z z Us I PRICE LIST 24 3d Edition INDIANS of North America UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS Sold by the Superintendent of Documents Washington, D. C. DECEMBER, 1914 Price Lists of Government Publications The only publications sent free by the Superintendent of Documents are his Price Lists. Those now in active stock are published under these names and numbers: ~| f\ Laws of the United States of JL\J America. Describes all the different forms in which the Laws have been and are officially published. ~| ~l American Foods and Coolsiiig. J_JL " Uncle Sam's Cook Book." U. S. Geological Survey. The Sur- vey is a prolific publisher. ~l * Farmers' Bulletins and IT ear- -L\J books. This is the farmers' list. It is more in demand than any other. Engineering and Surveying. Coast and Geodetic Survey publications and Engineer Corps reports on rivers and harbors. "J Q The Army and tlie Organized JLi7 Militia. American military docu- ments, of which there are more than many peaceful citizens are aware. ork Public Domain. Relates to public ^" lands, conservation, irrigation, home- steading, etc. O~l Fishes of th e United States. The !-*- fishery industries as well as the fishes are considered. Indians of North America. His- tprical, ethnological, educational, and philological documents, with many illustrations. Land and Water Transportation. Doefl not include Interstate Commerce Commission publications, which are in list 59. Finances of the United States. The National Monetary Commission, the new financial legislation, the income tax, etc. O~| Education in the United States. t A Recent issues of bulletins are numerous and timely. OO Noncontiguous Territory. Re- **** lates to the Philippines, Hawaii, Porto Rico, Guam, Samoa, and the occupations of Cuba. OO Labor Questions. Titles relating to **** labor disputes, and plans to lighten the lot of wage workers. OI Geography and Explorations. W Reports on the early explorations as well as the later ones. Government Periodicals. More than 50 periodicals daily, weekly, and monthly. Tariff legislation. Theoldandthe new tariffs with incidental documents. Animal Industry. Describing the > domestic animals in health and disease. Includes dairy, poultry, and birds. Agricultural Chemistry. This is a branch of the Agriculture Department. Insect Pests and How to Fight Them. From the Entomology Bureau. Agricultural Experimentation. Nutrition, drainage, agricultural exten- sion, etc. 2D Of? OVJ orr t* f OQ ^<~> A "1 ** 43 44 Forest Service. Work of this exten- sive service is well covered. Plant Life. All economic plant growth. and its maladies and cures. Public Roads Office. Reports re- sults of extensive experimentation. Soils and Fertilizers. American soils have been surveyed, described, ana- lyzed, and classified. A ft "Weather Bureau Publications. *o:O Telling what is scientifically known about the weather. Congressional Records and othe? published proceedings of Congress. k American History and Biogrr- r phy. Many historical episodes have been described, and such descriptions are the material from which history is made. Health, Disease, and Sanitation. Chiefly issues of Public Health Service. Maps. Includes the United States and State maps published by the Land Office. Miscellaneous. Several important subjects are grouped in this list. Corpo- rations, immigration, referendum, liquor, and woman suffrage are among them. National Museum Publications. The Museum publications are all public documents and are on sale. Smithsonian Institution Re- ports. The General Appendix to the Report is a scientific miscellany that supplies an array of interesting titles. Astronomical Papers of the Naval Observatory. Includes pa- pers by Simon Newcomb and other astronomers of note. Mines and Mining. Mainly made up of issues of the Mines Bureau. Interstate Commerce Commis- sion Publications. Relate to trans- portation. Alaska Territory. Numerous publi- cations relating to the newest of the Ter- ritories. Panama Canal and the Canal Zone. From the inception of the idea to the present time. O Commerce and Manufactures. *->** Information about Central and South. America especially. The Navy and the Naval Re- serve. Official documents, new and old. Standards of Weights, Meas- ures, etc. Relate to the exact sciences. Foreign Relations of the United States. Mainly selections from diplo matic correspondence. TITLES AND PRICES AGRICULTURE. Demonstration farms [for Indians]. 1910. 4 pages. (Indian Bulletin 2.) Paper, 5c. I 20.3 : 2 Indian fairs. 1909. 6 pages. (Indian Bulletin 1.) Paper, 5c. 120.3:1 Progress in Indian farming. 1911. 5 pages. (Indian Bulletin 3.) Paper, 5c. I 20.3 : 3 ALGONQUIAN INDIANS. Bibliography of Algonquian languages; by J. C. Pilling. 1891. 614 pages, facsimiles. (Ethnology Bulletin 13.) Paper, 50c. SI 2.3: 13 Preliminary report on linguistic clnssification of Algonquin tribes; by Truman Michelson. (In 28th Ethnology Report, 1907, pages 221 to 2904- 290a and 290b, maps, large S) Cloth, $1.25. SI 2.1 : 907 ANCHOR STONES; by B. F. Snyder. (In Smithsonian Report, 1887, pages 683 to 688, illus.) Cloth, 65c. SI 1.1 : 887 Small grooved bowlders used by prehistoric American fishermen. ANNUITIES. Agreements concluded with certain Indian tribes for commutation of their perpetual annuities under treaty stipulations, with draft of bill provid- ing for ratification of said agreements, etc. 1910. 43 pages. (61st Cong., 2d sess., S. Doc. 358.) Paper, 5c. Capitalization of perpetual annuities due various Indian tribes under treaties made with them by United States. 1907. 3 pages. (60th Cong., 1st sess., S. Doc. 65.) Paper, 5c. Estimate of appropriation for capitalization of funds due certain Indian tribes. 1907. 3 pages. (60th Cong., 1st sess., H. Doc. 42.) Paper, 5c. ANTHROPOLOGY. Advent of man in America; by Armand de Quatrefages. (In Smithsonian Report, 1892, pages 513 to 520.) Paper, 60c; cloth, 70c. SI 1.1: 892 Ancient history of North America; by M. Much. (In Smithsonian Report, 1871, pages 425 to 433.) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 871 This paper discusses the origin of the Indian race. Anthropological studies in California; by W. H. Holmes. (In National Museum Report, 1900, pages 155 to 187, illus.) Cloth, $1.15. SI 3.1 : 900 Antiquity of red race in America ; by Thomas Wilson. ( In National Museum Report, 1895, pages 1039 to 1045.) Cloth, $1.40. SI 3.1 : 895 Certain characteristics pertaining to ancient man in Michigan. (In Smithsonian Report, 1875, pages 234 to 245, illus.) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 875 Problem in American anthropology; by F. W. Putnam. (In Smithsonian Report, 1899, pages 473 to 486.) Cloth, 95c. SI 1.1 : 899 On the investigation of the prehistoric races of America. Skeletal remains suggesting or attributed to early man in North America ; by Ales' HrdliCka. 1907. 113 pages, illus. (Ethnology Bulletin 33.) Paper, 20c. SI 2.3 : 33 Study of prehistoric anthropology; by Thomas Wilson. (In National Museum Report, 1888, pages 597 to 671, illus.) Cloth, $1.15. Includes account of Indian antiquities. SI 3.1 : 888 ' 3 4 PEICE LIST 24 3D EDITION APACHE INDIANS. Notes on " Tonto " Apaches. (In Smithsonian Report, 1867, pages 417 to 419.) Cloth, 70c. 811.1:867 Removal of Apache Indians from Fort Sill Military Reservation. Speech of A. B. Fall of N. Mex. in Senate, Feb. 25, 1913. (In Congressional Record, vol. 49, no. 70, pages 4220, 4221.) Paper, 14c. Report amending by substitute H. 16651, to grant freedom to certain Apache prisoners of war now being held at Fort Sill, Okla., and giving them equal status with other restricted Indians [etc.]. 1912. 9 pages. (62d Cong., 2d sess., H. Rept. 724.) Paper, 5c. These Apaches captured in 1886 were of Geronimo's band. APPROPRIATIONS. 1907. Report amending bill making appropriations for Indian Department 1907; with hearing. 143 pages. (59th Cong., 1st sess., S. Rept. 2561. Bound with other reports ; serial no. 4905. ) Sheep, $1.75. This report gives a variety of information concerning Indian conditions. 1909. Report amending bill making appropriations for Indian Department, fiscal year 1909. 41 pages. (60th Cong., 1st sess., S. Rept. 278.) Pa- per, 5c. 1909. Speech of Marcus A. Smith of Ariz, in House, Feb. 6, 1908. ( In Con- gressional Record of Feb. 25, vol. 42, no. 53, pages 2505 to 2508. ) Paper, 5c. An argument against taking Indian children from the reservations and sending them to distant eastern schools for education. 1913. Act making appropriations for current and contingent expenses of Bureau of Indian Affairs, for fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes, and for other purposes, for fiscal year ending June 30, 1913. Approved Aug. 24, 1912. (62d Cong., 2d sess. Public act 335.) Paper, 5c. S 7.5 : 62 s - 836 1914. Act making appropriations for current and contingent expenses of Bureau of Indian Affairs, for fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes, and for other purposes, for fiscal year ending June 30, 1914. Approved June 30, 1913. 30 pages. (63d Cong., 1st sess. Public act 4.) Paper, 5c. S 7.5 : 63 1 ' 4 1914. General debate in House, Jan. 7, 1913. (In Congressional Record, vol. 49, no. 21, pages 1147 to 1172.) Paper, 12c. On the survey and allotment of Indian lands, Indian schools, and other questions. 1914. General debate in House, Jan. 9, 1913. (In Congressional Record, vol. 49, no. 23, pages 1265 to 1291.) Paper, 8c. Discussion of Indian rights under treaties of 1868 and 1877. 1915. Act making appropriations for current and contingent -expenses of Bureau of Indian Affairs, for fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes, and for other purposes, for fiscal year ending June 30, 1915. Approved Aug. 1, 1914. 30 pages. (63d Cong., 2d sess. Public act 160.) Paper, 5c. S 7.5 : 63 2 - le 1915. Conference report. (In Congressional Record, vol. 51, no. 188, pages 13663 to 13669.) Paper, 8c. 1915. Debate in House, Feb. 20, 1914. (In Congressional Record, vol. 51, no. 56, pages 3959 to 3982.) Paper, 7c. Includes discussion of per capita distribution of the proceeds of sales of Indian lands and other property to Choctaw and Chickasaw tribes. 1915. Debate in House, July 29, 1914. (In Congressional Record, vol 51, no. 194, pages 14068 to 14077.) Paper, 8c. Discussion of the funds of the Five Civilized Tribes, the Mississippi Choctaws, and the Yakima Reservation. 1915. Debate in -Senate, June 16, 1914. (In Congressional Record, vol, 51, no. 156, pages 11482 to 11499.) Paper, 9c. Principally on the resurvey of Indian lands. Includes an article entitled "A man and his opportunity," being a re'sume' of the work and responsibilities of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. 1915. Debate in Senate, June 17, 1914. (In Congressional Record, vol. 51, no. 157, pages 11540 to 11553.) Paper, 7c. Includes a general discussion of various questions relating to Indians. INDIANS 5 APPROPRIATIONS Continued. 1915. Debate in Senate, June 18, 1914. (In Congressional Record, vol. 51, no. 158, pages 11589 to 11610.) Paper, 7c. Includes considerable discussion of an item providing $5,000 for the wife of a deputy special officer for the suppression of the liquor traffic who was killed on duty. 1915. Debate in Senate, June 20, 1914. (In Congressional Record, vol. 51, no. 160, pages 11727 to 11755.) Paper, lie. On enrollment of Choctaws in Mississippi and distribution of funds to them. 1915. Debate in Senate, June 22, 1914. (In Congressional Record, vol. 51, no. 162, pages 11817 to 11843. ) Paper, I3c. On irrigation of lands on Flathead and Blackfeet Indian reservations. 1915. Debate in Senate, June 23. 1914. (In Congressional Record, vol. 51, no. 163, pages 11915 to 11941.) Paper, 13c. On the Papago Indians of Arizona and the Mississippi Choctaws. 1915. Debate in Senate, June 24, 1914. (In Congressional Record, vol. 51, no. 164, pages 12015 to 12040.) Paper. lOc. Distribution of Choctaw funds to the Mississippi Choctaws. 1915. Debate in Senate, July 24, 1914. (In Congressional Record, vol. 51, no. 190, pages 13748 to 13763.) Paper, 9c. A discussion of irrigation on Indian lands. 1915. Indian appropriation bill, commissioner of Five Civilized Tribes and superintendent of Union Agency, Okla. Speech of Charles E. Townsend of Mich., in Senate, June 23, 1914. (In Congressional Record of June 24, vol. 51, no. 164, pages 12078 to 12085.) Paper, lOc. In favor of retaining above-named officials. Amendment submitted to strike from bill proposition to abolish commissioner of Five Civilized Tribes and superintendent of Union Agency, Okla., and to create a superintendent of Five Civilized Tribes. 1915. Kettner, William, of Cal., speech in House, July 27, 1914. (In Con- gressional Record, vol. 51, no. 197, pages 14303 and 14304.) Paper, 6c. In favor of an item in the appropriation bill providing for a bridge across the Colorado River near Topock. 1915. Report submitting H. 12579, making appropriations for Bureau of Indian Affairs, for fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes. 11 pages. (63d Cong., 2d sess., H. Rept. 199.) Paper, 5c. ARCHEOLOGY. Archreological and ethnological collections from vicinity of Santa Barbara, Cal., and from ruined pueblos of Arizona and New Mexico, and certain interior tribes, by F. W. Putnam ; with appendix of Indian vocabularies, by A. S. Gatchet. 1879. 497 pages, illus., map, 4 (Geographical Surveys West of One Hundredth Meridian, vol. 7.) Cloth, $1.75. W8.5:7 Contributions of American archeology to human history; by W. H. Holmes. (In Smithsonian Report, 1904, pages 551 to 558, 1 illus.) Cloth, $1.00. SI 1.1 : 904 North American archaeology; by John Lubbock. (In Smithsonian Report, 1862, pages 318 to 336.) Cloth, 70c. 811.1:862 ARGENTINA. Archa3ological researches on frontier of Argentina and Bolivia in 1901-02; by Eric von Rosen. (In Smithsonian Report, 1904, pages 573 to 581, illus.) Cloth, $1.00. 811.1:904 ARIZONA. Archaeological field work in northeastern Arizona, Museum-Gates expedition of 1901; by Walter Hough. (In National Museum Report, 1901, pages 279 to 358, illus., maps.) Paper, $1.25; cloth, $1.40. 813.1:901 Preliminary account of archaBological field work in Arizona in 1897; by J. W. Fewkes. (In Smithsonian Report, 1897, pages 601 to 623, illus., 2 maps.) Paper, 75c; cloth, 95c. 811.1:897 ARMOR. Primitive American armor; by Walter Hough. (In National Museum Report, 1893, pages 625 to 651, illus.) Cloth, $1.15. SI 3.1 : 893 ARROW POINTS. Arrow points, spearheads, and knives of prehistoric times; by Thomas Wilson. (In National Museum Report, 1897, pt. 1, pages 811 to 988, illus., map.) Cloth, $1.75. SI3.1:897 1 PRICE LIST 24 3D EDITION ARROW POINTS Continued. Indian mode of making arrow-heads and obtaining fire. (In Smithsonian Report, 1871, page 420.) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 871 Primitive manufacture of spear and arrow points along line of Savannah River. (In Smithsonian Report, 1879, pages 376 to 382.) Cloth, 75c. SI 1.1: 879 ' ART. Prehistoric art; or, Origin of art as manifested in works of prehistoric man; by Thomas Wilson. (In National Museum Report, 1896, pages 325 to 664, illus., map.) Cloth, $1.40. 813.1:896 Includes Indian antiquities. ATHAPASCAN TRIBES. Bibliography of Athapascan languages; by J. C. Pilling. 1892. 125 pages, illus. (Ethnology [Bulletin 14].) Paper, lOc. SI 2.3 : 14 ATNATANAS, natives of Copper River, Alaska; by H. T. Allen. (In Smith- sonian Report, 1886, pages 258 to 266.) Cloth, 80c. SI 1.1 : 886 AZTECS. Sacred ear-flower of the Aztecs, xochinacaztli ; by W. E. Safford. (In Smithsonian Report, 1910, pages 427 to 430, illus.) Buckram, $1.10. SI 1.1 : 910 BABIES. Indian mothers, save your babies. [1914.] 4 pages, illus. (Indian Affairs Office.) Paper, 5c. I 20.2 : B 11 BASKETRY. Basket-work of North American aborigines; by O. T. Mason. (In National Museum Report, 1884, pages 291 to 306, illus.) Cloth, 55c. SI 3.1 : 884 BILOXI LANGUAGE. Dictionary of Biloxi and Ofo languages, with 31 Biloxi texts and numerous Biloxi phrases [and Historical sketches of Biloxi and Ofo]. 1912. 340 pages. (Ethnology Bulletin 47.) Cloth, 45c. SI 2.3 : 47 BOARD OF INDIAN COMMISSIONERS. Upon the recommendation of President Grant, Congress enacted a law, April 10, 1869, providing for the appointment of a board of ten citizens, to cooperate with the Administration in the management of Indian affairs. The Board was organized in May, 1869, and has since been in active service. It is authorized to inspect the records of the Indian Office, to inspect Indian agencies, to be present at the payment of annuities, at councils with the Indians, and at the purchase of goods for the Indians. While its authority is only advisory, it has no doubt been a restraining influence against corruption and maladministration. Annual report Cloth, 25c. Cloth, 30c. Cloth, 25c. Cloth, 25c. Cloth, 25c. Paper, 15c. Cloth, 20c. Cloth, 25c. Cloth, 25c. Cloth, 25c. Cloth, 25c. 1871. 189 pages. 1872. 202 pages. 1874. 152 pages. 1875. 164 pages. 1876. 108 pages, map. 1879. 129 pages, map. 1881. 97 pages, map. 1882. 67 pages, map. 1883. 76 pages, map. 1884. 72 pages, map. 1885. 137 pages, map. 1886. 144 pages. Cloth, 25c. 1887. 141 pages, map. Cloth, 25c. 1888. 132 pages, map. Cloth, 25c. 1889. 170 pages, map. Cloth, 25c. 1890. 196 pages, map. Cloth, 25c. 1891. 165 pages, map. Cloth, 25c. 1892. 169 pages, Cloth, 25c. 1893. 158 pages, map. Cloth, 25c. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. I 20.5 : Cloth, 25c. Cloth, 25c. Cloth, 25c. Cloth, 25c. Cloth, 25c. Cloth, 25c. Cloth, 25c. Cloth, 25c. 168 pages, map. 120 pages, map. 138 pages, map. 84 pages, map. 33 pages, map. 130 pages, map. 113 pages, map. 1901. 82 pages, map. 1902. 34 pages, map, table. Cloth, 25c. 1903. 31 pages, map. Cloth, 25c. 1904. 29 pages, map. Cloth, 25c. 1905. 25 pages, table. Cloth, 25c. 1906. 31 pages. Cloth, 30c. 1907. 35 pages. Paper, 5c; cloth, 30c. 1908. 37 pages. Paper, 5c. 1909. 29 pages. Cloth, 15c. 1912. 29 pages. Paper, 5c. Indian appropriation bill. Extension of remarks of John H. Stephens of Tex., in House, Feb. 20, 1914. (In Congressional Record of Feb. 26, vol. 51, no. 61, pages 4292 to 4298.) Paper, lie. On the uselessness of the Board of Indian Commissioners. INDIANS 7 BONDS. Report of Select Committee to Investigate Abstraction of Bonds Held by Government in Trust for Indian Tribes from Department of Interior, with hearings. 1861. 365 pages. (36th Cong., 2d sess. H. Kept. 78.) Cloth, 30c. The committee found that through lax business methods a dishonest Government official was allowed to make way with a large number of valuable bonds. BOUDINOT, FRANK J. Memorial in support of S. 7088, for relief of Frank J. Boudinot. 1910. 6 pages. (61st Cong., 2d sess., S. Doc. 444.) Paper, 5c, Frank J. Boudinot was a lawyer employed by the Cherokee Indians in their efforts to prevent intermarried whites from receiving allotments. BOWS AND ARROWS of central Brazil; by Hermann Meyer. (In Smith- sonian Report, 1896, pages 549 to 590.) Cloth, 80c. SI 1.1 : 896 BUFFALO, PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION, 1901. Report on exhibit of Na- tional Museum at exposition; by F. W. True, and others. (In National Museum Report, 1901, pages 177 to 231, illus.) Cloth, $1.40. SI 3.1 : 901 One of the most interesting features of the exhibit was the Indian groups, showing models of Indian villages, etc. BUFFALO. History of American bison; by J. A. Allen. (In Hayden Survey Report, 1875, pages 443 to 587. ) Cloth, $2.00. 1 18.1 : 875 CONTENTS. Descriptive 1 and biographical. Geographical distribution, past and present. Products of the buffalo. The chase. Domestication of the buffalo. Contains refer"v-. uK ;HH] religious beliefs of 30 tribes of California aro described. The vocabularies of 13 linguistic families are also given in comparative tables. CANOES. Pointed bark canoes of the Kutenai and Amur: by O. T. Mason. (In National Museum Report, 1899, pages 523 to 537, illus.) Cloth, $1.00. SI 3.1 : 899 CARLISLE INDIAN SCHOOL. Speech of Marlin E. Olmsted, of Pa., in House, Dec. 12, 1912. (In Congressional Record of Jan. 6, 1913, vol. 49, no. 20, pages 1087, 1088.) Paper, 9c. An appreciation of the work of the school. CASA GRANDE RUIN. This reservation, containing 480 acres, located 18 miles northeast of Casa Grande station on the Southern Pacific Railroad, in Final County, Arizona, was set aside by executive order June 22, 1S92. Casa Grande is an interesting pre- historic ruin discovered by Padre Kino, a Jesuit missionary, in 1694. If is constructed of puddled clay, molded into walls and dried in the sun, and was originally five or six stories high, but the walls have considerably disintegrated through the action of the elements. Casa Grande, Arizona; by J. W. Fewkes. (In 28th Ethnology Report, 1907, pages 25 to 179, illus., large 8) Cloth, $1.25. SI 2.1 : 907 CONTENTS. Work of excavation and repair. Traditions. History. Present condition. Casa Grande mounds. Minor antiquities. Relation of compounds to pueblos. Catalogue of specimens from Casa Grande. 