LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Deceived. MAY... 5 1894 NEW SERIES OF HANDBOOKS FOR STUDENTS AND PRACTICAL ENGINEERS. THE SPECIALIST'S SERIES Edited by Dr. PAGET HIGGS, AND Professor CHARLES FORBES. HE Series is intended to impart information on recent Technical subjects in a manner suited to the average individual intelligence. This will not include a merely popular treatment of each subject a mode that usually avoids all points of difficulty and exaggerates those that happen to be phenomenal but it is held out as the object to be attained that every subject shall be fully explained, as well in its theory as in its practice, yet that this shall be done in language and in a fashion (following the Baconian advice), u to be understanded of the common people." Following out this idea, the reader will find a complete explanation of the principles involved in each subject, so made as not to necessitate a knowledge of mathematics nor of more abstruse general science ; whilst the mathematical student will find, in those pages that the general reader will avoid, a synopsis of the chief formulae involved. It is hoped by following this course, to enable the general reader to become more familiar with mathematical exposition, and the mathematical student to see clearly the relations expressed by his symbols, and as well to reach the practical man desirous of learning how these relations are expressed by the best authorities. And it is desired to do this without following a distinct didactic method. Each volume will be written by, as far as possible, perfectly independent authority, unflavoured with the taint of commercial advocacy, and will give the results of practical experience. The Series is elegantly printed in crown 8vo, and the price regulated by the extent of each volume. The volumes will follow in succession, at 110 fixed periods, but as early as is consistent with the necessary care in their production. London: SYMONS & CO., 27, Bouverie Street, E.G. 1884. THE SPECIALISTS SERIES. Vol. I. DYNAMO- AND MAGNETO-ELECTRIC MACHINES. By PAGET HIGGS, LL.D., D.Sc., &c., &c. With the use of the German Original by GLASER DE CEW, translated by F. KROHN. Crown 8vo, pp. xiii. 301, with 61 Illustrations, cloth, $s. [Ready. This volume contains the theory, brief description of, and results obtained, with the best constructions of Dynamo-Electric and Magneto- Electric Machines, and with electrical " storage," so far as this latter may be considered as an auxiliary in the regulation of the current of such machines. Vol. II. GAS ENGINES. By WILLIAM MACGREGOR. [Ready November. This is the first English work containing a popular treatment of the principles involved in that exceedingly useful commercial motor, the Gas Engine. All the principal engines before the public are described, and the differences of construction pointed out. Those historical gas motors that have led to the present development of the engine are dealt with according to their merit. Also the users of Gas Engines will find valuable information as to the management of these motors. Vol. III. BALLOONING. By G. MAY. A concise His- tory and Outline of the Principles of the Art of Ballooning, compiled from the best Continental and English sources. [Ready December. This deals, not with the possibilities of Aeronautics on vague assump- tion, but gives information from a practical view of what has been done, showing the present position. Vol. IV. PRIMARY BATTERIES. By PAGET HIGGS, LL.D., D.Sc., Telford Medalist, and CHARLES FORBES, B.Sc., M.A. [In the press. The title of " Primary Batteries " has been selected to express those electric generators depending on chemical or other destructive action, as distinguished from "Secondary Batteries," or "Accumulators" (which are described in Vol. I.) where reconstruction is non-mechanical. The volume contains a full description of all batteries, giving practical results that have been used for the purposes of Telegraphy, the Electric Light, and Electro-Motive power. Vol. V. ARC AND INCANDESCENT ELECTRIC LAMPS. By Dr. JULIUS MAIER. [In the press. This volume describes those forms and principles of Arc and Incan- descent Lamps that have met with practical application in Europe or America. Full Prospectus of each Work post free on application. London : SYMONS & CO., 27, Bouverie Street, E.G. 1884. MAGNETO- AND DYNAMO- ELECTRIC MACHINES. LONDON : PRINTED BY J. OGDEN AND CO., 172, ST. JOHN STREET, E.G. THE SPECIALISTS' SERIES. Edited by Dr. PAGET HIGGS and Professor CHARLES FORBES. VOLUME I. MAGNETO- ^ AND DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINES: WITH A DESCRIPTION OF ELECTRIC ACCUMULATORS FROM THE GERMAN OF GLASER DE CEW, BY F. KROHN; AND SPECIALLY EDITED, WITH MANY ADDITIONS, BY PAGET HIGGS, LL.D., D.Sc. SYMONS & CO., 27, BOUVERIE STREET, E.G. EDINBURGH: YOUNG PENTLAND, WEST NICHOLSON STREET. 1884. n GrL Engineering Library PREFACE. THE author of the German original of the greater part of this book says : " Few years only have elapsed since magneto- and dynamo-electric 'generators began to be employed in practice, and the experience gained with regard to them is, therefore, comparatively limited. But we are beginning to see that the machines as yet con- structed are still capable of considerable improvement, and that by a rational construction we shall be able to increase their value." For a considerable period, it was the aim of the constructors of dynamo machines to arrive at some novelty, or to attain some hitherto unapproached dimension, in order to secure a valid patent or to impress the public. The rational development of the practical construction of these machines was left in the hands of the very few who, from position or inclination, were inde- pendent of the financial furore for the time attaching to all matters electrical. Now that the public has become educated (and very dearly they have paid for this educa- tion), the dynamo machine is likely to take a fair stand vi PREFACE, in the rank of useful machines ; for a time it was a ma- chine regarded as likely to revolutionise all the mechanical world ; now it is coming to be considered in its true light as a very valuable aid and auxiliary to steam and other prime movers, extending their sphere, and making more easy their application. P'or these reasons, it is assumed that the public interested in such technical matters are desirous of a more intimate knowlege of the principles of these machines, and this knowledge it is the object of the present handbook to supply. THE EDITOR. Dept. Mech Eng. CONTENTS. PAGE Electrical Units . . * * < . . xiii Introduction: the historical development of magneto- and dynamo-electric generators Induction phenomena The prin- ciple of Pixii's generator The commutator Stb'hrer's magneto- electric generator Siemens' cylinder Pacinotti's ring Currents in a ring armature Direct influence of poles Construction of Pacinotti's machine Wilde's machine Principle of dynamo-electric machines Ladd's machine with two cylinders ..... 1 28 CHAPTER I. Machines generating alternating currents The Alliance ma- chine Dr. Meritens' machine Holme's machine Weston's plating- machine Mohring and Bauer's plating-machine Gramme's alternat- ing current-machine Siemens' alternating current-machine Brush's dynamo **.*....'* 2949 CHAPTER II. Machines generating direct currents Gramme's ring and collec- tor Generator with laminated magnet^ Gramme's dynamo Path of the current in the coils of tripolar magnets Fein's generator Schuckert's generator Heinrich's generator with grooved ring- armature Fitzgerald's generator Jiirgensen's generator Glilcher's dynamo Hefner- Altenecks drum-armature Course of the current in the drum-armature Magneto-electric machine with drum-armature Siemens' dynamo Dynamo-electric generator for obtaining pure metals The latest dynamo-electric generator of Siemens and Halske Connections in this generator Weston's dynamo Maxim's dynamo Wallace-Farmer's generator Lontin's dynamo Blirgin's dynamo Niaudet's generator The large Edison machine . . . 50 87 viii CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. Particular applicability of the various electric generators Alternating current machines Direct current machines Magneto- electric machines Dynamo-electric generators : their disadvantages Advantages of magnetorelectric generators with electro-magnets 88 94 CHAPTER IV. Automatic switches and current regulation Siemens' switch Maxim's regulator Doublerwound machines Self-regulating ma- chines Storage necessary ....... 95 103 CHAPTER V. Electrical storage! Planters elements Their constructions Forming of the Plante element The Elwell-Parker accumulator Faure's batteries Comparison of the Plante and Faure elements Trustworthy data as to the efficiency of accumulators Reynier's statements Swan, Sellon-Volckinar accumulators Brush's accumulator Theory of action in accumulators Applications of accumulators Their use as reservoirs and regulators Their limited use as portable stores Calculation of their value for electric railways and tramways Their application in permanent connection with an electromotor . . . 104 139 CHAPTER vi. The physjqa! laws bearing on the construction of electric generators, and their practical application. Relation of the electromotive force of a generator to the external work-^-Theoretical deduction of the law bearing on this point Modification of the theo- retical data in practice Internal resistance and external resistance in theory and practice Relation of the strength of current to the number of turns of wire on the armature The rate of rotation and its influence The increase of temperature of the coils, and the calculation of the resistance thus caused The intensity of the magnetic field Special laws for the calculation in the case of dynamo-electric generators Sir William Thomson's theory with regard to the advantageous dimensions of the armature coils and electro-magnet cores of dynamos. 140 163 CHAPTER VII. Construction of the several parts of electric generators. The field-magnets The manufacture of steel magnets Haker and Elias' coefficient for the portative power of a magnet Jamin's investi- gations on the distribution of free magnetism Frankenheim's investi- gations Elias' method for making steel magnets Deprez' small CONTENTS. ix electro-magnetic motor The coefficients found for various kinds of iron by Pliicker and Barlow The construction of the armature Varia- tion Period of change in the magnetisation of the iron core Position of the brushes Heating of the iron core, and reasons therefor Most advantageous way of placing the armature with respect to the magnetic poles Collectors and commutators Diminution of the surfaces of fric- tion Distribution of the formation of sparks, Edisons' pollector Mechanical construction of electric generators , . . 164 181 CHAPTER VIII. The employment of electric generators, for producing the electric I ight. Special rules for the construction of electric light gene- rators The "Trinity House " report Advantages of large generators Tables of comparison Report of the Military College at Chatham Comparison between the Gramme and the Siemens generators Com- mittee of the Franklin Institute in America Tresca's experiments on expenditure of work and efficiency Gramme's experiments with electric light generators 182202 CHAPTER IX r Various applications of electric generators. Generators for galvano-plastic purposes Current interrupters and circuit closers Efficiency of some galvanoplastic generators Generators for obtainipg pure metals and preparing ozone Employment of electric generators for the melting of irfdium, platinum, and steel Sir William Siemens' smelting apparatus Schwendler's experiments in telegraphy Arrange- ments of the " Western Union Company " in New York Employment of small generators worked by hand or foot Ejeptrical transmission of energy and its future . ...... 203 211 APPENDICES, CHAPTER X. Formulae for the construction of electro-magnets General formulae for electro-magnets Dependence of the magnetic moment and the power of attraction on the resistance of the coil The most advan- tageous diameter of wire The best ratio of the magnetising coil to the diameter of the iron core Conditions for maximum on shunt cir- cuits . 212225 x CONTENTS. CHAPTER XI. Instruments for measurements in connection with electric generators. Ayrton and Perry's dynamometer The commutator Ammeter Commutator Voltmeter Ammeter and Voltmeter without commutator Ammeter and Voltmeter with springs Ammeter and Voltmeter with cogwheel and gear Energy measurer Dr. Tobler's formulae for taking measurements in connection with dynamo -electric generators Measurements for dynamos whose magnets are excited by the main current Measurements for dynamos whose magnets are excited by a shunt-current 225241 CHAPTER XII. Latest constructions of generators Jablochkoffs "Elliptic" machine Gordon's alternating current system Gordon's estimate for lighting a town Ferranti machine Hopkinson-Edison machine Mordey's Victoria machine Isenbeck's experiments Theory of proper distribution of potential differences on the collector of a dynamo Best dimensions of pole pieces in multipolar machines Advantages of multi- polar machines Comparison of Gramme's and Pacinotti's rings The Elphinstone- Vincent machine Crompton-Biirgin-Kapp machines 242262 CHAPTER XIII. Clausius' complete mathematical theory of magneto- and dynamo-electric machines 263280 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. TA6X Fig. 1. Diagrams explaining induction phenomena ^ , . . 2 Fig. 2. Pixii's magneto-electric generator . . . . .4 Fig. 3. Path of current in Pixii's generator ..... 5 Fig. 4. Diagrams explaining the mode of action of a commutator . 7 Fig. 5. Stohrer's magneto-electric generator ..... 8 Fig. 6. Figures explaining the construction of a cylinder armature . 10 Fig. 7 Small Siemens generator with cylinder armature . . .11 Fig. 8. Ring armature .12 Fig. 9. Diagram explaining the course of the current in a ring armature 13 Fig. 10. Diagram for explaining the action of the permanent pole on the coils of the ring armature. (N.B. In this figure the full black lines are supposed to lie on the other side of the plane of the figure, whilst the dotted lines are supposed to lie on the front. ) t .'., . . . .16 Fig. 11. Diagrams explaining the mode of leading away the current in a ring armature and in a battery coupled up for quantity . 19 Fig. 12. Mode of winding the coils and of connecting them with the collector in Pacinotti's ring 20 Fig. 13. Pacinotti's generator ........ 21 Fig. 14. Wilde's generator . . 23 Fig. 15. First form of the Siemens dynamo-electric generator . . 25 Fig. 16. Ladd's generator with two cylinder armatures . .27 Fig. 17. The Alliance machine 30 Fig. 18. De Meritens' machine 33 Fig. 19. Figure explaining the construction of De Meritens' generator 35 Fig. 20. Position of the field-magnets and armature-magnets in Weston's plating machine ...... 36 Fig. 21. Cross-section of the Gramme alternating current generator . 40 Fig. 22. Longitudinal section of the Gramme alternating current generator . . , ' 41 Fig. 23. Siemens' alternating current generator with small dynamo for exciting the field-magnets , 44 Fig. 24. Brush machine . . . . . . . .45 Fig. 25. Figure showing the construction of the iron core of the armature in Brush's generator ...... 48 xii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAOB Fig. 26. Diagram explaining the construction of the commutator in Brush's generator . . . . . . . .48 Fig. 27. Figure showing the construction of the Gramme ring and collector 51 Fig. 28. Gramme's generator with laminated magnet . . .52 Fig. 29. Gramme's light machine ...... .53 Fig. 30. Diagram explaining the path of the current in Gramme's light machine . . . . . < . . .55 Fig. 31. Fein's dynamo-electric generator ..,.<. 57 Fig. 32. Schuckert's flat ring generator 59 Fig. 33. Giilcher's dynamo-electric generator ..... 62 Fig. 34. Figure showing the construction of a Siemens' drum armature 63 Fig. 35. Diagram explaining the course of the current in the drum armature ,* , . . . ; , . . .64 Fig. 36. Diagram showing the course of the current in a coil of the drum armature . .65 F>'g. 37. Siemens' small magneto-electric generator With drum armature 67 Fig. 38 . Siemens' light generator 69 Fig. 39. Siemens' generator for obtaining pure metals . . .71 Fig. 40. Figure showing the action of the field-magnets on the armature bobbins in Siemens' coreless armature . . 72 Fig. 41. Diagram explaining the connection of the armature bobbins with the collector in Siemens' coreless armature . . 73 Fig. 42. Weston's dynamo-electric light generatdr * . . .77 Fig. 43. Maxim's generator, with current regulator . < . .78 Fig. 44. Wallace-Farmer's generator 80 Fig. 45. Figure explaining the construction of Lontin's generator . 81 Fig. 46. Niaudet's magneto-electric generator , . . 83 Fig. 47. Edison's large dynamo-electric generator . . . .85 Fig. 48. Figure ' showing the Construction of a Plante secondary element .....<.... 105 Fig. 49. Faure's secondary element . . < ; . . .111 Fia. 50. Edison's collector 177 Fig. 51. Ayrton and Perry's dynamometer < 227 Fig 52. Ayrton and Perry's Commutator ammeter , 228 Fig. 53. Ayrton and Perry's cog-wheel ammeter .... 235 Fig. 54. Diagrams explaining the measurements in connection with dynamo-electric generators ..... 238 Fig. 55, JablochkoflTs " Elliptic " machine . . . . . 243 Fig. 56. Gordon's alternating current generator . . . .246 Fig. 57. Diagram of Ferranti's alternating current generator . . 250 Fig. 58. Ferranti's alternating current generator .... 250 Fig. 59. Mordey's Victoria "machine 258 Fig. 60. Elphinstone-Vincent machine . . . . . . 259 Fig. 61. Elphinstone-Vincent machine, construction . . . 260 UNITS EMPLOYED IN ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS. I. The absolute or C. G. S. (ceiitimetre-grainme-second) units. 1. Unit of length, 1 centimetre. 2. Unit of time, 1 second. 3. Unit of force. The unit of force is that force which, acting on a freely movable mass of one gramme during one second imparts 10 that mass a velocity of 1 centimetre per second. 4. The unit of work is the work done by the unit of force in traversing the space of 1 centimetre. In Paris, this unit = '00101 915 centi- metre-gramme, or. in other words, in order to raise one gramme one centimetre high, 980*868 units of work are necessary. 5. The unit of electrical quantity is that quantity of electricity which, acting on an equal quantity of electricity at a distance of 1 -centimetre, exerts a force equal to the unit of force. 6. The unit of potential difference or of electromotive force exists between two points, when the unit quantity of electricity, in moving from the one point to the other, requires a unit force to overcome the electrical repulsion. 7. The unit of resistance is that which, in one second, only allows the passage of unit quantity between two points, between which there exists unit potential difference. II. The practical units for electrical measurements. 1. Weber, unit of magnetic quantity = 10 8 C. G. S. units. 2. Ohm*, unit of resistance, 10 9 C. G. S. units. 3. FbKt, unit of electromotive force = 10 8 C. G. S. units. 4. Ampere^., unit of strength of current = 10 1 C. G.'S. units. 5. Coulomb, unit of electric quantity = 10 ~ * C. G. S. units. 6. Watt$, unit of work = 10 7 C. G. S. units. 7. Farad, unit of capacity = 10 9 C. G. S. units. * 1 ohm is about equal to tne resistance of 48'5 m. of pure copper wire, 1 mm. in diameter, at Q C. t 1 volt is about 5 to 10 per cent, less than the electromotive force of a l)aniell cell. % The current which, driven by the unit electromotive force, is able to traverse the unit of resistance in one second, is = 1 ampere. amp. x volt 1 Watt = ampere x volt; 1 H. P. = ^ ; 1 cheval de vapeur = amn. x volt 735 Dept. Mech. Eng. INTKODUClTON. HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF MAGNETO-ELECTRIC AND DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINES. So long as only galvanic batteries were employed in practice for generating electric currents, that is, so long as these currents were obtained solely by chemical action, it was but natural that, for doing large quantities of work, the application of electrical energy should be very limited For the cost of maintaining a battery is too high as compared with its efficiency, and it is almost impossible to obtain in this way constant currents of great quantity and intensity. A larger field for the application of electrical energy was opened up when use began to be made of electric currents, produced by the conversion of mechanical energy, through the invention of electric machines. Faraday's researches on the phenomena of induction, formed the theoretical basis for the construction of electric machines. He had shown that when a current circulates in a wire, A A f , Fig. 1, a, forming part of a circuit, momentary currents will under certain circumstances be induced in a neighbouring wire, B B', parallel to the first. These B 2 INTRODUCTION. currents will flow in the direction of the primary current, A A', or in an opposite direction, according to circum- stances ; and this direction can easily be observed by the deflections of the needle of a galvanometer connected with the wire B B' . A current in a direction opposite to that of the primary current, that is in a direction from B' to B, will be generated : (1) at the moment when the primary current Fig. 1. is started; (2) when the wires A A' and B B' are ap- proached to each other ; and (3) when the current in A A' is strengthened. A current is set up in the same direction as that of the primary current, that is from B to B' : (1) at the moment when the current in A A r is interrupted ; (2) when the .wires A A' and B B' are moved away from each other ; (3) when the current in A A' is weakened. The discovery of the currents generated on the approach of the wires to each other (approximation currents), and on their being moved away from each other (retrocession INDUCED CURRENTS. 3 currents), was of special importance for the construction of electric machines. Far stronger induction currents are generated if the primary wire, as well as the wire in which currents are to be induced (the secondary wire) are coiled into spirals, or helices, and if both are so placed that the separate turns of the one can act on those of the other, as shown, for example, in Fig. 1,6. In this case, the strength of the induced current B B r increases, generally with the num- ber of turns or convolutions in the two wires ; for under the conditions assumed, small currents are induced by each turn of the primary wire A A', in every neighbour- ing turn of the secondary wire B B r , and these unite to form a total strong current. The practical importance of this fact is only fully learned from the results of investigations by Ampere, who dis- covered that a magnet may be considered to be a piece of iron perpetually encircled by parallel electric currents, and that by approaching a magnet to a conducting wire or by moving the magnet away, currents can be induced in the wire, in the same way as if there were used a wire spiral through which a current is flowing. It is to Pixii that the honour is due of having made the first practical application of this discovery. He con- structed the first magneto-electric machine in 1832. The mode of action of this machine, illustrated in Fig. 2, will be made clear from what follows. According to Ampere every magnet is encircled by parallel electric currents in such a way that if the north pole is pointed towards the observer, they circle in a direction opposite to that of the hands of a clock, whilst, if the observer faces the south pole, the currents flow in the direction of the hands of a clock. INTRODUCTION. Fig. 2. In Pixii's machine, Fig. 2, there is a compound horse- shoe magnet which can revolve on its axis, and above the poles of this magnet is fixed the armature. This consists of two wire coils, whose convolutions form a continuous helix. These coils contain two soft iron cores, which at every approach of the poles of the magnet are themselves converted into magnets. Fig. 3 shows more clearly in what way the coils of wire are wound, and this figure serves better for explanation. Whenever the pole Nof the magnet approaches the soft iron core a of one of the coils, a will become a south pole, for a magnet always magnetises a piece of iron close to (but not touch- ing) it in such a way that a south pole is induced opposite the north pole, and a north pole opposite the south pole. At the same time, according to Ampere's law, electric currents will be generated, and these will then circulate round the iron core of the coil in the direction of the hands of a clock. But as soon as these currents are started, they will induce others in the turns of the wire coil, which are seen in the figure to flow from right to left. Simultaneously, however, b will become a north -pole on account of the pole S approaching it, and Amperian PIXII'S MACHINE. Fig 3. currents will commence encircling the iron core of the second coil from right to left. The moment these are started, they induce currents in the coils surrounding the iron core, which flow in the direction of the hands of a clock. A careful examination of Fig. 3 will show that the two currents simultaneously generated in the two coils, though seeming to flow in opposite directions, really form one current in the wire system, as indicated by the arrows. This current traverses the wire system in the P same direction, from p to p', and can be conducted away by the terminal wires p and p r . An opposite current, one from p f to p, is induced in the wire system of the coils as soon as the poles of the magnet, N S, begin to move away from the iron cores a and 6, in continuing their revolution. For the resulting gradual demagne- tisation of the iron cores causes a weakening of the Amperian currents encircling them, and, according to Ampere's law, this weakening must induce currents in the surrounding turns of wire of the opposite direction. Finally, the poles of the magnet will again approach the iron cores, in such a way that N approaches 6, and S approaches a, and since a now becomes a north-pole and 6 a south-pole, a current will be induced in the wire coils 6 INTRODUCTION. opposite in direction to the original current of approach, but which is only a continuation of the current produced by the preceding demagnetisation of the iron cores. All this the reader will easily perceive if he makes an analysis of the separate processes. After the second current of approach follows a retrocession current, and so on. From what has been said, it will be seen that in every complete revolution of the magnet N S round its axis, the current in the turns of the wire coils changes its direction twice, the changes taking place at the moments when the poles N S pass the ends of the iron cores. In order to convert the two opposite currents, gene- rated during each complete revolution of the magnet N S, into a current of single direction, where this is desirable, a commutator is added to the machine. Fig. 4 shows the principle on which it is constructed. One end of the conducting wire of the armature coil is connected with the metallic segment A, Fig. 4, a ; the other end of the wire is. connected with segment B. The segments are separated from each other by a strip of insulating material, i i, and the commutator is fixed in such a way that it revolves once round its axis simulta- neously with the magnet (or simultaneously with the armature in the machines to be subsequently described). Now, if the induction current be supposed to flow through the turns of the helix, in the direction from A to By when the pole N approaches a, and the pole S ap- proaches 6, it is clear that it will flow in the direction from L to L' in the conducting wire L L f , whose terminals bear on the metallic segments. When the poles N and S recede from a and 6, and the retrocession current is started, the current in the spiral changes its direction, and now COMMUTATOR. 7 traverses the latter from B to A. In order to avoid a change of current in the conducting wires, the com- mutator is arranged so that at the moment when there occurs the change of current, and when the helix is momentarily currentless, the conducting wires L L' bear on the insulating portion of the commutator, Fig. 4 b. Simultaneously with the commencement of the new cur- rent, L bears on A, and L' on B ; consequently, although the current in the spiral of the armature flows from B to g so as not to lose the manufacture. At the present time, it is true, great improvements in the lamps of other constructors, and especially the invention of the Hefner- Altenech differential lamp, has driven the Jablochkoff candle considerably into the background, as the electric exhibi- tion in Paris proved. Through this the alternating- current generators lose some of their importance. The table subsequently given (taken from the " Keport of the Trinity House"), shows that, economically, alternating-current machines are far inferior to those giving direct currents. From this table we see that notwithstanding its costliness and comparatively large size, the Alliance machine generated only a current capable of producing a concentrated beam of 465 to 593 candles per horse power, whereas the current of the small Siemens generator, No. 68, produced a concentrated beam of light of 2,080, and Gramme's generator, No. 2, a beam of 1,257 candles. It cannot be denied that the recent alternating-current generators give much better results; nevertheless economically, they are still very far behind the continuous- current machines. In a number of operations too, for which electric generators are used, alternating currents cannot be employed, so that this restricts the construction of alternating-current generators. We now return to our statement relative to the RELATIVE ADVANTAGES. 91 magneto-electric and dynamo-electric generators. Experi- ence has shown that the latter have great imperfections, for which as yet, no radical remedy has been found. As explained in the introduction, the magnetism of the field magnets in dynamos depends on the strength of the currents generated in the armature coils ; and, as this again depends on the greater or less 'rate of rotation of the armature, it follows that the intensity of the magnetic field fluctuates with every change in the rate of rotation ; of course, again causing a corresponding reaction on the currents produced in the armature. The result is, that the strength of the current cannot remain constant, as long as a constant rate of rotation of the armature is not maintained, and this is scarcely possible even with the best steam engine or other motor. For these motors never work with perfect uniformity, and there are difficulties in the uniform transmission of the motion by belting, &c. Each irregularity, however, in the working (caused by the slipping of the strap or some similar occurrence) is accompanied by a corresponding irregularity in the strength of the current of the dynamo. Variations of current strength from the cause of inequality in the rate of rotation can, however, be easily maintained below 5%. Another still more fatal source of disturbance in the strength of current of a dynamo, are the changes which occur in the external circuit. If, for instance, the current is used for generating the electric light between two carbon rods, each change in the arc, not only causes a corresponding but a proportionally increased variation in the strength of the current of the generator. Before the lamps are lighted the carbon points are in contact with each other, and a comparatively weak current only should be necessary for starting the light at their 92 PARTICULAR APPLICATIONS. point of contact. In a well-constructed regulator-lamp, the small electro-magnets ought then immediately to separate the carbon points, thus instantly employing the strong currents produced in the mean time in the dynamo- electric generator. If, however, the carbons do not instantly separate, the intensity of the magnetic field in the generator rises with each revolution of the armature, and rapidly increases to such an extent that the armature can be moved through the magnetic field only with great difficulty, and often the machine is brought to a stop. But even if the carbon points are instantly separated, the strength of current is constantly subjected to disturbing influences. For the automatic regulation of the lamp by the regulator produces a continuous reaction on the machines, causing fluctuations in the strength of current, and thus again fluctuations in the length of the arc. The most disagreeable part, however, in this interdepend- ence of strength of current on the varying resistance in the circuit, is that the current is weakened just when strength is most wanted, whilst it is increased, when there is no necessity for a strong current. Thus for instance when combustion increases the distance between the carbon points the arc gets longer, and when, therefore, a stronger current is wanted to overcome the greater resistance, this increased resistance weakens the current ; again when the carbon points are very near together, and a weaker current would suffice, the strength of current in the generator is increased. A good regulator lamp, it is true, modifies these occurrences ; but as yet no lamp has been constructed so perfect as quite to prevent a disturbance in the strength of current. Other changes in the resistance of the circuit, whatever SOME DIFFICULTIES. 