liant enough to obey. All the forms of electing officers, appointing the superintendent, road-master, engineers, and other officers, were punctiliously ad- hered to. The capital stock of the company was two hun- dred thousand dollars, represented by two thousand shares of one hundred dollars each, which had been apportioned among the students of the Institute, in unequal parts. Some owned one hundred shares, others only two or three. Tommy Toppleton was the happy possessor of a quarter part of the capital stock of the concern, and threw five hundred votes, each representing a sliare, in a stockholders' meet- ing. An account was kept with each owner of 14 LIGHTNING EXPRESS, OE stock, and transfers from one to another were fre- quent. I am sorry to detract from the dignity of the enterprise by confessing that a share, whose par value was one hundred dollars, was frequently bar- tered away for a pint of pea-nuts, though, as the road, like many others, was mortgaged for its full value, perhaps the compensation was adequate. Two thousand mortgage bonds of one hundred dollars each had been issued, duly signed by the officers, and bearing interest at seven per cent. As the company had no receipts for the first quarter of the year, the railroad was heavily in debt, and the students were not likely to be burdened with any extra spending money from their dividends. I had run the dummy during the fall and winter, carrying passengers as far as Grass Springs ; not for the fun of it, but at regular fares — twenty cents to Spangleport, five miles distant, fifty cents to the Springs, thirteen miles, and between the two latter points, thirty cents. There had been considerable travel, enough to make a breeze with the steam- boat company, though not enough to pay the inter- est and expenses of running. THE EIVAL ACADEMIES. 15 As the students were not permitted to neglect their studies for the purpose of serving as con- ductors and engineers, outsiders had been employed to some extent. Major Toppleton did not regard the Lake Shore Railroad as a mere plaything. Dur- ing the winter he had procured his charter, and he had expended an immense sum of money on the road since he commenced, for his ideas had enlarged as he progressed, and he intended to have a regular line to TJcayga, at the foot of the lake. In a quiet way he had bought up the stock of the steamboat company, and a report was circulated in the spring that the boats would run only between Middleport and Ilitaca, at the head of the lake, when the rail- road was completed. The Centreporters were filled with horror and indignation, for this scheme would leave them no means of communication with TJcay- ga, on the great lines of railroad, except by the way of Middleport, and would compel them to patron- ize the hated Lake Shore line. But this project was only rumored ; it had not yet been developed. The assembly in wliich Mr. Tommy Toppleton insisted that order should be preserved while he 16 LIGIITNIXG EXPKESS, OK was the president of the Lake Shore RaUroad, was the annual meeting of the stockholders, at which the election of officers was to take place. By permis- sion of Major Topplcton I was allowed to own five shares in the road, though, as I was not a member of the Institute, I was not eligible as a purchaser of stock. But I felt an interest in the enterprise, 1 and an interest in the method of conductinc: the business, and I had purchased my stock at a' fear- / ful depreciation from the par value. One of the ', fellows, by the name of Limpenfield, had run out of pocket money, and being sorely tempted to en- joy a feast of cream cakes, I had taken advantage of his necessities, and bought five shares for twenty- five cents! The meeting threatened to be rather stormy, for I happened to know that there were two tickets in the field for a board of directors, on one of which the name of Tommy Toppleton did not ap- ' pear, though the canvassing had been so carefully •i conducted that the person principally concerned had no suspicion of his own unpopularity, and least of all that the stockholders would have the audacity THE EIVAIi ACADEMLES. 17 to tip him out of his exalted position. But this question had not yet come to an issue/ The ex- citement was over another matter. "I move you that we proceed to the election of officers at once," said Barnscott. "I move you that we adjourn to Grass Springs!" shouted Wetherstane. "Second the motion!" added Putnam. " Order, gentlemen ! What motion do you sec- ond, Putnam?" demanded the president. "The motion to adjourn to Grass Springs, of course." "What do we want to adjourn to Grass Springs for?" demanded Barnscott. " Question ! Question ! " called the crowd. " There is no motion before the stockholders ! " roared Tommy, hammering the desk vigorously with liis gavel, for he was a model presiding officer, and would no more have served in this capacity Avithout a gavel than he would have gone to meeting with- out a coat. " Mr. President, I made a motion," said Barnscott. "So did I," added Wetherstane. 2 18 LIGHTNING EXPRESS, OR "Neither of them is before the house. Gentle- men, you interrupt the comjiany's business by your disorder. I insist that the proceedings be conducted with parliamentary propriety." Tommy had been to the legislature with his father when the charter was obtained, and indulged in technical phrases which all the students did not fully comprehend. " I move you — " "Order!" screamed Tommy, at the top of his lungs, and as savage as a yellow wasp " I move you — " " Order ! " repeated the vigorous jKeiident, indi- cating each of the movers by pointing at them with his gavel. "Take your seat, Barnscott! Sit down, AYetherstane ! This business shall be done in an orderly manner, or not at all ; " and Tommy swelled up till he was as big as the presiding officer of the Senate of the United States. "I thought this was a free country, and that the stockholders of the Lake Shore Railroad had a right to speak in the meetings," growled the irre- pressible Barnscott. " Sit down ! " thundered Tommy. THE RIVAL ACADEMIES. 19 "I have a certificate for ten shares; and that gives me the right to speak and to vote in this meeting," added the indignant Wetherstane. "Take your seat, or I will have you put out of the hall ! " yelled the president. "I'll sell my stock to any fellow that wants it for a stick of molasses candy," continued the wrathy Barnscott. " What is the use of owninsr stock if you are to be muzzled like a mad doir ? " " Shall we have order, or not ? " cried the presi- dent, disgusted with the irregular proceedings of the turbulent stockholders. "Order! Order!" shouted a respectable majority of the assembly. Tommy was evidently out of breath, and disposed to resort to disagreeable measures. The meetin"- was held iu the chapel of the Institute, and the |)rincipal, if not the major, was within calling dis- tance. Katlier tlian have a lecture from either of ihem, the violent makers of motions subsided for a time, and permitted the president to do the lec- turing. Tommy took a swallow of water from a tumbler on the desk, and then looked majestically 20 LIGHTNING EXPEESS, OR around the room, as if to satisfy himself that no further disorder was intended, and that the turbu- lent ones were disposed to listen to his remarks. "Gentlemen, order is Heaven's first law, and it must be the first law of the Lake Shore Railroad Company, especially in a meeting of its stockhold- ers," Tommy began, and then 25aiised, looking as solemn as an owl at noonday, to note the effect of his impressive words. As no one objected to this proposition. Tommy took another swallow of cold water, and proceeded with his remarks. "No business can be done while we are in con- fusion," he continued, with due seriousness, as he straightened back his neck. " This is a parliamenta- ry assembly, like the legislature of the state, and we purpose to do all things in a parliamentary manner. Such bodies, met together for purposes of debate, are subject to certain well-established rules, sanctioned by usage, and governed by prece- dents." " Whew ! " whistled Briscoe. " I wonder what book he stole that from." TOE EIVAL ACADEMIES. 21 "I beg your pardon, Mr. President, but I made a motion, which was properly seconded," interrupted "Wetherstaue, quite mildly now. "I don't think any other business can be brought before the house till that one has been settled." "The motion was in order, — a motion to adjourn is always in order, — but it was not properly before the stockholders. The motion does not become a question, and is not before the house, until it has been stated by the presiding officer. A motion can- not be entertained until it has been seconded ; and made and seconded, it does not become a question until it has been stated by the president. One ques- tion must be disposed of before another can be en- tertained. Gentlemen, I insist upon order. I am now ready to hear any motion;" and Tommy, hav- ing laid down the law, intended that everybody should abide by it. 22 LIGHTNING EXPRESS, OR CHAPTER II. THE STOCKHOLDERS IN COUNCIL. R. TOMMY TOPPLETON" had reduced the riotous assembly before him to a tolerable degree of subjection. The president was obliged to embody in his own person the dignity of the Lake Shore Railroad, since those in front of him refused to be conscious of the glory of being stockholders. He was ready to hear any motion, and it was evi- dent that he intended to keep the peace. But the boys were really excited. They had been discuss- ing the interests of the road, and some of their projects would certainly jDrove to be treasonable to the house of Toppleton. It must be confessed that a great many of them could not see the difference between their own interests and those of the road ; and being excited, they did not set a good exani- ple to their elders in Congress and other delibera- "^^^^^plll TIHl' EIVAL ACADEMIES. 23 tive bodies, but behaved very much like full-grown men on similar occasions. "Mr. President," said Wetherstane, sjiringing to his feet, as soon as it was evident that a motion was in order, "Mr. President," called Barnscott, almost at the same instant. "I move — " " Wetherstane has the floor," interposed the im- partial presiding officer, vigorously pounding the desk with his gavel ; and I must say he made noise €a|Dugh to entitle him to preference as one of the gentlemanly conductors on our road, where noise seemed to be at a premium. " "What sort of way is that ? " d^emanded Barn- scott. " I have the floor." " Wetherstane attracted my attention first, and he has the floor," replied Tommy, decidedly. " I was up first," persisted Barnscott. "Take your seat, sir!" roared the president; and the pine boards of which the lid of the desk was composed were in imminent danger of being frac- tured by his gavel. " Mr. President, I rise to a point of order," said Leonox. 24 LIGHTNING EXPRESS, OB " Order, gentlemen ! " roared Tommy. " I have decided that Wetherstflne has the floor. If any stockholder is so disi^osed, he can appeal from the decision of the chair." Under ordinary circumstances, Tommy Topj)leton did not permit any appeal from the decision of the chair, and always insisted upon having his own way ; but it Avas in the nature of a triumph for him to direct the deliberations of his fellow-students, and to introduce forms and methods of which the ma- jori^.y of them had never heard. ^m "J ajDpeal from the decision of the chair," added Lennox. "Points of order necessarily take precedence of all other questions," said Tommy, with the utmost dignity and self-possession. " Ahem ! " coughed a fellow in the crowd, which brought down a regular board-splitter from the gavel. "The chair decided that Wetherstane had the floor. An appeal is taken. The question now be- fore the house is, Shall the decision of tbe chair stand as the decision of the stockholders? This THE KIVAL ACADEMIES. 25 question is debatable, and the presiding officer may participate in the discussion. You will all see that, occupying a position where I can see all the mem- bers of the assembly, I could not very well make a mistake in regard to who spoke first. I am quite confident that Wetherstane had said 'Mr. Presi- dent' befiDre Barnscott opened his mouth." Various opinions were cxjiressed by individual stockholders, and they were about equally divided on the merits of the question. Each claimant for the floof had half a dozen advoi^ates, who were confident that their man had spoken first. It was really a matter between Tommy and the stock- holders, which they were likely to decide as they loved or hated the president. " Question ! Question ! " called the students, when they began to be weary of the fruitless debate. "Those, in favor of sustaining the decision of the chair will manifest it by saying, 'Ay.'" "Ay!" shouted many voices. " Those opposed say, ' No.' " " No ! " responded the determined opponents of the president. 26 LIGHTNING EXPRESS, OR "It is a vote!" said Tommy, who was not quite willing to believe that one of his decisions could be reversed by a majority. "A vote!" exclaimed Lennox. "Why, Mr. Presi- dent — " " Silence, sir ! A vote cannot be debated," thun- dered Tommy, with awful dignity. " Any member has the riglit to doubt the vote, and call for a count." " I doubt the vote, Mr. President, and call for a count," added Lennox. ^^m " The vote is doubted," said Tommy, rapping vio- lently to repress the noise aud confusion. "Those in favor of sustaining the decision of the chair will rise and stand uncovered till counted." " Uncovered ? " demanded Briscoe. " Shall we take our things off? " " Order ! " Tommy's friends, and those who had not back- bone enough to vote against his decision, rose and were counted. I voted with this side because I really believed that Wetherstane had spoken first. * "Twenty-one," said the president, after he had THE EIVAL ACADEMIES. 27 counted the affirmatives ; and I noticed that hia lips were compressed, as if to subdue some angry- emotions which he felt at the result. " Those opposed stand till counted." A large majority, obtaining pluck from mere num- bers, sprang to their feet. "xVU up! All up !"» shouted the more demonstra- tive, of the rebels, who had doubtless been to town meetings in their day. " Order ! " screamed Tommy, more fiercely than ever ; n||f the vote, to him, looked like factious opposition. "Eighty-six in the negative," he added, when he had completed the count. Silence reigned in the hall then, and perhaps many of the students were appalled to think of Avhat they had done. They had actually voted down the high and mighty Tommy Toppleton, whose word was law. The experience of the na- tions that deliberative bodies are not favorable to llie rule of tyrants was in a fair way to be realized by the heir of the house of Toppleton. The boys watched the president, expecting an outburst of indignation and wrath at his defeat; but, happily, *2S LIGIITiSnXG EXPRESS, OR the dignity of tlie presiding officer prevailed over the feelings of the individuul, and with a mighty , struggle he repressed his emotions. As I have had occasion to say before, Tommy was in the main a good fellow; he would have been a first-rate one if he had not been spoiled by the weak indulgence of his father and mother. He had been taught to have his own way, and his passions were a volcano within him, ready to break out whenever he was thwarted. I am inclined to think this was^he first time he had ever conquered himself^ and 'restrained his wrath when defeated. "The decision is in the negative," added Tommy, with admirable self-possession for one of his tempera- ment. "Barnscott has the floor." " Mr. President," said the lucky claimant, "I move that we proceed to the election of officers for the ensuing year." "Second the motion," added Faxon. "It is moved and seconded that the stockholders proceed to the election of officers," continued Tom- my, who could not see why all this storm had been created on so simple a proposition. "The question is now before the house." THE RIVAL ACADEMIES. 29 " Mr. President ! " shouted Wethcrstane, loud enouirh to have been heard on the other side of tTcayga Lake. " Wetherstane," replied Tommy, indicating that the speaker had the floor. "I move you that we adjourn to Grass Springs at two o'clock this afternoon," added the young gen- tleman, who, beyond the possibility of a doubt, had tlie floor now. " Second the motion," added Putnam. " It nPknoved and seconded that we adjourn to Grass Springs at two o'clock this afternoon," repeat- ed the president, wondering what this movement meant. " What's to be done with my motion ? " demanded Barnscott. " I thousrht one tliinoj had to be settled before another was brought uj^." "A motion to adjourn is always in order," said tlic president. "31r. President, I rise to a point of order," in- terjjo.sed Skotchley, a quiet kind of fellow, who had studied deeper into parliamentary law than even Tijniiny Toj)[)leton, for he had been the jiresiding oflicer of a juvenile debating society. 