THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA THE GASTRONOME COLLECTION OF GEORGE HOLL AGftlC. LIBRARY ' TKEE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK, BY MRS. MARTHA PRITCHARD STANFORD, OF NEW ORLEANS, LA. We may live without friends; we may live without books; But civilized man cannot live without cooks. He may live without love, what is passion but pining ? But where is the man that can live without dining fLucik. PRICE, $2.00 PER COPY. Copyrighted, 1904. NEW ORLEANS t SEARCY & PFAFF, LTD., PRINTERS. THE AUTHOR'S NOTICE. In presenting THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK to my friends and to the public, I do so in full confidence in the knowledge that every one of the 576 recipes contained in the volume has been successfully used in my own kitchen. These recipes were selected from many hundreds gathered by my family through several generations. In preparing dishes from these recipes, directions as to proportions and materials used must be carefully followed, else the excellence of results will not be ob- tained. Nearly all of the recipes are intended to serve from six to eight persons. MRS. MARTHA PRITCHARD STANFORD New Orleans, La. /A/ AGRIC. LIBRARY INDEX. SOUPS. Page Artichoke (with cream or whippeJ cream) i Asparagus i Beef (every day) 2 Beef (made from cold roast or steak) 2 Bisque of craw-fish 2 Bean (black or red) 3 Celery 3 Chicken 4 Clam 4 Clear (served with marrow balls) 4 Consomme (with egg) 5 Corn 5 Crab (cream of) 6 Crab 6 Fish (and tomatoes) 7. Gumbo (fillet) 7 Gumbo (herb) 8 Gumbo (okra) 8 Julienne 9 Mock (turtle) 9 Mushrooms (with cream) 9 Mutton (broth) 10 Onion 10 Oxtail 10 Oyster n Pea (green or split) n Potato ii Spinach (cream) 12 Summer 12 Tomato (bisque with crabs) 12 Tomato 13 Turkey (and celery) 13 Turtle 13 15 16 FISH. Page Au gratin " Au gratin (with mushrooms and trufles) J 7 Au gratin (with oysters, tomatoes and mushrooms) 18 Baked Boiled Boiled (cold, baked with white sauce) Broiled Court boullion I9 Cod fish (balls) 2O Codfish (stewed with eggs) ' 20 Craw-fish (coquilde) 20 Creamed fish (with white wine) 2I Eels (with cream and capers) 2I Eels (with brown butter) 21 Fried (fish) 22 Pie (fish) 22 Salmon (baked) 22 Salmon (croquette) 23 Steamed (fish) 22 Tenderloin (trout) 23 Turtle or Terrapin (stewed) 24 26 CRABS. Boiled (crabs) 27 Chops (crabs) 27 Crabs (with rice) 28 Cream (of crabs) 28 Fried (crabs) 28 Stewed (crabs) 29 Stuffed (crabs) 29 SOFT SHELL CRABS. Crabs soft (broiled) 29 Crabs soft (court boullion) 30 Crabs soft (fried) 30 3* 33 34 iii OYSTERS. Page Baked 35 Blanket 35 Bohemian 36 Broiled 3<3 Croquettes 3 Escalloped 37 Fricasse 37 Fried 37 Jambalaya 3 8 Minced (on toast) 38 Panned 3^ Pie 39 Steamed 39 Stewed 39 Stuffed 40 Oysters (with tomatoes and macaroni) 40 Oysters (in tomatoes) 40 41 42 43 44 SHRIMP. Au gratin (coquille) 45 Au gratin ., 45 Balls 46 Boiled 4& Croquettes 46 Fried 47 Pie 47 Stewed 47 48 49 50 LOBSTER. Boiled 5 1 Chops 5 1 Coquille 5 2 Cream of 5 2 Page Croquettes 5 2 Farci 53 a la Newburg 53 In pastry 54 Stewed 54 55 56 FROG LEGS. a la poulette 57 Fried . 57 SNAILS. With mushrooms 59 In shells . 59 60 ENTREES AND PATES. Brains (with brown butter) 61 Brains (with chopped celery) 61 Brains (with mushrooms and young onions) 62 Brains (with tomato sauce) 62 Chicken (artichoke) 62 Chicken (with corn) 63 Chicken (cream) , 63 Chicken (croquettes) 64 Chicken (fricasse with mushrooms, f ruffles and wine) 64 Chicken (a la marengo) 65 Chicken (with noodles) 65 Chicken (with oysters and mushrooms) 66 Chicken (smothered with macaroni or rice) 66 Chicken (timbale) 66 Chops (breaded with cheese) 70 Chops (breaded with peas) 70 Chops (broiled with chestnut sauce) 70 Chops (broiled with sauce of peas, cauliflower and mushrooms) ... 71 Chops (in papers) 71 Chops (with mushrooms, truffles and wine sauce) 72 Chops veal (larded with truffles and pork) 72 Coquille (calf head and brains) 67 Coquille (calf head with mushrooms and truffles) 68 V Page Coquille (of chicken) 67 Coqnille (mixed) 68 Coquilde (of sweet breads, brains, with mushrooms and truffles) . . 69 Coquille (sweet breads and brains) op- Guinea (broiled with peas and asparagras tips) . . .. 72 Pullet (broiled) 73 Sweet breads (with artichokes) 73, Sweet breads (broiled) 73 Sweet breads (with cream) 74 Sweet breads (with green peas) 74 Sweet breads (spiced) '. 75 Sweet breads (smothered with tomatoes) 75 Sweet breads (in tomatoes) 76 Turkey (breast) 76 Turkey (livers broiled) 76 Pate (Italian) 77 Pate (chicken and oysters) 77 Pate (ham and veal) .<..; 77 Pate (brains and sweet breads) 78 79 80 81 82 ROASTS. Beef (a la mode) 83 Beef (fillet) ....J.J.J. ............ 83 Beef (ribs) 84 Capons (with truffles) 84 Chicken (pie) 85 Ducks (with chestnuts) 85 Goose (with apples) 85 Ham (baked) 86 Kid (roast) 86 Lamb (roasc) 86 Lamb (shoulder of lamb and sweet peppers) 87 Mutton (leg stuffed) ,'.. . . 87 Pork (leg) 87 Turkey (roast, oyster dressing) 88 Veal (leg stuffed) 88 VI Page 89 90 91 VEGETABLES. Artichokes (with cream) 93 Banana (fried as a vegetable) 93 Beans (baked) 93 Beans (snap with browned or drawn butter) 94 Beans (white with sauce) 94 Cabbage (with cream) 94 Cabbage (fried) 95 Cabbage (with sauce) 95 Cauliflower (boiled) 95 Cauliflower (with cheese) 95 Corn (boiled) 96 Corn (fritters) 96 Corn (pudding) 96 Corn (with shrimp and tomatoes) 96 Cucumbers (stuffed) 97 Eggplants (baked) 97 Egg plants ( fried) 97 Mushrooms (stewed with wine) 98 Okra (fritters) 9^ Peas (and asparagus) 98 Peas (with salt pork) 98 Peppers (stuffed) 99 Potatoes (anna) 99 Potatoes (cheese) 99 Potatoes (chip) 100 Potatoes (croquettes) 100 Potatoes (with cream sauce) 100 Potatoes (hash) 101 Potatoes (puffs) 101 Potatoes (stuffed) 101 Salsify (stewed) r 101 Spinach 102 Succotash 102 Tomatoes (baked) 102 Tomatoes (fried) , 102 Tomatoes (smothered) 103 Tomatoes (stuffed) 103 vii Page Tomatoes (stuffed with chicken livers) 103 Turnips (stuffed) 104 Truffles (with wine stewed) 104 105 ic6 107 108 GAME Birds (small, pies) 109 Birds (small, with mushrooms and wine) 109 Ducks (wild roasted) no Ducks (stewed, herbs and mushrooms) no Ducks (with olives) no Ducks (wild, with turnips) ill Partridge (with truffles) in Pheasants (larded) 112 Pigeons (fillet with peas) 112 Pigeons (smothered, young onions) 112 Pigeons (with truffles) 113 Pigeons (salmi) 113 Pigeons (smothered with peas) 113 Quail (baked) 113 Quail ('broiled with cream sauce) 114 Quail (and cabbage) 114 Rabbit (with cream) 115 Rabbit (pate) 115 Rabbit (stewed) 115 Snipe (roast) 116 Snipe (roast not drawn) 116 Snipe (salmi) 116 Squirrel (broiled) ir^ Squirrel (stewed) 117 Turkey (wild stuffed with truffles) 117 Venison (broiled) 118 Venison (with truffles and wine) 118 120 121 122 Vlll Page DRESSINGS. Country (dressing) 123 French (dressing) 123 Mayonnaise (dressing) 123 SALADS. Asparagus (salad) 124 Chicken (salad) . 124 Cold slaw (salad) 125 Crab served in tomatoes (salad) 125 Egg (salad) 125 Fish (salad) 126 Fruit (salad) 126 Lobster (sailad) 126 Meat (salad) 126 Okra (salad) 127 Orange and walnut (salad) 127 Oyster and celery (salad) 127 Potato (salad) 127 Salmon (salad) 128 Shrimp (salad) 128 Snap beans and cauliflower (salad) 124 Sweet breads and brains (salad) 124 Vegetable (salad) 128 129 130 132 COLD DISHES. Anchory (sandwiches) 133 Aspic (jelly with pate de foie gras) 133 Aspic (jelly from prepared beef tea) 134 Boned (turkey) 134 Chicken (jellied) 135 Cold (daube) 135 Fish (jellied) L 136 Hog head (cheese with truffles) 136 Loaf (of beef) 137 Loaf (of veal) 137 ix Page Oysters (pickled) 137 Spiced (beef) 138 Tomatoes ( frozen) 138 Tomatoes (jelly) 138 139 140 141 142 BREAKFAST AND LUNCH DISHES. Beef (balls) 143 Beef (dried with white sauce) 143 Beef (imitation broiled steak) 144 Beef (steak broiled) 14' Beef (steak stuffed) 144 Calf's feet (fried) 145 Calf's feet (stewed) 145 Calf s liver (baked) 145 Calf's liver (fried) 146 Chickens (with dumplings) 146 Chickens (fried No. i) 146 Chickens (fried No. 2) 147 Cutlets (veal with chestnut sauce) 147 Cutlets (breaded with tomatoe sauce) 147 Deviled (roast) 14* Hash (beef with spagetti) 148 Hash (chicken) 148 Hash (corn beef) , 149 Hash (mixed) 149 Hash (Queen of) 149 Hash (veal liver and sweet breads) 15 Hominy (baked) 150 Hominy (croquettes) *S Jambalaya ." I5 1 Lamb (brisket broiled) IS 1 Mutton (stew) 151 Pigs-feet (broiled and larded with truffles) 151 Pigs-feet (stewed) IS 2 Sausage (fried) 152 Tamales ,. IS 2 Tongue (stewed) 153 Tripe (pickled) 153 Tripe (stewed with tomatoes) 153 Turkey (legs or chops deviled) 153 Welsh rare-bit . 154 Page 155 156 157 158 EGGS. Eggs (and bacon with cream sauce) 159 Eggs (with brown butter) 159 Eggs (deviled with tomatoes) 159 Eggs (ham and eggs cakes) 160 Eggs (minced with ham or sausage) 160 Omelet (asparagus) 160 Omelet (crab) 161 Omelet (ham) 161 Omelet (herb) 161 Omelet (with mushrooms) 161 Omelet (oyster) 162 Omelet (green pea) 102 Omelet (rum or kirsch) 162 Omelet (sardines) 163 Omelet (shrimp) 163 Omelet (couffle) 163 Omelet (tomato) 163 Poached (eggs with ham and cream sauce) 164 Poached (eggs with minced chicken) 164 Potatoes (baked with eggs) 164 Ramakin 165 Scrambled (with dried beef) 165 Scrambled (with brains) 165 Scrambled (with cheese) 165 Scrambled (with oysters) 166 Scrambled (with sausage) 166 Scrambled (with truffles) 166 Shirred (with anchory paste) 167 Shirred (with cheese) 167 Shirred (in tomatoes with ham) 167 Starched (eggs) 167 Stuffed (eggs) 168 Swiss (eggs) ; i6S 169 170 Page 171 172: BREAD AND YEAST POWDER. Bread (batter) 173 Bread (batter without milk) 17.5 Bread (boston brown) 173 Bread (corn) 174 Bread (crackling) plantation 174 Bread (lost) 176 Bread (rice) 175 Buns i7S Buns (or rusks) I7S Corn (dodgers) i/4 Corn (pone) 175 Rolls 176 Rolls (pemberton) 176 Sally (lunn with yeast) 177 Sally (lunn) 177 Toast 177 Yeast powder 177 178 179 BISCUITS. Biscuits (cream of tartar and soda) i8r Biscuit (hard beat ' No. i) i8r Buscuit (hard 'beat) No. 2) 181 Biscuit (potato) 182 Biscuit (soda with sweet milk) 182- Biscuit (sour milk) 182 Cheese straws 190 183 184 MUFFINS. Muffins (champion) 185 Muffins (corn meal) 185 Muffins (sweet corn) 185 Muffins (New York) 186 xii Page Pop Overs l86 187 188 WAFFLES. Waffles (banner) l8 9 Waffles (hominy) l8 9 Waffles (rice) J 9O 191 192 FRITTERS. Fritters (banana) J 93 Fritters (rice) T 93 Fritters (peach) 193 Fritters (vanilla) T 94 195 196 GRIDDLE CAKES. Cakes (batter, corn meal and rice) 197 Cakes (batter and corn meal) 19? Cakes (buckwheat) 197 Cakes (drop corn) 198 Cakes (flannel) 198 Cakes (hoe) 198 Cakes (mush) 198 Cakes (pan) 199 Cakes (stale bread) 199 Cakes (wheat) 199 Cakes (wheat cakes with hominy) 200 201 202 PASTRY AND PIES. Pastry (No. i) 20^ Pastry (No. 2) 203 Pie (applea sweet) v 203 xiii Page Pie (apples dutch) 204 Pie (cheese) 204 Pie (chocolate) , 204 Pie (cocoanut) 205 Pie ( cranberry) 205 Pie (cream cheese) 205 Pie (cream and citron) 205 Pie (lemon) 206 Pie (mince meat for pies) 206 Pie (plantation) 206 Pie (irish potato) 207 Pie (pumpkin) 207 Short cake (strawberry) 207 208 209 210 PUDDINGS, JELLIES AND CUSTARDS. Apple (Farci) 211 Apple (pudding) 211 Apple (dumplings) 211 Baroness (pudding) 212 Bavarian (cream) 212 Blanc (mange) 212 Bread (pudding) .' 213 Caramel (pudding) 213 Cream (batter pudding the none such) 213 Charlotte Russe 214 Charlotte Russe (mock with almonds) 214 Champagne (jelly) 214 Chocolate (jelly) 215 Chocolate (pudding) 215 Chocolate (souffle) 215 Cocoanut (pudding) 216 Cottage (pudding) 216 Cup (custard) 216 Delmonico (pudding) 216 Fig (pudding) 217 Floating Island (with guava jelly) 217 Hasty (pudding) 217 Orange (jelly) .-. 218 Orange (custard) * 218 Peach (pudding with custard sauce) 218 Plum (pudding) 219 xiv Page Plum (simple pudding) 219 Rice (pudding) 220 Rice (and peach pudding) 220 Roley-Poley (pudding) 220 Snow (jelly) 221 Souffle (pudding) 221 Sweet-potato (pudding) 219 Tapioca (pudding) 221 Wine (jelly) 222 223 224 ICE CREAMS AND WATER ICES. Banana (ice cream) 225 Biscuit glace 225 Caramel (ice cream) 226 Chocolate (ice cream) 226 Cream cheese (frozen) 226 Cocoanut (and pineapple ice cream) 227 Creams (made from any jams) 227 Lemon (water ice) 227 Macaroon (ice cream) 227 Maraschino (ice cream) 228- Milk (sherbert) 228 Nut (ice cream) 228 Orange (sherbert) 228 Peach (or apricot cream) 229 Peach (water ice) 229 Pineapple (sherbert) 229 Pistache (ice cream) , 230- Strawberry Ice (with cream) 230 Tutti fruitti (ice cream) 230 Vanilla (ice cream with hot chocolate sauce) 230 231 232 CAKES AND ICINGS. Cake (almond and citron) 233 Cake (banner cup) 234 Cake (black) 234 Cake (black imperial) 234 Cake (black-Queen) 235 Cake (Boston cream cakes or puffs) 235 XV Page Cake (buns) 236 Cake (butter sponge for jelly) 236 Cake (caramel) 236 Cake (chocolate) 237 Cake (cream) 237 Cake (cookies) 238 Cake (cookies inexpensive) 238 Cake (devil's auction) 238 Cake (doughnuts) 238 Cake (fruit) 239 Cake (Virginia ginger) 239 Cake (ginger) 239 Cake (ginger sponge) 240 Cake (gold) 240 Cake (jelly roll) 240 Cake (brandy jumbles) 241 Cake (luncheon) 241 Cake (marble) 241 Cake (marsh-mellow) 242 Cake (orange) 242 Cake (peach layer) 243 Cake (pecan) 243 Cake (Philadelphia drop) 243 Cake (pineapple) 244 Cake (plum) 244 Cake (potato flour) 244 Cake (pound) No. I 244 Cake (pound) No. 2 245 Cake (raisin) 245 Cake (rosetta) 245 Cake (silver) 245 Cake (sponge superior) 246 Cake (sponge) 246 Cake (sunshine) 246 Cake (tea) 247 Cake (tutti fruitti) 247 Cake (wedding) 247 Cake (white) 248 Cake (white fruit) 248 Cake (white mountain) 248 Icing (boiled) 233 Icing (chocolate) 233 249 XVI Page 250 251 252 CANDIES. Page Candy (caramels with pecans) 253, Candy (chocolate caramels) 253 Candy (mixed paste) 253 Candy (nougat) 254 Candy (pecan paste) 254 Candy (pop corn balls) 254 Candy (cocoanut pralines) 255, Candy (pecan pralines) 255 Candy (salted almonds, pecans or pea nuts) 255 Candy (sugar) 255 Candy (sugared figs) 256 Candy (sugared pecans) 256 Candy (sugared pumpkin) 256 Candy (sugared rose leaves or violets) 257 Candy (vanilla or lemon taffy) 257 258 259 260 CORDIALS AND PUNCHES. Page Cordial (anise) 261 Cordial (blackberry) 261 Cordial (cherry bounce) 261 Punch (champagne No. i) 262 Punch (champagne No. 2) 262 Punch (champagne with fruit) 262 Punch (claret cup) 263 Punch (claret) 263 Punch (egg nog No. I.) 263 Punch (egg nog No. 2) 264 Punch (eggs whipped) 264 Punch (ginger ale) 264 Punch (roman, frozen) 264 xvni Page 265 266 PRESERVES, JELLIES AND BRANDY FRUITS. Brandy (peaches) 267 Brandy (fruits from canned fruits) 267 Jelly ( from any fruit) 268 Jelly (guava) 268 Marmalade (orange) 269 Preserves (figs) 268 Preserves (orange and pumpkin) 269 Preserves (myrtle oranges with cocoanut) 269 Preserves (pineapple) 270 Preserves (water melon) 270 271 272 SYRUP FRUITS. Raspberry (vinegar) 274 Syrup (anise) 273 Syrup (d'orgeat) 273 Syrup (lemon) 273 Syrup (strawberry or blackberry) 274 Syrup (vanilla) 274 275 276 SAUCES. Sauce (caper) 277 Sauce (chili) 277 Sauce (chocolate) 277 Sauce (plain cream) 278 Sauce (chutney) 278 Sauce (cranberry) 278 Sauce (devilled) 279 Sauce ( foam) 279 Sauce (fruit syrup) 279 Sauce (hollandaise) 279 Sauce (horse radish with milk) 280 Sauce (icing) 280 Sauce (lemon) 280 Sauce (mint) 281 XV111 Page Sauce (mock cream) 281 Sauce (oyster) 281 Sauce (piquant) 282 Sauce (pudding) 282 Sauce (sherry) 282 Sauce (snow) 282 Sauce (tomato) 283 .Sauce (white wine) 283 284 285 286 SOUR AND SWEET PICKLES. Pickle (yellow cabbage) 287 Pickle (cantaloupe-sweet) 287 Pickle (chow chow) 288 Pickle (chow chow inexpensive) 288 Pickle (peach, sweet) 289 Pickle (raisin and cucumber) 289 Pickle (pickled shrimp) 289 Pickle (sweet pickle made from canned fruit) 289 Pickle (tomato) 290 Pickle (tomato catsup) 200 Pickle (winter) 291 292 293 294 LITTLE THINGS WORTH KNOWING. - '. ... 295 - 296 SOUPS. ARTICHOKE SOUP WITH CKEAM OK WHIPPED CREAM. 2 doz. ground artichokes, 1/2 teaspoon grated onion, 1 qt. milk, 1 teaspoon salt, 1/2 cup butter, 1 pod pepper, 1 teaspoon minced parsley, 2 qts. chicken or veal stock, 1/2 tablespoon flour, 1 cup cream. Boil artichokes in stock with onion, salt and pepper, press the artichokes through a seive and put back in stock, add milk and flour and let cook about 15 minutes. Just before serving stir in butter, parsley and cream, or serve whipped cream on top of soup. ASPARAGUS SOUP. 1 qt. or 2 bunches asparagus, 1/2 pod pepper. 1 1/2 qt. veal or chicken stock, 1 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley, 3/4 tablespoon flour, 2 tablespoons butter, 1 qt. milk, Cut tips off the asparagus and boil stalks in stock with salt and pepper about 1 hour, then strain and put in tips. Boil milk, thickened with flour and butter creamed and then mix with stock. Just before serving add parsley. 2 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. BEEF SOUP. (EVERY DAY.) 3 Ibs. beef from shank, 1 bay leaf, 1 cup or 6 fresh tomatoes, 1 sprig parsley, 2 cabbage leaves, 1 sprig celery, 1 turnip, 3 potatoes, 1 onion, 2 teaspoon salt, 4 cloves, 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper, 3 carrots, 1 gal. water. Put soup beef on to boil in cold water with salt and pepper. When it comes to a boil put in 1 cup of cold water and skim, then add vegetables cut fine and boil about 5 or 6 hours. Strain, if you like, and add barley, rice or vermicelli. BEEP SOUP MADE FROM COLD EOAST OK STEAK. 2 Ibs. cold beef, 2 hard boiled eggs sliced, 1 tablespoon browned flour, 1/2 lemon sliced, 2 carrots, 1/2 glass sherry or red wine, 1/2 onion, 1 gal. water, 8 cloves, 1 tablespoon butter. Fry cold beef in butter, add flour, cloves, onion, salt, carrots and pepper; when fried add water, simmer 4 hours and strain. Serve with hard boiled eggs, lemon and wine. BISQUE OF CEAW-FISH. 5 qts. water, 1 onion, 2 gals, craw-fish, 1 qt. tomatoes, 1 knuckle of veal or 1 chicken, 1/2 cup butter, 1 tablespoon browned flour. 2 pods pepper, 1 teaspoon chopped parsley, 1 pod garlic, 1 cup soft bread crumbs, 1 tablespoon salt, 1/2 tablespoon coloring pepper, 1 spray marjoram, SOUPS. 3 Soak the craw-fish for 2 hours in a very strong brine. Wash until clean, boil 15 minutes and remove from water. Pick craw-fish tails and heads, crush the heads and put back in the same water, reserving 3 dozen uncrushed heads for stuffing. To the water add veal knuckle or chicken, tomatoes, 3/4 onion, browned flour, salt, coloring pepper and herbs. Boil about 3 hours, strain and add butter. Serve with stuffed heads. STUFFING FOR HEADS. Chop 1/4 onion, meat of craw-fish tails, bread crumbs, 1 large spoon tomatoes from quart, 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/2 pod pepper, fry this in 1 tablespoon butter and then stuff the heads. Add a little coloring' pepper to give it a pretty color, if desired. BLACK OR RED BEAN SOUP. 1 1/2 pint black or red beans. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 wine glass sherry or red wine. 2 teaspoons salt. 1 gal. w r ater. 1/2 lemon. 2 carrots. 6 cloves. 1 stalk celery. 1 onion. 2 hard boiled eggs. 1 pod red pepper. 1/4 Ib. salt pork or fresh beef. Soak beans in water over night. Boil with onion, car- rots, celery, cloves, salt, pepper and meat 6 hours; put sliced lemon, eggs and butter in tureen with the wine; add beans and soup after pressing through a sieve, and serve very hot. CELERY SOUP. 2 stalks celery cut in pieces. 2 tablespoons butter, 1 1/2 cup sweet cream, if desired. 1 tablespoon flour. 1/4 teaspoon chopped onion. 1 teaspoon parsley. 1 qt. milk. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 qt. beef stock. 1 pod pepper. 4 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. Boil celery in stock with onion, salt, pepper and parsley about 1 hour. Strain, add boiled milk thick- ened with flour and butter creamed; add to this 1 cup of boiled celery. (If desired, add sweet cream.) CHICKEN SOUP. 1 large fat chicken. 1/2 onion. 1 teaspoon chopped parsley. 4 qts. water. 1/2 tablespoon salt. 1 pt. milk. 1 tablespoon boiled rice. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 1/4 coffee spoon cayenne pepper. 1 piece celery. Boil chicken with onion and celery in water for about 4 hours, remove the chicken; then add milk, rice, season- ings and a small part of finely chopped chicken. If you like, reserve the rest of the chicken for croquette, hash or salad. CLAM SOUP. 1 qt. clams. 1 1/2 qts. milk. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 pt. cream. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 tablespoon flour. 1/2 teaspoon grated onion. 8 cloves. 1/4 tea spoon cayenne pepper. 1 teaspoon salt. Boil clams in 1 pt. water with onion, cloves, salt and pepper. Add boiled milk thickened with flour and butter creamed, before serving add parsley and scalded cream. CLEAR SOUP SERVED WITH MARROW BALLS. 6 Ibs. round beef, and some bone. 1/2 teaspoon chopped parsley. 6 qts. water. 1 turnip. 1 tablespoon salt. 2 carrots. 1 slice ham. 1 onion. 1 pod pepper. SOUPS. 5 Cut beef and ham in small pieces, let it boil with bone about 3 hours, put in 1 cup cold water and skim; then add vegetables ; let it boil about 3 hours longer, strain and put aside until next day, then remove fat and pour off care- fully from dregs. Strain through flannel dipped in ice water. This ought to reduce to 3 qts. of soup. MARROW BALLS. 1 large marrow bone. 1 small piece garlic. 1 tablespoon bread crumbs. 1 pinch salt. 1/4 small onion, grated. 1 pinch cayenne pepper. A little green onion cut very fine. Wash marrow through several warm waters to remove blood ; then cream marrow with bread crumbs and season- ings, make into balls and drop in soup. Boil about 5 min- utes. Serve hot. CONSOMME WITH POACHED EGGS. 4 Ibs. beef from round. 4 carrots. 1 chicken. 1 turnip. 1 slice ham. 1 tablespoon salt. 1 1/2 gals, water. 1 sprig parsley. 1 stalk celery. 1 teaspoon pepper. 8 eggs. "TrFSSJ Boil all the above ingredients except eggs about 6 hours, keeping well skimmed; strain and put aside until next day; remove fat, if not clear, boil again with the white of two eggs, whipped and crushed egg shells. Strain through a flannel dipped in ice water. Serve with poached eggs. CORN SOUP. 1 qt. milk. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 1/2 qt. beef stock. 1/2 teaspoon chopped onion. 1/2 cup butter. 1 teaspoon salt. 3/4 tablespoon flour. 1 pod pepper. 1/2 doz. ears corn, or 2 cups canned corn. Cut corn from cobbs and boil cobbs in stock ; chop corn, 6 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. put in milk and boil with seasoning, until well cooked; add stock strained, thickened with flour and butter. 1/2 cup sweet cream can be added, if desired. CREAM OF CRAB SOUP. 1 doz. crabs boiled and picked. 1 3/4 tablespoons flour. 1/2 teaspoon grated onion. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 2 tablespoons butter. 2 qts. milk. 1 teaspoon salt. 8 drops Tobasco sauce. Put milk and crabs on to boil with seasoning ; add flour and butter creamed. Cook about 10 minutes, add parsley and serve very hot. CRAB SOUP. 1 doz. crabs. 1 qt. of tomatoes. 1 teaspoon minced parsley 2 tablespoons butter. 1 onion. 1 sprig marjoram. 3 bay leaves. 1 sprig thyme. 1 pod pepper. 1 tablespoon browned flour. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 teaspoon salt. 4 qts. water. 1 pod garlic. 1 tablespoon coloring pepper. Scald crabs, pick six, reserving the meat, add the othor crabs broken in pieces with tomatoes and all seasonings to the water, boil about 3 hours and then strain shells from soup. Just before serving add crabs' meat, butter and flour creamed. SOUPS. FISH AND TOMATO SOUP. 1 gal. water. 1 head and 4 slices red fish. 2 cups, or 1 doz. fresh tomatoes. 1 teaspoon chopped onion. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 10 drops Tobasco sauce. 1 tablespoon browned flour. 1 bay leaf. 1 sprig thyme. 1 sprig marjoram. 1 pod garlic. 1 tablespoon salt. 1/2 cup butter. 1 pod pepper. 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce. Boil head of fish in w r ater with herbs, onion and garlic ; cut up fish; remove bones and fry in butter, then add flour, tomatoes and broth that the head was boiled in. Cook about 3 hours and add Tobasco and Worcestershire sauces, parsley and butter. GUMBO FILLET. 1 chicken, or 3 Ibs. veal. 1 tablespoon butter. 1/2 teaspoon chopped parsley. 1 teaspoon fillet. 50 oysters. 1 slice ham. 1 tablespoon browned flour. 1 onion. 4 qts. water. 2 bay leaves. 1 pod pepper. 2 teaspoons salt. Cut chicken or veal and flour it. Put lard in pot and fry chicken, or veal, onion and ham, add water. Boil about 4 hours. Drop oysters in about 10 minutes before serving. Add butter and fillet sifted just as you take it off: the fire. Do not let it boil after fillet is added. Serve with boiled rice. RICE. Wash and soak rice in cold water about 2 hours; then put it in boiling water and let boil about 15 minutes. Put in collender, pouring cold water over it. Put ovr^ a kettle of boiling water, cover w r ell and steam about 1 hour, stirring several times. Every grain will be sepa- rated. 8 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. HEBB GUMBO. 3 Ibs. veal. 1 sprig green celery tops, 1 bunch spinach. 3 green onions. 8 green cabbage leaves. 2 pods pepper. 1 bunch turnip tops. 3 bay leaves. 1 sprig marjoram. 1 pod garlic. 1 head lettuce. 2 slices ham. 10 beet leaves. 1/2 tablespoon salt. 1 spring thyme. 1 tablespoon butter. Wash leaves and use only the tender parts. Fry veal and ham, add leaves and seasoning and boil about 4 hours- then strain and chop leaves very fine, return to the broth that they were boiled in; add butter. Serve with boiled rice. GUMBO. OKEA GUMBO. 1 1/2 gals, water. 1 Ib. veal bone, or 1 chicken, 6 doz. pods, or 1 can okra. 1 pod garlic. 1 onion. 1 pod pepper. 2 cups, or 8 fresh tomatoes. 2 bay leaves. 1 slice ham. 2 teaspoons salt. 1 tablespoon lard. 1 sprig thyme. 6 crabs or 1 pt, peeled shrimp. Boil vea] bone or chicken in water; reduce it to 1/2. Scald crabs and shrimp. Pry in lard, onion, crabs, ham and shrimp and sliced okra, then add tomatoes and liquor that chicken or veal bone was boiled in. Boil about 2 hours and serve with rice. In making this gumbo, either crabs or shrimp can be used, or both. KICE. Wash and soak rice in cold water about 2 hours; then put it in boiling water and let boil about 15 minutes. Put in collender, pouring cold water over it. Put over a kettle of boiling water, cover well, and steam about 1 hour, stirring several times. Every grain will be separated. SOUPS. JULIENNE SOUP. 4 Ibs. round beef. 1 turnip. 1/2 tablespoon burnt sugar. 4 sprigs parsley. 8 carrots, sliced. 1 tablespoon salt. 1 cup green peas. 1 pod pepper. 1 onion. 1 gal. water. Boil beef with salt, pepper, turnips and onion, add burnt sugar. When it comes to a boil add 1 cup cold water, then skim. After boiling 4 hours strain, put in carrots that have been cut in very narrow strips and fried in butter, then add peas. MOCK TUETLE SOUP. 1 calf head. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 gal. water. 1 pod pepper. 1 carrot. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 turnip. 2 tablespoons browned flour. 8 cloves. 1 wine glass of sherry. 1/2 teaspoon minced onion. 4 hard boiled eggs. 1 tablespoon salt. 1/2 lemon, sliced. Wash calf head in vinegar and water, cut in pieces, fry with carrot and turnip sliced fine in hot butter. Add cloves, onion, parsley and flour, then water. Boil about 4 hours. Strain soup, add wine, eggs, sliced lemon and 1 cup of meat from calf head cut in small pieces. MUSHROOM SOUP WITH CREAM. 1 chicken. 1 gal. water. 1 cup cream. 1/4 teaspoon grated onion. 1 pt. milk. 1 teaspoon chopped parsley. 1/2 cup butter. 3/4 tablespoon flour. 2 cups mushrooms or 1 qt. fresh. Boil chicken with onion in 1 gal. water, reducing to 1/2. Strain and add mushrooms and boil 1/2 hour. Before .10 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. serving, put in boiled milk that has been thickened with flour and butter. Serve with whipped cream. MUTTON BKOTH. 3 Ibs. brisket of mutton. 1 tablespoon rice. 1 onion. 1 tablespoon butter. 1/2 teaspoon chopped parsley. 1 gal. water. 1 cup milk. 1 tea spoon salt. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Boil mutton in water with onion, salt and pepper for about 4 hours, add rice ; cook 1 hour longer. Just before serving put in butter, milk and parsley. ONION SOUP. 1/2 teaspoon parsley chopped fine. 2 1/2 qts. water. 2 Ibs. veal bone or 1 chicken. 6 onions, sliced fine. Salt and pepper to taste. 1 qt. of milk. 3 1/2 teaspoons butter. 3/4 tablespoon flour. Boil onions with bone or chicken about 3 hours, take out bone, add milk ; flour and butter. Leaving onion in soup, cook about 15 minutes longer and serve. OXTAIL SOUP. 1 ox tail. 1 tablespoon brown flour. 1 gal. water. 2 tablespoons butter. 6 cloves. 3 carrots. 1 onion. 1 turnip. 2 hard boiled eggs. 1 bay leaf. 1 wine glass sherry. 1 pod pepper. 1/2 lemon sliced. 1 tablespoon salt. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. Cut up ox tail and fry in butter ; add onion, flour, vege- tables and cloves. Add to this the water. Let this boil SOUPS. 11 about 4 or 5 hours, then strain, put pieces of ox tail in tureen with sliced eggs, lemon, parsley and wine. OYSTER SOUP. 100 oysters. 1/2 cup butter. 1 tablespoon flour. 3 pt. milk. 1/2 teaspoon grated onion. 1 pt. whipped cream. 6 cloves. 1 cup oyster crackers. 