^jjSAtJ^Sux^^ JHorris antJ fHotgan^s 3Latm Series EDITED FOR USE IN SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF EDWARD P. MORRIS, L.H.D., PROFESSOR OF LATIN IN YALE UNIVERSITY AND MORRIS H. MORGAN, Ph.D., PROFESSOR OF CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY IN HARVARD UNIVERSITV VOLUMES OF THE SERIES Essentials of Latin for Begfinners. Henry C. Pearson, Teachers College, New York. A School Latin Grammar. Morris H. Morgan, Harvard University. A First Latin Writer. M. A. Abbott, Groton School. Connected Passages for Latin Prose Writing. Maurice W. Mather, formerly of Harvard University, and Arthur L. Wheeler, Bryn Mawr College. Caesar. Episodes from the Gallic and Civil Wars. Maurice W. Mather, formerly of Harvard University. Cicero. Ten Orations and Selected Letters. J. Remsen Bishop, Eastern High School, Detroit, Frederick A. King, Hughes High School, Cincinnati, and Wilbur Helm, Evanston Academy of Northwestern Uni- versity. Six Orations. Selections from Latin Prose Authors for Sight Reading. Susan Bralev Franklin and Ella Catherine Greene, Miss Baldwin's School, Bryn Cicero. Cato Maior. Frank G. Moore, Columbia University. Cicero. Laelius de Amicitia. Clifton Price, University of California. Selections from Livy. Harry E. Burton, Dartmouth Collie. Horace. Odes and Epodes. Clifford H. Moore, Harvard Unfversniy. Horace. Satires. Edward P. Morris, Yale University. Horace. Satires and Epistles. Edward P. Morris, Yak University. Horace. Odes, Epodes, and Carmen Saeculare, Moore. Satires and Epistles, Morris. In one volume. TibuUus. Kirby F. Smith, Johns Hopkins University. Lucretius. William A. Merrill, University of California. Latin Literature of the Empire. Alfred Gudeman, formerly of the University of Pennsylvania. Vol. I. Prose : Velleius to Boethius Vol. n. Poetry : Pseudo-Vergiliana to Claudianus . Selections from the Public and Private Law of the Romans. James J. Robinson, Hotchkiss School. Others to be announced later. View of the Coliseum, as one looks from the Forum northeast- ward THROUGH the ArCH OF TiTUS (From a water-color drawing made in Rome) ESSENTIALS OF LATIN FOR BEGINNERS BY HENRY CARR PEARSON PRINCIPAL OF THE HORACE MANN SCHOOL, TEACHERS COLLEGE; COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Revised oJOSo AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY NEW YORK CINCINNATI CHICAGO Copyright, 1905, by EDWARD P. MORRIS AND MORRIS H. MORGAN. Entered at Stationers' Hall, London. Copyright, 1911, 1912, 1915, by , .: , • . HENRY CARR PEARSON. ^ #f ARSON. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN. *•• W. P. 32 PREFACE This book is designed primarily to prepare pupils in a thorough fashion to read Caesar's Gallic War, It contains seventy lessons, including ten that are devoted exclusively to reading, and six supple- mentary lessons. The first seventy lessons contain the minimum of what a pupil should know before he is ready to read Latin with any degree of intelligence and satisfaction. The supplementary lessons deal largely with certain principles of syntax that some teachers may not wish to present to their pupils during the first year's work. They are independent of one another and of the rest of the book, and may, therefore, be taken up in any order that the teacher wishes, or any number of them may be omitted. It is hoped that the following features will commend themselves to teachers of first year Latin : 1. Carefully selected vocabularies, containing with a very few exceptions only those words that occur with the greatest frequency in Caesar's Gallic War, About five hundred words are presented in the first seventy lessons. 2. The constant comparison of English and Latin usage. Not much knowledge of English grammar on the part of the pupil is taken for granted. The more difficult constructions are first considered from the English point of view. 3. A more logical and consecutive treatment of topics. Nouns, adjectives, pronouns, and verbs are not treated in a piecemeal fashion, but four or five consecutive lessons are devoted to a topic before passing on to another. Sufficient change, however, is in- troduced to avoid monotony. 3 459840 4 PREFACE 4. A brief preparatory course. Allowing ample time for re- views, the first seventy lessons should be thoroughly mastered in about twenty-five weeks. 5. The Review Exercises under each lesson. These employ the vocabulary and constructions of the preceding lessons, and afford additional practice for those who wish it. They may be omitted, however, if desired, as the regular Exercises also review preceding constructions. 6. Carefully graded material for reading. There are stories for rapid reading, based on the vocabulary and constructions already studied, and selections from Viri Romae and the first twenty chapters of Caesar's Gallic War, Book II, in simplified form. This material should prepare a pupil to begin to read the regular text of Caesar at the beginning of the second year. I wish to express my grateful acknowledgments to the following well-known teachers of Latin who have read the manuscript of this book, and have rendered valuable assistance by their sug- gestions and criticisms : Mr. H. F. Towle, Curtis High School, New York City; Mr. A. L. Hodges, Wadleigh High School, New York Ci4:y ; Mr. A. J. Inglis, Horace Mann High School, New York City ; Mr. Herbert T. Rich, Boston Latin School. This book has had the benefit of the criticism of Professor M. H. Morgan of Harvard University, one of the editors of the series, who has carefully read both the manuscript and the proof. HENRY CARR PEARSON. New York City, January, 1905. PREFACE TO THE REVISED EDITION The present revision embodies some of the suggestions received from time to time from teachers who have used the Essentials. It has been undertaken, not to change the character or plan of the work, but solely to introduce such simplifications and amplifications as will make it still more helpful to the beginner. The statement of rules has in a number of instances been modified ; a different PREFACE 5 arrangement has been given to the conjugations in the appendix ; the introduction has been made somewhat fuller ; and the order of Lessons ^8 and 39 has been changed. In other respects the changes are internal and do not affect the method or scope of the work. Many full-page illustrations have been added, together with several new cuts of smaller size and a double-page map of the western portion of the Roman empire at the time of Caesar. All the changes made in this edition have been scrutinized and approved by Professor Charles Knapp of Columbia University, to whose keen scholarship and valuable aid the author is deeply indebted. March, 1915. H. C P. CONTENTS LESSON PAGE Introduction ^ ii 1. First Declension or Stems in -J-. Feminine Nouns . . .16 2. First Declension or Stems in -a- (continued). Feminine Adjectives 18 3. First Declension or Stems in -a- (continued). Limiting Genitive. Present Indicative of Sum 20 4. First Conjugation. Present Indicative. Direct Object . . . . 22 5. Second Declension or Stems in -0, Masculine Nouns in -us. Mas- culine of Adjectives ......... 25 6. Second Declension (continued). Neuters in -^^w. Appositive. In- direct Object 28 7. Declension of Adjectives in -us, -a, -urn. Agreement ... 30 8. Second Declension (continued). Masculines in -er and -ir . . 33 9. Second Declension (continued). Nouns in -ius and -iutn. Ad- jectives in -^^// M ignis, ^r e ; cvf is, citizen ; turriSyftower ; finis,9fv^yyl divis Jbird. All neuter -i- stemPhave the ablative singiilar in -i. A few nouns sometimes have the accusative singular in -im: turris, turrim, tower, 4. Decline together: urbs pulchra, beautiful city ; animal magnum, large aitimaL 123. Since nouns with -i- stems are declined differently from those with consonant stems, one must know what nouns of the third declension have -i- stems. The following classes have -i- stems, and they must be thoroughly learned : 1. Nouns in -is and -es, having no more syllables in the genitive than in the nominative, „^^-d^ C0LjLAji^^^^, deep. finis, finis, m., end; (plur.) angustus, a, um, narrow, con- boundary, territory. traded. f initimus, a, um, neighboring, noster, nostra, nostrum, our, adjoining; finitimi, orum, ours. m., neighbors. acer, acris, acre, keen, sharp, quod, conj., because. eager, fierce, -que, and, an enclitic, always equester, equestris, equestre, attached to the second of of the cavalry ; cavalry two words connected. (adj.). magnitudo, inis, f ., greatness, size, 159. REVIEW EXERCISES L I. Dux f ilium propter virtiitem laudaverat. 2. Pax quattuor mensibus a Caesare cum multis civitatibus erat confirmata. 3. Multa nocte copiae ex agris in castra con- vocabantur. 4. Milites hieme in hiberna convocati sunt. 5. Multi incolae gladiis equitum vulneratl erant. II. I. Why were the Helvetii aroused.'* 2. The town was captured on the march. 3. At daybreak the general gave his soldiers food. 4. The consul suffered from lack of cavalry. So ESSENTIALS OF LATIN i6o. EXERCISES I. I. Castra Caesaris in Helvetiorum flnibus erant. 2. Iter per fines nostros angustum erat. 3. Roman! virtute, n5n magnitudine corporis, Gallos superabant. 4. Equestres copiae hostium magna cum virtiite pugnave- rant. 5. Flumina Galliae angusta et alta erant. 6. Equites a Caesare laudati sunt, quod hostes celeritate superaverunt. 7. Acres peritaeque^ erant copiae consulis. 8. Pedites Caesaris proelio acres erant. 9. Cur Helvetii a ducibus incitati sunt ? Quod altis montibus et fluminibus latis con- tinebantur. 10. Hostes equestri proeli5 superati erant. II. I. The battle with our cavalry was keen. 2. Have you seen many deep rivers ? 3. We surpass our neighbors in cavalry forces. 4. There is a narrow road through our neighbors' territory. 5. The general was wounded in his foot. 6. The Helvetii seized many towns because they fought with great bravery. 1 Notice to which word -que is added. Translate -que de/ore the word to which it is attached. CORNEUVSLVCJVJ^SC\PlO BARgATVS CNAIVOO PATRt P-ROCA/ATVS FO/?T(S VlJ^S>\PlEN/5 aVE- aVO/v;Fo/l/\AA VlRTVTtlPAKlSV/V^A FVIT- C0W50L CEN50R.Alt>lLISaVCIFVITAPVD-VOS'T/NRASIA-C^SA.Vr4A $A/v\MOCtP)T — SVBlCITOMNlEkOVCAN/A-OPSlD&^aVtABOOVCIT ^ ^ Sarcophagus of one of the Scipios, showing Latin Inscription ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 8i LESSON 24 ADJECTIVES OF THE THIRD DECLENSION. TWO TER- MINATIONS AND ONE TERMINATION. DATIVE WITH ADJECTIVES 161. Many adjectives of the third declension have only- two separate forms in the nominative, the masculine and feminine being alike* in all cases. Except comparatives (see 257), they are all declined like the following: facilis, easy Stem facili- •Base facil- SlNGULAR Masculine and Feminine Neuter NOM. facilis facile Gen. facilis facilis Dat. facili facili Ace. facilem facile Abl. facili Plijral facili NOM. faciles facilia Gen. facilium facilium Dat. facilibus facilibus Ace. facilis (es facilia Abl. facilibus facilibus Other adjectives of this declension have one form for the nominative in all genders. They are declined like the following : 82 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN audax, bold Stem audaci- Base audac- SlNGULAR Masculine and Feminine Neuter NOM. audax audax Gen. audacis audacis Dat. audaci audaci Ace. audacem audax Abl. audaci (e) Plural audaci (e) NOM. audaces audacia Gen. audacium audacium Dat. audacibus audacibus Ace. audacis (es) audacia Abl. audacibus audacibus Observe 1. That all adjectives of the third declension have one form for all genders in all cases except the nomina- tive and accusative. 2. That adjectives of the third declension ending in -er have three terminations, those in -is two, and all others, except comparatives, one. 3. That they have -i- stems, and that those of two and three terminations have only -i in the ablative singular. 162. Examine the following : f. Filius patri similis erat, the son was like his father, 2. Locus castris idoneus erat, the place was suitable for a camp. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 83 Observe that the datives patri and castris are related to the adjectives similis and idoneus. 163. Rule. — Dative with Adjectives. — The dative is used with adjectives denoting Likeness^ Fitness^ Nearness^ Service^ Inclination^ and the like, and also with their op- posites, 164. vocabulary fortis, e, brave, strong. omnis, e, all, every, the whole, similis, e, like, similar, brevis, e, brief, short. dissimilis, e, dissimilar, par, gen. paris, equal {to). unlike. vetus,^ gen. veteris, old, ancient, facilis, e, easy. gens, gentis, f., race, nation. difficilis, e, difficidt. populus, i, m., people. 165. ^ REVIEW EXERCISES I. I. Helvetii fluminibus altis continebantur. 2. Ad flumen iter angustum erat. 3. Cur finitimi nostri terren- tur } Quod cum Romanis pacem et amiciti'am confirma- vimus. 4. Caesar equestribus proeliis Gallos superavit. 5. Pedites nostri altis fluminibus terrebantur. 6. Gall5s magna cum celeritate in fugam dederunt. II. I. There are many beautiful ships on the sea. 2. Our cavalry were fierce in battle. 3. Why were they fright- ened } Because they saw many deep rivers and high mountains. 4. The bridges have been taken-possession- of by the enemy. 166. EXERCISES I. I. Multae et fortes erant in Gallia gentes. 2. Caesar veteres milites amabat, quod bello fortes erant. 3. Milites 1 This is not an -i- stem ; its ablative singular is formed in -e. 84 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN fortes oppidum occupaveranjt. 4. Iter ad montem facile est. 5. Brevi tempore magnamhostium partem necaverant. 6. Helvetii multitudine hominum populo Romano non erant pares. 7. Puer fortis a milite vulneratus est. 8. Omnes incolae ex oppido ad collem convocantur. 9. Caesar multis imperatoribus dissimilis erat. 10. Finitimi nostri omnes gentes virtute superant. II. I. In every town we shall see many children. 2. The boy was like the girl in size. 3. We carried the grain into the town by an easy road. 4. All the tribes were brave and ^ faithful. 5. In winter the field near the river will not be fit for a camp. 6. The Roman people^ was not conquered by the brave Helvetii. (Reading Selection 448) LESSON 25 READING LESSON CHAPTER II The Ambitious Designs of the Helvetii under the Leadership of Orgetorix 167. Orgetorix, qui ^ princeps erat Helveti5rum, coniura- ti5nem nobilitatis fecit {formed) et cum f Initimis civitatibus pacem amicitiamque confirmavit. Helvetii undique natiira loci continentur, una ex parte* flumine Rhen5, qui agrum Helvetium a Germanis dlvidit,^ altera ex parte monte lura, tertia ex parte flumine Rhodano, qui pr5vinciam nostram ab Helvetiis dividit. Qua de causa ^ fines Helvetii angustos ha- bebant pro "^ multitudine hominum, et emigrare ^ cupiebant.^ 1 Use -que. 2 populus Romanus. ^ xhe relative pronoun who, which, that, * una ex parte, on one side. ^ Third person singular of divide. ^ Qua de causa, for this reason. "^ in proportion to. ^ to emigrate. ^ Third person plural im- perfect of cupio. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 85 LESSON 26 PERFECT, PLUPERFECT, AND FUTURE PERFECT OF sum. REVIEW OF THE FIRST AND SECOND CONJUGATIONS 168. Review 81. Prin. Parts : sum, esse, f ui, futurus Perfect Pluperfect Singular Future Perfect I. fui, I have been, f ueram, / had been f iiero, / shall have I was been 2. fuisti fueras fueris 3. fuit fuerat Plural fuerit I. fuimus fueramus fuerimus 2. fuistis fueratis fueritis 3. fuerunt fuerant fuerint 1. Observe that the perfect stem is fu-, and that the pluper- fect and future perfect are formed regularly from this stem by adding -eram and -ero. 2. Are the personal endings regular ? 169. The following verbs of the first and second con- jugations have been introduced in the preceding lessons. Review carefully their meanings and principal parts. Why must one know the principal parts of a verb } pugn5 conloco video laudo supero maturo expugna confirm5 contineo culpo armo incito oppugna compare compleo servo occup5 labora voc5 augeo move5 delecto vulnero neca corivoco habeo mone5 d5 porto dimic5 terrea I. What is the force of con (com) in a compound verb.? S6 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 170. Review carefully 99, 104, 105, 106. With the out- line given below as a suggestion, complete the synopsis of incito. In a similar way, write out a synopsis of habeo in the second person and augeo in the third person. Synopsis of the Indicative, Third Person Prin. Parts : incito, are, avi, atus, arouse, urge on ^Active Passive f Sing, incitat incitatur ' 1 Plur. incitant incitantur I Sing, incitabat incitabatur 1 Plur. incitabant incitabantur Present Stem incita- Perfect Stem incitav- PERF.P^^<^- i Plur. PLUP.P^'^<^- I Plur. FuT. f Sing. Perf. 1 Plur. Participial Stem incitat- 171. VOCABULARY vasto, are, avi, atus, lay reliquus, a, um, the-rest-of, waste, ravage. remaining. libertas, atis, i., liberty, free- potens, potentis, able, power- dom. ful. pro, prep, with abl, before, in behalf of , for. 172. EXERCISES 1. I. Fueratis; fuerimus; fuistis. 2. Gallorum fines ab equitibus vastati erant. 3. ReliquT hostes pr5 llbertate diu pugnaverant. 4. Belgae navibus erant potentes. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 87 5. Faucis annis bell5 finitim5s Helvetii superaverant. 6. Pr5 feminis llbcrlsque magno cum studio pugnabant. 7. Reliquae in Gallia gentes a nostris flnitimis incitatae sunt. 8. Caesar cum quattuor legionibus fines Helvetio- rum vastare maturabit. 9. Legiones populi Roman! magnitudine corporis Gallorum terrebantur. 10. Servus domino virtute erat similis. 1 1. Altis montibus et latls fluminibus oppidum continetur. IL I. They saw a few horsemen near the bridge. 2. Because of the war, the fields of the Gauls have been laid waste. 3. The legions of the Roman people were brave and skillful. 4. The foot-soldiers were equal to the cavalry in speed. 5. The citizens will fight for the general. 6. They put the rest of the enemy to flight. 7. There were many powerful tribes in Gaul. LESSON 27 THIRD CONJUGATION. PRESENT, IMPERFECT, AND FUTURE, ACTIVE AND PASSIVE Third Conjugation 173. duco, / lead Prin. Parts: duco, ducere, duxi, ductus Learn the present, imperfect, and future, active and passive, of duco (518). 1. Observe that the personal endings are the same as those used in the first and second conjugations (43, 139). 2. Compare the present of duco with the present of moiieO and amo in respect to the vowel that precedes the personal ending. SS ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 3. Are the imperfect tenses of the first, second, and third conjugations formed and conjugated in the same way? 4. Compare the future of duco with the future of moneo, and notice the difference in formation. 5. Observe that the characteristic vowel of this conjuga- tion is s/ior^ -e-, that of the second conjugation long-^-. 6. Like duco conjugate the present, imperfect, and future tenses, active and passive, of mitto, send, and vinco, conquer, 174. VOCABULARY duco, ere, duxi, ductus, lead, gero, gerere, gessi, gestus, mitto, ere, misi, missus, send. carry on, wage, vinco, ere, vici, victus, con- incolo, ere, incolui, — , in- quer. habit. relinquo, ere, reliqui, relictus, neque . . . neque, neither , . . leave behind, leave. nor. contendo, ere, contend!, con- sdiQ^t, 2iA.w,y of ten, frequently, tentum, struggle, strive, hasten, hurry, march. 175.. REVIEW EXERCISES I. I. Dux castra movebit, quod inopia frumenti in agrls est. 2. Equites nostri fabulis Gallorum sunt incitatL 3. Belgae virtute Helvetils similes erant. 4. Multae Gallorum gentes . multitudine hominum erant potentes. 5. Pauci vici ab hostibus vastati erant. 6. Omnes pro libertate magno studi5 pugnabimus. II. I. The rest of the Gauls were powerful in arms. 2. Is a son always like his father ? 3. In a short time the village will be like a camp. 4. The general praised the old soldiers for their bravery. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 89 176. EXERCISES I. I. Ducunt; diicent; ducebat. 2. Mittimus; mitte- bantur; mittebar. 3. Vincemur; vinces ; ducebatis. 4. Belgae bellum longum cum popul5 Roman5 gerebant. 5. Helvetil saepe cum finitimis contendebant. 6. Hostium copiae trans flumen relinquuntur. 7. In castris erant neque tela neque cibus. 8. Helvetil magno proelio a Caesare vin- centur. 9. Imperator per fines Gallorum contra Belgas mul- tas legiones mittit. 10. Caesar cum quattuor legionibus in Galliam contendebat. 1 1. Naves contra insulae incolas mit- tentur. 12. Gall! equestribus copiis Romanos superabant. II. I. We shall conquer; they are sending; you (plur.) are being led. 2. We are left behind ; they v^ill be sent; you (sing.) will be led. 3. He will neither send nor carry food into the city. 4. The Helvetil inhabit the mountains of Gaul. 5. Many children were left in camp. 6. The Roman people were waging war with the Helvetii. 7. Four legions will be sent by the consul into Gaul. (Reading Selection 449) LESSON 28 VERBS IN -io. THIRD CONJUGATION COMPLETED 1.77. Many verbs of the third conjugation end in io in the first person singular of the present indicative active. capio, take Prin. Parts : capio, capere, cepi, captus Learn the present, imperfect, and future, active and passive, of capio (520). I. Observe that the conjugation of capio differs from that of duco in the present tense only in two forms. What is the difference ? 90 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 2. In what respect do the imperfect and future of capio differ from duco? 3. Like capio conjugate these tenses of fugio, flee, and iacio, hurl. 178. Review 92, 98, 106, 152. The perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect, active and passive, of all Latin verbs are formed and conjugated in the same way. 1. Learn the conjugation of the perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect, active and passive, of duco and capio (518, 520). 2. Write a synopsis (170) of iacio, hurl, in the third person of the indicative. 179. VOCABULARY iacio, iacere, ieci, iactus, interficio,interficere,interfeci, throw, hurl. interfectus, kilL capio, capere, cepi, captus, traduco (trans + duco), ere, take, seize, capture, form. traduxi, traductus, lead fugio, fugere, f ugi, — , flee, over, transport, run away. consilium, i, n., advice, pru- facio, facere, feci, factus, do, dence, plan. , jmake ; iter facere, march ; moenia, moenium, n. (plur.), /proelium facere, fight a walls, fortifications, ^battle, 180. REVIEW EXERCISES . L I. Equites pedites non relinquent. 2. Neque pedi- tibus neque equitibus sed navibus Gontendunt. 3. Estne iter ad oppidum facile ? 4. Roman! in hostium fines multas legi5nes mittebant. 5. Decem mensibus multae gentes a consule vincentur. IL I. The Helvetii often carried on war with their ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 91 neighbors. 2. At daybreak the soldiers had been led into the city. 3. The Gauls were conquered by Caesar. 4. Did you send the messenger to the general.'* 181. EXERCISES I. I. Capiuntur; interficieris ; fugiemus. 2. Traduci- mur; capimur; fugiebatis. 3. Caesar in Helvetiorum fines iter ^ faciet. 4. RomanI ab hostibus copiam frumenti capiebant. 5. Equites magna cum celeritate in montes fugiebant. 6. Multa nocte pauci pedites interfecti erant. 7. Hostes tela in moenia nostra iecerunt. 8. Imperator propter c5nsilium proeli legatum laudavit. 9. Galli legates ad Caesarem de pace miserunt. 10. C5nsul ad flumen latum proelium fecit. 11. Multi equites a copiis nostris interficientur. II. I. We shall flee; they were killed; it had been taken. 2. You (plur.) were throwing; she has been seized. 3. All the inhabitants fled from the city into the forests. 4. The general's plan was a good one.^ 5. The Helvetii will march ^ out of their* territory. 6. In the winter Caesar used^ to form his plans. ^ iter facio, march. ^ ^^/^^ a good one — was good, ^ march = make a march. * Omit. ^ used to form : use the imperfect of capio. Graffito, or Drawing, from the Palatine Walls, Rome (Possibly written by a slave who had been made to do a turn at the mill as a punishment. The translation is: " Toil away, little donkey, as I have toiled, and it will do you good.") gZ ESSENTIALS OF LATIN LESSON 29 PRESENT INFINITIVE ACTIVE AND PASSIVE. THE INFINITIVE USED AS IN ENGLISH 182. Present Infinitive Active Passive First Conj. amare, ^0 love amari, to be loved Second Conj. monere, to advise moneri, to be advised Third Conj. ducere, to lead duci, to be led capere, to take capi, to be taken Fourth Conj. audire, to hear audiri, to be heard 1. The present infinitive active of all verbs has appeared as the second principal part of each verb given {^6). 2. Observe that the present passive is formed from the present active by changing final -e to -i, except in the third conjugation, which changes final -ere to -i. 183. Examine the following : 1. Maturat milites convocare, he hastens to summon the soldiers. 2. Laudari est gratum, to be praised is pleasant, 3. Incolas armari iubet, he orders the inhabitants to be armed. 4. Omnes primi esse cupimus, zve all wish to be first, 5. Debet interfici, he ought to be killed. 6. Fortis esse dicitur, he is said to be brave. 7. Filios bonos esse cupimus, vue wish our sons to be good. a. These examples show that the infinitive in Latin is often used as it is in EngHsh. b. In 2, the infinitive is subject of est. In i, 4, S, 6, the infinitive completes the meaning of the main verb, and is called the complementary infinitive. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 93 c. In 3, observe that incolas, the subject of the infinitive, is accusative. So filios in 7. In 4, note that the predi- cate adjective primi agrees with the subject of the main verb, cupimus, and is therefore nominative. In 7, the predicate adjective agrees with the subject of the infinitive and is therefore accusative. 184. RULES OF SYNTAX 1. Subject of Infinitive. — The subject of the infinitive is in the accusative. 2. Complementary Infinitive. — Verbs signifying to be willing, determine, be able, dare, begin, cease, be accustomed y etc, are used with an infinitive (complementary infinitive^ without subject accusative, to indicate another action of the subject of the verb of willing, determining, etc. 3. Predicate Adjective with Infinitive. — A predicate ad- jective with a complementary infinitive agrees with the subject of the main verb. 185. VOCABULARY dico, dicere, dixi, dictus, say, constituo, constituere, con- spcak, tell. stitui, ■ constitfltus, place, iubeo, iubere, iussi, iussus, station, determine, appoint. order, bid. paratus, a, um (paro), pre- debeo, debere, debui, debitus, pared, ready. Sjiame. owe, ought. appello, are, avi, atus, call, cupio, cupere, cupivi (ii), cu- auxilium, i, n., aid, help. pitus, wish, desire, numerus, i, m., member. 186. EXERCISES I. I. Vir peritus esse debet. 2. Pater f ilium fortem esse cupit. 3. Helvetil legates de pace ad Caesarem mit- tere parati sunt. 4. Difficile est gentes potentes superare. 94 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 5. Helvetii, inopia cibi permoti {influeTtced^, pacem facere cupiebant. 6. Magnum navium numerum parare Galli constituerunt. 7. Caesar legatum auxilium mittere iussit. 8. Tuus amicus appellarl dicitur. 9. Imperator oppidum ex itinere oppugnare c5nstituerat. 10. Caesar constituit cum Helvetiis, incolis Galliae, helium gerere. 11. Copiae hostium magnae esse dicebantur. 12. Consul nuntium cum decern equitibus in Galliam contendere iubebit. II. I. It was easy to capture the town. 2. The enemy- did not wish to leave their baggage in camp. 3. The girl ought to be skillful. 4. Do you wish to give your father a book.? 5. Caesar ordered the legion to storm the town. 6. The fortifications are said to be high. 7. We ought to be brave and good. 8. The soldiers desire to be praised. LESSON 30 READING LESSON CHAPTER III Preparations of Orgetorix and the Helvetii 187. Helvetii auctoritate Orgetorigis permoti^ iumento- rum et carrorum magnum numerum copiamque frumenti comparare constituerunt. In^ tertium annum profectionem in provinciam Romanam lege conflrmaverunt, et ad flniti- mas civitates Orgetorigem legatum miserunt. Casticus Sequanus, cuius {zvhose) pater a populo Romano amicus appellatus erat, et Dumnorix Haeduus, principes in suls {their^ civitatibus, auxilium dederunt. Dumnorigi Orgetorix filiam in matrim5nium dedit. Itaque hi {these) tres princi- pes potentium civitatum inter se^ iusiurandum dederunt, et Galliae imperium obtinere cupiebant. 1 See 186 I, 5. '^ for. ^ inter se, one another (literally, among thefnselves), (Reading Selection 450) ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 95 i88. LESSON 31 THE DEMONSTRATIVE is. idem Is, ea, id As adjective, this, that ; plur., these , those. As pronoun, this, that, he, she, it ; plur., these, those, they. Singular Plural Masc, Fern. Neut Masc, Fern, Neut NOM. is ea id ei, ii eae ea Gen. eius eius eius eorum earum eorum DAT. ei ei ei eis, iis eis, iis eis, iis Ace. eum eam id eos eas ea Abl. eo ea eo eis, iis eis, iis eis, iis I. In what cases do the endings differ from those of bonus (62).? The stem is -e- or -i-. 189. idem (is + dem), the same Singular Masculine Feminine Neuter NOM. Idem eadem idem Gen. eiusdem eiusdem eiusdem DAT. eidem eidem eidem Ace. eundem eandem idem Abl. eodem eadem Plural eodem Masculine Feminine Neuter NOM. eidem (idem) eaedem 6adem Gen. eorundem earundem eorundem DAT. eisdem (isdem) eisdem (isdem) eisdem (isdem) Ace. eosdem easdem 6adem Abl. eisdem (isdem) eisdem (isdem) eisdem (isdem) 96 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN I. Observe that, in idem, dem is uninflected, but is is declined regularly except for a few consonant changes before dem. 190. Examine the following : 1 . Is miles laudatur, that soldier is praised. 2. Eum laudant, they praise that {inan\ i.e. him, 3. Amicum eius laudamus, we praise his friend (i.e. the friejt d of him). 4. Amicum eorum laudamus, we praise their friend {\,q, the friend of them), ^. In I, is is used in agreement with a noun, and is a demonstrative adjective. It tells in an unemphatic manner what man is praised. Is commonly refers to some one or something just mentioned, and thus often equals the aforesaid. b. In 2, 3, and 4, is is used without a noun, and is a demon- strative pronoun, c. Eius means his, hers, its ; eorum means their, referring to mascuHne and neuter nouns ; earum means their^ referring to feminine nouns. See table below for the various meanings of is. d. Decline together : ea f emina, id nomeii, is miles. e. When the pronoun of the third person is expressed, it is regularly is. See also 196, c, 191. Table of Meanings for Reference is, ea, id Singular NoM. this, that ; he, she, it. Gen. of this, of that ; of him, his ; of her, her ; of it, its. Dat. to er for this or that ; to or for him, her, it. Ace. this, that ; him, her, itr Abl. from, with, by this <9r that ; from, with, by him, her, it. Romanl cMin Gernianis pugnant ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 97 Plural NoM. these, those ; they. Gen. of these, of those ; of them, their. Dat. to or for these or those ; to or for them. Ace. these, those; them. Abl. from, with, by these or those ; from, with, by them. 192. VOCABULARY LabienuSji, m.,Z^^/>;^//i*(one murus, i, m., wall. of Caesar's Heutenants). permoveo, ere, permovi, per- cohors, cohortis, f., cohort motus, influence, arouse. (one of the subdivisions pono, ponere, posui, positus, of the legion). place, pitch (a camp). defendo, defendere, defendi, princeps, principis,m.,/^^quam ob rem, wherefore^ therefore. Interior of a Roman House (Restoration) Plafi of the House of Pansa at Pompeii I. Fauces {Entrance'^. 2. Atrium {Reception roont^ with opening in the roof above the impluvium). 3. Impluvium {Basin in floor). 4. Tablinum {a rooin whose purposes are not certainly known : perhaps a record room and study or at times a summer dining room). 5. Passages. 6. Dining Room {or library ?). 7. VeristyMum or Peristyle {an open court surrounded by colonnades : the private living quarters of the family) . 8, Viridarium {Basin, cofitaijtittg fountain and pool, surrounded by plants and shrubs). 9. Oecus {a large fine hall^ a state dining room), to. Hortus {Garden). 11. Kitchen. 12. Sleeping rooms. 13 Small separate dwelling, of tjvo stories, rented 07it. i^. Larger separate dwellings, rented out. 15. Tabcrnae {Shops). 16. Bakery, rented out. 17. Siae entrance to main dwelling. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN III e pericula eripuit. Magistratus ^ per eius fugam incitati sunt multitudinemque hominum ex agris cogere coeperunt. Interea Orgetorix mortuus^ est, et de eius morte multi rumores apud Helvetios fuerunt. (Reading Selection 452) LESSON 37 FOURTH DECLENSION 222. The Stem ends in -U- casus, m., cornu, n., chance^ misfortune ho7'n, wing Stem casu- Stem cornu- Base cas- SlNGULAR Base corn- SlNGULAR Case Endings Singular Masculine Neuter NOM. casus cornu -US -u Gen. casus cornus -US -US Dat. casui (u) cornu -ui(u) -u Ace. casum cornu -um -u Abl. casu cornu -U ' -u Plural Plural Plural NOM. casus cornua -US -ua Gen. casuum cornuum -uum -uum Dat. casibus cornibus -ibus -ibus Ace. casus cornua -US -ua Abl. casibus cornibus -ibus -ibus 1. A few words of this declension have -ubus in the dative and ablative plural. 2. Domus, f., house, home, is partly of the second and partly of the fourth declension. (See 501.) ^ officers, magistrates, nom. plur. ^ mortuus est, died. 112 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 223. Rule. — Gender. — Nearly all nouns of the fourth declension in -us are masculine ; those in -u are neuter, I. Domus, house, Idus (plur.), the Ides, manus, hand, and a few other nouns ?iXQ feminine. 224. Decline together exercitus fortis, brave army ; tua manus, your hand ; cornu dextrum, right wing, 225. VOCABULARY casus, US, m., a falling, in (a) dextro cornu, on the chance, misfortune. right wing. domus, us, f., house, home, in (a) sinistro cornu, on the exercitus, us, m., army. left wing, msLUUs, us, f., hand, dand (oi convenio, ire, conveni, con- men), ventum, come together, portus, us, m., harbor. assemble. cornu, us, n., horn, wing (of deus, i, m., god, army). Roman Theater (Restoration) ESSENTIALS OF LATIN I13 226. REVIEW EXERCISES I. I. Quis clam5res militum audivit ? 2. Hostes alii aliam in partem fugient. 3. Undique equites ex silvis ad flumen veniebant. 4. Principis est c5nsuetud5 eos qui coniurationem faciunt punlre. 5. Quam urbem munient et qui earn defendent ? 6. Qu5rum clamores audiuntur atque cur ill! punitl sunt ? II. I. Who will fortify the camp that^ Caesar has pitched? 2. We shall keep those foot-soldiers from the city. 3. Whose shouts did you hear at daybreak at the foot of the hill ? 4. In many countries lazy men are pun- ished. 227. EXERCISES I. I. Portubus; exercitui; manuum. 2. Manus equitum ad exercitum venerant. 3. Ad hunc portum naves hostium missae sunt. 4. Qui mllitesin dextr5 cornu exercitus sunt ? 5. R5mani consilio de5rum magnam Helvetiorum partem necaverunt. 6. N until qui ad Caesarem venerant el casum exercitus nuntiaverunt. 7. PaucI ad portas urbis conveni- ebant. 8. Roman! magna cum caede domos et agros Gallorum vastaverant. 9. Nostrl in sinistro cornu superati sunt quod non cum virtute dimicaverant. 10. Domus Gallorum ab equitibus vastabantur. 11. Urbs cuius portas defendimus magnum portum habet. II. I. For the gods; on the left wing; the doors of the houses. 2. In the harbor are many ships in which ^ the army of the Romans came from the city to Gaul. 3. The misfortune of the army was reported to Caesar. 4. Orget- orix, whose bands had assembled, was not saved from danger. 5. The houses of the city will be defended by the army. ^ Is this the relative or the demonstrative pronoun ? 2 /^^ rv/iic/i : express by the ablative of means. 114 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN LESSON 38 REVIEW OF THE FOUR CONJUGATIONS. DATIVE OF POSSESSION 228. Review of the Four Conjugations Review the list of verbs in 169, and review thoroughly the meanings and principal parts of the following verbs that have been introduced since Lesson 27 : duc5 audio iacio coepi traduc5 permove5 fugid nunti5 veni5 pono facio eripio conveni5 care5 interficio cog5 mitto vinco dic5 cognosco debeo relinqu5 iubeo discedo cupio contend5 appell5 liber5 capio gero constituo punio prohibeo incol5 defendo munio I. 2. Notice particularly the significance of the prefixes trans and con, as they appear in the compound verbs. How does the formation of the future of the first and second conjugations differ from that of the third and fourth conjugations ? How can you tell whether cupio belongs to the fourth or the third conjugation ? 