VOL.* XXX. No. 4 JULY, 1916 25[,CENT< *The \yi so short f the craft so long to lerne Has America a National Poetry?: By Amy Lowell. The Art of Garden-Making in America. A New Kind of Education for the American Girl: By Madame Yvette Guilbert. New Hopi Architecture on the Old Mesa Land. Gardens of Our Great Western Deserts. Beauty and Efficiency in Small American Homes. THE CRAFTSMAN BUILDING- MEW YORK CITY CRAFTSMAN ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT I'll h,;"!" in'; N 1 !> i/(| h>t Jii/.ii :.iii V Ill]' II* tit * f|.f I' ' M 'II I* ii Ml 'M.I. II" (I. Mill' it I *iJMfi HIP JiKi; OFFICIAL A WAR D RIBBON Variety of Patterns Makes Selection Easy Your individual taste in design and col- oring will find the fullest expression when selecting a CREX rug, because of the wonderfully wide range of patterns. CREX rugs harmonize with the deco- rative scheme of any room. Beautiful blues, greens, browns and two-tone effects in artistic combination predominate. They wear well, are sanitary, inexpensive, always clean and cheerful looking and are reversible. Insist on CREX when you buy. Refuse all substitutes. A genuine CREX rug is instantly identified by the name C-R-E-X woven in the side binding. CREX is patented under U. S. Govt. Copy- right. Proved caset of fraudulent substitution or wilful misrepresentation by dealers will be prosecuted to the limit of the law. Our ^2-page color catalog No. 25 illus- trated in natural colors free on request. CREX CARPET COMPANY 212 Fifth Avenue New York Originators of wire-grass products Kindly mention The Craftsman 2a THE CRAFTSMAN PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE CRAFTSMAN PUBLISHING CO. THIRTY-EIGHTH AND THIRTY-NINTH STREETS, NEW YORK CITY GUSTAV STICKLEY, Editor MARY FANTON ROBERTS, Managing Editor ELOISE ROORBACII, Garden Editor VOLUME XXX Contents for July, 1916 NUMBER 4 THE OLD MILL IS THERE A NATIONAL SPIRIT IN "THE NEW AMERICA? SUBTLE STUDIES OF HUMAN EMOTION SHOWN TURE OF CHESTER BEACH .... Illustrated THE ART OF GARDEN MAKING: Illustrated by Scenes from One of "Vitale's Gardens" BROADWAY'S CANYON: A POEM . By John Gould Fletcher THE AMERICAN GIRL'S EDUCATION NOT HUMAN ENOUGH: Madame Guilbert Suggests a Remedy ......... Illustrated NEW HOPI ARCHITECTURE OF THE OLD MESA LAND Illustrated THE VANISHING RED: A POEM By Robert Frost THE BEAUTIFUL GARDENS OF OUR GREAT WESTERN DESERTS . Illustrated NEW TYPES OF SMALL HOUSES THAT COMBINE BEAUTY AND EFFICIENCY Illustrated THE LAUGHTERS: A POEM By Louis Untermeyer GARDEN GATES AND ENTRANCES . By E. I. Farrington Illustrated COOL TOMBS: A POEM ... . . By Carl Sandburg THE OLD MILL By John Matter WINTER'S TURNING: A POEM . . -By Amy Lowell A NEW TYPE OF FURNITURE: Elegant in Design and Rich in Color . Illustrated AMONG THE CRAFTSMEN: Craftsman Town and Country Houses: Two New Designs .... Illustrated A House of Seven Fireplaces: From Craftsman Inspiration .... Illustrated A Porch of Charm and Fragrance . . . .By Albert Marple Illustrated An All-Cement Chicken House .... Illustrated Book Reviews .... 426 Four Popular Craftsman Houses ........ 429 Illustrated All manuscripts sent to THE CRAFTSMAN for consideration must be accompanied by return postage. A stamped addressed envelope is the most satisfactory plan. All changes of address should reach us on or before the twenty-fifth of the second month preceding the date of publication. For example, to change an address for September, word should be sent to us by July twenty-fifth. Subscribers should not fail to give their old address when requesting a change of address. Back numbers 35 cents each. Issues previous to 1913, 60 cents each. Canadian postage 60 cents extra. Foreign postage, $1.20 extra. Frontispiece POETRY" OF By Amy Lowell 339 IN THE SCULP- . 