UPRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LEGENDS OF THE CONQUEST OF SPAIN BY THE AUTHOR OF "THE SKETCH-BOOK. LONDON: JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET. MDCCCXXXVI. Af PREFACE. FEW events in history have been so signal and striking in their main circumstances, and so overwhelming and enduring in their consequences, as that of the con quest of Spain by the Saracens ; yet there are few where the motives, characters, and actions of the agents have been en veloped in more doubt and contradiction. As in the memorable story of the Fall of Troy, we have to make out, as well as we can, the veritable details through the mists of poetic fiction ; yet poetry has so combined itself with, and lent its magic colouring to, every fact, that to A3, 726 VI PREFACE. strip it away, would be to reduce the story to a meagre skeleton, and rob it of all its charms. The storm of Moslem in vasion that swept so suddenly over the peninsula, silenced for a time the faint voice of the Muse, and drove the sons of learning from their cells. The pen was thrown aside to grasp the sword and spear ; and men were too much taken up with battling against the evils which beset them on every side, to find time or inclination to record them. When the nation had recovered in some degree from the effects of this astounding blow, or rather, had become accustomed to the tremendous reverse which it produced, and sage men sought to inquire and write the particulars, it was too late to ascertain them in their PREFACE. Vll exact verity. The gloom and melan choly that had overshadowed the land, had given birth to a thousand supersti tious fancies ; the woes and terrors of the past were clothed with supernatural miracles and portents, and the actors in the fearful drama had already assumed the dubious characteristics of romance. Or if a writer from among the con querors undertook to touch upon the theme, it was embellished with all the wild extravagances of an oriental ima gination ; which afterwards stole into the graver works of the monkish historians. Hence the earliest chronicles which treat of the downfal of Spain are apt to be tinctured with those saintly miracles which savour of the pious labours of the cloister, or those fanciful fictions A 4 Till PREFACE. that betray their Arabian authors. Yet, from these apocryphal sources, the most legitimate and accredited Spanish histo ries have taken their rise, as pure rivers may be traced up to the fens and mantled pools of a morass. It is true, the authors, with cautious discrimination, have dis carded those particulars too startling for belief, and have culled only such as, from their probability and congruity, might be safely recorded as historical facts ; yet scarce one of these but has been connected in the original with some romantic fiction, and, even in its divorced state, bears traces of its former alliance. To discard, however, every thing wild arid marvellous in this portion of Spanish history, is to discard some of its most beautiful, instructive, and national fea- PREFACE. IX tures ; it is to judge of Spain by the standard of probability suited to tamer and more prosaic countries. Spain is virtually a land of poetry and romance, where every-day life partakes of adven ture, and where the least agitation or excitement carries every thing up into extravagant enterprise and daring ex- ploit. The Spaniards, in all ages, have been of swelling and braggart spirit, soar ing in thought, pompous in word, and valiant, though vainglorious, in deed. Their heroic aims have transcended the cooler conceptions of their neighbours, and their reckless daring has borne them on to achievements which prudent enter prise could never have accomplished. Since the time, too, of the conquest and occupation of their country by the Arabs, a strong infusion of oriental magnificence A 5 X PREFACE* has entered into the national character, and rendered the Spaniard distinct from every other nation of Europe. In the following pages, therefore, the author has ventured to dip more deeply into the enchanted fountains of old Spanish chronicle, than has usually been done by those who, in modern times, have treated of the eventful period of the conquest; but, in so doing, he trusts he will illustrate more fully the character of the people and the times. He has thought proper to throw these records into the form of legends, not claiming for them the authenticity of sober his tory, yet giving nothing that has not historical foundation. All the facts herein contained, however extravagant some of them may be deemed, will be PREFACE. found in the works of sage and reverend chroniclers of yore, growing side by side with long acknowledged truths, and might be supported by learned and im posing references in the margin. CONTENTS. LEGEND OF DON RODERICK. CHAPTER I. Page Of the ancient Inhabitants of Spain. Of the Misrule of Witiza the Wicked - - - 1 CHAPTER II. The Rise of Don Roderick. His Government 1 1 CHAPTER III. Of the Loves of Roderick and the Princess Elyata - - 18 CHAPTER IV. Of Count Julian - V . - 27 CHAPTER V. The Story of Florinda - - - - -31 XIV CONTENTS. CHAPTER VI. Page Don Roderick receives an extraordinary Em bassy - . . ... 44 CHAPTER VII. Story of the marvellous and portentous Tower 50 CHAPTER VIII. Count Julian. His Fortunes in Africa. He hears of the Dishonour of his Child. His Conduct thereupon - - 66 CHAPTER IX. Secret Visit of Count Julian to the Arab Camp. First Expedition of Taric el Tu- erto - 78 CHAPTER X. Letter of Muza to the Caliph. Second Ex pedition of Taric el Tuerto - - 85 CHAPTER XL Measures of Don Roderick on hearing of the Invasion. Expedition of Ataulpho. Vi sion of Taric ----*- 94 CONTENTS. XV CHAPTER XII. Page Battle of Calpe. Fate of Ataulpho - - 102 CHAPTER XIII. Terror of the Country. Roderick rouses himself to Arms - - 112 CHAPTER XIV. March of the Gothic Army. Encampment on the Banks of the Guadalete. Mysteri ous Predictions of a Palmer. Conduct of Pelistes thereupon - - 121 CHAPTER XV. Skirmishing of the Armies. Pelistes and his Son. Pelistes and the Bishop - 129 CHAPTER XVI. Traitorous Message of Count Julian - - 136 CHAPTER XVIL Last Day of the Battle - 141 CHAPTER XVIII. The Field of Battle after the Defeat. The Fate of Roderick - ; - ; - - 150 XVI CONTENTS. ILLUSTRATIONS TO THE FOREGOING LEGEND. Page The Tomb of Roderick - 158 The Cave of Hercules - - - 160 LEGEND OF THE SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. CHAPTER I. Consternation of Spain. Conduct of the Con querors. Missives between Taric and Muza 173 CHAPTER II. Capture of Granada Subjugation of the Alpuxarra Mountains - 181 CHAPTER III. Expedition of Magued against Cordova. Defence of the Patriot Pelistes - - - 1 92 CHAPTER IV. Defence of the Convent of St. George by Pelistes - 198 CHAPTER V. Meeting between the Patriot Pelistes and the Traitor Julian C 207 CONTENTS. CHAPTER VI. Page How Taric el Tuerto captured the City of Toledo through the Aid of the Jews, and how he found the famous Talismanic Table of Solomon - - - _ . -213 CHAPTER VII. Muza ben Nozier His Entrance into Spain, and Capture of Carmona - .si . -223 CHAPTER VIII. Muza marches against the City of Seville - 230 CHAPTER IX. Muza besieges the City of Merida - " . 233 CHAPTER X. Expedition of Abdalasis against Seville and the Land of Tadmir " - 24-5 CHAPTER XL Muza arrives at Toledo. Interview between him and Taric - . 259 CHAPTER XII. Muza prosecutes the Scheme of Conquest. Siege of Saragossa. Complete Subjugation of Spain. - . . 266 XV11I CONTENTS. CHAPTER XIII. Page Feud between the Arab Generals. They are summoned to appear before the Caliph at Damascus. Reception of Taric - - 273 CHAPTER XIV. Muza arrives at Damascus. His Interview with the Caliph. The Table of Solomon. A rigorous Sentence - 282 CHAPTER XV. Conduct of Abdalasis as Emir of Spain - 289 CHAPTER XVI. Loves of Abdalasis and Exilona - 296 CHAPTER XVII. Fate of Abdalasis and Exilona. Death of Muza - - - - - 305 LEGEND OF COUNT JULIAN AND HIS FAMILY - - - - 313 Note to the preceding Legend - - 339 THE LEGEND OF DON RODERICK. THE LEGEND OF DON RODERICK.* CHAPTER I. OF THE ANCIENT INHABITANTS OF SPAIN. OF THE MISRULE OF W1TIZA THE WICKED. SPAIN, or Iberia, as it was called in ancient days, has been a country harassed from the earliest times by the invader. The Celts, the Greeks, the Phoenicians, the Cartha- * Many of the facts in this legend are taken from an old chronicle, written in (quaint and antiquated * ^Spanish, and professing to be a~~translation from the Arabian chronicle of the Moor Rasis, by Moham med, a Moslem writer, and Gil Parez, a Spanish priest. It is supposed to be a piece of literary mo saic work, made up from both Spanish and Arabian chronicles : yet from this work most of the Spanish historians have drawn their particulars relative to the fortunes of Don Roderick. THE LEGEND OF ginians, by turns, or simultaneously, in fringed its territories ; drove the native Iberians from their rightful homes, and es tablished colonies and founded cities in the land. It subsequently fell into the all-grasp ing power of Rome, remaining for some time a subjugated province ; and when that gigantic empire crumbled into pieces, the Suevi, the Alani, and the Vandals, those barbarians of the north, overran and ravaged this devoted country, and portioned out the soil among them. Their sway was not of long duration. In the fifth century the Goths, who were then the allies of Rome, undertook the reconquest of Iberia, and succeeded, after a desperate struggle of three years duration. They drove before them the barbarous hordes, their predecessors ; intermarried and incorporated themselves with the original inhabitants ; and founded a powerful and splendid empire,, comprising the Iberian peninsula, the ancient Narbonnaise, afterwards called Gallia Gotica, or Gothic Gaul, and a part of the African DON RODERICK. 3 coast called Tingitania. A new nation was, in a manner, produced by this mixture of the Goths and Iberians. Sprung from a union of warrior races, reared and nurtured amidst the din of arms, the Gothic Spaniards, if they may so be termed, were a warlike, unquiet, yet high-minded and heroic people. Their simple and abstemious habits, their contempt for toil and suffering, arid their love of daring enterprise, fitted them for a soldier s life. So addicted were they to war that, \\shen they had no external foes to contend with, they fought with one another ; and, when engaged in battle, says an old chro nicler, the very thunders and lightnings of heaven could not separate them.* For two centuries and a half the Gothic power remained unshaken, and the sceptre was wielded by twenty-five successive kings. The crown was elective, in a council of pala tines, composed of the bishops and nobles : who, while they swore allegiance to the * Florian de Ocampo, lib. iii. c. 12. Justin Abrer. Trog. Pomp. lib. xliv. Bleda. Cronica, lib. ii. c. S. B 2 4 THE LEGEND OF newly-made sovereign, bound him by a re ciprocal oath to be faithful to his trust. Their choice was made from among the people, subject only to one condition, that the king- should be of pure Gothic blood. But though the crown was elective in princi ple, it gradually became hereditary from usage, and the power of the sovereign grew to be almost absolute. The king was com- mander-in-chief of the armies ; the whole patronage of the kingdom was in his hands , he summoned and dissolved the national councils ; he made and revoked laws accord ing to his pleasure ; and, having ecclesiasti cal supremacy, he exercised a sway even over the consciences of his subjects. The Goths, at the time of their inroad, were stouf adherents to the Arian doctrines ; but after a time they embraced the Catholic faith, which was maintained by the native Spaniards free from many of the gross su perstitions of the church at Rome; and this unity of faith contributed more than any thing else to blend and harmonise the two races DON RODERICK. 5 into one. The bishops and other clergy were exemplary in their lives, and aided to pro mote the influence of the laws and maintain the authority of the state. The fruits of regular and secure government were mani fest in the advancement of agriculture, com merce, and the peaceful arts, and in the increase of wealth, luxury, and refinement ; but there was a gradual decline of the simple, hardy, and warlike habits that had distin guished the nation in its semi-barbarous days. Such was the state of Spain when, in the year of Redemption 701, Witiza was elected to the Gothic throne. The beginning of his reign gave promise of happy days to Spain. He redressed grievances, moderated the tri butes of his subjects, and conducted himself with mingled mildness and energy in the administration of the laws. In a little while, however, he threw off the mask, and showed himself in his true nature, cruel and luxurious. Two of his relatives, sons of a preceding B 3 6 THE LEGEND OF king, awakened his jealousy for the security of his throne. One of them, named Favila, duke of Cantabria, he put to death, and would have inflicted the same fate upon his son Pelayo, but that the youth was beyond his reach, being preserved by Providence for the future salvation of Spain. The other object of his suspicion was Theodofredo, who lived retired from court. The violence of Witiza reached him even in his retirement. His eyes were put out, and he was immured within a castle at Cordova. Roderick, the youthful son of Theodofredo, escaped to Italy, where he received protection from the Romans. Witiza, now considering himself secure upon the throne, gave the reins to his licen tious passions ; and soon, by his tyranny and sensuality, acquired the appellation of Witiza the Wicked. Despising the old Gothic con tinence, and yielding to the example of the sect of Mahomet, which suited his lascivious temperament, he indulged in a plurality of wives and concubines, encouraging his sub- DON RODERICK. 7 jects to do the same. Nay, he even sought to gain the sanction of the church to his excesses ; promulgating a law by which the clergy were released from their vows of celibacy, and per rnitted to marry and to entertain paramours. The sovereign pontiff Constantine threat ened to depose and excommunicate him, unless he abrogated this licentious law ; but Witiza set him at defiance, threatening, like his Gothic predecessor Alaric, to assail the eter nal city with his troops, and make spoil of her accumulated treasures.* " We will adorn our damsels," said he, " with the jewels of Rome, and replenish our coffers from the mint of St. Peter." Some of the clergy opposed themselves to the innovating spirit of the monarch, and endeavoured, from the pulpits, to rally the people to the pure doctrines of their faith ; but they were deposed from their sacred office, ^and banished as seditious mischief- makers. The church of Toledo continued * Chron. de Luitprando, 709. Abarca Anales de Aragon (el Mahometismo, fbl. 5.) B 4t 8 THE LEGEND OP refractory ; the archbishop Sindaredo, it is true, was disposed to accommodate himself to the corruptions of the times, but the pre bendaries battled intrepidly against the new laws of the monarch, and stood manfully in defence of their vows of chastity. " Since the church of Toledo will not yield itself to our will," said Witiza, " it shall have two husbands." So saying, he appointed his own brother Oppas, at that time Archbishop of Seville, to take a seat with Sindaredo in the episcopal chair of Toledo, and made^him Primate of Spain. He was a priest after his own heart, and seconded him in all his profligate abuses. It was in vain the denunciations of the church were fulminated from the chair of St. Peter ; Witiza threw off all allegiance to the Roman pontiff, threatening with pain of death those who should obey the papa! mandates. " We will suffer no foreign eccle siastic with triple crown," said he, " to> domineer over our dominions." The Jews had been banished from the DON RODERICK. 9 country during the preceding reign, but Witiza permitted them to return, and even bestowed upon their synagogues privileges of which he had despoiled the churches. The children of Israel, ever since the time when they borrowed the jewels of gold and the jewels of silver from their neighbours, on preparing for their memorable flight out of Egypt, have been curious dealers in gold and silver and precious stones : on this oc casion, therefore, they were enabled, it is said, to repay the monarch for his protection by bags of money, and caskets of sparkling gems, the rich product of their oriental com merce. The kingdom at this time enjoyed external peace, but there were symptoms of internal discontent. Witiza took the alarm ; he re membered the ancient turbulence of the nation, and its proneness to internal feuds. Issuing secret orders, therefore, in all di rections, he dismantled most of the cities, and demolished the castles and fortresses that might serve as rallying points for the B 5 10 THE LEGEND OP factious. He disarmed the people also, and converted the weapons of war into the im plements of peace. It seemed, in fact, as if the millenium were dawning upon the land ; for the sword was beaten into a ploughshare, and the spear into a pruning hook. While thus the ancient martial fire of the nation was extinguished, its morals like wise were corrupted. The altars were aban doned, the churches closed, wide disorder and sensuality prevailed throughout the land \ so that, according to the old chroniclers, within the compass of a few short years, " Witiza the Wicked taught all Spain to sin." DON RODERICK. 11 CHAPTER II. THE RISE OF DON RODERICK. HIS GOVERN MENT. WOE to the ruler who founds his hope of sway on the weakness or corruption of the people ! The very measures taken by Wit- iza to perpetuate his power ensured his down fall. While the whole nation, under his licentious rule, was sinking into vice and effeminacy, and the arm of war was un strung, the youthful Roderick, son of Theo- dofredo, was training up for action in the stern but wholesome school of adversity. He instructed himself in the use of arms ; be came adroit and vigorous by varied exercises ; learned to despise all danger ; and inured himself to hunger and watchfulness, and the rigour of the seasons. His merits and misfortunes procured him many friends among the Romans ; and B 6 1 THE LEGEND OP when, being arrived at a fitting age, he tm- dertook to revenge the wrongs of his father and his kindred, a host of brave and hardy soldiers flocked to his standard. With these he made his sudden appearance in Spain. The friends of his house, and the disaffected of all classes, hastened to join him j and he advanced rapidly, and without opposition, through an unarmed and enervated land. Witiza saw too late the evil he had brought upon himself. He made a hasty levy, and took the field with a scantily equipped and undisciplined host, but was easily routed and made prisoner, and the whole kingdom sub mitted to Don Roderick. The ancient city of Toledo, the royal re sidence of the Gothic kings, was the scene of high festivity and solemn ceremonial on the coronation of the victor. Whether he was elected to the throne according to the Gothic usage, or seized it by the right of conquest, is a matter of dispute among his torians ; but all agree that the nation sub mitted cheerfully to his sway, and looked DON RODERICK. 13 forward to prosperity and happiness under their newly elevated monarch. His appear ance and character seemed to justify the anticipation. He was in the splendour of youth, and of a majestic presence. His soul was bold and daring, and elevated by lofty desires. He had a sagacity that penetrated the thoughts of men, and a magnificent spirit that won all hearts. Such is the picture which ancient writers give of Don Roderick, when, with all the stern and simple virtues unimpaired which he had acquired in ad versity and exile, and flushed with the tri umph of a pious revenge, he ascended the Gothic throne. Prosperity, however, is the real touch stone of the human heart. No sooner did Roderick find himself in possession of the crown, than the love of power, and the jealousy of rule, were awakened in his breast. His first measure was against Witiza, who was brought in chains into his presence. Roderick beheld the captive monarch with an unpitying eye, remembering only his 14- THE LEGEND OF wrongs and cruelties to his father. " Let the evils he has inflicted on others be visited upon his own head," said he : " as he did unto Theodofredo, even so be it done unto him." So the eyes of Witiza were put out, and he was thrown into the same dungeon at Cordova in which Theodofredo had lan guished. There he passed the brief remnant of his days, in perpetual darkness, a prey to wretchedness and remorse. Roderick now cast an uneasy and sus picious eye upon Evan and Siseburto, the two sons of Witiza. Fearful lest they should foment some secret rebellion, he banished them the kingdom. They took refuge in the Spanish dominions in Africa, where they were received and harboured by Requila, governor of Tangier, out of gratitude for favours which he had received from their late father. There they remained, to brood over their fallen fortunes, and to aid in working out the future woes of Spain. Their uncle Oppas, bishop of Seville, who had been made co-partner, by Witiza, in the DON RODERICK. 15 arch^episcopal chair at Toledo, would have likewise fallen under the suspicion of the king ; but he was a man of consummate art and vast exterior sanctity, and won upon the good graces of the monarch. He was suffered, therefore, to retain his sacred office at Seville ; but the see of Toledo was given in charge to the venerable Urbino ; and the law of Witiza was revoked, that dispensed the clergy from their vows of celibacy. The jealousy of Roderick for the security of his crown was soon again aroused, and his measures were prompt and severe* Hav ing been informed that the governors of certain castles and fortresses in Castile and Andalusia had conspired against him, he caused them to be put to death, and their strongholds to be demolished. He now went on to imitate the pernicious policy of his predecessor ; throwing down walls and towers, disarming the people, and thus in capacitating them from rebellion. A few cities were permitted to retain their fortifica tions, but these were intrusted to Alcaydes, 16 THE LEGEND OF in whom he had especial confidence : the greater part of the kingdom was left de fenceless. The nobles, who had been roused to temporary manhood during the recent stir of war, sunk back into the inglorious state of inaction which had disgraced them during the reign of Witiza, passing their time in feasting, and dancing to the sound of loose and wanton minstrelsy.* It was scarcely possible to recognise, in these idle wassailers and soft voluptuaries, the descendants of the stern and frugal warriors of the frozen north ; who had braved flood and mountain, and heat and cold, and had battled their way to empire across half a world in arms. They surrounded their youthful monarch, it is true, with a blaze of military pomp. Nothing could surpass the splendour of their arms, which were embossed and enamelled, and enriched with gold and jewels and cu rious devices ; nothing could be more gal lant and glorious than their array it was * Mariana, Hist. Esp. lib. vi. c. 21. DON RODERICK. 17 all plume and banner and silken pageantry, the gorgeous trappings for tilt and tourney and courtly revel ; but the iron soul of war was wanting. How rare it is to learn wisdom from the misfortunes of others ! With the fate of Witiza full before his eyes, Don Roderick indulged in the same pernicious errors, and was doomed, in like manner, to prepare the way for his own perdition. 18 THE LEGEND OF CHAPTER III. OF THE LOVES OF RODERICK AND THE PRINCESS ELYATA. As yet the heart of Roderick, occupied by the struggles of his early life, by warlike enterprises, and by the inquietudes of newly- gotten power, had been insensible to the charms of women ; but in the present volup tuous calm the amorous propensities of his nature assumed their sway. There are di vers accounts of the youthful beauty who first found favour in his eyes, and was ele vated by him to the throne. We follow, in our legend, the details of an Arabian chronicler*, authenticated by a Spanish poet, t Let those who dispute our facts pro duce better authority for their contradiction. * Perdida de Espafia por Abulcacim Tarif Aben- tarique, lib. i. f Lope de Vega. DON RODERICK, 19 Among the few fortified places that had not been dismantled by Don Roderick was the ancient city of Denia, situated on the Mediterranean coast, and defended on a rock-built castle that overlooked the sea. The Alcayde of the castle, with many of the people of Denia, was one day on his knees in the chapel, imploring the Virgin to allay a tempest which was strewing the coast with wrecks, when a sentinel brought word that a Moorish cruiser was standing for the land. The Alcayde gave orders to ring the alarm bells, light signal fires on the hill tops, and rouse the country; for the coast was subject to cruel maraudings from the Barbary cruisers. In a little while the horsemen of the neighbourhood were seen pricking along the beach, armed with such weapons as they could find ; and the Alcayde and his scanty garrison descended from the hill. In the meantime the Moorish bark came rolling and pitching towards the land. As it drew near, the rich carving and gilding with which 20 THE LEGEND OF it was decorated, its silken bandaroles, and banks of crimson oars, showed it to be no warlike vessel, but a sumptuous galleot, destined for state and ceremony. It bore the marks of the tempest : the masts were broken, the oars shattered, and fragments of snowy sails and silken awnings were flutter ing in the blast. As the galleot grounded upon the sand, the impatient rabble rushed into the surf to capture and make spoil ; but were awed into admiration and respect by the appear ance of the illustrious company on board. There were Moors of both sexes sumptuously arrayed, and adorned with precious jewels, bearing the demeanour of persons of lofty rank. Among them shone conspicuous a youthful beauty, magnificently attired, to whom all seemed to pay reverence. Several of the Moors surrounded her with drawn swords, threatening death to any that approached ; others sprang from the bark, and, throwing themselves on their knees before the Alcayde, implored him, by his DON RODERICK. 21 honour and courtesy as a knight, to protect a royal virgin from injury and insult. "You behold before yon/ said they, " the only daughter of the King of Algiers, the betrothed bride of the son of the King of Tunis. We were conducting her to the court of her expecting bridegroom, when a tempest drove us from our course, and compelled us to take refuge on your coast. Be not more cruel than the tempest, but deal nobly with that which even sea and storm have spared. The Alcayde listened to their prayers. He conducted the princess and her train to the castle, where every honour due to her rank was paid her. Some of her ancient attendants interceded for her liberation, pro mising countless sums to be paid by her father for her ransom ; but the Alcayde turned a deaf ear to all their golden offers. "She is a royal captive," said he; "it belongs to my sovereign alone to dispose of her." After she had reposed, therefore, for some days at the castle, and recovered THE LEGEND OF from the fatigue and terror of the seas, he caused her to be conducted, with all her train, in magnificent state to the court of Don Roderick. The beautiful Elyata* entered Toledo more like a triumphant sovereign than a captive. A chosen band of Christian horsemen, splen didly armed, appeared to wait upon her as a mere guard of honour. She was surrounded by the Moorish damsels of her train, and followed by her own Moslem guards, all attired with the magnificence that had been intended to grace her arrival at the court of Tunis. The princess was arrayed in bridal robes, woven in the most costly looms of the orient ; her diadem sparkled with diamonds, and was decorated with the rarest plumes of the bird of paradise ; and even the silken trappings of her palfrey, which swept the ground, were covered with pearls and pre cious stones. As this brilliant cavalcade crossed the bridge of the Tagus, all Toledo * By some she is called Zara. DON RODERICK. 23 poured forth to behold it ; and nothing was heard throughout the city but praises of the wonderful beauty of the princess of Algiers. King Roderick came forth, attended by the chivalry of his court, to receive the royal captive. His recent voluptuous life had dis posed him for tender and amorous affections, and, at the first sight of the beautiful Elyata, he was enraptured with her charms. Seeing her face clouded with sorrow and anxiety, he soothed her with gentle and courteous words, and, conducting her to a royal palace, "Behold," said he, " thy habitation, where no one shall molest thee ; consider thyself at home in the mansion of thy father, and dispose of any thing according to thy will." Here the princess passed her time, with the female attendants who had accompanied her from Algiers ; and no one but the king was permitted to visit her, who daily became more and more enamoured of his lovely cap tive, and sought, by tender assiduity, to gain her affections. The distress of the princess at her captivity was soothed by this gentle 24i THE LEGEND OF treatment. She was of an age when sorrow cannot long hold sway over the heart. Ac companied by her youthful attendants, she ranged the spacious apartments of the palace, and sported among the groves and alleys of its garden. Every day the remembrance of the paternal home grew less and less painful, and the king became more and more amiable in her eyes ; and when, at length, he offered to share his heart and throne with her, she listened with downcast looks and kindling blushes, but with an air of resignation. One obstacle remained to the complete fruition of the monarch s wishes, and this was the religion of the princess. Roderick forthwith employed the Archbishop of Toledo to instruct the beautiful Elyata in the mys teries of the Christian faith. The female intellect is quick in perceiving the merits of new doctrines : the archbishop, therefore, soon succeeded in converting, not merely the princess, but most of her attendants ; and a day was appointed for their public baptism. The ceremony was performed with great DON RODERICK. &5 pomp and solemnity, in the presence of all the nobility and chivalry of the court. The princess and her damsels, clad in white, walked on foot to the cathedral, while nu merous beautiful children, arrayed as angels, strewed the path with flowers ; and the archbishop, meeting them at the portal, re ceived them, as it were, into the bosom of the church. The princess abandoned her Moorish appellation of Elyata, and was bap tised by the name of Exilona, by which she was thenceforth called, and has generally been known in history. The nuptials of Roderick and the beautiful convert took place shortly afterwards, and were celebrated with great magnificence. There were jousts, and tourneys, and ban quets, and other rejoicings, which lasted twenty days, and were attended by the prin cipal nobles from all parts of Spain. After these were over, such of the attendants of the princess as refused to embrace Christi anity, and desired to return to Africa, were dismissed with munificent presents j and an c %6 THE LEGEND OF embassy was sent to the king of Algiers,, to inform him of the nuptials of his daughter, and to proffer him the friendship of King Roderick.* * " Como esta Infanta era muy hermosa, y el Rey [Don Rodrigo] dispuesta y gentil hombre, entro por medio el amor y aficion, y junto con el re- galo con que la avia mandado hospedar y servir ful causa que el rey persuadio esta Infanta, que si se tornava a su ley de Christiano la tomaria por muger, y que la haria senora de sus Reynos. Con esta persuasion ella fue contenta, y aviendose vuelto Christiana, se caso con ella, y se celebraron sus bo- das con muchas fiestas y regozijos, como era razon." Abulcasim, Conq st de Espan, cap, 3, DON RODERICK. 27 CHAPTER IV. OF COUNT JULIAN. FOR a time Don Roderick lived happily with his young and beautiful queen, and Toledo was the seat of festivity and splendour. The principal nobles throughout the kingdom re paired to his court to pay him homage, and to receive his commands ; and none were more devoted in their reverence than those who were obnoxious to suspicion, from their connection with the late king. Among the foremost of these was Count Julian, a man destined to be infamously re nowned in the dark story of his country s woes. He was of one of the proudest Gothic families, lord of Consuegra and Algeziras, and connected by marriage with Witiza and the Bishop Oppas ; his wife, the Countess Frandina, being their sister. In consequence of this connection, and of his own merits, he c 2 28 THE LEGEND OF had enjoyed the highest dignities and mands : being one of the Espatorios, or royal sword-bearers ; an office of the greatest confidence about the person of the sovereign.* He had, moreover, been intrusted with the military government of the Spanish posses sions on the African coast of the strait, which at that time were threatened by the Arabs of the East, the followers of Mahomet, who were advancing their victorious standard to the extremity of Western Africa. Count Julian established his seat of government at Ceuta, the frontier bulwark, and one of the far-famed gates of the Mediterranean Sea. Here he boldly faced, and held in check, the torrent of Moslem invasion. Don Julian was a man of an active, but irregular genius, and a grasping ambition ; he had a love for power and grandeur, in * Condes Espatorios ; so called from the drawn swords of ample size and breadth, with which they kept guard in the antechambers of the Gothic kings* Comes Spathariorum, custodum corporis Regis Pro* fectus. Hunc et Propospatharium appellatum ex-* istiinor Patr. Pant, de Offk. Goth, DON RODERICK. 29 which he was joined by his haughty countess ; and they could ill brook the downfall of their house as threatened by the fate of Witiza. They had hastened, therefore, to pay their court to the newly elevated monarch, and to assure him of their fidelity to his interests. Roderick was readily persuaded of the sincerity of Count Julian ; he was aware of his merits as a soldier and a governor, and continued him in his important command ; honouring him with many other marks of implicit confidence. Count Julian sought to confirm this confidence by every proof of de votion. It was a custom among the Goths to rear many of the children of the most illustrious families in the royal household. They served as pages to the king, and hand maids and ladies of honour to the queen, and were instructed in all manner of accomplish ments befitting their gentle blood. When about to depart for Ceuta, to resume his command, Don Julian brought his daughter Florinda to present her to the sovereigns. She was a beautiful virgin, that had not as c 3 30 THE LEGEND OF yet attained to womanhood. "1 confide her to your protection," said he to the king, "to be unto her as a father ; and to have her trained in the paths of virtue. I can leave with you no dearer pledge of my loyalty." King Roderick received the timid and blushing maiden into his paternal care ; pro mising to watch over her happiness with a parent s eye, and that she should be enrolled among the most cherished attendants of the queen. With this assurance of the welfare of his child, Count Julian departed, well pleased, for his government at Ceuta. DON RODERICK. SI CHAPTER V. THE STORY OF FLORINDA. THE beautiful daughter of Count Julian was received with great favour by the queen Exilona, and admitted among the noble dam sels that attended upon her person. Here she lived in honour and apparent security, and surrounded by innocent delights,. To gratify his queen, Don Roderick had built for her rural recreation a palace without the walls of Toledo, on the banks of the Tagus. It stood in the midst of a garden, adorned after the luxurious style of the East. The air was perfumed by fragrant shrubs and flowers ; the groves resounded with the song of the nightingale ; while the gush of foun tains and waterfalls, and the distant murmur of the Tagus, made it a delightful retreat during the sultry days of summer. The charm of perfect privacy also reigned through- c 4 THE LEGEND OF out the place ; for the garden walls were high, and numerous guards kept watch without to protect it from all intrusion. In this delicious abode, more befitting an oriental voluptuary than a Gothic king, Don Roderick was accustomed to while away much of that time which should have been devoted to the toilsome cares of government. The very security and peace which he had produced throughout his dominions, by his precautions to abolish the means and ha bitudes of war, had effected a disastrous change in his character. The hardy and heroic qualities which had conducted him to the throne, were softened in the lap of in dulgence. Surrounded by the pleasures of an idle and effeminate court, and beguiled by the example of his degenerate nobles, he gave way to a fatal sensuality that had lain dormant in his nature during the virtuous days of his adversity. The mere love of female beauty had first enamoured him of Exilona ; and the same passion, fostered by voluptuous idleness, now betrayed him into the commis- "DON RODERICK. 33 si on of an act fatal to himself and Spain. The following is the story of his error, as gathered from an old chronicle and legend. In a remote part of the palace was an apartment devoted to the queen. It was like an eastern harem, shut up from the foot of man, and where the king himself but rarely entered. It had its own courts, and gardens, and fountains, where the queen was wont to recreate herself with her damsels, as she had been accustomed to do in the jealous privacy of her father s palace. One sultry day, the king, instead of taking his siesta, or mid-day slumber, repaired to this apartment to seek the society of the queen. In passing through a small oratory, he was drawn by the sound of female voices to a casement overhung with myrtles and jessamines. It looked into an interior gar den, or court, set out with orange trees, in the midst of which was a marble fountain, surrounded by a grassy bank, enamelled with flowers. It was the high noontide of a summer day. c 5 34 THE LEGEND OF when, in sultry Spain, the landscape trembles to the eye, and all nature seeks repose, ex cept the grasshopper, that pipes his lulling note to the herdsman as he sleeps beneath the shade. Around the fountain were several of the damsels of the queen, who, confident of the sacred privacy of the place, were yielding in that cool retreat to the indulgence prompted by the season and the hour. Some lay asleep on the flowery bank ; others sat on the mar gin of the fountain, talking and laughing, as they bathed their feet in its limpid waters, and King Roderick beheld delicate limbs shining through the wave, that might rival the marble in whiteness. Among the damsels was one who had come from the Barbary coast with the queen. Her complexion had the dark tinge of Mau ritania, but it was clear and transparent, and the deep rich rose blushed through the lovely brown. Her eyes were black and full of fire, and flashed from under long silken eye lashes. DON RODERICK. 