Samuel Johnson, 1709-178U. 34-5S? CATALOGUE OF AN Exhibition of Manuscripts, First Editions Early Engravings and Various Literature Relating to SAMUEL JOHNSON 1709-1784 Arranged by CHAUNCEY BREWSTER TINKER Assistant Professor of English in Y»le College YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY November I - 6 1909 CATALOGUE OF AN Exhibition of Manuscripts, First Editions Early Engravings and Various Literature Relating to SAMUEL JOHNSON 1709-1784 Arranged by CHAUNCEY BREWSTER TINKER Assistant Professor of English in Yale College YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY November 1 - 6 1909 INTRODUCTORY NOTE. I am indebted for the success of this exhibition to the courtesy of the following eminent collectors: R. B. Adam, Esq., of Buffalo, N. Y., who generousl}' placed at the dis- posal of the University the invaluable collection of his late father, the Hon. R. B. Adam; A. Edward Newton, Esq., of Da3'lesford, Penns3ivania, who has given assistance not only by his loans but b}- an enthusiasm as continuous as it has been keen; Dr. Rosenbach of Philadelphia, who has kindly sent us the only known copy of Johnson's poem pro- nounced at the opening of the Drury Lane Theatre; and J. Pierpont Morgan, Esq., of New York City, who has lent four of his unique MSS. For engravings, some of which are for sale, we are indebted to Messrs. Keppel & Company and Messrs. J. O. Wright & Company of New York City. To thank all who have given me assistance in originating and arranging this exhibition would be a gracious but impracticable task ; but I cannot end even this brief note without an expression of my gratitude to Mr. George E. Dimock, whose ready generosit}- has alone enabled us to defray the necessary expense of such an exhibition. C. B. T. 8 fTS-. 8 Y3 LIBPiAITY UMVE-JSITY OF CALIFORN^ SAInTA BARBARA I. Manuscripts, Letters, and Proof-sheets. 1. Manuscript of Johnson's Life of Pope, with a letter of the author's concerning the collection of material for the work. Lenf by Mr. Morgan. 2. Proof-sheets of Johnson's Life of Pope, with corrections in his own hand. On the first page is written in Fanny Burney's hand, "Proof-sheets, given by Dr. Johnson to F. B." Fro>n the Adam Collection. 3. Correspondence of Johnson and Dodd, the famous con- vict, containing in all thirty-two documents. Lent by Air. Newton. 4. Letter of Johnson to Mrs. Thrale, October 24, 1778, inserted in Mrs. Thrale's copy of the Dictionary. Lent by Air. Newton. 5. Correspondence of Johnson with the Rev. Dr. Taylor. Lent by Air. Alorgan. 6. Johnson's last New Year prayer. 1784. Lent by Air. Morgan. 7. Manuscript of Mrs. Piozzi's Anecdotes of the Late Samuel Johnson. Lent by Air. Alorgan, 8. Proof-sheets of Boswell's Life of Johnson, with cor- rections in Boswell's own hand. Two volumes. From the Ada?n Collection. 4 Selected insertions in the extra-illustrated volumes relat- ing to Johnson lent by Mr. Adam. These volumes are so rich in original manuscripts, letters, and engrav- ings that an enumeration is impracticable; but among the treasures which may be mentioned are: Johnson's famous letter to Macpherson; numerous letters to and from Mrs. Thrale; letters of Boswell, Goldsmith, Garrick, Reynolds, Burke, and others; the preliminary draft for the Plan of an English Dictionary; and a manuscript list of the members of the Literary Club. For a description of the various items, see cards. II. Editions of Johnson's Works. (Unless otherwise noted, all are tirst editions.) 10. Translation of Lobo's Voyage to Ab3'ssinia. London, 1735- Johnson's first independent publication. From the Yale Library. 11. Preface to the Gentleman's Magazine for 1738. From the Yale Library. 12. London, a Poem. Second edition. London, 1738. Two editions were called for in one week. From the Yale Library. 13. Marmor Norfolciense, London, 1739. ^^ attack upon the House of Hanover. Pope wrote to Richardson that this was " verj' Humerous" [sic]. From the Yale Library. 14. Life of Drake, in the Gentleman's Magazine for 1740. From the Yale Library. 15. Life of Richard Savage. London, 1744. A hack-writer with whom Johnson had often "wandered . . . whole nights in the streets," unable to pay for a lodging. From the Adam Collection. 