8 PRICE LIST 24 3D EDITION CASA GRANDE RUIN Continued. Repair of Casa Grande ruin, Ariz., 1891; by Cosmos Mindeleff. (In 15th Ethnology Report, 1894, pages 315 to 349, illus., map, large 8) Cloth, $1.60. SI 2.1 : 894 CATAWBA INDIAN ASSOCIATION. Memorial on behalf of individuals formerly comprising Catawba tribe of Indians. 1897. 12 pages. (54th Cong., 2d sess., S. Doc. 144. Bound with other docs.; serial no. 3471.) Cloth, 80c. CATLIN, GEORGE. Catlin collection of Indian paintings; by Washington Matthews. (In National Museum Report, 1890, pages 593 to 610, illus.) Cloth, 85c. SI 3.1 : 890 Catlin Indian gallery. (In National Museum Bulletin 70, pages 51 to 53.) Cloth, $1.00.. SI 3.3: 70 George Catlin Indian gallery in National Museum, with memoir and statistics; by Thomas Donaldson. 939 pages, illus. maps, facimiles. (In National Museum Report, 1885.) Cloth, $1.35. SI 3.1 : 885 The author of the Catlin collection was a great admirer of the Indians and spent 8 years, from 1832 to 1840, traveling among the various tribes in the West and recording with brush and pen their fast-disappearing characteristics. He exhibited his collection of over 500 pictures, with various Indian costumes and accounterments, in the various cities of the United States and Europe, attracting a great deal of attention. He also wrote several books of travel among the Indians and one of his travels in Europe, which had a great vogue in their time. Mr. Catlin tried to get the United States Government to take his collection and give it a permanent housing, but it was some time after his death before it was rescued from obscurity in a storehouse in Philadelphia and placed in the National Museum at Washington. Mr. Donaldson gives a most interesting account of its numerous vicissitudes and final restoration. CAVE DWELLINGS of Old and New worlds. (In Smithsonian Report, 1910, pages 613 to 634, illus.) Buckram, $1.10. SI 1.1 : 910 1 A comparison of the cave dwellings of Europe and Asia Minor with the cliff dwellings of Arizona. CENSERS and incense of Mexico and Central America. (In National Museum Proceedings, vol. 42, pages 109 to 137, illus.) Cloth, 90c. SI 3.6 : 42 CENTRAL AMERICA. Report of explorations in Central America; by C. H. Berendt. (In Smith- sonian Report, 1867, pages 420 to 426. ) Cloth, 70c. 811.1:867 Describes the Indians of this region. Report on explorations in Central America, in 1881 ; by J. F. Bransford. (In Smithsonian Report, 1882, pages 803 to 825.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 882 Describes Copan, Santa Lucia, Panlaleone, and Costa Rica, and the antiquities found in each. CHACO CRANIUM, Report on; by W. J. Hoffman. (In Hayden Survey, 10th Report, 1876, pages 453 to 457, illus.) Cloth, $1.80. 1 18.1 : 876 CHARM STONES, notes on so-called plummets or sinkers. (In Smithsonian Report, 1886, pages 296 to 305, illus.) Cloth, 80c. 811.1:886 CHEROKEE FREEDMEN. Memorial of Cherokee freedmen [asking for re- opening of rolls of Cherokee Nation, submitted through J. B. Wilson and Nelson Grubbs]. 1913. 5 pages. (63d Cong., 1st sess., S. Doc. 239.) Paper, 5c. CHEROKEE INDIANS. Cherokee Nation of Indians, narrative of their official relations with Colonial and Federal Governments; by C. C. Royce. (In 5th Ethnology Report, 1884, pages 121 to 378, maps, 2 in pocket, large 8) Cloth, $1.30. SI 2.1 : 884 Memorial of Eastern or Emigrant Cherokees, so called, for payment to them of fund pledged by 9th article of treaty of 1846. 1900. 99 pages. (56th Cong., 1st sess., S. Doc. 215. Bound with other docs.; serial no. 3858.) Sheep, $1.25. Moneys due Cherokee Nation, reprint of Senate document 16, 54th Congress, 1st session, and House executive document 182, 53d Congress, 3d session. 1900. 4+32 pages, 2 maps. (56th Cong., 1st sess., S. Doc. 163.) Paper, lOc. INDIANS 9 CHEROKEE INDIANS Continued. Myths of the Cherokee; by James Mooney. (In 19th Ethnology Report, 1898, pt. 1, pages 3 to 576, illus. 2 maps, large 8) Cloth, $1.40. SI 2.1 : 898 1 Papers and recommendations relating to appropriations to satisfy judgment in case of Eastern Cherokees against United States. 1909. 11 pages. (60th Cong., 2d sess., H. Doc. 1418.) Paper, 5c. Report amending bill to pay certain [intermarried white] Cherokee citizens moneys to which they have been found entitled by Supreme Court. 1908. 2 pages. (60th Cong., 1st sess., H. Rept. 1614.) Paper, 5c. Report of Commissioner of Indian Affairs relative to amount appropriated Mar. 3, 1883, for Cherokee Nation, and legislation to protect rights of adopted citizens of said nation. 1884. 25 pages. (48th Cong., 1st sess.. S. Ex. Doc. 86. Bound with other docs. ; serial no. 2166.) Sheep, $1.50. Sacred formulas of the Cherokees; by James Mooney. (In 7th Ethnology Report, 1886, pages 301 to 397, illus., large 8) Cloth, $1.30. SI 2.1 : 886 CHEYENNE INDIANS. Report of select committee to examine circumstances connected with removal of Northern Cheyenne and Ponca Indians. 1880. 28+534 pages. (46th Cong., 2d sess., S. Rept. 670. Bound with other reports; serial no. 1898.) Sheep. $1.90. CHEYENNE RIVER RESERVATION. Report amending bill to authorize salo and disposition of portion of surplus and unallotted lands on Cheyenne River and Standing Rock reservations. S. Dak. and N. Dak., with supplemental report. 1908. 2 pts.. 6+24 pages. (60th Cong., 1st sess., S. Rept. 439.) Paper, each pt, 5c. Same. 28 pages. (60th Cong., 1st sess., H. Rept. 1539.) Paper. ."<-. Report favoring H. 12438, to amend act to authorize sale and disposition of portion of surplus and unallotted lands in Cheyenne River and Standing Rock reservations, S. Dak. and N. Dak. [so as to increase price per acre to be paid by United States for school lands granted to South Dakota and North Dakota]. 1909. 3 pages. (61st Cong., 2d sess., H. Rept. 48.) Paper, 5c. CHICKASAW INDIANS. Payment of Chick;is;iw N:ition warrants, hearing [Apr. 17, 1908] before Committee on Iii;]i:in Affairs, House, on bills on subject of warrants of riiirkasaw N.-ition. 36 pages. Paper, fie. Y4.In2 1 :C43 CHINOOK INDIANS. Bibliography of Chinookan languages: by J. C. Pilling. 1893. 81 pages, illus. (Ethnology [Bulletin 15].) Paper, 5c. SI 2.3: 15 Chinook texts; by Franz Boas. 1X94. 278 pages. (Ethnology Bulletin 20.) Paper, 25c. SI 2.3 : 20 Kathlamet texts; by Franz Boas. 1901. 261 pages, illus. large 8 (Eth- nology Bulletin 26.) Cloth, 60c. SI 2.3 : 26 Result of investigation as to claims of Indians of Chinook and Chehalis tribes against United States. 1908. 11 pages. (60th Cong., 1st sess., H. Doc. 517.) Paper, 5c. CHIPPEWA (OR OJIBWAY) INDIANS. Chippewa music, [pts. 1 and 2]. 1910, 1913. 216+341 pages, illus. (Eth- nology Bulletins 45 and 53.) Cloth, bulletin 45, 45c; bulletin 53, 60c. SI 2.3 : 45, 53 [Issuance of] half-breed scrip [to] Chippewa s of Lake Superior, correspond- ence and action under 7th clause of 2d article of treaty with Chippewa Indians of Lake Superior and the Mississippi concluded at La Pointe, Wis., Sept. 30, 1854, including report of commission. 1X74. 331 pages. ( Indian Office. ) Cloth, 50c. I 20.6 : C 44 Report amending bill for settlement of conflicting claims of Wisconsin and its grantees, and La Pointe and Lac du Flambeau bands of Chippewa Indians, to certain school and swamp lands in [La Pointe and Lac du Flambeau] reservations. Wis. 1910. 7 pages. (61st Cong.. 2d sess., H. Rept. 1100.) Paper, 5c. 6944814 2 10 PKICE LIST 24 3D EDITION CHIPPEWA RESERVATION. Response to resolution [with] letters from com- missioner of General Land Office and commissioner of Indian affairs, relating to estimating and cutting of timber on [ceded and diminished] Chippewa reservations, Minn. 1899. 253 pages. (55th Cong., 3d sess., S. Doc. 70.) [Includes report of J. G. Wright, S. Doc. 85, 55th Cong., 1st sess.] Paper, 15c. CHOCTAW INDIANS. Brief in matter of contracts with individual Choctaw and Chickasaw In- dians before Attorney-General, and protest by Choctaw Nation against enrolling Choctaw and Chickasaw freedmen as Indians. 1910. 11 pages. (61st Cong., 2d sess., S. Doc. 553.) Paper, 5c. Choctaw and Chickasaw rolls, hearings before Committee on Indian Affairs, House, on H. 19279, 19552, and 22830. 1910. 501 pages. Paper, 35c. Y 4.1n 2 1 :C45 2 Intermarriage with whites and with freedmen (negroes) caused many complica- tions in making up rolls of citizens of these tribes. Choctaw of Bayou Lacomb, St. Tammany Parish, La. ; by D. I. Bushnell. 1909. 37 pages, illus. map. (Ethnology Bulletin 48.) Cloth, 40c. SI 2.3 : 48 Copy of contract between Choctaw Indians and Ormsby M'Harg, with cer- tain related papers. 1910. 25 pages. (61st Cong., 2d sess., S. Doc. 502.) Paper, 5c. Memorial from Choctaw Nation protesting against reopening of tribal rolls of said nation. 1908. 5 pages. (60th Cong., 1st sess., S. Doc. 475.) Paper, 5c. Memorial of Choctaw Indians against reopening Choctaw and Chickasaw [tribal citizenship] rolls. 1909. 8 pages. (60th Cong., 2d sess., S. Doc. 730.) Paper, 5c. Memorial of Choctaw Nation relative to President [Harrison's] message, Feb. 17, 1892. 25 pages. (52d Cong., 1st sess., S. Mis. Doc. 95. Bound with other docs. ; serial no. 2904. ) Sheep, $1.65. Mississippi Choctaws: Byrd, Adam M., of Miss. Speech in House, Feb. 12, 1908. (In Congres- sional Record of Feb. 17, vol. 42, no. 46, pages 2147 to 2150.) Paper, 6c. Carter, C. D., of Okla. Extension of remarks in House, July 2, 1914. (In Congressional Record, vol. 51, no. 172, pages 12632, 12633.) Paper, 12c. Carter, C. D., of Okla. Speech in House, July 7, 1914. (In Congressional Record, vol. 51, no. 177, pages 12984, 12985.) Paper, lie. Discussion of the treatment of Choctaws living in Mississippi. Debate in House. July 7, 1914. (In Congressional Record, vol. 51, no. 175, pages 12789 to 12803.) Paper, lie. Includes discussion of enrollment of Mississippi Choctaws as citizens of Choc- taw Nation and participation in the Oklahoma Choctaw funds. Debate in Senate, June 19, 1914. (In Congressional Record, vol. 51, no. 159, pages 11646 to 11665. ) Paper, lie. A discussion of the case of the Mississippi Choctaws. Murray, William H., of Okla. Extension of remarks in House, Apr. 24, 1914. (In Congressional Record, vol. 51, no. Ill, pages 7801 to 7816.) Paper, lOc. A symposium on the point of order on the item for a per capita payment of $100 out of the Choctaw-Chickasaw tribal funds to members of these tribes as an item in the Indian appropriation bill, and the rights of the Mississippi Choc- taws under the fourteenth article of the Dancing Rabbt Creek treaty of 1830. Reply to inquiry as to patents and scrip issued to Mississippi Choctaws. 1910. 26 pages. (61st Cong., 2d sess., H. Doc. 898.) Paper, 5c. Stephens. John H., of Tex. Speech in House. Apr. 19, 1910. (In Con- gressional Record, vol. 45, no. 103, pages 5150 to 5154.) Paper, 12c. Weaver, Claude, of Okla. Speech in House, Feb. 20, 1914. (In Con- gressional Record of Mar. 11, vol. 51, no. 72, pages 5020 to 5026.) Paper, lie. " 1 want to register now my bitter opposition to Congress giving to the Choc- taw Indians of the State of Mississippi the moneys and property belonging to the Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians of the State of Oklahoma. INDIANS 11 CHOCTAW INDIANS Continued. Opening of rolls, hearing before Committee on Indian Affairs, Senate, on bill extending provisions of act to any person claiming any right to com- mon property of Choctaw and Chic'kasaw Indians, Apr. 23, 1908. 80 . pages. (60th Cong., 1st sess., S. Doc. 483.) Paper, lOc. Papers relating to enrollment of citizens of Choctaw and Chickasaw nations. 1908. 26 pages. (60th Cong., 1st sess., S. Doc. 505.) Paper, 5c. Petition from counsel of Choctaw Nation, praying that lands of this nation [in Oklahoma, occupied by Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Indians] be closed for sale until Supreme Court has decided title to such land in suit between [Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians] and Wichita and affiliated bands of Indians and United States. 1900. 35 pages, map. (56th Cong., 1st sess., S. Doc. 146. Bound with other docs.; serial no. 3851.) Sheep, $1.15. Proceedings of Choctaw and Chickasaw citizenship court in connection with ascertainment of compensation of attorneys for said nations of Indians. 1908. 64 pages. (60th Cong., 1st sess., S. Doc. 372.) Paper, lOc. Pursuant to resolution, answers to questions with respect to lands of Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians. 1909. 6 pages. (60th Cong., 2d sess., S. Doc. 675.) Paper, 5c. Report of Secretary of War communicating information in relation to con- tracts made for removal [west of Mississippi River] and subsistence of Choctaw Indians. 1845. 53 pages. (28th Cong., 2d sess., S. doc. 86.) Paper, 5c. Report with reference to certain indictments formerly found against D. H. Johnston, P. S. Mosely, George Mansfield, J. F. M'Murray, and Melvin Cornish, and later dismissed [for alleged misappropriation of Choctaw and Chickasaw tribal funds]. 1908. 46 pages. (60th Cong., 1st sess., S. Doc. 398.) Paper, 5c. CIVIL WAR. Letters relating to claims of various Indian tribes for losses sustained during War of Rebellion. 1910. 5 pages. (61st Cong., 3d sess., S. Doc. 707.) Paper, 5c. CLIFF WINS. Prehistoric times [in New Mexico]. (In Report of Governor of New Mexico, 1900, pages 342 to 349, illus. ) Paper, 40c. 1 1.24 1 : 900 A description of the ruins of cliff-dwellings. Report on ancient ruins examined in 1875 and 1877; by W. H. Jackson. (In Hayden Survey, 10th Report, 1876, pages 409 to 450, illus.) Cloth, $1.80. 1 18.1 : 876 In these papers are found good descriptions and views of the ruins in Canyon de ( 'h<>lly, Chaco Canyon, and Montezuma Canyon, as well as other remains of cliff-dwellings and pueblos. Report on ancient ruins of southwestern Colorado, examined during sum- mers of 1875 and 1876; by W. H. Holmes. (In Hayden Survey, 10th Report, 1876, pages 381 to 408, illus.) Cloth, $1.80. 118.1:876 The ruins are mainly of the cave-dwellers and cliff-dwellers, and include those adjacent in New Mexico. Utah, and Arizona. The dwellings, the pottery, and the pictographs are illustrated. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. Report of investigations into prevalence of con- tagious and infectious diseases among Indians of United States. 1913. 85 pages, illus. (62d Cong., 3d sess., S. Doc. 1038.) Paper, 30c. According to this report trachoma is the most prevalent scourge of the Indians. CONTRACTS. Indian lands in Oklahoma. Speech of Charles D. Carter of Okla., in House, June 25, 1910. (In Congressional Record of June 29, vol. 45, no. 166, pages 9693 to 9724.) Paper, Sc. This speech and general discussion were about an item in the general deficiency bill which concerned certain contracts of the Indians of Oklahoma with .J. F. McMurray, involving a large amount of money. It also includes the speech of Senator Gore on June 24, in which he states that the McMurray interests tried to bribe a Senator and a Representative. Investigation of Indian contracts [report, with views of Mr. Stephens and] hearings before Select Committee to Investigate Indian Contracts in Oklahoma. 1911. 2 vols., 1370 pages. (61st Cong., 3d sess., H. Rept. 2273.) Each vol., paper, 50c. 12 PEICE LIST 24 3D EDITION CONTRACTS Continued. Report of special committee appointed to investigate circumstances con- nected with contracts between J. F. M'Murray and certain Indian tribes. (In Congressional Record of Feb. 28, 1911, vol. 46, no. 67, pages 3854 to 3860.) Paper, 20c. Response to resolution, contracts between Choctaw and Claickasaw Indians and J. F. M'Murray and others, and other data on file in Department of Justice and Department of Interior relative thereto. 1910. 66 pages. (61st Cong., 2d sess., S. Doc. 505.) Paper, 5c. CONTRIBUTIONS TO NORTH AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY. 117.5: This is the predecessor of the Ethnology Bureau. Vol. 2. Klarnath Indians of southwestern Oregon. 1890. 2 pts., 711+711 pages, map, 4 Pt. 1, cloth, $1.30; pt. 2, cloth, $1.20. Vol. 3. Tribes of California. 1877. 635 pages, illus. map in pocket, 4 Cloth, $4.00. Vol. 5. Observations on cup-shaped and other lapidarian sculptures in Old World and in America; Prehistoric trephining and cranial amulets; Study of manuscript Troano. 1881 and 1882. 112+32+237 pages, illus. 4 Paper, $1.00; cloth, $1.20. Vol. 6. JSegiha language. 1890. 794 pages, 4 Cloth, $1.00. Vol. 8. Not issued. Vol. 9. Dakota grammar, texts, and ethnography. 1893. 239 pages, 4 Cloth, 90c. COPPER. Copper implements from Bayfield, Wis. ; by Charles Whittlesey. (In Smith- sonian Report, 1885, pages 892 and 893, illus. ) Cloth, SOc. SI 1.1 : 885 Overlaying with copper by American aborigines; by O. T. Mason. (In National Museum Proceedings, vol. 17, 1894, pages 475 to 477, illus.) Cloth, 75c. SI 3.6 : 17 CORONADO, FRANCISCO VASQUEZ DE. Coronado expedition, 1540-1542; by G. P. Winship. (In 14th Ethnology Report, 1893, pt. 1. pages 329 to 613, illus., 17 maps, large 8) Cloth, $1,90. SI 2.1 : 893 Coronado's march in search of " seven cities of Cibola " and discussion of their probable location; by J. H. Simpson. (In Smithsonian Report, 1869, pages 309 to 340, 2 maps.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 869 A governor of New Spain (Mexico) was led to helieve the tales of the Indiana that there were 7 cities as large as Mexico to the northward in the midst of a great desert. Several expeditions set out to conquer them, and after much diffi- culty a few Zuiii or pueblo villages were finally located, a great disappointment to the conquistadors. COURT OF CLAIMS. Right of appeal in Indian cases in Court of Claims. General debate in House, Apr. 18, 1911. (In Congressional Record, vol. 45, no. 102, pages 5040, 5041.) Paper, 14c. CRADLES of American aborigines; by O. T. Mason. (In National Museum Report, 1887, pages 161 to 212, illus.) Cloth, 90c. SI 3.1 : 887 CREEK INDIANS. Bibliography of Muskhogean languages; by J. C. Pilling. 1889. 114 pages. (Ethnology [Bulletin 9].) Paper, lOc. SI 2.3: 9 Creek equalization payment. Extension of remarks of William H. Murray of Okla., in House, June 29, 1914. (In Congressional Record, vol. 51, no. 169, pages 12370 to 12372. ) Paper, 9c. Memoranda relating to claim of loyal Creek Indians. 1908. 3 pages. (60th Cong., 1st sess., S. Doc. 310.) Paper, 5c. Memorial on behalf of certain citizens of Muskogee [or] Creek Nation of * Indians for equalization of value of their allotments. 1910. 14 pages. (61st Cong., 2d sess., S. Doc. 452.) Paper, 5c. Memorial praying for payment of claims under treaty between United States and Creek Indians of June 14, 1866. 1909. 3 pages. (60th Cong., 2d sess., S. Doc. 690.) Paper, 5c. Primitive storehouse of Creek Indians. (In Smithsonian Report, 1885, pages 900 and 901.) Cloth, SOc. SI 1.1 : 885 INDIANS 13 CREEK INDIANS Continued. Report of Committee on Indian Affairs on bill to pay balance due the loyal Creek Indians on award made them by Senate on Feb. 16, 1903. (In Con- gressional Record of Jan. 24, 1911, vol. 46, no. 33, pages 1404 to 1405.) Paper, 12c. CROW INDIANS. Agreement with Crow Indians of Montana. 1900. 53 pages, map. (56th Cong., 1st sess., S. Doc. 104. Bound with other docs.; serial no. 3851.) Sheep, $1.15. Report amending bill, for division of lands and funds of Crow Indians in Montana [etc.]. 1910. 7 pages. (61st Cong., 2d sess., S. Rept. 526.) Paper, 5c. Report amending by substitute bill S. 6995, for division of lands and funds of Crow tribe of Indians, Mont., and for other purposes, and general debate in Senate May 6. 1910. (In Congressional Record, vol. 45, no. 119, pages 6093 to 6096.) Paper, 7c. CROW RESERVATION, MONT. Hearings on bill to incorporate company for breeding horses on reserva- tion, and on bill for survey and allotment of Indian lands now embraced within limits of reservation, and sale and disposal of surplus lands after allotment. 1908. 2 pts., 794+4 pages, 3 maps. (60th Cong., 1st sess., S. Doc. 445.) Buckram, pts. 1 and 2 bound together, 75c. Report amending bill for survey and allotment of lands within Crow Reser- vation. Mont., and sale and disposal of surplus lands after allotment. 1909. 4 pages. (60th Cong., 2<1 sess., H. Rept. 2256.) Paper, 5c. Report amending by substitute S. 6995, to authorize survey and allotment of lands within Crow Reservation, Mont., and sale and disposition of surplus and unallotted lands therein ; with views of minority on H. 26657 and S. 6995. 1910. 22 pages. (61st Cong., 2d sess., H. Rept. 1632.) Paper, 5c. DEFORMATION. Notes on artificial deformation of children among savage and civilized peoples, with bibliography: by .1. H. Porter. (In National Museum Report, 1SX7, pages in:; to 235. i doth, 90c. SI 3.1 : 887 DEL A W A R E INDIANS. Memorial of Delaware Indians Jin Cherokee Nation] praying for issue of land-bounty warrants for services rendered to Government in war. 1902. 25 pages, (filth Cong.. 1st sess., S. Doc. 294. Bound with other docs.; serial no. 4239.) Cloth, $1.00. Memorial of Delaware Indians in Cherokee Nation, praying relief relative to their rights in and ownership of lands within nation. 1903. 