. Georgia (Ga.). At Cape Canaveral, Florida, tlie path of the Gulf Stream seems to diverge more from the main coast than previously. It seems that a good many southern species do not reach farther north on the shores than Cape Canaveral. Therefore this district from Cape Canaveral to the Savannah River has been separated from the one that I have called East Florida. 5. East Florida (East Fla.). This includes the region between Biscayne Bay and Cape Canaveral. fi. FloridaKeys (Fla. Keys). Thisregion, very intimately connected, faunally, with the northern shon-s of Cuba opposite, and with the Bahamas, includes the region south of Biscayue Bay on the east, and south of the southern en- trance to Charlotte Harbor on the west side of the Peninsula, to and includ- ing the Keys and Tortugas reefs and islamls. 7. West Florida (West Fla.). This includes the region north of the south entrance io Charlotte Harbor and westward to the Mississippi delta along the shore and the archibenthal area of the Gulf of Mexico westward from the penin- sula to \\ est longitude 90, and southward to the trough between Cuba and Florida. 8. Texas (Tex.). In this district I include the shores of the United States from the Mississippi delta to the Rio Grande and the archibenthal area south- ward from it in the Gulf of Mexico to Yucatan. 9. West Indies (West Ind. ). In this district, for want of space on the page, I have been obliged to include all of the Antilles, the Bahamas, and the shores and islands of the Caribbean Sea. The particular southern extension of a species not known to extend throughout this area will be indicated by the entry in the "southern limit" column. No species not figured on the plates, or common to the coast of the United States, is admitted in the catalogue, so that the West Indian or Antillean fauna properly so-called is almost wholly excluded from this enumeration. Some few species, which are strictly Antillean, as far as known, are included because it was necessary to refer to their figures on the plates, but the distribution as recorded in the table will enable any one desiring to discuss the purely North Ameri- can species to identify and exclude the.se extra-limital forms without dif- ficulty. To make the distinction more apparent their names appear in italics in the catalogue. 10. Bermuda. The island of Bermuda aud its associated reefs is intimately allied by its mollusk fauna to the region of the Florida Keys and Northern An- tilles. A column has therefore been provided for it. A few species common to our southern coast are also found without essential modification still living on the west coast of Central America, INTRODUCTION. 1 1 Mexico, or California. These forms are very interesting, as most of the species originally common to both have developed special modifications since the separation of the two oceans, so as to be entitled to separate specific names. A column (West. Am.) is devoted to recording those found on both sides of the continent yet which still remain essentially unchanged, and another (Eur.) to those whose range extends to European shores. Another column is devoted to the southern extreme limit (as far as known) of the species enumerated in the catalogue, corresponding on the south to the column for northern limit on the north. Many Antil- lean species extend on the Brazilian coast far so ith of Cape San Roque, but our records for this region are very imperfect, and many of the items in this column are due to the data obtained by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross on her voyage from the Chesapeake Bay around to California via the Straits of Magellan only a year ago. A column records the oldest known appearance of a species in geo- logical time. This column is very imperfect and inadequate to express the real state of the case, since many of our recent species have been described from our southern tertiaries under other names, and the du- plication thus occasioned, except in a comparatively small number of species, still remains to be worked out. It was thought well, however, to make a beginning in the matter in this instance. This completes our description of the table, which will enable any one to use the latter intelligently and without misconception. In making entries in the columns showing distribution an asterisk shows that the spec-ies is known from that region from the shores, either picked up on the beach or found living between high water and fifty fathoms, or that the depth it inhabits is not known but is supposed to be small. In cases where the species is recorded from the archibenthal area only, say 50 to 800 fathoms, its presence is indicated by a dagger po.nt in the column. When both an asterisk ami a dagger point are found in a single column the species is supposed toorr.nr, or is recorded as obtained, both in shallow and in deep water, within the limits of that region or district. Many southern species, found in the cool water of the deeps in the south, approach the surface in tin's cooler surface waters of their northern range. Vice versa, we find northern littoral species seeking the deeps as they approach the limits of their southern range. A glance at the columns frequently will illustrate these facts. The data from which the tables \rhich form the bulk of this pub- lication have been compiled are chiefly comprised in the collections of the U. S. National Museum, the Museum of Comparative Zoology in Cambridge, Mass., and the publications of the writer on these col- lections. The works in which detailed information has been chiefly sought are specified on another page, but the most important for this purpose has been the Report on the Blake Brachiopoda, Pelecypoda, 12 INTRODUCTION. Gastropoda, and Scaphopoda, published in two parts by the Museum of Comparative Zoology, under the direction of Prof. Alexander Ag- assiz. The generosity of Professor Agassiz in permitting the use of plates prepared for that report was decisive in insuring the prepa- ration of this list. Other plates are made up of figures which have appeared in the annual reports of the U. S. Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries ; in the Proceedings of the National Museum ; the edition of Gould's Invertebrata of Massachusetts, edited by Mr. W. G. Binney ; Professor Verrill's and Miss Bush's papers in the Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Sciences ; and the publications of the British Museum. For the use of these cuts we are indebted chiefly to the Smithsonian Institution and the U. S. Commissioner of Fisheries, Col. Marshall Macdonald. In including or omitting groups of mollusks in this catalogue the com- piler has necessarily been guided by convenience rather than syste- matic completeness. Some groups, such as the Nudibranchiata, are so imperfectly known from the region south of New England that it be- comes imperative that they should be entirely omitted. An attempt to include them would certainly have been more likely to retard than to advance the progress of science. For the same reason partly, and partly because it is impracticable to reproduce the figures, the entire group of Cephalopoda, except the Argonaut and Spirula, has been left out. Those who desire to study these difficult animals are referred to Pro- fessor Verrill's excellent reports upon the subject in the Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology and the Transactions of the Connecti- cut Academy of Sciences. The two exceptions are included merely be- cause of one we have an excellent figure, and the shell of the other is frequently obtained by collectors on our southern shores. Among those animals which frequent the sea-shore and are often found in as well as near the water, though really air-breathers, the Auriculidce, Siphonariidce, and Oadiniidce can almost be regarded as marine. Having good figures of some of them and desiring to err, if at all, on the side of convenience to the amateur collector or beginner in conchology, they have been included in our list. For the same reason Neritina, Cyrena, etc., have been inserted even when not strictly salt- water species. The Pteropods, of the sea off our coasts, are rarely found by collec- tors, and the nomenclature is not in a satisfactory state. Still it was thought best to include a list of the species taken, with some additions, chiefly from Professor Verrill's papers, though completeness or entire accuracy is not claimed for it. The Heteropods, except Atlanta Cari- naria and Oxygyrus, are not included. It will be seen from these explanations that the present catalogue is a working list for the benefit of collectors and students, rather than a scientific treatise or thoroughly revised enumeration of the mollusk fauna. Indeed it is in its quality of a stepping-stone to the latter that INTRODUCTION. 13 such value as it may possess inheres. Experience has shown that check-lists, however imperfect in themselves, are extremely useful in stimulating faunal research, and it is in the hope that this result will be secured that the compiler finds his chief return for the labor and time expended upon a confessedly imperfect production. Having been for some time engaged in a revision of the general sys- tem for the classification of Pelecypods, which will shortly appear in print, the revised classification has been used in the List of Pelecypoda, Table II, as far as it is applicable thereto. The writer is under particular obligations to Prof. Alexander Agassiz, as already stated, and also to Professor Verrill and Miss Bush for the use of drawings and for an unpublished list of shallow-water mollusks obtained near Cape Hatteras, which has added to our list several spe- cies and confirmed several others about which I had felt some doubt. The different sources of the figures will be found acknowledged under the "Explanation of the Plates" in each case. In conclusion, the writer expresses his obligation to the gentlemen whose writings have been laid under contribution; to all who have facilitated his endeavors to form a representative collection of this mol- lusk fauna, for the use of students in the National collection ; and to Dr. E. E. C. Stearns, of the U. S. Geological Survey, for invaluable personal assistance. The compiler solicits correspondence from all interested, toward the improvement of this catalogue and especially series of the local shells from any point on the coast which may shed light on the geographical distribution of the species. Such correspondence or ma- terial may be addressed to the Curator of the Department of Mollusks at the U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C., or in care of the Smith- sonian Institution. WASHINGTON, May 15, 1889. LIST OF WORKS REFERRED TO FOR THE GEOLOGICAL OR GEO- GRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES CITED IN THIS CATA- LOGUE, OR CONTAINING ENUMERATIONS OF LOCAL FAUNJE INCLUDED IN THE GENERAL REGION TO WHICH THIS CATA- LOGUE RELATES. Adams (Charles Baker). Specierum novarum conchyliorum in Jamaica repertorum synopsis. In Boston Society of Natural History ; Proceeding^. Boston, the society, 1845. Vol. ii, pp. 1-17, Jan., 1845. 8. Contributions to conchology. New York, H. Bailliere, Oct. 1849-Nov. 1852. v ol. i, iv, 1258 pp. 8. This was published in short, carefully dated parts, the dates of which it seems unnecessary to cite. Monograph of Vitrinella, a new genus of new species of Tur- biuidse. Ainhert, Mass., the author, Feb., 1850. 10 ]>p. 8 C . American Journal of Conchology, edited by George W. Tryon, jr. Phila- delphia, G. W. Tryon, jr. 1865-1866. 2 vols. 8. Also: The same. Philadelphia, Couchological Section of the Acad- emy of Natural Sciences, 1867-1872. 5 vols. 8. Arango y Molina (Rafael). Contribuciou a la fauna malacologica Cu- baua. Habaua, G. Moutiel y Conip., 1878. Pp. 280, 35. 8. This work was first printed in the Anales de la Real Aca- demia de Ciencias Me"dicas, Fisicas y Naturales de la Habana, beginning in March, 1878 ; to signature 3, May 15, 1878 ; to signature 12, January 15, 1879 ; to signa- ture 14, February 15, 1879 ; to signature 15, April 15, 1879 ; to signature 17, June 15, 1879 ; and the remainder July 15, 1880, with a separately paged index. Beau (Commandant). Catalogue de coquilles recueillies a la Guade- loupe et ses d6pendanees. Par M. Beau, chef de bataillon d'iufau- terie de la marine. Prec6d6 d'uue introduction par M. P[aul] Fischer. Paris, Paul Dupout, 1858. Pp. 27. 8. Ext. de la Revue Coloniale. 8. Paris, Paul Dupont, De"c. 1857. Title on cover. Binney (William G.). Bibliography of North American conchology pre- vious to the year 1860. Washington, the Smithsonian Institution, 1863-1864. 2v. Vol. i,viii,650 pp. ; vol. n, iv,298pp. 8. This is Smithsonian Miscel- laneous Collections No. 174. From the titles contained in it a large number of references might have been cited, where but a few species are mentioned in a given publication, but the numerous papers of this sort are not separated here, as they would have tended to unduly swell the limits of this 'bibliography with- out any corresponding gain. (See also Gould, A. A.) 14 MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 15 Boston Journal of Natural History, containing papers and communica- tions read to the Boston Society of Natural History, 1834[-J1863, published by their direction. Boston [various publishers], for the society, 1834-1863. 7 vols. 8. Bush (Katherine J.). Additions to the shallow- water mollusca of Cape Hatteras, K C., dredged by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross in 1883 and 1884. lu Transactions Connecticut Academy of Sciences, New Haven, Conn., vol. vi, pp. 453-480, pi. xlv. June, 1885. List of deep-water Mollusca dredged by the U. S. Fish Com- mission steamer Fish Hawk in 1880, 1881, and 1882, with their range in depth. lu Annual Report U. S. Commissioner of Fisheries for 1883. Washington, Gov- ernment Printing Office, 1885. 8. Pp. 701-727. Calkins (William W.). Marine shells of Florida. Ext. Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences ; Proceedings. Davenport, Iowa, the society, 1878. Vol. n, pp. 232-252, pi. viii. 8. Extract, with bastard title repeated on cover ; pagination of original preserved. Slips with addenda were issued by the author on several occasions. This catalogue is partly a compila- tion. The new or specially interesting species are quoted by Dall (Hemphill's Sheila, q. ?'.). Conchologist's Exchange (The). Edited by William D. Averell. Phila- delphia, the editor, 1886-1888. Vol. I, No. 1, was printed on a postal-card, July, 1886. Nos. 2 to 12, and vol. u, Nod. 1 to H, were issued in small quarto, the printed form 4^ by 6 inches, in two columns. The last number was dated "March and April, 1888," and ap- peared about April 30. This publication then suspended and was succeeded by the "NAUTILUS" (q. v.) in May, 1889. Conrad (Timothy Abbott). Fossil shells of the Tertiary formations of North America. Illustrated by figures drawn on stone from nature. Vol. 1. Philadelphia, 1832. 8. Plates. [First edition.] Part I, pp. 1-20, pi. 1-6, Oct. 1, 1832. Part II, pp. 21-28, pi. 7-14, Dec., 1832. A note by the author on the fourth page of the cover. Part III, pp. 29-38, Aug., 1833. There is a note on the cover about the plates, but none were issued with this part. Part IV, pp. 39-46, Oct., 1833. On the fourth page of cover there is a note dated November 1, 1833. [Second edition.] Pp. 29-56, pi. 15-18; a colored map of Alabama, title-page, March 1, 1835. This was issued with Parts I and II of the first edition. Fossils of the Tertiary formations of the United States. Illus- trated by figures drawn from nature. Philadelphia. J. Dobson, 108 Chestnut street. E. G. Dorsey, printer, 1838. 8. Plates. Parti. Introduction, pp. v-xvi; text, pp. 1-32; pi. 1-17. Jan., 1838. The fourth page of cover has descriptions of four species upon it. Part II, pp. 33-56, pi. 18-29, May 7, 1840. Three pages of the cover have de- scriptions of species printed upon them, including the four descriptions from the cover of Part I. Part III, pp. 57-89, pi. 30-49, Jan., 1845. Nothing but the title printed on cover. 16 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Conrad (Timothy Abbott) Continued. This work is often quoted as " Conrad's Fossils of the Medial Tertiary." The dates are determined by manuscript notes of the author, for details in regard to which I am indebted to a note in the American Naturalist for July, 1888, by Dr. Otto Meyer. Descriptions of new species of fossil and recent shells and corals. In Academy of Natural Scieuces of Philadelphia ; Proceedings, vol. in, pp.23- 27, pi. 1-2, Feb., 1846. Descriptions of two new genera and new species of recent shells, etc. In Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia ; Proceedings, vol. iv, p. 121, Dec., 1848. Synopsis of the genus Cassidula Humphrey and of a proposed new genus, Athleta. In Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia ; Proceedings, vol. vi, pp. 448- 449, Dec., 1853. Notes on shells, with descriptions of three recent and one fos- sil species. In Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia ; Proceedings, vol. VII, pp. 31- 23, March, 1854. Description of a new genus of the family Dreisseuidse. In Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia ; Proceedings, new series, 1857, p. 167. Descriptions of new fossil and recent shells of the United States. Iu Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, new series, vol. I, Part III, pp. 207-209, 280, pi. xxxix. Observations on the geology of a part of East Florida, with a catalogue of recent shells of the coast. In American Journal of Science. Ne\v Haven, B. Silliman and J. D. Dana, 1846. New series, vol. n, pp. 36-45, 393-398, 1846. Coues (Elliott, M. D.). Notes on the Natural History of Fort Macon. N. C., and Vicinity. In Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia; Proceedings of, 1871, pp. 120-148. This includes a synopsis of the species collected, and enumerates the species collected earlier by Dr. William Stimpson, but which were not found by Dr. Coues. A supplementary list appears in the same Proceedings for 1878, pp. 301-303. Ball (William Healey). Eeports on the results of dredging, under the supervision of Alexander Agassiz, in the Gulf of Mexico and in the Caribbean Sea, 1877-'79, by the U. S. Coast Survey steamer Blake, Lieutenant-Commander Sigsbee, U. S. N., and Commander J. R. Bartlett, U. S. N., commanding, xv. Preliminary report on the Mollusca. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Har- vard College. Cambridge, for the Museum, July-December, 1881. Vol. ix, No. 2, pp. 33-144. 8. This publication, separately issued as a bulletin, with title on cover, appeared originally in signatures as follows: Pp. 33-48, July 12, 1881 ; pp. 49-64, Aug. 12, 1831 ; pp. 65-80, Aug. 25, 1881 ; pp. 81-96, Sept. 26, 1881 ; pp. 97-112, Oct. 31, 1881; pp. 113-128, Nov. 26, 1881 ; pp. 129-144, Dec. 5, 1881. MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 17 Ball (William Healey). On certain Limpets and Chitons from the deep waters off the eastern coast of the United States. In U. S. National Museum; Proceedings. Washington, the Museum, April 24. 1882. Vol. v, pp. 400-414. 8 C . On a collection of shells sent from Florida by Mr. Henry Hemphill. In U. S. National Museum ; Proceedings. Washington, the Museum, Dec. , 1883. Vol. vi, pp. 318-342, pi. x. 8\ The new or specially interesting species signal- ized by Calkins and Melvill (q. r.) are enumerated in this article, besides those sent by Hemphill. Notes on some Floridian land and fresh-water shells, with a revision of the Auriculacea of the eastern United States. In the same. Vol. vin, pp. 255-289, pi. xvii,xviii, July, 1885. Bulletin of the U. S. Geological Survey, No. 24. List of the marine mollusca, comprising tht Quaternary fossils and recent forms from American localities between Cape Hatteras and Cape Roque, including the Bermudas. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1885. 336pp. 8. This publica- tion is essentially an index to the literature relating to the region specified, without synonymy, alphabetically arranged, and accompanied by a short bib- liography of the literature referred to, and indications of the geographical range of the species cited. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, at Harvard College. Vol. xn, No. 6. Reports on the results of dredging, under the supervision of Alexander Agassiz, in the Gulf of Mexico (1877-'78), and in the Caribbean Sea ('879-'80), by the U. S. Coast Survey steamer Blake, Lieutenant-Commander C. D. Sigsbee, U. S. N., and Commander J. U. Bartlett. U. S. N., commanding. xxix Report on the Mollusca by W. H. Ball. Part I. Brachio- poda and Pelecypoda. Cambridge, the Museum, Sept., 1886. Pp. 171-318, plates i-ix. 8. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, at Harvard College. Vol. xvm. Reports on the results of dredging, [etc.J. xxix. Report on the mollusca, by W.H. Ball. Part IT. Gastropoda and Scaphopoda. Cambridge, the Museum, June, 1889. 492 pp., plates x-xl. 8. Contributions to the Tertiary fauna of Florida, with especial reference to the Miocene silex beds of Tampa and the Pliocene beds of the Caloosahatchie River. In Transactions of the Wagner Free Institute of Science of Philadelphia, 1889. Folio, with plates. [In press.] Report on the Mollusca collected by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross on her voyage from Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, by way of Magellan Strait to San Francisco, Cal., in 1887-'88. With illustrations. [In preparation.] 24781 Bull. 37 2 18 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. D'Orbigny ( Alcide Dessalines). Histoire physique, politique et naturelle de 1'ile de Cuba. Par M. Ramon de la Sagra [etc.]. Mollusqties. Paris, Bertrand, 1853. 2 vois. 8. Vol. I, 2 1. unp., 264 pp.; vol. n, 2 1. unp., 380 pp. Atlas folio, 1 ]., xxix pi., n. d. [1842]. This publication, forming one of Sagra's series, but independently issued in the French language, appeared irregularly as follows: Vol. I, signatures 1-14 in 1841, signatures 15-17 and atlas in 1842; vol. n, signa- tures 1-7 in 1842, signatures 8-24 in 1847-1853. The two volumes were issued as a whole in 1853, with the latter date on the title-page. There is an edition in Spanish, conformable with the rest of the Spanish series of the work, which the compiler has not been able to cousult, but which seems to have a widely differ- ent pagination, though the plates are the same. Bunker (Dr. Wilhelm). Novitates concbologicre. Mollusca marina- Beschreibung und abbildung neuer oder wrnig gekannter meeres conchylien. Cassel, Theo. Fischer, 1858-1870. 144 pp. 4. 45 pi. Folin (Leopold, Marquis de). On the mollusca of IT. M. S. Challenger expedition. The Caecidse, comprising the genera Pantstropbia, Watsouia, and Caecum. With a prefatory note by the Rev. Robert Boog Watson, B. A., F. R. S. E., F. L. S., etc. Ext. Zool. Soc. London ; Proceedings for Ib79, with bastard title. London, the Society, 1880. Pp. 8. 0-812. 8. Report on the Creeidae collected by H. M. S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876. In "Challenger Reports," vol. xv, pp. 681-689, 1886. This is Appendix B to Watson's Report on the Gastropoda of the Challenger expedition, q. v. Gould (Dr. Augustus Addisou). Descriptions of new genera and spe- cies of shells. In Boston Society of Natural History ; Proceedings. Boston, the Society, 1862. Vol. vm, pp. 280-284. 8. Otia conchologica. Boston, Gould & Lincoln, 1862. 256 pp. 8. Report on the invertebrata of Massachusetts, published agree- ably to an ord*r of the legislature. Second edition, comprising the mollusca. Edited by W. G. Binuey. Boston, Wright & Potter, 1870. Royal 8. viii, 524 pp., plates xvi-xxvii, and 405 cuts in the text. The copies of this work, distributed by Dr. Gould's family, have a two-page sketch of his life inserted after Mr. Biuuey's prefatory remarks. Gnndlach (Don Juan). Apuntes para la fauna Puerto-Riqueua. Quinta parte. B. Molluscos marinos. In Anales de la Soc. Esp. de Hist. Nat., tomo xn, pp. 441-484, 1883. 8. The author has had the assistance of Drs. Duuker and Von Martens in the prepara- tion of this list of the shells of Porto Rico, which was preceded by a list of the terrestrial mollusca, printed in the earlier portion of the same volume. Guppy (R. J. Lechmere). First sketch of a marine invertebrate fauna of the Gulf of Paria and its neighborhood. In Scientific Association of Trinidad; Proceedings. Portofspaiu, J. Wulff; London, Triibner, Dec., 1877. Vol. n, Part XI, pp. 134-157. 8. MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH- EASTE AN COAST. 19 Guppy (It. J. Lechinere). On the West Indian Tertiary fossils. Iu Geological Magazine, decade n, vol. i, Nos. 9 and 10, Sept. and Oct., 1874, pp. 433-4.">4, pi. xvi-xviii. Also a supplement of one page, from the same, Jan., 1875. Extras repaginated and issued with the plates and supplementary leaf, with title " West Indian Tertiary fossils" on cover. Total pp. 22. 8. London, Triibner, 1874. Haddon (Prof. Alfred C.). Voyage of H. M. S. Challenger. Zoology. Report on the Polyplacophora collected by H. M. S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876. In "Challenger Reports," vol. xv, Part XLIII, pp. 1-50, plates i-iii. London, 1886. 4. Heilprin (Prof. Angelo). Explorations on the \rest coast of Florida and in the Okeechobee Wilderness. In Transactions of the Wagnor Free Inst itute of Science of Philadelphia, vol. i, No. 1, pp. 1-134, May, 1887. Sm. folio, with plates 1-19. This contains the descriptions of many new species of Tertiary fossils from West Florida, besides other matters of interest. Higgins (Rev. Henry H ) [and Marratt (Frederick P.)]. Free public library, museum, and gallery of art of the borough of Liverpool. Museum report No. 1. Mollusca of the Argo expedition to the West Indies, 1876. Liverpool, D. Marples & Co. [1878J. 20pp. 8. Ipl. Animportant contribution to the geographical distribution of inollusca in the West Indies. The species were chiefly identified by Mr. Marratt. Holmes (Prof. Francis S.). Post-pleiocene fossils of South Carolina. Charleston, S. C., Russell & Jones, 1858-1860. vi, 122 pp., xxviii pi. 4. See also TUOMEY and HOLMES. This work was published in 10 parts, of which 98 pages and 14 plates are devoted to inverte- brates. The remainder, an account of the vertebrate fossils, is by Dr. Joseph Leidy, and partly relates to the Eocene formation. In neither this nor the Plio- cene volume are the unpaginated sheets with plate references counted above as pages. Jahrbucher der deutschen malakozoologischeu gesellschaft. Kedigirt von Dr. W. Kobelt. Frankfurt am Main, Johannes Alt, 1874-1878. (i vols. ri. Also: The same. Frankfurt am Main, Alt & Neumann, 1879. 1 vol. 8. Also : The same. Frankfurt am Main, Moritz Diesterweg, 1880-1888. 9 vols. 8. The series closes with the volume for 1888. Jones (J. Matthew, F. L. S.). Contributions to the natural history of the Bermudas. Part I. Mollusca. In Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science ; Transactions. Halifax, the Society, 1S64. Vol. n, Part II, pp. 14-26. 8. Journal de Conchyliologie, comprenant l'e"tude des animaux, des coquilles vivautes et des coquilles fossiles. Public sous la direction de M. Petit de la Saussaye. Paris, the editor, 1850-1853. 4 vols. 8. Also: Journal de Conchyliologie. Publi6 sous la direction de MM. Fischer et Bmiardi. Paris, Bernard!, 1856 fjuillet]-1800 [Janvier]. 4 vols., 8 [ending the first series], and 4 vols., 8 [forming the second series], or 8 vols. 8. Also : 20 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Journal de Conchyliologie. Publie sous la direction de MM. Ciosse et Fischer. Paris, Crosse, 1861-1888. [Third series], 28 vols. 8. Also: Index general et systematique des matieres coiitenues dans les vingtpreuiiers volumes du Journal deConchyliologie [etc.], 1850- 1872. Paris, H. Crosse, 1878. 1 vol., viii, 200 pp. 8. [Krebs (Henry).] The West Indian marine shells, with some remarks. A manuscript printed for circulation between collectors. By * * *. [Kjobeuhavn.j Printed by W. Laubs' widow and Chr. Jorgensen, Nykjobing, Falster, 1804. 3prel. 1. unp., 137 pp. 12. .The following mentiou of the circumstances at- tending the printing of this extremely rare, anonymously issued, yet scientiti- cally valuable pamphlet occurs in a letter from the author, dated Dec. 1, 1884 : "I beg to inform you that the [ above pamphlet] was only printed in 20 copies, of which 3 were, according to law, delivered to the public libraries [of Copen- hagen], 7 were lost in transmitting them to St. Thomas, 3 went to the universi- ties of Sweden and Norway, and a few [were] given to friends." "Conse- quently there are none for sale. My friends tease me that the book is the cost- liest they know, on account of a copy has been sold in Altoua, at auction, for 10 Rd." A copy presented by the author to Mr. Thomas Bland, and given by ilint gentleman to Mr. John H. Reilfield, has, with great liberality, been presented by the latter to the library ot the U. S. National Museum. Remarks on some species of West Indian marine shells in the museum of Amherst College. In Lvceum of Natui-al History of New York ; Auuals. New York, the society, 1866. Vol. vni. 186(5, pp. 394-::9H. 8. Catalogue of marine mollusks collected in the Bahama Islands in November, 18G6. In Lyceum of Natural History of New York; Annals. New York, the society 186(5. Vol. vm, 1866, pp. 427-431. b. Kurtz (Lieut. John D.). Catalogue of recent marine shells found on the coasts of North and South Carolina. Portland, David Tucker, I860. 9 pp. 8. See also STIMPSOX and Krirrz. Magasin de zoologie. Piemiere anneV, premiere partie, classe V. Mol- lusques. Planches 1 a 40. Paris, Lequien ills, 1831. 42 1. unp., 40 pi. 8. Also: Journal destine a etablir une correspondence entre les zoolo- gistes de tons les pays et a leur faciliter les moyens de publier les especes nouvelles ou peu counues qu'ils possedeut. Public" par F. E. Guerin-Meneville [etc.] Deuxieme section. Mollusques et zoophytes. Paris, A. Bertram!, 1831-1830. 2 vols. Vol. i [texte], 206 1 unp.; vol. II [planches], 119 pi. 8. Also: Magasin de zoologie, d'auatomie compared et de pal&mtologie: recueil destine a faciliter aux zoologistes de tous les pays les moyeus de publier leurs travaux, les especes uouvelles qu'ils possedent, et a les tenir surtout au courant de uouvelles decouvertes et des progres de la science, par M. F. E. Guerin-Meneville. Deuxietue section. MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 21 Magasin de zoologie, d'anatomie comparee et de paleontologie Cont'd. Mollusques et zoophytes. Anuees 1839 a 1844. Paris, veuve Ber- trand, 1844. 2vols. [Texte] 2501. uup. 8 C . [Planches] iv pp., 150 pi. 8. This publica- tion seerns to have been printed with leaves numbered only to correspond with the plates or with the separate articles, which were afterward divided up in sec- tions, each class being bound and sold separately. Malakozoologische Blatter. Als Fortsetzung der Zeitschrift t'iir Malako- zoologie. Herausgegebeu von Karl Theodor Menke, in Pyrmont, und Dr. Louis Pfeift'er, in Cassel. Cassel, Theodor Fischer, 1854-1S6L'. 8 vols. 8. Also : The same. Herausgegebeii von Dr. Louis Pfeiffer, in Cassel. Cassel, Theodor Fischer, 1862-1872. 10 vols. 8. Also : The same. Herausgegeben von Di. Louis Pfeift'er, in Cassel, und Dr. W. Kobelt, in Schwauheim. Cassel, Theodor Fischer, 1872- 1874. 3 vols. 8. Also : The same. Herausgegeben von Dr. Louis Pfeiffer, in Cassel, Cassel, Theodor Fischer, 1875-1877. 3 vols. 8. Also : Dr. Ludwig Pfeiffer's malakozoologische Blatter fur 1878. Fortgesetzt von S. Clessin. Cassel, Theodor Fischer, 1878. 1 vol. 8. Also : Malakozoologische Blatter. Als Fortsetzung der Zeitschrift fur Malakozoologie. Herausgegebeii von 8. Clessin. NeueFolge, erster[-zehnter] Band. Cassel, Theodor Fischer, 1879-1888. 10 vols. 8. The earlier volumes of this series carried the date of issue on each signature. Later volumes are without it, and there is no means of deter- mining the date of issue, which often was not within the year to which the vol- ume ostensibly refers. Melvill (James Cosmo, A, M., F. L. S.). List of the mollusca obtained in South Carolina and Florida, principally in the island of Key West, 1871-1872. In Journal of Couchology. Leeds, J. Taylor, 1881. Vol. in, Nos. 5, 6, pp. 155- 173. 12. This catalogue contains many erroneous identifications. Morch (Otto Andreas Lowson). Catalogue of the West India shells in the collection of Dr. C. M. Poulseu, Kastauievei 5, Copenhagen. Copenhagen, Bianco Luno, 1878. 16 pp. 8. Nachrichtsblatt der deutschen malakozoologischeu Gesellschaft. Unter mitvvirkung von D. F. Heyuemanu ; redigirt von Dr. W. Kobelt. Frankfurt am Main, W. Kuchler, 1869. 1 vol. sin. 8. Also : The same. Frankfurt am Main, J. D. Sauerlauder, 1870-1871. 2 vols. 8. Also . 22 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Nachrichtsblatt, etc. Continued. The same. Redigirt von Dr. W. Kobelt. Frankfurt am Main, J. D. Sauerlander, 1872. 1 vol. 8. Also : The same. Redigirt von Dr. W. Kobelt uiid D. F. Heyue- manu. Frankfurt am Main, Johannes Alt, 1873. 1 vol. 8. Also: The same. ttedigirt von Dr. W. Kobelt. Frankfurt am Main, Johannes Alt, 1874-1877. 4 vols. 8. Also : The same. Frankfurt am Main, Alt & Neumann, 1878-1879. 2 vols. 8. Also : The same. Frankfurt am Main, Moritz Diesterweg, 1880-1888. 9 vols. 8. Nautilus (The). A journal devoted to the interests of conchologists. Established in 1886 as " The Couchologist's Exchange." Vol m[i|, No. 1, May, 1889. Philadelphia, published monthly by H. A. Pilsbry and W. D. Averell. 8. 1889. The first issue under the above title, cited above, comprises iv, 12 pp. Norman (Rev. A. M.). Presidential address delivered at the annual meeting of the Tyneside Naturalists 7 Field Club, May 27, 1881, with appendices on the fauna of the abysses of the ocean. Newcastle upon-Tyne, John Bell, 1883. 8. 68 pp. Appendix C contains a list of all the animals at that time recorded as obtained fr^m the North Atlantic Ocean at a greater depth than 1,000 fathoms. Pelseneer (Paul, D. Sc.). The voyage of H. M. S. Challenger. Zoology. Report on the Pteropoda. Part I. The Gymnosomata. In "Challenger Eeports," vol. xix, pp. 1-74, plates i-iii. London, 1887. 4. (The same.) Part II. The Thecosomata. In the same, vol. xxn, pp. 1-132, plates i, ii. London, 1888. 4. (The same.) Part III. Anatomy. In the same, vol. xxm, pp. 1-97, plates i-v. London, 1888. 4. Pfeiffer (Dr. Louis.) Bericht iiber die ergebnisse meiuer reise uach Cuba im winter 1838-'39. In Wiegmauu's Archiv fiir Natnrgeschichte, 1839, vol. I, pp. 346-358. Uebersicht der im Januar, Februar und Marz 1839 auf Cuba gesammelten Mollusken. In same, 1840, vol. I, pp. 250-261. Ravenel (Dr. Edmund). Catalogue of the recent and fossil shells in the cabinet of the late Edmund Ravenel. Charleston, S. C., Walker, Evans & Cogswell, 1875. 68 pp. 12. Roemer( Dr. Ferdinand). Texas; uiit besonderer riicksichtauf deutsche auswanderung uud die physischen verhaltnisse des landes uach eigener beobachtung geschildert; mit eiuem naturwissenschaftli- chen anhange. Bonn, Adolph Marcus, 1849. xvi, 464 pp. 8. 1 map. List of new species in Binney's Bibliography N. Am. Conchology, Part II, pp. 11-U. MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 23 Say (Thomas). The complete writings of Thomas Say on the conchol- ogy of the United States. Edited by W. G. Binney. New York, H. Bailliere, 1858. 8. vi, 252 pp., pi. i-lxxv. A reprint of Say's scattered papers and descriptions. Simpson (Charles Torrey). Contributions to the mollusca of Florida. In Davenport (Iowa) Academy of Natural Sciences; Proceedings of, vol. v, pp. 45-72, 63*-72*. 