93 their nature, react in a similar way on the strength of current generated. If, for instance, oil or dirt gets be- tween the brushes and the commutator, or if the binding screws get dirtied, the resistance of the circuit is in- creased, and the current of the generator weakened. Although these occurrences can be reduced to a minimum by careful supervision, and by great cleanliness in the handling, as well as by employing uniformly working motors, and a method of uniform transmission of work, there still remains this defect in dynamo-electric gene- rators, that the intensity of their magnetic fields, and consequently the current, varies with the resistance in the curcuit. In our next chapter we shall see by what preventive arrangements these fluctuations can be modi- fied ; they are not present in magneto-electric machines with steel magnets. The magnetic fields of these machines are of constant intensity, and do not depend on the rate of rotation of the armature. Also magneto-electric generators, with electro- magnets, which are excited by currents from a separate generator, are not influenced by the disturbances in the circuit a circumstance which gives this arrangement great advantage over the ordinary dynamo-electric ma- chines. If the question be asked, what are the special ad- vantages of the various generators described in Chapters* I. and II., the answer is not so easy. For although gene- ral conclusions can be arrived at as to the efficiency of the various machines from a consideration of their construc- tion, trustworthy data are wanting. There are, it is true, numerous reports, which seem to give the reader a good idea of the advantages and drawbacks of the several ma- chines, but, as a rule, the data given are vitiated by 94 PARTICULAR APPLICATIONS. private or national interests. For the data are either taken from reports of constructors, or from reports of national committees, and naturally in these an absence of party feeling is scarcely to be expected. Besides, the basis of comparison of the several machines varies in almost all published reports, and tables of comparison, which would be of real value to electro-technical science, could only be constructed by an international committee, provided with all the necessary facilities. It is much to be regretted that nothing was done in this respect during the Paris Exhibition, although a comparative investigation of the several machines would have been easy at that time ; but however great, in other respects, the utility of this exhibition was, absolutely nothing was done for the advancement of electro-technical science, to throw light on the mysterious darkness which prevents a clear com- prehension of the efficiency of the various magneto and dynamo-electric generators. As, however, some of the data given by national com- mittees, and by constructors and physicists known for their veracity, are a useful aid to the technologist, those most important have been reprinted and explained in a subsequent chapter. CHAPTEE IV. AUTOMATIC SWITCHES AND CURRENT REGULATION. To prevent the extremely troublesome disturbances men- tioned in the last chapter, as occurring in the working of dynamo-electric generators, in consequence of changes in the external circuit, various devices have been de- signed. To these belong the so-called " switches," by which an artificial resistance is inserted in the circuit, actuated either by an overseer or automatically, and generally when for some cause the external circuit is interrupted. Siemens, Sawyer and other constructors employ these switches. That of Siemens depends on the action of a small extra magnet, through the coils of which the current is conducted when the machine is working regularly, and which, during this time, holds a small keeper connected with an extra circuit. As soon as the current in the external circuit is interrupted, a spring pulls away the keeper from the magnet ; this action introduces into the circuit of the machine the extra circuit, which has the same resistance as the external circuit. Many of the switches in use are constructed on a similar principle. Another method of regulating strength of currents to follow the requirements of the circuit, is exemplified by g6 CURRENT REGULATION. Hiram Maxim's current regulator, which excited great interest at the electric exhibition in Paris. It is re- presented in connection with the generator in Fig. 43. As already mentioned, the electro-magnets of Maxim's generator are excited by a current from a small machine. In order to supply the electro-magnets with a weak or strong current as required, so as to regulate the current of the generator itself, the collector-brushes of the exciting- machine are fixed to a rocking frame, by means of which they can be shifted round the collector-cylinder. As the strength of the current taken up by the brushes depends on their being more or less advantageously situated with respect to the sectors of the collector, this current in- fluences the strength of current of the generator. In order to alter the position of the brushes according to the requirements of the generator, the current of the latter is conducted to an electro-magnet connected with the regulator of the exciting-machine, and according to Schellen, the following action takes place (vide Schellen's " Die Magnet-elektrische und Dynamo-elektr. Maschinen,'' p. 509) ; " The electro-magnet lifts a pawl by means of a keeper attached to the end of a lever, which moves up and down between two set-screws. The pawl is caused to catch in the lower or upper of two ratchet-wheels, and is moved backwards and forwards by an oscillating bar, moved by a small crank which has a comparatively slow rotatory motion imparted to it from the shaft of the generator. If the pawl catches in one of the ratchet- wheels, the motion of the latter, as it turns, is transferred to a horizontal pin, and thence to the carrier of the brushes of the exciting-machine, by bevel pinions. The rocking-frame is turned in one or the other direction when the light-producing current is too weak or too MA XI M '5 REG ULA TOR. 97 strong. The keeper of the electro-magnet of the regulator is pulled down more or less, and in consequence, the upper or lower ratchet-wheel is turned. This, first of all, strengthens or weakens the exciting current, and next, the current for generating the electric light." A very effective method for preventing a sudden rise in the strength of current from a dynamo consequent upon the resistance in the external circuit being lowered, is that of exciting the electro-magnets by a shunt current, which was first recommended by Wheatstone, in England, and afterwards applied by Siemens and others with the most satisfactory results. In this arrangement, with a lighting machine, for instance, only the lamp, the armature -coils and conduct- ing wires are united to form the main circuit ; the electro -magnets are inserted in a branch-circuit, generally taken from one brush of the collector to the other. If the resistance in the external circuit is reduced to zero, a small portion only of the current passes into the coils of the electro-magnets, and as the inducing action of the latter is thus weakened, the strength of the current is at the same time reduced. The reader should here note that with a. machine con- nected on this " shunt " method, the removal of resistance from the working circuit causes a decrease of current in this circuit ; but that with a machine connected with the electro-magnets in the same circuit in which work is done, or in " series," as this arrangement is termed, the removal of resistance from the working circuit is produc- tive of an increase of current in this circuit. In other words, with these two systems of connection, the same action of removing resistance from the working circuit produces opposite results. H g8 CURRENT REGULATION. To prevent reversal of current in the external circuit influencing the magnets, C. F. Brush surrounds the latter, in some of his generators for plating purposes, with a second coil of very fine wire which is connected with the collector-brushes, and thus forms a shunt circuit to the main or working circuit. This system of double-winding of the electro-magnets of dynamo-machines as employed by Brush for preventing the demagnetisation of the " field "-magnets, was first used by Paget Higgs, in 1880-81, to maintain a constant electromotive force, under variations caused in the ex- ternal circuit by addition or removal of lamps from the circuit. When electric lamps are ranged along the two conducting-wires leading from the dynamo, side by side, one of the two terminals of the lamp being connected to each conducting wire, the lamps are said to be put in " parallel arc " or in " multiple arc." The greater the number of lamps, the greater therefore the number of ways for the electric current to flow from the positive to the negative conductor ; and the greater the number of ways, the greater will be the total flow of current. Now, with a " series " machine (in which the electro-magnets are included directly in the working circuit), the greater number of lamps causing an increased flow of current, a higher electromotive force is obtained, consequent upon heightened magnetic intensity of the field-magnets, caused by the increased current circulating in the electro- magnet coils. If this increase of magnetism were pro- portioned to the number of lamps added or to the flow of current, all would be easy work for the electrical engineer ; unfortunately for him, the increase of magnetism does not follow any such convenient law. Besides, let us suppose that ten units of flow of current were necessary to pro- DOUBLE-WOUND MACHINES. gg duce a certain intensity of magnetism, to which would correspond the electromotive force necessary to properly light the lamps, then it is quite clear that five lamps would not open ways sufficient to cause enough flow of current to magnetise the magnets to that intensity neces- sary to produce the proper electromotive force (which for all practical purposes we may consider to be the same for one lamp as for one hundred, when the lamps are arranged in parallel arc). And if more than ten lamps are in- cluded in the circuits between the two main conductors, then it is also pretty evident that a higher intensity of magnetism would occur from the greater flow of current around the magnets, and a higher electromotive force would result, and this would cause too much current to be forced through the lamps, probably more than they were intended to withstand, ending in their destruc- tion. On the other hand, if the electro- magnets were in- cluded in a " shunt " circuit taken from one of the conducting mains to the other^ or from one brush of the machine to the other the electro-magnets being thus in parallel arc to the lamps increase of the number of lamps above the normal number would cause a too great number of ways to be opened for the current to pass by the electro-magnets, subtracting current from these magnets, and therefrom the magnetism would be de- creased, with the consequence that the electromotive force would also be decreased (in a much more than a pro- portional amount), resulting that the lamps would de- crease in the amount of light given by each by this addition to their number. We see that adding lamps, in the one case of the " series " machine would cause the destruction of those already ioo CURRENT REGULATION. arranged in circuit from too high excitation, and in the other case of a " shunt " machine, reduction of current and light ensues : from these opposite effects it is not difficult to comprehend that a possible combination of these two methods of arranging the electro-magnets " shunt " and " series " would result in maintaining, under the case of adding, or subtracting, lamps in the circuit, a constant magnetic intensity and consequently a constant electromotive force. Such is the principle of the ma- chines termed compound wound, or self -regulating ; and in these machines a constant speed being given, with the lamps arranged in parallel arc, very great variations in the external circuit may occur, without variation in the electromotive force. The steady maintenance of a constant electromotive force, with only one unit of current passing over the coils of the electro-magnets (ten units being supposed to main- tain saturation under a " series " arrangement), clearly necessitates that the magnetic field shall initially be raised to its proper intensity. This need of an " initial field " was first proved mathematically by M. Marcel Deprez, in 1881, independently of Paget Higgs (but several months after application for patent by the latter), in a valuable contribution to the French journal La Lumiere Electrique. M. Marcel Deprez proposed to maintain this initial field by employing two machines, one being the generator, the electro-magnets of which were wound with two equal and similar wires ; the other an exciting machine. One of the wire circuits on the electro- magnets of the generator was put into connection with the exciting machine, only to maintain the " initial field ;" the other wire circuit was arranged in " series " in the main circuit in which work was to be done. The system SELF-REGULATING MACHINES. 101 adopted by Paget Higgs at once gave similar results, with the use of only one machine. It is frequently astonishing to find how nearly earlier inventors were in attaining results that have finally been produced with so much thought and labour. An old ma- chine by Hjorth, a Swede, was patented thirty years pre- viously, in which permanent magnets were used in com- bination with electro-magnets in the same machine. The permanent magnets were then doubtless intended to give the necessary magnetism to start the electric current, the dynamo-electric principle being then unknown ; but to- day, constructed in proper proportion, Hjorth's machine could be used to give constant electromotive force, or as a self-regulating machine. Indeed, Professors Ayrton and Perry have recently perfected a dynamo, in which perma- nent magnets are employed to produce an initial field with electro-magnets to provide current for the remainder of the work. An objection to such a machine will be pro- bably found in the great size required, which is one of the most detrimental drawbacks to magneto-machines with permanent magnets. Self-regulating compound wound dynamo-machines have been usually constructed with the main circuit, or " series " electro-magnet coils wound on the same arm or limb of the electro-magnet, as contains the " shunt " coils ; some makers, like R. E. Crompton, putting the main coils, of thick wire, on first, the " shunt " coils, of finer wire, being wound above or over these other coils ; Siemens, on the contrary, puts the main coils outside and the shunt coils nearest the core of the electro-magnet. Paget Higgs, however, prefers to assign one limb of the electro-magnet to the shunt coils, and the other limb to the series or main coils ; very many more points that occur 102 CURRENT REGULATION. in practice are covered by this arrangement, and it has been shown to be possible by a suitable combination to obtain a machine so regulated as to produce a normal current only, any deviation of a marked character from this normal current causing a cessation, or great diminu- tion of current. The first published mathematical con- sideration of double-wound machines is due to Mr. E. H. Bosanquet, of St. John's College, Cambridge, and to this reference will be made in a subsequent chapter. M. Marcel Deprez, to whom electricians are indebted for the first logical enunciations of the laws relating to current electromotive force in dynamo machines, has also shown that with a properly-arranged initial field, and with the remaining coils of the electro-magnets in a circuit shunted from the main or working circuit, it is possible to maintain a constant current (the former arrangement referred to maintaining a constant electromotive force\ flowing through a " series " of lamps -that is through a succession of lamps on a single circuit when the number of lamps is varied, provided the speed of rotation of the armature of the machine is maintained constant. But this has only been successfully accomplished with two machines, one being used as an exciting machine, and the other, the chief generator, wound as to its electro-magnets with two equal and similar wire circuits. One of these circuits is connected to the exciting machine, the other is arranged as a shunt from main to main of the working circuit. In all these double-wound machines, certain relations have to be maintained between the resistances of electrical circuits of the machine itself, and between the amount of current and number of turns of wire led around the electro-magnets, but to this it is not now necessary to refer. STORAGE NECESSARY. 103 So far, however, these methods of regulation have not furnished us with an absolutely reliable remedy, especially as to any variation in the speed of the motor or irregu- larity of its motion. However, a comparatively short time ago, great advance was made in electro-technology, which renders it possible, to completely sever the connection of the electric generator with the circuit in which elec- tricity is converted into work. This advance is the em- ployment of the improved secondary batteries as reservoirs of electrical energy. In this respect the recent improvements have made the subject of storage batteries sufficiently important to re- ceive separate consideration. io 4 CHAPTEE V. ELECTRICAL STORAGE. WHEN two platinum electrodes are immersed in hydric sulphate, and are connected with a galvanometer, after a T current has been sent through the whole voltametric arrangement, a current is found to flow from one electrode ., to the other, in a direction opposite to that of the original current. This current is called a polarisation current, and was first observed by Grantkerot in 1802. It is pro- . duced by the evolution of hydrogen at one pole, oxygen at the other ; these gases change the potential of the electrodes, by partly adhering to the metallic surfaces, and partly by penetrating into the metal ; and as soon as metallic contact in the external circuit between the electrodes is established, a current flows tending to reproduce electrical equilibrium. This polarisation current may be very powerful ; and as early as 1803, the German physicist Eitter, of Jena, constructed a kind of voltaic battery in which only one metal was employed, the disk-electrodes of which were rendered active by polarisation. This secondary battery, by Eitter, can be regarded as the first electric storage battery or accumulator. Plante, the celebrated French physicist, however, de- serves the merit of having been the first who applied the polarising of electrodes to the construction of an efficient PLANTERS ACCUMULATOR. 105 battery that could be used in practice. In 1859, he con- structed a secondary or storage battery, the efficiency of which depended on the chemical behaviour of lead. The following is the construction of Plante's Element, Fig. 48. A broad sheet of rolled lead is placed on a second sheet of the same size, so that one sheet covers the other. However, to prevent contact between the two sheets, thick strips of indiarubber are laid between them. Each strip of rubber is 1 cm. wide, 0*5 cm. thick, and of the same length as the lead sheets ; when similar india- Fig. 48. rubber strips have been laid on -the upper lead sheet, the two sheets are rolled into a spiral on a wooden cylinder. To make the arrangement stronger, the lead spiral is held together at one end by gutta-percha clamps. The construction of the element is completed by placing this roll of lead, each sheet of which is provided with a connecting strip, in a cylindrical vessel, closed with an ebonite cover. The cover is provided with openings for the connecting strips, and an opening for pouring in the liquid, which consists of water containing ten per cent, of hydric sulphate. io6 ELECTRICAL STORAGE. Now, if the poles of such an element are connected with the poles of two Bunsen's elements, so as to cause a cur- rent to circulate through the Plante cell, lead peroxide (Pb O) will be formed on the lead sheet by which the current enters the cell, or the anode ; and, on the other hand, on the lead sheet, or the cathode, hydrogen will be generated, tending to precipitate lead in the metallic state. The cathode obtains thus a rough granular sur- face, and the anode a brown coating. Now, when the Bunsen battery is removed, after the current has been allowed to work for some time (the current should only be allowed to traverse the Plante element till small bubbles of oxygen show themselves at the anode), if the poles of the Plante element are joined, a strong current results; for now the oxygen of the peroxide powerfully attracts the hydrogen of the hydric sulphate ; and the peroxide is de-oxidised ; whilst the oxygen liberated combines with the lead of the cathode, and oxide of lead is formed there. The current continues as long as the cathode takes up oxygen. When the dis- charge current ceases, the conditions for a new polarisa- tion current can be again obtained by recharging with the Bunsen elements ; and as the discharge need not take place immediately, but can be proceeded with after several days, it appears that in a Plante cell we really have a reservoir for electrical energy. This element, however, cannot take up a large charge immediately, but its efficiency increases to a useful de- gree with repeated charging and discharging. The element has to be " formed," as Plante expresses it, and this " forming " is a long, troublesome process. When first charged, only a small quantity of peroxide is formed; and accordingly, in the discharge, a current of PLANTS 'S ACCUMULATOR. 107 but short duration is obtained. The poles have now to be reversed ; that is, the pole which was previously negative must now be oxidised, and the pole which was previously positive must be reduced. The reduced lead sheet now takes up oxygen, and lead peroxide is formed on it ; whilst the plate which was previously oxidised is reduced by the hydrogen. According to Plante, this process of reversion must be repeated frequently. On the first day the element must be charged and discharged from six to eight times, commencing with a quarter of an hour, and gradually in- creasing the length of time to an hour ; the element is allowed to stand charged over night. On the second day it is discharged, and then recharged in the opposite way during two hours ; again discharged, recharged afresh in opposite direction, and finally is allowed to stand charged for eight days. After eight days it is again charged during some hours without being reversed, and is then allowed to stand charged for fourteen days, and so on. In this way the capacity of the element is more and more increased. With a well-formed Plante element, a thick platinum wire of 1 mm. diameter can be made to glow, and can be kept glowing during ten minutes ; a platinum wire of T *o mm. diameter can be kept glowing for an hour. On account of the spiral arrangement of the electrodes, the Plante element has very small internal resistance. It has a high electromotive force as well, and accordingly its construction is very advantageous. The results obtained with the elements would undoubtedly have ensured their extensive application in practice, had not their " forma- tion " offered such a great obstacle. This "forming" is the reason why this original Plante element is scarcely employed in practice, excepting for galvano-caustic pur- loS ELECTRICAL STORAGE. poses, although it is an extremely convenient source of electricty when once formed. In 1883, M. Graston Plante patented a process- for the rapid formation of the well-known secondary battery, and it consists in immersing the sheets of lead (similar to those devised by him in 1860) in nitric acid, diluted with from once to twice its volume of water, for about twenty- four hours before submitting them to the action of the primary current. The cells are then emptied, thoroughly washed, filled with water acidulated with about one-tenth of sulphuric acid, and submitted to the action of the current from the primary source of electricity of which they are intended to accumulate and store up the energy. By this preliminary immersion in nitric acid, a small quantity of lead is, of course, dissolved, but the thickness of the sheets suffers no sensible diminution as, by reason of their metallic porosity, the chemical action is not limited to the mere surfaces of the sheets of lead, but penetrates into the interior of the metal, creating new interstices and enlarging the natural pores already exist- ing, and consequently facilitating the ulterior electro- chemical action produced by the primary current. The sheets of lead intended to be employed in the construction of these secondary cells may be submitted to the action of the dilute nitric acid and washed before being rolled up or arranged in cells ; but the process is equally applicable to cells already constructed. Secondary cells thus formed, after having been submitted for a few hours to the action of the primary current, give off a discharge current lasting for a long period, whereas when they have not previously been attacked by the nitric acid, several weeks of electric action are required, as has been shown, before they will give the same results. Ke- ELWELL-PARKER ACCUMULATOR. 109 versing the direction of the primary current, which is so useful for the operation that Graston Plante described in 1872 under the name of " formation," is equally efficacious in the present case, without it being necessary to so frequently effect this change. About the same time that M. Plante made his remarkable discovery, Mr. Bedford Elwell and Mr. Parker, of Wolverhampton, hit on nearly the same thing. They found that by immersing lead plates in a dilute mixture of nitric and sulphuric acids very important advantages were secured. The method of making the Elwell-Parker secondary battery may be thus described : Strips of sheet lead 9 ins. wide and any convenient length, weighing 2*16 Ib. to the square foot, are passed through a machine which first punches holes entirely through them, and then impresses them with indentations, which act as distance pieces to keep the layers of each plate apart. The holes secure a free circulation to the electrolyte. These strips are then rolled spirally into cylinders containing, in the small cells, three thicknesses of plate each, the joints being made secure by fusing with a soldering iron, and a con- ducting piece of much thicker lead being fused on at the same time. Each cell contains eight of these cylinders in. apart. The lead cylinders are first placed in a bath containing a dilute solution of nitric and sulphuric acids, and left there for twenty-four hours. The effect of this bath is to minutely honeycomb the lead plates, putting them into the most favourable condition for " formation " by the electric current. There is also formed upon the surface of the plates a deposit of sulphate of lead, the greater part of which is subsequently reduced to peroxide, part of it being first washed off. The plates on being taken from the bath are washed, and then placed in the no ELECTRICAL STORAGE. ordinary dilute sulphuric acid solution in the cell. They are then charged in one direction for six hours with a current of 12 amperes, discharged in about three hours through ten Swan 45 volt, 20 candle lamps twenty- two cells give 45 volts and charged again in the reverse direction. They are now ready for use. There is then no sulphate visible, the peroxide plate being of a rich, dark brown colour, smooth, hard, and crystalline in appearance, and the negative plate presenting a clean surface of ordinary lead colour. The plates or cylinders are retained in position by notched vulcanite frames underneath, and notched dis- tance pieces of the same material on the top, thus leaving the centre space between the plates, and a space under- neath them, open for the free circulation of the electrolyte. Earthenware cells are generally used, but the company manufacturing under the patent also use wood cells, coated inside with a composition of gutta percha, which are preferable where strength and lightness are required. The quantity these cells will give out at an electromotive force of two volts, or rather more, is about 40 ampere- hours when sent from the works, that is, supposing an accumulator is required to give a current at an electro- motive force of 45 volts, twenty-two of these cells will give a current of 10 amperes for four hours before any of the cells are exhausted. But the capacity of the cell may be greatly increased by occasionally reversing the charging current, as in the original Plante cell. The arrangement of the battery is very workman-like and convenient. A cell can be taken to pieces and put together again in a.bout two minutes ; and the way in which the cylinders are put together gives great stiffness and prevents deflection or bending, while the plates being free FA ORE'S ACCUMULATOR. in to expand or contract, can do so without losing their shape. It is to a Frenchman named Faure that the honour is due of having in practice and by somewhat mechanical means rendered the long " forming " of the elements un- necessary. He uses lead in a powdered condition for the Fig. 49. construction of his elements. These consist of two lead plates, each 200 mm. wide, one 600, the other 400 mm. long, and 1 and 0-5 mm. thick, which he coats as thickly as possible with a paste of red lead (Pb 3 4 ) and water. On the larger plate he puts 800 grms., on the smaller are 700 grms. of red lead. To keep the paste on the metallic plates, he places over them strips of parchment paper, and ii2 ELECTRICAL STORAGE. on that a strip of felt. He then rolls up the whole system as in the Plante element, and places it in a cylindrical vessel, Fig. 49. The liquid is the same as that used in the Plante element. When the element is thus prepared, a current is passed through it, and a thin layer of lead peroxide and lead sulphate is, according to Dr. Aron, formed on the outer surface of the red lead. This layer of sulphate then gets reduced to lead, whilst on the other plate pure lead peroxide is formed. In due course the stratum of red lead beneath gets attacked, and the action goes on till by degrees the cell is made capable of taking up a large charge. Charging the element two or three times is sufficient to make it ready for use ; the coating of red lead on one electrode has then changed completely into lead peroxide, whilst the red lead on the other electrode has been re- duced to lead. There were few trustworthy data with regard to the efficiency of the Faure batteries up to the beginning of last year ; and whilst, on the one hand, Faure's improve- ment of the Plante battery was lauded to the skies in ridiculous advertisements, on the other hand, in conse- quence of this quackery, so unworthy of a scientific in- vention, physicists were inclined to think lightly of the Faure battery. One of the first to truly investigate the merits of the Faure batteries was Mr. Frank Geraldy, who published the results of experiments carried out by him, in partnership with Mr. Hospitalier, in the electrical journal, La Lumiere Electrique, in which he showed that a Plante element is almost as efficient as a Faure's element of the same weight. The advantage of the Faure element over the Plante element, consists in the former being FAURE'S ACCUMULATOR. 113 ready for use almost immediately after its construction, whereas the latter requires the tedious " forming." We have now reliable data as to the value and efficiency of Faure's elements of the newest construction. These data are given in the journal mentioned, Vol. VI., No. 10, in which there is a full report of experiments made by a French committee, with Faitre's batteries at the Conserva- toire des Arts et Metiers. The committee were Messrs. Allard, Blanc, Joubert, Potier, and Tresca, and a memoir on their experiments was also placed before the French Academy of Sciences on March 10, 1882. The battery placed at the disposal of the committee consisted of thirty-five Fairfe elements of the newest construction ; each element, with its liquid, weighed 43' 7 kgs., the lead-electrodes were covered with red lead in the proportion of about 1 kgr. to the square metre. The liquid consisted of distilled water containing about 10 per cent, by volume of hydric sulphate. The gene- rator placed at their disposal by FauTe was a Siemens dynamo. The resistance of the armature was 0-27 ohm, that of the field-magnets 19-45 ohms. The coils of the latter were supplied by a shunt Current. By means of a regula- ting apparatus, employed by Fau're, the exciting current was kept during the entire experiment at a strength varying between two and five amperes. The object of the experiments was to measure: 1. The mechanical work necessary to charge the battery. 2. The quantity of electrical energy stored during the charg- ing. 3. The electrical work actually performed during the discharge. For this object the electro-motive force and the resis- I ELECTRICAL STORAGE. SejSS -8* 000 o o o o o 1-1 OO vo'OO >q- iy\Vt> V*A ON vO H M H 8 8 8 8 8 00 vO CO ^O ^C f-^. oo 5 VO u- 00 H I 8 O O o 00 CO VC 2 -f O 00 00 CN VO M M ^o i H sqraojnoQ m Xq dn jo O O O O 0000 ^OO rO O vo O Tj- r 10 * ON vo saiadray u,i q.uaij;noSai ^-oo oo J " ly ui ^u9janQ Sm m jo jo - ON H- OO HN \O 00 O ON O M ft' M ON ON ON CO Xq a^nmin aad suoT^n^OA9'jj 1^.^.0000 o o o o t^ N M 00 O ON ** N ON N 00 t^ ^- N VO 10 M ^h t * 1^. ^ M N N PO M oo o ON VO t^ r^ ON 00 vO O VOOO ON ff II 00 a a a a 1 v to 1 PO <* ,4 rd & ^ 10 t^ t^ e rf- IOVO 1 1 a 88 O O O o W H 00 M ON ^" fi O d .3 vO N OO JOJ N M c/2 g '5 O o ?i o o oo oo C> ON vO ON f^^**^ rj- M vO .3 3 d II J 3 00 vo &B"^ -< M .S vb vb a> ! M M ectromotive Force iattery, in Volts. ON 00 F- M VO vo 3 s a s a CH -|J ON O ON fl M (4 I! A A 4 II t^ co O H a * 3 92*06 21600 K>7 2O28OO I88360O Column 10 shows the value of the electrical work T" r in the armature calculated for each day, by multiplying the resistance of the armature, 0*27 ohm, by the square of the total intensity observed in the galvanometer, and multiplied by the number of seconds. Resistance of the Ring. Strength of Current. Number of Seconds. Electrical Work in the Armature. 0*27 0-27 0*27 0-27 | 13-29 10-78 10.26 8'54 . 19800 25200 27000 9900 94400 79100 76800 19500 269800 When the sum of these different amounts of electrical work has been ascertained, and when to this is added the work of transmission, , obtained by direct measurement, we find that between this sum and the work T read off from the dynamometer, there is only a small difference of about 2 per cent. The Electromotive Force and the Resistance of the Battery. The electromotive force of the battery is given directly by the electrometer, for open circuit. Let E be this value, and e the readings of the electrometer, when the circuit is closed ; let R be the resistance of the bat- tery, and F the intensity of the current, then eE RF according as the battery is being charged or discharged. n8 ELECTRICAL STORAGE. As E, e and F are known for the same moment of time, jR, the total resistance can be easily found. During the charging, J varied between 72 to 75-8 volts, that is, between 2'057 and 2*165 for each element ; the mean of e was a little below 90 volts, and the mean in- tensity of the current was 8 '55 amperes. During the discharge E went back from 75 '6 to 72 volts ; e sank to about 60 volts, with a current of 16' 16 amperes. During the charging, the resistance of each element varied between 0-023 and 0-075 ohm, and between 0-006 and 0-040 ohm, during the discharge ; at the commence- ment of the discharge, the change in direction of the current suddenly caused this resistance to sink from 0*075 to 0-006 ohm. Electromotive Force of the Open Battery Circuit. Resistance of Battery. At com- ' mencement. At end. At com- mencement. At end. 4 January 5 6 7 72*00 73-10 72*10 74*5 75' 10 75-60 75*50 75'So 0'8o 1-41 2-58 2'6l 1-28 2-32 2'6l 2-63 Duration of the Discharge. The discharge took place on the 7th and 9th of January, lasting altogether ten hours thirty-nine minutes. There were 1 1 Maxim lamps in the circuit. The experiments were commenced with only thirty elements. After six hours two new elements were added, and after about two hours the three remaining elements were added for only a quarter of an hour. During this time the current was too strong for the normal burn- ing of the lamps. On the first day the discharge experiments were inter- rupted after seven hours fifteen minutes, and they were RESULTS OBTAINED. 119 taken up again only the day but one following. After the new discharge had lasted three hours and twenty minutes, the battery was in its original condition. Electrical Measurements. The data referring to the total amount of electricity given out were the following : Mean Intensity. Seconds. Coulombs. 7 January . . , 16-128 26340 424800 9 ,, 16-235 I200O 194800 619600 The condition of the battery will be seen from the following numbers : Electromotive Force in Volts of the Battery, con- sisting of 33 Elements on Open Circuit. Resistance of the Battery in Ohms. At com- mencement. At end. At com- mencement. At end. 7 January 9 75'o j 72-50 72'00 0'2I 0'26 ' 2 5 1-41 Resistance of the Lamps. If by r we denote the resistance of the external circuit during the discharge, we obtain e = E R F=r F, from which expression, the value of r can easily be found ; for the value of e and F can be ascertained at each moment, by observation. Photometric Determination. With regard to the expenditure of work per second per Carcel-burner (7*4 candle power), it is affirmed in the article in " La Lumiere Electrique" from which these data are taken, that this work has a value of 8 kgrs.-mm. This, however, does not agree with the statement that on an average each Maxim lamp represented an illuminating power of 1-40 Carcels (10-36 candles). 120 ELECTRICAL STORAGE. Taking this statement as a basis, we obtain, if the average intensity of light during ten hours thirty-five minutes is 1*40 Carcel-burners, a value equal to that of 163*9 Carcel-burners power during one hour. Now, from Table II. we see, that as the whole of the electrical work done by the battery was equal to 3,809,000 kgrs.-mm., each Carcel power per hour cost 3 8 9 ? ( = 23,229) kgrs,-mm. per hour, or 6*4 kgrs.-mm.per second. Conclusions. From a comparison of the data given in the foregoing tables, we immediately perceive that of the quantity of electricity equal to 694,500 coulombs, stored in the battery, 619,600 coulombs were returned during the discharge. Accordingly, there was a loss of 10*8 per cent. only. With regard to the work expended and returned, Table I. shows that the mechanical work spent corre- sponds to 9,570,000 kgrs.-mm. ; of this only 6,382,000 kgrs.-mm. were stored ; and 3,809,000 kgrs.-mm. of this store could again be used during the discharge ; that is, -f|fS ( = 0-40) of the whole work expended, and ttimjTHy (=0-60) of the work stored. The final result of the experiments can accordingly be stated thus : The charging of the battery required the expenditure of l*558-horse power of mechanical work during a period of 22 hours 45 minutes ( = 1,365 minutes), and this corresponds to an expenditure of work of one-horse power during 1*558 x 1,365 = 2,126 minutes =35 hours 26 minutes ; 44 per cent, of this work was lost through passive resistance and in the work of exciting the generator, and only -jHrrij&C- ( = 66 per cent.) was really employed in the charging of the battery. Of the 6,382,000 kgrs.