1 teaspoon chopped parsley. 2 teaspoons salt. 2 tablespoons chopped celery. 1 pod pepper. Boil oysters with onion, celery, cloves, salt and pepper. Boil milk in separate vessel, add butter and flour creamed. Mix together, put in tureen with crackers and whipped cream. PEA SOUP. (Green.) 1/2 teaspoon grated onion. 1 pt. milk. A small piece of salt pork. 2 teaspoons salt. 2 Ibs. veal bone. 1 pod pepper. 1 gal. water. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 Ib. dried green or split peas, or 2 cups canned peas, or 1 qt, fresh peas. Boil bone, meat, peas and seasoning, about 4 hours, strain and pass through a cullender, then add milk a- butter. Serve with bits of toast. If dried green peas are used, soak in water several hours before boiling. POTATO SOUP. 4 large potatoes. 1/4 tablespoon flour. 2 qts. milk. 2 teaspoons salt. 2 1/2 tablespoons butter. 1 pod pepper. 1/4 teaspoon grated onion. 1 small piece celery. 1/2 teaspoon chopped parsley. Boil potatoes with celery, salt and pepper, cream potatoes with butter; add boiled milk thickened with 18 THE OLD AND NEW COOK COOK. flour, little by little, then put in parsley and serve imme- diately. SPINACH SOUP. (Cream of). 2 bunches spinach. 1/2 cup butter. 1 veal bone. 1/2 tablespoon flour. 1 slice ham. 1 gal. water. 2 hard boiled eggs. 1/2 onion. 1 qt. milk, or cream. 1 teaspoon salt. 1/2 tea spoon pepper. Boil spinach with veal bone, ham and seasonings 3 hours; press through seive, add milk that has been boiled and thickened with flour and butter creamed. Serve with bits of toast and sliced hard boiled eggs. SUMMEE SOUP. 3 Ibs. beef shank. 2 ears corn. 1 gal. water. 1 tablespoon butter beans. 1 onion. 2 tablespoons green peas. 2 bay leaves. 10 string beans. 6 tomatoes. 2 teaspoons salt. 2 doz. pods okra. 1 pod pepper. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. Boil beef with salt and onion. When it comes to a boil, add 1 cup cold water, then skim. Put in corn cut from cob ; the cobs, tomatoes, peas and beans. Boil about 4 hours. Take out cobs and add sliced okra about one hour before serving. TOMATO BISQUE, WITH CEABS. 2 qts. tomatoes. 1/2 teaspoon chopped parsley. 1 qt. milk. 1/2 teaspoon chopped onion. 3/4 tablespoons flour. 2 tablespoons butter. L teaspoon soda. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon salt/ 1 teaspoon sugar. 1 1/2 cups picked crabs. Put tomatoes on to boil with onion, sugar, salt, pepper and soda. When boiled about 3/4 of an hour press SOUPS. is through a seive, then add milk that has been boiled and thickened with butter and flour, then add crabs and parsley. Don't let this boil after mixing. TOMATO SOUP, 1 qt. tomatoes. 1/2 teaspoon soda. 2 qts. stock. 1 onion. 1 turnip. 1 qt. milk. 1 bay leaf. 1 tablespoon butter. 2 tablespoons corn starch or flour. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon sugar. 1 pod pepper. Boil tomatoes, turnip, onion, bay leaf, pepper, sugar and soda in stock about 2 hours, press and strain through a cullender, add boiled milk thickened with flour and but- ter. Add to soup just before serving bits of toast. TUKKEY AND CELEKY SOUP. 1 turkey carcas. 1/2 teaspoon minced onion. 1/2 stalk celery, cut fine. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 tablespoon rice. 1 pt. milk. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 gal. water. Boil turkey with onion, salt and pepper for about 3 hours, then add rice and celery. Cook 1 hour longer, then put in milk, butter and parsley. TUETLE SOUP. 3 or 4 Ibs. turtle. 1 gal. water. 1 doz. cloves. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 onion. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1 tablespoon browned flour. 3 tablespoons butter. 1/2 glass sherry or claret. 1/2 lemon sliced. 4 hard boiled eggs or 2 doz. turtle eggs. Put turtle and seasonings on to boil, reserving eggs, if any; boil about 4 hours. Strain and add browned flour creamed with butter, then add turtle eggs and boil about 5 minutes. Put in tureen with sliced lemon, sliced hard boiled eggs, if used, and wine, also a little turtle cut fine. FISH. AU-GRATIN FISH. Sheep head, Trout or any fish. 1/2 cup butter. 1 cup browned bread crumbs. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon chopped parsley. 1/2 pt. water or stock. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1/4 teaspoon grated onion. Cut the fish from the bones, lay in slices in dish, cover with bread crumbs, pieces of butter and onions, pour stock or water over and bake. Season highly. FISH AU-GRATIN WITH MUSHROOMS AND TRUF- FLES. 2 fish, boned. 1 cup browned bread crumbs. 6 truffles, sliced fine. 1 tablespoon Worcestershire. 1 pt. mushrooms. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 pt. white wine. 1/2 cup butter. 1/2 coffee spoon Tobasco. 2 tablespoons olive oil. Lay fish salted and peppered in platter, put over t* butter, mushrooms, truffles, olive oil, wine and sauce. Sprinkle with crumbs and bake about one hour. 18 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. FISH AU-GRATIN WITH OYSTERS, TOMATOES AND MUSHROOMS. 2 fish, boned. 2 tablespoons Worcestershire. 1 coffee spoon Tobasco. 1 cup browned bread crumbs. 1/2 pt. tomatoes. \ 3/4 cup butter. 50 oysters. 1 cup stock. 1 pt. mushrooms. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 wine glass sherry. 2 teaspoons salt. Put fish in platter with above ingredients and bake about 1 hour. BAKED KED FISH. 1 large fish. 3 tablespoons butter. 1 qt. tomatoes. 1/2 pt. stock. 2 tablespoons Worcestershire. 2 teaspoons salt. 2 tablespoons browned flour. 1 pod pepper. 1 teaspoon chopped onion. 50 oysters. Make a dressing of oysters and bread and fill fish with it. Put it in a pan with browned flour, tomatoes, stock, onion, parsley, butter, sauce, salt and pepper. Baste frequently and bake thoroughly. BOILED FISH. Have enough water to cover the fish, then add 1/2 onion. 2 tablespoons salt. 1 pod pepper. 1 tablespoon vinegar. 3 bay leaves. When the water boils put in the fish, pinned in linen cloth, then boil until thoroughly cooked, drain well be- fore serving. This can be served hot with drawn butter or oyster sauce; or it can be served cold with mayonnaise. FISH. 19 COLD BOILED FISH BAKED WITH WHITE SAUCE. 2 Ibs. cold fish. 1/2 cup cracker crumbs. 2 cups milk. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 4 hard boiled eggs. 1 small pod pepper. 2 teaspoons flour. 1/2 teaspoon salt. . 1 1/2 tablespoons butter. 1 wine glass sherry. Salt and pepper fish, put in dish alternately with cracker crumbs and sliced eggs, having crumbs and bits of butter on top. Make a sauce of boiled milk, flour and butter, wine and parsley, pour over fish and bake. BKOILED FISH. 1 firm fresh fish. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 3 tablespoons butter. 1 tablespoon olive oil. 1 teaspoon salt and pepper. Have broiler very hot. Salt and pepper fish, mop in and out with olive oil. Broil until cooked, pour melted but- ter and parsley over it. Serve on hot platter. ! COUET-BOULLION. 1 large fish. 1 qt. water. 1 glass claret. 1 onion. 1 doz. cloves. 1 qt. tomatoes. 4 tablespoons olive oil. 1/2 coffee spoon Tobasco. 2 tablespoons butter. 3 bay leaves. 2 tablespoons Worcestershire. 1 sprig morjoram. 2 tablespoons browned flour. 2 teaspoons salt. 1 teaspoon chopped parsley. 1 pod garlic. Chop head of fish fine and boil it about two hours with onion, salt, pepper, herbs, garlic and bay leaves. Slice fish, flour it, and fry brown in oil ; take out and put aside. Put in the skillet the fish was fried in, tomatoes, flour and the water that the head w r as boiled in, and make a sauce; cover well and let simmer about 1 hour. Put in fried fish, Worcestershire sauce, wine and butter and cook 10 minutes before serving. Serve on buttered toast. 20 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. CODFISH BALLS. 2 Ibs. codfish. 2 eggs. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 1/2 cup milk. 4 boiled potatoes. 1/4 teaspoon red pepper. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. Boil codfish until well cooked, changing the water once, cream potatoes add milk, butter, eggs, pepper and parsley. Mix with codfish, mold into cakes, dip in flour and fry in hot lard. STEWED CODFISH WITH EGGS. 3 Ibs. codfish, well boiled. 2 tablespoons butter. 6 hard boiled eggs. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 3/4 tablespoon flour. 1/4 teaspoon onion. 1 1/2 pt. milk. 1 tablespoon Worcestershire. 8 boiled potatoes. 1 pod pepper. Boil milk, add potatoes, flour, butter, parsley, onion, pepper and sauce. When thick add codfish and quartered eggs. CRAW FISH COQUILLE. 1 qt. picked and boiled craw fish. 1 pt, cream. 8 drops Tobaseo sauce. 1 tablespoon flour. 1 teaspoon salt. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 teaspoon grated onion. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 wine glass sherry. Boil cream, stir into it flour, onion, butter and parsley, add Tobasco and salt, when thick put in craw fish and wine. Cook 5 minutes longer. Put this in silver or china shells with bread crumbs on top and small pieces of butter. Bake 10 minutes. FISH 21 CKEAMED FISH WITH WHITE WINE. Sheepshead or trout or any other good fish. 1/2 glass white wine. 1 pt. milk. 1 pt. mushrooms or 50 oysters. 2 tablespoons flour. 1/2 coffee spoon grated onion. 1/2 cup butter. 1/2 teaspoon chopped parsley. 1/4 pod red pepper. 3 tablespoons browned bread crumbs. 1 teaspoon salt. Put fish salted and peppered in dish that you serve it in (either stone or plated ware) and bake about 15 minutes, have ready the boiled milk thickened with flour, butter and seasonings; add the mushrooms or oysters, wine and parsley to the milk; pour over fish. Sprinkle with bread crumbs and small pieces of butter, and bake 10 minutes. BOILED EELS WITH BROWNED BUTTER. 3 Ibs. Eels. 1 qt. stock. 1 cup browned butter. 1/2 teaspoon parsley. 1 teaspoon salt. 1/2 pod pepper. Boil eels in stock with salt and pepper, put on napkin. Serve with brown butter and minced parsley. EELS WITH CREAM SAUCE AND CAPERS. 2 1/2 Ibs. Eels. 1 tablespoon capers. 1 cup milk. 1/2 table spoon flour. 1 cup cream. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 tablespoon butter. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Fry eels. Serve with sauce made by boiling milk, cream, butter, parsley, flour, pepper and salt. Add capers to sauce before serving. THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. FRIED FISH. 1 bunch small fish, any kind. 2 teaspoons salt. 2 cups meal. 1/2 teaspoon pepper. Mix meal, salt and pepper. Have fish wiped dry, roll in meal, fry in plenty of very hot lard. Serve immedi- ately. STEAMED FISH. 4 Ibs. fish. 1 tablespoon flour. 1 pt. cream. 2 tablespoons butter. 1/2 pt. milk. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 pt. mush rooms. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 8 truffles. 1 teaspoon salt. Cream butter and flour. Boil cream and milk with sliced truffles and mushrooms, add butter and flour, then pour over raw fish cut fine. Put this in a mould and steam or boil 3/4 of an hour. FISH PIE. 2 Ibs. cold cooked fish. 1 1/2 tablespoons butter. 1 cup milk. 1/2 tablespoon flour. 1 cup cream. 1 wine glass sherry. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. Make a sauce of milk, cream, parsley, flour and butter, when it comes to a boil put in fish and sherry and then bake in pastry. BAKED SALMON. 2 Ibs. of boiled or 2 cans salmon. 1/2 lemon. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 2 tablespoons butter. 6 hard boiled eggs. 1/4 teaspoon pepper. 2 cups of milk or cream. 1/2 tablespoon flour. 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce. FISH Make a sauce by boiling milk or cream, butter, flour, Worcestershire and parsley 10 minutes. Put salmon in baking dish with sliced eggs and bits of lemon alternately. Pour sauce over this, sprinkle with bread crumbs and pieces of butter, and bake 10 minutes. SALMON CROQUETTES. 1 Ib. boiled or 1 can salmon. 1 cup cream. 1 cup browned bread crumbs. 2 tablespoons butter. 1/2 teaspoon minced parslejy. 1 teaspoon flour. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1 lemon. 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce. 2 eggs. Boil cream, stir in flour, butter and parsley. Chop salmon fine, add lemon juice and Worcestershire, and mix with boiled cream. Mould in croquettes, dip into eggs whipped, then into bread crumbs and fry in very hot lard. TENDERLOIN OF TROUT, OR ANY OTHER FISH. 3 Ibs. boned fish. 1 tablespoon capers. 1 cup milk. 1/4 teaspoon grated onion. 1 cup mayonnaise. 1/2 cup flour. 1/4 teaspoon chopped parsley. Salt and pepper fish, dip in milk, then in flour and fry. Serve with sauce made of mayonnaise, capers, parsley and onion. THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. STEWED TERRAPIN OK TURTLE. 4 Ibs. terrapin or turtle meat. 1 doz. cloves. 1/2 teaspoon minced onion. 1/2 lemon. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1 cup butter. 1/2 teaspoon chopped parsley. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 tablespoon browned flour. 8 eggs, hard boiled. 1 qt. veal stock. 3/4 cup sherry wine. Boil turtle or terrapin in stock with seasonings very slowly for about 2 hours, strain, thicken liquor that ter- rapin was boiled in with flour, chopped eggs and butter^ Add terrapin, wine and 1/2 lemon sliced. This can be served in china or silver shells. CRABS. BOILED CRABS. 1 doz. crabs. 4 bay leaves. 1 cup coarse salt. 2 sliced lemons. 6 pods red pepper. 1 1/2 gals, water. Boil water with bay leaves, salt, pepper and lemons. While boiling put in crabs. Drain water from crabs as soon as cooked. Put aside to cool, serve on platter cov- ered with cracked ice. CKAB CHOPS. 3 cups of cooked crab meat. 1 tablespoon butter. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 tablespoon corn starch. 1/4 teaspoon grated onion. ' 1 teaspoon salt. 1 pt. cream. 8 drops Tobasco. Boil cream, stir into it onion, parsley, corn starch, but- ter, salt and pepper; when thick stir the crabs into it; put this on ice to get cold, mould in shape of chops, dip in eggs and bread crumbs and fry. Put a small piece of bone or stick in the end. Wrap a papper frill around bone or stick. 88 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. CREAM OF CKABS. 1 qt. crabmeat picked from boiled crabs. 1/2 cup browned bread crumbs. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 wine glass sherry. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 pt. milk. 1 teaspoon salt. , 1 cup cream. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1 tablespoon flour. Make a sauce by boiling milk, cream, butter, flour,, parsley, salt and pepper; add crabs and wine. Put in shells, cover with bread crumbs and bits of butter. Bake about 10 minutes. FRIED CRABS. 1 doz. hard shell crabs. 1 teaspoon salt. 2 cups meal. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Scald and clean crabs, by removing top shell and claws, dip them in meal with salt and pepper, and fry in hot lard. CRABS WITH RICE. 2 1/2 cups picked boiled crabs. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 teaspoon salt. 1/4 teaspoon grated onion. 1/2 pt. tomatoes. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 teaspoon Chili pepper. 3 cups boiled rice. Into the tomatoes put pepper, salt, onion, parsley and butter; cook about 15 minutes, then stir in rice and crabs, then cook about 15 minutes longer. CRABS. STEWED HARD SHELL CRABS. 1 doz. crabs. 1 pod red pepper. 1 qt. tomatoes. 1/2 teaspoon minced onion. 1 pod garlic. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 pt. water. 2 tablespoons browned flour. 2 bay leaves. 1 tablespoon coloring pepper. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. Scald and clean crabs, by removing top shell and claws ; pick meat from claws and fry with bodies of crabs in not butter, with onion and garlic; then add flour, coloring pepper, water, bay leaves, parsley and tomatoes. Let this simmer about 1 1/2 hours. STUFFED CRABS. 1 1/2 doz. boiled crabs. 1/4 teaspoon grated onion. 1 cup bread. 1/2 pod red pepper. 1/2 cup milk. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 cup cream. 1/2 teaspoon chopped parsley. 2 tablespoons butter. 2 hard boiled eggs. Pick crabs, mix with bread, salt, pepper and hard boiled eggs (minced). Boil cream and milk with onion, butter and parsley, then pour over crabs. Put in shells. Put bread crumbs and bits of butter on top of crabs and bake about 10 minutes. BROILED SOFT SHELL CRABS. 8 soft shell crabs. 8 thin slices buttered toast. 1/2 cup butter. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1 1/2 tablespoon olive oil. 1/2 lemon, sliced fine. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. SO THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. Prepare crabs by removing the sand bags from between the eyes and the dead fingers from under each end of the thin shell. Mop crabs with oil, salt and pepper; have the broiler hot before putting the crabs on, cook about 10 minutes. Serve on toast with drawn butter mixed with parsley and lemon. COUKT-BOULLION OF SOFT SHELL CRABS. 2 doz. soft shell crabs. 1/2 cup minced onion. 1/2 cup olive oil. 1 qt. tomatoes. 1 sprig thyme. 1 pt. stock. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 2 tablespoons butter. 1/2 pt. claret wine. ! 2 tablespoons browned flour. 8 thin slices buttered toast. 1 pod finely minced garlic. 2 eggs. 1 pod minced red pepper. 6 cloves. 3 bay leaves. 1 tablespoon Worcestershire. Prepare crabs by removing the sand bag from between the eyes, and the dead fingers from under each end of the thin shell. Heat the butter and oil and add garlic, onion, thyme, bay leaves, flour, pepper, salt, tomatoes, stock and cloves. Cook about 3/4 hour, and then put in the crabs and whipped eggs. Cook 1/2 hour longer and add Worcester- shire and wine. Serve on toast. FKIED SOFT SHELL CRABS. 1 doz. crabs. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 cup meal. 1 bunch parsley. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Clean crabs by removing dead claws from under each end of the shell, also the sand bag between the eyes. Wash and dry in a cloth. Dip in meal mixed with salt and pepper. Fry in plenty of boiling hot lard. Garnish with a fried bunch of parsley. OYSTERS. BAKED OYSTERS WITH CKEAM. 100 oysters. 1/2 cup butter. 1 qt. milk. 2 cups bread crumbs. 2 yolks of eggs. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper 2 tablespoons flour. < 1 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. Boil oysters in their own liquor with salt and pepper about 5 minutes. Boil milk thicken with flour, parsley and yolks of eggs. Put in dish layer of oysters and bread crumbs alternately, pour the milk over them. Be sure that you have bread crumbs for the top layer. Bake in hot oven a few minutes. OYSTEES IN BLANKETS. 4 doz. oysters. 1 Ib. bacon, sliced thin. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Put pepper on oysters, wrap 2 or 3 in a slice of bacon, put them on a skewer and bake in a hot oven for about 10 minutes. 36 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK: BOHEMIAN OYSTEES. 1 Ib. boiled macaroni or spaghetti. 4 doz. oysters. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 pt. milk. 3 tablespoons butter. 1/2 Ib. cheese (grated). 1/2 tablespoon flour. 1/2 pt. oyster liquor or oyster stock. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Put oysters in hot dry skillet, cook about 5 minutes, add liquor or stock with salt and pepper, stir in milk thick- ened with flour and butter creamed. Put alternately a layer of macaroni or spaghetti and cheese with a layer of oysters, in dish, and pour sauce over it. Put cheese on top and bake. BEOILED OYSTERS. 100 oysters. 1 cup oyster liquor. 1 teasopon minced parsley. 1 lemon sliced. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1/2 cup butter. 8 slices buttered toast or crackers. 1 pinch salt. Take 1 cup oyster liquor, boil it with seasonings and skim, pour this over buttered toast or crackers. Broil oysters by putting them in a dry, hot pan, on top of fire. When cooked serve on toast with a little drawn butter, lemon and parsley. Oysters must be well drained be- fore broiling. CROQUETTES OF OYSTEES. 7 doz. oysters. 1/4 teaspoon grated onion. 2 cups cream. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 cup milk. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1 1/2 tablespoons flour. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 3 tablespoons butter. 1 cup browned bread crumbs. OYSTERS. 37 Put oysters in hot, dry skillet, cook 5 minutes, drain and chop fine. Boil milk with flour, butter and season- ings, stir in finely chopped oysters and cream, put this on ice to get very cold, then mould into croquettes, dip into bread crumbs, then into eggs and then into crumbs again, put back on ice until ready to fry. It is best to let it stay on ice 2 hours before frying. ESCALLOPED OYSTERS. 8 doz. oysters. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 3/4 cup butter. 2 tablespoons Worcestershire. 1 teaspoon salt. 1/2 cup stock. 1 1/2 cup sifted brown bread crumbs. Mix oysters with bread crumbs, pepper, and salt, and pour over them melted butter, sauce and stock. Put in shells and bake about 15 minutes in a hot oven. FRICASSE OYSTEKS. 100 oysters. 1 tablespoon browned flour. 1 pod pepper. 1/2 teaspoon chopped onion. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 pt. stock or oyster liquor. 2 tablespoons butter. 1/2 teaspoon chopped parsley. 1 tablespoon Worcestershire. Put butter in skillet. When hot add flour, onion, pars- ley and stock, drop in the oysters, cook about 10 minutes. Just before serving add Worcestershire sauce. FRIED OYSTEKS. Oysters must be well drained to fry. Dry in cloth, dip in meal and fry in plenty of boiling lard. When fried sprinkle with salt and pepper. Serve with cold slaw. 38 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. OYSTEK JAMBALAYA. 3 doz. oysters. 1 teaspoon salt. 2 slices bacon or ham. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 1/2 tablespoons tomatoes. 3 cups boiled rice. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Heat butter in skillet, put in tomatoes, salt and bacon or ham. Cook a few minutes then add oysters. Cook them 10 minutes longer and stir in rice. Cover closely and set aside in a very warm place for about 1/2 hour before serving. MINCED OYSTERS ON TOAST. 100 oyster. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley, 1 cup cream. 1 1/2 tablespoons flour. 1 pt. milk. 10 drops Tobasco sauce. 1 1/2 tablespoons butter. 8 thin slices buttered toast. Put oysters in a dry hot skillet and cook them about 5 minutes. Drain and chop them fine. Make a sauce of milk, cream, butter, flour and parsley. Stir in chopped oysters and serve on toast. PANNED OYSTERS. 100 oysters. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 lemon. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1/2 cup butter. 1 teaspoon salt. Have the pans hot. Put in oysters, salt and pepper and cook about 5 minutes, then add butter, parsley and lemon juice. Serve in the pans that oysters were cooked in. OYSTERS. OYSTER PIE. 150 oysters. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 cup milk. 1 1/2 tablespoons flour. 1 pt. mushrooms. 10 drops Tobasco sauce. 1 cup cream. 1 teaspoon salt. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. Put oysters in hot dry skillet. When they come to a boil add milk, parsley, flour, butter, mushrooms, cream and Tobasco sauce. Cook 5 minutes and bake in pastry. STEAMED OYSTERS. i 100 oysters. 3 tablespoons butter. 1 lemon. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 teaspoon salt. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Steam oysters in steamer 1 hour, then put them in a hot covered dish. Pour melted butter, parsley and the juice of a lemon, salt and pepper over the oysters. Serve hot. STEWED OYSTERS. 6 doz. oysters. 1 coffee spoon Tobasco sauce. 1 cup minced celery. 1/4 teaspoon grated onion. 1/2 cup butter. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 1/2 pt. cream. 1/2 pt. oyster stock or liquor. 1 pt. milk. 1 teaspoon salt. ffi '< Boil celery in liquor or stock with salt, Tobasco sauce and onion for about 15 minutes, drop in oysters, butter and parsley. Stir in boiled milk and cream just before serving. 40 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. STUFFED OYSTERS. 150 oysters. 1/2 cup dry bread crumbs sifted. 3 tablespoons butter. 1/2 teaspoon grated onion. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon chopped parsley. 1 tablespoon tomatoes. 2 tablespoons Worcestershire. 10 drops Tobasco sauce.l 1/2 cups fresh bread crumbs. Drain oysters, chop fine, with fresh bread crumbs, add parsley, sauce, onion, salt, pepper, tomatoes and hot butter. Put in shells and dust with dry bread crumbs and a bit of butter on each shell. Bake about 15 minutes. OYSTEES WITH TOMATOES AND MACARONI. 5 doz. oysters. 1 pod red pepper. 1 pt. tomatoes. 1 teaspoon Chili pepper. 1 tablespoon flour. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 pod minced garlic. 1 1/2 teaspoons salt. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 Ib. boiled macaroni. 1 teaspoon grated onion. Boil tomatoes with onion, garlic, parsley, pepper, salt, butter and flour. Cook about 15 minutes, add oysters, cook about 10 minutes longer. Stir boiled macaroni into this and let it stand about 1/2 hour before serving. OYSTERS IN TOMATOES. 50 oysters. 1 cup fresh bread crumbs. 1 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 doz. firm tomatoes. 1 teaspoon Chili pepper. 1/2 pod red pepper. 1/2 teaspoon grated onion. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 tablespoon Worcestershire. Cut off the top of tomatoes, take out center with a spoon, chop this up with oysters, bread, parsley, onion, pepper, sauce and salt, fry it in butter. Fill the tomatoes with this. Bake about 10 minutes. SHRIMP. SHRIMP AU-GRATIN EN COQUILLE. i 1 qt. shrimp peeled and boiled. 1 teaspoon onion. 1 tablespoon Worcestershire. 1 pod pepper. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 teaspoon salt. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 wine glass sherry. 1/2 teaspoon flour. 1/2 pt. milk. Boil milk, onion and parsley thickened with butter and flour; add shrimp, wine, salt, pepper and sauce, boil about 5 minutes longer. Put in shells, cover with bread crumbs and bits of butter. Bake about 5 minutes. SHEIMP AU-GRATIN. 1 1/2 pt. peeled and boiled shrimp. 1 teaspoon salt. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1/2 cup butter. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 pt. shrimp stock. 1 tablespoon Worcestershire. 1 1/2 tablespoon browned flour. Make a sauce by boiling stock, flour, butter, Worcester- shire sauce, parsley, salt and pepper 5 minutes; add shrimp, cook about 5 minutes longer. Put in baking dish, dust with bread crumbs and bake about 10 minutes. THE OLD AND NEW COOK B33K. BOILED EIVEK SHRIMP. 2 qts. shrimp. 4 pods pepper. 2 qts. water. 2 bay leaves. 1 cup salt. 1/2 lemon, sliced. Put salt, pepper, bay leaves and lemon in water. When it boils drop in shrimp and cook about 10 minutes. Drain, when cold; serve on platter covered with cracked ice. SHRIMP BALLS. 1 qt. peeled shrimp. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 cup fresh bread crumbs. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 qt. or 1 doz tomatoes. 1 teaspoon browned flour. 1/2 teaspoon minced onion 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 2 eggs. 1 teaspoon salt. Chop raw shrimp very fine; add bread crumbs, 1 cup tomatoes, salt, pepper and eggs. Make into balls and fry in butter. Into the butter add flour and the rest of the tomatoes and let balls cook in this about 1 hour. SHRIMP ' CROQUETTES. 2 cups fresh shrimp peeled and boiled, or 2 cups of canned shrimp. 2 tablespoons boiled rice. 1 tablespoon tomatoes. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 pinch cayenne pepper. 2 hard boiled eggs. 1 teaspoon salt. 2 raw eggs. 1/2 cup cream or milk. Chop shrimp, rice, tomatoes, eggs, butter, salt and pepper, add milk, make into croquettes, dip in bread crumbs and then in whipped eggs, then bread crumbs again. Fry in very hot lard. SHRIMP. FKIED SHRIMP. 2 qts. shrimp unpeeled. 1/2 teaspoon red pepper. 1 tablespoon salt. 1 cup meal. Scald shrimp in hot water, pepper and salt, then drain. When cold dip in meal and fry unpealed. SHRIMP PIE. 2 cups peeled boiled shrimp. 2 tablespoons tomatoes. 1 tablespoon Worcestershire. 2 tablespoons butter. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 teaspoon salt. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1 teaspoon minced onion. 1 tablespoon browned flour. 1 1/2 cup stock. Put tomatoes in sauce pan with flour, parsley, onion, salt, pepper and stock, cook 5 minutes, strain, add chopped shrimp, butter and Worcestershire sauce. Serve in cooked pastry. STEWED SHRIMP. 1 qt. peeled shrimp. 1/2 teaspoon thyme. 2 tablespoons butter. 1/2 teaspoon minced onion. 2 tablespoons tomatoes. 1 tablespoon browned flour. 1 1/2 pts. stock. 1 teaspoon salt. 2 bay leaves. 1 pod red pepper. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. Heat butter, fry shrimp in it, then add flour, tomatoes, onion, salt, pepper, stock and herbs. Cook about 1 hour. Serve on toast. LOBSTERS. BOILED LOBSTERS. 4 lobsters. 2 bay leaves. 1 tablespoon salt, 1/2 pt. white wine. 1 pod pepper. 