I.I BRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. ( rl K Accessions No. Clots No. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY, ARRANGED ACCORDING TO SUBJECTS; WITH INDEXES CONTAINING AUTHORS' NAMES AND SUBJECTS. LONDON: HARRISON AND SONS, ST. MARTIN'S LANE, printers in .161 Treatises on Special Subjects : 1. Volumetric Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 2. Spectrum Analysis . . .. . , .. . . . . . . 165 3. Gas Analysis * * ' 166 4. Inorganic Analysis . . . . . . . i . . . . . . 167 5. Blowpipe Analysis and Assaying . . . , . , .. . . 170 6. Organic Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 7. Physiological, Medical and Forensic Analysis, Toxicology . . . . 176 8. Phytochemical and Agricultural Analysis . . . . . . . . 178 9. Technical and Commercial Analysis . . . . . . . . . . 179 TECHNICAL CHEMISTRY. General Periodicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 General Treatises and Eeports ...... . . 182 Patent Literature .." : w '' .. 189 Treatises j Periodicals, and Reports on Special Subjects 190 PHARMACEUTICAL AND MEDICAL CHEMISTRY. General Periodicals and Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . 222 General Treatises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 Pharmacopoeias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 Treatises and Reports on Special Subjects 230 BIOGRAPHY '. .-. .. .. 238 MISCELLANEOUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240 DICTIONARIES.. .. .. .. .. . ; .. .. 250 PUBLICATIONS OP SOCIETIES, INSTITUTIONS, AND GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS. Great Britain and Ireland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 British Colonies . . . . 261 America . . . . . . . , 262 Austria-Hungary .. .. i% .. .. .. .. .. 266 Belgium 267 Denmark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268 France 268 CONTENTS. Vll PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES, INSTITUTIONS, AND G-OVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS continued. PAGE Germany 269 Holland 273 Italy - 274 Norway 274 Kussia ..275 Spain 275 Sweden .... .. Switzerland - 276 PERIODICALS NOT PUBLISHED BY SOCIETIES. < Great Britain and Ireland . . 2 ?7 British Colonies .. .. .. 281 America 281 Austria-Hungary 281 France Germany 285 Holland 291 Italy 2 92 Switzerland -292 PERIODICALS AND DICTIONARIES IN THE CIRCULATING LIBRARY 292 APPENDIX. ADDITIONS to January 31st, 1886 . , 294 INDEX of Authors' Names . . . . . . . . 302 INDEX of Subjects . . . . . . - 318 ARRANGEMENT OF CATALOGUE. In the Subject Catalogue the books are arranged under groups as PHYSICS, GENERAL CHEMISTRY, INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, &c. In each group there are, as a rule, sub-groups for General Periodicals, General Treatises, and Special Treatises, and Periodicals. The General Periodicals and General Treatises are placed in chrono- logical order. The subjects of the Special Treatises are placed in alphabetical order, but the treatises under each subject in chrono- logical order. Pamphlets are denoted by the letter P, and the Roman numeral following that letter indicates the volume in which the pamphlet will be found. Books whose size is not specified are octavo. The Publications of Societies are given at the end of the Subject Catalogue under the heading of their respective Societies; the names of Societies are placed in alphabetical order, and grouped under their respective countries. Periodicals not published by Societies are arranged in alphabetical order, and grouped under the countries where published. The body of the Catalogue contains the works in the library at the close of 1884, with the addition of a few recent editions, and of volumes purchased to complete sets. The additions to the Library up to the end of January, 1886, are given in an Appendix. The two Alphabetical Indexes, of authors' names and of subjects, which conclude the Catalogue, embrace the Appendix as well as the body of the Catalogue. The works not available for circulation among the Fellows are described in the third of the Library Rules, p. iii. The periodicals available for circulation are enumerated on p. 292. PHYSICS. GENERAL PERIODICALS. Philosophical Magazine. 163 vols. London, 1798-1884, {Continued.) Annalen der Physik, herausgegeben von L. W. Gilbert. Bande 1-76. Halle, 1799-1824. A Journal o Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, and the Arts, by W. Nicholson. Vol. 7. London, 1804. Memoires de Physique et de Chimie de la Societe d'Arcueil. 2 tomes. Paris, 1807-1809. Journal fiir Chemie und Physik, von J. S. C. Schweigger. Bande 1-51. Niirnberg und Halle, 1811-1827. Annales de Chimie et de Physique. 207 tomes. Paris, 1816-1884. (Continued.) Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der physischen Wissen- schaften, von J. J. Berzelius. Tubingen, 1821-1847. Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Chemie und ver- wandter Theile anderer Wissenschaften, 1847-1884. {Continued) Annalen der Physik und Chemie, herausgegeben von J. C. Poggendorff. Bande 1-160. Leipzig, 1824-1877. Neue Folge, herausgegeben von G. Wiedemann. Bande 1-23. 1877-1884. (Continued) Beiblatter zu den Annalen der Physik und Chemie, heraus- gegeben, unter Mitwirkung befreundeter Physiker, von G. und E. Wiedemann. Bande 1-8. 1877-1884. (Continued.) 2 PHYSICS. The Annals of Electricity, Magnetism, and Chemistry, and Guardian of Experimental Science, edited by W. Sturgeon. Vols. 1-10. London, 1836-1843. The Annals of Philosophical Discovery, and Month ly Reporter of the Progress of Practical Science, edited by W. Sturgeon. 5 parts. London, 1843. Repertorium der Physik, von H. W. Dove und L. Moser. Bande 1-8. Berlin, 1837-J849. Die Fortschritte der Physik, dargestellt von der physika- lischen Gresellschaft in Berlin. Bande 1-36. Berlin, 1845-1880. (Continued.) American Journal of Science and Arts, edited by B. Silli- man and B. Silliman, jun. Newhaven, 1846-1884. (Continued.) II nuovo Cimento : Giornale di Fisica, &c. 1865-67. Serie terza, 1878-84. Pisa. (Continued.) Proceedings of the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh, 1864-5. Proceedings of the Physical Society of London. Vols. 1-5. 1874-1884. (Continued.) Zeitschrift fur Instrumentenkunde. Bande 1-4. 4to. Berlin, 1881-1884. (Continued.) GENERAL TREATISES. * Tracts written by the Honourable Robert Boyle, con- taining : New Experiments Touching the Relation Between Flame and Air. And About Explosions. An Hydrostatical Discourse, occasioned by some Objections of Dr. Henry More against some Explica- tions of New Experiments made by the author of these Tracts. To which is annex' t an Hydrostatical Letter, dilucidating an Experiment about a Way of Weighing Water in Water. GENERAL TREATISES. 3 * Tracts written by the Honourable Robert Boyle con- tinued. New Experiments : Of the Positive or Relative Levity of Bodies under Water Of the Air's Spring on Bodies under Water About the Differing Pressure of Heavy Solids and Fluids. London, 1672. See also AIR, p. 9. *The Works of the Honourable Robert Boyle epitomized by Richard Boulton. 3 vols. London, 1699-1700. *Course of Mechanical, Optical, Hydrostatical, and Pneu- matical Experiments, to be performed by Francis Hauksbee. The Explanatory Lectures read by Wm. Whiston, M.A. 4to. *Physico-Mechanical Experiments on various subjects, by Francis Hauksbee. 2nd edition. London, 1719. ^Elements of Natural Philosophy Delineated, by J. H. Winkler, translated from the 2nd edition of the German. 2 vols. London, 1757. * Philosophical Essays, by R. Lovett. Three Parts. Wor- cester, 1766. *Experiments and Observations relating to Various Branches of Natural Philosophy; with a continuation of the Observations on Air, by Joseph Priestley, LL.D. 2 vols. 1779 and 1781. (Two copies.) *An Introduction to Natural Philosophy, by William Nicholson. 2 vols. London, 1787. *Experiments and Observations on different kinds of Air, and other Branches of Natural Philosophy connected with the subject, by Joseph Priestley. 3 vols. London, 1790. (Two copies.) *Geschichte der Physik seit der Wiederherstellung der Kiinste und Wissenschaften bis auf die neuesten Zeiten, von Johann Carl Fischer. 8 Bande. Gottingen, 1801. *A Syllabus of a Course of Lectures on Natural and Experi- mental Philosophy, by Thomas Young, M.D. London, 1802. B 2 4 PHYSICS. *I?ccIierches physico-chimiques, par Gay-Lnssac et The- nard. 2 tomes. Paris, 1811. Elements de Physique experimental et de Meteorologie, par C. S. M. Pouillet. 2 tomes. Paris, 1837. Lehrbuch der Physik und Meteorologie (Pouillet's), von Johann Miiller. 2 Bande. Braunschweig, 1852, ISTeue Ausgabe. 2 Bande. 1868. Traite elementaire de Physique, par E. Peclet. 2 tomes et planches. Paris, 1838. Physikalisch-chemische Beitrage, von H. Kopp. Frank- - furt, 1841. Traite de Physique, considered dans ses rapports avec la Chirnie et les Sciences naturelles, par A. C. Becquerel. 2 tomes. Paris, 1842-44. An Introduction to the study of Chemical Philosophy, by J. F. Daniell. London, 1843. *]S"aturwissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, gesammelt und durch Subscription herausgegeben, von Wilhelm Haidinger. 4to. Wien. ErsterBand, 1846-47 I Dritter Band, 1848-49 Zweiter Band, 1847-48 | Vierter Band, 1850 *Melanges physiques et chimiques, tires du Bulletin physi- co-mathematique de 1' Academic de St. Petersbourg. St. Petersbourg. Tome I. 1849-1854 I Tome III. 1857-1859. II. 1854-1856 I IV. 1860-1861. Tome V., Livraison I. 1861. Researches on Magnetism, Electricity, Heat, Light, Crystal- lization, and Chemical Attraction, in their relations to the Yital Force, by Baron von Reichenbach, trans- lated by W. Gregory. Parts I and II. London, 1850. Physikalisch-chemische Notizen, von J. J. Pohl. 1851. ^ P. XXXVI. Familiar Letters on the Physics of the Earth, by H. Buff, edited by A. W. Hofmann. London, 1851. Comrs de Physique de 1'ficole polytechnique, par J. Jamin. 3 tomes. (Tome premier, 2e edition.) Paris, 1859-1866. GENERAL TREATISES. 5 Conrs de Physique de FEcole polytechnique. Troisieme editi 1843.) P. XVII. Uebersicht der Resultate einiger Arbeiten welche Regelmassigkeiten in den sp. Gewichten und den Siede- punkten chemischer Verbindtmgen behandeln, von H. Kopp. 1845. P. XXXYI. On the Heat disengaged in Chemical Combinations, by J. P. Joule. (From the Philosophical Magazine for July, 1852.) P. I. Recherches sur les quantites de chaleur degagees dans les actions chimiqtres et moleculaires, par P. A. Favre et J. T. Silbermann. Paris, 1853. On the Relations between Boiling Point and Chemical Composition in Organic Compounds, by Hermann Kopp (Phil. Trans., 1860). P. XVIII. Influence de Feau sur les decompositions salines, et sur les effet thermiques qui les accompagnent, par C. Marignac. 1869. P. XXIV. Grundriss der Thermochemie, von Alexander Naumann, Braunschweig, 1869. De 1'influence pretendue de la calcination sur la chaleur de dissolution des oxydes metalliques, par C. Marignac. 1871. P. XXXVI. Die rationellen Formeln der Chemie auf grundlage der mechanischen Warmetheorie, von Baron N. von Dellingshausen. Erste Theil. Heidelberg, 1876. Sull' equilibrio termico delle azioni chimiche, da D. Tommasi. Firenze, 1879. P. XXXVI. Essai de mecanique chimique, fondee sur la thermo- chimie, par M. Berth elot. Paris, 1879. Ueber die Principien der Thermochemie und ihre Anwendung, von B. Rathke. 4to. Halle, 1881. 28 PHYSICS. Heat (Chemical Relations of) continued. Lehrbuch und Handbuch der Thermochemie, von A. Naumann. Braunschweig, 1882. Grundsatze der Thermochemie, von Hans Jahn. Wien, 1882. Thermochemische Untersuchungen, von J. Thorn sen. 3 Bande. Leipzig, 1882-3. Sur la force des matieres explosives d'apres la therniochimie, par M. Berthelot. 2 tomes. Paris, 1883. Heat (Mechanical Theory of). On the Mechanical Equivalent of Heat, by J. P. Joule. (Philosophical Transactions, 1850, Part I.) P. XVIII. Heat considered as a Mode of Motion, by John Tyndall. London, 1863. New edition, 1870. Abhandlungen iiber die mechanische Warmetheorie, von R. Clausius. Zwei Abtheilungen. Braunschweig, 1864-1867. 2te Auflage. Zwei Bande. 1876. Grundziige der mechanischen Warmetheorie, mit Anwendungen auf die der Warmetheorie angehorigen Theile der Maschinenlehre, von Gustav Zeuner. 2te Auflage, Leipzig, 1865. 2te Auflage, wiederdruckt, 1877. Sketch of Thermodynamics, by P. G. Tait. Edin- burgh, 1868. Theory of Heat, by J. Clerk Maxwell. London, 1872. Theorie der Warme, von J. Clerk Maxwell: iibersetzt, nach der vierten Auflage des Originals, von F. Neesen. Braunschweig, 1878. A treatise on the Kinetic Theory of Gases, by H. W. Watson. Oxford, 1876. Handbuch der mechanischen Warmetheorie, von R. Riihlmann. Erster Band. Braunschweig, 1876. Introduzione allo studio della termodinamica, di Damiano Macaluso. Roma, 1877. TREATISES AND PERIODICALS ON SPECIAL SUBJECTS. 29 Heat (Mechanical Theory of) continued. Reflections sur la puissance motrice du feu, et sur les machines propres a developper cette puissance, par S. Carnot. 4to. Paris, 1878. Traite elementaire de la chaleur au point de vue de son emploi comme force motrice, par A. Devillez. 2 tomes. Paris, 1881-2. Ice. Glace sous la "pression critique," par A. Boutlerow. 1881. P. XXXVI. On the Properties of Water and Ice, by 0. Petters- son. P. XXXVIII. Impact. Partial Impact, by C. W. Bickerton. Christ- church, 1879. P. XXXVI. Light. *Dr. Gregory's Elements of Catoptrics and Dioptrics, translated by W. Browne, with an Appendix by J. T. Desaguliers. London, 1735. *The History and Present State of Discoveries relating to Vision, Light, and Colours, by Joseph Priestley. 4to. London, 1772. *A Philosophical Essay concerning Light, by Bryan Higgins, M.D. London, 1776. *The Elements of Optics, designed for the use of Students in the University, by J. Wood. Cambridge, 1818. Researches on Light, by Robert Hunt. London, 1844. Relation of Gold and other Metals to Light, by Michael Faraday. (Phil. Trans., 1857, Part I.) P. XVIII. On the Influence of Temperature on the Refraction of Light, by the Rev. T. P. Dale and J. H. Gladstone. (Phil. Trans., Part I. for 1858.) P. XVIII. Traite d'optique physiologique, par F. Billet. 2 tomes. Paris, 1858. 30 PHYSICS. Light. Researches on the Refraction, Dispersion, and Sensi- tiveness of Liquids, by the Rev. T. P. Dale and J. H. Gladstone, (From the Philosophical Transactions, Part I. for 1863.) P. XIX. On Artificial Illumination, by E. Frankland. 1863. P. I. . Handbuch der physiologischen Optik, von H, Helm- holtz, Leipzig, 1867. Optique physiologique, par H, Helmholtz, traduite par E. Javal et Th. Klein. Paris, 1867. La lumiere, ses causes et ses effets, par E. Becquerel. 2 tomes. Paris, 1867. Untersuchungen iiber das Wesen des Lichtes und der Farben, von Dr. Warmann. Leipzig, 1873. Elementary Treatise on the Wave Theory of Light, by Humphrey Lloyd. London, 1873. Das Licht im Dienste wissenschaftlicher Forschung, von S. Th. Stein. Leipzig, 1877. The Wave-lengths of some of the principal Frauen- hofer Lines of the Solar Spectrum, by T. C. Men den- hall. 4to. Tokio, 1881. Einleitung in die hohere Optik, von August Beer. 2te Auflage ; bearbeitet von Viktor v. Lang. Braun- schweig, 1882. Ueber den Einfluss der atomischen Zusammenset- zung C- H- und 0- haltiger fliissiger Verbindungen auf die Fortpflanzung des Lichtes, von H. Landolt. P. XXXVI. - Optical Notices, by Wolcott Gibbs. P. XXIV. Light, by P. G. T ait. Edinburgh, 1884. For action of Light on Silver-salts, see SILVER, p. 85. Light (Electric). See p. 199. Light (Polarised). On the Optical properties of a newly discovered salt of Quinine, by W. Bird Herapath. 1852. P. XXXVI. TREATISES AND PERIODICALS OX SPECIAL SUBJECTS. 31 Light (Polarised) . A familiar Introduction to the Study of Polarized Light, by C. Woodward. London, 1861. Das optische Drehungsvermogen organischer Korper, von H. Landolt. Braunschweig, 1879. Handbook of the Polariscope, adapted from the German edition of H. Landolt, by D. C. Bobb and V. H. Yeley. London, 1882. - Optisch-akustische Versuche. Die spektrale nnd stroboskopische Untersuchung tonender Korper, von E. Mach. Prag, 1873. See also POLARISCOPE. Liquids. Ueber die Bewegungen der Fliissigkeiten (aus den Schriften der koniglichen Akademie der Wissen- schaften fiir 1848), von G. Magnus. 4to. Berlin, 1849. P. XVI. On the Diffusion of Liquids. (From the Philo- sophical Transactions, Part I. for 1850.) P. XVIII. Refraction, Dispersion, and Sensitiveness of Liquids, by the Rev. T. P. Dale and J. H. Gladstone. (Phil. Trans., 1863.) R XIX, Om Yaedskers Udvidelse ved konstant Tryk, af C. M. Guldberg. Kjobenhavn, 1869. P. XXIV. Glace sous la pression critique, par A. Boutlerow. St. Petersbourg, 1881. P. XXXVI. Magnetism. *Tractatus de Magnete Guilielmi Gilbert i. 4to. 1628. (N.B. The first published work on Mag- netism.} Account of Experiments demonstrating a Limit to the Magnetizability of Iron, by J. P. Joule. (From the Philosophical Magazine for Oct. and Dec., 1851.) P. I. Account of Experiments with a powerful Electro- magnet, by J. P. Joule. (From the Philosophical Magazine for January, 1852.) P. XXIV. On the Physical Character of the Lines of Magnetic Force, by Michael Faraday. (From the Philo- sophical Magazine for June, 1852.) P. I. 32 PHYSICS. Magnetism. On some Points of Magnetic Philosophy, by Michael Faraday. (Philosophical Magazine, Feb., 1855.) P. I. Researches on Diamagnetism and Magnecrystallic action, including the question of Diamagnetic Polarity, by John Tyndall. London, 1870. On the Magnetism of Electrodynamic Spirals, by G. Gore. 1870. P. XXXVI. On the Molecular Movements and Magnetic Changes in Iron and other Magnetic Metals at different Tempera- tures, by G. Gore. 1870. P. XXXYI. A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, by J. Clerk Maxwell. Oxford, 1873. Die Lehre von der Electricitat und dem Magnetismus, von 0. Frohlich. Berlin, 1878. Das Wesen der Electrizitat, Galvanismus, und Magnetismus, von Hermann Scheffler. Leipzig, 1882. Elementary Lessons in Electricity and Magnetism, by Silvanus Thompson. London, 1882. Magnetism (Terrestrial). Resultate aus den Beobach- tungen des magnetischen Vereins, 1836-1841 : heraus- gegeben von C. F. Gauss und Wilhelm Weber. 6 Bande. Mit 20 Tafeln, und einem Atlas des Erdmagnetismus. 4to. Leipzig, 1837-43. Observations made at the Magnetical and Meteoro- logical Observatory at St. Helena, 1844 to 1849. 4to. London, 1860. General Results of the Observations in Magnetism and Meteorology made at Makerstoun, in Scotland, in the Observatory of General Sir Thomas Makdougall Brisbane, Bart., with Detailed Tables of Results from 1845 to 1846 (Part 2, Vol. 19, of the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh), by John Allen Broun. 4to. Edinburgh, 1850. Appendix to the same, giving results from 1847 to 1855 (Supplement to Vol. 22 of the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh). 1860. TREATISES AND PERIODICALS ON SPECIAL SUBJECTS. 33 Magnetism (Terrestrial). Observations made at the Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory at Toronto, in Canada, 1846, 1847, 1848, with abstracts of observa- tions to 1855 inclusive. 4to. London, 1857. Jahrbiicher der kaiserlich-koniglichen Centralanstalt fur Meteorologie und Erdmagnetismus, von Karl Kreil. 4to. Bande 1-8. 1848-56, Wien. On the Magnetic Attraction of Cosmical Bodies, by J. A. R. Rowlands. 1868. P.I. The Norwegian North Atlantic Expedition (1876-8). Y. Magnetical Observations, by C. Wille. 4to. Christiania, 1882. Manipulation. See APPARATUS, p. 10. Matter. On Wollaston's Argument from the Limitation of the Atmosphere, as to the Finite Divisibility of Matter, by George Wilson, M.D. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin. xv. 1844.) P. XVII. - A Sketch of a Philosophy. Part II., Matter and Mole- cular Morphology, by J. G. Mac vicar. London, 1868. Measures. International Association for obtaining a Uni- form Decimal System of Weights, Measures, and Coins (British Branch). First Report of the Council to the General Meeting, held Feb. 26, 1856 ; with an Appendix. London, 1857. P. XIII. A series of Metric Tables, in which the British Standard Measures and Weights are compared with those of the Metric System, by C. H. Dowling. London, 1864. The Metric System, by Cap el H. Berger. 1866. P. XIV. Report on the Progress of the Metric System in the United States of America, byH. Yates Thomson. London, 1866. P. XIV. Report of the Committee of the British Association on the Uniformity of Weights and Measures. London, 1866. P. XIV. Report on the Mural Standard, by James Yates. 1866. P. XIV. Report on the Exhibition of Weights, Measures, and Coins at the Universal Exhibition in Paris, 1867, by Leone Levi. P. XIV. D 34 PHYSICS. Measures. Commission internationale du metre. Section francaise. Proces-verbaux des seances, 1869-77. Reunion generale de 1872. Paris. Speech by Mr. Stevenson, M.P. for South Shields, in the House of Commons, on the 26th of July, 1871, on seconding the Motion for the Rejection of the " Weights and Measures (Metric) Bill," with Additional Remarks. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1871. P. XXII. An Introduction to Physical Measurements, by F. Kohlrausch ; translated from the second German edition, by T. H. Waller and H. R. Procter. London, 1873. Illustrations of the Centimetre -Gramme -Second System of Units, by Professor Everett. London, 1875. Tables of Metric Measures and their English Equi- valents, by G. M. Borns. London, 1879. Travaux et Memoires du Bureau international des poids et mesures. 4to. 2 tomes. Paris, 1881-3. Melting Point. Neue Methode zur Bestimmung von Schmelzpunkten. (Pohl's Physikalisch - chemische Notizen.) P. XXXYI. Metals and Alloys. Expansion of Metals and Alloys, by F. C. Calvert and R. Johnson. P. XXI. On the Relative Powers of Metals and Alloys to conduct Heat, by F. C. Calvert and R. Johnson. (Phil. Trans., 1855.) P. XVIII. Conductibility (for Heat) of Mercury and Amalgams, by F. C. Calvert and R. Johnson. (Phil. Trans., 1855.) P. XVIII. On the Conducting Power of Metals and Alloys, by F. C. Calvert. P. XIX. On the Hardness of Metals and Alloys, by F. C. Calvert and Richard Johnson. (From the Philo- sophical Magazine for February, 1859.) P. VII. On the Specific Gravities of Alloys, by F. C. Calvert. (From the Philosophical Magazine for November, 1859.) P. VII. TREATISES AND PERIODICALS ON SPECIAL SUBJECTS. 35 Metals and Alloys. Om Metallernes Ledningsevne for Varme og Elektricitet, af L. Lor en z. Kjobenhavn, 1881. P. XXXIII. Meteorology. On the Determination of the Mean Tem- perature of every Day in the Year, from all the Thermometrical Observations taken at the Royal Obser- vatory, Greenwich, from the year 1814 to the end of 1856, by James Glaisher. (From the Report of the Meteorological Society for 1857.) London, 1858. P. I. Meteorological Observations and Essays, by John Dal ton. 2nd edition. Manchester, 1834. Meteorologische Beobachtungen, angestellt auf Ver- anstaltung der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zurich, 1837-1846. 4to.. Ziirieh. Meteorologische Beobachtungen, angestellt von der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zurich. Januar bis December 1848. P. XII. Elements de Physique experimentale et de Meteo- rologie, par C. S. M. Pouillet. 2 tomes. Paris, 1837. Lehrbuch der Physik und Meteorologie (Pouillet's), von JohannMiiller. 2 Bande. Braunschweig, 1852. Neue Ausgabe. 2 Bande., 1868. Observations made at the Magnetical and Meteoro- logical Observatory at St. Helena. Vol. ii. (1844 to 1849). 4to. London, 1860. Observations made at the Magnetical and Meteoro- logical Observatory at Toronto, in Canada. Vol. iii. (1846, 1847, 1848, with Abstracts of Observations to 1855 inclusive). 4to. London, 1857. General Results of the Observations in Magnetism and Meteorology made at Makerstoun, in Scotland, in the Observatory of General Sir Thomas Makdougall Brisbane, Bart., with detailed Tables of Results from 1845 to 1846 (Part 2, Vol. 19, of the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh), by John Allen Broun. 4to. Edinburgh, 1850. Appendix to the same, giving Results from 1847 to 1855. (Supplement to Yol. 22 of the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.) 1860. D 2 36 PHYSICS. .Meteorology. On the Temperature of the Earth and Sea in reference to the Theory of Central Heat, by A. S Taylor. London, 1846. P. XXXII. Meteorologische Beobachtungen, angestellt von der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zurich. Januar bis December, 1848. P. XII. Jahrbiicher der kaiserlich-koniglichen Central- An- stalt fiir Meteorologie und Erdmagnetismus, von Karl Kreil. 