-mm., however, which were stored 5 WAN, SELLON-VOLCKMAR ACCUMULATORS. 121 in the battery, only 60 per cent, were effective in the external circuit during the discharge. Accordingly, in employing the Faure battery to supply the electric lamps, instead of directly using the dynamo- electric generator, 40 per cent, of the work given out by the generator was lost. We thus see that the secondary battery is by no means an economical apparatus, and that the con- venience offered by its use has, according to these results, to be paid for pretty dearly. Nevertheless, in making the external circuit independent of the electric generator, and the generator independent of the electric circuit, the secondary batteries render invaluable service ; and apart from the fact that doubtless in time the construction of these batteries will be so improved that a much smaller loss of work will accompany their employment, they are even now of great value in practice in those cases where the working power, and consequently the production of the electric current is cheap. A very great improvement in storage batteries is due to Mr. Swan, and to Messrs, Sellon and Volckmar. One of the great defects of the Faure accumulator is the interposition of the felt ; and in fact any porous separator by adding to the internal resistance of the battery more than proportionally reduces the economy. In practice also, the lead-oxide became detached from the plates, and fell to the bottom of the parchment paper bags or covers, causing these to bulge out into contact with the bag or cover on the opposed plate ; a short circuit was there- from frequently established in a cell. Messrs. Swan, Sellon and Volckmar introduced a grid, or perforated plate, into the holes of which the red lead paste is forced and there held. The plates are then separated by rubber stops, and immersed in the usual solution of dilute acid. 122 ELECTRICAL STORAGE. These plates are about of an inch in thickness and 10 inches square. Fourteen pairs give 1^ electrical horse- power hours in actual use. A great advantage has accrued from thus dispensing with the felt and with the danger of detachment of the lead -oxide from the plate ; whilst in consequence of expansion during the formation of per- oxide, the red lead paste becomes very firmly gripped by the surrounding grid-work. Mr. Sellon has, however, several patents for bevelling the edges of the holes so as to hold in the paste, an improvement that it does not appear necessary to put into practice. Having made, at the Stevens Institute of Technology, tests and measurements of the Sellon -Volckmar electrical storage batteries sent to him, and manufactured by the Electrical Power Storage Company, Professor Henry Morton found the following results in reference to their capacity to store and retain energy, afterwards delivered by them as electric current. The cells were of the pattern called " one-horse power " cells, because they contain, when fully charged, an amount of energy equal to 1,980,000 foot-pounds, or one-horse power for one hour. These cells were externally rectangular wooden boxes, 12^ inches high, 11-J inches wide, and 5f inches thick. Two of them, side by side, as they would stand when in use, occupied about one cubic foot of space. Each cell contained sixteen plates, whose united weight was 48 Ibs., and with the lead-lined box and liquid, the entire weight of the cell, when in use, was 79^ Ibs. One of these cells fully charged gave, as found by careful experiment, a current of 32*5 amperes at the beginning, and 31-2 amperes at the close of a continuous discharge for nine hours. SELLON-VOLCKMAR ACCUMULATOR. 123 This amounts to 286*5 ampere-hours of current, and if even short interruptions or periods of repose occurred in the use of the current, a larger total amount could b* obtained. An Edison incandescent lamp of high resistance, giving a light of 16 candles, requires a current of '73 of an ampere to supply it. Such a current, therefore, as these batteries gave for nine hours at a time sufficed for 44 such lamps. To secure sufficient electromotive force or propelling power to overcome the resistance of these lamps would, however, require about 50 of such cells. So that a battery of 50 of these cells connected in series, would operate 44 lamps for nine hours, or for even a longer time in the aggregate, if the use were interrupted, as it would be in practice. If fewer lamps were used with the same battery they would be operated for a proportionately longer time. Thus, 11 lamps would be supplied by a 50 cell battery for thirty-six hours of continuous action ; or, as lights are commonly used in private houses on the average for five hours each nightj such a battery once charged, would operate 11 lamps for a week. To express the relation between weight of battery and power of maintaining a light, we may therefore say that for each lamp operated for nine hours 1-f cells of battery would be required, or a weight of about 90 Ibs. of battery. This would be for each hour of burning each lamp, 10 Ib. of battery. This makes a very simple rule for calculating the weight of battery required for any number of lamps for any time. Thus, suppose we wish a battery to operate 25 lamps 124 ELECTRICAL STORAGE. for five hours each night, the battery being recharged during the day. We have 25 x 5 x 10=1,250 Ibs. as the weight of battery required. Comparing the efficiency of this storage battery with that of other similar arrange- ments, such as the Faure battery, measured and reported upon by M. Tresca, of the Conservatoire des Arts et Metiers, it shows a marked superiority. Thus, in M. Tresca's experiments, a cell weighing 95 lb., yielded a current representing 793,791 foot- pounds of energy where this battery yielded 1,826,168 foot-pounds, and only weighed 80 lb. Even the experiments made by Professors Ayrton and Perry, on other Faure accumulators, though the con- ditions were rendered as favourable as possible, by dis- tributing the discharge over three periods of six hours each on three successive days, do not show a much better result. In this case the weight of the battery-plates only is given, and that is eighty-one pounds. Reducing the results proportionally for batteries whose plates weigh forty-eight pounds, Professor Morton has found that by the experiments of Professors Ayrton and Perry, each cell of this weight should give 853,333 foot-pounds of energy. This, again, is less than half the amount of energy recently repeatedly obtained. Passing .next to the efficiency of the batteries, as re- gards their delivery of nearly the same current as was used to charge them, Professor Morton found that the loss in this relation is less than ten per cent. In other words, he has obtained from these batteries ninety to ninety- one per cent, of the current used to charge them. This far exceeds the results obtained by M. Tresca, or by Pro- fessors Ayrton and Perry with the Faure batteries. SELLON-VOLCKMAR ACCUMULATOR. 125 Tresca reports that he recovered only sixty per cent, of the current used to charge the battery, and Ayrton and Perry found the loss in charging and discharging to be " not greater than eighteen per cent.," and in some cases of very slow discharge, to be only ten per cent. Professor Morton found the loss to be less than ten per cent., with a rapid discharge of thirty-two amperes. Lastly comes the very important question as to the re- tention of charge during a long time. To test this, three cells were charged, and locked in a closet, where they remained fifteen days, when at the rate of thirty-two amperes, there were obtained 266*7 ampere-hours of current. Comparing this with the 286*5 ampere-hours of cur- rent obtained from the other cells discharged soon after charging them, shows a loss of seven per cent, caused by standing for sixteen days. The above measurements and comparisons show that this storage battery has attained a degree of efficiency which will render it applicable to a number of uses. Thus, Professor Morton suggests that on steam-boats, by the use of such storage batteries, the irregular and occasionally interrupted motion of the main engine might operate a relatively small dynamo-electric machine, so as to charge the batteries during the entire twenty-four hours, and the current from these batteries would then supply light, with perfect steadiness, during the relatively brief time in which it is required. In this way, the cost of supplying and running a special and large engine, which would be needed for operating the same lights directly without the storage battery, would be avoided, and also the necessity for extreme steadiness in running the dynamo, and all risk of extinction of the lights from a ia6 ELECTRICAL STORAGE. momentary interruption of motion in any part of the machinery would be removed, as the battery would secure an absolutely steady and continuous supply of current, no matter how little regular might be the action of the engine or dynamo-electric machine. Again, in larger buildings, the engine used to operate the elevator or lift, or to do any other work, if of suf- ficient power, could charge the storage battery without interrupting its regular work, and thus supply the light needed at a minimum cost for special machinery and skilled supervision. In private houses, where the running of a large engine with extreme smoothness and absolute certainty during the hours when light is needed, would be out of the ques- tion, a small engine, operated at convenient intervals, and with no need of regularity or of fixed hours, would accom- plish all that was required, if a storage battery was em- ployed with it. Mr. C. F. Brush, the inventor of the well-known system of arc lighting bearing his name, has carefully investi- gated the chemical and mechanical action involved in the process of formation, and has arrived at a satisfactory explanation of the results produced. The formation of peroxide of lead on one of the plates continues indefinitely as long as the exciting current is maintained, becoming constantly slower as the metallic surface acquires an increasing protection against further action by the constantly increasing thickness of the coat- ing of peroxide. Peroxide of lead being a good conductor of electricity, the coating becomes a part of the conducting-plate or element of the battery, and free oxygen is evolved at the surface of the coating. Now, if the exciting current be BRUSH'S ACCUMULATOR. 127 stopped, " local action," somewhat similar to that in gal- vanic batteries, and electrical in its nature, commences between the peroxide of lead and the backing or support of metallic lead with which it is in contact. By this " local action," the peroxide of lead is gradually reduced to a lower state of oxidation, while more of the metallic lead of the plate is oxidised by the oxygen thus made available. The fresh lead thus oxidised doubtless acquires the same condition of oxidation that the original peroxide finally assumes. But the peroxide is never by this action re- duced to the state of protoxide, as is proven by the colour of the coating, and the non-action on it of the ever pre- sent sulphuric acid. When peroxide of lead is thus reduced to a state of lower oxidation, it becomes useless for the development of a secondary current until freshly charged or re-oxidized. Thus is explained, so far as the oxygen .plate is concerned, the cause of the gradual loss of charge observed in lead secondary batteries. Further, since the conducting power of peroxide of lead rapidly decreases as its oxygen is removed, the reason of the high electrical resistance of the oxidized plates after long standing uncharged is also explained. When such a plate, that is, one having gradually lost its original charge by local action, is re-charged by an electrical current as at first, it will hold a larger charge than before ; because all of the lower oxide of lead is now raised to the condition of peroxide, and thus more of the latter is present than at the previous time of charging. This explains why the oxygen plate of secondary batteries constantly increases in capacity, even though the exciting current be applied at long intervals. 128 ELECTRICAL STORAGE. Let us now consider what takes place at the opposite side of the secondary battery, that is the action on the lead plate where the hydrogen appears. Here the hydro- gen is absorbed at the surface of the plate, being simply occluded, or more probably forming a definite but feeble chemical combination with the lead. If such a combina- tion exists, it is a nearly or" quite stable one, so far as " local action " is concerned, for experience shows that the capacity of the plate for the reception of hydrogen in- creases very slowly, if at all, when the plate is left charged a long time, but without the action of the exciting cur- rent ; even the continued action of the exciting current increases the capacity of the hydrogen plate Very slowly indeed, as compared with the improvement of the oxygen plate during the same time. The capacity of the hydrogen plate never becotrtes at all considerable when it is subjected to the above action alone. Hence, in practice, the oxygen plate soon acquires much greater capacity than the hydrogen plate ; but this is of no advantage, since its usefulness is limited by that of the hydrogen plate. But if now the charge of the two plates be reversed, by changing the direction of the ex- citing current, the former" hydrogen plate will absorb oxygen freely as did the other" plate at first, while the former oxygen plate will have its coating of oxide of lead reduced to the metallic state of the nascent hydrogen evolved upon it, and will thus be left with at corresponding coating of porous lead. This porous metal is now in a condition to absorb and retain an amount of available hydrogen, about equivalent to the available oxygen which it before held. Thus it will be seen that the simple act of reversing the charge of the two plates increases the capacity of the BRUSH'S ACCUMULATOR. 129 apparatus up to a point attained only by the oxygen plate before the reversal. Again, what is now the oxygen plate continues to improve, as in the first instance, while the hydrogen plate remains nearly or quite stationary in this respect. Hence, after a time, a further increase of capacity in the apparatus may be affected by another reversal. Thus is explained the reason for the many reversals of charge customary in " forming " the plates. When a previously excited secondary battery is dis- charged, the peroxide of lead is reduced to a state of lower oxidation, as already explained in connection with the spontaneous loss of charge. Thus, what was at first a good conducting coat on the metal, is now reduced to a poor conductor, as previously explained, while at the same time pure water is formed within the mass of lead oxide by the combination of hydrogen with a portion of the oxygen of the peroxide of lead ; and, since pure water is a very poor conductor of electricity, a further barrier to the passage of current between the sulphuric acid solution and the metallic plate within the envelope of lead-oxide is raised. These two causes (lower oxidation and presence of pure water) account, so far as the oxygen plate is concerned, for the increase of resistance in secondary batteries during their discharge, and especially toward the end of the pro- cess. In the case of the hydrogen plate, pure water is also formed by the union of oxygen with its hydrogen, where- by the necessary liquid conductor within the porous metal has its resistance largely increased. The cause of the gradual spontaneous loss of charge, in case of the hydrogen plate of secondary batteries, is not the same as that already described in connection with the K 1 30 ELECTRICAL STORAGE. oxygen plate. The hydrogen in this case seems to be gradually dissolved and carried away from its plate by the dilute sulphuric acid, which then discharges it gradually into the atmosphere. If, in charging a hydrogen plate, a chemical component of lead and hydrogen is formed, this compound would ap- pear to be gradually decomposed in the presence of the acid water, giving up its gas to the latter. There are certain evils incident to the above-described process of " forming " the lead plates of secondary bat- teries, which attendant evils prevent the attainment of the best results and limit the ultimate capacity of the appa- ratus to a comparatively small field of usefulness. The coating of peroxide of lead which is formed on one of the plates, necessarily occupies more space than did the metallic lead which it contains. The shell of oxide must then expand in forming. To accommodate this expansion, which evidently occurs in all directions, the structure of the deposit must be more or less broken up at numerous points, or else the lead plate itself must expand. The occurrence of the latter action may be readily observed when the lead sheet is thin. When, now, the direction of charge is reversed, by which operation the oxide of lead is reduced to the metallic state, the previously-expanded mass shrinks. Both the expansion and subsequent shrinkage may be illustrated by treating one side only of a sheet of lead, the other side being protected from action by varnish, or otherwise. When such a plate is oxidized, the exposed side becomes convex ; when the oxide is subsequently re- duced, this side becomes concave. During the process of reduction the shrinkage does not occur in all parts of the mass at once, as the reduction is not simultaneous in all parts at once, but is progressive. BRUSH'S ACCUMULATOR. 131 The converse of this is true when the reduced lead is again oxidized. Hence there is a disintegrating action in the changing mass itself, as well as between it and the solid plate behind it. This alternate expansion and contraction of the active and valuable portion of the lead plate does not lead to serious disturbance when it is allowed to occur only once, or a very small number of times. But if these changes are many times repeated, the coating peels off from the lead plates to a considerable extent, and thus becomes useless. This evil is especially notice- able in the case of thick deposits. Again, every time the deposit of oxide of lead is re- duced, a notable quantity of sulphate of lead is formed within the mass. This inert and useless substance, when allowed thus to form, soon exercises a very deleterious in- fluence, wasting in its formation the otherwise available oxide of lead, stopping the pores of the essentially porous mass, and tending to disintegrate the latter by occupying a much larger space than the oxide of lead from which it is formed. The reduction of the oxide of lead is also attended with danger of separating the mass from its supporting lead plate, by the liberation of gas between the two, especially when the reducing current is of sufficient strength to effect the change at all rapidly. The frequent reversal of charge is also expensive, in that much energy of charging current is wasted at each operation. Further, it will be seen that the oxygen, which is the active though slow agent in improving the plates, acts not on both plates simultaneously, but on only one at a time. The method or process of " forming " the plates or 132 ELECTRICAL STORAGE. elements of secondary batteries, which has been adopted by Mr. Brush, has been so adopted with a view to avoid or eliminate these evils enumerated almost entirely. The process consists in charging the plates which are ultimately to constitute the battery in such a manner that a coating of peroxide of lead of sufficient thickness is formed on both of them ; these plates are then asso- ciated together in the usual manner, and an electric current passed through the apparatus in the manner customary in charging ; one of the plates remains un- changed, and constitutes the oxygen element of the battery, while the other has its charge reversed, and now constitutes the hydrogen element of the battery. The plates, while acquiring their coating of peroxide of lead, may, for this purpose, be charged continuously ; or, equally effective and more convenient, they may be charged at intervals only, short at first, which may be in- creased in length as the process progresses, thus allowing the local action between the peroxide of lead already formed and the metallic lead to continue the oxidizing process during the time the changing current is not acting. Several months of continuous or intermittent charging is required when ordinary sheet lead alone is employed for the plates, in order to produce a satisfactory coating of peroxide of lead. This process of " forming " the plates of secondary batteries, is applicable not only to the flat or plain plates ordinarily used, but equally so to corrugated and to ribbed, honeycombed, perforated, slotted, or otherwise fashioned plates, also to plates coated or filled with spongy or porous, or reduced lead. Another of Mr. Brush's improvements consists in pro- BRUSH'S ACCUMULATOR. 133 viding the plates with a suitably thick coating of elec- trically-deposited coherent metal previous to the process of " forming." In coating the plates, the coherent porous lead is deposited by electrical action as in any ordinary process of electro-plating ; the plates to be coated first being made chemically clean, and the plating solution consist- ing of oxide of lead dissolved in a solution of a caustic alkali, or of an equivalent solution of lead. Any solution of lead may be used, provided it is such as to produce a coherent deposit of metal, and not a spongy or non- coherent deposit. The latter kind of deposit is always produced when the sulphate, chloride, acetate, nitrate, and some other salts of lead are reduced electrically, and possesses properties different from those of the coherent form of metal; being vastly inferior to the latter in efficiency as a material for secondary batteries. The coherent metal may be deposited with greater or less rapidity as may be found most expedient or desirable in practice, the character of the deposit varying to some extent according to the rate and other circumstances of its formation. Corrugated or perforated plates are well adapted to receive and retain the coherent coating, and the corruga- tions or other spaces or cavities in the plates may be entirely filled with the deposit if desirable. When such plates are treated to a deposit of coherent lead in the manner customary, the interior of the cells or cavities or corrugations will receive a less heavy deposit than the more exposed portions. This difficulty is avoided by adopting the following method of working : The plate being first thoroughly cleaned, has the grooves or cavities on one of its sides filled with pro- 134 ELECTRICAL STORAGE. toxide or other suitable compound of lead, either dry or made into a paste with water or saline solution. The plate is then placed horizontally, prepared side up, in a suitable vessel containing a solution of caustic soda or potassa, or other alkali, when protoxide of lead is used in the grooves. In the same solution, but not touching the plate, is suspended or placed a lead or equivalent plate. Current is then passed through the apparatus in the proper direction until the lead-oxide in the grooves or corruga- tions is exhausted, and its metal deposited on the sides and bottom of the grooves. More lead-oxide is added if it is desired to increase the deposits. Plates of other metals than lead might be employed to receive and support the deposited lead ; thus, if gold or platinum were used the oxygen element of the battery, if fully peroxidized, could not lose its charge by spontaneous '" local action." When lead plates coated with deposited coherent lead are associated together in a secondary battery and charged, the reduced metal is peroxidized much faster than ordinary cast or rolled lead, but not nearly so fast as spongy or non-coherent lead ; while the coherent lead of the other plate absorbs hydrogen more freely than cast or rolled lead, but not nearly so fast as the other plate of the battery absorbs available oxygen. It becomes advisable, then, to resort to a "forming process." The plates of secondary batteries can be provided with a suitably thick coating of porous metal, reduced from the oxide, through the agency of a suitable reducing gas, and at a temperature insufficient to cause the reduced metal to assume a compact or fluid condition through fusion. APPLICATIONS OF ACCUMULATORS. 135 Either of the gases, carbonic oxide or hydrogen, will do this readily. The plates having been made chemically clean, are placed in a horizontal position and covered to a sufficient depth with lead oxide. This is applied pre- ferably in the form of a paste, with nitric acid, which partially dissolves the oxide> and when evaporated leaves the latter in a coherent compact condition. After the plates are coated with oxide, they are packed, sufficiently separated from each other, in a chamber, where they are raised to a high temperature, and exposed for a sufficient length of time to the action of a reducing gas. Mr. Brush also proposes to construct the plates of metallic lead in a pulverised or finely-divided state, and to allow the surface of the lead particles to become oxidized, either by exposure to the air, or by any artificial oxidizing process. Or, instead of employing the superficially-oxidized particles of lead as above specified, to take particles of metallic lead and oxide of lead and effect a thorough mechanical mixture of the two. In either of the above cases, lead and lead oxide are thoroughly intermingled, and, under heavy pressure, the particles are consolidated into a compact mass. The mass thus formed consists of metallic lead having minute veins of oxide of lead everywhere ramifying and extending through it ; and these veins of lead oxide within and throughout the mass greatly facilitate the penetration of the electrical action in " forming " the plates for operative use in secondary batteries. Applications of Secondary Batteries. The special applications of secondary batteries can be classed under two headings, according as we wish to use the battery 136 ELECTRICAL STORAGE. as a fixed electrical reservoir, or as a portable vessel charged with electrical energy. As a fixed reservoir, these batteries can be used, even in their present incomplete condition, in all cases where a uniform, continuous current is absolutely necessary for the work to be done ; and the loss of work will then be counterbalanced by the steady results obtained, for the secondary batteries are undeniably excellent regulators. If, for instance, instead of supplying a circuit directly from an electric generator, we do so aided by a secondary battery connected with it, then, however irregularly the generator may work, there will always be a uniform cur- rent in the circuit ; and, similarly, no variations in the circuit will, in this case, affect the working of the gene- rator. If, however, it is desired to make use of the secondary batteries, in their present form, as portable vessels, charged with electricity, it will only be possible to em- ploy them with real advantage when a comparatively small number of elements have to be transported. The great weight of the batteries, which for the most part consist of lead, is a considerable obstacle to this use ; for, in many cases, the cost of carriage will annul the ad- vantages offered by the battery. If the advertisements of the " Societe la Force et la Lumiere," in Paris, could be trusted, or even if Reynier's statements had proved correct, we should be led to sup- pose that the results obtained with the Faure batteries would be but little influenced by the weight of the appa- ratus ; and, two years ago, some persons went so far as to assert that it would pay to send batteries charged with electricity to the houses of the inhabitants of a town. After use, the exhausted batteries were to be replaced by APPLICATIONS CRITICISED. 137 those freshly charged, somewhat in the way that is done with bottles of beverages. However, on a little calm reflection, and by making the data obtained in the experiments given above the basis of decision, it will be seen that lead-batteries can find only a limited application as portable accumulators. According to Eeynier's statements, a Faure's element, weighing 8 kg., gives out work at the rate of 4-4 kgrs. m. per second ; that is, 0-55 kgrs. m. to each kg. of weight ; the data obtained by the French committee, however, showed that the thirty-two elements, of which each weighed 43-7 kg., and whose total weight accordingly came to 1398-4 kg., stored 6,382,000 kg. m. of work ; and during the discharge, which lasted ten hours thirty- nine minutes, they gave out 3,809,000 kg. m. of work. So that, during this time, ^W 00 = 2,725 kg. m. cor- responded to each kilogram of weight ; and -^W^ 0-071 kilo, to one kilogrammetre per second; that is, the work given out per kilogram of the battery, only constitutes an eighth (7'7th) part of the value stated by Reynier. If it were intended, for instance, to employ a Faure battery for the purpose of setting an electric railway in motion, and if we assume that the elements are to work during ten hours thirty-nine minutes (this is, perhaps, rather a long period, considering the object, but we shall retain it in order to make use of the data given above), it is easy to determine the efficiency of the battery per kilogram of weight. We will assume that the speed of the train is to be ten kilometres an hour (equal to three metres per second), and that the coefficient of friction is that usually taken in the case of railways on which the rails are good, and are kept clean namely, -5^. 138 ELECTRICAL STORAGE. In this case, a force of T f-^ kg. m. = O012 kg. m. would be necessary to make one kilogram move with a velocity of three metres per second. Now, as each kilogram of the battery, as we have seen, is able to do 0-07 kg. m. of work, it will be able to pull five kilos., besides its own weight. This rather favourable result, however, only refers to the case when the secondary battery is used to move car- riages that run on smooth, clean fails. If the battery is to be used for tramway carriages, which have to run on rails in whose grooves dirt accumulates, and where ac- cordingly the friction is comparatively great, the co- efficient of friction is much more unfavourable, and it can be denoted by about T -J-Q. In this case, therefore, the moving of a kilogram would require O03 kgr. m. to be exerted, if the carriage is to travel ten kilometres per hour ; accordingly a battery giving out 0-07 kilogrammetres of work per kilo, would not be able to set double its weight in motion. It is evident, therefore, as constructed at present, secondary batteries offer comparatively few advantages as portable accumulators ; and if it is desired to em- ploy such batteries in carriages, it will be better to limit the number of elements as much as possible, and to re- charge them more frequently, instead of carrying a large number. When the secondary batteries are to be employed in the lighting of railway carriages, the axle of a car- riage can be connected with a dynamo. During the journey, the secondary battery will be charged by the current, and from it the lamps will be supplied. The latter will continue to burn steadily, even when the train stops, being only indirectly connected with the electric APPLICATIONS. 139 generator. In this way many applications of secondary batteries will be found, and it will always be possible to make good use of them, if it is not forgotten that the weight of the battery has to be kept as low as possible when there is any question of moving it. CHAPTEE VI. THE PHYSICAL LAWS BEARING ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF ELECTRIC MACHINES; AND THEIR APPLICATION IN PRACTICE. IN the previous chapters we gave to some extent a sum- mary of what has been done in electro-technology as relates to magneto and dynamo-electric machines and their auxiliary apparatus ; and the reader will have gathered that the results achieved are extremely en- couraging. Nevertheless the construction of electro-generators is still in its infancy, and many improvements will have to be carried out before the manufacture will have reached that stage it must undoubtedly attain. Accordingly, in a book such as this, intended for the use of technologists, it will be necessary to discuss those theoretical principles on which depends the efficient construction of an electric generator. It may be objected that as a rule the theoretical electrician considers cases which only occur in practice with great modifications. Nevertheless the conclusions of the physicist can be easily modified for practical application if the cases on which they are based are accurately com- pared with those under consideration, and when the differences are accurately taken into account. It ought not to be forgotten that, although theory does not always put means into the hands of the practical man to carry AS TO MAXIMUM EFFECT. 141 out his problems, it, at any rate, points out the way by which these means can be found, and thus saves the constructor much time and trouble, which he would otherwise often spend unsuccessfully in trying to find an answer empyrically to the questions that come before him. Consequently, before we pass to the various details of construction we shall try to develop briefly the principal physical laws that affect the construction of an electro- generator. These laws specially bear on the following points : (1). The relation of the electromotive force of a generator to the work to be done. (2). The ratio of the internal resistance of a generator to the resistance in the external circuit. (3). The interdependence of the electromotive force and quantity of current : (a) on the number of convolutions in the armature ; (6) on the rate of rotation of the armature ; (c) on the intensity of the magnetic field in which the armature moves. To commence by considering the first point, and to try to get an answer, by theoretical methods, to the question : I. What must be the ratio of the electromotive force of a generator to the external work done, in order to obtain maximum effect ? For this purpose we will assume that an electro-generator is to be used for obtaining galvano-plastic deposits, and that we know the resistance of the galvano-plastic bath and of the generator. Let E be electromotive force of the generator, R the total resistance that the current has to overcome, and / the quantity of current. Then from Ohm's law we have, IR = E. (1) M2 CONSTRUCTIONAL LAWS. Now, if, instead of the galvano-plastic apparatus we, for the present, insert an insulated conducting wire having exactly the same resistance, a quantity of heat will be evolved, when the current traverses the wire, corresponding to a definite amount of work , and according to Joule's law this work is 7T2 L = E . I = ~. (2) Now, when, instead of the substituted resistance, we insert the galvano-plastic bath, it might be supposed from a superficial consideration, that the quantity of current would be the same, because the resistance had remained unchanged. This however is not the case ; the quantity of current diminishes, for it is partially annulled by an opposing electromotive force arising in the bath during the work. We will denote the new strength of current by /' and putting t for the time during which we obtain ;is large a quantity of electricity from the generator, as we did in unit time when the corresponding resistance was inserted in place of the galvano-plastic bath, we shall have / = t I'. (3) That is, in unit time, only the part of the effective electrical energy is converted into real work I, that cor- responds to the quantity /', whilst the remaining portion, which we will call L', is distributed in the circuit as heat. Now, because the current is proportional to the work (or to the corresponding amount of heat), we obtain from equation (3) L = (L' + l)t (4) Eliminating , in equations (3) and (4) we get L L' + I ... T = - 7 ,-- (5) The reason why only part of the current is converted RELATIVE RESISTANCES. 