GRAHAM OF CLAVERHOUSE GRAHAM OF CLAVERHOUSE BY IAN MACLAREN AUTHOR OF "BESIDE THE BONNIE BRIER BUSH," ETC., ETC. LONDON JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET, W. 1908 COPYRIGHT, 1907, IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STACK ANNE* PR 5742 G7 CONTENTS BOOK I CHAP. PAGE I. BY THE CAMP-FIRE 1 II. THE BATTLE OF SENEFFE . . . .22 HI. A DECISIVE BLOW . . . . .45 IV. A CHANGE OF MASTERS . . . .65 BOOK II I. A COVENANTING HOUSE . . . .87 II. THE COMING OF THE AMALEKITE . . .110 III. BETWEEN MOTHER AND LOVER . . .131 IV. " THY PEOPLE SHALL BE MY PEOPLE, THY GOD MY GOD" ...... 154 BOOK III I. ONE FEARLESS MAN ..... 176 II. THE CRISIS . . . .198 2138817 vi CONTENTS CHAP. PAGE III. THE LAST BLOW ...... 222 IV. THOU ALSO FALSE ..... 245 BOOK IV. I. TREASON IN THE CAMP .... 272 II. VISIONS OF THE NIGHT 295 HI. FAITHFUL UNTO DEATH . 316 GRAHAM OF CLAVERHOUSE BOOK I CHAPTER I BY THE CAMP-FIRE THAT afternoon a strange thing had hap- pened to the camp of the Prince of Orange, which was pitched near Nivelle in Brabant, for the Prince was then challenging Conde', who stuck behind his trenches at Charleroi and would not come out to fight. A dusty- coloured cloud came racing along the sky so swiftly yet there was no wind to be felt that it was above the camp almost as soon as it was seen. When the fringes of the cloud encompassed the place, there burst forth as from its belly a whirlwind, and wrought sudden devastation in a fashion none had ever seen before or could after- 1 2 GRAHAM OF CLAVERHOUSE wards forget. With one long and fierce gust it tore up trees by the roots, unroofed the barns where the Prince's headquarters were, sucked up tents into the air, and carried soldiers' caps in flocks, as if they were flocks of rooks. This commotion went on for half an hour, then ceased as instantly as it began ; there was calm again and the evening ended in peace, while the cloud of fury went on its way into the west, and afterwards we heard that a very grand and strong church at Utrecht had suffered greatly. As the camp was in vast disorder, both officers and men bivouacked in the open that night, and as it was inclined to chill in those autumn evenings, fires had been lit not only for the cooking of food, but for the comfort of their heat. Round one fire a group of English gentlemen had gathered, who had joined the Prince's forces, partly because, like other men of their breed, they had an insatiable love of fight- ing, and partly to push their fortunes, for Englishmen in those days, and still more Scotsmen, were willing to serve on any side where the pay and the risks together were certain, and under any commander who was a man of his head and hands. Europe BY THE CAMP-FIRE 3 swarmed with soldiers of fortune from Great Britain, hard bitten and fearless men, some of whom fell far from home, and were buried in unknown graves, others of whom returned to take their share in any fighting that turned up in their own country. So it came to pass that many of our Islanders had fought impartially with equal courage and interest for the French and against them, like those two Scots who met for the first time at the camp-fire that night, and whose fortunes were to the end of the chapter to be so curiously intertwined. There was Collier, who afterwards became My Lord Patmore ; Rooke, who rose to be a major-general in the English army ; Hales, for many years Governor of Chelsea Hos- pital ; Venner, the son of one of Cromwell's soldiers who had strange notions about a fifth monarchy which was to be held by our Lord himself, but who was a good fight- ing man ; and some others who came to nothing and left no mark. Two young Scot? gentlemen were among the Englishmen, who were to have a share in making history in their own country, and both to die as generals upon the battle-field, the death they chiefly loved. Both men were to suffer 4 GRAHAM OF CLAVERHOUSE more than falls to the ordinary lot, and the life of one, some part of whose story is here to be told, was nothing else but tragedy. For the gods had bestowed upon him quick gifts of mind and matchless beauty of face, and yet he was to be hated by his nation, till his name has become a byword, and to be betrayed by his own friends, who were cowards or self-seekers, and to find even love, like a sword, pierce his heart. Scotland contains within it two races; and partly because their blood is different and partly because the one race has lived in the open and fertile Lowlands, and the other in the wild and shadowy Highlands, the Celt of the north and the Scot of the south are well-nigh as distant from each other as the east from the west. But among the Celts there were two kinds in that time, and even unto this day the distinction can be found by those who look for it. There was the eager and fiery Celt who was guided by his passions rather than by prudence, who struck first and reasoned afterwards, who was the victim of varying moods and the child of hopeless causes. He was usually a Catholic in faith, so far as