16. Observations on IMacbeth. London, 1745. Containing Johnson's plans for a new edition of Shakespeare. Frotn the Yale Library. 17. Prologue and Epilogue, Spoken at the Opening of the Drury Lane Theatre, 1747. London, 1747. The only copy in existence. Lent by Dr. Rosenbach. iS. The Vanity of Human Wishes. London, 1749. From the Adam Collection. 19. The Rambler. The original papers for 1750-52. From the Yale Library. 20. Irene. A Tragedy. London, 1749. Written in 1736-37, acted by Garrick in 1749. From the Yale Library. 21. The Prince of Abissinia. A Tale. London, 1759. Two volumes. This work was not entitled Rasselas till after Johnson's death. Lent by Mr. Neivton. 22. Rasselas. First American edition. Hartford, 1803. 23. Mr. Johnson's Preface to his Edition of Shakespeare's Plays. London, 1765. Fro?n the Adam Collection, 24. Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland. London, 1775. Lent by Professor Berdan. 25. Taxation no Tyranny. London, 1775. From the Yale Library. 26. Political Pamphlets, containing The False Alarm, Falk- land's Islands, The Patriot, etc. London, 1776. Lent by Air. Newton. 11. Lives of the Poets, in four volumes. London, 1781. Lent by Professor Phelps. 28. The Poetical Works of Samuel Johnson, now first col- lected. London, 1785. From the Yale Library. 29. Works, in eleven volumes, London, 1787. First col- lected edition. Lent by Professor Tinker. HI. The Dictionary. 30. Plan of a Dictionary of the English Language, addressed to the Earl of Chesterfield. London, 1747. Lent by Mr. Newton. 31. Dictionary of the English Language. London, 1755. The second volume lies open at the famous definition of Oats. From the Yale Library. 32. Same. Abridged edition. London, 1756. From the Yale Library. 33. Same. First American edition. Philadelphia, 1818; containing a prospectus of the volume. Lent by Professor Berdan. 34. Catalogue of the Yale Library for 1791, showing that the only English Dictionary owned by the college was Johnson's. From the Yale Library. IV. Editions of Boswell's Works. (All are first editions, except the last mentioned.) 35. Account of Corsica and Memoirs of Paoli. Glasgow, 1768. Lent by Professor Phelps. 36. Letter to the People of Scotland. 1781. From the Adam Collection. 37. Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson. London, 1786. From the Yale Library. 38. Life of Johnson. London, 1791. Two volumes. Lent by Professor Berdan. 39. Same. Second edition. London, 1793. Three volumes. From the Yale Library. V. Early Works about Johnson. (Volumes which appeared before Bosv/ell's Life are starred.) 40.* Prayers and Meditations composed b)^ Samuel Johnson, and published from his manuscripts by George Strahan. London, 1785. From the Adam Collection. 41. Annals of the Life of Johnson from his birth to his eleventh year, written by himself. London, 1805. Not used by Boswell. From the Yale Library. 42.* Anecdotes of the late Samuel Johnson by Hesther Lynch Piozzi. London, 1786. The first edition. For the MS. see number 7. From the Adam Collection. 43- Essay on the Life and Genius of Samuel Johnson. By Arthur Murphy. [London, 1792.] From the Yale Library. 44. The Witticisms, Anecdotes, Jests, and Sayings of Dr. Samuel Johnson. By J. Merrj'. Second edition. London, 1793. Lent by Air. Newton. 45.* More Last Words of Dr. Johnson. London, 1787. From the Adam Collection. 46.* Bozzy and Piozzi, or the British Biographers. By Peter Pindar. London, 1786. With cartoon representing a quarrel between Boswell and Mrs. Piozzi. The seated figure is Mr. Piozzi. Lent by Mr. Newton. 47. Dr. Johnson's Table Talk. Selected and arranged from Mr. Boswell's Life of Johnson. London, 179S. Lent by Mr. Newton. 48. Johnsoniana, or Supplement to BoswelL London, 1836. Lent by Mr. Newton. VI. Unclassified Works. 49. The Vicar of Wakefield. Salisbury, 1766. Two volumes. First edition. Very rare. Dr. Johnson negotiated the publication of this work while Goldsmith was under arrest. Lent by Mr. Neivton. 50. The Traveller. Fifth edition. London, 1770. Boswell's copy, containing the marks inserted by Johnson to indicate the lines he had contributed to the poem. Fro7H the Adam Collection. 