y- ■■:■ ■n' -ff .f LIBRARY OF THE University of California, GIF^T OK Mrs. SARAH P. WALSWORTH. Received October, 1894. t^ccessions No. ^^{J (riy Class No. f ■ V,/^ 'O^ '^vv;^^>^iiV>- ^v MISCELLANEOUS S E E M N S. BY THK REV. SYDNEY SMITH, A.M., LATE FELLOW OF NEW COLLEGE, OXFORD ; RECTOR OF FOSTON, IN YORKSHIRE; PREACHER AT THE FOUNDLING, AND AT BERKELEY, AND FITZROY CHAPELS. COMPLETE IN ONE VOLUME PHILADELPHIA: CAREY AND HART 1846. jrW6r PHILADELPHIA '. T. K. & P. G. COLLINS, PRINTERS. CONTENTS On Repentance, Part I. On Repentance, Part II. On Truth . . . . On the Education of the Poor - On the Importance of Public Worship On the Fast Day, Feb. 28, 1808 On the Utility of meditating on Death For the Blind - - - - On Duty to Parents On the Government of the Heart On Good Friday On the Judgments we form of Others ■ Oft the Love of our Country On Skepticism - - - . The Poor Magdalene - Upon the best Mode of Charity On Methodism - - - . On Riches - - - . On Swearing - - - . On Meekness - - - . ..On the Mode of passing the Sabbath On the Errors of Youth On Self-Examination On Dissipation - - - . On the Conversion of St. Paul - On Temptation, Part I. On Temptation, Part II. PAOl 13 20 27 33 40 47 64 60 66 72 79 85 91 101 109 116 122 130 137 142 148 154 161 168 175 181 187 IV CONTENTS. PAOS For the Humane Society - - - - - 193 On the Effects which Christianity ought to produce upon Manners ------- 200 For the Swiss ------- 207 On Toleration ------- 215 On Vanity - - . - . - - 223 On Suicide - - 229 On Revenge ------- 236 On the Treatment of Servants ----- 242 On Men of the World ------ 245 On the Folly of being ashamed of Religion - - - 257 On Invasion ------- 263 Upon the special Interference of Providence - - - 272 On True Religion - - - - - - 276 On the Immortality of the Soul - - - - 283 On the Pleasures of Old Age - - - - - 290 On the Effects which the Tumultuous Life, passed in great Cities, produces upon the Moral and Religious Character 296 On the Character and Genius of the Christian Religion - 301 For the Scotch Lying-in Hospital - - - - 306 On the Pleasures of Religion - - - - - 313 Upon Religious Education ----- 320 On the Use and Abuse of the World - - - - 327 On the Resurrection ------ 333 On Seduction - - - - - - - 339 A Fragment on the Irish Roman Catholic Church - - 347 :Y SERMON I. ON REPENTANCE. PART I. In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judea, and saying, repent ye, for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand. — Matthew in. VERSE 1. In treating of the duty of repentance we must particularize those signs which are to be considered as characteristic of a repentance efficacious to salvation ; and I think we may say, that such repentance should be sincere, timely, continuous, and just. First. The greatest of all follies is a mockery of God by insincere repentance, by that fluctuation between sin, and sorrow, resolution and infringement, — by that endless circle of penitence, and crime, which they tread, who know virtue only by its labours, and extract nothing from guilt but re- morse. The first stage of repentance is in every man's power, and almost in every man's practice. If sighs and tears could purchase the kingdom of Heaven, and a sad face expiate a wicked life, hardness of heart would indeed be weakness of understanding: but, though God is merciful, he is not fallible, nor will he take the odour of sacrifices, or the incense of words, in the lieu of a solid, laborious virtue. In the Christian religion there is no compensation, no arrange- ment, no shifting, no fluctuation, no dalliance with duties, no deference to darling vices : if the eye offends us, we must pluck it out; if the hand is sinful, we must cut it off*. — Better to merit heaven by every suffering, than eternal punishment by every gratification. We may see, by this striking passage, the absolute neces- sity of abandoning the vice, before repentance can be effec- 2 14 ON REPENTANCE. tual to salvation. Our blessed Saviour departs from his usual mildness of speech; he does not say, if thine eye is evil anoint it ; if thine hand is diseased heal it ; but pluck it out, cut it off, tear it from thee ; he requires that a man should rise above himself ; that the thought of heaven should breathe into him a moral fortitude ; that he should be great in pur- pose, rapid in action, unshaken in constancy ; that he should tear out his ambition, his revenge, his avarice, and all the harlot passions he has wooed, and trample them beneath his feet ; that he should feel that noble persuasion which the great apostle felt, — that neither death, nor life, nor princi- palities, nor powers, should separate him from the love of God. Not that our blessed Saviour intends to say, by the ex- pressions I have quoted, that the only mode of effecting a change is by such sudden, and vigorous resolutions ; but that, where sudden and vigorous resolutions are necessary, any violence done to habit, any pain endured by depriving our- selves of enjoyments to which we have been accustomed, is not for an instant to be weighed against the danger of retain- ing the sin> or the advantage of abjuring it. A certain por- tion of time, indeed, and a certain gradation in improvement, must be allowed to the infirmities of our nature ; and that repentance is not unacceptable to God where there is progress in righteousness. Whichever of us all can look back at the time past with the pleasing certainty that he has acquired a greater power over any one bad passion ; that his virtuous resolutions are more constantly observed; that the habit of doing good, and saying good, and thinking good, are growing stronger and stronger in his heart ; — the repentance of that man is a repentance which leads to salvation, and he is be- coming more fit for the kingdom of heaven, as he approaches nearer to it. Smcere repentance consists not only in abstaining, but in justice, in making restitution, or compensation for the injuries we have committed against our fellow-creatures. These are duties from which no lapse of time, and hardly any alteration of circumstances, can ever exempt us. It is never too late to do justice ; if we die without doing it, the gates of God's mercy are shut against us, and we can have no benefit from the cross of Christ. If seas and mountains separate us from the being we have injured, we should pass over mountains and seas to find him ; to beg his prayers to God, and to restore to ON REPENTANCE. IS him wine, and oil, and vineyards, and olive yards, tenfold for all we have taken. If the grave hides him from us, we should visit his children's children with blessings, and be thankful that one vestige of his race existed upon the earth. No man can know rest, or peace, while there remains in his heart the remembrance of a crime for which he has made no atone- ment. If you have taken aught of any man, give it back ; and, when it is gone, your soul will be at ease. — If you have done secret wrong to his name, come out to the light of day, and restore innocence to the dignity it has lost. Shame is bad, and infamy is bad, and blushes are bad ; but the wrath of God is worse than all these ; — .it is more bitter than the curses of a nation, and fiercer than an army with banners. If the danger of not restoring should alarm us, there is something in the pleasure of restitution which may allure us ; it eases our shoulders from the burthen of sin, it appeases the restless anger of conscience, and renders the mind cheerful and serene ;— if it takes away the stalled ox, it dissipates hatred; if it leaves the dinner of herbs, they are seasoned with content. Did any man, who had overcome the first difficulty of doing justice, ever repent of the eflx)rt he had made ? — Did he ever say, my feelings of guilt were better than my feelings of innocence — I am disappointed by right- eousness, and I wish to reclaim the wages of sin which I have unadvisedly refunded ? Death, says the son of Sirach, is terrible to him who lives at ease in his possessions ; but death is tenfold more terrible to him who lives in misery amid his possessions, with the consciousness that he ought never to have enjoyed them ; that, year after year, he has been reaping the fruits of injustice ; that the time is now gone by in which he might have pacified both God and man ; and that nothing remains but a sorrow which no repentance can prevent, and which no time can cure. If restitution is impossible, compensation is almost always in our power, — a compensation proportioned to our means. There is hardly any man so intrenched in happiness that he is utterly inaccessible to acts of kindness. Any signs of hum- ble benevolence, any real contrition of the heart, towards an injured person, God will accept ; if it is the only compen- sation which accident enables us to make. — The sin which God never will forgive, is that cold and barren penitence which is only sorrowful because it cannot reconcile the feel- ings of virtue with the profits of crime. I allow that it is n ON REPENTANCE. difficult to do justice, that it is difficult to compensate, and difficult to restore ; but one great effort is less costly than a - thousand moments of remorse ; — it is better to do that violence to your feelings, which every subsequent moment will convert into a more powerful source of happiness, than to retain any object of your desire, which every moment will convert into a more powerful cause of reproach. — The fruits of fraud and injustice are yours as a diseased limb is yours, for pain and for weakness, not for enjoyment : health does not make it an auxiliary ; but adhesion makes it a burden. If the life which God gave has left it, my hand is no hand to me ; and if riches, and honour, and power, and every earthly blessing, are not founded upon righteousness, which is their health, and their life, they are not blessings, but burthen, and anguish, and disease, and death. I have, hitherto, principally insisted upon the necessity of justice as an ingredient of sincere repentance ; but there can be no very sincere repentance without sorrow. — Indeed, un- less the evils and apprehensions to which sin gives birth, are so powerfully impressed upon the mind as to fill it with sadness, there is httle security for that part of repentance which consists in action. — Much is due, also, to the offended Majesty of Heaven ; we must not confess our impurities to God with an unshaken spirit ; we must not lift up an un- daunted face towards his throne, and breathe out the sad story of our lives in the firm accents of a fearless voice. " The publican, standing afar off, would not so much as lift up his eyes to Heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God he merciful to me a sinner. ^^I tell you this man went down to his house justified rather than the other, "^^ Repentance must not only be sincere and just, but it must be timely ; — it must take place at such a period as will enable US to make a sohd, real sacrifice of unlawful enjoyment to a sense of Christian duty. Satiety is often mistaken for re- pentance, and many give up the offence, when they have lost all appetite for its commission ; — change of body is mistaken for change of mind, and he who quits a vice, become unnatural X to his period of life, deems himself a progressive penitent ; and believes he is receding from pleasure, because pleasure is receding from him. To repent of passions, when passions are sweet and strong, has the merit of virtue, because it has the difficulty; to oppose languor, to chain down inertness ; and to vanquish imbecility. ON REPENTANCE. '^ is to offer to the Lord our God that which costs us nothing; and to claim the kingdom of heaven for not doing that which we cannot do. — Truiy blessed is he who arrests himself in the middle career of pleasure, while he has yet numbered but few days, and a fair portion of life is still before him. God loveth the hoary hairs of the righteous ; but when they who are far from the grave, when the young, the beautiful, and the strong, turn to the Lord their God in weeping, in fasting, and repentance, then is the great victory of Christ over sin ; then, truly, are the ninety and nine just persons forgotten; and the joy in heaven is exceeding great. Seriousness, in old age, we in some degree attribute to bodily causes ; the early and rational repentance of a young person, disgusted with the first aspect of sin, is the most genuine and beautiful form of repentance ; it affords us the example of temptation resisted when it is the strongest, apology rejected when it is the most natural, and the laws of religion respected, when the chance of atoning for their violation is the most complete. No exception from the common course of passions can be more beautiful, no goodness more unequivocal, more useful to man as an example, and more grateful to God as a sacrifice. If there be gradations in the rewards we are to receive hereafter, and many mansions in the house of the Father, to what height of excellence will he arrive, and to what emi- nence of reward will he attain, who sees before him half a life of progressive improvement ? The work of righteousness begins with the dawn of reason, to terminate in the darkness of death ; and the advanced point at which we are found, at the conclusion of our labours, must, of course, depend on the period at which they have commenced, and the vigour with which they have been prosecuted. Any repentance is better than a lasting obstinacy in sin ; but it is young repentance which sanctifies an human soul here upon earth, which cleanses it from the passions of the flesh, and fills it full of sweet, holy, everlasting godliness. If the feeble efforts of old age are all we can give up to the purification of the soul, death will overtake us labouring and toiling at the very basis of the eminence ; it ought to overtake us near the summit, standing on the very confines of the first and the latter world ; calm, tranquil, clear of every earthly feeling, and waiting for the hour of God, when he will call us to the dwelHngs of peace. If these observations upon the necessity of a timely repent-' 2* 18 ON REPENTANCE. ance be true, it follows, of course, that what is commonly termed a death-bed repentance, can be of no avail to the at- tainment of immortal salvation. Indeed, if we were not aware of what a fallacious reasoner vice is, we should be astonished that such an absurdity should enter into the mind of man ; as if the sin which begins in youth, which is matured in manhood, which is cherished in old age, which destroys the moral or- der of the universe, infringes the clear mandates of the Gos- pel, and scatters sorrow and misery throughout the world, can be atoned for by the lamentations of a being who never thought of deploring his sins till he had lost all power of en- joying them. He has seen, unmoved, for threescore years, misfortune, evil, and death : he has listened, in vain, to the voice of moralists, and to the precepts of the Gospel ; and, in a moment when the spectre of death starts up before him, he is righteous : What will he be if that spectre vanish again ? What will he be if God gives him back his life ? Is there any certainty that he will use that life for the glory of his maker ? — Is there any certainty that he will not forget God in health again, as he has forgotten him before ? That he will not require the same lassitude, the same anguish, and the same distress, to call him to the care of salvation, which have awakened in him before a momentary feeling of reli- gion ? Such repentance can be nothing worth ; if it is effec- tual to salvation, all other repentance is superfluous to salva- tion. Sin is made co-extensive with life; every motive to righteousness is at an end ; and a little muttering of religion, a few moments before death, is the sum of piety, the defini- tion of virtue, and the passport to Heaven. If a death-bed repentance is enough, who would fear God in the days of their youth, and endure the greater burthen when a lesser weight would suffice ? " My hour is not yet come ; I have many years before me in which I may forget my God, and follow the devices of my heart ; — it will suffice if I weep, and fast, and pray, in the days when I am well- stricken in years ; — let those praise God who are drawing near unto him ; I will be h^ppy and sensual while I am young ; and reserve the gloon^ of religion for sickness and old age." Such is the state of principles lyhich the doctrine of a death- bed repentance naturally produces ; it is a doctrine founded upon convenience, not upon truth ; it makes the duty of re? pentance more easy ; but it makes it utterly useless ; — it is calculated to reconcile every one to the precepts qf the Gqs- ON REPENTANCE. 19 pel ; and to frustrate every purpose for which the Gospel was given to mankind. This subject of repentance is of such importance, and such extent, that I must reserve what more I have to say upon it to another time ; and I shall be satisfied, at present, with the endeavour I have made, to impress upon this congregation the necessity that repentance should be sincere, early, and just; that the resolution which gives it birth, should be strong enough to prevent relapse ; that it should be soon enough to make the sacrifice to the religion of Christ real and valuable ; and that it should inspire that spirit of restitution, or compen- sation, which is the best evidence to prove that our repent- ance is sincere, and the best means to ascertain that it is use- ful. It was to teach these truths that the warning voice was first heard in the wilderness ; it was to rouse, and it was to save, that the Baptist spoke in the solemn stillness of the forest, and said, — That the time was short, — that the day was coming, — that the fan would soon drive the chaff on the floor, — that one was near at hand, the hem of whose gar- ment he dare not touch, nor loose the latchet of his shoe. My brethren, the time is still short, — the day is still coming, — the fan is still ready for the chafl^,^and he is not far off, whose garment the prophet dare not touch, nor loose the latchet of his shoe. — Remember, then, the frailty of human life, — remember the bitterness of death, — listen to the warn- ing voice, — begin, continue, repent, for the Kingdom of Hea- ven is at hand. 'i,.^i^^;K9 'w- SEEM ON II. ON REPENTANCE. PART II. ' In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judea, and saying, repent ye, for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand. — ^Matthew III. VERSE 1. In my last discourse upon this subject, I endeavoured to show that a spirit of justice and sincerity, proved by absti- nence from the sin, was necessary to repentance ; and that repentance, to be efficacious to salvation, should be begun at an early period. After this endeavour to show what is meant by a Christian repentance, I shall proceed to state those causes from which repentance commonly originates, and those means by which it may be fertilized into Christian righteousness. The use of this will be, that, by impressing on our minds those cir- cumstances from which amendment usually proceeds, we shall labour to produce them, if they are events within our own power, and cherish them as the choicest gifts of God, if they are not. Repentance in after-life, most commonly, will be found to proceed from a good, moral, and religious education, in youth. When once the rules of the Gospel are inculcated in child- hood, and its beautiful morality firmly fixed in the mind, we are not to consider them as lost, because they are not always practised in the season of levity and passion ; — they are best seen in their revival, after a long suspense, when they scare the voluptuary from his revels, when they make the thought- less think, and the bold tremble, and the godless pray ; when the seed, which seemed dead, shoots forth into an harvest ; ON REPENTANCE. 21 when the dry wood becomes green with life, and glorious with increase. Providence has provided a source of repentance, in those events which warn us of the vanity of the world, and admo- nish us to prepare for that kingdom which is near at hand : — to watch over the gradual waste of life ; to minister to the last sickness ; to mourn over friends that perish, and children that are snatched away ; — these things teach us all to repent ; they are lessons to which every ear is open, and by which all hearts are impressed. We remember how probable it is that every succeeding year will be marked by some fresh loss; — that parent, and husband, and child, and friend, may all perish away, and leave us a wreck of time in the feeble solitude of age. Then it is that the views we take of human life are serious and solemn; then we feel that godliness is the one thing stable, and unshaken by time and chance ; then we listen to the warning voice, which cries, — Repent ye^for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand. In truth, the warnings to repentance are not few ; such are the adverse blows of fortune, — sudden poverty, disappointed ambition, any circumstance which, by weakening our de- pendence upon outward objects, and by driving us to seek for comfort and support from our inward feelings, teaches us to derive our happiness from its pure and legitimate source. The feelings of bodily decay often lead to repentance; it happens, fortunately for man, that he is not called out of the world in the vigour of health, not by a sudden annihilation, but by a gradual destruction of his being; every blunted sense, and every injured organ, admonish him that it is drawing near ; and, when it does come, death has only the shadow of a man to subdue. Listen, then, to these warnings of a merciful God ;— when the ear is slow to receive sounds, ■ — when the eye has lessened its range, — when the nerve trembles, — when the red blood of youth and strength is gone, — when the proud body of man is bent down, — listen to these warnings of a merciful God ; sanctify the frail and departing flesh. Repent ye, for the kingdom of Heaven is indeed at hand. Providence has provided a source of repentance in those great events which astonish the world, and some share of good springs up from the very midst of devastation. — When the judgments of God are out upon the earth — when a pesti- lence rages — when a conqueror exterminates, — the thoughts 33 ON REPENTANCE. of men become solemn, and every countenance gathers its portion of sorrow ; — then, no inan doubts of the shortness of life, when he beholds death making his meal, not of one, or two, but of thousands, and tens of thousands; — then, no man is unmindful of human weakness, when he sees how the fairest creations are broken into dust ;— then, all feel the vanity of human wishes, and human designs, when they behold the arts, the arms, the industry of nations, overwhelmed by an omnipotent destroyer, and their heritage tost to the children of blood. Such are the times and seasons in which we now hve, when every year involves some ancient empire in destruction, and the evils of unprincipled ambition are let loose upon mankind. That the terror to which such times give birth may be dissipated, we must all sincerely pray; that the long and dark shadow, which they cast upon every man's heart, may be illumined, we must all implore of Almighty God ; but I wish that awful feeling of human weakness, which these times inspire, may ever prevail; I wish that right senti- ment of absolute dependence upon Almighty Providence may be as visible in our future happiness as it is in our present peril ; I wish, when all the passions unfavourable to human happiness have subsided, that the only one these times have produced, which has any tendency to place human happiness upon its proper basis, may be more exquisitely felt, more widely diffused, and more profoundly revered. Having stated the causes from which repentance commonly originates, I am next to show by what means and by what motives repentance may be best fixed into a habit, so that it does not vanish away and become ineffectual, after it has once begun to operate. The first, and greatest mode of repenting, is by resolving to — ^-be free, by a revolt against the tyranny of sin, and a struggle for the freedom of righteousness. This is a love of freedom, which produces no excess, and acknowledges no hmits which is at work to destroy the anarchy of passion, and restore the lawful empire of religion ;— not that foolish love of freedom which attempts to get rid of all restriction, but that useful love of freedom, which is conscious that men must be re- strained, and busies itself only in providing, that the restraints * to which they are subjected shall be the wisest and the best. But, it may be asked, is there really tyranny in sin ? and ON REPENTANCE. 23 does repentance make a man free ? or are these the mere habitual phrases of ministers of the Gospel? There is tyranny in sin ; there is more than Egyptian bondage ; it is bondage to hate an appetite, and to serve it ; to make one law for your heart which you cannot follow ; and to follow another which you cannot love ; — it is a very great tyranny to find all your noble resolutions frustrated by one base sensuality ; to see the honour and peace, and piety, within your reach, snatched from you by one degrading passion ; to know that you are cheated out of happiness, and out of salvation ; not by a pleasure, for that would be something, but by an habit, by that which at last yields no other pleasure in the doing, than the absence of that misery which would proceed from not doing it : in fine, in all wretchedness, and under the rod of any oppressor, if a man despise not himself, joy has not left that man, neither is happiness turned away from his paths ; but the eternal frailty of sin at length degrades a man in his own eyes, makes him cast away his soul in despair, and become ostentatious in vice, because, in the pursuit of virtue, he is contemptible and mean. The delight which success imparts in this sort of conflict is no mean motive to begin : most fervently, and sincerely, do I express my real thoughts, when I say that wealth, power, fame, and all the vulgar objects of human ambition, / have not a single pleasure comparable to that which results from victory over sin : they do not only fall far short of it in degree, but they have nothing like it in kind ; — we might as well liken the melody of the harp to the sounds which are sung out before the throne of God, or measure the proudest fabric upon earth against the eternal arch of the heavens. When vice has become so intrenched in habit, and the mind so feeble, that every germ of repentance is stifled as soon as it appears, then we must gradually repent. The mind will not yield totally to first efforts, but it will yield a little ; and every time we return, with stronger force, to a weaker resistance ; for the same law of habit which makes the sin so powerful, confirms the virtue which resists it. The gradual attempt at repentance does not flatter us by a sudden act of power, or spare our patience by its rapid progress : often we are hurried on by the inveteracy of habit, and driven down by the vehemence of passion ; but let us keep on, and continue ; if only a year of hfe remains, let that be a year of repentance ; remember, that the reward for SJ# ON REPENTANCE. which we labour is the salvation of our souls ; and, that if any motive can stimulate human industry, or animate human exertion, an hope, above all this world can promise, should lead to efforts above all this world can produce. But it often happens, that the penitence, began at a mo- ment of sickness, or despondence, or seriousness, vanishes with its cause, as the fearful dreams of the night are dispelled by the morning's, hght. In this fatal resumption of self-con- fidence, we should remember, that the horror of our vices, which we experienced in the moment of peril, will probably return at the greatest of all perils; that the reasonings against oiir sins, which have before appeared so irresistible, and con- clusive, will resume their power, when they cannot re-produce the effects of repentance ; that it is childish to say, there is a God in the storm, and to become an Atheist again when the winds and the waves are still; to blaspheme in health, and bless in sickness ; to enter upon the first stage of repentance, at every event more serious than common, and to relapse into our ancient sins the moment we resume our original feelings. Though the instability of repentance does sometimes pro- ceed from the errors of the understanding, it is most com- monly to be attributed to the inability to execute what the understanding determines to be right ; there is a state of mind, (a very common one,) in which an human being, per- fectly aware he is doing wrong, and destroying his own happiness, cannot refrain from the impulse of present grati- fication. Such a strange preference of evil has led some to suppose, that the imagination always miscolours the facts in these cases, and that, at the moment of election, from some specious misrepresentation, the best of two actions is made to appear the worst, and the worst the best. On the contrary, it is quite manifest, when gratifications are immediate, and penalties remote, that men do deliberately pursue that line of conduct which they have no doubt will produce to them a much greater portion of misery than good. I do not only mean misery in a w^orld to come, but misery in this ; and to such an extreme is irresolution carried, that men will fre- quently do that for which they are absolutely certain they must atone, by tenfold wretchedness, within the short period of a day, or an hour ; — such is the power of immediate enjoyment over the minds of men. The great mean of making repentance efiicacious, is by ON REPENTANCE. 25 holding no parley with temptation ; to hesitate is to consent ; to listen is to be convinced ; to pause is to yield. — The soul of a penitent man should be as firm against future relapse as it is sorrowful for past iniquity : the only chance for doing well, is to be stubborn in new righteousness ; to hear nothing but on one side, and to be indebted for safety to prudence rather than to impartiality ; above all things, to tremble for youthful virtue ; not to trust ourselves till we have walked long with God, — till the full measure of his grace is upon us, —till long abstinence has taught us to forbear, — till we have gained such wide, and such true knowledge of pleasure, that we comprehend salvation and eternity, in the circle of your joys. When we ponder over the Scriptures, there is one very delightful promise which they hold out ; not only that repent- ance, producing a real alteration of life, will be accepted of God as an atonement for sin ; but so much does that accept- ance and forgiveness make a part, and an essential part of the great scheme of redemption, that we are told, there will be joy in heaven over a repentant sinner ; that the vanquish- ing of evil penetrates into other worlds, reaches to higher systems, diffuses joy over greater beings, and purer natures, whom we should have supposed to be occupied with their own proper and essential happiness ; therefore, no man should say, my life has been too bad, — I have gone too far, — I have trespassed too much,— I may as well go on to the end, — I have no chance of being saved. — It is better far that such a man should make a last effort for his soul, that he should come forth, and lay his sin upon the altar, and call earnestly to God with a contrite and a wounded heart. -—Ninety and nine just persons cannot move Heaven as much as the true sorrows of sin ; all things are better than the abandonment of hope in Providence, and the daring, wicked, impenitent violation of the laws of God. I will now, then, shortly recapitulate all that I have said, in my two discoui^es, upon the subject of repentance. I have said, that repentance must be sincere ; — that to be sincere, it must conduce to righteousness, and must include restitution, or compensation ; that its efficacy is in proportion to the early period at which it is begun, — and that it has no efficacy at all, if it is deferred till the moment of death : — The causes of repentance, I have stated to be a good, reli- giou^ducation ; sickness, old age, and aU great physical 26 ON REPENTANCE, evils, public or private repentance, when once excited by these causes, should be rendered permanent by the recollec- tion of those feelings which first gave it birth, by dividing the difficulty, so as to accommodate it to our weak state of resolution, or by overwhelming it, at once, by one great eflbrt. If these things have in them any shadow of truth,-— if they are founded upon the spirit of the Gospel, then repent ye ; sin no more ; leave the pledge upon the altar ; give back the thirty pieces of silver, the wages of Satan ; and, remem- ber your Creator while life yet remains ; — wait not till palsy and fever teach you to repent ; wait not till pain and anguish teach you the power of God ; — learn, rather, that power from the blessings you enjoy, and while you do enjoy them, repent ye, — for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. ^mm$0 SEEMON III. ON TRUTH. A.nanias, hearing these things, fell down, and gave up the Ghost. — Acts v. VERSE 5. Of all the miracles employed for the propagation of the Gospel, this is the most terrible. — In most of the other miracles, the object is merciful, while the means are super- natural ; the laws of nature are suspended to cleanse the leper, to illumine the bUnd, and even to raise the dead from their graves. — The object here, is to punish, to smite with sudden death : — Ananias and Sapphira are guilty of a lie, and, in an instant, in the full tide of life, they fall down dead at the feet of the apostle. As the age of miracles is no more, and the necessity for their occurrence removed by the diffusion and security of the Gospel, we are no longer exposed to the same punishment for the same violation of truth, but that punishment stands on the book as a tremendous record of the magnitude of the sin. It gives us a full view of that wrath with which it will here- after be pursued ; and teaches us how fatally it moves the displeasure of God. I shall avail myself, then, of this awful history, to examine the nature of truth, its importance as a part of Christian righteousness, and to investigate how the habit of speaking truth is impaired, perverted, destroyed, instituted, and confirmed. Upon truth rests all human knowledge : to truth man is indebted for the hourly preservation of his life, and for a perpetual guide to his actions ; without truth the affairs of the world could no longer exist, as they now are, than they could if any of the great physical laws of the universe were sus- pended. As truth is of indispensable necessity in the great ON TRUTH. concerns of the world, it is also of immense importance as it relates to the common and daily intercourse of life. False- hood must hav^e a direct and powerful tendency to disturb the order of human affairs, and to introduce into the bosom of society every gradation and variety of mischief. There is a natural tendency in all men to speak the truth, because it is absolutely necessary we should inform ourselves of the truth for the common purposes of existence, and we do not say one thing while we know another, but for the inter- vention of causes which are comparatively infrequent and extraordinary; the first of these which I shall mention is vanity. The vanity of being interesting, of exciting curi- osity, and escaping from the pain of obscurity : — Great part of the mischief done to character, and of those calumnies, which ruffle the quiet of life, have their origin in this source. —Nor is the falsehood which proceeds from it to be consi- sidered as of little importance ; it is incompatible with that earnest and permanent regard to human happiness which the Gospel exacts ; it is inimical to that daily exercise of keeping the conscience void of offence towards God, and towards man, which it prescribes: A Christian should never forget that in the progress of refinement, as much is felt for character as for the more gross and substantive advantages of life ; in the beginning, we have only property in food and raiment; but as the world goes on, there springs up the in- visible, intangible property of fame, which nourishes a man's life, though he be hungered, and cold, and without which he is dead in the midst of life ; if respect to this is not foreign to human happiness, it is not foreign to the Gospel : I am sure it is as much the duty of a pious Christian to abhor falsehood, injurious to the feelings of his fellow-creatures, as it is to abhor falsehood which may disturb them in the just right of their possession ; and at every moment, and in every relation of life, it must be his duty to respect truth as the ancient and solemn barrier of human^happiness. — Not that what is said on such occasions is mere falsehood; but the mischief is done by embellishment, by colouring, by false insinuation, by slight change, and by artful suppression : broad, shameless falsehood is seldom witnessed in the world; and the greatest violator of truth preserves enough of it for outward decency and inward tranquillity : for, though Satan corrupted man, God made him, and he loves Heaven in the midst of his iniquity ; he is ever ready to throw over his sins ON TRUTH. 5J0 the robe of virtue, to comfort his soul with soothing words and decent pretences, and to say a grace to God, before he sets down to feast with Mammon. There is a liar, who is not so much a liar from vanity as from warmth of imagination, and levity of understanding ; such a man has so thoroughly accustomed his mind to extra- ordinary combinations of circumstances, that he is disgusted with the insipidity of any probable event ; the power of changing the whole course of nature is too fascinating for resistance ; every moment must produce rare emotions, and stimulate high passions ; life must be a series of zests, and relishes, and provocations, and languishing existence be re- freshed by daily miracles : In the meantime, the dignity of man passes away, the bloom of Heaven is effaced, friends vanish from this degraded liar ; he can no longer raise the look of wonder, but is heard in deep, dismal, contemptuous silence ; he is shrunk from and abhorred, and lives to witness a gradual conspiracy against him of all that is good and honourable, and wise and great. Fancy and vanity are not the only parents of falsehood ; — the worst, and the blackest species of it, has its origin in fraud; — and, for its object, to obtain some advantage in the common intercourse of life. — Though this kind of falsehood is the most pernicious, in its consequences, to the religious character of him who is infected by it ; and the most detri- mental to the general happiness of society, it requires, (from the universal detestation in which it is held,) less notice in an investigation of the nature of truth, intended for practical purposes. — He whom the dread of universal infamy, — the horror of being degraded from his rank in society, — the thought of an hereafter will not inspire with the love of truth, who prefers any temporary convenience of a lie, to a broad, safe, and refulgent veracity, that man is too far sunk in the depths of depravity for any rehgious instruction he can re- ceive in this place ; — the canker of disease is gone down to the fountains of his blood, and the days of his life are told. Truth is sacrificed to a greater variety of causes than the narrow limits of a discourse from the pulpit will allow me to state : — it is sacrificed to boasting, to malice, and to all the varieties of hatred ;'^it is sacrificed, also, to that verbal bene- volence which delights in the pleasure of promising, as much as it shrinks from the pain of performing, which abounds in 3* -^C^;'- W^ ON TRUTH. gratuitous sympathy, and has words, and words only, for every human misfortune. I have hitherto considered the love of truth on the negative side only, as it indicates what we are not to do;— the vices from which we are to abstain ; — ^but there is an heroic faith, — a courageous love of truth, the truth of the Christian warrior, — an unconquerable love of justice, that would burst the heart in twain, if it had not vent, which makes women men, — and men saints, — and saints angels. — Often it has published its creed from amid the'flames ; — often it has reasoned under the axe, and gathered firmness from a mangled body ; — often it has rebuked the madness of the people ; — often it has burst into the chambers of princes, to tear down the veil of false- hood, and to speak of guilt, of sorrow, and of death. — Such was the truth which went down with Shadrach to the fiery furnace, and descended with Daniel to the lion's den. — Such was the truth which made the potent Felix tremble at his eloquent captive. — Such was the truth which roused the timid Peter to preach Christ crucified before the Sanhedrin of the Jews ; — and such was the truth which enabled that Christ, whom he did preach, to die the death upon the cross. Having thus stated the most ordinary causes of falsehood, I shall endeavour to lay before you the means and the mo- tives for its cultivation. The foundation of the love of truth must be laid, in early education, by unswerving example, and by connecting with truth, every notion of the respect of men, and of the approbation of God; and by combining with the idea of falsehood, the dread of infamy and impiety ; — nor must the young be allowed to hesitate about the importance of the particular truth in question, but be taught, rather, that all truth must be important ; they must never balance, for an instant, between the convenience of falsehood, and the peril of veracity ; — but if the alternative be death, or falsehood, let them look upon death as inevitable, as if God had struck them dead with his lightning. A thorough conviction of the security derived from truth, is no mean incitement to its cultivation. Falsehood subjects us to a perpetual vigilance ; we must constantly struggle to reconcile a supposed fact to the current of real events, and to point out the consequences of an ideal cause ; the first false- hood must be propped up by a second, the second cemented by a third, till some failure, in the long chain of fictions, pre- cipitates into the gulf of infamy him whom it is intended ON TRUTH. 