35 A sportive contest arose among the maid ens, as to the comparative beauty of the Spanish and Moorish forms ; but the Mauri- tanian damsel revealed limbs of voluptuous symmetry that seemed to defy all rivalry. The Spanish beauties were on the point of giving *up the contest, when they be thought themselves of the young Florin da, the daughter of Count Julian, who lay on the grassy bank, abandoned to a summer slumber. The soft glow of youth and health mantled on her cheek ; her fringed eyelashes scarcely covered their sleeping orbs ; her moist and ruby lips were lightly parted, just revealing a gleam of her ivory teeth ; while her innocent bosom rose and fell beneath her boddice, like the gentle swelling and sinking of a tranquil sea. There was a breathing tenderness and beauty in the sleeping virgin, that seemed to send forth sweetness like the flowers around her. " Behold," cried her companions exult- ingly, " the champion of Spanish beauty!" In their playful eagerness they half dis- c 6 36 THE LEGEND OF robed the innocent Florinda before she was aware. She awoke in time, however, to escape from their busy hands ; but enough of her charms had been revealed to convince the monarch that they were not to be rivalled by the rarest beauties of Mauritania. From this day the heart of Roderick was inflamed with a fatal passion. He gazed on the beautiful Florinda with fervid desire, and sought to read in her looks whether there was levity or wantonness in her bosom ; but the eye of the damsel ever sunk beneath his gaze, and remained bent on the earth in virgin modesty. It was in vain he called to mind the sacred trust reposed in him by Count Julian, and the promise he had given to watch over his daughter with paternal care ; his heart was vitiated by sensual indulgence, and the con sciousness of power had rendered him selfish in his gratifications. Being one evening in the garden where the queen was diverting herself with her damsels, and coming to the fountain where DON RODERICK. 37 he had beheld the innocent maidens at their sport, he could no longer restrain the passion that raged within his breast. Seating him self beside the fountain, he called Florinda to him to draw forth a thorn which had pierced his hand. The maiden knelt at his feet to examine his hand, and the touch of her slender fingers thrilled through his veins. As she knelt, too, her amber locks fell in rich ringlets about her beautiful head, her innocent bosom palpitated beneath the crim son boddice, and her timid blushes increased the effulgence of her charms. Having examined the monarch s hand in vain, she looked up in his face with artless perplexity. " Senior," said she, " I can find no thorn, nor any sign of wound." Don Roderick grasped her hand and pressed it to his heart. " It is here, lovely Florinda !" said he, " It is here ! and thou alone canst pluck it forth ! " " My lord ! " exclaimed the blushing and astonished maiden. 38 THE LEGEND OP " Florinda !" said Don Roderick, " dost thou love me ?" " Senior," said she, " my father taught me to love and reverence you. He confided me to your care as one who would be as a parent to me, when he should be far distant, serving your majesty with life and loyalty. May God incline your majesty ever to pro tect me as a father." So saying, the maiden dropped her eyes to the ground, and con tinued kneeling ; but her countenance had become deadly pale, and as she knelt she trembled. " Florinda," said the king, " either thou dost not or thou wilt not understand me. I would have thee love me, not as a father, nor as a monarch, but as one who adores thee. Why dost thou start ? No one shall know our loves ; and, moreover, the love of a monarch inflicts no degradation like the love of a common man riches and honours attend upon it. I will advance thee to rank and dignity, and place thee above the proud est females of my court. Thy father, too, DON RODERICK. 39 shall be more exalted and endowed than any noble in my realm." The soft eye of Florinda kindled at these words. " Senior," said she, " the line I spring from can receive no dignity by means so vile ; and my father would rather die than purchase rank and power by the dishonour of his child. But I see," continued she, " that your majesty speaks in this manner only to try me. You may have thought me light and simple, and unworthy to attend upon the queen. I pray your majesty to pardon me, that I have taken your pleasantry in such serious part." In this way the agitated maiden sought to evade the addresses of the monarch ; but still her cheek was blanched, and her lip quivered as she spake. The king pressed her hand to his lips with fervour. " May ruin seize me," cried he, " if I speak to prove thee ! My heart, my kingdom, are at thy command. Only be mine, and thou shalt rule absolute mistress of myself and my domains." 40 THE LEGEND OF The damsel rose from the earth where she had hitherto knelt, and her whole coun tenance glowed with virtuous indignation. " My lord," said she, " I am your subject, and in your power ; take my life if it be your pleasure ; but nothing shall tempt me to commit a crime which would be treason to the queen, disgrace to my father, agony to my mother, and perdition to myself." With these words she left the garden, and the king, for the moment, was too much awed by her indignant virtue to oppose her departure. We shall pass briefly over the succeeding events of the story of Florinda, about which so much has been said and sung by chronicler and bard : for the sober page of history should be carefully chastened from all scenes that might inflame a wanton imagination ; leaving them to poems and romances, and such-like highly seasoned works of fantasy and recreation. Let it suffice to say, that Don Roderick pursued his suit to the beautiful Florinda, his passion being more and more inflamed DON RODERICK. 41 by the resistance of the virtuous damsel. At length, forgetting what was due to help less beauty, to his own honour as a knight, and his word as a sovereign, he triumphed over her weakness by base and unmanly violence. There are not wanting those who affirm that the hapless Florinda lent a yielding ear to the solicitations of the monarch, and her name has been treated with opprobrium in several of the ancient chronicles and legendary ballads that have transmitted, from gener ation to generation, the story of the woes of Spain. In very truth, however, she appears to have been a guiltless victim, resisting, as far as helpless female could resist, the arts and intrigues of a powerful monarch, who had nought to check the indulgence of his will, and bewailing her disgrace with a poi gnancy that shows how dearly she had prized her honour. In the first paroxysm of her grief she wrote a letter to her father, blotted with her tears, and almost incoherent from her agita- THE LEGEND OF tion. " Would to God, my father," said she, " that the earth had opened and swallowed me ere I had been reduced to write these lines. I blush to tell thee, what it is not proper to conceal. Alas, my father ; thou hast intrusted thy lamb to the guardianship of the lion. Thy daughter has been dis honoured, the royal cradle of the Goths pol luted, and our lineage insulted and disgraced. Hasten, my father, to rescue your child from the power of the spoiler, and to vindicate the honour of your house ! " When Florinda had written these lines, she summoned a youthful esquire, who had been a page in the service of her father. " Saddle thy steed," said she, " and if thou dost aspire to knightly honour, or hope for lady s grace if thou hast fealty for thy lord, or devotion to his daughter speed swiftly upon my errand. Rest not, halt not, spare not the spur ; but hie thee day and night until thou reach the sea ; take the first bark, and haste with sail and oar to Ceuta, nor pause until thou give this letter to the count DON RODERICK. 43 my father." The youth put the letter in his bosom. " Trust me, lady," said he, " I will neither halt nor turn aside, nor cast a look behind, until I reach Count Julian." He mounted his fleet steed, sped his way across the bridge, and soon left behind him the verdant valley of the Tagus. 44 THE LEGEND OF CHAPTER VI. DON RODERICK RECEIVES AN EXTRAORDINARY EMBASSY. THE heart of Don Roderick was not so depraved by sensuality, but that the wrong he had been guilty of toward the innocent Florinda, and the disgrace he had inflicted on her house, weighed heavy on his spirits, and a cloud began to gather on his once clear and un wrinkled brow. Heaven, at this time, say the old Spanish chronicles, permitted a marvellous intimation of the wrath with which it intended to visit the monarch and his people, in punishment of their sins ; nor are we, say the same or thodox writers, to startle, and withhold our faith, when we meet in the page of discreet and sober history with these signs and por tents, which transcend the probabilities of ordinary life ; for the revolutions of empires BON RODERICK. 45 and the downfall of mighty kings are awful events, that shake the physical as well as the moral world, and are often announced by forerunning marvels and prodigious omens. With such-like cautious preliminaries do the wary but credulous historiographers of yore usher in a marvellous event of prophecy and enchantment, linked in ancient story with the fortunes of Don Roderick, but which modern doubters would fain hold up as an apocryphal tradition of Arabian origin. Now, so it happened, according to the legend, that about this time, as King Roderick was seated one day on his throne, surrounded by his nobles, in the ancient city of Toledo, two men of venerable appearance entered the hall of audience. Their snowy beards descended to their breasts, and their gray hairs were bound with ivy. They were arrayed in white garments of foreign or antiquated fashion, which swept the ground* and were cinctured with girdles, wrought with the signs of the zodiac, from which were suspended enormous bunches of keys of 46 THE LEGEND OF every variety of form. Having approached the throne and made obeisance : " Know, O King," said one of the old men, " that in days of yore, when Hercules of Libya, sur- named the strong, had set up his pillars at the ocean strait, he erected a tower near to this ancient city of Toledo. He built it of prodigious strength, and finished it with magic art, shutting up within it a fearful secret, never to be penetrated without peril and disaster. To protect this terrible mys tery he closed the entrance to the edifice with a ponderous door of iron, secured by a great lock of steel ; and he left a command that every king who should succeed him should add another lock to the portal ; denouncing woe and destruction on him who should eventually unfold the secret of the tower. 66 The guardianship of the portal was given to our ancestors, and has continued in our family, from generation to generation, since the days of Hercules. Several kings, from time to time, have caused the gate to be thrown open, and have attempted to enter, DON RODERICK. 47 but have paid dearly for their temerity. Some have perished within the threshold, others have been overwhelmed with horror at tremendous sounds, which shook the foundations of the earth, and have hastened to reclose the door, and secure it with its thousand locks. Thus, since the days of Hercules, the inmost recesses of the pile have never been penetrated by mortal man, and a profound mystery continues to prevail over this great enchantment. This, O king, is all we have to relate ; and our errand is to entreat thee to repair to the tower and affix thy lock to the portal, as has been done by all thy predecessors." Having thus said, the ancient men made a profound reverence arid departed from the presence chamber.* Don Roderick remained for some time lost in thought after the departure of the men : he then dismissed all his court, ex cepting the venerable Urbino, at that time * Perdida de Espana por Abulcasim Tarif Aben- tarique, lib. i. c. 6. Cronica del Rey Don Rodrigo por el moro Rasis, lib. i. c. 1. Bleda, Cron. cap. vii. 48 THE LEGEND OF archbishop of Toledo. The long white beard of this prelate bespoke his advanced age, and his overhanging eyebrows showed him a man full of wary counsel. " Father," said the king, " I have an earnest desire to penetrate the mystery of this tower." The worthy prelate shook his hoary head : " Beware, my son," said he ; " there are secrets hidden from man for his good. Your predecessors for many gener ations have respected this mystery, and have increased in might and empire. A knowledge of it, therefore, is not material to the welfare of your kingdom. Seek not then to indulge a rash and unprofitable cu riosity, which is interdicted under such awful menaces." " Of what importance," cried the king, " are the menaces of Hercules, the Lybian p was he not a pagan ? and can his enchant ments have aught avail against a believer in our holy faith ? Doubtless, in this tower are locked up treasures of gold and jewels, amassed in days of old, the spoils of mighty DON RODERICK. 49 kings, the riches of the pagan world. My coffers are exhausted ; I have need of sup ply ; and surely it would be an acceptable act in the eyes of Heaven, to draw forth this wealth which lies buried under profane and necromantic spells, and consecrate it to reli gious purposes." The venerable archbishop still continued to remonstrate, but Don Roderick heeded not his counsel, for he was led on by his malignant star. " Father," said he, "it is in vain you attempt to dissuade me. My resolution is fixed. To-morrow I will ex plore the hidden mystery, or rather the hidden treasures of this tower, " THE LEGEND OF CHAPTER VII. STORY OF THE MARVELLOUS AND PORTENTOUS- TOWER. THE morning sun shone brightly upon the cliff-built towers of Toledo, when King Roderick issued out of the gate of the city, at the head of a numerous train of courtiers and cavaliers, and crossed the bridge that bestrides the deep rocky bed of the Tagus. The shining cavalcade wound up the road that leads among the mountains, and soon came in sight of the necromantic tower. Of this renowned edifice marvels are related by the ancient Arabian and Spanish chroniclers ; " and I doubt much," adds the venerable Agpaida, " whether many readers will not consider the whole as a cunningly devised fable, sprung from an oriental ima gination ; but it is not for me to reject a fact DON RODERICK. 51 which is recorded by all those writers who are the fathers of our national history : a fact, too, which is as well attested as most of the remarkable events in the story of Don Roderick. None but light and inconsiderate minds," continues the good friar, "do hastily reject the marvellous. To the thinking mind the whole world is enveloped in mystery, and every thing is full of type and portent. To such a mind the necromantic tower of Toledo will appear as one of those wondrous monu ments of the olden time ; one of those Egyptian and Chaldaic piles, storied with hidden wisdom and mystic prophecy, which have been devised in past ages, when man yet enjoyed an intercourse with high and spiritual natures, and when human foresight partook of divination." This singular tower was round, and of great height and grandeur ; erected upon a lofty rock, and surrounded by crags and precipices. The foundation was supported by four brazen lions, each taller than a cavalier on horseback. The walls were 2 THE LEGEND OF built of small pieces of jasper, and various colouretl marbles, not larger than a man s hand ; so subtilely joined, however, that, but for their different hues, they might be taken for one entire stone. They were arranged with marvellous cunning, so as to represent battles and warlike deeds of times and heroes long since passed away ; and the whole surface was so admirably polished that the stones were as lustrous as glass, and reflected the rays of the sun with such resplendent brightness as to dazzle all beholders.* King Roderick and his courtiers arrived wondering and amazed, at the foot of the rock. Here there was a narrow arched way cut through the living stone ; the only entrance to the tower. It was closed by a massive iron gate, covered with rusty locks of divers workmanship, and in the fashion * From the minute account of the good friar, drawn from the ancient chronicles, it would appear that the walls of the tower were pictured in mosai work. DON RODERICK. 53 of different centuries, which had been affixed by the predecessors of Don Roderick. On either side of the portal stood the two ancient guardians of the tower, laden with the keys appertaining to the locks, The king alighted, and, approaching the portals, ordered the guardians to unlock the gate. The hoary-headed men drew back with terror. "Alas!" cried they, "what is it your majesty requires of us. Would you have the mischiefs of this tower un bound, and let loose to shake the earth to its foundations ? " The venerable archbishop Urbino likewise implored him not to disturb a mystery which had been held sacred from generation to generation, within the memory of man ; and which even Csesar himself, when sovereign of Spain, had not ventured to invade. The youthful cavaliers, however, were eager to pursue the adventure, and encouraged him in his rash curiosity. " Come what come may," exclaimed Don Roderick, " I am resolved to penetrate the D 3 54f THE LEGEND OF mystery of this tower." So saying, he again commanded the guardians to unlock the por tal. The ancient men obeyed with fear and trembling, but their hands shook with age, and when they applied the keys, the locks were so rusted by time, or of such strange workmanship, that they resisted their feeble efforts ; whereupon the young cavaliers pressed forward and lent their aid. Still the locks were so numerous and difficult, that with all their eagerness and strength a great part of the day was exhausted before the whole of them could be mastered. When the last bolt had yielded to the key, the guardians and the reverend archbishop again entreated the king to pause and reflect. " Whatever is within this tower," said they, " is as yet harmless, and lies bound under a mighty spell : venture not then to open a door which may let forth a flood of evil upon the land." But the anger of the king was roused, and he ordered that the portal should be in stantly thrown open. In vain, however, did one after another exert his strength - ? and BON RODERICK. 55 equally in vain did the cavaliers unite their forces, and apply their shoulders to the gate : though there was neither bar nor bolt re maining, it was perfectly immoveable. The patience of the king was now ex hausted, and he advanced to apply his hand ; scarcely, however, did he touch the iron gate, when it swung slowly open, uttering, as it were, a dismal groan, as it turned reluctantly upon its hinges. A cold, damp wind issued forth, accompanied by a tem pestuous sound. The hearts of the ancient guardians quaked within them, and their knees smote together ; but several of the youthful cavaliers rushed in, eager to gratify their curiosity, or to signalise themselves in this redoubtable enterprise. They had scarcely advanced a few paces, however, when they recoiled, overcome by the baleful air, or by some fearful vision.* Upon this, the king ordered that fires should be kindled to dispel the darkness, and to correct the noxious and * Bleda, Cronica., cap, 7- D 4 56 THE LEGEND OF long imprisoned air : he then led the way into the interior ; but, though stout of heart, he advanced with awe and hesitation. After proceeding a short distance* he en tered a hall, or antechamber, on the opposite side of which was a door ; and before it, on a pedestal, stood a gigantic figure, of the colour of bronze, and of a terrible aspect. It held a huge mace, which it whirled in cessantly, giving such cruel and resounding blows upon the earth as to prevent all further entrance* The king paused at sight of this appalling figure ; for whether it were a jiving being, or a statue of magic artifice, he could not tell. On its breast was a scroll, whereon was in scribed in large letters, " I do my duty."* After a little while Roderick plucked up heart, and addressed it with great solemnity : " Whatever thou be," said he, "know that I come not to violate this sanctuary, but to- inquire into the mystery it contains I * Bleda, Cronica, cap.?. DON RODERICK. 57 conjure thee, therefore, to let me pass in safety." Upon this the figure paused with uplifted mace, and the king and his train passed un molested through the door. They now entered a vast chamber, of a rare and sumptuous architecture, difficult to be described. The walls were incrusted with the most precious gems, so joined together as to form one smooth and perfect surface. The lofty dome appeared to be self-supported, and was studded with gems, lustrous as the stars of the firmament. There was neither wood, nor any other common or base mate rial to be seen throughout the edifice. There were no windows or other openings to admit the day, yet a radiant light was spread throughout the place, which seemed to shine from the walls, and to render every object distinctly visible. In the centre of this hall stood a table of alabaster, of the rarest workmanship, on which was inscribed in Greek characters, that Hercules Alcides, the Theban Greek, had D 5 58 THE LEGEND OF founded this tower in the year of the world three thousand and six. Upon the table stood a golden casket, richly set round with precious stones, and closed with a lock of mother-of-pearl j and on the lid were in scribed the following words : - ft In this coffer is contained the mystery of the tower* The hand of none but a king can open it ; but let him beware ! for mar vellous events will be revealed to him, which are to take place before his death." King Roderick boldly seized upon the casket. The venerable archbishop laid his hand upon his arm, and made a last remon stranee. " Forbear, my son!" said he; " desist while there is yet time. Look not Into the mysterious decrees of Providence. God has hidden them in mercy from our sight, and it is impious to rend the veil by which they are concealed." " What have I to dread from a knowledge of the future ? " replied Roderick, with an air of haughty presumption. " If good be destined me, I shall enjoy it by anticipation ; DON RODERICK. 5$ if evil, I shall arm myself to meet it." So saying, he rashly broke the lock. Within the coffer he found nothing but a linen cloth, folded between two tablets of copper. On unfolding it, he beheld painted on it figures of men on horseback, of fierce demeanour, clad in turbans and robes of various colours, after the fashion of the Arabs, with scimitars hanging from their necks, and crossbows at their saddle backs, and they carried banners and pennons with divers devices. Above them was inscribed in Greek characters, " Rash monarch ! be hold the men who are to hurl thee from thy throne, and subdue thy kingdom ! " At sight of these things the king was troubled in spirit, and dismay fell upon his attendants. While they were yet regarding the paintings, it seemed as if the figures began to move, and a faint sound of warlike tumult arose from the cloth, with the clash of cymbal and bray of trumpet, the neigh of steed and shout of army ; but all was heard indistinctly, as if afar off , or in a reverie or D 6 6Q THE LEGEND OF dream. The more they gazed, the plainer became the motion, and the louder the noise ; and the linen cloth rolled forth, and am plified and spread out, as it were, a mighty banner, and filled the hall, and mingled with the air, until its texture was no longer visible, or appeared as a transparent cloud : and the shadowy figures became all in mo tion, and the din and uproar became fiercer and fiercer ; and whether the whole were an animated picture, or a vision, or an array of embodied spirits, conjured up by supernatural power, no one present could tell. They be held before them a great field of battle, where Christians and Moslems were engaged in deadly conflict. They heard the rush and tramp of steeds, the blast of trump and clarion, the clash of cymbal, and the stormy din of a thousand drums. There was the clash of swords, and maces, and battle-axes, with the whistling of arrows, and the hurling of darts and lances. The Christians quailed before the foe ; the infidels pressed upon them and put them to utter rout ; the stan- DON RODERICK. 61 dard of the cross was cast down, the banner of Spain was trodden under foot, the air resounded with shouts of triumph, with yells of fury, and with the groans of dying men. Amidst the flying squadrons, King Roderick beheld a crowned warrior, whose back was turned towards him, but whose armour and device were his own, and who was mounted on a white steed that resembled his own war horse Orelia. In the confusion of the flight, the warrior was dismounted, and was no longer to be seen, and Orelia galloped wildly through the field of battle without a rider. Roderick stayed to see no more, but rushed from the fatal hall, followed by his terrified attendants. They fled through the outer chamber, where the gigantic figure with the whirling mace had disappeared from his pe* destal ; and on issuing into the open air, they found the two ancient guardians of the tower lying dead at the portal, as though they had been crushed by some mighty blow. All nature, which had been clear and serene, was 62 THE LEGEND OF now in wild uproar. The heavens were darkened by heavy clouds ; loud bursts of thunder rent the air, and the earth was deluged with rain and rattling hail. The king ordered that the iron portal should be closed ; but the door was immove- able, and the cavaliers were dismayed by the tremendous turmoil and the mingled shouts and groans that continued to prevail within. The king and his train hastened back to To ledo, pursued and pelted by the tempest. The mountains shook and echoed with the thunder, trees were uprooted and blown down, and the Tagus raged and roared and flowed above its banks. It seemed to the affrighted courtiers as if the phantom legions of the tower had issued forth and mingled with the storm ; for amidst the claps of thunder and the howling of the wind, they fancied they heard the sound of the drums and trumpets, the shouts of armies and the rush of steeds. Thus beaten by tempest, and overwhelmed with horror, the king and his courtiers arrived at Toledo, clattering across the bridge of the Tagus, DON RODERICK. 63 and entering the gate in headlong con* fusion, as though they had been pursued by an enemy. In the morning the heavens were again serene, and all nature was restored to tran* quillity. The king, therefore, issued forth with his cavaliers and took the road to the tower, followed by a great multitude, for he was anxious once more to close the iron door> and shut up those evils that threatened to overwhelm the land. But lo I on coming in sight of the tower, a new wonder met their eyes. An eagle appeared high in the air, seeming to descend from heaven. He bore in his beak a burning brand, and lighting on the summit of the tower, fanned the fire with his wings. In a little while the edifice burst forth into a blaze as though it had been built of rosin, and the flames mounted into the air with a brilliancy more dazzling than the sun ; nor did they cease until every stone was con sumed and the whole was reduced to a heap of ashes. Then there came a vast flight of birds, small of size and sable of hue, darken- 64 THE LEGEND OF ing the sky like a cloud ; and they descended and wheeled in circles round the ashes, causing so great a wind with their wings that the whole was borne up into the air and scat tered throughout all Spain, and wherever a particle of those ashes fell it was as a stain of blood. It is furthermore recorded by ancient men and writers of former days, that all those on whom this dust fell were afterwards slain in battle, when the country was conquered by the Arabs, and that the destruction of this necromantic tower was a sign and token of the approaching perdition of Spain. " Let all those," concludes the cautious friar, " who question the verity of this most marvellous occurrence, consult those admirable sources of our history, the chronicle of the Moor Rasis, and the work entitled, * The Fall of Spain, written by the Moor, Abulcasim Tarif Abentarique. Let them consult, more over, the venerable historian Bleda, and the cloud of other Catholic Spanish writers, who have treated of this event, and they will find I have related nothing that has not been DON RODERICK. 65 printed and published under the inspection and sanction of our holy mother church. God alone knoweth the truth of these things ; I speak nothing but what has been handed down to me from times of old." 66 THE LEGEND OF CHAPTER VIIL COUNT JULIAN. HIS FORTUNES IN AFRICA. HE HEARS OF THE DISHONOUR OF HIS CHILD. HIS CONDUCT THEREUPON. THE course of our legendary narration now returns to notice the fortunes of Count Julian, after his departure from Toledo, to resume his government on the coast of Barbary. He left the Countess Frandina at Algeziras, his paternal domain, for the province under his command was threatened with invasion. In fact, when he arrived at Ceuta he found his post in imminent danger from the all-con quering Moslems. The Arabs of the East, the followers of Mahomet, having subjugated several of the most potent oriental kingdoms, had established their seat of empire at Da mascus, where, at this time, it was filled by Waled Almanzoi;, surnamed " the Sword of God." From thence the tide of Moslem DON RODERICK. conquest had rolled on to the shores of the Atlantic ; so that all Almagreb, or Western Africa, had submitted to the standard of the prophet, with the exception of a portion of Tingitania, lying along the straits ; being the province held by the Goths of Spain, and commanded by Count Julian. The Arab invaders were a hundred thousand strong, most of them veteran troops, seasoned in warfare and accustomed to victory. They were led by an old Arab general, Muza ben Nosier, to whom was confided the govern ment of Almagreb ; most of which he had himself conquered. The ambition of this veteran was to make the Moslem conquest complete, by expelling the Christians from the African shores ; with this view his troops menaced the few remaining Gothic fortresses of Tingitania, while he himself sat down in person before the walls of Ceuta. The Arab chieftain had been rendered con fident by continual success, and thought no thing could resist his arms* and the sacred standard of the prophet. Impatient of the 68 THE LEGEND OF tedious delays of a siege, he led his troops boldly against the rock-built towers of Ceuta, and attempted to take the place by storm. The onset was fierce, and the struggle des perate : the swarthy sons of the desert were light and vigorous, and of fiery spirits ; but the Goths, inured to danger on this frontier, retained the stubborn valour of their race, so impaired among their brethren in Spain. They were commanded, too, by one skilled in warfare and ambitious of renown. After a vehement conflict, the Moslem assailants were repulsed from all points, and driven from the walls. Don Julian sallied forth, and harassed them in their retreat ; and so severe was the carnage, that the veteran Musa was fain to break up his camp, and retire confounded from the siege. The victory at Ceuta resounded through out Tingitania, and spread universal joy. On every side were heard shouts of exultation * mingled with praises of Count Julian. He was hailed by the people, wherever he went, as their deliverer, and blessings were invoked DON RODERICK. 69 upon his head. The heart of Count Julian was lifted up, and his spirit swelled within him 5 but it was with noble and virtuous pride, for he was conscious of having merited the blessings of his country. In the midst of his exultation, and while the rejoicings of the people were yet sound ing in his ears, the page arrived who bore the letter from his unfortunate daughter. " What tidings from the king ?" said the count, as the page knelt before him : "None, my lord," replied the youth, "but I bear a letter sent in all haste by the Lady Flo- rinda." He took the letter from his bosom and presented it to his lord. As Count Julian read it, his countenance darkened and fell. "This/ said he, bitterly, "is my reward for serving a tyrant ; and these are the honours heaped on me by my country, while fighting its battles in a foreign land. May evil over take me, and infamy rest upon my name, if I cease until I have full measure of revenge." Count Julian was vehement in his pas 70 THE LEGEND OF sions, and took no counsel in his wrath. His spirit was haughty in the extreme, but destitute of true magnanimity, and when once wounded turned to gall and venom. A dark and malignant hatred entered into his soul, not only against Don Roderick, but against all Spain : he looked upon it as the scene of his disgrace, a land in which his family was dishonoured : and, in seeking to avenge the wrongs he had suffered from his sovereign, he meditated against his native country one of the blackest schemes of trea son that ever entered into the human heart. The plan of Count Julian was to hurl King Roderick from his throne, and to deliver all Spain into the hands of the in fidels. In concerting and executing this treacherous plot, it seemed as if his whole nature was changed; every lofty and gene rous sentiment was stifled, and he stooped to the meanest dissimulation. His first object was to extricate his family from the power of the king, and to remove it from Spain before his treason should be known ; his DON RODERICK. 71 next, to deprive the country of its remaining means of defence against an invader. With these dark purposes at heart, but with an open and serene countenance, he crossed to Spain, and repaired to the court at Toledo. Wherever he came he was hailed with acclamations as a victorious general, and appeared in the presence of his sovereign radiant with the victory at Ceuta. Conceal ing from King Roderick his knowledge of the outrage upon his house, he professed nothing but the most devoted loyalty and affection. The king loaded him with favours ; seek ing to appease his own conscience by heaping honours upon the father in atonement of the deadly wrong inflicted upon his child. He regarded Count Julian, also, as a man able and experienced in warfare, and took his advice in all matters relating to the military affairs of the kingdom. The count magni fied the dangers that threatened the frontier under his command, and prevailed upon the king to send thither the best horses and arms 7# THE LEGEND OF remaining from the time of Witiza, there being no need of them in the centre of Spain in its present tranquil state. The residue, at his suggestion, was stationed on the fron tiers of Gallia ; so that the kingdom was left almost wholly without defence against any sudden irruption from the south. Having thus artfully arranged his plans, and all things being prepared for his return to Africa, he obtained permission to with draw his daughter from the court, and leave her with her mother, the Countess Frandina, who, he pretended, lay dangerously ill at Algeziras. Count Julian issued out of the gate of the city, followed by a shining band of chosen followers, while beside him, on a palfrey, rode the pale and weeping Florinda. The populace hailed and blessed him as he passed, but his heart turned from them with loathing. As he crossed the bridge of the Tagus, he looked back with a dark brow upon Toledo, and raised his mailed hand and shook it at the royal palace of King Rode rick, which crested the rocky height. " A DON RODERICK. 73 father s curse," said he, "be upon thee and thine ! May desolation fall upon thy dwelling, and confusion and defeat upon thy realm ! " In his journeyings through the country, he looked round him with a malignant eye - y the pipe of the shepherd, and the song of the husbandman, were as discord to his soul; every sight and sound of human happiness sickened him at heart, and, in the bitterness of his spirit, he prayed that he might see the whole scene of prosperity laid waste with fire and sword by the invader. The story of domestic outrage and dis grace had already been made known to the Countess Frandina. When the hapless Flo- rinda came in presence of her mother, she fell on her neck, and hid her face in her bosom, and wept ; but the countess shed never a tear, for she was a woman haughty of spirit and strong of heart. She looked her husband sternly in the face. " Perdition light upon thy head," said she, "if thou submit to this dishonour. For my own part, woman as I am, I will assemble the E 74r THE LEGEND OF followers of my house, nor rest until rivers of blood have washed away this stain." " Be satisfied," replied the count ; "ven geance is on foot, and will be sure and ample." Being now in his own domains, sur rounded by his relatives and friends, Count Julian went on to complete his web of treason. In this he was aided by his brother- in-law, Oppas, the bishop of Seville : a man dark and perfidious as the night, but devout in demeanour, and smoothly plausible in council. This artful prelate had contrived to work himself into the entire confidence of the king, and had even prevailed upon him to permit his nephews, Evan and Siseburto, the exiled sons of Witiza, to return into Spain. They resided in Andalusia, and were now looked to as fit instruments in the present traitorous conspiracy. By the advice of the bishop, Count Julian called a secret meeting of his relatives and adherents on a wild rocky mountain, not far from Consuegra, and which still bears the DON RODERICK. 75 Moorish appellation of "La Sierra de Cal- derm," or the mountain of treason.* When all were assembled, Count Julian appeared among them, accompanied by the bishop and by the Countess Frandina. Then gathering around him those who were of his blood and kindred, he revealed the outrage that had been offered to their house. He represented to them that Roderick was their legitimate enemy ; that he had dethroned Witiza, their relation, and had now stained the honour of one of the most illustrious daughters of their line. The Countess Frandina seconded his words. She was a woman majestic in person and eloquent of tongue ; and being inspired by a mother s feelings, her speech aroused the assembled cavaliers to fury. The count took advantage of the excite ment of the moment to unfold his plan. The main object was to dethrone Don Roderick, and give the crown to the sons of the late King Witiza. By this means they would * Bleda, cap. 5. E 2 76 THE LEGEND OF visit the sins of the tyrant upon his head y and, at the same time, restore the regal honours to their line. For this purpose their own force would be sufficient ; but they might procure the aid of Muza ben Nosier, the Arabian general, in Mauritania, who would no doubt gladly send a part of his troops into Spain to assist in the enterprise. The plot thus suggested by Count Julian received the unholy sanction of Bishop Oppas, who engaged to aid it secretly with all his influence and means : for he had great wealth and possessions, and many retainers. The example of the reverend prelate determined all who might otherwise have wavered, and they bound themselves by dreadful oaths to be true to the conspiracy. Count Julian undertook to proceed to Africa, and seek the camp of Muza, to negotiate for his aid, while the bishop was to keep about the person of King Roderick, and lead him into the net prepared for him. All things being thus arranged, Count Julian gathered together his treasure, and DON RODERICK. 77 taking his wife and daughter and all his household, abandoned the country he meant to betray ; embarking at Malaga for Ceuta. The gate in the wall of that city, through which they went forth, continued for ages to bear the name of Puerto, de la Cava, or the gate of the harlot ; for such was the oppro brious and unmerited appellation bestowed by the Moors on the unhappy Florinda. * * Bleda, cap. 4-. E 3 78 THE LEGEND OF CHAPTER IX. SECRET VISIT OF COUNT JULIAN TO THE ARAB CAMP. FIRST EXPEDITION OF TARIC EL TUERTO. WHEN Count Julian had placed his family in security in Ceuta, surrounded by soldiery devoted to his fortunes, he took with him a few confidential followers, and departed in secret for the camp of the Arabian Emir, Muza ben Nosier. The camp was spread out in one of those pastoral valleys which lie at the feet of the Barbary hills, with the great range of the Atlas mountains towering in the distance. In the motley army here assembled were warriors of every tribe and nation, that had been united by pact or con quest in the cause of Islam. There were those who had followed Muza from the fertile regions of Egypt, across the deserts of Barca, and those who had joined his DON RODERICK. 