229. I. Following the form suggested in 170, write a synopsis of iubeo in the first person, interficio in the second person, munio in the third person. 2. Review 92, i. Conjugate the perfect active of do, ESSENTIALS OF LATIN II5 iubeo, cognosco, venio. Observe that the perfect, pluper- fect, and future perfect active and passive of all conjuga- tions are formed from the principal parts and conjugated in the same way. 230. Examine the following : 1 . Miles gladium habet, 2. Militi est gladius, the soldier has a sword. Observe the two ways in Latin of expressing the same English idea. The first sentence corresponds word for word with the English translation. The second sen- tence, translated into bad English, is *' for the soldier is a sword," the possessor being dative and the thing possessed being subject of est Never translate literally a Latin sentence thus, as there is in good English no similar con- struction. 231. Rule. — Dative of Possession. — The dative is used with est, sunt, etc.^ to denote the possessor^ the thing pos- sessed being the subject. 232. REVIEW EXERCISES (Give tense, voice, person, and number, and translate.) I. I. Facient; convocabamur; cogeminL 2. Audiebaris; capieris; caperis. 3. Discesserit; prohibuerant ; conve- mstis. 4. Missum erat; miserat ; coepisti. 5. Ponetis; capies; appellabitis. 6. Vincentur; punietur; iubetur. 7. Rellqueratis ; relinquent; dictum erat. 8. Liberatae sunt; habueras ; contendebatis. 9. Eripieris ; traducetur; monentur. 10. Augebat; pugnabunt; defensaerat; puni» ris; cogitur. Il6 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN II. I. We have said; they wished; you (plur.) have been compelled. 2. We shall take ; you will leave ; they will blame. 3. It has been said; you (fern, plur.) have been defended. 4. It was heard ; we are being defended ; you (sing.) are fortifying. 5. We shall conquer ; they have conquered ; you were conquering. 6. It had been sent ; you (plur.) have sent. 233. EXERCISES I. I. Mens amicus domum habet. 2. Meo amico est domus. 3. Helvetii, quorum castra videtis, ad moenia oppidi mox venient. 4. Exercitus magnus Caesari fuit. 5. Caesar magnum exercitum habuit. 6. Magnam fru- menti c5piam habent. 7. Magna frumenti copia eis est. 8. Hostes paucas naves habent. 9. Hostibus sunt paucae naves. 10. Militi pulchrum gladium dedit. II. I. The farmer has^ a horse. 2. They have^ friends. 3. The soldiers will besiege Rome. 4. He had ^ a book. 5. Who has come to the city ? 6. The city that the Romans fortified was large and beautiful. LESSON 39 IRREGULAR VERB eo. PLACE WHERE, WHENCE, AND WHITHER 234. Irregular Verb eo, g-o Prin. Parts : eo, ire, ii, itum ^ Learn all tenses of the indicative of eo (525). I. Notice that the -i-, the present stem of eo, changes to -e- before a vowel. In what forms of the present indica- tive does this change occur ? ^ Express this idea in two ways in Latin. ^ g^g page 49, footnote. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 117 Second Declension -i -is Third Declension -i(e) 2. Observe that the future indicative ibo is formed like the future of verbs of the first and second conjuga- tions, although the present infinitive is ire. Are all other tenses of the indicative formed and conjugated regularly ? 235. Names of towns and a few other words have a special case called the Locative^ which expresses the idea of at or in^ and answers the question where, I. The following are the locative endings for names of towns : Singular Plural — .. ^ ^ , . . f Romae, in Rome, First Declension -ae -is i ^ , . ^ r Atnenis, in Athens, Corinthi, at or in Corinth, Delphis, at or in Delphi, ICarthagini, at or in Car- thage, Trallibus, at or in Tralles, , Domi, at home; humi, on the ground ; ruri, in the country y are also locative forms. To express the idea of at or in for other words than the names of towns use the preposition in and the abla- tive; i.e^ in urbe est, he is in the city; in Italia sunt, they are in Italy, 236. Examine the following : ad pontem, to the bridge, in Italiam, to or into Italy. I. Venit, he comes \ Romam, to Rome, domum, home, riis, to or into the country o Ii8 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 2. Exit, he goes a. (ab) (de) ex oppido, /r^;;/ the town. (ab) (de) ex \tzX\di, from Italy, kX\skm.% from Athens. domOy from home. rtire, from the coi^ntry. Observe that to answer the questions whither ox whence^ wo preposition is used with names of towns and domus and rus, while a preposition (in, ad, ab, de, ex) is used with other words. 237. Rule. — Expressions of Place. • I. Place Where. Ablative with in. But, Locative with names of towns, domus, humus, and rus. 2. Place To ivhich. Accusative with ad or in. But, Accusative without a preposition with names of towns, domus, humus, and rus. 3. Place From which. Ablative with ab, de, or ex. But, Ablative without a preposition with names of towns, domus, humus, and rus. 238. VOCABULARY Athenae, arum (plur.), f., Athens. Carthago, inis, f., Carthage, Corinthus, i, f. (28, 2), Cor- inth, Delphi, orum (plur.), m., Del- phi. equitatus (eques), iis, m., cav- alry. eo, ire, ii, itum, go, exeo (ex + eo), ire, exii, ex- itiirus, go forth, leave, transeo (trans 4- eo), ire, transii, transiturus, go over, go across, cross, impetus, iis, m., attack, impetum facio in (with ace), make an attack upon. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN II9 239. REVIEW EXERCISES I. I. Domus incolarum ab equitatu Caesaris defendentur. 2. Legiones populi Romani in hiberna venerant 3. Casus navium militibus, qui in hibernis erant, nuntiatus est. 4. In sinistr5 cornu exercitus sunt multae manus fortium militum. 5. Propter casum nostrorum hostes laeti erant. II. I. The Gauls were being conquered on the right wing. 2. The bands of the enemy that you see are as- sembling from all sides. 3. They were hastening to the harbor from which the ships of our (men) were seen. 4. They were killed by the cavalry with swords. 240. EXERCISES I. I. lerat; ibunt; eunt. 2. Transierunt; exibatis ; imus; iimus. 3. Ex urbe ; ex urbe R5ma^; R5ma ; domo. 4. Inoppido; R5mae; Carthagini; Athenis; domL 5. Con- sul exercitum R5ma Athenas traduxit. 6. Caesar legates quos habebat in Graeciam transire iussit. 7. Dux R5- manorum urbem muniet atque incolas ab hostibus liberabit. 8. Equitatum Corinthum mittet, sed ipse Athenis bellum geret. 9. Helvetii e finibus exire parant, et exercitum flumen traducunt. 10. Caesar Roma contendit et equitatum in Helveti5s impetum facere iubet. II. I. From Greece; out of Corinth ; from home. 2. To Athens; to the city; into the country; into the province. 3. In Rome ; in Italy ; at home ; at Delphi. 4. We ought to send the cavalry to Athens. 5. The enemy had made an attack on our men, but had been conquered. 6. The cavalry wished to cross the river, but were kept away from the banks by the enemy. 1 of Rome, R5ma is i^ apposition with urbe. (Reading Selection 453) I20 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN LESSON 40 NUMERALS. EXTENT OF TIME AND SPACE 241. Learn thoroughly the cardinals as far as twenty (510), and study the formation of the numbers beyond. 242 Declension OF Numerals Paradigms Masc, Fern. Neut, Masc. and Fem. Neut. NOM. unus, one una unum tres, three tria Gen. unius unius unius trium trium DAT. uni uni uni tribus tribus Ace. unum unam unum tres, tris tria Abl. uno una uno tribus tribus Masc. Fem. Neut. NoM. duo, two duae duo .Gen. duorum duarum duorum DAT. duobus duabus duobus Ace. du5s, duo duas } duo Abl. duobus duabus duobus Singular Plural NOM. mllle, thousand mlllia (milia) Gen. mille millium (milium) Dat. mllle mlllibus (mllibus) Ace. mille millia (mllia) Abl. mllle mlllibus (mllibus) 243. I. The cardinals from quattuor to ceatum inclusive are indeclinable : quattuor puellae, four girls ; septem pue- rorum, of seven boys. 2. Compare the declension of iinus with that of ille (202). ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 121 3. Mille in the singular is indeclinable, and is generally lised as an adjective: mille milites, a thousand soldiers. In the plural it is a noun only : septem millia militum, seven thousands of soldiers^ seven thoitsand soldiers, 244. Examine the following : 1. ^Hannibal multos annos in Italia manebat, Hannibal re- mained {for) many years in Italy. 2. Hoc flumen altum quinque pedes est, this river is five feet deep. a. Observe that the accusative multos annos denotes dura- tion or extent of time, quinque pedes, extent of space, 245. Rule. — Extent of Time and Space. — Extent of time or space is expressed by the accusative. 246. Vocabulary altitiido,altitudinis,f.,>^^^^^/, mercator, oris, m., merchant, depth, trader. eruptio, onis, f., a breaking socius, i, m., companion, ally. out, a sally, passus, us, m.,/^^^. incendo, ere, incendi, incensus, mille passus, a thousand set fire to, burn. paces, a (Roman) mile ; maneo, ere, mansi, mansurus, millia passuum, miles. stay, remain. hora, ae, f., hour. 247. EXERCISES I. I. Centum viginti mercat5rum ; mille trecentis sex et quadraginta militibus. 2. Trium exercituum ; duabus legionibus ; quattuor equorum. 3. Murus quem vides sex pedes altus est. 4. Duos menses eruptionem facere para- bant. 5. Caesar novem annos in Gallia manebat. 6. Equi- tes duas horas magna cum virtute pugnabant. 7. Socii 122 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN Helvetiorum decern millia passuum per provinciam Roma- nam iter fecerunt. 8. Legatus cum tribus cohortibus vicos duodecim incendit et agros vastavit. 9. Tria millia militum ad flumen ab hostibus interf ecti erant. 10. Id flumen cen- tum pedes latum et duodeviginti altum fuit. 1 1. Hic collis septuaginta quinque pedes altus est. 12. Equitatus Athenls Delphos exiit. ' II. I. Thirty-seven villages; five thousand soldiers; a thousand horsemen. 2. For two months the soldiers of the Roman people besieged that town. 3. The wall, which was twelve feet high, was defended by Caesar's forces. 4. He remained eight months in that country, and hastened to Rome. 5. The soldiers remained in Carthage, but the consul came to Rome. LESSON 41 FIFTH DECLENSION. GENITIVE OF THE WHOLE (PARTITIVE GENITIVE) 248. Fifth Declension The stem ends in -e- dies. m., day res, f . , thing Stem die- Stem re- Base di- Base r- Case Endings Smr.. Plur. Sing. Plur. Sing. Plur. NOM. dies dies res res -es -es Gen. dieii dierum reii rerum -ei -erum DAT. diei diebus rei rebus -ei -ebus Ace. diem dies rem res -em -es Abl. die diebus re rebus -e -ebus ^ In the genitive singular the case ending is -ei if the base ends in a vowel, -61 if the base ends in a consonant. street in Potnpeii, showing Stepping Stones^ Fountain, Water Reservoir, and Shops Street of the To?nbs, outside the Herculaneum Gate, at Pompeii ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 1 23 I. Dies and res are the only nouns of this declension that have all the forms of the plural. A few other nouns have the nominative and accusative plural. 249. Rule. — Gender. — All nouns of the fifth declension are feminme except dies, which is usually masculine in the singular and always so in the plural, > 250. Examine the following : 1. Satis cibi habemus, we have enough (of) food. 2. Nihil novi est, there is nothing {oi) new {newness, novelty). 3. Unus ex militibus vulneratus est, one of the soldiers was wounded. 4. Quidam de nostris ceciderunt, some of our men fell. a. Observe that the genitives cibi, novi, denote the whole of which a part (satis, nihil) is or is not taken. Note that in i and 2 of is not used in English. b. Observe the construction following iinus and quidam in 3 and 4. After the cardinal numerals regularly, and after a few other words occasionally, an ablative with de or ex is used in place of the genitive. 251. Rule. — Genitive of the Whole (''Partitive Geni- tive "). — The genitive denoting the whole from which a part is {or is not) taken is used with nouns, pronouns, adjectives {except numerals), and adverbs. The part taken is denoted by the noun, p7'onoun, etc., on which the genitive depends. 252. VOCABULARY acies, ei, f., line of battle. nihil reliqui, nothing left. dies, ei, m., day. conficio, ere, conf eci, conf ectus, res, rei, f., thing, circum- accomplish, finish,wear out. stance, affair. publicus, a, um, public. nihil (indecl. noun), nothing, res pUblica, rei piiblicae, f ., the satis (indecl. noun), enough. state, the commonwealth 124 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 253. REVIEW EXERCISES I. I. Exercitus decern menses Romae manebat 2. Via viginti mlllia passuum est longa. 3. Pompeius et Caesar consules fuerunt; ille Romae manebat, hic cum exercitu in Galliam venit. 4. Helvetil cum omnibus impedimentis domum Ire coacti sunt. 5. Equitatus quiudecim horis Athenis Corinthum iit. II. I. The city was on a hill a hundred feet high. 2. The allies marched^ seven miles in two hours. 3. Late at night the general set fire to all the buildings. 4. Be- hind the camp was a river four feet deep. 254. EXERCISES I. I. Caesar exercitum flumen uno die traduxerat. 2. Haec res hostes terruit, atque pars eorum domum iit. 3. Tres dies equitatus cum HelvetiTs, qui flumen translbant, pugnabat. 4. Vicos et aedificia incenderant, et nihil reliqui domi habebant. 5. Prima liace pauci de eorum mllitibus iter non confecerant. 6. FinitimI eis satis frumenti et cibi dederunt. 7. Res publica tribus die- bus magna perlculo llberata est. 8. Quattuor e legatls eo die eandem rem Caesarl nuntiaverunt. 9. Omnibus rebus RomanI Helvetios, qui dom5 exierant, superabant. 10. Primam aciem iacere tela iussit. II. I. For twenty days the legions defended the camp from the enemy. 2. The Gauls have enough soldiers, but they lack courage. 3. The Helvetians have^ nothing left, and will soon go out of their territories. 4. Few of our men will remain in Rome. 5. In a few days we shall have enough weapons. ^ iter facio. ^ Express this idea in some other way than by using habent. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 1 25 LESSON 42 READING LESSON (Those who prefer reading lessons based on Caesar's Gallic Wary Book II, may use the lessons beginning at 476.) CHAPTER V The Helvetii nevertheless complete their Prepara- tions 255. Post eius mortem nihil5 minus Helvetii e finibus suis ^ exire constituerunt. Ubi iam ad eam rem parati sunt, oppida sua ^ omnia ad ^ duodecim, vicos ad ^ quadringent5s, reliqua privata aedificia incendunt.^ Itaque et domum reditionis spem sustulerunt* et ad bellum parati sunt. Frumentum et multa alia quemque^ domo efferre iubent.^ RauracI et Tulingi et Latobrigi finitimi idem facere et e finibus exTre constituunt.^ B5ii, qui trans Rhenum in- coluerant et in agrum Noricum transierant Noreiamque oppugnaverant, Helvetidrum amici et socil erant. (Reading Selection 454) LESSON 43 COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES. ABLATIVE OF COMPARISON 256. The degrees of comparison are: positive, compara- tive, siipei'lative. I. The positive is the simple form of the adjective : carus, dear, "^ their, '^ about (with numerals). ^The present tense is sometimes used instead of a past tense to express the thought with greater vividness. It is called the historical present. * From toII5. ^ Ace. of quisque. 126 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN The comparative is formed by adding to the base of the * positive, -ior for the mascuHne and feminine, and -ius for the neuter : carus (base car-), dear, carior, carius, dearer. The superlative is formed by adding to the base of the positive, -issimus, -issima, -issimum : carus (base car-), dear, carissimus, a, um, dearest. Positive latus, a, um (lat-), wide f ortis, e (fort-), brave velox (veloc-), swift Comparative M, and F. N, latior, latius, wider fortior, fortius, braver velocior, vel5cius, swifter 257. The superlative is declined comparative is declined as follows : Singular M. and F, N, NOM. latior latius Gen'. latioris latioris DAT. latiori latiori Ace. latiorem latius Abl. lati5re latiore Superlative latissimus, a, um, widest fortissimus, a, um, bravest velocissimiis, a, um, swiftest like bonus (62). The Plural M. and F. N. latiores latiora latiorum latiorum latioribus latioribus lati5res (is) latiora latioribus latidribus I. In what forms does the declension of the comparative differ from that of regular third declension adjectives (155, 161)? 258. Compare altus (alt-), high, deep ; potens (potent-), powerful; brevis (brev-), short. Decline in the com- parative. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 12/ 259. Examine the following : 1. Hie mons altior quam ille est, 1 this mountain is higher 2. Hie mons altior illo est, J than that. this mountain I have seen oftener than (/ have seen) that. 3. Hunc montem saepius ^ quam ilium vidi, 4. Hunc montem saepius illo vidi, In I quam is used and ille is nominative ; in 2 quam is omitted and illo is ablative. In 3 quam is used and ilium is accusative ; in 4 quam is omitted and illo is ablative. The omission of quam is commonest in negative sen- tences and in relative clauses. Thus, vir quo nemo fortior erat, a man than whom none ivas {ever) braver. 260. Rule. — Ablative of Comparison. — In expressions involving a comparative with quam the case used after quam is the case which the completed sentence would require. If quam is omitted^ the ablative is used, 261. VOCABULARY velox, velocis, swift. latitudo, inis, f., width, tutus, a, um, safe. \moics, breadth. turpis, e, disgraceful, infa- pervenio, ire, perveni, per- Rhodanus, i, m., the Rhone. ventum, come up, arrive, quam, adv., than. reach. [^besiege. latus,2 lateris, n., side, flank, obsideo, ere, obsedi, obsessus, 262. REVIEW EXERCISES I. I. Oppidum multos dies a Caesare oppugnatum erat. 2. Paucis mensibus cibi inopia hostes lab5rabunt. 3. In- colas qui ex oppido exierunt laudat. 4. Qui clamoribus Gal- lorum terrentur } 5. Tempus anni bello non erat idoneum. ^ saepius is a comparative adverb, oftener : see 280. 2 Do not confuse with the adjective latus, a, um. 128 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN II. I. On that day Caesar left Rome. 2. That day was the end of the war. 3. He left the city and hastened into Gaul. 4. In that battle a few of our men were wounded in the head. 263. EXERCISES I. 1 . Helvetii finitimis f orti5res erant. 2. Hoc flumen quod videtis altius quam Rhodanus est. 3. Roman! multis rebus potenti5res illis gentibus erant. 4. Equos vel5ciores quam ill5s omnes vidimus. 5. Turpissimum est agros sociorum vastare. 6. Hoc latus castrorum tutius erat ill5, quod hostes discesserant. 7. Caesar Roma contendit et ad fines Helveti5rum pervenit. 8. Fliimen Rhodanus quin- gent5s pedes latum est. 9. Veloci5res equites quam tuos non vidL 10. Urbs, quam Romani obsidebant, latissima erat. II. I. The Celts are the bravest of all the Gauls. 2. Have you seen a more disgraceful flight.'* 3. That side of the fortifications that you see has been besieged for many days. 4. The sea is deeper than the deepest rivers. 5. What road is shorter than that.** 6. This month is shorter than that. LESSON 44 COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES (Continued). ABLATIVE OF MEASURE OF DIFFERENCE 264. Adjectives ending in -er form the superlative by adding -rimus, to the nominative singular masculine. The comparative is formed regularly (256, 2). Positive Comparative Superlative pulcher (pulchr-), pulchrior, pulchr- pulcherrimus, a, beautiful \eager ius um acer (acr-), keen, acrior, acrius acerrimus, a, um ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 129 265. The following six adjectives ending in -lis form their superlative by adding -limus, a, um to the base. The comparative is regular. Positive Comparative Superlative similis, e (simil-), % similior, ius siriiillimus, a, um like dissimilis, e (dissi- dissimilior, ius dissimihimus, a, mil-), unlike um facilis, e (facil-), facilior, ius facillimus, a, um easy difficilis,e(difficil-), difficilior, ius hard gracilis, e (gracil-), gracilior, ius slender humilis, e (humil-), humilior, ius low difficillimus, a, um gracillimus, a, um humillimus, a, um 266. Examine the following : 1. Hie mons centum pedibus altior quam ille est, this moun- tain is a hundred feet higher (literally, higher by a hundred feet^ than that, 2. Hoc iter multo facilius illo est, this road is much easier (literally, easier by much) than that. Observe that the ablatives centum pedibus and multo ex- press the measure of differencehoX.'NtQVi the objects compared. 267. Rule. — Measure of Difference. — The Measure of Difference is expressed in connection with the comparative degree by the ablative without a preposition. "268. Sometimes the comparative and superlative are used without making a comparison between two objects. Then the comparative means too or ratJier^ and the super- lative very or exceedingly. I30 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 1. Hie mons altissimus est, this mountain is very (or exceed- ingly) high, 2. Hie mons altior est, this mountain is rather (or too) high, 269. VOCABULARY adventus, us, m., approach^ animus, i, m., mind, courage, arrival, spirit, disposition. lenis, e, smooth, gentle, inter, prep, with ace, be- exspecto, are, avi, atus, tween, among, during. . await, wait for, expect, certiorem eum facio, with de ibi, adv., in that place, and 3h\.,/ inform him {lit., there, I make him more certain) of, 270. REVIEW EXERCISES I. I. Caesar in Gallia multas legiones habuit. 2. Quod c5nsilium tutius hoc est.'^ 3. Naves quibus milites missi erant velocissimae sunt. 4. Helvetii flnitim5s multos annos finibus prohibuerant. 5. Turpissimum est e proelio discedere. II. I. There are not enough horsemen in Rome. 2. Many soldiers have gone from Rome to Gaul. 3. Caesar's army was compelled to fight for two days. 4. Late at night the general ordered the soldiers to pitch camp. 271. EXERCISES I. I. Impetum hostium exspectare difficillimum est. 2. Ripae huius fluminis leniores sunt. 3. Legatus multo fortior meo fratre est. 4. Pons inter duo oppida factus erat. 5. Omnium urbis viarum haec multo brevissima est. 6. De adventu navium eum certiorem fecerunt. 7. Iter inter altos montes angustum et difficillimum erat. 8. Col- lis in quo Romani castra posuerant centum pedibus altior illo est qui ad vicum est. 9. De casu exercitus ESSENTIALS OF. LATIN I31 legat5s certiores fecit. 10. Qui eos certiores de Caesaris adventu fecerunt? II. I. There 1 was there an exceedingly high mountain. 2. The Rhone is five feet deeper than that river. 3. This city in many respects^ is rather Hke^ Rome. 4. Their spirits were roused by the bravery of our men. 5. We informed them about the difficult road. LESSON 45 IRREGULAR COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES. Possum 272. Several common adjectives are irregularly com- pared. Which of these are irregular in English ? Positive Comparative Superlative bonus, a, um, good melior, melius optimus, a, um malus, a, um, dad peior, peius pessimus, a, um magnus, a, um, maior, malus maximus, a, um great parvus, a, um, minor, minus minimus, a, um small multus, a, um, plus plurimus, a, um much multi, ae, di, many plures, plura plurimi, ae, a vetus, veteris, old vetustior,vetustius veterrimus, a, um senex, senis, old senior (maiornatu) maximus natu (501) rnvQwis, Qy young iunior (minornatu) minimus natu superus, a, um, superior, superius, supremus, summus, above higher highest inferus, a, um, inferior, inferius, infimus, Imus, low- below lower est. 1 See note on 49, II. 3. 2 j-gg, 3 gee 163. fasc. and Fern, Neut, plures plura plurium plurium pluribus pluribus plures, is plura pluribus pluribus 132 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 273. Plus, more, is not declined like other comparatives (257). Wherein is the difference ? Singular Plural Masc. and Fern. Neut. NoM. plus Gen. pluris DAT. Ace. plus Abl. 274. Possum (pot(is) + sum), / am able, I can, Prin. Parts : possum, posse, potui, Learn all tenses of the indicative (522). Observe 1. That the t of pot becomes s before s, and that the f of the tenses formed from the perfect stem is dropped after the t of pot. 2. That in other respects this compound of sum is formed and conjugated like sum (521). 275. VOCABULARY fides, ei, f., trust, confidence, accedo, ere» access!, accessu- potestas, atis, f. (possum), rus (with ad and the ace), power, authority, . ' go ox come near, approach, nobilis, e, well known, noble, hue, adv., to this place, hither, amplus, a, um, lai^ge, exten- quam maximus, the greatest sive, am.ple, possible, as large as pos- permitto, ere, permisi, permis- sible (with superlatives sus, give tip, intrust, per- quam has the force " as mit, possible "). ESSENTIALS OF LATIN I33 276. REVIEW EXERCISES L I. Eos difficilius iter facere coegit. 2. Sed hostes eo die impetum in eos non fecerunt. 3. Gallos de eius consiliis certi5res fecerunt. 4. PaucI de nostris ad flumen latissimum pervenerant. 5. Urbs cuius moenia obsedi- mus latior mille passibus illo oppid5 est. n. I. The house is many feet higher than the wall. 2. We have been waiting for the attack for five days. 3. The spirits of the cavalry were aroused by Caesar's speech. 4. We shall inform him of your misfortune. 277. EXERCISES I. I. Poterat; potuerat; potestis ; poterit. 2. Caesar quam maximis itineribus in Galliam contendit. 3. Acce- dere ad vicum, qui summo^ in monte positus est, non pos- sunt. 4. Omnia in fidem^ et potestate«i populi Romani illae nationes permiserunt. 5. Ubi de eius adventu Hel- vetii certidres facti sunt, legat5s ad eum nobilissimos civi- tatis mittunt. 6. Aestate plura proelia quam hieme facta sunt. 7. Legi5nem summum collem munire iubet. 8. Hel- vetil ob flumina maxima transire in provinciam nostram non poterant. 9. Pompeius sex annls maior natu erat quam Caesar. II. I. On the top of the hill was a very small house. 2. The general was ten years older than the lieutenant. 3. Very old people cannot make long journeys. 4. Very many have come hither because the fields are rather extensive. 5.- We all ought to do as much as possible. ^ on the highest part of, on the top of. Certain other adjectives also may be used to denote not what object, but what part of the object is meant, as imus, the lowest part of, the bottom of; medius, the middle of; extremus, the end of, 2 keeping, protection. (Reading Selection 455) 134 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN LESSON 46 REVIEW. FORMATION AND COMPARISON OF ADVERBS 278. Compare the following adjectives, giving the Eng- lish meanings : turpis pessimus acrior minimus asper tutior Imus superus amplus velox similis plures nobilis vetustior maior senior 279. Adverbs are formed from adjectives. 1. Adjectives of the first and second declension form the adverb by adding -e to the base. Adjective Base Adverb carus, dear car- care, dearly pulcher, beautiful pulchr- pulchre, beautifully miser, wretched miser- misere, wretchedly 2. Adjectives of the third declension form the adverb by adding -ter to the stem. Stems ending in -nt drop -t. Adjective Stem Adverb fortis, brave forti- - fortiter, bravely prudens, wise prudent- prudenter, wisely 3. In some adjectives the ablative singular^ in others the neuter accusative singular, serves as an adverb : primus, yfri-/ primo, at first multus, much multum, much facilis, easy facile, easily 280. The comparative of the adverb is the same as the neuter singular of the comparative of the adjective; the ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 135 superlative of the adverb is formed from the superlative of the adjective by changing final -us to -e (note one exception below). // is, therefore, necessary to know the comparison of the adjective in order to compare the adverb. Adjective Adverb Comparative Superlative carus care, dearly carius carissime pulcher pulchre, beautifully pulchrius pulcherrime bonus bene, well melius optime facilis facile, easily facilius facillime acer acriter, eagerly acrius acerrime multus multum, much plus plurimum magnus magnopere, greatly magis maxime Form and compare the adverbs of these adjectives in 278 : turpis, amplus, n5bilis, pessimus, velox, plures. 281. VOCABULARY ago, agere, egi, actus, drive, agmen,^ agminis, n. (ago), lead, do. instruo, ere, instruxi, instruc- tus, draw up, form, ar- range. administro, are, avi, atus, manage, direct , administer, plurimum possum, / am very powerful, have most influ- ence. army (on the march), col- umn ; novissimum agmen, the rear ; primum agmen, the van. proximus, a, um, nearest, next (163). apud, prep, with ace, among, with, near, quartus, a, um, fourth. 282. EXERCISES I. I. Apud Helvetios Orgetorix plurimum poterat. 2. Res ab imperatore optime administrabantur. 3. Hel- vetii multo acrius quam f initimi cum hostibus contendebant. 4. Caesar aciem summ5 in colle instruxit et impetum 1 See lower illustration facing page 31. 136 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN exspectavit. 5. Vicus ad quern prlmum agmen pervenerat proximus erat finibus Gallorum. 6. Omnia quae legatus iusserat mllites bene egerunt. 7. Ubi^ Caesar ad novissi- mum agmen pervenit, acerrime cum hostibus equites pugna- bant. 8. Summus collis a peditibus nostris occupatus est. 9. In eo proeli5 Orgetorlgis flliam et unum e fllils nostri ceperunt, et multos interfecerunt. 10. Nostri quam fortis- sime pugnaverunt, sed expugnare oppidum non potuerunt. 1 1. Nostri socil apud finitimos ob amicitiam populi Roman! plurimum possunt. II. I. He hastened into the territories of the Helvetii and arrived there ^ on the fourth day. 2. Caesar was very powerful among the allies of the Roman people. 3. The enemy attacked the rear very fiercely. 4. Who can manage this affair well? 5. Caesar ordered the allies to make as long^ marches as possible. 6. The general will draw up the line of battle very carefully.* 7. The best citizens are not always the bravest soldiers. 1 when. ^ eo (adv.). ' magnus. * See 147, 3. Gallic Swords, Signal Horn, and Shields ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 137 LESSON 47 • CHAPTER VI The Two Routes by which the Helvetii could LEAVE their COUNTRY 283. Duobus itineribus Helvetii domo ^ exTre potuerunt. Unum per Sequanos inter montem luram et flumen Rhoda- num angiistum et difficile erat, quod mons altissimus im- pendebat. Alterum iter per provinciam nostram mult5 facilius est, quod inter fines Helvetiorum et Allobrogum, qui nuper pacati erant, Rhodanus fluit isque ^ vado transltur. Extremum oppidum Allobrogum proximumque Helveti5rum finibus est Genava. Ex eo oppid5 pons ad Helvetios perti- net. Omnia ad profectionem Helvetii comparaverunt et ad ripam RhodanI convenerunt. LESSON 48 PERSONAL AND REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS 284. Learn the forms of the personal and reflexive pro- nouns with their meanings (511) : ego, /; tu, j/ou ; sui, 0/ himself, herself , itself, 285. Use of the Personal Pronouns 1. The pronoun of the first person is ego, /; of the second person tu, you ; of the third person is, ea, id, he, she^ il {igOy e). They are used in Latin as subjects only to show emphasis or to avoid ambiguity. a. Te voco, I'm calling you. (** I " is unemphatic, and therefore ego is not used.) b. Ego te voco, /(emphatic) am calling you. (Such emphasis ^ Why is there no preposition ? See 237, 3. 2 jg the river Rhone;. 138 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN might be expressed in English by the translation, '* It is I who am calling you.") c. Ego eum laudo ; is m.Q cul^dit, I praise him ; he blames me, 286. Use of the Reflexive Pronouns 1. A reflexive pronoun is one that refers back to the sub- ject of the clause or sentence in which it stands (see also 428). It is never in the nominative case and so is never subject. S. I. I praise myself Pl. We praise ourselves 2. You ^xdi\^^ yourself You i^x^a^^ yourselves ^ f He praises /^////i-^// 1 r^. . ^, , 3.-^^, ^ . , ; ^ ^ ihey praise thejnselves I She praises herself J 2. In Latin the pronouns of the first and second person, ego and tu (except in the nominative case), are used both as personal and reflexive pronouns. There is no special form for the reflexive as in English. In the third person, however, there is a special form for the reflexive, sui, of himself , herself, itself, S. I. me laudo, I praise Pl. nos laudamus, we praise myself ourselves 2. \k\2iVA2LS^ you praise vos laudatis, you praise yojirself yourselves 3. s^\2iVAdX, he praises se laudant, they praise himself themselves 3. Review 190. Dp not confuse is with sui. Sui regularly refers to the subject of the sentence or clause in which it stands (direct reflexive). Often, however, it refers to the subject of the main verb rather than to that of the clause or phrase to which it belongs gram- matically (indirect reflexive). ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 139 a, Vir se videt, the man sees himself. b, Vir eum videt, the man sees him (some one else). 4. Review 207, 2. Do not confuse ipse with se. Ipse is not a reflexive, but merely emphasizes the noun to which it belongs. It may be used in any case. a, Vir ipse eum vidit, the man himself saw him, b, Vir se vidit, the man saw himself c, Virum ipsum vidimus, we saw the man himself, 287. The preposition cum does not precede the ablative of personal and reflexive pronouns, but is appended to them : tecum, instead of cum te ; nobiscum, instead of cum nobis. So also quibuscum, with whom, instead of cum quibus. 288. Examine the following r 1. Ego, qui haec facio, tuus pater sum, /, who do this, am your father. 2, Vos, qui haec facitis, mei amici estis, you, who do this^ are my friends. Review 197. Observe that the verb of the relative clause agrees in person with the antecedent of the relative. 289. VOCABULARY dedo, dedere, dedidi, deditus, commeatus,iis,m.,/r^z//i"/^«i', give up, surrender. supplies. committo, ere, commisi, com- spes, ei, f., hope. missus, intrust, commit; sine, prep, with abl., z£//V>^^^/ A proelium committo, begin ante, adv., and prep, with battle. ace, before. recipio, ere, recepi, receptus, postea, adv., afterwards, take back, receive ; se reci- autem, conj. (never the first '^tx^,retreat,betake one's self word), but, however. I40 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN Singular Plural 1 . me recipio, / retreat nos recipimus, we retreat 2. te recipis, 7^/^ retreat vos recipitis, j/^// retreat 3. se recipit, he retreats se recipiunt, they retreat 290. REVIEW EXERCISES I. I. Omnis rei publicae spes in militum virtute posita^ est. 2. Brevi tempore quattuor e principibus R5mam mit- tentur. 3. Caesari plus potestatis erat quam Pompeio. 4. Haec res hostibus nuntiata est, quorum equitatus a nostris summo in colle videbatur. II. I. Caesar was very powerful among the Romans on account of his bravery. 2. There our men fought very fiercely. 3. The line of battle that he had drawn up was next to the river. 4. It is very difficult to manage this. 291. EXERCISES I. I. Sine vobis miserrimi erimus. 2. Ego sum miles, tu es nauta. 3. Nobis est satis cibL 4. Post id proelium hostes domum se receperunt. 5. Magna cum celeritate in provinciam nos recipiemus. 6. Vir se culpat, ego autem eum laud5. 7. Ubi Galli ad eorum fines pervenerunt, sese dediderunt. 8. Caesar legiones ad^ se convocari iubet. 9. Panels ante diebus legatum ipsum fugere coegerunt. 10. Vos qui haec fecistis culpare vos debetis. 11. Quis tecum Athenas ibit .? II. I. The enemy with whom you were fighting have retreated. 2. I shall compel the chief himself to come to me. 3. Caesar praised the plans that were reported to him. 4. You wish to retreat, but I wish to begin battle. 5. We shall always defend ourselves bravely. 6. The girJ herself will defend him. 7. He will do this himself. ^ depends. ^ before. (Reading Selection 456) ESSENTIALS OF LATIN ■ I4I LESSON 49 POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES. DATIVE OF SERVICE 292. The possessive adjectives are as follows. They are all declined like adjectives of the first and second declension. Singular Plural 1ST Per. meus/ a, um, my, noster, nostra, nostrum, rnijie our, ours 2D Per. tuus, a, um, your, vester, vestra, vestrum, yotu's your, yours 3D Per. suus, a, um, his (own), suus, a, um, their (own), her (own), its (own) their 293. Use of the Possessive Adjectives 1. They agree in gender, number, and case with the noun to which they belong, and not with the noun to which they refer. They are not used except for emphasis or contrast. a, Suum patrem puella vidit, the girl saw her father. b, Vestrum amicum vidimus, ive sazv your {^\\xx.) f^^iend. c, Tuas filias vidit, he saw your (sing.) daughters. 