31 to support ; — then there is the perpetual suspicion of being suspected ; we elaborate meaning from idle words, and signi- ficance from thoughtless gestures. Watchfulness, silence and melancholy succeed to the gayety of a true heart, and all virtue is gone out of life. This is the bondage of falsehood, and these the massive chains of sin, which, if any man pre- fer to the liberty of truth, and the Gospel, to the sweet sleeps of virtue, to her free step, to her pleasant thoughts, to her delicious promise of immortal life, he knows not the highest joys of this world, nor merits those of a better world than this. We shall love truth better if we believe that falsehood is useless ; and we shall believe falsehood to be useless if we entertain the notion that it is difficult to deceive ; — the fact is, (and there can be no greater security for well doing than such an opinion,) that it is almost impossible to deceive the great variety of talent, information, and opinion, of which the world is composed. Truth prevails, by the universal com- bination of all things animate, or inanimate, against falsehood ; for ignorance makes a gross and clumsy fiction ; carelessness omits some feature of a fiction that is ingenious ; bad fellowship in fraud betrays the secret ; conscience bursts it into atoms ; the subtlety of angry revenge unravels it ; mere brute, uncon- spiring matter reveals it; death lets in the light of truth ; all things teach a wise man the difficulty and bad success of falsehood ; and truth is inculcated by human policy, as well as by divine command. The highest motive to the cultivation of truth, is, that God requires it of us ; — he requires it of us, because falsehood is^ contrary to his nature, — because the spirit of man, before it can do homage to its Creator, must be purified in the fur- nace of truth. There is no more noble trial for him, who seeks the kingdom of heaven than to speak the truth ; — often the truth brings upon him much sorrow ; often it threatens him with poverty, with banishment, with hatred, with loss of friends, with miserable old age ; but, as one friend loveth another friend the more if they have suffered together in a long sorrow, so the soul of a just man, for all he endures, clings nearer to the truth ; — he mocks the fury of the people, and laughs at the oppressor's rod ; and if needs be, he sitteth down like Job in the ashes, and God makes his morsel of bread sweeter than the feasts of the liar, and all the banquets of sin. To carry ourselves humbly and meekly in the world, is 9, 32 ON TRUTH. sure sign of a sound understanding, and an evangelical mind ; —but we have duties to perform to ourselves, as well as to others ; and there is no one to whom we can owe as much deference as we owe to inward purity, and religious feeling. The submission paid to any human being, by the sacrifice of truth, is not meekness, nor humility, but an abject, unresisting mind, that barters God and heaven for a moment of present ease ; and puts to sale man's best birthright of speaking truth ; — and the excellence of this virtue of truth consists in this, that it almost necessarily implies so many other virtues, or so certainly leads to them ; for he who loves truth, must be firm in meeting those dangers to which truth sometimes exposes him ; if he loves truth, he w^ill love justice ; he will gain the habit of appealing to the precepts of conscience, and of stating the real conceptions of his own mind, with that disregard to good and evil consequence which those only can feel who look on sin as the highest evil, and obedience to God as the greatest good. Lastly, remember that other sins can be measured, and the degree of evil, which originates from them, be accurately known ; — but no man, when he violates truth, can tell of what sin he is guilty ; where his falsehood will penetrate ; and what misery it will create. It may calumniate, it may kill, it may embitter, it may impoverish, what evil it may prove you cannot tell ; all that you do know is, that it is a crime which injures man, and offends God ; therefore, for every reason for which God has chained man up in his par- ticular tendencies to individual sins, for all those reasons he has sanctified, and ordained truth ; because, by truth every other virtue is upheld ; and upon truth as the deep rock, stand all the glories and excellencies of the human mind. Shake that basis, and with it fall justice to man and piety to God ; the frame of social order is broken up, and those talents, and passions are used for mutual destruction, upon which Providence intended that the dignity and sublunary dominion of man should for ever rest. mm-m '^^ SERMON IV. ON THE EDUCATION OF THE POOR, Wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times. — Isaiah xxxiii. VERSE 6. We seem to have here something like a prophetic sanction for the propagation of knowledge : Isaiah, in speaking of the future prosperity of the Jewish empire, rests the stability of its fortunes, not upon wealth, nor extensive dominion, but directly upon knowledge. Wisdom, and knowledge, shall be the stability of the times ; — as if he had said, you must be brave to be free ; — you must be active to be rich ; you must be rich to be powerful ; but to be stable, to endure, you must be taught. Gain all other good which you can, but do not expect to retain them without knowledge : — build upon that rock, or though you build splendidly, you build in vain. As it has fallen to my lot to address you upon the present occasion, I know not what better, or more appropriate to the present occasion* I can do, than to discuss this sentiment of the prophet ; and to examine into the eifects which knowledge produces upon the welfare of mankind ; I do not mean know- ledge in general, but that species, and degree of it, Avhich is produced by the education of the poor ; — by such investiga- tion, the young people, who are assembled here to-day, will better perceive the nature and scope of those advantages they have received ; their charitable guardians will be more confirmed in the utility and importance of their good works; and those who object altogether to the education of the poor, may, perhaps, in the progress of such investigation, be in- duced to re-consider the validity of those objections upon * The anniversary at the Foundling Hospital. -^ C^^-W'^ --! -r 9^ ON THE EDUCATION OF THE POOR. which their opposition is founded. I rather prefer this course, than to make general observations on human misery ; because, by satisfying the understanding that the thing is right, it becomes more probable that we shall excite some- thing much better than temporary feeling ; — ^benevolence, founded upon reasonable conviction, and leading to judicious exertion. The most common objection to the education of the lower orders of the community is, — That the poor proud of the distinction of learning, will not submit to the performance of those lower offices of life which are necessary to the well- being of a state : this objection, indeed, I only mention, that I may not be thought to have passed over any objection, for nothing can be more mistaken than to suppose that the labo- rious classes of the community are laborious from choice, or from any other principle than that of imperious necessity ;— a necessity with which education has no more to do than with the motion of the planets, and the flow of the tides ; — every person secures to himself as good a situation in society as he can ; and it is essentially necessary to the happiness of the world that he should do so. — Those whose lot and heritage fall among the lowest fulfil the duties entailed upon them, and ever must fulfil those duties, from the dread of want for themselves, and for others dearer to them than themselves. Our poorer brethren do not toil because they are ignorant ; neither would they cease to toil because they were instructed ; the fabric of human happiness God has placed upon much stronger foundations ; they labour, because they cannot live without labour ; — this has ever been sufficient to stimulate, and to continue the energy of man, and will, and must ever stimu- late it, and secure its continuance, while heaven and earth remain. The next objection, urged against the education of the poor, is, that the most ignorant poor, in country villages, are the best ; and that the poor, of large towns, as they gain in in- telligence, lose in character, and become corrupt, as they become knowing ; but the country poor, it should be remem- bered, are the fewest in number ; they are not exposed to all those innumerable temptations which corrupt the populace of large towns ; this, and not their ignorance, is the cause of their superior decency in morals and religion ; it is uncandid to oppose the poor of a confined village to the poor of a wealthy and a boundless metropolis ; but taking subjects of ON THE EDUCATION OF THE POOR. S^ comparison from the same spot, and under the same circum- stances, do we find that the ignorant of that place are better than the instructed of that place ? — Does any man's experi- ence enable him to assert, practically, that there is a connec- tion between uncultivated minds and righteous actions ? If we want to make a human being do that which is just, is it necessary to make him think that which is sordid ? If we wish him to lift up his soul, in pious adoration, to his Saviour and his God, is it necessary to brutahze that soul which his God has given, and his Saviour redeemed ? Is there, can there be any human being who wishes that these children, who come here to return their thanks for the Providence that has watched over them, had been forsaken, passed over ; left to the influence of such principles as those by which the minds of the deserted poor are impressed ? — No reasonable doubt can be raised; it cannot, with any colour of justice, be contended : every effect of their education which we wit- ness, is a solid gain to society; if temperance can be so called ; if truth ; if honesty ; if a solemn, and deep adora- tion of the name, and of the laws of our Saviour Jesus Christ, are worthy of that appellation. In considering the effects of educating the poor, we must not merely dwell upon the power, but upon the tendency which we have created to use that power aright ; not merely ask if it is a good thing for the poor to read, but to read such books as are full of wise and useful advice. — A mere instru- ment for acquiring knowledge may be used with equal suc- cess either for a good or a bad purpose ; but education never gives the instrument without teaching the proper method of using it, and without inspiring a strong desire to use it in that manner ; it raises up powerful associations in favour of righteousness ; it gives a permanence of opinion, not to be blown about by every idle breath of doctrine, and some deep life-marks, by which a human being may recover himself, if ever he does wander. To teach a child how he may acquire knowledge, is neither a good nor an evil ; — but to fix in his mind, at the same time, a strong bias for the acqui- sition of that knowledge which makes him a better subject, a better servant, and a better Christian, is the inestimable object sought for, and gained by the education of the poor.-— It is in vain to say we did well without educating our poor ; — we should never be content with doing well, where there is a rational prospect of doing better. — Besides, what is doing 36 ON THE EDUCATION OF THE POOR. well ? — We do not do well while many of the poor are led to ignominious death for want of education ; we do not do well while little children are left to perish ; — we do not do well while thousands of unhappy females are perishing in the streets, the victims of artifice acting against deplorable igno- rance; — we do not do well while those whose bodies are nourished, are left ignorant of the name of Christ, and of the sacred duties which his Gospel enjoins ; — it is to do better than this, that this noble charity was reared ; and that the great work of educating the poor is going on throughout this enlightened kingdom, under the protection of God, and by the labours of good and pious men. Education may easily be made to supply, hereafter, the most innocent source of amusement, and to lessen those vices which proceed from want of interesting occupation ; — it sub- dues ferocity, by raising up an admiration for something besides brutal strength and brutal courage. — If we were told of a poor man's family in the country, that, after the completion of their labours, they amused themselves with reading, could any human being go there, after being acquainted with such a fact, and expect to find more blasphemy, more drunk- enness, more indecency, and more ferocity, than among ignorant, iUiterate people ? The fact is so much the reverse, that it is impossible to know that a human creature can derive pleasure from books, without feeling towards him an increased security and respect. It is some sort of proof that such a man is not a barbarous man ; that he does not thirst for blood; that he has heard there is a God ; that he has given away bread to the wretched ; that he has an house, an altar, and a king. We must remember, in this question, that all experience is in our favour, that the experiment of educating the poor in the Gospel, as well as in the lower parts of human learn- ing, has been tried in many countries of Europe, to the greatest extent, and with the greatest success. — We must remember, that the question of educating the poor, is not a question between a virtuous education and no education at all ; but it is a choice between a good education and a bad one; — you cannot repress the inborn activity of these poor children, and render those minds stagnant which are not pro- gressive to a good point ; — you will have weeds to eradicate, if you have not harvests to reap.' — You must incur greater trouble and expense hereafter, in punishing their crimes, §M-MS^iWW%M 37 ON than you do now in cherishing their virtues, — you must either teach them the word of Christ, and the law of ever- lasting life ; or you must rage against them with gibbets and chains ; and thrust them from the hght of the world into the torments of hell. There are many methods in which a community is con- siderably benefited by the education of its poor ; a human being who is educated, is, for many purposes of commerce, a much more useful and convenient instrument ; and the advantage to be derived from the universal diffusion of this power, is not to be overlooked in a discussion of this nature. The education of the poor sifts the talents of a country, and discovers the choicest gifts of nature in the depths of solitude, and in the darkness of poverty ; — for Providence often sets the grandest spirits in the lowest places, and gives to many a man a soul far better than his birth, compelling him to dig with a spade, who had better have wielded a sceptre ; education searches everywhere for talents ; sifting among the gravel for the gold, holding up every pebble to the hght, and seeing whether it be the refuse of Nature, or whether the hand of art can give it brilliancy and price : — There are no bounds to the value of this sort of education : I come here to preach upon this occasion ; when fourteen or fifteen youths, who have long participated of your bounty, come to return you their thanks ; how do we know that there may not be, among all these, one who shall enlarge the boundaries of human knowledge ; — who shall increase the power of his country by his enterprise in commerce ; — watch over its safety in the most critical times, by his vigilance as a magistrate ; — and consult its true happiness by his integrity, and his ability as a senator ? On all other things there is a sign, or a mark ; — we know them immediately, or we can find them out ; but man, we do not know ; for one man dif- fereth from another man as Heaven differs from earth ; — and the excellence that is in him, education seeks for with vigilance, and preserves with care.— -We might make a brilliant list of our great English characters, who have been born in cottages ; — may it ever increase : — there can be no surer sign that we are a wise and a happy people. I would ask those who place such confidence in the bene- fits of ignorance, how far they would choose to carry these benefits ? for, if the safety of a state depends upon its igno- rance, — then, the more ignorance the more safety ; — and we 4 ~\ 38 ON THE EDUCATION OF THE POOR. ought to wish the lower orders degraded to the last state of savage stupidity ; and if this were done, we forget that such materials must yield to seduction and artifice, as well as to the mandates of lawful empire ;— but the particular kind of ignorance such reasoners want, is an ignorance tranquil and submissive to its rulers, and full of active intelhgence against those who would mislead it from its duty— an ignorance, which it would, by no means, be desirable to diffiise, if it were possible. The situation of the poor, in this country, is, with a very few exceptions, perhaps, as good as human nature will per- mit; upon the number of understandings on which this truth can be impressed, the stability of the times essentially de- pends ; — if, then, we have placed our happiness on the eternal foundations of justice; and if there is a rock beneath our feet, as firm as adamant, and as deep as the roots of the earth, how foolish to rest it upon the crumbling and treacherous soil of ignorance, which every wind can disperse, and every flood can wash away. I by no means contend, that the government which com- mands them can have nothing to fear from a people among whom education is widely diffused, because it is idle to say, that a government is ever completely out of all danger from the madness of any people ; but I say there is always less to fear from a people whom you have educated in the Gospel, and to whom you imparted also some degree of human know- ledge, than from any other people.- — ^If such a people ima- gine a vain thing in their heart, they are soon called back to duty ; — their repentance is speedy, and their excesses are light ;— but when a human being rises up against us whom Ave have degraded to the state of a brute, he rises up against us, as that being would to which we have hkened him, — to diffuse slaughter and destruction wherever he bends his steps. Nothing brutahzes human faculties more than the extreme division of labour; and this division, invaluable to commerce and industry, is carried to such a height in this country, that it calls imperiously for the corrective of education. We are to remember the counteracting power gained by the increased knowledge of their superiors in rank ; — all other classes have gained the good to be gained by education ; to impart it to this, is not to violate the proportion of the machine, but to maintain it; — to be brief, these are the principles which have always guided the conductors of this charity in the long course ON THE EDUCATION OF THE POOR. 89 of care and attention which they have paid to the education of the deserted poor, beginning at the earUest infancy, and ending as you now see it end. — Speaking for them, and think- ing with them, I say, we heUeve, that the labour of the poor is founded upon their wants; — that God has commanded us to breed them up diligently in the Gospel ;— that the know- ledge we are imparting to them, will protect them from that vice which proceeds from idleness; — that it will soften the hard heart, and teach them to respect wisdom more than strength. We are encouraged by all that has been done be- fore, for the propagation of knowledge, and we feel all that confidence which results from experience ; — we are convinced there is less toil in teaching duties than in punishing crimes ; —we think we are bettering all faculties, inspiring vigorous industry, and valuable enterprise, and giving to great under- standings a fair range of action. We think the more employ- ment is simplified, the more the mind of man is degraded, and education rendered necessary, — and we know that in spread- ing the Word of God, and the mercies of Jesus Christ, we are conferring the most exalted blessings on the poor ; — lastly, always, and at all times, we reject ignorance as a dangerous and disgraceful auxiliary, and we say, with the great prophet, on knowledge, and on wisdom, the stability of the times shall rest. SERMON V. ON THE IMPORTANCE OF PUBLIC WORSHIP. And they were continually in the temple praising and blessing God. — Luke XXIV. VERSE 53. I DO not purpose to recommend, after the model of apostoli- cal righteousness, a devotion so fervid and so incessant as that mentioned in my text ; because, though in the early dis- ciples of our Saviour it was a natural consequence of the great events to which they were the witnesses, it would, in us, (if such a stretch of all our faculties, and continued elevation of all our ideas, were possible,) be a deviation from that life of action, in which the perfection of Christianity principally con- sists; but it may be fairly urged that, by a constant retrospect to these fathers, and founders of the faith, our devotion will be increased and confirmed : (every allowance made for diversity of character and situation,) if prayer was their con- stant occupation, it should at least be our occasional exercise; if there were no intervals at which they left the temple, there should be some periods at which we approach it ; there can be no circumstances which can make an exercise at all times unnecessary to us, which was at every moment indispensable to them. I lay a great stress upon that part of my text which says they prayed in the temple, not heedlessly, and as every one listed, but at a known and consecrated place, and together; because, as I presume the efficacy and importance of prayer to be admitted, I mean now only to contend, that prayer should be offered up eminently and emphatically, on this day and at this place, in the open church and on the Sabbath ; not that other days and other places should be excluded, (God forbid,) but that these should be preferred. ON THE IMPORTANCE OF PUBLIC WORSHIP. 41 The most ordinary reason alleged for the abstinence from public worship, is the pressure of worldly business : now, it somehow or another happens, that the time most commonly selected to answer the calls of extraordinary occupation, is that which would otherwise be appropriated to the duties of "^ religion ; if the enjoyments of pleasure and society were first sacrificed, and then the concerns of religion entrenched upon, a very bad plea would be made a very little better ; but the first resource which presents itself to every industrious man is irrehgion, and if this is not sufficient, he then begins to ' think of sacrificing his amusements : to say that the life of any individual is so wholly engrossed by afiairs that he can- not subtract from it the small portion of time allotted to pubhc worship, can hardly be true ; and if true is disgraceful ; — when the will goes along with the understanding, every man finds ample resources in the vigour of his mind ; energy in- creases with difficulty; and the busy, accustomed to a stre- nuous exertion of their powers, have frequently more leisure than those whose inveterate idleness magnifies every trifle into a serious concern. We may safely say, if the purpose was grateful, the time would be found ; but the truth is, that the race is painful, and the goal not pleasant; the means oppress, and the end does not allure ; the labour is great and the reward not inviting ; and forgetful man, who never de- frauds his appetites of a single moment, can find no time for his God. This plea of want of time, (bad apology as it is for the neglect of public worship,) is, as I have said before, rarely or ever true ; the most occupied men have, in general, a con- siderable share of society and amusement; if friends are to meet together, if vanity is to be gratified by display ; if inte- rest is to be promoted by the cultivation of the great; if some new gratification is to be offered to the senses ; if curiosity is to be excited ; if imagination is to be roused ; the wings of time are clipped and the hours no longer fly away. The little intervals set apart for joy, the Sabbaths of pleasure, are ever sacred and inviolable from the business of the world ; but when piety asks a moment from these mighty concerns, the merchant hurries to his business, the scholar seizes on his book, and an impious sedulity seems to pervade all ranks and description of men ; — one remembers the yoke of oxen that he has purchased ; another the wife that he has espoused ; 4* 43t ON THE IMPORTANCE OF PUBLIC WORSHIP. then, and then chiefly, we all seem ready to rememher this life at the only period when God has commanded us to forget it. But, admitting this irresistible multiplicity of aflliirs, and supposing that the calls which society makes upon the in- dustry and activity of any individual, are as numerous as that individual would wish it to be supposed, it is in every man's power to be a little less rich, a little less powerful, and a little less important ; we are not to sacrifice to the Lord our God that which costs us nothing ; to give him only the casual refuse of our time, after it has first satisfied every worldly demand ; and to offer up the mere relics of existence, suscep- tible of no higher employment, and worthy of no better use. Consider, I beseech you, what these ceremonies of rehgion are, to which every little concern of business, pleasure, and profit is preferred; — they are the incorporated worship of all who believe alike in Christ; the union of all who ask from God what they have not, or thank him for what they have ; they are the solemn expression of the faith of nations, the overt proof that earth is obedient to heaven ; the only public evidence that man is occupied with other things than the brief disquietudes of this perishable globe. The Gospel loves not a lukewarm heart ; it is a religion of feeling and ardour ; when it has penetrated into a man's thoughts, as it ought to penetrate, it will produce outward respect, rigid observance, a promptness, and a zeal in wor- ship ; it is better in fact to wash off the stain of baptism, to shake the dust of our feet upon the altar, than to revere that which we desert, and deny, by our lives, the God whom we believe in our hearts. There are men who, without pretending to be so occupied on the Sabbath, allege that it is their only day of relaxation from business, and that it is reasonable enough they should consider it in that point of view. — Such an open preference of pleasure to religion, or the fatal notion that they are so com- pletely opposed to each other, proceeds from an apathy upon these sacred subjects which hardly admits of any cure. — If every exercise which disposes the mind to the contemplation of an hereafter is burthensome, it is impossible religion can exist at all under such a system of thinking. If it is a privi- lege to be exempt from the duties of religion, of course no one will resort to the temple of God who has the slightest worldly inducement to avert him from it. — The ministers of the Gospel invite men here, because they consider salvation to be the ON THE IMPORTANCE OF PUBLIC WORSHIP. 43 first and greatest care ; they presume, that an occasional re- course to the Christian worship, and the improvement conse- quent upon that worship, will diffuse over the mind a feeling of calmness and content; and, by strengthening the habit of self-command, render pleasure itself more productive, by rendering it compatible with innocence, and with religion. But the style of thinking against which I am contending, in- verts the whole order of human duties, supposing that the first command of the Gospel is to grow rich, or to enjoy the greatest quantity of pleasure which can be procured, and then, if any little residue of leisure remain, that it is to be given to rehgion ; — but, tolerating, for a moment, this fatal, and I must say, this very irrehgious style of thinking, and acting ; and allowing that a religious institution can, with any colour of reason, be objected to, because it does not furnish its immediate tribute of gratification, it is fair to remind such ob- jectors, of those numbers who, in the pursuit of all common trades and professions, tlo submit every day to a much more painful, and more considerable, sacrifice of their time and at- tention. Who rejects the most loathsome disease ? who shrinks from the driest forms of law ? who turns away in disgust from the dullest calculations? — The mammon of unrighteousness can infuse into us all a meekness and a patience which we are so slow to feel in the service of our God. These feelings are not the feelings of a man, who, in his rehgion, exhibits the marks of health and life : — a just and good man, when he quits the church, feels that he has performed a duty which he owes to man, and which he owes to his Creator ; he has set an example to those who are inferior to him in age and situation ; instead of talking about rehgion, he has practically contributed his share of effort to preserve religion in the world; he has done good to himself also ; for a few hours he has put the world out of sight ; he has covered his heart in mourning, and in ashes, and given to himself a chance of living belter ; he has heard those who have told him things, not, perhaps, that he did not know before, but things which would not have occurred to him again if he had not quitted the world, and come here to hear them ; he has been honestly and affectionately warned to remember the shortness of human life, and to repent in Christ before the hand of death is upon him. It is not true, that the duties of rehgion are unpleasant ; many men feel a sohd and rational comfort from having per- formed them ; they encounter business with a greater plea- 44 ON THE IMPORTANCE OF PUBLIC WORSHIP. sure ; they enjoy amusement with greater satisfaction ; they discover that they gain by pubh'c worship, the charming feel- ing of duty well performed, and, therefore, they come back here again at the stated interval to resuscitate that feeling, and to quicken with it the days and hours of common life. The conclusion that public worship is not essentially ne- cessary to religion, is a conclusion rather of indolence than reason ; a conclusion (as is commonly the case in the logic of convenience), born before the premises ; first admitted to be true, because it is agreeable ; and then proved to be true by the best arguments that can be found : it will, in general, be found, in practice, that those who contend for the possibility of being very religious, without frequenting the service of the church, confine themselves to. the mere possibility, with- out going so far as to convert that possibility into a fact.— - Simple indolence and downright impiety we comprehend, and are not ignorant by what species of argument they are to be attacked ; but when a man, careless about religion, happens to possess a lively imagination, or to affect it, he speaks as if his feehng spirit could not wing its flights, and pour forth its efl^usions in a temple built hymen's hands; and having drawn fine pictures of an elevated mind, pouring forth the eloquence of pious wonder among rocks and clouds he remains quietly at home, with no mean sense of his own refinement, and with no ordinary contempt for our narrow conformity. — The truth is, if the ordinary season for hearing of temperance, and righteousness, and judgment to come, displeases, the convenient season will never come ; if this place is bad, all places are bad; if this hour is irksome, every hour is irksome; we merely ascribe our objections to time and place, and manner, which have their deeper origin in the melancholy encroachment of present gratification, over all the valuable and exalted principles of our nature. Without pubhc worship, religion could not long subsist ; for that which might be done at all times, would be done at no time; or, if private worship were attended to, religion would then depend upon the unassisted talents, and the un- restrained humours of each individual. A rational faith, and a sound practice, would be inflamed by enthusiasm, darkened by superstition, distorted by caprice, or chilled by indifl^er- ence ; for religion has this in it, that it is too often marked by the weakness of old age, or the unquenchable activity of youth ; it has too much of the living principle, or too little ; ON THE IMPORTANCE OF PUBLIC WORSHIP. 45 it evaporates into mist, or smites away the barriers of reason witli a torrent. The operations of such a mighty principle must not take place in secret ; they must be called forth at stated intervals, watched by enlightened guardians, mode- rated by pubhc opinion, animated by sympathy, and con- firmed by example. Independently of all higher and better reasons, we all ought to know, that the regularity and system of public worship form no inconsiderable part of that basis on which the edifice of social life is placed. Faith in contract, spirit in enterprise, security in possession ; a flourishing commerce, a vigorous executive, an obedient people, are blessings much more intimately connected with the Gospel, than the infidel believes, who scorns it because it relates only to a life of eternity. It sometimes happens, that men abstain from the public worship, because they are ashamed to frequent it ; — they are afraid, lest an attention to decencies should be construed into feebleness of understanding ; — and, that they should be con- sidered as enslaved to prejudices, because they are obedient to forms ; — nay more, by an inverted hypocrisy, they would seem less religious than they really are; — and avoid the cha- racter of being devout, while they are enjoying the internal consolations of devotion ; — whereas the duty of a sincere Christian is not only to abhor that fame for intellectual vigour and spirit which is evinced by irreligion, but manfully to set at nought the scoffings of impiety; to confess Christ boldly before men ; and to come sedulously, and purposely, and constantly, to gain all that discredit, and to incur all that disgrace, which sinners glory in lavishing upon the disciples of Christ. Not making long prayers in the corners of the streets, as the scribes and Pharisees did, for the praise of men ; but coming openly to the temple to pray, that you may show the scofier how little you heed him ; and that you are not that fool whom every profligate wretch can sneer out of his salvation. This negligence of public worship never remains long within the limits to which those who are guilty of it wish to confine it. With what decency, with what hope of success, can the mother pour the blessings of rehgious instruction into the minds of her children, when they are all contradicted by the example of him whom they are bound, and instructed most reverently, to love ? While we talk of bad books and ^ ON THE IMPORTANCE OF PUBLIC WORSHIP. bad principles, we overlook these lessons of impiety, which masters and parents are perpetually reading to those who are influenced by their example ; and then we make scape-goats of a few popular and infidel writers, and lay the profaneness of the age to their charge. The preservation of public worship every man owes to his own immediate happiness ; — he owes it to the vigour and purity of his religious character, and to his progress in the true knowledge of the Gospel ; but if blind to these, he must, at least, see that he owes to it the preservation of social order, and that it is his interest to cling to it as the strongest barrier of industry and of peace. See what dreadful pictures are drawn in the Scriptures, of the state of a people among whom religion is universally neglected. — When a people are turned away from the worship of the Lord their God, Peace fleeth away from the midst of that people, and they are given up to famine, and the sword ; — there are no joyful harvests in the land, — no bleating of the flocks,— -no cheerful noise of the artificer. — The right hand forgets its cunning,^ — the brow is not moistened with labour ;»— they speak not of the furrows of the field, nor glory in the goad ; — but dreadful lusts rise up in those times, and God turneth men over to the devices of their own hearts. — These are the days in which the needy are forsaken ; — and the fatherless oppressed : — then it goeth hard with just men, — then the widow is spoiled, then the blood of innocents is shed : — Come, then, under the roof of the Almighty, and gather yourselves under the shadow of his wings. — The public worship of God is the ancient, and the sure guardian of human happiness : — do not trifle with it as if it were of no avail; justice, and faith, and mercy, and kindness, flow from the altars of God, — it is here that men learn to pity ; — it is here that they are taught to forgive ; — it is here that they learn punctuality in contracts, obedi- ence to magistrates, submission to superiors, respect for laws, loyalty to kings ; and there, above ah, it is, that they catch that true spirit of the Gospel, which, meliorating all things, makes submission to superiors voluntary, by rendering superiors gracious, — respect for laws natural, by making laws just, — the loyalty to kings pleasant, by making kings good. SERMON VL ON FAST DAY. February, 1808. Sanctify ye a fast ', call a solemn assembly; gather the elders, and all the inhabitants of the land, into the house of the Lord our God, and cry unto the Lord. — Joel i. verse 14. Fasting has, in all ages and among all nations, been an exercise much in use in times of mourning and affliction. There is no example of fasting, properly so called, before the time of Moses ; yet it is presumable, the patriarchs had re- course to that religious exercise, since we see that there were very great mournings among them ; such as that of Abraham for Sarah, and Jacob for his son, Joseph. Moses enjoins no particular fast, in his five books, excepting that on the solemn day of expiation, which was generally and strictly observed. ♦' On the tenth day of the seventh month, ye shall afflict your souls." After the time of Moses, examples of fasting were very common among the Jews. Joshua, and the elders, remained prostrate before the ark, from morning until eve- ning, after the children of Israel were defeated by the men of Ai. The eleven tribes, which had taken up arms against that of Benjamin, seeing they could not hold out against the in- habitants of Gibeah, fell down upon the ark, upon their faces, and, in this manner, continued until the evening with- out food. The very heathens, sometimes, fasted ; and the King of Nineveh, terrified with the preaching of Jonas, made an order, that not only man but beast also, should