"1 ^? ^im^ BOOKS COMPILED BY LADIES OF THE FABIOLA HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION BORROWINGS. A collection of favorite quota- tions. Cloth, illustrated, fi.as ; plain edition, 7SC.; ooze leather, $1.50. MORE BORROWINGS. A sequel to "Borrow- ings." Cloth, 75c,; illustrated edition, fi.25; ooze leather, $1.50. THOUGHTS. A new book of quotations. Cloth, illustrated, I1.25; ooze leather, $2.00. DODGE PUBLISHING COMPANY 150 Fifth Avenue, New York EDWIN MARKHAM C OME, let us live the poetry we sing. THOUGHTS Selected from the Writings of Favorite Authors BY Ladies of Fabiola Hospital Association Oakland, California NEW YORK: Dodge Publishing Company 23 East Twentieth Street The Compilers acknowledge with grateful thanks the courtesy of Messrs. Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Dodd, Mead and Company (for selections from Hamil- ton Wright Mabie's "Before My Library Fire," "In the Forest of Arden," and other publications) ; Little, Brown and Company (selections from Lilian Whiting's "From Dreamland Sent," "The World Beautiful," First, Second and Third Series, and other publications), and others in allowing insertion of selections from works of which they own the copyright. [Thoughts. 4] Copyrighted, 1901, by JESSIE K. FREEMAN and SARAH S. B. YULE. 6 The pleasantest things in the world are pleasant thoughts, and the great art in life is to have as many of them as possible. Bovh, To get peace, if you do want it, make for yourselves nests of pleasant thoughts. None of us yet knows, for none of us has been taught in early youth, what fairy palaces we may build of beautiful thoughts proof against all adversity. Bright fancies, satisfied mem- ories, noble histories, faithful sayings, treasure-houses of precious and restful thoughts, which care cannot disturb, nor pain make gloomy, nor poverty take away from us houses built without hands for our souls to live in. Ruskin. 7 Thoughts I saw the mountains stand Silent, wonderful, and grand, Looking out across the land When the golden light was falling On distant dome and spire; And I heard a low voice calling, "Come up higher, come up higher, From the lowland and the mire, From the mist of earth desire, From the vain pursuit of pelf, From the attitude of self; Come up higher, come up higher." James G. Clarke, lo Thoughts The thrift of time will repay in after life with usury of profit beyond your most sanguine dreams, and waste of it will make you dwindle alike in intellec- tual and moral stature beyond your darkest reckon- ing. Gladstone. Never bear more than one kind of trouble at a time. Some people bear three all they have had, all they have now, and all they expect to have. Edward Everett Hale. Age is opportunity no less Than youth itself, though in another dress; And as the evening twilight fades away The sky is filled with stars invisible by day. Longfellow. If there is any person to whom you feel dislike, that is the person of whom you ought never to speak. R. Cecil. The great thing in the world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving. Oliver Wendell Holmes. In nature there is no blemish but the mind ; none can be called deformed but the unkind. Shakespeare. Thoughts II *You never can tell what your thoughts will do, In bringing you hate or love ; For thoughts are things, and their airy wings Are swifter than carrier doves. They follow the law of the universe, Each thing must create its kind ; And they speed o'er the track to bring you back Whatever went out from your mind." 12 Thoughts Do the duty which lies nearest thee, which thou knowest to be a duty. Thy second duty will already have become clearer. ^Carlyle. We need a revival of the individual. The question is not, What are they doing? ^but. What am I doing? Not, Why do you not do this, that, or the other? but, Why am not I doing this, that, or the other ? Jenkin Lloyd Jones. That man is blessed who every day is permitted to behold anything so pure and serene as the western sky at sunset, while revolutions vex the world. Henry D. Thoreau. There's life alone in duty done. And rest alone in striving. ^Whittier. It is a matter of economy to be happy, to view life and all its conditions from the brightest angle; it en- ables one to seize life at its very best. It expands the soul. --H. W. Dresser, To educate the heart, one must be willing to go out of himself, and to come into loving contact with others. James Freeman Clarke. Associate reverently, and as much as you can, with your loftiest thought. ^Henry D, Thoreau. Thoughts 13 This question then is ours ^are we doing our part in the growth of the race? In the current of Hfe are we moving forward? Do our years mark milestones in humanity's struggle towards perfection? Is the God within us so much more unrolled, when our de- velopment has reached its highest point? Can we transmit to our children a better heritage of brain and soul than our fathers left to us ? Has the race through us gained some little in the direction of the law of love? If we have done our part in this struggle our lives have not been in vain. ^David Starr Jordan, 14 Thoughts Virgil said of the winning crew in his boat-race, "They can, because they believe they can." Let us be of good cheer, remembering that the mis- fortunes hardest to beai are those which never come. Lowell, To be wise we must first learn to be happy: for those who can finally issue forth from self by the por- tal of happiness, know infinitely wider freedom than those who pass through the gate of sadness. Maurice Materlinck, When we humor our weaknesses they force them- selves continually upon our attention, like spoiled chil- dren. When we assert our mastery of ourselves and compel its recognition, we stand secure in our sov- ereign rights. Chas, B, Newcomb. Put away all sarcasm from your speech. Never complain. Do not prophesy evil. Have a good word for everyone, or else keep silent. Henry Ward Beecher. Boys flying kites haul in their white winged birds. You can't do that way when you're flying words. Thoughts unexpressed may sometimes fall back dead. But God himself can't stop them when they're said. Will Carleton. Thoughts 15 Mould conditions aright, and men will grow good *0 fit them. Horace Fletcher, Pride Is littleness; he who feels contempt For any living thing hath faculties Which he has never used. ^Wordsworth. Treat your friends for what you know them to be. Regard no surfaces. Consider not what they did, but what they intended. Henry D. Thoreau. Small kindnesses, small courtesies, small considera- tions, habitually practiced in our social intercourse, give a greater charm to the character than the display of great talent and accomplishments. Kelty. I believe that the mind can be profaned by the habit of attending to trivial things, so that all our thoughts shall be tinged with triviality. Henry D. Thoreau. I Don*t hang a dismal picture on the wall, and do not daub with sables and glooms in your conversation. Don*t be a cynic and disconsolate preacher. Emerson. No good thing is failure and no evil thing success. W. C. Gannett's favorite proverb. i6 Thoughts iWisdom is knowing what to do next ; Skill is knowing how to do it, and Virtue is doing it. David Starr Jordan. Always laugh when you can ; it is a cheap medicine. Merriment is a philosophy not well understood. It is the sunny side of existence. --Byron. If we are not responsible for the thoughts that pass our doors, we are at least responsible for those we ad- mit and entertain. Charles B. Newcontb. Not for the crying, Not for the loud beseeching Will peace draw near. Rest with palms folded. Rest with thine eyelids fallen, Lo! peace is here. ^. R, Sill Would you remain always young, and would you carry all joy and buoyancy of youth into your maturer years? Then have care concerning but one thing how you live in your thought world. R. W, Trine. Thoughts \^ Lord, for to-morrow and its needs I do not pray, Help me from stain of sin Just for to-day. Let me both diligently work And duly pray, Let me be kind in word and deed Just for to-day. Let me be slow to do my will, Prompt to obey, Help me to sacrifice myself Just for to-day. Let me no