2. Suus, a, um, is reflexive, and refers to the subject of the verb. When '*his," *'her," ''its," "their," does not refer to the subject, use the genitive of is, eius, his, her, its ; . eorum, their ; earum, /^^/r (referring to feminine). a. Agricola suum equum laudat, the farmer praises his {i.e. his own) horse. b, Agricola eius equum laudat, the farmer praises his (some one else's, not the farmer's) horse. c. Agricola eorum equos laudat, the farmer praises their horses, d, Agricolae suos equos laudant, the farmers pi^aise their {thQir own) horses. 1 The vocative singular is mi. 142 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 294. Examine the following : 1. Magno USUI nostris fuit, it was a great help to our men (literally, it was for a great help to our rneti), 2. Tertiam aciem nostris subsidio misit, he sent the third line as a relief (litQrally, for a relief^ to our men. Observe that the datives magno usui and subsidio denote the end or purpose, that for which a thing serves. This use of the dative is called the dative of service or purpose. 295. Rule. — Dative of Service or Purpose. — The dative is used with sum and a few other verbs to denote the purpose or end of the act or state expressed by the verb. Commonly there is combined with the dative of purpose a7iother dative denoting the person interested in the purpose or end^ of affected by it. 296. Summary Personal Pronouns Reflexive Pronouns Possessive Adjectives First Person ego mei^ mens, a, um, my, mine noster, nostra, nostrum, our, ours Second Person tu tuii tuus, a, um, your, yoiu's (sing.) vester, vestra, vestrum, your, yours (plur.) Third Person is, ea, id suii suus, a, um, his, his own, her^ her oivn, its, its own, their, their own (reflexive) When not reflexive, use the genitive of is, ea, id. 1 Why is there no nominative form for reflexive pronouns? 1 Ruined Arches of the Claudian Aqueduct outside of Rome, to the south Roman Baths at Bath, England ESSENTIALS OF LATIN I43 207. VOCABULARY redeo, redire, redii, rediturus, opus, operis, n., work, labor. go back, rettirn, tamen, adv., yet, how ever , dimitto, ere, dimisi, dimissus, nevertheless. send off, dismiss, let go, itaque, conj., and so, there- reddo, ere, reddidi, redditus, fore. give back, return, .render, inde, adv., thence, thereupon. sustineo, ere, sustinui, sus- usus, us, m., use, advantage^ tentus, hold up, withstand, benefit. sustain. 298. REVIEW EXERCISES I. I. Hoc mihi, illud tibi difficile est. 2. Postea in silvas sese receperunt. 3. N5s de proelio certiores faciet. 4. Caesar e5s sibi arma dedere cogit 5. Milites se lauda- bant, eos autem culpabant. 6. Nobis Romae satis cibi est. II. I. Some retreated in one direction, some in another. 2. The Gauls themselves had been frightened by Caesar's soldiers. 3. He himself is praising himself. 4. Will you go with me to Corinth.? 5. They ought themselves to fight. 299. EXERCISES I. I. Caesar equitatum auxilio suis mis it. 2. Tuiamlcl tibi, mei mihi sunt carissimi. 3. Labienus unum latus castrorum ripls fluminis muniebat. 4. Haec res nostris magn5 usui erat. 5. Impetum sustinere non poterant; Itaque in suos fines redierunt. 6. Hostes Caesari se sua- que omnia dediderunt. 7. Propter operis magnitudinem flumen transire Helvetii n5n potuerunt. 8. Caesar eius milites dimisit, su5s autem in castris tenuit. 9. Consul in fines Helvetiorum quam maximis itineribus contendere c5n- stituit. 10. Caesar Helvetios adventum suum exspectare iussit. 144 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN II. I. Caesar compelled the Gauls to surrender all their possessions.^ 2. They will return everything to him. 3. The general sent three cohorts as a help to his men. 4. Thereupon the Gauls attacked the rear. 5. They arrived at daybreak and began ^to fortify their camp. LESSON so INDEFINITE PRONOUNS. DESCRIPTIVE ABLATIVE AND GENITIVE 300. Review 195, 216. Indefinite pronouns are used to indicate that some person or thing is referred to, without indicating just what one. They vary in degree of indefi- niteness. Learn the declension of the following indefinite pronouns, carefully distinguishing the meanings (see 515): Indefinite Pronouns Masculine Feminine Neuter quis qua quid (quod), somebody, anybody aliquis aliqua aliquid (aliquod), some one quisquam quicquam, any one (at all) (no plur.) quidam quaedam quoddam, quiddam, a certai7i one quisque quaeque quidque, quodque, each one, every one 1. The meanings of the neuter would be something, etc. 2. Quisquam and quisque are declined like quis. 3. In the neuter the quid-forms are used as pronouns, the quod-forms as adjectives. 301. Uses of the Indefinite Pronouns I. Quis, some one, any one, is never the first word in its clause. It is generally used only after si, nisi, ne, num: si quid his accidit, if anything happens to them, ^ Express by the neuter plural of the proper possessive adjective. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 145 2. Quisque, each, should be distinguished from omnis, ally every. It is not often used in the plural, and regu- larly follows the word to which it belongs. 3. Quisquam is used chiefly in negative and conditional sen- tences : nee quisquam hoc f acit, and nobody does this, 4. Aliquis, some one or other, some one, denotes some one whose identity is unknown: aliquis tibi haec dixit, some one (/ do not know who) told you this, 5. Quidam denotes some one whose identity is known but is not fully revealed : quidam haec mihi dixit, some one (/ know who, but I will not tell) told me this, . 302. Examine the following: 1. Vir summae virtutis fuit, 1 he was a man of very great 2. Vir summa virtiite fuit, J courage. Observe that the genitive phrase summae virtutis and the ablative phrase summa virtiite describe the noun vir; and that an adjective modifies the nouns virtutis and virtute. 303. Rule. — Descriptive Genitive and Ablative. — The ablative or the genitive of a noun, if itself modified by an adjective or genitive, may be used to describe a person or object. The genitive is less common in this use than the ablative; it occurs chiefly in expi'essions of measure or 7tum- ber, and in phrases consisting of nouns modified by magnus, maximus, summus, tantus. 304. VOCABULARY diligentia, ae, f., carefulness, alienus, a, um, another' s^ diligence, industry. strange, unfavorable. gratia, ae, i., favor, influence, reperio, ire, repperi, repertus, kindness, find, discover, ascertain. plebs, plebis, f., the common si, conj., if. people, nisi, conj . , if not, unless, except. 146 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 305. REVIEW EXERCISES L I. LegatI sua omnia Caesari dedere iubentur. 2. Auxi- lium, quod a Labieno missum erat, equitatui magno usuI fuit. 3. Legioni satis cibi non erat, itaque domum se recepit. 4. Galli se suaque omnia Romanis dediderunt, quod magnitudine eorum operis terrebantur. 5. Hostes in nostram aciem impetum fecerant. IL I. The general ordered the hostages to come before ^ him. 2. He will return to Rome and will see his father. 3. We all love our country. 4. We like our friends, you yours. 5. He praised his own children, but blamed hers. 306. EXERCISES L I. Quemque domo exire iubent. 2. Si quis eius filiam laudat, laetus est. 3. Quidam ex Gallis multa nocte ad Caesarem contend erunt. 4. Orgetorix apud Helvetios magna gratia erat. 5. Quis de hostium casu aliquid novi^ repperit ? 6. Liberi quique ^ pugnare non poterant in unum locum convocatl erant. 7. Princeps propter dlligen- tiam magnae potestatis apud suos fuit. 8. Neque (and not) e proeli5 toto die quisquam discessit. 9. Si alieno in loco proelium committent, vincentur. 10. FinitimI nostri bono animo ^ esse in nos dicuntur. n. I. Every one ought to love his country. 2. She is wretched, unless she hears something good^ about her son. 3. A certain one of the merchants informed Caesar of this. 4. Caesar was a man of great influence among the common people. 5. Some fled in one direction, some in another. 1 ad. 2 See 250, 2. » quique (qui + que) = et ii qui * bonS animo, well disposed. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 147 LESSON SI PARTICIPLES. FORMS. DECLENSION. MEANINGS 307. The following outline shows how the tenses of the participles may be formed from the stems that are obtained from the principal parts {S6) : Tense Active Voice Passive Voice Present pres. stem + ns ^ wanting Future participial stem + urus Gerundive. Pres. stem + ndus ^ Perfect wanting the last one of the principal parts 1. Learn the participles, with their meanings, of the model verbs (516-520). 2. Participles ending in -ns are decHned like adjectives of the third declension (504); those in -us, like bonus (62). 308. The participle is a verbal adjective. As a verb, it may govern a case ; as an adjective, it agrees with a sub- stantive. The tenses of the participle denote time, not absolutely, but relatively^ that is, with . reference to the time of the verb of the clause in which it stands. The following examples will show how the time of the participle depends upon that of the main verb. 1 io verbs have a connecting vowel e before the ending; i.e. audiens. audi- endus. 148 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 1. Video eumdd agentem, I see him as {while) he is doing it (literally, him doing if). 2. Videbam eum id agentem, / saw him as he was doing it, 3. Videbo eum id agentem, I shall see him as he will be doing it, 309. Tenses of the Participle 1. Present : representing an action as in progress at the time indicated by the tense of the main verb. 2. Perfect : representing an action as completed at the time indicated by the tense of the main verb. 3. Future : expressing an action that is subsequent to {not yet done at) the time indicated by the tense of the main verb. 310. Form all the participles, giving the English mean- ings, of do, give ; video, see ; f acio, make, do ; munio, for- tify ; ^o,go. (525.) 311. Participles are used in Latin more extensively than in English. In Latin the participle is used to express ideas that are often expressed in English by a relative clause, by clauses beginning with '' when," " after," " since," ** although," ** while," "if," etc. Study carefully the fol- lowing examples, which show the various relations that the participle expresses : 1. Milites missos non culpavit, he did not blame the soldiers who had been sent (lit., the soldiers sent). This use is not common ; a relative clause is generally used. 2. Videbam eos id agentes, / saw them as (or when) they zvefe doing this. 3. Caesar consul factus in Galliam contendit, Caesar, after he had been made consul, hastened into Gaul (literally, Caesar having been made consul, etc.). 4. Galli his rebus permoti obsides miserunt, the Gauls, since ESSENTIALS OF LATIN I49 (or because) they were alarmed by these things^ sent hos- tages (literally, the Gauls having been alai^med^ etc.). 5. Orgetorix damnatus interficietur, if ^ Orgetorix is con- demned^ he will be killed (literally, Orgetorix having been condemned^will be killed). 6. Vulneratus diu pugnabat, although he had been woiindedy he fought for a long time (literally, having been wounded, he fought). 7. Multos vicos captos incendit, he captured and burned many villages (literally, he burned many captured villages), 312. VOCABULARY aditus, us, m., approach, circumvenio, ire, circum- vallum, i, n., rampart, earth- veni, circumventus, come works, around, surround, posterns, a., um, next, follow- educo, ere, eduxi, eductus, ing, ' lead out, circum, prep, with ace, lacesso, ere, lacessivi, lacessi- around, tus, attack, harass, permoveo, ere, permovi, per- Sequani, orum, m. plur., the mOtus, influence, arouse, Sequani {3. tribe of Gauls). 313. REVIEW EXERCISES I. I. Hlc gratia ^apud Sequanos plurimum poterat. 2. Galli c5nsilium ceperunt quod R5manls non gratum erat. 3. Si quid reperitur, Caesari semper nuntiatur. 4. Suam quisque melius quam alienam patriam amat. 5. Homines summae virtutis esse dicuntur. II. I. Caesar has been informed of his arrival. 2. The day that Caesar had appointed -^ with the ambassadors came. 3. He ordered the hostages to come to him. 4. He car- ' ried all his possessions with him. 1 canstituo. ISO ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 314. EXERCISES I. I. Hfs rebus permoti Roma exire maturant. 2. In le-^^ gatos c5pias e castris educentes Galli impetum fecerunt. 3, Poster5 die nostros aditus oppidi munientes hostes laces- sent. 4. Romani banc urbem vallo et moenibus munltam obsidere constituerunt. 5. Caesar du5s dies a dextro cornu lacessitus impetum sustinere poterat. 6. Legiones e castris eductas instruxit. 7. Suum amicum dom5 exeuntem videt. 8. Principes Gallorum victi R5mam mittentur. 9. Caesar de coniuratione quam Galli fecerant certior f actus est. 10. Le- gatus Gallos qui castra circumveniebant sese dedere coegit. II. I. When Caesar had been informed^ of this, he hur- ried to Rome. 2. The general captured^ their town and fortified it. 3. The enemy harassed us as we were crossing^ the river. 4. If you are defeated,* you will retreat into Italy. 5. Who will go with me into that city that you see ? 6. Al- though we have been surrounded,^ we will fight bravely. ^S^^fS- ^3"»7- ^3ii»2. * 3"» 5- ^3">6. (Reading Selection 457) A Sie^e ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 151 LESSON 52 THE PARTICIPLE (Continued). ABLATIVE ABSOLUTE 315. Ablative Absolute. — A noun or a pronoun in the ablative, with a participle agreeing with it, may be used to express any of the ideas mentioned in 311. This con- struction will be understood best by a careful study of the following examples : after the Germans had been conqiieredy when he had conquered the Germans^ after conquering the Germans, having conquered the GermanSy now that the Germans had been conquered, the Germans having been conquered. Caesar, Germanls victis, in hi- berna venit, Caesar went into winter quarters. 2. Oppido expugnato, hostes Vincent, Nobis castra mu- nientibus, Galli pervenerunt, if the town is captured, by capturing the town, since the town has been captured, the town having been captured, ' while we were fortify- ' ing the camp, as we were fortifying the camp, they will con- quer the enemy. the Gauls ar 152 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN Observe that the ablative absolutes, Germanis victis, oppido expugnato, nobis munientibus, are translated in a variety of ways. In translating an ablative absolute, one must use judgment in selecting a translation that is con- sistent with the meaning of the main verb. Notice that the ablative absolute construction is used only when the participle does not agree with a noun of the main clause (the word "absolute" means that the ablative phrase stands by itself). For example, such a sentence as " When the Gauls had been conquered, they returned home" would be rendered, Galli victi domum redierunt, and the ablative absolute construction would not be used, because it is possible to make victi agree with Galli, which is the subject of redierunt. 316. Since the verb sum has no present participle, two substantives, or a substantive or pronoun and an ad- jective, are sometimes used in the ablative absolute con- struction. Duce Caesare Romani semper vincebant, lit. Caesar {being) leader^ under the leadership of Caesar^ if Caesar was their leader, when Caesar was their leader, the Romans always used to conquer. 317. Remember that the Latin perfect participle is passive, there being no perfect active participle. The ablative absolute is often used to supply this lack of a per- fect active participle ; for example, the sentence " Caesar having done this returned to Rome " cannot be expressed literally in Latin. It must be changed to the passive form, "This having been done, Caesar returned to Rome," and then it may be rendered : hoc facto, Caesar Romam rediit. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 1 55 318. VOCABULARY mulier, mulieris, f., woman. obtineo, ere, obtinui, obtentus, signum, i, n., sign, ensign, possess, obtain, retain. standard (of the legion). converto, ere, convert!, con- quam primum, as soon as versus, turn about, change, possible. signa converto, /^<:^ about ( lit- tollo, ere, sustuli, sublatus, erally, turn the standards lift up, raise, remove, take about). away. occido, ere, occidi, occisus, cut redtico, ere, reduxi, reductus, down, kill, slay. lead back. inquam, inquit, def., say. . 319. REVIEW EXERCISES I-. I. Legioneip auxilia nostrls diu lacessitTs misit. 2. Caesar hostium clamoribus permotus munire aditus castrorum coepit. 3. C5nsul legaturn secum redire Romam iubebit. 4. Equitatus Gallos nostra castra circumvenientes lacessebat. 5. Legatus nihil novl repperit. II. I. After the Helvetii had been defeated, they were compelled to return home. 2. He led his forces out of the camp and drew them up. 3. Although many of our men had been wounded they fought bravely. 4. The Gauls could not fortify the mountain themselves. 320. EXERCISES I. I. Te imperatore, nos non dedemus. 2. H5c proelio fact5, suos in hlberna redQxit. 3. His rebus Caesar f actis quam primum Roma exiit. 4. Pedites in castra reduct5s •hostes moenibus prohibere dux iubet. 5. Suis^ a Gallis perm5tTs ^ Caesar " Impetum " inquit " hostium exspectare est difficile.'* 6. Novissimum agmen, slgnis conversis, laces- 1 Is this ablative absolute ? 154 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN sere Helvetios imperator iubet. 7. Caesari Romam redire coacto hoc proelium nuntiatum erat. 8. Hostes, multls occisis, fortiter nostrum impetum sustinebant. 9. Omni spe victoriae sublata, Helvetii cum mulieribus liberlsque domum redierunt. 10. Oppidum quod Galli munierant a Romanis incensum est. IL I. Having fought this battle,^ Caesar led his forces across the river. 2. If you are brave, the repubhc will be preserved. 3. When the hostages had been freed, they returned to their people. 4. When the leader of the en- emy had been killed, the Gauls crossed the river. 5. The Romans faced about and bravely attacked the enemy. 6. After the top of the hill had been fortified, we awaited the enemy. 7. When the Romans had fortified the hill, they returned to their camp. 8. Having burned your vil- lages, we shall kill your leader. LESSON 53 READING LESSON CHAPTER VII Caesar attempts to check the March of the Helveth. They send Ambassadors to Him 321. His rebus nuntiatis Caesar maturat R5ma exire atque quam maximis itineribus ad^ Genavam contendit. Erat omnin5 in Gallia ulteriore legio una.^ Qua^ re pro- vinciam totam praebere quam maximum militum numerum- et pontem qui erat ad Genavam rescind! iubet. Ubi de 1 = this battle having been made. ^ towards. ^ biU (only) one, * Qua re, therefore. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 155 eius adventu Helvetii certidres facti sunt, legat5s ad eum mittunt nobilissimos civitatis. Qui ^ legatl iter per pr5- vinciam Rdmanam a Caesare postulant. Sed temporibus antlquls Helvetii consulem Cassium occlderant exercitumque eius sub iugum miserant. Qua re Caesar hominibus ininlcd animo ^ iter per provinciam non dedit. Tamen diem con- loquio cum legatis constituit. LESSON 54 INFINITIVES. FORMATION AND MEANINGS 322. Review 182, 183, 184, 307. The following outline shows how the tenses of the infinitive may be obtained from the principal parts : Infinitives Tense Active Voice Passive Voice Present Second one of the principal parts. Change final e of present infinitive to i, except in third conjugation,which changes final ere to i. Future Future active parti- ciple and esse. Supine in -um (which is the same form as accu- sative singular neuter of perfect passive par- ticiple), and iri. Perfect Perfect stem -f isse. Perfect passive participle and esse. 1 The relative often stands at the beginning of a sentence where English uses a personal pronoun or a demonstrative with or without and ; hence Qui legatl = these ambassadors, 2 ggg ^03. 156 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN I. Learn the infinitives, with English meanings, of the model verbs (516-520). 323. Form all participles and infinitives, giving the Eng- lish meanings, of vincio, bind, iubeo, order, relinquo, leave, sum, I am (521). iacio, throw, appello, nanie^ call, vinco, conquer. eo, go (525). 324. VOCABULARY auctoritas, atis, f ., reputation^ influence^ authority, littera, ae, f., letter of the al- phabet; (plur.), letter, docu- ment. res frumentaria, rei frumen- tariae, supplies of grain, provisions. cottidianus, a, um, daily, scribo, ere, scrips!, scriptus, write. cado, ere, cecidi, casurus,/^//, pe7'ish, die. at, conj., b?it. numquam, adv., nenjer. 325. REVIEW EXERCISES I. I. Gallr c5nsulem copias instruentem laces siverunt 2. Roman!, slgnis conversfs, oppidum ex itinera oppug- naverunt. 3. Caesare consule Helveti! coniurationem faciebant. 4. German! vict! finitimos virtute supera- bant. 5. Nostr! autem multas mulieres captas domum miserunt. IL I. If I am your leader, will you attack the enemy? 2. The women could do this themselves. 3. After they had slain a few of the enemy, the soldiers were led back to camp. 4. And so the hope of the Gauls was taken away. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 1 57 326. EXERCISES I. I. Scribi; sustulisse ; casurum esse. 2. Instrui; pro- hibuisse; miss5s esse; prohiberi. 3. Capi; cepi; reddidisse; dedidisse. 4. Missuram esse ; misisse ; reducL 5. Pauci de filiis occisi esse dicuntur. 6. Numquam culpari cupi- mus. 7. Galli a finitimls cottidianis proelils lacessiti ex suis finibus discedere coeperunt. 8. Caesar multas lit- teras scripsisse dicebatur. 9. Frumentum ad Caesarem navibus portari non poterat. 10. At decern e nostris ceci- disse in h5c proelio dicuntur. II. I. He is said to be a man of great reputation. 2. Those women are said to have been sent to Rome. 3. This place cannot be taken by storm by the enemy on account of its very large ramparts. 4. You were compelled to retreat into the province. 5. Gaesar ordered the ships to be burned. 6. This is said to have been a great advan- tage to them. (Reading Selection 458) LESSON 55 INDIRECT DISCOURSE. SIMPLE STATEMENTS 327. The words or thoughts of a person may be quoted either directly or indirectly. A direct quotation {i,e, direct discourse) is one which gives the exact words or thoughts of the original speaker or writer. An indirect quotation {i.e. indirect discourse) is one in which instead of the orig- inal words or thoughts we have their substance (general sense) stated in the words of another. The English sentence, " I am present," when quoted di- rectly, is stated thus : " He said, ' I am present.* " When quoted indirectly, it assumes this form : " He said that he 158 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN was present,'* or, after a present tense of the verb of saying, " He says that he is present." An indirect state- ment, then, is generally introduced in English by the word "that," although this may be omitted, as, ''He says (that) he is coming." 328. Examine carefully the following : Direct Discourse Indirect Discourse tu venis, you are coming, dicit te venire, he says that you are comings or he says you are coining. Note 1. That the English generally expresses the indirect state- ment by a clause introduced by " that " (expressed or understood). 2. That there is no word in Latin to correspond to the ''that" in English. 3. That the Latin changes the verb of the direct statement to the infinitive, and changes the case of the subject to the accusative. 329. Rule. — Indirect Discourse. — Simple statements^ when quoted indirectly after verbs of sayingy knowingy thinking, and perceiving, are expressed by the infinitive with its subject in the acc7isative. • 330. Review 308. The tenses of the infinitive do not follow the tense of the introductory verb. Like the tenses of the participle, they merely denote time relative to that of the main verb. The present infinitive describes an action as going on at the time of the main verb, the perfect as completed by {before^ that time, the future as not yet begun at that time. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 159 The following examples will show to what tenses of the infinitive the various tenses of the indicative are changed : Tense Direct Discourse Indirect Discourse Present videt me venire, he sees Present venio, I am coming that I am. coming Past vidit me venire, he saw that I was coming Present Imperfect veniebam, / was coming audit me venigse, he hears that I came, or have come Past Perfect veni, / have come, audivit me venisse, he I came hea7'd that I came, or Pluperfect veneram, / had come had come Present sperat me venturum (esse), he hopes that Future veniam, / shall I shall come come Past speravit me venturum (esse), he hoped that I should come Caution. — In indirect discourse the subject of the infini- tive should never be omitted. l6o ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 331. VOCABULARY existimo, are, avi, atus, //i!/;//^, trado, ere, tradidi, traditus, belieiw, suppose. give tip, surrender^ de- demonstro, are, avi, atus, liver. point oicty show, mention, conspectus, us, m., sights spero, are, avi, atus, hope, view. respondeo, ere, respond!, re- complures, a (ia), a great sponsum, answer, reply, manyy very many. scio, scire, scivi, scitus, know^ know how, 332. EXERCISES I. I. Galli se domum recipiunt. 2. Caesar Gallos se domum recipere dixit. 3. Nostra arma numquam trademus. 4. Respondemus nostra arma numquam nos tradituros (esse). 5. Se in conspectu sul^ imperatoris pugnavisse miles existimavit. 6. Armis traditis, in Caesaris potesta- tem Galll venerant. 7. Caesar nuntiavit Gall5s, armis traditis, in suam potestatem venisse. 8. Omnes scimus hanc rem a legato bene administratam esse. 9. Caesar suis '* Quis scit " inquit *' hunc pontem facere .'^ '* 10. Im- peratori nuntiatum est complures alios aliam in partem fugere. 11. Legati responderunt *' Nos a finitimis nostris diu lacessiti sumus.'' II. I. The gods will give us help. 2. They thought that the gods would give them help. 3. We have shown that the Gauls were men of the greatest ^ courage. 4. They said that many had not come. 5. We can do this ourselves. 6. They said they could do this themselves. 7. Caesar replied, " I hope that they will retreat." ^ The reflexive pronouns and adjectives in an indirect statement usually refer to the subject of the main verb of " saying," " thinking," etc. See 286, 3. 2 Do not use maximus. See 302, i. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN l6l LESSON 56 DEPONENT VERBS. ABLATIVE WITH utor, fruor, Etc. 333. Deponent verbs have passive forms with active meanings. These passive forms are regular in their forma- tion and inflection, and are classified in four conjugations, like regular verbs. The principal parts are as follows : Present Present Perfect IND. Inf. Ind. 1ST CoNj. hortor hortari \\ox\.2XVi%^Vi\SL, I tirge, encourage 2D CoNj. vereor vereri veritus sum, I fear 3D CoNj. sequor sequi secutus sum, I follow 4TH CoNj. potior potiri potftus su6i, I get possession of I. Learn all forms of the indicative, infinitive, and partici- ple of these four model verbs. (528.) 334. Deponent verbs have 2^ future active infinitive instead of a future passive, and they have the participles of both active and passive voices. 335. Review 317. The perfect passive participle of a deponent verb is active in meaning. Cohortatus milites proelium commisit, after encouraging (literally, having encouraged^ his soldiers, he began the battle, 336. Examine the following : 1. Equis utuntur, they tcse horses. 2. Vita fruitur, he enjoys life. Observe that equis and vita are ablatives, although the corresponding words in English are the direct objects of their verbs. l62 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 337- Rule. —Ablative with Certain Verbs. — The abla- tive IS used with the deponent vei'bs utor, fruor, fungor, potior, ^nd vescor, and their compounds, 338. VOCABULARY -utor, uti, usus sum, tise, proficiscor, proficisci, profec- employ, tus sum, set out, march, go, sequor, sequi, secutus sum, arbitror, ari, atus sum, think, follow. sicppose. cohortor, ari, atus sum, en- pello, ere, pepuli, pulsus, ex- courage, exhort. pel, drive away, rout. potior, potiri, potitus sum, praesidium, i, n., defense^ get possession of. guard, garrison, fossa, ae, f., ditch, tj-ench. 339. REVIEW EXERCISES , I. I. Caesar complures secum in Ttaliam ituros (esse) •sciebat 2. Hoc proelio facto, hostes se recipere coacti •sunt. 3. LegatI demonstrant sibi esse multos equites. 4. Incolae responderunt sese multum frumentum dedisse. 5. Legatus se expugnare oppidum posse sperat. II. I. The Gauls thought Caesar would not fight with them. 2. All those arms that you see have been given up. 3. Caesar saw that the enemy were being drawn up on top of the hill. 4. The ambassadors replied that many were leaving their homes. 340. EXERCISES I. I. Arbitraris ; utiminl ; proficlscetur ; proficlscitur. 2. Pepuleramus ; arbitrarl ; arbitrare ; usurum esse. 3. Cae- sar se cum tribus legionibus secuturum (esse) dixit. 4. C5nsul R5ma profectus in fines Helvetiorum contendit. 5. German! usi esse parvis equls dicuntur. 6. Consul, ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 163 cuius exercitus pulsus est, a civibus culpabitur. 7. Com- meatus, quo nostri utebantur, multa nocte incensus est. 8. GallT oppidum vall5 fossaque muniri arbitrabantur. 9. Hostes potlri castris non posse dux vidit. 10. Quattuor cohortes praesidi5 castris Labienus rellquit. IL I. After encouraging his men, Caesar got possession of the town. 2. For many days the horsemen who were following harassed the rear. 3. He will use these legions as a garrison. 4. Caesar set^ out from the city, and began to wage war with the Helvetii. 5. It is reported that Labienus has routed the brave Gauls. LESSON 57 Fer5 AND fio. DATIVE WITH INTRANSITIVES 341. Learn the principal parts and all forms of the indica- tive, infinitive, and participle of fero (527) and fio (526). I. Review the conjugation of facio (177-179), and note that fio is used as the passive of facio. 342. Examine the following : • I. ^ohls -j^ersusident J t/iej/ persuade us. 2. Imperatori paret, /le obeys the commander. Observe that nobis and imperatori are datives, while the corresponding EngHsh words are the objects of their verbs. 343. Rule. — Dative with Verbs. — Most verbs signify- ing to favor ^ help, please, trust, and their contraries, also to believe, persuade, command, obey, servCy resist, envy, threaten^ pardon, and spare, take the dative, ^Use a participle. 1 64 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 344. VOCABULARY fero, ferre, tuli, latus, bear, fio, fieri, factus sum, become^ carry. be made, confero, conferre, contuli, persuadeo, ere, persuasi, per- conlatus, brifig together, svieisnm{w.d2it.)y persuade, gather. pareo, ere, parui, — ( w. dat.), nemo, dat. nemini (no gen. obey. or abl.), no one, nobody. noceo, ere, nocui, nociturus moror, ari, atus sum, delay, (w. dat.), harm, injiu^e. hinder. [resist, oppose, credo, ere, credidi, creditum resisto,ere,restiti,— (w.dat), (w. dat.), believe^ trust, 345. REVIEW EXERCISES I. I. Nostri equitatum Gallorum tria mlllia passuum se- cutT pepulerunt. 2. Caesar certior factus est Gallos ex vico profectos (esse). 3. Labienus urbe vallo et fossa munlta potltur. 4. Principes Helvetiorum suos cohortati nostrum impetum fortissime sustinebant. 5. Caesar suos ex castrls eductos Instrul iubet.- II. I. They informed us that the enemy were preparing to make an attack. 2. On leaving^ the camp, our men crossed a river that was twenty feet wide. 3. After forti- fying the camp, the Romans awaited their attack. 4. He said they ought to come to him. ^' 46. EXERCISES I. I. Impedlmentis in unum locum conlatis, nostri aciem instruxerunt. 2. Parere suo quisque imperatorl debet. 3. Ad castra multos dies morati Galll domum se receperunt. 4. Per- suadere nos els numquam poterimus. $. Nemo ei haec dicenti credit. 6. Oppidum expugnarl non poterat, quod 1 Use the ablative absolute. Porta Magi^iore, Rome Over the Arches of the Gate are two Aqueducts. In front of the right-hand Arch is the Tomb of a Government Bread Contractor B9 H ^ifelffilXL.! rij ■ * '' , ; .,pp™ %. ^.t^i^:^»-v..^ ^ ^^22^i.JV\..s.. i#iili'^i.;.>«^f» m ^pr^r^r^ iHp ssbi wrM Pi" K^ : wk .MM^^ i^^Sw^ 9KI 1^^ ^B^"*^ '>^ i m m L Part of Frieze on Bread Contractors Tomb at the Porta Maggiore Reading from right to left we see men grinding grain into flour, sifting it, molding the loaves, and putting them into the oven ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 165 incolae nostrls fortiter resistebant. 7. BonI librl nemini nocent. 8. Caesar litterls Labienl certior fiebat omnes Belgas {Belgians) contra populum Romanum coniurationem facer e. 9. Quare {therefore) Caesar ad eos proficIscT con- stituit. 10. Itaque re frumentaria comparata, castra movet, diebusque quindecim ad fines Belgarum pervenit. II. I. They inform Caesar ; Caesar is informed by them. 2. They said that a conspiracy was being formed. 3. No one could persuade him. 4. Children ought to obey their elders.^ 5. I believe that they will injure us. 6. After fortifying the camp, Caesar encouraged his men. (Reading Selection 459) LESSON 58 READING LESSON CHAPITER VIII Caesar erects Fortifications. The Helvetii attempt TO CROSS THE RhONE, BUT ARE RePELLED 347. Interea ea legi5ne quam secum habebat militibus- que qui ex provincia convenerant murum pedes sedecim altum et fossam a lacu Lemanno, qui in flumen Rhodanum influit, ad montem luram, qui fines Sequanorum ab Helve- tils dividit, perducit. Eo opere perfecto et castellis munltls, facile eos prohibere potest. Ubi ea dies quam constituerat cum legatis venit, et legatl ad eum redierunt, negat^ se posse iter ulli per prdvinciam dare. Helvetii autem, navi- bus iiinctis ratibusque compluribus factis, perrumpere c5nati^ operis muniti5ne* et militum tells repulsi sunt. 1 See 272, senex. ? negat se posse, says he cannot (literally, denies that he can). ^ From conor, a deponent verb. * Can you not infer its meaning from the verb munio? 1 66 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN LESSON 59 THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. CLAUSES OF PURPOSE 348. Learn the present tense, active and passive, of the subjunctive of the model verbs of the four conjugations (516-520); of sum (521); of possum (522); of 60(525); offero(527); of £10(526). No meanings for the subjunctive are given, because the translations vary according to the construction used. These meanings will be understood as the various uses of the subjunctive are taken up in the succeeding lessons. 1. Compare carefully the forms of the present subjunctive of the third and fourth conjugations with those of the future indicative. 2. Notice that the personal endings are the same as in the indicative. 3. The following table will assist in fixing in mind the forms of the first person singular : Present Subjunctive Conjugation I II III IV Active -em -earn -am, -iam -iam Passive -er -ear -ar, -iar -iar 349. A sentence consisting of a main (or independent) clause and one or more dependent (or subordinate) clauses is called a complex sentence. In the following examples the dependent verbs are italicized : When he arrived it was late. He was so tired that he went to sleep. He came that he mischt see me. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 167 The common uses of the subjunctive in dependent clauses are considered in this lesson and those following. Its uses jn independent clauses are treated in Lessons 67, 71, 72, 73. 350. Examine the following : 1. Romam venit ut suum amicum videat, he comes to Rome that he may see his friend, in order that he may see his friend, in order to see his friend^ to see his friend^ for the purpose of seeing his friend, 2. Vir in urbem f n^it ne interf iciatur, the man flees into the city that he m,ay not be killed, so that he m>ay not be killed^ in order not to be killed, lest he be killed. a. Observe that the verbs of the dependent clauses ut suum amicum videat and ne interf iciatur are subjunctive, and that they express the purpose of the action of the main clauses, ut {that^ introducing an affirmative and ne {that . . . not) a negative clause. b. Notice that the purpose clauses may be translated in a variety of ways. Purpose clauses may be translated by the English infinitive, but never use the Latin infinitive to express purpose. 