30 LIGHTNING EXPEESS, OR " State your point, Skotchley." "I respectfully submit that the motion to adjourn is not in order, for the reason that, to entitle it to precedence, it should simply be a motion to adjourn without fixing a time." Tommy was nonplussed. The question took him out of his depth. lie had Cushing's Manual in his pocket, but it Avould not be dignified to consult it in the presence of the stockholders. However, he knew that Skotchley was well posted, and he deemed it prudent to follow his lead. ^^ " The chair decides that the point is well taken, and that the motion to adjourn is not in order," said he, though probably he would not have been so pliant if he had not been opposed to the sub- stance of the motion. " By the ruling out of this motion, Barnscott's is now in order." " That's a pretty how d'ye do ! " exclaimed Putnam. " Order ! The motion to proceed to the choice of officers is now before the house." " Mr. President, I move to amend the motion by the addition of the words, ' at Grass Springs at two o'clock this afternoon,'" said Wetherstane. THE RIVAL ACADEMIES. 31 " Second the motion," added Putnam, who was evidently "in the ring," for he seconded only the Grass Springs motions. Tommy stated the amendment, and there was a silence of a minute or two, for a wonder. Then Barnscott did not see why the amendment had been brought forward, and wanted to know what Grass Springs had to do with election of officers. He evidently was not " in the ring." lie should vote against the amendment, and he hoped all the rest of tlSe stockholders Avould do the same. " Mr. President," said Briscoe, Avho had more pluck than most of his companions, " who ever heard of the stockholders of a railroad holdinrefer that you should remain," stormed Tommy. "I am sorry to disappoint you, but I have decid- ed to go." " Will you come on shore, or will you be brought on shore ? " " Neither." "Captain Briscoe, take a file of men, and bring 132 LIGHTNING EXPRESS, OK Skotchley on shore. He is a deserter," added Tommy. Whew! A deserter! "Go ahead, cai^tain," I suggested to the timid master of the steamer. " There will be a row here in five minutes, if you don't." " It is all my jDlace is worth to disobey that strip- ling," replied Captain Underwood, disgusted with the situation. "His father rules all Middleport, and he rules his father." I saw Faxon remonstrating in the most vigorous manner with the commander of the battalion, and presently the former came on board with the olive of peace in his hand. He begged Skotchley to re- turn to the shore, in order to save all further trouble. " If Tommy will permit "Wolf to remain, I will," replied the dignified student. Faxon returned to the shore with these terms; but Tommy indignantly declined them. He would have Skotchley, and he would not have me. The order was given again for Caj^tain Briscoe to bring the refractory lieutenant on shore with a file of sol- THE PJVAL ACADEMIES. lliS diers; but the men would not "fall in" to execute such a command. Skotchley was the most influen- tial fellow among the students, as his election to the presidency of the railroad proved. Though he was dignified, and remarkably correct in his deportment, he was very popular. Tommy had just snubbed him, and this had excited the indignation of the crowd. Briscoe and a dozen others threatened to leave the camp, and actually made a movement towards the steamer. Major Tommy was in a quandary. There was a mutiny among the forces, and the prosi:)ect at that moment was the breaking up of the camp. The students had long been disgusted with Tommy's tyranny, and it did not require much to kindle the flames of insurrection in the battalion. Hurried con- sultations among groups of ofiicers and privates indi- cated a tempest. The little magnate was shrewd enougli now to see that he had gone too far, but his pride would not permit him to recede. The disaffected ones who had the courage to strike for their own riglits were collecting near the ])icr. Briscoe ai)peared to be the leading rebel, and the 1?4 LIGnTNING EXPRESS, OR force which gathered around him included half the battalion. Tommy was informed that they intended to desert in a body. " Start your boat, Captain Underwood," said Tommy, in order to prevent the departure of the rebels. The captain pulled the bells, and the wheels of the Middleport turned. "Now stop her!" shouted the major; and it was evident that he intended only to move the steamer fir enough from the shore to prevent the escape of the disaffected portion of his command. I heai-d the last order, but the caiDtain did not, for I had moved to the stern, in order to see the result. • " Stop her, I say," repeated Tommy, savagely. Still Captain Underwood did not, or would not, hear him, and the Middleport went on her way. " Tell the captain to stop her ! " screamed Tom- my, at the tojD of his lungs. I deemed it to be in the interests of peace not to heed this order, for I was afraid, if I communicated it to the cajitain, he would obey. The little major THE EIYAL ACADEMIES. 135 screamed till he was hoarse; but we were clear of the island, though it was certain there was an ac- count to be settled in the future. " Our Academy would be a great institution, if Tommy Toppleton went to school somewhere else," said Skotchley. " It is a great pity he is so overbearing," I re- plied. " He seems to think all the rest of the fellows were created only to be his servants, and he treads upon them as though they were worms beneath his feet. I have not been accustomed to have a fellow speak to me as he did to-day." " He is very haughty ; but he is a generous fellow, and has many other good qualities." "But one can't live with him, he is so overbear- ing. I am rather sorry now that I did not accept the office of president of the Lake Shore Railroad, when I was elected. It would have brought affairs to a head. But I did not want to spite him, for he never treated me so badly before." ■Tommy had made a great mistake in alienating such a fellow as Skotchley. It was evident that 136 LIGHTNING EXPEESS, OB the tempest among the students could not much longer be delayed, if it had not already commenced. From the deck of the Middlejjort, we saw the two companies march to the camp ground, and begin to pitch the tents. It was probable that the mutiny had been nipped in the bud by the dejiarture of the steamer with Skotchley on boaixl. I was afterwards told that the students regarded Tommy's order to start the boat as yielding the point, and that, when he failed to stoj) her, he accepted the situation, and made a virtue of necessity, permitting the boys to believe that the Middleport had departed in obedi- ence to his command. The boats of the Wimpletonians were moving towards North Point, for those in charge of them had comprehended the final defeat of their party. It only remained for them to seek another camp ground, or make the attempt to drive the Toppleto- nians from their position. Skotchley and I agi-eed that they would not long be quiet, and that the week would be filled up with quarrels and skir, mishes between the students of the rival academies In an hour the steamer arrived at the wharf in THE RIVAL ACADEMIES. 137 Middleport, and we went on shore. I invited Skotchley, as the Institute was closed, to spend the week with me at ray father's house. He thanked me very cordially, and accepted the invitation; but before I went home, I deemed it proper to report to Major Toi-)pleton the events which had transpired durinof the forenoon. I intended to call at his house on my way home; but we met him coming down the street towards the pier. " I thought you went up to the camj^, Wolf," said he, much surprised when he saw me. " I have been, sir, and a sweet time we have had of it. Tommy sent me off, and would not permit me to remain on the island." "Wliat has happened?" he asked, anxiously. I told him the story of the morning's adventures, thouiih it took me half an hour to do so. " And Tommy sent you off — did he ? " laughed the major. "Yes, sir — because I advised the captain not to let our fellows out of the cabin until we got rid of the Wimits; but if they had been let out, there would Ijave been a fight with bayonets.'* 138 LIGHTNING EXPRESS, OR " I am very glad you didn't let tliem out then ; but Tommy is rather a difficult subject to manage," continued the major, lightly. "I have to coax him a great deal, for he is bound to have his own way. If he is thwarted, it has a bad'eftect upon him. I sent you up to the island to keep the run of things there ; but of course I did not expect you to oppose him." "I did the best I could, sir." "You did very well; but I am sorry Tommy sent you away, for I thought you might have some influence with him. Did he send you away too, Skotchley ? " he added, turning to my companion. " No, sir ; I came of my own accord," rej^Iied the dignified student : but he did not think it necessary to add that he and Tommy had fallen out. "You think there will be a fight between the two sides up there ? " continued the major. "Before the week is out there will be." "Something must be done," said the major, anx- iously. I saw now that he was quite as much the victim of Tommy's waywardness as the students of the Institute. THE RIVAL ACADEMIES. 139 CHAPTER XII. rP THE LAKE. MAJOR TOPPLETON was absolutely afraid of liis son. There was a rumor in Middle- jiort — though I did not liear of it until after the events narrated had transpired — that his father had positively refused to permit Tommy to have his own way on one occasion, when the young gentleman in- sisted upon discharging a favorite servant of his mother. The major declined to yield, and stuck to his text. The result was, that Tommy, in his rage, ran away in the dead of winter, and was not found for two whole days, during Avhich time he lived on the fat of the land at the Ilitaca House, whither he liad gone in the steamer. He refused to go home till his father promised to discharge the obnoxious servant, declaring that ho would not live in the same house with the woman, and threatening to go to 140 LIGHTNING EXPRESS, OR New York and sliip as a common sailor. TJndoubt- edly it would have been better for the young gentle- man if he had shipped as a common sailor, for in that capacity he would have ascertained how much of his own way he could enjoy. His father yielded, and Tommy, having conquered in this instance, had no trouble in maintaining his suj^remacy. The ma- jor was afraid he would run away, or do some other terrible thing; and the man who was the lord and master of all Middleport was the slave of his tyran- nical son. This is not the only instance on record of the same thing. I supposed Major Toppleton would take some steps to prevent a quarrel between the rival students, but he did not. It was a delicate and difficult mat- ter to interfere with Tommy ; and the fact that I had been sent back proved that he would not sub- mit to any dictation, or even suggestion. "I am rather glad you have come back, Wolf^" said the great man ; and I saw that "he was trying to conceal his anxiety in regard to the students. "I have just received a letter from Hitaca, inform- ing me that my new yacht is finished, and I was THE RIVAL ACADEMIES. 141 on my way to the wharf to find some one to send after her. I liave been told that you are a boatman as well as an engineer, "Wolf." "I have handled all sorts of boats on the lake. I used to sail the Marian on the other side; and she is the largest boat in this j)art of the lake," I replied. "But she is not more than half as large as the Grace." " The Grace ! " I exclaimed, delighted with the name. " She is called after my daughter. Do you think you can handle her?" "I know I can, sir." " She is thirty-five feet long, and measures fifteen tons. She has a cabin large enough to accommo- date half a dozen persons." "I should like to bring her down first rate," I addef], glancing at Skotchley ; and I saw by his looks that he would like to accompany me. "If you think you can manage her, you may go. You Avill want two or three hands to help you." "I will find them, sir." 142 LIGHTNING EXPRESS, OR " You must take the steamer up the lake as soon as she goes. I will write an order on the builder to deliver the boat to you; call at my house for it before you start." I was delighted with this mission, for I had a taste for boats almost as strong as that for a steam- engine. I was fond of the water, and should have preferred a situation in a steamer to anything else. Skotchley was as much pleased as I was with the cruise in prospect; and, after I had told my mother where I was going, we called at the major's for the order. He gave me some money to pay the ex- penses, and, w^ith two of my friends, we embarked in the steamer for Ilitaca, where we arrived at half past four. Near the steamer's wharf, up the river, I saw a beautiful yacht, which I at once concluded was the Grace ; and she was worthy of her name, if anything made of wood and iron could be equal to such an honor. I presented my order to the builder, who was in doubt about delivering it to me, whom he stigma- tized as a boy; but when I informed him that I was the engineer of the Lake Shore Railroad, he THE EIVAL ACADEMIES. 143 made no further objection. He did me the honor to say that he had heard of me, and that he had ridden in the dummy from Middleport to Spangle- port. I was not a little astonished to find that my fome had travelled so far as Hitaca ; but it appeared that everybody in the vicinity knew all about the quarrel between the two sides of the lake. The Grace was moored in a basin of the river, and the builder put my party on board of her in a skiff. She was .a magnificent boat, far exceeding any- thing of the kind I had seen, or even dreamed of. She was sloop-rigged, painted black outside, and white on deck. But her cabin was the i)iincipal at- traction to me, and I hastened below to inspect it. It was finished and furnished in a style equal to tlie major's house, with two little state-rooms, and a little cuddy forward, with a cook-stove in it. I was as- tonislied and delighted, and would gladly h.ave re- signed ray situation as engineer for a position on this beautiful crafl. I sent Tom Walton and Joe Poole up to a store to purchase a list of groceries and provisions which I liad made out, with Skotcliley's assistance, on board 144 LIGHTNING EXPRESS, OK of the steamer; for we should need some supper, and perhaps breakfast, before we could reach Mid- dleport. While they were gone, Skotchley and I devoted ourselves to a new examination of the wonders of the Grace. The builder was pleased with my enthusiasm, and the warm praise both of us bestowed upon his work. He opened all the lockers, and explained everything about the yacht, from the keel to the mast-head. "When will that railroad be done?" asked the builder, after we had exhausted the Grace, cabin, deck, and rigging. " In a month or two," I replied ; and I could not fail to observe the sly twinkle in his eye. "They say Major Toppleton has bought up both the steamers, and intends to run them, in connection with the railroad, only from Middleport to Hitaca." "I have heard so; but I know nothing about it." "Do you see that steamer?" he added, pointing to a vessel, which had just been launched. " I see her. Is that the new one Colonel Wim- pleton is building?" I asked, with no little curi- osity. THE EIVAL ACADEMIES. 145 " That's the boat, and if I mistake not she will give your road a hard run." "I should like to see her," I continued. The builder kindly conducted me all over her. Everything about her was first-class work, and I confess that I rather envied the Wimpletonians the possession of such a steamer. They were just build- ing her cabins and upper works, and I saw that she was to be far ahead of anything on the lake. "I suppose there will be some lively competition when this boat is finished," said I, as we left the steamer. "But I hope it will be good-natured." " The boat has rather the advantage of you," added the builder. "If the major will build a bridge over the river at Ucayga, he will win the day. As it is, the steamer will have the weather- gage." It was hardly prudent for me to think so, for I was to run the "Lightning Express" in opposition to the new boat. But our provisions had arrived, and just then I was more interested in the cruise of the Grace than in the trips of the new steamer. Skotchley and I went on board. As the river below 10 146 LIGHTNING EXPKESS, OR Hitaca was naiTow, and the navigation difficult, the builder, with some of his men, assisted us to work her out into the open lake. The wind was tolera'. bly fresh from the westward, and as soon as the men had left us, I took the helm, and headed the Grace for Middleport. The yacht was a furious sailer, and she tore through the water at a rapid rate. "I rather like this," said Skotchley, as he seated himself at my side. "So do I," I replied. "I wish the major would make me skipper of this boat, and let some one else run the locomotive." "I don't want anything better than this for my vacation. I should like to spend the week in her, cruising up and down the lake." "Perhaps you can. The major is going a fishing in her, I heard him say. Very likely he will let you have a berth in her" "I'm afraid not. Tommy will spoil all my chances of anything good for this term," added the digni- fied student, shaking his head. ^ I think the fellows on the Horse Shoe are likely THE EIVAI ACADKAtlES. 