he had any religion, and devoted to the Stuart dynasty, BY THE CAMP-FIRE 5 so far as he had any policy apart from his chief. There was also another sort of Celt, who was quiet and self-contained, determined and persevering. Men of this type were usually Protestant in their faith, and when the day of choice came they threw in their lot with Hanover against Stuart. Hugh MacKay was the younger son of an ancient Highland house of large possessions and much influence in the distant North of Scot- land ; his people were suspicious of the Stuarts because the kings of that ill-fated line were intoxicated with the idea of divine right, and were ever clutching at absolute power ; nor had the MacKays any over- whelming and reverential love for bishops, because they considered them to be the in- struments of royal tyranny and the op- pressors of the kirk. MacKay has found a place between Collier and Venner, and as he sits leaning back against a saddle and to all appearance half asleep, the firelight falls on his broad, powerful, but rather awk- ward figure, and on a strong, determined face, which in its severity is well set off by his close-cut sandy hair. Although one would judge him to be dozing, or at least absorbed in his own thoughts, if anything 6 GRAHAM OF CLAVERHOUSE is said which arrests him, he will cast a quick look on the speaker, and then one marks that his eyes are steely grey, cold and penetrating, but also brave and honest. By- and-by he rouses himself, and taking a book out of an inner pocket, and leaning sideways towards the fire, he begins to read, and se- cludes himself from the camp talk. Venner notices that it is a Bible, and opens his mouth to ask him whether he can give him the latest news about the fifth monarchy which made a windmill in his poor father's head, but, catching sight of MacKay's grim profile, thinks better and only shrugs his shoulders. For MacKay was not a man whose face or manner invited jesting. Upon the other side of the fire, so that the two men could only catch occasional and uncertain glimpses of each other through the smoke, as was to be their lot in after days, lay the other Scot in careless grace, supporting his head upon his hand, quite at his ease and in good fellowship with all his comrades. If MacKay marked a contrast to the characteristic Celt of hot blood and wayward impulses, by his reserve and self- control, John Graham was quite unlike the average Lowlander by the spirit of feudal BY THE CAMP-FIRE 7 prejudice and romantic sentiment, of un- calculating devotion and loyalty to dead ideals, which burned within his heart, and were to drive him headlong on his troubled and disastrous career. A kinsman of the great Montrose and born of a line which traced its origin to Scottish kings, the child of a line of fighting cavaliers, he loathed Presbyterians, their faith and their habits together, counting them fanatics by inherent disposition and traitors whenever opportunity offered. He was devoted to the Episcopal Church of Scotland, and regarded a bishop with reverence for the sake of his office, and he was ready to die, as the Marquis of Montrose had done before him, for the Stuart line and their rightful place. One can see as he stretches himself, raising his arms above his head with a taking gesture, that he is not more than middle size and slightly built, though lithe and sinewy as a young tiger, but what catches one's eye is the face, which is lit up by a sudden flash of firelight. It is that of a woman rather than a man, and a beautiful woman to boot, and this girl face he was to keep through all the days of strife and pain, and also fierce deeds, till they carried him dead from 8 GRAHAM OF CLAVERHOUSE Killiecrankie field. It was a full, rich face, with fine complexion somewhat browned by campaign life, with large, expressive eyes of hazel hue, whose expression could change with rapidity from love to hate, which could be very gentle in a woman's wooing, or very hard when dealing with a Covenanting rebel, but which in repose were apt to be sad and hopeless. The lips are rich and flexible, the nose strong and straight, the eyebrows high and well arched, and the mouth, with the short upper lip, is both tender and strong. His abundant and rich brown hair he wears in long curls falling over his shoulders, as did the cavaliers, and he is dressed with great care in the height of military fashion, evidently a gallant and debonair gentleman. He has just ceased from badinage with Rooke, in which that honest soldier's somewhat homely army jokes have been worsted by the graceful play of Graham's wit, who was ever gay, but never coarse, w r ho was no ascetic, and was ever willing to drink the King's health, but, as his worst enemies used grudgingly to admit, cared neither for wine nor women. Silence falls for a little on the company. Claver- house, looking into the fire and seeing things BY THE CAMP-FIRE 9 of long ago and far away, hums a Royalist ballad to the honour of King Charles, and the confounding of crop-eared Puritans. Among