79 standard from among the sun-burnt tribes of Mauritania. There were Saracen and Tartar, Syrian and Copt, and swarthy Moor ; sumptuous warriors from the civilised cities of the east, and the gaunt and predatory rovers of the desert. The greater part of the army, however, was composed of Arabs ; but differing greatly from the first rude hordes that enlisted under the banner of Mahomet. Almost a century of continual wars with the cultivated nations of the east had rendered them accomplished warriors ; and the occasional sojourn in luxurious countries and populous cities, had acquainted them with the arts and habits of civilised life. Still the roving, restless, and predatory habits of the genuine son of Ishmael pre vailed, in defiance of every change of clime or situation. Count Julian found the Arab conqueror Muza surrounded by somewhat of oriental state and splendour. He was advanced in life, but of a noble presence, and concealed his age by tinging his hair and beard with E 4 80 THE LEGEND OF henna. The count assumed an air of soldier like frankness and decision when he came into his presence. " Hitherto," said he, " we have been enemies ; but I come to thee in peace, and it rests with thee to make me the most devoted of thy friends. I have no longer country or king. Roderick the Goth is an usurper, and my deadly foe ; he has wounded my honour in the tenderest point, and my country affords me no redress. Aid me in my vengeance, and I will deliver all Spain into thy hands : a land far exceeding In fertility and wealth all the vaunted regions thou hast conquered in Tingitania." The heart of Muza leaped with joy at these words, for he was a bold and ambitious conqueror, and, having overrun all western Africa, had often cast a wistful eye to the mountains of Spain, as he beheld them brightening beyond the waters of the strait. Still he possessed the caution of a veteran, and feared to engage in an enterprise of such moment, and to carry his arms into another division of the globe, without the DON RODERICK. 81 approbation of his sovereign. Having drawn from Count Julian the particulars of his plan, and of the means he possessed to carry it into effect, he laid them before his con fidential counsellors and officers, and de manded their opinion. " These words of Count Julian," said he, " may be false and deceitful ; or he may not possess the power to fulfil his promises. The whole may be a pretended treason to draw us on to our destruction. It is more natural that he should be treacherous to us than to his country." Among the generals of Muza was a gaunt swarthy veteran, scarred with wounds ; a very Arab, whose great delight was roving and desperate enterprise ; and who cared for nothing beyond his steed, his lance, and his scimitar. He was a native of Damascus ; his name was Taric ben Zeyad ; but, from having lost an eye, he was known among the Spaniards by the appellation of Taric el Tuerto, or Taric the one-eyed. The hot blood of this veteran Ishmaelite E 5 8 THE LEGEND OF was in a ferment when he heard of a new country to invade, and vast regions to sub due ; and he dreaded lest the cautious hesi tation of Muza would permit the glorious prize to escape them. "You speak doubt- ingly," said he, " of the words of this Christian cavalier, but their truth is easily to be ascertained. Give me four galleys and a handful of men, and I will depart with this Count Julian, skirt the Christian coast, and bring thee back tidings of the land, and of his means to put it in our power." The words of the veteran pleased Muza ben Nosier, and he gave his consent ; and Taric departed with four galleys and five hundred men, guided by the traitor Julian.* This first expedition of the Arabs against Spain took place, according to certain his torians, in the year of our Lord seven hundred and twelve ; though others differ on this point, as indeed they do upon almost every * Beuter, Cron. Gen. de Espana, lib. i. c. 28, Marmol. Descrip. de Africa, lib. ii. c. 10. DON RODERICK. 83 point in this early period of Spanish history. The date to which the judicious chroniclers incline is that of seven hundred and ten, in the month of July. It would appear from some authorities, also, that the galleys of Taric cruised along the coasts of Andalusia and Lusitania, under the feigned character of merchant barks : nor is this at all impro bable, while they were seeking merely to observe the land, and get a knowledge of the harbours. Wherever they touched, Count Julian despatched emissaries, to assemble his friends and adherents at an appointed place. They gathered together secretly at Gezira Alhadra, that is to say, the Green Island ; where they held a conference with Count Julian in presence of Taric ben Zeyad.* Here they again avowed their readiness to flock to his standard whenever it should be openly raised, and made known their various preparations for a rebellion. Taric was convinced, by all that he had seen and * Bleda, Cron. c. 5. E 6 84. THE LEGEND OF heard, that Count Julian had not deceived them; either as to his disposition or his means to betray his country. Indulging his Arab inclinations, he made an inroad into the land, collected great spoil and many captives, and bore off his plunder in triumph to Muza, as a specimen of the riches to be gained by the conquest of the Christian land.* * Conde, Hist. Dom, Arab. part. i. c. 8. DON RODERICK. 85 CHAPTER X. LETTER OF MUZA TO THE CALIPH SECOND EXPEDITION OF TARIC EL TUERTO. ON hearing the tidings brought by Taric el Tuerto, and beholding the spoil he had collected, Muza wrote a letter to the Caliph Waled Almanzor, setting forth the traitorous proffer of Count Julian, and the probability, through his means, of making a successful invasion of Spain. " A new land," said he, " spreads itself out before our delighted eyes, and invites our conquest : a land, too, that equals Syria in the fertility of its soil, and the serenity of its sky ; Yemen, or Arabia the Happy, in its delightful temperature ; India, in its flowers and spices ; Hegias, in its fruits and flowers ; Cathay, in its precious minerals ; and Aden, in the excellence of its ports and harbours ! It is populous also, and wealthy ; having many splendid cities, 86 THE LEGEND OP and majestic monuments of ancient art. What is to prevent this glorious land from becoming the inheritance of the faithful ? Already we have overcome the tribes of Berbery, of Zab, of Derar, of Zaara, Maza- muda, and Sus ; and the victorious standard of Islam floats on the towers of Tangier. But four leagues of sea separate us from the opposite coast. One word from my sove reign, and the conquerors of Africa will pour their legions into Andalusia, rescue it from the domination of the unbeliever, and subdue it to the law of the Koran."* The Caliph was overjoyed with the. con tents of the letter. " God is great!" ex claimed he, " and Mahomet is his prophet ! It has been foretold by the ambassador of God, that his law should extend to the ultimate parts of the west, and be carried by the sword into new and unknown regions. Behold, another land is opened for the triumphs of the faithful ! It is the will of * Conde, part i. c. 8. DOX RODERICK. 87 Allah, and be his sovereign will obeyed ! " So the Caliph sent missives to Muza, author ising him to undertake the conquest. Upon this there was a great stir of pre paration ; and numerous vessels were assem bled and equipped at Tangier, to convey the invading army across the Straits. Twelve thousand men were chosen for this expedi tion : most of them light Arabian troops, seasoned in warfare, and fitted for hardy and rapid enterprise. Among them were many horsemen, mounted on fleet Arabian steeds. The whole was put under the command of the veteran, Taric el Tuerto, or the one-eyed, in whom Muza reposed implicit confidence, as in a second self. Taric accepted the command with joy : his martial fire was roused at the idea of having such an army under his sole command, and such a country to overrun ; and he secretly determined never to return unless victorious. He chose a dark night to convey his troops across the Straits of Hercules ; and, by break of day, they began to disembark at 88 THE LEGEND OF Tarifa, before the country had time to take the alarm. A few Christians hastily assembled from the neighbourhood, and opposed their landing, but were easily put to flight. Taric stood on the sea-side, and watched until the last squadron had landed j and all the horses, armour, and munitions of war, were brought on shore : he then gave orders to set fire to the ships. The Moslems were struck with terror when they beheld their fleet wrapped in flames and smoke, and sinking beneath the waves. " How shall we escape," ex claimed they, " if the fortune of war should be against us?" " There is no escape for the coward !" cried Taric : "the brave man thinks of none : your only chance is victory." " But how, without ships, shall we ever return to our homes?" "Your home," replied Taric, " is before you ; but you must win it with your swords." While Taric was yet talking with his followers, says one of the ancient chroniclers, a Christian female was described, waving a white pennon on a reed, in signal of DON RODERICK. 89 peace. On being brought into the presence of Taric she prostrated herself before him. " Senior," said she, " I am an ancient woman ; and it is now full sixty years, past and gone, since, as I was keeping vigils one winter s night by the fireside, I heard my father, who was an exceeding old man, read a prophecy, said to have been written by a holy friar ; and this was the purport of the prophecy : that a time would arrive when our country would be invaded and conquered by a people from Africa, of a strange garb, a strange tongue, and a strange religion. They were to be led by a strong and valiant captain, who would be known by these signs : on his right shoulder he would have a hairy mole, and his right arm would be much longer than the left ; and of such length as to enable him to cover his knee with his hand without bending his body." Taric listened to the old beldame with grave attention ; and, when she had con cluded, he laid bare his shoulder, and lo ! there was the mole as it had been described ; 90 THE LEGEND OF his right arm, also, was, in verity, found to exceed the other in length, though not to the degree that had been mentioned. Upon this the Arab host shouted for joy, and felt assured of conquest.* The discreet Antonio Agapida, though he records this circumstance as it is set down in ancient chronicle, yet withholds his belief from the pretended prophecy, considering the whole a cunning device of Taric to increase the courage of his troops. " Doubt less," says he, " there was a collusion between this ancient sybil and the crafty son of Ishmael ; for these infidel leaders were full of damnable inventions, to work upon the superstitious fancies of their followers, and to inspire them with a blind confidence in the success of their arms." Be this as it may, the veteran Taric took advantage of the excitement of his soldiery, and led them forward to gain possession of * Perdida de Espana, por Abulcasim Tarif Aben- tarique, lib. i. c. 7. DON RODERICK. 91 a stronghold, which was, in a manner, the key to all the adjacent country. This was a lofty mountain, or promontory, almost sur rounded by the sea ; and connected with the mainland by a narrow isthmus. It was called the rock of Calpe, and, like the opposite rock of Ceuta, commanded the entrance to the Mediterranean Sea. Here, in old times, Hercules had set up one of his pillars, and the city of Heraclea had been built. As Taric advanced against this promon tory, he was opposed by a hasty levy of the Christians, who had assembled under the banner of a Gothic noble of great power and importance, whose domains lay along the mountainous coast of the Mediterranean. The name of this Christian cavalier was Theodomir, but he has universally been call ed Tadmir by the Arabian historians ; and is renowned as being the first commander that made any stand against the inroad of the Moslems. He was about forty years of age ; hardy, prompt, and sagacious ; and 92 THE LEGEND OF had all the Gothic nobles been equally vigi lant and shrewd in their defence, the banner of Islam would never have triumphed over the land. Theodomir had but seventeen hundred men under his command, and these but rudely armed ; yet he made a resolute stand against the army of Taric, and defended the pass to the promontory with great valour. He was, at length, obliged to retreat ; and Taric advanced, and planted his standard on the rock of Calpe, and fortified it as his stronghold, and as the means of securing an entrance into the land. To commemorate his first victory, he changed the name of the promontory, and called it Gibel Taric, or the mountain of Taric ; but, in process of time, the name has gradually been altered to Gibraltar. In the meantime, the patriotic chieftain, Theodomir, having collected his routed forces, encamped with them on the skirts of the mountains, and summoned the country round to join his standard. He sent off missives, DON RODERICK. 93 in all speed, to the king ; imparting, in brief and blunt terms, the news of the invasion, and craving assistance with equal frankness. " Senior," said he, in his letter, " the legions of Africa are upon us, but whether they come from heaven or earth I know not. They seem to have fallen from the clouds, for they have no ships. We have been taken by surprise, overpowered by numbers, and obliged to retreat ; and they have fortified themselves in our territory. Send us aid, senior, with instant speed ; or, rather, come yourself to our assistance." * * Conde, part i. c. 9. 94 THE LEGEND OF CHAPTER XI. MEASURES OF DON RODERICK ON HEARING OF THE INVASION. EXPEDITION OF ATAULFHO. VISION OF TARIC. WHEN Don Roderick heard that legions of turbaned troops had poured into the land from Africa, he called to mind the visions and predictions of the necromantic tower, and great fear came upon him. But, though sunk from his former hardihood and virtue, though enervated by indulgence, and de graded in spirit by a consciousness of crime, he was resolute of soul, and roused himself to meet the coming danger. He summoned a hasty levy of horse and foot, amounting to forty thousand ; but now were felt the effects of the crafty council of Count Julian, for the best of the horses and armour intended for the public service had been sent into Africa, and were really in possession of the traitors. DON RODERICK. 9<5 Many nobles, it is true, took the field with the sumptuous array with which they had been accustomed to appear at tournaments and jousts ; but most of their vassals were destitute of weapons, and cased in cuirasses of leather, or suits of armour almost con sumed by rust. They were without disci pline or animation ; and their horses, like themselves, pampered by slothful peace, were little fitted to bear the heat, the dust, and toil, of long campaigns. This army Don Roderick put under the command of his kinsman Ataulpho, a prince of the royal blood of the Goths, and of a noble and generous nature ; and he ordered him to march with all speed to meet the foe, and to recruit his forces on the way with the troops of Theodomir. In the meantime, Taric el Tuerto had re ceived large re-enforcements from Africa, and the adherents of Count Julian, and all those discontented with the sway of Don Roderick, had flocked to his standard ; for many were deceived by the representations of Count 96 THE LEGEND OF Julian, and thought that the Arabs had come to aid him in placing the sons of Witiza upon the throne. Guided by the count, the troops of Taric penetrated into various parts of the country, and laid waste the land ; bringing back loads of spoil to their strong hold at the rock of Calpe. The prince Ataulpho marched with his army through Andalusia, and was joined by Theodomir with his troops ; he met with various detachments of the enemy foraging the country, and had several bloody skir mishes ; but he succeeded in driving them before him, and they retreated to the rock of Calpe, where Taric lay gathered up with the main body of his army. The prince encamped not far from the bay which spreads itself out before the promon tory. In the evening he despatched the veteran Theodomir, with a trumpet, to de mand a parley of the Arab chieftain, who received the envoy in his tent, surrounded by his captains. Theodomir was frank and abrupt in speech, for the most of his life DON RODERICK. 97 had been passed far from courts. He delivered, in round terms, the message of the Prince Ataulpho ; upbraiding" the Arab general with his wanton invasion of the land, and summoning him to surrender his army, or to expect no mercy. The single eye of Taric el Tuerto glowed like a coal of fire at this message. " Tell your commander," replied he, " that I have crossed the strait to conquer Spain, nor will I return until I have accomplished my pur pose. Tell him I have men skilled in war, and armed in proof, with whose aid I trust soon to give a good account of his rabble host." A murmur of applause passed through the assemblage of Moslem captains. Theo- domir glanced on them a look of defiance, but his eye rested on a renegado Christian, one of his own, ancient comrades, and a relation of Count Julian. "As to you, Don Grey beard," said he, "you who turn apostate in your declining age, I here pronounce you a traitor to your God, your king, and country ; F 98 THE LEGEND OF and stand ready to prove it this instant upon your body, if field be granted me." The traitor knight was stung with rage at these words, for truth rendered them piercing to the heart. He would have im mediately answered to the challenge, but Taric forbade it, and ordered that the Chris tian envoy should be conducted from the camp. " J Tis well," replied Theodomir ; " God will give me the field which you deny. Let yon hoary apostate look to him self to-morrow in the battle, for I pledge myself to use my lance upon no other foe until it has shed his blood upon the native soil he has betrayed." So saying, he left the eamp ; nor could the Moslem chieftains help admiring the honest indignation of this patriot knight, while they secretly despised his renegado adversary. The ancient Moorish chroniclers relate many awful portents, and strange and mys terious visions, which appeared to the com manders of either army during this anxious night. Certainly it was a night of fearful DON RODERICK. 99 suspense, and Moslem and Christian looked forward with doubt to the fortune of the coming day. The Spanish sentinel walked his pensive round, listening- occasionally to the vague sounds from the distant rock of Calpe, and eyeing it as the mariner eyes the thunder cloud, pregnant with terror and des truction. The Arabs, too, from their lofty cliffs beheld the numerous camp-fires of the Christians gradually lighted up, and saw that they were a powerful host ; at the same time the night breeze brought to their ears the sullen roar of the sea which separated them from Africa. When they considered their perilous situation, an army on one side, with a whole nation aroused to re-enforce It, and on the other an impassable sea, the spirits of many of the warriors were cast down, and they repented the day when they had ventured into this hostile land. Taric marked their despondency, but said nothing. Scarce had the first streak of morning light trembled along the sea, how ever, when he summoned his principal war- F 2 100 THE LEGEND OF riors to his tent. "Be of good cheer," said he : " Allah is with us, and has sent his prophet to give assurance of his aid. Scarce had I retired to my tent last night, when a man of a majestic and venerable presence stood before me. He was taller by a palm than the ordinary race of men : his flowing beard was of a golden hue, and his eyes were so bright that they seemed to send forth flashes of fire. I have heard the Emir Ba- hamet, and other ancient men, describe the prophet, whom they had seen many times while on earth, and such was his form and lineament. Fear nothing, O Taric, from the morrow, said he, I will be with thee in the fight. Strike boldly, then, and conquer. Those of thy followers who survive the battle will have this land for an inheritance ; for those who fall, a mansion in paradise is pre pared, and immortal houris await their com ing. He spake and vanished ; I heard a strain of celestial melody, and my tent was filled with the odours of Arabia the Happy." "Such," say the Spanish chroniclers, "was DON RODERICK. 101 another of the arts by which this arch son of Ishmael sought to animate the hearts of his followers;" and the pretended vision had been recorded by the Arabian writers as a veritable occurrence. Marvellous, indeed, was the effect produced by it upon the infidel soldiery, who now cried out with eagerness to be led against the foe. F 3 102 THE LEGEND OF CHAPTER XII. BATTLE OF CALPE. FATE OF ATAULPHO. THE grey summits of the rock of Calpe brightened with the first rays of morning, as the Christian arrny issued forth from its encampment. The Prince Ataulpho rode from squadron to squadron, animating his soldiers for the battle. " Never should we sheath our swords," said he, " while these infidels have a footing in the land. They are pent up within yon rocky mountain, we must assail them in their rugged hole. We have a long day before us : let not the setting sun shine upon one of their host, who is not a fugitive, a captive, or a corpse." The words of the prince were received with shouts, and the army moved towards the promontory. As they advanced, they heard the clash of cymbals and the bray of trumpets, and the rocky bosom of the moun- DON RODERICK. 103 tain glittered with helms and spears and scimitars ; for the Arabs, inspired with fresh confidence by the words of Taric, were sal lying forth, with flaunting banners, to the combat. The gaunt Arab chieftain stood upon a rock as his troops marched by ; his buckler was at his back, and he brandished in his hand a double-pointed spear. Calling upon the several leaders by their names, he ex horted them to direct their attacks against the Christian captains, and especially against Ataulpho ; "for the chiefs being slain," said he, " their followers will vanish from before us like the morning mist." The Gothic nobles were easily to be dis tinguished by the splendour of their arms ; but the Prince Ataulpho was conspicuous above all the rest for the youthful grace and majesty of his appearance, and the bravery of his array. He was mounted on a superb Andalusian charger, richly caparisoned with crimson velvet, embroidered with gold. His surcoat was of like colour and adornment, F 4 W4f THE LEGEND OF and the plumes that waved above his bur nished helmet were of the purest white. Ten mounted pages, magnificently attired, followed him to the field, but their duty was not so much to fight as to attend upon their lord, and to furnish him with steed or weapon. The Christian troops, though irregular and undisciplined, were full of native cour age ; for the old warrior spirit of their Gothic sires still glowed in their bosoms. There were two battalions of infantry, but Ataulpho stationed them in the rear ; " for God forbid," said he, " that foot soldiers should have the place of honour in the bat tle, when I have so many valiant cavaliers." As the armies drew nigh to each other, however, it was discovered that the advance of the Arabs was composed of infantry. Upon this the cavaliers checked their steeds, and requested that the foot soldiery might advance and disperse this losel crew, hold ing it beneath their dignity to contend with pedestrian foes. The prince, however, com- DON RODERICK. 105 manded them to charge j upon which, put ting spurs to their steeds, they rushed upon the foe. The Arabs stood the shock manfully, re ceiving the horses upon the points of their lances ; many of the riders were shot down with bolts from cross-bows, or stabbed with the poniards of the Moslems. The cavaliers succeeded, however, in breaking into the midst of the battalion and throwing it into confusion, cutting down some with their swords, transpiercing others with their spears, and trampling many under the hoofs of their horses. At this moment, they were attacked: by a band of Spanish horsemen, the recreant partisans of Count Julian. Their assault bore hard upon their countrymen, who were disordered by the contest with the foot soldiers, and many a loyal Christian knight fell beneath the sword of an un natural foe. The foremost among these recreant war riors was the renegado cavalier whom Theo- domir had challenged in the tent of Taric. F 5 106 THE LEGEND OF He dealt his blows about him with a powerful arm and with malignant fury, for nothing is more deadly than the hatred of an apostate. In the midst of his career he was espied by the hardy Theodomir, who came spurring to the encounter : " Traitor/ cried he, "I have kept my vow. This lance has been held sacred from all other foes to make a passage for thy perjured soul." The renegado had been renowned for prowess before he became a traitor to his country, but guilt will sap the courage of the stoutest heart. When he beheld Theodomir rushing upon him, he would have turned and fled ; pride alone withheld him ; and, though an admirable master of defence, he lost all skill to ward the attack of his adversary. At the first assault the lance of Theodomir pierced him through and through ; he fell to the earth, gnashed his teeth as he rolled in the dust, but yielded his breath without uttering a word. The battle now became general, and lasted throughout the morning with varying success. DON RODERICK. 107 The stratagem of Taric, however, began to produce its effect. The Christian leaders and most conspicuous cavaliers were singled out, and severally assailed by overpowering num bers. They fought desperately, and per formed miracles of prowess ; but fell, one by one, beneath a thousand wounds. Still the battle lingered on throughout a great part of the day ; and as the declining sun shone through the clouds of dust, it seemed as if the conflicting hosts were wrapped in smoke and fire. The Prince Ataulpho saw that the fortune of battle was against him. He rode about the field calling out the names of the bravest of his knights, but few answered to his call ; the rest lay mangled on the field. With this handful of warriors he endeavoured to retrieve the day, when he was assailed by Tenderos, a partisan of Count Julian, at the head of a body of recreant Christians. At sight of this new adversary, fire flashed from the eyes of the prince, for Tenderos had been brought up in his father s palace. " Well v 6 108 THE LEGEND OF dost thou, traitor ! " cried he, " to attack the son of thy lord, who gave thee bread ; thou, who hast betrayed thy country and thy God!" So saying, he seized a lance from one of his pages, and charged furiously upon the apostate ; but Tenderos met him in mid career, and the lance of the prince was shivered upon his shield. Ataulpho then grasped his mace, which hung at his saddle bow, and a doubtful fight ensued. Tenderos was powerful of frame and superior in the use of his weapons, but the curse of treason seemed to paralyse his arm. He wounded Ataulpho slightly between the greaves of his armour, but the prince dealt a blow with his mace that crushed through helm and skull, and reached the brains ; and Tenderos fell dead to the earth, his armour rattling as he fell. At the same moment a javelin, hurled by an Arab, transpierced the horse of Ataulpho, which sunk beneath him. The prince seized the reins of the steed of Tenderos ; but the DON RODERICK. 109 faithful animal, as though he knew him to be the foe of his late lord, reared and plunged, and refused to let him mount. The prince, however, used him as a shield to ward off the press of foes : while, with his sword, he defended himself against those in front of him. Taric ben Zeyad arrived at the scene of conflict, and paused, for a moment, in admiration of the surpassing prowess of the prince : recollecting, however, that his fall would be a death-blow to his army, he spur red upon him, and wounded him severely with his scimitar. Before he could repeat his blow, Theodomir led up a body of Christian cavaliers to the rescue, and Taric was parted from his prey by the tumult of of the fight. The prince sank to the earth, covered with wounds, and exhausted by the loss of blood. A faithful page drew him from under the hoofs of the horses, and, aided by a veteran soldier, an ancient vassal of Ataulpho, conveyed him to a short dis tance from the field of battle, by the side of a small stream that gushed out from among 110 THE LEGEND OF rocks. They stanched the blood that flowed from his wounds, and washed the dust from his face, and laid him beside the fountain. The page sat at his head, and supported it on his knees ; and the veteran stood at his feet, with his brow bent, and his eyes full of sorrow. The prince gradually revived, and opened his eyes. " How fares the battle?" said he. " The struggle is hard," replied the soldier, " but the day may yet be ours." The prince felt that the hour of his death was at hand, and ordered that they should aid him to rise upon his knees. They sup ported him between them, and he prayed fervently for a short time, when, finding his strength declining, he beckoned the veteran to sit down beside him on the rock. Con tinuing to kneel, he confessed himself to that ancient soldier ; having no priest or friar to perform that office in this hour of extremity. When he had so done, he sunk again upon the earth, and pressed it with his lips, as if he would take a fond farewell of his beloved country. The page would then have raised DON RODERICK. Ill his head, but found that his lord had yielded up the ghost. A number of Arab warriors, who came to the fountain to slake their thirst, cut off the head of the prince, and bore it in triumph to Taric, crying, " Behold the head of the Christian leader ! " Taric immediately or dered that the head should be put upon the end of a lance, together with the surcoat of the prince, and borne about the field of battle, with the sound of trumpets, atabels, and cymbals. When the Christians beheld the surcoat, and knew the features of the prince, they were struck with horror, and heart and hand failed them. Theodomir endeavoured in vain to rally them ; they threw by their weapons and fled ; and they continued to fly, and the enemy to pursue and slay them, until the darkness of the night. The Moslems then returned, and plundered the Christian camp, where they found abundant spoil. THE LEGEND OF CHAPTER XIII. TERROR OF THE COUNTRY. RODERICK ROUSES HIMSELF TO ARMS. THE scattered fugitives of the Christain army spread terror throughout the land. The inhabitants of the towns and villages gathered around them as they applied at their gates for food, or laid themselves down, faint and wounded, beside the public fountains. When they related the tale of their defeat, old men shook their heads and groaned, and the women uttered cries and lamentations. So strange and unlooked-for a calamity filled them with consternation and despair ; for it was long since the alarm of war had sounded in their land : and this was a warfare that carried chains and slavery, and all kinds of horrors, in its train. Don Roderick was seated with his beau teous queen, Exilona, in the royal palace which crowned the rocky summit of Toledo, DON RODERICK. 113 when the bearer of ill-tidings came galloping over the bridge of the Tagus. " What tidings from the army?" demanded the king, as the panting messenger was brought into his presence. " Tidings of great woe !" exclaimed the soldier. " The prince has fallen in battle. I saw his head and surcoat upon a Moorish lance ; and the army was overthrown and fled ! " At hearing these words, Roderick covered his face with his hands, and for some time sat in silence ; and all his courtiers stood mute and aghast, and no one dared to speak a word. In that awful space of time passed before his thoughts all his errors and his crimes, and all the evil that had been predicted in the necromantic tower. His mind was filled with horror and confusion, for the hour of his destruction seemed at hand : but he subdued his agitation by his strong and haughty spirit ; and, when he uncovered his face, no one could read on his brow the trouble and agony of his heart. Still, every hour brought fresh tidings of 114 THE LEGEND OF disaster. Messenger after messenger came spurring into the city, distracting it with new alarmSr The infidels, they said, were strengthening themselves in the land ; host after host were pouring in from Africa : the sea coast of Andalusia glittered with spears and scimitars. Bands of turbaned horsemen had overrun the plains of Sidonia, even to the banks of the Guadiana. Fields were laid waste, towns and cities plundered, the inhabitants carried into captivity, and the whole country lay in smoking desolation. Roderick heard all these tidings with an undaunted aspect ; nor did he ever again betray sign of consternation : but the anxiety of his soul was evident in his warlike pre parations. He issued orders that every noble and prelate of his kingdom should put himself at the head of his retainers, and take the field ; and that every man capable of bearing arms should hasten to his stand ard, bringing whatever horse, and mule, and weapon he possessed : and he appointed the plain of Cordova for the place where the DON RODERICK. 115 army was to assemble. Throwing by, then, all the trappings of his late slothful and voluptuous life, and arming himself for war like action, he departed from Toledo at the head of his guard, composed of the flower of the youthful nobility. His queen, Exilona, accompanied him ; for she craved permission to remain in one of the cities of Andalusia, that she might be near her lord in this time of peril. Among the first who appeared to hail the arrival of the king at Cordova, was the Bishop Oppas, the secret partisan of the traitor Julian. He brought with him his two nephews, Evan and Siseburto, the sons of the late king Witiza ; and a great host of vassals and retainers, all well armed and appointed, for they had been furnished, by Count Julian, with a part of the arms sent by the king to Africa. The bishop was smooth of tongue, and profound in his hypocrisy : his pretended zeal and devotion, and the horror with which he spoke of the treachery of his kinsman, imposed upon the 116 THE LEGEND OF credulous spirit of the king, and he was readily admitted into his most secret council. The alarm of the infidel invasion had spread throughout the land, and roused the Gothic valour of the inhabitants. On re ceiving the oders of Roderick, every town and hamlet, every mountain and valley, had sent forth its fighting men, and the whole country was on the march towards Anda lusia. In a little while there were gathered together, on the plain of Cordova, near fifty thousand horsemen, and a countless host of foot-soldiers. The Gothic nobles appeared in burnished armour, curiously inlaid, and adorned with chains and jewels of gold, anc ornaments of precious stones, and silkez scarfs, and surcoats of brocade, or velvet richly embroidered ; betraying the luxury and ostentation with which they had declined from the iron hardihood of their warlike sires. As to the common people, some had lances and shields and swords and cross bows, but the greater part were unarmed, or provided merely with slings, and clubs DON RODERICK. 117 studded with nails, and with the iron im plements of husbandry ; and many had made shields for themselves from the doors and windows of their habitations. They were a prodigious host, and appeared, say the Arabian chroniclers, like an agitated sea ; but, though brave in spirit, they possessed no knowledge of warlike art, and were in effectual through lack of arms and discipline. Several of the most ancient and experi enced cavaliers, beholding the state of the army, advised Don Roderick to await the arrival of more regular troops, which were stationed in Iberia, Cantabria, and Gallia Gothica ; but this counsel was strenuously opposed by the Bishop Oppas ; who urged the king to march immediately against the infidels. " As yet," said he, " their number is but limited ; but every day new hosts arrive, like flocks of locusts, from Africa. They will augment faster than we ; they are living, too, at our expense, and, while we pause, both armies are consuming the sub stance of the land." 118 THE LEGEND OF King Roderick listened to the crafty counsel of the bishop, and determined to advance without delay. He mounted his war horse, Orelia, and rode among his troops assembled on that spacious plain, and where- ever he appeared he was received with accla mations ; for nothing so arouses the spirit of the soldier as to behold his sovereign in arms. He addressed them in words calcu lated to touch their hearts and animate their courage. " The Saracens," said he, " are ravaging our land, and their object is our conquest. Should they prevail, your very existence as a nation is at an end. They will overturn your altars ; trample on the cross ; lay waste your cities ; carry off your wives and daughters, and doom yourselves and sons to hard and cruel slavery. No safety remains for you but in the prowess of your arms. For my own part, as I am your king, so will 1 be your leader, and will be the foremost to encounter every toil and danger." The soldiery answered their monarch with DON RODERICK. 