147 to bring Tommy to his senses before tb(!y get through with him. They have liim there alone, and I don't think they will let him have his own way all the time. At any rate, they began as though they would not." "If I were in Tommy's boots, I should try to make the fellows love instead of hate me. He is smart, and can make himself very agreeable Avhen he isn't ugly. In my opinion, there will be a big row on the Hoi'se Shoe, even without any help from the Wimps. Tommy is jjlucky, and I am not sure that it will not be a good thing for him if the "Wimps attack his camp. His position is a litlle like that of some king I have read of, who got up a foi*' cign war to save himself from being tipped off the throne by his own subjects." " Supper is ready," said Tom Walton, who attend- ed to the culinary department of the Grace, having had some experience in the art of cooking. " Shall I take the helm, Avhile you go down?" I was very happy to have him do so, for Tom was a good boatman, Avhich was the particular reason why I had invited him to be one of the party. Wo 148 LIGHTNING EXPRESS, OB went clown into the cabin, where the table was set for us. It was neatly and tastily arranged. The viands consisted of beefsteak, potatoes, milk toast, and coffee; and I must do Tom the justice to say that they tasted as good as they looked. Certainly I never felt happier than when I sat down to that supj^er. Tliere was something decidedly marine in the surroundings. The fresh breeze created quite a sea for an inland lake, and the Grace tossed up and down just enough to make her seem like a vessel. "Wolf! Wolf!" shouted Tom Walton, at the helm, just as I was taking my second cup of coffee; for I did not expect to sleep much that night. " What's the matter ? " I demanded, springing into the standing-room, fearful that some calamity im- pended over the beautiful yacht. " There's some one calling to us from over there," he replied, highly excited, as he pointed towards the eastern shore. "There he is! It's a man in a boat, or on a raft." " Help ! Help ! " cried the person, in a voice tt'hich sounded strangely familiar to me. " Let out the main sheet, Tom. We will run over THE RIVAL ACADEMIES. 149 and see what the matter is," I replied, taking the helm. In a few moments the Grace swept round into the wind, under the lee of the person who had appealed to us for aid. He was on a kind of raft, sitting upon the wet planks, over which the waves flowed freely. I ran the bow of the yacht up to his frail crafl, to which the sufferer was clinging witli both hands. Giving the helm to Tom, I rushed forward to help the man, whose face presented a most woe-begone aspect. My astonishment may be surmised when I recog- nized in this person Colonel "Wimpleton! 150 LIGHTNING EXPRESS, OB CHAPTER XIII. IF THINE ENEMY HUNGER. AS soon as the Grace came within reach of Colonel Wimpleton, on the raft, he improved his oj^portunity. Grasping the bob-stay, he made his way on board, with my assistance. He was so clumsy and terrified that without my helj) he would certainly have fallen overboard. He plumped upon the deck on all fours, in a most undignified attitude for the magnate of Centreport. I helped him to rise. In doing so, I discovered that his breath was very odorous of liquor, which seemed to do something towards explaining the unfortu- nate plight in which we had found him. He was not intoxicated at the time he was pulled on board the Grace ; but perhaps he had had time to work off the effects of the potions whose incense still lingered about him. THE RIVAL ACADEMIES. 151 " "Wolf Penuiman ! " exclaimed he, as he gi'asped one of the fore-stays, and, steadying himself with it, gazed into my face ; and his expression seemed to indicate that he would rather have been rescued by any other person than by me. " Colonel "Wimpleton ! " I replied, returning his compliment. "Is it you. Wolf?" he added, as if unwilling to believe the evidence of his own eyes. "Yes, sir; it is I. Bat if you feel bad about it, you can return to the raft." He glanced at the little staging of three planks on which he had made his involuntary cruise, and shuddered as he did so, partly with cold, and partly with dread. "I will pay you well for whatever you do for me, "Wolf," said he, glancing doubtfully at the boat, and then at me. " Let me tell you in the beginning. Colonel Wim- pleton, that you can't pay me the first red cent," I replied, with proper spirit. "You won't turn me adrift again — will you?" "Xo, sir; I will do anything I can for you." 152 LIGnxXING EXPRESS, OR ""We have not been very good friends lately." "No, sir; but that shall not prevent me from assisting you to any extent within my power. What shall I do for you, sir?" " I am very cold and numb," said he, curling up with the chills that swept through his frame. " Come into the cabin, sir. I think we can warm and dry you so tliat you will be quite comfortable." " Thank you, Wolf; " and I think this was the first time he had ever used a gracious word to me. Tom Walton had put the helm up, and the yacht filled away on her course again. I took Colonel Wimpleton's arm, and conducted him to the cabin. The fire was still burning in the little cook-room, and shutting down the hatch on the deck, I soon made the place so hot that it almost melted me. Seating my distinguished guest before the stove, I gave him a mug of hot cofiee, though, before he drank it, he asked me if there was any brandy on board. I told him we had none, and he contented himself with the coffee, which was quite as beneficial. Under my mild treatment, the patient gradually recovered the use of his limbs. I went on deck, THE EIVAL ACADEl^rrES. 153 and sent Tom down to give him some supper; and our zealous cook provided him a fresh beefsteak, coffee, and toast, wliich Tom said he ate just as thoufifh he had been a common man. It was now quite dark, and we were off Southport, on the east shore. The wind had subsided, and we were not likely to reach Middleport before morning. I gave Tom the helm again, and went below to inquire into the colonel's condition. He was still wet, and was fearful that his exposure would bring on the rheumatic fever, to which he was liable. I sug- gested to him that he should go to bed, and have his clothes dried. For such a man as he was, he was very pliable and lamb-like. I conducted him to one of the little state-rooms, which contained a wide berth. I put all the blan- kets on board upon the bed, and the colonel, taking ofi" all his clothes, buried himself in them. I tucked him up, and he declared that he felt quite com- fortable. Hanging up all his garments in the cook- room, I filled the stove with wood, assured they would soon dry in the intense heat of the apait- nicnt. 154 LIGHTNING EXPRESS, OR " Can I do anytliing more for you, colonel ? " 1 asked, returning to his room. "No, thank you. Wolf; I am very comfortable now," he replied from the mass of blankets and quilts which covered him. "Where do you wish to go, sir?" "Home! Home!" he answered with energy. "We are bound for Middleport, su*, and we wiU land you as soon as we arrive." "Thank you, Wolf. I feel like a new man now. I was sure I should be drowned. I had been on that raft over three hours." " Indeed, sir ! It was a very uncomfortable craft." "The lake was very rough, and the vs^aves washed over me every minute. I gave myself up for lost. I suffered all that a man could endure in those three hours," said he, shuddering as he thought of his unpleasant voyage. Probably, accustomed as he was to luxury and ease, he had had a hard time of it; but a man in- ured to work and weather would not have suffered half so much as he did ; though, chilled and terrified THE RIVAL ACADEMIES. 155 as he was, I did wonder that he had not been washed from his raft, to perish in the deep waters beneath him. "I am very glad we happened to come along as we did," I added. "It was fortunate for me, Wolf. I will give you a thousand dollars for the service you have ren- dered me as soon as I get home." "Excuse me, sir; but I cannot take anything," I replied, warmly. "Why not, Wolf?" "Because I should despise myself if I took any- thing. There are some things in this world that cannot be paid for with money." "You are a strange boy, Wolf." "Perhaps I am; but I think too much of myself to take money for doing a kindness to any one in distress." "Veiy likely I can do something else for you." "I don't require anything to be done for me, Colonel Wimpleton," I persisted. "If you have been up to Ilitaca, probably you have Been the steamer I am building there." 15G LIGHTNING EXPRESS, OB " Yes, sir, I saw her ; and a very fine boat she will be." "I shall want an engineer for her," he suggested. "Of course you will, sir. An engineer is a ne- cessity in a steamer," I replied ; but I refused to bite at the bait he threw out to me. "Are you the captain of this boat. Wolf?" he asked, glancing round at the pleasant little state- room in which he was lying. " For the present I am." "Whose boat is it?" " Major Toppleton's." " I saw her at the yard in Hitaca ; but I had no idea she was so large and fine, as she lay in the river." " She is just finished, and the major sent me u]) to bring her down to Middleport. I don't suppose I shall go in her again, for I belong on the railroad." " I know you do," he replied ; and his tone seemed to indicate that, at that moment, he was sorry I did. I did not care to discuss the relations of the two sides of the lake with him, and I turned his atten- tion from the subject by asking what I could do for him. THE KIVAL ACADEMIES. 157 « I do not need anything more, Wolf. I am warm and comfortable, and I am very much obliged to you for what you have done. Did you know who it was when you saw me on the raft ? " "Yes, sir; I recognized you when the boat came up to the raft." "You did?" " Yes, sir ; certainly I did." "Were you not tempted to let me remain where I was?" he asked, raising his head on the bed, so as to see my face. "No, sir, I was not." "I should think you would have been." « Why, I am not a heathen. Colonel Wimpleton ! " I replied. " No ; we have had considerable trouble, ahd I suppose you have no reason to think very kindly of me," stammered he, as though the words almost choked him. "I don't think you used me just right, sir; but I'm not an Indian." "I think I should have perished in half an hour more. It was getting dark, and I was as numb 158 LIGHTNING EXPRESS, OR as tliough I had been frozen. But I shall make it all right somehow, Wolf." "It is all rio-ht now." " Did you see anything of Dr. Pomford as you came up the lake ? " " Dr. Pomford ? I don't know him, sir." "I suppose not. He is from Philadelphia, and is spending a Aveek with me. He is fond of fish- ing, and we came up here to try our luck." " But how came you on that raft, sir ? " I inquired. " Did you lose your friend overboard ? " " No ; we had a boat, which we fastened to the raft on the fishing-ground. We found the raft there, moored with stakes in the deep water. Dr. Pomford had the misfortune to drop his bottle of brandy overboard, after we had been fishing about an hour. Being quite chilly, he went back to the hotel after some more, leaving me on the raft, for the fish were biting well, and I did not like to leave them ; besides, he is a younger man than I am, and can move about easier. His boat was fastened to one of the stakes, and I think, when he started, he must have pulled it up. I don't THE RIVAL ACADEMIES. 159 know how it happened, but as soon as the doctor was out of sight behind the chfF, I found myself adrift." It was not polite for me to say anything; but I could not help thinking, that if the brandy bottle had dropped overboard sooner, the colonel would have understood the matter better. I had never heard that the great man was in the habit of drinkinsr too much : but the odor of his breath led me to my conclusion. I think he was some- what fuddled, or he would have gone with the doctor in the boat. " I never sufiered so much in three hours before in my life," continued the colonel. "No canal boat, steamer, or other craft came near me, and I cried for help till my voice gave out. Wolf, I would have given half my fortune, if not the whole of it, to have been taken from that raft a moment bofure you saw me. If I had known you were in cliarge of the boat, I should not have expected you to save me." "My mother always taught me to love my ent» mies," I answered. 160 LIGHTNING EXPRESS, OR " I bear the ministers talk about sucb tbings, but I never believed mucb in tbem. I am under very great obligations to you, Wolf. You have treated me as well as though I had always been your best friend." " It is all riglit, sir. I am satisfied, if you are." " I am not satisfied ; and I shall never be sat- isfied until I have made you some return for all this." , " I shall not take anything, sir," I replied, reso- lutely. "I will give you a man's wages, if you will take the place as engineer of the new steamer." " Thank you for the offer, Colonel Wimpleton ; but I cannot accept it at present. I never desert my friends till they kick me," " That is as much as to say that I kicked you before you left Centreport." "I think we had better bury the past." "I will make it all right with your father; he shall have better wages than he has now." " I am much obliged to you, sir ; but we are both of us very well satisfied where we are." THE RIVAL ACADEM:IES. 161 The great man seemed to be intensely annoyed at my obstinacy ; and it certainly was a hard case for him that he was not permitted even to do me a favor. My pride would not permit me to accept a gift from one who had treated me so badly as he had ; but it was a pleasure to serve him, to heap the fiery coals of kindness upon his head. As I had feared, the wind died out entirely, and the Grace lay helpless uj^on the smooth sur- face of the lake. But below, everything was cheer- ful — even Colonel Wimpleton. The lamps burned brightly in the cabin and state-room, and I en- joyed myself hugely, not caring whether the wind blew or not. I gave the great man his under- clothing when it was dry, and he put it on. He wanted to talk, and he did talk in his bed till nearly midniglit, when a breeze from the south- ward sprang up, which compelled me to take my place at the helm. The wind freshencti, and tho Grace flew before it, so that we came to anchor at two o'clock off Major Toppleton's mansion. 11 162 LIGHTiSIXG EXniESS, OE CHAPTER XIV. COLONEL WIMPLETON BIDS HIGH. DURING the run of twenty miles down the lake, I had sat alone at the helm the greater portion of the time, for my companions were dis- posed to sleep. Colonel Wimpleton snored so that I could hear him in the standing-room. Skotchley had turned in, occupying the port state-room, while Tom Walton lay on a locker, whei-e I could call liim in a moment if his services were needed. "While I sat there I did a great deal of heavy think- ing, mostly over the relations of Toppleton and Wimpleton. When that magnificent steamer was completed, there woidd be lively times on tlie lake. The oifer which Colonel Wimpleton had made me of the position of engineer on board the new steamer was very tempting to me, and I wished very much that I could honorably accept it ; but THE RIVAL ACADEMIES. 163 it was no use to think about it. Whatever might be said of Major Tommy, his father had invariably treated me very handsomely. He had come to my fatlier's assistance at a time, when he needed help, and had actually put over two thousand dollars into his pocket. I ftlt it to be my duty to endure a creat deal from the son for the sake of the father, as, it now appeared, the former was the chief man of the two. As we approached Middleport, I called Tom Wal- ton, and, Avith as little noise as possible, anchored the Grace. It was a moonlight night, and since the wiud had come up from the southward, the weather was warm and i)leasant. The sleepers be- low had not been disturbed ; but, after Tom and I had made everything snug on deck, I waked Colo- nel Wimpleton, and told him where we Avere. I offered to row him across the lake in the little tender of the Grace. "Thank you. Wolf. I will get up at once," said be. "What time is it?" "About half past two, sir?" " I have slept well. I had no idea of getting homo to-uight." 164 LIGHTNING EXPRESS, OB " We are at ancbor off Major Toppleton's house." " Then I tbhik I had better leave as soon as possible. I hope the major won't punish you for what you have done for me." " I don't think he will. We get along very well together, sir." "Better than you did with me, I suppose," re- plied he, with a grim smile. " But I never knew you before, Wolf. It would be different if you should come over to Centreport again." " I will have the boat ready in a few moments," I replied, wishing to change the subject. I carried the colonel's clothing to him. It had been nicely dried, and in a few moments he appeared on deck, I could hardly believe he was the Colonel Wirapleton who had been so unjust, not to say sav- age, towards me. He was a lamb now, and I was very willing to believe that his three hours of peril Iiad done him a great deal of good, though I was afraid the impression would be removed when he returned to his usual associations. I helped tlie great man into the boat, and pushed off. "Have you thought of the offer that I made THE KIVAL ACADEMIES. 