8. Pages 45-48 appeared Aug. 25, 1887; pages 49-56, Nov. 4, 1887; pages 57-72, Feb., 1889, and the remainder in March, 1889. Smith (Edgar Albert, F. Z. S.). The voyage of H. M. S. Challenger. Zoology. Report on the Lamellibranchiata collected by H. M. S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876. In " Challenger Reports," vol. xm, pp. 1-341, plates i-ixxv. London, 1885. 4. Stearns ( Robert Edwards Carter). Descriptions of new species of marine mollusks from the coast of Florida. Ext. Boston Society of Natural History ; Proceedings, vol. xv, pp. 21-24, Jan. 17, 1872. 8. 4 pp. On a new species of Pedipes from Tampa Bay, Florida. Ext. Boston Society of Natural History ; Proceedings, vol. xm, pp. 108-109, 1869. 1 leaf. 8. Headed " Conchological Memoranda, No. 4." Descriptions of new marine shells from the west coast of Florida. Ext. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia ; Proceedings for 1873, pp. 344-347, 1873. 8. 4 pp. Stimpson (Dr. William). Descriptions of new shells. In Boston Society of Natural History ; Proceedings, vol. iv, pp. 112-114, 1851 and Kurtz (Lieut. John D.). Descriptions of new shells. In Boston Society of Natural History ; Proceedings, vol. iv, pp. 114-115, 1851. Tryon (George Washington), jr. American marine conchology; or, de- scriptions of the shells of the Atlantic coast of the United States from Maine to Florida. Philadelphia, the author, 1873-1874. 208 pp., 44 pi. 8. Issued in six parts, Nov., 1873, to Nov., 1874. Tuomey (Michael) and Holmes (Francis S.). Pleiocene fossils of South Carolina; containing descriptions and figures of the Polyparia, Echinodermata, and Mollusca. Charleston, S. C., Eussell & Jones, 1855-1857. 1 vol. xvi, 152 pp., 32 pi. 4. Issued in sixteen parts; of which six of eight pages and two plates each appeared in 1855, the remainder with title, etc., in 1856. See also HOLMES (F. S.). Verrill (Prof. Addison E.). Report upon the invertebrate animals of Vineyard Sound and the adjacent waters, with an account of the physical characters of the region. In [First] Report of the U. S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries, 42nd Congress. 2nd session, Senate Miscellaneous Document No. 61. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1873. 8. Pp. 296-778, plates i-xxxviii. A separate edition was issued by the author. The original volume is sometimes referred to as the Report of the U. S. Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries for 1871-'72. 24 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUiV. Verrill (Prof. Addison E.). List of deep-water and surface Mollusea taken off Hie east coast of the United States by tlie 1 T . S. Fish Commission steamers Fish SaicTc and Albatross, 1880-1883. Ext. Connecticut Academy of Sciences; Transactions. New Haven, the so- ciety, July, 1884. Vol. vi, pp. 263-290. 8. Results of the explorations made by the steamer Albntrosa off the northern coast of the United States in 1883. In Eeport of the Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries for 1883. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1885. Pp. 503-601, plates i-xliv. Separate copies were also printed for the author. Catalogue of marine niollusca added to the fauna of the New England region during the past ten years. In Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Sciences, v, pp. 447-588, plates xlii-xliv, Ivii, Iviii. 8. 1882. Separates distributed by the author. Second catalogue of mollusca, recently added to the fauna of the New England coast and the adjacent parts of the Atlantic, consisting mostly of deep-sea species, with notes on others pre- viously recorded. In the same; vol. vi, pp. 139-294, plates xxviii-xxxii. 8. 18ri4. Separate copies were issued. Third catalogue of mollusca, recently added to the fauna of the New England coast and the adjacent parts of the Atlantic, consisting mostly of deep-sea species, with notes on others pre- viously recorded. In the same; vol. vi, pp. 395-452, plates xlii-xliv. 8. 1884. Separate copies were issued. Watson (Rev. Eobert Boog). Mollusca of H. M. S. Challenger expedi- tion. Parts I-XX, 1879-1883. Preliminary report to Prof. Sir C. Wyville Thomson [etc.]. Ext.Linnean Society Journal. Zoology. London, the Society, 187P-1883. Vols. xiv-xvn, 1879-1883. 8. See also FOLIN (L. de). The separate parts appeared as follows : Part I. The Journal, vol. xiv. NO. 78, pp. 5015-507; read Nov. 21, 1878; pub- lished April 23, 179. II. The Journal, vol. xiv, No. 78, pp. 508-529 ; read Nov. 21, 1878 ; pub- lished April 23, 1879. III. The Journal, vol. xiv, No. 78, pp. 586-605; read Dec. 5, 1878 ; published April 23, 1879. The preceding parts in one cover. Title on cover and bastard title. 8. London, Taylor & Francis, 1K79. Original pagi- nation preserved. IV. The Journal, vol. xiv, No. 80, pp. 694-716 ; read June 5, 1879 ; published Sept. 2, 1879. Covers and bastard title as in the preceding. V. The Journal, vol. xv, No. 82, pp. 88-126 ; read April 18,1880; published July 31, 1880. This and succeeding two parts have no title on cover or elsewhere. VI. The Journal, vol. xv, No. S4, pp. 218-230 ; read April 15, 1880 ; published Nov. 20, 1880. VII. The Journal, vol. xv, No. 85, pp. 246-274; read Dec. 9, 1880; published March 25, 1-81. VIII. The Journal, vol. xv, No. 86, pp. 388-412 ; read March 3, 1881 ; published. Sept. 29, 1881. This part has bastard title, but none on cover. MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 25 Watson (Rev. Kobert Boog) Continued. Part IX. The Journal, vol. xv, No. 87, pp. 413-455; read June 2,1881; published Oct. 4, 1881. This part has no title. X. The Journal, vol. xv, No. 88, pp. 458-475 ; read June 16, 1881 ; published Nov. 3, 1882. No title. XI. The Journal, vol. xvi, No. 91, pp. 247-254 ; read Dec. 15, 1881 ; published March .-, 1883. No title. XII. The Journal, vol. xvi, No. 93, pp. 324-343; read Dec. 15, 1881 ; published June 12, 1882. This part has bastard title. XIII. The Journal, vol. xvi, No. 93, pp. 358-372 ; read March 16, 1881 ; pub- lished June 12, 18rt2. This part has bastard title. XIV. The Journal, vol. xvi, No. 93, pp. 372-392; read March 16,1882; pub- lished June 12, 1882. This part has bastard title. XV. The Journal, vol. xvi, No. 96, pp. 594-611 ; read June 15, 1882 ; published March 10, 1883. This part has bastard title. XVI. The Journal, vol. xvn, No. 97, pp. 26-40; read Nov. 16,1882; published' March 24, 1883. This part has bastard title. XVII. The Journal, vol. xvn, No. 99, pp. 112-130; read March 1, 1883 ; pub- lished July 31, 1883. This part has bastard title. XVIII. The Journal, vol. xvn, No. 101, pp. 284-293 ; read March 15, 1883 ; pub- lished Oct. 20, 1883. XIX. The Journal, vol. xvn, No. 101, pp. 319-340; read May 3, 1883; pub- lished Oct. 20, 1883. XX.- The Journal, vol. xvn, No. 101, pp. 341-346 ; read June 21, 1883; pub- lished Oct. 20, 1833. Parts XVIII-XX issued in one cover; title on the cover. London, Lin- ncau Society [1883]. The voyage of H. M. S. Challenger. Zoology. Report on the Scaphopoda and Gasteropoda collected by H. M. S. Challenger dur- ing the years 3873-1876. In " Challenger Reports," vol. XV, Part XLII, pp. i-v, 1-756, plates i-1, with an Appendix, B, pp. tl A 1 A Owen. Family TEKEBRATULID^. Genus TBREBRATULA Llhwyd. 1 T. cubensis Pourtales 39 6, 10 27 .30. Fla. lieefs... 9 T. Bartlettii Dall 6 4 a c 40 $fa Gulf of Mex. ? T incerta Davidson .......... f, 6 6a 10.5 -(Wn Gulf of Mex GenusTEREBRATULINA Orbigny. 4 T. Cailleti Crosse 39 8,o. 10 /A- Femaudiua . 5 T. septentrioualis Couth 49 1,2 22 -A. Halifax Family EUDESIID^. Genus EUDESIA King. 6 E. llorida n a Pourtales ?9 9,11 23 ua Sand Key ... 7 E. crauium Miiller T?2r Lou. 16 Order 1, \ OIMMI V 1 \ Owen. Family CRANIID^. Genus CRANIA Retzius. C. Ponrtjilesii Dall . .. 7 17 Family DISCIXID^. Genus DISCINA Lamarck. Subgenus Discinisca Dall. D. atlantica Kiug 5 1R D. antillarum Orbigny ... .. 10 10 Family LINGULID^E. Genus GLOTTIDIA Dall. G. antillaru.ru Reeve . . 6.2 10rt var. pyramidata Stiinpson. Riinge in Northern extreme range. Fernainliua . Baffin's Bay 5\f\- Fernandiua .; Cuba Chesap. Bay MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 31 TABLE I. A. List of Brachiopoda Continued. S.J. v. Hat. Oa E:mt t'la Fla. Keys. West Ma. Tex. . West In.l. Ber- ri'U- da. Ear. West Am. Southern, extreme range. Range in time. t t t t t t t * * ? ? t St. Vincent.. Australia Martinique.. Martinique.. Florida t t f ? ? ? *' ? ? ? .... * * * 32 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE II. B. List of Pelecypoda. Ser. No. Xanie and authority for species. PI. Figs. Alt. or Lon. Range in depth. Northern extreme range. Class PELECYPODA. Order PBIOIVODESMACE A. i Suborder OSTRACKA. Family OSTRE1DJ5. 1 Genus OSTREA Liniie. P. E. Island.. 2 Jupiter Inlet 3 Tampa 4 O enuestris S;iy .... ..... N. Carolina. . Suborder ANOMIACEA. Family ANOMIID^. 5 Genus ANOMIA Liiine. A simplex Orbiffov - W 1,2 A Cape Sable . . 6 A aculeata Linu6 ..... .... ... ^ 5-8 Q n Arctic Oceau 7 Genus PLACUNANOMIA. P. rudis Broderip . Cedar Kevs. . Suborder PECTLNACEA. Family DIMYID^E. 8 Genus DIMYA Rouault. D. argentea Dall 4 5-& ld.5 -" Hatteras Family SPONDYLID^. 9 Genus PLICATULA Law. P. ramosa Lamarck Hatteras 10 Genus SPONDYLUS Linne. S. spathuliferus Sow Jupiter Inlet 11 S. Gussoni Costa . no Gulf of Mex. Family PECTINID^. Genus PECTEN Miiller. 12 Subgenns Janira Schum. J. ziczac Liiiu6 Tampa 13 J. hemicvclica Raveuel . . fi 5 wo 4.0 Hatteras .. MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 33 TABLE II. B. List of Pelecypoda. N.J. Va. Hat. Ga. East Fla. Fla. Keys. "WfHt Fla. Tex. West lad. Ber- mu- da. Eur. West Aiu. Southern extr me range. Range in time. * * * * Florida Keys Pliocene. # * * # Barbados , * # Marti 11 iq ue . * IP p Charlotte H . B , * Martinique .. Cape Fear. * Guadulupe . . \ | Barbados. .. ? Pliocene. f f t West Indies ' * * Guadalupe .. * t M * Florida Str. . Pliocene. 24781 Bull. ;<7 3 34 BULLKTIX 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE II. B. List of Pelccypoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PI. Ki-8. Alt. or Lon. Range in depth. Xortliern extiynie range. 14 Subgenus Amusium Scbnui. A Morton i Say .-- 100.0 30 Gulf of Mc\ 1" A. Dalli Smith j 4 la-6 ) 62.0 -A-y-,- Bonnu'a . . . in Section PROPEAMUSIUM Greg. A. Pourtalesianum Dall 40 5 S 1-J -AV Ccilar Keys 17 var. strliituliuit Dall ill Santa Crux . . 18 var inarinoratiiDi Dall 4 :} 12.0 \?- 1') A. cancellatum Smitb f> la,2 jr. o Charlotte 11 A. Holmesii Dall r,n 1 2. .inn Fern and in. 'i 1 A. Say a 11 u in Dall 3,9 1.").:") Florida Str .. 22 SiibgenusPecten s. s. P ina r ellauicus Guielin >. 70 .> :oo o T i, Labrador ? P. irradians Lamarck . ...... r>3 11 7.". Nova Scotia . 1 var. d islocatus Say 40.0 Hatteras 03 P. nucleus Born 2o. Florida Keys 0(5 P. oxasperat us Soivrrbv Hatteras '27 P. ornatns Lainarrk . . . . Cedar Keys. . "R P. autillaruin Reclnz Key West . . . 90 P. efflucns Dall 4'^ 9 23.0 c-r. Feruandiua . 30 P. phrvgium Dall ->... 40 1 30. ."> -7".,".- Hatteras 31 P. gl yptfis Verrill GO. -1% Rhode Island 39 P. imbricatns Ginelin Tortugas 31? P. nodosns Linuc Ilatteras 34 35 var. fragosus Conrad Seclioii PsEfDAMrsiUM Ad. P. imbrifer Loven ) 4 Aa-b) 12.5 a -Sr Cedar Keys.. Arctic Sea. . . 3fi P. reticulns Dall (-4 5 14 % 2i 8 10 7.0 JM, Ilatteras 37 P. tbalassinusDall 8.5 ~?-?-r Rhode Isl.m. 38 P. leptalens Verrill 7 142 3) P. fragi 1 is Jeffreys rtftd. Arctic Sea. . . 40 P. stri.it us M filler Norway 41 P. Sigsbet-i Dall 4 2 11 5 158 Florida S':'.. 42 P. vitreus Giuelin G4 141 _SQ_ Arctic Ocean. 4, P. strigillatus Dall 42 2 .l?i- Fern audio a . 44 P. undatus Verrill .. 46 21 19.0 i -12.? N. Atlantic.. MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 35 TABLE II. B. List of Pelecypoda Continued. N.J. Va. Hat. Ga. East Fla. Fla. Keys. West Fla. Tex. West Ind. Ber- mn- da. Ear. West Am. Southern extreme rauge. Kange in time. 1 t *t .... t t t t t t t t Haiti Miocene. Miocene. Miocene. Pliocene. t Barbados Grenada t t St. Vincent-. Grenada .... St. Vincent.. Barbados. . . . Saba t t t *t * " t -- t t * * * Hatteras Tampa * # 41 t t* * * t t t Florida Str.. Guadalupe .. Guadalupe .. Barbados Guadalupe .. Cuba * * * t t # -- * * .... t f t .... Grenada Hatteras Trinidad Florida Keys Gnadalupe .. t t -- * * # * ? # # 7f * t .... t f t *t t t t t Barbados Barbados.. .. Hatteras .... Hatteras Rhode Island Cuba t f t? t t t? t t t .:.. ? Patagonia. .. Cuba t .... t .... t .. .. N. lat. 37.. 36 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE II. R.List of Pelecypoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PL Figs. Alt. or I -nil. Range in depth. Northern extreme range. 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 6-2 (53 64 65 Genus HINNITES Defrance. If Adamsi Dall .... 5 6 28.0 573 N. Atlautic.. Sarasoi a Cedar Keys.. Hatteras Fla. Keys.... Florida Str.. Hatteras Hatteras Arctic Sea,. . N. Atlantic.. Florida Str.. Hatteras Feruaudina . Hatteras ... Rliode Island Bermuda St. Augustine Bermuda N. Carolina.. Hatteras Hatteras Family LIMIDJE. Genus LIMA Bruguiere. 8.0 iif it L Linus Gmclin . ...... ...... .... Subgenus Limatula S. Wood. 5.75 -&% 47 1&TT m -i - Ul T% ~?/i Genus LIMJEA Bronn. L Kroimiana Dull ...... .. ...... 3.1 5. 2 Suborder MYTILACEA. Family AVICULID^. Genus AVICULA Lamarck. A. atlantica Lamarck A. nitida Verrill Genus MARGARITIPHORA Meg- erle. M. raditila Lamarck Genus PERNA Bruguiere. P. obliqiia Lamarck P. epliippium Lamarck Gentis PINNA Liime. P. muricata Linn6 P. semiuuda Lamarck P. carnea Gmelin . . MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. TABLE IT. B. List of Pelecypoda Continued. 37 N.J. Va. Bat. Ga. Eiist Fla. Fla. Keys. West Fla. Tex. West h.d. RPT- inn- 4 3J Rhode Is.l.-iinl 6H M. exustus Liuu6 ... Charleston ;: Genus SEPTIFER Recluz. s. . .. Tampa Bav. 70 Genus MODIOLA Lamarck. M. modiolus Linne" r>i 4 Q ff Arctic Sea. .. 71 M. tulipa Liune". . .... N. Carolina 7 Section BRACHYDONTES Swainson. M. sulcata Lamarck Tampa Bay.. 7T M. plicatula Lamarck . r.i l Nova Scotia. 74 var. semicostata Conrad St. Augustine 75 Section AMYGDALUM Mogerle. M. lignea Reeve . N S. Carolina 76 77 M. polita Verrill & Smith $ var. sagi ttata Dall 6 45 3 12 50. 0? 33. 0$ jVifo T 8 ^ N. Atlas: tic.. Cedar Keys.. 78 M. papyri a Conrad Jupiter Inlet 79 Section BOTULIX.Y Dall. M. opifex Say . A Hatteras 80 Section BOTULA Morch. M. cinnamoniea Lamarck -.0,- Cape Fear. .. 81 Genus LITHOPHAGUS Muhlfeldt. L. caribueus Philippi Florida Str .. 8-> L. antillarnm Philippi Bermuda 88 L. bisulca/tns Orbi< r i)y. .. ...... Cedar Kevs 84 L. forficatus Ravenel Cape Fear. . 8r> Genus DACRYDIUM Torell. D. vitreum, Moller -nfior Arctic. 83 Genus IDAS Jeffreys.. I. argenteus Jeffreys .. 45 IGa f).5 JWAr N. Atlantic .. MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN" COAST. 39 TABLE II. B. List of Pelecypoda Continued. N..J. Va. Hat. Ga. East Fla. Fla. Keys. West Fla. Tex. "West Incl. Ber- mu- da. Eur. West Am. Southern extreme range. Hange in time. * * * f * * * * N. Carolina.. Costa Rica .. Pliocene. Pliocene. it .... * * \ * * # - * N. Carolina.. Guadalupe .. Barbados Georgia Texas * * # * * # * * p t * * * * t : t t * * St. Thomas . . Grenada Cape Florida Corp. Clniisti Cuba t t .... t .... . ... *; # *t Gu ad. i hi pe .. St. T.iomas.. Guadalnpt! . . Guadalupe .. Jamaica Campecbe. .. Rhode Island . ... .... t t t t t t .... I > 40 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE II. B. List of Pelecypoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PI. Figs. Alt. Of Lon. Range in depth. Northern extreme range. 87 88 89 90 91 92 9:5 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 Genus MODIOLARIA Beck. 54 53 6 5:1 64 2 9 7,8 10 136a -60 rln Arctic Sea. .. Arctic Sea. .. Maine Genus CRENELLA Brown. C ffliiulnla Totten & Tfe Arctic Sea. .. Arctic Sea. .. Hatteras Chesapeake . Maryland . . . Hatteras Hatteras Hatteras St. Augustine C. decusaata Montagu ' 14.0 70 Genus DREISSENSIA Van Ben. Subgenus Mytilopsis Conrad. Suborder ARCACEA. Family ARCID^. Genus ARCA Liniie. Section AHCA Lamarck. & Section BAUBATIA Gray. A Candida Chemnitz ............ A 6 9,10 26.0 i%- -h N. Carolina. . Cape Cod Texas Section NOETIA Gray. A ponderosa Say .................. .^: A Orbi'nyi Kobelt A. Jamaicensis Gmeliii N. Carolina.. Hatteras Cape Cod Hatteras Key West . . . Cape Cod Section SCAPHAKCA Gray. A lienosa Say .. ...... ...... ...... .... A transversa Say . . ........... r,6 2 A A inconTiia Say .... A anriculata Lamarck ... .... ii A Section ARGIXA Gray. A pexata Sav .- 50 16 A Holmes ii Kurtz .. A. Americana Gray .. Hatteras MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 41 TABLE II. B. List of Pelecypoda Continued. N.J Va. Hat. Ga East Fla. Fla, Keys. West ! Fla. Tex. West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Eur. West Am. Soutbein extreme range. Range in time * * * * * * t* * # # # Hatteras Hatteras N. Grenada.. Hatteras Hatteras Barbados . . . P. Pliocene. P. Pliocene. P. Pliocene. P. Pliocene. Pliocene. Pliocrne. Miocene Plioc. ue Pliocene. Pliocene. * * * * .. * # * v .... *t t * * V * -- # # # * .... # * Aspinwall... Carthagena . Aspinwall... Trinidad .... St. Thomas.. Barbados Barbados St.Tbonias?. St. Thomas . . Venezuela. . . Trinidad Key West . . . Aspinwall. .. Martinique. . * * * .... .. * * # * .... # * t *t * * * # # # * * * * * # .... * # * * ? * # # * ii * Charleston . . Triuidad .. # * # * # 42 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE II. B. List of Pelecypoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PI. Figs. Alt. or I. on Range in depth. Northern extreme range. Ill Section BYSSOARCA. Swainson. A reticulata Gtueliii...... ............ ?7 Hatteras 112 A Adamsi Shuttle worth ...... ..... A9 Hatteras 113 var Conradiana Dall ............ M Hatteras 114 A. Dodulosa Miiller.' .. Ms Norway 115 8 5 8.0 T&T Norway . . 116 A polucynitt Dall . ... 8 3,3a 9.75 117 A. glomerula Dall ...... 8 9,9a 5.75 i8S Hatteras .... 118 Subgenus Macrodon Lycett. M asperula Dall .. . . .... y 4 4a 8 5 JilS. 119 6 80 Florida Str 120 M profundicola Verrill ...... 46 23 23a 12 2021 N Lat 37 121 M. 92 Florida Str 122 Genus PECTUNCULUS Lam. P. undatus Linne" u Hatteras 123 P. pectinatns Ginelin rf* Hatteras 194 Genus LIMOPSIS Sassi. L. minuta Philippi v5Sr Norway 1^5 L. tenella Jeffreys 10 5 .131^ N Atlantic 126 L. antillensis Dall ...... 8 3 5 -A* 197 L. cristata Jeffreys T 85 T Norway 198 L. aurita Brocchi .- 22 T n 7 Norway 199 var. paucidentata Dall 9 874 130 var. piana Verrill . 14 i-^4 Chesapeake 131 Suborder NUCULACEA. Family NUCULID^E. Genus PLEURODON S. Wcod. P. Adamsii Dall 2 87 205 Florida Str 139, Genus NUCULA Lamarck. N. segeeusis Jeffreys 10 7 T^T Mediter Sea 133 N. cyruella Dall 5 1 VW.T Florida Str 134 N. tenuis Montagu 68 8 T^TT 135 N. proxima Say r r ) 4 136 N. delphinodonta Mighels 56 Q Greenland 137 N. cancellala Jeffreys JUUL N Atlantic 138 N. grannlosa Verrill ^A- George's B'k 139 N. crenulata A. Adams 7 2 7 :? 30 140 var. obliteiatii Dall 8 2 7 :5 ilA. Hat trras 141 N. Verrilli Dall . . 4.r, -t?& Rhode Island MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. TABLE II. B. Lint of Pelecypoda Continued. 43 N. J. Va. Hat. Ga. East Fla. Fla. Keys. West Fla. Tex. West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Eur. West Am. Southern t -Xtrpnie range. Kauj:c iii time. t* * * Barbados St. Lucia .... Cedar Keys. . Sand Key St. Vincent . . Grenada St. Vincent.. Yucatan Cuba P. Pliocene. Miocene. Pliocene. Miocene. Miocene. Miocene. P. Pliocene. .... * # t .... * * t * * t - t t t .... t t t t t t .... t t t t t t t t t t * # t t t t t t * M t. Cuba # * St. Lucia Barbados Barbados Cuba # t * t t -- t t t t t t t t t t .... t .... t t t Florida Str.. Yucatan Grenada Jamaica Dominica . . . Bahamas Trinidad Yucatan t t t t t .... t t t t t .... t t t t t* t t t * t t -t * t * # if t* t * * Hatteras Charlotte H. New Jersey . * ? t t C. Lookout . Barbados .... St. Vincent.. Yucatan. . .... f t t M .... t t t t t t 44 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE II. B. List of Pelecypoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PI. Figs. Alt. or Lon. Range in depth. Northern extreme rauge. 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 Family LEDID^E. Genus LEDA Schumacher. Subgemift Yoldia Morcb. Y solenoid BS Dall ...... .......... .... 9 9 49 56 56 2,2a l.la 5 1 9 12.5 13.1 1-- 118 M& A T?'T iW Uf m fttf T?!T iW* V*f ?n-f VWV 100 780 l,b Hi Miss, delta .. Gulf of Mex Norway Y liorhiua Dull . .. .. ..... .... Y 1 i 111:1 1 11 1 it Say -..----....< Y. sapotilla Gould ...... Arctic Sea. .. N. Atlantic .. Cedar Keys. . N. Atlantic . N. Atlantic.. Norway . Y sericea Jeffreys ... ....... Y liebes Smith .... ........ 4.0 Y. iusculpta Jeffreys .. ...... ...... Y. Jeffreys! Hidalgo ... ..........' Y. subeoniljitera Jeffreys --- ........ 4.0 10.5 4.0 Feinandina Hatteras N. Atlantic.. Hatteras Florida Str.. Rhode Island Ilatteras Texas Subgenus Leda Schumacher. L. Carpeuteri Dall ... ...... .... .... $ 8 *y 11 ) 3 > L. solidula Smith L. vitrea Orbi^uy. . ............ 6 7 45 64 12,12a 3,8 15 140 6.5 ! 9.5 13.0 15.0 L. acuta Courad < L. Busbiana Verrill ...^ L. conceutrica Sav .... L. Verrilliana Dal 1 13.0 Hatteras Cedar Keys.. Florida Str.. Ha' teras N. Atlantic.. Florida Str.. Cedar Keys.. Florida Str. Florida Str . . Cerlnr Kfiva.. L. 4.1 4.0 4.6 VbV-4 m "i a 6 a" flfifr 287 m m m in L. L. quadraugularis Dall ... 8 6 L. pusio Philippi : L. solidifacta Dall .. 7 7a-b 12.5 Section NEILOXELLA Dall. L. corpnleuta Dall 7 8 40 la-b 1, la 8 9.5 8.6 15.0 Genus MALLETIA Desm. Section TIXDARIA Bellardi. M. cytberea Dall M. amabilis Dall.. MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 45 TABLE II. B. List of Pelecypoda Continued. N.J. Va. Hat. Ga. East Fla. Fla. Keys. West Fla. Tex. West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Eur. "West Am. Southern extreme range. Range in time. t t Yucatan t t t Barbados * , 9 * * N. Carolina Pliocene. t t m Hatteras t t t t 1 t Florida Str.. t t Culebra Id t t f t Florida Str t f f t t Florida Str t t f Grenada t t t t Cuba . . t t t* f Barbados t t t* t t t t f Barbados . . Pliocene. t t t f t Brazil f t Barbados t* \ t M t Sombrero .. . Miocene. t t Florida Str . * , Trinidad Pliocene. t* Cape Fear. t t t Cuba t f t Cuba. . . t f t Cuba.. . i f f f \ Bequia Pliocene. f f Cuba 1 t t t Florida Str t t Jamaica t t f St. Vincent.. t t Tobago . . 46 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE II. B. List of Pelecypoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PL Figs. Alt. or Lon. Kange in depth. Xorthorn extreme rauge. - "IfiQ Section NKILO A. Ad. M dilute*) in Philippi SsJI N. Atlantic.. 170 M 1181 Cedar Keys.. T^'A- Norway 170 Genus GLOMUS Jeffreys. MV Norway .... 173 Suborder SOLEXOMYACEA. Family SOLENOMY1D.E. Genus SOLENOMYA Lamarck. S. velum Say .. 58 3 20.0 3?T Nova Scotia. 174 12.0 2 2 C. Lookout.. 175 S occidentals Deshayes 7.0 | Gulf of Mex. 176 Order 1 a: 1, DO Ii: * l A K A. Suborder CARDITACEA. Family CARDITIDJE. Genus CARDITA Bruguiere. C. rfomingensia Orbiguv l4 Hat t eras 177 C. C-'uradii Sbuttlewortb ? Tampa 178 C. floridana Conrad . .. Tampa 179 C. 8. '2 "i^ftr Hatteras 191 Subgenns Goodallia Turton. G. .. n CaneLookort MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 47 TABLE II. B. List of Pelecypoda Continued. N.J. Va. Hat. Ga. East Fla. Fla. Keys. West Fla. . Tex. West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Eur. West Atu. Southern extreme range. Range in time. t t t Old Provid'ce i . f 1 f t f t Hatti'ras t t t Culm * N. Carolina.. P. Pliocene. t t Cuba * * # ? Guadalupe .. 1* f *t Sombrero . .. # * Key West . . . Miocene. * * Ki-v West . . f f t t t Hatteras Miocene. t" Hatteras .... Miocenr. * Rhode Island t* * Charlotte H . Miocene. f * Charlotte H . Miocene. M . Hatteras .... P. Pliocene. * t Hatteras .. . P. Pliocene. f * t t Cape Florida f t t Barbados.. .. t f t Cuba t* * * Sombrero . .. , t* Cape Fear. ., BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE II. B. List of Pelecypoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PI. Figs. Alt. or Range in depih. Xorthern exlreire range. Genus PARASTARTE Conrad. iq-i P. triquetra Conrao 1 40 6,7,8 5.0 CVdar Keys P concentrica Dall . .. 5 5 ii Genus CIRCE Schumacher. , Subgeuns Gouldia C. 15. Adams. 1Q4 G. ceriua C B. Adams .... ..... ... 7 4a b 10 5 3 195 G ft Ilattenis Family CRASSATELLIDJE. Genus CRASSATELLA Lamarck. . If);; C. floridana Dall < 6 U 11.0 ? , 11 tcl-is 42 4 65. f Subgenns Eriphyla. Gabb. 197 E. lunulata Conrad . r >S 11,13 3 C.lMt" < '(1 1 198 var. parva C. B. Adams. . _pr Flu: id ., Sri- Suborder LEPTO\AEA.? Fami'.y ERYCIXIDJE. Genus TURTONIA Forbes & Han- ley. 199 T. minnta Fabricius. . .... < 64 142a t Arctic Sea_ bS 7 > Genus KELLIA Turtoii. 200 K planulata Stimpsou ...... 7 A Genus LEPTON Turton. 201 L. l(in r ipo.s St iiu pso n Hatteras 20^ 22 C. Lookout 20:5 j 22 C Lookout 901 L i-f C. Lookout 203 L. lepidnm Stimpson? 124 Hatteras Subgeuns Fabella Conrad. 206 F. constricta Conrad .. Cedar Keys.. MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 49 TABLE II. B. List of Pelecypoda Continued. 24781 Bull. 37 4 N.J Va. Hat. Ga East Fla. Fla. Keys. West Fla. Tex West liul. Ber- mu- da. Eur. West Am. Southern i extreme range. Ran K<> '" time. * Charlotte . .. St. Augustine Barbados.. .. Pliocene. Miocene. Pliocene. Pliocene. Pliocene. Pliocene. Miocene. * t" t i ' t* t * # t * .... "t Barbados.. .. Barbados Barbados ... S. Carolina .. Hatteras S. Carolina .. t* t * * ? ? t * * t ? ? * Charlotte H. 60 BULLEIIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE II. B. List of Pelecypoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PI. Figs. Alt. or Lon. Ran C. tortuosns Jeffreys -.. M,i N. Atlantic.. 216 C Gouldii Pliilipiii ... .... .... ...... 5S O rffr Arctic Sea. .. 217 Family CYREKELLID2E. Genus CYRENOIDEA Joannis. C. floridana Dall -_ Fernaudiua . 218 Family LUCINID^E. Genus LUCINA Bruguiere. Subgenus Divaricella Von Martens. D dentata AVood .. ....... ... 58 6 A Ceor 8 14 ^,Af Arctic Sea. . 999, L. jainaicensis Lamarck St. August i in 1 293 L. floridana Conrad Cedar Keys 9,94 L. tigrina Linne St. Augnsstii.t 9,9f, L. pecten Lamarck Tampa . 220 L. lenticula Reeve ii Turtle Harb 22? L. pectinella C. B. Adams Cape Florida 22H L. squamosa Lamarck A C. Lookout. . 2*0 L. costata Tnomev & Holmes Hatteras 230 L. crennJata Conrad JLft, Hatteras 231 L. trisulcata Conrad -Q, Hatteras 232 L. leucocyma Dall 5. (> r> Hatteras .... 233 L. sombrereusis Dull . . 6.5 4S? Gulf of Mex. MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 51 TABLE II. B. List of Pelecypoda Continued. N.J Va Hat. Ga. East Fla. Fla. Keys. West Fla. Tex. West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Eur. AYest Am. Southern extreme range. Range iu time. ! # Rhode Id * t t t Hatteras f t Hatterati t * t t t f Cape Florida t t t t Hatteras ... t t t Yucatan . t t t f t Hatteras t t t Hatteras * Rhode Id . P Pliocene <* # # Florida Keys Pliocene t * t * Brazil # if * f * t* Trinidad. * * * Guadalupe t t * t t f Patagonia * * Guadalupe 1 Key \Vest ^ * * f # Curafoa f t Cuba t Jamaica * , * * Guadalupe * * * t Yucatan . Pliocene t* # , * * Cuba . Pliocene # * ; Cuba Pliocene. t f f -- Sombrero t t t Sombrero . . 52 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE II. B. List of Pelecypoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PI. FiRS. Alt. or 1,011. Range iu depth. Northern extreme range. 234 235 236 2:5? 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 ' 7.6 15.0 A& 2T Gulf of Mex. C. Lookout.. L multilineatii Conrad . ......... *00 &% A Hattt'ras Florida Str.. Hatteras Tampa Genus LORIPES Poll. & 4% . -,, T!T Cape Cod . .. Gulf of Mex. Rhode Island Hatteras Tortugas Hatteras .... Hatteras Cape Florida Hatteras Tampa ...... .L compress!! Dull . .-... ............ 14 45 64 65 2 10, 11) 136> 135^ 10.0 25.0 Family DIPLODONTID.E. Genus DIPLODONTA Turton. c D. tnra Pliocene. Pliocene. Pliocene. Pliocene. Pliocene. Pliocene. Miocene. Pliocene. Pliocene. Pliocene. Pliocene. P. Pliocene. Pliocene. * -- "t t * Guadalnpe .. Martinique .. SanlaCruz .. Grenada .... Sombrero . . . Grenada .... Trinidad Jamaica . t * * * t t t *t * t* # "t # *t t i .. t* t* # * *t * .... t" * t t St. Thomas.. Guadalupe .. Trinidad Yucatan .. .. Ciiracoa * * f t * .... * -i- Barbados * # .... * * Trinidad Trinidad Guadalupe . . C. Lookout.. Hatteras Grenada . Barbados Brazil . . ii t* t* 1 t ? - - t t r * t .... *t t* *t i * * 54 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE II. B. List of Pelecypoda Continued. Ser. No. Name anil authority for species. PI. Figs. Alt- er I. .in. Range in depth. Northern extreme range. OAfl Subgenus Papyridea Swainson. Hatteras Ottl CapeFloridji. .),;.) Subgenus Liocardium Swainson. A Hatteras .... OQ -75 Hatteras 9K4 58 8 21.0 | Nova Scotia . 26*1 Family VENILIID^E. Genus CYPRINA Lamarck. C islandica Linn6 ............... 57 1 58.0 - f lf Arctic Ocean 9fifi Family ISOCARDIID^E. Genus ISOCARDIA Lamarck. Subgenus Meiocardia II. & A. Adams. 40 7 22 117 267 Genus CALLOCARDIA A. Adams. Subgenus Vesicomya Dall. V. pilnla Dall R 13 2.6 iWr i Fernandina . 268 V venusta Dall ............. 10 5 19.0 iR4 Cape Fear... 269 270 Suborder VENERACEA. Family VENERID.E. Genus VENUS Linne. V. mercenaria Linu6 ? var. Mortoni Conrad 55 71 7 \ 1,3$ 75.0 Nova Scotia . Hoglsl'd.Va. 271 V. crispata Deshayes . .... .... Gulf of Mex. 272 V. rugosa Gmelin .. A Hatteras 273 var. rugatina Heilpriu IT Tampa 274 V. pilula Reeve JjfU Gulf of Mex. 97fS V. cribraria Conrad. .. -jiA- Hattera>s 976 V. cancellata Linue" Hatteras 977 V. Beaui Recluz Key West . . . 97rt V. Lamarckii Gray -ir Hatteras 979 V. granulata Gmelin Tortugas 2HO V. pygmaea Lamarck Hatteras 281 V. varicosa Sowerby A*- Hatteras 282 SubgPims Anomalocardia Schum. i A. rostrata Sowerbv. - Jupiter Inlet MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 55 TABLE II. B. List of Pdecypoda Continued. N. -I. Fa. Elat. 3 a. # East Kla. Fla Krys. West Fla. Tex. West Ind. Ber- mu- da. 1 Eur. West Am. Southern extreme range. Range in time. * * * *t .... *t *t * *t ? Brazil P. Pliocene. Pliocene. Miocene^ Miocene. Pliocene. Miocene. Miocene. Trinidad Guadalupe .. Guadalnpe .. Charlotte H. Hatteras 1 Trinidad Bequia .... * # % * * "t # ... .... *t ' t t t t t >' t t Cuba * Yucatan Florida Key s. Porto Rico . . Rio Janeiro. . Florida Str.. Barbados Honduras . . . Trinidad Aspinwall. .. Barbados Cartha Subgenus Dione Gray. D. Dioue Linuo ... . . ...... . Gulf of Mex . 4 997 Subgenus Tivela Link. T mactroides Born .. ................. Florida Keys? 9.98 Subgenus Veneriglossa Dall. V. vesica Dall 22.0 1%- Florida Str.. 999 Genus DOSINIA Scopoli. D. discus Reeve .............. Virginia 300 D. elegans Conrad Halteras 301 Genus LUCINOPSIS F. & H. L. tenuis Recluz D Hatteras . . . 302 Family CORBICULID.E. Genus CY REN A Lamarck. Section LF.PTOSIPHOX, Fischer. C. carolmen.sis Uusc .. Georsria . . MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 57 TABLE II. B. List of Pelccypoda Coutinued. N.J. Va. Hat, Ga. East Fla. Fla. Keys. West Fla. Tex. West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Eur. We-st Am. Southern extienie range. Range in time. * * * * N. Carolina.. N. Carolina.. Martinique .. Tampa Pliocene. # # * ... * * M t* t * t t* N. Grenada .. Grenada Barbados Gulf of Mex . Gulf of Mex. Gnadalupe .. Cuba? # M * -- .... *t t .... * .... .... * # * * # * t * # * * .. Key West . . . Santa Cruz.. Aspinwall... Carthagena . Barbados.. .. Vera Cruz... Aspinwall ... Trinidad Cuba.. * * * t .... # ? .... * * * * # * * * # * * 58 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE II. P> Lint of Pelccypoda Continued. Ser. No. Xame anil anthoiity for species. PI. Figs. Alt. or Lou. Range in depth. Ni'i'thern extri me rauge. Section EGKTA, II. & A. Adams. Tampa 303 ^04 Subonkr TELLINACEA. Family PETRICOLIDJE. Genus FETRICOLA Lamarck. P pholadiformis Lamarck . . < 59 15 ) Pr. Edw. Isl. var dacty lus Lamarck ....... .... 04 140a$ Maine ... 303 p Coral Florida Keys. 307 Submenus Choristodon Jouas. C robusta Sowerby .............. Cape Florida 308 C ? cancellata Verrill ......... - 8.0 70 Chesapeake . 309 Subgenus Naranaio Gray. _0_ Florida Keys. 310 Genus CORA.LLIOPHAGA Blainv. C carditoidea Blaiuville ........... Cedar Keys. . Family DONACID^E. Genus DONAX Linne. D. denticulatus Liuu6 Texas J1O D. variabilis Say -. Hatteras Q1Q D. fossor Say 12 5 New Jersey Q14 St Augustine 315 Genus IPHIGENIA Schum. I. braziliaua Lamarck. Indian River. 316 Genus HBTERODONAX Morch. H. bimaculata Linn6 Fernandinai . 317 Family PSAMMOBIHXE. Genus PSAMMO3IA Lamarck. P. vagiuatus Reeve 30 Charl tte H 318 Genus TAGELUS Gray. T. gibbus Spen 5r. 3 5 35. ^ Cape Cod 320 Genus SOLETELLINA Blainv. S. rufescens Cbeiiinitz .. Gnlf of Mex. MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 59 TABLE II. B. List of Pelecypoda Continued. X.J. V... Uat. la. East Fla. Fla. Keys. West Fla. Tex. West Ind. Bor- nm- ' * # * * * * ft * .... * * # * * f H * * * * * # # * N * N * Trinidad .... R. La Plata.. Haiti. ....... # * # .... Guadalupe .. Barbados i # .... .... t * Georgia Jamaica Charlotte H . * * .... # 62 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE II. B. List of Pelecypoda Continued. Ser. No. Name ami authority for species. PI. Figs. Alt. or Lon. Range in depth. Xorthei-u extr'.'me range. jr;n Genns TELLIDORA Morch. T cristata Recluz . . . ..... N. Carolina .' Qr-7 Genus STRIGILLA Turton. . S caruaria Limit* . ..... ........ Hatteras 358 S pisiform is Linn5 ..... ...... ...... . Key West . . . 3">9 S flexuosa Say . ...... ...^ ...... . A Hatteras 360 Genus LUTRICOLA Blainville. L interstriata Say ......... ...... Florida Keys 361 Genus GASTRANELLA Verrill. G tuuiida Verrill 59 8 4.0 -fa Connecticut . 362 Family SEMELID^E. Genus ABRA (Leach) Risso. A. lou< r icallus Scacchi .. T4BT Arctic Sea. - . 305 A. 860 tuilis Say ..... ................. Connecticut? 3o4 A. lioica Dall .... . .... . 4 8 8.1 .1 .4. Rhode Island 365 Genus CUMINGIA Sowerby. C. tellinoides Conrad 56 14 18.0 A Cape Cod 366 Genus ERVILIA Turtcn. E. 11 i tens Montagu ..... Tortugas 317 E. conceutrica Gould T* Hatteras .... 36-! Genus SEMELE Schumacher. S. reticulata Gnielin Virginia 369 S. obliqtia Wood Cape Fear 370 S. caucellata Orbigny Hatteras 371 S. nuculoides Conrud . Hatteras .... 37-7 Family GNATHODONTID.-E. Genus GNATHODON Gray G. cuneata Conrad Gulf of Mex. 373 G. rostrata Petit .- Gulf of Mex. 374 Suborder MACTRACEA. Family MACTRID^E. M. solidissima Dill wyn 57 n 150.0 Labrador 375 var. similis Say Hatteras .... 376 377 M. brasiliaua Lamarck M. lateralis Sav.. 69 8 Hatteras N. Brunswick MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 63 TABLE II. B. List of Pelecypoda Continued. N.J. Va. Hat, P, East Ga - Fla. Fla. Keys. West Fla. j Tex. West Ind. Ber- iiiii- ila. Ear. West Am. Southern extreme range. Range in time. i * * * * * .... * * M ] i Trinidad .... Triuidad Gn.-idalupe . . Uniti Pliocene. Pliocene. P. Pliocene. Pliocene. Miocene. Miocene. Pliocene. Pliocene. Miocene. Flit ceil . Miocene. Pliocene. Pliocene. Miocene. 1 f * *" * .... * Guadalnpe . . C. Lookout. . Grenada t t " t t t* * # t * t | t* * * Gulf of Mex. Martinique. . Guadalupe . . Guadalupe . . Koy West Guadalupo . . Trinidad Martinique .. Tampa W. Florida.. Texas h # ** - t* # 1 * 4- * * .... .... * * tg * * * * # * * * * # Hatteras St. Thomas.. Brazil Florida Str.. * * * * # # * * * # f # * - .... .... .... 64 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE II. B. List of Pelecypoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PI. Fige. Alt. or Lou. Range in depth. Northern extreme range. 378 Genus LABIOSA Schmidt. New Jersey.. 37!) New Jersey.. OJA Order AIVOITI ALODES.TI ACEA. Suborder ANATINACEA. Family ANATINID.E. Genus THRACIA Blainv. T Conradi Couthouy . . 