4to. Bande 1-8. (1848-1856.) Wien. Reports of the Council of the British Meteorological Society, 1852, 1856, 1857, 1858. P. XXXII. The Climate of Guernsey, by S. E. Hoskins. London, 1852. P. XI. Results of Meteorological Observations made under the direction of the United States Patent Office and the Smithsonian Institution, from 1854 to 1859 inclusive, being a Report of the Commissioner of Patents, made at the first Session of 36th Congress. Vol. i. (1861), Vol. ii., Part 1 (1864). 4to. Washington. Rapport sur l!etat et les travaux de 1'Observatoire royale de Belgique pendant 1'annee 1856, par A. Quetelet. 1856. P. XXXVI. Meteorology of Scotland in the years 1856 and 1857, by James Glaisher. P. XXXII. The Meteorology of England in the years 1857, 1858. 1859, by J. Glaisher. P, XXXII. Sur quelques phenomenes meteorologiques sur le littoral de la Mandre occidentale, par T. L. Phipson 4to. Paris, 1857.. P. XVI. Climate ; an Inquiry into the causes of its Differences and into its influence .on Vegetable Life, by Charles Daubeny, M.D. Oxford and London, 1863. Meteorologische Waarnemingen in Nederland, en Zijne, en Bezittingen, en Afwijkingen van Tempera- timr, en Barometerstand op vele Plaatsen in Europa. 4to. Utrecht, 1864. TREATISES AND PERIODICALS ON SPECIAL SUBJECTS. 37 Meteorology. On the Physical Cause of the Glacial Epoch, by E. Frankland. 1864. P. I. On the Temperature of the Ancient World, by C. G. B. Daubeny. 1867. P. I. and XXXII. - On the Rainfall for 25 years (1851-1875) as observed at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford, by R. Main. Oxford, 1871. P. XXXII. Air and Bain ; the Beginnings of a Chemical Clima- tology, by R. Angus Smith. London, 1872. War Department (U.S.). Three Weather Maps for November 19, 1872. Annuaire de 1'Observatoire de Montsouris. Meteoro- logie, Agriculture, Hygiene. Paris, 1872-1884. (Con- tinued.) On Rainfall, Evaporation and Percolation, by J. H. Gilbert, London, 1876. P. XXXII. Report on the Meteorology of Tokio, Japan, by T. C. Mendenhall. 4to, Tokio, 1881. The Norwegian North Atlantic Expedition (1876-8). X. Meteorology, by H. Mohn. 4to. Christiania, 1883. See also STORMS. Meteors. Observations of Meteors, by C. Bulard. 1851. Meteors, Aerolites, and Falling Stars, by T. L. P hip son. London, 1867. Metric System. See MEASURES. Microscope. Einleitung in die technische Mikroskopie, von J. Wiesner. Wien, 1867. The Microscope and its Revelations, by W. B. Carpenter. 4th edition. London, 1868. Mikroskopische Untersuchungen, ausgefiihrt im La- boratorium fiir Mikroskopie und technische Waaren- kunde in Wien, von J. Wiesner. Stuttgart, 1872. On a new Medium for mounting Organic Substances as Permanent Objects for Microscopic Inspection, by R. Warington. (From the Transactions of the Micro- fc c jpical Society, vol. ii., p. 123.) P. XII. 38 PHYSICS. Microscope. Das Mikroskop, und seine Anwendung, von Hermann Hager. Berlin, 1879. Traite elementaire du microscope, par E. T rut at. Paris, 1883.. Nebulae. Celestial Chemistry, and the Physical Condition of the Stars and Nebulse, by T. W. Burr. 1865. P. VII. Optics. See LIGHT (p. 29). Phosphorescence. Phosphorescence, or the Emission of Light by Minerals, Plants, and Animals, by T. L. Phipson. London, 1862. Sur la phosphorescence en general, et sur les insectes phosphoriques en particulier, par T. L. Phipson. P. VII. Noctilucin, the Phosphorescent principle of Luminous Animals. London, 1875. P. XXVII. ' Photography. Ueber die Anwendung des Schwefel- ammoniums als Fixatien-Mittel in der Photographic. 1851. P. XXXVI. Bourdin's Harz-composition als Radirgrund. 1851. P. XXXVI. Journal of the Photographic Society. Vols. I.-XVI. 1853-76. The Photographic Journal (including the Transactions of the Photographic Society). Vols. I.-VIII. 1876-84. (Continued:) Researches on the methods of Preserving the Sensi- tiveness of Collodion Plates, byJ. Spiller and W. Crookes. 1856. P. XXXIX. The Photographic Newtf. Vols. I.-XXVIII. 1859- 84, (Continued.) On the Composition of the Photographic Image, by J. Spiller. (Phil. Mag., March, 1860.) P. I. Abridgment of Specifications relating to Photo- graphy. 2 Parts. London, 1861-67. Chimie photographique, parBarreswil et Davanne. Quatrisme edition. Paris, 1864. Le preparateur photographique, par T. L. Phipson. Paris, 1864. TREATISES AND PERIODICALS ON SPECIAL SUBJECTS. 39 Photography. A Manual of Photography, by G. Dawson. London, 1873. - Diffraction Spectrum Photography, by H. Draper. (From the American Journal of Science and Arts, December, 1873.) P. XXIV. Traite pratique de photographic au charbon, par D. von Monckhoven. Paris, 1876. Die Photographic, von Julius Kriiger. Leipzig, 1876. (Two copies.) Les progres de la photographic, par A. Davanne. Paris, 1877. Photographed Spectra, by J. R. C apron. London, 1877. A Treatise on Photography, by W. de W. Abney. London, 1878. Emulsion Processes in Photography, by W. de W. Abney. London, 1878. On Photographing the Spectra of the Stars and Planets, by H. Draper. 1879. P. XXXVI. Traite generale de photographic, par D. v. Monck- hoven. Paris, 1880. Practical Working of the Gelatin-emulsion Process, by W. de W. Abney. London, 1880. Instruction in Photography, by W. de W. Abney. Fifth edition, 1882. Photography with Emulsions, by W. de W. Abney. 2nd edition. London, 1882. Le photographe en voyage, par C. O'Madden. Paris, 1882. Ausfuhrliches Handbuch der Photographic, von J. M. Eder. 5 Hefte. Halle, 1883. On the Yellow Coloration of Fixed Photographic Prints, by M. Carey Lea. P. VII. Die Heliochromie : das Problem des Photographiren in den natiirlichen Farben, eine Zusammenstellung der hierauf beziiglichen Arbeiten, von Becquerel, Niepce, und Poitevin. Diissldorf, 1884. For action of Light on Silver-salts, see SILVEE, p. 85. 40 PHYSICS. Polariscope. A new form of Polariscope, and its Applica- tion to the Observation of the Sky, by H. H. M. Bosanquet. 1876. P. XXIY. Handbook of the Polariscope, and its" Practical Applications, adapted from the German edition of H. Landolt, by D. C. Robb and Y. H. Yeley. London, 1882. See also LIGHT (POLARISED). Radiation. The Phenomena of Radiation, as exemplifying the Wisdom and Beneficence of God. Actonian Prize Essay, by George Warington. London, 1865. Das Strahlungsvermb'gen der Atome als Grund der physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften der Korper, von C. Puschl. Wien, 1869. On Attraction and Repulsion accompanying Radia- tion, by W. Crookes. (Phil. Mag., Aug., 1874.) P. XXIY. The Repulsion of Solid Bodies referable to Radia- tion, by the Rev. A. J. Stevens. P. XXXYI. On the dependence of Radiation on Temperature, by Sir W. Siemens. 1883. P. XXXYI. Rain. See METEOROLOGY (p. 35). Sky. A new form of Polariscope, and its Application to the Observation of the Sky, by H. H. M. Bosanquet. 1876. P. XXIY. Solar Physics. Researches on Solar Physics. 2nd series. Area-measurements of the Sun Spots observed by Car- rington during the seven years 1854-1860, and deduc- tions therefrom, by Warren de la Rue, Balfour Stewart, and Benjamin Loewy. P. XIX. The Fuel of the Sun, by W.M.Williams. London, 1870. The origin of the Sun's Heat, and the Chemical Con- stitution of the Matter of his System, by W. Coutie. Troy (New York), 1875. P. XXIY. TREATISES AND PERIODICALS ON SPECIAL SUBJECTS. 41 Solar Physics. The Conservation of Solar Energy, by C. W. Siemens. London, 1883. - On the Conservation of Solar Energy. Reply by Sir W. Siemens to E. H. Cook. 1883. P. XXXVI. See also ECLIPSE. Solubility. On the solubility of Solids in Gases, by J. B. Hannay. 1880. P. XXXVI. Sound. On the applicability of the Electro -magnetic Bell to the Trial of Experiments on the Conduction of Sound, especially by Gases, by G. Wilson, M.D. (From the Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, April, 1846.) P. XXIV. Some experiments on Sonorous Flames, by W. B. Rogers. 1858. P. XXXVI. Spectroscope. How to work with the Spectroscope, by J. Browning. Spectrum. On the Construction of a Normal Map of the Solar Spectrum, by Wolcott Gibbs. 1837. P. I. On the Lines of the Solar Spectrum, by Sir David Brewster and Dr. J. H. Gladstone. (From the Phi- losophical Transactions, part i. for 1860.) P. XVIII. Researches on the Solar Spectrum and the Spectra of the Chemical Elements, by G. Kirchhoff. Part II. Translated by H. E. Roscoe. 4to. Cambridge and London, 1863. Recherches sur le spectre solaire, per A. J. Ang- strom. 4to., avec un atlas. Upsal, 1868. Jodgasens Absorptionsspektrum, af R. Thalen. 4to. Stockholm, 1869. P. XIX. Index of Spectra, by W. Marshall Watts. London, 1872. Notes sur les spectres d'absorption produits par la solution de certains sels organiques, par T. L. Phipson. P. XXIV. Spectres lumineux, par Lecoq de Boisbaudran. Texte et atlas. Paris, 1874. The Revelations of the Spectrum, by E. Vogel. 1875. P. XXIV. 42 PHYSICS. Spectrum. Recherches sur les spectres des metallo'ides, par A. J. Angstrom et T. E. Thalen. Upsal, 1875. Untersuchungen iiber das Sonnenspectrum und die Spectren der chemischen Elemente, von Gr. Kirch- hof f. Zweiter Theil. Berlin, 1875. Photographed Spectra, by J. R. C apron. London, 1877. Coincidence of the Bright Lines of the Oxygen Spec- trum with Bright Lines in the Solar Spectrum, by H. Draper. 1879. P. XXXYI. On Photographing the Spectra of the Stars and Planets, by H. Draper. (From Silliman's Journal, vol. 18.) 1879. P. XXXYI. Diffraction Spectrum Photography, by H. Draper. P. XXIV. On the Spectrum of Arsenic, by 0. W. Hunt- ington. 1881. P. XXXVI. "Madeira Spectroscopic," being a revision of 21 places in the Red half of the Visible Spectrum, with a Rutherford Diffraction Grating, byC. Piazzi Smyth. 4to. Edinburgh, 1882. The Chemical Effect of the Spectrum, by J. M. Eder, translated by W. de W. Abney. London, 1883. Spectrum Analysis. See p. 165. Steam. An Elementary Treatise on Steam, by John Perry. London, 1874. Steam-engine. A Treatise on the Steam Engine, by J. Bourne. 4to. London, 1872. Storms. Objections to Mr. Redfield's Theory of Storms, with some Strictures upon his Reasoning, by Robert Hare, M.D. (From the American Journal of Science and Arts, Vol. 42, No. 1.) P. XII. Of the Conclusion arrived at by a Committee of the Academy of Sciences of France, agreeably to which Tornadoes are caused by Heat, &c., &c., by Robert Hare, M.D. Philadelphia, 1852. P.I. The same in French. New York, 1853. P. XXIII. TREATISES AND PERIODICALS ON SPECIAL SUBJECTS. 43 Storms. Notices of Tornadoes, by Robert Hare, M.D. (From the American Journal of Science and Arts, Vol. 38, No. 1.) P. XII. Det Norske Meteorologiske Instituts Storm-Atlas, af H. Mohn. Christiania, 1870. Sun. See SOLAR PHYSICS and ECLIPSE. Supersaturation. Sursaturation : I. des solutions gazeuses ; II. des solutions de vapeurs ; III. des solutions salines, par C. Tomlinson. Traduit de 1'anglais, par M. 1'Abbe Moigno. Paris, 1872. Telegraph. See p. 216. Thermochemistry. See HEAT. Thermometer. Researches in Thermometry, by E. J. Mills. 1880. 4to. P. XXXIII. Ueber ein neues Luft-Thermometer, von L. W. Andrews. Bonn, 1882. P. XXVII. Sur quelques questions thermometriques, par J. M. Crafts. 4to. P. XXXIII. Units. Illustrations of the Centimetre - Gramme - Second System of Units, by J. D. Everett. London, 1875. Universe. A Dynamical Theory of the Universe, by James Teale. Manchester, 1868. P. XXXVI. Vacuum. On the Method of obtaining a Perfect Vacuum in the Receiver of an Air-pump, by Thomas Andrews, M.D. (From the Philosophical Magazine for February, 1852.) P. I. Vacuum-pump. Sprengel's Vacuum-pump (commonly called Bunsen's Pump), by H. Sprengel. Second edition. 1882. P. XXXVI. Vapours. On the Absorption of Vapours by Charcoal, by John Hunter. (Journal of the Chemical Society, Nov., 1865.) P. VII. Untersuchungen iiber dieDampf-Tensionen homologer Verbindungen, von H. Landolt. 4to. Bonn, 1868. P. XIX. 44 PHYSICS. Vapours. Experiments on the Maximum Elasticity and Density of Vapours, by Al. Morton. 1876. P. XXIV. Des densites des vapeurs au point de vue chimique, par Paul Cazeneuve. Paris, 1878. See also EVAPORATION. Vision. *The History and Present State of Discoveries relating to Vision, Light, and Colours, by Joseph Priestley. 4to. London, 1772. Voltaic action. See ELECTRICITY. Volumes. Ueber eine Beziehung des Gresetzes der multiplen Proportionen zu den specifischen Volumen, von H. L. Buff. (Ann. Chem. Pharm. 4 Supplement-band.) 1865, P. XX. On the Volumes of Solid and Liquid Cast Iron, with reference to the Theories of Volcanic Action, by J. B. Hannay. 1880. P. XXXVI. Water. Sul coeficiente dicompressibilita apparente dell' acqua, del S. Gherardi. 1859. P. XXXVI. On the Properties of Water and Ice, by 0. Pettersson. P. XXXVIII. Water-barometer. See BAROMETER, p. 12. Weights. See MEASURES, p. 33. GENERAL CHEMISTRY. GENERAL TREATISES. *The Sceptical Chymist : or Chymico-physical Doubts and Paradoxes touching the Experiments whereby Vulgar Spagirists are wont to endeavour to evince their Salt, Sulphur, and Mercury to be the true Principles of Things; to which in this edition are subjoyn'd divers Experiments and Notes about the Producibleness of Chymical Principles, by the Hon. Robert Boyle. Oxford, 1680. * Chymical Secrets and rare Experiments in Physick and Philosophy, by Sir Kenelm Digby. 16mo. London, 1683. *0ne hundred and fifty-three Chymical Aphorisms, briefly containing whatsoever belongs to the Chymical Science. Done by the labour and study of Eremita Subur- ban us, made English by Charles Packe. 16mo. London, 1688. *Tyrocinium Chymicum, or Chymical Essays; in three Books (title wanting). * John Rudolph Glauber's Works. Three parts. Folio. London, 1689. (Two copies.) * Arcana Philosophia, or Chymical Secrets, by John Head- rich. 12mo. London, 1697. *The Works of the Hon. Robert Boyle, epitomised by Richard Boulton. 3 vols. London, 1699-1700. *A Course of Chymistry, by Dr. Nicholas Lemery : translated from the eleventh French edition. London, 1720. (Two copies.) 46 GENERAL CHEMISTRY. * Fundamenta Chymiae dogmaticee et experimentalis, Georgii Ernesti Stahlii. 4to. Norimbergse, 1723. *A New Method of Chemistry, including the Theory and Practice of that Art, laid down in Mechanical Principles, and accommodated to the Uses of Life, by H. Boer- haave; translated by P. Shaw, M.D., and E. Cham- bers. 4to. London, 1727. (Two copies.) Second edition, Vol. II., 1741. Third edition, 1753. * Experimenta, Observationes, Animadversiones, CCC nu- mero, chymicse et physicee, Georgii Ernesti Stahlii. Berolini, 1731. * Chemical Lectures publickly read at London in the years 1731 and 1732, and at Scarborough in 1733, for the Im- provement of Arts, Trades, and Natural Philosophy, by Peter Shaw. London. * Philosophical Experiments, by Stephen Hales. London, 1739. *A Course of Practical Chemistry, by William Lewis, M.B. London, 1746. (2 copies.) * Chymia Hydraulica, oder neu-entdeckte Handgriffe Saltze auszuziehen, vom Graf von Garaye. 12mo. Frank- furt, 1749. (Bound with Nollet's Electricitat.) ^Elements de Chimie pratique, par M. Macquer. 2 tomes. Paris, 1754-6. *The Elaboratory Laid Open, or the Secrets of Modern Chemistry and Pharmacy revealed, by W. Lewis, M.D. London, 1758. *Elements of the Theory and Practice of Chymistry, translated from the French of M. Macquer. 2 vols. London, 1758, 2nd edition 1764, 4th edition 1787. *0puscules chimiques de Margraf . Tomes i et ii. Paris, 1762. *Instituts de Chymie da M. Jacques Beinbold Spiel- mann. 2 tomes. Paris, 1770. *A Plan of a Course of Chemical Lectures, by B. Watson, D.D. Cambridge, 1771. GENERAL TREATISES. 47 *The Chemical Works of Caspar Neumann, M.D., with large additions by "William Lewis. Second Edition. 2 vols. London, 1773. * Lectures on Chemistry (LXXX-CXY), by Dr. J. Black, 2 vols., MS, 4to, abont 1774. *Essays, Physical and Chemical, by Lavoisier. Translated from the French by Thomas Henry. London, 1776. * Chemical Observations and Experiments on Air and Fire, by C. W. Scheele. Translated by Dr. J. Forster, with Additions by Kir wan and Priestley. London, 1780. * A treatise on the Nature and Properties of Air and other Permanently Elastic Fluids, to which is prefixed an Introduction to Chymistry, by T. Cavallo. 4to. London, 1781. * Experiments and Observations relating to Acetous Acid, Fixable Air, Dense Inflammable Air, Oils, and Fuel ; the matter of Fire and Light, Metallic Reduction, Combustion, Fermentation, Putrefaction, Respiration, and other sub- jects of Chemical Philosophy, by Bryan Higgins, M.D. London, 1786. *The Chemical Essays of Charles "William Scheele. Translated from the Transactions of the Academy of Sciences at Stockholm, with additions by Charles Beddoes. London, 1786. *Physical and Chemical Essays, by Sir Torbern Berg- mann. Translated by Edmund Cullen, M.D. ; with Notes and Illustrations by the Translator. 3 vols. London, 1788-91. (Three copies of vols. 1 and 2, two of vol. 3.) * First Lines of the Theory and Practice of Philosophical Chemistry, by John Berkenhout, M.D. London, 1788. * General System of Chemistry, chiefly from the German of Wiegleb, by C. R. Hopson. 4to. London, 1789. *Chemical Essays, by Dr. R. "Watson. 5 vols. 12mo. London, 1789. 48 GENERAL CHEMISTRY. *An Essay on Phlogiston, and the Constitution of Acids, by Richard Kirwan. A new edition. London, 1789. *A Comparative View of the Phlogistic and Antiphlogistic Theories, with Inductions ; also an Analysis of the Human Calculus, with Observations on its Origin, etc., by William Higgins. London, 1791. * Description of a Portable Chest of Chemistry, or Complete Collection of Chemical Tests, by J. Gottling. 12mo. London, 1791. *Systematisches Handbuch der gesammten Chemie, von D. F. A. C. Grren. Vier Theile in zwei Banden. Halle, 1794-5. (Two copies of Theile 1 u. 2.) *Heads of Lectures on a Course of Experimental Philosophy, particularly including Chemistry, delivered at the New College in Hackney, by Joseph Priestley. London, 1794 *Anfangsgriinde der antiphlogistischen Chemie, von Ch. Girtanner. Berlin, 1795. *Grundriss der Chemie, von D. F. A. C. Gren. Halle, 1796. *Elements of Chemistry, in a new systematic order, containing all the Modern Discoveries, by Lavoisier. Translated from the French by Robert Kerr. Edinburgh, 1796. *Geschichte der Chemie seit dem Wiederaufleben der Wissenschaften, bis an das Ende des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts, von Johann Fr. Gmelin. 3 Bande. Gottingen, 1797-9. *0puscules chimiques, de P. Bay en. Tomes 1 et 2. An VI. de la Republique. [1798.] Paris. 12mo. *Elements of Chemistry, by J. F. Jacquin. London, 1799. (Two copies.) 3rd edition, 1803. *Hope's Chemistry. (MS.) 4 vols. *A Manual of a Course of Chemistry, by J. B. Bouillon Lagrange. Translated from the French. 2 vols. London, 1800. (Two copies.) *Elements of Chemistry, by J. A. Chaptal. Translated from the French. 3 vols. London, 1800. GENERAL TREATISES. 49 * Synoptic Tables of Chemistry, intended to serve as a summary of the Lectures delivered on that Science in the Public Schools at Paris, by A. F. Fourcroy. Translated from the original French by William Nicholson. Folio. London, 1801. *A Syllabus of a Course of Chemical Lectures read at Guy's Hospital, by Babington and Allen. London, 1802. *System of Chemistry, by Thomas Thomson, M.D. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1802. Fourth edition. 5 vols. 1810. Sixth edition. 4 vols. 1820. * Lectures on the Elements of Chemistry, delivered in the University of Edinburgh, by Dr. J. Black. 2 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 1803. *An Essay on Chemical Statics, by C. L. Berthollet. Translated by B. Lambert. 2 vols. London, 1804. *The Chemical Pocket-book, by J. Parkinson. 4th edition. London, 1807. * System of Theoretical and Practical Chemistry, by F. Ac cum. 2 vols. London, 1807. *A New System of Chemical Philosophy, by John Dalton, M.D. Parts I. and II. Manchester, 1808-10. *The Elements of Experimental Chemistry, by Wm. Henry, M.D. Sixth edition. 2 vols. London, 1810. Ninth edition. 2 vols. 1823. Tenth edition. 1826. *Recherches physico-chimiques, par Gay-Lussac et The- nard. 2 tomes. Paris, 1811. *A Syllabus of a Course of Lectures read at Guy's Hospital, by Babington, Marcet, and Allen. London, 1816. A Manual of Chemistry, by W. T. Brande. 2nd edition. 3 vols. London, 1821. New edition. 1836. Syllabus of a Course of Chemical Lectures delivered at Guy's Hospital, by Allen, Bostock, and Aikin. London, 1822. Manuel de Chimie, par J. Riffault. 12mo. Paris. 1825. 50 GENERAL CHEMISTRY. An attempt to explain the First Principles of Chemistry by Experiment, by Thomas Thomson, M.D. 2 vols. London, 1825. Lehrbuch der Chemie, von J. J. Berzelius; aus dem Schwedischen iibersetzt von F. Wohler. 7 Bande. Dresden, 1825-1831. The Chemical Catechism, by Samuel Parkes. 12th edition. London, 1826. Elements de Chimie, appliquee a la medecine et aux arts, par M. Orf ila. 2 tomes. Paris, 1828. The Operative Chemist, by S. F. Gray. London, 1828. A Text-book of Chemical Philosophy, by Jacob Green, M.D. Philadelphia, 1829. Traite de Chimie minerale et organique, par J. J. Berzelius; traduit par A. J. L. Jourdan et M. Esslinger. Tomes 1-8. Paris 1829-1833. Seconde edition francaise ; traduit avec assentiment de 1'auteur par MM. Esslinger et Hoefer. Paris. 6 tomes. 1845-50. Traite de Chimie elementaire, theorique et pratique, by M. le Baron Thenard. 8me edition. 2 tomes. Bruxelles, 1830. The History of Chemistry, by Thomas Thomson, M.D. 2 vols. London, 1830-31. Elements of Practical Chemistry, by D. B. Be id, M.D. 2nd edition. Edinburgh, 1831. - Elements of Chemistry, by Edward Turner. 4th edition. London, 1833. Eighth edition; edited by Baron Lie big and Dr. Gregory. 2 vols. 1847. Lehrbuch der Chemie, von E. Mitscherlich. Erster Band, 1834. Zweiter Band, erste Abtheilung, 1835. Berlin. Cours de Chimie elementaire, par A. Bouchardat. Paris, 1835. GENERAL TREATISES. 51 Chemical Attraction. An Essay in five chapters, with an Historical Introduction, and several Illustrative Tables, by G. L. Hume. Cambridge, 1835. (Two copies.) Text-book for Students of Chemistry, by D. B. Reid, M.D. Edinburgh, 1835. Elements of Chemistry, Theoretical and Practical, by D. B. Reid, M.D. Edinburgh, 1839. The collected Works of Sir Humphry Davy, Bart., edited by his brother, Dr. John Davy. 9 vols. London, 1839. Introduction a 1'etude de la Chimie moleculaire, par J. Persoz. Paris, 1839. An Introduction to the Study of Chemical Philosophy, being a Preparatory View of the Forces which concur in the Production of Chemical Phenomena, by J. F. Daniell. London, 1839. Second edition, 1843. Elements of Chemistry, including the Applications of the Science in the Arts, by Thomas Graham. London, 1842. Memoires de Chimie, par J. Dumas. Paris, 1843. Familiar Letters on Chemistry, by Justus von Liebig, edited by John Gardner, M.D. 12mo. London, 1843. Third edition, 1851. Handbuch der Chemie, von Leopold Gmelin. Heidel- berg. Erster Band, 1843 Nichtmetallische einfache Stoffe Zweiter Band, 1844r Metalle. Dritter Band, 1844 Metalle. Yierter Band, 1848 Organische Chemie. Fiinfter Band, 1852 Organische Chemie. Sechster Band, 1859 Organische Chemie, bearbeitet von List und Kraut. Siebenter Band, 1862-1870 Organische Chemie, herausgegeben von Kraut. E2 52 GENERAL CHEMISTRY. Handbucb der Chemie continued. Achter Band, 1858 Phyto- und Zoo-Chemie, bear- beitet von Lehmann und.Rochleder. Supplement-Band, 1867-1868 Organische Chemie, bearbeitet von Husemann nnd Kraut. Register (Bande I-Y). 1853. Handbook of Chemistry, by Leopold Gmelin, translated by Henry Watts. Yols. 1 to 6, Inorganic Chemistry. 7 to 18, Organic Chemistry. Published by the Caven- dish Society. London, 1848-1871. (Two copies of vols. i., ix., and xiii.) Index to Gmelin's Handbook of Chemistry, by H. Watts. 1872. Handbuch der Chemie. Anorganische Chemie in 3 Banden, von L. Gmelin. Sechste umgearbeitete Auflage, herausgegeben von K. Kraut. Heidelberg, 1872-7. Geschichte der Chemie, von H. Kb pp. 4 Bande. Braun- schweig, 1843-1847. Chemistry as exemplifying the Wisdom and Beneficence of God (Actonian Prize Essay), by G. Fownes. London, 1844. An Inaugural Lecture on Chemistry, in which that Science is considered generally, and as a branch of Medical Study, by T. G. Tilley, Ph.D. (Read in the Queen's College, Birmingham, October 7th, 1844.) P. XII. A Manual of Elementary Chemistry, Theoretical and Practical, by George Fownes. London, 1844. Second edition, 1848. Third edition, 1850. Edited by H. Bence Jones and A. W. Hofmann. Fourth edition, 1852. Fifth edition, 1854. Sixth edition, 1856. Seventh edition, 1858. Eighth edition, 1861. Ninth edition, 1863. Edited by H. Bence Jones and H. Watts. Tenth edition, 1868. (Two copies.) Edited by H. Watts. Eleventh edition, 1873. Twelfth edition. 