165 yon, Wolf?" said the colonel, as I gave way at the oars. " It is nseless for me to think of it, sir. I cannot leave Major Toppleton while he wishes me to stay "with him." " But I offer you double your present wages." "The major has been very kind to me, and was a good friend to our family when we needed a friend. It would not be right for me to leave him, and I cannot think of such a thing." The magnate of Centreport seemed to me to be more nettled by my refusal than I thought the occa- sion required. But I enjoyed a certain triumph in finding him thus teasing me to return to his side of the lake — a triumph which Avas none the less grate- ful because I had won it by kindness. The colonel was silent for a few moments, hitching about in tlie boat as though the seat was not comfortable. "How old are you, "NYolf?" he asked, with sud- den energy. " Sixteen in July, sir." " I have one more offer to make you," he added. "It won't do any good. Colonel Wimpleton ; for, 166 LIGHTNING EXPEESS, OE as I have said, I never desert my friends while they use me well. If you would fill this boat up with gold, it wouldn't make any difference with me," I replied, rather warmly. "Don't be obstinate, Wolf." "I am very much obliged to you, sir, for your kind offer, and I would accept it if I could." "You shall be captain of the new steamer, and have two dollars a day for your services. You will have a nice state-room in the boat, and nothing to do but superintend the management of her, I find you are very popular, not with the boys alone, but with the men and women, and it is for my interest to have you on the steamer." "I thank you very much, sir; but I cannot leave my present place." "Think of it, "Wolf; and talk the matter over with your father. If you like, he shall . be the engi- neer of the steamei-." " I thought the boat was to be managed by boys." "But I can't trust every boy in the engine-room. If I can't get you as engineer, I must have a man." "I should be very glad to take either of the THE EIVAL ACADEMIES. 167 places you offer mo, but I cannot, sir. Major Top- pleton has done the handsome thing for me and for my father, and I think you would despise me if I turned against him." He continued to press the matter with so much earnestness that I came to think I was of a great deal more importance in the world than I really was. But I was steadflist in my allegiance to the friend who had served our flimily when we were in distress. I pulled the boat up to the steps in front of the colonel's house, and assisted him to get out. lie invited me to go in with him, but I declined. "Now, "Wolf, I'm not going to let this affair pass off without doing something for you. I feel that you liave saved my life," said he, as I seated my- self at the oars. "It's all right as it is, sir." " No, it isn't. You will hear from me again soon." I gave way at the oars, and he walked towards his house. I had conquered him, and it was cer- tainly very remarkable that I had, at tliis moment, both the mighty men as my friends, though my relations with Tommy Toppleton threatened to make 168 LIGHTNING EXPKESS, OB a breach with one of them. I felt that I had car- ried out tlie spirit of my mother's instructions, and I ought not to be blamed for thinking very kindly of myself, because I had discharged my Christian duty to one who had taught rae to be his enemy. In this frame of mind I pulled back to the Grace, and leaped upon deck. "What have you been doing. Wolf?" demanded a Btern voice, as a tall form emerged from the cabin. WheAV ! It was Major TojDplcton ! I could not imagine what had brought him out of his bed at that unseasonable hour; and I Avas speechless with astonishment. " What have you been doing, Wolf? " repeated he ; and I saw that all hands had been called. " I have just landed Colonel Wimj^leton at his house, sir," I replied, with due deference. " And you have been entertaining my greatest enemy in my yacht — have you?" added the major, in a tone which seemed to threaten the pleasant relations that had thus far subsisted between us. "I picked him up on the lake, when he was per- ishing with the cold, and in danger of being drowned." TWE HTYAL ACADEMFES. 169 "I don't object to your picking him up when he needed help. One must do that for a dog. But why didn't you put him ashore at the nearest land — in the woods or on the rocks ? " " Because he was so benumbed with cold that he was nearly helpless." " You gave him a supper at my expense ; you could not have used me any better in my own yacht than you did him." "I did everything I could for him, sir," I replied, humbly. "You did — did you? Didn't you know that he is a scoundrel ? that he is my bitterest enemy ? " demanded the major, warmly. " I did, sir ; but I thought it my duty to take care of him when he was sufFerino:." " Fiddledy-dee ! What do you mean by talking such bosh as that to me? I believe you have a sofl place in your head. Wolf. Joe Poole says you treated him like a lord. I don't keep a yacht for the accommodation of Wimpleton, If you mean to sell out to the other side, do so at once." " I have no such intention ; " and I was on the 170 LIGHTNING EXmESS, OR point of defending myself by saying that the colonel had made me several handsome oiFers, which I had declined ; but I concluded such a defence would do me no good, and only irritate the major. " Of course I should not expect you to let even Wimpleton drown ; but you have overdone the thing; you ought to have put him ashore at South- port, or Port Gunga." " He wanted to come home, sir." "No matter if he did; I don't keep a yacht for his use." " I am sorry I have offended you, sir," I added ; but I could not regret what I had done. "Don't do it again. The less you do for the other side, the better you will suit me," he continued, more gently, evidently because his anger had ex- pended itself, rather than because he accepted my apology. How did you get along with the boat?" "First rate, sir." "Wolf, I have been uneasy all night about those boys on the island. I have been afraid the Wimple- ton scoundrels would tear up the railroad track, and I have kept the dummy going every hour since dark. THE RIVAL ACADEMIES. 171 I am tired out. I am afraid they will have a fight up at the Horse Shoe, and somebody will get killed. Vm going to bed now; but I want you to run up there, and have an eye upon the boys. You need not go very near the island, but be sure you know what the students are about. The Wimpleton boys have camped on the Shooter, and the two sides are not more than forty rods apart. If things go wrong there, you will run over to Grass Springs, and send me word by Lewis Holgate." Having delivered his instructions, Joe Poole land- ed the major before his house. With the assistance of Skotchley and Tom Walton, I hoisted the main- sail and got up the anchor. When Joe returned, both of my companions "pitched into" him for tell- ing the major that I had treated his enemy "like a lord." "I only told the truth," replied Joe. "But I didn't mean to do Wolf any harm." "Didn't you know any better?" added Tom. " I thought I was doing a good thing for Wolf, when I said that he had treated the colonel so well, after he Lad used him so shabbily." 172 LIGHTNING EXPRESS, OK " Humph, you are a Sunday school scholar ! " sneered Tom, " So am I, Tom," I interposed, " I don't blame Joe for telling only the truth, and I should have told the major myself if he had not," Tliis remark quieted the sneerer, and I think that Sunday school doctrine had the better of the argu- ment. Tom run up the jib, and, passing through the Narrows, I lieaded the Grace for the Horse Shoe. Tom had slept three or four hours, while I had not yet closed my eyes, I gave him the helm, and directing him to call me when we came up with the islands, I stretched myself on the cush- ioned locker, and dropped asleeiD. The day was dawning when the helmsman called me, I had not slept more than an hour and a half; but my interest in the mission upon which I had been sent thoroughly roused me, I took the helm, and going to the eastward of the South Shoe, I headed the Grace through the narrow channel be- tween the Horse Shoe and the Shooter, which would enable me to obtain a fair view of both camps. Major Toppleton's fears were not groundless, for I found THE KIVAL ACADEMIES. 173 that the WImpletonians had not devoted the night to sleep, as the Toppletonians evidently had, for the foimer had just effected a landing on the northern part of the Horse Shoe. As the Grace passed out of the channel, I saw the bateaux, loaded with tents and baggage, landing their freight. A battle impended. 174 LIGHTNING EXPRESS, OB CPIAPTER XV. THE IMPENDING BATTLE. I CERTAINLY did not expect to find anything at the Horse Shoe or in its vicinity, so early in the morning, to indicate a battle, or even a change of j^osition. Men engaged in a holy cause, or in realizing the promptings of ambition, may fight all day on the bloody field, and then look out for the chances of another day during the darkness of the night ; but boys do not do so, as a general rule. The Wimpletouians had evi- dently done something besides sleeping during the night. Dissatisfied vi^ith the proceedings of the first day, they were determined to make a better show the second day. On the other hand, the Toppletonians aj^peared to be fast asleep, without even a guard to protect or warn them of the apj^roach of their enemy. THE RIVAL ACADEillES. 175 Before daylij^lit the Centreport battalion had been transported from the Shooter to the Horse Shoe, and were now in position to give battle to their haughty foe — if either was more haughty than the other. I saw them on the shore, landing the last of their baggage, and securing their boats in a little cove. On the highest part of the island I could distinguish, in the gloom of the early morning, a line of sentinels stretching entirely across the land. Before the Grace was clear of tlie island, Skotch- ley, who had made a good night's rest of it, came on deck, and I pointed out to him the change which the "Wimpletonians had made. "Wliat do you think of it, Skotchley?" I asked. " I think there will be au awful row before noon," he replied, shaking his head. " Of course tlie Wimps haven't gone over there for nothing," " I don't know but it would be the best thing in the world to let them figlit it out. If one side or tlie other should get thoroughly thrashed, per- haps both would be willing to keep the peace," "I think not; for of course the vanquished 176 LIGUTNING EXPKESS, OE party would never be satisfied till it had retrieved its fortunes." "Wlieu do you think the fight will commence?" "I should say it is liable to begin at any mo- ment," added Skotchley ; "but I sljall not expect it for several hours after our fellows find out that their territory has been invaded." " Can we do anything to prevent the fight ? " I asked, earnestly. "I do not see that we can," answered Skotchley. " What can' W'e do ? You know what Tommy is. If we should attempt to reason with him, he would flare up." " I don't mean to reason with him ; that would be stupid." " Of course we can't do anything with "Waddie." "All we have to do is to inform Major Topple- ton of the state of affairs on the island," I replied, as I put the helm down, and told Tom Walton to haul in the sheets till the yacht was close on the wind. " We shall get to Middleport with this breeze before the dummy starts.'' It was only four o'clock in the morning, and THE EIVAi ACADEillES. 177 though we had to beat up to our destination, 1 was confident the Grace would do it in a couple of hours. I had not had quite rest enough to make me feel good, and giving the helm to Tom, I lay down again, I was soon asleep, and tho two hours of rest which I obtained set me right. "Middleport ahoy!" shouted Tom, as we ap- proached our destination. "What time is it, Tom?" " Six o'clock. This yacht makes quick time of it." " Where is Joe Poole ? " "He has just turned out, and is getting break- fast." "That's sensible," I replied, going on deck. "Clear away the anchor, and stand by the jib-halyards." In a few moments more, the Grace was at an- chor in the deep water off the major's house. The great man was still asleep; but it would be neces- sary to wake him. The belligerents on the island would soon be punching each other with their bayonets if sometlung was not done. But I could not help feeling that the presence of Major Top- pleton at the scene of action would hardly better 12 178 LIGHTNING EXrEESS, OB the situation. Ho was as violent, arbitrary, and exacting as his son. It was possible that he might do something to give the victory to the partisans of his own side; but it was hardly to be expected that he would prevent the fight. "^ " Skotchley, will you go ashore and call upon the major? You have only to tell him that the Wimps have landed on the Horse Shoe," said I to the dignified student. "I don't object; but why don't you go?" he replied. "I wish to go somewhere else." "Where?" he asked, curiously. " I will tell you some other time, jDerlwips." "Just as you like. Wolf." I pulled uj) the tender, and both of us got into it. I rowed to the steps in front of the major's house, and landed Skotchley. I had made up my mind what to do, and I had but little time to carry out my jDurpose. I felt in duty bound to prevent the fight on the island, if I could, even independently of the mighty will and pleasure of Major Toppletou. It was wicked to permit those TUE EIVAL ACADEMIES. 179 boys, armed with deadly weapons, and imtated by a long-standing rivalry, to plunge into a strife which might become more serious than either party in- tended. "Mr. Wolf!" called the sweet voice of Grace Toppleton, just as I was about to push off the boat. I was sorry to meet even her at such a moment, great as the luxury would have been on an ordi- , nary occasion. She tripped lightly down the walK to the landing-steps ; and certainly she never looked prettier and more graceful than on that pleasant summer morning, with the fresh dew, as it were, glowing upon her cheeks. " Good morning, Mr. Wolf," she continued, as, out of breath with tlie haste she had made, she pre- sented herself before me. " That beautiful yacht ! " she exclaimed, as she glanced at the elegant craft which bore her name. " Isn't she a sylph ! " • " She is all she seems to be," I replied, with be- coming enthusiasm, " and I think she is worthy of her name." "IIow very gallant you arc, Mr. Wolf!" she pouted. 180 ' LIGHTNING EXPBESS, OR " I have been sailing her all night, and I ought to speak well of her." " Father said he had sent you to Hitaca after her ; hut we did not expect to see you till this afternoon. I want to go on board of her. I was 60 surjjrised when I first saw her this morning!" It was very awkward, but I could not help my- self. I had a mission to j^erform which must be done at once, or not at all. I could not disregard her wishes, and I assisted her into the boat. "I have been up to the Horse Shoe, where the students are encamped, since I returned from Hita- ca," I continued, as I seated myself at the oars. " I supj)ose they are having a nice time up there," she replied. "I'm afraid not;" and as briefly as I could, I told her the situation of afiairs between the con- tending forces. As I hoj^ed and expected of one of her gentle nature, she was shocked and alarmed at the pros- pect of a fight, especially as her brother was fore- most in the strife. " Skotchley has gone up to call your father, and I suppose he will interfere," I added. THE RIVAL ACADEMIES. 181 " I hope he Avill ; " but the manner in which she spoke seemed to indicate that she entertained the same doubt which had disturbed my calculation. "I was thinking of doing something more," I re- plied, rather doubtfully. " What, Mr. Wolf? " I related to her my adventure with Colonel Wim- pleton during the night, and assured her that the great man of Centreport was very thankl'ul to me for the service I had rendered him. " I was going over to see him," I added. "To see Colonel Wimpleton!" she exclaimed, as though she thought such a step would be the sum of all abominations, for even she could not wholly escape the pestilent rivalry that existed be- tween the two sides. " I am not afraiil of him. If I can induce him to compel the students from his side to leave the Horse Shoe, the fight will be avoided." " I am soiTy you said anything to me about it, for father will not let you speak to Colonel Wim- pleton about the matter. But, Mr. Wolf, you do as you think best, and I will not say a word." 182 LIGHTNING EXPRESS, OB I assisted her on board of the yacht, and Tom Walton was as polite to her as her beauty and her position required. I was sorry to leave her; but I was intent upon the duty of preventing the fight. I pulled over to the other side of the lake. Haughty servants told me the magnate of Cen- trepoit was asleep, and must not be disturbed ; but one who had seen me there in the night with the colonel, ventured to tell him that I wished to see him. I was promptly admitted to his bedroom, where I stated my business. "I don't think there is any great danger of a quarrel," said he, after he had listened attentively to my story. "I think there is, sir. The students from this side have landed on the Horse Shoe." "Well, our boys have always used that island for their camp," " But the Toppleton students engaged the Horse Shoe of the owner, and you will agree with me that they have the best right to the ground. If you will direct the boys from this side to the island, there will be no further trouble." THE EIVAL ACADEMIES. 