UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS VOL. XXI. MARCH 15, 1920. No. 6. SCIENCE BULLETIN Vol. XII, Nos. 1 and 2 (Continuation of Kansas University Quarterly.) LAWRENCE, KANSAS Published Semimonthly from January to June and Monthly from July to December, inclusive, by the University of Kansas. Entered as second-class matter December 29, 1910, at the post office at Lawrence, Kansas, under the act of July 16, 1894. NOTICE TO EXCHANGES. The attention of learned societies and other institutions which exchange scientific publications with the University of Kansas is called to the list of publications of this University on the third and fourth pages of the cover of this issue. Those marked "Supply exhausted" cannot be furnished at all; those marked "Supply small" cannot be furnished sep- arately ; thpse marked "Supply large" will gladly be furnished to any of our exchanges who may need them to complete their files. Back numbers of the Kansas University Quarterly and Geo- logical Survey, as far as possible, will be sent to those of our newer correspondents who are able and willing to reciprocate. ANNOUNCEMENT. The Kansas University Science Bulletin Continuation of the Kansas University Quarterly) is issued in parts at irregu- lar intervals. One or more volumes, containing from 300 to 400 pages of reading-matter, with necessary illustrations, is issued each year. The subscription price is $3 per volume. Exchanges with other institutions and learned societies every- where are solicited. All exchanges should be addressed to the LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS. All communications should be addressed to THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN, LAWRENCE, KAN. EDITORIAL BOARD. W. J. BAUMGARTNER, Managing Editor. H. E. JORDAN, Exchange Editor. S. J. HUNTER. W. C. STEVENS. W. S. HUNTER. O. O. STOLAND. THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN VOL. XII, No. 1-MARCH 15, 1920 Whole Series, Vol. XXII, No. 1. ENTOMOLOGY NUMBER IV CONTENTS: THE CICADELLID;E OF KANSAS, P. B.\Lawwn. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY LAWRENCE. KAN. Knt-n-d at the post office at Lawrence as second class matu-i KANSAS STATE PRINTING PLANT IMRT ZUMWALT, STATE, PKTOTKR TOPEKA. 1920 ro o Agria. "V. 4- cvr lr- u; o TABLE OF CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION 5 ^ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS . , 8 *n v ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF THE CICADELLID^E ". 10 ,x LIFE HISTORY 22 ' NATURAL ENEMIES 26 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION 30 SYSTEMATIC POSITION OF THE CICADELLID;E 33 THE CHIEF MORPHOLOGICAL FEATURES 40 ATHE MALE GENITALIA 44 RECOGNITION OF THE CICADELLID^ 53 YSTEMATIC TREATMENT OF THE KANSAS SPECIES 54 297 289754 THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN VOL. XII, No. 1.] MARCH 15, 1920. [vXS&l The Cicadellidae of Kansas." BY P. B. LAWSON. INTRODUCTION. The first attempt to make a list of the Cicadellidx of Kan- sas seems to have been made by Professor E. A. Popenoe, who in 1885, in the Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, vol. IX, p. 63, listed a few of the members of this family that he had personally collected in the two preceding years. Nothing more seems to have been done along this line till the year 1905, when there appeared a list of the Kansas species in the Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, vol. XIX, p. 235, by Mr. F. F. Crevecreur, in which some eighty species and varieties were reported, nearly if not all of them taken by himself, within a few miles of his home at Onaga, Kan. He was followed by Mr. E. S. Tucker, who in 1906, in vol. XX, part 2, p. 192, of the same publication, added twenty- three species to Mr. Crevecceur's list, all of these species being taken in Douglas county. A fourth list was published in 1907 by the same writer in the Kansas University Science Bulletin, vol. IV, p. 65, where were listed the species taken by him in Douglas and Sedgwick counties. And finally, in 1911, there appeared a complete list of all the Cicadellidss taken in the state to date, by Mr. S. E. Crumb, who published his list, along with available host plant records, in the Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, vol. XXIV, p. 232. * Submitted to the Department of Entomology and to the graduate faculty of the Uni versity of Kansas in partial fulfillment of the requirements fw tho