UC-NRLF $B Sm bDh Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/elementarytreatiOOhanurich X AN ELEMENTAET TEEATISE ON THE ? • ■ ' \r^ THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. A TEXT-BOOK FOR COLLEGES. PAUL H. HANUS, M Formerly Professor of Mathematigs in the University of Colorado; NOW Principal of Denver High School, District No. 2 (West Denver). UHV BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY GINN AND COMPANY. 1886. Entered, according to the Act of Congress, in the year M86, by PAUL H: IIAXUS, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. J. 8. Gushing & Co., Pkintkrs, Boston. PEEFAOE. The importance of a knowledge of Determinants to all who extend their reading beyond the elements of mathematics, and the fact that most modern writers employ the determinant notation, have led to the belief that an American work on Determinants might satisfy a growing demand. This is a text-book, and not an exhaustive treatise. Enough is given, however, to enable the student to use the determinant notation with ease, and to enable him to pursue his further reading in the modern higher mathematics with pleasure and profit. The book is written with reference to the wants of the private student as well as to the needs of the class-room. The subject is at first presented with great simplicity. As the stu- dent advances, less attention is given to details. More than half the volume is devoted to applications and special forms, that the reader may get some notion of the power and utility of determinants as instruments of research. Throughout the work care has been taken to show how each new concept has been evolved naturally ; and, whenever it is thought advisable, a special case precedes the general dis- cussion. The work has been written in the far West, where contact with others in the same field was practically impossible. I 167219 iv PREFACE. shall therefore be grateful for any notification of errors that may have escaped detection. My thanks are due to Messrs. J. S. Gushing & Co., of Boston, for great care and patience manifested in the prepara- tion of the plates. Among the works consulted most assistance has been derived from the following. All the works named have been used freely. Matzka. — Grundziige der systematischen Einfiihrung und Begriin- dung der Lehre der Determinanten. Baltzer. — Theorie und Anwendung der Determinanten (Fiinfte Aufiage). Gunther. — Lehrbuch der Deterniinanten-Theorie (Zweite Aufiage). Diekmann. — Einleitung in die Lehre von den Determinanten und ihrer Anwendung auf, etc. Dostor. — Elements de la Theorie des Determinants avec Applica- tions, etc. (Deuxieme edition). Houel. — Cours de Calcul Infinitesimal. Scott. — A Treatise on the Theory of Determinants and their Appli- cations, etc. Burnside and Panton. — The Theory of Equations, with an Intro- duction, etc. Muir. — A Treatise on the Theory of Determinants. I am especially indebted to the last, two works for many examples. PAUL H. HAN US. BouLDBU, Col., May, 1886. co]:^te:n"ts. CHAPTER I. Preliminary Xotioxs and Definitions. AET. PAGE. 1. Discovery of Determinants 1 2-7. Determinants produced by eliminating the unknowns from a system of simultaneous equations . . 2-8 8-10. Values of the unknowns in determinant form . . 8-10 9. Change of sign 9 11. iiTotation 11-12 12-14. Expansions with square notation .... 13 15. Rule for expanding a determinant of the third order . 14 Examples ' 14-16 CHAPTER n. General Properties of Determinants. 16-19. Definition and notation . . . . . . 17-20 20. Corollaries 20 21. Inversions of order 20-21 22. Number of terms in a determinant . . . . 21 23-24. Corollaries; expansions 22-23 25. If the rows in order are made the columns in order, etc. 23 26. Number of positive and negative terms ... 24 27. Interchange of two parallel lines 24 VI " CONTENTS. AUT. PAGE. 28. Two identical parallel lines 25 29. Cyclical permutations . r • 25-26 30. Corollary 26 Examples 27 31. Every element of a line multiplied by the same number 27 32-33. Corollaries 28 34-35. Decomposition of determinant with polynomial ele- ments 28-29 36. Converse of 34 . . . . ' . . . . 30 37. Transformation by addition of parallel lines . . 30-31 38. Minor determinants, or Minors . . ... . 31-32 39. Expansion of determinant as linear function of the elements of one line . . . . . . . 32 40. Coefficient of any element in the expansion of a determinant 33-34 41-44. Corollaries ; expansions 34-36 Examples 3G-40 45. Elements of a line multiplied by first minors of corre- sponding elements of a parallel line . . . 10-41 47. Expansion in zero-axial determinants .... 41-42 48-49. Simplification by taking each consecutive pair of ele- ments in the first row, etc 43-44 Examples . . . . ... . . . 45-46 50-54. The product of two determinants .... 40-53 " Examples 53-56 55. Laplace's Theorem (expansion) 56-57 57. Product of a determinant by one of its minors . . 58-60 58. Rectangular Arrays or Matrices (product of) . . 61-63* 59-62. The Reciprocal or adjugate determinant . . . 63-68 Examples 69-71 63. Special expansions (including Cauchy's Theorem, Example III.) . . . . . . . 71-76 CONTENTS. Yll 64. Solutions of certain determinant equations . 65-66. Differential of a determinant PAGE. 76-78 79-81 CHAPTER III. Applications and Special Forms. 67-70. Solution of a system of simple simultaneous equations 82-86 71-72. If the equations of the system are not indepen- dent 86 73. If mi = m2= '•' =mn-i = 0, and one m as wi« does not 87 74-78. Solution of a system of linear homogeneous equations 87-92 1 i 77. The condition A = for a system of homo- geneous equations 91 79. Condition fulfilled when n equations containing n— 1 unknowns are simultaneous . . . 92-93 80. Solution of a system of simple equations by 79 . 93-94 81. Another application of 79 94 82-83. The Matrix as the result of elimination . . 95-97 84-89. Applications of preceding processes . . . 98-110 90-100. Resultants, or Eliminants 110-126 91. Euler's ]\Iethod of elimination .... 111-112 92. Sylvester's Method . . . . . . 113-114 93. Bezout's Method (Cauchy) 114-118 94-95. Resultant in terms of the roots .... 118-121 96. Properties of Resultant . . . . ' . 121-122 97-100. Applications of Sylvester's Method . . . 122-126 101-102. Discriminant of an equation .... 126-129 103. Resultant of a system of homogeneous equations when n — 1 are linear, and one is of the second degree 129-130 VIU CONTENTS. ART. PAGE. 104—105. Special solutions of simultaneous quadratics . 131-136 106. Solution of the Cubic . . .... 137-138 107-112. Symmetrical determinants, definitions, and some special properties 138-144 113. If X be subtracted from each element of the prin- cipal diagonal of a symmetrical determinant . 144-146 114-118. Orthosymmetric determinants . . . • . 146-150 119-126. Skew determinants and skew symmetrical deter- minants 151-159 127-131. Pfaffians 159-164 132-134. Circi:^lants 164-169 135. Centrosymmetric determinants .... 169-171 136-150. Continuants 171-186 151-163. Alternants 187-201 164-170. TheJacobian ....... 201-209 171. The Hessian 209 172-176. The Wronskian 209-212 177-179. • Linear substitution ; Orthogonal substitution . 213-217 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. CHAPTER I. ' PEELIMINARY NOTIONS AND DEFINITIONS. 1. The first notion of Determinants we owe to Leibnitz, who, in his attempts to simplify the expressions arising in the elimi- .nation of the unknown quantities from a set of linear equations, employed symbols nearlj' identical with our present determinant notation. In a letter dated April 28, 1693, Leibnitz communi- cates his discovery to LTIospital ; and later, in another letter, expresses the conviction that the functions will develop remark- able and very important properties, — a conviction which time- has abundantly verified. Leibnitz, however, never pursued the subject himself, and his discovery lay dormant till the middle of the eighteenth century. In 1750 the celebrated geometer, Gabriel Cramer, rediscovered determinants while working upon the analysis of curves. Dur- ing the course of his investigations, Cramer had to solve sets of linear equations, and naturally encountered the same func- tions that had attracted the attention of Leibnitz.* To Cramer is due the general rule for the solution of n simultaneous linear equations (non-homogeneous), containing as many unknown quantities. This rule was inferred without proof from the form of the values of the unknown quantities obtained in solving sets of two and three equations. ♦ The particular problem which led to Cramer's discovery of deter- minants appears to have been : To pass a curve of the uth order through u'^ 8y . . . any — | given pomts. 2, 2, 2 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. Since the time of Cramer important advances hare been made. The names of many celebrated mathematicians appear in the list of those who aided the evolution of a theory of deter- minants. Prominent among these are Vandermonde and Gauss. From Gauss the name "determinant" instead of "resultant" was adopted by Cauchy. Cauchy and Jacobi are perhaps to be considered as the greatest among those who first developed the subject. The monograph of Jacobi, published in 1841,* established the foundation of a treatise on the theory of determinants ; and his own writings, as well as the works of many eminent mathematicians during the past fifty years, attest the wonderful power of determinants as instruments of mathe- matical investigation, and the fruitfulness of the functions themselves. 2. The most natural way of approaching the theory of deter- minants would be along the line of development. This is accordingly our purpose. Owing to peculiar difficulties attend- ing this mode of procedure, we can however onl}' employ this .method at the outset, and must soon adopt a presentation better suited to the further unfolding of the subject, and free from the peculiar difficulties alluded to. Determinants of the second^ thirds and fourth order. 3. Consider the set of four simultaneous linear equations : — (1) a^x -{- h-^y -\- CiZ -\- d^t — rrii (2) a {(^2^^) = «2^3 — <^3C2, etc. Introducing this notation, set II. becomes ( 1 ) («! 62) y 4- (or-i C2) z + (a-i d^) t= {a^m^) ' (2) {a^h) y + (agCg) z + (ciodg) t= {cum^) . III. (3) {a^h,) y + (otgC^) z + {a^d^) t = (^3^714) * The general definition of a determinant is given in 17, Chap. II. IV. 4 THEORY OF DETEllMINANTS. 5. If we now eliminate y, according to the directions given in 3, we have (1) [("1&2) («2C3)-(«2W (%C,)]2+[(aiW<«2«^3) — (agftg) (aiC^2)]^= («1&2) (^2^3) — {^M («l'^2) (2) t (ag^s) («3C4) - («3&4) («2C3)] 2 + [(a2&3) («3^4) — (a364) {a2dz)~\t = {a^h) {a^m^)— {a^h^) {a^m^) Examining the binomial coefficients of the unknowns, and the absolute terms in set IV, we see at once that they are of the same form; and if we can simplify any one of them and discover the law of formation, we have them all. For this purpose let us expand the coefficient of 2;, putting, for short- ness, this coefficient equal to C. Then, by the definition in 4, G = (ai&2) (ci2Cs) - (a^bs) (a^c,) = (ai^a) (^2^3 — cisGo) — (a^bs) (ttjCa — agCi) = ajj [ (ai 62) C3 + (a2 ^3) ^i] - Cg [ (ai 62) ^3 + («2 ^3) «i] • The last binomial, (aj 62) «3 + (^2 ^3) «1 = («1 ^2 — «2 ^1) % + («2 &3 — «3 ^2) «! - = ^2 («1^3 — «3^) = «2 («1^3) • .-. C = a2 [(ai62) C3 — (aibs) Gi + («2&3) cj = ttg [«! &2 C3 — ttg ^1 C3 — «i &3 C2 + ^3 61 Co + 0^2 ?>3 Cj — Cl^ h^ cj . Here the quantit}' within brackets consists of 2-3 = G terms, ^.e., of as many terms as there are permutations of the sub- scripts 1/2, 3- Three of the terms are positive and as many are negative. The quantity involves the 3^ = 9 quantities a^, ^29 ^35 "H b^-, O3, Cj, C2, C3. No term involves more than one a, or &, or c, but does con- tain all of the subscripts 1, 2, 3? each term containing a different permutation of these numbers. Finally, as before, we notice that those terms in which the subscripts occur in their natural order, or in which there is an even number of inversions * of * In a series of integers which are all different there is said to be an inversion of order when a greater number precedes a less. Thus in 13452 there are three inversions, in 21354 there are two inversions, etc. PRELIMINARY NOTIONS AND DEFINITION^. 5 order, are positive, while those terms are negative in which the number of inversions of order of the subscripts is odd. Such a function is a determinant of the third order. A determinant in which the quantities are those of C is denoted by (rti&aCa). We therefore have C = a2 (%&2C3) . It must be carefully noticed that the equation (tti^gCg) = (a^bo) Cs — (chbs) c^ + {ci^h) Cj = tti^aCs — a^hiC^ — aibsC2 + (Xs^iCa + ci2^sCi — a^b2Ci gives the expansion of a determinant of the third order. Employing the notation just explained, the coefficient of t in (1) is evidently a^^aib^d^), and the absolute term is «2(ai&2W3)« The coefficients and the absolute term of (2) will obviously be a^Xaob^c^), a-^ia^b^d^^ a^ia^b^m^^ in order. Introducing this notation into set IV, and dividing (1) and (2) by tta and a^ respectively, we have ( 1 ) (ai b. C3) ^ + (ai 62 ^^3) ^ = («i h m^) , ;;i ( 2 ) (ttg 63 C4) 2; + (as &3 <^4) t= (a2bs m 6.* If we now eliminate z in the same manner as heretofore, we have = («1&2C3) («2&3W^4) — («2^3C4) («1&2^%) VI. The preceding results naturally imply a simplification and law of formation to be discovered in the coefficient of t and the absolute term of VI. To simplify the coefficient of f, which for shortness we will call (7, as before, we proceed as follows : C = (ai^gCs) ((1263^4) — (<^2&3C4) (0tl&2^3) = (aihcs) [(a2^3) d* — («2M <^3 + («3&4) (^2] - ((hhCi) [(Ctj 62) ^3 - (CLlps) ^2 + («2&3) <^J = {3) 0(2 - (oti&2) «3] - <^4 [(tti^s) ^2 - (^1^2) hi = ^4 [(«1^3 — «3&l) «2 — («1^2 — «2^) ^3] — ^4 [(tti 63 — ttg 61) 62 — (<*! h — a^bi) 63] = 3) ^2 + («2W Cj + («l&3) [(a2^3) C4 — («2WC3+ («3MC2] = {a.p.,) [(a3&4)ci+ (0163)^4] - [(ai&3) («2?>4) - («A) (ot3^4)]e3. Here we notice that the binomial factor of the second term is the same as the binomial factor in the last term of D : hence equation (K) above, is {a^^b^ (<^i&4)« .-. A= {(^ih) [(«1^3)C4- («1&4)C3+ (a3^4)^i]. Substituting the values of D and Di just obtained, in C, we have PRELIMINARY NOTIONS AND DEFINITIONS. 7 O = {a^h) [_{a^h.2C^)d^— {a^h^c,)^.^— \{(hh.?)c^~ («! 64)03 = (^^s) l{.(^ihG^)d^— (a^hc^)d.i-h {chb^Ci)(l2— (aobsC,)d{]. From this value of C the absolute term of VI is obviously ((^kh) l(ctib2C^)mi— (ai 62^)^3+ (^i 63 04)^13— (a2&3C4)mJ. Now the quantit}^ within brackets in C (and in the absolute term) of YI is here seen to be composed of four terms, each of which contains a factor which is a determinant of the third order. We shall presently show that this quantity is a deter- minant of the fourth order ^ and will therefore write, in accord- ance with the notation already exemplified, for determinants of lower orders : {a^h2C^)d^ — {a^b.2C^)ds + («iV4)<^2 — (ct2hcd^i = (<^hhc3d4) • • • (R). Now, 5, («! 62 Cs) = («! h) C3 - («! 63) 6-2 + (a2 63) Ci ; (aib2C^) = (ai 62)04 — (% 64)02 + (^2 64)^1 ; (ciibsc^) = (ai 63)04 - (0^^64)03+ ((1364)01 ; (a2 6304) = («2 63)04— (0^264)03+ (a3 64)02. Expanding the determinants of the second order in the second members of these equations according to 4, and sub- stituting in equation (R) , there results ; (ai6203cZ4) =ai6203d4— a26i03cZ4— a.i6302f^4H- a36i02d4+ a2b^Cid^— a^^^^id^ — aib^c^d^ + a^biCids + a^^c^d^ — a^-^c^d^ — a'^^c-^d^ + ap^^^d^ +(116304(^2— «36i04C^2—«i64C3^2+ a46i03d2H- a^b^pid^— a^b^c^d^ — a2bzC4il^-\-a^h^^di-\-a2b4p^di— a^2f-'.^di— a^b^c^di-^ ajft-^c^di. This expansion contains 4 -S- 2 = 24 terms, involving 4^=16 quantities. Each term contains only one a (coefficient of x) , or 6 (coefficient of ?/) , or (coefficient of z)\, or d (coefficient of t) , and contains all the subscripts ; a different permutation of the subscripts belonging to each term. As before, we find that the number of inversions of order of the subscripts is an even number in the posi^ve terms, and is an odd number in 8 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. the negative terms. Moreover, the number of terms is exactly the number of permutations of the first four natural numbers. Such a function is a determinant of the fourth order, and is accordingly designated by {aih^c^d^. Introducing this nota- tion, and dividing by (aa^s)? equation VI becomes {aih2Czd^t=^ (aibzCsm^), VII. ' It is to be noticed that equation (R) of the present article gives the expansion of a determinant of the fourth order. 7. We have now shown how determinants of the second, third, and fourth orders arise in the solution of simple simul- taneous equations. From the reductions of 6, it is obvious that to continue the present method would very soon imply difficulties in the simplifications practically insurmountable when we attempt to produce determinants of the higher orders. For determinants of the fifth order, the process of reduction would be found very tedious. Hence, to investigate the properties of determinants of the nth order, we are forced to take a new starting-point ; and in Chapter II. we proceed upon a plan somewhat different from that hitherto adopted. Values of the Unknown Quantities. 8. From equation VII, 6, ^ = T-^-v-^rv- Had the equations of set I been so arranged that z should be the last unknown m each equation, we would evidentlv have z = -y — 7—5 — r- ^ ,, (a,d,c,m,) ^ ^ (d,b,c,m ,) (^^^^ds^^) In the same way, y = ^^-^^-j ; x = "p^^^^j- 9. Among the many properties of determinants to be estab- lished, we may here produce the following theorem, which is among the most important of the elementary theorems in the subject : The interchange of two letters, or of two subscripts, the others remaining undisturbed, changes the sign but not the magnitude of a determinant. ^ VALUES or THE UNKNOWN QUANTITIES. 9 1st. For determinants of the second order. (a) The interchange of two letters. {aih.2) =ai62 — ^2^1- In this, if we interchange a and 5, the second member becomes hia^ — b2ai= — (ai&2 — «2^i) •*• (^i<^'2) = — (f^i^a) • (b) The interchange of two subscripts. {a^h^ =ai62 — ^^2^1' If the subscripts are interchanged, the second member becomes a^hx — a-Jy^ = — («i?>2 — «2^i) •*• (^2^1) = — (^^2) • 2d. For determinants of the third order. (a) The interchange of two letters. (tti^aCs) = («i^2)c3— {(^\bz)<^2+ («2^3)<^i- In this, if we inter- change a and &, the proposition is obvious from the first part of the demonstration, (a). We have therefore to show that the proposition holds for b and c. We have, 5, {aib.^ {a^c^) — {a^b^) {axG,^)^ a.{o-ih<^8) - In this expression, interchanging b and c, the first member becomes {a-^c^) (^^s) — {(^'2<^z) (<^hh)' Since a^ remains un- changed, (aiCg&s) = — (r^i^oCs). (b) The interchange of two subscripts. (oi 60 C3) = (tti 62)^3— (^1^3) <^2+ («2 ^3)^1- (I')- If the sub- scripts 2 and 3 are interchanged, the second member becomes {aibs)c2— (ai&2)c3+ («3&2)ci. Since {cisbo) = — («2^3)? 1st, (6) , the second number of (L) becomes — (ai&2)c3+ {aibs)Co— (a.2bs)ci In the same manner it may be shown that the interchange of any other two subscripts in (L) changes the sign of the second \ member, .*. the proposition. 10 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. 3d. For determinants of the fourth order. (a) The interchange of two letters. (aiftgCa^O = {a^hcz)d^— {a^hc^d^-^ {aih^c^d^— (a2&3 of order of the columns, from which the elements composing the term have been chosen. Note. — Each term being composed of n factors, the deter- minant is said to be of the nth order or degree. * 22 et seq. will show that the law of formation given in this definition is the same as that already observed in determinants of the 2d, 3d, and 4th orders (3 to 6 inclusive). t 5, footnote on inversions of order. 18 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS; 18. To expand a b c d ef mn o\ by the definition, we may select any row, as, for instance, the second row, and using each element* of that row in turn, according to the directions given, we shall form all the terms of the determinant. For the first term, then, taking d as the first element, we see that we can take b and o iy, h c -M n for the other factors of a term, and no more, since we have then chosen one element from each row and one from each column, and no two elements are from the same row or column. We now have the term dbo. To form another term containing d, we can evidentlj' take n and c, giving the term dnc^ which as before contains an element from each row and column, and no two elements are from the same row or column. No other terms containing d can be formed. The terms containing e are in the same way eao and mec ; the diagram will sufficiently explain the manner of obtaining these terms. a '1}^ c m i^ The terms containing / are likewise naf and fbm. a 1) ^ m n 6 To fix the signs of these terms, we will write under each term the numbers giving the rows and the numbers giving the * There is a difference in the nomenclature. What we have called elements some authors call constituents, and an element is a term. GENEKAL PllOPERTIES OF DETERMINANTS. 19 columns from which the elements have been taken, and opposite eacli series the number of inversions. Thus : dho dnc eao mec naf fhm Rows 213-1 231-2 213-1 321-3 312-2 213-1 Columns 123-0 123-0 213-1 123-0 213-1 321-3 The sum of the inversions of order in rows and columns of the first term is unity; .-. (— 1)^= — 1, and dho is negative. In dnc the sum of inversions of order in rows and columns is 2 ; .-.(—1)^=1, and dnc is positive. Similarly for the other terms. Affecting the terms with their proper signs, a h c d e f m n o Scholium. - dho + dnc -f eao — mec — naf -\- fhm. This illustration is inserted only to give the reader a clear idea of the meaning of the definition, and not '|*> because we really employ the definition in the practical expan- sion of determinants. In fact, the great beauty of the deter- minant notation is that we are able to conduct most of our investigations with the help of determinants without requiring the expansions at all. In case it becomes necessary to expand a determinant, we have several excellent methods to be given later. One method for the expansion of a determinant of the third order has been given already (15) . 19. In accordance with the notation already exemplified in Chapter I., a determinant of the nth order is written tti hi Ci ... li O2 0-2 C2 ... I2 a^ hs C3 ... Is <.ln\, or to a„ 6« c„ ... l„ This form is shortened to (ajdaCa ... /„) or \a1h2C3 2 ± cti&aCg ..*. l^. In each of these shortened forms those ele- ments occur which occupy the principal diagonal* in the square arrangement. The form S ± ai^a^s ... ?„ is suggestive of the manner in which the function is formed. The 5 ± stands for * 11. 