143 into work, whilst the other part manifests itself as heat, has to be sought in the existence of the opposite electro- motive force which we shall call e. In this case we get 77 E e Tl (E e) ,* ~T ' ~~ET and from equations (5) and (2) or lR=e(E-e). (7) Now, writing e = R i, where i = i-r we get from equations (7) and (1) I = R i (I - i) = R i P and as it follows from equation (1), that i I' then puttings and y for the quotients y and y respec- tively, we get Consequently as x and y are the roots of the quadratic equation JL * > It becomes evident, therefore, that the ratio -y can never be greater than -j- ; that is, when the current has no other work to do, and has only to overcome the in- ternal and external resistance, ^ only of the electrical I 4 4 CONSTRUCTIONAL LAWS. energy can be converted into another form of energy (in our case, into the work of chemical decomposition). When this maximum of the conversion of electrical energy into work is reached or, the quantity of current, and the electromotive force are only half as great as when the current has no other work to do, the resistance being the same ; and from this follows the important principle : The efficiency of an electro-generator is greatest when its electromotive force is twice as great as the opposing force that arises whilst the current is doing work. In the case we have taken, where the generator is intended for galvano-plastic purposes, the electromotive force of the current ought to be twice as great as the opposite electromotive force generated in the galvanic bath by polarization. The same principle also holds good when the generator is employed to do dynamic or magnetic work, but has to be modified when the generator is intended for illuminating purposes. Although in the case of the luminous arc, Edlund discovered that an electromotive force is generated by the polarization of the electrodes, and acts counter to the electromotive force of the generator, yet it does not behave otherwise than as a resistance of the circuit. Both generate radiant energy, and where the resistance of the arc is great, as compared with the electromotive force due to polarization, the preceding law for the greatest efficiency loses its importance. In practice we have to see that we get as much energy as possible in the external circuit, and this is attained by RELATIVE RESISTANCES. 145 making the internal resistance of the generator as small as possible. In fact we have in practice to modify the theoretical law thus: the electromotive force of the generator shall be always greater than the opposing electromotive force that arises. The question bearing on the second point mentioned at the beginning of this chapter would be- ll. What internal resistance is best, in order to obtain the greatest efficiency with a given external resistance ? The answer to this question can also be found by a theoretical method. We will assume that an armature has n armature-coils, all having the same resistance and the same electromotive force, and the question is how are we to couple up the bobbins so as to make the greatest possible use of the current of the generator. For this purpose let n be the number of armature-coils, e the electromotive force, and r the resistance of each. The total electromotive force of the armature will accord- ingly be ne, and its resistance nr, when the bobbins are coupled up in series. If the coils, however, are coupled up for quantity, or if their similar poles are connected, then the electromotive force of the armature will only equal that of a single bobbin, namely e, but the internal resistance will be The coils can also be arranged in groups. The elements of each group can be coupled up for quantity and the groups themselves for intensity. When each group contains the same number of similar elements, this mode of connection corresponds to a like arrangement of a voltaic battery. L 146 CONSTRUCTIONAL LAWS. Let x be the number of elements in a group, e the electromotive force of each group, and its internal X resistance. Accordingly, we can express the electromotive TL force of the whole armature by - - e, and its internal $ . , , n r resistance by x . 7 x x Now, the problem is to determine x in such a way that the current generated in the n armature-coils shall attain its maximum in the circuit. If R represents the resistance in the external circuit and y the current which we obtain when we have made x groups out of the number of armature-coils, then from Ohm's law we have the equation n e x nr nxe = Hence # 2 Ry nxe + nry = and X = 2v R \ ne - r n* e? - - nr R Of course as we have not to deal with imaginary values we may put in order to obtain the maximum value for y. Consequently y = -|- y -^= l/^rn nr and x = y _, or R = ~tf' RELATIVE RESISTANCES. 147 Therefore, the maximum efficiency of an electro- generator is obtained when its internal resistance is equal to the resistance in the external circuit. In practice, however, this law of the maximum theoretical efficiency has to be modified. Although this is the best way of obtaining the greatest amount of work with the generator, yet in practice the object is (for instance, in electric lighting) to obtain the largest amount of work in the external circuit. This, however, would not be the case if the internal resistance of the generator were equal to that of the external circuit. In this case, because as much of the effect is lost in the internal circuit, through heating, as is gained in the external circuit, only 50 per cent of the electrical energy is employed in the latter. For practical purposes this is far too little, and as Uppenborn has pointed out, the internal resistance ought never to be greater than f of the external resistance. We now come to the question III. In what way does the number of convolutions in the armature affect the strength of current and the electro- motive force of a generator ? This question would, for instance, obtain if we had to construct a magneto-electric generator, in which we had ascertained the intensity of the magnetic-field, and where we wished to work at a constant velocity ; with reference to which however we desired to know how many turns of wire we must wind on to the armature in order to get the maximum effect. The answer to this question is given in the principle established by the law of Lenz and Jacobi. This law says : With a constant intensity of the magnetic-field and a constant rate of rotation, the 148 CONSTRUCTIONAL LAWS. electromotive force of a generator is directly proportional to the number of windings and is quite independent of their radii, as well as independent of the thickness and the specific conductivity of the wire. However, each new turn of wire or each new layer of turns wound on the armature not only increases the electromotive force of the generator but has its definite resistance, which depends on the length and diameter of the wire, and this has to be taken into consideration in the construction. If the groove which receives the coil is rectangular in section, all the turns in the same layer are of the same length, and this varies from layer to layer by a constant quantity. Consequently, the armature rotating at a con- stant rate in a magnetic-field of constant intensity, may be regarded as a series of electro-generators connected in series, their electromotive force being the same, and their total resistance being a multiple of m. In deter- mining the number of turns, and layers of turns, and the thickness of wire, we must get the internal resistance of the circuit into a practically useful ratio to the external resistance. Once this ratio is fixed, it is easy to calculate the number of turns and layers by putting ne for the electromotive force, and np for the internal resistance of the generator, whilst for p we substitute the expression 4 k G , where k represents the specific resistance of the wire, and G the mean length of a wire turn, which depends on the shape and dimensions of the armature. The thickness of the insulating coating can be de- noted by a, in which case the thickness of the insulated wire is = x -f 2a, and the normal section of the groove which receives the coil must accordingly have an CONVOLUTIONS; RATE OF ROTATION. 149 area = n (x + 2a) 2 and a capacity = n C (x + 2a) 2 ; from these two values the two dimensions of its cross-section can be got. Further, by dividing the height by x -f 2a, we get the number of layers, and dividing the width by the same value, we get the number of turns that ought to be in a layer. If the armature is to have several coils, it is best to arrange them so that they can be coupled up for quantity or intensity, and the calculation of their mode of action is then effected as previously described. The next question which arises in practice is : IV. What relation has the current and electromotive force of a generator, in whose armature there is a given number of turns of wire, to the rate of rotation of the arma- ture ; the intensity of the magnetic-field being constant? The answer is : We may assume that if the intensity of the magnetic-field and the resistance are both constant, the current will increase in direct proportion with the rate of rotation of the armature. Accordingly, if the real influence of the speed of a generator is to be known, we have to determine the increase of the resistance. For this purpose the fact has to be taken into considera- tion in the calculation that the heat generated in the coils of the armature increases with the current in pro- portion to the square of the electromotive force, and also in proportion to the square of the rate of rotation of the armature, and that with this, the temperature and resist- ance of the coil increases. In practice we may also assume that the absolute temperature of the wire increases proportionally to the square of the number of revolutions per minute of the armature. In what way the resistance 150 CONSTRUCTIONAL LAWS. of the wire increases with the rise of its absolute tempera- ture can then be calculated from Siemens' formula when the coefficient of resistance at C. is known for the metal employed. In this formula T denotes the absolute temperature of the metal (273 + t\ and r the resistance. The values for the coefficients a ]3 y are to be obtained from the following table ; the formula is calculated for Siemens' units, and for wires 1 m. long and of 1 sq. mm. cross-section. Metal. a f 7 Platinum Copper Iron Aluminium ... ... Silver 0-039369 0*026577 0-072545 0-0595144 '0060907 0-00216407 0-0031443 0-0038133 0*00284603 'oo5538 o 24127 0-29751 1-23971 0-76492 0-07456 When from this formula we have calculated the increase of resistance of the coil for every rise in its temperature by a fixed amount, it is easy to state an equation, taking Ohm's law into consideration, by which a maximum can be found for /. We can also determine the ideal efficiency, as well as make the calculation by which the rate of rotation of the armature can be so modified that the largest possible amount of evolution of energy may be obtained in the external circuit. We have now considered the effect of the number of turns of wire in the armature and its rate of rotation; there still remains the third factor, namely, the intensity of the magnetic field. The question to be answered would, therefore, be : V. What is the relation of the electromotive force of a generator to the intensity of the magnetic-field when the MAGNETIC FIELD. 151 armature has a given number of wire windings and rotates at a constant rate ? The answer is : Under these circumstances the electro- motive force is proportional to the intensity of the magnetic-field ; and the most important questions with reference to magneto-electric generators are thus satisfied, for the intensity of the magnetic-field is constant in these generators, and only depends on the position of the armature relative to the magnetic-poles and the judicious construction of the inducing steel-magnets or electro- magnets. But we have not yet found the answer with regard to the effect of the speed of the armature in a dynamo-electric generator; for in these generators the intensity of the magnetic-field is not constant, but directly depends on the rate of rotation of the armature, whilst the processes in the interior of the generator are rather more complicated. As regards a dynamo, therefore, we shall still have to answer three important questions. VI. What is the ratio between current and rate of rotation in dynamo-electric generators ? VII. What relation has the effective magnetism in dynamo-electric generators to the rate of rotation of the armature, and to the increase of current ? VIII. How many turns of wire must be wound on the field-magnets, and on the armature, in dynamo- electric generators, in order to obtain the maximum efficiency ? The answers to questions VI and VII are given in an extremely interesting article by Dr. 0. Frohlich, in the " Monatshefte " of the Berlin Academy of Science, published 30th November, 1880. This article explains a theory based on a large number of experiments, and is of great value. We shall now discuss the most important points of this theory. 152 CONSTRUCTIONAL LAWS. According to Ohm's law, in which equation, as previously, / represents the quantity of current, E the electromotive force, R the resistance. The electromotive force, however, as already men- tioned, is proportionate to the number of windings (ri) on the armature, and its rate of rotation (v\ and to the intensity of the magnetic field ; or, as Dr. Frohlich ex- presses it, to the " effective magnetism (M )." Ohm's law can, therefore, be written thus : '; /= T .-'.'.. 0) In magneto-electric generators, with steel magnets, the effective magnetism is constant, and depends only on the strength of the magnets. In magneto-electric generators with electro-magnets, it depends on the current travers- ing the coils of the magnet. In dynamos this is also the case ; but then we have, in addition, that it is a function of the same current, 7, which it generates in the coils of the armature. This can be written as M=f(I). Dividing equation (1) by Jf, we get / nv I V Now, as ^TT\ is a function of 7, n -~- depends only on v /, and inversely 7 depends on n -- FROHLICITS THEORY. 153 This can be expressed as follows : <>) Or the current depends on the relation of the rate of rotation of the armature to the resistance. This is the fundamental equation for dynamo-electric v generators ; and once the relation ^ is known for a gene- _/~L rator, all practical questions with reference to this gene- rator can be answered. v To determine the ratio -= we proceed, as Dr. Frohlich -V has done for Siemens' generators, to work the generator under investigation at as many different rates as possible, inserting the most varied resistances, and measuring the respective quantities of current. We then determine the v ratios -~ for each experiment, and represent them all nj graphically (making n ^ the abscissa, and the quantity of current the ordinate). This gives us a curve, which Dr. Frohlich calls the " current " curve, from which the desired data can easily be deduced. We shall presently refer to a curve somewhat differ- ently constructed, called the " characteristic " curve of a machine, the means M. Marcel Duprez has adopted to elucidate the internal processes of dynamo-electric gene- rators. If v and R are known, and we wish to find /, we look v for the abscissa n -7, in the curve, and in the corre- Jti spending ordinate we obtain the value for J; if 7 is known, we look for the corresponding ordinate, and get i 54 CONSTRUCTIONAL LAWS. the value for n -~- from the abscissa ; if, besides this, we know the value for v 9 which is always the case in prac- v tice, we can deduce the value for R from v and n -^ ; if R is given, we obtain the value for v from R and v n ~R- Immediately /, v, and R are known, it is easy to deduce the values for E and M from Ohm's law. In practice, however, the labour of determining the current curve experimentally for each generator would involve much loss of time. But this is not necessary, as Dr. Frohlich points out, for in practice we neither employ very weak nor extremely strong currents ; and for currents of medium strength the curve may be regarded as a straight line. In the fact that, within the limits occurring in practice, the current curve is a straight line, is expressed the statement that in this case / (the quan- tity of current) may be regarded as a linear function 77 of n -^ . (The direction of the straight line corresponding to the curve is, of course, found by determining the end points experimentally.) If the quantity of current is a linear function of n -^-, we can lay down the equation : In this equation a and b are constants ; a denotes the " dead revolutions " of the armature ; that is, those revolutions the generator makes during the " start," and during which no effective current is generated ; "DEAD" REVOLUTIONS. 155 and when a is known, 6 is obtained from the equa- tion v after the values for / and n -^ have been determined for JK some one point in the straight line representing the curve. If we wish to determine how far the " effective mag- netism " depends on the quantity of current, we obtain from equation (3), 1 R M / - (compare equation 1 ), V and by eliminating ^ From this equation we find that is the relation of a the effective magnetism to the current when the latter is very weak, and that -j- is the relation when the current is very strong. (This, it is true, is not quite correct, for we have arrived at this statement on the supposition that v I is a linear function of n -~-> which is only true for cur- rents of medium strength. Nevertheless, these statements tend, in general, to give a correct view of the processes.) The dependence of the electromotive force can also be deduced from the curve by the equation E = -i/ v a R \ With regard to the effective magnetism, in the cases 156 CONSTRUCTIONAL LAWS. occurring in practice, Dr. Frohlich has shown that it is incorrect to suppose that in dynamo-electric generators its increase is proportional to the current in the arma- ture. At first, certainly, this is the case ; but as the rate of rotation and the quantity of current go on increasing, the increase of the effective magnetism begins to differ more and more from the rate of rotation, and the effective magnetism finally reaches a maximum. For still larger currents, its strength actually falls off from this maxi- mum. The reason of this phenomenon is that the magnetism of the field-magnets not only depends on the magnetising effect of the wire -windings on their limbs (this, it is true, is the principal source), by which both these limbs and the armature (by induction) are magnetised, but also that the windings of the armature have a consider- able magnetising effect on the iron of the field-magnets ; which, however, counteracts that due to the coiling on the limbs, by rotating the magnetic axis of the armature, and by weakening the magnetism, especially that of the armature. Dr. Frohlich's experiments with the Siemens generators showed that the effective magnetism of the generator is diminished by one-fourth in consequence of the magnetising influence of the coiling of the armature, more than it would be without this opposing influence. The armature acts more and more detrimentally on the field-magnets when the rate of rotation is increased beyond a certain limit. For when the limbs of the electro-magnets have been magnetised to a maximum, the influence of the current on the magnetism of the armature must still go on increasing, and the total effective magnetism therefore must decrease. This is, however, only the case with cur- rents which far exceed in strength any employed in prac- THOMSON'S LAW. 157 tice. As a rule, therefore, we may assume that the effec- tive magnetism finally reaches a constant maximum. With regard to question VIII., as to the most advan- tageous ratio between the turns of wire in the armature and those of the field-magnets, the well-known physicist Sir William Thomson put forward a hypothesis before the Paris Academy of Science on the 19th September, 1881 :- In the field-magnets, let L be the length of the wire ; B the volume of the wire and insulating material ; n the ratio of this total volume to that of the copper alone (that is, B volume of copper) ; A the total cross-section of the wire ; and R the resistance of the wire. The same values for the armature may be respectively denoted by L', B', n r , A', R. Furthermore, let 8 be the specific resistance of copper. Then, B = AL , , K /1N Therefore ^ * (1) , ,, Vn's'B' K and Am In these equations K and K' denote constants. Now, let c be the quantity of current in the field- magnet, c', the current generated in the armature, v the velocity of some point on the armature, and p the mean 158 CONSTRUCTIONAL LAWS. electromotive force at both ends of the armature-wire ; then we have the equation *-.P = *-Z*l,* (3) Here / denotes a co-efficient, which depends on the form, dimensions, and relative positions of B and B', and, besides on the magnetic capacity of iron. / decreases with this capacity, when the current increases, and also when R and R undergo variations, which increase the in- tensity of the magnetisation. In dynamo-electric generators with a simple circuit c' = c. This is, however, not the case with shunt-wound dynamo-electric generators. In both cases, however, the mechanical equivalent of the electrical work done is equal to p c', or, according to equation (3) ; J JT'" W and putting the values found for A and A r , in this equa- tion, we get Icc'v^RR ,_. KK Part of this work is wasted in the heating of the wires in the coils ; the other part is made use of in the external circuit. Their respective values are : R c 2 + R c' 2 (6) for the work lost, and (7) for the useful work. If v is very large, we can make the ratio of (6) to (7), that is, of the loss of work to the useful work, as small as we like. THOMSON'S LA WS. 159 The problem we now have to solve is, what relative values must be given to R and R', in order, with any given velocity, to reduce to a minimum the ratio of the wasted work to the useful work ; or, in other words, if this ratio is given, to reduce the velocity to a minimum. In order to solve this question, we will call r the ratio of the total work to the loss of work. According to (5) and (6), we then have the relation _ I V RR cc' v '' * ''* X 1 ' In the simple dynamo-electric generator, we have c f = c y and for (8) we obtain the equation I STIR' v R + R x KK' IV R(S R) ,--. r = - , - (10) if we put 8 = R + R. (11) Now, let us assume that S is given, and that / is con- stant for a moment. Then, in order that r may become a maximum for a given v 9 or v a minimum for a given r, R (S R) must become a maximum. This takes place as soon as R = S 9 that is, when the & resistance of the armature is equal to the resistance of the magnet. /, however, as a fact, is not constant, but decreases as the magnetising force increases. In general, 1 depends principally on the soft iron of the field electro- magnet, but comparatively little on the iron of the armature. In most cases, therefore, / will decrease as R increases, A and R diminishes ; consequently, the maximum for - i6o CONSTRUCTIONAL LAWS. according to equation 10, requires R' should be greater than 8. We cannot deduce the ratio of R' to R' 2 from the formula, without knowing the law of the varia- tions of /. By experiments, as well as by practical pre- disposition, constructors were led to make the resistance of the field electro-magnets in most dynamos rather lower than the resistance of the armature, and this agrees with theory as developed. As the useful work of a generator manifests itself as light, mechanical work, heat, or electrolytic work, we can simplify consideration in all these possible cases by sub- stituting the typical case, where the terminals of the generator are connected by a conductor of resistance, E. Following the general custom, we call this conductor the external circuit, an expression which briefly denotes that portion of the whole circuit situated outside the dynamo- electric generator. If we have a dynamo with a simple circuit, the current traversing the external circuit is equal to that (c r ) traversing the armature. According to Ohm's law, we then get the equation : c ' = E + R+R but according to equations (3), (1) and (2) KK'(E Now, if we put c' = c, (14) T KK'(E -^R + R) The case where c' = is the one in which KE>(]l + R+R) ' { ' FIELD-MAGNET RESISTANCE. 161 where I denotes that value of /, for which c' = 0. In order to understand this, we must remember that we do not assume any residual magnetism. For all velocities corresponding to equation (16), no current is generated. As soon, however, as this limit is passed, the electrical equilibrium of the circuit becomes stable. The slightest current then started in one or the other direction by any cause, will rapidly increase to a limiting value, de- termined by equation (15), in consequence of the diminu- tion of T, which diminution coincides with the increase of the current. If we consider / to be a function of c, we have in equation (15) a mathematical expression for the current generated from the dynamo in its stationary condition. Putting equation (15) into equation (9), we get ' - = an equation given by Joule forty years ago. In a shunt-wound dynamo, the current c', generated in the armature, divides into two, c in the electro field- magnet and (c f - c) in the external circuit. The quan- tities of current are inversely proportional to the resist- ances they traverse. Accordingly, always calling the resistance of the external circuit E, we have the equation c M = (c' - c) E, jji from which follows : c = j^ - =^ c'. (18) H + ti Therefore, according to Joule's law, the work done in unit time iii the three parts of the circuit is R c' 2 for the armature. the field-magnet. , , (19) E ( P , F ) c ' 2 f r the external circuit. 1 M 162 CONSTRUCTIONAL LAWS. From this it follows that if r represent the ratio of the total work to the useful work, (20) and, again, from this it follows that R*T = - + (It + R'}E+ R(2$' + R). (21) Now, let us assume that R and R' are given, and that E is required. In order that r may become 3, minimum, it must happen that R+R' We, therefore, have (23) R' If we put ~R 6 ( 24 ) equations (22) and (23) become and r = I + 2Ve(l+e) + 2e, (26) For the sake of efficiency, r must approach unity as closely as possible, and consequently e must be very small. The value for the shunt circuit approxi- mately equals E = FIELD-MAGNET RESISTANCE. 163 Now, if we assume, for example, that the resistance of the field-magnet is 400 times as great as that of the armature, or that e = 400, we have approximately E = - Or the resistance of the external circuit is twenty times as great as that of the armature, and the useful work in the external circuit is about equal to ^y of the work wasted in the generator by the heating of the wires. We have now become acquainted with the more im- portant laws bearing on the construction of magneto- electric and dynamo-electric generators, and there is no doubt that it is only possible to construct a good and efficient generator when these laws are fully considered. Nevertheless the constructor has also to take into ac- count a large number of particulars of great importance in building an electric generator, and relating to its several parts. The most important of these are given in the next chapter. CHAPTER VII. THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SEVERAL PARTS OF ELECTRIC GENERATORS. THE most important parts of an electric generator are the field-magnets and the armature. It is on their construc- tion and advantageous relative arrangement that the valite of an electric machine principally depends. 1. The field-magnets. The principal theoretical laws bearing on the general construction of magnets are given in the Appendix, and it will only here be necessary to give a few practical hints on the manufacture of mag- nets. We shall take first the manufacture of steel-magnets. Steel bars can be magnetised by stroking them with steel-magnets, or 1 by the electrical method. In the first of these cases, we distinguish between two methods ; namely, the simple stroke or the double and separate stroke. In the simple stroke, we lay the piece to be magnetised, with one of its broader surfaces, on the opposite poles of two steel magnets, and, with the corresponding pole of a third magnet, we stroke the bar, in one way, in the direction of its longer axis. We then turn it round, so that the lower side comes atop, and repeat the operation. In the case of the double-stroke method, we place the opposite poles of two steel magnets on the middle of the bar, and stroke with both magnets, away from the middle towards the ends. PARTS OF GENERATORS. 165 If we wish to magnetise the bar by the electrical method, we place it inside a wire helix, which is tra- versed by a current. A south pole will then be generated in the piece of steel at that end of the helix at which when it is turned towards the observer the current circles in the direction of the hands of a clock ; at the other end, a north pole will be formed. The strength of a magnet principally depends on its dimensions, its shape, and the quality of the steel.* Coulomb determined that the magnetic moment of geometrically similar magnets, composed of the same material, is nearly proportional to the cube of their homo- logous dimensions, and that, in cylindrical magnets of the same length, the free magnetism is proportional to) the diameter. According to the first statement, the magnetic moment of a magnet would be proportional to its volume. Haker arrived experimentally at the result that, for horse-shoe magnets, Q = 10-33 Pf, in which equation Q denotes the portative power of the magnet, and p its weight in kilogrammes. According to this equation, therefore, a magnet of 1,102 kgs. would be able to carry its own weight ; and the smaller a magnet, the greater would be its portative power compared with its weight. The co-efficient 10*33, however, is perhaps a little too small. Elias determined the value of this co-efficient to be 13-23. But the practical value of this co-efficient is not very great, for the magnets obtained in commerce rarely attain the efficiency given by the above formula ; yet, on the other hand, by special care in their construction, and by * Compare Appendix. i66 CONSTRUCTIONAL LAWS. selecting good steel, it is possible to make magnets of double this strength. Jamin has made a series of very important experi- ments, with the object of ascertaining the distribution of the free magnetism in prismatic and cylindrical magnets, as well as in magnetic batteries, and also of determining the conditions for their greatest efficiency. These in- vestigations are too extensive to be given here, even in abstract ; they are, however, of great practical import- ance, as illustrated by the construction of the laminated magnet (described page 53), which is a result of the in- vestigations.* According to Frankenheim* the length of time during which the magnetising current acts on steel magnets does not influence the So-called "permanent moment" (the mag- netism of steel magnets is not permanent in the true sense of the word), but this can be increased by repeating the magnetisation several times. This can be done either by taking the piece of steel out of the magnetising helix and replacing it several times, or by opening and closing the magnetising circuit several times. By this operation the magnetic moment is increased, but, of course^ only up to a certain limit. When Frankenheim applied this method to pieces of steel which had been freshly annealed, he found that the permanent magnetism that the steel acquires after being magnetised x times, bears a certain relation to the magnetism that can be obtained with the magnetic field in question. This relation is perfectly independent of the intensity of the field, as well as of the dimensions and the coercive force of the bars. Fromme asserts that * Comptes Rendus de 1' Academic des Sciences de Paris, Vol. LXXV. to LXKVI1., and Journal de Physique, Vol. V., 1876. PARTS OF GENERATORS. 167 he obtained these results with bars which had not been annealed. A method for making very powerful steel magnets is the following, as given by Elias. A copper wire 7-8 m. long, and about 3 mm. diameter, is wound into a cylindrical helix, and the current of a large Bunsen's or Grove's cell, whose internal resistance is equal to that of the helix, is allowed to traverse it. The steel bar to be magnetised is placed within the helix, and the latter is then moved several times backwards and forwards from end to end of the bar. With horseshoe magnets, two helices are used, with which both limbs are magnetised simultaneously. The distribution of the magnetism on the surface of the core is found from the equation given by Biot and Coulomb, the accuracy of which Jamin confirmed in the experiments previously mentioned. The equation is and it expresses the mean magnetic density at the cir- cumference of a cross section, at distance x from one of the ends of the magnet, whose length is t. According to Jamin, the co-efficient A principally de- pends on the chemical composition of the magnet ; fc, on the other hand, depends on its molecular constitution and on the hardness (particularly in the case of steel). When I is very large, the equation assumes the simpler form ^ y = -p^, since k is always ^ 1. In practice, the importance, of the distribution of the magnetism is usually under-estimated, because, in 168 CONSTRUCTIONAL LAWS. most generators with steel magnets, the inductive power of the poles only is employed. Marcel Deprez, how- ever, has proved, in his small electro-motor, that this is erroneous; for with this motor very powerful effects are obtained, the inventor having placed a Siemens cylinder armature between the branches of a horseshoe magnet, with its axis parallel to these branches. The rotating armature is thus influenced by the longest por- tions of the limbs. We give here the dimensions of one of the small motors, as well as the values of its working power. The length of the horseshoe magnet, measured from the faces of the poles to the top of the bend , f f , , , 145 mm. ^j The distance between the limbs . . 33 The thickness of the magnetic battery . 25 Diameter of the cylinder armature . . 32 Length of the iron core . . . 60 Weight of the fiekUmagnet . . . 1-70 kg. Weight of the whole motor . . . 2*83 ,, With a motor having these dimensions, Deprez obtains, using the apparatus as a generator, all the effects that can be produced with three Bunsen's elements. On the other hand, if it is used as an electro-magnetic motor, the work produced is as follows : ^- With 1 Bunsen's cell . . . O04 kg. metres. 2 cells . f r 0-20 3 . 0*45 4 , 0-75 5 . MO 8 . . 1*80 In making electro-magnets, the construction of which PARTS OF GENERATORS. 169 is important both for the inducing portion and for the armature of electric generators, it is necessary to take carefully into account the formulae given in the previous chapter, and in the Appendix, as well as to select good material. Unfortunately, the value of the co-efficient fc, with which the intensity of the field and the volume of the magnetic core have to be multiplied, to obtain the mag- netic moment, is not known with certainty for all kinds of iron ; from the investigations of Barlow and Pliickner, however, we know the following values, taken from Fleeming Jenkin's work.* Soft wrought iron , , , . k = 32*8 Cast iron . . , . . k = 23-0 Soft steel , , , , . k = 21-6 Hardened steel f , . k = 17*4 Soft cast steel k = 23*3 Hard , , , , . k = 16-1 Nickel k = 15-3 Cobalt . , . , . . k = 32-8 If we wish to construct an electro -magnet, it is best to use another electro-magnet as a pattern-, and to make the dimensions proportional. Then, according to Dub's laws, the quantity of current required to saturate the core of the new magnet is proportional to that of the pattern electro-magnet, in the ratio of the cubes of the homo- logous dimensions of the two cores. The dimensions of the coil are calculated by the laws given in Chapters VI. and X., taking into account the external resistance. Professor Sylvanns P. Thomson, in his " Cantor Lec- * Electricity and Magnetism, p. 124. 