69 9 JL Labrador ... qji T Stiinpsoni Dull 65 28 ^W-J T corbuloidoa Blainville... - Hatteras oao T distorta Moiita< r u . Gulf of Mex. JW4 T. pbaseoliua Lamarck .- Britain SS'i Genus ASTHENOTHLS3RUS Cpr. A. Hemphillii Dall 6 25 JL Gulf of Mex. oaf* Subgenus Bushia Dall. B elegans Dall .... .... .... - ...... .... 39 1 12 5 6 Florida Str QQ7 Genus PERIPLOMA Schum. P. imequivalvis Scbumacher 76 Texas ? ^HH Gulf of Mex. QQ() Hatteras .... ^00 P frafilis Totten 59 7 JJL Labrador . QQ1 Gulf of Mex. QUO Subgenus Cochlodesma Coutbony. C Leanum Conrad ................... 59 6 32 5 Nova Scotia. 393 Family LYONSIID.E. Genus LYONSIA Turton. L hyalina Conrad 59 11 A Nova Scotia. 394 f Gulf of Mex. 395 L. Beana Orbi^ny A Hatteras 396 L formosa t Jeffreys ... .... .... ...... 10 MS N. Atlantic .. 397 393 L. ? arata Verrill < Genus LYONSIELLA M. Sars. L insciilpta Jeffreys ..... ............ 4.') 65 4") 4, 5, 6) 133-4 $ 7,8 #* Rhode Island Norway 3W L. a&i/stfieoZa Sars . . Norwav - - MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST 65 TABLE II. B. List of Pelecypoda Continued. N. J. Va. Hat. * Ga. East Fla. Fla. Keys. West i T Fla. Tex ' West Incl. Ber- mu- da. Enr. West Am. Southern extreme range. Range in time. * * * * Cuba P. Pliocene. P. Pliocene. Pliocene. Miocene. Gulf of Mex . Hatteras Tortugas Key West . . . Honduras . .. Yucatan * # * .... -- M * * t * t .... * .... * t Marco, Fla .. Barbados Trinidad Honduras . .. Florida Keys t * ? # t * t t t t *1 Santa Cruz . . Hatteras Texaa * -- * - # * * Nicaragua. .. Guadalupe .. Campeche . . . * * f ? t .... 1 ? t t Rhode Isl'd?. Rhode Island * 24781 Bull. 37 5 66 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE II. B. List of Pelecypoda Contiuued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PL Figs. Alt. or Lon. Range in depth. Northern extreme range. 400 Family VERTICORDIHXE. Genus VERTICORDIA Wood. N Atlantic 401 V flexuosa Verrill .. ........... 65 132 7 h N Atlantic 402 V Woodii Smith Oflft, Gulf of Mex 40^ V granulifera Verrill 8.0 1423 Chesapeake 404 V Seguenzje Dall ..... ...... ... 5.0 Hatteras 40 T V per versa Dall ............... 39 4 5.0 731 Cape Fear 406 Subgenus Trigonulina Orbigny. T oruata Orbi "'ny < 45 4 Rhode Island 407 Section EUCIROA Dall. T. ele^antissi ma Dall < bb 2 1315 la-b 13.25 I in 408 Subgenus Haliris Dall. H. Fischeriana Dall. 39 7 4a b 40.0 10 409 H. trapezoidea Seguenza JOL N. Atlantic .. 410 Family CUSPIDARIID^E. Genus CUSPIDARIA Nardo. Subgenus Cuspidaria s. s. C. glacialis Sars Norway 411 C. rostrata Spengler Si Arctic Sea 412 C. microrhina Dall 40 2 3 45 Aft| C. Canaveral. in C. Jeffreys! Dall 2 15.0 Q H Floiida Str.. 414 C. obesa Lovon 3 j 13.0 TiiF Arctic Sea. .. 415 C- ? arcuata Dall . 3 4 12. 5 640 Gulf of Mex . 416 C. lamellosa M. Sars 45 3 7.3 Norway 417 Subgenus Cardiomya A. Adams. C. perrostrata Dall 2 8.0 -M Tortugas 41R C. costellata Deshayes 2 Hatteras 419 var. corpulenta Dall 3 9 14.0 Florida Str.. 420 C. ornatissiiria Orbigny 41 21 9.5 . Hatteras 421 C. striata Jeffreys ) 3 10? 19.0 85 Arctic Sea... 422 Subgenus Liomya A. Adams. Section PLECTODON Cpr. L. grauulata Dall 65 129) 8 18.0 Cape Florida. 423 var. velvetiua Dall. . 11.0 T- i MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 67 TABLE II. "B.List of Pelecypoda Continued. N.J. Va. Hat, Ga. East Fla. Fla. Keys. West Fla. Tex. West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Eur. "West Am. Southern extreme range. Range in time. t t f f f i f Barbados Pliocene t Rhode Isl'd t t Brazil t ?t t f t Yucatan t t* * f Barbados f t t t Cuba t f . f f f t t t Fernaudina Pliocene. t t f t* Gulf of Mex f f f f t f f f t t t t 1* Barbados ... f f t t* Rhode Id Pliocene. f f t ... - *t -- t t* f t .... f .... * .... St. Thomas.. St Vincent t* # Guadalupe t t t t Florida Str f J Barbados t t Barbados.., 68 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM TABLE II. B. List of Pekcypoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PL Figs. Alt. or LOD. Range in depth. Northern extreme range. 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 Section RHINOCLAMA D. & S. 10.0 12.0 10.0 731 m 123 8SO *WY A u 539 3\?,T _. o._ 145(1 m A 5 - m HI8 r& twi A 9 ^ A /cr Ttft -, 2 A Cape Fear... N.Atlantic .. Cape Clear.. Chesapeake . Cedar Keys.. Florida Str.. Norway Snbgeuus Halonympha D. & S. 2 2,2a Genus MYONERA Dall and Smith. M uudata Verrill . ... . . M lamellifera Dall .. --. ..--. 3 3 7 5 12.5 11.2 M lima tu hi Dall . ... ....... Family POROMYID^. Genus POROMYA Forbes. P ranulata Nyst - ... ..... var. rotundata Jeffreys ............ N. Atlantic . . N.Atlantic .. Chesapeake . Gulf of Hex . N.Atlantic .. Cape Fear.. . Chesapeake . Florida Keys. C. Hatteras . Nova Scotia . Hatteras Arctic Sea. .. Tampa . . P ueteroides Seo'uenza ............ P. sublevis Verrill 65 39 128 3 Section CETOMYA Dall. P elono'ata Dall .. 22.5 P. tornata Jeffreys. .- P. albida Dall 21.5 13.0 7.3 Genus CETOCONCHA Dall. C. bullaDall $ K5 39 8 130 ? 2,5 S 10 C. margarita Dall Family PANDORID.E. Genus PANDORA Hwass. Subgeuus Clidiopliora Cpr. C. trilineata Say C. Gouldiana Dall . . ... 59 8 14 8,8a .. 25.0 14.2 C. caroliueusis Bush . . Subgenus Kennerlia Cpr. K. glacial is Leach K. Bushiana Dall .. 1.. 11.5 MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 69 TABLE IF. B. List of Pelecypoda Continued. N. J. Va. Hat. t Ga. East Fla. Fla. Keys. West T . x Fla. lex> West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Eur. West Am. Southern extreme range. Range in time. Miocene. Pliocene. t t t t t t t t t + Barbados Tobago St. Vincent.. Jamaica t f t .... t t t t t Cuba t t .... t* t .... Barbados Barbados Barbados Patagonia . . Barbados .... Grenada .... Cuba t t f t t t t t t t t t t t t Gulf of Mex . Brazil . . . t # ?* t t * * Gulf of Mex . N. Carolina?. Yucatan Florida Str .. Charlotte H . # -- * t t t * * * 70 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE II. B. List of Pelecypoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PI. Figs. Alt. or Lon. Range in depth. Northern extreme range. Suborder MYACEA. Family CORBULID^E. Genus PAR AMY A Conrad. Ill P subovata Conrad .. .......... I, Hatteras Genus BASTEROTIA Mayer. 115 B quadrata Hinds 1 2a-b 10.0 K C Lookout Genus CORBULA Bruguiere. 116 C disparilis Orbi<*ny ...... ...... ...... 1 4a-b 5 Hatteras 147 C. Krebsiaua C. B. Adams la-b C.I A Cape Florida 118 C contracta Say < 1 6a-b) 12.0 Cape Cod h9 10 > 19 C. Dietziana C. B. Adams . ...... . 1 5a-b 10.7 14 Hatteras c;n f! Rn.rra.t.Ha.na. P! R Ada.ms *7 ft 7 f* 8 9 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 456 459 460 461 C. Cubaniana Orbigny C. Swiftiana C. B. Adams C. cymella Dall C. nasuta Say Family MYHLE. Genus MYA Linne. M. arenariaLiune* Family SAXICAVID^E. Genus SAXICAVA F. de B. 1 ;3o,6,c 12.7 a \5a,b,c 10.4 1 i 7,7a <6a, b,) *> o,dj TftlT 13.5 8.5 S. arctica Linu^. S. azaria Dall. . Genus GLYCIMERIS Lamarck. G. reflexa Say Suborder SOLENACEA. Family SOLENID.E. Genus SOLECITRTUS Blainville. Subgenus Macha Oken. M. sanctie-marthse Orbigny 59 M. Cumingiana Dunker Genus SILIQUA Megerle. S. costata Say ? 75.0 13 30.0 9a-6 ' 25.0 r8TT 3J 30.0 60.0 Fla. Strait .. Hatteras C. Florida. .. Hatteras Arctic Sea... Arctic Sea... Charlotte H . Hatteras Hatteras Hatteras Nova Scotia . MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 71 TABLE II. B. List of Pelecypoda Continued. V TT ,. r East Fla. West To , i West 1 5, e ,F 'j .,,, Wt-st Southern j ~ Va. Hat. Ga. rla Key8 r]a Tex, , nd> , mu- j . !ur., Affl extreme range. | ] r i I * t Tampa Miocene. t* .... t* *t t* St. Thomas.. Barbados Pliocene. Jamaica Jamaica Pliocene. Barbados Jamaica Jamaica Venezuela... Gordon Key . Haiti . . * I S. Carolina. . * Barbados ! Gulf of Mex Gulf of Mex . Rio Janeiro. Texas . .. Hatteras .. Pliocene. Miocene. Pliocene. 72 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE II. B. List of Pelecypoda Continued. Ser. No. Name aud authority for species. PI. Figs- Alt. or Lon. Range in depth. Nortliei-ii extreme range. 462 Genus SOLEN Linne. Subgenus Ensis Schumacher. 53 4 ? & Labrador 463 t>!> 4,5) Rhode Island 464 Suborder ENSIPHONACEA. Family GASTROCH^ENID^E. Genus GASTROCH.S3NA Spengler. G. ovata Sowerbv 30.0 'ff Charleston .. 435 G. cuneiformis Spengler 25.0 n Cape Fear. 466 G. Stimpsonii Tryou 16.0 Beaufort 467 Subgenus Spengleria Tryon. S. rostrata Spen^ler W.Florida .. 468 Suborder ADESMACEA. Family PHOLADIDJE. Genus PHOLAS Linne. P. Campechiensis Gnaelin Hatteras 469 Subgenus Barnea Leach. B. costata Linn6 03 9 Cape Cod.... 470 B. maritima Orbigny .. Texas 471 B. truncata Say 59 12 Nahant . 472 Genus ZIRFH.SJA Leach. Z. crispata Linne" 68 10 Q_ Arctic Sea. 473 Z. semicostata Lea ? A Cape Fear 474 Genus XYLOPHAGA Turton. X. abyssorum Call 9 7 7a 4.0 _S.2.iL N. Atlantic .. 475 X. dorsalis Turtcm f IT N.Atlantic .. 476 Genus MARTESIA Leach. M. cuneiformis Say -1% Connecticut . 477 M. striata Linue" Britain 478 M. corticaria Adams Charlotte H. 479 Sectiou DIPLOTHYRA Tryon. M. Smithii Tryon .. Statenlsland MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 73 TABLE II. B. List of Pelecypoda Continued. N.J Hat. I Ga. East Fla. Fla. Keys. West T Fla. 1 lex - 1 West Ind. iiiii- da. Eur. AVest Am. Southern extreme range. Range in time. ' * * Florida Keys Sarasota * # * * * * * St. Thomas .. Guadalupe .. . * 1 * St. Thomas . * f , * * Guadalupe * # St. Thomas * .. ' * * - * * * * ... * .... S. America. .. # * * * * # S. Carolina?. .. S. Carolina . . t t St. Lucia t t* Delaware ?.. , * Guadalupe . # * Manatee R. .. Pliocene. 74 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE II. B. Lint of Pelecypoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PI. Fi-9. Alt. or Lon. Range in depth. Nort hern extrVme range. Family TEREDID^E. Genus TEREDO Limie. 480 T. norvefica Spen^ler. ... f>8 2 New York. . . 4RI T. navali.s Linn6 .............. \ 55 6 ? Arctic Sea. . . 59 2 s 489 T. inegotara Hanley .... < 59 3 Arctic Sea. .. bb '127 J 483 T. Thomson! Tryon . . .. 59 4 Cape Cod . . . 484 T. dilatala Stiinpson 68 1 Cape Ann. .. Subgenus Lyrodes Gould. 4H5 L. cblorotica Gould 68 3 Mass. Bay Genus XYLOTRYA Leach. 486 X. fimbriata Jeffreys . 59 1 Rhodelslaud 487 X. bipinnata Jeffreys N. Atlantic MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 75 TABLE II. B. List of Pelecypoda Continued. N.J. Va. Hat. Oa. East Fla. Fla. West Keys. Fla. Tex. West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Eur. West Southern Am. ! extreme range. Range in time * t * * * * # Manatee Florida S. Carolina .. S. Carolina? . Gulf of Mex. Gulf of Mex. St. Vincent.. P. Pliocene. # * * . # * * .... - ... * * * * * * .... * * * * * * .... 76 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE III. C. List of Scaphopoda. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PL Figs. Alt. or I, (in. Bange in depth. Northern extreme range 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 19 20 21 83 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Class SCAPHOPODA. Order SO 1, 1- \ O4 O > < II 1 A. Family DENTALIID^E. Genus DENTALIUM Linne. D a "die SATS ................... 400 -rWr -rik wv ift TTEs" 4 !% -im 640 m TBU TT iMt m M& -iV& m m ~m iWr tWV T 8 ^ & ^8 im 339 iWr TWr m Jl32. r JOO/ iflQ 843 Norway 27 6 80.0 Hatteras Scotland S. Carolina . . C. Lookout . . Hatteras Nova Scotia. Turtle Harb . Hatteras N. Atlantic .. Gulf of Mex. Florida Str. . Tampa D filuui Sowerby ................... 27 126 61.5 41.0 31.5 D leptuin Bush .... .... .... ...... 41 ; 18a i D autillarum Orbigny .... ...... ...... 1 19.5 17.0 90.0 13.0 87.0 D canflidum Jeffreys . ...... ...... .... 46 26 27 16,17 1 3 D carduus Dull . ...... ...... .... D disparile Orbiny ..... ...... ...... D ceratum Dall . ...,......-.......< 26 27 26 5? 2$ 4 30.0 28.0 Gulf of Mex. S. Carolina .. Florida Str.. Gulf of Mex. N.Atlantic.. Chesapeake . Cedar Keys.. Gulf of Mex. Cape Fear. .. N.Atlantic .. N. Atlantic . . Hatteras Hatteras .... N. Atlantic . . Tortugas Rhode Island Nantucket .. Gulf of Mex. Gulf of Mex. N. Atlantic . . D Gouldii Dall D platamodes \Vatson ... ...... ...... D ceras \Vatson .. ...... .... D capillosuui Jeffreys .. .... ...... D lap ueatum Verrill < 27 46 1> 18) 45.0 D. compressum Watson D. ophiodou Dall 26 27 27 9 10 12 12.5 43.0 20.0 9.0 10.0 8.0 7.3 15. 22.0 15.0 13.2 D callithrix Dall D. ensiculus Jeffreys D. teres Jeffreys * Genus CADULUS Fhilippi. C. quadridentatus Dall 27 41 5 20 var ? incisus Bush--.... C. cylindratus Jeffreys C. sequalis Dall .. 27 46 46 9 19 20 C. spectabilis Vernll C. grandis Verrill C. poculum Dall .. C, Watson i Dall 27 12a 13.0 5.0 C Jeffreys! Mouterosato MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. TABLE III. C. List of Scaphopoda. 77 N.J. Va. Hat. Ga. East Fla. Fla. Keys West Fla. Tex. West Ber- Eur. West Am. extSrange. ; Kange in time. t t t t t Florida Str. . St. Vincent.. Cape Fear .. Grenada. .. . Plioceue. t t* t t t -- . t t t* t ... t 7f * t Haiti .... t * t C. Romano .. Barbados. . .. Florid a Str.. Cuba t * t * .... t t t Cape Fear. .. Yucatan * t t t * t t t t t t t t Grenada Barbados Barbados Aspinwall. .. Culebra Martinique .. Barbados Grenada Culebra t t t .... ..... .... * t t .... t t t t t t t .... t f t t t t .... Barbados Grenada t t t t t X .... t f .... Barbados Hatteras West Florida * * ' t Rhode Island Florida Str.. St. Vincent . . Hatteras St. Vincent .. Old Provid'ce Barbados t t f t t t t t t f t -- T f 1 78 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE III. C. List of Scaphopoda Continued. Set. Ko. Name and authority for species. PL Figs. Alt. or Lon. Range in depth. Northern extreme range. 34 Genus CADULUS Contiuued. C. carolinensis Bush. .... .. . 41 19 9.5 JA. Hatteras 35 C. A "'assizii Dall 9.7 12c 9.0 229 Florida Str 36 C Pandionis Verrili ...... ...... 64 126 -A7n Rhode Island 37 C lunula Dall .. 97 8 6.0 -1JL C. Lookout 38 C obesus Watson !r Florida Str ?Q C. amiantus Dall 97 7 5.75 -r?n7"r Cape Florida 10 C. cucurbita Dall 97 12d 4.0 IM Fernandina . 41 C gracilis Jeffreys fift N Atlantic 4 C. acus Dall ...... 97 11 8.0 30 43 C 731 Hatteras 44 C. miiiusculus Dall 2.2 7,-JV Hatteras . MAR1XE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. TABLE III. C. List of Scaphopoda Continued. 79 N.J. Va. Hat. * Ga. t East Fia. Fla. Keys. West Fla. Tex West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Enr. West ! Southern Am. ' extreme range. Range in time. t t Old Provid'ce t .. Cuba t * t t t Florida Str ; t t t t t .... Barbados St Thomas Cuba t Florida Str t t Hatteras t Haiti t t t t ... V Ar n an r\ i n a. i 80 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE IV. D. List of Pteropoda. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PI. Alt, Figa. ; or Lon. Range in depth. Northern extreme range. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Order PTEKOPODA. Suborder Ml i: *< l \ 1 % . Genus LIMACINA Cuvier. Section HKTEROFUSUS Fleming. L trochiformis Soul ... ...... ...... 1.0 2.0 1.5 2.5 3.0 1.5 4.5 4.0 7.5 10.0 6.0 7.0 25.0 2.5 6.0 10.0 15.0 16.0 Pelagic Pelagic Pelagic Pelagic Pelagic Pelagic Pelagic Pelagic Pelagic Pelagic Pelagic Pelagic Pelagic Pelagic Pelagic Pelagic Pelagic Pelaeic N. lat. 42 . . N.lat.35 .. N. lat. 38.. Arctic Sea . Arctic Sea . N. lat. 42 . . N. lat. 38.. N. lat. 37.. N. lat. 31.. N. lat. 57.. N. lat. 41.. N. Atlantic N. lat. 48.. N. lat. 31.. N. lat. 39.. N. lat. 41.. Spitsbergen N. lat. 60 . . L bulimoides Orb . -- L Lesueuri Orb --- L retroversa Flem " Section LIMACIXA s. s. L helicina Phipps .. .......... 48 14 Subgenns Embolus Jeffreys. E. in lint us Orbigny . Genus PERACLE Forbes. P. reticulata Orbiguy var. diversa Monterosato P, f helicoides Jeffreys Family CAVOLINIID.E. Genus CRESEIS Rang. C. virgula Rang ...... . ... C. conica Escbsclioltz . ...... ...... 66 66 112 118 C. recta Blainville Section BOASIA Ball. C. cb.iercb.ite Boas. Genus CLEODORA Per. and Les. Subgenus Hyalocylix Fol. H. striata Ranf 66 119 Subgenus Styliola. S. gubula Quoy & Gaiiuard Subgenus Cleodora s. s. C. pyratnidata L C. cuspidata Bosc . . MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 81 TABLE IV. D. List of Pteropoda. N.J. Va Hat. Ga. I'M si Fla Fla. Keys. West Fla. Tex West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Eur West Am. Southern extreme rauge. Ilange in time. * * i * * # * ? S. lat. "28 * * * # * ? S. hit. 48 P. Pliocene SI .. f 'JKO ? N. lat. 40 ... P. Pliocene ? * N. lat. 35 .. * ft * # # * * S. lat. 40 P. Pliocene * * * N. lat. 18 ... Plioceue. * * * # * * f S.lat.9 P. Pliocene * * * * N. lat. 28 ... Pliocene. ? N lat 31 * * w # * # S. lat. 35 Equator. P. Pliocene. P. Pliocene. * * * # *. * . # ? S. lat. 40.... P. Pliocene. * N N.lat.8 .... * * * * f S. at, 40 P. Pliocene. S. lat. 40 P. Pliocene. ? ? S. lat. 40 S.I at. 42.., P. Pliocene. P. Pliocene. 2478L Bull. 37 G 82 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE IV. D. List of Pteropoda Continued. Set. No. Name and authority for species. PI. Figs. Alt or Lon. Range in depth. Northern extreme range. Section BALAXTIUM Benson. 19 C. recurva Children .... 28.0 N.lat.40 .. 20 C. falcata Pfeffer .. ... .. .... 10.0 Pel.lgic! Davis Str Genus CUVIERINA Boas. 21 C columnella Rau^ ..... . .... .... .... 66 .117 12.0 Pelagic N. lat. 43 Genus CAVOLINIA Abild. Section DIACRIA Gray. 22 C. trispinosa Lesueur ... ........... 66 115 11.0 Pelasric N. lat. 60.. 22a ?C. Hargeri Verrill Section CAVOLINIA s. s. 23 C. quadrideutata Lesueur 4.0 Pelagic N. lat. 40 . . 24 C. longirostris Lesueur.. 7.0 Pelagic N. lat. 47.. 25 C . gibbosa Ran " 11.0 Pelagic N. lat. 43.. 26 C. tridentata Forskiil 66 113 18.0 Pela 1J 30.0 Pelagic Arctic Sea . Family CLIOPSID^E. Genus CLIOPSIS Troschel. 31 C. graudis Boas 25.0 Pelagic N. lat. 40 . . Genus NOTOBRANCH.SJA Pels. 32 N. Macdonaldi Pels . 12.0 Pelagic N. lat. 39 . . Family PNEUMODERMATID^E. Genus FNEUMODERMON Ouvier. 33 P. violaceum Orbisniv . . 10.0 Pelagic- N.lat.4o.. MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 83 TABLE IV. D. List of Pteropoda Continued. 1 N.J.Ya. Hat. O:i. East Fla. Fla. Keys. West Fla. Tex. West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Eur. West Am. Southern extreme range. Range in time. * ? * | * * * ' ? * ? * S.lat. 33.... Brazil. ..._. P. Pliocene. P. Pliocene. P. Pliocene. | S.lat. 40.... S. lat. 40 ^ * g * * * * * * # * Bahamas S.lat. 17 ... S. lat. 40 . . . S.lat. 41 ... S.lat. 40 ... S.lat. 40 ... S.lat. 42 ... P. Pliocene. P. Pliocene. P. Pliocene. P. Pliocene. P. Pliocene. P. Pliocene. * * * * * * * * # * # * * ? * * * * * * * * # * * * * # .... > * N. lat. 37 ... China Sea... * * ? ? ? * S.lat. 15 ... 84 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PL Figs. Alt. or LCD. Range in depth. Northern extreme range. Class GASTROPODA. Subclass ANISOPLEURA. Super-order EUTHYNEURA. [Order PTEROPODA.. See separate table.] Order OPISTHOBRAIVCHIATA. Suborder TECTIBRANCHIATA. Family ACT^EONID^E. 1 Genus ACTJEON Montfort. A. exilis Jeffreys .......... ""A * N. Atlantic 2 A. pusillus Forbes .. ... iU N. Atlantic 3 4 A. punctoatriatus C. B. Adams J A. Cumingi A. Adams . .... . 41 52 17) 2X A Cape Cod Cape Fear 5 17 5 10.0 ^vftr Gulf of Mex 6 A. melampoides Dall < 17 2 6.0) *wv Virginia ... 7 A. perforatus Dall ................ 4b 18 15 3 8.0$ 7.75 339 Florida Str 8 A. Dauaida Dall ....... .. 17 12 11.0 339 Tortugas 9 A. incisus Dall ..................... 17 1 16 9.0 23 Fernandina 10 Genus OVULACT^BON Dall. O. Meekii Dall ?? 3 4 5.5 188 Fercandina Family RINGICULID^E. Genus RINGICULA Deshayes. 11 Section RINGICULINA Monts. R. nitida Verrill . ... 37 3 7.5 TJt?7T Rhode Island 12 R. semistriata Orbi 4 ri&- Norway % S Watsouii Dall 17 10 8.75 Hatteras 36 S. nobilis Verrill .. ..... 64 106 35.0 4-|88 Delaware B.. 37 Subgenus Sabatia Bellardi. S bathymophila Dall .... ........ 17 9,9& 16.5 -ASA Fernandina . 38 Genus ATYS Montfort. A Saudersoni Dall . 17 7 6.5 -sfa Hatteras 39 T^Ar Hattforas 40 Genus CYLICHNA Loven. C. Verrillii Dall 7.5 AV Hatteras 41 C. alba Brown . ... ....... 59 21 Arctic Sea 42 Genus DIAPHANA Brown. D. debilis Gould.. 52 24 3.5 A Arctic Sea. .. MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 87 TABLE Y. B. List of Gastropoda Continued. N.J. i Va. Hat. Ga, East Fla. Fla. Keys. West Fla. Tex. West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Eur. West Am. Southern extreme range. Range in time. *i # * *t Barbados Pliocene. * * # Charleston .. P. Pliocene. f t Barbados . ? t t t Cuba t Guada^pe .. f t Hatteras .... * t * Fernandina . * * Guadalupe .. t t * *t *t Brazil .. .... t t t Hatteras Pliocene. t* t Fernandina . *t t Barbados t* ? * Cape Fear t *t t t Florida Str . . t t t t t t t f t t t t t Barbados Barbados t t t t Jamaica ? Miocene. t f f t / Guadalupe .. *t * Santa Cruz . . t Barbados t* f Fernandina . t ? * St. Thomas?. P. Pliocene. * * P. Pliocene. 88 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE Y. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PI. Figs. Alt. or 1.0 II. Range in depth. Northern extreme range. 43 Family APLUSTRID^. Genus APLUSTRUM Schum. Subgenus Hydatina Schum. H. physis Linn6 ........... Sarasota 44 Subgenus Bullina Fe"russac. B. uudata Brugniere Florida Keys. 45 Family BULLION. Genus BULLA Linne. B. striata Bruguiere Texas . ...... 46 B. solida Gmeliu ......... Florida Keys. 47 B. occidentals A. Adams ............ Tampa ...... 48 B. eburnea Dall ... ..... 17 6 7.25 W Hatteras ... 49 B. abyssicola Dall . . ........ 17 11 12.7 vWV Ireland ... 50 Genus HAMINEA Leach. H. succinea Conrad ......... .... T?TT Texas 51 H. solitaria Say . . .... 59 20 1" Mass. Bay .. 52 H. antillarum Orbigiiy ...... . .... Tampa ... 53 H. Guildingi Swainson ...... .... .... Texas ....... 54 H. Petitii Orbigny Tampa ...... 55 Genus CYLINDROBULLA Fischer. C. Beaui Fischer A Cedar Keys.. 56 Family PHILINID.E. Genus PHILINE Ascanius. P. sagra Orbigny ................. 41 16,16a A Hatteras 57 P. infundibnlum Dall 12.0 Hf Florida Str.. 58 P sinuata Stimpson. . . . .. ...... 7"> 2 Norway . . .. 59 P. amabilis Verrill 4-8* Rhode Island 60 P 42i Hatteras 61 P llexuosii Sars . ... Norway 62 Family GASTROPTERID^E. Genus GASTROPTERON Meckel. G. Meckel ii ? Kosse .. ... Mediterran'u. 63 Family UMBRACULID./E. Genus UMBRACULUM Schum. U. bermudense Morch . 14 9.10 10.0 Bermuda... MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 89 TABLE Y. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. N.J. Va. Hat, Ga. East Fla. Fla. Keys. West Fla. Tex. West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Eur. West Am. Southern extreme range. Range in time. * * .... # * * Guadalupe .. Tortola ..... Pliocene. Pliocene. Barbados Barbados St. Vincent.. Cuba * t t # * * t t t * t t t t # * t Santa Cruz.. Grenada Georgia Guadalupe .. Rio Janeiro . St. Thomas.. Guadalupe .. Martinique .. Barbados * * * if ? * # * # t * * * * t * t # t Delaware .... C. Lookout.. t f t t * t t .... t Guadalupe .. Florida Str.. * 90 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PL Figs. Alt. or Lon. Range in depth. Northern extreme range. 64 Genus HYALOPATINA Dall. H. Rusliii Dall 9.3 Florida Str.. Superfamily ANASPIDEA. Family APLYSIID.E. 65 Genus APLYSIA LinnS. A. protea Rang ..... . St. Augustine 66 A. Willcoxii Heilprin .... 200.0 Gasparilla ... Superfamily NOTASPIDEA. Family PLEITROBRANCHID^E. 67 Genus PLEUROBRANCHUS Cu- vier. P. americanus Verrill 46 13 13.5 250 Rhode Island 68 Genus FLEUROBR ANCHJEA Meckel. 7& s l;ll It It \>C: II 1 A T A. [Omitted.] Order PUI.MONATA. Suborder STYLOMMATOPHORA. Superfamily DITREMATA. Family ONCHIDIID^E. 70 Genus ONCHIDIUM Cuvier. O. floridanum Dall Knight's Key Family VERONICELLID^E. 71 Genus VERONICELLA Blainville. V. floridana Binney 56 Charlotte H. Suborder BASOMMATOPHORA. Superfamily AKTEOPHILA. Family AURICULID^E. Subfamily AURICULIN.E. Genus- AURICULA Lam. 72 Subgeuus Auriculastrum Fischer. A. pellucens Menke . . 47 8 16.0 Cedar Kevs.. MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 91 TABLE Y. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. N.J. ftk Hat. Sa. Sast Fla. Fla. Keys. West Fla. 'ex. West Ind. Jer- mu- da. Sur. West Am. Southern extreme range. Range in time. * # Bahamas * # * # # N. Grenada . . # ft *t f Chesapeake . *t Delaware . . . * ? Florida Keys. # * Florida Keys. # * * Deruerara - . . 92 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PL Figs. Alt. or Lon. Range in deptb. Northern extreme range. 73 Genus THALIA Gray. T. |>usi ll;i Gmelin ...... ...... .... . 47 5 21.0 Cedar Keys.. 74 T. minuscula Dall . ...... . ...... Tampa 75 Subgenus Alexia Gray. A. myosotis Draparnaud . ... 59 9 England 76 Subfamily MELAMPIXJE. Genus PEDIPES (Adans.) Blainv. P. mirabilis Mublfeldt 47 17 3.6 Tampa . 77 P. elongatus Dall ...... ...... . .... 47 4 4.0 Marco, Fla . . 78 Genus MELAMFUS Mtf. M. coffeus Linne" . ......... 47 3 Cedar Keys.. 79 M. floridanua Shuttle worth ... .... 47 2 Tampa 80 M. flavus Gmelin ............ 47 1 12.0 Cedar Keys.. 81 M. lineatus Say ....... ... 47 9,12 Mass. Bay 82 Subgenus Leuconia Gray. L. bidentata Montagu ............ 47 13 Shetland 83 Subgenus Detracia Gray. D. bulloides Montagu 47 7 11.0 Cedar Keys.. 84 Subgenus Sayella Dall. S. Hemphillii Dall 47 11 3.7 Cedar Keys.. 85 S. Crosseana Dall .... .... .... .... 47 10 2 5 Egmonfc Key. 86 S. - Tampa . 87 Genus BLAUNERIA Shuttlew. B. heteroclita Monta< r u .. 47 14 Tampa 88 Superfamihj PETEOPHILA. Family SIPHONARIID^. Genus SIPHONARIA Sby. Subgenus Siphonaria s. s. S. alternata Say .. ...... Bermuda 89 S. lineolata Orbigny . ...... ...... . Fernandiua . 90 Subgenus Williamia Monterosato. W. Krebsii Morch . . Turtle Harb . 91 Family GADINIID^E. Genus G A DINT A Gray. G. carinata Dall . . Cuba . . MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 93 TABLE Y. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. N. J Ya Hat. Ga Eas Fla. T^ .Fla. Keys West Fla. Tex "West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Eur "West Am. Southern extreme range. Bange in time. # # * Guadalupe # * , * - * -- .... .... * .... * # .... * * Jamaica Guadalupe * * # P Pliocene * Florida Keys * * # # Guadalupe ? T * Tortola S. Carolina ? * Antilles * # Bahamas , # Ban am as # Porto Rico * * * Florida Keys # a * , * ? Brazil # # Barbados .... 1 i ? i Colon . 94 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PI. Figs. Alt. or I. n. Range iu depth. Northern extreme range. 92 Superorder STREPTONEURA. Order < 1 i:\OHK % X II I VI % . Suborder ORTHODONTA. Super family TOXOGLOSSA. Family TEREBRIDuE. Genus TEREBRA Bruguiere. Section HASTULA H. & A. Adams. T. hastata Gmelin .... Key West 93 T. cinerea Ginelin . . Texas 94 Section SUBULA Schumacher. T. floridana Dall 70 * Key West 95 Section Acus H. & A. Adams. T. dislocata Say 57 Maryland .. 96 T. concava Say ...... 19 Hatter as 97 var. vinosa Dall . 18 Hatteras .... 98 T. protexta Conrad 21 2 -A- Hatteras 99 var. lutescens Smith 15 5 Cape Fear 100 T. nassula Dall . 36 8 55 &T Gulf of Mex 101 T. limatula Dall 18 7&&T C. Lookout 102 T. benthalis Dall 29 6 21 JLflfl 103 T. Rushii Dall 15 8 Florida Keys 104 Family CONID^E. Genus CONUS Linne. C. proteus Hwass Aft Gulf of Mex. 105 C. centurio Born ti Cedar Keya.. 106 C. Delessertii Recluz 51.0 M Hatteras 107 C. flavescens Gray T% Hatteras 108 C. floridanus Gabb Hatteras .... 109 C. Agassizii Dall 9 8 8a 30 Wk Bermuda .... 110 C. Pealii Green .. . -Q- Hatteras . . 111 C. pygmseus Reeve Magill Bay . . 112 C. verrucosus Hwass Florida Keys 113 C. mus Hwass Jupiter Inlet 114 C. amphiurgus Dall.. 26 Gulf of Mex. MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 95 TABLE V. B. List of Gastropoda Continued. N.J. Va. Hat. Ga East Fla. Fla. Keys. West Fla. Tex. "West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Eur. "West Am. Southern extreme range. Range in time. * * * Tortola * * Barbados t* Florida Str * * Georgia Pliocene. Pliocene # * W. Florida . . * * # * # Texas Pliocene. * * W. Florida . . t t Martinique . . * t t t t Barbados.. .. -.' t t ? Havana ..... * Cape Florida. * * * # Venezuela Pliocene. * * Santa Cruz . . t* * *t # Florida Keys t * # t* Barbados Pliocene. * # * Florida Keys Pliocene. t * Barbados .... # # # * Darien Pliocene. # * # Tobago . . Pliocene. * # * Brazil * , * Swan Islands ? * Yucatan 96 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PI. Figs. Alt. or Lon. Ran 6 in depth. Northern extreme range. 115 Family PLEUROTOMID^E. Genus FLEUROTOMA Lamarck. Subgenus Pleurotoma s. s. P. albida Perry & Cedar Keys 116 var. tellea Dall 100.0 M- W Florida 117 var. vibex Dall ... 19 T^&f 118 P. periscelida Dall 39 2 40.0 +P Hatteras 119 Subgenus Leucosyrinx Dall. L. Verrillii Dall 10 5 36.0 X4 120 L. Si^sbeei Dall ...... .. . ... 11 10 25 5 1591 Gulf of Mex 121 L. tenoceras Dall ......... 36 5 60 122 L. subgruudifera Dall . ... 38 1 30.0 Cape Fear 123 Subgenus Aiicistrosyrinx Dall. A elefans Dall 38 3 27 805 124 A. radiata Dall ... . . 19 12 18 JA- Cedar Keys 125 Subgenus Genota Adams. G. mitrella Dall I 9 5 12 5 494 Fernandiua 126 Section DOLICHOTOMA Bellardi. G. viabruunea Dall ....... .. .. n 2 38 isa South. Cuba 127 Genus DRILLIA Gray. D. ostrearum Stearns '. -Mr Hatteras 128 D. albicoma Dall . . ...... .... 10 8 25.7 -A4, Gulf of Mex 129 D. detecta Dall 19 11 11.7 34^ Gulf of Mex 130 D alesidota Dall .... 48 Ji3 131 var. niacilenta Dall 36 1 36.0 iVr Cape Fear 132 D. polytorta Dall ... 10 6 33.5 413 Gulf of Mex 133 D. eucosmia Dall- ...... 13 1 19.0 170 134 var. canna Dall . . . . 15. 2 C. Lookout 135 D. Harfordiana Reeve . . Vera Cruz 136 D. Florida Keys 137 D. ebenina Dall .. . ...... ...... ... Tor tu gas 138 D. leucocyma Dall .. .... ....... 48 7 7.5 Sarasota 139 D. albinodata Reeve . .. ..... Charlotte H 140 D. haliostrepbis Dall- ... ...... 13 3 20.0 84 Gulf of Mex 141 D. acestra Dall . ...... ... . 10 7 19.0 igi Gulf of Mex 142 D. pharcida Dall . ...... 1^ 2 9.5 as a. East Florida 143 D. acrvbia Dall.. 10.0 i*j Fernaudina . MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 97 TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. N.J. Va. Hat. Ga. East Fla. Fla. Keys. West Fla. Tex. West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Eur. West Am. Southern extreme range. Range in time. t* t* Barbados Miocene. t W. Florida t f Saba W Ind t f Monoso uillo t t t t t t t t Guadaliipe t t t t St. Kitt's t f Cuba t * t Barbados t t Yucatan t Barbados.... * * t Grenada f f Barbados f f Culebra - } t Gulf of Mex . Pliocene. \ f f Barbados t Yucatan t Grenada.. . . t f t Grenada ? * Yucatan # * Costa Rica . . * Vera Cruz. .. Pliocene. * # Yucatan. Pliocene. * * * St. Domingo. t Gulf of Mex. t # Grenada t t* t f Barbados t t East Florida 24781 Bull. 37- 98 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PL Figs. Alt. or Lon. Range in depth. Northern extreme range. 144 Drillia tfisticha Dall ............. 23.0 AU Cedar Keys 145 D ebur Reeve . . ............. H Hatteras 146 D. fucata Reeve . ................. i| Cape fear. .. 147 var. paria Reeve . . il Cape Fear. .. 148 D. pao'odula Dall . 13 6 18.0 -AAr Florida Str 149 var. peiitagonalis Dall 7.0 49 Hatteras . 150 D. tliea Dall 48 1 15.0 A Hatteras 151 var. carminura Dall . ... 11.5 4-W Gulf of Mex. 152 D. Simpsoni Dall . ... .... .. A Hatteras 153 D. lissotropis Dall . .... . . 11 3,4 7.0 JA- Gulf of Mex. 154 D. Dalli Verrill 60 66, a 19.5 -1% Rhode Island 155 var. acloneta Dall . . jra Georgia . 156 var. cestrota Dall ..... 196 Cedar Keys 157 D nucleata Dall 11 1 13 5 -A 4 ,r Cape Florida 158 D. Verrillii Dall 11 2 5.5 220 Gulf of Mex 159 D. havauensis Dall ...... . .. 11 5 9.0 MS Florida Keys 160 D. premorra Dall 11 18 9.5 1QQ Fernandina . 161 D. oleacina Dall .... 11 8 10.0 281 Florida 8tr 162 D. smirna Dall 11 7 15.0 tfl Florida Str . . 163 D. 1'thocolleta Watson 11 6 12.5 ni Hatteras 164 Section CYMATOSYRINX Dall. D. centiinata Dall .. ...... 36 9 22.5 iWo- Hatteras 165 D. sepynota Dall - - 36 10 15.0 +&i Hatteras 166 D. Moseri Dall 36 3 30.0 5 3 o- Hatteras 167 D 15 Florida Keys 168 D i$i Georgia . . 169 D . ... 294 Georgia 170 Genus BORSONIA BeUardi. Subgenus Cordieria Rouaulfc. C Rouaultii Dull ... ....... 36 11 13.6 100 171 Genus BEL A Gray. B sub vitrea Verrill ...... . 13.5 843 Hatteras 172 B tenuicostata G O Sars .. ..... l$T Norway 173 B 4G5 Florida Str.. 174 B Blakei Verrill 16.0 2021 Chesapeake . 1/5 B. 124 Hatteras 176 B. harpularia Couthouy . . ........ 50 17 17.0 ito Nova Scotia . 177 jj -i fi A- Hatteras 178 B. Rathbuni Verrill.. 27.0 1395 Hatteras . . MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 99 TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. N.J. Va. Hat. Ga. East Fla. Fla. Keys. West Fla. Tex. "West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Eur. West Am. Southern extreme range. Range in time. t Gulf of Mex. , * t f f Sombrero * t St. Thomas.. f Trinidad t t t Barbados f Florida Keys # * Florida Keys t t Barbados * # Tampa t t f Barbados t t t Georgia . t f Martinique. . t Gulf of Mex. f f Sombrero t W.Florida .. t f Yucatan . t t t Havana t f Grenada t f Old Provid.. t t Cedar Keys.. t t Cedar Keys.. t N. Carolina.. t . * Florida Keys f Florida Keys t t Florida Str.. t Fernandina . f Barbados t t t t Hatteras t t t t # New York t t 100 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PI. Figs. Alt. or Lon. Ran^e in depth. Northern extreme range. 179 Bela - - - - 300 Hatteras 180 B subturgida Verrill ... ... 9.0 H43 Hatter as 181 B . -A\ Hatteras 182 B Tannwi Verrill ....... 61 78 21.0 1290 Gulf of Maine 183 Genus MANGILTA Risso. Subgeuus Cythara Schumacher. C Bartlettii Dall < 12 6 8.0 IfS-s Key West . . . 184 C. cymella Dall .. 14 V> 5,8 4 10.0 12.5 i& Gulf of Mex . 185 Subgenus Daphnella Hinds. D. limnseifomiis Kiener Florida Keys 186 D. leucophlegma Dall q 9 10 25 805 Gulf of Mex . 187 D. corbicula Dall . . 14 9 11 2 T$r Hatteras 188 D. reticulosa Dall .. ....... 10 10 11 5 & Fernandina . 189 D. pompholyx Dall 36 4 12.5 4M Fernandiua 190 D. reti f era Dall 6 5 H Hatteras 191 D. morra Dall 19 1 5.75 _i2. C. Lookout.. 199 D. elata Dall 4.75 it Hatteras 193 Section EUBELA Dall. D. limaciua Dall 9 10 11.0 -8 a (& Rhode Island 194 D. calyx Dall 124 Hatteras 195 D. 805 Gulf of Mex 196 D. son a Dall 10 11 8.0 769 N. Carolina? 197 8.5 731 Hatteras . 198 Subgenus Glyphostoma Gabb. G. dentifer?, Gabb 15 Florida Str .. 199 G. Gabbii Dall 13 4,5,7,8 17.5 &b Gulf of Mex. WO G. gratula Dall 19 10 17.5 iff East Florida. 201 Subgenus Mangilia Risso, s. s. M. balteata Reeve Hatteras . 202 M. psila Bush . 41 2 6.0 Hatteras . . 903 M. oxytata Bush .. . ..... 41 1 5.0 48 Hatteras 204 M. astricta Reeve Florida Keys 205 M. biconica C. B. Adams Hatteras 206 M. plicosa C. B. Adams 50 14 | Cape Cod 207 M. rubella Kurtz & Stimpson .. C. Lookout.. 208 M. bicarinata Couthouy .. 50 15 11.0 o Arctic Seas . - 209 M. stellata Stearns . . Tanma . . MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 101 TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. N.J. Va Hat Ga East Fla Fla. Keys West Fla. Tex West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Eur West Am. Southern extreme range. Range in time. t f t ff George's B'ks t Barbados t Barbados * * Barbados t Gulf of Mex t t Barbados t t Barbados t t Barbados t *t t f Cuba * Cape Fear t t t t t t Brazil t t f Cuba ? t t Guadalupe t f Miocene. t t * t Barbados Pliocene t t f i Old Provid'ce # * H * Barbados Pliocene *t t ? Martinique # * # Gulf of Mex t* * * * Jamaica * # Florida Keys Pliocene * * Charlotte H Pliocene, *? *t Rhode Id -- 1 * * Kev West . . 102 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. Ser. No. Xame and authority for species. PI. Figs. Alt. or Lon. Range in depth. Northern extreme range 910 Mangilia atrostyla Dall 41 4, 4a 8. 7F jy. Hatteras 211 M. liruonitella Dall 48 3 7.1 Cedar Kevs ' 212 M. cerina Kurtz & Stimpson ..... 44 16,o 6. 7f A Cape Cod 913 M. ceroplasta Bush ........ 5.5 u Hatteras 914 M. ceriuella Dall 11.8 || Hatteras 915 M. quadrata Reeve . 