*« % V*o. A Publication of The College of Agriculture - \ \r u N IVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA COOLING AND HOLDING EGGS ON THE RANCH S. M. Henderson F. W. Lorenz CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION CIRCULAR 405 k COLD ROOM is essential if you want top prices for your eggs. This circular tells you exactly how to construct and operate a ranch egg storage room and precooling cabinet. Perhaps you have a room you can convert to this purpose. If so, be sure it meets all the requirements discussed in these pages. Three things are important in maintaining top-quality eggs — time, temperature, and humidity. Eggs should be gathered at least twice a day and cooled as rapidly as possible to a temperature of about 55° F. and 80 to 85 per cent relative humidity. Cooling time is largely determined by the rate of air flow past the eggs. We recommend a precooler and baskets holding not more than 12 dozen eggs apiece. Illustrations on pages 4 and 5 are used by courtesy of the Bendix Aviation Corporation, Friez Instrument Division, Baltimore, Maryland. September 1951 THE AUTHORS are S. M. Henderson, Assistant Agricultural Engineer in the Experiment Station; and F. W. Lorenz, Associate Professor of Poultry Husbandry in the Experiment Station. EGG QUALITY determines consumer acceptance and relates directly to market value Production of high-quality eggs is a matter of increasing concern to the poul- try industry. The consumer appeal of good fresh eggs is so much greater than that of inferior, stale, or deteriorated eggs that egg quality in retail markets has a considerable effect on total consumption. This effect inevitably determines the price the producer receives for his eggs. Increasingly often the relation of qual- ity to price is direct and immediate, as when eggs are bought on grade or when premiums are paid poultrymen who em- ploy certain practices to insure superior quality. Even in the absence of grade buying or of specific premiums, however, and in spite of local conditions such as large imports from other areas, the price of eggs will ultimately be determined by the demand — and thus to a great extent by the quality of the eggs produced. The problem of producing and market- ing high-quality eggs is a complex one involving many variables. Among these are the breeding of the laying flock, its age, disease history, housing, nutrition, the climate in which it is maintained, the care the eggs receive on the ranch, and ultimately the care, grading, and market- ing practices to which they are subjected at wholesale and retail levels. This circular is intended to discuss only one of these — the care of eggs on the ranch. Temperature and humidity are responsible for egg quality The factors most responsible for main- tenance or loss of egg quality during the period between laying and delivery are: (1) time between laying and gathering, (2) egg-room temperature, (3) speed of cooling the eggs to that temperature, and (4) egg-room humidity. Various types of egg rooms and equipment are in use, or have been suggested for maintaining sat- isfactory egg-room conditions. The pur- pose of this circular is to assist the rancher in constructing and operating a ranch egg cold room. Temperature and humidity have im- portant effects on the rates of flattening of the yolk, weakening of the albumen, and evaporation of moisture from the egg. All of these in turn affect the grade of the egg — and thus its market value — through their effects on such grade char- acters as yolk shadow and air cell size. Yolk and albumen conditions are, of course, important factors in consumer acceptance of the product. The temperature of the egg room has a striking effect on all three of the above- mentioned egg quality characteristics. Al- bumen quality has been shown to decrease more in 4 days at 80° F. than it does in 10 days at 65° F. The rate of yolk flatten- ing is strikingly affected by temperature. A day or two at approximately 100° F. will produce flatter yolks than those re- sulting from several months of cold stor- age. Evaporation of water from the egg is also affected by both temperature and relative humidity. Eggs stored at 87° F. lose moisture 10 times as fast as when stored at 31° F. at the same relative hu- midity (82 per cent). At 56° F. and 48 per cent relative humidity, a group of eggs lost 0.71 per cent weight during a 3-day storage period. Eggs stored for the same period and temperature but at 64 per cent relative humidity lost only 0.43 per cent. Low humidities will increase the rate of moisture evaporation and thus increase the size of the air cell. For example, in an egg room in Ohio a striking loss in average quality with increase in the num- ber of Grade B eggs was observed at the approach of winter. This egg room was an underground basement with no special [3] Relative humidity is the ratio of vapor pressure produced by moisture in the air to vapor pressure of moisture in saturated air, that is, air holding all the moisture possible. Relative humidity de- creases as the temperature increases — not, however, in direct proportion. Dew point is the temperature at which the