119 loud acclamations, and solemnly pledged themselves to fight to the last gasp in defence of their country and their faith. The king then arranged the order of their march : all those who were armed with cuirasses and coats of mail were placed in the front and rear ; the centre of the army was composed of a pro miscuous throng, without body armour, and but scantily provided with weapons. When they were about to march, the king called to him a noble cavalier named Ra- miro, and delivering him the royal standard, charged him to guard it well for the honour of Spain ; scarcely, however, had the good knight received it in his hand, when he fell dead from his horse, and the staff of the standard was broken in twain. Many ancient courtiers who were present looked upon this as an evil omen, and counselled the king not to set forward on his march that day ; but, disregarding all auguries and por tents, he ordered the royal banner to be put upon a lance, and gave it in charge of an other standard bearer : then commanding the 120 THE LEGEND OF trumpets to be sounded, he departed at the head of his host to seek the enemy. The field where this great army assembled was called, from the solemn pledge given by the nobles and the soldiery, El campo de la verdad; or, The field of Truth ; a name, says the sage chronicler Abul Cassim, which it bears even to the present day. * * La Perdida de Espaiia, cap. 9. Bleda, lib. ii. c. 8. DON RODERICK. CHAPTER XIV. MARCH OF THE GOTHIC ARMY. ENCAMPMENT ON THE BANKS OF THE GUADALETE. MYSTE RIOUS PREDICTIONS OF A PALMER. CONDUCT OF PELISTES THEREUPON. THE hopes of Andalusia revived, as this mighty host stretched in lengthened lines along its fertile plains ; from morn until night it continued to pour along, with sound of drum and trumpet ; it was led on by the proudest nobles and bravest cavaliers of the land, and, had it possessed arms and dis cipline, might have undertaken the conquest of the world. After a few days march, Don Roderick arrived in sight of the Moslem army, en camped on the banks of the Guadalete*, where that beautiful stream winds through * This name was given to it subsequently by the Arabs. It signifies the River of Death. Vide Pe- druza, Hist. Granad. p. 3. c. 1. G THE LEGEND OF the fertile land of Xeres. The infidel host was far inferior in number to the Christians ; but then it was composed of hardy and dex terous troops, seasoned to war, and admir ably armed. The camp shone gloriously in the setting sun, and resounded with the clash of cymbal, the note of the trumpet, and the neighing of fiery Arabian steeds. There were swarthy troops from every nation of the African coast, together with legions from Syria and Egypt, while the light Bedouins were careering about the adjacent plain. What grieved and incensed the spirits of the Christian warriors, however, was to behold, a little apart from the Moslem host, an en campment of Spanish cavaliers, with the banner of Count Julian waving above their tents. They were ten thousand in number, valiant and hardy men, the most experienced of Spanish soldiery, most of them having served in the African wars ; they were well armed and appointed also, with the weapons of which the count had beguiled his sove reign ; and it was a grievous sight to behold DON RODERICK. such good soldiers arrayed against their country and their faith. The Christians pitched their tents about the hour of vespers, at a short league distant from the enemy, and remained gazing with anxiety and awe upon this barbaric host that had caused such terror and desolation in the land : for the first sight of a hostile encamp ment in a country disused to war, is terrible to the newly enlisted soldier. A marvellous occurrence is recorded by the Arabian chro niclers as having taken place in the Christian camp ; but discreet Spanish writers relate it with much modification, and consider it a stratagem of the wily Bishop Oppas, to sound the loyalty of the Christian cavaliers. As several leaders of the army were seated with the bishop in his tent, conversing on the dubious fortunes of the approaching contest, an ancient pilgrim appeared at the entrance. He was bowed down with years, his snowy beard descended to his girdle, and he sup ported his tottering steps with a palmer s staff. The cavaliers rose and received him G 2 124 THE LEGEND OF with great reverence as he advanced within the tent. Holding up his withered hand, " Woe, woe to Spain!" exclaimed he, "for the vial of the wrath of heaven is ahout to be poured out. Listen, warriors, and take warning. Four months since, having per formed my pilgrimage to the sepulchre of our Lord in Palestine, I was on my return towards my native land. Wearied and way worn, I lay down one night to sleep beneath a palm tree, by the side of a fountain, when I was awakened by a voice saying unto me, in soft accents, * Son of sorrow, why sleepest thou ? I opened my eyes, and beheld one of a fair and beauteous countenance, in shining apparel and with glorious wings, standing by the fountain ; and I said, Who art thou who callest upon me in this deep hour of the night? " Fear not, replied the stranger, c I am an angel from heaven, sent to reveal unto thee the fate of thy country. Behold the sins of Roderick have come up before God, and his anger is kindled against him, and he DON RODERICK. has given him up to be invaded and de stroyed. Hasten then to Spain, and seek the camp of thy countrymen. Warn them that such only shall be saved as shall aban don Roderick ; but those who adhere to him shall share his punishment, and shall fall under the sword of the invader. The pilgrim ceased, and passed forth from the tent ; certain of the cavaliers followed him to detain him, that they might converse further with him about these matters, but he was no where to be found. The sentinel before the tent said, " I saw no one come forth, but it was as if a blast of wind passed by me, and there was a rustling as of dry leaves." The cavaliers remained looking upon each other with astonishment. The Bishop Oppas sat with his eyes fixed upon the ground, and shadowed by his overhanging brow. At length, breaking silence, in a low and falter ing voice, " Doubtless," said he, " this mes sage is from God ; and since he has taken compassion upon us, and given us notice of G 3 126 THE LEGEND OF his impending- judgment, it behoves us to hold grave council, and determine how best we may accomplish his will and avert his displeasure." The chiefs still remained silent, as men confounded. Among them WBS a veteran noble named Pelistes. He had distinguished himself in the African wars, fighting side by side with Count Julian, but the latter had never dared to tamper with his faith, for he knew his stern integrity. Pelistes had brought with him to the camp his only son, who had never drawn a sword expect in tourney. When the young man saw that the veterans held their peace, the blood mantled in his cheek, and, overcoming his modesty, he broke forth with a generous warmth : "I know not, cavaliers," said he, "what is passing in your minds, but I believe this pilgrim to be an envoy from the devil ; for none else could have given such dastard and perfidious counsel. For my own part, I stand ready to defend my king, my country, and my faith. I know no higher duty than DON RODERICK. 12? this, and if God thinks fit to strike me dead in the performance of it, his sovereign will be done!" When the young man had risen to speak, liis father had fixed his eyes upon him with a grave and stern demeanour, leaning upon a two-handed sword. As soon as the youth had finished, Pelistes embraced him with a father s fondness. " Thou hast spoken well, my son," said he ; " if I held my peace at the counsel of this losel pilgrim, it was but to hear thy opinion, and to learn whether thou wert worthy of thy lineage and of the training I had given thee. Hadst thou coun selled otherwise than thou hast done, hadst thou shown thyself craven and disloyal, so help me God, I would have struck off thy head with this weapon which I hold in my hand. But thou hast counselled like a loyal and a Christian knight, and I thank God for having given me a son worthy to perpetuate the honours of my line. As to this pilgrim, be he saint or be he devil, I care not ; this much I promise, that if I am to die in de- G 4 128 THE LEGEND OF fence of my country and my king, my life shall be a costly purchase to the foe. Let each man make the same resolve, and I trust we shall yet prove the pilgrim a lying pro phet." The words of Pelistes roused the spirits of many of the cavaliers ; others, however, remained full of anxious foreboding, and when this fearful prophecy was rumoured about the camp, as it presently was by the emissaries of the bishop, it spread awe and dismay among the soldiery. DON RODERICK. CHAPTER XV. SKIRMISHING OF THE ARMIES. PELISTES AND HIS SON. PELISTES AND THE BISHOP. ON the following day, the two armies re mained regarding each other with wary but menacing aspect. About noontide, King Roderick sent forth a chosen force of five hundred horse and two hundred foot, the best armed of his host, to skirmish with the enemy, that, by gaining some partial advan tage, they might raise the spirits of the army. They were led on by Theodomir, the same Gothic noble who had signalised himself by first opposing the invasion of the Moslems. The Christian squadrons paraded with fly ing pennons in the valley which lay between the armies. The Arabs were not slow in answering their defiance. A large body of horsemen sallied forth to the encounter, to- G 5 130 THE LEGEND OF gether with three hundred of the followers of Count Julian. There was hot skirmish ing about the field, and on the banks of the river ; many gallant feats were displayed on either side, and many valiant warriors were slain. As the night closed in, the trumpets from either camp summoned the troops to retire from the combat. In this day s action the Christians suffered greatly in the loss of their distinguished cavaliers ; for it is the noblest spirits who venture most, and lay themselves open to danger ; and the Moslem soldiers had instructions to single out the leaders of the adverse host. All this is said to have been devised by the perfidious Bishop Oppas, who had secret communications with the enemy, while he influenced the councils of the king ; arid who trusted that by this skirmishing warfare the power of the Christian troops would be cut off, and the rest disheartened. On the following morning, a larger force was ordered out to skirmish, and such of the soldiery as were unarmed were commanded DON RODERICK. 131 to stand ready to seize the horses and strip off the armour of the killed and wounded. Among the most illustrious of the warriors who fought that day was Pelistes, the Gothic nohle who had so sternly checked the tongue of the Bishop Oppas. He led to the field a large body of his own vassals and retainers, and of cavaliers trained up in his house, who had followed him to the wars in Africa, and who looked up to him more as a father than a chieftain. Beside him was his only son, who now for the first time was fleshing his sword in battle. The conflict that day was more general and bloody than the day pre ceding ; the slaughter of the Christian war riors was immense, from their lack of defen sive armour ; and as nothing could prevent the flower of the Gothic chivalry from spur ring to the combat, the field was strewed with the bodies of the youthful nobles. None suffered more, however, than the warriors of Pelistes. Their leader himself was bold and hardy, and prone to expose himself to danger ; but years and experience had moderated his G 6 THE LEGEND OF early fire ; his son, however, was eager to distinguish himself in this, his first essay, and rushed with impetuous ardour into the hottest of the battle. In vain his father called to caution him ; he was ever in the advance, and seemed unconscious of the perils that surrounded him. The cavaliers and vassals of his father followed him with devoted zeal, and many of them paid for their loyalty with their lives. When the trumpets sounded in the evening for retreat, the troops of Pelistes were the last to reach the camp. They came slowly and mourn fully, and much decreased in number. Their veteran commander was seated on his war- horse, but the blood trickled from the greaves of his armour. His valiant son was borne on the shields of his vassals ; when they laid him on the earth near to where the king was standing, they found that the heroic youth had expired of his wounds. The cavaliers surrounded the body and gave utterance to their grief ; but the father restrained his agony, and DON RODERICK. 133 looked on with the stern resignation of a soldier. Don Roderick surveyed the field of battle with a rueful eye, for it was covered with the mangled bodies of his most illustrious warriors ; he saw, too, with anxiety, that the common people, unused to war, and un- sustained by discipline, were harassed by incessant toils and dangers, and were cooling in their zeal and courage. The crafty bishop Oppas marked the in ternal trouble of the king, and thought a favourable moment had arrived to sway him to his purpose. He called to his mind the various portents and prophecies which had forerun their present danger. " Let not my lord the king," said he, " make light of these mysterious revelations, which appear to be so disastrously fulfilling. The hand of Heaven appears to be against us. Destruc tion is impending over our heads. Our troops are rude and unskilful, but slightly armed, and much cast down in spirit. Better is it that we should make a treaty THE LEGEND OF with the enemy, and, by granting 1 part of his demands, prevent the utter ruin of our country. If such counsel be acceptable to my lord the king, I stand ready to depart upon an embassy to the Moslem camp." Upon hearing these words, Pelistes, who had stood in mournful silence, regarding the dead body of his son, burst forth with honest indignation. " By this good sword," said he, " the man who yields such dastard counsel deserves death from the hand of his countrymen rather than from the foe ; and, were it not for the presence of the king, may I forfeit salvation if I would not strike him dead upon the spot." The bishop turned an eye of venom upon Pelistes. " My lord," said he, " I, too, bear a weapon, and know how to wield it. Were the king not present you would not dare to menace, nor should you advance one step without my hastening to meet you." The king interposed between the jarring nobles, and rebuked the impetuosity of Pelistes, but at the same time rejected the DON RODERICK. 135 counsel of the bishop. " The event of this conflict," said he, "is in the hand of God ; but never shall my sword return to its scab bard while an infidel invader remains within the land." He then held a council with his captains, and it was determined to offer the enemy general battle on the following day. A herald was despatched defying Taric ben Zeyad to the contest, and the defiance was gladly accepted by the Moslem chieftain.* Don Roderick then formed the plan of ac tion, and assigned to each commander his several station, after which he dismissed his officers, and each one sought his tent, to prepare by diligence or repose for the next day s eventful contest. * Bleda, Cronica. 136 THE LEGEND OF CHAPTER XVI. TRAITOROUS MESSAGE OF COUNT JULIAN. TARIC BEN ZEYAD had been surprised by the valour of the Christian cavaliers in the recent battles, and at the number and apparent de votion of the troops which accompanied the king to the field. The confident defiance of Don Roderick increased his surprise. When the herald had retired, he turned an eye of suspicion on Count Julian. " Thou hast re presented thy countrymen," said he, " as sunk in effeminacy and lost to all generous impulse : yet I find them fighting with the courage and the strength of lions. Thou hast represented thy king as detested by his subjects, and surrounded by secret treason, but I behold his tents whitening the hills and dales, while thousands are hourly flock ing- to his standard. Woe unto thee if thou CT DON RODERICK. 137 hast dealt deceitfully with us, or betrayed us with guileful words." Don Julian retired to his tent in great trouble of mind, and fear came upon him that the Bishop Oppas might play him false ; for it is the lot of traitors ever to distrust each other. He called to him the same page who had brought him the letter from Flo- rinda, revealing the story of her dishonour. " Thou knowest, my trusty page," said he, " that I have reared thee in my house hold, and cherished thee above all thy com panions. If thou hast loyalty and affection for thy lord, now is the time to serve him. Hie thee to the Christian camp, and find thy way to the tent of the Bishop Oppas. If any one ask thee who thou art, tell them thou art of the household of the bishop, and bearer of missives from Cordova. When thou art admitted to the presence of the bishop, show him this ring, and he will com mune with thee in secret. Then tell him Count Julian greets him as a brother, and demands how the wrongs of his daughter 138 THE LEGEND OF Florinda are to be redressed. Mark well his reply, and bring it word for word. Have thy lips closed, but thine eyes and ears open ; and observe every thing of note in the camp of the king. So speed thee on thy errand away, away!" The page hastened to saddle a Barbary steed, fleet as the wind, and of a jet black colour, so as not to be easily discernible in the night. He girded on a sword and dagger, slung an Arab bow with a quiver of arrows at his side, and a buckler at his shoulder. Issuing out of the camp, he sought the banks of the Guadalete, and pro ceeded silently along its stream, which re flected the distant fires of the Christian camp. As he passed by the place which had been the scene of the recent conflict, he heard, from time to time, the groan of some ex piring warrior who had crawled among the reeds on the margin of the river ; and some times his steed stepped cautiously over the mangled bodies of the slain. The young page was unused to the sights of war, and DON RODERICK, 139 his heart beat quick within him. He was hailed by the sentinels as he approached the Christian camp, and, on giving the reply taught him by Count Julian, was conducted to the tent of the Bishop Oppas. The bishop had not yet retired to his couch. When he beheld the ring of Count Julian, and heard the words of his message, he saw that the page was one in whom he might confide. " Hasten back to thy lord," said he, " and tell him to have faith in me, and all shall go well. As yet I have kept my troops out of the combat. They are all fresh, well armed, and well appointed. The king has confided to myself, aided by the princes Evan and Siseburto, the command of a wing of the army. To-morrow, at the hour of noon, when both armies are in the heat of action, we will pass over with our forces to the Moslems. But I claim the compact made with Taric ben Zeyacl, that my nephews be placed in dominion over Spain, and tributary only to the Caliph of Damascus." With this traitorous message the page departed. 140 THE LEGEND OF He led his black steed by the bridle to pre sent less mark for observation, as he went stumbling along near the expiring fires of the camp. On passing the last outpost, when the guards were half slumbering on their arms, he was overheard and summoned, but leaped lightly into the saddle and put spurs to his steed. An arrow whistled by his ear, and two more stuck in the target which he had thrown upon his back. The clatter of swift hoofs echoed behind him, but he had learnt of the Arabs to fight and fly. Plucking a shaft from his quiver, and turning and rising in the stirrups as his courser galloped at full speed, he drew the arrow to the head and launched it at his pursuer. The twang of the bow-string was followed by the crash of armour, and a deep groan, as the horseman tumbled to the earth. The page pursued his course without further molestation, and ar rived at the Moslem camp before the break of day. DON RODERICK. 141 CHAPTER XVII. LAST DAY OF THE BATTLE. A LIGHT had burned throughout the nighe in the tent of the king, and anxious thoughts and dismal visions troubled his repose. If he fell into a slumber, he beheld in his dreams the shadowy phantoms of the necro mantic tower, or the injured Florinda, pale and dishevelled, imprecating the vengeance of Heaven upon his head. In the mid- watches of the night, when all was silent except the footstep of the sentinel, pacing before his tent, the king rose from his couch, and walking forth looked thoughtfully upon the martial scene before him. The pale crescent of the moon hung over the Moorish camp, and dimly lighted up the windings of the Guadalete. The heart of the king was heavy and oppressed ; but he felt only for himself, says Antonio Agapida, he thought THE LEGEND OF nothing of the perils impending over the thousands of devoted subjects in the camp below him ; sleeping, as it were, on the margin of their graves. The faint clatter of distant hoofs, as if in rapid flight, reached the monarch s ear, but the horsemen were not to be descried. At that very hour, and along the shadowy banks of that river, here and there gleaming with the scanty moon light, passed the fugitive messenger of Count Julian, with the plan of the next day s trea son. The day had not yet dawned, when the sleepless and impatient monarch summoned his attendants and arrayed himself for the field. He then sent for the venerable Bishop Urbino, who had accompanied him to the camp, and, laying aside his regal crown, he knelt with head uncovered, and confessed his sins before the holy man. After this a solemn mass was performed in the royal tent, and the eucharist administered to the monarch. When these ceremonies were concluded, he besought the archbishop to DON RODERICK. 143 depart forthwith for Cordova, there to await the issue of the battle, and to be ready to bring forward reinforcements and supplies. The archbishop saddled his mule and de parted just as the faint blush of morning began to kindle in the east. Already the camp resounded with the thrilling call of the trumpet, the clank of armour, and the tramp and neigh of steeds. As the archbishop passed through the camp, he looked with a compassionate heart on this vast multitude, of whom so many were soon to perish. The w r arriors pressed to kiss his hand, and many a cavalier full of youth and fire received his benediction, who was to lie stiff and cold before the evening. When the troops were marshalled for the field, Don Roderick prepared to sally forth in the state and pomp with which the Gothic kings were wont to go to battle. He was arrayed in robes of gold brocade ; his sandals were embroidered with pearls and diamonds ; he had a sceptre in his hand, and he wore a regal crown resplendent with inestimable THE LEGEND OF jewels. Thus gorgeously apparelled, he as cended a lofty chariot of ivory, the axle-trees of which were of silver, and the wheels and pole covered with plates of burnished gold. Above his head was a canopy of cloth of gold embossed with armorial devices, and studded with precious stones. * This sump tuous chariot was drawn by milk-white horses, with caparisons of crimson velvet, embroidered with pearls. A thousand youth ful cavaliers surrounded the car ; all of the noblest blood and bravest spirit ; all knighted by the king s own hand, and sworn to defend him to the last. When Roderick issued forth in this re splendent state, says an Arabian writer, sur rounded by his guards in gilded armour and waving plumes and scarfs and surcoats of a thousand dyes, it was as if the sun were emerging in the dazzling chariot of the day from amidst the glorious clouds of morning. As the royal car rolled along in front of * Eutrand. Chron. an. Christ. 714. DON RODERICK. 145 the squadrons, the soldiers shouted with ad miration. Don Roderick waved his sceptre, and addressed them from his lofty throne, reminding them of the horror and desolation which had already been spread through the land by the invaders. He called upon them to summon up the ancient valour of their race, and avenge the blood of their brethren. " One day of glorious fighting," said he, " and this infidel horde will be driven into the sea, or will perish beneath your swords. Forward bravely to the fight ; your families are behind you praying for your success ; the invaders of your country are before you ; God is above to bless his holy cause, and your king leads you to the fit ld." The army shouted with one accord, " Forward to the foe, and death be his portion who shuns the encounter ! " The rising sun began to shine along the glistening waters of the Guadalete as the Moorish army, squadron after squadron, came sweeping down a gentle declivity to the sound of martial music. Their turbans and H 146 THE LEGEND OF robes, of various dyes and fashions, gave a splendid appearance to their host ; as they marched, a cloud of dust arose and partly hid them from the sight, but still there would break forth flashes of steel and gleams of burnished gold, like rays of vivid light ning ; while the sound of drum and trumpet, and the clash of Moorish cymbal, were as the warlike thunder within that stormy cloud of battle. As the armies drew near each other the sun disappeared among gathering clouds, and the gloom of the day was increased by the columns of dust which rose from either host. At length the trumpet sounded for the encounter. The battle commenced with showers of arrows, stones, and javelins. The Christian foot-soldiers fought to disadvantage, the greater part being destitute of helm or buckler. A battalion of light Arabian horse men, led by a Greek renegado named Magued el Rumi, careered in front of the Christian line, launching their darts, and then wheeling off beyond the reach of the missiles DON RODERICK. 14/7 hurled after them. Theodomir now brought up his seasoned troops into the action, seconded by the veteran Pelistes, and in a little while the battle became furious and promiscuous. It was glorious to behold the old Gothic valour shining forth in this hour of fearful trial. Wherever the Moslems fell, the Christians rushed forward, seized upon their horses, and stripped them of their armour and their weapons. They fought desperately and successfully, for they fought for their country and their faith. The battle raged for several hours ; the field was strown with slain, and the Moors, overcome by the multitude and fury of their foes, be gan to falter. When Taric beheld his troops retreating before the enemy, he threw himself before them, and, rising in his stirrups, " Oh, Moslems ! conquerors of Africa ! " cried he, " whither would you fly ? The sea is be hind you, the enemy before ; you have no hope but in your valour and the help of God. Do as I do, and the day is ours ! " H 2 148 THE LEGEND OF With these words he put spurs to his horse and sprang among the enemy, striking to right and left, cutting down and destroy ing, while his steed, fierce as himself, tram pled upon the foot-soldiers, and tore them with his teeth. At this moment a mighty shout arose in various parts of the field ; the noontide hour had arrived. The Bishop Oppas with the two princes, who had hitherto kept their bands out of the fight, suddenly went over to the enemy, and turned their weapons upon their astonished countrymen. From that moment the fortune of the day was changed, and the field of battle became a scene of wild confusion and bloody mas sacre. The Christians knew not whom to contend with, or whom to trust. It seemed as if madness had seized upon their friends and kinsmen, and that their worst enemies were among themselves. The courage of Don Roderick rose with his danger. Throwing off the cumbrous robes of royalty, and descending from his car, he sprang upon his steed Orelia, grasped DON RODERICK. 149 his lance and buckler, and endeavoured to rally his retreating troops. He was sur rounded and assailed by a multitude of his own traitorous subjects, but defended himself with wondrous prowess. The enemy thick ened around him ; his loyal band of cava liers were slain, bravely fighting in his de fence ; the last that was seen of the king was in the midst of the enemy, dealing death at every blow. A complete panic fell upon the Christians ; they threw away their arms and fled in all directions. They were pursued with dread ful slaughter, until the darkness of the night rendered it impossible to distinguish friend from foe. Taric then called off his troops from the pursuit, and took possession of the royal camp ; and the couch which had been pressed so uneasily on the preceding night by Don Roderick, now yielded sound repose to his conqueror.* * This battle is called indiscriminately by histo rians the battle of Guadalete, or Xeres, from the neighbourhood of that city. H 3 150 THE LEGEND OF CHAPTER XVIII. THE FIELD OF BATTLE AFTER THE DEFEAT. THE FATE OF RODERICK. ON the morning after the battle, the Arab leader, Taric ben Zeyad, rode over the bloody field of the Guadalete, strewed with the ruins of those splendid armies, which had so lately passed like glorious pageants along the river banks. There Moor and Christian, horseman and horse, lay gashed with hideous wounds ; and the river, still red with blood, was filled with the bodies of the slain. The gaunt Arab was as a wolf roaming through the fold he had laid waste. On every side his eye revelled on the ruin of the country, on the wrecks of haughty Spain. There lay the flower of her youthful chivalry, mangled and destroyed, and the strength of her yeomanry prostrated in the dust. The Gothic noble lay confounded with his vassals ; DON RODERICK. 151 the peasant with the prince ; all ranks and dignities were mingled in one bloody mas sacre. When Taric had surveyed the field, he caused the spoils of the dead and the plunder of the camp to be brought before him. The booty was immense. There were massy chains, and rare jewels of gold ; pearls and precious stones ; rich silks and brocades, and all other luxurious decorations in which the Gothic nobles had indulged in the latter times of their degeneracy. A vast amount of treasure was likewise found, which had been brought by Roderick for the expenses of the war. Taric then ordered that the bodies of the Moslem warriors should be interred ; as for those of the Christians, they were gathered in heaps, and vast pyres of wood were formed, on which they were consumed. The flames of these pyres rose high in the air, and were seen afar off in the night ; and when the Christians beheld them from the neighbour ing hills they beat their breasts and tore their H 4 THE LEGEND OF hair, and lamented over them as over the funeral fires of their country. The carnage of that hattle infected the air for two whole months, and bones were seen lying in heaps upon the field for more than forty years ; nay, when ages had past and gone, the hus- handman, turning up the soil, would still find fragments of Gothic cuirasses and helms> and Moorish scimitars, the relics of that dreadful fight. For three days the Arabian horsemen pur sued the flying Christians, hunting them over the face of the country ; so that but a scanty number of that mighty host escaped to tell the tale of their disaster. Taric ben Zeyad considered his victory in complete so long as the Gothic monarch survived ; he proclaimed great rewards, therefore, to whomsoever should bring Rode rick to him, dead or alive. A diligent search was accordingly made in every direction, but for a long time in vain ; at length a soldier brought to Taric the head of a Christian warrior, on which was a cap decorated with DON RODERICK. 153 feathers and precious stones. The Arab leader received it as the head of the unfortu nate Roderick, and sent it, as a trophy of his victory, to Muza ben Nosier, who, in like manner, transmitted it to the caliph at Damascus. The Spanish historians, however, have always denied its identity. A mystery has ever hung, and ever must continue to hang, over the fate of King Ro derick, in that dark and doleful day of Spain. Whether he went down amidst the storm of battle, and atoned for his sins and errors by a patriot grave, or whether he survived to repent of them in hermit exile, must remain matter of conjecture and dispute. The learned Archbishop Rodrigo, who has re corded the events of this disastrous field, affirms that Roderick fell beneath the venge ful blade of the traitor Julian, and thus expiated with his blood his crime against the hapless Florinda ; but the archbishop stands alone in his record of the fact. It seems generally admitted that Orelia, the favourite war-horse of Don Roderick, was found en- 154 THE LEGEND OF tangled in a marsh on the borders of the Guadalete, with the sandals and mantle and royal insignia of the king lying close by him. The river at this place ran broad and deep, and was encumbered with the dead bodies of warriors and steeds ; it has been supposed, therefore, that he perished in the stream ; but his body was not found within its waters. When several years had passed away, and men s minds, being restored to some degree of tranquillity, began to occupy themselves about the events of this dismal day, a rumour arose that Roderick had escaped from the carnage on the banks of the Guadalete, and was still alive. It was said, that having from a rising ground caught a view of the whole field of battle, and seen that the day was lost, and his army flying in all directions, he likewise sought his safety in flight. It is added, that the Arab horsemen, while scour ing the mountains in quest of fugitives, found a shepherd arrayed in the royal robes, and brought him before the conqueror, believing DON RODERICK. 155 him to be the king himself. Count Julian soon dispelled the error. On heing questioned, the trembling rustic declared, that while tending his sheep in the folds of the mountains, there came a cavalier on a horse wearied and spent and ready to sink beneath the spur ; that the cavalier with an authoritative voice and me nacing air commanded him to exchange gar ments with him, and clad himself in his rude garb of sheep-skin, and took his crook and his scrip of provisions, and continued up the rugged defiles of the mountains leading to wards Castile, until he was lost to view.* This tradition was fondly cherished by many, who clung to the belief in the exist ence of their monarch as their main hope for the redemption of Spain. It was even af firmed that he had taken refuge, with many of his host, in an island of the " Ocean sea," from whence he might yet return, once more to elevate his standard, and battle for the recovery of his throne. * Bleda, Cron. lib. ii. c. 9. Abulcasim Tarif Abentarique, lib. i. c. 10. H 6 156 THE LEGEND OF Year after year, however, elapsed, and nothing was heard of Don Roderick ; yet, like Sebastian of Portugal, and Arthur of England, his name continued to be a rallying point for popular faith, and the mystery of his end to give rise to romantic fables. At length, when generation after generation had sunk into the grave, and near two centuries had passed and gone, traces were said to be discovered that threw a light on the final fortunes of the unfortunate Roderick. At that time, Don Alphonso the Great, King of Leon, had wrested the city of Viseo in Lusitania from the hands of the Moslems. As his soldiers were ranging about the city and its environs, one of them discovered in a field, outside of the walls, a small chapel or hermitage, with a sepulchre in front, on which was inscribed this epitaph in Gothic characters : HIC REQUIESCIT RUDERICUS, ULTIMUS REX GOTHORUM. Here lies Roderick, The last king of the Goths. DON RODERICK. 157 It has been believed by many that this was the veritable tomb of the monarch, and that in this hermitage he had finished his days in solitary penance. The warrior, as he con templated the supposed tomb of the once haughty Roderick, forgot all his faults and errors, and shed a soldier s tear over his memory ; but when his thoughts turned to Count Julian, his patriotic indignation broke forth, and with his dagger he inscribed a rude malediction on the stone. " Accursed," said he, " be the impious and headlong vengeance of the traitor Julian. He was a murderer of his king ; a destroyer of his kindred ; a betrayer of his country. May his name be bitter in every mouth, and his memory infamous to all generations." Here ends the legend of Don Roderick. 158 ILLUSTRATIONS FOREGOING LEGEND. THE TOMB OF RODERICK. THE venerable Sebastiano, Bishop of Sala manca, declares that the inscription on the tomb at Viseo, in Portugal, existed in his time, and that he had seen it. A particular account of the exile and hermit life of Rode rick is furnished by Berganza, on the au thority of Portuguese chronicles. Algunos historiadores Portugueses asse- guran, que el Rey Rodrigo, perdida la bat talia, huyo a tierra de Merida, y se recogio en el monasterio de Cauliniano, en donde, arrepentido de sus culpas, procuro confessar- las con muchas lagrimas. Deseando mas retiro^ y escogiendo por companero a un ILLUSTRATIONS. 159 monge llamado Roman, y elevando la Imagen de Nazareth, que Cyriaco monge de nacion griego avra traido de Jerusalem al monas- terio de Cauliniano, se subio a un monte muy aspero, que estaba sobre el mar, junto al lugar de Pederneyra. Vivio Rodrigo en compania de el monge en el hueco de una gruta por espacio de un aiio ; despues se passo a la ermita de san Miguel, que estaba cerca de Viseo, en donde murio y fue sepultado. Puedese ver esta relacion en las notas de Don Thomas Tamayo sobre Paulo deacano. El chronicon de san Millan, que llega hasta el afio 883, deze que, hasta su tiempo, si ignora el fin del Rey Rodrigo. Pocos anos despues el Rey Don Alonzo el Magno, avi- endo ganado la ciudad de Viseo, encontro en una iglesia el epitafio que en romance dize aqui yaze Rodrigo, ultimo Rey de los Godos. Berganza, 1.1. c. 13. 160 ILLUSTRATIONS. THE CAVE OF HERCULES. As the story of the necromantic tower is one of the most famous as well as least credi ble points in the history of Don Roderick, it may be well to fortify or buttress it by some account of another marvel of the city of To ledo. This ancient city, which dates its ex istence almost from the time of the flood, claiming as its founder Tubal, the son of Japhet, and grandson of Noah *, has been the warrior hold of many generations, and a strange diversity of races. It bears traces of the artifices and devices of its various occu pants, and is full of mysteries and subjects for antiquarian conjecture and perplexity. It is built upon a high rocky promontory, with the Tagus brawling round its base, and is overlooked by cragged and precipitous hills. These hills abound with clefts and caverns ; and the promontory itself, on which the city * Salazar, Hist. Gran. Cardinal. Prologo, vol. i. plan i. ILLUSTRATIONS. 161 is built, bears traces of vaults and subterrane ous habitations, which are occasionally dis covered under the ruins of ancient houses, or beneath the churches and convents. These are supposed by some to have been the habitations or retreats of the primitive inhabitants ; for it was the custom of the an cients, according- to Pliny, to make caves in high and rocky places, and live in them through fear of floods ; and such a precau tion, says the worthy Don Pedro de Roxas, in his history of Toledo, was natural enough among the first Toledans, seeing that they founded their city shortly after the deluge, while the memory of it was still fresh in their minds. Some have supposed these secret caves and vaults to have been places of concealment of the inhabitants and their treasure, during times of war and violence ; or rude temples for the performance of religious ceremonies in times of persecution. There are not wanting other, and grave writers, who give them a still darker purpose. In these caves, 162 ILLUSTRATIONS. say they, were taught the diabolical mysteries of magic ; and here were performed those infernal ceremonies and incantations, horrible in the eyes of God and man. " History," says the worthy Don Pedro de Roxas, " is full of accounts that the magi taught and per formed their magic and their superstitious rites in profound caves and secret places ; because, as this art of the devil was prohibited from the very origin of Christianity, they always sought for hidden places in which to practise it." In the time of the Moors this art, we are told, was publicly taught at their universities, the same as astronomy, philo sophy, and mathematics, and at no place was it cultivated with more success than at Toledo. Hence this city has ever been darkly re nowned for mystic science ; insomuch that the magic art was called by the French, and by other nations, the Arte Toledana. Of all the marvels, however, of this ancient, picturesque, romantic, and necro mantic city, none in modern times surpass the cave of Hercules, if we may take the ac- ILLUSTRATIONS. 163 count of Don Pedro de Roxas for authentic. The entrance to this cave is within the church of San Gines, situated in nearly the highest part of the city. The portal is secured by massive doors, opening within the walls of the church, but which are kept rigorously closed. The cavern extends under the city and beneath the bed of the Tagus to the distance of three leagues beyond. It is, in some places, of rare architecture, built of small stones curiously wTought, and sup ported by columns and arches. In the year 1-546 an account of this cavern was given to the archbishop and cardinal Don Juan Martinez Siliceo, who, desirous of examining it, ordered the en trance to be cleaned. A number of persons furnished with provisions, lanterns, and cords, then went in, and having proceeded about half a league, came to a place where there was a kind of chapel or temple, having a table or altar, with several statues of bronze in niches or on pedestals. > v While they were regarding this mysterious 164 ILLUSTRATIONS. scene of ancient worship or incantation, one of the statues fell, with a noise that echoed through the cavern, and smote the hearts of the adventurers with terror. Recovering from their alarm they proceeded onward, but were soon again dismayed by a roaring and rushing sound that increased as they ad vanced. It was made by a furious and tur bulent stream, the dark waters of which were too deep and broad and rapid to be crossed. By this time their hearts were so chilled they could not seek any other passage by which they might advance ; so they turned back and hastened out of the cave. It was night fall when they sallied forth, and they, were so much affected by the terror they had un dergone, and by the cold and damp air of the cavern, to which they were the more sensible from its being in the summer, that all of them fell sick, and several of them died. Whether the archbishop was encouraged to pursue his research and gratify his curiosity, the history does not mention. Alonzo Telles de Meneses, in his history ILLUSTRATIONS. 