20 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. the sum of all the terms that can be formed from the pnncipal term b}' permuting the subscripts and prefixing the proper sign to each. (23.) Another and very convenient notation is obtained by employ- ing a single letter affected with two subscripts ; the first sub- script giving the row, and the second subscript the column, in which the element occurs. Thus : ail ^12 ^% ••• %» OE'21 tl22 <^23 ••• ^2w a^i a^2 <^33 ••• <^3» This form may, like the first, be shortened to | «ii «22 ••• ct„„|, (ciii a22 ^33 • • • ^nn) , or 2 ± «!! «22 «33 • • • «„»!• It may also be still further abbreviated to | ai^ | . A modification of this notation, with the two subscripts, consists in omitting the letter alt^j gether, and writing the determinant thus : (1,1) (1,2) (1,3) ... (l,n) (^2,1) (2,2) (2,3) ... (2,n) (3,1) (3,2) (3,3) ... (3,71) (n,l) (n,2) (n,3) or, finally, /I 2 3 ,. (n,n) or 11 12 13 . . In 21 22 23 . . 2n 31 32 33 . . 3 71 nl n2 7i3 . .. 7171 ', /I 2 3 ... 7iY 1,1 2 3 ... n) These last three forms are called the iimbral notation. 20. The following corollaries flow from the definition in 17. They are obvious upon a moment's reflection. Cor. I. — The principal term is always positive. Cor. II. — If each element of a row or of a column is zero, the determinant vanishes. ^^ General Properties. 21. Theorem. — If in a series of integers tvhicJi are aJI different^ any two are interchanged^ the others remaining undis- turbed, the number of inversions of order is thereby increased or diminished by an odd number* GENERAL PROPERTIES OF DETERMINANTS. 21 Let the series of integers be Ae Bf (7, in wliich A is used to denote the series ay/c ... preceding e, B denotes the series hgl ... between e and /, and G the series following f. In the first place, it is evident that if any two adjacent integers are interchanged, the number of inversions of order is thereby increased or diminished by unity. For let vm be any two adjacent integers in a series. ^If we write mv, we introduce one inversion of order if m >?;. Or, if m • ... n = n\ The simplest wa}' to form the terms of a determinant accord- ing to the definition, is to choose the elements from the columns in order ; that is, the first element of a term from the first column, the second element from the second column, etc. Choosing the elements in this wa}', we may take the first ele- ment of a term from the first column and third row, say, the next element from the second column and any row except the thirds the next element from the third column and any row except those already selected, and so on, until all the columns and rows have been drawn upon. The numbers of the rows from which the elements are chosen will constitute a permu- tation of the numbers 1, 2, 3, ... n, and at is obvious that we can therefore select the elements to form a term in as" 22 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. many different ways as there are permutations of the first n numbers, that is n ! There are accordingly n ! different terms. 23. Cor. I. — The terms of a detenninant | aidgCg ... ?„ I may all be obtained by keeping the letters in alphabetical order (^.e., choosing the elements for each term from the columns in order), making all the possible permutations of the subscripts, and prefixing the sign + or — to each permutation, according as the number of inversions of order is even or odd. Since the expansion of a determinant in accordance with the definition would also be obtained by keeping the rows in order, and choosing the elements from the columns in all possible ways. all the terms of | ai 62C3 ... Z„ | can be formed by permuting the letters, keeping the subscripts in order, and prefixing the sign + or — to each permutation, according as the number of in- versions of the letters is even or odd. 24. Cor. II. — Similarly, the terms of | a-^^ \ can be formed by making all the jjossible permutations of the first set of sub- scripts and keeping the second set in order ; or the terms may be obtained by making all the possible permutations of the second set and leavinsr the first set in order. Illustrations : To expand , we may write the permu- ctj hi Ci (^2 ^2 ^2 % O3 C3 tations of the subscripts in a column, and indicate the number of inversions of order in each by a figure placed at the right ; or we may write the permutations of the letters in the same way. Thus : 1 2 3 ... ah c ... 1 3 2 ... 1 ach ...I 3 1 2 ... 2 6 a c ... 1 3 2 1 ... 3 5 ca ... 2 2 3 1 ... 2 ca 6 ... 2 2 1 3 ... 1 c & a ... 3 The two expansions are accordingly a^hoC^s — ai&gCo + ciz^iCi — ct^hoCi + aa^^aCi — cTo^iPsj GENERAL PROPERTIES OF DETERMINANTS. 23 To expand |aiia22«33| according to Cor. II, we have simply to write the elements for each term with one set of subscripts in order ; thus, ai(X2<^35 %<^2«3^ «l«2%1 aia2%1 ftl<^2«35 «1«2<^3) and then for every term, according as we choose from columns or rows in order, write one permutation of the numbers 1, 2, 3, before or after the subscripts already written, obtaining ClllClooCtsS — ^'^11^32^^23 "T" ^31^2^23 — ^31^22^13 "T" ^21^%2^''13 <^21^12^33 or %1^22^'33 — %lC'^23^32 — <^12<^21^33 ~\~ ^n<^23%l i ^13^% ^32 ^13^^22 '^Sl* 25. Theorem. — In any determinant, if the rows in order are made the columns in order, the determinant is unchanged. The theorem is an obvious consequence of 23 and 24. The following proof is based directly upon the definition. Consider the determinants A and A', which differ only by making the rows of the one the columns of the other. Every term of A contains an element from each row and column of A ; hence it contains an element from each column and row of A', and is therefore, disregarding the sign, also a term of A'. Similarly, ever}^ term of A' must be a term of A. We have now to show that the signs of corresponding terms are alike. Let the num- bers of the rows and columns for a term of A be a? y-i P-) Ti 0-9 ••• for the rows ; r, t, a, s, 771, ... for the columns. Then, by hypothesis, the numbers of the rows and columns of the corresponding term from A' will be r, t, a, s, m, ... for the rows ; «5 y? i^? T-i ^? ••• for the columns. The two terms obviously have the same sign. Hence the proposition. Illustrations : a^i ai2 cii3 ^14 ^21 ^22 ^23 ^24 %1 ^32 ^33 <^34 a^i €1^2 ^43 ^'44 «U «21 «31.<*41 <^12 ^22 %2 ^'42 ai3 a2s a^g a^ ^14 <^^24 <^34 ^44 (Xi bi Ci di 2 ^2 2 *^ % ^3 ^3 ^4 a^ 64 C4 di cfci tta as a4 bi 62 i>3 h Ci C2 C3 C4 di do ds d^ 24 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. 26. Theorem. — In any determinant the number of positive terms equals the 7iumher of negative terms. - By 23 all the terms of a determinant can be formed by keep- ing the letters in order, and making all the possible permuta- tions of the subscripts (or 24, case of the double subscripts, by keeping one set in order and permuting the other set) . AVe n\ n\ have to show, therefore, that -^ permutations are even* and -^ are odd.* Let x and y be the number of even and odd per- mutations respectively; then x-\-y = n\ If we interchange any two subscripts in each of the aj even permutations and in each of the y odd permutations, the even permutations become odd and the odd even. Since by the interchange of two sub- scripts we could only reproduce permutations all different from each other, and already found in the original set of permuta- tions, it follows that x = y. 27. Theorem. — If two parallel lines (rows or columns) of a determinant are interchanged^ the sign of the determinant is changed, but its numerical value is unchanged. Let A be the given determinant and A' the same determinant after the A:th and rth rows have been interchanged. Then -A= A'. Let J^ = ± Adj^Bm^C be a term of A, in which A, B, and C denote the product of elements from all the rows and columns except the cZth column and A;th row, and the mill column and rth row. Then T (disregarding the sign) is also a term of A', for it contains an element from each row and column of A'. Now T, regarded as a term of A', contains exactly the same inversions of the columns as it does when regarded as a term of A ; but the number of inversions in T, as to rows, when considered as a term of A', is an odd number, more or less, than when considered as a term of A. For, in writing the numbers of the rows, to determine the inversions, we write * This language, of course, signifies permutations in wliicli the number of inversions of order is even or odd respectively. GENERAL PIIOPEKTIES OF DETERMINANTS. 25 them just as we would for A, except that Aj and r will have changed places (dj, being found in the rth row, and m^ in the Tcih. row of A') . Thus every term of A is found with the oppo- site sign in A', .•. — A = A'. By 25 the proposition must be equally true for an interchange of two columns. Illustrations ttj hi Ci ao 69 Co «l ^1 Ci c?i 02 &2 Co d2 «3 ^3 C3 (k a^ 64 C4 ^4 — [«! 62 C3 + ^2 63 Ci + % ^1 Co f^lXX — ttg ^2 Ci — tto 61 Co — a^ 63 Co] =( 7 5 ai bi Ci f7i ^2 &2 ^2 c^_> a4 64 C4 CZ4 % ^3 ^3 ^^3 ttj bi Ci cli «3 ^3 C3 2C4di). 28. Cor. — If two parallel lines of a determinant are iden- tical, the determinant A^anishes. For, by the proposition, if the two identical rows or columns are interchanged, the sign of the determinant is changed. But the interchange of two identical lines cannot affect the deter- minant. Therefore A= -A, 2A = 0, or A = 0. Illustrations a b*c = aec^ def a b^^ «! Oj c a.2 b.2 Co c?2 ag 60 C2 c?2 •v 0-4 64 c ,^4 ai a.2 a^ «4 h h h h Ci C2 C2 C4 ^1 d^d^ C^4 aec — dbc — a6/= 0. 0. (Ctj 60 Co C?4) = 0. tti 62 «3 C?4 I = 0. 29. If in a series of integers, I /, a, d, c, Z, m, w. 26 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. the first is passed over all the others in succession to become the last, the others remaining undisturbed, thus, a, d, c, Z, m, n, /, the numbers are said to have been cyclically interchanged. It is obvious that a cyclical permutation of n given numbers can always be effected by n — 1 interchanges of two adjacent W numbers. Accordingly, a permutation containing an odd or {^ even number of inversions still contains, after a cyclical inter- ^ change, an odd or even number of inversions if n is odd ; if n is even, however, a pepoiitation containing an_o_dd or even number of inversions will, after a cyclical interchange, contain an even or odd number of inversions respectively. From a given permutation of n integers any other permuta- tion can be obtained by cyclical interchanges. Thus, from faclcegb we get c a gfd b e as follows : — cfadegb c afd e g b c a gfd e b c a g fd b e The groups in which the cyclical interchanges take place are, of course, fade, fa, fdeg, /, d, eb. 30. The previous article (or 27) establishes the following theorem : Theorem. — If in a determinant A any row or column be passed over k rows or columns in succession, and the resulting determinant be denoted by A', then A=(-1)'=A'. Illustrations : ^iViZiti = ^3 Vs ^3 ^3 = ^3 h 2/3 2=3 = — x^ ?i 2/1 z, x^y^z^h XlVlZih iCi fi yi Zi X2 /a y-i Z2 aJ3 2/3 »3 ^3 X2y2%2t2 X2 h 2/2 22 3^4^4 2/4^4 x,y,z,t. x^y^z^t^ x^ U 2/4 z^ X'ihy3^3 ^0 2/l V2lVs\= — \ Xi ^2 VsWo\ = —\ViX2 2/3 ^^0 | = 1 «1 2/2 f^3%\' GENERAL PKOPEKTIES OF DETERMINANTS. 27 EXAMPLES. 1. The student who has not done the examples at the end of the first chapter may attend to them before proceeding to the following. 2. What terms of | aib2G^di \ contain ftgf^s? . 3. Write the terms of (a^i 2/2 ^3 2:4 Q that contain ^1 2/4 w^s. 4. Show that in a determinant of the nth order only two terms can have (n — 2) elements in common, and that these terms have opposite signs. 5. What is the sign-factor of the term containing the ele- ments in the secondary diagonal of a determinant of the nth order ? 6. Show that the sign of a term is independent of the arrangement of the elements composing it. 7. Show that the sign of a determinant is not changed by an}^ interchanges of rows and columns that leave the same elements in the principal diagonal, whatever the final arrange- ment of the elements in this diagonal. Syg. If a^p ayy a^a • • • ot-m be the final arrangement sought, a^p can be brought into the first place by 2 (^ — 1 ) interchanges of two rows and columns, etc. 8. A corollary from 30 is : Any element (X,;^ can be trans- ferred to the first place b}' making the ith row and A;th column the first row and column, and then multiplying the determinant by (-1)*+*. 31. Theorem. — If every element of any line (row or column) \y is multiplied by any number, the determinant is multiplied by that number. Since every term of the determinant contains one element, and only one, from the line mentioned in the theorem, the truth of the proposition is evident. 28 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. Illustrations a^r hyV CiT = r ai 61 Ci = «! ftjr Ci = r2 «>,, ^ &1C1 ^2 h C2 a2 h C2 (12 &2^ ^2 Clg 63 Cg a-g 6g Cg dg 63^ Cg <^'2 , yhC-I «3 , 7 h c. A = 6c a (T ca h b^ ah c c^ then a&cA = abc a^ a? abc h^ b^ abc & 2 ^2 ^^2 • »n K «n <^n^- «n K K dn . . L «n ^n ^« dn . .. I, :t4 1 «l C2 dgj = Ci I a2 63 (^4 1 — C2 1 ai &3 ^4 1 4-C3|ai &2 1?4 1 — C4 | «i ^2 ^3 1 = - «4| ^ C2 (^3 I +^4 1 % C2 C?3 I -C4|ai hi ^3 | -f-Cf4| tti &2 C3I GENERAL PROPERTIES OF DETERMINANTS. 35 42. 41 obviously gives a ready way of expanding any deter- minant.* For we may express the given determinant in terms of the elements of any line and their principal minors ; these minors will be determinants of the (n — 1 ) th order. By a second application of 41, each of the minors in the first expan- sion ma^' be expressed in terms of the elements of any line and their principal minors, which minors will be of the (?i — 2)th order. So by successive application of 41, an}' determinant may be expressed in terms of determinants of the second order ; and these latter, being binomials, can be at once written out. Thus : 1 2 3 = 13 4 -2 2 3+3 2 3 2 3 4 4 5 4 5 3 4 3 4 5 1(15-16) -2(10-12) +3(8-9) =0. \aib2Csd^\^=ai\b2Csd^\—a2\biCsdi\-^as\biC2di\—a^\biC2ds\ = ai[b2\csd^\-b^\c2d^\+bi\c2ds\2-a2lbi\Csd^\-b^\cidi\-\-bi\cids\2 +asibi\c2di\—b2\cid^\-\-b^\cid2\']—a^lb^\c2ds\—b2\cid-^\-\-b.i\cid2\^ = aiboC^d^ — aj 62^4^3 — «i 6302(^4 + ai 6304^2 + aibiC2ds — a^b^c^di — a2 &i C3 C?4 + (^2 ^1 C4 c?3 + -\-a^biC2d^ — a.;ib^G^d2 — — a^b^Cid^ + 0146103^2 + aib2Cid^ — a^biC^d^ — a^b^Cid2 + aJy^Cidi 43. As another corollary from 40, it is evident that if all the elements of any row of a determinant except one are zeros, the determinant equals this element into its corresponding minor, taken with the proper sign. Thus, if the element is in the ith row and A:th column, i.e., a,.;^, then A = ( — l)'+*a,4Aa,.^. Illustrations : 0-2 1 1 1 5 643 = -2 6 4 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 = -2 2-0 3 111 3 = 2 -2 -3 1 1 * Compare 15. t Compare 6. 36 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. The student may establish the following : «! h c,d. h c,d. CsCh d. ctiboCgd^. di Ca ^2 &3 Cg d^ . — ^^b^c^d^ a^hc^di. 44. From the last two examples it appears that if all the elements on one side of either diagonal are zeros, the determinant reduces to a single term, viz., the term composed of the elements in the diagonal which contains no zero elements. 2 1 - -4 -3 6 5- 7 8 9 = 2 1 1 2 3 3 5 7 8 9 • Show that a . /3 J' (3' 'I" = 1 al3y EXAMPLES. 1. Show that the following determinant vanishes : 2. 1 1 1 a' (By /S' ya y' a/B a"fty /S'V" y"^^ This can be readily established by multiplying the columns by (Sy, ya, a^, respectively, and then dividing the first row by aySy. A similar reduction can he effected, in general, tchenever it is desired to reduce a determinant to one in which the elements of one line are units. 4. Find the expansion of A 4 2 5 10 116 3 73 5 025 8 We notice that 20 is the L.C.M. of the elements in the first row; hence, multiplying the columns in order by 5, 10, 4, 2, there results A = 1 5.10.4-2 20 20 20 20 5 10 24 6 — 35 30 10 20 20 16 1 1 1 11 5 10 24 6 1 7 6 2 5 5 4 GENERAL PEOPERTIES OF DETERMINANTS. 37 / Now, subtracting four times the first row from the fourth row, two times ,the first row from the third row, and six times the first row from the second row, the last determinant becomes 1 1 1 1 _ -1 4 18 . 1 71 -14 18 1 4 18 5 4 -2 -3 6 -2 5 4 -2 -4 1 1 1 4 1 1 = —6 71 — 7 = -6 64 -7 =-3 -1 1 1 5. also (Xj (X2 (X3 61 &2 &3 C.i C2 C3 1 a a' IIS 13' 1 1 1 1 aia20 C2 C3 ^3 * < ^2 (Xs &i «! 0-3 62 ^1 Cf' 1 1 1 ttg 62 Cj a2 ^3 ^1 1 asbiC2 a2^C3 2&3 2C3 = (/3-7) (y-a) (a-;8) A vanishes if a = /S, or j8 = y, or a = y ; hence a — ^, /? — y, and a — y must be f aotors of A. Now the product of the three differences is a function of the third degree in a, ^, y ; so is A ; hence the product of the three differences can differ from A only by a constant factor. Comparing the term j3y^ (the principal term), we see the factor mentioned is + 1. 7. Show that 1111 =_(^_^)(,_8)(^_„)(^_S)(,_^)(^_8). a /3 y 8 a' /32 y2 §2 a^ ^3 ^3 33 Notice that Examples 6 and 7 give in determinant form the product of the differences of the roots of an equation whose roots are a, ^, y, ... 8. Expand 8 7 2 20 ; also 3 1 4 7 5 11 8 10 6 1 a -a 1 (S -y 7 1 38 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. Expand the first determinant in terms of the elements of the third row and their principal minors, since two of these elements are zero ; then observe that two elements in a row of each of the resulting determinants are unity ; hence, each determinant can be readily reduced to one of the next lower order by 35 and 42. «^ >> + : V d^ + b^e^ + c'f-2 bcefr- 2 cafd - 2 abde. c d ; also d c a b b -a P y, y' -P' 1 a' a' 1 1 o -a 1 -y P 11. Establish the following identity, and express either determinant as the product of four linear factors : X y z X z y y z X z y X 111 = 1 Oz'f 1 z'O x" 1 y^z'O 12. Simplify 13. Show that ai-\-hi + ki a2 + ?h-hh cis-^h + h 1 Ci-j-Jh-\-h C2-{-hs-\-h Cs-hh-{-h 1 1 1 10 X y-^z + t y z-\-t-{-x z t + x-^y t x-\-y-{-z x-j-y z + t y-\-z t + x z-{-t x + y t + x y-\-z = 0. 14. Express as a single determinant: (1) \a^b^Cs\-^\a2b^c,\-\a^biC,\. (2) I Qq 62 Cs I — I ao 63 Cs I — I ai 63 Cj I + 1 tti 62 C5I . 15. (Xi+aa+tta (i2-\-^h-\-(^A «3+«4H-«i a4+^i+«2 6i+?>2+?>3 b2+h+b^ ^3+^+^ 64+^+^2 Cl+C2-f-C3 C24-C3+C4 C34-C4+C1 C4+C14-C2 d^-\-d2 + d^ C?2 + <^3 + <^4 C^3 + ^44-f?l C?4-f(Zi + d2 = 3 1 ciibiC^d^ |. GENERAL PROPERTIES OF DETERMINANTS. 39 16. 17. sin^^ 6sin^ 1 cos^ csin^ cos^ 1 cv'-{h^+c'-2bGGo^A). a+h-\-nG (n — l)a {n — \)h (n — l)c h-\-c-\-na (ti— 1)6 (w — l)c (n— l)a c-\-a-\-nh 18. {a+hy d" (? =2abc(a-{-b-hcy. a' {b-^cy a' b' b^ ' {c^ay 19. What is the coefficient of ^34 in |ai5 1? 20. From the first five rows of {dib^c^d^e^fQ {/y/ig] write all the possible minors that can be formed, and their complemen- taries. How many minors, each a determinant of the hth. order, can be formed from any k rows of | ai„ | ? 21. If each of the elements of any line is the sum of the cor- responding elements of two or more parallel lines, multiplied respectively by constant factors, the determinant vanishes. 22. Show that tti 61 Ci = 10 = «i h Ci 2/1 = «1 61 Ci Ui Vi . «2 \ ^2 Xi «! 61 Ci ^2 h C2 2/2 a.2 &2 ^'2 ^^2 '^2 «3 ^3 C3 072 ^2 ^2 ^2 «3 h C3 2/3 ttg ?>3 C3 W3 -^3 x^ as h C3 1 1 V4 1 From this example it appears that any determinant may be expressed as a determinant of higher order by tvriting a zero above every column, prefixing a 1 to the row of zeros thus formed, and filling in the new column having 1 at the top with any n finite quantities. ,K 23. If in any determinant each element of the first row is unity, and if each element of every other row is the sum of the elements above and to the left of it in the preceding row, commencing with the element directly above, the determinant equals 1. 40 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. 24. Any determinant of order w, in which one element is zero, is equal to the product of two factors, one oC which is a determinant of the nth order, in which every other element of the row and column containing the zero is unity. 25. If in any determinant the first element is zero, and if each of the remaining elements in the first row and first column is unity, the determinant is unchanged when each element of the minor corresponding to the zero element is increased or diminished by the same quantity. 26. A determinant of the nth. order is expressible as the sum of n determinants, the first of which is obtained by chang- ing into zero each element of any line except the first element, the second by changing into zero the elements of the same line except the second element, and so on. 27. If in two determinants A, A' of the nth order, the first row of A is the last row of A', the second row of A the (n — l)th row of A', the third row of A the (n— 2)th row of A', and so on then A=(-l) n (n-1) 2 A'. 28. If in two determinants A, A' of the nth order, the first row of A when reversed is the last row of A', the second row of A when reversed is the (n—l)th row of A', the third row of A when reversed is the (w — 2)th row of A', etc. ; then A = A'. 45. Theokem. — If the elements of any line in a determinant are respectively multiplied by the complementary minors taken alternately plus and minus {i.e., the co-factors) of the correspond- ing elements of any parallel line, the sum of the products is zero. Consider the two determinants, A oti bi Ci 02 &2 C2 ... I, ... k and A' = ai bi Ci ... ^2 Z>2 C2 ... O'lc b„ Cj, ... Ifi a, 6, c, ... Ik % K % ... Ip «A h Ck ••• ''k ttn K C„ ... t^ CtnKCn ... "rt GENERAL PROPERTIES OF DETERMINANTS. 41 where A' differs from A only in having the Jcth and pth rows identical. Employing the notation of 39, and expanding in terms of the elements of the pth row, Comparing these two expansions, we observe that the second may be obtained from the first by substituting for the elements of the pth. row of A the elements of the Zcth row ; that is to say, if the elements of the kth row of A are multiplied by the co-factors of the corresponding elements of the pth row, the result is A' ; since A' = 0, the proposition is established. Illustrations : If in (aib2Cs) = ai (b2C.]) — a2 (biC^) -{- a^ (biC2) we multiply the elements of the second column respectively by the com- plementary minors of «!, ag, as, there results &i (&2C3 — bsC2) — 62 (^1^3 — &3C1) + &3 (^1^2 — &2C1) = 0. Let the student prove the proposition, using a determinant of the fourth order. 