wrong or idle word Unthinking say. Put Thou Thy seal upon my lips Just for to-day. So for to-morrow and its needs I do not pray. But keep me, guide me, hold me, Lord, Just for to-day. Canon Farrar. i8 Thoughts To live in love is to live an everlasting youth. Who- ever enters old age by this royal road will find the last of life to be the very best of life. Instead of finding himself descending the hills of life, he will find it up-hill all the way, into clearer air. There the vision reaches further ; here the sunsets are more gol- den and the twilight lasts longer. Mrs. Mary A. Livermore. Thoughts 19 Those who live on the mountain have a longer day than those who live in the valley. Sometimes all we need to brighten our day is to rise a little higher. Rev, S. J. Barrows. Good luck is the willing handmaid of upright, en- ergetic character, and conscientious observance of duty. James Russell Lowell. The highest compact we can make with our fellow is, let there be truth between us two forevermore. Emerson. Unfaithfulness in the keeping of an appointment is an act of clear dishonesty. .You may as well borrow a person's money as his time. ^Horace Mann, All service ranks the same with God There is no last nor first. Browning. Logic makes only one demand, that of conscience. But life makes a thousand. The body wants health; the imagination cries out for beauty; and the heart for love. Pride asks for consideration; the soul yearns for peace; the conscience for holiness; our whole being is athirst for happiness and for perfec- tion. -^Amiel. 20 Thoughts What if it does look like rain, it is fine now ! William Smith, Was there ever a wiser or more loving conspiracy than that which keeps the venerable figure of Santa Claus from slipping away, with all the other old-time myths, into the forsaken wonderland of the past? Hamilton Wright Mabie. Mankind are always happier for having been happy. So that if you make them happy now, you make them happy twenty years hence by the memory of it. Sydney Smith. Never fancy you could be something if only you had a different lot and sphere assigned you. The very things that you most deprecate, as fatal limitations or obstructions, are probably what you most want. What you call hindrances, obstacles, discouragements, are probably God's opportunities. Horace Bushneli Who may not strive, may yet fulfil The harder task of standing still. And good but wished, with God is done. Whittier. Happiness and the sense of victory are only for those who live for conscience and duty and the soul's higher ideals. Newell Dwight Hillis. Thoughts 21 "Try this for one day: Think as though your thoughts were visible to all about you." 22 Thoughts The world turns aside to let any man pass who knows whither he is going. David Starr Jordan. Beware lest thy friend learn to tolerate one frailty of thine, and so an obstacle be raised to the progress of thy love. ^Thoreau. As soon as a stranger is introduced into any com- pany, one of the first questions which all wish to have answered, is, How does that man get his living? And with reason; every man is a consumer, and ought to be a producer. He fails to make his place good in the world unless he not only pays his debts but also adds something to the common wealth. Emerson. All impatience disturbs the circulation, scatters force, makes concentration difficult if not impossible. C. B. Newcomh, When the sun of joy is hidden And the sky is overcast. Just remember light is coming And a storm can never last. /. B. Smiley. There is no music in a rest, that I know of, but there is the making of music in it. ^"Ruskin. Thoughts 23 Our lives are songs; God writes the words, And we set them to music at leisure : And the song is sad, or the song is glad As we choose to fashion the measure. We must write the song, Whatever the words, Whatever its rhyme, or meter ; And if it is sad, we must make it glad. And if sweet, we must make it sweeter. Gibbon. For what you find in these sweet days. Depends on how you go about it ; A glad heart helps poor eyes to see, What brightest eyes can't see without it. One child sees sunlit air and sky And bursting leaf buds, round and ruddy ; Another looks at his own feet, And only sees that it is muddy ! ^Henrietta R. Eliot, 24 Thoughts The work of the world is done by few ; God asks that a part be done by you. Sarah K, Bolton. This nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. Abraham Lincoln. We are haunted by an ideal life, and it is because we have within us the beginning and the possibility of it. Phillips Brooks. Earth's crammed with heaven. And every common bush afire with God. E. B. Browning. Thoughts are forces: through their instrumentality we have in our grasp, and as our rightful heritage, the power of making life and all its manifold condi- tions exactly what we will. R- W. Trine. People seem not to see that their opinion of the world is also a confession of character. Emerson, 09 "S * sJl jg|g HORATIO STEBBINS ^ m "yHE understanding is the z'estibule of m the mind! Uncover thy head, and M enter the temple of the soul! behold the power, the beauty, and the love! If we liad nothing but understanding, how little should we know or think or feel! 24 Thoughts 25 Blessed are the Happiness Makers. Blessed are they who know how to shine on one's gloom with their cheer. Henry Ward Bcecher. The time will come when the civilized man will feel that the rights of every living creature on the earth are as sacred as his own. Anything short of this can- not be perfect civilization. ^David Starr Jordan, Search thine own heart. What paineth thee In others, in thyself may be; All dust is frail, all flesh is weak ; Be thou the true man thou dost seek. Whittier, Beware of despairing about yourself. 5"^ Augustine, If you were born to honor, show it now : If put upon you, make the judgment good That thought you worthy of it. Shakespeare, Then a voice within his breast Whispered, audible and clear : "Do thy duty ; that is best ; Leave unto the Lord the rest !" Longfellow, 26 Thoughts "There are loyal hearts, there are spirits brave. There are souls that are pure and true ; Then give to the world the best you have. And the best will come to you. Give love, and love to your heart will flow, A strength in your utmost need ; Have faith, and a score of hearts will show Their faith in your word and deed." Thoughts 27 Fortune will call at the smiling gate. Japanese Proverb. "Talk health ; the dreary never-ending tale Of mortal maladies is worn and stale. You cannot charm or interest or please By harping on that minor chord, disease. Say you are well, or all is well with you And God shall hear your words and make them true.*' Whenever you are angry, be assured that it is not only a present evil, but that you have increased a habit. Epictetus. How true it is that what we really see day by day depends less on the objects and scenes before our eyes than on the eyes themselves and the minds and hearts that use them. ^F. D. Huntington. You have not fulfilled every duty, unless you have fulfilled that of being pleasant. Charles Buxton. If I am not for myself who will be for me? But if I am for myself alone what am I ? If not now ^when ? ^Hillel 28 Thoughts I asked the New Year for some motto sweet. Some rule of life by which to guide my feet ; I asked and paused. It answered, soft and low : "God's will to know." "Will knowledge then suffice, New Year?" I cried; But ere the question into silence died, The answer came : "Nay ; this remember, too, God's will to do." "To know; to do; can this be all we give To Him in Whom we are, and move and live ? No more. New Year ?" "This, too, must be your care : God's will to bear." Once more I asked : "Is there still more to tell ?" And once again the answer sweetly fell ; "Yea, this one thing, all other things above, God's will to love." 7. M. C. Bouchard, S. I, Thoughts 29 Shun idleness, it is the rust that attaches itself to the most brilliant metals. Voltaire. Fe'w men suspect how much mere talk fritters away spiritual energy ^that which should be spent in action, spends itself in words. Hence he who restrains that love of talk lays up a fund of spiritual strength. F. W. Robertson. Truthfulness is the foundation of all personal ex- cellence. It exhibits itself in conduct. It is recti- tude, truth in action, and shines through every word and deed. Samuel Smiles. The cry of the age is more for fraternity than for charity. If one exists, the other will follow, or better still, will not be needed. Dr. Henry D. Chapin. There is philosophy as well as philanthropy in the keeping in touch with all sweetness and love, in the being swift to be kind. This is living on the spiritual plane, and spirituality is power. Lilian Whiting. Manners are the happy ways of doing things. If they are superficial, so are the dewdrops, which give such a depth to the morning meadow?, Emerson. Being all fashioned of the self -same dust. Let us be merciful as well as just. Longfellow. 