192 pages. ir.sth Cong.. 1st sess., S. Doc. 16.) Paper, lOc. Nf/mr. supplementary memorial. T.KM. JMJ pages. (58th Cong., 2d sess., S. Doc. 58, [pt. 1].) Paper, lOc. Memorial of Delaware Indians in support of bill to compensate Delaware Indians for services rendered by them to United States in various wars. 1910. 18 pages. (61st Cong., 2d sess.. S. Doc. 483.) Paper, 5c. Memorial of Delaware Indians residing in Oklahoma in support of bill to authorize tribe to bring suit in Court of (Maims. (In Congressional Rec- ord of Mar. 21, 1910, vol. 45, no. 75. pages 3508, 3507.) Paper, 6c. Papers [on tile in Interior Department] and reports of Commission to Five Civilized Tribes relative to allotment of lands in Cherokee Nation to Del- aware Indians. 1904. 266 pages, map. (58th Cong., 2d sess., S. Doc. 104.) Paper, 30c. DEVILS LAKE RESERVATION. Report to amend agreement with Indians of Devils Lake Reservation, N. Dak., and ratify same. 1904. 6 pages. (58th Cong.. 2d sess., H. Rept. 637.) Paper, 5c. Providing for transfer of certain lands to the United States. DOMESTIC SCIENCE. Outline lessons in housekeeping, including cooking, laundering, dairying, and nursing, for UH in Indian schools. 1911. 23 pages, illns. (Indian Affairs Office.) Paper, 5c. I 20.8 : H 81 14 PRICE LIST 24 3D EDITION DOMESTIC SCIENCE Continued. Some things that girls should know how to do and hence should learn how to do when in school. 1911. 23 pages. ( Indian Affairs Office. ) Paper, 5c. I 20.8 : G 44 DRILLING. Study of primitive methods of drilling: by J. D. McGuire. (In National Museum Report, 1894, pages 623 to 756, illus.) Cloth, $1.20. SI 3.1 : 894 Drilling in bone, ivory, and shell by the Indians and other aborigines. EDUCATION. Care and education of Indians in sectarian and denominational schools. 1905. 63 pages. (58th Cong., 3d sess-.. S. Doc. 179. Bound with other docs. ; serial no. 4766. ) Sheep, $1.60 ; \ morocco, $2.10. Education among Indians [1872]. (In Education Report, 1872, pages 405 to 418.) Cloth, 75c. 1 16.1 1 : 872 [1874]. (In Education Report, 1874, pages 506 to 516.) Cloth, 75c. 1 16.1 1 : 874 [1886]. (In Education Report, 1886, pages 657 to 660.) Cloth, 55c. 1 16.1 1 : 886 [1887]. (In Education Report, 1887, pages 868 to 874.) Cloth, 85c. 1 16.1 1 : 887 From 1887 on the status of education among the Indians is reported by the Indian schools superintendent, which is found in this list under Schools. Indian education and civilization; by A. C. Fletcher. 1888. 693 pages. (48th Cong., 2d sess., S. Ex. Doc. 95. Vol. 2, pt. 2; serial no. 2264.) Sheep, $1.15. CONTENTS. History from 19th century. Reservations. Tribes of New York.- Missionary work during 19th century. ESKIMOS. Bibliography of Eskimo language; by J. C. Pilling. 1887. 116 pages. (Ethnology [Bulletin 1].) Paper, 15c. SI 2.3:1 Eskimo about Bering Strait; by E. W. Nelson. (In 18th Ethnology Report, 1897, pt. 1, pages 3 to 518, illus., large 8) Cloth, $1.60. SI 2.1 : 897 1 Graphic art of Eskimos, based on collections in National Museum; by W. J. Hoffman. (In National Museum Report, 1895, pages 739 to 968, illus.) Cloth, $1.40. SI 3.1 : 895 Lamp of Eskimo; by Walter Hough. (In National Museum Report, 1896, pages 1025 to 1057, illus.) Cloth, $1.40. SI 3.1 : 896 Preliminary catalogue of Eskimo collection in National Museum, arranged geographically and by uses. (In National Museum Report, 1887, pages 335 to 365.) Cloth, 90c. SI 3.1 : 887 Study of Eskimo bows in National Museum; by John Murdoch. (In Na- tional Museum Report, 1884, pages 307 to 316, illus. map.) Cloth, 55c. SI 3.1 : 884 ETHNOLOGY. Plan for American ethnological investigation; by H. R. Schoolcraft. (In Smithsonian Report, 1885, pages 907 to 914.) Cloth, SOc. SI 1.1 : 885 ETHNOLOGY BUREAU. Annual Report SI 2.1 : The spcci.-il papers of the Ethnology reports are entered in this list under their specific headings. 3d, 1882. Cloth, $1.15. 4th, 1883. Cloth, $1.30. 5th, 1884. Cloth, $1.30. 7th, 1886. Cloth, $1.30. 8th, 1887. Cloth, $1.45. 9th, 1888. Cloth, $1.20. 14th, 1893. Cloth, $1.90. 15th, 1894. Cloth, $1.60. 17th, pt. 1, 1896. Paper, $2.50; cloth, $2.70. 18th, pt. 1, 1897. Cloth, $1.60. 18th, pt. 2, 1897. Cloth, $2.60. 19th, pt. 1, 1898. Cloth, $1.40. 19th, pt. 2, 1898. Cloth, $1.90. 20th, 1899. Cloth, $2.15. 21st, 1900. Cloth, $1.75. 22d, pt. 1, 1901. Cloth, $1.25. 22d, pt. 2, 1901. Paper, 90c ; cloth, $1.00. 23d, 1902. Cloth, $2,50. 24th, 1903. Cloth, $1.50. 25th, 1904. Cloth, $1.25. 26th, 1905. Cloth, $2.10. 27th, 1906. Cloth, $1.50. 28th, 1907. Cloth, $1.25. INDIANS 15 ETHNOLOGY BUREAU Continued. Bulletin SI 2.3 : 1. Bibliography of Eskimo language. Paper, 15c. 2. Perforated stones from California. Paper, 5c. 3. Use of gold and other metals among ancient inhabitants of Chiriqui, Isthmus of Darien. Paper, 5c. 5. Bibliography of Siouan languages. Paper, lOc. 6. Bibliography of Iroquoian languages. Paper, 15c. 7. Textile fabrics of ancient Peru. Paper, 5c. 8. Problem of Ohio mounds. Paper, lOc. 9. Bibliography of Muskhogean languages. Paper, lOc. 11. Omaha and Ponka letters. Paper, lOc. 13. Bibliography of Algonquian languages. Paper, 50c. 14. Bibliography of Athapascan languages. Paper, lOc. 15. Bibliography of Chinookan languages, including Chinook jargon. Paper, 5c. 19. Bibliography of Wakashan languages. Paper, lOc. 20. Chinook texts. Paper. 25c. 22. Siouan tribes of the East. Paper, lOc. 23. Archeologic investigations in James and Potomac Valleys. Paper, 5c. 25. Natick dictionary. Paper, 30c; cloth, 65c. 26. Kathlamet texts. Cloth, GOc. 27. Tsimshian texts. Cloth, GOc. 25 to 27, bound together. Cloth, $1.85. 28. Mexican and Central American antiquities, calendar systems, and history. Paper, 85c; cloth, $1.00. 29. Haida texts arid myths, Skidegate dialect. Paper, 25c: cloth, 40c. 30. 2 pts. Handbook of American Indians north of Mexico. Cloth, each pt., $1.50. 32. Antiquities of Jemez Plateau, New Mexico. Paper, 25c. 33. Skeletal remains suggesting or attributed to early man in North America. Paper, 20c. 34. Physiological and medical observations among Indians of south- western United States and northern Mexico. Paper, SOc; cloth, SOc. 35. Antiquities of upper Gila and Salt River Valleys in Arizona and New Mexico. Paper, 15c. 37. Antiquities of central and southeastern Missouri, report on explora- tions made in 1906-7 under auspices of Archieological Institute of America. Cloth, 40c. 37 and 38, bound together. Buckram, 65c. 38. Unwritten liter.Mture of Hawaii, sacred songs of hula. Cloth, SOc. 39. Tlingit myths and texts. Cloth, SOc. 40. pt. 1. Handbook of American Indian languages. Cloth, $1.25. 41. Antiquities of Mesa Verde National Park, Spruce-tree House. Cloth, 40c. 41 and 42, bound together. Buckram, 50c. 42. Tuberculosis among certain Indian tribes of United States. Cloth, SOc. 43. Indian tribes of lower Mississippi Valley and adjacent coast of Gulf of Mexico. Cloth, SOc. 44. Indian languages of Mexico and Central America and their geograph- ical distribution. Cloth, 85c. 45. Chippewa music. Cloth, 45c. 47. Dictionary of Biloxi and Ofo languages, with 31 Biloxi texts and numerous Biloxi phrases [and Historical sketches of Biloxi and Ofo]. Cloth, 45c. 48. Choctaw of Bayou 'Lacomb, St. Tammany Parish, La. Cloth, 40c. 49. List of publications of bureau, with index and titles. Pnper, 5c. 50. Preliminary report on visit to Navaho national monument, Ariz. Cloth, 40c. 51. Antiquities of Mesa Verde National Park, Cliff Palace. Cloth, 45c. 48 to 51, bound together. Buckram, 65c. 52. Early man in South America. Cloth, 70c. 53. Chippewa music, 2. Cloth, 60c. 54. Physiography of Rio Grande Valley, N: Mex., in relation to Pueblo culture. Cloth, 35c. 56. Ethnozoology of Tewa Indians. Cloth, 30c. 58. List of publications of Bureau of American Ethnology, with index to authors and titles. Paper, 5c. 16 PRICE LIST 24 3D EDITION ETHNOLOGY BUREAU Continued. Publications. List of publications of Bureau of American Ethnology, with index to authors and titles. 1914. 39 pages. (Ethnology Bulletin 58.) Paper, 5c. SI 2.3 : 58 FARM AND HOME MECHANICS, some things that every boy should know how to do and hence should learn to do in school. 1911. 48 pages, illus. (Indian Affairs Office.) Paper, 15c. I 20.8 :M 46 FINANCES. Statement of fiscal affairs of Indian tribes 1912. 19 pages. (62d Cong., 3d sess., H. Doc. 1049.) Paper, 5c. Amount of money due various tribes, the acts of Congress granting funds In accordance with treaties and how they have been expended. 1913. 18 pages. (63d Cong., 2d sess., H. Doc. 328.) Paper, 5c. FIRE-MAKING apparatus in National Museum; by Walter Hough. (In Na- tional Museum Report, 1888, pages 531 to 587, illus.) Cloth, $1.15. SI 3.1 : 888 FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Citizenship of Five Civilized Tribes, communication to R. L. Owen submit- ting list of names of persons apparently equitably entitled to enrollment on rolls of various tribes composing Five Civilized Tribes of Oklahoma, being Senate document 472, 63d Congress, 2d session, with list approved by attorneys of Ohoctaw and Chickasaw nations. 1914. 7 pages. (63d Cong., 2d sess., S. Doc. 478.) Paper, 5c. Final rolls of citizens and freedmen of Five Civilized Tribes in Indian Territory. 190.8. 634 pages. [Sold only T)y Commissioner of Five , Muxkogec, Okl(t.\ Lands. Amendments to regulations of Apr. 20, 1908, governing leasing of lands of Five Civilized Tribes. Effective May 1, 1911. 5 pages. (Indian Affairs Office.) Paper, 5c. I 20.12 : F 58 9 Lands. Removal of restrictions from sale of lands of Five Civilized Tribes. Speech of Scott Ferris of Okla.. in House, Mar. 25, 1908. (In Congressional Record of Mar. 31, vol. 42, no. 83, pages 4303 to 4306.) Paper. 8c. The agricultural appropriation bill was under discussion at this time, but Mr. Ferris did not speak on that subject. Lands. Report amending bill for removal of restrictions from part of lands of allottees of Five Civilized Tribes. 1908. 6 pages. (60th Cong., 1st sess., H. Rept. 1454.) Paper, 5c. Per capita payment to enrollment members of Five Civilized Tribes. General debate in House, Aug. 21, 1911. (In Congressional Record, vol. 47, no. Ill, pages 4489 and 4490. ) Paper, 16c. Regulations approved Oct. 27, 1911, as amended Feb. 21, 1912. governing placing of and accounting for moneys of Five Civilized Tribes to be deposited in national and State banks in Oklahoma. [1912.] 3 pages. ( Indian Affairs Office. ) Paper, 5c. I 20.12 : F 58 11 Rules of procedure in probate matters adopted by county judges of Five Civilized Tribes portion of Oklahoma, with resolutions and statements of approval thereto attached. 1914. 8 pages. (63d Cong., 2d sess., H. Doc. 758.) Paper, 5c. Statement showing amounts in Treasury to credit of Choctaw, Chickasaw, Cherokee, Creek, and Seminole tribes of Indians [May 20, 1908]. 2 pages, (60th Cong., 1st sess., S. Doc. 514.) Paper, 5c. Statement showing revenues collected and funds received and credited to Choctaw. Chickasaw. Cherokee, Creek, and Seminole tribes [Jan. 28, 1898, to July 1, 1908]. 42 pages. (60th Cong., 2d sess., S. Doc. 707.) Paper, 5c. INDIANS 17 FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES COMMISSION. Annual report 1 1 II 1 1898. 42 pages. Paper, 5c. 1899. 178 pages, illus., 22 plates, 4 maps. Paper, 30c. * 1900. 77 pages, 1 plate, 9 maps. Paper, 30c. 1901. 219 pages, illus., 10 maps. Paper, 70c. 1903. 192 pages, illus., 12 maps. Paper, 60c. 1904. 202 pages, 7 maps. Paper, 55c. 1905. 66 pages. Paper, 5c. The Five Civilized Tribes Commission was discontinued July 1 1905 The Secretary of the Interior detailed a commissioner to have charge of the work in the field, and complete the unfinished work of the commission. 1906. 71 pages. Paper, lOc. 1907. 48 pages. Paper, lOc. 1908. 74 pages. Paper, lOc. 1909. 89 pages. Paper, lOc. Index to annual reports of commission, 1894 to 1905. 136 pages. Paper, 15c. 1 1.11* : In 2 Choctaws. Agreement between commission and commissioners on part of Choctaw and Chickasaw nations. 1901. 16 pages. (56th Cong., 2d sess., H. Doc. 490. Bound with other docs. ; serial no. 4167.) Cloth, $1.10. Choctaws. Agreement between commissioners and Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians. 1898. 11 pages. (55th Cong., 2d sess., S. Doc. 65. Bound with other docs. ; serial no. 3592. ) Sheep, $1.35. Laws, decisions, and regulations affecting work of commissioner to Five Civilized Tribes, 1893 to 1906, with maps showing classification of lands in Chickasaw, Choctaw, Cherokee, Creek, and Seminole nations [etc.]. 1906. 251 pages, 5 maps. . (Five Civilized Tribes Commissioner.) Cloth, $1.70. I l.ll 2 : L 44 Petition for investigation of actions of Dawes Commission in allotting lands in Indian Territory. 1904. 10 pages. (58th Cong., 2d sess.. S, Doc. 260. Bound with other docs.; serial no. 4592.) Sheep, $1.45. FLATHEAD RESERVATION. Letter from Secretary of Interior respecting ratification of agreement with confederated tribes of Flathend, Kootenay, and Upper Pend d'Oreille Indians for sale of their reservation in Montana. 1883. 28 pages. (47th Cong., 2d sess., S. Ex. Doc. 44. Bound with other docs.; serial no. 2076.) Sheep, $1.50. Report amending bill to amend act for survey and allotment of lands within Flathead Reservation, Mont., and sale and disposal of surplus lands after allotment [relating to construction of irrigation system, etc.] 1908. 3 pages. (60th Cong., 1st sess., H. Rept. 1189.) Paper, 5c. FLINT IMPLEMENTS. Buried flints in Cass Co., 111. (In Smithsonian Report, 1881, pages 563 to 568, illus.) Cloth, 70c. 811.1:881 Deposit of agricultural flint implements in southern Illinois. (In Smith- sonian Report, 1868, pages 401 to 407, illus. Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 868 Deposits of flint implements. (In Smithsonian Report, 1876, pages 433 to 441.) Cloth, 60c. 811.1:876 Flint implements and fossil remains from sulphur spring at Afton, Ind. T. ; by W. H. Holmes. (In National Museum Report, 1901, pages 233 to 252, illus.) Cloth, $1.40. SI 3.1 : 901 Sketch of Flint Ridge, Licking Co., Ohio. (In Smithsonian Report, 1884, pages 851 to 873, illus. ) Cloth, 80c. SI 1.1 : 884 FLORIDA. Aborigines of Florida. (In Smithsonian Report, 1881, pages 677 to 680.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 881 Ancient canals in Florida. (In Smithsonian Report, 1881, pages 631 to 635, illus.) Cloth, 70c. 811.1:881 6944814 3 18 PRICE LIST 24 3D EDITION FLORIDA SBMINOLB WAR. Causes of hostilities of Creek and Seminole Indians in Florida, and instruc- tions to and correspondence with agents and other persons relative to their removal to the West. 1836. (In American State Papers, Military Affairs, vol. 6, pages 450 to 574, f) \ leather, $2.00. O 21 Causes of hostilities of Creek and Seminole Indians in Florida, instructions to Gen. T. S. Jesup and other officers of Army for their removal to the West, and correspondence with governors of States and agents upon these subjects. 1836. (In American State Papers, Military Affairs, vol. 6, pages 574 to 783, f) \ leather, $2.00. O 21 Causes of hostility of Seminole and other Indians in Florida, and military arrangements and preparations against them. 1836. (In American State Papers, Military Affairs, vol. 6, pages 433 to 443, f) \ leather, $2.00. 021 The Seminoles agreed to removal west of the Mississippi River. Some of them objected when the removal plans were actually about to be carried out, so that bad feeling was engendered and the Indians went on the war-path against the white settlers. Military orders and operations against Indians in Florida, and for their removal west of Mississippi River. 1836. (In American State Papers, Military Affairs, vol. 6, pages 56 to 80, f) \ leather, $2.00. O 21 Orders withdrawing Gen. Scott and appointing Gen. Jesup to command of Army in Florida, and correspondence showing its operations during Semi- nole War under command of the latter. 1838. (In American State Papers, Military Affairs, vol. 7, pages 794 to 894, f) \ leather, $2.00. 022 Proceedings of military courts of inquiry on operations of Army in cam- paigns in Florida against Seminole Indians under command of Gen. Gaines and Gen. Scott in 1836, and causes of delay in opening and prose- cuting the campaign in Georgia and Alabama against Creek Indians in 1836. (In American State Papers, Military Affairs, vol. 7, pages 125 to 465, 1 illus. maps, f) leather, $2.00. O22 The small force of the regular Army and the State militia found it a very diffi- cult task to subdue the Seminoles, who were perfectly familiar with the trails in the morasses of Florida. Zachary Taylor's account of battle with Seminole Indians near Kissimmee River, Fla., Dec. 25, 1837. (In American State Papers, Military Affairs, vol. 7, pages 985 to 992, f) * leather, $2.00. O22 FOOD. Food products of North American Indians. (In Agriculture Report, 1870, pages 404 to 428, illus.) Cloth, 65c. A 1.1 : 870 On uses of brain and marrow of animals among Indians of North America. (In Smithsonian Report, 1870, pages 390 and 391.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 870 FORT RECOVERY, OHIO. Report favoring bill for memorial monument at Fort Recovery. 1910. 4 pages. (61st Cong., 2d sess., S. Rept. 489.) Paper, 5c. Fort Recovery in 1791 was the scene of a battle in which an army of 1,400 American soldiers under Gen. Arthur St. Clair was nearly annihilated by Indians. On the same spot in 1794 Gen. Wayne successfully defended the fort which had been erected there against the attack of Indians and British. A short account of the battles, taken from Roosevelt's Winning of the West, is given in this report. FRAUDS. Report concerning frauds and wrongs committed against Indians. 1873. 793 pages. (42d Cong., 3d sess., H. Rept. 98. Vol. 3; serial no. 1578.) Sheep, $1.25. Report from Committee on Indian Affairs on investigation into all frauds unfairness, and irregularity, if any, connected with administration of Indian affairs, fiscal years 1873 and 1874, with evidence. 283 pages. (43d Cong., 1st sess., H. Rept. 778.) Paper, 15c. FRENCH HALF-BREEDS of the northwest; by V. Havard. (In Smithsoniar Report, 1879, pages 309 to 327.) Cloth, 75c. SI 1.1: 879 3TTJR TRADE, memorial of hat manufacturers of Philadelphia, and statements of principal agent of Indian Factory Office, Dec. 10, 1805. (In American State Papers, Commerce and Navigation, vol. 1, pages 594 to 598.) Cloth, $2.00. 14 Gives prices and methods of selling furs. INDIANS 19 GAMES. Games of North American Indians; by Stewart Culm. (In 24th Ethnology Report, 1903, pages 3 to 809, illus. large 8) Cloth, $1.50. SI 2.1 : 903 Indigenous games in Latin America. (In Pan Amercian Union Bulletin, July, 1914, pages 14 to 27.) Paper, 25c. AR1.6: e39* A dozen illustrations add to the interest of an interesting subject. Social plays, games, marches, old folk dances, and rhythmic movements for use in Indian schools. 1911. 67 pages, illus. (Indian Affairs Office.) Paper, lOc. I20.8:.P69 GILA RIVER RESERVATION. Letters and petitions with reference to con- serving rights of Pima Indians of Arizona to lands of their reservation and necessary water supply for irrigatio'n. 1912. 81 pages. (62d Cong., 2d sess., H. Doc. 521.) Paper, lOc. The Pima Indians for centuries inhabited the lower Gila River and made their living by farming in the valley. Recent irrigation enterprises above them on the river cut oft* their water supply and almost reduced them to starvation. GRANDE RONDE RESERVATION. Report favoring H. 11966, to ratify and amend agreement with Indians upon Grande Ronde Reservation, Oreg. 1904. 10 pages. (58th Cong., 2d sess., H. Rept. 889.) Paper, 5c. Providing for the transfer of lands to United States. GUADALOUPE, WEST INDIES. Guesde collection of antiquities in Pointe-d- Pitre, Guadaloupe; by O. T. Mason. (In Smithsonian Report, 1884, pages 731 to 837, illus.) Cloth, 80c. 811.1:884 GUATUSO INDIANS of Costa Rica; by Lepn Fernandez. (In Smithsonian Report, 1882, pages 675 to 681.) Cloth, 70c. 811.1:882 HAIDA INDIANS. Haida texts and myths. Skidegate dialect; by J. R. Swanton. 1905. 448 pages, illus. (Ethnology Bulletin 29.) Paper, 25c; cloth, 40c. SI 2.3 : 29 HAKO, PAWNEE CEREMONY ; by A. C. Fletcher. 372 pages, illus., large 8 (22d Ethnology Report, 1901, pt. 2.) Paper, 90c; cloth, $1.00. SI 2.1 : 901* HAMPTON INSTITUTE. Report made by Hampton Institute regarding its returned Indian students. 1892. 87 pages, illus., 3 maps. (52d Cong., list sess., 8. Ex. Doc. 31.) Cloth, 20c. The records carefully kept for 13 years show that over three-fourths of the Indian students who returned to the reservations after a course at Hampton Nor- mal and Agricultural Institute, Hampton, Va., can be classed among those who are doing well. HANDBOOK of American Indians north of Mexico; edited by F. W. Hodge. 1907, 1910. 2 pts., 972+1221 pages, illus. (Ethnology Bulletin 30, 2 pts.) Cloth, each part, $1.50. SI 2.3 : 30 An encyclopedia of everything relating to the American Indian. HARPOONS. Aboriginal American harpoons, study in ethnic distribution and invention; by O. T. Mason. (In National Museum Report, 1900, pages 189 to 304, illus.) Cloth, $1.15. 