46. A determinant is said to be zero-axial if each element of the principal diagonal is zero. Thus the following are zero- axial determinants : \ Ci » 61 Ci c?i a2 C2 (X2 C2 C?2 as h 04 ^4 C4 47. Theorem. — Any determinant may be decomposed into a sum of zero-axial determinants : the first of these is obtained by substituting zero for each element of the principal diagonal of the given determinant ; the next ?i, by miiltiplying each element of the principal diagonal by its complementary minor made zero- n axial; the next -(71— 1), by multiplying each product of pairs of elements of the principal diagonal by its complementary minor made zero-axial^ and so on. 42 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. In A^"' = \a1b2C3... l,,\ change the elements of the principal denote the resulting determi- h diagonal into zeros, and let aJ" nant. Whence, bi Ci Ar^ a^ ttg bs b^ c„ ... Let aJ"""^^ denote the minor of Aq"^ obtained by suppressing any one row of Aq" ; Aq"" denote the minor obtained by sup-- pressing any two rows of Aq'^ ; and, in general, let Aq*'"'^ denote the minor obtained by suppressing any i rows of Ao"\ Also let C2 denote any product of the elements of the principal diagonal of A^"^ taken 2 and 2 ; Cg any product of those elements taken 3 and 3 ; and, in general, (7, any product of the elements of the principal diagonal of A^**^ taken i and i. Now, Aq** evidently contains all those terms of A^*"^ which involve no element from the principal diagonal. CiAo"~ must be one of those terms of the series which involve only a single element from the principal diagonal of A^**^ ; consequently :S Cj Ao**"^^ will be the sum of all the terms that contain only one element from the principal diagonal of A^''^ Similarly, 1 = Ar + :s o, Ar''+ 2 c, Ar""+ :s c.a^o (n-3) + ...+2C,A (n-i) It is to be noticed that Aq^' = ; i.e., there is a break in the series, — there being no term containing only 7i — l of the elements in the principal diagonal. Illustration «i 2/1 2^1 ^2 2/2 ^2 ^3 2/3 ^3 2/1 ^1 X2 Z2 ^3 2/3 + Xi Z2 2/3 +2/2 1 % + z, 2/i|+«i2^2^3- X2O I GENERAL PROPERTIES OF DETERMINANTS. 43 48. Theorem. — If each consecutive pair of elements in the first row of a determinant A is taken with each pair of corresponding elements of the other consecutive rows to form determinants of the second degree^ and if these determinants of the second degree are used in order as the elements of a new determinant A', then A equals A' divided by the product of all the elements except the first ayid last in the first row of A. We are to show that 1 ai 6i Ci ttg &2 ^2 «3 ^3 C3 ... ri Zi ... r2 k ... 7*3 k ttn K Cn ... r. In h^c^d^...r^ ai b, aa &2 62 C2. ... ri Zi ^2 Z2 «3 h &1 Ci ^3 C3 ... ^3/3 ai 61 &1 Ci ... Tn In calling the first determinant A, and the second A'. Multiplying the first column of A by — 61, and the second column by %, and adding, there results -6iA = a^ bi -j- cii 62 a^bi + a^b^ Ci ... C2 ... Now, multiplying the second column by — Ci, and the third column by &i, and adding, we have 61C1A a2bi + aib2 — &2Ci + &iC2 a^bi-^a^bs —63^1 + ^1^3 ^3 h —a^bi-\-a^bn -b^c^ + b^c^ c^...r^ l„ Proceeding in a similar manner, we have, after (n—l) transformations, {-ir-'b,c,d,...kA ... Zi — a2bi + aib2 —b2Ci-\-biC2 — CgcZi + 01^3 ••• —^2^1 + ^1^2 k — a^bi-haibs — ^s^i + ^Cg — Cgdj H-CicZg... — rgZi + riZg Z3 -a„6i+ai6„ -6„Ci-f&iC„ -c^di+CicZ„... -r„Zi + riZ„ Z« 44 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. Now, applying 43, and dividing by ( — l)**~^6iCicZi ... ^i, we have ^^ |«i &2I l&i C2 l«i &3I 1^1 C3 7i ^3 -f- 6iCicZi...ri,^ «! &n| 1^1 c„| ... |ri Z, which establishes the x>roposition. 49. Since by the preceding proposition any determinant of the njih order may be reduced to one of the (n— l)th order, we have another means of simplifying any given determinant. The proposition is especially advantageous in the reduction of determinants whose elements are given numbers. Thus : A = 12 3 4 _1 3 2 14 6 13 4 5 5 4 3 2 -4 -4 8 = -4 -1 -1 2 1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 -6 -6 -6 1 1 1 24. Here we can mentally reduce the determinants of the second order obtained by combining the first pair of elements of the first row with the corresponding elements of the other rows, and obtain the elements of the first column of the new deter- minant, thus : lx2-3x2 = -4; 1x3-1x2 = 1; 1x4 — 5x2 = — 6. For the elements of the second column we have similarly : 2x1-2x3= — 4; 2x4-3x3 = — 1; 2x3 — 4x3 = — 6; and so on. Let the student apply the proposition to show that 1 1 1 \-\-x 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 +2/ 1 1 1+^ ^xyz', also 10 4 3 7 17 8 8 20 13 6 1 17 = 124. Also apply the proposition to show that 5 11 8 7 2 3 1 4 8 1 20 7 6 = 2188. EXAMPLES. 45 MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. 1. Find the value of 2 4 3 1 4 3 -4 2-3 2 -1 2 5_1 6 2-1 5 1 11-2 -2-2 7_3_5 1 4 2 3 12-123 1 also of 12 22 14 17 16-4 7 1 - 10-3 -2 3 - 7 12 8 9 11 2 4 -8 24 6 6 3 20 -2 -2 11 1 4 10 15 8 6 9 22 2. Expand the following: X ... a„ -1 a; ic^ 3^3... a;"-ia„_i 0-1 ... a„_2 -1 ... a„_3 1 ai 62 ... ^2 — ^1 ^3 ... ttg — &2 64... rx4 -63... ... a, ... -1 ao a„ 0...- a„+i ... 1 K+i 3. Show that 1 aa; + /^2/ + 9^2 10 7iaj4- 62/ +/2= 1 gra; -f /y 4- C2; 1 ?a;4-m2/ + w2; a; 2/ 2; 1 h 1 X 1 y 1 z ax -^ hy -\- gz -{- 1 hx -\-by -\-fz + m gx + fy + cz + n k 4. Write the complementaries of the following minors of |ao 61 02^3 64/5]: 10264!; Ico/sl; I Co 6^4 62!; 1 61 63^4 1; [d^esfi] 5. What are the complementaries of |ai2 (Xssl and | ai2 ass asg], in | aoi ai2 ass «34 «45 ^sel? 6. Show that 1 1 1 1+a 1 a+1 1 &H-1 6+a 1 c+1 c+a 1 1+6 a + 6 c + 6 1 1+c a-\-c 6+c = 23 1+a 1 1 1 1+6 1 1 1 1+c 46 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. 7. Prove that \ !^^/^y/^SvyS' What is the relation of 41 to the present theorem? . -' * 56. It will be interesting to note what results, if, instead of multiplying the minors of the rth degree formed from r chosen lines by their complementaries, as in the last article, we mul- tiply every such minor by the complementary of a corresponding minor formed from r lines different from those first chosen. By the preceding article jai 6203^465! = !ai62l !c3d4e5! — !ai63l \c2d^e^\ + !ai64! \c2dse5\ — \aM \c2d.^ei\ + ka 63! !cid4e5! — |a264! 101^365! + |a265l 101^364! -I- |0364l|cirZ2e5l — Ia365l !cid!2e4! + !«46^ IcidzS^l. Now, if in the above we write c for 6, it is evident that the determinant on the left vanishes, and hence the second mem- ber vanishes ; but by this substitution we multiply the minors formed from the ^?'s^ and third columns of I a^ 62 03^/465 1 by the complementaries of the corresponding minors formed from the Jirst and second columns. It is obvious that the truth here exemplified holds in general. Moreover, it includes the special case of 45. 68 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. In symbols, the expansion of a determinant by 55 is expressed by writing A = :S|ap6J Aflp,6^, where the chosen columns are two in number, or A=:Slap&gCj Aaj„6j,c„ where the chosen columns are three in number ; and so on. Employing the notation of double subscripts, we have, in general, 57. Theorem. — The product of a determinant A = I ai„| , and any one of its minors M, of order m, is a determinant A' of order n -\- m. A' is expressible as the sum of pi'oducts of pairs of minors of ^; the first factor of each product is a minor of A, formed from r chosen rows containing J/, and the second factor is that minor of A containing the complementary of the first factor and the minor M. The sign of each product is determined as in 55. Let the chosen rows referred to in the statement of the theorem be the first r ; then, by 51, we have at once A' = «11 %2 .-.^l*-! «1A .-.air-l Ctlr «lr+l • ••«!« .. . ttai %2 "-ailc-l «2Jt ...agr-l a2r «2.+l • ..a,, .. . ... «Ar+l • ..a,„ .. . ^Al <^A2 '"^kk-\ a,ac •••«*r-l a*r <^k+l\(^k+\J'"(^k-h\k-l (^k+yc • '(^k+i/-- -1 ^ft+lr ^A+Ir+1* ..a.+i. .. . ... ... . ... ... ^r-ll^r-12'"^r-lA:-l Ov_^...a,_i,. -ittr-lr «y-ir+i. ..«.-!„ .. . a,l a^ "'Ctrk~l aru ...a.r-1 a„ a^r+i ' . 'Ctr+lr- 1 ^r+lr ^r+uf^r+l2" '(^r+lk~l Ctr+lk-"<^r+lr- -l«r+lr » ... ... . ... ... «nl an2 —Clnk-l ... Ctnr ttnr+l • . -a^n Clnk '. -a^r-i «nr ... .. a^ .. 'C(kr-1 a*r ... ... . .. Ctk+lk" 'dk+lr. •iCti+lr ... ... . ... ... ... ... . .. Clr-lk" •«r-lr- -iCt'r-lr ... ... . .. ark •• •«rr-l «rr GENERAL PROPERTIES OF DETERMINANTS. 59 where the minor by which A is multiplied is enclosed. Further, observe that the n — r rows of A not included in the chosen rows are prolonged in A' with the elements of these same rows repeated in order of the columns beginning with the kth. Now add the A;th row of A' to the {n + l)th, the (fc -f- l)th row to the {n + 2)th, and so on, finally adding the rth row to the last. Afterward subtract the (n + l)th column of A' from the A:th, the (w + 2)th column from the (A;+l)th, and so on, finally subtracting the last column from the rth. Then «11 012 ...ttli-l f'l* ...ai^_i Oi^ %r+l ...«u «21 022 •••«2*-l «2* ...a.2r-l Oj2r «2r+l ...asn %1 ^*2 "'^kk-l ^r+1 1 ^r+1 2 • • • ^r+1 A-1 ^ <^r-ll<^r-12"'<^r-l&-l ^ «'U .• .a^r-i «■*. a^+u- •«mr- -1 (^k+\r . ... ... «,_!,.. .a.^ir- -l«,-lr a,, .. .a,,_, a,. f'ftr+l ''A:+ln ^r-lr+l'"^r-l» ^ ■r+1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... a.+ii...o. +lr- l«r+l,- ... ... «nt •••«« r-V (^nr (^kk •••«* r-1 Ctkr <^t+lA*"<^A+lr- l«A+lr ... ... ar-W'Clr -Ir- l«r-lr a,j, ...a. r-1 a,. By 55 A' can be decomposed into products of pairs of minors, viz., the minors of the rth order formed from the first r rows and their complementaries. Since the elements in the columns of A' directly below M are zeros, all the minors of the rth order,. formed from the first r rows, will have complementaries that vanish unless the said minors contain the given minor M. Hence the first factors of the products in the expansion of A' will all be minors of A, of the rth order, that contain the given 60 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. «1 &i Ci di 6,0 ^2 &o C2 (^2 ^2 a-i bs Cg <^3 63 a. h. C4 d^ 64 64 C4 as h C5 d. 65 h C5 62 C2 63 C3 minor. Further, each complementary of such a factor is made up of the n — r rows of A not found in the first factor and the r — Tc + l rows in which M is found. Which proves the theorem. I«1&2C3C24 65! 1^203! = tta b^ C3 0^3 63 U a^ 64 C4 (^4 64 64 C4 1^162^31 \d^e^h2C^\ 16102^3! I a4 656203! 16102631104^562031 ; !«! 62 63(^4 65! 16203(^4! = 10162630541 1656203^4! +161020^3641 10562 03^41. The student may show (change the rows into columns before applying the theorem) 1016263^465! I63C4I = 1016263^4! 1636465! — 1016364(^5! I636462I + 1026304(^5116364611; 1016263^4651(^2 = 161(^263! la4&6C?2l — \cid2e^\ \a^hsd^\ + 161(^265! 10364(^21 + l62C?364l loi65c22l " \<^2di^5\ lo, 64(^21 + Uid^e^l \aibMi = — 1^162! 1036465(^2! + 1(^263! !«! 6465(^2! — 1(^264! IOi6365C?2l + lc?2e5ll«i 6364(^2! » The second illustration given is especially interesting as it shows the form of the product when the minor is of order n — 2. In that case the chosen rows are 7i — 1 in number, and the development consists only of two terms, each term being the product of two determinants of the (71— l)th order. If we change the order of rows and columns in the result, we have !«! 6263(^4 65! 16263(^4! = 10162 63(^4! 16263(^465! — 16162(^36411026364(^5!, or A Aai,e6 = Ae5 Aa^ — Aa^ Ag, ; and, in general, A Aa,7fc, apq = Aart ^Opq — Aa,-j Aop*. Employing an obvious extension of the notation described in the latter part of 39, the last formula becomes A ^^^ = i?^ ^ _ ^ -^ dOi dcii^ da da^ da -iq ^%k GENERAL PROPERTIES OF DETERMINANTS. 61 Rectangular Arrays or Matrices. 68. As a determinant is a function of n^ quantities, the elements are always found in a square array. It is often necessary to consider the determinant obtained by applying the process of 53 to two rectangular arrays of elements, i.e., arrays in which the number of rows is not equal to the number of columns. We will now investigate the value of this product. 1st. When the number of columns exceeds the number of rows: The product of two arrays (matrices) of elements in whicli the number of columns (m) exceeds the number of rows (n), is a determinant which is equal to the sum of all the products in which the first factor is a determinant of the nth order formed from the first array (matrix) , and the second factor is the corresponding determinant of the nth order formed from the other array (matrix) . Let the two arrays of elements be «ii «i2 ••• <^in ••• ^im 1 an ai2 ••• ^in ••• aim 1 Cl2i a^ ... a2n . . . a2m I g^jj J a21 0-22 • • • a.2n • • • CL2m I n <1 m <^nl «'m2 ••• Ct„„ ... «„„, J a„i a„2 •.. Clnn ••• CLnm J Applying the process of 53, we have the determinant ^nau4-*'*+<^'l»ainH h^lw "im <^llf^21-\-"--\-CLln2 j we obtain the determinant «2ai+ ^2A + C2yiH-(^2Sl «2a2 4-&2ft +^^272 + ^2^2 This determinant the student can readil}^ show is equal to («i W («1 A) + (^^2) (aiy2) + («id2) (ai82) + (2^1 C2) (A 72) + (&lC^2) (/?lS2) + {cA) (7182) . 2d. Wlie7i the number of rows exceeds the number of columns. Consider the two arrays. a^ &2 f and ttg ^2 Multiplying as before, we have ajai + by^^ aia2 + &1/32 ajag + ftjft = 0. «2ai + i^2/?l «2a2 + &2/?2 <^2 ^3 + h(^S Cts"! + ^sA «3a2 + ^sft WsCtg 4- 63^3 The value of A is readily seen to be zero when we notice that it can be obtained by multiplying two determinants formed from the two given arrays by prefixing a column of zeros to each. The method of proof employed in this special case is general. It is only necessary to add to each array as many columns of zeros as are necessary to make each array square, and then compare the product of the two determinants thus formed with the deter- minant formed by compounding the two matrices. Reciprocal Determinants.* 59. If the principal minors of the elements of a determinant are themselves made the corresponding elements of another * Reciprocal determinants would more properly be considered in the next chapter since they are among the " special forms," but for several reasons it is thought best to introduce them here. 64 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. determinant, the determinant thus formed is called the reciprocal or adjugate determinant. Or, in other words, the elements of the reciprocal determinant are the complementary minors of the corresponding elements in the original determinant. The reciprocal of {cti h^ c^) is ipp (as Cg) (tto h) KC3) -(ai^a) (ai C2) (ai 62) Assimilating the notation of 19, we have \AiB2Cs,..L,\, 1^1,1, or 1^11 ^22 -433... A„l, for the determinant adjugate to I «i h C3 ... ^n I? I «i^ |, or 1 an a22 %3 •.• <^nu|? respectively. If the minus signs in the first illustration are erased, what is the effect upon the determinant? How is it in general? 60. Theorem. — The determinant A' adjugate to any deter- minant A oftJie nth degree, equals the (n — l)th power of A. We have, for example. Whence A = «! 61 Ci ^2 ^2 C2 «3 h C3 AA' = A = A A and A'= A^ A B, C\ A2 B, (72 Ao Bo C.Q The process here exemplified is perfectly general, hence the proposition. 61. Theorem. — Any minor of the kth degree of the reciprocal determinant A' is equal to the complementary of the corresponding minor in the original determinant A multiplied by the {k — \)th power of A. Let A = I ai4 1, and A'= I ^14 1 . GENERAL PBOPERTIES OF DETERMINANTS. 65 Transform A and A' so that the minors | ctn ^32 «44 ] and I All -^32 ^44 I occupy the first three rows and columns in their respective determinants. Then A=( — 1)'' ail «i2 ^31 ^^32 ^ai 41 42 and A'=(-l)'^ An Ai, ^4 ^1, A. As, ^4 34 ^33 -I41 ^442 -i« ^« An A.^_ A.^ ^.. Then ■ lAl A2 ^44|=(-l)'^ Ai Ay2 A,, A„ Ai A,, Au •^33 A,i Aj^ Au ^43 1 Multiplying, A\Aii A^ A^\=z A «13 = a2C A «83 A "c a^ Whence | An ^433^44 ] = aog A^, which is the required value of a first minor of A'. To find the value of a second minor of A' we may proceed as follows : The minor 1-^22 As, (-l)nA2 •^32 -"■2; A ■^21 A^i 1 A4 -^34 1 and the corresponding form of A is (-1) «'23 a^i a24 «33 asi (X34 ^'13 «n «14 «43 «41 «44 QQ THEOBY OF DETEEMINANTS. As before, A Moo AJ = A^ ail a. A 0821 «2- , _ A agi a34 an an a^i a^ Whence, |^22 ^33!= \<^n «44|^- The student may put A = I ai 62 C3 di I and A' =\Ai B^ C^ A | » and then show that \B, a, A|=aiA2; Ml A|= I&2 C3IA. The general theorem, of which the preceding are special cases, is proved as follows : Let A =|ai^| and A'= |An|? and let the minor of the Mh order of A' whose value is sousfht be V= ^PiQi ^PiQz ^PiQs •' ^PiQk ^PiQl ^P2l2 ^P2Q3 '" ^P22(?2-l ^i'2Q'2+l •' ^PkQi ••• ^PkQk ^Pk^'"' ^i'ftffi-l ^PkQi+'^ '" ^Pk^2-^ ^*ff2+l •' Cip^n ^Pk^ aiq^ ... aig-^ an ... a\q^-\ aig-^+i ... aig^-i ai^^+i ... ai» a2g^ ... a2g^ ttsi ... a2g'j-l O^g^i+l ••• ^2^2-1 ^ffa+l ••• «2n * In this determinant the subscripts }\, }\, p^, ... g^, q^, q^, ... of course stand for any integers in order of magnitude. GENEEAL PROPERTIES OF DETERMINANTS. 67 The coiTesponding form of A;^ is . . . Ap^q^i Ap^q^+i . . . Ap^n • • • ■4^2?2-l Ap^q^+l . . . ^^271 • • • Ap^q^-1 Ap^q^+i . . . Ap^n ... ... ... ... ApiQi ' • • Ap^qi^ Axl" • Ap^q^- -lAp,q,+l Ap^Qi ' ••Ap^q„ Ap^\'' ' Ap^q^~ -1 Ap^q^+i Apj,gj_ • ' • Ap^q^ Aa-1" Apf^Qi- -i4pftgi+i . .. 1 .. . . .. . . .. 1 . . .. 1 . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . .. 1 . .. 1 . .. •••l(n-fc) We notice that this form of A;^ is just the same as if it had been derived from A' b}^ making the pith, pgth, •••^^th rows of A' the 1st, 2d, ••• A:th rows, making the same changes in the places of the ^ith, goth, ... Qj^th columns, and then putting 1 for each remaining element of the principal diagonal, and for every other element of the n — k rows of which A;^ is not a part. Multiplying, we have AA, = A . A . ttp^i ... Clp^q^-l Ctpi^i+l ••• (^p^q^-l ^PiQi+l '" ^Pi^ • ... A ap^i.. • ^PkQi-T^ "2^i-?i+l • •• ^hk-, h h h &9 K Ce Cr Cg f?6 cZ; dg ec e? eg /l /. f. /. /. ./o /r /s 9i 92 9s i/4 i/o ^6 i/z ^8 \ h h h h /'« /'r /'8 h h . ?'(; ^T ^*8 k. A:2 A'6 Av A-g = = -| <-hK\ 1^6 CZyCg IIA 74/^.1 \hK X 7. Show tlint {ay-h^y (a.-boY (a,-b,r {a,-b,r {a,-b,r {a,-b.^' {a,-b,y {a,-b,y {a^-bsY K- -b.y («.- -hy («3- -b.y (a,- -hy = 0. This may be proved by multiplying the two arrays : and 8. Show that |«ln| (^1 + 3^2 + a^3 + + ^.) (■("21 ^22 + an ^21 «12 «nia^l (^n2^2 ^2n ^2» a„t,x,. + ^21 1 ^22*^2 a2na;« Notice that the coefficient of Xi in this sum is ay.Au + a2iA2i + a.^Asi H h a,,f^„i = | ai„|. 9. As an application of the preceding, show that 2 (xi + a^a + a^s) 1 1 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF DETERMINANTS. X,' xi xi + X^ X^ X., + Xo X^ Xi x? xi x^- 1 1 1 1 1 1 X;X.2 XoX^ X^Xi + Xi X, X., X.J X^ Xi XiX.2 X2X^ X^Xi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . Given /^ (cc) = a^x" + 3 b^x- -f- 3 CiX + d^ , fo{x) = ao-Tr 4- 3 b.^oi^-i- 3 c.^ -j- c?2, Mx) = apy'-\- 3 b.x'-^ 3 c,x + d, ; show that /iW /I'W /i"W =-18 ^2^ f^'ix) f,"{x) M^) fs\x) f,"{x) I —X x^ — ar*^ h bi Ci di I2 O2 C2 CI2 h ^3 ^3 ^3 The first determinant is at once reducible to -18 ciiX + bi biX + Ci CiX-i-di agic-h^a &2^ + C2 C2X-\-d2 b^x + C3 Cgic + da 0-30; + 63 which may be written 10 «! a^x + bi biX-\-Ci CiOJ + c?! «3 a^x + b^ hx-\-c.i c^x-\-d^ Again using 37, the last determinant becomes the result above written. The student's attention is called to the fact that the method of bordering a determinant, z.e., increasing its degree without changing its value, here employed, is frequently of use in simplifying. 63. The following examples comprise several interesting expansions of determinants. The cases considered and the methods employed are important. I. Expand the following determinant in ascending powers of xi X a 72 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. A is evidently a function of x of the nth degree, in which the coeflacient of x"" is 1, and the absolute term is /(0) = |ai„|. To complete the expansion, we have to find the coefficient of a^. Consider the product of two complementary minors of A, of the feth and {n — k) th degrees respectively, otee + a; a,, + x and %„-\-x This product contains the term x' = ^n. say. The entire coefficient of ic* is accordingly SDn-*, *.e., the sum of all the minors of |ai„I of order 7i—k, whose principal diagonal lies in the principal diagonal of lai„|. As an illustration, the student may show that CLi-{-x bi Ci di «3 ^3 C3 + a; ds a^ 64 C4 d4-\-x + \b2d^\-h\aM + \cM^x' For another exercise, let the student find the terms of A = |ai„| that contain k elements from the principal diagonal, by considering the product of two complementary minors, as above. GENERAL PROPERTIES OF DETERMINANTS. 73 II. Expand ax + ly CiX 4- n^y h^ -f m^ a2X + ^22/ in ascending powers of x and y. Putting first y = 0, and then a; and 2/^, respective!}*, are \x + m^ a^x 4- /i2/ ca; -\-ny 0, the terms involving a^ a ci &i , and f I rii Wi Ca h a. ?i2 m h &2 <^*2 C wig ^2 n Putting the y's in the two last columns of A equal to zero, we obtain for one set of terms involving afy 3?y I Cl W2 h m2 i Zi _ ^2 ?2 n WI2 ^2 ^ m 2 ?2 c ma k n\ III. Show that any determinant A may be developed in terms of the elements of any row and column and the second minors of A corresponding to the product of these elements. Let A'=|rtii ^22 agsh and border it as indicated below ; calling the result A, we may 74 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. expand A in terms of the bordering elements and first minors of A', i.e., A= a^n am am «„« = ctoo A'— J aio ttoi Ai+«io «02 ^12 4-«10 <^03 ^13H-«20 «01 ^21+<^20 «02 -^22 "i a^ a^Q -^23 "I ^30 ^01 -^31T" ^30 <^ -"32 -f- ago ttos -^^as 1 1 in which Ai^^ is, as usual, a first minor (with its proper sign) of A'. ttoo «01 «02 ^03 «10 «11 «12 ai3 «20 ^21 ^22 «23 ^30 ^31 «S2 ^33 In general, if A'= 1 a^ 022 •■ , we have aoo ttoi «02 ••• aon ft^Q ail %2 ••• au (7^0 ^21 «22 ••• «2« «nO«nl «n2"- ^*nn = aoo A'— 2 afoaot^i* (/, ^• = 1, 2, 3 ...w) , in which, as before, Aij, is a minor of A'. For .the terms of A containing a^ are obviously aooA'. Now let (7 be the complementary niinor of cioo OoA in A ; then ttooCtiAC' contains all the terms of A involving Oooaf*; hence afjO contains all the terms of A' involving (x,^, and consequently and — ai^aQj^Aij, is the expression for the terms of A containing the bordering elements a^o, ao** This expansion, known as Cauchy's Theorem, is frequently written A ='«,, A,- :Sa,,a,,/?i,. (a) Here A is a determinant of the nth order. A^, is, as usual, the complementary minor of a^, in A ; i has all integral values from 1 to n, except r ; Tc has all integral values from 1 to w, except s ; and ^ik is the complementary' minor of a,j in A,,. (a) is, accordingly, the expansion of A in terms of the elements of the rth row and the sth column. GENERAL PROPERTIES OF DETERMINANTS. 75' The student may show that A = A = a f g h A b 9i ,0 c hj^ d ai-^Xi ag ag = abed — Jficd — ggibd — hh^c. a^ —x^ Xq — ajg x^ ai+iTi ttg ttg a^ — Xi ct'a — Xl iCg a;^ -x"i f ai Og ag a4 "I = XiXoXoX, < i-\ — Y i ^ J 4 j^ ' iCi i»2 ^3 ^4 j IV. If A and if we put Xl ag ttg . .. a„ ai X2 ttg . . . a„ tti ag ajg . •• '^n «! as ttg . .. a;„ f{x) = (x^— ai) (iK2- 02) ••• (X,,- aj, and aa;. we find For A = A=f(x) + :S,aJ'(x,). 1 ... 1 Xl a.2 Og ... a„ 1 tti a*2 ag • • • Ct/t 1 ttj Oo iTg ... OLn 1 ttj as ag ... a;. 1 fti a2 ttg la.'i— ai " 1 X2-a2 10 ajg— ag 1 0* X^ — a^ whence (if, as in III., we let A' represent the complementar}' minor of the first element) A'=/(a!), and, since every first minor of A' vanishes except the minors of the diagonal elements, we have the required value of A on applying the theorem 76 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. V. Show that A = CLi >C X OS , , , QC X 02 X X ... X X X a^ X ... X = f{x)-xf{x). X X X X ... a„ in which f{x) = (x — aj) {x — ag) (a; — ag) ... (a; — a„) , and f{x) = J^ = {x- a,,) (a; - ag) ... (» - a„) + {X- ai) {x - ag) ••• (a; - a„) + "'+(x-a,){x-a2)-"(x- a„_i) . A= 10 ... = 1 — a; — x — a; Itti— a; 1 ag-a; 10 ttg-a; 1 0... 