continue without food from the rising to the setting of the sun. And the Jews, in the times of public calamity, made even children at the breast fast. It does not appear, from the practice of 48 ON FAST DAY. our Saviour, and his disciples, that he instituted any particu- lar fast, or enjoined any to be kept out of pure devotion ; but when the Pharisees reproached him that his disciples did not fast as often as their disciples, or as the disciples of John the Baptist, his reply is, " Can ye make the children of the bridegroom fast, while the bridegroom is with them : but the day shall come when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them, and then shall they fast in those days :" clearly pointing out a future age of the church, when fasting would be a proper and expedient institution. Fasting is, likewise, confirmed by our Saviour's sermon on the mount, though not as a stated, yet as an occasional duty of Christians, that through these means, they might strengthen their sense of dependence upon divine Providence, and humble their souls before the afflicting hand of God. This is a slight sketch of that Scriptural practice, and those Scriptural authorities upon which the institution of fasting depends. It has, in itself, this peculiar good, that it provokes attention, by inter- rupting ordinary habits ; the flow of business, and pleasure, is on a sudden stopped ; the world is thrown into gloom, and a certain solemnity of thought obtruded upon those whose outward senses must be influenced, before their inward hearts can be moved. The people of Nineveh believed in God and proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest to the lowest; and the king arose from his throne, and laid his robe from him, and covered him with sackcloth, and sat in ashes, and cried night and day unto God, The object, then, of this day, is to confess our sins and to repent of them; and, consequently, the object of the ministers of the Gospel, on this day, is to state what those sins are, what are their consequences, and how they may be avoided. Sins maybe considered under a twofold division; those which individuals always commit, which are the consequence of our fallen state, and inseparable from our frail nature ; and those which are the result of any particular depravity, exist- ing in a greater degree at this time than at any other time, or in this country, than among any other people. With respect to the first class of sins, though the utmost degree of exertion of which we are capable, can never carry us to the perfection which the Gospel requires, or make us worthy of the mercy which it holds forth, still it is right to remind mankind of those imperfections, inherent in their nature, lest they should relax from the exertions of which they ;\ ON FAST DAY. 49^ are really capable ; — to show, to the best of human creatures, that they are still miserable sinners, checks that arrogance which is so apt to rise up in our hearts ; compels us to turn our minds away from the imperfect examples of goodness we can meet with here, and to lift them up to that image of purity which makes our goodness more energetic, more proHfic, and more permanent : to put us out of conceit with our own ex- ertions, preserves that feeling of dependence upon an higher power, which is the preservation of our present, and the pledge of our future happiness. If our Saviour had told us, as human philosophers have told us, that good men were glorious and dignified ; if he had dwelt perpetually upon the grandeur and importance of virtue ; upon what cheap and easy terms would men have been contented with themselves ; — how soon would these notions of their own dignity have broken that chain which reaches from the heart of man to the throne of God. — The Gospel now says there are eternal rewards, and there are eternal punishments ; to gain the one and to avoid the other, you must do good ; but you must add to that goodness the deepest humility and the firmest depend- ance upon the help of God. You must not look backward upon what you have done, but forward upon what you have to do. You must consider not the little difference between you and the rest of your species, but the immeasurable interval between you and the highest purity; and you must gather from these reflections, that humihty of righteousness which will make you desirous of doing more, by making you dis- satisfied with what you have done. All this good naturally follows from the doctrine of man's fallen nature ; from the profound humility which the Gospel enjoins to him; and from the impossibility under which we are now so wisely placed, of claiming any merit from our actions, except through the mercy and mediation of Christ. Quitting this subject, and coming now to that part of our conduct which is invariable, to that small and contracted sphere in which it is allotted to us to do better, or do worse, I shall begin with the subject of religion ; and here the great evil to deplore, and the afflicting circumstance which cannot but be noticed by every true friend of the orthodox church, is that prodigious increase of sectaries, of all ranks and descrip- tions, which are daily springing up in this kingdom, and fall- ing off from the mother church; — these men seem to think that the spirit of religion consists in a certain fervid irritability 5 W":-. ON FAST DAY. of mind; and that agitation and eagerness are the most ac- ceptable sacrifices which they can make to their Creator ; — the calm address of the Estahhshed Church is, in their estima- tion, a species of impiety ; and, before he prays to the God of heaven and earth, an human being must lash himself up into wildness and enthusiasm. Another unfortunate peculiarity of these seceders from the- Established Church is, that they are always straining at gnats, always suspecting happiness, always casting over rehgion an air of something bordering upon that which is frivolous and vexatious ; degrading the majesty of the Gospel, and painting the Lord of all things as a God of trifles and narrow obser- vances ; as a God raging forever against those most trivial omissions, which even the best and ablest of his creatures can forget and forgive. But the most fatal of all errors which proceeds from this modern fanaticism, is the contempt and the horror which they express for all the practical doctrines of Christianity insisted upon from the pulpit ; the zeal with which they cry down any attempt to render men better in their daily conduct, and to produce some actual useful improvement. We might suppose, from such notions of the Christian faith, that Christianity was a set of speculative disquisitions, where, if a man agreed only with the barren and useless results, he was left in liberty to follow the devices of his own heart, and to lead what manner of life his fancy or his passions might dictate. It is evangelical, according to these notions, to preach to men of high and exalted mysteries ; it is unevange- lical to w^arn men against pride, against anger, against avarice, against fraud, against all the innumerable temptations by which we are hurried away from our duty to our Creator, and from the great care of salvation. All these subjects it is now in the practice of fanatics to call by the name of moral, as if they had nothing to do with the Gospel, as if (as I before observed), the Gospel busied itself only with some unfruitful propositions, and remained quite passive at, and unconcerned by the actions of mankind. But let any man turn to his Gospel, and see if there is a single instance of our blessed Saviour's life, where he does not eagerly seize upon every opportunity of inculcating something practical, of bringing some passion under subjection, of promoting the happiness of the world, by teaching his followers to abstain from something hurtful ; and to do something useful. — The effort, and the ob- ject, of our blessed Saviour, are always to draw scane inference, ON FAST DAY. 51 and to make some application from the events before him ; — the most practical book that ever was written is the Gospel ; and the great point where it differs from human morals, is, that human morals say, do so for present convenience, and the Gospel says, do so for eternal reward ; — human morals say, do so because it has appeared to wise men to be the best rule of life ; the Gospel says, do so because it is the will of God; — they both say do it, but they differ in the authority, and the motive, as much as Omniscience differs from frailty, and Eternity from time. But the moment fanatical men hear anything plain and practical introduced into religion, then they say this is secular, this is worldly, this is moral, this is not of Christ. — I am sure you will think with me, that the only way to know Christ, is not to make our notions his notions, or to substitute any conjectures of our own as to what religion ought to be, for an humble and faithful inquiry of what it is. — The books which contain the word of life are open before us, and every one may judge of their nature and object; if they consisted of lofty and sentimental effusion; if they indulged in subtle disquisition, then, perhaps, it might be our duty to appear before you, sometimes with disordered feelings, sometimes with the spirit of profound investigation ; but the ministers of the Established Church are practical in their doctrines, because the Scriptures which they explain are practical ; when they attack any vice to which the nature of man is subjected, they conceive themselves to be punctually fulfiUing the commands of their great master ; — they do not believe that you will call for Tabana, and Farfar, and the rivers of Damascus, because God has commanded you to wash in the waters of Israel ; they do not imagine you will ask for mystery, when it has pleased God to give you that which is simple and intelligible ; they cannot doubt but that you will remember, though morals and religion teach us abstinence from the same crimes, that abstinence, in the one case, is a question of prudence ; in the other, a question of salvation ; — in the one case, we only believe the rule to be right, in the other, we are sure it is right. Can any man, however fond of opposing morals to religion, suppose that the practical du- ties, which may be found in the Gospel, were first taught to mankind by the Gospel? does he imagine that there were not ten thousand books before the coming of our Saviour, which said, do not kill; do not commit adultery; cultivate benevo- lence ; moderate pride ; follow the rules of temperance ? Our 59 ON FAST DAY. Saviour did not come to preacli new discoveries to mankind ; but to give to the rules of conduct, which men had discovered "by the light of nature, the higher authority and the more powerful motives of religion. How, then, is it possible to comply with those unreasonable persons, who require some- thing totally different from moral rules, before they will allow that you are saying anything about religion 1 A moralist and a religionist must both equally inculcate charity and for- giveness of injuries ; when you hear the one, you say it is prudent, and expedient to act so ; when you listen to the other, all the sublimity of good and evil is before you, and you are moved by an eternity of joy and pain. I have dwelt long upon this erroneous notion of rehgion, because it is one of the most useful weapons of fanaticism, and is daily producing, much practical mischief. -^ There is a contrary excess in matters of religion, not ^less fatal than fanaticism, and still more common : I mean that lan- guor and indifference upon serious subjects' which characte- rize so great a part of mankind ; not speculative disbelief, not profligate scoffing against religion, not incompliance with the ceremonies it enjoins ; but no penetration of Christianity into the real character ; little influence of the Gospel upon the daily conduct : a cold, careless, and unfruitful belief. ' Let it be our care to steer between these opposite extremes ; tobe serious without being enthusiastic ; and to be reasonable with- out being cold ;'^alike to curb the excesses of those who have zeal without discretion, and to stimulate the feelings of others, who have conformity without zeal ; remembering always that everything intended to endure, must be regulated by mode- ration, discretion and knowledge. In looking abroad, my brethren, to consider the relation which this country bears to the other nations of the world, and the probable destiny which awaits it, it is impossible not to tremble at the perilous uncertainty of human affairs, and to bow before the judgments of Almighty God. The state of the world is like the vision of a sick man, and the thoughts of a dreamer of dreams, when he is awakened by the light of the morning ;'^the pageantry of the earth is vanished away, and the powers and principalities which existed in the days of our youth, known only by their names, are still fast fading away from the memory of mankind. All these have fallen before the bad ambition of him who is directing against us the last efforts of his genius and his power ; a man powerful ON FAST DAY. 63 to do evil, not wise, and far-sighted ; and patient enough to do good ; not caring for, not wishing it ; dedicated to uni- versal conquest and destruction ; wishing only to walk over the smoking ashes of the world, and to be remembered by future ages as a passing storm. In the midst of this outward wretchedness, we enjoy, in this island, the internal spectacle of a people, unanimous in discharging the great duties which they owe to their country, and quite prepared to submit to every privation, if the only price of quiet affluence is submis- sion to indignity. If it is beautiful to behold this, it is still -more pleasing to reflect upon the causes by which that una- nimity has been occasioned ; to remember those laws which have long administered equal justice to the rich and poor, that constitution which has defined the power of those who govern, and the privileges of those who are governed ; and that church, which for three centuries has been instilling the precepts of justice and manly piety into the hearts of the people. These are beautiful institutions, which have always been praised, but are now felt ; they are the institutions which have kept us in life, and strength, amid the ruin of nations, that had nothing to fight for but the caprices of their tyrants,; and nothing to guide them but the superstitions of their false rehgion ; — these are principles which must secure to us a safe existence, or a majestic fall ; if our sun does set, it will set in splendour ; if we are to be blotted out from the powers of the world, we shall light up, in ages yet unborn, the flame of freedom ; whenever the fullness of our time is come, we shall leave behind us a page of history, which will appal tyrants, instruct the wise, and animate the brave ; we shall teach mankind, that the sword is used abroad with the greatest strength where the sceptre is wielded at home with the most perfect justice ; — we shall teach them, that in the great convulsions of the world, the people which remain the longest, and suffer the least, are those who are excited to resistance by a sense of the enjoyments which they are about to lose, and who are inured to a confidence in Almighty God, by the precepts of a wise, a temperate, and a feeling piety. SERMON VII. ON THE UTILITY OF MEDITATING ON DEATH. I protest, by your rejoicing, which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily. — 1 Corinthians xv. verse 31. Thus it is that the apostle brought daily before his mind the consideration of his death ; of that period which was to terminate the good and evil of his days ; and to bring him before his Saviour, and his Judge. He exerted his ardent imagination to banish the consciousness of life and health, to summon up images of sorrow, and to draw a true portrait of that solemn and suffering day. Let us see, after the exam- ple of this great minister of the Gospel, if there be not some wisdom in cherishing, and dwelling upon, these occasional feelings and in spreading this gloom over the soul ; a gloom which, like the shadow of Peter's body, gives life and strength to whatever it obscures. The general subject, then, of my discourse, will be a consideration of the utility which is to be derived from the meditation on death ; for there is a sorrow the end whereof is joy ; and eternal laughter leadeth to destruction. It is better, sometimes, to steal from the glad- ness of the feast, — to stop the joy of the harp, — to quench the splendour of the lamp, — to put off the wedding garment, — and to speak of the wretchedness of the grave. The time must come when this soul and body shall be rent in twain, — I must lay on my last bed ; and the darkness of death shall hide me from my beloved companions. The day must come, but I know not when ; the feet of them which have buried my kindred are at the door ; — it may be, they shall carry me out. One great advantage of the meditation on death is, that it ON THE UTILITY OF MEDITATING ON DEATH. 55 leaches us to value all earthly things aright; and perpetually corrects the fallacy of our calculations, by reminding us of the period to which they apply; — it discourages those schemes of fraud, injustice and ambition, the fruits of which are dis- tant, by reminding us, that that distance we may never reach, —that death, which cuts short the enjoyment, leaves us with the whole load of guilt, because that depends on the design ; whereas, it gives the freest scope to virtuous exertions, because they have their full merit with our Heavenly Judge, how^ever they may be interrupted by the uncertainty of human life. See what we sacrifice every day to wealth and power, for want of due meditation on death ; and how apt we are to forget, that the fruits of our crimes remain but for the passing moment; — when comfort, and peace of mind, and proud integrity, are all yielded up, we cannot enjoy even a few years of tranquil corruption ; — we have yielded up all, and it is now time to yield up the ghost ; — secure to me, for whole centuries, the wages of iniquity, — stop in me the gradual waste of life, — guard me from the stalking pestilence,' — place me on the pinnacle of power, and show me, beneath my feet, all the pleasures of the world ; and then ask me to pawn my soul unto sin ; — but if I do the thing which is evil to day, to-morrow thou canst not save me from death, — and the wasting fever may not leave me one moment of guilty re- nown. Meditation on death improves the mind, by destroying in it trifling discontents, and by blunting the force of all the malevolent passions ; — the feelings of malice, jealousy and hatred cannot co-exist with the prospect of the last hour, with the notion of a new world, and the terror of a just God ; — the thought of an eternal parting subdues hatred, and produces, in miniature, all the effects of a real scene of death ; it diminishes the importance of the offence we have suffered, awakens that candour which self-love has set to sleep, and makes us think, not of the trifling scenes which are past, but of the awful events which are to come. Such a disposition of mind severs, at once, all the little and unworthy attach- ments to hfe, and prevents us from grieving at small evils, from the lively representation which it makes, that they cannot endure ; that we are hastening on to something better, and greater ; and, that it is beneath the wisdom and firmness of man to weep and lament for that which is as brief in duration as it is insignificant in effect. iS5 ON THE UTILITY OF MEDITATING ON DEATH. Meditation on death aggrandizes the mind, as the near approach of death itself is commonly accustomed to do ; — for, though men are accused of acting on their death-bed, they usually act greatly, and evince an heroism of which their lives have afforded little or no symptom. For what are the last scenes we witness of dying men? A forgiveness of injuries, which should have been forgiven years before ; an avowal of faults, which should have been avowed and recti- fied before half the race of life was run ; a confession of Christ, who had been denied before the world ; sudden and sublime flashes of wisdom, piety, and magnanimity, which bear no relation to the previous life, but indicate how awful, and how omnipotent are the warnings of death. If the distant contemplation of death cannot so effectually inspire us with godly thoughts, it, at least, leaves us greater time for godly actions ; — whatever seeds it casts into the mind may spring up and fructify ; none of its energies need be barren ; death frustrates none of its admonitions ; the feeblest thought of piety has time to expand itself into a wise and active system of good works. Meditation on death induces us to consider by what means we shall avert its terrors; when our hour is come we cannot discover that the ordinary objects of human desire, and the ordinary sources of human gratification, will be then of any avail ; and we are thus led by an happy foresight, to lay up the remembrance of good actions, even when the last day is still far distant from us. Can we figure to ourselves any- thing more dreadful than an human being at the brink of death, who has never once reflected that he is to die? To hear those cries of anguish, to which nothing human can now minister relief? — to behold him looking up to the warm sun, and clinging to the cheerful world in vain ? — give him but another year, — but a month, — but a day, — and he will make some preparations for death ! The widow's heart shall sing with joy, and the hungry be filled with good things ; — this is the unspeakable wretchedness, and this the horrid surprise which it is the great business of Christian wisdom to avoid. Let us rather, in the middle period of youth and strength, when the evil day is yet far off, commune with our own hearts in the stillness of our chambers, and gather a decent firmness for that trial; and when we pass through this shadow of death, let our minds be pure from every bad pas- sion, as they must be at the true death ; and when we have ON THE UTILITY OF MEDITATING ON DEATH. 57 meditated on these things, and forgiven all injuries, and pur- posed benevolent deeds, and filled our minds full of fear, and fair love, and holy hope, we shall go back with new hearts and pleasures unknown before, to the common scenes of life. But the greatest of all advantages to be derived from the meditation on death, is the prospect of that eternity to which it leads, — a reflection which is the support of every suffering, the soul of every pleasure, and the source of every virtue ; — it prevents that weariness which the sameness of life is so apt to produce ; it gives a motive for enduring sorrow, and for conquering passion, by opening a boundless region to the fancy; it promises ease to every pain, gratification to every desire, and enjoyment to every hope. In the contemplation of a second existence the persecuted man figures to himself a state of rest ; the poor, an exemption from want ; the sick, health; the weak, power; the ignorant, knowledge; the timid, safety; the mean, glory. In the contemplation of eternity, that which is broken is bound up ; — that which is lost is restored ; — that which is quenched is lighted again ; — the parent looks for his lost child across the great gulf ; the wretched widow thinks she shall see the husband of her youth ; the soul, filled with holy wishes, hfts itself up to the great Author of our being, who has sanctified and redeemed us by the blood of Christ ; who has given cheerfulness and dignity to our existence, and made the short agonies of death a sure prelude to immortal life. But we must not make our comparison between voluntary meditation on death, and the total seclusion of the idea ; the choice is, shall we meditate voluntarily on death, as a religious exercise, or shall we be haunted by the image of death, as a terrific spectre ? Shall we gain wisdom and innocence by meeting the danger, or shall we, like children, be bribed by the tranquillity of a moment, to keep it off^? The image of death follows the man who fears it, over sea and land ; it rises up at feasts and banquets ; no melody can suit it ; no sword and spear can scare it away ; it is undaunted by the sceptre, or the crown ; — the rich man may add field to field, and heap vineyard upon vineyard, and make himself alone upon the earth, but death's image strides over his towers, and walks through his plains, and breaks into his nightly bed, and fills his soul with secret fear! All men suffer from the dread of death ; it is folly to hope you can escape it. — Our business is 9 as THE XJTILITY OF HEEDITATING €N DEATH. to receive the image, to gaze upon it, to prepare for it, to seek it; and, by these means, to disarm. It is the greatest of all errors, to attempt to escape this feel- ing, by averting the mind from it ; and there are many conso- lations, which the steady contemplation of it affords, by which the magnitude of its terrors is circumscribed, and the idea of death rendered more tolerable to the mind of man. In our sympathy with the dead, we think not so much of the real importance of their situation ; of the awful futurity which awaits them from the judgment of their Saviour ; but we think it miserable for them to be deprived of the sight of the sun ; to be shut out from human intercourse, and laid in the cold grave, a prey to corruption, and the reptiles of the earth ; to be no more thought of in this world, but to be obli- terated, in a little time, from the memory of their dearest friends and relations ;— the happiness of the dead, however, is affected by none of these things ; nor is it such circum- stances which can disturb their profound repose ; they are sleeping in their dust, unconscious of the mouldering scene around them ; nor will they awaken any more, till the last trumpet calls them to the judgment of Christ. Therefore, reflection may at once cut off all this outward scenery of death ; whatever it is, the dead know it not ; nor is it wise to inflame, by all the terrors of imagination, an evil in which there are so many realities to dread ; neither are we to sup- pose that death, coming at last, is so unwelcome as our fancy, viewing it at a distance, would lead us to suppose ;— -long sickness induces a weariness of life ; the body is comfortless in old age ; and it deadens the mind ; our friends are all gone before us ; perhaps our kindred, and our children ; every succeeding year dissolves some tie which binds us to the world ; extinguishes some affection ; annihilates some power ; weakens some appetite ; impairs some excellence ; so that we perish, day after day, till little of the true man remains, and the grave has but a small portion to receive. Meditation on death teaches us, that the evil is not without its remedy ; that foresight can diminish that evil ; that it is an evil which may be brought within the compass of our own swa}^ and dominion ; and that, though we must all die, it rests with us to determine upon the feelings with which we shall die, by adopting that course of actions from which those feelings must proceed ;'^and this appears to me to be the great use and purpose of thinking on death ; not to think ON THE UTILITY OF MEDITATING ON DEATH. 59 of that damp earth, and that dreary tomb, and those childish terrors, of which the dead feel and know nothing; but to impress upon our hearts this truth, that, through Christ, we are become the lords of death, and masters over all the sor- row and lamentation which death carries in its train ; that the mere separation of matter and spirit is a pang of so short a moment, that it is hardly a rational object of fear ; that the real pang is the remembrance of a misspent life ; of every act that has been cruel, unkind, and unjust ; of time dissipated ; talents misapplied ; man injured ; and God for- gotten. If you think the accumulation of such thoughts and such recollections as these, is awful, take care that they do not accumulate ; if you dread such agonies of spirit, look to their origin, and to their cause ; remember the great apostle ; draw near to God, while all the pleasures of the world are yet before you ; give up to him some portion of youth and health ; wait not till disease enables you to offer up only the remnants and leavings of life ; but die daily,, before half your career is run ; anticipate the last day ; imagine a mighty God ; adore his purity ; supplicate his mercy ; tremble at his power ;— be not so rash, and so mad, as to let the salvation of your souls depend upon whether the air of this day is noxious, or pure ; whether the blasts of heaven shall be a little too damp, or a little too cold ; but be always ready for death ; think, like a man engaged in warfare, that you can- not call an hour your own ; and be assured of this, that death, mere animal death, is nothing ; it is often better than life, and thousands welcome its approach ; but the sting of death is sin, and we know that victory which Christ has gained over sin, by dying daily ; therefore, we may tear out that sting, and welcome a gentle death, as the end of every sor- row, and the harbinger of greater and nobler joys. SMIP im •j$$ ■)*■%'?>:■ SEKMON VIII. BLIND. Truly, the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun. — Ecclesiabtes xi. verse 7. If any man were to require, at my hands, a proof of the authenticity of that Gospel by the principles of which we have this day been edified, and in obedience to which we are* now gathered together, after I had laid before him the cogent and the luminous reasoning which men, mighty in the Scriptures, have put forth to confound impiety, and to resolve doubt, after I had read to him the words of that Saviour who spake as never man spake before, after I had strove by these means to teach him that, though shrouded in the tomb, he would behold his Redeemer on the last day, I would turn to the daily life, and the daily mercies of Christians ; I would say, let us judge the tree by its fruit ; if it is productive only of idle ceremonies and trifling observances, hew it down, and cast it into the flames : but if it can cause the lame to walk, the leper to be cleansed, the deaf to hear, and the Wind to receive their sight, — if it brings forth, in their due season, the fruits of mercy, then is that tree planted by God, — then are its roots too deep for the tempest, — then shall its branches flourish to the clouds, — then shall all the nations of the earth gather under its shade. Try it, then, by this test ; refer the proofs of the Gospel's authenticity to the criterion of active provident compassion. — It studies classes, and relieves every misery of our nature ; it is not sufficient for the refined, and zealous benevolence of these times, to confuse the varieties of misfortune, by extend- ing the same indiscriminate aid to sufferers, who agree in nothing but the common characteristic of grief; — each indi- FOR THE BLIND. 61 vidual calamity experiences a distinct compassion, is cherished with its appropriate comforts, and healed by its specific re- medies. — The maniac is shut out from the tumults of the world, the Magdalene weeps over the Gospel of Christ, and washes his name with her tears ; — a mother is given to the foundling,— a Samaritan to the wounded, — the drowned person is called hack from the dead, — the forsaken youth is snatched from the dominion of vice, — a soul is breathed into the deaf and dumb, — and the child-bearing woman, when she thinks of the days of her anguish, knoweth that she has where to lay her head. In every corner of this Christian country, some edifice rises up consecrated to mercy ; — a vast hospital, a place of wounds and anguish, — a tabernacle of healing, ample enough to call down the blessings of God upon a city, and to wipe out half their sins. In the midst of this magnificent benevolence, the children of the Gospel have not forgotten the misfortunes of the blind ; they have pitied their long darkness, and remembered that the light is sweet, that it is a pleasant thing for the eyes to behold the sun. The object of the society for which I am now to implore your protection, is to diminish the misfortune of blindness, by giving to those afflicted with it, the means of obtaining support by their ingenuity and labour, and of walking in the law of Christ, by attending to the religious instructions and exercises prescribed by this institution. They are instructed in a variety of works for which manual skill is requisite, rather than bodily labour, and which they perform with a dexterity astonishing to those who have connected with blindness the notion of absolute helplessness and inca- pacity. A charitable institution, conducted upon such principles as the asylum for the blind, is superior to any common charity, as it interweaves science with compassion ; and, by showing how far the other senses are capable of improvement, takes off from the extent of human calamity all that it adds to the limits of human knowledge. Who could have imagined, to speak of a kindred instance of ingenious benevolence, that the deaf and dumb could be taught to reason, to speak, and to become acquainted with all the terms and intricate laws of a language; or that men, who had never, from their earhest infancy, enjoyed the privilege of sight, could be taught to read and to write ; to print books, and the ablest of them to penetrate into all the depths of mathematical learning ? S uch 6 63 FOR THE BLIND.. facts afford inexhaustible encouragement to men engaged in the benevolent task of instructing those in whom the ordinary inlets of knowledge are blocked up. — They seem to place within our reach the miracles of those Scriptures from whence they have sprung, and to show the fervent votary of Christ, that he, also, like his great Master, can make the deaf hear, the dumb speak, and the Wind see. Consider the deplorable union of indigence and blindness, and what manner of life it is from which you are rescuing these unhappy people ; the Wind man comes out in the morning season to cry aloud for his food ; — when he hears no longer the feet of men he knows that it is night, and gets him back to the silence and the famine of his cell. Active poverty becomes rich; labour and prudence are rewarded with distinction : the weak of the earth have risen up to be strong; but he is ever dismal, and ever forsaken ! The man who comes back to his native city after years of absence, beholds again the same extended hand into which he cast his boyish alms ; the self-same spot, the old attitude of sadness, the ancient cry of sorrow, the intolerable sight of a human being that has grown old in supphcating a miserable support for a helpless, mutilated frame, — such is the life these unfor- tunate children would lead, had they no friend to appeal to your compassion,' — such are the evils we will continue to remedy, if they experience from you that compassion which their magnitude so amply deserves. The author of the book of Ecclesiastes has told us that the light is sweet, that it is a pleasant thing for the eyes to be- hold the sun ; the sense of sight is, indeed, the highest bodily privilege, the purest physical pleasure, which man has de- rived from his Creator : To see that wandering fire, after he has finished his journey through the nations, coming back to us in the eastern heavens ; the mountains painted with hght ; the floating splendour of the sea ; the earth waking from deep slumber ; the day flowing down the sides of the hills, till it reaches the secret valleys ; the little insect recalled to life ; the bird trying her wings ; man going forth to his labour; each created being moving, thinking, acting, con- triving according to the scheme and compass of its nature ; by force, by cunning, by reason, by necessity, — is it possible to joy in this animated scene and feel no pity for the sons of darkness ? for the eyes that will never taste the sweet light ? for the poor, clouded in everlasting gloom ? — If you ask me TOR THE BLIND. 63 why they are miserable and dejected, I turn you to the plentiful valleys ; to the fields now bringing forth their in- crease ; to the freshness and the flowers of the earth ; to the endless variety of its colours ; to the grace, the symmetry, the shape of all it cherishes, and all it bears ; these you have forgotten because you have always enjoyed them ; but these are the means by which God Almighty makes man what he is ; cheerful, lively, erect ; full of enterprize mutable, glanc- ing from Heaven to earth ; prone to labour and to act. — Why was not the earth left without form and void? Why was not darkness suffered to remain on the face of the deep ? Why did God place lights in the firmament for days, for seasons, for signs, and for years? — that he might make man the happiest of beings, that he might give to this his favourite creation a wider scope, a more permanent duration ; a richer diversity of joy : this is the reason why the blind are mise- rable and dejected, because their soul is mutilated and dis- membered of its best sense ; because they are a laughter and a ruin, and the boys of the streets mock at their stumbHng feet ; therefore I implore you, by the Son of David, have mercy on the blind : if there is not pity for all sorrows, turn the full and perfect man to meet the inclemency of fate : let not those who have never tasted the pleasures of existence, be assailed by any of its sorrows ; — the eyes which are never gladdened by light should never stream with tears. Nothing is more commonly known, than that those who are born blind cannot form the smallest notion of colours and of light ; it is impossible, however, they should hear the pleasures derivable from sight so frequently spoken of by others, without comparing them with other sources of gratifi- cation with which they happen to be acquainted ; it is an affecting and interesting circumstance in the annals of one* who had himself been Wind from his infancy, that the simili- tude he was always apt to frame for the unknown pleasures of sight, were the pleasures of virtue and religion to his pious and ardent imagination ; the landscape of the evening was like the close of a well spent life ; friendship and pity were the full stream and the green pasture ; the Gospel was the day spring from on high. There is a pleasure in the sight of the human countenance, greater than any derived from the contemplation of those * Dr. Blacklock. 64 FOR THE BLIND. objects to which we bear a cold and a distant relation ; it is pleasant to the heart of man to be met with looks of kindness and regard ; to see a countenance that promises support in the evil day, that reminds us of ancient attachments, and family love : that carries the awful signs of those feelings and passions which must influence our future fate. Which of you that expects to see a long absent brother, or a child returning from the perils of war and of distant lands ; which of you would forego the pleasure of tracing every lineament of his face, and reading on his features the language of deep and ardent aflJection? Ask of these unhappy children what they would sacrifice that they might see, were it only for an instant, the mother that nursed them ; the guide that led them out ; the brother that has treated them kindly and gently in their infant days ? But brother, and parent, and guide, and friend, are one to them ; they know not the signs of nature, the looks of mercy, and the smiles of love. Another source of misery to the blind, is their defenceless weakness of body ; they can neither foresee evil, ascertain its nature, nor avert its consequences. If they venture a step from their usual haunts, every spot on which they tread is pregnant with some new danger ; — the earth seems to them a continued precipice.