the company was that honest gentleman, Captain George Carleton, who was after- wards to tell many entertaining anecdotes of the War in Spain under that brilliant commander Lord Peterborough. And as Carleton, who was ever in thirst for adven- tures, had been serving with the fleet, and had only left it because he thought there might be more doing now in other quarters, Venner demanded whether he had seen anything whose telling would make the time pass more gaily by the fire, for as that liberated Puritan said : " My good comrade on the right is engaged at his devotions, and I also would be reading a Bible if I had one, but my worthy father studied the Good Book so much that men judged it had driven him crazy, and I having few wits to lose have been afraid to open it ever since. As for Mr. Graham, if I catch the air he is singing, it is a song of the Malignants against which as a Psalm-singing Puritan I lift my testimony. So a toothsome story of the sea, if it please you, Mr. Carleton." " Apart from the fighting, gentlemen," 10 GRAHAM OF CLAVERHOUSE began Carleton, who was a man of careful speech and stiff mind " for I judge you do not hanker after battle-tales, seeing we shall have our stomach full ere many days be past, if the Prince can entice Cond into the open there were not many things worth telling. But this was a remarkable occur- rence, the like of which I will dare say none of you have seen, though I know there are men here who have been in battle once and again. Upon the Catherine there was a gentleman volunteer, a man of family and fine estate, by the name of Hodge Vaughan. Early in the fight, when the Earl of Sandwich was our admiral and Van Ghent commanded the Dutch, Vaughan received a considerable wound, and was carried down into the hold. Well, it happened that they had some hogs aboard and, the worse for poor Hodge Vaughan, the sailor who had charge of them, like any other proper Englishman, was fonder of fighting than of feeding pigs, and so left them to forage for themselves. As they could get nothing else, and liked a change in their victuals when it came with- in their reach, they made their meal off Vaughan, and when the fight was over there was nothing left of that poor gentleman BY THE CAMP-FIRE 11 except his skull, which was monstrous thick and bade defiance to the hogs. This is not a common happening," continued Carleton with much composure, " and I thank my Maker I was not carried into that hold to be a hog's dinner. Yet I give you my word of honour that the tale is true." " Lord ! it was a cruel ending for a gallant gentleman," said Collier, " and it makes gruesome telling. Have you anything else sweeter for the mouth, for there be enough of hogs on the land as well as on sea, and some of them go round the field, where men are lying helpless, on two legs and not on four, from whom heaven defend us." " Since you ask for more," replied Carleton, " a thing took place about which there was much talk, and on it 1 should like to have your judgment. Upon the same ship with myself, there was a gentleman volunteer, and he came with the name of a skilful swordsman. He had been in many duels and thought no more of standing face to face with another man, and he cared not who he was, than taking his breakfast. You would have said that he of all men would have been the coolest on the deck and would have given no heed to danger. Yet the 12 GRAHAM OF CLAVERHOUSE moment the bullets whizzed he ran into the hold, and for all his land mettle he was a. coward on the sea. When every one laughed at him and he was becoming a thing of scorn, he asked to be tied to the mainmast, so that he might not be able to escape. So it comes into my mind," concluded Carleton,. " to ask this question of you gallant gentle- men, Is courage what Sir Walter Raleigh calls it, if I mind me rightly, the art of the philosophy of quarrel, or must it not be the issue of principle and rest upon a steady basis of religion ? I should like to ask those artists in murder, meaning no offence to any gentleman present who may have been out in a duel, to tell me this, why one who has run so many risks at his sword's point should be turned into a coward at the whizz of a cannon ball ? " " There is not much puzzle in it as it seems to me," answered Rooke ; " every man that is worth calling such has so much courage, see you, but there are different kinds. As Mr. Carleton well called it, there is land mettle, and that good swordsman was not afraid when his feet were on the solid ground ; then there is sea mettle and faith, he had not much of that, a trifle too BY THE CAMP-FIRE 13 little, I grant you, for a gentleman. So it is in measure with us all. I never saw the horse I would not mount or the wall within reason I would not take, but I cannot put my foot in a little boat and feel it rising on the sea without a tremble at the heart. That is how I read the riddle." " What I hold," burst in Collier, " is that everything depends on a man's blood. If it be pure and he has come of a good