moisture in the air will con- dense out as liquid water; it is a meas- ure of the quantity of water in the air. Fog or condensation on the surface of objects causing "sweating" results when the temperature drops below the dew point. Relative humidity can be determined by a sling psychrometer, which consists of two thermometers, one bulb covered with cloth — not shown in the illustra- Determination of relative humidity and dew point tion. The cloth is saturated with water and the psychrometer rotated with a circular motion until the temperature of both thermometers is constant. The as- pirating psychrometer operates on the same principle and is more convenient and easier to read. These temperatures are applied to the psychrometric chart opposite in order to find relative humidity and the dew point. The relative humidity is determined from the intersection of the vertical dry bulb line with the wet bulb line. Note the psychrometric chart example for an air temperature of 91° and wet bulb of 72°. The dew point is read horizontally to the left from the intersection point and is 63.7°. In this case, water will con- dense on any object 63.7° or colder. Simple, direct-reading relative-hu- midity indicators are available (see illustration above). Although many of them may be reliable, others are not satisfactory for egg rooms. cooling facilities, and the quality loss occurred as a result of a seasonal de- crease in humidity and in spite of the seasonal decrease in temperature. It was prevented by adding moisture as a fine spray to the atmosphere of the room. Since an egg may lose up to approxi- mately 1 per cent of its weight after it is laid without dropping from AA to A grade, the loss during the ranch storage period may not be significant. However, this loss should be so minimized on the ranch that the total loss during a longer storage period will be as small as possible. A temperature of 55-60° F. is most practical Optimum temperature for egg storage is the lowest possible temperature above the freezing point of albumen, or about 30° F., but this is not practical for ranch egg-holding rooms for two reasons: ( 1 ) The difference in the rate of deteri- oration between 30° and approximately 55° is not great enough to be important during the 3 or 4 days eggs are normally held on the ranch (although it would be- come increasingly more important during longer storage periods) . [4] - The psychrometric chart is used with the aspirating or sling psychrometer (above and left) for determining relative humidity. Wet bulb 75 temp. 72 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 Dry bulb or air temperature — F 120 (2) Eggs must be removed from the ranch holding room and transported in a warmer environment to the receiving station. Prevent "sweating" of eggs. If they have chilled to below the dew point of the atmosphere, they will condense mois- ture or "sweat" when they are removed. Sweating is undesirable because it pro- motes bacterial growth and thus increases the probability of spoilage, and because moist eggs are easily soiled by the pack- ing material or by being handled before they have dried again. The dew point in most parts of California in most seasons rarely exceeds 55° F.; consequently a temperature of 55° F. is usually the most practical temperature for holding eggs on the ranch. In a few more humid areas eggs may occasionally sweat when removed from refrigerators held at that temperature. If this occurs, a holding temperature of 60° F. may be used with only slightly greater loss in quality. Since 55° is the best tem- perature for storing hatching eggs, a room at this temperature can be used for either commercial or hatching eggs or both. The humidity of the egg room should [5 have no influence on sweating so long as conditions remain constant, since sweat- ing occurs only when eggs are colder than the dew point of the surrounding atmos- phere, and the dew point is always below atmospheric temperature except when the relative humidity is 100 per cent. The higher the humidity the closer will be the dew point to atmospheric temperature. If conditions in the egg room fluctuate and the relative humidity is close to 100 per cent, a temporary situation in which the dew point is above egg temperature is apt to occur and the eggs may sweat in the egg room. Mold: In cold storage operations hu- midities greater than 80 to 85 per cent increase the danger of mold, which need not be considered here since eggs are never held long enough in ranch egg rooms to permit mold development. High humidity lowers the rate of moisture loss Other conditions being equal, the rate of moisture loss from eggs increases as the relative humidity decreases. There- fore, within the limitations discussed above, the higher the humidity the better are the holding conditions. Time also plays a part Cooling time is important, of course, because eggs are laid at a temperature of approximately 104° F., and the sooner they reach the holding temperature the lower will be the average temperature during the holding period. Rapidly cooled eggs have been shown to suffer less in- crease in yolk shadow and less moisture evaporation