170 CONSTRUCTIONAL LAWS. tures " points out that to magnetise a piece of iron requires the expenditure of energy ; but when once it is magnet- ised, it requires no further expenditure to keep it magnetised, provided the magnet is doing no work. Even if it be doing no work, if the current flowing round it be not steady, there will be loss. If it do work, say, in attracting a piece of iron to it, then there is an immediate and corresponding call upon the strength of the current in the coils, to provide the needful energy. This point Professor Thomson illustrates by the following experi- ment : Let a current from a steady source pass through an incandescent lamp, and also through an electro- magnet, whose cores it magnetises. If now the magnet is allowed to do work in attracting an iron bar toward itself, the light of the lamp is seen momentarily to fade. When the iron bar is snatched away, the light exhibits a momentary increase ; in each case resuming its original intensity when the motion ceases. Now, in a dynamo where, in many cases, there are revolving parts con- taining iron, it is of importance that the approach or a retrocession of the iron parts should not produce such re- actions as these in the magnetism of the magnet. Large, slow-acting field-magnets are, therefore, advisable. And the body of the field-magnets should be solid. Even in the iron itself currents are induced, and circulate round and round whenever the strength of the magnetism is altered. These self-induced currents tend to retard all changes in the degree of magnetisation. They are stronger in pro- portion to the square of the diameter of the magnet, if cylindrical, or to its area of cross-section. A thick magnet, will, therefore, be a slow-acting one, and will steady the current induced in its field. It is important to have a sufficient mass, that satura- PARTS OF GENERATORS. 171 tion may not be too soon attained. The softest possible iron should be used for field-magnets. Long magnets steady the magnetism, and therefore steady the current. A long magnet takes a longer time than a short magnet to magnetise and demagnetise. It costs more than a short magnet, it is true, and requires more copper wire in the exterior coil ; but the copper wire may be made thicker in proportion, and will offer less resistance. The mag- netism so obtained should be utilised as directly as possible, therefore Professor Thomson advises to place the field-magnets or their pole-pieces as close to the rotating armature as is compatible with safety in running. Avoid edges and corners on the magnets and pole- pieces if you want a uniform field. Pole-pieces.* The pole-pieces should be heavy, with plenty of iron in them, for reasons similar to those urged above. The pole-pieces should be of shapes really adapted to their functions. If intended to form a single approximately uniform field, they should not extend too far on each side. The distribution of the electromotive force in the various sections of the coils on the armature depends very greatly on the shape of the pole-pieces. Pole-pieces should be constructed so as to avoid, if possible, the generation in them of useless Foucault currents. The only way of diminishing loss from this source is to construct them of laminae, built up so that the mass of iron is divided by planes in a direction per- pendicular to the direction of the currents, or of the electromotive forces tending to start such currents. If the bed-plates of dynamos are of cast iron, care * "Cantor Lectures." 172 CONSTRUCTIONAL LAWS. should be taken that these bed-plates do not short-circuit the magnetic lines of force from pole to pole of the field- magnets. Masses of brass, zinc, or other non-magnetic metal may be interposed ; but are at best a poor resource. In a well-designed dynamo, there should be no need of such devices. The Armature. In connection with this portion of an electric generator, another important point regarding electro-magnets has to be considered, that is, the periods of change in the magnetisation of an iron core. A magnet does not acquire its magnetism instantaneously, nor lose it instantaneously. When the circuit is closed or the current is started, the magnetic moment of the core in- creases rather rapidly, and reaches a maximum ; again on opening the circuit or stopping the current, the magnetic moment decreases and reaches a limit more or less nearly zero. The magnetism never entirely disappears, but a small amount of " residual " magnetism remains. The dura- tion of the increase and decrease of the magnetism depends on various circumstances ; the principal is, that the coercive force of iron is never equal to zero. The separate molecules of the metal possess a certain inertia that prevents their instantly resuming the position they had before the iron was magnetised. Another reason is the occurrence of extra currents produced by induction. These have the same direction as the principal current, when the circuit is opened or the current disappears, consequently, they tend to prolong the primary current, as well as its magnetising action. From this fact it follows that the magnetic maximum of the iron core in the armature of an electric generator does not begin to decrease when, according to theory, it should do so, but at another point. If, for instance, we PARTS OF GENERATORS. 173 take Fig. 8 for the basis of our consideration, and assume that the ring moves in a direction opposite to that of the hands of a clock, then the maximum magnetisation of the iron core, and therefrom the maximum current, does not decrease immediately after the turns of wire have passed the poles S and N ; but the magnetism of the iron core, and the current in these turns of the wire, remain at the same intensity for a few moments, so that the decrease commences a few degrees to the left of S and to the right of JV. The neutral points also are displaced in con- sequence, and have to be sought beldw p and above p f , and not at p and p'. This makes it necessary to change the position of the brushes, and not place them at the ends of the horizontal line joining the points p and p', but at those points which are really neutral. Affairs are made still more complicated by the fact that the amount of displacement of the neutral points depends on the greater or less rate of rotation of the armature. For when the armature rotates rapidly from right to left, each of the respective points of the ring has advanced some distance before the decrease of the magnetism of the iron core, and of the current induced in the wire windings, has reached the minimum J on the other hand, when the armature moves slowly, the theoretical and actual neutral points of the armature lie closer together. The difference in the position of the neutral points is further increased when the rate of rotation is rapid, because the magnetism of the field-magnets, and of the iron core of the armature, and consequently also the reaction on the armature coils, is increased, whereas when the rotation is slow these factors are of small value. It is therefore obvious that we should seek an automatic arrangement of the brushes to place them always on the points which are for the time I 7 4 CONSTRUCTIONAL LAWS. being neutral. This is already partially effected by some regulators. Another consequence of the fact that the maximum magnetism does not immediately disappear, is the heating of the iron core of the armature, which greatly influences the efficiency of an electric generator. In any case it is necessary to prevent the peripheral current in the mass of iron of the core. This is effected to some extent by slitting the iron cores, that is, in other words, by structurally dividing the core in planes normal to the circuits round which currents are induced, which statement may be generally accepted as meaning, in planes at right angles to the direction of the wire windings, or in planes parallel to the lines of force to the direction of the motion. Cores are also built up of varnished or insulated iron wire, or of thin sheet iron separated by varnish, asbestos-paper, or mica, to realise the required condition. The heating of the armature, however, may not be a consequence of the residual magnetism in the iron core, but may arise from the resistance of the armature being too great. Also a part of the armature-coils are not exposed to the action of the field-magnets, and oppose a great re- sistance to the current which has to traverse these coils. To overcome the resistance, work is necessary, which manifests itself as heat. One of the principal problems for the constructor is, where possible, to expose all parts of the coils of the armature simultaneously to the influence of the field- magnets, or where this cannot be done to temporarily exclude those parts of the armature from the circuit which are not accessible to the influence of the field-mag- nets, or are in the neutral positions, as is attained for instance in Brush's generator. PARTS OF GENERATORS. 17$ The hollowing of the armature core and the conducting of water through it, is a very incomplete remedy against heating. The injurious consequences can thus, it is true, be modified, but the work lost in the heating is not re- gained. Similarly the perforation of the armature for the sake of cooling by ventilation cannot be recommended, as the surface of the armature is thus increased, and the work which has to be spent in overcoming the atmos- pheric resistance, is lost as far as the efficiency of the generator is concerned. The rational remedy for this evil of the heating of electric generators is not to be found in modifying the consequences of the heating, but in avoid- ing the causes. The position of the Armature with respect to the mag- netic poles must be such that the armature moves in as strong a magnetic field as possible, and this will be the case when it revolves as close as possible to the magnetic poles ; for the intensity of a magnetic field is equal to the magnetising force of the pole divided by the square of the distance from the pole. In order that the armature may rotate as close as possible to the pole, the parts of its surfaces which are turned towards the pole must be comparatively even, and we must therefore wind the coiling of the armature very symmetrically, or bring its core very close to the pole-pieces of the field-magnets by a suitable construction, as in Paccinotti's generator. The collectors and commutators of electric generators are the parts which perhaps require most care in their construction. If they are badly constructed they wear out quickly in consequence of friction and the for- mation of sparks, and badly constructed collectors or commutators are the cause that a large amount 176 CONSTRUCTIONAL LAWS. of the working power of a generator is spent use- lessly. The loss of energy through the friction of the rubbing parts of a generator is proportional to the number of revolutions of the shaft and to the diameter of the rub- bing surfaces. For these reasons the surfaces ought to be diminished as much as possible, not only in the journals of the generators but also, as Professor Perry suggests, in the conducting brushes and commutators. But, besides, we must diminish the destructive action in these parts caused by sparking. This can be done by distributing the sparking over various portions of the collector, so that only small sparks can be formed, which are unable to melt or oxidize. In order to reduce the sparking oti the collectors of large generator's to a minimum, Edison increases the width of the insulation a l9 a 2 a s ( n g" 50), between the segments of the collector. He makes the conducting sectors b 19 b%, by narrower at one end of the collector- cylinder J., and on each side of this portion of the cylin- der, he places a single brush e which he calls the insulated brush, the contact point of whieh is not in a line with the principal brushes. The insulated brush is not directly connected with the principal brushes, d d, but first with an interruption cylinder B by means of the brushes h 19 A 2 . This cylinder has conducting and insulating sectors which correspond with those on which the insulated brush e bears, and it can be attached separately to one end of the shaft of the generator, or may form a continuation of the collector-cylinder A, as shewn in the figure, in which case its conducting strips c l9 c 2 must be insulated from those of the collector-cylinder A. In working the generator the local current and part of the principal cur- PARTS OF GENERATORS. 177 rent continue to flow through each of the insulated brushes, and across each commutator segment, after having ceased traversing the principal brushes, so that no sparks are generated at the ends of the latter. When an insulated brush quits a strip of the collector, the current traversing it is interrupted on the interruption-cylinder B, and as the same thing occurs simultaneously on the collector-cylinder Fig. 50. J., through the insulated brush e, the spark is thus greatly subdivided and much weakened. All the hints given in this chapter, with reference to the construction of the separate parts of electric genera- tors, are of great importance to the manufacturer. They do not, however, by any means exhaust the details which he has to take into consideration. For the difficulties which the constructor has to overcome are of too varied a nature to be all mentioned here. We have only been able to draw attention to the prin- N 1 78 CONSTRUCTIONAL LAWS. cipal points, which, if kept in view, form the basis of good construction. The constructor has, besides, to attend to peculiarities of construction connected, (1). With strength and simplicity of mechanical con- struction. (2). With easy access to and repair of the several parts of the generator. (3). With the cost. A discussion of these points, however, does not come within the scope of a technological work. We shall only mention a few examples which may be regarded as typical of what has to be attended to, and of what has to be neglected under the three headings we have mentioned. The generators of Brush and Edison, and the collector of Gramme's generator, and soine of their imitations, are specially noteworthy for strength and simplicity of construction. Brush's generator too serves as a very good type, in which the parts are very accessible and easily repaired. With regard to the latter advantage, however, we must specially mention the alternating-current generator and the latest dynamo-electric generator of Siemens and Halske, in which each bobbin can be replaced without dis- turbing the other parts. This is also true of the Burgin generator. The question of cost is at present one of the principal obstacles in the way of an extensive application of electric generators, and again indirectly depends on complicated or simple construction. It is to be expected that there will be a considerable reduction in this direction as soon as the dimensions of generators are increased. For as DIMENSIONS OF GENERATORS. 179 regards their efficiency, large generators are much cheaper than small ones, as will be seen from the details in the next chapter ; and upon the whole, experience has taught that it is always advantageous to concentrate as large an amount of working-power at one point as possible, and then to distribute it in different directions. The secondary batteries described in Chapter V. promise to be of great service in this particular. As regards the relation of size to efficiency, Professor Thomson has pointed out, in the Cantor Lectures, de- livered by him before the Society of Arts, the much more than proportional efficiency of large machines. If we assume that the size of any machine can be increased n times in every dimension, and that though the dimensions are increased the velocity of rotation of the shaft remains the same, whilst the intensity of the magnetic field, per square centimetre, is also constant, the following laws of increase of size will hold good. The area the machine stands on will be increased n* times, and its volume and weight n s times. The cost will be less than n s , but greater than n times. If the same increase of dimensions in the armature coils be observed (the number of layers and of turns re- maining the same as before), there will be in the armature coils a length n times as great, and the area of cross section of the wire will be n 2 times as great as before ; the resistance of these coils will be th part of the original resistance. If the field magnet coils are increased similarly, they will offer only - th the resistance of those of the original machine. i8o CONSTRUCTIONAL LAWS. The electromotive force will be increased ri 2 times, the speed of the shaft being the same. To correspond, we may assume the whole circuit to be increased in section, so that its wire will carry the larger current, its resistance will then be th of its previous value. If our theoretical machine is " series " wound, an electromotive force, n 2 , working through resistance Yl/ will give a current n* times as great as before. In this respect, as the iron of our field magnets is n s times as great in mass, we need not so nearly saturate it as before to gain the same magnetic field, or to get n* times the area of surface magnetised to the former average intensity per square centimetre. Hence, the numbef of coils may be reduced in the proportion of n s to n 2 , or to th of its already diminished value, correspondingly reducing the resistance on which work has to be done. As in the larger machine, therefore, the electromotive force is increased n 2 times, and the current n s times, the work of the machine will be n s x w? = n 5 times greater than with the smaller machine. Or, a machine doubled in all its linear dimensions will not cost eight times as much, and will be electrically thirty-two times more powerful than the smaller machine. If the machine be " shunt " wound, then to produce the field of force of n* times as many square centimetres area, will require (if the electromotive force be 7i 2 times as great) that the absolute strength of the current remain the same as before in the field magnet coils. This can be effected by using wire of the same size as before, and in- DIMENSIONS OF GENERATORS. 181 creasing its length n? times, to allow for n times as many turns, of n times as great a diameter each, in the same number -of layers of coils as before. The current being the same, therefore, in the shunt circuit as before, but under n 2 the e.m.f., the work here is only n* times as great ; whilst in the whole machine it is n 5 times greater than with the smaller machine. Following wholly different lines of reasoning, M. Marcel Deprez has arrived at the conclusion that for similar machines, the " statical effort " increases as the fourth power of the linear dimensions. But as this " statical effort " is a force of mutual reaction between two elements of the system of conductors ; and as work is represented by force multiplied by distance ; and as, again, in the similar machine whose dimensions are increased n times, the available distance through which the new force can act is also n times greater, the value n 5 also here obtains. CHAPTEE VIII. THE EMPLOYMENT OF ELECTRIC GENERATORS FOR PRODUCING THE ELECTRIC LIGHT. ALTHOUGH it is not our intention to discuss fully the applications of electric generators^ we think it advisable to briefly review these applications, as far as this will con- tribute to the understanding of the properties of the electric generators. We have also included in this chap- ter the more important Comparative experiments relating to the efficiency of the light-generators ; fo*, from the data as to the intensity of the light, the construction of the light-machines and the expenditure of motive power, tolerably correct conclusions can be drawn as to the in- dividual value of the various generators. The most important Use to which electric generators have been put is undoubtedly their employment in the production of the electric light, and it was only by the invention of electric generators that electric illumination became possible on a large scale. As has already been said, generators intended for the purpose of electric illumination must not only produce a powerful current in the external circuit, but the current must also be at considerable tension, and this again must be maintained within certain limits, for if the tension is too great the luminous arc becomes unsteady, SPECIAL DETAILS. 183 therefore, the internal resistance of the generators must be judiciously arranged. The internal resistance of the normal Siemens light- machine is about O7 or O7o ohms ; Gramme's generators have on the average a resistance of about 1 ohm, but Gramme also constructs generators which have a resist- ance of only 0*6 ohm. Of Course^ the greater the in- ternal resistance of a generator > the greater, generally, the intensity of the current, and with generators that pro- duce a current of low intensity, we can only supply one arc-light in series ; as for instance with the normal generators of Siemens and Bur'gin. The Brush generator, on the other hand, is capable of producing a current of such intensity that 20, and even 40 lamps can be insertel in a single circuit. From a Certain point of view, how- ever, this is no advantage, for currents of such high in- tensity very considerably affect the Colour as well as the steadiness of the light. With currents of comparatively large quantity arid low intensity the light is steady, and in its colour resembles sunlight ; for a greater part, of its lighting-power is due to the incandescence of the electrodes. It is difficult to determine accurately the Comparative values of the generators which have as yet been constructed for the purpose of electric lighting; for, as we already pointed out in Chapter IIL> there is a lack of measure- ments that are impartial and founded on the same basis of comparison. One of the most interesting communications on com- parative experiments with light-machines of various con- struction is to be found in the report by Tyndall and Douglass, known as the " Keport to the Trinity House," which embodies the results of experiments by an English 184 ELECTRIC LIGHT GENERATORS. committee, in 1877, with generators for producing the light in light-houses.* The generators employed in these experiments were 1. A Holmes magneto-electric generator, for producing alternating currents. 2. An Alliance machine, also for generating alternating currents. 3. A Gramme generator. 4. Two Gramme generators, coupled up. 5. A large Siemens generator. 6. A small Siemens generator. The Gramme and Siemens generators were dynamos, producing continuous or direct currents. The Siemens generators were from the works of X, Siemens Brothers, in London, and the Gramme generators had been furnished by the " British Telegraph Manufac- .. :J tory " in London, conducted by Eobert Sabine, to whom % many suggestions as to the mode of measuring the light are due. The Alliance and the Holmes machines were already in use at the South Foreland lighthouses, where the experi- "} ments were carried out. t After various preliminary experiments, the generators were tried on January 18th, with respect to the intensity of the light produced. These intensities were determined for diffused light, and for the light concentrated by re- flectors. However, in the following table, we have to deduct about sixty per cent, from the intensity of illu- mination obtained with the dynamos, if we wish to regard * These experiments, although at this date to be regarded as old, and as made with machines the absolute efficiency of which has been consider- ably increased, are yet the most valuable to the student. To the engineer, who can sift for himself, there are, of course, later measure- ments, such as those made at Munich, Vienna and Paris. EDITOR. SPECIAL DETAILS. 185 the light-intensity as a sign of the efficiency of the gene- rator; for the carbons in the lamps were placed more advantageously for these generators than for the alter- nating current generators. The table contains the mean value of the intensity of light obtained from several experiments. Concentrated light. Diffused light. *- r J Standard Candles. 1. Holmes' Generator . , 1494 1494 2. 2721 2721 3. Alliance . . 1953 1953 4. Gramme . . 5333 3215 5. 9126 5501 6. Siemens . . 14573 8784 7. 5920 3568 The intensity of illumination by a Gramme generator to that of the small Siemens generator (No. 58) was in the ratio of 100 to 100-6, and of the Holmes generator to the Siemens generator in the ratio of 100 to 384. The intensity of illumination with the No. 58 Siemens generator to that with No. 68 generator was in the ratio of 100 to 109-5. The two lighthouses on South Foreland have different heights ; the light of the one was 211-7 m., and that of the other 180-6 m. distant from the engine-room. This difference in distance was accordingly employed to measure the loss of illuminating power for each generator when the current was conducted from the engine-room to the lamps, on the high and the low lighthouse. The cable employed was made up of two cables, connected with each other, each consisting of seven copper wires of No. 14 Birmingham wire-gauge, and the circuit was led 186 ELECTRIC LIGHT GENERATORS. from the engine-room through both lighthouses, and back to the lamp in the engine-room. The loss of illuminating power, due to the resistance interposed by these cables, was, With the Holmes generator * . 29*8 per cent. Gramme . 58*6 Siemens . . 80-4 On March 6th, the measurements were continued, after the collector and the brushes in the Siemens generators had been replaced by new ones J the intensity of illumi- nation then was With No. 58 Siemens gerierator, 4,446 standard candles. With No. 68 Siemens generator > 6,513 For both generators together, therefore . . . 11,009 When generators 58 and 68 were coupled together electrically, they gave a light of 13,179 standard candles, i.e., 19'7 per cent more than the sum of the intensities of illumination with the separate generators. The Holmes and the Alliance machine, which had both been put up in the lighthouses in 1872, had lost con- siderably since then in strength of current and lighting power by the weakening of the magnetism of the steel magnets the Holmes machine about 22 per cent., and the Alliance machine about ten per cent. Various other experiments were tried, which we cannot here describe. The results are apparent from the adjoining Table I. We must not, however, forget that the report of these experiments refers to generators of older construction. Since then electric generators, and especially the Gramme generators, have been much improved, as can. be seen from the results which were obtained with them, accord- SPECIAL DETAILS. 187 jo vo m rt- rh co N ONCO vo ON O O ON co M M J-H_Tj- TfCO CO ** CO CO co COCO ON ^ vo ONVO vO 00 vooo M M vo VO ^^ vovO I I ~u-Tio~ XXX co vo ON coco < ^- Tf O M M ON O M VO N OO 00 vo W VO CO M VO ^ M ON co CO CO M jo jgqumjj 80 o o o o o O N M CO VO VO ^ ^ Th rf rf oo oo O O O O M vo ui *5[.ioAV jo N vp co f^cp CO co vo vo ON vo CO CO CO vo vovO vb b vb t^ H VO VO W O vo ON ON ON VO OO N 04 VO ON ON rj- M Ht M ONCO N VO CO mension m.m. vo CO vo t~>i t^ rj- VO Tt- N vo to M N w r-tco oo co co co t^ i>. r^. M O. t- N 00 rO co ON M r- r CO ON N CO 00 TJ- co t^ r- M O O vo vo vo t^ vo M ON r^ w ON vo CO 3F UI 90IJ m to o~b VO to ~0"cf O O 00 to ON ON t-^OQ rj- r* co Tj- ON CO fO ONOO VO OO OO s ni 2[ioM. jo am^ipuadxg; N to O Tj- M !>. 10 10 to CO to N ON ONVO jo q^Suai^g to ^. t^. ON t> <>OO co ON 00 r-.oO CO vO 00 OO ON ON *>. M 00 CO co ^ -H OO 00 ON ONOO vO jo O O to O OO O t-^ O 11 OO e EH SPECIAL DETAILS. 189 ing to the report on the experiments carried out at the School of Military Engineering at Chatham, in the winter 1879-80. This report is important in so far as the data given were obtained from a large number of carefully-executed experiments ; it is, however, impossible here to reproduce the whole. The results of this report are given in Table II., from which we see that, calculating the mean intensity of illumination per horse-power obtained with the several generators, the Gramme generators this time gave the best results. The intensity of illumination per horse- power in standard candles is as follows : For two Siemens generators, coupled side by side 1428 Gramme-generator, type D * . . . 1821 (7 .... 2048 Two Gramme-generators, coupled side by side . 1916 Wilde's generator 877 The general advantages and disadvantages of the Gramme generator D and of the Siemens generators are summed up in the following criticisms : GEAMME, TYPE D. Advantages : 1. This generator gives a considerably stronger light than any of the other generators tried. 2. The generator can be entrusted to less experienced persons without fear of the wires suffering from heating or sparking. 3. During six hours continuous working, under the same conditions as with the Siemens generators coupled side by side, and with a current of 58-5 amperes, the tern- i go ELECTRIC LIGHT GENERATORS. perature of the wires only increased by 71F. Under the same conditions the temperature of the drum of the Siemens generators was raised 110F. and that of the electro-magnets 85 Q F., with a current of 55 amperes. The electro-magnets of the Gramme generator get more heated than the revolving ring, so that the maximum rise of temperature can be observed without stopping the machine. 4. Absence of sparks. The sparking at the brushes is "extremely feeble and often imperceptible; and con- sequently the wear of the collector and brushes is very slight. The brushes can easily be brought into the right position, and are so arranged that if necessary they can be shifted parallel to the axis of the collector. 5. Simplicity. The connections are very simple and can be easily followed, 6. With a circuit of 0<498 ohm external resistance, 47*8 per cent, of effective work was done in the arc. 7. The number of revolutions is less than in the two medium-sized Siemens generators, and less than half of the number in the Gramme machine (1200) ; in con- sequence, there is less wear and tear of the generator and of the rubbing parts. Disadvantages : The cost of a Gramme generator, type D, is 360, and, accordingly, about 1J times as great as that of the Siemens generator. GRAMME, TYPE C. Advantages : 1. The generator can be attended to by persons who have not much experience, without fear of the wires being damaged by over-heating. In this respect, this generator surpasses all the others experimented with. SPECIAL DETAILS. igi 2. During six hours continuous working, under the same conditions as with the two Siemens machines and the Gramme, type D, and with a strength of current of about 83*15 amperes, the temperature of the wire in- creased only 30 F. 3. Absence of sparks, see advantage 4 of Gramme D. 4. Compactness, see advantage 7 of Gramme D. The price of this generator is 240, which is about the same as that of two Siemens medium-sized gene- rators. Disadvantages : 1. The intensity of illumination is only 19,500 candles, which is about as great as that of the two Siemens gene- rators, and about 30 per cent, less than that of the Gramme D, when making 500 revolutions. 2. The great speed of 1,200 revolutions per minute would probably cause considerable wear of the machine and its rubbing parts.* Two A GRAMMES, coupled side by side. Advantages : 1. Cheapness. The price of the two generators is only 170. 2. These generators have about the same slight amount of heating as the other Gramme machines. 3. Absence of sparks, see advantage 4 of Gramme D. 4. Using the generators separately, two lights can be produced. Disadvantages: 1. The amount of light obtained with these generators is only 18,500 candles, and this is not sufficient for military purposes. * This increased wear of the rubbing parts of properly-constructed high speed machines does not accrue in practice. EDITOR. ig 2 ELECTRIC LIGHT GENERATORS. 2. When the generators are coupled side by side an inversion of the magnetism easily occurs, thus causing great disturbances and much loss of time. Two SIEMENS machines of medium size, coupled up side by side. Advantages : 1. By using the generators separately, two lights can be produced. 2. The intensity of illumination is considerably greater than with the other machines that were tried, excepting the Gramme generators D and (7. Disadvantages : 1 . The wires are easily heated if the persons in charge are not very well acquainted with the working of this generator ; it is also a disadvantage that the revolving drum is more strongly heated than the electro-magnets. 2. When the generators are coupled up side by side an inversion of the magnetism easily occurs, which causes great disturbances and much loss of time. 3. If the lamps work irregularly, there is great spark- ing at the brushes, causing rapid wear of the collector and the brushes. For these reasons more experience is necessary in order to work these generators satisfactorily than with the Gramme generators. A report of an American committee on comparative experiments with light-machines of various construction is published in the Journal of the Franklin Institute (1878, vol. 103, pp. 289-361), and the results of these experiments can be seen from Table III. The American reporters, Profs. Thomson and Houston, remark, that if the results obtained by the American com- SPECIAL DETAILS. 193 I UOq-TBO JO azig Intensity of umination in caudles. spunod 5- ON IH M ' co t^ to 10 b o 10 10 N CO W|QO X w|oo X |ao X X ^ M N 1O t^-co M coco M CO O to ^t- o T t> MaAvod-asjojj vO r^ to Tf- CO CO durej .iad spunod Tf O to ON co" o" iad suoi^njoAai jo jaqum^j 00 00 O CO spunod VO ^ CO CO ON M ON O spunod ui CO ON 10 M saqoui spunod ui '"P b o ON CO co ON ^t to b b o o vo O iovO vO CO co . W o 194 ELECTRIC LIGHT GENERATORS. mittee are to be compared with the results of the English experiments of 1877, the intensity of illumination of the concentrated light, given in Table III., must be divided by 2*87, so as to equalise the difference in illuminating power caused by the different position of the carbon- points in the lamps. In order to ascertain the ratio that the work expended in driving the generator bears to the work done in the luminous arc, the well-known French physicist Tresca, carried out experiments with Gramme's dynamo-electric generators, in the works of Sautter and Lemonnier in Paris. The experiments on October 13th, 1875, were made with a generator that could produce a light of 1850 Carcel lamps 13,690 candle power and, on September 4th of the same year, Tresca tested the efficiency of a small generator capable of supplying a light of (300 Carcel lamps) 2,220 candle power. The following are the dimensions of the first generator : Electro-magnets. Diameter of the iron core of an electro- magnet . . .- 4 . 70 mm. Length of the iron core of an electro-mag- net . V . , ' . . _, . 404 Diameter of each electro-magnet with its wire coil % . . . * . 132 Diameter of the wire '." v : . . 3*3 Weight of the wire on each electro-magnet 24 kg. Ring. External diameter of the core of soft iron 195 mm. Internal diameter of the core of soft iron . 157 Width of the soft iron core . 119 External diameter of the ring . . . 230 Internal diameter of the ring . . 120 SPECIAL DETAILS. 195 Diameter of the wire coiling V&?\ . . 2*6 kg. Weight of the wire coiling .;"'. " . 14'50 Conducting wires from the generator to the lamp : Diameter . . . . . 7*8 mm. Cross-section . . . . % . 47 sq.-mm. Generator. Total length, including pulley . ', . 800 mm. Total height . . . . .". ' . 585 Total width 550 The smaller generator was simpler in its construction, and had the following dimensions : Electro-magnet. Diameter of the iron core of an electro- magnet 70 mm. Length of the iron core of an electro-mag- net 355 Diameter of the electro-magnet and its wire coil 120 Diameter of the wire . . . 3-8 Weight of the wire on each electro-magnet 14 kg. Ring. External diameter of the soft iron core . 168 mm. Internal diameter of the soft iron core . 123 Width of the soft iron core . . 101 External diameter of the ring . . . 203 Internal diameter of the ring . . . 119 ,, Diameter of the wire . . . . 2 Weight of the wire 4-650 kg. Conducting wires from the generator to the lamp : Diameter ....... 2'6 mm. Cross-section ...... 5'5 sq.-mm ELECTRIC LIGHT GENERATORS. Generator. Total length, including pulley 650 mm. Total height . . . ;, . 506 Total width . "..' V . V . 410 The large generator supplied a regulator lamp of Gramme's construction, the small one a Serrin lamp ; both lamps had similar carbons of 8*1 sq.-mm. cross-section. The distance of the lamps from the photometer was measured, and at the same time a diagram was taken on the dynamometer from the motor that worked the generator, and the number of revolutions recorded. From the data obtained the following table was constructed. 