8.0 Hatteras 216 9,17 var. dimiiiuta C. B. Adams var. rugirima Dall .... Hatteras Florida Keys 918 var. monocingulata Dall .... . . 11 15, 16 6.75 100 9-19 M. monilifera Sowerby . . . Florida 'Kevs 990 M. citronella Dall . q 5 6.25 70 991 M. Hatteras 999 M. Dorvillite Gray - Florida Keys 223 M. 22 Hatteras 994 M. melauitica Dall ... Hatteras 225 var. oxia Bush 41 3, 3a 5.0 4 ? f Hatteras .... 996 M. 294 Fernandina 227 M. antooia Dall . ) 10 4 5.75 Uift Fernandiua 22ft M. serga Dall 11 9 11 4 7.0 9.0 VWr Florida Str.. 229 M. peripla Dall 11 17 8.0 Gulf of Mex. 230 M. elusiva Dall 19 7 9.25 H& Gulf of Mex. 231 M. bandella Dall . $ 10 3 9.4 (*fto- GulfofMaine 232 M. comatotropis Dall ^ 60 11 44 73 12 8 11.0 V 6. iWr Ehode Island 233 M. scipio Dall 61 10 77 12 14.0 12.1. Fernandina - 234 M. pelagia Dall 11 9 10.8 539 Gulf of Mex. 235 M. exsculpta Watson 15 9 30.0 fio Gulf of Mex. 236 M. Pourtalesii Dall 9 6 17.0 Iff Fernaudina . 237 M. subsida Dall 1 3 13.0 339 Gulf of Mex. 238 M. toreumata Dall 19 8 10.2 titt Fernaudina . 239 Subgenus Pleurotomella Verrill. P. Packardii Verrill 44 7 13.0 GulfofMaine 240 var. formosa Jeffrevs 60 72 10.0 -iVdV N. Atlantic . . 241 242 var. Benedict! V. & S ? P. Bruneri V. & S 14 60 61 4 70, a 75 11.0 17.0 22.0 >m iMf Gulf of Maine Rhode Island 243 P. leucomata Dall 11 13 13.7 tlfo Cedar Kevs.. 244 P. Catherine V. & S .. 61 76. a 23.0 JtfA Gulf of Mainei MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 103 TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. N.J Va Hat Ga East Fla. Fla. Keys West Fla. Tex West Incl. Ber- mu- da. Ear. West Am. Southern extreme range. Range in time. , * * # t Barbados . * Tampa . * * Fernandiua . P. Pliocene * # Texas * * * Yucatan. * # Florida Keys. # t Barbados * St. Thomas.. t Sombrero t t Barbados * # Haiti * * # * Haiti * t t t t Guadalupe .. t t t Old Provid'ce # Yucatan t Culebra t f t Bequia t f t t t .. Barbados t t St. Vincent . . t Cuba t t Santa Cruz . . t f Florida Str.. P. Pliocene,, f t Cuba f t Dominica . . . Rhode Island f Hatteras .... f t Bequia ft t f t Florida Str . . t t Hatteras 104 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PL Figs. Alt. or Lon. lange in depth. Northern extreme range. 245 Pleurotomella Agassizii V. & S. ...... 60 7,71 31.0 fU-s Rhode Island 24(5 var Sanderson! Verrill ....... M8Q Gulf of Maine 247 var UK 'x i ctiiiii Dall ...... .... 11 14 8.5 &4$ Gulf of Mex. 248 ^ Edf/wittntt Dall . . . > . ...... ...... ?6 6 58.0 20h 249 P Pandionis Verrill .............. 60 69 43.0 *M Rhode Island 250 P Emertonii Verrill & Smith < 10 9 >34. iHI Chesapeake . 251 P tincta Verrill . .......... 60 46 74 4 22 MU Virginia .... 252 P chariessa \Vatson . ....... 46 3 52 T& N. Atlantic . . 253 38.0 731 Cape Fear. .. 254 28.0 731 Cape Fear. .. 2f>5 29.0 731 Cape Fear... 256 P. filifera Dall r> 9 17.5 331 Gulf of Mex . 257 P. Frielei Verrill 46 5 22.0 Wt Delaware . .. 258 P. hadria Dall 27.0 rWT Cape Fear... 259 P. Bairdii Verrill 60 68 55.0 &r Rhode Island 260 P Lottos Verrill 46 7 11.5 1525 Delaware 261 ? Section GYMNOBELA Verrill. P extensa Dall ... ...... ...... 10 2 12.2 N.Atlantic .. 262 46 6 8.0 fit Delaware 263 P Blakeana Dall < 10 1 ^8.0 T"J$V Gulf of Maine 264 var aTia Dall ... . ......... 46 8 > 10.0 1685 Chesapeake . 265 P. curta Verrill ... .............. 16.0 iWr Rhode Island 266 P tornata V var. Malniii Dall ... 5.0 ^2^5 GulfofMaine 267 P engonia Verrill.. .. ...... ...... 17.0 -,m- Gulf of Maine 268 Subgenus Taranis Jeffreys. T cirrata Brugnone .. . . 6.0 i* Norway 269 Genus SPIROTROPIS G. O. Sars. S ephamilla Verrill ......... .. Mil Chesapeake . 270 Family CANCELLARIID^. Genus CANCELL ARIA Lam. Subgenus Cancellaria s. s. C reticulata Linne" . ... . A Hatteras 271 C Conradiana Dall .. ... Gulf of Mex. 272 Subgenus Trigonostoma Blainville. Gulf of Mex . 273 T. Smithii Dall 37 1 10.5 II Hatteras .... 274 T. Aerassizii Dall . . 35 4 13.5 M C. Lookout.. MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 105 TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. N.J Va. Hat. Ga. East Fla. Fla. Keys. "West Fla. Tex "West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Ear. "West Am. Southern extreme range. Kange in time. t t Cape Fear. It N. lat. 3^ 9 12.0 to* Delaware 277 Genus BENTHOBIA Dall. B Tryoni Dall 35 6 13.0 731 Cape Fear.. . 278 Superfamily RHACSIGLOSSA. Family OLIVID^L. Genus OLIVA Bruguiere. O. reticularis Lamarck A Key West . . . 279 O. literata Lamarck 34 8,8' 60.0 ft Hatteras 280 Genus OLIVBLLA Swainson. O. mutica Say ..... . 31 1,2 13.0 281 O. nivea Gmeliu - ... -- ..... . & Sarasota . 282 O. jaspidea Gmeliu .. . 7.% Hatteras 283 var. fuscociucta Dall ... -^ fi n- Florida Keys. 284 O. bnllula Reeve -A 2 ,- Hatteras 285 O. , - Key West 286 O. floral iu Duclos Hatteras .... 287 Family MARGINELLID^. Genus MARGINELLA Lamarck. M. carnea Storer. . Charlotte H 288 M. Sfcoreria Couthouy Gulf of Mex 289 M. oblouga Swainson .. Florida Keys. 290 M. pjuttata Dillvvyn .. . .. . Hatteras 2i)l M. cassis Dall .. 35 8 15.0 101 Florida Keys 292 M. limatula Conrad .. ..... ... Hatteras 293 M. apicina Menke Hatteras 294 var. borealis Verrill ) 44 4 ! 14.0 &% Rhode Island 295 M. pellucida Pfeiffer bl 79 $ Sarasota 296 M. nivosa Hinds .. . . ...... Key West 297 M. Watsoni Dall \ 19 3 9.5 I a.?a Gulf of Mex 298 M. cineracea Dall 38 4> 2 6 9.5 13.0 ?f Cape Fear 299 M. haematita Kiener .. ... -1% Gulf of Mex 300 M. fusina Dall 1 t ^ Florida Keys Cartbagena Yucatan .... Cuba P. Pliocene. P. Pliocene. Miocene. Pliocene ? * # t # t * ? t Gulf of Mex Gulf of Mex r"ni>.i .... * * "f Gulf of Mex St. Thomas.. * * * * # * * # # # Campeche.. Guadalupe .. N. Grenada.. ? * * * t t" " * * t t * Guadaltipe .. Brazil Swan Islands Santa Lucia . S. of Cuba... Barbados .... C. Romano .. l!,i!i;tm;is .... GiiiidaJupe .. Sombrero . .. Cllllil ? *t *t * .... t t t f .... ..... t "t t t t 1.37 Cuba. ... t Sombrero . .. 24781 Bu 8 114 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE Y. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PL Figs. Alt. or Lon. Ratine in depth. .' Noitli>rn extreme range. 387 Fusus alcimn's Dall 15 95 Gulf of Mex 3d8 var. RusL ii Dall.. 8 5 200 Florida Str 389 F. amphiurgus Dall 14 101 Gulf of Mex 390 Family BUCCINIDyE. Genus BUCCINUM Limie. B uudatuin l.innc . . ... 72 12 50 jrSkv Arctic Sea 391 B. abyssorum Verrill . .. 61 80 43 4 Q N. lat 42 392 Genus CHRYSODOMU3 Swain- son. Subgenus Sipho Morch. S. islaudicus Linue" T*&T Arctic Sea 39.3 S. Stiuipsoni Morch .. .... , 72 11 75 -Mr Arctic Sea 394 S. pubesceus Verrill ............ 60 JA ' Nova Scotia 395 S. . 528 Uatteras 396 S. pygmajus Gould < 48 ?< 7&b Nova Scotia 397 var. plauulus Verrill bU 4( Rhode Island 398 S. Sarsii Jeffreys . 61 81 40 -,&- Rbode Island 399 S. obesus Verrill 25 aai Hatteras 400 S. glyptus Verrill 61 82 30 -U!4 Rhode Island 401 30 JA- Rhode Island 409 S. Bocagei Fischer 21.0 1121 Spain . . 403 S. Rushii Dall 11 isa Fernandiua 404 Section MOHNIA Friele. S. simplex Verrill 14.0 _99_ Gulf of Maine 405 S. hispidulus Verrill 7 5 2033 Gulf of Maine 406 Section PTYCHOSALPINX Gill. S. globulus Dall 35 12 31 uiMI- Florida Str 407 Genus JUMALA Friele. J. brychia Verrill 46 10,o 41.0 -A% N. lat. 36J . 408 Genus LIOMESUS Stimpson. L. Stimpsojii Dall 35 11 32.5 w? S. Carolina . 409 Genus PISANIA Bivoiia. P. variegata Gray . Florida Keys. 410 P. pusio Linn< .. Kev West . . MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 115 TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. N.J. Va. Hat. Ga. East FLi. Fla. Keys. West Fla. Tex. West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Eur. West Am. Southern extreme range. Range in time. t Yucataii t t Bahamas t Florida Keys f # Charleston H Pliocene. i t Hatteras .... t t t *t S Carolina - t t t Hatteras P. Pliocene. t t t S Carolina t Savannah t f t Cape Fear Cape Fear t t t t t Fernaudina f t ? t> Jamaica t t Cape Fear t ? t Africa t f f f Florida Str t Hatteras ft t f t Jamaica f t t ? St. Kitts? t S. Carolina Pliocene. * * * Trinidad * Darien .. 116 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. SIT. No. Name and authority for species. PL Figs'. Alt. or Lon. Iliinge in depth. Northern extreme rangt;. 411 Subgenus Tritonidea Swainson. T. tincta Conrad ...... . .. Hatteras 412 T. cancellaria Conrad ............ Jupiter Inlet 413 T. Orbignyi Payraudean . ...... .. If Gulf of Mex 414 T. limbata Philippi ... . .. 24 Gulf of Mex 415 Genus PHOS Montfort. P. Candei Orbignv l(T Hatteras 416 P. parvus C. B. Adams 48 6 13.2 ft Charlotte H 417 Genus ENGINA Gray. E. tuvbinella Kiener . . Kev West . . . 418 Genus NASSARIA Link. Subgenus Nassarina Ball. N. Bushii Ball 15 12 9.0 Ms Sand Key . . 419 N. glypta Bush .. . . . <11 5, a 5.5 It Hatteras 420 N. columhellata Dall . . 12.2 124 Gulf of Mex . 421 N. Grayi Dall ?> 12a 12.0 iVtf Gulf of Mex. 49,2 Family NASSID^E. Genus NASSA Lamarck. N. trivittata Say ...... ...... < 48 13, A Nova Scotia . 493 N. obsoleta Say . 60 50 ?$ 9 Nova Scotia . 424 N. vibex Say 50 8 9 Cape Cod . .. 425 N. acuta Say N. Carolina.. 426 N. ambigua Monta rr :i ift C. Lookout . . 497 N. consensa Ravfcnel ft Hatteras 498 N. Hotessieri Orbi r ny 1? Hatteras 429 N. scissurata Dall -&% Florida Sir.. 430 Family COLUMBELLID.E. Genus COLUMBELLA Lamarck. C. mercatoria Lamarck -io C. Lookout .. 431 C. rusticoides Heilprin Cedar Kevs.. 432 Subgenus Auachis Adams. A. avara Say 50 12 Mass. Bay . . . 433 var semiplicata Stearns Cedar Keys . . 434 43.". var. transliruta Raveuel var. similis Bavonc'l .... New York . .. C. Lookout .. 436 A. lialiseti Jeffreys. . 7?A N.Atlantic .. MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 117 TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. N.J. Va. Hat. Ga. East Fla. Fla. Keys. West Fla. Tex. West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Eur. West Am. Southern extreme range. Range in time. " # * x Darien , * * Yucatan # * Cuba t f f L)aritn * , * Pliocene * t t *t * Florida Keys Pliocene. t f Yucatan f . f * t St. Augustine Miocene. * # t * Tampa * * * * , Aspinwall . .. Barbados . . Pliocene. ! * * * # Barbados Pliocene. t* * * Florida Keys Pliocene. t t t* * Barbados t t f Barbados # * * * Cuba Florida Keys Miocene. * Charlotte H . * * * # Yucatan * * * Yucatan *t # t Hutreras .. 118 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PI. Figs. Alt. or Lon. Range in depth. Northern extreme range. 437 Auachis albella C. B. Adams . Cape Fear. .. 438 A. s;i ii i;u irnsi s Dull ..... ...... ...... Turtle Harb. 439 A pulchella Kieuer . ..... Key West . 440 A obesa C B Adams . ..... Hatteras . .. 441 A. Hotessieriana Orbi^ny ...... ..... Tampa .... 442 A. amphissella Dull ...... I 4 ) lOc 4.0 1?4 Fernandina 443 var. Rushii Dall . ....... 234 Fernandina 444 Subgenus Nitidella Swaiusou. N. nitidula Sowerby . . .... ...... Jupi ter Inlet . 445 Key West ... 446 Florida Keys 447 GulfofMex. 448 N. looleculina Duclos .. ...... .... Florida Keys 449 Key West 450 Subgenus Astyris Adams. A. lunata Say . 50 17 -A Cape Ann ... 451 -&- Hatteras .... 452 A. pura Verrill 50 13? -rttt Rhode Island 453 A. Raveneli Dall ...... ... . .... iS* Hatteras .... 454 A. multilineata Dall . ..... ... C. Lookout .. 455 A. diaphana Verrill .. ... . . 35 9 9.0 -Av Rhode Island 456 A, rosacea Gould. .... 69 1 A- Arctic Seas.. 457 A. fusiformis Orbigny ... . .. .... Turtle Harb. 458 A. Verrillii Dall 19 8 9.0 IM Fernandina . 459 -31- Hatteras 460 Subgenus JEsopxis Gould. ^Esopus Stearnsii Tryon . . .. 99 5 4.0 Cape Fear.. . 4.61 Subgenus Conidea Swainson. C. oVulata Lamarck ...... Florida Str.. 462 Family MURICID^. Subfamily Muriclnce. Genus MUREX Linne. M. Beaui Fisch. & Bernardi ....... V& Cedar Keys.. 463 M. Cabritii Bernard! ftfi Hatteras 464 M. messorius Reeve .... . -A Cedar Keys.. 465 Subgenus Chicoreus Montfort. C. rufus Lamarck ... -A- Cape Fear. .. 466 C. brevifrons Lamarck. . S. Carolina .. MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 119 TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. N.J. Va. Hat. Ga. East Fla. Fla. Keya. West Fla. Tex. West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Eur. West Am. Southern extreme range. Range in time. # * # , Jamaica . * St. Thomas # * Barbados * # * # * * St. Thomas Pliocene. ? # Guadalupe f * Yucatan t t Florida Str.. * Barbados * * Barbados . * Aspiuwall # Barbados * Key West . # Florida Str * # * * Turtle Harb. Pliocene t * * * Barbados.. .. f * Hatteras .... t t Fowey Rocks *t t Cape Florida t t Gulf of Mex . ft * k New York * * Barbados. . .. t I t Pernambuco. t t * * Tampa Ray ? # Barbados f t t Guad?-lupe t' t f Barbados # * * Aspinwall * * * * # # Carthao-ena . Pliocene. 12') BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PI. Figs. Alt. or Lon. Range in depth. ^Northern extreme range. 467 Submenus Phyllonotus Swainson. P pomum Gmelin . . .. ... 1fi 2 15.0 Beaufort, N.C. 468 P ftilvescens Sowerby --.. ......... Hatteras 469 P Pa/i Crosse . ..... ....... 15 1 32.0 S2Q Florida Str.. 470 in 4 21.0 J*J Cuba 471 Submenus Pteronotus Swainson. P inacropterus Desbayes ... ..... 6.5 Hatteras 47-2 P pbaneus Dull . ....... ...... 4-> 1 17.0 Hi Fernandina.. 473 P tristicbus Dall ..... ......... 15 3 15.5 142. Florida Str.. 474 Genus EUPLEURA Adams. E cauclata Sav . . ..... 50 11 A Cape Cod 475 E Stimpsoni Dall .... ...... 49 3 12.0 MS Fernandina.. 476 Genus TROPHON Montfort. Submenus Boreotrophoii Fiscber. 843 N. Atlantic.. 477 B abyssorum Verrill ...... .... ...... F.O si.a Rbode Island 478 B. lacunellns Dall .... ...... ...... 15 4 41.0 aai Cape Fear 479 fi. actinopliorus Dall 15 2 17.5 liQ Santa Cruz . 480 Subgenus Aspella Morcb. A bastula Reeve ............. 14 Cape Fear.. . 481 A scalarloides Blainville ... . .. .. Mediterran'n 482 var. paupercula C. B. Adams.. .. West Florida 483 var obeliscus A Adams Vera Cruz . . . 484 var lamellosa Dunker Florida Kevs 485 Genus OCINEBRA Leach. O. cellulosa Conrad 16 1 12.0 14 C. Lookout.. 486 var. levicula Dall ..... ... ff C. Lookout.. 487 Key West . . . 488 Genus MURICIDEA Swainson. M bexagona Lamarck ... , 25 Gulf of Mex. 489 M multangula Pbilippi -A- Cape Fear . . . 490 M floridana Conrad .. . . V3 St. Augustine 491 M. Pbilippiana Dall ........ . JL Key West ... 492 Genus UROSALPINX Stimpson. U. cinereus Say . ...... 50 6 28.0 -io Nova Scotia . 493 TT. perrngatus Conrad . Cedar Keys . MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 121 TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. N.J. Va Hat. Ga. East Fla. Fla. Keys West. Fla. Tex. West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Eur. West Am. Southern extreme range. Range in time. * * # Texas P. Pliocone. f f t G uadalupe . . t Martinique.. t f St.Augustiue f t Cuba f t Barbados. .. . t t M St. Kitts Pliocene. f f Hatteras f f t Dominica . . . f Barbados.. . . # Tropics * Africa # f * # # St. Thomas.. * * St. Thomas.. * , * Cuba # * * * Yucatan 4 * * * St. Thomas.. ; * # * St. Thomas. . Pliocene. * * j C.Romano.. . * * * Yucatan .... * * * "f St. Augustine Miocene. * Key West -. Pliocene. 122 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. Ser. .No. Name and authority for species. PI. Figa. Alt. or Lon. Range in depth. Northern extreme range. 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 Urosalpiiix tampaensis Conrad.. .... Cedar Keys . Hatteras Hatteras Gulf of Mex. Jupiter Inlet. Norway ..... U ? carolineusis Verrill . .... ...... 15.0 13.0 15.0) 23.0$ . U. ? macra Verrill . ................ Genus TYPHIS Montfort 4 T. longicornis Dall ............. ^ 15 38 7 5 Subfamily Purpurinae. Genus PURPURA Bruguiere. P patula Linn<5 . . P. lapillus Limn' P. 1 1 ;i' 11 1 ;i st 1 1 11 in Limn'' . ............< 50 34 46 1,2,3 3,4 la-lift 1 50. Hatteras Jupiter Inlet. Gulf of Mex. C. Romano .. Hatteras .... Cape Fear... Hatteras Fernandina . Connecticut - Virginia Gulf of Mex. Hatteras Hatteras Cape Fear . . Hatteras Cape Cod . . . Rhode Island P. deltoidea Lamarck . ........ .. .... Genus SISTRUM Montfort. S. roseum Reeve . ................. S. nodulosum C. B. Adams Subfamily Coralliophilince. Genus CORALLIOPHIL A Adams. C. Deburghiae Reeve .... < 16 44 5 1 20.0? 27.0$ A m C. abbreviata Lamarck C. bracteata Brocchi C. lactuca Dall ... .... 16 6 11.0 Suborder 8TREPTODONTA. Supcrfamily PTENOGLOSSA. Genus SC ALA Humphrey. S Sayana Dall . . 50 10 S. tenuis Sowerby .. ...... S. eburuea Potiez & Midland S. centiquadra Morch S. muscapedia Dall...... . .... 17.5 5.0 15 ti S. apiculata Dall S. multistriata Sav 50 61 18 5 92 9 S. Pourtalts i Verrill & Smith 17.5 4.7 161 56 S. coiiturfjuatu Dall . ....... . .. Florida Str.. MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 123 TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. N.J. Va. Hat. Ga. East Fla. Fla. Keys. West Fla. Tex. West lud. Ber- mu- da. Eur. West Am. Southern extreme range. Kange in time. * ' arasota t f Key West f t Cape Florida t t Cuba.. * * New York PllOC6D6 w # , * Trinidad * ' # . Barbados * * . . * . Aspinwall t t t t Barbados Miocene. * # *t * Tropics . Pliocene. , * Key West . . . t t f Cuba * # * Texas . * * , Key West . . . * # St. Thomas.. f * # # Barbados . t # Yucatan. .... ;, Cape Fear * * S. Carolina.. Pliocene. f t Sombrero t Grenada. t * Rum Cav.. 124 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. Ser. No. Name aud authority for species. PI. Figs. Alt- er Lon. Range iu depth Northern extreme raiige. 519 Turtle Harb 520 S nitidella Dall 13. 5 H Hatteras 521 S 8 Cape Florida fv'2 S. Frielei Dall 4. 75 M Hatteras . 59-5 S sevicifilcL Dall 5. I Gulf of Mex ;V4 S Rushii Dall - fi o. Hatteras !">>"> S clathratula Adams -?f Rhode Islaud r ; S novemcostata Morch ...... .... .... U Hatteras C27 S babylonia Dall .. . 49 8 30.0 731 Cape Fear. 5S o 940 CVdar Keys 509 S formosissima Jeffreys ...... 18 11 8.0 339 N. Atlantic 530 S permodesta Dall ... .... .... C. Lookout 531 S scipio Dall ... .... .... 16.0 i Hatteras .. 5:>2 S. polacia Dall 18 10 7.25 229 Florida Str.. 533 S Dalliana Verrill & Smith 61 91 10.5 -i s & Rhode Island 534 S teres Bush ... 41 8 4.0 U Hatteras .. 535 S erectispiua Morch .... Hatteras 53i< S. turricula Sowerby if Hatteras CLQ7 S grosnlaudica Perry \ 61 90? Arctic Sea 53S S denticulata Sowerby 7'^ 10< Hatteras 539 S pernobilis Fischer & Bernard! . . . 38.0 *$? Hatteras r >40 S beJnw'itci Dall 18 11& 8.3 73 541 S clathrus Linn6 ... Bahamas 542 Tori usas . . 543 S Caudeana Orbi^ny Tortugas 544 S Blandii Morch Tortugas 545 Cape Cod 546 Section ACHILLA Adams. S. retifera Dall Hatteras 547 Section CIRSOTBEMA Morch. if Hatteras 548 Subgenus Opalia Adams. O crenatavar Hotessieriana Orbi^ny Tortugas 549 O. hellenica Forbes .. 18 1 6.9 A Hatteras 550 ttuT>Jil(i Dall .... 18 4 11.0 270 551 O Leenna Verrill . ...... . 61 93 146 Rhode Island 552 14.0 i -M- Fernandiua . 553 O. discobolaria Dall.. 18 6.5 ffl Fernandina MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 125 TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. N.J. V;i Hat. Ga. East Fist. Fla. Keys. West Fla. Tex. West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Eur. West Am. Southern extreme rang*. Range in time. * * Haiti f * Cedar Keys. . * t f Honduras . .. . * Haiti f f Hatter.'is * St. Thomas .. f f f Florida Keys t Jamaica * * Vera Cruz.. . f f Cuba .. .. t t Cape Fear. .. * f * St. Thomas.. * * * Haiti ? 1* # * Rhode Isl'd?. Pliocene. f # Bahamas f t Guadalnpe . . t Barbados ? , Barbados * * Sombrero . .. * # Cuba * St. Thomas.. * # * Charlotte H . Pliocene. t t t Florida Str.. t * Santa Cruz. . * # Guadalui . f * * * Haiti t Martinique . . t? # Florida Str . . t t t Cuba.. 126 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PL Figs. Alt. or Lon. Range in depth. Northern extreme range. 554 Genus ACLIS Loven. A. lata Call 18 8 5.5 &$ Fernaudina 555 A. egregia Dall 1H 12 13.0 m Fernandina 556 A ii ucic.'i I a Dall ...... . ..... 18 7 9.3 fa* Fernandina 557 A. tenuis Verrill 3.8 TTT George's B'ks 558 A. striata Verrill 4.0 iHftr B. of Fundy 559 ^ S2A Fernandina 560 j^ 434 Fernandina 561 A. 294 Fernaudina 562 Family JANTHINID^E. Genus JANTHINA Lamarck. Pelagic Nantucket .. 563 J. globosa Swainson Pelagic Gulf Stream. 564 J. prolon ir ata Blainville Pelagic N. Atlantic .. 565 J. exigua Lamarck . . ... Pela p ic Gulf Stream. 566 Superfamily GYMNOGLOSSA. Family EULIMID^. Genus EULIMA Risso. E. conoidea Kurtz & Stimpson Hatteras 567 E. gracilis C . B. Adams Hatteras .... 568 E. intermedia Cantraine 5*> 14 -O-A- Norway . . 569 E. jamaicensis C. B. Adams Cedar Keys . . 570 E. subcarinata Orbiguy Hatteras . 571 E. Carolii Dall Hatteras .... 572 Section MELAXKLLA Bowdich. E. arcuata C. B. Adams...... . 1') 11 4.0 Fernandina . 573 E. elongata Dautzenberg. Norway . 574 E. gibba De Folin Hatteras .... 575 Subgenus Liostraca Adams. L. bilineata Alder ....... Norway 576 L. acuta Sowerby ...... ... r,F,i C. Lookout.. 577 L. stenostoma Jeffreys .. . t4S Norway 578 L. fusns Dall 19 lid 13. 3 Ii 1 * Fernandina . 579 L. Hempliillii Dal 1 48 11 3.0 Cedar Kevs. . 580 Genus 3TILIF3R Broderip. S. Stimusoni Verrill .. ww George's B'ks MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 127 TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. N.J. Va. Hat. Til East Fla. Fla. Keys. West Fla. Tex. West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Eur. West Am. Southern extreme range. Range in time. f t Barbados .... f t Guadalupe .. P. Pliocene. f t St. Vincent.. P. Pliocene. t *t f t Florida Str.. f t Hatteras f t t Florida Str.. f t t Florida Str.. t * # * * * * - - - - Aspinwall . .. ? * * * * Barbados * * * West Indies . Pliocene. f * # St. Thomas.. t f *\ * *t t* Barbados , * Haiti * * * , Haiti * # # Jamaica Pliocene. t ? f * # Barbados t t * Cauipeche. .. t* t # t Haiti * Barbados t? + *t Feruandina . f t t St. Kitts .... ] * Marco # f * Fla. Kevs ? . . 128 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. Ser. No. Name anil authority for species. PI. Figs. Alt. or Lon. Range in depth. Xorthern ex'reme range. 581 Genus NISO Risso. N. splendidula Sowerb y ....... ... 27.0 ir Cnpe Fear 582 N. interrupt* So werby IK 5,6 20.0 ij. Florida Str 53 var. albidn Dal 1 18 5 8. 1 116 584 var. tricolor Da 11 ttfr Hatloras 585 var. 8B< r lees Bush ...... 41 10 a 7.5 J t Hal teras 586 var. circinata Dall 587 Family PYRAMIDELLID.E. Genus PYRAMIDELLA Lamarck. Section LONGCH^US Morch. P. creuulata Holmes S. Carolina 588 P. Candida Morch Hatteras 589 Sec-tiou PYKAMIDELLA s. s. P. dolabrata Linue" Sarasota 590 Genus TURBONILLA Leach. T. huvisC. B. Adams -rto Hatteras 591 T. Estella Pass 592 T. t* Cape Fear 593 T. pti ucta C. B. Adanis if Hatteras 594 T. exilis C. B. Adams /3 Hatteras 595 T. Bushiaua Verrill 12.0 T^VW Rhode Island 596 T. Rathbuni Verrill aud Smith 63 104 T^T Rhode Island 597 T. pusilla C. B. Adams ' WV Hatteras 598 T. lf Hatteras . . 599 T. Hatteras 600 T. perlepida Verrill 7.0 70 Chesapeake . 601 T. A 3 4- Hatteras 602 T. graudis Verrill 18.0 1582 Maryland . . . 603 T. belotheca Dall 96 7d 14.0 li Florida Str.. 604 T. interrupta Tottcn 96 2,:. 6 lt.0 TT Nova Scotia - 605 T. ? elegans Verrill ... 59 (i Mass. Bav . . . 6C6 T reticulala C B Adams Hatteras 607 T multicostata C B Adams S. Carolina . . 608 T. obeliscus C B.Adams H Hatteras 609 T. vir< r a Dall . . 8.1 A" Hafteras 010 T. pin i icon Dull . ............... 8.0 -h C. Lookout.. 611 T. stibulata C. B. Adams A Hatteras 612 T. if Hatteras 613 T. curtaDall .. 26 7c 8.3 rf& Hatteras MAKINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. N.J r. Hat Ga East Fla. i West Fla. Keys.: Ha. Tex Wes Ind. Her- niu- da. Eur "West Am. South ern -,, ^. extreme range. Rilt) ^ e m tlrae - # t * Xew Grenada Centr. Aui. . St. Lucia N. Carolina.. Pliocene. P. Pliocene. P. Pliocene. t t* * * Barbados... St. Thomas .. Barbados Barbados # * * # # .... * ... "* * . t* * . Honduras . .. Charlotte H. Haiti t* # # # -- ... * * Haiti t? t.' t .... ' .... Old Provid'ce if t * # Barbados.. .. -- ... * - Charlotte H . t t t t * t |! ... t t Barbados .... Barbados.. .. East Florida. Jamaica Jamaica St. Thomas . . Key West . . . Bahamas Haiti .... 4* 't. t* * * * t* t* -- * ... # .... * * * ... * * # * * ... s ... # # t ... # Haiti t Yucatan . . 24781 Bull. 37 9 130 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. Ser. No. Name ami authority for species. PI. Figs. Alt. or Lon. Ranjjc iu depth Northern extreme range. 614 Subgeuus Parthenia Lowe. P. cedrosa Dall . 48 4 5.5 Cedar Keys 615 Subgeuus Stylopsis A. Adams. S. resticula Dall 3.5 Gulf ofMex 616 Subgenus ? Careliopsis Morch. C stviiformis Morch -& 617 Genus EULIMELLA Forbes. E. unifasciata Forbes .............. 19 lie 6.0 -Mi Britain 618 E i4 Hatteras ' 619 * E Ti/V Hatteras 620 ^ 168 C. Lookout 621 E scillte Scacchi ... . .. jfr Norway 622 6.0 142 Hatteras 623- Genus PERISTICHIA Dall. P. toreta Dall 49 10 10.8 -/$ C. Lookout.. 624 P. aria Dall 6.0 -2- Hatteras 625 Genus OS GILL A Adams. O. nivea Morch .. . 48 2 8.4 Key West . . . 620 Genus SYRNOLA A. Adams. S. 205 Cape Fear 627 S. producta C B Adams 13 Mass. Bay 628 S fusca C B Adams > 15 Cape Cod 629 Genus ODOSTOMIA Fleming. O. unidentata Montagu ... -. jia. Norway 630 O. engonia Bush .. .... ... 5.0 &fa Hatteras 631 O. tornata Verrill ' . ........ 3.0 Ms Hatteras 632 O. acutidens Dall 4.2 Tfrr Hatteras 633 O. despanlis Verrill . ........ 3.2 142 Hatteras 634 O. teres Bush ............... -11 9 4-. 5 H Hatteras 635 O. trifiila Totten 59 8 Mass. Bay ... 636 O. bisuturalis Say . 59 7 Mass. Bay . . . 637 O. impressa Say - ., 5?, 11 I Mass. Bay . .. 638 O. setiiiiiuda C. B. Adams 59 10 Mass. Bay . . . 639 O. .. Texas. . MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 131 TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. N.J V&. Hat. Ga. Easl Fla. Fla. Keys. West Fla. Tex. West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Eur West Am. Southern extreme ranjre. Range in time. GulfofMex Key West . . . St. Thomas.. Barbados i * t* t t * t t # t # t .... * t # * West Indies . # # * * Key We^t . . . Key West . . . Martinique . . Haiti. # * .. # * Delaware ? .. Delaware ? . . East Florid a. East Florida . Cape Fear. .. West Florida. t t *t t*. t * -- t t t * * - New Jersey.. DelawareB.. # # * - * FloridaKeys. Kev West . M BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PL Figs. All. or Lon. Range in depth. Northern extreme rauge. 640 Superfamilg T^NLOGLOSSA . Family TRITONIID/E. Genus DISTORTRIX Link. D reticultitii Liuk . ...... AZr Hatteras 641 Genus GYRINEUM Link. G affino Broderip ... ....... Hatteras . 642 Genus TRITONIUM Link. T tritonis L var nobilis Conrad 121 Key West . . . 643 Subgenus Colubraria Schumacher. Hatteras 644 Hatteras 645 C Swiftii Tryon Bermuda .... 646 Nassau . fi47 Subgenus Ranularia Schumacher. Key West . . . 648 Subgenus Lampusia Schumacher. Jupiter Inlet. 649 L pileare Lamarck . ........... Key West . . . 650 L gracile Reeve . ........... W 2 25.5 -I 2 o^o Gulf of Mex . 651 36 2 23.6 82 Antilles? 652 L labiosa Wood ..... i* Hatteras 653 L olearium Linnseus . ...... Hatteras .... 654 Florida Str.. 65^ Stibgenus Lotorium Montfort. Cedar Keys.. 656 Family OOCORITID./E. Genus Oocorys Fischer. O abyssorum Verrill & Smith . JtAA- Chesapeake . 657 6^ 83 Hatteras ? . . 658 Genus DALIUM Ball. . D. solidum Dall . . 19 Wd 41.0 576 Grenada .. MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 133 TABLE Y. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. N. J. Va. Hat. Ga. East Fla. Fla. Keys. West Fla. Tex. West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Eur. West Am. Southern extreme range. Range in time. t* t t t * * * . Barbados Tropics Pliocene. t t t t # t * # t * t t * * * t # ? Barbados Sombrero Barbados Barbados Haiti t t # t * # * * * ..... ? ? # W # # # Tropics . * .... * Barbados Trinidad Aspinwall .. . Barbados. .. . Tropics * .... 1 # t .... .... * * Carthagena . Margarita Id . Guadalupe .. Cedar Keys.. Africa # * t * * .... '; t t t t t t 134 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PI. Figs. Alt. or Lou. Ranjie iii depth. Northern extreme range. 659 Family CASSIDID^E. Genus CASSIS Lamarck. C cameo Stimpsou ...... . .... Hatteras 660 C. tuberosa Linne Hatteras . 661 C. testieulus Lin tie" Hatteras ; 662 C. intlata Shaw Hatteras . i 663 Genus GALEODEA Link. G. Coronadoi Crosse . . 124 Cape Fear 664 Genus LAMBIDIUM Link. L. ouiscus Limit; . Tortugas 65 Genus ONISCIDIA Swainson. 0. Dennisoni Reeve 130 Gulf of Mex. 666 Genus SCONSIA Gray. S. striata Lamarck ... .. 85 Cape Florida. 667 Family DOLIID^E. Genus DOLIUM Lamarck. D. galea Lin no" Hatteras . 668 D. perdix Linne" Florida Keys. 669 Snbgenus Eudolium Dall. E. Crosseanuni Mouterosato . <. v 15 \\ 5 > 2a-fc; 35.0 -A'V Rhode Island 670 E. Verrillii Dall 62 35 83, a} 12 32.0 73 Grenada 671 Genus PYRULA Lamarck. P. papvratia Say . N. Carolina.. 672 Family AMPHIPERASID^E. Genus AMPHIPERAS Gronovius. Subgenus Simriia Risso. S. acicularis Lamarck ... Cape Fear . . . 673 S. intermedia Sowerby -Mr Hatteras 674 S. uniplicata Sowerby . ,12,- N. Carolina.. 675 S. aureociucta Dall 18.5 n Florida Str . . 676 Genus ULTIMUS Montfort. U. gibbosus Liun6 Hatteras 677 Genus PEDICULARIA Swainson. P. decussata Gould . . 19 9a. I) 6.0 1* Georgia MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 135 l TABLE Y. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. X.J. Va. Hat. # * * t* t Ga. East Fla. Fla. Ke.> s. West Fla. Tex. * p West lud. * * * t ?*t t t t t Ber- mu- da. Eur. West Am. Southern extr me range. Range in time. N * ** t Barbados Barbados ... Trinidad Brazil 1 t t * t Matanzas .. . Trinidad Guadalupe .. Barbados Trinidad ? * t t * t .... E. I. .... * * * * ... .... t . t t .... t .... Barbados ' West Indies . Brazil # *t- if "t t* t t *t Brazil t* * .... *t t * Barbados Sombrero . . . Trinidad Barbados.. .... * t 136 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PI. Figs. Alt. or Lon. Range in depth. Northern extreme range. 678 Family CYPRUS I D^E. Genus CYPR-ffiA Linne. C. exanthema Liun6 100.0 -A,- Hatteras 679 C. cinerea Gmelin T-RT Hatteras 680 C. spurca Linnd A Cedar Keys 1 681 var. fljiveola Lam Key West 682 Genus TRIVIA Gray. T. pediculns Linn6 St. Augustine 683 T. snffusa Gray Cedar Keys 684 T. subrostrata Gray TT Florida Str 685 T. nivea Grav Florida Keys 686 T. candidula Gaskoiu _1S. Hatteras 687 T. globosa Grav - 7?A Cedar Kevs 688 T. quadripunctata Gray A Jupiter Inlet 689 Genus ERATO Risso. E. Maugeria3 Gray A Hatteras 690 691 Family CARINARIIDJE. Genus CARINARIA Lamarck. C. mediterranea Peron & Lesu' ur.. Genus ATLANTA Lesueur. A. Peronii Lesueur ) 43 4,4a \ Pela>ir N. lat. 40... N. lat 42 692 A. Gaudichaudi Eyd. & Soul bb 66 llOa 111 \ Pelagic N. lut. 40 693 A. rosea Souleyet Pe a"ic N. lat. 41 694 A. Lamauoni Eyd. & Soul Pelagic N. lat 39 695 A. pulchella Veri ill Pelagic N. lat. 40 696 A. inclinata Souleyefc Pelagic N". lat 41 697 Genus OXYGYRUS Benson. O. K'Taudreni Orbigny ,. Pelagic ]\ T . lat. 40 . . 698 Family STROMBID^E. Genus STROMBUS Linne. S. gigas Linne" Florida Keys. 699 S. pugilis Linne" Hatteras . 700 S. bituberculatus Lamarck .. Jtipiter Inlet 701 S. accipitrinus Lamarck . Florida Keys. 702 S. costatus Gmelin. . St. Ausrustine MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 137 TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. K. J. Va Hat. Ga. East Fla. Fla. Keys. West Fla. Tex. West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Eur. West Am. Southern extreme range. Range in time. * t " ... f t u ^ * Guadalu'ie .. X # > Bcir "ados # . ^ * Swan Inlands * # # # Barbados Pliocene. # * * # Barbados * f * t Barbados * Bat bados # * * , t * # Barbados * t * t Barbados Pliocene. * # # Barl'ados * t * # Aspinwall .. . Pliocene. # * * * * * Tropics Pliocene j, # ? Tropics Tropics Pliocene. * * # Tropics * , Tropics * * # Tropics # * Tropics Carthagena . P. Pliocene. " * * B Guadalupe . . * # Guadalupe . . * * * Guadalupe .. ? Pliocene. 138 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. Ser. .No. Xanie and iiutlicirity for species. PI. Fi8. Alt. or Lou. Range iii depth. Northern extreme range. 703 Family TRIFORID^E Grenus TRIFORIS Deshayes. Section TRIFORIS s. s. T. mirabilis C. B. Adams C. Lookout .. 704 T. lilacinuDall 9.0 6 Turtle Harb. 705 Section MASTOXIA Hinds. T. perversa L. var. uigrocincta Ad. .. -3% Cape Cod 700 T. decorataC. B Ad.var.olivaceaDall W.Florida .. 707 T. pnlchella C. B. Adams Florida Str.. 70H T. turrisiliouiie Orbigny .... 11 6 Hatteras 709 T. melanura C. B. Adams . Hatteras . 710 Section INELLA Bayle. T. longissima Dall 90 10 26.0 ilfi Hatteras 711 T. triserialis Dall 90 5a, 6a 15.5 IH Hatteras 712 var. aspera Jeffreys -U4 N. Atlantic .. 713 var. intermedia Dall........ ^0 8 11.0 Florida Str.. 714 T. colon Dall <>o 12 12.0 45.0 Florida Str.. 715 Section SYCIJAR Hinds. T. bigenima Watson Hi, Fernandina . 716 var. liircus Dall 90 11 12.5 640 GulfofMex. 717 T. abrupta Dall 90 9 7.5 640 Gulf of Mex. 718 T. torticula Dall *>0 11& 10.5 640 GulfofMex . 719 T. iuflata Watson . . . n& Georgia 720 ^ ar. ibex Dall M? Florida Str.. 721 T. eylindiella Dall 90 6 6.5 640 GulfofMex. 722 T. Rushij Dall 200 Florida Str.. 723 Family CERITHIOPSID.E. Genus SEIL A A. Adams. S. terebralis C. B. Adams . 5 _o_ Mass. Bav 724 Genus CERITHIOPSIS F. & H. C. tubercularis Montagu N. Europe. .. 725 C. Greenii C. B. Adams >9 2 -3- Mass. Bay- -- 726 C. crystallina Dall '>0 3 16.0 _5Q. Gulf of Mex . 727 C. Martensii Dall 90 2 11. 25 229 Lat. 24 15' . 728 C. pulchella Jeffreys. 4.2 A- Britain 729 C. Siffsbeeaua Dall .. 20 1 10.5 220 Gulf of Mex . MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 139 TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. N.J Vn. Hat. Ga. East Fla. Fla. Keys. West Fla. Tex. West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Eur. West Am. Southern extreme range. Range in time. * * Jamaica * Florida Str * # * # * Key West ? . . Pliocene. * *t * Haiti V *t * Haiti * *t * Guadalupe * * Jamaica f 1 Cuba i t t t Barbados t t f Florida Str t t Barbados t f t Yuofttan t f St. Thomas f f Yucatan t f Yucatan f f Yucatan t t t Culebra *t f Yucatau ... f Yucatan. ... t f Bahamas * .# i * * * ?* Haiti Miocene. * # Kev West t t *f f Barbados t Gulf of Mex. t * Hatteras .... t t Cuba.. 140 BULLETIN 37 % UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PI. Figs. Alt. or Lou. Range in depth. Northern extreme range. 730 Section MFTAXIA Monterosato. C. abrupta Watson 90 5 4.3 Viftv Cape Fear 731 C inetaxsB Delia Cliiaje . ...... 2 Hatteras 732 var ticniolata Dall -- M C Lookout 733 Subgetms Eumeta Morch. E subulata Mouta 2 1) SLJL8 GulfSt Law 7?5 Family CERITHIID^E. Genus Bittium Leach. B alteruatum Sav . ....... I V> 4 Mass B ay 73(5 B ? ( Alaba ?) Adauisi Dall Hatteras 737 B ? (Alaba?) cerithidioides Dall C. Lookout 738 Section DIASTOMA Deshayes. B variuiu Pfeiffer ... Chesapeake 739 Genus CERITHIUM Bruguiere. C floridanum Morch .... Hatteras 740 C algicola C B Adams . . .... Tampa 741 C. uncinutum (Gmel.) Tryon Key Largo .. 74'2 C. eburnenm Bruo'uiere Key West . . . 74:; C . literatum Born Jupiter Inlet 744 var. semifermgineum Lamarck .. St. Augustine 745 C. mnscarum Say Jupiter Inlet 740 C. variabile C. B. Adams Tampa 747 C. minimum Gnielin Tampa 74S var. iiigrescens Menke . Tampa 749 Genus CERITHIDEA Swainson. C. costata Wood Tampa 750 C. sralarifomii-i Say . Georgia . 751 C. varicosa Sowerby . Texas . .. i 75-2 C. turrita Steams Cedar Keys.. 753 Family PLANAXID^E. Genus PLANAXIS Lamarck. P. nucleus Wood Tortugas 754 ! P. lineatus Da Costa .. Kev West . . MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 141 TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. N.J. Va. Hat. Ga. East Fla. 1 Fla. Keys. West Fla. Tex. West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Ear. West Am. Southern extreme range. Kange in time. * n t t Barbados . . ' n *t f # Key West . . . t* Cape Fear. .. * * # # Greuada f t Feruaiidiua.. * ? *f- C. Lookout.. # * # # Haiti * Haiti * * * V * # St. Thomas .. * * # # Cuba Pliocene. # * # Jamaica * Jamaica < Swan Islands , M # # * Swan Islands * 4 Santa Cruz.. * f Jamaica * t Curacoa * , * * Guadalupe .. * * * Venezuela. .. * f Jamaica # #' * , , Key West . . . ? * Jamaica * Bahamas * * Darien * * Barbados . . , 142 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. Xame and authority for species. PI. Figs. Alt, or I.' n. Range iu depth. Xorthem extreme range. 