1 65 of the world, records, that not long before his time a boy of Toledo, being threatened with punishment by his master, fled and took refuge in this cave. Fancying his pursuer at his heels, he took no heed of the obscurity or coldness of the cave, but kept groping and blundering forward, until he came forth at three leagues distance from the city. Another and very popular story of this cave, current among the common people, was, that in its remote recesses lay concealed a great treasure of gold, left there by the Romans. Whoever would reach this pre cious hoard must pass through several caves or grottos ; each having its particular terror, and all under the guardianship of a ferocious dog, who has the key of all the gates, and watches day and night. At the approach of any one, he shows his teeth, and makes a hideous growling ; but no adventurer after wealth has had courage to brave a contest with this terrific cerberus. The most intrepid candidate on record was a poor man who had lost his all, and had 166 ILLUSTRATIONS. those grand incentives to desperate enterprise, a wife and a large family of children. Hear ing the story of this cave, he determined to venture alone in search of the treasure. He accordingly entered, and wandered many hours, bewildered, about the cave. Often would he have returned, but the thoughts of his wife and children urged him on. At length he arrived near to the place where he supposed the treasure lay hidden ; but here, to his dismay, he beheld the floor of the cavern strown with human bones ; doubtless the remains of adventurers like himself, who had been torn to pieces. Losing all courage, he now turned and sought his way out of the cave. Horrors thickened upon him as he fled. He beheld direful phantoms glaring and gibbering around him, and heard the sound of pursuit in the echoes of his footsteps. He reached his home overcome with affright ; several hours elapsed before he could recover speech to tell his story, and he died on the following day. ILLUSTRATIONS. l6*J The judicious Don Pedro de Roxas holds the account of the huried treasure for fabu lous, but the adventure of this unlucky man for very possible ; being led on by avarice, or rather the hope of retrieving a desperate fortune. He, moreover, pronounces his dying, shortly after coming forth, as very probable ; because the darkness of the cave, its coldness, the fright at finding the bones, the dread of meeting the imaginary dog, all joining to operate upon a man who was past the prime of his days, and enfeebled by poverty and scanty food, might easily cause his death. Many have considered this cave as in tended originally for a sally or retreat from the city in case it should be taken ; an opinion rendered probable, it is thought, by its grandeur and great extent. The learned Salazar de Mendoza, however, in his history of the grand cardinal of Spain, affirms it as an established fact, that it was first wrought out of the rock by Tubal, the son of Japhet, and grandson of Noah ; and 168 ILLUSTRATIONS. afterwards repaired and greatly augmented by Hercules the Egyptian, who made it his habitation after he had erected his pillars at the straits of Gibraltar. Here, too, it is said, he read magic to his followers, and taught them those supernatural arts by which he ac complished his vast achievements. Others think that it was a temple dedicated to Hercules ; as was the case, according to Pomponius Mela, with the great cave in the rock of Gibraltar ; certain it is, that it has always borne the name of " The Cave of Hercules." There are not wanting some who have insinuated that it was a work dating from the time of the Romans, and intended as a cloaca or sewer of the city ; but such a grovelling insinuation will be treated with proper scorn by the reader, after the nobler purposes to which he has heard this marvel lous cavern consecrated. From all the circumstances here adduced from learned and reverend authors, it will be perceived that Toledo is a city fruitful of ILLUSTRATIONS. 169 marvels, and that the necromantic tower of Hercules has more solid foundation than most edifices of similar import in ancient history. The writer of these pages will venture to add the result of his personal researches re specting the far famed cavern in question. Rambling about Toledo in the year 1826, in company with a small knot of antiquity hunters, among whom was an eminent British painter*, and an English noblemant, who has since distinguished himself in Spanish historical research, we directed our steps to the church of San Gines, and inquired for the portal of the secret cavern. The sacris tan was a voluble and communicative man, and one not likely to be niggard of his tongue about any thing he knew, or slow to boast of any marvel pertaining to his church ; but he professed utter ignorance of the existence of any such portal. He remembered to have heard, however, that immediately under the * Mr. D. W kie. t Lord Mali n. 170 ILLUSTRATIONS. entrance to the church there was an arch of mason work, apparently the upper part of some subterranean portal ; but that all had been covered up, and a pavement laid down thereon ; so that whether it led to the magic cave or the necromantic tower remains a mystery, and so must remain until some monarch or archbishop shall again have cou rage and authority to break the spell. LEGEND OP THE SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. LEGEND SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN.* CHAPTER I. CONSTERNATION OF SPAIN. CONDUCT OF THE CONQUERORS. MISSIVES BETWEEN TARIC AND MUZ A. THE overthrow of King Roderick and his army on the banks of the Guadalete, threw . open all southern Spain to the inroads of the moslems. The whole country fled be fore them ; villages and hamlets were hastily abandoned ; the inhabitants placed * In this legend most of the facts respecting the Arab inroads into Spain are on the authority of Arabian writers ; who had the most accurate means of information. Those relative to the Spaniards are chiefly from old Spanish chronicles. It is to be re marked that the Arab accounts have most the air of verity, and the events, as they relate them, are in the ordinary course of common life. The Spanish accounts, on the contrary, are full of the marvel lous ; for there were no greater romancers than the monkish chroniclers. i 3 174 LEGEND OF THE their aged and infirm, their wives and chil dren, and their most precious effects, on mules and other beasts of burden, and, driv ing before them their flocks and herds, made for distant parts of the land ; for the fast nesses of the mountains, and for such of the cities as yet possessed walls and bulwarks. Many gave out, faint and weary, by the way, and fell into the hands of the enemy ; others, at the distant sight of a turban or a Moslem standard, or on hearing the clangour of a trumpet, abandoned their flocks and herds, and hastened their flight with their families. If their pursuers gained upon them, they threw by their household goods and whatever was of burden, and thought themselves for tunate to escape, naked and destitute, to a place of refuge. Thus the roads were covered with scattered flocks and herds, and with spoil of all kind. The Arabs, however, were not guilty of wanton cruelty or ravage ; on the contrary, they conducted themselves with a moderation but seldom witnessed in more civilised con querors. Taric el Tuerto, though a thorough SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 1 75 man of the sword, and one whose whole thoughts were warlike, yet evinced wonderful judgment and discretion. He checked the predatory habits of his troops with a rigorous hand. They were forbidden, under pain of severe punishment, to molest any peaceable and unfortified towns, or any unarmed and un resisting people who remained quiet in their homes. No spoil was permitted to be made excepting in fields of battle, in camps of rout ed foes, or in cities taken by the sword. Taric had little need to exercise his seve rity ; his orders were obeyed through love, rather than fear, for he was the idol of his soldiery. They admired his restless and daring spirit, which nothing could dismay. His gaunt and sinewy form, his fiery eye, his visage seamed with scars, were suited to the hardihood of his deeds ; and when mounted on his foaming steed, careering the field of battle with quivering lance or flashing scimitar, his Arabs would greet him with shouts of enthusiasm. But what endeared him to them more than all was his soldier- i 4 176 LEGEND OF THE like contempt of gain. Conquest was his only passion ; glory the only reward he covet ed. As to the spoil of the conquered, he shared it freely among his followers, and squandered his own portion with open-handed generosity. While Taric was pushing his triumphant course through Andalusia, tidings of his stupendous victory on the banks of the Guadalete were carried to Muza ben Nozier. Messengers after messengers arrived, vying who should most extol the achievements of the conqueror and the grandeur of the con quest. " Taric," said they, " has over thrown the whole force of the unbelievers in one mighty battle. Their king is slain ; thousands and tens of thousands of their warriors are destroyed ; the whole land lies at our mercy ; and city after city is sur rendering to the victorious arms of Taric." The heart of Muza ben Nozier sickened at these tidings, and, instead of rejoicing at the success of the cause of Islam, he trembled with jealous fear lest the triumphs of Taric in Spain should eclipse his own victories in SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 177 Africa. He despatched missives to the Caliph Waled Almanzor, informing him of these new conquests, but taking the whole glory to himself, and making no mention of the services of Taric ; or, at least, only mentioning him incidentally as a subordinate commander. "The battles," said he, "have been terrible as the day of judgment; but, by the aid of Allah, we have gained the victory." He then prepared in all haste to cross over into Spain and assume the command of the conquering army ; and he wrote a letter in advance to interrupt Taric in the midst of his career. "Wherever this letter may find thee," said he, "I charge thee halt with thy army and await my coming. Thy force is inadequate to the subjugation of the land, and by rashly venturing, thou mayst lose every thing. I will be with thee speedily, with a reinforcement of troops competent to so great an enterprise." The letter overtook the veteran Taric while in the full glow of triumphant success ; having overrun some of the richest part of I 5 178 LEGEND OF THE Andalusia, and just received the surrender of the city of Ecija. As he read the letter, the blood mantled in his sunburnt cheek and fire kindled in his eye; for he penetrated the motives of Muza. He suppressed his wrath, however, and turning with a bitter expression of forced composure to his captains, " Un saddle your steeds," said he, " and plant your lances in the earth ; set up your tents and take your repose : for we must await the coming of the Wali with a mighty force to assist us in our conquest*" The Arab warriors broke forth with loud murmurs at these words : " What need have we of aid," cried they, " when the whole country is flying before us ; and what better commander can we have than Taric to lead us on to victory ? " Count Julian also, who was present, now hastened to give his traitorous counsel. " Why pause," cried he, " at this precious moment ? The great army of the Goths is vanquished, and their nobles are slaughtered or dispersed. Follow up your blow before SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 179 the land can recover from its panic. Over run the provinces, seize upon the cities, make yourself master of the capital, and your con quest is complete." * The advice of Julian was applauded by all the Arab chieftains, who were impatient of any interruption in their career of conquest. Taric was easily persuaded to what was the wish of his heart. Disregarding the letter of Muza, therefore, he prepared to pursue his victories. For this purpose he ordered a re view of his troops on the plain of Ecija. Some were mounted on steeds which they had brought from Africa ; the rest he supplied with horses taken from the Christians. He repeated his general orders, that they should inflict no wanton injury, nor plunder any place that offered no resistance. They were forbidden also to encumber themselves with booty, or even with provisions ; but were to scour the country with all speed, and seize upon all its fortresses and strong-holds. * Conde, p. i. c. 10. I 6 180 LEGEND OF THE He then divided his host into three several armies. One he placed under the command of the Greek renegado, Magued el Rumi, a man of desperate courage ; and sent it against the ancient city of Cordova. Another was sent against the city of Malaga, and was led by Zayd ben Kesadi, aided by the Bishop Oppas. The third was led by Taric himself, and with this he determined to make a wide sweep through the kingdom.* * Cronica de Espana, de Alonzo el Sabio, p. iiL c. 1. SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 181 CHAPTER II. CAPTURE OF GRANADA. SUBJUGATION OP THE ALPUXARRA MOUNTAINS. THE terror of the arms of Taric ben Zeyad went before him ; and, at the same time, the report of his lenity to those who submitted without resistance. Wherever he appeared the towns, for the most part, sent forth some of their principal inhabitants to proffer a sur render ; for they were destitute of fortifica tions, and their fighting men had perished in battle. They were all received into allegi ance to the caliph, and were protected from pillage or molestation. After marching some distance through the country, he entered one day a vast and beautiful plain, interspersed with villages, adorned with groves and gardens, watered by winding rivers, and surrounded by lofty mountains. It was the famous vega, or LEGEND OF THE plain of Granada, destined to be for ages the favourite abode of the Moslems. When the Arab conquerors beheld this delicious vega, they were lost in admiration ; for it seemed as if the prophet had given them a paradise on earth, as a reward for their services in his cause. Taric approached the city of Granada, which had a formidable aspect, seated on lofty hills and fortified with Gothic walls and towers, and with the red castle or citadel, built in times of old by the Phoenicians or the Romans. As the Arab chieftain eyed the place, he was pleased with its stern war rior look, contrasting with the smiling beauty of its vega, and the freshness and voluptuous abundance of its hills and valleys. He pitched his tents before its walls, and made preparations to attack it with all his force. The city, however, bore but the semblance of power. The flower of its youth had perished in the battle of the Guadalete ; many of the principal inhabitants had fled to the mountains, and few remained in the city SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 183 excepting- old men, women, and children, and a number of Jews, which last were well dis posed to take part with the, conquerors. The city, therefore, readily capitulated, and was received into vassalage on favourable terms. The inhabitants were to retain their property, their laws, and their religion ; their churches and priests were to be respected ; and no other tribute was required of them than such as they had been accustomed to pay to their Gothic kings. On taking possession of Granada, Taric garrisoned the towers and castles, and left as alcayde, or governor, a chosen warrior named Betiz Aben Habuz, a native of Ara bia Felix, who had distinguished himself by his valour and abilities. This alcayde sub sequently made himself king of Granada, and built a palace on one of its hills ; the remains of which may be seen at the present day.* * The house shown as the ancient residence of Aben Habuz is called La Casa del Gallo, or the house of the weathercock ; so named, says Pe- 184 LEGEND OF THE Even the delights of Granada had no power to detain the active and ardent Taric. To the east of the city he beheld a lofty chain of mountains, towering to the sky, and crowned with shining snow. These were the " Mountains of the Sun and Air ;" and the perpetual snows on their summits gave birth to streams that fertilised the plains. In their bosoms, shut up among cliffs and precipices, were many small valleys of great draza, in his History of Granada, from a bronze figure of an Arab horseman, armed with lance and buckler, which once surmounted it, and which varied with every wind. On this warlike weathercock was inscribed, in Arabic characters, " Dice el sabio Aben Habuz Que asi se defiende el Andaluz." In this way, says Aben Habuz the wise, The Andalusian his foe defies." The Casa del Gallo, even until within twenty years, possessed two great halls beautifully decorated with Morisco reliefs. It then caught fire, and was so damaged as to require to be nearly rebuilt. It is now a manufactory of coarse canvas, and has no thing of the Moorish character remaining. It com mands a beautiful view of the city and the Vega, SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 185 beauty and abundance. The inhabitants were a bold and hardy race, who looked upon their mountains as everlasting fortresses that could never be taken. The inhabitants of the sur rounding country had fled to these natural fastnesses for refuge, and driven thither their flocks and herds. Taric felt that the dominion he had ac quired of the plains would be insecure until he had penetrated and subdued these haughty mountains. Leaving Aben Habuz, therefore, in command of Granada, he marched with his army across the vega, and entered the folds of the sierra, which stretch towards the south. The inhabitants fled with affright on hearing the Moorish trumpets, or beholding the approach of the turbaned horsemen, and plunged deeper into the recesses of their mountains. As the army advanced, the roads became more and more rugged and difficult ; sometimes climbing great rocky heights, and at other times descending ab ruptly into deep ravines, the beds of winter torrents. The mountains were strangely 186 LEGEND OF THE wild and sterile ; broken into cliffs and pre cipices of variegated marble. At their feet were little valleys enamelled with groves and gardens, interlaced with silver streams, and studded with villages and hamlets ; but all deserted by their inhabitants. No one ap peared to dispute the inroad of the Moslems, who continued their march with increasing confidence, their pennons fluttering from rock and cliff, and the valleys echoing to the din of trumpet, drum, and cymbal. At length they came to a defile where the moun tains seemed to have been rent asunder to make way for a foaming torrent. The nar row and broken road wound along the dizzy edge of precipices, until it came to where a bridge was thrown across the chasm. It o was a fearful and gloomy pass ; great beet ling cliffs overhung the road, and the torrent roared below. This awful defile has ever been famous in the warlike history of those mountains, by the name, in former times, of the Barranco de Tocos, and at present of the bridge of Tablete. The Saracen army en- SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 187 tered fearlessly into the pass ; a part had already crossed the bridge, and was slowly toiling up the rugged road on the opposite side, when great shouts arose, and every cliff appeared suddenly peopled with furious foes. In an instant a deluge of missiles of every sort was rained upon the astonished Moslems. Darts, arrows, javelins, and stones, came whistling down, singling out the most conspicuous cavaliers ; and at times great masses of rock, bounding and thundering along the mountain side, crushed whole ranks at once, or hurled horses and riders over the edge of the precipices. It was in vain to attempt to brave this mountain warfare. The enemy were beyond the reach of missiles, and safe from pursuit ; and the horses of the Arabs were here an incumbrance rather than an aid. The trum pets sounded a retreat, and the army retired in tumult and confusion, harassed by the enemy until extricated from the defile. Taric, who had beheld cities and castles surrender ing without a blow, was enraged at being 188 LEGEND OF THE braved by a mere horde of mountain boors, and made another attempt to penetrate the mountains, but was again waylaid and op posed with horrible slaughter. The fiery son of Ishmael foamed with rage at being thus checked in his career and foiled in his revenge. He was on the point of abandoning the attempt, and returning to the vega, when a Christian boor sought his camp, and was admitted to his presence* The miserable wretch possessed a cabin and a little patch of ground among the moun tains, and offered, if these should be pro tected from ravage, to inform the Arab com mander of a way by which troops of horse might be safely introduced into the bosom of the sierra, and the whole subdued. The name of this caitiff was Fandino, and it de serves to be perpetually recorded with igno miny. His case is an instance how much it is in the power, at times, of the most insig nificant being to do mischief, and how all the valour of the magnanimous and the SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 189 brave may be defeated by the treason of the selfish and the despicable. Instructed by this traitor, the Arab com mander caused ten thousand foot soldiers and four thousand horsemen, commanded by a valiant captain, named Ibrahim Albuxarra, to be conveyed by sea to the little port of Adra, at the Mediterranean foot of the moun tains. Here they landed, and, guided by the traitor, penetrated to the heart of the sierra, laying every thing waste. The brave mountaineers, thus hemmed in between two armies, destitute of fortresses and with out hope of succour, were obliged to capitu late ; but their valour was not without avail, for never, even in Spain, did vanquished people surrender on prouder or more honour able terms. We have named the wretch who betrayed his native mountains : let us equally record the name of him whose pious patriot ism saved them from desolation. It was the reverend Bishop Centerio. While the warriors rested on their arms in grim and 190 LEGEND OF THE menacing 1 tranquillity among the cliffs, this venerable prelate descended to the Arab tents in the valley, to conduct the capitula tion. In stipulating for the safety of his people, he did not forget that they were brave men, and that they still had weapons in their hands. He obtained conditions ac cordingly. It was agreed that they should be permitted to retain their houses, lands, and personal effects ; that they should be unmolested in their religion, and their tem ples and priests respected ; and that they should pay no other tribute than such as they had been accustomed to render to their kings. Should they prefer to leave the country and remove to any part of Christen dom, they were to be allowed to sell their possessions ; and to take with them the money, and all their other effects.* Ibrahim Albuxarra remained in command of the territory, and the whole sierra, or chain * Pedraza, Hist. Granada, p. iii. e. 2. Bleda, Cronica, lib. ii. c. 10. SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 1Q1 of mountains, took his name, which has since been slightly corrupted into that of the Alpuxarras. The subjugation of this rugged region, however, was for a long time incom plete ; many of the Christians maintained a wild arid hostile independence, living in green glens and scanty valleys among the heights ; and the sierra of the Alpuxarras has, in all ages, been one of the most difficult parts of Andalusia to be subdued. 192 LEGEND OF THE CHAPTER III. EXPEDITION OF MAGUED AGAINST CORDOVA.- DEFENCE OF THE PATRIOT PELISTES. WHILE the veteran Taric was making this wide circuit through the land, the expedi tion under Magued the renegado proceeded against the city of Cordova. The inhabitants of that ancient place had beheld the great army of Don Roderick spreading like an in undation over the plain of the Guadalquivir, and had felt confident that it must sweep the infidel invaders from the land. What then was their dismay, when scattered fugitives, wild with horror and affright, brought them tidings of the entire overthrow of that mighty host, and the disappearance of the king ! In the midst of their consternation, the Gothic noble, Pelistes, arrived at their gates, haggard with fatigue of body and anguish of mind, and leading a remnant of his devoted SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 193 cavaliers, who had survived the dreadful battle of the Guadalete. The people of Cordova knew the valiant and steadfast spirit of Pelistes, and rallied round him as a last hope. " Roderick is fallen," cried they, " and we have neither king nor captain : be unto us as a sovereign ; take command of our city, and protect us in this hour of peril ! " The heart of Pelistes was free from am bition, and was too much broken by grief to be flattered by the offer of command ; but he felt above every thing for the woes of his country, and was ready to assume any des perate service in her cause. "Your city," said he, " is surrounded by walls and towers, and may yet check the progress of the foe. Promise to stand by me to the last, and I will undertake your defence." The inhabitants all promised implicit obedience and devoted zeal : for what will not the inhabitants of a wealthy city promise and profess in a mo ment of alarm ? The instant, however, that they heard of the approach of the Moslem troops, the wealthier citizens packed up their K 194 LEGEND OF THE effects and fled to the mountains, or to the distant city of Toledo. Even the monks collected the riches of their convents and churches, and fled. Pelistes, though he saw himself thus deserted by those who hafl the greatest interest in the safety of the city, yet determined not to abandon its defence. He had still his faithful though scanty band of cavaliers, and a number of fugitives of the army; in all amounting to about four hundred men. He stationed guards, therefore, at the gates and in the towers, and made every pre paration for a desperate resistance. In the mean time, the army of Moslems and apostate Christians advanced, under the command of the Greek renegado, Magued, and guided by the traitor Julian. While they were yet at some distance from the city, their scouts brought to them a shepherd, whom they had surprised on the banks of the Guadalquivir. The trembling hind was an inhabitant of Cordova, and revealed to them the state of the place, and the weakness of ks garrison. SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 195 "And the walls and gates," said Magued, "are they strong and well guarded ?" " The walls are high, and of wondrous strength," replied the shepherd; "and soldiers hold watch at the gates by day and night. But there is one place where the city may be secretly entered. In a part of the wall, not far from the bridge, the battlements are broken, and there is a breach at some height from the ground. Hard by stands a fig tree, by the aid of which the wall may easily be scaled." Having received this information, Magued halted with his army, and sent forward several renegado Christians, partisans of Count Julian, who entered Cordova as if flying before the enemy. On a dark and tempestuous night, the Moslems approached to the end of the bridge which crosses the Guadalquivir, and remained in ambush.. Magued took a small party of chosen men, and, guided by the shepherd, forded the stream, and groped silently along the wall to the place where stood the fig tree. The K 2 196 LEGEHD OF THE traitors, who had fraudulently entered the city, were ready on the wall to render assist ance. Magued ordered his followers to make use of the long folds of their turbans instead of cords, and succeeded without diffi culty in clambering into the breach. Drawing their scimitars, they now hastened to the gate which opened towards the bridge ; the guards, suspecting no assault from within, were taken by surprise, and easily over powered ; the gate was thrown open, and the army that had remained in ambush rushed over the bridge, and entered without oppo sition. The alarm had by this time spread throughout the city ; but already a torrent of armed men was pouring through the streets. Pelistes sallied forth with his cavaliers and such of the soldiery as- he could collect, and endeavoured to repel the foe ; but every effort was in vain. The Christians were slowly driven from street to street, and square to square, disputing every inch of ground j until, finding another body of the SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 197 enemy approaching to attack them in rear, they took refuge in a convent, and succeeded in throwing to and barring the ponderous doors. The Moors attempted to force the gates, but were assailed with such showers of missiles from the windows and battlements that they were obliged to retire. Pelistes examined the convent, and found it admirably calculated for defence. It was of great ex tent, with spacious courts and cloisters. The gates were massive, and secured with bolts and bars ; the walls were of great thickness ; the windows high and grated ; there was a great tank or cistern of water, and the friars, who had fled from the city, had left behind a good supply of provisions. Here, then, Pelistes proposed to make a stand, and to en deavour to hold out until sucour should ar rive from some other city. His proposition was received with shouts by his loyal cava liers ; not one of whom but was ready to lay down his life in the service of his commander. K 3 198 LEGEND OF THE CHAPTER IV. DEFENCE OF THE CONVENT OF ST. GEORGE BY PELISTES. FOR three long and anxious months did the good knight Pelistes and his cavaliers defend their sacred asylum against the repeated assaults of the infidels. The standard of the true faith was constantly displayed from the loftiest tower, and a fire blazed there through out the night, as signals of distress to the sur rounding country. The watchman from his turret kept a wary look out over the land, hoping in every cloud of dust to descry the glittering helms of Christian warriors. The country, however, was forlorn and aban doned, or if perchance a human being was perceived, it was some Arab horseman, careering the plain of the Guadalquivir as fearlessly as if it were his native desert. By degrees the provisions of the convent SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 199 were consumed, and the cavaliers had to slay their horses, one by one, for food. They suffered the wasting miseries of famine with out a murmur, and always met their com mander with a smile. Pelistes, however, read their sufferings in their wan and ema ciated countenances, and felt more for them than for himself. He was grieved at heart that such loyalty and valour should only lead to slavery or death, and resolved to make one desperate attempt for their deliverance. Assembling them one day in the court of the convent, he disclosed to them his purpose. " Comrades and brothers in arms," said he, "it is needless to conceal danger from brave men. Our case is desperate : our countrymen either know not or heed not our situation, or have not the means to help us. There is but one chance of escape ; it is full of peril, and, as your leader, I claim the right to brave it. To-morrow at break of day I will sally forth and make for the city gates at the moment of their being opened ; no one will suspect a solitary horseman ; I K 4 200 LEGEND OF THE shall be taken for one of those recreant Chris tians who have basely mingled with the enemy. If I succeed in getting out of the city, I will hasten to Toledo for assistance. In all events I shall be back in less than twenty days. Keep a vigilant look out to ward the nearest mountain. If you behold five lights blazing upon its summit, be as sured I am at hand with succour, and prepare yourselves to sally forth upon the city as 1 attack the gates. Should I fail in obtaining aid, I will return to die with you." When he had finished, his warriors would fain have severally undertaken the enterprise, and they remonstrated against his exposing himself to such peril ; but he was not to be shaken from his purpose. On the following morning, ere the break of day, his horse was . t ed forth, caparisoned, into the court of the convent, and Pelistes appeared in complete armour. Assembling his cavaliers in the chapel, he prayed with them for some time before the altar of the holy Virgin. Then rising, and standing in the midst of them, SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 01 * God knows, my companions," said he, * whether we have any longer a country ; if not, better were we in our graves. Loyal and true have ye been to me, and loyal have ye been to my son, even to the hour of his death ; and grieved am I that I have no other means of proving my love for you, than by adventuring my worthless life for your deliverance. All I ask of you before I go, is a solemn promise to defend yourselves to the last like brave men and Christian cava liers, and never to renounce your faith, or throw yourselves on the mercy of the renegado Magued, or the traitor Julian." They all pledged their words, and took a solemn oath to the same effect before the altar. Pelistes then embraced them one by one, and gave them his benediction, and as he did so his heart yearned over them, for he felt towards them, not merely as a companion in arms and as a commander, but as a father ; and he took leave of them as if he had been going to his death. The warriors, on their K 5 LEGEND OF THE part, crowded round him in silence, kissing his hands and the hem of his surcoat, and many of the sternest shed tears. The grey of the dawning had just streaked the east, when Pelistes took lance in hand, hung his shield about his neck, and, mount ing his steed, issued quietly forth from a postern of the convent. He paced slowly through the vacant streets, and the tramp of his steed echoed afar in that silent hour ; but no one suspected a warrior, moving thus singly and tranquilly in an armed city, to be an enemy. He arrived at the gate just at the hour of opening ; a foraging party was entering with cattle and with beasts of burthen, and he passed unheeded through the throng. As soon as he was out of sight of the soldiers who guarded the gate, he quickened his pace, and at length, galloping at full speed; succeeded in gain ing the mountains. Here he paused, and alighted at a solitary farm-house to breathe his panting steed ; but had scarce put foot to ground when he heard the distant sound SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 203 of pursuit, and beheld a horseman spurring up the mountain. Throwing himself again upon his steed, he abandoned the road and galloped across the rugged heights. The deep dry channel of a torrent checked his career, and his horse, stumbling upon the margin, rolled with his rider to the bottom. Pelistes was sorely bruised by the fall, and his whole visage was bathed in blood. His horse, too, was maimed and unable to stand, so that there was no hope of escape. The enemy drew near, and proved to be no other than Ma- gued the renegado general, who had per ceived him as he issued forth from the city, and had followed singly in pursuit. " Well met, senor alcayde!" exclaimed he, "and overtaken in good time. Surrender your self my prisoner." Pelistes made no other reply than by drawing his sword, bracing his shield, and preparing for defence. Magued, though an apostate, and a fierce warrior, possessed some sparks of knightly magnanimity. See- K 6 204 LEGEND Of THE ing his adversary dismounted, he disdained to take him at a disadvantage, but, alighting* tied his horse to a tree. The conflict that ensued was desperate and doubtful, for seldom had two warriors met so well matched or of equal prowess. Their shields were hacked to pieces, the ground was strewed with fragments of their armour, and stained with their blood. They paused repeatedly to take breath ; regarding each other with wonder and admiration. Pelistes, however, had been previously in jured by his fall, and fought to great dis advantage. The renegado perceived it, and sought not to slay him, but to take him alive. Shifting his ground continually, he wearied his antagonist, who was growing weaker and weaker from the loss of blood. At length Pelistes seemed to summon up all his remaining strength to make a signal blow ; it was skilfully parried, and he fell prostrate upon the ground. The renegado ran up, and, putting his foot upon his sword, and the point of his scimitar to his throat, called SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 205 upon him to ask his life ; but Pelistes lay without sense, and as one dead. Magued then unlaced the helmet of his vanquished enemy, and seated himself on a rock beside him, to recover breath. In this situation the warriors were found by certain Moorish cavaliers, who marvelled much at the traces of that stern and bloody combat. Finding there was yet life in the Christian knight, they laid him upon one of their horses, and, aiding Magued to remount his steed, proceeded slowly to the city. As the convoy passed by the convent, the cavaliers looked forth and beheld their commander borne along bleeding and a captive. Furious at the sight, they sallied forth to the rescue, but were repulsed by a superior force, and driven back to the great portal of the church. The enemy entered pell-mell with them, fighting from aisle to aisle, from altar to altar, and in the courts and cloisters of the convent. The greater part of the cavaliers died bravely, sword in hand; the rest were disabled with wounds and made prisoners. 