30 Thoughts "The man who never makes mistakes loses a great many chances to learn something." Why should a true and sincere appreciation be termed flattery, and degraded to the level of insincere praise? Why should an individual be accused of act- ing from base and selfish policy because he feels the glow and warmth of social response ? The World Beautiful, Lilian Whiting. Our power over others lies not so much in the amount of thought within us as in the power of bring- ing it out. W. E. Channing. Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other's eyes for an instant? Thoreau. Why should we wear black for the guests of God ? Ruskin. I always seek the good that is in people and leave the bad to Him who made mankind and knows how, to round off the corners. -Goethe's Mother. I am not concerned that I have no place, I am concerned how I may fit myself for one. I am not concerned that I am not known, I seek to be worthy to be known. Confucius. Thoughts 31 The sunrise never failed us yet. ^^elia Thaxter. Don't bewail and bemoan. Omit the negative prop- ositions. Nerve us with incessant affirmations. Don't waste yourself in rejection, nor bark against the bad, but chant the beauty of the good. ^Emerson, How the sting of poverty, or small means, is gone when one keeps house for one's own comfort, and not for the comfort of one's neighbors. . Dinah Maria Muloch, Culture is not an accident of birth, although our surroundings advance or retard it ; it is always a matter of individual education. ^Hamilton W. Mahie. No man need hunt for his mission. His mission comes to him. It is not above, it is not below, it is not far not to make happy human faces now and then among the children of misery, but to keep happy human faces about us all the time. /. F. W. Ware. God's best gift to us is not things, but opportunities. Alice W. Rollins. Whoever will prosper in any line of life must save his own time and do his own thinking. He must spend neither time nor money which he has not earned. David Starr Jordan. 32 Thoughts I pray you, O excellent wife, not to cumber your- self and me to get a rich dinner for this man or this woman who has alighted at our gate, nor a bed-cham- ber made ready at too great a cost. These things they can get for a dollar at any village. But let this stranger, if he will, in your looks, in your ac- cent, and behavior, read your heart and earnestness, your thought and will, which he cannot buy at any price in any village or city, and which he may well travel fifty miles and dine sparely and sleep hard in order to behold. Certainly, let the board be spread and let the bed be dressed for the traveler ; but let not the emphasis of hospitality lie in these things. Honor to the house where they are simple to the verge of hardship, so that there the intellect is awake and reads the laws of the Universe^ Emerson. JOHN VANCE CHENEY T HE happiest heart that ever heat Was in some quiet breast, That found the common daylight sweet. And left to heaven the rest. Thoughts 33 'The secret of the joy of hving is the proper appre- ciation of what we actually possess." So then believe that every bird that sings, And every flower that stars the elastic sod, And every thought the happy summer brings To the pure spirit is a word of God. Coleridge. Thrust an Emerson into any Concord, and his pun- gent presence will penetrate the entire region. Soon all who come within the radius of his life respond to his presence as flowers and trees respond with boughs, brilliant and fragrant, to the sunshine. After a little, each Emerson stands girt about with Hawthomes, Whittiers, Holmeses and Lowells. Newell Dwight Hillis. Make it your habit not to be critical about small things. Edward Everett Hale. The nobler life is just as possible to hs all as that which is ignoble. The moment one will assert his freedom from petty cares, perplexities, troubles, and anxieties, that moment they fall off of themselves. A Study of Mrs. Browning, Lilian Whiting. He approaches nearest to the gods who knows how to be silent even though he knows he is in the right. Cato. 34 Thoughts Ah! let us hope that to our praise Good God not only reckons The moments when we tread His ways. But when the spirit beckons That some slight good is also wrought Beyond self-satisfaction, When we are simply good in thought, Howe'er we fail in action. Lowell Thoughts 35 We need only obey. There is guidance for each of us, and by lowly listening, we shall hear the right word. Emerson. When a man has not a good reason for doing a thing, he has one reason for letting it alone. Sir Walter Scott. Pure religion as taught by Jesus Christ is a life, a growth, a divine spirit within, coming out in love and sympathy and helpfulness to our fellow-men. Dr. H. W. Thomas. Be sure of the foundation of your life. Know why you live as you do. Be ready to give a reason for it. Do not, in such a matter as life, build on opinion or custom, or what you guess is true. Make it a mat- ter of certainty and science. Thomas Starr King. Nothing raises the price of a blessing like its re- moval; whereas, it was its continuance which should have taught us its value. Hannah More. The soul occupied with great ideas, best performs small duties. lames Martineau. 36 Thou g h t s Christianity wants nothing so much in the world as sunny people, and the old are hungrier for love than for bread. The Oil of Joy is very cheap, and if you can help the poor with a Garment of Praise, it will be better for them than blankets. Drummond. You will find it less easy to uproot faults than to choke them by gaining virtues. Do not think of your faults, still less of others' faults. In every person who comes near you look for what is good and strong ; honor that; rejoice in it; and as you can, try to imi- tate it ; and your faults will drop off like dead leaves, when their time comes. Ruskin. When you hold persistently to the successful mental state, you become a magnet drawing other people to aid you as you in return can aid them. But if you are much of the time despondent and gloomy, you be- come the negative magnet driving the best from you. Prentice Mulford, There are two days about which nobody should ever worry, and these are yesterday and to-morrow. Robert J. Burdette. A child, however educated, is still untaught if by his teaching we have not emphasized his individual character, if we have not strengthened his will and its guide and guardian, the mind. David Starr Jordan. Thoughts 37 "I am only a child who is lying On the bosom of Infinite Love. I speak not of living or dying ; I know not of sorrow or crying ; My thoughts are dwelling above. 