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 77ft Family MODULID^E. Genus MODULUS Gray. M. modulus L'nn6- . Hatteras Florida Keys. Florida Keys. Florida Str.. var. floriflanus Conrad var. cattinulatus Philippi Family TRICHOTROPID^E. Genus TRICHOTROPIS Sowerby. Subgenus Mesostoma Deshayes. M mi'Taus Dall -- ..... 29 29 8 7 9. 25 9.0 80 785 Subgeuus Dolophanes Gabb. D Gabbi Dall D columbella Dall . ... .. . GulfofMex. Hatteras Cape Cod ... Hatteras Hatteras Florida Keys. Cape Cod Key Largo .. Hatteras Tampa Family C.ECIDJE. Genus C .S3 CUM Fleming. C floridanum Stiiiipsoii ..... .... A A C pulcbcllum Stimpson . . '. . 50 22 C instructum De Foliu . C bipartitum De Foliu C 43 8 C. decussatum De Folin C caroliniauuro Dall .............. & C C jjl'ibrum Monta"u Cape Fear. .. Tampa Subgenns Meioceras Carpenter. M Desbayesii De Folin M nitidnm Stimpson Tampa M nudiilosum De Folin ...... Charlotte H . Gulf of Maine Hatteras Gulf of Mex . GulfofMex. N. Atlantic .. Family SEGUENZIIDJE. Genus SEGUENZIA Jeffreys. S moiiociu< ir ulata Segueuza .. . 62 88,89 5.0 3 5 *tf& 44 6TS .sao. 15H8 3fi2. 0o^ TW,r S iouica \Vatson ...... .............. 4.5 S. I S. carinata Watson .. 4.0 MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 143 TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. N.J. Va. Hat. Ga. East Fla. Fla. Keys. West Fla. Tex. West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Eur. West Am. Southern extreme range. Range in time. * * * Cartha< r eua Pliocene. * * if * St. Thomas Plioceue. * * St. Thomas t f I Havana f St. Viucent Miocene t t Havana Miocene * * Brazil Pliocene V * # Tortugas * * Tampa * , Key West * * .Jjunaicji Pliocene * # t * * t # Tampa # # * Pliocene # # * Jamaica # * * Jamaica * Jamaica Pliocene t t t t t f Brazil Miocene. t t t f Brazil t f t Culebra f f Old Provicl'ce t t t Brazil . 144 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. Ser. No. Naruf and authority for species. PL Figs. Alt. or Lon. Kango in depth. Northern extreme range. 779 Family VERMETID^E. Genus SILIQUARIA Bruguiere. S. squaniata Blainvillo , Sarasota 780 S. modesta Dall 96 4 26,0 % 9 <& Cedar Keys 781 Genus VBRMICULARIA Lamarck. V. spirata Philippi 51 4 ,?T N. England 782 "V.? nigricans' Dall A Gulf of Mex 783 Genus SIPHONIUM Morch. S. nebulosuni Dillwyn St. Augustine 784 Genus VERMETUS Morch. Subgemis Petaloconchus Lea. P. erectus Dall . t 3 Q 4 25.0 ^7/r Gulf of Mex 785 P. irregularis Orbiguy Cedar Keys 786 Genus BIVONIA Gray. B. exserta Dall ^H 6 11.0 rMv G. Lookout 787 Family TURRITELLID^E. Genus TTJRRITELLA Lamarck Section HAUSTATOR Montfort. T. variegata Liun4 Texas . 788 T. vucatecana Dall 96 3 16.5 640 Gulf of Mex. 789 Section TORCULA Gray. T. exoleta Liuu6 -Mr Cape Florida 790 T. ^ Hatteras 791 T. acropora Dall .. . 4^T Hatteras 792 Family MATHILDIID^E. Genus MATHILDA Semper. M. yucatecana Dall 90 7 8.0 ||A Savannah .. . 793 M. barbadensis Dall .. % 10 6.2 100 794 M. Ruslm Dall 5.0 f| 4 Fernaudiua . 795 M. scitula Dall 5.25 A?i Hatteras 796 Subgenus Gegania Jeffreys. G. Jeffrey*! Dall.. 294 Fernandina . MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 145 TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. N.J. Va. Hat. Ga. East Fla. Fla. Keys. West Fla. Tex. West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Eur. West Am. Southern extreme range. Range in time. * * Barbados.. .. f f t Cura9oa ... * # * Santa Cruz.. Florida Str * Tortola t t t Barbados # * Guadalupe * t t t Barbados / * Cartliafena t t Yucatan ..... . f t * f Barbados pliocene t* * Texas M # * t t Grenada ./ Pliocene t f t Yucatan t ? Barbados t t Florida Str t t Fernandi na . . 24781 Bull. 37 10. 146 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PI. Figs. Alt. or Lou. Range in depth. Northern extreme range. 797 Family LITORINID^. Genus LITORINA Ferussac. Section MELARAPIIE Muhlfeldt. Florida Keys 798 var. lineata Pbilippi. .. ...... Jupiter Inlet. 799 L. angulifera Lamarck Jupiter Inlet. 800 Section LITOUINA s. s. Tortugas 801 L. mespiliini Meuke ...... .......... Texas 802 L irrorata Say .................... 69 6 Rhode Island 803 L. rudis Donovan . ..... < 51 $ Arctic Ocean . 804 L. palliata Say ................. b9 51 3S 5 Nova Scotia . 805 Genus LACUNA Turton, L vincta Turton . ... ........... 52 19 Arctic Ocean. 80(5 Subgenns Cithna A. Adams. C. tenella Jeffreys . . . AW N. Atlantic.. 807 Genus TECTARITTS Valenciennes. Jupiter Inlet. 808 Genus E CHI NELL A Swainson. C. Lookout.. 809 Family FOSSARID^E. Genus FOSSARUS Fhilippi. F. elegans Verrill .. ...... 69 87 } Rhode Island 810 Subgenus Gottoina Adams. G. bella Dall 98 10 3.55 To^- Hatteras 811 Gr. compacta Dall ............ .... .... 98 6 2. 3^ & Hatteras 812 Subgeuus Isapis Carpenter. I. anomala C. B. Adams .. . .... 294 Fernandina . 813 Family LITIOPID^. Genus ALABA A. Adams. A tervaricosa C B Adams 814 A. conoidea Dall.. *82 Fernandina - MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTEKN COAST. 147 TABLE Y. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. N.J. Va. Hat. Ga. East Fla. Fla. Keys. West Fla. TV* We8t rex< Ind. Ber- mu- da. Eur. West A in. Southern extreme range. Range in time. * * * # Barbados. . .. Guadalupe .. Carthagena . St. Thomas .. Barbado.s. .. Jamaica. P. Pliocene. P. Pliocene. P. Pliocene. Pliocene. # * * * * * # * * * -- * * * .... * * * New Jersey. . New Jersey . . New Jersey.. Brazil. . . * t * t t * * * * * - Aspinwall . . . Barbados Cape Fear... Florida Keys. Cuba t t t -- \ t t t * * t # Jamaica Haiti * * t Campeche Bk 148 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. Pi. Figs.' Alt. or Lon. Range in depth. Northern extreme range. 815 Genus LITIOPA Rang. L. bombyx Kieuer Pela- Maine 816 Family SOLARIID^E. Genus FLUXINA Ball. F. brunnea Da/11 ........... . 22 6 6a 10 7 gic. *&& Florida Str 817 F. ditcnla Dull 23 5,6 3 982 818 Genus SOLARIUM Lamarck. S. graniilatnni Lamarck . Hatteras 819 S. jjeracutuiii Dall .. ...... .... ?3 2,5 6.0 T 1 ^ 820 S. Sigsbeei Dall '>S 3, 3a 2.3 310 Florida Str 821 S. bisulcatnui Orbigny. 444 Hatteras 822 var. boreale Verrill. ...... fi'> 95a 12 -*A Rhode Island 823 S. Krebsii Morch 63 Hatteras 824 Genus TORINIA Gray, T. canalifera C. B. Adams Gulf of Mex 825 T. cy elostoina Menke Key West 826 T. cyliudrtca Gmelin Gulf of Mex 827 Genus OMALAXIS Deshayes. O. uobilis Verrill .. .._ 46 12 3 JW- C hesapeake 828 O. lamellifera Dall 205 Florida Str 829 Family RISSOID^E. Genus RISSOA Freminville. Section CINGULA. R. miauta Totteu 52 17 A Nova Scotia 830 Section ONOBA. R. aculeus Gould . .... ........ 52 12 Arctic Sea 831 R. ... Marco 832 Section RISSOA s. 8. R. Jan-Mayeni Friele 61 86 i&8 Arctic Sea . . . 833 var. brychia Verrill ........ 2.3 A.8r Rhode Island 834 R. Sanderson! Verrill 4.0 142 Hatteras 835 R. castanea Moller. .. ...... .. Arctic Sea 836 R. pelagica Stim pson A Arctic Sea. .. 837 R. exarata Stimpson ............. TJ)T Nova Scotia . 838 R. precipitata Dall . . 19 1 4.0 4.98 Gun Cav . . MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 149 TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. N.J. Va. Hat. Hii. East Fla. Fla. Keys. West Fla. Tex. West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Ear. West Am. Southern extreme range. Range in time. * * * # # * Brazil . .. P. Pliocene. f t Jamaica t Dominica . t * f Sombrero t Barbados f t Cuba . .... f t t Martinique . ft t* t t Florida Str.. t Porto Plata * * Guadalupe .. f St. Thomas. # St. Thomas.. t t i t f Barbados .... t Cuba . .... # New Jersey New York . * Gnlf of Mex t t Hatteras t t t Barbados.. .. f t *f Hatteras *t t t Florida Str t Hutteras .... P. Pliocene. t t Yucatan . 150 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PI. Figs. Alt. or Lon. Range in depth. Northern extreirn range. 839 Rissoa 6:1 Hatteras 840 R acuticostata Dall .... . ...... . 19 10 3.7 T&\ Hatteras 841 R pyrrliifliS \Vatson ...... ...... ...... 3.0 ?s'Jl Florida Str 842 R. xaiithias AiVatsou ................ 2. 5 5sta Florida Str 843 R. syrgenes Verrill .. .. 3.0 142 Hatteras 844 Genus BENTHONELLA Dall. B. ' r n7.ii Dall .... ............ ..... 42 6.5 1KT Fornandina 845 B. Fischeri Dall 5.3 i a ,, 4 -1r Cedar Kevs 846 B ii isoiiis I );ill . .... 9.0 940 Gulf of Mex 847 Genus RISSOINA Orbigny. R. decussata Monta r u .. ...... tV Cape Fear. .. 848 R. laevigata C B. Adams .. _c_ C. Lookout.. 849 R. bryerea Mouta 18 Arctic Sea 855 Genus ADEORBIS Wood. A supranitidus \Vood ....... 41 7,7o U N. Atlantic . . 856 var. Orbi r nyi Fischer . ...... -n\- Norway - 857 A Beaui Fisclier . . ..... Florida Keys 858 A f olivaceus Verrill . 44 5 4.0 ^.91- Gulf of Maine 859 Genus CLATHRELLA Recluz. C. naticoides Dall 22 Hatteras 860 Family AMPULLARIID^E. . Genus AMPULLARIA Lam. A. d epressa Say .............. Georgia 861 A. caliginosa Reeve . ......... ...... Florida 862 Family ASSTMINEID^E. Genus ASSIMINEA Leach. A \uberiauu Orbi 1 A A Pr. Ed. Isl'd . Nova Scotia. 877 Section JANACUS Morcb. C. plana Say < 48 12 i *T Pr. Ed. Isl'd . 878 Section SANDALIUM Sebum. C. aculeate Gmeliii ...... . . 50 26 1 & C. Lookout.. 879 Family CAPULIDJE. Genus CAPULUS Montfort. 44 6 ^12.0 ?fa Iceland . .... 48 8 l MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 153 TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. N.J Va Hat. Ga East Fla. Fla. Keys. West Fla. Tex West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Ear. West Am. Southern extreme range. Range in time. * # f * Guadalupe # * * Honduras ? # * * # St. Thomas * . if * St. Thomas t ft Delaware B tf Rhode Island * *t t * Barbados * * Barbados * t ? Florida Keys * * Haiti. . . * * * # East Florida Miocene. ? Trinidad Miocene. t t *. *t Florid a Keys. Pliocene. Miocene. 154 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. Ser. No. Name ami authority for species. PL Figs. Alt. or Lon. Range in depth. Northern extreme range. 880 Section KREBSIA Morch. Capulus intortus Lamarck . Key West 881 Section HYALORISIA Dall. C. galca Dall ........... . ........ 14 3 18 f> 218 Barbados 882 Family AMALTHEID^E. Genus AMALTHE A Schumacher. A. benthophila Dall ....... .. .. 14 la b 8.0 *w Sand Key 883 A. aiitiquata Linne" ... Turtle Harb 884 A. subrufa Lamarck ....... . Key West 885 Family XENOPHORID^E. Genus XENOPHORA Fischer. X. conch vliophora Born .... ...... JUr Hatteras 886 X. caribiea Petit JA llatteras 887 Family NATICII^E. Genus NATICA Lamarck. N. maroccana Dillwyn Hatteras .... ggrj N. livida Pfeiffer Hatteras 889 Hatteras .... 890 N. castrensis Dall ........ ........ 12.5 -AyW Key West . . . 891 N. perlineata Dall . . ....... 18.5 *& Gulf of Mex . 892 N. pusilla Say .. .. .. ^0 21 i 2 f Massacbus'ts 893 Snbgenus Neverita Risso. N. tluplicata Say .. ............... ^1 12 Mass. Bay . . . 804 N. uubilaDall 13.0 1AQ. Gulf of Mex . 895 Subgenus Lunatia Gray. L heros Say .. ........ .... 51 1 11 Q - Labrador 896 897 var. triseriata Say L. grcsnlandica. Moller .... ......... CO 18,19 A Labrador Arctic Sea . . . 898 L. tennis Reclnz ...... . 8.1, Cape Fear.. . 899 L. Jevicula Verrill .. _ 44 3 40.0 lo Gulf of Maine 900 L semistilcata Gray Jupiter Inlet 901 L. immaculata Totten fSO 20 80 Nova Scotia. 902 L. leptalea Watson iS Fernandina 903 L. fringilla Dall 91 12 5.75 ffj Gulf of Mex . 904 var. perl a Dall. . 21 11 6.5 *?4 Fernandina . MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 155 TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continue*!. N.J. Va. Hat. Ga. East Fla. Fla. Keys. West Fla. Tex. "West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Eur. West Am. Southern extreme range. Range in time. * t * Barbados t t t St. Vincent.. * Aspinwall * * Barbados * *t t f Guadalupe . . Eocene. # t t f Barbados t f f * * Barbados Eocene. t f t f Barbados .... * f t Barbados . t t Barbados * * # * Florida Keys # # t f Barbados * * f HogIsl'd,Va. Miocene. * t Hatteras Miocene. # . * Hatteras t t f t Cuba ff Rhode Island # * Porto Rico * Hatteras t t t f f Sombrero . f Old Provid'ce t t I St. Vincent.. 156 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PI. Figs. Alt. or Lon. Range in depth. Northern extreme range. 905 Subgenns Polynices Montfort. P. uberina Orbigny H Hatteras 906 P. lactea Guilding Florida Keys. 907 P. brnnnea Link .... Tortugas 908 Genus SIGARETUS Lamarck. S. perspectivus Say .. . .... New York 909 S. maculatus Say .. Hatteras 910 S. minor Dall 4.0 if Cape Florida 911 Subgenus Eunaticina Fischer. E. carotiiiensis Dall ..* 5.5 T% Hatteras 912 Genus GYRODES Conrad. G. depressa Seguenza ...... .... T-4&T N. Atlantic.. 913 Family LAMELLARIID^E. Genus LAMELLARIA Montagu. L. Ran^ii Bergh . ... .. ... Gnlf of Mex . 914 L. pellucida Verrill. 79 5 T! 3, 3a 3.0 226 DISCOPSIS De Folin. De Folin .. 0.2 Hatteras Gulf of Mex. Fernandiiia . Hatteras West Florida Fernandina . MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 161 TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. N.J. Va. Hat. Ga. East Fla. Fla. Keys. West Fla. Tex. "West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Eur. West Am. Southern extreme range. Kange in time. t t *t t t Martinique . . f Dominica . t f Barbados.... ? # Guadalape . . * Trinidad . * Santa Cruz . ! *? * Guadalupe . . # # Aspinwall . . f t Barbados - t t St. Lucia t t f Barbados .... t t t Barbados t t Yucatan St. Thomas.. t t f Barbados *t Haiti t f Cuba t t S.E.Florida. *t Cape Fear. .. # Gulf of Mex t St. Lucia *? t Guadalupe . 24781 Bull. 37 11 162 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PI. Figs. Alt, or Lon, llange in depth. Northern extreme range. 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 9rfO 981 982 983 984 985 986 967 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 Genus COCHLIOLEPIS Stimpson. C. parasitica Stimpson S. Carolina.. Tampa 1.5 Genus CALLIOSTOMA Swainson. C. euglyptum A. Adams & /& m m 80 805 m m MB 1% M 80 170 Hatteras .... Rbode Island C. Bairdii V. & S 63 37 22 21 21 33 96 2 3, 3 2a, 5 2,4 1 C ttiiTora Dall . 21.0 8.0 5.25 5.0 5.0 C. circuoicinctuiii Dall Gulf of Mex. Gulf of Mex. Gulf of Mex. Gulf of Mex. Gulf of Mex. Hatteras Gulf of Mex . Hatteras Florida Str.. C. ecbinatuni Dall C. sapidum Dall C. corbis Dall ....... C tiara Watson C. roseoluin Dull .. . ........... 24 24 (5,6rt 3,3a 9.5 7.5 C. pulcher C. B. Adams C orion Dall ..... .... . ....... 28 32 2 3,5 4.5 8.3 Section EUCASTA Dall. C indittnci Dall .... ... Section EUTKOCHUS A. Adams. C. jujubinuui Gmeliu Hatteras Hatteras Cedar Keys.. Cape Fear.. . Hatteras C. Lookout.. Florida Str.. Hatteras .... var. Tarn pab'nsi s Conrad.. var. Rawsoni Dall C. vucatecaunm Dall 24 33 32 32 4,4a 10,11 7 1.4 7.0 37.0 14.0 9.5 7.5 7.5 4.5 5.0 ?15.0 5.75 M m 200 175 m 140 92 M m n< C Sayanum Dall . . C. Benedict) Dall C. cinctellum Dall Section DENTIST YLA Dall. C. asperrimnm Dall var dentijcrnm Dall. .. ... 23 24 28 22 32 7,8 l.la 1 l,la 8 C sfricijilunt Dall . ... Genus MARGARITA Leach. M erytbrocoma Dall . . . . Florida Keys Florida Str . . N. Atlantic .. Subgenus Turcicula Dall. T imperialis Dall ...... Subgeuus Bathymophila Dall. B. ensnira Dall .. MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 163 TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. N.J. Va, Hat. Ga. East Fla. Fla. Keys. West Fla. Tex. West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Eur. West Am. Southern extreme range. Range in time * * Florida Keys * Gulf of Mex t f *t t t t Florida KBVS t Barbados # t t Yucatan # * Cuba * Cuba f t t t t f t Dominica t f t # t f t f Barbados *t # * * St Thomas t t Cuba f Grenada * * * * # * Carthagena i Pliocene. * * Mauritius * # Yucatan t f t t Cuba t t t t Barbados. . .. f Barbados t Grenada f f , Haiti t t Cuba t t 1 Culebra .. 164 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE V. ~E.List of Gastropoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PL Figs. Alt. or Lon. Range in depth. Northern extreme range. 999 Subgenus Solariella A. Adams. S. -i! uali ills Jeffreys ........... 1.93. Norway 1000 S. lamellosa V. & S 63 98 -jlA Rhode Island 1001 S. obscura Couthouy 59 16 -AQ, Arctic Sea 1002 S. aegleis Watson H8 Fernandina . 1003 var. lata Dall ......... fH Florida Str 1004 var. rhina Watson fifth Florida Str.. 1005 var. clavata Watson. . 3Sif Florida Str 1006 S. infundibulum Watson . . . -, 7 & 9 < Delaware 1007 S. Ottoi Philippi ^ 44 14^ l4lJT Hebrides.... 1008 S. scabriuscula Dall b3 91 97$ 10, lOo 4.75 539 Gnlf of Mex. 1009 S. lissocoua Dall 91 8,8a 5.5 W Cedar Keys.. 1010 S. lacunella Dall. ...... 1 l,la 4.5 M- C. Hatteras 1011 var. depressa Dall 805 Gulf of Mex. 1012 S. iris Dall 9 1 7, la 5.0 119 Florida Keys. 1013 S. 294 Fernandina 1014 S. 169 Cedar Keys 1015 S. lubrica Dall- .. .. ..... ........ 91 9, 9a 4.0 1-L& Cedar Keys 1016 var. iridea Dall .. ..... 3.8 193 Ca'ie Florida 1017 Genus EUCHELUS Philippi. E guttarosea Dall ....... 'W 7 5 :Mr Florida Str 1018 E. eucasta Dall 440 Georgia ..... 1019 Genus BASILISSA Watson. B. alta Watson / -&<* Cedar Keys. . 1020 var. delicatula Dall '>9 2,2a 5.0 805 Gulf of Mex. 1021 B. superba Watson iWo Gulf of Mex. 1022 Section AKCISTROBASIS Dall. B costulata \Vatson 0,5- Georgia . 1023 var. depressa Dall ........ 9? 4,4a 2.5 640 Gulf of Mex 1024 Family DELPHINULID^E. Genus LIOTLA. Gray. L. cruentata Muhlfeldt Key West . . . 1025 L. Riisii Duuker Tortugas 1026 L. Briareus Dall 94 5, 5ft 7.5 4 7 8 fi O Florida. Str.. 1027 var. perforata Dall 4*8% Florida Str.. 1028 var aspina Dall .......... A& Florida Str. . 1029 L. Bairdii Dall 3S . 8 6.0 M Hatteras 1030 var. trullata Dall . . Gulf of Mex.< MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. 165 N.J. Va. Hat. Ga. Sast Fla. Fla. Keys. West Fla. Tex. West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Eur. "West Am. Southern extreme range. Bange in time. t t t * St. Lucia.. .. "t f Barbados ft *t * Rhode Island t f t St. Vincent f t f f Martinque. . Pliocene. t t t St. Vincent t t Brazil . t t t f f Brazil. ...... t t t t St. Thomas.. Pliocene. t t Cuba f f Gulf of Mex ! t t f Santa Cruz.. t Florida Keys. t Florida Str t t Gulf of Mex . t f f St. Lucia i f Gulf of Mex . t *t Haiti t t t Brazil t t Tobago ..... t Australia.... t f Culebra . . .. . t f Yucatan Honduras . * St Thomas t t Barbados t f Barbados t f Barbados t t *t t Havana . ... . t t Florida Str.. ( 166 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PI. Figs. Alt. or I. 'in. Range in depth. Korthern exl reme range. 1031 Lioi i,-i tricarinata Stearns . - W Hatteras 1032 L miniata Dall ....... 9R 11 2.0 15 Florida Str 1033 L. variabilis Dall . .. .... 93 2,2a 4.5 &fa Hatteras . 1034 var. micro foris Dal 1 ............. -A.1- Cuba 1035 Subgenus Lippistes Montfort. L. acrilla Dall . ....... ?'> 6,11 2.0 Garden Key . 1036 L. amabilis Dall .- .. 39, 9,12 2.0 80 Florida Str.. 1037 Subgenus Laxispira Gabb. L. nitida Verrill . ......... 46 11 5.0 1423 N. lat. 38.. 1038 Family CYCLOSTREMATID^. Genus VITRINELLA C. B. Adams. V. multicarinata Stimpson ........ 1.5 15 Hatteras 1039 V. interrupta C. B. Adams ........ Tampa ...... 1040 Genus CYCLOSTREMA Marryat. C. trochoides Jeffreys ..... 2.0 8 N. Atlantic.. 10 11 C. fulgidum Jeffreys . .. ... 63 99 2.0 m Gulf of Mai ne 1042 C. ornatum Verrill iff- Hatteras 1043 C. cinn ulatuni Verrill ... ......... 2.0 547 N. lat. 40 ... 1044 C. valvatoides Jeffreys. .. .. .. Aftfir C. Lookout.. 1045 C. diaphanum Verriil 2.5 "StrlTa Rbode Island 1046 C. turbinum Dall .. . ..... ... 33 5 2.75 80 Florida Str . . 1047 C pompnolyx Dall .... .... <>R 9 3.0 Hi Fernandina 1048 C. cistroniuni Dall ..... . . 1.6 If Hatteras . 1049 2.5 -iWu N. Atlantic.. 1050 Subgenus Granigyra Dall. G limata Dall . 2.5 310 Florida Str.. 1051 Genus MOLLERIA. M. costulata Moller 79 9 A Q 4 N. Atlantic.. 1052 Family NERITID^E. Genus NERITA Bruguiere. N. peloronta Linne" Jupiter Inlet 1053 N. tessellata Gmelin .... Jupiter Inlet *1054 var. prteco^nita C B Adams S. Florida . . . 1055 N. versicolor Lamarck . , Pine Key MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 167 TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continue*!. N.J. Va. Hat. Ga. East Fla. Fla. Ke.\ s. West Fla. Tex. West Ind. Ber- mu- da Eur. West Am. Southern extreme range. Range in time. * * Tampa Pliocene. Pliocene. * * t t Barbados.. . . Barbados Grenada Florida Str . . Cuba * t t t t t # # t Florida t Jamaica Old Provid'ce Fernandina . Fernandina . Rhode Island Cuba.. t t ... . t t -- t t ?t t t t t .... t t t -- Fernandina . Cuba t t t t t Cuba . . t* Cape Fear.. . f t t t t Cuba...... t *t Fernandina . St. Vincent.. Aspinwall- .. Aspinwall. .. Aspinwall . . * # . * * * * 168 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PI. Pigs. Alt. or Lou. Range in depth. Northern extreme range. 1056 Genus NERITINA Lamarck. N. reclivata Say St. Ausjustiue 1057 var. palmae Dall .. . Palma Sola 1058 N. virginea Linne" . Tampa 1059 N. pupa Linn6 Charlotte H 1060 N. viridis Lamarck No Name Key 1061 Section THEODOXUS Montfort. N. Showalteri Lea ......... .... Fluv. Alabama Family STOMATIID.E. 1062 Genus STOMATELLA Lamarck. Florida Keys Superfamily ZYGOBRANCHIA. Family HALIOTIDJE. 1063 Genus HALIOTIS Linne". H. Pourtalesii Dall 200 Florida Str.. ? Family SCISSURELLID.E. 1064 Genus SCISSURELLA Orbigny. S. crispata Fleming 48 15 Norway 1065 S. alta Watson 15 Q Florida Str.. 1066 S. 3.34. Fernandina . Family PLEUROTOMARIID^. 1067 Genus FLEUROTOMARIA Sow- erby. P. Quoyana Fischer and Bernard! .. < 29 31 37 1 ) la-c > 5 ) 42.0 -,o Gulf of Mex. 1068 P. Adansoniana Crosse and Fischer. | 30 31 32 37 3,cl 10 f 4J 130.0 m Guadalupe . . Family FISSURELLID^. 1069 Genus PUNCTURELLA Lowe. P. circularis Dall 26 7 7Z 3 539 Gulf of Mex. 1070 P. trifolium Dall 26 8 Sb 7 640 Gulf of Mex. 1071 P. Watsoni Dall 3 AM Gulf of Mex. 1072 P. profundi Jeffreys 48^ Fernaudina . 1073 P. agger Watson *?R Florida Str.. 1074 P. eritmeta Verrill.. 5.0 1451 Rhode Island MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 169 TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. N.J. V* Hat. Ga. East Fla. Fla. Keys West Fla. Tex. West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Eur. West Southern Am. extreme range. Range in time. * * * * * * * Jamaica Pliocene. Pliocene. ? * * # * # * * * Brazil Jamaica Barbados * t # t St. Barts t t t *t Fernandina . Barbados St. Augustine Barbados Barbados.. .. Florida Str . . Yucatan Barbados Culebra Culebra t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t w 170 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PL Figs. Alt. or LUM. Range in depth. Northern extreme range. 1075 Puncturella sportella Watson . . 48 N. lat. 24... 1076 P. abyssicola Verrill 10.0 1537 N. lat. 39... 1077 P. erecta Dall ......... .. 7.0 107 Hatteras . 1078 Subgenus Fissurisepta Seguenza. F triangulata Dall .... 88 Feruaudina . 1079 N. Atlantic .. 1080 Subgenus Cranopsis Adams. N. Atlantic .. 1081 Genus EMARGINULA Lamarck. Subgenus Rimula Defrance. R. frennlata Dall W 4 2.3 & Hatteras 1082 Subgenus Subemarginula Blainville. Tortugas . 1083 g 300 Gulf of Mex. 1084 Subgenus Emarginula s. s. Gulf of Mex. 1035 it Turtle Harb. 1086 T Britain 1087 fAf Portugal 1088 Genus FISSTTRELLA Bruguiere. A Hatteras 1089 W Florida Str.. 1090 Tortugas 1091 Indian Key.. 1092 Cedar Keys.. 1093 Tortugas 1094 Subgenus Glyphis Carpenter. G. barbadensis Gmelin Charlotte H . 1035 G. cancellata Sowerby Tortugas .... 1096 G. Tauneri Verrill .... ... 44 13 13a 16 1*4 Delaware 1097 G. If Key West 1098 G. ' 107 Hatteras 1099 G. 2 Marco . . 1100 G. fluviana Dall 11 6, 6a 6.0 -ib Florida Str.. 1101 Genus FISSURELLIDEA Orbigny. F. limatula Reeve . . HI Cape Fear... MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 171 TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. N.J. Va. Hat. Ga. East Fla. Fla. Keys. West Fla. Tex. West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Eur. West Am. Southern extreme range. Range in time. t f Culebra f f t t t Culebra t f Fernandina . Pliocene. f f t f f St. Barts Pliocene. t * Tortugas.. .. # * Barbados .... t t Cuba * * Cuba # Haiti t t *t # t* Barbados .... t f f Barbados .... Pliocene. * * # * Barbados Pliocene. t t Barbados .... # * * Barbados * * * Barbados * t # St. Lucia Pliocene. * * Guadalupe * * * * Barbados... . # St. Barts t t t Hatteras .... t t Barbados t # t t Barbados . . . * * t Barbados.. 172 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE Y. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. Ser. No. Name and authority for species. PL Figs. Alt. or Lon. Range in depth. Northern extreme range. 1102 Fissurellidea fasciata Pfeiffer ........ Gulf of Mex 1103 C. Lookout 1104 Genus CLYPIDELLA Swainson. Key West 1105 Subclass ISOPLEURA. Order POLYPLACOPHORA. Superfamily EOCHITONIA. Family LEPTOCHITONID^E. Genus LEPTO CHITON Gray. m Arctic Sea... 1106 iWr Gulf of Mex. 1107 Genus HANLE YIA Gray. H. tropicalis Dall ..... 9fi 8c.8d. 4.0 128 Sand Key . . . 1108 **i'f Arctic Sea .. 1109 Family ISCHNOCHITONID^E. Genus TRACHYDERMON Car- penter. T. exaratus Sars Ar. 2 2fl 1110 T. ruber Lowe K.-I 9 >fi- 1111 Genus CILS3TOPI.EURA Shuttle- worth. C. apiculata Sowerby 51 10 A Cape Cod 1112 C. Janeirensis Gray Key West... 1113 Genus ISCHNOCHITON Gray. I. limaciformis Say Key West . . . 1114 I. purpurascens C. B. Adams Florida Keys. 1115 I. papillosus C. B. Adams Tampa ...... 1116 j Turtle Harb 1117 I. funiculatus Carpenter Key West ... 1118 Genus CERATOZONA Dall. C. Guildingi Reeve Jupiter Inlet 1119 Family LOPHYRID^E. Genus CHITON s. s. C. squamosus Linne" Indian Key.. 1120 C. marinoratus Gnielin.. Texas . . MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 173 TABLE Y. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. N.J. Va. Hat. Ga. East Fla. Fla, Keys. West Fla. Tex. "West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Ear. West Am. Southern extreme range. Range in time. * * Cuba _ * ? * Barbados * * Jamaica f ! t t Gulf of Me. ? f t t Dominica . .. f Florida Str.. f t t Hatteras .... f t t Fernandina.. * * # New York . . . c * Haiti # * Rio Janeiro.. * * St. Vinceut . * * * * St. Thomas.. # * St. Thomas . # * * Yucatan * . St. Thomas.. # * Trinidad # Santa Cruz * . Trinidad .. 174 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. Ser. No. Name anil authority for species. PI. Figs. Alt. or Lon. Range in depth. Northern extreme range. 1121 Genus TONICIA Gray. T Schramioii Shuttleworth Key West Family ACANTHOPLEURID^E. Genus ACANTHOPLEURA Guild- 1122 ing. Charlotte H SuperfamiJy OPSICHITONIA. Family PLACOPHORID^E. Genus PLACOPHORA Gray (em.). 1123 P atlantica Verrill & Smith . < 45 la, b\ 32.0 m Off Cape Cod. Family MOPALIIDvE. 102> 1124 Genus ACANTHOCHITON Leach. 4. astri *er Reeve . ............... Tortugas 1125 Cedar Keys 1126 Genus NOTOPLAX H. Adams. Cape Florida Family AMICULID.E. 112? Genus AMICULA Gray. A vestltd Sowprby - - 103a Arctic Sea TABLE VI. F. List of Cephalopoda. Class CEPHALOPODA. Order ll It It \ > < II 1 1 A. Suborder OCTOPODA. Family ARGONAUTIDJE. I Genus ARGONAUTA Linne. A. argo L. var. americana Dall < Suborder SEPIOPHORA. 43 64 67 la-b) 1426V l-3> N. lat. 43 C ... Family SPIRULIDyE. 2 Genus SPIRULA Lamarck. S Peronii Lamarck firt 4 Cape Cod MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 175 TABLE V. E. List of Gastropoda Continued. N.J. Va. Hat. Ga. East Fla. Fla. Keys. West Fla. Tex. West Ind. Ber- mu- da. Eur. West Am. Southern extreme range. Range in time. # * # Guadalupe .. # New Grenada f Rhode Island St. Thomas.. * * * Barbados Key West . . . t? t New York ? TABLE VI. F. List of Cephalopoda. * - t *? Brazil! "f *f ?* f ? *t *t t * f Tropics ? SUMMARY OF THE TABLES. The following table shows the relative proportions of the different groups included in the fauna and enumerated in the tables preceding : In the tables. Extra liiuital. Brachiopods ... 21 2 Pelecypods . ..... .. 487 13 Scaphopods ........... ..... ... 44 2 Pteronods . . ........ ... 33 3 Gastropods .. ...... .... 1, 127 59 Cephalopoda .............. .............. 2 Total 1,714 79 Deduct extra-limital species 79 Total enumerated species from Sandy Hook to Florida and the Rio Grande 1,635 It may be added that, with but few exceptions, the enumerated extra- limital forms are likely, with further exploration, to be found in our region. If all the Nudibranchiata, Heteropoda, and Cephalopoda were enu- merated the total would be at least eighteen hundred forms. It is probable that some of the species enumerated in the tables will hereafter prove to be synonymous with other enumerated species. But there is a reasonable prospect of the discovery of deep-water species, new to science or to the region, and of Antilleau species which extend to the region of the Florida Keys which are not here enumerated, so that the loss from the above-mentioned cause will probably be more than made up numerically. This being the first attempt to enumerate the Molluscau fauna of the whole region, generalizations may well be deferred. 176 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. NOTE. The figures following the authority for the specific name denote the actual length in milli. meters of the longest diameter of the figure, whether that he the height or the breadth, except where otherwise stated. PLATE I. FIG. 1. Corbula Krebsiana C. B. Adams; 6.1. 1 a. " " 1 b. " " 2. Basterotia quadrata Hinds; 10.0; left valve. 2 a. Same, hinge seen, from above. 2b. " " " " below. 3. Corbula Knoxiana C. B. Adams; 12.7; front. 3 a. back of left valve. 3 b. " 3c. " " 4. Curbula disparUis D'Orbiguy ; 9.0. 4 a. " " 4 b. " " 5. Corbula Dietziana C. B. Adams; 10.7. 5 a. " " 5b. " '" 6. Corbula KjoerianaC. B. Adams; 12.0 6 a. " " <5b. " " 7. Corbula cymella Dall ; 13.5. All the above, except figures 2 a, 2 b, and 4 a, 4 b, are drawn by W. H. Dall with the camera lucida from typical specimens of the describer in the museum at Am- hersr. The following plates (I-XL) arc from the Report on the Mollusca of the Blake Expedition, parts I and II, drawn by J. C. McUonnell (except where otherwise stated) from the specimens. For the use of these plates we are indebted to Prof. Alex. Agassiz. PLATE II. FIG. 1 a, 1 b. Ferticordia (Euciroa) eleyantissima Dall ; 13.25. 2, 2 a. Halonympha claviculata Dall ; 12.0. 3 a, 3 b. Cardiomya perrostrata Dall ; 8.0. 4 a, 4 b. Verticordia (Haliris) Fischeriana Dall ; 10.0. 5 a-5 c. Corlula Swiftiana C. B. Adams, from type ; 10.4. 6 a-6 d. Corbula Chittyana C. P-. Adams, from type; 8.5. 7, 7 a-c. Corbula Barrattiana C. B. Adams, from types; 8.9. 177 24731 Bull. 37 12 178 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. PLATE III. FIG. 1. Cuapidaria obesa Loven, var.? 13.0. 2. Cuspidaria Jeffreysi Dall ; 15.0. 3. Cuspidaria arcuata Dall ; 12.5 ; inside. 4. Same, outside. 5. Mi/onera limatula Dall ; 11.15. 6. Cardiomya pectinataCpr., var. fcmw^ewsisLeche [N.W. coast of America]; 6.0. 7. Myonera lamellifera Dall ; 12.5. 8. Lciomya (Plectodon) granulata Dall ; 11.0. 9. Cardiomya corpulenta Dall ; 14.0. 10. Cardiomya striata Jeffreys ; 19.0. PLATE IV. FIG. 1 a. Pecten (Amusium) Dalli E. A. Smith ; 62.0; inside of lower valve. 1 b. The same, inside of upper valve. 2. Pecten (Pscudamusium) Sigsbeei Dall ; 11.5. 3. Pecten (Propeamusium) Pourtalesianus Dall, var. marmoratua ', 13.5. 4 a-b. Pecten (Pseudamusium) imbrifer Loven ; 12.5. 5 a-b. Dimya argentea Dall ; 12.0. 6. Cardiwm (antillarum Orb. var.?) ceramidum Dall ; 8.2. 7. Cardium peramabilis Dall ; 12.5. 8. Abra lioica Dall; 8.1. 9 a-b. Saxicava azaria Dall ; 25.0. PLATE V. FIG. 1, 2. Pecten (Propeamuslum) cancellatiis E. A. Smith; 26.0. la. The same ; a bit of the sculpture enlarged. 3. Pecten (Propeamusium) Sayanus Dall ; 15.5. 4. Pecten canrinus Gould, young valve ; 6.0. 5. Pecten (Propeamnsium) Holmesii Dall ; 12.0. 6. Hinnitea Adamsi Dall ; upper valve ; 28.0. 7. 7 a. Pecten (Propeamnsium) alaskensis Dall ; 2^.8; West America. 8. Pecten (Pseudamusium) reticulua Dall; 7.0. 9. Pecten (Propeamusium) bayanus Dall; 15.5. 10. Pecten (PseudaniHsinm) reticuliis Dall; 7.0. 11. Pecten (Propeamusium) Holmesii Dall ; 12.0. 12. Pecten (Propeamusium) Pourtaleaianu* Dall; 13.5. PLATE VI. FIG. 1. Magasella radiata Dall ; 6.1 ; N. W. America. 2. Thecidium Barrettii Davidsou ; 5.1. 3. Modiola polita V. aud S.; 42.5. 4 a-c. Tertbratula Bartleltii Dall; 40.0. 5. Pecten (Janira) liemicyclicus Ravenel ; 4.0. Inside view of upper shell of young fry. 6. Terebratula inccrta Davidson ; 11.5 ; interior. 6 a. The same ; horizontal view of loop. 7. 8. Modlolana lateralis Say ; 7.5. 9, 10. Area ectocomata Dall ; 46.0. 11. Tellina aybaritica Dall ; 7.0. 12. Crassatella floridana Dall ; young shell ; 11.0. MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 179 PLATE VII. FIG. 1 a-b. Leda (Neilonella) corpulenta Dall ; 9.5. 2. Nucula crenulata A. Adauis ; G.O. 3 a-b. Leda acuta Conrad ; 9.5. 4 a-b. Gouldia cerina C. B. Adams ; 10.5 ; type. 5 a-b. Astarte SmitMi Dall ; 7.0. 6 a-b. Astarte nana (? Jeffreys) Dall; 8/2. 7 a-b. Leda solidijacta Dall ; 12.5. 8. Leda acuta Conrad ; 9.5. PLATE VIII. FIG. 1, a. Tindaria cytherea Dall ; 8.6. 2. Nucula var. obliterata Dall ; G.O. 3, 3 a. Area polycyma Dall; 9.75. 4, 4 a. Macrodon asperula Dall; 8.5. 5. Area pectunculoiden, var. orbiculata, Dall; 8.0. fi. Leda (Saturnia) quadrangularis Dall; 4.6. 7, 7 a. Limopsis antillensis Dall ; 4.25. 8, 8 a. Pandora (Clidiophora) carottnensis Bush ; 14.2. 9, 9 a. Area glomerula Dall ; 5.75. 10. Cetoconcha margarita Dall ; 7.3. 11. Leda Carpenleri Dall ; 10.5. 12. 12 a. Leda vitrea, var. cerata, Dall ; 6.5. 13. Vesicom ya pilula Dall ; 2.G. PLATE IX. FIG. 1, 1 a. Yoldia UorMna Dall; 13.1. 2. 2 a. Yoldia solenoides Dall ; 12.5. 3. Leda Carpeiit&l Dall ; 10.5. 4. Man g ilia str;/a Dall ; 9.0. 5. Mangilla citronclla Dall ; 4.0. 6. Mangilia Poitrtalcsii Dall ; 17.0. 7. 7 a. Xylophaga abyssorum Dall; 4.0. 8. Conns Agassizii Dall ; 30.0; adult. 8 a. The same, young shell ; 9.0. 9. Daphnella Icucoplilegma Dall ; 10.25. 10. Daphnella (Eubela) limacina Dall ; 11.0. PLATE X. FIG. 1. Gymnobela Blakeana Dall ; 8.25. 2. . Gymnobela extensa Dall ; 12.C5. 3. Mang'Ma landella Dall ; 9.37. 4. Mangilia antonia Dall ; 5.75. 5. Ltucosyrinx Verrillii Dall ; 36.0. 6. Drilliapoltjtorta'D&\\', 33.5. 7. Drillia acestra Dall ; 19.0. 8. Drillia allicoma Dall ; 25.7. 9. rieurotomella Emertonii Verrill & Smith ; 34.0. 10. Daphnella reticulosa Dall ; 11.5. 11. Daphnella sofia Dall, outer lip imperfect ; 8.0. 12. Mangilia^. scipio Dall, outer lip imperfect ; 14.0. 180 BULLETIN 3T, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. PLATE XI. FIG. 1. Drillia nucleata Dall ; 13.5. 2. Drillia Ferrillii Dall ; 5.5. 3. Drillia lissotropis Dall, youug ; 4.5. 4. Drillia lissotropis Dall, adult; 7.0. 5. Drillia havanensis Dall ; 9.0. 6. Drillia lithocolleta Watson, young; 12.5. 7. Drillia amir n a Dall ; 15.0. 8. Drillia olcacina Dall ; 10.0. 9. Many ilia pelagia Dall ; 10.75. 10. Leucosyrinx Sigsbeei Dall ; 25.5. It. Mangilia antonia Dall, young; 7.0. 12. Mangilia comatotropis Dall ; 6.0. 13. Pleurotomvlla leucomata Dall ; 13.5. 14. Manyilia Agassizii V. & 8.; young shell of var. mexicana Dall ; 8.5. 15. Manyilia qnadrata var. monocingulata Dall ; 6.75. 16. Mangilia quadrata var.; 7.0. 17. Hanyilia peripla Dall ; 8.0. 18. DrilUapreirtorra'Dskll; 9.5. PLATE XII. FIG. 1. Daphnella morra Dall ; 5.75. 2. Drillia pharcida Dall ; 9.5. 3. Mangilia ? subsida Dall ; 13.0. 4. Cythara cymella Dall ; 13.0. 5. Genota mitrella Dall; 12.5. 6. Cythara Bartlettii Dall, adult, ; 8.0. 7. Mangilia elusiva Dall ; 9.25. 8. Mangilia toreiimata Dall; 10.5. 9. FleitrotomellajiliferaDall; 17.5. 10. Glypho8tomagratulaDall; 17.5. 11. Drillia detecta Dall ; 11.75. 