1. Large generator (16th October, 1875). Katio of the distances of the electric lamp and of the Carcel lamp from the photometer, 40 : 0*93. Ratio of the illuminating power of the electric lamp and the Carcel lamp : 40 2 : 0'93 2 =1850. Number of Trial. Revolutions per minute of the Dynamometer. Mean ordinates in mm. , of the diagram. "Work in kilogr. metres per second. I 2 3 4 6 238 251 248 244 241 244 22-50 18-89 21 74 16*60 I5-59 16-65 678-28 6oo'^6 682-82 5i3'oo 475'86 516-23 Mean 244 576*12 or 7 '68 horse-power 7-68 x 100 1850 Work per 100 Carcel lamps (740 candles) = = 0*415 horse-power. Work per Carcel lamp (per 7'4 candles), and per. second = 0*31 kg.m. 2. Small generator (4th December, 1875). SPECIAL DETAILS. 197 Ratio of the distances from the photometer, 20 : 1*15. Ratio of the light intensities, 20 2 : M5 2 = 302-4. Number of Trial. Revolutions per minute of the Dynamometer. Mean ordinates of the diagram in mm. Work in kilogr. metres per second. I 2 3 234 238 244 7-11 666 7-42 20173 20079 225-42 Mean 239 2io'65 or 2 '3 1 horse-power Work per 100 Carcel lamps = 2-81 x 100 302-4 = 0-92 horse power. Work per Carcel lamp, and per second, = 0*69 kg.m. The generators worked steadily, and were kept going only as long as no heating was noticed. Comparing the results obtained with the large and the small generator, we see that in using the latter we re- quire twice as much motive power to produce a light equal to one Carcel lamp as is necessary when we employ the large generator. These results agree with the remark made in the previous chapter, that small machines are never as advantageous as large ones. The accuracy of this view is further confirmed by the experiments of Prof. Hagenbach, carried out at the Physico-Technical Institute, University of Basel. In these experiments were used a Grramme generator from the works of Heilmann, Ducommun and Steinlen, at Miihl- hausen, a Serrin lamp, and a Bunsen photometer. For the unit of light, the paraffin candle of 21-4 mm. diameter, and 41-3 mm. length of flame was adopted. The width of the generator, and the length of the electro-magnet was 27 c.m. ; on the shaft there were 198 ELECTRIC LIGHT GENERATORS. two rings, each of 48 coils. The whole of the current traversed the external circuit and was conducted round the electro-magnet. The resistance of the luminous arc in the lamp in circuit was determined by first inserting the lamp in the circuit, ascertaining the number of revolutions of the armature, then removing the lamp and putting in as much resistance in its place, till the original number of revo- lutions and strength of current was again reached. The result gave 4*75 Siemens' units, for the arc, to which corresponds a total resistance of 6*63 units, during the production of the light. The following table gives the results of the measure- ments for the intensity of illumination and the strength of current. Number of Revolutions per minute. Intensity of Illumination in Standard Candles. Intensity of Cur- rent in cubic cm. of Gases per minute. Electromotive Force in Deleuil Elements. 1700 1800 1900 20OO 506 567 628 689 119 126 133 140 40*8 43'2 45-6 48-0 From this table it will be seen that with 1,800 revolu- tions, an intensity of illumination was obtained of 567 paraffin candles, which is equal to that of 80 Carcel burners ; and with a Prony brake-dynamometer it was ascertained that for a speed of 1,800 revolutions per minute, 90 kg. mets. of work had to be expended per second. Consequently, in using the small generator tested by Hagenbach, 1-1 kg. mets. of work had to be expended to produce a light equal to 1 Carcel burner, and, comparing the results obtained in Tresca's and SPECIAL DETAILS. 199 Hagenbach's experiments, we see that the smaller the generator the more unfavourable were the results. Work per second for light = 1 Carcel Burner. Generator to give light of 1850 Carcel Burners 0-3 kg.met. 302 0-69 5? 5) ?> 80 1*1 In his work on electric lighting, Fontaine reports on experiments carried out in Gramme's laboratory with a generator of new construction ; and from this work we take the following data and tables. The generator employed in the experiments was a Gramme's light-machine of the normal type represented in Fig. 29, which had been constructed at the works of Mignon and Eouart. The lamp was a Serrin regulator made by Breguet. The carbons had a diameter of 13 mm., and were pre- pared by Gaudoin's process. The motor employed to work the generator was an Otto gas-engine of 5 -horse power, and which was con- nected with a Giroud gas-pressure regulator, introduced to prevent differences in the pressure of the gas, which might disturb the uniform working of the engine. The Gramme generator was directly connected with the gas-engine. The specific resistance of the cables was 0*75, silver = 1, and their cross section was 10 sq. mm. The number of revolutions per minute of the gas- engine was 160, and the expenditure of work was not only calculated with reference to the number of ex- plosions per minute, but in order to obtain trustworthy numbers, it was measured directly after each light- measurement. 200 ELECTRIC LIGHT GENERATORS. I. EFFECT OF THE NUMBER OF EEVOLUTIONS. '-3 oi* of &1 o a Intensity of Illu- mination, in Work expended, in c o >4 ^ ?.| o i l.fl IS Carcel Burners. kilog. metres. ."S G O G g -P< _ o rt S j^ -4^ Per 100 Units ~ cu &.S 2*1 .3 *o 03 G ^ | Per 100 Units 2 jj 'U fl -S'i Measur- of the mean ^.S Ji i g II ed hori- zontally. Mean. Total. Intensity of Illumination 3l 750 TOO 5 351 702 175 25- 301 75 IOO 4 321 642 186 29- 259 75 100 3 2 95 590 I 9 2 32'^ 28l 75 IOO 2 2 5 6 512 214 41*7 214 75o IOO I 225 45 233 51-6 145 75 IOO O 140 280 330 117-8 63 SPECIAL DETAILS. 201 III. INFLUENCE OF THE LENGTH OF THE CABLE.* volutions inute. 3 si H Intensity of Illu- mination, in Carcel Burners. Work expended, in kilog. metres. .-si 1 si i o S -fJ "t^ Per 100 Units 1 1 02 *s tig f2 Q Measur- of the mean JS-^ & a fe 5 (3 ^ zontally. Illumination ^^ ^ 750 IOO 4 321 642 186 28-9 267 800 150 5 345 670 230 33'3 225 825 200 5 315 630 232 36-8 178 8 5 o 300 5 275 550 225 40-9 900 400 5 260 520 241 46*3 162 950 50O 5 245 49 230 46*1 160 1000 750 5 236 472 243 51-4 145 IIOO 1000 5 215 430 256 59'5 126 '350 2000 5 160 320 230 718 104 IV. INFLUENCE OF THE LENGTH OF TIME DURING WHICH THE GENERATOR WAS WORKED. volutions inute. * H C ~- - ~ 2 OT . o g Length Intensity of Illu- mination, in Carcel Burners. Work expended, in kilog. metres. *- ||1 r S g -g ~g of 1 Per 100 Units * "80.3 ^2 Working. Measur- of the mean ^^^ . P^ ed hori- Mean. Total. Intensity of & ^ 02*J zontally. Illumination ^ * 75 IOO 2 Starting. 199 398 214 537 ^39 750 IOO 4 15 mm. 180 380 183 50-8 147 760 IOO 4 30 175 350 194 55'4 T 35 75 IOO 4 i hour. 181 362 191 53' 142 75 IOO 4 2 ,, 191 382 I 9 2 50-2 149 75 IOO 4 3 > 190 380 190 So' 150 * In all the experiments the cross section of the cable was 10 sq. mm. 202 ELECTRIC LIGHT GENERATORS. For measuring the intensity of illumination, a Foucault photometer was employed. The tables, pages 200 and 201, contain the results of the experiments. The last column in Table I. shows that a light of 285 Carcel burners (1,909 standard candles) was obtained per horse-power, which is a far more favourable result than any given by other experimentalists. Table II. shows the effect of the distance between the carbons; the length of the cable and the number of revolutions being constant. For practical purposes, how- ever, the distances given are not all applicable, for if the distance between the points of the carbons was 5 mm., the light burnt very unsteadily, and it was only the results obtained with a distance of 3 mm. that were of practical value. Table III. shows the influence due to the length of the conducting wires on the expenditure of work (and on the intensity of the light.) From Table IV. it can be ascertained what is the ratio between the current when the dynamo is started, to the current when equilibrium is established. According to Fontaine, the result shows that, using a Serrin lamp the most satisfactory results are obtained with the Gramme generator (normal Type) working at the speed of 750 revolutions, with the carbon points 3 mm. apart and the cable having a length of 100 mm. The mean intensity of illumination (of the diffused light) is then equal to 590 Carcel burners for an expendi- ture of work of 192 kgr. met. (2'55-horse power), and this corresponds to 32*5 kgr. met. per 100 Carcel burners. CHAPTER IX. VARIOUS APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRIC GENERATORS. No other application of electric machines has been so successful as their employment for lighting; but in other ways these machines have proved of great value ; and in various industries their introduction in place of the batteries formerly used has brought about so complete a revolution that we can predict with certainty, that these generators are not only destined to supplant almost all other methods of producing currents, but also that in- numerable applications will still be found. Electric generators for plating and electrotyping pur- poses, for instance, render excellent service, and, in them, we not only have apparatus that is more cleanly and con- venient, supplying electrical energy more cheaply than galvanic batteries, but, what is far more important, the current remains perfectly constant and uniform. It was only by employing electric generators, that it became possible to execute the delicate and artistic pieces of galvano-plastic workmanship as are, for instance, supplied by the firm of Christofle & Co., in Paris ; or, that the coating of very oxidizable metals with other metals could be effected on the present scale. Since the invention o^ electric generators, gilding, silvering, nickeling and tinning have become so universal that it is only in few branches of the trade that easily oxidized metals are employed without an artificial coating, and 204 ELECTRIC GENERATORS. these coatings are not only an important advance from an artistic point of view, but the durability of all articles made of common metals is greatly enhanced. With regard to the construction of generators intended for galvano-plastic purposes, we have to remember that, unlike the light-generators, they have to produce currents of comparatively low intensity, but of large quantity. In plating and typing machines therefore, constructors have endeavoured to employ coils of very thick wire. In principle, generators with electro-magnets, which receive their current from an exciting machine, would probably be the best for galvano-plastic purposes, for with these generators there would be no fear of an inversion of the current from the polarisation of the electrodes ; at present, however, dynamo-electric genera- tors are chiefly used, modified in construction, or con- nected with special current interrupters, to prevent a change of polarity of the field-magnets. In order to understand this, we must remember that if the field -magnets of the generator are inserted in the same circuit with the galvano-plastic apparatus (as is, in fact, the case if the dynamo-electric principle is alone employed), a current of opposite direction, which has been generated in the galvano-plastic bath by the polarisa- tion of the electrodes, will traverse the coils of the electro-magnets when the generator is brought to a stand- still. This current then suffices to impart a small amount of residual magnetism to the iron cores, converting the former south and north poles into north and south poles respectively. If we again set the generator in motion, this polarity will start the new current, and accordingly, a current will enter the galvano-plastic apparatus, which will have a direction opposite to that of the original VARIOUS APPARATUS. 205 current, and which will, of course, re-dissolve the deposit, and destroy the previous work. This evil can only be remedied by not alone employing the dynamo-electric principle in the generators, but by conducting a portion only of the current through the galvano-plastic baths, whilst the other portion is used to excite the field-magnets ; or the return of the opposite current can be prevented by the use of a current inter- rupter, an apparatus that interrupts the connection of the conducting wires between the galvano-plastic bath and the generator, at the moment when the latter stops, or when the current generated by it can no longer keep back the opposing current. Many such current inter- rupters have been constructed. The current interrupter employed by Gramme con- sists of a balanced piece of iron which has a counter- weight. It connects the brushes which bear on the collector with the electro-magnets. As long as the armature of the generator rotates with a certain speed, the magnetism of the electro-magnets is strong enough to hold the piece of iron by the power of attraction. As soon, however, as the speed slackens, and the current accordingly becomes weaker, the magnetism of the elec- tro-magnets is diminished, the piece of iron falls off, and the circuit is interrupted between the electro-magnets and the galvano-plastic apparatus which is connected with the brushes ; no polarising current can, therefore, reach the magnetising coils of the machine. Western's circuit closer is rather more complicated. It consists of a small iron column, which carries a spindle in a horizontal collar, and on the spindle is a disk pro- vided with two radial grooves. In each groove of this disk there is a metallic slide-block, and when the gene- 206 ELECTRIC GENERATORS. rator is not working (the disk rotates simultaneously with the armature) this block is pressed towards the centre by a spiral-spring, where it rests on a metallic nave, which is insulated from the disk. A metallic spring, connected with one of the conducting wires, bears on the nave, whilst the slide-blocks are connected with the other conducting wire. When, therefore, the generator is at a standstill, the slide-blocks and the nave are in metallic contact, and these remain so, as long as the rate of rotation is not great and the current is but weak ; in this case, therefore, the latter will flow through the short circuit established by the current-closer. However, if the speed of rotation of the armature and, therefore, also of the disk increases, the two slide-blocks are driven towards the circumference by the centrifugal force, and are pulled away from the metal nave. The current must, therefore, now flow through the galvanoplastic apparatus and the coils of the electro-magnets, that is, it must traverse the larger circuit. From what we have said, it will be seen that, while Gramme prevents polarising currents entering the coils of the electro-magnets of the machines, when the speed slackens, by interrupting the circuit, Weston attains the same result by establishing a shunt-circuit which is selected by the current, on account of its smaller resistance, as soon as the metallic contacts allow it. Mohring's current interrupter is only a modification of the Weston current closer. In Mohring's generator, the disk of the current-closer, which has three slide-blocks, is connected with the col- lector. These slide-blocks bear against the rim of the disk only when the generator attains a certain speed, thus producing metallic connection between the parts of the VARIOUS APPLICATIONS. 207 collector ; but, when the generator revolves slower, the slide-blocks are not in contact with the rim, and the circuit is thus interrupted. Besides the current closers and interrupters we have described, there are others that have done good service, but a description is superfluous, as the principle will be understood from what has been said, and the construction can, of course, be varied in numerous ways. If magneto-electric generators are employed for galvano-plastic purposes, wliose field-magnets are not in the same circuit as the galvano-plastic bath, no pre- cautionary apparatus is necessary for preventing polarising currents from entering the generator. The application of dynamos for obtaining pure metals on a large scale was mentioned when we were describing Siemens' generators ; we also called attention to the ap- plication of electric machines to the preparation of ozone, and from the results obtained we may conclude that in time the employment of electric generators in the various branches of industry will attain great importance. Another application of the electric current worth men- tioning, and which only became possible through the in- vention of electric generators, is the melting of very refractory metals. The extremely high temperature necessary to melt platinum and iridium, formerly made the working of these metals very difficult and expensive, whereas by means of the great heat which powerful electric currents can produce, it is comparatively easy now to work them* as well as to carry out those chemical reactions, and de- compositions which require a specially high temperature. Sir William Siemens, of London, deserves the merit of having constructed a suitable apparatus for melting re- 208 ELECTRIC GENERATORS. fractory metals by means of the electric current. The Siemens smelting apparatus consists of a crucible made of graphite, or some other refractory material, which is placed in a metal vessel. The crucible, does not, how- ever, touch the inside of the metallic vessel, but is separated by a layer of pounded wood, charcoal, or some other bad conductor of heat. The positive electrode, a bar of gas-carbon, projects through the bottom of the crucible into the interior, whilst the other electrode, re- presented by a rod of compressed carbon, passes through the cover of the crucible. Both electrodes are kept at a suitable distance from each other by an automatic regu- lator, of simple construction, and the electric arc thus remains uniform. When a dynamo was employed, which absorbed 4 horse-power in its working, and produced a current of 36 amperes, Siemens found that a crucible 20 c.m. in depth was rendered white hot in less than a quarter of an hour ; and that in the next quarter of an hour a kilogramme of steel could be caused to melt. The subsequent meltings were carried out even more rapidly. Electric generators are now used most successfully in telegraphy. The first experiments were carried out in India, in the autumn of 1879, by L. Schwendler, who con- ducted a portion of the powerful current of a dynamo, used in the telegraph workshops of the Alipore govern- ment for lighting, through the 850 miles of telegraphic wire between Agra and Calcutta, and with it he was able to transmit a number of telegrams without change being noticed in the brightness of the electric light, for the portion of the current conducted away was only about *004 of the total current. Encouraged by this favourable result, Schwendler sup- plied all the wires of the Calcutta telegraph office with USES IN TELEGRAPHY. 209 branch currents from a dynamo, and the result was most satisfactory. In other places, too, electric generators have proved of use in telegraphy. L. Kohlfiirst, of Prague, employed a small magneto- electric machine for the same purpose, and with it he worked three Morse printing telegraphs. Very satis- factory results too were obtained with electric generators at the Central Station of the Western Union Telegraph Company, in New York. They did not, as in Schwend- ler's experiments, use only one generator, from which the various currents were branched off; but a number ot Siemens generators, whose electro-magnets were excited by the current from a dynamo, were coupled up, and the necessary currents were thus produced. The result was so favourable that the Western Union Telegraph Company now solely employ electric generators for telegraphic purposes, instead of batteries. The current of these machines supplies the 360 wires issuing from the principal station, and also the cables of the Gold and Stock Telegraph Company. The generators occupy only a tenth of the space for- merly taken up by the batteries, and one engineer is able to look after the whole of them. The company believes that through the introduction of electric machines the working expenses will be reduced 50 per cent. We have already mentioned the employment in physical laboratories and for medical purposes of the smaller electric generators, worked by hand or foot, and with re- gard to these we need only add that as soon as the expense of their construction is diminished, they will quite possibly definitely replace galvanic batteries. The most interesting application of electric machines, 2io OTHER APPLICATIONS. and that which has the greatest future, is their applica- tion to the transmission of power. As regards this application we shall in the present volume confine ourselves to a few general statements. The principle of the electrical transmission of energy is that by transmitting the motion of a steam-engine, or any other motor, to an electric generator a current is produced, and by means of conducting wires this current is then conducted to a second electric generator, where it is again converted into mechanical work. In this way the work done by a steam-engine can be trans- mitted to any distance. It is true that as yet we have not succeeded in effecting this transmission economically, and that, with generators as constructed at present only about 50 per cent, of the work done at one station is obtained again at the other station. When, therefore, the motive power has to be provided by an expensive method, the electric transmission of energy rarely pays. At first, it was supposed that the transmission of an immense amount of energy, such as that of the Niagara Falls, would necessitate an inordinately thick cable. Prof. Perry, of London, however, explained in a lecture, given at the Society of Arts, on March 24, 1881, that with a suitable arrangement of the generators employed, and with sufficient insulation, the whole energy of the Niagara Falls might be transmitted to New York through a tele- graph wire. Amongst the applications which have as yet been made of the electrical transmission of energy, are the working of agricultural machines by means of stationary motors at a great distance, as for instance, in the experiments of Chretien and Felix, at Sermaize ; the electrical railways of Siemens-Halske, electrical lifts, &c. The time is not POWER TRANSMISSION. 211 far off when it will be possible to transmit energy from large central stations, in the form of the electric current to all the houses of a town. There the inhabitants will then be able to convert it into light, heat, or me- chanical energy as they like, and to employ it for all possible purposes. There is no doubt but that in. time magneto and dynamo-electric generators are destined in many cases to replace steam motors. 212 CONSTRUCTION OF ELECTRO-MAGNETS. APPENDICES. CHAPTER X. FORMULAE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ELECTRO-MAGNETS. ALTHOUGH in this book we have assumed that the reader has a general knowledge of the theory of magnetism, and although it is outside our scope to enter fully on theo- retical questions, still it appears desirable that, in a manual on electric generators, the formulae should be given that relate to the construction of the most im- portant parts of these generators, the electro-magnets. Accordingly, as a supplement to Chapter VII., we give some equations by which, according to Du Moncel, the best conditions for the maximum intensity of the mag- netic moment, and of the attractive power, can be easily found. Let a = the thickness of the magnetising coiling ; 6 = the total length of the two coils, or of the two limbs of the magnet ; c = the internal diameter of the coils, which practically is assumed as the diameter of the magnetic core ; g = the diameter of the wire and insulating material ; A = the attractive power of the horseshoe magnet ; E = the electromotive force of the current ; M = the magnetic moment ; H = the length of wire on the exciting coil ; TURNS OF WIRE. 213 / = the strength of current in the whole circuit ; t = the number of turns of wire on the limbs of the magnet ; R = the resistance of the external circuit. In this case we can denote the number of turns of wire in each layer by , and the number of layers in each y ., , a coil by . y The number of turns of wire will, accordingly, be ob- tained from the equation b a ba ,,. t X = -^T. (1) 9 9 tf Further, the length of a turn, in the layer which lies directly on the core, is 2 and the length of a turn in the outermost layer is c + 2a - g m - 2 ~~ ' consequently the total length of the wire in each of these two layers is 9 9 Now, as the layers between these two form an arith- metical progression, the first and last terms of which are given by the two preceding expressions, and as the number of terms is equal to , we find the total length y of the wire in the exciting helix from the equation TT _ b 2ir(c + g + c + 2a p} a _ TT b a (a + c) , ~ ~~ ~ 2i 4 CONSTRUCTION OF ELECTRO-MAGNETS. The values of t and H are therefore functions of those for a, 6, c and g ; and having measured the thickness of the insulated wire, and the thickness and length of the coil, and having counted the number of turns in the coil, we can easily calculate the length and number of the turns wound on a magnetic core, if we divide the length of the coil by the number of turns, and determine the difference between the external and internal diameter of the coil. Similarly, we can, if necessary, find the values for a and g from the above equation, or establish other expressions for A and H. The electro-magnetic force of the magnet is found by taking into account the laws of Jacobi, Dub, and Muller, who have determined that the actual strength of a mag- net or, according to the physical term, its magnetic moment, M is equal to the strength of the current flowing through the magnetising helix, multiplied by the number of turns of wire, and that its power of attrac- tion, A, is equal to the square of the magnetic moment. From this we get the formulae Et EH* ~ R + H a = (R + HV ' Now, if in these formulae we substitute the values for t and H previously found, we obtain the equations M M = Q j- 7 - r and + TT 6 a (a + c) -He These equations show that we can obtain maximum values of strength for M and A in various ways, accord- ingly as we change the value for a, 6, c or g. The prin- MAGNETIC MOMENT AND ATTRACTION. 215 cipal conditions on which these maxima depend are : 1, The resistance of the coil ; 2, The ratio of its diameter to the diameter of the core ; 3, The dimensions of the magnet itself. In practice, it will always be desirable to find an ex- pression for R, which expression will be a function of the resistance of the magnetising coil. This is arrived at in the following way. First of all we divide g, which denotes the diameter of the wire and its insulation by a coefficient, /, in order to obtain the diameter of the bare wire, as it is that alone which comes into consideration when we calculate the resistance. (In practice, this coefficient may be taken as 1*6 for very fine wires, and as 1*4 for medium wires.) The diameter of the bare wire is therefore -^- ; and if by q we denote the ratio of the efficiency of conductor R to that of conductor H (including the constants, referring to conductivity per unit of cross-section, which is 0-000016), we obtain ^JT~ as the reduced value for R. Because, with the increase in thickness (-^-) of the wire, not only the resistance of a coil of constant diameter, but also the length of its wire, is diminished two values which vary at the same rate the resistance, H, of the coil will be inversely proportional to g*, instead of to <7 2 , but the quantity, -^^~ 9 will remain inversely proportional to # 2 , so that for the nominators of M and A we get the following expressions : +46a(q + c)/ 2 ; rqRg* 4 b a (a + i)/ 2 "! /V L /V 216 CONSTRUCTION OF ELECTRO-MAGNETS. The values for M and A themselves are : C ' ' (3) A = Having thus determined the values for M and J., the question arises as to what are the conditions for obtaining maximum values for A and M. We shall first con- sider I. The dependence of the maximum values of A and M on the resistance of the magnetising coil. This dependence would have to be ascertained if we were desirous of employing an electro-magnet of given dimensions, and wished to select such a thickness of wire as would enable us to obtain a maximum for the values A and M, when the resistance of the external circuit is given ; or if, with a given external resistance, we wished to employ a particular kind of wire for the magnetising coil, and wished to calculate the dimen- sions of the latter, with which M and A would obtain their maximum values. In the first case, the variable is for instance, makes a coil, which is wound on soft iron, rotate between the Fig. 55. poles of two electro-magnets. The plane of this coil makes a certain angle with the aiis of rotation. The arrange- ment is such that first one and then the other flange of the rotating coil arrives opposite the poles of the fixed electro-magnets. In consequence of the change of polarity, alternating currents are generated in the coil. In another construction, the rotating coil is fixed on the spindle in an inclined position. It rotates inside a 244 LATEST CONSTRUCTIONS. coil also in an inclined position, and is surrounded by an iron ring. The poles of this ring are, in the latter case, induced by the flanges of the rotating coil. These generators are remarkable for their simplicity of construction, and in this probably no machine surpasses them. In his patent, Jabloohkoff claims the invention of a dynamo-electric or electro -dynamic machine in which an electro -magnetic coil, fixed on a shaft in an inclined posi- tion, moves in the magnetic field in such a way that, with each revolution alternately, opposite poles face each other. At present the efficiency of these generators, however, appears in practice to be low. In Gordon's alternating current generator we have the second colossal machine. A large number of those electrical engineers who have in view the erection of large central stations, from which electrical energy is to be supplied to whole quarters of a town for the purpose of illumination and for the transmission of energy, believe that this is best attained by putting up generators of gigantic dimensions. The first generator which seems to answer this purpose was built by Edison ; 120 horse- power is necessary to work this generator, and about 1 ,000 incandescent (Edison) lamps, of 16 candle power each, can be supplied by it. As regards size, Edison is surpassed by the alternating current generator constructed by Gordon, with the assist- ance of Messrs. Clifford and Lucas. In outward appearance, Gordon's generator resembles the first electro-motor constructed by Jacoby. In both, a disk carrying electro-magnets revolves in a vertical plane between two fixed disks which carry double this number of electro-magnets, arranged in a circle. The . GORDON'S MACHINE. - 245 ratio of the induced portions to inducing portions is the same in both cases, 6 64 12 == 128* This generator (Fig. 56), including the base, has a length of four metres. Its essential parts, the inducing portions and the armature, have a circular area of 2' 3 metres diameter, and weigh 18,000 kgr. The armature consists of two iron rings fixed at a certain distance from each other \ Cross-pieces secured by nuts keep both rings in their relative positions. Each of the two armatures carries sixty-four bobbins, whose cores are composed of sheet iron rolled up in the same way as the coils and fastened to the rings by nuts. The diameter of the armature wires is mm., which corresponds to a conductor of 22 sq. cm. cross-section when all the bobbins are coupled up parallel; there, accordingly is no fear of heating and its consequences, even with considerable currents. With a generator of such size the employment of a commutator and of brushes for taking up the induced currents is best avoided, as the sparks, formed at the places where both Come in contact, would be a great drawback. This too, is one reason why Gordon has decided not to allow the bobbins of the armature to rotate as usual, but to fix them on both sides of the inducing magnets. In this generator the inducing bobbins or magnets form the revolving part. Accordingly the inducing field moves parallel to the surfaces of the armature bobbins. The inductor (that is, the disk with the field-magnets) consists of two iron disks, connected with each other by corresponding castings, fixed on a shaft at their centre. 246 LATEST CONSTRUCTIONS. At the circumference of the disks there are thirty-two electro-magnets, whose cylindrical iron cores pass through the disks and show similiar surfaces on both sides. These lie flush with the free surfaces of the coils, and are pro- vided with flattened pole-pieces of soft iron. The exciting current is supplied by one or two Burgin generators, and is conducted into the coils of the magnets by means of GORDON'S MACHINE. 247 two brushes which bear on two insulated brass rings attached to the shaft. The employment of only half as many inducing magnets as of armature magnets, is an improvement which Gordon arrived at from experiment. In employing equal numbers of bobbins on both armature and inductor, he found that the induced current of a bobbin was consider- ably diminished by the neighbouring bobbins to such an extent that the intensity of the lamps inserted in the circuit appears to have been reduced 20 30 per cent. If, however, only half the number of inducing bobbins is put on the same circumference, the separate bobbins are at greater distances from each other, only half the armature bobbins are acted on at one time, and the mutual disturbance of their reaction is almost completely avoided, because between two active armature bobbins there is one momentarily at rest. Two circuits are generally built up from the alternate armature bobbins. With the inductor disk making 140 revolutions per minute, and with a current of 19 amperes, at an e.m.f. of 88 volts, made to traverse its coils, there is obtained in each of the armature coils, a current of 27*5 amperes ; with 200 revolutions, and coupling up the bobbins parallel, a total current of 5,000 amperes is obtained. At the beginning of 1883, the large workshops of the Maintenance Co. in Greenwich, were illuminated by this generator alone, the 128 bobbins having been coupled up in four series of 32 ; 1,300 Swan lamps (of 20-candle power), distributed over a circuit 21 km. in length, were in action, although only half of the current was used, which the generator was able to produce. According to this it seems that the electrical illumination of towns, extensive workshops, &c., by means of large 248 LATEST CONSTRUCTIONS. central stations, is not only possible but also gives satis- factory results from an economic point of view. For the lighting of towns, Mr. Gordon has published the following estimate of : PLANT TO SUPPLY ELECTRICITY SIMULTANEOUSLY TO 60,000 LAMPS OF 20-CANDLE POWER EACH, EQUAL TO 85,000 OF 14 CANDLES. CAPITAL EXPENDITURE, 220,000. Annual Expenditure, Lamps burning 2,000 hrs.per ann. Depreciation and repairs . . . 8,000 Slack coal, at lls 7,100 Water, at 6d. per 1,000 gallons . . 7,100 Oil, &c 850 Wages and superintendence (63 persons) 5,390 Kent, rates and taxes 1,000 Office expenses 500 Directors' fees 1,000 Kenewal of incandescent lamps . . 12,000 10 per cent, of dividend on capital . 22,000 Total required revenue . . 64,940 85,000 14-candle gas burners burn, in 2,000 hours, 850,000,000 cubic feet, which would produce 65,000 at Is. 6d. per 1,000 cubic feet. * PLANT TO SUPPLY ELECTRICITY SIMULTANEOULY TO 10,000 LAMPS OF 20-CANDLE POWER EACH, EQUAL TO 14,000 OF 14 CANDLES. CAPITAL EXPENDITURE, 50,000. Annual Expenditure, lamps burning 2,000 hrs. per ann, Depreciation and repairs , . . 1,500 Slack coal, at lls. .... . 1,230 Water, at 6d. per 1,000. gallons . . 1,230 Oil, &c. . . . 150 GORDON'S ESTIMATE. 249 Wages and superintendence (30 persons) 2,968 Rent, rates and taxes . . . . 250 Office expenses 250 Directors' fees . . . ^ 350 Renewal of incandescent lamps . . 2,000 10 per cent, dividend on capital . . 5,000 Total required revenue . . 