Trinity Church Home - THE GIFT OF FLORENCE V. V. DICKEY TO THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES THE DONALD R. DICKEY LIBRARY OF VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY [ITY CHURCH HOME 1894 I TRINITY CHURCH HOME CHARTER, DEED OF TRUST, CONSTITUTION, BY-LAWS OF THE ALMONERS, Rules for the Government of the Home, ANNUAL REPORTS FOR 1893 AND LIST OIF STJBSOIRIIBEIRS- Corporation of Trinity Church Home. President, Rev. EDWIN HARWOOD, D.D. Vice-President, Mr. WILLIAM W. FARNAM. Treasurer, Mr. GARDNER MORSE, JR. Secretary, Mr. CHARLES B. GILBERT. Finance Committee. Mr. CHARLES E. GRAVES. Mr. GEORGE H. TUTTLE. CORPORA TORS. Rev. EDWIN HARWOOD, D.D. Mrs. MARIA N. TAYLOR. Miss S. M. EDWARDS. Mrs. GEORGE H. TUTTLE. Mr. GARDNER MORSE. Mrs. S. A. BASSETT. Mrs. T. H. BISHOP. Mr. WILLIAM W. FARNAM. Miss SARAH A. MORSE. Mr. CHARLES E. GRAVES. Mrs. CHARLES E. GRAVES. Mr. GEORGE H. TUTTLE. Miss C. S. EDWARDS. Mr. A. HEATON ROBERTSON. Mrs. WILLIAM W. FARNAM. MR. WILLIAM W. WHITE. Miss S. G. HOTCHKISS. MR. GARDNER MORSE, JR. Miss MARY L. BOOTH. MR. CHARLES B. GILBERT. nr THE TRINITY CHURCH HOME CHARTER. GENERAL ASSEMBLY, MAY SESSION, 1862. Upon the petition of the Rector and Wardens of Trinity Church in New Haven, praying for the incorporation of an Associa- tion to be known as the TRINITY CHURCH HOME, in NEW HAVEN, Resolved by this Assembly, SECTION I. That the Rev. Edwin Harwood, W. W. Boardman, Joseph E. Sheffield, Andrew L. Kidston, Frederick J. Betts, Gardner Morse, Stephen D. Pardee, Nathan- iel Booth, James M. Mason, Mary E. Edwards, and Sarah M. Edwards, all of the city and county of New Haven, and such other persons as shall be associated with them hereafter, according to their Constitution and By-Laws, be and they hereby are constituted and created a body politic and corporate, by the name of " THE TRINITY CHURCH HOME," and by that name they and their associates and successors shall have perpetual succession, and be and remain a body politic and corporate forever. SECTION II. The Trinity Church Home is created for the pur- pose of establishing and maintaining in the city of New Haven, a refuge for the poor and friendless members of Trinity Parish, and such others as the board of managers may think entitled to its benefits. 567901 The first meetings of said corporation shall be held at such time and place as shall be appointed by the Rector of Trinity Parish, in a written notice to the several corporators named in the first section hereof. SECTION III. The Trinity Church Home shall have power to sue and to be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered unto, appear and prosecute to final judgment, in any court or elsewhere ; to have a common seal, and to alter the same at pleasure ; to elect, in such manner as the Corporation shall deter- mine, all such officers and servants as they may deem expedient, and specify and define their duties ; to ordain and establish a constitution and by-laws for the government of their affairs, not inconsistent with the laws of this State, and to alter and repeal the same at pleasure ; to receive and hold any estate, real or personal, by subscription, gift, grant, devise, in trust or otherwise, purchase or bequest, and the same to improve, lease, exchange, or sell and con- vey : and the same shall be exempt from taxation, so long as the same, or the avails thereof, shall be laid out and expended solely for the purposes named in the second section of this resolve. Provided, that said Corporation shall not hold at any one time, real estate of a greater annual value than Five Thousand Dollars. SECTION IV. This resolution may be amended, altered, or re- pealed, at the pleasure of the General Assembly. The Deed of Trust. Having for many years entertained the feeling that it is the Christian duty of all such as have been prospered in their worldly affairs, to do something toward relieving the wants of the poor and unfor- tunate, and thus contribute to the general welfare of the community in which he lives, I am moved, now in the time of excellent health, for which I devoutly thank God, to employ a portion of my time (if further spared) this and the ensuing year, in erecting for poor children, chiefly females, a spacious and comfortable school building, with apartments for the teachers and a Chaplain (if one should be em- ployed) for the occupancy and use of the " Parish School of Trinity Church " of this City, a corporate institution already existing and in operation in the Parish of Trinity Church. And on the same grounds (in George street, recently purchased of the Misses Edwards) a convenient, comfortable and appropriate building for the occupancy and use of the " Trinity