1 qt. water. Wash lobsters through several waters until clean. Boil them in wine mixed with water, salt, pepper and bay leaves. LOBSTER CHOPS. 2 cups chopped lobsters. 3 tablespoons corn starch. 2 eggs. 1 cup cream or milk. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1/4 coffee-spoon cayenne pepper. Boil milk or cream, thicken with corn starch and but- ter, add lobsters seasoned with salt and pepper. Pour into a pan to get cold. Mould in chop shape, dip in bread crumbs, then in eggs and then in bread crumbs again. Pry in hot lard. Put small pieces of bone or stick in end to imitate a chop. 52 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. LOBSTEK COQUILLE. 4 lobsters or 2 cans lobsters. 1 pt. milk. 2 tablespoons browned flour. 3 tablespoons butter. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 wine glass sherry. 1 teaspoon prepared mustard. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1/2 coffee-spoon cayenne pepper. Boil milk thickened with browned flour and butter creamed, add seasonings, mustard, lobster and wine. Cook a few minutes. Put in shells, cover with bread crumbs and bake about 20 minutes. LOBSTEK CROQUETTES. 1 1/2 pts. lobster, finely minced. 1 tablespoon corn starch. 1 cup cream. 1/4 teaspoon minced onion. 1 cup milk. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 2 eggs. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1 tablespoon butter. 1/2 cup bread crumbs. 1/2 teaspoon salt. Scald milk and cream with onion and parsley, add corn starch and butter, cook 5 minutes longer, then stir in lobster, salt and pepper; put this on ice to get cold. When cold mould in croquettes, dip in whipped eggs and then in bread crumbs and fry. LOBSTER WITH CREAM. 2 cups lobster, cut fine. 1 pt. milk. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1/2 tablespoon flour. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 1/2 teaspoon mustard. 8 drops Tobasco sauce. 1 wine glass sherry. 1 1/2 tablespoons butter. LOBSTERS. Boil milk with onion, parsley and Tobasco sauce, add flour and butter creamed, then mustard and lobster. Cook a few minutes longer, stir in wine and salt. Serve either in cases or shells. LOBSTEK FARCIE. 2 lobsters boiled and picked, or 2 cups of canned lobster. 2 tablespoons butter. 2 tablespoons fresh bread crumbs. 2 tablespoons flour. 1/2 tablespoon minced parsley. 1 cup cream. 1/4 tablespoon cayenne pepper. 1/2 tablespoon salt. Yolks of 3 hard boiled eggs. Heat butter in sauce pan; stir in flour, cream, bread crumbs, salt, pepper, finely chopped eggs and parsley. Cook a few minutes and then stir in lobster. Fill the whole lobster shell and head with this. Cover the top with bread crumbs and small pieces of butter. Bake 5 minutes. LOBSTEK A LA NEWBEKG. 1 1/2 cup lobster cut in 1 inch pieces. 1 tablespoon butter. 2 yolks of eggs. 3/4 cup of Madeira wine. 1 tablespoon minced truffles. 1 cup cream. 1/4 tablespoon salt. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Put butter in sauce pan. When melted add lobster, truffles, pepper and salt; let it simmer 5 minutes, then add wine and let it cook 3 minutes longer. Beat the yolks well and add the cream to them and stir into lobster. Serve immediately. Do not let it cook after mixing, as it will curdle. THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. LOBSTER IN PASTRY. 2 tablespoons finely cut cooked lobster. 2 tablespoons butter. 2 teaspoons flour. 1/2 cup veal or chicken stock. 1 cup creain. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 2 sliced truffles. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 12 sliced mushrooms. Heat stock and cream together, add mushrooms, truf- flles, salt and pepper. Stir into this flour and butter. Cook a few minutes and then add lobster, and put in baked pastry. LOBSTER STEW. 4 fresh boiled or 2 cans lobsters. 1 pt. lobster stock or stock made from head of a fish. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 pod pepper. 1 tablespoon minced onion. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 cup cream. 2 tablespoons flour. 1/2 tablespoon minced parsley. Cut lobster in inch pieces. Heat butter and put in onion, flour, cream, stock, parsley, salt and pepper. Cook 5 minutes and then stir in lobster. Serve immediately. FROG LEGS. FKOG LEGS A LA POULETTE. 6 pair frog legs.. 1 wine glass sherry. 1 cup cream. 1 tablespoon flour. 1/2 cup butter. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 cup mushrooms. 1 pod pepper. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 12 pieces toast, cut diamond shape. Boil frog legs with just enough water to cover them. When tender add mushrooms, cream, flour, butter, pars- ley, salt and pepper. Just before serving stir in sherry and serve on toast. FRIED FKOG LEGS. 6 pair frog legs. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1 cup milk. 1/4 teaspoon grated onion, 1 cup flour. 1 egg. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Boil frog legs with salt, pepper and onion. Make a batter of flour, milk and egg. Dip frog legs in this and fry until brown. Serve with cream sauce or mayonnaise. SNAILS. SNAILS WITH MUSHROOMS. 2 doz. snails. 2 minced green onions. 2 cups minced mushrooms. 1 wine glass white wine. 2 table spoons butter. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 pod minced garlic. 1 pod minced red pepper. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. Prepare snails by boiling a few minutes in water mixed with a handful of wood-ashes, then take out and shake each shell and the snail will come out. Clean by washing several times in warm water. Mix mushrooms, onion, pepper, salt, parsley, garlic, butter and wine. Lay snails in bottom of platter and cover with mush-rooms. Bake one half hour. SNAILS IN SHELLS. 1 doz. snails. 1 cup fresh bread crumbs. 1 Ib. cold boiled fish. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 cup milk. 1 minced green onion. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 2 hard boiled eggs. 1/2 pod minced red pepper. Prepare snails by boiling a few minutes in water mixed with a cup of wood ashes, then take out and shake each shell and the snail will come out. Clean by washing several times in warm water. Soak bread in milk, put in boiled snails, fish, eggs, onions, parsley, pepper, salt and melted butter, chop this very fine, put in shells and bake. Serve with cream sauce. ENTREES AND PATES. BRAINS WITH BROWNED BUTTER. 6 prs. pig brains or 2 bay leaves. 3 prs. veal brains. 1 pod red pepper. 1 cup butter. 2 teaspoons salt. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 1/2 pt. stock. Clean brains by removing all fibres, boil 5 minutes in stock with salt, pepper and bay leaves, take out and drain. When cold slice. Brown the butter and add brains and parsley. Serve on toast. BRAINS WITH CHOPPED CELERY. 6 prs. pig brains or 1 egg. 3 prs. veal brains. 1 cup milk. 1 teaspoon salt. 1/2 cup finely chopped celery 1 cup mayonnaise. 1 pod red pepper. 1 lemon. 1 cup flour. Soak brains in water until clean, remove fibres, put on to boil with lemon juice, salt and pepper, cook 5 minutes; take out and when cold slice in half; dip into a batter made of flour, milk and egg, fry in boiling fat. Serve witfc celery mixed with mayonnaisa 6* THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. BRAINS WITH MUSHKOOMS AND YOUNG ONIONS. 6 prs. pig brains or 1 teaspoon salt. 1 pr. veal brains. 1 1/2 pt. stock. 1 1/2 doz. young onions. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 cup mushrooms. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 3 tablespoons butter. 1 tablespoon browned flour. Soak brains in cold water and remove all fibers, slice in half, fry in butter and set aside. Fry onions in same butter and add mushrooms, parsley, browned flour, salt, pepper and stock, cook about 3/4 of an hour then add brains and cook about 1/2 hour longer. BRAINS WITH TOMATOE SAUCE. 8 prs. pig brains or 3 teaspoons corn starch. 4 prs. veal brains, 1/2 teaspoon minced onion. 1 qt. or 1 doz. tomatoes. 1 teaspoon chopped parsley. 3 1/2 table spoons butter. 1 teaspoon salt. 1/2 teaspoon ceyenne pepper. Clean brains and fry in butter and set aside. To this butter add onion, parsley, corn starch, tomatoes, salt and pepper, cook 15 minutes, add brains and cook about 10 minutes longer. Serve on buttered toast. CHICKEN SMOTHERED WITH ARTICHOKES. 4 spring chickens. 1 pod red pepper. 2 doz. bulb artichokes. 1 teaspoon salt. 1/2 cup butter. 1/2 teaspoon onion juice. 1 cup cream. 1/2 teaspoon chopped parsley. Cut chicken in half and put in sauce pan with onion, salt, artichokes and pepper, cover with water, and cook until tender, then add butter, flour, cream and parsley. ENTREES AND PATES. CHICKEN WITH CORN. 2 spring chickens. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 doz. ears corn. 1/2 teaspoon minced onion. 1 cup cream. 1 teaspoon salt. 1/2 cup butter. 1 doz. pieces toast. 1 pt. stock. 3 slices salt pork. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Cut chickens in pieces and boil with salt pork, salt, pepper and onion, when cooked; put a layer of toast in the bottom of baking dish, then a layer of corn, chicken and pork alternately. Pour over this the stock that the chicken was boiled in and cream, butter and parsley. Bake until corn is cooked, (or about 1 hour). CREAM OF CHICKEN. 2 chickens or 1 turkey. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 1/2 pts. mushrooms. 1 cup cream. 12 truffles. 1 tablespoon flour. 1/2 Ib. fresh pork. 4 slices fresh salted tongue. 1/2 Ib. beef suet. 1/2 pt. chicken stock. 1 teaspoon grated onion. 1 teaspoon salt. 6 well beaten eggs. 1/2 cup butter. 1/2 coffeespoon cayenne pepper. Boil chicken or turkey until tender. Mince finely only the white meat, pork and suet. Mix this with the beaten eggs, salt, pepper and onion. Put this in mould leaving a space in the center. Chop tongue with mushrooms, truffles and 1/4 of the dark meat of turkey or chicken, and put in center of mould. Take butter browned very light with flour and onion then add chicken stock and cream; pour over mould and cover well and steam 2 hours. A mould with a tube in the center is the best. This can 44 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. be made in individual moulds. Serve with sauce as below. SAUCE TO SEEVE WITH THE ABOVE. 2 tablespoons flour. 1 pt. cream or milk. 2 'tablespoons butter. 6 truffles sliced. 1/2 pt. chicken broth. 1 cup mushrooms. 1/2 teaspoon grated onion. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1/4 teaspoon ceyenne pepper. Boil milk or cream with onion, pepper, stock, truffles and mushrooms ; stir in salt, butter and flour creamed. CHICKEN CROQUETTES. 1 chicken. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 pr. veal brains or sweet breads. 1 pt. cream. 1/2 teaspoon onion juice. 3 tablespoons butter. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 tablespoon flour. 1 cup bread crumbs. 2 eggs. 1 1/2 coffeespoon cayenne pepper. Boil chicken and brains or sweet breads and mince very fine, add salt and pepper. Make a sauce by boiling cream, butter, flour, parsley and onion; pour over sweet breads and chicken; put on ice to get cold. Mould into shapes, dip in eggs and bread crumbs and fry in hot lard. PEICASSEE OF CHICKEN. WITH MUSHROOMS, TRUFFLES AND WINE. 1 chicken. 6 truffles. 1 pt. or 2 doz. fresh mushrooms. 1 qt. stock. 1/2 pt. white wine. 1 cup olive oil. 1/2 teaspoon minced onion. 1 pod red pepper. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 2 teaspoons salt. 1/2 cup butter. 1 pod garlic. 3 tablespoons browned flour. ENTREES AND PATES. 65 Cut chicken up and salt and pepper. Koll in browned flour and fry in olive oil, then add onion, garlic, pepper, parsley and stock, cook about 1 1/2 hours and put in the sliced truffles, mushrooms and wine. Cook about 3/4 of an hour longer. Serve on toast. CHICKEN A LA MARENGO. 3 spring chickens. 1 tablespoon browned flour. 1/2 pt. olive oil. 1 pt. stock. 1 cup mushrooms. 1/2 cup cream. 1 small pod garlic. 1 teaspoon salt. 1/4 jeoffeesppon cayenne pepper. Cut chicken in half, flour, salt, pepper and fry very slowly in olive oil for about 25 minutes, or until brown; add flour and butter creamed, to the oil that the chicken was fried in, then add mushrooms, garlic and stock; let this cook 1/2 hour, then add cream, and cook 15 minutes longer. CHICKEN WITH NOODLES. 1 large chicken. 1 tablespoon flour. 1/2 cup milk. Salt and pepper. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 Ib. noodles. Boil chicken with salt and pepper until tender, take out and cut from bones in pieces 2 inches each. Reserve 1 cup of stock that chicken was boiled in for sauce. Boil the noodles in the rest of the stock 10 minutes, put this in dish with chicken in the center, pour over it a sauce made by boiling the following: 1 cup chicken stock, 1/2 cup milk, 1 tablespoon butter and 1 teaspoon flour. 66 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. CHICKEN WITH OYSTERS AND MUSHROOMS. 1 large chicken. 50 oysters. 1 pt. or 3 doz. fresh mushrooms. 1 qt. stock. 3 tablespoons browned flour. 1/2 cup butter. 1/2 teaspoon chopped onion. 2 pods red pepper. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 teaspoon salt. Cut up and salt chicken and roll in browned flour, fry quickly in butter, then add onions, pepper, parsley, mush- rooms and stock. Cook about 2 hours, put in oysters 1/2 hour before serving. CHICKEN SMOTHERED WITH MACARONI OR RICE. 4 spring chickens. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 Ib. macoroni or rice. 1 pod red pepper. 3/4 cup butter. 2 teaspoons salt. 1/2 teaspoon minced onion. 1 cup milk. Wash macaroni or rice, put on to boil with chicken cut up in small pieces, with salt, pepper, onion and parsley. Cook about 2 hours, then add butter and milk and cook about 5 minutes longer. TIMBALS OF CHICKEN. White meat of 1 large chicken. 3/4 cup stock made from bones and dark meat of chicken. 1 coffeespoon cayenne pepper. 1 tablespoon flour. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1 cup cream. 2 1/2 tablespoons butter. 1/2 teaspoon onion juice. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 pt. mushrooms. 1 white of an egg beaten stiff. ENTREES AND PATES. 67 Mince white meat of chicken, add salt, pepper, onion, parsley, flour, egg, mushrooms, 3/4 cup stock and 1 cup cream. Pour into a buttered mould or moulds and let steam about 1 hour. Serve with sauce. SAUCE. 1 cup cream. 2 tablespoons flour. 1 1/4 cup stock made from boiled 2 tablespoons butter. bones of chicken and dark meat. 1 cup milk. 1/2 cup mushrooms. Into the stock put the milk, flour and butter creamed and mushrooms. Let this cook about 15 minutes and then add cream. COQUILLES OF CHICKEN. 1 large chicken. 1 teaspoon salt. 1/2 pt. stock. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 1/2 cup butter. 1/2 teaspoon onion juice. 3 pt, sweet cream. 1 1/2 table spoons flour. 8 sliced truffles. I w.'ne glass sherry. 3/4 pt. mushrooms. 1 coffeespoon cayenne pepper. Boil chicken until tender, cut in pieces 1 inch in size, add onion juice, salt and pepper. Boil cream and stock, then thicken with flour and butter, add sliced mushrooms and truffles, cook 5 minutes longer, then add chicken and parsley. When cold add wine. Put in shells, cover with crumbs and pieces of butter, and bake a few minutes. COQUILLES OF CALF'S HEAD AND BRAINS. 1 calf's head. 1 glass sherry. 1 onion. 2 tablespoons vinegar. 1 doz. cloves. 6 bay leaves. 1 pt, stock from calf's head.l teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons butter. 1 lemon. 1 tablespoon browned flour. 2 pods pepper. 68 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. Soak calf's head about 3 hours in cold salt water, re- move brains (boil 5 minutes and set aside). Put head on to boil with onion, cloves, bay leaves, salt, pepper and vinegar, boil until thoroughly cooked. Make a sauce by boiling stock, browned flour, butter and lemon about 15 minutes, then put pieces of head that has been cut into small pieces into sauce with the boiled brains, cut in slices, cook a few minutes; before serving, add wine. Serve in shells. COQUILLES OF CALF'S HEAD WITH MUSH- KOOMS, TRUFFLES AND WINE. 1 calf's head. 8 cloves. 1 cup mushrooms. 6 bay leaves. 6 sliced truffles. 2 pods pepper. 1 cup white wine. 1 whole onion. 2 tablespoons browned flour. 1 tablespoon salt. 1/2 cup butter. 1 pod garlic. 1 pt. stock from calf head. Boil calf's head with bay leaves, garlic, cloves, onion, salt and pepper until tender, remove and cut into pieces 1 inch square. Melt butter in sauce pan and add flour, stock, mushrooms and truffles; cook about 1/2 hour and then add calf's head and wine, cook a little longer. Put in shells and bake. MIXED COQUILLES. 1 1/2 doz. chicken livers. 1 pr. veal brains. 1 wine glass sherry. 6 cloves. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 2 prs. sweet bread. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 6 sliced truffles. 1/4 teaspoon minced onion. 1 cup mushrooms. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 1/2 tablespoons browned flour. 1 pt. stock. ENTREES AND PATES. 69 Boil brains, livers and sweet breads with salt, onion, pepper and cloves until tender. Make a sauce of browned flour, butter, parsley and stock, add the brains, livers and sweet breads cut in pieces, also the truffles, mushrooms and wine. Serve in cases or shells. COQUILLES OF SWEET BREAD AND BRAINS WITH MUSHROOMS AND TRUFFLES. 2 prs. sweet breads. 1/2 cup bread crumbs. 2 prs. veal brains. 1 1/4 cup milk. 1 cup mushrooms. 1 tablespoon flour. 1/2 doz. truffles. 1/2 teaspoon minced onion. 1 cup white wine. 1 lemon. 1/2 cup butter. 1 pod pepper. 1 cup cream. 2 teaspoons salt. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. Clean brains and sweet breads; boil with salt, pepper, lemon juice and onion. When cooked throw into ice water and cut in small pieces, removing all fibers. Make a sauce by boiling milk, cream, butter, flour and parsley, add mushrooms and truffles and cook 1/2 hour, then add sweet breads, brains and wine. Put into shells, dust with bread crumbs and bits of butter, bake 5 minutes. COQUILLES OF SWEET BREADS AND BRAINS. 2 prs. veal brains. 2 tablespoons butter. 3 prs. sweet breads. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 wine glass sherry. 1 tablespoon flour. 1 cup cream. 1 pod red pepper. 1 cup chicken stock. 1 lemon. 1/2 teaspoon minced onion. 70 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. Boil brains and sweet breads with onion, pepper, salt and lemon juice. Make a sauce of cream, stock, flour, butter and parsley, add brains, truffles, sweet breads and wine. Serve in shells. BREADED LAMB CHOPS WITH PEAS. 1 doz. lamb chops. 1 cup bread crumbs. 1 qt. small green peas. 2 eggs. 2 tablespoons butter. 2 teaspoons salt. 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Salt and pepper chops, dip in whipped eggs and then into bread crumbs and fry. Serve with drawn butter and boiled peas. BREADED LAMB CHOPS WITH PARMESAN CHEESE AND TOMATOE SAUCE. 9 lamb chops. 1 tablespoon flour. 1/2 cup grated cheese. 2 tablespoons butter. 2 eggs. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 cup bread crumbs. 1/2 teaspoon soda. 1 pt. tomatoes. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1 teaspoon sugar. 1 tea spoon minced parsley. Salt and pepper chops, dip in eggs then in cheese and then in bread crumbs and fry in hot lard. Make a sauce by boiling tomatoes, flour, sugar, soda, salt and pepper. Cook about 3/4 of an hour, strain and add parsley. Serve with chops. BROILED LAMB CHOPS WITH CHESTNUT SAUCE. 1 doz. lamb chops. 2 tablespoons butter. 2 tablespoons olive oil. 1/2 cup cream. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 Ib. chestnuts. 1 tablespoon sugar. ENTREES AND PATES. 71 Brush chops with oil, salt and pepper and broil until nearly cooked. Boil chestnuts with sugar until soft. Press through a seive and add butter and cream. Serve with chops. BROILED LAMB CHOPS WITH A SAUCE OF PEAS, MUSHROOMS AND CAULIFLOWER. 1 doz. chops. 1 tablespoon flour. 1 cup boiled peas. 1 small boiled cauliflower. 1 cup mushrooms. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 cup cream. 2 tablespoons olive oil. 1 cup milk. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 3/4 cup butter. 1 teaspoon salt. Salt and pepper chops, brush with oil; broil about 10 inutes. Make a sauce of cream, milk, butter and flour, en add mushrooms and parsley, cook about 1/2 hour nd then put in the peas and califlower shredded. Serve hot with chops. CHOPS IN PAPERS. 1 doz. veal chops. 1/2 cup minced mushrooms. 1 cup stock. 1 tablespoon Worcestershire. 1 tablespoon butter. 1/2 teaspoon minced onion. 1 tablespoon minced ham. 1/2 tablespoon minced parsley. 1 teaspoon browned flour. 1/2 cup minced truffles. Salt and pepper chops and fry in butter until nearly done. Make a stuffing by putting in a spider, flour but- stock, mushrooms, truffles, ham, onions and Worces- tershire, and let it cook about 15 minutes. Cut 1 doz. pieces of paper heart shape and put a chop with stuffing on both sides in center of paper and fold the ends, then oil or butter papers and set in oven about 15 minutes be- fore serving. 72 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. BROILED VEAL CHOPS LARDED WITH TRUF- FLES AND PORK. 1 1/2 doz. veal chops. 1/2 cup butter. 1/2 Ib. fresh pork fat. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 6 truffles sliced. 2 teaspoons salt. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Salt and pepper chops and lard with pork fat and truffles. Broil carefully. Serve with melted butter and minced parsley. VEAL CHOPS WITH MUSHROOMS, TRUFFLES, AND WINE SAUCE. 1 doz. veal chops. 1 teaspoon salt. 3/4 cups sliced truffles. 1 1/2 cups sliced mushrooms 1 pt. stock. 1/4 pt. wine, sherry or white 1/2 cup butter. 2 tablespoons browned flour. 2 tablespoons olive oil. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Salt and pepper chops, brush with oil and broil. Make a sauce of butter, flour, stock, salt and pepper, add mush- roojjis, truffles and wine. Cook about 1/2 hour. Serve with chops. BROILED GUINEAS WITH PEAS AND ASPARA- GUS TIPS. 3 young guineas. 1/2 pt. boiled asparagus tips. 1 pt. boiled peas. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 2 tablespoon butter. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1 tablespoon olive oil. 1/2 teaspoon salt. Split the fowls down the back and remove the breast bone. Salt and pepper them, mop with oil and broil slowly until cooked. Pour drawn butter and parsley over them. Serve with peas and minced asparagus tips. ENTREES AND PATES. 73 BROILED PULLETS. 2 pullets. Salt and pepper. 1/2 cup butter. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. Split the pullets down the back and take out the breast bone and fry them partially, but brown, and then put in a pan, breast to breast, with butter between. Set this pan in a larger one with boiling water around it, cover closely, and cook 1 1/2 hours. Just before serving add parsley. SWEET BREADS WITH ARTICHOKES. 1 doz. or 2 cans burr artichokes. 1 cup mushrooms. 3 prs. sweet breads. 1 1/2 cup cream. 1/4 coffeespoon cayenne pepper. 1/2 cup butter. 1/4 teaspoon minced onion. 1 cup milk. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 teaspoon salt. 1/2 tablespoon flour. 1 lemon. Soak sweet bread in cold water and then boil with onion, salt and pepper and then put them in ice water with lemon juice. Trim and cut in inch pieces. Make a sauce by boiling milk, cream, butter, flour and mushrooms; then stir in sweet breads. Warm the artichokes in a flat pan and fill with sweet bread. BROILED SWEET BREADS. 3 prs. sweet breads. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 lemon. 8 pieces toast. 3 tablespoons butter. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. Soak sweet bread and boil with lemon juice, salt and pepper until nearly done. Put in ice water for 10 min- utes and then dry and trim. Mop with sweet oil and prt on hot broiler to broil. Serve on toast with melted but- ter and parsley. SWEET BREADS WITH CEEAM. 4 prs. sweet breads. 1 pt cream. 1/2 pt. mushrooms. 2 tablespoons corn starch. 1 doz. truffles. 1 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon grated onion. 1 lemon. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 wine glass sherry. 1 coffeespoon cayenne pepper. Soak sweet breads in ice water for 1/2 hour. Boil with onion, salt, pepper and lemon juice for 1/2 hour, then put in ice water again until it is thoroughly cold. When cold drain, cut off all the tender pieces in 1/2 inch m size. Make a sauce by boiling cream, cornstarch, mushrooms, truffles and butter, stir in sweet breads and wine. Serve in cases or shells. SW T EET BEEADS WITH GREEN PEAS. 5 prs. sweet breads. 1 lemon. 1 qt. boiled green peas. 2 eggs. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 cup bread crumbs. 1/2 coffeespoon cayenne pepper. Soak sweet breads in cold water 1/2 hour. Boil 1/2 hour with lemon juice, salt and pepper and then put into ice water. Slice sweet bread in half and trim. Dip in bread crumbs and eggs and fry in hot lard. Serve with peas. ENTREES AND PATES. 75 SMOTHERED SWEET BREADS WITH TOMA- TOES. 6 prs, sweet breads. 1/2 pt. stock. 1 qt. or 1 doz. tomatoes. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 teaspoon grated onion. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 2 sliced sweet peppers. 6 slices toast. 1 teaspoon salt. 1/4 Ib. fresh pork fat. 1 tablespoon browned flour. Wash sweet breads thoroughly and clean, and boil about 5 minutes, trim and lard with fresh fat pork. Put butter in sauce pan with flour, onion, sweet peppers, parsley, tomatoes and stock, cook about 1 hour, put in sweet breads and cook 1/2 hour longer. Serve on buttered toast. SPICED SWEET BREADS. 6 prs. sweet breads. 3 hard boiled eggs., 1 doz. cloves. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 doz. all spice. 2 tablespoons browned flour. 1 wine glass sherry. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 lemon. 1 tablespoon vinegar. 1/2 cup butter. 1 tablespoon grated onion. 1 pt. stork. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. t Soak sweet breads in clear water and then boil them with vinegar, salt and pepper until tender, then throw them into ice water. Slice sweet preads in center. Put stock on to boil with onions and spices and stir in flour, butter and parsley. When flour is cooked add sweet breads sliced, hard boiled eggs, wine and lemon sliced fine. This can be served on toast or in shells. 76 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. SWEET BREADS IN TOMATOES. 4 prs. sweet breads. 1/2 cup bread crumbs. 1 doz. large tomatoes. 1/4 teaspoon minced onion. 2 table spoons butter. 1 cup fresh bread crumbs. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 1/4 cup cream. 1/2 coffeespoon cayenne pepper. Soak and boil sweet breads until tender. Cut inside of tomatoes out, put this in chopping bowl with onion, pars- ley, sweet breads, cream and fresh bread crumbs, chop very fine and fry in butter, add seasonings. Fill tomatoes with this, sprinkle with bread crumbs and put a small piece of butter on each. Bake about 15 minutes. TURKEY'S BREAST WITH CREAM SAUCE. Breast of 2 turkeys. 2 tablespoons butter. 1/4 Ib. fresh pork fat. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 tablespoon flour. 1 cup turkey stock. 1 1/2 cup cream. 4 tablespoons truffle peelings 1 pt. mushrooms. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Lard the breast of turkeys with fat. Make the stock from dark meat, pour it over turkey with seasonings and bake 1 hour. Baste frequently until cooked. Make a sauce by boiling cream, butter, flour, mushrooms and truffles. Serve with turkey. BROILED TURKEY LIVERS. 1 doz. turkey livers. 1 teaspoon salt. 1/2 cup butter. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Boil livers about 15 minutes and drain until dry and then put them in a dry hot spider for a few minutes and stir in butter, salt, pepper and parsley. Serve on toast. ENTREES AND PATES. 77 CHICKEN AND OYSTER PATES. Breast of 1 boiled chicken. 1/4 teaspoons minced onion. 2 doz. oysters. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1 1/2 cups cream or milk. 2 1/2 tablespoons butter. 1 3/4 tablespoons flour. 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoons minced parsley. Chop chicken fine and make a sauce by boiling milk, flour, butter, onion, parsley, salt and pepper. When cooked drop in oysters and let boil 5 minutes and then add chicken. Fill pates. HAM AND VEAL PATES. 1 Ib. cold veal. 1 tablespoon browned flour. 2 slices boiled ham. 2 hard boiled eggs (minced). 2 tablespoons butter. 1/2 teaspoon minced onion. 1 cup milk. 1/2 coffeespoon cayenne pepper. 1 cup cream. 1 tablespoon tomato ketchup. Make a brown sauce by boiling milk, cream, flour, but- ter, pepper and onion. Chop ham, egg and veal very fine, add tomato ketchup and stir in sauce and fill pates. This can be made into croquettes. ITALIAN PATE. 1 1/2 Ibs. pig or veal liver. 1/4 Ib. pork tenderloin cut in thin strips. 1 Ib. fresh pork fat. 1/4 teaspoon thyme. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 2 bay leaves. 1 minced young green onion. 3 allspice. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1 teaspoon salt. Chop up fine, pork fat, liver, onion, parsley, bay leaves, pepper, salt and allspice and mix well together. In a mould put in a few strips of tenderloin pork and a layer of chopped liver and seasonings about 2 inches deep and 78 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. then a layer of tenderloin alternately until the mould is full. Bake 3 hours. Set aside to cool, when cold put in stove a few minutes to loosen pate from mould. Turn out in platter and serve cold. SWEET BREAD AND BRAIN PATES. 2 prs. sweet breads. 1 tablespoon truffle peelings. 1 pr. brains. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 cup mushrooms. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 lemon. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 1/2 cup milk or cream. Soak sweet breads and brains in salt water. Clean and boil with lemon juice, salt, and pepper, then chop fine with mushrooms. Make a sauce by boiling milk or cream, but- ter, parsley and flour and then stir in sweet breads, brains and truffles. Fill pates. ROAST. BEEF A LA MODE. 8 Ib. round beef. 1 pod garlic. 4 carrots. 1 teaspoon salt. 2 turnips. 1 cup of claret. 1 onion. 1 pod pepper. 1 piece of celery. 2 table spoons browned flour. 1 cup vinegar. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 2 tablespoons or 2 raw tomatoes. Lard and salt beef and pour the vinegar over it, cut-up the vegetables and put on the beef, and let stand a few hours, then pour off the vinegar and put the beef in a deep pot; fry on both sides quickly until brown then add flour, 1 qt. water and vegetables. Let this cook 20 min- utes to each pound of beef. 1 cup of claret can be added, if desired. If necessary a little more water may be added. FILLET OF BEEF. 6 Ibs. tenderloin beef. 1/2 teaspoon chopped onion. 1 pt. mushrooms. 1 tablespoon browned flour. 1 1/2 doz. sliced truffles. 3 cups stock. 2 lemons. 1/2 wine glass sherry. 1 carrot, sliced. 1 teaspoon salt. 2 tablespoons olive oil. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 coffeespoon cayenne pepper. 84 THE OLD AND NEW COOK COOK. Lard, salt and pepper beef, rub with oil and pour over it the juice of 1 lemon, carrot, lemon and onion and let it stand on the beef several hours, then take fillet out and put in pan with stock and 1 teaspoon flour. Bake 1 1/4 hours ; serve with sauce. SAUCE. Heat 2 tablespoons butter, stir in 2 cups stock, and 3 teaspoons browned flour, cook about 15 minutes, and then add mushrooms, sliced truffles and 1/2 wine glass sherry. ROAST BEEF. 8 Ibs. beef ribs. 1 pt. beef stock. 1 tablespoon olive oil. 1 tablespoon browned flour. 1/4 teaspoon minced onion. Salt, pepper, flour and oil roast. Put this on the upper shelf of a very hot oven for about 15 minutes or until brown on both sides, then put on lower shelf and add onion and stock. Baste frequently. Cook 10 min- utes to each pound of beef. ROAST CAPONS WITH TRUFFLES. 2 capons. 1 teaspoon salt, 2 doz. sliced truffles. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 2 tablespoons butter. 1/4 Ib. pork fat. Lard, salt and pepper capons; fry truffles in butter; stuff capons with truffles and let stand 24 hours before roasting. ROASTS. 85 CHICKEN PIE. 3 spring chickens. 1 cup milk or cream. 1 piece celery. 1/2 cup butter. 1/4 teaspoon red pepper. 1/2 teaspoon grated onion. 1/4 Ib. pickled pork. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 2 tablespoons flour. Unjoint the chicken the same as to fry, and put it on to boil in 1 1/2 pints of water with pickled pork, pepper, onion and celery; when tender stir in flour, butter and cream, then add parsley and put it into pastry partially cooked and bake 10 minutes. BOASTED GOOSE WITH APPLE DRESSING. 1 goose. 1 cup sugar. 1 doz. apples. 1 tablespoon olive oil. 1 tablespoon browned flour. Eub goose with salt, pepper, oil and flour. Boil apples, mash, add sugar and stuff goose. Roast, allowing 20 minutes to the pound. Baste frequently. DUCKS STUFFED WITH CHESTNUTS. 1 pr. large ducks. 4 tablespoons cream. 2 Ibs. chestnuts. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 tablespoon sugar. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Boil chestnuts until tender, mash them, then add cream, butter, sugar, pepper and salt. Fill ducks with this, and roast, allowing 15 minutes to the pound. THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK: BAKED HAM. 1 ham (12 Ibs.). 1 pt. vinegar. 1 cup brown sugar. Wash ham and scrape. Boil about 5 hours changing the water twice while boiling, then take out, skin and trim neatly. Cover with sugar and put in pan with vinegar, bake and baste fre- quently until brown. BOAST KID. 5 Ibs. young kid. 1 tablespoon butter. 2 pods red pepper. 1 tablespoon browned flour. 2 tablespoons vinegar. 1 pt. stock. Bub the meat with salt and finely cut pepper, them add flour, stock, butter and vinegar. Boast, allowing 15 min- utes to the pound. BOAST LAMB. 1 fore quarter lamb. 11/2 pts. water. 2 tablespoons vinegar. 1 tablespoon olive oil. 1 tablespoon browned flour. 1 teaspoon salt. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Bub lamb with oil, flour, salt and pepper; put in pan with water and vinegar. Baste frequently, cook 20 min- utes to the pound. Serve with mint sauce. ROASTS. si POT ROAST OP SHOULDER OF LAMB WITH SWEET PEPPERS. 1 shoulder lamb. 2 tablespoons browned flour. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 qt. stock. 1 qt. tomatoes. 1 teaspoon minced onion. 1 pod garlic. 1/2 cup olive oil. 1 1/2 doz. sliced green sweet peppers. 2 pods red pepper, minced fine. Heat olive oil and brown lamb in it; add pepper, flour, garlic, onion, tomatoes, salt and stock. Cover and let cook about 2 hours. LEG OF MUTTON STUFFED WITH TRUFFLES. 1 leg mutton. 1 1/2 cups fresh bread crumbs. 1/2 cup sliced truffles. 1/2 cup minced ham. 2 tablespoons olive oil. 1 pod red pepper. 1 pod garlic. 1/2 cup milk. 1/2 teaspoon minced onion. Remove the bone from mutton with a sharp knife. Make a stuffing by frying in oil the truffles, bread crumbs, pepper, ham, garlic, onions and milk. Put this into leg of mutton and bake, allowing 20 minutes to the pound. ROAST LEG OF PORK. 1 leg pork. 1/2 tablespoon cayenne pepper 1 tablespoon olive oil. 2 tablespoons vinegar. 2 teaspoons salt. 2 teaspoons powder sage. Rub pork with vinegar, salt, pepper, and sage. Wrap pork in linen cloth dipped in vinegar, let it stand 24 hours, wetting the cloth with vinegar constantly, rub with oil and flour, then roast, allowing 25 minutes to the pound. 88 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. ROAST TUEKEY WITH OYSTER DEESSING. 1 large turkey. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 tablespoon browned flour. 1 pod pepper. 1 loaf bread. 1 pt. water. 50 oysters. 2 hard boiled eggs. 1/4 large onion. 4 pieces celery. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 cup minced mushrooms. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. Make a dressing by chopping together bread, mush- rooms, oysters, salt, pepper, onions, celery, parsley and hard boiled eggs, then fry about 15 minutes in butter ; put this in turkey and rub with oil, flour, salt and pepper. Put in pan, add water, baste frequently and bake, allow- ing 20 minutes to the pound. STAFFED LEG OF VEAL. Prepared and roasted the same as "Stuffed Leg of Mut- ton." VEGETABLES. ARTICHOKES WITH CREAM. 2 doz. bulb artichokes. 1 tablespoon butter. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1/2 tablespoon flour. 1 cup milk. 1 cup cream. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Scrape artichokes and boil with salt and pepper until tender. Serve with sauce made by boiling cream, butter, flour and milk. FRIED BANANAS. 12 bananas. 1 tablespoon sherry. 1 tablespoon water. Lard. 1 cup dark brown sugar. Slice bananas thin and fry brown on both sides. Put a layer of bananas in covered dish with sugar, alternately. Pour wyter and wine over this, cover closely and let stand in warm oven about 1 hour before serving. BAKED BEANS. 1 Ib. white beans. 2 tablespoons sugar. 1/4 Ib. pickled pork. 1 teaspoon salt. 2 tablespoons butter. THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. Soak beans about 12 hours and put on to boil. When boiled 2 hours put in the meat and let it boil about 2 hours longer. Put in a dish and stir in butter, sugar and salt. Place meat in the center and bake 1 hour. Beans are best when cooked in a stone crock. SNAP BEANS WITH BROWNED OE DEAWN BUTTEE. 1 Ibs. snap beans. 1 teaspoon salt. 3 tablespoons butter. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Eemove the strings from the beans with a sharp knife and cut them into very thin strips and put in boiling water; when nearly cooked, drop into steamer and steam, sprinkle with salt. When tender pour browned or drawn butter and pepper over them. WHITE SNAP BEANS WITH OEEAM SAUCE. Prepared the same as potatoes with cream sauce. CABBAGE WITH CEEAM. 1 head white cabbage. 1 pt. milk. 1 pod pepper. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 tablespoon flour. Boil cabbage in salt water with pod pepper, changing it twice. Drain and serve with cream sauce made by boiling milk, flour and butter. VEGETABLES. FEIED CABBAGE. 1 head cabbage. 1 teaspoon salt. 3 slices bacon. 3 pods red pepper. Boil cabbage whole with salt until nearly tender. When cold, slice. Cut the bacon and pepper fine and fry, add the cabbage and cook about 10 minutes. STUFFED CABBAGE WITH SAUSAGE AND CEEAM SAUCE. 1 large head white cabbage. 1 pt. milk. 1 Ib. sausage meat. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 pod red pepper. 1 tablespoon flour. 1 cup fresh bread crumbs. Boil the cabbage in salt water until tender. Cut out the center with a sharp knife and chop it up with sausage, bread crumbs and pepper. Fry in butter and put back into cabbage. Serve with sauce made by boiling milk, flour and butter. BOILED CAULIFLOWER. Pin cauliflower in a piece of mosquito net, put in water while boiling. When cooked sprinkle with salt; put on napkin. Serve with drawn butter. CAULIFLOWER WITH CHEESE. 1 cauliflower. 1/2 teaspoon red pepper. 1/2 Ib. grated cheese. 1/2 cup milk. 1 tablespoon butter. Boil cauliflower ; when cold cut in pieces. Put in dish alternately with cheese and pepper, pour over this milk and melted butter; and bake 10 minutes. 96 THE OLD AND NEW COOK B^^K. BOILED CORN. Let the water be boiling and put in 1 tablespoon sugar and corn. Boil 20 minutes. When cooked take out and sprinkle with salt. CORN FRITTERS. 1 doz. ears or 1 can corn. 2 eggs, white and yellow, beaten separately. 1/4 cup flour. 1 teaspoon sugar. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 cup milk. 1 tablespoon salt. 1 teaspoon yeast powder. Grate corn and add eggs, butter, sugar, yeasfc powder mixed with flour, milk and salt. Fry in boiling lard. CORN PUDDING. 1 doz. ears or 1 can corn. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 2 1/2 tablespoons butter. 2 well beaten eggs. 2 tablespoons corn meal. 2 1/2 cups milk. 1/4 coffee spoon cayenne pepper. 1 teaspoon sugar. Scald meal, add eggs, milk, butter, corn, salt, pepper and sugar. Bake about 3/4 hour. CORN, SHRIMP AND TOMATO STEW. 1 pt. picked boiled shrimp. 2 doz. tomatoes peeled. 1 doz. ears corn grated. 1/2 cup butter. 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce. Salt and pepper to taste. VEGETABLES. 97 Fry corn and tomatoes in butter, add shrimp, salt, pep- per and sauce. Stew about 3/4 hour. STUFFED CUCUMBERS. 6 cucumbers. 1/2 tablespoon salt. Boil cucumbers with salt until half cooked. Scoop out the center and prepare and cook the same as stuffed sweet peppers. EGG PLANTS (BAKED). 2 egg plants. 1/2 teaspoons minced onion. 4 slices bread. 1 1/2 tablespoons butter. 1/2 cup milk. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 2 tablespoons tomatoes. 1/2 pod chopped pepper. 1 cup boiled shrimp or oysters. Boil egg plants and scoop out the centers, chop with bread, onion, tomatoes and shrimp. Boil milk, salt, pepper and butter, while hot, pour over the above. Fill egg plant shells, dust with bread crumbs and put a piece of butter on each. Bake 1/2 hour. FRIED EGG PLANTS. 3 egg plants. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 cup meal. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Peal egg plants, slice very thin and put in ice water, wipe dry and dip in meal mixed with salt and pepper. Fry in very hot lard. 98 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. STEWED MUSHROOMS WITH WINE. 1 qt. mushrooms. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 tablespoon olive oil. 1 pt. stock. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 wine glass sherry. 1 1/2 tablespoons browned flour. Heat butter and oil, add flour, parsley, mushrooms and stock; cook about 20 minutes. Just before serving put in wine. Serve on buttered toast. OKRA FRITTERS. 18 pods okra. 1 teaspoon yeast powder. 1 cup flour. 1/2 cup milk. 2 well beaten eggs. Salt and pepper. Boil the okra. When cooked mash, add eggs, milk, salt, pepper and flour. Pry in hot lard. GREEN PEAS AND ASPARAGUS TIPS. 2 cups green peas. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 cup asparagus tips. 1/2 teaspoon red pepper. 1 1/2 cup cream. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1 tablespoon butter. 2 teaspoons flour. Boil peas and asparagus until tender and serve with sauce made from cream, butter, flour and parsley. PEAS COOKED WITH SALT PORK. 1 qt. green peas. 1 1/2 pts. stock. 1/4 Ib. pickled pork. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Boil peas in stock with pork and pepper. VEGETABLES. 99 STUFFED PEPPERS. 1 doz. large sweet peppers. 2 tablespoons tomatoes. 1/2 cup cold beef or chicken. 1/2 cup mushrooms. 1/4 teaspoon minced onion. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 cup fresh bread crumbs. 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. Cut off tops of peppers and mix with beef or chicken, tomatoes, mushrooms, bread, butter, salt, parsley and onion, chop fine and fry in butter. With this fill peppers, dust with bread crumbs, put a piece of butter on each. Bake about 10 minutes. ANNA POTATOES. 1 doz. potatoes. 2 1/2 tablespoons butter. 2 cups milk. 1 teaspoon salt. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Slice potatoes very thin, put into salted ice water, take out and steam 10 minutes, then put into a baking dish with butter, salt, pepper and milk, and bake 1 hour. POTATOES WITH CHEESE. 1 doz. boiled potatoes. 1 cup milk or cream. 1 Ib. grated cheese. 1 tablespoon butter. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Cut potatoes in small pieces. Put a layer of cheese, potatoes, bits of butter and pepper, alternately, in a dish,, pour over milk and bake 3/4 hour. 100 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. POTATO CHIPS. 9 extra large potatoes. 1 tablespoon salt. 1 qt. water. Slice potatoes very thin, put into salted ice water and let stand about 2 hours, changing water once or twice Drain and wrap in cloth to dry before frying. Fry in boiling lard. POTATOES WITH CKEAM SAUCE. 12 boiled potatoes. 1 pt. milk. 1 tablespoon butter. Juice of 1 lemon. 1 tablespoon flour. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 1/2 teaspoon salt and red pepper. i Boil milk, stir in flour, butter, salt and pepper, then add potatoes cut in inch pieces, just before serving add parsley and lemon juice. Potatoes that were boiled the day before are preferable. POTATO CROQUETTES. 1 pt. boiled mashed potatoes. 2 egc's beaten lightly. 1/2 cup milk. 1 tablespoon butter. 1/4 teaspoon minced parsley.Salt and pepper. Mix the above ingredients and make into croquettes, dip into cracker crumbs and then into eggs and then into crumbs again. Fry in hot lard. VEGETABLES. 101 HASH POTATOES. 1 doz. boiled potatoes. 1/2 coffeespoon cayenne pepper. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 teaspoon flour. 1 teaspoon salt. 2 tablespoons milk. Hash potatoes fine, mix with salt, pepper, flour, melted butter and milk. Fry in butter. When brown fold like omelets. POTATO PUFFS. 1 pt. mashed potatoes. 1 cup hot milk. 2 tablespoons butter. Salt. 2 eggs beaten lightly. Pepper. Cream potatoes with milk, butter, eggs, salt and pepper, beat lightly, mould pyramid shape and bake until lightly brown. STUFFED POTATOES. 1 doz. large potatoes. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 cup milk. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Bake potatoes until soft, cut off one end and scoop it out, cream this with butter, salt, pepper and milk, put back in potatoes shells and stick on the end. Bake a few minutes. STEWED SALSIFY. 1 teaspoon butter. 1/2 tablespoon flour. 2 bunches salsify. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 cup milk. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 102 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. Scrape salsify, cut in halves, put in cold water until ready to cook. Boil until tender, then pour off water and add milk to salsify, when it conies to a boil stir in flour and butter creamed, salt and pepper. SPINACH. 2 bunches spinach. 1/2 cup butter. 3 hard boiled eggs. Put the spinach on in a dry hot pot and be careful that it does not burn, when cooked chop fine and serve with butter and sliced eggs. SUCCOTASH. 1 qt. butter beans. 1 cup cream. 8 ears corn. 1/2 teaspoon red pepper. 1 tablespoon butter. 1/2 teaspoon salt. Boil beans and corn. Cut corn from cob and mix with beans, stir in cream, butter, salt and pepper. BAKED TOMATOES. 1 doz. large tomatoes. 1/2 cup water. 1 cup brown sugar. 2 tablespoons butter. Scald tomatoes and peal, put in baking dish with sugar, butter and water. Bake 1 hour. TOMATOES FKIED IN MEAL. 1 doz. green tomatoes. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1 cup meal. 1/2 teaspoon salt. Cut tomatoes 3/4 inch thick, dip in meal, fry in hot lard and sprinkle with salt and pepper. VEGETABLES. 103 TOMATOES SMOTHERED. 1 doz. large tomatoes (sliced). 2 tablespoons butter. 4 large onions (sliced fine). 2 teaspoons salt. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Heat butter put in sliced tomatoes, onions, salt and pepper, cover well and cook 1 hour. STUFFED TOMATOES. 8 large tomatoes, the same size, 1/2 cup minced chicken or cold beef or mushrooms. 1 tablespoon butter. 1/2 teaspoon chopped onion. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley 1/2 pod minced pepper. 3 slices bread. Cut off the top of tomatoes and scoop out the center, with this put onion, bread, parsley, salt, pepper and chicken or meat or mushrooms ; fry in butter until cooked and then put back into tomatoes, dust with bread crumbs, put a piece of butter on each and bake 15 minute TOMATOES STUFFED WITH CHICKEN LIVERS. 1 doz. tomatoes. 1 pinch nutmeg. 1 doz. chicken livers. 1 cup fresh bread crumbs. 1/2 tablespoon butter. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1 1/2 tablespoon olive oil. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 1/2 teaspoon grated onion. Cut off the top of tomatoes, remove the inside with a spoon and chop up with bread and livers, then add salt, pepper, onion, parsley, butter and nutmeg. Fry in oil, put back in tomatoes shells ; dust with bread crumbs and bake 10 minutes. 104 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. STUFFED TUBNIPS. 1 doz. turnips. 1/2 teaspoon chopped onion. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 cup fresh bread crumbs. 3 slices ham or bacon. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1 tablespoon milk. 1/2 teaspoon salt, Boil turnips, cut off the tops and remove the center; Chop this up with onion, bread and bacon, add milk and fry in butter. Put this in the turnips shells, sprinkle with bread crumbs, put a piece of butter on each and bake 10 minutes. STEWED TKUFFLES IN WINE. Prepared the same as stewed mushrooms. GAME. BIRD PIE WITH PICKLE POEK. 24 small birds. 1 teaspoon salt. 1/4 Ib. pickled pork. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 1/2 pt. stock. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1/2 cup butter. 1 tablespoon browned flour. Fry birds in butter, add pork, cut in small pieces, flour, stock, salt, pepper and parsley. Cook about 3/4 hour, put into pastry and bake. Always bake under pastry be- fore putting in birds. SMALL BIRDS WITH MUSHROOMS AND WINE. 3 doz. small birds. 1/2 cup butter. 2 cups mushrooms. 1 tablespoon browned flour. 1 wine glass sherry. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 1/2 pts. stock. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 6 cloves. 1 teaspoon salt. Fry birds in butter, add flour, stock, mushrooms, cloves, parsley, salt and pepper. Just before serving add wine. 110 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. EOASTED DUCK. 1 pr. wild ducks. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 3 tablespoons butter. 1 1/2 tablespoons browned flour. 3 cups stock. 1 teaspoon salt. v / Wash ducks inside with soda and water. Put into each a teaspoon of butter, a little salt and pepper. Place them in a baking* pan with flour, butter and stock. Cook just 20 minutes, basting frequently. STEWED WILD DUCKS WITH HERBS AND MUSH- ROOMS. 1 pr. wild ducks. 1 coffeespoon thyme. 1 pt. mushrooms. 4 bay leaves. 4 teaspoons minced parsley. 1/2 cup butter. 2 teaspoons minced green onion. 1 1/2 pts. stock. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1/4 cup browned flour. 1 pod garlic cut fine. 1/2 cup olive oil. 1 wine glass white wine. 1 teaspoon salt. Cut ducks in pieces, rub with flour, salt and pepper and fry in oil. Add herbs, mushrooms, flour, stock, salt and pepper. Cook about 1 1/2 hours and then add wine and butter. Serve on toast. WILD DUCKS WITH OLIVES. 1 pr. wild ducks. 1 pt. stoned olives. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 qt. stock. 1 tablespoon olive oil. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 tablespoon browned flour. 2 teaspoons salt. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. GAME. Hi Wash duck inside and out with vinegar and water, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Put the butter and oil in a deep pot and fry the ducks until browned, add parsley, browned flour and stock, cover and let cook about 1 hour, then put in the olives and cook about 1/2 hour longer. WILD DUCKS WITH TURNIPS. 1 pr. wild ducks. 1 pod red pepper. 11/2 doz. turnips. 1 teaspoon salt. 3/4 cup butter. 1 teaspoon sugar. 1 1/2 pt. stock. 1 wine glass white wine. 2 tablespoons browned flour. Bub ducks in brown flour and fry in butter, then add finely cut turnips, stock, sugar, salt and pepper, cook about 1 1/2 hours, add wine, and cook 1/2 hour longer. PARTRIDGES WITH TRUFFLES. 8 partridges. 1 cup olive oil. 8 truffles. 1/2 coffeespoon cayenne pepper. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 teaspoon salt Dress partridges, salt and pepper inside and out. Slice truffles and fry in butter and put into partridges and let stand 24 hours. Heat olive oil in baking pan, put in the partridges, cook 3/4 hour, basting frequently. 112 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. LAEDED PHEASANTS. 1 pr. pheasants. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 pt. stock. 2 tablespoons vinegar. 2 tablespoons olive oil. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1/4 Ib. fresh pork fat. 1 1/2 teaspoon browned flour. Wash pheasants with vinegar and water, rub in and out with salt and pepper, lard with pork fat, and put a piece of butter in each. Kub with oil, dust with flour, add stock and bake. FILLET OF PIGEON WITH LEMON AND GREEN PEAS. 8 pigeons. 1/2 cup butter. 1/4 Ib. fresh pork fat. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 qt. boiled green peas. Salt. 1 lemon sliced. , Pepper. Remove the breast bone from pigeons, salt and pepper, then lard with pork fat and broil. Serve with drawn but- ter, parsley, lemon and peas. PIGEONS SMOTHERED WITH YOUNG ONIONS. 3 prs. pigeons. 1 pt. stock. 3 doz. young white onions. 1/2 tablespoon browned flour. 1/2 cup butter. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 teaspoon salt. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Fry pigeons and onions in butter, add flour, parsley, salt, pepper and stock. Cook about 1 1/2 hours. GAME. lls PIGEONS BOASTED WITH TKUFFLES. 4 prs. pigeons. 1/2 cup olive oil. 1/2 Ib. fresh fat pork. Salt. 8 truffles sliced. Pepper. Lard pigeons with pork fat. Slice truffles and fry in oil, then put them in pigeons. Let stand 12 hours Ix baking. SALMI OF PIGEONS ON TOAST. The same as Salmi of Snipe on toast. PIGEONS SMOTHERED WITH PEAS. 8 pigeons. 1 qt. French peas. 1/2 Ib. pork fat. 2 1/2 cups stock. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 teaspoon salt. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Lard the breast of the pigeons with pork fat, put a piece of butter, a little salt and pepper inside of each. Put flour, butter, stock, salt and pepper in a skillet to cook, when it comes to a boil add the pigeons and cover closely, cook 3/4 of an hour longer, add peas just before serving. BAKED QUAIL. 1 doz. quail. 4 tablespoons truffle peelings. 1 cup mushrooms. 2 1/2 cups chicken broth. 1 cup fresh bread crumbs. 1 tablespoon browned flour. 4 tablespoons butter. 1/4 teaspoon minced onion. 1 teaspoon salt. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 114 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. Chop the bread, onion, mushrooms, parsley, truffles, salt and pepper together and fry in butter. Stuff quails with this. Put quails, stock, flour and butter in baking pan, bake 3/4 of an hour and baste frequently. BROILED QUAIL WITH CREAM SAUCE. 1 doz. quail. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 1/2 cup butter. . 1/2 cup cream. 2 tablespoons olive oil. 1 teaspoon salt. 1/4 coffeespoon cayenne pepper. Salt and pepper quail and rub in and out with oil and let stand 1/2 hour before cooking. Put them on a hot broiler and broil slowly until well cooked, then put into a hot covered dish with butter between each, pour over cream and parsley, cover closely, let stand in heater about 15 minutes before serving. QUAIL SMOTHERED WITH CABBAGE. 1 doz. quail. 1/2 Ib. fresh pork fat. 1 small white cabbage. 3 carrots sliced. 1 tablespoon minced onion. 1 pt. stock. Salt and pepper quail and fry in fresh pork fat, when brown put aside. Fry onions, carrots and finely cut cab- bage in the fat that the quail was fried in, then add stock, when cooked, put in the quail and let simmer about 1/2 hour. GAME. 115 BAKED BABBIT WITH CREAM. 3 rabbits. 1 tablespoon browned flour. 1 cup cream. 1 tea spoon salt. 1 onion. 1/2 coffeespoon cayenne pepper. 1 cup vinegar. 3 tablespoon butter. 1 pt. water. 1/4 Ib. fresh pork fat. Trim rabbit, using only back bone and hine legs, salt, pepper and lard with pork fat. Cut onions up fine, pour v;ar highly seasoned over the rabbit and onions. Let this stand about 10 hours, strain off vinegar, add flour and water, then bake. When cooked stir in cream and butter. RABBIT PATES. 1 rabbit. 1 teaspoon minced onion. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 pt. stock. 1 tablespoon browned flour. 2 tablespoons white \vine. 1 teaspoon salt. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Cut rabbit from the bone into small pieces, fry in hot butter with flour. Make stock from rabbit bones, add this stock, salt, pepper, onion and parsley to the rabbit. Cook about 3/4 hour, then add wine. Serve in pastry. STEWED RABBIT. 2 rabbits. 2 tablespoons butter. 2 tablespoons browned flour. 1/4 Ib. fresh pork. 4 cups water. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 onion minced. 1 pod red pepper. 1/2 cup vinegar. 12 cloves. 6 all spice. 116 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. Cut rabbit in small pieces, pour vinegar over, and let stand about 2 hours, wipe dry, dip in flour, salt and rea- per, fry brown in pork fat. Fry onion, add flour, pepper, water and spices, put in rabbit and let cook about 1 1/2 hour, add butter. ROAST SNIPE. 12 snipe. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 3/4 Ib. fresh pork fat. 2 teaspoons salt. 1 pt. olive oil. 2 tablespoons butter. Wash birds inside with vinegar and water, put into each 1/2 teaspoon butter, and a blanket of fat over each breast. Have the oil in the baking pan hot, put in the birds and baste frequently with the oil. Bake about 10 minutes. These birds will not be dry. EOAST SNIPE (Not Drawn). 1 doz. snipe. 2 lemons (sliced). 12 thin slices bacon. 1 teaspoon salt. 1/2 pt. olive oil. 12 pieces thin buttered toast. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Salt and pepper snipe and put a slice of bacon -over breast of each. Do not draw them. Bake in pan with oil for about 10 minutes, baste frequently. Serve on toast with a slice of lemon on each. SALMI OF SNIPE. 1 doz. snipe. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 1/2 cup butter. 1/4 teaspon cayenne pepper. 1 pt. stock. 1/2 tablespoon browned flour. 1 teaspoon salt. 2 tablespoons olive oil. GAME. 117 Salt and pepper birds and fry in oil, quickly and brown, add the flour and stock, cook about 1/2 hour, then add parsley and butter. Serve on toast. BKOILED SQUIRREL. 3 prs. Toung squirrels. 11/2 teaspoons minced parsley. 1/2 cup butter. 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1/2 cup olive oil. Juice of 1/2 lemon. Trim squirrels, salt and pepper and mop with oil. Broil slowly and pour over drawn butter, parsley and iemon juice. SQUIRKEL STEW. 2 prs. squirrels. 1/2 teaspoon minced onion. 1/2 cup butter. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 wine glass sherry. 