'The spring of the life that is flowing Is hidden with Christ in God. Not yet the mystery knowing, I feel that the peace is growing, As a river grows deep and broad. "All I need without price I am buying By my trust in the Goodness above. There's an end to my yearning and sighing. For just like a child I am lying On the bosom of Infinite Love." 38 Thoughts The optimist, by his superior wisdom and insight, is making his own heaven, and in the degree that he makes his own heaven, is he helping to make one for all the world beside. R. W. Trine, Do not let your head run upon that which is none of your own, but pick out some of the best of your circumstances, and consider how eagerly you would wish for them, were they not in your possession. Marcus Aurelius. Insist on your self ; never imitate. There is at this moment for you an utterance brave and grand as that of the colossal chisel of Phidias, or the pen of Moses or Dante, but different from these. If you can hear what these patriarchs say, surely you can reply to them in the same pitch of voice. Emerson. Just because there's fallen A snow-flake on his forehead. He must go and fancy 'Tis winter all the year ! Aldrkh. How poor they are that have not patience. Shakespeare. O God, animate us to cheerfulness ! May we have a joyful sense of our blessings, learn to look on the bright circumstances of our lot, and maintain a perpet- ual contentedness. JF. E. Channing. Thoughts 39 Thy love shall chant its own beatitudes After its own self-working. A child's kiss Set on the sighing lips shall make thee glad ; A poor man served by thee shall make thee rich ; A sick man helped by thee shall make thee strong ; Thou shalt be served thyself by every sense Of service which thou renderest. E. B. Browning. "Then take this honey for the bitterest cup ; There is no failure, save in giving up ; No real fall so long as one still tries. For seeming setbacks make the strong man wise. There's no defeat, in truth, save from within ; Unless you're beaten there, you're bound to win." A crowd of troubles passed him by As he with courage waited ; He said, "Where do you troubles fly When you are thus belated ?'* "We go," they say, "to those who mope. Who look on life dejected. Who weakly say 'good-bye* to hope. We go where we're expected." Francis J. Allison. 40 Thoughts "Bring me men to match my mountains. Bring me men to match my plains ; Men with empires in their purpose And new eras in their brains." "Who will remember that skies are gray If he carries a happy heart all day?" A man is specially and divinely fortunate, not when his conditions are easy, but when they evoke the very best that is in him ; when they provoke him to noble- ness, and sting him to strength, when they clear his vision, kindle his enthusiasm and inspire his will. Hamilton Wright Mahie. The deeper the feeling the less demonstrative will be the expression of it. Balzac. The most I can do for my friend is simply to be his friend. If he knows I am happy in loving him, he will want no other reward. H. D. Thoreau. "Live blameless ; God is near." Inscribed over the door of the house of Linnaeus, at Hanv- merhy, Sweden. It is always good to know, if only in passing, charm- ing human beings. It refreshes one like flowers and woods and clear brooks. George Eliot. pfo^ Jw^-^ / PRAY thee, then. Write me as one who loves his fellow men. 40 Thoughts 41 Do not discharge in haste the arrow which can never return: it is easy to destroy happiness; most difficult to restore it. ^Herder. Disappointment should always be taken as a stim- ulant, and never viewed as a discouragement. C. B. Newcomb, In all the crowded Universe There is but one stupendous word : Love. There is no tree that rears its crest, No fern or flower that cleaves the sod Nor bird that sings above its nest. But tries to speak this word of God. -^/. G. Holland. He who has a thousand friends has not one friend to spare. And he who has one enemy shall meet him everywhere. From the Arabic. It IS a great folly not to part with your own faults, which IS possible, but to try instead to escape from other people's faults, which is impossible. Marcus Aureliuc. "To persuade one soul to lead a better life is to leave the world better than you found it." 42 Thoughts If you intend to be happy, don't be foolish enough to wait for a just cause. Chap-Book. Thoughts 43 Don't borrow a creed from other people, Nior hang most faith on the stoutest steeple. Look up for your law, but oh ! look higher Than the hands on any human spire. If ten think alike, and you think alone. That never proves 'tis ten to one They are nght, you wrong ; for truth, you see. Is not a thing of majority. It never can make you false, them true. That there's more of them than there is of you : If your touch is on Truth's garment's hem. There is more of you than a world of them. 'Tis not alone in the Orient region That a certain hero's name is Legion. Nor was it only for once to be That the whole herd together ran down to the sea. Your zenith for no man else is true : Your beam from the sun comes alone to you. And the thought the great God gave your brain Is your own for the world, or the world's in vain. Edward Rowland Sill. 44 Thoughts Discontent is want of self-reliance : it is infirmity of will. Emerson. "He that brings sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from himself." Give us, oh, give us, the man who sings at his work ! Be his occupation what it may, he is equal to any of those who follow the same pursuit in silent suUen- ness. He does more in the same time he will do it better ^he will persevere longer. ^Carlyle. Set about what thou intendest to do : the beginning is half the battle. Casar. By the street of By-and-By, one arrives at the house of Never. ^Cervantes, No wind serves him who has no destined port. Montaigne. Be sure you give men the best of your wares though they be poor enough; and the gods will help you to lay by a better store for the future. Henry D. Thoreau. Reading is indeed to the mind as food is to the body the material of which its fibre is made. It is surprising to note the difference in the quality of mental thought which even one-half hour's good read- ing each day will make. ^Lilian Whiting. Thoughts 45 Men are four: He who knows, and knows he knows, He is wise follow him. He who knows, and knows not he knows, He is asleep wake him : He who knows not, and knows not he knows not, He is a fool shun him. He who knows not, and knows he knows not, He is a child teach him. Arabian Proverb, 46 Thoughts Cherish ideals as the traveler cherishes the north star, and keep the guiding light pure and bright and high above the horizon. ^Newell Dwight Hillis. The days come and go like muffled and veiled fig- ures sent from a distant friendly party; but they say nothing, and if we do not use the gifts they bring, they carry them as silently away. ^Emerson, 'Tis not in seeking, 'Tis not in endless striving. Thy quest is found. Be still and listen. Be still and drink the quiet Of all around. . r. Sill To keep one's foot firmly set in the way that leads upwards, however dark and thorny it may be at the moment, is to conquer. The World Beautiful, Lilian Whiting. And daily, hourly, loving and giving In the poorest life makes heavenly living. Rose Terry Cooke. To love is the great glory, the last culture, the highest happiness ; to be loved is little in comparison. The Story of William and Lucy Smith, George S. Meriman. Thoughts 47 To persevere in one's duty, and to be silent, is the best answer to calumny. Washington. I have lived to know that the secret of happiness is never to allow your energies to stagnate. Adam Clarke. Entertaining is the finest of all the fine arts, and it cannot be done by proxy. It cannot be done by the cook, nor yet by the decorator. Let the hostess give her guests her personal interest, her sympathetic com- prehension, and she will have then mastered the deli- cate and subtle art. Lilian Whiting. Read the best books first, or you may not have a chance to read them at all. Henry D. Thoreau. I am primarily engaged to myself to be a public serv- ant to all the gods, to demonstrate to all men that there is a good will and intelligence at the heart of things, and ever higher and yet higher leadings. Emerson. Be noble, and the nobleness that lies In other men, sleeping, but never dead. Will rise in majesty to meet thine own ; Then shalt thou see it gleam in many eyes, Then will pure light about thy way be shed. Lowell. 