206 LEGEND OF THE The convent, which was lately their castle, was now made their prison, and in after-times, in commemoration of this event, was conse crated by the name of St. George of the Captives. SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 207 CHAPTER V. MEETING BETWEEN THE PATRIOT FELISTES AND THE TRAITOR JULIAN. THE loyalty and prowess of the good knight Pelistes had gained him the reverence even of his enemies. He was for a long time disabled by his wounds, during which he was kindly treated by the Arab chieftains, who strove by every courteous means to cheer his sadness and make him forget that he was a captive. When he was recovered from his wounds they gave him a magnifi cent banquet, to testify their admiration of his virtues. Pelistes appeared at the banquet clad in sable armour, and with a countenance pale and dejected ; for the ills of his country ever more preyed upon his heart. Among the assembled guests was Count Julian, who held a high command in the Moslem army, LEGEND OF THE and was arrayed in garments of mingled Christian and Morisco fashion. Pelistes had been a close and bosom friend of Julian in former times, and had served with him in the wars in Africa; but when the Count advanced to accost him with his wonted amity, he turned away in silence and deigned not to notice him ; neither, during the whole of the repast, did he address to him ever a word, but treated him as one unknown* When the banquet was nearly at a close, the discourse turned upon the events of the war ; and the Moslem chieftains, in great courtesy, dwelt upon the merits of many of the Christian cavaliers who had fallen in battle, and all extolled the valour of those who had recently perished in the defence of the convent. Pelistes remained silent for a time, and checked the grief which swelled within his bosom as he thought of his de voted cavaliers. At length, lifting up his voice, " Happy are the dead," said he, " for they rest in peace, and are gone to receive the reward of their piety and valour ! I SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 209 could mourn over the loss of my companions in arms, but they have fallen with honour, and are spared the wretchedness I feel in witnessing the thraldom of my country. I have seen my only son, the pride and hope of my age, cut down at my side ; I have beheld kindred friends and followers falling one by one around me, and have become so seasoned to those losses that I have ceased to weep. Yet there is one man over whose loss I will never cease to grieve. He was the loved companion of my youth, and the steadfast associate of my graver years. He was one of the most loyal of Christian knights. As a friend he was loving and sincere ; as a warrior his achievements were above all praise. What has become of him, alas ! I know not. If fallen in battle, and I knew where his bones were laid, whether bleaching on the plains of Xeres, or buried in the waters of the Guadalete, I would seek them out and enshrine them as the relics of a sainted patriot. Or if, like many of his companions in arms, he should be driven LEGEND OF THE to wander in foreign lands, I would join him in his hapless exile, and we would mourn together over the desolation of our country ! " Even the hearts of the Arab warriors were touched by the lament of the good Pelistes, and they said "Who was this peerless friend, in whose praise thou art so fervent ? " " His name," replied Pelistes, "was Count Julian." The Moslem warriors stared with surprise. " Noble cavalier," exclaimed they, " has grief disordered thy senses ? Behold thy friend living, and standing before thee, and yet thou dost not know him ! This, this is Count Julian ! " Upon this, Pelistes turned his eyes upon the count, and regarded him for a time, with a lofty and stern demeanour ; and the counte nance of Julian darkened, and was troubled, and his eye sank beneath the regard of that loyal and honourable cavalier. And Pelistes said, " In the name of God, I charge thee, SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. man unknown ! to answer. Dost thou pre sume to call thyself Count Julian?" The count reddened with anger at these words. " Pelistes," said he, " what means this mockery ? Thou knowest me well ; thou knowest me for Count Julian ? " "I know .thee for a base impostor!" cried Pelistes. " Count Julian was a noble Gothic knight ; but thou appearest in mon grel Moorish garb. Count Julian was a Christian, faithful and devout ; but I behold in thee a renegado and an infidel. Count Julian was ever loyal to his king, and fore most in his country s cause : were he living, he would be the first to put shield on neck and lance in rest, to clear the land of her invaders : but thou art a hoary traitor ! thy hands are stained with the royal blood of the Goths, and thou hast betrayed thy country and thy God. Therefore, I again repeat, man unknown ! if thou sayest thou art Count Julian, thou liest ! My friend, alas ! is dead ; and thou art some fiend from hell, which LEGEND OF THE has taken possession of his body to dis honour his memory and render him an ab horrence among- men ! " So saying, Pelistes turned his back upon the traitor, and went forth from the banquet ; leaving Count Julian overwhelmed with confusion, and an object of scorn to all the Moslem cavaliers. SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. CHAPTER VI. HOW TARIC EL TUERTO CAPTURED THE CITY OP TOLEDO THROUGH THE AID OF THE JEWS, AND HOW HE FOUND THE FAMOUS TALISMANIC TABLE OF SOLOMON. WHILE these events were passing in Cor dova, the one-eyed Arab general, Taric el Tuerto, having subdued the city and vega of Granada, and the Mountains of the Sun and Air, directed his march into the interior of the kingdom to attack the ancient city of Toledo, the capital of the Gothic kings. So great was the terror caused by the rapid con quests of the invaders, that, at the very rumour of their approach, many of the in habitants, though thus in the very citadel of the kingdom, abandoned it and fled to the mountains with their families. Enough re mained, however, to have made a formid able defence ; and, as the city was seated on a lofty rock, surrounded by massive walls LEGEND OF THE and towers, and almost girdled by the Tagus, it threatened a long resistance. The Arab warriors pitched their tents in the vega, on the borders of the river, and prepared for a tedious siege. One evening, as Taric was seated in his tent meditating on the mode in which he should assail this rock-built city, certain of the patroles of the camp brought a stranger before him. " As we were going our rounds," said they, " we beheld this man lowered down with cords from a tower, and he delivered himself into our hands, praying to be conducted to thy presence, that he might reveal to thee certain things important for thee to know." Taric fixed his eyes upon the stranger: he was a Jewish rabbi, with a long beard which spread upon his gabardine, and de scended even to his girdle. " What hast thou to reveal ?" said he to the Israelite. " What I have to reveal," replied the other, " is for thee alone to hear : command then, I entreat thee, that these men withdraw." SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 215 When they were alone he addressed Taric in Arabic: "Know, O leader of the host of Islam," said he, " that I am sent to thee on the part of the children of Israel resident in Toledo. We have been oppressed and in sulted by the Christians in the time of their prosperity, and now that they are threatened with siege, they have taken from us all our provisions and our money ; they have com pelled us to work like slaves, repairing their walls ; and they oblige us to bear arms and guard a part of the towers. We abhor their yoke, and are ready, if thou wilt receive us as subjects, and permit us the free enjoyment of our religion and our property, to deliver the towers we guard into thy hands, and to give thee safe entrance into the city." The Arab chief was overjoyed at this pro position, and he rendered much honour to the rabbi, and gave orders to clothe him in a costly robe, and to perfume his beard with essences of a pleasant odour, so that he was the most sweet smelling of his tribe ; and he said, " Make thy words good, and put LEGEND OF THE me in possession of the city, and I will do all and more than thou hast required, and will bestow countless wealth upon thee and thy brethren." Then a plan was devised between them by which the city was to be betrayed and given up. " But how shall I be secured," said he, " that all thy tribe will fulfil what thou hast engaged, and that this is not a stratagem to get me and my people into your power ?" " This shall be thy assurance," replied the rabbi : " ten of the principal Israelites will come to this tent and remain as hostages." " It is enough," said Taric ; and he made oath to accomplish all that he had promised ; and the Jewish hostages came and delivered themselves into his hands. On a dark night, a chosen band of Moslem warriors approached the part of the walls guarded by the Jews, and were secretly ad mitted into a postern gate and concealed within a tower. Three thousand Arabs were at the same time placed in ambush among rocks and thickets, in a place on the opposite SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 217 side of the river, commanding a view of the city. On the following morning Taric ra vaged the gardens of the valley, and set fire to the farm-houses, and then, breaking up his camp, inarched off as if abandoning the siege. The people of Toledo gazed with astonish ment from their walls at the retiring squa drons of the enemy, and scarcely could credit their unexpected deliverance ; before night, there was not a turban nor a hostile lance to be seen in the vega. They attributed it all to the special intervention of their patron saint, Leocadia ; and the following day being Palm Sunday, they sallied forth in proces sion, man, woman, and child, to the church of that blessed saint, which is situated with out the walls, that they might return thanks for her marvellous protection. When all Toledo had thus poured itself forth, and was marching with cross and relic and solemn chaunt towards the chapel, the Arabs, who had been concealed in the tower, rushed forth and barred the gates of the city. L LEGEND OF THE While some guarded the gates, others- dis persed themselves about the streets, slaying all who made resistance ; and others kindled a fire and made a column of smoke on the top of the citadel. At sight of this signal the Arabs, in ambush beyond the river, rose with a great shout, and attacked the multi tude who were thronging to the church of St. Leocadia. There was a great massacre, although the people were without arms, and made no resistance ; and it is said, in ancient chronicles, that it was the apostate Bishop Oppas who guided the Moslems to their prey, and incited them to this slaughter. The pious reader, says Fray Antonio Aga- pida, will be slow to believe such turpitude ; but there is nothing more venomous than the rancour of an apostate priest ; for the best things in this world, when corrupted, become the worst and most banefuL Many of the Christians had taken refuge within the church, and had barred the doors ; but Oppas commanded that fire should be set to the portals, threatening to put every one SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 219 within to the sword. Happily the veteran Taric arrived just in time to stay the fury of this reverend renegado. He ordered the trumpets to call off the troops from the car nage, and extended grace to all the surviving inhabitants. They were permitted to remain in quiet possession of their homes and effects, paying only a moderate tribute ; and they were allowed to exercise the rites of their religion in the existing churches, to the num ber of seven, but were prohibited from erect ing any others. Those who preferred to leave the city were suffered to depart in safety, but not to take with them any of their wealth. Immense spoil was found by Taric in the alcazar, or royal castle, situated on a rocky eminence, in the highest part of the city. Among the regalia treasured up in a secret chamber, were twenty-five regal crowns of fine gold, garnished with jacynths, amethysts, diamonds, and other precious stones. These were tlie crowns of the different Gothic kings LEGEND OF THE who had reigned in Spain ; it having been the usage, on the death of each king, to deposit his crown in this treasury, inscribing on it his name and age.* When Taric was thus in possession of the city, the Jews came to him in procession, with songs and dances, and the sound of timbrel and psaltry, hailing him as their lord, and reminding him of his promises. The son of Ishmael kept his word with the children of Israel : they were protected in the possession of all their wealth, and the exercise of their religion ; and were, more over, rewarded with jewels of gold, and jewels of silver, and much monies.t A subsequent expedition was led by Taric against Guadalaxara, which surrendered without resistance : he moreover captured the city of Medina Celi, where he found an * Conde, Hist, de las Arabes en Espana, c. 12. f The stratagem of the Jews of Toledo is re corded briefly by Bishop Lucas de Tuy, in his chro nicle, but is related at large in the chronicle of the Moor Rasis. SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. inestimable table which had formed a part of the spoil taken at Rome by Alaric, at the time that the sacred city was conquered by the Goths. It was composed of one single and entire emerald, and possessed talismanic powers ; for tradition affirms that it was the work of genii, and had been wrought by them for King Solomon the Wise, the son of David. This marvellous relic was carefully preserved by Taric, as the most precious of all his spoils, being intended by him as a present to the caliph ; and in commemoration of it, the city was called by the Arabs, Me dina Almeyda ; that is to say, " The City of the Table."* * According to Arabian legends, this table was a mirror revealing all great events ; insomuch that by looking on it the possessor might behold battles and sieges and feats of chivalry, and all actions worthy of renown ; and might thus ascertain the truth of all historic transactions. It was a mirror of history, therefore, and had very probably aided King Solo mon in acquiring that prodigious knowledge and wisdom for which he was renowned. L 3 2S2 LEGEND OF THE Having made these and other conquests of less importance, and having collected great quantities of gold and silver, and rich stuffs and precious stones, Taric returned with his booty to the royal city of Toledo. SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN". CHAPTER VII. MUZA BEN NOZIER. - HIS ENTRANCE INTO SPAIN, AND CAPTURE OF CARMONA. us leave for a season the bold Taric in his triumphant progress from city to city, while we turn our eyes to Muza ben Nozier, the renowned emir of Almagreb, and the eommander-m-chief of the Moslem forces of the west. When that jealous chieftain had despatched his letter commanding Taric to pause and await his coming, he immediately made every preparation to enter Spain with a powerful reinforcement, and to take com mand of the conquering army. He left his eldest son, Abdalasis, in Caervan, with au thority over Almagreb, or Western Africa. This Abdalasis was in the flower of his youth, and beloved by the soldiery for the magnanimity and the engaging affability which graced his courage. LEGEND OF THE Muza ben Nozier crossed the strait of Hercules with a chosen force of ten thousand horse and eight thousand foot, Arabs and Africans. He was accompanied by his two sons, Meruan and Abdelola, and by nume rous illustrious Arabian cavaliers of the tribe of Koreish. He landed his shining legions on the coast of Andalusia, and pitched his tents near to the Guadiana. There first he received intelligence of the disobedience of Taric to his orders, and that, without waiting his arrival, the impetuous chieftain had con tinued his career, and with his light Arab squadrons had overrun and subdued the noblest provinces and cities of the kingdom. The jealous spirit of Muza was still more exasperated by these tidings : he looked upon Taric no longer as a friend and coadjutor, but as an invidious rival, the decided enemy of his glory ; and he determined on his ruin. His first consideration, however, was to se cure to himself a share in the actual conquest of the land, before it should be entirely sub jugated. SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. Taking guides, therefore, from among his Christian captives, he set out to subdue such parts of the country as had not been visited by Taric. The first place which he assailed was the ancient city of Carmona : it was not of great magnitude, but was forti fied with high walls and massive towers, and many of the fugitives of the late army had thrown themselves into it. The Goths had by this time recovered from their first panic ; they had become ac customed to the sight of Moslem troops, and their native courage had been roused by danger. Shortly after the Arabs had en camped before their walls, a band of cavaliers made a sudden sally one morning before the break of day, fell upon the enemy by sur prise, killed above three hundred of them in their tents, and effected their retreat into the city ; leaving twenty of their number dead, covered with honourable wounds, and in the very centre of the camp. On the following day they made another sally, and fell on a different quurter of the LEGEND OF THE encampment : but the Arabs were on their guard, and met them with superior numbers. After fighting fiercely for a time, they were routed, and fled full speed for the city, with the Arabs hard upon their traces. The guards within feared to open the gate, lest with their friends they should admit a tor rent of enemies. Seeing themselves thus shut out, the fugitives determined to die like brave soldiers rather than surrender. Wheel ing suddenly round, they opened a path through the host of their pursuers, fought their way back to the camp, and raged about it with desperate fury until they were all slain, after having killed above eight hundred of the enemy.* Muza now ordered that the place should be taken by storm. The Moslems assailed it on all sides, but were vigorously resisted ; many were slain by showers of stones, arrows, and boiling pitch, and many who had mount ed with scaling ladders were thrown headlong * Abulcasim. Perdita de Espana, lib. i. c. 13. SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. jfrom the battlements. The alcayde, Galo, aided solely by two men, defended a tower and a portion of the wall ; killing and wounding, with a cross-bow, more than eighty of the enemy. The attack lasted above half a day, when the Moslems were repulsed with the loss of fifteen hundred men. Muza was astonished and exasperated at meeting with such formidable resistance from so small a city ; for it was one of the few places, during that memorable conquest, where the Gothic valour shone forth with its proper lustre. While the Moslem army lay encamped before the place, it was joined by Magued the renegado and Count Julian the traitor, with one thousand horsemen ; most of them recreant Christians, base betrayers of their country, and more savage in their warfare than the Arabs of the desert. To find favour in the eyes of Muza, and to evince his devotion to the cause, the count undertook, by wily stratagem, to put this gallant city in his power. One evening, just at twilight, a number of L 6 228 LEGEND OF THE Christians, habited as travelling merchants? arrived at one of the gates, conducting a train of mules laden with arms and warlike munitions. " Open the gate quickly," cried they ; " we bring supplies for the garrison, but the Arabs have discovered, and are in pursuit of us." The gate was thrown open ; the merchants entered with their beasts of burden, and were joyfully received. Meat and drink were placed before them ; and after they had refreshed themselves they retired to the quarters allotted to them. These pretended merchants were Count Julian and a number of his partisans. At the hour of midnight they stole forth silent ly, and, assembling together, proceeded to what was called the Gate of Cordova. Here setting suddenly upon the unsuspecting guards, they put them to the edge of the sword, and, throwing open the gates, admitted a great body of the Arabs. The inhabitants were roused from their sleep by sound of drum and trumpet, and the clattering of horses. The Arabs scoured the streets ; a SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 229 horrible massacre was commenced, in which none were spared but such of the females as were young and beautiful, and fitted to grace the harems of the conquerors. The arrival of Muza put an end to the pillage and the slaughter, and he granted favourable terms to the survivors. Thus the valiant little city of Carmona, after nobly resisting the open assaults of the infidels, fell a victim to the treachery of apostate Christians.* * Cron. Gen. de Espana, por Alonzo el Sabio, p. iii. c. 1. 230 LEGEND OF THE CHAPTER VIII. MUZA MARCHES AGAINST THE CITY OF SEVILLE. AFTER the capture of Carmona, Muza de scended into a noble plain, covered with fields of grain, with orchards and gardens, through which glided the soft-flowing Gua dalquivir. On the borders of the river stood the ancient city of Seville, surrounded by Roman walls, and defended by its golden tower. Understanding from his spies that the city had lost the flower of its youth in the battle of the Guadalete, Muza anticipated but a faint resistance. A considerable force, however, still remained within the place, and what they wanted in numbers they made up in resolution. For some days they withstood the assaults of the enemy, and defended their walls with great courage. Their want of warlike munitions, however, and the superior force and skill of the besieging army, left SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. %3l the m no hope of being able to hold out long. There were two youthful cavaliers of un common valour in the city. They assembled the warriors, and addressed them. " We cannot save the city," said they, " but at least we may save ourselves, and preserve so many strong arms for the service of our country. Let us cut our way through the infidel force and gain some secure fortress, from whence we may return with augmented numbers for the rescue of the city." The advice of the young cavaliers was adopted. In the dead of the night the garrison assembled, to the number of about three thousand ; the most part mounted on horseback. Suddenly sallying from one of the gates, they rushed in a compact body upon the camp of the Saracens, which was negligently guarded ; for the Moslems ex pected no such act of desperation. The camp was a scene of great carnage and con fusion ; many were slain on both sides ; the two valiant leaders of the Christians fell covered with wounds, but the main body LEGEND OF THE succeeded in forcing their way through the centre of the army, and in making their re treat to Beja in Lusitania. Muza was at a loss to know the meaning of this desperate sally. In the morning he perceived the gates of the city wide open. A number of ancient and venerable men pre sented themselves at his tent, offering sub mission and imploring mercy ; for none were left in the place but the old, the infirm, and the miserable. Muza listened to them with compassion, and granted their prayer ; and the only tribute he exacted was three measures of wheat and three of barley from each house or family. He placed a garrison of Arabs in the city, and left there a number of Jews to form a body of population. Having thus secured two important places in Andalusia, he passed the boundaries of the province, and advanced with great martial pomp into Lusitania. SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 233 CHAPTER IX. MUZA BESIEGES THE CITY OF MERIDA. THE army of Muza was now augmented to about eighteen thousand horsemen ; but he took with him but few foot soldiers, leaving them to garrison the conquered towns. He met with no resistance on his entrance into Lusitania. City after city laid its keys at his feet, and implored to be received in peaceful vassalage. One city alone prepared for vigorous defence, the ancient Merida, a place of great extent, uncounted riches, and prodigious strength. A noble Goth named Sacarus was the governor ; a man of con summate wisdom, patriotism, and valour. Hearing of the approach of the invaders, he gathered within the walls all the people of the surrounding country, with their horses and mules, their flocks and herds, and most precious effects. To insure for a long time LEGEND OF THE a supply of bread, he filled the magazines with grain, and erected windmills on the churches. This done, he laid waste the surrounding country to a great extent, so that a besieging army would have to encamp in a desert. When Muza came in sight of this mag nificent city, he was struck with admiration. He remained for some time gazing in silence upon its mighty walls and lordly towers, its vast extent, and the stately palaces and tem ples with which it was adorned. " Surely," cried he, at length, " all the people of the earth have combined their power and skill to embellish and aggrandise this city. Allah Achbar ! Happy will he be who shall have the glory of making such a conquest ! " Seeing that a place so populous and so strongly fortified would be likely to maintain a long and formidable resistance, he sent messengers to Africa to his son Abdalasis, to collect all the forces that could be spared from the garrisons of Mauritania, and to hasten and reinforce him. SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 235 While Muza was forming his encamp ment, deserters from the city brought him word that a chosen band intended to sally forth at midnight and surprise his camp. The Arab commander immediately took measures to receive them with a counter surprise. Having formed his plan, and com municated it to his principal officers, he ordered that, throughout the day, there should be kept up an appearance of negligent confusion in his encampment. The outposts were feebly guarded ; fires were lighted in various places, as if preparing for feasting ; bursts of music and shouts of revelry re sounded from different quarters, and the whole camp seemed to be rioting in careless security on the plunder of the land. As the night advanced, the fires were gradually extinguished, and silence ensued, as if the soldiery had sunk into deep sleep after the carousal. In the mean time, bodies of troops had been secretly and silently marched to rein force the outposts 5 and the renegado Ma- 286 LEGEND OF THE gued, with a numerous force, had formed an ambuscade in a deep stone quarry by which the Christians would have to pass. These preparations being made, they awaited the approach of the enemy in breathless silence. About midnight, the chosen force intended for the sally assembled, and the command was confided to Count Tendero, a Gothic cavalier of tried prowess. After having heard a solemn mass, and received the bene diction of the priest, they marched out of the gate with all possible silence. They were suffered to pass the ambuscade in the quarry without molestation : as they ap proached the Moslem camp, every thing appeared quiet ; for the foot soldiers were concealed in slopes and hollows, and every Arab horseman lay in his armour beside his steed. The sentinels on the outposts waited until the Christians were close at hand, and then fled in apparent consternation. Count Tendero gave the signal for assault, and the Christians rushed confidently for ward. In an instant an uproar of drums, SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 237 trumpets, and shrill war cries burst forth from every side. An army seemed to spring- up from the earth ; squadrons of horse came thundering on them in front, while the quarry poured forth legions of armed war riors in their rear. The noise of the terrific conflict that took place was heard on the city walls, and answered by shouts of exultation ; for the Christians thought it rose from the terror and confusion of the Arab camp. In a little while, however, they were undeceived by fugitives from the fight, aghast with terror, and covered with wounds. " Hell itself," cried they, " is on the side of these infidels ; the earth casts forth warriors and steeds to aid them. We have fought, not with men, but devils ! " The greater part of the chosen troops who had sallied were cut to pieces in that scene of massacre, for they had been confounded by the tempest of battle which suddenly broke forth around them. Count Tendero fought with desperate valour, and fell covered 238 LEGEND OF THE with wounds. His body was found the next morning, lying among the slain, and trans pierced with half a score of lances. The renegado Magued cut off his head and tied it to the tail of his horse, and repaired with this savage trophy to the tent of Muza ; but the hostility of the Arab general was of a less malignant kind. He ordered that the head and body should be placed together upon a bier, and treated with becoming re verence. In the course of the day, a train of priests and friars came forth from the city to request permission to seek for the body of the count. Muza delivered it to them, with many soldier like encomiums on the valour of that good cavalier. The priests covered it with a pall of cloth of gold, and bore it back in melan choly procession to the city, where it was received with loud lamentations. The siege was now pressed with great vigour, and repeated assaults were made, but in vain. Muza saw at length that the walls were too high to be scaled, and the SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 239 gates too strong to be burst open without the aid of engines ; and he desisted from the attack until machines for the purpose could be constructed. The governor suspected from this cessation of active warfare, that the enemy flattered themselves to reduce the place by famine ; he caused, therefore, large baskets of bread to be thrown from the wall, and sent a messenger to Muza to inform him that if his army should be in want of bread, he would supply it, having sufficient corn in his granaries for a ten years siege.* The citizens, however, did not possess the undaunted spirit of their governor. When they found that the Moslems were constructing tremendous engines for the de struction of their walls, they lost all courage, and, surrounding the governor in a clamor ous multitude, compelled him to send forth persons to capitulate. The ambassadors came into the presence of Muza with awe ; for they expected to find a * Bleda, Cronica, lib. ii. c. 11. 240 LEGEND OF THE fierce and formidable warrior in one who had filled the land with terror : but, to their astonishment, they beheld an ancient and venerable man, with white hair, a snowy beard, and a pale emaciated countenance. He had passed the previous night without sleep, and had been all day in the field : he was exhausted, therefore, by watchfulness and fatigue ; and his garments were covered with dust. "What a devil of a man is this," mur mured the ambassadors one to another, " to undertake such a siege when on the verge of the grave ! Let us defend our city the best way we can ; surely we can hold out longer than the life of this greybeard." They returned to the city, therefore, scof fing at an invader who seemed fitter to lean on a crutch than wield a lance ; and the terms offered by Muza, which would other wise have been thought favourable, were scornfully rejected by the inhabitants. A few days put an end to this mistaken con fidence. Abdalasis, the son of Muza, arrived SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. from Africa, at the head of his reinforce ment : he brought seven thousand horsemen, and a host of Barbary archers ; and made a glorious display as he marched into the camp. The arrival of this youthful warrior was hailed with great acclamations ; so much had he won the hearts of the soldiery by the frankness, and suavity, and generosity of his conduct. Immediately after his arrival, a grand assault was made upon the city ; and several of the huge battering engines being finished, they were wheeled up, and began to thunder against the walls. The unsteady populace were again seized with terror ; and, surrounding their governor with fresh clamours, obliged him to send forth ambassadors a second time to treat of a surrender. When admitted to the presence of Muza, the ambassadors could scarcely believe their eyes ; or that this was the same withered, white-headed old man, of whom they had lately spoken with scoffing. His hair and beard were tinged of a ruddy brown ; his countenance was refreshed by M LEGEND OF THE repose, and flushed with indignation ; and he appeared a man in the matured vigour of his days. The ambassadors were struck with awe. " Surely," whispered they, one to the other, " this must be either a devil or a magician, who can thus make himself old and young at pleasure ! " Muza received them haughtily. " Hence! " said he, " and tell your people I grant them the same terms 1 have already proffered, provided the city be instantly surrendered ; but, by the head of Mahomet, if there be any further delay not one mother s son of ye shall receive mercy at my hands ! " The deputies returned into the city pale and dismayed. "Go forth! go forth!" cried they, " and accept whatever terms are offered : of what avail is it to fight against men who can renew their youth at pleasure ? Behold, we left the leader of the infidels an old and feeble man, and to-day we find him youthful and vigorous ! " * * Conde, p. i. c. 13. Ambrosio de Morales. K. B. In the Chronicle of Spain, composed by SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 43 The place was, therefore, surrendered forthwith, and Muza entered it in triumph. His terms were merciful. Those who chose to remain were protected in persons, posses sions, and religion : he took the property of those only who abandoned the city, or had fallen in battle j together with all arms and horses, and the treasures and ornaments of the churches. Among these sacred spoils was found a cup, made of a single pearl, which a king of Spain, in ancient times, had brought from the temple of Jerusalem when it was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar. This prize was presented by Muza to the caliph, and placed in the principal mosque of the city of Damascus.* Muza knew how to esteem merit even in an enemy. When Sacarus, the governor of Merida, appeared before him, he lauded him greatly for the skill and courage he had displayed in the defence of his city ; and, order of Alonzo the Wise, this anecdote is given as having happened at the siege of Seville. * Marmol. Descrip. de Africa, t. i. 1. 2. M 2 LEGEND OF THE taking off his own scimitar, which was of great value, girded it upon him with his own hands. " Wear this," said he, " as a poor memorial of my admiration ; a soldier of such virtue and valour is worthy of far higher honours." He would have engaged the governor in his service, or have persuaded him to remain in the city, as an illustrious vassal of the caliph ; but the noble-minded Sacarus refused to bend to the yoke of the conquerors ; nor could he bring himself to reside contentedly in his country, when subjected to the domi nation of the infidels. Gathering together all those who chose to accompany him into exile, he embarked, to seek some country where he might live in peace, and in the free exercise of his religion. What shore these ocean-pilgrims landed upon has never been revealed ; but tradition vaguely gives us to believe that it was some unknown island, far in the bosom of the Atlantic.* * Abulcasim, Perdida de Espana, 1. i. c. 13. SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. CHAPTER X. EXPEDITION OF ABDALASIS AGAINST SEVILLE AND THE "LAND OF TADMIR." AFTER the capture of Merida, Muza gave a grand banquet to his captains and distin guished warriors in that magnificent city. At this martial feast were many Arab cavaliers who had been present in various battles ; and they vied with each other in. recounting the daring enterprises in which they had been engaged, and the splendid triumphs they had witnessed. While they talked with ardour and exultation, Abdalasis, the son of Muza, alone kept silence, and sat with a dejected countenance. At length, when there was a pause, he turned to his father, and addressed him with modest ear nestness. " My lord and father," said he, " I blush to hear your warriors recount the toils and dangers they have passed, while I M 3 246 LEGEND OF THE have done nothing to entitle me to their companionship. When I return to Egypt,, and present myself before the caliph, he will ask me of my services in Spain ; what battle I have gained ; what town or castle I have taken. How shall I answer him ? If you love me, then, as your son, give me a com mand ; intrust to me an enterprise ; and let me acquire a name worthy to be mentioned among men." The eyes of Muza kindled with joy at finding Abdalasis thus ambitious of renown in arms. "Allah be praised!" exclaimed he j " the heart of my son is in the right place. It is becoming in youth to look upward, and be aspiring. Thy desire, Abdalasis, shall be gratified/ An opportunity at that very time pre sented itself, to prove the prowess and dis cretion of the youth. During the siege of Merida, the Christian troops which had taken refuge at Beja had reinforced themselves from Penaflor, and, suddenly returning, had presented themselves before the gates of the SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. city of Seville.* Certain of the Christian inhabitants threw open the gates and admit ted them. The troops rushed to the alcazar, took it by surprise, and put many of the Moslem garrison to the sword : the residue made their escape, and fled to the Arab camp before Merida, leaving Seville in the hands of the Christians. The veteran Muza, now that the siege of Merida was at an end, was meditating the recapture and punishment of Seville at the very time when Abdalasis addressed him. " Behold, my son," exclaimed he, " an enter prise worthy of thy ambition! Take with thee all the troops thou hast brought from Africa; reduce the city of Seville again to subjection, and plant thy standard upon its alcazar. But stop not there : carry thy con quering sword into the southern parts of Spain : thou wilt find there a harvest of glory yet to be reaped." * Espinosa. Antq. y Grand, de Seville, lib. ii c.3. M 4) LEGEND OF THE Abdalasis lost no time in departing upois this enterprise. He took with him Count Julian, Magued el Rumi, and the Bishop Oppas, that he might benefit by their know ledge of the country. When he came in sight of the fair city of Seville, seated like a queen in the midst of its golden plain, with the Guadalquivir flowing beneath its walls, he gazed upon it with the admiration of a lover, and lamented in his soul that he had to visit it as an avenger. His troops, how ever, regarded it with wrathful eyes, think ing only of its rebellion and of the massacre of their countrymen in the alcazar. The principal people of the city had taken no part in this gallant but fruitless insurrec tion ; and now, when they beheld the army of Abdalasis encamped upon the banks of the Guadalquivir, would fain have gone forth to make explanations, and intercede for mercy. The populace, however, forbade any one to leave the city, and, barring the gates, pre pared to defend themselves to the last. The place was attacked with resistless SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 249 fury. The gates were soon burst open ; the Moslems rushed in, panting for revenge. They confined not their slaughter to the soldiery in the alcazar, but roamed through every street, confounding the innocent with the guilty in one bloody massacre, and it was with the utmost difficulty that Abdalasis could at length succeed in staying their san guinary career.* The son of Muza proved himself as mild in conquest as he had been intrepid in as sault. The moderation and benignity of his conduct soothed the terrors of the vanquished, and his wise precautions restored tranquillity. Having made proper regulations for the pro tection of the inhabitants, he left a strong garrison in the place to prevent any future insurrection, and then departed on the fur ther prosecution of his enterprise. Wherever he went his arms were victori ous ; and his victories were always charac terised by the same magnanimity. At * Conde, p. i. c. 14. 