-— The blind, says a very excellent writer, who had himself never enjoyed the blessing of sight ; the blind not only may be, but actually are, during a con- siderable period, apprehensive of danger in every motion towards any place from whence their contracted powers of perception give them no intelligence. All the various modes of delicate proportion ; all the beautiful varieties of lights and colours ; whether exhibited in the works of nature, or of art ; are to them irretrievably lost ; — dependent for everything, except mere subsistence, on the good offices of others ; ob- noxious to injury from every point, which they are neither capacitated to receive, nor quahfied to resist, they are, during the present state of being, rather prisoners at large, than citizens of nature. To estimate the advantages of sight, or of any other blessing coeval with life, we should call in the force of constrast, and consider what the condition of man would have been, had it pleased God to create him without it. Devoid of sight, man would acquire his knowledge of the properties of bodies, slowly, singly, and with extreme uncertainty ; — the sluggish current of his ideas would render him unfit for enterprize, his FOR THE BLIND. ^ submission to every danger passive, or his opposition fruitless and confused ; — some faint intelligence he would derive from sound ; but he could receive few accurate notions from any- greater distance than he could reach. From all that knowledge of bodies which we derive from an acquaintance with their affinities to light ; and which, to us, are the signs of vigour and decay, salubrity and harm; youth and age; hatred and love; he would be eternally precluded; — his mind must necessarily be exercised upon diminutive objects ; because, though a long-continued series of touches would give him an accurate notion of each part touched, he could not, from such disconnected intelligence, collect the notion of a single indi- vidual mass. The works of God thus broken into baubles, and given to him bit by bit, what can this truncated, mutilated being know of the wisdom and power of his Creator ? — Open to him now the visible world ; he penetrates into distant space ; — he sees, at one glance, millions of objects ; — he views the breadth, and depth, and altitude of things ; — he perceives there is a God among the aged streams, and the perpetual mountains, and the everlasting hills. My brethren, as no other topic worthy of your attention presses upon me, I conclude with recommending most earnest- ly these distressed objects to your notice ; and I remind you how merciful our blessed Saviour was wont to show himself to their afflictions. BHnd Bartimeus sat by the way-side beg- ging; and, as the crowd passed by, he cried, with a loud voice, " Thou son of David have mercy on me." Jesus stop- ped the multitude ; and, before them all, restored him to his sight. The first thing that he saw, who never saw before, was the Son of God. These blind persons, like Bartimeus, will never see, till they behold their Redeemer on the last day; not as he then was, in his earthly shape, but girded by all the host of heaven ; — the judge of nations ; — the everlast- ing counsellor ;— the prince of peace. At that hour, this heaven and earth will pass away, and all things melt with fervent heat ; — but, in the wreck of worlds, no tittle of mercy shall perish, and the deeds of the just shall be recorded in thQ mind of God, i'l 'i'V SEEM ON IX. ON DUTY TO PARENTS. And this is the fifth Commandment. Honour thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long in the land, which the Lord thy God giveth thee. It is almost superfluous to observe upon the importance of this law to the welfare and tranquillity of society, as it places the young under the tuition, not only of the old and the ex- perienced, but of those whom affection urges to seize on all the resources which age and experience can suggest for their advantage. The law orders and the magistrate executes ; but the law would be vain and the magistrate powerless, if the parent did not dispose the minds of his children for the reception of that law, and prepare them, by obedience to him, for submission to those whom he himself obeys. In proportion, therefore, as this great virtue of filial obe- dience is ingrafted upon the manners of any country, in the same proportion will decency and good order prevail there ; and every precept of the Gospel be more deeply engraven in the minds, and uniformly displayed in the actions of that people. We may observe, that this command of Almighty God is conveyed in a very comprehensive expression, — honour thy father and thy mother; — not simply support, or defend them; but honour them, — a term which comprehends not only the grosser and more obvious duties of preserving them from want and protecting them from violence, but secures to them delicate attentions ; studies them with eager and inquisitive affection ; screens them with partial judgments ; soothes them with profound veneration ; repays to them all that fine care. ON DUTY TO PARENTS. 67 which has averted the perils of infant life and brought out an human being to the perfection of his reason, and the summit of his strength. In handhng this branch of Christian doctrine, I shall en- deavour, first, to show what are the ordinary obstacles to a right performance of this duty ; secondly, to point out in what the duty principally consists. To the repayment of those obligations which we owe to our parents, there is one very considerable, and very singular ob- stacle ; the immensity of those obHgations themselves. — We have lived in such a constant state of protection from our parents, in the uniform reception of so much kindness, that their benevolence wants the effect of contrast to produce its just impression upon our minds ; the benefits we experience from our neighbours awaken our attention, because they are actions superior to the ordinary tenour of their benevolence ; but we do not notice the kindness of a parent, because he has been always kind ; we are less sensible to his bounties, be- cause we have never experienced any interruption of them for a single instant ; they are like health, and strength, and youth ; where custom blunts the edge of enjoyment, and the magnitude of the possession is only discovered by the misery of the loss. It is also a little in the genius of human nature, to think obligations burthensome, and to become careless of remuneration, when they are so great, that it is very difficult to discharge those obligations effectually, and to make that remuneration complete; thus, while smaller instances of friendship are repaid with precision and with pride, the greatest of all benefactors are sometimes treated with ingrati- tude from the very extent and compass of their goodness. Another circumstance, which blunts the sense of fihal ob- ligation is, that the kindness of parents, one of the most com- mon of all virtues, appears so natural from every human being towards his offspring, that though it would be shocking to want it, it is considered as not meritorious to possess it. — But observe, why this virtue of parental kindness is common, because it is also common to receive a return for it in filial obedience ; — nature has laid the foundation ; the expectation of reaping the sweets of parental kindness, justified by the feeling of all men, in all ages, has done much more. To deny the obligations which you owe to parents, because it is com- mon in all parents to do good to their children, is to withhold the reward which principally makes that kindness so com- 68 ON DUTY TO PARENTS. mon ; and to frustrate as much as in you lies, this great com- mandment of Almighty God. For, consider to what the kind- ness of parents would soon be reduced, if it were generally claimed as a matter of right ; and how soon, under the in- fluence of compulsion, the most expanded benevolence would contract itself into the narrowest and most inconsiderable hmits. But the affection of parents, it may be urged, is a feeling of nature ; therefore they have no merit in obeying it, but is not every act of Christian righteousness founded on some feehng of nature ? Is compassion no virtue ? Is courage, rightly exercised, no virtue ? Is gratitude no virtue ? Is the fear of offending no virtue ? All these qualities are provided for by nature, — all these qualities men call virtues, — all these quahties Christ taught, practised, and possessed ; to deny merit to actions, because we are prompted to them by nature, is to put an end at once to all human virtues, because there is not a single one to which we are not carried by some ori- ginal principle of our nature. It must be observed, too, that, on every occasion, we are impelled by the constitution of our minds to two opposite systems of action ; and that merit and duty consist in selecting the right propensity : Fear prompts us to fly, shame to remain, gratitude to remunerate, avarice to withhold, parental affection to cherish, selfishness to ne- glect. That man is righteous who, in the conflict of passions, subdues those feelings which God has given us to be sub- dued; and obeys those feehngs which he has given us to be obeyed. The sense of those obligations we owe to our parents, is frequently impaired by the lapse of time since those obliga- tions have been incurred; the season of infancy is passed away like a dream ; the dangerous impetuosity of youth is sub- sided: we feel strong and wise, and forget the days of weak- ness, and the nursing father and the nursing mother of the times that are gone ; — we remember these things no more ; but they hve in the memory of the old, and it seemeth hard to them that they should no more be had in remembrance. These are some of the principal reasons which impede us in this duty of honouring our parents. Let us now see how this duty itself is to be performed. There are few men, in the present state of society, (soft- ened as the human heart is by the Gospel of Christ,) who, on great and glaring occasions, would be deficient in duty to ON DUTY TO PARENTS. ^ their parents ; who would suffer them to perish hy want ; or would refuse to rescue them from aggression. Such sort of occasions very rarely occur ; and, therefore, he who comforts himself, that he would, in the cause of his parents, display this species of alacrity, should remember, however excellent his intentions may be, that he will, most probably, pass through life, without ever putting them to the test. There are little sacrifices of daily occurrence, which, in a series of years, contribute as materially to the happiness of a parent, and which, because they are obscure, and have no swelling sentiments to support them, are more difficult for a continua- tion than more splendid actions. Every man has little in- firmities of temper and disposition, which require forgiveness; peculiarities which should be managed; prejudices which should be avoided ; innocent habits which should be indulged; fixed opinions which should be treated with respect; parti- cular feelings and delicacies which should be consulted ; all this may be done without the slightest violation of truth, or the most trifling infringement of religion ; these are the sacri- fices which repay a man, in the decline of his life, for all that he has sacrificed in the commencement of yours ; this makes a parent delight in his children, and repose on them, when his mind and his body are perishing away, and he is hastening on to the end of all things. — Consider that he has been used to govern you ; that (however you may have for- gotten it) the remembrance is fresh to him, of that hour, when you stood before him as a child, and he was to you as a God. Bear with him in his old age ; pain and sickness have made him what you see ; he has been galled by the injustice, per- haps, and stung by the ingratitude of men; let him not see that old age is coming upon him, that his temper is impaired, or that his wisdom is diminished ; but as the infirmities of life double upon him, double you your kindness ; make him re* * spectable to himself, soothe him, comfort him, honour your father and your mother, that your days may be long, that you may be justified by your own heart, and honoured by the children which God giveth to you. Parents are honoured by the strict and sacred concealment-*^ of any faults they may be discovered to possess. A good son will be loth to suppose that his parents have any faults ; ►—but he must be the worst, and wickedest of men, who un- veils their nakedness, and avails himself of those occasions which their protection has given him, to study their weak- 70 ON DUTY TO PARENTS. nesses, and to expose them to a merciless world. Neither is it only the duty of a child not to publish the faults of his parents; let him take every fair and judicious opportunity of mentioning their virtues, — their justice, — their kindness, — their forbearance, — their zeal to promote the welfare of their offspring : — in this way a man is honoured by his chil- dren ; such testimony of children, prudently and modestly delivered, the world always receives with favour and esteem, as they ought to do that rectitude of conduct in the parent which has impressed itself so deeply on the mind of the child. I need not add to my explanation of what is meant by honouring a parent, — the necessity of obeying him, in all things lawful, — of consulting him in all the important pro- ceedings of our lives, — of referring to his advice and instruc- tion in every difficulty, — of showing that we feel, on all occasions, the strength of that sacred connection which binds us to the authors of our existence. No man, perhaps, can feel with sufficient energy all those duties which he owes to his parents, before he himself is a "-•fjarent, and stands in the same relation to other human beings. — It is then he begins to perceive that the fears are real ; that all the watchings and all the anxieties are true ; — ■"-that God has made nothing so timid, so kind, so good, as the heart of a parent ; — it is then you will discover why a parent is wounded by the slightest neglect, why he is more sensitive in all his joys and sorrows, — why he rejoices in your faintest glory, — why he mourns over your least disquietude, — why he follows you from the cradle to the grave with an affection which no labour can disgust, no peril intimidate, and which scarcely the blackest ingratitude can ever dissolve. Even the rebellion of Absalom could not extinguish the affection of David ; but his victory was turned into mourning ; the king forgot that he was safe upon the throne of Israel, and called night and day for his son, weeping in the chamber over the gate, and wishing that God had smitten him with death. It should be a great incitement to the performance of this duty, that when the time comes for repenting that we have neglected it, when the Httle personal feuds and jealousies which blind our understanding are at an end, and it becomes plain to the judge, within the breast, that we have often ne- glected the authors of our being, often given them unneces- ON DUTY TO PARENTS. * 71 sary pain ; — when these feelings rush upon us, it too often happens that all reparation is impossible ; they are gone, the grave hides them, and all that remains of father and of mother are the dust and the ashes of their tombs. In all other injuries the chance of repairing them may endure as long as life itself, but it is the ordinary course of nature that the parent should perish before the child ; and it is the ordi- nary course of nature also, that repentance should be most bitter when it is the most inefTectual. This commandment to honour parents may, in fact, be rendered subservient to every virtue, and may be obeyed as the mean of enforcing every law of the Gospel, — honour your father and your mother; honour them with your lives, by your spotless integrity, by keeping yourselves void of offence towards God and man. If revenge prompts you to break through human laws, and makes you prodigal of life, forgive, for the love of your parents ; — If indolence and sloth avert you from honourable competition, rouse yourself, that the praises which men bestow upon you, may warm the hearts of your parents ; — whenever you are about to do anything that is wrong, remember there are a father and a mother whose hearts you will tear with anguish ; — have pity upon them, and bear them in mind in all you do; if you are disho- nourable, they cannot be honoured ; if you are in wretchedness, they cannot rejoice ; — they will burn with your glory ; they will blush with your shame ; — they have smiled upon your cradle, they will weep on your tomb. In fine, to fulfil this great duly is an act of rehgion, as it is one of the commandments of Almighty God. It is a duty most creditable to the heart of him who fulfils it, because it is an obscure duty, and one of long continuance ; yet it is base to say, I have forgotten the wants and miseries of my childhood, and, because I am now strong, I will not remem- ber that I was ever weak ; — it is cruel to laugh at that wis- dom, in its decay, which has guided us in its perfection ; — though his tongue falter, and though he is bowed down, he is still thy father; — forsake him not, but comfort him as he has comforted thee ; and if thy days are long in the land, at the latest, and the last of those days, thou shalt feel that peace which they only can feel who honour the authors of their being and obey the commandments of their God. ^ SEEM ON X. ON THE GOVERNMENT OF HEART. His heart is established, he shall not be afraid. — Psalm cxii. verse 8. The Psalmist, in stating the happiness of a righteous man, comes, at last, to that essential part of it, the government of the heart ; and, impressed with the security which such a state of thoughts and feelings must afford, says, his heart is established, he shall not be afraid. The Psalmist means, I should suppose, by this establish- ment of heart, an habitual regulation of passions, opinions and imagination ; — a suspicious examination, not of our actions, but of the motives of our actions ; and such a government of the thoughts as is most likely to conduce to a moral and religious life. I shall, therefore, endeavour to enforce such valuable doc- trine, and to unfold the principles on which it is founded. The intimate connection between our ideas and our actions, is such, that, as often as the moment comes for doing, or for abstaining, every previous thought which has been harboured in the understanding rushes in, and exercises a share of in- fluence in the decision. — The pleasing pictures of sin we have drawn, in the absence of temptation, dazzle us, in its presence, with a more brilliant colouring, become more vivid, more artful, and more resistless ; when the moment arrives for actual gratification, we do not forget the gratification we have enjoyed, by anticipation, when conscience should rise up in all its terrors ; we cannot exclude from our minds all the previous sophistry with which it has been disarmed, when the terror of God should alarm us ; by this vicious indulgence of our thoughts we have lessened our sense of his vigilance, buoyed up our spirits with the fallacious pro- mise of future repentance, or cast from us, altogether, the ON THE GOVERNMENT OF THE HEART. 73 shackles and bondage of religion. It is no wonder that men should so often yield to temptation, when they trust to the casual virtue of the moment, and bring to the contest feelings which have never been subjected to a single instant of dis- cipline and control : — When they abolish every outpost, rase every advanced defence, and trust everything to the strength of the inward fortress alone. Virtue under such a system as this, is not only difficult, it is almost impossible ; — it is the result of accident, depending upon circumstances, which he, whom they influence, can neither explain nor command ; it is not that virtue which flows from a trained and disciplined heart, the effects of which are uniform ; and, as far as we may say so of what belongs to our fallen nature, certain. To make virtue easy, we must lay the foundations of it in thought ; when the temptation is not present, it is easy to find reasonings against it ; — and, when it is at hand, there are, then, many confirmed opinions and inveterate aversions to guard us from its influence : he who has cau- tiously excluded from his mind pictures of vicious gratifica- tion, and considered a bad life rather with respect to the permanent evil it inflicts than the transient pleasure it affords, will be more likely to see, in real vice, horror than allure- ment ; — he will dwell rather on the rewards than the diffi- culties of virtue ; if he has spurned, even in thought, that worldly good which is purchased by sin, he will, in action, trample it beneath his feet ; — if he has enjoyed in fancy the sweet security of an irreproachable life, he will not yield it up to the gold of Ophir ; if he has taught himself to shudder at the thought, even of disguised crimes, he will throw open the gates of his soul, and defy the keenest inquisition of the human race ; his deeds will be pure as the heavens, lofty as the hills, and clear as the light. On the contrary, most men give the full rein to their thoughts ; and, as long as they abstain from the action, liberally indulge in the notion ; they never think of stopping till they have inflamed themselves with every possible incentive to advance ; or, of abstaining till their appetite is sharpened to the keenest edge ; they make a perpetual variance between deeds and desires, aggravate the horror of what must be done, and magnify the importance of what cannot be obtained ; and this, not to increase, but to diminish the evils of life ; it is done to in- demnify ourselves by the luxurious enjoyments of the imagination, for the obstacles opposed to our pleasures, as f.^ ON THE GOVERNMENT OF THE HEARTi if those obstacles which cannot, and which ought not, to be overcome, are not much more intolerable, from their imaginary- removal, than they would be from a cheerful acquiescence in the purposes for which they were created ; and submission to the wisdom which gave them birth. There seems to be, in the apprehension of some men, a sort of cruelty, in extending the empire of religion over the thoughts ; — it wears the appearance of vexatious inquisition, which disturbs harmless enjoyment, and punishes the ap- pearance of happiness wherever it can be discovered : the fact is so much the reverse, that if the idea of duty is to be admitted at all ; if the Gospel of Christ is to establish a bad, and a good, in human actions ; it could have suggested no other method so effectual to enforce obedience to its precepts, as the government of the thoughts ; because it employs the power of virtue, at a time when opposition to vice is not arduous, or difficult ; when temptation is without form, and void ; before the dangerous eloquence of the senses has roused the bad passions : instead of creating an additional call upon the energy and labour of man, it fixes upon him a much lighter burthen, and binds him to a much easier yoke ; it opposes him not to vivid perceptions, but to faint anticipa- tions ; it arrays him not against the real presence, but the ghost and shadow of sin ; while it gives to virtue inward peace and outward respect : softening its privations, diminish- ing its suffering ; and forgetting its toils. — Such are the results of that discipline which we deem oppressive tyranny over the thoughts ; such are the salutary pictures which our natural love of virtue, sheltered from actual temptation, will soon enable us to draw. Neither can this discipline of the thoughts be regarded with any colour of justice, as trivial, or inadequate to the efforts which has produced it ; for I am not contending, that it is an useful discipline ; but that it is an indispensable discipline ; not that it is an auxiliary to the highest virtues ; but a necessary foundation for the lowest and the least: it is not possible that that man should walk outwardly in the law of God, who is for ever feeding in imagination upon the pleasures of sin. — The passions will at last act ; the seed will break through the incumbent obstacle ; the vice, which has been so often pictured, (because to draw such pictures is considered as compatible with innocence,) will be imitated to the life with fatal and unerring precision. v^ 124 ON METHODISM. A as their astonishing arrogance and presumption; they speak "^ t as if in their era and at their time God had again vouchsafed to show himself to his people ; as if a new dispensation had been accorded to the world, and as if the time was at last arrived when they were permitted to show to mankind the true know- ledge of the true God: they speak of men of all other per- suasions as the children of darkness and error, pitying the whole world besides themselves, and thanking God with a very needless and impious gratitude, that he has made them so much wiser and better than other human beings. The gratification of this spiritual pride is become in fact, almost one of their rehgious exercises ; it is mingled in all their reli- gious meditations, and become the darling and consolation of their souls ; " God J thank thee, I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican;^* thus spake the Pharisee ; " but the publican, standing afar off, would not so much as lift up his eyes to heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinnerP* Which of these went home to his house justified rather than the other? And of whom did Christ speak this parable? He spake it (says St. Luke) unto certain men which trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others. It is absolutely necessary, in order to prevent the young from being imposed upon by these lofty pretensions, to protest against them in the plainest and most serious manner ; they are so far from being proofs of pure and genuine religion, that they are the almost infallible characteristics of vulgar and unblushing fanaticism. The most mistaken and impetuous enthusiasts have all begun in the same manner, have all arro- gantly and studiously depreciated every other mode of wor- ship, have all grasped at the monopoly of piety and reason. It is not the practice of the Church of England to do these things ; it is not the habit of her ministers to speak insultingly or to think arrogantly of those who w^orship the same God, however different be the mode of that adoration ; she prefers her own doctrine; but she prefers it without boasting and without invidious comparison ; she derives from her antiquity calm and dignified satisfaction, and from her experience, the high blessings of moderation and forbearance ; but, when these vain and mistaken zealots tell her that she is superannuated, and decayed, that she is oppressed by the languor of age, and unstrung by the indolence of success ; that she should rebuild her altars after their model, and speak to the God of heaven ON METHODISM. 125 as they speak ; when this is the part assumed by men whose predominant notion of rehgion seems to be that it is something removed as far from common sense as possible, it is then surely time to ask these men who made them lords and teach- ers over us, and where each of them has found that garment of Elijah, in which they so fondly walk upon the earth. They have so long held this language ; it has been so long heard in silence, that the silence of inactivity has been mistaken for the silence of guilt : it is time that the young, upon whose unpractised minds they are always at work, should know, that moderation is not wholly indefensible ; and it is time they should be taught to exact of religious presumption, proofs as severe as its pretensions are high. Not that it is meant by these remarks to insinuate that the church is endangered by this denomination of Christians ; I hope and beheve that its roots are too deep, its structure too admirable, its defenders too able, and its followers too firm, to be shaken by this or any other species of attack; but it such dangers do exist, which 1 am not able to perceive, that danger is not from principles well known and previously re- futed; it is not from men who profess to reason about their faith, and who give you some means of making to them a reply ; but it is from that fanaticism Avhich professes only to feel and not to reason, which is intangible and invisible to its enemies, which it is no more possible to meet with the com- mon efforts of reason, than it is to dispute with a burning fever, or to argue down a subtle contagion. There exists, too, in this sect, not onty the arrogance of which 1 am speaking, but that unchristian charity in the judg- ment of the motives of others, which is the natural conse- quence of such arrogance ; they are perpetually in the habit of putting on the actions of the rest of mankind, a construction which depreciates all other religions, and exalts their own ; like all small sects, living and acting together, their proselytes inflame each other by mutual praise, into an exaggerated sense of their own value ; and giide imperceptibly into a kind of confused notion, that they are a chosen and consecrated people, placed by God in the bosom of idolatry, to purify and to save mankind. It is impossible not to perceive that such are the secret feelings by which these men are influenced, and perceiving it, it is not possible at the same time to admit, that they hold the Christian faith in all that vigour, purity, 11* 126 ON METHODISM. and vitality which they would make us ordinary Christians to believe. Another mischief which they do to the cause of rehgion is, >^l that by their eager and overheated imaginations, they bring ^ discredit upon the sacred cause, and upon the name of religion; they are taunted as the priests of Baal were taunted ; — " cry aloud, for he is a God : either he is talking or pursuing, or he is in a journey, or, peradventure he sleepeth, and must be waked : and they cried aloud and cut themselves after their barbarous manner, with knives and lancets, till the blood gushed out upon them." Nothing can be more mis- taken in fact, than to look upon the frantic extravagance, or the undignified trifling of their teachers as innocent. No- thing is innocent which casts the faintest shade of error, or of folly upon true rehgion. Nothing is innocent which dis- poses the minds of men to confound a serious Christian with an enthusiastic Christian. Nothing is innocent which in- duces them to dishonour alike the firmness of rational con- viction, and the vehemence of ignorant passion ; nothing which, by disgusting correct judgments, runs the remotest risk of involving sober Christianity in the fate of low fanati- cism. — He who is reproached for being in one extreme, com- forts himself that he is not in the other ; if he neglects the du- ties of religion, if he is absorbed by the world, if he violates the clearest rules of right and wrong, he pleads that he is no hypocrite, no fanatic, that he despises the senseless, barbarous raving, which passes so often under the name of religion. And this is perhaps the greatest evil of enthusiasm ; it is not that an enthusiast may not himself be a better man, but that he makes others worse men ; for the publican says in his turn, thank God I am not as this Pharisee, and then goes headlong into every sin because he will avoid extravagance, hypocrisy and ostentation. Thus it is that human vices and errors are perpetually acting upon each other, that we seize hold of what others do too much, in order to justify ourselves in doing too little, and are, on the opposite side, provoked to do too much, because we observe others to do nothing at all ; the horrors of infidehty produce the folHes of enthusiasm ; and the follies of enthusiasm disgust men into the horrors of in- fidelity. If power and praise are the objects you seek under the name of religion, or, if you are mistaken enough to suppose that which is good in some degree is good in every degree ; ON METHODISM. 127 that the holy apostle, Saint Paul, when he talked of a right- eousness over much, and of a zeal without knowledge, talked of those feehngs which did not, and which could not exist, then do as these men do, make a new god after your own heated mind, and carry the narrow spirit of a faction into the great business of eternity. But if you really wish to excel all other Christians in your faith, and to exercise most worth- ily that religion which hallows and guides the world, aim at that moderation which, while it is the most difficult is the most unhonoured, the most unnoticed and the most unre- warded of all human virtues ; do that which a Christian ought to do, without proclaiming that you do it ; do not insult men to imitate you by the loftiness of your pretensions, but allure them to follow you by the sweetness and beauty of your life. When you come to pray to God before the world, let a vene- rable and sacred decorum preside over every look, every word and every action ; beware, lest you cast upon the name of religion the shadow of blame or reproach ; — give us that piety which, while it excites feeling, commands respect ; and then we will bear you record, that you have a zeal for God, and that your zeal is according to knowledge. • Zeal without knowledge is the most dangerous foundation on which religious education can be built up ; for, where it happens to be appHed to a naturally strong understanding, that can detect, in after-life, the excesses into which it has been hurried in early youth, it too often superinduces a per- fect carelessness to all religion ; a revengeful levity, which seems to atone to itself by indiscriminate scorn, for the follies into which it has been betrayed by indiscriminate enthusiasm. But bad as this is, it is not the worst evil which is to be laid to the charge of enthusiasm ; the total destruction of hu- man reason, the quenching of every faculty, the blotting out of all mind, fatuity, folly, idiotism, are the evils which it too often carries in its train. This is the spectacle at which they should tremble who believe that religious feelings do not require the control of reason, and the aid of sound instruction ; the spectacle of a mind dead forever to all joy, without peace or rest in the day or in the night, the victim of incurable, hopeless madness. These are the proper warnings for those who are tired with the moderation of the English Church, who ask for something less calm, more vehement, and more stimulating than they can meet with here. At this moment, a thousand human creatures are chained to the earth, suffer- 139 ON METHODISM. ing, in imagination, all the torments of hell, and groaning under the fancied vengeance of an angry God. What has broken them down, and what is the cause of their great ruin ? zeal without knowledge ; the violence of worship ; passions let loose upon the most exalted of all objects ; utter contempt of all moderation ; hatred and suspicion of the moderate ; a dereliction of old, safe, and established worship ; a thirst for novelty and noise ; a childish admiration of every bold and loquacious pretender ; Methodism in every branch of its folly, and in the fullest measure of its arrogance. Perhaps this sect is come too late ; perhaps, in spite of their incessant activity, it is not possible that mankind should again fall very extensively under the dominion of enthusiasm ; in the mean time, whatever be their ultimate and general suc- cess, this will be the character of their immediate proselytes ; they will have all who are broken down by the miseries of the world, and who will fly to the drunkenness of enthusiasm, as a cure for the pangs of sorrow ; they will have all men, in whose mind fear predominates over hope; profligates, who have exhausted the pleasures of life, will begin to blame those pleasures enthusiastically, and to atone, by the corrup- tion of their reason, for the corruption of their hearts. De- signing hypocrites will sometimes join them, and throw a mask of sanctity over the sordid impurities of their lives. It will be a general receptacle for imbecility, fear, worn-out debauchery, and designing fraud. It will nourish a scorn for rehgion, produce a constant succession of scoffers, and so blend the excesses of the human mind, upon religious sub- jects, with its sound and serious efforts, that men, not caring to disentangle the evil from the good, will cast both the evil and the good away, and live in habitual carelessness for their salvation. But it is urged, in answer to this, that the Hves of these men are good. Admit them to be so ; are there no good men who are not enthusiasts ? Are there no men, deeply im- pressed with the truth of the Gospel, who avoid all singularity, party spirit, and display, in their obedience to that Gospel ? Is there no such a thing as earnest, yet tranquil piety ? Is a sound understanding really so incompatible with a pure heart, that men must become spectacles and laughing stocks in this world, before they consider themselves as fit for another, and a better ? " I respect these people," says one of the greatest ON METHODISM. 129 ornaments of the English Church, (now no more.*) " I respect them, because I beheve they are sincere, but I have never been present at their worship, without saying to myself, how different is this from the primitive purity and simplicity of the Gospel." It is possible to love a thing so ardently, and to covet it so much, that we cease to be good judges of the means by which it is to be attained, or preserved when it is attained. We have in our church, and in theirs, one common object — salvation, — the greatest that the mind can conceive, or the passions covet. We will not believe, that an All- wise and an Almighty being has made our eternal happiness to depend upon the display of impetuous feeling, or the observance of unmeaning trifles. We will bend our whole heart to the Lord our God, and to the great author of our redemption ; but we will do it with calm adoration, and with zeal accord- ing to knowledge ; those habits may not impose, they may not dazzle, they may not attract ; — but they are practical, they are permanent, they will endure ; and, while a thousand new sects are swelling into importance, from their extrava- gance, and dissolving again, when that extravagance has lost the charm of novelty, our ancient and venerable church, too great, too wise, and too aged, for these popular arts, shall stand the test of time, and gradually gather into her bosom, those who can be wise as well as good ; who have an ardent zeal for God, but a zeal according to knowledge, * Dr. Paley, whose works have adorned, and whose low situation in the Eflglish Church has disgraced the age in which he lived. SERMON XVIII ON RICHES. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. — Mabk x. terse 25. Without entering into the disputes to which this passage has given hirth, or agitating the question of the propriety of the translation, I shall construe it in a figurative sense, and suppose it to mean, that it is difficult for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God ; that the temptations, consequent upon great possessions, create a very serious obstacle to the attainment of the principles and of the rewards of the Gospel. To examine what those obstacles are, and to point out in what manner they may be guarded against, will, I hope, not prove an unprofitable subject for this day's discourse ; if, in the progress of such discourse, I point out any pernicious effects of wealth upon the moral and rehgious character, I cannot, of course, mean to insinuate that such influence is never counteracted, and such danger never repelled. — I am speaking, not of fact, but of tendency, — not of those efl^ects which always are produced, but ofHhose which in nature and probability may be produced. It is difficult for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God : — The first cause to be alleged for this difficulty is, that he wants that important test of his own conduct, which is to be gained from the conduct of his fellow-creatures towards him ; he may be going far from the kingdom of God, on the feet of pride, and over the spoils of injustice, without learning, from the averted looks, and the alienated hearts of men, that his ways are the ways of death. Wealth is apt to inspire a kind of awe, which fashions every look, modulates every ON RICHES* 131 word, and influences every action ; — and this, not so much from any view to interest, as from that imposing superiority, exercised upon the imagination hy prosperous fortune, from which it is extremely difficult for any man to emancipate himself, who has not steadily accustomed his judgment to measure his fellow-creatures by real, rather than artificial distinctions, and to appeal from the capricious judgments of the world to his own reflections, and to the clear and indis- putable precepts of the Gospel. The general presumption, indeed, which we are apt to form, is, that the mischief is already done, that the rich man has been accustomed to such flattering reception, such gracious falsehoods, and such ingenious deceit ; that to treat him justly, is to treat him harshly ; and, to defer to him only in the proportion of his merit, is a violation of established forms. No man feels it to be his duty to combat with the gigantic errors of the world, and to exalt himself into a champion of righteousness ; he leaves the state of society just as he found it, and indolently contributes his quota of deceit^ to make the life of a human being an huge falsehood from the cradle to the tomb. It is this which speaks to Dives the false history of his shameless and pampered life ;— here it is, in the deceitful mirror of the human face, that he sees the high gifts with which God has endowed him ; — and here it is, in that mirror, so dreadfully just to guilty poverty, he may come back, after he has trampled on every principle of honour and justice, and see joy, and delight, and unbounded hospitality, and unnumbered friends. Therefore, I say to you, when you enter in among your fellows, in the pomp, and plenitude of wealth, — when the meek eye of poverty falls before you, — when all men hsten to your speech, and the approving smile is ready to break forth on every brow,— - then keep down your rising heart, and humble yourself before your father who seeth in secret ; then fear very greatly for your salvation ; then tremble more than Felix trembled ; then remember that it is easier for a camel to go through the ey« of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven. The second reason why it is so difficult for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God is, that he loves the kingdom of the world too well. Death is very terrible, says the son of Sirach, to him who lives at ease in his possessions ; and in truth the plea- sure of Hfe does, in a great measure, depend upon the lot which 132 ON RICHES. we draw, and the heritage which we enjoy ; it may be urged, that a person who knows no other situation, wishes no other ; and that the boundary of his experience is the boundary of his desire. This would be true enough if we did not derive our notions of happiness and misery from a wider range of observation than our own destiny can afford ; I will not speak of great misfortunes, for such instances prove but too clearly, how much the love of life depends on the enjoyment it affords ; "-—but a man who is the eternal prey of sohcitude, wishes for the closing of the scene ; a constant, cheerless struggle with little miseries, will dim the sun, and wither the green herb, and taint the fresh wind ; — he will cry out, let me depart, — he will count his gray hairs with joy, and one day will seem unto him as many. Those who are not reminded of the wretchedness of human existence by such reflections as these, who are born to luxury and respect, and sheltered from the various perils of poverty, begin to forget the preca- rious tenure of worldly enjoyments, and to build sumptuously on the sand ; they put their trust (as the Psalmist says), in chariots and horses, and dream they shall live for ever in those palaces which are but the out-houses of the grave. There are very few men, in fact, who are capable of with- standing the constant effect of artificial distinctions ; it is diffi- cult to live upon a throne, and to think of a tomb ; it is diffi- cult to be clothed in splendour, and to remember we are dust ; it is difficult for the rich and the prosperous to keep their hearts as a burning coal upon the altar, and to humble them- selves before God as they rise before men. In the mean- time, while pride gathers in the heart, the angel is ever writing in the book, and wrath is ever mantling in the cup ; complain not in the season of woe, that you are parched with thirst ; ask not for water, as Dives asked you have a warn- ing which he never had. There stand the ever memorable words of the text, which break down the stateliness of man, and dissipate the pageantry of the earth : — thus it is that the few words of a God can make the purple of the world appear less beautiful than the mean garments of a beggar, and strik- ing terror into the hearts of rulers and of exarchs, turn the ban- ners of dominion to the ensigns of death, and make them shudder at the sceptre which they wield. To-day, you are clothed in fine hnen, and fare sumptuously ; in a few, and evil years, they shall hew you out a tomb of marble, whiter than snow, and the cunning artifice of the workman shall ON^RICHES. 133 grave on it weeping angels, and make a delicate image of one fleeing up to heaven, as if it were thee, and shall relate in golden letters, the long story of your honours and your birth, — thou fool ! ! He that dieth by the road side for the lack of a morsel of bread, God loveth him as well as he loveth thee ; and at the gates of heaven, and from the blessed angels thou shalt learn, that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven. Another fatal effect of great wealth is, that it is apt to harden the heart ; wealth gives power ; power produces immediate gratification; the long habit of immediate gratification, an impatience of unpleasant feelings ; a claim to be exempted from the contemplation of human misery, of everything cal- culated to inspire gloom, to pollute enjoyment, and protrude a sense of painful duties ; the compassion with which pros- perous men are born in common with us all, is never cher- ished by a participation in the common suffering, a share in the general struggle ; it wants that sense of the difficulty and wretchedness of existence, by which we obtain the best mea- sure of the sufferings of our fellow-creatures. We talk of human life as a journey, but how variously is that journey performed ? there are some who come forth girt, and shod, and mantled, to walk on velvet lawns, and smooth terraces, where every gale is arrested, and every beam is tempered ; there are others who walk on the alpine paths of life, against driving misery, and through stormy sorrows ; and over sharp afflictions, walk with bare feet and naked breast, jaded, man- gled, and chilled. It is easy enough to talk of misfortunes ; that they exist, no man can be ignorant ; it is not the bare knowledge of them that is wanting, but that pungent, vital commiseration, under the influence of which a man springs up from the comforts of his home, deserts his favourite occu- pations, toils, invents, investigates, struggles, wades through perplexity, disappointment, and disgust, to save a human being from shame, poverty and destruction : here then is the jet, and object of our blessed Saviour's menace ; and reason- able enough it is that he who practically withdraws himself from the great Christian community of benevolence, should be cut ofl^from the blessings of Christian reward. If we suf- fer ourselves to be so infatuated by the enjoyments of this world, as to forget the imperious claims of affliction, and to render our minds, from the long habit of selfish gratification, 134 ON RICHES. incapable of fulfilling the duties we owe to mankind, then let us not repine, that our lot ceases in this world, or that the rich man shall never inherit immortal life. As to that confidence and pride of which riches are too often the source, what can the constitution of that mind be, which has formed these notions of divine wisdom and justice? Was this inequality of possessions contrived for the more solid establishment of human happiness, that there might be gradation and subordination among men ? or was it instituted to give an arbitrary and useless superiority of one human being over another ? Are any duties exacted for the good conferred ? or was a rich man only born to sleep quietly, to fare sumptuously, and to be clothed in brave apparel ? Has he, who does not create a particle of dust but it has its use, has he, do you imagine, formed one human being merely as a receptacle of choice fruits and delicate viands ; and has he stationed a thousand others about him, of the same flesh and blood, that they might pick up the crumbs of his table, and gratify the wishes of his heart? No man is mad enough to acknowledge such an opinion ; but many enjoy wealth as if they had no other notion respecting it than that they were to extract from it the greatest enjoyment possible, to eat and drink to-day, and to mock at the threatened death of to-morrow. The command of our Saviour to the rich man, was, go thy way quickly, sell all thou hast, divide it among the poor, and take up thy cross and follow me ; but this precept of our blessed Lord's, as it was intended only for the interests of the Gospel, and the state of the world at that period, cannot be considered as applicable to the present condition of man- kind ; to preach such exalted doctrine in these latter days, would, I am afraid, at best be useless ; our object is to seek for some fair medium between selfishness and enthusiasm. If something of great possessions be dedicated to inspire respect, and preserve the gradations of society, a part to the real wants, a little to the ornaments and superfluities of life, a little even to the infirmities of the possessor, how much will remain for the unhappy, who ask only a preference over vicious pleasure, disgraceful excess, and idle ostentation. Neither is it to objects only of individual misery, that the application of wealth is to be confined ; whatever has for its object to enlarge human knowledge, or to propagate moral and religious principle ; whatever may afl^ect immediately, or remotely, directly, or indirectly, the public happiness, ON RICHES. 135 may add to the comforts, repress the crimes, or animate the virtues of social life ; to every sacred claim of this nature, che appetite for frivolous pleasure, and the passion for frivo- lous display, must impHcitly yield : if the minulisB of indi- vidual charity present an object too inconsiderable for a capa- cious mind, there are vast asylums for sickness and want, which invite your aid ; breathe among their sad inhabitants the spirit of consolation and order, give to them wiser ar- rangements and. wider limits, prepare shelter for unborn wretchedness, and medicine for future disease ; give oppor- tunity to talents, and scope to goodness ; go among the mul- titude, and see if you can drag from the oblivious heap some child of God, some gift of heaven, whose mind can burst through the secrets of nature, and influence the destiny of man. This is the dignified and religious use of riches, which, when they cherish boyish pride, to minister to selfish plea- sure, shall verily doom their possessor to the flames of hell.— • But he who knows wherefore God has given him great pos- sessions, he shall die the death of Lazarus, without leading his hfe, and rest in the bosom of Abraham, though he never stretched forth his wounds to the dogs, nor gathered up the crumbs of the table for his food. The best mode of guarding against that indirect flattery, which is always paid to wealth, is to impress the mind with a thorough belief of the fact; and to guard by increased in- ward humility against the danger of corruption from without. The wealthy man who attributes to himself great or good qualities, from what he conceives to be the opinion of the world, exposes himself to dangerous errors; on the most im- portant of all subjects, this source of self-judgment is for him most effectually poisoned ; he must receive such evidence with the utmost distrust, weigh every circumstance with caution, court animadversion and friendly candour, and che- rish the man by whose poHshed justice his feelings are con- sulted, while his follies are repressed. For the pride which is contracted by the contemplation of little things, there is no better cure than the contemplation of great things. Let a rich man turn from his own pompous lit- tleness, and think of heaven, of eternity, and of salvation ; let him think of all the nations that lie dead in the dust, waiting for the trumpet of God ; he will smile at his own brief autho- rity, and be as one lifted up to an high eminence, to whom the gorgeous palaces of the world are the specks and atoms 136 ON RICHES. of the eye ; the great laws of nature pursue their eternal course, and heed not the frail distinctions of this life ; the fever spares not the rich and the great; the tempest does not pass by them ; they are racked by pain, they are weakened by disease, they are broken by old age, they are agonized in death like other men, they moulder in the tomb, they differ only from other men in this, that God will call them to a more severe account, that they must come before him with deeds of Christian charity and acts of righteousness, equal to all the opportunities and blessings which they have enjoyed. Let the rich man then remember in the midst of his en- joyments, by what slight tenure those enjoyments are held. In addition to the common doubt which hangs over the life of all men, fresh perils lay hid in his pleasures, and the very object for which he lives may be the first to terminate his existence. " Remember thou art mortal," was said every day to a great king. So, after the same fashion I would that a man of great possessions should frequently remember the end of all things, and the long home, and the sleeping place of a span in breadth ; I would have him go from under the gilded dome down to the place where they will gather him to the bones of his fathers ; he should tread in the dust of the noble, and trample on the ashes of the proud ; I would heap before him sights of woe and images of death and terror ; I would break down his stateliness and humble him before his Redeemer and his judge. My voice should ever sound in his ears, that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven. SERMON XIX. ON SWEARING. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain, for the Lord vsrill not hold him guiltless who taketh his name in vain. — Exodus xx. VERSE 7. *;^ While we are guarded against great and daring crimes, by the disgust which their enormity excites, we remain ex- posed to the lesser vices, because we consider them as too un- important for our care, and in this manner they gain a vic- tory by our negligence, which they never could obtain from their own power. Indeed, against the greater crimes Almighty God has placed a powerful safeguard in the admonitions of conscience which they awaken ; but when we come from crimes against feel- ing, to crimes against reason, the danger is greater because the warning is less ; and here we must owe to the instruction of others, and to self-examination, that innocence which we derive, on other occasions, from the loud and irresistible cries of nature. Thou shalt not take the Lord's name in vain. To use the Lord's name in vain, is to use it on any occasion, except when called upon by the laws of our country, to offer that solemn pledge for the truth of what we say. But the misfor- tune is, we do not deem it in vain, if the object on which we employ it is of importance to us, and to us alone. We do not think it in vain to call down God, armed with all his terrors, upon any accident which disturbs the cheerfulness of our Jives ; we think that obedient Heaven is always ready to avenge our wrongs, and that the Deity is ever watchful to bless those whom we bless and curse those whom we curse. We make use of God's name to exasperate the violence of 12* 138 ON SWEARING. our own foolish passions, and to sharpen the edge of those trifling vexations, which are entailed upon us all, in our pas- sage through the world. It may not, perhaps, be quite clear where the great danger of using the name of God upon common occasions can be : the danger (and a very serious one it is) is this, that we fa- miharize ourselves too much with that awful name ; — that the humble reverence, with which it should always be thought of and pronounced, be exchanged for confidence and bold- ness ; — that, having broken through the pales of the altar, we approach to the sanctuary itself; — that, having accustomed ourselves to talk of God without fear, we break through his laws without hesitation ; and end with bad actions after we have begun with impious words. These outworks and fences of religion are of the most sacred importance ; — no man breaks out at once into great vices ; no man is of a sudden notoriously wicked; but he be- gins with little faults, — he abstains from public worship, — he loses gradually the awful remembrance of his Creator, — he accustoms himself to call upon his name on the most trifling occasions ; and then after such beginnings, foolishly imagines he can stop just where he pleases. He who breaks through the outward wall will soon come into the inner dwelling ; this law is one of the strong barriers of true piety ; — ^beware how you break it down ; — think much before you pronounce the name of God ; — and you will think much more before you disobey his word.' — Hallow that name with an holy fear, and you will not trample on the laws which that holy name sanctions. Let all your words be yea and nay ; and that will be some secu- rity that your actions are pure and irreproachable as your lan- guage. The only excuse which worldly-minded men can set up for sin is pleasure ; the present temptation is too strong ; the sense of future evil too faint and too remote ; but who will assert, that there is any pleasure in an oath ? — Or that in the whole extent of language, the only words capable of commu- nicating satisfaction, are those which are not only coarse and vulgar, but shocking : not only shocking, but irrehgious, blas- phemous, and bad. To take the Lord's name in vain, is to incur guilt without delight ; and to violate a solemn command- ment of God, merely that every one who hears us may con- ceive a low opinion of our manners, our education, and our understanding. ON SWEARING. 130 It is with small vices as with trifling complaints of the body; they become dangerous, only because they are ne- glected. From the age of innocence, when we look at the extremes of human depravity, the distance appears immense ; we say, there is a great gulf between us ; — my soul can never be darkened with such crimes as these; I shall go down to my grave in innocence and peace. — In the mean time, the descent from one step to another is short, and gentle, and we arrive at the distant goal, betrayed by the artful transition. We should take up the task of amendment, where it is most Hkely to be attended with success ; to struggle with great vices is always difficult, sometimes, I am afraid, hopeless ; in checking the vice of swearing, we are destroying the seeds of unrighteousness, and cherishing that feeling of sanctity which is the parent of every good ; here- after, when our religious feelings are blunted and worn away, when our minds are prepared for the reception of every vice, we shall find it too late to keep holy the name of the Lord our God ; — too late to remember, that they are not guiltless who take his name in vain. Whatever rules any man may choose to apply to himself, he will not deny, that it is his duty to watch, with the most pious care, the first appearances of this dangerous vice in the minds of children ; that a young person at least, should be taught never to pronounce the name of God, but with feelings of pious gratitude, and unbounded veneration; never, without remembering that God breathed into him the breath of life ; that, at his will, that breath still hangs in his nostrils ; that in a moment, his soul may be taken from him ; and that he may be called before the throne of that being, whose power nothing can resist ; and from whose wisdom nothing remains concealed. The youth who has these feelings, is safe from all flagrant and enormous crimes ; in the moment of tempta- tion, he flies to them as to the horns of the altar ; and, in the day of his adversity, they are his stony rock, his buckler, and his shield. It is very striking, in our perusal of the Scriptures, to remark the awful manner in which the name of God is men- tioned ; and the noble images and allusions with which it is surrounded and hallowed : Moses says, that it is eternal, everlasting, not to be changed. Solomon calls it the frontlet to his eyes; Isaiah says it is the tower of his heart. — Zecha- riah calls it a wall of fire. — Joel, and Amos, and Haggai, say 140 ON SWEARING. it is a miracle, and a glory, and a burning light. Prophets, lawgivers, and sacred kings bless it; the worst only, and the lowest of men, revile it, and trample it in the dust. This is the way that common minds speak of the first and great cause of all ; but David says, that when he called upon God, the earth shook, and trembled ; that the very foundations of the hills were shaken. " He bowed the Heavens, and came down ; darkness was under his feet ; he rode upon a cheru- bin ; — he did fly upon the wings of the wind ; he made dark- ness his secret place ; his pavilion round about him was dark waters, and thick clouds of the skies. The Lord also thun- dered in the Heavens, and the highest gave his voice. Then the channels of waters were seen, and the foundations of the world were discovered. At thy rebuke, oh God ; at the blast of the breath of thy nostrils." — This is not mere imagination, but wise and instructive piety ; the loftiest flight, and the boldest epithet have their use ; whatever exalts the Deity, enforces obedience to his laws ; whatever degrades his name, renders it more probable, that his commandments will not be observed. It is a vast advantage to keep in the heart a pure image to look at, — something which is free from every stain of mortal frailty ; and Avhich we may follow, though at a distance im- measurable, and imitate, though in dimness and obscurity ; for this reason, the thought of God is to be fenced about with every care ; it is not to be called forth for the purposes of any evil passion, or to gratify rash intemperance, or to give dignity to insignificance. It is to be reserved for stupendous affliction, poured forth in eminent distress, appealed to before grave tribunals, and pronounced with solemn devotion, when the dearest interests of mankind are at stake. God has given us his name as a support to human laws, as a security to human happiness ; it is so great and serious a possession, the use of it is of such vast importance, that the law takes it to itself, and pronounces it to be an offence against the public to use it, but in prayer. And the law does this very justly, reasoning after this manner ; that by the use of God's name contracts are ratified ; by that pledge, men bind themselves to the performance of high duties ; recompense is awarded ; and crimes are punished. From a confidence that the name of God will not be taken in vain ; so to take it, is to weaken one of the props on which human happiness is placed ; is to accustom yourself and others to the irreverent use of that ON SWEARING. 141 name, upon the reverent use of which the administration of justice intimately depends. It is in this very manner that our Saviour preaches it, not only forbidding perjury, but for- bidding that habit of appealing carelessly to sacred things, which lays the foundation for a breach of oaths. " Ye have heard how it hath been said by them of old time, thou shalt not forswear thyself;' — but I say unto you, swear not at all, neither by Heaven, for it is God's throne, nor by the earth, for it is his footstool, nor by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great king ; but let your communication be yea, and nay, for whatsoever is more than these, cometh of evil." It is pleasant to remember, that no man can cultivate any one virtue, without cultivating others at the same time ; now, to watch carefully over the use we make of the name of God, and to beware that we do not misuse it, even in the strongest paroxysm of violence, induces a turn of mind, which is extremely favourable to the government of our evil nature ; for it is not probable that he, who is striving not to offend against one commandment of God, should at that very mo- ment offend against another ; the same awful feeling which prevents him from blaspheming against the name of God, may curb anger, soften hatred, and produce a general spirit of pious moderation. To conclude ; which of all those crimes prescribed in the decalogue is the greatest, we know not ; as they are all equally forbidden, they are, probably, all equally heinous : — there cannot, therefore, be a doubt, which, in a religious point of view, it is the greatest folly to commit ; for, to the violation of the name of God, there is no natural impulse, nor is any great enjoyment the consequence of it ; for though it may be difficult sometimes not to do it, there is no sort of pleasure in doing it, nor is it a vice by which anything is gained, but the disreputation and disgrace. In the meantime, it is as dangerous in its consequences as if it were agreeable in itself; it weakens the obligation of oaths, destroys the delicacy of religious feeling, and makes all those thoughts common, which should be reserved for the great changes and chances of life. He, therefore, who blasphemes out of these walls, will pray within them to little purpose ; and, whatever be the effusions of his heart, when the world are not by, his open profanations will not be forgotten, nor. will God hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. .1^ ' >?^i SERMON XX ON MEEKNESS. The ornament of a meek and quiet spirit is in the sight of God of a great price. — First Epistle of Peter hi. verse 4. The meekness of the Gospel has been so far mistaken by one sect of Christians, that they have erroneously interpreted it to mean passive submission to violence and injury; a principle which operates as an incitement to many bad pas- sions, by leaving to them their undisputed reward, and urges us to abandon those salutary means of defence, implanted by nature for the encouragement of justice, and the due order of the world. That all men should cease to resist, would be of very Httle importance unless all men were to cease to attack ; for, other- wise, such a system would be merely the extinction of all rights, and the quiet toleration of every wrong. On the con- trary, if the object be to diminish, as much as possible, the quantity of evil in the universe, and if its sudden destruction be impossible, it is much better to render vice and violence unsuccessful in their object, by that calm yet vigilant resist- ance which is more desirous of preventing future than re- venging past aggression. As I cannot, for these reasons believe, that the meekness of the Gospel is pusillanimity, I cannot allow it any more to be error; it cannot consist in an undue depreciation of ourselves, or an ignorance of any one superiority we may chance to possess over our fellow-creatures ; the Gospel never teaches ignorance; it stimulates man to the study of himself as the best of all wisdom ; it permits him to discover the rank which God has assigned to him; but threatens him with omnipotent anger, if he turns the gifts of the Creator to the scorn and ON MEEKNESS. 143 oppression of the creature, and when he feels the pride of talents or of power ; the Scriptures unveil to him the glory of God, and tell him of the days of the life of man, that they are few and evil ; and that when the breath of his nostrils is gone, he returneth again to his dust. Christian meekness is neither ignorance nor pusillanimity ; but the meekness of the Gospel, so far as it is concerned in the vindication of its own rights, vindicates them only when they are of considerable importance. Nothing more distant from the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit than the inces- sant and scrupulous vindication of minute rights, and an avidity for litigation and contest ; a meek man will cede much, and before he vindicates a right, or resents an injury, will consider if that for which he contends is worth the price of peace, not only if it be an object for which justice will permit him to struggle, but one which prudence forbids him to re- linquish ; he will pass over many trifling wrongs, forgive slight injuries as the natural and inevitable consequences of the imperfect morality of man; he will subdue malice by openness and benignity ; turn away wrath by soft answers ; disarm hostility by patience ; and endure much for the Gospel, that he may gain the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which, in the sight of God, is of a great price. Evangelical meekness is never more exemplified than in the proper management of superior talents, so as to make them rather a source of pleasure and encouragement than of apprehension to those with whom we live. The same ob- servation applies equally to superior rank, superior birth, and every species of artificial as well as natural distinction ; meek- ness softens down the distance between man and man, sweet- ens the malevolent passions which it is apt to excite, and is so far from diminishing subordination, that it strengthens it by converting a duty into a pleasure. For mankind are at the bottom, perhaps well aware that they must be governed, and the obedience of men may be raised into a species of idola- try, when those who could command them court them ; and when they find the garb of power laid aside on purpose to give pleasure, and diffuse the cheerfulness and confidence of equality. The true meekness of the Gospel, therefore, is powerfully evinced in the suppression of any superiority that may be painful and oppressive, by informing rather than ex- posing the ignorant ; by raising up the humble and judiciously bringing forward to notice those whose merits are obscured 144 ON MEEKNESS. by their apprehensions; Christianity is not confined to churches and to hospitals ; to houses of mourning or of prayer; but it penetrates every situation, and it decorates every rela- tion of life ; the ornament of a meek and a quiet spirit may be worn amidst worldly joys without diminishing them. We may be near to God, when we seem the most distant from him, and offer up a sacrifice of meekness that shall be as pleasant as a prayer in the temple. It is not only unchristian, but it is unworthy and little to thrust forward every pretension to notice ; — to blazen our- selves over with the arms and insignia of our merits, and to be perpetually occupied with putting the rest of the world in mind of their inferiority ; — greatness is, then, infinitely at- tractive, when it seems unconscious of itself; when it is de- tected by others ; not when it publishes and praises its own importance ; — when it is called forth by the chances of the world to eminence and light ; and is unconscious of the wonder amid the praises and acclamations of mankind. A meek man does not exact minute and constant attentions from his fellow-creatures ; he is not apt to form an exaggerated estimate of the duties which are owing to him ; — he is grate- ful for little services, and affectionate for any slight mark of notice and respect ; — he attributes every act of benevolence, not to his own merits, but to yours ; — he is thankful for what has been conferred, without being incensed that more has been withheld. To give to the meek is to lend to that Saviour whom they imitate ; is to confer favours upon a man who is ever ready to repay them seven fold, because his me- mory of them is tenacious and his gratitude lively : his spirit burns with a consuming fire, till he can make the soul of his benefactor leap with joy. On the contrary, the most obliging disposition cannot keep pace with the pretensions of a proud man. The most ar- duous efforts to promote his interests, he considers as so many duties owing to his merits ; no sacrifice is too humble, no con- cession too flattering, no negligence venial, no momentary remission of benevolent exertion to be endured ; — whatever you confer you lose, for whatever you are deficient you suffer ; it is a service abundant in punishment, and utterly barren of reward. If a meek man hides his own superiority, he is ever ready to do justice to the pretensions of others ; the weak, the ab- sent and the defenceless feel safe in his judgments ; they are ON MEEKNESS. 14S sure not to be tortured by asperity of speech, malignantly calumniated or sacrificed to unprincipled ridicule; — their virtues and excellent qualities he is ever ready to acknow- ledge, because he has no motive to suppress them, — his jus- tice gives us ease, his innocence security, — we repose on such a Christian character, — it is the shadow of a large rock in a weary land ; we cast ourselves under it for refreshment, and peace, weary with the dust, and the heat, and the panting Of life. As man advances in civilization, the feelings of his mind become so vulnerable and acute, that severity of invective, the mere power of inculpative words becomes more intolera- ble than bodily pain, or any evil that fortune can impose. The intemperate expressions of anger i"nflict wounds which are never healed for a life, and lay the foundation of animo- sities which no subsequent conciliation can ever appease. The tongue of a meek Christian is held with a bridle ; — his words are yea and nay, righteous, temperate, beautiful and calm; — remonstrance without bitterness, — firmness without passion, — pardon without reproach; — he has not to lament that disgraceful and unchristian violence of speech which often excites as much remorse in those who indulge it, as in- dignation in those against whom it is directed, a virulence often used with as much freedom as if men were proper and candid judges of their own injuries, and with as much force as if every slight injury against ourselves canceled all the rights of humanity towards its author, and marked him out as the fit victim of impure and unbridled invective. The meek disciple of him who was the meekest of all, is strongly impressed with the vanity andunworthiness of every- thing human; in whatever station he may place himself, relative to his fellow-creatures, he cannot deduce materials for pride, for he deems that the highest are low, and the strongest frail, and the earth an idle dream ; while vulgar pride attaches the highest degree of importance to every- thing, however distantly and minutely related to itself; meekness, in viewing itself, and the earth upon which it is placed, trembles at the attributes, and the works of God, and wonders that it should be remembered amidst the labyrinth of moving worlds. It subdues high-mindedness by reflecting on the ignorance with which human schemes are planned,— the casualties by which they are interrupted, the unexpected consequences by 13 146 ON MEEKNESS. which they are followed, — and the shortness of life by which they are frustrated, dissipated, and mocked. This view of the insignificance of life, intended for the cure of pride, may, by abuse and misapplication, encourage levity and inactiv- ity ; we are not to be careless in the government of our- selves, and in the adjustment of our conduct, because this world, contrasted with the sum of things, is insignificant ; and to pass through life in boisterous merriment, or supine indif- ference, because life is short ; — this world, so insignificant, is the world in which we are destined to act, this life so short, is all that is granted us for probation ; its narrow Hmits, its feeble powers, and its sad vicissitudes, cannot justify sloth or despair, though they ought to subdue pride, and to promote that ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is so con- genial to the Gospel, and so well adapted to the condition of man. The absence of this meekness produces a false estimation of life, and gives birth to many follies and some vices ; a proud man is, in his own eyes, the best and greatest work of God ; the most trivial circumstance which relates to himself, is of more importance than the happiness or misery of a province ; as often as he condescends to mention them, he exacts the most lively and watchful sympathy to the minutest of his pleasures and his pains : as he is every- thing to himself, he expects he should be everything to you ; he not only confines his thoughts to this world, but to that particular atom of it which he is ; whether this atom be hot, or cold, or moist, or dry, or joyful, or sad ; these are the principles which, in his estimation, should diffuse joy or sadness over the creation, and regulate the sum of things. Placability is a common attribute of the character described in my text : whoever thinks humbly of himself, will not be prone to conceive the injuries he experiences, as too atro- cious for pardon, too enormous to be washed away with tears, or atoned for by contrition ; perhaps he who has suflfered the injury, has in some measure caused it ; perhaps, under similar circumstances, he might have inflicted it ; he has done as much before to others ; he may do as much again ; his trans- gressions against God are innumerable ; he is placed, for a few years, among frail beings, of a mixed and fluctuating nature, himself as frail as they ; why judge as he would fear to be judged ? why make a life of suffering a life of wrath ? why exhibit the spectacle of remorseless insignificance ? ON MEEKNESS. 147 these are the considerations which dispose a quiet and humble mind to the forgiveness of injuries, and increasing benevolence in the world, promote the mild and merciful purposes of the Gospel. The last characteristic of meekness, which I shall specify, is long suffering, — patience for the weaknesses and trans- gressions of others as far as wisdom will permit ; something opposed to irascibihty and quickness of resentment. And this is not mere facility of temper which prefers any endur- ance, however great, to any opposition however slight ; but a conviction that forbearance often does more than violence ; that men are never more grateful than when they come afterwards to discover that their errors and offences have been borne with affectionate patience, from the hope of future amendment. It is from meekness alone, that the most com- plete and lasting penitence is produced ; that which proceeds not from the reproaches and the punishments of others, but from the reproaches which he who has offended makes to himself; that which a bad son feels at the speechless grief of his mother ; or an ungrateful friend at the silent melancholy of his benefactor ; or a false disciple at the sight of his mas- ter. — Thus the fugitive apostle, whom anger might have hardened, was subdued by the meekness of Christ, — " and Jesus looked upon him, and straightway Peter went out, and wept bitterly." Having thus expressed some clear and definite notions of what meekness is, it shall be my care, on some future occa- sion, to point out the pleasures which result from this orna- ment of a meek and a quiet spirit, and the expedients which suggest themselves for the subjugation of those passions which are unfriendly to its attainment ; for it is ever our duty to promote the fruit of the spirit, which are joy, and peace, and rest ; it has pleased God to try us here, with divers diseases, and sundry kinds of death ; these we cannot strive with, and when God calls them away, we must part with children, and we must often bear miserable wants and sorrows ; but these are enough ; let us not pour fresh bitterness into the bitter cup of life : — A little while and we shall be gone hence and be no more seen; till then, peace, forgiveness of injuries and tenderness to the infirmities of man. We may thus catch a few moments from the inclemency of fate, and open in our hearts those springs of love and mercy which will flow on till they are swallowed up by the grave. v^nm^^ SEEM ON XXI. ON THE MODE OF PASSING THE SABBATH. And it came to pass that he went through the corn fields on the Sabbath day, and his disciples began to pluck the ears of corn. And the Pharisees said unto him, behold, why do they, on the Sabbath day, that which is not lawful ; and he said unto them, the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. — Mark ii. verses 23, 24, 27. As the Sabbath day is of divine institution, we are bound to keep it holy ; and we should have been equally bound to have done so, if we were unable to discover the reasons for which its sanctification was ordained ; but the reasons for the law, and its utility, are so far from doubtful, that it probably would have originated with man, if it had not been commanded by his Creator ; and the weary nations would have found a Sabbath for their toils, unhallowed by the structure of the globe, and by the rest of God. The great importance of the Sabbath, not only for the pro- motion of righteousness, but even for our mere temporal welfare, is too generally admitted to need much discussion. If the duties of religion were left to be performed by every one, at the time, and after the manner they thought best, there would be a considerable risk that they were not per- formed at all. The public, and periodical exercise of worship, is the best security for sound doctrine ; the teachers of religion teach openly to the world, and artifice, fanaticism, and cre- dulity, which begin always in obscurity, are subjected to the wholesome restraint of public opinion. We are so absorbed, also, in the business, the pleasure, and the vanities, of this world, that the recollection of any other, would, but for the institution of the Sabbath, be very soon obliterated. It is ON THE MODE of' PASSING THE SABBATH. 