14,928 14,000 14-candle gas burners burn, in 2,000 hours, 140,000,000 cubic feet, which would produce 15,000 at 2s. Ifd. per 1,000 cubic feet. Gas in London is 3s. 2d. per 1,000 feet. It is not expected that each lamp erected will average 2,000 hours per annum, but that 2,000 hours is the average consumption of the maximum number alight at one time. Thus, if a house has thirty lamps, but not more than eighteen alight at once, the average consump- tion of that house will be 18 + 2,000 = 36,000 lamp hours per annum. Amongst the machines proposed and used for the supply of the electric current to a large number of in- candescent lamps, the most prominent recently has been the Ferranti alternating current generator, which needs a separate dynamo machine to excite its field-magnets. Like the magnets of the Wilde and Siemens machines, the electro magnets form two crowns, with opposing poles. The difference lies mainly in the armature, which, like that of Siemens, has no iron cores in the coils. It is built up of copper strip, folded or bent over the eight teeth of a wheel having these cogs or teeth very large* These eight loops (half of which are shown in Fig. 57), move between sixteen electro-magnet poles on each side ; so that, as in Gordon's dynamo, self-induction is obviated. 250 LATEST CONSTRUCTIONS. Fig. 57. Fig. 58. FERRANTI MACHINE. 251 Fig. 58 is a general view of this machine. Professor Sylvanus Thompson accredits the invention of this zigzag armature to Sir W. Thomson, who proposed originally that copper strips should be wound between project- ing teeth on a wooden wheel. The framework of the machine is cast in two halves, which are bolted together. The armature strip, arranged in three parallel circuits, is held in place by bolts passing through a star-shaped hub on the shaft of the machine. In the 1,000-light machine, each strip makes ten turns round the zigzags, making in all thirty layers, insulated from each other by strips of vulcanised fibre. The armature is thirty inches in diameter, about one half inch wide, and weighs only ninety-six pounds. It revolves at a speed of 1,400 revo- lutions. The entire machine weighs one and a half tons. A very large alternating-current machine has been constructed by Messrs. Ganz, of Buda-Pesth, and it is capable of furnishing current for 1,200 Swan lamps, each of twenty-candle power. This generator, which somewhat resembles Gordon's, is the invention of Messrs. Mechwart and Zippernowsky. Thirty-six field-magnet bobbins are set concentrically on an iron frame, which serves as the fly-wheel of the high-pressure compound engine used to drive the machine and its exciter, and are rotated within an outer circle of thirty- six flat armature bobbins, which are coreless. Any one of the coils, either of the armature or field-magnets, can be removed from the side of the machine for repairs without interfering with the construc- tion otherwise. The Hopkinson-Edison generator is stated to be a very considerable improvement on the earlier Edison machines, due to Dr. John Hopkirison, F.R.S. Some of these improvements are in the field-magnets, some in the 252 LATEST CONSTRUCTIONS. armature. Multiple field-magnets have been substituted by a magnet consisting of an equal mass of iron, in one solid piece, of much greater area of cross-section and somewhat shorter length. Each magnet arm (there being now only two to a machine) is attached solidly to each pole-piece, and the two are united, at the opposite end to that to which the pole-pieces are fastened, by a very heavy yoke. In the armature a very important change has been made ; the iron disks of the core were, in the earlier machines, held together by six longitudinal bolts passing through holes in the core-plates, and secured by nuts to end-plates. These bolts are now abolished, and the plates are held together by large washers running on screw threads cut on the shaft or axle of the armature. The central space in each plate has been much reduced, thus giving greater mass of iron to the interior of the armature, and providing greater cross-section for mag- netic induction. By these improvements, although the total weight of the machine is the same, a generator that formerly provided current for 150 lamps can now supply 250 lamps. A generator of this size has an armature ten inches in diameter, having a resistance (cold) of 0-02 ohm, that of the magnet coils being 17 ohms. Much of the increase of efficiency that these new machines show is due to the fact that, in the older construction the bolts and their attached end-plates afforded a closed circuit, in which idle currents were constantly running wastefully round, with consequent heating and loss. The older form of machine, as tested at the Munich Exhibition, was found to give an efficiency of 87 per cent, in the ratio of external electric work to total electric work ; but its commercial efficiency, or the ratio of external electric work to the mechanical work imparted to the MOR DRY'S DYNAMO. 253 belt-pulley, was at most 58'7 per cent. An improved machine, as tested by Mr. Sprague, affording current to 200 lamps, gave an electrical efficiency of more than 94 per. cent., and a commercial efficiency of 85 per cent. The Gulcher machine has also been much improved, and has been " compounded," or made self-regulating, by winding the field-magnets, so as to secure a constant potential at the terminals. In the four-pole Giilclier dynamo, there are eight magnet cores ; and each of these receives a shunt coil of fine wire, and outside this a main coil of stout wire. The eight fine wire coils are joined up in series, and the eight main-circuit coils are put parallel. A 6.5 volt machine thus wound gave, with a current of 1 ampere, 61*5 volts; 64 volts at 105 amperes, and 63*5 volts at 130 amperes. The Victoria (Schuckert-Mordey) Dynamo Machine. This machine is an improved form of the Schuckert machine. The directions in which the principal improve- ments have been made are : (a.) With a given size of armature, the useful work obtained is increased 100 to 150 per cent, without in- crease of speed ; in fact, with a decrease of speed. The commercial efficiency is also greatly increased. (6.) The internal loss of energy is reduced by diminish- ing the armature resistance, by decreasing self-induction in the armatures, by the entire elimination of a very con- siderable opposing electro-motive force (which, in the Schuckert machine, was the cause of much trouble and waste), and by more economical construction of the field- magnets. (c.) Eddy (so-called Foucault) currents are reduced to a minimum by suitable lamination, and by insulation of the iron plates or rings of the armature. 254 LATEST CONSTRUCTIONS. In the Schuckert machine the plates were connected by brass rivets in such a way that considerable heat was caused by these currents, which also had other hurtful and wasteful effects, such as, by induction, diminishing the armature " activity " or output. (c.) Improved shape of pole-pieces, and increase in their number. (e.) The method of connecting the armature, by means of which the brushes are never more than two in number. Reduction of Sparking at the Commutator. With reference to the opposing electromotive force men- tioned under 6, a very important improvement has here been made in dynamo-electric machines of this type ; and Mr. Mordey made the discovery of its existence in the Schuckert machine in the autumn of 1882, and this discovery led him to the improvements he has since been able to make in this machine. The discovery of this contrary or opposing electromotive force resulted from a very simple method of examining armature potentials devised by Mr. Mordey. One of the brushes of the machine both being set in their proper places is con- nected by a wire to one terminal of a volt-meter ; the other terminal of the volt-meter is joined by a wire to a small metallic brush or spring, which can be pressed against the rotating collector at any desired part of its circumference. Professor Sylvanus Thompson suggested that the readings taken from the volt-meter when the small brush was in different positions, should be plotted out round a circle corresponding to the circumference of the collector. If the magnetic field in which the armature rotated were xiniform, this curve would be a true %< sinusoid," or curve of sires. The steepness of the slope of the curve, at ISEXBECK'S EXPERIMENTS. 255 different points enables judgment to be made of the relative idleness or activity of coils in different parts of the field. To understand how this wasteful opposing electromotive force arises, it is necessary to refer to some experiments of a very' remarkable character made by Dr. Isenbeck, and described by him in the " Electrotechnische Zeitung " for August, 1883. Dr. Isenbeck sought to investigate the influence exerted by pole-pieces of different form on the inductive actions in the coils of a Gramme ring. Isenbeck constructed a very simple apparatus, of a circular frame of wood placed between the poles of two small permanent magnets, similarly as the ring of the Gamme machine is placed. On the frame, or ring, which is centred, is placed a single coil of fine wire. The coil can be slid to any desired position on the ring, and the ends are put into connection with a galvanometer. By vibrating the ring, through a small arc, synchronously with the period of swing of the needle of the galvanometer, the latter is set in motion by the induced currents, and the deflection of the needle shows the relative amount of induction in the particular part of the field where the coil is situated. The arc through which the ring and coil move is limited to 7 5'. Pole-pieces of soft iron, bent to arcs of 160 were constructed to fit upon the poles of the magnets. In some of the experiments a disc of iron, or a magnet, was placed within the ring. This little apparatus has done more in Dr. Isenbeck's hands to elucidate the actions occurring in dynamo- machines than any other previous investigation: Using a wooden ring and magnets without pole-pieces, a remark- able inversion in the inductive action was observed to take place at about 25 from the poles. When vibrated 256 LATEST CONSTRUCTIONS. in the neutral line, there was no induction in the coil ; but as the coil was moved into successive positions nearer to the poles induction increased. But the most powerful inductive effects were found to be confined to a narrow region within about 12 on each side of the pole. Beyond these points false inductions occurred, giving rise to electromotive forces opposing those generated in the positions close to the poles. These inverse inductions were found to be increased when an iron disk, or an internal opposing magnet pole, was within the ring ; a reinforcing magnet slightly reduced these opposing elec- tromotive forces. This apparatus has enabled Dr. Isenbeck to answer the question why these detrimental inductions arise in the ring. He finds, by difficult calculation, the number of lines of force that will be cut at the various points in the path of the ring ; but Professor Sylvanus Thompson has shown, in a most simple manner, how these inversions may be accounted for. If any of the drawings are taken that illustrate the distribution of the lines of force in a magnetic field between two magnet poles, and a single coil be considered to be passing, like a Gramme coil, through the field, it will be 'observed that at 0, a certain number of lines of force thread themselves through the coil. As the coil moves round towards the south pole (say) the number increases, then becomes stationary ; and this is followed by a very rapid decrease, and at 90, immediately under the pole, the coiling of the coil is edge on to the direct lines of force, and none pass through the coil from one face to the other. Immediately after passing this point, the lines of force crowd into the other face of the coil, and increase in number as the coil approaches a point midway between the pole it is leaving and the THOMSON'S EXPERIMENTS. 257 opposite neutral point to that from which, it started. Thus it is evident that these inversions will occur always in a Gramme ring passing through a weak field, the lines of force in which are curved. If these lines are nearly straight that is, directed with greater intensity these false inductions are reduced. When an iron core or ring is substituted for the wooden ring, the useful induction is greater ; but there is still very slight inversion at about 25 Q from the pole. The use of iron pole-pieces has the effect of entirely removing these inversions, if the pole-pieces extend over the ring through a sufficiently large arc. Professor Sylvanus Thomson has also pointed to the general assumption that the Gramme ring was an improve- ment on that of Pacinotti. He finds that a properly con- structed Pacinotti ring has an advantage which may be measured by the numbers of the following table, the first column of which shows the relative position of the coil in its circular passage : Gramme. Wooden Ring. Gramme. Iron Ring. Pacinotti. Iron Toothed Ring. o 15 5 2 5 30 15- 30 IO 60 70 3o- 45 I2O 140 45- 60 45 195 320 60 - 75 40 2OO 380 75- 90 30 22O 360 All these points have been very carefully considered in the Mordey-Schuckert machine, fig. 59. It will be seen that the pole-pieces are constructed of iron shoes, that are quite narrow, not covering more than 30 of angular breadth of the circumference of the armature, although they embrace the ring through its whole depth. The pole- 3 2 5 8 LATEST CONSTRUCTIONS. NORDEY'S DYNAMO. 259 pieces are of cast iron, cast upon the cylindrical cores of soft iron which receive the coils. The armature of this machine is built up of rings cut from sheet charcoal iron, and Mr. Mordey has taken great pains to secure that there are no electrical circuits made in the bolting together of Fig. 60. these cores, each plate being both electrically and magne- tically insulated from the adjacent plates. Also a very important improvement in these machines has been in the reduction of the number of brushes. Formerly, in multi- polar machines there were as many brushes as poles. Mr. Mordey has reduced the number to two, by the device of 260 LATEST CONSTRUCTIONS. connecting together those segments of the armature coils that occupy similar positions with respect to the poles, and of connecting together those bars of the collector that are at the same potential. There are sixty sections in the ring, and consequently fifteen segments of the collector Fig. 61. from one brush to the other. The factor of conversion of this machine, according to the Anglo-American Corpora- tion's published statements, is 96*15 per cent., and the electrical efficiency, 85-68 per cent. Elphinstone- Vincent Generator. Another machine to which highly skilled attention has been given is the CROMPTON' S DYNAMO. 261 Elphin stone-Vincent. The exterior of this machine is shown in Fig. 60 ; and the internal construction will be clear from Fig. 61. The sections of the armature are wound on a mould as parallelograms, which are then fixed upon the outer cylindrical surface of a papier-mache cylinder, mounted so as to rotate between powerful field magnets and internal field magnets. The latter magnets reinforce the former. The parallelograms of wire are so arranged as to leave the shorter ends of the parallelogram to lie outside the ends of the polar surfaces of the field magnets ; this admits of bringing the longer sides of the parallelograms lying on the drum very close to the poles of the field magnets. The segments of the collector are internally cross connected, as in the Mordey machine, by which arrangement only two brushes are required. Crompton-Burgin Generator. Probably the dynamo that has met with the largest practical demand is the Biirgin machine, as modified by Messrs. K. E. Crompton and Co. As described, the armature of the original machine consisted of several rings set side by side on one shaft, these rings being wound on a square or on a hexagonal frame carrying four or six coils. These were placed in a regular screw or helical order. Mr. Crompton increased the number of rings, alternating the position of the coils, instead of arranging them in helical order. The weight of iron in the armature was then increased. A subsequent change was to make the rings broader and fewer in number, four larger rings, with a collector containing twenty-four segments, being substituted for the ten smaller rings, with their sixty segments. Kecently Mr. Crompton and Mr. Kapp have again changed the form and arrangement of the armature, which is now a single ring of cylindrical or elongated Gramme 262 LATEST CONSTRUCTIONS. shape, with its coils wound on an iron core constructed of very thin soft iron toothed disks, the wire being put between the teeth, as in a Pacinotti ring. The following are stated to be the dimensions of this machine : Weight, 22 cwt. ; length, 3 ft. 4 in. ; height, 12 in. ; width, 2 ft. The armature is 17 in. long and 8 in. in diameter. At 1,000 revolutions the machine gives 145 volts and 110 amperes. Besides these machines, are many others more or less known ; but a sufficient number of typical machines have been described to enable the reader to classify for himself. CHAPTEE XIII. CLAUSIUS' THEORY OF THE DYNAMO MACHINE. WHILST this book was in the press, a very valuable paper, of the highest mathematical order, appeared in " Wiede- mann's Annalen " (vol. 20, 1883, pp. 353-390), from the pen of the eminent electrician and physicist, Professor K. J. E. Clausius. As this theoretical discussion is of a very practical kind, and as it goes farther than any pre- vious inquiry into the laws relating to dynamo-electric generators, this book would be incomplete without due reference to the paper ; and an abstract, as far as pos- sible in the terms of the author, is given in the following pages. 1. Essential constituents of the dynamo-electric ma- chine. Dynamo machines, as hitherto constructed, have outwardly many forms, but in principle they deviate little from one another, and Professor Clausius believes that amongst the continuous current machines the forms of Grramme and Siemens are to be regarded as types. Even these are so similar to one another in their effect that they, so far as concerns the origin of the basic formulae, need not be separately studied. To the essential constituents belongs, in the first place, a fixed electro-magnet with large polar surfaces, or a combination of several fixed electro-magnets, whose simi- lar poles are united by iron pieces into a common polar surface. Between the polar surfaces of the fixed electro- 264 CLAUSIUS' THEORY. magnet there is a space occupied by the rotating electro- magnet, the two constituents of which, the winding and the iron core, may be separately studied. The former, for which rotation is necessary, is termed the rotary helix ; and the latter, the rotation of which is not essential, its iron core. The rotating helix is in many divisions, and these are in conductive connection, so that the end of one and the beginning of the following division are always connected together, and with a metal strip. These metal strips are so fixed next to one another as together to form a cylinder, which rotates with the helix, and upon which rub or glide the two contact-brushes that form the beginning and the end of that conducting part which is wound around the fixed electro-magnets, and including the external conductor. The rotating helix, in each of its positions, is divided into two halves by the electric currents which go from the one contact-brush and meet again in the other contact-brush. The iron core of the rotating helix is magnetised in a double manner. It forms between the poles of the fixed electro-magnet a connecting armature, but which is not in contact, and obtains therefore a magnetisation of such a kind that to every pole of the fixed electro-magnet is directed an opposite pole of the iron core. To express this briefly, it may be said that the axis of magnetisation pro- duced in the iron core has the opposite direction to the axis of the fixed electro-magnet. On the other hand, the iron core is magnetised by the electric current flowing through the windings of the rotating helix from the one contact-brush to the other. The contact-brushes are so placed that the axis of the magnetisation produced by this cause is vertical to that axis produced by the first. From the junction of these effects a magnetisation results LAW OF INDUCTION. 265 whose axis has an irregular direction between these direc- tions. When the iron core is revolved, its poles maintain a fixed position in space, whilst they change continually their position in the iron core. The inductive effect occurring in the helix during its rotation is threefold. In the first place, the fixed electro- magnet acts inductively on the rotating helix. In the second, there is the inductive polar effect due to the magnetisation of the iron core by the convolutions of the helix itself. Thirdly, the convolutions interact induc- tively the one upon the other to some slight extent. 2. Law of Induction. The rotating helix, and the helices of the fixed magnets consist of many convolutions, and these lie so close together that for every single convo- lution, and every joined group of convolutions, it is indif- ferent whether it be considered as having its end con- nected with its own beginning, instead of with the begin- ning of the following convolution or group. The helices may therefore be regarded as a system of closed circuits. The magnetisation of the mass of iron may be considered due to the existence of innumerable small closed electri- cal circuits in its mass, so that there only remain to be studied the effects of closed electrical currents upon closed electrical circuits. The representation of the law of induc- tion becomes very simple. Let any system of closed cur- rents be given, flowing in the circuits s, s 1? s 2 , &c., and having quantities i, i 19 i' 2 , &c., and, further, a closed cir- cuit > , = ( + i,) (b + ,) R p (a + i^ + c ~ (a + ij) (6 + ij p For ordinary practical purposes the simplification may be extended, by considering that the production of current takes its origin with a certain rotary velocity. With this view there can be determined the limit value of the velocity when JLI and ^ approach zero. Representing this limit value of v l by v w abE (45.) V - r , p a + c a b p> or according to (39), f*m\ abR (46.) v n = -T T . p b + q abp This value of v represents the number of the so-called " dead" revolutions, Prof. Clausius has given further applications .of these fundamental equations to the transmission of power by dynamo-electric machines, which will be found in a sub- sequent volume of this series dealing with electrical- motive power. Dept. Mech Eng. INDEX. Accumulators : The first, 104. Piante's, 104. The Elwell-Parker, 109. Faure's, 111. Sellon-Volckmar, 121. Defects in connection with, 131. Applications of, 135, 138. Action : In the Siemens' Coreless Armature, 72. of Niaudet's Machine, 83. Explanation of the Action of the Faure Accumulator, 112. Explanation of the Chemical and Mechanical Action in Accu- mulators, 126. of Circuit Interrupters and Closers, 204, Local, 126, Adjustment : of the Ayrton-Perry Ammeter and Voltmeter, with Springs, 234, of the Ayrton-Perry Ammeter and Voltmeter, with Cog-wheel and Gear, 236. Advantage : of Electric Machines over Galvanic Batteries, 1. of the Siemens' Cylinder Ar- mature, 11. of the De Meritens' Machine, 34. of Lontin's Machine, 34. of the latest pattern of the Gramme Alternating-current Ma- chine, 43. of the Siemens-Halske Alter- nating-current Machine, 44. of the Siemens' Circular Dy- namo, 76. of the Copper Discs in the Armature of Edison's Machine, 85. of the Faure Accumulator, 112, 120. Advantage, Eelative, of Different Machines, 88, 94. and disadvantages of the Plante Element, 107. of Increased Dimensions of Generators, 178. and disadvantages of Gramme and Siemens' Generators, 90, 189. of Electric Machines, 203. of the Ayrton-Perry Dynamo- meter, 228. - Prof. Sylvanus Thomson on the relative, of the Pacinotti- Gramme Ring (Table), 257. Aimant Feuillete (Laminated Mag- net) of Jamin, 53. ALLAKD, H3. Alliance Machine : Construction of, 9, 29, 30. Application of, 29. Alternating Current : Machines, 29, 49. ' Production of, 5. Machine of the Alliance Com- pany, 29. Machine of Brush, 46. Machine of De Meritens, 33, 88. Application of, Machines, 88, 90. Machine of Gramme, 39. Machine of Holmes, 35. Machine of Gordon, 244. Machine of Ferranti, 249. Machine of Lontin, 39. Machine of Mohring and Baur, 37. Machine, Siemens-Halske, 43. Machine of Weston, for Gal- vano-plastic purposes, 35. Ammeter : Commutator, of Ayrton and Perry, 228. Ayrton-Perry's, without Com- mutator, 233. 282 INDEX. Ammeter : Ayrton - Perry's, wiih Springs, 234. Ayrton- Perry's, with Cog- wheel and Gear, 251. AMPERE : Theory of Magnets, 3. Law of Magnetic Induction, 3. Amperian Currents, 13. Direction of, about the S. and N. Poles, 3. Direction of, in the Armature of Pixii's Machine, 4. Anode, 106. Apparatus : Various, 203. Siemens', for Melting Refrac- tory Metals, 207. Appendix, Chapters X. to XIII., pp. 212280. Application : of Large Alternating- current Magneto Electric Ma- chines, 9. ' of Siemens' Cylinder Arma- ture, 11. of Wilde's Machine, 22. of the Alliance Machine, 29. of Secondary Batteries, 135, 139. of Electric Generators, 26, 203. of the Electric Transmission of Energy, 211. Applicability of the various Elec- tric Generators, 88, 94. Approximation Currents, 2; Arc : Arrangement of Lamps in Multiple and Parallel, 98. Modification of the Law of greatest efficiency of a Machine in its employment for the Elec- tric, 144. Steadiness of, -Light, 183. Tresca's Experiments on the relation of the work expended to the work done in the, 194, Armature: of Brush's Machine, 46, 48. of the Alliance Machine, 30. of Baur and Mohring's Ma- chine, 37. of Edison's Machine, 84. of Biirgin's Dynamo, 81, 82. of the Crompton-Biirgin Ma- chine, 261. of De Meritens' Machine, 33. Armature of the Elphiustone-Viri- cent Machine, 260. Coreless, of the Ferranti Ma- chine. 249. of Fitzgerald's Machine, 80. of GUlcher's Machine, 61. of Gramme's Alternating-cur- rent Machine, 39. of Gramme's Direct-current Collec- Plating Machine, 50. Gramme's Ring, and tor, 50. of Gordon's Machine, 245. of Heinrich's Machine, 59. of the Hopkinson-Edison Ma- chine, 252. of Holmes' Machine, 35. of Jiirgensen's Machine, 60. of Maxim's Machine, 79. of the Mordey Machine, 259. of Lontin's Dynamo, 80. of Lontin's Alternating-cur- rent Machine, 38. of Niaudet's Machine, 82. of Pixii's Machine, 4. r- Pacinotti's Ring, 12. of the Siemens-Halske Alt. current Machine, 44. of Siemens' Plating Machine, 70. of Siemens' Circular Dynamo, 72, 76. of Stohrer's Machine. 8. of Wallace-Farmer's Machine, 79. of Weston's Light Machine, 76. of Weston's Plating Machine, 35. - Cylinder, Siemens, 10. Cylindrical, 84. Cylindrical Ring, 57. Flat Ring, 58. Ring, Pacinotti, 12. Drum, construction and theory, 62. Construction of, 172. Causes of heating of, and pre- vention, 174. Relative position of, and the Field Magnets, 175. Coiling of, 125. INDEX. 283 Armature : Resistance and Electro- motive force of, when the Bobbins are variously coupled up, 145. Bobbins (see " Bobbins ") Interdependence of the electro- motive force and quantity of cur- rent (1) on the number of convo- lutions in, 147. (2) on the rate of rotation of, 149. Ratio between current and rate of rotation of, 151. Ratio of effective magnetism in Dynamo-electric Generators to rate of rotation of, 1 51 . Ratio of wire turns in, to turns on Field Magnets in Dynamos, 157. ARON : Explanation of the action of the Faure Accumulator, 112. Arrangement : of the Field Magnets in Brush's Machine, 48. of the Field Magnets in Lon- tin's Machine, 38. of Field Magnets in De Meri- tens' Machine, 34. of the Armature Coils in the Siemens- Halske Alternating-cur- rent Machine, 44. of the Field Magnets in Gramme's Machine for the elec- trical transmission of energy, 50. of Field Magnets in Jiirgen- sen's Machine, 60. of the Field Magnets in Sie- mens' Circular Dynamo, 72. of the Field Magnets in Wal- lace-Farmer's Machine, 79. of the Field Magnets in Wes- ton's Machine, 76. of Field Magnets in Edison's Machine, 86. of Armature Bobbins, in Bur- gin's Machine, 81. Asbestos : Insulation, 71. Attractive force of Electro-magnets, 221. Automatic regulation of the position of the Brushes on the Collector, 173. AYRTON and PERRY'S perfected Dynamo, 101. AYRTON and PERRY'S experiments with Faure Accumulators, 124. and Perry's Dynamometer, 226. and Perry's Ammeters and Voltmeters, 228, 239. Bands (see "Bars," "Strips"). BARLOW and PLUCKNER'S value for the coeff . K. in different kinds of iron, for determining the mag- netic moment, 169. Bars : Copper, round the Field Mag- nets of Siemens' Plating Machine, 70. Copper, on the Armature of Edison's Machine, 84. Battery : Advantages of Electric Machines over, 1. secondary (see " Accumula- tors "), 103, 104, -Ritter's voltaic, with one metal, 104. Plante's secondary, 104. Calculation of weight of, re- quired for any number of lamps, 122. BAUR : Dynamo Electric Machine, 37. Bed Plates : Influence of iron on the magnetic lines of force in a Machine, 171, BIOT : Formula of Biot and Cou- lomb, for the distribution of the magnetism on the surface of a Core, 167. Bleaching Agent: Preparation of Ozone as, by the aid of Electric Machines, 22. Bobbins : On the Armature of the Alliance Machine, 31. of the Armature of De Meri- tens' Machine, 33. Coiling of, Gramme's Alter- nating-current Machine, 41. of the Siemens'-Halske Alter- nating-current Machine, 44. Connection of, Brush's Ma- chine, 48. Number of, Siemens' Circular Dynamo, 76. Armature, Wallace-Farmer's Machine, 79. 284 INDEX. Dy- Bobbins, Armature, Lontin's namo, 80. Armature, Biirgin's Machine, 81. Number of, Armature and In- ductor of Gordon's Machine, 247. Method of coupling up an Ar- mature, to obtain the maximum efficiency, 145. BOSANQUET, R. H. : Mathematical consideration of double-wound Machines, 102. BREGUET : Gramme Machine for physical laboratories, 52. BRUSH : Alternating-current Ma- chine, 46, 178. Regulation of, Machine, 47. Commutator, 47, Double-wound Machine of, 98. Improved method of " form- ing" Secondary Batteries, 132. Proposal for the construction of the plates of Accumulators, 135. Brushes Displacement of Neutral Points, and consequent disposi- tion of, 173. of Brush's Machine, 47. of Gramme's Machine, 51. of Siemens' Plating Machine, 70. of Weston's Light Machine, 78. Reduction of number of, in Multi-polar Machines, 259. BURGIN : Machine, 178, & OROMPTON'S Generator, 261, Burner: Carcel, 119. Branch circuit, 97. Candles: Employment of Alter- nating-current Machines with electric, 89. Capacity : Increase of, in an Accu- mulator, 128. Carbons: Advantage of the unequal consumption of, 88. Influence of the distance be- tween, 200. Carcel-burner, 119. Cathode, 106. Cell: Elwell-Parker, 110. one-horse power, 122. (see "Element") Centrifugal force : Protection of Edison's Armature, 86. Change in direction of current in the coils of an Armature during its revolution, 6. Charge : Retention of, by Accumu- lators, 125. Cause of the spontaneous loss of, by the hydrogen and oxygen plates in Secondary Batteries, 127, 129. Charging : of Plante's elements,106. of Accumulators, 112, 125. of the Elwell-Parker Accumu- lator, 110. of the Faure Accumulators, 114. Effects of, on the durability of the peroxide of lead coating, 130. (see "Forming") Circuit : Extra, 95. Main and shunt, 97. Working, 98. Short, caused in Accumulators, 121. External, 160. Relation of the internal re- sistance of a Machine to the re- sistance of the external, 145. Retro-action of the moving, on the fixed, 265. Inductive influence in itself of the moving, 268. CLARKE : Modification of Pixii's Machine, 7. CLAUSIUS, R. T. E. : Theory of Dynamo Machine, 263, 280. CLIFFORD & LUCAS, 244. Coils : Change in the direction of the current in the Armature, during rotation, 6. Separation of, 20. of the Alliance Machine Arma- ture, 30. in the Giilcher Machine, 61. Armature, of the Wallace- Farmer Machine, 79. Armature, of Biirgin's Ma- chine, 81. Arrangement of Armature, 149. INDEX. 285 Coils, Ratio of the diameter of the Electro-magnet to the diameter of the Coil, 217. of Jablochkoff 'a Machine, 242. Shunt, in Giilch'er's new Ma- chine, 253. Determination of the relative idleness or activity of Coils in different parts of the Field, 255. (see "Coiling"). Coiling : of Armature Coils in Lon- tin's Machine, 81. of the Armature of Biirgin's Machine, 81. of Armatures, 175. [84. Armature of Edison's Machine, Field Magnets of self-regu^ lating Machines, 101* -< Magnetising influence of the Armature, on the effective mag- netism of the Generator, 156. of Armature of Pixii's Ma- chine, 4. Armature in Siemens-Halske Alternating -current Machine, 45. Bobbins in Gramme's Alter- nating-current Machine, 41. Gramme's Armature, 51. Tripolar Magnets, 54. Field Magnets of Jurgensen's Machine, 61. Drum Armatures, 63. Siemens' Coreless Armature, 73. Armature, Weston's Light Machine, 77. Maxim's Machine, 79. Armature of the Elphinstone- Vincent Machine, 260. Collecting : Currents from the Ring Armature, 19. Collector : Construction of, 20. Construction of Gramme's 178, 50. Niaudet's, 83. Schuckert's, with two, 58. The Drum Armature, 63, 65. Siemens' Circular Dynamo ,75. Weston's Light Machine, 78. Connection of the Armature- Coils with, Maxim's Machine, 79. Collector, Absence of, Gordon's M a- chine, 245. Connection of the Coils with, Mordey's Machine, 259. Edison's, for Preventing Sparking, 176. Commutating : Lontin's Ma- chine, 38. Commutator, Principle of, 6. Weston's Plating Machine, 36. Construction of, 175. Segments of, 6. Method of taking the Current from, 6. Wear of, 89. Absence of, Gordon's Machine, 245. rings of, Brush's Ma chine, 47. Jablochkoff's Machine, 243. Committee : for the Investigation of the Efficiency of the Faure Accumulators (Report), 113. Trustworthiness of Reports and Data, 93. Commutator: ^ammeter of Ayrton and Perry, 228. * voltmeter of Ayrton and Perry, 230. Compounded Machines, 253. Conical Cores of the Armature Bob- bins in Lontin's Machine, 80. Connections of Drum Armature and Collector, 63, 66, 69. with Collector in Maxim's Ma- chine, 79. Constituents : Essential, of the Dy- namo, 263. Construction : Theoretical Basis for, Electric Machines, 1. the Alliance Machine, 30. Pixii's Machine, 4. Field Magnets, 164. Commutators and Collectors, 175. Armature, 172. Armature of Edison's Ma- chine, 84. Maxim's Current Regulator, 96. Commutator Rings in Brush's Machine, 47. Siemens' cylinder Armature,10. 286 INDEX. Const ruction, Gramme's Ring Arma- ture and Collector, 50. Pacinotti's Armature, 20. Cylindrical Ring Armature in Fein's Machine, 57. Core of the Armature in Jiir- gensen's Machine, 60. Dram Armature, 63. Pole-pieces in Weston's Light Machine, 77. - Elwell-Parker Element, 109. Faure Accumulator, 111. Plante Element, 105. Sellon- Volckmar Element, 121. Law's Electric Machines, 140. Different Parts of Machines, 164. Steel Magnets, 164. Electro-magnets (formulae), 169, 212. Points to be attended to in good, 175. Machines for plating purposes, 204. Circuit Interrupters and Closers, 205. Ayrton - Perry Dynamometer, 226. Gordon's Machine, 244. Ferranti's Armature, 249. Contact: Pieces (see "Brushes"). 38. Rollers, 20. Convolutions : Interdependence of the electromotive force and quan- tity of current on the number of, of the Armature, 147. Cooling : Electro-magnet Cores in Weston's Machine, 36. Armature in Heinrich's Ma- chine, 60. Journals in Edison's Machine, 86. Armature Core, 175. Core: Gramme's Ring Armature, 50. Cylindrical Ring Armature in in Fein's Machine, 57. (see " Iron.") Electro-magnets in Weston's Machine, 36. Schuckert's flat ring Armature, 58. Core : Armature, of Heinrich's Ma- chine, 59. Armature, of Jiirgensen's Ma- chine, 60. of Bobbins of the Alliance Machine, 31. of Armature of De Meritens' Machine, 33. of Field Magnets of Holmes' Machine, 35. of Brush's Machine, 46. Fixed, of the Siemens- Halske Machine, 60. Iron Wire, Drum-Armature, 69. Iron Discs, Weston's Light Machine. 76. Wooden, 72. Perforated, of Armature Bob- bins, 79. of Armature Bobbins, Lontin's Dynamo, 80. Armature, in Biirgin's Dyna- mo, 81. Edison's Machine, 84. Division of, into Planes, to prevent Foucault currents, 174. Insulated Iron-sheet or Wire, 174. Residual magnetism in, of Field Magnets of Plating Machines, 204. Relation of the strength of a Magnet to the length of the Iron, 216. of Bobbins in Gordon's Ma- chine, 245. Armature, in Mordey's Ma- chine, 259. Work of the Ponderomotive and Electromotive Forcesin, 272, 273. Corrugated Plates : in Accumu- lators, 133. Method of depositing lead uniformly on, 133. COULOMB : Law and Formula of, in connection with Magnets, 165, 167. Coupling, Method of, the Bobbins in an Armature to obtain maxi- mum efficiency, 145. INDEX. 