48 Thoughts Few causes age the body faster than wilful indo- lence and monotony of mind the mind, that very principle of physical youthfulness. James Lane Allen. "To speak wisely may not always be easy, but not to speak ill requires only silence/' If you have not slept, or if you have slept, or if you have a headache, or sciatica, or leprosy, or thunder stroke, I beseech you by all the angels to hold your peace, and not pollute the morning, to which all the housemates bring serene and pleasant thoughts, by corruptions and groans. Emerson. " 'Downward the path of life !' Oh, no ! Up, up, with patient steps, I go ; I watch the skies fast brightening there ; I breathe a sweeter, purer air." Happiness rarely is absent. It is we that know not of its presence. The greatest felicity avails us noth- ing if we know not that we are happy. Maurice Materlinck. There is no good in life but love ^but love ! What else looks good, is some shade flung from love ; L-ove gilds it, gives it worth. ---Robert Browning. ^^u^^ '^^a^z^c^&J^i^^^^. T HE great thing in the ivorld is not so much luhere ive stand, as in ivhat direction we are moving. 48 Thoughts 49 Instead of a gem, or even a flower, cast the gift of a lovely thought into the heart of a friend. Geo. Macdonald. 50 Thoughts Be satisfied with nothing but your best. Edward Rowland Sill. Do not think it wasted time to submit yourself to any influence that will bring upon you any noble feeling. Ruskin. Thank God every morning when you get up that you have something to do that day, which must be done whether you like it or not. Being forced to work, and forced to do your best, will breed in you . . . a hundred virtues which the idle never know. Charles Kingsley. Foresight is very wise, but foresorrow is very fool- ish ; and castles are, at any rate, better than dungeons in the air. 5'tr John Lubbock. It requires a sterner virtue than good nature to hold fast the truth, that it is nobler to be shabby and honest, than to do things handsomely in debt. Juliana H. Ewing. "Drop the subject when you cannot agree; there is no need to be bitter because you know you are right." It is not only a part of the wisdom of happiness, but it is absolutely essential to the conditions of any true work in the world, to so live that one may not be too greatly affected by the attitude of other people. A man's life is, after all, primarily between God and himself. --Lilian Whiting. Thoughts 51 Get your distaff ready, and God will send you flax. Mary A. Livermore's favorite proverb. The thoughts that come often unsought, and, as it were, drop into the mind, are commonly the most val- uable we have, and therefore should be secured, be- cause they seldom return again. Locke. The little worries that we meet each day May be as stumbling-blocks across our way. Or we may make them stepping-stones to be Of grace, O Lord, to Thee ! A. E. Hamilton. A man's own good breeding is the best security against other people's ill manners. Chesterfield. The best teacher of duties that still lie near to us, is the practice of those we see and have at hand. Carlyle. "The secret of a sweet and Christian life is learn- ing to live by the day. It is the long stretches that tire us." To one who is in the role of host there can be no more bitter rebuke than to have any guest or chance caller go out from the portals with the feeling that he is sorry he came that he is depressed rather than up- lifted. For all personal association, whether perma- nent or transient, whether prearranged or a matter of accidental contact, should leave behind it a lingering charm, a deeper sense of the loveliness of life. Lilian Whiting, 52 Thoughts One of the natural tendencies of the mortal mind is toward proselyting. The moment we believe some- thing to be true, we begin to try to convert others to our belief. We learn to say, with some degree of real- ization, "God worketh in me to will and to do of His good pleasure," but we quite forget that the same God is working equally in our brother "to will and to do." "I am the door," says the Christ within every man's own soul. Now you are trying to have your dear one enter in through your door. He must enter in through his own Christ, his own desire. H. Emilie Cady. Thoughts 53 You may not be able to leave your children a great inheritance, but day by day you may be weaving coats for them which they will wear through all eternity. T. L. Cuyler. He that cannot forgive others, breaks the bridge over which he must pass himself; for every man has need to be forgiven. ^Lord Herbert. We exhaust our strength in our impatience at our work, and the conditions that surround us. There is nothing that comes to us which we could not do easily with true adjustment, but we waste our forces in our worries. C. B. Newcomb. It seems as if heroes had done almost all for the world that they can do ; and not much more can come until common men awake and take their common tasks. I believe the common man's task is the hardest. Phillips Brooks. When we climb to heaven 'tis on the rounds of love to men. Whittier. When you find a person a little better than his word, a little more liberal than his promise, a little more than borne out in his statements by facts, a little larger in deed than in speech, you recognize a kind of elo- quence in that person's utterance not laid down in Blair or Campbell. Holmes. 54 Thoughts Young man! let the nobleness of your mind impel you to its improvement. You are too strong to be defeated, save by yourself. W. D. Howard. What we earnestly aspire to be, that in some sense we are. Anna Jameson. The mark of the man of the world is absence of pretension. He does not make a speech, he takes a low business tone, avoids all brag, promises not at all, performs much. He calls his employment by its low- est names, and so takes from evil tongues their sharp- est weapon. ^Emerson. "In judging others, weigh carefully the method against the motive. If the latter be pure, be patient and charitable, however different from your own the method may be." "Refuse to regard as. unfortunate the treatment you receive from others ; let it stimulate you to deal more justly with yourself and with them." The strength of affection is a proof not of the worthi- ness of the object, but of the largeness of the soul which loves. ~F. W. Robertson. Every flower is a hint of His beauty; every grain of wheat a token of His beneficence; every atom of dust, a revelation of His power. In and through all things He is attracting our regard. Fumess. Thoughts 55 One never speaks of himself except at a loss. Montaigne. It is easy in the world, to live after the world's opinion: it is easy in solitude, to live after our own. But the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of soli- tude. Emerson. If you knew the light That your soul casts in my sight. How I look to you For the good and true, The beauteous and the right. Robert Browning. Manners impress as they indicate real power. A man who is sure of his point, carries a broad and con- tented expression, which everybody reads. And you cannot rightly train one to an air and manner, except by making him the kind of man of whom that manner is the natural expression. Nature forever puts a pre- mium on reality. Emerson. Who looks to Heaven alone to save his soul May keep the path, but will not reach the goal : But he who walks in love may wander far, And God will bring him where the blessed are. Henry Van Dyke, 56 Thoughts 'If you and I just you and I Should laugh instead of worry ; If we should grow just you and I Kinder and sweeter hearted, Perhaps in some near by and by A good time might get started ; Then what a happy world 'twould be For you and me for you and me !" Let nothing disturb thee, Nothing affright thee; All things are passing; God never changeth; Patient endurance Attaineth to all things; Who God possesseth In nothing is wanting; Alone God sufficeth. Longfellow. ^e^ g^ W E spoils his house and thronvs his pains m m aivay Whoy as the sun -veers ^ builds his windoivs o\r^ For should be ivait^ the light, some time of day, fVould come and sit beside him in his door. S6 Thoughts 57 The world is full of judgment-days, and in every assembly that a man enters, in every action he at- tempts, he is gauged and stamped. A man passes for what he is worth. Emerson. Life is noble in proportion to the nobleness of faith ; it is successful in proportion to the fixedness of faith. Joseph Le Conte. We should tell ourselves once for all that it is the first duty of the soul to become as happy, complete, in- dependent, and great as lies in its power. Maurice Materlinck. "Cold and reserved natures should remember that though not infrequently flowers may be found be- neath the snow, it is chilly work to dig for them, and few care to take the trouble." Whenever we send out loving thought in generous profusion, every part of our environment echoes back a sweet benediction. Henry Wood. A good book, whether a novel or not, is one that leaves you farther on than when you took it up. If when you drop it, it drops you down in the same old spot, with no finer outlook, no clearer vision, no stim- ulated desires for that which is better and higher, it is in no sense a good book. Anna Warner. 