2 tablespoons browned flour. 6 cloves. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1 1/2 pt. stock. 1 teaspoon salt. TJnjoint squirrels, salt and pepper and brown in but- ter, then add onion, flour, cloves, stock and parsley. Cook about 1 1/4 hours. Add wine just before serving. WILD TURKEY STUFFED WITH TRUFFLES. 1 turkey. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 large piece pork fat. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1 cup truffle peelings. 4 hard boiled eggs. 1/2 loaf bread. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 1/2 cup butter. 2 tablespoons browned flour. 1 teaspoon minced onion. 4 J tablespoons olive oil. 118 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. Wash turkey inside with soda and water and rub YV * til oil. Cover the whole breast with a sheet of pork fat. Stuff: with dressing made by frying truffles, eggs, onion, salt, pepper, butter and bread; sprinkle with flour, bake and baste frequently. Allow 20 minutes to each pound for cooking. BROILED VENISON WITH CURRANT JELLY. 4 venison steaks. 1 tablespoon boiling water. 1 glass current jelly. 2 tablespoons olive oil. 4 tablespoons butter. 1 teaspoon salt. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Mop steaks with salt, pepper and oil, then broil until nearly done. Have dish hot with water and melted but- ter, put in steaks, turn several times, pressing with a fork. Serve with jelly. VENISON WITH MUSHROOMS, TRUFFLES AND WINE. 3 Ibs. venison from loin. 1/2 cup olive oil. 1 cup mushrooms. 2 tablespoons browned flour. 1/2 cup sliced truffles. 1 1/2 pts. stock. 1 cup white wine. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 teaspoon salt. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Salt and pepper venison and brown in hot oil, add flour, parsley, mushrooms, truffles and stock. Cook about 1 hour. Just before serving add wine and butter. SALADS AND DRESSINGS. COUNTRY DRESSING. 3 hard boiled eggs. 2 teaspoons butter. 1 cup vinegar. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1/2 teaspoon mustard. 1/2 teaspoon black pepper. Cream eggs while hot, then stir in butter, mustard, salt pepper and vinegar. FRENCH DRESSING. 3 tablespoons olive oil. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 4 tablespoons vinegar. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Pour vinegar by degrees in oil, stirring well, add salt and pepper. MAYONNAISE. 2 raw eggs, (yolks only). 1/2 teaspoon salt. 2 hard boiled eggs (yolks only). 1 1/2 pts. olive oil. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1 tablespoon vinegar, or 1 pinch mustard. Juice of 1 lemon. Cream eggs with mustard, salt and pepper, stir in oil gradually, then vinegar or lemon juice. THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. ASPAKAGUS SALAD. Scrape asparagus and boil in salt water until tender. When cold serve with french dressing. SNAP BEANS AND CAULIPLOWEK SALAD. 1 pt. cooked beans. 1 head boiled cauliflower. Mix the above and serve either with french dressing or mayonnaise. SWEET BKEADS AND BRAINS SALAD. 2 prs. sweet breads. 1 cup mayonnaise. 3 prs. veal brains. 1 lemon. 1 head lettuce. 1 teaspoon salt. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Soak sweet breads and brains in clear water, then boil with salt, and lemon juice, when cooked put into ice water for about 10 minutes, then trim and slice, mix with mayo- nnaise and serve on lettuce leaves. CHICKEN SALAD. 1 large chicken. 3 hard boiled eggs. 2 cups chopped celery. 1 head lettuce. 1 cup mayonnaise. 1 teaspoon salt. 3 doz. stoned olives. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Boil chicken with salt and pepper until tender, then cut in pieces 1 inch square, mix with celery and slice olives and pour mayonnaise over it. Garnish with lettuce leaves and slice eggs. SALADS AND DRESSINGS. COLD SLAW. 1 head cabbage. 1 tablespoon sugar. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1/2 cup milk. 1 teaspoon salt and celery seed. 1 teaspoon flour. 1 cup vinegar. 1 teaspoon butter. 2 lightly beaten eggs. 1/4 teaspoon mustard. Shred cabbage, salt and pepper, pour 1/2 cup vinegar over it. Let it stand 2 hours before putting on the dress- ing, which can be used hot or cold. Make a dressing by putting butter in a sauce pan, when hot put in mustard, vinegar, celery seeds, eggs, milk and flour, cook 5 minutes, stir constantly so that it will not curdle. A teaspoon mustard seed is a good addition. CRAB SALAD SEEVED IN TOMATOES. 1 doz. boiled and picked crabs. 1 cup mayonnaise. 12 large tomatoes. 1 head lettuce. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 2 hard boiled eggs. Mix crabs with mayonnaise and seasonings. Cut out the center of tomatoes and fill with crabs and put a slice of egg on each. Serve on lettuce leaves. EGG SALAD. 1 doz. hard boiled eggs. 4 tablespoons olive oil. 1 teaspoon Worcestershire. 4 tablespoons vinegar. 10 drops tobasco sauce. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 pinch mustard. 1 head lettuce. Slice eggs, mix with lettuce and pour the following dressing over it. Make a dressing by mixing together, vinegar, oil, mustard, tobasco, salt and Wrocester shire. 126 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. FISH SALAD. 2 Ibs. cold boiled fish. 1 cup mayonnaise. 8 cold boiled potatoes. 1 head lettuce. 6 hard boiled eggs. 1 teaspoon salt and red pepper. 6 drops tobasco. 2 teaspoons capers. Mix fish with potatoes, eggs, tobasco, salt and pepper, then stir in mayonnaise and capers. Serve with letuce. FEUIT SALAD. 4 oranges or 2 grape fruit. 1 head lettuce.. 4 apples. 1 cup mayonnaise. 1 cup chopped celery. Cut fruit up with celery and serve on lettuce leaves with mayonnaise. LOBSTER SALAD. 3 Ibs. lobster. 1 cup mayonnaise. 1/2 doz. hard boiled eggs. 1 head lettuce. Break up lobster and add chopped eggs, stir in mayon- naise and serve on lettuce. MEAT SALAD. 2 Ibs. cold beef. 1 teaspoon celery seed. 1 slice ham. 1/2 teaspoon minced onion. 4 hard boiled eggs. 1 head lettuce. 2 minced cold potatoes. 1 cup mayonnaise. SALADS AND DRESSINGS. Chop up the above and mix with mayonnaise, on lettuce leaves. OKEA SALAD. Trim okra on both ends, boil until tender. When cold serve with french dressing. OKANGE AND WALNUT SALAD. 6 oranges. 1 cup mayonnaise. 1 Ib. picked walnuts. 1 head lettuce. Peel oranges and slice lengthwise. Chop walnuts, mix with oranges and mayonnaise. Serve on lettuce. OYSTER AND CELEEY SALAD. 4 doz. oysters. 1 cup vinegar. 1 cup chopped celery. 1/2 cup mayonnaise. 1 head lettuce. Salt and pepper. Boil oysters in vinegar for a few minutes, strain and when cold, mix with celery and mayonnaise. Put into a dish with lettuce leaves around. POTATO SALAD. 8 large potatoes. 8 tablespoons vinegar. 2 slices chopped ham. 2 hard boiled eggs. 1/2 cup finely chopped celery. 3 tablespoons olive oil. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1 pinch mustard. 1/2 coffeespoon minced onion. 1 teaspoon salt. 128 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. Boil potatoes and slice them, then mix with ham, onion, celery, salt and pepper, while hot add 3 tablespoons vinegar. Before serving pour the following dressing over it. Cream eggs with mustard, then add oil and the balance of the vinegar. SALMON SALAD. 2 cans or 3 Ibs. fresh boiled salmon. 1 head lettuce. 2 hard boiled eggs. 1 doz. olives cut fine. 1 tablespoon capers. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1 cup mayonnaise. 1/2 cup celery cut fine. Mix salmon with olives, celery, hard boiled eggs, salt, pepper and capers. Serve on lettuce leaves with mayon- naise. SHEIMP SALAD. 1 qt. boiled picked shrimp. 1 head lettuce. Or 2 cans shrimp. 1 cup mayonnaise. 4 sliced tomatoes. 1 doz. stoned olives. 1/2 cup minced celery. 8 drops tobasco. 3 hard boiled eggs sliced. 1 teaspoon salt. Mix shrimp with celery, tobasco and salt, put in dish alternately with tomatoes and olives. Serve with mayon- naise, hard boiled eggs and lettuce. VEGETABLE SALAD. 1 boiled cauliflower. 1 head lettuce, 1 bunch boiled asparagus. 1 bunch chopped celery. 2 boiled potatoes, sliced. 1/2 pt. boiled peas. 1/2 onion sliced thin. 1 teaspoon salt. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Chop up the vegetables, except peas, mix together. Serve on lettuce leaves, with french dressing. COLD DISHES. ANCHOVY SANDWICHES. 1 small bottle anchovies. 2 tablespoons mayonnaise. 2 hard boiled eggs. 4 doz. champion biscuits. 2 tablespoons minced celery. 1 pinch cayenne pepper. Chop celery, anchovies and eggs very fine, mix with mayonnaise and pepper, put between biscuits. PATE DE FOIE GEAS IN ASPIC JELLY. 1 can pate de foie gras. 1/2 chicken. 2 Ibs. beef and bone from leg. 4 qts. w r ater. 2 Ibs. veal. 1 lemon. 2 or 3 calves feet. 1 pod pepper. 2 whites of eggs with shells. 1 tablespoon salt. Chop chicken and meat together with calves feet, r water, salt and pepper, and let boil about 3 hours, strain and set aside until next day ; then skim off the grease, put on to boil with lemon juice and eggs beaten to a froth and mashed shells, then strain again through a flannel dipped in ice water. When partially congealed pour into moulds, half filling them. Put slices of pate de foie gras on this and fill up with jelly, serve on lettuce leaves with mayon- naise. If you do not wish to use pate de foie gras, slice 134 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. tomatoes or celery or shrimp cut fine, and mixed with mayonnaise is very nice. ASPIC JELLY FROM PKEPAKED BEEF TEA. 1/2 jar beef tea. 4 cloves. 1 1/2 qts. water 1 minced carrot. 1 1/2 ozs. gelatine. 1 minced turnip. 1 minced green onion. 1/2 teaspoon cayanne pepper. 1 sprig minced celery. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. Boil all the vegetables for about 1 hour in 1 1/2 qts. water, add beef tea, salt and peper, then strain. Disolve gelatine in 1 cup water and add it to beef tea. Put in moulds and set on ice. BONED TUKKEY OR CHICKEN. 1 large turkey, boned. 4 calves feet. 1 Ib. veal ground fine. 1 cup vinegar. 1 Ib pork ground fine. 3 eggs. 1/4 Ib. fat of pork ground fine.l cup brandy. 1 doz. sliced truffles. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Salt and pepper pork and veal, add truffles, pour a cup of brandy over this, put into boned turkey and sew up in a cloth. Boil this in a pot of water with the calves feet, salt and turkey bones for 4 hours. Take out turkey, put it into a pan and press until next day. Remove grease from stock the turkey was boiled in and strain. Next day put stock on to boil with one cup vinegar seasoned highly. When boiling put in the whites of 3 eggs, beaten to a stiff froth and boil 10 minutes longer. Strain through a flan- COLD DISHES. 135 nel cloth dipped in ice water and when partly congealed pour over turkey, when cold slice in thick pieces and serve. JELLIED CHICKEN OE TURKEY. 1 large chicken. 1 teaspoon minced onion. 2 cups chopped celery. 1 pod red pepper. 1/2 box gelatine. 1 teaspoon salt. Boil chicken with onion, salt and pepper until very tender, take meat from bones and cut in pieces 2 inches in size. Put bones back in stock, boil and reduce to 1 qt., strain this stock and put in gelatine that has been dis- solved in cold water. Put this on ice until partly con- gealed. Fill mould about 1/4 full with jelly, then a layer of chicken and celery and a layer of jelly alternately. Serve with mayonnaise. COLD DAUBE. 8 to 15 Ibs. round beef. 3 carrots. 2 pieces garlic chopped fine. 3 turnips. 1/2 Ib. of fat pork. 4 tablespoons vinegar. 3 tablespoons salt. 2 tablespoons olive oil. 2 tablespoons sugar. 6 cloves. 1 tablespoon pepper. 1 bay leaf. 4 onions. 1 slice ham. Lard the beef with pork fat and press the garlic through it. Cut ham and vegetables fine and put over beef, rd ! all seasonings, then let it stand for 24 hours. Brown the beef in hot olive oil in a deep pot, add vegetables and enough water to cover it, and let cook until done, al- lowing to cook 20 minutes to the pound, then put a heavy weight on it and press until next day. Then pour over the jelly. 136 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. JELLY. Strain 1 qt. of stock that the daube was boiled in, add to it 1/2 box gelatine dissolved in a little cold water, and 1/2 cup of vinegar, then add the whites of 2 eggs beaten to a stiff froth, boil 5 minutes and strain through a flan- nel. When partyly congealed pour over daube. FISH JELLIED. 1 firm fish. 6 green peppers. 1 pt. wine. 2 bay leaves. 1 pt. vinegar. 1 tablespoon salt. 1 pt. water. 1 pod red pepper. Boil fish in wine, water, vinegar and seasonongs, when cooked remove fish, put head back, and let liquor boil down to 1/2. Put fish in deep platter, pour liquor over and the next day it will be jellied. Serve with mayon- naise. A large bass preferable. HOGS HEAD CHEESE WITH TEUFFLES. 1 hog's head. 2 tablespoons dry sage. 1/2 cup truffle peelings. 2 tablespoons salt. 4 hog's feet. 8 pods red pepper minced. 3 minced green onions. 1 pod garlic. 1 sprig thyme. 1 cup vinegar. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. Wash hog's head and remove the brains, boil head, brains and feet with garlic, onion, parsley, sage, thyme, pepper and truffles, cook about 4 hours, (take out bones,) chop fine and put in vinegar and stir until cold. Set in moulds. COLD DISHES. LOAF OF BEEF. 2 Ibs. minced beef. 1 egg. 1 cup fresh bread crumbs. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 chopped onion. 1 pod garlic. 1/2 cup browned bread crumbs. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 coffee spoon cayenne pepper. 1 cup mushrooms. Mix together, make into loaf and cover with bread crumbs and butter. Bake about 3 hours. LOAF OF VEAL. 3 Ibs. veal from the round. 2 raw eggs. 1 Ib. fresh pork. 1 teaspoon salt. 6 soda crackers pounded and sifted. 1 cup mushrooms. 1 Ib. salt pork. 8 truffles (sliced). 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 2 tablespoons butter. Grind pork and veal and take out all strings, put into this salt, pepper,mushrooms, thruffles, crackers and eggs. Kneed this and make into 2 loaves, sprinkle with crumbs and put a piece of butter on each. Bake about 4 hours. Have the water that you baste with, highly seasoned. This is a nice dish for supper or lunch. PICKLED OYSTEKS. 100 oysters. 2 pods pepper. 1 teaspoon all spice. 1 tablespoon salt. . . 1 tablespoon mace. 1 pt. vinegar. 1 cup water. Put oysters in boiling water a few minutes and then drain. Boil vinegar with 1 cup water, mace, all spice, pepper and salt, for about 10 minutes, then put the oysters in a glass jar, pour this over them, cork tip^t'- and let stand for a few hours. 188 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. SPICED BEEF. 10 Ibs. beef from the round. 2 ozs. powdered cloves. 2 tablespoons saltpetre, 2 ozs. powdered all spice. 1 cup brown sugar. 1 pt. salt. 3/4 gal. water. Kub beef with salt, spices and saltpetre and pour water over it. Put in a covered bucket just large enough to hold it and turn it daily for 10 days, then put it in a dough made of flour and water, pour a pint of water around it and with this baste frequently. Bake about 4 hours. TOMATOES FROZEN. 14 tomatoes. 1 teaspoon salt. 3 teaspoons Worcestershire. 1 cup mayonnaise. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Cut out center of tomatoes and put shells in cold water. Chop tomatoes from center and add salt, pepper and sauce, freeze this and fill each hull putting a teaspoon of mayonnaise on each tomatoe as served. TOMATO JELLY. 1 qt. tomatoes. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 11/2 ozs. gelatine 4 cloves. 1 carrot, cut fine. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1 green onion, cut fine. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 sprig celery, cut fine. 2 teaspoons Worcestershire. Put tomatoes on to boil with carrots, onions, celery, parsley, pepper, cloves, salt and sauce. Soak gelatine in 1 cup of water, add to tomatoes, strain and put in cups or moulds, to congeal. Serve each on lettuce with mayon- naise. BREAKFAST AND LUNCH DISHES. BEEF BALLS. 2 Ibs. round of beef, ground. 1 pod red pepper, minced. 1 Ib. of round of pork, ground. 1 egg. 2 tablespoons fresh bread crumbs. 2 1/2 cups stock. 1/4 teaspoon minced onion. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 1/2 tablespoons browned flour. 1 pod garlic. Chop the beef, pork, garlic, bread, onion and pepper fine, add to this egg and salt and make into balls, dip into flour and fry in lard quickly and brown. Add to the balls, stock and flour, cover and let simmer about 1 hour. DEIED BEEP WITH WHITE SAUCE. 1 Ib. or 1 can dried beef. 1 teaspoon flour. 1 pinch red pepper. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 tablespoon butter. . 1 1/2 cup cream or milk. Make a sauce by boiling milk, butter, flour, parsley and pepper, when cooked add scalded beef. 144 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. IMITATION BROILED STEAK. 1 steak. 1/4 teaspoon red pepper. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 teaspoon olive oil. 1 tablespoon hot water. Rub the steak with oil, and put in a hot, dry skillet, turning constantly. When the steak is cooked enough pour melted butter, water, parsley, salt and pepper over it. Serve on hot platter. BROILED BEEF STEAK. 5 Ibs. steak. 1 teaspoon olive oil. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 tablespoon water. Salt and pepper. Rub steak with oil and put in a hot broiler, turning constantly; when broiled, salt and pepper it, warm the dish that steak is to be served in and put butter and boil- ing water into it, turn the steak and press it. Serve with chopped parsley on top. STUFFED BEEF STEAK. 1 large round beef steak. 1 tablespoon butter. 2 cups fresh bread crumbs. 2 tablespoons tomatoes. 1 large onion. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1 teaspoon parsley. 1 cup water. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 tablespoon olive oil. Beat steak until tender, salt and pepper. Make a dressing of the above ingredients, put on the steak, roll and tie it, dust with flour, add water and oil. Bake and baste frequently. BREAKFAST AND LUNCH DISHES. FRIED CALF'S FEET. 6 calf's feet. 6 allspice. 1 tablespoon vinegar. 2 bay leaves. 1/2 onion. 1 cup oilve oil or butter. 6 cloves. 1 cup flour. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. Boil the calf s feet in vinegar, onion, spices, bay leaf and parsley, when cold take out bones, rub with flour and fry in hot butter or olive oil. STEWED CALF'S FEET. 6 calf's feet. 6 cloves. 1/2 tablespoon minced green onion. 1 qt. stock. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 cup mushrooms. 1 1/2 tablespoons butter. 6 hard boiled eggs. 1 1/2 tablespoons browned flour. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 pod red pepper (minced). 1 glass white or red wine. Par boil the feet and remove the bones. Put the cloves and flour into hot butter, add stock, parsley, green onion, salt and pepper, then salf's feet cut in pieces, and mushrooms. Just before serving add sliced eggs and wine. BAKED CALF'S LIVER WITH BACON. 12 slices liver cut thin. 2 1/2 tablespoons butter. 8 slices bacon. 1/2 teaspoon chopped onion. 1 teaspoon browned flour. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley 1 cup boiling water. 2 tablespoons bread crumbs. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. U6 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. Slice liver and cut bacon fine; flour and pepper liver, put into a dish alternately with bread crumbs and bacon, pour over water mixed with onion, butter, pepper and parsley; bake about 1/2 hour. FEIED CALF'S LIVEE. 3 Ibs. calf's liver. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 cup olive oil. 1 teaspoon salt. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Salt and pepper liver, fry in hot olive oil and sprinkle with parsley. CHICKEN WITH DUMPLINGS. 3 spring chickens. 1/4 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 cup cream. 1 teaspoon yeast powder. 2 tablespoons butter. 1/2 cup milk. 1 egg. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 cup flour. 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1/4 teaspoon minced onion. Cut the chicken up and put it to boil with parsley, salt, onion, pepper and enough water to cover it, when tender add cream, butter and 1 tablespoon flour. Make the dumplings with milk, eggs, yeast powder, the balance of flour and a little salt and pepper. Drop with a spoon into pot with chicken and cook about 1/2 hour longer. FEIED CHICKEN (No. 1). 2 young chickens. 2 teaspoons salt. 1 cup flour. 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper. BREAKFAST AND LUNCH DISHES. IJft Cut the chicken into pieces, salt, flour and pepper. Fry in hot lard until brown, keep covered while cooking. Serve with cream sauce. FRIED CHICKEN No. 2. 2 pullets. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 cup bread crumbs. 2 eggs. 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Cut the chicken up, add salt and pepper and put into enough water to cover and let boil slowly until tender. Put aside with a little liquor until next day. Next day dip into eggs and bread crumbs and fry. VEAL CUTLETS WITH CHESTNUT SAUCE. 8 veal cutlets. 1 tablespoon olive oil. 1 cup cream. 1 Ib. chestnuts. 1/2 tablespoon sugar. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Mop cutlets with oil, salt, and pepper, and broil. Boil the chestnuts, press through a seive and add cream, but- ter and sugar. Serve hot with cutlets. BREADED VEAL CUTLETS WITH TOMATO SAUCE. 12 tender veal cutlets. 1 cup bread crumbs. 2 eggs whipped. 1 teaspoon salt. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Trim the cutlets neatly, salt and pepper, dip first into bread crumbs then into eggs and then into bread crumbs again. Fry slowly until done. Serve with tomato sauce. 148 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. DEVILED ROAST. 8 slices cold roast beef. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 3 tablespoons butter. 1 pinch pepper. 1/2 cup boiling water. 1 lemon. 1/2 teaspoon mustard. 1 tablespoon walnut catsup. 1/2 tablespoon browned flour. Fry the roast in butter, add flour, water, lemon juice, mustard, salt, pepper and catsup ; cook about 15 minutes. BEEP HASH WITH SPAGHETTI. 2 Ibs. spaghetti. 1/4 Ib. cheese. 1 cup milk. 2 tablespoons butter. Make a good beef hash. Boil the spaghetti and drain, put into a pan a layer of spaghetti with cheese and but- ter and a layer of hash alternately, pour the milk over this and bake until brown. CHICKEN HASH. 1 large boiled chicken. 1 1/2 cups cream. 1 cup milk. 2 tablespoons butter. 1/2 teaspoon grated onion. 1 cup chicken stock. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1 1/2 tablespoons flour. 1/2 teaspoon salt. Cut the chicken into small pieces. Make a sauce by boiling milk, stock, butter, parsley, salt, pepper, onion, cream and flour, cook about 15 minutes; then put in chicken, cook 10 minutes longer and serve on buttered toast. BREAKFAST AND LUNCH DISHES. 149 COEN BEEP HASH. 1 can or 1 Ib. boiled beef (chopped). 1 1/2 tablespoons butter. 1/2 teaspoon grated onion. 5 potatoes. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1 cup milk. 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce. Boil the potatoes, mix with corn beef and chop fine, add onion, butter, milk, pepper and sauce and put in a but- tered dish and bake. MIXED HASH. 1 pt. hashed turkey. 1/2 pt. stock. 8 small potatoes. 1 tablespoon butter. 1/2 pt. white wine. 1 cup mushrooms. 1 tablespoon browned flour. Heat the butter, add flour, stock and wine, when this starts to cook add potatoes and cook 20 minutes, when cooked put in turkey and mushrooms. Serve on toast. QUEEN OP HASH. 18 chicken livers. 1 cup mushrooms. 1 Ib. veal livers, cut in squares. 4 cloves. 4 prs. sweet breads. 6 truffles sliced fine. 1 slice ham, chopped fine. 1 pt. stock. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1 cup tomatoes. 1/2 pt. white or red wine. 1 pod garlic. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 2 tablespoons olive oil. 1 1/2 tablespoons browned flour. 1 tablespoon butter. 2 green onions minced fine. 1 teaspoon salt. Put boiled sweet breads in hot butter and oil, add flour, onion, pepper, salt, cloves and garlic, stir in livers, toma- toes, mushrooms, truffles, parsley, ham, sto-ck and wine. Cook about 1 hour. 150 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. SWEET BREAD HASH WITH VEAL LIVERS. 3 prs. sweet breads. 1 pt. stock. 1 Ib. veal liver. 1 tablespoon butter. 4 cloves. 1 tablespoon browned flour. 1 pod garlic. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 2 tablespoons olive oil. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 pod pepper (minced). 1 wine glass sherry. 1/2 teaspoon grated onion. Par boil the sweet breads, put oil in skillet, when hot drop in the livers cut in small pieces, when brown add garlic, onion, parsley, cloves, salt, pepper, sweet breads, flour and stock; put in wine and butter just before serv- ing. BAKED HOMINY. 2 cups cold boiled hominy. 2 tablespoons butter. 2 eggs. 4 cups sweet milk. 1 teaspoon sugar. 1 teaspoon salt. 1/4 coileespoon cayenne pepper. Mix and bake in a buttered dish. HOMINY CROQUETTES. '' i i 2 cups cold boiled hominy. 1 cup milk. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 2 tablespoons butter. 4 eggs. Mash the hominy, stir in 2 eggs, milk, salt and melted butter; mould into croquettes, dip into eggs whipped; fry in hot lard. BREAKFAST AND LUNCH DISHES. 151 JAMBALAYA. 3 cups dry boiled rice. 3 doz. oysters. 2 slices ham cut into small pieces. 1 teaspoon salt. 3 finely cut pork sausages. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 1/4 coifeespoons cayenne pepper. Put the oysters in a dry hot skillet to draw the water from them, take out and drain, fry the sausages and hain in butter, stir in rice, salt, pepper, then add oysters. BROILED LAMB BRISKET. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1/2 tablespoon olive oil. 3 Ibs. brisket. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 3 tablespoons butter. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. Mop lamb with oil, salt and pepper, broil, and pour over melted butter and parsley. MUTTON STEW. 3 Ibs. mutton brisket. 1 tablespoon flour. C very small onions. i cup milk. 12 small boiled potatoes. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 pod pepper (minced). Trim fat from mutton, cut mutton into small pieces and boil with onions about 1/2 hour and strain, cover with fresh boiling water and let cook until tender, then add potatoes, flour, milk, butter, salt and pepper. BROILED PIGS FEET LARDED WITH TRUFFLES. 8 pigs feet. 1 teaspoon salt 8 truffles. 1/2 cup butter. 6 cloves. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. J/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. Par boil pigs feet with spices, salt and pepper; lard with sliced truffles and broil. Serve with drawn butter and parsley. STEWED PIGS FEET. 8 pigs feet. 1 pod pepper minced. 1 pt. tomatoes. 1 bay leaf. 1 teaspoon chopped onion. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 cup boiling water. 1/2 tablespoon flour, Boil the pigs feet with bay leaf, pepper and salt until tender, take out bones and cut meat into 2 inch pieces; heat butter, add flour, onion, tomatoes and water, cook about 15 minutes, then put in pigs feet, season highly and cook 1/2 hour longer. FRIED STUFFED SAUSAGE. Drop sausage in boiling water for a few minutes, stick with a fork, take out and fry in hot lard, turning frequently. TAMALES. 1 Ib. veal or chicken. 1 qt. corn meal. 1 tablespoon chopped suet, 2 tablespoons lard. 1 tablespoon chili powder. 1 cup stock. 1 tablespoon warm water. 25 or more pieces corn husks. 2 teaspoons salt Chop chicken or veal very fine with suet, chili powder and 1 teaspoon salt, then fry and add 1 tablespoon warm water; make a dough of meal, lard, salt and stock; boil the corn husks and mop each one with melted lard, spread meal dough on them, then chicken or veal, roll and twist ends and steam 2 hours. Serve hot BREAKFAST AND LUNCH DISHES. 16S STEWED TONGUE. 1 large tongue. 1 tablespoon browned flour. 1 pt. water. 1 teaspoon green onion, minced. 3 cloves. 2 tablespoons tomatoes. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. 2 tablespoons butter. 2 pickles (cucumbers). 1 pod pepper (minced) 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce. Boil tongue until half done with salt and pepper, then skin and slice. Into hot butter put flour and tongue, add cloves, tomatoes, onions and water, cover closely and let cook about 1 hour. Just before serving put in sauce, parsley and chopped pickles. PICKLED TRIPE (BEOILED.). 2 Ibs. pickled tripe. 1/2 cup butter. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. Broil the tripe, pour melted butter and parsley over it. STEWED TRIPE WITH TOMATOES. Prepared the same way as stewed pigs feet. DEVILED TURKEY LEGS OR CHOPS. 2 legs or 6 pieces of cold turkey. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 teaspoon prepared mustard. A little black and cayenne pepper. .164 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. Broil legs or pieces of turkey. Melt butter, add salt, mustard and pepper and stir until creamy, pour over turkey. In making the sauce do not have the dish hot enough to oil it. WELSH RARE-BIT. 8 toasted crackers or bread. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 2 1/2 Ibs cheese minced. 