Church Home " of this City, also a cor- porate institution already in successful operation within said parish. And midway between these two buildings a convenient and appropriate Chapel, to be known as, and called " Trinity Chapel," for the use and benefit of both the aforesaid institutions ; all of which, together with the land on which they are erected, I propose to present and convey to the Corporation of Trinity Church, New Haven, in trust, for the use and benefit of the aforesaid institutions, on such conditions, and under such stipulations as are made and set forth in the following deed of conveyance. Now therefore, Know all men by these presents? That I, Joseph E. Sheffield, of New Haven in the State of Connecticut, in consideration of the fore- going premises, and divers other important consid- erations thereunto me moving, and in further con- sideration of One Dollar in hand, do hereby grant, sell, and convey to the Parish of Trinity Church of New Haven, their Wardens and Vestry, and their successors forever, in trust as aforesaid, all that certain piece and parcel of land in this city on the north side of George street, between College and High streets, bounded as follows, viz : commencing one hundred and ninety-eight (198) feet and three (3) inches from the northwest corner of College and George streets, running northerly ninety (90) feet, thence easterly forty-eight (48) feet, thence northerly again, along the lands of Gad Day and others, ninety (90) feet and six (6) inches, thence westerly along the lands of Arthur D. Osborne, Thomas B. Osborne, Wilson Booth and others, one hundred and forty (140) feet, thence southerly along the lands of Curtis J. Monson eighty-five (85) feet and nine (9) inches, thence easterly forty-eight (48) feet, thence southerly to George street ninety (90) feet, thence easterly along George street forty-one (41) feet to the place of beginning, being all the rear part of the aforesaid lot, with a passageway or court of forty-one (41) feet more or less on George street, leading to the buildings. Provided, however, and it is distinctly a condition of this conveyance, that the building now in process of erection, known and intended to be known as the " Trinity Church Home " for aged, infirm and indigent females, situated on the northwest portion of the grounds, together with so much of the ground or yard as lies between said building and the Chapel, and also between said building and the front lots, being ninety (90) feet from George street, shall be occupied and used, solely and forever, for the pur- poses named and set forth in the act of incorpora- tion of said " Church Home," and for no other purpose, under such conditions and regulations as are and may be made and established, from time to time, by the directors and managers of that humane institution. And it is especially stipulated that the inmates of the said " Church Home " shall always have reserved seats in the aforesaid Chapel when finished, and free and easy access to them, on all the customary services of the church. Provided further, That the Wardens and Vestry of Trinity Church shall annually choose from their num- ber, a committee of five (5) including the Rector, to be called the " Parish School Committee " (two of whom shall be their own Wardens), whose duty it shall be to consult, cooperate with, and assist the corporators and managers of the Parish School in regulating and conducting the affairs of said school for which the building is now being built, and the Chapel thereof ; to advise in the employment of teachers and a chaplain (if one should be employed) 8 or both ; and may at their discretion rent so many of the Pews or Slips of said Chapel as they may deem advisable, not exceeding thirty (30) and at prices not exceeding twenty (20) dollars a year for ten (10) ; ten (10) dollars a year for ten (10) others ; and five (5) dollars a year for ten (10) others, reserving always pews enough next nearest the chancel for the inmates of the Home and the children and teachers of the Parish School, and appropriate the income of said rented pews in aid of the Chap- lain's salary, and the necessary expenses and repairs of the Chapel and school building. And it is fur- ther stipulated and enjoined, and made a part of the consideration of this conveyance, that the corpora- tion of the Parish School, before possessing or occupying the building now being built for the School shall vote to continue to apply the income of the funds of said corporation (the most of which were contributed by me) together with the income of all future donations they may receive for the use and benefit of the School, solely and exclusively to the payment of the salaries of