58 Thoughts Silence is a great peacemaker. Longfellow. Each act of humble service is that divine touching of the ground which enables one to get the spring whereby he leaps to greater heights. R, W. Trine. Every noble life leaves the fibre of it interwoven forever in the works of the world. Ruskin. "It is no use running; to set out betimes is the main point." One ought never to speak of the faults of one's friends; it mutilates them. They can never be the same afterward. Willin^/>Zco^)-/dJ2.J24j2^ G RE AT poivers and natural gifts do not bring privileges to their possessors so much as they bring duties. 128 Thoughts 129 Let us then labor for an inward stillness, An inward stillness and an inward healing; That perfect silence where the lips and heart Are still, and we no longer entertain Our own imperfect thoughts and vain opinions. But God alone speaks in us, and we wait In singleness of heart that we may know His will, and in the silence of our own spirits, That we may do His will, and that only. Longfellow, 130 Thoughts Many persons might have attained to wisdom had they not assumed that they already possessed it. Seneca, Stagnation is death, whether it be physical or spir- itual. A pool cannot be pure and ^ sweet unless there is an outlet as well as an inlet. Unless you use for the service of others what God has already given you, you will find it a long weary road to Spiritual Understand- ing. H. Emilie Cady. Make friends with your trials, as though you were always to live together, and you will find that when you cease to take thought for your own deliverance, God will take thought for you. Frances de Sales. "God will never leave you without light enough to take one step. Don't stop walking till the light gives out." We ask for long life, but 'tis deep life, or grand mo- ments that signify. Let the measure of time be spir- itual, not mechanical. Emerson. If a man does not make new acquaintances as he ad- vances through life, he will soon find himself alone. A man, sir, should keep his friendships in constant re- pair, /v. Johnson. Thoughts 131 "Happiness does not depend on money or leisure, or society, or even on health ; it depends on our relation to those we love." Life without endeavor is like entering a jewel-mine and coming out with empty hands. Japanese Proverb, Accustom yourself to master and overcome things of difficulty; for if you observe the left hand for want of practice is insignificant and not adapted to general business ; yet it holds the bridle better than the right from constant use. Pliny. Almost every moment of the day the eye is receiv- ing impressions from outward objects, and instantly communicating these impressions to the soul. Thus the soul receives every day thousands of impressions, good or bad, according to the character of the objects presented. --Cardinal Gibbons, Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. Confucius. Nobody has any right to find life uninteresting or unrewarding who sees within the sphere of his own activity a wrong he can help to remedy, or within himself an evil he can hope to overcome. Charu H. Eliot. 132 Thoughts It is as amazing as it is sad, that we go about so largely burdening ourselves with strivings that are of no consequence, and miss the gladness and exhilara- tion of living. No life is successful until it is radiant. The King of Glory is always ready to come in. Why do we bar the way? We cannot all live in palaces; but we can all live in the Kingdom of Heaven, and the material luxuries of the one pale before the glow and thrill and exaltation of the other. The World Beautiful^ Lilian Whiting, "As I walked by myself I talked with myself, And myself said this unto me : Make friends with thyself. Be true to thyself, And thyself thy good angel shall be." The prosperity of a nation depends upon the health and morals of its citizens, and the health and morals of people depend mainly upon the food they eat and the houses they live in. The time has come when we must have a science of domestic economy, and it must be worked out in the homes of our educated women. A knowledge of the elements of chemistry and phy- sics must be applied to the daily living. Ellen Richards. Thoughts 133 *Tis looking downward makes one dizzy. Browning. Contact with nobler natures arouses the feelings of unused power and quickens the consciousness of re- sponsibility, Canon WestcoU, Diligence is the mother of good luck. Benjamin Franklin, "Diving and finding no pearl in the sea. Blame not the ocean, the fault is in thee." A partnership with God is motherhood. What strength, what purity, what self-control, . What love, what wisdom should belong to her Who helps God fashion an immortal soul ! Mary Wood Allen. No one but yourself can make your life beautiful, no one can be pure, honorable and loving for you. /. R. Miller. Ah, the key of our life, that passes all wards, opens all locks, Is not I will, but I must, I must, I must, and I do it. ^A. H. Clough. 134 Thoughts I beg you take courage: the brave soul can mend even disaster. ^Catherine of Russia. Opinions are often the very death of love. Love aright and you will come to think aright; and those who think aright, must think the same. In the mean- time, it matters nothing. The thing that does matter is that whereto we have attained. Geo. Macdondld. Would the face of nature be so serene and beautiful if man's destiny were not equally so ? Thoreau. Some men move through life as a band of music moves down the street, flinging out pleasure on every side through the air, to every one far and near that can listen. Henry Ward Beecher. Man is his own star ; and the soul that can Render an honest and an upright man. Commands all light, all influence, all fate ; Nothing to him falls early or too late. Our acts our angels are, or good or ill. Our fatal shadows that walk by us still. Beaumont and Fletcher, Thoughts 135 The nearer you come into relation with a person, the more necessary do tact and courtesy become. Holmes. What your heart thinks great is great. The soul's emphasis is always right. -Emerson, Courage, Sir, That makes a man or woman look their goodliest. Tennyson. For a woman to be wise and at the same time wom- anly, is to wield a tremendous influence which may be felt for good in the lives of generations to come. David Starr Jordan. We never know for what God is preparing us in his schools, for what work on earth, for what work in the hereafter. Our business is to do our work well in the present place, whatever that may be. Lyman Abbott, There is no unbelief : Whoever plants a seed beneath the sod. And waits to see it push away the clod. Trusts in God. Bulwer-Lytton, 136 Thoughts The world is such stuff as ideas are made of. Thought possesses all things. But the world is not unreal. It extends infinitely beyond our private con- sciousness, because it is the world of a universal mind. Josiah Royce. Thoughts 137 In Life's small things be resolute and great To keep thy muscles trained ; know'st thou when fate Thy measure takes ? or when she'll say to thee, "I find thee worthy, do this thing for me !" Emerson. To hold one's self in readiness for opportunity, to keep the serene, confident, hopeful, and joyful energy of mind, is to magnetize it, and draw privileges and power toward one. The concern is not whether op- portunity will present itself, but as to whether we will be ready for the opportunity. It comes not to doubt and denial and disbelief. It comes to sunny expecta- tion, eager purpose, and to noble and generous aspira- tion. --Lilian Whiting. Let not soft slumber close your eyes, Before you've recollected thrice The train of action through the day. Where have my feet chose out their way? What have I learnt, where'er I've been, From all I've heard, from all I've seen ? What know I more that's worth the knowing?