stock, he cannot play the coward any more than a lion can stalk like a fox. Land or sea, whatever tremble be at the heart he faces his danger as a gentleman should, though there be certain kinds of danger, as has been said, which are worse for some men than others. But I take it your gentleman volun- teer, though he might be a good player with the sword, was, if you knew it, a mongrel." " If you mean by mongrel humbly born," broke in Venner, "saving your presence, you are talking nonsense, and I will prove it to you from days that are not long passed. When it came to righting in the days of our fathers, I say not that the lads who followed Rupert were not gallant gentlemen and hardy blades, but unless my poor memory has been carried off by that infernal whirl- 14 GRAHAM OF CLAVERHOUSE wind, I think Old Noll's Ironsides held their own pretty well. And who were they but blacksmiths and farmer men, from Essex and the eastern counties ! There does not seem to me much difference between the man from the castle and the man behind the plough when their blood is up and they have a sword in their hands." " I am under obligation to you all for dis- cussing my humble question, but I see that we have two Scots gentlemen with us, and I would crave their opinion. For all men know that the Scots soldier has gone every- where sword in hand, and whether he was in the body-guard of the King of France, or doing his duty for the Lion of the North, has never turned his back to the foe. And I am the more moved to ask an answer for the settlement of my mind, because, as I have ever understood, the Scots more than our people are accustomed to go into the reason of things, and to argue about prin- ciples. It is not always that the strong sword-arm goes with a clear head, and I am waiting to hear what two gallant Scots soldiers will say." And the Englishman paid his tribute of courtesy first across the fire to Claverhouse, who responded grace- BY THE CAMP-FIRE 15 fully with a pleasant smile that showed his white, even teeth beneath his slight moustache, and then to MacKay, who leaned forward and bowed stiffly. " We are vastly indebted. to Mr. Carleton for his good opinion of our nation," said Claverhouse, after a slight pause to see whether MacKay would not answer, and in gentle, almost caressing tones, " but I fear me his charity flatters us. Certainly no man can deny that Scotland is ever ringing with debate. But much of it had better been left unsaid, and most of it is carried on by ignorant brawlers, who should be left ploughing fields and herding sheep instead of meddling with matters too high for them. At least such is my humble mind, but I am only a gentleman private of the Prince's guard, and there is opposite me a commis- sioned officer of his army. It is becoming that Captain Hugh MacKay, who many will say has a better right to speak for Scotland than a member of my house, and who has just been getting counsel from the highest, as 1 take it, should give his judg- ment on this curious point of bravery or cowardice." Although Graham's manner was perfectly 16 GRAHAM OF CLAVERHOUSE civil and his accents almost silken, Vernier glanced keenly from one Scot to the other, and every one felt that the atmosphere had grown more intense, and that there was latent antipathy between the two men. And even Rooke, a blunt and matter-of-fact Englishman, who, having said his say, had been smoking diligently, turned round to listen to MacKay, who had never said a word through all the talk of the evening. " Mr. Carleton and gentlemen volunteers," MacKay began, with grave formality, " I had not intended to break in upon your con- versation, which I found very instructive, but as Claverhouse " (and it was charac- teristic of his nation that MacKay should call Graham by the name of his estate) " has asked me straightly to speak, I would first apologise for my presence in this company. I do not belong, as you know, to the Prince's guard, and it is true that I have a captain's commission. As the tempest of to-day had thrown all things into confusion, and it happened that 1 had nowhere to sit, Mr. Venner was so kind as to ask me to take my place by this fire for the night, and I am pleased to find myself among so many goodly young gentlemen. I make no BY THE CAMP-FIRE 17 doubt," he added, " that every one will so acquit himself as very soon to receive his commission." " The sooner the better," said Hales, " and as I have a flask of decent Burgundy here, 1 will pass it round that we may drink to our luck from a loving cup." And every one took his draught except MacKay, who only held the cup to his lips and inclined his head, being a severe and temperate man in everything. " Concerning the duel and the action of that gentleman," continued MacKay, " my mind may not be that of the present honourable company. It has ever seemed to me that a man has no right to risk his own life or take that of his neighbour save in the cause of just war, when he doubtless is absolved. For two sinful mortals to settle their