than slowly cooled eggs even though the latter reach the holding tem- perature within 24 hours, and even though the subsequent conditions are the same for both groups of eggs. Cooling time (i.e., rate of attainment of holding-room temperature) is deter- mined by the rate of air flow (holding- room air) past the individual eggs and by the size and shape of the eggs. During a test at 63 per cent relative humidity, the least evaporation resulted from the most rapid air movement and the most rapid cooling rate. Apparently the average egg tempera- ture during the experimental cooling and short holding period was more important than the "local" humidity as affected by air velocity. In this experiment the eggs were subjected to air flow, and weight loss was measured over a period of 3 days. Cooling time varied from 2.3 to 6.7 hours. Cool eggs as rapidly as possible. Too rapid a cooling rate has not been ob- served, and the optimum rate may be the maximum attainable with practical equip- ment. A MECHANICALLY REFRIGERATED COLD ROOM for cooling and storing gives best results Cooling and storage units such as base- ments, dugout lockers, wet sacks over cases, evaporative coolers attached to rooms, or basket coolers have been sug- gested and used in many localities. Al- though the performance of units such as these is satisfactory under some condi- tions, variation in outside air temperature and relative humidity alter the cooling and storage conditions. Storage tempera- ture, relative humidity, and egg cooling rate are therefore not consistent, with the result that the quality of the eggs de- livered is, likewise, not consistent. We recommend mechanically refriger- ated cooling and storage units, since with their use you can maintain constant stor- age room conditions, thus minimizing the decrease in egg quality during the storage period. Here follows a construction plan for a storage room. [6] Where shall you put it? Locate the storage room (or cabinet) close to the laying houses and next to the grading room so that walking will be minimized. If possible, choose a location out of the rays of the sun. Otherwise the walls and roof will absorb some of the solar heat, and the refrigerator will have to operate longer to keep the room cool. Aluminum or white paint on the outside will reflect most of the sun's heat. You may reduce the initial cost and the solar heat load by locating the cold room in an existing structure, thus using cer- tain portions of floor, walls, and ceiling already constructed. These must be insu- lated in the manner discussed on pages 14 and 15. Shall it be a cabinet or a room? The home-made cabinet type of egg cooler can be constructed economically for laying flocks of 2,000 birds or less. For flocks larger than 2,000 birds, a room- type cooler will probably cost less than a cabinet. Many ranchers with small flocks, up to 2,000 birds, may find a room more economical to build, even if somewhat larger than actually required, because of simplified design. In deciding on the type of cold storage unit to use for the small flock, consider availability of material, space, and labor costs. Use an egg precooler A precooler will give the shortest cool- ing time consistent with economical oper- ation. Building a precooler may add 5 to 10 per cent to the expense of installation, however. Hence many of the refrigerators that have been installed since the first University designs and recommendations were published in 1946 do not include this feature. Here are the facts that should convince you a precooler will pay for itself: Warm The 3-in. holes in these shelves insure uniform air flow through the pails. Do not cover unused holes. eggs packed in cases require over 30 hours to cool to refrigerator tempera- tures, and warm eggs in ventilated baskets set on the floor of the refrigerator (i.e., with negligible air velocity through the basket) require about 15 hours to cool completely. A properly performing pre- cooler will accomplish the same cooling in 5 hours or less. The effects of these [7] differences in cooling rate are significant enough to be reflected in the average price received for the eggs. Temperature and humidity at which eggs are held after they are cooled have even greater effects than the cooling rate. Poultrymen who install a refrigerator will observe a striking improvement in quality even though it has no precooler, and may consequently be satisfied with its opera- tion and unaware of the additional ad- vantage that could be obtained with a precooler. The precooling shelves shown in the sketch are designed to remove the animal heat from the eggs and cool them to ap- proximately room temperature in about 5 hours. The eggs from one gathering will be nearly cool at the time of the next gathering. Thus the refrigeration load will be well distributed, permitting satis- factory performance with a minimum- sized refrigeration system. You can use your precooler to store un- graded eggs in addition to cooling them, permitting the floor to be used only for storage of cases. Do not overload the fan by covering unused shelf holes, or the motor may be damaged. Determine the capacity of the