250 LEGEND OF THE length he arrived on the confines of that beautiful region comprising lofty and precipi tous mountains and rich, and delicious plains, afterwards known by the name of the king dom of Murcia. All this part of the country was defended by the veteran Theodomir, who, by skilful management, had saved a remnant of his forces after the defeat on the banks of the Guadalete. Theodomir was a stanch warrior, but a wary and prudent man. He had experienced the folly of opposing the Arabs in open field, where their cavalry and armour gave them such superiority ; on their approach, there fore, he assembled all his people capable of bearing arms, and took possession of the cliffs and mountain passes. " Here," said he, " a simple goatherd, who can hurl down rocks and stones, is as good as a warrior armed in proof." In this way be checked and harassed the Moslem army in all its move ments ; showering down missiles upon it from overhanging precipices, and waylaying it in narrow and rugged defiles, where a SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. &51 few raw troops could make stand against a host. Theodomir was in a fair way to baffle his foes and oblige them to withdraw from his territories ; unfortunately, however, the wary veteran had two sons with him, young men of hot and heady valour, who considered all this prudence of their father as savouring of cowardice, and who were anxious to try their prowess in the open field. " What glory," said they, "is to be gained by destroying an enemy in this way, from the covert of rocks and thickets ? " " You talk like young men," replied the veteran. " Glory is a prize one may fight for abroad, but safety is the object when the enemy is at the door." One day, however, the young men suc ceeded in drawing down their father into the plain. Abdalasis immediately seized on the opportunity, and threw himself between the Goths and their mountain fastnesses. Theo domir saw too late the danger into which he was betrayed. " What can our raw troops M 6 LEGEND OF THE do," said he, " against those squadrons of horse that move like castles? Let us make a rapid retreat to Orihuela, and defend our selves from behind its walls." " Father," said the eldest son, " it is too late to retreat; remain here with the reserve, while my brother and I advance. Fear no thing ; am not I your son, and would I not die to defend you ? " " In truth," replied the veteran, " I have my doubts whether you are my son. But if I remain here, and you should all be killed, where then would be my protection? Come," added he, turning to the second son. " I trust that thou art virtually my son ; let us hasten to retreat before it is too late." " Father," replied the youngest, " I have not a doubt that I am honestly and tho roughly your son, and as such I honour you ; but I owe duty likewise to my mother, and when I sallied to the war she gave me hei blessing as long as I should act with valour, but her curse should I prove craven and fly the field. Fear nothing, father ; I will de- SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. fend you while living, and even after you are dead. You shall never fail of an honourable sepulture among your kindred." " A pestilence on ye both," cried Theodo- mir, "for a brace of misbegotten madmen ! What care I, think ye, where ye lay my body when I am dead ? One day s existence in a hovel is worth an age of interment in a mar ble sepulchre. Come, my friends," said he, turning to his principal cavaliers, " let us leave these hot-headed striplings and make our retreat ; if we tarry any longer, the enemy will be upon us." Upon this the cavaliers and proud hidal- goes drew up scornfully and tossed their heads : " What do you see in us," said they, " that you think we will show our backs to the enemy ? Forward ! was ever the good old Gothic watchword, and with that will we live and die !" While time was lost in these disputes, the Moslem army kept advancing, until retreat was no longer practicable. The battle was tumultuous and bloody. Theodomir fought LEGEND OF THE like a lion, but it was all in vain : he saw his two sons cut down, and the greater part of their rash companions, while his raw mountain troops fled in all directions. Seeing there was no longer any hope, he seized the bridle of a favourite page who was near him, and who was about spurring for the mountains. "Part not from me," said he, " but do thou at least attend to my counsel, my son ; and, of a truth, I believe thou art my son, for thou art the offspring of one of my handmaids who was kind unto me." And indeed the youth marvellously resembled him. Turning then the reins of his own steed, an^ giving him the spur, he fled amain from the field, followed by the page ; nor did he stop until he arrived within the walls of Orihuela. Ordering the gates to be barred and bolted, he prepared to receive the enemy. There were but few men in the city capable of bear ing arms, most of the youth having fallen in the field. He caused the women, therefore, to clothe themselves in male attire, to put on hats and helmets, to take long reeds in their SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. Q55 hands instead of lances, and to cross their hair upon their chins in semblance of beards. With these troops he lined the walls and towers. It was about the hour of twilight that Ab- dalasis approached with his army, but he paused when he saw the w r alls so numerously garrisoned. Then Theodomir took a flag of truce in his hand, and put a herald s tabard on the page, and they two sallied forth to capitulate, and were graciously received by Abdalasis. " I come," said Theodomir, "on the be half of the commander of this city, to treat for terms worthy of your magnanimity and of his dignity. You perceive that the city is capable of withstanding a long siege, but he is desirous of sparing the lives of his soldiers. Promise that the inhabitants shall be at liberty to depart unmolested with their property, and the city will be delivered up to you to-morrow morning without a blow ; otherwise we are prepared to fight until not a man be left." 256 LEGEND OF THE Abdalasis was well pleased to get so power ful a place upon such easy terms, but stipulated that the garrison should lay down their arms. To this Theodomir readily as sented ; with the exception, however, of the governor and his retinue, which was granted out of consideration for his dignity. The articles of capitulation were then drawn out ; and, when Abdalasis had affixed his name and seal, Theodomir took the pen and wrote his signature. " Behold in me," said he, " the governor of the city ! " Abdalasis was pleased with the hardihood of the commander of the place in thus ven turing personally into his power, and enter tained the veteran with still greater honour. When Theodomir returned to the city, he made known the capitulation, and charged the inhabitants to pack up their effects during the night, and be ready to sally forth in the morning. At the dawn of day the gates were thrown open, and Abdalasis looked to see a great force issuing forth j but, to his surprise, SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. beheld merely Theodomir and his page in battered armour, followed by a multitude of old men, women, and children. Abdalasis waited until the whole had come forth; then, turning to Theodomir, "Where/ cried he, " are the soldiers whom I saw last evening, lining the walls and towers ? " " Soldiers have I none," replied the vete ran. " As to my garrison, behold it before you. With these women did I man my walls ; and this, my page, is my herald, guard, and retinue." Upon this the Bishop Oppas and Count Julian exclaimed that the capitulation was a base fraud, and ought not to be complied with ; but Abdalasis relished the stratagem of the old soldier, and ordered that the stipu lations of the treaty should be faithfully per formed. Nay, so high an opinion did he conceive of the subtle wisdom of this com mander, that he permitted him to remain in authority over the surrounding country, on his acknowledging allegiance and engaging to pay tribute to the caliph ; and all that 258 LEGEND OF THE part of Spain, comprising the beautiful pro vinces of Murcia and Valencia, was long after known by the Arabic name of its de fender, and is still recorded in Arabian chronicles as " The land of Tadmir." Having succeeded in subduing this rich and fruitful region, and having gained great renown for his generosity as well as valour, Abdalasis returned with the chief part of his army to the city of Seville.* * Conde, p. i. Cronica del moro Rasis. Cron. Gen. Espana, por Alonzo el Sabio, p. iii. c. 1. SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 259 CHAPTER XL MUZA ARRIVES AT TOLEDO. INTERVIEW BETWEEN HIM AND TARIC. WHEN Muza ben Nozier had sent his son Abdalasis to subdue Seville, he departed for Toledo, to call Taric to account for his dis obedience to his orders ; for, amidst all his own successes, the prosperous career of that commander preyed upon his mind. What can content the jealous and ambitious heart ? As Muza passed through the land, towns and cities submitted to him without resistance ; he was lost in wonder at the riches of the country, and the noble monuments of art with which it was adorned : when he beheld the bridges, constructed in ancient times by the Romans, they seemed to him the work, not of men, but of genii. Yet all these ad mirable objects only made him repine the more, that he had not had the exclusive glory 260 LEGEND OF THE of invading and subduing the land ; and ex asperated him the more against Taric, for having apparently endeavoured to monopolise the conquest. Taric heard of his approach, and came forth to meet him at Talavera, accompanied by many of the most distinguished com panions of his victories, and with a train of horses and mules laden with spoils, with which he trusted to propitiate the favour of his commander. Their meeting took place on the banks of the rapid river Tietar, which rises in the mountains of Placencia, and throws itself into the Tagus. Muza, in former days, while Taric had acted as his subordinate and indefatigable officer, had cherished and considered him as a second self ; but now that he had started up to be a rival, he could not conceal his jealousy. When the veteran came into his presence, he regarded him for a moment with a stern and indignant aspect. " Why hast thou dis obeyed my orders ?" said he. " I commanded thee to await my arrival with reinforcements, SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. but thou hast rashly overrun the country, endangering the loss of our armies and the ruin of our cause." " I have acted," replied Taric, " in such manner as I thought would best serve the cause of Islam ; and in so doing I thought to fulfil the wishes of Muza. Whatever I have done has been as your servant. Behold your share, as commander-in-chief, of the spoils which I have collected." So saying, he produced an immense treasure in silver and gold, and costly stuffs, and precious stones, and spread it before Muza. The anger of the Arab commander was still more kindled at the sight of this booty, for it proved how splendid had been the victories of Taric ; but he restrained his wrath for the present, and they proceeded together in moody silence to Toledo. When he entered this royal city, . however, and as cended to the ancient palace of the Gothic kings, and reflected that all this had been a scene of triumph to his rival, he could no longer repress his indignation. He de- LEGEND OF THE manded of Taric a strict account of all the riches he had gathered in Spain, even of the presents he had reserved for the caliph ; and, above all, he made him yield up his favourite trophy, the talismanic table of Solomon. When all this was done, he again upbraided him bitterly with his disobedience of orders, and with the rashness of his conduct. " What blind confidence in fortune hast thou shown," said he, " in overrunning such a country, and assailing such powerful cities with thy scanty force ! What madness, to venture every thing upon a desperate chance, when thou knewest I was coming with a force to make the victory secure I All thy success has been owing to mere luck, not to judgment nor generalship." He then bestowed high praises upon the other chieftains for their services in the cause of Islam ; but they answered not a word, and their countenances were gloomy and discon tented, for they felt the injustice done to their favourite leader. As to Taric, though his eye burned like fire, he kept his passion SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 263 within bounds. " I have done the best I could to serve God and the caliph," said he, emphatically ; " my conscience acquits me, and I trust my sovereign will do the same." " Perhaps he may," replied Muza bitterly; " but, in the meantime, I cannot confide his interests to a desperado, who is heedless of orders and throws every thing at hazard. Such a general is unworthy to be intrusted with the fate of armies." So saying, he divested Taric of his com* mand, and gave it to Magued the renegado. The gaunt Taric still maintained an air of stern composure* His only words were, " The caliph will do me justice!" Muza was so transported with passion at this la conic defiance that he ordered him to be thrown into prison, and even threatened his life. Upon this, Magued el Rumi, though he had risen by the disgrace of Taric, had the generosity to speak out warmly in his favour. " Consider," said he, to Muza, " what may be the consequences of this severity. Taric 264 LEGEND OF THE has many friends in the army ; his actions, too, have been signal and illustrious, and entitle him to the highest honours and re wards, instead of disgrace and imprison ment." The anger of Muza, however, was not to be appeased ; and he trusted to justify his measures by despatching missives to the caliph, complaining of the insubordination of Taric, and his rash and headlong conduct. The result proved the wisdom of the caution given by Magued. In the course of a little while Muza received a humiliating letter from the caliph, ordering him to restore Taric to the command of the soldiers " whom he had so gloriously conducted ; " and not to render useless " one of the best swords in Islam!"* It is thus the envious man brings hu miliation and reproach upon himself, in endeavouring to degrade a meritorious rival. When the tidings came of the justice ren- * Conde, p. i. c. 15. SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 265 dered by the caliph to the merits of the veteran, there was general joy throughout the army ; and Muza read, in the smiling countenances of every one around him, a severe censure upon his conduct. He con cealed, however, his deep humiliation, and affected to obey the orders of his sovereign with great alacrity : he released Taric from prison, feasted him at his own table, and then publicly replaced him at the head of his troops. The army received its favourite veteran with shouts of joy, and celebrated with rejoicings the reconciliation of the com manders : but the shouts of the soldiery Were abhorrent to the ears of Muza. 266 LEGEND OF THE CHAPTER XII. MUZA PROSECUTES THE SCHEME OF CONQUEST. SIEGE OF SARAGOSSA. COMPLETE SUBJUGA TION OF SPAIN. THE dissensions, which for a time had dis tracted the conquering army, being appeased, and the Arabian generals being apparently once more reconciled, Muza, as commander- in-chief, proceeded to complete the enterprise by subjugating the northern parts of Spain. The same expeditious mode of conquest that had been sagaciously adopted by Taric was still pursued. The troops were lightly armed, and freed from every superfluous incum- brance. Each horseman, beside his arms, carried a small sack of provisions, a copper vessel in which to cook them, and a skin which served him for surcoat and for bed. The infantry carried nothing but their arms. To each regiment or squadron was allowed a SUBJUGATION OF SPRAIN. 267 limited number of sumpter mules and attend ants ; barely enough to carry their necessary baggage and supplies : nothing was permitted that could needlessly diminish the number of fighting men, delay their rapid movements, or consume their provisions. Strict orders were again issued, prohibiting, on pain of death, all plunder excepting the camp of an enemy, or cities given up to pillage.* The armies now took their several lines of march. That under Taric departed towards the north-east ; beating up the country to wards the source of the Tagus, traversing the chain of Iberian or Arragonian moun tains, and pouring down into the plains and valleys watered by the Ebro. It was won derful to see, in so brief a space of time, such a vast and difficult country penetrated and subdued ; and the invading army, like an inundating flood, pouring its streams into the most remote recesses. While Taric was thus sweeping the coun- * Conde, p. i. c. 15. N 2 #68 LEGEND OF THE try to the north-east, Muza departed in an opposite direction ; yet purposing to meet him, and to join their forces in the north. Bending his course westwardly, he made a circuit behind the mountains, and then, ad vancing into the open country, displayed his banners before Salamanca, which surrendered without resistance. From hence he continued on towards Astorga, receiving the terrified submission of the land ; then turning up the valley of the Douro, he ascended the course of that famous river towards the east ; crossed the Sierra de Moncayo, and, arriving on the banks of the Ebro, marched down along its stream, until he approached the strong city of Saragossa, the citadel of all that part of Spain. In this place had taken refuge many of the most valiant of the Gothic warriors ; the remnants of armies, and fugi tives from conquered cities. It was one of the last rallying points of the land. When Muza arrived, Taric had already been for some time before the place, laying close siege : the inhabitants were pressed by SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 269 famine, and had suffered great losses in re peated combats ; but there was a spirit and obstinacy in their resistance surpassing any thing that had yet been witnessed by the in vaders. Muza now took command of the siege, and ordered a general assault upon the walls. The Moslems planted their scaling ladders, and mounted with their accustomed intre pidity, but were vigorously resisted ; nor could all their efforts obtain them a footing upon the battlements. While they were thus assailing the walls, Count Julian ordered a heap of combustibles to be placed against one of the gates, and set on fire. The inhabitants attempted in vain from the barbican to extin guish the flames. They burnt so* fiercely, that in a little while the gate fell from the hinges. Count Julian galloped into the city mounted upon a powerful charger, himself and his steed all covered with mail. He was followed by three hundred of his partisans, and supported by Magued, the renegado, with a troop of horse. N 3 270 LEGEND OF THE The inhabitants disputed every street and public square ; they made barriers of dead bodies, fighting behind these ramparts of their slaughtered countrymen. Every win dow and roof was filled with combatants : the very women and children joined in the desperate fight, throwing down stones and missiles of all kinds, and scalding water, upon the enemy. The battle raged until the hour of vespers, when the principal inhabitants held a parley, and capitulated for a surrender. Muza had been incensed at their obstinate resistance, which had cost the lives of so many of his sol diers ; he knew also that in the city were collected the riches of many of the towns of eastern Spain. He demanded, therefore, beside the usual terms, a heavy sum to be paid down by the citizens, called the contribution of blood ; as by this they redeemed themselves from the edge of the sword. The people were obliged to comply. They collected all the jewels of their richest families, and all the ornaments of their temples, and laid them at SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 271 the feet of Muza ; and placed in his power many of their noblest youths as hostages. A strong garrison was then appointed ; and thus the fierce city of Saragossa was subdued to the yoke of the conqueror. The Arab generals pursued their conquests even to the foot of the Pyrenees : Taric then descended along the course of the Ebro, and continued along the Mediterranean coast ; subduing the famous city of Valencia, with its rich and beautiful domains, and carrying the success of his arms even to Denia. Muza undertook with his host a wider range of conquest. He overcame the cities of Barcelona, Gerona, and others that lay on the skirts of the eastern mountains : then crossing into the land of the Franks, he cap tured the city of Narbonne ; in a temple of which he found seven equestrian images of silver, which he brought off as trophies of his victory.* Returning into Spain, he scoured its northern regions along Gallicia and the * Conde, p. i. c. 16. N 4 LEGEND OF THE Asturias ; passed triumphantly through Lu- sitania, and arrived once more in Andalusia, covered with laurels, and enriched with im mense spoils. Thus was completed the subjugation of unhappy Spain. All its cities and fortresses, and strong holds, were in the hands of the Saracens, excepting some of the wild moun tain tracts that bordered the Atlantic, and extended towards the north. Here, then, the story of the conquest might conclude, but that the indefatigable chronicler, Fray An tonio Agapida, goes on to record the fate of those persons who were most renowned in the enterprise. We shall follow his steps, and avail ourselves of his information, labo riously collected from various sources; and, truly, the story of each of the actors in this great historical drama bears with it its striking moral, and is full of admonition and instruction. SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 273 CHAPTER XIII. FEUD BETWEEN THE ARAB GENERALS, THEY ARE SUMMONED TO APPEAR BEFORE THE CA LIPH AT DAMASCUS. RECEPTION OF TARIC. THE heart of Muza ben Nozier was now lifted up, for he considered his glory com plete. He held a sway that might have gratified the ambition of the proudest sove reign, for all western Africa and the newly acquired peninsula of Spain were obedient to his rule ; and he was renowned throughout all the lands of Islam as the great conqueror of the west. But sudden humiliation awaited him in the very moment of his highest tri umph. Notwithstanding the outward reconcili ation of Muza and Taric, a deep and im placable hostility continued to exist between them ; and each had busy partisans who N 5 274" LEGEND OF THE distracted the armies by their feuds. Let ters were incessantly despatched to Damas cus by either party, exalting the merits of their own leader and decrying his rival. Taric was represented as rash, arbitrary, and prodigal, and as injuring the discipline of the army, by sometimes treating it with ex treme rigour, and at other times giving way to licentiousness and profusion. Muza was lauded as prudent, sagacious, dignified, and systematic in his dealings. The friends of Taric, on the other hand, represented him as brave, generous, and high-minded ; scrupu lous in reserving to his sovereign his right ful share of the spoils, but distributing the rest bounteously among his soldiers, and thus increasing their alacrity in the service. " Muza, on the contrary," said they, " is grasping and insatiable : he levies intolerable contributions, and collects immense treasure, but sweeps it all into his own coffers." The caliph was at length wearied out by these complaints, and feared that the safety SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. of the cause might be endangered by the dissensions of the rival generals. He sent letters, therefore, ordering them to leave suitable persons in charge of their several commands, and appear, forthwith, before him at Damascus. Such was the greeting from his sovereign that awaited Muza on his return from the conquest of northern Spain. It was a grievous blow to a man of his pride and ambition ; but he prepared instantly to obey. He returned to Cordova, collecting by the way all the treasures he had deposited in various places. At that city he called a meeting of his principal officers, and of the leaders of the faction of apostate Christians, and made them all do homage to his son Abdalasis, as emir or governor of Spain. He gave this favourite son much sage advice for the regu lation of his conduct, and left with him his nephew Ayub, a man greatly honoured by the Moslems fop his wisdom and discretion ; exhorting Abdalasis to consult him on all occasions, and consider him as his bosom N 6 276 LEGEND OF THE counsellor. He made a parting address to his adherents, full of cheerful confidence ; assuring them that he would soon return, loaded with new favours and honours by his sovereign, and enabled to reward them all for their faithful services. When Muza sallied forth from Cordova to repair to Damascus, his cavalgada ap peared like the sumptuous pageant of some Oriental potentate ; for he had numerous guards and attendants splendidly armed and arrayed, together with four hundred hostages, who were youthful cavaliers of the noblest families of the Goths, and a great number of captives of both sexes, chosen for their beauty, and intended as presents for the caliph. Then there was a vast train of beasts of burden, laden with the plunder of Spain ; for he took with him all the wealth he had collected in his conquests, and all the share that had been set apart for his sovereign. With this display of trophies and spoils, showing the magnificence of the land he had conquered, he looked forward SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 277 with confidence to silence the calumnies of his foes. As he traversed the valley of the Guadal quivir, he often turned and looked back wist- fully upon Cordova ; and, at the distance of a league, when about to lose sight of it, he checked his steed upon the summit of a hill, and gazed for a long time upon its palaces and towers. " O Cordova!" exclaimed he, " great and glorious art thou among cities, and abundant in all delights. With grief and sorrow do I part from thee ; for sure I am it would give me length of days to abide within thy pleasant walls ! " When he had uttered these words, say the Arabian chroni* cles, he resumed his wayfaring ; but his eyes were bent upon the ground, and frequent sighs bespoke the heaviness of his heart. Embarking at Cadiz, he passed over to Africa with all his people and effects, to regulate his government in that country. He divided the command between his sons Abdelola and Meruan, leaving the former in Tangier, and the latter in Cairvan. Thus LEGEND OF THE having secured, as he thought, the power and prosperity of his family, by placing all his sons as his lieutenants in the country he had conquered, he departed for Syria, bearing with him the sumptuous spoils of the west. While Muza was thus disposing of his commands, and moving cumbrously under the weight of wealth, the veteran Taric was more speedy and alert in obeying the summons of the caliph. He knew the importance, where complaints were to be heard, of being first in presence of the judge; beside, he was ever ready to march at a moment s warning, and had nothing to im pede him in his movements. The spoils he had made in his conquests had either been shared among his soldiers, or yielded up to Muza, or squandered away with open-handed profusion. He appeared in Syria with a small train of war-worn followers, and had no other trophies to show than his battered armour, and a body seamed with scars. He was received, however, with rapture by the multitude, who crowded to behold one of SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 279 those conquerors of the west, whose wonder ful achievements were the theme of every tongue. They were charmed with his gaunt and martial air, his hard sunburnt features, and his scathed eye. " All hail," cried they, " to the sword of Islam, the terror of the unbelievers ! Behold the true model of a warrior, who despises gain, and seeks for nought but glory ! " Taric was graciously received by the caliph, who asked tidings of his victories. He gave a soldier-like account of his ac tions, frank and full, without any feigned modesty, yet without vainglory. " Comman der of the faithful," said he, "I bring thee no silver, nor gold, nor precious stones, nor captives ; for what spoils I did not share with my soldiers I gave up to Muza as my com mander. How I have conducted myself, the honourable warriors of thy host will tell thee ; nay, let our enemies, the Christians, be asked if I have ever shown myself cowardly, or cruel, or rapacious." LEGEND OF THE " What kind of people are these Chris tians?" demanded the caliph. " The Spaniards," replied Taric, " are lions in their castles, eagles in their saddles, but mere women when on foot. When vanquished they escape like goats to the mountains, for they need not see the ground they tread on." " And tell me of the Moors of Barbary." " They are like Arabs in the fierceness and dexterity of their attacks, and in their knowledge of the stratagems of war ; they resemble them, too, in feature, in fortitude, and hospitality ; but they are the most per fidious people upon earth, and never regard promise or plighted faith." "And the people of Afranc ; what sayest thou of them?" " They are infinite in number, rapid in the onset, fierce in battle, but confused and headlong in flight." " And how fared it with thee among these people ? Did they sometimes vanquish thee?" SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 281 "Never, by Allah!" cried Taric with honest warmth, "never did a banner of mine fly the field. Though the enemy were two to one, my Moslems never shunned the combat ! " The caliph was well pleased with the mar tial bluntness of the veteran, and showed him great honour ; and wherever Taric appeared he was the idol of the populace. LEGEND OF THE CHAPTER XIV. MUZA ARRIVES AT DAMASCUS. HIS INTERVIEW WITH THE CALIPH. THE TABLE OF SOLOMON. A RIGOROUS SENTENCE. SHORTLY after the arrival of Taric el Tuerto at Damascus the caliph fell dangerously ill, insomuch that his life was despaired of. During his illness, tidings were brought that Muza ben Nozier had entered Syria with a vast cavalcade, bearing all the riches and trophies gained in the western conquests. Now Suleiman ben Abdelmelec, brother to the caliph, was successor to the throne ; and he saw that his brother had not long to live, and wished to grace the commencement of his reign by this triumphant display of the spoils of Christendom : he sent messengers, therefore, to Muza, saying, " The caliph is ill, and cannot receive thee at present ; I pray thee tarry on the road until his recovery." SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 283 Muza, however, paid no attention to the messages of Suleiman, but rather hastened his march to arrive before the death of the caliph. And Suleiman treasured up his con duct in his heart. Muza entered the city in a kind of tri umph, with a long train of horses and mules and camels laden with treasure, and with the four hundred sons of Gothic nobles as host ages, each decorated with a diadem and a girdle of gold ; and with one hundred Christian damsels, whose beauty dazzled all beholders. As he passed through the streets he ordered purses of gold to be thrown among the populace, who rent the air with acclamations. " Behold," cried they, " the veritable conqueror of the unbelievers ! Be hold the true model of a conqueror, who brings home wealth to his country ! " And they heaped benedictions on the head of Muza. The caliph Walid Almanzor rose from his couch of illness to receive the emir ; who, when he repaired to the palace, filled one of LEGEND OF THE its great courts with treasures of all kinds : the halls, too, were thronged with the youth ful hostages, magnificently attired, and with Christian damsels, lovely as the houries of Paradise. When the caliph demanded an account of the conquest of Spain, he gave it with great eloquence ; but, in describing the various victories, he made no mention of the name of Taric, but spoke as if every thing had been effected by himself. He then pre sented the spoils of the Christians as if they had been all taken by his own hands ; and when he delivered to the caliph the miracu lous table of Solomon, he dwelt with ani mation on the virtues of that inestimable talisman. Upon this Taric, who was present, could no longer hold his peace. " Commander of the faithful !" said he, " examine this precious table, if any part be wanting." The caliph examined the table, which was com posed of a single emerald, and he found that one foot was supplied by a foot of gold. The caliph turned to Muza and said, "Where SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 285 is the other foot of the table ?" Muza an swered, " I know not j one foot was want ing when it came into my hands." Upon this, Taric drew from beneath his robe a foot of emerald of like workmanship to the others, and fitting exactly to the table. " Be hold, O commander of the faithful I " cried he, " a proof of the real finder of the table ; and so is it with the greater part of the spoils exhibited by Muza as trophies of his achievements. It was I who gained them, and who captured the cities in which they were found. If you want proof, demand of these Christian cavaliers here present, most of whom I captured ; demand of those Mos lem warriors who aided me in my battles." Muza was confounded for a moment, but attempted to vindicate himself. " I spake," said he, " as the chief of your armies, under whose orders and banners this conquest was achieved. The actions of the soldier are the actions of the commander. In a great victory, it is not supposed that the chief of the army takes all the captives, or kills all 286 LEGEND OF THE the slain, or gathers all the booty, though all are enumerated in the records of his tri umph." The caliph, however, was wroth, and heeded not his words. " You have vaunted your own deserts," said he, " and have forgotten the deserts of others ; nay, you have sought to debase another who has loyally served his sovereign : the reward of your envy and covetousness be upon your head ! " So saying, he bestowed a great part of the spoils upon Taric and the other chiefs, but gave nothing to Muza ; and the veteran retired amidst the sneers and mur murs of those present. In a few days the Galiph Wai id died, and was succeeded by his brother Suleiman. The new sovereign cherished deep resent ment against Muza for having presented himself at court contrary to his command, and he listened readily to the calumnies of his enemies ; for Muza had been too illus trious in his deeds not to have many enemies* All now took courage when they found he was out of favour, and they heaped slanders SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 287 on his head ; charging him with embezzling much of the share of the booty belonging to the sovereign. The new caliph lent a willing ear to the accusation, and commanded him to render up all that he had pillaged from Spain. The loss of his riches might have been borne with fortitude by Muza, but the stigma upon his fame filled his heart with bitterness. " I have been a faithful servant to the throne from my youth upwards," said he, " and now am I degraded in my old age. I care not for wealth, I care not for life, but let me not be deprived of that honour which God has bestowed upon me ! " The caliph was still more exasperated at his repining, and stripped him of his com mands ; confiscated his effects ; fined him two hundred thousand pesants of gold, and ordered that he should be scourged and ex posed to the noontide sun, and afterwards thrown into prison.* The populace, also, reviled and scoffed at him in his misery ; and * Conde, p. i. c. 17. 288 LEGEND OF THE as they beheld him led forth to the public gaze, and fainting in the sun, they pointed at him with derision, and exclaimed " Be hold the envious man and the impostor : this is he who pretended to have conquered the land of the unbelievers I " SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. CHAPTER XV. CONDUCT OF ABDALASIS AS EMIR OF SPAIN. WHILE these events were happening- in Sy ria, the youthful Abdalasis, the son of Muza, remained as emir or governor of Spain. He was of a generous and benignant disposition, but he was open and confiding, and easily led away by the opinions of those he loved. Fortunately his father had left with him, as a bosom counsellor, the discreet Ayub, the nephew of Muza : aided by his advice, he for some time administered the public affairs prudently and prosperously. Not long after the departure of his father, he received a letter from him, written while on his journey to Syria ; it was to the follow ing purport : " Beloved son ; honour of thy lineage ; Allah guard thee from all harm and peril ! Listen to the words of thy father. Avoid all o 290 LEGEND OF THE treachery, though it should promise great advantage ; and trust not in him who coun sels it, even though he should be a brother. The company of traitors put far from thee ; for how canst thou be certain that he who has proved false to others will prove true to thee ? Beware, O my son, of the seductions of love. It is an idle passion which enfeebles the heart, and blinds the judgment : it renders the mighty weak, and makes slaves of princes. If thou shouldst discover any foible of a vicious kind springing up in thy nature, pluck it forth, whatever pang it cost thee. Every error, while new, may easily be weeded out ; but if suffered to take root, it flourishes, and bears seed, and produces fruit an hun dred fold. Follow these counsels, O son of my affections, and thou shalt live secure." Abdalasis meditated upon this letter ; for some part of it seemed to contain a mystery which he could not comprehend. He called to him his cousin and counsellor, the discreet Ayub. " What means my father," said he, " in cautioning me against treachery and SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 2QI treason ? Does he think my nature so base that it could descend to such means ? " Ayub read the letter attentively. " Thy father," said he, " would put thee on thy guard against the traitors Julian and Oppas, and those of their party who surround thee. What love canst thou expect from men who have been unnatural to their kindred ; and what loyalty from wretches who have be trayed their country?" Abdalasis was satisfied with the interpret ation, and he acted accordingly. He had long loathed all communion with these men ; for there is nothing which the open, ingenuous nature so much abhors as duplicity and trea son. Policy, too, no longer required their agency ; they had rendered their infamous service, and had no longer a country to betray : but they might turn and betray their employers. Abdalasis, therefore, removed them to a distance from his court, and placed them in situations where they could do no harm ; and he warned his commanders from LEGEND OP THE being in any wise influenced by their coun sels, or aided by their arms. He now confided entirely in his Arabian troops, and in the Moorish squadrons from Africa, and with their aid he completed the conquest of Lusitania to the ultimate parts of the Algarbe, or west, even to the shores of the great Ocean sea.