teachers and chaplain when one is employed (all of whom are expected to reside in the building thus prepared for them), and for necessary expenses and repairs of the school building and chapel. And it is further stipulated, and it shall be the duty of the afore-mentioned " Parish School Com- mittee," to keep an account of all income and expenditures of and for said Parish School and Chapel, and report the same with the vouchers there- for annually to the Wardens and Vestry of Trinity Church at some meeting thereof immediately pre- ceding their annual meeting. And it is especially stipulated, and made a part of the consideration of this conveyance, that if at any time the said property hereby conveyed, or any part thereof, shall be discontinued for the uses and pur- poses of said institutions according to their several charters of incorporation as set forth in this deed, or be converted or diverted to any other use or occupation, then this conveyance shall be null and void, and the said property shall revert to me or my right heirs. And for the purpose of convenient reference, in order that the several conditions and stipulations set forth in this deed may not be lost sight of or misunderstood, it is made the duty of the Wardens and Vestry of Trinity Church to have it plainly transcribed into their Parish records. It is with a strong hope and belief that the Parish School, after the new buildings are completed and occupied, will commend itself to the especial favor of the Rector of Trinity Church, and the members of the Parish and congregation. And that the " Church Home " for worthy, infirm and indigent ladies, will hereafter be moderately endowed by some of the wealthy and kind-hearted members of the Parish, so that a permanent income for it, to some extent at least, may be relied upon, which income, together with the annual subscriptions, and the weekly and monthly contributions of the ladies of the Parish as at present, will insure to its worthy and unfortunate inmates all the bodily and spiritual comforts which it is the bounden duty of every 10 Christian community to provide for the sick and needy, that I now make this conveyance. To have and to hold the said premises to them, the said Wardens and Vestry, and their successors for- ever, for the use and benefit of The Parish School of Trinity Church, and The Trinity Church Home, respectively in manner above set forth. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 24th day of July, A. D. 1868. JOS. E. SHEFFIELD. [SEAL.] Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of JOHN S. BEACH. FRANCIS WAYLAND. NEW HAVEN COUNTY, ss. i New Haven, July 24th, 1868. \ Personally appeared, Joseph E. Sheffield, signer and sealer of the foregoing instrument, and acknowl- edged the same to be his free act and deed, before me. FRANCIS WAYLAND, Notary Public. Subsequent Article. STATE OF CONNECTICUT, j CITY AND COUNTY OF NEW HAVEN, ss. \ Whereas, I the undersigned, Joseph E. Sheffield, of the City and County of New Haven, State of Connecticut, have heretofore executed a deed of trust, bearing date the 24th day of July, A. D. 1868, to the Corporation of Trinity Church, New Haven, in trust for the Corporation of the " Parish School of Trinity Church," and the Corporation of the "Trinity Church Home," in which deed of trust the contingency of a chaplain being employed for said two last named institutions is contemplated, but no designation is made by which said three corporations such chaplain if one should be employed is to be elected, or appointed ; Now therefore, I do hereby, in furtherance of the due and proper observance of the trusts specified in said deed of trust, declare and provide, that said chaplain if one should be employed shall be elected and appointed by the Parish of Trinity Church. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, at New Haven, the 26th day of November, A. D. 1869. JOS. E. SHEFFIELD. [SEAL.] Signed and sealed in the presence of EDWARD A. RAY. DENNIS A. KIMBERLY. CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. Membership. SECTION i. The corporation of Trinity Church Home shall consist of the Rev. Edwin Harwood, W. W. Boardman, Joseph E. Sheffield, Andrew L. Kidston, Frederick J. Betts, Gardner Morse, Stephen D. Pardee, Nathaniel Booth, James M. Mason, Mary E. Edwards, Sarah M. Edwards, and such other per- sons as have been elected members previous to the adoption of this amended constitution. SEC. 2. Any person connected with the parish of Trinity Church, may be elected, by ballot, a member of the corporation at any annual meeting thereof, and such members shall be elected from time to time, so that the whole number of corporate mem- bers shall not be less than eleven. SEC. 3. Any member who has ceased to be con- nected with Trinity Church parish, or who has not attended the meetings of the corporation for three consecutive years may, by vote of the corporation, be dropped from the list of members. SEC. 4. A correct list of the members of the cor- poration shall be kept by the secretary. 