2 vols. 1877. A Manual of Chemistry, founded on that of the late Pro- fessor Fownes, by H. Watts. Vol. I. Physical and Inorganic Chemistry. 1883. GENERAL TREATISES. 53 Naturwissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, gesammelt und durch Subscription herausgegeben, von W. Haidinger. 4to. 4Bande. 1846-50. Wien. Introduction a 1'etude de la Chimie par le systeme unitaire, par Charles Grerhardt. 12mo. Paris, 1848. Chemical Reports and Memoirs, edited by T. Graham. (Cavendish Society). London, 1848. (Two copies). Elements of Chemistry, Theoretical and Practical, by Sir Robert Kane. Second edition. Dublin, 1849. Cours elementaire de Chimie, par V. Regnault. 4 tomes. 12mo. Paris. Physikalisch-chemische Notizen, von J. J. Pohl. (Wien. Akad. Ber., Mai, 1851.) P. XXXVI. The Chemistry of Common Life, by J. F. W. Johnston. 2 vols. Edinburgh and London, 1854-55. New Edition, revised and brought down to the present time, by A. H, Church. Edinburgh, 1880. Handbook of Chemistry, Theoretical, Practical, and Technical, by F. A. Abel and C. L. Bloxam. London, 1854. Chemical Method, by A. Laurent, translated by William Odling. (Cavendish Society.) London, 1855. Chemical Atlas, or the Chemistry of Familiar Objects, by E. L. Youmans. 4to. New York, 1855. Elements of Chemistry, Theoretical and Practical, by William Allen Miller, M.D. London. Part i. Chemical Physics. 1855. Part ii. Inorganic Chemistry. 1856. Part iii. Organic Chemistry. 1857. (Two copies.) - 2nd Edition, Parts i. and ii. 1860. - 3rd Edition, Part ii. 1864. Part iii. 1867. - 4fch Edition, Part i. 1867. Part ii. 1868. Part iii. 1869. (Two copies.) 54 GENERAL CHEMISTRY. Elements of Chemistry, Theoretical and Practical continued. 5th Edition, Part i. Chemical Physics, revised by Herbert McLeod (1872). Part ii. Inorganic Che- mistry, revised by H. McLeod (1874). Part iii. Sec- tion I. Organic Chemistry, revised, and in great part re-written, by H. E. Armstrong and C. E. Groves (1880). (Two copies.) 6th Edition, Part ii. Inorganic Chemistry, revised by C. E. Groves. 1878. A Century of Chemistry in the University of Edinburgh, being the Introductory Lecture to the Course of Chemistry in 1858, by Dr. Lyon Playf air. P. VII. Chemistry, Theoretical, Practical, and Analytical, as applied and relating to Arts and Manufactures, by Dr. Sheridan Muspratt. 2 vols. 4to. Glasgow, Edin- burgh, London, and New York, 1858. (Two copies.) Third edition, edited by C. W. Vincent, with contri- butions by eminent Chemists, 1879. Traite de Chimie generale, analytique, industrielle et agricole, par J. Pelouze et E Fremy. 3me edition. 6 tomes. Paris, 186064. Tome 1, Metalloides. Tomes 2, 3, Metaux. Tomes 4, 5, 6, Chimie organique. Traite de Chimie generale elementaire, par A. Cahoure. 2me edition. 3 tomes. 12mo. Paris, 1860. Le9ons de Chimie et de Physique, professees a la Societe chimique de Paris, en 1860 (two copies), 1861, 1862, 1863, 1866-7, et 1868-9 (two -copies). Das chemische Laboratorium der Universitat Christiania, und die darin ausgefiihrten chemischen Arbeiten, von A. Strecker. 4to. Christiania, 1854. P. XVI. Lecciones elementales de Quimica general, por D. Torres Munoz de Luna. 2 tomos. Madrid, 1861. A Manual of Chemistry, Descriptive, Theoretical, and Prac- tical, by William Odling. Part I. London, 1861. The same translated into German, by Dr. Oppen- heim. Erlangen, 1865. GENERAL TREATISES. 55 Lavori eseguiti nel laboratorio di chimica del Real Institute Tecnico di Firenze, da E. Bee hi. 1863. P. VII. Chemistry, by W. T. Brande and A. S. Taylor. London. 1863. Cours de Philosophic chimique, fait an College de France, par A. Wurtz : redige par Fernand Papillon, et revu par le professeur. 4to. Paris, 1864-1866. P. XVI. GEuvres de Lavoisier, publiees par les soins de Son Excel- lence le Ministre de 1'Instruction publiqne et des Cultes : 3 tomes. 4to. Paris, 1864-68. Tome I. Traite elementaire de Chimie: Opuscules physiques et chimiques. Tome II. Memoires de Chimie et de Physique. Tome III. Memoires et Rapports sur divers sujets de Chimie et de Physique pures ou appliquees. Tome IV. Memoires et Rapports. Introduction to Modern Chemistry, Experimental and Theo- retic, embodying twelve Lectures delivered in the Royal College of Chemistry, by A. W. Hofmann. London, 1865. Principes de Chimie fondee sur les theories modernes, par A. Naquet. Paris, 1865. Deuxieme edition. 2 tomes. 1867. The same translated into English by William Cortis, and revised by Thomas Stevenson. London, 1868. Introduction a 1'etude de la Philosophic chimique, par F. Papillon. 4to. Paris, 1865. P. XVI. Histoire des connaissances chimiques, par E. Chevreu Tome premier. Paris, 1866. The Calculus of Chemical Operations, being a Method for the Investigation, by means of Symbols, of the Laws of Distribution of Weight in Chemical Change, by Sir B. C. Brodie, Bart. Part I. On the Construction of Chemical Symbols. 4to. London, 1866. Part II. On the Analysis of Chemical Events. 1877. 56 GENERAL CHEMISTRY. Le calcul des operations chimiques, par B. C. Brodie. 4to. Paris, 1879. Lecture Notes for Chemical Students, embracing Mineral and Organic Chemistry, by E. Frank land. London, 1866. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 1870-2. Inorganic Che- mistry. 1876, Organic Chemistry, by Frankland and Japp. 1881. Chemical Addenda; being a brief exposition of the salient features of Modern Chemistry, by the B/ev. B. W. Gibsone. London, 1866. P. XXIII. Little Experiments for Little Chemists, by W. H. Walenn. London, 1866. Kurzes Lehrbuch der Chemie, von Regnault-Strecker. Anorganische Chemie, 1866 ; neue Auflage von J. Wislicenus. 1877-81. Organische Chemie, 1867; neue Auflage von J. Wislicenus. 1874. Braunschweig. Histoire de la Chimie, par Ferdinand Hoefer. 2 tomes. Paris, 1866-9. A Sketch of a Philosophy. Part II, Matter and Molecular Morphology, Part III, the Chemistry of Natural Sub- stances, by J. G. Mac vicar. London, 1868-70. Histoire des doctrines chimiques, depuis Lavoisier jusqu'a nos jours, par A. Wurtz. Paris, 1868. (Two copies.) History of Chemical Theory, from the Age of Lavoisier to the present time, by A. Wurtz : translated and edited by H. Watts. London, 1869. Ueber das Studium der Chemie, von H. L. Buff. Berlin, 1868. P. XXIII. Lehrbuch der Chemie, von Gorup-Besanez. 3te Auflage. Braunschweig, 1868. I. Band. Anorganische Chemie. II. Band. Organische Chemie. 6te Auflage, von Hermann Ost. 1881. Die Schule der Chemie, oder Erste Unterricht in der Chemie, versinnlicht durch einfache Experimente, von Ad. Stockhardt. Braunschweig, 15te Auflage, 1868, 18te Auflage, 1876. GENERAL TREATISES. 57 Precis de Chimie, par Th. Swarts. 2 tomes. Gand et Paris, 1868. Chemical Notes for the Lecture-room, on Heat, Laws of Chemical Combination, and Chemistry of the Non- metallic Elements, by Thomas Wood, Ph.D. 2nd edition. London, 1868. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Chemie, von H. Kopp. Braunschweig, 1869. Physikalisch-chemische Untersuchungen, von P. Kremers. Band I. 8 Hefte. 1869-78. Wiesbaden. Vortrage iiber die Entwickelungs-Geschichte der Chemie in den letzten hundert Jahren, von A. Ladenburg. Braunschweig, 1869. The Student's Chemistry, being the seventh edition of " Household Chemistry, or the Science of Home Life," by A. Bernays. London, 1869. Chemistry, General, Medical, and Pharmaceutical, by John Attfield. 1st edition. London, 1869; 4th edition, 1872; 6th, 1875; 7th, Philadelphia, 1876; 8th, Phila- delphia, 1879 ; 10th, Philadelphia, 1883. Lehrbuch der Chemie, von A. Geuther. Jena, 1870. First Principles of Chemical Philosophy, by J. P. Cooke, jun. London and Cambridge, 1870. Bidrag til Theorien for de ubestemte chemiske Forbin- delser, af Cato M. Guldberg. Kjobenhavn, 1810. P. XXIV. Resume du Memoire sur la theorie des combinaisons indefinies, par C. M. Guldberg. P. XXIV. Elementary Chemistry, by F. S. Barff. London. Elementary Chemistry, by the Rev. H. M. Hart. London, 1870. Outlines of Chemistry ; or, Brief Notes of Chemical Facts, by W. Odling. London, 1870. Sur 1'etat de la Chimie en France, par M. Kolbe. 4to. 1871. P. XXXIII. Einleitung in die moderne Chemie, von A. W. Hofmann. Fiinfte Auflage. Brauuschweig, 1871. 58 GENERAL CHEMISTRY. Om Lavoisier og den franske Chemi, af Th. Hiortdahl. 1871. P. XXXVI. Die modernen Theorien der Chemie und ihre Bedeutung fiir die chemische Statik, von Lothar -Meyer. Breslau, 1872. (Two copies.) Yierte Auflage : Iter. Theil. Die Atome. 1880. 2tes Buch. Statik der Atome. 1880. 3tes Buch. Dynamik der Atome. 1883. Exercises in Practical Chemistry, by A. Vernon Harcourt and H. G. Madan. Oxford, 1872. Third edition, re- vised by H. G. Madan. 1880. Histoire de la Physique et de la Chimie, par F. Hoefer. Paris, 1872. Die Entwickehmg der Chemie in der neueren Zeit, von H. Kopp. Miinchen, 1873. Chemistry for Students, by A. W. Williamson. Oxford, 1873. The Birth of Chemistry, by G. F. Rod well. London, 1874. Six Short Lectures on Experimental Chemistry, introductory to the General Course, by J. E. Reynolds. Dublin, 1874 Experimental Chemistry for Junior Students, by J. E. Reynolds. Part III. Metals and Allied Bodies. London, 1884. Leitfaden zur Einfiihrung in die^Experimental-Chemie, von J. E. Reynolds. Deutsche Ausgabe von G. Siebert. Leipzig. I. Theil. Einleitung. 1883. II. Theil. Die Metalloide. 1884. Hiilfsbuch zur Ausfiihrung chemischer Arbeiten, von K. Schwanert. 1874. Las teorias de la Quimica, por Don Jose Sole ry Sanchez. Madrid, 1874. L'odierno concetto chimico dei corpi. Discorso del G. Campani. Siena, 1874. P. XXIV. GENERAL TREATISES. 59 Abstracts of Lectures delivered at the Royal Institution, by W. Odling. London, 1874. Lessons on Elementary Chemistry, Inorganic and Organic, by H. E. Roscoe. London, 1874. Kurzes Lehrbuch der Chemie, nach den neusten Ansichten der Wissenschaft, von H. E. Roscoe. Deutsche Aus gabe, unter Mitwirkung des Verfassers, bearbeitet von C. Schorlemmer. Braunschweig, 1875. Des forces physico-chimiques, par E. Becquerel, avec un atlas. Paris, 1875. Sguardo storico critico della Chimica moderna, per cura del Dottor N. Accettella. Roma, Torino, Firenze, 1876. P. XXIV. Einfiihrung in das Studium der Chemie, von Hugo Schiff. Berlin, 1876. Chemical and Physical Researches, by Thomas Graham. Edinburgh, 1876. Chemistry, byR. Meldola (from the Encyclopedia Bri- tannica, ninth edition). 4to. 1876. The New Chemistry, by J. P. Cooke, jun. Third edition. London, 1876. Revised edition. New York, 1884. Die Theorien der modernen Chemie, von Albrecht Rau. Braunschweig . Erstes Heft. Die Grundlage der modernen Chemie. 1877. Zweites Heft. Die Entwicklung der modernen Chemie. 1879. Drittes Heft. Die Entwicklung der modernen Chemie. Neue Folge. 1884. Experimental Researches in Pure, Applied, and Physical Chemistry, by E. Frankland. London, 1877. The Chemist's Manual ; a Practical Treatise on Chemistry, by Henry A. Mott. New York, 1877. (Two copies.) Principles of Theoretical Chemistry, by Ira R em sen. Lon- don, 1877. A Primer of Chemistry, including Analysis, by A. Vacher. London, 1877. 60 GENERAL CHEMISTRY. Contributions from the Chemical Laboratory of Harvard College, by J. P. Cooke, jun. Cambridge (U.S.), 1877. A Treatise on Chemistry, by H. E. Roscoe and C. Schorlemmer. London. Vol. I. The Non-metallic Elements. 1878, 1881. II. Metals. Part i. 1878, 1879. Part ii. 1879, 1880. III. The Chemistry of the Hydrocarbons and their Derivatives, or Organic Che- mistry. Part i. 1881. (Two copies.) Part ii. 1884. The same in German. Lehrbuch der Chemie, u.s.w. Erster Band. 1877. Zweiter Band. I. Abtheilung. 1879. Dritter Band. I. Abtheilung. 1882. Notes for Students in Chemistry, by A. J. Bernays. 6th Edition. London, 1878. An Introduction to Practical Chemistry, including Analysis, by J. E. Bowman. Edited by C. Bloxam. London, 1878. Le9ons de Philosophie chimique professees au College de France en 1836, par J. Dumas. 2me edition. Paris, 1878. The Owens College Junior course of Practical Chemistry, by F. Jones; with a Preface, by H. E. Roscoe. London, 1878. Handbook of Modern Chemistry, Inorganic and Organic, by C. M. Tidy. London, 1878. Medclelelser fra Carlsberg Laboratoriet udgivne ved Labora- toriets Bestyrelse (Compte rendu des travaux du Laboratoire de Carlsberg). Kjobenhavn, 1878-84. Essai de mecanique chimique fondee sur la thermochimie, par M. Berthelot. 2 tomes. Paris, 1879. Die Grundlehren der Chimie, von A. Naumann. Heidel- berg, 1879. elementaires de Chimie moderne, par Ad. Wurtz. Paris, 1879. Elements of Modern Chemistry, by A. Wurtz, translated by W. H. Greene. London, 1880. GENERAL TREATISES. 61 Kurze chemische Mittheilungen, von Franz Stolba. Prag, 1879. P. XXY. Chemistry Inorganic and Organic, by C. L. Bloxam. Fourth edition. London, 1880. Introduction to the Study of Chemical Philosophy, by W. A. Tilden. Second edition. London, 1880. Lehrbuch der Chemie, nebst einem Abriss der Mineralogie, von U. Kreusler. Berlin, 1880. Traite de Chimie generale, par P. Schiitzenberger. 4 tomes. Paris. 1880-85. Ideal Chemistry : a Lecture by Sir B. C. Brodie. London, 1880. Chemical and Physical Researches, by J. P. Cooke, jun. . Cambridge (U.S.), 1881. Chemical Notes, by Sydney Lupton. Harrow, 1881. Handbuch der krystallographisch-physikalischen Chemie, von C. F. Rammelsberg. Leipzig, 1881-82. I. Abtheilung. Elemente und anorganische Yerbin- dungen. II. Abtheilung. Organische Yerbindungen. Chemiker-Kalender auf das Jahr 1882, von G. Krause. 1 Theil. Cothen, 1881. Physikalisch-chemische Tabellen, von H. Landolt und R. Bornstein. 4to. Berlin, 1883. Energy in Nature. Six Lectures by W. Lant Carpenter. London, 1883. Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Chemie, von W. Ostwald. Erster Band. Stochiometrie. Leipzig, 1884. See also DICTIONAKIES AND ENCYCLOPEDIAS, p. 250. 62 GENERAL CHEMISTKY. TREATISES ON SPECIAL SUBJECTS, Affinity. *A Dissertation on Elective Attractions, by T. Bergmann. London, 1785. *Researches into the Laws of Chemical Affinity, by C. L. Berthollet. Translated by M. Farrell. London, 1804. (Two copies.) Chemical Attraction. An Essay in Five Chapters, with an Historical Introduction, and several Illustrative Tables, by G. L. Hume. Cambridge, 1835. (Two copies.) Ueber die Modification der mittlern Eigenschaft, oder iiber die Eigenschaften von Mischungen in Biick- sicht auf die ihrer Bestandtheile, von H. Kopp. Frank- furt, 1841. E/echerches sur les affinites. De la formation et de la decomposition des ethers, par MM. Berthelot et Pean de St. Grilles. Paris, 1863. Etudes sur les affinites chimiques, par C. M. Guldberg et P. Waage. 4to. Christiania, 1867. P. XV. Apparatus. Chemical Handicraft, by J. J. Griffin. London, 1877. Atomic Theory. *A New System of Chemical Philosophy, by John Dalton, M.D. Parts I. and II. Manchester, 1808-10. ^Experiments and Observations on the Atomic Theory and Electrical Phenomena, by. W. Higgins. Dublin, 1814. An Introduction to the Atomic Theory, by C. Daubeny, M.D. Oxford, 1831. Second edition. 12mo. Oxford, 1850. Chemical Method, by A. Laurent, translated by W. Odling. London, 1855. Somatologie, oder Lehre von der inneren Beschaffen- heit der Korper, von J. V. Hofmann. Gottingen, 1863. TREATISES ON SPECIAL SUBJECTS. 63 Atomic Theory. Programme der Atomechanik, oder die Chemie eine Mechanik der Panatome, von Gustavus Hinrichs. 4to. Iowa, 1867. P. XV. A Summary of the above in English. P. XIX. On the Atomic Theory, by A. W. Williamson. London, 1869. P. XXIV. An Examination into the recent Attack upon the Atomic Theory, by R. W. Atkinson. 1872. P. XXIV. The Atomic Theory; in reply to Dr. Wright, by R. W. Atkinson. 1872. P. XXXVI. On the Modern Hypothesis of Atomic Matter and Luminiferous Ether, by H. Deacon. (Reprinted from the Quarterly Journal of Science.) 1874. P. XXIV. L'odierno concetto chimico dei corpi, diG. Campani. Siena, 1874. P. XXIV. La theorie des atomes dans la conception generale du monde, par Adolphe Wurtz. Paris, 1875. Die Lagerung der Atome im Raume, von J. H. van't Hof f. Braunschweig, 1877. La theorie atomique, par A. Wurtz. Paris, 1879. Die modernen Theorien der Chemie und ihre Bedeu- tung fur die chemische Statik, von Lothar -Meyer. Breslau, 1872. Vierte Auflage. Breslau, 1880-83. Atomic Weights. The Relations between the Atomic Weights of the Chemical Elements, by J. P. Cooke, jun. 4to. Cambridge, U.S., 1854. P. XXXIII. On the Isomorphism and Atomic Volume of some Minerals, with a Table of Atomic Weights, by J. D. Dana. 1850. P. I. Recherches sur les rapports reciproques des poids atomiques, par J. S. Stas. Bruxelles, 1860. Nouvelles recherches sur les lois des proportions chimiques, sur les poids atomiques, et leurs rapports mutuels, par J S. Stas. 4to. Bruxelles, 1865. (Two copies.) 64 GENERAL CHEMISTRY. Atomic Weights. Sur les equivalents chimiques et les poids atomiques comme bases d'un systeme de nota- tion, par C. Marignac. 1876. P. XXIV. The Constants of Nature. Part IY. Atomic Weight Determinations : a digest of the Investigations published since 1814, by G. F. Becker. 1880. Part V. A recalculation of the Atomic Weights, by F. W. Clark. 1882. (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collection.) Washington. Atomgewichts-Tabellen, zur Berechnung der bei analytisch-chemischen Untersuchungen erhaltenen Re- sultate, von R. Weber. Braunschweig, 1882. Die Atomgewichte der Elemente, von Lothar Meyer und Karl Seubert. Leipzig, 1883. (Two copies.) On the Discovery of the Periodic Law, and on Relations among the Atomic Weights, by J. A. R. Newlands. London, 1884. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Atomgewichte, von J. Sebelien. Braunschweig, 1884. See also EQUIVALENTS. Catalysis. La force catalytique, ou etudes sur les pheno- menes de contact, par T. L. Phipson. (Memoire couronne par la Societe hollandaise des Sciences, 1858.) 4to. Harlem, 1858. P. XVIII. La forza catalitica, di Donato Tommasi. Fireiize, 1878. P. XXXVI. Celestial Chemistry. Celestial Chemistry, and the Phy- sical Constitution of the Stars and Nebulae, by T. W. Burr. 1865. P. VII. Chemical Action. Ueber die Modification der mittleren Eigenschaft, oder iiber die Eigenschaften von Misch- ungen in Riicksicht auf die ihrer Bestandtheile, von H. Kopp. Frankfurt, 1841. Theorie generale de Faction chimique : premiere preuve de la necessite de son emploi pour eviter 1'erreur, par E. J. Maumene. 4to. 1870. P. XXXIII. TREATISES OX SPECIAL SUBJECTS. 65 Chemical Action. De 1'innuence de 1'ean sur les doubles decompositions salines, et sur les effets theraiiqnes qui les accompagnent, par C. Marignac. Geneve, 1874. P. XXIV. Sull' equilibrio tennico delle azioni chimiche, di D. Tommasi. Firenze, 1879. P. XXXYI. On the Relations of Heat to Chemical Action, see pp. 26-28. Chemical Constitution. The Influence of Chemical Con- stitution on Physiological Activity, by J. Emerson Reynolds. Dublin, 1877. P. XXIV. The Chemical Constitution of the Inorganic Acids, Bases and Salts, as viewed from the Standpoint of the Typo-nucleus Theory, by O. Richter. Edinburgh, 1882. Contact- action. Ueber die Haufigkeit der Beruhrungs- wirkungen auf dem Gebiete der Chemie, von C. F. Schonbein. (Einladungsschrift zu der auf Montag, den 1. Mai, festgesetzten Promotionsfeier des Padago- giums, und zur Eroffnung des Jahreskurses. 4to. Basel. 1843.) P. XVI. Dynamics. Etudes de dynamique chimique, par J. H. van 'T. Hof f. Amsterdam, 1884. Elements. On the Condition of certain Elements at the Moment of Chemical Change, by B. C. Brodie. (Phil. Trans., Part II. for 1850.) P. XVIII. Ueber die Nicht-einfachheit der Metalle, des Schwefels, der Kohle, des Chlors, und iiberhaupt iiber die Nicht-einfachheit der gegenwartig sogenannten " einfachen Stoffe ; " mit Angabe ihrer nachsten Be- standtheile, wie diese aus den Grundsatzen echter Na- turf orschung von selbst und zwar zunachst sich ergeben ; sammt nachsten Folgerungen iiber das Wesen der nach- weislich zusammengesetzten Stoffe, von Kotikovsky. Wien, 1854. P. XIII. Los cuatro elementos de Aristoteles en el siglo IX, porDon Ramon Torres MunozdeLuna. Madrid, 1858. P. XIII. r 66 GENERAL CHEMISTRY. Elements. Views of Nature, and of the Elements, Forces, and Phenomena of Nature and of Mind, by Ezra C. Seaman. New York, 1873. Suggestions on the development of the Cyclic LaVv of the Chemical Elements, by T. Bay ley. Dublin, 1883. P. XXXVI. Equivalents. Tables of Definite Proportionals, by W. T. Brande. London, 1828. On Arithmetical Relations between Chemical Equivalents, by M. Carey Lea. Philadelphia, 1862. P. VIII. Sur les equivalents chimiques et les poids atom- iques, comme bases d'un systeme de notation, par C. Marignac. 1876. P. XXIV. See also ATOMIC WEIGHTS. Formulge. Tables of Chemical Formulae, by W. Odling. London, 1864. P. VII. Die rationellen Formeln der Chemie auf Grundlage der mechanischen Warmetheorie. von Baron N. v. Del- lingshausen. Heidelberg, 1876. Furnaces. *A description of new Philosophical Furnaces, or a new art of Distilling, divided into five parts, by John Rudolph Glauber. 12mo. London, 1651. Isomerism. Le$on sur 1'isomerie professee devant la Societe chimique de Paris, le 27 Avril, 1863, par M. Berthelot. Paris, 1863 Laboratory. Das chemische Laboratorium der Universitat Christiania, und die darin ausgefiihrten chemischen Arbeiten, von A. Strecker. Christiania, 1854. P. XVI. The Chemical Laboratories in course of erection in the Universities of Bonn and Berlin, by A. W. Hof mann. 4to. London, 1866. (Two copies.) Description of plans of the Chemical Laboratory at the Owens College, Manchester, by H. E. Roscoe. 1878. TREATISES ON SPECIAL SUBJECTS. 67 Laboratory. Drawings and Plans of the L awes' Testi- monial Laboratory, Rothamsted. Manipulation. Chemical Manipulation : being Instruc- tions to Students in Chemistry on the Methods of performing Experiments, of Demonstration, or of Research, with accuracy and success, by Michael Faraday. London, 1830. Handbook of Chemical Manipulation, by C. G. Williams. London, 1857. Supplement, 1879. Traite theorique et pratique des manipulations chimiques, par C. Renard. Mons, 1873. Manipulations de Chimie, par E. Jungfleisch. Premiere partie. Paris, 1884. Mass. Ueber den Einfluss der Masse auf chemische Umsetzungen, von J. Morris. Tubingen, 1879. P. XXXVI. Mixtures. Ueber die Modification der mittlern Eigen- echaft, oder iiber die Eigenschaften ^von Mischungen in Riicksicht auf die ihrer Bestandtheile, von H. Kopp. Frankfurt, 1841. Molecules. Introduction a 1'etude de la Chimie mole- culaire, par J. Persoz. Paris, 1839. The Correct Molecular Weights, the Specific Gravity of Molecules, and the Nature of Chemical Action, by E. Vogel. San Francisco, 1879. P. XXXYI. Multiple Proportions. Ueber eine Beziehung des Gesetzes der multiplen Proportionen zu dem specifischen Volumen, von H. L. Buff. (Liebig's Annalen, 4 Suppl.-Band.) 1865. P. XX. Nomenclature. *Methode de nomenclature chimique, proposee par MM. de Morveau, Lavoisier, Ber- tholet, et De Fourcroy. On y a joint un nouveau systeme de caracteres chimique, adaptes a cette nomenclature, par MM. Hassenfratz etAdet. Paris, 1787. *Yocabulary and Tables of the Old and New Nomen- clatures of the Names of all the Subjects of Chemical Science. Anonymous. Edinburgh, 1796. r2 68 GENERAL CHEMISTRY. Nomenclature. *A Translation of the Table of Chemical Nomenclature, proposed by DeGuyton (formerly De Morveau),Lavoisier,Bertholet, and De Fourcroy, by G. Pearson. 4to. London, 1799. ^Remarks upon Chemical Nomenclature, according to the principles of the French Neologists, by R. Chenevix. London, 1802. On the Nomenclature of Organic Compounds, by C. G. B. Daubeny. (A Memoir read at the Chemical Section of the British Association at Ipswich, Monday, July 7, 1851.) P. VIII. Suggestions for a New System of Chemical Nomen- clature, by George Hamilton. Liverpool, 1866. P. VII. Suggestions for the promotion of Uniformity in Chemical Nomenclature and Notation. (Appendix to Report of Anniversary Meeting of the Chemical Society. 