183 "Do you think I shall tell our boys to run away from those on the other side?" deniancled he, in- dignantly. "I am wiUing to do anything for you, Wolf, after what has happened ; but I think you need not concern yourself about this affair." " I don't want to have a fight, sir." "Xor I either." " Then I hope you -will do the right thing, and Bend your boys off the island." "I will not do it." "Well, sir, suppose "Waddie should get punched, with a bayonet ? " I suggested. " I think Waddie can take care of himself. But, undei*stand me, Wolf, if I can do anything for you, I will do it." " I have nothing to ask but this." " I will see what can be done," he replied, rub- bing his head, which I judged was still suffering from the effects of the brandy from the bottle that had been lost overboard. " I don't want any fight- ing. I will go up to the Horse Slioe by and by, if I feel able." I pressed the matter as strongly as I could ; but 184 LIGHTNING EXPRESS, OR the stupid rivah-y was too strong in his mind to permit anything which looked like yielding. I left him, hoping that the peril of Waddie, if no higher consideration, might induce him to take some active steps to avert the disgraceful alternative. I pulled with all ray might across the lake, and I was not a moment too soon, for I had hardly jumped upon deck before Major Toppleton appeared on the shore, and hailed the yacht for a boat. Taking Grace with me, I pulled to the steps. The great man had his overcoat on his arm, and it was evident that he in- tended to be a passenger in the yacht to the scene of action. " Let me go too, father," said Grace. " I must sail in that beautiful yacht this very day." "We cannot wait," replied the major, rather pet- ulantly. "I don't want you to wait. I am all ready," she added. "If there is going to be a fight up there, you will be in the way." " I will stay in the yacht. Don't say no ; be a good papa." THE EIVAL ACADEMIES. 185 And he was a good papa. Miss Grace was per- mitted to liave lier own Avay, though, being hke her mother, who was a very amiable and gentle lady, having her own way did not seem to injure her, as it did her brother. I need not say that I was delighted with the arrangement. We got up the anchor, hoisted the jib, and in a few moments were standing down the lake before the fresh breeze. On the way Joe Poole served up breakfast in good style, and even the major declared that the beef- steak and fried potatoes were excellent. " The row has commenced ! " shouted Tom "Wal- ton, at the helm, while we were at the table. Fortunately our appetites had been satisfied be- fore this startling announcement was made, and we all hastened on deck to see the fight. 186 LIGUTNING EXPEESS, OR CHAPTER XVI. THE BATTLE OP THE HORSE SHOE. MISS GRACE TOPPLETON turned pale when Tom announced that the battle had com- menced ; but her father only uttered an exclamation of rage and impatience. The yacht was just enter- ing the narrow channel between the Horse Shoe and the Shooter, and our position commanded a full view of the field. .The Wimpletonians had landed on the north side of the island, near the middle of which was a ridge. The camp of the Toppletonians was at the head of the little bay between the two arms of the Horse Shoe. Behind it was a gentle slope of ground, which terminated at the ridge, beyond which the descent on the north shore was more abrupt. On this longer declivity, the two hostile battal- ions were drawn up in the order of battle. The THK KIYAL ACADEMIES. 187 statement that tlie conflict bad commenced was pre- mature ; for, though the two " serried ranks " faced each other, no bones had yet been broken. TIio field presented the traditional aspect of boy figlits Avlien the contestants meet in force ; the parties faced each other, and eacli waited for the otlier to advance. Though I was not an impartial judge, I could not help seeing that the Wimpletonians had displayed more generalship than the Toppletonians ; for, in- stead of waiting on tlie steeper descent at tlie norfh shore, with the ridge above them, for an attack, they had boldly mounted the hill, and taken posses- sion of the high ground, which gave them an advan- tage that more than compensated for their inferior numbers. The Toppletonians had not discovered the move- ment of the enemy till they appeared upon the ridge, which is another convincing jiroof that "eter- nal vigilance is the price of liberty." If they had kept even half a dozen sentinels in the exposed por- tions of the island during the night, they could easily have prevented the landing of the Wimple- tonians; but jn-obably they had no suspicion of a night movement. 188 LIGHTNIXG EXPRESS, OR The combatants appeared to be waiting " for some- thing to turn up ; " for, wliile the Grace was running dowu the channel and coming to anchor, no move- ment was made by either of them. The array did not at present indicate the bloody encounter I had feared, and had labored to prevent; but it was plain enough that something would result from the situa- tion. They would not be likely to face each other all day without doing some mischief I could see Waddie "VYimpleton, in his chapeau, white j^lume, and gold lace, promenading np and down his lines ; and, though I could not hear him, I knew very well what big things he was saying. "Well, what's to be done?" said Major Topple- ton, .when the Grace had come to anchor. " If I were you, sir, I would tell our boys to go back into their camp," I replied. " What ! and let the Wimpleton students have it all their own way ! Not if I know myself," added the major, indignant even at the suggestion. " Our boys have hired the island, and it belongs to them. They shall stay there ! " The major was as crazy as the colonel had been, THE RIVAL ACADEMIES. 189 and as neither was willing to sacrifice anything, 1 could not see how the fight was to be avoided. Of course none of us had any influence Avith the in- vaders, and we could not induce theiu to retire from the island. " Can't you think of any way to get the Wimple- ton boys off^ Wolf?" asked the major, impatiently; and I saw that my services were not required as a peacemaker, but rather as an active belligerent. " I don't see any way now, sir," I replied ; " but I may think of something by and by." " By and by ! They may kill each other before you make up your mind," sneered the great man. *'I will go on shore." I pulled up the boat for him, and rowed him to the landing-place. I walked up the slope with him, in order to obtain a better view of the situation. It had already occurred to me that a diversion in llie rear of the Wimpletonians might compel them to retire; but, as I was somewhat fearful that such a step would make them more desperate, anin." THE RIVAL ACADEMIES. 195 "It is easy enough for you to talk, Tommy Top- pleton," snapped private Putnam. "If you went in the front instead of the rear, it would make a dif- ference with you." " I was in the place Avhere a commander ought to be," retorted Tommy, stung by this reproach. " I will give you enough of it before you get throuofh." " You needn't call us cowards while you keep yourself in a safe place," added Putnam. " Attention — battalion ! " shouted Major Tommy, suddenly. " What are you going to do now ? " asked his father. " I'm going to drive the Wimps into the lake this time." " Wliat's the use ! If you go out of the grove, you will only be driven back," replied the major, senior. "Why don't you make a flank movement?" I suggested. " What do you mean by that ? " asked Tommy, whose attention was arrested by the idea. 196 LIUUTXING EXPKESS, OR " Send one company round to the other side of the Wimps," I replied. " If I send half my men away, the Wimps will defeat the rest here." " No ; half your force can hold this wood. If you can get one company on the high ground, you will have the advantage over them." Major Tommy thought favorably of the idea ; and I thought it would be safer for both parties to fight the battle by running and manoeuvring than for them to make a stand-up conflict on the open field, as they had done. Briscoe was sent with his com- pany to make the flank movement. He double- quicked his command towards the east shore of the island, and began to ascend the slope. Major Wad- die promptly " smelt a mice," and despatched Cap- tain Bayard's company to watch and check the movements of the flanking force. I went with Briscoe, intent upon using whatever influence I had to keep the parties from coming into actual contact with each other. We reached the summit of the slope by hard running, in advance of Captain Bay- ard ; and here the Toppleton company halted on the highest ground on the island. THE EIVAL ACADEMIES. 197 " Now you are all right, Briscoe," said I. " Send half a dozen fellows to demonstrate against their boats, and you will get tliem out of the way." " You do that, "Wolf," replied he. " Go down, and shove them off, and I will do the rest." I ran down the slope alcne to the landing, where I found Colonel Wimpleton. 198 LIGHTNING EXPRESS, OB CHAPTER XYII. THE PRISONER OF WAR. COLONEL WIMPLETON was just landing from a boat, in which he had been ferried over from the main sliore, having come from Centreport to this point in liis chaise. As soon as he landed, he dismissed the man who had brought him over. The two great men of the vicinity were both on the island. As soon as I left Captain Briscoe's company, and moved towards the landing-place, Bayard, in com- mand of the Wimpleton company, evidently suspect- ed my j3urpose, though I i-eally had no intention of meddling with the boats, but only of making a dem- onstration. Half a dozen soldiers were sent in a hurry to guard the fleet. This was Briscoe's oppor- tunity. The force before him was now reduced so that an attack was hopeful. I heard him shouting, TUE EIVAL ACADEMIES. 199 and a moment later the company of Bayard came helter-skelter over the summit of the hill. Our fellows, mortified by their first defeat, had made a desperate charge, and diiven the enemy before them. It was not safe, therefore, for me to meddle with the boats, even if I had intended to do so. " How goes the battle, Wolf? " asked the colonel, •with a smile, as I met him on the beach. "Just now it seems to be going in favor of Top- pleton," I replied ; " though our boys were just driven half way across the island by yours." "Well, that's good." "But I can't stay here now, sir; I am afraid I shall be captured," I added, glancing at the six soldiers who were coming down the hill towards me. "I)ou't be alarmed, Wolf; I will see that you are not hurt," laufjhed the colonel. "I don't wish to be captured." "You shall leave when you please. After think- ing over the matter, I concluded that I should take our boys off the island," added the great man of Centrcport; "but I don't intend to have them driven off." 200 LIGHTNII^G EXPEESS, OB "I'm very glad to hear it, sir." "Where is Waddie?" I explained the situation to him, and informed him of what had already transpired on the island. lie was pleased with the victory wliich those who bore his name had achieved, and with this brilliant rec- ord of the Wimpleton battalion he was ready to retire. But while we were talking about the mat- ter, the din of battle from the high ground saluted US. It appeared that Tommy Toppleton, too impa- tient to wait for the result of the flanking move- ment, had charged upon the company of Wimpleto- nians in front of him. Our fellows had wiped out the disgrace of the early part of the action, and had driven the enemy up the hill, over its summit, regaining all the ground lost, and taking the sum- mit of the slope, which was "the key to the situ- ation." "This won't do," said Colonel Wimpleton, as he Baw with dismay that his party was defeated. "I can't take them away under these circumstances." But the battle was lost to the Wimpletonians. Major Tommy had gained the crown of the hill, and THE RIVAL ACADEMIES. 201 LelJ It with bis whole force. The ground was so steep in fi-ont of him that double the number of the foe could not dislodge him. The enemy had not yet pitched their tents, and their baggage was now in danger of capture. Major ^Yaddie consolidated his battahon, and formed a line at the foot of the hill, ready to defend his camp equipage. He was furious at his defeat, and when he saw me his eyes flashed fire. "Arrest that traitor!" said he, flourishing his sword, and pointing to me. " Not yet, Waddie ! " interposed his father. " I have sfiven him a safe conduct." " You are not in command here," replied the un- gracious son. " What are you doing down here, Wolf Penniman?" " I should have gone before if your father had not detained me." "Keep cool, Waddie," said the colonel. "You have enough to do to whip the Toppletonians." "That's what I'm going to do," added Major Waddie, as he glanced at the summit of the hill. 202 LIGHTNING EXPRESS, OB " I will take care of Wolf, and see that he don't whijj the whole of you." "I will hang him as a traitor if he don't start quick. He has no business over here." " He is a non-combatant," laughed the colonel. I do not know what the gallant commander of the Wirapleton battalion would have deemed it * necessary to do with me, if the exigency of battle had not called his attention to other matters. I do not pretend to be a brave fellow, but I am willing to say I was not afraid of being hanged, even inde- pendently of the powerful protection of the colonel. Major Tommy, flushed with his recent success, was intent upon following up his victory. I heard him call his battalion to the charge, and the words in- duced my feathery persecutor to leave me. Tommy evidently intended to drive the enemy into the lake, or to force them to surrender on the shoie. " Charge — bayonets ! Forward — march ! " yelled he; and down came the Toppletonians at a furious pace. " Now stand up to it, fellows ! " screamed Waddie. THE KrVAL ACADEMIES. 203 " This is your last chance. Don't run if they punch you til rough." Not only Wadtlie, but the two captains in his battalion, who had more real influence than the com- mander, urged the Wirapletonians to stand firm, and not be driven from their position. But the time fur argument was short. The victorious Top- ])letonians swept down the hill, and rushed furiously at the foe. This time I am quite sure there were some wounds given on both sides. Major Tommy, mortified, no doubt, by the taunts of Putnam, and pci-haps of others, did not march in the rear of his column, but very imprudently placed himself in ad- vance of it. Fortunately for him, there were several privates near him who were inspired by his gallant example, and the centre of the column broke through the enemy's front. This would have been a success to the Toppletonians if the riglit and left wings had supported the movement with equal zeal. They did not, and were fijrced back by the desperate Wimpletonians, and in a moment more were retreat- ing n]i the hill, closely pursued by the enemy. When it was too late, Tommy saw where he was. 204 LIGHTNING EXPRESS, OR He was standing, supiiorted by only half a dozen privates, several rods in advance of his battalion. A squad of the enemy, led on by Captain Pinkerton^ charged upon him. The daring little major defend- ed himself Avith zeal and courage, slashing right and left ■with his sword. His supporters, seeing the situ- ation, fell back and joined their companions. Closely pressed by his exultant foe. Tommy struck savage blows against the muskets of his asaulters; but sud- denly his sword blade snapped ofi' near the hilt. " Capture him ! Capture him ! " shouted Pinker- ton ; and sending part of his squad behind Tommy, he cut off his retreat. The gallant major was now unarmed, and incapa- ble of making any defence. His companions in arms had been forced back to the summit of the hill. " Surrender ! " cried Pinkerton. "Never!" yelled Tommy, with tragic grandeur, as he made a dive at the captain, with the inten- tion apparently of wresting his sword from him. Such bravery deserved a better fate ; but two of the pnemy came behind the impetuous major, and, THE KIVAL ACADEMIES. 