precooler by the size of your flock. The dimensions of the precooler will be determined by the size of egg buckets used and the number of birds in the flock (table below). The distance, A> between the shelves (see drawing, page 7) must be such that there will be approximately 3 in. between the top of the pail and the bottom of the next shelf (probably about 12 in. for most installations). The capacity of the precooler will be determined by the size of the flock and can be found from the table below. The cooler should contain at least half as many holes as the number of pails of eggs cooled per day. For example, a flock of 7,000 will produce 29 baskets per day. Half of these — 15 baskets — will be cooled at the same time. If the baskets are 12 in. in diameter, allow 14 in. of shelf length per basket. Since the storage room for a flock of 7,000 is approximately 8 ft. wide inside (page 13) ,7 pails can be cooled per shelf. Three full shelves should be used to sim- plify construction and provide extra ca- pacity for times of better than average production. Allow a minimum of 20 cu. ft. of air per min. for each pail or hole. Since each shelf in the example contains 7 holes, a fan capable of delivering at least 140 cu. ft. of air per min. is required for each shelf. An 8-in. exhaust fan will probably be satisfactory for 6-, 7-, or 8-hole coolers. A 6- or 7-in. fan will be suitable for coolers with less than 6 holes. Do not in- stall a fan if you do not know its capacity. Normal Cold Storage Capacity for Flocks of Various Sizes Storage Capacity in Cases Size of Flock for Number of Deli veries per Number of Baskets Week Indicated Cooled per Day* 2 3 1,000 7 5 4 2,000 13 10 8 3,000 20 15 13 4,000 27 20 17 5,000 33 25 21 6,000 40 30 25 7,000 47 35 29 8,000 53 40 33 9,000 60 45 37 10,000 66 50 42 Baskets assumed to contain 12 dozen eggs each. [8] You can attach a number of shelves to a single fan by building a conducting passage between them. This is not recom- mended since construction is more diffi- cult and connecting conduits may crowd out a basket, thus reducing capacity. Two or 3 small fans will cost little if any more than a larger one of a capacity equal to the total of the smaller fans. Shelves com- plete with individual fans can be operated independently. You can precool cased eggs on the shelves by using an A spacing of 15 or 16 in. and a hole spacing of 13 in. The case bottom and flats must be well per- forated to permit air flow around the eggs. Small baskets for eggs are recommended Large baskets for eggs are not recom- mended since eggs in a large basket cool at a slower rate than those in a smaller one. Many producers prefer smaller bas- kets because they are easier to handle and breakage during carrying is less. A galvanized pail with hardware cloth bottom (illustrated) approximately 12 in. across the top and 9 or 10 in. high, which will hold about 12 dozen eggs, is recom- mended for use with the precooler. A pail of this type confines the cooling air to the eggs better than a basket. Do not place a pad irt the bottom of the pail; it would restrict air flow through the eggs and extend the precooling period. How big shall you make the storage room? For the best quality eggs and best use of the rancher's labor, eggs should be delivered to the processor at least twice a week and collected from the yard at least twice a day. Collections 3 times a day will produce a superior quality egg and decrease the size of the required refriger- ation system. Assuming 60 per cent production, which is the normal maximum for a flock, minimum cold storage room capacities Each pail has a hardware cloth bottom and holds about 12 dozen eggs. would have to be provided as listed in the table on page 8. Examples of storage units of various capacity are shown on pages 12 and 13. The minimum room for a flock, for either 2 or 3 deliveries per week, can be deter- mined by referring to page 8. However, if irregularities can be expected in weekly delivery times or in time of grading and if the flock might be larger than normal at certain times, you should consider a larger unit. The clear inside height of rooms should be nearly 8 ft. A clear inside height of 6%, 7, or 7V 2 ft. would effect a saving of material and would provide an adequate storage space if the refrigeration evaporator could be placed in a corner. However, some pre- cooling space may be taken up by the evaporator, there will be less empty case precooling space, and the size of refrig- eration equipment required will be re- duced but little (see page 17) . The precoolers for the larger plans shown will not hold all of the eggs laid per day if used for the maximum-sized flock. After cooling those gathered in the morning, you will have to remove a few baskets from the cooler to make room for those gathered later in the day. [9] f x 2" slats 2- l"x 2" supports Insulation 2' -6" clear depth Door hinged here Storage and precooling cabinet for flock of 1,000 or less, with refrigeration at 1,800 Btu/hr. This precooler (shown also on page 11 for a larger flock) is not as efficient as that on page 7, because of simplified construction. Insulated panel doors (page 