813.1:900 HARVEY, GEORGE L. Response to resolution, charges, reports, and other documents relating to [George L. Harvey] superintendent of Pawnee Indian school, Okla. 1904. 126 pages. (58th Cong., 2d sess., S. Doc. 142.) Paper, lOc. HASJELTI DAILJIS. Ceremonial of Hasjelti Dailjis and mythical sand paint- ing of Navajo Indians; by James Stevenson. (In 8th Ethnology Report, 1887, pages 229 to 285, illus., large 8) Cloth, $1.45. SI 2.1 : 887 HAVESU-PAI INDIANS. Some observations on Havesu-pai Indians ; by R. W. Shufeldt. (In National Museum Proceedings, vol. 14, 1891, pages 387 to 390, illus.) Cloth, 75c. SI 3.6 : 14 HEIRS. Decision of commissioner of Indian affairs, approved by Department of Interior, in inheritance case of Grace Cox, deceased Omaha Indian, of Nebraska, construing that part of sec. 1 of act of June 25, 1910, which relates to determination of heirs of deceased Indians. 1914. 9 pages. (63d Cong., 2d sess., H. Doc. 645.) Paper, 5c. 20 PRICE LIST 24 3D EDITION HEIRS Continued. Heirs of deceased Indians, bill to provide for determining heirs of deceased Indians, for disposition and sale of allotments of deceased Indians, for leasing of allotments, etc. General debate in House, May 11, 1910. (In Congressional Record, vol. 45, no. 124, pages 6295 to 6330.) Paper, 7c. Message from President returning without approval S. 4948, relating to inherited estates in Five Civilized Tribes in Oklahoma, with report of Secretary of Interior in relation thereto. 1912. 10 pages. (62d Cong., 2d sess., S. Doc. 899.) Paper, 5c. In the opinion of the Secretary of the Interior this bill if enacted would legalize many fraudulent sales and deprive many minor children of their inheritances. Report favoring H. 24992, for determining heirs of Indians, for disposition and sale of allotments of deceased Indians, for leasing of allotments [etc.]. 1910. 12 pages. (61st Cong., 2d sess., H. Rept. 1135. Bound with other reports ; serial no. 5593. ) Buckram, 75c. HIDATSA INDIANS. Ethnography and philology of Hidatsa Indians; by Washington Matthews. 1877. 239 pages. (Hayden Survey, Miscella- neous Publications 7.) Cloth, 50c. 118.6:7 HLINGIT LANGUAGE. Grammar and vocabulary of Hlingit language of southeastern Alaska; by W. A. Kelly and F. H. Willard. (In Education Report, 1904, vol. 1, pages 715 to 766. ) Cloth, 85c. 1 16.1 1 : 904 HOPI INDIANS. Collection of Hopi ceremonial pigments; by Walter Hough. (In National Museum Report, 1900, pages, 463 to 471.) Cloth, $1.15. SI 3.1 : 900 Drought-resisting adaptation in seedlings of Hopi maize. (In Journal of Agricultural Research, Jan., 1914, pages 293 to 302, illus., large 8) Paper, 25c. A 1.23 : 1* Description of a kind of corn used by the Hopi Indians which, having been bred for many years in the arid regions, is especially drought-resistant. 'HORSESHOE BEND, BATTLE OF. Memorial of Horseshoe Bend Battle Commission, of Alabama, praying Congress to establish military park on Horseshoe Bend battlefield. 1909. 17 pages. (60th Cong., 2d sess., S. Doc. 756.) Paper, 5c. At Horseshoe Bend on the Tallapoosa River, Ala., Gen. Andrew Jackson with his Tennessee troops and a few United States Regulars put an end to the Creek war by a decisive victory over the Indians, on Mar. 27, 1814. This report gives short accounts of the battle extracted from various historical accounts, and reports of Gen. Jackson. HULA. Unwritten literature of Hawaii, sacred songs of the hula, with notes and an account of the hula; by N. B. Emerson. 1909. 288 pages, illus. (Ethnology Bulletin 38.) Cloth, 50c. SI 2.3 : 38 HUPA INDIANS. Ray collection from Hupa Reservation; by O. T. Mason. (In Smithsonian Report, 1886, pages 205 to 239, illus.) Cloth, 80c. SI 1.1 : 886 INDIAN AFFAIRS OFFICE. Annual report of commissioner of Indian affairs I 20.1 : 1849. (In Messages and Documents, 1849, pt. 3, pages 937 to 1176.) Cloth, 50c. 1 1.1 : 849 2 1851. (In Messages and Documents, 1851, pt. 3, pages 265 to 582.) Cloth, 50c. 1 1.1 : 851* 1852. (In Messages and Documents, 1852-3, pt. 1, pages 293 to 466.) Cloth, 60c. 1 1.1 : 852* 1854. (In Messages and Documents, 1854-5, pt. 1, pages 211 to 544.) Cloth, 45c. 1 1.1 : 854 1855. (In Messages and Documents, 1855-6, pt. 1, pages 321 to 576.) Cloth, 50c. 1 1.1 : 855 1862. 432 pages. Cloth, 35c. 1863. 513 pages. Cloth, 40c. 1864. 507 pages. Cloth, 55c. 1865. 590 pages. Cloth, 55c. 1866. 372 pages. \ leather, 60c. 1867. 397 pages. Cloth, 30c. 1869. 619 pages. Cloth, 50c; \ leather, S5c. 1870. 395 pages. Cloth, 30c ; \ leather, 65c. INDIANS 21 INDIAN AFFAIRS OFFICE Continued. Annual report of commissioner of Indian affairs Continued 1871. 706 pages, tables. Cloth, 50c. 1872. 471 pages. Cloth, 45c. 1873. 397 pages, table. Cloth, 40c. 1874. 364 pages, map. Cloth, 40c. 1875. 415 pages, maps. Cloth, 45c. 1876. 357 pages, map. Cloth, 35c. 1877. 555 pages, map. Cloth, 55c. 1878. 438 pages, maps. Cloth, 40c. 1879. 392 pages, maps. Cloth, 40c. 1880. 405 pages, map. Cloth, 40c. 1881. 476 pages, map, tables. Cloth, 45c. 1882. 525 pages, map, tables. Cloth, 50c. 1883. 466 pages, map. Cloth, 50c. 1884. 512 pages, maps. Cloth, 40c. 1885. 666 pages, map. Cloth, 75c. 1886. pt. 1. 486 pages. Cloth, 50c. 1887. pt. 1. 439 pages, map. Cloth, 50c. 1888. 491 pages, map. Cloth, 50c. 1889. 818 pages, map, chart. Cloth, 75c. 1890. 553 pages, map. Cloth, 65c. 1891. vol. 1. 707 pages, map. Cloth, 65c. 1891. vol. 2. 416 pages. Cloth, 40c. 1892. 1294 pages, map. Cloth, 85c. 1893. 1016 pages, map. Cloth, 90c; i leather, $1.30. 1894. 1034 pages, map. Cloth, 80c. 1895. 653 pages, map. Cloth, 80c. 1896. 632 pages, map. Cloth, 75c. 1897. 604 pages, map. Cloth, 80c. 1898. 1062 pages, map. Cloth, 90c. 1899. pt. 1. 682 pages, map. Cloth, 60c. 1899, pt. 2. 397 pages. Cloth, 60c. 1900, 760 pages, map. Cloth, 60c. 1901, pt. 1. 806 pages, map. Cloth, 60c. 1901, pt. 2. 893 pages, illus., maps. Cloth, $1.05. 1902, pt. 1. 748 pages, map. Paper, 40c; cloth, 55c. 1902, pt. 2. 764 pages, illus., maps. Cloth, 85c. 1903, pt. 1. 628 pages, illus., map. Cloth, 60c. 1903, pt. 2. 879 pages, maps. Cloth, $1.10. 1904, pt. 1. 716 pages, map. Cloth, 65c. 1904, pt. 2. 864 pages, maps. Cloth, 90c. 1905, pt. 1. 591 pages, map. Cloth, $1.00. 1905. pt. 2. 291 pages, table. Cloth, 40c. 1906. 597 pages, map. Paper, 60c; cloth, 80c. 1907. 184 pages, map. Cloth, 80c. 1908. 190 pages, map. Cloth, 60c. 1909. 172 pages, map. Cloth, 35c. 1910. 71 pages, mnp. Cloth, 30c. 1911. 295 pages, mnp. Cloth, 45c. 1912. 331 pages, map. Cloth, 45c. Regulations governing supervising and investigating officers of Indian Service. 1913. 19 pages, narrow 12 Paper, 5c. I 20.12 : Of 2 Report of special committee appointed to inquire into expenditures of Indian Service and Yellowstone Park. 1886. 283 pages. (49th Cong., 1st sess., H. Rept. 1076. Bound with other reports; serial no. 2438.) Sheep, $1.35. This Congressional committee visited a large number of Indian agencies and had interviews with mission workers, teachers, and Indian agents concerning the progress which the various tribes had made in civilization, and the value of the different Government schools. Report on reduction of Army officers' pay, reorganization of Army and transfer of Indian Bureau. 1876. 234 pages. (44th Cong., 1st sess., H. Rept. 354. Bound with other reports; serial no. 1709.) Sheep, $1.40. The committee which reported on the above propositions submitted a large number of answers from Army officers to a circular letter sent out by the com- mittee. The majority were of the opinion that Indian affairs could be much more economically and honestly administered through the Army. 22 PRICE LIST 24 3D EDITION INDIAN AFFAIRS OFFICE Continued. Testimony taken by joint committee appointed to take into consideration expediency of transferring Indian Bureau to War Department. 1879. 406 pages. (45th Cong., 3d sess., S. Misc. Doc. 53. Bound with other docs. ; serial no. 1835. ) Sheep, $1.60. INDIAN CONSOLIDATION. History of events resulting in Indian consolida- tion west of Mississippi River [with bibliography] ; by Annie H. Abel. (In American Historical Association Report, 1906, vol. 1, pages 233 to 450.) Paper, 60c; cloth, 75c. SI 4.1 : 906 1 CONTENTS. Origin of idea of removal. Unsuccessful attempts to effect removal during President Jefferson's administrations. War of 1812 and Indian removal. Progress of Indian removal from 1815 to 1820. The North and Indian removal from 1820 to 1825. The South and Indian removal from 1820 to 1825. J. Q. Adams and Indian removal. Removal bill and its more immediate consequences. INDIAN HOME. Memorial of Richard C. Adams on behalf of Delaware and other Indians in Oklahoma [asking for establishment of Indian home in Oklahoma]. 1908. 3 pages. (60th Cong., 2d sess., S. Doc. 592.) Paper, 5c. INDIAN TERRITORY. Indian Territory became a part of the State of Oklahoma in 1907. Indian Inspector for Indian Territory. Annual report, with reports of Indian agent in charge of Union Agency, superintendent and supervisors of schools in Territory, etc. 1 1.20 s : 1899. 40 pages. Paper, 5c. 1900. 173 pages, illus., map. Paper, 25c. 1901. 227 pages, illus., 3 maps. Paper, 25c. 1902. 229 pages, illus., 3 maps. Paper, 25c. 1903. 260 pages. Paper, 15c. 1904. 290 pages. Paper, 15c. 1905. 92 pages. Paper, 5c. 1906. 102 pages, map. Paper, 15c. 1907. 58 pages. Paper, 5c. Indian Territory; by Frank C. Hubbard. (In Commerce and Navigation, 1889, vol. 2, pages 168 to 185.) Cloth, 70c. T 37.1: 889* Historical sketch of the tribes, with account of transportation and resources of Indian Territory. Letters which have passed between President [Roosevelt] and Secretary of the Interior in reference to report of select committee of Senate on affairs in Indian Territory, etc. 1907. 108 pages. (59th Cong., 2d sess., S. Doc. 286. ) Paper, lOc. Relating to the disposal of coal and gas lands belonging to the Five Civilized Tribes in Indian Territory. Memorial from citizens of Indian Territory, praying for admission into the Union and presenting form of constitution for proposed State, to be known as State of Sequoyah. 1906. 87 pages, map. (59th Cong., 1st sess., S. Doc. 143.) Paper, lOc. Report from Select Committee to Investigate Matters Connected with Affairs in Indian Territory, of Five Civilized Tribes, with hearings, Nov. 11, 1906, to Jan. 9, 1907. 2 vols., 2165 pages, illus. (59th Cong., 2d sess., S. Rept. 5013, 2 pts.) Paper, each part, 85c. Report of C. J. Bonaparte and C. R. Woodruff, special inspectors, in matter of alleged abuses and irregularities in public service of Indian Territory, and Memorandum of work of Commission to Five Civilized Tribes. 1904. 54 pages. (58th Cong., 2d sess., S. Doc. 189.) Paper, 5c. Report of Committee on Territories on affairs in Indian Territory; with testimony. 1879. 813+325 pages. (45th Cong., 3d sess., S. Rept. 744. Vol. 3 ; serial no. 1839.) Sheep, $1.50. The recommendations of the committee were as follows : 1. Establishment of United States court in the nation, with criminal and civil jurisdiction. 2. Granting right of representation in Congress as is done in the territories proper of United States. 3. Indians should become citizens of United States. 4. Conditional land-grants to railway companies be repealed. 5. Appropriation should be made by Congress to pay expenses of general council, also an appropriation to pay a delegate to Congress. INDIANS 23 INDIANS. Condition of Indian tribes, report of joint special committee [with state- ments of Army officers and Indian agents]. 1867. 532 pages. (Indian Tribes, Joint Special Committee on Condition of.) Cloth, 50c. Y 4.1n2 : In 2 Memorial of Brotherhood of North American Indians protesting against reimbursement of money appropriated for benefit of Indian tribes, as pro- vided in H. 20728, and practice adopted in doing likewise since 1877, and praying for right of representation and of self-government by the Indian people. 1912. 11 pages. (62d Cong., 2d sess., S. Doc. 489.) Paper, 5c. A protest against spending money out of the Indian funds for the benefit of the Indians without their consent or approval. A protest especially against the employment in the Indian service of a large number of people of white blood. The writer said that it had often been called " the largest lame-duck puddle in the world." Report on Indians taxed and Indians not taxed in United States, except Alaska. 1894. 683 pages, illus. 25 maps, 4 (llth Census, 1890.) Cloth, $2.35. 1 12.5 : 7 CONTENTS. Historic review of Indians. Policy and administration of Indian affairs, 1776 to 1890. Population, educational, land, and vital and social statistics of Indians. Condition of Indians taxed and Indians not taxed, by States. Indian wars and their cost, and civil expenditures for Indians. Depredation claims. Liabilities of United States to Indians 1890. Legal status of Indians. Census of Indians in the Dominion of Canada, 1890. INDUSTRIES. Primitive industry; by Thomas Wilson. (In Smithsonian Report, 1892, pages 521 to 534.) Paper, 60c; cloth, 70c. 811.1: 892 IROQUOIS INDIANS. Bibliography of Iroquoian languages; by J. C. Pilling. 1888. 208 pages. (Ethnology Bulletin 6.) Paper, 15c. SI 2.3: 6 Iroquoian cosmology, 1st part; by J. N. B. Hewitt. (In 21st Ethnology Report, 1900, pages 127 to 360, illus., large 8) Cloth, $1.75. SI 2.1 : 900 KATCINAS. Hopi katcinas, drawn by native artists; by J. W. Fewkes. (In 21st Eth- nology Report, 1900, pages 3 to 126, illus., large 8) Cloth, $1.75. SI 2.1 : 900 Tusayan katciuas; by J. W. Fewkes. (In 15th Ethnology Report, 1894, pages 247 to 313, illus., large 8) Cloth, $1.60. SI 2.1 : 894 KAW INDIANS. Report favoring bill to sell surplus lands of members of Kaw or Kansas and Osage tribes of Indians in Oklahoma [etc.]. 1909. 2 pages. (60th Cong., 2d sess., H. Rept. 2216.) Paper, 5c. KICKAPOO INDIANS. Affairs of Mexican Kickapoo Indians, hearings, Feb. 8 to [Dec. 7, 1907, with appendix]. 3 vols., 2309 pages. (60th Cong., 1st sess., S. Doc. 215, 3 pts.) Vol. 1, buckram, $1.00; vol. 2, paper, 80c, buckram, $1.00; vol. 3, paper, 45c. Hearings relating to bill to fulfill treaty stipulations of treaty of June 28, 1862, and other treaty agreements with Kickapoo Indians. 1908. 36 pages. (60th Cong., 1st sess., S. Doc. 350.) Paper, 5c. Report from Committee on Indian Affairs under S. R. 261, 59th Congress, directing committee to investigate affairs of Mexican Kickapoo Indians. 1907. 12 pages. (60th Cong., 1st sess., S. Rept. 5.) Paper, 5c. The subcommittee (Senators Teller, Curtis, and La Pollette) found a very- reprehensible state of affairs as to the disposition of the lands of the Kickapoos. A single statement from the report may be quoted : " We find that the persons whom we have designated as belonging to the Chapman, Grimes, and Conine people, and all those claiming under them, secured tneir said pretended title by acts of violence, corruption, fraud, intimidation, and debauchery, and some by committing the crime of forgery, and that they have no valid titles, but the deeds they hold are such a cloud upon the title that it is the duty of the Government to at once bring action to set the same aside." KIOWA, COMANCHE, AND APACHE RESERVATION. Hearing before Com- mittee on Indian Affairs of Senate, Jan. 19 and 28, 1905 [on bill to open for settlement 505,000 acres of land in Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Reservation, Okla.]. 28 pages. Paper, 5c. Y 4. In2 2 :K62 24 PRICE LIST 24 3D EDITION KIOWA INDIANS. Calendar history of Kiowa Indians; by James Mooney. (In 17th Ethnology Report, 1896, pt. 1, pages 129 to 445, illus., map, large 8.) Paper, $2.50 ; cloth, $2.70. SI 2.1 : 896 Contains Kiowa-English and English-Kiowa glossary. Results of investigation into affairs of Kiowa Indian Agency. 1903. 49 pages. (58th Cong., 2d sess., S. Doc. 26.) Paper, 5c. KLAMATH INDIANS. Klamath Indians of southwestern Oregon; by A. S. Gatschet. 1890. 2 parts, cvii +711+711 pages, map, 4 (Contributions to North American Ethnology, vol. 2.) Part 1, cloth, $1.30; part 2, cloth, $1.20. 1 17.5 : 2 Part 1. Ethnographic sketch, texts of Klamath language, grammar of Klamath languatcf. Part 2. Dictionary of Klamath language. The Klamath people who dwell in the southern part of Oregon and the northern part of California consist of the Klamath Lake tribe and the Modoc tribe An interesting account of the Modoc war of 1872-1873 is given in the Modoc language (with the English equivalent), pages S3 to 53 of part 1. KLAMATH RESERVATION. Report from Committee on Indian Affairs, favoring S. 1794, to ratify agreement with Indians of Klamath Reserva- tion, Oreg. 1906. 25 pages. (59th Cong., 1st sess., S. Rept. 198.) Paper, 5c. KNIVES. Man's knife among North American Indians, study in collections of National Museum; by O. T. Mason. (In National Museum Report, 1897, pt. 1, pages 725 to 745, illus.) Cloth, $1.75. SI 3.1 : 897 KWAKIUTL INDIANS. Social organization and secret societies of Kwakiutl Indians; by Franz Boas. (In National Museum Report, 1895, pages 311 to 738, illus.) Cloth, $1.40. SI 3.1 : 895 LANDS. Draft of proposed legislation to enable Indians to relinquish [unsuitable] allotments [and select lieu lands]. 1909. 2 pages. (60th Cong., 2d sess., H. Doc. 1304.) Paper, 5c. Indian land cessions in United States; by C. C. Royce. (In 18th Ethnology Report, 1897, pt. 2, pages 521 to 997, 67 maps, large 8.) Cloth, $2.60. SI 2.1 : 897 2 A most notable and valuable compilation, tracing the steps by which the vast patrimony of the aboriginal Americans has been taken from them by the white man. The schedule shows the number and location of each cession, from the organization of the Government to 1894, with descriptions of the tracts ceded, date of the treaty or law governing the transfer, names of the tribes concerned, and other historical data and references. Similar facts are given in relation to the reservations which have been made in behalf of the Indians. Sixty-seven maps in color illustrate graphically the descriptions in the text. The 118-page Introduc- tion is a careful historical sketch of the varying policies of the English, French, and Spanish settlers and of the thirteen colonies and the United States in dealing with the Indians and their lands. Indian lands for sale under Government supervision. [1911.] 16 pages. ( Indian Affairs Office. ) Paper, 5c. I 20.2 : L 23 1 Information in detail on which recommendations relating to Indian lands were made by Lieut. Gen. Sheridan in his annual report. [1885.] 4 pages. (Staff Corps General.) Paper, 5c. W 2.2: In 2 Is it wise to establish a leasing system of Government lands within Indian reservations? Speech of John F. Shafroth of Colo., in Senate, June 16, 1914. (In Congressional Record of June 19, vol. 51, no. 159, pages 11688 to 11691.) Paper, lie. Leasing unallotted lands on Indian reservations. General debate in House, May 4, 1914. (In Congressional Record, vol. 51, no. 120, pages 8366 to 8372.) Paper, Sc. Memorial from citizens of Indian Territory, with petitions of municipal and ecclesiastical bodies and depositions of leading citizens, praying for removal of restrictions upon sale of surplus allotments, etc. 1904. 65 pages. (58th Cong., 2d sess., S. Doc. 169. Bound with other docs.; serial no. 4590.) 4 leather, $1.50. Mineral lands. Amendments to regulations of July 12, 1909, governing leasing of tribal lands for mining purposes under sec. 3 of act of Feb. 28, 1891, approved Sept. 20, 1913. 2 pages. (Indian Affairs Office.) Paper, 5c. I 20.12 : T 73 3 INDIANS 25 LAND S Continued. Mineral lands. Regulations governing leasing restricted allotted Indian lands for mining purposes, not applicable to Five Civilized Tribes or Osage Nation. Approved Sept. 3, 1912. 11 pages. (Indian Affairs Office. ) Paper, 5c. I 20.12 : In 2 8 Openings and sales of Indian lands. 1912. 8 pages. (Land Office Circular 69.) Paper, 5c. 121.4:69 Removal of restrictions from Indian allotments. Speech of James P. Clarke of Ark., in Senate, May 13, 1908. (In Congressional Record, vol. 42, no. 123, pages 6476 to 6479.) Paper, lie. The speech of Mr. Clarke consisted of the reading of a paper prepared by Mr. Davis of the same State which asserted that 2,000 members of the Choctaw and Chickasaw nations had been unjustly evicted from their holdings. Report in regard to extinguishment of Indian title to lands west of Mis- souri and Iowa. 1854. 42 pages. (33d Cong., 1st sess., H. Ex. Doc. 84. Bound with other docs. ; serial no. 723.) Sheep, $1.45. Response to resolution with respect to suits [to cancel conveyances of Indian allotments] instituted by United States since May 27, 1908, against various persons in eastern district of Oklahoma, etc. 1909. 2 pages. (61st Cong., 1st sess., S. Doc. 89.) Paper, 5c. Rules and regulations relating to issuance of patents in fee and certificates of competency and sale of allotted and inherited Indian lands except those belonging to Five Civilized Tribes. 1910. 21 pages. (Indian Affairs Office.) Paper, 5c. I 20.12: In 2* LANGUAGE. Catalogue of linguistic manuscripts in library of Bureau of Ethnology; by J. C. Pilling. Pages 553 to 577, 4. [From 1st Ethnology Report, 1880.] Paper, 15c. SI2.1 8 :L64 1 0egiha language; by J. O. Dorsey. 1890. 