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OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES 1^12 >* x President CQ ^3 William Lyon Phelps Vke-Vresictent g Frederick Wells Williams Librarian Andrew Keogh m Assistant Librarian Aaron Augustus Vanderpoel Secretary Julian Cornell Biddle Treasurer Hewette Elwell Joyce -<> Board of Governors "William Lyon Phelps, chairman Alexander Humphrey Beard Robert Lincoln Campbell George Parmly Day Andrew Keogh William Siebert Lambie William Pitt McCune Alexander Campbell Tener Frederick Wells Williams House Committee William Pitt McCune, chairman Philip Skinner Platt Aaron Augustus Vanderpoel Committee on Admissions Chauncey Brewster Tinker, chair- man John Chester Adams Cyril Brown, clerks Harry Cushing Piper Allan Shelden Alexander Campbell Tener Entertainment Committee Edward Bliss Reed, chairman Wilbur Cortez Abbott Henry Seidel Canby Daniel Grant Tomlinson CONSTITUTION ARTICLE I Name and Location The name of this Club shall be The Elizabethan Club of Yale University, and it shall be located in the City and County of New Haven, and State of Connecticut. ARTICLE II Purpose The object of this Club shall be the promotion among its members and in the community of a larger appreciation of literature and of social inter- course founded upon such ap- preciation. Constitution ARTICLE III Officers and Committees The officers of this Club shall be : a President, a Vice-Presi- dent, a Librarian, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Board of Governors. There shall also be a House Committee, a Committee on Admissions, and an Entertain- ment Committee. ARTICLE IV President and Vice-President Section i. The President shall be elected for a term of two years, and shall be ineligible for re-election until at least a fur- ther two-year period shall have Constitution 9 elapsed. He shall be chosen from the so-called Graduate or Faculty members of this Club, and shall preside at all meetings of the Club and of the Board of Governors, of which body he shall be a member ex officio. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall preside at all meetings of the Club, and in the absence of both the meeting shall elect its presiding officer. In the absence of the President from a meeting of the Board of Gover- nors, that body shall elect its presiding officer. Section 2. The Vice-President shall be chosen from either the Graduate, Faculty, or Under- graduate members of the Club for a term of one year, and shall be eligible for re-election for a further one-year period only. io Constitution ARTICLE V Librarian Section i . The Librarian shall be appointed by the Boardof Gov- ernors after consultation with theLibrarian of Yale University, for two years, and shall be eligi- ble for reappointment. He shall be chosen from the Faculty or Graduate members or, in the discretion of the Board of Gov- ernors, from outside the mem- bership of the Club. In the latter case, he shall at the earliest possible date following his ap- pointment be elected a Faculty, Graduate, or Honorary Member, and in the last event shall be eligible to continue to hold the office of Librarian during the pleasure of the Board of Gover- Constitution 1 1 nors. He shall, under the direc- tion of the Board of Governors and under regulations made by them, have entire charge and control of the care and purchase of prints, pictures, works of art, books, periodicals, manuscripts, and newspapers, and shall with the co-operation of the officers and House Committee enforce the rules for the safeguarding and protection thereof. No pic- ture, work of art, or book shall be purchased or deposited in the Club House without the approval of the Librarian, and none shall be sold or removed from the Club House without his approval and the consent of the Board of Governors. The Librarian must be a resident of New Haven and shall preferably be connected with Yale University. 1 2 Constitution Section 2. The Librarian may with the approval of the Board of Governors appoint curators or assistants to help him in his work. ARTICLE VI Secretary The Secretary shall be chosen from the Undergraduate mem- bers of this Club for a term of one year. He shall give notice of all meetings of the Club for the transaction of business at least a week previous thereto, and shall be ex officio a member of the Committee on Admissions. He shall under the direction of the President conduct the corre- spondence of the Club. He shall notify persons elected to mem- bership of their election, keep a list of members of the Club, Constitution 1 3 and advise the Treasurer of the election of members. ARTICLE Vll Treasurer The Treasurer shall be chosen from the Undergraduate mem- bers of the Club for a term of one year, and shall be eligible for re-election. He shall collect any dues, assessments, fines, and house charges that may be im- posed by the Board of Gover- nors. ARTICLE VII Board of Governors Section i. The