1 ai X X ... X 1 X a2 X ... X 1 X X ttg ... X 1 X X X ... a„ — X a,-X 10 Then, as in the preceding example, A=/(a^)-<(a:). 64. To the expansions of the preceding article we append the solutions of the following determinant equations. I. Solve the equation A = X tti «! tti «! X ttl tti tti ai X ai «! tti tti X = 0. We find by easy reductions A=(a;-aiy X tti «! «! -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 = (a;-ai)3(a;4-3ai) = 0. Whence, a; = ai, ai, ttj, —3 tti. GENERAL PROPERTIES OF DETERMINANTS. 77 II. Find the values of x in the equation A = X ai h C] ttl X Ci &1 h Ci X a. Ci h «1 X = 0. A = a;+«i+^+Ci «! 61 Ci ar+ai+6i+Ci a; Cj 61 x-i-ai-\-bi-\-Ci 61 ai a; = (a;-f ai+6i+Ci) 1 1 1 1 X &1 X < ^1 = (a; + ai+ &i+ Ci) (a; — ai+ 61— Ci) -1 1 1 X Ci -1 • 1 Ci X 1 bi «! a; Put the two polynomial factors =A and J5 respectively e last expression then A.B. 0-10 1 x-hc^ Ci 61+ Ci 1 x-\-Ci X ai-{-x 1 6i-f-«i «i cii+a; = A.B. 1 1 1 feiH-Oi— a; — ( -1 a; -ai- X • Whence {x -\- «!+ 61+ Cl) (x — a^— Ci+ &i) (5i4- ai— a; — Ci) (tti+aj — &i— Ci) = 0. .-. a; = -(ai+6i+ci), (a^- ftj-j-Ci), (^^-Ci+ai), (61-tti+Ci). III. Find the roots of the equation A = = 0. a^ W (? {a-^xy {b^-xy {G+xy {2a + xy {2b+xy {2c-\-xy From the third row of A subtract the first row multiplied by 8, 78 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. aud from the second row subtract the first row. Then subtract the second row from the third, and we have = 3X2 o? V" W+hX Zc'-^cX = 0. From this equation it is obvious that three values of X are zero ; the other two roots can be found by equating to zero the quad- ratic factor of the first number, and solving for A.. A ma}^ however, be further simplified as follows : subtract the first column from each of the other two ; then A==3\Hc-a)(6-(x) 2a-\-X 2 2 ■ 3tt2+aA. 36 + 3a+X 3c+3a4-A. Now subtract the second column from the third, and A=3\3(6-a) {c-a) (c-b) a? a2-f-a6-f62 a-\-h + c 2a+X 2 3a2+a\ 3a + 364-X 3 Finally, add the second column multiplied by —a and the third multiplied by ab to the first, and afterward subtract the third multipUed by a + & from the second ; then A=3X«(6-a) (c-a) (c-6) ahc —bc — ca — ab a-\-b-\-c X 2 A 3 0. Whence three values of X are seen to be zero, aud the other two roots are readilv found from the quadratic (a + 6 + c) X'+ 3 (&c + ac + a2>) X + 6 abc = 0. GENERAL PBOPERTIES OF DETERMINANTS. 79 65. Theorem. — The total differential of a determinant A is a sum of n determinants, each oftvhich is obtained from A by substituting the differeyitials of the elements of a row for the elements themselves. Let A= \x^y2Z^---t^\. Developing in terms of the elements of the ith. row, A= x,X,-\- y,Y,-\- ;2^z,+ ... + t.T^. .-. dA = dx,Xi+dyiYi+dZiZi-\ \-dt,Ti. There must be n such expressions for the total differential, each of which is obviously A, after changing the elements of the ^th row into their differentials. .-. [c2A]* = + From the differentials, partial or total, we, of course, pass to the coiTesponding derivatives in the usual way. Illustrations. dxi dyi dzy ^2 y-i % ...dt, ... t2 + »i 2/1 % dx2 dy2 dz2 ... t, ,..dt2 ^n Vn ^n ... t,, ^u Vn ^n ... t. X^ 2/1 ^1 ^2 2/2 ^2 ... t, ... t2. • r dx^ dy^ dz^ '.'.'. di V — — ; N'^dv N dM M dN N . d dM M dN N = d'^M M d'jsr N Let (^U ^22 ^33 ^44 1 a 26 c a 26 c b 2c k b 2c k dA da J^ll-\-A22 — a 26 c + Jc 2c k 6 2c k a c 6 k The [ ] denote the total differential. 80 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. ^ = 2A^+2A^+A,,-^A^=4b\l k -4k a b b c 2b a b c 26 2c a c b k ■~7~ — -^13"f'-^24~f~ 2As2-}- 2A4Q = •••, ac dA dk 66. Theorem -^33 + -^44 dA If the elements of A are all functions of the same variable x, ^^— equals the sum of n determinants, each of ux which is obtained from A by substituting the derivatives of the elements of a row for the elements themselves. The truth of this proposition is evident from the preceding. Thus, if 6A dx Mx) f22ix) . /nl(aj) fn2{x) . /2l(a5) /22(«) f2n{x) fnn(x) JJix) • Mx) 'fnnix) + /uW fu{x) .../in(a;) fj(^\ f.J(r.\ fj(^a:) + If 1 Xiic 1 1 Aaic 1 1 X^x 1 1 fn'ix) f^\x) fnl{x) fAx) fn(x) f^(x) U{x) f^x) fnl'(x) fj(x) = A1A.2X3 1 -fnnix) 'An{x) 'f2n{x) Jnn'ix) + ••• - a; X 1 1_ A2 A2 1 1 1 — X A, ^ GENERAL PROPERTIES OF DETERMINANTS. 81 the student may show that dx — — AiX2^S 1 X ^3 1 1 + — a; ^ X A3 1 + 1 X Ai 1 1 X A2 A2 1 "b CHAPTER III. APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 67. We have now discussed the origin and some of the properties of determinants ; it remains to show how useful these functions are in application, and to examine some of the Special Forms that are of frequent occurrence. Within the limits of an elementary work like this it will be possible to select only a very few of the many important applications, and to touch somewhat briefly upon the special forms. Enough will be given, however, to enable the student to pursue his further investiga- tions with pleasure and profit. We now return to the problem with which we commenced the presentation of determinants, and proceed to the ^^ Solution of Linear Equations, and Elimination. 68. Consider the set of three simultaneous linear equations : aiX + 6i2/ + CiZ = 7?ii «1 h Ci a^ h C2 cts h C3 a■ , and A a^x -i- b^ -^ c^z = 7ns Multiply these equations by Ai, A^, and A^ respectively, and add by columns, obtaining : (aiAi+ a2A2+asAs)x + (61^1+62^4-^3^3)2/ + (Ci^l + C2A +03^3)2 = miAi-\-m2A2-\-m^As. By 45 the coefficients of y and z vanish ; the coefficient of x is A = |ai62C3l, and the absolute term is I mi 62 C3 1. Whence ^,_ \m^ b^ Cgl ^ ki 62 C3I APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 83 y = If we had multiplied the given equations by By^ -Bg, -B3, we should have caused the coefficients of x and z to disappear in the resulting equation, and would have found 1^1 ^2 C3I Using (7i, C2, C3 as multipliers, we should find, similarly, ^_ ki 62 ^3! , ki 62 C3! 69. To generalize the solution of the preceding article is now an easy step. Given and ^21^1 "I tt22*^2 "I • * * "T" tt2r'^r I a,^X^ 4- «V2^2 H f- (^rrXr + ■' + a2nX^ = m,2 ■ * "T" Clrn'^n = '^r , I., «11 «12 ... ai, . • «ln «21 ^22 .. ttgr . . «2n a,i a,2 .. a,r . . «,.« am «„2 .. ttnr . . a„„ Here A is, as before, the determinant formed from the n^ co- efficients in the first members of equations I., and is called the determinant of the system. Multiplying equations I. in order by A^^^ A^r-, ... A„^ ... yl„^, and adding by columns, we find + OjriArr + * * * + f^nzAnr) ^2 I \^12Air -f- (^22A2r ~\~ ' ' + ... + + a„,^,rH f- a„,,A^,)x^ -\-m,A„-\ Vm^A^,. (^) 84 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. In equation (A) the coefficient of all the unknowns except the coefficient of x^ vanish, and the coefficient of x^ is obviously A. The second member of (A) is evidently what A becomes when mi, mg, ...m^ are put for the corresponding elements of the rth column. Hence ttll a,2 mi ... tti. ^21 ^22 Wg ... ^2. ftrl a.2 m. ... a,„ am (^n2 w« ... a„„ ttn ai2 .. . «!, . . a,. ^21 ^22 . . aa, . . a2« -^ a,.i ay2 .. arr . . a^ a„i a„2 .. a„, . . a«n Translating this formula, we have : The value of each of n unknowns in a set of n linear simul- taneous equations is the quotient of two determinants; the divisor^ (denominator) is the same for all the unknowns and is the deter- minant A of the 7ith degree formed by writing the coefficients of the unknowns in order (i.e., the determinant of the system) ; the numerator of the value of any unknown as x^ is obtained from A by substituting for the elements of its rth column the second mem- bers of the given equations in order.* 70. The following modification of tho solution already given of equations I. will be interesting. Employing the same notation as in 69, we have flj^A which, by 37, an a^2 • ^21 a^ . ... ... . a,i a.2 . a„i a«2 • airXr a^rXf ... a^x. ... a«r»r «1« a«« * This is the rule for the solution of simultaneous linear equations first obtained by Leibnitz, and subsequently rediscovered by Cramer. (See opening paragraph of Chapter I.) APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 85 ^2r-l ^21'^l~r ^22*^2 1" -f- a2n ^» C(-2r+i • • "f" Cllr-l^r-l'T' (^Ir-^rl " + Ot2r-l^r-l~H Cl2r^r~\~ " + arr-lX,_i-^ a,rXr + " + anr-lXr-i+ar,rXr-\- <^2/i Now substitute in the last determinant the values of the elements of the rth column, and a? A = Oil ai2 . . . ^21 ^22 • • ' Ot,,i Cl„ «2r-l «1« a2n a,,_i m. m. .. a„ I Cll\(^22 • • • ^rr • • • ^nn ' as before. A simple example of the methods of 69 and 70 is the solution of the following equations : .'. X 2x + 6y — 3z=lS Sx-Sy-\-2z = 21 48 3 3 18 6-3 21-3 2 Here A = 5 3 3 2 6-3 8-3 2 = -231, -231 3; 2/ = 5 48 3 2 18- -3 8 21 2 -231 5: z= 5 3 48 2 6 18 8-3 21 231 = 6. As another example, we may solve the equations : z H-w +flj = b ti-{-x -\-y = c ^ -\-y +2J =d Here A = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 = -3. 86 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. The student may show that a; = i(6+c-f d-2a); 2/ = J(c +d + a- 26) ; z=l(d-{-a-\-b-2c); u = l{a-\'b -^c -2d). 71. We have hitherto tacitly assumed that neither A nor m< (i= 1, 2, ... 7j) should vanish. If A vanishes and m^ does not, the value of each unknown becomes infinite. If m^ vanishes while A does not, the values of the unknowns are severally zero ; but when mj vanishes, the system consists of homogeneous equations, and their solution is given later. If m^ does not van- ish, but A and the numerators of the unknowns do vanish, then we have the following theorem. 72. IftJie equations of a set are not independant, i.e., if any one {or more) is a consequence of the others, the value of each imknown takes the form — Since the equations are all linear, any one can be derived from the others only by the addition of two or more of them after each has been multiplied by some constant factor. But this gives rise in the determinant numerator and denominator of the value of any unknown to two or more identical rows, and hence numerator and denominator vanish. For an example, take aiXi-[-biX2 +CiXs = mi OoCCj + 62^2 + C2a;3 = '^h aiXi-\- aibiX2+ aiC^x^^ aimi We find h &i Ci where A = a. Xi= tti ^2 &2 ^2 mi 61 Ci = 5; a., = ai'^^-^ = 5; x,^ A «! 61 Ci ao &2 ^2 ttj bi Ci \ai &2^%I 0. For a second example, the student may show that the values of the unknowns in the following equations take the form -• 4 3a; + 2?/ — 02 = 6a; — 3?/ -f- 4z y-2z = 4^ = 22 L = -2J APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 87 m^_i = 0, and one m as m^ does not, ^n^nn 73. If mi = W2== •• we evidently get _ m^A,a Whence J^ = ^= ... -|!L = !??l\ 74. If mi = m2= ••• =m„=0, ^.e., i/* equations I. become homogeneous, tJien, unless x^, x^^ •••^« «»*e severally zero, A mi^s^ In that case, equations I. become ?! = I. (h^ + h^2 +(C3-X)a;3=0 ) By the preceding article we must have «! — A 6i Ci CI2 62 — •^ C2 «3 &3 Cg — X or = 0, 0; (a) X^-Jfx^ + iVA-P where we notice especially that P = I «! 62 C3 I . Let the roots of (a) be Ai, Ag, A3 ; then, evidently, P = — Ai A2 A3. Now, from I. we obtain three new equations as follows : Multiply equations I. b}^ aj, as, ag respectively, and add them together ; also multiply equations I. by ft, ft, ft respectively, and add ; finally, multiply equations I. by yi, yg? 73 respec- tively, and add. We now have three new equations where the determinant of the S3'stem is A'= aiai + «2a2 + C^3a3 — ttiA ftittj + &2a2 + ?>3a3 — a^A C^lft+ «2ft+ 3ft- ftA «i7i + 0^2 72 + «3 73 — 71^ &i7i + ^272 + &3 73 — 72^ Cittj -}- C2a2 4- Cgag — ttgA Cift+C2ftH-C3ft-ftA Ci7i + C272 + C3y3 — ygA 0, or QA3-JIfiA2 + iViA-Pi = 0, (&) APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 89 where we observe that Pi is what A' becomes when we put X = 0, and that Q = lai ^2 ysl* Further, since it follows that — — — A.1 Ag Ag — P, Pi = PQ= Ui &2 C3I X Ui ^2 ysl- But Pi is exactly the determinant obtained by 53, and this was to be shown. 76. The condition A = being fulfilled, the equations no longer determine the actual values of the unknowns ; they deter- mine only the ratios of these values. For, if a;/, x^-, ...xj satisfy equations II., so will Jcxi, kx^j... 'kxj, k being any factor. Any n — 1 of the given equations will suffice in general to de- termine the ratios of n~l of the unknowns to the remaining one. An example will make this clear. We employ for brevity only three equations : aiX-{-biy -|-Ci2; = a2X -\-b2y -{-C2Z = a^x -{- b^y + CqZ = Write these equations X (a), tti - 4- Ci - y y b. X z [if>)' X . z «3-+C3- -b. From any two of equations (b) we may find the values of X z - ; thus from the first two y y \bi Cgl . z 1% Col ' y \cti &2I |ai C2I 90 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. Again, equations (6) are to be simultaneous ; hence these lues of - an( y Substituting, dC z ' ' values of - and - must satisf}^ the third equation ttgl&i C2I — ftglai Col + Cgltti 62I = ; or A = 0. Since from the preceding equations - also equals y l&i C3I I&2 C3I and hence or, Idi Csl las C3I we have ^ — Al — -^ — -^ y" Br B~ b; In the same way, z _ C^ _ C2 __ C3 y B, B, b; z Oi C2 O3 x:y:z = Ai:Bi:Ci = ^2 • B2 ' G2 = ^3:^3:03. ' That is to say. The ratio of any two unknowns in a set of homogeneous equations is equal to the ratio of the cofactors in A of the coefficients of these unknowns in any of the given equations. The general proof of the proposition just stated may be given as follows. "We have to show (equations II.) that Xi'.x^'.Xs: ••• : x^ : .•• : x^^Au : ^12 : -i4i3 : .•• : ^1, : ••• : A^^ = A21 : -^22 : A2S : '" : A^r : • • • : Am ^=^ A^\\An2''A^'. "*'. A^y. *.'"'. Ann* If these proportions are true, we must have the equations x^=\Aj^ (X = constant; p = 1, 2, ••• n). (^1) APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 91 The equation ^ is always true, whatever the value of p, since A is itself zero. Substituting in (^2) the values of as obtained from (J5Ji), and multiplying by X, there results a.iXi -f a,2a;2 + a.3^3 H h (^rr^r H h ^rna^n = 0. This last being a true equation, the proportions from which it is derived must hold.* /■.-/^'• 77. From the last article, or the two preceding articles, we deduce the important conclusion. In order that n linear homogeneous equations may be simultaneous, it is necessary and sufficient that the determinant of the system vanishes. In that case any one of the equations is expressible linearly in terms of all the others, provided the first minors A^^ do not all vanish. For we have in general, A being zero, and Zi, Zg, ...Z„ repre- senting the linear functions of equations II., hAiie + hAzk + • • • + ^nAnk = ; hence, if one at least of the first minors Au,, A2U, . . . A^^ is not zero, as for example A^^, l^ must be expressible linearly in terms of /g, ?3, '"In-) and hence Zi = is superfluous. If all the first minors vanish, and one at least of the second minors does not, then, similarly, it may be shown that two equations are super- fluous, the system being doubly indeterminate, and so on. 78. Among the proportions of article 76 consider the following : Xi'. X2'. x^: ••• Xn =-4„i : An2 : A^ : ••• Anr^. (P) * This demonstration applies of course so long as tlie first minors of A do not all vanish. V 92 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. ^ni5 ^«2i ^«3i '•'^nn ^16, nooe of them, functions of the coefficients of the last equation of set II. in 74, Hence, proportions (P) give the ratios of the unknowns ajj, iCg, a^a, ••• a;„, that satisfy the n — 1 equations a^iXi -{-ai2X2 -i \-auX^ ^^1 a2iXi -\-a22X2 -\ \-a2„x,, =0 liii.^ if we denote by A^i the determinant formed from the co- efficients in equations III. after suppressing the first column of terms, by ^„2 the determinant formed from the coefficients of equations III. after suppressing the second cohimn of terms, and so on. Hence having given n homogeneous equations con- taining n + 1 unknowns anXj^-\-ai2X2-\ l-ai«+i«n+i = "^ a2ii»i 4- «22^2 -\ f- (^2n+lXn+l = I jy^^ " aniXi-{-a„2X2-] h«nn+ia^'«+i = J we find the ratios of the unknowns as follows : put A, = (-iy (Xjl ai2 '•' «i,_i CLii-^i ••• «l»-fi ^21 ^22 *'• ^2J-1 ^'2i+l *•• ^2n+l Then from what precedes x^: X2: x^: '" : x^T^ = di,: ^2' ^3' '" ' A«+i- 79. Consider the following n equations containing w — 1 unknowns. aiiXi +ai2X2 H hoT'in-i^'i +i>i =0 «2ia^l +a22a?2 H |-«2n-iaJn-l +i?2 =0 dn-llXl-h O.n-1^2 H h a«-ln-iaJn-l + Pn-l= APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 93 Equations V. may be made homogeneous by multiplying them by u, and regarding XiU, X2U, ...x^u^ u, as the unknowns, u being any arbitrary quantity. Whence, if these equations are simultaneous, we have by 77 = 0. On ai2 ... am-i Pi ^21 a22 ... a2n-i P2 ... ... ... ... CTn-n Gt'n-12 . . . Ctn-ln-1 Pn- am a«2 ... (^nn-1 Pn This result may be expressed as follows : n equations (not homogeneous) containing n — 1 unknoicns are simultaneous if the determinant of the nth degree formed from alt the coefficients (the second members of the equations being included among these coefficients) vanishes. This condition could also be derived from equations II., Art. 74, by putting ic^=l. Those equations, n in number, then contain n — 1 unknowns ; and if the equations are simultaneous, we see that lai^l must vanish. 80. With the help of the preceding article another solution of a set of linear equations may be obtained. For brevity we employ only three equations : (1) aiXi-{-biX2-^CiXs=mi (Z) a2Xi -\- O2X2 -J- e2X^ (o) a^Xi + b'iX2 -\- CqXq — iivQ. Take with these equations another, (4) o^ Xi -\-b^X2-\- C4 Xs = m^y which we suppose consistent with the first three, and in which ^^4? &49 C4, m^ are undetermined. By 79 = ma L = mnJ or, where, as usual, \ai 62 C3 m^\ = 0; a^A^ -f 64 ^4 -f- cJJ^ + W4 Jf4 = ; A^ = — \bi C2 mgl ; ^4 = I aj Cg mgl ; C4 = — !«! 62^31 ; Jf4=Iai 62^3! = ^. (5) 94 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. Now if we eliminate m^ from equations (4) and (5), we get Since equation (6) must be true whatever the values of a^, 64, C4, the coefficients of a^, 64, c^ severally vanish. A, fl?2 __:?4. or, _ \mi 62 C3I . _ \ai mo cj Xi — -^ ■ ; Xo — -= A A O4. "aT ' 81. Let us now return to equations I. Art. 69. Considering mi, ma, mg, ... m^ as linear functions of the ic's, we can express any new linear function CiXi + C2X2 H h c,ifl;„ = 2/ in terms of the m's. Thus, if we have given by 79, aiiXi-}-ai2X2 + a2ii»i4-a22^*2 + A' = • -i-CnXr, =2/ ^ • + CllnXn = Wi I or Ci C2 ... c„ 2/ «!! ai2 ... «!„ mi a2i a22 ... Cl2n ^2 a„i a„3 ... a„„ m„ Now if A = Itti,,! , we readily obtain A'±2/A = ±2/A; Ci C2 ... c„ + a,.«a;n = m„ = 0. ±2/A = an aj2 ^21 <^22 a2„ m2 a„„ m„ APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 96 82. We have seen that if 7i homogeneous equations are to be consistent with each other (simultaneous), the determinant of the system must vanish. The equation A = then is an equation of relation between the coefficients, and is really the result of eliminating the unknowns from the given equations. We shall soon investigate this resulting equation of condition or resultant in detail. We here deduce a general form by which the result of eliminating n unknowns from p given Imear equations, supposed simultaneous, may be ex- pressed, 2^ being greater than n. Given VII, (hi^i -{-a^X2-\-" . +ai«a;„ =0 a2iXi-i-a.22X2-{-" + «2n^« = «nia^i + a„2«^2+" .+a„„a;„=0 aj,iXi + aj,2X2 + ... + Sn«n = If these equations are to be satisfied for other than zero val- ues of the variables, the determinant of the system for any n of them must vanish by 77. The equation expressing this con- dition is obtained by writing an . ai2 ^^21 <^22 0. (M) Equation (Jf ) is accordingly interpreted to mean that every determinant of the nth order formed from any n rows of the matrix on the left must vanish. For an example the student may eliminate the two ratios a?! : iCg : x^ from the five equations aiXi + biX2-\-CiX^ = (i= 1, 2,...5), 96 THEOEY OF DETERMINANTS. obtaining the equation «! h Cl ^2 h C2 as h C3 a^ h C4 as 0, or 83. Suppose we have given ttl as ttg a4 «5 &1 &2 2>3 &4 h Ci C2 C3 C4 Cs then, by 78, c^Xs + d^x^^ C2CC3 + d^^ c^Xs + d^^ = 0, = 0, = 0; Xi'.x^'.x^: i»4=l^i C2 ds\ : — laj^c^dsl : kiJ Substituting the values of x^ x^ ■ — •) — "i Xs Xs i»4 — ? l«i h dsl ' —1% 62C3I we get the relations 61 1 ai C2 c?3 1 + Ci I «! &2 c?3 1 — (^1 1 ai 62 «i 1 ^1 C2 ds a2 1 61 C2 C^3 1 — &2 1 <^l C2 C?3 1 + C2 I «! &2 <^3 I «3 I &1 C2 C^s 1 — &3 1 tti C2 ^3 1 + C3 1 tti 62 C^3 I which are all expressed by the matrix 0, C?2 I tti 62 C3 1 = 0, ds I »! 62 C3 1 = 0, ai h Ci ^1 a^ h C2 d2 as h Cs ds To generalize this, we return to art. 78. From equations IV. we found x^'.x^iXs'.'" a;„+i = Ai : Ag : A3 ••. A„+i. Substituting in equations IV. the values of — •> X, Wi APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS, given by these proportions, we have ttiiAi 4- aio^a -\ f- (^hr X-\ f- «ln+l ^«+i — 1 ttsiAi + a.22^2 H 1- «'2,- A, H h cf2H+i A^+i = a.iAi + a,2A2 H f- a,. A, H \- a,„+i A„^i = a„iAi -f a„2A2 H h «»rA, H f- a^n+An+i = J These n relations are expressed by the matrix 97 (li) W'21 ^22 an a,2 «2r ttln «ln+l a2« «2«+l ... ... «,-n ttm+l ... ... «nn «nn+l Jf. We have accordingl}', in general, from a matrix of the form M, the following relations ; Ctrl Ou «13 ... Oi, ••• «ln ttln+l Ot22 a23 ••• a^r ... a2n «2n+l a.2 a,3 ... a^ ••• am ttm+l a«2 a«3 ... a„. ••• ttnn ttrvn+l a,2 an ai3 ••• air • •• a.|,j ai,,^i ^21 a23 ••• a2. ••• a2„ a2.+i «rl a,3 - a,. "• cim a„,^i am a«3 ••• a„r ••• a„„ a«n+i + --+(-l)"a^^.i ttji (Xj2 Ctrol (I9Q air a2r am a2n a_ a^i a,jj ... a^ a^i a„2 ••* a„y in which r has successively all values from 1 to n inclusive. = 0, 98 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS, 84. We will now select a few examples to illustrate the foregoing processes from the vast field of application. I. To find the condition that three right lines shall pass through the same point. Let aiX + 6i2/ + Ci = ■^ a2X + ^22/ + ^2 = r (A) G'S^ + % + Cg = ) be the equations of the lines in cartesian co-ordinates, and let a?!, 2/i be the given point. Equations (A) must be satisfied for x = Xi, y = yi; hence cti^i + hVi + Ci «2aJi + hVi -f C2 = ^ • (JB) (^8^ + ^zjji 4- C3 0) But in that case, by 79, Iai&2C3l = 0, which expresses the required condition. II. To find the condition that three points shall lie on the same right line. Let (a?i, 2/i)» ('»2» 2/2)? (i»8» ^s) be the given points, and ttjx + 61?/ + Ci = the equation of the line. Then cfi^^i + hVi + Ci = 0, «fca;2 + %2 + c^ = 0, «ba;3 + 6^3 + 03 = 0. Whence the required condition is a?i Vi 1 x^ 2/2 1 ^ 2/3 1 = 0. («) APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 99 As an application of the present example, we show that the middle poirits of the three diagonals of a complete quadrilateral lie on the same straight line. The three diagonals being 0(7, BA^ ByA^, and their middle points F, D, E, we have to show that F, Z), E are on the same right line. Take the vertex as origin, and the sides OAi, OB^ as axes of reference. Put a^ = OA, a^^OA,, h^ = OB, h^^^OB^. The co-ordinates of D are — , -^, and the co-ordinates of E are — , — • The abscissa of F is half the abscissa of (7, and 2 2 the ordinate of F is half the ordinate of C. Hence we have to find the co-ordinates of 0. The equations of AB^ and A^ B are respectively -+|- = 1, or hcfc ■\- a^y = a^hi\ «! 