149 absolutely necessary that the chain of our ideas should be broken, and a new system of reflections introduced ; the cessation of business and amusement, the quiet of the Sab- bath, the unusual appearance of objects, the solemnity of manner and deportment, observable on this day, have all some little tendency to rouse the most thoughtless, to awe the most profligate into a sense of duty, and to inspire feelings of contrition and remorse. The remembrance of youthful feelings has ever a strong influence on the minds of men ; those who have been brought up, when young, in a pious observance of the Sabbath, to whom religious instruction has been rendered pleasant by sweetness of manner and dexterity of management, can never meet the Sabbath without experi- encing, in some small degree, the same interesting feelings ; and when they have tried in vain the pleasures of sin, and found (as I firmly believe every man must find,) that happi- ness is derived only from that righteousness which the Gospel of Christ prescribes, they will return to the Sabbath, and seek from the calm sanctity of that day, the pure enjoyments of their youth. The importance of the Sabbath admitted, the first question arising from the subject concerns the best method of passing it. The rule our Saviour has given us is one of the greatest importance ; the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath ; that is, man was not created for the mere purpose of complying with certain ceremonies, and obeying certain prohibitions ; but these ceremonies were instituted, and these prohibitions enacted to produce an effect upon man, to mor- tify in him all sinfulness of the flesh, to cherish in him the spirit of righteousness, and to meliorate his fallen nature. The Sabbath, in fact, was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. Taking the text in this sense, I shall proceed to observe upon the method of passing the Sabbath. The common excuse in the minds of those who are so unhappily frivolous that they cannot abstain from unbecom- ing amusements, even on the Sabbath, is, that if they were not doing what they do do, they should be doing something . worse. But this style of reasoning, if it can possibly justify any fault, must justify all except the greatest : things are either good or bad in themselves ; a bad thing is not good because others are worse, nor is it any excuse for walking in the paths of sin, that we are only midway, and have not yet reached the extremity ; the answer is surely very obvious 13* 150 ON THE MODE OF PASSING THE SABBATH. to such an excuse ; why do you continue in such an ungodly state, that you must either do that which you do not approve, or something else which you approve still less ? Why must your progress he from negligence to guilt, and why the very moment that you abstain from levity on the Sabbath must you be charged with crime ? the fact may be true, but it is no justification of your contempt for the Sabbath ; it is only to say, though we are unwilling to make those sacrifices and exertions necessary to a discharge of our duty, we will not deviate from that duty grossly ; we will disobey God in a method as little burthensome to our conscience as possible ; but disobey him we must ; such is the plain meaning of that style of reasoning which many of us are unfortunate enough to consider as an excuse for the violation of the Sabbath. Amusement on the Sabbath is not vice, perhaps, but untimely amusement leads to ungodhness, by checking seriousness and sanctity of thought, and by breaking down the barriers of propriety. The greater part of those who avail them- selves, to any Christian purpose, of the institution of the Sabbath, do not do so, perhaps, from any preconceived resolu- tion ; but the quiet solemnity of the day, and the total altera- tion of the usual appearances, insensibly introduce a new train of ideas, which could never be the case if the same resources of frivolous dissipation were equally accessible at every period. On this day, the pastor, standing between God and the people, and clothed about with doctrines of truth, boldly speaks of faith, and charity, and holy love, and preaches Christ crucified, and the sound of the trumpet, the dead rising from their graves, and the life of the world to come ; and when he hears these things, (for on this day alone he does hear them,) the miscreant of this earth trembles, the loftiest guilt gathers paleness, the cross is hfted up on high, and every soul is prostrate at the feet of Christ. It is on this day, perhaps, that the man who has been gathering, and hoarding all his life, begins first to find his confidence in earthly treasures weakened and impaired ; on this day, the strong think of death ; the youthful of old age ; the comely of pale disease ; on this day, the son of pleasure starts from his delicious vices, and thinks of a world to come. Those common amusements, the innocence of which is, by some, so strongly contended for, must have a tendency to destroy completely the virtue and efficacy of the Sabbath ; it is in the absence of our usual occupations, and at the season ^ ON THE MODE OF PASSING THE SABBATH. 151 of leisure, that conscience regains her empire over us, and that man is compelled to hear the reproaches of his own heart ; the mind turned inwardly upon itself, beholds the melancholy- ravages of passion, the treacherous power of pleasure, and the sad waste of Hfe. Every recurring Sabbath properly spent, is a fresh chance for salvation ; if dignity is ever reco- vered after the feehng of self-degradation has been long en- dured ; if the latter half of Hfe is ever dedicated to the Avorks of godliness and knowledge, when the days of youth have been squandered in impiety and ignorance ; if tears of feeling ever flow again from the dry eye ; if blushes of shame are ever brought back to the hardened cheek, it is to the awful voice and warning aspect of the Sabbath more than to any other cause, that mankind are indebted for these wholesome and pleasing examples of repentance. To keep the Sabbath in levity, and with every species of ordinary indulgence, is not to keep it at all ; it diminishes the probability of improvement by making us believe that we have dedicated a day to rehgion which we have dedicated to everything but rehgion ; like all other false piety, it confirms and supports sin by inspiring an unmerited approbation of ourselves, and by soothing the useful severity of inward exa- mination; in this, indeed, and in every other similar case, it may be doubtful whether it were not better to lay aside all pretensions to religion at once than to quiet our conscience by a belief so powerless, that we cannot sacrifice to it, for the least interval of time, the least of all our pleasures. After all I have said, it is but too plain from whence these trifling arguments for trifling away the Sabbath proceed : they pro- ceed, I fear, from that advanced state of wealth and civiliza- tion, w^hich precludes so many human beings from the neces- sity of any mental exertion, and the example of this class of society spreads rapidly downwards, destroying as it descends ; they learn early to seek for gratification, which is immediate, and become so weakened by long indulgence that they are incapable of supporting serious thought for a single instant ; that vacuity is considered as worse than death, which is not filled up by the exultations of vanity or the perturbations of sense. Such is the deep infatuation, and the melancholy imbecility of a life of fashionable amusement, called by the current error of the world, a life of pleasure ; but pitied by the good and wise, as a life of wretchedness, leading to a death of despair. 153 ON THE MODE OF PASSING THE SABBATH. Having said thus much upon the manner in which the Sabbath ought not to be passed, it will be still more easy to state the few simple rules which that solemn institution calls upon us to fulfil. The first of these is public worship ; the great object of every human being should be, his progress in righteousness ; and the sanctity of the Sabbath surely affords us the most favourable of all occasions for such a communica- tion with our own hearts. What have I done wrong ? In what manner could I have acted more conformably to the spirit of the Gospel ? What rules for future conduct can I found upon my failures and my misfortunes? Whence have my joys and my sorrows sprung ? Am I advancing in the great science of life ? Is my dominion over present enjoyment strengthened ? Is my perception of distant good enhvened ? Am I the disciple of Christ ? Do I strive by a just, gentle, and benevolent life, to keep my conscience void of offence towards God and man ? This is the true use and this is the proper discipline of the Sabbath : thus live the souls of the just in the dungeons of the flesh; thus the blessings and glories of the Gospel are scattered over the face of the earth. It is also an important part of the duties of the Sabbath, to converse with serious and impressive books : such, above all, as the great and eloquent ministers of the word have left behind them for a memorial to all time, for a pillar of light in the desert : by their arguments, their piety, and their learn- ing, the devout Christian will find his reason enlightened, his faith confirmed, his knowledge expanded, his zeal in- flamed, and he will rise up from the labours of the dead to act a wiser and better part among the living. On the Sabbath, every man ought to think of death ; not to think of death languidly, but to bring it in bold relief before his eyes ; to gaze at it as if he were hereafter to meet it, and to learn from that effort of his mind, the most difficult, and the most sublime of all lessons. This is the season in which we are called on to fling off the drapery of the world, to for- get we are powerful, to forget we are young, to forget we are rich, to pass over all the scenes of life, till we get at the last, and to remember only, that we must die, and be judged by the Son of God. For the Sabbath is not only a day of rest to the body, but it is a day of refreshment to the mind. The spirit of it is not only to lift up the body that is bowed down, but to purify the soul that is spotted by the world. Thou §halt do no manner of work, thou shalt not be the slave ON THE MODE OF PASSING THE SABBATH. 153 of avarice, nor of ambition, nor of vanity, nor of pride ; as your body is cheered for the toils of the days that are to come, your soul shall be more estranged from the temptations of life, and better guarded against its perils. To conclude ; one of the main pillars on which religion, and consequently our temporal and eternal happiness rests, is the conservation of the Sabbath ; against this the natural course of human vices, and the designed attacks of profligate innovators, will be powerfully directed ; here the best interests of mankind are to be defended by vigilance, by strong unso- phisticated sense, and by a decided disregard of that ridicule that would throw an air of rusticity, inelegance, and even of bigotry, over these institutions, of themselves solemn and affecting; but from what they protect, inestimable. If ever we live to see the Sabbath dwindle down to an ordinary day of pleasure and of toil, the sun of Christianity is for a time set ; God will give us up to the madness of our crimes, and after a century of horrors, we shall begin to remember that that there was once a day, which our forefathers set apart to repent them of their sins, and to worship th^ l^qrd thei? God. SERMON XXII. ON THE ERRORS OF YOUTH. It is good for a man that hfe bear the yoke in his youth. — Lamentations Of Jeremiah hi. verse 27. The best days of life are soon gone ; and time, that stayeth never for man, seems then to fly with greater speed. Death lingers to the old, the night is long to the sick man, the fresh- ness of the morning will not bring him his strength, and he crieth out in vain for the peace of the grave. To all these the sun is slow in his course, and they bear the burthen of their days ;— -but youth is a dream of gladness which comes but to vanish ; it is sweet as a smile that perishes ; it is bright and rapid as the arrows of God when he shooteth his light- nings in the heavens. If youth, then, is the season when the foundation of wisdom is to be laid, and if that season passeth away thus rapidly, we must not suffer occasions to escape us which admit of no substitute ; nor neglect improvements which no other period of life will ever enable us to attain. By the yoke, I understand the sacred writer to mean, in general, a state of discipline ; everything which education teaches ; the restraint of passions, the formation of habits, and the cultivation of faculties. It is not my intention, at present, to launch into so wide a field as that to which this explanation would seem to lead; but in pointing out a few of the charac- teristic faults of youth, to show in what manner the young are most likely to prove intractable to that yoke, which the prophet admonishes them to bear, and to make it clear what those sins and infirmities are which present the most serious obstacle to their progress in Christian improvement. The first error I shall notice, and to which I consider youth ON THE ERRORS OF YOUTH. 155 to be more exposed than any other period of life, is conceit ; that which our Saviour characterizes under the name of high- mindedness, an over-weaning opinion of our own good and great quahties. ^ The reason of this is very obvious ; the comparisons the young have made between themselves and their fellow-crea- tures are few in proportion to what they must make here- after ; absolute standard of excellence there is none ; — we only think ourselves great because we think others little; and the more human beings we mingle with, and the more frequently we institute the comparison, the more probable it is that we shall find our equals, and our superiors in every accomplishment, and in every virtue. We often observe men, whose sphere of life has been ex- tremely confined, to be conceited through every period of their existence, — for the same reason that the young are con- ceited in its earliest period, because they have measured themselves with very few of their species, and mistaking all that they have seen, for all that there is, have so confirmed themselves in habitual conceit, that the delusion is totally impregnable to all future conviction. Growing experience forces upon the young a perception of their unjust pretensions ; they begin to discover that the world had made some progress in knowledge before their existence, and that their birth will not be hailed as the great era of wisdom and of truth. — It is necessary to live for a considerable time, and in various scenes, to perceive fully the wisdom of those practices which the world has estab- lished, not at the suggestion of any one individual, but from the gradual conviction of all, that they were best adapted to promote the general happiness. Our fathers, in their youth- ful days, questioned with as much acuteness, and decided with as much temerity as we can do in ours ; if the progress of life has taught them to respect what in its origin they despised ; if they have traced to the dictates of experience, many things which they at first attributed to prejudice and ignorance ; if they have learnt to mistrust themselves and confide more in the general feelings and judgments of the world, — ^we ought not to suppose ourselves protected from the same revolution of opinions, or imagine that those early conceptions of human life shall be permanent now, which never have been permanent before. ,i These remonstrances against conceit (a faihngas injurious to 166 ON tKt ERRORS OF YOUTH. the acquisition of Christian as of human improvement), are by- no means directed against the spirit of free inquiry; from which a strong mind cannot and ought not to be debarred, any more than a strong body ought to be from perfect activity of motion ; only the young should consider that it is not a necessary conse^ quence that no reason can be found because they can find none; or even obtain none from a few persons to whom they have pro- posed their difficulty ; and who, perhaps, can see and practice right without the power of explaining or defending it. To incline to the one side or the other is natural and not blamable in the young ; but when you are so liable to error, do not decide so that you cannot decently retract ; avoid the fatal mistake of being so violent and positive that you are either sacramented for life, to the first crude system you have adopted, or forced to abandon it, hereafter, with the imputation of folly or of guilt. Courage and firmness in maintaining im- portant opinions are worthy attributes, but in proportion as any opinion is marked by moderation and formed upon re- flection, it is most likely to be retained with spirit. Extrava- gance in opinion is the parent of change, and frequent change produces at last a profligate indifference to all opinion. The person who is firm and consistent in his manhood, has most probably been modest in his youth ; so true it is that all the humility so strongly enjoined by the Gospel is not calculated to repress and extinguish human powers, but to adjust the degree of confidence with which they are exercised, to the degree of excellence with which they are endowed, and to take care that that which is fallible should not be presump- tuous. - All those who judge of the world by ideal rather than actual models of excellence, are in some little danger of be- coming too contemptuous ; — the imagination can easily repre- sent somewhat superior to what ever existed or ever will exist ; by assembling all the excellencies which nature has scattered among many real beings into one fictitious one; and, by omitting all defects, we have at once a monster of perfec- tion, to which our sad medley of good and evil cannot be compared without disgrace. — Such is the case with the young who despise imperfection, because extended observation has not yet shown them, that the realities of life always fall far short of the pictures of the mind, and that they can easily conceive what they never will be able to find. The increase of years with many evils brings this good,- — that our expecta- ON THE ERRORS OF YOUTH^ 157 tions of life are more accommodated to its true state ; we are no longer surprised at flagrant inconsistencies in character, nor disgusted that prejudice and weakness should twine round the loftiest virtues ; we are contented with the mixtures of good and evil, as it has been mingled for us and do not despise our species because God has made them lower than the angels. Prudence is, perhaps, another cause that checks the indul- gence of contempt as we advance in life ; the world we find has inevitable difficulties enough without the wanton exaspe- ration of our fellow-creatures. Contempt is commonly mis- taken by the young for an evidence of understanding ; but no habit of mind can afford this evidence, which is neither diffi- cult to acquire nor meritorious when it is acquired ; and as it is certainly very easy to be contemptuous, so it is very useless if not very pernicious. To discover the imperfections of others is penetration ; to hate them for those faults is con- tempt. We may be clear-sighted without being malevolent, and make use of the errors we discover to learn caution, not to gratify satire ; that part of contempt which consists of acute- ness we may preserve ; its dangerous ingredient is censure. Contempt so far from being favourable to the improvement of the mind, is, perhaps, directly the reverse ; it increases so rapidly that it soon degenerates into a passion for condemna- tion ; the sense of what is good withers away, and the per- ception of evil becomes so keen and insatiable that every decision we'make is satire, not judgment. All things have a double aspect ; the contemptuous man sees them only on one side and does not believe they have any other ; he has sacri- ficed an excellent faculty to an unchristian and malevolent indulgence. Wisdom consists in doing difficult things which the mass of mankind cannot do : there is a much more compendious road to reputation in doing nothing and in blaming everything; in pointing out where others are deficient without proving where we excel. In this way a contemptuous person gives himself virtues by implication, as if the opposite perfection were immediately infused into his own mind, the moment he had discovered a defect in the mind of another. Real wisdom rather delights in positive exertions and seeks for reputation by showing what itself is, not by boasting what others are not. Contempt and conceit are those faults which Christianity 14 158 ON THE ERRORS OF YOUTH. SO often condemns under the appellation of high-mindedness ; they are passions connected with hatred ; and utterly incom- patible with that simple and venerable benevolence which our Saviour practised, loved and taught ; and, surely, if any one has a right to look down upon the world with contempt, it is not he who has just entered into it ; if great actions, admi- rable qualities and profound knowledge, are sources of superi- ority, they most probably will not be traced in that person to whom so short a period of existence has yet afforded little leisure for thought, word and deed. Impatience of obscurity is another fault of which the young are very apt to be guilty; and a fault the more to be compas- sionated, because by a very little management it might be converted into a virtue. The highest virtue flows only from an obedience to the will of God, as evinced in the Scriptures; but we must meliorate the wrong if we cannot attain the right ; and regulate that love of praise which we cannot ex- tirpate. The best atonement we can make for loving the praise of men is by loving that praise only which is given to actions difficult, meritorious and good. Unfortunately the young are so fond of attracting notice, that they are often in- duced to purchase it at any price ; — by spirited extravagance — super-eminence in vice — by a bold violation of the restric- tions of society — by paradox — by a witty contempt for the good maxims which safely guide slower understandings — by assuming a versatile profligacy of opinion, such as has some- times marked brilliant men of extraordinary parts — by an unripe skepticism which doubts before comprehension or discussion — by levity, which laughs when the wise tremble, and would mock at God, to gain a moment's applause from the lowest of his creatures. By this impatience, displaying itself in some one or other of these shapes, the young are often irretrievably ruined. 'J'hey do not reflect that they must be httle before they can be great ; that the privilege of being listened to must be gained by listening ; and that he who is too vain to begin with being insignificant, will most probably be so through the whole of his existence. There is one path to real fame, but that is sHppery and steep ; many fall headlong down ; and few ever arrive at the summit. If you have power, begin, but take the true path or none ; be too proud to implore a little praise for your follies and perversi- ties ; if you cannot dig, be ashamed to beg; you had better be the lowest of man than glorious in the annals of sin, and ON THE ERRORS OF YOUTH, 159 honoured by the vicious only because you have exceeded them in vice ; this is a greatness of which any man who could be truly great would be heartily ashamed. Let us be honestly obscure or rightfully eminent. The praise of this world is an idle breath, even when it is well deserved ; but when it breathes on the wicked, it only reddens the flames of hell. There can hardly be any occasion that I should descant much upon the impetuosity of youth ; it is so sure of bring- ing with it its own corrective, and the inconvenience is so obviously and immediately connected with its cause, that there is less need of proving its existence or animadverting upon its consequences. We should always frame in our minds the most consummate model of each virtue ; fashioning our own conduct upon it, as well as we are able, and sure that a proportionate excellence will always be observed between them, whatever be the absolute distance between the standard and the imitation. Impetuosity then is not the most perfect model of courage ; there is something in it to admire and much to blame ; we must select from it the admirable and never rest satisfied till we have wrought out a perfect image of what that virtue is which impetuosity counterfeits; and to the slight infusion of which it owes all the little admiration it excites. It is very possible to be firm in the maintainance of rights, and in the discharge of duties, without being violent. That conviction of the justice of our cause, which is one of the great props of virtue, is best preserved when we are least likely to impair it by the violence of passion. When we are growing higher in our own estimation, by the moderation we exhibit, and by that management which enables us to become firm instead ot fierce. Impetuosity is still more useless in the business than in the dangers of life. The power of good sense is as irresistible as the power of gravitation ; there are disturbing forces ; but in the great cycle of ages the world is governed by calm and circumspect men ; whose sagacity in discerning and whose consistency in acting are rarely disturbed by emo- tions which they cannot control. The greatest of all men are those who can use their passions as auxiliaries without obey- ing them as masters. But involuntary impetuosity is so much an enemy to understanding that it is better to want passions altogether than blindly to obey them. There is no fault which Christianity labours more to cor- rect than that of an impetuous mind. " Could I not call down legions of Angels?" said Jesus, as he went captive to the hall 160 ON THE ERRORS OF YOUTH. of Pilate. He spake no word against them, say the Scrip- tures, though they clothed him in the mock robe of majesty, and beat him with rods, and crowned him with thorns ; and when they had nailed his limbs to the cross, he said, " Lord, be merciful to them ; they know not what they do." These are the principal errors by an attention to which the salutary yoke of discipline may be best supported in the season of youth. To put on that humihty which is so well accommodated to the beginning of wisdom and the beginning of life, will spare future shame and future change ; and enable us to pursue a simple, consistent tenour of improvement in piety and knowledge. In subduing a tendency to contempt we shall avoid malevolent feelings, which always bring with them their own punishment; we shall not become blind to perfections and curiously acute only in the detection of evil. In reducing vanity Avithin due bounds, we shall remain under our own laws instead of yielding obedience to a multitude ; we shall live, not in dramatic agitation, but with firmness, freedom and content. In curbing early impetuosity and con- verting it into steady perseverance in affairs, and cool intre- pidity in dangers, we shall pass through life safely and pros- perously, and with as little experience of evil as wisdom can ensure in a world where wisdom does not reign alone. — The sum and glory of these individual improvements are a rich progress in Christian wisdom. — A mind beautifully inlaid with the thoughts of angels, and wrought about with the signs and marks of Heaven. Bear this yoke for a while when you are young that you may be free when you are old ; that you may walk through life unmanacled by passions, unchained by lusts, spurning the lash of Satan, and deriding the bondage of sin ; that you may come to that holy and happy land where no yoke is borne ; where the souls of just men are illumined with amazing glory, and compassed round about by the holiness of God. SERMON XXIII. ON SELF-EXAMINATION. ,_'J We spend our years, as it were a tale that is told. — Psalms xc. verse 9. When we hear a story pleasantly set forth in appropriate language and with well-contrived incidents, the mind hangs upon it eagerly, and falls from a certain height of enjoyment when it is concluded : there is no sense of the passage of time : hut the wit and genius of the narrator abridge it to the duration of a moment ; so it is with the years of the rich and great ; they are spent as a tale that is pleasantly told ; there is no monotony in the events, no slownes/ in the suc- cession ; novelty ever refreshes the fable, and *"genius ever adorns it : on a sudden the noise is all hushed, the tale is told ; our years are brought to an end, and the silence of death succeeds. I seize then with some eagerness upon the occasion which the conclusion of the year presents, to press upon you the duty of self-examination, and to protest against that life which is passed without pause and without reflection. It is these artificial divisions of time which teach men to think of its rapid pace ; whenever the idea of change is intro- duced, there comes with it that melancholy which is the parent of virtue ; the mind is carried on from one vicissitude to another, till it stops, and trembles at the last ; now it is that our thoughts are more than ordinarily serious ; now it is that we listen to the lowly breathings of conscience, that we remember that this world is not the last scene of existence, that we catch a distant glimpse of the grave ; how blest are they who hear from that conscience the voice of praise, and see beyond that grave the prospect of salvation. We spend our years as a tale that is told; that is, we live 14* 162 ON SELF-EXAMINATION. SO as to banish reflection ; we do not enter into any serious computation of the progress we have made in godliness ; we do not balance the increase of virtue against the waste of life ; there is no care that the soul should be more pure because the body is more frail ; that the inward man should be more fit to live with Christ, as the outward man is more ready to fall down into his native dust. To stop this easy and fatal flow of life, and to extract reli- gious wisdom from years, we must have recourse to self- examination ; another year of my life is gone ; am I better by that year ? is there one bad passion which I have con- quered, reduced, or even attacked ? am I more respectable in my own eyes ? am I more the child of grace ? do I feel an increased power over sin ? can I fairly say for the year that is past, that I have done something ? that I have advanced a single step towards the prize of the high calling ? or must I say, after the sun has carried light and heat through all the nations ; after nature has gone through her great circle ; and the bud, and the leaf, and the fruit have once more appeared, that I am where I was before, still sinning and resolving; still weeping and offending ; a feeble, contrite being, unable to attain the virtue which I seek, and sure of being punished for the sin which I cannot avoid ? Let us first remember, in discussing the utility of self- examination, that it must be done at repeated intervals when it is profitable ; or it must be done OQce for all, when it is too late ; if you wish to moderate those reproaches which an human being makes to his own heart, give them their entrance now : hear them at this time in obedient silence, or they will rush in when the tale is nearly told, and visit you with such anguish as might well be avoided by a life of moderate wretchedness ; if you love difficulty better than despair, and are not willing to purchase a respite from present pain at the expense of eternal affliction, do this now that you may not hereafter be compelled to do worse. Judge, or God will judge ; repent, or he will punish. To avail ourselves of such a period as this, for the purposes of self-examination, is more necessary in this great city, than in any other situation, because there are fewer blanks in our existence here than there can be anywhere else. We strug- gle here not only for wealth and power, and pleasure, but for the greatest wealth, the highest power, and the keenest plea- sure. — If the game of hfe is played elsewhere with attention, ON SELF-EXAMINATION. 163 it is played here with passionate avidity : the sun goes down too soon ; and we chide the morning star till it brings us back to the world. It is not here that men are ever driven back into their own hearts ; men never see their own hearts ; they know not what dwells there ; whether it be the powers of darkness, or the angels of God. It is not merely the want of leisure in great cities, which makes it necessary to enter into that voluntary self-examina- tion to which we should never be impelled from the circum- stances in which we are placed, but that according to the common notions of men, there are no objects in great cities which can inspire solemn and religious ideas. And yet, where is God more visible than in great cities ? Can we see infinite wisdom and power in torrents, mountains, and in clouds, and not discern them in this wonderful arrangement of rights, appetites and pretensions ? Is God not visible in laws and constitutions ? Is he not visible in refinement ? Is he not visible in reasoning ? Are not poets and orators and statesmen more stupendous creations of God than all the depth of the valleys, and all the strength of the hills ? If we are to be lured to God by all we see of his greatness and his power, here are his noblest works, and here his subhmest power ; here he is to be felt, and honoured and adored. An important reason for dedicating such periods as these to the duties of self-examination is that our deficiencies must neces- sarily be perceived ; we cannot shelter ourselves under a belief that the shade of improvement is too delicate to be sensible ; the year has either made us better or it has not ; we may not go away from such an inquisition satisfied, but we can scarcely go away deceived : the very doubt itself is an answer. If the seventieth part of our rational existence has glided away, and left us doubtful whether we have gained upon any one vice, the hesitation itself is almost decisive of our failure. Self-examination is important if life eternal is important ; it is not one of those exercises to which any notion of degree can be applied; it is not more or less useful, but it is indis- pensable ; it must be ; without it there is no Christ, no right- eousness, no life hereafter ; for it is not pretended that any man is born to continued righteousness ; no man from an ori- ginal sweetness and felicity of creation, goes on doing well from the beginning of his days to the end. And if sin is uni- versal, inquisition must be so too ; and the duty of self-exa- mination never be forgotten or excused. 164 ON SELF-EXAMINATION. It is not so much the higher crimes which have need of self-examination. No one asks of a murderer on the opening of the year, to reflect on blood-guiltiness ; no one invites an adulteress to think on her husband and children, and on that misery which she is preparing for her own soul : these feel- ings do not wait for our call ; they come unasked for, and un- wanted to torment the guilty before their time. But the vices which need self-examination are those which condemn us in the sight of God, without creating in our minds any instant and pressing alarm. All the fruitful family of original sin, pride, anger, lust, hypocrisy, deceit, envy, hatred, malice, and all uncharitableness ; for all these things a man shall surely die, though they do not make him pale with fear, or rouse him from his sleep, to tremble at the spectres of a guilty mind. Nor let it be supposed, that in urging our fellow-creatures to self-examination, we put them upon any exercise which is difficult or profound ; or in which one human creature can make a greater progress than another ; for it is fine to observe, that reason, when she meddles with science, or with any- thing which has a cold and distant connection with human life, can wait to be intricate and subtle; she can toil through many steps, and be content with small acquirements, and wait patiently and retrace carefully ; but when she comes to the business of salvation, to right and wrong, to holy and un- holy, she is as quick as an eagle's wing, and as rapid as the lightning of God. In a moment sl\e pierces through a thou- sand intricacies, shivers into atoms the dull heartless sophis- try which is opposed to her course, and, breaking into the chambers of the soul, scares guilt with the amazing splendour of truth. Seek and ye shall find; ask and ye shall have; knock and it shall be opened to you. No man ever turned to look for the evil that was within him and was repulsed with the difficulty. Whatever God has made necessary, God has made easy ; every man who searcheth his heart diligently, will find in it the issues of fife. There is nothing which can be substituted instead of self- examination, renewed at intervals ; self-examination volunta- rily and intentionally entered into. Sickness prompts us to examine our own hearts ; but we may not be in that manner visited by the Almighty ; old age warns us to this salutary task; but we may perish in youth; misfortune is a great master of reflection ; but we may be successful in our sins, ON SELF-EXAMINATION. 165 and a long course of lucky vice may obliterate every chance and possibility of melioration. Self-examination drives men to great exertions by inflicting upon them great pains ; for the remembrance of a mis-spent life commonly brings on remorse, a feeling that the harm cannot be recalled or repaired ; it is not like falsehood vi^hich may be corrected, and injustice which maybe atoned for; but the evil done is often out of the power of repentance, and be- yond the possibility of change. — It is this which makes a man start up in the midst of irreverent old age, and struggle to give a few months or years to God, doubting of mercy, and not knowing if the relics of his days will be accepted at the throne of grace. If timely thought can save us from a state like this, it is, indeed, worth while to think. In this process of self-examination, we should, among other subjects of inquiry, put to our own hearts these two questions : are we happy ourselves ; are we beloved by our fellow-crea- tures ? — if we are really contented, it is no mean evidence that we have a right to be so: if no human being is in a state of hostihty against us, it is presumptive evidence, that we have given no occasion of offence ; by tracing up our miseries we shall arrive at our vices ; and by putting on the feehngs of our enemies, and entering into their views of our conduct, we may make their hostihty a motive for compensation, and a mean of improvement. In self-examination, I would have a man think of death ; he should ask his own heart if he is afraid of death; why he is afraid of death? what he has done to make it an object of fear? what he could do to make it an object of hope ? in what way he can make ready to appear before his Saviour, and all the host of Heaven, at the sound of the everlasting trumpet, when the heavens and the earth are expiring ? The use of self- examination is to prepare for the worst, to place ourselves in other situations and other circumstances before they really exist, that we may meet them with the proper energy, Avhen they are brought round by the revolutions of the world. The business is to think of sickness in health, to reflect upon old age in youth, to remember death in life, to think of the ne- cessity of rendering an account now, while perfect freedom of action remains : to feel that these are not situations which may happen, but situations which must happen. Consider the life which human beings lead, and tell me if there are many men who put these things faithfuhy and strongly to their own hearts. Look at a young man in all the flower and freshness 166 ON SELF-EXAMINATION. of youth ; he acts, and he thinks, and he speaks, as if that condition of body was ever to remain ; he forgets when his strength is gone, and his nerves are trembhng with old age, that another set of opinions, congenial to the mouldering frame, will get possession of his mind ; and that all his animal bra- very and animal happiness will vanish as the machine de- cays by which it was put in action ; so with injustice and oppression, when a poor man is ground to the earth, when tlie wealthy Ahab says, "His vineyard shall be mine; there is no judgment for the poor ; I am the Lord of the earth ;" how foolish to forget that God sees it all ; that the great day will come when the oppressor will be turned into the crimi- nal ; when the master will find a greater master than he ; when every wildness and wantonness of power will be subjected to the searching eye of omnipotent justice ; therefore, the use of self-examination is to see all these consequences remotely, and at a distance to measure them fairly, and to deliberate duly upon them, while we are yet secure ; not to determine upon actions which must affect our future lives, and endanger our salvation through the influence of feelings, which will cease with that portion of existence from which they spring, and to which they are appropriate; but the truly evangehcal habit of self-examination will teach us to consider the life of man in all its parts, and under all its revolutions ; will teach us to diminish those sufferings with which it concludes, by moderating those enjoyments with which it begins, and enable us to endure that awful responsibility which awaits us in another existence by inuring us to justice and righteousness in this. In entering into this species of judgment with ourselves, we must resolve not to be deceived ; the Scriptures do not only say, try thy heart, but try thy heart diligenily; meaning thereby, that men are subject to every species of deception in this exercise, and that nothing can render it edifying but an honest and manly resolution to get at the truth ; to examine into such matters falsely, and feebly, is only to disturb plea- sure, without improving godliness ; it only renders sin bitter, without bringing us nearer to righteousness ; therefore, the affair is to be insisted upon earnestly, and subjected to calm revision ; and every habit is to be encouraged which can ren- der a man candid and impartial to himself, for wretched indeed is the state of that man, who inquires only to approve, and who throws a veil over the dangers of sin, by the mockery of pious investigation. ?f r j-^r:. ON SELF-EXAMINATION. 