poor quarrels by striking each other dead is nothing else than black murder. There is no difficulty to my judgment in understanding the character of that duellist. When he knew that through skill in fencing he could kill the other man and escape himself, he was always ready to fight ; when he found that danger had shifted to his own side, he was quick to flee. My verdict 2 18 GRAHAM OF CLAVERHOUSE on him," and MacKay's voice was vibrant, " is that he was nothing other than a butcher and a coward." " As the Lord liveth," cried Vernier, " I hear my sainted father laying down the law, and I do Captain MacKay filial reverence. May I inquire whether Scotland is raising many such noble Puritans, for they are quickly dying out in England ? Such savoury and godly conversation have I not heard for years, and it warms my heart." " The sooner the knaves die out in England the better," cried Collier; "but I mean no offence to Vernier, who is no more a Puritan than I am, though he has learned their talk, and none at all to Captain MacKay, whom I salute, and of whose good services when he was fighting on the other side we have all heard. Nor can I, indeed, believe that he is a Roundhead, for I was always given to understand that Highland gentlemen were always Cavaliers, and high-spirited soldiers." " Ye be wrong, then, good comrades,'* broke in Claverhouse, " for all Highlanders be not of the same way of thinking, though I grant you most of them are what ye judge. But have you never heard of the godly Marquis of Argyle, who took such care of BY THE CAMP-FIRE 19 himself on the field of battle, but afterwards happened to lose his head through a little accident, and his swarm of Campbells, besides some other clans that I will not mention ? My kinsman of immortal memory, whom I maintain to be the finest gentleman and most skilful general Scotland has yet reared, could have told you that there were High- land Roundheads ; he knew them, and they knew him, and I hope I need not be telling this company what happened when they met." As Graham spoke, it may have been the firelight on MacKay's face, but it seemed to flush and his expression to harden. How- ever, he said no word and made no sign, and Claverhouse, whose voice was as smooth as ever, but whose eyes were flashing fire, continued : " If there should be trouble soon in Scotland, and my advice from home tells me that the fanatics in the west will soon be coming to a head and taking to the field, we shall know that some of the clans are loyal and some of them are not. And for my own part, I care not how soon we come to our duel in Scotland. Please God, I would dearly love to have the settling of the matter. With a few thousand Camerons, Macphersons, MacDonalds, and such like, I 20 GRAHAM OF CLAVERHOUSE will guarantee that 1 could teach the Psalm- singing canters a lesson they would never forget. But I crave pardon for touching on our national differences, when we had better be employed in cracking another flask of that good Burgundy." And Graham, as if ashamed of his heat, stretched his arms above his head. " May God in His mercy avert so great a calamity," said Mac Kay after a pause. " When brother turns against brother in the same nation it is the cruellest of all wars. But the rulers of Scotland may make them- selves sure that if they drive God-fearing people mad, they will rise against their oppressors. Mr. Graham, however, has wis- dom on his side I wish it had come a minute sooner when he said there was no place for our Scots quarrels in the Prince's army. Wherefore I say no more on that matter, but I pray we all may have the desire of a soldier's heart, a righteous cause, a fair battle, and a crowning victory, and that we all in the hour of peril may do our part as Christian gentlemen." " Amen to that, Captain MacKay of Scourie, three times Amen ! " cried Graham. " I drink it in this wine, and pledge you all BY THE CAMP-FIRE 21 to brave deeds when a chance comes our way. The sooner the better and the gladder I shall be, for our race have never been more content than when the swords were clashing. I wish to heaven we were serving- under a more high-spirited commander ; I deny not his courage, else I would not be among his guard, nor his skill, but I confess that I do not love a man whose blood runs so slow, and whose words drop like icicles. But these be hasty words, and should not be spoken, except among honourable comrades when the wine is going round by the camp- fire. And here is Jock Grimond, who, be- cause he taught me to catch a trout and shoot the muir-fowl when I was a little lad ? thinks he ought to rule me all my days, and has been telling me for the last ten minutes that he has prepared some kind of bed with the remains of my tent. So good-night and sound sleep, gentlemen, and may to-morrow bring the day for which we pray." CHAPTER II THE BATTLE OF SENEFFE IT was early in the morning on the first day of August, and darkness was still heavy upon the camp, when Grimond stooped over his master and had to