13 ARTICLE II. Meetings. SECTION i. The annual meeting of the corpora- tion shall be held on the first Wednesday in Advent, or on such other day as the president, with the advice of the treasurer and secretary, may appoint, notice of which meeting shall be given in Trinity Church on the Sunday next preceding the day of said meeting. Notice shall also be sent by the sec- retary to each member. SEC. 2. Special meetings may be called by the president, and shall be called upon request in writing of three members of the corporation. Notice of special meetings shall be given in the same manner as for the annual meeting. SEC. 3. Five shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. ARTICLE III. Officers. SECTION i. The officers of the corporation shall be a president, a vice-president, a secretary and a treasurer. The Rector of Trinity Church shall be ex-officio, president. The remaining officers shall be chosen by ballot at the annual meeting, or at an adjourned meeting thereof, to hold office until the next annual meeting or until their successors are chosen. SEC. 2. The president, vice-president, and secre- retary shall respectively perform the duties usually pertaining to those offices. 14 SEC. 3. The treasurer shall have charge of the funds of the corporation, shall receive, disburse, and invest the same, as may be required ; shall keep an account of the financial transactions of the year, and submit a full report of the same at the annual meeting, together with an inventory of the property. All investments shall be made by the treasurer, with the advice of the finance committee. SEC. 4. The corporation, at its annual meeting, shall appoint a finance committee of at least two members. It shall be the duty of the finance com- mittee to advise with the treasurer as to invest- ments, to audit his accounts, and to examine the securities of the corporation. ARTICLE IV. Almoners. At its annual meeting, or at an adjourned meeting thereof, the corporation shall appoint ten ladies connected with the parish of Trinity Church, as almoners. These ten almoners shall have power to add to their number, not exceeding ten other almoners, who must also be connected with the parish of Trinity Church. The almoners shall constitute a board of managers for the Home, and its inmates, arrange for soliciting donations, whether of money, food, fuel, or clothing, and the distribution thereof, except that all donations of money, or the representation thereof, shall be placed in the hands of the treasurer of the corporation, to be disposed of in accordance with the terms of the donation. 15 The almoners may draw on the treasurer from time to time for such amounts as may be necessary for current expenses from such funds as may be in his hands for that purpose. The almoners shall decide who shall be the beneficiaries of the Home, and upon what terms, when they shall be received and when discharged, and in all cases of disagreement among themselves, the matter may be referred to or inquired into by the corporation. The almoners shall adopt by-laws for their own organization and rules for the government of the Home. Such by- laws and rules and all doings of the almoners shall be subject to the approval of the corporation. The almoners shall present a full report to the corpora- tion at its annual meeting, of their official transac- tions during the preceding year, the changes made in their by-laws and rules, the receipts and expen- ditures of the Home, and their purposes and pros- pects for the future. ARTICLE V. Any person who may contribute one thousand dollars shall thereupon become a member of the corporation and a patron of the Home and shall be entitled to nominate a beneficiary, subject to the approval of the corporation. ARTICLE VI. The Rector of Trinity Church shall be, ex-officio, chaplain and visitor of the Home. 16 ARTICLE VII. This constitution shall not be altered, except such alteration shall have been proposed at one legal meeting, and adopted at a subsequent legal meeting. ARTICLE VIII. This amended constitution shall go into opera- tion on the date of its adoption, and on the same day officers shall be elected to hold office until the annual meeting on the first Wednesday in Advent, 1894, and the existing almoners shall continue in office until the same time. ADOPTED JUNE 4th, 1894. ALMONERS. OFFICERS. President, Mrs. J. HILLER. ist Vice-President, Mrs. M. J. DAGGETT. 