351. Rule. — Subjunctive of Purpose. — Purpose may be expressed by the present or imperfect subjunctive with ut if the purpose clause is affirmative, and by the subjunctive with ne if the purpose clause is negative. 352. Review the principal parts and meanings of : conficid dedo accedo proficTscor fero committ5 reddo potior utor persuaded converto ' rede5 sequor cado noceo cohortor reduco scio tollo scrlbo ago reperio trada obsideo arbitror credo lacess5 pello instruo flo l68 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 353. ' REVIEW EXERCISES I. I. Mulieribus llberisque in unum locum convoca- tls, Gall! impetum nostrorum exspectare constituunt. 2. Ubi Roman! ad eorum fines pervenerunt, Galll els restiterunt. 3. Legatus suum quemque cibum portare iubet. 4. Orgetoflgis filia a Romanls capta certior fiebat neminem sibi nociturum (esse). 5. Quis uti illo equo potuit ? II. I. He is informed that Labienus has persuaded the Gauls. 2. On the next day the Romans will get pos- session of their camp. 3. He did not believe his father. 4. He did not believe his father would return. 354. EXERCISES I. I. Caesar ad primum agmen proficiscitur ut su5s cohortetur. 2. Nostrl, signis conversis, pellere Gall5s coeperunt. 3. Legatum in Galliam proficlsci iubet ne ex his nati5nibus auxilia convocentur. 4. Ibi rex paucos dies moratur ut oppidum obsideat. 5. Redlmus domum ne ab hostibus occidamur. 6. Galli magnas c5pias unum in locum convocant ut bellum gerant. 7. Manesne domi ut litteras amicTs scribas ? 8. LegatI in castra redeunt ut Caesarl persuadeant. 9. Nos sequimini ut aliquid reperiatis. 10. Arbitror Gallos accedere ut obsides red- dant. II. I. They are coming in order that they may be praised. 2. Caesar hurries into the province to wage war with the Gauls. 3. They are surrendering all their pos- sessions to Caesar in order not to be killed. 4. .We write many letters to persuade our friends. 5. He knew that they would not believe him. 6. You are waiting in Rome that you may not be conquered. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 169 LESSON 60 SUBJUNCTIVE (Continued). IMPERFECT. RESULT CLAUSES 355. The first person singular of the imperfect sub- junctive may be formed by adding the personal endings -m (active), -r (passive), to the present active infinitive. Present Active Infinitive Imperfect Subjunctive amare amarem amarer munire munirem munlrer monei*e monerem monerer I. Learn the imperfect subjunctive, active and passive, of the four model verbs (516-520); of sum (521); of possum (522); of 60(525); offero(527). 356. Notice carefully the difference between a purpose and a result clause. A result clause expresses the result or outcome of the action of the main verb. Observe the difference as shov^n in these examples : They shouted (so) that he might hear. (Purpose.) They shouted so that he heard. (Result.) He v^as so tired that he could not go. (Result.) Some word or phrase like so, such, in such a way, etc., is often used in the main clause to show that a result clause may be expected to follow. 357. Examine the following : I. Flumen tam latum est ut Galli transire non possint, the river is so wide that the Gauls ca7tnot cross. 170 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 2. Flumen tarn latum fuit ut Galli transire non possent, the river was so wide that the Gauls could not cross. .3. Nostri tarn fortiter pugnabant ut hostes se reciperent, our men fought so bravely that the ene?ny retreated, 4. Tarn graviter vulnerati erant ut pugnare non possent, they had been so severely wounded that they could not fight. a. Observe that the above clauses beginning with ut ex- - press the 7'esult, and that the verbs are subjunctive, b. Observe that when the main verb is present tense the dependent subjunctive is /r^i*^;?/ tense, and that when the main verb is, either imperfect, perfect, ox pluperfect {i.e, any tense expressing past time), the dependent subjunctive is imperfect. c. Observe that the tense of the subjunctive is not neces- sarily the same as that of the main verb. . These principles {h, c) are true also for purpose clauses. 358. Rule. — Subjunctive of Result. — Result is usually expressed by the subjunctive with ut if the result clause is affirmative, and by the subjunctive with ut non if the result clause is negative, 359. VOCABULARY consequor, consequi, consecu- deditio, onis, f., surrender. tus sum, pursue, overtake, calamitas, atis, f., dis aster y progredior, progredi, pro- defeat, gressus sum, advance, pro- tantus, a, um, so great, such, ceed. tam, adv., so (with adjectives audeo, ere, ausus ^ sum, dare, and adverbs). accipio, ere, accepi, acceptus, ita, adv., thus, so, receive, ^ timor, oris, m., fear, castellum, i, n. , fort, redoubt, 1 A semi-deponent verb ; i,e. the present stem is active, and the perfect stem passive. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 171 360. REVIEW EXERCISES I. I. GermanI in Galliam transeunt ut eorum fines vastent 2. Vlcis multls et parvis incensTs, Labienus urbem pulcherrimam obsidebat. 3. Arbitramur nos eorum castris potlrl posse. 4. Equitatus sociorum Caesarl niagn5 USUI fuit. 5. Caesar ex castris profectus in Helvetios flu men transeuntes impetum faciet. n. I. Each soldier ought to obey his general. 2. The enemy are following us to harass the rear. 3. You are doing this for the sake of harming me. 4. I am informed that the enemy have taken possession of the top of the hill. 361. . EXERCISES I. I. Equitatus progressus erat ut Gallos fugientis conse- queretur. 2. Oppidum ita a militibus munitur ut expugnari non possit. 3. Omnes qui transire Rhodanum ausi sunt tells et sagittis vulnerabantur. 4. Tantus erat Helveti- orum timor ut se suaque omnia dederent. 5. Caesar castra movet ne hostes inter se et flumen sint. 6. Galli ita operis magnitudine permovebantur ut arma legato tra- derent. 7. Haec urbs castellis munita est ne a R5manis caperetur. 8. Haec urbs castellis ita munita est ut a Ro- manis non caperetur. 9. Labienus in e5rum fines decern dies progressus multas civitates in deditionem accepit. 10. Tantus hostium erat numerus ut sinistrum cornu cir- cumvenire possent. II. I. We shall never dare to do it on account of the width of the river. 2. The road is so narrow that the enemy cannot advance. 3. Such was the depth of the river that they could not cross. 4. We were sent to carry the children back to Rome. 5-. The river was so' wide and deep that they used ships. (Reading Selection 460) 172 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN LESSON 6i Volo. Nolo. Malo. RELATIVE CLAUSE OF PURPOSE 362. Learn the principal parts and all forms of the in- dicative, present and imperfect subjunctive, infinitive, and participle of volo, nolo, malo (524). Observe that nolo is a compound of non and volo, and malo a compound of magis, more (shortened to ma), and volo. Note the irregularities in the present tense of the indicative, subjunctive, and infinitive. 363. Examine the following : I the chief seftt ambassadors to J r ask for peace. The English translation of these sentences is the same, and the verbs of the purpose clauses are subjunctive. In 2, however, qui is used instead of ut to emphasize the am- bassadors as the persons who have the purpose to perform. 364. Rule. — Relative Clause of Purpose. — Purpose may be expressed by a relative clause in the subjunctive^ especially after verbs of ^notion, 365. VOCABULARY peto, ere, petivi (ii), petitus, praemitto, ere, praemisi, prae- aim at, ask for, go to get. missus, send ahead, dis- volo, velle, volui, — , be will- patch. ing, wish, will. celeriter, adv. (celer, swift), nolo, nolle, nolui, — , be un- swiftly, quickly, willing, will not. senatus, us, m., senate, malo, malle, malui, — , be de tertia vigilia, about the more willing, prefer. third watch (a watch was impedio, ire, impedivi, impe- equal to one fourth of the ditus, entangle, impede. night). ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 173^ 366. REVIEW EXERCISES I. I. Flumen Rhodanum transierant ne a Caesaris equitibus caperentur. 2. Nostri tarn acriter pugnabant ut Helvetil alii aliam in partem fugerent. 3. Equitatus hostes in fugam dat5s c5nsequi non audebat. 4. Caesar de Gallorum dediti5ne certior f actus legiones in hiberna reduxit. 5. Labienus se n5n posse Gallls credere arbitra- batur. II. I. That they might sustain our attack for a long time, the Gauls had gathered a great abundance of grain. 2. Such was the speed of our cavalry that they overtook the enemy. 3. They will not try to resist our soldiers. 4. Are you (plur.) returning to the city to warn your friends ? 367. EXERCISES I. I. N5luisse; mavultis ; n5lumus. 2. Mavis; noles; malunt. 3. Imperator milites praemlsit qui castra pone- rent. 4. Galll victi petere pacem nolunt. 5. Multl esse cum Caesare quam Romam redire malebant. 6. Helvetil legat5s mittunt ut iter per Sequanorum fines facere possint. 7. Caesar equites qui Gallos in flumine impedit5s lacesse- rent praemiserat. 8. German! legatos miser unt qui dlxe- runt^ se petere pacem velle. 9. Caesar his rebus ita permovebatur ut quam celerrime ad suos contenderet. 10. De tertia vigilia Labienus eos qui hostes consequerentur praemlsit. II. I. We are unwilling to obey him. 2. Caesar sends ahead horsemen to burn the villages. 3. We are return- ing to Rome to persuade the senate. 4. The Helvetii ^ Notice how the translation of the indicative, dixeruDt, differs from that of the subjunctive, dicerent. 174 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN preferred to seek peace rather than to be killed by the Romans. 5. Why are you unwilling to remain at home ? 6. Although^ a great defeat had been received, the Gauls did not wish to surrender their arms. LESSON 62 SEQUENCE OF TENSES. INDIRECT QUESTIONS 368. Learn the perfect and pluperfect subjunctive of the model verbs (516-520); of sum (521); of 60(525); of fero (527); of possum (522); of fio (526); of volo, nolo, malo (524). Observe that the first person of the perfect active sub- junctive of all verbs may be found by adding -erim to the perfect stem ; that the pluperfect active subjunctive may be found by adding the personal endings to the perfect active infinitive; that the perfect and pluperfect passive subjunctive are compound forms, like the same tenses of the indicative. 369. Examine the following : Direct Question Indirect Question Ubi sunt ? zvhere are they ? Scio ubi sint, / knoiv where Quid f acit } what is he doing ? they are. Vidimus quid faceret, we saw what he was doing. Observe that when a direct question is asked indirectly, depending upon some introductory verb, the verb of the original direct question becomes subjunctive in the indirect. 1 See 311, 6 ; 3i(;. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 1 75 Caution. — Do not confuse an indirect question with an indirect statement (327). Indirect questions may be recog- nized by the fact that some interrogative word follows the main or introductory verb. Indirect Question Indirect Statement Sclo quis veniat, Scio eum venire, / knoiv who is coming, I know (that) he is coming. 370. Rule. — Indirect Question. — The verb of an in- direct question is in the subjunctive, 371. It has been noticed in the three preceding lessons that the tense of a dependent subjunctive depends upon the tense of the verb of the main clause. This use of the tenses follows a principle called the Sequence of Tenses ^ 3, principle that is familiar from English usage. Compare : He comes that I may see him. He came that I might see him. The change from may to might accompanies the change of the main verb from comes to came. This change of tenses, therefore, is not peculiar to Latin. 372. All tenses are divided into two classes, as follows : Primary or principal tenses, denoting present or future time. Present Indicative, Perfect Indicative, some- times, when it means have^ Future Indicative, Future Perfect Indicative, Present Subjunctive, . Perfect Subjunctive. 1 76 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN Secondary or historical tenses, denoting past time. 373. Examine the following : f Videt, /ie sees, 1. p I. w W it m\ 11,: -^1 -::i ^ f k^; ^ rp 6^ 5'*^'^ U pR w s^' J |p|- :^ 1 P i m 'S. >; inlif p|B 'H^l ^_J^ * .■ "a &.»^ ^ ^^mnif' mm p;i-;^^^^^^^^ f ■BW: i ^UPmiiiiii' ippipi? -^ '--'^^^^-WJ^P?! B ^ "Til /^r^,^ f?/ Lonstantine, Rome The Forum at Pompeii. In the distance, to the north, is Vesuvius ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 183 4. Cum his persuadere non possent, legates miserunt, since they could not persuade themy they sent ambassadors. 5. Cum primi ordines concidissent, reliqui tamen resistebant, although the first ranks had fallen^ still the others resisted. Cum, meaning when (cum temporal, sentences i, 2, 3), is used with the indicative if the verb of its clause refers to present or future time. Cum, meaning wheny after, is com- monly used with the subjunctive, if the verb of its clause refers to past time, but the indicative is sometimes used to point out clearly the exact time at which the main action took place (cum then = quo tempore). Cum, meaning since or asy is called cum causal, and the verb is subjunctive (sentence 4). Cum, meaning although, is called cum con- cessive, and the verb is subjunctive (sentence 5). The student will be able to infer from the meaning of the whole sentence which of the three translations cum should have in a given case. What must it mean with the indicative.^ 387. Rule. — Cum clauses. — i. In a cum clause express-, ing time, the verb is, if present or future, in the indicative ; if the verb is past, it is usually subjunctive if the tense used is imperfect or phiperfect ; otherwise, the indicative is used, 2. In a cum clause expressing cause or concession, the verb is subjunctive, 388. VOCABULARY vereor, eri, veritus sum, fear, signa inf ero, charge (literally, respect. bear the standards against). timeo, ere, timui, — , fear, be in fidem venire, to put one's afraid of self under the protection, intellego, ere, intellexi, in- postquam, conj., after, tellectus, learn, know, per- poUiceor, eri, poUicitus sum, ceive, promise. 1 84 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 389. REVIEW EXERCISES I. I. Caesar quibusdam e suls imperavit ut in flumine pontem facerent. 2. Imperator Helvetils ne iter per pro- vinciam faciant persuadet. 3. Germani a Caesare quae- siverunt cur in Galliam venisset. 4. Caesar per explora- tores certior fit summum montem a Labieno occupatum esse. 5. Helvetii finitimis persuadebant ut, aedificiis in- censis, secum exirent. IL I. He warns us not to leave the camp. 2. The Gauls urged each man to resist the Romans bravely. 3. We shall attack the enemy who are following. 4. Caesar ordered^ the Gauls to give up their arms. 390. EXERCISES I. I. Caesar timebat ut nostri impetum sustine- rent. 2. Cum hoc fecerimus, tamen a nostris amicis non culpabimur. 3. Imperator verebatur ne hostes nos- tros in flumine impeditos lacesserent. 4. Cum nostri fortiter resisterent, Galli se recipere constituerunt. 5. Hel- vetii superati in Caesaris fidem venire volebant 6. Cae- sar, cum su5s laborare intellegeret, in primam aciem processit, et milites cohortatus est. 7. Cum hoc fecis- sent, Romam redierunt. 8. Hac re facta, Romam redie- runt 9. Gilli poUicitl sunt se socidrum populT Roman! agros non vastaturos esse. 10. Caesar suos signa con- versa Inferre iussit. n. I. We feared that the general would not send us aid. 2. Although ^ the enemy resisted bravely, our men were able to take the town. 3. When Caesar was in- formed of their arrival, he drew up the line of battle. ^Useiubeo. ^Although . . . resisted. Express in two ways. See 311. 6, 315* 386. 5. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 1 85 4. I fear that he is coming. 5. I know that he is coming. 6. I know who is coming. 7. The man that I saw in Rome has arrived. 8. Since the enemy have fled, we will return home. LESSON 66 COMPOUNDS OF SUm. DATIVE AFTER COMPOUND VERBS 391. Review possum (274). The verb sum is often com- pounded with the prepositions ab, ad, de, in, inter, ob, prae, pro (prod), super. Review the meanings of these preposi- tions from the general vocabulary. In the compound prosum, / benefit, prod, not pro, is found before e. Learn the conjugation of prosum (523). 392. Learn the principal parts and meanings of the following compounds of sum: absum, abesse, afui, — , be away, be absent, adsum, adesse, adfui, — , be present, aid. desum, deesse, defui, — , be lacking, fail, obsum, obesse, obfui, — , be against, injure. praesum, praeesse, praefui, — , be at the head of, command, prosum, prodesse, prof ui, — , be of use to, benefit. 393. Examine the following : 1 . Legatus oppido praef uit, the lieutenant was in charge of the town. 2. Amicis prosumus, we benefit our friends. 3. Exercitus hostibus appropinquabat (ad + propinquo), the army was approaching the e7iemy. 4. Pecuniae pudorem anteponit, he puts honor before money, or he prefers honor to money. l86 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN Observe that these compound verbs govern the dative case. If a verb is transitive, as in 4, it may take both an accusative and a dative. 394. -Rule. — Dative with Compound Verbs. — Many verbs compounded with ad, ante, con, in, inter, ob, post, prae, pro, sub, and super often govern the dative. 395. VOCABULARY appropinquo, are, avi, atum vis (no gen. or dat. sing.), (w. dat.), approach, draw vim, vi, (501) f., plur., near. vires, ium, ibus, strength^ bellum infero, inferre, intuli, power ; (plur), strength. inlatus, and dative, make iterum, adv., again ^ a second war upon. time. 396. REVIEW EXERCISES I. I. Veremur ut impetum sustineant. 2. Gall! se in popull Roman! fidem ventur5s pollicentur. 3. Postquam Caesar in Galliam venit, gentes obsides inter se dare intel- lexit. 4. Quae ^ cum ita sint, in hostium flnibus morabimur. II. I. The Gauls feared that the Romans would advance. 2. The Gauls thought that the Romans were advancing. 3. The camp that had been fortified was a mile wide. 4. They persuaded the Sequani to exchange hostages. 397. EXERCISES I. I. Caesar cum flnibus Gallorum appropinquaret, magna cum cura processit. 2. Pedites diu pugnare n5n poterant, quod vires deerant. 3. German! dixerunt 1 these things. A relative at the beginning of a sentence is often translated by a demonstrative. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 187 Romanos sibi bellum intulisse. 4. Viri qui suTs amicis obsunt non sunt fldl. 5. Galll mulieres llberosque unum in locum convocabant ne tells interficerentur. 6. Caesar Labienum qui castrls praeesset reliquit. 7. Incolae oppidl, armis traditis, tamen R5manls resistere iterum conati sunt. 8. Cum legatus ab hostium finibus non amplius^ duobus millibus passuum abesset, castra posuit. 9. Omnes qui ea in pugna fuerant a Caesare pacem petebant. 10. Cum oppidl incolae pauci essent, expug- narl non potuit. II. I. We all wish to benefit our friends. 2. Labienus commanded two legions. 3. Caesar said he intended to wage war on the Germans. 4. We persuaded them to leave Rome with us. 5. Although we are drawing near the enemy, we ought not to fear, if^ Caesar is general. 6. Caesar called all the soldiers together. (Reading Selection 462) LESSON 67 THE IMPEliATIVE. COMMANDS AND EXHORTATIONS 398. Forms of the Imperative Mood Second Person Second Person IMPERATIVE ACTIVE IMPERATIVE PASSIVE Singular Plural Singular Plural ama, love am ate am are, be loved amamini mone, advise monete monere, be advised monemini mitte, send mittite mittere, be sent mittimini cape, take capite capere, be taken capimini audi, hear audite audire, be heard audimini i more. ^ if . . . general: see 316. 1 88 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN Observe that the present active imperative singular has the same form as \h^ present stem (86), and that the present passive imperative, singular and plural, have the same forms as the second person singular in -re and the second person plural of the present indicative passive. The present active imperatives of dico, duco, facio, and fero are die, due, fae, f er. Give the imperative forms in the second person of gero, video, dieo, munio, aeeipio, sequor, laudo. 399. The imperative, second person, is used to command or order; the subjunctive, in \kv^ first and the third persons, is used to exhort or urge. For example : Affirmative Negative 1ST Per. laudem, let me ne laudem, let me not praise praise 2D Per. lauda, praise noli laudare, do not praise 3D Per. laudet, let him ne laudet, let him not praise praise 1ST Per. laudemus let tis ne laudemus, let us not praise praise 2D Per. laudate, praise nolite laudare, do not praise 3D Per. laudent, let them ne laudent, let them not praise praise Observe that the negative used with the subjunctive is ne, but that ne is not used with the -imperative; instead noli or nolite (pres. imperative of nolo, be unwilling) is used with the infinitive. Do not use ne or non with the imperative to express a negative command. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 189 400. VOCABULARY praeficio, ere, praefeci, prae- reverter, reverti, reverti, re- fectus, set over, put in versus,^ dep., turn back, charge of, return. refero, referre, rettuli, rela- animadverto, ere, animad- tus, carry back; referre verti, animadversus (ani- pedem, retreat. mus -f ad -|- verto), turn ad multam noctem, //// late the mind to, notice, at night, adversus, a, um, opposite, \ongQ, ^.diY.,far, far off, facing, hostile; adverse Ariovistus, i, m., Ariovistus, coUe, up the kill. chief of the Germans. 401. REVIEW EXERCISES I. I. Illud oppidum non longe a provincia abest. 2. Hostium duces c5natl sunt castellum, cui praeerat legatus, expugnare. 3. Ariovistus dixit non sese Gallls sed Gall5s sibi bellum intulisse. 4. Labienus, unus ex Caesaris legatis, oppid5 appropinquare contendit. 5. Cum proeli finem nox fecisset, viri qui summa gratia apud suos erant ad Caesarem venerunt. II. I. The chief had two daughters ; one was killed, the other captured. 2. I fear that he will injure me. 3. The man did this himself. 4. The chief said, "The power of the Roman people is very great." 402. EXERCISES I. I. Galli responderunt, " N5lite R5manis bellum in- ferre." 2. Die mihi quid in animo tibi sit. 3. Fortiter pugnemus^ ne in potestatem Caesaris veniamus. 4. Caesar ^ This verb in the perfect system, indicative, subjunctive, and infinitive, commonly has only active forms. The perfect participle is deponent. 2 Notice that the subjunctive of exhortation is the main verb of the sentence. See 349. 190 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN cum Gall5s iterum coniurati5nem facere animadvertisset, legates ad se reverti iussit. 5. Cum vires totae deessent, hostes ref erre pedem coeperunt. 6. Signa inferte adverse coUe ad hostium castra. 7. Labienum urbi captae Caesar praefecit. 8. Cum nostri ad multam noctem contenderent, nemo ab hostibus occisus est. g. Ariovistus Caesari "Cur" inquit **in meos fines venis ? " 10. Hac re facta, duabus legionibus in castris relictis, reliquas sex legiones pro castrls in acie Caesar constituit. IL I. Let us wage war. 2. Do not do this. 3. Pur- sue the enemy, if you wish. 4. Let them do this. 5. Labi- enus,^ lead the forces out of camp. 6. Friends, do not persuade me to remain in Rome. 7. We noticed that our men had not seized the top of the mountain. LESSON 68 GERUND AND GERUNDIVE 403. Note carefully the difference in English between the verbal noun in -ing and the verbal adjective in 4ng, The verbal noun is used like a noun in any of the cases, and the verbal adjective, or participle, like "an adjective, always in agreement with some word. Both have the force of a verb, and may therefore take an object. Compare these examples : I found my friends waiting for me. (Participle, or verbal adjective.) Waiting is tedious. (Verbal noun, subject of "is.") We learn to do by doing. (Verbal noun.) 404. In Latin, Xho, genmd is a verbal noun. It has only the genitive, dative, accusative, and ablative cases, the 1 Review page 15, footnote, and page 27, footnote i. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 191 nominative case being supplied by the infinitive. Its gender is neuter. The gerundive is a verbal adjective (see 308), and is passive in its meaning. 405. Learn the gerunds and gerundives of the model verbs (516-520). Note that they are formed from the present stem. 406. Examine the following : J Videre est credere, seeing is believing (infinitive 1 as subject). ' Ars Vivendi (gerund), the art of living, Venit amicorum videndorum causa (gerundive), he came to see his friends {for the sake of seeing his friends\ Vix his rebus administrandis tempus dabatur (gerundive), time was hardly given for manag- ing these things. Venit ad pugnandum (gerund), he came to fight {for fighting, ox for the purpose of fighting). Venit ad amicos videndos (gerundive), he came to see his friends {for the purpose of seeing his friends). Mens discendo alitur (gerund), the mind is strengthened by learning. Conlocuti sunt de consiliis capiendis (gerundive), they conferred about form ing plans. Observe I. That when the gerundive is used the noun is put in the proper case, and the gerundive agrees with it in gender, number, and case. 1 The use of the dative of the gerund or gerundive is not very common ; ad and the accusative is more common. NOM. Gen. Dat.i Ace. Abl. 192 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 2. That the gerundive, not the gerund, is generally used where there is an object in English. 3. That purpose may be expressed by ad and the accusa- tive of the gerund or gerundive, and by causa follow- ing the genitive of the gerund or gerundive. What other ways are there of expressing purpose ? 407. VOCABULARY conicio, ere, conieci, coniectus, causa, ae, f., cause, reason; throw, hurl. abl., for-the-sake-of, 171- deligo, ere, delegi, delectus, order-to (after a genitive). select, choose, ^opportunity , cupidus, a, um, desirous {pf\ spatium, i, n., space, time^ ^^^^r(/(?r) (with genitive). disco, ere, didici, — , learn. denique, di&v., finally, at last, turris, is, f., tower, iam, adv., now, already, soon, 408. REVIEW EXERCISES I. I. Animadvertite quae fecerit. 2. N5ll, hostibus appro- pTnquantibus, castris legatum praeficere. 3. Omnibus GallTs superatls, in provinciam revertamur. 4. Ubi turrim moverl et appropinquare moenibus viderunt, legatos ad Caesarem de pace miserunt. 5. Die nobis quos Romae videris. II. I. Do not persuade them to wage war on the Romans. 2. Lead your 'troops out of camp and draw them up. 3. Let us always obey the general. 4. I fear the Gauls will be conquered. 409. EXERCISES I. \. Agendo agere discimus. 2. Milites finem pug- nandi fecerunt. 3. Milites cupidi potiendl oppidi erant. 4. Bellum gerere hieme difficillimum est. 5. Hostes tarn celeriter accesserunt ut spatium telorum coniciend5rum non daretur. 6. Caesar locum omnibus rebus idoneum castris delegit. 7. Legati ad pacem petendam venerunt. 8. Com- The Romans attacked by the Gauls, both in front and in the rear, at the Siege of Alesia (Caesar, Gallic War, Book VII, Chapters 68-90) ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 193 plures prlncipes ad Caesarem pads petendae causa vene- runt. 9. Ad eas res conficiendas annum satis esse Helvetil arbitrabantur. 10. Galli de bello Romanis Tnferendo con- silia capiebant. 11. Ne nos e proelio discedamus. II. I. Fighting; by fighting; of fighting. 2. For the purpose of defending; for the sake of choosing. 3. Time was not given for^ defending the city. 4. Caesar sent men to^ fortify the camp. 5. The enemy attacked our men while crossing the river. 6. He chose a Heutenant to accomplish all these things. 7. Choosing good friends is difficult. 8. Do not leave the city. LESSON 69 COMPLETE REVIEW OF VERB FORMS Note to the Teacher. —'As much time should be given to this review of verb forms as the needs of the class require. It is suggested that this review be made by synopsis, and by quick recognition of miscellaneous verb forms both orally and in writing. 410. Review 228 and 352. Review the principal parts and meanings of the following verbs : timed procedo conicio impero appropTnqu5 peto deligo pareo intelleg5 permitt5 animadverts quaero polliceor vol5 revertor consequor conloquor nolo moror audeo vereor mala obtineo progredior Conor responded praefici5 411. Following the form suggested below, write the syn- opsis of (i) toUo in the first person singular, and of (2) Conor in the third person plural. ^/or defending : genitive case. 2 to fortify : express in four ways. 194 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN FORMi FOR SYNOPSIS Principal Parts Tense Indicative Subjunctive Imperative Infinitive Participle i Pass. '"P^'-'-lpass. Fut. j^^t- Pass. Perf. \y- I Pass. Plup. f^^t. ^ 1 Pass. Fut. jAct. Perf. 1 Pass. (Reading Selection 463) LESSON 70 READING LESSON CHAPTER X Caesar prepares to defeat the Plans of the Helvetii 412. Caesarl renuntiatur Helvetiis esse in animo per agrum Sequanorum et Haeduorum iter in Santonum fines ^ This form is merely suggested as a model for writing the synopsis of a verb. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 195 facere, qui non longe a Tolosatium finibus absunt, quae civitas est in pr5vincia. Caesar n5lebat homines bellic5sos, popull Roman! inimlc5s, provinciae esse finitimos. Ob eas res ei munitioni quam fecerat T. Labienum legatum prae- fecit, et ipse in Italiam magnis itineribus contendit duasque ibi legiones conscribit et tres, quae circum Aquileiam hie- mabant,^ ex hibernis educit et cum his quinque legionibus ire in ulteriorem GalUam contendit. Ibi nonnullae nationes, locis superioribus occupatis, itinere exercitum prohibere c5nantur. His compluribus proeHis ^ pulsis, ab Ocelo, quod est citerioris provinciae extremum, in fines Vocontiorum in ulteriorem pr5vinciam die^ septim5 pervenit ; inde in AUobrogum fines, ab Allobrogibus in Segusiavos exercitum ducit. Hi sunt extra pr5vinciam trans Rhodanum primL 1 Can you not infer its meaning from hiems ? ^ Why ablative ? Rojrian Harbor and Ships (Restoration) SUPPLEMENTARY LESSONS Note to the Teacher. — These lessons are designed to meet the needs of those teachers who wish a more extensive treatment of syntax than has been attempted in the previous lessons. They are so arranged that they may be taken up in connection with the previous lessons, or in any order that the teacher wishes. LESSON 71 CONDITIONAL SENTENCES. PRESENT AND PAST TIME 413. Conditional sentences are complex sentences. They consist of two clauses, the condition (or protasis) introduced by *' if," *'if not," *' unless," and the conclusion (or apodosis). For example : If it rains, I shall not go. If he had not seen me, I should have gone. You will not do this unless I command you. Observe that a condition may be expressed in English without using "if," "if not," "unless," by merely placing the subject after the verb in the condition. For example : Had he not seen me, I should have gone. 414. Various classifications of conditional sentences are possible, but for convenience they will be considered as follows : I. Conditions referring to present or past time. 1. Simple. 2. Contrary to Fact. 196 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 197 II. Conditions referring to fictiire time. 1. Vivid Future. 2. Less Vivid Future. 415. Simple Condition Examine the following : 1. Si hoc faciunt, bene est, if they are doing this, it is well, 2. Si hoc fecerunt, bene fuit, if they did this, it was well. a. Observe that the condition (or protasis) does not imply whether the statement is true or not, i.e, whother *' they did this " or not ; it merely makes a supposition, b. That the present or past tenses of the indicative are used in both condition and conclusion. 416. Contrary to Fact Conditions Examine the following : 1. Si hoc facerent, bene esset, if they were (now) doirig this, it would be well. 2. Si hoc fecissent, bene fuisset, if they had done this, it would have been well. a. Observe that the condition (or protasis) makes a suppo- sition that is obviously contrary to the actual facts of the case ; i.e. the first sentence impHes that they are not now doing this, and the second sentence, that they had not done this. So too the conclusion (or apodosis) makes a statement contrary to the facts; i.e. the first sentence impHes that it is not now well, the second sentence that it was not well. b. That the imperfect subjunctive is used in both condition and conclusion, when the time is present, and the pluperfect subjunctive^ when the time is past. 198 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 417. EXERCISES (In these and the succeeding exercises, the student should use the general vocabularies whenever it is necessary. But see Hints for Translation, 136.) I. I. Si meus amicus Romae est, laetus sum. 2. Si Helvetii acrius Romanis restitissent, non victi essent. 3. Si adesset, exire Roma parati essemus. 4. Laetus fuit pater, si quis liberos laudavit. 5. Caesar, si accedere hostes arbi- tratus esset, aciem instruxisset. 6. Plures Galli occisi essent, si nostri celerius consecuti essent. 7. Si imperator esses, daresne proeli committendl signum ? II. I. If they had been at home, I should have been glad. 2. I am glad, if they are at home. 3. If anything happened, it was reported to the general. 4. That soldier would leave the battle, if he were not a brave man. 5. Who would not have done the same thing, had he been present ? 6. If the general commands, the soldiers obey him. 7. If you were in Rome, should you wish to be a soldier ? LESSON 72 CONDITIONAL SENTENCES (Continued). FUTURE TIME 418. Vivid Future Conditions Examine the following: Si hoc facient, bene erit, if they do this (i.e. shall do this\ it will be well. a. Observe that the condition (or protasis) states a future supposition vividly or strongly {i.e. by using "shall"). b. That the conclusion (or apodosis) states positively what will be the result, if the condition shall prove to be true. c. That the future indicative is used in both condition and conclusion. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 1 99 d. That the present tense in Enghsh may often refer to future time {i.e. *' if they do this" means "if they shall do this "). 419- Less Vivid Future Conditions Examine the following : Si hoc faciant, bene sit, if they should do this, it would be ivell. a. Observe that the condition (or protasis) here states a future supposition in a less distinct and vivid fashion {i.e. by using ''should"). b. That the conclusion (or apodosis) states less positively, as a mere possibility, what the result would be, should the condition prove to be true. c. That the present subjunctive is used in both condition and conclusion. 420. Summary of Conditional Sentences I. Present or Past Time. 1. Simple. Present or past tenses of the indicative in both parts. 2. Contrary to Fact. a. Present time — imperfect subjunctive in both parts. b. Past time — pluperfect subjunctive in both parts. IL Future Time. 1. Vivid Future — Future ^ indicative in both parts. 2. Less Vivid Future — Present ^ subjunctive in both parts. 421. It has been indicated in 311, 5, 315, 2, and 316 that the condition (or protasis) may be expressed by the participle without the use of si or nisi. For example : 1 For the sake of clearness the use of other tenses in the protasis of future conditions is not here treated. 200 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN Principes Gallorum victi Romam mittentur, the chiefs of the Gauls, if they are conquered (literally, having been conquered\ will be sent to Rome. 422. EXERCISES I. I. Si equites c5nsequentur, magnum hostium numerum Occident. 2. Si equites consequantur, magnum hostium numerum occldant. 3. Caesare imperatore, numquam ter- rebimur. 4. Helvetil flunien Rhodanum transissent, nisi Caesar in Galliam contendisset. 5. Obsides liberati domum redeant. 6. Incolae, armis traditis, sese defendere non poterunt. 7. Si hostes flumen transeant, nostrl non con- sequantur. II. I. If we should go to Athens, we should see many beautiful buildings. 