12. Ancistrosyrinx radiata Dall ; 13.0. PLATE XIII. FIG. 1. Drillia eucosmia Dall ; 19.0. 2. Genota (Dolichotoma) viabrunnea Dall; 38.0. 3. DrilUahaliostreiriisDaU ; 20.0. 4. Glyphostoma Gabbii ^ Dall, young ; 9.5. 5. Glyphostoma Gabbii Dall, young; 9.5. 6. Drillia pagodula Dall ; 13.5. 7. Glyphostoma Gabbii Dall, adult ; 19.0. 8. Glyphostoma Gabbii Dall, young ; 16.0. MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 181 PLATE XIV. FIG. 1. AmaJthea benthophlla Dall, ou spine ot'Echiuoderm, viewed from above; 8.0. 1 a. Amaltliea betithophila Dal), from the right ; 8.0. 1 b. Amalthea benthophila Dall, from below ; 8.0. 2. Loripes compressa Dall ; 11.0. 3. Capnlus (ffyalorisiu) galea Dall, from below; 18.5. 3 a. Capuliis (Hyalorisia) yalta Dall, profile; 18.5. 4. rienrotontella Packardii var. Benedict! V. &. S.; 11.0. 5. Cythara Bartlettil Dall, nearly adult; 10.0. 6. Glyphia flurlana Dall, from below ; 10.6. G a. Glypliis fluviana Dall, profile; 10.G. 7. DaplnicUa corbicula Dall; 11.2. 8. Cythara Bartlettli Dall, young; 10.0. 9. Umbraculum bermndense Morch ? young shell ; 10.0. 10. Umbraculum bermndense Morch J ? profile; 10.0. PLATE XV. FIG. 1. Murex Pazi Crosse, young shell; 7.5. 2. Trophon ? actinopliorus Dall ; 17.5. 3. Pteronotus trinticlnis Dall ; 15.5. 4. Trophon lacutieUa Dall ; 41.0. 5. Dolium (Eudolium) Crosseanum Monterosato; 35.0. 6. Mitra (Costellaria?) styria Dall ; 19.0. 7. Typhis (Trubatsa) longicornis Dall, young; 7.5. 8. Mitra (Thala^ torticula Dull ; 12.2. 9. Mangilla ? exsculpta Watson ; 30.0. 10. Fusus benthalis Dall ; 15.0. 11. Fusus amianlus Dall ; 17.0. 12. Nassarina Bushiw Dall ; 9.0. PLATE XVI. FIG. 1. Ocinebra (FavaWia) cellnlosa Conrad, young; 12.0. 2. Murex pomum Gmelin, very young; 15.0. 3. Murex Hidalgoi Crosse ; 23.0. 4. Murex hystricina Dall ; 21.0. 5. Coralliopltila Deburghiw Reeve, young; 20.0. 6. Coralliophila lactuca Dall, young r. 11.0. PLATE XVII. FlG. 1. Actteon incistis Dall; 9.C. 1 b. Actaion incinxs Dall var., adolescent ; 6.8. 2. Action melampoides Dall ; 6.0. 3. . Utricuhts vortex Dall; 7.5. 4. Utriculus Frielei Dall ; 8.2. 5 Actceon delicatus Dall ; 10.0. 6. Bulla eburnea Dall ; 7.25. 7. Atys% Sandersoiii Dall; 6.5. 8. Utriculus (vortex var. ?) domitus Dall; 9.0. 9. Sabalia bathymvphila Dall, adult ; 16.5. 9 b. Sabatia bathymopliila Dall, adolescent ; 10.0. 10. Scaphander Watsoni Dall ; 8.75. 11. Bulla abijssicola Dall ; 12.75. 12. ActcBon Danaida Dall ; 11.0. 182 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. PLATE XVIII. FIG. 1. Scala hellenica var. Morchiana Dall ; 6.87. 2. Scala discobolaria Dall ; 6.5. 3. ActcKon pcrforatus Dali ; 7.75. 4. Scala aurifila Dall ; 11.0. 5. Niso inlemt-pta Sowerby var. albida Dall ; 8.1. 6. Niso interrupta var. albida Dall, base ; 3.5. 7. Aclis nucleala Dall; 9.3. 8. Aclis lata Dall ; 5.5. 9. Scala contorquata Dall ; 4.7. 10. Scala polacia Dall, aperture imperfect ; 7.25. 11. Scala formosissima Jeffreys ; 8.5. The aperture is a little distorted where it joins the body whorl. 11 b. Scala belanrita Dall ; 8.3. 12. Aclis egrefjia Dall; 13.0. PLATE XIX. FlG. 1. Rissoa precipitata Dall ; 4.0. 2. Marginella seminula Dall ; 7.0. 3. Marginalia Watsoni Dall ; 9.5. 4. Marginella fusina Dall ; 8.0. 5. Marginella yucatecana Dall ; 5.62. 6. Marginella succinea Courad ; 12.0. 7. Marginella torticula Dall; 11.5. 8. Columbella (Anachis ?) Verrillii Dall ; 9.0. 9. Pedicularia decussata Gould, profile ; 6.0. 9 b. Pedicularia decussata, young, showing spiral apex; 2.5. 10. Eissoa xantlnas Watson, var. acuticostata Dall ; 3.7. 10 b. Eucosmia brei'is Orbigny ; 2.0. 10 c. Columbella ( Anachis) amphissella Dall ; 4.0. 10 d. Dalium solidiim Dall ; 41.0. 11. Eulima (Melanella) arcuata C. B. Adams ; 4.0. lib. Leiostraca fusus Dall ; 13.5. lie. Eulimella unifasciata Forbes ; 6.0. PLATE XX. FIG. 1. Cerithiopsis Sigsbeeatia Dall ; 10.5. 2. Cerithiopsis Martensii Dall ; 11.25. 3. Cerithiopsis crystallina Dall ; 16.0. Poor figure. 4. Eumeta subnJata Montagu ; 14.25. 5. Cerithiopsis abrupta Watson ; 4.3 5 a. Triforis triserialia Dall ; 8.25. 6. Ti iforis ci/lindrella Dall ; 6.5. 6 a. Triforis triserialis Dall ; 15.5. 7. Mathilda yuc,atecatia Dall ; 8.0. 8. Triforis triserialis var. intermedia Dall ; 11.0. 9. Triforis abrupta Dall ; 7.5. 10. Triforis longissima Dall ; 26.0. 11. Triforis bigemma var. hircus Dall; 12.5. 11 b. Triforis torticula Dall ; 10.5. 12. Triforis colon Dall ; 12.0. 12 b. Triforis infiata Watson var. ibex Dall ; 11.0. MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTEUN COAST. 183 PLATE XXI. FiG. 1. Solariella lacunella Dall; base, 5.0. 1 a. Solariella lacunella Dall; profile, 4.5. 2. Calliostoma sapidum Dull ; 5.0. 2 a. Calliostoma echinatum Dall ; base, 4.75. 3. DillwyneUa ihodcsta Dall ; top, alt. 3.0. 3 a. DillwyneUa modesta Dall ; profile, diam. 4.0. 4. Calliostoma sapidum Dall ; base, 4.12. 5. Calliostoma echinatum Dall ; 5.25. 6. Umbonium Bairdii Dall, young specimen ; profile, alt. 4.0. 6 a. Umbonium Bairdii Dall ; base, diam. 5.0. 7. Solariella iris Dall ; profile, 5.0. 7 a. Solariella iris Dall ; base, 5.5. 8. Solariella lissocona Dall; profile, 5.5. 8 a. Solariella lissocona Dall ; base, 4.5. 9. Solariella lubrica Dall ; profile, 4.0. 9 a. Solariella lubrica Dall; base, 3.25. 10. Solariella scabriuscula Dall ; base, 4.0. 10 a. Solariella scabriuscula Dall ; profile, 4.75. 11. Lunatia fringilla var. perla Dall ; 6.5. 12. Lunatia fringilla Dall ; 5.75. PLATE XXII. FiG. 1. Turcicula imperialis Dall, immature shell without the apical whorls; 13.0. 1 a. Turcicula imperialis Dall ; base. 13.0. 2. Basilissa alia Watson, var. delicatula Dall ; alt. 5.0. 2 a. Basilissa alta Watson, var. delicatula Dall ; base, diam. 6.0. 3. Calliostoma tircumcinctum Dail ; diam. 6.9. 3 a. Calliostoma circumcinctum Dall ; alt. 8.0. 4. Gaza superba Dall ; profile, alt. 24.0. 4 a. Gaza superba Dall; base, diam. 35.5. 5. Hicrogaza rotdla Dall ; base, diam. 6.75. 5 a. Microgaza rotella Dall ; profile, alt. 4.0. 6. Fluxina brim nea Dall; profile, alt. 10.75. The margins of the aperture are broken. 6 a. Fluxina brunnea Dall ; base, diam. 15.5. 7. Callogaza Watsoni Dall ; profile, alt. 7.75. 7 a. Callogaza JFateOHiDall; base, diam. 12.5. PLATE XXIII. FiG. 1. Callogaza Watsoni Dall, young; 8.0. 1 a. Callogaza Watsoni Dall, young ; 8.0. 2. Liotia variabilis Dall; base, diam. 6.0. A calcareous forarninifer is at- tached to the periphery. 2 a. The same in profile, alt. 4.5. 3. Solarium Sigsbeei Dall ; diam. 5.5. Margin of aperture defective. 3 a. The same in profile, alt. 2.3. 4. Basilissa costitlata Watson var. depressa Dall; base, diam. 5.0. 4 a. Basilissa costulata Watson var. depressa Dall; profile, alt. 2.5. 5. Fluxina discula Dall ; profile, alt. 3.0. 6. Fluxina discula Dall ; base, 6.5. 7. Calliostoma (Dentistyla') aspcrrimum var. dentiferum Dall ; base, 6.0. 8. Calliostoma (Dentistyla) asperrimum var. dentiferum Dal 1 ; profile, show- ing tooth on the pillar; 7.5. 384 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. PLATE XXIV. FIG. 1. Calliostoma (Dentistyla) sericijilum Dall ; 4.2. 1 a. Calliostoma (Dentiitt/la) serici/ilum Dall; base, 4.5. 2. Callogaza Wattoni D;ill, base of young shell; 6.0. 2 a. Callogaza Walsoni Dall; 6.0. 3. Calliostoma apicinum Dali ; alt. 7.5. 3 a. Calliostoni'i apinnum Dall; base, diain. 7.0. 4. Calliostoma yucutecanuM Dall ; 7.0. 4 a. Calliostoma yncuttcanum Dail ; base, 7.0. 5. Liotia briarens Dall ; alt. 7.5. 5 a. Liotia briareus Dall ; base, 9.0. 6. Calliostoma roseolum Dall ; alt. 9.5. 6 a. Calliostoma roseolum Dall ; base, 7.0. 7. Leptothyra Phillpiana Dall ; alt. 3.5. 7 n. Leptothyra Philipiana Dall ; base, diam. 4.0. This species is named in honor of Dr. Philip P. Carpenter. PLATE XXV. FIG. 1. Additionia (lateralis var. ?) paradoxa Dall; from above ; 10.0. 1 b. Addisonia (lateralis var?; paradoxa Dall, profile; alt. 4.0. 1 c. Addisonia (lateralis var. ?) paradoxa Dall ; from below, showing soft parts. 1 d. Addisonia (lateralis var. if) paradoxa Dall ; showing animal crawling. 1 e. Addisonia (lateralis var. 1) paradoxa Dall ; dentition, complete series across the radula. 2. Coccutina Beanii Dall; dentition, transverseseriesandonedetached uuciuus. 3. Pectinodonta arcuata Dall ; dentition, pair of laterals. 3 a. Pectinodonta arcuata Dall ; base of right lateral, with cusp broken off. 3 b. Pectinodonta arcuata Dall; shell in profile, twice natural size. 4. Cocculina Beanii Dall ; in profile ; 8.0. 5. Cocculina Rathbuni Dall; dentition, transverse series and two detached unciui. 6. Lepetella tubicola Verrill; dentition, transverse series. 7. Cocculina Ratlibnni Dall, from above ; 10.0. 7 a. Cocculina Rathbuni Dall, in profile; 10.0. 8. Cocculina BeaniiDal], from above; 8.0. PLATE XXVI. FIG. 1. DentaUum sericatum Dall ; 13.0. 2. Turbonilla interrupta Totten; foot of animal from below, greatly magnified. 2 b. Turbonilla interrupta Totten ; animal from above. 3. Turritella yucalecana Dall; lb',5. 4. Siliquaria modesta Dall ; 26.0. 5. DentaUum ceratum Dall ; 30.0. 6. Bivonia? exserta Dall, youn^ in first stage; 11. 0. 7. Puncturella circularis Dall ; from below ; 5.75. 7 b. Puncturella circularis Dall, profile ; 5.75. 7 c. Turbonilla curta Dall ; the aperture is imperfect ; 8.3. 7d. Turbonilla belotheca Dall; 14.0. 8. Puncturella trifolium Dall, from below; 14.0. 8 b. Puncturella trifolium Dall, profile ; 14.0. 8 c. Hanleyia tropicalis Dall ; medial valve; 4.0. 8 d. Hanleyia tropicalis Dall ; post -rior valve ; 3.0. 9. DentaUum ophiodvn Dall ; 12.5. 10. Mathilda barbadcnse Dall ; .2. MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 185 PLATE XXVII. FjG. 1. Dentalium laqueattim Verrill ; 29.0. 2. Den-talinm ceratum Dall, v ry young ; 7.0. 3. Dentalium carduus D 11; 16.0. 4. Dentalium Gouldii Dall, vnr. obscurum; 28.0. 5. Caduliis quadridtntalus Dall, aud outline of aperture ; 10.0. 6. Dentalium perlongum Dall, and outline of aperture; 80.0. 7. Cadulus amiantus Dall ; 5.75. 8. Cadulus lunula Dull, and outline of aperture ; 6.0. 9. Cadulus cequalis Dall, and outline of aperture; 15.0 10. Dentalium callithrix Dall ; 25.0. 11. Cadulus acus Dall ; 8.0. 12. Dentalium ensiculus Jeffreys, and outline of aperture; 20.0. 12 a. Caditlus fVatsoni Dall, aud outline of aperture ; 13.0. 12 b. Dentalium callipeplnm Dall; 136.0. 12 c. Cadulus Agassizii Dall, and outline of aperture; 9 n . 12 d. Cadulus cucnrbita Dall, and outline of aperture, 4.0. NOTE. When the outline of the aperture is given it is on the same scale as the figure to which it refers, and its antero-posterior line is from left to right, or in the direction of a line drawn across the plate horizontally. PLATE XXVIII. FIG. 1. Margarita erythrocoma Dall ; alt. 5.0. 2. Calliostoma or ion Dall ; alt. 4.5. 3. Ethalia solida Dall ; bas , 2.75. 4. Simula frenulata Dall ; from above ; 6.25. 5. Ethalia solida Dall, profile ; 2.0. 6. Fossarus (Gottoina) compactus Dall, profile ; 2.3. 7. Ethalia reclusa Dall, p oiile ; alt. 1.0. 8. Ethalia reclusa Dall, base; 2.1. 9. Cyclostrema pompholyx Dall ; 4.2. 10. Fossarus (Gottoina) bellus Dall ; 3.5. 11. Liotia miniata Dall ; 2.5. PLATE XXIX. FIG. 1. Pleurotomaria Quoyana F. & B. The animal sketched from life by J. H. Blake, redrawn by McConnell ; 50.0. 2. Lampusia gracile Reeve ; 25.5. 3. Aurinia Gouldiana Dall; 69.0. 4. Fusus caloosaensis Heilprin ; 60.0. In arranging the figures for the plates, by an error this figure was substituted for that of F. timessus, Dall. The figure of F. timessus will therefore appear in my Report on the Fos- sils of the Florida Pliocene. 5. JEsopus Stearnsii Tryon ; 4.0. 6. Terebra(Acus) benthalis Dall; 21.0. 7. Dolophanes Gabbii Dall ; 9.00. 8. Mesostoma migrans Dall ; 9.25. 186 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. PLATE XXX. FIG. 1. Pleurotomaria Adansoniana C. & F. Redrawn by McConnell from water- color sketch from life by J. H. Blake. The shell is merely indicated. 2. Anterior termination of gill in P. Adansoniana. a, osphradium ; b, blood sinus (?). Only the inner series of gill lamellae is here indicated. At this part of the gill they are narrow and pointed ; farther back they become broader and more rounded at the distal end. 3. Posterior free termination of intestine (c) lying on the glandular (renal ?) organ, behind which in the commissure are two orifices on each side (a), with a short bunch of papillae behind them and the flaps of the mantle with their papilose edges (b) corresponding to the edges of the sinus on each side. 4. Another specimen. 5. The first specimen crawling. 6. The head, viewed from above. PLATE XXXI. FlG. 1. Pleiirotomaria Quoyana F. & B. Rbachidian and lateral teeth much mag- nified. 1 b, one of the outermost uncini ; 1 c, one of the inner tricuspid uncini greatly magnified. 2. Propilidium ancyloide Forbes. Transverse row of teeth from above. 2 b, rhachidian and lateral teeth in profile; 2 c, jaw. All much magnified. Scandinavia and Britain. 3. Pleurotomaria Adansoniana C. & F. Separated teeth numbered in their order from the rhachis ; o, rhachidian tooth. 4. General view of a single transverse row of teeth. 5. Same, a single tufted uncinus; H a - 6. Same, end of tufted uncinus ; H 2 - 7. Cocculina spinigera Jeffreys. Penis from above magnified. 8. Cocculina spinigera Jeffreys. Head from above, showing tentacles and posi- tion of penis at the side of the right tentacle, magnified. 9. Rhachidiau tooth of C. spinigera. 10. Scutellina antillarum Shuttleworth. Showing rhachidian tooth laterals and consolidated unciiii of one s,ide f & single transverse row of the radula; 4 fl . 11. The same, a single separated uncinus. PLATE XXXII. FIG. 1. Calliostoma (Eutrochus) cincte1lumDa.il; 8.0. 2. Pleurotoma ptriscelida Dall; 40.5. 3. Calliostoma (Eucasta) indiana Dall; 7.6. 4. Calliostoma (Eutrochus) cinctellum Dall ; 9.5. 5. Calliostoma (Eucasta) indiana Dall; 8.5. 6. Liotia (Lippistes) acrilla Dall; 4.3. 7. Calliostoma (Eutrochus) Benedicti Dall; 18.0. 8. Margarita (Bathymophila) euspira Dall; alt. 5.75 j max. diarn. 7.0. 9. Liotia (Lippistes) amabilis Dall ; 5.0. 10. Pleurotomaria Adansoniana C. & F. ; 35.0. 11. Liotia (Lippistes) acrilla Dall ; 4.3. 12. Liotia (Lippistes) amabilis Dall; 5.0. 12 a. Nassarina Grayi Dall ; 12.0. MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 187 PLATE XXXIII. FlG. 1. Calliosloma corbis Dall ; 5.0. 2. Solarium peracutv.ni Dall ; 17.5. 3. Ovulactceon Meekii Dall ; apex 3.0. 4. Ovulactwon Meekii Dall ; 5.5. 5. Solarium peracutum Dall ; 17.5. 6. Cyclostrema turbinttm Dall ; 3.25. 7. Euchelus guttarosce. Dall ; 5.00. 8. Liotia Bairdii Dall ; 6.0. 9. Leptolhyra Linnei Dall ; 5.5. 10. Calliostoma (Eutrochus) Sayanum Dall; 40.0. 11. Calliostoma (Eutrochus) Sayanum Dall; 37.0. PLATE XXXIV. These figures are from drawings by the late Dr. William Stimpson. FIG. 1. Olivella mulica Say. a-g, varieties of form and color, natural size ; h, oper- culum, natural size ; t, /, operculum outside and inside, magnified; m, ani- mal crawling; n, head, showing absence of eyes and tentacles ; o, section of oral aperture magnified ; p, penis ; r, section of shell showing absorp- tion of internal walls. 2. Olivella mutica Say ; dentition. 3. Purpura hcemastoma Linne" var. floridana Conrad, c, animal from below, nat- ural size ; d, head and verge from above. 4. Purpura hcemasloma Linu6 var. floridana Conrad ; dentition. 5. Scaphella junonia Hvass. b, shell one-half natural size ; c, sculpture of early whorls ; d, nucleus ; e, section of shell. 6. Volutomitra grb'nlandica Beck. Young shell and magnified nucleus. Cape Cod northward. 7. Volutomitra grb'nlandica Beck. Rhachidiau tooth; a, from above; b, in pro- file. 8. Oliva literata Lamarck, a, animal crawling, f ; b. tentacula and eyes ; c, soft parts removed from the shell, showing (/) foot, ( f some indeterminate Cavolinia, but the large size of the s ell and the absence of intermediate specimens would seem to render this decision questionable. 4. Atlanta Peronii Lesneur. side view. 4 a. The same, front view. 5. Heterodoris robusta V. and E., dorsal view. 5 a. The same, ventral view. 6. Doris complanata Verrill and Emerton, dorsal view. 7. Koonsia obesa Verrill, somewhat distorted by alcohol ; ^. 8. Ccecum Cooperi Smith anterior part of shell showing animal extended, enlarged about 10 diameters. This plate appeared in the Transactions of the Connec icut Academy of Sciences (vol. vi, pi. xxviii). The figures were drawn for the U. S. Fish Commission by Mr. J. H. Emerton. PLATE XLIV. FIG. 1. Coralliophila Deburgliias Reeve var. Lintoni Verrill ; 27.0. 2. Eudolium Crossean um Monterosato ; 60.0. 1* a. The same, part of the odontophore, 2 ^-. 2 b. The same, animal partly contracted by alcohol. ?,. Lunatia levicula Verrill ; 39.0. 4. Marginella (apicina var. ?) borealis Verrill; 11.0. f*. Adeorbis ? olivaceus Verrill ; 4.0. 6. Capulus hungaricus Linne" ; 20.0. 7. Pleurotomella Packardi Verrill; soft parts. 8. Mangilia comatotropis Dall. 9. Choristes elegans Carpenter, young shell, enlarged. 9 a. Top view of a somewhat older specimen, same scale. 9 b. Basal view of a still older specimen, s .me scale. 10. Addisonia paradoxa Dall, part of the radula. 11. The same, shell in profile, f. 11 a. The same, dorsal view of the same specimen. 11 b. The same, the animal, viewed from below, in shell; f-. 12. Cocculina Beanii Dall, f . 13. Glyphis Tanneri Verrill, top; 35.0. 13 a. " " " profile; alt. 17.0. 14. Solariella Ottoi Pbilippi, part of one side of the radula. 15. Utriculus vortex Dall ; f . 16. Mangilia cerina Kurtz & Stimpsou, soft parts, from life, enlarged about 8 diameters. 16 a. Mangilia cerina K. & S., dorsal view of head and foot more extended. This plate first appeared in the Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Sci- ences (vol. vi, pi. xxix). The figures were drawn for the U. S. Fish Commission, by J. H. Emerton, under the direction of Prof. A. E. Verrill. MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 191 PLATE XLV. FIG. 1. Placophora atlantica Verrill & Smith; nat. size. 1 a. The same, dorsal view. 1 b. The same, views of detached valves, two diameters. 2. Trachydermon exaratus Sars ; 20.0. 2 a. The same, ventral view. 2 6. Anterior valve, f . 3. Cuspidaria lamellosa Sars ; 7.3. 4. Lyonsia? on s Vrrill. Vprrill; var. Benedicti Verrill & Smith. or.- ;? sculpture of larval or Sinmigera shell. Vert ill; young. irw i UjJf Sinusigera sculpture. V< i rill; var. formosa Jeffreys. . eii "V isirrill & Smith. several which follow were loaned by the U. S. Fish (1 in i lie Report of the Commissioner of Fisheries for i6Hi lu:id been used to illustrate Prof. Verrill's papers iHscfieiit Academy of Sciences. They were drawn Jt'rili for the U. S. Fish Commission by J. H. Emer- 198 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. PLATE LXI. FIG. 75. Pleurotomella Bruneri Verrill & Smith. 76. Pleurotontella Catherines Verrill & Smith. 76 a. The samr, enlarged tip, showing sculpture of nucleus. 77. Mangilia comatotropis Dall. 78. Bela Tanneri Verrill & Smith. 79. Marginella (apicina var. ?) borealis Verrill. 80. Buccinum abyssorum Verrill, and operculum. 81. 8ipho Sarsii Jeffreys. 82. Sipho (?) glyptus Verrill. 86. Jiinsoa Jan-Mayeni Friele. 90. Scalu gronlandica Perry. 91. Scala Dalliana Verrill & Smith. 92. Scala I'ourialesii Verril) & Smith. 93. Scala (Opalia) Leeana Verrill. 94. Scala Andretusii Verrill; 5.5, Newport, R. Id., 100 fms. For remarks on these figures see note under preceding plate. PLATE LXII. FIG. 83. Eudolium Crosseanum Monterosato. 83 a. The same, showing soft parts of male specimen reduced one- third from nat- ural size. 84. Oocorys sulcata Fischer ; shell. 84 a. The name; operculum. 84 b. The same: dentition. 85. Torellia fimbriata Verrill & Smith ; Martha's Vineyard and northward. 87. Fossarus elegans Verrill &. Smith. 88. Seguenzia monocingulata Seguenza. 88 a. The same, operculum, inside view. 89. The same, var. eritima Verrill. For remarks on these figures see note under Plate LX. PLATK LXIII. FIG. 95. Solarium boreale Verrill, young shell. 95 a. The same, still younger, showing immersed nucleus. 96. Calliostoma Bairdii Verrill & Smith ; from above, showing animal crawling. 97. Solaritlla Ottoi Philippi. 98. Solariella lamellosa Verrill & Smith. 99. Cyclostrema fulgidum Jeffreys. 100. Addisonia paradoxa Dall, from below, showing animal in shell. 100 a. The same, profile of shell. 101. Cocculina leptalea Verrill. 102. Placophora atlantica Verrill & Smith, viewed from above. 104 a. The same, viewed from below. 103. Amicula vestita Sowerby var. Emersonii Couthouy, viewed from below. This is a purely northern species. 103 a. The same, posterior part of body from below, showing the fenestrae and also the way in which the tail is temporarily channeled to allo x of the expulsion of faecal pellets. 104. Turbomlla Rathbuni Verrill & Smith. For remarks in regard to these figures see note under Plate LX. MARINE MOLLUHKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. PLATE LXIV. FIG. 10(5. Scaphander nobilis Verrill. 123. Dentalium occidentale Stimpson ; f. 124. Tin' same, a more curved variety. 125. Tlin same, a more finely grooved variety. 125 a. The same, transverse section of Fig. 125. 126. Cadulus Pandionis Verrill & Smith. 136. Diplodonta turgida Verrill & Smith ; interior of left valve. 136 a. Crenella decussata Montagu. 140. Leda acuta Conrad; interior of left valve. 140 a. Petricola pholadiformis Lamarck ; showing extended siphons. 141. Pecten (Pseudammium ?) vitrem Gmelin. 142. Pseudamusmm imbrifer Loven ; a, right and b, left valve. 142 a. Turtonia minuta Fabricius, with extended foot, greatly magnified; drawn by Prof. A. E. Verrill. 142 b. Argonauta argo Linne" ; typical Mediterranean form swimming for com- parison with the variety Americana. Figure 136 a first appeared in the proceedings of the U. S. National Museum, illus- trating Miss Bush's paper on the shells of Labrador. Figure 142 b is from the British Museum series, and was lent by the Smithsonian Institution. The others were re- ceived from thelJ. S. Fish Commission. See note under Plate LX. Figure 140 a is one of those drawn by Morse for Binney's Gould. Fig. 142 a is now first published. PLATE LXV. FIG. 127. Teredo megotara Hanley ; removed from its burrow, showing shell, pallets and soft parts, about half natural size. 128. Poromi/n sublevis Verrill ; interior of right valve. 128 a. Siliqua costata Say; interior, showing hinge, pallial line,. and muscular impressions. 129. Cuspidaria striata Jeffreys. 130. Cetoconcha bulla Dall. 131. Verticbrdia ( Trigonulina) ornata Orbigny, right value ; a, interior, 6, ex- terior view. 132. Verticordia flexuosa Verrill & Smith, exterior of left valve. 133. Lyonsial arata Verrill & Smith, showing hinge in right valve of two specimens, a and b. 134. The s:ime, exterior of right valve. 135. Diplodonta turgida Verrill & Smith, interior of right valve. Figure I'-in a is now first published. For the others see note under Plate LX. PLATE LXVI. FIG. 11 . Atlanta Peronii Lesueur, side view of shell. 1K> a. The same, front view. 111. Atlanta Gaudichaudi Eydoux & Souleyet, from a camera Incida sketch by Mr. W. E. Saflbrd. 112. Crescis conica Eschscholtz, showing animal in situ. 113. Cavolinia tridentata Forskal, with animal extended. 115. Carolinia (Diacria) trispinosa Gray, with animal extended. 116. Cavolinia uncinata Rang, with animal extended. 117. Cuvierina columnella Rang, showing extended animal, and remnant of the larval cone at the base. 118. Creseis recta Blainville, side view of shell, greatly enlarged. 200 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. PLATE LXVI Continued. FlG. 119. Creseis (Hyalocylfo) striata Rang, showing animal extended, enlarged. 120. Corolla calceola Verrill, with extended animal in situ, two thirds natural size. This species and C. spectabilia Dall, of the Pacific, belong to the same group. The former was referred to Gleba, Forskal, by Dr. Pel e- neer in his description of the Challenger Pteropods, probably on ac- count of the poor state of his material. But C. spectabilis has precisely such a "shell" as C. calceola, which does not resemble the "shell" o! Gltba, and has been taken with its "shell" in the Santa Barbara Chan- nel, California. The genus Cymbuliopsis Pelseneer, being of later date than Corolla, will therefore fall into the synonymy of the latter name. 121. Spongiobranchia australis Orbigny. This figure represents the adult form of a tropical Pteropod not yet found on our coast, though certain larvse, perhaps of Notobranchcea, have been referred to it. 122. Clione limacina Phipps. Figures 112 and 113 are from Binney's Gould. The remarks applying to the others will be found under Plate LX. PLATE LXVII. FIG. 63. Argonauta argo Liune", var. americana Dall. Animal removed from the shell and somewhat contracted by immersion in alcohol. 63 a. The same, front view of shell. 63 b. The same, side view of shell. The average Argonauta argo of the Mediterranean has from two to three times as many radial folds and carinal nodules as the variety here figured. It is also more compressed and narrow, and the marginal rib on each side of the aperture is less prominent and usually is merged in the margin imperceptibly and does not stand out laterally at all. There are, doubtless, variations in these characters, but on the whole the Autillean and American form seems sufficiently constant for the latter to receive a varietal name. For remarks on the figures, see note under Plate LX. PLATE LXVIII. FIG. 1. Teredo dilatata Stimpson, interior and exterior views of valves ; pallets. 2. Teredo norvegica Spongier, enlarged ; interior view of valve ; the two valves united ; pallets. 3. Lyrodus chlorotica Gould ; interior and exterior view of valves, and the two pallets. 4. Spirula Peronii Lamarck; shell. 5. Kellia suborbicularis Montagu ; natural size; hinge line and umbo magnified. 6. Montacuta elevata Stimpson. 7. Turtonia minuta O. Fabricius. 8. Nucula tennis Montagu ; somewhat enlarged. 9. Pholas (Barnea) costata Linn6. 10. Zirphcea crispata Leach. The figures of which this and the remaining plates (LXIX-LXXIV) are composed are from Mr. W. G. Binney's edition of Gould's Invertebrata of Massachusetts, drawn by Prof. E. S. Morse, and borrowed for the purposes of this publication from the Smithsonian Institution. MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 201 PLATE LXIX. FIG. 1. Astyris rosacea Gould. 2. Mya arenaria Linne". 3. Litorina rudis, var. tenebrosa, Montagu. 4,5. Terebratulina septentrionalis Couthouy ; haemal vie-w^ and aide view. 6. Litorina irrorata Say. 7. Petricola pholadiformis Lamarck. 8. Mactra lateralis Say. 9. Thracia Conradi Oouthouy. PLATE LXX. FIG. 1. Maclra ovalis Gonld. 2. Pecten magellanicus Gmelin. PLATE LXXI. FIG. 1. Venus mercenaria, var. notata, Say. 2. Mytilus edulis Linn6 ; typical form. 3. Venus mercenaria Linn6 ; typical. PLATE LXXII. ''iG. 1. Chione limactna Phipps ; enlarged to twice natural size. 2. Philine sinuata Stimpson. 3. Philine quadrata Searles Wood ; Europe, Arctic seas, southward to Cape Cod. 4. Scaphander puncto-striatus Mighels and Adams; enlarged about one-third. 5. Lamellaria pellucida Verrill. 6. Utricvlm pertenuis Mighels. 7. Utriculun Gouldii Couthouy. 8. Philine lineolata Couthony ; enlarged three times. Arctic seas, south ward tr. Cape Cod. 9. Adeorbis costulata Moller. 10. Scala grcenlandica Perry. 11. Sipho Stimpsoni Morch. 12. Buccinum undatum Linu6. PLATE LXXIII. FIG. 1. Fulgur canaliculatus Linn 6. PLATE LXXIV. FIG.. 1. Fulgur carica Gmelin. 202 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. PLATE LXXV. FIG. 1. Cylick-na rerrillii Dall; altitude 7.5 mm. ; p. 86, No. 40. 2. Betusa mayoi Dall; altitude X.3 mm. ; see Proc. U. S. N. Mus., xxiv, p. 502. 3. Daphnella eugrammata Dall; altitude 9.0 mm.; see Proc. IT. S. N. Mns., xxiv, p. 503. 4. Admete microacopica Dall; altitude 4.3 mm. ; p. 106, No. 275. 5. Muricidea philippiana Dall; altitude 17.4 mm. ; p. 120, No. 491. 6. Terebra rushii Dall; altitude 15.0 mm. ; p. 94, No. 103. 7. Conns stimpsoni Dall; altitude 37.0 mm.; see Proc. U. S. N. Mus., xxiv, p. 503. 8. Terebra texana Dall ; altitude 137.0 mm. ; see Proc. U. S. N. Mus., xxiv, p. 502. 9. Terebra floridana Dall; altitude 70.0 mm. ; p. 94, No. 94. 10. Scala sci io Dall; altitnde 16.0 mm. ; p. 124, No. 531. 11. Aurinia dubia Broderip; altitude 69.0 mm. ; p. 110, No. 337. This plate was Hrst issued in Proceedings U. S. National Museum, vol. xxiv. The drawings are by J. (J. McConnell. PLATE LXXVI. FIG. 1. Muricidea ( Pseudoneptunea) multangula Philippi; altitnde 31.0 mm. ; p. 120, No. 489. 2. Muricidea ontrearum Conrad; altitude 28.0 mm.; p. 120, No. 490. 3. Scala (Amcea) mitchelli Dall; altitude 36.0 mm.; see Proc. IT. S. N. Mus., xxiv, p. 506. 4. The same, basal view; diameter 14.0 mm. 5. Umbraculum (Hyalopatina) rnshii Dall; length 9.3 mm.; p. 90, No. 64. 6. Latirns cayohuesimicus Sowerby and Melvill; altitnde 16.0 mm.; p. 112, No. 376. 7. Scala (Cirsotrema) cochlea Sowerby; altitude 20.0 mm.; p. 124, No. 547. 8. Scala nitidella Dall; altitude 13.5 mm. ; p. 124, No. 520. 9. Scala (Acrilla) retifera Dall; altitude 12.5 mm. ; p. 124, No. 546. This plate first appeared in Proceedings U. S. National Museum, vol. xxiv. The drawings are by J. C. McConnell. PLATE LXXVII. FIG. 1. Solemya grandis Verrill and Bush, p. 885. Exterior of left valve of type specimen No. 51345; X H- Off Delaware. 2. The same. Interior of right valve of an imperfect .specimen No. 40103; x 1. Epidermal fringe restored from other specimen. 3. Thyasira (Axinulus, i>yyma>a Verrill and Bush, p. 792. Exterior of left valve of specimen No. 78368 from station 2697 ; X 22. Off Marthas Vine- yard. 4. The same. Interior of right valve of a smaller specimen from the same station ; X 22. 5. Nucula cancellata Jeffreys, p. 854. Exterior of left valve of specimen No. 45795; X 12. Off Marthas Vineyard. 6. Peoten (Chlamys) islandicus Miiller, p. 835. Exterior of right, valve of very young specimen No. 52471 ; X 9. Grand Banks. This was the type of Chlamys costellata Verrill and Bush. This plate first appeared in Proceedings U. S. National Museum, vol. xx, and the page references are to the paper by Verrill and Bush, pages 775-901 of the cited volume. The figures were drawn by A. H. Verrill. MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 203 PLATE LXXVIII. FIG. 1. Feriploma undulata Verrill, p. 823. Hinge of left valve of type specimen No. 44840; x 7|. Off North Carolina. 2. Yoldia ( YoldieUa) minitscula Verrill and Bush, p. 870. Exterior of right valve of specimen No. 38415; X 12. Off Delaware. 3. Yoldia (YoldieUa) incotispicua Verrill and Bush, p. 869. Exterior of right valve of a specimen from station 947 ; X 9. Off Chesapeake Bay. 4. Yoldia ( YoldieUa) frigida Torell, p. 872. Interior of left valve of a specimen from station 943; X 16. Off Marthas Vineyard. 5. Yoldia ( YoldieUa) incons/ncwa Verrill and Bush, p. 869. Interior of left valve of a specimen from station 947 ; X 15. Off Delaware. 6. Yoldia ( YoldieUa) subaiigulata Verrill and Bush, p. 865. Exterior of right valve of type specimen from station 46 Bache; X 7|. Gulf of Maine. 7. Yoldia (YoldieUa) minuscula Verrill and Bush, p. 870. Interior of left valve of specimen No. 38415; X 22. Off Delaware. 8. Leda bushiana Verrill and Smith, p. 854. Exterior of right valve of type specimen No. 35729; X ahout 3. Off Hatteras. 9. Cuspidaria formosa Verrill and Bush, p. 803. Interior of left valve of type specimen No. 78313; x 3. East of Nantucket. 10. Martesia fragilis Verrill and Bush, p. 777. Exterior of right valve of a specimen from near station 2566 ; X 6. Off Delaware in floating driftwood. This plate first appeared in Proceedings U. S. National Museum, vol. xx, and the page references given above are to the paper by Verrill and Bush, pages 775-901, of the cited volume, in which the species are discussed. The figures were drawn by A. H. Verrill. PLATE LXXIX. FIG. 1. Yoldia ( YoldieUa) iris Verrill and Bush, variety strictn Verrill and Bush, p. 864. Exterior of right valve of type specimen No. 74325; x about 13. Off Halifax. 2. Yoldia ( YoldieUa) iris Verrill and Bush, p. 863. Interior of a left valve from station 895; x 11. 3. Yoldia ( YoldieUa) lucida Love"n, p. 861. Exterior of left valve of specimen No. 73173 ; x about 6. Gulf of Maine. 4. Yoldia (Adranella) casta Verrill and Bush, p. 858. Interior of a left valve from station 2150; x 11. Caribbean Sea. 5. Yoldia ( YoldieUa) fraterna Verrill and Bush, p. 867. Exterior of left valve of type specimen from station 947; X about 13. Gulf of Maine. 6. Tindaria callistiformis Verrill and Bush, p. 881. Hinge of right valve of type specimen No. 52536 ; x 8. Off Bermuda. 7. The same. Turned up to show shape of teeth. 8. Yoldia ( YoldieUa) inflata Verrill and Bush, p. 864. Exterior of left valve of type specimen No. 38417; X about 5|. Off George's Bank. 9. Yoldia ( YoldieUa) lenticula (Moller) variety amblia Verrill and Bush, p. 866. Exterior of left valve of a specimen from station 186 ; x 10. North of Cape Cod. 10. Neilonella subovata Verrill and Bush, p. 878. Exterior of left valve of specimen No. 34826; X 11. Gulf of Maine. This plate first appeared in Proceedings U. S. National Museum, vol. xx, and the page references given above are to the paper by Verrill and Bush, pages 775-901, of the cited volume, in which the species are discussed. The figures were drawn by A. H. Verrill. 204 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. PLATE LXXX. FIG. 1. Tindaria callistiformis Verrill and Bush, p. 881. Exterior of right valve of type specimen No. 52536 ; X 6. Off Bermuda. 2. Scapharca (Batliyarca) profundicola Verrill, p. 844. Interior of right valve of specimen No. 52174; X 6. Off Chesapeake Bay. 3. Cuspidaria undata Verrill, p. 798. Exterior of right valve of specimen No. 52547; X 2. Off Chesapeake Bay. 4. The same. Dorsal view of the same specimen. 5. Microyoldia reyularis Verrill, p. 860. Exterior of left valve of type speci- men No. 38420; X 20. Off Marthas Vineyard. 6. The same. Interior of right valve of the same specimen. 7. Limopsis minuta Philippi, p. 846. Interior of right valve of specimen No. 76320; X 4. Off 'Chesapeake Bay. 8. Toldia ( Yoldiella) dissimilis Verrill and Bush, p. 872. Exterior of left valve of type specimen No. 38416; X 15. Off North Carolina. This plate first appeared in Proceedings U. S. National Museum, vol. xx, and the page references given above refer to the paper by Verrill and Bush, pages 775-901 of the cited volume, in which the species are discussed. The figures were drawn by A. H. Verrill. PLATE LXXXI. FIG. 1. Crenella fragilis Verrill, p. 847. Interior of right valve of type specimen No. 41543; X about 3. Oif Chesapeake Bay. 2. The same. Hinge of a larger fragment, No. 40676. 3. Toldia (Yoldiella) Jeffrey si Hidalgo, p. 866. Exterior of a left valve, No. 78958 ; x about 13. Off Chesapeake Bay. 4. Limopsis profundicola Verrill and Bush, p. 847. Interior of a right valve of a young specimen ; X about 3. No. 38143. Off Delaware. 5. Nucula snbovata Verrill and Bush, p. 852. Exterior of left valve of type specimen No. 40474 ; x about 13. Off Delaware. 6. Abra longirallis Scacchi, var. americana Verrill and Bush, p. 778. Interior of right valve of specimen 52170; X about 3. Off Chesapeake Bay. 7. The same. View of hinge of same specimen; X about 8. This plate first appeared in Proceedings U. S. National Musenm, vol. xx, and the page references given above are to the paper by Verrill and Bush, pages 775-901, of the cited volume, in which the species are discussed. The drawings are by A. H. Verrill. PLATE LXXXII. FIG. 1. Lyonsia granulifera Verrill and Bush, p. 818. Exterior of a left valve (type specimen) No. 52561 ; X about 2|. Misaine Bank. 2. Verticordia granulifera Verrill, p. 816. Hinge of a left valve (type speci- men) No. 44838; x 8. Off Delaware. 