2d Vice-President, Mrs. W. W. FARNAM. Secretary, Miss S. M. EDWARDS. Treasurer, Miss S. G. HOTCHKISS. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Mrs. MANSFIELD. Miss MORSE. Mrs. GRAVES. Miss BOOTH. Mrs. DAGGETT. ALMONERS. Mrs. J. HILLER. Mrs. S. A. BASSETT. Mrs. C. E. GRAVES. Mrs. M. J. DAGGETT. Mrs. T. H. BISHOP. Mrs. WILLIAM W. FARNAM. Mrs. WILLIAM H. LAW. Mrs. GEORGE A. BUTLER. Mrs. WILLIAM BEEBE. Miss C. S. EDWARDS. Mrs. MARY A. MANSFIELD. Mrs. MARIA N. TAYLOR. Miss SARAH A. MORSE. Mrs. GEORGE B. MARTIN. Miss SARA G. HOTCHKISS. Miss M. L. BOOTH. Miss E. A. ELD. Mrs. DENNING DUER. Miss S. M. EDWARDS. Mrs. GEORGE H. TUTTLE. By-Laws of the Almoners of Trinity Church Home. SECTION I. A meeting of the almoners shall be held at the Home within one week after their election, at such time as shall be appointed by the president of the corporation ; and at such meeting or subsequent meeting, they may elect additional almoners not to exceed ten. SECTION II. At a meeting of the almoners called for the pur- pose, they shall choose from their number a presi- dent, two vice-presidents, secretary and treasurer, who shall hold their offices for one year and until others are chosen in their stead. SECTION III. Regular meetings of the almoners shall be held at the Home on the last Monday in each month, and special meetings may be called at any time by the president, or in case of her absence or inability to act, by either of the vice-presidents. 19 SECTION IV. Five almoners shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any regular or special meeting. SECTION V. The business of the meetings shall commence as soon after the hour appointed as a quorum may be present and shall be presented in the following order, viz : 1. Religious exercises. 2. Calling of the roll. 3. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. 4. Matron's report. 5. Visitor's report. 6. Treasurer's report. 7. Selection of a monthly visitor. 8. Miscellaneous business. SECTION VI. The almoners shall appoint from their number an executive committee of five. It shall be the duty of said committee to obtain from such members of the parish as are able and willing to contribute, donations of money, provisions or other articles, for the use of the Home either annually or oftener, as the wants of the inmates may require, or the con- tributors may decide. The executive committee with the monthly vis- itor shall decide any minor difficulties which may arise among the inmates of the Home ; matters of 20 consequence to be referred either to the board of almoners or to the corporation for determination. SECTION VII. No person shall be admitted to the Home as a beneficiary until her application shall have been before the almoners for one month, except in cases of special emergency ; and then be admitted by a vote passed at a regular meeting. Preference in all cases shall be given to aged and indigent members of the congregation of Trinity Church ; but applicants may be admitted from other parishes and denominations upon such terms as the board of almoners may prescribe. SECTION VIII. The almoners shall at each monthly meeting appoint one of their members as visitor for the ensuing month, whose duty it shall be to visit the Home as often as practicable ; not less than twice a week. She shall visit every department, inspect personally the room of each inmate, and make her- self familiar with the details of the Home, taking cognizance of the non-observance of any rule ; and make a faithful report in writing at the monthly meeting of the almoners. Rules for the Government of Trinity Church Home. RULE I. The matron shall have entire charge of the house under the direction of the almoners, and keep every department within and around the house in good order. She must have a watchful care of every inmate of the family, and without partiality faith- fully administer to the wants and comforts of each, as their several circumstances may require. She shall have the hiring of the servants and the order- ing of them. She is to enforce the rules of the house, to be present at meals, to see that they are properly served, proper order observed at table, and ask a blessing at each meal. If improper conduct is observed in any member of the family, she is to report the same to the executive committee. She must keep a record of every article that is sent to the Home, whether purchases or donations, and by whom sent, in a book provided for that purpose. She is to make from time to time a list of whatever supplies are needed and give it to the executive committee. She is also to make a monthly report to the almoners respecting the state of the