1882.) P. XLI. Notation. Sur les equivalents chimiques et les poids atomiques, comme bases d'un systeme de notation, par C. Marignac. P. XXIV. See also NOMENCLATURE. Phlogiston. *An Essay on Phlogiston and the Constitution of Acids, by Richard Kirwan. A new edition. London, 1789. *A Comparative View of the Phlogistic and Anti- phlogistic Theories, with Inductions; also an Analysis of the Human Calculus, with Observations on its Origin, etc., by William Higgins. London, 1791. *Anfangsgriinde der antiphlogistischen Chemie, von Ch. Girtanner. Berlin, 1795. On the Theory of Phlogiston, by G. F. Rod well. (Phil. Mag., 1868.) P. VII. Solubility. First Outlines of a Dictionary of Solu- bilities of Chemical Substances, by F. H. Storer, Cambridge (U.S.), 1864. TREATISES OX SPECIAL SUBJECTS. 69 Supersaturation. Sursaturation, par C. Tomlinson, traduit par 1'Abbe Moigno. Paris, 1872. Synthesis. La synthese chimique, par M. Berthelot. Paris, 1876. (Two copies.) Ueber die chemische Synthese, von A. Baeyer. 4to. Miinchen, 1878. P. XXXIII. Thermochemistry. See HEAT (p. 26). Types. A brief Sketch of the Modern Theory of Chemical Types, by C. M. Wetheiill. P. XXI. On the Theory of Types in Chemistry, by T. S terry Hnnt. 1861. P. XXXVIII. The Chemical Constitution of the Inorganic Acids, Bases, and Salts, as viewed from the Standpoint of the Typo-nucleus Theory, by O. E/ichter. Edinburgh, 1832. Unitary System. Introduction a 1'etude de la Chimie par le systeme unitaire, par Charles Gerhardt. 12mo. Paris, 1848. Volumes (Specific). Ueber eine Beziehung des Gesetzes der multiplen Proportionen zu dem specifischen Yolu- men, von H. L. Buff. 1865. P. XX. Weights, Atomic. See ATOMIC WEIGHTS (p. 63). INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. GENERAL TREATISES. *Experiments upon Magnesia- alba, Quick-lime, and other alcaline substances, by Dr. J. Black; to which is added an Essay on the cold produced by evaporating fluids, by W. CulJen, M.D. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1782. New edition, 1796. A System of Chemistry of Inorganic Bodies, by Thomas Thomson, M.D. Seventh edition. 2 vols. London, 1831. Grundriss der Chemie. .Unorganische Chemie, von F, Wohler. 2te Auflage. Berlin, 1833. Chimie minerale, et analyses de substances minerales, par P. Berthier. Paris, 1835. Inorganic Chemistry for Science Classes, by Fearnside Hudson. London and Manchester, 1865. Kurzes Lehrbuch der anorganischen Chemie, theilweise nach V. Regnault, selbstandig bearbeitet von Adolf Strecker. Braunschweig, 1866. Neunte Auflage, yon J. Wislicenus. 1877-81. Grundriss der unorganischen Chemie gemass den neueren Ansichteu, von C. F. Rammelsberg. Berlin, 1867. Systematische Uebersicht der so-gennanten unorganischen Verbindungen, von C. Weltzien. 4to. Heidelberg, 1867. Lehrbuch der anorganischen Chemie, von R. Arendt. Leipzig, 1868. GENERAL TREATISES. 71 A Manual of Inorganic Chemistry, by C. W. Eliot and F. H. Storer. Second edition. London, 1868. (Two copies.) Kurzes Lehrbuch der anorganischen Chemie, entsprechend den neueren Ansichten, von H. L. Buff. Erlangen, 1868. Elements of Heat and of Non-metallic Chemistry, by F. Guthrie. London, 1868. Lecture Notes for Chemical Students on Inorganic Che- mistry, by E. Frankland. London, 1870. Second edition, 1876. Lehrbuch der anorganischen Chemie, von Ph. Th. Biichner. Braunschweig, 1871. Introduction to the Study of Inorganic Chemistry, by W. A. Miller. London, 1871. Grundriss der unorganischen Chemie, von R. Fit tig. Leipzig, 1872. Inorganic Chemistry, by D. Mendeleeff (in Russian). 2vols. 1872. Inorganic Chemistry : the Non-metallic and Metallic Elements, with a section on Inorganic Analysis, by B. Meldola. London, 1874. Kurzes Lehrbuch der anorganischen Chemie, von V. v. Bichter. Bonn. Erste Auflage, 1875. Zweite Auflage, 1878. Vierte Auflage, 1884. Anleitung zum Experimentiren bei Vorlesungen iiber anorganische Chemie, von Karl Heumann. Braun- schweig, 1876. Inorganic Chemistry, founded on Fownes's Manual of Chemistry, by H. Watts, 1877 and 1883 (see p. 52). Kurzes Lehrbuch der anorganischen Chemie, von H. Kolbe. Braunschweig, 1877. Zweite Auflage, 1884. - Translation by T. S. Humpidge. London, 1884. A Manual of Inorganic Chemistry, by T. E. Thorpe. 2 vols. London and Glasgow, 1877. Graham-Otto's Lehrbuch der anorganischen Chemie. 5te Auflage. 3 Abtheilungen. 1878-1884. 72 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Inorganic Chemistry, with New Notation, by G. Wilson, revised by H. G. Madan. London and Edinburgh, 1879. New edition, 1885. Lehrbnch der anorganischen reinen und technischen Chemie, von L. Wenghoffer. Stuttgart, 1884. Experimental Chemistry for Junior Students. Part III. Metals and Allied Bodies, by J. E. Reynolds. London, 1884. Leitfaden zur Einfiihrung in die Experimental- Chemie, von J. E. Reynolds; deutsche Ausgabe von G. Siebert. 1 Theil, Einleitung. 2 Theil, die Metalloide. Leipzig, 1884. Inorganic Chemistry, by E. Frank land and P. R. Jap p. London, 1884. TREATISES ON SPECIAL SUBJECTS. Acids. On the Phosphates and Arseniates, the Microcosmic Salt, Acids, Bases, and Water, and a new and easy method of analysing Sugar, by John Dalton, M.D. Manchester, 1840-42. Researches on the Complex Inorganic Acids, by Wolcott Gibbs. 1879-83. P. XXXVIII. The Chemical constitution of the Inorganic Acids, Bases, and Salts, as viewed from the standpoint of the " Typo-nucleus" theory, by 0. Richter. Edinburgh, 1882. Action of Water on Acids, see WATER, p. 86. Air. *New Experiments touching the relation between Flame and Air, and about Explosions, by the Hon. Robert Boyle. London, 1672. ^Experiments and Observations relating to various branches of Natural Philosophy, with a continuation of the Observations on Air, by Joseph Priestley. 2 vols. London, 1779-81. (Two copies.) TREATISES OX SPECIAL SUBJECTS. 73 Air. *Chemical Observations and Experiments on Air and Fire, by C. W. Scheele, translated by Dr. J, Forster, with Additions by Kirwan and Priestley. London, 1780. *A Treatise on the Nature and Properties of Air, by T. Cavallo. 4to. London, 1781. ^Experiments and Observations on Acetous Acid, Fixable Air, Farbstoffe, Kohle- hydrate und Protein- Substanzen, von ! "JR. Sachsse. Leipzig, 1877. On Proteid Substances contained vin the Seeds of Plants, by S. H. Vines. Cambridge. > Memoire sur les matieres albumino'ides, par A. Bechamp. 4to. Paris, 1884. Alcohol. *Ueber die Siedepuncte mehrereralkoholhaltiger Fliissigkeiten, und die darauf gegriindeten Verfahren, den Alkoholgehalt derselben zu chemisch-technischen Zwecken zu bestimmen, von J. J. Pohl. (Aus dem zweiten Bande der Denkschriften der mathematisch- naturwissenschaftlichen Classe der kaiserlichen Akade- mie der Wissenschaften.) Folio. Wien, 1850. Sintesi degli alcoli per mezzo dell' etere clorurato, per A. Lieben. 4to. Palermo, 1867. P. XV. Spirit-gravities, with Tables, by T. Stevenson. London, 1880 TREATISES ON SPECIAL SUBJECTS. 115 Aldehyde- Ammonia. Ueber einen neuen aus Aldehyd- Ammoiiiak und Blausaure enstehenden Korper, von A. Strecker. 4to. Christiania, 1854. P. XYI. Aldehydene. L'action du brome sur I'iodure d'aldehy- dene, par Maxwell Simpson. 1858. P. XXXIII. Aldehydes. Ueber Condensationen einiger Aldehyde mit Acetessigather, und substituirten Acetessigathern, von F.E.Matthews. Bonn, 1882. P. XXVII. Alizarin. See COLOURING MATTERS. Alloxantin. The preparation of Alloxantin, together with the examination of several Thionurates, by J. M. Merrick, jun. Cambridge (U.S.), 1859. P. VIII. Amides. Researches on some of the Amides of the Fatty Acids, by T. H. Rowney. (Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. 21, part 2.) 1855. 4to. P. XVII. Researches on the action of Sulphuric Acid upon the Amides and Nitriles ; together with remarks upon the Conjugate Sulpho-acids, by Gr. B. Buckton and A. W. Hof mann. (Phil. Trans., 1857, Part i.) P. XVIII. Amido valeric Acid, by John Clark. Gottingen, 1866. P. VIII. Amylenes. Ueber verschiedene Amylene und Amyl- alcohole, von A. Wischnegradsky. 4to. 1877. P. XIX. Anhydrides. On a New Reaction for the production of Anhydrides and Ethers, by J. Brought on. 1865. P. XXVII. Aniline. Action du chlorure de chloracetyle sur 1'aniline et la toluidine, par D. Tommasi. 4to. Paris, 1873. P. XIX. See also COLOURING MATTERS. Animal Substances. On the Products of the Destructive Distillation of Animal Substances, by Thomas Ander- son, M.D. Part i. (From the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. 16, part iv., 1848.) P. XVIL i2 116 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Anthracene. Das Anthracen und seine Derivate, von G. Auerbach. Berlin, 1873. 2te Auflage. Braun- schweig, 1880. (Two copies.) The above translated by W. Crook es. London, 1877. Aromatic Bodies. Chemie der Benzolderivate oder der aromatischen Substanzen, von Aug. Kekule. Erster Band. Erlangen, 1867. Asparagine. Azione del permanganate di potassio sull' asparagina, di G. Campani. Siena, 1869. P. XXVII. Benzene. Benzole; its Nature and Utility, by C. B. Mansfield. London, 1849. On the Sulpho-acids of Benzole, by A. Ross- Garrick. Gottingen, 1869. P. XXVII. Zur Kenntniss einiger isomeren Bromnitrobenzol- sulfonsauren und ihrer Reduktionsprodukte, von L. W. Andrews, 1882. P. XXVII. Benzyl-toluene. On some of the Derivatives of Benzyl- toluol, by J. M. Milne. Glasgow, 1872. P. XXVII. Betaines. On Phosphorus-betaines, by Prof. Letts. 4to. 1881. P. XXXIII. Bitter Almond Oil. Ueber das Verhalten des Bitterman- deloles zum Sauerstoffe, von C. F. Schonbein (aus den Abhandlungen der konigl.-bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1857). P. XVI. Boiling Point. On the Relations between Boiling Point and Chemical Composition in Organic Compounds, by Hermann Kopp (Phil. Trans., 1860.) P. XVIII. On the Boiling Points of Alcoholic Liquids, see p. 114. Boron. On a JSTew Series of Organic Compounds containing Boron, by E. Frankland. (Phil. Trans., 1862.) P. XVIII. Ueber Triphenylborat, von L. W. Andrews. 1882. P. XXVII. Bmcine. Ueber die Zersetzung des Brucins mit Salpeter- saure, von A. Strecker. 4to. Christiania. P. XVI. Butylenes (Isodi- and Isotri-) . See OCTYLE^ES. TREATISES ON SPECIAL SUBJECTS. 117 Capric Acid. On a new Source for obtaining Capric Acid, and remarks on some of its Salts, by T. H. Rowney. (Edin. Phil. Trans., vol. 20, part 2.) 4to. P. XVII. Carbohydrates. Die Chemie mid Physiologic der Farb- stoffe, Kohlehydrate, nnd Protein - Snbstanzen, von Robert Sachsse. Leipzig, 1877. Chloral. Riduzione del cloralio, Nota di D. Tommasi. 1878. P. XXVII. Cinnamon. Kiinstliche Darstellung des Zimmtols, von A. Strecker. 4to. Christiania, 1854. P. XVI. Citraconic Acid. See ITACOXIC ACID. Coal. On some of the products of the destructive distilla- tion of Boghead Coal, by C. G. Williams. Part i. (Philosophical Transactions, 1857, Parts i. and ii. ; 1858, Part i.) P. XVIII. - On some of the constituents of the Tar obtained by Destructive Distillation of Brown Coal, by Max Diirre. Edinburgh, 1859. P. XXVII. A Practical Treatise on Coal, Petroleum, and other distilled Oils, by A. Gesner. New York, 1861. Coal-tar Colours. See COLOURING MATTERS. Cobalt Bases. Researches on the Ammonia- Cobalt Bases, by Wolcott Gibbs and F. A. Genth. (From the Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, July, 1856.) P. XVII. Codeine. On the Constitution of Codeine and its Products of Decomposition, by Thomas Anderson, M.D. (From the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edin- burgh, vol. xx. part i., 1850.) P. XVII. On the Optical Properties of a Compound of Iodine and Codeine, by W. Haidinger. (From the Edin- burgh New Philosophical Journal for January, 1851.) P. XIII. Colophenin. On Colophenine and Colophenic Hydrate, New Substances produced from the Destructive Distil- lation of Rosin, by C. R. C. Tichborne. (Transac- tions of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. xxiv.) P. XIX. 118 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Colouring Matters. On the Colouring Matter of Morinda citrifolia, by T. Anderson. 1848. P. XVII. Examen des matieres colorantes artificielles derivees du goudron de houille, par E. Kopp. I. Matieres colorantes derivees de 1'aniline. II. Derives de la naphtaline. III. Couleurs derivees du phenol. 1861. P/XXXIII. Sur les matieres colorantes, par P. Schiitzen- berger. Paris, 1869. (Bound with Ste.-Claire Deville's "Le9ons de Chimie.") Traite des derives de la houille, applicables a la pro- duction des matieres colorantes, par C. Girard et G. de Laire. Paris, 1873. (Two copies.) Die Chemie und Physiologie der Farbstoffe, Kohle- hydrate und Protein-Substanzen, von Robert Sachsse. Leipzig, 1877. Die Theerfarbstoffe, ihre Darstellung und Anwen- dung, von Stanislaus Mierzinski. Leipzig, 1878. The History of Alizarin and Allied Colouring Matters, by W. H. Perkin. London, 1879. Die Chemie des Steinkohlentheers, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der kiinstlichen organischen Farb- stoft'e, von Gustav Schultz. Braunschweig, 1882. See p. 195. Also INDIGO, MADDER, NAPHTHALENE, and EHAMNUS. Corpus luteum. Studj sul corpo luteo della vacca, di G. Piccolo e A. Lieben. 4to. Palermo, 1867. P. XIX. Creatinine. Om Kreatininets Forhold til Kobberoxyd og Alkali, af W. Muller. 1831. P. XXVII. Creosote. On the Antiseptic Alkaloids contained in Creosote Oils, by C. Greville Williams. 1883. P. XXVII. Cyanides. Ueber die Cyanverbindungen der Platin- metalle, von C. A. Martius. 1860. P. XXXVIII. Bidrag till kannedomen om Platinans Cyanfore- ningar, af N. 0. Hoist. 4to. 1874. P. XXXIII. TREATISES ON SPECIAL SUBJECTS. 119 Cyanogen. Das Cyan und seine anorganischen Verbin- dungen nebst dera Mellon, von 0. B. Kuhn. Leipzig, 1863. Ethers. Sur les combinaisons des acides borique et silicique avec les ethers, par M. Ebelmen. 1846. P. XXVII. Memoire sur de no livelier combinaisons de 1'acide borique avec les ethers, et sur 1'ether sulfureux, par MM. Ebelmen et Bouquet.. 1846. P. XXVII. Recherches sur les affinites : de la formation et de la decomposition des ethers, par MM. Bert helot et Pean de St. Gilles, Paris, 1863. Synthetic Researches on Ethers. No. 1. Synthesis of Ethers from Acetic Ether, by E. Frank land and B. F. Duppa. 4to. 1865. (Phil. Trans. 146, p. 37.) P. XIX. On the Action of Phosphide of Sodium on Haloid Ethers, and on the Salts of Tetrabenzylphosphonium, by Prof. Letts and N. Collie. 1882. P. XXXIII. See also ANHYDRIDES (p. .115).. Ethylamines. On the Production and Exact Separation of the Ethyl-bases, by M. Carey Lea. Philadelphia, 1861. P. VIII. Reactions of Ethylamine and Diethylamine, by M. Carey Lea, 1862. P. VIIL - Triethylamine, by M. Carey Lea, 1862. P. VIII. Ethylphosphates. See PHOSPHATES (p. 123). Eugenic Acid. On Eugenic Acid, by C. Gr. Williams. London, 1858. P, VIIL Fats. * Recherches chimiques sur les corps gras d'origine animale, par E. Chevreul. Paris, 1823. Combinaisons de la glycerine avec les acides, et reproduction artificielle des corps gras neutres, par M. Berthelot. Paris, 1854 P. XXVII. Fumaric Acid. Ueber die Isomerie der Fumarsaure und der Maleinsaure, sowie der Itaconsaure, Citraconsaure, und Mesaconsaure, von H. Kolbe. Braunschweig, 1862. P. XXVII. 120 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Gallotannic Acid. See TANNIN (p. 126). Glycerol. Das Glycerin, von S. W. Koppe. Wien, Pest, Leipzig, 1883. Glycols. Memoire sur les glycols, ou alcohols diatomiqnes, par Ad. Wurtz. Paris, 1859. P. VIII. Glyoxylic Acid. On the Compounds and Derivatives of Glyoxylic Acid, by H. Debus. (Phil. Trans., 1863.) P. XIX. Haemoglobin. See BLOOD, p. 133. Homologous Compounds. Untersuchungen iiber die Dampf-Tensionen homologer Verbindungen, von R. Landolt. 4to. Bonn, 1868. P. XIX. Hydrocarbons. On Volatile Hydro- Carbons. I. Naphtha from Lime Soap. II. Naphtha from Rangoon Petroleum, by Warren and Storer. 4to. Cambridge (U.S.), 1866. P. XV. and XXXIII. Sulla costituzione dei carburi d'idrogeno, di A. Lie ben (estratto dal Giornale di Scienze Naturali ed Economiche. Tomo 2). 4to. Palermo, 1867. P. XIX. Ueber die chemische Constitution der organischen Kohlenwasserstoffe, von Hermann Kolbe. Braun- schweig, 1869. Also P. XXVII. See also OLEFINES and PARAFFIN. Hydrocyanic Acid. Ueber die Verbindungen der Blau- saure mit den Halogenwasserstoffsauren, von F. E. Matthews. 1882. P. XXVII. Indigo. Indigo and its Artificial Production, by H. E. Roscoe. 1881. P. XXVII. Inulin. Materialien zu einer Monographic des Inulins, von G-. Dragendorff. St. Petersburg. 1870. Iodine. On a general Method of Substituting Iodine for Hydrogen in Organic Compounds, and on the properties of lodo-pyromeconic Acid, by J. F. Brown. (From the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. 21, part i., 1857.) P. XVII. Isodibutylene. See OCTYLENES. TREATISES ON SPECIAL SUBJECTS. 121 Itaconic Acid. Ueber die Isomerie der Itaconsaure, Citra- consaure und Mesaconsaure, von H. Kolbe. Braun- schweig, 1862. P. XXVII. Ketones. Quelqu.es nouvelles ketones aromatiques, obtenues par condensation moleculaire, par Al. Claparede. Geneve, 1882. P. XXVII. r H Lactic Acids. Synthesis of Acids of the Lactic Series, by E. Frankland and B. F. Duppa. (Phil. Trans., 1866.) P. XIX. Ueber einige neue Verbindungen der Milchsaure, von A. Strecker. 4to. Christiania, 1854. P. XVI. Leucoline. On some new Bases of the Leucoline Series, by G. C. Robinson and W. L. Goodwin. 4to. 1878-79. P. XXXIII. Madder. On the Substances contained in Madder, by E. Schunck. Rochdale, 1848. P. VIII. Recherches sur la garance d' Alsace, par E. Kopp. P. XXXIX. Maleic Acid. See FUMARIC ACID. Margaric Acid. Ueber die Margarinsaure aus Olivenol, von J. Collett. 4to. Christiania, 1854. P. XV. Meconic Acid. On Meconic Acid and some of its Deriva- tives, by H. How. (Edinb. Phil. Trans., 1853, Vol. 20 Part 3.) P. XVII. Mercury Ethyl. Ueber einige Verbindungen von Hydrar- gyrathyl und Hydrargyromethyl, von A. Strecker. 4to. Christiania, 1854. P. XVI. Mesaconic Acid. See ITACONIC ACID. Mesitylene. Ueber einige Mesitylenderivate, von A. R. Ledoux. Berlin, 1875. P. XXIII. Methyl Bases. On the Production of the Methyl Bases, and on the Preparation of Nitrate of Methyl, by M Carey Lea. Philadelphia, 1862. P. VIII. - On Methylamine, by M. Carey Lea. 1862. P. VIII. Morinda. On the Colouring Matter of Morinda citrifolia, by Thomas Anderson, M.D. (From the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. 16, part iv, 1848.) P. XVII. 122 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Naphtha. Examination of Naphtha from Lime Soap and from Rangoon Petroleum, by C. M. Warren and F. H. Storer. 4to. Cambridge (U.S.), 1866. P. XY. and XXXIII. Naphthalene. Production of New Colouring Matters from Nitro- and Dinitro-naphthalene, by M. Carey Lea. 1861. P. VIII. On a Coloured Derivative of Naphthalene, by M. CareyLea. (Silliman's Journal.) 1864. P. VII. Das Naphtalin und seine Derivate, von M. Ball 6. Braunschweig, 1870. Ueber die Constitution des Naphtalins und seiner Abkommlinge, von F. Reverdin und E. Nolting. 4to. 1880. P. XXXIII. See also COLOURING MATTERS. Naphthylamine. Sur les derives acides de la naphtyla- mine, par D. Tommasi. 4to. Paris, 1873. P. XIX. Coloured Derivatives of Naphthylamine, by M. Carey Lea. Philadelphia, 1862. P. VIII. Nitric and Nitrous Ethers. Preparation of the Nitrate and Nitrite of Ethyl, by M. Carey Lea. 1861. P. VIII. Nitriles. Researches on the Action of Sulphuric Acid on the Amides and Nitriles, by G. B. Buck ton and A. W. Hofmann. (Phil. Trans., 1857, Part I.) P. XVIII. Nitropmssides. On the Nitroprussides, a New Class of Salts, by Dr. Lyon PI ay fair. (From the Philosophical Transactions for 1849.) P. XVIII. Nomenclature. On the Nomenclature of Organic Com- pounds, by C. G. B. Daubeny. 1857. P. VIII. Octylenes. Sur 1'isodibutylene et 1'isotributylene, varietes isomeriques de 1'octylene, par A. Boutlerow. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1876 and 1879. P. XIX. Oils. On the Constitution of the Essential Oil of Rue, by C. G. Williams. (Phil. Trans., 1858, Part 2.) P. XVIII TREATISES ON SPECIAL SUBJECTS. 123 Oils. Review of Dr. Antisell's work on Photogenic Oils, by F. H. Storer. (Silliman's Journal [2]. xxx. 1860.) P. VIII. See also COAL, p. 117. defines. On some Derivatives from the Olefines, by Frederick Guthrie. P. VIII. Opium. Researches on some of the Crystalline Constituents of Opium, by Thomas Anderson, M.D. (From the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. 20, part iii.) 1853. P. XVII. Oxalates. Memoire sur la calcination de 1'oxalate de plomb, par E. J. Maumene. 4to. Paris, 1871. P. XXXIII. Paraffin. Expansion of Paraffin of High Boiling Point, by G. F. Rodwell. 1875. P. XXIV. Peat. On the Bases produced by the destructive distilla- tion of Peat, by A. H. Church and E. Owen. 1860. P. XXVII. PhenyL Ueber Triphenylborat, von L. W. Andrews. Bonn, 1882. P. XXVII. Phosphates. Researches on certain Ethyl-phosphates, by A. H. Church. (Proc. Roy. Soc., 1864.) P. VIII. Phosphorus-bases. On the Action of Phosphide of Sodium on Haloid Ethers, and on Salts of Tetrabenzylphos- phonium, by Prof. Letts and N. Collie. 1882. P. XXXIII. - On Phosphorus Betaines, by Prof. Letts. 1882^ P. XXXIII. Picoline. On the Constitution and Properties of Picoline, a new Organic Base from Coal -Tar, by T. Anderson, M.D. (From the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. 16, part ii., 1846.) P. XVII. Picramic Acid. Preparation of Picramic Acid and its re- action with Nitric Acid, by M. Carey Lea. 1861. P. VIII. Ueber eine Isopikraminsaiire, von C. W. Dabney, Sohn. Gottingen, 1830. P. XXVII. 124 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Picric Acid. Contributions to the History of Picric Acid, by M. Carey Lea. 1861. P. VIII. Sur une combinaison d'acide picrique et d'acide acetique, par D. Tommasi et H. David. 4to. P. XIX. Om pikrinsurt Mangan og Jern, af Th. Hiortdahl. Christiania, 1882. P. XXVII. Piperidine. Nogle Salte af Piperidin-baserne, af Th. Hiortdahl. :i 1878. P. XXVII. Plant-constituents. See p. 156. Polyatomic Compounds. Recherches sur les composes polyatomiques, par A. V. Lourenco. Paris, 1863. Propionic Acid. Ueber eine eigenthiimliche Bildungs- weise der Propionsaure und einige Salze derselben, von A. Strecker. 4to. Christiania, 1854. P. XVI. Proteids. See ALBUMINOIDS. Quinine. On the Optical Properties of a newly-discovered Salt of Quinine, which possesses the power of Polar- ising a Ray of Light, by W. B. Herapath. 1852. P. XXXVI. Om selensurt og svovlsurt Chinin (Selenate and Sulphate of Quinine), af Th. Hiortdahl. 1878. P. XXVII. Ueber die Constitution des Chinins, von A. Strecker. 4to. Christiania, 1854. P. XVI. Radicles. Histoire des radicaux organiques, par A. Cahours. Paris, 1860. P. VIII. Resorcinol. Ueber einige Homologe des Resorcins, von E. Knecht. Hottingen Ziirich, 1882. P. XXVII. Hhamnus. Sur une matiere colorante extraite du Rhamnus frangula, par T. L. Phipson. P. VIII. Salicin. Medicinische Studien iiber Salicylsaure und Sali- cylate, nach franzosischen und englischen omcinellen Berichten, von M. Wittich und F. v. Heyden. Leipzig, 1878. L'Acide salicylique et ses di verses applications, par A. Schlumberger. 1878. P. XXVII. TREATISES ON SPECIAL SUBJECTS. 125 Starch. Die Starkekorner, von Carl Nageli. 4to. Zurich, 1858. Memoire sur la fecule, et les substances qui peuvent la remplacer dans Findustrie, par T. L. P hip son. Bruxelles, 1855-56. P. VIII. Succinimide. Xogle Forsog med Succinimid, af Doxrud. 1871. P. XXXVIII. Sugar. Letters on the Sugar-cane and on Cane-sugar, by Frederick Guthrie. Mauritius, 1863. P. V. On Sorghum Sugar, by J. W. Johnston. 1880. P. XL. Die Zuckerarten und ihre Derivate, von E. 0. Lipp- mann. Braunschweig, 1882. Sugar (Invert) . Om Druesukkerets Fremstilling og Titrering med Knapp's Vaedske, af J. G. Otto. Christiania, 1882. P. XXVII. Om Druesukkerets Fremstilling efter Neubauers Forskrift ved Hjaelp af Schwarz's Methode og dets Kenhed, af W. Miiller. Christiania, 1882. P. XXVII. Sulpho-acids. Researches on the action of Sulphuric Acid upon the Amides and Nitriles, with remarks upon the Conjugate Sulpho-acids, by G. B. Buck ton and A. W. Hof mann. (Phil. Trans., 1857, part i.) P. XVIII. On the Sulpho-acids of Benzol, by A. Ross- Garrick. Gottingen, 18G9. P. XXVII. Zur Kenntniss einiger isomeren Bromnitrobenzol- sulfonsauren und ihrer Reduktionsprodukte, von L. W. Andrews. Bonn, 1882. P. XXVII. Sulphomethylates. On the Spontaneous Decomposition of certain Sulphomethylates, by A. H. Church. 1855. P. VIII. On the Action of Water on certain Snlpho- metbylates, by A. H. Church. 1856. P. VIII. Synthesis. Chimie organique fondee sur la synthese, par M. Berthelot. Paris, 1860. 