shake him vigorously before Claverhouse woke. " It's time you were up, Maister John ; the Prince's guards are gatherin', and sune will be fallin' in ; that's their trumpets soundin'. Ye will need a bite before ye start, and here's a small breakfast, pairt of which I saved oot o' that stramash yesterday sail ! the blast threatened to leave neither meat nor lodgin' and pairt I happened to light upon this mornin' when I was takin' a bit walk through the camp with my lantern." Grimond spread out a fairly generous breakfast of half a fowl, a piece of ham, some excellent cheese, with good white bread and a bottle of wine, and held the lantern that his master might eat with some comfort, if it had to be with more haste. " Do you ken, Jock, where I was when you wakened me, and flashed the light upon my face? Away in bonnie Glen Ogilvie, where everything is at its best to-day. I dreamed that I was off to Sidlaw Hill, to see what was doing with the muir-fowl, and I felt the good Scots air blowing upon my face. This is a black wakening, Jock, but I've slept worse, and you have done well for breakfast. Ye never came honestly by it, man. Have ye been raiding ? " " Providence guided me, Maister John, and I micht have given a little assistance mysel'. As I was crossing thro' a corner of the Dutch camp, I caught a glimpse of this roast chuckie, with some other bits o' things, and it cam' into my mind that that was some- body's breakfast. Whether he had taken all he wanted or whether he was going to be too late wasna my business, but the Lord delivered that fowl into my hands, and I considered it a temptin' o' Providence no to tak it, to say nothin' o' the white bread. The wine and the ham I savit frae yesterday." " You auld thief, I might have guessed where you picked up the breakfast. I only 24 GRAHAM OF CLAVERHOUSE hope 'twas a heavy-built Dutchman who could starve for a week without suffering, and not a lean, hungry Scot who needed some breakfast to put strength in him for a day's fighting, if God be good enough to send it. Isn't it a regiment of the Scots brigade which is lying next to us, Jock ? " " It is," replied that worthy servitor, " and I was hopin' that it was Captain MacKay's rations which were given into my hands, so to say, by the higher power. I was standing behind you, Maister John, last nicht when you and him was argling-bargling, and if ever I saw a cunning twa-faced Covenanter, it's that man. They say he has got a good word with the Prince through his Dutch wife, and where ye give that kind of man an inch, he will take an ell. It's no for me to give advice, me bein' in my place and you in yours. But I promised your honourable mither that 1 wouldna see you come to mischief if I could help it, and I am sair mistaken if yon man will no be a mercilous and persistent enemy. May the Almichty forbid it, but if MacKay of Scourie can hinder it there will be little advancement for Graham of Claverhouse in this army." " You are a dour and suspicious devil, THE BATTLE OF SENEFFE 2 Jock, and you've always been the same ever since I remember you. Captain Mac Kay is a Whig and a Presbyterian, but he is a good soldier, and I wish I had been more civil to him last night. We are here to fight for the Prince of Orange and to beat the French, and let the best man win ; it will be time enough to quarrel when we get back to Scotland. Kindly Scots should bury their differences, and stand shoulder to shoulder in a foreign land." " That is bonnie talk, laird, but dinna for- get there's been twa kinds of Scot in the land since the Reformation, and there will be twa to the end of the chapter, and they'll never agree till the day of judgment, and then they'll be on opposite sides. There was Queen Mary and there was John Knox, there was that false-hearted loon Argyle, that ye gave a grand nip at the fire last nicht, and there was the head o' your hoose, the gallant Marquis peace to his soul. Now there's the Carnegies and the Gordons and the rest o' the royal families in the north-east, and the sour-blooded Covenanters down in the west, and it's no in the nature o' things that they should agree any more than oil and water. As for me, the very face of a. 26 GRAHAM OF CLAVERHOUSE Presbyterian Whig makes me sick. But there's the trumpet again," and Grimond helped his master to put on his arms. " I've been awfu' favoured this mornin', Maister John, for what div ye think ? I've secured nae less than a baggage-wagon for oorsel's. The driver was stravagin' aboot in the dark and didna know where he was going, so I asked him if he wasna coming for the baggage of the English gentlemen, to say naething of a Scots gentleman. When he was trying to understand me, and I was trying to put some sense into him, up comes Mr. Carleton, and I explained the situation to him. He told the driver in his own language that I would guide him to the spot, and me and the other men are packing the whole of the gentlemen's luggage and ane or twa comforts in the shape of meat and bedding which the fools round about us