350 356 364 365 374 383 384 392 396 398 405 406 407- 408 412 418 424 By Albert Marple 425 25 CENTS A COPY: $3.00 A YEAR New York Ottoe : 6 East 39* 9L Copyright, 1916. by the Craftsman Publishing Co. All rights reserved. Entered u second-class matter at the New York Post Office, New York. Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office Department. Canada. 3 a THE VANISHING RED: BY ROBERT FROST E is said to have been the last Red Man In Acton. And the Miller is said to have laughed If you like to call such a sound a laugh. But he gave no one else a laugher's license. For he turned suddenly grave as if to say, "Whose business, if I take it on myself, Whose business but why talk round the barn? When it's just that I hold with getting a thing done with." You can't get back and see it as he saw it. It's too long a story to go into now. You'd have to have been there and lived it. Then you wouldn't have looked on it as just a matter Of who began it between the two races. Some guttural exclamation of surprise The Red Man gave in poking about the mill Over the great big thumping, shuffling millstone Disgusted the Miller physically as coming From a person who the less he attracted Attention to himself you would have thought the better. "Come, John," he said, "you want to see the wheel pit?" He took him down below a cramping rafter And showed him through a manhole in the floor The water in desperate straits like frantic fish Salmon and sturgeon lashing with their tails, Then he shut down the trap door with a ring in it That jangled even above the general noise, And came upstairs alone and gave that laugh And said something to a man with a meal-sack That the man with the meal-sack didn't catch then, Oh yes, he showed John the wheel pit all right ! 383 Steaming" Hot Wafer Upstairs or Down Instantly Install a Humphrey Automatic Water . Heater and you can have hot water in- stantly in kitchen, bath or laundry. Just a turn of the faucet starts it, steaming in any required quantity. You wont have to huy coal for it, nor watch it. The water will be always fresh and full of life. It wont stand in a boiler. You get it direct from the main with the [lJMPWI2 ^P^^^^ T-PAQg rs*AB* ^^^^ AUTOMATIC Water Heater It's simple and get-at-able. It is run with gas. A tiny pilot light ignites the patented Humphrey special spout flame burners that heat the water as fast as you use it. When you shut off the water, the gas is shut off and the ex- pense stops. The Humphrey doesn't waste gas. Hot water costs but tenth of a penny a gal. on. Easy to install the Humphrey in new building or old. Sizes for all residences. Send today for the Humphrey booklet, Q All ?, "Hot Water Like *P**V/ Up Magic," that covers the hot water ques- tion thoroughly from all sides. Tells you size you'll need and price. Shows you how you can have all the hot water you need instantly for about a fourth of its cost to you now. We'll mail booklet promptly. HUMPHREY CO. Div. of Ruud Mfg. Co. Dept. N, Kalamazoo, Mich. IN every line there is one product that is recognized as pre-eminent. Among woods for home-building this position has for three centuries been accorded to WHITE PINE White Pine does not shrink, swell, crack, twist, warp or rot and once in place it "stays put," after years of exposure, even in close fitting mitres and in delicate mouldings and carvings. It takes paint and stains perfectly. "White Pine in Home-Building" is beautifully illustrated and full of valuable information and suggestions on home-building. Send today for this booklet free to all prospective home-builders. "Helen Speer's Book of Children's Toys and Furniture" a fascinating children's plan book, from which a child may build its own toys and toy furniture. Prepared by Helen Speer, the toy expert. If there are children in your home, sent free on request. WHITE PINE BUREAU 1716 Merchants Bank Bldg., St. Paul, Minn.