Board of Gov- ernors shall consist of the Presi- dent, the Vice-President, and six others, to be elected by ballot at each annual meeting of the 14 Constitution Club, two from the Faculty or Graduate members and four from the Undergraduates, to hold office for one year and until their successors are elected. This board shall have general charge of the affairs of the Club, and shall report to the Club at each annual meeting. Section 2. Directly after each annual meeting the Board of Governors shall elect from the Undergraduate members a Trea- surer. They shall also elect from the Graduate or Faculty mem- bers a Chairman of the House Committee, and these two, with the Chairman of the Committee on Admissions, shall thereafter ex officio be members of the Board of Governors; shall appoint from the Faculty or Graduate members or from outside the Constitutioti x s club membership a Librarian for two years,and shall appoint from the Undergraduate members of the Club the Secretary and two members of the House Com- mittee to serve one year. It shall also elect an Entertainment Com- mittee of five members. At least one member of each of the two committees above named shall be from the Faculty or Graduate members of the Club, and the others may be from the Under- graduate members. Section 3 . The Board of Gover- nors shall meet regularly directly after the annual meeting of the Club, during the third week of October in each year, and special meetings may be called by order of the President or of the House Committee. Five members shall constitute a quorum. 1 6 Constitution Section^. The Board of Gover- nors shall fill any vacancy in its number or among the officers or committees by the election of a member to hold office until the next annual election and until his successor is elected or appointed. Sections- The Board of Gover- nors shall have power to remit penalties for offences against the rules. Section 6. The Board of Gov- ernors may by vote offer the privileges of the Club, for such period as it may deem fitting, to any visitor in New Haven to whom in its opinion the hospi- tality of the Club may be ex- tended, but shall not offer the privileges of the Club to resi- dents of New Haven. Constitution 17 ARTICLE IX House Committee The House Committee,subject to the direction and control of the Board of Governors, shall have charge of the Club House, and shall appoint and dismiss employees, receive complaints, purchase furniture and supplies, and shall report to the Board of Governors to the end that the building and equipment may- be kept in good order and repair. ARTICLE X Committee on Admissions Election of Members Section 1. The Committee on Admissions shall consist of eight members to be elected by ballot (four from the Faculty or Gra- duate members and four from 1 8 Constitution the Undergraduate members) at each annual meeting of the Club, to hold office for one year and until their successors are elected, and the Secretary of the Club, who shall have no vote in the committee. Candidates for membership must be proposed and seconded by members of the Club, in writing, by letters addressed to the Committee on Admissions, which shall state the name, residence, and class, if undergraduate, and otherwise occupation of the candidate, and such other facts as will give the Committee on Admissions infor- mation concerning his qualifica- tions for membership in the Club. The names of candidates, with residence, class, or present occu- pation, together with the names of the proposer and seconder, Constitution 1 9 shall then be posted in the Club House for at least two weeks before any further action can be taken by the Committee on Admissions. The proceedings of this Committee shall be secret and confidential, and no candi- date for membership shall even be informed by the Committee or any member of the Club that his name is under consideration or has been proposed. Two negative ballots shall be sufficient to defer consideration of a candi- date's name until the next meet- ing of the Committee, but such postponement shall occur but once. No candidate shall be elected by less than four affirma- tive ballots. Section 2. No member of the Committee on Admissions shall propose or second any candidate 2o Constitution for membership. The Commit- tee on Admissions shall meet at least once a month, except in July, August, and September, and oftener if it shall be so voted. ARTICLE XI Entertainment Committee The Entertainment Commit- tee, subject to the direction of the Board of Governors, shall arrange for such social and literary meetings as will in their judgment best promote the in- terests and purposes of the Club. ARTICLE XII Afeetifws and Elections Section i . The Club shall meet annually for the election of officers and the transaction of other business, on the second Constitution 2 1 Monday in May of each year. The term of officers so elected shall begin with the first of June following. Section 