287 Coupling : Flange, 228. Cost: Question of, of a Machine, 178. Relation of, of a Machine to its dimensions, 179. Crater, in carbons of lamps, 88. CROMPTON-BURGIN Generator, 261. Method of winding the Field Magnets in self-regulating Ma- chines, 101. Cross-section of Pole-pieces and Armature Core of Heinrich s Machine, 59, 60. of Armature in Jlirgensen's Machine, 60. Currents : Direction of, in the Ring Armature, 13. Amperian, their direction about the N. and S. Poles of Magnets, 3. Change in direction of, in the Coils of an Armature during its revolution, 6. Direction of, in Gramme's Dynamo Electric Light Machine, 54. Weston's Plating Machine, 37. in Machine of Baur and Mohring, 38. Direction of, in Armature Coils of Pixii's Machine, 4. Direction of, in the opposite halves of the Ring Armature, 15. Pacinotti's method of collect- ing the currents in the Ring Ar- mature, 19. Direction of, in Brush's Ma- chine, 48. Alternating, Machines (see "Generators "). Direct, Machine (see ' ' Genera- tors"). Approximation, 2. Retrocession, 2. Induction, 1. Primary and secondary, 1. Direction of, in Siemens' Dynamo, with coreless Arma- ture, 73. Foucault, 50, 253. Total, 51, 63. Current : direction of, in Tripolar Electro-magnets, 54. - Direction of, in the Drum Armature, 65. -- of low intensity and large quantity, 56. - Polarisation, 56, 104. -- Interrupters, 56, 204, 205. -- Direction of, in Lon tin's Dynamo, 80. -- Variations of, in Dynamos, 91. -- Action of, in a regulator lamp, 92. -- Regulation, 95. - Method of obtaining a con- stant, 102. -- Uniform, 136. -- Production of, in Plante Ele- ment, 106. -- Discharge, 106. - Ratio between, and rate of rotation in Dynamos, 151 . - Ratio of increase of, to the effective magnetism in Dynamos, 151. -- Frohlich's " current curve," 153. - Instruments for 228. measurng, Interdependence of quantity of, and electromotive foix-e : (1) on the number of convolu- tions of the Armature, 147. (2) on the rate of rotation of the Armature, 149. Method of determining the, necessary, for saturating the Core of an Electro-magnet, 169. Self-induced, in Electro-mag- nets, and their retarding action on the magnetisation of the iron Cores, 170. Steadying of, 170. Inversion of, from polarisa- tion, 204. Determination of the quantity produced by a Machine, 277. Curve : Frohlich's Current, 153. Cylinder : -armature of Siemens, 10. -armature of Edison's Ma- chine, 84. Interruption, 177. 288 INDEX. Data in connection with the Alli- ance Machine, 90, 185, 187. Brush's Machine, 49. Gramme's Light ditto, 55, 90, 182. Gramme's Plating ditto, 55. Giilcher's ditto, 61. Siemens-Halske ditto, 68, 70, 90, 182. Biirgin's ditto, 81, 82. Edison's ditto, 82, 86. Tresca's Experiments, 1.94. Elwell- Parker Accumulator, 109. Faure's ditto, 111, 113. Sellon-Volckmar ditto, 122. Marcel-Deprez 1 Machine, 168* Gordon's ditto, 247. Ferranti's ditto, 251. Hopkinson-Edison, ditto, 251. Crompton-Biirgin ditto, 262. Efficiency of various Machines, 183. (See "Trinity House Report".) (See also "Working Effi- ciency.") Dead revolutions, 154. Defects : of Pixii's Machine, 7. of Alliance Machine, 33. of Faure's Accumulator, 121. in connection with Accumula- tors, 131. of some of the Ayrton- Perry Ammeters and Voltmeters, 233. and Advantages of various Ma- chines, 89, 93. (See "Disadvantages," "De- ficiency.") Deficiency of Gramme's Machines, 57. of Edison's Machine, 252. of Fein's Machine, 60. (See "Defect," "Disadvan- tages.") Details, Special, in connection with Light Machines, 183, 202. DEPREZ, MARCEL : Initial Field, 100. Method of maintaining a con- stant current, 102. Galvanometer, application, 115. DEPREZ, MARCEL : Small Electro- motor, 168. Conclusions as to advantages of increased dimensions of Ma- chines, 181. Development, Historical, of Mag- neto and Dynamo-Electric Ma- chines, 1, 28. Dimensions : of Gramme Machine, 178. Conclusions as to, of Magnets relative to maximum efficiency, 220. of Field Magnets, to be ad- vantageously employed in Dy- namos, 170. Disadvantage : of the fixed Iron Core in the Drum Armature of Siemens' Machine, 69. and advantages of Plante's Elements, 107. of Accumulators as portable Electrical Reservoirs, 138. and advantages of different Light Machines, 189. of a porous Separator in Cells, 121. (See " Defect," "Deficiency.") Discharge of the Faure Accumu- lator (data), 114, 118. Discovery : of the Dynamo-Electric principle, 24. Faraday's, of the law of In- duction, 1. Distance pieces, 110. Distribution : of magnetism on the surface of a Core (formula), 167. of free magnetism, 166. DOUGLASS, Report of Tyndall and, on Light Machines, 115. Drum Armature : Direction of cur- rent in, 65. of Siemens and Halske, 61, 66. Siemens' Magneto-Electric Machine with, 67. Siemens' Dynamo with, 61 67. with German-silver Cylinder, 68. DUB, Law of, in connection with Magnets, 214. INDEX 289 Dynamo : Principle, 22. Discovery and application of principle, 24. Variations in the resistance of the circuit, and influence on the working of, 93. Simplest kind of, 24. Defects of, 88, 94. Edison's, 84. Fein's, 57, - Lontin's, 80. Biirgin's, 81. Giilcher's, 61. Maxim's, 79. Siemens', 66, 71. Weston's, 76. Weston's, for galvano-plastic purposes, 35. - Ladd's, 26. Baur and Mohring's, 37. Jablochkoff's, 244. Historical development of, 1, 28. Formulae for measurements in connection with, 237. Dr. Frohlieh's measurements in connection with, 153. Clausius' theory of the, 263. Employment of Accumulators in connection with, 125. - Physical laws bearing on the construction of, 140, 151. Employment of large Magnets in, 170. Employment of, for plating purposes, 204. Dynamometer : Application of the Easton- Anderson, 115. Ayrton-Perry's, 226. EASTON-ANDERSON Dynamometer, 115. EDISON : Dynamo Machine, 84, 178. Hopkinson Machine, 251. Collector for diminishing sparking, 176. Effective Magnetism, 152. Relation of, to current, 155, 156. Maximum of, 157. Efficiency : of a Machine, 9, 140, 163. Efficiency: of Alliance Machine, 33. of Lontin's Machine, 39. of Gramme's Alternating-cur- rent Machine, 43. of Brush's Machine, 49, 183. of Breguet-Gramme Generator, 54, of Gramme's Direct-current Light and Plating Machines, 55, 182. of Giilcher's Machines, 61, 253. of the Siemens-Halske Drum- armature Machines, 68, 70. of Burgin's Machine, 82. of the Marcel-Deprez Ma- chine, 168. of Gordon's Machine, 247. of Jablochkoff's Machine, 244. of the Hopkinson-Edison Ma- chine f 25.3. of Edison's Machine, 252. of the Mordey Machine, 260. Relative working of different Machines, 89, 182, 202. r Relation of the dimensions of a Machine to its, 179. of the Faure Accumulators, 120, 137. Increase of, in the Plante element, 106, 107. of the Elwell-Parker Accumu- lator, 110. of the Faure Accumulator, 112, 114. Relative, of the Faure and Sellon-Volckinar Accumulators, 124. Electrodes, 104. Electrolyte, 110. Electro-Magnets : Construction of, 169. Employment of, as Field Mag- nets, by Wilde, 21. Double winding of, 98. Relation of the strength of an, to the resistance of its Coils, 216. Formulae for the construction of, 212. Determination of the strength of current necessary for satu- rating the Core of, 169. - 2QO INDEX. for Electromotive force : Method maintaining a constant, 96. and resistance of the Faure Bat- tery, 117. Relation of, to the work done, 141. Relation of, to an opposing Electromotive force, 142, 144. of the Armature, when the Bobbins are coupled up in series, or for quantity, 145. Inter-dependence of, and quan- tity of current, (1) on the number of convolutions of the Armature, 147. (2) on the rate of rotation of the Armature, 149. (3) on the intensity of the magnetic field in which the Ar- mature moves, 150. Dependence of, on the shape of the Pole- pieces, 171. of large Machines relatively to that of small Machines, 179. =- Relation of the dimensions of an Electro-magnet to, employed, 220. -. Discovery of an opposing, in Machines of the Schuckert type, 254. Clausius' theory of the Dy- namo, 269, 277. Electrotyping, 203. ELIAS: Determination of the co- efficient in Haker's formula, 165. Method of forming powerful Steel Magnets, 167. Elliptic : Jablochkoffs Machine, 243. ELPHINSTONE- VINCENT Machine, 260. ELWELL-PARKER'S. Accumulator, 109. Ergometer, 237. Exciting : the Field Magnets of a Dynamo, 25. Employment of an, Machine, with Lontin's Alternating-cur- rent Machine, 38. Field Magnets of Gramme's Alternating-current Machine, 39. Exciting : Field Magnets of Brush's Machine, 49. Field Magnets of Gordon's Machine, 246. Experiments : Tyndal & Douglass, 183. with light Machines, by an American Committee, 192. Tresca, on the ratio of the work expended in driving the Generator, to the work done in the Luminous Arc, 194. by Professor Hagenbach, on the ratio to the illuminating power to the work expended, 198. ditto, report by Fontaine (data), 199. on the efficiency of the Faure Accumulator, 113. by Hughes, on Electro-Mag- nets, 223. Explanation : Dr. Aron's, of the action in the Faure Accumulator, 112. Brush's, of the action in Ac- cumulators, 126 External circuit, 160. Extra circuit, 95. FARADAY : Researches on the phe- nomena of induction, 1. FARMER and WALLACE'S Machine, 79. FERRANTI'S Machine, 249. Field : Magnetic, 21, 93. Intensity of the magnetic, 175. Initial, 100. Avoidance of edges and cor- ners in Pole-pieces, if a uniform field is desired, 171. .Number of wire turns on the Magnets of Dynamos, 151. Intensity of the magnetic, and its influence on the Electromotive force of the Machine, 151. Magnets of Holmes' Machine, 35. Employment of Electro-mag- nets as Magnets, 21. Magnets of de Meritens' Ma- chine, 34. INDEX. 291 Field : Exciting the, Magnets, 22, 28. Magnets of Weston's Plating Machine, 35. Magnets of Weston's Light Machine, 76. Magnets of the Alliance Ma- chine, 31. Magnets in a shunt-circuit, 97. Double-wound, Magnets, 98. Magnets of Siemens small Al- ternating-current Machine, 10. Magnets of Baur and Mohring's Machine, 37. Magnets of Lontin's Alter- nating-current Machine, 38. Tripolar Magnets of Gramme's Direct-current Machines, 54, 57. - Magnets of Gramme's Alter- nating-current Machine, 39. Magnets of Gramme's Genera- tor for the electrical transmission of energy, 56. Magnets of the Siemens- Halske Alternating-current Ma- chine, 43. Magnets of Brush's Machine, 48. Magnets of Fitzgerald's Ma- chine, 60. Magnets, Coiling of, Jiirgen- sen's Machine, 60, 61. Magnets, V-shaped, of the Siemens-Halske magneto-electric Drum-armature Machine, 67. Magnets of Siemens' Plating Machine, 70. Magnets of Farmer's Machine, 79. Magnets of Niaudet's Machine, 82. Magnets of Gordon's Machine, number of, 285. Magnets of the Mechwart and Zippernowsky Machine, 251. Magnet of Edison's Machine, 86. Magnets of the Hopkinson- Edison Machine, 252. Magnets, strength of, 91. Magnets, construction of, 164, 198. Field Magnets, resistance of, 160, 161. Magnets, advantageous dimen- sions of, 170. Magnets, relative position of the Armature and, 175. FITZGERALD, DESMOND F. : Direct- current Machine, 60. Fixed Poles : Influence of, on the Ring-armature, 16, 255. Flange-coupling, 228. Flat Ring-armature, 58, 61. - Machine, of Schuckert, 69. FONTAINE : Report on the relation of the illuminating power to the work expended, 199. Force : Attractive, of Electro-mag- nets, 221, Forming : The Plante element, 106. Rapid process of, 108. Faure's method of shortening the forming process, 111. Brush's process of, 132. process in the case of Plates coated with coherent lead, 1-34. Formula : for the portative power of Magnets, 165. for the construction of Electro- magnets, 212. for the magnetic moment of an Electro-magnet, 214. for measurements in connec- tion with Electric Machines, 237. FOUCAULT currents, 253, 275. Prevention of, in Gramme's Armature, 50. Prevention of, in Jiirgensen's Machine, 61. Prevention of, in Edison's Ar- mature, 84, 251. Avoidance of, in Pole-pieces, 171. Prevention of, in iron Cores, 174. FRANKENHEIM : Increase of the "permanent moment" of Mag- nets, 166. ; Relation of the permanent magnetism of an annealed steel Magnet to the magnetism attain- able with a given magnetic field, 166. 2Q2 INDEX. Free Magnetism : Jamin's experi- ments on, 166. Friction : Wearing of Collectors.and Commutators, and loss of energy by, 175.. 176. FROHLICH'S, Dr. F., theory, 151, 270. Current curve, 153. FROMME and FRANKENHEIM'S ex- periments, 166. Fusion : Employment of Electric machines for, of metals, 207. Siemens' apparatus for, of re- fractory metals, 207. Galvanometer : DEPREZ, G. appli- cation, 115 (see, "Ammeter," " Voltmeter.") Galvano-plastic purposes : Ma- chines for (see "Plating Ma- chines "). Employment of WILDE'S Ma-. chines for, 22. Weston's Machine for, 35. Baur and Mbhring Machine. 37. Double collectors, Machines for, 5. Employment of Machines for,, 203. Construction of Machines for, 204. .GANTKEROT, 104. Gases : Production of a lead coat- ing on Accumulator Plates by the reduction of oxide of lead with, 135. Generators (see "Machines ' ). GERALDY Messrs. Frank, and Hos- pitalier's investigations as to the efficiency of the Faure Accu- mulator, 112. GORDON'S Alternating - current Machine, 244. estimate for the lighting of towns, 248. Graduation of the Ayrton-Perry Ammeter, 229. ditto Voltmeter, 231. GRAMME, 21, 50. * System, 12. Alternating-current Machine, 59. GRAMME Collector, 50, 178. Ring- Armature, 50. Dynamos employed by Tresca in his experiments, dimensions, 174. Data in connection with Ma- chines of, 184, 202. Current-interrupter, 205. Relative advantages of the, and Pacinotti ring, 257. Grids in the Sellon-Volckmar Accumulator, 12. Grooving : of the Armature -cores to prevent overheating, 174. of the Armature-core of Brush's Machine, 46. . of the Armature-core of WESTON'S Light Machine, 76. Grouping of the Coils of an Armature, 145. GULCHER'S dynamo, 61. improved Machine, 253. Relation of the work expended to the intensity of illumination, 197. MAKER'S formula for the portative power of magnets, 165. Heat: Production of, in the in- terior of a Machine, 114. Conversion of electrical energy into, 142. Heating ; Influence of, on the re- sistance of the Armature, 149. Prevention of, in Weston's Machines, 36, 77. Prevention of, in the Siemens- Halske Drum-Armature, 68. Causes of, in Armature-cores, and prevention, 174, 175. HEFNER-ALTENECK, Differential lamps, 46, 90. Drum- Armature, 61. see Clausius' theory, 272. HEINRICH'S Generator, 59. Helix : Rotating, 264. HJORTH'S Machine, 101. HOLMES'S Alternating - current Machine, 35. HOPKINSOX-EDISOX Machine, 251. Horse-power: Measurer, 237. One h.p. accumulator Cell, 122. INDEX. 293 Horse-shoe : Elias method of mag- netising, Magnets, 167. shaped cross section of Hein- rich's Armature-core, 59. HOSPITALIER'S, Messrs. GERALD Y and, investigation on the efficiency of the Faure Accumulator, 112. Hub of Fein's Machine, 51. HUGHES' experiments on Electro- magnets, 223. Illuminating : Experiments and data on the relation between Power expended and the Work, 199. Relative advantages of diffe- rent Machines for, purposes, 88-. Illumination, 183. Intensity of, with various Machines, 183, 202-. Improvement : of the Edison Machine, 252. of the Schuckert Machine, 253. Induced current strengthened, 82. Inducing Magnets ; (see " Field- magnets "). Induction : False, 257. Useful, 217. Laws of, I, 265. Increase in strength of, Cur- rents, 3. Magnetic, 4. Self, of Field-magnets, 247, 249. Inductive : Action of Pole pieces in Brush's Machine, 48. Action of Field-magnets, more complete utilisation, 68. - Action of Field Magnets in Weston's Light Machine, 77. Inversion ot'action in Gramme's Ring-armature, 255. Action of the Poles on Gramme's Ring, 257. Action of the moved circuit upon itself (Clausius' theory), 268. Inductor : of Gordon's Machine, 245. Influence : Exposing coils of Arma- ture to, of the Field Magnets, 174. Influence (see "Clausius' Theory"), 268. of the fixed Poles on the Ring Armature, 13, 19. Initial Field, 100. Instruments for measurements in connection with Electric Genera- tors, 227, 237. Insulation : of Commutator Rings of Brush's Machine, 47. Destruction of, 60. Asbestos, 71. Paper, 84. between the iron wires or sheets, of Cores, 174. of wire in the Alliance Ma- chine, 32 Integrating Dynamometer, (appli- cation) 115. Intensity : Measurement of mean intensity and quantity of Electrii city, 115. of the Magnetic Field, 91, 175, of illumination obtained with various Machines (see "Trinity House Report"), 183. Ratio ol expenditure of work to, of illumination, 199. Internal resistance : Relation of the, of a Machine to the resistance in the external circuit, 145. Resistance or Light Machine, 183. Interrupter : Current, 37, 204. in connection with Gramme's Plating Machine, 56. [206. Baur and Mohring's, 205, Interruption Cylinder of Edison's collector, 177. Invention of Dynamos, 24. Inversion of the direction of tha current in a Machine, 204. of the inductive action in the Gramme Ring- Armature, 255. Iridium : Fusion of, 207. Iron : Wedges in Fitzerald's Ma- chine, 60. wire core of Jurgensen's Ma- chine, 61. wire drum Armature Core, 69, Discs, core of Weston's LigUt Machine, 76. 294 INDEX. Iron plates, Armature Core of Edison's Machine, 84. Barlow and Pluckner's values for the co-efficient of Magnetic moment, 169. Expenditure of energy in magnetising a piece of iron, 170. Sheet Cores of Bobbins in Gordon's Machine, 245. ISENBECK : Experiments on the influence exerted by Pole-pieces on the inductive actions in the Coils of a Gramme Ring, 255. Discovery and explanation of an inverse induption in Gramme's Ring. JABLOCHKOFF'S Machine, 243. Relative advantages of Ma- chines with regard to, candles, 88. JACOBI : Law of Lenz and, 147 Laws of Dub and Muller, 214 JAMIN : Normal Magnet, 52. Relative advantages of Ma- chines for Electric Lighting with, candles, 88. on the co-efficient A in Biot and Coulomb's formula for the distribution of Magnetism on the surface of a Core, 167. JOUBERT : method p.f determin- ing difference of potential, 115 Joubert, 113. JOBLER : Equations for determining the work in the Circuit and Ma- chine, 237. JOULE'S law, 142. Equation, 161. JURGENSEN'S direct current Ma/- chine, 60. KAPP: Gisbert, 82, 261. Keeper, 95. KOHLFURST : Employing Electric . Machines in Telegraphy, 209. .Ladd's dynamo, 26. Laminated Magnet ; Gramme M a chine with, 52. Lamp : Action of current in a Regu- lator, 92. Lamps, Incandescent, employment of the Ferranti Machine for a large number of, 249. Application of Maxim In- candescent, 115. Employed in Tresca's experi- ments, 196. Lead: Sheetsin Plan tes element, 104. Perforated, sheet Electrodes, 109. Red, employed in Accumula- tors, 111, 121. conducting power of Peroxide of, 127, 129. Effect of charging on the durability of the Peroxide of, 130 Effects of the Sulphate of, 131 Employment of Plates with a reduced, coating, 133. Length ; influence of Cable on the relation between the work expended and the illuminating power, 201. [213. qf Cores of Electro-magnets, LENZ : Law of, 147. Light : Direction of Current in Gramme, Machines, 54. Weston's, Machine, 76. Hagenbach's experiments with, Machines, 197. Tresca's experiments with, Machines, 194. Resistance of Machines, 144. Theoretical Laws for the Con- struction of, Machines, 145. Details in connection with, Machines, 182, 202. Employment of Electric, Ma- chines in h,ouses, 9, 184. Lighting : Efficiency of Faure Accumulators, 121. Application of the Sellon- Volckmar Accumulators, 123. General employment of Accu- mulators for, 126. Application of Secondary Bat- teries, 138. Modification of the law of maximum efficiency of a Genera- tor when employed for, 144. Employment of Machines for, 182, 202. INDEX. 295 Lighting : Employment of the Sie- mens-Halske Alternating Cur- rent Machine for, 46. Electric, 84, 88. Gordon's estimate for, 248. Lines of Force : Direction of, in Gramme Armature, 256. Prevention of short circuiting of magnetic, 172. Liquid, for Accumulators, 104. LONTIN : Alternating Current Ma- chine, 38. Dynamo, 80. Loss : Explanation of Charge of Ac- cumulators, 127, 129. LUCAS : Clifford and, construction of Gordon's Machine, 244. Machines: (see "Generators"). Magnet Construction of Steel, Ib4. Formula* for the Construction of Electro, 212. Strength of a, on what it depends, 165, 166. Haker's formula for the porta- tive power of, 165. r- Permanent moment of, 166. Magnetic: Induction, 3. Ampere's Law of, Induction, 3,4. -. Field of Magneto-electric Ma- chines, 93. Retardation of the attainment of the maximum Moment in Iron Cores of Electro -magnet, 172. Intensity of field, 175. Field in Electric Machines, 151, 152. Moment (law), 214. Magnetisation : Maximum, of Steel Plates, 53. of the Tripolar Field Magnets, 54, 58. Expenditure of energy in the, of iron, 170. Periods of change in the, of an Iron Core, 172. of Core in the Ring-armature 264. -(^"Magnetising".) Magnetising (see "Magnetisation"). Magnetising: Influence of the Arma- ture-coiling on the effective mag- netism, 156. of Steel Bars (by simple and double touch), 164, 165. Determination of the Moment of different kinds of iron, 169. Magnetism, 270. Residual, 25, 88, 172. Effective, 151, 152, 156. Strength of, of Field Mag- nets, 91. Distribution of free, 166. Distribution on the surface of a Core (formula), 167. Retardation in the maximum magnetisation of an Iron Core, and in the disappearance of the, 172. Magneto-Electric Machines (see "Machines"). MALDEREN : Improvement of the Alliance Machine, 29. Massive, Advantage of, Field Mag- nets, 170, MASSON : Improvement of the Alliance Machine, 29. MAXIM Machine, 79. Incandescent Lamp, 15. Maximum : Conditions for, strength of Electro-Magnets, 214. Laws for Electro- Magnetic, on Shunt Circuits, 223. Measurements : in connection with the Faure Accumulator, 119. Instruments for taking, in connection with Electric Ma- chines, 226, 237. Frohlich s, in connection with Electric Machines, 153. Jobler's formulae for, with Electric Machines, 237. in connection with Dynamo- Electric Machines, 153. with the Ay rton- Perry Am- meter, 230. Voltmeter, 231. Spring Ammeter and Volt- meter, 234. (See "Data".) MECHWART and ZIPPERNOWSKT'S Machine, 251. 2Q6 INDEX. Medical purposes : Employment of small Electric Machines for, 209. MKRITENS, DE, Machine of, 33, 88. Metals : Preparation of pure, 70, 207. Employment of Electric Ma- 'chines for fusing refractory, 207. Siemens' apparatus for fusing refractory, 207. MOHRING and BAUR, Dynamo of, 37. Current interrupter, 206. Moment : Increase of permanent, 166. Law of Jacobi, Dub & Miiller, 214. Influence of duration of the action of a current, and the per- manent of a Machine, 166. Value of the co-efficient, in determining the magnetic, for different kinds of iron, 169. Magnetic moment of the fixed Electro-Magnets in Dynamos, 270. MONCKL, Du, Construction of Elec- tro-Magnets, 212. MORDEY : Method of examining Armature potentials, and dis- covery of an opposing Electro- motive force in Machines of the Schuckert type, 254. Schuckert, Machine, 253. MORTON, Prof. HENRY ; Measure- ments in connection with the efficiencv of the Sellon-Volckmar Accumulator, 122. Motors : Electro (fee " Machines "). - Electro, 243. MULLER, Law of Jacobi, Dub and, in connection with Magnets, 214. Multiple Arc, Arrangement of lamps in, 98. Neutral points, 15, 65, 51. Displacement of, and conse- sequent position of the brushes, 173. NIAUDET'S Machine, 82. NOLLET, Inventor of the Alliance Machine, 29. Normal Magnet, 53. OHM'S Law, 141. Oiling, in Edison's Machine, 86. Ozone, Employment of Electric Generators for the preparation of, 22, 207. PACINOTTI, Dr. ANTONIO : Ring- armature, 12, 50. Method of collecting currents from Ring-armature, 19. Relative advantages of, and Gramme's Ring-armatures, 50, 257. PAGET-HIGGS : Method of main- taining a constant electro-motive force, 98. Need of an "Initial Field," 100. Winding, self-regulating Ma- chines, 101. Parallel Arc, Arrangement of lamps in, 98. PARKER-ELWELL Accumulator, 109. Peripheral currents (see " Foucuult Currents "), 174. Permanent moment of Magnets, 1 66 . Peroxide of Lead (see " Lead "). PERRY : Perfected Dynamo, 101. Experiments on Faure Accu- mulators, 124. Dynamometer, 226. on the transmission of energy, 210. Photometric determinations in con- nection with Faure Accumula- tors, 119. Pixn Machine, 3, 7. Planes, Division of Cores into, to prevent Foucault currents, 114. PL ANTE : Secondary Battery, 105. Process for rapid forming of elements, 108, 109. Plates: Perforated, for Batteries 109, 121. Employment of corrugated, for receiving chemically-depo- sited lead, 133. Employment of other metals for supporting the peroxide of lead, 134. Plating, 203. Gramme's, Machine, 55. INDEX. 297 Plating : Siemens', Machine, 70. Machine of Weston, 35. Machine of Baur and Mohring, 37. Machines, Construction, 204. Current Interrupters and Closers in connection with, Ma- chines, 205. Prevention of change in pola- rity of, Machines, 204. Platinum, Fusion of, 207. PLUCKNER and BARLOW : Valves of the coeff. K. , for various kinds of iron, 166. Polarisation: 104, 142. Inversion of current in Plating Machines from, 204, Currents, 50. Polarity : Prevention of change of Field Magnets in Plating Ma- chines, 204. Pole: Pieces (see Isenbeck), 255. Pieces, size of, 171* 257. Distribution of the Electro- motive force in the sections of the Armature Coils, depends on the shape of, pieces, 171. Construction ofj pieces, to avoid Foucault currents, 171. Direction of the Amperian- currents round the S. and N., 3. Influence of the fixed, on the Coils of the Ring Armature, 12, 19. Travelling, in the Core of the Ring Armature, 13. Distance of the Armature Core from, 175. Pieces of the Field-magnet in Brush's Machine, 41. Pieces, in Breguet's Gramme Machine, 52. Pieces, in Gramme's Plating Machine, 56. Pieces, in Fein's Machine, 58. Pieces, in Schuckert's Ma- chine, 58. Pieces, in Heinrich's Machine, 58. Pieces, in Gulcher's Machine, 61. Pole : Pieces, in the Siemens-Halske Drum Armature Machine, 67. Pieces, in Weston's Light Ma- chine, 76, 77. Pieces, in Edison's Machine, 86. Pieces, in Mordey's Machine, 257. Ponderomotive Force : (see " Clau- sius' Theory"), 269. Portative Power : Of Magnets, 53. Haker's formula for, 165. POTIER, 113. Potential : Constant, 252. Mordey's method of determin- ing the Armature, 254. Change of, 104. Power : Carcel burner, 119. Candle, 119. (See " Portative Power ". ) Electrical transmission of, 56, 210. Prevention of Foucault currents (see these.) Primary current^ 2. Principle : Of Compound- wound, Self- regulating Machines, 100. Of construction of the Com- mutator, 6. Of direct Current Machines, 20. Dynamo- electric, 22, 24. Pure Metals, Preparation of, 207. Quantity : Measurement of, 115. Interdependence of, of Current and Electro-motive force on (1) number of convolutions in the Armature, 147. (2) the rate of rotation of the Armature, 149. (3) the intensity of the mag- netic field in which the Armature moves, 151. Rapid: "Forming" of Secondary Batteries, 108, 109, 111. Rate (see " Rotation ").' Rectifying : Currents, 6. Current in Siemens' circular Dynamo, 76. Red Lead (see "Lead"). INDEX. Keduced Lead Coating for plates for Accumulators, 133. Reducing : Process of, Lead on the plates of Accumulators, by means of gases, 134. Refractory metals : Fusion of, 207. Siemens' apparatus for melt- ing, 207. REGNIER'S statements in connec- tion with Faure Accumulators criticised, 137. Regulation : Current, 95, 97. Brush's Machine, 47. Regulator : Maxim's, 96. Report: "Trinity House," 90,183. Trustworthiness of, and Data, 93. of relative efficiency of various Machines, by American Commit- tee, 192, Experiments by Hagenbach, 197. Experiments by Fontaine, 199. Experiments with Faure Ac- cumulators, 113. of Tresca's experiments, 194. of experiments at the School of Military Engineering at Chat- ham, 189. Reservoirs of electrical energy (see " Accumulators"), 103, 104, 136. Residual Magnetism, 25, 88, 172, 204. Resistance and Electro-motive force of the Faure Battery, 117. Increase of, in Secondary Bat- teries, 129. - Relative, 143. Relation of the internal, of a Generator to the existence of the external circuit, 145, 147. Resistance of the Armature when the Bobbins are coupled up in series or for quantity, 145. Siemens' Formula for calculat- ing the increase of resistance of a wire with the increase of tem- perature, 150. of Armature Core, 174. Relation of, to intensity of Current, 383. Resistance : Internal, of the normal Siemens Light Machine and Gramme Machine, 183. Relation of, of the Coils of an ElectroMagnet to its strength, 216. Diminution of, in the Arma- ture Coils of Edison's Machine, 85. Retention of charge by Accumula- tors, 125. Retroaction of the moving circuit on the fixed, 267. Retrocession currents, 2. Reversing : in charging accumu- lators, 128. Revolutions: " Dead " 154, 230. Effect of the number of, on the relation of the work spent to the intensity of illumination, 200. Changes in the direction of the current in the Coils of the Arma- ture during its, 6. Ring Armature, influence of the fixed Magnets on, 13, 19. Pacinotti's, 12, 20, 50. Gramme's, 50, Theory of, 12. r Commutator of Brush's Ma- chine, 47. Armature of Gramme's plating Machine, 56. Cylindrical, Armature, 57. Flat, Armature, 58. Armature of Heinrich's Ma- chine, 59. collector of Siemens' circular Dynamo, 75. RJTTER : Voltaic Battery with one metal, 104. Rollers, contact, 20, 69. Rotation : Rate of, Ferranti's Ma- chine, 257. Interdependence of the Elec- tromotive force and quantity of current on the rate of, of the Armature, 149. Relation of the heating of the wire of the Armature to the rate of, 149. INDEX. 299 Rotation : Relation of current and Effective Magnetism of a Dynamo to the rate of, of the Armature, 91, 151. Position of the neutral points depending on the rate of, of the Ring Armature, 173. (see "Data," "Working"). Saturation : Method of determining the strength of current necessary for, of the Core of an Electro- magnet, 169. Sawyer's Switch, 95. SAITOH : modification of Pixii's Machine, 7. SCHUCKERT: Flat Ring Genera- tors, 253, 5.8, 59. Machine with two flat Rings. Mordey or Victoria Machine, 253. SCHWENDLER : Experiments on the employment of Magneto-electric Machines in Telegraphy, 208. Secondary ; Batteries (see " Accu- mulator"), 103. currents (production and direc- tion) 1, 3. wire, 3. Segments : Metallic and insulating, of a Commutatqr, 6. Segment strips of the Collector of Weston's Light Machine, 78. Self-induction, 247, 249, 253. Sellon-Volckmar Accumulator, 121. Series Machines, 98. Sheet Iron: Cores of thin insulated, 174. Shunt Circuit : suggested by Wheatstone, 97. value of the, 162, 206. Condition for Electro-magnetic Maximum on, 223. Electrical work in, 240. Shunt Coils in Gulcher's Im- proved Dynamo, 253. SIEMENS; Cylinder Armature of Dr. Werner, 10. Small Machine, 10. -Halske Dynamos, 27. - -Halske alternating current Machines, 43. SIEMENS-HALSKE : direct current Machines, 63, 76. Application of Wheatstone' s Shunt-circuit, 97. (See "Machines," "Data"). method of winding the Field Magnets of Self- Regulating Ma- chines, 101. Formula for calculating the in- crease of the resistance of a wire with rise of temperature, 150. Sinusoid, 254. Sluggishness, magnetic, 170. Sparking : at the Collectors and Commutators, 175. Reduction of, 254. Edison's Collector for the re- duction of, 176. Sparks, 38, 89. Starting the Machine, 279. Steadying Current in Dynamos by employing large Field Magnets, 170, Steel, Magnetising of, bars, 164. Elias' method of forming powerful, Magnets, 166. STOHRER'S Machine, 8. Stops, 'Rubber, in the Swan, Sellon- Volckmar Accumulator, 121. Storage Batteries (see " Accumula- tors"), The first (Ritter's), 104. Strength : Increased, of Induction Currents, 3, 9. of a Magnet (see * ' Magnetic Moment"), 165/214. Coulomb's Law for, of geome- trically similar Magnets, 165. Instruments for measuring, of Currents, 228, 233, 234, 236. Strips, Copper, of Ferranti's Arma- ture, 249. Stroke, Magnetising by single or double, 164. SWAN, Sellon-Volckmar Accumula- tor, 121. Switches, of Sawyer and Siemens, 95. System, Gramme, 12, 50. Telegraph : Employment of Electric Generators in the, 208. 3 oo INDEX. Telegraph: employment of a Siemens Generator by the Western Union Company, 209. Temperature, Law of the Increase of the resistance of the wire with, 149. Employment of Electric Ma- chines for obtaining high, 207. Siemens' Formula for calculat- ing Increase of Resistance with rise of, 150. Theoretical Principles of the efficient construction of Electric Machines, 140. Theory : Ampere's, of Magnets, 3. of the Ring Armature, 12. of the Drum Armature, 63. of Siemens' Coreless Armature^ 74. Clausius', of the Dynamo, 263. (See "Laws"). Thomson's, in connection with Dynamos, 157. 251. THOMPSON : Prof. Sylvanus, Conclu- sions respecting the Advantage of increased dimensions of Electric Machines, 179. on the Magnetism of a piece of iron, 170. on the relative Advantages of Pacinotti's and Gramme Machine, 257. Explanation of the inversions which occur in the Ring Arma- ture, 256. Suggestion in connection with determining the relative activity of Coils in different parts of the field, 254. THOMSON, 157. Sir W., Suggestion for the Copper Winding of an Armature, Time, Influence of, during which the Machine works, on the rela- tion between the work expended and the intensity of illumina- tion, 201. Transmission of Energy: Employ- ment of Electric Machines for, 210. TRESCA, 113, 124. TRESCA : Experiments, 194. Trinity House Report, 90, 183. Tripolar Magnets, 54. Turns of Wire on Armature and Field Magnets, 147. - (see " Coils," " Coiling"), 157. TYNDALL and DOUGLASS on compa- rative Experiments with light Machines, 183. UPPENBORN : Modification of the law of the relation that the inter- nal resistance of a Machine bears to the external resistance, 147. Utilisation of the Armature Coils as completely as possible, 60, 68. Values : Comparative, of Generators, 183. Variations in the strength of Cur- rent of a Machine, 92. VICTORIA (Schuckert-Mordey) Dy- namo, 253. VINOENT-ELPHINSTONE, Generator, 260. VOLCKMAR-SELLON, Accumulator, 121. Voltaic Battery, Ritter's, with one metal, 104. Voltmeter, with Spring, 234. Commutator, 230. without Commutator, 233. with Cog-wheel and Gear, 236. Wearing : of Commutators and Collectors, 89, 175. Wedges: wooden, 20. Iron, 60. Weight : of various parts of Ma- chines, (see " Data "). of Battery required for lighting purposes, 123. WESTON : Plating Machine, 35. Light Machine, 76. Current closer, 205. WHEATS-TONE : Method of exciting the Field Magnets of a Dynamo by a Shunt Circuit, 97. Dynamo Electric principle, 24. WILDE : Magneto-electric Machines of, 21. INDEX. 301 WILDE : Employment of Electro- magnets as Field-magnets 21. Winding : of Armature and Field- magnets of Siemens' Plating Machine, 70. of Field-magnets in Gulcher's improved Dynamo, 253. Methods of, Field -magnets of self-regulating Machines, 101. Wire : Primary and Secondary, 3. strands, 61. Iron, Drum Armature Core, 69. Branch, 79. Turns of, (see " Coils," " Coil-. ing")- Iron Cores, 174. Wooden Cores, 72. Work : Relation of the Electro- motive force of a Machine to the, done, 141. Calculation of Electrical, 116. Work : Relation of the Electro- motive force of, in a Machine to the opposing Electromotive force in doing Magnetic or Dynamic, 144. Ratio pf total, useful, in a Dynamo, 160. Ratio of, expended in driving a Generator to, done in the lumi- nous arc, 194. Calculation of, done in a Ma- chine and the external Circuit, 237. Unnecessary loss of, due to badly constructed Commutators and Collectors, 176. (See " Report") Loss of, in the Electric trans- mission of energy, 210. Measurement of, transmitted to a Generator, 228. (See " Clausius' Theory of the Dynamo ".) ZlPPERNOWSKY AND MECHWART Machine, 251. UHIVISSITT Post 8vo, cloth, pp. xii. and 203, price 55. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM, 1860 to 1883, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO ELECTRO-TECHNICS. Compiled by G. MAY. WITH AN INDEX BY O. SALLE, PH.D. HIS Bibliography, compiled for the Great International Electric Exhibition at Vienna, 1883, is the first and only complete Book of Reference for the literature of the Electric Sciences during the years from 1860 to 1883. It contains a full List of the Works on every branch of Electricity and Magnetism published in Europe and America, and it will be found indespensable to all Students of the Electric Sciences. _ " We welcome Mr. May's very useful compilation." Contemporary Review. 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