9 51. Boswell's Copy of Randolph's Poems, with autograph. Lent by Professor Berdan. 52. Mrs. Thrale's copy of the Memoirs of Psalmanazar (a famous impostor, acquainted with Johnson), given to her by Dr. Johnson. Manuscript notes by Mrs. Thrale. Lent by iMr. N'ervton. 53. Manuscript diary of President Stiles of Yale College. Entry for June 4, 1786, containing an account of his reading a volume of Johnson. From the Yale Library. 54. Boswell's copy of the Government of the Tongue, pre- sented to him by Langton. Interesting MS. note by Boswell, 1779. From the Adam Collection. VII. Engravings. (Unless otherwise stated, the engravings are lent by Professor Tinker.) Of Johnson. 1. Engraving from a portrait by Sir Joshua Reynolds (1756), representing Johnson at a table upon which stands the folio dictionar}'. Reynolds's first portrait of Johnson. For the first engraving see number 38 (IV). 2. Engraving by T. Cook (dated 1785) from a portrait by Reynolds, painted in 1773, for Topham Beauclerk. Upon the frame Beauclerk wrote " Ingenium ingens inculto latet hoc sub corpore." 3. The same, 1786. 4. Engraving of the same (dated 1781) by T. Trotter. Re- versed. 5. Engraving by Edwards (dated 1823) of Mrs. Piozzi's replica of the same. 6. Engraving by Watson (dated 1770) from a portrait by Reynolds, painted for Johnson's step-daughter, about 1770. Lent by Keppel (St^ Co. 7. Engraving b)' Hall (dated 17S7) from a portrait by Reynolds. Lent by Wright &^ Co. 8. Modern engraving by Sanders of the same. Lent by W7-ight dr^ Co. 9. Engraving by Zobel of a portrait by Reynolds, represent- ing Johnson in a tie-wig, holding a copy of Lrene. Probably ideal. Lent by Mr. Newton. 10. Engraving in Armstrong's Reynolds of an imaginary por- trait by Reynolds of Johnson as a baby. 11. Engraving of a drawing by Ozias Humphrey, taken from No. 6. 12. Engraving by Davenport of a portrait by Opie (1783). Allegorical device of Hercules slaying the Hydra. 13. Engraving by Smith (dated iSoS) of a portrait by Barry. 14. Engraving by Clauson of a portrait by Northcote. 15. Photograph of a miniature by Miss Frances Reynolds (sister of Sir Joshua). 16. Engraving by Trotter, dated 1782, of a drawing by Harding. 17. Etching, dated 1786, by Trotter, of his drawing of John- son "a short time before his decease." II i8. Engraving by Trotter, dated 1786, of his imaginar}^ draw- ing of Johnson in the Hebrides. The face was drawn from life. Lent by Mr. Newton. 19. Engraving of Trotter's imaginary drawing of Johnson standing with raised hand. 20. Engraving by Finden of a bust by Nollekens (1777). 21. Engraving by Bartolozzi, dated 17S5. 22. Unsigned engraving of Johnson looking at his pen. Early. 23. Early engraving of an imaginary bust. 24. Engraving by J. R. Smith, dated 1781, of a promenade at the Carlisle House. Johnson is in the ante-room. Lent by Dr. Rosenbach. Of Boswell. 1. Engraving by Jones of a portrait by Sir Joshua Reynolds. 2. Another, of the same. 3. Lithograph by Daniell (dated 1808) of Dance's drawing (1793)- 4. Engraving by Holl of a sketch by Sir Thomas Lawrence. 5. Engraving by Miller of a drawing by Wale representing Boswell as an Armed Corsican. Of Johnsoniana. (Lent by J. O. Wright & Co. of New York City.) 1. Michael Johnson. 2. House where Johnson was born. 12 3- Grammar School which he attended ; and Edial Hall where he kept school, 1736. If 4. Johnson's Home 1766-1776. 5. Thrale's House at Streatham, where Johnson passed his happiest days. 6. The Summer-house at Streatham. 7. Johnson's House in Bolt Court. 8. Johnson in his Sitting-room. Imaginary. 9. Engraving (dated 1791) of the Round Robin concerning the Epitaph of Goldsmith. 10. Sketch for Johnson's Tombstone in Westminster Abbey. 11. Cartoon (dated 1786) representing the bust of Dr. John- son frowning at Boswell and Mrs. Piozzi. The former is represented as composing the Tour to the Hebrides. Antedates the Life. 12. Cartoon (dated 1788) representing the ghost of Johnson haunting Mrs. Piozzi as she prepares an edition of his letters. Portrait of Boswell on the wall. 13. Cartoon representing the ghost of Johnson haunting Boswell as he pieces together his Life of Johnson. 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