2. The Board of Gov- ernors shall prior to each annual meeting of the Club appoint from the Club at large, and not from their own number, a nomi- nating committee of five, whose names shall be immediately posted. This nominating com- mittee shall nominate a ticket of candidates for the offices to be filled j but the Secretary shall, on the written request of ten members, post names of any other candidates when received by him. Section 3 . Special meetings of the Club may be called at any time by the Board of Governors, and shall be called by them upon 22 Constitution the written request of twenty- five members specifying the ob- ject of such meeting . A notice of each meeting, stating the object for which it is called, shall be posted in the Club House. Section 4. Thirty members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Club. ARTICLE XIII \lcmbrr.t Section 1. The membership of this Club shall be divided into Faculty, Graduate, and Under- graduate members, all possessing equal right of voting, with a fourth class to be known as Honorary members, possessing no voting power and ineligible for office, except as hereafter provided. Constitution 23 Section 2. Faculty members shall never exceed twenty in number and shall be chosen from professors, assistant professors, instructors, administrative offi- cers, and others in active service in Yale University, who are not graduates of Yale University. Upon the retirement of any Facultv member from active ser- vice in the University he shall forthwith cease to be a Faculty member of this Club and shall become instead an Honorary member thereof. Section 3. Graduate Members. Any person who shall have gra- duated from Yale College or from the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University shall be eligible for election as a Graduate mem- ber of this Club, whether or not he be connected with the Faculty 24 Constitution of Yale University. There shall not, however, be more than twenty Graduate members of this Club at any one time who are graduates of any one class of Yale College or the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale Univer- sity. Section 4. "Under graduate Mem- bers. Any person in the Senior, Junior, or Sophomore classes of Yale College and Senior or Junior classes of the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale Univer- sity shall be eligible for election as an Undergraduate member of this Club, provided, however, that there shall never be more than twenty members from any single class of Yale College or the Sheffield Scientific School in the Club membership at any one time. Not more than five mem- Constitution i? bers shall be chosen from any- single class of Yale College be- fore May of Sophomore year and not more than ten more before May of Junior year. Not more than fifteen members shall be chosen from any single class in the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University prior to May of Junior year. Upon the gradua- tion of Undergraduate mem- bers, or upon their leaving the University, they shall forthwith become Graduate members. No additional members from their class shall thereafter be elected to Graduate membership by the Committee on Admissions in any case without the approval of a majority of the former Under- graduate members of that class still living ; and in no case shall there be more than twenty mem- D 26 Constitution bers from such class in the Club membership at any one time. Section f. Honorary Members. In addition to Faculty members who may leave the active service in the University and may thus become Honorary members there may be elected other Honorary members of the Club, whether Yale Graduates or not, provided that there shall never be more than forty elected Honorary members in the Club member- ship at any one time, in distinc- tion from those transferred from any other list. Honorary mem- bers shall be ineligible for office, shall have no vote in meetings of the Club, and shall not serve upon any of the standing com- mittees mentioned, except that an Honorary member may hold the office of Librarian. Constitution 27 Section 6. Resignations of memberships shall be made in writing to the Secretary, and shall be acted upon by the Board of Governors, and accepted, provided all indebtedness to the Club shall have been discharged. Section 7. Any member may be censured, suspended, or ex- pelled, for cause, by a vote of three-fourths of the Board of Governors,after notice in writing of the time and place of the hearing and a copy of the charges preferred against him shall have been sent to him by registered mail at his address upon the Secretary's books, not less than ten days before the date of the proposed hearing, and an oppor- tunity then afforded to him to be heard before the Board of Governors. 