2. If we go to Athens, we shall see many beautiful buildings. 3. Had the Helvetii tried to cross the river, Caesar would have attacked them. 4. If Labienus hurries, he will be able to seize the top of the hill. 5. If Caesar should attack that town, the inhabitants would not be able to defend it. 6. If you were in the town, you would be alarmed at Caesar's approach. 7. Who will be afraid, if the soldiers fortify the town well } (Reading Selection 464) LESSON 73 ' WISHES 423. Wishes may be divided into two classes : I. Those that refer to the future. For example : May my friend come ! Would that my friend would come ! O that my friend would come ! Observe that the above expressions are different ways of expressing the same desire. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 201 II. Those that refer to present or past time, and that wish for something which (it is implied) is not or was not attained. They are, therefore, sometimes called hopeless wishes. For example : that my friend were here ! 1 wish (that) my friend were here ! Would that my friend were here ! that my friend had been here ! 1 wish (that) my friend had been here ! Would that my friend had been here ! referring to pres- ent time, and implying that he is not here. referring to past time, and imply- ing that he was not here. 424. Examine the following : 1. (Utinam) meus amicus veniat, may my friend come! (a wish about the future). 2. Utinam meus amicus adesset, would that my friend were here! (a wish hopeless in present time, implying that he is not here). 3. Utinam meus amicus adfuisset, O that my friend had been here ! (a wish hopeless in past time, implying ^ that he was not here). a. Observe that the subjunctive is used to express a wish. b. That the present (or perfect) subjunctive expresses a wish relating to the future, that the imperfect sub- junctive expresses a wish that is hopeless in present time, and the pluperfect a wish hopeless in past time. c. That hopeless wishes employ the same mood and tenses as contrary to fact conditions (416). Utinam is often omitted with the present tense, but is regularly used with the imperfect or pluperfect. The negative is ne. 202 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 425. Rule. — Subjunctive in Wishes. — Wishes relating to the future are expressed by the present (or perfect^ sub- junctive, with or without utinam ; wishes hopeless in present time by utinam with the imperfect subjunctive ; wishes hope- less in past time by utinam with the pluperfect subjunctive. In wishes the negative is ne. 426. EXERCISES I. I. Utinam ne Galli coniurationem fecissent ! 2. Miles e proelio ne discedat ! 3. Utinam hoc facerent ! 4. Hel- vetil *' Utinam*' inquiunt^ '*ne altissimis montibus contine- remur ! " 5. Utinam ne German! populo R5mano helium intulissent ! 6. Utinam R5mam veniamus ! II. I. May he always obey the general! 2. I wish we had gone to Athens ! 3. Would that we were with Caesar in Gaul! 4. O that he had not persuaded me! 5. May we be killed, if we surrender our arms ! 6. Would that we were able to go with you ! LESSON 74 INDIRECT 'DISCOURSE. COMPLEX SENTENCES 427. Review 327-330, 349. When a complex sentence is quoted indirectly, its principal or main verb, if the main clause makes a statement (affirmative or negative),^ follows the rule stated in 329. Its dependent verb follows this law : Each dependent verb becomes subjunctive. Its tense depends upon the tense of the introductory verb of saying, thinking, etc., in accordance with the principle of sequence of tenses {'^JA^), 428. Pronouns in Indirect Discourse. — In changing from direct to indirect discourse, pronouns of the first and 1 Plural of inquit. ^ The treatment of main clauses involving commands and questions has been purposely excluded from this book. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 203 second persons are generally changed to pronouns of the third person. The reflexive pronouns refer commonly to the subject of the introductory verb, but sometimes to the subject of the verb of their own clause. 429. Examine the following : Direct Discourse Indirect Discourse Present Time Vir quern video meus amicus Dicitvirum quern videatsuum est, the man whom I see is amicum esse, he says that my friend. the man whom he sees is his friend. Past Time Dixit virum quern videret suum amicum esse, he said that the man zvhom he saw was his friend. Observe a. That the main verb est becomes esse with its subject virum in the accusative. b. That the dependent (or subordinate) verb video becomes present subjunctive, videat, when the introductory verb, dicit, is a primary tense, and imperfect subjunc- tive, videret, when the introductory verb, dixit, is a secondary tense. c. That the person of the dependent verb changes to the third person, and that meus becomes suum, because it refers to the subject of the introductory verb. 430. Rule. — Moods in Indirect Discourse. — In indirect discourse the main verbs, if the clauses in which they stand make statements, are in the infinitive with subject accusative, and the subordinate {or dependent^ verbs are in the subjunctive. 204 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 431- EXERCISES I. I. Milites qu5s mecum habuT fortissimi fuerunt. 2. Dixit milites quos secum habuisset fortissimos fuisse. 3. Ubi ad nostrum exercitum pervenimus, Caesar castra munivit. 4. Dixerunt Caesarem, ubi ad suum exercitum pervenissent, castra munlvisse. 5. Caesar dixit suos flumen, quod^ altissimum esset, transire non posse. 6. Ariovistus Caesari '*Volo" inquit "his de rebus, quae inter nos agi^ coeptae neque perfectae sunt, agere^ tecum." 7. Ario- vistus Caesari dixit se velle de eis rebus, quae inter eos agi coeptae neque perfectae essent, agere cum e5. II. I. The river that we see is very wide. 2. They said that the river that they saw was very wide. 3. The lieutenant is frightened because the enemy are approaching. 4. Write 3 indirectly in Latin after audio. 5. When I arrived, I saw my friend. 6. Write 5 indirectly in Latin after dixit. 7. Ariovistus replied that those who had con- quered ought to rule ^ those whom they had conquered. LESSON 75 IMPERSONAL USE OF VERBS. SUPINE. DIFFERENT WAYS OF EXPRESSING PURPOSE 432. Verbs are said to be used impersonally when they do not have a personal subject. This impersonal use is more common in Latin than in Enghsh. There are some verbs in Latin that are used only impersonally, while others are used both personally and impersonally. Examples Acriter pugnatum est, the battle was fought sharply, or there was sharp fighting (\\tQV2i\\yy it was sharply foughty 1 because, ^ ago, ireaU ^ impero. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 205 Vos hoc f acere oportet, yoit ought to do this (more literally, it is proper that you do this). Vobis hoc facere licet, yoit may do this (literally, it is per- mitted to you to do this), 433. The supine is a verbal noun of the fourth declen- sion, and has forms only in -um and -u. These forms are used only in the following constructions : Legati venerunt ad Caesarem gratulatum, ambassadors came to congratulate Caesar. Hoc difficile est factu, this is difficult to do. The supine in -um is used to express purpose, but only after verbs of motion ; the supine in -Vl is used with a few ad- jectives and indeclinable nouns, as ablative of specification. 434. Various Ways of Expressing Purpose Review 351, 364, 406, 3. Are there several ways of expressing purpose in English ? Helvetii legates miserunt Milites mittun- tur Examples ut pacem peterent, qui pacem peterent, pacis petendae causa, ad pacem petendam, pacem petitum, ' ad pugnandum, pugnandi causa. the Helvetii sent am- bassadors to seek peace, the soldiers are sent to fight. 435. Rule. — Supine in -um. — The supine in -um is used to express purpose after verbs of motion, 436. EXERCISES I. I. Hoc est mirabile dictu. 2. Ariovistus respondit, "Te ad me venire oportet." 3. Principes Gall5rum ad 206 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN Caesarem venerunt auxilium petltum. 4. Si volunt, eis ex oppido exire licet. 5. In^utram partem ^ flumen Arar fluat oculls iudicarl non potest. 6. Helvetil rogant ut iter per provinciam sibi facere liceat.- 7. Galll coniurationem facere dicuntur. 8. Gall5s coniurationem facere nuntius dicit. IL I. He went to Rome to ^ see his daughters. 2. This is easier to say than to do. 3. We ought to obey the gen- eral. 4. There is sharp fighting on the right wing. 5. The soldiers may go to Rome. 6. It was reported that the enemy were returning home. (Reading Selection 465) LESSON 76 PERIPHRASTIC CONJUGATIONS 437. The first or active periphrastic conjugation is formed by the future active participle and the verb sum. It is future in its meaning, and expresses the idea conveyed in EngHsh by the phrases ** about to," "going to," "intend to." For example : Laudaturus est, he is about to praise^ or is going to praise^ or intends to praise. For all forms of this conjugation, see 529. It has been noticed that there is no future or future per- fect tense in the subjunctive. The subjunctive of the first periphrastic conjugation may be used in their place. For example : Scio quern visurus sit, / know whom he is going to see, or whom he will see. 438. The second or passive periphrastic conjugation is formed by the gerundive and the verb sum. It is passive 1 direction. ^ to see his daughters : express in three ways. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 20/ in its meaning, and expresses the idea of obligation or necessity. For example : Laudandus est, he ought to be praised, or he must be praised (literally, he is to be praised). For all forms of this conjugation, see 530. 439. Uses of the Passive Periphrastic Conjugation 1. The person for whom the obligation or necessity exists is expressed by the dative. 2. Since the conjugation is passive, all active English sen- tences must be recast before they are the equivalent literally of this Latin construction. Thus : " I must do this " = " For me this is to be done," id mihi agendum est. 3. Intransitive verbs are used impersonally in this conju- gation in Latin. Thus : *'We ought to come/' nobis veniendum est. Examples Urbs est munienda, the city must be fortified. Nobis f ortiter pugnandum est, we ought to (or must) fight bravely (literally, / iecta multitudine hominum totis moenibus ^ uudique ins murum lapides iaci coepti sunt. Ubi murus defensori- bus nudatus est, testudine ^ facta portas succedunt murum- que subruunt. Quod turn facile flebat. Nam cum tanta multitudo lapides ac tela conicerent, in muro consistendi potestas erat nulli> Cum finem oppugnandi nox f ecisset, k Iccius Remus, qui turn oppid5 praeerat, nuntium ad Cae- sarem mittit, nisi subsidium sibi submittatur, sese diutius sustinere non posse.^ CHAPTER VII 482. The Belgae abandon the Siege of Bibrax Eo de media nocte Caesar isdem^ ducibus usus"^ qui nuntii ab Iccio venerant, Numidas et Cretas sagittari5s et 15 funditores Baleares subsidio^ oppidanls mittit; quorum adventu hostibus spes potiundi oppidl discessit. Itaque paulisper apud oppidum morati agrosque Remorum de- populati, multis vicis aedificiisque incensis, ad castra Cae- saris omnibus copiTs contenderunt et ab^ millibus passuum 2© ^ sustentatum est, the attack was sustained (literally, it was sustained^, ^ Dative, governed by circumiecta. ^ This was done by placing the shields over the heads of the soldiers. * Dative of possession. ^ Infinitive in indirect dis- course after the idea of saying implied in nuntium mittit. ® isdem ducibus, the same persons as guides. "^ using. ^ For construction, see 294, 295. ^ An adverb, away, off. 240 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN minus duobus castra posuerunt ; quae castra, ut ^ f um5 atque ignibus sTgnificabatur, amplius mlllibus passuum octo in latitudinem patebant. CHAPTER VIII 483. Description of Caesar's Camp. He awaits the Attack of the Belgae Caesar propter multitudinem hostium et propter opinio- 5nem virtutis proeli5 supersedere statuit, cottidie tamen equestribus proelils quid ^ hostis virtute posset et quid nos- trl auderent perlclitabatur.^ Nostros n5n esse inferiores intellexit. Locus pro castrls ad aciem instruendam erat natura idoneus, quod is collis, ubi castra posita erant, pau- lolulum ex planitie editus tantum* adversus in latitudinem patebat quantum loci acies instructa occupare poterat. Ab^ utr5que latere eius collis transversam fossam obduxit cir- citer passuum quadringentorum et ad^ extremas fossas castella c5nstituit ibique tormenta conlocavit, ne, cum 15 aciem instruxisset, hostes ab^ lateribus pugnantes suos circumvenire possent. Hoc fact5, duabus legidnibus quas proxime conscrlpserat in castrls relictls, reliquas sex legiones pr5 castrls in acie c5nstituit. Hostes item suas copias ex castris eductas ^ instruxerant. chapter IX 484. The Belgae try to cross the Axona 20 Palus erat n5n magna inter nostrum atque hostium exer- citum. Hanc si nostri translrent hostes exspectabant ® ; 1 as ; lit with the indicative means " as^* or "when" ^ quid . . . posset, what the enemy could do by their valor. ^ he tried to ascertain. * tantum '^di\A\i^X Q^dJ!L\.\\VR.ViQ\i spread over as much space as. ^ on. ^ ad extremas fossas, at the ends of the trenches. "^ See 311, 7. ® were waiting to see. .■-^. ■a - rSUa"'*""' t«5«»««NH^'",.. ... taw. 1^^^ "'" ^ H >^ KB^?/'^^ S ^ ^ Roman Camp (The lower view is based on a model of a reconstructed camp at Saalburg, Germany. The upper view is a sketch representing the same camp occupied by troops) ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 241 nostrl autem, si ab illls initium transeundl fieret, ut^ impedit5s aggrederentur, parati in armis erant. Interim proelio equestrl inter duas acies contendebatur. Ubi neutrl transeundl initium faciunt, secundiore^ equitum proelio nostris Caesar suos in castra reduxit. , Hostes 5 pr5tinus ex e5 loco ad flumen Axonam contenderunt, quod esse post nostra castra demonstratum est. Ibi partem suarum copiarum traducere conati sunt, ut, si ^ssent, castellum, cui praeerat Quintus Titurius legatus, expugnarent pontemque interscinderent ; si minus ^ potu-ia issent, ut agros Remorum popularentur ^ commeatuque nostros prohiberent.* CHAPTER X 485. The Belgae are defeated in the Battle that Follows Caesar omnem equitatum et funditores sagittari5sque pontem traducit atque ad e5s contendit. Acriter in eo loco pugnatum est. Nostrl hostes impeditos in flumine aggressi 15 magnum e5rum numerum occiderunt ; reliqu5s per eorum corpora audacissime transire conantes multitudine tel5rum reppulerunt ; prim5s, qui transierant, equitatu circumventos ^ interfecerunt. Hostes, ubi et de^ expugnando oppido et de flumine transeundo spem se fefellisse intellexerunt 20 neque nostros in locum iniquiorem '^ progredT pugnandT causa viderunt atque ubi ips5s res frumentaria deficere 1 ut . . . aggrederentur, fo attack, depending upon parati erant. ^ g©. CUndiore . . . nostris, abl. absolute; since the cavalry battle was more favor- able to our men, ^ not. * These subjunctives also express the purpose of traducere conati sunt. ^ See 311, 7. ^de . . . spem se fefellisse, that they had been disappointed in the hope of , , , (literally, that hope had failed them about . . .). "^ unfavorable 242 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN coepit, concili5 convocat5 constituerunt optimum ^ esse domum suajn quemque revert! ad suos fines defendendos, ut potius in suls quam in alienls flnibus decertarent et domesticis copils rei frumentariae uterentur. Ad eam 5 sententiam haec ratio ^ eos deduxit, quod Diviciacum atque Haeduos flnibus Bellovacorum approplnquare cogn5verant. His ^ persuaderl ut diutius morarentur neque suls auxilium ferrent non poterat CHAPTER XI 486. The Romans pursue the Belgae as they Disperse Ea re constituta secunda vigilia magno cum strepitu ac lotumultu castrls egress! nullo cert5 ordine neque imperi5 fecerunt* ut consimilis fugae profecti5 videretur. Hac re statim Caesar per speculatores c5gnita !nsidias veritus^ quod qua^ de causa discederent nondum perspexerat, exer- citum equitatumque castr!s continuit. Prima luce, con- 15 firmata re ab exploratoribus, omnem equitatum, qui novissimum agmen moraretur,^ praemlsit. Titum Labie- num legatum cum legi5nibus tribus subsequi iussit. Hi novissimos adorti et multa mlUia passuum pr5secutl magnam multitudinem eorum fugientium conclderunt. 20 Ita sine uUo perlcul5 tantam eorum multitudinem nostrl interfecerunt quantum^ fuit diel spatium, sub occasum solis destiterunt, seque in castra, ut^ erat imperatum, re- ceperunt. ^ optimum esse, that it was best. ^ consideration. ^ His persuader! non poterat, these could not be persuaded (literally, it could not be persuaded ihese). * fecerunt ut . . . profectio videretur, they made their departure seem. ^ qua de causa, why. ^ See 364. '^ quantum . . . spatium, as the length-, of the day allowed. ^ as. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 243 CHAPTER XII 487. Caesar marches against the Suessiones, and CAPTURES the ToWN NoVIODUNUM Postrldle eius diel Caesar in fines Suessi5num, qui proximi Remis erant, exercitum duxit, et magno itinere confecto ad oppidum Noviodunum contendit. Id ex itinere oppugnare conatus, quod vacuum defensoribus esse audie- bat, propter latitudinem fossae murique altitudinem expug- 5 nare non potuit. Celeriter vineis^ ad oppidum actis,^ aggere ^ iacto, turribusque cdnstitutis, magnitudine operum et celeritate Romanorum permoti Suessiones legatos ad Caesarem de deditione mittunt et petentibus^ Remls ut conservarentur impetrant. 10 CHAPTER XIII 488. The Bellovaci also surrender to Caesar Caesar obsidibus acceptis armisque omnibus ex oppido traditis in deditionem Suessiones accepit exercitumque in Bellovacos ducit. Qui cum se suaque omnia in oppidum Bratuspantium contulissent, atque cum ab eo oppido Caesar cum exercitu circiter mlllia passuum quinque abesset, omnes 15 maiores ^ natu ex oppido egress! manus ad Caesarem ten- ^ dere et voce slgnificare coeperunt sese in eius fidem ac potestatem venire neque contra populum R5manum armis contendere. Item cum ad oppidum accessisset castraque ibi poneret, pueri mulieresque ex muro passls^ manibusao suo more pacem ab Romanis petierunt. 1 Wooden frames covered with hides, to protect the besiegers. ^ moved, from ago. ^ The principal work for a formal siege. It was begun at a dis- tance from the wall and gradually built up until it was equal to the height of the fortification. * petentibus Remis, at the request of the Remiy abl. ab- solute. ^ For comparison, see 272. ^ pando. 244 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN CHAPTER XIV 489. DiVICIACUS SPEAKS IN BeHALF OF THE BeLLOVACI Pr5 his Diviciacus facit verba : Bellovac5s dmni tempore in fide atque amlcitia civitatis Haeduae fuisse:, impulses ab suls principibus ab Haeduls defecisse et populo Romano bellum intulisse. Eos qui eius consili prlncipes^ fuissent,^ 5 quod ^ intellegerent ^ quantam calamitatem civitati intulis- sent, in Britanniam profugisse. Petere non aolum Bello- vac5s, sed etiam pro his Haeduos, ut sua dementia ac mansuetudine in eos utatur. Quod* sl fecerit,^ Haedu- orum auct5ritatem apud omnes Belgas amplificaturum, 10 quorum auxiliis atque opibus, si^ qua bella inciderint,^ sustentare consuerint.^ CHAPTER XV 490. Caesar^s Reply. Description of the Nervii Caesar honoris DlviciacI atque Haeduorum causa sese eos in fidem recepturum et conservaturum dixit ; quod erat civitas magna inter Belgas auctoritate^ atque hominum 15 multitudine praestabat, sexcent5s obsides poposcit. His traditis omnibusque armis ex oppido conlatis ab e5 loco in fines Ambianorum pervenit, qui se suaque omnia sine mora dediderunt. Eorum fines Nervii attingebant ; quorum de natura m5ribusque Caesar cum quaereret, sic reperiebat: 20 nullum aditum esse ad e5s mercatoribus "^ ; pati nihil vinl^ reliquarumque rerum ad luxuriam pertinentium inf erri : esse homines feros magnaeque virtutis ; increpitare atque incusare reliquos Belgas, qui^ se populo Roman5 dedidis- '^ authors, '^Yox the construction of these subjunctives, see 427. — c5n- suerint = consueverint. ^because, *Quod . . . thz^iMi, if he should do this, ^ si . . . inciderint, 7vhatever wars occurred. ^ For construction, see 303. ^ See 231. ^ See 251. ^ because. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 245 sent patriamque virtutem proiecissent ; confirmare sese neque legates missuros neque ullam condicionem pads accepturos. CHAPTER XVI 491. The Nervii await the Approach of Caesar Cum per e5rum fines triduum iter fecisset, inveniebat ex captlvis Sabim flumen ab castris suis non amplius millia pas- 5 suum decern abesse ; trans id flumen omnes Nervi5s c5n- sedisse adventumque ibi Romanorum exspectare una ^ cum Atrebatibus et ViromanduTs, flnitimis suis ; exspectari etiam ab his Aduatucorum copias atque esse in itinere ; mulieres quique^ per aetatem^ ad pugnam inutiles viderentur in 10 eum locum coniecisse quo^ propter paludes exercitul^ aditus non esset. CHAPTER XVII 492. The Nervii plan to take Caesar by Surprise His rebus cognitTs exploratores centuri5nesque praemittit qui locum idoneum castrls deligant. Cum complures ex Belgis reliquisque Gallis Caesarem secuti una^ iter face- '5 rent, quidam ex his nocte ad Nervios pervenerunt. His demonstraverunt inter singulas"^ legi5nes impedlmentorum magnum numerum intercedere, neque esse quicquam® negoti, cum prima legid in castra venisset, banc sub sar- cinls adoriri; qua pulsa impedimentisque dlreptis futurum^^o ut reliquae contra consistere non auderent. Nervii autem antiquitus, quo ^^ f acilius fmitimorum equitatum impedlrent, 1 una cum, along with. ^ and those who. ^ Do not confuse this word with aestas, -alls. * where. ^ Dative of possession, 231. ^ along with him. '^ inter singulas legiones, between each two legions. ^ quicquam negoti, any trouble. ^ futurum ut, the result would be that, ^^ qu6 f acilius, that they might the more easily. 246 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN fecerant saepes^ quae Instar muri munimenta praebe- rent. His rebus iter agminis nostrl impedltum^ irl Nervil existimaverunt. CHAPTER XVIII 493. Description of the Roman Camping Ground Loci natura erat haec, quern locum nostrl castrls dele- Sgerant. Collis ab summo aequaliter decllvis ad flumen Sabim, quod supra nominavimus, vergebat. Ab eo flumine pari acclTvitate collis nascebatur, passus circiter ducent5s Infimus^ apertus, ab^ superiore parte silvestris, ut n5n facile introrsus perspici posset. Intra eas silvas hostes in 10 occult5 sese continebant ; in aperto loco secundum ^ flumen paucae stationes equitum videbantur. Fluminis erat alti- tud5 circiter pedum trium. CHAPTER XIX 494. The Nervii carry out their Plan of Attack Caesar equitatu praemisso subsequebatur omnibus c5piTs. Sed quod ad hostes approplnquabat, consuetudine sua 15 Caesar sex legiones expeditas ducebat ; post eas totlus exercitus impedimenta conlocaverat ; inde duae legiones, quae proxime c5nscrTptae erant, t5tum agmen claudebant praesidi5que ^ impedimentls erant. Equites nostrl, cum funditoribus sagittariisque flumen transgress!, cum hostium 20 equitatu proelium commTserunt. Cum se ill! identidem in silvas ad suos reciperent ac rursus ex silva in nostros impetum facerent, nostrl cedentes ^ TnsequT n5n audebant. ^ Hedges^ made by bending down young trees and allowing brambles and briers to grow among them. 2 impeditum iri ; future passive infinitive. « at the foot. * ab superiore parte, in the upper part. ^ along. ^ See 294, 295. '^ Agrees with hostes understood. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 247 Interim legi5nes sex, quae primae venerant, opere^ dlmens5 castra munire coeperunt Ubi prima impedimenta nostri exercitus ab ils qui in silvis abditi latebant visa sunt, subito omnibus copils provolaverunt impetumque in nostros equites f ecerunt. His facile pulsis ac proturbatis, incredibill cele- 5 ritate ad flumen decucurrerunt, ut paene uno tempore et ad silvas et in flumine et iam in manibus^ nostris hostes vide- rentur. Eadem autem celeritate advers5 ^ colle ad nostra castra atque ad eos qui in opere occupati erant contende- runt. 10 CHAPTER XX 495. Quick Work by Caesar. Splendid Discipline OF THE Troops Caesari omnia uno tempore erant agenda * : vexillum prop5nendum, signum tuba dandum, ab opere revocandi mllites, acies instruenda, milites cohortandi, signum dan- dum. Quarum rerum magnam partem temporis brevitas et successus hostium impediebat. His difficultatibus duaeis res erant subsidi5 ^ — scientia ^ atque usus ^ mllitum, quod superioribus proelils exercitati n5n minus commode ipsl^ sibi praescrlbere quam ab alils docerl poterant ; et quod ab opere singulisque ^ legionibus singulos ^ legat5s Caesar dis- cedere nisi munltis castrls vetuerat. Hi propter propInqui-20 tatem et celeritatem hostium nihil ^^ iam Caesaris imperium exspectabant, sed per se quae ^^ videbantur administrabant. 1 opere dimenso, after laying out the work. Dimenso from dimetior. 2 in manibus nostris, dose upon us, ^ adversd colle, up the hill. * See 438, 439. ^ See 294, 295. 6 in apposition with res. '^ ipsi sibi praescrl- bere . . . poterant, they could direct themselves on their oivn responsibility (ipsi). ^ his (^respective). '^ each. '^^ not . . . at all. ^^ quae videbantur, whatever seemed best. APPENDIX TABLES OF DECLENSION, CONJUGATION, ETC. 496. NOUNS First Declension or Stems in -a- Singular Case Endings Plural Case Endings NOM. Stella -a Stellae -ae Gen. stellae -ae stellarum -arum DAT. stellae -ae Stellis -is Ace. stellam -am Stellas -as. Abl. Stella -a stellis -is 497. Second Declension or Stems in -0- Singular MASC. case endings NEUT. case endings UOM. hortus -US d5num -um Gen. horti -i d5ni -i DAT. horto -0 dono -6 Ace. hortum ' -um d5num -um Abl. horto ^0 dono •5 Plural NoM. horti -i dona -a Gen. hortorum -orum donorum -orum Dat. hortis -is d5nis -is Ace. hortos -os dona -a Abl. hortis -is d5nis -is 248 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 249 a. The vocative singular of nouns in -us of the second declension has a special form in -e : horte. Singular NOM. puer ager vir filius Gen. pueri agri viri fili, -ii Dat. puero agro viro filio Ace. puerum agrum virum filium Abl. puero agro Plural viro filio NOM. pueri agri viri filii Gen. puerorum agrorum virorum filiorum Dat. pueris agris viris filiis Ace. pueros agros viros filios Abl. pueris agris viris filils a. The vocative singular of filius is fili. 498. Third Declension a. CONSONANT STEMS Case Endings for Singular Consonant Stems M. AND F. N. NOM. dux miles virtus caput (-S) Gen. ducis militis virtutis capitis -is -is Dat. duci militi virtuti capiti -i -i Ace. ducem militem virtutem caput -em Abl. duce milite virtute Plural capite -e -e NOM. duces milites virtutes capita -es -a Gen. ducum militum virtutum capitum -um -um Dat. ducibus militibus virtutibus capitibus -ibus -ibus Ace. duces milites virtutes capita -es -a Abl. ducibus militibus virtutibus capitibus -ibus -ibus 2SO ESSENTIALS OF LATIN Singular NOM. c5nsul homo pater corpus Gen. consulis hominis patris corporis DAT. consul! homini patri corpori Ace. consulem hominem patrem corpus Abl. consule homine Plural patre corpore NOM. consules homines patres corpora Gen. c5hsulum hominum patrum corporum DAT. c5nsulibus hominibus patribus corporibus Ace. c5nsules homines patres corpora Abl. consulibus hominibus patribus corporibus b, -I- stems > Case Endings FOR -i- STEMS Singular M. AND F. N. NOM. collis caedes mons animal (-S) Gen. collis caedis montis animalis -is -is DAT. colli caedi monti animali i -i Ace. collem caedem montem animal -em Abl. colle caede monte Plural animali -e -i NOM. coUes caedes montes animalia -es -ia Gen. collium caedium montium animalium -ium -ium Dat. collibus caedibus montibus animalibus -ibus -ibus Ace. collis, es caedis, es montis, es animalia -is,es-ia Abl. collibus caedibus montibus animalibus -ibus -ibus >9. Fourth Declension or Stems in -u- Singular MASC. CASE ENDINGS NEUT. - CASE ENDINGS NOM. casus -us cornu -u Gen. casus -us cornus -us Dat. casui, Vl. -ui, u cornu -u Ace. casum -um cornu -ti Abl. casii -u cornu -fi ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 25 1 Plural MASC. CASE ENDINGS NEUT. CASE endings NOM. casus -US cornua -ua Gen. casuum -uum cornuum -uum DAT. casibus -ibus cornibus -ibus Ace. casus -us cornua -ua Abl. casibus -ibus cornibus -ibus 500. Fifth Declension or ! 5tems in f -e- Case Endings Sing. Plur. Sing. Plur. Sing. Plur. NoM. dies dies res res -es -es Gen. diei dierum rei rerum -ei -erum Dat. diei diebus rei rebus -ei -ebus Ace. diem dies rem res -em -es Abl. die diebus re rebus -e -ebus 501. Special Paradigms Singular NOM. vir vis deus Gen. viri — dei Dat. viro — deo Ace. virum vim deum Abl. viro vi Plural de6 NOM. viri vires dei, dii, di Gen. virorum virium deCrum, deum Dat. viris viribus deis, diis, dis Ace. viros vires deos Abl. viris viribus Singular deis, diis, dis NOM. senex iter domus Gen. senis itineris domus Dat. seni itineri domui, 5 Ace. senem iter domum Abl. sene itinera domo, u 252 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN , Plural NOM. senes itinera domus Gen. senum itinerum • domuum, orum DAT. senibus itineribus domibus Ace. senes itinera domos, us Abl. senibus itineribus ADJECTIVES domibus 502 First AND Second Declensions Singular MASC. FEM. neut. NOM. bonus bona bonum Gen. boni bonae boni Dat. bono bonae bono Ace. bonum bonam bonum Abl. bono bona Plural bono NOM. boni bonae bona Gen. bonorum bonarum bonorum Dat. bonis bonis bonis Ace. bonos bonas bona Abl. bonis bonis Singular bonis MASC. FEM. NEUT. NOM. liber libera liberum Gen. liberi liberae liberi Dat iTbero llberae llbero Ace. liberum llberam liberum Abl. llbero libera Plural llbero NOM. liberi llberae libera Gen. llberorum liberarum llberorum Dat. llberis llberis llberis Ace. iTberos liberas libera Abl. liberis llberis llberis ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 253 Singular MASC. FEM. NEUT. NOM. niger nigra nigrum Gen. nigri nigrae nigri DAT. nigro nigrae nigro Ace. nigrum nigram nigrum Abl. nigro nigra Plural nigro NOM. nigrI nigrae nigra Gen. nigrorum nigrarum nigrorum DAT. nigris nigris nigris Ace. nigros nigras nigra Abl. nigris nigris nigris 503. Third Declension . Singular MASC. FEM. NEUT. NOM. acer acris acre Gen. acris acris acris DAT. acri acri acri Aee. acrem acrem acre Abl. acri acri Plural acri NOM. acres acres acria Gen. acrium acrium acrium DAT. acribus acribus acribus Ace. acris, es acris, es acria Abl. acribus acribus Singular acribus MASC. AND FEM. NEUT. MASC. AND FEM. NEUT. NOM. facilis facile ferax ferax Gen. facilis facilis ; feracis feracis Dat. facili facili feraci feraci Aee. facilem facile feracem ferax Abl. facili facili feraci, e feraci, e 254 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN Plural MASC. AND FEM. NoM. faciles facilia Gen. facilium facilium Dat. facilibus facilibus Ace. facilis, es facilia Abl. facilibus facilibus MASC. AND FEM. feraces feracium feracibus feracis, es feracibus NEUT. feracia feracium feracibus feracia feracibus 504. Present Active Participles Singular Plural MASC. AND FEM. NEUT. MASC. AND FEM. NEUT. NOM. amans amans amantes amantia Gen. amantis amantis amantium amantium Dat. amanti amanti amantibus amantibus Ace. amantem amans amantis, es arnantia Abl. amante , i amante, i amantibus amantibus NOM. iens iens euntes euntia Gen. euntis euntis euntium euntium Dat. eunti eunti euntibus euntibus Ace. euntem iens euntis, es euntia Abl. eunte, 3 [ eunte, i euntibus euntibus 505. Irregular . Adjectives Singular Plural MASC. FEM. NEUT. MASC. FEM. NEUT. NOM. alius alia aliud alii aliae alia Gen. alius alius alius aliorum aliarum aliorum Dat. alii alii alii aliis aliis aliis Ace. alium aliam aliud alios alias alia Abl. alio alia alio aliis aliis aliis MASC. FEM. NEUT. MASC. AND FEM. NEUT. NOM. Onus una unum tres tria Gen. unius unius unius trium trium Dat. uni uni uni tribus tribus Ace. unum unam unum tris, tres tria Abl. uno una uno tribus tribus ESSENTIALS OF LATIN Irregular Adjectives {Continued) 255 MASC. FEM. NEUT. SING. PLUR. NOM. duo duae duo mlUe mlUia Gen. duorum duarum duorum mlUe millium Dat. duobus duabus duobus miUe millibus Ace. duos, duo duas duo mlUe mlllia Abl. duobus duabus duobus miUe millibus 506. Comparison OF Adjectives Positive Comparative Superlative latus (lat-) latior, latius latissimus, a, um fortis (fort-) f ortior, fortius fortissimus, a, um velox (veloc-) velocior, velocius velocissimus, a, um pulcher (pulchr-) pulchrior, pulchrius pulcherrimus, a, um similis (simil-) similior, similius simillimus, a, um 507. • Declension of Comparatives Singular Plural NOM. Gen. Dat. Ace. Abl. NOM. Gen. Dat. Ace. Abl. latior latioris latiori latiorem latiore, i n. latius latiaris latiori latius latiore, i M. and f. latiores latiorum latioribus latiores, is latioribus plures plurium pluribus plures, is pluribus lati5ra latiorum latioribus latiora latioribus plura plurium pluribus plura pluribus 2S6 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 508. Irregular Comparisoi ^ Positive Comparative Superlative bonus, a, um melior , melius optimus, a, um malus, a, um peior, peius pessimus, a, um magnus, a, um maior, maius maximus, a, um parvus, a, um minor. minus minimus, a, um multus, a, um > plus plurimus, a, um multi, ae, a plures , plura plurinii, ae, a vetus, veteris vetustior, vetustius veterrimus, a, um senex, senis senior (maior natu) maximus natu iuvenis, e iunior (minor natu) minimus natu exterus exterior extremus, extimus inferus inferior infimus, imus posterus posterior postremus postumus superus superior supremus (Lacking positive su pplied summus by adverb or preposition) Positive Comparative Superlative [cis, citra, this . side] citerior citimus [in, intra, within] interior intimus [prae, pro, before'] prior primus [prope, 7tear] propior proximus [ultra, beyond'] ulterior ultimus 509- Comparison of Adverbs Positive Comparative Superlative care (carus) carius carissime pulchre (pulcher) pulchrius pulcherrime fortiter (fortis) fortius fortissime facile (facilis) facilius facillime bene (bonus) melius optime male (malus) peius pessime ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 257 Comparison of Adverbs (^Continued) Positive Comparative Superlative multum ( 'multus) plus plurimum parum, little minus minime diu, long, for a long time diutius diutissime saepe, often saepius saepissime 510. Cardinals Numerals Ordinals I. unus, a, um primus, a, um 2. duo, duae, duo secundus {or alter) 3. tres, tria tertius 4. quattuor quartus 5. quTnque qulntus 6. sex sextus 7. septem Septimus 8. oct5 octavus 9. novem nonus 10. decern decimus II. undecim undecimus 12. duodecim duodecimus 13. tredecim tertius decimus 14. quattuordecim quartus decimus 15. quindecim qulntus decimus 16. sedecim sextus decimus 17. septendecim Septimus decimus 18. duodeviginti duodevTcesimus 19. undevlgintl undevlcesimus 20. vigintT vicesimus fvTgintI unus ^r Jvlcesimus primus or *' . unus et vTginti unus et vicesimus 22. vTginti duo or duo et viginti vicesimus secundus of ^ alter et vicesimus 258 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN Cardinals Ordinals 28. duodetrlginta duodetrlcesimus 29. undetriginta undetrlcesimus 30. triginta tricesimus 40. quadraginta quadragesimus 50. quinquaginta quinquagesimus 60. sexaginta sexagesimus 70. septuaginta septuagesimus 80. octoginta octogesimus 90/ n5naginta nonagesimus 100. centum \ centesimus centum unus or loi. centum et unus centesimus primus or centesimus et primus 200. ducenti, ae, a ducentesimus 300. trecenti trecentesimus 400. quadringenti quadringentesimus 500. quTngenti quingentesimus 600. sescentl sescentesimus 700. septingenti septingentesimus 800. octingenti octingentesimus 900. n5ngenti nongentesimus 1 ,000. mille mlllesimus 2,000. duo millia bis mlllesimus 100,000. centum millia centies mlllesimus PRONOUNS 511. Personal (and Reflexive) Reflexive (3D Pers.) Sing. Plur. Sing. Plu R. Sing. Plur. NoM. ego nos tu vos Gen. mei ' nostrum, nostrl tul vestrui vestrl SUl SUl Dat. mihi n5bTs tibi vobTs . sibi sibi Ace. me nos te vos se(sese) se(sese) Abl. me nobis te vobls se(sese) se(sese) ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 259 512. NoM. hlc Gen. huiu! Dat. huic Ace. hunc Abl. hoc NoM. iste ista istud Gen. istlus istlus istlus Dat. istl isti isti Ace. istum istam istud Abl. isto ista isto