^ What have I done that's worth the doing? Isaac Watts. 138 Thoughts If we neglect to exercise any talent, power, or qual- ity, it soon falls away from us. Henry Wood. Every moment of worry weakens the soul for its daily combat. Anna Robertson Brown. With aching hands and bleeding feet We dig and heap, lay stone on stone ; We bear the burden and the heat of the long day And wish 'twere done. Not till the hour of light return All we have built do we discern. Matthew Arnold. What a man is inwardly that to him will the world be outwardly: his mood aifects the very "quality of the day." Bradford Torrey. This is my youth its hopes and dreams How strange and shadowy it all seems, After these many years ! Turning the pages idly, so, I look with smiles upon the woe, Upon the joy, with tears! Aldrkh. Thoughts 139 It is in loving, not in being loved, The heart is blessed ; It is in giving, not in seeking gifts. We find our quest. Whatever be thy longing or thy need, That do thou give. So shalt thy soul be fed, and thou, indeed, Shalt truly live. M. E. Russell. The world is a looking glass. Wherein ourselves are shown, Kindness for . kindness, cheer for cheer. Coldness for gloom, repulse for fear, To every soul its own. We cannot change the world a whit. Only ourselves, who look in it. Susan Coolidge. I would say to all : use your gentlest voice at home. Watch it day by day, as a pearl of great price ; for it will be worth to you in days to come more than the best pearl hid in the sea. A kind voice is joy, like a lark's song, to a hearth at home. It is a light that sings as well as shines. Train it to sweet tones now, V and it will keep in tune through life. -~EHhu Burritt. I40 Thoughts In a world in which so many people wear the same clothes, live in the same house, eat the same dinner, and say the same things, blessed are the individuals who are not lost in the mob, who have their own thoughts, and live their own lives. Hamilton Wright Mabie. There are people who go about the world looking for slights and they are necessarily miserable, for they find them at every turn. Drummond. He who has a thousand rooms sleeps in but one. Japanese Proverb. Be happy, peaceful and satisfied just as you stand, having sufficient steadiness and independence to hold your own against the eddies and rapids about you. Apply practically that which you perceive spiritually. Accept your position as it is, and make the very best of it till it passes. Work with it, knowing that In- finite Wisdom is guiding you : and so cease all anxious thought, and rest. God's Light as It Came to Me. Aspire, break bounds ! I say. Endeavor to be good, and better still. And best I Robert Browning. Thoughts 141 CHRISTMAS DAY. Glory be to Thee in the highest heavens, O Thou God of our salvation. Thou hast proclaimed peace on earth and infinite good will to men. Unto us has been born a Guide and Deliverer. We hail the morning which commemorates His birth. We thank Thee that we may unite in the joyful commemoration which makes us one with millions of Thy children in all parts of the world. ^Altar at Home. Lift up yourselves to the great meaning of the day, and dare to think of your humanity as something so divinely precious that it is worthy of being an offering to God. Count it a privilege to make that offering as complete as possible, keeping nothing back, and then go out to the pleasures and duties of your life, having been born anew into His divinity, as He was born into our humanity on Christmas Day. Phillips Brooks. 142 Thoughts Then wisely weigh Our sorrow with our comfort. Shakespeare. There are two times in a man's life when he should not speculate ; when he can't afford it, and when he can. Mark Twain. A man may get to his journey's end by the light of a lantern, but he is less secure than the man who travels by daylight, and he loses the landscape. Hamilton Wright Mabie. As our ideal becomes loftier, so does it become more real ; and the nobler our soul, the less does it dread that it meet not a soul of its stature; for it must have drawn near unto truth, in whose neighborhood all things must take of its greatness. Maurice Materlinck. The importance of a home it is impossible to exag- gerate. What is liberty without it? What is educa- tion in schools without it ? The greatness of no nation can be secure that is not based upon a pure home life. Arnold Toynhee. Nay, if you come to that, best love of all Is God's ; then why not have God's love befall Myself? Robert Browning. Thoughts 143 Let nothing disturb thee, Nothing affright thee; All things are passing ; God never changeth ; Patient endurance Attaineth to all things; Who God possesseth In nothing is wanting ; Alone God sufficeth. Santa Teresa's Book Mark. When a beautiful soul harmonizes with a beautiful form, and the two are cast in one mould, that will be the fairest of sights to him who has the eye to con- template the vision. Plato. It is only to the finest natures that age gives an added beauty and distinction ; for the most persistent self has then worked its way to the surface, having modified the expression, and to some extent, the features, to its own likeness. Mathilde Blind. "God never loved me in so sweet a way before, 'Tis He alone who can such blessings send, And when His love would new expressions find. He brought thee to me, and He said, 'Behold a friend.' " 144 Thoughts "We can never see the sun rise by looking into the west." Give not thy tongue too great Hberty, lest it take thee a prisoner. A word unspoken is like the sword in the scabbard thine: if vented, thy sword is in an- other's hand. Quarks. Reputation is in itself only a farthing candle, of wavering and uncertain flame, and easily blown out; but it is the light by which the world looks for and finds merit. Lowell. The making of friends, who are real friends, is the best token we have of a man's success in life. Edward Everett Hale. "It was only a glad *Good-morning' As she passed along the way. But it spread the morning's glory Over the live long day." There is only one way to have good servants; that is, to be worthy of being well served. Only let it be remembered that "kindness" means, as with your child, so with your servant, not indulgence, but care. Ruskin. J^Z.,^^^^ /^-ec.i^^'s^i?^ ^^-^-^Sl. T: educate the hearty one must be iviUing to go out of himself and come into loving contact luitb others, 44 Thoughts 14] "Far out of sight, while sorrows still enfold us. Lies the fair country where our hearts abide : And of its bliss is naught more wondrous told us. Than these few words, *I shall be satisfied/ " ^'Though there come a million, Wise Saadi dwells alone." But it is a question as to whether Saadi is wise when he prefers to dwell alone. Living on earth, is it not one's duty to hear many voices that ring in its air? Is one's life for mere acquirement, or to show results and flower into influence and deed? The World Beautiful, Lilian Whiting. The mountain top must be reached no matter how many times we fall in reaching it. The fall is not counted, it does not register; the picking up and go- ing on counts in life. -i^lora Howard. Success in life is a matter not so much of talent or opportunity as of concentration and perseverance. Chas. W. Wendte. Be what thou seemest ; live thy creed. Hold up to earth the touch divine ; Be what thou prayest to be made ; Let the great Master's steps be thine. Horatio Bonar. 