1 teaspoon Worcestershire. 2 tablespoons butter. 20 drops Tabasco. 1/2 pt. stale beer or ale . Melt cheese jn hot butter, stir in salt, Tobasco and Worcestershire. Pour in a little beer or ale at a time, stirring all the time until smooth. Serve oil hot crackers or toast. EGGS. EGGS AND BACON WITH CEEAM SAUCE, 8 slices bacon. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 cup milk. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 1 cup cream. 1/2 tablespoon flour. 1 doz. hard boiled eggs. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Make a sauce by boiling milk, cream, butter, pepper* flour and parsley. Fry bacon and cut the eggs in half. Pour the sauce over the eggs and bacon just before serv- ing. EGGS WITH BKOWNED BUTTER 6 eggs. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 2 tablespoons butter. 1/4 tablespoon vinegar. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Fry eggs. Put the butter in skillet and let it brown, add vinegar, salt and pepper, and pour over eggs. DEVILED EGGS WITH TOMATOES. 9 eggs. 1 1/2 pts. tomatoes. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1 tablespoon butter. 1/2 teaspoon grated onion. 1 teaspoon corn starch. 160 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. Cook tomatoes with onions, salt and pepper for rJ. 10 minutes, then add butter, parsley and corn starch and cook 10 minutes longer. Beat eggs lightly, stir them into tomatoes and serve on buttered toast. HAM AND EGG CAKES. 8 eggs. 2 tablespoons milk. 3/4 cup minced ham. 1 teaspoon flour. A little black pepper. Beat eggs lightly with flour and milk, add the ham and pepper, fry in cakes. MINCED EGGS WITH HAM OR SAUSAGE. 10 hard boiled eggs. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1 cup chopped boiled ham, or 1 cup milk. 1/2 Ib. fried sausage. 1 cup cream. 1/4 teaspoon red pepper. 3/4 tablespoon flour. 2 tablespoons butter. 8 pieces buttered toast. Make a sauce by boiling milk, cream, flour and but- ter. Chop eggs with sausage or ham, put into sauce and serve on buttered toast. ASPARAGUS OMELET. 1 cup cooked asparagus tips. 1 tablespoon cream. 12 eggs. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1/2 teaspoon salt. Beat eggs a few strokes, add cream, salt, pepper and parsley, stir in the asparagus, put in hot buttered skillet, cook, fold and serve on hot platter. EGGS. 161 CRAB OMELET. 1 1/2 cups picked boiled crabs. 1 cup cream. 10 eggs. 1 tablespoon butter. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 3/4 tablespoon flour. 1 pinch cayenne pepper. Break eggs into bowl and beat about 10 strokes, add 2 teaspoons of cream, salt and pepper. Boil and thicken the remainder or cream with flour and butter, then add the crabs. Put eggs in a hot buttered skillet, when partially cooked, put in crabs, and fold. Serve on hot platter. HAM OMELET. Made the same as shrimp omelet, omitting salt. HERB OMELET. 10 eggs. 3 tablespoons minced parsley. 1 tablespoon cream. 2 teaspoons minced green onion. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1/2 pod minced red pepper. Beat eggs with cream and herbs and fry in hot buttered skillet and fold. Serve on hot platter. OMELET WITH MUSHROOMS. 12 eggs. 2 teaspoons butter, 1 cup minced mushrooms. 1 teaspoon flour, 1 cup cream. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 162 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. Boil cream, put in flour and butter, then stir in salt, pepper and mushrooms. Beat eggs about 8 strokes, put into hot buttered skillet, partially cook then put in mush- rooms and fold. Serve on hot platter. OYSTEB OMELET. 16 eggs. 1 cup cream. 40 oysters. 2 teaspoons butter. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 2 teaspoons flour. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Chop oysters, put into a hot sauce pan and cook about 5 minutes, then add cream, butter, flour, salt, pepper and parsley. Beat eggs about 8 strokes, put into hot buttered skillet, when partially cooked add oysters and fold. Serve on hot platter. GBEEN PEA OMELET. Boil the peas and make the same as asparagus omelet. BUM OB KIBSCH OMELET. i 1 tablespoon cream. 8 tablespoons powdered sugar. 16 eggs. 1/2 glass fruit jelly. 2 teaspoon butter. 1/2 glass rum or kirsch. Beat eggs lightly with a little sugar then add cream , fry in hot buttered skillet ; when cooked put jelly on top and fold. Put on hot platter, sprinkle with powdered sugar, pour rum or kirsch over and set on fire when served. EGGS. SARDINE OMELET. Made the same as other omelets; except that you re- move bones from sardines and fry in butter before folding in omelet. SHRIMP OMELET. 14 eggs. 1 1/2 cups chopped boiled shrimp. 1 tablespoon cream. 1/2 teaspoon salt and pepper each 2 teaspoons butter. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. Beat the eggs with cream, salt, pepper and parsley, add the shrimp and cook in a hot buttered skillet a few minutes and fold. Serve on hot platter. OMELET SOUFFLE. 18 eggs beaten separately. 12 tablespoons powdered sugar, sifted. Juice of 2 lemons. Grated rind of 1/2 lemon. Beat the yolks of eggs and add the sugar by degrees with the juice of 2 and the grated rind of 1/2 lemon, then stir in the whites, beaten to a stiff froth. Bake in a quick oven and serve immediately. TOMATO OMELET. 12 eggs. 1/4 teaspoon grated onion. 1 cup tomatoes. 1 teaspoon flour. 1/2 tablespoon butter. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1/4 teaspoon minced parsley. Cook the tomatoes 5 minutes, then add butter, flour, parsley, salt and onion, when cold mix with beaten e and set aside. Next morning knead until it blisters. Make into roll s^ set in a warm place to rise; rub over with butter and bake in a moderately hot oven. LOST BKEAD. 12 slices bread. 3 spoons brandy. 6 eggs. 1/2 cup sugar. 2 spoons orange flower water. Mix eggs, brandy, orange flower water and sugar, moisten bread in this and fry until brown. ROLLS. 1 yeast cake, 1 tablespoon lard. 1 tablespoon white sugar. 2 qts. flour. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 pt. water. Dissolve yeast cake in warm water, stir in the sugar, salt, lard, and 3 pts. flour, set in a warm place to rise for about 6 hours, then work in the rest of the flour, mould into rolls, place in a warm place and let rise 2 hours longer. Bake in a moderate oven; mop with but- ter while baking. PEMBERTON ROLLS. 1 pt. boiled milk. 2 eggs. 1 cup butter melted in milk. 1 teaspoon salt 1 cake Fleishman's yeast in 1/2 cup water. Flour to make a stiff dough. Mix yeast cake, salt, milk, butter and flour. Set to rise at night, next morning add eggs and the rest of the flour, knead well, shape into rolls, let rise again and bake. Mop with butter while baking. BREAD AND YEAST POWDER. 177 SALLY LUNN WITH YEAST. 1 pt. milk. 1 oz. sugar. 2 ozs. butter, melted in milk. 3 eggs well beaten. Flour to make a stiff dough. 1 teaspoon salt. 1/2 yeast cake dissolved in 1/2 cup water. Mix well together milk, butter, sugar, salt, yeast, and enough flour to make a stiff dough, and set aside over night. Next morning add eggs beaten separately, put this in two buttered pans, set in warm place to rise, then bake in a moderate hot oven. SALLY LUNN. 14 ozs, flour. 1 cup milk. 4 eggs. 1 cup butter. 1 teaspoon cream of tartar sifted in flour. 1/2 teaspoon soda dissolved in water. Mix and bake in buttered pans. CREAM TOAST. 1 1/2 cups cream. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 1/2 cups milk. 1 tablespoon flour. 12 pieces toast. Butter the toast. Boil milk and cream, stir in flour and butter, pour over toast. YEAST POWDER. 2 Ibs. cream of tartar. 1 lb. bicarbonated soda. 1 1/2 Ibs. flour. Mix all together and sift twelve times. It is the best and cheapest. Keep in tight jars. BISCUITS. CEEAM OF TARTAR AND SODA BISCUITS. 1 1/2 qts. flour. 1 teaspoon soda mixed with flour. 2 teaspoons cream of tartar sifted in flour. 1 tablespoon lard. 1 cup sweet milk. Mix all the above with a fork, handling as little as possible. Do not roll and cut until ready to bake. Bake in a quick oven. HARD BEAT BISCUITS. (No. 1.) 2 qts. flour. 1 pinch soda. 1 taespoon salt. 3/4 cup milk. 1 1/4 ozs. butter and lard each, mixed. 3/4 cup water. Make the above into a stiff dough and beat with mallet or work in biscuit machine until it blisters. Bake slowly. HARD BEAT BISCUITS. (No. 2.) 1 qt. flour. 1 teaspoon salt. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 cup sweet milk. 1 pinch soda. Mix all the above and beat with a wooden hammer or work in biscuit machine until the dough blisters. Bake in a slow oven. 182 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. POTATO BISCUITS. 4 large boiled potatoes. 1 cup boiled milk. 1 tablespoon lard. 1 teaspoon salt. 1/2 yeast cake dissolved in 1/2 cup water. Enough flour, to make a stiff dough. Mash potatoes and scald with milk and set aside to get cold, then add yeast, lard and salt. Let this rise all night; in the morning work in flour, set in warm place to rise again. Bake, butter tops while baking. SODA BISCUITS WITH SWEET MILK. 2 qts. flour. 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons butter. Milk to make a stiff dough. 1/2 teaspoon soda sifted in flour. Mix, roll, make into biscuits and bake. SOUR MILK BISCUITS. 1 pt. sour milk. 1 teaspoon soda sifted in flour. 2 qts. flour. 1 teaspoon cream of tartar. 2 teaspoon salt. 2 heaping teaspoons lard. Make into a soft dough and bake quickly. MUFFINS. CHAMPION MUFFINS. 2 cups flour. 2 eggs beaten separately. 2 cups milk. 2 teaspoons yeast powder 3/4 cup mixed lard and butter. Beat all lightly together and bake as soon as made. COKN MEAL MUFFINS. 1 qt. meal. 1 tablespoon sugar. 4 eggs beaten separately. 2 1/2 teaspoons yeast powder. 1 teaspoon salt. 2 heaping tablespoons butter. 1/2 cup flour. 1 pt. milk. Mix and bake in muffin rings. SWEET COEN MUFFINS. 1/4 Ib. sugar. 6 ozs. corn meal. 3 ozs. butter. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 pt. sweet milk. 2 teaspoons yeast powder. 10 ozs. flour. 4 eggs. Cream butter and sugar, stir in eggs one at a time, then the milk, flour, meal and yeast powder. Bake in muffin rings. .186 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. NEW YORK MUFFINS. 2 eggs beaten separately. 1 teaspoon salt. 2 cups milk. 3 cups sifted flour. 1 1/2 teaspoons yeast powder. Mix and bake the same as other muffins. POP OVERS. 2 eggs, beaten lightly. 1 teaspoon salt. 2 cups sifted flour. 2 cups milk. Make this batter smooth and press through a seive, and bake in iron muffin rings in a slow oven. WAFFLES. BANNER WAFFLES. 1 qt. flour. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1 qt. milk. 1 teaspoon corn meal. 1 1/2 tablespoons butter. 4 eggs beaten separately. 2 teaspoons yeast powder. Beat the yolks lightly, stir in the milk, then the melted butter, flour mixed with yeast powder, salt and lastly the whites whipped to a stiff froth. Have irons hot and buttered, cook quickly. HOMINY WAFFLES. 1/2 cap boiled hominy. 1 1/2 pts. milk. 1 tablespoon butter. l/2pt. cold water. 3 eggs beaten separately. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 2 pts. flour. 2 teaspoons yeast powder. Mix the yolks of eggs and butter with the cold hominy, add flour, milk and water and beat, then add the whites whipped stiff and yeast powder. Have the waffle irons hot; do not grease them too much. 190 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. RICE WAFFLES. 1 qt. milk. 3 eggs beaten separately. 1/2 cup boiled rice. 2 teaspoons yeast powder. 1 tablespoon butter. A little salt. Add the butter, salt and milk to the rice while warm. When cold add the eggs beaten well, then stir in whites whipped stiff, flour and yeast powder. Bake in waffle irons and serve hot. CHEESE STRAWS. 1 cup grated cheese. 1 1/4 cup butter. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1 1/2 cups flour. 1 gill water. Mix cheese, flour, butter, pepper and water together, roll and cut into strips. Polish the top of each straw or or biscuit with the whipped white of egg. Bake in a moderate oven. FRITTERS. BANANA FRITTERS. 4 bananas. 1 cup cracker flour. 1 egg. 1 cup milk. 1 teaspoon yeast powder. Beat the bananas to a cream, add egg, milk and cracker flour sifted with yeast powder, then fry in hot lard and dust with sugar. Can be served with lemon or vanilla sauce. PEACH FRITTERS. 2 cups flour. 2 cups milk. 3 eggs. 2 tablespoons sugar. G soft peaches. 2 tablespoons baking powder. Make a batter of flour, eggs and yeast powder, stir in peaches cut fine. Fry in hot lard and dust with powdered sugar. RICE FRITTERS. 1 1/2 cups boiled rice. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. 1 cup flour. 3 tablespoons sugar. 1 cup milk. 2 eggs. 2 teaspoons yeast powder. 194 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. Ma-ke a batter of flour, eggs, milk and yeast powder, stir in the rice, cinnamon and sugar. Fry in boiling lard, dust with sugar. VANILLA FEITTEKS. 3 eggs. 1 cup sugar. 3 cups flour. 2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder. 3 cups milk. 1 tablespoon vanilla. Mix the same as other fritters and fry until light brown, sprinkle with sugar. GRIDDLE CAKES. COKN MEAL GEIDDLE CAKES WITH KICE. 1/2 pt. meal. 1 pt. milk. 1 tablespoon boiled rice or hominy. 1 tablespoon flour. 2 eggs beaten separately. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon yeast powder. Mix meal with hot hominy or rice, when cold add eggs, milk, salt and yeast powder, then add the whites. Fry in thin cakes. CORN MEAL CAKES. 1/2 pt. meal. 2 eggs beaten separately. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1 pt. milk. 1 tablespoon flour. 1 teaspoon yeast powder. Make a batter of all the above and then add whites whipped to a stiff froth. Eub the grid irons with a piece of bacon and make cakes very thin, stir the batter every time it is used. BUCKWHEAT CAKES. 1 cup sifted meal. 1/2 teaspoon soda, 1 qt. boiling milk. 1 teaspoon salt. 3 cups buckwheat. 1 egg. 1 tablespoon molasses. 198 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. Scald meal with boiling milk, when cold add buck- wheat. Leave this over night; in the morning stir in the molasses, soda, salt and egg beaten very light. Fry on hot griddle. CORN DEOP CAKES. 1 pt. meal. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon lard. 1 cup boiling milk. 2 eggs, beaten separately. Pour boiling milk over meal and stir in salt and lard. When cold add the yolks of eggs, beaten well, and if too thick add a little more milk, then put in the whites whipped to a stiff froth. Drop batter with a spoon on greased griddle and fry. FLANNEL CAKES. 1 pt. flour. 1 teaspoon soda. 1 pt. buttermilk. 1/2 teaspoon salt. Beat all the above together and bake into cakes. HOE CAKES. 1 pt. meal. 1 teaspoon lard. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1 cup boiling water. 1/2 cup milk. Scald meal, stir in salt and lard, let stand for about 2 hours, then add milk. Bake into cakes on a hot griddle. MUSH CAKES. 1 pt water. 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup meal. 2 eggs beaten separately. 1 pt flour. 1 pt milk. 1 teaspoon yeast powder. GRIDDLE CAKES. 199 Boil water and add meal, when cold add flour, milk, salt and yolks, then the whites whipped to a stiff froth and yeast powder. Make into cakes and fry. PAN CAKES. 2 cups flour. 1/2 cup sugar. 3 1/2 cups milk. 1/2 cup butter. 2 eggs. 1 lemon. 1 teaspoon yeast powder. 1/4 teaspoon salt. Mix flour, milk, eggs beaten separately, yeast powde T> and salt, fry in large cakes. Cream butter and sugar and add the lemon juice. When the cakes are fried butter each one with this and roll. STALE BREAD CAKE. 1 1/2 pts. boiling milk. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 cup bread crumbs. 2 eggs beaten separately. 1 cup flour. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon yeast powder. Pour the boiling milk over the bread crumbs, when cold add to this flour, butter, yolks of eggs, salt and then the whites whipped stiff and the yeast powder. Fry, but not too quickly. WHEAT CAKES. 3/4 Ib. flour. 1 teaspoon salt. 2 teaspoons baking powder. 3 eggs beaten separately. Milk enough to make a batter. WO THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. Mix all altogether, putting in last the whites of eggs beaten to a stiff froth and yeast powder. Fry on hot buttered griddle. WHEAT CAKES WITH HOMINY. 1 pt. flour. 2 eggs beaten separately. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon sugar. 1 pt. milk. 1 teaspoon yeast powder. 1 tablespoon soft boiled rice or hominy. After mixing add the whipped whites and yeast powder. Fry on hot buttered griddle. PASTRY AND PIES. PASTRY No. 1. 8 ozs. flour. 2 ozs. lard. 1 coffeespoon salt. 2 ozs. butter. 4 tablespoons ice water. Mix all together and roll into thin sheets. PASTRY NO. 2. 16 ozs. flour. Juice of 1/2 lemon. 12 ozs. butter. Yolk of 1 egg. 1 gal. ice water. Mix with a fork the flour with one-half of the butter, yolk of egg, ice water and lemon juice. Roll pastry thin, spread on it the balance of the butter, fold and roll several times until well mixed. SWEET APPLE PIE. 18 apples. 2 tablespoons butter. 2 eggs. 1 1/2 cups sugar. 1/2 cup cream. 1 lemon. Grate apples and beat in melted butter, sugar, cream, eggs and the juice of lemon; put this in pastry with strips of pastry across and bake. THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. DUTCH APPLE PIE. 1 cup brown sugar. 1 teaspoon powdered cinnamon. 1 doz. apples. 1/2 cup butter. Peel and core apples and slice very thin, put into pastry and cover with sugar, a little cinnamon and butter, then put in another layer of apples fixed in the same way. Bake about 3/4 of an hour. CHEESE PIE. Yolks of 4 eggs. 4 1/2 ozs. sugar. 4 ozs. butter. 2 tablespoons powdered sugar. Beat lightly together the yolks of 4 eggs the white of 1 egg, melted butter and sugar. Put into pastry and bake slowly until cooked ; then put on top a meringue made of the whites of 3 eggs and powdered sugar and bake a little longer. CHOCOLATE PIE. 1 qt. milk. 2 tablespoons corn starch. 1 cup sugar. 5 tablespoons grated chocolate. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 tablespoon vanilla. 3 eggs, 2 tablespoons powdered sugar. Make a pastry and bake it, then put in the cream, which is made by boiling milk with chocolate, corn starch, sugar, butter, yolks of eggs and vanilla, bake about 5 minutes. Make a meringue of the whites of eggs and 2 table- spoons of powdered sugar and put on top and bake again a few minutes until brown PASTRY AND PIES. 205 COCOANUT PIE. 2 eggs. 1 tablespoon butter. 1/2 cocoanut (grated). 1 cup sugar. 1 teaspoon vanilla. Mix all together, bake pastry, put coeoanut filling in and bake again. CRANBERRY PIE. 1 cup cranberries. 2 cups sugar. 2 cups water. Boil cranberries with water for 1/2 hour, then add sugar and boil 15 minutes longer. Put between pastry and bake. CREAM CHEESE PIE. 2 cream cheese. 1 tablespoon flour. 1 cup cream. 8 tablespoons sugar. 4 eggs. 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon. Mix cheese, cream andflour together, add whipped eggs, sugar and cinnamon, beat well, put in pastry and bake. CREAM AND CITRON PIE. Lightly beaten yolks of 5 eggs. 2 level tablespoons flour. 1 pt. cream. 1 teaspoon butter. 1/4 teaspoon lemon extract. 4 ozs. sugar. 4 ozs. citron. Mix well together eggs, butter, flour, sugar, cream, citron and lemon extract, put into cooked pastry, and bake until brown. 206 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. LEMON PIE. 2 tablespoons butter. 3 lemons. 2 tablespoons flour. 1 1/2 cups sugar. 8 eggs. 1 teaspoon yeast powder. Cream butter and 1 cup of sugar, add flour, yeast powder, yolks of eggs, and the juice of 3 and the rind of 1 lemon, put into cooked pastry and bake. Then put a meringue made of the whites of eggs and 1/2 cup of sugar on top, and bake a few minutes longer. MINCE MEAT FOE PIES. 2 finely minced boiled veal tongues. 1 Ib. chopped seeded raisins. 1 Ib. minced suet. 1 Ib. whole seeded raisins. 1 teaspoon salt. 2 1/2 Ibs. finely minced apples. 1 teaspoon cloves. 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon. 1 teaspoon mace. 1 teaspoon grated nutmeg. 1 1/2 Ibs. currants. 2 ozs. candied lemon peel. 12 ozs. sugar. 2 ozs. candied orange peel. 1/2 pt. brandy. 2 ozs. candied citron peel. 1/2 pt sherry. Mix all together, put in jars and seal. PLANTATION PIE. 2 tablespoons butter. 3 eggs. 1 cup sugar. 2 lemons. 1 cup molasses. 2 tablespoons flour. Boil molasses, butter and sugar 15 minutes, when cold add eggs, juice of lemons and flour; bake in pastry r firm. PASTRY AND PIES. 207 IRISH POTATO PIE. 4 boiled potatoes. 3 eggs. 1/2 cup sugar. 1 teaspoon allspice. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 tablespoon brandy. 1/3 cup cream. Mash potatoes with cream and butter, add sugar, yolks of eggs, brandy and allspice; bake in pastry. Make a meringue of whites of eggs, put on top and bake a few minutes until brown. PUMPKIN PIE. 1 pt. stewed pumpkin. 1 pinch salt. 1/2 pt milk. 3/4 cup sugar. 3 eggs beaten separately. I 1/2 tablespoons butter. 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger. Mix all the above ingredients and bake in cooked pas- try. STRAWBERRY SHORT CAKE. 2 qts. strawberries. 1 1/2 tablespoons butter. 1 qt. flour. 1 egg well beaten. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 pt. milk. 1 1/2 cups sugar. 2 teaspoons cream of tartar mixed with flour. 1 level teaspoon soda dissolved in milk. Mix 5 tablespoons sugar with butter, salt, egg and flour, add milk and make into a soft dough, roll this into thin sheets, cut and bake in jelly cake pans; while hot, butter, and place between layers, strawberries crushed with sugar. Serve with sweet cream. PUDDINGS, JELLIES AND CUSTARDS. APPLE FAKCIE. 1 doz. large apples. 3/4 cup shelled pecans (minced). 3/4 cup seeded raisins. 1/2 cup citron (minced fine). 1 pt. whipped cream. 2 cups apples (minced fine). 1 wine glass sherry. 1 cup crystalized cherries. 1 pinch grated nutmeg. 2 tablespoons powdered sugar. Cut off tops of apples, remove the inside with a sharp knife or spoon. Mix together the citron, rasins, minced apple, cherries, pecans, wine, nutmeg, sugar and 3/4 of the whipped cream. Fill apple shells with this and serve with one teaspoon of remaining cream on top of each apple. APPLE PUDDING. 1 doz. sliced apples. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 cup sugar. 3 eggs. 1 1/2 cups cream. Cook apples with sugar and butter until soft, then press through a sullender, add cream, the yolks of eggs, and bake a few minutes. Make a meringue of whites of eggs and sugar, put on top and bake a little longer. BAKED APPLE DUMPLINGS. 1 doz. peeled and cored apples. 1 pt. w^ater. 3 tablespoons butter. 1 1/2 cups sugar. 1/2 teaspoon powdered cinnamon. 212 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. Steam apples about 1/2 hour. Make a pastry and cut m pieces the size of a saucer and put an apple on ei<-< piece, fill center of apples with butter, cinnamon and sugar, fold in pastry, put into pan with 1 pt. of water 1 cup of sugar and 1 tablespoon of butter. Bake and baste frequently until brown. BARONESS PUDDING. 3/4 Ib. suet (minced fine). 3/4 Ib. flour. 3/4 Ib. raisins. 1/2 pt. milk. 1/4 teaspoon salt. 1/4 coffeespoon soda dissolved in the milk. Mix flour, suet and salt gradually together, add the milk, and raisins, beat the batter very light, boil in a mould 4 1/2 hours. Serve hot with any kind of sauce. BAVARIAN CREAM. 1/2 pkg. gelatine, soaked in cream. 1 cup cream. 2 ozs. sugar. 1 pt. milk. 2 eggs well beaten separately. 1 teaspoon vanilla. 3/4 of cup of crystalized cherries (minced). Put milk with cream and gelatine on in a double boiler, stir in yolks of eggs and sugar beaten together while boiling, let this thicken, then set aside to get cool, when cold stir in vanilla, white of eggs and cherries, put into moulds and set on ice to congeal. Serve with whipped cream. > BLANC MANGE. 1 qt. sweet cream. 1 wine glass Maraschino. 1/2 cup cold milk. 4 ozs. pounded almonds. 3 ozs. sugar. 1/2 oz. gelatine, dissolved in milk. 3 or 4 small pieces cinnamon bark. PUDDINGS, JELLIES AND CUSTARDS. Put 1 pt. of cream on to boil with gelatine, sugar, and cinnamon, when boiled set aside to cool, then add the other pint of cream, almonds, and Maraschino; put into moulds that have been dipped in ice water, and set on ice until congealed. BREAD PUDDING. 1 loaf bread. 3 eggs. 1 glass jelly. 3 pts. milk. 1 cup sugar. Trim all the crust from bread, break bread into small pieces and soak in milk about 1 hour, beat into this the yolks of eggs and sugar ; set into a pan of water and bake. When baked put in the jelly, and then the whites of eggs beaten to a stiff froth, on top. Bake quickly until it is light brown. Kaisins or prunes can be added to the bread, if desired. CARAMEL PUDDING. 1 1/2 cups sugar. 5 eggs. 1 qt. hot milk. 1 teaspoon of vanilla. 2 tablespoons powdered sugar. Burn sugar in sauce-pan until it is brown, then stir in hot milk; pour this gradually over the beaten yolks of eggs and vanilla stirring all the time, put into a bowl, set in a pan of water and bake about 10 minutes. Make a meringue of whites of eggs and the powdered sugar, put on top of pudding, bake quickly a few minutes until brown ; when cold serve with sweet cream. THE "NONE SUCH" CREAM BATTER PUDDING. 8 eggs. 1 qt. milk. 12 tablespoons flour. Beat eggs quickly, add flour and milk and bake at once. Serve with a hard sauce. 814 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. CHARLOTTE RUSSE. Yolks of 6 eggs. 1 pt. milk. 6 ozs. sugar. 1 pt. sweet cream. 1/4 oz. gelatine. 1 teaspoon vanilla. 2 1/2 doz. lady fingers. Dissolve the gelatine in milk and put into a double boiler, when boiling add eggs and sugar beaten together, when thick strain and set aside to cool; then stir in the whipped cream and vanilla. Line the mould with lady fingers, trimming each side and end, put the cream into the mould and put a piece of white paper on top before putting on cover, then pack mould in ice and salt. Let it stand for 3 or 4 hours before serving. MOCK CHARLOTTE RUSSE WITH ALMONDS. 1 pt. milk. 1 cup sugar. 1 qt. whipped cream. 1 cup blanched almonds. Yolks of 5 eggs. 11/2 doz. lady fingers. 1 tablespoon gelatine dissolved in milk. Boil the milk, with gelatine in double boiler, stir in the yolks creamed with sugar, when thick set aside to get cold. Line a dish with lady fingers ; pour in the custard, with a layer of almonds and cream alternately, putting a thin layer of almonds on top. Put on ice until cold, then serve. CHAMPAGNE JELLY. 1 1/2 ozs. gelatine dissolved in 1/2 pt. water. 2 lemons. 1 pt. water. 5 cloves. 2 eggs, whites and shells. 1 or 2 pieces cinnamon. 1 gill white wine. 7 ozs. cut loaf sugar. 1 pt. champagne. PUDDINGS, JELLIES AND CUSTARDS. Put water on to boil with gelatine, spices (in a small muslin bag) sugar, juice of 2 and rine of 1 lemon and 1 gill wine, when this comes to a boil add the whites of eggs and shells and boil 5 minutes, then strain through a flannel several times. Set on ice to congeal, when nearly firm stir in the champagne. Serve when thor- oughly congealed. CHOCOLATE JELLY. 1 pt, cream. 1/2 Ib. sweet chocolate. 1 pt. milk. 1/2 box gelatine. 3 eggs. 1 cup sugar. 1 teaspoon vanilla. Boil the milk and cream with chocolate; when boiled stir in the eggs and sugar, put into double boiler and add gelatine, boil about 5 minutes longer, then take off and put aside to get cool, when nearly cold stir in vanilla, set on ice until congealed. CHOCOLATE AND BREAD PUDDING. 2 slices soaked bread. 4. eggs. 1 pt. milk. 4 tablespoons sugar. 1/2 cake sweet chocolate. 2 tablespoons butter. 1/2 teaspoon vanilla, Boil milk, stir in chocolate and butter, then pour this over the bread which has been mixed with eggs, sugar and vanilla. Bake 1/2 hour. Serve cold. CHOCOLATE SOUFFLE. Chocolate souffle is made the same as souffle pudding, with the addition of 1/2 Ib. of chocolate boiled in milk. THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. COCOANUT PUDDING. 1 grated cocoanut. Whites of 6 eggs (whipped). 1/4 Ib. butter. 1 cup cocoanut milk. 7 ozs. sugar. Season with vanilla. Cream butter and sugar, add cocoanut, cocoanut milk, eggs and vanilla. Bake and serve when cold. This can be baked in pastry as a pie. COTTAGE PUDDING. 3/4 cup milk. 1 cup sugar. 2 eggs well beaten. 2 1/3 cups flour. 1 teaspoon vanilla, 3/4 cup seeded raisins. 2 heaping tablespoons butter. 1 1/2 heaping teaspoons yeast powder. Cream butter and sugar, add eggs beaten separately, milk, raisins, and flour mixed with yeast powder. Bake 3/4 hour and serye hot with anv kind of sauce. CUP CUSTARD. 1 qt. milk. 6 eggs. 1 1/2 cups sugar. 1 teaspoon vanilla. Dissolve the sugar in milk; beat the eggs together, but not too light then mix with the milk and sugar and add vanilla; put into cups or moulds, set into a pan of water and bake until it becomes firm and brown. DELMONICO PUDDING. 1 qt. milk. 1 doz. lady fingers. 5 yolks of eggs (beaten). 1 wine glass sherry. 5 tablespoons sugar. 1 pt. whipped cream. 3 tablespoons corn starch. 2 bxs. giiava jelly. PUDDINGS, JELLIES AND CUSTARDS. 217 Boil milk and thicken with eggs, sugar and corn starch, and put aside to cool. Place 1/2 of the lady fingers soaked in wine in a bowl, pour over this the custard, a box of guava jelly cut fine, then put in the balance of the lady fingers dipped in wine, and on top of this add the cream and the other box of jelly sliced thin. Put on ice and serve when cold. FIG PUDDING. 