205 grasping him hj the shoulders, threw him down. The whole squad then fell upon him, and poor Tom- my was a prisoner of war. Two of the stoutest of his captors, each of them half a head taller than he was, were detailed to guard the major, and he was marched to a tree near the camp baggage. The Toppletonians were driven to the top of the hill, and resumed their position upon its summit. It was useless for the Wimpletonians to attempt to drive them beyond the ridge, and they returned to their fomicr halting-place on the level ground. I began to be a little uneasy about the fate of Tommy when Major Feathers returned, for I Avas afraid the latter, inspired by no lofty ideas of military honor, would subject his prisoner to some indignities. I saw Waddie hold a conference with his two captains, the result of which was soon apparent. Captain Bay- ard, attended by a single private, who carried a white handkerchief suspended on a pole, as a flag of truce, walked up the hill. I was not informed until after- wards of the nature of their mission ; but, in tlie opinion of the "Wimpletonians, the capture of Tommy decided the lute of the day, and thoy regarded the 206 LIGHTNING EXPRESS, OK battle as ended, with victory perched upon their banners. Major Waddie was graciously pleased to declare that he did not wish to pursue his conquest any farther, and if the Toppletonians would retire from the island, their commander should be returned to them unharmed. By the misfortune of Major Tommy, Captain Briscoe was the ranking officer, and the message of Major Waddie was delivered to him. By the ad- vice of Major Toppleton, senior, the terms of peace were promptly rejected, and an intimation given that the Toppletonians intended to recapture their com- mander, and drive the invaders into the deep waters of the lake. While these negotiations wei'e in prog- ress. Colonel Wimpleton left me, and went to the headquarters of the battalion. Doubtless he saw his powerful rival on the top of the hill, and wished to counteract the influence of his counsels with his own. When the flag of truce returned, I saw a private run to the tree where" Major Tommy had been se- cured with a rope taken from one of the boats. Then the two stout fellows in charge of him con- THE EIVAL ACADEMIES. 207 ducted him to a boat, and pushed off. It was in- tended that the commander of the Toppleton bat- talion should not be recaptui-ed, and the threat of his forces was rendered futile. But his command immediately repeated the assault, when the nature of Colonel Wimpleton's advice was evident. The beach in the rear of the Centreport battalion was covered with small round stones, with which the soldiers had plentifully supplied themselves. The onslaught of the Toj^pletonians was received with a volley of these missiles. They reeled under this un- expected reception, and being on the grass they could not procure any similar ammunition. Captain Briscoe, imitating the example of his illustrious com- mander, marched in front. The stones seemed to be aimed at him, and he actually fell, hit by one of them. His forces, appalled at this savage warfare, and by the fall of their leader, halted, and then fell back beyond the reach of the mischievous missiles. Briscoe was picked up, and borne to the top of the hill. The affair was becoming more serious, and, I may consistently add, more disgraceful, especially as the contending parties were now virtually directed 208 LIGHTNING EXPRESS, OR by Major Toppleton and Colonel Wimpleton, who were old enough to have known better. It was plain enough that our boys could not stand up against these volleys of stones, and that the Wimpletonians could hold their ground for the rest of the week. The battle was now to be a mat- ter of strategy and manoeuvring. On the hill, as they saw Major Tommy sent off in the boat, they concluded that he was safe enough for the present, and were not disposed to accept any ignominious terms of peace. The two fellows in charge of the prisoner of war had pu^Ued off a quarter of a mile ii-om the shore, and were watching the issue of the combat. I was curious to know what would be done next, but I concluded to ojierate a little on my own account. Following the shore round the island, I reached the pier, and went on board of the yacht. Skotchley and Grace, in the standing-room, were watching the action, while Tom Walton arid Joe Poole had gone up to the mast-head, where they could obtain a better view of the field of battle. " All hands, unmoor ! " I called, and my ready crew descended to the deck. THE EIVAIi ACADEMIES. 209 The mainsail had not been lowered, and we had only to get up the anchor and hoist the jib. Before the fresh breeze we stood down the channel towards the boat in which Tommy was an unwilling pas- senger. 14 210 LIGHTNING EXritESS, OB CHAPTER XVIII. RESCUING A PPaSONEB. i^N the passage I told Grace and Ned Skotch- ley what liad transpired dnrnig the time I liad been oa sliore -, and both of them agreed with me that it was disgraceful to allow boys to fight. Grace even had the courage to say that her father ought to have compelled the Toppletonians to leave the island, rather than encourage such outrageous conduct. "What are you going to do now?" asked Skotch- ley. "I'm going to recapture Tommy." "I thought you were a non-combatant," laughed he. " So I am ; but I'm not going to leave Tommy in the hands of those fellows. I'm afraid the Wimps will abuse him when they have time to attend to his case." THE niVAL ACADE:inES. 211 "Don't let tbera hurt him," pleaded Grace. « I will not. Tommy is as brave as a lion ; if he had been as prudent as "SVaddic, he would not have l)ecn captured," I replied. By this time we were within hail of the boat in which the prisoner of war was held. His guards did not know the Grace, as she was a new craft on the lake, and did not expect any mischief from her. Tbcy sat on each side of the vanquished little major, whose hands were tied together so that lie could do no harm. I ran the yacht up into the wind so that her bowsprit was over the boat. "What are you about? You will run into lis!" shouted one of the sentinels. ""We won't hurt you," replied Tom "Walton, as he hooked on to the boat. I ran forward, and Tom and I dropped into the boat, while Joe Poole held the painter, which I tlircw up to him to avoid accidents. " "Wolf Pennlman ! " exclaimed Baxter, one of the guards, when lie recognized me. " "What do you want ? " "I want Major Tommy," I replied, cutting that 212 LIGHTNING EXPRESS, OR young gentleman's fetters, while Tom Walton stood between me and the astonished sentinels. " You can't have him ! He is a prisoner," retorted Baxter, picking up his musket. " He w%as a prisoner, but he isn't now," I added. " You are free, Tommy. Jump aboard as quick as you can." But Raymond, the sentinel in the bow of the boat, presented his bayonet, while Tom Walton, with an oar in liis hand, Avas checking a forward movement on the part of Baxter. It is not easy to walk over a bayonet in the hands of a stout fellow who has been trained to use it skilfully, and the prospect before me was not very encour- aging. However, Joe Poole turned the fortunes of the day in our favor, by fastening to the back of Raymond's collar with the boat-hook, and pull- ing him over backwards into the bottom of the boat. I seized his musket, and Avrenchcd it from his grasp, so that the obstacle to Major Tommy's escape was removed. The little magnate was not slow to avail himself of his opportunity, and sjtringing over the prostrate THE RIVAL ACADEMIES. 213 form of Raymond, still pinned down by the boat- hook, he leaped on board of the yacht. The com- bat, so far as I was concerned, was haj^pily ended, and Tom "Walton and I made good our retreat, which was effectually covered by Joe Poole, who flourished his boat-hook with a vigor that set at nought the paltry bayonets of the war-worn vet- erans from whose gripe we had rescued the unfor- tunate commander of the Toppleton forces. "Don't let them go!" shouted Tommy, as 1)6 beheld the result of the brief struggle. " Capture them ! " " Let go the painter ! " I whispered to Joe Poole. " Capture them ! " repeated Tommy, furiously, as he saw the boat recede from the yacht. " Hard a-port the helm ! " I called to Skotchley, who was in the stan din ij- room. " What are you about ? " demanded Tommy, ai I went aft to take the helm. "Don't meddle with them, Mr. Wolf — don't^ please!" interposed Grace. " Shut up, Grace ! If you say a Avord, I'll throw you overboard," said the ungallant major, who waa 214 LIGnTNING EXPRESS, OB unhappily one of those boys who believe they may say anything to r sister. " I came out here after you, Tommy," I rejiliecl^ indignant at the liarsh words the little major had addressed to Grace. "I don't think it is worth while to meddle with those fellows." "What do you suppose I care what you think!" cried Tommy. "Isn't this my father's yacht?" "It is yoiir father's yacht." "Then you will capture those fellows, or I will know the reason why," he added, stoutly. " Don't touch them, Mr. "Wolf — don't, please," said Grace. "Mr. Wolf!" sneered Tommy. "Mr. Wolf will do what I tell him." " I don't think it is quite proper to get into a row with a young lady on board!" I added, mildly. "Wolf Penniman, you are a coward and a trai- tor!" exclaimed Tommy, "And you arc another!" he added, fixing his indignant gaze upon Skotchlcy. "Thank you. Tommy," replied the dignified stu- dent, coolly. THE RIVAL ACADEMIES. 215 "Tou shall be court-martialed as a deserter and a coward ! " "Well, I think I can stand it." ]\Lajor Tommy glanced at the boat from which he had been removed, and in which Win two guards had taken the oars and were pulling for the shore. He seemed to think that they would add two more to the force of the Wimpletonians, and that it was a grave military indiscretion to permit the enemy thus to be augmented. Besides, he must liave his own way, and any opposition was quite enough to rouse the evil spirit in his nature. He insisted again that the two guards should be captured. I tried to excuse myself from meddling in the war- fare, and Grace stood by me with a zeal which brought down the wrath of her. brother upon her. " I say that boat shall be taken," persisted he, violently. "It is impossible," I replied, weary of his tyran- ny. " She is dead to windward of us." « Please don't, Mr. Wolf," added Grace. "Hold your tongue, Grace!" snapped he, as ho sprang to the tiller, and shoved me one side. 216 LIGHTNING EXPRESS, OB "Don't, Tommy," added Grace, placing her hand upon his shoulder to deter him. The little monster actually turned upon her, and struck her a blow in the face which sent her reel- ing over into her seat. I could not stand that ; my blood boiled up, and boiled over. I sprang upon him, and in a small fraction of an instant, Major Tommy Toppleton was lying flat on the floor of the standing-room. "O, don't touch him, Mr. Wolf!" begged Grace. "You villain you, how dare you put your hand upon me ? " gasped Tommy, springing to his feet, as savage as a young tiger. "I don't like to see any one strike a yoiing lady, least of all when she is his sister." " I'll let you know ! " whined he, crying with pas- sion, as he leaped uiDon me. "Walton and Skotchley each grasped one of his arms, and held him so that he was powerless. He raved, tore, and swore ; and it was evident enough to me, when my indignation subsided, that I bad sacrificed myself, if not my father and the whela family. THE KIVAL ACADEillES. 217 «I -won't sny anything more, Tommy," interposed Grace, terrified by the violence around her. "You may have your own way." «Give me that hehn, Wolf!" cried Tommy. "I will give it to you," I replied, moving aside, influenced by the action of Grace ; and I don't know but Tommy would have beaten his head to jelly against the trunk if some concession had not been made to his Avrath. He cooled oflT as rapidly as he had become heated, when all opposition was removed. He threw the yacht up into the wind, and Tom Walton and I trimmed the sails ; but the new helmsman could not manage her, and she lay with her sails flap- ping idly in the wind. "Ease her ofl" a little, Tommy, and she will go it," I ventured to suggest. " Mind your own business, Wolf Penniman. Your time is out from this moment, and Grace shall never j»ut licr foot into this yacht again, if it is named after lier," blustered Tommy. I subsided, and seated myself on tlie trunk amid- 8hip8 to wait the issue. The new skijtpcr, howev«ry 218 LIGHTISriNG EXPRESS, OB adopted my suggestion, though he snubbed me for making it. The Grace, accommodating as she was, would not sail into tlie wind's eye, and before Tom- my was ready to tack, in beating up to the chase, the boat hmded her hands on the beach. I saw that he was vexed ; but he " chewed up " his wrath. He soon came about, and headed for the channel between the Horse Shoe and the Shooter. I con- cluded that he must be anxious to join his bat- talion ; but it would be impossible to beat the yacht up the narrow passage. It was no use for me to say anything, and I did not, for he would be sure to go in direct opposition to any sugges- tion of mine. lie ran the Grace iip to the north point of the Shooter, and came about. I thought it my duty to tell him that the water was very shoal ahead of him, as he apjDroached the Horse Shoe on this tack. lie politely insinuated that I was to hold my tongue, which I succeeded in doing for- a mo- ment longer, until the yacht grated on the gravel bottom, and stuck fist. "That's just where I wanted her," said Tommy, unmoved by the event. " Joe Poole ! " THE EIVAL ACADEinES. 219 Joe Poole appeared before the imperious little magnate, and was directed to bring up the boat and land our uncomfortable passenger. Tommy jumped into the boat, and as he took his seat in the stern-sheets, he delivered his parting volley at me, to the effect that, like Othello, my occupation Avas gone, and that I should be driven out of Mid- dlejjort as a coward and a traitor. To this mild speech I jiermitted myself to make no reply. "Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!" shouted the Topple- ton battalion on the shore. This shout of triumph attracted the attention of the major, and he hurried up Joe Poole, who soon landed him on the beach. On the whole, I con- cluded that I had not made much by meddling with the conflict, even so for as to rescue Tommy fiom his captors. During the events which I have related, I had closely watched the movements of the contending forces. Company B of the Top2)le- ton battalion had been sent round the island to flank the enemy, and obtain a position where stones were available as ammunition. This operation had been successful, and tlie Wimpletonians had been 220 LIGHTNING EXPRESS, OR forced back from their stronghold, for they could not stand up against volleys of stones any better than their rivals. Company A had dashed down the hill at the right time, and the enemy were driven upon their baggage. This success had drawn forth the shout of triumph. Fortunately for us on board of the Grace, Tom- my had sailed her shaking in the wind, so that she had gone on the shoal very gently, though hard enough to give us two hours of severe exertion. As we Avorked, moving balltist from the forward to the after part of the yacht, we watched the move- ments of the contending forces. As I anticipated, Tommy ordered another charge as soon as he reached the battalion, though the Wimpletonians were actually engaged in loading their baggage into the boats. "We saw a flag of truce hoisted by the defeated party, and a parley took place, the result of which was, that they ,were permitted to retire without further molestation. Long and loud were the cheers of Toppleton when the fleet moved away from the island, and pulled towards the Shooter. The victors then returned to their camp. THE RIVAL ACADEiTlES. 221 We got tlie Grace off at last, and, after passing around the Horse Shoe, I anchored off the pier in the channel Major Toppleton soon appeared, accompanied by Tommy, and I expected to be dis- charged at once. 222 LIGHTNING EXPRESS, OR CHAPTER XIX. A TYRANNICAL SON. « T SUPPOSE my time is out, Miss Toppleton," _i_ said I to Grace, as I saw the big major and the Httle major approaching the pier. " Your time out ? " she replied, looking anxiously at me. " I shall be discharged from my situation, and l^erhaps be driven out of Middleport." " O, no ! I -hope not, Mr. Wolf." " Tommy is very arbitrary, and after what has happened, he will not permit me to remain on the same side of the lake with him." " I am sorry you touched him," said she, musing. " I should not have touched him if he had struck me. I was indignant and angry." "Well, I don't blame you, Mr. Wolf, for it is abominable for a boy to strike his sister," she added. THE KIVAL ACADEMIES. 