794 pages, illus. 4 (Contribu- tions to North American Ethnology, vol. 6.) Cloth, $1.00. 117.5:6 Part 1. Myths, stories, and letters. Tart 2. Additional myths, stories, and letters. The Cegiha language as used in this volume refers to the speech of Omaha and Ponka tribes of the Siouan linguistic family. Handbook of American Indian languages; by Franz Boas. 1911. Pt. 1, 1069 pages. (Ethnology Bulletin 40 [pt. 1].) Cloth, $1.25. 812.3:40* CONTENTS. Athapascan. Ilupa. Tlingit. Haida. Tsimshian. Kwakiutl. Chi- nook [with Wishram text]. Maidu. Algonquian, Pox. Siouan, Dakota, Teton, and Santee dialects, with remarks on Ponca and Winnebago. Eskimo. Indian languages of Mexico and Central America and their geographical distribution; by Cyrus Thomas and J. R. Swauton. 1911. 108 pages, map. (Ethnology Bulletin 44.) Cloth, 35c. SI 2.3 : 44 Indian linguistic families of America north of Mexico; by J. W. Powell. (In 7th Ethnology Report, 1886, pnges 1 to 142, map in pocket, large 8) Cloth, $1.30. SI 2.1 : 886 On language of aboriginal Indians of America. (In Smithsonian Report, 1870, pages 364 to 367.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 870 Sioux. On comparative phonology of four Siouan languages; by J. O. Dorsey. (In Smithsonian Report, 1883, pages 919 to 929.) Cloth, 80c. SI 1.1 : 883 Sioux. On language of Dakota or Sioux Indians; by F. L. O. Rcehrig. (In Smithsonian Report, 1871, pages 434 to 450.) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 871 LAWS. Digest of decisions relating to Indian affairs; by K. S. Murchison. Vol. 1, judicial. 1901. 667 pages. (Indian Office.) Sheep, $1.10. I 20.2 : D 35 Vol. 2 of this work has never been issued, the Government Printing Office never having received the manuscript therefor. There is no present prospect that It ever will be, as the author left the Government service several years ago. Indian affairs, laws and treaties; by C. J. Kappler. 2d edition. 1904. 2 vols. 1162+1099 pages, large 8 (Indian Affairs Committee.) Vols. 1 and 2, sheep, $4.00. Y 4. In 2 2 : L 44 1 ' 3 26 PEICE LIST 24 3D EDITION LAWS Continued. Same, vol. 3. 798 pages, large 8 (62d Cong., 2d sess., S. Doc. 719.) Paper, $1.50. Vol. 1 includes laws arranged by Congresses, Executive orders and proclama- tions, revised spelling of Indian names, decisions of Supreme Court, etc. Vol. 2 includes treaties arranged chronologically. Vol. 3 includes laws from 1902 to 1913 with Executive and departmental orders. Includes deed given to William Penn by the Indians for land including the site of Philadelphia. Laws of United States relating to Indian affairs, compiled from Revised Statutes enacted June 22, 1874, and from Statutes at Large to Mar. 4, 1883, also special acts and resolutions, list of treaties and agreements with Indian tribes. 3d edition. 1884. 431 pages. (Indian Affairs Office.) Cloth, 40c. I 20.9 : 884 LEECH LAKE RESERVATION, MINN. Hearing before Secretary of Interior in matter of certain contracts for sale and purchase of dead and down timber on reservation, Dec. 20, 21, 1900. 66 pages. (Interior Dept) Paper, 5c. 1 1.2 : L 51 LEMHI RESERVATION. Report favoring amendment to bill, making appro- priations for Indian Department, 1907, relative to sale of improvements on reservation. 1906. 12 pages. (59th Cong., 1st sess., S. Rept, 1423.) Paper, 5c. LIQUORS. Message submitting matters relative to modification of certain treaties entered into with Indian tribes occupying [portion of Minnesota] in restriction of intoxicating liquors on account of changed conditions. 1911. 3 pages. (61st Cong., 3d sess., S. Doc. 824.) Paper, 5c. Report amending bill, to amend act to prohibit sale of intoxicating drinks to Indians [so as to extend prohibition zone in Territories to include area of 25 miles around Indian reservations and Indian settlements, etc.]. 1909. 1 page. (60th Cong., 2d sess., S. Rept. 894.) Paper, 5c. Report of chief special officer for suppression of traffic of intoxicants among Indians. 1911. 20 pages. (61st Cong., 3d sess., S. Doc. 767.) Paper, 5c. LOWER CALIFORNIA. Account of aboriginal inhabitants of California Peninsula, as given by Jacob Baegert, German Jesuit missionary, who lived there 17 years dur- ing second half of last [18th] century [chapters 1 to 4]. (In Smith- sonian Report, 1863, pages 352 to 369.) Cloth, 70c. 811.1:863 Same, chapters 5 to 10. (In Smithsonian Report, 1864, pages 378 to 399.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 864 MASKS, labrets, and certain aboriginial customs, with inquiry into bearing of their geographical distribution; by W. H. Dall. (In 3d Ethnology Report, 1882, pages 67 to 202, illus. large 8) Cloth, $1.15. SI 2.1 : 882 MAYA INDIANS. Central American hieroglyphic writing; by Cyrus Thomas. (In Smith- sonian Report, 1903, pages 705 to 721, illus.) Cloth, $1.00. SI 1.1 : 903 Mayan calendar systems [1] ; by Cyrus Thomas. (In 19th Ethnology Report, 1898, pt. 2, pages 693 to 819, illus. large 8) Cloth, $1.90. SI 2.1 : 898' Mayan calendar systems, 2; by Cyrus Thomas. (In 22d Ethnology Report, 1901, pt. 1, pages 197 to 320, illus. large 8) Cloth, $1.25. SI 2.1: 901 1 The Mayan tribes of Yucatan, Chipas, Guatemala, and western Honduras had reached at the time of the discovery of America the highest stage of native culture found in North America except possibly in political organization, in which the Aztecs excelled. The Spaniards found them living in cities of noble architecture, possessing a definitely organized government, a literature and history, and even, a highly developed calendaric and chronologic system. Mexican and 'Central American antiquities, calendar systems, and history, translated from German under supervision of C. P. Bowditch. 1904. 682 pages, illus., map. (Ethnology Bulletin 28.) Paper, 85c; cloth, $1.00 SI 2.3 : 28 CONTENTS. Mexican chronology. Ancient Mexican feather ornaments. Antiq- uities of Guatemala. Mexican picture writings of Alexander von Humboldt. Bat god of Maya race. Wall paintings of Mitla. Significance of Maya calendar In historic chronology. Temple pyramid of Tepoxtlan. Venus period in picture writ- ings of Borgian codex group. Aids to deciphering of Maya manuscript. Maya chronology. Time periods of Mayas. Maya glyphs. Central American calen- dar. Pleiades among the Mayas. Central American tonalamatl. Recent Maya investigations. Inscription on cross of Palenque. Day gods of Mayas. Temple of inscriptions at Palenque. Three inscriptions of Palenque. Comparative studies in field of Maya antiquities. Independent Indian states of Yucatan. Two - from Chama. INDIANS 27 MAYA INDIANS Continued. Notes on certain Maya and Mexican manuscripts; by Cyrus Thomas. (In 3d Ethnology Report, 1882, pages 3 to 65, illus. large 8) Cloth, $1.15. SI 2.1 : 882 Numeral systems of Mexico and Central America; by Cyrus Thomas. (In 19th Ethnology Report, 1898, pt. 2, pages 853 to 955, illus. large 8) Cloth, $1.90. SI 2.1 : 898' Remarks on ancient relic of Maya sculpture. (In Smithsonian Report, 1871, pages 423 to 425.) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 871 Remarks on " Cara gigantesca " of Yzamal in Yucatan ; by Arthur Schott. (In Smithsonian Report, 1869, pages 389 to 393.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 869 The Cara gigantesca Is a colossal figure of the human head, supposed to repre- sent a deity or early ruler of the Mayas. Study of manuscript Troano ; by Cyrus Thomas, with introduction by D. G. Brinton. 1882. xxxvii+237 pages, illus. 4 (In Contributions to North American Ethnology, vol. 5.) Cloth, $1.20. 117.5:5 This ancient manuscript written in Mayan hieroglyphics was found in Madrid, Spain, in 1866. The illustrations include 4 facsimiles of the original pages. MEDICINE-MEN of the Apache; by J. G. Bourke. (In 9th Ethnology Report, 1888, pages 443 to 603, illus. large 8) Cloth, $1.20. SI 2.1 : 888 MENOMINI INDIANS [with vocabulary] ; by W. J. Hoffman. (In 14th Ethnology Report, 1893, pt. 1, pages 3 to 328, illus., map, large 8) Cloth, $1.90. SI 2.1 : 893 MESA VERDE NATIONAL PARK. Antiquities of Mesa Verde National Park, Cliff Palace; by J. W. Fewkes. 1911. 82 pages, illus., map. (Ethnology Bulletin 51.) Cloth, 45c. SI 2.3 : 51 Antiquities of Mesa Verde National Park, Sprucetree House; by J. W. Fewkes. 1909. 57 pages, illus. (Ethnology Bulletin 41.) Cloth, 40c. SI 2.3 : 41 MESCAL, a new artificial paradise; by Havelock Ellis. (In Smithsonian Report, 1897, pages 537 to 548.) Paper, 75c; cloth, 95c. SI 1.1 : 897 Mescal, the product of a cactus grown in the Rio Grande Valley variously known as peyote, mescal bean, Japanese button, or Wak-we, is a powerful narcotic having physical effects upon the user similar to those of cocaine and hasheesh. The cactus grows in the form of a radish or parsnip, rounded at the top with an indented center. Abovit an inch or more of tne top is cut oft" and when dried in the sun the blossom becomes cottony in appearance. The effects of the indulgence last longer than those of alcohol and do not move the person under its influence to violence as does alcohol, but produce a great lassitude which saps the mental and physical vigor. The Indian Office has made efforts to prevent its use by the Indians, and In May, 1909, an officer visited the source of supply, bought up the entire product on the market and destroyed it, at the same time obtaining agreements from wholesale dealers that they would no longer continue the traffic. METLAKAHTLA. Tribal and family relations among Indians of Metlakahtla, Alaska. (In Education Report, 1888, pages 1047 to 1049.) Cloth, 85c. 1 16.1 1 : 888 These Indians were raised to a remarkable degree of civilization through the efforts of William Duncan, an English missionary. MEXICO. National Museum of Mexico. (In American Republics Bulletin, Feb., 1910, pages 247 to 261, illus.) Paper, 25c. AR1.6:30 a The dozen illustrations are of the wonderful remains of Aztec civilization. Value of ancient Mexican manuscripts in study of general development of writing; by A. M. Tozzer. (In Smithsonian Report, 1911, pages 493 to 506, illus.) Cloth, $1.00. 811.1:911 Maya and other pictographic writings of natives of Mexico. MIAMI INDIANS. Report from Commissioner of Indian Affairs concerning moneys alleged to have been improperly taken from funds of Miami Indians of Indiana and Kansas and paid to other Indians. 1886. 27 pages. (49th Cong., 1st sess., H. Ex. Doc. 23. Bound with other docs. ; serial no. 2392.) Sheep, $1.75. 28 PKICE LIST 24 3D EDITION MIDE'WIWIN, or " Grand Medicine Society " of the Ojibwa ; by W. J. Hoffman. (In 7th Ethnology Report, 1886, pages 143 to 300, illus., map, large 8) Cloth, $1.30. SI 2.1 : 886 MIGRATION. American migration; by Frederick von Hellwald. (In Smith- sonian Report, 1866, pages 328 to 345. ) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 866 Prehistoric movements of aborigines, mound-builders, Toltecs, Aztecs, and Incas. MILLE LAC INDIANS. Report favoring bill for relief of Indians. 1908 16 pages. (60th Cong., 1st sess., H. Rept. 1388.) Paper, 5c. MILLE LAC RESERVATION. Report of Commissioner of Indian Affairs relative to reservation. 1884. 18 pages. (48th Cong., 1st sess., H. Ex. Doc. 148. Bound with other docs.; serial no. 2207.) Sheep, $1.35. MINES. Ancient mica mines in North Carolina. (In Smithsonian Report, 1876, pages 441 to 443. ) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 876 Pre-Columbian copper-mining in North America; by R. L. Packard. (In Smithsonian Report, 1892, pages 175 to 198.) Paper, 60c; cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 892 Traces of aboriginal operations in iron mine near Leslie, Mo. ; by W. H. Holmes. (In Smithsonian Report, 1903, pages 723 to 726, illus.) Cloth, $1.00. SI 1.1 : 903 MISSIONS. Annual conferences of Board of Indian Commissioners with representatives of missionary boards at Washington, D. C., 1879 to 1901. (In Board of Indian Commissioners, Annual reports, 1879 to 1901.) 120.5: From 1879 to 1901 the Board of Indian Commissioners held an annual confer- ence in Washington with the representatives of boards which maintain missions among the Indians. During the 23 years mentioned the proceedings of these annual conferences were published by the Government as a part of the annual reports of the Board of Indian Commissioners. Centennial mission to Indians of western Nevada and California; by Stephen Powers. (In Smithsonian Report, 1876, pages 449 to 460.) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 876 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY. Indian tribes of lower Mississippi Valley and ad- jacent coast of Gulf of Mexico ; by J. R. Swanton. 1911. 387 pages, illus., map. (Ethnology Bulletin 43.) Cloth, 80c. SI 2.3: 43 MODOC WAR, 1872-73. Claims of States of California and Oregon, and citizens thereof, on account of Modoc War. 1874. 119 pages. (43d Cong., 2d sess., H. Ex. Doc. 45. Bound with other docs.; serial no. 1645.) Sheep, $1.25. The larger part of the document consists of itemized accounts for services and supplies of the State militia called out to suppress the Modoc uprising. Correspondence and papers relative to war with Modoc Indians in southern Oregon and northern California, 1872 and 1873. 330 pages. (43d Cong. 1st sess.. H. Ex. Doc. 122. Bound with other docs.; serial no. 1607.) Sheep. $1.60. CONTENTS. Preliminary correspondence showing causes which led to hostilities, and circumstances under which military force was employed, with reports of operations up to time of appointment of peace commissioners. Reports of active operations and final capture of Indians, trial and punishment of those implicated in murder of peace commissioners. Proceedings of military commission convened at Fort Klamath for trial of Modoc prisoners. Modoc War, obtained from Riddle family, in Modoc dialect (with English equivalent). (In Contributions to North American Ethnology, vol. 2, part 1, pages 33 to 53, 4) Cloth, $1.30. 1 17.5 : 2 1 Report of A. B. Meacharn, special comissioner to Modocs, upon Modoc War. (In Indian Affairs Report, 1873, pages 74 to 82.) Cloth, 40c. I 20.1 : 873 This was the war in the lava beds of northern California in which Gen. Canby and Dr. Thomas were killed, Apr. 11, 1873. MOHAVE INDIANS. Manners and customs of Mohaves. (In Smithsonian Report, 1890, pages 615 and 616.) Cloth, 75c SI 1.1 : 890 INDIANS 29 MOHONK INDIAN CONFERENCE. Proceedings of 3d to 19th conferences, 1885 to 1901. (In Board of Indian Commissioners Annual reports, 1885 to 1901.) 120.5: In the fall of 1883, Mr. Albert Keith Smiley, a member of the Board of Indian Commissioners since 1879, invited a number of gentlemen interested in the well- being of the Indians to meet at his summer hotel at Lake Mohonk, N. Y., for con- ference. This invitation has been renewed from year to year, and the meetings thus held, to which more than 200 eminent citizens are annually invited, have become widely known as the Mohonk Indian Conference or the Lake Mohonk Con- ference. The conference has no official standing or authority, but its moral influence is believed to have been great. The Board of Indian Commissioners are always members of the conference, and for the first 19 years of its existence, 1883-1901, the reports of its proceedings were published by the Government in the reports of the Board of Indian Commissioners. MONEY. Ethno-conchology, study of primitive money; by R. E. C. Stearns. (In National Museum Report, 1887, pages 297 to 334, illus.) Cloth, 90c. SI 3.1 : 887 MOUND-BUILDERS and platycnemism in Michigan; by Henry Gillman. (In Smithsonian Report, 1873, pages 364 to 390, illus.) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 873 MOUNDS AND ANTIQUITIES. Arizona. Ancient ruin in Arizona. (In Smithsonian Report, 1872, pages 412 and 413.) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 872 Arizona. Antiquities of upper Gila and Salt River valleys in Arizona and New Mexico; by Walter Hough. 1907. 96 pages, illus. map. (Ethnology Bulletin 35. ) Paper, 15c. SI 2.3 : 35 Arizona. Antiquities of upper Verde River and Walnut Creek valleys, Arizona ; by J. W. Fewkes. ( In 28th Ethnology Report, 1907, pages 181 to 220, illus., large 8) Cloth, $1.25. SI 2.1 : 907 Contains material on cliff-dwellings. Blennerhnssett's Island, Ohio River. Remains on island. (In Smithsonian Report, 1882, pages 759 to 768.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 882 Burial mounds of northern sections of United States; by Cyrus Thomas. (In 5th Ethnology Report, 1884, pages 3 to 119, illus. large 8) Cloth, $1.30. SI 2.1 : 884 California. Ancient graves and shell heaps of California. (In Smithsonian Report, 1874, pages 335 to 350, illus.) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 874 Canada. Ancient Indian remains, near Prescott [Canada]. (In Smith- sonian Report, 1856, pages 271 to 276, illus. ) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 856 Canada. Sculptured stone found in St. George, New Brunswick. (In Smithsonian Report, 1881, pages 665 to 671, illus.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 881 Chili. Description of Indian antiquities brought from Chili and Peru by U. S. Naval Astronomical Expedition; by Thomas Ewbank. (In U. SS. Naval Astronomical Expedition to Southern Hemisphere, 1849 to 1852, Navy Dept, pages 111 to 150, illus. large 8) Cloth, 75c; } leather, $1.35. N1.8:G41 4 Colorado. Antiquities on Cache la Poudre River, Colo., in New Mexico, and in Lenoir Co., N. C. (In Smithsonian Report, 1871, pages 402 to 406.) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 871 Colorado. Antiquities of Jefferson and Clear Creek Counties, Colo. (In Smithsonian Report, 1877, pages 236 to 238.) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 877 Connecticut. Antiquities of East Windsor, Conn. (In Smithsonian Report, 1881, pages 660 to 664.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 881 Dakota. Ancient mounds of Dakota; by C. Thomas. (In Hayden Survey Report, 1872, pages 655 to 658, illus.) Cloth, $1.75. 1 18.1 : 872 Dakota. Haystack mound, Lincoln Co., Dakota. (In Smithsonian Report, 1872, pages 413 and 414. ) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 872 Dakota. Indian mounds near Fort Wadsworth, Dakota Territory. (In Smithsonian Report, 1871, pages 389 to 402.) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 871 Ethnology Bureau. Illustrated catalogue of portion of collections made by Bureau during field season of 1881 ; by W. H. Holmes. (In 3d Ethnology Report, 1882, pages 427 to 510, illus., large 8) Cloth, $1.15. SI 2.1 : 882 30 PRICE LIST 24 3D EDITION MOUNDS AND ANTIQUITIES Continued. Florida. Antiquities of Florida. (In Smithsonian Report, 1874, pages 390 to 393.) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 874 Florida. Gold, silver, and other ornaments found in Florida. (In Smith- sonian Report, 1882, pages 791 to 793.) Cloth, 70c. 811.1:882 Florida. Mounds and shell heaps on west coast of Florida (In Smith- sonian Report, 1883, pages 854 to 868, illus.) Cloth, 80c. SI 1.1 : 883 Florida. Observations on gold ornament from mound in Florida. (In Smithsonian Report, 1877, pages 298 to 302, 1 illus.) Cloth, 60c SI 1.1 : 877 Florida. On polychrome bead from Florida. (In Smithsonian Report, 1877, pages 302 to 305, illus.) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 877 Florida. Prehistoric remains in Florida. (In Smithsonian Report 1882, pages 771 to 790.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 882 Florida. Preliminary explorations among Indian mounds in southern Florida. (In Smithsonian Report, 1879, pages 392 to 413, illus.) Cloth, 75c. SI 1.1 : 879 Florida. Shell heaps of east coast of Florida; by De Witt Webb. (In National Museum Proceedings, vol. 16, 1893, pages 695 to 698, illus.) Cloth, 90c. SI 3.6 : 16 Forts. Ancient fort and burial-ground [in Tompkins County, N. Y.]. (In Smithsonian Report, 1863, pages 381 and 382.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 863 Forts. Ancient forts in Ogemaw Co., Mich. (In Smithsonian Report, 1884, pages 849 to 851, illus.) Cloth, 80c. SI 1.1 : 884 Forts. Indian forts and dwellings. (In Smithsonian Report, 1876, pages 460 to 465, illus.) Cloth, 60c. 811.1:876 Georgia. Aboriginal structures in Ga. (In Smithsonian Report, 1877, pages 278 to 289, illus.) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 877 Georgia. Great mound on Etowah River, Ga. (In Smithsonian Report, 1881, pages 624 to 630, illus.) Cloth, 70c. 811.1:881 Georgia. Mounds in Georgia. (In Smithsonian Report, 1872, pages 422 to 428, illus.) Cloth, 60c. 811.1:872 Georgia. Silver crosses from Indian grave-mound at Coosawattee Old Town, Murray Co., Ga. (In Smithsonian Report, 1881, pages 619 to 624, illus.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 881 Guatemala. Antiquities at Pantaleon, Guatemala; by C. E. Vreeland and J. F. Bransford. (In Smithsonian Report, 1884, pages 719 to 730, illus.) Cloth, 80c. SI 1.1 : 884 Guatemala. Antiquities in Guatemala. (In Smithsonian Report, 1876, pages 418 to 421.) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 876 Guatemala. Sculptures of Santa Lucia Cozumahualpa, Guatemala, in Ham- burg Ethnological Museum; by Herman Strebel. (In Smithsonian Re- port, 1899, pages 549 to 561.) Cloth, 95c. SI 1.1 : 899 Honduras. Mounds in northern Honduras; by Thomas Gann. (In 19th Ethnology Report, 1898, pt. 2, pages 655 to 692, illus. large 8.) Cloth, $1.90. SI 2.1 : 898 2 Illinois. Aboriginal remains near Naples, 111. (In Smithsonian Report, 1882, pages 686 to 721, illus.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 882 Illinois. Ancient mounds of Mercer Co., 111. (In Smithsonian Report, 1874, pages 351 to 353.) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 874 Illinois. Ancient remains near Cobden, 111. (In Smithsonian Report, 1881, pages 584 to 586.) Cloth, 70c. 811.1:881 Illinois. Antiquities of Fox River Valley, La Salle Co., 111.; by W. H. Gale. (In Smithsonian Report, 1881, pages 549 to 552, illus.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 881 Illinois. Antiquities of Jackson Co., 111. (In Smithsonian Report, 1881, pages 580 to 582.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 881 Illinois. Antiquities of Rock Island Co., 111. (In Smithsonian Report, 1879, pages 363 to 365, illus.) Cloth, 75c. SI 1.1 : 879 Illinois. Antiquities of Wayne Co., 111. (In Smithsonian Report, 1881, pages 587 to 590, illus.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 881 INDIANS 31 MOUNDS AND ANTIQUITIES Continued. Illinois. Antiquities of Whiteside Co., 111. (In Smithsonian Report, 1874, pages 354 to 361, illus.) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 874 Illinois. Explorations in mounds in Whiteside and La Salle counties, 111. (In Smithsonian Report, 1881, pages 544 to 548, illus.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 881 Illinois. Indian remains in Cass Co., 111. (In Smithsonian Report, 1881, pages 568 to 579.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 881 Illinois. Mound-builders in Rock River Valley, 111. (In Smithsonian Report, 1877, pages 253 to 260.) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 877 Illinois. Mounds in Spoon River Valley, 111. (In Smithsonian Report, 1883, pages 835 to 838.) Cloth, 80c. SI 1.1 : 883 Illinois. Mounds near Quincy, 111., and in Wisconsin. (In Smithsonian Report, 1879, pages 341 to 344.) Cloth, 75c. SI 1.1 : 879 Illinois. Mounds of Sangamon Co., 111. (In Smithsonian Report, 1883, pages 825 to 835, illus.) Cloth, 80c. 811.1:883 Indiana. Antiquities of Allen and De Kalb counties, Ind. (In Smithsonian Report, 1874, pages 380 to 384.) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 874 Indiana. Antiquities of Knox Co., Ind., and Lawrence Co., 111. (In Smith- sonian Report, 1873, pages 411 to 416.) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 873 Indiana. Antiquities of La Porte Co., Ind. (In Smithsonian Report, 1874, pages 377 to 380.) Cloth, 60. SI 1.1 : 874 Indiana. Glidwell mound, Franklin Co., Ind. (In Smithsonian Report, 1882, pages 721 to 728, illus.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 882 Indiana. Mounds and earthworks of Rush Co., Ind. (In Smithsonian Report, 1879, pages 374 to 376, 1 illus.) Cloth, 75c. SI 1.1 : 879 Indiana. Remains of White Water River, Ind. (In Smithsonian Report, 1882, pages 728 to 752.) Cloth, 70c. 811.1:882 Iowa. Ancient mounds and earth-works in Floyd and Cerro Gordo counties, Iowa. (In Smithsonian Report. 1887, pages 575 to 589, illus.) Cloth, 65c. SI 1.1 :.887 Iowa. Ancient mounds in Iowa and Wisconsin. (In Smithsonian Report, 1887, pages 598 to 602, 1 illus.) Cloth, 65c. 811.1:887 Iowa. Ancient mounds in Johnson Co., Iowa. (In Smithsonian Report, 1887, pages 593 to 597, 1 illus.) Cloth, 65c. SI 1.1 : 887 Iowa. Indian graves in Floyd and Chickasaw counties, Iowa. (In Smith- sonian Report, 1887, pages 590 to 592, 1 illus.) Cloth, 65c. SI 1.1 : 887 Iowa. Mounds in Muscatine Co., Iowa, and Rock Island Co., 111. (In Smithsonian Report, 1879, pages 359 to 363, 1 illus.) Cloth, 75c. SI 1.1 : 879 Iowa. Notes on some of principal mounds in Des Moines Valley. (In Smithsonian Report, 1879, pages 344 to 349, illus.) Cloth, 75c. SI 1.1 : 879 James River. Archeologic investigations in James and Potomac valleys; by Gerard Fowke. 1894. 80 pages, illus. (Ethnology Bulletin 23.) Paper, 5c. SI 2.3 : 23 Kansas. Fossil human remains found near Lansing, Kans. ; by W. H. Holmes. (In Smithsonian Report, 1902, pages 455 to 462, illus.) Cloth, $1.00. SI 1.1 : 902 Kentucky. Account of antiquities from Kentucky. (In Smithsonian Report, 1858, pages 430 and 431. ) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 858 Kentucky. Mounds in Boyle and Mercer, Barren, and Allen counties, Ky. (In Smithsonian Report, 1881, pages 603 to 610, illus.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 881 Kentucky. Report of exploration of ancient mounds in Union Co., Ky. (In Smithsonian Report, 1870, pages 392 to 405, illus.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 870 Louisiana. Ancient Indian matting from Petit Anse Island, La.; by Thomas Wilson. (In National Museum Report, 1888, pages 673 to 675, illus.) Cloth, $1.15. 813.1:888 32 PRICE LIST 24 3D EDITION MOUNDS AND ANTIQUITIES Continued. Maryland. Antiquities of Charles Co., Md. (In Smithsonian Report, 1874, pages 387 to 389. ) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 874 Mexico. Account of antiquities in state of Vera Cruz, Mexico. (In Smith- sonian Report, 1870, pages 373 to 376.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1: 870 Mexico. Antiquities in Mexico; by S. B. Evans. (In Smithsonian Report, 1887, pages 689 to 691, 1 illus.) Cloth, 65c. SI 1.1 : 887 Mexico. Certain antiquities of eastern Mexico; by J. W. Fewkes. (In 25th Ethnology Report, 1904, pages 221 to 284, illus. large 8) Cloth, $1.25. SI 2.1 : 904 Mexico. On some spurious Mexican antiquities and their relation to ancient art. (In Smithsonian Report, 1886, pages 319 to 334, illus.) Cloth, 80c. SI 1.1 : 886 Mexico. Studies on archaeology of Michoacan, Mexico. (In Smithsonian Report, 1886, pages 307 to 318, 1 plate.) Cloth, 80c. SI 1.1 : 886 Michigan. Ancient mounds in Clinton Co., Mich. (In Smithsonian Report, 1884, pages 839 to 848, 1 illus.) Cloth, 80c. SI 1.1 : 884 Minnesota. Mounds on Gideon's farm, near Excelsior, Heunepin Co., Minn. (In Smithsonian Report, 1879, pages 422 to 427, illus.) Cloth, 75c. SI 1.1 : 879 Mississippi. Mounds in Washington Co., Miss., and Morehouse Parish, La. (In Smithsonian Report, 1879, pages 383 to 385, illus.) Cloth, 75c. SI 1.1 : 879 Mississippi Valley. Antiquities on banks of Mississippi River and Lake Pepin. (In Smithsonian Report, 1866, pages 366 and 367.) Cloth, 75c. SI 1.1 : 866 Missouri. Antiquities of central and southeastern Missouri, report on explorations made in 1906-07 under auspices of Archaeological Institute of America by Gerard Fowke; [with Report on skeletal material from Mis- souri mounds collected in 1906-07 by Gerard Fowke, by Ales' Hrdlicka]. 1910. 116 pages, illus. map. (Ethnology Bulletin 37.) Cloth, 40c. SI 2.3 : 37 Missouri. Mounds in Rails Co., and southern part of Pike Co., Mo. (In Smithsonian Report, 1881, pages 533 to 536.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 881 Missouri. Mounds of western prairies. (In Smithsonian Report, 1887, pages 603 and 604.) Cloth, 65c. SI 1.1 : 887 Missouri. Prehistoric evidences in Missouri. (In Smithsonian Report, 1879, pages 350 to 359, illus. ) Cloth, 75c. SI 1.1 : 879 New York. Antiquities of Onondaga and adjoining counties in N. Y. (In Smithsonian Report, 1881, pages 647 to 657, illus.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 881 New York. Relics in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. (In Smithsonian Report, 1883, pages 876 to 878, 1 illus.) Cloth, 80c. SI 1.1 : 883 Observations on cup-shaped and other lapidarian sculptures in the Old World and in America; by Charles Rau. 1881. 112 pages, illus. 4 (In Contributions to North American Ethnology, vol. 5.) Cloth, $1.20. 1 17.5 : 5 Ohio. Aboriginal burial mounds, Eden Township, Seneca Co., Ohio. (In Smithsonian Report, 1892, pages 571 to 575, illus.) Paper, 60c; cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 892 Ohio. Ancient earthworks of Ashland Co., Ohio. (In Smithsonian Report, 1877, pages 261 to 267. ) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 877 Ohio. Ancient relics in Dayton, Ohio. (In Smithsonian Report, 1883, pages 838 to 844.) Cloth, 80c. SI 1.1 : 883 Ohio. Ancient remains in Ohio. (In Smithsonian Report, 1885, pages 893 to 900, illus.) Cloth, 80c. SI 1.1 : 885 Ohio. Antiquities of northern Ohio. (In Smithsonian Report, 1874, pages 364 to 366.) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 874 Ohio. Description of mounds and earthworks in Ashland Co., Ohio. (In Smithsonian Report, 1881, pages 593 to 600, 1 illus.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 881 INDIANS 3 MOUNDS AND ANTIQUITIES Continued. Ohio. Double-walled earthwork in Ashtabula Co., Ohio. (In Smithsonian Report, 1876, pages 443 and 444.) Cloth, 60c. 811.1:876 Ohio. Earth-work in Highland Co., Ohio. (In Smithsonian Report, 1883 r pages 851 to 853, 1 illus.) Cloth, SOc. SI 1.1 : 883 Ohio. Earthworks and mounds in Miami Co., Ohio. (In Smithsonian- Report, 1884, pages 873 to 876, 1 illus.) Cloth, SOc. SI 1.1 : 884 Ohio. Mounds in Butler Co., Ohio. (In Smithsonian Report, 1883, pages 844 to 851, illus.) Cloth, SOc. SI 1.1 : 883 Ohio. Problem of Ohio mounds ; by Cyrus Thomas. 1889. 54 pages, illus. (Ethnology Bulletin 8.) Paper, lOc. SI 2.3 : 8 Ohio. Signal mounds of Butler Co., Ohio. (In Smithsonian Report, 1882 r pages 752 to 758, illus. ) Cloth, 70c. . SI 1.1 : 882 Pennsylvania. Relics of Indian hunting grounds, in York Co., Pa. ; by Atreus Wanner. (In Smithsonian Report, 1892, pages 555 to 570, illus.) Paper, 60c ; cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 892 Pennsylvania. Remains in Bucks Co., Pa. (In Smithsonian Report, 18S3 f pages 872 to 876, illus.) Cloth, SOc. 811.1:883 Sketch of ancient earthworks. (In Smithsonian Report, 1866, pages 359 1 to 362.) Cloth, 70c. 811.1:866 South. Antiquities in some of southern States. (In Smithsonian Report, 1870, pages 367 to 369.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 870 Spoon River Valley. Mounds in Spoon River Valley. (In Smithsonian Report, 1881, pages 558 to 563, illus.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 881 Stock-in-trade of an aboriginal lapidary. (In Smithsonian Report, 1877, pages 291 to 298, illus.) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 877 Tennessee. Account of aboriginal ruins at Savannah, Tenn. (In Smith- sonian Report, 1870, pages 408 to 415, 1 illus.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 870 Tennessee. Account of aboriginal ruins on Williams farm, in Hardin Co., Tenn., two miles below Savannah, Tenn. (In Smithsonian- Report, 1870, pages 416 to 420, 1 illus.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 870 Tennessee. Account of antiquities in Tennessee. (In Smithsonian Report, 1870, pages 376 to 380.) Cloth, 70c. 811.1:870 Tennessee. Antiquities of Tennessee. (In Smithsonian Report, 1874 f pages 371 to 374.) Cloth, 60c. 811.1:874 Tennessee. Antiquities of Tennessee. (In Smithsonian Report, 1877, pages 269 to 276.) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 877 Tennessee. Explorations in Tennessee. (In Smithsonian Report, 1870, pages 381 to 383.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 870 Describes an ancient salt lick and mounds. Tennessee. Mounds in Jefferson Co., Tenn. (In Smithsonian Report, 1887, pages 571 to 574.) Cloth, 65c. 811.1:887 Texas. Antiquities ami aborigines of Texas. (In Smithsonian Report, 1881, pages 613 to 616.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 881 West Virginia. Stone mounds of Hampshire Co., W. Va. (In Smithsonian Report, 1883, pages 868 to 872.) Cloth, SOc. SI 1.1 : 883 Wisconsin. Antiquities in Wisconsin. (In Smithsonian Report, 1877, pages 239 to 246, illus.) Paper, 60c. SI 1.1 : 877 Wisconsin. Mounds and osteology of mound-builders of Wisconsin. (In Smithsonian Report, 1877, pages 246 to 250.) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 877 Wisconsin. Mounds in Wiimebago Co., Wis. (In Smithsonian Report, 1S71). pages 335 to 341.) Cloth, 75c. SI 1.1 : 879 Wisconsin. Observations on pre-historic mounds of Grant Co., Wis. (In Smithsonian Report, 1876, pages 424 to 432, illus.) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 876 Wood. On an ancient implement of wood. (In Smithsonian Report, 1876, pages 445 to 449, illus.) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 876 Wyoming. Remains of primitive art in Bridger Basin of southern Wyo- ming; by Joseph Leidy. (In Hayden Survey Report. 1872, pages 651 to- 653, 6 plates.) Cloth, $1.75. 1 18.1 : 872 34 PKICE LIST 24 3D EDITION MOUNDS AND ANTIQUITIES Continued. Yellowstone Valley. Indian remains on upper Yellowstone. (In Smith- sonian Report, 1892, pages 577 to 581. illus.) Paper, 60c : cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 892 MOUNTAIN CHANT, a Navajo ceremony; by Washington Matthews. (In 5th Ethnology Report, 1884, pages 379 to 467, illus. large 8) Cloth, $1.30. SI 2.1 : 884 NATICK DICTIONARY ; by J. H. Trumhull. 1903. 349 pages, large 8 (Eth- nology Bulletin 25.) Paper, 30c; cloth, 65c. SI 2.3: 25 NAVAJO INDIANS. Correspondence and testimony taken by H. L. Scott during investigation of charged preferred by H. R. Antes, regarding trouble on Navajo Reserva- tion 2 years ago. 1909. 56 pages. . (60th Cong., 2d sess., S. Doc. 757.) Paper, lOc. Message from President [Harrison] transmitting certain reports upon con- dition of the Navajo Indian country. 1893. 50 pages, 17 maps. (52fl Cong., 2d sess., S. Ex. Doc. 68. Bound with other docs. ; serial no. 3056. ) Sheep, $2.00. Navajo artist and his notion of mechanical drawing. (In Smithsonian Report, 1886, pages 240 to 244, illus.) Cloth, 80c. SI 1.1 : 886 Navnjo weavers; by Washington Matthews. (In 3d Ethnology Report, 1882, pages 371 to 391, illus. large 8) Cloth, $1.15. SI 2.1 : 882 Report with respect to employment of United States soldiers during 1907 within or near Navajo Indian Reservation, Ariz., in arresting By-a-lil-le and other Navajo Indians. 1908. 41 pages. (60th Cong., 1st sess., S. Doc. 517.) Paper, 5c. Sketch of Navajo tribe of Indians, Territory of N. Mex. ; by Jonathan Leth- erman. (In Smithsonian Report, 1855, pages 283 to 297.) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 855 NAVAHO NATIONAL MONUMENT. Preliminary report on visit to Navaho National Monument, Ariz.; by J. W. Fewkes. 1911. 35 pages, illus. maps. (Ethnology Bulletin 50.) Cloth, 40c. SI 2.3 : 50 Includes all prehistoric cliff dwellings, pueblo and other ruins situated on Navajo Indian Reservation between parallels of latitude 36 30' and 37 north and between longitudes 110 and 110 45' west. NAVAJO RESERVATION. Concerning [restoration of surplus lands in] Navajo Indian reservation in New Mexico [to public domain]. 1908. 3 pages. (60th Cong., 1st sess., H. Rept. 1663.) Paper, 5c. NEVADA. Miscellaneous ethnographic observations on Indians inhabiting Nevada, California, and Arizona; by W. J. Hoffman. (In Hayden Sur- vey, 10th Annual Report, 1876, pages 459 to 478, illus.) Cloth, $1.80. 1 18.1 : 876 CONTEXTS. Dress, pastimes, etc. Food. Fire. Utensils and weapons. Medi- cine and incantations. Disposition of the dead. Stone circles and signals. Pot- tery and pictographs. Ruins. NEW MEXICO. Antiquities of Jemez Plateau, N. Mex.; by E. L. Hewett. 1900. 55 pages, illus., 2 maps. (Ethnology Bulletin 32.) Paper, 25c. SI 2.3 : 32 NEZ PERCE INDIANS. Claims of Nez PercS Indians for services rendered [under O. O. Howard] during war with Joseph's Band in 1877. 1900. 120 pages. (56th Cong., 1st sess., S. Doc. 257. Bound with other docs.; serial no. 3867.) Cloth, $1.00. Memorial from Joseph's Band of Nez Perc Indians, relating to claims for compensation for lands [in Oklahoma Territory]. 1902. 6 pages. (57th Cong., 1st sess., S. Doc. 311. Bound with other docs.; serial no. 4241.) Cloth, 90c. Memorial of Nez Perce Indians of Idaho, with affidavits and various treaties between United States and Nez Perce Indians. 1911. 142 pages. (62d Cong., 1st sess., S. Doc. 97.) Paper, lOc. Report of Gen. O. O. Howard on operations against Nez Perce Indians. (In War Dept. Report, 1877, vol. 1, pages 119 to 131 and 576 to 660, map.) Cloth, 75c. W 1.1 : 877 1 NICARAGUA. Antiquities from Ometepe, Nicaragua. (In Smithsonian Report, 1883, pages 908 to 918, 1 illus. ) Cloth, 80c. SI 1.1 : 883 INDIANS 35 NUMBERS. Primitive numbers; by W J McGee. (In 19th Ethnology Report, 1898, pt. 2, pages 821 to 851, large 8.) Cloth, $1.90. SI 2.1 : 898 1 OKLAHOMA. Indian appropriation bill. Speech of C. H. Burke of S. Dak. in House, Dec. 13, 1912. (In Congressional Record, of Dec. 18, vol. 49, no. 15, pages 825 to 830. ) Paper, 9c. Mr. Burke spoke on the corruption existing in the settlement of Indian affairs in Oklahoma, particularly in the case of guardians appointed for minor children. Loan of Indian funds to Oklahoma farmers. Speech of Dick T. Morgan of Okla., in House, Feb. 13, 1914. (In Congressional Record of Feb. 14, vol. 51, no. 51, pages 3698 to 3701. ) Paper, 6c. " If the Federal Government would loan the Indian trust funds belonging to Oklahoma Indians and now in the Treasury of the United States to the farmers of Oklahoma, on farm mortgages, at 5 per cent interest, in 10 years the Govern- ment would save $7,000,000 in interest paid the Indians and the Oklahoma farmers would save $5,000,000 by a reduction of interest charges on their farm mortgages." OMAHA INDIANS. Omaha and Ponka letters; by J. O. Dorsey. 1891. 127 pages. (Ethnology [Bulletin 11].) Paper, lOc. SI 2.3 : 11 Omaha sociology; by J. O. Dorsey. (In 8d Ethnology Report, 1882, pages 205 to 370, illus., large 8.) Cloth, $1.15. SI 2.1 : 882 Omaha tribe; by A. C. Fletcher and Francis La Flesche. (In 27th Ethnology Report, 1906, pages 17 to 672, illus. maps, large 8.) Cloth, $1.50. SI 2.1 : 906 Report favoring bill for taxation of lands of Omaha Indians in Nebraska. 1910. 3 pages. (61st Cong., 2d sess., H. Rept. 1042.) Paper, 5c. Study from Omaha tribe, import of totem; by Alice C. Fletcher. (In Smithsonian Report, 1897, pages 577 to 586, illus.) Paper, 75c; cloth, 95c. SI 1.1 : 897 OMAHA RESERVATION, NEBRASKA. Draft of proposed legislation relating to disposal of Omaha tribal lands [on reservation]. 1909. 4 pages. (60th Cong., 2d sess., H. Doc. 1431.) Paper, 5c. Recommendations as to drainage and sale of Omaha tribal lands [on reservation]. 1909. 5 pages. (60th Cong., 2d sess., H. Doc. 1479.) Paper, 5c. ONEIDA INDIANS. Report of negotiations with Oneida Indians for com- mutation of annuities. 1911. 21 pages. (62d Cong., 2d sess., H. Doc. 251.) Paper, 5c. The Oneida Indians of Wisconsin, formerly a part of the Six Nations of New York, rejected an offer of $20,000 cash to take the place of the $1,000 annuity which they had received for the past 100 years. OREGON. Report of treaties negotiated with Indians in Territory of Oregon under act of June 5, 1850 [and Feb. 27, 1851], also treaties ratified by Senate, occupancy of lands, money paid to tribes, etc. 1902. 12 pages. (57th Cong., 1st sess., S. Doc. 340. Bound with other docs.; serial no. 4241.) Cloth, 90c. OSAGE INDIANS. Amended regulations [concerning sale] of Osage and Kaw lands. 1910. 8 pages. (Indian Affairs Office.) Paper, 5c. I20.12:Osl a Division of lands and moneys of Osage tribe of Indinns, hearings on H. R. 1478 before subcommittee of Committee on Indian Affairs of House. 1905. 181 pages. Paper, lOc. Y 4. In 2 1 : Os 1* Hearing on S. J. R. 70 [for enrollment of certain persons as members of Osage tribe of Indians] Apr. 29, 1908. 133 pages, 3 tables. (60th Cong., 1st sess., S. Doc. 482.) Paper, 15c. Apr. 29, 1908, and Jan. 26, 1909. 281 pages, 3 tables. (60th Cong., 2d sess., S. Doc. 744.) Paper, 25c. Joint resolution for enrollment of certain persons as members of Osage tribe of Indians, etc., hearing before Committee on Indian Affairs, Senate, Apr. 29, 1908. 44 pages. Paper, 5c. Y 4.1u 2 2 : Os I 1 36 PRICE LIST 24 3D EDITION OSAGE INDIANS Continued. Memorial of Osage Indians against enrollment of certain persons as mem- bers of Osage tribe, as proposed by S. 1978. 1910. 22 pages. (61st Cong., 2d sess., S. Doc. 554.) Paper, 5c. Opening of Osages' rolls [hearing before Committee on Indian Affairs Senate. May 6-8, 1908]. Pages 81 to 169, 3 tables. Paper, lOc. Y 4. In 2 2 : Os I 2 Regulations for applications for Osage funds. [1912.1 4 pages. (Indian Affairs Office.) Paper, 5c. I20.12:Osl 4 Report amending bill for division of lands and funds of Osage Indians in Oklahoma. 1906. 9 pages. (59th Cong., 1st sess.. S. Rept. 4210. Bound in vol. 2 with other reports; serial no. 4905.) Sheep, $1.75. Report amending H. 17478, for equal division of lands and moneys of Osage Indians [etc.]. 1905. 4 pages. (58th Cong.. 3d sess., H. Rept. 4622.) Paper, 5c. The Osage Indians are supposed to be the richest people in the world ; they number 1,700 or 1,800 and have $8,250,000 in the United States Treasury on which they receive 5 per cent interest, besides a million and a half acres of good grazing and agricultural land containing rich deposits of coal, oil, and gas. Report as to money received from sale of Osage lands in Kansas [and commissions of registers and receivers thereon], 1902. 