02 — f- f = 1 , or hx^-\-aoy=^ a^h^- a^ Oi Whence the co-ordinates of G are aib.2 a. W a^ x = a.A as ? y = b, &2 aA ai h «! h a^ W aa 100 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. and the co-ordinates of F are 2 ( 62^12 — ^i«i )' 2 (^20^2 — ^lOtl) ' Now, by equation {R) above, A = «1 2 2 1 a, 2 &2 2 1 aia2(&2- ■M 5i&, (02 - «i) 1 =0, if the three points are on the same straight line. A = 1 4(62«2 — ^l«l) a2 ttj ttg (62 — <^l) ^1 &2 (<^2 — <^l) ^2 % — ^1 <^1 Now add the tliird column of this determinant multiplied by — Qi to the fii'St column ; also add the third column multiplied by — hi to the second column. Then A = 1 4 (62 0^2 — ^itti) 1 ag — «! h^ — bi 1 «! bi («! — ag) tti 5i (6i — 62) ^2 «2 — ^1 «i which is obviously zero. Hence F, D, E are on the same right line. III. To ohtaiyi the equation of a circle passing through three given points. The general equation of the circle is {x^ 4-2/^) +2ax +2by 4-c = 0. If (a?!, 2/1)? (a^2, 2/2), (a^3. 2/3) are the given points, (^1' + 2/1') + 2 aa^i + 2 by, + c = 0, («2' + 2/2') + 2 a.r2 + 2 62/2 + c = 0, W + 2/3') + 2aa;3H- 262/3 + c = 0. APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 101 These four equations are simultaneous for the parameters a, 6, c'f hence, by 79, a^ -\-y^ 2x 2y 1 x^' + y^' 2x, 22/1 1 Xz^ + V'/ ^^2 22/2 1 ^i + yi 20^3 22/3 1 = 0, (O which is the equation sought. That equation C is the required equation of the circle deter- mined by («!, 2/i)? (^2? 2/2)5 (%i 2/3)? is obvious from the form of the first member. The determinant when expanded obviously gives a function of the second degree, and having the charac- teristics which distinguish the equation of the circle. Moreover, this equation is satisfied for x = Xi^ y — 2/1, since in that case the determinant vanishes. The same is true if x^x^^ ^ = 2/2» or a; = a;3, 2/ = 2/3- IV. To find the relation connecting the mutual distances of four points on the circle. We must have, if the points are (a?i, 2/1) , {x^^ y^}-, {x^-, 2/3) , (^4? 2/4)? ^ determinant equation just like the last one above, except that the first row of the determinant will have the sub- scripts 1, the second row the subscripts 2, and so on, the last row having the subscripts 4. Accordingly, multiplying together Xi' + Vi' -2x, -22/1 1 X 1 x^ 2/1 «i^ + 2// xi^yi -2x, -22/2 1 1 X2 2/2 a;2" + 2/2^ ^i + yi -2x, -22/3 1 1 X, y, x^^ + yi x^^y^ — 2x^ -22/4 1 1 x^ y^ x^' + y,' which are two different forms of the first member of equation {(J) above, we obtain the required relation (12)2 ^13)2 (14)2 (12)2 Q ^23)2 (24)2 (13)2 (23)2 (34)2 (14)2 ^24)2 (34)2 = 0, 102 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. in which {12y = {x,-x,y-\-{y,-y2)\ {13y = (x,-Xsy + (y,-y,y, and, in general, {iky is the square of the distance bet^feen the ith and kth. points. Expanding this determinant by 63, III., and adding and subtracting 4(12)2(13)2(24)2(34)2, we obtain [(12)2 (34)2 _|. (13)2 (24)2 _ (14)2 (23)2]2 -4(12)2(13)2(24)2(34)2 = 0. Whence |[(12)(34)-(13)(24)-(14)(23)] [(12)(34)-(13)(24)+(14)(23)]^ Xl[(12)(34) + (13)(24)-(14)(23)] [(12) (34) + (13) (24)-f(14) (23)]J = 0, or (12)(34)±(13)(24)±(14)(23) = 0, which expresses the condition sought in its simplest form. V. To find the condition that two given straight lines in space may intersect. (a) Let x — a _ y — /3 _ z — y .jx tti ~ bi Ci ' ^ x—ai _ y — Pi _ g— yi (2) (3^2 ^2 ^2 be the equations of the lines. If these lines intersect, the ^^^^^^ px-\-gy + rz = d may be passed through them, and we must have for the first line pa +ql3 -{-ry=d\ pai + Q'&i + rci = J ' (3) (4) and for the second line pai pa^-\-qb2-\-rc2=0 ^ (6) jpai + gft+ryi = (i) (5) &- \S ■ APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 103 From (3) and (5) i>(a-ai) + g(;S-ft)+r(7-yi) = 0. (7) (4), (6), (7) being simultaneous, the required condition is tti bi Ci 0,2 V2 C2 a — tti p — pi y — yi = 0. (6) If the straight lines are given by the equations aix -{- biy -{- CiZ = di 1 a2X-\- bzy -^02' asX + b.sy-\-CsZ = ds a^x + b^y + C4 ?3Z = (^3 I (1) (2) these four equations are simultaneous for the point of inter- section (aj, y, 2J) , and the condition of intersection is * ^' • ' ai62C3<^4l = 0. VI. To jind the equation of a plane passing through three given points {x^, 2/1? ^i)^ (^2, 2/25 ^2), (.^3^ Vs^ ^3)- Let the plane be aiX-^biy-\-CiZ = di. (1) We must have 'aiXs + biys-hc^Zs=dj_ (^) Equations (D) and (1) being simultaneous for the para- meters Oi, 61, Ci, di, we have for the equation sought X y z 1 Xi 2/1 ^i 1 ^2 2/2 ^2 1 iC3 2/3 % 1 = 0. 0/1 Vic 104 THEOKY OF DETERMINANTS. VII. An interesting application of determinants is afforded by the following problems. (a) To extend a recurring series of the rtli order without knowing the scale of relation. As is well known, a series of the form UQ + Uy^x + u^x^-^ h w^.^a;'*-*- H h ^n^"" + — is a recurring series if the relation of any r+1 consecutive co- efficients w„, ?f„_i, ••• Un_^ can be expressed by a linear equation (the scale of relation). Under these conditions the series is called a recurring series of the rth order. Every such series is accordingly determined when 2?* of its consecutive terms are known. If all the coefficients, with the exception of the 2 rth, are known, this last is easily found. By the conditions of a recurring series ^^r+1 -^PlUr +PlUr-i + P^U^-2 H hPr-1^2 + PAh = ^%-l + Pl^%-2+P2W2r-3 + i>3W2r-4H hPr-l^r -^ Pr^r-l^^ U2r +i)l^2r-l + i>2^2r-2 + P3^2r-3H b Pr-i^K+l+ Pr'^r =0 , Now, by 79, (F) U^ W^_l W^_2 Wr-3 Ur^l U^ Ur_i Ur^2 U2r-\ U2r-2 %r-3 ^2r-4 ^2r '^2r— 1 '^2r— 2 ^''2r— 3 U2 Ui Us lU U,.+i u. = 0, whence Wsr is found by expanding the determinant and solving the equation. To find U2r+i we have only to increase each subscript by unity. Applying the above process to extend the series l-\-x-\-bx^-^nx^ + APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 105 we find 5 1 1 13 5 1 u^ 13 5 13 5 1 = 0; u, 13 5 = 0; ^5 W4 13 W4 13 5 Us ^/4 13 Uq Us W4 whence u^ = Al, W5 = 121, 16,5 = 365. The series is accordingly 1 _}_ a; _|- 5ar^ _|- 13a^ + 41 ir* + 121 a;^ + 365a;^ 4- •-. (6) To find the generating function for any given recurring series. Since a recurring series is always the quotient of two integral functions, of which the divisor is of a degree higher by 1 than the dividend, we may find the required generating function by indeterminate coefficients, as follows : Assume the given series Wo+ iiriX-\-u^-\ |-t^x= (T) 1 +PlX + P2^-\ ^PrX' (after both terms of the fraction have been divided by the first term of the denominator) . From the first r of equations (F) of the preceding example we can determine the constants pi, pz-'-Pr- ^e may therefore find the scale of relation. We have from equations {F)y after obvious interchanges of columns, Pr = — u^ Ui " ' U^-2 Ur-1 - w.+l W2 •• ' y'r-l Ur - ?*r+2 M3 .. • U, Ur+1 • I : * — W2r-1 Uf " • W2,_3 W2r-2 ^0 Ui" • Wr_2 ^*r-l Wi U2 " • Wr-1 U^ W2 1h " • U^ Ur+1 • • , , ^ * * W._l U, " • W2r-3 W2r-2 Having determined the constants PxiPi'-'Pn we need only clear equation {T) of fractions; and then, equating the co- 106 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. efficients of like powers of x, obtain the usual linear equations from which Oq, aj, Og ... a^_i are found. For an example, let us find the generating function of the series we extended in the last example. Put Here Wo=l, Wi=l, U2 = 5, '". Substituting in the second member of ( Ti), clearing of fractions, and finding the values of ao and Oj, we find f(^)^ 1 1— 2cc-3a^ 85. The coefficients of the quotient Q of two polynomials Pi and P2, and the coefficients of the remainder i?, can always be expressed as determinants in terms of the coefficients of Pi and Pg- The method employed in the following example is applicable in general. Pj = Oo^ + %^^ + (^2^^ + %^ + <^4^ + % ; P2 = 60^ + ^1 ^^ + ^2^ + &3 ; B = VoX^ -\- TiX +r2. Let Now hence P,Q-\-B = Pi; (i>) O'A- &2f?l + &l52 + ^l, a«= Z'89'2 + ^2* APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 107 From the first three of equations {p) we can find Qq, gi, ^2? and then taking the first three with each of the others in succession, we obtain Tq, r^, i^. For example, &o'92 = h ao h &o (h h h ^2 ; Wn= h tto h ^>o «'i h hr bo a2 h h h ^3 Let the student find the remaining coeflScients. 86. The coefficients of any equation can be expressed in terms of the roots as the quotient of two determinants, as fol- lows. The method employed is applicable in general. By reference to examples 6 and 7, page 37, it is readily seen that if f{x) = ic^ — a^T? + a2X — ttg = {x — a){x — (3) (x — y)^ we have 0' / = - (^-y) (7-«) («-|8) (x-a) {X-P) (x-y) . Expanding the first member, P y +x 1 1 a P 1 1 1 y /3^ / 1 •a^l 1 1 1 + a^ 1 1 1 ^ r a /3 y ^ / a^ /5^ y {a^~aiX^ -{-a2X — as), From this identity the required expressions in determinant form are at once obtained by equating the coefficients of like powers of X. 87. With the aid of determinants we readily find the sum of the like powers of the roots of any equation, as follows : 108 THEORY OP DETERMINANTS. Let Si, S2, S3...s„ denote as usual the sum of the first, sec- ond, ... nth powers of the roots of Then from the theory of equations we have 0. (1) Pi +Si 2^2 +P1S1 + S2 ^Pa +P2S1 + i>i«2 + «3 = = = {n-l)Pn-l + Pn-2Sl + Pn-sS2-\-Pn-iS3-\- "' + 5^-1 = nPn +Pn-lSl + Pn-2S2 + Pn^3S3-\ ^ PlSn-l+ S,,= From equations (S) we obtain at once {S) Pi 1 . ..0 2P2 Pi 1 . -00 3i>3 P2 Pi ' ..0 (w-l)Pn-l Pn-2 Pn-S '"Pi 1 nPn Pn-1 Pn-2 '" P2 Pi If in (1) the coefficient of of had been p^y we should, of course, have to write in the value of s„ just obtained, {^^^^—\ instead \Pj of ( — 1)", and pQ instead of 1, for each element of the minor diagonal of the determinant. If n = 3, and n= 4, the above formula gives So= — Pi 1 2i)2 Pi 1 3i?3 P2 Pi , and 54 = respectively. Pi 1 2p, p, 1 3i>3 P2 Pi 1 ^Pa Ps P2 Pi 88. Equations (S) can also be employed to give the value of the coefficients in terms of s„ Sg? ^3... ^n? ^7 solving these equations for the coefficients. We find APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 109 JP. _(-iV Si 1 . .. S2 Si 2 . .. Ss S2 Si 3 . .. ^n-3 •'n-4 n-1 Sl If, as before, the coeflScient of a;** in equation (1) had been Pq, we would write in this value ofp^, ( ^^^ ) instead of (^^— ] • If n = 3, and 7i = 4, 1 i>3 = -^ Sl 1 52 Sl 1 S3 S2 Sl ; i?4= Sl 1 S2 Sl 2 S3 S2 Sl 3 Si S3 S2 Sl 89. Any differential equation of the form 2/3 -h X12/2 +^22/1 +Xsy = 0, (1) in which y, 2/1? y^i Vz denote a function of x and its successive derivatives respectively, and Xi, Xg, X3 are also functions of ic, can be reduced to an equation of the next lower order, provided a particular solution of (1) is known. Let y = z satisfy equation (1). Then Put z^ + X^z.,^-X2Z^-\-X^z = 0. u = y^-'-y, v = zu. (2) Then, as above, denoting derivatives by subscripts, we have — V -\-zyi-Ziy = 0. — Vi-^zy2-Z2y=0. — '^2 + ^ys + Ziy2 — 2=22/1 — 23?/ = 0. These three equations and (1) are simultaneous ; hence 110 THEOBY OF DETERMINANTS. A= 1 Xi X, X,y =0. z —V —z^y 2; —Vi—Z2y z zi -Z2 —Vz-z^y Now multiply the fourth column of A by - , then add to the fourth column the first multiplied by z^, the second multiplied by 22, and the third multiplied by ^i, and we have = 0; or V2Z + Vi{Zi—XiZ)-\-v{z2 + X2z) = 0, which is a differential equation of the second order. 1 X, X2 z — V z -Vi z «i -Z2 -V2 Resultants, or Eliminants. 90. If we have given a system of n homogeneous equations containing n variables, or, what amounts to the same thing, n non-homogeneous equations containing n — 1 variables, it is always possible to combine these equations in such a way as to eliminate the variables and obtain an equation of relation be- tween the coefficients of the form E = 0. (1) i?, when expressed in a rational integral form, is called the Resultant or Elmiinant of the system. In 77 and 79 we l)ointed out the fact that the equation i? = must hold be- tween the coefficients of a system of equations if they are consistent with each other (simultaneous). In the examples of 84 we repeatedly found the resultant of given systems of equations. Among the most important problems of elimination is the following : to find the resultant of two given equations, containing a single variable. ,A APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. Ill We consider first Euler's Method of Elimination. 91. I. Given f{x) =Pq3? -f- p^x 4-P2 = 0, (1) and <^{x) = q^x^ -^ q^x + q^. (2) If these equations have a common root, we must have f{x) 4>{x) ^— ^ = (a^x + as) , ^3^. = (61a; + 62) , in which %, ag, 61, 62 are undetermined, since r is unknown. Then {\x + 62) {p2i>o - tti^i - a2g'o = 0. &li>2 + &2i3l — «ig2 — «2gi = 0. +&2i>2+ — a2g2 = 0. Hence, by 77, the resultant is jR = 0. Po go i>i i>o gi go P2 Pi g2 gi P2 g2 II. In general, let f{x)=p,x- +p^x--' +p,x^-^ + ... +Pr,_^x+p^=0. (1) <^(a;) = q,x- + gia;'*-' + g2a;'*-' + - + qn-i^ + g« = 0. (2) Let r be a common root of (1) and (2), and put —-^a,af^-^-\.a,x--'+>.>^a^_^x + a^=f,{x), |^= 6,a--i + &2CC-2 + ... +\_^x+K^,{x), 112 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. Id which the coefficients Oi, dg? •••««? ^i? &2) "' K ^-re unde- termined. Then f,(x)cl>(x) = ,{x)f{x). (I.) From the identity (I.), by the theory of indeterminate co- efficients, we must have m + n homogeneous equations between the m + n coefficients ctj, ag'-'C*^, bi, 62 •••6„. Hence the de- terminant of the system of these m-{-n equations must vanish if (1) and (2) have a common root, and the resultant sought is accordingly this determinant. As an application of Euler's method, take the following example. To find the conditions that must be fulfilled when f{x)=poX^+PiX^-hP2X+Ps=0, (1) (x) = qoi)(^-\-qiOi^-{-q2X + qs=0, (2) have two common roots. If (1) and (2) have two common roots, two factors off{x) must be the same as two factors of <}){x). Hence (ax+b) {po^ -^Pi^ +P2^ +P3) = (ca; + d) {q^ + qi^-^-q^-^q^) , where a, b, c, d are indeterminate coefficients. Whence apo-\- —cqo+ =0. «i>i + bjio — cqi — dgo = 0. opa + bpi — cq.2 — dqi = 0. «i>3 + bP2 — CQs — dq2 = 0. +bps-{- -^^3 = 0. From every four of these five homogeneous equations we obtain a determinant of the fourth order whose vanishing expresses one of the required conditions. Hence the conditions sought are expressed by the matrical equation Po Pi P2 Ps Po P, P2 Ps Qo Qi {x) = qoX'' 4-gia;"-i + -hqn-1^ + g» = o. (1) (2) If we multiply (1) successively by ic, x^'"X'^, and (2) succes- sively by ic, a^-'-ic"*, we obtain a system of m-j-n equations, linear and homogeneous, with respect to a;, x^, x^^ ...a;'«+« con- sidered as separate variables. From these equations we elimi- nate the variables by 77 and obtain the resultant in the form of a determinant of order m-\-n. 114 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. B= Po Pi P2 '" Pn Pn+l Pn+2 '" = 0. Po Pi '" Pn-l Pn Pn+l Po '" Pn-2 Pn-1 Pn Qo qi 92 '" Qn Qo Ql ••• Qn-l qn go ••• qn-2 g„-i qn It is evident from the form of R that the coefficients of (1) enter R in the degree of (2), and that the coefficients of (2) enter R in the degree of (1). Cauchy^s Modification of Bezoufs Method of Elimination. 93. I. Given Po^'^+Pl^+P2X+P3=0, (1) and qoX^ + qi^^ + ^2^*^ + ^s = 0. (2) Transposing and dividing (1) by (2), we obtain successively PO _ Pl^+P2^+P8 go qi^ -{- q2x -h qs PqX +i>l ^ P2^-hPn qox-\-qi ~q2^ + q^ Pq^+PiX-^P2 ^ PS^ qo^-hqi^ + q2 qi Clearing these equations of fractions, we have (Po^i - q^Pi)^ + (i?og2 - go2>2)« + {Poq^ - qoPs) =o, iPoq2-qoP2)^-^ liPoq-s-qoPs) + (2>ig2-giP2)]a;+ {Piqs-qiPs)^^, {Poq-s - qoPs)^^ + {Piqs - qiPs)^ + (^2^3 - ^2^3) =0. Eliminating o^ and cc, regarded as distinct variables, from these equations by 79, we find 6- APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FOKMS. 115 R = \P(^qi\ li>o^2l Ipogsl 1^0^21 \Poqi\ + \piq2\ li>i?3l IPogsl li>1^3l 11^2^3! = 0. The resultant is found by this method in the form of an axisym- metric determinant,* whose elements are easily written, as we shall show by another example. Let the given equations be Po^^+Pix and go^'* + 5'i^ '+P2 ' + q2 x'-\-P3X-hPi=0, x^ + q^x-\-q^ = 0. (1) (2) We have, as before, ^0 q^x^ -\- q.;^X' + q.^a q^x + qi P(^^-\-PiX-^P2 P2^-\-p^x+p^ qzx" -\- q^x -\- q^ PsX-\-Pi qsx + q^ ' -• (E) 2JqX^ + p^a^ + p^x q^a^ -{- q^a^ -\- q^x + ^3 _Pa qi Clearing equations (E) of fractions, we have \poqi\x'^ + \Poq2\x^ + \Poq3\x + \poq4\ 0, \poq2\x^ + UPoQi\-^\PiQ2\^x^ + UPoqA\ + [Piq3\lx-{-\piq^\==o, ll>0 53laJ'^4-[li>0^4l + li>1^3l]a^+[li>ig2H-IP2^3l]^+li>2g4l=0, \Poq4\^-{-\piqi\x^-\-\p2qi\x-{-\psq4\ =0. Hence, as before, the resultant is E = \po qi\ \Poq2\ \Poqs\ \Poq2\ \Poq3\ + \piq2\ \poqi\ + \piqs\ IPo ^sl Ipoq^l-hlpiqsl \p1qi\-h\P2q3\ Ipo q4\ \pi qi\ \P2 qi\ \poqi\ \pi qi\ \p2qi\ IPs q^l = 0. For symmetrical determinants, see 107. 116 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. To form this resultant directly from the equations, write the ro symmetrical determinants \Poqi\ \poq2\ \Poqs\ \poqi\ \poq2\ Ipoq^l \poqi\ Ipiq^l \Poq&\ Ipoq^ lihq^l \p2qi\ ipoq^l Ipiq^l lp2q^ Ipsqil , and \Pi q2\ \Pi qsl \Pi q^l \P2 qs\ f formed from the coefficients of (1) and (2) in an obvious and easy way. It is then evident that B is formed from these two determinants by adding the elements of the second to the four inner elements of the first. If the equations are of the fifth degree, the student will form the resultant in the same way from the three determinants iPoqil \Poq2\ \Poq3\ \i>oq^\ Ipoqsl iPo^J IjPogsI Ipoq^l Ipoqsl li^i^sl iPo^sl \Poq^\ IPogsI IPl^sl 11^2^51 Ii>og4l Ipogsl \piq5\ l^gsl Ip^qsl \Poqo\ Ipiqsl Ipzqsl \psq5\ Ip^qsl \piq2\ Ipiqsl \piqi\ \piq3\ \piqi\ \p2q4\ \piqi\ \p2q4\ Ipzqil \p2q3\y by adding the third to the middle element of the second, and then adding the elements of the second to the nine inner ele- ments of the first. This process is, of course, general. From the preceding examples we see that by Bezout's method, tJie resultant of two equations, each of the nth degree, is a sym- metrical determinant of the same degree whose elements are either determinants of the second order or the sum of such determinants. II. If the two equations are not of the same degree, suppose we have given i>oa^*+Pi^^+i>2^+i>3a;+P4 = 0, (1) qox'^-hq^x +^2 =0. (2) Multiply (2) by x^ ; the equations are then Po^+Pi^^+Pzx'-hPsX-hPi^Oy (li) qox'-\-q,x'-\-q,x' =0. (2,) APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 117 From (li) and (2i), PO^ +Pl ^ P2^'^ + P3^ + j^4 ^ Clearing these equations of fractions, we have \po q2\^ + \ \pi ^2' - Q'oi>3i ^ - (^oi>4 + qiPs)x - qip^ = 0. With these equations consider (2) multiplied by x, and (2), qQx'^ + qiX^-^q2X = 0, qooc^-^qix + q.^ =0. From these four equations eliminate x^, o^, cc, and we have B 1^0^21 \poq2\ qoPs qoPi Piq2\-qoP3 qoPi + qiPs qiPi qi -q2 qo •qi -q' 0. III. In general, let f(x) =poQcr +piaf-i +p2a;«-2 4. + Pm~lOC+Pm=0, (1) ia;"-^+ ... 4.p^_2aj_|_p^_^ p^a;'"-"-f-p„+iaj™-"-i+ ... 4-2?^ go«'*"''+gi»"''+ - +gn-2aj+g„-i g„a;- 118 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. Clear these equations of fractions, and consider with them the following m — n equations obtained from (2) bj' multiply- ing it in order by 1, «, a^, •••a;"'""""^, qoOf-'^ + qiixr '- + q2X"'-^-\ hgn-iic"*~"+ ^n^^'""^ =0, go«" +Q'i«"~^H \-qn-i^ +qn =o. From these m equations the resultant is obtained by elimina- ting the m — 1 successive powers of x regarded as separate variables. The Resultant in Terms of the Roots, 94. Given / = j9oa;"'-FPia;"-^H f-i?«-ia;+i)« = 0, (a) <^=go»"+gia;"-'4- - +qn-i^-\-qn =0. (&) If tti, a2, ...a^ are the roots of (a), and /3i, ^2-, ...^n are the roots of (6) , we have, of course, = qo{x-(3,){x-p2)'"{^-^n)- (h) Now, if in go«''* + Q'i^'*~^H hO'n-i^ + Q'n we substitute successively ai, og, ... a^, takes the m corresponding values, <^(ai), =-0, (2) bv 92, we have APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 119 B,= PO Pi P2"' Pn Pn+l Pn+2 Po Pi--' Pn-1 Pn Pn+l i>o ••• Pn-2 Pn~l Pn Qo ^1 Q2 ••• 9n- go Qi ••• Qn-i qn-4> ^0 — 5n-2 g«-i qn-4> = 0. This is obviously an equation of the mth degree in <^, whose roots are <^(ai), <^(a2), c^Cag), ••• (a,„). The absolute term T of this equation is the product of its m roots multiplied by a factor. But from the determinant i?i, Again, since JKi becomes identical with { — lyR of 92, II., when we have made <^ vanish, we see that In just the same way we can show that 2"= (-i)>V(/80/(ft) -/(/S.); and hence, after suitable interchanges of lines, 95. These forms of the resultant R may be obtained by symmetric functions, as follows : /W=i>oa;" + Pia;'^-'+i?2a^""'+ ••• +Pm-iX+p,,=:0, (a) {x) = q,x- + q^x--^ + q^x^-'' + ... + q,,^.,x + q,, = 0. (6) Then aj, ag, •••a^ being the roots of (a), and ft, ft, ."ft the roots of (&), 120 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. Now, if (a) and (6) have a common root, the product /(A)/(/SO-/(A) = .P must vanish, since in that case some one of the factors vanishes. The same statement applies to the product c/>(ai)<^(a2)...(^(aJ=Pi. But /(ft) = po (ft - ai) (ft - a^) . . . (ft - a J , /(ft) =Po (ft - ai) (ft - a,) ... (ft - a„) , /(ft) =Po(ft - ai) (ft - a^) ... (ft- aj ; also (02) = go («^ - ft) {0.2 - ft) — (a2 - ft,) , <^(am) = go(a.-ft)(a.-ft)-(an.-ft.). P is accordingly made up of mn factors of the form ft — a,. We may therefore write P=jOo"n(ft-a,), where r has all integral values from 1 to w, and s has all integral values from 1 to m. P is moreover a symmetric func- tion of the roots of <^ (a;) =0, and can therefore always be expressed as a rational integral function of the coefficients ; and since it vanishes when /(a;) = and cf){x) = have a common root, and not otherwise, when P is expressed in terms of the coefficients, P is the resultant of (a) and (6) . In the same way Pi = go'"n(a,-ft) = (-l)-«go"n(ft-a.), where s and r have the same values as before. Hence we may write the resultant J? = (-l)-go'"/(ft)/(ft)-/(ft.)=l>o''<^(ai)c^(a2)...<^(aJ, (A) APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 121 for both these expressions are rational integral functions of the coefficients of f{x) and <^(a^), which vanish when /(a;)=0 and <^(a;) = have a common root, and not otherwise, and -wrhich become identical when expressed in terms of the co- efficients. The value of R can accordingly be written Properties of the Resultant. 