126 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. ynthesis. Leons sur les methodes generates de synthese en Chimie organique, professees en 1864, an College de France, par M. Berthelot. Paris, 1864. Sur la synthese des substances organiques, par M. Berthelot. (Disconrs prononce a la Societe chimiqne de Londres, le 4 Juin, 1864.) P. VIII. La synthese chimique, par M. Berthelot. Paris, 1876. (Two copies.) Tannin. Untersuchung der Gallapfel-Gerbsaure, von A. Strecker. 4to. Christiania, 1854. P. XVI. Contribncion al estudio del tanino de la Yerba Mate (Ilex paraguayensis), por P. N. Arata. Buenos Aires, 1877. P. XXVII. Tartaric Acid (Laevo). On the preparation of Laevo- Tartaric Acid. A communication from M. Jungfleisch to Dr. Gore. 1883. P. XXXVI. Tartrates. Researches on the Tartrates of Antimony, by F. W. Clarke and C. S. Evans. 1883. P. XXXVIII. Tasmanite. On Tasmanite, a New Mineral of Organic Origin, by A. H. Church. (Philosophical Magazine, Dec., 1864.) P. VII. Taurine. Kunstliche Bildung des Taurins, von A. Strecker. 4to. Christiania, 1854. P. XVI. Thallium. Note sur les sels organiques de thallium, par F. Kuhlmann fils. P. XXVII. Toluidine. Synthese d'une base isomere a la toluidine, par W. Koerner. 4to. Paris, 1871. P. XIX. Action du chlorure d'acetyle sur Faniline et la toluidine, par D. Tommasi. 4to. Paris, 1873. P. XIX. Urea. Preparation of Urea from Ferrocyanide of Potassium, by M. Carey Lea. 1861. P. VIII. Sur la combinaison de 1'uree avec 1'acetyle chlore, par D. Tommasi. 4to. Paris, 1867. P. XIX. The Structural Relations of Urea and Uric Acid, by J. G. McVicar, 1870. P. XXVII. TREATISES ON SPECIAL SUBJECTS. 127 Uric Acid. On the Action of the Alkaline Nitrites upon Uric Acid and its Derivatives, by Wolcott Gribbs. Boston, 1869. P. XXYIL Om Urinsyrens Forhold til Kobberoxyd og Alkali, af W. Miiller. Christiania, 1881. P. XXYIL Valerianic Acid. On Amidovalerianic acid, a new acid belonging to the Glycollic Series, by John Clark. Gottingen, 1866. P. VIII. Wax. An Investigation on the Chemical Nature of Wax, by B. C. Brodie. Part I. On Cerotic Acid, a New Acid contained in Bees'-wax. Part II. On the Chemical Nature of Wax from China. (From the Philosophical Transactions, Part i, for 1848.) P. XVIII. ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY. GENERAL PERIODICALS. Comptes rendus des seances et menioires de la Societe de Biologie. Series IV.-VIII. Paris,. 1866-84, (Con- tinued.) Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie d6s Menscben und der Thiere, berausgegeben von F. Pfliiger. Bande 1-35. (1868-1884.) Register, Bande 1-30. Bonn. (Continued.) Jabresberiebt iiber Tbiercbemi?, von B. Maly. Bande 2-14. (1872-84.) Register, 1871-80. Wiesbaden. Zeitscbrift fiir Biologie, von M. Pettenkofer und C. Voit. Bande 8-20. (1872-1884.) Miinchen und Leipzig. ( Continued.) Zeitscbrift fiir pbysiologiscbe Cbemie, herausgegeben Vbn F. Hoppe-Seyler. Bande 1-8. (1877-1884.) Strass- burg. (Continued.) GENERAL TREATISES. *Jobannis Mayow, Londinensis Doctoris et Medici, nee non Coll. Omn. Anim. in Universitate Oxoniensi Socii, Opera omnia Medico-pbysica, Tractatibus quinque com- prebensa. Hagse-Comitum, 1681. GENERAL TREATISES. 129 Tract I. De Sal-nitro et Spiritu nitro-aereo. II. De Respiratione. III. De Respiratione foetus in utero et ovo. IV. De Motu Muscular! et Spiritibus ani- malibus. V. De Rachitide. *Statical Essays, containing Haemastatics ; or an Account of some Hydraulic and Hydrostatical Experiments made on the Blood and Blood-vessels of Animals, by Stephen Hales, D.D. London, 1740. The Elements of Medical Chemistry, by J. A. Paris, M.D. London, 1825. A Treatise on Poisons, in relation to Medical Jurisprudence, Physiology, and the Practice of Physic, by R. Christi- son, M.D. Edinburgh, 1832. Essai de statique chimique des etres organises, par J. Dumas. Paris, 1842. Animal Chemistry, or Organic Chemistry in its applications to Physiology and Pathology, by J. Liebig, edited by W. Gregory. London, 1842. Chemistry of Animal Bodies, by T. Thomson. Edinburgh, 1843. The Chemistry of Vegetable and Animal Physiology, by Dr. G. J. Mulder. Translated from the Dutch by Dr. Fromberg: with an Introduction and Notes by James F. W. Johnston. Part i. Edinburgh, 1845. Physiological Researches, by Sir B. C. Brodie, Bart. London, 1851. Physiological Chemistry, by C. G. Lehmann. Translated from the German by Dr. G. E. Day. 3 vols. (Caven- dish Society.) London, 1851-54. The Atlas of Physiological Chemistry (a Supple- ment to Lehmann's Physiological Chemistry), by 0. Funke. 4to. London, 1853. K 130 ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY. The Chemistry of Common Life, by J. F. W. Johnston 2 vols. 1854-55. New Edition, revised by A. H. Church. Edinburgh, 1880. Memoirs on the Chemistry of Animal and Vegetable Growth, by J. B. Lawes, J. H. Gilbert, and Evan Pugh. 4to. London, 1863. Der Kreislauf des Lebens : physiologische Antworten auf Liebig's chemische Briefe, von Jac. Moleschott 12mo. Mainz, 1863. Lectures on Animal Chemistry, delivered at the Royal College of Physicians, by William Odling. London, 1866. Outlines of Physiology, Human and Comparative, by John Marshall. 2 vols. London, 1867. Lehrbuch der physiologischen Chemie, von W. Kiihne. Leipzig, 1868. Principes de Chimie biologique, par Dr. Ernest Hardy. Paris, 1871. A Manual of Chemical Physiology, by J. L. W. Thudichum. London, 1872. (Two copies.) Handbook for the Physiological Laboratory, by E. Klein, J. Burdon-Sanderson, Michael Foster, and T. Lauder Brunton. Text and Plates. London, 1873. Ueber den Einfluss des Freiherrn Justus von Liebig auf der Entwickelung der Physiologic, von T. L. W. von Bischoff. Miinchen, 1874. P. XXXIII. Notes of Demonstrations in Physiological Chemistry, by S. W. Moore. London, 1874. Influence of Chemical Composition on Physiological Activity, by J. E. Reynolds. Dublin, 1874. P. XXIV. Lehrbuch der Zoochemie, von K. B. Hofmann. Wien, 1876. Die Ernahrung der landwirthschaftlichen Nutzthiere, von E. Wolff. Berlin, 1876. Neue Beitrage, 1879. Landwirthschaftliche Fiitterungslehre, von E. Wolff. 7te Auflage. Berlin, 1877. ' GENERAL TREATISES. 131 Physiologische Chemie, von F. Hoppe-Seyler. Berlin. I. Theil : Allgemeine Biologic, 1877. II. Theil : Die Yerdauung und Resorption der Nahr- stoff, 1878. III. Theil : Blut, Respiration, Lymph, Chylus, 1879. IV. Theil: Die Orgaiie des Thierkorpers und ihre Functionen, der Gesannntstoffwechsel der Thiere, 1881. Nouveaux elements de Chimie medicale et de Chimie bio- logique, par R. Engel. Paris, 1878. Animal Chemistry, by C. T. Kingzett. London, 1878. Grundriss der Physiologic des Menschen fiir Studirende und Arzte, von J. Steiner. Leipzig, 1878. Lecons sur les phenomenes de la vie communs aux animaux et aux vegetaux, par Cl. Bernard. Paris, 1879. A Text-book of Physiology, by Michael Foster, M.D. Third edition. London, 1879. Fourth edition, 1883. The Interdependence of Animals and Plants, by J. F. M. H. Stone. 1879. P. XXIII. Handbuch der Physiologic, von L. Hermann. 6 Bande. Leipzig, 1879-82. Manual of Cattle Feeding, by H. P. Arms by. New York, 1880. A Text-book of the Physiological Chemistry of the Animal Body, by Arthur Gamgee. Vol. I. London, 1880, (Two copies.) Traite de Chimie biologique, par Adolphe Wurtz. Paris, 1880-85. Grundziige der Chemie des Menschen, fiir Aerzte und Studi- rende, von Leo. Liebermann. Stuttgart, 1880. Die chemische TJrsache des Lebens, von Oscar Loew und Thomas Bokorny. Miinchen, 1881. Physiology of Every-day Life, by J. F. M. H. Stone. London, 1881. P. XXXIV. Chemistry of the Farm, by R. War ing ton. London, 1881. K 2 132 ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY. Beitrage zur Biologie, von T. L. W. von Bischoff, Stutt- gart, 1882. Ueber die Grenzen des Naturerkennens : die sieben Weltrathsel. Zwei Vortrage von Emil du Bois- Reymond. Leipzig, 1882. See also GENERAL TREATISES on MEDICAL CHEMISTKY, p. 224, TREATISES AND REPORTS ON SPECIAL SUBJECTS. Air. Air and its Relations to Life, by W, N". Hartley. London, 1875. (Two copies.) See also HYGIENE, p. 232. Alum. The Effect of Alum, on the Human System when used in Baking Powders, by H. A. Mott, Jr. New York, 1880. P. XXXIV. Animal Body. Experimental Inquiry into the Composition of some of the Animals fed and slaughtered as Human Food, by J. B. Lawes and J. H. Gilbert. (Phil. Trans., 1859, Part II.) The composition of Sheep, Oxen, and Pigs, and of their Increase whilst Fattening, by J. B. Lawes and J. H. Gilbert. 1860. P. II. Beitrage zur Chemie der geweb-bildenden Sub- stanzen und ihrer Abkommlinge, von E. Eichwald, Sohn. Erstes Heft. Berlin, 1873. On the composition of Albumen, and the changes which Leucine and Albumen undergo in the Animal System, by P. W. Latham. 1882. P. XXXIV. Further observations on the transformation of Alcohol, and on the Formation of Alcohol and Urea in the Living Body, by P. W. Latham. 1882. P. XXXIV. TREATISES AND REPORTS ON SPECIAL SUBJECTS. 133 Blood. * Statical Essays containing Haemastatics ; or an Account of some Hydraulic and Hydrostatical Experi- ments made on the Blood and Blood-vessels of Animals, by Stephen Hales, D.D. London, 1740. - Observations on the Absorption of Metals into the Blood in cases of Poisoning, by A. S. Taylor. 1841. P. XXX1Y. Hamatologische Studien, von AlexanderSchmidt. Dorpat, 1865. P. IX. - Die Blutkrystalle, von W. Preyer. Jena, 1871. Untersuchungen iiber den Hamoglobingehalt des Blutes in gesunden und kranken Znstanden, von 0. Leicht ens tern. Leipzig, 1878. Om Oxyhaemoglobin af Svineblod, af J. G. Otto. Christiania, 1882. P. XXVII. Om krystalliseret Methaemoglobin, af J. G. Otto. Christiania, 1882. P. XXVII. Bidrag til Kundskaben om Blodets Farvestoffe, af J. G. Otto. Christiania, 1883. P. XXXIV. Calculi. Catalogue, Descriptive and Illustrated, of the Calculi and other Animal Concretions, contained in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons. Parts I. and II. 4to. London, 1842. Estudo sobre as hernias parietaes da bexiga, e sobre os calculos vesicaes encarcerados, por J. J. da Silva Amado. Lisboa, 1867. P. IX. Cattle Food. Composition of Linseed and Rape Cakes, which are now selling (1859) in the Dublin Market, and the Composition of Artificial Cattle Food, by James Birney and John McDowell. P. V. Chromates. Contribution a 1'etude de Tacide chromique et des chromates, sous le point de vue physiologique, therapeutique et toxicologique, par H. Rousseau. Paris, 1878. Corpus Luteum. Studj sul corpo luteo della vacca, di G. Piccolo e A. Lieben. Palermo, 1867. P. XIX. 134 ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY Excrements. An Account of the Organic Chemical Con- stituents or Immediate Principles of the Excrements of Man and Animals in the Healthy State, byW.Marcet. (Philosophical Transactions, 1855. Part I.) P. XVIII. Pats. *Recherches chimiques sur les corps gras d'origine animale, par E. Chevreul. Paris, 1823. On the Formation of Fat in the Animal Body, by J. B. Lawes and J. H. Gilbert. Cambridge, 1877. P. XXVIII. Pood. On the Composition of Food, and how it is adul- terated, with Practical Directions for its Analysis, by W. Marcet. London, 1856. Experimental Inquiry into the Composition of some of the Animals fed and slaughtered as Human Food, by J. B. Lawes and J. H. Gilbert. (From the Philo- sophical Transactions for 1859. Part II.) A Guide to the Food Collection in the South Ken- sington Museum, by E. Lankester. London, 1859. P. XIII. The Food of Man in Relation to his Useful Work, by Lyon Playfair. Edinburgh, 1865. P. IX. The Food Journal : a Review of Social and Sanitary Economy. Vols. I. -IV. (Imperfect.) London, 1870-73. On Food: Four Cantor Lectures, by H. Letheby. London, 1872. A Treatise on Food and Dietetics, physiologically and therapeutically considered, by F. W. Pavy, M.D. London, 1875. -* Food : Some Account of its Sources, Constituents and Uses, by A. H. Church. London, 1876. A Plan for rendering Salt Meat more nutritious, by R. Galloway. Dublin, 1876. P. XXX. Food Tables, by I. B. Lyon. Bombay, 1877. Composition of Foods, Waters. Minerals, Manures, the Devonshire Associa- tion of Science, Literature, and Art, delivered at Tiver- ton, June 28, 1865, by C. G. B. Daubeny. -P. XIV. Two Lectures. I. Life of Edward Somerset, second Marquis of Worcester, Inventor of the Steatn Engine; II. Chimeras of Science, by Henry Dircks. London, 1869. Science for the People, by T. Twining. London, 1870. The Inosculatipn of Arts and Sciences, by Lyon Playfair. London, 1870. P. XXII. On the Claims of Science to Public Recognition and Support, with special reference to the so-called " Social Sciences," by W. A. Guy. 1870. P. XXI. A Dictionary of Science, including the latest Dis- coveries, by G. F. Rodwell. (Haydon Series.) London, 1871. A Manual of Scientific Enquiry prepared for the use of Officers in Her Majesty's Navy and Travellers in General. Published by authority of the Lords Com- missioners of the Admiralty. Fourth edition. London, 1871. The National Importance of Scientific Research, by G. Gore. (Reprinted from the "Westminster Review," April, 1873.) P. XXII. 246 MISCELLANEOUS. Science. Science in America, with remarks on the Modern Methods of Science, by J. L. Smith. 1873. P. XXII. Fragmentary Papers on Science and other Subjects, by the late Sir H. Holland. London, 1875. Truth in Extremis : a Plea against the Murder of Science by the Gold Poison, by a Searcher. Oxford, 1876. P. XXII. Science made Easy : a Series of Familiar Lectures by T. Twining. Parts V. and VI. 4to. London, 1878. The Art of Scientific Discovery, by George Gore. London, 1878. The Scientific Basis of National Progress, including that of Morality, by G. Gore. London, 1882. Ueber die Grenzen des Naturerkennens. Die sieben Weltrathsel. Zwei Vortrage von E. du Bois-Rey- mond. Leipzig, 1882. Science and Theology. Chemistry as exemplifying the Wisdom and Beneficence of God, by G. Fownes. London, 1844. Astronomy and General Physics, considered with reference to Natural Theology, by W. Whew ell. London, 1852. Religio Chemici. Essays by G. Wilson. London and Cambridge, 1862. The Phenomena of Radiation as exemplifying the Wisdom and Beneficence of God, by G. Warington. London, 1865. Christianity and Rationalism in their relations to Natural Science, by C. Daub eny. Oxford and London, 1867. P. XIV. Theology and Natural Science : their Mutual Rela- tions, by J. H. Gladstone. London, 1867. P. XIV. Societies. Address to the Members of the British Associa- tion, 1836, by C. G. B. Daubeny. P. XII. MISCELLANEOUS. 247 Societies. Address to the British Association for the Advancement of Science. Southampton, 1846, by Sir Roderick Impey Murchdso-n. P. XII. Die wichtigsten Momeafce aus der Geschichte der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zurich, von ihrer Griindnng bis zur Feier ihres hiindertjahrigen Jubi- laums. 4to. Zurich,. 1346, P. XYI. Anniversary Meeting of the Geological Society of London on the 16th of February, 1849. Prefaced by the announcement of the award of the Wollaston Palladium Medal for the same year, by Sir H. T. de la Beche. 1849.. P. X. Inaugural Discourse at the Opening of the Govern- ment School of Mines and of Science applied to the Arts, by Sir Henry T. de la Beche. London, 1851. P. X, The Relations o Natural History to Geology and the Arts : a Lecture Introductory to the Course to be delivered during the Session 1851 1852 in the Govern- ment School of Mines, by Edward Forbes. London, 1851. P. X. Royal Society. Address of the Right Honourable the Lord Wrottesley, &c., the President, delivered at the Anniversary Meeting, on Monday, Nov. 30, 1857. P. XIII. Address delivered at the Anniversary Meeting of the Geological Society of London, Feb. 20th, 1857, by Col. J. E. Portlock. London, 1857. P. X. Address delivered at the Anniversary Meeting of the Geological Society of London, Feb. 19th, 1858, by Major- General J. E. Portlock. Discours prononce a la seance d'ouverture du Congres international de bienfaisance, par F. 0. Ward. Bruxelles, 15 Sept., 1858. P. XIII. Address delivered at the Anniversary Meeting of the Geological Society, by Prof. Huxley. Feb. 12, 1862. P. X. 248 MISCELLANEOUS. Societies. Address on the Presentation of the Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society to John Couch Adams, Esq., M.A. By Warren de la Rue. London, 1866. P. XIV. The Polytechnic College: a proposed Institution for aiding depressed talent to complete Works in pro- gress connected with Science, Literature, and Art. London, 1867. P. XIY. Address delivered at the Meeting of the British Association at Bradford, by A. W. Williamson. August, 1873. P. XXII. An Address at the Celebration of the Centennial of Chemistry at Northumberland, Pennsylvania, Aug. 1, 1874. By B. Silliman. Philadelphia, 1874. (Two copies.) Discorso di apertura della Classe III, del 1 Con- gresso della Societa italiana per il progresso delle Scienze (XII Congresso degli Scienziati italiani), delS. Cannizzaro. 1875. P. XXII. Inaugural Address .by F. A. Ab.el as President of the Society of Telegraphic Engineers, January 20th, 1877. P. XXII. Addresses delivered at Planta- mour. 1841-43, 1845-48 (two copies 1841). Paris. Repertoire de Chimie, de Physique et des applications aux arts, redige par Ch. Martin, sous la direction de Gaultier de Claubry. Tome 1. Paris, 1837. Repertoire de Chimie scientifique et industrielle (continua- tion of above) . Tomes 2 - 5 . 1 83 7-8 . Revue des cours scientifiques de la France et de Petranger. Septieme annee. Paris, 1868-9. - Deuxieme serie. Annees 2-10 (3, 5,. 6 r 7, 8, 10, imperfect) . 1872-3 1880. Troisieme serie. Annees 1-4 (3 imperfect). 1881-84. ( Continued.) Revue de Geologic pour les annees 1868 et 1869, par MM. Delesse et Lapparant. Paris, 1872. Revue des industries chimiques et agricoles publiee sous la direction de A. Lagarde. Tomes 1-6 (5 et 6 imperfect.) Paris, 1878-82. Revue scientifique et industrielle, sous la direction du Dr. Quesneville. Paris. Deuxieme serie : Tomes 1, 2, 31844 Tomes 8, 9, 10, 111846 4, 5, 6, 71845 12, 13, 14, 151847 Troisieme serie : Tomes 1, 21848 T 7 ic^o 3, 4 5-1849 Tomes 6 ' 7 > 8 - 185C GERMAOT. Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie, herausgegeben von Friedrich Wohler und Justus Liebig. Heidel- berg. Bande 1-76 (Vier Bande pro Jahr), 1832-50 Register. Bande 41-76. 286 PERIODICALS NOT PUBLISHED BY SOCIETIES. Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie continued. Neue Reihe, herausgegeben von F. Wohler, J. Liebig, H. Kopp, E. Erlenmeyer, und J. Vol- hard. Leipzig und Heidelberg. Biinde N.E. 77, 1, 78, 2, 79, 3, 801 4J 1851 Bande N.E. 129, 53, 130, 54, 131, 55, 132 56 }l864 81, 82, 83, 841 1 ^9 133, 134, 135, 136 1 N.E. 5, 6, 7, 8/ J_OO^ N.E. 57, 58, 59, 60 jl8oJ> 85, 86, 87, 88l IQ^Q 137, 138, 139, 140 I N.E, 9, 1, 11, 12 J J-OOO N.E. 61, 62, 63, 64 J N.E. 89, 13, 90, 14, 91, 15, 92 1 16 J 1854 N.E. 141, 65, 142, 66, 143, 67, X 68 J1867 N.E. 93, 17, 94, 18, 95, 19, 961 20 J 1855 N.E. 145, 69, 146, 70, 147, 71, *72 J1868 N.E. 97, 21, 98, 22, 99, 23, 1001 24 1 1856 N.E. 149, 150, 74, 151, 75, 152 76 J1869 101, 102, 103, 1041 1 QK>7 153' 154, 155, 156 1 1 ft*7A N.E. 25, 26, 27, 28 f -LOO/ N.E. 77, 78, 79, 80 j- 1870 N.E. 105, 29, 106, 30, 107, 31, 108 1 32 / 1858 N.E. 157, 81, 158, 82, 159, 83, 160 84 J1871 N.E. 109, 33, 110, 34, 111, 35, 1121 36 J 1859 N.E. 161, 85, 162, 86, 163, 87, 164 1 18*79 88 J1872 113, 114, 115, 1161 1 RfiO 165, 166, 167, 168 V N.E. 37, 38, 39, 40 J -LoOU N.E. 89, 90, 91, 92 I N.E, 117, 41, 118, 119, 42, 43, 1201 44 / 1861 N.E. 169, 93, 170 94 I"' N.E, 121, 45, 122, 46, 123, 47, 1241 48 / 1862 N.E. 171, 95, l ll J1874 125, 126, 127, 1281 N.E. 49, 50, 51, 52 J 1863 Supplement- Bande 1-8. 1861-1872. Autoren und Sach-Register zu den Baiiden 1-116, bearbeitet von C. Gr. Witts tein. Leipzig und Heidel- berg, 1861. Autoren und Sach-Register zu den Banden 117-164 und den Supplement-Banden 1-8, 1861-1872, bearbeitet von Friedrich Carl. .Leipzig und Heidelberg, 1874. Liebig's Annalen der Chemie, herausgegeben von F. Wohler, H. Kopp, A. W. Hofmann, A. Kekule, E. Erlenmeyer, und J. Volhard. Leipzig und Heidelberg. Biinde 200, 201, 202, 203 1 Bande 173, 1741874 175, 176, 177, 178, 1791875 180, 18], 182, 1831876 184, 185, 186, 187, 1881 1ftW 189 J 1877 190, 191, 192, 193, 194-1878 195, 196, 197, 198, 199-1879 204, 205 J 1880 206, 207, 208, 209, 2101881 211, 212, 213, 214, 2151882 216, 217, 218, 219, 2201883 221, 222, 223, 224, 225 \ ]884 (Continued.) PERIODICALS NOT PUBLISHED BY SOCIETIES. 287 Annalen der Chemie nnd Pharmacie continued. Autoren und Sach-Register zu den Banden 165-220, 1873-83, bearbeitet von F. Carl. Leipzig, 1885. Annalen der Physik, heransgegeben von L. W. Gilbert. Bande 1-76 (Drei Bande pro Jahr), 1799-1824. Halle. (Bande 31-60, also numbered Neue Folge 1-30.) - Register. Bande 1-76, 1826. Annalen der Physik nnd Chemie, heransgegeben von J. C. Poggendorff. Berlin nnd Leipzig. Bande 1-160 (Drei Bande pro Jahr), 1824^77. Jnbelband, dem Herausgeber, J. C. Poggendorff, zur Feier fiinfzigjahrigen Werkes gewidmet. 1874. Ergangunzsbande. 1 1842 2 1848 5 1871 6 1873 7 1876 8 1878 Register zn den Banden, 1-60, 91-120, und 121-150, bearbeitet von W. Barentin. Annalen der Physik und Chemie, Neue Folge, unter Mitwirknng der physikalischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin, und insbesondere des Herrn H. Helmholtz, herausge- geben von G. Wiedemann. Leipzig. Bande L, 21877 3, 4, 51878 6, 7, 81879 9, 10, 111880 Bande 12, 13, 141881 15, 16, 171882 18, 19, 201883 21, 22, 231884 (Continued.) Beiblatter zu den Annalen der Physik und Chemie, herausgegeben unter Mitwirkung befreundeter Physiker, von G. und E. Wiedemann. Bande 1-8. 1877 1884. (Continued.) Archiv fur die Naturkunde Liv- Ehst- und Kurlands. Band VIII. Hefte 1, 2, 3. Dorpat, 1876-7. Archiv der Pharmacie. See p. 273. Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologic von Menschen und Thieren, herausgegeben von F. Pfliiger. Bande 1-34 (Zwei Bande pro Jahr), 1868-84. Register zu den Banden 1-30. Bonn. (Continued.) 288 PERIODICALS NOT PUBLISHED BY SOCIETIES. Biedermann's Centralblatt fiir Agrikulturchemie uncl rationellen Landwirthschafts-Betrieb, fortgesetzt nach 1872, von Dr. Moritz Fleischer. Bande 1-12, 1872-77. Bande 13-19, 1878-84. Leipzig. (Con- tinued.) Chemische Annalen, herausgegeben von D. L. v. Crell. 40 Bande (Zwei Bande pro Jahr), 1784-1803. Helm- stadt und Leipzig. : Beitrage zu den Annalen. 6 Theile. 1786-99. Register 1784-1791 (ist mit 1791 (ii.) gebunden). Chemisches Archiv, herausgegeben von D. L. v. Crell. Bande 1, 2. Leipzig, 1783. Chemisches Centralblatt. Repertorium fiir reine, pharma- eeutische, physiologische und technische Chemie. Leipzig. 2te Folge. Bande 12-14, 1867-1869, 3te Folge. Bande 1-1 5, 1870-1884. - Register zu 3ten Folge, Bande 1-12.. Chemische Industrie. See p. 273. Chemisches Journal, herausgegeben von D. L. v. Crell. 6 Theile. Leipzig, 1778-1781. Chemisch-technisches Repertorium, herausgegeben von E Jacobsen. 1875 (imperfect), 1876-84. General Register 1872-76, 1877-81. (Continued.) Deutsche Industrie-Zeitung. See p. 273. Dingler's polytechnisches Journal, begriindet von E. M. Dingier; spater, 1874-84, herausgegeben von J. Zeman und F. Fischer. Augsburg und Stuttgart. Bande 171-254 (Yier Bande pro Jahr), 1864-84. (Con- tinued.) Real-Index zu den Banden 159-198. Forschungen auf dem Grebiete der Agricultur-Physik, heraus- gegeben von E. Wo liny. Bande 1-7. Heidelberg, 1878-84. (Continued.) Fortschritte der Physik. See p. 273. PERIODICALS NOT PUBLISHED BY SOCIETIES. 289 Jahresberieht iiber die Fortschritte auf dem Gessammt- gcbiete der Agriculturchemie : begriindet von Dr. Robert Hofmann, fortgesetzt von Dr. Eduard Peters. Berlin 1858-1877. Neue Folge, fortgefiihrt von A. Hilger. 1878-84. (Continued.) General Register iiber Jahrgange ]-20, 1858-77. Jahresberieht iiber die Fortschritte der physischen Wissen- schaften, von J. Berzelius. 1821-47. Tubingen. - Register 1847. Jahresberieht iiber die Fortschritte der Chemie und ver- wandter Theile anderer Wissenschaften (1847-56, herausgegeben von J. Liebig und H. Kopp; 1857-62, von H. Kopp und H. Will ; 1863-67, von H. Will ; -1368-69, von A. Strecker; 1870-74, von A. Nan- man n; 1875-83, von F. Fittica). Giessen, 1847-8 1883. (Continued.) Register 1847-56, 1857-66, 1867-76. Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der reinen Chemie, herausgegeben von W.Staedel. 1873-1881. Tubingen. Jahresbericht iiber Pharmacognosie, Pharmacie, und Toxi- cologie, von G. Dragendorff. 1875-78. Gottingen. Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der chemischen Tech- nologie, fiir Fabrikanten, Chemiker, Pharmaceuten und Cameralisten, herausgegeben von Dr. Johannes Rudolf v. Wagner. Nach 1879 fortgesetzt von F. Fischer. Leipzig, Jahrgange 1-30, 1855-1884. (Con- tinued.) General Register zu den Jahrgangen 1-10. Jahresbericht liber die Fortschritte der Thierchenr'e, herausgegeben von R. Maly. 1872-84. Wien und Wiesbaden. (Continued.) - Register 1871-80. Jahresbericht iiber Zuckerfabrikation, herausgegeben von K. Stammer. 1872-84. Braunschweig. {Continued.) Jenaische Zeitschrift. See p. 273. Journal fiir Chemie und Physik, von J. S. C. Schweigger. Bande 1-51 (Drei Bande pro Jahr). 1811-27. berg und Halle. (Bande 1-9. Two copies.) u 290 PERIODICALS NOT PUBLISHED BY SOCIETIES. Journal fur tecknische und okonomische Chemie, heraus- gegeben von 0. L. Erdmann. Bande 1-18 (Drei Bande pro Jahr), 1828-33. Leipzig. Journal fur praktische Chemie, herausgegeben von Erd- mann, Marchand, und Werther. Bande 1-108 (Drei Bande pro Jahr), 1834-69. Leipzig. - Kegister zu den Banden 1-60, 91-108. Neue Folge, herausgegeben von H. Kolbe und E. v. Meyer. Bande 1-30 (Zwei Bande pro Jahr), 1870-84. (Continued.) Liebig' s Annalen. See Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie. Neueste Entdeckungen in der Chemie, von D. L. v. Crell. 12 Theile. Leipzig, 1781-84. Neues chemisches Archiv, von D. L. v. Crell. Bande 18. Leipzig, 1784-1791. Neuestes chemisches Archiv, von D. L. v. Crell. Band I. Weimar, 1798. Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Geologic, und Palaeonto- logie, herausgegeben von Leonhard und Geinitz. 1873-1879. Stuttgart. Repertorium von G. Stein- mann fiir 1870-79. Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologie, und Palaeon- tologie, unter Mitwirkung einer Anzahl von Fachge- nossen, herausgegeben von E. W. Benecke, C. Klein, und H. Rosenbusch. 1880-1884. Stuttgart. (Continued.) Neues Repertorium fiir Pharmacie, herausgegeben von L. A. Buchner. 1874-76. Miinchen. Pharmaceutisches Repertorium. Sammlung wissenschaft- licher Mittheilungen der pharmaceutischen Zeitung. 2 Theile. 4to. 1879. Bunzlau. Polytechnisches Centralblatt. 1874, 1875. Leipzig. Repertorium der analytischen Chemie. See p. 272. Repertorium der Physik, von H. W. Dove und L. Moser. Bande 1-8. Berlin, 1837-49. Repertorium der technischen Journal-Literatur. See p. 273. PERIODICALS NOT PUBLISHED BY SOCIETIES. 291 Stahl und Eisen. See p. 273. Taschenbuch fur die gesammte Mineralogie, mit Hinsicht anf die neuesten Entdeckungen, von K. C. v. Leon hard. Bande 1-16, 18. Frankfurt, 1807-24. - Repertorium zu den Banden I.-V. 1807-1811. Technisch-chemisches Jahrbuch, herausgegeben von B. Biedermann. 1881-21883-4. Berlin. Zeitschrift fur analytische Chemie, herausgegeben von C. Remigius Fresenius, unter Mitwirkung von H. Fresenius. Bande 1-23. Wiesbaden, 1862-84. (Con- tinued.) - Register zu den Banden 1-10, 11-20. 1881. Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, von M. Pettenkofer und C. Voit. Bande 8-20. 1872-84. Miinchen und Leipzig. (Con- tinued.) Zeitschrift (kritische) fiir Chemie. 1858-59. Erlangen. Zeitschrift fiir Chemie und Pharmacie. 1860-64. Erlangen und Heidelberg. Zeitschrift fur Chemie. 1865-71. Grdttingen und Leipzig. Zeitschrift fiir das chemische Grossgewerbe, herausgegeben von J. Post und A. Lehmann. 1877-81. Berlin. Zeitschrift fiir Instrnmentenkunde. Bande I.-IY. 4to. 1881-84. Berlin. (Continued.) Zeitschrift fiir Krystallographie und Mineralogie, heraus- gegeben von P. Groth. Bande 1-9. 1877-84. Leipzig. (Continued.) Zeitschrift fur physiologische Chemie r herausgegeben von F. Hoppe-Seyler. Bande 1-8. 1877-84. Strass- burg. (Continued.) HOLLAND. Archives neerlandaises. See p. 274. Recueil des travaux chimiques des Pays-Bas, par W. A. Van Dorp, A. P. N. Franchimont, S. Hoogewerff, E. Mulder, et A. C. Oudemans, jr. Leide. 1882- 1884. (Continued.) u 2 292 PERIODICALS NOT PUBLISHED BY SOCIETIES. ITALY. Gazzetta chimica italiana. Tomi 1-14. 1871-84. Palermo. {Continued.) Giornale di Scienze .natural! ed ecanomiche. See p. 274. II nuovo Cimento. Giornale di Fisica, Chimica e Storia naturale. Pisa. Tomi 2128. 1865-67. Terza -serie (continuato per la Fisica esperimentale e matematica). Tomi 3-16 (2 tomi per annum). 1878-84. (Continued.) SWITZERLAND. Archives des Sciences physiques et naturelles. Nouvelle periode. Tomes ^8-33. 1867-68. Geneve. PERIODICALS AND DICTIONARIES IN THE CIRCULATING LIBRARY. American Chemical Journal, edited by Ira Reins en. Vols, I.-V. 1879-801883-4. (Continued.) Analyst, Vols. 1-9. 1877-84. (Continued.) Annalen der Chemie nnd Pharmacie (Liebig's). Bande 1-226, 1832-84. Supplement Bande 1-8. Register zu den Banden 1-164, 165-220. ( Continued.) Annalen der Physik und Chemie (Poggendorff 's). Bande 1-160, 1824-77. Erganzungsbande 1-8. Jubel Band 1874. - Neue Folge, Bande 1-23, 1877-84. Beiblatter, Bande 1-8, 18; 7-84. (Continued.) Annales de Chimie et de Physique - Troisieme serie, tomes 1-69, 1841-63. Ouatrieme serie, tomes 1-30, 1864-73. PEKIODICALS NOT PUBLISHED BY SOCIETIES. 293 Annales de Chimie et de Physique continued. Cinquieme serie, tomes 1-30, 1874-83. Sixieme serie, tomes 1-3, 1884. Tables des matieres 3me serie, tomes 1-30, 31-69 ; 4me serie, 1-30 ; 5me serie, 1-30. (Continued.) Bericlite der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin. Bande 1-17. 1868-84. (Continued.) Bulletin de la Societe chimique. Paris. Tomes 29-42, 1878-84. (Continued.) Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances de 1' Academic des Sciences. Paris. Tomes 86-99, 1878-84. (Con- tinued.) Dictionary of Chemistry, by H. Watts. Yols. 1-5, and three Supplements. 1863-81. Jahresbericht der Chemie, von Liebig und Kopp. 1847- 83, Register 1847-56, 1857-66, 1867-76. (Continued.) Journal of the Chemical Society of London.. Vols. 1-46, 1847-84. (Continued.) Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry. Vols,. 1-3, 1882-84. (Continued.). Memoirs of the Chemical Society of London. Vols. 1-3, 1841^8. Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Geologic und Palaeon- tologie. 1885. (Continued.) Pharmaceutical Journal. Third series. Vols. 5-14, 1874-5 1883-4. (Continued.) Proceedings of the Royal Society. Vols. 7-36, 1854-5 1883-4. (Continued.) Zeitschrift fur analytische Chemie. Bande 1-23, 1862-84. Register zu den Banden 1-10, 11-20. (Continued.) APPENDIX. ADDITIONS TO JANUARY 31sr, 1886. The Subjects and Authors' Names are incorporated in the General Indices. PHYSICS. The Theory of the Equilibrium and Motion of Fluids, by T. Webster. Cambridge, 1836. Sept Etudes sur 1, L'etat spheroidal; 2, Les explosions des machines a vapeur ; 3, Les trombes ; 4, La grele ; 5, L'electricite atmospherique ; 6, La refraction laterale ; 7, L'adhesion entre les liquides et les solides ; par J. Luvini. Turin, 1884. New Theories of Matter and of Force, by W. Barlow. London, 1885. Physikalische Krystallographie, von P. Groth. Leipzig, 1885. Lectures on Heat, Sound, and Light, by R. Wo r me II. London, 1885. Traite elementaire de la pile electrique, par A. Niaudet. Troisieme edition, revue par H. Fontaine. Paris, 1885. Lightning Conductors, their History, Nature, and Mode of Application, by R. Anderson. Third edition. London and New York, 1885. Das Licht im Dienste wissenschaftlicher Forschung, von S. T. Stein. 2te Auflage, Hefte 13. Halle, 1885. APPENDIX. 295 Photography with Emulsions : a Treatise on the Theory and Practical Working of the Collodion and Gelatine Emulsion Processes, by W. de W. Abney. London, 1885. Year Book of Photography for 1886. London, 1885. On the Spectra of the Gases and Vapours evolved on heating Iron and other Metals, -with Photographs and Maps of Spectra, by J. Parry. Pontypool, 1885. Pyrochemische Untersuchungen, von C. L anger und Y. Meyer. Braunschweig, 1885. Principles of Thermal Chemistry, by M. M. P. Muir, assisted by D. M. Wilson. London, 1885. Thermochemische Untersuchungen, von J. Thomsen. Band IV. Organische Verbindungen. Leipzig, 1886. GEKERAL CHEMISTRY. A Treatise on the Principles of Chemistry, by M. M. Pattison-Muir. Cambridge, 1884. Graham-Otto's Ausfuhrliches Lehrbuch der Chemie. Erster Band. Iste Abth. Physikalische Lehren, von A. Winkelmann. 2te Abth. Theoretische Chemie, einschliesslich der Thermochemie, von A. Horst- mann. Braunschweig, 1885. Manual of Chemistry, by W. Simon. London, 1885. Chemistry; General, Medical, and Pharmaceutical, by J. Attfield. Eleventh edition. London, 1885. Introduction a 1'etude de la Chimie, par A. Wurtz. Paris, 1885. Ausfuhrliches Lehrbuch der Chemie, von H. E. Roscoe und C. Schorlemmer. 2te vermehrte Aufiage. Band I., Nichtmetalle. Braunschweig, 1885. Die Schwingungsknoten. Theorie der chemischen Verbin- dungen, von M. N. Teplow. Aus dem Russischen iibersetz, von L. Jawein. St. Petersburg, 1885. 296 APPENDIX. Chemical Equilibrium; the Result of the Dissipation of Energy, By G. D. Liveing. Cambridge, 1885. Physico-chemical Constants ; Melting and Boiling Point Tables, byT. Carnelley. Vol. I. London, 1885. Le Guide du Chimiste, par E. Fremy et A. Terreil. Paris, 1885. Chemical Student's Manual for the Lecture Room and Laboratory, by H. C. Buckeridge. London, 1885. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Gorup-Besanez' Lehrbuch der Chemie. 7te Auflage, neu bearbeitet von A. Rau. Band I. Anorganiscbe Chemie. Braunschweig, 1885. Elementary Nitrogen and the Synthesis of Ammonia, by G. S. Johnson. London, 1885. MINERALOGY. Traite de Mineralogie applique aux arts, a 1'industrie, au commerce, et a 1'agriculture, par R. Jagnaux. Paris, 1885. GEOLOGY. Geology of Cornwall, by Brenton Symons. London, 1884. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Origine et developpement de la Chimie organique, par C. Schorlemmer; traduit par A. Claparede. Paris, 1885. Chimie organique, par C. Schorlemmer; traduifc par A. Claparede. Paris, 1885. Organic Chemistry, by Ira Re m sen. Boston, 1885. APPENDIX. 297 ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY. Familiar Lessons on Food and Nutrition, by T. Twini'ug. London, 1882. A Treatise on the Chemical Constitution of the Brain; by J. L. W. Thudichum. London, 1884'. Das Sauerstoff-Bediirfniss des Organismus, von P. Ehrlach 1885. VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY AND AGRICULTURE. Yorlesnngen iiber Bacterien, von A. de Bary. Leipzig, 1885. Review of- Agricultural Experiments, containing Criticisms and Suggestions, by T. D. Ac land. London, 1885. The Theory and Practice of Sweet Ensilage, by G. Fry. London, 1885. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. Analyse der Milch, von N. Gerber, P. Radenhausen, nnd A. D anil ew sky. Bremen, 1879. Chemical and Physical Analysis of Condensed Milk and Infants' Milk Foods, by N. Gerber. Translated by H. Endemann. New York, 1882.- Anleitung zur qualitativen ehemischen Analyse, von C. R. Fresenius. 15te Auflage. Braunschweig, 1885. A Manual of Practical Analysis, by G. S. W. Wills. Eighth edition. London, 1885. Microscopische Reactionen : cine Einleitung znr Erkennung verschiedener Elemente unter dem Mikroscop, von K. Haushofer. Braunschweig, 1885. Fresenius' Quantitative Analysis; translated by C. E. Groves. Vol. II., Part 1. London, 1885. 298 APPENDIX. Quantitative chemische Analyse durch Electrolyse, von A. Classen. Berlin, 1885. Mikroskopie der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel aus dem Pflanzenreiche, von J. Mo e Her. Berlin, 1885. Yereinbarungen betreffs der Untersuchung und Beurteilung von Nahrungs- und Genussmitteln, sowie Gebrauchs- gegenstanden, herausgegeben, im Auffcrage der freien Yereinigung bayerischer Yertreter der angewandten Chemie, von A. Hilger. Berlin, 1885. Micro-Chemistry of Poisons, by T. G. Wormley. Phila- delphia, 1885. Handbook of Technical Gas-analysis, by C. W inkier. Translated with a few additions by G. Lunge. London, 1885. Anleitung zur Untersuchung der fur die Zucker-Industrie in Betracht-kommenden Rohmaterialien, Producte, Neben- producte, und Hiilfssubstanzen, von R. Friihling und J. Schulz. 3te Auflage. Braunschweig, 1885. TECHNICAL CHEMISTRY. *Suite du nouveau teinturier parfait, ou 1'art de faire 1'indienne, par M. Delormois. Liege, 1773. (Bound with Haiyh's Dyer's Assistant.) Die Essigfabrication, von P. Bronner. Braunschweig, 1876. The Alkali-maker's Pocket Book-, by George Lunge and F. Hurter. London, 1884. International Electric and Gas Exhibition at the Crystal Palace, 1882-3. Report on the Gas Section. 2 vols. London, 1884. Chimie appliquee a 1'art de 1'ingeneur, par C. Leon Durand-Claye. 1885. The Structure of the Wool Fibre in its Relation to the Use of Wool for Technical Purposes, by F. H. Bowman. Manchester, 1885. APPENDIX. 299 PHARMACEUTICAL AND MEDICAL CHEMISTRY. The Non-bacillar Nature of Abrus- poison, by C. J. H. Warden and L. A. Waddell. Calcutta, 1884. Traite de Pharmacie, par E. Souberain et J. Regnauld. Tome I. Paris, 1885. Handbuch der pharmaceutischen Praxis, von H. Hager. Neue Ausgabe. Lieferung i. Berlin, 1885. The British Pharmacopoeia. London, 1885. A Guide to the New Pharmacopoeia (1885), by P. James. London, 1885. A Text-Book of Pharmacology, Therapeutics, and Materia Medica, by T. Lauder Brunton. London, 1885. Acetonurie et Diaceturie, von R. v. Jaksch. Berlin, 1885. MISCELLANEOUS. Catalogo da Exposi9ao Medica Brasileira realizada pela Bibliotheca de Faculdade de Medicina do Rio de Janeiro a 2de Decembro de 1884, por Dr. Carlos Costa. Rio de Janeiro, 1884. Official Year-Book of the Scientific and Learned Societies of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1885. The International Scientist's Directory ; compiled by S. E. Cassino. Boston (U.S.), 1885. Papers on Technical Education, on Applied Science, Build- ings and their Fittings, and on Sanitation, by E. C. Robins. 4to. London, 1885. PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS. Great Britain. Gas Institute: Report on the Gas Section of the Inter- national Electric and Gas Exhibition at the Crystal Palace, L882-3. 2 vols. London, 1884. 300 APPENDIX. International Health Exhibition, London, 1884: Health Exhibition Literature, 19 vols. London, 1885. Vol. I. Heal thin the Dwelling (Handbooks). II. Health, in the Dwelling (Conferences). III. Health in the Dwelling (Lectures). IV. Health in Diet (Handbooks). V. Health in Diet (Conferences). VI.. Health in Diet (Lectures). VII. Health in Relation to Civic Life (Hand- books) . , y VIII. Health in Relation to Civic Life (Con- ferences) . IX. Health in Relation to Civic Life (Lectures). X. General. Hygiene (Handbooks). XI. General Hygiene (Conferences). XIT. General Hygiene (Lectures). XIII. Conferences on Education.. (Section A. Organisation of Elementary Education.) XIV. Conferences on Education. (Section B. Technical Teaching.. Subsidiary Aids to Instruction. Thrift in School-s.) XV. Conferences on Education. (Section C. Organisation of University Educa- tion.) XVI. Conferences on Education. (Section D. Training of Teachers. Organisa- tion of Intermediate and Higher Education.) ,, XVII. Miscellaneous, including papers on Japan. XVIII. Miscellaneous, including Jury Awards and Official Catalogue. XIX. Miscellaneous, including Papers on China. APPENDIX. 301 Linnean Society : Catalogue of the Library. Part I., Separate Works and Papers, 1866 ; Part II., Transactions of Societies, Journals, and Supplement to Part I., 1867 ; Part III., Additions from 18661876, 1877. London. Trinity House : Report on the Relative Merits of Electricity, Gas, and Oil, as Lighthouse Illuminants. 'Folio. London, 1885. .America. AMERICAN Philosophical Society : Early Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society for the Promotion of Useful Knowledge-; compiled by one of the Secretaries from the Minutes of its Meetings from 1744 1838. Philadelphia, 1884. UNITED STATES Geological Survey : Monographs. 4to. Washington. III. Geology of the ; Comstock Lode and the Washoe District, by G. F. Becker. Atlas, large folio. 1882. TV. Comstock Mining .and Miners, by Eliot Lord. 1883. V. ^Copper-bearing Rocks of Lake Superior, by R. D. Irving. 1883. YI. - Contributions to the Knowledge of the Older Mesozoic Flora of Virginia, by W. M. Fontaine. 1883. VII. Silver-Lead Deposits of Eureka, Nevada, by J. S. Curtis. 1884. VIII. ^Paleontology of the Eureka District, by C. D. Walcott. 1884. Bulletins-: Vol. L, 1878. Vol. II., 1879-80. New series. Vol. I., 1883-4. Mint : Report of the Director upon the Production of the Precious Metals in the United States during the year 1884. Washington, 1885. - National Board of Health : Report for 1882. Washington, 1883. INDEX OF AUTHORS' NAMES. When the same work is entered under several headings reference is only given to one of such entries. A. Abel, 169, 193, 194, 201, 203, 214, 248. Abel and Bloxam, 53. Abel and Noble, 201. Abel and Wheatstone, 203. Abel, Wilmot, Boxer, and Anderson, 204. Abnej, 39, 295. Accettella, 59. Accum, 49. Acland, 297. Adams, 194. Adet and Hasenfratz, 67. Agricola, Q-., 206. Aikiu, A., and C. R., Dictionary, 250. Aikin, Allen, and Bostock, 49. Airy, 11. Akermann, 205. Alcock, 193. Aldridge, 147. Alexejeff, 113. Alfonso de Castilla, 11. Allen, A. H., 180. Allen, J. A., 244. Allen and Babington, 49. Allen, Babington, and Marcet, 49. Allen, Bostock, and Aikin, 49. Amado, 133. Anastasia, 239. Anderson, J., Wilmot, Boxer, and Abel, 204. Anderson, R., 21, 294. Anderson, T., 115, 117, 121, 123, 143. Andes, 210. Andouard, 228. Andrews, L. W., 43, 116, 125. Andrews, T., 26, 27, 43, 82. Angstrom, 41. Angstrom and Thalen, 42. Antisell, 209. Apjohn, 81. d'Apligny, 197. Arata, 126. Archer, M. H., 249. Arendt, 70. Armsby, 131. Armstrong, H. E., 113. Armstrong, H. E., Groves, and Miller, 54. Armstrong, W. G., Bell, Taylor, and Richardson, 186. Arnnuld, 234. Ashbjornsen, 239. Ashley, 244. Atkinson, E., 6. Atkinson, E., and Helmholtz, 7. Atkinson, R. W., 63, 190, 211, 219 ; 220. Atcherley, 174. Attfield, 226, 295. Atwater, 145. Auerbach, 116. Austin, 248. Ayrton and Perry, 20. B. B. , 197. Babington and Allen, 49. Babington, Marcet, and Allen, 49. Bache and McCulloch, 172. Bache and Wood, 229. Baeyer, 69. Balling, 171, 207. Ballo, 122. Bancroft, 197. Barba, 206. Barff, 57. Barfoed, 172. Barlow, J., 193. Barlow, W., 294. Barreswil, Repertoire, 269. Barreswil and Davanne, 38. Barreswil and Girard, Dictionnaire. 251. Barstow, 171. Bastenaire-Daudenart, 203, INDEX. 303 Bauernfeind, 271. Bayen, 48. Bayley, 66, 77, 168. Beale, 138, 139, 235. Beard, 24. Beccaria, 17. Bechamp, 114. Bechi, 55, 75, 76, 90, 94, 96, 97, ICO, 106, 108, 109, 144, 206. Becker, A., Dictionary of Mining Terms, 252. Becker, G. F., 64, 301. Becker, G. F., and Clarke, 13. Beckman, 88. Becquerel, A. C., 4, 18. Becquerel, E., 7, 30. Becquerel, Niepce and Poitevin, 39. Beer, 30. Beesley, 107, 217. Beetz, 271. Beilstein, 113, 163. Bell, I. Lowthian, 205. Bell, I. L., Armstrong, Taylor, and Richardson, 186. Bell, Jacob, 225. Bell, J., and Redwood, 228. Bellucci, 82. Bennett, 99. Berg, 228. Berger, 33. Bergmann, 47, 62. Bergues, 198. Berkenhout, 47. Bernard, 131, 231. Bernays, 57, 60. Bersch, 149. Berth, 169. Berthelot, 27, 28, 66, 82, 112, 119, 126. Berthelot and de Fleurieu, 173. Berthelot and Pean de St. Grilles, 62. Berthier, 70, 89, 170. Berthollet, 49, 62, 197. Berthollet, C. L. and A. B., 197. Berthollet, de Morveau, Lavoisier, and de Fourcroy, 67, 68. Bertier, 100. Berzelius, 50, 167, 170, 204. Berzelius, Jahresbericht, 289. Beudant, 89. Bickerton, 11, 29. Biedermann, Centralblatt, 288. Biedermann, Jahrbuch, 291. Billet, 29. Binz, 228. Bird, 12. Bird and Brooke, 5. Birnbaum and Bolley, 185, 186. Birney, 75. Birney and McDowell, 133. Bischof, G., 103. von Bischoff, T. L. W., 132, 233, 272. Blachette, 191. Black, J., 47, 49, 70. Black, W., 190. Blackwell, 194. Blake, 218. Blancourt, 202. Bloxam, C. L., 61, 81, 163. Bloxam, C. L., and Abel, 53. Bioxam, C. L., and Bowman, 164. Bloxam, C. L., and Huntington, 81. Bloxam, T., 192. Blum, 15. Blyth, 174, 177, 234. Blyth and Liebig, 144. Bockmann, 180. Boerhaave, 46. Bornstein and Landolt, 9. de Boisbaudran. See Lecoq. du Bois-Reymond, 21, 22, 132, 136. Bokorny and Loew, 135, 156. Bolitho, 209. Bolley, 179, 184, 185, 186, 187. Bolton, 86. Bombicci, 91. Booth and Morfit, 183. Borgmann, 173. Borgniann and Neubauer, 178. Borns, 34. Bosanquet, 40. Bostock, Allen, and Aikin, 49. Bouchardat, 50. Bouche and Grothe, 201. Boulton, E., 3. Boulton, S. B., 216. Bouquet and Ebelmen, 119. Bourgoin, 228. Bourne, 213. Boussingault, 143. Boutlerow, 29, 122. Bouty and Jamin, 5. Bowman, F. H., 196, 298. Bowman, J. E., 164, 225. Boxer, Wilmot, Anderson, and Abel, 204. Boyle, Robert, 2, 3, 9, 10, 12, 45. Bradbury, 190. Bramwell, 204. Brande, 49, 66. Brande and Cox, Dictionary, 251. Brande and Taylor, 55. Brayley, 103. Brefeld, 150. von Bretfeld, 146. Bregha, 199. Brewster and Glxdstone, 41. Brieger, 138. Brisson, 167. 304 INDEX. Brodie, 55, 56, 61, 65, 127, 129. Bronner, 298. Brooke and W. H. Miller, 89. Brooke and Grolding Bird, 5. Broughton, 115. Broun, 11, 32. Broun, J. C., and Wilson, &., 76. Brown, J. F., 120. Browne, W., 29. Browning, 41. Brownrigg, 211. Brunton, Lauder, 299. Brunton, Burdon-Sanderson, Klein, and M. Foster, 130. Brush, 90, 91, 171. Bryne, 168. Buchner, 270. Buchoz, 195, 197. Buckeridge,.296. Buckton and Hofmann, 115, 125. Budde, 8. Buchner, #1. Buff, H., 4. Buff, H. L., 26, 56, 71. Buignet, 10. Buijs-Ballot, 11. Bulard, 37. Bulkley, 231, 234. Bullock and F^esenius, 162. Bunsen, 109, 166, 167. Bunsen and Kirchhoff, 165. Burdett and de Chaumont, 234. Burden-Sanderson, M. Foster, Klein, and Brunton, 130. Burkart, 236. Burr, l'l. Butlerow. See Boutlerow. C. Cabral and Fouque, 100. Cahours, 54, 112. Calvert, 34, 80, 192, 196, 199. Calvert and Johnson, 34, 204. Cameron, C. A., 80, 233. Cameron, C. A., and Johnston, 142. Cameron, J. M., 145. Campani, 58, 116. Campbell and Hogg, 169. Cannizzaro, 220, 248. Capron, 42. Cargill, 201. Carius, 114. Carnelly, 296. Carnot, 29. Carpenter, W. B., 37. Carpenter, W. Lant, 23. Carpmael, 189. Carpue, 17. Carrington, de la Eue, Stewart, and Loewy, 40. Cartuyvels and Stammer, 191. Cassmo, 299. Cavallo, 17, 47. Cavendish, 20. Cazeneuve, 44. Cazin, 21. Chadzko, 233. Chalmers and Tatlock, 169. Chandler, 100, 180, 209. Chapman and Wanklyn, 169. Chaptal, 48, 182, 198. Chapuis, 149. de Chaumont and Burdett, 234. Chenevix, 68. Chevandier, 160. Chevreul, 12, 13, 55, 1 19. Children and Thenard, 161. Christ, 271. Christison, 176. Chubb, 198. Church, A. H., 98, 123, 125, 134, 178. Church, A. II., and Johnston, 53. Church, A. -.H., Dyer, and Johnston, 144. Church, A. H., and Northcote, 162. Church, A. H., and Owen, 123. Church, J. A., 107, 203, 205. Clanny, 98. Claparede, 121. Clark, John, 127. Clarke, F. W., 7, 64. Clarke, F. W., and Becker, a. F., 13. Clarke, F. W., and Evans, 75. Clarke, F. W., and Joslin, 83. Clarke, F. W., and Kebler, 76. Clarke, W. B., 105. Classen, 22, 164, 298. Glaus, 83. Clausius, 28. Clerk Maxwell, 20, 21, 28, 32. Clowes, 164. Cohen, 91. Coleman, 137. Collett, 121. Collie and Letts, 123. Collier and Je Due, 159. Collins, J., 188. Collins, J. H., 90. Commerson and Laugier, 175. Cook, E. H., 174. Cooke, J. P., jun., 9, 57, 59, 60, 63, 95. Cooke and G-ooch, 98. Cooley, 187. Cooper, T., 198. Cooper, W. J., and Wanklyn, 173. INDEX. 305 Cope, 106. Corenwinder, 83, 152, 155. Cossa, 91. Costa, 0., 299. Costa, E. M. da. See Da Costa. Coutie, 40. Cox, 104. Crafts, 43. Cramer, 170. Crawford, 25. CreD, Archly, &c., 282, 288, 290. Croft, 238. Crombie, 230. Cronquist, 93, 96, 188. Cronquist and Seberg, 192. Cronstedt, 88. Crookes, 23, 40, 163, 231. Crookes and Rohrig, 207. Crookes and Spiller, 38. Crookes and Wagner, 187. Crum. 168. Cullen, 12, 70. Cullen and Bergmann, 47. Curaudau, 191. Curtis, 301. Cuthbertson, 18. Czermak, 20. Czjzek, 103. D. Dabney, 123. Da Costa and Cronstedt, 88. Daguin, 5. Dahlen, 221. Dale and Gladstone, 29, 30, 31 . Dalton, 35, 49, 72. Dambouruey, 195. Dummer, Handworterbuc 1 !, 252. Dana, 12, 13, 14, 89, 90, 94. Daniell, A., 9. Daniell, J. F., 51. DanDewsky, Gerber, and Radenhausen, 297. Dannenberg and Franz, 208. Daubeny, C. G. B., 36, 62, 68, 103, 110, 142, 143, 155, 157, 158, 241, 244, 245, 246, 249. Daubree, 109. Davanne, 39. Davanne and Barreswil, 38. David and Tommasi, 124. Davis, 213. Davis, Dreyfus, and Holland, 196. Davy, Sir H., 51, 82, 142, 211. Davy, John, 143, 238. Dawson, 39. Deacon, 63. De Bary, 297. De Boisbaudran. See Lecoq. Debus, 120. De Chaumont and Burdett, 234. De Fourcroy. See Fourcroy. DehSrain, 144. Deite, 186. De la Beche, 247. De la Beche and Playfair, 194. Delafontaine. 