UNIVERSITY OF CA RIVERS'DE LlBRAR-V 3 1210 01972 8698 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE ¥ NETHER LOCHABER: BY Rev. ALEXANDER STEWART, LL.D., "With Beautiful "Woodcut Frontispiece by Whymper. Crown 8uo, Cloth, 10s. 6d. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. ' ' ' Nether Lochaber ' lias been styled a phenomenon in the literary world. No other writer is at all equal to him on his native heath. He has imitators, just as Dickens and Carlyle have imitators, but as one star differeth from another star in glory, so do ' Nether Lochaber's ' imitators. He is the centre sun, and all other Highland naturalists revolve round him. The truth is, that we fail to appreciate the influence and wonderful scope of his knowledge in matters terrestrial and celestial, because we have him amongst us. ' Nether Lochaber ' was the first public writer to popularise science." — Oban Times. "We lay 'Nether Lochaber' aside with much reluctance, for a more enjoyable book we have not read for many a day. The delicious breeze of the sea and the heather stirs its every page, and the whole bears the mark of a rare literary grace and elegance." — Whitehall lie fit w. " This is a delightful book, worthy to be ranked with White's History of Selbourne, full of accurate yet amusing descriptions of the habits of beasts, birds, and fishes, intermingled with Highland folk-lore, and overflowing with quiet humour." — N. B. Mail. "Such a book as 'Nether Lochaber,' by the Rev. Alexander Stewart, belongs to the best class of the lighter literature of natural history — a class in which we have already so many good books. The author has a pleasant knack of mingling observations on the scenery and the productions of the Western Highlands with scraps of folk-lore, popular legends, and sporting reminiscences. . There is something for every one, for the naturalist, the historian, the angler, the artist, and the collector of old Highland traditions. A more delightful book for those of kindred tastes than ' Nether Lochaber ' it is difficult to conceive." — The Argus. "From beginning to end it has not a single dreary page." — Newcastle W. Chronicle. "To lovers of quaint customs, curious legends, and odd bits of natural history, this book will be welcome, being purely the result of personal observa- tion and close intercourse with the people of the West Highlands, amongst whom the writer has long lived and laboured, written, too, with that entrain with which a busy man throws himself into the favourite occupation of his leisure hours." — Spectator. "Ad aperturam libri we see that it is a veritable book, constructed on sound principles, and this means that it is both substantial and beautiful — the kind of book one likes to see in a drawing-room or to give to a friend. The contents deserved such excellent setting at the printer's hands, for ' Nether Lochaber ' is a delightful book." — Elgin C'ourant. WILLIAM PATEESOK EDINBUEGH. TWIXT BEN NEVIS AND GLENCOE. ' ' There is a pleasure in the pathless woods, There is a rapture on the lonely shore, There is society where none intrudes, By the deep Sea, and music in its roar : I love not Man the less, but Nature more, From these our interviews, in which I steal From all I may be, or have been before, To mingle with the Universe, and feel What I can ne'er express, yet cannot all conceal." Childe Harold's PU