* From hence, he sent his generals to overrun all those vast and rugged sierras, which rise like ramparts along the ocean borders of the peninsula ; and they carried the standard of Islam in triumph even to the mountains of Biscay, collecting all manner of precious spoil. "It is not enough, O Abdalasis," said Ayub, " that we conquer and rule this coun try with the sword : if we wish our dominion to be secure, we must cultivate the arts of peace, and study to secure the confidence * Algarbe, or Algarbia, in Arabic signifies the west, as Axarkia is the east, Algufia the north, and Aquibla the south. This will serve to explain some of the geographical names on the peninsula which are of Arabian origin. SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. and promote the welfare of the people we have conquered." Abdalasis relished counsel which accorded so well with his own benefi cent nature. He endeavoured, therefore, to allay the ferment and confusion of the con quest ; forbade, under rigorous punishment, all wanton spoil or oppression, and protected the native inhabitants in the enjoyment and cultivation of their lands, and the pursuit of all useful occupations. By the advice of Ayub also, he encouraged great numbers of industrious Moors and Arabs to emigrate! r? from Africa, and gave them houses and lands ; thus introducing a peaceful Maho metan population into the conquered pro vinces. The good effect of the counsels of Ayub were soon apparent. Instead of a sudden but transient influx of wealth, made by the ruin of the land, which left the country deso late, a regular and permanent revenue sprang up, produced by reviving prosperity, and gathered without violence. Abdalasis or dered it to be faithfully collected, and de- o 3 LEGEND OF THE posited in coffers by public officers appointed in each province for the purpose ; and the whole was sent by ten deputies to Damascus, to be laid at the feet of the caliph, not as the spoils of a vanquished country, but as the peaceful trophies of a wisely administered government. The common herd of warlike adventurers, the mere men of the sword, who had thronged to Spain for the purpose of ravage and ra pine, were disappointed at being thus checked in their career, and at seeing the reign of terror and violence drawing to a close. " What manner of leader is this," said they, " who forbids us to make spoil of the enemies of Islam, and to enjoy the land we have wrested from the unbelievers ?" The parti sans of Julian also whispered their calum nies. " Behold," said they, " with what kindness he treats the enemies of your faith : all the Christians who have borne arms against you, and withstood your entrance into the land, are favoured and protected ; but it is enough for a Christian to have be- SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. friended the cause of the Moslems to be singled out by Abdalasis for persecution, and to be driven with scorn from his pre sence." These insinuations fermented the discon tent of the turbulent and rapacious among the Moslems ; but all the friends of peace and order and good government applauded the moderation of the youthful emir. o 4 296 LEGEND OF THE CHAPTER XVI. LOVES OF ABDALASIS AND EXILONA. ABDALASIS had fixed his seat of govern ment at Seville, as permitting 1 easy and fre quent communications with the coast of Africa. His palace was of noble architec ture, with delightful gardens extending to the banks of the Guadalquivir. In a part of this palace resided many of the most beauti ful Christian females, who were detained as captives, or rather hostages, to ensure the tranquillity of the country. Those who were of noble rank were entertained in luxury and magnificence ; slaves were appointed to at tend upon them, and they were arrayed in the richest apparel and decorated with the most precious jewels. Those of tender age were taught all graceful accomplishments ; and even where tasks were imposed, they were of the most elegant and agreeable kind. SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. They embroidered, they sang, they danced, and passed their times in pleasing revelry. Many were lulled by this easy and voluptu ous existence ; the scenes of horror through which they had passed were gradually effaced from their minds, and a desire was often awakened of rendering themselves pleasing in the eyes of their conquerors. After his return from his campaign in Lusitania, and during the intervals of public- duty, Abdalasis solaced himself in the repose of this palace, and in the society of these Christian captives. He remarked one among them who ever sat apart ; and neither joined in the labours nor sports of her companions. She was lofty in her demeanour, and the others always paid her reverence ; yet sor row had given a softness to her charms, and rendered her beauty touching to the heart. Abdalasis found her one day in the garden with her companions : they had adorned their heads with flowers, and were singing the songs of their country ; but she sat by 298 LEGEND OF THE herself and wept. The youthful emir was moved by her tears, and accosted her in gentle accents. "O fairest of women!" said he, " why dost thou weep, and why is thy heart troubled ? " " Alas !" replied she, " have I not cause to weep, seeing how sad is my condition, and how great the height from which I have fallen ? In me you be hold the wretched Exiloria, but lately the wife of Roderick, and the Queen of Spain, now a captive and a slave ! " And, having said these words, she cast her eyes upon the earth, and her tears began to flow afresh. The generous feelings of Abdalasis were aroused at the sight of beauty and royalty in tears. He gave orders that Exilona should be entertained in a style befitting her former rank ; he appointed a train of female attend ants to wait upon her, and a guard of honour to protect her from all intrusion. All the time that he could spare from public con cerns was passed in her society ; and he even neglected his divan, and suffered his counsellors to attend in vain, while he lin- SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 299 gered in the apartments and gardens of the palace, listening to the voice of Exilona. The discreet Ayub saw the danger into which he was falling. " Oh Abdalasis ! " said he, " remember the words of thy father. Beware, my son/ said he, of the seduc tions of love. It renders the mighty weak, and makes slaves of princes ! ; A blush kindled on the cheek of Abdalasis, and he was silent for a moment. " Why," said he, at length, " do you seek to charge me with such weakness ? It is one thing to be in fatuated by the charms of a woman, and another to be touched by her misfortunes. It is the duty of my station to console a princess who has been reduced to the lowest humiliation by the triumphs of our arms. In doing so, I do but listen to the dictates of true magnanimity." Ayub was silent, but his brow was clouded ; and for once Abdalasis parted in discontent from his counsellor* In proportion as he was dissatisfied with others or with himself,, he sought the society of Exilona j for there o 6 300 LEGEND OF THE was a charm in her conversation that banished every care. He daily became more and more enamoured ; and Exilona gradually ceased to weep, and began to listen with secret pleasure to the words of her Arab lover. When, however, he sought to urge his passion, she recollected the light estimation in which her sex was held by the followers of Mahomet, and assumed a countenance grave and severe. " Fortune, " said she, " has cast me at thy feet : behold I am thy captive and thy spoil. But though my person is in thy power, my soul is unsubdued ; and know that, should I lack force to defend my honour, I have reso lution to wash out all stain upon it with my blood. I trust, however, in thy courtesy as a cavalier to respect me in my reverses, remembering what I have been ; and that, though the crown has been wrested from my brow, the royal blood still warms within my veins." * * Faxardo, Corona, Gothica, t. i. p. 492. Joan. Mar. de Reb. Hisp. 1. vi. c, 27. SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 301 The lofty spirit of Exilona, and her proud repulse, served but to increase the passion of Abdalasis. He besought her to unite her destiny with his, and share his state and power, promising that she should have no rival nor co-partner in his heart. Whatever scruples the captive queen might originally have felt to a union with one of the con querors of her lord, and an enemy of her adopted faith, they were easily vanquished ; and she became the bride of Abdalasis. He would fain have persuaded her to return to the faith of her fathers : but though of 7 o Moorish origin, and brought up in the doc trines of Islam, she was too thorough a con vert to Christianity to consent, and looked back with disgust upon a religion that ad mitted a plurality of wives. When the sage Ayub heard of the reso lution of Abdalasis to espouse Exilona he was in despair. "Alas, my cousin!" said he, " what infatuation possesses thee ? Hast thou then entirely forgotten the letter of thy father ? Beware my son/ said he, of 302 LEGEND OF THE love : it is an idle passion, which enfeebles the heart and blinds the judgment. r But Abdalasis interrupted him with impatience. "My father," said he, "spake but of the blandishments of wanton love ; against these I am secured by my virtuous passion for Exilona." Ayub would fain have impressed upon him the dangers he ran of awakening sus picion in the caliph, and discontent among the Moslems, by wedding the queen of the conquered Roderick, and one who was an enemy to the religion of Mahomet ; but the youthful lover only listened to his passion. Their nuptials were celebrated at Seville with great pomp and rejoicings, and he gave his bride the name of Omalisam ; that is to say, she of the precious jewels * ; but she continued to be known among the Christians by the name of Exilona. * Conde, p. i. c. 17. SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 303 CHAPTER XVII. FATE OF ABDALASIS AND EXILONA. DEATH OF MUZA. POSSESSION, instead of cooling the passion of Abdalasis, only added to its force ; he became blindly enamoured of his beautiful bride, and consulted her will in all things ; nay, having lost all relish for the advice of the discreet Ayub, he was even guided by the counsels of his wife in the affairs of government. Exilona, unfortunately, had once been a queen, and she could not re member her regal glories without regret. She saw that Abdalasis had great power in the land ; greater even than had been pos sessed by the Gothic kings ; but she con sidered it as wanting in true splendour until his brows should be encircled with the out ward badge of royalty. One day, when they S04f LEGEND OF THE were alone in the palace of Seville, and the heart of Abdalasis was given up to tender ness, she addressed him in fond yet timid accents. " Will not my lord be offended," said she, "if I make an unwelcome re quest ? " Abdalasis regarded her with a smile. " What canst thou ask of me, Exilona," said he, "that it would not be a happiness for rne to grant ? " Then Exilona produced a crown of gold, sparkling with jewels, which had belonged to the king, Don Roderick, and said, " Behold, thou art king in au thority, be so in thy outward state. There is majesty and glory in a crown ; it gives a sanctity to power." Then putting the crown upon his head, she held a mirror before him that he might behold the majesty of his ap pearance. Abdalasis chid her fondly, and put the crown away from him ; but Exilona persisted in her prayer. " Never," said she, "has there been a king in Spain that did not wear a crown." So Abdalasis suffered himself to be beguiled by the blandishments SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 305 of his wife, and to be invested with the crown and sceptre and other signs of royalty.* It is affirmed by ancient and discreet chroniclers, that Abdalasis only assumed this royal state in the privacy of his palace, and to gratify the eye of his youthful bride : but where was a secret ever confined within the walls of a palace ? The assumption of the insignia of the ancient Gothic kings was soon rumoured about, and caused the most violent suspicions. The Moslems had already felt jealous of the ascendancy of this beautiful woman ; and it was now confidently asserted that Abdalasis, won by her persuasions, had secretly turned Christian. The enemies of Abdalasis, those whose rapacious spirits had been kept in check by the beneficence of his rule, seized upon this occasion to ruin him. They sent letters to Damascus accusing him of apostacy, and of an intention to seize upon the throne in right * Cron. Gen. de Alonzo el Sabio, p. 3. Joan. Mar. de Reb. Hisp. lib. vi. c. 27. Conde, p. i. cap. 19. 306 LEGEND OF THE of his wife, Exilona, as widow of the late King Roderick. It was added, that the Christians were prepared to flock to his standard, as the only means of regaining ascendancy in their country. These accusations arrived at Damascus just after the accession of the sanguinary Suleiman to the throne, and in the height of his persecution of the unfortunate Muza. The caliph waited for no proofs in confirm ation ; he immediately sent private orders that Abdalasis should be put to death, and that the same fate should be dealt to his two brothers who governed in Africa, as a sure means of crushing the conspiracy of this ambitious family. The mandate for the death of Abdalasis was sent to Abhilbar ben Obeidah and Zeyd ben Nabegat, both of whom had been cherished friends of Muza, and had lived in intimate favour and companionship with his son. When they read the fatal parch ment, the scroll fell from their trembling hands. " Can such hostility exist against SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 307 the family of Muza ?" exclaimed they. " Is this the reward for such great and glorious services ? " The cavaliers remained for some time plunged in horror and consternation. The order, however, was absolute, and left them no discretion. " Allah is great," said they, "and commands us to obey our so vereign." So they prepared to execute the bloody mandate with the blind fidelity of Moslems. / It was necessary to proceed with caution. The open and magnanimous character of Abdalasis had won the hearts of a great part of the soldiery, and his magnificence pleased the cavaliers who formed his guard : it was feared, therefore, that a sanguinary opposition would be made to any attempt upon his person. The rabble, however, had been embittered against him from his having re strained their depredations, and because they thought him an apostate in his heart, secretly bent upon betraying them to the Christians. While, therefore, the two officers made vigi lant dispositions to check any movement on 308 LEGEND OF THE the part of the soldiery, they let loose the blind fury of the populace, by publishing the fatal mandate. In a moment the city was in a ferment, and there was a ferocious emula tion who should be first to execute the orders of the caliph. Abdalasis was at this time at a palace in the country not far from Seville, command ing a delightful view of the fertile plain of the Guadalquivir. Hither he was accus tomed to retire from the tumult of the court, and to pass his time among groves and foun tains, and the sweet repose of gardens, in the society of Exilona. It was the dawn of day, the hour of early prayer, when the furious populace arrived at this retreat. Abdalasis was offering up his orisons in a small mosque which he had erected for the use of the neighbouring peasantry. Exilona was in a chapel in the interior of the palace, where her confessor, a holy friar, was performing mass. They were both surprised at their devotions, and dragged forth by the hands of the rabble. A few guards, who attended SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 309 at the palace, would have made defence; but they were overawed by the sight of the written mandate of the caliph. The captives were borne in triumph to Seville. All the beneficent virtues of Abda- lasis were forgotten ; nor had the charms of Exilona any effect in softening the hearts of the populace. The brutal eagerness to shed blood, which seems inherent in human nature, was awakened; and woe to the victims when that eagerness is quickened by religious hate ! The illustrious couple, adorned with all the graces of youth and beauty, were hurried to a scaffold in the great square of Seville, and there beheaded, amidst the shouts and exe crations of an infatuated multitude. Their bodies were left exposed upon the ground, and would have been devoured by dogs, had they not been gathered at night by some friendly hand, and poorly interred in one of the courts of their late dwelling. Thus terminated the loves and lives of Abdalasis and Exilona, in the year of the In carnation seven hundred and fourteen. Their 310 LEGEND OF THE names were held sacred as martyrs to the Christian faith : hut many read in their un timely fate a lesson against amhition and vainglory ; having sacrificed real power and substantial rule to the glittering bauble of a crown. The head of Abdalasis was embalmed, and enclosed in a casket, and sent to Syria to the cruel Suleiman. The messenger who bore it overtook the caliph as he was performing a pilgrimage to Mecca. Muza was among the courtiers in his train, having been released from prison. On opening the cas ket, and regarding its contents, the eyes of the tyrant sparkled with malignant satisfac tion. Calling the unhappy father to his side : " Muza," said he, " dost thou know this head ? " The veteran recognised the features of his beloved son, and turned his face away with anguish. " Yes I well do I know it," replied he ; " and may the curse of God light upon him who has destroyed a better man than himself." Without adding another word, he retired SUBJUGATION OF SPAIN. 311 to Mount Deran, a prey to devouring me lancholy. He shortly after received tidings of the death of his two sons, whom he had left in the government of western Africa, and Avho had fallen victims to the jealous suspicions of the caliph. His advanced age was not proof against these repeated blows, and this utter ruin of his late prosperous family; and he sank into his grave, sorrowing and broken-hearted. Such was the lamentable end of the con queror of Spain ; whose great achievements were not sufficient to atone, in the eye of his sovereign, for a weakness to which all men ambitious of renown are subject ; and whose triumphs eventually brought persecution upon himself, and untimely death upon his chil dren. Here ends the legend of the Subjugation of Spain. LEGEND OP COUNT JULIAN AND HIS FAMILY. LEGEND OF COUNT JULIAN AND HIS FAMILY. IN the preceding legends is darkly sha dowed out a true story of the woes of Spain. It is a story full of wholesome ad monition, rebuking the insolence of human pride, and the vanity of human ambition, and showing the futility of all greatness that is not strongly based on virtue. We have seen, in brief space of time, most of the actors in this historic drama disappearing, one by one, from the scene, and going down, conqueror and conquered, to gloomy and unhonoured graves. It remains to close this eventful his tory, by holding up as a signal warning the fate of the traitor, whose perfidious scheme of vengeance brought ruin on his native land. p 316 LEGEND OF Many and various are the accounts given in ancient chronicles of the fortunes of Count Julian and his family ; and many are the tra ditions on the subject still extant among the populace of Spain, and perpetuated in those countless ballads sung by peasants and muleteers, which spread a singular charm over the whole of this romantic land. He who has travelled in Spain in the true way in which the country ought to be travel led ; sojourning in its remote provinces ; rambling among the rugged defiles and se cluded valleys of its mountains ; and making himself familiar with the people in their out- of-the-way hamlets, and rarely visited neigh bourhoods, will remember many a group of travellers and muleteers, gathered of an even ing around the door or the spacious hearth of a mountain venta, wrapped in their brown cloaks, and listening with grave and profound attention to the long historic ballad of some rustic troubadour, either recited with the true ore rotunda and modulated cadences of Spanish elocution, or chanted to the tink- COUNT JULIAN AND HIS FAMILY. 317 ling of a guitar. In this way, he may have heard the doleful end of Count Julian and his family recounted in traditionary rhymes, that have been handed down from generation to generation. The particulars, however, of the following wild legend are chiefly gathered from the writings of the pseudo Moor, Rasis : how far they may be safely taken as historic facts, it is impossible now to ascertain ; we must content ourselves, therefore, with their answering to the exactions of poetic justice. As yet every thing had prospered with Count Julian, He had gratified his venge ance ; he had been successful in his treason, and had acquired countless riches from the ruin of his country. But it is not outward success that constitutes prosperity. The tree flourishes with fruit and foliage while blasted and withering at the heart. Wherever he went, Count Julian read hatred in every eye. The Christians cursed him as the cause of all their woe ; the Moslems despised and distrusted him as a traitor. Men whis pered together as he approached, and then p 3 318 LEGEND OF turned away in scorn ; and mothers snatched away their children with horror if he offered to caress them. He withered under the exe cration of his fellow men ; and last, and worst of all, he began to loathe himself. He tried in vain to persuade himself that he had but taken a justifiable vengeance : he felt that no personal wrong can justify the crime of treason to one s country. For a time, he sought in luxurious in dulgence to soothe, or forget, the miseries of the mind. He assembled round him every pleasure and gratification that boundless wealth could purchase ; but all in vain. He had no relish for the dainties of his board ; music had no charm wherewith to lull his soul, and remorse drove slumber from his pillow. He sent to Ceuta for his wife Frandina, his daughter Florinda, and his youthful son Alarbot ; hoping in the bosom of his family to find that sympathy and kindness which he could no longer meet with in the world. Their presence, however^ brought him no alleviation. Florinda, the COUNT JULIAN AND HIS FAMILY. 319 daughter of his heart, for whose sake he had undertaken this signal vengeance, was sinking a victim to its effects. Wherever she went, she found herself a bye-word of shame and reproach. The outrage she had suffered was imputed to her as wantonness, and her calamity was magnified into a crime. The Christians never mentioned her name without a curse, and the Moslems, the gainers by her misfortune, spake of her only by the appellation of Cava, the vilest epithet they could apply to woman. But the opprobrium of the world was nothing to the upbraiding of her own heart. She charged herself with all the miseries of these disastrous wars ; the deaths of so many gallant cavaliers ; the conquest and perdition of her country. The anguish of her mind preyed upon the beauty of her person. Her eye, once soft and tender in its expression, became wild and haggard ; her cheek lost its bloom, and became hollow and pallid; and at times there was desperation in her words. When her father sought to embrace p 4 320 LEGEND OF her, she withdrew with shuddering from his arms ; for she thought of his treason, and the ruin it had brought upon Spain. Her wretchedness increased after her return to her native country, until it rose to a degree of frenzy. One day when she was walking with her parents in the garden of their palace, she entered a tower, and, having barred the door, ascended to the battlements. From thence she called to them in piercing accents, expressive of her insupportable an guish and desperate determination. " Let this city," said she, " be henceforth called Malacca, in memorial of the most wretched of women, who therein put an end to her days." So saying, she threw herself head long from the tower, and was dashed to pieces. The city, adds the ancient chronicler, re ceived the name thus given it, though after- vvards softened to Malaga, which it still retains, in memory of the tragical end of Florinda. The Countess Frandina abandoned this scene of woe, and returned to Ceuta, ac- COUNT JULIAN AND HIS FAMILY. companied by her infant son. She took with her the remains of her unfortunate daughter, and gave them honourable sepulture in a mausoleum of the chapel belonging to the citadel. Count Julian departed for Cartha- gena, where he remained plunged in horror at this doleful event. About this time, the cruel Suleiman, having destroyed the family of Muza, had sent an Arab general, named Alahor, to succeed Abdalasis as emir or governor of Spain. The new emir was of a cruel and suspicious nature, and commenced his sway with a stern severity that soon made those under his command look back with regret to the easy rule of Abdalasis. He regarded with an eye of distrust the renegado Christians who had aided in the conquest, and who bore arms in the service of the Moslems ; but his deepest suspicions fell upon Count Julian. " He has been a traitor to his own countrymen," said he : " how can we be sure that he will not prove traitor to us?" p 5 LEGEND OF A sudden insurrection of the Christians who had taken refuge in the Asturian moun tains quickened his suspicions, and inspired him with fears of some dangerous conspiracy against his power. In the height of his anxiety, he bethought him of an Arabian sage named Yuza, who had accompanied him from Africa. This son of sience was withered in form, and looked as if he had outlived the usual term of mortal life. In the course of his studies and travels in the East, he had collected the knowledge and experience of ages ; being skilled in astrology and, it is said, in necromancy, and possessing the marvellous gift of prophecy or divination. To this expounder of mysteries Alahor ap plied, to learn whether any secret treason menaced his safety. The astrologer listened with deep attention and overwhelming brow to all the surmises and suspicions of the emir ; then shut himself up to consult his books, and commune with those supernatural intelligences subservient to his wisdom. At an appointed hour, the COUNT JULIAN AND HIS FAMILY. 323 emir sought him in his cell. It was filled with the smoke of perfumes : squares and circles and various diagrams were described upon the floor ; and the astrologer was poring over a scroll of parchment covered with cabalistic characters. He received Alahor with a gloomy and sinister aspect ; pretend ing to have discovered fearful portents in the heavens, and to have had strange dreams and mystic visions. " O emir," said he, " be on your guard 1 Treason is around you, and in your path : your life is in peril. Beware of Count Julian and his family." " Enough," said the emir. " They shall all die! Parents and children all shall die!" He forthwith sent a summons to Count Julian to attend him in Cordova. The messenger found him plunged in affliction for the recent death of his daughter. The count excused himself, on account of this misfortune, from obeying the commands of the emir in person, but sent several of his p 6 LEGEND OF adherents. His hesitation, and the circum stance of his having sent his family across the straits to Africa, were construed by the jealous mind of the emir into proofs of guilt. He no longer doubted his being con cerned in the recent insurrections, and that he had sent his family away, preparatory to an attempt, by force of arms, to subvert the Moslem domination. In his fury, he put to death Siseburto and Evan, the nephews of Bishop Oppas, and sons of the former king, Witiza, suspecting them of taking part in the treason. Thus did they expiate their treachery to their country in the fatal battle of the Gaudalete. Alahor next hastened to Carthagena, to seize upon Count Julian. So rapid were his movements that the count had barely time to escape with fifteen cavaliers, with whom he took refuge in the strong castle of Marcuello, among the mountains of Arragon. The emir, enraged to be disappointed of his prey, embarked at Carthagena, and crossed COUNT JULIAN AND HIS FAMILY. the straits to Ceuta, to make captives of the Countess Frandina and her son. The old chronicle from which we take this part of our legend presents a gloomy picture of the countess in the stern fortress to which she had fled for refuge ; a picture heightened by supernatural horrors. These latter the sagacious reader will admit or reject, according to the measure of his faith and judgment ; always remembering, that in dark and eventful times, like those in ques tion, involving the destinies of nations, the downfal of kingdoms, and the crimes of rulers and mighty men, the hand of fate is sometimes strangely visible, and confounds the wisdom of the Avorldly wise, by intima tions and portents above the ordinary course of things. With this proviso, we make 110 scruple to follow the venerable chronicler in his narration. Now so it happened, that the Countess Frandina was seated late at night in her chamber in the city of Ceuta, which stands 326 LEGEND OF on a lofty rock, overlooking the sea. She was revolving, in gloomy thought, the late disasters of her family, when she heard a mournful noise, like that of the sea breeze, moaning about the castle walls. Raising her eyes, she beheld her brother, the Bishop Oppas, at the entrance of the chamber. She advanced to embrace him, but he forbade her with a motion of his hand ; and she observed that he was ghastly pale, and that his eyes glared as with lambent flames. " Touch me not, sister," said he with a mournful voice, " lest thou be consumed by the fire which rages within me. Guard well thy son, for blood-hounds are upon his track. His innocence might have secured him the protection of Heaven, but our crimes have involved him in our common ruin." He ceased to speak, and was no longer to be seen. His coming and going were alike without noise, and the door of the chamber remained fast bolted. On the following morning, a messenger arrived with tidings that the Bishop Oppas COUNT JULIAN AND HIS FAMILY. had been made prisoner in battle by the in surgent Christians of the Asturias, and had died in fetters in a tower of the mountains. The same messenger brought word that the Emir Alahor had put to death several of the friends of Count Julian ; had obliged him to fly for his life to a castle in Arragon ; and was embarking with a formidable force for Ceuta. The Countess Frandina, as has already been shown, was of courageous heart ; and danger made her desperate. There were fifty Moorish soldiers in the garrison ; she feared that they would prove treacherous, and take part with their countrymen. Sum moning her officers, therefore, she informed them of their danger, and commanded them to put those Moors to death. The guards sallied forth to obey her orders. Thirty-five of the Moors were in the great square, un suspicious of any danger, when they were severally singled out by their executioners, and, at a concerted signal, killed on the spot. The remaining fifteen took refuge in a tower* 328 LEGEND OF They saw the armada of the emir at a dis tance, and hoped to be ahle to hold out until its arrival. The soldiers of the countess saw it also, and made extraordinary efforts to destroy these internal enemies, before they should be attacked from without. They made repeated attempts to storm the tower, but were as often repulsed with severe loss. They then undermined it, supporting* its foundations by stanchions of wood. To these they set fire, and withdrew to a distance, keeping up a constant shower of missiles to prevent the Moors from sallying" forth to extinguish the flames. The stanchions were rapidly consumed ; and when they gave way the tower fell to the ground. Some of the Moors were crushed among the ruins ; others were flung to a distance, and dashed among the rocks : those who survived were in stantly put to the sword. The fleet of the emir arrived at Ceuta about the hour of vespers. He landed, but found the gates closed against him. The countess herself spoke to him from a tower, COUNT JULIAN AND HIS FAMILY. 329 and set him at defiance. The emir imme diately laid siege to the city. He consulted the astrologer Yuza, who told him that, for seven days, his star would have the ascendant over that of the youth Alarbot ; but after that time the youth would be safe from his power, and would effect his ruin. Alahor immediately ordered the city to be assailed on every side, and at length carried it by storm. The countess took refuge with her forces in the citadel, and made a despe rate defence ; but the walls were sapped and mined, and she saw that all resistance would soon be unavailing. Her only thoughts now were to conceal her child. " Surely," said she, " they will not think of seeking him among the dead." She led him, therefore, into the dark and dismal chapel. " Thou art not afraid to be alone in this darkness, my child ? " said she. " No, mother, * replied the boy, " dark ness gives silence and sleep." She con ducted him to the tomb of Florinda. " Fear- est thou the dead, my child?" "No, mother, 330 LEGEND OF the dead can do no harm, and what should I fear from my sister ? " The countess opened the sepulchre. " Lis ten, my son," said she. " There are fierce and cruel people who have come hither to murder thee. Stay here in company with thy sister, and be quiet as thou dost value thy life ! " The boy, who was of a courage ous nature, did as he was bidden, and re mained there all that day, and all the night, and the next day until the third hour. In the mean time the walls of the citadel were sapped, the troops of the emir poured in at the breach, and a great part of the gar rison was put to the sword. The countess was taken prisoner and brought before the emir. She appeared in his presence with a haughty demeanour, as if she had been a queen receiving homage ; but when he de manded her son, she faltered, and turned pale, and replied, " My son is with the dead." " Countess," said the emir, " I am not to be deceived ; tell me where you have con* COUNT JULIAN AND HIS FAMILY. 331 cealed the boy, or tortures shall wring from you the secret." " Emir," replied the countess, " may the greatest torments be my portion, both here and hereafter, if what I speak be not the truth ! My darling child lies buried with the dead." The emir was confounded by the solem nity of her words ; but the withered astrolo ger, Yuza, who stood by his side regarding the countess from beneath his bushed eye brows, perceived trouble in her countenance and equivocation in her words. " Leave this matter to me," whispered he to Alahor ; " I will produce the child." He ordered strict search to be made by the soldiery, and he obliged the countess to be always present. When they came to the chapel, her cheek turned pale and her lip quivered. " This," said the subtle astrolo ger, (( is the place of concealment." The search throughout the chapel, how ever, was equally vain, and the soldiers were about to depart, when Yuza remarked a 332 LEGEND OF slight gleam of joy in the eye of the countess. " We are leaving our prey behind," thought he ; " the countess is exulting." He now called to mind the words of her asseveration, that her child was with the dead. Turning suddenly to the soldiers, he ordered them to search the sepulchres. " If you find him not," said he, " drag forth the bones of that wanton Cava, that they may be burnt, and the ashes scattered to the winds." The soldiers searched among the tombs, and found that of Florinda partly open. Within lay the boy in the sound sleep of childhood, and one of the soldiers took him gently in his arms to bear him to the emir. When the countess beheld that her child was discovered, she rushed into the presence of Alahor, and, forgetting all her pride, threw herself upon her knees before him. "Mercy! mercy!" cried she, in piercing accents, "mercy on my son my only child! O emir ! listen to a mother s prayer, and my lips shall kiss thy feet. As thou art mer ciful to him, so may the most high God have COUNT JULIAN AND HIS FAMILY. 333 mercy upon thee, and heap blessings on thy head !" "Bear that frantic women hence," said the emir ; " but guard her well." The countess was dragged away by the soldiery, without regard to her struggles and her cries, and confined in a dungeon of the citadel. The child was now brought to the emir. He had been awakened by the tumult, but gazed fearlessly on the stern countenances of the soldiers. Had the heart of the emir been capable of pity, it would have been touched by the tender youth and innocent beauty of the child ; but his heart was as the nether millstone, and he was bent upon the destruction of the whole family of Julian. Calling to him the astrologer, he gave the child into his charge with a secret command. The withered son of the desert took the boy by the hand, and led him up the winding staircase of a tower. When they reached the summit, Yuza placed him on the battle ments. 334 LEGEND OF " Cling not to me, my child/ said he ; "there is no danger." "Father, I fear not," said the undaunted boy; "yet it is a won drous height ! " The child looked around with delighted eyes. The breeze blew his curling locks from about his face, and his cheek glowed at the boundless prospect ; for the tower was reared upon that lofty promontory on which Hercules founded one of his pillars. The surges of the sea were heard far below beat ing upon the rocks, the sea-gull screamed and wheeled about the foundations of the tower, and the sails of lofty caraccas were as mere specks on the bosom of the deep. " Dost thou know yonder land beyond the blue water ? " said Yuza. 4 * It is Spain," replied the boy; "it is the land of my father and my mother." " Then stretch forth thy hands and bless it, my child," said the astrologer. The boy let go his hold of the wall, and, as he stretched forth his hands, the aged son of Ishmael, exerting all the strength of his COUNT JULIAN AND HIS FAMILY. 335 withered limbs, suddenly pushed him over the battlements* He fell headlong from the top of that tall tower, and not a bone in his tender frame but was crushed upon the rocks beneath. Alahor came to the foot of the winding stairs. " Is the boy safe ?" cried he. " He is safe," replied Yuza ; "come and behold the truth with thine own eyes." The emir ascended the tower and looked over the battlements, and beheld the body of the child, a shapeless mass, on the rocks far below, and the sea-gulls hovering about it ; and he gave orders that it should be thrown into the sea, which was done. On the following morning, the countess was led forth from her dungeon into the pub lic square. She knew of the death of her child, and that her own death was at hand ; but she neither wept nor supplicated. Her hair was dishevelled, her eyes were haggard with watching, and her cheek was as the monumental stone j but there were the 336 LEGEND OF remains of commanding beauty in her counte nance; and the majesty of her presence awed even the rabble into respect. A multitude of Christian prisoners were then brought forth ; and Alahor cried out " Behold the wife of Count Julian ; be hold one of that traitorous family which has brought ruin upon yourselves and upon your country." And he ordered that they should stone her to death. But the Christians drew back with horror from the deed, and said " In the hand of God is vengeance, let not her blood be upon our heads." Upon this the emir swore, with horrid imprecations, that whoever of the captives refused should him self be stoned to death. So the cruel order was executed, and the Countess Frandina perished by the hands of her countrymen. Having thus accomplished his barbarous errand, the emir embarked for Spain, and or dered the citadel of Ceuta to be set on fire, and crossed the straights at night by the light of its towering flames. The death of Count Julian, which took COUNT JULIAN AND HIS FAMILY. 337 place not long after, closed the tragic story of his family. How he died remains involved in doubt. Some assert that the cruel Alahor pursued him to his retreat among the mountains, and, having taken him prisoner, beheaded him ; others that the Moors con fined him in a dungeon, and put an end to his life with lingering torments ; while others affirm that the tower of the castle of Marcuello, near Huesca, in Arragon, in which he took refuge, fell on him and crushed him to pieces. All agree that his latter end was miserable in the extreme, and his death violent. The curse of Heaven, which had thus pursued him to the grave, was extended to the very place which had given him shelter : for we are told that the castle is no longer inhabited, on account or the strange and horrible noises that are heard in it ; and that visions of armed men are seen above it in the air ; which are supposed to be the troubled spirits of the apostate Christians who favoured the cause of the traitor. a 338 LEGEND OF COUNT JULIAN, ETC. Iii after times a stone sepulchre was shown, outside of the chapel of the castle, as the tomb of Count Julian : but the traveller and the pilgrim avoided it, or bestowed upon it a malediction ; and the name of Julian has remained a by-word and a scorn in the land for the warning of all generations. Such ever be the lot of him who betrays his country ! Here end the legends of the conquest of Spain. Written in the Alhambra, June 10. 1829. 339 NOTE TO THE PRECEDING LEGEND. El licenciado Ardevines (Lib. ii. c. 8.) dize que dichos Duendos caseros, o los del aire, hazen aparacer exercitos y peleas, como Jo que se cuenta por tradicion (y ami algunos personas lo deponen como testigos de vista) de la torre y castello de Marcuello, lugar al pie de las montanas de Aragon (aora inha bitable, por las grandes y espan tables ruidos que en el se oyen) donde se retraxo el Conde Don Julian, causa de la perdicion de Espana ; sobre el qual Castillo, deze se ven en el aire ciertas visiones, como de soldados, que el vulgo dize son los cavalleros y gente que le favorecian. Vide " el Ente Dislucidado, por Fray An tonio de Fuentalapena capuchin. Seccion 3. Subseccion 5. Instancia 8. Num. 644. As readers unversed in the Spanish lan guage may wish to know the testimony of the worthy and discreet capuchin friar, An- 340 NOTE TO THE PRECEDING LEGEND. tonio de Fuentalapena, we subjoin a transla tion of it. " The licentiate Ardevines (Book II. chap. 8.) says, that the said house fairies (or familiar spirits), or those of the air, cause the apparitions of armies and battles ; such as those which are related in tradition (and some persons even depose to the truth of them as eye-witnesses) of the town and cas tle of Marcuello, a /ortress at the foot of the mountains of Arragon (at present uninha bitable, on account of the great and fright ful noises heard in it), the place of retreat of Count Don Julian, the cause of the perdition of Spain. It is said that certain apparitions of soldiers are seen in the air, which the vulgar say are those of the courtiers and people who aided him." THE END. LONDON : Printed by A. SPOTTISWOOWE, Nw-Street- Square. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on die last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. 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