146 Thoughts To be honest, to be kind, to earn a little, and to spend a little less, to make upon the whole, a family happier for his presence, to renounce when that shall be neces- sary and not to be embittered, to keep a few friends, but these without capitulation ; above all, on the same condition, to keep friends with himself, here is a task for all a man has of fortitude and delicacy. Robert Louis Stevenson. Who is the honest man ? He that doth still and strongly good pursue. To God, his neighbor and himself most true, Whom neither force nor fawning can Unpin, or wrench from giving all their due. George Herbert. Take the Sunday with you through the week. And sweeten with it all the other days. Longfellow. God will not mock the hope he giveth. No love he prompts shall vainly plead. Whittier. God's goodness hath been great to thee ; Let never day or night unhallowed pass. But still remember what the Lord hath done. Shakespeare, Thoughts 147 Yet ere we part, one lesson I can leave you For every day ... Be good . . . Do noble things, not dream them, all day long : And so make life, death, and that vast forever One grand sweet song. Charles Kingsley. INDEX TO POEMS PAGQ A New Year Motto /. M. C. Bouchard. 28 Come Up Higher James G. Clarke 9 Good in Thought James Russell Lowell. 34 Infinite Love ^y My Soul and I Laura Barker. 82 Old Friends Gerald Massey. 117 Opportunity James Russell Lowell 1 13 Prayer Canon Farrar 17 Santa Teresa's Book Mark 143 The Mountain and the Squirrel Ralph Waldo Emerson 75 To Know and Do His Will. .Henry Wadsworth Long- fellow 129 Truth by Majority Edward Rowland Sill. 43 Wouldst Shape a Noble Life? Goethe. 67 You Can Never Tell What Your Thoughts Will Do 11 INDEX TO AUTHORS PAQB Abbott, Dr. Lyman 64 Alcott, Louise May 88 Aldrich, Thomas B 38, 138 Alger, Wm. R 127 Allen, James Lane ,. .48, 62 Allen, Mary Wood 133 Allison, Francis J 39 Amiel 19, 64, 99 Arabian, Proverb 45 Arabic, From the 41 Arnold, Edwin 118 Arnold, Matthew 138 Auerbach, Berthold 59 Augustine, St 25 Aurelius, Marcus 38, 41, 62, 74, 122 Bacon, Francis 60 Balzac, Honore de 40 Barker, Laura 82 Barnum, P. T 109 Barrows, Rev. S. J 19 Beaumont and Fletcher 134 Beecher, Henry Ward 14, 25, 59. 85, 134 Black, H , 76 Blinde, Mathilde I43 Bolton, Sarah K 24 Bonar, Horatio I45 Bourdillon, F. U 123 Index to Authors 151 Bovee , 5 Brooks, Phillips 24, 53, 59, 78, 91, 108, no, 121, 141 Browning, Elizabeth Barrett 24, 39, 69, 76, 91, in, 121 Browning, Robert 19, 48, 55, 73, 87, 89, 93, loi, 112 124, 142 Bulwer, Lord Lytton 99, 135 Burdette, Robert J 36 Burke, Edmund 119 Burritt, Elihu 139 Burroughs, John 126 Burton, Richard 69 Bushnell, Horace 20, 86 Buxton, Charlds 27^ 60, 64 Byron, George Gordon Noel, Lord 16, 66 Cady, H. Emilie 52, 76, 94, 130 Caesar 44 Carlton, Will 14 Carlyle, Thomas 12, 44, 51, 68, 81, 103, 120, 125 Caruth, M. H 65 Gary, Alice 86, 92 Catherine of Russia 134 Cato 33 Cecil, Robert 10 Cervantes, Saavedra, de 44 Chadwick, John White 120 Channing, W. E 30, 38, 88, 113, 109, 123 Chap-Book 42 Chapin, Henry D 29 Cheney, John Vance 79 Chesterfield, Philip D. S 51 Child, Lydia Maria 97 Chinese Proverb 68 Clarke, Adam 47 152 Index to Authors mBftmmmmamai PAGE Clarke, James Freeman 116 Clarke, James G 9 Cleveland, Rose E 64 Clough, A. H 133 Coleridge, Samuel T 33 Collyer, Robert 96 Colton, Walter 80 Confucius 30, 62, 131 Cooke, Rose Terry 46 Coolidge, Susan 139 Cowper, William 104 Craddock, Charles Egbert 127 Cuyler, T. L 53 Davy, Sir Humphrey 98 Dickens, Charles .94, 125 Dickinson, Emilie lOO Dresser, H. W 76,84,85,88,111,115,120 Drew 93 Drummond, Henry 77, 36, 66, 83, 88 Dryden, John 112 Eliot, Chas. H 127, 131 Eliot, George 40, 73, 127, loi, 102, 112, 125 Eliot, Henrietta R 23 Emerson, Ralph Waldo 15, 19, 22, 24, 29, 31, 32, 35, 38, 44, 46, 47, 48, 54, 55, 57, 66, 70, 71, 87, 93, 97, 98, 108. log, 114, 115, 120, 121, 122, 130, 135, 137. Epictetus 27, 61, 81 Ewing, Juliana H 50 Farrar, Canon 94, 120 Fletcher, Horace 15, 68 Foss, S. W 105 Index to Authors 153 PAGH Franklin, Benjamin 94, 121, 133 French, R. C 81 Frothingham, N. L 66 Furness 54 Gannett, W. C IS, 103 Gerhardt, Paulus 84 Gibbon, Edward 22 Gibbons, Cardinal 131 Gladstone, William Ewart 10 Gleim, J. W. L 73 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang 67, 78, 85 Goethe's Mother 3c Griggs, Edward Howard 128 Guerin, de, Eugenie 8; Hale, Edward Everett 10, 33, 81, 144 Hale, Sir Mathew 121 Hall, E. B Ill Hamilton, A. E 51 Hamilton, Gail 119 Harrison, Elizabeth 85 Hegeman, Mrs. A. B iii Herbert, George 71, 91, 146 Herbert, Lord Edward 53 Herder, von, Johann Gottfried 40 Higginson, Thomas Wentworth ^2y loi Hillel, Rabbi 2-7, 96 Hillis, Newell Dwight 20, ZZ* 58, 46, 84 Holland, J. G 41 Holmes, Oliver Wendell 10, 53, 92, 106, 135 Hosmer, F. L 98 Howard, Flora 145 Hov/ard, W. D 54 154 Index to Authors FAQB Howe, Julia Ward 99 Howells, William D 58, in Hughes, Thomas 106 Hugo, Victor 59, 68 Huntington, J. D 27 Jameson, Anna 54 Japanese Proverb 27, 131, 140 Johnson, Samuel .78, 80, 130 Jones, Jenkin Lloyd 12, 87 Jordan, David Starr 13, 16, 36, 22, 25, 31, 59, 73, 86, 102, 104, 126, 135. Jowett, Benjamin 98, 121 Keary, Annie 97 Kelty 15 Kempis, a, Thomas 114 King, Thomas Starr 35 Kingsley, Charles 50, 90, 147 Kipling, Rudyard 124 La Horke 126 Lavater, J. K loi, 128 Le Conte, Joseph 57 Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim 108 Lewis, Gertrude 61 Lincoln, Abraham 24, 119 Livermore, Mrs. Mary A 18, 51 Locke, John 51 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth 10, 25, 56, 58, 64, 68, 70, 99, 127, 129, 146. Lowell, James Russell 14, 19, 34, 47, 64, 73, 80, 83, 84, 100, 113, 144. Lubbock, Sir John 50, 64, 100, 123, 126, 128 Index to Authors 155 PAOO Lyon, Mary 60 Mabie, Hamilton Wright 20, 31, 40, 61, 66, 71, 85, 87, 108, 112, 114, 124, 127, 140, 142. Macdonald, Geo 79, 49, 66, 114, 134 MacLaren, Ian ^^^ 90 Mann, Horace 19, 83 Markham, Edwin 65, 116 Martineau, James 35, 83, loi, 102 Mason, Caroline 60 Massey, Gerald 117 Materlinck, Maurice 14, 48, 61, 57, 116, 123, 142 McLean, Rev. J. K 88, 96 Meredith, George 64 Merriam, Geo. S 79, 46 Miller, J. R 62, 133 Milton, John 114 Montaigne, de, Michel Eyquem 44. 55, 80, 96 More, Hannah 35 Mulford, Prentice 36, 33,124 Muloch, Dinah Maria 31, 92 Newcomb, Charles B 14, 22, 41, 53, 59, 62, 98, 116, 126 Paulist Fathers 109 Parker, Theodore 103, 113 Peabody, Andrew Preston 70 Plato 94, 115, 143 Pliny 131 Plutarch 88 Purington, Lilian 71, 93 Quarles, Francis 144 Quincy, Josiah w 78 156 Index to Authors PAGE Raleigh Sir Walter 96 Ravignon, de ^7 Richards, Ellen 132 Richardson, Ellen A 104 Richardson, Nellie M 115 Riley, James Whitcomb 109 Robertson, F. W 29, 54 RolHns, Alice W 31 Rossetti, Christina 80 Royce, Josiah 136 Ruskin, John 7, 22, 30, 36, 50, 58, 65, 71, 83, 88, 93, 94, 115, 125, 144. Russell, M. E 139 Sala, George Augustus. 92 Sales, de, St. Francis 81, 103, 130 Savage, Minot T 90 Scott, Sir Walter 35 Seneca 81, 99, 106, 118, 130 Shakespeare, William. 10, 25, 38, 103, 104, 112, 142, 146 Sidney, Sir Philip 106 Sill, Edward Rowland 16, 46, 50, ^7 Smiles, Samuel 29, 66 Smiley, J. B 22 Smith, Mary Roberts 70 Smith, Sidney 30 Smith, William 20 Spaulding, Bishop 102 Spurgeon, Charles Haddon 125 Stevenson, Robert Louis 146 Story, William W 86 Taylor, Jeremy 92, 114 Tesla, Nikola 103 Index to Authors 157 FAQH Tennyson, Alfred 79, 119, 135 Thaxter, Celia 31 Thomas, H. W 35 Thoreau, Henry D 12, ^2, 22, 30, 40, 44, 47, 76, 93, 100, 106, 134. Torrey, Bradford 138 Toynbee, Arnold 142 Trine, R. W 16, 74 24, 38, 87, 123 Twain, Mark 146 Van Dyke, Henry 55 Virgil 58 Voltaire, de, Frangois Marie Arouet 29 Ward, Mrs. Thomas Humphrey 105 Ware, J. F. W 31 Warner, Anna 57 Washington, George 47, 96, 122 Watts, Isaac 137 Wendte, Charles W 145 Wescott, Canon 133 Whiting, Lilian 29, 30, ZZ, 44, 46, 47, 50, Si, 7i, 1^. 7Zy 74, 78, 84, 92, loi, 104, 105, 106, 108, 112, 114, 118, 122, 125. ^Z^, iZ7y 145. Whittier, John Greenleaf 20, 146, 53, 119 Wood, Henry 57, 63, 118, 138 Worcester, Alice E 63 Wordsworth, William 15, 59 Yoga, Raja : 68 Yong, Edward 108 Zimmermann, von, Johann Georg 78 \ RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO ^ 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Renewals and Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. Books may be Renewed by calling 642-3405. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW Sw^S^^J^Sm juioo-ios^ ClBCULMlONiiC RECEIVED JUL 5 SIRCULATIONDEI'T UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DD6 BERKELEY, CA 94720 U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARI 050883271