Institution, not neglecting the breach of any of the rules by any inmate of the house. M RULE II. It will be required of those who are able, to make their own beds and sweep their own rooms, keeping them thoroughly neat, under the direction of the matron ; also to sew and knit and assist in such domestic duties as the matron may require, render- ing such service as they can for the benefit of the Institution and for the comfort of those more help- less than themselves. RULE III. The breakfast bell shall be rung at seven o'clock, dinner will be served at half past twelve, and tea at half past five. The same conduct must be observed at table as in any well regulated family. The matron will preside, carve the meat and help the inmates, and all who are able must attend the gen- eral table punctually at the appointed hours. If unable to attend, a suitable meal will be sent to their rooms. RULE IV. Family prayers shall be offered morning and even- ing by the matron, at which each member of the family who is able is required to attend. Services are also held twice a week by the chaplain at which also attendance is required. RULE V. The matron shall have entire control of the lights, seeing that the gas is lighted and extinguished at the hours specified in the rules. It shall be lighted every evening in the side halls and parlor where the inmates can assemble. At nine o'clock p. M., the gas in the halls shall be lowered as much as possible and so remain during the night ; at the same hour, the gas may be lighted in each bed-room and burn for half an hour, but must then be extinguished by the matron. RULE VI. Washing and ironing must not be done by the inmates except by special permission, and none of the inmates will be allowed to go into the kitchen unless requested by the matron to assist in the work. RULE VII. No inmate of the Home will be permitted to enter the room of any other occupant without her per- mission ; and no room must be locked at night. RULE VIII. No solid thing must be thrown into the slop pails or wash basins, neither papers, bits of cloth, thread, hair, matches, or anything else that will clog the pipes. Nothing whatever may be thrown into the bath-tub. It must be used for bathing alone. RULE IX. The inmates will not be allowed to interfere or find fault with the matron ; but if any think they have cause of complaint, they must apply to the ex- ecutive committee who will take such action thereon 24 as they may deem proper. All difficulties among the inmates must be referred to the almoners for settle- ment, and the parties must abide by their decision or leave the Home. No inmate may interfere with those to whom a particular portion of house-work is assigned in a way to prevent the proper performance of their duty. If this rule is violated, complaint must be made to the matron. RULE X. Any inmate desiring to leave the Home to be absent from a meal or over night, must give notice of such intention to the matron as well as where she purposes to go and the probable length of her absence ; and no one must leave the premises after nightfall, without permission : and the house must be closed at an early hour. RULE XL In order to preserve harmony in the house, the strictest attention must be paid to the rules. For the first violation, there will be an admonition ; for the second, a complaint will be made to the al- moners ; and for the third, the offender may be dismissed from the Home. Annual Report of the Secretary of the Almoners. Our report for the year last passed, closes what has been, in some respects, one of the most eventful years that we have ever known. From its begin- ning, the Angel of Death has hovered over our Church Home, and entering, has at every season removed one and another of its members, until no less than four have passed into another World. In January, Miss Wadsworth, who had been in the Home since 1886, breathed her last on her 83d birth- day ; in life and death blessing the Home for all it had done for her. She was long a sufferer, patient, and uncomplaining. In April, her death was fol- lowed by that of Miss Henrietta Tallmadge, who had been in the Home since 1871 a period of twenty-two years. For years deprived of sight, which made it impossible for her to read, or sew, or do anything useful, life had long been a burden to her, and she was ready to welcome with joy the summons to depart, and join those, especially the lamented sister, with whom she had so long been knit together in the " one Communion and Fellow- ship." In June occurred the death of Miss Sarah Whit- comb, who, entering in May 1892, had been with us but little more than a year. Miss W. had been a life-long member of the Methodist Society, and her