96. I. By reference to the forms {A) , we observe that the coefficients po? lh'"Pm of equation (a) enter the resultant in the 7ith degree, and the coefficients q^^ Q'i-"5'» of (6) enter the resultant in the mth degree ; moreover, we readily see that (_l)""*gy'»j>^'* is a term from the first form of the resultant, and Pq- q,^ is a term from the second form ; hence, given two equa- tions of degree m and n respectively^ the order of the resultant R in the coefficients is m-\-n; the coefficients of the first eqiiation are found in R in the degree of the second, and the coefficients of the second equation enter R in the degree of the first. II. If the roots of (a) and (6) are multiplied by A;, R is multiplied by A;'"". Since each of the mn binomial factors of is in this case multiplied by A:, the truth of the statement is obvious. This result is frequentlj' expressed by saying the weight of the resultaiit is mn.* III. If the roots of (a) and (b) are increased by 7i, the resul- tant of the transformed equations is the same as the resultant of the original equations. This, too, is obvious, for none of the factors of R is changed when both roots are increased or diminished by the same number. * By the weight of any term is meant the degree in all the quantities that enter it. The weight of ab^c^ is 6. 122 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. IV. If the roots of (a) and (b) are changed into their recip- rocals, the resultant Ei of the transformed equation is ( — lj'"'*i?. Putting y = —, (a) and (6) become respectively X (2/) = Qny"" + Qn-l 2/""' + Qn-2 2/""' + " ' + QiP + Qo == 0. {b,) Whence i2x = gri>."n(i-i) But (aia2---a„)= , (/Ji/:^2 '•• Pn) = » hence the resultant of the transformed equations is identical with the resultayit of the original equations^ or differs from it only in , sign, according as mn is even or odd. 97. Of all the methods of elimination given, the dialytic method is the most direct. Another advantage of this method is that it may obviously be employed to eliminate one of two unknowns from a pair of equations, as in the following example. Given Po^-{-Pi ^^y +P2^y^ +Psf = 0, qo^ + qixy ^q.f +93^ =0. / To eliminate x we form the following equations : Pox!* -hPi^^^y ■i-P2^y^ +P3xy^ = 0, Po^ -^Pi^y -hP2xy--hP3f =0, qox*-\-qix^y-i-{q2y' -\-2/ Psf Po PiV P2y^ Psf 5o qiv q2f-\-q3 Qo QiV g2y'-\-q3 go qiv g2y' + qs 0, an equation containing only y» 98. The same method is also frequently applicable to the elimination of w — 1 unknowns from a set of n equations, so as to obtain a final equation with but one unknown. It will afford the student a good exercise to find from the three equations aia^y-\-a2Xz-^as =0, (1) yz — a^x = 0, (2) a^xy +aQX +a7 =0, (3) a final equation in y, as follows : First, eliminate x from (1) and (3), and also from (1) and (2), obtaining two new equations in y and z. From these equations eliminate », and obtain a^y'^-^a.^a^ a^a^ —{a^+ae)a2a7 aia^'^+{a^aT^-{-2a^a5aQ)y+a^ai an equation in y of the sixth degree. ~ ' 99. A further interesting application is found in the follow- ing examples, in which three variables are eliminated from as many equations. Given a^i + 3^2 + ^3 = 0, x^ = a^ x}—h^ x^ = c. Multiplying the first equation successively by a?!, x^-) Xq^ a;ia;2iC3, and substituting from the last three, we get CL ~\~ x^ X2 ~j~ a?! x^ ^^ u , b+XiX^ -f- a!2a;3 = 0, C "7~ 37 J ajg -j~ X2 X^ ^= ' J , cxi X2 -\- hxi x.^ -\-ax.,x.^z=0. '' 124 THEOKY OF DETERMINANTS. Eliminating XiX^y XiX^^ ajg^a? a 1 1 b 1 1 c 1 1 c b a = 0, Had we multiplied the first equation successively by i^ iC2*^3? *^1*^3? ^l«^2? we should find by eliminating XiX2X^, Xi, x^^ x^^ 0. 1 1 1 1 c 6 1 c a 1 b a If the original equations are Xi-\-X2-\-X^=0^ Xi^=a, X2^=b, 073^ = c, one form of the resultant is obtained by multiplying the first equation successively by Xi^ ^2? "^S? *^2 ^3 » •^1*^3? "^i "^2 ? "^1 •^2'''3? 3/j*^2 "^S? 2/13/23/3 j and substituting from the last three. Then by eliminating •'^l ) *^2 ) 3/3 J flJgflJs) fl72 3?3} 3/1 37^^ X^X^ X^ ^ X^ X^X^ j 37j SJg flJg^ we find 10 110 10 10 10 1110 c 6 1 c a 1 6 a 1 a 1 1 b 1 1 c 1 1 = 0. APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 125 100. For a final application of the dialytic method we select the following. Given Vc/oic + <^^i + V6o^ + ^1 + ^0 = 0, to free the equation from radicals, we ma\' proceed as follows. Put Vao» + ai = 2/i5 V&oa;-f 61 = 2/2. Then we get at once 2/1+2/2 +c=0, 2/1^ — Ooa; — ai = 0, 2/2^ — 60 a; — &i = 0. From (1) and (3), 1 —boX — bi 1 2/1 + Co 1 yi + Co = 0. (1) (2) (3) (4) = 0, Eliminating 2/1 from (2) and (4) , we have 1 2cq Cq —\x—hi 1 2 Co CQ—h^x — hi 1 — ofo — % 1 —aii!— tti which is the equation sought. In general, given PiVfx +p,Vf(x) -hPs'^W) + - -^pJVfM = B, , in which ri, Vz-'-r^ are integers, and fi{x), f{x) --fnix) are rational integral functions of x, we may rationalize the expres- sion as follows. Put /l(^) = 2//S f2{^) = 2/2^"', - /n(a^) = Vn 126 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. Then we have a system of n equations, from which, together with we eliminate the n variables 2/1, Vit ••.2/»» ^^^ obtain a resulting equation in x without radicals. Discriminant of an Equation, 101. I. Given f{x) =p,x-+p,x--''-\-p^x^'-^+ ... +i>„_ia;4-i>n = 0, (1) and the first derivatives of f{x) , or f{x) = np^--^-\- {n-l)p,x^-^+ (^_2)p2»--3+...4.p^_,. (2) Then the resultant R of f{x) = and f\x) = is called the discriminant of f(x) = 0, since, if B vanishes, f(x) = and /'(if) = have a common root, and hence f(x) = has equal roots. Forming the resultant of (1) and (2) by 92, we have Pn-2 Pn-1 Pn . Pn-S Pn~2 Pn-l i^n • Pn-i Pn-3 Pn-2 Pn~l Pn . 2Pn-2 JPn-1 0. ^Pn-S ^Pn-2 Pn-1 0- 4i>„-4 ^Pn-i 2p„_2 p„_i . I in which the first {n — 1) rows are formed from the coefficients of (1), and the last n rows from the coefficients of (2). Now multiply the first row of B by ?i, and subtract it from the nth row ; the 7ith row becomes Po Pi P2 Po Pi Po npo {n -^)P1 (n -2)i)2 npo (n -l)i>l nPo j>i -2i>2 (^-2)i)„_2 -(n-l)i?„_i -np^ APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 12T Hence R is at once reducible to a determinant of order 2n — 2 multiplied \)y Pq] calling this determinant A, we have / Now i2 =i>o'*-V'(aO/'(a2)/'(a3), -/'(«„) ; (94 or 95, A) , ^ f(x) nx\^yf(x) f(x) and since f\x)=--^-^-^ +^-^-^+^-^~L j^ ... ^ :^\±, /'(ai) =i>o(ai — «2)(ai — as) ••• («! — »„ -i) (cti — a^) /'(as). =i>o(a2 — ai)(a2~a3) * ' ' («2 — «n-i) ("2 — aj f{o-n-\) =i^o(an-i — ai) (a„_i — as) ••• (a„_i — a^.g) (a„_i — aj /'(a„) =Po(an — ai)(an— eta) ••' (««— an-2) (a» — a„_i) {E) If we multiply equations {E) together, we see that the second member of the result will contain the product of the squares of the differences of the roots aj, ag, ...a„ of (1). Employing the usual notation for this product, viz., ^(ai, ag, ag, •••a„), we have /(ai)/'(a2) -fM = i-iy '"'-'' PoH(a,, a,, a,, - a J ; ... A = (-l)^^"-^^i>o''^-^r(ai, 02, a3, .•• a„). II. The discriminant of an equation can also be obtained as follows : /(x) = 0, (1) and f(x) = 0; (2) being simultaneous equations when f{x) = has equal roots, the equation nf{x)- xf'(x) = (3) is also consistent with (1) and (2). Now (3) is an equation of the (n— l)th degree; and finding the resultant of (3) and f'(x) = 0, which is also of the {n — l)th degree, we obtain the discriminant A as a determinant of order 2n — 2. For an example, we shall find the discriminant of the cubic PqX^ +PiX^-\-P2X +i>3 = 0. 128 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. We have to find the resultant A of the equations p^x^ + 2j92^' + 3^)3 = 0, ^PqX^ + 2piX + p2 = 0, p^ 2^92 3i)3 =0. 3jpo ^Pi P2 3po 2pi ^2 By the same process we find the discriminant of the biquad- ratic to be P = 2h^ + ^Pi^ + GP2^ + 4^)3^ -\-P4 = i^o ^Pi ^P2 Pa = 0. Pq 32h ^P2 P3 po Spi 3p2 p-s Pi 3^2 3^3 p^ pi 3p2 3^3 i)4 2h 3^2 3|)3 i)4 This is accordingly the same as P — 27J^ = 0, where / = P(,Pi - 4:p^ps 4- 3^2% J = P0P2P4 + ^PiP22h - PoPi - Pi Pa - pi- 102. We may show that »/= is one of the necessary con- ditions when the biquadratic P = of the preceding article has three equal roots. Since P=i)oa^ + 4_piar^-j-62)2aj' + 4i)3a^+P4 = (1) * In many processes it is found more convenient to write a given func- tion in the form of this equation, i.e., + ^ (n — 1 ) p„_2 a:2 4- n;>«- 1 x + ;?„, Z ! in which each term is multiphed by tlie corresponding coefficient in the expansion of {a:+l)*». Any given polynomial can, of course, be at once reduced to this form. APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 129 has three equal roots, two of these will be roots of K^4-3i?iar^ + 3i>2a;+i)3 = 0, (2) and one of them is a root of Po^ + 2j9i 0^+^92 = 0. (3) From (2) and (3) this root is also found in Pix'^ + 2p.2X-^Ps = 0. (4) Multiplying (3) b}* o^, (4) by 2x^ and adding, we obtain ay'iPoX^ + 2piX H-i>a) + 2x{pixr + 2p.2X -fi^s) = 0. (5) Now adding pa^ + '^Ih^ H~i^4 to the first member of (5), we have, since P=0, a^(PoX^-\-22h^-\-p2)-\-2x(piX^+2p2X+ps) -j^Paa^H- '^Ps^-\-p^= 0. Hence, if (1) has three equal roots. PqX^-\-2piX-{-P2 = 0, PiX^-}-2p2X-\-ps = 0, P2ic2+2j93aj+i>4=0. or J= 0. Po Pi Pi Pi i>2 i>3 i>2 P& P4 = 0, The other condition for three equal roots of (1) is accordingly 7=0. 103. The resultant of a system of n homogeneous equations, one of which is of the second degree, and the remaining n—l are linear, may be obtained as follows. Given P=PQaf-\-p^y^--\-p2Z^-^2qoXy-\-2qiXZ-^2q2yz = 0, (1) Pi= a^x -\-b^y +CiZ = 0, (2) P2= a2X 4- bzy -\-C2Z = 0. (3) Differentiating (1) with respect to x, ?/, z in succession, and remembering Euler's theorem on homogeneous functions, we obtain P= x(poX-}-qoy-hqiZ) + y(qoX-\-piy-i-q2z) + z(qiX-{- q2y -i-PiZ) = 0. (4) 130 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. Equations (2) and (3) and (4) are simultaneous homoge- neous equations ; hence, by 77, (4) must be expressible linearly in terms of (2) and (3), and ^1^1 + 192^2 = (5) is an equation identical with (4) . Equating the coefficients of (4) and (5), we have the following system of equations: Po« + go2/ + ^i2;-^iai- ^2^^2 = 0, "I qiX-{-q2y+P2^—0iCi—02C2 = O. ) Now, taking equations (2) and (3) with equations (E)^ we have a system of five homogeneous equations. Eliminating a;, y^ z, Oi, $2-, the resultant of (1), (2), (3) is i2 = Pq go qi «i «2 go Pi g2 &i h qi q-i P2 ci C2 tti bi Gi a2 b2 C2 In general, let the system of equations be f{x) =p,x,^ +P2X2 +P3X3 H ^PnXn' + ^qiXiX2 -{-2q2X^Xa-\ \-2q.^.x^_iX^ =0, Pi =aiXi -hbiX2 -{-CiXs -{- "• -\-liX,, =0 P2 = aoXi +b2X2 -{-C2X^ +"'+kXn =0 P„ 1= a^.iXi-^b^_iX2-\-Cn-iXs-\ \-l («) We have, as before, if /x/ denote the differential coefficient of f{x) with respect to fl;^, a?iA' + ^2 A' 4- xja^j + - + Xnfx,! = 2/(0.') = 0. (&) Since (a) and (&) constitute a system of simultaneous homogeneous equations, (6) considered linear with respect to APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 131 the variables, must be expressible linearly in terms of the n — 1 linear equations of (a) . Hence (6) is identical with Oll\ + e^P, + esPs+"'-h On-lPn-1 = 0. (c) Equating the coefficients of (5) and (c), we obtain the 7i homogeneous equations qi^l +P2^2 + qn^S-\ \-q2n-l^n = Ml +^2^2 + MsH H K-lOn-1, q^l + qn^2 + P-A^i-\ h q-ia-S^i = CA-^C202+ C3^3 H K C„_i^„_i, g«-li»l + ^2«-ia^2 + ^3H-3^*3H f-Pni»»= ^A + ?2^, + ZAH h^H-A-l- These equations, together with the n— 1 linear equations of (a), form a system of 2n—l equations between x^, x.2, ••• x^, Oil $2, •" ^n 1- Hence the resultant of the given system is Pi qi ^2 qi P2 qn q2 qn Ps qn-l q2nl q-An-S Qi 5i Ci 0,2 h.2 C2 a«^i ^„-l (^n I qn-l «1 «2 q2u~l h h q-Sn-ti Ci Co Pn h k Zl /., «H-1 Zn-1 Special Solutions of Simultaneous Quadratics. 104. By the help of a special expedient we may often solve a pair of simultaneous quadratics much more rapidl3' and ele- gantly with determinants than by the ordinary methods. The following examples will serve to exemplify the method em- ployed, and are, moreover, such forms as occur frequently. A. Find x and y in ttiic + ^i?/ _ mj \ '~ ^ T, . (1) ^ + f = 132 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. Let / be such a factor that (2) From (2) / mi bi nil 62 fD A / y «! mil 1 tti 62 1 ^ I «i ^2! Substituting in the second equation of (1) tD fDi A ■ rA B. Solve the equations 2/ = rA ±Vi>^+A' ttiic + Wy — niixy a^x -\- 622/ = maic?/ (1) Divide these equations member by member ; then, as before, put aiX-\-h^y = fmi^^ a^x-^h^y^fm^]' (2) / I ^1 &2 I y = f I «i »% I I ai 62 1 From the first equation of (1) [a, I mi 62 I 4- &i I «i Wi2l] I «! &2 I / = £C = mi I ?7li &2 I I «1 *^2 I I tti 62 I I «1 ^2 I tti m2 1 y I mi 69 I A shorter solution is obtained by dividing each equation of (1) bv icy, and solving for - and -. X y APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. C. Solve the equations asX^ -h b2y^ = rriz ) Write these equations aiX +&i2/ = wi a2X ' X -{- b2y ' y = m. :! 133 (1) (2) mi 61 «! m. Then x = - ma 622/ A ; 2/ = a2X mg 1 A (" «! 6i a2a; 622/ We have icA — Wi 62 2/ = — ma 61, mia2a;+ A?/ = aim^, ttg 61a? — ai 52.7 =— A. Hence A — mi^a ^2^1 = 0. mittg ^ — aimg ag^i — ai52 ^ From which A = ± Vc 11^63^2 + &l^ 0^2 ^2 -mi^a2&2* Again, dio; + biy =mi, a26ia; — ai622/ = — ^• mi 6. ai mi A 01*2 ttg^i —A . (. 1 = ai 61 cxa&i — ai62 "' = " A ; y = Ai D. Solve the equations QiX -\- biy = Ml I «2aJ H- ^22/ + ^2^72^ =m2)' These equations we write aiX-\-biy =mi| (1) (2) 134 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. \ nil h\ A As before, Whence 02 + Cay h, :!•) (A + miCg)^/ — aim2+ mia2 = 0, — hiC^y + tti 62 — (X2^i — A = 0. A + mjCg mia2 — %^2 — 61 C2 (Xi^a — 0^2^! — ^ = 0, a quadratic from^which A is found. I mi 62 1 y = I Oi mg I A -h m 1 C2 Example 5 above can also be solved by the method of this example. E. Solve the equations aa? + hxy -\- cy^ = d } ex^ -^ fxy -]- gy"- = h) Equations (1) may be written x^ -{- 2 aixy -{- biy^ = m xP -\- 2 a2xy -\- biy^ = m^ ;l (1) (2) by easy reductions. We introduce the factor 2 for convenience in calculation. A solution analogous to D could be given. Whatever the coefficient of xy^ it can, of course, be at once reduced to the form 2ai. We write equations (2) x{x + a^y) -\r y {aiX-\- h,y) = m^ x (x + a2y) + y (a.x -\- b. hy) = mi I ),y) = m2 j (3) Then X = Ml aiX-\-b^y mo a^x-^-b^y x-\-aiy mi I X -\- a^y rrio \ APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 135 where We have Whence x-\-aiy aiX-{-biy x-\-a2y a2X-\-h2y [A+ \aim2\~\x-{- I \m2\y = 0, [ma — mi] a; + [ I «! mg I — A] 2/ = 0. A + I aimal I ftimgl ma — mi I a-^m^ I — A 0. Solving this quadratic, Now A = ± Vl aimgP— 1 61 ms I {m^—m^, \mMy X = A + I ai mg Substitute tliis value of x in the first of equations (2), and we have I mi 62!^/ 2a^\mMlf (AH- I aimgl)'^ A+Uim; + \y^ = ^1, a pure quadratic, from which the value of y can be found at once. 105. To the solutions of the last article we add the follow- ing, in which one equation is a quadratic and the other is a cubic. Find the values of x and y in a? -{-xy -\-y^ mi x^ — xy -\- y'^ ~~ m2 oc^-\-y^ = o? (1) From the first of equations (1) • y = \mi I .?/ = Am2 3 X {x -\- y) -\- y ' y = \mi x(x — y)-\-y (2) 136 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. A m, y A a; + 2/ mi X = — mo y A ; 2/ = - x — ym^ A . (.. a;-y y We have icA -- X (mi — wig) 2^ = | Aa; (mi - mg) -f [A - A. (mi -f- mg)] 2/ = 0J y.) (3) Whence A A (?Hi — mg) A(mi — ms) A — A(mi + m2) = 0. From this equation ^ ~~ 2 ^^1 + ma ± Vl077iim2 — 3mi^ — 'dm/\ . Now, since A = 2/, we have to find the vahie of A in order to complete the sohition. From equations (2), and the second of equations (1), x-\-y Am, xy = - (wii - ma) (4) From equations (4) , and the first of equations (2) , we get A = Vi (3 mi m2 -r m^) and hence y = ± (wi + Wo) ± VlOmjma— 3mi^— 3m.j V ^ ( 3 m-i m2 — mi) X may be found from the second of equations (1), or from the first of equations (3) . APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FOKMS. 137 Solution of the Cubic, 106. The general cubic equation PO^ -i-Pl^ +P2^ +i>3 = is always reducible to the form x^ + qiX + q2 = 0. We are therefore only concerned with the solution of (2), The determinant equation = is identical with We have (1) (2) X «i as a2 X ai ai a^ X a^ — Sa^ €12 x-\-ai^ -{- a/ = 0. A= £c + ai4-a2 % (ig x-\-ai-\-a2 X . ai ^ + «1 + «2 ^2 ^ (3) hence a; -{- «! + ag is a factor of A. Again, let a be one of the imaginary cube roots of unity ; then the other is a^. Substitute aja, ag^^ foi" % and a^ re- spectively in A, obtaining 2 /v» n ^ since a*" a2a' A = a^ — 3 aittga^^ + ^i^ + %^a^ = ^j CC + aitt + a^a^ CKja 0^2^ JC + Ofia + aoa^ » a^a. a; rf «! a + agtt^ a2a^ ^ 138 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. and hence A is divisible by ic + aia + aga^ By substituting a^a? and a^a for a^ and a^ respectively in A, we obtain a determinant A", which is shown equal to A in the same way as before. Hence a^a? -\- aza -\- x is also a factor of A, Accordingly, A = A: (a; + ai -f- <^2) (a? + otja + a^a^) (x + aia^ + aga) ? (4) where A: is a numerical factor. Comparing the term a^ of A with the term x^ in the second member of (4) , we see that k=l. .*. x^ — 3ai a2X-\- cii + ag^ = (x-\-ai-\- a^ {x-^-a^a + a^ a?) (ic + aja^ + aaa). (5) From (5) we have at once a; = — «! — as, — aia — aga^, — ^la^ — aga. Now applying this result to the solution of (2), we put gi = — Saittg^ ^2 = 0^1 +(^2 'i whence \ 2 ^ 4.^21 ' ^2\4^27 Hence, finally, the roots of (2) are ^-f-#^ ^^-fWlVft'. > 2 XT + S? 2 + > 2 + \T + 27 2 APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 139 Symmetrical Determinants. 107. When we regard the square of elements that make up a determinant, it is natural to inquire what special proper- ties, if any, the determinant possesses when we suppose the elements not all independent ; in other words, what special forms arise when we suppose certain relationships to exist between the elements, and what are their most important prop- erties. Among the special forms very frequently met with, especially in Geometry, are the Symmetrical determinants. The symmetry here referred to is first, symmetry with respect to the diagonals^ and second, symmetry with respect to the inter- section of the diagonals, i.e., the centre of the square. Two elements, so situated that the row and column numbers of the one are the column and row numbers of the other, are called conjugate elements. Evidently the line joining two conjugate elements a„ and a,^ is bisected at right angles by the principal diagonal. If in a determinant a^^ = dsri then the determinant is axisymmetric, or simply symmetrical. The definition of a symmetrical determinant is extended so as to mean symmetry with respect to the secondary diagonal also, so that a deter- minant is symmetrical if for each element there is an equal element so situated with respect to its equal that the line joining the two is bisected at right angles by one of the diago- nals. The following are symmetrical determinants : ai bi Ci di ? a,i ai2 ai3 «14 ? a. &1 ^^ d. bi h,Xyd2 being coaxial minors of Ipinl, are all sums of squares of minors of I aj^l ; for consider one of these minors i>n Pff Pf9 Vgf Pgg Prf Prg ' Pfr Prr P^t=Ptr Z)„_2 iiiay 1>G obtained by squaring the array */3 Vn in which there are n columns and n — 2 rows. By 58, 1st, Z>„_2 must be the sum of products of pairs of determinants which in this case are equal ; hence D„_2 is the sum of squares of minors of I ai„l of order n — 2. Hence 5Z>„_i, 22>„_2, 2Z>„_3, •••, are all positive. The signs of the terms of (4) are therefore alternately positive and negative, and, by Descartes' Rule of Signs (4), can have no negative roots. Accordingly, /(a;) = 0, or (1), cannot have a root of the form aV— 1, for then a? would be negative, which we have shown is impossible. Nor can (4) have a root of the form /3+aV— 1 ; for if we write au-"iS=au» a 22 — 1^ = ci' ^i etc., the proof just given is applicable. The student will find it interesting to apply the preceding proof to the particular case where f{x) is of the third degree, i.e. /w= a-x • «12 «13 = 0, «12 a22 + x «23 «13 «23 ^33 + a; Ctr. = «. 146 THEOilY OF DETERMINANTS. actually multiplying f{x) by /(—«), and expanding the result to obtain the equation in a^, whose terms are alternately posi- tive and negative. 114. Symmetrical determinants of the form /6 «i 97 fe «i h h 97 /e d. es , and Cs d. h Cs a, h fe «! ao ai a^ ay a., ag a^ «3 ^4 ttg a^ a. an -I a. ^«+i = P(aia2---a2„_2), are called ortlio symmetric or persymmetric. That is to say, when each line perpendicular to either of the diagonals has all its elements alike, the determinant is persymmetric. Such' a determinant can contain at most 2n — l distinct elements. Examples of the occurrence of orthosym metric determinants in practice are found in 84, VII. 115. The most important property of orthosymmetric deter- minants is that the determinant remains unchanged when the first terms of the successive orders of differences of its 2 n — 1 elements are substituted for the elements themselves. Consider the following series of numbers, and form the 1st, 2d, 3d, • •• (2n — l)th orders of differences by subtracting Oj^^i from a^ throughout. Then adopting the u sual notation, v, tto ai tta ttg «4 Ct5 '" Ci2n-2 Ai An Ai2 Al3 Ai4 ••• Ai2„-3 A2 A21 A22 A23 ••• A2 2„-4 Ag A31 Ago ••• A3 2„_5 A4 A41 ••• A4 2„-6 Aat-a APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FOEMS. 147 We now show that A = tto ao tto Qo €12 <^S a„ a, n+l "'/1+2 Ct'n-l = tto Ai A2 A3 •• A, «n Ai As A3 A4 • •• A, «u+l As A3 A4 A5 • •• A, ... ... ... ... ... . .. . «2n-2 A«_ lA. A„+i An+2 .. A. n+l If in A the (n-l)th, (n-'2)th, ■ from the nth, (n — l)th, (?i — 2)th, we get A = ao Ai «! An «2 A12 column be subtracted • column respectively, ^ln-2 Aln-1 Am ttn-l Ai„_i Ai^ Ai„+i ••• Ai2«_3 Repeating the operation successively, we obtain A = ao Ai A2 A3 • • K-l «i All A21 A31 • • A,_ii a-j A12 A22 A32 • • A._i2 ... ... ... ... ' . a„_ 1 Ai,,_i A2„_i A3n-1 • • A„.i„_i Operating in a similar manner upon the rows, we get A = Ai Ai A2 A3 A4 A4 A 1 A as was to be shown. A„+i A„+2 A„_i A„ A„+i Thus 8 15 15 26 26 1 = 43 ! 15 26 43 68 26 43 68 103 3 5 2 2 5 2 2 2 2 2 2' 148 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. for we have Similarly, 3 8 15 26 43 68 103 5 7 11 17 25 35 2 4 6 8 10 2 2 2 2. 7 0-4 — ■5 = 7 -7 3 = ( -4 -5 -3 -7 3 _4 _5 -3 2 3 -5 -3 2 10 dent may show that 12 4 7 =: 1 1 1 2 4 7 12 1 1 1 4 7 12 19 1 1 -2 7 12 19 30 1 -2 5 1 4 9 16 = 0. 1 8 27 64 4 9 16 25 8 27 64 125 9 16 25 36 27 64 ] 125 216 16 25 36 49 64 125 i >16 343 = 6^ Besides exhibiting obvious simplifications, these examples show that wlien the elements of a persymmetric determinant of the nth degree form an arithmetical progression of order m* < n — 1 , the determinant vanishes ; and if the order of the progression is n— 1, the determinant reduces to an nth power. *The series of numbers 1 8 27 64 125 216 form an arithmetical progression of the third order, because the terms of the third order of differences are alike. Thus 1 8 27 64 125 216 7 19 37 61 91 12 18 6 24 6 30 6. APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 149 116. The conditions of the last statement will always be fulfilled if a^ is a rational integral function of k of the mth degree, whose highest term has the coefficient 1. For then, according to the well-known theorem, a^^ aj, ag, ••• form an arithmetical series of the mth order, of which the mth. dif- ferences will be m!. If, then, ?7i = n — 1, all the elements of the secondary diagonal will be (n — 1)!, and all the elements below it will be zeros. Whence the determinant equals (_l)2(«-i)[(^ _!)]