64 pages. (57th Cong,, 2d sess., S. Doc. 33. Bound with other docs.: serial no. 4417.) Sheep, $1.25. Statement of receipts, disbursements, and reimbursements- relating to civi- lization fund created by article 1 of treaty with Osage Indians of Sept. 29.1865. 1911. 24 pages. (61st Cong., 3d sess.. H. Doc. 1319.) Paper, 5c. Were the Osages mound builders-? by ,7. F. Snyder. (In Smithsonian Report, isss. pages 587 to 596.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 888 OSAGE RESERVATION, OKLA. Lease between James Bighenrt, Osage chief, and Edwin B. Foster, list of subleases, and correspondence pertaining thereto. I'.Min. 144 pages. ( 58th Cong., 3d sess.. H. Doc. 376.) Paper. lOc. In relation to oil and gas leases in Oklahoma. PACIFIC ('OAST. Report in regard to Indian affairs on the Pacific. 1857. 250 pages. (34th Cong.. 3d sess.. H. Ex. Doc. 76. Bound with other docs.: serial no. !>06.) Sheep, $1.35. \n extensive report i>y various Army officers on numbers of Indians, location of tribes, social customs, and relation of Indians to Government in California, Oregon, and Washington. PACIFIC RAILROAD SURVEYS. Report upon Indian tribes: by A. W. Whip- pie and others. (In Exploration and Surveys for Pacific Railroad, 1853, 1854. vol. 3, pt. 3, 127 pages, illns. War Dept.) Cloth, $2.00. W 7.14 : 3 A description of Indians of routes of survey, including the Comanche, Navajo, Zulu, and Mohave tribes. PAIUTE INDIANS. Estimate of appropriation for relief of [Paiute] Indians owning allotments within Truckee-Carson irrigation project. 1907. 3 pages. (60th Cong., 1st sess.. H. Doc. 46.) Paper, 5c. PANAMA. Republic of Panama and its people, with special reference to the Indians. (In Smithsonian Report, 1909, pages 607 to 637, illus., map.) Cloth. $1.10. SI 1.1 : 909 Use of irold and other metals among ancient inhabitants of Chiriqui, Isthmus of Darien; by W. H. Holmes. 1887. 27 pages, illus. (Ethnology [ Bulletin 3].) Paper, 5c. SI 2.3 : 3 The Isthmus of Darien and the Isthmus of Panama are the same. PAPAGO RESERVATION, ARIZ. Letter transmitting special report by C. R. Olberg and F. R. Schanck on cost of proposed system of water develop- ment and distributing system for irrigation and protection from floods of irrigable lands on Papago reservation in Arizona. 1913. 32 pages, illus., '2 maps. (62d Cong., 3d sess., S. Doc. 973.) Paper. 15c. PENSIONS. Memorandum in behalf of bill to extend benefits of pension act of June 27 1SJK). to Yankton Sioux Indian scouts under Alfred Sully in 1864-65; by R. F. McDowell. 1902. 9 pages. (57th Cong.. 1st sess.. S. Doc. 298. Bound with other docs.; serial no. 4239.) Cloth, $1.00. INDIANS 37 PENSIONS Continued. Report amending by substitute bill for relief of families of certain Indian policemen who were killed during engagement at Sitting Bull's Camp, Dec. 15, 1890, and other Indians, etc. 1908. 12 pages. (60th Cong., 1st sess., S. Kept. 577.) Paper, 5c. Report of select committee to whom was referred the subject concerning Indian fighters and soldiers engaged in Indian wars after peace with Great Britain in 1783, and prior to treaty of Greenville in 1795. 1846. 12 pages. (29th Cong., 1st sess., H. Rept. 87. Bound with other reports; serial no. 488.) Sheep, $1.40. In favor of pensions for the frontier Indian fighters. Gives some account of the constant fighting against the Indians when Ohio and Kentucky were frontier States. PERU. Indians of Peru. (In Smithsonian Report, 1877, pages 308 to 315.) Cloth, 60c. 811.1:877 Report of Secretary of State, with accompanying papers, concerning alleged existence of slavery in Peru. 1913. 443 pages. (62d Cong., 3d sess., H. Doc. 1366.) Paper, 30c. Official reports on the atrocities committed in the treatment of Indians employed In collecting rubber in the Putumayo district of -Peru. The rumors of these crimes excited much indignation in England and the United States, which the official reports will do nothing to allay, as they are confirmatory rather than con- tradictory. PHOTOGRAPHS. Descriptive catalogue of photographs of North American Indians; by W. H. Jackson. 1877. 124 pages. (Hayden Survey. Miscel- laneous Publication 9.) Paper. 15c. 118.6:9 PHYSIOLOGICAL and medical observations among Indians of southwestern United States and northern Mexico; by Ales Ilrtllif-ka. 1908. 460 pages, illus., 3 tables. (Ethnology Bulletin 34.) Paper, 50c; cloth. SOc. SI 2.3 : 34 PICTOGRAPHS of North American Indians, preliminary paper; by Garrick Mallery. (In 4th Ethnology Report, 1883, pages 3 to 25(. illus., lartro 8.) Cloth, $1.30. SI 2.1: 883 PIMA INDIANS. Pima Indians; by Frank Russell. (In 26th Ethnology Report, 1905. pages 3 to 389, illus., large 8. < loth, s10. SI 2.1 : <> Piiiui Indians of Arizona: by F. E. Grossmann. (In Smithsonian Report, 1871, pages 407 to 419.) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 871 PIPES and smoking customs of American aborigines, based on material in National Museum: by J. D. McGuire. (In National Museum Report, 1897, pt. 1, pages 351 to 645, illus., 4 map*) Cloth, $1.75. SI 3.1 : 897 1 POINT BARROW EXPEDITION. Ethnological results of Point Barrow expedition; by John Murdoch. (In Oth Ethnology Report, 1888. pages 3 to 441, illus., 2 maps, large S'\) Cloth, $1.20. 812.1:888 PONCA INDIANS. Report of commission appointed Dec. 1.8. 1880, to ascertain fact in regard to removal of Ponca Indians. 63 pages. (46th Cong., 3d sess., S. Ex. Doc. 30. Bound with other docs.; serial no. 1941.) Sheep, $1.60. PONCA RESERVATION. Leasing of grazing lands in Ponca [and] Otoe, and Missouria "reservations, Okla.. since commencement of 1897. 1900. 191 pages. r maps. (56th Cong.. 1st sess., S. Doc. 217. Bound with other docs.; serial no. 3858.) Sheep. $1.25. PORTO RICO. Aborigines of Porto Rico and neighboring islands; by J. W. Fewkes. (In 25th Ethnology Report, 1904, pages 3 to 220, illus.') Cloth. $1.25. SI 2.1 : 904 Latimer collection of antiquities from Porto Rico in National Museum; by O. T. Mason. (In Smithsonian Report, 1876. pages 372 to 393, illus.) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 876 POTTAWATOMIE INDIANS. Report of investigation of claims of Potta- watomie Indians of Wisconsin. 1908. 22 pages. (60th Cong., 1st sess,. H. Doc. 830.) Paper, 5c. 38 PEICE LIST 24 3D EDITION POTTERY. Aboriginal pottery of eastern United States; by W. H. Holmes. (In 20th Ethnology Report, 1899, pages 1 to 201, illus., map, large 8.) Cloth, $2.15. SI 2.1 : 899 Ancient pottery of Mississippi Valley ; by W. H. Holmes. (In 4th Ethnology Report, 1883, pages 361 to 436, illus. large 8) Cloth, $1.30. SI 2.1 : 883 Indian pottery; by Charles Rau. (In Smithsonian Report, 1866 pages 346 to 355, illus. ) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 866 Origin and development of form and ornament in ceramic art; by W. H. Holmes. (In 4th Ethnology Report, 1883, pages 437 to 465, illus. large 8) Cloth, $1.30. SI 2.1 : 883 Pottery of ancient pueblos : by W. H. Holmes. ( In 4th Ethnology Report, 1883, pages 257 to 360, illus. large 8) Cloth, $1.30. SI 2.1 : 883 Prehistoric New Mexican pottery. (In Smithsonian Report, 1892, pages 535 to 554, illus.) Paper, 60c ; cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 892 Study of pueblo pottery as illustrative of Ziini culture growth; by F. H. Gushing. (In 4th Ethnology Report, 1883, pages 467 to 521, illus. large 8) Cloth, $1.30. 812.1:883 PUEBLO INDIANS. General view of archeology of pueblo region; by E. L. Hewett. (In Smith- sonian Report, 1904, pages 583 to 605, illus.) Cloth, $1.00. SI 1.1 : 904 Preliminary account of expedition to pueblo ruins near Winslow, Ariz., in 1896; by J. W. Fewkes. (In Smithsonian Report, 1896, pages 517 to 539, illus. map.) Cloth, 80c. SI 1.1 : 896 Study of pueblo architecture, Tusayan and Cibola ; by Victor Mindeleff. (In 8th Ethnology Report, 1887, pages 3 to 228, illus., 3 plates in pocket, large 8) Cloth, $1.45. 812.1:887 Two summers' work in pueblo ruins; by J. W. Fewkes. (In 22d Ethnology Report, 1901, pt. 1, pages 3 to 195, illus. large 8) Cloth, $1.25. SI 2.1 : 901 1 QUAPAW INDIANS. Allotments of lands in severalty to certain Indian tribes [hearings, Mar. 5-19, 1892, on S. 1869 to provide* for allotment of lands in severalty to Qunpaw Indians in Indian Territory]. 50 pages. (Indian Affairs Committee.) Paper, 5c. Y4.In2 2 :Q2 QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Report on explorations and collections in Queen Charlotte Islands, B. C. ; by J. G. Swan. (In Smithsonian Report, 1884, pages 137 to 146.) Cloth. 80c. SI 1.1 : 884 QUINAIELT INDIANS. Indians of Quinaielt Agency, Washington Territory; by C. Willoughby. (In Smithsonian Report, 1886. pages 267 to 282, illus.) Cloth, SOc. SI 1.1 : 886 Treaty with Quinaielt Indians, how fare the fish-eaters? Extension of re- marks of Albert Johnson of Wash., in House, Feb. 17, 1914. (In Con- gressional Record, vol. 51, no. 53, pages 3822 to 3824.) Paper, 8c. RED CLOUD AGENCY. Report of special commission to investigate affairs of agency, July, 1875, with testimony and accompanying documents. 1875. lxxvii+852 pages. (Indian Office.) Paper, SOc. I 20.6 : R 24 3 RED RIVER OF THE NORTH. Ethnology of Indians of valley of Red River of the North. (In Smithsonian Report, 1870, pages 369 to 373.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 870 RIGHT OF WAY. Regulations concerning right of way for railway lines w r ith telegraph and telephone through Indian lands, Apr. 18, 1899, with amendments of Apr. 8, 1901. 15 pages. (Indian Affairs Office.) Paper, 5c. 1 20.12: R13 4 Telephones lines. Regulations concerning right of way for telephone and telegraph lines through Indian lands, approved Mar. 26, 1901, with amend- ments approved Nov. 9, 1901. 8 page's. (Indian Affairs Office.) Paper. 5c. I 20.12 : T 23 3 RIO GRANDE VALLEY, N. MEX. Physiography of Rio Grande Valley, N. Mex., in relation to Pueblo culture; by E. L. Hewett and others. 1913. 76 pages, illus. map. (Ethnology Bulletin 54.) Cloth, 35c. SI 2.3 : 54 INDIANS 39 ROCK INSCRIPTIONS. Ancient rock inscriptions in Johnson Co., Ark. (In Smithsonian Report, 1881, pages 538 to 541, illus.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 881 Indian engravings on face of rocks along Green River Valley in Sierra Nevada range of mountains. (In Smithsonian Report, 1872, pages 409 to 412, illus.) Cloth, 60c. 811.1:872 ROSEBUD RESERVATION, S. DAK. Act to authorize sale and disposition of portion of surplus and unallotted lands in Rosebud Reservation, S. Dak. Debate in House, Apr. 27, 1910. (In Congressional Record, vol. 45, no. Ill, pages 5574 to 5591.) Paper, 8c. Report amending bill to authorize sale and disposition of portion of surplus and unallotted lands in reservation. 1909. 4 pages. (60th Cong., 2d sess., S. Rept. 887.) Paper, 5c. RUINS, PREHISTORIC. Diary of excursion to ruins of Abo, Quarra, and Gran Quivira in New Mexico under command of J. H. Carleton. (In Smithsonian Report, 1854, pages 296 to 316.) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 854 Gives accounts of Indians in country traversed. Hearings before Committee on Public Lands, Jan. 11, 1905, for preservation of prehistoric ruins on public lands. 39 pages. Paper, 5c. Y 4.P 96 2 : R 85 The appendix includes bills and special reports on various ruins in New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, and Arizona. Hearings on bills for preservation of aboriginal monuments, ruins, and other antiquities, and to prevent their counterfeiting. 1904. 30 pages. (58th Cong. 2d sess., S. Doc. 314.) Paper, 5c. The testimony developed much information regarding the exploitation of antiqui- ties for commercial purposes, especially in the cliff-dwellers' ruins. Preservation of American antiquities. Text of bill, with debate in House, June 5. 1906. (In Congressional Record, vol. 40, no. 141, pages 8111, 8112.) Paper, 9c. Report amending by substitute bill for preservation of historic and prehis- toric ruins, monuments, archaeological objects, and other antiquities. 1905. 10 pages. (58th Cong., 3d sess., H. Rept. 3704. Bound with other reports; serial no. 4761.) Sheep, $1.25. SAC AND FOX INDIANS. Letter transmitting protest of Sac and Fox Indians relating to readjustment of annuities. 1906. 5 pages. (59th Cong., 1st sess., H. Doc. 805.) Paper, 5c. SANTEE INDIANS. Report amending bill for restoration of annuities to Medawakanton and Wahpakoota, [or] Santee [and Flandreau] Sioux Indians, declared for- feited by act of Feb. 16, 1863; with hearings. 1906. 58 pages. (59th Cong., 1st sess., S. Rept. 2178. Bound with other reports; serial no. 4905.) Sheep, $1.75. Report amending bill for restoration of annuities to Medawakanton and Wahpakoota [Santee] Sioux Indians. 1908. 10 pages. (60th Cong., 1st sess., S. Rept. 468.) Paper, 5c. Report amending bill to restore Santee Sioux and Flandreau Sioux Indians to rights under treaties of 1837 and 1851, etc. 1896. 15 pages. (54th Cong., 1st sess., S. Rept. 533. Bound with other reports; serial no. 3364.) Cloth, 90c ; sheep, $1.25. Report amending S. 2405, for restoration of annuities to Medawakanton and Wahpakoota, [or] Santee [and Flandreau] Sioux Indians, declared forfeited by act of Feb. 16, 1863. 1909. 33 pages. (60th Cong., 2d sess., H. Rept. 2153.) Paper, 5c. Report concerning Santee Sioux of Nebraska and Flandreau Sioux of South Dakota, formerly known as Medawakanton and Wahpakoota Indians. 1898. 77 pages, map. (55th Cong., 2d sess., S. Doc. 67. Bound with other docs.; serial no. 3592.) leather, $1.35. Report favoring S. 5121, for restoration of annuities to Medawakanton and Wahpakoota, [or] Santee [and Flandreau] Sioux Indians, declared for- feited by act of Feb. 16, 1863. 1910. 9 pages. (61st Cong., 2d sess., S. Rept. 304. Bound with other reports; serial no. 5582.) Buckram, 70c. 40 PRICE LIST 24 3D EDITION SCHOOLS. Annual report of Indian Schools Superintendent I 20.7 : 1887. 158 pages. Cloth, 25c. 1893. 42 pages. Paper, lOc. 1894. 27 pages. Paper, lOc. 1896. 145 pages. Paper, lOc. 1897. 112 pages. Paper, lOc. 1898. 86 pages. Paper, 5c. 1899. 54 pages. Paper, 5c. 1900. 59 pages. Paper, 5c. 1901. Ill pages. Paper, lOc. 1902. 64 pages, illus. Paper, 15c. 1903. 46 pages, illus. Paper, 15c. 1904. 52 pages, illus. Paper, 15c. 1905. 34 pages, illus. Paper, lOc. 1906. 40 pages, illus. Paper, 15c. Discontinuance of nonreservation Indian schools. Speech of Elmer A. Morse of Wis., in House, Feb. 6, 1908. (In Congressional Record of Feb. 10, vol. 42, no. 40, pages 1859 to 1861.) Paper, 14c. Father Ketcham's statement before subcommittee of Committee on Indian Affairs, Senate, in matter of use of Indian tribal funds for maintenance of sectarian schools, [Feb. 3, 1905 J. 23 pages. Paper, 5c. Y 4. In 2 2a : Ap 6 la Indian schools and their results. Speech of Marlin E. Olmsted of Pa. in House, Feb. 6, 1908. ( In Congressional Record of Feb. 10, vol. 42 no 40 pages 1781 to 1785.) Paper, 14c. Report showing cost investment, etc., in school and agency properties en- titled to share in appropriations made by Indian act approved Mar. 3, 1911. 13 pages, 4 (62d Cong., 2d sess., H. Doc. 209.) Paper, 5c. SEMINOLE INDIANS. Partial report by L. A. Spencer, special commissioner to Florida Seminoles, on conditions existing among Seminole Indians in Florida. 1913. 6 pages. (63d Cong., 1st sess., S. Doc. 42.) Paper, 5c. Seminole Indians of Florida. (In 5th Ethnology Report, 1884, pages 469 to 531, illus., large 8) Cloth, $1.30. SI 2.1 : 884 SENECA INDIANS. Memorial protesting against purchase by Secretary of Interior of title of Ogden Land Company to lands within Alleghany and Cattaraugus reser- vations. 1897. 10 pages. (54th Cong.,' 2d sess., S. Doc. 154. Bound with other docs.; serial no. 3471.) Cloth, SOc. Report [by Province McCormick] relative to oil leases of Seneca Indians. 1897. 150 pages. (55th Cong., 1st sess., S. Doc. 76. Bound with other docs. ; serial no. 3562. ) Cloth, 75c. SERI INDIANS ; by W J McGee. (In 17th Ethnology Report, 1896, pt. 1, pages 1 to 128 and 129* to 344*, illus., map, large 8) Paper, $2.50; cloth, $2.70. SI 2 1 : 896 SEWING. Synopsis of course in sewing. 1911. 38 pages, illus, (Indian Affairs Office.) Paper, lOc. I 20.8 : Se S SHAWNEE INDIANS. Papers in relation to sale of lands in Kansas, known as lands of Black Bob Band of Shawnees. 1870. 210 pages. (41st Cong., 2d sess., S. Ex. Doc. 40. Bound with other docs.; serial no. 1406.) Sheep, $1.40. Report amending bill conferring jurisdiction on Court of Claims to deter- mine amount due certain Shawnee and Delaware Indians. 1908. 3 pages. (60th Cong., 1st sess., H. Rept. 1653.) Paper, 5c. SHAWNEE TRAINING SCHOOL. Information with respect to school. 1908. 4 pages.. (60th Cong., 1st sess., S. Doc. 318.) Paper, 5c. SHELL HEAPS. Artificial shell deposits of United States. (In Smithsonian Report. 1866, pages 356 to 358.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 866 Florida. Report on shell heaps of Tampa Bay, Fla. (In Smithsonian Re- port, 1879, pages 413 to 422, illus.) Cloth, 75c. SI 1.1 : 879 Florida. Shell heaps and mounds in Florida. (In Smithsonian Report, 1885, pages 902 to 906.) Cloth, SOc. SI 1.1 : 885 Florida. Shell heaps of Charlotte Harbor, Fla. (In Smithsonian Report, 1882, pages 794 to 796.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 882 Massachusetts. Shell heaps near Provincetown, Mass. (In Smithsonian Report, 1882, pages 799 to 802.) Cloth, 70c. 811.1:882 INDIANS 41 SHELL HEAPS Continued. New Jersey. Artificial shell-deposits in New Jersey; by Charles Rau. (In Smithsonian Report, 1864, pages 370 to 374, 7 illus.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 864 Remarks on kjokken-moddings on northwest coast of America; by Paul Schumacher. (In Smithsonian Report, 1873, pages 354 to 362, illus.) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 873 SHO SHONE INDIANS. Agreement made Apr. 21, 1896, [with] Shoshone and Arapahoe Indians in Wyoming, ceding to United States portion of reservation embracing Owl Creek or Big Horn Hot Springs. 1896. 17 pages. (54th Cong., 1st sess., S. Doc. 247. Bound with other docs. ; serial no. 3354.) Cloth, 60c; sheep, $1.25. Shoshonis, or Snake Indians, their religion, superstitions, and manners. (In Smithsonian Report, 1879, pages 328 to 333.) Cloth, 75c. SI 1.1 : 879 SILETZ RESERVATION, OREG. General debate, in House, Aug. 17, 1914. (In Congressional Record, vol. 51, no. 209, pages 15148 to 15154.) Paper, 12c. Report favoring bill, granting to Siletz Power Manufacturing Company right of way for water ditch or canal through Siletz Reservation, Oreg. 1909. 4 pages. (60th Cong., 2d sess., H. Rept. 2232.) Paper, 5c. SIOUX INDIANS. Bibliography of Siouan languages; by J. C. Pilling. 1887. 87 pages. (Eth- nology Bulletin 5.) Paper, lOc. SI 2.3: 5 Dakota grammar, texts, and ethnography; by S. R. Riggs, edited by J. O. Dorsey. 1893. xxxii+239 pages, 4 (Contributions to North American Ethnology, vol. 9.) Cloth, 90c. 117.5:9 Memorial of Indians of Sioux tribe at Pine Ridge Reservation asking for investigation as to certain stock stolen or taken from reservation. 1908. 5 pages. (60th Cong., 1st sess., H. Doc. 526.) Paper, 5c. Notes on customs of Dakotahs. (In Smithsonian Report, 1886, pages 245 to 257. ) Cloth, 80c. SI 1.1 : 886 Report of Select Committee to Examine Condition of Sioux and Crow In- dians. 1884. 404 pages, maps. (48th Cong., 1st sess., S. Rept. 283. Bound with other reports; serial no. 2174.) Sheep, $1.35. Report of subcommittee of Select Committee to Examine into Condition of Sioux and Crow Indians appointed [in 1883] to visit Indian tribes in northern Montana, also article from Washington Post of July 26, 1903, on Chariot, chief of Flathead Indians, by G. G. Vest. 1904. 39 pages. (58th Cong., 2d sess., S. Doc. 255. Bound with other docs.; serial no. 4592.) Sheep, $1.45. Siouan Indians, preliminary sketch; by W J McGee. Pages 153 to 204, large 8 [From 15th Ethnology Report, 1894.] Paper, 15c. SI 2.1 a : Si T Siouan sociology; by J. O. Dorsey. (In 15th Ethnology Report, 1894, pages 207 to 244, illus., large 8) Cloth, $1.60. SI 2.1 : 894 Siouan tribes of the East; by James Mooney. 1894. 101 pages, map. (Ethnology Bulletin 22.) Paper, lOc. SI 2.3 : 22 Sioux or Dakota Indians. (In Smithsonian Report, 1876, pages 466 to 472.) Cloth, 60c. 811.1:876 SIOUX WAR, 1862. Experience, privations, and dangers of Samuel J. Brown and others while prisoners of hostile Sioux during massacre and war of 1862; also account of perilous ride made by Brown in 1856 to save frontier settlement from attack. 1900. 36 pages. (56th Cong., 2d sess., S. Doc. 23. Bound with other docs.; serial no. 4029.) Cloth, 70c. SIOUX WAR, 1876. Report of commission appointed to obtain certain concessions from Sioux. (In Indian Affairs Report, 1876, pages 330 to 357.) Cloth, 35e. I 20.1 : 876 This report gives an account of the causes of the war, and the commission finds " that the war was useless and expensive and dishonorable to the Nation." 