3. The same. Hinge of both valves of a fully grown specimen No. 78679; x4. Turned np to show ossicle, o. 4. The same. Hinge of a right valve of another specimen No. 78929; x 6. 5. CHdiophora inornata Verrill and Bush, p. 819. Hinge of both valves of specimen No. 49760 from station 327 ; X about 2. Cape Cod. , 6. The same. Exterior of a left valve of a specimen from the same station ; X about 2|. 7. Lyonsiella cordata Verrill and Bush, p. 818. Hinge of left valve of type specimen No. 52540; X 8. a, Ossicle; fo, ligament. Off Delaware. 8. The same. Exterior of right valve of the same specimen ; x about 4. 9. Limopsis sulcata Verrill and Bush, p. 845. Hinge of a right valve from station 2199; x about 10^. Off Delaware. 10. Nucula rernllii Dall, p. 853. Hinge of left valve of specimen No. 45752; X about 26. Off Marthas Vineyard. This plate was first published in Proceedings II. S National Museum, vol. xx, and the page references are to the paper by Verrill and Bush, pages 775-901 of the cited volume. The drawings are by A. H. Verrill. MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 205 PLATE LXXXIII. FIG. 1. Erycina (Pseudopythina) compressa Dall; 18.0 mm. No. 107855, U.S.N.M. Bering Sea. 2. Ihrnia relifera Dall; 12.0 mm. No. 107856, U.S.N.M. The microscopic reticulation is too tine to be represented on the scale of the figure. 3. liochefortia barbadensia Dall; 4.0 mm. No. 95703, U.S.N.M. Barbados. 4. Gebia puyetensis Dana, with Erycina (Pseiidopythina) rugifera Carpenter, attached by its byssus to the abdomen of the crab behind the limbs. Natural size. Drawn from nature by Dr. J. C. McConnell. Xo. 15789, U.S.N.M. Puget Sound. 5. Montacuta limpida Dall; adult type; 3.0mm. No. 97155, U.S.N.M. Florida. 6. Rochefortia aleutica Dall; 4.3 mm. No. 108233, U.S.N.M. Kiska Harbor, Aleutian Islands. 7. Rocliefortia tumida Carpenter ; type specimen ; 3.8mm. No. 5242, U.S.N.M. California. 8. Hinge of Erycina (Pseudopythina) compreysa Dall; right valve, considerably enlarged; c, cardinal tooth; p, prodissoconch ; rl, resilium covered by the large calcareous lithodesma; I, raised edge of the valve carrying the linear external ligament. 9. Sportella stearnsii Dall ; enlarged view of hinge, right valve, c, c', cardinals ; I, nymph for the ligament; p, prodissocouch ; r, excavation and ridge which carry the resilium. 10. Montacuta Jioridana Dall; interior of right valve; 16.0 mm. No. 64456, U.S.N.M. West Florida. 11. Montacuta limpida Dall; young shell; 1.6 mm. No. 107867, U.S.N.M. Florida. 12. Sportella stearnsii Dall; 13.5 mm. No. 73071, U.S.N.M. Gulf of California. This plate first appeared in Proceedings U. S. National Museum, vol. xxi, with the Synopsis of the Leptonncea, pages 873-897, in which the species are described. Figures 1, 2, and 4 were drawn from nature by J. C. McConuell, the others are from camera lucida sketches by W. H. Dall. PLATE LXXXIV. FIG. 1. Erycina emmonsi Dall; 7.0 mm. No. 92638, U.S.N.M. North Carolina. 2. Anifsodoxia (Fulcrella) corbuloidea Dall; 6.5 mm. No. 92303, U.S.N.M. North Carolina. 3. Erycina periscopiana Dall; left valve; 5.0mm. No. 92227, U.S.N.M. North Carolina, 4. Rochefortia pedroana Dall ; 9.0 mm. No. 127565, U.S.N.M. California. The subumbonal projection between the laminaj is the resilium. 5. Sportella californica Dall ; 6.0 mm. No. 108231, U.S.N.M. The drawing rep- resents the right valve, and the posterior projection of the hinge plate carries the resilium. 6. Erycina fernnndina Dall; 3.75 mm. No. 108230, U.S.N.M. Deep water off Florida. The dark spot to the right of the cardinal tooth is the resilium. 7. Erycina linella Dall; 4.6 mm. No. 107863, U.S.N.M. North Carolina. 8. Montacuta minuscula Dall; 2.7mm. No. 92628, U.S.N.M. North Carolina. 9. Sportella pilsbryi Dall; 8.0mm. No. 107864, U.S.N.M. Left valve. North Carolina 10. Jiornia (Ceratobornia) longipesStunpsoji:, about one and a half times natural size. From an unpublished drawing by Stimpsou, representing the ani- mal crawling, the right side facing the observer. South Caroliua. Shell is No. 107812, U.S.N.M. ; p 48. No. 201. 11, The same, representing the animal suspended by its byssal thread, the heel of the foot elongated. Drawn by Stimpson, 206 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. PLATE LXXXIV Continued. FIG. 12. Rochefortia planata Dall; 5.3 mm. No. 108234, U.S.N.M. Alutian Islands. The dark spot between the lamina is the resilium. 13. Bornia ( Ceratobornia) lonyijtes Stimpson : the posterior extremity, or heel, of the foot emitting the byssal thread. Much enlarged. From a drawing by Stirnpson. 14. Rochefortia molltri Morch ; 6.4mm. No. 108232, U.S,N.M. From a speci- men in the Jeffreys collection, named Montavuta elevata by Mc'irch, and collected by Torell in Greenland. This plate was lirst published in Proceedings U. S. National Museum, vol. xxi. The drawings, except those mentioned as by Stiinpson, are from camera lucida sketches by W. H. Dall. The species are described in the Synopsis of the Leptonacea, pages 873-897 of the volume above cited. PLATE LXXXV. FIG. 1. Rochefortia (tumidiilavar.t) Verriili Dall, Proc. U.S.N.M., xxi, p. 890. Inte- rior of a leit valve No. 35412 Iroui station No. 2103 ; X 20. , Resilium and ossicle. Off Delaware Bay. 2. The same. Interior of a right valve from the same station ; X 20. 3. Kellia suborbicularis (Montagu) var. Couldii Thomson. Interior of left valve of a specimen from off Salem, Massachusetts, 1877; X 10. 4. The same. Interior of right valve of the same specimen. 5. Rochefortia casta Verrill and Bush. Exterior of a left valve from station 2283 ; X 20. North Carolina. . 6. Rochefortia plaimlata Stimpson. Interior of a right valve; X about 13. Off Hatteras. 7. Aligena elevata Stimpson. Interior of a right valve No. 74333 from Naushon ; X about 13. a, Kesilium and ossicle. 8. The same. Exterior of a left valve from the same station ; X about 13. This plate Hrst appeared in Proceedings U. S. National Museum, vol. xx. The figures were drawn by A. H. Verrill. PLATE LXXXVI. FIG. 1. Thyasira equal's, variety alta Verrill and Bush, p. 787. Exterior of a left valve from Eastport, Maine, 1870; X about 8. 2. The same. Interior of a right valve from the same locality; X about 8. 3. Thya8iraplana Verrill and Bush, p. 788. Interior of left A r alve of type speci- men from station 254 ; X 14. Gulf of Maine. 4. The same. Exterior of right valve of the same specimen. 5. Nucula ]iroxima Say ( ?) variety ovata Verrill and Bush, p. 852. Exterior of left valve of specimen No. 73467 ; X about 12. Vineyard Sound. 6. Macoma injiata Dawson, p. 778. Exterior of left valve of specimen No. 52427 ; X 3. Gulf of St. Lawrence. 7. Kennerleyia brevis Verrill and Bush, p. 821. a, Exterior of left valve of speci- men No. 40232; b, interior of right valve of another specimen No. 45884; X 4. Off Chesapeake Bay. 8. Nucula granulosa Verrill, p. 853. Exterior of left valve of type specimen No. 38451 ; X about 26. Off New Jersey. This plate first appeared in Proceedings U. S. National Museum, vol. xx, and the page references are to the paper by Verrill and Bush, pages 775-901, of the cited volume. The figures were drawn by A. H. Verrill. MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN COAST. 207 PLATE LXXXVII. FIG. 1. Thyasira inwqualis Verrill and Bush, p. 791. Exterior of right valve of type specimen ; X about 10. Off Halifax, Nova Scotia. 2. The samr. Interior of left valve. 3. Thyasira croulinensis (Jeffreys) Verrill and Bush, p. 786. Interior of lilt valve. X about 13. North of Cape Cod. 4. The same. Exterior of right valve. 5. Thyasira (Axinulus?) elliptiea Verrill and Bush, p. 796. Exterior of right valve of type specimen, No. 35175; X about 13. Off Marthas Vineyard. 6. The same. Interior of left valve. 7. Montacuta percompressa Dall, Proc.U.S.N.M., xxi, p. 879. Interior of left valve, No. 49588, X 20. a=resiliuiu. Vineyard Sound. This is Mont- acuta f err uginosn Verrill and Bush, not Montagu. 8. The same. Interior of right valve. This plate was first issued with Proceedings U. S. National Museum, vol. xx, and the page references are to the paper by Verrill and Bush, pages 775-901 of the cited volume. The figures were drawu by A. H. Verrill. PLATE LXXXVIII. FIG. 1. Area adamsi Smith, var. conradiana Dall; 7.0 mm. ; p. 42, No. 113. 2. Area (Cucullaria) sagrinata Dall; 6.0 mm.; p. 42, No. 119. 3. Pandora (Kennerleyiu) bushiana Dall; 10.0 mm.; p. 68, No. 443. 4. Pandora (Clidiophora) trilintata Say; 19.0mm.; p. 68; No. 439. 5. Meretrix (Transennella) stimpsoiii Dall; 13.5 mm.; see Proc.U.S.N.M., xxvi, p. 379. 6. Mactra riehmondi Dall; 20.75 mm. ; see Proc. U.S.N.M., xxiv, p. 510. 7. Meretrix (Transennella) stimpsoni Dall, part of a left valve greatly magnified to show the oblique grooving of the margin; see Proc. U.S.N.M., xxiv, p. 509. 8. Chama laetuca Dall, attached valve from above; 22.0 mm. ; p. 52, No. 250. 9. Asthenothcerus hemphilli Dall; 6.25 mm.; p. 64, No. 385. 10. Chama lactuca Dall, free valve, from above; 14.0 mm. ; p. 52, No. 250. 11. Crenella pectinula Gould, from cotype; 16.0 mm.; see Proc.U.S.N.M., xxiv, p. 507. 12. Crenella faba Miiller; 18.0mm.; see Proc. U.S.N.M., xxiv, p. 508. This plate first appeared in Proceedings U. S. National Museum, vol. xxiv. The drawings are by J. C. McConnell. PLATE LXXXIX. FIG. 1. Dosinia (Dosinidia) discus Say. Cat. No. 54094, U.S.N.M. ; South Carolina; length, 70.0 mm. ; p. 56, No. 299. 2. Tivela nasuta Dall. Cat. No. 153377, U.S.N.M.; length, 33.0 mm.; Santa Marta, Colombia; see Proc. U.S.N.M., xxvi, p. 380. 3. Tivela braziliana Dall. Cat. No. 125468, U.S.N.M. ; length, 40 mm. ; Brazil; see Proc. U.S.N.M., xxvi, p. 381. 4. Callocardia ( Agriopoma) zonata Dall. Cat. No. 92015, U.S.N.M. ; length, 22.0 mm.; North Carolina; p. 56, No. 288. 5. Cytherea ( Ventricola) striyillina Dall. Cat. No. 95608, U.S.N.M. ; length, 38.0 mm. ; Key West, Florida; see Proc. U.S.N.M., xxvi, p. 381. 6. Dosinia (Dosinidia) elegans Conrad. Cat. No. 6120, U.S.N.M.; length, 68.0 mm. ; Texas; p. 56, No. 300. This plate first appeared in Proceedings U. S. National Museum, vol. xxvi. The drawings are by J. C. McConnell. 208 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. PLATE XC. FIG. 1. Dosinia (Dosinidia) discus Say, interior view. Cat. No. 54094, U.S.N.M.; length, 70 mm.; South Carolina; p. 56, No. 399. 2. Chione mazyckii Dall. Cat. No. 92022, U'S.N.M. ; length, 15.0 mm.; North Carolina ; see Proc. U.S.N.M., xxvi, p. 382. 3. Tire! a abaconia Dall. Cat. No. 103551, U.S.N.M.; length, 11.0 mm.; Abaco Island, Bahamas; see Proc. U.S.N.M., xxvi, p. 380. 4. Transennella cubaniana Orbigny. Cat. No. 54135, U.S.N.M. ; length, 10.6 mm. ; St. Croix, West Indies; p. 379. 5. Cytherea (Ventricola) callimorpha Dall. Cat. No. 64292, U.S.N.M. ; length, 15.5 mm. ; Barbados ; p. 54, No. 274 ; see Proc. U.S.N.M., xxvi, p. 382. 6. Transennella coiiradina Dall, interior view, showing characteristic sulcations of the margins. Cat. No. 64437, U.S.N.M. ; length, 11.0 mm. ; West Flor- ida; p. 56, No. 295. 7. Dosinia (Dosinidia) elegants Conrad, interior view. Cat. No. 6120, U.S.N.M.; length, 68.0 mm. ; Texas; p. 5i>, No. 300. This plate was first issued in Proceedings U. S. National Museum, vol. xxvi. The drawings are by J. C. McConnell. PLATE XCI. FIG. 1. Limopsis sulcata Verrill and Bush, Proc. U. S. N. Mus., xx, p. 845. Exterior of a right valve from station 2199 ; X 16. Oft' Nantucket shoals. 2. Rupellaria (?) canvellata Verrill, Proc. U. S. N. Mus., xx, p. 778. Hinge of a left valve (type specimen), No. 44839; X 16. Off Chesapeake Bay. 3. The same. Exterior of the same valve; X 6. This plate first appeared in Proceedings U. S. National Museum, vol. xx. The figures were drawn by A. H. Verrill. PLATE XCII. FIG. 1. Macoma limula Dall, North Carolina; Ion. 13 mm. ; see p. 60, No. 351. 2. Tellina iheringi Dall, La Plata ; Ion. 27.5 mm. 3. Tellina georgiana Dall, Georgia; Ion. 32 mm. ; see Proc. U. S. N. Mus., xxiii, p. 310. 4. Macoma mitchelli Dall, Texas; Ion. 15 mm.; see Proc. U. S. N. Mus., xxiii, p. 314. 5. The same; dorsal view. 6. Tellina (Aligning) flayellum Dall, West Indies; lou. 9. 01. ; see Proc. U. S.N.'Mus., xxiii, p. 312. 7. Macoma (Psammacoma) extenuata Dall, Gulf of Mexico; Ion. 14.5 mm.; see Proc. U. S. N. Mus., xxiii, p. 314. 8. Tellina (Elliptotellina) americana Dall, North Carolina; Ion. 6.5 mm.; see Proc. U. S. N. Mus., xxiii, p. 311. 9. Tellina (Anguliis) culorala Dall, West Indies; Ion. 13.5 mm. ; see Proc. U. S. N. Mus., xxiii, p. 311. 10. Tellina (Merisca) crystallina Wood, South Carolina; Ion. 23 mm. ; see Proc. U. S. N. Mus., xxiii, p. 311. 11. Tellina (Angidus) promera Dall, Bermuda ; Ion. 18.5 mm. ; see Proc. U. S. N. Mus., xxiii, p. 312. This plate first appeared in Proceedings U. S. National Museum, vol, xxiii. The drawings were by J. C. McConnell. MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTEKN COAST. 209 PLATE XCIII. FIG. 1. Meretrix (Agriopoma) texasiana Dall; 67.0 mm.; p. 56, no. 291. 2. Lima albicoma Dall; 8.0mm.; p. 36, no. 49. 3. Meretrix simpsoni Dall; 15.2 mm. ; p. 56, no. 285. 4. Philobrya atlantica Dall, dorsal view showing nepionic umbones; 4.0 mm. ; see Proc. U. S. N. Mus., xxiv, p. 507. 5. The same, side view ; 4.0 mm. 6. Astarte globula Dall ; 8.5mm.; p. 46, no. 189. 7. Pandora (Clidiophora) gouldiana Dall; 27.5 mm.; p. 68, no. 440. 8. Mactrella ilieringi Dall; Brazil, 65.0 mm.; see Proc. U. S. N. Mas., xxiv, p. 510. 9. Pecten (Plagioctenium) gibbtixvar. amplicostatus Dall; breadth 51.0mm.; see Proc. U. S. N. Mus., xxiv, p. 507. This plate first appeared in Proceedings U. S. National Museum, vol. xxiv. The drawings are by J. C. McConnell. PLATE XCIV. FIG. 1. Cuspidaria (Cardiomya) ornatissima d'Orbigny, p. 810. Dorsal view of speci- men No. 35362; x 10 diameters. Cape Hatteras. 2. Cuspidaria arctica M. Sars, p. 803. Interior of a left valve from station 70; X about 3. Broken outline restored by lines of growth. Nova Scotia. 3. Cuspidaria (Cardiomya) gemma Verrill and Bush, p. 809. Dorsal view of specimen No. 41456; X 10. Cape Hatteras. 4. The same. Interior of left valve of the same specimen; x about 13. 5. Cuspidaria media Verrill and Bush, p. 800. Dorsal view of specimen No. 49020 ; X 5. Off Martha's Vineyard. 6. The same. Interior of left valve of type specimen No. 49018; X 5. 7. Cuspidaria /rater 11 a Verrill and Bush, p. 803. Dorsal view of specimen No. 48962; X 5. Off Delaware Bay. 8. The same. Interior of left valve of type specimen from station 892; x 5. 9. Cuspidaria glacialis G. O. Sars, p. 800. Dorsal view of specimen No. 49023; X 5. Eastern coast of the United States. This plate first appeared in Proceedings U. S. National Museum, vol. xx, and the page references above given refer to the paper by Verrill and Bush, in which the species are discussed, pages 775-901 of the cited volume. The drawings were by Mr. A. H. Verrill. PLATE XCV. FIG. 1. Cuspidaria (Cardiomya) abyssicnla Verrill and Bush, p. 806. Exterior of right valve of a young specimen No. 78935; x 9. Off Chesapeake Bay. 2. Myonera ruginosa Jeffreys, p. 811. Exterior of right valve of specimen No. 52544; x about 8. Off Nantucket. 3. Cuspidaria (Cardiomya) perrostrata Dall, p. 809. Interior of right valve of specimen No. 78933 ; X 9. South of Nantucket. 4. Cuspidaria subtorta Sars, p. 806. Hinge of left valve of specimen No. 52545; X 9. Turned up to show posterior tooth. 5. The same. Interior of the same valve ; x 4. Off Nova Scotia. 6. Cuspidaria formosa Verrill and Bush, p. 803. Hinge of both valves of type specimen No. 78313; x 4. The right valve is badly broken. East of Nantucket. 7. Cuspidaria arctica M. Sars, p. 803. Hinge of a left valve from station 70; X 4*. South of Halifax, N. S. 8. Myonera limattila Dall, p. 812. Dorsal view of specimen No. 38171; X 9. Southeast of Nantucket. 24781 Bull. 37 14 210 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. PLATE XCV Continued. FIG. 8. Cuspidaria parva Verrill and Bush, p. 801. Hinge of both valves of type specimen from station 2203; X 30. On* Chesapeake Bay. 10. Cuspidaria lameUosa M. Sars, p. 799. Hinge of both valves of specimen Ko. 51292; X 30. Kesilium and ossicle are attached in the right valve. Of!' Hatteras. 11. Cuspidaria (Cardiomya gemma) Verrill and Bush, p. 809. Hinge of both valves of type specimen No. 41456; X 22. Resilium and ossicle attached in the left valve. Off Cape Hatteras. This plate first appeared in Proceedings I". S. National Museum, vol. xx, and the page references given above refer to the paper by Veri ill and Bush in which the species are discussed, pages 775-901 of the cited volume. The figures were drawn by J. H. Blake. INDEX TO THE NAMES CONTAINED IN THE TABLES. Page. 62 62 62 62 A bra sequalia lioica luiigicallus Abialia megaptera PI 43 Acanthochiton 174 ast riger 174 spiculosus 174 Acanthopleura 174 picea 174 Acantbopleuridse 174 Aclis 126 egregia 126 lata 126 nucleata 126 striata 126 tenuia 126 Acma a a 156 al veus 156 Caiideana 156 melanoleuea 156 pulcherrima 156 punctulata 156 testudinalia 156 AcmseidiE 156 AcrilLi 124 Actaeon 84 Cuiuingi 84 Danaida 84 delicatua 84 exilia 84 incisua 84 raelainpoidea 84 perforatus 84 punctostriatua 84 puaillua 84 Acta3onidte 84 Acus 94 Addisonia 158 paradoxa 158 Addiaoniidae 158 Adeorbidas ]50 Adeorbis 1,->0 Beaui 150 olivaceus 150 Orbignyi 150 supranitidus 150 Adesmacea 72 Admete 106 microscopica 106 nodoaa 106 Page. .ZEsopua 118 Stearnsii 118 Akteopbila 90 Alaba (see alao Bittium) 146 conoidea 146 tervaricosa 146 Alexia 92 my osotis 92 Amaltbea. 154 antiquata 154 bentbophila 154 subrufa 15* Amaltheida: 154 Atnicula 174 vestita 174 Amiculidse 174 Ampbiperaa 134 Ampbiperaaiilai 134 Ampullaria ISO caligiiioaa 1 50 depreaaa 150 Ampullariidae 150 Amuaiu n 34 cancellation 34 Dalli 34 Holmesii 34 marmoratum 34 Mortoni 34 Pourtalesianum 34 Sayanum 34 striatulum 34 Amygdalum 38 Anachia 116 albella 118 amphiaaella 118 avara 116 balisceti 116 Hotesaieriana 118 obesa 118 pulcbella 1 18 Eusbii 118 samanenais 118 aeraiplicata 116 similia 116 tranalirata 116 Anaspidea 90 Anatinacea Anatinidae Anciatrobaaia . . Ancistrosjrinx elegana 64 64 164 96 96 211 212 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Ancistrosyrinx Continued. radial a Anisopleura Anomalocardia rostrata. Anomalodesmacea Anotnia aculeata simplex Anomiacea Anomiidie I-age. 96 84 54 54 64 32 32 32 32 32 Apluatridae 88 Aplustrum 88 Aplysia 9G protea 90 VVillcoxii 90 Aplysiidaa 90 Area 40 Adamsii 42 americana 40 auriculata 40 barbata 40 Candida 40 Conradiana 42 ectocomata 40 glomer ula 42 Holmesii 40 imbricata 40 incongrua 40 jamaicensis 40 lienosa 40 Nose 40 nodulosa 42 Orbignyi 40 pectunculoidea 42 pexata 40 polycyma 42 ponderosa 40 reticulata 42 trans versa 40 Arcacea. 40 Arcida) 40 Argina 40 Argonauta 174 americana 174 argo 174 ArgonautidaB 174 Arthropomata 28 Asapbis 60 deflorata 60 Aspella 120 hastula 120 lamellosus 120 obeli sc us 120 paupercula 120 scalarioides 120 Aasiminea 150 Auberiana 150 concinna 150 Assimineidae 150 A start e 46 castanea 46 globala 46 lens 46 na.ua 46 Page. Astarte Continued. quadrans PI. 58 Smithii 4g undata 46 Astartidae 46 Asthenothaerus 64 Hemphillii 64 Astralium 158 americanum 158 brevispinum 158 caelatum 158 imbricatum ' 158 longispinum 158 tuber 158 Astyris 118 diaphana 118 Duclosiana 118 f'usi form is 118 lima t a 118 multilineata 118 profundi 118 para 118 Raveneli 118 rosacea 118 Verrillii lie Atlanta 136 Gaudichaudi 136 inclinata 136 Lamanoni 136 Peronii 136 pulchella 136 rosea 136 Atretia 28 gnomon 28 Atys 86 caribaea 86 Sanderson! 86 Auricula 90 Auriculastrum 90 pellucens 90 Auricnlidaa 90 Auriculinae 90 Aurinia 110 dubia 110 Gouldiana 110 robasta 110 Avicula 36 atlantica 36 nitida 36 Aviculidae 36 Balantium 82 Barbatia 40 Barnea 72 costata 72 maritima 72 truncata 72 Basilissa 164 alta 164 costulata 164 delicatula 164 depressa 164 super ba 164 Basommatophora 90 Basterotia 70 quadrata 70 MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTHEASTERN COAST. 213 Page. Bathymophila 162 euspira 162 Bela 98 Jilakei 98 barpnlaria 98 Rathbuni 98 subturgida 100 subvitrea 98 Tanneri 100 tenuicostata 98 Bt-ntbobia 106 Trj-oni 106 Bentbonella 150 Fiscberi 150 gaza . 150 nisonis 150 Bittium 140 Adamsi 140 alternatum 140 cerithidioides 140 variuui 140 Bivonia 144 exserta 144 Blauneria 92 beteroclita 92 Boasia 80 Boreotropbon 120 abyssorum 120 actinopborus 120 lacuncllus 120 vaginatas 120 Borsonia... 98 Botula 38 Botulina 38 Bracbiopoda 28 Brachydontes 38 BuceinidiB 114 Buccinum 114 abyssorum 114 undatum 114 Bulla 88 abyssicola 88 eburnea 88- occidentalis 8 solida 88 striata 88 Bullidae 88 Bullina 88 uudata 88 Busbia 64 elegans 64 Byssoarca 42 Ciidulns 76,78 acus 78 aiqualis 76 Agassizii 78 a mi an tus 78 carolinensis 78 cucurbita 78 cylindratus 76 gracilis 78 grandis 76 Incisns 76 Jeffreys! 76 lunula 78 Page. Cadulns Continued. minusculus 78 obesus 78 Pandionis 78 pocnlum 76 quadridentatus 76 spectabilis 76 Watsoni 76 Ciccidae 142 Caecum ... 142 bipartitum 142 Carolinian inn 142 Cooperi 142 decnssatum 142 floridanum 142 glabrnm 142 instructmn 142 pulchellum 142 Calliostoma 162 a] lie inn in 162 asperrimum 162 aurora 162 Bairdii 162 Benedict! 162 ciuctellum 162 rircumcinctum ...; 162 corbis 162 di'iitiferum 162 ecliinatum 162 ciiglyptum 162 indiana 162 jujubinum 162 orion 162 pulcber 162 Kawsoni 162 roseol urn 162 sapidum 162 Sayaunm 162 sericifilum 162 tampaensls 162 tiara 162 y ncatecanum 162 Callista 56 gigantea 56 maculata 56 Ciillocardia 54 Callogaza 160 "\Vatsoni 160 Calyptraea Candeana 152 Calyptraidm 152 Cancellaria 104 Conradiana 104 reticulata 104 Cancellariidae 104 Capnlidro 152 Capulus 152 galea 154 bungaricus 152 intortus 154 Cardiacca 52 Cardiidae 52 Cardiomya 66 corpulenta 66 cost ellata 66 ornatissima ... 66 214 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Page. Cardiomya Continued. perrostrata striata Cardita Conradii domingensis floridana gracilis Carditacca 46 Carditidso 46 Cardium 52 an t ill aru n i . 52 islaudicum 52 isocardia 52 magnum 52 medium 52 nmricatum 52 prramabilis 52 pin nil hit inn 52 tiuctuin 52 Careliopsis 130 styliformis 130 Carinaria 136 mediterranea 136 Carinariidae 136 Cassis 134 cameo 134 inflata 134 testiculus 134 tuberosa 134 Cavolinia 82 gibbosa . . 82 inflexa 82 longirostris 82 quadridentata 82 ti identata 82 trispinosa 82 uncinata 82 Cavoliniidae 80 Cephalopoda 174 Ceratozona 172 Guildingi 172 Ceritbidea 140 costata 140 scalariformis 140 turrita 140 varicosa 140 Cerithiella 140 Whiteavesii 140 Ceritbiidae ]40 Cerithiopsidae 138 Cerithiopsis 138 abrupta 140 crystallina 138 Greenii 138 Martensii 138 rnetaxse 140 pulchella 138 Sigsbeeana 138 taeniolata 140 tubercularis 138 Cerithium 140 algicola 140 eburueum... 140 Page. Cerithium Continued. floridanum 140 literatuni 140 minimum 140 luuscarnm 140 uigrescens 140 semiferrugineum 140 uncinatum 140 variabile 140 Cetoconcha 08 bulla 68 margarita C8 Cetomya 68 Chsetopleura 172 apiculata 172 janeirensia 172 Cliatna 52 arcinella 52 cougregata 52 lactuca 52 macrophj lla 52 sarda 52 Chamacea 52 CharnidsB 52 Cbicoreus 118 brevifrons 118 rufus 118 Chiton 172 uiarmoratus 172 sc 1 1 1 :n 1 1 1 is us 172 Cboristes 152 elngans 1 52 Choristidae 152 Choristodon 5tf caiici-llata 58 robusta 58 Chrysodomus 114 Ciugula 148 Circe... 48 Cirsotrema 124 Cistella 28 Barrettiana 28 lutea 28 Scbrammi 28 Citbna HG tenella 140 Clatbrella 150 uaticoides 150 Cleodora 80 cuspidata 80 falcata 82 pyramidata 80 recurva 82 Clidiopbora t- 68 carolinensis 68 Gouldiana 68 trilineata 68 Clione limacina Clionidas --- Cliopsia grandis Clypidella fascicularis Cocculiua 1 ' a MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTHEASTERN COAST. 215 82 30 30 Page. Cocculina Continued. Corolla ....... . Beanil .......... ....................... I 58 i calceola Dalli .................................... 153 Crania leptalea .................................. 158 Pourtalesii Eatbbuni ................................ 158 Crauiidso ................................... 30 reticulata ................................ 158 Cr.mopsis ................................. 170 spinigera ................................. 158 asturiana ................. .* .............. 170 Cocculinidas ............................... 158 Crassatella ................................. 48 Cocbliolepis .............................. 16-! tloiid-ina ................................. 48 parasitica ................................ 162 , Crassatellidse .............................. 48 striata ................................... I 62 Crenella ................................... 40 Cochlodesrua .............................. 64 I decussata ................................ 40 Leanum .................................. 64 divaricata ................................ 40 Coleopliysis ................................ 84 fragilis ................................... 40 eburneus ................................ 84 glandula ................................ 40 perplicatua ............................... 84 j Crepidala .................................. 152 Colubraria ................................ 132 j aculeata .................................. 152 lanceolata ............................... 132 | coiivexa .................................. 152 reticulata ............................... 132 fornicata. ............................... 152 Swiftii .................................. 132 i plana .................................... 152 testacea ................................. 132 Creseis .................................. 80 Columbella ................................ 110 { cliierehige ...... ......................... 80 mercatoria ............................... 116 couica ................................... 80 rusticoiiles ............................... 116 | recta .................................... 80 ColuinbellidaB .............................. 116 virgula ................................... 80 Couidio .................................... 94 Crncibulum ................................ 152 Couiilea ........................... . ........ 118 auricula .................................. 152 ovulata ................................. 118 striatum ................................. 152 Cuiiomitra ................................. 110 Cryptodon ................................. 50 Blakeana ................................. 1U ferruginosus ............................. 50 laevijr .................................... 110 Gouldii .................................. 50 Conus ................................. ..... 94 grandis ................................... Agassizii ................................. 94 obesus ................................... 50 ampbiurgus ............................. 94 ovoideus ................................. 50 centurio ................................ 94 pyrilbrmis ............................... 50 Delessertii ....... . ....................... 94 tortuosus ................................ 50 flavescens ................................ 94 Ctenobrancbiata .......................... 94 floridanus ................................ 94 Cumiugia ................................. 62 mua ...................................... 94 tellinoides .............................. 62 Pealii .................................... 94 Cuspidaria .................. ............ 66 proteua ..................... ............. 94 arcuata ................................. 66 pygmaius ................................ 94 glacialis ................................. 66 verrucosus ...... ....................... 94 Jeffreysi ................................. CO Coralliopbaga .............................. 58 lamellosa ................................. 66 carditoidea ............................... 58 microrhina ............................... 66 Coralliopbila ............................... 122 obesa ................................... 6G bracteata .................. . ............. 122 rostrata .................................. 66 Deburgbiaj.. ............................. 122 Cuspidariidas ............................... 66 galea ..................................... 122 Cuvierina .................................. 82 lactuca .................................. 122! colunmella ............................... 82 Coralliopbilinae ............................ 122 Cyclostrema ............................... 1 66 Corbieulidae ............................... 56 cancetlatum. ............................. 166 Corbula .. ................................ 70 cingulatutn ............................. 166 Barrattiana .............................. 70 ciatronium ............................... 166 coiitracta ................................ 70 diaphauum ............................... 160 Cubauiana ............................... 70 fulgidum ................................. 166 cymella ..................... . ............ 70 oruatum ................................. 166 Dietziana ....... ......................... 70 pompbolyx ............................... 166 disparilis ................................. 70 trochoidea ............................... 166 Krebsiana .............................. " 70 turbinnm ............................... 166 nasuta ................................... 70 valvatoides .............................. 166 Swiftiana ................................ 70 Cyclostreraatidae .......................... 166 Corbulida? ................... . ............. 70 Cylichna ................................... 86 Cordieria ................................... 98 alba ..................................... 86 Knuaultii .... 981 Verrillii..- 86 216 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Cylicbnella bidentata oryza Cy lindrobulla Beaui Cymatosyrinx Cymbuliidse Cymbuliopsis ______ : Page. 86 86 86 88 98 82 82 Cynodonta ................................ 110 capitellum .............................. 110 muricata ................................. 110 Cypraea .................................... 136 cinerea ........................ . .......... 130 j exanthema ............................... 136 I flaveola .................................. 136 spurca ................................... 136 Cypraeidse .................................. 136 i Cyprina .................... . ............... 54 ! islandica ................................. 54 Cyrena ................. .................... 56 carolinensis ............................. 56 floridana ................................. 58 Cyrenellidae ................................ 50 Cyrenoidea ................................. 50 floridana ................................. 50 Cythara .................................... 100 Bartlettii ...... ......................... 100 cymella .................................. 100 Cy therea ................................... 56 albida .................................... 56 convexa .................................. 56 bebraea ................................... 56 idonea .................................... 56 obovata .................................. 56 Simpson! ................................. 56 Dacrydium ................................. 38 vitreum .................................. 38 Dalium ..................................... 132 sol id um .................................. 132 Dapbuella ................................. 100 calyx ................................... 100 corbicula ................................. 100 elata ..................................... 100 byperlissa ............................... 100 leucophlegma ............................ 100 limacina ................................. 100 1 i mnseiforniis ............................. 100 morra .................................... 100 pompbolyx ............................... 100 reticulosa ............ . ................... 100 retifera .................................. 100 aofia .................................... 100 Delpbinu.idse .............................. 164 Deiitaliidoa ................................. 76 Dentahum ................................. 76 agile ..................................... 76 antillarum .............................. 76 calamus ................................. 76 callipeplum .............................. 76 callithrix ................................ 76 ca ud id um ................................ 76 capillosum ............................... 76 cardans .................................. 76 ceras .................................... 76 ceratum ................................. 76 compressum ................. , ........... 76 Dentalium Continued. disparile en sic u 1 us fllum Gouldii laqneatum leptum inatara Page. 76 76 76 76 76 76 - . . 76 occidentale ............................... PI. 64 opbiodon ................................. 76 pcrlongum .'. ............................. 76 platamodes .............................. 76 sericatutn ................................ 76 taphrium ................................ 76 teres ..................................... 76 Dentistyla ................................. 162 Detracia ................................... 92 bulloides ................................. 92 Diacria .................................... 62 Diapbana .................................. 86 debilis ................................... 86 Diastoma ........................ - ......... 140 Dibranchiata ............................... 174 Dillwynella ................................ 160 modesta .................................. 160 Dimya ..................................... 32 argentea ................................. 32 Dimyidae ................................... 32 Dione ...................................... 56 dione ..................................... 56 Diplodonta ................................. 52 semiaspera .................... . .......... 52 soror ......... . ........................... 52 subglobosa ............................... 52 turgida .................................. 52 Diplodontidse .............................. 52 Diplothyra ................................. 72 Discina .................................... 30 Discinidae ......................... ........ 30 Disc in i sea .................................. 30 antillarum ............................... 30 atlantica ............................... 30, PL 46 Discopsis .................................. 160 1 1 n i al os ................................... 160 Diatortrix .................................. 132 reticulata ................................ 132 Ditremata ................................. 90 Divaricella ................................. 50 dentata .................................. 50 quadrisulcata ............................ 50 Docoglossa ................................. 156 Dolicbotoma ....................... . ...... 96 viabrunnea .............................. 96 Doliidse ................................... 134 Dolium .................................... W4 galea ..................................... 134 perdix ................................... 134 Dolophanes ................................ 1*2 columbella ............................... 1*2 Gabbi .................................... 1*2 Duuacidae .................................. 58 Douax ..................................... 58 denticulatns ............................. 58 fossor ................................... 58 obesa ................................... 58 MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTHEASTERN COAST. 