Demonstrative X Singular Plural haec hoc hi hae haec huius huius h5rum harum horum huic huic his his his hanc hoc h5s has haec hac hoc his his his Singular Plural isti istae ista istorum istarum istorum istis istis istis ist5s istas ista istis istis istis Singular Plural NOM. ille ilia illud illl illae ilia Gen. illlus illlus illlus illorum illarum illorum Dat. illl illl illl illls illls illls Ace. ilium illam illud illos illas ilia Abl. ill5 ilia Singular illo illls illls Plural illls NOM. is ea id el, il eae ea Gen. eius eius eius eorum earum e5rum Dat. el el el els, ils els, ils els, ils Ace. eum earn id eos eas ea Abl. e5 ea eo els, ils els, ils els, ils 26o ESSENTIALS OF LATIN NoM. Idem Singular eadem idem Gen. eiusdem eiusdem eiusdem Dat. eldem eldem eidem Ace. eundem eandem idem Abl. eodem eadem eodem Plural f eidem \ _ , eaedem eadem [ idem eorun- earun- eorun- dem dem dem Jelsdem elsdem elsdem [isdem isdem Isderr eosdem easdem eadem I elsdem elsdem elsdem [isdem isdem isdem Singular Plural NoM. ipse ipsa ipsum ipsi ipsae ipsa Gen. ipsius ipsius ipsius ipsorum ipsarum ipsorum Dat. ipsi ipsi ipsi ipsis ipsis ipsis Ace. ipsum ipsam ipsum ips5s ipsas ipsa Abl. ips5 ipsa ipso ipsis ipsis ipsis 513. Relative Singular Plural MASC. FEM. NEUT. MASC. FEM. NEUT. MASC. FEM. NEUT. NoM. qui quae quod Gen. cuius cuius cuius Dat. cui cui cui Ace. quem quam quod Abl. qu5 qua qu5 qui quae quae qu5rum quarum qu5rum quibus quibus quibus quos quas quae ' quibus quibus quibus 514. Interrogative Singular FEM. Plural MASC. FEM. NoM. quis (qui) quae quid (quod) qui quae quae Gen. cuius cuius cuius quorum quarum quorum Dat, cui cui cui quibus quibus quibus Aec. quem quam quid (quod) quos quas quae Abl. quo qua quo quibus quibus quibus ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 261 515. Indefinite Singular MASC. FEM. NEUT. NOM. Gen. aliquis, aliqui alicuius aliqua alicuius aliquid, aliquod alicuius Dat. alicui alicui alicui Ace. Abl. aliquem aliquo aliquam aliqua Plural aliquid, aliquod aliquo NOM. Gen. Dat. Ace. Abl. aliqui aliquorum aliquibus aliquos aliquibus aliquae aliquarum aliquibus aliquas aliquibus Singular aliqua aliqu5rum aliquibus aliqua aliquibus MASC. FEM. NEUT. NOM. Gen. quidam cuiusdam quaedam cuiusdam quiddam, quoddam cuiusdam Dat. cuidam cuidam cuidam Ace. Abl. quendam quodam quandam quadam Plural quiddam, quoddam quodam NOM. Gen. Dat. Ace. Abl. quidam quorundam quibusdam quosdam quibusdam quaedam quarundam quibusdam quasdam quibusdam quaedam quorundam quibusdam quaedam quibusdam 262 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN REGULAR VERBS 516. First Conjugation. Verbs in a Prin. Parts: amo, amare, amavi, amatus — love INDICATIVE Passive PRESENT / am loved, am being loved Singular Plural amor amamur amaris, re amamini amatur amantur Active / love^ am loving^ do love Singular Plural amo amamus amas amatis amat amant I was loving^ lovedy did love imperfect / was loved, was being loved amabam amabamus amabas amabatis amabat amabant / shall love amabo amabimus amabis amabitis amabit amabunt / have loved, loved amavi amavimus amavisti amavistis amavit amaverunt / had loved amaveram amaveramus amaveras amaveratis amaverat amaverant I shall have loved future perfect amabar amabamur amabaris, re amabamini amabatur amabantur FUTURE / shall be loved amabor amabimur amaberis, re amabimini amabitur amabuntur PERFECT / have been loved, was loved amatus sum amati sumus (a, urn) es (ae, a) estis est sunt PLUPERFECT / had been loved amatus eram amati eramus (a, um) eras (ae, a) eratis erat erant / shall have been loved amavero amaveris amaverit amem ames amet amaverimus amaveritis amaverint amemus ametis ament amatus ero (a, um) eris erit SUBJUNCTIVE PRESENT amer ameris, re ametur amati erimus (ae, a) eritis erunt amemur amemini amentur ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 263 Singular amarem amares arnaret amaverim amaveris amaverit amavissem amavisses amavisset 2. ama, love thou Plural amaremur amaremini amarentur amati simus (ae, a) sltis sint amati essemus (ae, a) essetis essent Active Passive imperfect Plural Singular amaremus amarer amaretis amareris, re amarent amaretur PERFECT amaverimus amatus sim amaveritis (a, um) sis amaverint sit PLUPERFECT amavissemus amatus essem amavissetis (a, um) esses amavissent esset IMPERATIVE PRESENT 2. amate, love 2. amare,^^M^^ 2. amamini, be ye loved ye loved FUTURE 2. amato, thou 2. amatote, you 2. amator, thou 2. shall love shall love shall be loved 3. amantor, /-^4K 3. amato, he 3. amanto, they 3. amator, he shall be loved shall love shall love shall be loved INFINITIVE amare, to love present amari, to be loved amaturus (a, um) esse, to be future amatum In, to be about to be about to love loved amavisse, to have loved perfect amatus (a, um) esse, to have been loved PARTICIPLES amans, antis, loving present amaturus, a, um, about to future Ger. amandus, a, um, to be love loved perfect amatus, a, um, having been loved, loved . GERUND Gen. dimzxi^% of loving Ace. amandum, /^4y vised they shall be shall advise advised INFINITIVE monere, to advise present moneri, to be advised moniturus (a, um) esse, to be future monitum iri, to be about to be about to advise advised monuisse, to have advised perfect monitus (a, um) esse, to have been advised PARTICIPLES monens, entis, advising present moniturus, a, um, about to future Ger. monendus, a, um, to advise be advised PERFECT monitus, a, um, having been advised^ advised GERUND Gen. monendi, of advising Ace. monendum, advising Dat monend6,y^r advising Abl. monendo, by advising SUPINE monitum monitu 266 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 518. Third Conjugation. Verbs in e Prin. Parts : duco, ducere, duxi, ductus — lead INDICATIVE Active / lead^ am leadings do lead Singular Plural duco ducimus duels ducitis ducit ducunt / was leadings led, did lead ducebam ducebamus ducebas ducebatis ducebat ducebant / shall lead ducam dOcemus duces ducetis ducet ducent / have led, led duxi duximus duxisti duxistis duxit duxerunt I had led duxeram duxeramus duxeras duxeratis duxerat duxerant Passive PRESENT / am led, am being led Singular Plural ducor ducimur dQceris, re ducimini ducitur dQcuntur IMPERFECT / was led, was being led ducebar ducebamur ducebaris, re ducebamini ducebatur ducebantur FUTURE I shall be led ducar ducemur duceris, re ducemini ducetur ducentur PERFECT I have been led, was led ductus sum ducti sumus (a, um) es (ae, a) estis est sunt PLUPERFECT / had been led ductus eram ducti eramus (a, um) eras (ae, a) eratis erat erant I shall have led future perfect I shall have been led duxero duxerimus ductus ero ducti erimus duxeris duxeritis (a, um) eris (ae, a) eritis duxerit duxerint erit erunt SUBJUNCTIVE PRESENT ducam ducamus ducar ducamur ducas ducatis ducaris, re ducamini ducat ducant ducatur IMPERFECT ducantur ducerem duceremus ducerer duceremur du ceres ducergtis ducereris, re duceremini duceret du Cerent duceretur ducerentur ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 267 Active Passive PERFECT Singular Plural Singular Plural duxerim duxerimus ductus sim ducti simus duxeris duxeritis (a, um) sTs (ae, a) sitis duxerit duxerint sit sint PLUPERFECT duxissem duxissemus ductus essem ducti essemus duxisses duxissetis (a, um) esses (ae, a) essetis duxisset duxissent esset assent IMPERATIVE PRESENT 2. duc,^ lead 2. ducite, lead 2. ducere, be 2. ducimini, thou ye thou led be ye led FUTURE 2. ducito, thou 2. ducit6te,ye 2. ducitor, thou 2. shall lead shall lead shall be led 3. ducito, ^^ 3. ducunto, />^^/ 3. ducitor, ^^ 3. ducuntor, M^^' shall lead shall lead shall be led shall be led INFINITIVE d\\z^x^, to lead present d\xc\, to be led ducturus (a, um) esse, to be future ductum in, to be about to he about to lead led duxisse, to have led perfect ductus (a, um) esse, to have been led PARTICIPLES ducens, entis, leading present ducturus, a, um, about to lead future Ger. ducendus, a, um, to be led perfect ductus, having been led, led GERUND Gen. ducendi, of leading Ace. ducendum, leading Dat. ducend6,y2?r leading Abl. ducendo, by leading SUPINE ductum ductu 1 dico, duco, facio, fer3, have as present imperatives die, due, fac, fer; the reg- ular form of other verbs ends in -e, as gero, imperative gere. 268 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 519. Fourth Conjugation. Verbs in i Prin. Parts : audio, ire, audivi, auditus — hear INDICATIVE Active I hear ^ am hearings do hear Singular Plural audio audimus audis auditis audit audiunt Passive )ENT / am heard, am being heard Singular Plural audior audimur audiris, re audimini auditur audiuntur / was hearing, heard, did hear IMPERFECT audiebam audiebas audiebat audiam audies audiet / was heard, was being heard audiebar audiebamur audiebaris, re audiebamini audiebatur audiebantur FUTURE / shall be heard audiar audiemur audieris, re audiemini audietur audientur / have been heard, I was heard auditus sum auditi sumus (a, um) es (ae, a) estis est sunt / had heard pluperfect / had been heard audiveram audiveramus auditus eram auditi eramus audlveras audlveratis (a, um) eras (ae, a) eratis audlverat audlverant erat erant / shall have heard audiebamus audiebatis audiebant I shall hear audiemus audietis audient / have heard, heard perfect audivi audivisti audlvit audlvimus audlyistis audlverunt future perfect I shall have been heard audivero audiveris audiverit audiam audias audiat audlverimus audlveritis audlverint auditus ero (a, um) eris erit SUBJUNCTIVE present audiamus audiatis audiant audiar audiaris, re audiHtur auditi erimus (ae, a) eritis erunt audiamur audiamini audiantur ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 269 Singular audirem audlres audlret audiverim audiveris audiverit audivissem audivisses audivisset 2. audi, hear thou Active Passive imperfect Plural Singular Plural audiremus audirer audiremur audiretis audireris, re audlremini audirent audlretur audirentur PERFECT audiverimus audltus sim auditi simus audiveritis (a, um) sis (ae, a) sitis audlverint sit sint PLUPERFECT audivissemus audltus essem auditi essemus audivissetis (a, um) esses (ae, a) essetis audivissent esset essent IMPERATIVE PRESENT 2. audite, hear 2. audlre, be 2. audimini, be ye thou heard ye heard FUTURE 2. 2iud\t6j thou 2. 2iud\t6te,you 2. SLuditor, thou 2. shall hear shall hear shall be heard 3. audito, he 3. audiunto, they 3. auditor, he 3. audiuntor, shall hear shall hear shall be heard they shall be heard INFINITIVE audire, to hear present audiri, to be heard auditurus (a, um) esse, to be future auditum iri, to be about to be about to hear heard audivisse, to have heard perfect audltus (a, um) esse, to have been heard PARTICIPLES audiens, ientis, hearing present auditurus, a, um, about to future Ger. • audiendus, a, um, to hear be heard — '• PERFECT audltus, having been heardy heard GERUND Gen. audiendi, of hearing Ace. audiendum, hearing DAT. audiendo, for hearing Abl. audiendo, by hearing SUPINE auditum auditu 2^o ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 520. Third Conjugation. Verbs in io Prin. Parts : capio, ere, cepi, captus INDICATIVE Passive PRESENT / am taken y am being taken Singular Plural capior capimur caperis, re capimini capitur capiuntur IMPERFECT / was takings tookj did take I was taken, was being taken Active I take, am taking, do take Singular Plural capio capimus capis capitis capit capiunt capiebam capiebas capiebat capiam capies capiet capiebamus capiebatis capiebant I shall take capiemus capietis capient I have taken, took cepi cepimus cepisti cepistis cepit ceperunt capiebar capiebamur capiebaris, re capiebamini capiebatur capiebantur future / shall be taken capiar capiemur capieris, re capiemini capietur capientur perfect / have been taken, T was taken captus sum capti sumus (a, um) es (ae, a) estis est sunt Ih ad taken pluperfect / had > been taken ceperam ceperamus captus eram capti eramus ceperas ceperatis (a, um) eras (ae, a) eratis ceperat ceperant erat erant future perfect I shall have taken / shall have been taken cepero ceperimus captus ero capti erimus ceperis ceperitis (a, um) eris (ae, a) eritis ceperit ceperint erit ' eruDt SUBJUNCTIVE present capiam capiamus capiar capiamur capias capiatis capiaris, re capiamini capiat capiant capiatur capiantur ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 271 Singular caperem caperes caperet ceperim ceperis ceperit cepissem cepisses cepisset 2. cape, take thou Active Passive imperfect Plural Singular Plural caperemus caperer caperemur caperetis capereris, re caperemini caperent caperetur caperentur PERFECT ceperimus captus sim capti sTmus ceperitis (a, um) sis (ae, a) sit is ceperint sit sint PLUPERFECT cepissemus captus essem capti essemus cepissetis (a, um) esses (ae, a) essetis cepissent esset essent IMPERATIVE PRESENT 2. capite, take 2. capere, be thou 2. capimini, be ye taken ye taken FUTURE 2. Q,2c^\to^ thou 2. capitote,/ close. dementia, ae (Clemens, mild), /,. kindness, mildness. cliens, clientis, m. and f, dependent, vassal. coepi, coepisse, coeptiirus sum, def^ began. 294 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN cognosco, ere, cognovi, cognitus (con + [gjnosco, know), tr., rec- ognize, learn, discover, ascertain. cogo, ere, coegi, coactus (con + ago), drive together, collect, force, com- pel. cohors, cohortis, /, cohort (the tenth part of a legion). cohortor, ari, atus sum (con + hortor), tr,, exhort, encourage. collis, is, m., hill. colo, ere, colui, cultus, tr.^ cultivate, worship. commeatus, us, /«., provisions, sup- plies. comminus (con + manus), adv., hand to hand. committo, ere, commisi, commissus (con + mitto),/r., commit, intrust ; join, begin (battle). commode (commodus, useful), adv., advantageously, easily. commoveo, ere, commovi, commotus (con -f moveo), tr., to move, in- fluence, disturb. compar, comparis (con + par), fit- ting, suitable. comparo, are, avi, atus (con + paro), tr., prepare, provide. •compleo, complere, complevi, com- pletus (con -^ pleo, fill), tr.^ fill up, complete. complures, a, many, very many, a great many. comprehendo, ere, comprehend!, comprehensus (con + prehendS, seize), tr., seize, arrest. con. See cum. concede, ere, concessi, concessum (con + cedo), intr., yield, grant, allow, permit. concido, ere, concidi, — (con + cado), intr., fall, be killed. concido, ere, concidij concisus (con-f caedo, slay), tr., cut down, kill. concilio, are, avi, atus, tr., gain, win, procure. concilium, i, «., assembly, council. condemn©, are, avi, atus (con + damno), /r., condemn. condicio, onis (condico, agree), /, agreement, proposal, terms. condo, ere, condidi, conditus (con + do, put),/r., found, establish. conduco, ere, condiixi, conductus (con + duc5), /r., bring together, hire. confero, conferre, contuli, conlatus (con 4- fero), tr., bring together, gather; se conferre, betake one's self, go. confertus, a, um (confercio, crowd), crowded, dense, conficio, ere, confeci, confectus (con + facio), tr., accomplish, fin- ish, complete, furnish, wear out. confirm©, are, avi, atus (con + firmo, strengthen), /n, strengthen, establish, assure, declare, encourage. confligo, ere, conflixi, conflictum, intr., contend, fight. c5nfugio, ere, confugi, — , intr., flee, congressus, us (congredior, meet), m., meeting. congruo, ere, congrui, — , intr., agree, tally, conicio, ere, conieci, coniectus (con 4- iacio), tr., throw, hurl. coniung5, ere, coniunxi, coniunctus (con + iungo), tr., join. coniiinx, coniugis (coniungo), /, wife. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 295 coniuratio, onis (coniuro), /, con- spiracy. coniuratus, i (coniuro), w., con- spirator. coniuro, are, avi, atus (con + iuro, swear), intr., conspire, plot. conlatus. See conf ero. conloco, are, avi, atus (con + loco, place), ^r., place, put, station. conloquium, i (conloquor), «., in- terview, conference. conloquor, conloqui, conlocutus sum (con -f loquor, speak), in^r., speak together, confer. Conor, ari, atus sum, /r., attempt, try. consanguineus, i (con + sanguis, blood), m.f relative, kinsman. conscribo, ere, conscripsi, conscrip- tus (con + scribo), /r., levy, enroll. consecro, are, avi, atus (con + sacro, set apart), tr.y consecrate. c6nsenti5, ire, c5nsensi, consensum (con + sentio, feel), in^r., agree, conspire. ronsequor, consequi, consecutus sum (con + sequor), /r., pursue, over- take, obtain. <:6nsero, ere, conserui, consertus (con -f ser5, bind), /r., join (battle). conservo, are, avi, atus (con + servo), /r., keep safe, preserve. considers, are, avi, atus, fr., consider, examine, look at closely. consido, ere, consedi, consessum (con + sido, seat), in^r., settle, take up an abode. consilium, i (consulo), n., plan, ad- vice, prudence. consimilis, e (con -f similis), very like. consist©, ere, constiti, — (con + sisto, place), in^r.^ take a stand, hold a position, stop. conspectus, us (conspicio), w., sight, view. conspicio, ere, conspexi, conspectus (con -f specio, look), /r., see, per- ceive. constantia, ae (consto, stand), /, firmness. constituo, ere, c5nstitui, constitiitus (con + statu5), /r., place, erect, construct, station, determine, ap- point. consuesco, ere, consuevi, consuetus (con + suesco, be accustomed), /r., accustom ; in/r., be accustomed. consuetiido, inis (consuesco),/, cus- tom, habit. consul, consulis, m., consul. consulo, ere, consului, consultus, /r., ask advice, consult. contendo, ere, contendi, contentum (con + tendo), in/r., strive, strug-" gle; hasten, hurry ; march. contentio, onis (contendo), /, con- test, controversy. continenter (contineo), adv., con- tinually, constantly. contineo, ere, continui, contentus (con + teneo), tr., hold in, hold together, restrain, hem in, keep. contio, onis (con venio),/, meeting. contra, ac/-v. and prep, w, ace, against, opposite. contuli. See confero. coniibium, i (con + niibo, marry), /, marriage. convenio, ire, conveni, conventum (con + venio), intr.y come to- gether, assemble ; impers. COnvenit, it is fit, agreed. 296 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN converts, ere, convert!, con versus (con + verto) , /r., turn (about) , change ; signa convertere, face about. convoco, are, avi, atus (con + voco), tr.y call together, summon. coorior, iri, coortus sum (con + orior), intr., rise, break out. copia, ae, /, supply, abundance; //., forces, troops. Corinthus, 1,/, Corinth. Cornelius, i, m., the name of a Roman family. See Cossus. cornu, us, n., horn, flank, wing. corona, ae,/, crown. corpus, corporis, w., body. corruo, ere, corrui, — (conH-ru5, fall), intr., fall, be slain. Cossus, i, m., Aulus Cornelius Cossus, consul 343 B.C. cottidianus, a, um (cottidie), daily. cottidie, adv.y daily. credo, ere, credidi, creditum, tr. and intr., w. dai.y believe, trust. ere mo, are, avi, atus, /r., burn. creo, are, avi, atus, /r., appoint, choose. Cretes, Cretum, m, pL, Cretans. crux, crucis,/., cross, gallows. culpo, are, avi, atus (culpa, fault), /r., blame, ■cultus, see colo. -cum, prep. %v, abl., with ; in compo- sition, con-, CO- ; conj., when, since, although, because. cupidus,a,um (cupio), desirous, eager. cupio, ere, cupivi or cupij[, cupitus, tr.y wish, desire, be eager for. <;ur, adv., why. cura, ae,/, care. Cures, Curium, / //., a Sabine town, curia, ae, /, senate. cursus, us (curro, run), m., course. curiilis,e (currus, chariot), curule. custodia, ae (custos, guard),/, guard. ciistodio, ire, ciistodivi, custoditus (custos, guard), tr., watch, guard. D damnatio, onis (damno),/, condem- nation. damno, are, avi, atus, tr., condemn, sentence. de, prep. w. abl., from, down from; concerning, in regard to, for; about. dea, ae,/, goddess. debeo, ere, debui, debitus (de -|- habeo), tr., owe; with inf., ought. decem, indecl., ten. decerno, ere, decrevi, decretus (de -H cerno, separate), tr., decide, decree. decerto, are, avi, atum (de -f- certo, contend), intr., fight, contend. Decius, \, m., Publius Decius Mus, consul 340 B.C. declivis, e (de + clivus, slope) , sloping. decrevi. See decerno. decurro, ere, de(cu)curri, decursum (de -h curro, run), intr., run down, hasten down. deditio, onis (dedo), /, surrender. dedo, dedere, dedidi, deditus (de + do), tr., give up, surrender. defendo, ere, defendi, defensus, tr.^ defend, protect. defensor, oris (defendo), m., de- fender. defero, deferre, detuli, delatus (de + fer5), tr., carry off ; bestow, confer. deficio, ere, defeci, defectus (de + f acio) , tr. and intr., fail, be lacking, revolt. [thereafter. deinceps, adv., successively, next. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 297 deinde (de ■{■ inde), adv.f afterwards, next, delabor, delabi, delapsus sum (de + labor, slip), in/r.^ gWde or fall down. delecto, are, avi, atus, tr., please, delight. deligo, ere, delegi, delectus (de + lego, collect), /r., select, choose. Delphi, drum, w., Delphi. demitto, ere, demisi, demissus (de + mitto), tr.^ send down, let down ; se demittere, jump. demonstro, are, avi, atus (de + mons- tro, show), tr,y point out, show, mention. denique, adv.^ at last, finally. depono, ere, deposui, depositus (de + pono), tr.y lay down, give up. depopulor, ari, atus sum (de + populor), /r., lay waste, ravage. deprecator, oris (deprecor, mediate), m., intercessor ; eo deprecatore, through his mediation. descendo, ere, descendi, descensum (de H- scand5, climb), intr.^ descend. describe, ere, descripsi, descriptus (de + scribo), /r., describe. desisto, ere, destiti, — (de + sisto, stand), intr., cease, leave off. desum, deesse, defui, defutiirus (de + sum), intr.^ be lacking, fail. deus, i, w., god. devincd, ere, devici, devictus (de + vincd), /r., subdue, conquer. devoved, ere, dev5vi, devotus (de + voveo), tr.y vow, devote. dexter, dextra, dextrum, right ; dex- tra, ae, /, right hand. di-. See dis-. dico, ere, dixi, dictus, /r., say, tell, speak ; impose (a fine) ; plead. dies, ei, m, and f.^ day. difficilis, e (dis + facilis), difficult, hard. difficultas, atis (difficilis), /, diffi- culty. diligenter Xdiligo, esteem)- adv.y carefully, attentively. diligentia, ae (diligo, esteem), /, carefulness, diligence, industry, dimetior, iri, dimensus sum, tr,y measure. dimico, are, avi, atum, m/r., fight, contend. dimitto, ere, dimisi, dimissus (dis + mitto), tr., send off, dismiss, let go. diripio, ere, diripui, direptus (dis + rapio), /r., lay waste, pillage, ravage. dis-, di-, inseparable neg. prefix^ apart, not, un-. discedo, ere, discessi, discessum (dis + cedo), intr,y depart, withdraw, leave, discipulus, i (disco), w., pupil, disco, ere, didici, — , tr., learn, discurro, ere, dis(cu)curri, discursum (dis -f curro, run), zWr., run in dif- ferent directions. dissimilis, e (dis + similis), unlike, dissimilar. dissimulo, are, avi, atus (dissimilis),. tr., conceal, disguise. distineo, ere, distinui, distentus (dis + tene6),/r., keep apart. distribuo, ere, distribui, distributus (dis+tribuo, assign), tr.^ distribute, divide. diu, adv.^ long, for a long time ; comp, diiitius, sup. diutissime. Diviciacus, i, w., a chief of the Haedui. divido, ere, divisi, divisus, tr,^ divide^ separate. 298 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN do, dare, dedi, datus, tr.^ give ; poenas dare, suffer punishment. doceo, ere, docui, doctus, /r., teach, inform. [by trickery. dolose (dolus, trick), adv,^ craftily, domesticus, a, um (domus), domes- tic ; from their own country. dominus, i, m.^ master, lord. domus, us or i, /, house, home; domi, at home; domum, (to) home, homeward. dono, are, avi, atus (donum), /r., present, give. donum, i (do), n.^ gift. dubius, a, um, doubtful. ducenti, ae, a (duo + centum), two hundred. [bring. diico, ere, diixi, ductus, tr.^ lead, Duiliusyi, w.. Gains Duilius, a Roman general, victor over the Carthagin- ians in a naval battle, 260 B.C. dum, conj.^ while, until. Dumnorix, igis, w., brother of the Haeduan Diviciacus. duo, duae, duo, two. duodecim, indecl.^ twelve. duodeviginti, inded.^ eighteen. dux, duels (duco), w., guide, leader, general. E e. See ex. editus, a, um (edo), high, elevated. edo, edere, edidi, editus (ex + do), tr.^ give out, give birth to, bear. edo, edere or esse, edi, esus, tr., eat. educo, ere, eduxi, eductus (ex -f duco), tr.^ lead out, lead. effero, efferre, extuli, elatus (ex + fero), /r., carry out. effugio, ere, effugi, — (ex + fugio), tr. and intr., escape. effundo, ere, effudi, effusus (ex + fundo, pour), /r., pour forth, spread out, overflow. Egeria, ae, f., a nymph reputed to give revelations to Numa. egi. See ago. ego, mei, pers. pron.^ I. egredior, egredi, egressus sum, intr.^ go out, come forth, eius. See is. elicio, ere, elicui, elicitus (ex + lacio, allure), /r., lure forth, bring out, call down, eligo, ere, elegi, electus (ex + lego, choose),/;-., select, pick out, choose, emigro, are, avi, atum (ex + migro, migrate), m/r., emigrate, remove, enim, conj.^ for. eniintio, are, avi, atus (ex + nuntio), /r., announce, reveal, eo, ire, ii, itum, intr., go. eo (is), adv.y there, to that place, thither. eques, equitis (equus), m., horse- man ; //., cavalry, cavalrymen, equester, equestris, equestre (eques), of the cavalry, equestrian, equitatus, iis (eques), w., cavalry, equus, i, m., horse. eripio, ere, eripui, ereptus (ex -f rapio), tr., snatch away, save, ero, eris, etc. See sum. eruptio, onis (erumpo, break forth), /, breaking out, sally, esse. See sum. esse. See edo. et, conj., and ; et . . . et, both . . . and. etiam (et + iam) , conj.^ besides, still, Europa, ae, /, Europe. [even, evado, ere, evasi, evasum (ex -f vadd, go), intr., go out, escape. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 299 ex or e, prgp, w, ahl.y out of, from, of ; una ex parte, on one side ; ex itinere, on the march, excogito, are, avi, atus (ex + cogito, think), tr,, think out, contrive, exeo, exire, exii, exiturus (ex + eo), intr., go out, depart, leave, exercito, are, avi, atus (exerceo, train), /r., exercise, train. exercitus,us (exerceo, train), w., army, existimo, are, Svi, atus (ex + aes- timo, consider), /r., think, suppose, believe. expeditus, a, um (expedio, free), un- incumbered, without baggage, expello, ere, expuli, expulsus (ex + pell5) tr., drive out, expel. explorator, oris (explore), »/., scout. exploro, are, avi, atus, tr., search, ascertain, reconnoiter. expono, ere, exposui, expositus (ex + pono), tr.^ expose, abandon. expositio, onis (expono),/, exposure, abandonment. expugno, are, avi, atus (ex + pugno), tr.y capture, take by stoim, storm. exspecto, are, avi, atus (ex + specto), tr,y look, wait for, await, expect, wait to see. exstinguo, ere, exstinxi, exstinctus (ex 4- stinguo, put out), /r., ex- tinguish, destroy, kill, exterus, extera, exterum, outer ; comp. exterior, sup, extremus, last, end of. extra, prep, w. accy outside of, beyond. extremus. See exterus. faber, fabri, w., mechanic, workman, artisan. fabrico, are, avi, atus (faber), /r., make, construct, build. f abula, ae (for, speak) , /, story. facile (facilis), adv., easily ; comp, facilius, sup. facillime. facilis, e (facio), easy. facio, ere, feci, factus, tr.y make, do, form, build ; verba facere, speak ; proelium facere, fight a battle. factum, i (facio), «., deed. fallo, ere, f efelli, f alsus, tr.y deceive ; spem se fefellisse, that they were disappointed in their hope. familia, ae (famulus, slave), /, household, vassals. f astus, a, um(fas, right), legal, court — . Faustulus, i, tn.y the shepherd who brought up Romulus and RemuSo fefelli. See fallo. f emina, ae, /, woman. ferax, feracis (fero), fertile, pro- ductive. fere, adv.y nearly, about, almost. fero, ferre, tuli, latus, tr.y bear, carry; legem ferre, propose, institute a law. ferreus, a, um (ferrum, iron), (of) iron; ferreae maniis, grappling-irons. fertilitas, atis (fertilis, fertile), /, fertility. ferus, a, um, fierce, wild, barbarous. fides, ei (fid5, trust), /, faith, con- fidence, trust ; in fidem venire, put one's self under the protection of. fidus, a, um, faithful, loyal. filia, ae, /, daughter. filius, \ym.y son. finis, is, w., limit, end, boundary; , pl.y territory. finitimus, a, um (finis), adjoining, neighboring ; as subst.y finitimus, 1, m.y neighbor. 300 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN f 10, fieri, factus sum {used as passive \ ^ parum. minimus, a, um {used as sup, of parvus), smallest, least. minor, minus {see parvus), smaller, less; minor natu, younger. minus {used as coinp. ^T/'parum), adv.^ less ; nihilo minus, nevertheless ; si minus, if not. mirabilis, e (miror, wonder), won- derful. miraculum, i (miror, wonder), w., wonder, prodigy. mirus» a, um, wonderful, surprising. miser, misera, miserum, wretched, poor. misere (miser), adv., wretchedly. mitigo, are, avi, atus (mitis, mild + ago)> I'^'i soften, civilize. mitto, ere, misi, missus, /r., send, hurl. mobilitas, atis (mobilis, change- able), /, fickleness. moenia, moenium, n. pL, walls, for- tifications. mone5, ere, monui, monitus, /r., warn, advise. monitus, iis (moneo), m., warning, counsel, suggestion. mons, montis, m., mountain. mora, ae, /, delay. morbus, i, w., sickness, illness ; morbo exstinctus, died a natural death. morior, mori, mortuus sum, inir., die. moror, ari, atus sum (mora), intr,, delay, hinder. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 307 mors, mortis, /, death. mos, moris, w., custom, habit. moves, ere, movi, motus, /r., move, influence; castra movere, break up camp. mox, adv,, soon. Mucius, i, /«., the name of a Roman family; Gaius Mucius Scaevola, a Roman who attempted to kill Porsena. Miicius, a, um (Mucius), Mucian. mulier, mulieris, /, woman, wife. multa, ae, /, fine, penalty. multitiido, inis (multus), /, num- bers, multitude. multo {abl. ^/muitus), adv., much. multum (multus), adv., much, greatly. multus, a, um, much ; //., many ; multa nocte, late at night; ad multam noctem, till late at night. Miinatius, i, m,, Lucius Munatius Plancus, one of Caesar's lieutenants. miinimentum, i (munio), w., defense, fortification. miinio, ire, munivi or munii, muni- tus, ir,, fortify, defend. miinitio, onis (miinio), /, forti- fication. miinus, eris, «., gift, reward. miirus, i, w., wall. N nactus. See nanciscor. nam, conj., for. nanciscor, nancisci, nactus sum, tr,, get, obtain, nascor, nasci, natus sum, intr,, be born, be produced ; rise, natio, onis (nascor), /, nation, tribe, people. natu (nascor) , in age ; maior natu, older ; minor natu, younger. natiira, ae (nascor), /, nature, character. nauta, ae (navis), m., sailor. navalis, e (navis), of ships, naval. navis, is, /, ship. -ne, enclitic, sign of an interrogative. ne, conj,, not, so that not, lest ; after verbs of fearing, that. nec. See neque. neco, are, avi, atus (nex), tr,, kill, put to death. nefastus, a, um (nefas, crime), un- hallowed; unpropitious; dies ne- fastus, a day on which public busi- ness could not be transacted. nego, are, avi, atus, tr, ancC intr., deny, say . . . not. negdtium, i, n., business, affair; quic- quam negoti, any trouble. nemo, neminem (ne -f homo), m, and f., no one, nobody. nemus, nemoris, «., grove. nepos, nepotis, m., grandson, de- scendant. neque, nec, conj., and not, but not; neque . . . neque, neither . . . nor. Nervii, orum, m., a powerful tribe of Belgic Gaul. neuter, neutra, neutrum (ne + uter)» neither (of two). nex, necis,/, death, murder. niger, nigra, nigrum, black. nihil, indecL n., nothing. nihilo, adv., in no respect; nihil5 minus, nevertheless. [except. nisi (ne-}-si), conj.., if not, unless, nobilis, e (nosco, know), noble, nobilitas, atis (nobilis), /, nobility, nobles. 3o8 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN noceo, ere, nocui, nociturus, intr.^ w. dat.f hurt, injure, harm. nocturnus, a, um (nox), by night, in the night. nolo, nolle, nolui (ne + volo), tr. and intr., not to wish, be unwilling ; nolite, w. infin.f do not. nomen, nominis (nosco, know), n.y name. nomino, are, avi, atus (nomen), /r., name, call. non, adv.f not. nondum, adv., not yet. nonnuUus, a, um (non + nuUus), some, several. Noreia, ae, f., a town of the Norici, modern Neumarkt. Noricus, a, um, Norican ; ager Nori- cus, a country between the Danube and the Alps. nos, nostrum, pers. pron.^ we, our- selves. noster, nostra, nostrum (nos), poss. adj.y our, ours ; //., nostri, drum, our men, our troops. novem, indecL. nine. Noviodunum, i, «., a town of the Suessiones. novus, a, um, new; novissimum, last ; novissimum agmen, the rear. nox, noctis, /, night; multa nocte, late at night; ad multam noctem, till late at night. nudo, are, avi, atus (niidus, bare), /r., make bare, clear. nuUus, a, um (ne + ullus), no, not any, none, no one. num, htterrog. particle^ implying the answer ' no.' Numa, ae, m. See Pompilius. Humerus, i, m,, number. Numida, ae, w., Numidian. Numitor, oris, w., king of Alba Longsi, grandfather of Romulus and Remus, numquam (ne + umquam, ever), adv,, never, nunc, adv,, now. nunti5, are, avi, atus (niintius), tr,^ report, announce. nuntius, i, w., messenger, niiper, adv.^ recently, lately. nusquam (ne + usquam, anywhere), adv.^ nowhere, on no occasion. ob, prep. w. ace, for, on account of, because of, obaeratus, i (ob + aes, money), w., debtor. obduco, ere, obduxi, obductus (ob + diic5),/r., extend, make. obruo, ere, obrui, obrutus (ob + ruo, rush), tr,, overwhelm, bury, crush. obses, obsidis (obsideo), m., hostage, pledge. obsideo, ere, obsedi, obsessus (ob + sedee), tr., besiege. obsum, obesse, obfui, obfuturus (ob + sum), w. dat.^ be against, injure. obtineo, ere, obtinui, obtentus (ob -f teneo), tr., possess, obtain, retain. obvenio, ire, obveni, obventum (ob + venio), ifttr., come to, meet, come. occasus, lis (occido, fall), m., setting (of the sun). occido, ere, occidi, occisus (ob -f caedo, cut down), tr., cut down, kill, slay. occultus, a, um, hidden; in occulto* concealed. occupo, are, avi, atus (ob + capio). /r.» take possession of, seize, occupy ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 309 Oceanus, i, w., ocean. Ocelum, i, «., a town of Cisalpine Gaul. OCto, indecL, eight. oculus, I, m.y eye. odium, i (odi, hate), «., hatred, en- mity. omnino (omnis), adv.y altogether, at all. omnis, e, all, every, whole. opinio, 5nis (opinor, think),/, notion, belief, impression. oportet, oportere, oportuit, impers., it is necessary, it is proper. oppidanus, i (oppidum), w., inhab- itant of a town, townsman. oppidum, i, n.y walled town. opprimo, ere, oppress!, oppressus (ob -f premo, press), /r., crush, fall upon. oppugnatio, onis (oppugno),/, as- sault, storm, siege. oppugno, are, avi, atus (ob-fpugno), tr.y attack, besiege. Ops, opis, /, aid; //., resources, wealth. op time (optimus), best, excellently. See bene. optimus, a, um, sup. ^/bonus. Optio, onis (opto) , /, choice. opto, are, avi, atus, wish, choose. opus, operis, n,y work, labor, fortifica- tion. oratio, onis (oro),/, speech, words. ordino, are, avi, atus (ordo), /r., arrange, regulate. ordo, 5rdinis, ^n,, line, rank. Orgetorix, igis, m.y a chief of the Helvetii. orior, oriri, ortus sum, intr,, rise. omatus, lis (orno, adorn), ni.., attire, decoration. oro, are, avi, atus (os), tr,^ beseech, beg. ortus. See orior. 6s, oris, n,i mouth, face. P. = Piiblius. paco, are, avi, atus (pax), /r., pacify, subdue. paene, adv.^ almost, nearly. palam, adv.