16) are recommended. Those removed can be processed, or can be stored on the floor for future treat- ment. This is not a particular disadvan- tage, since grading and casing twice a day will probably be advisable with large flocks in order to utilize labor effectively. Use a square room for greater economy Adequate precooler capacity and en- tirely sufficient storage room can be provided for flocks of large size by using a room with inside width of 7 ft., and long enough to store the cases in the pat- tern shown in the 7 ft. x 7 ft. or 8 ft. plan. Moreover, a nearly square room is pre- ferred to a rectangular room because, for equal volumes, a square room requires less material and less refrigeration. The capacity of the rooms shown is based on case stacks 4 high, which is a satisfactory lift for the average individ- [10] ual. The height of the room will permit stacks 5 or 6 high, which will increase the room capacity proportionally. This is too high a lift for most workers and is not recommended as general practice. Work out an efficient arrangement Arrange your room in such a manner that: (1) The precooler is close to the door, and the walking path to it is as nearly a straight line as possible. (2) The unit cooler can be located as close to the ceiling as possible and the blast of cold air directed uniformly over the room. (3) The available space is used most efficiently. This results if the door is at a corner and the precooler is located on an adjacent wall. If you want to construct rooms of size and shape other than those shown, the refrigeration requirements may be deter- mined as demonstrated by the following schedule and example, based on the type The cabinet below is for a flock of 1,000 to 2,000, with refrigeration at 2,800 Btu/hr. Construction details are the same as on page 10. "French" doors hinged on opposite sides Insulation [ii] ^k ooo Precooling shelves (3 high) are shown by circles, as well as the location of the door and the rec- ommended method of stacking cases (4 high) — shown by rectangles— for best use of space. Flock of 2,500 or less 5' x 5' inside, 16 cases, 9 baskets Refrig. 3,620 Btu/hr. v oooo i±=S ooooo Flock of 3,600-4,100 6' x 7' inside, 28 cases, 15 baskets Refrig. 5,300 Btu/hr. Flock of 2,500-3,000 5' x 6' inside, 20 cases, 12 baskets Refrig. 4,070 Btu/hr. 1/U OOOOO V w oooooo Flock of 4,100-5,100 7' x 7' inside, 36 cases, 18 baskets Refrig. 6,590 Btu/hr. Flock of 3,000-3,600 6' x 6' inside, 24 cases, 15 baskets Refrig. 4,740 Btu/hr. [12] ooooooo Flock of 5,100-6,000 7' x 8' inside 40 cases 21 baskets Refrig. 7,430 Btu/hr. Flock of 6,000-7,800 8' x 8' inside 52 cases 21 baskets Refrig. 9,380 Btu/hr. V / OOOOOOO T v OOOOOOO Flock of 7,800-9,600 8' x 9' inside 64 cases 21 baskets Refrig. 1 1,070 Btu/hr. [13] of wall construction illustrated on page 15. Outside dimensions are used, and a 110° F. day is assumed. Construction details The egg cooling room will be operated at a temperature between 50° and 60° depending upon the dew point of the out- side air (see page 4). Since operation will be above the dew point, it is not necessary to provide a vapor barrier in the wall. Furthermore, since the tempera- ture differences between the room and the outside air will not be great, the in- sulation requirements can be met simply. Floor: The most satisfactory floor from the standpoint of both cost and perform- ance is 4 in. or more of concrete over 3 or more inches of gravel fill. However, any concrete floor that has no air circula- tion underneath would be satisfactory. A wood floor is not recommended for new construction, but an existing wood floor can be used by insulating as shown in the drawings. Air circulation under the floor should be restricted as much as possible during periods of hot weather. Wall and ceiling: These should be framed of 2 x 4 studs and joists spaced 16 in. on center, with cross bracing and other details conventional for frame con- struction. The wall and ceiling are filled with insulation such as redwood fiber, mineral wool, expanded mica, or other material with insulating properties com- parable to these. Do not leave any open space in the wall. The material should be packed to a density specified by the supplier. Sawdust and planer shavings are in- ferior to the materials listed above, since they settle with time and may harbor in- sects and rodents. Undesirable odors may develop, particularly under high humid- ity conditions. They may, however, serve adequately as insulating material under the following conditions: (1) structural members should be 2 x 6 rather than 2x4; (2) provision should be made to add additional insulation to the side walls Calculations for a suggested storage room Floor area in sq. ft. x 3 = Btu/hr. Wall and ceiling area in sq. ft. x 4 = Btu/hr. No. baskets eggs cooled per day x 223 = Btu hr. Lights, cooler fan motor, and infiltration (Add 120 for room of size up to approximately 25 sq. ft., 300 for room of approximately 80 sq. ft., and an intermediate value for an intermediate size.) Btu/hr. The total is the refrigeration needed in Btu per hr. Btu/hr. Suppose a producer with a flock of 4,500 has a room 6 ft. x 12 ft. x 8 ft. high, which can be insulated for a storage room. These are the calculations: The floor area. 72 ft. x 3 = 216 Btu/hr. The wall area is 288 sq. ft., the ceiling 72. This sum, 360, x 4 = 1,440 Btu/hr. A flock of 4,500 will produce 1 9 baskets of eggs per day to be cooled (see page 8). 