217 Page. Donax Continued, variabilis 58 Doris complanata PI. 43 Dosinia 56 discus 56 elegans 56 Dreissensia 40 Drillia 96 acestra 96 acloneta 98 acrybia : 96 sepynota 98 albicoma 96 albinodata 96 alesidota 96 canna 96 carminura 98 centimata 98 cestrota 98 Dalli 98 detecta 96 ebenina 96 ebur 98 eucostnia 96 fucata 98 baliostrepbis 96 Harfordiana 96 havauensis 98 leucocyma 96 lissotropis 98 litliocolleta 98 macilenta 90 Moseri 98 nucleata 98 olraeina 98 oatrearum 96 pagodula 98 pnria 08 pentagonalis 98 pbarcida 96 polytorta 96 preraorra 98 Simpsoni 98 smirna 98 thea 98 tristicha 98 Verrillii 98 Ecbinella 146 nodulosa 146 Egeta 58 Emarginula 173 cancellata 170 coropressa 170 pumila 170 tuniida 170 Em bolus 80 inflatus 80 triacanthus 80 Engina 116 turbinella 116 Ensiphonacea 72 Ensis 72 americana 72 viridls 72 Eochi'onii 172 Page. Erato 136 Maugeriae 136 Eriphyla 48 lunulata 48 parva 48 Ervilia 62 concentrica 62 nitens 62 Erycinidae 48 Ethaiia 160 multiatriata 160 reclusa 160 solida 160 suppressa ICO Eubela 100 Eucasta 162 Eucbelus 164 eucasta 164 guttarosea 164 Euciroa 66 Eudesia 28 cranium 28 floridana 28 Eudesiidse 28 Eudolium 134 Crosseanum 134 Verrillii 134 Eulima 126 arcuata 126 Carolii 126 conoidea 126 elongata 126 gibba -. 126 gracilis 126 intermedia 126 jamaicensis 123 s u boarinat a 126 Eulimella 130 lissa 130 scillse 130 unifasciata 130 Eulimidae 126 Eumeta 140 subulata 140 Euuatlcina 156 caruliuenais 156 Eupleura 120 caudata 120 Stimpsoni 120 Euthyneura 84 Eutrochus 162 Fabella 48 constrict* 48 Fasciolaria 112 distans 112 gigantca 112 tulipa 112 Fasciolariidae 112 Fissurella 170 al ternat a 170 cayennensis 170 gfiu mulata 170 Listen 170 nodosa . Sayi 170 170 218 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Page. Fiasurellidaj 168 Fissurellidea 170 fasciata 172 linaatula 170 pustula 172 Fissuriaepta 170 rostrata 170 triangulata - 170 Fluxiiia 148 brunnea 148 discula 148 Fossaridae 146 Fossarus 140 eleffans 146 Yulgur 112 caiialiculata 112 carica 112 coarctata 112 eliceans 112 ,,9 peiveraa 11 pyrum 112 Fuaiuae 11- Fuaus 112 sepynotua 112 alcimns 114 ai 1 1 iuii 1 1 is 112 amphiurgua 114 bentbalia 112 Couei 112 run inn i ins . 112 halistreptua 112 Paisbii 114 Scbrarumii 112 timeaaua 11- Ga 62 Guodallia 46 Gottoina 146 bulla 146 compacta 146 Gouldia 48 ccrina 4e Granigyra 166 liuiata 166 Gymnobela 104 Gymnogloaaa 126 Gymnoaornata 82 Gy rineum 1 32 a (fine 132 Gyrodea 156 depresaa .. 156 HaliotidaB 168 Haliotis 168 Pourtalesii 168 Hal iris C6 Fiscbcriaua 66 trapezoidea 66 Halocoraa 152 ciugulata 152 Halouympha 68 claviculata 68 Haiiiiuen 88 antillarum 88 Guildingi 88 Petitii 88 solitaria 88 succiuea 88 Hanleyia 172 niendicaria 172 tropii alls 172 Hustula 94 Haustator 141 Heterodonax 58 bimaculnta 58 Heterodoria robusta PI. 43 Heterofusua 80 Hinnites 36 Adamsii 36 Hyalocylix 80 striata 80 Hyalopatina 90 Kushii 80 Hyalorisia 154 Hydatina phyaia Idaa 38 MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTHEASTERN COAST. 219 Page. Was Continued, argenteus 38 Iiiella 138 Iphigenia 58 braziliana 58 Isapis 140 anomala 140 Ischnochiton 172 funiculatus 172 limaciformis 172 papillosus 172 purpurascens 172 Ischnochitonitlas 172 54 54 172 152 32 Isocardia Isocardiiilaj Isopleui a Janacus Jauira hemicy clica 32 ziczac 32 Janthina 126 conimunis 120 exigaa 120 globosa 120 prolongata 120 Jaiitiiinidse 126 Jumala 114 brychia 114 Kellia 48 planulata 48 auborbicularis PI. 68 Keunerlia 68 Bushiana 68 glacialis 63 Koousia 90 obesa 90 Krebsia 154 Labiosa 04 canaliculata 64 lineata 64 Lacuua 140 vincta .' 146 Lambidium 134 oniscus 134 Lamellaria 156 pellucida ] 56 Rangii 156 Lauiellariidaj 156 Larupusia 132 cklorostoma 132 cynocephala 132 giacilo 132 libiosa 132 oleailum 132 pharcida 132 pile-are 132 Latirus 112 j brevicaudatua 112 cay okuesonicus 112 iufundibulum 112 Laxispira 1 66 nitida 166 Leda 44 acuta 44 Bushiana 44 Leda Continued. Carpenteri concentrica corpulenfa messanensis... peruula PI. 45 pusio 44 quadi augularis 44 sbl.dit'acta 44 bolidula 44 Verrilliana 44 vitrea 44 Ledidas 44 Lepetella 158 tubicola 158 Lepetidse l.;6 Leptochiton 172 alveolus 172 pergi anatus 172 Leptochitonidse 172 Lepton 48 longipes 48 Leptonacea 48 Leptosipbon 56 Leptothyra 160 induta 160 Linnaei 100 Philipiana 100 Leucoui.i 92 bidentata 02 Leucosx riux 96 Sigsbeei 96 subgrundifera 96 teuoceras 96 Verrillii 96 Leucozonia 112 cingulifera 112 ocellata 112 Lima 36 albicoma 36 bians 36 iuflata so scabra i 35 squamosa 36 ttiicra 36 Limacina go buliraoides fo heliciua 80 Lesueuri PO retroversa go trochiformis 80 Li ma 'it 3C Bronniana 3(> lata 36 Li mat 11 lit 36 confusa 36 lamiiiifera 36 setifora 36 subauriculata 36 Limidai 36 Limopsis 42 antillonsis 42 aurita 42 cristata 42 minuta 42 220 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Page. Limopsis Continued. paucidentata 42 plana 42 tenella 42 Lingulidae 30 Liocardium 54 laevigatum 54 Mortoni 54 serratum '54 Liomeaufi 114 Stiinpsoni 114 Liomya 66 grannlata 66 halimera 68 velvetina 66 Liostraca 126 \ acnta 126 bilineata 126 fusus 126 Hemphillii 126 stenostoma 126 Liotia 164 aspina 164 Bairdii 164 Briareus 164 cruentata 164 microforis 166 miniata 166 perforata 164 Riisii 164 tricarinata 166 trullata 164 variabilis 166 Lippiates 166 acrilla 166 amabilis 166 Litbopbagus 38 antillarum 38 bisulcaius 38 caribaeuB 38 forficatus 38 Litiopa 148 bomby x 148 Litiopidae 146 Liiorina 146 angulifera 146 guttata 146 irrorata 146 lineata 146 mespilum 146 palliata 146 rudia 146 ziczac 146 Litorinidae 146 Livona 160 pica 160 Longcbaeus 128 Loph yridse 172 Loripes 52 chry sostoma 52 compressa 52 edentula 52 lens 52 Lotorium 132 femorale 132 Lncina... cost. 'it ll. crenulata filosa floridana jamaicensis lenticula leucocyma lintea niultilineata .. pecten pennsylvanica pectinella , sagrinata , scabra sombrerensis . . sqnamnsa tigrina trlsulcata Lucinacea Lucinidae Lucinopsis tenuis .. Page. 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 52 52 50 50 50 52 52 50 5J 50 5 50 50 56 56 Lunatia 154 fringilla 154 greenlandica 154 beroa 154 immaculata 154 leptalea w 154 levicula 154 perla 154 semisulcata 154 tenuis 154 triseriata 154 Lunicola 62 interstriata 62 Lyonsia 64 arata 64 Beana 64 floridana 64 Formosa 64 hyalina 64 Lyonsiella 64 abyssicola 64 insculpta 64 Lyonsiidae 64 Lyoporuata 30 Ljrodes 74 chlorotica 74 Macha 70 Curaingiana 70 Sanctie-Marthae 70 Macoma SO baltica 60 brevifrons 60 cerina 60 constricta 60 litnula 60 Souleyetiana 60 tampaensis - 60 i < 1 1 1 u 60 Macrodon 42 asperula 42 profundicola 42 sagrinata " MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTHEASTERN COAST. 221 Page. Mactra 62 bi asiliana 62 lateralis 62 ovalis PI- 70 siinilia 62 solidissiuia 62 Mactracea 62 Mactridaa 62 Magasella radiata Pl-6 Malletia 44,46 amabilis 44 cytherea 44 dilatata 46 obtusa 46 Mangilia 100 autonia 102 astricta 100 atroslyla 102 balteata 100 bandella 102 bicarinata 100 biconica 100 cerina 102 cerinella 102 ceroplaata 102 citronella 102 coniatotropis 102 diminuta 102 Dorvilliio 102 elusiva 102 exsculpta 102 limonitella 10-' melanitica 102 monilifera 102 nionoeingulata 102 oxia 102 oxytata 100 pelasjia 102 peripla 102 plicosa 100 Pourtalesii 102 psila 100 quadrata 102 rubella 100 rugirima 102 scipio 102 serga 102 etellata 100 subsida 102 toreumata - 102 Margarita 162 ery throcoma 162 Margaritiphora 36 radiata 36 Marginella 106 albolineata 108 apicina 106 amabilis 108 aureocincta, 108 avena 108 bella 108 borealis 106 carnea 106 cassis 106 cineracea 106 Page. Marginella Continued. denticulate 108 fauna 108 fusca 108 fusina 106 gnttata 106 haeruatita 106 lactea 108 limatula 106 margarita 108 microgonia 108 minima 108 minuta 108 niv.isa 106 oblonga 106 opalina 108 pallida '. 108 pellucida 106 Kedfleldii 108 scniinula 108 Storeria 106 styria 108 aubtriphcata 108 succinea 108 torticula 108 yucatecana 106 virginiana 106 Watsoni 106 Marginellidse 106 Marsenina 156 ampla 156 Martesia 72 corticaria 72 cunciformis 72 Smithii 72 striata 72 Mastonia 138 Mathilda 144 barbadensis 144 Rushii 144 scitula . - 144 yucatecana 144 Mathildiidse 144 Megathyridse 28 Megerlia 28 disparilis 28 Meiocardia 54 Agassizii 54 Meioceras 142 Desbayesii 142 nitidam 142 undulosum 142 Melampinae 92 Melarapus 92 cofleus 92 flavus 92 lloriilan us 92 lineatus 92 olivaceus PI. 47 Melanella 126 Melaraphe 146 Melongena - 112 corona 112 melongena 112 Mesorbytis 112 222 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Page. Mesorbytia -Continued. Mcekiana 112 Mesostoma 142 ruigrans 142 Metaxia 140 Microgaza 160 rotella 160 Mitra 110 albocincta 110 antilleusis 110 Bairdii 110 barbadensis 110 Dupontii 110 floridana 110 fulgurita 110 gemmnta 110 Hanleyi '. 110 nodulosa 110 puella 110 straminea 110 styria 110 snlcnta 110 Swainsoni 110 torticula 110 w'andoensis 110 Mitridre 110 Mitromorpha 110 : biplicata 110 Mitrularia 352 equestria 152 Modiola 38 c i in i at nomea 38 lignea. 38 modiolu3 38 opifex. 38 papyria 38 plicat ula 38 polita 38 sagittata 38 setnicostata 38 sulcata 38 tulipa 38 Modiolaria 40 corrn^ata 40 laternlis 40 nigra 40 Modulida? 142 Modulus 142 catenulatus 142 floridanus 142 modulus 142 Mohnia 114 Mollei ia 166 costulata 166 Mopaliidse 174 Murex 118 B-aui 118 Cabritii 118 messorius 118 MuricidcB 118 Muricidea 120 floridana 120 hexagona 120 multangula 120 Philippiana 120 Page. Muricinae i. * 118 Mya 70 arenaria 70 Myacea 70 My idas 70 Myonera t8 lamellifera 68 1 hunt ii la 68 paucistriata 68 undata 68 My tilacea 30 Mytilidas sg My tilopsis 40 leucophrata 40 Mytilus 38 edulis 38 exustus 38 haraatus 38 Nassa H6 acuta lie ambigua 116 consensa ne Hotessiei i lie obsoleta no sciasurata 116 trivittata ne vibex ne Nassaria ne Nassarina no Bushii lie columbellata HQ glypta lie Grayi lie Nassidas 116 Natica 154 canrena 154 castrenais. 154 livida 151 maroccana 154 perlineata 154 pusilla 154 Natioidaj 154 Karanaio 58 lapicida 58 Neilo 46 Keilonella 44 Nerita 166 peloronta 166 prajcognita 1G6 teasellata 16G versicolor 166 Neritidce 166 Keritina 168 palmas 168 pupa 168 reclivata 1C8 Sbowalteri 168 virginea 168 viridis 168 Neverita 154 d uplicata 154 imbila 154 Niso 128 ffiglees 128 albida... 128 MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTHEASTERN COAST. 223 Page. Niao Continued. circinala 128 intcrrupta 128 spleiulidula 128 tricolor 128 Xitidella 118 cribraria 118 dicoiuata 118 lievigata 118 nioleculina 118 nitidula 118 yarvula 118 Noetia 40 Xotaspidea 90 Notobrancbsea 82 Macdonaldi 82 Notoplax . 174 floi idanus 174 Nucul.i icgeenaia 42 cancellata 42 crciiulata 42 cymella 42 dclpbinodonta 42 granulosa 42 obliterata 42 proxima 4_ tenuia 42 Veirilli 42 Nuculacea 42 Xuculidse 42 N udibraucbiata 90 Ocinebra 120 cellulosa 120 intermedia 120 levicula 120 Octopoda 174 Odoatomia 130 acutidens 130 biautmalia 130 diaparilis 130 engonia 130 impressa 130 semiuuda 130 . terea 130 tornata 130 trifida 130 unidentata 130 Oliva IOC literata 100 reticularis 100 Olivella 100 bullula 100 floralia 100 fuscocincta 100 jaspidea 100 mutica 100 nivea 100 Olivida? 100 Omalaxis 148 lamellifera 148 nobilia 148 Ornpbalius 100 excavatna 100 fasciatua 100 Hoteaaierianua 100 Page. Ompbalins Continued. iudusii 100 Oncbidiidic 90 Oncbidium 90 floridanum 90 Oniscidia 134 Denniaoni 134 Onoba 148 Oocoiitidse 132 Oocorys 132 abyaaorum 132 sulcata 132 Opalia 124 aurifila ] 24 concava 124 crenata 124 diacobolaria 124 hellenica 12t ITotesaieriana 124 Leeana 124 Opistbobrancbiata 84 Opsiebitonia 174 Ortbodonta 94 Oacilla 130 nivea 130 Oatracea 32 Ostna 32 cristata 32 equeatria 32 froua 32 virginica 32 Ostroidae 32 Ovulactason 8t Meekii... 81 Keraudreni 130 Pandora 08 Pandoridw - 08 Papyritlea 54 bullata 54 Petitiana 54 Paramya 70 subovata. 70 Pnrastarte 48 concent rica 48 triquetra 48 Partlu-nia.... 130 cedroaa 130 Pccleu 32,34 alaskensis .. . PI. 4 autillarura .. dislocatus effluena exaaperatus. fragilis fragosua imbricatus . . . imbrifer ..... irradiana ----- leptaleas ----- magellauicna nodoatia ...... nucleus ...... ornatua ... ---- U 34 34 34 M M 34 M M 34 34 34 34 84 M 224 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Pecten Continued. phrygiuni reticulns Sigsbeei stiiatns strigillatns tbalassinus undatus vitrens Pectinacea Page. 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 32 Pectinidae 3 J Pectinodonta 156 arcuata 156 Pectunculua 42 pcctinatns 42 nndatus 42 Pedicularia 134 decussata 134 Pedipes 92 elongatns ' ... 92 liratus PI. 47 mirabilis 92 nnisulcatus PI. 47 Pelecypoda 32 Peracle di versa 80 helicoides 80 reticulata 80 Periplotua 64 angnlifera 64 fragilis 64 inaequival vis 61 papyracea 61 tenera 64 Peristichia 130 agria 130 loreta 130 Perna 36 ephippinm 36 obliqua 30 Persicula 108 catenata 108 palcherrima 108 Petalooonchus 144 erectus 141 irregularia 144 Petricola 58 dactylus 58 pholadiformis 68 Petricolidae 58 Petrophila 92 Phasianella 158 brevis 158 pulchella 158 umbilicata 158 Phasi anell idao 158 Philine 88 amabilis 88 flexnosa 88 iiifundibulum 88 lineolata PI. 72 qnadrata PI. 72 eagra 88 Binuata 88 Philinidas 88 Page. Pholadidse 72 Pholas campechiensis 72 Phos 116 Candei 116 parvus 116 Phyllonotns 120 fulvescens 120 hystricinus 120 Pazi 120 pomam 120 Pinna 36 carnea 36 in uricata 36 seminuda 36 Pisania 114 pusio 114 variegata 114 Placophora 174 atlantica 174 Placopboridae 174 Placunanomia 32 rudis 32 Planaxidse 140 Planaxis 140 lincatns 140 nucleus 140 Platidia 28 radiata ,.. 28 seminula 28 Platidmhe 28 Plectodon 66 Plenrobranchaea. . 90 tarda 90 Pleurobranchidae 90 Pleurobranchus 90 americanus 90 Pleurodon 42 Adamsii 42 Plenrotoma 96 albida 9G periscelida 96 tellea 96 vibex 96 Pleurotomaria 168 Adansoniana 168 Quoyana 168 Pleurotomariidffi 168 Plenrotomella 102 Agassizii 104 agria 104 aresta 104 Bairdii. 104 Benedict! 102 Blakeana 104 Bruneri 102 Catherine 102 chariessa 1 04 curta 104 Edgariana 104 Emertonii 10t engonia 104 extensa 104 filifera 104 fonnosa 1 2 Frielei 10* MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTHEASTERN COAST. 225 Pleurotomella Continued. Iiadria . leucomata Lottos Malniii mexicana ... Page. 104 102 104 104 101 Packardii 102 pandionis 104 phalera 104 Sandersoiiii 104 tellea 104 tincta , 104 tornata .1 104 vitrea 104 Pleurotomidas 96 Plicatula 32 raiuosa 32 Pneuinodermatidae 82 Pneumodermon 82 violaceum 82 Pol ynices 156 bi unnea 150 lactea 156 uberina 156 Poly placophora 172 Poromya 68 albida 68 elongata 63 granulata 68 neseroidea 68 rotundata .. 68 aublevia 68 tornata 68 Porouiyidao 68 Prionodesmacea 32 Propeatmisium 34 Propilidium 156 ancyloide 156 elegana 156 pertenue 156 Psanimobia 58 vaginata 58 Paammobiidae 58 Pseiidamusium 34 Ptenoglossa ... 122 Ptei-onotus 120 macropterua 120 phaneua 120 tristichus 120 Pteropoda 80,84 Ptychosalpinx 114 globulus 114 Pulmonata. 90 Puncturella 168 abyssicola 170 agger 168 circalaria 168 erecta 170 eritmeta 168 profandi 168 sportella 170 trifolium 168 "Watsoni 168 Purpnra 122 deltoidea 122 24781 Bull. 37 15 Page. Purpura Continued. h;i -mas t otua 122 lapillus 122 patula 122 Purpurlnae 122 Pyramidella 128 Candida . . 128 crenulata 128 dolabrata 128 Pyramidellidae 128 Pyrula 134 papyratia 134 Ranularia 132 tuberoaa 132 Retusa 86 c;elata 86 Gouldii 86 obeaiuscula 86 ovata 86 pertenuia 86 aulcata 87 Khachiglossa 106 Rhinoclama 68 Rhipidoglosaa 158 Rbyncbonellidae 28 Rimula 170 f ren ulata 170 Ringicula , 84 nitida 84 aemiatriata 84 Ringiculidae 84 Ringiculina 84 Riasoa 148 aculeua 148 acuticostata 150 bryehia 148 castanea 148 exarata 148 Jaii-Mayeni 148 minuta 148 pelagica 148 precipitata 148 pyrrhiaa 150 Sanderaoni 148 ayngenea 150 xanthiaa 150 Riasoidae 148 Riaaoina 150 bryerea 150 cancellata 150 Cheanelii 150 decuaaata 150 la-vigata 150 multicostata 150 Sagraiana 150 Sabatia * 86 batbymophlla 86 Saudaliutn 152 Sanguinolaria 60 roaea 60 Saxicava 70 arctica 70 azaria 70 Saxicavidae 70 Sayella 92 226 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Page. | Page. Sayella Continued. Seguenziidae 142 Crosaeana 92 Seila 138 Hemphillii 92 terebralis 138 Scala 122 Semele 62 ALdrewai ^98,P1. 61 cancellata 62 a gu ata 122 nuculoidea 62 apiculata 122 obliqua 62 babylonia 124 r.-ticulata 62 belaurita 124 Semelidas 52 Blandii 124 Separatiata ... 152 Candeana 124 Sepiophora 174 cemiquadra 122 Septifer 38 clathratula 124 Sijiaretus 156 clatbrua 124 uiaeulatus 158 cocblea 124 minor 15U contorqnata 122 perspectivus 156 Dalliana 124 [ Siliqua 70 denticulata 124 costata. 70 Duiikeriana..! 124 Siliquaria 144 eburnea 122 modesta 144 erectispina 124 aquamata 144 fonnoaisaima 124 Sinmia 144 Frielei 124 | acicularis 134 gronlandica 124 aureocincta 134 Krebsii 124 intermedia 134 liiuata 124 uniplicata 134 multistriata 122 Sipbo 114 muscapedia 122 j Bocagei 114 nitidella 124 j calatua 114 novemcostata 124 | glyptus 114 permodesta 124 ; hiapidulus 114 pernobilis 124 i islandicus 114 pelacia 124 j obesus 114 Pourtalesii 122 j planulus 114 retifera 124 pubescena 144 Kuahii 124 pygraaeus i 144 Sayana 122! Rushii 114 scipio 124 j Saraii 114 sericifila 124 simplex 114 tennis 122 Stimpsoni 114 terea 124 Siphonaria 92 turricula 124 alternata 92 Scaphander 86 lineolata 92 nobilia 86 Siphonariidae 92 punctostriatus 86 Siphonium 144 Wataonii 80 nebulosum 144 Scaphandridae 86 Sistrum 122 Scapharca 40 noduloaum 122 .Scapbella 110 roseum 122 i Junonia 110 Skenea.. .- 150 'Scapbopoda. 76 planorbis 150 Scisaurella 168 Solariella 164 alta 168 j aegleia 16t ' criapata 168 amabilia 164 Sciaaurellidae 168 clavata - 164 Sconaia 134 depreaaa 164 striata 134 infundibulum 164 Scutellina 158 iridea 164 : antillaium 158 iris. 164 Scutellinitke 158 lacunella 164 Seguenzia.....;..,..... 142 lamelloaa 14 carinata.. 142 lata 164 1 ionica ..-..-.. 142 lissoconas.* 164 monocingulata 142 lubrica. 164 triapinosa.. 142 bbacura 164 MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTHEASTERN COAST. 227 Page. Solariella Continued. Ottoi 164 rhina 164 scabriascula 164 Solariidae 148 Solarium 148 bisulcatum: 148 | boreale 148 j granulatum 148 Krebaii 148 i peracutum 148 j Sigsbeei 148 ; Solecurtus 70 Solen 72 Solenacea 70 Solenidae 70 Solenoconchia 76 Solenoraya 46 occidentalis 46 velum 46 Solenoinyacea 46 Solenomyidae 46 Soletellina 58 rufescens 58 Spengleria 72 rostrata 72 Spirotropis 104 ephamilla 104 Spirula 174 Pcronii 174 Spirulidae 174 Spondylidae 32 Sponclylus 32 Guaaoni 32 spatbuliferua 32 Spongiobranchaea australis PI. 66 Stilifer 126 Stimpsoni .. 126 Stomatella 168 picta 168 Stomitiidae 168 Streptodonta 122 Streptoneura 94 Strigilla 62 carnaria 62 flexuoaa 62 pisiforrais 62 Strombidae 136 Strombus 136 accipitrinus 136 bituberculatus 136 costatua 136 gigaa.. 136 pugilis 136 Styliola 80 aubula 80 Stylommatop bora 90 Stylopaia 130 rcsticula .. 130 Subemarginula , . 170 octoradiata 170 Subula 94 Sychar 138 Syrnola 130 fuaca 130 producta 130 Tacbyrhyncbua erosa PI. 48 Page. Taeniogloaaa 132 Tagelus 58 diviaus 58 gibbua - 58 Tarania 104 cirrata 10 1 Tectariua 146 muricatna 146 Tectibranchiata 84 Teinoatoma 160 cryptoapira 160 aemistriata 160 Teleodesmacea 46 Tellidora 62 criatata 62 Tellimya 50 elevata 50 ferruginoaa 50 tuttrdula 50 Tell.na 60 alternata 60 carolinenaia 60 cuneata 60 decora 60 fauata 60 Gonldii 60 interrupta 60 iria 60 laevigata 60 linc.it a 60 raagna CO mera CO modeata CO nitida 60 polita 60 radiata 60 aquauiifera 60 atiiata 60 sybaritica 60 tenella 60 tenera 60 veraicolor 60 Tellinacea 58 Tellinidae 60 Terebra 94 benthalia 94 ciuerea 94 concava 94 dialocata 94 floridana 94 bastata 94 limatula 94 lutesct-na 94 iiassula 94 protexta 94 Ruahii 94 vinoaa 94 Terebratula ..... 28 Bartletti...... 28 cubenaia 28 incerta - 28 Terebratulidaa 28 Terebratulina 28 Cailleti ... 28 septentrionalia 28, PI. 69 Terebrid 94 Teredidse 74 228 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Teredo dilatata megotara navalis norvegica Thomson! Thecidiidee Thocidium Barrett! mediterranean) Thecosomata Tb eodoxus Thracia Conradi corbuloides distorta Page. 74 74 74 74 74 74 28 28 28 2S 60 168 64 64 64 64 my opsis PI . 59 phaseolina 64 Stimpsoni 64 truncata PI. 59 Tiudaria 44 Tivela 56 mactroides 56 Tonicia 174 Schrammii 174 Torcula 144 Torellia flmbriata , PI. 62 Toriniu 148 ran al it era 148 cyclostoma 148 cylindrica 148 Tornatina 84 bullata 84 canaliculata 84 Candei 84 recta 84 Tornatinidae 84 Toxoglossa 94 Trachydermon 172 exaratus 172 ruber 172 Tralia 92 minuscula 92 puailla 92 Trausennella 56 Conradina 56 cubaniaua 56 Trichotropidse 142 Trichotropia 142 Triforidae 138 Triforis 138 abrupta 138 aspera 138 bigemma 138 colon 138 cy lindrolla 138 decorata 138 hircus 138 ibex 138 inflata 138 intermedia 138 lilacina 138 longisaima 138 melannra 138 mirabilia 138 nigrocincta 138 Page. Triforis Continued. oli vacea 138 perversa 138 pulchella 138 Rnshii 138 torticula 138 triserialis 138 turriathomfe 138 Trigonostoma 104 Agassizii 104 Smithii 104 teiiera 104 Trigonulina 66 clegantissima 66 omata 66 Tritonidea 116 cancellaria 116 litubata 116 Orbignyi 116 tincta 116 Tritoniidae 132 Tritouium 132 nobilis 132 tvitonis 132 Trivia 136 cnndidula 136 glubosa 136 nivea 136 pediculus 136 quadripunctata 136 subrostrata 136 suffusa 136 Trochidae 160 Trophon 120 Trnncatella t 152 bilabiata 152 caribseensia 152 pulchella 152 subcyliudrica 152 Truncatellid 152 Turbo 158 cas'.aneus 158 crenulatus 158 filosus 158 Spenglerianua 158 Turbinella HO Tin binellidae ^ - 110 Turbimdse 158 Turbonilla 128 belotbeca 128 Bushiana 128 cnrta - 128 elegans 128 exilis ^28 graudis 128 interrupta 128 levia 128 mnlticostata 128 obeliacus 128 perlepida 128 puncta 128 punicea . 128 pusilla Rathbnni 128 reticulata I 28 subulata 128 MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE SOUTHEASTERN COAST. 229 Page. Page. Turbonilla Continued. Verniicularia Continued. yucatecana 144 spirata 144 virga 128 Veronicella 90 Turcicula 162 floridana 90 imperialia 162 Wronicellidae 90 Turritella 144 Verticordia - 66 acropora 144 acuticostata 66 exoleta 144 flexuoaa 66 variegata 144 granulifera 66 Turritellidae 144 perversa 66 Turtonia 48 Seguenzse 66 minuta 43 \Voodii 66 Typhis 122 Verticordiidse 66 longicornia 122 Vesicomya 54 Ultimua 134 pilula 54 gibbosus 134 venusta 54 Umboniuui 160 Vitrinella 166 Bairdii 160 interrupta 166 TJmbracnlidaB 88 multicarinata 166 Umbrtculum 88 Voluta 108 bermudense 88 virescens 108 Ungulinidae 50 Volutella 108 Urosalpinx.. 120 amianta 108 caioliuensis 122 hadria 108 ciuereus 120 lacrimula 108 macra 122 ovuliformia 108 perrngatus 120 Volutidse 108 tampaensis 122 Volutomitra gronlandica P1.34 Utriculus 86 Volvarina 108 domitus 86 Volvula 86 Frielei 86 acuta 86 vortex 86 aspinoaa 86 Veneracea 54 Bushii 86 Yeuericardia 46 oxytata 86 borealis 46 WiUiamia 92 flabella 46 Krebsii 92 granulata 46 Xenophora 154 !Nov-Angli* 46 caribasa 154 tridentata 46 conehyliophora 154 Veneridae 54 Xenophoridaa 154 Venerigloaaa 56 Xylopbaga 72 vesica 56 abyasorum 72 Veniliidae 54 dorsalia 72 Veuus 54 Xylotrya 74 Beaui ! 54 bipinnata 74 cancellata 54 fimbriata. 74 cribraria 54 Yoldia 44 crispata 54 hebes , 44 granulata 54 insoulpta 44 Lamarckii 54 Jeffreys! 44 mercenaria 54 ; limatula 44 Mortoni 54 ; liorhina 44 pilula 54 ] pompholyx 44 pj'gmaaa. 54 sapotilla 44 rugatina 54 sericea 44 rugosa 54 solenoides 44 varicosa. 54 subequilatera 44 Vermetidae 144 Zirphsea 72 Vennetua 144 criapata 72 Vermicularia 144 semicostata 72 nigricans 144 Zygobranchia 168 SUPPLEMENTARY INDEX, CONTAINING SPECIES FIGURED ON PLATES LXXV TO XCV, Abra longicallis Abra longieallis, var. americana Acrilla retifera Admete microscopica Adranella casta Agriopoma texasiana Plate. 81 81 76 75 . . 79 93 Agriopoma zonata .......................... 89 Aligena elevata ............................ 85 Ampea mitchelli ............................ 76 Angulus colorata .......................... 92 Angulus flagellnm ......................... 92 Angnlus promera .......................... 92 Anisodontacorbuloides .................... 84 Area adamsi, var. conradiaua .............. 88 Area sagrinata ............................. 88 Astarte globula ............................ 93 Asthenothserus hemphilli .................. 88 Auriniadubia ........... '. .................. 75 Axinulus? elliptica ........................ 87 Axinnlus pygmaea ......................... 77 Bath yarca profnndicola .................... 80 Bomia longipes ............................ 84 Boniia retifera ............................. 83 Ca'locardia zouata .............. . ........... 89 Cardiomya abyssicola ...................... 95 Cardiomya gemma ......................... 94, 95 Cardioniya ornatissima ..................... 94 Cardiomya perrostrata ..................... 95 Ceratobornia longi pes ... ................... 84 Chama lactnca ............................. 88 Chione mazyckii ........................... 90 Chlamys costellata ......................... 77 Chlamys islandicus ........................ 77 Clidiophora gouldiana ..................... . 93 Clidiophora inornata ....................... 82 Clidiopbora triliiieata ...................... 88 Cirsotrema cochlea ......................... 76 Conus stimpsoni ............................ 75 Crenella faba ............................... 88 Crenella fragilis ..................... 1 ...... 81 Crenella pectinula ......................... 88 Cucullaria sagrinata ....................... 88 Cuspidaria abyssicola ...................... 95 Cuspidaria arctica ......................... 94, 95 Cuspidaria formosa ........................ 78, 95 Cuspidaria fraterna ........................ 94 Cuspidaria gemma ......................... 94, 95 Cuspidaria glacialis ........................ 94 Cuspidaria lamellosa ....................... 95 Cuspidaria media .......................... 94 231 Plate. Cuspidaria ornatissima 94 Cuspidaria parva 95 Cuspidaria perrostrata 95 Cuspidaria subtorta 95 Cuspidaria uudata 80 Cyliclma verrillii 75 Cytherea callimorpha 90 Cytherea strigillina 89 Daphnella eugrammata 75 Dosinia discus 89,90 Dosinia elegans 89,90 Dosinidia discus 89, 90 Dosinidia elegans 89, 90 Elliptotellina americana 92 Ery cina compressa 83 Erycina emmonsi 84 Erycina fernandina 84 Erycina linella 84 Erycina periscopiana 84 Erycina rugifera 83 Fulcrella corbuloides 84 Gebia pngetensis 83 Hyalopatina rushii 76 Kellia suborbicularis, var. gouldii 85 Kennerleyia bushiana 88 Kennerleyia brevis 86 Latirus cayolmesonicus 76 Leda bushiana 78 Lima albicoma 93 Limopsis minuta 80 Limopsis profundicola 81 Limopsis sulcata 82, 91 Lyonsia granulifera 82 Lyonsiella cordata 82 Macoma extenuata 92 Macoma in data 86 Macoma liinula 92 Macoma mitchelli 92 Mactra richmondi 88 Mactrella iheringi 93 Martesiafragilis 78 Meretrix: simpsoni 93 Meretrix stinipsoui 88 Meretrix texasiana 93 Merisca crystallina 92 Microyoldia regularis 80 Montacuta elevata 84 Montacuta ferruginosa 87 Montacuta floridana 83 Moutacnta limpida 83 232 BULLETIN 37, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Plate. Montacuta miuuscula Montaeula percompressa Muricidea inultangula Muricidea ostrearum Muricidea philippiana Myonera limatula Myonera ruginosa Nueula cancellata 77 Nucula granulosa 86 Nncula proxima? var. ovata 80 Kucula subovata 81 Nucula verrillii 82 Pandora bushiana 88 Pandora gouldiana 93 Pandora trilineata 88 Pecten costellata 77 PecU-n gibbus, var. amplicostatus 93 Pecten inland icus 77 Periploma undulata 78 Philobrya atlantica 93 Plagioctcnium gibbus, var. amplicostatus . 93 Psanimacoraa extenuata 92 Pseudoneptunea multangula 76 Pseudopythina compressa 83 Pseudopythina rugifera 83 Ketusa mayoi 75 Rochefortia aleutica 83 Rochefortia barbadeusis 83 Rochefortia casta , 85 Rochefortia' molleri 84 Rochefortia pedroana 84 Rochefortia plauata 84 Rochefortia planulata 85 Rochefortia tuiuida 83 Rochefortia (tumidula var?) 85 Rupellaria ? cancellata 91 Scala cochlea 76 Scala mitchelli 76 Scala nitidella 76 Scala retifera 76 Scala seipio 75 Scapharca prof undicola , 80 Solemya grandis 77 Sportella cahfornica 84 Sportella pilsbry i 84 Sportella stearusii 83 '1 ell ina americana 92 Telliua colorata 92 Plate. Tellina crystallina ......................... 92 Tellina rtagellum ........................... 92 Tellina georgiana .......................... Tellina iheringi ............................ Telliua promera ............................ Terebra floridana .......................... Terebra ruahii ............................. Terebra texana ............................. 92 92 92 75 75 75 87 87 Thyasira croulinensis Thyasira elliptica Thyasira equalis, var. alta 86 Thyasira iuaequalis 87 Thyasira plana 86 Thyasira pygmaea 77 Tindaria callistiformis 79, 80 Tivela abacouis 90 Tivela braziliana 89 Tivela nasuta 89 Transennella conradiua 90 Transenella cubaniaha 90 Transennella stimpsoui 88 Umbraculum rushii 76 Ventricola callimorpha 90 Ventricola strigilliua 89 Verticordia granulifera 82 Yoldia casta 79 Yoldia dissimilis 80 Yoldia fraterna 79 Yoldia frigida 78 Yoldia inconspicua 78 Yoldia intiata 79 Yoldia iris 79 Yoldia Jeffrey si 81 Yoldia lenticula 79 Yoldia lucida 79 Yoldia minuscula 78 Yoldia subangulata 78 Yoldiella dissimilis 80 Yoldiella fraterna " 79 Yoldiella frigida 78 Yoldiella inconspicua 78 Yoldiella innata 79 Yoldiella iris 79 Yoldiella Jeffreys! 81 Yoldiella lenticuia, var amblia 79 Yoldiella lucida 79 Yoldiella minuscula 78 Yoldiella subangulata 78 o Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE I. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE II. ib Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE III. 10 Bulletin 37, U S National Museum. DaM. Marine Mollusks. PLATE IV. fb Bulletin 37. U. S. National Museum.- Dall. Marine Mo:!usks PLATE V. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dai:. Marine Mollusks. PLATE VI. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE VII. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE VIII. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks PLATE LXXI. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE X. Bulletin 37, U, S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XI. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XII. 12 Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XIII. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XIV. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum, Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XV. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XVI. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XVII. Ib 10 J Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XVIII. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. *Marine Mollusks. PLATE XIX. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XX. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XXI. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XXII. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Call. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XXIII. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XXIV. 4a Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XXV. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollus-ks. PLATE XXVI. o Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XXVII. o o Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XXVIII. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XXIX. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XXX. Bulletin 37, U, S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XXXI. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XXXII. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Muse PLATE XXXII. / Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XXXIII. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XXXIV. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XXXV. 12a Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XXXVI. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XXXVII. McConnell del. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XXXVIII. McConnell del. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XXXIX. 11 McConnell del. /Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks PLATE XL. McConnell del. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XLI. Bulletin 37, U S. National Museum. Da!!. Marine Moilusks. PLATE XLII. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XLIII. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Ball. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XLIV. Bulletin 37, U. S National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XLV. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. DaN. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XLVI. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XLVII. 11 Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XLVIII. 13 Hi Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XLIX. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Call. Marine Mollusks. PLATE L. ta 1C, 18 1!) Vi'J 28 Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LI. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LM. 10 IS I IB uii V-^aif V8^;i M XG Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE Llll. 10 Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LIV. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LV. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LVI. 10 11 Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dal! Marine Mollusks. Bulletin 37, U S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LVIII. 18 Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall, Marine Moflusks. PLATE LIX. r~ Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LX. 69 Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. T5 Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LXII. 84t 85 89 Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LXIII. 103 Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LXIV. 106 142 126 U2a Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LXV. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LXVII. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LXVIII. ^m v**'., UDM apK>eF t-r-iv / " iJ it * "' '! ^t.-lt 1 - c jjJRfffMiZiMMVniJ ^"' <1< i . ' ' ' i ! ' ' ^ f. ...'../ . ,,,..., !>,, '-(., - ,7- :;..,: rmimwuMMimM.-m*' Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LXIX. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks PLATE LXX. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks PLATE LXXI. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LXX1I. Bulleti . 37, U. S National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks PLATE LXXIII. Bulletin 37, U. b. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LXXIV. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museurr. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LXXV. 11 Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks, PLATE LXXVI. BuMetin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine MollusVs. PLATE LXXVII. mm Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LXXVIII. Bulletin 37, U. S National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LXXIX. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LXXX. X6 X20 X4 X20 X2 X15 Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LXXXI. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LXXXII. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LXXXIII. Bulletin 37, U. S National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LXXXIV. 10 11 13 Bulletin 37. U. S. National Museum. Call. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LXXXV. X20 X13 X13 Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine MoMusks. PLATE LXXXVI. X8 Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LXXXVII. X13 Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks PLATE LXXXVIII. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mohusks. PLATE LXXXIX. Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks PLATE XC. Buletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Moilusks. PLATE XCI. X16 X16 \ X6 Bulletin 37, U. S National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XCII. Bulletin 37, U, S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks PLATE XCIII. e 7 Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum. Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XCV. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED EARTH SCIENCES LIBRARY This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed bjoks are subject to immediate recall. JUL22 LD 21-50m-12,'61 (04796810)476 General Library University of California Berkeley U.U. BERKELEY LIBRARIES CDMS3D537D