^ openly, publicly. paliis, tidis,/, marsh, swamp. pando, ere, pandi, passus, /r., spread out; passis manibus, with out- stretched hands. par, paris, equal (to), paratus, a, um (paro), prepared, ready. pareo, ere, parui, pariturus, intr, w. daL, obey. par5, are, avi, atus, tr., prepare, pro- vide. pars, partis, /, part, side, direction, parum, adv., little ; comp. minus ; sup. minime. parvulus, a, um (parvus), very little ; as subst. parvulus, i, m., little fellow, parvus, a, um, little, small; cot7ip» minor; sup. minimus, passus. See pando and patior. passus, iis, m., pace ; mille passiis, //. millia passuum, a mile. pastor, oris (pasco, feed), w., shep- herd. pateo, ere, patui, — , intr., be open, extend. pater, patris, m., father. patior, pati, passus sum, /r., suffer, allow, endure. patria, ae (patrius),/, country, native land. 310 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN patrius, a, um (pater), ancestral, pauci, orum, few. paulisper, adv., for a short time, paululum (paulus, small), adv,, a little, somewhat. pax, pads, /, peace. pecco, are, avi, atus, intr., transgress, offend. pecunia, ae (pecus),/, money. pecus, pecoris, n., cattle, herd. pedes, peditis (pes), w., foot soldier; //., infantry. Pedius, i, m., Quint us Pedius, one of Caesar's lieutenants. peior, co7np. of malus. peius, comp. of male, pello, ere, pepuli, pulsus, /r., drive out, expel, rout, conquer. per, prep. w. ace , through, over, by, across, by means of. peragro, are, avi, atus (per + ager), /r., wander through, roam, over. perduco, ere, perduxi, perductus (per + duc5), /r., lead, lead through, construct. perennis, e (per + annus), perpetual, never failing. perficio, ere, perfeci, perfectus (per + facio), tr., accomplish, fin- ish, complete. perfidus, a, um (per + fidus), faith- less, treacherous. periclitor, ari, atus sum, tr., make trial of, try. periculum, i, n., dangen peritus, a, um, skillful. permitto, ere, per misi, per missus (per -^ mitt5), tr., give up, intrust, permit. permoveo, ere, permovi, permotus (per + moveo), /r., move, arouse, influence, alarm. perpetuo (perpetuus, continuous), adv.f continually, forever. perrumpo, ere, perrupi, perruptus (per + rumpo, break), /r., break through. perspicio, ere, perspexi, perspectus (per + specid, see), tr., see through. persuadeo, ere, persuasi, persuasum (per + suadeo, persuade), /r., w, dat. of pers.f persuade, prevail on. pertineo, ere, pertinui, — (per -f teneo), intr., extend, pertain, relate. pertractus. See pertraho. pertraho, ere, pertraxi, pertractus (per + traho), tr., drag, lead. pervenio, ire, perveni, perventum, (per + venio j intr.y arrive at, reach, pes, pedis, w., foot. pessime, sup. of male. pessimus, sup. of malus. peto, ere, petivi or petii, petitus, tr., aim at, seek, ask, demand, request. pietas, atis (pius, pious), /., devo- tion, loyalty. piger, pigra, pigrum, slow, lazy. pignus, pignoris, ;/., pledge, assur- ance. pilum, i, n.i javelin. pirus, i, /, pear tree. Plancus, i. See Miinatius. planities, ei (planus, flat),/, plain, level ground. plebes, ei, or plebs, plebis, /, com* mon people. plerusque, pleraque, plerumque, generally inpluraly most, very many, pliirimus, a, um {sup. of multus), most, very many ; plurimum posise, be very powerful, have most in-- fluence, be supreme. plus, comp. ^/multum. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 3n plus, pluris {comp. trumpet. tuli. See fero. Tulingi, orum, m. pi., a Germanic tribe near the upper Rhine. turn, adv., then, in the next place. tumultus, i, m.f uproar, disturbance. tunc, adv., then, at that time. turba, ae,/, throng, crowd. turpis, e, ugly, disgraceful, infamous. turris, is,/., tower. tutela, ae (tueor, protect), w., guard- ian, protection. tutus, a, um (tueor, protect), safe. tuus, a, um (tii), your, yours. ubi, adv.f where, when. ullus, a, um, any, any one. ulterior, ulterius, farther ; sup. ulti- mus, a, um. ultra, adv. and prep, w, ace, beyond, farther. una (iinus), adv., together with. unde, adv., whence. undecim (unus + dccem), indecl., eleven. undique, adv., from or on all sides. universus, a, um (unus + verto, turn), whole, entire, unus, a, um, one. urbs, urbis, /, city. usus, a, um. See iitor. usus, us (utor), m., use, advantage, benefit, help; USUI esse, be of service. ut, uti, (i) adv., as when ; (2) conj., that, in order that, so that. uter, utra, utrum, which (of two), which one. uterque, utraque, utrumque, each (of two), both. uti. See ut. ' uti. See iitor. utilis, e (iitor), useful, utinam, adv., O that, would that, may. [employ, utor, iiti, iisus sum, intr., w. abl., use, uxor, oris, /, wife. vacuus, a, um, empty, destitute of, vacant. vadum, i, n., shoal, ford. vagitus, iis (vagid, cry), m., crying, squalling. Valerius, i, ^/., Marcus Valerius Max- imus Corvinus, consul 343 B.C. validus, a, um (valeo, be strong), strong, sturdy. vallum, i, n., wall, rampart, earth- works. vasto, are, avi, atus (vastus), tr., lay waste, ravage. vastus, a, um, vast, enormous. vel5citas, atis (velox), /, speed, swiftness. velox, velocis, swift, quick. velut, veluti, adv., as if, just as if. venia, ae, /, favor, permission. venio, ire, veni, ventum, intr., come; in fidem venire, put one's self un- der the protection of. venor, ari, atus sum, tr., hunt, chase. verbum, i, n., word ; verba facere, speak. vereor, eri, veritus sum, tr., fear, be afraid of. vergo, ere, — , — , intr., lie toward, incline. veritus. See vereor. vero (verus, true), adv.^ in fact, in- deed,* however. 320 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN vertex, verticis (vertS, turn), m,^ summit, crest, verum (verus, true), adv., certainly, but. vescor, vesci, — , def., w. abL^ eat. Vesta, ae, /, goddess of the hearth, and hence of the family and state. Her sacred fire, kept continually burning in her temple near the Forum, was watched by six priest- esses, called Vestals. vester, vestra, vestrum (vos), your, yours. vestis, is, y!, garment, clothing. veto, are, vetui, vetitus,^ /r., forbid. vetus, veteris, old, ancient; comp, vetustior; sup. veterrimus. vexillum, i, n,, a military ensign. via, ae, yC, way, road, street, jour- ney. vici. See vinco. vicinus, a, um (vicus), neighboring, near. victor, oris (vinc5), m., conqueror, victor. victoria, ae (victor),/, victory. victus, victiirus. See vinco. vicus, i, w., village. videlicet (video + licet), adv., of course, that is. video, ere, vidi, visus, /r., see ; pass., seem, appear. vigilia, ae, /, watching, watch (a fourth part of the night). viginti, indeci., twenty. vincio, ire, vinxi, vinctus, ir., bind. vinco, ere, vici, victus, tr., conquer, overcome. vinculum, i (vincio), «., chain, fetter ; in or ex vinculis, in chains. vindico, are, avi, atus, /r., punish, inflict punishment. vinea, ae, /, a military shed, vinum, i, n., wine, vinxi. See vinci5. vir, viri, m., man. vires. See vis. virgo, virginis, /, virgin, maiden, girl. Viromandui, orum, m. pL, a tribe of Belgic Gaul. virtiis, virtiitis (vir), /., manhood, virtue, bravery, courage, vis, vim,yi, power, force, number; //, vires, strength. vita, ae,/, Hfe. vivo, ere, vixi, — , intr., live, vix, adv., hardly, barely. vixi. See vivo, voco, are, avi, atus (vox), tr., call, summon. Vocontii, orum, m.pl., a tribe of Gaul. 1. volo, velle, volui, — , wish, desire, be willing. 2. volo, are, avi, aturus, intr., fly. voluntarius, a, um (voluntas), will- ing, voluntary. voluntas, atis (i. volo), /, desire, consent, favor, VOS, //. ^tii. voveo, §re, vovi, votus, tr., vow, promise. VOX, vocis, /, voice ; //., words. VUlg5 (vulgus, multitude), adv., gen- erally, everywhere. vulnero, are, avi, atus (vulnus), /r., wound. vulnus, vulneris, n., wound. vultur, vulturis, m., vulture. vultus, lis, m., expression, looks, countenance. VOCABULARY ENGLISH — LATIN [Numbers refer to Sections.] able, potens, potentis; be able, pos- sum, posse, potui. about to, be, active periphrastic con- jugation (437); fut. participle, above, superus. absent, be, absum, afuT, afuturus. abundance, copia, ae,/. accomplish, conficio, conficere, con- fecT, confectus. account of, on, abl, of cause ; ob, prop- ter, w. ace. across, trans, per, w. ace, ; (a bridge) across the river, in flumine. adjoining, finitimus, a, um. administer, administro, are, avi, atus. advance, pr6ced5, ere, process!, pro- cessum ; progredior, progredT, pro- gressus sum. advantage, usus, us, m, advice, consilium, T, n, advise, moneo, ere, monuT, monitus. affair, res, rel,/. afraid, be, timeo, ere, timuT, — . after, prep., post, w. ace, ; conj.y post- quam. afterwards, adv., postea. against, in, contra, w, ace.; be against, obsum, obesse, obfui, ob- futiirus. agreeable, gratus, a, um. aid, auxilium, 1, n. [w, dat, aid, adsum, adesse, adfui, adfuturus, aim, peto, ere, petivi or petii, petitus. alarm, permoveo, ere, permovi, per- motus. all, omnis, e; totus, a, um. alliance, amicitia, ae,/. allow, patior, patT, passus sum; per.. mitt6,ere,permisT,permissum; con- cedo, ere, concessi, concessum. ally, socius, T, m, alone, solus, a, um. already, iam. although, cum, w, subjv,; abl, abs,, 315. always, semper. am, sum, esse, fuT, futurus. ambassador, legatus, T, m, among, inter, apud, w. ace,; be among, Tnsum, inesse, infuT, Tnfu- turus ; intersum, interesse, interfuT, interfuturus, w. dat, ample, amplus, a, um. ancient, vet us, veteris. and, et, -que, atque; and not, neque. animal, animal, animalis, n, announce, nuntio, are, avi, atus; enuntio, are, avi, atus. another, alius, a, ud ; to one another^ inter se; another's, alienus, a, um. 321 322 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN answer, respondeo, ere, respond!, re- sponsus. any, any one, uUus, a, um ; aliquis, aliqua, aliquid or aliquod ; quis- quam, quicquam; quivis, quaevis, quodvis. appoint, constituo, ere, constitui, con- stitutus. approach, adventus, us, in.; aditus, us, m. approach, approplnquo, are, avi, atum, w. dat.: accedo, ere, ac- cess!, accessurus, w. ad and ace, Ariovistus, Ariovistus, i, m. arm, arm5, are, av!, atus. arms, arma, orum, n. plur, army, exercitus, us, m. ; army on the march, agmen, agminis, n. around, circum, w. ace, arouse, incito, are, av!, atus ; per- moveo, ere, permov!, permotus. arrange, instruo, ere, !nstrux!, in- structus. arrival, adventus, us, m. arrive, pervenio, ire, perveni, per- ventum. arrow, sagitta. ae, / art, ars, artis, / ascertain, reperio, ire, repperi, reper- tus. ask, rogo, are, av!, atus ; peto, ere, petivi or peti!, pet!tus ; mando, are, avi, atus. assemble, convenio, !re, conven!, conventus. at, ad, w. ace. ; sign of abl. of time. Athens, Atbenae, 2ir\xTCi, f. plur. attack, impetus, us, m. attack, oppugno, are, avi, atus; lacesso, ere, lacessivi, lacess!tus. attempt, cpnor, ari, atus sum. authority, auct5ritas, atis, f.; potes- tas, atis,/ await, exspecto, are, av!, atus. away, be, absum, abesse, afu!, afu- turus. B bad, malus, a, um. baggage, impedimenta, orum, n. plur, band, manus, us,/ bank (of river), r!pa, ae,/ barbarous, harbarus, a, um. battle, proelium, !, n. ; pugna, ae, / / line of battle, acies, acie!,/ be, sum, esse, fui, futurus. bear, fero, ferre, tul!, latus. beautiful, pulcher, pulchra, pul- chrum. beautifully, pulchre. because, quod ; abl. of cause ; be- cause of, propter, w. ace. before, pro, w. abl. ; ante, w. ace. beg, peto, ere, petivi or peti!, petitus; rog5, are, avi, atus. begin, coep!, coepisse, coepturus sum ; begin battle, proelium committo, ere, commis!, commissus. behalf of, in, pro, w. abl. behind, post, w. ace. Belgae, Belgae, arum, m, believe, ex!stim6, are, avT, atus ; credo, ere, credid!, creditum, w. dat. below, !nferus, a, um. benefit, prosum, prodesse, profui, profuturus, w. dat. benefit, usus, us, n. besiege, oppugno, are, av!, atus ; ob- sideo, ere, obsed!, obsessus. best, optimus, a, um ; adv.^ optime. betakft one's self, confero, conferre, contuli, conlatus {refl.), between, inter, w. ace. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 323 bid, iubeo, ere, iussT, iussus. bind, vincio. Ire, vinxi, vinctus. bird, avis, is, / black, niger, nigra, nigrum. blame, culpo, are, avi, atus. body, corpus, corporis, n, book, liber, libri, m. booty, praeda, ae,/. both . . . and, et . . . et. bottom of, Tmus, a, um. boundary, fines, ium, m. plur, boy, puer, pueri, m. brave, fortis, e. bravely, fortiter. bravery, virtus, utis,/ break up camp, castra movere. bridge, pons, pontis, m, brief, brevis, e. bring, fer5, ferre, tuli, latus ; port5, are, avT, atus ; bring in, Infero, Tnferre, intuli, inlatus ; bring to- gether, confero, conferre, contull, conlatus. broad, latus, a, um. brother, frater, fratris, m. build, aedifico, are, avi, atus ; facio, ere, feci, factus. building, aedificium, T, n. burn, incendo, ere, incendi, incen- sus. but, sed, at ; autem {postpositive) . by, sign of abL ; a. or ab, w. abl, ; by means of, abl. of means; per, iv. ace. Caesar, Caesar, Caesaris, m, call, voco, are, avT, atus ; appello, are, avT, atus ; call together, con- voco, are, avi, atus. camp, castra, orum, n. plur, can, possum, posse, potuT. capture, capio, ere, cepT, captus ; ex- pugno, are, avi, atus. care, cura, ae, /i carefully, cum cura. carefulness, dlligentia, ae,/ carry, porto, are, avi, atus ; fero, ferre, tulT, latus ; carry back, refero, referre, rettulT, relatus; carry on, gero, ere, gessi, gestus. Carthage, Carthag5, inis,/ case, causa, ae,/ cause, causa, ae,/ cavalry, equitatus, us, m.; equites, um, m. piur,; (of the) cavalry, equester, equestris, equestre. Celt, Celta, ae, m. certain, a . . . one, quidam, quae dam, quoddam or quiddam. chain, vinculum, 1 ; in chains, ex vinculis. chance, casus, us, m. change, converts, ere, cenvertT, con- versus. charge, signa Infero, Inferre, intuli, inlatus. charge of, be in, praesum, praeesse, praefuT, praefuturus, 7V. dat. ; put in charge of, praeficio, ere, praefeci, praefectus, w. dat. chief, princeps, principis, m, children, llberl, orum, m. plur, choose, deligo, ere, delegl, dSlectus. circumstance, res, rei,/ citizen, cTvis, is, m. andf citizenship, clvitas, atis,/ city, urbs, urbis,/ cohort, cohors, cohortis,/ collect, c5go, ere, coegl, coactus. column, agmen, agminis, n. come, venio, Ire, veni, ventum; come around, circumvenio, ire, circum- 324 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN venT, circumventus ; come near, accedo, ere, access!, accessurus ; come together, convenio, Tre, con- venT, conventus ; come up, per- venio, Tre, perveni, perventus. command, imperium, T, n. command, iubeo, ere, iussT, iussus ; impero, are, avi, atum; mando, are, avT, atus ; praesum, praeesse, prae- ful, praefuturus {iv. dat.). commander, dux, ducis, m.; impera- tor, oris, m. commit, committo, ere, commisi, com- missus. common people, plebs, plebis, / companion, socius, T, m. compel, cog5, ere, coegT, coactus. complete, compleo, complere, com- plevi, completus. concerning, de, 7u. abl. condemn, damno, are, avT, atus. confer, conloquor, conloquT, conlocu- tus sum. confidence, fides, el,/ congratulate, gratulor, arl, atus sum. conquer, supero, are, avi, atus ; vinco, ere, vicT, victus. conspiracy, coniuratio, onis,/ conspirator, coniuratus, T, m. consul, consul, consulis, in, contend, contends, ere, contend!, contentus ; dlmico, are, avT, atus. contracted, angustus, a, um. convert, converto, ere, convert!, con- versus. Corinth, Corinthus, i, / country, terra, ae,// patria, ae, // rus, ruris, n, ; in the country, ruri. courage, animus, T, m. cross, transeo, ire, transii, transitus. crowd, vulgus, i, n. ,• multitude, inis, f. cry, clamor, oris, m, cup, poculum, 1, n. custom, consuetude, inis,/ cut down, occldo, ere, occid!, occisus. daily, cottidianus, a, um ; adv., cot- t!die. danger, periculum, !, n. dare, audeo, ere, ausus sum. daughter, filia, ae,/ day, dies, diei, w. daybreak, at, prima luce, daylight, lux, lucis,/ dear, carus, a, um ; gratus, a, um. dearly, care. death, mors, mortis,/ deed, factum, T, n. deep, altus, a, um. defeat, calamitas, atis,/ defend, defendo, ere, defend!, de- fensus. defense, praesidium, i, n. delay, moror, arl, atus sum. delight, delecto, are, avT, atus. deliver (= set free), libero, are, avT, atus; ( = hand over) trado, tradere, tradidl, traditus. Delphi, Delphi, orum, m. demand, postul5, are, avT, atus ; peto, ere, petTvT or petiT, petltus. depart, disced6,ere,discessi,discessum. dependent, cliens, clientis, m, depth, altitudo, inis,/ desire, cupio, ere, cupivi or cupii, cupTtus. desirous (of), cupidus, a, um. determine, constituo, ere, const itui, constitutus. die, morior, morl, mortuus sum ; cado^ ere, cecidi, casurus. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 325 di£G.cult, difficilis, e. diligence, dlligentia, ae,/ direct, administro, are, avT, atus. disaster, calamitas, atis,/ discover, reperio, Tre, repperi, re- disgraceful, turpis, e. [pertus. dismiss, dimitto, ere, dimlsi, dimissus. dispatch, praemitto, ere, praemTsT, praemissus. disposition, animus, 1, m. dissimilar, dissimilis, e. ditch, fossa, ae, / do, facio, ere, feci, factus; ago, ere, egi, actus. document, litterae, arum, / plur, door, porta, ae,/. down from, de, w. abl. \w. dat. draw near, appropTnquo, are, avT, atum, draw up, Instruo, ere, instruxT, in- struct us. drive away, pello, ere, pepulT, pulsus. during, inter, «/. ace. E each (one), quisque, quaeque, quid- que ; each (of two), uterque, utra- que, utrumque. eager, acer, acris, acre; eager for, cupidus, a, um {lu. gen. ) . eagerly, acriter ; cum studio. earthworks, vallum, 1, «. easily, facile. easy, facilis, e. eight, octo. employ, utor, uti, usus sum, w. abl. encourage, hortor, ari, atus sum; cohortor, ari, atus sum ; incit5, are, avT, atus. end, finis, is, m. enemy, hostis, is, tn. andf. enjoy, fruor, fruT, fructus sum, w. abl. enough, satis, indecl, ensign, slgnum, i, n, entangle, impedio. Ire, impedivT, im- pedltus. equal, par, paris. equestrian, equester, equestris, eques- tre. equip, armo, are, avi, atus. establish, conffrmo, are, avT, atus. Europe, Europa, ae,/ even, express by ipse, a, um. ever, semper. every, omnis, e. evil, malus, a, um. exceedingly, express by superlative. except, nisi. exchange, inter se dare. exhort, cohortor, ari, atus sum. expect, exspecto, are, avi, atus. expel, pello, ere, pepulT, pulsus. face about, slgna converto, conver- tere, convert!, conversus. facing, adversus, a um ; prep.^ ad ver- sus, w, ace, \w. dat. fail, desum, deesse, defuT, defuturus, faithful, fidus, a, um. fall, cado, ere, cecidl, casurus. falling, casus, us, m. famous, express by ille, ilia, illud. far, far off, longe. farmer, agricola, ae, m. father, pater, patris, m» favor, gratia, ae,/ fear, timeo, ere, timuT, — ; vereor, eri, veritus sum. fertile, ferax, feracis. few, paucT, ae, a {plur,). field, ager, agri, m. fierce, acer, acris, acre ; asper, aspera, 326 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN asperum ; ferus, a, um. fiercely, acriter. fight, pugno, are, avi, atum ; fight a battle, proelium facere. fill up, compleo, complere, complevi, completus. finally, denique. find, invenio, ire, invenl, inventus ; reperio, Ire, repperi, repertus. finish, conficio, ere, confecT, confectus. fire, ignis, is, m, ; set fire to, incendo, ere, incendi, incensus. first, primus, a, um ; at first, primo. fit, idoneus, a, um. five, quTnque. flank, latus, lateris, «. flee, fugio, ere, fugi, — . flight, fuga, ae, / / put to flight, in fugam dare. follow, sequor, sequT, secutus sum. following, posterus, a, um. food, cibus, 1, m. foot, pes, pedis, m.; at the foot of, sub, w, abl. ; to the foot of , sub, w. ace, foot-soldier, pedes, peditis, m. for, sign of dat. ; ob, propter, w. ace; pro, w. abl, forbid, veto, are, vetuT, vetitus. force, cogo, ere, coegT, coactus. forces, copiae, arum,yi forest, silva, ae, / form, capio, ere, cepT, captus ; in- struo, ere, instruxT, Tnstructus. former, ille, ilia, illud. . fort, castellum, T, n. fortifications, moenia, ium, n,plur, fortify, munio, Ire, munivl or munil, fortune, fortuna, ae,^ [miinitus. forty, quadraginta. four, quattuor. fourth, quartus, a, um. free, liber, libera, llberum, free, llbero, are, avI, atus. freedom, llbertas, atis,/ frequently, saepe. friend, amicus, I, m. friendship, amicitia, a'e,/ frighten, terreo, ere, terrul, territus. from, sign of abl, ; a or ab, e or ex, de, w. abl. future, for the, in reliquum tempus. garden, hortus, i, m, garrison, praesidium, I, n. gate, porta, ae, / gather, confero, conferre, contuli, conlatus. Gaul (the country), Gallia, ae, // (inhabitant), Gallus, i, m. general, dux, ducis, m,; imperator, oris, m. gentle, lenis, e. gift, donum, I, n, girl, puella, ae, / give, do, dare, dedi, datus ; give back, reddo, ere, reddidi, redditum ; give up, dedo, ere, dedidi, deditus ; permitto, ere, permlsl, permissus ; trado, ere, tradidi, traditus. glad, laetus, a, um. go, eo. Ire, il, itum ; proficlscor, T, profectus sum ; go across or over, transeo, Ire, transil, transitus ; go back, redeo, redire, redil, rediturus; go forward, procedo, ere, processi, processum ; go near, accedo, ere, accessi, accessurus ; go out, exeo, exire, exil, exiturus ; let go, di- mitto, ere, dimlsi, dimissus ; be going to, active periphrastic conju^ gation (437). ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 327 god, deus, T, m, goddess, dea, ae,/ good, bonus, a, um. graceful, gracilis, e. grain, frumentum, 1, «. ; supplies of grain, res frumentaria, rel frumen- tariae, f. great, magnus, a, um ; great many, complures, ia, plur,; so great, tantus, a, um. greatness, magnitiido, inis, / Greece, Graecia, ae,/ Greek, Graecus, T, m. ground, on the, humi. guard, praesidium, T, n. guest, hospes, hospitis, m. habit, consuetude, inis, / hand, manus, us, / Hannibal, Hannibal, is, m, happen, accido, ere, accidi, — , harass, lacesso, ere, lacessivT, laces- sTtus. harbor, portus, iis, m, hard, difficilis, e. hardly, vix. harm, noceo, ere, nocui, nocitu- rus, w. dat. hasten, maturo, are, avi, atum; con- tendo, ere, contend!, contentum. haughty, superbus, a, um. have, habeo, ere, habuT, habitus ; dat of possession ; have to, passive peri- phrastic conjugation (438-9) . he, is ; hic ; ille; he who, is qui. head, caput, capitis, n. ; be at the head of, praesum, praeesse, praefui, praefutiirus, w. dat hear, audio, Ire, audivT, auditus. height, altitiido, inis, / help, adsum, adesse, adfuT, adfuturus^ w, dat. help, auxilium, T, n.; iisus, us, m, Helvetians, Helvetii, orum, plur. her, hers, eius ; suus, a, um ; her (own), suus, a, um. herself, see self. high, altus, a, um. hill, collis, is, m,; up the hill, ad- verso colle. himself, see self. hindrance, impedimentum, T, n. his, eius ; huius ; illius ; suus, a, um. hither, hue. hold, teneo, ere, tenuT, tentus ; hold back, retineo, ere, retinuT, retentus ; hold together, contineo, ere, con- tinuT, Gontentus; hold up, sustine5, ere, sustinui, sustentus. home, domus, us or T, / / at home, domi. honor, pudor, oris, m, hope, spero, are, avi, atus. hope, spes, spei, yC horn, cornu, us, n, horse, equus, T, m, horseman, eques, equitis, m, hostage, obses, obsidis, m. andf, hour, hora, ae, / house, domus, us ^r T, / however, autem; tamen. hundred, centum. hurl, iacio, ere, iecT, iactus ; conicio, ere, conieci, coniectus. hurry, contends, ere, contendl, con- tentum; maturo, are, avT, atum. I, ego, mei. Ides, Tdus, Iduum, / plur^ if, si ; if not, nisi. 328 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN impede, impedio, Tre, impedlvT, impe- ditus. in, sign of abl. ; in, w. abl. ; be in, Tn- sum, inesse, infuT, infuturus. incite, incite, are, avi, atus. increase, auge5, ere, aux!, auctus. industry, dlligentia, ae,/ infamous, turpis, e. infantry, pedites, um, m. plur. influence, gratia, ae, /./ auctoritas, atis,// have most influence, pluri- mum posse. influence, permoveo, ere, permovT, permotus. inform, certiorem facio, ere, feci, fac- tus. inhabit, incolo, ere, incoluT, — , inhabitant, incola, ae, m. injure, noceo, ere, nocuT, nociturus, w. dat, ; obsum, obesse, obfuT, obfu- turus, w, dat. [esse, w. dat, intend, in animo habere ; in animo into, in, w, ace, intrust, committo, ere, commTsT, com- missus ; permitto, ere, permisT, per- missus. island. Insula, ae, / it, is, ea, id. Italy, Italia, ae, / its, eius ; suus, a, um. January, lanuarius, i, m, javelin, pTlum, T, n. join, iungo, ere, iunxi, iunctus ; join battle, proelium committo, ere, commisT, commissus. joint, art us, us, m, journey, iter, itineris, «. judgment, iudicium, T, n. keen, acer, acris, Sere. keep, servo, are, avT, atus ; , keep (away) from, prohibeo, ere, pro- hibuT, prohibitus. kill, neco, are, avi, atus ; interficio, ere, interfecT, interfectus; occldo, ere, occIdT, occisus. kindness, gratia, ae,/ king, rex, regis, m, know, scio, scire, scTvi, scTtus ; intel- lego, ere, intellexT, intellectus ; perf, of cognosco, ere, cognovl, cognitus. Labienus, Labienus, i. labor, labor, oris, m, ; opus, operis, n, lack, inopia, ae,/ lack, careo, ere, carui, cariturus, w. abl, lacking, be, desum, deesse, defuT, de- futurus, w. dat, land, terra, ae,/; native land, pa- tria, ae,/ large, magnus, a, um ; amplus, a, um. last, at, denique. late at night, multa nocte ; till late at night, ad multam noctem. latter, hic, haec, hoc. law, lex, legis,/ lazy, piger, pigra, pigrum. lead, duco, ere, duxT, ductus ; lead across or over, tradiico, ere, tra- duxT, traductus ; lead back, re- duco, ere, reduxT, reductus ; lead out, educo, ere, eduxT, eductus. leader, dux, ducis, m, ; princeps, prin- cipis, m. learn, intellego, ere, intellexT, intel- lectus ; disco, ere, didici, — ; learn of, cognosce, ere, c6gn5vi, cognitus. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 329 leave, intrans.^ discedo, ere, discessT, discessum; exeo, exire, exil, exiturus. trans. ^ leave, leave behind, relin- quo, ere, relTquT, relictus. left, sinister, sinistra, sinistrum. left ( = remaining), reliquus, a, um ; nothing left, i^ihil reliqui. legion, legio, onis,/ lest, ne, w. subjv, let, sign of imper. or subjv. ; let gO, dlmitto, ere, dimisT, dimissus. letter (of alphabet), littera, ae, // (epistle), litterae, dir\im,f.plur. liberate, liber 5, are, avT, at us. liberty, iTbertas, atis, / lieutenant, legatus, T, m, life, vita, ae, / lift up, tollo, ere, sustuli, sublatus. light, lux, lucis, / like, similis, e. like, amo, are, avT, atus. line of battle, acies, ei, / little, parvus, a, um. live, vivo, ere, vixT, — . long, longus, a, um ; adv., diu. lord, dominus, T, m. love, amo, are, avT, atus. low, humilis, e. loyal, fidus, a, um. mad, insanus, a, um. make, facio, ere, feci, factus. man, vir, virl, 7?i. ; homo, hominis, m. andf. ; a man who, is qui. manage, administro, are, avT, atus. manhood, virtus, utis, / many, plural of multus, a, um ; very many, complures, compluria. march, iter, itineris, n.; on the march, ex itinere. march, proficlscor, proficTscT, profec- tus sum ; iter facio, ere, feci, factus; contends, ere, contendi, contentum. Marcus, Marcus, 1, m. master, magister, magistri, m. ; domi- nus, 1, m. may, sign of wish; utinam, w. subjv. means of, by, abl. of means; per, w. ace, mention, demonstro, are, avi, atus. merchant, mercator, oris, w. Mercury, Mercurius, Mercurl, m. messenger, niintius, I, m. middle of, medius, a, um. mile, mille passus; plur., millia pas- suum. mind, animus, i, m. ; mens, mentis,/ / have in mind, in animo habere; in animo esse, w. dat. ; turn the mind to, animadverts, ere, animadvert!, animadversus. mine, meus, a, um. misfortune, casus, us, m, money, peciinia, ae,/ month, mensis, is, /«. moon, liina, ae,/ more, plus, pluris ; sign of comparative, moreover, autem {postpositive), most, sign of superlative. mountain, mons, mentis, m. move, moveo, ere, movi, motus. much, multus, a, um ; adv., multum, multo. multitude, multitiid5, inis,/ must, passive periphrastic conjuga- tion, w. dat. of agent (438-9). my, meus, a, um. myself, see self. N name, nomen, nominis, «. name, appello, are, avi, atus. 330 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN narrow, angustus, a, um. nation, natio, onis,/ / gens, gentis,/ native land, patria, ae,/. near, ad, apud, w. ace; come near, go near, accedo, ere, access!, acces- nearest, proximus, a, um. [surus. need, be in need of, careo, ere, carui, cariturus, w. abl. neighbor, finitimus, T, m. neighboring, finitimus, a, um. neither, neuter, neutra, neutrum. neither . . . nor, neque . . . neque. never, numquam. nevertheless, tamen. new, novus, a, um. next, proximus, a, um ; posterus, a, um. night, nox, noctis, / / late at night, multa nocte. nineteen, undevlgintl. no, non ; no one, none, nullus, a, um ; nem5, dat. nemini. nor, neque. north wind, aquilo, onis, m. not, non ; and not, but not, neque ; not to, ne, w. subjv. ; if not, nisi ; that not, ne, w. subjv, nothing, nihil, inded, notice, animadverts, ere, animadvert!, animadversus. now, nunc, iam. number, numerus, i, m,; multitudo, inis, f. that, utinam, «;. subji), obey, pareo, ere, paru!, — , w. dat. obtain, obtineo, ere, obtinu!, obtentus. occupy, occupo, are, av!, atus. of, sign of gen. ; de, w. abl. often, saepe. old, vetus, veteris ; senex, senis. older, maior natu. on, in, w. abl. one, unus, a, um; one who, is qui; one . . . another, alius . . . alius; the one . . . the other, alter . . . alter; to one another, inter se. only, solus, a, um. opportimity, spatium, !, «. oppose, resists, ere, restiti, — , w, dat, order to, in, ut, w. subjv. order, iubed, ere, iussi, iussus ; impero, are, av!, atum; mand5, are, avi, atus. Orgetorix, Orgetorix, igis, m. other, alius, alia, aliud; (of two), -alter, a, um. ought, debeo, ere, debu!, debitus; oportet, ere, oportuit, impers.; passive periphrastic conjugation (438-9). our, ours, noster, nostra, nostrum; our men, nostri, orum, m. plur. ourselves, nos, nostrum ; ipsi, ae, a. out of, e or ex, lu. abl. over, in, 2u. abl.; trans, w. ace; be over, supers um, superesse, superfui, superfuturus, w. dat. overcome, supero, are, avi, atus, overtake, consequor, consequi, con- secOtus sum. owe, debeo, ere, debui, debitus. pace, passus, us, m. part, pars, partis, yC peace, pax, pacis,yC pear tree, pirus. Iff. people, populus, !, m. perceive, intellego, ere, intellexi, in- tellectus. perish, cado, ere, cecidi, casurus. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 331 permit, permitto, ere, permisi, per- missum ; concedo, ere, concessT, concessum. persuade, persuadeo, ere, persuasT, persuasum, w. daU pitch (camp), pono, ere, posui, posi- tus. place, locus, T, m. ; plur,, loci or loca ; in that place, ibi ; to this place, hue. place, p6n5, ere, posuT, positus ; con- loco, are, avi, atus ; constituo, ere, constitur, constitutus. plan, consilium, 1, n. plead (a cause), dico, ere, dixi, dictus. please, delecto, are, avT, atus. pleasing, gratus, a, um. pledge, obses, obsidis, m. or f, plow, aro, are, avi, atus. point out, demonstro, are, avi, atus. Pompey, Pompeius, I, m. poor, miser, misera, miserum. possess, obtine5, ere. obtinuT, ob- tentus. possession, take possession of, oc- cupo, are, avi, atus ; get possession of, potior, potirT, potitus sum, w. abl. possible, the . . . -est possible, as ... as possible, quam, w, superl. of adj, ; as soon as possible, quam prTmum. power, potestas, atis, f, ; imperium, T, n.; vis, ace, vim. powerful, potens, potentis ; be very powerful, plurimum posse.' praise, laudo, are, avi, atus. prefer, malo, malle, maluT, — . prepare, paro, are, avT, atus; com- par5, are, avi, atus'. present, be, adsum, adesse, adfuT, ad- futurus ; intersum, interesse, inter- fuT, interfuturus. preserve, servo, are, avi, atus. pretty, pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum. proceed, consequor, consequi, conse- ciitus sum. promise, poUiceor, eri, poUicitus sum. proper, be, oportet, ere, oportuit, ifupers, protect,defendo,ere,defendT,def(ensus. protection, praesidium, T, n. ; fides, ei, /; put one's self under the pro- tection of, in fid em venire, w. dat, proud, superbus, a, um. provide, paro, are, avi, atus ; com- paro, are, avT, atus. province, provincia, ae,yi provisions, commeatus, us, m.; res frumentaria, re! frumentariae, yC prudence, consilium, T, n, public, publicus, a, um. punish, punio, Tre, punivT, piinitiis. punishment, poena, ae,/ pupil, discipulus, 1, m. purpose of, for the, ad, w, ace. of gerundive. pursue, consequor, consequi, conse* cutus sum. put to flight, in fugam do. queen, regina, ae,yC quickly, celeriter. quickness, celeritas, atis,yC R race (= nation), gens, gentis,/ raise, toUo, ere, sustull, sublatus. 332 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN rampart, vallum, i, n, rank, ordo, ordinis, m, ravage, vasto, are, avT, atus. [turn. reach, pervenio, ire, perveni, perven- rear, novissimiuii agmen, n. reason, causa, ae,/". receive, accipio, ere, accepT, accep- tus ; recipi5, ere, recepT, receptus. recognize, cognosce, ere, cognovi, cognitus. redoubt, castellum, T, n, relief, subsidium, T, n. remain, maneo, ere, mansT, mansum ; remaneS, ere, remansT, remansurus. remaining, reliquus, a, um. remove, tollo, ere, sustulT, sublatus. render, reddo, ere, reddidl, redditus. reply, respondeo, ere, respondi, re- sponsus. report, nuntio, are, avi, atus ; enuntio, are, avi, atus ; renuntio, are, avT, atus. republic, res publica, rei publicae,^; reputation, auctSritas, atis,/ request, peto, ere, petivi or petiT, petitus. require, postulo, are, avi, atus. resist, resist 6, ere, restiti, — , w, dat respect, vereor, erl, veritus sum. respects, in all, omnibus rebus. rest of, reliquus, a, um. restrain, contineo, ere, continuT, con- tentus. retain, obtineo, ere, obtinuT, obten- tus ; retineo, ere, retinuT, retentus. retreat, recipio, ere, recepT, receptus {rejl.) ; pedem refero, referre, ret- tulT, relatus. return, intr.^ redeo, redire, redii, reditiirus ; revertor, revert!, re- vert!, reversus ; trans. ( = give back), reddo, reddere, reddidl, redditus. reveal, enuntio, are, avi, atus. reward, praemium, i, n. Rhine, Rhenus, T, m, Rhone, Rhodanus, i, m. right, dexter, dext[e]ra, dext[e]rum. river, flumen, fluminis, n. road, via, ae, f. ; iter, itineris, n. rock, saxum, T, n. Roman, Romanus, a, um ; as subst.f Romanus, i, m. Rome, Roma, ae,yi rose, rosa, ae,/ rough, asper, aspera, asperum. rouse, incito, are, avi, atus. rout, pello, ere, pepulT, pulsus, rule, rego, ere, rex!, rectus ; im- pero, are, avi, atum, w^ daU run away, fugio, ere, fugi, — . safe, tutus, a, um. sailor, nauta, ae, m, sake of, for the, causa, w, gen, ; ut, w, subjv. sally, eruptio, 6nis,yC same, idem, eadem, idem, save (= preserve), servo, are, av!, atus; (= rescue), eripio, ere, eri- pu!, ereptus. {def, say, dico, ere, d!xi, dictus; inquam, scare, terreo, ere, terrui, territus. scout, explorator, oris, m. sea, mare, is, n. seat, sedile, is, n. second, secundus, a, um ; for the second time, iterum. see, video, ere, vidi, visus. seek, peto, ere, petiv! or petii, petitus; quaer5, ere, quaesivi, quaesitus. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 333 seize, occupo, are, avi, atus ; capio, ere, cepT, captus. select, deligo, ere, delegi, delec- tus. self, himself, herself, itself, them- selves, ipse, a, um {intens.) ; sui {rejl.) ; myself, yourself, our- selves, ipse (^intens.) ; pers. pron, {re/.). senate, senatus, us, m. send, mitto, ere, misT, missus ; send ahead, praemitt5, ere, praemTsT, praemissus ; send off, dimitto, ere, dimisi, dlmissus. Sequani, SequanT, orum, m, plur, set fire to, incendo, ere, incendi, in- census. set out, proficTscor, proficTscT, profec- tus sum. set over, praeficio, ere, praefeci, praefectus, w. ace, and dat, seven, septem. seventy, septuaginta. severely, graviter. sharp, acer, acris, acre. she, ea ; ilia. ship, navis, is,yC short, brevis, e. shout, clamor, oris, tn, show, demonstro, are, avT, atus, sick, aeger, aegra, aegrum. side, latus, lateris, n,; from or on all sides, undique. sight, conspectus, us, m, sign, signum, T, n, similar, similis, e. six, sex. size, magnitudo, inis,yi skillful, perTtus, a, um. slaughter, caedes, is,/ slave, servus, T, m. slay, occTdo, ere, occTdi, occisus. slender, gracilis, e. slow, piger, pigra, pigrum. small, parvus, a, um. smooth, lenis, e. snatch away, eripio, ere, eripuT, ereptus. SO, ita ; tam («;. adjs, and advs.)-, so great, tantus, a, um ; and so, itaque ; SO as not, ne, w. subjv, soldier, miles, militis, 7ti, sole, solus, a, um. some (one), quis, quae (qua), quid (quod) ; aliquis, aliqua, aliquid (aliquod); some . . . Others, alii . . . alii; some in one direction, some in another, alii aliam in partem. son, fllius, fill or filil, m. son-in-law, gener, generl, m, soon, iam ; mox ; as soon as, quam primum. Space, spatium, i, n. speak, dico, ere, dixi, dictus; speak together, conloquor, conloqui, con- locutus sum. spear, hasta, ae,yi speech, oratio, 6nis,yC speed, celeritas, atis,yC spirit, animus, I, m. spoil, praeda, ae,/ stand before, praesto, praestare, prae- stitl, — . star, Stella, ae,/ state, civitas, atis, f. ; res publica, rei publicae, f. station, conloco, are, avI, atus ; con- stituo, ere, constitui, c5nstitutus. stay, maneo, ere, mansi, mansum. storm, oppugno, are, avI, atus ; take by storm, expugno, are, avI, atus. 334 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN story, fabula, ae,/. strange, alienus, a, um. street, via, ae,/ strength, vis, vim, / strengthen, al6, ere, aluT, alitus or altus. strive, contendo, ere, contend!, con- tentum. strong, validus, a, um. struggle, contendo, ere, contendi, contentum. sturdy, validus, a, um. such, talis, e ; tantus, a, um. suffer, patior, patT, passus sum; la- boro, are, avT, atus. suitable, idoneus, a, um. summer, aestas, atis,/ summon, convoco, are, avT, atus. supplies, commeatus, us, m. ; supplies of grain, res frumentaria,/ supply, copia, ae,/ suppose, existimo, are, avT, atus ; arbitror, ari, atus sum. surpass, /r., supero, are, avT, atus ; intr,^ praest6,praestare, praestiti, — . surrender, deditio, onis, / surrender, trado, tradere, tradidl, traditus; dedo, dedere, dedidi, deditus. surround, circumvenio. Ire, circum- veni, circumventus. survive, supersum, superesse, super- fuT, superfuturus. sustain, sustineo, ere, sustinui, sus- tentus. swift, velox, velocis. swiftly, celeriter. sword, gladius, i, m. table, mensa, ae,/ take, capio, ere, cepi, captus; take away, tolls, ere, sustuli, sublatus ; take by storm, expugn5, are, avT, atus; take possession of, occupo, are, avi, atus. teacher, magister, magistrl, m» tell, dico, ere, dixi, dictus. temple, templum, i, n, ; aedes, aedis, / ten, decem. tender, tener, tenera, tenerum. territory, fines, finium, m. plur. than, quam ; abl, after comparative. that, demonstr.f is, ea, id ; ille, ilia, illud ; rel., qui, quae, quod. that, in order that, so that, ut, w, subjv. ; after verbs of fearing^ ne, w, subjv.; that not, ne, w. subjv,; would that, utinam. their (own), theirs, suus, a, um ; eorum, earum. themselves, see self, then, tum. thence, inde. \_lated, there, ibi ; introductory^ not trans- therefore, itaque. thereupon, inde. they, ii, eae, ea ; illi, illae, ilia, thing, res, rel,/ think, existimo, are, avi, atus ; arbi- tror, ari, atus sum. third, tertius, a, um. thirty, trlginta. this, hic, haec, hoc. thou, tu. thousand, mille {indecL) ; plur,, miUia or milia. three, tres, tria ; three hundred, tre- centT, ae, a. through, per, w. ace. throw, iacio, ere, iecT, iactus ; conicio, ere, coniecl, coniectus. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 335 thus, ita. Tiber, Tiberis, is, m, time, tempus, temporis, n,; spatium, 1, n. ; for a long time, diu. to, sign of dat. ; ad, in, w. ace. ; sign of subjv. of purpose, to-day, hodie. top of, summus, a, um. toward (s), ad, w. ace, tower, turris, is,/ town, oppidum, 1, n. trader, mercator, oris, m, Tralles, Tralles, Trallium, m. pi, transport, traduc5, ere, traduxi, tra- ductus. treat, ago, ere, egi, actus, trench, fossa, ae, / trial, iudicium, T, n, tribe, gens, gentis,/ troops, copiae, arum, f pi, trustj fides, ei,/ \w, dat. trust, credo, ere, credidT, creditum, try, Conor, ari, atus sum. turn about, converts, ere, convert!, conversus ; turn back, revertor, re- vert!, revert!, reversus ; turn the mind to, animadverto, ere, animad- vert!, animad versus. twelve, duodecim. twenty, vigint!. two, duo, duae, duo. Ugly, turpis, e. unfavorable, alienus, a, um. unless, nisi. unlike, dissimilis, e. unwilling, be, nolo, nolle, nolul, — . upon, in, w, ace, and abl. urge, cohortor, ar!, atus sum; urge on, incito, are, av!, atus. use, usus, us, m. ; be of use to, prosum, prodesse/ profui, profuturus, w, dat. use, utor, ut!, usus sum, w. abl. van, pr!mum agmen, pr!m! agminis, n, vassal, cliens, clientis, m. very, adj. or adv. in superl, ; intens,^ ipse, a, um. view, conspectus, us, m. village, v!cus, !, m, virtue, virtus, utis,/ W wage, gero, ere, gessi, gestus ; wage war upon, helium infero, !nferre, in- tuli, inlatus, w. dat, wait for, exspecto, are, avi, atus, wall, murus, !, m, walls, moenia, moenium, n,pl, war, helium, !, n. warn, moneo, ere, monu!, monitus. waste, lay, vasto, are, av!, atus. watch, vigilia, ae,/ way, via, ae, / we, nos, nostrum. weapon, telum, !, n,; plur.^ arma, orum, ;/. wear out, conficio, ere, confec!, con- fectus. well, bene ; well known, n5bilis, e. what {rel.), qu!, quae, quod; {interrog.)f quis, quae, quid, when, ubi, cum. where, ubi. which (rel.), qui, quae, quod ; (Jnterrog.)y quis, quae, quid ; which of two, uter, utra, utrum. white, albus, a, um. 336 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN who (r^/.)» qui, quae ; (Jnterrog.), quis, quae. whole, totus, a, um ; omnis, e. why, cur. wicked, malus, a, um. wide, latus, a, um. width, latitude, inis,/ wild, ferus, a, um. will, volo, velle, voluT, — ; will not, nolo, nolle, noluT, — . willing, be, volo, velle, volui, — ; be more willing, malo, malle, malui, — . wine, vTnum, i, n. wing, cornu, us, n. winter, hiems, hiemis,yC winter quarters, hlberna, orum, n. pL wisely, prudenter. wish, cupio, ere, cupTvT, cupitus; volo, velle, voluT, — . with, sign of abl.; cum, w. abl.; apud, IV. ace. [cessum, withdraw, discedo, ere, discessi, dis- within, sign of abl. of time. without, sine, w. abl. ; be without, careo, ere, carui, cariturus, w. abl. withstand, sustineo, ere, sustinuT, sustentus. woman, femina, ae, // mulier, mulieris, / wood (= forest), silva, ae,/ work, labor, oris, / / opus, operis, «. work, laboro, are, avT, aturus. would that, utinam, zu. subjv. wound, vulnus, vulneris, n. wound, vulnero, are, avT, atus. wretched, miser, misera, miserum. write, scrlbo, ere, scripsi, scrTptus. year, annus, I, m, yet, tamen. you, tu, vos. young, iuvenis, is. your, yours, tuus, a, um ; vester, vestra, vestrum. yourself, tu, vos ; ipse. zeal, studium, I, ». INDEX (Numbers refer to Sections. References to matter contained in footnotes are given by citing the page and the number of the note : in such cases p. = page, n. = note. The only other abbreviation used, vs., = 'distinguished from.' The Index, it is expected, will be supplemented by the Table of Contents, pages 7-9.) a vs. ab, p. 70, n. i. Ablative, of agent, 141-142 ; absolute, 315-317; of cause, 117-118; of comparison, with and without quam, 259-260; of description, 302-303; of instrument, 93-94; with in, p. 24, n. 2; of manner, 147-148; of means, 93-94; of measure of dif- ference, 266-267; of place whence, 236, a: 237; of separation, 210- 211; of specification, 156-157; of time when, 130-13 1; with utor, fruor, fungor, potior, vescor, 336- 337. Ablative singular, in -i, in adjectives of third declension, 155, i ; in -i and -e, in nouns of third declension, 122, 3. Accent, general rules for, 20 ; of geni- tive singular of nouns in -ius and -ium, 74, I ; of vocative singular of nouns in -ius and of filius, 74, 2 ; of perfect forms in second conjuga- tion, 106 ; of present passive of fourth conjugation, 215, 2. Accusative, of direct object, 45 : 46, 2 ; of duration of time and extent of space, 244-245 ; of limit of motion, 236, a: 237; as subject of infini- tive, 184, i; 329: 429-430; with in, p. 29, n. 2; with ob and propter to express cause, p. 71, n. 2. Accusative singular in -im, in third declension, 122, 3. Active periphrastic conjugation, 437 : 529. Adjectives, agreement of, see Agree- ment; comparison of, 256-257 : 264-265; demonstrative, 201-202; interrogative, 216-217; possessive, 292-293: 296; position of, 32; predicate, general rule for, 321 33-34; predicate, with comple- mentary infinitive, 183, c. 184, 3^ construed with dative, 162-1635 denote only part of word modified, p. 133, n. i; used as nouns, 203; with genitive singular in -ius and dative singular in -i, 209. Adverbs, formation of, 279; com- parison of, 280. Agent, expressed by a or ab with the ablative, 141-142. Agreement, of adjectives, general rules for, 32: 33-34: 63: 65; oi possessive adjectives, 293 ; of pred- icate adjective, in general, 32: 33-34; of predicate adjective with complementary infinitive, 183, c\ 184, 3; of appositive. 57-58; of participles, 152, 2; of relative pro- noun, 196, h: 197; of verbs, in general, 45, 4 : 46, i ; of person of verb in relative clause with that of antecedent, 288. aliquis, 301, 4: 515.. alius, declension of, 209. 337 ,338 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN Alphabet, 2-4. alter, declension of, 209. Antecedent, defined, 196, a-b; deter- mines person of the verb of the relative clause, 288. Apodosis, 413. Apposition, appositive, 57-58: p. 119, n. I. Article, missing in Latin, p. 16, n. 2. Base, 25: 52, 2: 69, 2, 4: 112, I, 3: 122, 2. bonus, comparison of, 272. careo, ablative with, 211. Cases, names of, 24. See also Abla- tive, Accusative, Dative, Genitive, Locative, Vocative. Cause, ablative of, 11 7-1 18; ex- pressed by ob and propter with ac- cusative, p. 71, n. 2; expressed by cum with the subjunctive, 386: 387, 2. Command, aflfirmative, expressed by imperative, 399; negative, ex- pressed by n6li or nolite with in- finitive, 399. Comparative, with special signification * too* or * rather,' 268. See also Comparison. Comparison, of adjectives, 256-257: 264-265; of adverbs, 280; irregu- lar, of adjectives, 272; ablative of, 259-260. Complex sentences, 349: 413; in in- direct discourse, 427-430. Compound verbs, dative with, 393- 394; dative and accusative with, 393. Concessive clauses, with cum and sub- junctive, 386-387. Concord, see Agreement. Conditional sentences, 413-421. Conditions, general classification of, 414; contrary to fact, 416; future. 418-419; simple, 415; summa- rized, 420; expressed by ablative absolute, 315-316; expressed by participle, 421. Conjugation, 23 : 26. Conjugations, the four, how distin- guished, 85. Consonants, 2; pronunciation of, 7: 14. Contrary to fact conditions, 416; contrary to fact wishes, 423-424. cum, preposition, with ablative, in expressions of manner, 147-148; appended to pronouns, 287. cum clauses, especially with the sub- junctive, 386-387. Dative, of indirect object, 57-58; of possession, with sum, 230-231; of service or purpose, 294-295; with adjectives, 162-163; with com- pound verbs, 393-394; with com- pound verbs, together with the accusative, 393; with verbs of special meaning, 342-343. Declension, 24. Degree of difference, expressed by ablative, 266-267. Demonstratives, 201-203; less used in Latin than in English, p. 155, n. I : p. 186, n. I. Deponent verbs, 333-335 : 528; per- fect passive participle of, active in meaning, 335. Description, ablative and genitive of, 302-303. Difference, degree of, expressed by the ablative, 266-267. Diphthongs, 4: 8: 17, 4. Direct object, see Object. Discourse, indirect, see Indirect diS' course. d6, quantity of vowel a in, p. 30, n. i. domi, 235, 2. domus, 222, 2: 501. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 339 Duration of time, expressed by the accusative, 244-245. e vs. ex, p. 70, n. i. Enclitics, 20, 4. See -ne and -que. Endings, case, 25: 112; personal, 43, 1 : 87, I : g2, i : 106, i : 139, 2-3 : 146, 1 : 173, 1 : 348, 2. eo, 234: 525. * exceedingly,' expressed by the super- lative degree, 268. Exhortation, subjunctive of, 399. Extent of space and time, expressed by the accusative, 244-245. extremus, ' the end of,' p. 133* »• i- Fearing, object clause after verb of, 384-385. ferd, 527. fio, 526. fruor, with ablative, 336-337. fungor, with ablative, 337. Future conditions, 418-419. Future perfect tense, formation of, 98, 1 : 99. Future wishes, 423-424. Gender, rules of, 27-28: 29: 128: 223. Genitive, general rule for use of, 38; of description, 302-303; partitive, 250-251; of the whole, 250-251. • Gerund and gerundive, 404-406. See Purpose. hie, 201 : 203 ; vs. ille, 203 ; vs. is, 203; as demonstrative of the first person, 208, i. * his ' and * her ' omitted, p. 27, n. 2. Historical present, p. 125, n. 3. Historical tenses, 372. Hopeless wishes, 423-424. hunu, 235, 2. -i- stems, of nouns, in third declension, 123; of adjectives, in third declen- sion, 155, 1 : 161, 3. idem, 189. ille, 202-203; vs. hie, 203; vs. is, 203 ; = ' that famous,* position of, 203. Imperative, use of, 399; shortened form of, in certain verbs (die, due, fae, fer), 398. Impersonal use of verbs, 432. imus, * the bottom of,' p. 133, n. i. in, with the ablative, p. 24, n. 2 : 235, 3 : 237> I ; with the accusative, p. 29, n. 2 : 237, 2. Indefinite pronouns, 300-301. Indicative active, table for formation of, 99. Indirect discourse, 327-330: 369-370; infinitive and subjunctive in, in complex sentences, 427-430. Indirect object, see Object. Infinitive, formation and meanings of, 322; general remarks on the use of, 183-184; as subject, 183, c: 184,1; complementary, 183, hi 184, 2; in indirect discourse, 328-330: 429-430; subject of, in the accusa- tive, 183, c: 184, i; predicate ad- jective with complementary infini- tive, 183, c 184, 3; in substantive clause, 378. Inflection defined, 23. Instrument, ablative of, 93-94. Interrogative adjective and pronoun, 216-217. ipse, 207; vs. se, 286, 4. Irregular comparison of adjectives, 272. is, declension of, 188; meanings of, 190-191; vs. suus, 293^ 2: 286, 3; as antecedent of relative pronoun, 196, c. iste, declension of, 208; used as the demonstrative of the second per- son, 208. Locative, 235 : 237. 340 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN malo, 362 : 524. Manner, expressed by ablative, or by the ablative with cum, 147-148. * many great,' etc., = * many and great,' etc., p. 34, n. i : p. 62, n. i. Means, ablative of, 93-94. Measure of difference, expressed by the ablative, 266-267. medius, * the middle of,' p. 133, n. i. mille, 242 : 243, 3. Moods, 26, I. See Imperative, In- dicative, Infinitive, Subjunctive. -ne, enclitic, 20, 4; in questions, 40. ne, negative particle, not used with the imperative, 399; used with the subjunctive of exhortation, 399; used with the subjunctive of wish, 424. Negative, with the subjunctive of exhortation, 399; with wishes, 424. neuter, declension of, 209. noli or nSlite, with the infinitive in negative commands (prohibitions), 399" nolo, 362 : 524. Nominative, 34, i; in predicate ad- jective with complementary in- finitive, 183, c: 184, 3. nonne, in questions, 40, 2. nullus, declension of, 209. Numbers, 26, 5. Numerals, 241-243. Object, direct, in the accusative, 45 : 46, 2; indirect, in the dative, 57 : 58, 2 ; indirect, with compound verbs, 393-394; direct and indi- rect both, with compound verbs, 393. Object clauses, ^eo. Substantive clauses. Omission, of subject, 45, 3-4; of the possessive adjectives, p. 27, n. 2. Order of words, general rules for, 32: 82 : p. 24, n. 3 ; position of adjectives, 32; position of the vocative, p. 27, Participles, agreement of, see Agree' ment; formation of, 307; tenses of, 309; uses of, 152: 308: 311:421; of deponent verbs, 334; perfect, of deponent verbs, active in sense, 335; as protasis of conditional sentences, 311 : 421. Partitive genitive, 250-251. Parts, principal, see Principal parts; how given in this book, p. 49, n. i. Parts of speech, 22. Passive periphrastic conjugation, 438-439: 530. Perfect tense, vs. imperfect tense, 92 ; endings of, 92, i ; formation of, 99. Periphrastic conjugation, active, 437: 529; passive, 438-439: 530. Person of verb, remarks on, 45; how indicated, 43. Personal endings, see Endings. Personal pronouns, 284-285; CUm appended to, 287. Persons, 26, 4. Place whence, how expressed, 236: 237,3- Place where, how expressed, 235: 237, I. Place whither, how expressed, 236: 237, 2. Pluperfect tense, formation of, 98, \' 99. plus, declension of, 273. Possession, dative of, with sum, 230- 231. Possessive adjectives, 292-293: 296; omitted, p. 27, n. 2. Possessives omitted, p. 27, n. 2. possum, 274: 522. potior, with the ablative, 337. Predicate adjective, in general, 32- 2,z '- 34, 2 ; with complementary in- finitive, 183, c: 184, 3. Predicate agreement, of adjective and noun, 32-33: 34, 2; with comple- mentary infinitive, 183, c: 184, 3. ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 341 Primary tenses, 372. Principal parts of verbs, 86 ; how given in this book, p. 49, n. i. Prohibitions, 399. Pronouns, demonstrative, 201-203; indefinite, 300-301 ; interrogative, 216-217; personal, 284-285; reflex- ive, 284: 286; relative, 195; agree- ment of, 196-197; in indirect dis- course, 428; cum appended to, 287. Pronunciation, 5-8. prosum, 391 : 523. Protasis, 413; expressed by ablative absolute, 315-317; expressed by participle, 311 : 421. Purpose, expressed by ad with the accusative of the gerund or the gerundive, 406, 3 ; expressed by the dative, 294-295; expressed by the genitive of the gerund or the gerun- dive with causa, 406, 3 ; expressed by the subjunctive, 350-351; ex- pressed by relative clauses in the subjunctive, 363-364; expressed by the supine, 433-435- quam, * than,' in expressions involving a comparative, 259-260. Quantity, general rules for, 16-19; in fifth declension, genitive singular, p. 122, n. I. -que, position of, 20, 4: p. 80, n. i. Questions, with -ne and nonne, 40; indirect, in the subjunctive, 369- 370; indirect, vs. indirect state- ments, 369. qui, 195. See Relative pronoun. quidam, 301, 5. quis, interrogative, 216-217; indefi- nite, used especially with si, nisi, ne and num, 301, i. quisque vs. omnis, 301, 2. * rather,' expressed by the comparative degree, 268. Reflexive pronouns, 284: 286; cum appended to, 287; use of, in in- direct discourse, p. 160, n. i. Relative clauses of purpose, in the subjunctive, 363-364. Relative pronoun, declension of, 195; meanings and use of, 195-196; agreement of, 196-197; antece- dent of, 196, a; antecedent of, often is, 196, c; cum appended to, 287; used at beginning of sentences or clauses where English uses the de- monstrative, p. 155, n. I : p. 186, n. i. Result, expressed by subjunctive, 356-358. revertof, forms of, p. 189, n. i. ruri, 235, 2^ se vs. ipse, 286, 4. Secondary tenses, 372. Separation, how expressed, 210-21 1. Sequence of tenses, 371-374. Service, dative of, 294-295. Simple conditions, 415. solus, declension of, 209. Space, extent of, expressed by the accusative, 244-245. Specification, ablative of, 156-157. Speech, parts of, 22. Stem, defined, 25; of third declension, in: 112,1; of verb, 43: 86: 122,2. Subject, normal case of, 33 : 34i i ; of infinitive, in the accusatfve case, 184: 329: 429-430; may be omitted, 45, 3. Subjunctive, of exhortation, 399; in indirect discourse, in complex sen- tences, 427: 429-430; of purpose, in clauses with ut or ne, 350-351; of purpose, in relative clauses, 363- 364; of result, 356-358; in wishes, 423-425. Subordinate clauses in indirect dis- course, 427 : 429-430. Substantive clauses, with infinitive^ 378: 380; with the subjunctive. 342 ESSENTIALS OF LATIN 378-380; with verbs of fearing, 384-385. sui, suus, 286, 2, 3. sum, 521; with dative of possession, 230-231. summus, ' the top of,' p. 133, n. i. Superlative, with special signification 'exceedingly' or 'very,' 268. Supine, 433-435- suus vs. is, 293, 2. Syllables, 10-15; quantity of, 18-19; accent of, 20. Tenses, named, 26, 2; primary, 372; historical or secondary, 372; per- fect vs. imperfect, 92 ; sequence of, 371-374; in subjunctive clauses of result, 357, b, c; in subjunctive clauses of purpose, 357, h, c. Time, extent of, expressed by the ac- cusative, 244-245 ; clauses express- ing, 386 : 387, I ; time when, ex- pressed by the ablative, 130-13 1. * too,' expressed by the comparative degree, 268. tdtus, declension of, 209. Translation, hints for, 136. Villus, declension of, 209. unus, declension of, 209. uter, declension of, 209. uterque, declension of, 209. utinam, in wishes, 424-425. utor, ablative with, 336-337' Verbal noun vs. verbal adjective, 403. See Gerund. Verbs, compound, construed with ihe dative, 393-394, or with dative and accusative, 393 ; conjugations of, 85 ; construed with the dative, 342-343; principal parts of, 86; principal parts of, how given in this book, p. 49, n. i; stems of, 86; transitive, construction with, 46, 2; used impersonally, 432. See Agreement. ' very,' expressed by the superlative degree, 268. vescor, with the ablative, 337. vetus, ablative singular of, in -e, p. 83, n. I. Vocative, 24, 5 : 69, 3 ; position of, p. 27, n. I : p. 40, n. i. Vocative singular, of nouns in -ius and of faius, 74, 2. Voices, 26, 3 : 138. volo, 524. Vowel, characteristic, of the four con- jugations, 146, 2. Vowels, 3; pronunciation of, 5-6; quantity of, 16-17. Whole, genitive of, 250-251. Wishes, expressed by subjunctive, 423-425; negative in, 424; utinam in, 424-425. Words, order of, see Order of words. ADVERTISEMENTS PEARSON'S LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION By HENRY CARR PEARSON, Horace Mann School, Teachers College, New York. Complete ... Part II, Based on Caesar Part III, Based on Cicero THIS book combines a thorough and systematic study of the essentials of Latin syntax with abundant practice in translating English into Latin; and aifords constant prac- tice in writing Latin at sight. It meets the most exacting college entrance requirements. •[[ Part I is a summary of the fundamental principles of Latin grammar and syntax, and contains clear, concise explanations of many points that are troublesome to the ordinary pupil. It is divided into graded lessons of convenient length, each les- son including Enghsh-Latin exercises for practice. References to all the leading grammars are also given. ^ Part II contains short, disconnected EngHsh sentences and some continuous narrative based on Books I-IV of Caesar's Galhc War. Part III presents material for translation into Latin based upon Cicero. There are also exercises for gen- eral review preparatory to college entrance examinations. ^ A valuable feature of the book is the Review Lessons, in- troduced at intervals. These contain lists of important words for vocabulary study, and together with the summaries of grammatical principles afford excellent material for review work and practice in sight translation. For purposes of em- phasis and intensive study, typical Latin sentences, illustrating important grammatic usages, idioms, and phrases are placed at the head of each chapter based on Books I and II of Caesar and the first Catilinian oration of Cicero. AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY PEARSON'S GREEK PROSE COMPOSITION By HENRY CARR PEARSON, Horace Mann School, Teachers College, New York. THIS book combines a thorough and systematic study of the essentials of Greek syntax with abundant pr^'.ctice in translating connected idiomatic English into Greek; and affords constant practice in writing Greek at sight. ^ Part I contains, in graded lessons, the principal points of Greek syntax which require especial emphasis, the unusual and the non-essential being purposely omitted. These les- sons are designed for use at the beginning of the second year' s study of Greek, thereby serving as a partial review of the first year's work and as an introduction to the composition work in connection with the reading of Xenophon's Anabasis. ^ Part II contains short, simple EngHsh sentences, based on Books I -IV of the Anabasis, designed to be used daily in connection with the reading of the text. ^[ Part III contains connecJ:ed English prose, based on Books I -IV of the Anabasis. This is carefully graded, so that the student who performs faithfully the work outlined will be able to pass the entrance examination to any college. ^ Review lessons are introduced at intervals, containing a list of the important words and an enumeration of the princi- pal constructions used in the preceding sentences. These re- views enable the student to make definite preparation for sight work by giving him valuable practice in the off-hand use of words and principles of grammar. ^ The book is provided with an English- Greek vocabulary and contains a selection of recent college entrance examination papers in Greek prose composition. AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY (283) LATIN GRAMMARS By ALBERT HARKNESS, Ph.D., LL.D., Professor Emeritus in Brown University Complete Latin Grammar, Short Latin Grammar . THESE text-books represent the latest advances in philo- logical science, and embody the results of the author's large experience in teaching, and of his own linguistic studies, together with the suggestions and advice of eminent German specialists in the field of historical and comparative grammar. ^ Throughout each volume the instruction has been adapted to present methods and present needs. A special effort has been made to develop the practical side of grammar, to make it as helpful as possible to the teacher in explaining the force of involved constructions in Latin authors, and to the learner in understanding and appreciating the thought in a compli- cated Latin sentence. ^ The COMPLETE LATIN GRAMMAR is designed to meet the needs of Latin students in both scho Is and colleges. Simplicity and clearness of presentation, as well as ^f language, form leading characteristics of the work. Attention is directed particularly to the arrangement of material, and to the treat- ment of etymology, syntax, moods and tenses, subjunctive, indirect discourse, and hidden quantity. ^ The SHORT LATIN GRAMMAR is intended for those who prefer to begin with a more elementary manual, or for those who do not contemplate a collegiate course. In its preparation the convenience and interest of the student have been carefully consulted. The paradigms, rules, and dis- cussions have in general been introduced in the exact form and language of the Complete Latin Grammar, by which it may at any time be supplemented. The numbering of the sections in the two books is also alike. AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY C2J7) FOR LANGUAGE STUDY DECOURBEY'S FRENCH VERB BLANKS, A simple device, containing forty-eight blanks, bound to gether in a single pad. Each primitive tense is grouped with the tenses derived from it, and both the French and the Eng- lish names of the tenses are given. With the help of one of these blanks the average pupil can write out a verb in about live minutes. McCOLLOM'S GERMAN VERB FORM . These tabular forms, containing forty-eight blanks to the pad, simplify and systematize the study of the German verb by facilitating the change of a verb from one voice to the other, by enabling the pupil to grasp easily the substitutions for the passive voice, and by providing abundant material for drill. INGLIS'S LATIN COMPOSITION EXERCIS? BOOK Gives a systematic training indispensable to 'a thorough comprehension of the language. Preceding the blanks on which the student is to write the exercises, are pages con- taining the symbols of correction, and a summary of the chief principles of grammar and syntax, accompanied by references to the standard Latin grammars. REILEY'S PRACTICAL EXERCISES ON THE LATIN VERB .... Th^se blanks provide for the writing or over one hundred verbs and have been prepared to combine rapidity with thoroughness, to economize the time of both teacher and pupil, and to present the verb in such a way that its acquisi- tion will be both easy and permanent. AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY A N EW CICERO Edited by ALBERT HARKNESS, Ph.D., LL.D., Pro- fessor Emeritus in Brown University ; assisted by J. C. KIRTLAND, Jr., Professor in Phillips Exeter Academy; and G. H. WILLIAMS, Professor in Kalamazoo Col- lege, late Instructor in Phillips Exeter Academy Nine Oration Edition . Six Oration Edition FOR convenience this edition of Cicero has been pub- lished in two forms. The larger edition includes the four orations against Catiline, the Manilian Law, Archias, Marcellus, Ligarius, and the Fourteenth Philippic. The smaller edition contains the first six of these orations, which are those required by the College Entrance Examination Board, and by the New York State Education Department. ^ Before the text of each oration is a special introduction, which is intended to awaken the interest of the student by furnishing him with information in regard to the oration. ^ The general introduction presents an outline of the life of Cicero, a brief history of Roman oratory, a chronological table of contemporaneous Roman history, a short account of the main divisions of the Roman people, the powers and the duties of magistrates, of the senate- of the popular assemblies, and of the courts of justice. ^ The notes give the student the key to all really difficult pas- sages, and at the same time furnish him with such collateral information upon Roman manners and customs, upon Roman history and life, as will enable him to understand, appreciate, and enjoy these masterpieces of Roman oratory. The gram- matical references are to all the standard Latin grammars. •[[ The vocabulary gives the primary meanings of words, with such other meanings as the student will need in translating the orations. Special attention is devoted to the important subject of etymology. There are many maps and illustrations. AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY C354) CAESAR'S GALLIC WAR Edited by ALBERT HARKNESS, Ph.D., LL.D., Professor Emeritus in Brown University ; assisted by CHARLES H. FORBES, A.B., Professor of Latin in Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. Complete Edition . Four Book Edition THIS edition of Caesar's Commentaries is now issued in two forms. Besides the complete edition containing the entire seven books of the Gallic War, there is also an edition in which the first four books are published separately. As these four books of Caesar are those generally read by students in preparing for college, and constitute the minimum requirements of the College Entrance Examination Board, and of the New York State Education Department, this smaller volume satisfies the demands in many schools at less than the usual cost. Both editions present the necessary pedagogic appa- ratus, with parallel references to the standard Latin grammars. ^ The introduction contains an outline of the life of Caesar, a description in brief of the scenes of his military operations in Gaul, Germany, and Britain, and a short treatise on the military system of the Romans, together with a list of valuable works on the subjects discussed in the introduction. ^ In the notes, such difficult subjects as the subjunctive mood, and indirect discourse, have been treated with unusual clear- ness. In the earlier books frequent comparisons have been made between the direct and the indirect forms of discourse, and between kindred constructions. The notes to the Second Book are sufficiently full for students who begin with that book. ^ The vocabulary gives special attention to etymology, but the treatment is made as simple as possible, with the sole aim of aiding the student in understanding and appreciating the significant elements of words. The illustrations constitute one of the most striking features of the work. AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY I ^ JANES'S SECOND YEAR LATIN FOR SIGHT READING Edited by A* L. JANES, Instructor in Latin, Boys' High School, Brooklyn THIS book has been prepared to meet the Latin sight reading requirements of the College Entrance Exam- ination Board, and is intended to follow the intensive reading of Books I and II of Caesar's Gallic War. All words which Professor Lodge in The Vocabulary of High School Latin has shown should be mastered by the end of the second year are printed in full-faced type in the text where they first occur. The footnotes include the meanings of the less usual words, unusual meanings of common words, hints on derivation and translation, and synonyms. BARSS^S THIRD YEAR LATIN FOR SIGHT READING Edited by J. EDMUND BARSS, Latin Master, Hotchkiss School, Lakeville, Conn. THE purpose of this work is identical with that of Janes' s Second Year Latin for Sight Reading, which it is intended to follow. The treatment of vocabulary, idiom, and construction is therefore much the same as in the earlier volume, but since the pupil has now acquired the greater power of reading at sight, the assistance afforded in the way of footnotes and vocabulary is not quite so extensive. The book covers more than twice the amount specified by the requirements. AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY (253) A TERM OF OVID Edited by CLARENCE W. GLEASON, A.Mo (Harvard), of the Volkmann School, Boston BY THE SAME AUTHOR Greek Primer .... o ... c o o Greek Prose Composition for Schools Story of Cyrus .«. o. Xenophon's Cyropaedia » . , o • THE ten stories from the Metamorphoses included in this book are: Atalanta's Last Race ; Pyramus and Thisbe ; Apollo's Unrequited Love for Daphne; How Phaeton Drove his Father's Chariot ; The Death of Orpheus ; The Touch of Gold ; Philemon and Baucis ; The Impiety and Punishment of Niobe ; The Flood ; Perseus and Andromeda. ^ There is a distinct advantage in using these selections from Ovid as a stepping-stone from Caesar to Virgil. Written in an entertaining manner, they not only make the student acquainted with the legends of the gods and heroes, but also lessen the greatest gap in a continuous Latin course by familiarizing him with the vocabulary of Virgil in easier verse, - In the present volume are all but 300 of the words found in the first book of the Aeneid. ^ The work contains about 1,420 lines of text, with full notes on the text and on scansion, and a vocabulary. The first hundred lines are divided into feet for scansion, with the accents and caesuras marked. The first three stories are accompanied by a parallel version in the order of ordinary Latin prose, with the quantities indicated. There are also synonyms of words not usual in prose, and of common words in extraordinary uses. AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY C364) VIRGIL'S AENEID Edited by HENRY S. FRIEZE, late Professor of Latin, Uni- versity of Michigan. Revised by WALTER H. DEN- NISON, Professor of Latin, University of Michigan First Six Books . . . Complete Complete Text Edition . IN its present form this w^ell-known work has been thor- oughly revised and modernized. It is published in two volumes : one containing the first six books, the other the entire twelve books — an arrangement especially convenient for students who read more than the minimum College Entrance Requirements in Latin. Both volumes are printed on very thin opaque paper, thus m::king each an extraordinarily compact and usable book. ^ The introduction has been enlarged by the addition of sections on the Lfe an J writings of Virgil, the plan of the Aeneid, the meter, manuscripts, editions, and helpful books of reference. ^y The text has been corrected to conform to the readings that have become established, and the spellings are in accord with the evidence of inscriptions of the first century A.D. To meet the need of early assistance in reading the verse metrically, the long vowels in the first two books are fully indicated. ^ The notes have been thoroughly revised, and largely added to. The old grammar references are corrected, and new ones added. The literary appreciation of the poet is increased by parallel quotations from English literature. The irregularities of scansion in each book are given with sufficient explanations. ^ The vocabulary has been made as simple as possible, and includes only those words occurring in the Aeneid. The illustrations and maps, for the most part, are new and fresh, and have been selected with great care, with a view to assist- ing directly in the interpretation of the text. AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY (256^ BEGINNER'S GREEK BOOK By ALLEN ROGERS BENNER, Professor of Greek, Phillips Academy, Andover, and HERBERT WEIR SMYTH, Ph.D., Eliot Professor of Greek Literature, Harvard University THE use of this book should enable the average class to begin reading Xenophon's Anabasis without much diffi- culty before the end of the first year. Only the gram- mar, forms, and constructions needed in the first year of Greek are presented. ^ The main part is divided into 60 lessons or chapters, each consisting of a number of grammatical principles, clearly illus- trated by examples, a special vocabulary, and Greek- English and English-Greek exercises for translation. The vocabula- ries contain only such words as are used by Xenophon, with preference given to the commoner words of the Anabasis. ^ Only the more significant paradigms and rules of syntax are emphasized. Thus the present, future, and aorist tenses of the verb are introduced early ; but the perfect tenses are postponed to later lessons. Infinitives, even in indirect dis- course, participles, and compound verbs have an early place. In the first 50 lessons the prefix of a compound verb is regu- larly separated from the verb proper by a hyphen. ^ The essential rules of syntax are enforced by repetition of examples in successive exercises. Paradigms of certain words that are unusual in the Anabasis are not given, if at the same time these words involve special difficulties. The dual num- ber has been retained in the paradigms, although it may easily be disregarded, as it has not been used in the exercises. ^ At the close of the book are a few simplified selections from the Anabasis which are designed for those students who are not ready to begin reading the original text, after com- pleting the lessons. Summaries of forms and syntax, verb lists, vocabularies, and an index are included. 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