81, 93. De Laire and Girard, 118. De la Rive, 5, 19. De la Rue, 15, 21, 248. De la Rue and Hofmann, 184. De la Rue, Carrington, Balfour Stewart, and Loewy, 40. De la Rue and Miiller, 20. Delesse, 106, 107, 108. Delesse and de Lapparent, 104. von Dellingshausen, 27. Delormois, 298. De Luna, Torres Munoz, 54, 65. De Morgan, 245. De Morveau, Lavoisier, Berthollet, and de Fourcroy, 67, 68. Denny, 101. Desaguliers, 16. Des Cloiseaux, 89. Deshayes, 214. Despretz, 78. Devillez, 29. Dick, 196. Dietzsch, 174. Digby, Kelnem, 45, 141, 224, 237. Dingier, Polytech. Journal, 288. Dircks, 186, 200, 245. Ditten, 95. Dittmar, 164, 165. Dixon, 93, 150. D obeli, 138, 231. Donovan, 18. Douglas and Prescott, 163. Dove and Moser, 2. Dowling, 33. Doxrud, 125. Dragendorff, 120, 176, 177, 178. Draper, H., 42. Draper, J. W., 8. Dredge, 200. Dreyfus, David, and Holland, 19o. Du Bois-Reymond, 21, 22, 132, 136. Duchemin, 13. Duclaux, 150. Diihrinsr, 8. Diirre, E. F., 205. Durre, M., 117. Du Fay, 16. Duflos, 179, 226. Dumas, 51, 60, 111, 129, 142, 239. X 306 INDEX. Dimdonald, Earl of, 96, 141, 202. Dunning, 188. Dunn, 220. Dupasquier, 98, 217. Duppa and Frankland, 119, 121. Dupre and Thudichum, 220. Durand-Claye, 298. Button, 105. Dyer, Church, and Johnson, 144. E. Ebbesen and Horbye, 99. Ebelmen, 97, 98, 119, 202. Ebelmen and Bouquet, 119. Ebelmen and Salvetat, 210. Ebermayer, 146, 150. Ede, 214. Edelmann, 10. Eder, 39, 42. Edgar and Proctor, 213. Edlund, 276. Edwards and Higgins, 200. Eger and Brandes, Technologisches Worterbuch, 253. von Ehrenwerth, 202. Ehrlich, 297. Eichwald, 132. Ekin, 170. Elderhorst, 171. Eliot and Storer, 71, 74, 77, 86, 221. Elliott, A. H., 169. Ellis, 239. Emeritus, 225, 243. Engel, 131. Erdmann, Journal, 290. Erdmann, Igelstrom, and Nordenskiold, 108. Erlenmeyer, 112, 272. Erlessmayer and Reischauer, 191. Evans and Clarke, 75. Everett, 34. Eykmann, J. F., 146. F. Fagge and Stevenson, 177. Falck, 177. Faraday, H., 194. Faraday, M., 18, 31, 32, 67, 81. Ftraday, M., and Kiess, 19. Favre, 12. Fi.vre and Silbermann, 27. Fehling Handworterbuch, 250. Feichtinger, 186. Feil and Fremy, 84, 93. Fernet, 8. Ferrand, 236. Ferreira, 99. Fick, 226. Field, 195. Finkener and Eose, 162. Fischer, F., 220. Fischer, J. C., 3. Fittig, 71, 113. Fleck, 185. Fleischer, 165. Fleishmann, 176. Fletcher, 194. de Fleurieu and Berthelot, 173. Fliickiger, 148, 226, 227. Fliickiger and Hanbury, 227. Fodor, J., 237. Fontaine, H., 200. Fontaine, H., and ISTiaudet, 294. Fontaine, W. M., 301. Forbes, 244. Forchhammer, 101, 193. Foster, J. W., and Whitney, 103. Foster, M., 131. Foster, M., Burdon-Sanderson, Klein, and Brunton, 130. Foulke, 103. Fouque and Cabral, 100. Fouque and Levy, 98, 109. Fourcroy, 49. de Fourcroy, de Morveau, Lavoisier, and Berthollet, 67, 68. Fownes, 52, 246. Frankland, E., 30, 37, 56, 59, 106, 116, 139, 170, 194, 218, 241. Frankland, E., and Duppa, 119, 121. Frankland, E., and Japp, 72, 112. Frankland, P. F., 179. Franklin, 17. Franz and Danuenberg, 208. Ereire, 232. Freke, H., 138. Freke, J., 16. Fremy, 149. Fremy, Encyclopedic, 253. Fremy and Feil, 84, 93. Fremy and Pelouze, 54. Fremy and Terreil, 296. French, 196. Fresenius, C. E., 99, 100, 162, 163, 297. Fresenius and Will, 167. Frick, 10. Fritsch, 150. Fritzsche, 85. Fritschius, 170. Frohlich, 20, 32. INDEX. 307 Friih, 96. Friihling and Schultz, 180, 298. Fry, 297. Fuchs, 171. Fulhame, Mrs., 77. Funke, 129. Furnivall, 204. Gallo and Morelli, 230. Galloway, R., 134, 158, 242. Galloway, R. L., 195. Gamgee, 131. Ganot, 6. Gariel, 21. Garola, 137. Garrigou, 100. de Gasparin, P., 179. Gautier, E. J. A., 173. Gautier, L., 187. Gautier, L., and P. Kienlen, 180. Gar aye, Graf von, 46. Gauss and Weber, 32. Gay-Lussac and Thenard, 4. Gellert, 206. Genth, 98. Genth and Wolcott Gibbs, 117. George, 25. Gerber, 297. Gerber, Radenhausen, and Danilewsky, 297. Gerhardt, 53, 111. Gesner, 117. Geuther, 57. Gherardi, 44. Gibb, 158. Gibbons, S., 220. Gibbons, W., 175. Gibbs, Wolcott, 30, 41 f 72, 77, 127. Gibbs, Wolcott, and Genth, 117. Gibsone, 56. Gilbert, G. K, 105. Gilbert, J. H., 37, 137, 145, 148, 149, 212. Gilbert and Lawes, 134, 136, 137, 143, 144, 145, 147, 148, 154, 157, 160. Gilbert, Lawes. and Masters, 1-54. Gilbert, Lawes, and Pugh, 14!, 154. Gilbert, L. W., Annalen, 287. Gilbert, W., 31. Gilmore, Q. A., 193. Girard and Barreswil, Dictionnaire, 251. Girard and de Laire, 118. Girardin, 187. Girtanner, 48. Gladstone, J. H., S3, 193, 239, 246. Gladstone and B re water, 41. Gladstone and Dale, 29, 30, 31. Gladstone and Tribe, 21. Glaisher, 15, 35, 36. Glassford, 211. Glauber, 45, 66. Gmelin, Johann Fr., 48, 225. Gmelin, L., 51, 52. Gmelin-Kraut, 51, 52. von Gohren, 145, 146. Goodwin and Robinson, 121. Golding, Bird, and Brooke, 5. Gooch, 169. Gooch and Cooke, 98. Goodwillie, 231. Goppelsroecler, 195, 199. Gordon, 16, 23. Gore, 22, 25, 32, 78, 200, 245, 246. Gorup-Besanez, 56, 176, 296. Gottgetreu, 192. Gottlieb, 184. Gottling, 48. Gould, 11. Graham, C., 192. Graham, J. D., 242. Graham, T., 15, 24, 51, 53, 59. Graham-Otto, 71, 111, 295. Grandeau, 145, 178. Gray, 183. Gregory and Reichenbach, 111, 241. Gregory, Turner, and v. Liebig, 50. Green, '50. Greenaway, Hodgkinson, and Wis- licenus, 112. Greenwood, 207, 214. Gren, 48. Greg and Lettsom, 89. Griffin, F. W., 162>. Gi-iffin, J. J.^ 10, 62, 173. von Grodcleck, 107. Groth, 91, 294. Groth, Zeitschrift, 291. Grothe, H., and Bouche, 201. Grove, 5, 19. Groves, Armstrong, and Miller, 54. Groves and Fresenius, 297. Groves and Miller, 54. Groves, Stenhouse, and Calvert, 199. Gruner. 214. Gschleidlen, 138. Giimbel, 105. Guibourt, G., and Henry, 225, 229. Guibourt, N., 226'. Guillaud, 149. Guillemin, 5. Guldberg, 31, 57, 242. Guldberg and Waage, 62. Guthrie, F., 25, 123, 125. Guthrie, J., 248. 308 INDEX. Guy, 245. de Guyton, 68. H. Hagenbach. 238. Hager, 38, 227, 228, 229, 230, 299. Haidinger, 4, 117. Haidinger, Abhandlungen, 282. Haidinger and Mohs, 88. Haigh, K.,156. Haigh, J., 197. Hake, 139. Hales, 46, 129, 141. Hall, Marshall, 105. Hall, T. M., 90. Hamilton, 68. Hanausek, 145, 156. Hanbury, 226, 227. Hanbury and Fliickiger, 227. Hannay, 25, 77, 80, 110. Harcourt and Madan, 58. Hardman, 86, 92, 94, 105. Hardy, 130. Hare, 18, 25, 42, 43, 82. Hargreave, 5, 215. Harris, J., 11, 242. Harris, W., 224. Hart, 57. Hartig, 160. Hartley, 132. Hasenfratz and Adet, 67. Hassall, 139, 174. v. Hauer, 158. Haiiy, 88. Hsnghtou, Smith, and Scott, 171. Hauksbee, 3. Haushofer, 297. Hay den, 104. Headland and Royle, 226. Headrich, 224. Heath, 7. Heatherington, 106. Hedges, 200. Heddle, 105. Henner, 173. Heintz, 114, 164. Heinzerling, 186. Helland, 96. Heller, 9. Hellriegel, 146. Heimholtz, 7, 30. van Helmont, 224. Ilelvetius, 74. Hempel, 167. Henckel, 96 Honnessy, 244. Heniiehsen 20, 76. Herapath, T. J., 147, 160, 231. Herapath, W. B., 124. Henry, J., 240. Henry, N". E., and Guibourt, 229. Henry, W., 49. Henry, W. 0., 238. Hermann, F. B. W., 270. Hermann, L., 131. Herpin, 232. Hen^ , 79. Hesse, 167. Heumann, 71. Heussi, 10. von Heyden and Wittich, 124. Higgins, Bryan, 29, 47, 73. Higgins, C., 189, 219. Higgins, C., and E. W. W. Edwards, 200. Higgins, W., 48, 62. Hildebrandsson, 25. Hilger, A., 298. Hilger, A. Husemann, and Th. Hue- man, 156. Hill, W. N., 76. Hillary, 77. Hiller, 157. Hills, 195. Hinrichs, 63. Hinrichsen, 76. Hiortdahl, 15, 58, 80, 101, 124. Hiortdahl and Irgens, 103. Hodgetts and Parkes, 183. HodpkiBson, Wislioenus, and Green- away, 112. Hoefer, F., 7, 56. Hoefer, H., 96. Horbye and Ebbesen, 99. van't Hoff, 63, 65, 113. Hoffmann, F., 176. Hoffmann, E., 145. Hofmann, A. W., 55, 57, 66, 186, 187, 239. Hofmann, A. W., and Buckton, 115. .Hofmann, A. W., and Buff, 4. Hofmann, A. W., and de la Kue, 184. Hofmann, A. W., and Fownes, 52. Hofmann, C., 188. Hofmann, J. V., 62. Hofmann, K. B., 130. Hofmann, K. B., and Ultzman, 178. Hofmeister, 144. Hogg, J., and D. Campbell, 169. Hogg, W. D., 228. Holland, Sir H., 245, 246. Holland, P., Davis, and Dreyfus, 195. Hollunder, C. F., 195. Holmes, Paul, and Passmore, 227. Hoist, 83. Home, 191. Hommassel, 198. INDEX. 309 Hope, 48. Hoppe-Seyler, 131, 176, 226. Hoppe-Seyler, Zeitschrift, 291. Hopson and Wiegleb, 47. Horsfurd, 201. Horsin-Deon, 215. Horsier, 177. Horstmann, 295. Hoskins, 36. How, 89, 90, 121. Hudson, 70. Huggins and Schellen, 166. Hume, 51. Hunt, R., 29. Hunt, R., and Tire, 18k Hunt, S terry, 69, 104. Hunt, S , and Logan, 103. Hunter, 43. Himtington, A. K., and Bloxam, 81. Huntington, H. J., 94. Huntington, O. W., 75, 76. Hurter and Lunge, 298. Huseinann, Th., 228. Huseman, A., Hilger, and Th. Huse- man, 156. Hussak, 92. Hutchinson, 168. Hutchinson and Lawrence, 95. Hutchinson and McAlpine, 100. Hutton, Shaw, and Pearson, 260. Huxley, 247. Igeistrom, Erdmann, and Norden- skiold, 108. Irby, 92. Irgens and Hiortdahl, 103. Irving, 301. J. Jacquet, 208. Jacquin, 48. Jacubowitsch, 138, 296. Jagnaux, K., 180, 296. Jahn, 22, 28. v. Jaksch, 299. James, 101, 299. Jameson, 88. Jainetel, 196. Jamin, 4. J imin and Bouty, 5. Jannettaz 109. " Japp and Frankland, 72, 112. Jeukin, Kleeming, 20. Jerris, 89. Jervois, Sir W. F. I)., 248. Jettel, 186. Johnson, O. S., 296. Johnson, R., and Calvert, F. C., 34, 204. Johnson, S. W., 144. Johnston, J. F. W., 53, 129, 142, 143. Johns-on, J. W., 125. Jolly, 270. Jones, Bence, 139, 220, 239. Jones, Bence, and Fownes, 52. Jones, F., 164.. Jones, H. C., 172. Jones, J., 232, 241. Joslin and F. W. Clarke, 83. Joule, 10, 22. 24, 27, 28, 31. Jungfleisch, 67, 126. K. Kaiaer and Stratingh, 76. Kane, Sir R,, 53, 150. Karajan, 267. Karmarsch, 186, 187. Kathreiner, 175. Kauftnann, 215. Kayser, 166. Kebler and F. W. Clarke, 76. Kekule, 112, 116. Kenngott, Handwdrterbuch, 253. Kenrick, 243. Kensington, 134. Kerl, 171, 172, 20-7. von Kerpely, 205. Xidd, 102. Kienlen and Gautier, 180. Kiliaui and v. Miller, 165. Kinch, 145, 147. King, &., 147. King, T., 248. Kingzett, 131, 190, 234. Kirchoffi, 41, 42, 165. Kirchhoff and Bunsen, 165. Kirkaldy, 214. Kirk wood, 218. Kir wan, 68, 88. Kirwan, Scheele, and Priestley, 47. Kjeldahl, 47. Kjerulf, 103. Klaproth, 88. Klein, 14. Klein, Burdon-Sanderson, iJruutou, and Foster, 130. Knapp, 183, 206. Knecht, 124. Knop, A., 14, 90. Knop, W., 14 A. Kobell, 89. Konig, 135, 174. 310 INDEX. Koerner, 126. Kohlransch, 34. Kolbe, 67, 71, 111, 113, 119, 120, 121. Kollrnan, 207. Kopp, E., 118, 152. Kopp, E., and Bolley, 179. Kopp, H., 4, 13, 27/52, 57, 58, 62. Koppe, 120. Kotikovsky, 65. Kratzschmar and Eeinke, 157. Kratzenstein, 16, 23. Kraus, 147. Krause, 61. Kraut, 51, 52. Kreil, 36. Kreisig, C. F., 198, Kremers, 6. Kreusler, 61. Kriiger, 39. Kfilin, 119. Kfilme, 130. Kulp, 7. Kuhlmann, F., 14, 212. Kuhlman, F., jun., 126, 209. Kuhn, 270. Kuppfer, 272. L. Laboulaye, 203. Ladenburg, 57. Ladenburg, Handworterbuch, 253. Lagrange, 48. de Laire and Girard, 118. Lami, Dictionnaire, 253. Lament, 270. Landauer, 171. Landolt, H., 30, 31, 43. Landolt, H., and Bb'rnstein, 9. Landolt, E., 120. Lang, H. O., 109. v. Lang, V., 5, 30. Langer, C., and Meyer, 295. Lankester, E., 134. de Lapparent, 105. de Lapparent and Delesse, 104. Larband, 99. Latham, 132, 139. Laubenneiiner, 113. Laugier and Commerson, 175. Laurent, 53, 62. Lavizzari, 14. Lavoisier, 47, 48, 55. Lavoisier, de Morveau, Berthollet, and de Fourcroy, 67, 68. Lawes, 136, 137, 145, 160, 211. Lawes and Gilbert, 134, 136, 137, 143 144, 145, 147, 148, 154, 157, 160. Lawes, Gilbert, and Pugh, 1 44, 154. Lawes, Gilbert, and Masters, 154. Lawrence and Hutchinson, 95. Lawson, 106, 148, 151, 240. Lea, Carey, 10, 15, 39, 66, 80, 82, 83, 119, 121, 122, 123, 124, 126, 151. Lecoq de Boisbaudran, 41, 166. Ledebur, 186, 205. Ledoux, 121, 147, 153, 179. Le Due and Collier, 159. Leeds, 82, 113. Leichtenstern, 133. Leidy, 104. Lehmann, 129. Lehinann and Eochleder, 52. Lemery, 45. Le Normand, 198. v. Leonhard, 87. v. Leonhard and Geinitz, 87. Lesquereux, 104. Letheby, 134, 211. Letts, 116. Letts and Collie, 123. Lettsom and Greg, 89. Leube and Salkowski, 139. Levi, Leone, 33. Levy, A., and Spring 85. Levy, M., and Fouque, 98, 109. Lewis, 46, 47, 182, 225. Lieben, 114, 120. Lieben and Piccolo, 118. Liebermann, 131. v. Liebig, 51, 129, 136, 142, 143, 152, 172, 243. y. Liebig, Annalen, 285. v. Liebig and Kopp, Annual Eeport, 277. Liebisch, 15. Limpricht, 112. Liotard, 212. Lippmann, 125. Tji(4 and Kraut, 51. Lireiog, 296. Eiversidge, 14, 91, 93, 94, 95, 97, 104, 109. 159, 188, 242. Lloyd, 30. Lockyer, 166. Loebisch, 177. Loew and Bokomy, 135, 156. Loewy and Weinhold, 7. Logan and Hunt, 103. Longs, 156. Lord, 301. Lonren9>, 124. Lorenz, 21. Love, 135. Lovett, F. J., 180. Lovett, E., 3, 17. Lucas, 104. INDEX. 311 Luerssen, 147. Luke, 239. Lully, 73, 88. de Luna, R., 73. de Luna, Torres Muuoz, 54, 65. Lunge, 168, 185, 196, 195, 213. Lunge and Hurter, 298. Lunge and Naville, 213. Lunge and Winkler, 298. Lupton, 61. Luvini, 294. Lyon, 134. M. von M .... 74. Macadam, 106, 107. Macaire, 238. McAlpine and Hutchinson, 100. Macaluso, 28. McCuUoch and Bache, 172. McDowell and Birney, 133. Mach, 31. Mack, 93. McKeown, 235. Maclagan, 147, 235. McLeod and Miller, 54. Macquer, 46, 197. Mac-Vicar, 126, 244. Madan, 164. Madan and Harcourt, 163. Madan and Wilson, 72. Magnus, 26, 31. Mahon, Viscount, 17. Main, 37. Majendie, 201. Makins, 207. Mallard, 15. Mallet, F. R,, 92, 93, 95. Mallet, R., 204. Maneuvrier and Granot, 6. Mansfield, 116. Marcet, M. F., 23. Marcet, W., 134. Marcet, Allen, and Babington, 49. Marchand, 228. Margraf, 46. Marignac, 15, 26, 27, 64, 65, 75, 77, 81, 84,"85, 97, 168. Marshall, 130. Martin, 16. MarLius, C. A., 83, 118. v. Martius, C. F. P., 270, 271. Marsciano, 74. Mason, 234. Masters, Lawes, and Gilbert, 154. Matthews, 115, 120. Maugham, 225. Maugini, 97. Maumene, 64, 123. Maxwell, Clerk, 20, 21, 28, 32. Mayer, A,. 144, 149, 150, 186. Mayer, J. R., 136. Mayow, 128. Meek, 104. Meissner, 271. Meldola, 59, 71. Melsens, 114. Mendeleeff, 71. Mendenhall, 30, 37. Merlin, 200. Merrick, A., 161. Merrick, J. M., jun., 115. v. Meyer, E., 186. Meyer, Lothar, 58, 63. Meyer, L., and Langer, 295. Meyer, L., and Seubert, 64. Mierzinski, 118. Miller, W. A., 53, 54, 71. Miller, W. H., 13, 14. Miller, W. H., and Brooke, 89. v. Miller and Kiliani, 165. Mills, 43, 197. Milne, 116. Mitchell, J., 170, 203. Mitchell, W., 14. Mitscherlich, A., 172. Mitscherlich, E., 50. Moeller. 146, 298. Mohn, 13, 37, 43. Mohn and Waage, 13. Mohr, 6, 165, 177, 185, 226, 229. Mohr, F., and T. Redwood, 225. Mohs and Hatdinger, 88. Moleschott, 130, 137. v. Monckhoven, 39. Monier, 98. Moore, 130. Monteira, 242. Morel, 176. Morelli and Gallo, 230. Morfit, 153, 213. Morfit and Booth, 183. Morris, 67. Morse, 109. Morton, A., 44. Morton, J., 232. Morton, W. T. Gh, 230.' de Morveau, Lavoisier, Berthollet, and de Fourcroy, 67, 68. Moser and Dove, 2. Mott, 132, 164, 175, 192, 193, 204. Mousson, 7. Moyret, 199. Muck, 93. Mulder, 129. von Mueller, Baron, F., 148, 155. Miiller, F., 144. 312 INDEX. Miiller, Hugo, 150. Miiller, H., and de la Eue, 20. Miiller, Johann, and Pouillet, 4. Miiller, J. W., 22, 231. Miiller, W., 118, 125, 127. Muir, 295. Muir and Fleischer, 165. Muir and Thorpe, 163. Muir and Wilson, 295. Muirhead, 86, 184. Munroe, 106. Murchison, Sir E. J., 247. Murphy, 18. Murray, Carlos, 226. Mushet, 204. Musil, 209. Muspratt, 162. Muspratt, Dictionary, 251. Muspratt and Plattner, 170. Muter, 227, 228. N. Nacquet, 55. Nageli, 125, 138, 149, 150, 151. Nairne, 17. Napier, 199, 200, 208. Naumann, A., 27, 28, 60, 202. Naumann, C. F., 91. Naville and Lunge, 213. Nelson, 228. Nencki, 151. Nesbit, 152. Netto, 209. Neubauer, 178. Neubauer and J. Vogel, 178. Neumann, Caspar, 47. Newberry, 103. Newlands, 33, 64. Newton and White, 102. Niaudet, 20, 23, 294. Nicholson, W., 3. Nicholson, W., Dictionaries, 250. Nickles, 78. Nicol, 89, 90. Niepce, Becquerel, and Poitevin, 39. Nilson, 84. Noad, 19, 163. Nbad and Normandy, 179. Noble and Abel, 201. Nolting and Eeverdin, 122. Nollet, 16. Nordenskiold, 108. Nordenski6ld,Erdmann,andIgelstrom, 108. le Normand, 198. Normandy, 179. North, O., 171. North, W., 139. Northcote and Church, 162. Norton, 180. Nothnagel and Eossbach, 228. O. Obrien, 197. O' Brine, 164. Odling, 54, 57, 59, 66, 130, 176. Odling, Mrs., 239. Ogston and Way, 155. O' Madden, 39. O'Nei.l, 199. Orel, 12, 15. O'Reilly, 191. Orfila, 50. Ost, 113. Ostwald, 165. Otto, J. F.. 185. Otto, J. G., 125, 133. Otto, E., 178. Owen and Church, 123. P. Packard, 144. Packe, 45. Packer, 198. Paine and Way, 106. Pajot-des-Charmes, 191. Papillon, 55, 238, 245. Pappenheim, 233. Paracelsus, 73. Paris, 129. I'arkes, 50 183. Parkinson, 49. i'arkmaim. 76. Parnell, 162, 183. Parrish, 227. Partsch, 95. Parry, 79, 295. Passmore, Paul, and Holmes, 227. Pasteur, 149, 217, 233. Patissicr, 98. Paul, Holmes, and Passmore, 227. Payy, 134, 231. Payen, 159, 187. Pean de St. Gilles and Berthelot, 62. Pearson, Shaw, and Hutton, 2GO. Peba 1 , 77. P.Vet, 4, 25. Peligoc, 179, 203. Pelouze and Fremy, 54. Pennetier, 134. Penny, 85. Percy, J., 207. INDEX. 313 Percv, S. R., 237. Pereira, 225. Peretti, 86. Perkin, 118. Perrj, 42. Perry and Ayrton, 20. Persoz, 51, 67, 160, 183, 198. 212. Perutz, 209, 210, 211. v. Pettenkofer, 272. v. Pettenkoier and y. Ziemssen, 234. Pottersson, 101. Petzholdt, 93, 102, 142, 196. Pfeffer, 146. Pfliiger, Archiv, 128. Phoebus, 99, 147. Phillips. J. A., 100, 106, 107, 10S, 109, 203, 207. Phillips, W., 89. Phipson, 36, 37, 38, 41, 64, 83, 90, 108, 110, 124, 125, 135, 136, 151, 157, 159, 166, 192,240. Piccolo and Liebeu, 118. Pickering, 10. Pictet, M. A., 77. Pictet, R., 26. Piesse, L., 99. Piesse, S., 210. Pisani, 164. Planchon and Guibourt, 226. Plante, 21. Plattner and Muspratt, 170. Plattner and Richter, 171. Play fair, 54, 76, 122, 134, 156, 232, 241, 245. Playfair and De la Beche, 194. Plunkett and Studdert, 100. Plympton, 171. Poerner, 197. Poey and Vergnes, 235. Poggendorff, 8. Poggendorff, Annalen, 287. Pohl, 4, 15, 172, 180. Pohl and Schabus, 12. Poire, 187, 188. Poitevin, Becquerel, and Niepce, 39. Pollock, Sir F., 243. Portes, 91. Portlock, 247. Post, 180, 188. Potter, 151. Pouillet, 4. Poulsen, 154. Poussin and Renard, 108. Powell, 105. Prazmowski, 150. Preece and Sivewright, 216. Prescott, A. B., 173. Prescott, H. P., 159. Prescott, S. H., and Douglas, 163. Prestwich, 100, 219. Preyer, 133. Priestley, 3, 17, 29, 48. Priestley. Scheele, and Kirwan, 47. Procter, H. R., 164. Procter, W., 233. Proctor, B. S., 227. Proctor, B. S., and Edgar, 213. Pugh, Lawes, and Gilbert, 144, 154. Puschl, 12, 40. a. Quaritch, 240. Quetelet, 21, 36, 155, 239. Rackstrow, 16. Radeuhauseu, Grerber, and Danilewskv, 297. Racllkofer, 147. Rai Bahadur, K. L. D., 236. Rainey, 138. Rammelsberg, C., 75, 79, 81, 82, 84, 85, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 7, 207. Rammelsberg, C. F., 61, 70, 89, 251. Raspe, 101. Raspail, 111. yon Rath, 91. Rathke. 27. Rau, 59, 296. Reddie, 244. Redwood and Bell, 228. Redwood and F. Mohr, 225. R*es, 248. Regnauld and Souberain, 299. Regnault, 53. Regnault and Reiset, 138. Regnault-Strecker, 56. Reichardt, 170, 234. von Reichenbach, 4. Reid, 50, 51. Reinke and Kratzschmar, 157. Reinsch, 156. Reinwart, 97. Reischauer, 191. Reiser, 214. Reiset and Regnault, 138. Reitlechner, 173. Remsen, 59, 296. Rem sen, Journal, 281. Renard, A., and Poussin, 108. Renard, C., 67. Rennie, 191. Reuss and von Schroeder, 202. Reverdin and Nolting, 122. 314 INDEX. Rexes, 155. Reyer, 98. Reynolds, J. E., 58, 65, 72, 78, 92, 95, 130, 160, 166, 175. Kichardson, Armstrong, Bell, and Taylor, 188. Richardson, Knapp, and Ronalds, 183. Richardson and Watts, 183, 203. Richet, 135. Richter, M., 164. Richter, O., 65. Richter, Th., and Plattner, 171. v. Richter, V., 71, 1 12. Riess and Faraday, 19. Rieth, 165. Riffault, 49. Riley, 168. Risler, 153. Ritter, 163. Ritthausen, 114. Rivot, 170. Robert, 214. Robertson, 192, 193, 201. Robins, 299. Robinson, C., 243. Rubinson, G. C., and Goodwin, 121. Rochleder, 143. Rochleder and Lehmann, 52. Rodwell, 23, 58, 6S, 84, 85, 123, 245. Rodwell, Dictionary, 252. Rohrig, 207, 209. Rohrig and Becker, 252. Rohrig and Crookes, 207. Rosier, 155. Rogers, 23. Rohart, 153. Ronalds and' Frost, 16. Ronalds, Knapp, and Richardson, 183. Ronna, 145. Rood, 13. Roper, 195. Roscoe, 59, 66, 120, 166. Roscoe and Schorlemmer, 59, 60, 295. Rose, F., 77. Rose, a., 13. Rose, H., 161, 162. Rosenberg, 16. Rosenberger, 9. Rosenbusch, 90. Ross, 171, 172. Ross-Garrick, 116. Rossbach, 227. Rossbach and H. Nothnagel, 228. Roth, J., 105, 108. Roth, J. R., 270. Rousseau, 133. Rout ledge, 75. Rowan, 192. Rowney, 115, 117. Royle and Headland, 226. Ruhlmann, 28. Rumford, 6. Ruprecht, 226. Ruschenberger, 264. Russell, Scott, 241. S. Saavedra, 240. Sachs, 144, 146. Sachsse, 118, 145. de St. Gilles, Pean, and Berth elot, 62. Salkowski and Leube, 139. Salmon, 207. Salter and Field, 195. Salvetat and Ebelmen, 210. Sandivogius, 76. Sars, 106. de Saussure, 142. Savalle, 197. Schaar, 194. Schabus and Pohl, 12. Sehaedler, 210. Scheele, 47. Scheerer, 171, 206. Scheffler. 8, 21 . Schellen, 23, 166, 199. Schenk and Stewart, 7. Sehife, 59. Schindlers, 170. Schiotz, 101. Schlesinger, 216. Schlumberger, 124. Schmeisser, 88. Schmelck, 101. Schmidt, A., 133. Schmidt, C., ani Sturzwage, 136. Schmidt, E., 228. Schomburgk, 236. Schonbein, 19, 65, 82, 83, 116, 151. Schorlemmer, 112, 296. Scnorlemmer and Roscoe, 59, 60, 295. Schrauf, 14. v. Schroeder and Reuss, 202. v. Schrodern, 74. Schrotter, 82, 83. Schubarth, 184. Schiitzenberger, 61, 118, 149. Schultz, G., 118. Schultz, J., and Friihling, 180, 298. Schumann, 153. Schunck, 121. Schwanert, 164, 228. Schwarzenberg, 857. Schweigger, journal, 1. Schwendler, 199. Scoffern, 158. INDEX. 315 Scott, Smith, and Haughton, 171. Scott- White, 167. Scrymgeour, 25. Seaman, 243. Searcher, a, 246. Sebelien, 64. Seberg and Cronquist, 192. Seidel, 271. Pella, 75, 83, 90. Senebier, 141. Senft, 108. Seubert and Lothar Meyer, 64. Sharpies, C. H., 174, 219. Sharpies, S. P., 75, 175. Sharswood, 92. Shaw, 46, 182. Shaw, Button, and Pearson, 260. Shier and Davy, 142. Siebold, 271. Siemens, C. W., 23, 40, 41, 188, 200, 202, 213. Siemens, F., 213. Silbermann and Favre, 27. Silliman, B., 75, 91, 92, 95, 98, 239, 248. Silliman, B., jun., 19, 217. Silliman, Journal, 281. da Silva Amado, 133. Silvestri, 110. Simmonds, 187, 188. Simon, 295. Simpson, Maxwell, 115. Singer, 18. Sinobas and Alfonso de Castilla, 11. Sivewright and Preece, 216. Smee, A., 18, 19, 136, 212, 243. Smee, A. H., 114, 136. Smith, Angus, 73, 220, 257. Smith, Aq., Houghton and Scott, 171. Smith, H. A., 215. Smith, J. Lawrence, 90, 246. Smith, L., 95. Smyth, Piazzi, 11, 42. Sohncke, 14, 15. Solar y Sanchez, Jose, 58. Solly, 143. Sonnenschein, 163, 177. Sorby, 13. Souberain and Kegnauld, 299. Spielman, 46. Spiller, 38. Spiller and Crookes, 38. Sprengel, 43. Spring, 26, 74. Spring and Levy, 85. Springmuhl, 195. Springmuhl, Lexicon, 252. Squibb, 78, 138, 227, 229, 232, 235, 236, 243. Squire, 229. Stadeler, 167. Stahl, 46, 74. Stahlschmidt, 149. Stammer, Ch., and Cartuyrels, 191. Stammer, K., 192, 215. Stammer, K., Jahresbericht, 128. Stanford, 211. Stas, 63. Stegman, 210. Stein, S. T., 30, 294. Stein, W., 185. Steiner, 131. Stenhouse, Groves, and Calvert, 199. Stevens, 8, 40. Stevenson, J. C., 34. Stevenson, T., 114. Stevenson, T., and Fagge, 177. Stevenson, T., and Naquet, 55. Stewart, Balfour, 7, 25. Stockhardt, 56. Stolzel, 186. Stohnr.ann, 215. Stolba, 61, 84, 86, 92, 95, 168, 169, 209. Stone, 131. Storer, 123, 221, 251. Storer and Eliot, 71, 86, 221. Storer and "Warren, 120. Stratingh and Kaiser, 76. Strecker, A., 54, 56, 116, 117, 121, 124, 126. Strecker, A. and H., 99. Strecker, H., 93. Struever, 90, 96. Studdert and Plunkett, 100. Sturgeon, 19. Sturgeon, Annals, 2. Sturzwage, L., and Schmidt, 136. Suburbanns, 45. Sullivan, 157. Sutton, 165. Svanberg, 276. Swarts, 57. Sylvfestri, 110. Syrnons, 94, 296. Szabo, 93, 168. T. Tait, 8, 26, 28, 30. Tait and W. Thomson, 5, 8. Takamatsu, 195. Tate, 213. Tatlock and Chalmers, 169. Tavlor, 107, 177, 235 r 236. Taylor and Brande, 55. 316 INDEX. Taylor, Richardson, Bell, and Arm- strong, 186. Teale, 43. Teft, 196. Teplow, 295. Terrell, 26. Terrell and Fremy, 296, Teschemacher, 175. Thalen, 41. ThalS n and Angstrom, 42. Thalhof, 95. Thausing, 191. Thenard, 50, 161. Thenard and G-ay-Lussac, 4. Thenard and v. Thiersch, 270. Thomas, 194. Thomsen, 28, 295. Thomson, A, T., 229. Thomson, H. Yates, 33. Thomson, R. D., 136, 143, 158. Thomson. Thomas, 49, 50, 70, 89, 111. Thomson, T., Annals, 277, Thomson, W., and Tait, 5, 8. Thompson, Silvanus, 21, 32. Thorpe, 71, 164. Thorpe and Muir, 163. Thudichum, 130, 139, 297. Thudichum and Dupre, 220. Thurston, 193. Thwaite, 205, 216. Tichborne. 