167 I have laid some stress, through the whole of my dis- course, upon the necessity of systematic and intentional self-examination, which I have done for two reasons : — be- cause self-examination, which arises from accident, is often too late, or it may not take place at all. Some men pass through life without meeting with any serious and warning visitation of God ; they pass through life, therefore, as igno- rant of themselves as of any human being with whom they have never held the smallest intercourse ; there are men who come near to the grave without having once entered into their own hearts, or having the shghtest conception of that system of passions and feehngs which is going on there, and working their everlasting happiness or destruction. Many a man dies, possessing all other knowledge than the best ; master of the secrets of nature ; deeply versed in the habits of mankind ; great in the science of governing ; com- pletely ignorant of himself; not knowing, to the hour of his dissolution, whether he is the child of sin or the servant of Christ. Blessed, indeed, blessed above all his fellow-creatures, is he who can bid adieu to the concluding year, without an aching heart ; who can stand upon the threshold of the fresh time, and look back, to say he has not hved in vain ; how pleasant, to open his arms to the coming spring, and to think that that which bringeth flowers and green herbs, and layeth the unkind winds to rest, shall bring, also, its increase of piety, and of wisdom, and calm the troubles of the mind. In all Europe, the new year is celebrated with joy; it is a feast to the peasant, and to the child ; and there is no man, how- ever enhghtened his understanding, who will look down on such pleasures, without some share of complacency and approbation ; they have their foundation in the human mind, which is ever prone to hope, and looks forward to brighter seasons and fairer skies, with the expectations of some great advantage, though it knows not precisely what ; let us give way to the general impulse, and usher in the new year by some act of Christian mercy and goodness, forgive a debt, forget an injury, hold out your hand to a repentant brother, take back to your heart an offending child, go into the dark- ness of the dungeon, and refresh the sorrows of a languishing prisoner; make this season holy before the Lord ; do something on it, which may gain you eternal life ; before the last days are come, before the years are brought to an end, as it were a tale that is told. liil.' -ym^-*^: SEEMON XXIV. ON DISSIPATION. I said to my heart, go to, now, enjoy pleasure ; I will prove thee with mirth ; but behold, this also is vanity. — Ecclesiastes ii. verse 1. The former part of this soliloquy of Solomon, to his own heart, we have all pronounced to our hearts ; we all have said, " Enjoy pleasure ; I will prove thee with mirth ;" but have we been wise, or fortunate enough, to add, with the royal moralist, — this also is vanity? In the progress of society, fresh crimes, follies, and virtues, as well as new sciences, and arts, emerge into notice ; and to study mankind aright, we must observe, no less the circum- stances in which he is placed, than the feelings, passions, and talents, of which he is composed. To savage men, sur- rounded by enemies, and trusting to their daily activity for their dail)?- support, abundance and ease are the greatest of human blessings ; as society advances, the misery of man seems, by a singular inversion of destiny, to proceed from the very cause of his original happiness ; thousands are rendered, miserable by tranquillity and opulence ; are ruined by a fatal competence, which extinguishes every principle of action, and feel that their existence is a burthen, only because they have escaped from the curse of Adam, and are not doomed to eat their bread by the sweat of their brow. When we are taught by our wants, we are well taught ; when we are left to act from our understanding, our conduct^, is generally more imperfect and erroneous. The employ- ment of time is, with a great part of the human species, who are exempted from necessary labour, a very difficult con* cern ; and among the number who enjoy the hazardous pri-, vilege of choosing for themselves, there are not very many:^ ON DISSIPATION. 169 who have the happiness of choosing well ; the common expedient is pleasure, by which, in the language of the world, is meant a succession of company, amusement and diversion ; an excessive pursuit of pleasure has received the name of dissipation, and to this trite, but important subject, I shall endeavour, on this day, to call your serious attention. Moderate indulgence glides so imperceptibly into vicious excess, that it is by no means an easy task to point out their mutual confines. Some evidence, however, an attentive ob- servation of our own souls will necessarily afford. Whenever we perceive that the common occurrences of life become languid and tedious ; when domestic society palls upon us ; when we find ourselves perpetually escaping from the pre- sent hour, and looking eagerly forward to the future moments of vanity and display ; when occasional solitude and reflec- tion become the worst of evils, and splendour, crowd, and solicitude, the ever-recurring objects of our wishes and our cares ; when instruction has no charms ; when good actions can no longer animate and delight ; then has the soul lost its dignity and its strength ; then is the rational being fast hast- ening to decay; then is it time to remember that these things, also, are but vanity. Among other objections to dissipation, it will be found to proceed from erroneous notions of pleasure : if it necessarily involved any struggle between duty and gratification, it would be more easily understood why the latter so often triumphed over the former consideration ; but the most dissipated men are the first to complain of the dullness and sameness of the pleasures they pursue ; they cannot quit what they do not love ; they are wearied, but have no asy- lum ; wisdom and virtue are not to be recalled at pleasure ; there is no retreat ; they are doomed to be irrevocably frivo- lous, to trifle on to the brink of the grave, though conscience whispers at every step, this is not pleasure ; it was not for this that man was made after the image of his God. How changed is our estimation of all worldly things, when sober experience awakens us from the dreams of youth. — We begin with expecting to find in the common circle of ordinary amusement, every brilHant and every fascinating quality of our nature ; we enjoy, in anticipation, the pictures of fancy, the delight of eloquence, the surprise of wit, the charm of courtesy, the union of joyous hearts and creative minds. — What is it we do meet ? too often a weariness of 15 170 ON DISSIPATION. life ; — too often the escaping^ from a man's own heart ; — too often that melancholy dejection, which says, " I have no pleasure in doing this, but I have no courage to do better than this." How different from this species of society is that wise, necessary, but occasional intercourse with our fellow- creatures, which is founded upon mutual regard ; which is a contrast with previous soHtude, or a relaxation from previous toil ; where there is some real commerce of understanding, and some real gratification of regard ; where melancholy is dispelled, cheerfulness promoted, friendship confirmed, pre- judice refuted, or reason sanctioned in her decisions : and yet, how httle of such pure and innocent pleasure does it fall to our lot to enjoy. Do you ask me why? this is the reason ; and I would it were as easy to find a cure as a cause : because our minds are unexercised, and our hearts are not overflowing with the recollections of benevolence gratified, and passion subdued ; because we have not courage for the toil, which is to make the relaxation sweet, because the love of admiration governs us, because we know not that the very essence of pleasure is rarity, that it is impossible, from the very constitution of our nature, to preserve the keen- ness of first sensations, or to prevent that apathy into which the mind, jaded with constant enjoyment, perpetually sub- sides. — Let no one imagine that it is an easy thing to lay aside the habits of dissipation at will ; a valuable and syste- matic employment of time is acquired with difficulty, and, to be acquired at all, should be soon begun. An industrious manhood is rarely grafted on a youth of folly ; but a youth of folly will still keep you young, though you have numbered many days ; and a hoary head will surprise you in the midst of youthful gratification and frivolous amusement ; yet, there is a time, when retirement is comely and decent ; at which, not only the dictates of reason and religion, but even the opinions of the world require it ; there is a time, when you should carry gray hairs, and paleness, and weakness, into the midst of those whose love will support your declining years, when you should grow old, and die in the bosom of your family ; when you should spare to your fellow-creatures the melancholy spectacle of irreverent old age, of levity with- out joy, of infirmity without wisdom : blessed is the hoary head, which is found in the paths of wisdom ; but no blessings fall on him who has grown old without growing wise, and ON DISSIPATION. J71 has gathered nothing from the lapse of years but the outward symbols of decay. One of the most obvious consequences of dissipation is the destruction of all the mental powers. In men upon whom the greater part of the business of the world, and the advance- ment of knowledge principally depend, this evil is the most inexcusable ; there is no character which ensures disrespect so much as that of a trifling, frivolous man ; he is measured by the magnitude of those objects which form the laudable pursuits of his sex ; we cannot forget the height of science to which he might have ascended ; the useful functions he might have fulfilled ; the career of glory he might have run ; the rehgious wisdom he might have treasured up. He has no excuse in a natural indelible mildness of character, which may betray the firmness of resolution and communicate a greater force to the social feelings ; he sins against the most exalted and popular qualities of a man without gaining any others in return ; he is trifling without being amiable ; weak without being delicate ; and ignorant without being affection- ate or humane. Neither let any shelter themselves under the plea that dissipation does not sacrifice that time which ought to be given up to more important occupations ; rehgion bids us all prepare for an hereafter; benevolence bids us alleviate the miseries of the present scene ; knowledge invites us to contemplate and understand it : the first hallows the mind, the next softens it, the last strengthens, exalts and adorns it. To love religion is to love eternity and to love salvation ; but to love knowledge as the means of complying with the injunctions of that religion may not be sufficiently impressed upon the minds of us all. In an advanced period of society it is the most eflTectual preventive against the perils of idle opulence ; it economizes the most useful possessions of a state, its talents ; prevents the mournful waste of genius and turns the powers of our minds into the real channels in which they ought to flow. — Against the fair and moderate pursuit of pleasure, I hope no one imagines me so mistaken as to contend ; the love of knowledge will render the extrava- gant and dissipated pursuit of it as distasteful as it is perni- cious ; nothing frees a man so effectually from the shameful dependence on foreign aid, and renders him so contented with himself and his own home ; he is no longer compelled to flee from the restless activity of the mind to a circle of melancholy and insipid amusement. This is not all; to exercise the 172 ON DISSIPATION. mind is a duty, it is an essential part of righteousness ; the agency upon the world, the power of doing good increases immensely with the increase of our intellectual powers. It matters not by what science, by what studies our minds are exercised, if they be ready to be turned on the conduct of life, the interests of mankind, and the promotion and defence of rehgion. Take, for instance, the task of early education commonly devolved upon mothers ; is there one of greater importance in the whole circle of human affairs ? and what daily ravages are committed on the characters of future men, by affectionate parents, who mean to do well without any adequate power of seconding their good intentions, and who lament, when too late, that they wasted in dissipation the season of improvement, that their minds have never been strengthened by difficulties, or fertihzed by thought. Dissipation is not less injurious to the qualities of the heart than to the powers of the mind. The dissipated become impatient of anything which is not immediately amusing; they cannot submit to the present sacrifice which virtue re- quires, or wait for the remote gratifications which it affords. The passing moment must yield its tribute of pleasure at every expense of health, fortune, and inward satisfaction. — All control over incHnation is gradually lost, and the appre- hension of distant consequences ceases to influence the con- duct. Whenever we place our happiness, not in the good feelings of the heart, but in the lively impressions of the senses, every virtue becomes disgusting and dull; the child leaves its aged parent to solitude and disease ; the mother, ashamed of her advancing years, deserts her children. — The father flies from the gloomy sameness of his family, and every beautiful feeling is erased from the heart ; — the appearance of misery excites not a desire to reheve, but anger at the intrusion of disagreeable sensations, a feeling of injury at the interruption of elegant pleasure. In the midst of these plea- sures, in the full current of thoughtless joy, I pray you for one moment pause; it is not much to give to salvation, to virtue, and to wisdom; for one moment pause and think on the motley destiny of man ; not far from the scenes of your joy are crowded together the children of labour and sorrow, and of affliction ; did you ever seek that cure of dissipation ? Did you ever appal your heart ? Did you ever beat down your gayety to the dust by the near aspect and approach of the misery of man ? not such as it is painted in books, but ON DISSIPATION. 173 such as you may find it, at this instant, not a span's length from this very spot ; dissipation can never endure such tre- mendous sights as these ; the very walls seem to cry out, why have you forgotten these wretched people in the midst of your pleasures ? The sight of a poor man's dwelling, the food he eats, the bed on which he lies, these things scare and admonish the voluptuous heart more than all the minis- ters of God. Yet think not that these sights destroy plea- sure ; they are the only passport to pleasure ; first deserve it, then enjoy it ; go strengthen infirmity, heal disease, lighten the load of human misery, pay back in humanity the loan of opulence, then say to, your heart, go to now, enjoy pleasure, I will prove thee with mirth ; and then only you will escape the sad conclusion : — this also is vanity. The love of expense is not one of the least miseries conse- quent upon dissipation ; it produces meanness, dishonesty, and unhappiness; the mind must be at ease for the cultiva- tion of virtue, and there can be no tranquillity where such a constant struggle is maintained between penury and ostenta- tion, where everything is splendour without and distress within, where the world is to be deceived and the melancholy reflection supported, that the means of solid comfort are daily sacrificed to idle and unsubstantial parade. The dictates of common sense and the feelings of nature are never violated with impunity ; the most intolerable of all sensations is that of constant self-reproach ; to feel that days, and months, and years are gliding away without leaving to us any acquisition of virtue or of knowledge ; that our resolutions of amendment are never proof against temptation, that our life is passing on without utility to others or dignity to ourselves ; this is the bitterness of soul which riseth up when the head is crowned with flowers and the wine mantleth in the cup ; this is the handwriting on the wall, at the sight of which the spirit of a man fainteth within him, as did the spirit of Belshazzar, the king, when he feasted with his thousand lords. Is it possible, I may ask, in speaking of dissipation, is it possible that we, who are daily enlightened by the sublime morality and perfect example of Christ, can we believe that the whole order of nature was reversed, and the stupendous prodigy of revelation exhibited to the earth, to clothe with immortahty a wretched being that has trifled away seventy years of existence, and who is only loosened from the bonds of folly by corruption and death ? Do you think it is to be 15* 174 ON DISSIPATION. threescore and ten years of mirth, an hour of repentance, and an eternity of joy ? By what courtesy are you exempted from the curse of Adam ? Has God given to one the sweat and the toil, and to another the smell of the blossom, the sha- dow of the leaf, and the taste of the fruit ? This life is to every description and condition of human beings, a life of labour and exertion ; of labour either of body or of mind. The labour of the rich is to combat their passions, to fortify their virtues, to study and to follow the law of the Gospel, to prepare themselves dihgently for another and a better state of existence, to turn their leisure to the cultivation of know- ledge and the improvement of human happiness ; to take advantage of their condition, by being exemplary as they are eminent, courteous as they are elevated, bounteous as they are rich ; by making themselves the protectors of the distressed and the stewards of the poor; with these general habits of life, there are times when a wearied mind and body, when the social feelings, when reason itself, call for, and jus- tify relaxation and joy ; the pleasures of the good are as dear to God as their prayers ; he is with them in the house of joy and in the temple of religion ; he is in the midst of them wherever they are gathered together ; through him they are happy without fear and without reproving, and while they prove their hearts with mirth they are not compelled to add that this also is vanity and sorrow. ■■^r SEEMON XXV. ON THE CONVERSION OF SAINT PAUL And straightway he preached Christ in the synagogues, that he is the son of God. But all that heard him were amazed, and said, is not this he that destroyed them which called on his name in Jerusalem. — Acts ix. VERSES 20,21. Of all the arguments dwelt on for the defence of Chris- tianity, none have been more forcibly or more successfully urged, than the conversion of St. Paul ; and it certainly is a circumstance which cannot be explained without the suppo- sition of something improbable, or the belief of something miraculous. The treatment which Christ, his disciples, and his converts experienced from the Jews, would (if other proofs were want- ing), sufficiently convince us of the obstinate adhesion of that people to the religion of their ancestors, and demonstrate how soon their watchful jealousy, on such a subject, would break out into cruel persecution. The Pagans were, upon the whole, not merely tolerant, but careless in matters of rehgion. Poets vilified their gods ; comedians ridiculed them upon the stage ; philosophers denied their existence ; the priests conti- nued to sacrifice, the people to believe, and the government was content : but the religion of the Jews was deeply fixed and eagerly defended. It was their creed that God had sin- gled them out from the whole earth as the people of his pro- vidence and protection ; they considered themselves as sepa- rated from the darkened hemisphere of the Pagans ; they believed that they had been fed by angels, guided by mira- cles, taught by prophets, and approached by God. They were proudly mindful of these distinctions ; they studied their law with active investigation, and defended it with ardent 176 ON THE CONVERSION OF ST. PAUL. zeal ; proselytism, therefore, effected among a people of this description, is certainly more important as to the proof it affords, than any ordinary change from one religion to an- other ; the stronger the resistance, the greater the force which overcomes it. Prejudices so deeply imbibed, no common power can eradicate, and no usual force of argument refute. In the twenty-second chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, St. Paul, in declaring his conversion, thus describes himself: " I am verily a man which am a Jew, born in Tarsus ; and was brought up at the feet of Gamaliel, and taught according to the perfect manner of the law of the fathers, and was zeal- ous towards God, as ye all are this day." St. Paul, therefore, seems to have been a man thoroughly instructed in the Jewish law ; the opinions of his nation were confirmed by the tenour of his education ; and belief in him was not merely a popular opinion caught from living with a multitude who were of the same creed, but an extended sys- tem, disciplined by regular learning, and defended with scho- lastic acuteness. The pride of the scholar was added to the bigotry of the Jew, and he would resist conviction from vanity as well as from faith. If St. Paul had remained quiet, at the first propagation of Christianity ; if he had taken no active part at this interest- ing period ; if he had viewed its progress with indifference ; if he had suspended his conviction till the sensation of novelty, too active for reason, had subsided, and left him to the free exercise of his understanding ; we could not have been so much surprised that the result should have terminated in his conversion ; but from the first appearance of Christianity, he was its decided foe ; at the first dawn of this new light he rose up in bitterness and in anger, to extinguish it ; and to bear witness that it was from men and not from God. In the above-mentioned chapter. Saint Paul says, "I persecuted this way unto death, binding, and delivering into prison, both men and women ; as also the high priest doth bear me wit- ness, and the estate of the elders, from whom I received let- ters unto the brethren, and went to Damascus to bring them which were bound unto Jerusalem for to be punished." And yet this is he whom bondage could not make less zealous, who, under all varieties of misfortune, and in every species of sorrow, remained steadfast in faith, and immovable in con- viction ; who, with that high-principled courage which always- keeps fortune beneath its feet, and rises superior to every' ON THE CONVERSION OF ST. PAUL. 177 event, preached, from the midst of guards, and swords, and chains, the truths of the Gospel ; those truths which shook the heart of Felix with fear, and drove Agrippa to the hrink of conversion. This is the fact which comes home to the bosoms of men ; this is the history which represses the confi- dence of infidelity, and breaks the slumber of indifference. The enmity of St. Paul is turned to protection ; the bitterness of persecution is exchanged for the zeal of friendship ; and he is made an humble instrument for promoting the Gospel, whose ardent spirit had most powerfully impelled him to its destruction. After this general sketch of his life which I have already quoted, St. Paul proceeds to state the particular circumstances of his conversion : " Whereupon, as I went to Damascus with authority and commission from the chief priests ; at mid-day, oh king, I saw in the way a light from heaven, above the brightness of the sun shining round about me, and them which were with me, and when we were all fallen to the earth, I heard a voice from heaven." And he then proceeds to relate the command he received from heaven ; a passage in the Scriptures too well known to need quotation. These are the facts respecting the conversion of St. Paul, and from these facts it must follow as an inevitable conse- quence, (if this miracle be not true,) that St. Paui deceived himself, or that he deceived others ; that he was either a dupe, or an impostor. We will first inquire, if it be probable that St. Paul endeavoured to impose on the world a miracle in which he himself had not a thorough belief, and the obvious mode of beginning such an investigation, will be to examine into the motives which, under any rules by which the human character ought to be judged, could have influenced St. Paul to the commission of such a despicable fraud, and implicated him in such a shameless piece of hypocrisy. I beheve it may be laid down as a general rule, that every man will love that which is virtuous and honourable where he can gain nothing by perfidy and vice. No man is bad for nothing, no man covers himself with crimes, from a mere lust for disgrace, or an eager relish for infamy; self-approba- tion is not bartered for nothing ; every human being naturally loves the praise of his own heart, and the approbation of his fellow-creatures ; and if he sells them at all, he sells them for some pleasure that is poignant, some gratification that will repay him for infamy and remorse. . The question then is, what motive St. Paul could have had 178 ON THE CONVERSION OF ST. PAUL. to sacrifice the consideration in which he was held by his countrymen ; to expose himself to ridicule and to contempt, to persecution, to poverty, to the most extreme and the most varied distress; could the Christians hold out to him any magnificent temptations ? could they buy him by the gor- geous allurements of honour, power and opulence ? alas, what could the Christians give ? begging themselves for life, for bread, for compassion ; flying to rocks and caverns not to con- ceal crimes, but to worship that Saviour who had just left the earth ; what hopes and promises could they hold out to mer- cenary talents and venal ambition ? The persecuted cannot protect ; power is not in the gift of poverty ; the indigent and afflicted have nothing to offer but a share in their misery : they could say to St. Paul, be a Christian as we are ; we have not, indeed, much of worldly honour to bestow ; but you may share our persecution ; — you may become its most import- ant subject ; — you may be the leading martyr of our sect ;— -« you may be a more illustrious outcast, a more splendid victim, than has yet graced the annals of our misery. You may live in sorrow, and die in torture ; this must have been the lan- guage of Christian seduction, and these the irresistible temp- tations which worked upon St. Paul, to prostitute his honour, and desert his religion ; he must have submitted to be base, in order to be miserable ; he must have waded through im- posture to martyrdom, and thought no artifice too mean to encounter difficulty, and court persecution. If St. Paul did not believe his own testimony, but was im- posing on mankind, what evidence can we ever hear with confidence and conviction ? with him seems to rise or fall the credibihty of all human assertion : mere words we may per- haps mistrust : the sad knowledge of man's depravity may justify us even in doubting of oaths, and allow us to balance the credibility against the solemnity of the assertion ; but he who strengthens his testimony by his misfortunes, cannot be any longer suspected ; he who is beaten, and shipwrecked, and chained, cannot be considered as the martyr of obstinate fraud ; he has washed off every stain of suspicion by his blood, and has shown in the noble catalogue of his woes, the heroic patience of conviction, and the unshaken courage of truth. Then, again, if any considerations of policy had influenced his conduct, he would have softened the odium of apostasy by the gradual dereliction of former connections ; but observe the singular circumstances of his conversion ; he sets out for Damascus, an infidel bloated with rage and yearning for ON TH« CONVERSION OF ST. PAUL. 17D blood : his errand of death was a legal one ; he bore with him those credentials of cruelty which he had eagerly sought for, and easily obtained : he went forth the accredited minister of Jewish vengeance, their favourite assassin, amid the shoutings and rejoicings of the people. So he went forth ; how did he return ? with a heart softened by sorrow, and bursting with remorse, lowly, broken, and penitent; not the minister of Jewish vengeance, but its object ; preaching Christ, and la- menting with tears and sighs, the infatuation of his past life ; this is the portentous fact which vouches so strongly for Christianity ; here it is, if anywhere, that the finger of God is to be seen in our religion. Let us now consider if there was any reason to believe that St. Paul was himself deceived, and that this miracle, in- stead of a real revelation, was nothing more than the phan- tasm of a deluded imagination. If the character of St. Paul were such as to justify us in this supposition, and induce us to believe, that a mind too in- tensely heated had lost all wholesome control over the fancy ; the difficulty is to conceive why this self-created vision did not rather model itself in conformity, than in opposition to the whole former tenour of his words and actions. If his miracle had spurred him on to new asperity, and fresh bitterness against the Christians, it would have accorded very well with the usual history of fanaticism ; and the extravagancies of his fancy would have preserved a certain affinity to his ordinary ideas. Madness does not reverse the notions which a mind in health intensely dwells upon, but points them, and gives them new vigour. It does not struggle against the tide of the conceptions ; but hurries that tide on with fresh impetu- osity. St. Paul, a visionary and a madman, Avould have hated the Christians worse than in his sober mind ; if not, I will venture to assert, that it is the only instance on record where an enthusiastic supposition of intercourse with heaven has cured fanaticism instead of increasing it, and to suppose such a case, is to decide contrary to all experience for the sole pur- pose of depreciating Christianity. Is there, moreover, any- thing in the character of St. Paul, after he became a Chris- tian, that can warrant this imputation of fanatical derange- ment ? Is a fanatic observant of times and seasons ? Does he bend this way and that way in dexterous fluctuation, with the little prejudices and passions of men? The strongest feature of fanaticism is a want of fine perception, an ungovern- 180 * ON THE CONVERSION OF ST. PAUL. able and monotonous violence, totally unobservant of occa- sions. But St. Paul at Athens makes no mention of the Gos- pel, or the new light, or Christ, or his disciples, or Moses, or the Jewish law; he addresses them in a strain of general and exalted eloquence ; quotes their own poets in confir- mation of his opinions, tells them he was come to make known to them that God whom they ignorantly worshiped, and to show them clearly those attributes which they already adored in dark piety, and revered with unenlightened wonder. See how dexterously he avails himself of the state of parties in the Jewish synagogue ; how ably he pushes on the waving faith of Agrippa, how he kindles into seven-fold eloquence, when the hope of reclaiming that illustrious Pagan flashes across his mind. *' King Agrippa, believest thou the pro- phets ? I know that thou behevest ; and Agrippa said, thou almost persuadest me to be a Christian ; then said Paul, I would to God, that not only thou, but that all who hear me this day were as I am, saving these bonds." Here then I will stop, and recapitulating the plain story that has been told, make a stand for Christianity. At the first appearance of this religion, St. Paul declares himself its enemy, and becomes the bitter persecutor of its converts ; he solicits and obtains permission from the high priest to root it out ; he, on a sudden, declares his belief in this heresy, fairly tells the Jews he has been converted by a miracle ; not only believes but ardently propagates it ; and in the course of his reHgious labours, exposes himself to every possible danger and difficulty that human nature can encounter. The infer- ences to be drawn from this plain history, are these, that that man cannot be insincere who has suffered evils worse than death for what he believes to be the truth ; who by a life of pain and wandering, of anguish and labour, has borne witness to the integrity of his faith ; that that man cannot be a weak man who has carried the arts of successful persuasion through barbarous and through civilized men, and extorted from Pagan pride, and Pagan power, such splendid evidence of his cogent arguments, and also imposing eloquence. He is then a good man, and a wise man ; and as he is, let him not plead and sufTer in vain: let not his long labour, and his illustrious life be lost upon us ; let us finish what Agrippa began, — our con- viction,— and when he reasons of temperance, and righteous- ness, and judgment to come, let us do more than Felix, not only tremble, but tremble and repent. '^Vi^k^-^lll^'4 SERMON XXVI. ON TEMPTATION. PART I. Then was Jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness, to be tempted of the devil. — Matthew iv. verse 1. In this season of the year, when we are reminded of our Saviour's miraculous temptation, it is highly expedient that we should consider those perils to which we are exposed by the great deceiver of mankind ; who offers to us also all the pleasures and glories of the world, if we will forget the Lord, our God, and fall down to the worship of the powers of dark- ness. Day and night man is tempted from the path of his salvation ; and on each side stand alluring pleasures, inviting him to destruction. There are lust, avarice, and ambition; the great sin of intemperance ; deep servitude to this world ; timid apostasy, that corrupted the soul of Peter; revenge, that shed the blood of Abel; cruelty, that sharpened the sword of Herod ; falsehood by which Ananias fell ; treachery, that nailed Jesus to the cross. The soul is assailed by all these powers of darkness, and no man will ever see God, who has not clad himself in the armour of righteousness, and walked unhurt through them all to the mountain of Calvary ; to finish his race at that goal, to breathe his last at the feet of Christ. Let him among us, (say the Scriptures,) who would avoid temptation, think meanly and humbly of himself. The danger that is to be averted, must be well known, and ratio- nally apprehended, or it will come in double terror. No confidence, I beseech you, in the strength of resolutions, in the solemnity of vows, in the force and freshness of repent- 16 182 ON TEMPTATION. ance ; — the wind scatters chaff, the waves toss down mounds of sand ; passion sweeps before it the oaths, the protesta- tions, the resolves of men, and breaks in pieces the slender fabrics of his soul. Before temptation, we are more than angels ; have I not, (the sinner says,) mourned for my fault ? am I not weary of the bondage of this sin ? is it possible that I shall be tempted once more, that I shall forget all that suf- fering has taught me, all that I have learnt from dejection and self-reproach ? Alas ! a word, a sound, a sight will melt all this new wisdom into air, and hurry us back to the same station of sin ; again we shall resolve, again feel boldness and pride ; again learn the weakness of man's nature, again know the strength of sin, and again feel the bitterness of repentance. There is a degree of fear, however, which leads to despair; our notions of the power of sin may be so excessive as to make all resistance appear hopeless ; but the holy fear, of which I am speaking, is that which is opposed to rash con- fidence ; a fear mingled with so much hope, that it excites activity, and does not confound judgment ; a fear which discovers the whole extent of the danger, without magni- fying it more than reality ; and distrusts the means of opposing sin, without distrusting them more than they ought to be distrusted ; distrusts them when unaided by grace, when unfounded on religion, w^hen unblest by God, when purely, and entirely human ; but when connected with heaven, when sanctified and hallowed, and touched by Christ, then sees their dignity and glory ; and knows they have strength to trample on every lust and passion of the flesh. Confidence is the great auxiliary of temptation ; if we say that we have no sin, we perpetually deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. Profound Christian humility is the only safeguard of virtue. " I dare not so much as lift up my eyes to that allurement ; I dare not confide it to my thoughts ; I will flee from it into the bosom of the deep, and into the nethermost parts of the world ; if God save me not, I am lost, for of myself I can do nothing — and my por- tion is sin ;" — so think the just ; thus do they cry unto God in their prayers, and in this way, by fear and trembling, are ihey saved. I beg you to observe, that in speaking of this timid appre- hension of the perils of temptation, I speak rather of the ON TEMPTATION. 