1/4 Ib. dried figs (cut fine). 2 eggs. 1/4 Ib. bread crumbs. 1/2 cup milk. 1/4 Ib. suet (minced). 1 teaspoon yeast powder. 1/4 Ib. sugar. 1 wine glass sherry. Chop suet, figs, and bread crumbs together, add eggs beaten with sugar, yeast powder dissolved in milk, and sherry. Put into a buttered mould and boil 2 hours. Serve hot with any kind of sauce, FLOATING ISLAND WITH GUAVA JELLY. 1 qt. milk. 8 tablespoons sugar. 5 eggs. 2 boxes of Guava jelly. Boil milk and stir in yolks of eggs beaten with sugar, and set on ice. When cold, add whipped whites of eggs, and jelly cut in fine pieces. Serve when very cold. HASTY PUDDING. 6 eggs, beaten separately. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 6 tablespoons flour. 1 qt. milk. Dissolve flour in milk, add salt and yolks of eggs well beaten, then mix in the whites of eggs beaten to a stiff froth ; bake immediately in a buttered dish set into a pan of water. Serve hot with anv kind of sauce. 218 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. ORANGE JELLY. 1 teacup sugar. Juice of 8 oranges. 1 pt. milk. 1/4 Ib. crystallized cherries. 1 pt. whipped cream. 2 lemons. Yolks of 5 eggs. 1/2 box gelatine, soaked in water. 8 orange rines cut in basket shape. Put the milk on to boil with gelatine, add the sugar and eggs creamed and stir until it thickens, take from fire and let get cold, then add the juice of 8 oranges and 2 lemons. Fill orange rines with this and put on ice to congeal, just before serving add a tablespoon of cream and a teaspoon of crystallized cherries to each. ORANGE CUSTARD. 6 oranges. 1 pt. milk. 1 cup sugar. 3 eggs. 2 tablespoons corn starch. Boil the milk and stir in the corn starch, eggs and 4 tablespoon^ of sugar mixed together. Slice the oranges lengthwise and put sugar over them and pour the custard over this. Whip the whites of eggs to a stiff froth, add a little sugar put on top of custard and bake quickly until brown. Serve cold. PEACH PUDDING (WITH CUSTARD SAUCE). 1 doz. or 1 can peaches. 4 eggs . 1 1/2 cups sugar. 1 pt, milk. 2 sticks cinnamon. 1 teaspoon vanilla. Mix peaches and cinnamon with 3/4 cup of sugar and cook about 1/2 hour. Make a meringue of the whites of PUDLINGS, JELLIES AND CUSTARDS. 219 eggs and 1/4 cup of sugar, put on top of peaches and bake a few minutes, Make a sauce by boiling milk, yolks of 2 eggs, 1/2 cup of sugar, and vanilla. Serve cold. PLUM PUDDING. 1 Ib. seeded raisins. 1/2 Ib. flour. 1 Ib. currents. 1 pt. milk. 1 Ib. suet (minced fine). 1 teaspoon salt. 1/4 Ib. sugar. 1 wine glass brandy. 1/2 Ib. bread crumbs. 1 wine glass sherry. 1/4 Ib. citron (cut fine). 1 grated nutmeg. 8 eggs, beaten separately. 2 teaspoons baking powder. Juice and grated peeling of 1 lemon. Mix all well together and boil 6 hours in a mould. "SIMPLE" PLUM PUDDING. 6 ozs. suet (minced fine). 3 ozs. bread crumbs, 8 ozs. seeded raisins. 3 ozs. flour. 8 ozs. currants. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1/4 teaspoon powdered cinnamon. 1/4 grated nutmeg. 1/4 teaspoon powdered cloves. 1 oz. citron. Juice and cut peeling of 1 orange. 4 ozs. snira.r. 3 eggs beaten separately. 1/2 pt. milk. Mix all the above ingredients together, and boil in a mould 6 hours. Serve with any kind of sauce. SWEET POTATO PUDDING. 8 grated sweet potatoes. 1 qt. milk. 1 coffeespoon powdered cinnamon. 1 1/2 cups sugar. 1 1/2 tablespoons butter. 3 eggs well beaten. THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. Melt the butter, add cinnamon, sugar, milk, eggs and potatoes, mix well and bake in a pan set into another pan filled with water about 1 hour. EICE PUDDING. 2 cups boiled rice. 1 1/2 pts. milk. 3 eggs. ! , : 1/2 cup sugar. 1/4 teaspoon vanilla. Jleat milk, mix with beaten yolks of eggs and sugar, add rice and vanilla, and bake until firm. Make a mer- ingue of whites of eggs and sugar; put on top of padding and bake until brown. Serve with cream. EIOE AND PEACH PUDDING. 2 cups boiled rice. 6 level tablespoons sugar. 1 doz. or 1 can peaches. Whites of 4 eggs. 1 pinch salt. Juice of 1/2 lemon. Mix the rice with sugar, salt, lemon juice and peaches ; put this in a baking dish and bake 10 minutes; then put on top, a meringue of whites of eggs and sugar and bake a few minutes longer. Serve cold with cream. ROLEY POLEY PUDDING. 1/2 pt. preserves, or cooked fruit. 8 ozs. flour. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 4 ozs. shredded beef suet. 2 tablespoons ice water. Make a pastry of flour, suet, salt and ice water, roll several times. Butter the sheet with preserves or fruit, PUDDINGS, JELLIES AND CUSTARDS. leaving one inch from each side, then roll and put into a well floured cloth and boil 1 1/2 hours. Serve with sweet cream or foam sauce. SNOW JELLY. Whites of 8 eggs. 2 cups sugar. 1/2 box gelatine. 1 1/2 cups water. Juice of 4 lemons. Dissolve the gelatine in cold water, add the lemon juice and sugar, cook about 5 minutes, then strain; when cold stir in the whites of eggs beaten to a stiff froth, and put on ice several hours before serving. It is also very nice when made of 3/4 cup of strawberries or 3/4 cup of crystallized cherries and the juice of 2 lemons instead of the juice of 4 lemons. SOUFFLE PUDDING. 3 tablespoons flour. 3 tablespoons sugar. 1 pt. milk. 5 eggs. 1 1/2 tablespoons butter. Boil the milk with butter, stir in flour and sugar and let cook until thick, put aside until cold; then stir in the yolks beaten very light and add the whites of eggs beaten to a stiff froth ; put this in a buttered dish, set into a pan of water and bake about 20 minutes. Serve with hard sauce made of butter and sugar creamed, with a little brandy. TAPIOCA PUDDING. 1 small cup tapioca, 1 doz. apples. 2 cups sugar. THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. Pare and core apples, put into baking dish and cover with sugar. Soak the tapioca in one quart of water 4 or 5 hours, then pour over apples and bake slowly 1 1/2 hours. Serve cold with cream. WINE JELLY. 2 ozs. gelatine dissolved in 1 1/2 pts. cold water. 1 1/2 pts. boiling water. 10 ozs. sugar. 2 sticks cinnamon. 3 lemons. 4 pieces mace. Shells and whites of 3 eggs. 2 1/2 gills sherry. 1/2 doz. cloves. 1 1/2 gills brandy. To the dissolved gelatine add the boiling water, spices, sugar, juice of 3 and rind of 2 lemons and 1 gill sherry, boil this 5 minutes, then add the igg shells crushed and the whites of eggs whipped stiff and boil 2 minutes longer, strain white hot 3 times through a flannel cloth dipped in hot water; when cool add the balance of wine and brandy. Put into moulds and place on ice to congeal. Sliced oranges or grapes can be added to the jelly before putting on ice to congeal, if desired. ICE CREAM AND WATER ICES. BANANA ICE CEEAM. 8 bananas. 1 qt. cream. 1/2 pt. inilk. 1 1/2 cups sugar. Press bananas with a fork, add sugar, milk and whipped cream; freeze and serve in banana skins. BISQUIT. 3 pts. sweet cream (whipped). 1 pt. milk. 1/2 cup raspberry syrup. 12 ozs. sugar. 1/2 cup water. Yolks of 8 eggs. 1 vanilla bean boiled in 1/2 cup milk. Put the milk in a double boiler, when boiled add yolks of eggs and sugar creamed, and vanilla; let this thicken, but do not let it boil, strain through a muslin cloth, set on ice to get cold. Freeze the raspberry syrup and water, when frozen put it into a mould covering the bottom 1 inch. Then take the cream previously put on ice to get cold and stir into it the whipped cream, put this into mould on top of frozen raspberry syrup. (1 cup of crystalized fruit cut fine and added is a nice addition). Pack the mould in ice and salt and let stand three hours; cut in slices 1 inch thick and serve. THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. CARAMEL ICE CKEAM. 1 Ib. sugar. 1 qt. whipped cream. 1 pt. milk. 1 teaspoon vanilla. Burn sugar in a dry hot pan ; scald milk and put burnt sugar in it, when cold add cream and vanilla and freeze. CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM. 1 pt. cream ( whipped).! tablespoon powdered sugar. 1 pt. cream. 1 tablespoon powdered gelatine. 1 pt. milk. 1/2 cup crystalized apricots. 2 doz. lady fingers. 1/2 vanilla bean. 1/2 Ib. chocolate. 1/2 cup crystalized cherries. 3 eggs. 1/2 cup crystalized figs. 1 cup sugar. 1/2 wine glass sherry. 1/2 cup crystalized pineapple. Dissolve gelatine in 1 cup of cream. Put milk and 1 cup of cream on to boil with vanilla bean, when boiled add gelatine, chocolate and yolks of eggs whipped with sugar. Line a mould with lady fingers, put fruits mixed with chocolate custard and wine into mould. Pack in ice and salt for several hours. Serve with whipped cream mixed with powdered sugar. FROZEN CREAM CHEESE. 3 cream cheese. 1/2 pt. water. 1 qt. cream. 1/4 teaspoon soda. 1 pt. milk. 2 cups sugar. 1/2 cup condensed milk. 2 teaspoons vanilla. Dissolve the condensed milk in hot water, add soda and cream cheese and press through a sieve several times, then add cream, milk, sugar and vanilla; freeze. ICE CREAM AND WATER ICES. PINEAPPLE AND COCOANUT ICE CKEAM. 1 grated cocoanut. 2 qts. sweet cream. 2 cups sugar. 1 cup cocoanut milk. 1 pineapple (cut fine). s* Sweeten cream and cocoanut milk with sugar and add the grated cocoanut. Put into freezer and when partly frozen add the pineapple. CKEAM MADE FROM JAM. 1 cup marmalade or jam. 2 tablespoons sugar. 2 pts. sweet cream. 1 lemon. Crush jam with creain and sugar, add the lemon juice id freeze. and freeze. LEMON WATEE ICE. 8 lemons. 1 1/2 qts. water. 2 oranges. 1/4 cup milk. 1 Ib. sugar. White of one egg. 1/2 pineapple or one can (cut fine). Boil sugar with water until it becomes a thick syrup, when cold put in the lemon and orange juice and the grated rind of 1 lemon. Just before freezing add the milk, pineapple and egg. MACCAEOON ICE CEEAM. 2 pts. cream. 2 oranges. 4 ozs. maccaroons. 4 ozs. sugar. Whip the cream and sweeten, put into freezer, when nearly frozen add the pounded maccaroons with the grated rind of 1 and the juice of 2 oranges, freeze firm. THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. MARASCHINO ICE CREAM 3 pts. creain. 1 1/2 glasses maraschino. Whites of 3 eggs. 5 ozs. sugar. Whip eggs and sugar, add whipped cream. Put into freezer and when partly frozen add the maraschino. If this is not sweet enough add 2 more tablespoons of sugar. MILK SHERBEET. 1 1/2 pts. cream or milk. Peeling of 1 lemon grated. 1 Ib. sugar. Juice of 2 lemons. White of 1 egg. Scald milk or cream with lemon peel and sugar, then freeze. When nearly frozen add the whipped white of egg and lemon juice. NUT CREAM. 1/2 Ib. almonds (minced). 1 wine glass brandy. 1/2 Ib. chopped walnut. 2 qts. cream. 1/2 Ib. chopped pecans. 3 cups sugar. Whip cream and stir in nuts, sugar and brandy. Freeze. ORANGE SHERBERT. 1 doz. oranges. 1/2 Ib. sugar. 4 lemons. 1 1/2 pts. water. 2 tablespoons milk. Boil sugar and water together with the grated rind of 1 orange and 1 lemon and boil until thick. When cold ICE CREAM AND WATER ICES. put in orange and lemon juice. Just before freezing add the milk. A pinch of saffron dissolved in a little alcohol gives a pretty color. Serve in orange skins. PEACH OK APRICOT CREAM. 1 qt. cream. 2 doz. peaches or 1 can peaches or apricots. 1 cup sugar. 1 pt. milk. If fresh fruits are used, crush with sugar, add milk and cream; if canned fruits are used, boil the juice with sugar and pour while hot over the canned fruit before crushing. Freeze. PEACH WATER ICE. 1 1/2 Ibs. soft peaches. Juice of 1 lemon. 1 qt. water. 4 ozs. sugar. 3 kernels of peaches, pounded and put in ice water. Boil the sugar in water with the peach kernels, when cold add peaches and press through a sieve, then add lemon juice. Freeze. PINEAPPLE SHERBERT. 1 pineapple. 3 pts. water. 8 ozs. sugar. Juice of 3 lemons. 1 pinch saffron dissolved in a tablespoon alcohol. Chop pineapple fine. Boil sugar and water with lemon juice, when cold put in pineapple and saffron. Freeze and serve in pineapple skins. S30 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. PISTACHE ICE CREAM. 2 qts. cream. 3 eggs. 2 1/2 ozs. blanched almonds. 7 ozs. sugar. A little green vegetable coloring. Pound almonds very fine and cook with sugar in 1 pt. cream, when cold add the coloring, whites of eggs and the rest of the cream. Freeze. STRAWBERRY ICE WITH WHIPPED CREAM. 3 qts. strawberries. 2 lemons. 3 cups sugar. 2 cups water. 1 qt. whipped cream. Crush berries with sugar, add water and lemon juice; let it stand several hours. Freeze and serve with whipped cream. TUTTI-FRUITTI ICE CREAM. 1/4 Ib. crystalized cherries. 1/4 Ib. crystalized pineapple 1/4 Ib. crystalized figs. 2 qts. cream. 1/4 Ib. citron. 1 cup powdered sugar. 1/4 Ib. blanched almonds, 1 wine glass maraschino. Whip cream, add sugar and freeze. When nearly frozen put in the fruits, nuts and maraschino. VANILLA ICE CREAM WITH HOT CHOCOLATE SAUCE. 1 qt. sweet cream. 8 ozs. sugar. 1 1/2 pts. milk. Yolks of 4 eggs. 1 vanilla bean (split) Boil milk with vanilla bean and stir in eggs and sugar well beaten. When cold add the whipped cream and freeze. Serve with hot chocolate sauce. CAKES AND ICINGS. BOILED ICING. Whites of 3 eggs. 1 Ib. sugar. 1 teaspoon vanilla. Moisten the sugar with a little water and then stir in the whites of eggs beaten to a froth. Cook in a double boiler about 1/2 hour, then add the vanilla. Pour on platter and whip until thick. CHOCOLATE ICING. 3/4 Ib. sweet chocolate. 1 teaspoon butter. 1/2 cup cream. 1 1/2 cups sugar. 1/2 cup milk. Heat the milk, butter and cream, and dissolve the chocolate in it, then put in the sugar and cook until it turns hard when dropped in water. ALMOND AND CITRON CAKE. 1 Ib. sugar. 2 Ibs. chopped pelled almonds. 1 Ib. flour. 1 grated cocoanut. 1 Ib. butter. 1 glass brandy. 10 eggs beaten separately. 1 grated nutmeg. 2 Ibs. citron. 2 teaspoons yeast powder. 234 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. Cream butter and sugar, add yolks of eggs, flour and whites of eggs alternately, stir in cocoanut, brandy and yeast powder, then the citron and almonds dusted with a little flour; beat well and thoroughly. Bake slowly. BANNER CUP CAKE. 6 eggs beaten separately. 1 1/2 cups milk. 3 cups sugar. 3 teaspoons yeast powder. 6 cups flour. 1 1/2 cups butter. 1 tablespoon whiskey. Mix well the above together, bake in muffin rings. BLACK CAKE. 1 doz. eggs beaten separately. 1 Ib. sugar. 1 Ib. citron sliced thin. 1 Ib. browned flour. 1 Ib. blanched and minced almonds. 1 1/4 Ibs. butter. 1 teaspoon ground cloves. 3 Ibs. seeded raisins. 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 2 Ibs. currants. 1 teaspoon allspice. 2 grated nutmegs. 1/2 large glass brandy. 1 wine glass sherry. Cream butter and sugar, add the eggs beaten separate- ly, then add flour, spices and fruits, and beat until light. After all the above has been mixed add the wine and brandy and bake about 4 hours. IMPERIAL BLACK CAKE. 1 Ib. flour. 1 Ib. almonds (cut fine). 1 1/4 Ibs. sugar. 10 eggs, beaten separately. 1 Ib. butter. 1 grated nutmeg. 1 Ib. seeded raisins, 2 wine glasses brandy. 1 Ib. currants. 1 small glass rose water, 1/2 Ib. citron cut in small pieces. CAKES AND ICINGS. 235 Cream butter and sugar, stir in eggs, flour and nutmeg, add fruits and almonds dusted with flour, then rose water and brandy. Bake about 4 hours. QUEEN BLACK CAKE. 1 1/2 Ibs. blanched and minced almonds. 1 Ib. shelled and minced pecans. 1 1/8 Ibs. butter. 2 Ibs. currants. 1 1/8 Ibs. flour. 1/2 Ib. citron, cut fine. 1 1/4 Ibs. sugar. 2 grated nutmegs. 1 doz. eggs, beaten separately. 1 tablespoon cinnamon. 1 1/2 Ibs. grated sweet chocolate. 1 tablespoon cloves. 3 Ibs. seeded raisins. 1 tablespoon allspice. 1/2 Ib. minced dry figs. 1/2 tea cup molasses. 1 wine glass rose water. 1/2 large glass brandy. Make the same as black cake. BOSTON CREAM CAKES OK PUFFS. 4 ozs. butter. 4 eggs. 5 ozs. sifted flour. 1 pinch soda. 1/2 pt. mixed milk and water. Boil water, milk and butter together, stir in flour, beat- ing briskly ; take from fire and set aside to cool, then stir in 1 egg at a time and lastly the soda. Drop small por- tions into pan at a time and bake 15 minutes. When baked open and fill with cream. CREAM FOR PUFFS. 1 pt. milk. 2 ozs. corn starch. 3 1/2 ozs. sugar. Yolks of 3 eggs. Pinch of salt. V36 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. Boil milk, add sugar, eggs, salt and corn starch whipped together, let boil until thick, set aside to cool, flavor with vanilla. BUN CAKE. 1 1/2 cups sugar. 1 cup water. 1/4 cup butter. 2 eggs. 2 1/2 cups flour. 1 cup currants. 2 teaspoons yeast powder. Mix all together and bake into buns. BUTTEK SPONGE FOE JELLY CAKE. 2 cups sifted flour. 3 ozs. butter. 1 cup sugar. 1/2 cup milk. 4 eggs, beaten separately. 1 teaspoon yeast powder. Mix and bake in layers and put jelly between. This should be served the day it is made. CAKAMEL CAKE. 1 cup butter. 4 cups flour. 2 cups sugar. 4 eggs. 1 cup milk. 1 teaspoon vanilla. 2 teaspoons yeast powder. FILLING. 1 1/2 cups brown sugar. 1 tablespoon butter, 1 cup cream. 1 teaspoon vanilla, 2 teaspoons corn starch. CAKES AND ICINGS. 2S7 Bake cake in layers. Make the filling by boiling cream, brown sugar, corn starch and butter, adding vanilla when cold, then put between layers. CHOCOLATE CAKE. 1 Ib. sugar. 1 cup sweet milk. 1 Ib. flour. 3 teaspoons baking powder. 1/2 Ib. butter. 1 Ib. sweet chocolata 6 eggs, beaten separately. 2 teaspoons vanilla. Cream butter and sugar, add yolks of eggs, then whites of eggs and flour with yeast powder alternately, last add the milk and grated chocolate. Bake in a moderate oven. CREAM CAKE. 6 eggs. 2 teaspoons yeast powder. 1/2 Ib. powdered sugar. 1/2 Ib. flour. Cream yolks of eggs and sugar until very light, add whites beaten to a stiff froth, and then mix in yeast powder and flour, stirring very light. Bake into layers in a quick oven. CREAM FOR FILLING. 1 pt, milk. 1 tablespoon butter. 2 tablespoons flour. 1 teaspoon vanilla. 2 eggs. 4 tablespoons sugar. Boil milk and butter. Beat together sugar, eggs and flour, stir into the hot milk and cook until it becomes thick. Put between cakes when cold. THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. COOKIES. 1 heaping teaspoon yeast powder. 3/4 cup of butter. Season as you like. 2 cups sugar. Flour to make a stiff dough. 4 eggs. Cream butter and sugar, and add eggs that have been well beaten, then mix with flour until it becomes a thick dough. Eoll thin, cut into cakes and bake in a hot oven. INEXPENSIVE COOKIES. 3/4 cup lard and butter mixed. 1 egg. 1 teaspoon soda in 1/2 cup milk. 2 cups sugar. Flour to make a stiff dough. Mix well, roll thin, cut into pieces and bake quickly. DEVIL'S AUCTION. 1 cup sugar. 1/2 cup sliced citron. 1 cup butter. 1 cup strong dripped coffee. 1 cup molasses. 5 eggs, beaten separately. 1/2 cup currants. 2 teaspoons mixed spices. 5 cups flour. 1 teaspoon soda beaten in molasses. 1 grated nutmeg. 1 Ib. seeded raisins. Mix as for fruit cake, adding fruit last. Bake slev ' DOUGHNUTS. 4 eggs beaten separately. 1 cup milk. 1/4 cup butter. 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon. 2 cups sugar. 1 teaspoon yeast powder. Flour to make a stiff dough. CAKES AND ICINGS. Mix and roll until quite thin, then cut into rings and fry in hot lard, dust with powdered sugar. VIRGINIA GINGEK CAKE. 1 pt. molasses. 1 teaspoon baking powder. 2 eggs well beaten. 1 teaspoon ground cloves. 2 ozs. brown sugar. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. 1 3/4 Ibs. flour. 1 teaspoon all spice. 3/4 pt sweet milk. 3 ozs, lard and 3 ozs. butter mixed. 2 teaspoons soda. 2 tablespoons minced orange peel. 1 pinch salt. 2 tablespoons ground ginger. Beat well until batter is glossy, adding eggs last, and bake in moderate oven. GINGEK CAKE. 1 qt. molasses. 3 gills water. 2 1/2 Ibs. flour. 2 tea-spoons soda beaten in molasses. 6 ozs. butter. 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon. 3 eggs. 2 tablespoons ground ginger. Cream butter and molasses, then stir in eggs, flour and spices. Beat well and bake in moderate oven. FKUIT CAKE. 1 1/2 Ibs. flour. 1 pt. sour milk. 11/4 Ibs. sugar. 1 cup black molasses. 2 Ibs. currants. 1/2 Ib. sliced citron. 1 Ib. raisins, cut fine. 1 grated nutmeg. 3/4 Ib. butter. 2 teaspoons ground cloves. 6 eggs beaten separately. 1 teaspoon soda. 1 wine glass brandy. THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. Cream butter and sugar, add yolks of eggs well beaten, mollasses, milk mixed with soda, cloves, stir in flour and whites of eggs alternately a little at a time, then the fruits mixed dusted with flour, add brandy. Bake slowly several hours. GINGER SPONGE CAKE. 1/2 cup lard and 1/2 cup butter mixed. 4 eggs beaten separately. 2 teaspoons soda in molasses. 2 1/2 cups molasses. 2 tablespoons ground ginger. 1 cup brown sugar. 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon. 4 1/2 cups flour. 1 tablespoon ground cloves. 1 tea cup ice water. 1 tablespoon ground allspice. Beat the above together until it has a glossy look. This cake requires a great deal of beating. Bake in moderate oven. GOLD CAKE. Yolks of 8 eggs. 2 1/2 cups flour. 1/2 cup butter. 2 teaspoons yeast powder. 1 cup sugar. 1 teaspoon vanilla. 1/2 cup sweet milk. Cream butter and sugar, add yolks of eggs well beaten, then milk and flour alternately, vanilla and yeast pow- der. Bake. JELLY EOLL. 3 eggs, beaten separately. 1 cup flour. 1 cup powdered sugar. 1 teaspoon baking powder. A little salt. 1 glass jelly. 2 tablespoons boiling water. Beat all together, bake quickly in a large shallow pan, while hot spread with jelly and roll quickly. CAKES AND ICINGS. BRANDY JUMBLES. Yolks of 3 eggs. 1/4 cup lard. 2 cups granulated sugar. 3/4 cup butter. 1/2 cup milk. 2 teaspoons yeast powder. 1/4 cup brandy. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Mix all together, add sufficient flour to make dough, roll out thin, sprinkle with sugar, pass rolling pin over it again, cut into small cakes and bake in a hot oven. LUNCHEON CAKE. 12 ozs. sugar. 3 teaspoons baking powder. 8 ozs. butter. 3/4 cup sweet milk. 14 ozs. flour. 6 eggs, beaten separately. 2 teaspoons whiskey. Mix this the same as pound cake. Bake. MARBLE CAKE. 15 ozs. sugar. 2 teaspoons cochineal. Whites of 12 eggs well beaten. 12 ozs. butter. 3/4 cup grated sweet chocolate. 18 ozs. flour. 3 teaspoons baking powder. 1/2 cup cream or milk. 2 tea-spoons vanilla, Cream butter with sugar until white; add cream or milk, then stir in flour and whites of eggs alternately, then baking powder and extract. Divide this into three portions: to one add 3/4 cup grated chocolate; to one, 2 teaspoons cochineal and leave the other third white. Put this into a pan, two tablespoons of each at a time, and bake in moderately hot oven. THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. MARSHMELLOW CAKE. 1 1/8 Ibs. flour. Whites of 15 eggs. 1 1/8 Ibs. sugar. 1/2 cup sweet milk. 9 ozs. butter. 1 teaspoon vanilla. 2 teaspoons yeast powder. Sift yeast powder in flour. Cream butter and sugar until perfectly white, add flour, eggs, milk and a tea- spoon of vanilla. Bake in layers. When cold put filling between. MARSHMELLOW FILLING FOR CAKE. 2 cups sugar. 3 tablespoons gum arabic. Whites of 3 eggs. 1 teaspon vanilla. Dissolve the gum arabic in 8 tablespoons water, add the sugar and boil until it becomes thick like honey, pour this over the whipped whites of 3 eggs, and 1 teaspoon vanilla and whip until cool. ORANGE CAKE. 7 eggs. 3 1/2 cups flour. 1 cup butter. 1 cup milk. 3 1/2 cups sugar. 6 oranges. 2 teaspoons yeast powder. 1 teaspoon whiskey. Cream butter and 2 cups of sugar, add the yolks of 5 eggs and the whites of 5 eggs beaten separately, flour, yeast powder and whiskey. Bake in layers. FILLING. To the juice of 4 oranges add 1 tablespoon butter, yolks of 2 eggs, 1 1/2 cup sugar and 1 tablespoon flour, mix all together and cook until it becomes thick, then put be- tween the layers of cake previously cooked. Put the juice of the other 2 oranges with sugar and the whites of 2 eggs whipped, then cook until thick and serve on top of cake as icing. CAKES AND ICINGS. PEACH LAYER CAKE. 12 eggs, beaten separately. 3/4 Ib. sifted flour. 3/4 Ib. powdered sugar. Juice of 1 lemon. 1 teaspoon yeast powder. 1 can or 1 qt. finely chopped peaches. Beat 9 eggs separately, add sugar to the yolks and beat until light, then add the whites whipped to a stiff froth and mix in lightly the flour, lemon juice and yeast pow- der; never beat after the flour is added; bake in layers, put sweetened peaches between. Make a meringue of the whites of 3 eggs and 3 tablespoons of sugar, put on cake and cook a few minutes until brown. Serve with cream. PECAN CAKE. 2 cups sugar. Whites of 9 eggs. 4 cups flour. 2 teaspoons yeast powder. 1 cup butter. 2 teaspoons almond extract. 1 cup ice water. 2 1/2 cups chopped pecans. Cream butter and sugar, add ice water, then stir in flour, yeast powder, extract and whites of eggs well whipped, then add the pecans. Bake in moderately hot oven. PHILADELPHIA DROP CAKE. 12 ozs. sugar. 1 Ib. flour. 10 ozs. butter. 8 eggs. Beat as for pound cake. Drop on buttered pan and ke. bake. 244 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. PINEAPPLE CAKE. Made the same as orange cake, using 1 cup pineapple in place of orange juice. PLUM CAKE. 1 Ib. sugar. 1 lb. currants. 1 lb. butter. 10 eggs, beaten separately. 1 lb. flour. 1 wine glass brandy. 1 lb. citron. 1 wine glass rose water. 2 Ibs. seeded raisins. 1 wine glass sherry. 2 tablespoons allspice. k Beat butter, sugar, eggs and flour until light, add fruits, rose water, sherry, then brandy. Bake 4 hours. POTATO FLOUR CAKE. 1 lb. potato flour. 1 Ib. sugar. 1/2 lb. butter. 6 eggs, beaten separately. Cream butter and sugar, add eggs, then flour, season as you like, and bake. This cake must be well beaten. POUND CAKE. (No. 1.) Whites of 12 eggs, 1 lb. butter. Yolks of 8 eggs, 2 teaspoons yeast powder. 1 lb. sugar. 2 teaspoons vanilla, Cream butter and sugar, add yolks well beaten, stir in flour and whites of eggs whipped to a stiff froth, then the vanilla. Bake slowly. CAKES AND ICINGS. 246 POUND CAKE. (No. 2.) 1 Ib. sugar. 8 eggs, beaten separately. 1 Ib. flour. 2 teaspoons yeast powder. 3/4 Ib. butter. 1 gill sweet milk. Beat well and bake slowly. EAISIN CAKE. 1 Ib. sugar. 2 teaspoons yeast powder. 1 Ib. flour. 2 Ibs. seeded raisins. 1 Ib. butter. 8 eggs, beaten separately. 1 wine glass brandy. Cream butter and sugar, add the eggs beaten separate- ly, flour and yeast powder, then put in the raisins dusted with flour, and brandy. Bake slowly. KOSETTA CAKE. 2 cups sugar. 3 cups flour. 1 cup butter. 1/2 cup corn starch. 1 cup milk. 4 eggs, beaten separately. 2 teaspoons yeast powder. Mix well and bake. The same proportions make an excellent white cake, using 7 whites instead of 4 whole eggs. This cake will keep well. SILVEK CAKE. 2 cups powdered sugar, sifted twice. 1/2 cup butter. 3 1/2 cups flour sifted twice. 1/2 cup sweet cream. Whites of 8 eggs, beaten stiff. 1/2 tea cup ice water. 2 teaspoons baking powder. 1/2 wine glass brandy. S46 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. Cream butter and sugar until perfectly white, add cream, flour, whites of eggs, yeast powder and ice water. Mix well together, then add brandy. Bake in moderately hot oven. SUPERIOR SPONGE CAKE. 14 eggs, beaten separately. Juice of 1 lemon. 1 wine glass ice water. 1 Ib. sugar. 1/2 Ib. flour. Cream yolks and sugar until very light, add lemon juice and ice water, whites of eggs beaten stiff, then mix in the flour very lightly. Do not beat after mixing in tl e flour. Bake. SPONGE CAKE. 12 eggs, beaten separately. 1/2 Ib. flour. 1 Ib. sugar. Juice of 1 lemon. Make the same as Superior Sponge Cake. SUNSHINE CAKE. 6 eggs, beaten separately. 2 1/2 teaspoons yeast powder. 6 tablespoons butter. 4 1/2 cups of flour (sifted). 1 1/2 cups of milk. 1 teaspoon vanilla, 3 cups of sugar sifted (powdered). Cream butter and sugar, add yolks of eggs well beaten and part of the milk, then flour, whites and milk alter- nately, put in vanilla and yeast powder just before baking. Bake in moderate oven. CAKES AND ICINGS. 247 TEA CAKES. 5 eggs, well beaten. 1 cup milk. 4 cups sugar. 3 qts. flour. 1 cup butter. 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon. 2 teaspoons yeast powder. Mix and roll, cut into thin cakes and bake in hot oven. TUTTI-FRUITTL 11 eggs. 1 Ib. currants. 1/2 Ib. butter. 1/2 Ib. citron sliced thin. 4 cups flour. 1 Ib. shelled pecans. 4 cups sugar. 1/2 cup ice water. 1 Ib. seeded raisins. 1 wine glass brandy. 2 teaspoons yeast powder. Cream butter and 2 cups of sugar, add the brandy and water, then the whites of 8 eggs beaten to a stiff froth, flour and yeast powder. Put in fruits, reserving 1 cup each of raisins and pecans, mix well and bake in layers. Make an icing by cooking the whites of 3 eggs and two cups sugar, put icing on both sides of layer cake, then put the raisins and pecans (that were reserved) between layers of cake and some on top. WEDDING CAKE. 3 cups sifted powdered sugar. 3 cups flour. 1 cup sweet cream. 1 cup sifted corn starch. Whites of 12 eggs well beaten. 1 cup butter. 2 teaspoons baking powder. 1/2 wine glass whiskey. This cake must be beaten and creamed until very light and white. Bake. The butter should be washed F- times until white, before using. 248 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. WHITE CAKE. 1 Ib. sifted flour. Whites of 14 eggs, well beaten. 1 Ib. sifted sugar. 9 ozs. butter. 1 1/2 teaspoons yeast powder. Mix and beat until perfectly white, and bake in mod erately hot oven. WHITE FKUIT CAKE. 1 Ib. sugar. 2 cocoanuts, grated. 1 Ib. flour. Whites of 15 eggs. 1 Ib. butter. 1 wine glass brandy. 2 Ibs. citron. 2 teaspoons yeast powder. 1 cup raisins. 1 cup currants. 2 Ibs. almonds, blanched and chopped fine. Cream butter and sugar until white, add whites of eggs well beaten, flour and yeast powder, then cocoanut, almonds and fruits dusted with flour, the brandy last. Mix well and bake about 2 hours. WHITE MOUNTAIN CAKE. 3/4 cup butter. 2 teaspoons yeast powder. 2 cups granulated sugar. 1 cup milk. 4 cups flour. 3 cocoanuts, grated. Whites of 10 eggs. 2 teaspoons whiskey. Cream butter and sugar, add flour, milk, eggs, yeast powder and whiskey. Bake in layers. Make an icing and put on both sides of the layers and then put the cocoa- nut between the layers of cake. It is best to grate the cocoanut the day before using. CANDIES. CARAMELS WITH PECANS. 1 1/2 Ibs. chocolate. 1 cup cream. 2 cups picked pecans. 2 teaspoons butter. 3 cups sugar. Moisten chocolate and sugar with cream, stir in butter, cook 10 minutes, then stir in pecans and cook 5 minutes longer. Pour on buttered platter and cut into squares. CHOCOLATE CARAMELS. 1/2 Ib. grated chocolate. 1 glass cream or sweet milk. 1 1/2 Ibs. brown sugar. 1 teaspoon vanilla, 4 ozs. butter. 2 tablespoons molasses. Mix all together and boil 20 minutes. Test by dropping a little in cold water, until it hardens; then pour into a buttered plate and set aside to get cold. When cold cut into squares. MIXED PASTE. 1/2 pt. chopped dried figs. 1 cup brown sugar. 1/2 Ib. grated cocoanut. 1 teaspoon butter. 1 cup molasses. 1 teaspoon vinegar. THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. Cook sugar, molasses, vinegar and butter until it hard- ens when dropped in water, then stir in co>coanut and figs and pour on buttered plate. Cut into strips. NOUGAT. 4 cups granulated sugar. 2 cups picked and chopped pecans. Put sugar in sauce pan and cook and stir until it burns brown, when burnt mix in pecans, put on buttered marble and roll with rolling pin buttered, when nearly cold cut into strips and wrap each strip in oil paper. PECAN PASTE. 1 cup granulated sugar. 1 teaspoon butter. 1 cup molasses. 1 tablespoon vinegar. 2 cups shelled pecans. Put sugar and molasses on to boil. While boiling add butter and vinegar. Test by dropping a little in water. When cooked put in buttered shallow dish . which has been covered with pecans. Cut into oblong pieces. POP COKN BALLS. 1 qt. pop corn, popped. 1/2 cup sugar. 1/2 cup molasses. 1 teaspoon butter. Boil the sugar, molasses and butter together, when it becomes nearly hard stir in the pop corn. Mold into balls while hot CANDIES. 255 COCOANUT PRALINES. 4 cups sugar. 1 1/2 cups water. 1 grated cocoanut. Boil sugar and water until it will turn hard when dropped into water, then put in cocoanut and stir until it commences to turn to sugar. Drop with a large spoon on a damp board or marble. PECAN PRALINES. 2 1/2 cups picked pecans. 2 1/2 cups dark brown sugar. 1 teaspoon butter. Moisten sugar and boil until it becomes a thick cyrup, then add the butter and pecans, stir until it commences to granulate. Drop one spoonful at a time into small buttered saucers or pans. SALTED ALMONDS, PECANS OK PEANUTS. 2 pts. shelled almonds. 2 tablespoons salt. 4 tablespoons olive oil or butter. Blanch almonds and dry in cloth. Put into a baking pan and place in oven, when they commence to brown add oil and salt, cook a few minutes longer. Sift when cold. SUGAK CANDY. 3 pts. sugar. 1 wine glass vinegar. 1/2 pt. cold water. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 teaspoon vanilla. .256 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. Boil all the above ingredients together until cooked. Test by dropping a little in cold water, when it becomes hard, it is ready to pull. When cooked pull and make into sticks. SUGARED FIGS. 4 Ibs. figs. 4 Ibs. sugar. 1 piece vanilla bean. Put figs in lime water several hours before cooking. Par boil figs in a light syrup. Make a heavy syrup of the sugar and vanilla bean, then stir in figs and let cook until it granulates, take out and put on a plate and put in the sun for several days to thoroughly dry. SUGARED PUMPKIN. 4 Ibs. sugar. 4 Ibs. pumpkin. 1 piece vanilla bean. Peel pumpkin and put in lime water several hours be- fore cooking. Par boil strips of pumpkin in a light syrup. Make a very heavy syrup of 4 Ibs. sugar and vanilla bean, then stir in pumpkin and let cook until it granulates, take out and put on a plate in the sun for several days. SUGARED PECANS. 5 Ibs. picked pecans. 1 pt. water. 3 Ibs. granulated sugar. 2 teaspoons vanilla. Pick pecans as near whole as possible. Make a syrup of sugar, water and vanilla, and boil until it becomes hard CANDIES. when dropped into water. When cooked put in pecans and stir until it granulates. When cold sift the loose sugar from them. Pecans browned in oven before putting into sugar is best, as it keeps them from discoloring. SUGARED ROSE LEAVES OR VIOLETS. 2 cups granulated sugar. 1 teaspoon vanilla. 1/2 cup water. 2 cups rose leaves, or 2 cups violets. Boil sugar and water until it becomes a heavy syrup, add vanilla, and stir until it granulates, then put in flowers and mix until all is sugared. When cold sift loose sugar from them. VANILLA OR LEMON TAFFY. 2 cups granulated sugar. 1 tablespoon vinegar. 1 teaspoon butter. 6 tablespoons water. 1/2 tablespoon vanilla or lemon. Moisten sugar with water and let boil, add vinegar while boiling. When cooked put in the vanilla or lemon. Test by dropping a little in water. Put on buttered plate and as soon as cold enough, pull until thoroughly white. ut into sticks or small pieces. CORDIALS AND PUNCHES. ANISE COKDIAL. 1 gal. water. 1/4 Ib. anise seed. 5 Ibs. sugar. 1 qt. best alcohol. Boil anise seed with sugar and water until it becomes very thick. When cold strain and add 1/4 alcohol to 3/4 syrup. Bottle and shake every day for several days. BLACKBERRY COKDIAL. 8 qts. blackberries. 1/4 cup cloves. 4 qts. sugar. 1 tablespoon allspice. 1 qt. water. 1/2 cup cinnamon. 1/2 gal. alcohol. Put berries on to cook with water, sugar and spices, boil about 3 hours, then press through a sieve. To every quart of juice allow 1/2 pint alcohol. Mix, bottle and cork. CHEERY BOUNCE. 2 gals, wild cherries. 2 qts. water. 2 gals, alcohol. 1 tablespoon cloves. 10 Ibs. cut loaf sugar. 1 tablespoon cinnamon. THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. Mash and put cherries, seed and all, in a demijohn and pour the alcohol over them, let stand about 60 days, shaking often. Strain and mix with a syrup made by boiling the sugar and water. Allow 1 pint of alcohol that cherries were soaked in to every quart of syrup. Put this in bottles. CHAMPAGNE PUNCH. (No. 1.) 8 qt. bottles champagne. 1 bottle maraschino. 1 sliced pineapple. 1 bottle brandy. 6 lemons, sliced. 1 bottle curacoa. 1 Ib. loaf sugar. 1 gal. water. 1/2 pt. strong green tea. Mix all the above together except the champagne. When mixed add the champagne with a large piece of ica CHAMPAGNE PUNCH. (No. 2.) 4 qt. bottles champagne. 2 qte. water. 2 bottles white wine. 1 sliced pineapple. 1 bottle: brandy. 3 lemons, sliced. 1 bottle maraschino. 3 oranges, sliced. 1 bottle Eau de Vie. 1 Ib. cut loaf sugar. Put all the above into punch powl, except champagne and ice. Mix well and then put in a piece of ice and champagne. CHAMPAGNE PUNCH WITH FRUIT. 4 qts. champagne. 2 sliced lemons. 1 sliced pineapple. 1 Ib. sugar. 2 sliced oranges. 1 pt. curacoa. 1 qt. fresh or 1 bottle French strawberries. 2 qts. water. CORDIALS AND PUNCHES. 263 Mix all the above well together in punch bowl except champagne, put in large square piece of ice and pour the champagne in. CLAKET CUP. 3 qts. claret. 2 grated nutmegs. 1 qt. water. 3 lemons. 1 Ib. sugar. 1 pineapple, sliced. 2 small cucumbers, sliced thin. Dissolve the sugar in water and claret, then add the sliced pineapple, lemon juice and nutmeg. Just before serving add cucumbers and ice. CLAKET PUNCH. 6 qts. claret, 1 grated nutmeg. 4 qts. appollinaris. 6 lemons. 2 Ibs. sugar. 1 sprig mint. Pound mint, stir in the sugar, lemon juice and nutmeg and then add claret and appollinaris. EGG-NOGG. (No. 1.) 12 eggs beaten separately. 12 wine glasses brandy. 12 tablespoons sugar. 3 pts. milk. Beat together the yolks of eggs and sugar, add brandy a little at a time and stir thoroughly, then add the milk and whites of eggs whippe dto a stiff froth ; sprinkle with nutmeg, if desired. THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. EGG-NOGG. (No. 2.) 7 eggs, beaten separately. 1 large glass brandy. 1 qt. milk. 1 wine glass sherry. 7 tablespoons sugar. Beat yolks and sugar together, add brandy and wine, stir in milk either hot or cold and then the whites whipped to a stiff froth. Put grated nutmeg or grated lemon peel on top. WHIPPED EGGS. 1 wine glass sherry. 2 tablespoons powdered sugar. Whites of 3 eggs. 6 lady fingers. Dip lady fingers in wine and put into the bottom of glasses. Whip eggs lightly and add sherry, sugar and a little orange juice or nutmeg if desired, and fill glasses. GINGER ALE. 2 gals, water. 1/2 oz. cream of tartar. 2 Ibs. sugar. 2 yeast cakes. 2 ozs. ground ginger. 3 lemons. 1 pt. pine-apple. Boil sugar, water and ginger about 1/2 hour. When cold put in pine-apple and lemons cut very fine, add to this cream of tartar and yeast cakes dissolved in water. Next day strain, bottle and cork. EOMAN PUNCH ( FROZEN ). 1 1/2 qts. water. 1 pt. champagne. 1 Ib. sugar. 1/2 cup rum. 2 lemons. 1/2 cup brandy. 1/4 cup maraschino. Make a thick syrup by boiling sugar and water, add lemon juice. When cold put in champagne, partly freeze, then add liquors and thoroughly freeze. Serve in orange baskets, made from orange skins. PRESERVES, JELLIES AND BRANDY FRUITS. BRANDY PEACHES. 16 Ibs. peeled peaches. 10 Ibs.cut loaf sugar. 1/2 gal. alcohol. Put peaches in cold clear water. Put sugar on to boil with very little water, when it comes to a thick syrup drop in just enough peaches to float on top, when they are tender enough to stick with a straw, remove and drain them in cullender ; repeat this until all peaches are cooked. Put syrup back in kettle and boil until it becomes very thick again. Place peaches into an air-tight jar and pour over the peaches the hot syrup, filling jar 3/4 full, then fill remainder with alcohol leaving a space of 1/2 inch at top. Seal jars and shake well to mix syrup and alcohol, repeat this every day for a week. These peaches will keep for years. BRANDY FRUITS PROM CANNED FRUITS. 10 Ibs. fruit. 5 Ibs. sugar. 1/4 gal. alcohol. Add sugar to syrup that comes in fruit, let cook until very thick; Put fruit in jars, filling 3/4 full with hot syrup, then fill with alcohol. Seal, shake well and put in cool place. 868 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK, FIG PRESERVES. 10 Ibs. select figs. 1/2 cup cinnamon bark. 8 Ibs. cut loaf sugar. or 1/2 cup ginger root. 2 lemons, sliced thin. 2 qts. water. 1/2 gal. lime water. Peel figs, leaving stems on them, drop into lime water and let remain 10 minutes. Make a syrup by boiling sugar, lemon and cinnamon bark or ginger root in a little water until it becomes a thick syrup, then put in figs and let boil a few minutes, take out figs and put in cullender to drain, when drained put them on a shallow dish and place in the sun all day turning them several times. Boil syrup again until it becomes quite thick, keeping it well skimmed. Put figs into jars, pour over them the hot syrup and seal. FRUIT JELLY (FROM ANY FRUIT). Boil fruit about 3/4 of an hour with enough water to cover it, put into a flannel bag and let drip slowly over night. To each pint of juice put in 3/4 Ib. of cut loaf sugar and cook about 20 minutes; put into glasses and set in cool place to congeal. GUAVA JELLY. 5 doz. apples. 3 guavas. 8 pts. sugar. Cut apples and guavas in small pieces, without peeling them ; cover with water and boil about 1 1/2 hours. Put this into a flannel bag and drip until all juice is extracted. Next day measure the juice and for every pint of juice add 3/4 of a pint of sugar and boil about 1/2 hour or until it jellies ; pour into glasses, put on top of each glass of jelly a piece of writing paper dipped in brandy and seal. PRESERVES, JELLIES AND BRANDY FRUITS. 269 ORANGE AND PUMPKIN PRESERVES. 4 Ibs. pumpkin. 4 Ibs. cut loaf sugar. 6 oranges. 1 lemon, sliced. 2 qts. water. Peel pumkin and cut in long pieces; peel oranges and cut the peelings in same size pieces. Put the inside of the oranges and the sliced lemon in water and boil about 1 hour, take off and strain. Into this water add sugar, orange peelings and pumpkin, cook until tender, skim- ming constantly. Put into jars and seal. ORANGE MARMALADE. 12 unpealed oranges, sliced. Sugar. 6 unpeeled lemons, sliced. Water. Mix oranges and lemons and put in an equal amount of water, let this stand over night. Next day put in the same quantity of sugar as there is oranges, lemons and water, and cook on a slow fire about 2 hours. PRESERVED MYRTLE ORANGES AND COCOANUT 6 doz. oranges. 1 cocoanut, grated. 4 qts. water Water. Grate off the rough outside green part of orange skins. With an apple chorer make a hole about 1 inch in size in only one end of oranges and take out seeds and a little of the center of oranges. Put oranges in a light brine for 24 hours, take out, wipe dry and put into clear water and boil about 1 hour or until tender. Make a filling by boiling water, grated cocoanut and sugar 1/2 hour, allowing 1 cup of water and 1 Ib. of sugar for every 9.10 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. pound of grated cocoanut; fill the holes in center of oranges with this, plugging up hole in oranges with the piece of peeling cut out of oranges with apple chorer. Make a syrup by boiling sugar and water allowing Iqt. of sugar and 1 pt. of water to every 2 Ibs. of oranges; cook until it becomes a thick syrup, put into this syrup the oranges and let boil 15 minutes longer. Seal in air- tight jars. PINE APPLE PESEEVES. 5 Ibs. pineapple. 5 Ibs cut loaf sugar. 1 qt. water. Peel and cut up pineapple, pour water over and let stand 4 hours. Drain off the water and put on to boil with sugar, when it becomes a thick syrup add the pieces of pineapple and cook about 1 1/2 hours longer ; skim fre- quently. Put into jars and seal tightly. WATEE MELON PEESEEVE. 14 Ibs. water melon rind. 1/2 oz.alum. 1 cup cinnamond bark. 1/2 cup salt. 1/2 cup cloves. 14 Ibs. cut loaf sugar. 1/2 Ib.ginger root. 8 qts. water. Peel water melon rind, cutting off all the green and pink, cut in fancy shapes or squares; put into 1 gallon of water and salt to soak and let remain for 12 hours ; take out and put into 1 gallon of water mixed with alum for another 12 hours; then take out and wipe dry and put on to boil with enough water to cover, with ginger root (tied in a bag, ) when cooked enough so you can stick into it a straw take out and strain. Make a syrup by boiling the sugar with a little water, cloves and cinnamon, while boiling add melon rind and ginger root bag and cook 1/2 hour longer. Take out ginger bag and put into jars and seal. FRUIT SYRUPS. ANISE SYRUP. 1 gal. water. 1/4 Ib. green anise. 4 Ibs. sugar. 1 oz. cinnamon bark. Boil the anise with sugar, water and cinnamon until it becomes a thick syrup. Strain and bottle while hot. SYRUP D'ORGEAT. 4 Ibs. unshelled sweet almonds. 2 1/2 Ibs. sugar. Juice of 2 lemons. 2 ozs. orange flower water. 3 qts water. Shell and peel almonds and pound fine, moisten with water little by little until it becomes a paste, add orange flower water. To the sugar and water add lemon juice, cook until it becomes a thick syrup, then pour over almond paste. Let this stand several days, strain and bottle. LEMON SYRUP. 18 lemons. 8 qts, cut loaf sugar. 6 pts. water. Boil sugar and water until very thick, add the juice of all the lemons and rind of 2 lemons, cook about 10 min- utes longer, strain and bottle. 274 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. RASPBERRY VINEGAR 1 gal. raspberries. 2 qts. vinegar. Cover raspberries with vinegar and let stand for 30 days, then crush and press through a sieve. A teaspoon of this vinegar served in a glass of water or cup of hot black coffee is very refreshing. STRAWBERRY OR BLACKBERRY SYRUP. 1 gal. berries. 1 gal. sugar. Crush berries and let stand for 24 hours. Make a syrup of equal portions of berries and sugar and cook 1 hour. Strain, bottle and seal while hot. VANILLA SYRUP. 6 qts. cut loaf sugar. 8 pts. water. 2 vanilla beans (split). Boil the above until syrup is thick, strain and bottle. SAUCES. CAPEE SAUCE. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 1/2 pt. milk. 1 tablespon butter. 3 or 4 tablespoons capers. 1 tablespoon flour. 1/2 pod red pepper. 1/2 pt stock. 1 teaspoon salt. Heat butter, add flour, milk, stock, and season highly. When nearly cooked put in capers. CHILI SAUCE. 18 large ripe tomatoes. 4 large onions, minced. 4 large bell peppers (sweet), with seeds removed. 4 tablespoons sugar. 1 tablespoon ground all spice. 2 tablespoons salt. 2 tablespoons ground ginger. 4 tea cups cider vinegar. 2 pods red pepper, minced fine Boil the obove ingredients slowly for 5 hours, then put in bottles, cork and seal. CHOCOLATE SAUCE. 1/2 cup grated Bakers chocolate. 1 tablespoon flour. 1/2 cup butter. 1 cup sugar. 1 egg. 2 cups milk. 1 teaspoon vanilla. 278 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. Boil milk with chocolate, add butter and flour creamed together, tkon the egg, sugar and vanilla, cook about 15 minutes. PLAIN CKEAM SAUCE. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 pt. milk. 1 tablespoon flour. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. 1/4 teaspoon salt. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. Boil milk with salt and pepper, add butter, flour and parseley creamed. Serve with mutton or ham. CHUTNEY SAUCE. 1 Ib. sour apples. 4 ozs. Muscatel seeded raisins. 4 ozs. red pod pepper. 4 ozs. Sultans whole rasing. 4 ozs. brown sugar. 2 ozs. young green onions. 1/2 Ib. brown sugar candy. 1 piece grated horse radish. 1/4 pt. salt. 3 sprigs mint. 4 ozs. ginger. Juice of 3 lemons. 2 ozs. garlic. 1 pt. strong vinegar. Chop up above ingredients, add the vinegar, put into a jar, set in water and cook several hours. If too thick add more lemon juice or vinegar. CRANBERRY SAUCE. 1 qt. cranberries. 2 1/2 cups sugar. 12 apples. 1 pt, water. Cut apples up with peelings on them, add cranberries, sugar and water, cook about 1 hour, pass this through a cullender and set on ice. SAUCES. DEVILLED SAUCE. 4 tomatoes, chopped fine. 1 teaspoon salt. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 pod red pepper, minced. 1 doz. sweet green peppers, chopped fine. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. 4 green onions, minced. 1 pt. stock. 1 teaspon mustard. 1 pod garlic, minced. 1 tablespoon flour. 2 tablespoons vinegar. Cook pepper, onions, tomatoes and garlic in stock, add butter, salt, pepper, flour and mustard stirred in vinegar, cook about 1 hour. Serve with meat or fish. FOAM SAUCE. 1 cup sugar. 1 tablespon butter. Whites of 2 eggs, beaten. 1 wine glass brandy. 3 tablespoons water. 1 pinch grated nutmeg. Moisten sugar with water and stir in the whites of eggs, cook in a double boiler, then add brandy, butter and nut- meg. Serve with puddings or cakes. FRUIT SYRUP SAUCE. 1 pt. fruit syrup. 1 teaspoon flour. 1/2 teaspoon butter. Boil syrup, add flour and butter creamed. HOLLANDAISE SAUCE. 6 eggs, (yolkes only). Salt. 1 Ib. butter. Pepper. Juice of 1 lemon. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley 280 THE OLE AND NEW COOK BOOK. Whip the eggs slightly and put into a double boiler, gradually add the butter until it is all dissolved, pass through a sieve and add lemon juice, salt, pepper and parsley. HORSE KADISH WITH MILK. 1 1/2 horse radishes. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1 pt. milk. 1/2 teaspoon sugar. 1/2 teaspoon flour. Peel and grate horse radish, put into a sauce pan with milk, sugar, salt and flour and cook about 20 minutes. Serve with boiled meats. ICING SAUCE. 2 cups sugar. Whites oif 2 eggs. 1 gill water. 1 teaspoon vanilla. Moisten sugar with water and let boil exactly 4 min- utes, then stir in beaten whites of eggs and vanilla. Serve with pudding. LEMON SAUCE. 2 cups white sugar. 1 gill water. 3 lemons. 2 eggs, white only. Wet sugar and boil with the rind of 1 and the juice of 3 lemons, then stir in whites of eggs whipped to a stiff froth. Serve with puddings. SAUCES. 281 MINT SAUCE. 1/2 cup minced mint. 1 cup vinegar. 1 tablespoon sugar. 1/2 cup water. Put the vinegar and sugar into boiling water and then add the mint, cook about 5 minutes. Serve with lamb. MOCK CREAM SAUCE. 1 pt. sweet milk. 2 tablespoons sugar. Yolk of 1 egg. 1 teaspoon vanilla, 1/2 teaspoon arrow-root dissolved in 2 tablespoons milk. Boil milk and thicken with arrow-root, then add eggs and sugar well whipped. Flavor with vanilla. OYSTER SAUCE. 2 1/2 doz. oysters. 1/4 teaspoon grated onion. 1 cup milk. " 1 tablespoon butter. 1 tablespoon flour. 1 cup cream. 1/4 pod minced pepper. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. Boil milk and cream with onion and pepper, thicken with flour and butter, when nearly cooked add oysters, cook 5 minutes longer and then put in the parsley and salt. THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. PIQUANT SAUCE. 1/2 pt. vinegar. 1 cup pickles, minced. 1 teaspoon sugar. Salt. 1/2 onion, minced. Cayenne pepper. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 pod minced red pepper. 1 tablespoon flour. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. Boil vinegar with sugar and onion, add butter and flour creamed, pickles, seasonings and parsley. PUDDING SAUCE. 2 cups sugar. 1 1/2 teaspoons flour. 1/2 cup butter. 1 pt. boiling water. 2 eggs (yolks only). 1 wine glass brandy. Cream butter, sugar, eggs and flour; stir this into boiling water and cook about 10 minutes, then add brandy. Serve hot. SHERRY SAUCE. 1 cup sugar. 1 cup cream. 1/2 cup butter. 2 wine glasses sherry. 1/2 coffeespoon grated nutmeg. Boil cream with sugar and butter, add wine and nut- meg. SNOW SAUCE. 1 cup sugar. Yolk of 1 egg. 1/2 cup butter. 1 wine glass brandy. Cream butter and sugar, add egg and brandy. Whip white with 2 tablespoons sugar and put on top. SAUCES. S8S TOMATO SAUCE. 1 teaspoon Worcestershire. 1 cup stock. 1 pod red pepper (cut fine). 2 tablespoons butter. 1 teaspoon sugar. 1 1/2 tablespoons flour. 1 qt. tomatoes. 1 pinch soda. 1/2 teaspoon grated onion. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. Heat butter and put the tomatoes, flour, onion, pars- ley, soda, salt, stock, sugar, sauce and pepper into it, boil about 1 hour and strain. WHITE WINE SAUCE. 1/2 pt. white wine. 2 tablespoons olive oil. 1/2 pt. stock. 1/2 teaspoon mustard. 1 bay leaf. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon flour. 1 pod red pepper, minced. 1/2 teaspoon minced parsley. Boil stock and wine with bay leaf, oil, salt, pepper, flour, mustard and parsley. Serve with cold turkey or birds. SOUR AND SWEET PICKLES. YELLOW CABBAGE PICKLES. 4 heads cabbage. 1 cup salt. 1 gal. vinegar. 1/2 cup mustard seed. 1/2 cup turmeric. 2 tablespoons celery seed. 4 pods red pepper, cut fine. Quarter cabbage and boil until tender, put into a cullender to drain over night. Next day sprinkle with turmeric and let stand in the sun all day. Boil vinegar with mustard, celery seed, salt and pepper, and pour over cabbage. Put into stone jars. SWEET CANTALOUPE PICKLES. 6 ]bs. cantaloupe rind (peeled). 1/2 oz. alum. 1/2 tablespoon mace. 2 qts. vinegar. 1/2 tablespoon cloves. 3 Ibs. sugar. 12 cup stick cinnamon. Boil cantaloupe rind in 1 gallon of water with alum for about 2 hours, strain and put into clear water until next day. Add spices and sugar to the vinegar and cook to a syrup, then add cantaloupe rind and let cook 1 hour longer. .888 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. CHOW-CHOW. 4 doz. green tomatoes. 1 cup prepared mustard. 15 large onions. 1/2 cup celery seed. 25 cucumbers. 1 tablespoon cinnamon. 2 large cabbage. 1 tablespoon cloves. 1 grated horse radish. 1 tablespoon allspice. 1/2 pt. olice oil. 1/2 cup turmeric. 1/2 cup whole bla,ck peppers. 1 Ib. dark brown sugar. 1 cup white mustard seed. 1 1/2' gals, vinegar. 1 pt. salt. Slice cabbage, tomatoes, onions and cucumbers, sprinkle well with salt and let stand 2 days, draining water from it daily. Boil vinegar with spices, pepper, celery, sugar, mustard, mustard seed, horse raddish and turmeric. While boiling add cabbage, tomatoes, onions and cumbers and cook about 3/4 of an hour. When cold stir in olive oil. Put into jars and seal. INEXPENSIVE CHOW-CHOW. 2 large cabbage. 1 cup grated horse radish. 8 onions. 3 pods red pepper. 1/2 cup white mustard seed. 2 cups brown sugar. 1/2 cup celery seed. 1/2 cup prepared mustard. 1 pod garlic, minced. 2 tablespoons turmeric. 1 gal. vinegar. 1/2 pt. olive oil. Slice cabbage and onion thin and sprinkle with salt. Next day drain and put on to boil in vinegar, when it boils, put in all the other ingredients and cook about 15 minutes. Put into jars and seal. SWEET AND SOUR PICKLES. 289 SWEET PEACH PICKLES. 2 doz. peaches. 1 teaspoon mace. 1 1/2 qts. vinegar. 2 doz. whole cloves. 1/2 Ib. sugar. 6 sticks cinnamon. Boil vinegar with spices and sugar, put peaches (peeled or unpeeled) in and let boil until tender. Put into jars and seal. EAISIN AND CUCUMBER PICKLE. 2 Ibs. raisins. 2 qts. vinegar. 5 doz. pickled cucumbers. 4 sticks cinnamon. 2 1/2 Ibs. brown sugar. 2 teaspoons whole cloves. 2 teaspoons allspice. Cut cucumbers into inch pieces, seed raisins and mix together. Boil the cinnamon, sugar, allspice and cloves in the vinegar, when it comes to a boil add raisins and cucumbers, cook 1/2 hour. Put into jars and seal. PICKLED SHRIMP. 2 qts. peeled shrimp. 1 1/2 pts. vinegar. 2 pods red pepper, chopped fine. 3 bay leaves. 4 sweet green peppers, chopped fine. 1 tablespoon salt. Boil vinegar with salt, peppers, bay leaves and shrimp, boil until tender. Put into jars while hot and seal. SWEET PICKLES MADE FROM CANNED FRUIT. 6 Ibs. fruit. 3 qts. vinegar. 2 Ibs, sugar. 1/2 cup broken cinnamon. 1/4 cup cloves. THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. Put vinegar on with sugar and spices and boil 1 hour, then add fruit and cook 5 minutes longer. Put into jars and seal. Drain all liquor from fruit before putting it in vinegar. TOMATO PICKLE. 4 doz. sliced green tomatoes. 1 tablespoon cloves. 1/4 Ib. white mustard seed. 1 tablespoon allspice. 1 doz. sliced sweet peppers. 3 pods red pepper. 1 tablespoon black pepper. 1 gal. vinegar. 2 doz. sliced onions. 1 cup salt. 1 cup of brown sugar. Salt tomatoes and onions over night. Next morning drain water from them. Boil vinegar with the above in- gredients, adding tomatoes and onions. Cook about 20 minutes. Put into jars and seal. TOMATO CATSUP. 4 qts. ripe tomatoes, chopped. 1 cup salt. 1/2 cup ground black pepper. 1/2 cup celery seed. 1/2 doz. large onions, minced. 1 tablespoon cloves. 3 pieces of garlic, cut fine. 1/2 tablespoon allspice. 1 tablespoon ground ginger. 1/2 tablespoon cinnamon. 1/2 cup prepared mustard. 1 pt. vinegar. Boil the above about 2 hours, or until cooked. Press through a cullender, and bottle. After bottling put in 2 tablespoons of olive oil in each bottle. Cork tightly. SWEET AND SOUR PICKLES. $91 WINTEK PICKLES. 2 heads cabbage. 1 cup prepared mustard. Six bunches celery. 2 tablespoons ground ginger. 1 doz. onions. 1 cup grated horse radish. 1/4 cup turmeric. 1 cup salt. 2 cups sugar. 1 gal. vinegar. 1 tablespoon black pepper (ground). Boil vinegar with the above ingredients. Cut cabbage and celery fine and add to the above while it is boilding. Cook about 20 minutes. Put into jars and seal, LITTLE THINGS WORTH KNOWING. Eggs added to hot rice or hominy, makes batter tough. Add to cold rice or hominy. All custards with eggs and milk should be baked in a pan of hot water. Never add all the sugar to eggs at one time. It should be put in a little at a time to avoid things being heavy. To whip cream, put it on ice and salt for about one hour before whipping. Always dip moulds in ice water, before putting in jelly. Jelly must be cold. The success of all souffles, is to have both yolks and whites well whipped, and not to let them stand after cooking. 296 THE OLD AND NEW COOK BOOK. Whites of eggs added to custards or cream do not en- rich them. It is best to use them for something else. Yolks of eggs covered with water can be kept several days. Always boil custards and cream in a double boiler, as it prevents scorching. When you add flour and butter to milk, always rub together until smooth. Put sifted flour in a dry baking pan and parch light brown, sift while hot. Keep in a crock ready for use. Chopped parsley can be kept in a glass jar put on ice several days, ready for use. Always keep a fine camels hair brush for putting oil on meats, game or fish before broiling. All vegetables should be put into boiling water to cook. Water should be drained from pototoes as soon as cooked. Water should always be drained from shrimp and crabs as soon as cooked.