funeral took place from the Methodist church on the afternoon of the i4th June. Services were previously held at the Home by the Methodist min- ister, Rev. Mr. Williams, who took occasion to speak in highest terms of commendation of our Church Home, which had been such a home of rest a real Christian home, to Miss Whitcomb, during the last year of her life. In October, our death list closes with the death of Miss Olive Elizabeth Canfield, the pitiable melan- choliac who for five years had been with us, without one ray of hope or brightness illuminating her darkened soul. It is to be hoped, that in the joy of her Lord she found the light and brightness which had so long been denied her on earth. It will be seen from the above that it has been literally true of the Home this year that " Death has had all seasons for his own " each one of them being marked by the removal of one of the inmates. These removals have caused quite a diminution in our numbers, so that at present, we count only twelve. The domestic affairs of the Home are in the hands of the same Matron, Mrs. Gregory, who has served us so long and faithfully, and they are managed as admirably as ever. The cases of sickness, during the year, have been unusually great, and the young physician, Dr. Louis B. Bishop, who has attended them, has won golden opinions for his faithfulness and skill. The annual reception took place as usual, and was attended by a large number of visitors and remembered by liberal donations. Besides these 27 there are monthly donations made by the monthly visitors and other members of the parish, which add greatly to the comfort of the inmates. In May, they were made glad by the bountiful dinner provided for them by Mrs. Josephine E. S. Porter in remembrance of her mother's (Mrs. Shef- field's) birthday. It is a day much to be remem- bered by them, and keeps alive their grateful feelings towards her who was their life-long benefactress and friend. A gift of plants for each room, accompanied the good things of the table, and remained as a fragrant memory, after the pleasures of the table were over. Easter was made very bright at the Home, this year by many tokens of kindly interest received by the inmates, and by the lovely flowers that were sent by Trinity Church to every one of them ; but it was more especially blessed in the administration by the Chaplain, Rev. Mr. Scoville, of the Holy Com- munion to all who were not able to go out to receive it, comforting those who in their declining years so greatly need such comfort, with the assurance of His blessing Who is the Resurrection and the Life. We cannot close our Report without making grateful mention of the gentlemen of the Press, who have furnished the inmates with their paper. For many years it is now more than twenty the Daily Palladium has been left regularly at the door, bringing glimpses of the outside world to the some- what secluded lives of those within, and causing them to hail with joy its appearance. It is passed from room to room and eagerly read by one and all Treasurer's Report, 1893. Interest on Permanent Fund, . . $816.54 Annual subscriptions, . . . 290.00 Board of inmates, .... 982.61 Balance from last year, . . . 275.37 $2,364-52 EXPENDITURES. Family expenses, .... $1,271.36 Matron's salary . . . 300.00 Gas and water, .... 110.40 Coal, ..... 219.30 Plumbing and repairs, . . . 72.03 Balance on hand, . . . 391-43 $2,364-52 Subscribers to the Home For 1893. Mrs. C. W. Baldwin, . . $50 Mrs. S. A. Bassett, ... 5 Mrs. William Beebe, . . 5 Miss Emily Betts, ... 5 Mrs. William W. Boardman, 25 Mrs. T. H. Bishop, ... 5 Miss Julia Booth, ... 5 Miss Mary L. Booth, . . 5 Mrs. George A. Butler, . 5 Mrs. Massena Clark, . . 5 Mrs. Mary J. Daggett, . 5 Mrs. Denning Duer, . . 5 Misses Edwards, ... 15 Miss E. A. Eld, .... 5 Mrs. Richard M. Everit, . 5 Mrs. William W. Farnam, 10 Miss Foster, 5 Mrs. S. L. Galpin, ... 15 Mrs. C. E. Graves, ... 5 Miss S. G. Hotchkiss, . . $5 Mrs. J. Killer, .... 5 Miss Hillhouse, . . . . 10 Mrs. William H. Law, . 5 Mrs. C. P. Lineaweaver, . 5 Miss Linzee, 5 Mrs. M. A. Mansfield, . 10 Mrs. George B. Martin, . 5 Mrs. Willis E. Miller, . . 2 Mrs. F. A. Monson, . . 5 Miss S. A. Morse, ... 8 Miss Orton, 2 Mr. John H. Phillips, . . 3 Mrs. J. B. Robertson, . . 15 Mrs. Maria N. Taylor, . 5 Mrs. George H. Tuttle, . 5 Mrs. Lizzie Ward, ... 5 Mrs. C. P. Wurts, ... 5 PRESS OF TUTTLE, MOREHOU8E & TAYLOR, NEW HAVEN, CONN. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. -42m-8,'49(B5573)444 THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF LOS ANGELA 1471 Trinity ChurcJ N45N45 Home - Charter, deed r>f* "hying 4r / nv-i o + T -t-i 1 4* -i rv _of_ Itha -almoners A 000 805 HV 1471 N45N45