223 placing her hand iii>on her pretty flice, where her brother's rude hand had left its mark. "But Tom- my rules the whole house at home ; and I suppose he will have his own way now, as he always did." As Tommy got into the boat which I had sent for him and his father, I saw that he was still in a very unamiable frame of mind. lie Avas talking loudly and indignantly to his father, who appeared to be trvinfj to soothe him and moderate his wrath. For my own part, I could not regret what I had done, unpleasant as the consequences promised to be. It was not in my nature to stand by and see a little bully, like Tommy, strike a young lady, — not pat her gently, but strike her a heavy blow, — not even if he were her brother. I had been tempted to give the young ruffian the pounding which he richly deserved, and to continue the operation until he was willing to promise better things. Perhaps the handsome offer Avliich Colonel "Wim- jileton had made me rendered me somewhat moie independent than I should otherwise have been. I was certainly in good condition to be discharged, and did not feel much like submitting to any gross 224 LIGHTNING EXPRESS, OE inclignitios from tlie great man of Middleport, or his hopeful son. But Major Toppleton had been very kind to me, and to my father, and I could not for- get the service he had rendered to us. The boat came alongside, and Tommy leaped upon the deck, followed by his father ; and I could not help noticing that the senior major looked very anxious and uncomfortable. Tommy had doubtless been making strong speeches to him, and it was really melancholy to think of a man of his abilities, dignity, and influence reduced to a kind of slavery by the tyranny of his own son; and all the more melancholy because he could not realize that he was spoiling the boy by this weak indulgence. " Wolf Penniman," said the little major, majesti- cally, " I always keep my promises." " Keep cool. Tommy," interposed his father, step- ping into the standing-room, where Grace and I were seated alone, for Skotchley and Tom Walton had gone forward. "You know what I said, father. I won't have Wolf around me any longer. He has been a coward and a traitor, and he had the audacity to knock me THE KIVAL ACADEMIES. 225 down. "Wolf Penniman, you are discharged ! " con- tinued Tommy, blustering furiously. " Don't be too fast, Tommy," interposed bis father. " "Wolf went after the boat in which you were a prisoner, captured it, and restored you to your com- mand. Captain Briscoe told you that he did not dare to make his last move till he saw that "Wolf had taken you out of the hands of the enemy." "I don't blame him for that; but he refused to obey my orders, and then knocked me down. I say you may discharge him, or discharge me." The alternative was a reminder of the Hitaca in- cident, and a hint that, if his father did not obey orders, Tommy would run away again, and there would be no suitable person to inherit the great man's millions. I made no reply, but bowed meekly to my fate. It appeared that, after all, I was not to run the Lightning Express train, about which so much had been said. "Don't let him discharge Mr. "Wolf, father," in- terposed Grace, her pretty cheeks red with indigna- tion ; and with such an advocate I could ■ ajQTord to be still. 15 226 LIGHTNING EXPEESS, OR " Discharge Mr. Wolf ! " sneered the little mag- nate. " Will you learn to mind your own business, Grace?" " He struck me in the face, father, and that was the reason why Mr. Wolf knocked him down. I am Borry he did so, but I think Tommy was to blame," continued Grace. "You needn't stick up for him; if you do, it won't make any difference." "I am astonished that you should strike your Bister," added Major Toppleton, whose painful ex- pression fully proved his sincerity. " Well, you needn't be ! " replied Tommy, rudely and disrespectfully. " If she don't mind her own business, and let my affairs alone, I shall teach her better. I have said all I have to say, and I'm going ashore to look out for my battalion. Remem- ber, Wolf is discharged ! " Tommy abruptly left the yacht, and, leaping into the boat, ordered Joe Poole to pull him ashore. The fiat had gone forth. I was discharged. Tom- my was the president of the road, and doubtless he had the power to dismiss me. THE EITAL ACADEMIES. 227 " Here is trouble," said Major Toppleton, with a sigh. "I hoi^e you won't let Mr. Wolf be dischargetl," saiJ Grace, when the irate little magnate was out of heariufj. " What can I do ? " replied the major, impatiently. " Tommy is the president of the road, and he has the right to discharge an employee. If I interfere, there will be such a tempest as we had a year ago." Poor magnate ! How I pitied him ! Just as I liad seen a baby tyrannize over its loving mother, BO did Tommy tyrannize over his father. The great man — how little he seemed to be then! — mused for a while over tlie, unpleasant situation. " ni tell you what we can do, Wolf. I want a skipper for this boat. If you will withdraw from the railroad for a time, I will give you this situa- tion, with the same pay you are now receiving." "I am entirely satisfied, sir, and sliall bo, what- ever you or Tommy may do," I answered, meekly. "I certainly like the boat better than the train; but I su])pose Tommy will not permit me to take charge of her." The major bit his lips with vexation. Ilis fetters 228 LIGHTNING EXPEESS, OR galled him, and he had not the resolution to shake them off, lie ordered me to get the yacht under way, and start for Middleport. As soon as she was clear of the narrow channel, the major asked me down into the cabin, and we had a talk, which lasted till the Grace came to anchor before the owner's mansion. "You know how I'm situated. Wolf," said he, turning his gaze from me, as if ashamed to acknowl- edge his subservience to the wilful boy. " Tommy must have his own way ; he is desj^erate if he does not. He will run away, or drown himself in the lake, if he does not." I could not help smiling at the infirmity of the father, and he made haste to defend himself. Tom- my was subject to fits when he was a child, and he was fearful that irritation would bring on a return of the malady. The young gentleman had actually threatened to commit suicide if he could not have his own way. " I only wish to smooth the thing over for a time, for Tommy is a good-hearted boy, and he will come to his senses if he is not thwarted," added he. THE EIVAL ACADEMIES. 229 " Tou are not a flitlier, Wolf, and you can't under- stand the matter." "I am willing to do whatever you desire, sir," I replied. " Perhaps I ought to say, that I can afford to be discharged just now. You have nsed me very handsomely, ]Major Toppleton, and I am grate- ful for your kindness. I will never leave your service of my own accord. Last night Colonel "VTimpleton told me about his new steamer, which is to run in opj^osition to our Lightning Express, and offered me a man's Ava^es to 2;o either as entri- ncer or as captain of her. I told him I could not leave my friends while they used me so well, and declined the offer. I did not mean to tell you of this, and should not, if things had not turned out just as they have." The major bit his lip again. He was disposed to be angry ; and, in a passion, he was as nearly- like Tommy as one pea is like another. Uut he did not give way to the inclination. "I declined the offer," I repeated, when I saw hira strut'ii-rini' with the mischief within him. " "When will that steamer be ready to run ? " ho asked. 230 LTGIITNIXG EXPRESS, OR " In a couple of months, the builder told me." "I'm glad you told' me of this," he continued, after chewing upon it for some time. " Perhaj^s it Avill have some influence upon Tommy." And there the matter ended for the present. Grace said she would do all she could for me ; and however the rest of the house might regard nic, I felt sure of an earnest advocate in her. She Avent on shore with her father, and as the skip- i:»er of the yacht, I spent the rest of the day in woi-king upon her, and in putting down a set of moorinGjs for her. The next day I took a party up the lake in her, and for the rest of the week I was kept busy in my new occupation. I acquitted myself to the satisfac- tion of my employers, not only in pleasant weather, but in a heavy squall, Avhich caught us in the mid- dle of the Avidest part of the lake, off Gulfport. The Wimpletonians encamped on the Shooter after they were driven from the Horse Shoe. The combat of Monday Avas not decisive enough to sat- isfy them, and the Avar Avas renewed, and continued during the Aveck, Avith varying success. Each party THE raVAL ACADEMIES. 231 stole tlie boats of tlie other, and inflicted wliatever luiscliief it could. On Thursday night, in the midst of a violent storm, ■\vhcu the Toppleton Guards sought shelter in their tents, the invading hordes of Wimpletoniaus crossed the channel, and actually conquered the territory of their rivals. Having levelled their tents, cut the cords, and broken up the tent-poles, they retired, satisfied with the mis- chief they had done. The Toppletonians were de- feated in a similar attempt to invade the Sliooter the next night ; and when the end of the week arrived, neither could claim any material advantage over the other. The Wimpletonians had retrieved the disaster of the first dav, and would have lield the island if they had not been afraid of the inter- ference of the owner. Both parties returneil to their studies, their hatred of each other not a jot abated, ami more than ever before the Toppletonians were on the lookout fur some opportunity to spite the other side. "When the battalion returned on Saturday niglit, I Avas np the lake in the Grace, and I did not see JMiijor for several days. AVhen we did meet. 2o2 LIGHTNING EXPRESS, OB he seemed to have forgotten everything that had happened ; but Grace told rae she had listened to the conversation between her father and him re- lating to the affair with me. At first the young gentleman was furious at the idea of retaining rae in the yacht; but w^hen he heard of Colonel Wini- jileton's offer he yielded the point, and permitted me to remain. On the 1st of September the Lake Shore Railroad was completed. Lewis Ilolgate had run the dummy while I was skipper of the yacht ; but the major would not permit him to go on the locomotive, and I was summoned back to my old position without opposition from the little n)agnate. THE EIVAL ACADEMIES. 283 CHAPTER XX. THE LIGHTNIXG EXPRESS TEATS". THERE was something about Tommy's actions ■which I did not like. Though he sjioke to me, as before, tlie old grudge was not wiped out. I saw that he and Lewis Holgate were very thick together, and I soon found that my fireman had ceased to be as tractable as at first, I heard he had reported among the boys that I was a Wimpletonian at heart, and would sell out the Lake Shore Railroad to the other side any time when I could get a chance. The road was completed, and I ran the first train tlirough to Ucayga. Major Toppleton had altered the Middleport into a ferry-boat at my suggestion, and she plied, in connection with the railroad, from our station on one side of the river to the town on llie other. When we had gone over the ground a few times, the major sprang the trap. Thd two 234 LIGnTXING EXPRESS, OE boats ■vvhicli ran the whole length of the lake were advertised to start from Middleport, touching at Cen- treport. Passengers from the latter place could cross in one of them, and go by the railroad to Ucayga — they could, but they did not like to do so. The steamers plied in connection with the road, and the Centreporters were as angry as though they had been sluU out from the rest of the world; for their splendid boat was not yet ready to run in opposi- tion to the new arranjTeraent. On Monday morning the Lightning Express train Was to make its first trip. Major Toppleton told me to be sure and "make time." The track had been carefully examined, and strengthened where it Avas weak. I was to prove to the Centreporters that a steamboat could not comi^ete with the Lake Shore Railroad. Everybody was excited, and the president of the road absented himself from school, in order to see that the programme was properly carried out. I could have dispensed with his services ; but he insisted upon riding on the foot-board, jirobably to see that I did not sell out the concern to the other side. THE EIVAL ACABE^nES. 235 "The cars are full, Wolf," said Tommy, after I had backed the locomotive into the station, and the cars were shackled to it. " I am glad to hear it," I replied. " I saw quite a number of jjcople from the other side among the passengers." " So much the bettor. We shall convince them that we can make time on this side of the lake." Turning suddenly as I made this remark, I saw Lewis Holgate give Tommy a significant wink. I did not understand what it meant, and it troubled me a little. I should have been very glad to get rid of my fireman ; but he Avas on ^uch intimate terms with the president that it was useless for me to say anything. He did not attend to his duty, did not keep the working i)arts of the engine well oiled, and even neglected liis fires. In fact, ho had risen above liis business since he had run the dummy. "All aboard!" shouted the gentlemanly conduct- or, as he gave me the signal to start. As I always did before I let on the steam, I glancej the courage to say anything condemned Tommy and upheld me. I thought I was safe enough ; and perhaps I should have been, if exciting news had not come down from the scene of the affair. The engineer who had taken possession of the locomotive let off the steam ; and being on his v/ay ujj the lake, he abandoned the machine. As there was no one to take charge of it, Wetherstane, the superintendent, asked me to run it into the engine- house, which I did. I had been duly discharged, and it was not jjroper for me to do anything more. I walked home with Tom "Walton, and we dis- cussed the matter as thoroughly as the occasion required. " How do you suppose it's coming out, Wolf? " asked Tom, as good-naturedly as ever, but still anxiously. "I haven't the least idea," I replied. "I have yielded as long as I could, and I am willing to take the consequence." THE RIVAL ACADEMIES. 293 I felt that I was not likely to be a martyr as long as Colonel Wimpleton kept his offer of a place on the new steamer open to me, Avith the promise of a man's wages. "If I were the major, I should rebel against Tommy a little, just to see how it would seem," laughed Tom Walton. " Don't it look strange that a great man like him — I mean the major — should be such a fool as to let his son have his own way ? " " It is strange ; but I have learned that Major Toppleton is more afraid of Tommy than of all the rest of the world." "If my mother should let me have my own way like that, I couldn't respect her. I should tliink the major would turn over a new leaf, and be a free man." " He is his own master — " " Not much ! " exclaimed Tom, interrupting rac ; " Tommy is master here." " Well, he has the right to obey his son, if he chooses to do so," I added. " I don't know, but I can't lielp thinking that this matter has come to 294 LIGHTNING EXPRESS, OR a head now. Major Toppleton wants me to run the engine, and Tommy don't want me to do it. I hope the thing will be settled to-day." It was settled that day. I went home, and pretty soon my father came to his dinner. He had, of course, been my con- fidant in all the matters relating to my quarrel with Tommy. I told him all about the stirring events of the morning, after we sat down to din- ner; and he was so interested that he neglected to toucli the food before him till he had heard the whole of it. " Have I done wrong, father ? " I asked. " Certainly not. You couldn't have done any- thing else. You live here, and the railroad is now the only way for you to come up the lake. You paid your fare, and they had no more right to put you off the cars than they had to throw you into the lake," he replied, warmly. I ought to add here, that my relations with the road had been discussed every day, and often two or three times a day. My father, and my mother especially, had cautioned me not to be impulsive, THE KIVAL ACADEMIES. 295 and not to resist while it was decent to submit. Our obligations to Major Toppleton were acknowl- edged, and all of us were very anxious to keep the peace with him. " I don't see how Major Toi^pleton can uphold that boy any longer," added my mother. "I don't see how he ever could do it," said my father. " But that is his business, not mine. I don't think we make much, however, by trying to keep on the right side of these rich men by sacri- ficing our own self-respect. I am thankful that the major does not hold the mortgage on my house." "I suppose he could get it, if he wanted it," sug- gested my mother. "Well, it has two years to run, whoever has it; and as long as I pay the interest, we shall be safe enough," continued my father. " I am thankful we are not in such a scrape as we were on the other side of the lake." We ate our dinner in peace, in spite of the storm which had raged without. My flithor was in deep thought, and it was not difficult to conjecture the subject of his meditations. Doubtless he congrat' 296 LIGHTNING EXPRESS, OB ulated himself most heartily that it was not in the power of either of the magnates to harass and annoy him. The major could discharge us both, and even make Middleport too warm to contain ns ; but the colonel was ready to receive us both with open arms. It seemed just as though I was a shuttlecock, to be batted back and forth from one side of the lake to the other at the Avill and pleasure of the mighty men who ruled the neigh- borhood. But I had some hope that Major Toppleton would sustain me, or at least that he would not persecute our family, even if he yielded to the caprices of his son. Whatever mischief had been done, I had not done it, though I had been the indirect cause of it. I had not stopped the train ; I had not put Tommy out of the car ; I had not pitched him down the bank. If these things had been done on my behalf, I had no agency in them. The in- dignant passengers, who were detained by the whim of the little president, had been the responsible actors, and I had no doubt the stout stranger was ready to answer for his conduct. Whether he was THE KIVAL ACADEMIES. 297 or not, this was not my affair, I bad bis card in my pocket; but so far as I could ascertain, no one knew anything about bim. I regarded him as a person of some consequence. We finished our dinner, and my father was on the point of returning to the mill, when Tom Wal- ton rushed into the kitchen, out of breath with running. Ilis appearance indicated that some un- usual event bad occurred, for my friend was one of the cool sort, and not easily stirred by small matters. " The dummy has just come in," exclaimed Tom, in the intervals between his rapid breathing. "Well, what of it?" I inquired, not deeming this very startling intelligence. " Tommy Toppleton's leg is broken," gasped Tom. " Broken ! " I exclaimed. " Snapped off, like a iiij^e-stem, below the knee, they say." " I am sorry for that," I added ; and I almost wished it had been my leg, instead of the little tyrant's. " His father is the maddest man that ever drew the breath of life." 298 LIGHTNING EXPRESS, OR "I dare say," said my father, shaking his head. " How did it happen ? " I inquired. " Why, that stout man did it when he pitched him down the bank," answered Tom. " I'll bet it will cost that man a penny or two. That's what they say up to the station." " I will go up and see about it," I added, taking my hat. "You!" ejaculated Tom, with a stare of aston- ishment. "Why not?" " If you know what you are about, you will keep out of the way," suggested Tom, with sig- nificant emphasis. " I haven't done anything that I am ashamed of," I replied. "I am not afraid to see the major, and tell him the whole story. I'm sorry for Tom- my's misfortune, but it is all his own fault." " Face the music. Wolf," said my father. " Xo one ever makes anything by skulking in the dark. You have a tongue, and you can explain your own conduct better than any one can do it for you." "But they are all down upon you like a hundred THE KIVAL ACADEMIES. 299 of brick, Wolf," continued Tom, who was fearful that I might be lynched in the excitement which he said prevailed in the vicinity of the major's house. "I can't help it. When I was insulted, I did not resist nor make any row." " But you left your train at the time it ought to have started," said Tom. "I should not have done so if the president had not taken that time to insult me. It was not neces- sary for him to discharge my fireman at such a time. But no matter for all this; I am going up to Major Toppleton's house. It he chooses to kick me out, lie may do so." I could not help feeling that my chances of a fair hearing at such a time Avere very small, but I could not have kei:)t away from the centre of the excitement if I had tried. I must know uiy fate, whatever it might be. 800 LIGHTJSING EXPRESS, OR CHAPTER XXVI. THE NEAV STEAMER. OWEVEE, much Tommy Toppleton deserved the fate which had befallen him, I really- pitied him. I am sure that not a single emotion of triumph had a place in my heart. I neither said nor thought that it served him right. I was sorry for him, and my regret was entirely unselfish. The only personal consideration that disturbed me was the reflection that I must in the future be en- tirely banished from the presence of Grace Topple- ton. I had not the impudence, boy of sixteen as I was, to believe that I was in love with her. If such a thought had entered my head, the wide difference between her social position and mine would have driven it out. I was deeply interested in her as a friend. She had been very kind and considerate towards me. THE EIVAL ACADEMIES. 301 She had treated me with respect and regard, and did not seem to think that I was not her equal in the social scale. I never spoke to her, and never even thought of her, except Avith a respect border- ing upon reverence. I was content to stand off at a proper distance and admire her pretty face, her graceful form, and her gentle manners. I thouglit hhe was an angel ; uot merely because she was beautiful in person, but because her pure heart and kind manners seemed to elevate her far above tho low and selfish lives of those around her. By the time I reached the mansion of Major Toppleton, the excitement hud in a measure sub- sided. The bone of Tommy's leg had been set, but he was suffering severe pain. It appeared that the major had jirocured the services of an engineer at Ucayga, who Iiad run the dummy up from that jioint, starting only half an hour behind the Light- ning Express. Arriving at tlie place where the im- ])eriou3 little president hud stopped our train, tho magnate found the conductor and Lewis Ilolgato bearing Tommy towards the nearest house. lie was placed in the dummy and brought home. 302 LIGHTNIXG EXPRESS, OR Of course Lewis and the conductor told their own story, and I was represented as the wickedest fellow in that part of the country. All the mischief had been done by me ; and as Tommy lay writhing in agony, my sins became as mountains in the eyes of his father. Tommy was a saint then, and I was a demon. I went to the side door of the mansion and rans the bell. The servant Avho opened the door be- stowed upon me a look of positive horror. I in- quired for Major Toppleton, and was shown into the library, where I had so often before conferred with the great man. As I was entering the room, Grace crossed the hall, and discovered me. "O, Mr. Wolf! Why did you come here?" ex- claimed she ; " my father is terribly incensed against you." "I have only done what I thought was right, Miss Grace," I replied. " I did not even know that Tommy was hurt, till a few moments ago." "Father says you were the cause of it." " I was not — at least, not intentionally." "I know you were not. Whatever happens, Mr. Wolf, we shall bo friends." TOE ETVAL ACADEMIES. 303 To my astonishraeut slic extended her pretty, white hand, and I took it. It -svas her good by to me. "I know you would not do any wrong, Mr. "Wolf," she continued; "and I wish Tommy was like you." She gently shook my hand, and left the room. "Whatever her flither tliought, she understood the situation williout any explanation. She had hardlv left, the room before her father came in. lie looked ngly and remorseless, as he had never before been to me. " Have you the impudence to come here, after what has happened, Wolf?" said he, with a heavy frown. " I hope you will not consider it impudence, sir. I did not know that Tommy was hurt till a little while ago," I replied, as meekly as the occasion required. "I am very sorry indeed that anything has happened." "Don't be a hypocrite. Wolf ! " " I am not, sir ; I am truly sorry that Tommy was hurt." 304 LTGHTNIXG EXPRESS, OB " You are the cause of all this ; and if you had broken his leg yourself, you would not have been more to blame." "You have always been veiy kind to me, and you cannot understand the matter, or you would not say that." " I understand it very well. I think, after all I have done for you, I had a right to expect some- thing better from you. You insisted upon crossing and vexing Tommy." " He was very unreasonable, and I could not sub- mit any longer. I paid my fare in the cars, and there was no other way for me to get home." " That's enough. You needn't attempt to explain it. Pei'haps Tommy was wrong; I don't say that he was not. But it was not for you to make trouble." «I don't think I made it, sir." "I think you did. No more words. You have abused my good nature. I don't want to see you again. You and your father are both discharged, and the sooner you leave Middleport, the better you will suit me." THE PaVAL ACADEMIES. 305 I afterwards ascertained that Tommy liad insisted, even in the midst of his agony, that my father and I should be immediately discharged. Grace tohl me this when I met her on the lake a few weeks later in the season. She said it to defend her father, who, arbitrary as he was, had some well-defined ideas of justice. I took my cap and left the house, after an attempt to declare that I felt no ill-will towards the major, who, however, would not permit me to finish tlie sentence. The catastrophe had come. The hint tliat the sooner our family left Middleport, the bet- ter it would suit the magnate, seemed to indicate an intention on his part to drive us out of the town. When I reached home, I found my father there. The mandate dismissing him had already been sent to him. We talked the matter over for a time ; and while we both regretted Tommy's mis- fortune, we agreed tliat it would be better for both of us to work for half the wages we liad been receiving, rather tlian be the slaves of the little magnate. For my own part, I felt that I had borne enough 20 306 LIGHTNING EXl'KESS, OK from Tommy. I was willing to be tried on thu facts of the case, for I think no one will say that I ought to have submitted to being put out of the cars, after I had paid my fare, just to gratify the petty malice of the little tyrant. I had done my duty faithfully, even while the president of the Lake Shore Railroad had been willing to sac- rifice the interest of the concern for the sake of ruining me. In the afternoon, when it was time for the train to arrive from Ucayga, I went to the station. The Lightning Express had not appeared, and it did not come till half an hour behind time. In spite of his sufferings. Tommy still felt an interest in the outside Avorld, and insisted that Lewis Holgate should have the locomotive. Ilis father could not deny his request, though he knew' that Lewis was incompetent. The engineer, whom the major had engaged, refused to serve as fireman under a boy, and the steamboat hand was retained in this posi- tion. The trains east and west had waited that day for the Lightning Express, or the passengers would have been compelled to lie over. THE RIVAL ACADEMIES. 307 The next day, Lewis did a little better ; but in the course of the week he was behind time twice ; and once the conductors ou the other lines refused to wait. But Tommy obstinately declined to per- mit his friend to be superseded by the expeiieiicec) engineer who ran the dummy. Lewis declared that it was not his fault that the train was behind time ; but I knew that he was lacking in judgment. He did not understand when to ease off the machine and when to crowd on the steam. lie had no talent or fitness for his occupation. I had made up my mind not to apply to Colonel Wimpleton for any situation. If he wished to em- ]iloy me, and to redeem some of his large promises, lie knew that I was out of a situation, and he could Bend for me. I did not mean to begin by cringing to him. I suppose, after the first impulses of grati- tude subsided, some of the old feeling of malice towards me came back to him. It is very likely that Waddie, who had never forgiven me for de- ranging his plans, during the battle on the Horse Shoe, by recapturing Tommy, had some infiuence with Lis lather. \Vhutever the reason was, I was 808 LIGHTNING EXPKESS, OB not sent for. Father and I worked in the garden, ^v]lero there was enoncrh for both of xis to do. He liad money enough on hand, our johit earnings, to bupport the family f)r some months. We were botli of tlio opinion that it v.-as not prudent to apply to Colonel Winipleton for situations. If he wanted us, he must come for us. While we were thus waitincf for " somethinsf to turn up," the Ucayga, the new Centreport steamer, arrived. She was certainly a magnificent boat, sur- jiassing all the ideas I had ever formed of a floating jialace. I went over to see her, and I could not but realize that she would be a formidable rival of the Lightning Express, even if she did require lialf an hour longer to make the trip. On her passage down the hike, she had made sixteen miles an hour without pressing; but as half her freight and passengers depended upon Ruoara, she was to be allowed an hour and three quarters for the trip, against an hour and a quarter required to make the passage by the Lake Shore Railroad. Flaming posters about the streets of Centreport auuouuced that the Ucayga would leave at quarter THE RIVAL ACADEMIES, 309 past eight, and connect with the trains east and west at the foot of the lake. It all looked very pretty, but the battle was yet to be fought. The competition was for through-passengers. When the boats from Ilitaca reached Centreport twice each day, the question with travellers was to be, wheth- er they would go to Ucayga by the new steamer or by the railroad. The boats from up the lake usually arrived at quarter past eight and quarter past two, allowing fifteen minutes at Centrepoit, and fifteen more to land their passengers at Mid- dleport. If the Ucayga could get oft" on time, she was safe enouG;h on her connections. It was a question of minutes and seconds on which tlie suc- cess of the steamboat enterprise depended. But of the hard-fought battle which ensued, I shall speak in another story — "On Time," Everybody in Centreport and Middleport was ex- cited over the impending contest, fur it was still a battle between the two sides of the lake. Major Tdppleton professed to be entirely confident of the result, and mysteriously hinted at resources for win- ning the race which had not yet been developed. 810 LIGHTNING EXPRESS, OB The TJcayga made her first trip crowded with pas- sengers, wliile the Lightning Express train was com- paratively deserted. Still the major was confident, declaring that "a new broom sweeps clean," but the passengers would soon return to the railroad, especially during the approaching winter, when the steamer was liable to be troubled with ice in the lower part of the lake. But a shadow soon came over the dream of Colonel Wirapleton, who boasted grandiloquently over his success. The up-lake boats began to be regularly ten minutes late ; and one day, in spite of all the crowding done on board of the Ucayga, she missed her connections. Then she did it again, and again, and i^Goj^le would not trust her. Steam- er stock went down. As Major Toj^pleton's hopes rose, Colonel "Wimpleton's fell. It was plain enough now that the major required the Hitaca boats to be ten minutes late. The colonel swore terribly when he realized the nature of the trick. As my connection with the Lightning Express had ceased, it would not be proper for me to re- main any longer under that flag; and I must take THE RIVAL ACADEMIES. 3H leave of the Lake Shore Railroad for the present, to forage in a ne^y field. About the time the Ucayga arrived at Centre- port, Tommy Toppleton was able to leave the house on ciiitches. The only word the major had spoken to me since our interview in his man- sion, was to tell me that I had lamed his son for life. I did not believe this, and it was a great sat- isfaction for me to hear the doctor say that Tom- ray's leg would be as good as ever in a few weeks. I hoped his sufferings would do him good, and do something to modify his arbitrary character. I need hardly say that the rival Academies were still rivals. Neither was satisfied with the result of the battles on the Horse Shoe, and each was thirsting for an opportunity to ovcrwheliu the other. I could not justify myself for giving the details of this miserable warfare, if it were not for contrasting it Avith the glorious peace and frater- nity which grew out of it. Tommy was, perhaps, as unpopular us ever ; but his misfortune, if it did not excite the sympathy of the Toppletonians, i^revented them from manifesting 312 lilGHTNIXG EXPRESS. their feelings in a mutiny, as they intended, at my discharge. I am happy to say that I stood first rate with the students on the Middlcport side, when Tommy and his flithcr had done their worst ; but the mutiny came at last, when Tommy's tyranny could be no longer endured. I was satisfied. I shall always remember with pleasure most of my experience on the Lake Shore Railroad, and espe- cially on the LiGHT^^mG ExruEss. NEW AND ATTRACTIVE PUBLICATIONS OP LEE AND SHEPARD, Publishers, BOSTON, LEE, SHEPAKD, AND DILLINGHAM, New York. OLIVER OPTIC'S NEW BOOKS. MONEY-MAKER; oR. The Victory of the Basilisk. lOrao. Illustraled. $1.50. THE YACHT CLUB; ok, The Toung Boat-Builder. IGmo. Illustrated. $1.50. LITTLE BOBTAIL; or, The Wreck of the Penob- •SCOT. IGmo. Illustrated. $1.50. THE COMING WAVE; or, The ITinDEN Treasltie of IIioii KoCK. IGnio. Illustrated. §1.50. THE YACHT CLUB SERIES. 4 vols. lu neat box. Per vol., $1.50. 1. LITTLE BOBTAIL. 2. THE YACHT CLUB. 3. MONEY-MAKER. 4. THE COMING WAVE. 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