18*3 beginning of righteousness than of its very advanced and mature state ; the time at length comes, when the force of temptation is diminished, and the power of resistance in- creased ; and this fact is one of the strongest incitements to resist temptation, that the difficulty and the struggle become every day less intense, till righteousness and evangelical purity appear to be almost habitual ; we see in the perils of the flesh, that which we have before encountered and sub- dued ; we remember the former protection of Heaven ; we resume the same confidence in Christ ; we put up the same prayer ; we receive for our aid the same emanations of the divine grace ; — there dwell within us a constant courage, founded upon experience of the efficacy of grace, a prone- ness to trust in God, a cheerful and invincible hope. " Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil ; thy rod and thy staff shall comfort me." At first, every passion of the flesh seems irresistible ; if we are tempted by anger, we do not perceive how it is possi- ble to remain serene ; if the sweetness of revenge invites us, then it is not in our nature to forgive ; but the true servant of Christ, who has begun this good exercise, who has often prayed against temptation, and praying often subdued it ; who has carried the old man forth to funeral, with the solemn tears of repentance, and buried him in the grave of Jesus, and put on the new man, a new heart, a new understanding, new affections, and excellent appetites of Heaven ; he can be tempted by anger, and remain in peace ; he can be injured, and forgive ; he can look upon intemperance, and be frugal ; he can witness successful violence, and be just ; beauty to him is marble, riches dross, power vanity, ambition toil ; the freedom of righteousness and the law of Christ are to him all in all ; for these he has vanquished every temptation, broken asunder the massive chains of sin, and walks hence- forward with God, in perfect freedom, and with joyful hope. There is a practice which, for the resistance of temptation, cannot be too much inculcated, and that is the practice of seeing things in their true nature, and calling them by their right names. If we serve Mammon instead of God, we must abide the consequences of that faith we have espoused ; but do not let us call those things of Heaven which belong to Mammon, or those things of Mammon which belong to God ; if an action is sinful, and unchristian, at least convince your- self that it is sinful, and call it by the name of sin ; — if you are led away by temptation to do that which is injurious to 184 ON TEMPTATION. temporal and eternal welfare, state the fact to your own understanding in the truest colours, and the plainest words ; it is your only chance of recovery, your only hope of return- ing to the true shepherd of your souls ; if we use the lan- guage of the world, if we cast a veil over the eye of piety, if with accommodating phrases and plausible pretexts, we seek to call that righteousness which is sin ; to say that is innocent which the warning voice of our Saviour has forbidden ; we are then doomed to hopeless destruction, and not to perish eternally becomes impossible. If this plain deahng with ourselves deprives us of any comfort at all, it is of a very ambiguous, and imperfect com- fort ; we may set conscience to sleep, but the sleep of con- science is never sound ; she seems to sleep in agony, and in pain ; and often starts up in wildness and distrust ; the decep- tion which a sinner practices upon himself, is but an half deception, a rude and unskilful art ; he is perpetually review- ing, and appealing from his own decisions, and sees dimly and distantly the fraud which he has exercised upon his soul, without daring to throw upon it the meridian light of truth ; we may deceive ourselves enough to insure the com- mission of sin, but not enough to acquire the comforts of righteousness ;• — in cultivating this inward sincerity, we give up a system of fraud, the peril of which is immeasurable, and in the consolation of which it is not wise to place a mo- ment of firm dependence ; it is not possible to combine together the pleasures of sin and the quiet of righteousness ; but if we are wicked, we must be miserable. Then there must be no treaty entered into with the tempter ; no parley, no doubt, no lingering explanation, but clear denial, indicating calm and invincible resistance ; for in this way the souls of men are lost to salvation ; it seems inno- cent to listen, it is no crime to hear what the thing is ; I can always deny, I can always retreat ; I am still master of my own actions. But this is an error, for you cannot deny or retreat, but at the first pause you were lost, and sin and death marked you for their own ; it is madness to combat Avith the eloquence of sin, or to gaze at the pictures of passion; if you dispute with pleasure she will first charm you to silence, then reason you to conviction, then lead you utterly from God ; she wants you only to hear and see ; she requires only one moment's pause ; she knows if you can balance for a point of time, between her present rapture and the distant felicity of Heaven, that you are quite gone ; you must meet tempta- ON TEMPTATION. ' 1^ tion with blind eyes and deaf ears, and with a heart which no more balances whether it shall be virtuous, than it does whether it shall send the blood of life through all the extre- mities and the channels of the bodily frame. One of the great instruments for withstanding temptation, and changing our whole nature into a state of grace, is a firm behef in, and perfect assent to the promises of the Gospel, for holy Scripture speaks great word concerning faith. It quenches the fiery darts of the devil, saith St. Paul: it over- comes the world, saith St. John ; it is obedience, it is humi- lity, it is a shield, a breast-plate, a mystery ; by faith God is pleased ; by faith we are sanctified ; by faith we are saved ; by it our prayers shall prevail for the sick ; by it all the mira- cles of the church have been done ; it gives great patience to suffer ; it inspires mighty confidence to hope ; it communi- cates strength to perform ; it imparts infallible certainty to enjoy; but then it is not, we must observe, a notion or opinion situated finally in the understanding, but a principle produc- tive of holy life; not only a believing in the propositions of Scripture, as we believe a proposition in science, for which we are neither the better nor the worse, but a belief of things so great, that no man who can think and choose, who can desire and act towards a definite object that can possibly neglect them; this faith which justifies the faithful, confirms the just and crowns the martyr ; this faith it is, which, plac- ing us above the temptations of the world, will make heaven the end of our desires; God, the object of our worship ; the Scriptures the rule of our actions ; and the Holy Spirit our niighty counsellor and assistant. Faith in Christ, such as I have described it to be, is, above all things, likely to afford to us the comfort of general rules ; to give to the inward mind the benefit of good laws firmly administered, the comfort of planning a wise system, and pursuing it steadily, for the misery of yielding incessantly to temptation is, that we live upon no plan, and to no certainty ; we do not advance to a point, but wander to and fro, ignorant to-day whether we are to be good or bad to-morrow ; whether we are to crawl in the dust of this world or to act with the purity of an angel ; but is it not mean and degrading to say, I shall spend this day rationally and piously if I am spared by all the lusts of the flesh ; but if I am tempted by any appe- tite, or goaded by any passion, my piety will be dissipated, and my reason destroyed ; whether I am the servant of righte- 16* • 186 • ON TEMPTATION. ousness or the child of sin, depends upon the accidents of the hour, upon whom I see, and what I hear, and upon all that comes in contact with me. I take from every passing event those inward principles, though I ought, with my inward principles, to impart their character and complexion to all the events of life. The general rule which guards us against temptation, must be laid down, and in time it will come to be regarded on its own account ; many things, in themselves innocent, will be avoided on account of their influence upon the rule ; many things which might be omitted, will be done for its preserva- tion ; what we love long for its utihty, we love at last for itself; the rule which has often guarded us from sin, which has saved us from the shame of inconsistency and relapse, becomes at last sanctified and enshrined in our minds ; we guard it with jealousies, we encompass it about with nice feelings, we watch it with lively apprehensions, we remove from it all distant harm and contingent inconvenience ; we love it, and glory in it, and preserve it, as the children of Israel preserved the ark, and the seraphim kept the gates of Paradise. But above all things, however often we may be tempted, and however we may yield to temptation, we must beware of despair ; we must never cease to resist, never beheve that God has made the appetites of the body irresistible, and swim down at once in the full torrent of sin from a conviction that it cannot be stemmed. For every temptation with which we can be tempted in this world, in whatever sbape of allurement it may come, there is a power within, given to us by Almighty God, greater and mightier than the temptation ; we have reason to discern between evil and good ; we can look fonvard and discern that good and evil in remote periods of time ; we have freedom to resolve ; we have revelation to teach us what to resolve ; we have laudable pride to animate us in guarding that resolve ; we have shame to prevent us from its infringe- ment, and we have the grace of God and his protecting spirit to sanctify all the good that we intend. Therefore, we will begin ; the terror of sin will be lessened, its triumphs dead- ened, and its strength withered away ; success will be remem- bered ; one victory will ensure another ; we shall meet temp- tation, accustomed to overcome it, with the full aAd certain conviction, that the Saviour of mankind never deserts the humble and contrite spirit, that, in the hour of peril, pours forth his fervent prayer to hinit •i|^=- SERMON XXVII. ON TEMPTATION. PART II. Then was Jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness, to be tempted of the devil. — Matthew iv. verse 1. In my last discourse upon this subject, I took occasion, from some preliminary observations upon the miraculous temptation of our blessed Saviour, to introduce and discuss the subject of temptation, considering it to be a subject pecu- liarly vsrell adapted to the sacred season of the year at which we are arrived, a season, which it has ever been the practice of the church, in all ages, to observe with peculiar solemnity, and to dedicate to the examination of subjects intimately con- nected with the salvation of mankind. I found it impossible to do justice to so extensive a topic of religion in the compass of a single discourse, and therefore, with the good leave and permission of my congregation, I will now proceed with my observations and conclude them. I shall first go on to specify those general habits of mind which are eminently useful for the withstanding of temptation. I have before stated, how very important towards this object is an attachment to general rules, but these general rules, in order to be kept, must be moderate ; they must contain all that the Gospel requires, but no more than the Gospel re- quires ; they ought by no means to exclude the innocent plea- sures of life, or to throw an air of crime over any system of actions which our blessed Saviour, as wise as he was holy, has left opeu to the tastes and inclinations of mankind. There are some men who, with the best possible intentions, would diminish, to the narrowest circle, the extent of human 188 ON TEMPTATION. enjoyments, and drive their fellow-creatures to the contem- plation of another world, by rendering this as tasteless and uninteresting as possible. These lessons of severity are the mere inventions of man, not the wisdom of God ; we hear them from mistaken zeal ; we do not read them in the Gospel ; innocent pleasure is, on the contrary, a very great security against sinful pleasure. By taking that good which Almighty God, in his benevolence, has allowed us, we do not feel deprived of everything ; we are often en- couraged to stop there by dint of exertion, often content to stop there without any exertion at all ; but when we deny ourselves those gratifications we may righteously enjoy, we become weary of exaggerated duties, and listen to the seduc- tions of the tempter from finding the burthen of false righte- ousness greater than we have strength to endure ; in seeking to be more than righteous, we become less and are plunged into real sin, because we are too scrupulous to avail ourselves of permitted enjoyment. I speak this against rash vows, overstrained and heated resolutions, needless self-affliction, dread of happiness and all that innumerable train of evils, which false notions of rehgion entail upon mankind. God asks not of us such sacrifices as these ; they have no grateful smftll before him, he rejects them as he rejected the offerings of Cain ; but the great enemy of us all wishes to see this, and loves it, and knows when he can make a man believe that God is one thing, and happiness another, that the soul of that man is his own, that the angels have lamented over him in Hea- ven, that he is lost to Christ. Here am I placed (a man says), in this dull servitude, dead to all joy, combating for- ever with my soul, goaded by appetites which I must not gratify, surrounded with pleasures which I must not approach, restrained by commandments too rigorous for the infirmities of my nature, the member of a religion which overwhelms me with present misery, and promises me future pleasure ; the inhabitant of a world, in which I am placed only to be allured and to be denied. All these feelings are the offspring of a false and overacted severity, and the parents of the foul- est and most abominable sin. What our Saviour instructs us to do is arduous, not impossible ; but it is very easy for human errors to render it impossible ; then cry up to Heaven, to blame God, to say it is too much, to take up the wages of sin and to perish eternally. It will diminish our extravagant notions of the strength of ON TEMPTATION. 189 temptation, by observing that we are all proof against some temptations, and that these some are all different ; intempe- rance is your sin and it is irresistible ; you cannot conceive how such allurements can be withstood, but you are not sub- ject to gusts of passion and can command yourself upon the fiercest provocation; another man is a slave to irascible feelings and a master of sensual appetites ; this person is tempted by depraved ambition, and wholly exempted from every taint of avarice ; the next would Hve cheerfully in obscurity and is only desirous of accumulating wealth. It is quite certain that you find many temptations easy to be overcome, which to others are highly formidable ; that others find those wholly insignificant, which are formidable to you ; all sin, then, may- be overcome by the grace of Heaven and by the good princi- ples of our nature ; there is no one temptation so strong but that you may see it in the minds of some men completely subdued and utterly disregarded; there is novice which must necessarily and certainly subdue religious firmness ; but the event depends upon how much we struggle and how long ; we may obey or command, we may live in the bondage of Satan or the freedom of God. It is a great matter, also, in temptation, not only to gather the powers of our minds for resistance from the daily and common evidence which our nature affords ; but to search diligently the Scriptures for the many examples of chosen men, who, placed in situations of mortal peril, have kept their souls in all purity, spotless, untempted and above the world. The fear of death could not keep Daniel from his worship, nor stop Paul from his way to Jerusalem, nor tempt the weary David to drink of the water, nor cause Shadrack to fall down to the idol. Every apostle was tempted to deny his crucified Saviour, tempted by perils of sea and land, by the weariness of journeying, by the cruelty of barbarous people, among whom they sojourned, by monstrous and unheard-of torments; we deem that we are soon arrived at the extremities of our nature ; we can neither bear ridicule, nor look at terror, nor defy pleasure ; but there are men upon record who shame us out of these narrow hmits, and teach us the true bounds and dimensions of our nature ; who have acted decently in the midst of every pleasure, who have acted bravely in the midst of every danger, and with inflexible duty to God, in the midst of ridicule, outrage and scorn. These men are our masters and our examples ; upon their model we must form ourselves 190 ON TEMPTATION. in the great work of pleasing God and saving our souls from the destruction of sin. Much of our success in this great warfare depends upon the general views we take of the temptations to which we are exposed; temptations must by no means he considered as needless difficulties; there are other views of this matter which are the true and just views; if any man will show in the Gospel any one prohibition to any one action, which action is neither injurious to him who does it nor to any one else ; then it may be allowed that temptation is an unnecessary hardship; but otherwise it is plain that we are only forbidden to do what it should be injurious to us to do ; and, therefore, the first rule is to connect together resistance of temptation with increase of happiness ; to perceive that we are only enlarging our conceptions of enjoyment by resisting temptation and not pleasing ourselves for the moment that is passing by at the expense of the years that are to come. The next rule is not only to connect resistance of tempta- tion with happiness, but to connect it with immortal glory, to consider it as a mean of distinction, an occasion of doing something more difficult and meritorious than any other thing in the whole world. There are many laws of the Gospel which prohibit religious pride ; but none which prohibit religious ambition ; it is not lawful to glory that we are better than other men ; but it is quite lawful, it is quite right, it is quite evangelical to strive to become so : no man strives too hard to outvie others in extirpating from his soul the seeds of corruption, in mastering his own nature, and in sacrificing to God his beloved sins ; no hope is too eager for this, no in- dustry too perfect, no dedication of time and understanding too absorbing, too exclusive and too entire. It is quite certain, also, that after the first efforts of temp- tation are overcome, the occupation of bending our minds to religious obedience, of subjugating our inclinations and actions to the dictates of our reason, may be rendered the most in- teresting of all human occupations, as it is certainly the most important. It is ever to be remembered, in reflecting on these matters, that there is an intimate connection between virtues and between vices ; that one virtue fairly established in the character, will probably introduce many others, that one sin corrupting our nature, will generate and nourish many other principles of corruption ; so that in conquering and completely subduing any species of temptation, we gain a double bless- ing and we avoid a double curse, for in freeing ourselves of ON TEMPTATION. 191 the sin, we not only are clear of that sin but clear of others, which would have connected themselves with it; and in gain- ing the opposite virtue we gain other virtues associated with it. He who withstands the sin of avarice, withstands the temptation to hardness of heart and callous indifference to human misfortune ; he who has all his bodily appetites in perfect command, gains sweetness of disposition, a love of order and an habit of self-command, which may conduct him to every sublimity of active and passive righteousness and make him the chosen servant of Christ. This last observation is addressed particularly to those who imagine they can in- dulge in any one fault and stop there ; that they can atone for indulgence in a darling vice by abstaining from others for which they have less inchnation ; in the first place this is a mere mockery of God, that an epicure may give himself up to sensuality, if he keeps clear of ambition ; or a meek man sacrifice his pride and console himself by fraud and false- hood; but if it were no offence against religion, it would not be possible to gratify any one single sin and keep our- selves clear from others ; it is so deadly to live in a state of disobedience to the Gospel, to know that you do so and to continue to do so, that there is no evil and no combination of evils which may not be expected from it ; if any man sees in his soul one speck of death and decay, and does not rush to stop it with all the resources of healing righteousness, it will become more dark and more deep at every moment ; it will spread over all his counsels, it will blacken all his thoughts, it will put on the genuine signs and characteristics of hell, and cut him off for ever from the mercy of God. If this affinity and connection of sins make temptation so terrible, if, for these reasons, it is so difficult to confine our- selves to any one error, still more difficult is it to proceed to a certain length in any one sin and to stop there ; to say thus far will I be tempted, and no farther; and when I have sinned up to a particular point, I will then put on the spirit of right- eousness and resist ; in truth, the delicate and graduated soft- ness of doing wrong is not to be resisted ; when the first step is made, the descent is so easy, the intervals so gentle, the accommodation so happy, the contrivance so exquisite, that we are far advanced down before we are thoroughly aware of having begun ; there is in fact but one spot where any effect- ual resistance is ever made, and that is at the very beginning; if we give way there, it is quite certain from the common 193 ON TEMPTATION. experience of life, that we can rarely or ever return ; and this first step of sin is not what we commonly suppose it to be, action, but thought ; nothing which outwardly appears, but something which inwardly disposes ; what we are to be- ware of in avoiding temptation is, (as our blessed Saviour tells us,) the adultery of the heart, the revenge of the heart, the malice of the heart. The beauty of the Christian religion is, that it does not wait for sin till it is strong and flourishing, but roots it up jiist as the seed is bursting into its pernicious life ; it carries the order and discipline of heaven into our very fancies and conception, and by hallowing the first shad- owy notions of our minds from which actions spring, makes our actions themselves good and holy. Prayer in all temptation is ever to be resorted to, for it is much to be believed, that the prayers of men, humbly and honestly asking of their Creator the means of doing well, are heard favourably, granted abundantly, and remembered eter- nally. I have thus, to the best of my abilities and from the humble hope of doing good in this and the preceding discourse, passed through the subject of temptation, and I conclude, by remind- ing you of what that season is in which I have brought this subject before you ; a season in which the anniversary of our Saviour's death is now nigh at hand ; the death of him who lived for our instruction and happiness, who expired for our salvation, and who bequeathed to us, at his death, a Gospel, which has diffused more gentleness, more goodness, more real happiness among mankind, than the united wisdom of the wisest sages could ever conceive before him; in addition, therefore, to all other motives for resisting temptation, we have this, — not to render vain that death and that crucifixion ; and after the greatest of all beings has done so much for us, not to cast away his mercy and frustrate his divine goodness, by ceasing diligently to labour for our own salvation. SERMON XXVIII. FOR THE HUMANE SOCIETY Attd now I exhort you to be of good cheer, for there shall be no loss of any man's life among you. — Acts xxvii. verse 22. *I CONSIDER myself as fortunate that it has fallen to my lot to recommend, from the pulpit, the establishment of an humane society in this neighbourhood for the preservation of life ; because, as I am sure from the benefits it will confer, that it must be long remembered and zealously supported, I cannot but be pleased to connect myself, however humbly and dis- tantly, with that which I believe will impart happiness and security to so many human beings. I dare say there are few here present who are unacquainted with the great progress which has been lately made in the art of recovering persons apparently dead ; it appears from the reports of the society established in London, that men have been restored to life nearly an hour after every sign of animation had disappeared, and after they had been given up by common observers as completely dead ; it appears, also, by the records of the same society, that under their exertions and by the means they have recommended, more than three thousand persons have already been restored to life whose pre- servation, but for the skill diffused by the society, would have been considered as impossible. It is of the greatest importance to remember this, because it shows the enormous extent of those accidents which are fatal to life, and the high degree of perfection to which this art of resuscitation is already carried * This sermon was preached at Watford, to recommend the institution of an Humane Society, rendered expedient by some very dreadful acci- dents which had recently occurred there. 17 194 FOR THE HUMANE SOCIETY. — four thousand human beings rescued from sudden death. Let any man of common humanity reflect upon the rapturous happiness which this mercy has excited ; the tears which it has dried up ; the broken hearts which it has healed ; the tender relations of life which it has restored ; the dreadful thoughts of everlasting separation which it has spared ; think of this, and there is not a man whose heart and whose under- standing would not urge him to take part in so noble and interesting a charity. Four thousand human beings won, with labour and difficulty, from the grave ; an hour of war would have overwhelmed twice their number, so easy it is to destroy, so difficult to save ; God be thanked that this latter is our task ; that while all Europe is again rushing into arms, we are met together in the name of Christ to see how we can increase the security of life and diminish the victory of the grave.- We may consider such sort of institutions as the sure signs of the prevalence of good laws, sound morals, and of a gene- ral state of prosperity ; it is not so much an object that there should be many people, as that those who are, should exist in the greatest attainable comfort, and be exposed to the least pos- sible degree of peril and disturbance. In a savage state man is so often destroyed by the sudden excesses of passion, and subjected to destruction from so many causes, that life is there of less consequence, and men never think of entering into any schemes for its preservation. In poor countries no institutions of charity can flourish ; the attention of mankind cannot rise above their daily wants ; and though life may be respected by their habits and laws, they cannot make any considerable sacrifices for its preservation. In despotic coun- tries it is not life in general which is of importance, but only the life of the rich and great ; there are countries even in Europe where a plan for saving the lives of the lowest classes of society would carry with it an air of ridicule and hyper- bole. Such kind of institutions can only exist in a country where a just administration of just laws has made the life of man of supreme importance ; they can only take place in a country where the Christianity in its best form is universally difl^used ; they can only take place in a country which in- dustry has raised above the common wants of life and which can afl^ord to be munificent in its goodness ; such an attention to human Hfe is the united result of piety, of justice, and of opulence. ^^, FOR THE HUMANE SOCIETY. 195 This scheme of benevolence has also a peculiar interest as it connects itself with a knowledge of the human frame, and of the most important laws by which it is regulated. Let no man think that knowledge ever can be impious, or that it has any other limits but the limits of possibility ; whatever secrets of nature man can discover, he is permitted to discover; whatever could not be entrusted to him, is placed beyond his reach ; his efforts may be fruitless, but they cannot be criminal; for it is only by experience he can find out those boundaries which Providence has fixed and those rewards which it has assigned to his labours. It may happen, then, that the science which this charity patronizes may be yet in its infancy ; that it may have new resources for the calamities of life ; fresh consolation for the bitterness of grief; that it may go as far beyond the present art of resuscitation as that art exceeds what was believed to be possible in the times which preceded its invention. It must be remembered, too, whatever be the degree to which this art is carried that the institution of an humane society in this neighbourhood secures the practice of that art in its utmost present perfection ; in case pf any dangerous accident you can command all the resources which mechani- cal or medical aid can supply ; and really I cannot well con- ceive what an unhappy man can hereafter say to his heart, who, when such a mean of obviating some of the greatest calamities of life is placed before him ; when it is insisted upon and earnestly pressed upon his attention, hears it with indifference, or rejects it as frivolous or insignificant. Can any person here present who may think the object upon which I am employed to be trifling and inadequate ? can any man pretend to say, before another Sunday summons him to church, that he may not be crying over the dead body of his child ; and lifting up from the ground its poor miserable mother ? and if a man has no children of his own, still is there such a feeling in the world to bring back a child to its parents, to say, I took it up when it was breathless, I never quitted it till life came back; I laboured for the sake of God and for pity, and there is the child yet living? I come here to awaken in you such thoughts as these, to be the humble instrument of good to you and yours ; it is not for any dis- tant objects that I appeal to your compassion, but for the interests of this place and this people ; for scenes which you all may witness, for misfortunes to which you are all exposed. 196 FOR THE HUMANE SOCIETY. Every man who has not beheld such scenes as those to which I have alluded, is apt to wonder why they are insisted upon so eagerly, and felt so much ; but those who have seen them wonder that they are not felt more. I have been twice present at the process of resuscitation, and I cannot wish that any person should purchase his feelings of compassion at so dear a rate. I shall not attempt to describe such scenes, but one circumstance no time will ever efface from my mind ; the frantic grief of the mother was not so affecting because it was dreadful and alarming; but when the first symptom of return- ing life appeared, I saw her, a poor labouring woman, kneel- ing with her hands clasped close to the reviving infant; breathing as her child breathed, growing red and growing pale with it ; praying, hoping, fearing with her looks, and gazing immovably on him till the poor lad rose up and knew his mother once more ? Why did we all labour for this wretched woman, who had scarcely clothes to cover her or bread to eat ? we did it without thought or reflection, because we found ourselves irresistibly called upon to make such an exertion ; and so are you called upon to minister to such anguish, to prevent such misery, to hghten that load of sor- row which presses down the heart of man in the sad journey of life. Man is not discontented to part with those whom he loves in old age ; when the fair career of life is run he feels such losses ; but he knows they are the inevitable laws of nature, the condition upon which he lives ; he knows this, and such an habitual style of thinking brings his affliction within the limits of reason; it operates, too, as some diminution of wretchedness where there has been a previous warning, and a gradual diminution of hope as in a long illness ; but there is no heart strong enough to support the sudden loss of kin- dred and of children. " It was only an hour ago that I was playing with my child ; and when I came back I saw the hope and pride of my life lying dead and breathless upon the ground." It is too much for man to bear ; it is the bitter- est dreg in the cup of God's wrath ; a man may live after it ; but I defy him to taste of happiness ever again, or to know what is meant by tranquillity and peace. It is a subject of great delicacy to touch upon ; but let it be remembered, we concern ourselves, not only with the con- sequences of accidental, but of intentional death ; we stop the impious temerity of the suicide ; we call back to hfe, to duty, FOR THE HUMANE SOCIETY. 197 to shame the man who is retiring from the world before God and nature summon him away ? We keep back a spirit from the torments of hell ; we seize upon the first dawnings of returning reason, to teach him that he must never abandon his confidence in Heaven. We spare to wretched women and children, a spectacle of infamy and horror ; we give back a son to parents, a parent to children, a citizen to the state, a repentant man to all the duties, charities and relations of life; it is astonishing that any wise and reflecting mind should attempt to underrate the grievous sin of suicide ; — putting aside all higher considerations, what sort of doctrine does it tend to inculcate ? " It is of no sort of importance to me, to labour slowly and systematically, to estabhsh a reputation in the world ; I will eat and drink, for to-morrow I can die ; I will plunder, dissipate and destroy ; and when the vengeance of mankind is faUing too heavily upon me, the remedy is in my own hands ; he who is careless of his own life, has no- thing to fear from any human being." It is not only this style of thinking and acting which is to be apprehended from the frequency of suicide ; but no man stands insulated from the world, no man can dispose of his own life, without affecting, in the deepest manner, the happiness of many other human beings, who have acquired certain rights over every important action of his life. I pass over, at present, the reli- gious offence ; I speak only of the alarm, the agony, the dis- turbance, the universal horror, which such a crime occasions, if we diminish (as we do most clearly diminish), all this train of evils ; then, surely, upon every plea of reason and feeling, upon every principle of the Gospel, is our society entitled to your protection and support. There is something in the very idea of the art of reviving the apparently dead, which cannot fail to inspire the feelings of solemnity and religion. Is there life yet in the body, or is the soul of this man gone to render account of the good and the evil it has done at the judgment seat of God ? Is it merely perishable matter with which we are occupied, that to-morrow will be laid in its grave ? or will it once more be informed by a reasonable soul and agitated by passions? are the days of his years come to an end, or will he remain to act a valuable and important part upon the theatre of the world ? Ihen what is this life, which we are calling back with such eager and incessant care ? whence comes it ? how went it away ? — what is it ? The flesh is not life, nor the blood, nor 17* 198 FOR THE HUMANE SOCIETY. the complicated system of nerves ; the eye cannot see it, nor can it be subjected to any sense, nor has reason explained and defined it ; it is a thought which baffles inquiry, inspires ter- ror, teaches wisdom, humbles the most aspiring being, by telling him that there is a Creator, a master ; and then, too, a punisher above. You see before you, too, on such occasions, and see with no common interest, a man who has tasted of death ; who has been subjected to that agony which we all must feel, and exposed to that peril which we all at last must meet ; how natural to ask, " What were your feelings at such a moment ? In what shape, in what array, with what host of terrors, with what new and stupendous machinery of feelings, does death come ? What is it at which we all recoil with so much horror, and which we learn, from our earliest youth, to con- sider as the great bane of human happiness ?" But upon such points as these, the veil of nature cannot be penetrated, nor can living beings know the dreadful mysteries beyond the grave ; this we know, however, from the universal assur- ance of all who have been exposed to this anticipation of death, that their last recollections have been the mercy and protection of God ; that they descended, as they thought, to death, calling on his name, and supplicating his forgiveness; that this was the last notion with which they seemed to re- sign the world. And so it always is with us all ; religion is natural and necessary to the heart of man ; where else can that being seek for succour, who is in death, in the midst of life ? what other hope, in the perils of land, or water ; on the bed of sickness ; in the hour of death ; in the day of judg- ment ? Do not mind what the ministers of religion say, but in all the stupendous events of life, if you find men falling back upon religion, not only as their greatest, but as their only consolation ; if those, who have thought themselves perishing in secret, tell you that at that dread moment, it was the rod and staff* upon which they leant ; this is one of those powerful and unprepared evidences in favour of religion, which outweighs all that eloquence and argument can produce. I am afraid, that I have already extended what I have to say to an improper length, but I am most anxious to succeed in my object, and to prevent a repetition of those melancholy scenes which have given to us all so much pain; think what it is to save one father for his children ; to rescue one FOR THE HUMANE SOCIETY. 199 child from untimely death ; to diminish so much alarm ; to diffuse so much heartfelt joy ; to place under the control of skill and prudence some of the bitterest calamities of the world. God knows how often the life of man has been cast away ; the httle account that has been made of it in all the great changes and revolutions of the world ; the millions which have perished for some object which they did not comprehend, and by which they could not benefit ; it is delightful to think, amid all the works of bad ambition, amid all the groans and bleedings of the earth, that in some little part of the world, at least, men are occupied with the preser- vation of life ; that there are some human beings, who can derive the highest gratification in restoring to those who love him the lowest and poorest of mankind. These thoughts are pleasant and refreshing ; they do honour to those with whom they originated ; I am sure they must produce the happiest effects in this neighbourhood; and I sincerely implore the blessing of Almighty God upon so wise, so humane, and so Christian an undertaking. ::i^M^^^0^^~%f^" SERMON XXIX- ON THE EFFECTS WHICH CHRIS TIANITY OUGHT TO PRODUCE UPON MANNERS. The fruits of the spirit are love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, &c. — Galatians v. verse 25. In this epistle to the Galatians, as in many parts of his writings, St. Paul distinguishes between the works of the flesh and of the spirit; meaning by the first, the gratification of those bad appetites and passions incidental to our nature; and by the last, those virtues which we are taught by the Christian rehgion. The catalogue of natural vices exhibits a true and disgust- ing picture of man untaught and unpurified by his Creator. The works of the flesh, says he, are hatred, variance, strife, wrath, emulations, envyings and seditions. But the Chris- tian religion teaches another mind ; the fruits of that spirit it would inculcate are love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentle- ness and goodness. In this manner, the general scope of Christianity is pointed out in a few words, and a test afforded us by which we may estimate our progress in religion. We say, in our language, to seize on the spirit of a thing : we talk of the spirit of our political constitution, of the spirit of our civil and criminal law ; and we seem to mean by the expressions, those few leading principles which uniformly pervade these respective codes, and give them consistency of character ; in this sense the apostle unfolds to us the spirit of Christianity, the object and tendency of all its laws ; they are instituted to increase love and affection amongst mankind ; to make us happy, to diffuse peace, to inculcate mutual forbear- ance, gentleness, goodness and meekness. ON THE EFFECTS WHICH CHRISTIANITY,