19 x 223 = 4,237 Btu/hr. Heat load due to lights, etc., for a 72 sq. ft. floor area is estimated between 25 sq. ft. and 80 sq. ft. to be 250 Btu hr. The total of these 4 items, 6,143 Btu/hr., is the refrigeration required and will determine the size of the unit cooler and compressor. [14] Double floor Waterproof building papei Insulation board under joists ^\\SS\\S\S\S\S\S^\\S\\\S^SSS^\SS\^\S^Sffs\\S\\SS\^S\\S.^7^ T and G floor £& ^ Waterproof building paper I f 2-1" insulation boards Two ways to insulate a wood floor. The building paper protects the insulation when the floor is washed and keeps air from moving through the cracks. (and ceiling) if needed; and (3) insula- tion odors which might affect egg quality should not be permitted. You can construct the outside wall of any conventional weatherproof material such as drop siding, rustic siding, ply- wood, sheet metal, stucco over rough sid- ing, etc. Inside walls and ceilings may be made of any material {plywood, T & G lumber, pressed wood, etc.) that will ade- quately retain the insulating material and will stand up under high relative humid- ities. Poured concrete and concrete block walls with at least 1 in. of insulation board on the inside wall are satisfactory. The insulation board should be covered with 1-in. lumber, plywood, or other ma- terial to protect the insulation against mechanical shock. Doors and sills: Doors such as shown in the drawings may be used. They must Conventional frame construction such as that on the right is recommended. [15] Refrigeration door gasket 2—1" insulation boards nailed to door Refrigeration door latch " plywood —U — 1" horizontal board at midpoint to support insulation and brace door 4 stra P h,n 9 es i I Ax A" \?" outside grade plywood 2x4" / 2 refrigeration door hinges ^mmm?: Vi" outside grade -^ plywood These doors can all be constructed on the ranch, although the bottom one is commercially avail- able. The center and bottom doors should be put together with nails and water-resistant glue. be wide enough to pass a man carrying a case of eggs, or a cart used for transport- ing cases and baskets of eggs. A width of 3 ft. will be adequate in most instances. A raised door sill is not recommended if you plan to use a cart. A slight incline from the grading room into the storage room will permit the use of a cart, and the door seal at the bottom will be adequate. If no incline is provided, some clearance will be needed between the floor and the bottom of the door. Although this is not desirable, the leakage will not be sufficient to impair perform- ance seriously. Dollies for stacking and moving cases may be useful, especially in the larger units, and whenever lift trucks are already available. If you consider using dollies, the door should be large enough to clear them without difficulty. Refrigeration system The refrigeration system recommended for ranch egg cooling, shown schemati- cally, operates as follows: Liquid refrigerant from the receiver flows under high pressure (about 100 psi) through the solenoid valve to the thermal expansion valve, where the pressure drops to 35 to 40 psi. The liquid refrigerant evaporates to a vapor in the evaporator, removing heat from the air passing through the evaporator. The vapor is re- moved from the evaporator by the com- pressor, which also raises the pressure of the vapor. The compressed vapor moves [16] into the condenser, cools, and condenses to liquid refrigerant, which runs into the receiver. This process continues until the air in the room becomes cold enough to actuate the room thermostat, which closes the solenoid valve. This stops the flow of liquid into the evaporator. The com- pressor continues to operate ; the pressure Thermal expansion valve between the compressor and thermal ex- pansion valve is lowered; and the pres- sure switch shuts off the compressor motor. When the air temperature in the room rises a predetermined number of degrees, the room thermostat opens the solenoid valve; liquid refrigerant enters the evaporator and partially evaporates. This raises the pressure of the gas be- EVAPORATOR (a fan, not shown, moves air around the coils) Room thermostat (should not be located in the air blast from the evaporator) t Pressure switch Drier (takes the moisture out of the refrigerant) Schematic arrangement of the refrigeration system. [17] tween the compressor and thermal ex- pansion valve, and the pressure switch starts the motor. Other methods of control may be used satisfactorily in many cases. Most instal- lations can be operated with the pressure switch as the temperature control, thus saving the cost of the solenoid and room thermostat. However, for accurate con- trol and reliable long-time service, the control system sketched is recommended. Selection: Selection and installation of the system by a competent refrigera- tion contractor is