«. If m < n — 1, the determinant of course vanishes. In either case, instead of ao, ai, ag, •••, we may write If, for example, p is any given number, and -\-m\ _{p-{-k + m){p-\-k-\-m — l) ••• {p-\-k-{- 1) \ m A) + mN /p -f m -f 1 \ m ) \ m A)-hm + l\ /p + m-f2\ \ m J \ m J 'p-\-2m m ^p + 2m\ A) + 2m + l m et.'") 117. Consider the determinant A k kr ki"" . .. A;r"-^ kr kr' ki^ . .. kr- kr' ki^ kr"" . .. kr--^' ^y.n-1 ^.^n J^^+l ... ^^n^ 150 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. whose elements are in geometrical progression. That A must vanish is obvious at sight ; for dividing any column except the first by the ratio ?*, A is seen to contain identical columns. Hence if the elements of a persymmetric determinant form a geometrical progression, the determinant vanishes. 118. To the results of the last article we add the following. ' Suppose in A = ^2 Cfn-l Clr ^n+1 each element divides every other element whose subscript is higher than its own, i.e., in general, a^ = 6o 6i 62 • • • 6^. Then A = 60 6061 606162 6061 606162 bobib^bs 606162 60616263 6061626364 60616263 6061626364 60616.636465 6o6i62---6^_i 6o6i62---6„ 606162 •••6„.f.i bob^b.^-'-b^^z 6o6i62---6„_i 6061 "'b^_ib^ bobi •••6„6„+i Now it is obvious that 60 is a factor of the first row of A, 6061 is a factor of the second row, 606162 is a factor of the third row, and so on. Hence A=n br^ i=0 1 1 1 b, b, bs bibo bibs b,b. 616263 626364 . 636465 6162 •••6„_i 6263 •..6„ • b,b, ...6.^1 1 bn bnbn+l Kbn+lbn+2 • • bX^i-b.^^ APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FOKMS. 151 Skew Determinants, and Skew Symmetrical Determinants. 119. We have heretofore shown (108) that the square of any determinant is a symmetrical determinant. If we now write the determinant of even order 3 ?>! Cl ck = «2 b. Ca d. «3 h C3 ds a^ h C4 ch h ai -d. Cl h 02 -d^ C2 h «3 -d. C3 h a^ -d. C4 we get, by multiplying these factors together, ' - (^162) - (M2) -(«A)-(M3) -(«A)-(M4) (« A) + (M2) ; - {(^ih) - {C2d3) - {ciM - (c^d,) («A) + (M3) '(«2&3)-f (^2(^3) — («A) — (^3^4) (aA) + {cA) ■ (a^b^) + (02^4) (a^b^) + (c^d^) \ . • In this determinant each element is equal to its conjugate with opposite, sign, and the elements of the principal diagonal are zeros. Such determinants are called skew symmetHcal. In other words, if in a determinant we have a,^ = — a^i and af^ = 0, the determinant is skew symmetrical. If an is not zero, we have a skew determinant. It may be shown that the square of any determinant of even order can be expressed as a skew symmetrical determinant. Thus, since A = ttll «12 (Xl3 Oi4 «21 ^22 ^23 «24 ... ... «n-ll ««- 12 ttn-lS «n-14 ••• «nl «n2 «n3 a«4 ••• ^n-ln-3 On^in-2 ^n-ln-1 ^^n-ln <^nn-3 <^n»i 2 <^nn-l <^;m 152 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. ^22 — ^21 ^24 — ^23 ^n-12 Ctn2 ^ln-2 — ^ln-3 ^In — ^n-1 <^2»-2 — ^2»i-3 ^2» — ^n-1 ^n-ln-2 — <^n-ln-3 ^'n-ln — <^«-ln-l we have, after multiplying these determinants together, ' A2 = nn—l mi2 Wi3 . •• mi„ msi ^23 • • W'2n mgi WI32 . • Wig, m« m. m„ m,. = — m. For m,4 = tt,ia;(.2 — ^i2^kl + ^!3^ft4 — <^!4<^>t3 4- ••• + Otfn-l<^*n ~ <^in ^*n-l? and hence m^i = 0, and mi;^ = — '^h* 120. The consideration of skew determinants reduces to that of skew symmetrical determinants, as we shall now show^ I. By 47, A^") <^21 ^22 Ct2n Of' JIM. a,^ = Now, since a^j = — a;^;, the determinants Aq^''^ Aq^''"^^, Ao^'*""^^ • ••, are all skew sj'mmetrical, and A^"^ is expressed in terms of skew symmetrical determinants. II. If, further, a^ in A^"^ is equal to a;, we have It will soon be shown that a skew symmetrical determinant of odd order vanishes. Accordiugl}', the terms of this expan- sion in which the degree of Ao is odd will vanish. Thus APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FOEMS. 153 + x + 3^ X —a - -h — c = a X —d —e a b d X -f b c e f X c -d -e + -h -c + d -f h -/ e f f 1 -a -b — c -d — e d -/ e / —a -c + a — e c e —a -b a -d b d r 0-/ + -e + -d + -c + -b + -a ~ L/ e d c b a _ = aj' + (/' + e2 + cZ2 + c2 + 62 + a^) a^ + (ct/*- 5e + cd)\ The student may show that = (a2 + 62 + c2 4-^2)2. a 6 c d -6 a -c? c c d <»2n2n« (a) ^2n 1 <*2n 2« Now since A is skew symmetrical, and n is even, ^aii ^^«2.1=^ «2«2n A, ; and A ^12« -A «2nl' «11» «2«2/i ' or A = = ai2a34 + ai3a42 + a^aas. 127. In general, we proceed as follows : A being a skew symmetrical determinant of the 2 nth order, A contains the term ( — I) ^'12<^21<^34<^43^56<^*65 ••• ^2n-l 2» ^2n 2n-l = (<^12<^34<^56 * * * ^2n-12n) • Hence Va contains the term The positive square root of A which contains T as its first term is an important function, possessing many properties analogous to the properties of determinants, and is called a Pfaffian. The notation P= [1, 2, ... 2n], or (1, 2, 3, .•• 2w), has been adopted for the Pfaffian. From what precedes, we see that the terms of the Pfaffian are obtained from the prin- cipal term by permuting the subscripts 2, 3, ••• 2n in all pos- sible ways, and changing sign with every permutation. Since a,j = — a^^,-, we may so arrange the elements that every term of P is positive. Thus in the case of A^^^ above we have Va(^ = P = ai2 a34 -f ai3 a^^ + a^ «23- (i>) 160 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. 128. If two subscripts are interchanged, the sign of P is changed. Let a^,/3 be the terms of P containing the element a^g. Then the elements of /? do not involve the subscripts r and s. Interchanging r and s, let P become P'. Now P^=^P'\ since each square is A, in which two rows and also two columns have been interchanged ; ,\P = ±PK But because of the interchange in r and s, ays(^ becomes —a^,/3', or, since the term a,„/3 of P = — a^^f3 of P', it follows that P=2 — P\ as was to be shown. 129. We shall now prove a theorem by which we may com- pute Pfaffians of order 2n from those of order 2n — 2.* Assuming VS=(-1)'(2, 3, ..., t-1, z + 1, ..., 271), (1) or, after making i — 2 cyclical interchanges, VS=a+l, 1 + 2, ..., 271, 2, 3, ..., ^-l), (2) where /? has the same meaning as in 125, we show that VSV/y^ = ft,; (3) and then since P = ai2 V^22 + «13 V/?33 H f- ai2n V/?2«2«5 (4) * There is a difference in the nomenclature. We have here considered the order of the Pfaffian to be determined by the number of subscripts involved. Some authors determine the order of the Pfaffian by the order of the terms in the elements. Thus (1, 2, 3, 4), or j \an\, which we have designated as a Pfaffian of the fourth order, is said by some writers to be of the second order. APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 161 (1, 2, 3, ..., 2 w) = a,, (3, ..-, 2n) + a^ (4, ..., 2n, 2) + - | .5) + ai2«(2,3, ...,2n-l) j To show that upon the assumption (1) or (2) the equation (3) results, we proceed as follows : Since PiiPkk — Hik > the terms of V/Sii V/S^^i must be equal each to each to the terms of ^ai or equal with contrary sign. The product (-l)'+^(2, 3 (2 , 3, ..., i-l, ^ + l, .-., 2n) | .g. , 3, ..., k-1, A; + l, •••, 2n) j ^ ^ becomes, after a certain number of interchanges, where p, q, r, •••, u, v denote the series of numbers 2, 3, ..., 2n, exclusive of i, k. Again, /8«=(-l)'-^' (7) ^2 2 "1-12 ^i-13 t't+i 2 "i+i ; ^2A-l S+l Ai-1 ^2k+l ^3k+l i-1 A;+l i+1 *+l (8) becomes, after the same number of interchanges as were em- ployed to change (6) to (7), (9) a^kp «*, a*r " a,. «« %P a,. a^ " %v Si a,. «.. a,. " a^v a,i ... ... ... ... a^ a.2 a,r •• Clvv avi 162 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. Now the first term of the product of (7) is which is identical with the first pterin of the determinant (9). Whence the truth of (2) is established, and (5) gives the desired expansion of P. It is to be noted that the successive terms of P are written cyclically. For example, A^*^ being a skew symmetrical determinant of the fourth order, AW = P^= (1,2,3,4)2, and (1,2,3,4) = a-^a^^ + a^^a^ + ai4«23- A(6) = p2^ (1,2, 3, ..-6)2, (1, 2, ... 6) = ai2 (3, 4, 5, 6) + a,, (4, 5, 6, 2) + a^ (5, 6, 2, 3) + ai5(6,2,3,4) + ai6(2,3,4,o) = 0ti2 Cfc34 (Xgg + fti2 <^35 (^64 "f" ^^12 ^36 ^45 + «13 «45 <*62 4- ttjg a46 (X25 + ^13 Of 42 ttsg + ai4 0t56«23 + «14 0t52«36 + ai4«53«62 4- a 15 a62 ^34 + «15 «63 «42 + «15 «64 «23 + aiett^sa^ + «16«24«53 + «16«25«34. 130. The student must have already noticed the analogy between determinants and Pfaffians referred to above. The following notation, based upon this analogy, is interesting. Since the Pfaffian involves just half the elements of a skew symmetrical determinant like A of 124, II., we write the Pfaffian P =: \ (li2 ^13 ^14 *•• ^1 2n 1 ^I2n ^23 0^24 ••• 0^2 271-1 ^2 2n 0^34 ... ^3 2/1-1 Of3 2n (hn-2 2n 1 ^2n-22n ^2»-12n which is shortened to 1 1 «12«23«34 • • • «2r» -12« | , Or tO ff{a^ 2») 5 Or tO 1 1 ttj 2n APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 163 In particular, we have for a Pfaffian of the third order Ui bi Ci =ff{aib2Cs) = \\ai h^ C3I We may accordingly write equation {p), at tlie end of 127, Vaw= ||ai4|, or rather A^^^ = \\a^^f ; and the general equation would be 131. We must here conclude the discussion of Pfaffians with the theorem: a bordered* skew symmetrical determinant is the product of two Pfaffians. From equation (6), 122, II., ^ «2nl — ^ ' '^«ll.«2n2n' /. Aa,„i=(l,2,...,27i)(2,3, ...,2n-2, 2n-l), (1) which proves the theorem when the determinant is of odd order. Let A^**^ be a skew symmetrical determinant of odd order. Aa.. is a skew symmetrical determinant of even order, and hence VA;;r=(-l)'-i(l,2, ..., i-l,i + l, ...,7i) = (i+l, •••, n, 1, 2, .-., i-1). Now A^"^ being zero, we have, by 60, . A%,= Aa,,A«,,. .-.Aa^, =(1 + 1, ...,n,l,2, ..., ^-l) (2) (A; + l,...,n, 1,2, ..., ^-1), which proves that a bordered skew symmetrical determinant of even order is the product of two Pfaffians : for any minor A^.^ * A bordered skew symmetrical determinant is one in which the minor of one of the corner elements is skew symmetrical. 164 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. of a skew symmetrical determinant is evidently expressible as a bordered skew symmetrical determinant. If a,, = -a,,^ we find by (1), *«61 <^12 ^13 ^14 ^15 ^16 ^22 ^23 ^24 ^25 ^26 32 <^33 a 34 *36 ttfl %3 ^54 <^56 <^56 = -(1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6) (2, 3, 4, 5). 0,a„ = -a, Again, if a.. = - a,, aa = , we find by (2) ^«42 ^21 ^% ^25 ^24 ttji a23 <^^15 <^14 «31 0-33 0-35 a34 (X51 a^ a^ a^ (5, 1,2, 3) (3, 4, 5,1), = 0,a^. = -a,. as the student can readily verify. Circulants. 132. The resultant of f{x) = aia^ + a2^4-«'3 = 0, <^W=a^ 1 = 0, Sylvester's method (92) is aj tta «3 = cti a2 ttg Oi ttg ttg as (Xj ttg Oj a2 (/s «2 Oj tti 1 0-10 10 0-1 (1) (2) if. APPLIC ACTIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 165 Now tti, ttg, ttg being the three roots of unity, it is evident (94) that or, denoting one of the imaginary cube roots of unity by a, the other is a^, and we may write R=f{\)f{a)f{a') = (tti + a2 + (h) (%a^ + «£« + %) («!« + o.2a^ + ag) , an equation exhibiting the factors of R. 133. R is evidently a symmetrical determinant formed from the elements ai, a^, a^ in its first row, in such a way that the last element in every row is the first element in every succeed- ing row, and the other elements are written in order. Such a determinant is called a Circulant.* The intimate connection of the Circulant of the third order with the cube roots of unity was shown in the last article. We shall now prove that, in general, the circulant of the nth order, 0= C(aia2 •••»„) = ai as ttg • •• ««-l a„ «« ai Cfa • •• an-2 ««-i a„_ iCtn ai . •• a»-3 a«-2 ... ... ... . ., ... ... a. a, 05 • .. a, ^2 ag ag ^4 . " «n «1 is the product of all factors of the form a„a,"-i + a„_iaf"-2 + a„_2a,"-« H h Cfga,^ + aga, + ai = /(aO, in which a^ is one of the nth roots of unity, and i accordingly takes successively all the values 1, 2, ••• w. In symbols, we are to show C (ai a2 ttg • • • a,„) = 11 (a„ a^"-^ + a^-i^-^ -\ f- ^2 «* + ^i) = /(ai)/(<'2)/("a) -/K)- Write another determinant of the ?ith order The Circulant is of frequent occurrence in the Theory of numbers. 166 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. 1 ttj ai a^ 1 a2 ai ai 1 ag ai ai 1 a„ ai ai ttg n-l Multiplying by rows. CA = /(ai) /(as) ai/(«i) a2/(a2) aiVCtti) ^if{o.2) /(a„-0 /(a„) a«-i/(a„_i) a„f{ai) aL/(««-i) a^/Ca.) a::l/(a«-0 a:-V(an) arv(«i) arvca^) Factoring this product, CA=/(aO/(a2)-/(a„)A. .-. O =/(a0/(a2)-/(a„) = II (anap^ + a^_ia"-2 H h a2ai + «i) For an illustration, x y y X y X y X y X = (x + ai2/) (x + a22/) (x + a32/) (a? 4- a,y) (x + a,y) = {^ + y)fx-h\ V5-1 , V10 + 2V5 + V -10 = oy' + 2/•^ as was evident from the beginning. APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 167 134. The circulant of the fourth order C = a. ai 02 ^3 (X^ Ctj M'2 ^3 CI2 Cl^ «! can be expressed as a circulant of the second order, as follows. We have -0 = aj -02 «3 -a. = «i ^4 % ^2 as -a^ «1 -a. «3 «2 «! a4 a. -«! «2 -a.. a2 ai 0^4 «3 ^2 -«3 a^ -ai ^4 as as ai The first of these determinants is obtained by interchanging the second and third rows, and multiplying by ( — 1)^; the second is obtained from the first by reversing the order of the rows, and then reversing the order of the columns. Multiplying them together, ai2_2a2a4+«3^ 2a^a^-ai-a^ 2asai—a^—ai ai—2a^a.2+a^ ^a^a^—a^—a} «2^+«/-2aia3 ai-la^a^-^a^ 'la-n^—ai—a^ Whence expressing (7^ as the product of two minors, and extracting the square root, = ai ai — a4 a2 + «3 ^3 — «2 ^4 «3 «1 — «2 «2 + Cll Ots — «4 «4 ttgai — a2«2 + «i«3 — Ct4«4 aitti — a4a2 + ^gas — a2a4 as was to be shown. The method employed in this special case is equalh^ appli- cable to show that, in general, a circulant of order 2n can he expressed as a circulant of the nth order. We add the following proof, however, which is based upon the fundamental property of circulants. 1G8 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. We have to show that G: (hn-l ^2» ^1 ^2n-l ^2n Oj2n-2 ^2n-l • • • ^2«-2 6. 62 6»- -1 &n 6» 61 K. -2 6n-l &»- ,J„ K -3 &n-2 ... ... ... ... h 6. 61 6. h 63 6„ 61 ttg a^ Ois '" «1 «2 0^2 % <^4 ••• ^2» C^i where hi = ttitti — a2«a2 + <*2«-i<^3 — f- ... — a2a2n 62 = astti — agag + o^^a^ — \. ... — a^a^n hi = a^ai — a^a2 + «3^3 — +•••— «6«2n ^k — ^2*-l^l — <^2ft-2^2 "I" <*2;t-3^3 ^" *** ^2;t ^2n« The first determinant (1) (2) Now for every 2 nth root a of unity there is one —a. Hence (2) may be written C = if (&na>-' + &.-ia>-4 + ... 4- 63a/ 4- &2a/ + h) • (3) i=i If ± ttj, ± ttg, ± ttg, ±04, ••, ±a„, are the 2 nth roots of unity, it is evident that 222 2 ttj , 02 , as , •••, a,i , are the nth roots of unity. Hence the second member of (3) equals the second determinant of (1), which establishes the theorem. For example, = a h c d = E F d a b c F E c d a h b c d a APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FOBMS. 169 in which /. C={a' + c'-2bdy-(2ac-b^-d'y. Centro-syininetric Determinants. 135. If we suppose a determinant to be symmetrical with respect to the centre of the square (centro-symmetric*), we have, if the determinant is of order 2w, A = «!! ai2 «ln-l «ln K &I2 • •• ^n-1 hn «21 ^22 «2«-l «£« &21 K • •• hn~l hn ... ... ... ... ... ... am a«2 ««n-l Ctnn &nl &«2 • •• Kn-l Kn Kn Kn- -1 bn2 K, Clnn «n«-l • • ««2 ««1 ... ... ... ... ... ... h^ hn-\ &22 hi «2n a2n-l • • a22 «21 &ln hn^ -1 &12 6ii ttln «ln-l • • Cli2 «11 We will transform A as follows : add the last column to the first, the (2n — l)th to the second, and so on, finally adding the (n4-l)th to the nth. Afterward subtract the first row from the last, the second from the (2n — l)th, and so on, finally subtracting the nth. from the (n -f- l)th. Then A = an + &!» dm + ^1 «21 + &2« «2h + 621 Ofnl -\-Kn a«. + Ki bn hi bn K hn «21 «11 hn K * It may be shown that the product of any two determinants of the nth order is expressible as a centro-symmetric determinant of the 2 nth order. 170 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. Hence A = «!! + ^m «12 + &1«-1 ••• b ag -1 .. 6 as -1 .. .. b a„_i -1 A ' .. b «n A = «« -1 .. 6 «n-l -1 .. 6 «n^2 -1 .. .. b a. -1 .. b ai 181 By reversing the order of the columns in Da, and also the order of the rows, and afterward making the rows the columns in order, the original determinant is unchanged either in sign or magnitude. But by these transformations D^ is changed to Di. Whence Dg = A> as was to be shown. 146. The quotient 62 C3I Itti 62 C3I can be expressed as a continued fraction, as follows I&2 C3I \ai 62 C3I 1 61 Ci 62 C2 63 Cs ai bi Ci ^2 &2 C2 a^ &3 Ca 1 ttg ^2 I ^1^2! «3 ^3 I ^1^3! 0^2 ^2 1^1^21 % ^3 I ^1^3! 182 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. 63 l«2&3l ^2 I^Cal h I&1C3I = &3 Ia253l -63I61C2I -1 !&lC3l 63 I61C3I -1 &2 -I&1C2I -1 l^C3l h _ 53I&1C2I 6IC3I \ This process is equally applicable to show that, in general, the quotient of two determinants — is expressible as a con- tinned fraction, provided only that d^ dA. Ai=--^, or Ai = — ^, or Aj = dan ^^in 147. The continued fraction «! +«2 +«3 da„ or A, = dAg H-^n is evidently equal to / a2 ttg ••• a^ \ Vai 02 ••• ct»/ For a, -1 ... a2 -1 ... ag as -1 ... "n «n + F,= m -1 ... Cll -1 .. a2 a, -1 .. ttg ag ... •• On ftn ,«1 Og ttg ... a„ \ APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 183 But the first determinant in the numerator may be written 0-10 ai tti —1 tta ag — 1 tto a. -1 «! -1 a2 — ttg «3 ... = ... ... ... ••• On «n ... ... ... ... ••• ttn Ctn whence the desired result is at once obtained by substituting in the numerator of the value of F^, and adding the deter- minants. 148. We may, with the help of the preceding article, express the value of the periodic continued fraction m + h ^2 &3 +02 +«i h as the quotient of two determinants. (The * marks the re- curring period.) If we put X for the continued fraction, we have X = m ■+■ h ^2 ^3 «i +02 +»3 h 4-a2 +<^i m+a; Then, by 147, / bi 62 ••• h h h \ \m % 0^2 ••• ttg «! (m-{-x) J 62 h / 62 h " \ai Og 0^3 ••• «2 ^1 (^ clearing of fractions, and expanding, / 62 h "' 63 h &A ^^f h h _/ 61 62 ••• h h \ X ( ^^ ^2 ~"\m Oi tta ••• ^2 «! m / "^ \m «! a^ ^2 (h) 184 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. But the first term of the first member equals the second term of the second member of this equation. x = ± ( '' 63 62 ^1 ^ h h '" h h «! ^2 «3 ••• Cts «2 «1 149. Let us now consider the ascending continued fraction as 4- .* a« — ^ « ^ tti +a2 +a3 ^- = ». + "^ enote the convergents to F^ by P Pi i>2 Pn _, — , — , ... — f ^ qi q2 qn and let us obtain the determinant expression for the nth con- vergent. We have evidently p^ is determined from the following equations, which the student can easily deduce : — O'zPt-^Pz = a3 — ttn-a P«-8 + Pn-t = an-2 — an-lP«-2 + Pn -1 = a^-l a«P»-i+i>» =0^. APPLICA.TIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 185 From these equations i>n = 1 ttl -^2 1 02 -^3 1 ttg ... ... ... ... ... ... ... a„ ~2 1 an-2 - -«n-l 1 O-n-1 <^n a« ai -1 . ^2 a^ -1 . "3 «3 -1 . a«-2 . • «'»-2 -1 a„-i . ttn-l -1 ttn . ttn ttl -1 . .. 0.2 ^2 -1 . .. as «3 -1 . .. ... ... ... ... . ... a«-i . •• «n-l -1 O-n . .. dn ai -1 . . a^ -1 . ■• ^3 -1 . . ... ... ... ... . ... . •• ttn-l -1 . . a„ Pn 150. The numerator and denominator of - can be trans- formed into continuants, and thus the fraction F^ can be transformed into a descending continued fraction, as follows : 186 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. Multiply the last row of p„ by (v-u and subti-act from it the (n — l)th row multiplied by a„ ; then multiply the (n— l)th row by a„_2, and subtract from it the (w — 2)th row multiplied by a„_i ; and so on. Then «! -1 agai+ag — ai — agoia ^so^j+as — ou Pn = — a„_2a„_i an_ia„_2-|-a„_i — a„_2 a„_ia„_2a„_3 a^a^ai Similarly, gn = a, -1 ... — aittg asttj + aa — ttl ... — tta^s «3a2-f-a3 — ttg ... . ... ... ... ... ... ... a«-i a«-ia»-2 + an-i — an-2 0* ... -««-!«« an-ia»-2an-3 a2ai Whence, by 144, Ol a^a^ Ct2«l«3 Ol --a2ai+a2 — asOg+ag 5'« • an-2an-3a^-l a„_ia„_2an — «n-ia„-2+an_i — ««««-! +an the descending fraction sought. APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 187 Alternants, 151. Consider the determinant A = 1 «! Of/ ••• ( 1 ttg a^ 1 a„ a„2 as and the product P = (a2-ai)(a3-ai)(a4-ai) ... K-ai) X (as— «2)(a4— «2) ••• («n— 02) X (a^-as) ••• (a^-ag) X (a^-a„_i) of the - (71— 1) differences of the n different quantities involved in A. This product is called the difference product of the n quantities ai, ag, ••• a„, and for it the notation ^*(ai, ag, ag, ••• a„) has been adopted. The reader will remember that the square of the difference product was denoted by ^(ai, as, ••• a„), and thus the difference product itself is very appropriately designated by C*(ai, ag, ••• a„). We shall now show that A =P = CK«15 «2, --J ttn)' (1) If in A we put a^ = a„^ A vanishes ; hence A is divisible by each factor of P, and hence by P. Again, A and P are each n polynomials of degree - (n — 1), and therefore A = \CH«15 «2, «3? ••-,«„), where A. is a factor independent of ai, ag? •** <*»*• From the special case 188 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. (a^-a,) (ccg-^i) (a3-«2)> we see that X= 1, and thus the truth of (1) is established.* 152. A of the preceding article is evidently an alternating function ; for the interchange of a^ and a„ amounts to an interchange of two rows in the determinant, and hence changes its sign. A is accordingly an Alternant. In general, an alter- nant is a determinant in which each element of the first row is a function of £Ci, the corresponding elements of the second row the same functions of x^, and so on. Thus /»K)] A = fiixO Mx,) ... M^,) Mx,) L{x^ - f.{x,) Mx,d Mx:) ... Ux^) ■^AlMx,), Ux,) is an alternant. 153. We can easily show that A = 1 fx{x,) Mx,) ... u,{x,) 1 fl(X2) A{X2) '•' fn-l(x,) = H^(Xi, X, 1 /iW /sW - fn -l{Xn) • x^), where fr(x) is a function of the rth degree in x, and A. is the product of the coefficients of the terms of highest degree in the several functions. For subtracting the first column mul- tiplied by the proper number from the second, we reduce the elements of the second column to piX^, piX2, p^x.^, ... PiX,^. Then subtracting the sum of the first and second columns, each multiplied by the proper number, from the third column, the elements of this column become ^2^/? ^2^2'*) ••• P2^n^. Pro- ceeding in this way, we see that finally A = \tj{xi, ^2, ••• a;„). See also examples 6 and 7, page 37. ArPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 189 where ^ = Pi • i>2 • • • Pn* For an example, putting we have A 1 /iW f2M ... f^_,(x{) 1 Mx,) Mx,) ... f,,_,(x,) 1- /l(^n) /.(^n) - /n-l(^«) (71-1)! (n-2)! ... 2!' 154. Every alternant whose elements are rational integral functions of Xi, X2, ••• »„, is divisible by t}{xi^ iCg? ^31 ••• ^n)» and the quotient is a symmetric function of the variables. For the alternant vanishes if Xt = Xj,, and hence is divisible by Xi — x^, and thus by CH^n ^2? ••• ^n). '^^^ quotient must be ^ symmetric function, for the interchange of Xi and Xj, changes the sign of both dividend and divisor ; therefore the sign of the quotient remains unchanged upon the interchange of two of the variables, and is accordingly a symmetric function. We shall now actually perform the division just considered. Alter- nants whose functions are powers of the variables are called simple alternants^ and are of frequent occurrence. We proceed first to the discussion of simple alternants. 155. The quotient 1 X, ... arr'^i' 1 X, "'xr'x2' 1 x^ -'X^--'X^^ A(Xj\x2, Xs^"'Xl_-i,X„^) -f- i {X,, X,, ... X^) = ^^^-_____^ may be developed as follows : Expand the dividend A in terms of the elements of the last column, and we obtain 190 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. da^i' die/ dx/ dxj Now, it is evident that each of the minors in this expansion is a difference product. Thus dA dxj ^(-1) -L 3/j flJj ,n-2 1 «,_i a^_i ••• x^i! 1 OJ,.^! a^^i ••• x^^i 1 a7„ £C„ icr Substituting in (1) the values of the minors as found from (2), and dividing both members of (1) by l^{xi, iCg, ••• a;„), we have a series of terms, of which (-!)»+" a;/ lx^-X,){x„_-^-X,) ... {Xr+i — Xr) (X,-X^_i) •" (x, — X2){X,-Xi) is the type. Thus we find C-{Xi, X2, ..., x„) r=i {x^-Xr)(x^^i~x,) ... (a;,+i-a;,)(a;,-a;,_i) ... {x^-x,) ' or a^i' 4.... + (X,- -a;,) (»,- -w„ -.) ••(^1 -X,) + x,^ (».- -a!„)(X2- -a;. -.)• ..(0^- -X3) (asj- -a;,) ^L. (aJ„-2-««)(a;„_2-a?n-i)(»«-2-»n-3) ••• (a;«-2-aa) APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FOKMS. 191 + ^ For an illustration, we have 1 2 16 -f- 1 3 81 1 5 625 2 4 3 9 5 25 16 + 81 625 = 69. (2-5) (2-3) (3-5) (3-2) (5-3) (5-2) 156. With the help of the preceding article we may reduce the quotient ^i(a;i, ajg, ••• «„) to the sum of two similar and simpler quotients, as follows : Since A{X^, X}, Xi, ... <:f, V) - ^n^i^X-, ^2, K'-l. ^n'-') 1 x^ x^ 1 X2 xi 1 X^_i af„_2 •«. flJ^-l ^n-l(^n-l — ^n) 1 x^ XI (1) we have, after dividing both members of (1) by l^{xi, x^, ••• x^) in accordance with 155, and striking out the factor common to numerator and denominator of each term in the second member, A{x,\ x}, xj, ..., x^-l x,^) x,A{x,\ x,\ x,\ ... <:f, x^') 192 THEOBY OF DETERJVaNANTS. q-l ^i ?-l + ... + ^ K-i-aJ»-2) {x^-\-Xn-z) ••• (a^n-i-a^i) But the sum in the second member of this equation is, by 155, 1 Xi Xi J. Xo Xo x^-'^ x^-'^ 1 ^n-1 Xn-\ ••• Transposing, we have /v.n-3 ^H-1 -^ lK^i'>^2'> •••ja;„_i). ^H^i' ^2, ••• a;„) ^K^i5 ^2, ••• x^) + A.{Xi , a72 , i^3 , a^^Il) ^n-3 ^?-r which is the desired reduction. For example, \ X a? 1 a; «2 1 y f 1 y f 1 a.-2 1 2 ^ 1 ^ 2^ 1 1 2/2 ^i(a;, 2/, 2!) 4Ha^» ^5 ^) ^H^» 2/) = a; + y + 2 = 2a;. I X x'^ 1 X a^ 1 2/ 2/* 1 2/ f 1 a!« 1 ;2^ 1 « 2? , 1 2/» The student may show = '^a^ + 'Z^y-^-xyz, 1 X a^ 1 y f 1 z z" ^H^5 2/5 2;) APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 193 -^x^ + %a^y + 5a^2/2 _^ ^^^^^ 1 X x' 1 1 y f z z' 4* (^, y, z) 157. Since every term of CK^i' ^2^ ••• ^n) contains a permu- tation of all the powers of the variables from 1 to 71 — 1 , each term is of the -(n — l)th degree. Similarl}-, every term of A(x,\ x,\ xi, ..., <:f, 0^,0 is of degree iliZliliZLlA) + g. Hence every term of f;^^ A{x,\x,\xi, '".xlzlx^) , i\x,, X2, '", X,) is of the (q — n -\- l)th. degree, as is illustrated in the exam- ples of the preceding article. We shall now show that every possible term of the (g — n4-l)th degree in the variables is found in Q, and that every such term is positive. That is to say, the quotient Q is the complete symmetric function of degree (g- 71 4-1) of a^i, X2, •••, x^. Such a term of Q is 1 =i Xi X2 x^ '•' X n_2 ar„_i x^. By successively applying 156, we develop Q so that the terms containing ic„, aj^a^^i, x^x^^_ix\,^2i etc., are at once distinguished. In the first place, ^ ^«,a;2^a^3^'••,<:i,a^r-l) . x.,A(x,\x2\x,\ •^-.xZzlxlzl) t}{xi, X2, ..., x^__{) ^i(a;i, X2, •.., a;„_i) ^ aiA(x,',X2\xi,...,xl-lxt_\) ^ ^ xr''A(x^,X2\xir';x:izixZz]) The second term, X^Ai^Xi , X2 , X^^ ' • » , a?;i,„2^ ^ra 1 ) = «1, 194 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. contains the first power of x^ ; hence we must look for T in Qi. Applying 156 to Qi, as before, we have ^-1^(^1 ^ ^2 ? ^3 ^ "'^ ^n-3? ^n-2) I t (^li ^21 •*•? ^n-2) a^n:r'^(«^l^ ^2\ «^3', -, ^n-l) j^^ -'} 4 (a?!, a;2i * * * 5 ^n 2) In this expansion we must look for T in the third term % ^n^n-\-^\^\ ^ ^2 ? ^3 ^ •••? ^n- 3? ^n '2) __ Q t (^1? ^*2? '"j ^n-i) Q2 may be expanded as before ; continuing in this way, we finally obtain the term X aP x^ ...T« ^W^2') . ^^{X^X2) for the coefficient of a7„«l_ia;^„-2 ••• a^s^ contains only a^i and a?2, and is of the third degree. Upon performing the division, and multiplying, one of the terms is T. Since T is any term, the proposition is established. Employing the notation H^ for the complete symmetric function of the rth degree, we may write the result of the present article A(x,\x,\x,\....xlzlx,^,) _ jj (^ X ... x\ or simply Hq^^+i* For illustrations the student may refer to the examples in the preceding article. « With this notation, Hq = 1, ZT., = 0. APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FOKMS. 195 Again, 1 X x^ x^ 1 y y^ f 1 z ^ ^ 1 t f f = iJ^ = -^x* + 20^2/ + Ix^y^ + ^xyzt. l'-{x, y, z, t) 158. From the two preceding articles we have at once H^{X^,X^, "•,X^) = X^H,_.l(Xi,X2, '••,X^)-\-Hr(Xi,X.,, •••,i»«_i). (1) Whence we readily obtain Hr.i{x„x.>, '•■,x^+i) = x^^^H,_ci{x^,x^,"',x^^^)-^H,_^{x^,X2, ..., x^y, Substituting in (1), -"r(^l? ^2» "'-i ^n) = ^nL-"r-l(^l5 ^2> '**? ^n+l) - x„+i^,_2(a;i, a^a, •••, Xn+i)~\+H,{x^, x^, ..., a;„_i). (2) Similarly, XZy(i»l, a;2» •••> ^n— l^«+l) = ^n+lL-"r-l(^l? ^25 '"^ ^n+l) From (2) and (3), Hri^l-, a^2, ••• ^n) —^ri^l, X^, '" X^_iX^+i) = (^n- Xn+l)Hr-l(Xi, X2, ' - • iK„+i) . (4) 159. If any alternant whose elements are powers (simple alternant) be divided by the difference product of its variables, the result is expressible as a determinant whose elements are complete symmetric functions of the variables. That is to say, Ajx'^, xi, ... 0^::) -fftt-n+l H^-n+l H^- -n+l 196 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. This may be proved as follows. For brevity we employ determinants of the third order, but the method applies, of course, to determinants of any order.* In the alternant Xi x^ x^ (1) subtract the first row from each of the other two, then remove the factors {x^ — Xi) , (x2 — Xi) . Afterward subtract the second row from the third, and remove the factor ccg — a^g? employing equation (4) , 158. The result is A{ xi, Xj, x^) _ ll^{X,) ' ll^(X,) ffy(X,) H^_.2{X^,X2,^5) H^-2{X^,X2,X^) IIy-2{Xi,X2,X^) The determinant on the right we now transform as follows. Add the second row, multiplied by ajg, to the first, employing equation (1), 158, and obtain the determinant IIa{Xi, X2) H^i^lt i»2) Hy{X^^ Xo) IIa-2{Xi, X2, Xs) Hp-2(Xi, X2, ajg) Hy-2{X^, X2, x-i) Now add the third row, multiplied by ajg, to the second, again employing (1) of 158; finally, add the second row, multiplied by iCg, to the first. We then obtain ^i(a;i, X2, x^) Ha(x^,X2,Xs) B'p(Xi,X2,Xs) Hy(x^,X2,Xs) Ha-l(Xi,X2,Xs) n^-l{X^,X2,X^) Hy-l{Xi,X2,X^) Ha-2(Xi,X2,Xs) H^.2{Xi,X2,X^) Hy-2{Xi, X2, X^) as was to be shown. For an example, * The mode of proof here given is due to Mr. 0. H. Mitchell, American Journal of Mathematics, Vol. IV., page 344. APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL EOHMS. 197 a a' a' = abc h b' b' c c' (^ = abc^^{a,b,c) = abc^^{a,b,c) 1 a^ a* 1 b^ b' 1 c" c^ HQ{a,b,c) IIs(a,b,c) H^{a,b,c) -Hi ^2 = abGt^{a, b, c) | Sa^ + ^ab ^a" + %a-b + %abc = a6c^i(«» ^ c) I - 2a5 - Sa^^ - 2 2a6c 1 2a 2a' + 2a6 =^abc^^{a,bj c) — 2a6 2a6c 2a — 2a6 160. Form the product an ai2 • • «1« X xr' ^-» . • a^i 1 «21 ^22 • • «2n a,r' • X2 1 ... . ... ... ... . . ... .. a„i «n2 •• _i . /I... i»,"-2 . • ^n 1 changing the columns of the first determinant into rows before multiplying. If we put f,{x) = a^.x''-^ + a^.x''-"- H \- a^_^,x + a„„ we find p=(_l)l(-^>|a,J^K^1.^2,-,aJn) /l(»2) f2(X2) ••• fn{X2) /l(^») /2(a'n) ••• /«(a;„) 193 If now we must have laiJ = m-1 / TRBOBT OF DETERMLNANTS. Mx.)^^x.-y;)'-\ 1 (:T)i-y^^ Wy-y^y [vy-y^y 1 (7')^-^") {^ty-y^^y (Vy-y^y - (-^»)"-^ where But this last determinant evidently equals where K is the product of all the binomial coefficients of order w — 1. We have, accordingly, (aJi-2/i)"-' (a^i-2/2)""' - (aJi-2/n)""' («2-2/i)""' (^^2-2/2)""' ••• (a?2-2/n)"~' (x^-y^y-' {x^-y^y-^ - K-2/n)"-' = /r^*(^l> «'2, a?3, •••, a^n) ^*(2/l» 2/25 2/3, •••, 2^n) • If now x^ — y^y we have C(^i> ^2? ^s> •••^^n) in the form of a determinant. 161. Siippose now that aj, ag, •••,a„ are the roots of an equation f(x) = 0. (1) APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 199 Then ^^(ai, a^, ag, •••, a„) is the product of the differences of the roots of (1). Square this determinant, obtaining ^ (ttj, as, • • • , an) = 1 + 1 +- + 1. «! +CL2 H f-a„ a/ +ai +...+a,f «! +a2 H f-an ai^ + a^^ + .-.+a^f tti n-l af +a2'* + + a + a„" + a2"-i+...+a,'*-i -"+' + 02"+' + + a n+l a,'--'+ai--' + H-a„^' So Sl S2 Sn-1 Si S2 S3 s» S2 S3 s. ^n+l ... ... ... ... s«- iSn Sn+1 S2»-2 where, as usual, S^ = ai*- + a2'*+ ••• +a,r. 162. The preceding article gives us an expression for the square of the differences of the roots in terms of s^. We can also readily obtain an expression for the sum of the squares of the differences in terms of s< as follows. We have by 58. 1 1 P y Sl Si So = 2(a-^y 163. We shall conclude our discussion of alternants with a theorem on the reduction of alternating functions to alternants.* * " Reduction of Alternating Functions to Alternants," Wm. Woolsey Johnson, American Journal of Mathematics, Vol. VII., page 345. 200 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. (1) Any function of the form 4>i{a, bed ••• I) 4>2(iii bed ••• I) ••• <^„(a, bed ••• I) i{b, aed '" I) n(b, aed "- 1) r i{l, abc ••• k) cf>2{l, abc ••• A:) ••• ^^(Z, abc ••• k) is evidently an alternating function of a,b,c, "• I, if <^(ci, 6ccZ ••• Z) denotes a function of the n quantities a^b,c,'"l, which is symmetrical with respect to all the quantities except a. If each element of this determinant contains only the leading letter, (1) becomes Mb) M<^) Mb) /3(«) Mb) M') Ml) Ml) Mo) Mb) Ml) (2) an alternant, which we represent, as usual, by its principal term, [/l(«),/2W,/3(c),-/n(0]. (3) Now, if the principal term of (1) can be separated into parts of the form (3), then the given alternating function (1) is equal to the sum of the alternants represented by these partial terms. This is proved as follows. Since an interchange of two rows of (1) is equivalent to an interchange of the corre- sponding letters, any term of (1) can be obtained from the principal term by a suitable transposition of the letters, and, similarly, the corresponding term in each of the alternants may be derived from its principal term by the same transposition of the letters ; hence every term in the expansion of (1) is equal to the sum of the corresponding terms in the expansion of the alternants. APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 201 Accordingly, if a determinant of the form (1) is expressed, as usual, by writing its principal term in (), with commas between the elements, we may erase the commas, and treat the expression within the ( ) as an ordinary algebraic quantit}'. Thus, = A{bcd, 1, c, d^) =^« 6, r, d^) = t,^{a, b,c, d). bed 1 a a' cda 1 b W dab 1 c (? abc 1 d d' Again, 1 b^ + (? a' + bc 1 c2-fa2 b^ + ca 1 a' + b^ c' + ab =^(l,c2 + a2, c2 + a6) A{a\ b\ c') -\-A(a\ b\ c') +A{a, b, c') +A{a\ 6, c«) - A {a\ 6, c^) = _ (a -h 6 + c) C* (a, b,c). ' Functional Determinants. 164. Consider the following n functions of the n independent variables iCi, X21 ••• x^. 2/i=/i(a?i,a;2, "',x^) (1) These functions will be independent if for every set of values of yi,y2,"'yn equations (1) determine one or more sets of values of a^i, ajg, ••• a;„, so that these latter variables can in their turn be considered as functions of the n independent variables yi,y2,"'yn' 202 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. Differentiating equations (1), we have dy, = ^'dx, + pdx2 + .-. + ^dx^ hXi hXi dy2=^'dx,-\-^dx2 + Sx^ SX2 Sx^ dy, ^^Adx^+^^dx2 + ••• +^d.x„ hxi Sxo 6x„ (2) Regarding equations (2) as a system of equations for deter- mining dxi, dx2, •" dXn, the determinant of this system S?/i S«2 S.Vi ••,2/.) %2 8x, %2 8& 8& %, 8a;, 8x, ■ 8*„ is called the Jacobian of the given functions yi^ 2/2? * * • Vn' Or, in other words, the Jacobian of a set of n functions, each of n variables, is the determinant |A:i„l, in which the element kpg is the first derivative of the pth function with respect to the ^th variable. Thus, given yi = az^ -\-2 hzt + ci^, 2/2 = ^i^!^ + 2 hiZt + Cif. The Jacobian az + 6i hz -\- ct a^z + &i^ h^z 4- Ci? _4 1 4 1 = 4 ^2 _2« 22 . "^, 2/1 hz -\-ct c a 6 c ^' Vi h,z H - Ci« Ci a, « '1 Cj APPLICA.TIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 203 165. If the functions 2/1,2/2, ••• 2/n ^^^ iiot independent, but are connected by a relation <^ (2/15 2/2, •••2/n) = 0, the Jacobian vanishes. From (3) we have, by differentiating, (3) %l ^Xl 82/2 ^^1 82/1 80^2 82/2 8a;2 82/n S«^i H- ^ . ^" = S2/« 80^2 (4) §i . ?^i _i_ ^ . 5^2 ^ ... _i_ ^ . ^ = 82/1 8a;« 82/2 8aj, 8y^ Sx^ From their mode of formation, .equations (4) are simulta- neous. Hence the determinant of the system vanishes by 77 ; ^ = 0. We shall show presentl}^ that if the Jacobian of a set of functions vanishes, the functions are not independent. 166. The Jacobian of the implicit functions Fi (a^i, X2,'" cc„, 2/1, 2/2, ••• 2/n) = ^ F2 (a^i, X2, ••• a;„, 2/1, 2/2? • • • 2/n) = (5) Fn(Xi, »2, ••• X^, 2/1? 2/2J ••• 2/n) = is found as follows. Equations (5) yield _SF\^§T\ . S^i_^S5 8^2 ^ ... ^ 55- . %2 Sxj, 82/1 Bxj, 82/2 Sx^ Sy^ Bx^ (1, A;=l, 2, (6) n). 204 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. Using equation (6), we find the product of to be 8F, 8F, SF^ and %2 8x, Byn '" 8x, 8F2 SF, %1 %2 8F, 8x, 5^2 6X2 8x2 BF^ 8F„ Byi %2 SF^ Syi 8x„ %2 Byn '" 8x^ (-1)" SF, 8F, ... 8F, 8x^ • SF^ 8F2 8x1 8x2 ... 8F2 Si^n S^n BF^ 8x^ .8x2 ... Sx^ Whence j^ Hyi.y2,'-yn) ^. 8(j^i,j^„-..i^0 . bjf^f^^-'F^) 8{xi, X2, ••• x^) 8{xi, X2, — x„) ' 8(2/1, 2/2» ••• 2/n) (7) If in (7) we put n= 1, we get 8F\_8F\ dyi 8x1 8yi dxi a well-known formula. 167. If in equations (5) we consider ajj, ajg? •" x^ as func- tions of yi, 2/2> ••• 2/rn W6 obtain, as above, r^y S{F„F2r"F,) ^ 8iF,,F2r"F,) ^ 8(x,,X2,'"X^) ,g. 8(2/1,2/2, •••yn) S(a;i,a;2, •••»„) 8(2^1,2^2, ••• 2/«)* (9) APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FOBMS. 205 From (7) and (8), 8(a;i, x^, ... x„) 8(2/1, 2/2, ... y^) 168. Again, having given the n -{-p functions, 2^1 (xi, x^, ... a;,,, 2/1, 2/2, ••• 2/n+p) = F^ix^, %, ••• a?„, yi, 2/2, — 2/«+;,) = Fn-^{xi, 02, — a;„, 2/1, ^2, ••• 2/n+i>) = The Jacobian J-^ 8(2/1, ^2, — Vn) o(aJi, a;2, ••• x^) of the first w of these functions is found as follows. Differen- tiating equations (10), we find (10) 8x, Sy, Sx, "^ By, Sx, "^ "^ Sy„+, So;, (6) (* = 1,2,... 7i+i>; A:=l,2, ...n) Now multipl}' together A = 8i^i 8i^i 82/1 82/2 8i^i S2/n+p X S2/1 %2 8a;i •*' S2/n 8a;i 8F2 8i • • • Vn+p) since, by equation (6) for A;^n, the element Ui^ of P is ? ; and for A; > n, 8^ gajfc We have, accordingly. -=£• 169. Suppose equations (5) yield upon solution 2/1 = i(a?i, 3^2, •••,a;„). (0 APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 207 Solve (c) for x^, and substitute this value of Xi in the remaining ii — l equations ; then 2/2, 2/3, ••• y^ become functions of ?/i, a?2, ••• ic„. Thus 2/2= <^2(2/i, 372, •••ajn). W Solve (c?) for »2? substitute the result in the remaining n — 2 equations ; then 2/3, 2/4, ••• 2/n become functions of 2/l> ^29 ^39 *••? ^n* Thus 2/3 = <^3(.yi, 2/2, ^3» •••, a^«). Solve (e) for 0^3, substitute as before ; and so on. We obtain the equations 2/1 - c}>i(Xi,X2, •••«„) =0 y2 — 4>2{yuX2,'"X^) =0 3/3- <^3(2/l9 2/2, 3^3, •••«?„) =0 2/« - <^n(2/l? 2/2, ••• 2/n-l, ••• a„) = By 166, j^B(y,, 2/2, •• •^n) = (-1)" 8{x,,x,,'..y^) hXi 8X2 ^01 ... Bcfji 8x, " 8x^ 1 -^2 Sx, Oc/j2 002 6x, '" g^ 802 %1 1 Hs . S03 3aJ3 K 803 S2/1 803 82/2 1 ... -% S0n 8^1 80n %2 Bn 82/3 _ 8<^, _ 802 . 8i»i 8x2 803 8x^ (e) (11) 208 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. That is to say, the Jacohian of a set of functions 2/1, 2/2? ••• 2/n» each of n independent variables x^, 0^2, ••• a;„, is expressible as a product of n differential coefficients of the functions i, <^2> * • • S^n* where the second subscript denoting the derivatives), we may write (3) Vn y2 Vn = D{yi,y2iy3, •••2/n)=o. Vln-i 2/2 «-l ••• Vnn-l Now y being any function of », we find 2/"-0(yi5 2/2,2/3, •••2/«)= yiy iyiy)i » (2/22/) 1 y^ (yny)i (yiy)n-i (2/22/) n-l (2/n2/)n-l (4) (5) APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 211 in which the subscript k of {yiy)k means the kih derivative of {yiy). That is to say, the Wronskian of 2/i2/? 2/22/v ••• 2/n2/ is the product on the left in (5). This is made evident by notic- ing that since (2/i2/)i = ViiV + ViV^ {yiy\ = 2/<22/ + ^yav' + ViV", etc., where y', y", •••, are the successive derivatives of ?/, the determinant on the right becomes a sum of determinants, of which the first is the product on the left, and all the rest vanish. 174. We find dD{y^,y2,-',yn) Vi yn — yin-2 2/ln dx 2/2 2/21 ••• 2/2n-2 2/2n Vn 2/«i — 2/»«-2 2/«« (-1) for in the sum of determinants which make up the derivative sought, all vanish except the one expressed in equation {A) . 175. If in 173 we put y = —, the Wronskian on the right in (5) reduces to 2/1 .2/1/1 ri/2 '2/3' V2/1A V2/1/2 'y2' .2/1 \yJn-i D yA fys' .2/1/1 Now '2/2 i/i~ y? ' Wi" yi ' "* \yJ~ y? 212 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. Then if we put D (?/i, 2/2) = 2:2, D (2/1, 2/3) ^z^, '" D (2/1, 2/„) = 2!n1 we get ^ (2/1, 2/2, ••• 2/n) =-;n^ fe, 23, ••• O- (6) 2/1 176. We shall employ the result just obtained to show that if the Wronskian of 2/15 2/2^ •** 2/» vanishes, the functions are connected by a linear equation having constant coefficients. Suppose that 2/1 does not vanish, and since by hypothesis D{yi^y2^ •••2/n) = 0, by (6) of the last article we must also have yr' Therefore, by 172, the n — 1 functions Zg? 2:3, z^ are connected by a linear relation, i.e., 0.2Z2-^asZs-\ f-an^n=0. (7) Dividing (7) by 2/1^, and restoring the values of Z2, z^, ••• 2;,„ Integrating (8), we find «i2/i + «2y2 + «32/3 H h a„2/n = 0. (9) Therefore assuming that if the Wronskian of n — 1 func- tions vanishes, the functions are connected by a linear relation, we have shown that when the Wronskian of n functions van- ishes, the functions are connected by a linear relation. But the assumption is obviously true for two functions, hence the theorem is true universally. APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 213 Linear Substitution. 177. If the n functions (one or more) /g = O2I a^2 + <^22 ^2 H + a^n^n (1) are transformed into functions of 2/i»2/2? '•• Vn ^J the following linear substitutions,,* «1 = ^l2/l + &12 2/2 + ••• + Kyn ^2 = &212/1+&222/2 H h &2u2/n »n= &«iyi + &n22/2 + •'• + &„„?/« (2) the determinant I 6i„ I of the system (2) is called the modulus of transformation. If the modulus is unity, the substitution is unimodular. If a^j, iCg, • • • »« are independent, the modulus cannot vanish. 178. If the functions (1) are transformed by means of (2) into /i = mn2/i + mi22/2H (-Wi„?/„ 1 /a = msi 2/1 + m22 2/2 H f- m,,, y. (3) frf= l^nlVl + Wln22/2 H h W„,.2/„ the determinant of the system (3) , Imn W22 ••• m„^l, * The learner can understand the importance of linear substitution by noticing that such a substitution is the process involved in transformation of coordinates in Geometry. 214 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS. equals the product of the determinant of the given sjstem (1) by the modulus of transformation. That is to say, \m,^\ = I«,J X |6i«I. This is proved as follows. The coeflficient of y,^, Wl« = ttii 6u + «,2 ^2* H h Clin &«*» is found by multiplying equations (2) by ciii? ^f2» ••• «m? respec- tively, and adding by columns. Whence, by 53, we see that will mi2 ••• min = «n ai2 77121 m22 '" rn^n «21 ^22 ... ... ... m,a w„2 ••• m„„ a. a«2 «2h ^1 hi ••' hn 621 622 ••• hn &„i b„o ... 6„„ 179. If /(iCi, aJa, '" x^) is to be so transformed by the sub- stitution i»l = /8„ 2/1 + A2 ^2 + — + /?l„ Vn ] i«2 = /?21 2/1 + /?22 2/2 H h Au 2/n ' 5„= ;8„i^i + ^„22/2 -I (- ;3„„2/„ J (a) that 2// + 2/1 + - + ^n' = ^1' + a:/ + - + a^,f, the linear substitution is called orthogonal. The coefficients of an orthogonal substitution must satisfy the following condi- tions. A. Since yi'+yi-h'-'+Vn' = (/3ii2/i+ft2 2/2 + -+A»2/«)'+(Ai2/i+&2/2 4- - +ftn2/n)^ + +(/8«l2/l+)8„22/2+-+)8nn2/u)' + ••• + 22/12/2 (ftii8i2 + ft,&+ - +i8„i;8„2) 4- -, APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. 215 we must have X fAf +Af +'" + ^J =1 lA^A* + AA*-f •••+A.-/5«. = (t, A:=l,2, ... n). B. If we wish to return to the original function from the transformed function, we must put For from (a) we readily find Aia^i + /32i^2H hAu^^n = 2/i(Ai Ai + Ai Ai + - Ai AO + 2/2(^2 Ai+&/32i+ - +/5„2 A,) + - + ^nCAn A. + An Ai + - + An AO ' Now, by I., the coefficient of ?/j = 1, and the other coefficients vanish. C. The square of the determinant of the S3'stem (a) (modulus of transformation) is unity. For Al A2 - A: Ai fe - A, III. = IAJ^=IA«!. Al A2 - An \Din\ is a symmetrical determinant by 108 ; since, by I., A*=o, A=i, the truth of III. is obvious. D. Bi„ being the minor of ySf^ in I y8i„ I , we find ^.■* = AJA«1- For multiplying the equations AiA* + - +AiA* = o, A*A* + -+A*A*=i, ... ... ... ...J A»A* + -+AnA* = o, 216 THEORY OF DETERMINANTS, ill order by Ba, Bi,, -•' Bi^, and adding, we have But all the coefficients, except the coefficient of ^i^, vanish ; hence IV. 5a=AJAnI- E. By the preceding condition IV., (Ai^a + - + A-u/?*n) I AJ = Bal3,i 4- - + An/3*«. The second member of this equation is IjSiJ, or 0, according as i and k are equal or unequal. Whence 1 Ali^H + A2 ^2 + • • • + An)S,. = 0. i^. The following relation holds between the minors of the modulus of the orthogonal substitution. VI. Pr+l r+1 Pr+l r+2 Pr+2 r+1 Pr+2 r+2 Pn r+1 Pn r+2 For, by 61, lAnI X Al A2 Al ^822 A Ai y8^ - Ar J521 i522 ... B,, B. Brr = lAnl r--l A+l r+1 A+1 r+2 A+2 r+1 Pr+2 r+2 A r+1 A r+2 An APPLICATIONS AND SPECIAL FORMS. Now, by ly., B.21 B.22 '" B^r B^, Bo B,, = I An l^ X Ai fe P21 P22 f^rl A2 21T Whence, equating the second members of these two equa- tions, the relation VI. follows. ^ress of 'gttiouk * ^mi% Boston. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or oa the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recalL 24Nov'6,3F ^^e. ^Tj h^ ^^ o Co M Lc ^m-^ rm. 190ct'64BG ^^^ ^SMc^;:'v^^ :■ REC'D LD OCT 5 '64.5 PM BET UKN eD T O *STRON., MATH.- STAT. LIBRARY MAR 2 1962 Ht'CD LD JUN 9 196b REC ' D U > wm ^;iiiM ■65' si 3*p- m 2>'e6 2<>'^co it^itf' 6dt3 m LD 21A-50to-8,'61 (Cl795sl0)476B ir>Cn -_ General Library^ THE UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA UBRARY .m ^^7% w