42 PRICE LIST 24 3D EDITION SIOUX WAR, 1876 Continued. Report of Lieut-Gen. P. H. Sheridan. (In War Dept, Report, 1876, voL 1, pages 439 to 518.) Cloth, 50c. W 1.1 : 876 This report includes the reports of Generals Sheridan, Terry, Gibbon, Hazen, and Miles and Major Reno, and Capt. Benteen on operations against the Sioux in 1876. In pages 27 to 39 of this volume Gen. Sherman commanding the army gives a short report of the war. Report of Secretary of War including reports of General Terry and Maj. Reno on the Sioux War and Custer massacre. (In Abridgments of messages and documents, 1876, pages 404 to 415.) Cloth, 75c. Y 4.P 93 1 : 2 s76 Sioux war. (In Indian Affairs Report 1877, pages 14 to 17.) Cloth, 55c. I 20.1 : 877 A short summary of the campaign against the nontreaty Sioux under Sitting Bull, which resulted in the massacre of Gen. Custer and his command. SISSETON INDIANS. Correspondence on payment of money belonging to Sisseton and Wahpeton Indians. 1901. 6 pages. (56th Cong., 2d sess., S. Doc. 90. Bound with other docs,; serial no. 4033.) Cloth, $1.00; sheep, $1.90. SKIN-DRESSING. Aboriginal skin-dressing; by O. T. Mason. (In National Museum Report, 1889, pages 553 to 589, illus.) Cloth, $1.10. SI 3.1 : 889 SKULLS. Study of skulls and long bones from mounds near Albany, 111. (In Smithsonian Report, 1874, pages 361 to 363.) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 874 SLING CONTRIVANCES for projectile weapons; by F. Krause. (In Smith- sonian Report, 1904, pages 619 to 638, illus.) Cloth, $1.00. SI 1.1 : 904 SMITH, E. P. Report of commission appointed by Secretary of Interior to investigate charges against E. P. Smith, commissioner of Indian Affairs. [1874]. 146 pages. (Interior Dept.) Paper, lOc. I1.2:Sm5 SOUTH AMERICA. Aborigines of South America. (In Pan American Union Bulletin, Mar., 1914, pages 360 to 369, illus.) Paper, 25c. AR1.6: e38 8 A review of a book by this title written by Col. G. E. Church. Early man in South America; by Ales' HrdliCka. 1912. 405 pages, illus., maps. (Ethnology Bulletin 52.) Cloth, 70c. SI 2.3 : 52 Idyllic homes and lives of Indians in South American wilds. (In Pan American Union Bulletin, Oct., 1911, pages 730 to 746, illus.) Paper, 25c. AR 1.6 : e 33 4 STANDING ROCK RESERVATION. Bill to authorize sale and disposition of surplus and unallotted lands in Standing Rock Reservation in North and South Dakota, and debate in House, Jan. 6, 1913. (In Congressional Record, vol. 49, no. 20, pages 1072 to 1077. ) Paper, 9c. STATE. Proposals for an Indian state, 1778 to 1878; by Annie H. Abel. (In American Historical Association Report, 1907, vol. 1, pages 89 to 104.) Cloth, 75c. SI4.1.-907 1 A history of the various efforts to give the Indians a legal status. STATISTICS. Indian statistics, statement of status of Indian conditions, giving estimate of property owned, and their various occupations. 1913. 5 pages. (63d Cong., 1st sess., S. Doc. 109.) Paper, 5c. Population, United States, statistics of Indian population, number, tribes, sex, age, fecundity and vitality. [1913.] 25 pages, illus. 4 (Census Bureau. ) Paper, 5c. C 3.14 7 : In 2 STATUE. Report amending bill to provide memorial to memory of North American Indian. 1910. 4 pages. (61st Cong., 2d sess., H. Rept. 1014.) Paper, 5c. This bill provides that there may be erected, without expense to the United States, in New York Harbor, a suitable memorial to the Indian. Mr. Wanamaker is to pay the bill. STONE AGE. Age of stone, and troglodytes of Breckinridge Co., Ky. (In Smithsonian Report, 1874, pages 367 to 369.) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 874 INDIANS 43 STONE AGE Continued. Agricultural implements of North American stone period ; by Charles Ran. (In Smithsonian Report, 1863, pages 379 and 380, illus.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 863 Results of inquiry as to existence of man in North America during paleo- lithic period of stone age; by Thomas Wilson. (In National Museum Report, 1888. pages 677 to 702, illus.) Cloth, $1.15. SI 3.1 : SSS Stone age in New Jersey; by C. C. Abbott. (In Smithsonian Report, 1875, pages 246 to 380, illus.) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 875 Stone age of Oregon; by M. Eells. (In Smithsonian Report, 1886, pages 283 to 295.) Cloth, 80c. SI 1.1 : 886 STONE IMPLEMENTS. New group of stone implements from southern shores of Lake Michigan. (In Smithsonian Report, 1897, pages 587 to 600, illus.) Paper, 75c : cloth, 95c. SI 1.1 : 897 North American stone implements; by Charles Rau. (In Smithsonian Report, 1872, pages 395 to 408, illus.) Cloth, 60c. SI 1.1 : 872 Observations on stone-chipping. (In Smithsonian Report, 1885, pages 871 to 891, illus.) Cloth, SOc. SI 1.1 : 885 Perforated stones from California ; by H. W. Henshaw. 1887. 34 pages, illus. (Ethnology Bulletin 2.) Paper, 5c. SI 2.3: 2 Stone implements of Potomac-Chesapeake tidewater province; by W. H. Holmes. (In 15th Ethnology Report, 1894, pages 3 to 152, illus., maps, large 8) Cloth, $1.60. SI 2.1 : 894 TEMPLES. Ancient temples and cities of the New World Chan-Chan, the ruined Chimu capital. (In Pan American Union Bul- letin, Mar., 1914, pages 348 to 359, illus.) Paper, 25c. AR1.6: e3S' The Chimus were the civilized Peruvians of the coast, as the Incas were of the plateau. Chichen Itza, Yucatan. (In Pan 'American Union Bulletin, Mar. 1911, pages 453 to 468, illus.) Paper, 25c. AR1.6:e32* Copan, the mother city of the Mayas. (In Pan American Union Bulletin, May 1911, pages 863 to 879, illus.) Paper, 25c. AR1.6:e32* The ruins of the Maya city of Copan are in the western part of Honduras. Mitla, Oaxaca, Mexico. (In Pan American Union Bulletin, Sept. 1911, pages 548 to 567, illus.) Paper, 25c. AR1.6:e33 f Pachacamac, Peru. (In Pan American Union Bulletin, Dec. 1910, pages 967 to 977, illus. ) Paper, 25c. AR 1.6 : e 31' Pachacamac was one of the Inca cities of Peru. Palenque, Mexico. (In Pan American Union Bulletin, Mar. 1912, pages 345 to 360, illus.) Paper, 25c. AR1.6:e34* A Maya city in Chiapas, Mexico. Uxmal, the city of Xius, [Yucatan]. (In Pan American Union Bulletin, Apr. 1911, pages 627 to 642, illus.) Paper, 25c. AR 1.6 : e 32* Xochicalco [Mexico]. (In Pan American Union Bulletin, Apr. 1912, pages 480 to 499, illus. ) Paper, 25c. AR 1.6 : e 34 4 TIOWA INDIANS. Ethuozoology of Tewa Indians; by Junius Henderson and J. P. Harrington. 1914. 76 pages. (Ethnology Bulletin 56.) Cloth, 30c. SI 2.3 : 56 A study of names of animals used by the Tewa Indians and the English equivalent. TEXTILES Prehistoric textile fabrics of United States, derived from impressions on pottery; by W. H. Holmes. (In 3d Ethnology Report, 1882, pages 393 to 425, illus., large 8) Cloth, $1.15. 812.1:882 Textile fabrics of ancient Peru ; by W. H. Holmes. 1889. 17 pages, illus. (Ethnology [Bulletin 7].) Paper, 5c. SI 2.3 : 7 THROWING-STICKS. Throwing-sticks from Mexico and California ; by O. T. Mason. (In National Museum Proceedings, vol. 16, 1893, pages 219 to 221, illus.) Cloth, 90c. SI 3.6 : 16 44 PRICE LIST 24 3D EDITION TINNEH INDIANS. Notes on Tinneh or Chepewyan Indians of British and Russian America. (In Smithsonian Report, 1866, pages 303 to 327. illus.) Cloth, 70c. SI 1.1 : 866 TLINGIT INDIANS. Social condition, beliefs, and linguistic relationship of Tlingit Indians; by J. R. Swanton. (In 26th Ethnology Report, 1905, pages 391 to 485, illus., large 8) Cloth, $2.10. SI 2.1 : 905 Tlingit myths and texts; by J. R, Swanton. 1909. 451 pages. (Ethnology Bulletin 39.) Cloth, 50c. SI 2.3 : 39 The material for this bulletin was gathered from the Indians at Sitka and Wrangel. No less than 106 stories were taken down in English, many quite long, and of eighteen of these the Tlingit text is printed with a word-for-word transla- tion. Besides these legends the author secured speeches at a tobacco feast, speeches at the erection of a pole for the dead, and graphophone records of 103 songs, the words of which are here printed. TRACHOMA. Trachoma, management and treatment among Indians; by W. H. Harrison and D. W. White. [1911.] 7 pages. (Indian Affairs Office.) Paper, 5c. I 20.2 : T 67 TRADE. Ancient aboriginal trade in North America; by Charles Rau. (In Smithsonian Report, 1872, pages 348 to 394.) Cloth, 60c. 811.1:872 TRAPS of American Indians, study in psychology and invention; by O. T. Mason. (In Smithsonian Report, 1901, pages 461 to 473, illus.) Cloth, $1.25. 811.1:901 TRAVELING. Primitive travel and transportation; by O. T. Mason. (In National Museum Report, 1894, pages 237 to 593, illus.) Cloth, $1.20. SI 3.1 : 894 TREATIES. Compilation of all treaties between United States and Indian tribes now in force as laws; prepared [by T. J. Durant]. 1873. 1075 pages, large 8 ( Congress. ) Sheep, $1.80. Y 1.1 : In 2 Superseded by Indian affairs, laws and treaties, by C. J. Kappler. Digest of Indian treaties affecting titles to public lands. (In Public Lands Commission, Laws of United States of local or temporary character upon which land titles in States and Territories depend, Dec. 1, 1880, vol. 2, pages 1185 to 1226. ) Cloth, 65c. Y 3.P 96 : L 78 4 TREPHINING. On prehistoric trephining and cranial amulets; by Robert Fletcher. 1882. 32 pages, illus. 4 (In Contributions to North American Ethnology, vol. 5.) Cloth, $1.20. 117.5:5 TRUST FUNDS. Report upon condition of Indian trust funds. 1867. 22 pages. (40th Cong., 2d sess., H. Ex. Doc. 59. Bound with other docs.; serial no. 1332.) Leather, $1.15. TSIMSHIAN INDIANS. Tsimshian texts; by Franz Boas. 1902. 244 pages, large 8 (Ethnology Bulletin 27.) Cloth, 60c. SI 2.3 : 27 TUBERCULOSIS. Indian tuberculosis sanitarium and Yakima Indian Reservation. Speech of Joe T. Robinson of Arkansas, in Senate. Dec. 20, 1913. (In Congres- sional Record, vol. 51, no. 18, pages 1299 to 1319, 1 illus.) Paper, 9c. Includes 63d Cong., 2d sess., H. Doc. 505, Report of finding of J9int Commission on Indian Tuberculosis Sanitarium and Yakima Reservation Project. The com- mission recommends building small hospitals on the reservations where tubercu- losis is most prevalent and providing for the teaching of better housekeeping methods to prevent disease. Manual on tuberculosis, its cause, prevention, and treatment; by J. A. Murphv. 1910. 9 pages, illus. (Indian Office.) Paper, lOc. I 20.2 : T 79 Report of Joint Commission on Indian Tuberculosis Sanitarium and Yakima Reservation Project. 1913. 20 pages, 1 illus. (63d Cong., 2d sess., H. Doc. 505.) Paper, 5c. The commission reported that it would not be feasible to establish and maintain a central tuberculosis sanitarium in New Mexico for Indians afflicted witn tuberculosis. INDIANS 45 TUBERCULOSIS Continued. Report of joint Congressional commission created under sec. 23 of Indian appropriation act approved June 30, 1913, for purpose of investigating necessity and feasibility of establishing, equipping, and maintaining tuberculosis sanitarium in New Mexico for treatment of tuberculous Indians, and to also investigate necessity and feasibility of procuring impounded waters for Yakirna Reservation or construction of irrigation system upon said reservation to impound waters of Yakima River, Washington, for reclamation of lands on said reservation, and for use and benefit of Indians on said reservation. 1914. 375 pages, illus. (63d Cong., 2d sess., S. Doc. 337.) Paper, 25c. Tuberculosis among certain Indian tribes of United States; by Ales' HrdliCka. 1909. 48 pages, illus. (Ethnology Bulletin 42.) Cloth, 50c. SI 2.3 : 42 TUCKAHOE, or Indian bread. (In Smithsonian Report, 1881, pages 687 to 701, illus.) Cloth, 70c. 811.1:881 TURTLE MOUNTAIN INDIANS. Agreement between Turtle Mountain band of Chippewa Indians and Com- mission appointed to negotiate with Indians for cession and relinquish- ment to United States of all lands claimed in North Dakota. 1893. 77 pages. (52d Cong., 2d sess., H. Ex. Doc. 229. Bound with other docs.; serial no. 3105.) Sheep, $1.55. Draft of proposed legislation for purchase of rights of Turtle Mountain Chippewas to select lands on public domain. 1907. 3 pages. (60th Cong., 1st sess., H. Doc. 47.) Paper, 5c. TUSAYAN INDIANS. Localization of Tusayan clans; by Cosmos Mindeleff. (In 19th Ethnology Report, 1898, pt. 2, pages 635 to 653, illus., large 8) Cloth, $1.90. SI 2.1 : 898 a Tusayan flute and snake ceremonies; by J. W. Fewkes. (In 19th Ethnology Report, 1898, pt. 2, pages 957 to 1011, illus., large 8) Cloth, $1.90. SI 2.1 : S98 2 Tusayan migration traditions; by J. W. Fewkes. (In 19th Ethnology Report, 1898, pt. 2, pages 573 to 633, large 8) Cloth, $1.90. SI 2.1 : 898 2 TWANA, CHEMAKUM, AND KLALLAM INDIANS of Washington Territory; by Myron Eells. (In Smithsonian Report, 1887, pages 605 to 681.) Cloth, 65c. SI 1.1 : 887 UINTAH VALLEY RESERVATION. Report of action of Office of Indian Affairs to comply with provisions of act of May 27, 1902, for opening of reservation. 1905. 24 pages. (58th Cong., 3d sess., S. Doc. 159. Bound with other docs.; serial no. 4766.) Sheep, $1.60; i morocco, $2.10. UMATILLA RESERVATION, OREG. Regulations governing execution of leases of Indian allotments on reservation. 1909. 7 pages. (Indian Affairs Office. ) Paper, 5c. I 20.12 : Urn 1 UTE INDIANS. Correspondence of Secretary of Interior and Commissioner of Indian Affairs with N. C. Meeker, Indian agent of White River Agency concern- ing Ute outbreak. 1880. 274 pages. (46th Cong., 2d sess., S. Ex. Doc. 31. Bound with other docs.; serial no. 1882.) Sheep, $1.50. Outbreak of the Utes. (In Indian Affairs Report, 1879, pages xviii to xxxvii.) Cloth, 40c. 120.1:879 In this outbreak at White River agency, Colorado, Agent N. C. Meeker and seven other men were killed, and Mrs. and Miss Meeker and other women carried into captivity. Report amending bill for relief of White River Utes, etc. 1908. 5 pages. (60th Cong., 1st sess., H. Rept. 1645.) Paper, 5c. Report favoring bill relating to claim of confederated bands of Ute Indians. 1908. 4 pages. (60th Cong., 1st sess., S. Rept. 267.) Paper, 5c. Testimony in relation to Ute Indian outbreak. 1880. 204 pages. (46th Cong., 2d sess., H. Misc. Doc. 38. Bound with other docs.; serial no. 1931.) Sheep, $1.80. 46 PBICE LIST 24 3D EDITION UTE RESERVATION. Information in relation to number of mining camps located on Ute Reservation, Colo. 1880. 98 pages. (46th Cong., 2d sess., S. Ex. Doc. 29. Bound in vol. 1 with other docs. ; serial no. 1882 ) Sheep, $1.50. WAKASHAN INDIANS. Bibliography of Wakashan languages; by J. 0. Pilling. 1894. 70 pages. (Ethnology Bulletin 19.) Paper, lOc. SI 2.3 : 19 WAMPANOAG INDIANS. Notes on Wampanoag Indians [of Massachusetts] ; by H. E. Chase. (In Smithsonian Report, 1883, pages 878 to 907, illus.) Cloth, 80c. SI l.i : 883 WAR DEPARTMENT. In the earlier days of the history of the country the western Army posts had almost constant trouble with the Indians, and each year Army officers in charge of departments reported on Indian disturbances in their territories. As the frontier has disappeared and the Indians have been gathered on reservations and in many places brought to a fair state of civilization, the Army has had less and less to do with them. The early reports of the War Department contain a great deal of information concerning Indians, but in such form that it is impossible to list it in a price list. WARS. Reports from Secretaries of Interior and War relative to expenses in certain Indian wars [1865 to 1879]. 1881. 20 pages. (46th Cong., 3d sess., S. Ex. Doc. 15. Bound with other docs.; serial no. 1941.) Sheep, $1.60. WEAVING. Navajo belt-weaver; by R. W. Shufeldt. (In National Museum Proceed- ings, vol. 14, 1891, pages 391 to 393, illus.) Cloth, 75c. SI 3.6: 14 Primitive frame for weaving narrow fabrics; by O. T. Mason. (In National Museum Report, 1899, pages 485 to 510, illus.) Cloth, $1.00. SI 3.1 : 899 WHITE EARTH RESERVATION. Report in matter of investigation of White Earth Reservation, Minn., with transcript of testimony taken and exhibits offered, July 25, 1911-Mar. 28, 1912, and with views of minority. 1913. 2 vols., 2772 pages, illus., maps. (62d Cong., 3d sess., H. Rept, 1336.) Paper, each vol., 90c. WILD RICE GATHERERS of upper lakes, study in American primitive economics; by A. E. Jenks. (In 19th Ethnology Report, 1898, pt. 2, pages 1013 to 1137, illus. map, large 8) Cloth, $1.90. SI 2.1: 898 2 WILLS. Regulations governing approval of wills of Indians under act of Congress approved Feb. 14, 1913. 2 pages. (Indian Affairs Office.) Paper, 5c. I 20.12 : W 68 2 WIND RIVER RESERVATION, WYO. Report, with copy of lease for pros- pecting for coal in reservation. 1900. 11 pages. (56th Cong., 1st sess., S. Doc. 247. Bound with other docs.; serial no. 3867.) Cloth, $1.00. WINNEBAGO INDIANS. Papers in case of Henry W. Lee claiming pay for services rendered to Winnebago Indians. 1900. 55+31 pages. (56th Cong., 1st sess., S. Doc. 144, 2 pts. Bound with other docs. ; serial no. 3851.) Sheep, $1.15. WYANDOTTE INDIANS. Letter from business committee of Wyandotte tribe, Quapaw Agency, Ind. T., protesting against passage of any bill removing restrictions from their lands. 1908. 9 pages. (60th Cong., 1st sess., S. Doc. 442.) Paper, 5c. YAKIMA RESERVATION. Communication from Commissioner of Indian Affairs relative to boundary of reservation. 1900. 13 pages, illus. 2 maps. (56th Cong., 1st sess., H. Doc. 621. Bound with other docs.; serial no. 3997.) Sheep, $1.65. Letter transmitting joint report of supervising engineer of Reclamation Service, superintendent, and supervising irrigation engineer of Indian Service, on condition of Yakima Reservation. 1913. 66 pages, illus., 5 maps. (62d Cong., 3d sess., H. Doc. 1299.) Paper, 20c. Memorial of Yakami tribe of Indians protesting against passage of S. 6693, relating to distribution of water for irrigation purposes [with accom- panying papers]. 1913. 10 pages. (62d Cong., 3d sess., H. Doc. 1304.) Paper, 5c. INDIANS 47 YANKTON INDIANS. Report favoring bill to ratify agreement with Yankton Sioux Indians [for cession of Pipestone Reservation, Minn.]. 1906. 19 pages. (59th Cong., 1st sess., S. Rept. 2369. Bound with other reports; serial no. 4905.) Sheep, $1.75. ZUNI INDIANS. Illustrated catalogue of collections obtained from pueblos of Zufii, N. Mex. r and Wolpi, Ariz., in 1881 ; by James Stevenson. (In 3d Ethnology Report, 1882, pages 511 to 594, illus., large 8) Cloth, $1.15. SI 2.1 : 882 Religious life of the Zuiii child; by T. E. [M. C-] Stevenson. (In 5th Ethnology Report, 1884, pages 533 to 555, illus., large 8) Cloth, $1.30. SI 2.1 : 884 Zufii Indians, their mythology, esoteric fraternities, and ceremonies; by M. C. Stevenson. (In 23d Ethnology Report, 1902, pages 3 to 608, illus., large 8) Cloth, $2.50. SI 2.1 : 902 Read and you will know WHAT PUBLIC DOCUMENTS ARE; AND HOW TO GET THE Mi THE Government of the United States is the greatest of all publishers of scien- j tific works. It employs thousands of scientists, who are engaged the yeari round in making researches and investigations in all branches of agriculture,' in geology, in mining, in electricity, in chemistry, in astronomy, in engineering, in\ aviation, in preventive medicine, in forestry, in irrigation, and almost all other ] branches of scientific inquiry. The arts of war as well as those of peace are also) actively cultivated. The greatest art of all, that of free government, is strenuously carried on by President, Cabinet, Senators, and Representatives. The results of all these activities of the most comprehensive and effective organi- zation ever known are constantly reduced to print and poured out in an incessant] flood from the largest printing works in the world. These publications of the Government Printing Office at Washington constitute j the Public Documents of the United States. The greater number of them are sold by the Superintendent of Documents, located] in the Government Printing Office. The Government did not establish this sales' office for purposes of profit, but as a public convenience. The prices charged cover j only paper and printing, no charge being made for the services of the statesmen and; scientists who are the authors of the astonishingly varied books, pamphlets, period-, icals, and maps, and no commissions being allowed to anybody. The document even have the freedom of the mails and are sent without cost. The only condition is that payment be made in advance of shipment. The Super- j intendent of Documents is not authorized to supply free copies, and it is useless ask him to do so. HOW TO REMIT Remittances should be made to the Superintendent of Documents, Governmei Printing Office, Washington, D. C., by postal money order, express order, or Nei York draft. If currency is sent, it will be at sender's risk. Postage stamps, coins defaced or worn smooth, foreign money, and uncert checks will not be accepted. No charge is made for postage on documents forwarded to points in the Unitedj States, Alaska, Guam, Hawaii, Philippine Islands, Porto Rico, Samoa, or to Canada^ Cuba, Mexico, or Shanghai. To other countries the regular rate of postage ir< charged. o Oaylord Bro* Makers Syracuse, N Y. PAT. JAB 21, 1801