28 Constitution ARTICLE XIV Amendments These by-laws may be amended by a vote of three- fourths of the members present or represented by proxy at a meeting of the Club regularly called and held ; but no proposed amendment shall be voted upon unless a copy thereof shall have been furnished to the Secretary at least four weeks before the meeting at which action is to be taken thereon. The Secretary shall thereupon cause the proposed amendment to be printed and posted in the Club House at least three weeks beforehand. FIRST AND OTHER RARE EDITIONS IN THE CLUB LIBRARY Appian. History of the Roman wars. 1578 History, tr. by J. Da vies. 1679 Appius and Virginia, by R. B. 15-75- Arrian. Alexander's expedition, tr. by John Rooke. 172.9 Bacon, Francis. Advancement of learn- ing. 1605 Essays. 1597 Essays. First complete edition. 1615 Bale, J. Chief promises of God. 1538 Barnes, B. The devil's charter. 1607 Beaumont and Fletcher. Comedies & Tragedies. 1647 Campion, T. Flowers. 1614 Carew, E. Mariam. 161 3 Carew, T. Coelum Britannicum. 1634. Carl ell, L. Heraclius. 1664. Cartwright,W. The royal slave. Oxford. 1639 30 Rare Editions in Chamberlain, R. The swaggering dam- sel. 164.0 Chapman, G. Caesar and Pompey. 163 1 Chabot, Admiral of France. 1639 The conspiracy and tra- gedy of Byron. 1608 Eastward Ho. 16b ^ The gentleman usher. 1606 May-day. 1611 The widow's tears. 161 1 Chettle, H. Hoffman. 163 1 Cicero. Old Age, tr. by T. Newton. Common conditions. [? 1576'] Contention between the two famous houses, Lancaster and York. 161 9 Courtier's calling. 1675" Davenant, Sir W. The cruel brother. 1630 ,, The platonic lovers. 1636 Davenport, R. New trick to cheat the devil. 1639 Day, J. Blind beggar of Bednal Green. 1659 Isle of Gulls. 1 63 3 Declaration of Lords & Commons, and ordinances for suppressing stage plays. 16 4.1 the Club Library 3 1 Dekker, T. Westward Ho. 1607 Whore of Babylon. 1607 Demosthenes. Orations, tr. by T. Wilson. 15-70 Fair Em. 1631 Fletcher, J. The bloody brother. 1639 The elder brother. 1637 Monsieur Thomas. 1639 The night walker. 1640 Rule a wife and have a wife. 1640 Thierry, king of France. \6i\ ,, Two noble kinsmen. 1634 The woman-hater. 1607 P. Sicelides a Piscatory. 163 1 Fancies chaste and noble. 1 63 8 The lover's melancholy, etc. 16x9 Perkin Warbeck. 1634. The sun's darling, [i6$6\ ? ] 'Tis pity she's a whore. 1633 Fulwell, U. Like will to like. 1587 Gascoigne, G. The glass of govern- ment. 1575" Gellius, A. The Attic nights, tr. by W. Beloe. 3 v. 179T Greene, T. A poet's vision. 1603 Harrington, Sir J. Epigrams. 1615 Herrick, R. Hesperides. 1648 Fletcher. Ford, J.' 59 j> 32 Rare Editions in Hey wood, J. Four P. [?i?43] Heywood, T. An apology for actors. 1611. The English traveller. 1633 The golden age. 161 1 If you know not me, you know nobody. i6o<$-c6 Pleasant dialogues and dramas. 1637 Holyday, B. Technogamia. 161 8 Homer. Iliad, tr. by G. Chapman. 1 5:5)8 Horace. Art of poetry, Englished by Ben Jonson. 164.0 Ingelend, T. The disobedient child. P1560] Jacob and Esau. 1 <$6% Jonson, B. Entertainment of King James. 1604. Volpone. 1 607 Works. 1 616-4.0 Jonsonus Virbius, or the memory of Ben Jonson revived. 1638 King and Queen's entertainment at Richmond. 1636 Knave in grain new vamped. 1640 Livy. Roman history, tr. by P. Holland. 1600 London Prodigal. 1605- Longinus. The sublime, tr. by W. Smith. the Club Library 33 Lyly, J. Endimion. 1^91 Sapho and Phao. iy^i Mabbe, J. The Spanish bawd. 163 1 Marlowe, C. Hero and Leander. i6ix Marmian, S. The antiquary. 164.1 Marston, J. What you will. 1607 Massinger, P. The emperor of the East. 1631 The fatal dowry. 1631 The great duke of Florence, \6-$6 The maid of honor. i6yz A new way to pay old debts. 1633 The picture. 1630 ,, The renegado. 1630 The unnatural combat. 1639 A game at chess. 16 z$ Michaelmas term. 1607 No wit, no help, like a woman's. 165 7 Two new plays. 1657 Your five gallants. 166 j Paradise lost. 16 6 7 Paradise regained & Samson Agonistes. 1671 More, Sir T. Utopia. 15- 5-1 Nabbes, T. Microcosmos. 1637 E Middleton, T. Milton, J. 34 Rare Editions in New custom. 15-75 Ovid. Metamorphoses, tr. by A. Golding. 1612 Pathomachia. 1630 Paynell, T. The conspiracy of Catiline. *v. 15:57 Peele, G. The love of King David and Fair Bethsabe. 1599 Phillip, J. Patient and meek Grisel. Philostratus. Life of Apollonius, tr. by C. Blount. 1680 Plautus. Comedies, tr. by B. Thornton. ? v. 1769-74 Pliny. History of the world, tr. by P. Holland. 2 v. 1601 Pliny the younger. Letters, tr. by John, EarlofOrley. 2 v. 175:1 Plutarch. Lives, tr. by T. North. 2 v. itfio-ia Morals, tr. by P. Holland. 1603 The Puritan. 1607 Queen's Majesty's passage through London. 155-8 Randolph, T. Poems. Oxford. 1638 Return from Parnassus. 1 606 Rowley, S. The noble soldier. 1634 Rowley, W. A new wonder, a woman never vexed. 1632 the Club Library 35- Rowley, W. The witch of Edmonton. 1658 Seneca. Tragedies, tr. by T. Newton. i?8i Works, tr. by T. Lodge. 1614 Shakespeare. Comedies, histories, and tragedies. Firstfolio. 1623 id folio. 167,1 g d folio. 1 st issue. 1662, 3d folio. 2d issue. 166^.