117. Tidy, 60, 219, 220. Tidy and Woodman, 177. Tiemann, 169. Tilden, 61. Tilley, 142, 241. Tomlinson, 43. Tommasi, 64, 65, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 85, 117, 122, 126. Tommasi and Uavid, 124. Toms, 203. Toner, 232. Tori.03, 101. Traube, 149. Trebuehet, 222. Tribe and GHa Istone, 21. Trornnisdorff, 225. Trutat, 38. Tschermak, 92. Tschermak, Mittheilungen, 87. Tucker, 198. Tunner, 204. Turner, E., 50. Turner, R., 16. Tuson, 148, 2 9. Tuson and Cooley, 187. Twining, 241, 246, 297. Tylor, 208. Tyndall, 25, 26, 32, 100, 138, 157. TJ. Ultzman and Hofmann, K. B., 178. Upmann, 186. Ure, Dictionary, 250, 251. Tire and Berthollet, 197. V. Vacher, 164. Vacher and Fresenius, 162, 163. Valentine, Basil, 224. Tallin, 234. Van der Waals, 25. de Vathaire, 204. Vaughan, 195. Veley and Landolt, 31. Verdet, 5, 6. Vergnes and Poey, 235. Vierordt, 166. Ville, 143, 153. Vin9ard, 198. Vincent and Muspratt, 251. Vincent and Payen, 187. Virchow, 150. Vines, 114. Vitalis, 198. Voelcker, 144, 147, 148, 150, 151, 152, 153, 156, 157, 158, 159, 233. Vogel, A., 173, 270, 271, 272. Vogel, E., 8, 41, 67. Vogel, J,., and Neubauer, 178. W. Waage, 101. Waage and Mohn, 13. Wackenroder, 172. Waddell and Warden, 299. Wadsworth, 91, 106, 109. Wagner, A., 271. Wagner, J., 13. Wagner, L., 213. y. Wagner, R., 187. v. Wagner, R., Jahresbericht, 181. Walcott, 301. v. Waldegg, 205. Waldie, 218, 219. Walenn, 56, 189, Walker, 230. Wallace, 214. Waller, 170, 219. Wankel, 144. Wanklyn, 174, 175. Wanklyn and Cooper, 173. Wanklyn and Chapman, 169. Ward, 217, 247. INDEX. 317 Warden and Waddell, 299. Wardle. 212. Waring, 229. Warington, G-., 40. Warington, R., 37, 131, 158, 173. Warren, C. M., and Storer, 120. Warren, G-. K., 109. Warinann, 30. Watkins, 22. Watson, R., 46, 47. Watson, W., 16. Watson, W., 24, 28. Watts, H., 52. Watts, H., Dictionary, 251. Watts, H., and Richardson, 183, 203. Watts, W. Marshall, 41. Way, 143, 150, 151, 157, 158. Way and Paine, 106. Way and Ogston, 155. Weber, R., 64. Weber, W., and Gauss, 32. Webster, J., 74. Webster, T., 294. Wedding, 205. Weinhold, 9. Weldon, 193. Weltzien, 70, 79, 97, 112. Wenghoffer, 72, 113. Wernich, 234. Wetherill, 69, 75, 78, 85, 94, 114, 235. Wheatstone, C., and P. A. Abel, 203. Whewell, 11. Whiston, 3. White, 212. White and Xewton, 102. Whitney and Foster, 103. Wiedemann, 20. Wiedemann, Annalen, 287. Wiedemann and Bolley, 185. Wiegand and Parrish, 227. Wiegleb and Hopson, 47. Wiesner, 37, 144. Wigner, 219. Wilkinson, 17. Will, 162. Will and Fresenius, 167. Wille, 33. Williams, A., 92. Williams, C. GK, 67, 117, 118, 119, 122, 194. Williams, C. W., 193. Williams, W. M., 40. Williamson, 58, 63, 248. Wills, 297. \Vilrnot, Boxer, Anderson, and Abel, 204. Wilson, B., 16. Wdson, D. M., and Muir, 295. Wilson, a., 13, 33, 41, 230, 238, 246. Wilson, a., and J. C. Brown, 76. Wilson, G-., and Madan, 72. Winckler, F. L., 220. Winkelmann, 295. Winkler, C., 167. Winkler, C., and Lunge, 298. Winkler, J. H., 3. Wischnegradsky, 115. Wislicenus, Regnault, and Strecker, 56. With, 153. Witt, 99. Wittich and v. Hey den, 124. Wittstein, 156, 228. Witz, 9, 10. Wohler, 70, 162, 167. Wohler and Berzelius, 50. Wormell, 294. Wormley, 177, 298. Wolf, a., 240. Wolff, E., 130, 153, 156, 178. Wolff, E. T., 111. Wollny, Forschungen, 141. Wolpert, 217. Wood, Gr. B., and Bache, 229. Wood, J., 29. Wood, T., 57, 81. Woodbridge, 204. Woodman and Tidy, 177. Woodward. C., 31. Woodward, H. B., 101. Wright, 81. Wrottesley, Lord, 247. Wullner, 5, 8. Wurtz, 56, 60, 63, 129, 131, 164, 195, 295. Wurtz, Dictionnaire, 252. Wurtz and Papillon, 55. Wurtz and Le Blanc, Repertoire, 269. Y. Yates, 33, 238. Yandell, 236. York, Archbishop of, 242. Youmans, 53. Young, 3. Z. Zach, 166. Zenno, 82. Zeuner, 28. v. Ziemssen and v. Pettenkofer, 234. Zirkel and Naumann, 91. Zittel, 271, 272. Zoller and Liebig, 143. Zopf, 151. Zwick, 187. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Abrus-Poison, 299. Acetates, 113. Acetone, 114. Acids, 72. Acids (aromatic), 114. Action of Water on Lead, Keport, 217. Adhesion, 294. Adipocere, 114. Adulteration, 173. JEneis, 240. Aeronautics, 190. Aeschynite, 92. Affinity, 62, 114. Agricultural Analysis, 178. Agriculture, General,. 141, 297. Agriculture, Periodicals- and Eeports, 140. Air, 9, 72, 132, 230. Air Engine, 10, 190.. Albuminoids, 114. Alchemy, 73. Alcohol, 114. Alcoholic Liquors, 172V Alcoran, 240. Aldehyde Ammonia, 115. Aldehydene, 115. Aldehydes, 115. Alizarin, see COLOURING MATTEBS. Alkalimetry, 167. Alkalis, 190, 298. Allanite, 92. Alloxantin, 115. Alloys, 34, 74, 168. Aluminium, 75. Alums, 74, 132. Amalgam, 75. Ame, 190. Amides, 115. Ammonia (synthesis), 296. Amylenes, 115. Anaesthetics, 230. Analysis, Agricultural Treatise?, 178. Analysis, Phytochemical Treatises, 178. Analysis, Spectrum, 42. Analytical Chemistry, G-eneral Treatises, 161, 297. Analytical Chemistry, Periodicals, 161. Anhydrides, 115. Aniline, 115. Animal Body, 132. Animal Physiology, General, 128, 297. Animal Physiology, Periodicals, 128. Animal Substances, 115. Anthracene, 116. Anthyllis,. 146. Antimony, 75. Antiquities, 240. Apophyllite, 92. Apparatus, 10, 62. Arkansas, Geological Reconnaissance, 103. Army Medical Department, Eeports, 223. Aromatic Bodies, 116. Arsenates, 75. Arsenic, 75, 168, Arsenites,- 75. Articulite, 94. Artillery, see GuifS. Asparagine, 116.. Asphyxia, 230. Aspirator, 10. Assaying, 1701. Astronomy, 10: Atacamite, 92. Atlantic, 240. Atlantic Telegraph, 216. Atmosphere, 11. Atmospheric Electricity, 22, 294. Atomic Theory, 62. Atomic Weights, 63. Atoms, 12. Attraction, 12. Bacteria, 146, 297. Bank Notes, 190. INDEX. 319 Barometer, 12. Barks, 146. Barley, 146. Baryta, 75. Batteries Voltaic, see ELECTEICITT. Beach, 105. Beans, 147. Bebeeru, 147. Beer, 190. Bees, 147. Beet, 147. Benzene, 116. Benzyl-toluene, 116. Betaines, 116. Biography : Bacon, 271. Biot, J. B., 271. v. Bischoff, T. L. W., 272. Cavendish, 238. Croft, Sir John, 238. Dalton, 238. Davy, Sir H., 238. Faraday, 239. Forbes, David, 239. Herschel, Sir J. F. W., 239. v. Humboldt, 271. v. Kobell, 272. Leblanc, 239. v. Liebig, 239, 272. v. Martius, 239, 271. v. Meyer, 272. Ohm/270. Papillon, F., 238. Priestley, 238. Regnault, H. V., 239. Rosing, A., 239. Rumford, Count, 239. de Saussure, 238. Schoenbein, C. F., 238. v. Schubert, 270. Siber, Th., 270. Smee, A. 239. Smith, J. Lawrence, 239. Thomson, T., 238. Wagner, A., 272. Wills, T., 239. Worcester, Marquis of, 239. Bitter Almond Oil, 116. Bitumen, 92, 191. Blast-furnace, 191. Blasting, 191. Bleaching, 191. Blood, 133, 176. Boiler Deposits, 192. Boiling Point, 12, 116. Bone-black, 192. Bone-earth, 75. Bone (fossil), 105. Bones, 147. Book Catalogues, 240. Borates, 75, 92. Boric Acid, 75. Boron, 75, 116. Botany, 147, 240. Brain, 297. Brandy, 192. Bread, 173, 192. Bromine, 76. Bronze, 192. Bronze, Report of Committee on, 192. Brucine, 116. Building Materials, 192. Butter, 173, 193. Butylenes, 116. C. Cadmium, 76. Calcite, 92. Calculi, 133. California, Geology and Topography, Report, 103. Calorimeter, 12. Candles, 193. Capric Acid, 117. Carbohydrates, 117. Carbon, 76. Carbonates, 76. Carbonic Acid, 76. Catalogue of Japanese Home Depart- ment at Health Exhibition. 1884, 188. Catalogue of Parke's Museum of Hygiene, 234. Catalogue, Ronald's Library, 16. Catalysis, 64. Catarrh, 231. Cattle Food, 133. Cattle Plague, 231. Celestial Chemistry, 64. Cerium Minerals, 92. Chalk, 92. Chalk Formation, 106. Challenger Report, Physics and Che- mistry, 101. Chemical Action, 64. Chemical Constitution, 65, 295 Chloral, 117. Chlorates, 76. Chlorides, 76. Chlorine, 76, 193. Chlorine Oxides, 77. Chlorophyll, 147. Cholera, 231. Chromates, 133, 231. Chromium, 77, 168. Chymical Essays, 45. 320 INDEX. Cinchona, 147. Cinnamon, 117. Citraconic Acid, see ITACONIC ACID. Climate, see METEOKOLOGY. Clover, 148. Coal, 93, 117, 193. Coal Mines, 194. Coal-gas, 194. Coal-tar, 195. Coal-tar Colours, see COLOURING MATTERS. Coasts, 106. Cobalt, 77. Cobalt Bases, 117. Cocoa, 175. Codeine, 117. Coffee, 175. Coliesion, 12. Coins, 195. Coins, Reports of Master of Mint on, 195. Coke, 195. Cold, 12. Colophenin, 117. Colouring Matters, 118, 195. Colours, 12. Combustion, 77, 196. Comets, 13. Commercial Analysis, 179. Commission on Health of Towns, 232. Compass, 13. Concrete, see BUILDING MATERIALS, p. 191. Conglomerates, 106. Conifer, 148. Constants, 13, 64, 295. Contact Action, 65. Copper, 77, 168, 196. Coppering, 196. Corn, 148. Corpus luteum, 118. Corundum, 92. Cotton, 196. Cotton (explosive), 173. Cough, 231. Creatinine, 118. Creation, 240. Creosote, 118. Croton Oil, 173, 231. Cryphcea, 148. Crystallography, 13, 294. Currency, 196. Cyanides, 118. Cyanogen, 119. D. Dairy, 148. Decimal System, Keport on, 196. Decimal Weights and Measure?, He- port on, 33. Diabetes, 231 . Diamond, 77, 93. Dictionaries, 250. Diffusion, 15. Dioptase, 93. Disinfection, 231. Distillation, 15, 196. Drought, 148. Dust, 106. Dyeing and Printing, 197, 298. Dynamics, 65. Dynamo-electric Current, see ELEC- TRICITY. E. Earth-nut, 148. Earths, 77. Eclipse, 15. Eczema, 231. Education, 241, 299. Education, Lectures on, 241. Education (Medical), 211. Electric Lighting, 22, 199. Electrical Society, Proceedings, 18. Electrician's Directory, 21. Electricity, 16, 294. Electricity, Animal, 21. Electricity, Atmospheric, 22, 294. Electrodes, 22. Electrolysis, 22. Electrom agnetistn, 22 r 200. Electrometallurgy, 23, 200. Elements, 65. Encyclopaedias, 250. Energy, 23. Engineering, 182, 298, 299. Ensilage, 297. Equilibrium of Fluids, 294. Equivalents, 66. Ergot, 232. Ethers, 119. Ethnology, 2^2. Ethnology, Eeports Smithsonian In- stitution, 242. Ethylamines, 119. Ethylphosphates, see PHOSPHATES, p. 123. Eucalyptus, 148. Eugenic Acid, 119. Euxenite, 93. Evaporation, 23. Excrements, 134. Exhibition 1851, Commissioners' Re- port, 242. Exhibitions, 242. INDEX. 321 Experimental Stations, 148. Explosion, 200, 294. Explosives, 201. Extracts, 232. Eye, 232. F. Fairy-rings, 149. Eats, 119, 134. Felspar, 93, 168. Fermentation, 149, 297. Fever, 232. Fever (Yellow), 232. Fibre, 150, 201. Fire, 77, 201. Flame, 23, 78. Flax, 150, 202. Flora, 150. Flower-farming, 150. Fluids, 23, 294. Fluorides, 78. Fluorine, 78. Fodder, 150. Food, 134, 202, 297. Food Adulteration, 173, 297, 298. Food (Cattle), 135. Force, 24, 294. Forensic Medicine, 176. Forest Litter, 150. Formulae, 66. Fossils, 106. Franklandite, 93. Fuel, 202. Fumaric Acid, 119. Fumeroles, 106. Fungi, 150. Furnace Gases, 202. Furnaces, 66, 78. G. Q-adolinite, 93. Gallotannic Acid, see TANNIN, p. 126. Galvanism, 24. Gas Analysis, Treatises, 166, 298. Gas Furnaces, 202. Gas Lamps, 202, 298. Gases, 24, 78. Gastric Juice, 135. Generation, 135. Germination, 151. Geysers, 106. Geography, 242. Geology, General, 102, 296, 301. Geology, Periodicals, Reports, and Surveys, 102. Geometry, 242. Gilding, 202. Glaciers, 106. Glands, 151. Glasgow Corporation Waterworks, 217. Glass, 78, 202. Glucinum, 78. Glycerol, 120. Glycols, 120. Glyoxylic Acid, 120. Gneiss, see ROCKS, p. 108. Gold, 78, 94, 106, 203. Granite, 107. Grapes, 232. Gravitation, 25. Greenstones, 107. Grits, 107. Ground-nut, see EABTH-NTJT, p. 148. Guano, 151. Gun Cotton, 203. Gunpowder, 180, 203. Guns, 204. H. Hsematite, 94. Haemoglobin, see BLOOD, p. 133. Hail, 294. Haloid Compounds, 78. Harmotome, 94. Harrogate Sulphur Springs, 99. Hay, 151. Health of Towns Commission, 232. Health Exhibition (1884), Literature, 300. Heat, 25, 294. Heat (Central), 26, 107. Heat (Chemical Relations of), 26. Heat (Latent), 26. Heat (Mechanical Theory of), 28. Heat (Radiant), 26. Heat (Specific), 269. Hemp, see FLAX. Homo3omorphism, 94. Homologous Compounds, 120. Hops, 152. Hydrobromic Acid, 78. Hydrocarbons, 120. Hydrocyanic Acid, 120. Hydrofluoric Acid, 78. Hydrogen, 78. Hydrogen Dioxide, 79. Hydrogen Sulphide, 79. Hydrometers, 180. Hygiene, 232. Hypophosphorous Acid, 79. Y 322 INDEX. Ice, 29. Idaho, etc., Geological Survey, 104. Ilex, 152. Impact, 29. Indiana, Geological Surrey, 104. Indigo, 120. Inebriety, 234. Infection, see PTTTBEFACTION and HYGIENE. Ink, 204. Inorganic Analysis, Treatises, 167. Inorganic Chemistry, General Treatises, 70, 296. Institutions, 254. Intestinal Concretions, 235. Inulin, 120. Iodine, 79, 120. Iron, 79, 168, 204. Iron Ores, 94. Isodibutylene, see OCTYLENES. Isomerism, 66. Isomorphism, 94. Itacolumite, 94. Itaconic Acid, 121. J. Journals of Societies, &c. : America, 262, 301. Austria and Hungary, 266. Belgium, 267. British Colonies, 261. Denmark, 268. France, 268. Germany, 269. Great Britain and Ireland, 254, 299. Holland, 273. Italy, 274. Norway, 274. Russia, 275. Spain, 275. Sweden, 276. Switzerland, 276. Journals not published by Societies : America, 281. Austria and Hungary, 281. British Colonies, 281. France, 282. Germany, 285. Great Britain, Ireland, 277. Holland, 291. Italy, 292. Switzerland, 292. Juices, see MOVEMENT. Jurisprudence, 176. Kerguelen's Land, Botany, etc., 155. Ketones, 121. Laboratory, 66. Lactation, 235. Lactic Acids, 121. Laumonite, 94. Lava, 95. Lead, 79, 206. Lead, Action of Water on, 206. Leather, 206. Leaves, 152. Lectures, Paris Chemical Society, 5, 54. Lepidolite, 95. Leucoline, 121. Lias, 107. Lievrite, 95. Life, 135, 242. Light, 29, 294. Light (Electric), 199. Light (Polarised), 30. Lightning Conductors, 294. Lime, 80, 206. Limestone, 95, 107. Linseed, 152. Liquids, 31. Loan Collection of Scientific Instru- ments, 10. Logic, 243. London University, Report of Com- mittee, 249. M. Madder, 121, 152, 206. Magnesia, 168. Magnesium, 80. Magnet, 235. Magnetism, 31, 206. Magnetism (Terrestrial), 32. Main Drainage Eeport, 211. Maleic Acid, see FDMAEIC ACID. Malt, see BEER. Malt Liquors, 235. Manganese, 80, 168. Mangolds, 152. Manipulation, 67. Manure, 152, 179. Margaric Acid, 121. Mass, 67. Mate, 153. Matter, 33, 294. Meadow Land, 154. INDEX. 323 Measures, 33, 179. Meconic Acid, 121. Medical Chemistry, Periodicals and Reports, 222. Medical Chemistry, Treatises, 224, 299. Medical Profession, 242. Melanosiderite, 95. Melting Point, 34. Memoirs, &c., of Societies, 254. Mercury, 80. Mercury ethyl, 121. Mesaconic Acid, see ITACONIC ACID. Mesitylene, 121. Metalloids, 81. Metallurgy, 206. Metah, 34, 80, 208, 235. Metamerism, 154. Metastasis, 136, 154, Meteorites, 95. Meteorology, 35. Meteors, 37. Methyl Bases, 121. Metric System, 37. Micro-chemistry, 154, 297. Microcosmic Salt, 81. Micro-organisms, 154. Microscope, 37. Milk, 136, 174, 297. Mind, 242. Mineral Theory, 154. Mineral Veins, 107- Mineralogy, General Treatises, 88, 296. Mineralogy, Periodicals, 87. Minerals (Analysis), 168. Mines, 208. Mint, see COINS. Miscellaneous, 240, 299. Miscellanies, 243. Mixtures, 67. Moabite Stone, 242. Molecules, 67. Molybdates, 81. Montana, etc., Q-eological Survey, 104. Morinda, 121. Morphine, 175. Mortar, 209. Motion of Fluids, 294. Motors, 209. Movement, 136. Multiple Proportions, 67. Muscular Power, see WOBK. Museum of Irish Industry, Investiga- tions in Laboratory of, 143. Mysorin, 95. Naphtha, 122. Naphthalene, 122. Naphthylamine, 122. Natural History, 242. Nature, 242. Nebulae, 38. Netherlands, Meteorological Observa- tions, 36. New South Wales, 91, 104, 242. New York, Annual Reports of Board of Health, 234. Nickel, 81, 95, 209. Niobium, 81, 168. Nitre, 82, 200. Nitric Acid, 168, 209. Nitric and Nitrous Ethers, 122. Nitriles, 122. Nitrogen, 154. Nitroprussides, 122. Nitrous Oiide, 82. Noctilucin, 136. Nomenclature, 67, 122. North Carolina Agricultural Experi- ments, 141. Norweigan North Atlantic Expedi- tion, 240. Notation, 68. Noxious Vapours Commission, 216. Numbers, 242. Nutrition, 136, 297. O. Oak, 154. Octylenes, 122. Ohio, Geological Survey of, 103. Oils, 122, 209. Okenite, 96. Oleomargarine, see BUTTEB. Olefiues, 123. Olive, 155. Opium, 123. Optics, 38. Orchards, 155. Ordnance, see GUNS. Ores, 107. Organic Analysis, Treatises, 172. Organic Chemistry, General Treatises, 111, 296. Orthite, 96. Oshiroi, see WHITE LEAD. Oxalates, 123. Oxygen, 82, 168, 235. Ozone, 82, 155. P. Pancreatic Emulsion, 138, 235. Paraffin, 123, 210. Parliament, 244. 324 INDEX. Parliamentary Papers, List of , 244. Patent Literature, 189. Peas, 155. Peat, 9S, 123. Peat Fuel, 202. Pebbles, 107. Pepsin, 138. Perfumery, 210. Periodates, 82. Periodicals : Published by Societies, 254. Analytical Chemisty, 161. Animal Physiology, 128. G-eology, 102. Mineralogy, 87. Not published by Societies, 281. Pharmaceutical and Medical Chemistry, 222. Technical Chemistry, 181. Vegetable Physiology and Agricul- ture, 140. Permanganates, 168. Peroxides, 83. Petroleum, 96, 169, 210. Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Periodicals and Eeports, 222. Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Treatises, 224, 299. Pharmacopoeias, 229, 299. Phenyl, 123. Philosophy, 244. Phlogiston, 68. Phonolite, 96. Phosphates, 83, 123. Phosphides, 83. Phosphorescence, 38. Phosphoric Acid, 169. Phosphoric Acid, Report on Estima- tion of, 179. Phosphoric Strata, see CHALK. Phosphorus, 83, 155, 235. Phosphorus-bases, 123. Photography, 38, 295. Photography, Specifications, 38. Phylloxera, 155. Physics, G-eneral Treatises, 2, 294. Physics, Periodicals, 1. Physiological, Medical and Forensic Analysis, 176. Phytochemical Analysis, Treatises, 178. Picoline, 123. Picramic Acid, 123. Picric Acid, 124. Pinnipeds, 244. Piperidine, 124. Pitchstone, 96. Plant-ashes, 155. Plant-constituents, 156. Plants, 155. Platinum, 83. Platinum Metals, 83, 169. Pneumonia, 235. Poisoning, 235. Poisons, 176, 298. Polariscope, 40. Pollution of Rivers Commission, Re- ports, 218. Polyatomic Compounds, 124. Polytechnic College, 248. Porphyry, 107. Potash, 156, 169. Potash, Report on Estimation of, 179. Potatoes, 156. Pottery, 210. Poultry, 156. Practical Magazine, 182. Precipitates, 169. Prehnite, 96. Priceite, see BORA.TES, p. 92. Proceedings of Societies, 254. Propionic Acid, 124. Proteids, see ALBUMINOIDS, p. 114. Protoplasm; 156. Pseudomorphism, 96. Ptomaines, 138. Pump, 40. Putrefaction, 138, 157. Pyrites, 96. a. Quarantine, 236. Quinine, 124. Quinte Essence, 244. R. Radiation, 40. Radicles, 124. Ram, 40, 157. Rape, 157. Raw Materials, 210. Refraction (lateral), 294. Report on Action of Water on Lead, 217. Report of Commission on Technical Instruction, 188. Report of Commissioners of Exhibi- tion 1851, 242. Report of Committee on Bronze, 192. Report of Committee on Explosives, 201. Report of Committee on Grun Cotton, 203. Report on Decimal System, 196. Report on Gas Furnaces, 202. INDEX. 325 Report on Main Drainage, 211. Report on Quarantine, 236. Report of Royal Commission on Spon- taneous Combustion of Coal, 194. Report on Swine Products, 216. Report on Technical Instruction, 242. Report on Utilisation of Sewage, 212. Report on Water Gas, Boston, 194. Reports, Army Medical Department, 223. Reports on Cholera in United States, 231. Reports of Commission on Pollution of Rivers, 218. Reports on Ethnology, Smithsonian Institution, 242. Reports, Geology, 102. Reports of Inspector under the Alkali Act, 190. Reports of the Juries of the Exhibition of 1851, 184. Reports of the Juries of the Exhibition of 1862, 186. Reports of Master of Mint on Coins, 195. Reports of Master of Mint on Metals, 208. Reports of Medical Officers to Local Government Board, 233. Reports, Pharmaceutical and Medical Chemistry, 222. Reports on the Philadelphia Exhibi- tion 1876, 188. Reports on Preston "Water Supply, 217. Reports on Sanitary Qualities of Waters, 218. Reports on Sewage of Towns, 211, 212. Reports, Technical Chemistry, 182. Reports, Vegetable Physiology and Agriculture, 140. Residues, 210. Resins, 211. Resistance, 211. Resorcinol, 124. Respiration, 138, 297. Rhamnus, 124. Rock Salt, 97. Rocks, 96, 108. Ronald's Library, Catalogue, 16. Root-crops, 157. Rotation (Crops), 157. Rothamsted Agricultural Station, 145. Ruby, 97. St. Helena Observations, 32, 35. Sal-ammoniac, 84. Safety Lamp, 211. Sake, 211. Salicine, 124. Salicylic Acid, 236. Saliva, 138. Salt, 157, 211. Salt-bush, 157. Salts, 84, 211. Samarskite, 97. Sand, 97. Sandstones, 109. Sanguinaria, 158. Sanitary Qualities of Waters, Reports on, 218. S.'.heele's Green, 75, 211. Science, 244. Science and Theology, 246, Scientific Instruments, Loan Collec- tion, 10. Sea-salt, 84. Sea- weed, 211. Secrets des Arts, 183. Selagite, 97. Selenious Acid, 84. Sewage, 211, 236. Sewage of Towns, Reports, 211, 212. Sewage Utilisation, Report, 212. Shells, 109, 138. Sievering Limestone, 95. Silica, 97. Silicates, 84, 97. Silication, 212. Silicofluorides, 84. Silicotungstic Acids, 84. Silk, 212. Silver, 84, 97, 212. Silvering, 213. Skin Diseases, 236. Sky, 40. Slag, 213. Slate, 109. Smoke, 158, 213. Soap, 213. Soda, 213. Societies, 246. Societies, Publications of, 254. Soda-salts, 158. Soils, 158, 179. Solar Physics, 40. Solubility, 41, 68. Sorghum, 159. Sound, 41, 294. Soy Bean, 159. Species, 138, 159. Specifications, 213. Spectral Analysis, Treatises, 165. Spectroscope, 41. Spectrum, 41, 295. Spectrum Analysis, 165. 326 INDEX. Spheroidal State, 294. Spontaneous Combustion of Coal, Re- port of Royal Commission on, 194. Sputa, 138. Staffordshire Iron Ores, 94. Starch, 125, 159, 213. Steam, 42. Steam Engine, 42, 213, 294. Steel, 214. Steel Rails, 214. Storms, 42. Succinimide, 125. Suffioni, see FTTMEEOLES, p. 106. Sugar, 125, 175, 180, 214, 298. Sugar Cane, 159. Sugar (Invert) , 125. Sulphates, 85, 215. Sulpho-acids, 125. Sulphomethylates, 125. Sulphur, 85,' 215. Sulphur Residues, 210, 215. Sulphurets, 215. Sulphuric Acid, 215. Sun, see SOLAE PHYSICS and ECLIPSE. Supersaturation, 43, 69. Surveys, Geology, 102. Swine Products, 216. Synthesis, 69, 98, 109, 125, 296. T. Tannin, 126, 175. Tanning, 216. Tantalum, 85. Tartaric Acid, 175. Tartaric Acid (Larro), 126. Tartrates, 126. Tasmanite, 98, 126. Taurine, 126. Tea, Coffee, and Cocoa, 175. Technical Chemistry, General Treatises, 182. Technical Chemistry, Periodicals, 181. Technical Chemistry, Reports, 182. Technical and Commercial Analysis, Treatises, 179. Technical Instruction, Report, 242. Telegraph, 216. Telegraphic Journal, 20, 216. Tellurium, 85, 98. Temperature, 159. Tetrathionic Acid, 85. Textile Fabrics, 180, 216. Thallium, 126. Theology and Science, 246. Thermochemistry, 43, 295. Thermometer, 43. Thiocyanates, 180, 216. Timber, 216. Tin, 85, 98. Tissues, Auimal, 138. Titanium, see NIOBIUM, p. 168. Tobacco, 159, 175. Toluidine, 126. Toronto, Observations, 33, 35. Toxicology, 176, 298. Transactions of Societies, 254. Transpiration, 160. Trithionic Acid, 85. Tungstates, 85. Turkey, 248. Turnips, 160. Tyne, 248. Types, 69. U. Uniformity in Nomenclature, 68. Unitary System, 69. United States, Meteorological Observa- tions, 36. United States, Weather Maps, 37. Units, 43. Universe, 43, 249. University, 249. University of London, Report of Com- mittee, '249. Uranium, 86. Urari, 236. Urea, 126, 138, 175. Uric Acid, 127. Urine, 139, 178. Utilisation of Sewage, Report, 212. V. Vacuum, 43. Vacuum-pump, 43. Valerianic Acid, 127. Valleys, 109. Vana dates, 98. Vanadium, 86. Vapours, 43, 180, 216. Vegetable Physiology and Agriculture, General Treatises, 141, 297. Vegetable Physiology and Agriculture, Periodicals and Reports, 140. Ventilation, 217. Veratrum, 237. Vermiculite, 98. Victoria, 249. Victorian Exhibition, 1861, Catalogue, 184. Victorian Government, Prize Essays, 249. INDEX. Vine, 160. Vinegar, 217, 298. Vision, 44. Vital Force, 139. Volcanic Rocks, 109. Volcanoes, 110. Voltaic Action, see ELECTEICITT. Volumetric Analysis, Treatises, 165. Volumes, 44. Volumes (Specific), 69. W. Warping, 160. Waste Products, 217. Water, 44, 86, 98, 169. Water (Sea), 101. Water, Action of on Lead, 206. Water-barometer, 12. Water- box* 220. Water G-as, Eeport on, Boston, 194. Water Spouts, 294. Water Supply, 217. Water Supply of Preston, Reports, 217. Waters (Mineral), 98. Wax, 127. Weights, see MEASUBES. Weights, Atomic, 63. Wheat, 160. White Lead, 220. Wine, 175, 220. Wood, 160. Wool, 298. Work, 139. Wounds, 237. Wyoming, etc., Geological Survey, 104. Xenotime, 101. Y. Year-book of Scientific Societies, 248. Yeast, see FEBMENTATION. Yellow Fever, 232. Zinc, 86, 221. Zurich, Observations, 35, 36. HARRISON AND SONS, PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO HER MAJESTY, ST. MARTIN'S LANK. I HOME USE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT MAIN LIBRARY This book is due on the last date stamped below. 1-month loans may be renewed by calling 642-3405. 6-month loans may be recharged by bringing books to Circulation Desk. Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date. ALL BOOKS ARE SUBJECT TO RECALL 7 DAYS AFTER DATE CHECKED OUT. JUL 3 1975 5 LD21 A-40w-12,'74 (S2700l>) General Library University of California Berkeley BOUND BY