recommended. Complete "packaged" systems that can be installed as a unit may be had in some areas. Specifications: Capacity or size of a refrigeration system is specified in Btu per hour, the heat-removal rate, for the temperature of the evaporating refrig- erant (the capacity decreases as the evaporating refrigerant temperature is lowered). Systems may also be rated in tons. A ton of refrigeration is equivalent to 12,000 Btu per hour and is used for large systems. The refrigeration required for various rooms is given with the sketches on pp. 12-13, or may be calcu- lated from the schedule on page 14. The refrigerant should be Freon-12, called F-12 in the trade. It is nontoxic, noncorrosive, nonexplosive, odorless, and colorless; it will not contaminate foods, and it is chemically stable. The evaporator or unit cooler must not have less capacity than that specified above. It must operate at a temperature of no more than 10 to 15° below the room air temperature. This difference deter- mines the relative humidity of the air in the room: the smaller the difference the higher the humidity. Although there is some variation between manufacturers in this respect, it is probable that the 15° difference will apply in most cases. The fan on the evaporator should operate con- tinuously to maintain a uniform tempera- ture throughout the room. The compressor unit, which includes the compressor, condenser, receiver, and pressure switch, must be balanced with the evaporator as regards capacity. An air-cooled condenser can be used in most areas. If an outside temperature of 100° or more can be expected for long periods, you should consider a combination air- water cooled condenser. Locate the com- pressor unit where air circulation is good and the heat from the condenser can be dissipated to the outside air. The room thermostat must have a range of at least 50° to 60° and operate on a 2° differential or less. EFFICIENT COLD ROOM MANAGEMENT demands close attention Follow these directions Always place warm eggs above cool or cooling eggs on the precooling shelves. Fill the bottom shelf first, then the second from the bottom, and so on. If you use this system, the heated air from the warm eggs does not warm the cooled eggs. Leave 3 in. space between the stored cases and the room wall for air circula- tion. Uniform case temperature is thus insured. Precool empty cases before filling them with eggs. Put enough empty cases in the cooler in the evening to handle the eggs that will be graded the following day. Empty cases may be stored in the cold storage room if space is available. Do not shut down the compressor dur- ing cold periods. The evaporator fan should operate when the outside air tem- perature is below the set temperature for the room in order to precool the eggs. Furthermore, the refrigeration system may be needed during the first part of the precooling period even when the out- [18] side temperature is below the storage rator fan are lubricated as specified by room temperature. the manufacturer, the condenser is kept clean, and air circulation around the corn- Operation and maintenance pressor is not restricted. A properly selected and installed sys- Oil seepage at any point in the system tern will operate indefinitely without will indicate a leak that should be re- servicing, provided the motor and evapo- paired by a serviceman. In order that the information in our publications may be more intelligible it is sometimes neces- sary to use trade names of products or equipment rather than complicated descriptive or chemical identifications. In so doing it is unavoidable in some cases that similar products which are on the market under other trade names may not be cited. No endorsement of named products is intended nor is criticism implied of similar products which are not mentioned. 21, 600-9/51 (6443) AA test tube farming pays off for you the agricultural research done by the iversity of California is field work. Much useful knowledge comes to light through work done under controlled laboratory conditions. This information, after thorough checking and application to field problems, becomes available to all California farmers. Distribution of this knowledge is made through: LITERATURE: Circulars, bulletins, lithoprints, and leaflets by specialists are available free. These publications cover many subjects re- lating to agriculture in the state. For a catalog of this litera- ture write to the Office of Agricultural Publications, 22 Giannini Hall, University of California, Berkeley 4. COUNTY FARM ADVISORS: Farm Advisors are agricultural specialists with a background of practical knowledge. They serve 52 counties throughout the state and their mission is to help farmers work out their problems. Get to know your Farm Advisor — take advantage of his services. MAIL INQUIRIES: If you prefer to put your questions in a letter, mail them to the Public Service Office of the College of Agriculture, Uni- versity of California, either at Berkeley or at Davis. Your problem will be referred to the person or department best ^ able to give you the exact information you need. THE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA